Miami Gazette October 22, 1913 - March 25, 1914

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+....-.._---------. I For mer Citize~s



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Whole Numb er 3234 -




Th e hand of <Ieath is again plainly ~ Itay MiliA took a party to Cincin· ' and painful ly visible in our com- ~ J ~ nati Thursday. and after arcivin g Pau l Wysong. who former ly lived munity . With reckless abandb n has Read and Observ e These Rules C a r e f u l l y _ t here he put his machin e on govern it done its work. and , one who here, was married to Mi ss Edith seemed the Misses Ruth Harl!!ock and Rosaleast likely to be taken "-_ _....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ment Square , When he went aft er _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:..._ _.-J it a little la ter Strain . of Xenia, on Monday. at the he was surpri sed to mond Dakin, Messrs . I{alph Smith. has been summo ned. parson age of Rev. Sullivan. The local post office has received Raymo nd Davis a nd Jas. McClure When sharp poin ted in~truments find it gone, He immediately no- were pleasan Charles Smith. Jr .• son of Charles instruc tions to the effect that tly enterta ined at the great , are offered for mailing. the points tified headqu art ers of his loss and home and Susan J. Smith in the prime of care must be exercised in of Miss Emma Hawke Monday receiVin g lmust be canpeu or encased. so that they began an Mr. J. S. Hart.sock. of Springfield young manhoo investig ation. The ,.. d, has been taken parcels post packag es in order to they evening. can nut cu t throug h th eir cover- police look ed for t he machine writes us as follow s: .. Encl osed find from all us. He wa~ born Januar y 18. avoid breaka ge and damag;e. ling , Hianes must be buund so that that day and finally located 1 . O. order to pay for the best paper 1891 in the it about ci ty of Daylon, Ohio. Umbre llas. canes, golf sticks andl they \\,;11 remai'! firmly attache on ear th. Mrs. Hartlrock is better Dr . and Mrs. A, T, Wright enter · d to dayligh t the next mornin~ on FreeWhen about ~ year old his parents articles of like charac ter most not I aach .' lher or within their handles or man avenu e. A colored tained but waS not able to make her annual moved to Wayne Thurilday ev eninga ta supper , mal •. giving Township, Warren be accepte d for mailinR' unless they I socket :! , trip to Waynesv ille,. but lhe rest of County, which in honor of their weddin g annive r the name of Co lem an. was about t o township has been are strappe d lecurel y to strips of I Seeu,; anu ~ imilar a rticl es should take a party O Ut joy-riding; when th sary the following guests: Mr. and the family. are able for their the home e of Brothe r Smith since wood of the same length. and are 1be put in sealed envelo pes. suffici- police ca ught him Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Mr. and Mr:l. rations ." . He had leaving Dayton. ' used otherw ise wrappe d and made sufli- ently transpa ren t to show E V. Barnha rt, Mr . and Mrs. D. L. the conthe machin e all dal and had run out Charlie I1R he was familia rly called ciently strong to withsta nd the im· tent'! Ink powders. pepper . snuff' of gaso line. and pawned Crane. Waynesville friends received word wall one of nine childre n, six boys the robes pact from heavier packag es coming- ,and si milar powders sho uld be in the machin e to flet more gasolin e. TU~8day of the death of Mrs. Irene and three girls. A sister aged eight against them in the process of hand· plicked in the same manner require d Tbere were several articles of cloth· On Monday afterno on in spite of Smith Johnson, at her home in has passed on to experie nce Heaven 's ling in their various stages in tran · for liquids. so 8S to preven t t he con- ing mis.'dng . howeve r. the very disagre eable weathe r a Kansas City, Mo .• which occurred joys and to await the coming of her sit. _ tentl' escapin g in the mail s. Fragile Ray returne d home Saturd ay after- gocdly numhAr of ladies enjoyed the Saturd ay. Mrs. Johnson wafl form· loved ones. Perisha ble articles -partic ularl y arti cl es must be marked "lo-ragi erly Miss Irene Phillips, and was The last year was an epocha l t!" noon with the machin e. While the hospitality of Mrs. ~eo W. Hawke l one berries and ripe fruits- also paints. , and peri shabl e article s" Perishabl e." machine had seen lots of rough ser- and MI"!!. J. Wilson &iward s at the a resid ent of Waynesville. The body in the life of our brother . In the oils. etc., contact with which would anJ llumerc,us details as to di ffe rent vIce during the afterno on . it was home sf the former on the Xenia was taken to Manha ttan, Kan .. for recent revival meetin gs held in be destruc tive to the conten ts of articles mu ~t be obse rved. All such .amage d very li tt le. pike. " 600" WtlS the pleasan t pas burial. Waynesville he took. with several other parcels. must be denied ad- Idoubtfu l articles should be exhibit ed The colured man had his hearing time after which an elabora te two other memberg of his family a de- misaion to the mails unle1lS the reg u· to the postal officials. and advice Saturd ay mornin Mr .IG rover C. Meredi th , of Col· cided stand f or Christ and his g and was bound course luncheon was st!rveJ, MiBSe8 king. lations with referen ce to packing are i asked as to the manne r of pack- over to the grand jury. His bond Emma Hawke, Rosamond Dakin umbus . who has had charge of tht' dom. He was received into the observed strictly . ing. Columbus branch of the T_ R. Jen fellowship of the Method and Ruth Hartso ck assistin g the wall placed at $6.000. ist Epis _ Mrs. B F. Mills. Mrs. Frank Car- hostel!lle8 nings Tobacco Co., of Winston-Salem copal church in Waynesville. ...-:.._ ____._- - -- man. the Misses Alice and Cathar ine N C f The deceased was well known in rr--·--·~·~·~.--.-.. ... I h · st M.. •... ··· ··_·_- _·_-_ ········· .. GREEN BRIER SCHOOL ce'iv~ aO:os~~~f~e~~a7r~mast~~~ c~: the commu nity in which he lived. Clark. whom ho tool< to the city. had ·1 . to come home on the train Thursd ay cern in the nature of a big advanceHis life was open and Some time ago the Green Brier ment, that of taking charge of a di h(\n~sty and integri ty haveplain. His t t evening . ___ "ot been t School. Diiltrict No. 13. was cloted vision of this company. The ad questio ned and many have ~n the ~. on accoun t of such a small enume ra ries a lar"'e ...J favorab i le comme nts concern ing his FOUND A SKELETON _~ ••_ _ _ _ _•___ ......._ _ • _ _ _ vancem ent natural ly car ••••._ ......... .. __1 tion. as only • two pupils were in at, increas e in salary. The many frienda manly qualitie s. While at work in the Daugh erty tendanc e, and a question as to their W. H. Madden was in Springfield Chas. Burnet t was in Dayton Sat- gravel pit Thursd ay, Wm. Hay of Grover are glad to hear of his ad A few days ago he was stricke n Sunday . and belong ing to Distric t No. 13, a raso urday and Sunday . vancem ent. His headqu arters will with typhoid fever. Not son unearth ed a skeleton in good lution was introduc for a <'Cl to discont inue still be in Colnnlbus. slate of preserv ation. While shovel- the school momen t did this dreatie d disease reSaturd ay-Cra cker and Cake Day until such time as the Mrs. Emma lo'arr Dakin is visiting ing, the earth caved in. and - - --. -- • the board though t advisab le to open linquish its death like grip and at. at White'8 Store. said Waynesville relative s. skeleto n came to light. It looked as DEATH district . 11:30 on :o~ar . O~to~r ~3. 1~13: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hendri cks Friday -Fresh Fish and Oyster thou~h at some time foul Mr. Robt. Balling er, having two Mrs. Fannie Earnha rt, wife of ~~~:h~:m;~ny J:~n G~': ::~~ play ~, visited relative s In Xenia Monda y. Day at White' s Store. pupilB, and not knowin g which diBMatt Earnha rt. died at her home "Blesse d are the dead who Jle had been made, as there were two in th trict he near Roxann a. Tuesda y eveDing Lord ." was in, Oregon ia or Wayne bullet holes in the should er blade. e Mn. U. M. White was the guest Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hough , of The lower jaw was broken The deceased, with her husban d, and the Townsh ip, brough t Judge Robt. The deceased was aged 22 years, 8 of relative s in Dayton Thursd ay and Harvey sburg, were in town Satur- leg looked as tbough · d near W aynesvI'lle an" it had been Shawha n to meet with the Wayne . f ormerIy IIve , l i months and 26 daya. There are lef t Frl·day. 'day. broken in two places. The skull was TowllBhip School board, to settle the had the respect 0 f a II wh 0 k newe h r. to mourn hll gOlD" away hll father in perfect conditi on and d the bonea questio n as to where he belonged. .. She was the mother of Mr. Burton and mother , five brother s, Mrs. Chas. Stansb erry, Bon an Mrs. T. E Cummi n"". of Xenia, did not crumbl e when brough The School board bad Prosec utor Eamha rt, west of town. The funeral teu with other relative s andtwo sis I t to b a grea' daught er visited relative s in Dayton viaited relative s here Friday and light. Frank Anders on to meet with them took place at her lale residen ce Fri· host of frien"~ . t over Sunday . Saturd ay. - day mornin g at 10 o'clock, The some of the older residen ts have Saturd ay evening . After a g-reat service s were held at the Chapel, _ brough deal of discussion the board made a t to mind the pack Elizabe th Mills and son, Edwin S., Zeke Pratt. of Dayton , w~ the that disappe ared from townpeddle r motion Revs. Killender. of New Burling ton, that all pupils in Green Brier years CARl) OF THANK S of W.eBt Ne~ton,IDd .. are the guests guest of his brother . Geo. Pratt. ago, and was never heard of again. School diltrict should· have their and White, a Bellbrook, officiating. of M188 Marla Coo, k. '\ over Sunday . We wish to expr~~q our gratitu de The body had evident ly been thrown tuition free and ~e allowed $4.60 a I nterme nt was made in Miami cemeFdA I d . a h 0 Ie h t'l d belt b O e r h 110 month for transpo rtation for each an as 1 y ug ou t to saw tery. • _. can pupil who actuall y attends scbool by ! To those who sent flowers, to thOle office and proving proper ty. from said district to either the and Mrs. J. 8. Janney . FAR-REACHING ECHO bled state. Oregon ia or Waynesville Special who sang, and to Kevs. Grause r and T . L . P'lerce,o f S . fi Id pring e ,came Who I't was and how the body <Yot school. Mr and Mrs. Roy Irons and son, Cadwa llader for their comfor ting h -" f or a th ... d ' s Iay RoIlS. ollie Th un.uay there reeI'S a matter of conJ·ect ure. sy were words. the week· This arrang ement seemed to be end guQ."ts of H b k k M d off' e went ac to wor -_ ...- - on ay. Mr. Irons' father in Lebano n. Chas. Smith and Family. satisfa ctory to all the parties con• : OA VE UP HIS OFFIC E cerned .' Mrs. W. fl. Allen and Miss Olive ------.~~ ----- Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader preach ed HOW HEOO T IT McCollum werp in Cincinnati SaturMr. T. C. Patters on, who for the in Xenia MA Sunday V GET RAILROAD evening . MEssrs. day and lI8W Maude Adams in "Peter Frank Zell and D. L, Crane accom- last cigh t years has been a conAn t:ciitor who started about Pan." The Pennsy lvania railroad , it is spicuou s figure at the court house, twenty years ago with 56 cents, is panied him . unders stepped tood, i@ about to take over · down Saturd ay evenin now worth $100.000. His accumu lag and Mrs. Stella Smith and two daughDr. Mary Cook was honore d at the gave place to bis successor, tion of wealth is owing to his fru- ters, of Brookville, Ohio, were weekMr. the D. T. & I., which has its ter· last meetin g of the Warren County Albert Stubbs . Mr. Patters gality, good habits. strict attentio n end guests at the home of Mr. War· on has minus at Kingm an. A Columbus Medical Association by being made been a careful and obligin g official paper has the • 'dope" that it will to business and the fact that his ren Barnet t and family. presidt<nt for the coming year. and the Wayne Township voters then build its road intq Harveysuncle died and loft him $99,99 9.who have had business with him are burg, then across to Wayr ' esville and Exchan ge. Ed Thomas arrived home from Mesdames J. E. Janney . C. M, sorry to see him leave His record connec t with the C_ U & N .. at Miami Valley Hospita l, Saturd ay Robitze r and J. C. Hawke are at- has been a dean one. and he has Dodds stati~m. mornimr. Mr. Thoma s is getting tending the Grand HAS BOUGHT PROPE RTV Chapte r of the made few enemies. Now. this matter would be one of along nicely, his hand healing rapid Iy. Eastern Star of Ohio, at Columbuo. Mr. Stubbs , we are glad to ' say, great import ance, not only to HarAustin Thacke ra, who has been will retain the old force- Mr. Lou veysbu rg and WaynesvUle, but to living near Lytle, has recentl y pur· Mrs. Ann Wakeley, who has been Try a sa,:k of Burton 's High Grade Coleman and Miss Anna Gallahe r. the lines runnin g into Officer -You sll.y tho chauffeur chased the Thomu Cincinn ati, 8R Miller farm, near making her home in Mt. Holly, is White Frost Flour. It is made from These two officials the whole coal facilitie s sounded his horn just as tile mll- Springb oro. The would be lessened all purcha ae price the guest of friends in town. She the choicest old wheat and is guar- county at their finger tip~, and are chine struck the man? was akllg the line. an acre. Lytle citizens will will go to Loveland next week, anteed by the manufa cturer to give mORt obligin g to all who have busi. Witnes s--Ycs, sir. Railroa d matter concern ing Waybe loth to part with ~r. and MrII, where she will stay this winter with entire satisfac tion or money re ness with them. Officer- Was the victim killed in- Thacke ra. nesville has taken up many column s her son, Mr. W. M. Wakeley. funded . For sale by G. W. Hawke • _ ••_____ stantly? of this paper, and it looks as though Witness-So instant ly, sir, that he HAD A CLOSE CALL the matter would never be consum must 'have heard the echo of thnt mated as far lUI we 'are concerne:l. Levi Lacy while hauling' ilravel The people of this vicinity , howeve horn in the next world. .r. from the Daugh erty gravel pit are hoping that one day they Will Thursd ay . had a close call from a wake up and find a good road WILlIA MSON -TROV llLO runserious acciden t. While coming out niJlg into the town. Mr Charles Gast.on William so~ of the pit. the rub·kc k failed to • - ••- - and Mrs. Stella Anderson Trovillo. work properl y and Mr. La~ was GLAZI ER JUBIL EE SINGERS of near Morrow. wt!re rr.llrried Sat thrown under the wagon, but he urday mornin g ill Lebanon IIY the manag~ to get himself from under The Glazier Jubilee Singen , that Rev. Gowdy . Mr . WillinmRon is n the whdels in time. As it was his came here Thursd ay evenin g under successful real estate and lami agent. back and IIhoulders were severel y the aU8pices of thA Daugh ters of and for the last nine years has mild" bruised , anrl he is thankin g hil~ Mary, of the M. E. church , gave a his home in Waynesville. Hi" many luckX stars that he got off'1lI' well 81 very successful ente't~ment to a friends here wish him unalloyed he did . crowde d house. The lIilections renhappin ess , Mr. nnd Mrs. WillIam.. - • dered were almost aU of the old son will !!!pend Ule winter at Jllc~80n AN OLD MASON . Isonga, and were well receive d. The ) sonviUe. Fla. .. _ • proceed s of the enterta inment will While Butlerv ille Lodge of Masons net the society about $25. rightly hoasts of the oldest MaIO.. tdOHT .BLOO ,"ING CEREU S • _ '...._ - - in tbe county., and probab ly the state, ' Mrs. Methea Alexan der has a Waynesville Lodge is notfar behind Catty. / Brothe r I. E. Keys was made a night. ploomi ng cereus which came "My husband," she " ~ald, "alway8 wantl me to loo,k my b~t, no ,matter into bloom Thursd ay night. The Master Mason · on Octob er', 1861: what the COlt-" "OWeU," her friend re- . ilower attracj.ed·many of t"~ neigh- Cop7l'la ht, &til, b~ the Panama-PaCUlo IJltemaU oDAl , bis petition having been receive d by P\le4. _ Ezpo8!t "on • •eM ~~~ lou . ," . '. bon and rriendll or Mrs. ,Alexan der • " the lodge on th.e he was .twentJ~ ~~ I-. ~'~': r;7~, .' .. ~

.-- --- - ---

Parc els Pos t Rule s




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By 1?A ND ALL PA.1?RJsn - !J~IIJOrol "Keith oI"/he ordcr~ My Lad y Doubt'~ My L(ld y ollhc



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joIn h e r tn[II\.~ r _ I-il-\m lln let""":' JOI". tat, rc«t me nt H o r e l ur n 8 . to ). ortto l>r<>od "~ .ftr-r oi. aummeor or n gh l l Tl g l n dhll"lS. un ftnt!. M o ll y th (' J'"I ' . 1.1tj \lt enan t (lMk l oe ac:cu.~. l-\sun~ \n ol t Ithoo tlng him. T1H' ,.",ltrn t til p rtW(ln Inno l,. · (· nt. Jh" lte{' S ):f olly til (' O Jll[Ja.n)' wtlh M r'5_ Dupon t ,

whom rlC rrrogn h :e fll o..s f\ (l\r mf' r !iJ ~- ~. t­ b eart "'he thr e w h 1m lI\'C r tor J .t~ l· ('\"T u, J..a(e~ h e o verh ea r s D u pnnt and l\ soldi er b&tchln~ up I .. m0I11.)' - mnk lng pl ot. M ol1 y

telle Hamlin her rath er . e"mo to b e III fJ power of Mrfl . Dupont. wh o d s to a daughte r of Mci)o naltl'a .I.t ~ r, Mol · dlanllpea re a nti Hamlin o. to ou l t o traco her. Mr.Do nAld 1ft orde r e d ~o F o rt RIpley , Hn.mltn nnd. M c Donald e mur· d errd bod I' · He Ink •• Wnll~ on. 11 guid alld. two troope-n anO gOe8 In p ursuit oef. the murll . r ...... , who hnd robbrd McDon·


aid of $30,000 paymu te r '8 lTI o n l'}-, H e SU Apeets Dupo nt. Conn er a, 801dle r OJ' rompUce of D ur~ont, t. found munlc recl. Ham · Itn'. pftrty II caught in 11. ncrC'o b1tz,£nrd while l H'nr1lng for the Ctmtn a r on. On. tnan l1!~ fro m cold I\.nil anoth<'f 1110\C"l8 t

.ucc umbs Wn,s s o n \s !Sho t BS th ey corne In eight ~ t Clm mnrOll . Il un lltn dtS CQ n ' r " ~ 10J:"- ("shin hlc!den undflr a b l uff. o(' C" upI Ed

b~ Hug-h e ft. & cow thle r. wh o l!-t tuyl11 J.;" t o r J ... FevTP , who r hNlt('<1 him In n c d en1. HIS tll-srrlpt lon Itl l' n tlf\ (' I't 1 ,(' ,..1'....nt~l ~\ r e and Dupo ul a.1Ii OUt, n nd th e fSnnw . "'huthe!" 8ho t WUHsn n m ll'i t uk tn "" him t or on~ Qt LeFevro 's pn.rty. n a mlln nlld H UKh~" tak e tip th e trnl1 (I f l.oV' ev r c_ who t ~

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t h Y f'ht hl tht: fugitl vet-:

.A nght . n"u~" In wlild, IllI g h •• I • • hot, by nr. Iflal n n . 1),101(. h ~ mrlHl'8 a d" ~ r)o' r ~ ate att empt t o f.l h nu t l..eFc\"re , but . htt!1

Jln.mttn. ,,' h11 (" th {'lt In tt c r is d lsarmt n a.:- I.e l1'evre . LeFc\,' r c P6Cn.Pf'S, bell p,- In ,:;' I t nm~ lin en d Moll y dena. Mo ll y tr lt a I-I am lln

that he7 fntlll~r \Vn ~ Imp1tc n t f' ll In t J)lot to atenl th" pay mn xh.' r' " man nhe y. Hamlin co nt C15Af8 h is lo \'£, ( ur ~ro1\ y n lHl

flnll .. thAI It Is rcd procnled .

Molly d e· elares h er t a t hfO r wall f orc~ r1 Int o t ll e robbe .... plot. Th"y m e cl "n "d"nl.... troop of CUfltor'& (' ommllnd . 8tartlng on a ,,'I nter campaig n a gll tn 8t t ho lIv\l n. lI ~ . Hamlltt r e m R.1np nil g u1dp, Tho wint er .... mp or Bll1ck K e ttl e I. dl.covor ed . Cu,· ler plana an attfu." k . tndj:\n~ aro surpr1sed Itnd defeated tn 11 de_pent .· fight. lI a m · Un 1. III\nt with report to Bhuidlln , C~APTER

XXXVI II.-Con tinued. At tbe Chnnrro n the balf·fro ze o In· .laD collapse d. fnlllng t rom bls saddl e tnto the snow utterly exhaust ed, Stag· .erillg himself like a drunken man. the Sergean t dragged the nervele.~ body Into a cnn'lce ot tbe bluff out. of the wild Bweep of tbe wlud, tram· ]lIed ulde tbe snow Into a wall of oelter , built 0 bD.8ty fir e, and poured bot cotree between the BblYerln g lips. With the earliest 'gray ot another dawn, the white man caught the .tronge at pony. and rode on alone. He Dever knew th e story of tlloae hoursonly tliat hi s trail led straight Into Ithe north . H A rode erect nt "rst, then leaning forward clinging to tbe mane; 'II0W nnd tben he stagger ed nlong on toot draggin g his pony by th e relo. O1Ice he stopped to eat, breakin g the Ice In a creek for wnter. It b egan tp


They Paulled to Light a Fire. • DOW, the thick fall of tlakes blolliog out the borlzon , leaving blm to stum· ble blindly through th e murk. Then darkne ss cnme. wrnppllt K blm In a cloak ot silence In tbo midst of that unsl1ea kable desert. His limbs s tlf· fened. hIs brnln r eeled from Inte nso ·fatlgue . He drngge d blmself back Into the saddle. pressin g the pony Into a elow trot, Sudde nly out ot th e wall at gloom ~prao~ the ye llow lights ot Camp Sup(lly. Beneath tbes e winking eyes of guIdanc e th e re burst the red clare of a 1l re o Eveo as he saw It the pony fell. bnt tbe ex hausted man had forgotte n now e verythi ng but duty. The knowled ge tbat he bad won ths




tenow'e ~lov ... d hond ~nnll' ~ hll!11tY .... to h l~ CIl II 1'I110r, Slll'ndll l' t< auI'ped out. " 0, cI'1I I) , & 1' (> i f y(>u rt'cogllh.1" tbll \


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th,' y,.ry Illll'l! rSon a t lon of IIlll i :lI'Y ·ilh\'I IJl in, '. Ih t· ~o ld l r .: r u~",·d tl ,,' mU ll •. :l IHJ .t" n ·d into thl ' IlIl~ hJ\" ' " f:w e "f tlw Se rgl'ant >;ulld l'u ly , hl~ (.) I ' ~ uri ,.; h tt;II ,·d . ,w ,1 h,' \\ h, ~ <.'It · d I llUOU I as i f 011 Il ph·ol . <1 1:""1 lJrt r1 l' log bl! 1.:1<,," 'u h ,,",1 up In ~nl ,,'"





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II " 1I1""" ~ " •.11 lo ni;u e t \\' lgi ~ It tif, , ·tn~ ~ ' U ~ l " r IlII l ruu onc ~" tn th e ~h "lItifldo :l h . :llld In t('l' h,' nrd your d l~mb~nl fmlll thp s\'r vlc l' Onofe nll:hl h o 6 po 1[(' nllO ul t h,' afTair In ill Y quaI' t e r~ . ~h.lI lz \\' Il~ j1r(·s ,.nt o n outy and OV\'rh aft\. II <! ~ ll uk" Il l' III,,· II lillie that 1'" 1(' 11 11\:<11 I'IIUIlj! h , :11" It l.

Jll Un; said h(·

W it;



' \

Pet of Denver (ColO.) Paator Upaeta Lamp and Threate ning Blaze

Follow. .


Tbe average flre In church edIfices

Ie either the result of a defectiv e

tornaoe that wall "all right ID.8t spring" or the wor.\t of an Insane or revenge ~ IJlccndl lry . It til rare tbat a church .... odlflna tes In any otbe'r manner . f DOW from the west. whlcb ever I~~;;'~.· to lie 11ke the ~c1ent people of

Athens. seeki ng "either to hl'or or te ll Bome no", thing." comes the start· ling a nd wOll .. uthentlc uted rO)port that o harmles s nnd 'unnssumln~ tortoise has s e t tire to St. Mark's cburch, Den· ver. Colo .. and thnt a dlBastro us con· "agratio n was all hut averted . Wheth· er the recent mlslllon ary convent ion and the intlux of eccleslo stlcal dlgnl· tarles In t o Dem·er ezclted hi. tortol.e : ship and made hIm tempora rily non compo. mentls, or whethe r tho worshiper. In tbe churcb dl8turb ed bIB tilumb~r8 by unltlnl too heartU , lD

~00 Soulb H ermitag e Av e .• C h icago. 111.-" 1 was attacke d ""Itb a brctlk lng out 00 the In Bide of my nrms. It was (I, small ra~h or pl~ple8 and It Itched and burned. especlIl Uy at night. &0 that before I Im e w It I bad made my· f e Ir sore. 1 btld to wear tbe tloeat kInd ot colton u~ erwllar. no woolen '· at nil, b ecause th,~ I eas t tIl I JIg Irr Ita • ad It alld made It much worse, Tbe rash It chell nnd smarted until at tlm ee 1 got no R leep at all. "I had II IS troubl e and took treat· ments for about one }'ear, but th ey only gave me reHef while tnklng them . Th pn I b egao u s ing Cutlcur a Soap and Ointme nt and I got r ellof right away , In three months I was a " (1) H W well maa flgaln , (Slgoe . ' Foley. Nov. 5. 1912. Cutlcur a Soap nnd Ointme nt lIold through out the world. Sample of eac h fr l'e.wllh :I~. p . Skin nook . Address post· card "Cutlcu ra. Dept. L, Doslon."-Adv,

I l \

t h.· r. · \fht'n you got

your onJ,·r" . t I. at II ,,·) w,'rp rI"lh','rE' d l vc rballv b\' I I~ .. " l a fT (JfIlc~ r, and ho . re peal e,tl th, 'm for U" wllr d for wor d , 11 0 wa s l ,dil' lI J,ri tio lw r /l ll hour late r. lind IH! VC' !' 11I' .l r,1 o f ~ lOu r cCH II't.mart lal IH th"l It , Shu ll'l ~" " Min .. <lOll. )' 3 ; I "1\ dOl alrctly," fl' TH otl}' , ' I I" t e ll you nol reco nno'

6334 TMB d e sign s ho w s a VHy 's mnrt allr ernoon dress. Ono of tho pretties t featu res Is the c1ev e rl ' drap ed sash wblct! en cl rlcs the wai s t and Is knot· ted lo w In the bnck. Tbe l\\,O tuck s In front catc h t h e s klrl up slightl y. giv in g jost a hint of drap e ry. A tuck· t' r ot net fills In th e tront of lhe blouse I,rr ct h·c ly. The 61E:e vo and b ody 01 I lbl' b louse 1Irt.l Cllt In o ne. Printed • • \ ~l lk or c:rellOn wo u ld be especia lly I' celt)' wi t h t hi s d c~l gn , I Th e m is ~us ' a n u s m a ll wom c n's dress pa tt er n tG:134) Is c ut In s ize s 14. 16 nnd 18 yeu rs . IIt r' dlum size r equir es .\ 'h ya rd s 0 1 44 Inc b mate rial,




Lydia E. Pinkham '. Vege ta b I e Compound. 1 WD.8 irregular and bad cramp! 80 bad that I bad to go to bed. Now 1 hove b otter health thlUl I hav e had for years and I cannot. too highly of





edicl " M

Wtmrm De. (Ii Malo St. Gra



JESSIE Sen •• n

, ~

ville IlL

Y , Vase of Mrs. Tully.


Chicago, I1L- "I take pleasure In

~Iting ~

you for what LY~lab! ' IPml: ham s thank Vegetab le Compou n tb done

f~r ~e. 1 sUfl'ed et::

ful periodic pains, an


fi~ f

P tha nc and1rece!vaded ~o dbcto talkeroLmydia Detors. was Vise E Pi kh 'Veget able Compou nd. and ~ n"ow : ' ~ell aa ever."- Mrs. WIt,TULLY 2052 Ogden Avenu~ md ent,

\ ~M


Chicago, III If you have the s lightes t doubt , that Lydin E.Pink ham's Vegeta .Th ink ing of the Mexican Mesa. I ble Compo und will help YOII, write "Le t's sel'. tho Enslls h molto I ~ to Lydia E. Plnkh am ~(edl ci neCo. Di etl P. t Ilion droit,' Isn't It?" , (confid ential) Lynn. ~Iass .• for 3d"I bell " ." flO." "\V el l. wh at Is the mo lto o f A{D C'r : 'fiCO. Your letter will 00 opened . , read and RIlKwt 'red by 1\ woman . lea ?" , and held in striet confid ence. "Dl l' ll et :\! o nr o ."





To y;,roru ro thh. pnttrrn fiend 10 cen ts " P .:l t H ·f ll () t· p urtnlt.'n t ," 1)1 this pape r. nl\m~ u nd n4 Iurt""" p l nlnt)-, and llo ou r u Lo .:Ivu ant! num be r ot pD.t1.ern.


~' rll(!

NO. 6334.

"He Is My Soldier. "

SIZE . ••• ••• _ ••• • ·-

N-"l'IIII . . ..... .. .. .......... ........ _ ...... .

ij a n c (! ~h ar ge ' I hpu rd ('ct twlea Goll In H lmm('I, \,at a h ell In del 1,ln es! " "Hamlin . " con ti nu ed S heri dan qui· e tly. " ther e IR Iii ti e e no ugh we can ,10 10 rl gbt this wroug , Thero Is no way In which that Confed e rute court·mIIT· tlal cao be r econven ed. But I shall have Shultz's depositi on tnkoD nnd scattere d brondcn st. 'V e will c\f,ar your nam e at s ts ln . What beca me of that cowardl y our who lied?" Hamlin pressed one buod ap;alnst his throbbI ng temples . struggli ng against tb o faIntnes s which threatened mastery . "He-h e paid Cor It. sir." ho man· aged to say. "He-b e died three dnya ago In Black Kettle's ca mp." "You got blm!" "Yes- J-I got blm ." ") hav o forgott en-wha t W!\s tho cownrd 's name?" "Eugen e Le F e vre, but in Kansas tb ey calle d him Dupont ," "Dupon t! Dupoot !" Sberlda n struck lhe table wIth closed 118t. "Good Lord . man! Not the husband of that woman wbo ran oft wltb Lieu· tenant Gaskins . from Dodge ?" "1-] nover It eard-" Thp. roam whirl e d be fore hIm !n mist, the faces vaolsh e d; h e b eard all exclama tion from Shultz, a sbarp com· mand from Shl'rida n, nnll tben se mc d to crumble UII on the lIoor, Th era WllS th e sharp rustle of a woman' S Rllirt. a Quick. li ght s t e p. th,~ prBSSUr'l of nn arm lJ (·n cath hi s b e nd. "Qulell, ord e rly. b e's fmnted. " It was tho Genl'rtl l's voice. soundin g ' arar a rt , "G,!t so me brand y. Shultz. Here. ~ll s ~ McDonn ld. lot m e hold tbe man's h l'ad ," Shp. turT" ,d slightly . her B~tt hanrl pre Rs lug back tb e hair from Hnmlln 's fnreh ead , ·'No ." sbe protente d tlrmly. "ho 19 my soldier. " And th n Sel'l!l'un t. looking paat tho face of the girl h e loved saw tean dimmin g tb e stern eyes of h1I com· mander . 'I'HE END.

Punlahe d . "Cnmp life." said tbe returne d war corresp ondent. "was not wlth01lt Ita disagre eable fenlures . Frequen tly we ml ssotl meals hecnuse tbe cookee dldn 't know the rango. Orten our menls ~onslstcd of bot shot served on the balr Hh f1 ll. Even coming back on the transpo rt we couldn' t get up cn rd gamo>! becausil tbe sblp hal! only n Quarter deck , Ev e n the ml'n'y wages snft'e r('d . for ~~' hcn our boat landed we were liot:llcd. The managi ng editor 100kE'd at him In witherin g sc:orn. tben transfer red him to the Wall strpet omce. " This:' he said . "will help you to curb your stock,. ot miserab le puns."



.... ... .... . ... .. .... .. . ....... ...... .

STRE KT AND NO. . ..... ......... . .... _-

STA·rR . .. . .......... ........ _ •••• •••• -._.


G370 noll y 0 a d sle eves oro In one In tblD lIt.tJe frock nn d It may be s liPPfld on oye r thn b ead or bavl! !I. Beam down Ih e bn('\o., ;IS p,eferre d . The belt make s a divisio n at the wai s t line. and ~mall rev e r s trim tho o pl" nlng of tile neck . Th e re Is a c h (!m l~elt" for lhoso who desire It. gl el've, may bc full le ngtll or shorte r. anti ure finl obed wIth a ban d or an orn amenln l cult, The dn'ss pl\tte rn «(;370) Is cut In 8lze~ 2. 4, G nnd 8 yearH. Medium slzo r equ Ir es 2',1" yards 01 36 Incb ma· terlnl. Tn procu re thl~ pattern ."nd 10 to "Po.1I.te rn Depurtm ent:' of this peentB o.per . Write .. arne and uddrtl88 platnly. alld 1>0 eurtt to alva 8ize and number ot p&uern.. NO. 6370.

SIZR •.....•••• •••• --.

N AMF. •• ••. ••••••••• •• ••• • •••••••••• ••••• --TOWN . . ... ...... .......... ... . .......... .. .




STREI. T AND NO, . • .• ••••••••.• •• • _ •• _. 8TATIT. .......... .......... ........- •• _...-.

Umbrel la Plant. Th e IIInbre lln. "Isot Is a lIedge plant tlrf! mnst bavc moistur e. but It may be grown to flne proport ions In n moist corner of lhe garden. Propa· gate by taking the umbrell a·lIke tops and leRvln", about an Inch of stem 10 them . When done bloomin g, sink In water. wet sand or wet earth. The roots may be divided to good advan· tage.

No U••. Mrs IExe- ·"If I had a hUllban d who th e sInging of tho hymns and tbe read· drank' as' hatd I\Y yourR I'd make him Ing of the respons es or the Psalter. t buy a plaster nnd Btlck It o'\"er his we nre not Informe d. but whatev er tbe ' mouth," Mra. Wye-" That wouldb 't caUle , the tortoise upset a lamp and do Any good; he'd buy a porous pIa.. the fire rea t·. ll.ed . ter."-D oston Il:venlng TranBc npt. W".t Puzzled Him. "What 11.,"e you punlln s about'" "I'm wrltlJT« a aketA!b ror ~.udevllle on the CU'Tent poUliea l eltuatlo n. ,. ",'Well, you ought to Ila~e plent1 01 good .tu1f ~ put In," ''That Iln't wbnt ·puzzles I've lot 110 mllch gnod stutr I dOD'll mo. w~ to ~,. GG*..



._- - -

.M N lT H l& 8: r6 Jt -

Pisto l and Rifle


Winch ester cartrid ges adapte d to Winch ester rifles are made to get the best poSsible results out of them. As the same equipm ent, organi zation end system are employ ed in making all Wincheste r cartrid ges, it natural ly follow s that Winch ester cartridges produc e the best results in all firearm s. Winch ester cartridges are made for all caliber s ,and makes of rifles, revolv ers ..J....:;i.~j".., and pistols . Sold everyw here ~


Ask For The Red W Bran d.



GREAT SUFFERER To Health P'nk h' V

S h u ll , S, r}" ,\lIt· ~bJnr I ~hull z :" I,, · .... I.·d " \\'h. II , \' . ' 1' I II~ (:: \1111' of \ (JU -: \\ h a l it; 1t ~t l l! k,1H\\\ .,0, I " \\';l!t .1 n!lwH l ', 1III I1III tl ~;'i hl l IIf~ W :-;lH r ldlln <Jll ki".l.' r . ' II)J: 1" ll l~ f'~ 1. ·t

:-; t rllg~I . · b r(J u~ht h .Ul ~t rl ' lI rt h 'It! " rPll c hl!d hi s fN't fr c" f ro m th l' ~lIrruP6 . and rnn for II'llI'd, cal h nJ; 10 th e b uard. Th.·y mot him. and h e stood str a lghl be for o th l'In ... v· e ry n<.' rve taut- a !<Oldle r . .... !Iring dispat c hes frolll (' u ~ l e r. " b e said s lowly, boldlng himse lf finn . "Take m e to Genera l Sherida n ." Th e corpora l walked besIde him. down the trRUl pled road, Qu estioni ng nage rl y 8S thQ r passe d th,' lin e of s hacks toward the doublo log hOUHl' wh e re the co mmllnd er _was 'luarl c r Hd . Hamlin h eard. and Rnllw t!rpd brle"y , yet waR coosclo us only of lin ... tro rl to retaIn his str ength. Onep wllhl n . h e saw only tbe short. sturdy figur o sit · Ung behInd a tabl e . Ih e sh nggy gray be ard. the ste rn. qu osllonln g oyn9 wblch surveye d him. li e stooo th pre straIght . motionl ess . h Is uniform l>Ow, derl'd with sno~ ' , hi B t eelh clinched so IB not to b.,trny weaknp. s8, his fa ce roughen ed by eX I>osurl'. grimY wllh dIrt. and d ls flgllrcd h y 11 we e k 's growth of b ea rd. Sh e ri da n sturl'd a t him . Ilhadlng hi" pyeR from tl1f' g lo w or th e lamp, "You nre rr o m ('u ~Ir' r ~" "YPH. Rlr ." H o (Irl' \\' Ib (' pap .. rf' !'fO Ol \\'lIhln bl s ove r coa t. st"p ped fo rward an d "lid tb nm on Ih(' tabl e. Sherida n pl a ceo on e ban,l lIpon t h('m. uut tl ld not H~ mo vo hi s g:l~t) from 1I11111l1n 's fa l" ' . "W h e n did yo u I"n \le ?" "'I'h', ev~ nln g of th e 27th. ~ Ir , I wa R R('nt back with Ull fhmg C! !!:\Iido to brin g you lh Is r " j1orl " "And th e Iwld ,,?" " 1,11' gU \' e out on th e Cimarro n " "d cam(' o n 'tlon l'." "And Cus t pr ' Oid h" btrlke nl:lc lt Kettl e?" "We fo und hi s cam p Oil the e,,('olng o f lh o 26th , nnd nttack e d at d uybrnuk th e nex t morning , Tb e r e we re more Indians with him lhun we ex pec le d to tlnd- be twee n two and three thou · sand, wnrrlor s from nil th e soutbe rn trib es. Th e ir t <,pees were set up' for ten miles along th e Washtt n.. W e captured Blnck Kettl e 's villagp. alld destroyed It; look his pooy herd. and released a number of whIte prlsoner D. Includin g Rome women and children The re WDB a sbarp figbt. and we lost Quite a few men; I lett too early to le arn how many." . "And the comma nd-Is It In any danger? " "I \hlnk not, sir. G e neral Custer was confide nt he could retire safe ly. Th e Indlanll Wflre tlloroug hly wh1pped , and npparen tly hud no chler under wbom tbey could rnlly." The General opened the DIngle sbeet ot paper. and ran hiD eJes slowly dow~ tho lines of writing . Hamlin . feeling hiD head reel giddily, reached out silently and grnsped th .· back of a chair In support . SherIda n glanced uP. "Ge ne ral Custer r e ports Major Illnl· ott aD mIssIng and s e yp,ra! officers badly wounde d ." "Yes. sir." "What Indians we re e ngage d. nnd UDd e r what cblefs? " "Mostly Ch e y e nn es, althoug h ther e II." ra bands of Arapah oes. 1~lowa B. Co m rmch cB. and a few Apache s, Lit· lI " Hock "'as In comma nd a fter Black Kelllc wus Itill e d- that Is of th e Cbe y· e nne s. LIllie Raven. and Snntnut. n le d tll e oth e rR ." "A fi e nd . that Insl. nut. Sergea nt, YOtl are I'xhaust ed, 1 will talk with )'0\1 tOlll orrow, T he otlice r of tb e day will Ils>; lgn you qun r ter8." Hamlin. Rtlll clinging to th e ellalr with one han,l . lifted th e othf!/, In Da· lulC' . " Ge ne ral Sherida n." be sa id, strlv· Ing to control hla Yolce. "G e nernl Cus t e r's las t words to me wcre tbat I was to t ell you who J am . I do not know what he m eant. but he said you would have neW8 for me." "Inde ed!" lu surprise . stlrrf'nln g In hi s c hair. "Yes. sir- my nam e Is Hnmlln ." "Hamlin ! Hamlin I " the G uueml repeale d th e word. "I hav e no recol · leetlon- why, y es, by Gad! You werp. a Confede rate colonel ." "l~ourth Tex/ls Infanlry :' "That's It! T have It now ; YOU w ern court·mru-t1al ed after the affair at Flsher's 11111. and dIsmi ss ed from the scrvlce- dlBobed lpnce of ord.-rs . or sometbl ng lik e thal. Wal t a min· ute." H p. rupped s harply on th e tablp. and th e door bl!hilld. leading Into th f! othnr room. II,stuntl y opened to ndmlt the orde rly In the dim light or the sin· gle lalDP Hamlin saw tho short. stocky 6gure of a soldier. be ardl!!i. and Im maculat ely clean. EVl!n us the



' . !<:i ' ! \ I W ('(l )( lIH '\ I ltlrnll ll, I I Jllh ya ,'" hi' :--Hld i n :"(l'll:q.: f), rnlhn .n' I' ul "I

k no" Th ,'

Bo,w PNfcr the !".. m. Tba farm boy bns a tremo ndoull ad· vantng e 1n til e world. Early he 15 train ed to lIelt·r e llnnce. to perform· ance of dutil'S. to regUlar Il.bor. H e hOR a sou lld body . He Is fl lllino ntly Otted to do th e grellte~t thlng 8 don e III tbo wor M. li n r ecotmlz{ 's thnt thp rarm Is th e bes t pll\('1l in th o world In Tella How She Was Resto red which lo Ilv t'. T en chnn ces to one hl! I would prpfN t o s ta y on h is fat It e r 's .by Lydia fa rm . If th" !a tll rr cll nl earn to llllll(o th l' fil rm IJay \\ ,,11 . If ho can makA it I am. egeta• prOKrt'Rs lI' I" , \\ Ith hopI' of On e a chi e ve· ble CompouncL m ent at th p (,lid of tho st ru gg le. Ih e n m os t bllYH \I III StRS . It Is ",hen th e l a rlll b ~tRp;nant. unpro~rcss l v e. df'nd, Grayvil le, 111.-"1 was a great suf.u mos l bop,' lpss . tha t th" YOUII!: 11 11111 ferer of fem ale complai nts for a y~ar sets hi s fll(,(, r rs olllt£' ly a w n\, (rom t h e and I got nOUllng !tlrm,- IIr f' .. ,1 r 'R Ga7.elle . I that helped me un· -----til I began taking


Practical Fashions


~~ re ' · \.


Wile Youth. " • . ha've a tempera ment.- simpere d the girl. "Then you are not destine d Cor a rujln who 18 earnlne 25 p!unks a week:' 'l 'eBPon4 cd tie yottll(, man, reacbln~r for. Ids llat.--LQ ul!"IIl41 C01lJ'. ,...sOW 'llal.

BE8T BOY8 SHOE8'" 1110 WORLD 12.00. 12.60 lind IS.OO-

Th. tar••1t mak.n of Mea'. $3.50 aad $4.00 .hoe. in tbe world. "'a"l"u r d_Ier to .bow you 'v . DouClu 83.110, .... 00 and :""~~" .... GU flhoea. Jallt ... (tood In Itylo. 6' I\nd ",ear" olber tDal.... "".t In&, ~.OO In .7.00 -tl .., oul,. dlrte",p ce I. the price. Sboe~ In "II

IOflthe"" etyhul and "bRllee to "ult oVfjrybn d,.. I' ,.00 could .1I1t W . 1- Uoug-11U1 1 Itlcl rle. at. Brock&.n n. M ...., and aM (or "o""'ftl, r._ how tJart'tfuJl, . \v. I~. Douelu .hoCB "re Innd.,. .t 0u would then under.ta n,) why they 81'0 warrallt ~d to nt better. l(.'oOk bett.. r. hold their .ba,le 'lood woar~~~~ ~~~~~ lonpr than aDY .. ther lDake (or '11ft l)rl ~e. Ii lr &cil~.~: 1:~:~reA~: !:~u":~~ l~l3dfft~~~,l.~o~~ter

nrre..i Nhoee tor

8ftI"J mllRlherot lhe tamU r ••, aJl l,n on. by

~~,~o::- ~:.~r ~~ 7'o~t~':"t~-: :~~~·t;'~:li~ al!ci wby you can Rye aloneT on ,our tool.ear, w .•~ DOtJG.... A.8 ... Rroek&.n •• M ....

. ·- - - ·- -Unan8w erable. Wrong Onea. SImeon Ford, New York's well· Mamma (at amateu r enterLaIUlIJ e nt) known humoris t, said whImsI cally the -Hush , Willie, the violinIs t Is tn'lnl ntber doy. ,propos oC the death of J . her strIngs. PIerpon t Morgan : "We learn from Willie (oloud) -Then. while she 's at Mr. Morgo.o ·s lite tbat wealth does It, why don't she (1J: them tha.t show not brIng bapplne sR. We know al· lu tbe back.-P Uclt. ready tbat poverty dOllsn't bring It, ~Ither. Whnt on eartb then Is a man THINK OF THE MILLIO NS to do?"-A rgonau t. that have been relieved In the pallt 75 years by WrIght' s Indlnn Vegetab le Import ant to a Exomln e carefull y Mother every bottle of Pills and decide wheth~r tbe). are not CASTO RIA, a sate and sure J'emedl" for worth a trIal. They regulate the Infants and children , and lee that It I bowels, stimula te the lIvor and purify Bearstb e' ~ ~~~ tho blood. Ad". ureof ~~ ------In Uae For Over 30 ye8l1l. ' A Gueaa. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetoria "What III that man's profess loo'r "Lobby ing." Dry. "How do you tnow?" Miss Oush-I sllt'ply batbe In talcum "It·s appnren tly the only protesal oll powde r-l do love It. a man can carry on success fully while Mias Sar·Ca stic-So rt of a dry clean· be s~nd9 nround doing !l()thln, ." Ing. eb?-Ju dge. It you would learn 0 man's weak· For the t1'eRtme nt of colds, lION! throat, ness let him talk whIle you listen ,

:~ ~:li~~~~en::o;ilte~o~UE~?~~.lIivc

A mIser Is one ot tha thluK8 that wUl keep In any, cUmate .

hll, lldn .' Pili.



promptly the sufferint r due to weak. in· active kidney. and painful bladder action. They offer 'a ' powerful help 10 nalura Red Cross &II Blu". all blllll, but bluIn« in buildinl up the true .-Iue In the world, IIIaII.eiI ~e ~ aeY' tissue, in restoring excretin g kid· DOI'IDal actiOD ..cille. Adv. and ill I'@tmlatin, b'-ddel' Irrqula t itict. • TrY tbem.-'I'.. The world'. largest elec~ro-magne~ .: ' . , .. In . p'rospec t ro~ Parts l~entl8ta. ''llter.!£,f~~~ • '~~' ... 1IQbIISIIW ' • . The lelt-ma de .JDUl doem't Uy. &0' ~..,-:';W~:= ~..:.:: . W,n'. aWn ~ ...... .. ~~ ...... ~I!IIB~ .

---- "'-- -



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Great Brahman God Constructed i Town of Benares. I


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111 bl' a LJ nul h. 10 f hl '



My9ter l o~s

Pla ce or Marvc lOUG Tem . pies. Te r racos and Pa laces- Ha rd ly a Ruli ng House In Ind ia but Ha s He lped to Tt, elr Bulld ln[) .

.\ r ltlJgf oH !H al j IJ ii . tu ~ all VrHHd~co , If! \'al(ll\ la I :!t) tn l l ... t'i hull i lt or


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Tom .. :o es Ripen ing in Feb ru a r y.

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a nd {,]' (j ,'rt' tJ I ll(' c h f'f"'tah to

JOur Hh o B YOU c hang p your wind






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...,,- "".flll~ ... tN I •• ""''''':/ 11 I .... 1f Prospe~us Shoe Manufacturere. .j"'{JOIo.l hll nllll all ol Iypl ca lly I rll Jl if'll I \\, 11 11 a Shoe-mnn ufucturl'r~ nrt' a prORPf'r 0 1l81f1r' ~.·'T~ I. n.!i~SlwtIl Ii:rJs\i,'I ve r y lIarruw unnllu l ra n ~f"! in I.f' U1VPI'I\' I lind Ih"ro CUll ' t lie. fo r 1I11'ro II rl' l blrtN' n '"oft'd lHAIC~r l ~.w. tJ\A U~,J fa r l'. \lilt \\ Ittt mark t' d l'UlI ln'K I" In I S la t .. ". and more nrl' 111'1 " 1: lorn:"d .J. klWR..8{. el fi.'!JLq,;flirt~ri~s II}. n ~u "I1U ll tit)· of railifall , th ~ ~l' a ';U II " arc Loll is. nil ~I a rtl'd II) ,'l1l plo J' t·PH. wbo hav ~ 8f~l.9ut or ono '1!}rVIC:u'~"Y~ 81;J up tly tlll'i ,lt-d 11110 d r) Ulltl raillY . Th e and cmburkl'u III b l "' II " ~S I'n t hei r OW.n ncco'!i~t.""'lfcf"'~1' ar+ ~(/, ,Iry ~ ('a SlJn 1,,'ll IJ 1'r h"'gi l lH usuall y mon e y. ""t.luu". lJ~ .. :tboll l Ih .. IlIldd l,' of I W,·,'IT1I,.. 1'. u l· ~Ionoflol~' Is out "f Ih e '111,' ['11011 In" U" .....It U!B*ss~ .so""~IlJn • •rw 'holl!:11 IlIf' rp uro url'lIRltlllillly t·OIl · I s on tltat an), on " who IIUllt R 10 s tart n eAq~~tor;J)~'£\3I..~b I I,/;,9Q..~JwY .~ "l d " r:liJ I,' " arlatloll l' rulIl Ih is . Fu irl), I outnt (l r t'n~tJ)' III ;Lt' h IIlPry tIp ('an leaRp. "~~tP*i&~~.~sridery- a~5.~?ritr hp :t\, )' prf'('lid t ntioll f (IIllPtllJlt~ S fJ(' (" UI'!i on PX IU' l ly thl' ~IIIII " tt' rU IR tlint th., b)l':t;I;st rr.~{~r1 scJ'n . o " ''{~ " 8.'. W ,'t.l" In th ,' dr y R' ·II ~I1 Il . purtkularl ) UII t h f! ! f t' \f ' ry ~ lt Ol'- ft\ cto ry 11 ,J 111 bllY p r nf'.tVttl~ !t!lWft~~h{~"'''' ,\ IU li lk " Iu p(-. tllll :; I(cl' p :cbrl',,,,l o f tlie lil ll " I: . Il lI'lu lJ n'qulr' tillC'h a VIIRt ca pl t.niJae4.~ 1\;0rtllllJly tIll' til' II KU II i, "har;H't"r . I Burh a ('orps or in'· "tllor~. llin l flf IIfot' P lfihIIIuUVl",II. ti Wts '/WOIJWl~Wlm Ilc d by l'Ioudl r,;K s k ipp . ('(" Is t;,"t _ t.rt.' tPd ill 111 .. h ~ lId H (O f " f,>\\' Itl gl",..1 ~t.dh~'9P'~lI l1~rI."rl ~~to es t In ..... IUUH. Hnd ti llch HI'unl )' rai ll ra ll Iha l ___ _ , _ -_._::-_ "''''' II( b e th lrt ,·/,u, anu If IllN'" IICH' n nl y thl r l ""n l ,e y~'W~'i' wo a. ge.'. t ~~. "!!l ny ~rui's IIltlch ili a d, · KII 'I"I ), gru wll1 -::;: and wp would huv lJ u SI"", T nls !. As It I!I.. we haven·t. ... uih .. '~I.o 'Ju\ 'hroll g holl l tho rai n), /I1ollth s . l1a" II '1I _. TOfla y. th p uool a nn ~ lIl1t· hlfl ll ~ try lW''fh'fJ-~4!'~~'''ti8lrtoIlb' .IIItet1u __ IIJ 1lI1111:rlty, pm !; I"' all y ('''''At) to gro w. :::::;;..:_ - _ w o rld n ot ruo lI y a r,o call. 'd '1 ru ~ t. an d tlit; Illlll''''jIll(*'ItII:l6II1I1uWr,~OtUlJ'a"wr,,, u r :11'(' ('nll1plfltt'l ly varc'hl,1 u llllll ' S ~ 1rT'l · I"r ,,~ p ons 1"1 U I' f or t Iw t f n('l 'UBUc.o. "/ljuo"flI l"OJ,oJ IIi 'io(}j. L;flll'd TIll' I'r evnili llg IYIII ' of (' I1 r11 Se~ t ion of Highway Constru c ted t o 0 pcn ' (1e R 'ch A gr , c ul~ur a l L~ n d s A few (lilY" nl;o. I wa s III I!ns lon , nn rl I jll s t lOO, ft~!l....IUl.I." of day,B 01'((0 ~p~ plun " '" "h'"11 ))t· .. .. IIII"'I' I 1Islia lly th e Canal Zone . out ",)on Ihl> I· nlt, ·d t>ho e ~Ifldlinery ,r~np~lY 1" ,·\\' I n·n~l"ilr"i~. 'rin\fl"Ml't li IJI :l lI Jf"!i Ihl' Ia t tl 'l" ltllrl rl l l"\ ·h rll tlry I I 1I I \ u... .... ~ -- ~ ,---,-L :\or th"rJl vl'g(' Lublt.t\ a rt ' lllw ul i ' to \\I l l! 1't'~ ! H"1 rn flll "!" t H !'I' , Il :.lI 1:-- !l ut ' lI it .d' t·:tl .1 11JIi',I : , ., h. : \{' JlIl l lI l l'It uut P"r ! lap~ th" mo~t r r ma rk abl 0 anlong t h t' ~" arc (0 nJ:.; . 'lf' ~~n('ra l ' f!i r' C6 o f . e out'er.n- r O nl -z!!'f7!ft'e'ft, II'{IVt.LJftl" . " '~ . \. or 11 '1 ) II II fl' . !. ' 11 ] , II .. lillf ls fit S arl,n lh i ~ 1\ la r g" q ua 'l ' l fact orl,' s arc at " (''''(' rly . ~l al\Rt l ('lltls('tts . .~ . . ll clJll o .... tliD.r w.,rlliR.rMIW "u n ·.l v,. II,, · dry HI''' "'' " 1111 1 ('I' rl ai ll . ( ! ' . ' I , I,', ,. " 0 1, 1'1 " . ' " ,f 1· 1, f', : " n't1 ~' 1 rl l,:\I' l il ,' lion "'aJl iln l anu t il" eo ll101I1 Ce nt Tu rt made I" ~ ;; um", ,' r ho mc . Th .., .....~LWJUe .,,QpI,.... .I "h t~~t n. In tlL. rO IH l',, 1 Sl tct:lf':i ;'I Oti litH 11 \ tl'O llh: alj J\ 1ll01lJ: t h" illq' l Hlanr I· · ' ll ll, · 'a f . IJ I If'" r t'. \ '11 1 II I h . IlI P lltil l ;,~ "" •• \1 (l ~ lh~ ,t , . "r111 '~" nr ~.......,. 'O'JI!f~'UItr1~fJ'''-.~i!''\ ,U rlll(\ lllItt'd or \1oll ~ h e d d OO t' ~ . .Jfi ltlW. <_ . ", . ¥. • frult H are ulllnjtlp ·tl or (,"1\'. " Ii~h t !l'. l Ullo' \·I'g,. l ubl, S Ihal I;a "" h"" 11 fllur\! , "h . . \\U S T I1C Mac hi nery T rU Bt B"-b "alit ...... Itt i ,(h", I Y' lc:tI { d " I... al i ll .. I fhl' c,, "" nllu lt~. ~a)~ 1 h r aIl1', .... . an d I II II ('o lulIl n Whldl uga 00, ro·tard (.(J In ~ro\\'th o r I I'~" ~ I!""e~ "fll!ly b roll'n :,1'" 1;1 Il' 11 III t 1\' II IlIlIan"l l; I, hab U('E' U I' f 8:&f"· OU!l lr I' n St'\·(' r 'l I " flJ P l'PS lli us t ba\'Q. ~ A,,..,~lll u )' Irc ('~ Hlwd Ih l' lr I"; II" '~ al thl H lH'r H. .. ~~" I:lI I I . l,oUtl et' . b,·""". "0 '" ~ hflW II 110,,1 l'al a l'lh :1I a:'f, ·l' IIt,n " . with 1" '1' 11 .1:, fpet hl " 1! . " hal" fl h" ard abo ll t the InrreaIH'<b.oM~h "cJYlIlWI~.~~n yt l!01/' uf Ill " "J (,Il r , whlt'll " o rr"H I)U fllls tu ca!'rot s, 1" '1'1" rs • anti I" 1 " I . 'Ir:"ll ,Ii ""(1'1,,1>1" , III Ih" t e nlb g CI'll 'tl '"'-· of o llr e ra t he so·r.a lh' d . 'l}liiIa ",1, atll li6~t !'UIIlIJIUIIH ]u fa c t. Ihl' rI ' IS htth' .. II J. I(,rJ II, U" L · : 11· ' l U( ': ,..",,' d II ha ~ ' , 9'1 : J . ' :lmo,;:!t th o own er of Ipa se d s h op mn c h ln4l,F,l' wQlJI Ie~ejve ~n a a f sn, ' rC'a SO!l t o do u lJl Ihat wlf h !.1If1".I ,.d !;I' 1~ ·Jd tlbl.s m lias nu. I.~ d ou t b ) tho wou ld ~ay, " Oh, about fort;.' o r llf ty ce llfl .WI... DoII "'''.io~ ~.,. I 'Ui~"41i1 ga ll,,'d Ihrough My~ I"'lIIutic t'X lll' I'l ' ' rHI:"lll rn:ns- th"I' \' 0 nrll'R of th t> very Th u rl'n l IUCl Is t hat II. 1:,k1' M nr\Y.,]~ ~~tMt"dlUftalBka", Ul11 from W llell lIuddlJ a h ad sro~f'ded ' 1Il"IItaii oll a s ulll el '>IlL sll "JlI~ (,I \',' .(" , singl e Hhof', af:<1 In CIlH('~ whprl' thl' ' e.tbii1Wl t(J- al'f1tt/t4lQll~1\1I • ........t lo lUlll PS will b,' II I'Oc\ llc t'11 to r' ·p la(;.·. ill a l - alll]1 al sarnlll,lh . t h f) grea t mOnllEtl pr y by th ' llIanlifactIJr('r of sll(' PH thl ow n e r of th o mnChIJle"~~f~r~! \\'a~ ("5tI'OVI" JV raufltlcal fur), anti It s I ' .... 'I fth. 11Ir b ,' II ll'IL' Il,..'. th l' calinNI ,'lid I' ol d· . . . . . . . rll n n nJ; liP s omf'lJm p~ to flve a nd ooc·hall cent~ a. . WU ~ . Q ewer I ~ llIrn /(' I' rlJdllcls ut Jlrf 's" u l (' IJlISlllII ~ (1 ".lrprl ~ I··d h l~nnkR "pre bUrtl ed 1U a I chinos a r e u Red It runs as low aH halt a l~nr ~,~ rlllMd l1te O!N!e'ttJi ' LI' t h" whitt' ill!Jaultilnts , It I~ tru !' gl~an l lc 0 ocuu st. \ ChOt'B Ie on e aud onp·t blrd c e nt s a p~lr. 'bVoe .~ . •1If(,... atdlll~ loft{oiSl)I'(1l tllut IIl a ny o bsl ac l ('~ \\ li t, b'.' (' I! ,\lot. far away frurtl tbes e ru ins. along If thi s e ntire ost were wlpp,l ouf 1~~.QIt8&_ . . . 61BU.'.(11~~" cOlln\(' r ell In thC' "stnhl lslll111' r.1 o f all ~ I a gro'al en'scent 01 t he bank of tlH1 d lffprc llC'e to th e wearer In Ih t' I!li ce for 1\ pair of shops ! a\' . agrir'ultlln' ullun II lIIod\'r1l 1111, I I l hngps. !"b e. lOu6t e r io H>I . Let It b e kn own tbal th e {·"It d· 1l1\1! ba"i~. alld 1II 11c h rt' ll1l1ll1~ III b... l!t.· I s pread.". ,~u t l od.I Y th m ar\el~ of It~ IIho('s. Th e y ~ Imply manufactlln, IT\llc h e r - tJ\ilt " 8 u seU ' tertn luc d through cXlle r im"nUl ti llll. ,'So I I (' III JIIH. It s t ll rrae ed e mbnn knH·nl s.lts tur('nl. They mnk(' upward >! 01 thr ee hun c ti"P@I' bl • .. DI~~ pec ill ll y UH t o lUanurial tn'aun, ' ut and I ,'ast 1ll ~ ht ~ of ~t on e . and ils 'It}' l e~. w eight s ami h inds or s hues rCQ1iI~~1WHtIt Url~ulf'e~.ft • as to t he be!<t vnrlell,'s ()f lIatll'" :IUU b abi es' shoes, chilur (,II's s h oeR. \\'o m e n·l~iIf.-n'MS~~J.WtJlliWk L.._ _ _~=Lforeign pluuts . n ess. shoes fo r society. sho es fo r Indaors and s hoes for '.mtdoo"'a,.,.l Jl~FP.j" Ca nal Zone Fa rm HOUl e . _ _ I w~nr one kind ot Rh oe 111 th e mo r l1t.Ag ~n\\i~o twsr In tho after Odn, I!im'Y ! W ireless .t Panam a. dU! pre nt shoe In tb e even in g. • • .. w ed; 1(' ~.u.~ "'.IUl": o r thl' rlorll1a n l SI'IlS0 tl o f 'f h e propose d wl rel cs~ !<latiOtl at lNoiD Ll/ W ~ If~~ "&11&0 , OQI 4*-.... p,a ntH In Ihe t e mflf, rate zon es . I p a ua ma to be rf'Clp.tI b)" th e \ ' nltod Th e Leliae .li>'Mv.t. ed* 1(1 tAi. A' Tile ~ row lh 01 vegelallon durin g Ihe Stal(,s govtl rnm e nt wi ll be know n a s Mo s t o r th o Ilrlnclpnl machi n es roaM b,<WhoZli~fitI~~_ r:l.lny season Is Ilh e nom p.n a l. A ll I th l' Parl en Ra di o s tation . I n Its ~ooCo mpnny are leuRe d to t h e manufaotur~ a~~. ~~.wtw.Jt.Y of ~ uba nd o ned or unte n a nte d c lear ing Is ' <lru l equIp me n t it w ill duplicate th e : machIn es th ey ma.l(e ca n be bou g h t. .I.C t i,e u ser so-tIeslres. fj~ ,d'" fl ulckly cove r e d wit h a d e nse lAllgle ot stut lon a t Arlln g tun "XCI'IJI Ihat ali i Nat ive Long -Horn Type of C, a tt le. Practlcully a ll of tbe sho e-tactorl et;! In Am e rh:a leaR" their maoillQfllI¥C rapidl y growIng plan ts. whllf' un. three to"' e l's will be 600 rC'l't h l~h" ht'uJI clearly SII(IWII Ihul llw chili l Th is ('u s tom bas come do wn for tb e pasf l1trt" ~8..~~~ .AE'''.C acasou e d fence 110st >l eul ( ro m soft whel-euN :> l ArlIn gto n o nl y one or the i be n('/1t resulting tram n vaca tion of maey dlft'e r e nt kinds of mach in es Ate . .e<AeMIIl .~yb! e~ woo d t rees. drlv l' u lulo. or In lIla ny trio reac hea that h elg bt. th n oth('r ; two o r four we" I;R s pe nt In th n moun . In\'entlo n8 a nd Im p r ove m e nl s arc dAi'h ; : . . M l ' ·aM .... e,' f' 1I IlIl d upon th e ground . tak e t wo bel n ~ I ~O fe e t s borter. The low. : tal n M. at the lak, 's or (In th e seas hore, run tbe rIs k of puttln~ In a De w In vent!~}lI'~f' Iwl ' .t :- !Pf.rl.ti~ 0 Ihe~3:1 . I wb e re there I~ 1111 abs e nc e o f the the Slachlne m Ight bave to be repla~ ''I' ~. 4"'11 SlTIok(' and dust or th e city. Is t o clear che ap nr and more e trtlc t l\·e. . .ull. til '-&t. 00 ,aU·. Jdlll ...~ 'II I Ille h ead a nu lunl(s a nd mak e life TlIlngs we don't kn ow anythln g' 1lbfl~OH a,.""'IIJ NI;;S wort h Ih' lng utllI l onc gel S a ll st u ffed Iler C'~n t'. of manufacturors today very ~~ ~Ie~ ~lfe.n I up aga in with IllP d ea dly e lTlu"lum o f than to pUl'(:hase It olltrlr;ht. BecnUle ·/kjl.\2fll 'bq~~!l- ~l~!be «U: ~~!!~ . el vllizatio n. It is h e lrl Iha t th e gen . bave t o be "scrappe d." ThIs dread nlgh'tinare an oflilm iW#'rua: ntt'c!It'l'fMI , eral e fllclen cr of a com munity Is ap' on tbe Inventory has made many a ~oOd man turn ~ Jtfo~"'~Vj'll pre cillbly low e red und e r s mo ky condl · . Co.' vatJ ~o1..,.t~ ·u . hI Succe .. fut 0 n.. tlons, and that th e ex pe ns e of th e com· ./'0 >111" ~ut-'CIUd_"1J h. 'oo-v'r .• ~"',. mtinlt y In th e ill c reaee u f disease and Tbe bus In ess at th e U nite d Shoe r,w:,~~a~ItlI!-S.~~~~ d eath far ove rbalan ce the industrial examples of success ful co-operntlon. .ln Amer tqy..!ll~ . as t gai n s that co m o from a n unrestrict N I machinery Ie leased , Bnd pays a return only u\\~l"(e 'All! I . I o~ltput of d e nse . black s mok e. the macblnery mus t be at a kInd that \fJI"'li'I~ tfles~.;t_v_" Tho United Shoe Macblnery ComPlOl • ....rtloY ........iM>t.· __ hundnld travellin g machinIsts. wbo are .~IYllP9~ ~ge \N~ Fine Jail Not Needed . cblne ry and seeing tbat It Is k ept up _Vlu\'Jltlft,dowt'Unn.. Idlu...mac n Out hri p. Kin g counl )', T~xn ~ one of like Idle men , yield s no Income. 'tmK" wl'iiiluV},j) ., : 111' fI'll' rf'!I1uining s l a nds of t/{e cattle The United Sboe Macblnery Cc>mpany k ee p constantly In ~~ I IdllgH o:ul rpa l co ,vbo)'H. has 11 $1 .. ,000 a forr. e of about a hundred hlgbly skllli!<il ~~iw~8nllYft!l!llta-M) ..Ork. I j ail which hus n ot "ontalned a King Ing on n ew Ide as, or pe rfe ctlng old' o~~ma~U8IR!i"N nw\%~ l'Olln.t y JlrlsOl~ c r 111 thre.,' yea rs. TIll' !pnoug b. It mu s t b e mad e hetter . , . ~ . ,, 11K> • 00 ' ..db s h e nf! allLl hI S I&.m ll y hv e In the 101" The r e are no soc rc ts around tb e s~:"ia~hfp.e~fllcoiJ~l"'1.m You s ee tbe lov e nlors , tho chemIsts, td~ rM~mn ~t ~e. Cucumbera Ready for Shipment In thousa nd s of b earty, haIlp ), people In tbe s e Md'Mfttiio no~~_, '1 February . Beventy·!lve pe-r cent of th e walls ~elng .81........ e .... II.'t'ArOe. . . . . .ng nnd In 80me at the buildings ninety DN~ , •••u.~ 110() .~ tl.J' C'oot nlltl produc A trees . Many On the Bank. of the Gange • . These great works gIve employmeqlJgJfUP~~ 0$, .t..!b«Y.I1!l ~f'e []ortbe rn !lowe rs a nd vege cs nre ' and no mill In Massacbuse tts or In the' tr'n,red SG pi 8 "t4fM' ,-. ~~ palaces. ail e beyo nd an oth er, till In for~ed by- lhe warm. humid c limate 'I average weekly pay e nv elopo be Ing ·~15.70. .l:ioII ' .jj(&M~t~~ ~CJ.ll.')i lbe far dIstance , the ir forms seem t o Into wood and leaf growth at th e ex· I have "lsi te d many factori es, ,8t~~"""", "'t*;aJte_ ~ UJilted disso lve In dusty ot palpItating pense of bl08soms and fruit. Cow peas I n gold . Hardly a ruling alIo u~e of India Stales and In England, France, Scotlarvll »alm 4. . . . . .fMlWN8 a nd cu cumbers fr uit fai rly well J seen a bIg fa c tory manng ed witb the lNlI~brl\!ielf.le~tQ h.vIldAnle _and but h as he lped In theIr building. For t hrou gbuut tbe rulny season. s o do eanllary con ditions. . . ' .~ToIl(/&.lo ro u r m iles, from Asi Gbat at one 4l nd, n Ilif' It numbe r ot other \·e get nhlos. Tn way of fnctory eQ lllpme nt and ~Il~d *,~~bttt.i!~I1~""'ilstl­ to t'h e o ld Raj Ghal at the otber by Most of tbe Indige nou s pla nls make tutton In America surpasselt this, bu~M, i<i!ffbttlrtii~ttfiJMt 1'~~'~8 the Dullerin bridge, t b e west side at rapid de ve lopme nt until c hec ked by Incidental and Is a matter of Cot1T~. without tuss. frivol or, lIu~O'ICI ", th e r l\'e r presents this great Irregular. t be Bcanl s upply of moisture utte ud all t facade of tb o chIe f city of t h e Hindu S~rvlce the Keyn~,.1f &)~ 1woQ.,., o n the railld drying out or soil s In the r eligion, wblcb clnlms today lUore tbll n dry nCllso n . OwIng to the great Bu r· VIewed trom any and every Jl'o8j\~HB P.£I~ ,.tJh~Ot1's ~OO.OOO,OOO adbe~nts . race Im' quallty ot tbe country and the cblne ry Company has made tb e woJlld .3e or. consuml 1.~1I1b , inThe mIghty rIver baa played st range i mperv iou sness ot -th e c10 yey 6011s, : yen tOni. producera of 11111' IItock. stO<! . ,1M .. ' PW . freaks In flood -tim\!, and, us my boal run-ott Is ex tre me ly ra pid. With a few ! pered, because a great service bOW bee n reiitll ....O ,DtW ' • ..n6Wa~a went slo... ly past the towering cliff days of sun~hlne Il xppsed 80lls d ry out ! baaed on reciprocIty, ' mutuality, a;~-o"' BM""a"b.~ltIHi,.Bl:\. ~ery o( buildings , h ere aod,there I saw huge ilumclently to cuuee excessIve baking Company IB a Bplendld. examl>le of all tbree. It has made ItII wonderfu~ 1lUemas s es of mBsonry sloping at all an· and crackIng. When land Is to lie Snap Bean. Bear ing in February. cess by making It possible for the con a 2 • gleB, and broken tram tbe foundations ' broken by plowing, ad vanta ge shollld beUer sboe tban could he bought a quarte:~~y' ,~J9~ !lye dQ!IJIn. bl! taken of tbe flrs t fa"orable weath e r (lij t part or tbese towers will b e 180 1 tl r part ot th A jail building. (;ut b rlf !IS if by earthquake; carved friezes And, after all. Is not the test of the woo , ~a*~rtlMK6ai~'Ite"ke tt during the latter pa rt of the we t sea- fee t above sea level, and they wll\ haN no county attorney and tb e r e if falllm In t o the watet·, old Inundated I1ve8 to the people? III v/Jw (teI'(i/tjw bastions thrusting decrepit beads be arranged In IL triangl e measuring I ll o t a prnc!lclng attorne y 111 lbe son, du o. care being taken In all caBel ~.....-+,....., above the tId e , wblle the very sleps t hat tb e soil Is In proper condition. 900 feet on each si de. The sending county. of some of the most crowded ghats were rent and riven . tho prevailing ~ on cepllo n of tbe s tra tosph e r e as a r egIon . of gentl e 'Tell. of Los. by Pigeon Poat. wlnd~ . . Phlladelphla. -Dlscovering that sbe bad left valuable jewelry In a bag Ail' c urre nts at a b e.lght of 60 The mOSl remarkable conclusion s Economical Mabel. ' miles above the earth are discusse cJ drawn by l he wrIter relate to th e ve. ! at the Be llevue hotel here, Mrs. P(' rc~· (s Itting on th e parlor sofa Dalliel H . Fergulon, on by .1. Edmund Clark in the Quartllr laclty 'or th e upper wind s al ,"arlolls bOU' tile Journal of the Royal MeteorologIcal levEHs, as Indicate d by th e movement willi Mubcl by bis s lde)-IL's just thIs steluner Glenelk. outside Ute Dela.oclety, on the basis of observaUonll of t b e train. Det-ween th ~ altitUdes wa)', MillS Mab el ; I truly wish to get ware Capes. released a carrier plCeon made ' nt many place s In southern of f9~ and 51 miles the streak lay married . but, abov e all tbings, the girl wblch returned to the home coto on Eng.lond and J10rt~orn .France oC ~be In a wesi wind of o yer 170 miles 80 who consents to' ba my Wife must be Ula F:'ergullQlt farm at Meodltnhall, 1'1\:. with a meslAg9 t elU., of the 10¥drift oC a p~leularly I?rlgbt. and per- bour, wblle at 1>1%. mllee tbe ' ~urrent economical, Mabel-:-sa!. ·PerC)'. ~ble d s cettln:: The h,tel was DoUBed loUtS ttl. j~welt1 illatllnt meteor traln . eeen -' 00 . tbe '''IUI; -almosL fro/II the eaat'. "I~, & ,!8.- nlgbt ot..Febnw,. 22. J9q~: )fr••O~k 10clt1' app.r oachlog 200' mUea an bout" lIltereatlD«~ Walt a iulJDeDt tlU \ til r:.. otit. In tb.9 ~moe .. -:' " liliAMlf ...'! ~II tralD tpf 101. mlol;lJel, Tb.~. eOIIC~U ~ODI -'b&[dl" ~\w1tli do~ th~ .~ . 1"''', I' II"d II I" lll hi lll Ju s l us th l' , 11'UI I" ' r II"ou "a~ IlIJout to fall fro lll I lh 03 .:h, ·" 'a h ~ "Y!'s, til<' mInd of t!l~ rajah IJI t' Utll ~ ,"I I!;h l" II Pd and. pru~ tl'U UII.g hlnh\l:lf III I I, .. du ~ l. lIe c r l>'d , 0 Ul Oh .• '10)11l :11 · uIIl Rt"r . trul." thou are a IIIUIi - ,111,1 IIhllt n l lia tl ~ - I" Iho ~ h fl po ' fll a U"lI st w h er":t ~ I. fhlit II kk ,·dl ;. sOIl~ h t til 1(111 Ih,' (·. I Iun a b~","l-- '''"] n il . 1111\\' RIIIl'iU a h plt~ t: h"l tI"" II l1d" r Ih,· sll :.! l"· or !l lIIall " . ~;lrn,,11I ur l'all1', a K),pat "Iacf> or Ill lgri""I);" . an d th e rt' n 1llitl~ flf tI,.. lllll llahl,'r.1' ;llI el 11 I,,' r blli ldill KH whl r ll 11('1' (> "r,·f· I'd i:1 tll. , elf'''r p,lrk It avl' 11 011 fur SO", .. y,'a r s iJ"C'u in 1111' 1 , t:o Llrs,' , d' px(·al·all o ll . .\ 11101 go t h · (' r dl ";,II; I "1''''' 10111), nOli l''' ([ a sq u llfft chanliJ" r s lI r I'IIl1 'I<l!'ri b y ~ h "rI ('olullIns c onn,' (' I" d by rUI\ A or "id, ' rail s or SlIJI: ' ·. I(I t. ' ' llg'' " Il ;IJII' d ill ~ " ( ' I io n , ' n nt! of Oil ~1)1I 1f' 01 ~ I) (' h (, I'O As· liars cl"C'ulllr I In "d a ll"lI," rar "O' d w ili! I'alll'rll s .



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Archiepiscopa l Feast . . A cor rt's pIJlld('lI l ~" n ll~ 11 :\ t he male-

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rt ~ 1 (a'· " ,1IlIn t' " ~I ""'" h y I I,., AfCh· bl Nhol) of Ynrk In 111\1> : Tliree Ilu n· Thirza Bill lot N o . Ii In MlIollle villfl, anele Women, I. tho Alunlon drpd rplllrler Rn r wh e llt. 3:<0 [II n;< ol' llle. Common Pleas Proceedings I M. de by Lo<aden. Auciioneer Li;..e Sto('k and I/)4 t un ~ of wln('. 1 pill<' IIr sp ice d 1 t ;lltrli May PAul V B Jam ~e B . Ob IO,I'e$r . R I wh, f' . ~n r:1 1 OX" " . I; wild h"I1 >1, 1.00 4 EI P,1Il1. Divoroo . Brewer ttl Ernml\ M. : Th e rl'llln r kubl ! nt·hi rYt' TI1 nts of ~I"" " p , :1 .IHII1 hn f:~, :i"n ,." h ' eM. ~.O OO Posted 0 \1 -pcdi grecs a lld va lul:s of nil Frank Carroll V8 Minnie Houok . Brewer ~verall otslD Lebanon~ 11 :,rnpIIII during thl! l!\ ~l huH Ll' nllll'Y SI . &'\''. :t,"lltl I" ' IJ(l HS. :~ I dt l )t!!'~. 1 1\(1 V (\fl('ot'i .~ :)qd f · I'IIJ1 ~ · !-i . :,!on h Id~ . !! .0I10 ('h l ett· kinds of breed in" stock. Appeal by UO)lt WIlliam E White ot al to Clint ha l'p ch it ·fly bp" 11 the wurk o f iI., (',]u. ( ' I. ri . •i, lt OO I ~ i l- l O ll ~ . " .l,nO l'ilhhit:-4 . ~(}4 Anna. B E'IIIlVtl William J . Fit 9 G . c rIstlotS:'O. 95,\l7, ..~ 8!1~~1\l9 in I'at rtl ~llIl ti: The por't p lay, ,I ill ilA b ll I. '(" ' t, 4,II Ull dll c !( ~ . ·1111) )l(' l'll Il U. ~IHI Experieucc(i in hunJling [ann sales slnct lind Alv",u Hlil!'ore,a!jadwini~hat o r M ·wklDaw ..d \tlu n to un n $1 intl'rnut ion ul life ur ti l\' ~'" I let' ""' X p;I """ '" .t -. ;,t Il1 (J,trt 1" i.I ;: l'~. ·l.u (\l 1 woml· 1905. !It ~ho ellble of Eliu J . t ite, deClIot O . C rist to EII~~ beth E hns hitlil't't o been il~sig-lI ifi (;llli t. T ill ' . cm·lt s , 40(1 plo ""1"8. Itl tl ,·url e\\, . 100 CUtiSM Divor oe lojuootloo . a li. <"''rlst lot No . 85 in Maoklnnw oddl I n ex t ~tl'P in ,lapfill' d p rog rt'ri" ItlLl ~t Qu nlls. lUll ,·gn·!8. 200 r oes. 400 Tarms Reasonable -:- Satisfaction Guaranteed b tl<'kl! . [, .:'IIti \ "nl so ll pa stle d. fi .OOO tlon to Frlln~lin. Sl . • 11)(, lah l'lI by i l ~ l.Jlh'n trd datl ),"lil l' fS, m ony dl slw s o f j" II)', G,O O(l c ustllrd s. 300 Clio' G Cri st Rollin C . Dar for Whl)SL' l"l\lI'liti u n a lo nCT f, )rt' il! n I" IH'. ::011 h '·l UlO!. S s('tt ls. 4 POl'110lS08 8 . B. CrRlg Imd Ptltf'f Ub('rlln VI. ORADUATE OF THE WayneSVille, Ohio PriRclll1l Axman "nd Cbrl6t AXUlan ragh lotI! No . 97, 08. II' 10 ''''okl . tlitl cS, ('~ pl'('inll y in th,. l:tll~tt aw's of nIHJ . ilv tarl s. 1'1, ,,1''' ", .. re 1.000 oorvl · .ATIONAL AUOTION to rH . ,;2 (">I1 k " and ~.J r, "r:lI l1l () n~ . Our naw addlStoD. '0 Fra~kltn, II . th ,' /" T. 'ut n lltions, Ja pa tl hU R tI1ade . Valley Teicphulle 45· 7Amouut Money lind foreol os ur e 1-j·· OOOL OF AMERICA William KlDg to William .Bl1oon . pl'n l'i ;; io ll by t hI ' l'st.a [,1i ~ h II\I'U t dur. ('''rl'l ' ~ Jlu,"IL''t In form8 \18 th a t hl A au· olalmec;l $1 H IO -&0 « th url! I' d,)es II Ut 8tn te in wllnt eire·um· l:it"te of Ohio v~. WIIII"m Brac\en part of 10' No. 507 In Franklin, 11 : iltg t hl' las t '.!5 y purs of ItlnllY pdu ra . 6t :\O C~' 8 tlle di llue r WU S KIV E'Il, or h ow George B . Evanll [lnd Anna E . lional in s tit u t ion ~ for g-i rl ~ a nd wo rn. nillfl Y ~ Hl' S L " u B8pm bk rl . Possibly Two 01l8e8 bond $1000, not fnrnlshed. 1 Exploded Story. Thoma! E. Boover, exeou$or V8 . Moore to Wi1l1am IUDK. 10' No. 507 r n. B ut ,J upnn hltR n ot .I'et {'O llll.' to ~ nm ,' I'elldf' r m ny b .. "hit' to lhrow Un cle Ezra- " lI o wdy. 1 ·~ I l(' \I . JUlH !!/!Itt Ull til " gll bj t' ('t. - L om!oll ni obe. In i'ranklln. $1 . IU R full 1\ realizntio c 118 II't'~ t l' rn n tl. IIIIVld F. Smith et 1'1. Bale oon bnck (rom C ILl\fo rnl ~. I sec . ~'llI s t b e - - - - ..... Elizabe'h 14 and 8 . D. E v erly to I tions havl.' of t hl' oignifi l'lHi '0 nr the firmed 8eUIement ordered . Tell the Ad vertiser you saw his A a great pll\ce. Th('), H~y th l'I'I' 1 ~ Bun · H.alph lllller, lots No. 1, 2, 5 aod 6 ) r olr playe.] by woml' n ,I"; s'H'i al rae. in The Miami Gazette. shine tb ere th e )," 11 1' ·rolll"!." \} n,'le Eb,m-"Thal Is ju ~ t 011 (' or t" l' tII ru lt (l -----4- _ ....- -- Probate Court In WaynelVllle, allOO. . i tors . rt is It C0ll11110n ohQe rvat ion 1n the mlltter of 'he estate of Olive T, EdwludM to Elizabeth M. ' amon g :\rn l' ril'HnS Ihnt til!' CRn't' rs of PRo r'US!' )) A~U ' N ()MI ': NT TO Til E CON· w es t ern yarn H. I'] \" 'r y day I wa s there, along al lh e e nd o r th o u[tol'noon S'I' I'I' U'rIUN UI' OHlO. 8 e lJe Rnblnllon.lmbaoile. ~'1tthand and~ D . Everly 10"' No . 1,2, Gand Japanese (l iplo fflH l i ~ts. \'i~it"r.< lind night ('a me . jus t til,' ~ a l ll" ill> Il IIocs S HORT BULOT FOR STATE OFFICERS. final aoooun L filed and ordered 8UB- e ift WayneavUle. 1406260 . rr Hiul'l1l s in th,' rtlit erl Stall'S ill'/' her e." pauded. Albert R. and May Thompson to ~ 1'(, A t h' furt. llf' rr .] bl' tht-ir wil"" nr D r it t j' S U!t'i' ct bJ' "Ii C. Jt#ro l AIJ,,,,bly of -----t JII.' St ar" 1>/ (l h", . lh r f'e-·6ftI1l of the membcra In the matter of the eatllte of the ClevelRnd, Akron & Cinolnnatl (l:mgh'tct'B who hll"f: g nn" kll ml('tlgf' .k,· ••·,( t ~ ",eli h o" , . concurring 'here ... : rROPOSED AM ENDMJ~N T TO THE CON. ~ " •. n ·., t. 'I'h.,. for the pu."u.c o[ proSTlTU'J'ION uP OHIO. Luoy L GuUery. Proof Ry. Co. lot8 No . 101 Ilnd 1021 in of th,· En~li ~ h I lt tl /{It IlW' IIlId lad in CIIII' , .' ..1 ., hor t b .. llot for I'I t3te offi cl' rs, th e re 1 11;1 11 tJ (' !lUl llllH t co to 1b e dcc t or! of t blS lit ale, EXEMPTING 'USUC BONOS FROII lAXATION. of pllbllollitlon of n ,tloe of appoint MOJrow. 11100. adapt ing- lhernse il" 's 10 :\ IIIl' r i" nn In 1h e: 11I.ltHh'r lJfc..' \'lde\.1 hy law, o n the firet I~y al h :r the (Ifs t M onday In Novembe r, B, it rrsolv.d by tlt t! G,,,,,tJJ A,s.",bly 01 ment of J. A. Runyan 888:1:£ootor Tbomal C. Weloh to Stell", 101 . uHfig es . lo o r .J ap .. n '~ nll a illtl\l' nt o f ~rl ~uc~, U . n prvpfl1il to amend iCl"fio na 1, ~ Ana rIle S la. , 01 DAto : filed !lnd reoorded . Cook. lot No 23 In Hlghlawn Inb · ~o(' in l equ ality wi th wes tem cat io ns 1M ,If a rticle 111 or t he cOlletilutiuD to read SECT IUH L A prOIJoa ition shall be submi t( ullu\\ft : led t o lh~ eiectofl of tbe slate of Ohio, on tbe In the ma"er of the elltate Itf dlvllion Morrow, $tuO. nothing' ('ould IIr morr ur gent thtl n " St: c. 1. The! exec u tive de partment I hall fint Tuesdoy .fter tla. fiul Mondor in NoGo n ... ]'.. t of a f'(u\·c rnor. lie ute na nt go ver no r. vember, Hill, tu amf!nd art icle XlI of the Belle Bobln80n, deoSIJ88d. JOlieph W o. Graham as administrator, lhe l'ti tl ca li on fi nd mon N ni zu( ion of leCfl.'ta r y of s t a l e . audi t o r of ~talCt tr eas urer COIlSt11uta o n of the state of Oh iO by tbe ado t M .Ilt: and . 1 11 ;I lt o r ll ~ y g ene ral. "1 he govern- dilion of section 12, to read at follcws: G, Trimble appointed adminlltr.\Or. w F. W . Ha'hawa,. lot No. 3 In hl' r lI'o m e n. -Bull r ti n of lIll' Japan or :lud l i c: l1 t t' tl .1 n l g O Vl'rntlr s ha ll be ~ e c 1 cd MTlCU XU. on th e fl r~t Tu cS.ta1 u h t r the tint Mondny Boud 'S50. In ventory and apprailMl ' Waynelvllle, $711 . Sodp.t v i n ),;uvern tJcr, !..Iy t~c t'l cc turs of the . tate Fi"oft'. Gild Ta.rOtiOfL HATHAWA'T :Pon ti .a t t h e 1,lac I:1 o f vo t ing for meluberl 01 men. filed. Wlllon Ungle8ny. administrator Sac. 12. Dondl of the It.te of Ohio and of .". • • t he R:C Ilc:ral a!O ~c Tllbly, any city, 'Yill aae. hamlet. count,. road d istri ct In the matter of tbe UIIlgnment to Charlea Thome lot No. 9 anel 12 A Gentle ond EHec tive laxative " StC, 2. The ~ o \'erflor Il nd lieu t('nan t lOY- or to wnsbip in the .tatc.. and honda wued in Wat Iles ville's Lel\dlnv DeDnd ern ur shull hold thei r offices f o r t wo ye3.rI. behalf of th e public Ichoob of Obio and the of Anna C Brewer Private eale in Ridievllle. 1160. T ht:H tum:; o f office 5 h ~\11 comrncnrc o n tbe means of ins truction in conn~ctiDIl therewith Oftice in Keys Bldlt. A mild. gentle lind elTcot.i ve lax · Main 8t ll1 l M Ulld..ty uf January n ex t a iler thei r .ball be exempt from taxation. for oaab ordered . Dennison Untverslty to WllIar I ative is what p eo ple dewl~ud whp n 1t:('(l cl c~ t iLJ Il. dUJ ,n utinu t.: uu t il th e ir s ucccasorl S' CTION 2. Tbat tbi . amendment Iball take c1 ec t f'd a nd flu allfitd , eRec t a nd be in force from and a fter ita In the matter of 'he eet.te of ICr. C. Ungleeby la' No. 812 in Fnnklin , s ulJering (roUl ooostlpalion. ThouH. ar c" S~C, T he IlU\'t:fllor shan appoint tbe adoption. andl! s welir by Dr . King'" New Lire Icr rc Utry Ittof 8tute. auJitor of slate. trt: ~ urer C. 1.. SWAIN. neet; V., Artbur L and Emerson N. ,650 . BARNHART, Pills Hu~h 1'nllmliD, of ~lin Auto. of tilat c:. anJ a lt ornCU' gCllcra l. a nd shaH have Sp.GJt" 0/110. H o~u of 'lIIivtl. OberUn, minora . 8eoond aoooont W. B Jobnll'on admlnlatrator tc nio, Tex . writllH : "'l'bey a r e . b e yond autho rity t o r t:! lHove any o f said officials 10 HuolJ 1.. N,CH OL. , o~'J)U int('d . Uv ery offi('c r b oldin g office lJy eJecPruid.", of 1M S."aI"1 Notary Public filed and orderdeulpended. L, C. and El\z.beth F, Llecb$y, 50?;; question . the bes t pills my wifo and tl OIl ..'ben this n m ~lld l nen l is adopted ab:lll A..topled April 18th. 1913. co ntinue ' t o hold luch office for the full term I In ,he ma'ter of ,he estate of aorea ill Funk tin townehlp, 12921. 75 I hIS ve ever til ~ eo" They n ever fo r which he was eleC' terl gnd until hit IUe- UH1T ! D STAT£! 0 ' Awta JCA, STAn 0' 0 '"0. All kind" of N otary Work Penilion c~.IIor shall have been e lec ted or ap,poioted William fl Clement, deoeued. Walter B. Jfordy08 ,. Henry Sad_ oa118e pai n . Prioe 2jo at. dru ~li1ll!tll and Office of the Socr«ary of Slate. Work · I) ::;penillltv . hat 'luali fi ed os pro v alcd by law. ' or by mail, B E Buoklen & Co . . I, CliAS. H. GRAVES. Secrelory of SI.te S t: 4=TIOH 2. At s uc h e lectio n this amend8eventeantb aoooont not dltld prop dler 32 aoree of land in Salem town Pblladelphili or !:It. Louis. ment et..11 b. I?laced on the offici.1 ball ot in the of the State 01 Ohio. do hereby « rtHy that the foregoi ns ia on exempli fled cop),. ('a rt!f ul1y manner prcsc rtilcd by law aa "ARTICLE 11!.. erly i ordered to liled anotber, wblob Iblp, ,a. ----- --SI':C TlON S I. 2 .n,1 Ig - T ilE SilO II I comp:Hed by me with tbe oriainal rolla nnw waS done Frank V. and Clara F. 8titt to BALl,OT 1'0 1{ STAl'~ Ot'l' ICI::1I.5". or in on file in t his office and ;n my officla.1 custody olbe r languQae s ufficient to designa tt: it dea rl y, al Secretary of St3te a.nd found to be true III the matter of 'he eetate of Benry L, Bekman lot No . 169 In THE ONLY WAY and if 1\ maj or ity of the clect on voti ng en the :'lnd co rrect{ of a. j oint re solution, ndofted by SRme shall aJ upl s uch Dmendment, Icctions 11 the Genera Assembly of the St.te 0 Ohlo, Jam.. MoMullen, deoeaeed, W, lIa.on, $1, Z an ti 18 hercmahove eet fo rth a hall on BnU on tb. IXth day 01 April, A. D. 1913, anQ \ afte r the fir s t da.y of J a.n uary, 1914. become filed In th is office on the 30th d.y 01 April, Funeral Dirvctor Obelter Maple appolnkM1 O.ksr F. Tbomp80n to G F . a nt.1 constit ute th~ 8('cti ons 80 ame nded of A. D. 19\J, entitled "Joint Resoluti on to and Embalmer, nniclle [11 o r the con s litut io n of the I tate of Amend Article Xli of the Con. titution of trator. Bond $1000. lAwrence Bahr. Brown lot No. 40e in Boutb Park Oh io a nd ' originol sect ions 1, 2 and 18 Ohio by Ihc adoption of Section 12". IN T E5Tn. o HY WIf I.toO., I have hert-unto George K. Brown and W, D. Wbite lobdlvillon to Lebanon, 14 llulll be repealed and annulled. Waynesville. Ohlo~ s uhsc ribed IlIf nam(' a nd aflised my official C. L. SWAt 1<, appoinWc1 appral",ra, Iubelle L . Thomu to Wnford C ... 1 at the City of Colnmbuo. ·Obio. tbia 191h Sj~,GJt.r of 'u HOlls. of Rtp ..... 'a,i"'L day of June. A. D. 1913. In the maUer of 'be elate of Hathaw.y lote No. 20 and 2a and IiUGIJ L. NICIIOLS, Call answered promptly day or nij{ht. CBAS. R Guvts, P,uid.", 0/ 1M S."a'.. S .culory of SIal.. Both phones in Office and Residence. Niobol.. Archdeaoon deoe...ed. IraoUooal loll No. 12 and 21 In Adllpted April 18th. J9lJ. (ScaI] Long distance,No. 14; Home phone Ulflr~J) STArU 0' A.. hJC:", ~Ie btl11n tbtl Cl8a.e flied. allo ftnt liar row, 'I, Sr..1'£ 0' Ou 10. AUTHORIZATION 01' PUBlICUION. 14.2r. alld flna1aoooun' Thomal Weloh '0 A. and R Office of the Secretary of State. D'~Grl,",,,, of P"blic Pri"';"/1 of Ohio. Chairs and one Coach furnished free r. I: IIAS. H. CRAVES. Secretary of litate Publi c~ tion of Ihe above l'ropoled amud. In 'be ai.tter of 'he "ate 01 MoKi.ney leta Mo . 28 and 29 in with funerals. of Ibe State of "Ohio, do hereby certily tbat tbe menl to tbe Conotitulion of Ohio. undcr Secforeaoin~ ia an c~cmpli6ed c~py, ~ Breful1y tion 3 of nn let entitled. "An act rclatinr to Best of service guaranteed. Sopbla TAD Den-ear, cle0eue4, Bl,lllawD subdivillioll to Morrow. complll r~ b>: me With t~e ori(1nal r olls now c ~ rtai n prooosed amemlmcnll to the ConatitlJ; On fII .. 10 tbJl office and In my offidal cuatody tion of Ohio and tbe publication thereof . Proof 0,' pobUoaUon of DoUae of lip- $10. .. Secretary of S1a1e and fo!,nd to be true "",.ed by the Gene~al A... robly of Ohio. April pointment of Orion P. Bwadzel.1 Sarab Huttn to Eltel1a and Addie and c,orrect, of a JOint reoolullon. adored by J 211, 1913, il authoflled by the Department of the Gelleral Auerobly of the . State 0 Ohio, Public Priotilll/ o( the St... of Ohio. ueoutor. flied. . Mu"n 18 aoree of 1aod alon, Miami 0 .. "'. A••il.. ... n. . 1913. alld, " ', .• - •. ' . ~ ' FU>lx 11.0...... filed in thil office on tbe 30th da,. o[ April. Sup,.viso, 01 Polllic Pri",i"g. In the matter of the wlll of EU... river $1. A. D. 1913. entitled "Join. reoolution proP} inl a.m, amendment to .cetion. 1 2 and 18 beth D, eolle&!. dooeaul. WllI died, lJorenlO P. Bercaw \0 Henry and Irticl.. III of the eonltitution of the State PROPOS ED AMENDMENT TO THE CON· Osteopathic Ph~8ician Obio. relau.e to the Ielcetion of loycrno, ST1TUTION OP OHIO.' In 'he lDII'ter of lbe esta.. of Aliae aamel, two traot, of land, $1. and otber lUte office".'~ 21 Broadway Phone 449 I/O Tur t .. ollY WK,nop. I have hereunto ELIGIBILITY OF WOllEN TO CERTAIN OFFICE.. EltzabeUl aaioee, Hnedoiary. 8eoFrederlok E, Baleman to Mary , 'Iublclibed my name, Ind aflixed my ollicial S, it , . solv.4 hy ,10, e ....ral Alu",bly Lebanon. Ohio ond aooOUD' died and ordered lOll. A. Obamberlln, lot No ,09 in Lebleal at the Citl. of Columbua. Ohio, this 19th of Oloio : Tbree-fiftb. of tbe member day of June, D, 1913. elected to eacb Houe concurrlna there in: pended, Don, I • . Horan-Ah' well, no wan kin pre••• CRAS. H. GUv.s. Tbat for tbe purpooe of procurins the ~liflbllity S '''''4f'1 of SIal.. of women to certain offices, a proposa I hnJl In the )DaUer of tbe Mate of T, Thom. . I: Boover exeoutor, to vint w'at's psst an ' gone. BRANCH OFFICE [Seall b~ .ubmltted to tbe electon of thl. Itate ia J. BalnM, beneflolar,. Second ao Benry II. Ueoker lot No, 81 in Do ran-Ye could if ye only acted the manner provided by law, on the fint Tue. Waynesville, Ohio AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION, day after the fint Monday n November, 1913. oonnt filed and ordered lupended. Bprlngboro, $2'10. quiek enough. D.po,1",u' of Public Pri,,'i"/1 0/ Oloio. to amend the eon.titution of the llate by Publicatio n of the above proposed amendTuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 nmending utlcle XV. section 4. thereof 10 Horan-Go 'long, man I How ment to the Conltitution of Obio. und er See- th.1 it will read u followa: In tbe matter of Ule 10ardlaDabip Karla Uook '0 JOlla'ban Cook to 12 o'clock t ion ~~ of an act entitled. "An a.ct relating to Sec. 4. No penon Iball be elected or apof George Sbu"., oonfined In the lll~ aor_:of land in Wayne town could yer? certa in propoled amendment. to the Con. titu- pointed to any office in tbls It.te unlc., po. Doran- Stop it before it happeIl8. t ion of Ohio and tbe pub1ieatjon tbereof," ..a.ed of Ihe qu alification. of an elector; pro- Office, corner Main and High streets Dayton B08pial' Robed Ihlp, St, . pas.~d by the wneral k.embly of Ohio. April vided thnt women who are citizens may be a~ Phone No .. 100 t3boU. applied to be appointed, John U, lleedle to Mary •. Beedle . 28. IIIIJ, i. Buthorizcd by the Department of pointed a. memben of board. of. or to posl· - -- PuIJlic Prinli ng of the State of Ohio. tions in. those departments and imtitutiona e .. noU08 of tbls applloaJlon 18 hereby 10& No.6 la 800'h Lebanon, f •. t.bli.hcd by Ihe . t.te or .ny political aubraA"K Huon. Bnbsoribe for the Miami Gazette. SUp.nAsO' 0/ Public P,;,,';n/l. division thereof involving the interests or care ,iven bls next of ktn, Wlllla. B. lIoCaln to Sadie B. of women or children or both_ ------~.~-~.~-----S.CTION 2. At aucb el~ction tb la am~nd­ In the matter. of eetatel for se" 1.. Ruffner '6 aores In Tur'l.oreek PROPOS ED AMENDMENT TO TH E CON. ment sball be placed on the official ballol in Eczema and itching Cured STITUTION OF OHIO. tb~ mnnne •. preacribcd by law ai "ARTICLE menli. Proof of pobUoa"on of notloe townlbip $1. XV, SJ;;CTION 4 - ~LICIBILITY 0' Veterlnarv 'HOIRT BALLOT FOR COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP of th8118 est"l81 ..Ii for bearing On Rebeooa i:5oroggy '0 Raymund The sootbtbfJ. healing medloati'oD WOMF.N TO APPOINTMF.NT AS MEM· OFFICERS, BERS OF BOARDS OF OR POSITIONS B b 'f 1 t N 43 in Bar. In Dr . Hobson's Eczema Ointment tbe lS'b day of October fllad, roo par a a o. penetratee every tiny pore of the. I~ DEPARTMENT ANb INSTITUTIONS B~ it ,esolvtd b, Ih. e,~,., A ...",bly OR CARING FOR, WOMF.N Graduate of Ohio 51nl SJlat. of three·6ftlls of the membe ... Al"FECTINC In $he matter of 'he es'ate or veYlbore, ,15' 8kln, olears It of all ImpnritlesAND CHILDREN", or in ot~er I.~alle ~ulll· of each bouse c oncurrins therein: to clearly duliinale it. and If • majorit, A~Ulur B. Boff, de08....1, Proof of Simon r"hme to Sidney Allmeyer atop. itching instantly . Dr. Bob SECTION 1. That for the purpose of pro- dent the elcetora .otina on the lame ahall adopt euring a ahort ballot for county and town· of pubUoation of no"08 of appoint- lot No. 141040 in .I!'rankUn, 1750 son'. Eczema OIn'ment 18 gnar~n. ,bip luch amendment. a~ction 4 hereinabon Ht Office at redidence in F. 11 Sher. "fficcra, there shall be lubmitted to the aball on and .fler the firat day of Ta", . , f Oh 1 H ff d I i Benry MoCabe to Mary Yoong t~ed '0 speedily heal eczema, ra~~es eleeton of thi. lIate, in the manner provided fortb uary, 1914, bccomn and constitute the sectioa wood's hOUBe, Fourth Street. ' men 0 ar 811 0 ... a m n.. . ' ringworm, tt!Uer and ot,her nD . by law. on the first Tuesday ufter the /int '0 amended of article XV of the conltilutloD &fondny in N ovember, 1913, a pro.P'olal to trator flIed, put of 10' No. :.71 In Franklin, 160n. sightly eruptions. Eozema Ollit. rep~al s (!ctionl 3, 4 a nd , of article X of tbe of Ih~ It.ate of Ohio and laid orillnal lcetioll Tl:lephone 28 .In the matter of tbe lllia. of Wa1wr 8. Sqnler to Paol Behm ment 18 a dnotor'lI prel!(lrip~ion, not cODftil ution and to amend secdonl 1 and 2 4 lhall be repealed and annulled. C. L. S..... I<. of 5ucb article to read .. follo,,": Nioholas Arobdeaoon, deoeased, lot'No. 731n Maoklnaw addition to an experlmen$ All druggil!ts or by Sp.ahr all'" Ho ..... 01 R,'r... "Sr.c. L Law. ma)' be .pro'ridinR for Waynesville. rranklia, 11. mail, 600 Pfe1ffer Chamloal Co. , the election or apPointment a.nd terms of aU HUG" L. NIC:BOU. • Ohio luch It ounty and t ownship oflicer8 u ma, be tI/ ,10, s lIo".rd Archdeaoon'e religna"on Philadelpbla aDd t;t. Loull!. ne ctuary, which office,. Ihall have such pDwer Adopted AprD 18th. 1913. u e:xeoo.tor llooepted. Tbomu Mil Lonl. Ii' Paohod Barry U. • _ • of loea) ta xa lion, for police purpolea, u maJ UNlTlI> STATU 0' A....le:.\, b. l1.r".c riIJed by I.w. . ler appointed, 80nd t7000. Cryer'liO aorell and 70 polel of land STATE or 0010, "S EC. 2. L""," lIUly be p.ued providinS Office of the Secretary of Stale. for a fo rm of goyernmcnt for Bnd In 'lae matter of .be ..'ate of naar Loveland, I, CliAS. H. 'CRA YES, Secretary of Stote the township' therein. of Ihe Slate of Ohio. do hereby certify that tho SEC'rl ON 2. At l uch "!cetion Ihll amend. Ed" ud 8. Cones, deoeaaed. Privat. " MarrIage Lk:eoaes ment aha II be placed on tbe official ballot io foregoing ie an exemplified cOPl, carefull, Funeral Director. compared by me with the ori"inal rolla noW the man ner pre.cribcd by law e. "ARTICLE lale ordered aad for cuh. lnnn. t'barles Lealie Bolmer:23. aoooun. SE:CTfONS 1 and 2 - SHORT BALLOT on f,le in this office nnd In my official cuslody I will offer at pu bllo "ale at .my X. .. Secrctory of State and found to be true FOR COUNTY AND TOW NSIJIP OP· tory and appraisement fl1.d. taD' of DetroU, Mloh., to Misa Mary resldenoe 3 miles Routb at New FI CER S" o r in other language !ufficlent to and correct! of • joint reoolution, adopted by Telephonll day or ull(bt. In tbe maner of 'he ..taMi 01 ICltzabetb IUok81 21, of Lebanon . Burlington, and 2 miles west of designate it clearly, Dnd if a malori!1 of the the Genera A..embly of the Scate 01 Ohio, Valley phone No. J . r~ng electors voting on the arne -Ihal adopt lucb on tbe 18th dJ!J of April. A. D. 191J. ana Alice Dltmare, ImbeoUe. Nlntb ao Rev.~, oJ, .eatl•. Klngm"n, on the Camby Mill road, amendment, \ecl ion.s I and 2 hereinabove let filed in thll ollice on tbe 30th day, of April, Distance No 69-2r, A. D. 1913, entitled "Jolnl Resolulion rela· forth ,b. II on and after the first day of oOUBt filed and ordered ....psnded . Waner W. l'a110r 11. farmer of on • Jonunry• . 1914, become and eonatitute tbe ti,,~ to tbe clelfbllity of women to certain "cliona so amended of artide X of tbe consti· offices." Thursday, October 30, 1911 In the maU"r of tbe will of Geo, Bpriagboro '0 14188 Ell. May Earn IN T••T ... ONY W"lnop. I baYe hereunto Automobile 8ervlce at all Time. tution of the atate of Obio and leld origillal t ions 1 and 2, and al.o lecliona 3, .. and 7 luhacrib~d mT name and affixed my qJlic ial W. Froea, deoeued, wm admlt'ed .... ,,- r.• II ,0f Leba non. R sv . J . R • Beginning at 10 n 'oloolr, the fol sec of such article, and alao lcetlon 16 of article leat at the City of Columb.... Ohio, this 19tb to probate. Wynd. lowing: Borses, oattle, bogs, f.rm IV. shall be repealed and annulled. da, of 1 uno. A. D, 1!113. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • DrAa. H. GUYU • C. I.. S.,.8. Ing Implements and hoosehold Real Eitate TraDlfen William B. Bnell 22, farmer of S.crllGl:1 0/ ~'oI.. Sp,oI", 0/ ,,.. HotU. of R,t~'I'.'GIiIl'" Branch Offiee, HaneJllbara. O. goodl t:lee bills for terms, [Seall HUOR L. NrCBOI.I. Franklin '0 IIlal Eftle B . l'arria, %3, B. F . MilIa. P,,,id,., 0/ ,10, S,MI,. lIay F, and Fraak V, ~t1oklemaD AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. of Franklin. Rev. N. tlwea' . Adopted April 18th. 1913. Wm Mms, Auot . D,/>orl"",,,, of Pabllc Prillli"/l 0/ Olllo. to Charlel E . Eaton, eaa~ part of lot UI<I'I'ItD STAT.. o. AXUIe£. Grover C. Rogg. 11, railroad fire· Publication of tho above propoled amend, STATe o. 01110, DR. J. W. MILLER, No. 546 In Franklln, Oblo, tl, ment to tb. Conltitution of Ohio. under Se.. Office o[ tbe Secretary of State. man of Day'on. Ky., tc Mias Tbeation 3 of an act entitled, "AD act relating to lIabel H . and Ur. Bntab.r to I. CHAS. R GJiAv~S. Scerdary of Statt certain propoled amendments to the Constitu· dOlha A.rmaOOl& 18, of Lebanon . of the State of Ohio. do hereby certify that tbe tion of Oblo and the publication the,reof," . •• DENTIST••• foreaoiins i. an exemplHied copy, carefully paaaed hy the Aalemb1y of Ohio. April compned by me witb the on.tnal roll, now 28, 191~ i. autborized b.. the Department of Commillionlrl' Proceeding. on file In tbll nffice and in my official cultod, Public rrintinl of the State of Ohio. as Secretary of State and found to be true !"UH x HAa •••• and ..,rroct of a Joint relolution. ador~d by SN~.rt!Uor 0/ Public Pri"",.,. the Ge,nerar A..~mbl, of the St.t. 0 Obio, on t.h.. 18th day of Ap,U. A. D. 1913, ana filed It. thl' office on tile 30tb day of April. A. D. 1913, entitled "Joint Reaolutlon P,.. 1>00inS en At1\endment to Article X of the Conltltutlon of the State of Ohio, ,clad" to eount,. and toWlllblp oraanl••tlon.... I. ~rIlT'M08Y W...IO., I bue bereunto lubteribcd 1!!7 Da!.I>C.. end af1ixed m:r official aeal at tbe OIl' of CoJumlNl, Oblo. thla 1~ Tal O"IIATUT daJ of JUII" A. D. 1~!,..

___.,.,.".""._ _.,.,.,.."...._ ..."" .. _ ............,.._ _........_ _..........."'."""'.,.,.".•..,.•..-_ ......".• .".•..,.........._._-""'........- •.".•..,..,. ; It Will Be for a Broader Life for Jap-



... - ..



D:..o H E

E. v.

- ..



Dr. Heber M. Dill


,"" S'a'.


-----. -..

Dr. J. A .. McCoy,






",,,Ii,,,,. ., 111..


Public Sale

Walter McClure





Ian., 01 SfoI&


",.IJrl",.,., ., Pili". Publicatloo' of the .,"",e

AUlIIOllllno. 0' PUBLlCATlO••


~T. "'00 1IAI ment t.O tho Conotltutlo. of Oblo, nnde. Soo IIOnU, DItUOOiiii. IPIOIAUI-n, tion 3 of en ad entld4d, o.An act ret.tlnl III OQITUMIItI, TItA • .IPIIto OA. . ftrtalo propooed. emen4Jli...ta to the Co...t1~ AND .UI I."YIOI OAM PROIfI":' tloil of Ohio and the pablf..tlon th~ Ulllea A..Y,.IlTI...~ .OO..~M ..I .paoaed by the Generat A..emblJ of Ohio, Apnl 28, 19 J!r fa autborlqcl )I)' cIae neo.~t III SAMPLE COPY FREE ' PubUe rrintlna of the .State 0-' Olilo. . P~ 6f oWo. I!~ amen,,"







. . ... II. . YO"I' OUPP~. ,r.'

' .... ,~ .. ~.



1 I




l'ubU. bod

Woeklll at





' New Burlln&ton

Come and see the finest assortment of

Acel...... Whll. Ca.tln,,<:annon ... .,IW In Foundatl.n Prtlleftt .nlllih Gun tractor)'.


. Baneylbur&'.


' w. our preleDt aneD&l .. "colwich to aD IICcl4e1lt. Tbe 10","a.Dt bad' a ,UD fOUDClIT ID MOOI'lIeldl. wllere. UPOIl one ooouloo. ID the y..,. 1711. a dlotlqullb04 ~ _r. ptbered toptbw to w1bM1_ tile o.....tloD or caltlne • w.. e&lUlOD. 8 1liiIe Uop), . .... • .. ...• .. . •.• . •. .. . , .01 A YOIlD. torelper. Damed 8chlacb, ftO IMml to han ~eell almllllt .. OOTODE R n. lUI _tire Itrnncer. but wb:> " . . "all I _____________ Qllalllte4 with the dMall. of CUUDI. DoUced that one of tb. mold. 11114 DaD Pri$Obard, of XeDl., w.. re Ira A. a.rhOOk, ot Da,.'OD, Galled been In.ul!lcl.nU, dried. and warDed PAID DEARLY ~O. KI", D.wiD,olel aoqaaiD&aDOM ben .... OD h .. wif. Wuad.,. who I. eDPI- the molden a.aln.t ualne It. TIl., _ w ••k . to 'h. milliner, bul. . . laen. ' dl.,..,.rcled hi. .."Ice•••4 wllea he A story of • Ida .hich cost. t'he Delta AI,la. 01. . w •• pi.... 'J'h' Jo ...eaile 000" I. 'bt.ooOD',. . " that h. coul4 BOt ,re"all UllOa man his lite told .t a Bouthwark eDMrtalDld ., ,he bome or b .. bee. baa., In ahll TiolDla., .Dd =.I~ w~~II:~t I=:-t;?y (England) inqueet a few day. ~. NanDle Hbambaa,h. 8a'ordaJ' eTeah ••• pl.Da, of work; tile canDOIl ·wa. aut. A. tentble The victim WIll William Kiug, ~ ID,. ao ...D., ,11'1. r1llUllq ab ••'ree$l u,IooIOil occurrecl wb.1l the molt_ fitty-eeven, of Kennington. An at- Ou oOJDmo.tI~ . . . .booked ..." 'wheD 'h.y .lIould be a' home. .etal " I bed Into the w.t mold. 0'" tractive young widow, lire. King, .acJdllllCl bJ' 'be dl.lh of IIr•• II Joel M..a-. of X.nla, oaU" OD I.. to the ludden ..neratlo. of. 1.1Il ~ K' ta. ~.,. "" that could and DO outlet. a.d .."eral · wh0 was DO t a re1a t lve 01 lDi,' .,. II. ICarubart. Sbl 10-.1 ....... t-- h.n "M anDda_. 01 ....._" # perlOIll were killed ..4 a ~e DUmed tha~ the latter w.. in the habit memba of sh. . . E olaarab here Vh.., WoodaOD aDd PbUlp Ward ber Injured. of aeemg her home. On a . JeOeDt aDd hlably came dO~D from Da7&oD tiaad.,. to It I, oald that learcb w.. made ror Mentor and Phenix In fine evening they went up the digbt of Re •• Wm. Wei', of WIIIISvill.....1." rela'in••Dd frlead.. ... lDaD whoa. pre4lctlOllI bad beea .t-. le&diu to the door and Itood 10 painfully verlfted. and tbat the 10'" Supply. -r:g • Ohio, wbo I. vi.Ulaa her. b.ld Hr · ".1 ...111 "homaller 'raneao..cs baal .rnmenl employed blm to .d~I" t&1kmg on the top. There 'waa. I t 'b I' I .a_ h b W_.o -"in ... 0111 D 8 reo... 0 uo ON D . . . ta WllmiDlk»• •'urd.,..aboul the belt mode of preYent n, L.u g 011 the right of the ItepI, bat DIId.y eveDIDIr. ncb aecldeDU In tuture. TIle Nlult on the left side there ... ooly. Chu. lIend.Db.ll h . . .old hi. U I. ramorlCl aha' we an '0 have . .1 that MoorfIe14. w. ,,'fell up .. coping. about 18 inchea bigh. .u\omobUe k» J. O. ComploD ...d • "lCIdta,lD 'b. DMr ra'Dr.ID 'bl. a lIt. of • ~n foundry altocetller. hold ot the ..... wma&D noroh---A. D.- one. TiolnitJ', wbiob wlll &ate from oar lu4 upon hll adylce the ..tabUlhlDeDl ~ --r --.. . . . . remowed to the Warren at Woos. to baa hBr goodDight, aDd .. he 4id Chu. HayllM .od fawly, of Dear eoolal atrole ou of,.. ·.t~-LoD40n Tlt-Blta. 10 they overbalaneed and tell Ole Wllmu."on, wer. HODda"oe." of Mn. ADo. SabID. of X.Dla, .peDI ~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!! the stain. KiD(. abll .... fbo. Hay Can .ad faIOU~. 8aDd.J' ID 'ble TloIDl',. lin. INblD tU1'eIiI. Jae'aa B ..... &D4 f.mllJ', 01 II a Dteoe of ODe of .ar .ftltaMd AclII • - • XIIlla, lpea' 8aad.,. bere. oi"-D1 A. C. W.. rt, Ibe uvtDI .................................- .............................- . - - - With the new Trlmmln,. They Make You Feel QoocI Mr .•Dd lin. J. O• • •i... of 'he l~rDe4 of ItlI cll...b1U'~ came t. lei 'lda,,111 be undew ..18 for hta twenty·lI" centl few lIIne lDMrUou The plealaDI poraa"ve etr." pro. aa...r'. Creek Dlltlaborlloecl.n • .laln ualna not II>Ore tlaall aullneo. IIr. aDd lin. OIl... lIaddeD .... duoecl tty Oham~erlalo·. lht» panD&' of • d.aabMr BellD. the h __J'b,. ooDeli'loo of bod,. .ad (''hllter TOWD.hlp I. GOaT... eoa ",OIlD w.... Da~D 11lII" TaN. '""""'¥' mlDd w'blob 'he., orea.. mat. olle . W " ........n teel JOJ'fol. J'or ...1. b,. .n d_Iera. Uoa will be laeld ID the ....1.1148 II . . . . . . .k. 44.... .,..,. • • • ohuoh, "DD"~ ar ..neoa. The leTlnl of oar mOIl' pop.lar oollD~ oftloer will be pJ"8I4IQI aad una were before 'b. gr.nd jarJ' SMALL round top drop.l ..f 8:1. OUTWIT LAZY OI'IfICIAI,;, ... ID..I'II"D' ...." . II .DUalpa.... lu' WMk. • "ulO1l ... biA IDqul".' ~lal. Ilr. aDd lin. Olareaoe IiImtth. of ' J'rtqUD'I~ the Atel 8oolI'~ of odJloa. 0211 An amusing .tory ie being told Nemo. Warner, Ferris 10 Paris of • member of the gotem- Co.,ta-'<m, J[~., .n ,be aUit. of '~ nolat'" hu bad UWDUOD of ,.. ooD liEN for Waists, Sheer Ruffles ' ment who, while dC9'Oted to the acti?e rel.tIT.. here. 'II r hu'le aDd able baeID• • • blll~ ~~ NO. .aEVIOU8 iln.•rad~ .ad dalllhter Ka'1I ID MODrtD« mOD.~ for ~"e up keep !mOE NIlO&tI8ABY. A"r.o'he side of hie departmental work, greatly d.islikea the drudgery of the end- erlpe, of IIlamI.bug were weet .od of th. II. 1:. obaroh. U" 'broqb for IbOM who proTe 'Item th. Ilame of A. B. llarl... ~r .1I'0n. 'h.' ,btl oharoll .st.... HITIi .fIlolen' . 8 ...d7 work. Ap le88ligning of official document. and lla. II... OD. . . .d caD be IIlrJ' promp'ly Sb. A. A. HlmODde 14 baa latterly taken e&I'I to be at.Dt ua f.mll,.. HoG 8ammlU'. & ~ .. Ill. Sanb B.~dook .. oo"De4 beard lliD1iD1 'hi eoD, .. Le' tile !'laoe. Da~~D••blo. from the oftJce ..hentmrl' • pn. of .11 worll:," aDd tor la, papera has come iD for hie Iipatun. to her Itom. wisll •• _,&&ott of lliTIi WOlD.. 40 To cut ofl hiI retreat, the departTbo-F-.-_n-v:':-·":' MedIdDe a.~ Dtlh' Ooaober Ii tile WOlDlD 1004I1OODd-haDd haa"D, mental officiala hi", DOW iDItzaded --" - a u will"" a 'rIP throqll aacl &rOaod mo.' be la pod ooDdltiOD. .D .Te" 110m. tIt.n .b01l14 be • 01 Ib leacU 01.... I ...... IIDcl0in., W. om.. 0 III the attendant. to hide the mbUater'. of Dr. ][tD," Nlw DlIooTl~ ~ e III D : E . . h.t all lOOn u he enters the ba1l4iDg. ....4' ror lm..e4l... 118. wheD "D~ ~=. Uld ~OD an o.lrdlall,. taylted. When he to eecape. and ringI UMlmber of ,be, GOD. ."". .If nporte an th. PIDD.,.IroR IJALB EVERLASTING 8BEET8 aD. PILLOW CA8ES for III .tteDdlllt in order to uk what oold or. ooqh. Promp' 1111 will ..... B. B. 0 . . . till propoaecl ro.d anacI. of a lIIlootb. .edi1lJll w",llt. III.tlne, .anafad1ll'ell of baa become of hia hat, the. oftlcial. .sop til. Ipree:l 01 "olD... B. A noatDI 'broqh thle TIoiDl'~ ...el of IIlob .• wrt... : "Il~ UROO MARa, elllibl. to ,..... .pedal., MleeWeeUoll, wlllda aak.. tile_ lut 10DPr than aDY at a .ignal all troop in, each with aI,t. .ilo\e falDtl~ depeade apoD Dr. wI~1 be oompl.ted matlq" .~nl _ SrJ••' tarm... pdoee. pow'bJ' .... peete mad. at ••,t.Iaiq lIke·tIle . . .e priee. TIley will anna full of documeata, and the miDNlw 0lI00Y1r7 .. tile bee, milA poner from DlDclDJla" . ., . . . loed boD. 01111. For ....Un .... filii. tlllct and lI.yY, makiDc • •.,., d..irable . Iheet for iSter .urreMen to the u.syltabl&. ooGirb and 0014 m"lola. ID tbe ~ ,be road tII.~ ..n.ow .pent. 11," laqaln of B. Eo &tot... IaoW .... wudd "'wo 100 bo'.... "red.e ~. ' If tIIlIlON tbroqh .. npora.. D~U•• Oblo. · D& of" ~n"om ·ala" TltODl&D4ll .f~:-1: Chronic other ramll ... baTi ...... tqaall~ tbii ftla of oar properi~ will be Tli. followlo, ulOlioUed . ." beD.llIed auli d.PfI1ld _ .....I~ apOD ~"'Id,.' will pa, D•• life .. oar STOV&-A IIoocl ltaaUq dcmt lD 1D0Dlal.boold oerlalDlF be I+leoa Dr. JDq'. "IIOO~ to 01lN at*.-' ud 'u" wtll ' ..I ....' tiler tl~ eonUiOD. lDq.. reD '0 lI...e bope .oel OOOnv8 , • perIOD. tbelr ooqb.a, 001,1-. ad I.... IaaTl~'" aptD. On •• de • .. ftlto&ecl wi", ohroalo cl~ "pepe"': b'oobl.. JC ....r' dOtie hel,.. PrIoI. . . . .dalDl to ...... tD ....... '" 11,0 J:"J:8-0paa Wool. elnqDl" •• ( b"n beaD a ohroDlo d"pepUO 100 aDCl$l.OO. ...I.I'a....... B. & • _ • a of Jam. V..D••noora, ".~ for ,oara•• of .U 'II. mediol•• I B1loIlI.D. Co. I'btladelpbla or .1. Jaj'!"llle, B. I. pblD. au. D IS ba ... &aklD. CbelDberlaiD'. Tabl.$1 Lo1llI. •• , ~"oIcI SedatIve ~ Me41dae .. . . ft· dODe me more IOOd ,Jiua ...~ It ~OQ to GOD,rt"M 4treo"~ Caenr'a Creek 'hlDa elae," W. U. lIIa'UaoD, to eoGaI'HDoe 01 oepluu, bro... Iood pal'poee Dappl. ' .. No. 7 IiIbll'Di•• 8'., BorDelleYllI., gt" ...d po.am_1a Dli ooqb Gn~ Bone. I ~eerl 014, Wei,hl M. Y. I'or ..18 b~ .n dealerl. Walter WI.......d t.IDU~ p1ee.. ' . . ,bat CIODWD eodIDe IDOl'. 12100 lba. ..Dd ..aD. i .110 ..boa' 100 a.tI~ ID&ertalDtd 811Dda~ .., diDD.r .h hlrolD aDCl "bel" ;;D.'h.. In.'II. of old Con. Inqalr. of A. haDt Bn4400k aad faml~ aDd wh ~011 baft . • ooaah ., II. ". W.,....TUII. 01110. 0 2t Olf C .. AD aD' Ilk. ObamberluD'. - O U R a LWhllam W., .... wif. Irom Ia· ~h a.mecJ~ II wba' II ue4... lid Orpln,toD aDd "11lIbby, the bah, Mid . . . . . dlaaa. Tba,'olMDl 011' till oal'an W. o f . 14l1om COOt.nle la· clever today &D4 ~ I'ft ~ lion-To.. aDCl lin. oJ.... bI"...tIDI pl_ . for tile phIIl .f qnln of 111'1• •. V. Smtth, p l l o a l l . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , it.BaIia. Ootobet' 17, .......Ilter, paealDODia ...40tUrprmdl...... I?t. a~, W.,....nlle. Oblo.. 02' 'nIT lI.ln II Tba'" wb,. ,......oata n· . "e mat get a Dane it • . . , n1.. from a 0014 wh. l."IaaDa". 0') DIoe tIIoro h bred 0111'00 .teDographer. de.r.· I .......ellin. W. E . . . . . lpn' laiD'. Coaah .....ecJy II ...... It .I1n87 BedaaPti., .11",bll to ',• _ • ~~ with btl parea. IIr. ..... werlil wiele "Plla". foJ' K. E. TIIompeoa, OnIoalr., (J~. . 1IopD aDd falQtl~ ., WIll· .,.... It GODW1.. DO IDOrpblDe CII' mA. V.lle~ PIlau II 1~, B.r. IOftt alrd .. -A N"" A"I_L...~. . oUl., MdaU..... For aaIe b~ .u •• Ii VALLEY TELEPHONE-OALL NO




lira. LUlie OomploD wa. D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager 10111' of friend. bere week . T. C. a.ydoot .'teDde4 • mee .. hI' or 'be S..... Board of aealSb 10 Rateaof Subscription OiDOlaDa" TueecJa,..od WedD __ ., Ono Year (ltrictly In advance) . . .... . . 11.00 of' I.., w-~

WllburW. WtlloD, of OlDolD•• vt.t"" hi......D.. here OftI' Sao· day. re'ar.11lI( &0 ah. 01',. when h. bOJdl! • nr., reapoD-.tble paM'loo .tth lb. JobDI.llatD.m. 00. II ...,a. r. Doaald aar.I." of Dear Ulb. lira. II. W. 1I••deohaUIe DoraiD, apoa, w.. 'be 8 011' of hil ,r.nd. 'a Ter, 8OJ'1I band &Dd arm, O&olld moaber lire. MarJ' Edwar41 of b; belD,lOraaolled by • 'hom. Maple 8'.



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Snits, Coats, .Skirts






we have ever shown








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65 cent.



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,.bv, ria,.

° ;~ PIG8-o low ...... laD blooded DuIO Pi... IDqaln

S I ' -; II

·Automobile Livery'~ervice at Rea. IOnable Ratea•

f ... • DOtaT uJma1" to tM aDDOJUIOe.....,.. pr nC a ey '.'il' 'of Ill. Dtlcllbore. '. B. 1:. .loa.. aD4 IllIt avala Zlmm.rman. w"ra-:.~e, Also Agent for Automobile Tires. It ap,.al'l that 8mltIl ow. aD au. win lD Xala ~.pplD. ft. opper aDel r..Unl "no bJ S". resulatecl till'll. wilicla ltarta ....... ' the A14 of til. l'rleaclI ohuoh . . . WOOD-a' 11.60 ..... oord, .....,. IDOrIIlnc at 1:10 o'clock IJaItIl TIl. Worker 01... of 0UIar·. . .11 ....4ecl. 18 iD. 1-" ba' DO' deUnred . ..u17 plM4ecl that It w.. • ......,. lin Da R...... UUl cia It OORWIN; OHIO. "'ter wltIl a 010. melloW DOc.. CIeet ......, the boa. of lila ...~ . ft a . • a.· FraDkltD Paoa.r, W.,DN'IllIe,Oblo. III orc!.r to eaoape lDl.lIlbl. ~ OompkID 8a'arda~ .'''rDOOD.· ....;01 lleo1taDla.bal'l, ",,,ted lIer ; 13 Il...______________~~""""'----------= "'- ",_.0 . - PI'O-'-"'- ~.- It .._ w .. • _ i ........_. -..I d lin. OU". (frUr~ . . J -~._ ..- ....... .- ........ . . ,,~....... . -.. DI eo~D.u ,_... D•• lilmpl. . O....m lepar.tor. up ID a baak roo.......,. "ol'lll•• aa~1 11ft. Lillie II. eo.pHD. Or Xea1a. - - .......u IDO'.... Ko. , a' 001'. U II .,e~ bard • rupeotabl. hour or tile .w._I.. 'II~ 11'''1' pan of lu' wilt. ho... witll 1I:a'. to beat. .raDkllD Paoter. W.7D8Iof tile Delchborlaood. ut .n. BopD ...d ....h IIr..... lin. n. W. A. ..,.. . .n ville,Ohlo. 0" Ilr Da~toD Tialton I'rlda~. ~~~~===~==== a.. Lelah ....a' 8aada~ wltll • ..... _ All_ II lmpronq. SB:m:P-18 DIM 8bropebin JC... 1.00 Reward, $.00 aaJllln••~ I4"'Je. A Daaber of O1Ir T.... ralb.t. I IDqatre.f Seth 1'01'..... R. D. Unllle Oompto. bu tIDclecJ t ... we441Dl iua.t~ or I. 1fa~..TlIle. Obi.. 0 I. , . 'l'be ree4en of abll paper will be . . .ato. pleued ao learD tba' Ilten 1.., Preao\1a1 ..nt...,. mon Mr. aa4 IIrl Lee llarner, of Da~. dine ~ . .r _llll leaI'oDedreadetldleouethe, till J'nDt Nor.... paetor toIL \ foal' a.. driTll' U4 workl baa beeoablek» T. O. Ba~eloak .Dfl ohoclnD Mr. aad lin. ClanqGe ",Ie aDlp h.e, aDd Yeer.... Col". laaDd Iba, .. eatarrb. ifal1. Oatarrll moftd lan . . .t u.. BrIoe qal"" Dr. Krlllboft'.. 0NpD1a, . Can Ia 'be oDIT pollitt" can DOW .pea' Tltanda~ witlt Mr • •t. ~ aD IlalD M. Vlalo. · 0 II kaO.D 10 the, meell..1 ~WDt~. u.t. WoocJ. . .... , ll!'tarrb bel",. OO8""1It10..1 ell.. &&I",fa"'D Itacl tile 0. A. loU. . . . . wi,. w.n~. PaIr J:dIDIleD ..... nquina · ,.. JlODI"'lI&1OD,l .... to but ilia .~. .......~ from t_ 1Il0llDl" .'uda~, S ...... Btoft. Inqalre of 1'. 'realmeD'. Ball. o....nb OGre tl till --IOD or a.... " " lmpro.,. ..... a .a.... or ...~1... II, Gbeoo.etb. 0n tateD lDseJ'Dal~. actio, direo&~ DPO'• ....tecl wi... 1In. ...~ OD 'he bloocJ .Del m1lOO1II .arfaoee I", a1owl~. "'-' -"'''. ~ ........ at..oIXof 'be ., ...... 'lIe"~ dll~1 • - ...,. - - - - - .---, til" fOODclad_ the d.........Dd MInIIouII!acapI . Bon-To • . ... II.... "'"' n • •r... Ha • pllOD. 10 alTiDI abe patieD' Itnap" b~ A ....... W.tD__~ • U". . . . . .b. qa.,. or I . . ., .......1... W.., .... ballcllaK ap 'II. OODl",.UoD .DeI "II~ UUI. bo~ Illlcl .. malT'lou . . .ulle, Olllo. , . U 11 ....."D' UCaN tD dala,l.. ·worll:. MOapa. I t wri_ P.· F ........ o f ' • _ • TIle proprleto'n baft 10 mDOh ,.UII Prlaoe Alben. Capt of .0004 8epe. _ _ . .._ F!ABII-A toecl 0lIl lD • iloo4 I wI1J to do . . . . . . . Ipoulllll at 10 I.....r ..tI.... powen ,ba, dl.~ "It oeoarnd ID .... ~ WA8W1' PO. ,... ........ I~"oa. alG.. to hrcnalaro.4l. R ••• oal" PI-. Cell OIl . . It lIlY home, ofter ODe B1lDCIre4 Dollan for ..., Dllb.. a • .,. .. 'fa'J ......" . . . . . . _ ror farther JUIlOalan lDqaln ., or pboIIe I WIll .............. JOU. , oue til., "falll SO oan. 8eDcl rOl' or OfOap. .... loot WoaJ4 ba. . l .. · ~..... ~.... _ , """- ate..... 0n lilt. of _"moni..... · . I bad • ..,.. boI... orau-_....•• •- I - r- ~ . , Acldnee; F. J, Oh_e~ . '0 0.• Oo_BeIiaicI~lalbello... An. 1.. ~ I a.'\. a-; tilt A~_ Eo aC Toleclo Oblo• ." fol1o., til. cll~ODI ' r. ~ . . 'DIU ..... W .............. , ...,.....U.I ."''' loIcl'bJ·all Pn....'!!.71o. . 1t01ll'aDel · ~." ......... ba . . . .1114 MIII'.tfil.','t .;M ............ ~. . .. ~,...... A.. .. ,, ' "'te~~·~I'aIDU7. 4'lI" foIo~ Ib~~ .~ ~." .~ : .,.~ .... ".' . • ., .,. ~1iUa ~~. ~-.




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Have ,our Sale Bill. Printed at the Gautte Office.

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l abor for the Training .Q1 the In.divldual in Marais . .;


A ba d back m a,kes a da1'~ work tw ice hard. Backac he usually cor. les (rom we ,,\( kidol!"';, :lud if h .. ada.che.~ , dizz i· Il.~

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<l uu'! wai l- gcI help he fore Ihe kidn,'Y


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' Sall eS Time and labor and Bener Va:ues Are Secured fer the: Money Expended On Food Prod.ucts for the Table - Non -. ("Ptis lrt pr lilt' ',,,o r :d lI/11'~ nf . pershable Goods Can Be Bought in Quantity iIl'Q\!ulllt's· lI\ aJl' ,,11h ·nall" ·" . 1

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\\' ll h hiH r<'iloll' . 'fo l)n' a k <IOWII Ihe On thl' Anll' rl ca n cO!1t1n l' ll t t1l1'r ~ are \\'al l~ o f pr{'j lltlicr' 31111 de "elo l' l\ I , r.~ ·t i~ !1!;u a !;t's and unlll'dd ru nde k n o\\,PII ~ . ; o't o ne'!! 8e lf and' oue 'H ' (·o m· NAVAJO 1>LAN~T u .. e 0 [, paniul\ ~. i ~ 10 d e vf' lol~ Ih e prIma r y o Hee tb e :-': al'l,ju pro,· p·E,,.IY. o ue i~ ~e ll l fllr 't o il;" 'e away th e "p. vll moral 'lll u lIlit's eMcnll a l t o th(' h igh lJrtl.Wlnslo ,,'s $<\o thtn ;.r Rrr l1f\ f ur Chlt.l r-eo s hould trav el by s tag" from Hpl r l!." Fo r t h l ~ sf'n ' lce I ? ) Ilifl mun !'5 t (' hum Go(1 "lItt-'fa eVII" y ('hl ld wct h l o u , Mo ra'IIR Lh f" R'um ... . rI'l llI " j4~ j ll , lnturtll.'lr Gallup to Shl{)roc k . N. ~.1. J1y o r th e \\'oma ll Is gi ve n t N I s h ee p o r In III< ' !'(· hoo l or ,,"ork . that he ' may WuU.A Uo1,)· " pu.IU.C Urt:d WiUll. cu,h..', ~ ". w ~ j tailing th is rou te, 11 11 0 ca n Bee ·!:oa tf; . Ir t h!' :-; IvaJII~ t hlll it 0 11 0 ot hl' comf!'a ('hl·181I :1I1 . '. r ' . I . t he Indi ans 11 1' 1fI ~ ttli'll' o wn th e ir I" ''' pl'' I. go illg to tl lp-. It o or s ho T asks .Are as We Mak~ Them . All to the Good . ,Datura l WilY, llnd It Ig hard lO bc ll e vfl Is ca rr...," 11 !IUIlI ll'I 'tI yard s or more :-':olh ini!: is morp rp rl al ll Ih all Ih"t O n 'r (L cIgare tte nod a n I ea dr ln\! that they liv e pl'8ct\ cn ll y on t1lC' g roulld rrnrll Ih ,' 1;0gll ll. for lhf' r eason tha t WI' IlIuk" OUI' ta Hk u " n·\ltl r. ~ o r 1".-,,11;): i nt t bo ICnl c k or boc k c lub in ;-':ew day and ni g ht un lps8 n nr' sep~ tJH ' m In wh An 0'"' ,I\I'S ill II h o~all th o h oga n Is by Ih p Rplrlt we put Into It . Til er£. '1 Vork · a ce rtain clubmlw "aId to II their ·homes. burl jP,1. >1& 11 0110 of th e tr lb,e "III ' II\'(' I arc' II\' I\'ay s In whic h. 11 ho us .. ma y ~ Condition Too Frequent ly S ee n-P rat o. Upsid e Down and Other. DIshes rrlend t be olh er da), : Our parly, s eat ed In It (ou r:!iorsc In It Ilfl" l'warct . bo approac h" " . Th e ,·.ontrartnr·s Pile1:l. ., "WI'I). wb ero d Id you s pl'n d tb. rig, rod e 25 mll e!l th e tlrst a rt e rn oon. 'I'hR (nIl Ia n sc hool at Shlpr lck. In I'ie w Is o ne, uno(] th e ow'ne r 's \'I(> \\, Ifl • ., , su mol e r'!" staying t hat nIght at a n IndIan schoDt ~nn JIlIlIl cUUllty, !'oI(cw ~l ex lco, Is , ol;'e. 1 ano t h e r. :fh e pl/lld e!' LOII~ ;" for b l)! 100 ~II Y Il,! pr £'puTIlr! . Tb(' r e ' is !nun! I a :;ouli . ~tora~,' '·oo m . . tI ' a r , fiou~, "Bad l"alihe IIIJ," was th e rAllt y · nam e d " Tohatchi" tm oanlng "Scra l cb o( Ih E' be- t 10 t h p se r vIce, Il llt! ough "lt mon e~"1 H~ . hll8 no jJl1rt!Clyur e.ll· ll'rt in J' r par lm; t he c hea p!'r (oo d.;' to I c all 1l e u goulls , s pil ·e • . soa l'. vpgoi.lblell. ".An d you , " ' for wate r") . Here we tound nic e com· 13 o ul y te n yen rs old . Th e re Ilre t hu ~ l us m for th !' s n 'uC'tul'e , ever .r.ti'k e them Iti'ucl\l'c Il nd p:ll lata bJe 'j s uc h a s IIot 31 0e8 a ud nlallY o :ll e r lUI) ":'oIa ughty N ew port," h e nn swt!r l' d : fortable buildings. nn d th e t eac h e rs nbout 160 stud nts In atte ndance In thinkin g of t.h e gold named as his t han t hus,' mort · q uickl y !n:l d e ' r euu )' 1 vU es. nlll Y be ' boug\n in q ua n l lty. or the Indian s t.reat ed us to the bost "8 eti ranging rro m s ix to tw enty ye~rs. ~va~ e . Ho,\\' ditre r e nt l!le. ~wn e r:s a t· C.o r l hl' lU lll, ' Mad ~ Over ' D;s hes . . Sadder StilI. Dh;cu9slng a rec'lOt ·pollt lcal Rcan· they had , and w e telt Quit e at hom e : M0 6t or th e childre n are brI g h t . apd Utud e ~ 'fo.'hlm Ih e wal1 ~ and 'ce ilin gs . Ec ol1'omy of T ,me ooInd L;lb~r . . By plllnnl ng th e 'w,~'nls, the lert ovel The next day we cov e r ed 45 mil es, want to learn , but their capacity (or Ilr' a s t he " 'alhl of Il pav e n. 'Th ey arl> l~ro llahlY it <lo e s . UO : UIIP" UI' . a~ i mate ri a l cq n' bo use d to be ller a4. dEll , In whIch an o l'll c lal wa s acc used IItopplng at a trading post long enough learning d06s not go Cur beyond the covered ··wlth Ilure Id en ls, h ol y · afl'pc· e,:ollo,'UY of tlple 10 pla n m l"li ls Jl hCO'ud I vant age. 1'0 :olltte r' Ao\\' oll'e e njo),ll c4. di s hon es ty: Rlclmrd Harding Da· to e at Inn c heon . That n ig ht .... e put SlXU1 ' ·gra d e . Th e Na vajo ehlldre n' s lions, and t ho s ole mn lov o and praytor If It lends to t he u se of 'foods Whil; h I' ,. I l:!e'l'tniu ul'f,!f:les or roocl , Ibey do nol via, lunching wltb a numbe r ot thuat· up a~. anoth er Indian school. nam'c d 1 811lgln~ \lnd reCiting w ould Slo credit to tha t happin ess aorl bea uty .•,I(114, nil ~'uII'O more "t roubte In I)repar!ltloll, bur, care -to :"'1' (1 li le m r ea tIJl8Ill" severu l rlcal:·stnra at a fallhiollJlbl e roof gal' •... 'l'-oadiUena" (me.a nlng " runnin g wa. thill h eard .ln most white schools. an d that " ·OTIl t". Tb er~ Is no d ecorator like wb oo W\l consId er th e Ils l111ullh; re. Um e,,! n Ihe -~';me torlll .. With II li tt le lien in New York, lIald, wltb n slgh : "He' Is ' a ~lnan I woufd have thought ter ") , 'l'hts place II 7;000 fee~ above lIl ey can a llswer more l]Ibl e Questions tile ht¥Lr l. Th e 50ul can brf!!l lh e t h e Fu lt£. 'tbe wld l;''' variety possi ble in th e fo.:-=tlll) ugh t, · dis he$ r aLl I.r o lIIud e OV , I Ilea level, nnd the scen e r y Is very pret- and rCl>ea t mom Serl\l~ure than th e ~P\J'il or beaut y Into any ta Rk. fi e- rcoparati a"1I ' or (' hoa pe r food • . a nd the ! \'11th but little eX \le ll ~e a nd bl;' ju s l 38 lacapable of batrenes8. · It Is sad t o IY · The p eO III!! bere gave OB good a vel'a"'e " rown whIt e p rson . These m e mll e r how f'ra Ang ejt ro painted .. ... \ feellnt 'o f eomforl ·wltlch cumes tro", I pa ln ll\bl e , a nd tiometimes more s o, thInk that eve ry lllan has his prIce." meals an d a nice place III .whlch t o IIUlo Inlllans n r e taugh t' to do nil IIP011 hl~ knH E!9, .1I1I\l boi"row (' d II dl· . > . "Ye a," !laid a corue dinn, "but"n s ad· having 1.1 . dea r,J e li n ed p ro~ram , ire I' tbll n I' t Ihe flr ~ , ' ~ e rvln g. :-;0 fOil d ia . I h de,. 'tact s tlH 18 tb a t half lhe tim e b. e l • ee p. T e t hird a nd last dny, \\'e roa de klndll of wo rk , suc h as se wIng , tailor· 'b·ehl.!wste"rIIJI'toorll .hIISI· ftGilnllgny atlsl ~ •c •RI.g"lllltlloonR'9· Il~ , for ce u t ' uc kn o w! edge t blt.: lt Is economica l, no matt e r how Inpx pc ncan 't get It." · , . 60 mllell without any s toP. hut ate our lng, ~'kllc h p n an ll <lIning r oom wo rk . " " ~ I luncheons a s we rod!) al ong. As wc ca rpt:'l:ltprlo g. ra rmlng , nnd~ In ract. eye8 toward s tJ\f! s ky . I!}~\\, tp l' h eav. eCO i0l{lY . ln ti me, labor :ln tl :.clfttb all sl \'l!, ' It t is nO l attral·tive " noug h ItO ~~-~-traveled we we r e rortunate e Jlougb lO e.ver ythin g th a t an ,Am e rIcan s hould ens o pe n , and ChrI s t s tandin g at th" ~· e:I. · . . '~. I s~lmu,ll\t l! ttl ll llPlIetlte, or It . it h n~t Moat Any Tlmo. miss the a\\'ful sandstorms so commOD Imow . • Man)' ot til e gIrls take pOBI. rl l{ht hand .o f G.od : . and from hl~ By a '''ar ef ul st od ... 1l :-o'Il cO~.Ilirlson llI'eva retl so a~_J\fI b ~ pRiutable and dl· Th e s ce n e Is set . ot t h e I:jualily of 'f'j ods a nd 1!tarket ge stlbl e\ ~\'IABEL MISI{IME:>I . At this season _ The sun s boo e about . A country road .. trees . Rky. summer tion a with ' wh ltA famili es, and prove vl llion brought a s pl e ndl:1 r 1.0 hi s sol· pri ce,.., tli c hou"~t'.t'e Is e nabletf'lo se- .' and JOSEPH(:-lE "l\fA TTllEWS. 12 hours e ach day, and we we re tray· th e ms f' lv es ~e rl' capable In dolng .their f'mn poeln. Th e tln lll Im ~ C()l1Il~ wh e n' 1I0ines, 1\ .. Iake In I he · distance. A ellng e arly e nough 10 the 8prlng to wo rk properly. Th e ir Buccess tn any we 11111 St practice th o art of ' c!lIrrylu/\ lect' more a rJ "' .. :.'tog eous ly and to tBkJe 1 ColI('gc of Agriculture, OhIo Stal e 8 tell 111' railway IIno orosses tbe road ., .Jlb., of work Is .due to lh e superlnten. our wo~1< up ·to ' Ih i> hl g h e ,· /< plrltual .. il lliOl.~"lI' .-: t he low er ,P.r lce . . ]o' lrBL L'u lver s ity , .: .mlss the beat. At r~g~t angles .. · .. . . Very Llttlo Cloth (ng. .dllJll nnrl the teachers, who tok e gr eat le ve l. Once. wh e n th e cat he dral Wl\~ ,: ,-=. _-"'.• •,r.... .=-. - - . .-~(-=-7 "'" '-='--- .;'-: - '._, - ". Eot e r, U(l the road, an automobile, The Navajos JIve In hO!!anB lind to· ca r e In their t raInIng. de dltated. tll'e · prlos'ts' feU,upoo th eI r 1ND1ANS · ENR.ICHED SOI L ,1 fill ed at IhrNl hlng tIme froul tbe ,flOOI ~' e ll loud ed and I'uflnlnj; at hlgl . !pees, built low aod s mall, with 00 l.' nele Sam has spe nt several thou, klll' es · In flo laml \ WONJhlp. In .. th e f\!· • ... , . - . I ~o th e \lecol) d s.t or)': l;lurin~, tbe Win·, spe P. d . ·ftoors and very little ve ntilatIon. 'J'h'ey Hllntl do ll a rs In cou8truc ting comrort· ture we .slrnU learli to- enter. a s hop or ter th hrrs es . were Ill: the base rrien.1, Both nut o mobll e aild' trAI n are ru stl· ' usually hav ('< a I'ough door, or 'hol e- In n &le hulldlngR and In , beautltYlng ·. tha store or rac tory in tb e spIrit ,of tb~· Knew It Was Essential To Replace' '1I1Id a't feeding mlle It was only uee'e s: Ing towurd tlte crossing. · the top. On ~ ot th l'se s maU houaes J( round~ In thi s part ot the Navajo r e ve rence or our g reat Mas t e r, will), Plant F~od In Depleted SoIJ~. • . s nr y \ 0 np'~n !.be· abute'· and -'the f!\J<1 Owner ot aUlomobllo to · cbarteur : , seldom has more than one roml'l\ countn .-' ·Tb ese Indians have a !lne Mnld . " My Fathe r ~'orkelh hlthArto , ;to C'um tl I'OllIng down. Th e s upply seem· . ".C oo you· wake It!" . Tbe :clti\uneu.r, IIpotldlng '\lP : "Su~e . ' whlch ncco mmodatfl8 a family ot al· g r eo> nhou s e , Ice plant, laundry, acety· and I work." W e shall the n: . kl!oW 'rhe Indian s I, ne w nothing of;. SOI.[, e-d to be lu p.xhauf! lllJ.l e, but . a(tlr, · 81lY' .. .most any size. These lodlans sleep Inn e li ght plnnt, hospital, and every what It Ie to bo· dll.l ge nl. 111 bUSin ess,. 'element13, but tbey did know ~hat (n eral " UlJ) lltbs the qa~lI began to' ,COITl6 I can . make I~:.' .. .. . on slul!!p8klns, and cove r them~nll' es o t.h e r up·to·dut e convenIence. The tcr~ e nt I.~ I1Plrtl, ~e rvlpg fh e' I.ord .-:- 'tlme som e thlhg·' be'c am~ "wrong wltb mol'(', flnail): 8to~Phlg ~'ui·,el.r. '. 11'0 . doesn't..- peyfranll Pial n Dealer:.' _. -. wltb the blunkets th ey make. Vcry sc hObl grounds contnln abont 300 R e\ .· A. 1I . 1, uca8, D.O. , tb e " "II and tbat 'hy addlLlg certaIn The bIn \\as empt~ a,nd .hart tq;be I~ t==:'" , - T _··, t J!tt1e clothing In worn hy thftn . and a c rPR and are Quite le vel. 1'.l.le Sun tbin gil (I) It .th e y coti1d raIs e more Cl>rl1 . nll e d Oat ~ bad boel~ mkelt o~~'lll tlje "ery seldom a hat. Most ot th e m lln .IUllll riv e r run s n ea r hy, aud 1nipplles , Afflictions Appolntod. • W ben planting, (:QIUI , theY placed a timB, !lnd nOlle . bad: been.. P:r,b8.C k. l1avo kerchlets around th e ir IH'!l <)6. to " 'II(1I'l water tor IrrIgating. Tbls land " II " p~r(orm eth th e thlpl; tlii . III up- ~ mall fi s h in tbe hilI. 'Thls ma~ e .t~e. . E\'e r y c rop taJ<e ll Ollt of the s . "~Ilr. 'k ee p t he long hair out of th eI r faces, ' produceR Inrgo crop8 ot alfalra. gram., poln.t ed ror .p1c ...'-J ob 23 : 1.4,. com s talk grow .larger Ilna greener. taln ampunt ot plu}l!; food: Tb larger , , n nd the wom e n usually h a ve hl a nk el s I rr1Jlt~; m elon8, find other ngrlculturnl Th (' trails of tim e weri> 'appolrH;,d When th e whlto'tteli a8ke'd~ "the ' Ill. the ci'OP the more· : food· It ·· reQu-lrcs. o"ll'r ' t he ir s hould e r s, nnd theIr holr is producls. Th H 8chool has tor Its use lu o t e rnlty . li e thnt choso liM Into dlans why ·they ,!\Je d the fiab "1n tbl s Tbe ' lqllh-alertt'"ar the- Illant fboll ·r'e. .. . tIed In a knot baek ot th l' lr b eads . ... a lld slud y flne cows, horses, slme,p, eternal life. ordaIn e d th e path, by way . thHY re plled,:tbll,t It wav.!ttQ teed mov e d by every OI'QlI , tlla~ ·18· Wlr.\'.ested The jewelry W Ort! b y the Indilln s ho gs. and, In ta c l , e ve rything ot " the which we ' ~ver(J 10 r fla ch It. No~~lng tb '9 coru. The ytlflto mell lau~ed. b€'. should .h e. r c tur,oedi. to, tbll .8olL Tbe c onsists principall y of silver rln!!s and best Ulat one cou ld wish ror, and 'l ve r hllPpens to us . by chapce.. IOUI' clluse they knew that the co~m could pro~ll,'.D,l. of .th ~ f!!ormor Is ,that .'~ ( . r~· . brucplets , mad e b)' th e m .• e t .... Ith tur· llfltllrnll y. th e Indiaos appreciate nil little trials, Ollr greut troultl~8, . 9i1r IIQt eat. Th e ~n~~ns were not 80' (ar tllrnln~ It In ,tbo. ost , ~o~;.~n1~~" ~d n lloI S I~ . lind I\'o rn cbl t) fl y hy llr.e WOIll - Ihnt C ncle Sn m is doing for lh e m . h eavy c ross e s, and ollr pl~lnr'ul losses, ~rom t he rIght, t or when tbe fish (fe. ch elLl!e st wtl:; . . .' . ea. ', J l ; l ' t ' ry fall . 10 e ncourage th e Indians are all a part of <1()d ' ~ plan . Kor ~e.r~ ;:~yed th€'y fur./tllilhed nItrogen • . wbl 9h I ., '; . " . , •., :'11. 'A.: 9'ACH'fIJr..a. · ~ All yone trn\'e lln g In th ~ dl's c rt WOUlrl l III tll Alr wnrll. a big fa ir Is he ld at Ship. th e y IIppplnted . for us '.m e r ely lii~tbe ;orn W)lH abl e W tl\k.o .l n through, the CoLAge ~~ IAigdcu.lllttrel. (1)01)40: StawtlP nl . . . n c v~r th ink It so Ull c kly PO!JUI[tOd. : ro<:.)<. nnd th o :\a vajos ta ke much pride e ~el'c lse -of divin e KOI' o rt'lgnty-pJ.but root~ rim.! u se '\1\ Foor:!. Atter a number \' el'!llty. , , '. .. ". : '3'11. but 1t an Indl n n shollirl be s hot , there , In hrlngill /o: In .tor exhibition tbe bes t b ecausp our <,lod . sA .... t!rem to b e" rlec. ! ~t years the Il! ~lI a n s obse rved tbat lhe O' would be se ve rnl hllndl'f! d at th e ~eOu.e I 01 .('~ erythln~ ThlH Is a ~Ime of great CR.911 r)', a nd mtendl'd to mak e them ; corn wa~ oot gro \\~in~ as It once did . IItICDW TO U:SE CtJnrnJlllG&. ot tbe sho otlo~ In lesR than balr a da y. ' rejolcINg 'am o ng the n'ntlV'!lij, and many r e ul bl cl'shlJ!:S t o \lll.' EV l'- r y .cro~8 la l Tho mos t natirr al thll\~ for them to do . , I '.as they hnv e r e fl ectl nx mi rrors i o use , whit e 1I(!I) I)le cO lll e rrom far and n ear Ii n\ e l'cy , eve r y 1088 It gaIn . f1 v,e ry trou' was to (lut mol't:' II Rh In tht:' hill a t The Cllrmnt . g,)e~eb~ry: grape Plld ' . I. ' . in ~Ignnllng th e ir d ls trt' Hs calls. Sf't' th£' won de rful tblngs made by ble a co\"~uant blesBlng, every trIal a I plantIng tIme. Hut tbi s did r:ot e ntire- lilac m'e reriMly !)ro pagated frcim' bard,' : . ,.; A . dainty. nourisllmg Th e Ka vajo rugs art' not ed for tb e lr th e In dIan s . ~-ee.~ of' JOY . . \\'t!. 8~1I11 : b " better. l.n lU" l ly r a me lly the ~rollhl ~ . . One r ea r they WOOd-Cllttlligs. 'the5u 61101lld he taklfn 'beauty and durahlllty ; but one would Abollt t\\'o YE'lU'8 a go , thla r egion e x. tuf f! fur what we 8urre r now. It w~ I a crl ll(>I'f,ally plant~d .~ row of corn' In late rull or .iltrly "'I.n:t~, .tled ,Jn~o d~ 'f~ 'breakfast, hmch be surprIsed to sell how some ot them pe rl e nced a cloudburst that caused tbe ROW In t ealS, we ahall reap In joy. A f a c ross til place whc re a brush · pile bllnrll ~ of cOlwexalent elze •. a.nct t d ·are mad e . Th e y ha"e a frame s e t ".p rlverll to overflow th e ir bnnks, no" w et spring -will Il.Itrodu te. a B!pr loue bn.U· i.eti·u lJurn ed and wher e Uwas hefl Inta Ilo coo) mo\:;t ce Ll&r Qr b, ~~e~ \)D :~r:~pper~ready to serve In Ih ~ outs ide ot th ei r hogans, a nd' wllter co vered the e ntire " schOOl harvest. Mllny or· our J1fesel!,t~ te$~s l \II~'re th e corn grew , vlgorou sly. . Ob·. th ~ '50'11 be low the fl'bst' ibi~~' 'l"h~y the package ..1 h e r t' the ), lilt. In thfl Bun . taIling days gl'ound!!. All of tile Inhabitants and will erystallzI1 Into pearill., .nn~ wl!! b,a ,e r v ing t hat ashe~ _w~r~. a gO?rI thl~g, ShiJli,tci 110' frollll 6 t'o ,tfi'tsfcliee'ld length-. rand 80mEltimes .wee ks. In !lIaklng a live st.ock had to move up on higher an ornament t.o us In glory. And uot th ey be~an the. cllatom o~ .drawing In' ttle s prIng time tbfloY .1Da;y be pI ced t: ;with cream and ·.slng le ru~. The average prIce t~OY reo grou.\ltl , .wh fl r c tbey were oompelled ouly so, l;>u: Ihe !Ia~e 10fe .~h.nt .OT' ~OI~S togetHer, ImrnluA thenl and scat· in th e greenllouse, tbe botb,G. ~r" I)uk , · c<!lvl' C.9.I:. thetr rugs Is about 'la eneh . to rpmalil for several hours ~etore the daln ed 0!1.~ . lrla.I~, orll ~1n ed our I :e:rlng the a s hes where corn wa s to be of doors In a rich, Loose ~1I. it ttl ~IiU. : ' . ·Toasnes'~ are ~bitS . ; .. h e g _ :!l....Na~ajo rug Is mnd e {rom flood 'mbilid ed . . A n e w . steel bridge s.trengtb to. Iwy "t~e ?l!.~ Re-v . .Jo~' 1 ~Ianted. Th"ey dld not know w~y tbl s ally bes t to rub o tt the bud" with the '....' ~f~:\..~ eep 8. wool over the Snn Juan rIver, whlch cost Smlih. , made ,the. cqrn gro~. b~tter. , ;ro:~ay}t oxceDt lon "01 one"ili : two, at 'the lop, of choice Indian Com-!... .... ': ~""'" , .lIke Paper Money . $10,000. waa wa shed away; a tew cot· --_. . , 9 'mowa , tbat the aS hett contain a utbe l wIse m ore than one stem may be y .cooked and to,sst:" an ;(1erage ot ~n e . eve r y twerity· Fl ageS llmt wor e built at adobe, orum· Good ~eed Will. Flquri./:l . . 1 'a rge a mount or potassium and somO scc ured . Tills Ie i>~p!jclally true oj, . 'ftve mill'S nlon~ th e roa~s ~n the Nav, l .blCd dowJl : base ments were fill ed with ""e clln furnls,h nothIng In. :111 !s life, lho s pllorouB. Theile. element~ we re sllrubber1 plllIlts.>s\IoCb all the currant edto'~ appetizing golden a30 Indlnl1 re~ervatlon . White Imm wate r ; clo.t)ws and e.atables ruIned, and but. W il tu n.1/.. !,la,k q 8 b e'gln~llng and :tliod. fo!; th e corn ~nd I~ WIlS n.ece~ sal'~ and gOQsebe rry. -rile cultings sho\Jld brown. ' . '. hay,' s t orps. or lrtldlng posts. Here the pretty Hchool grounds were cover· bequ lJnth a noble ('xa mplr> . . . :rbus to ~UPiJly t hem to t. b e s oll bef'ore the be plnced . uprl,ht or sla,nUng III the the Indians brln!! th e Ir ru r,8, wool and ed with mlt.d Ilbout a foot thick. SOID& character III th e ~ rn e nntise ptl c ot 8Q- .ueatest growth could be .assured. B~ sbU, n ud 01l~ one .or t\wj. buds be ·1l1. jI() 10rtA, lind tradt: ror the oecess itie8 t hIng I1ke $50,000 damage was dOJle, cl" t.y --1he good . ~I l\~ d le n ves nn in- fore theh ' addition to th e 801 ~, tb.e· plant low ed 10 ah \Ii above the ground. . lof life .' ·.Th e trad e r ~ h l DR to th e din:.~' and everylhlng was In a ver.y delllor· dc llbl e ~Iamp; It lh'e s on and .~n, fO,o d was ~ot In the right ~ropor~on, . r" '. . ' .. ,V . . H. 'i;>AVIf\, ' «lnt parts ·or th e 1'nil (' d States ' Ilie ahle condItion, but In , ihe face of 'this, and while th e, fram e ~ouJde ~8 a~d Tbe fish hAd ad(\ell little exc~pt nl\.r~· C(\\Je~e of A!I1'lcuHure, 0bJo Slate Un .. ' 'j..h.tpgs h e buys trom I b e IndIans. Ir, tho (ndla~8 went to work, and a ft e r 8 dlsappcarft. tli e gre[H ,;,!rkl!l' Uvea fOI' " ~Em, but th~ t:crn bad b ee n taktng o~t vers Jty, . . . 1ltn th'e course 'o r bu s ln es!t; -tbe N'ava.· .«Jug.•Il l)r) od ot patient tOiling, every· eve r In the memory or "' Deatb: ' P(IIIlSSlum and phosphorOUB unW ot "I ,1108 get any Tlaper mon a y, th ey have It thing ""ts .put In a condition b e tter !ays tile philosopher, "18 a co·~q.g- . last t!l,t! .supply of these, had begun fIT ACC;)I'i.lcg to the :Department of All.' .' .. : cbauJed into co in be tore bu ying any· than it wall before the 1100d. ling ot EternIty with Tlml!. 1n ,tbe gj've out and It was necessary to put' '. ' ·tbln«. as th ey do not understand the . ' Is not allowed OD the reser, death of a good mao ,' Eternity.. ~nlJk . BOmf;). .. . llc ultul'e tbe number of beel ,cattle 111 ,'YJi,lUG ot currency . . vallon 'even backea by a doctor', pres· Been looklnl '.Ilrouch Tlma.'·,..... ~~ Tile "rlt~,r Is remlQded of the .oats U1E' U a:ted State" haa lleereaae4 bl by . :Wel'yWbere., . 'Wheu a t-laTa~o become8 Sick, the ,scriptIon, becatille of ItS demoralillill Smile;, ' ' tD .IU\ ~fat~er'i bari., wll1<;b. 'lias l6.011il,Ovo heW troDl 1101 ~ l,l1a. • -!~, .4III"lotiie man , 'or "oman. ot the trtbe e1fect all the <Indiana.- '





, ,-1 "' 1\ rr :" II <1 ~' c1rolJ In un ex · S hl' lII t , ~1 I<n o\' 'Ih e ~ o~t of foo<l und lI"ell!ll!y ,JI "''':11 l ollll'. bu t a lso ill ' whel ll " . Ihl' IJI' I,'C pa ll l lo r t!HI:.bJ . Can quickly be overcome lur" LillI' .... \\ Il o lco,: o m l) alHI s ali,(!l(" " n l1l "~ wilhin th", ill l'u llI f' . It "o m" CARTER'S LITILE !..>r y' roOol u r tJIU I.' 11I11y . Wi'.h .a SYti · .f Illi PS ha Ji \J., ' n~ 111:1 ' the lII nJIC'Y ~ j)Pll ' LIVER PILLS. te ll l1l'" 1I1l 11 ) 0\.1 111111" . mo r e t' c o n(~IIl Y ' fo r Ipo<l 19 "lI lln'li' OU ' or Ilr o l1ol'Lio r Purely vegetable ('n il loco IJmr. ti<' c oi . 111 tll1l ~ labor . pur·. to thl' inco lll.'" .'"111 t o Ih" a nHlIl n t M I)e ut - uct s ure ly and ,·b:.u;p ~1I 1 u~ {" of 1II .. If' riul ill il u nd . Hud fo r o l h e' r I h llll!'~ SIlI'I, ,n' c1ulhi ll g 1t0~ fi~~~~y C~lr~le ).: rna tC' r s"tls IUC' llu ll :;('('ul'('(1 lh all \' he lJ s h l'l te r. T h., " illl u f :;oml! hlJ u ~ ,'kl) " (J Bilious ness. ca'n,I.,,,~ ml, ll1!Jtl;J .. r,· lls,· ,1 Th l' (111 1' • e r s · to hll \ ... , I ' . \\(' 11 "'" I"blt' ,' n\O ':ln H ca d· r. bnsl ng Is 1II " Il, · :nu dl sil1l\ll(' r n utl In!: ilmll uut nll ll kl n.1 of i"oo·rt . I !'a ll ~ t( ache. bet h ' r v>l lu P s.ll r l' ,,,',.- "red rur II ,,, "' 011 ' g l' l'at ('Xtrll l n~aa ("., A 'k "r) \\'l t' r1 ~f! 0, 1 D iz zi· . . . . . • d ,'y " h.' n we <;\. , .1 ' 1"H r IUi'.1 (,f O', r , lltl ll·i tloIlS . . " h ea \J PI' :'U Jo~'ilUI " S fO l 1 ne,;s. anq Ind lgest,on. They do thett' uty. nUI.,hI h!'\'u rl' s t'rl i~ :g lo. t he !, I'O l' t>,,\' h i'iI . pr lf·...,.I. foud •. ' .• 11' .... :.111) "." '9.' .3, II SMALll'l1f-,SMAllDOSE,~MALLPRJGR. lJ r " 1:11'1, t. If a IHJIlS"\\ II OJ ~ I\',·> :lO CP' -,' s, u ry If I), ... ,-nol fl l I'H HI 101' Illml Genuine must h ear SlgOature \:'ough " \, hat ~ h (' 11'111 oru, ·,· un li l : !!f'~ I" to b, ' :·C d ll,·(,I . 1I11)' illlo: \\'hu l" ~ !:h p i'f.';ll'i !t.)ti Ih,-' .3 1( 11'" , I h~ LJ al)t to 'or · ~Hl n ( l lI :I JltI i (' ~ WI Il'11 I l i!.·t.'~t a r c' n l o cl 1 ~. 1 -' an n o y 1 (I C' r I b ,. tl rst · t I' " 1 ~ \\ I ' t1 (' nt<'rs i:<' 1' I en. t e 11<1 " ,,~ 6 II\n IH'.' . till<' :\l .u _ . . ,"lnd , lhl) Oil !" ' · nIl 8 , .t.'r ~1I 1 0 11 ll ~ ! I1"; Ih(' ance. 1'0L'· I>,' rl . hlllll<l [' ~lli s llIay hI : -~---~---:;...;--....- - - - J I k . . "3811' n!lI ' q n I' lI es s wltb 'I ,h il' h Iha t ' b(Ju!:ht in quan t il) IJI'U" luf'd . tbcre II ~ ume mt:' n n('Vt'r' II Ort'll lV IrOll '·1 u I): t h ~ y bu)' It out r il: !lt :

"ul :' a PlJol lI !IIlt'D II'.· :.i ntl H I'" I r"'''~ ' '~ hf ollr ' f£, lI o w.'II; ,·n'. :-':0 ~ .. lf, I (' j ' l l !I' l't'd


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Ta b!e Showi ng Arrang e ment · of _ Sev"vilt Covera.

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Cet DOlID'. at Aay ' StOrti , SOc • Bo.

' fH' I" ,,,1 o f loll.


k .H ' It ( W v:nt1

,:o 1 \V .'r !!" l-' l.~iI!'I, 1 l(' o k I)l'a n ' . JCJc.t nr y I'il l " I LIILI 0 \ n hll:lCt. (' \I n ,al m l".. L h R V6 . 1ILl' " u n j,J7ed g'f)l l c1 ) \l' Rlth : '

b,· rll"ilt l III I h,' !

Work M ea n s T raini ng. IIa~ al'I ",I I'll",1 wo r\( ro r



W ItJlvul 11I' lp. _, h .. a t n i' lth . Ttl r ttt' CUl'{'t . 1I It t n HLI,.t1 il L' , ... .. t r

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\\' ol' hi ,,', wi lli 'I I/" :.",11 1 lor ,

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me n oml 'yomen. Used ml'oul!u th e world O\'e r




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Post Toasties







,,4'lriict frOm


Wholeiome NoUrishing


EaaY·~ to' Serve-



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Sugm. ,



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Penn sy lvilniJ Cavalry .


J . I,: . ~1"l'flb" 171h I'll ,·,. v. c laill'. Illr ll iH Cl'g-l lIlI'nt tit " \tOll lJ ' ll f I npl'lIilll( 'h e Illlltl.· u~ (;" lt YHbur~ lIu , f(Jrd fIl rlfl'h,. d intu t ;t:'l l Yl)huf!l; .fu n(o :\(, 111111 hnll"d III Ih ., 0,'1.1 1I, ,,,r t.11I· Hellli ullry . AhoUI:1 (I'd od : li " rI('ral

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Eminen t's B"88, a J" ....,y Cow, Wi t h


, II, ~ ' I I·"r·~ l"··r, ' - 3 ~ .

the Beat Record for Mllklny

ron,· I, w ~ nn k a ,"1

It"~tin p ~

Oll t I



• I·

t 'k,rh I

T h,' n"'l1 who has Iliad., tw o bl a d.. s montl1 wil l ~11'f' pr aC'lIt'III1~ th' ,,"me I AllY" tbe /'\ullo lllli Trib un E' . Co A , o r Clf gTi. H" ,:ro\\ wh ero· bul OU I' grf'W b' rt'sull. aH wO'iJ.:bllll\ u"o t"HII, •• "''''b , \\hlc h Com radu \ l('Ca be waH 1\ m em o for<' h aH h,'"'' lookud UpOII "" 11 pub · '11llkln!l ,I u "r . was s e nt Ollt O il Ull' Hro rri s h urg lit- b"Jlefar t o r ' HU l thl' luall wbu hus Hy lakin): Ihes(' ,," ek l), 1Il1d 11l('J1 ~II· 1 1'lk.., Iln de r co mmand of l.I e ul. J ohn HU(,. ,, ·, ·,It' ,1 III I'rOclll!'l Jlg. OUtl b ll".! " at I)' ....,(.orcl~ iU, t1 ll1aklng a yt' ,crll U\ .". , IlI'Y . It W('ot sevE'ral mile". wb 'lII 1"S8 "OHt haH ,,"o r k .. <l o ut a 1D0rE' ~o m · , II"" It IH "liS)' 10 upl e r rnin .. how mu clt \ OWC!P. " It rtl n into til " li d van ce of th e <' n e my .. 1(,1 prob l«01 . m ilk nnu r tlnc h "OW ha" p re>In Crr'n6f'd product inn <l ne .. no l 11.1- 1 dueed for t1)llwIII ('yP,8r. com in g bark . Th e comp any firl'd In to I l h (J ad"auel' ao d t hl' re was a picket .... a)' K brln g a" lu c; reuHe cl pr o fit. In · Th is Is (HlP' hail t l,(' (IU "~L1(' JI r r f'lI , pt1 profil s from lit" dairy bu s l· I SOllie cows ullt 1111(' Pllt Oll t , with ('0. R o n Ih ls p lk,' nr p fa lrh.· II"·.. , , "ro,i 11(,'-" ~ :-Jo lhin g mo r e IHlppcn ed until tb e ne~H mu . t. III a m easurl'. com ... from but not econ oml c nl I·) rodu,· .. r s ()lh"rE mornln~ or Ju ly ). wh(,11 lilli 's mon morl' ('('onolll ir al produ ction . may prod u ~ ... In8H mlfk ur bult H Y" 1 Here n re tb" !'lIptaJOB of th' r of th e big co ll eg o fo otba T o red ul:fI lh o cos t or IJTOd ul'Uun he m or n f)t'of) onll c al p r U(hH· ... r ~ ll l foem s o f th l8 ntll1 c kcd ('0 IJ , whic h ~cnt. bark rur . I WI-! mURt ha\'!' f'OW' t hnt Iwnson . Abor p, fr o w leN to right , are Munns of Corn by thp lr A light fH elle r ma~' dig"'H t 1I,'r l oud e ll , w ho kn o\\'R tbO , h(' II' Th " whol r- of 1J t"\' (;tl s brwade brecdlnJ : alld Indivi duality Game from Alpl u\ If' OI11I1J:a; " lIobb y' Bnker (If Prln('('! ar .. IIda pl· Pt'rr p" Ur a nd bl1 an eco oomit-al DI")' on, a sk lll ful and 1111' WIIS s addl ed up .ana rode ove r th e ed to our nl' .. d8. For. l h ,' blll lC'r lind (Iu "f'r d rln g \\'orlwr, nllu H . N . Hogee tt of I)nrltn nu t ll . Be lOW W Hho ul,1 k ~clJ II rt ·('o rtl o f Ii r r R . T . I' S t orn r ' l l'ld g ~to rorm 11 Illle on the r~nd, w ith " r('a Ul produf'!n f( d Rlr )·. tl w J (·rKuy f'nd; 'COW'R len der of !-Inr"lIrd K " Ipven . a lld G (' l 'a l (·rHull. -"00 "aplaill rPe d o n p d il l ' 1'1\ ('11 ""'t'k ' t hE' h u ~ ky bUl D t h e l llh PlI , Oil Ib e right, ",her(' th (I t t hf' Onll' l1ral l ), of Mkhlsm l e no d OIlf' r nHt'y <'O W8 hn\'" a C' ,!rt aln ad.' and lIs mark .. t va lu e i'n ('O nn",.tlol l n'gl rn l'n tnl m Ol1Um l' l1t n o .... ~tand~. lin VIUJtH " P l)f',' nuse , or tilt' ('harnel t'r or I I I' . l i d ' t tl tl II: H nrr I8 b urg ron d t' t l 1' 1Ie 9,t II N Y 11",,,· ~. . 111 111 ; \I hlc h ('oll t a l118 n hl gIH, r ' w I I t If' W P'~ 1 n~ IU' " ~ II~ . " It ' I I l'a rnE' n e xt nnd tll en t h" 6th N . Y . TlH'y P( 'f( 'I'"lU J:"" o f IW ltl'T fat. , nlil~L . . ~to"d I h er fo r some 11m.' ond W('r(> . . . 1 hlA \\ III ~ ho" "holt 1l rl/l lIlI, 1 0 1 1I111 "t ,·l n I lllri Ar rsh lr t' cow" I milit o rci c rf' d 10 pu t frt's h (,,'p s Oll ' b e lr RrpTh" ,'" '1)p.'II"rl or' buttl'r <'os t s fr om ,",,,'h I'U\Io , 10 pla lJnratc rn Ort ' 801ld s 1" lin d load th f'ir ('a rhln es. ~oon 10 l'l'r)dll(, p Ih t' f an", ;;ii::;~;;;~IW;;iiilmm;;;.;C~~;;;~ , 1 p1510 a m ount o r fnt. III Ih l' h e rd . 1'E'ath's n]('11 Cllm (' o\'l o f th e woud s "'hi I ~ b . f-' t Ic . 1 and \\'hrll 0 .. 11 Ib ,' "IIW I ~ Iha l pruli," '" li ull, 'r'I . th e v w~re r,"ar enou): h t he• J ()S ~t It r,r(' rI I(' ll~ araclPrl ' ~ I II I t ' j for tw," It l 1(" Ot.l f>r Ullin t h.! 0 ~ P i n a nt I . ut y·fI,·" ('P lltl< Iw r 111)111111 all f! , tlrln/!: I, n" A ll . Th(' "IWIllI' Wa R helrl 1111 · I C't l n)l·lk su li d S k, '':'" nil t hai pro(lu ('1' it /lo ll n d r(I 'I . .\ )l' ~l! ('(f\\ K ('an prOlU . III III" Y got too a trnn!,:. w h ~ n Ihe brl- llW rt' j n· l h- , ('('ollU llIi"a ll y and ;\1', ' h(' lI er tin t'P ll (" ntR. Til e' ~rlllt'". lilt ' I.ll I gad" fo:- II !t"~k to t llf' to p of tb" hili fi ll "" (0:' ,It,prod uc l ltt" or ..r1 (' Pij,' cock I c~t tllHI pf'11('11 IIlId Ilal)t' r w ill : nn d (li . llIoullI pd t(, llli ll1 " th e horses I lIIar k ·Ik . .' " , "" " iSi in wI 'r dill~ o ul th,' urr pro ll tab l" nnl f' t Ill' b:lUk . T hp)· sot b., ltlml a s tone wall W Ithin th,' claln' b r r c(\ ~ wc' !Inrl a I ('ows trOlll Ih (' hprd And h e ir! th, ' I' Il(,UlY for n lou); tim e . K I'I'~ I .'r dlrr .. re n cr· hf' tw rE' n InciivirJllnl Tho IIlustrat loll "how" 1<:11r10 0n t H Thl')' hael It(,(,11 IIghllng s<:" pral h o urs ('OU' S Ih"l1 uPlw pe n Ih r hr ,wug. ",,, l lless . II ,Je r sl'Y OW II \" d uy t he H OY('run bpfo rp (ipn . it',Yllold :o came up w ith a r£' 1< .. ('"lng' 100 man), N.WS \I'e do farm. ~;i dllu\\' . MI<-h . 11 ,,1' r l' l'u rd Ill ' th p 1"l rst ('o r{Js and wpnt In on t be not Im ow whal th ey prouur.e> no r how rl pr t hf' s up,'rvisl o', uf Ih ,' Mit-hl<:i1 n I'~fl. T h e II no' wu~ hpld uut ll the ' n! "I';, th l' )' ,'at. ~o;nc /lay a IJront an<l ! Ag'r' ~ lIltura l ('o ll pg'1' s h ow~ a produ(' t;; l u\' ~ ot h ('orlls calli,· l!I). ubout I ' 80101' aro pUliag IlP th o prO fit s marl" I l ion of I ~ .~~ :l pOll nd ~ of milit. 1('Hting o ·c loc k . and went 1llto pos ition o n hy tltt, o ll1e r s. It tlLk ps th ~ Ilronts 1. 132 poun ds. 9 oun cr's or bullrr. , th,~ rl g b t. T h e reglllll!n l then fell frcfTn Ihe I(ood cows 10 bala nce t he Th e l\chir \'P ln en t t')' ~:lIlillf'nt'~ 11""8, bac k l1: to the l own . with tbe (:l!valry IOF8 fr o m th e poo r cows . e xct:eds t ll(' TI>('ord lOr .Ja('oblL Ir('oe" IIghtln g all thro ugh tn " towo . Th~ re Thl' tlrst ,sl e p tow a rd r edu c ing t he h e r ctofo r e th l' wo rl d 's c h"u ,plon of WU B '!llou gh glo ry a t G tty~bu rg for cost of p l'odu c tlon 19 weig hin g' and th e .J e rse)' b re'pd . by 1.5~r. pounds of i everybo dy, und veter;\nr . s hou ltl Il ot tf'stln); tll" milk from each cow In m ilk a lld a t th o Hnrnp tltnl' ,'xcrcdR claim cred it for wh llt belon gs to o th· thp h Nd ortp n e n ough to kee p II good th e r eco rd of SjJo t tswood Dai sy Pf!ll ri. e r s. Copt. McCa be, In th e IU Bt y ear lin .., o n what !l he IB produ cin g . th e wo rld 's cham pi o n (~u.' rll sl·Y cow ot tb e war. WBB with ' 8hm'lda n'8 Weighin g tbe milk fo r one day by 17 9 pound s of milk . BCOUts, with 1\1 aj . II. H . Yaung of Sher· Idan's s tall'. li e had und e r blm 60 Th e wlrel es8 plano aboard the yac bt "J1lrond ('Ue ," be longing men In full rebel uolform , and s arno to Prince Albert .of Monaco , all whl cb Operato r nobtevl lle played of them were always 10 Lpe's lin es. th e "Star Spangle d Bann e r" ne a farew e ll to Americ a whet! tbe yacbt passed With four of hie m e n he located Lee's out at Sandy Hoo k. The pla:no IB not only wire less, It Is k ey less as w(1I1, that supply train at ApPoflla tlox Court Is In th e sense In .... hlch we 1l8Bocinte n plano w ltb k eys. A musical circuit Ho us e a nd r e ported the same to She ri· Is ueed In orde r to lawe r tbo freq \lency of th e eUITent eo tbat b ea rabl e ootes dao . Tbey capture d tbe train and may be st ru ck. ' ''ThIs Itrthe <only wlrel csB plano In t' xh;ten ce. Better Crop One Gets for Plow- All Machinery and Implements storee. k

• .


. .











' '

Seria ·I Story




Ellsw orth Youn g





II lu ltra tio n. by


' I


I 0ur Next i._;






oge r P OeO(:k






TlIollIR ; ('1-'\' ('11, ('um n Hln dtn g th •.., ~('c-

on d b r lgad£' , '~llml' to th l.! eolunel o f th, ' 171h I'n. I1ntl onlered h im t o ~,'nd uut h is nt'''' 011 Ibt' dltrl'rt'n t r O!ld s to Ond ally C'o ofnd e rnt ee who hlld passed Ihrotlgh tI,p town some da ys be for e,

i i


Philade lphia Soldier, Capture d by Confederat e., Ha. Moat Plea8:an t Awaken ing 'Next Day.

Mr. Jesse Smit h of Car i boo IS his pame, He IS a little brother of the grea t woo d s, a friend of the wilde rness, He is trapper, sailor, cowboy, rang er, He is a lover with a stro n g he art. . Simple. he +i is, and of quam t, f LEARN THINGS BY PRACTICAL HINTS FE~' HARD KNOCKS FOR AUTUMN WORK abounding, unfailing humor. He will tell you of the loveing Little Deeper Pays Well Should Be Placed Under ly sing er whom for Crop of Wheat. Cover for Winter. chance brou ght to 1.. M . B8NNIN GTON .l If yo u mU Ht buy fl'cd for th e COWl!. the fores t like him- t So m e c o ws Just ab out 1110\1 gl\'lng b e tter do It now or contrar l tur It. milk at this s eason o f th e year . Tbose Cb oa pe r than later. self, and how he f a rc the COWII you and / d o nOl wan l. Put eve r y bl essed ma c h in e and to ol Se ll Ihc m 01T and g et cows tllat wilt on th e pl ac[' IIllde foug ht for her. He r th e t1 h ed. h old out 10 tb e e nd or th e S1'8800 . Then poi nt them . will make his bow :! Plo\\' a li t tl e dee por fur wh ent l h un Feed nit th e wormy allpl <ls to lbe you did for corn . Th e e urtb m a l' bl! stoclt- bUI don 't b ave uny n f\x t yea r. to you In a few .. drie r now th a n It in th e s pring , K eep t.b e calve .. humpin g If tb ey 60 t.hat y ou will n eed strlJlIg er teuu, al'o Inte nd e d for baby beef. days. Acce pt him i'. 00 th o b()a m, but th e b c ~t e r crop you Th e ho gs will drtn l; I clc an ge t ror plowing d ce p will w{'11 pay lor watC'r thi s month as a fine, big, .hear t'UI last. -- I( Ih('y eall , th .. ex tra la bor. get It. I wanning com rade, • It. Is a mi stak e to pu t off fi tting t he GII'c th e yo un~ chiclll-'Ilb ' t h ,' rul whra t f(ro ulI<J till the last mloute. of th o pla ce . I for such indeed he H a v(, it a ll ll'I"ady wh en th .. t ime comcs C;ro ullli IJlllwl'd (tt l' whpat ~ IJo II I for seed in g. Th e se nRe of b,'lu g hur- now . IS.



Th o most surpri sed man a t Appomatto x was not Lee or Grant, Mead e , She rldnn or Longstr eet, bll t a Phll u· delphia Boldler, who Is now a widely known m an In t his city. Judg e .fohn WIIS L. Klnlley told about blm at th l' PIIIl grlm s ', <lInD e r, en"jM t he' Pblla de lphi a !I I\ 11 U('\ I Puhll c Le dge r. When Lee 's arm), fl E'd rrom Rlcb · moud In April, 186", It was hotly put'· sll ed by Grant'll army . Tb e fi gh t uud th e ('h a~o to Ap pomatto x was a re ar· ful Idal to bo th F dl'ra l n nd Confcdernte , and wh e n linall y th e latte r w e re r ll'<J anti dri ven bt' ),on <l o ne's ~ll'c ng t h Prelly la te to cut olrt 1t1:t(·I. It ('IT) )Vcr t ak t' o aD d made to surr e nd er bo th Is what m a k es It hard to k e!' fJ III' ",Itll !lll d ras lJhcrr y cu n l'~ , htlt I'lll th UlI, . " 1 <Tml es W('rt' utte rly fatigued . The far m w ork . HUfI' Ih l' po lato villi' >' all d 1111 trash I Phll ade lphl a soldie r was OU O of II Il 1M n goo d plan t o ~o throug h th p. III th e fil'ids l() 1l1'(,\' l' llt rut. s mall body of lI moo m e ll (;apture d on co rn il e itIs no\\' IL nd c ut all st alk ~ I hat /( e <'p "ft (>I' th (' iIlHf!ct~ o n I h e lat " l the morning or April 9. Tht'y ,,'ere : seem t o b o In( <'cted by 'WI Ut. Taite ~. a bba ~(' \l l ullt~ I'l c l1 l / I)!' ~,)\\'d" r . ". 0 co mpl e t e ly tired out that wheu tak· 1 t1H' SE! Btal.I(8 nway und bllrll tlIP 01 . (iOOd. tim e to h ult .. r· hrt 'a), th l' C.'OII~ . e n by th e Confod ora tes th e {I nion BOI-I K ee p e vory burdoc k or yell ow docl< )f your poultry 1I0u r' C' ha ti ,I i il't dl e r s lirOlllJcd to. th e g round t o rest_ pla nt from gO. ln g t o · Repd . Dig them , Ooor d l~ It. up a lld sc,'op 0111 six inch~ ~ Th e Phlla delpilla n w n t to slee p and l ou t I'nrly . Ily c utllng wilt.! (';l rrot d t>e p t o mnk(' r oo m fo r fr~Hh "0" ~ wh e n h e awok e h e fo uud himself nnr e or twlt:<! afte r hllying OOIJ Ulay Tbls Is u goo d m Ollth ('Ir callou i !. · 1# n.loDt>_ All around him were e ta('kf'<1 kill tbe weods. Good Jo b d o ne , t oo . lug . : Confed erate gU~16, but no guards. FInTb(\ Urnp to b egin fee ding mllcb B ona se t oarly thiN Dlouth \Viii h a t ch • nally some body told him that Lee had cows gree n fodd er Is before th oy drop c hi ckens that will Ilrill " hlg !nOl\(' Y • s urrende red and that all the Johnnie orr In the ir yield . Afterwa rd llIay b e at Chrlatm uR. I{ebS hat! gone home! too Inl e. It Is very hard work to ge~ Rurn every s mu t bll.ll yo " can flnd a co\\' back when s h o haa on co begun on th e corn stalks. Halting Effect of the "Ardent ." to shrink In h e r milk. Very seldom ' K ec ll your eye oul Cor th t' ..tlOit'1> During the winter campaig n 10 Teo- that we can do It. e nrs of corn for BPl!d . DeBBee, C. S. Beath, Quarter master GIve hogs nod pigs some green pasA nnsty Job I~ raking UI' alld bllrnge rgeant of the One Hundre d Rud Se~- tUN! during tbe Bumme r. In this man- Ing cocki e-burrs. but It mual bl' don e " nteenth Iliinolll, Wk!l pusslng along ner tho corn fed th e m will go twice as thl .. mooth . on" of the princIpa l streets In Mem- I far, or It brlogs twic e th e sam e reGo t th., b urro ls o r bux "" r ead y for r.ille, when he saw a >lo ldler c.()mlng I tUrDa. If the re Ie no I'<'gular pasture ..Lh e apples 1]Pxt month . toward him IlUuggl lng with the "spll' (o r tlwm. fenc e In 80mt> odd corner (;;over th e strawbe rriP." thf' latte l' Its" wllhln blm. The soldier saw him , IlUlt c:innol b e usc d for culth'ut loo, part of th n month . coming , and with some dlmcult y man- i The frCoP , gN'en rsr.;;t1 wEI ke!,p them Glvll tht' co w b,rn II ('oat lit ..-hltl' Rged to ejaculat p; "Halt!" Tbe soldier h paltby 1I0d growing . wash Instd o. DItto th ~ Iloultry houile_ Mrs. Ogltlsby , wlfe of the n c'6' Cl'Dsqaared hlmeetr . and 8.8 the sergean t I Rape make,s splendid hog pasture gresama n from New York, spent tae Lawn rath l'r poo rly ~ This Is th e \\' he n "Uncle Joe" Cannon was In was passlllg made n dl~9 for him, but. Rnd tt mill' be 80wn at any time dllrlng month to sow entire Bumme r In Wnshln gton aDd I. sep d a nd ngllio In aided by tbe soldler' e Inward foe, he spring and summe r. It may be sown Marcb . .about to visit her husband 's parents Wasbln gton tlt e othe r day to attend eaally dodged tbe blow . aDd tbe 801. 1 with a lUeetl~ of the Unroln oats fol' pasture afte r oat harMemori al Th.~ "windfa ll " 1k OraD&'6 Lake, Fla. Mm, Oglesby u/Jpl p!\ n r e "bugdler plunged over the curbIng aDd vest. or with corn at tbe last culUYa- fall," and lUlIst b e qui c kl y diBpeee as couslde red one .of the most attrae- ClOJDml8s1ltn, h e annolllltOed that h~ IRonded In tbe d gutter. As Boon a s he tlon tor fall pnatllre !lfte r th e com of.-C. M. S . tt lve memtJe re ot tb~ OOIlgre sslonal dr· certaint y would ru.n for e01l8rca s could recover his 8pee ch he said : again, I. cut and for !laid fodd er . be dldD'c kllow but dill In the DaUonIlJ capltal. - - -- - - - "There, now ; lie there. I guess that he woold be~ome a Democ~t It Mango In HOMlu, you'll bait th' uex' time I tell you to." Charc:oa l F1"Om Cob •. that I>llrty r e ally r educeu the coat 01 • wew... ... .. ....... Mnn:;e In hor8 es I ~ mu c h more difCharcoa l Is a health I>romol er for living as It bas promise d. ficult to tredt tllau scab ill sheep or On the Lord's Side. Not His Treat. the fo:wls. If you will put Born e ears ~~~ ____..................... ..('ommon mangl' In cattle. Prevent ion Preside nt Lincoln had various Intel'- of coru In a hot A drunken man b)- .tbe nnme of RIley oven tlud let them of Infectio n with the disease Is eafer views with delegati ons of clergym en burn quite " bL1lCk boar.ded Il trolley car, and a(tllr payH"r Real Statu .. and feed wben tbe nnd more stalsfal 'tory . The re ie no fr om dll'teren t sections or the country , gratn gets c ol d enollg!l YOll " That lady fl'OO1 Kentuck yIng bls fare made blmselr comfort will per- best all·aroll nd trcatme n t, ""elllt during the war or the rebel1lo n. 0t I haps be even fOr able. Tbe conduct or, after ca.llIng at! Quite sad." . astonish ed' to soe how gree d· lice on Btock. Th e clUBS .)f IItock. "Yea, her husbund Is away, She lone of thele delegat ions It la not relat.- I Ill' th(' poultt")' ""Ill partake the awete, was nearing a .treet wblch of the phystea l condltlo ii of the animals and ed that they had much to Bay wben charred cor~. Give Clorreep ob'd ed with the drunken man '. ~ grail widow ," lIuch a feed every INSon of the year d e t e rmine UIIl ldl1d "You meaD a blue grnu wldo~':'­ iliey were admitte d Into his presenc e. two .,-oekll_ J1ame, of treatme nt most advisab le. but, Llte_ In takin, leave, one or them "'RUe)- .treet nut," )'elled the conre_. --,- - - - - 'marked that be "hoped the lord was dvctor, Fecld a Variety_ . FMd for Dairy Herd. -'--' , " on 11de." "l don't aaree with It Ie .lJetter to feed a nrlety than :, ,The dniuen man, ' who " w.. ball No complic ated ay.tem of forage Theil" ,.....doleJeal . WIY. ......p~( und,, Od h.~m ail ;'RIJI'y'• . , "co~tra~~rs go agaiUlt ~l nlltunl, you:' uJd the PN8ldeD t. Of .c our'le to tced heavily on one kind ot &raiD- crqp. Is needed to aupp., . tbe 4at1'7 1 they I~JtAcf aiauecI:, "1 hope. Ind" Ground COrll, oata, .·.wheat. bran ' and herd 'wl~' au~uleat ,Meta oDUle )Doc\. tnat~' ~~t." ~.1~IJ~4~i&t: .. .1_,.1,<-' . . :<. ...., . -. '" • ·1 that we · are OD ·th • . lord's IJd.!·~ h. ft~ ·OJ' eottODJJeed ldIould ' gin JOOd ern ;. '~ 'Yol1~re a Jl:irf J U'eated 1Ut.:'-N a· -> "How " o!" ' ; , ' , "took'ra iom ,.h&re 0Cd'D. 010.... aIb1 I . .. ·...uaued · . nNI'ltta_ " , ~I ~~!ljhl',. ';" "1'hti1 at .. alwq' irriq to.lIilll'U4" . ~." ~. : .. ,














A M an · in tI le

O pe n: is the news eriaJ we have ' arran ged to print . It is so utter ly, so amaz ingly diferen t from mos t s!.oriesyoll have read that you will thoroughly enjoy p.very insta llme nt. Watch for it!


i i i:

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . ..... ..... ..... ..... ....




l .










."..fa thrl~. _ _ .















_______ 0


'Personal Mentionl

L . O. he re la:!l wee'k workin g in Lhe interests flf . - - - - - - -, - - - - . th e (;encsC'e L llllU ' Cu. , of Lo uiRiana 'I' "'1 h 0' N II . . ' n ISS "ar t a ea ill villiting in IS \ll!r:-;ol'ally rflnu uc t 1111< a p ar ty I)f ' - I I IantI , S L'eI f ' I ' . . . Jan on. wrs rom t li S VIClI1lty anLl Ir' from c;l'c('nv il,' e, Ohi,). The I a r ty !{oy Irons wall in Cincillnati ThunIleft f)aytflll 1ucsuay , a nd w all he day ( 1) busillc::;,':I. ' jo in ed wit h a party of ("ul"fli~ l s!lt FIC'illc hm a n's Yea s t-Good and IndianapiJlis. 'l'h nse who \\', n l fr om \ here and fro m Ly tle were, ~Ir" , I Fr c,.h at Wh ite's Store. Eva Baq,[(· r, 1~ll1l l' r )\ ee\'L'r, \V II, i\1 r ~ , r:~th cr I{obinson and Sd\1 I Brown , Will Cox ano H. 1\1 l' !:Lrl;, I TIll' pany will 1)(' t'lItl: rtu inc,I b) I li e Fra nk were, in Dayton Tuesday . II'O/llp':\ny IlI1t il tllt',V r Clu rn , \\ hil'l l , " . I \\ Ill , West, of W e~ tvtll e, OhIO, IS ' will be in 'd "HIt a \\'t'(' k , I the gue;;t of the Wilson Bros., on UIIU te 2. FAMOUS RESORT lJU~i\S

Som.ething New


l'hon;;:;,~~,ho wa.~



Rents of Safety Deposit Boxes


BJt~ad, GBe!Fl!~~ It's

Also, Coffee Cakes, Pies, Crullers, Buns, COOkies, Etc.

BREAD-5 and 10 Cent . Sizes.

NOW DUE. If you are not already supplied come in' and rent one. As low as $2.00 a year.

Waynesville National Bank

Th e famllU!l !\l ng-ne l ic Spl'ln ,l!' ~ D,r . anu Mrs . A T. Wl'ight were I bath·huu!le, at Bcll!.rook , hUl'I1 ed lU the g' ue"tg of re latives in Spring-boro the ground T ur.:!day rtt IHJlln . The Sunday . CRUlIC was SIIJlP">,(' d 10 Ill' frOl 1l a W I B I f X' th kettl e uf Iitl illlw tn~ nn !he k ,tchl'n a tefr , ent ey, 0 ema, Wa.9 e 't-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,I ,; loV\!. ,.Ih (, p lat'(' I\'as ',W lleO I,.\, a l g'uest . I l li S brother, C. B . Ben tley ' I ' 1 II f .. · · I , ::iU \){ ay. I ,,' r . II U "11. " I tnClnllall, \1' In

Tobacco, Cigars, Candie s and LunCh.

Hartsock's Bakery.




Poor Old Elgin

Ima inlil illt·d Ihc place a,; a $lImlllt:r If you are going to have a sale, I'll ·icl l·IH.:t' , 'I It> 1ll"IIII't' r!; nf t he sec A. A, M~ Neil, Centerville, Ohio, , . huusellUld had tl' run for their li n '>!. both phones. In th e next issue uf th e M'am l lThe Inss was a cO lll jil<'ll' line. I Is down and out when compared to The Tri-Stste ~ C~::ette wil.1 appear a new se ri al - - -+ _ . . Miss Clara Hawke returned home Hutter Company's prices for Huller Fat, which is ~C f or week ending October 26th . - A Man 10 the Open ," It has SHEEHAN· HOOD Sunday after spending a week with always been our aim La pi ck se ria l,; relatives in Dayton. The Tri-State Butte r Company deals direct with the ghipp er, We have a car of shipments usually being made e very four or live days as that pleMe o ur readers, and in th is MI'. I{ulph Sh eehan, :10 11 llf Mr . convenient to the shipper, every shiJ.iment being g'uaranteed new one we th ink we have succt:!edeo. and Mrs, W. A. Sh eeha n . o f Roxanna, .l'J:1essrs. J. O. Cartwright and against lOBS or damage in transit. It is full of the trapper, the ~ailor . was marri r d to l\1i ,,~ Helen E Hood , P. ~. Clagett were in Dayton TuesThe shipper not only saves the collec tio n (,O!1t of 3 , 4 or fi the cowboy and the ranger. Th e in Xenia. Thursuay afternoon, by day on business. cen ts per pound but a lso gains a decided advantagfo in hav ing language is quaint and full ofhumol' .1 Dr. A , L Reyn olds. Afte r the On Track. the tE'St sample taken a nd te!1t ed im'Tl eciiately upon arrival. A ve in of love r uns through th ~ cerem uny t he co uple retu rned to the Messrs. Roy Hartsock, J esse Lewis Our Spot Cash check will prove to you , the Tri·State is t,h e Choice sto~k suitable to put s tory, of a lovely singer that chance brid e ' ~ home in S prin g' Valier where and Milton Thompson were Dayton most profitable market for your cream. We see every ~ hl r­ per 's cream, we deal direct with ~' ou, we de~end e ntire l ~ ~pon away for winter use. All in threw in his way in th e great a wcddillJ< suppe r was se n 'ed, Mr. vls i tors Sunday . tile size of our Spot Cash pay check to brlllg li S add itional bag1l, no bulk stock, forest. It is ent irely ditf~rent and Mr~ , Sheehan e xpr'ct 1.0 spend shipments. Mrs. E . V. llamhart has been very Call and see them at the car fro m , anything t hat we have ever the wmLer at the home of Mr . SheeFree Trial Cans will be sent prepaid and our Spot Cash ill from a case of ivy poisoning, but !had, and wi ll be appreciated by our han':; father near Roxanna. or store. Checks will convince you as they have convinced 6,000 ship' hundreds of readers. is very much better at present. pers of cream in three states. THE BIRTHDA' SOCIAL Prices Right S. E. Alexander, of Middletown, 'The TRI·STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. LECTURE COURS : DRAWING Capital Stock, $76,000 - - .The social g iven by st. Mary'.:! was t he g uest of Mrs. Alethea AlexThe fi rst drawing for the lec ture GU il d in the ban'lut:!l rooms of the der a co~ple of days last week. co~rse Will take pl,ace at the Town- I Masonic hall Friday ev ening, was ~~ IP House next Saturday. October one of the e\'ents of the Reason. Miss Goldie Smith, of Urbana, OF COURSE oth , at. 2:30 p. ~. All holders of Abou t 100 wpre pre ·ent. a nd a pro- attended the funeral of her brother, ctourse tickets are earnes.tly requested g ram consisting of music and read- Mr. Chas. Smith, Jr.,1'hursday . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 0 be there a t the drh.wmg, . ings was rend e red by the members Mr", S L. Cartwright and Miss Th.e first number WIll bp on FrIday of ~t , Mary 's ch urch. A dain ty Mrs. Harry Murray was in FrankKizzie Merritt attended the funeral . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . evenmg, October 31st. lunch was ser\'ed after t he program . of Mrs. Hawken in Springfield, Fri- lin Tuesday visiting friemis. Homeelcknesa Spoil. Photograph •• ~ The socie ty will net nve r $60 . Jay. --Aunt Marla thought, and so did her There was a ~ of scarlet fever relatives In tbe big city, that the ST. hlARY'S CHURCH The Choir Guild of St. Mary's reported near Harveysburg Tuesday. photogrupher was unpardonably dischurch will meet a t the home of courteous. For three successive days 23rd , Sunday alter Trinitv, Octo- Mts. W. H. Allen Saturday afterMiss Belle Daniels, of the Soldiers be refused to take Aunt Marla'8 photo- b ')6 S d S h I Home, ' Dayton. has been visitini reler :un ay c 00 at 9:30 a , n .. noon at 2 o'clock. , grap b , 0 n the tourth day be told Morning Prayer and serm on ' at 10:30 why, atives and friends here. "In Justlce to her." he said. "Y do I "W~oso offereth me thank!! and J. E. Janney, Gordon Joy, Mr. and Miss Mary Salisbury, of the postnot 1IIant to take her pictures now. praH!e , he honoreth me ; and to him ·Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs, J. H. Cole. office, is taking her vacation, and is She Is too homesick. Most oul·ot- t hat ordereth his convers ation rig ht 1 • lied to Leb tod town people want to be photographed . " ,: man were cay anon ay visiting friend!! iii Xenia. while In the c ity . If th ey ure longing Will I show the salva tIOn of (,od . before the petit jury. tor bome I put them oft with one ex- Come. TJ'powrlt u r nt "8~.,:)G h uu, thnll flU' IIU\IIO .. ''''' t,ur'' ...•.. lowe,," f l u 1(ury prlC",l. Oscar Smith and Dean Howell CUBe or another until the hom eSi ck- - - ... - • Louis Whiteman is in Columbus neS8 wea rs oft, HUNTING NOTICE went to Dayton Monday night and and will attend the Veteran Masonic "It you want your aunt's pictures to ' - - -_ saw the show at the Colonial. turn out well, JUBt bunt up some one I Th e following havt' t heir farms AlIIOeiation which meets tonight. trom her home town who bappens to I posted, and hunting on the same will Mr. Whiteman has been a member Mr . and Mrs Earl Gray are visit· be visiting here at present and bring I positively be prohibit d of the association for 25 years. ing relatives at Lancaster, Ohio, and him bere so she wlll meet him unex. ! e . and attending the county fair, pectedly, The meeting will put sparkle Seth Furnas. The first snow of the Beason lell and animation Into her tace, Dnd nel- I Martin Gons. Monday night, when the thermomCarl Crane and family have moved ther she nor I will be dlsnp[lolnted I Isaac Wilson . . with th e photographs," \ ] , Satterthwaite eter went doy.r1J to 39 degrees above. back from Tippecanoe City, to'fhe ~ome cold for this time o,f the year. Stokes farm, and haa taken his Qld position. '" N'e \' e r berol"t! hos I1DYthllljl lI it i" I hfs hcC'n Mr . L . O. Thorripaon, who has ntteml)tud. DOJlJ OI~ !lo t $:t.t.t) n UJu li1 h r en t f ol· Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bishop, Miss been here du'ring the past w\ek in lh i~ mnl{c of nlllchine n ot n un rh' liS perhleL Il ~ the one "' 0 wlJl send you. and ruu ItR\' nnl~ the interest of the Genese Land Co" Stella Bishop and Master Paul Bishop 'l'WO DOLLAR>! A MONTH ANI) O WN )'I' . of Xenia, were guests of C. T Hawke : of Louisiana, stprt-ed for his home BY.ND TOllR NA~": AND AlmnF..88 and family Sunday. ON A P()" TAL CA itO ANII Wt; Tuesday. WI LL ARRANO~ A 'TUll EI': HAl'S' --- - "A MAN IN TH E OPEN"


3 .









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A Typewriter .Sensation



Geo . Dakin, of Dayton, spent Sun· Mis:!! Bertha Day, the evangelist P er ( rut ' m uehinc!i onl\'. enmpl ctu o u UI1 .• day with his falJlily here. noth Lll 1l (I X! rn t o huy. nu !-.trin~N ur 1m)' klud who held a revival at the Orthodox \.0 Lhls o.Tt!r . •' WH. l.h!J~ I\ or hll ) IIlU Huu h fL tH>cwrltcl' lur 01'11)' $7:;5 II"wn lind t~ , (k) II Friends church lut winter, is holdSheriff GI'lmour and Prosecutor month tor .1\' 0 mU ll ! h l'4, 1'ho ul;1\nds or PC()ll1c hav e pnld rItJo '().1 t~ I .. ~h fOI" ~mil h PromJc r 1'l. ing a ,revival at Center church, Wil- F rank A nd erson pa ssed th roug h It lij SI,lIn(lnnl, by lIl'"IY (!"n.llloreti th " heNt town today with Jim Brown , enroute t)'I."",rller C\' "r IlIllIL, A IlCY 1M cnell ehll", mintt.on. uotc r. u. tqle brush for e l o ltnln ~ Lt,e LY IIC to Xenia, where Jim will languish in hullLlnl'l LIIC mll"hlnc. I lI t hl~ '· t'''lIl''S • 10 \,o n \o;l l h too ls. rullb e r cover, (! \·c rytlltn., I Dr, J. T. Ellis, of Waynesville the work·house for "bootleggmg." e mil"I"t c, I t rnns 1>""UI II"III' . 1M slmp'e I\n,1 Mlromc nnd Wll'! IfI~t n l i f etime. \Vc hu\'osolll ,I Lodge, and Albert Merritt, of Har. ' f W h' D C hundred. 0/ II ,C u1I\chlllc, nnd' bml), Is leVI Cook, 0 as lJIgton, . ., ""Usl1ed . . : veysburg Lodge, F. & A, M., are at~ haa been visiting relatives in Only 2~ ordo ... wlU 10.. IIIled on thl. : tending the Grand Lodge of Masons who . to t Wa nesville ofter. AUT 'l'O\JAY TO lit: SU RE. W I'l mmg n, came 0 y I Sen" ~Ol1r nnme ""W, 'I'ODA Y. Y ou In Columbus. last Wednesday and visited the I Mn't 1o",,;, nnd Its the rrreo.tcsL ccnnumlclI: . th hIS typewrlLe,' Ol>llOrtunlty )''''' will Over h,'" " , . :I Gillnm Cromer,of the MiamiVaJley grave of hIS fa er, t e ate am I :IChautauqua, was in town Thursday Cook, who was buried here just a National Typewriter & Repair Co. ) 8l\1-S!J8 8rd St. Arc" .... llI<1g., U"~ton, O. , selling Iltock for the new Chautauqua year ago. : to be s,tarted at the old grounds in • FrankJ:in the coming year.

We aim ' to serve, to benefit the community, to 'carry good goods only; to be fair: and impartial in the adjustment of errors, to take no unfair advantage of our competitors, to fight every day and all day our fight for • Honest Goods at Honest Prices. Our


OLERMONT Stoves and Ranges are a capital example of highest quality goods at reasonable prices' The strong· est guarantee (ever put on a stove goes with them, Don't decide the stove question without seeing us,

The Old Maids Club, a cornie en, tertainment will be given at the Lytle Hall next Saturday evening, October 2.'). Good music. Admis!lion 15c . Everybody come. The play will be givEm by Mrs. Margaret Johns' , Sunday School class.

ROGERS & SON, WayneSVille, Ohio.

As Elizabeth ' Carroll was coming Ollt on the porch at the Friends Home Monday, her ldr~ss cr'ujZht in the door and threw her to th~' ftoor Her face WaR conside.'tably BlCratched, but beyond the shock she ha,s suffe red but little incoovenie nee from fer fall.W

Dayton has The Best Stores lnObJo


This Serial .will stAl"t · next week., ' Get ready forjt, .by .ta:king ,. the Gazette. '.





.. \'





f ••











Rla&t PIIcee

Wednelday--SUBURBAN DAY --In


Day to" has completely recovered from its great disaster and the merchants have planned to make SUBURBAN DAY more attractive than ever, to out-of-town shoppers.


Attractive Merchandise We wish to caftour reader'S' ntten. tion to our classified corum n. It is growinls in popularity on ac,eou:nt of its s"!lIihg qualifications. An ad in this coHumn meaml~ ' great' (,J~-IiHL-e-J""­ the)!eller. It costa but little' and ,YOU ar~ sur.~ o~ a sale: 'Try it opce; and you wfll:alwaya 'Use it,

Dayton baa Up-

Price Inducements

Excellent Transportation Facilities-Fine Hotel and Restaurant Accomodation&"-Many Theaters · and places of amusement,






' r'









Sixty-Fourth Year


+- - - - - - - - - - - - e

., Former Citizens.! . - - --

- -

- - - -

Oan R . A nd erson. 0 f Lafaye tt e. · B tte ., I n d ., 1n a Ietter to P au IIna u r , "M f II d b k th wor . ' says: ary e an ro e her rIght arm at the shoulder. and bruised herself badly. last Sunday · gett'mg a Iong fi ne. noon. b u t s h e IS t t th h ital Sh d 'd 't h e I n ave 0 ghO 0 de °hsP h . I have a nurse f or er an seas th e best 0 f care. "


HAVE NEW PREACHER . The Orthodo~ Frlend~ have been very fortunate m securing the services of Rev. A. E. Wooten as pastor for the coming year. Rev. Wooten com e s well recommended He preached two good sermons here. Sunda.y, and he will preach e~er! Sun~ay f~o~ now on . The public IS cordIally !nvlted to attend th~ Sun· day servIC~; Sunday ~ornlllg at 1?:30, and m t~e evenmg at 7:00 o clock. yo~ will be welcome to all of these servIces. Come. • ~• STEREOPTICAN LECTURE L. O. Thompson, who returned tbis week from his home , at Lo· ranger. La., will give a stereoptican at ~gel'1l' Hall, !hur~ay evenmg ot thIS week. He 18 accom· panied by an operator of rare abi~if:r and will present views of the leadmg see?~ of Soutbe~ history an~ give an I~lg~t to the New ~u~h. All are mVlted. No admISSIon fee. T~e W8;fnea~i1Ie farmel'll should not fall to be present. •- • HALLOWE'EN CARNIVAL -· The Grange will hold their annual mask carnival at the .Maaonic BaT.quet Rooms, Saturday evening at 7:00 o'clock All are requested to come masked and have a jolly good time. There will be a good hmch Served and the admiasion price is only 15 centll. Every lady of the Grange is J'equested to bring two or more pumpkin pies with them Come and have a good time.

OBITUARY Fannie Earnheart, daughter of Henry and Harriet Oenninlrer, was born October 15th, 1847, in Lancaster Co .• Penn .• and passed away at her h . W C Oh' T esd orne In arren 0 . , 10, U ay, October 14th. 1913, aged 66 years d 9 d At th f t an ayl. . e age 0 wo years, to 0 . she . came WIth her parents reSIde m Warren County, ., where she spent the remainder of her life On September 28th, 1869, she was . . united In marrl8ge to Matthew Earnheart. Ten vears later she waa converted and joined the United Brethren Church near Springboro. O. Later, on moving to the present home IIhe and her husband transferred their membership to the M E. Church at New Burlington, Ohio: of which she remained a faithful member till her removal to the Church Triumphant . All who knew the decea!led intimately testify to the sincerity and clearness of her Christian experience. As long as age and health permitted, she was a faithful attendant at the appointed means of lrrace Her dpath came suddenly. unattended by any great pain or suffering and it found her ready. A few moments hefore the end came she testified of her readi. ness and of her faith in her Savior. She leaves three children and one step son. Mrs. L. A. Gag'e. of near Xenia Mr Cifford Earnheart of near i.eb~on. Mrs. J. L. Davi~, of near Bellbrook and Mr. Burton Earnheart. of Waynesville, who, together with her husband and two sisters, Mrs. Jacob Stouffer, ot Pennsylvania, and Mrs. J. F. Joy, of Miamisburg, Ohio, and eleven grand. children and one great grandchild dnd a host of sorrowing friends, today mourn the 1088 of a lovina' m9tber, a devoted wife and true friend.

Whole Number 3234 'WERE FIRST TO CROSS

Are Only "Just Kids" W. H. L. , Xenia , Ohio I Editor Gazette, Igree in Wright Council at Xenia. Short ly after, he joined the Order Semi·annually there appears under 1of the Eastern Star at Monmouth, glaring headlines claims for the III., and last week he became a "Oldest Mason." The latest boast'member of the Masonic Veteran comes from Warren County in behalf A88oeiation at the Grand Lodge sesof Colonel Thornton Thompson, of sian lit Columbus. Now this is goButlerville . Lodge, with I. E. Keys, ing ::!urne, yet. his friends need not of WaynesVille, a dose second. The be surprised l'o soon learn that he former was made a Mason in 18-18, has lak en the Scottish Rite degrees the latter In 1851. They are said to ahd j .. ined the Shriners. Bro. Kingsbury haa visited lodges be the oldest in the county. perhaps in the 8tat~ . The facts are, those in ne"rly every state in the union, Brothers are only "kids" In Ma· besides a great number in foreign !IOnry. . eount:ries. He has the activity of Bro. A . R. Kingshury, of Xenia, one many years younger and is a 0 .. shows up long strides ahead. He regular attendant of Lodge, Chapwas made a Mason in Vermont in ter and Council at Xenia, where 1846, and was' Worshipful Master in every bro ther and companion is his 1848 when Bro. Thompson was initi- friend. It is safe to say that his ated. Three years ago when eighty· Maso nic record has never been four yean of age, Brother Kings- beaten. He iB a Past Master and bury took the Super Excellent de- Past High Priest. W. H. L.


The Misses Rachel and Ed ith Sheehan were the first persons to make the trip across the new r oad from the Little to th e Big Bridge, an honor they surely enjoyed. The t rip was made late Wednesday after· noon and the girls were very proud of the distinc tion shown them in the matter. The bars were taken down by Contractor Lewis and the girls proudly made their nag look up and take nolice as they made the trip. It was a distinction shown them on account of t heir father, probably, as he owns the land on both sides of t l-le road through the avenue be· tween the bridges. The trip was safely msde, and the girl. are justly proud of it .



Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sheehan entertained Sunday the followill5C guests: Mr. and MrR. Millon Sheahan, Mrs. Susan Sheehan and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell, all of Centerville.

A number of MiSll Grace Carman 's friends reminaed her of her 18tb birthday with a surprise party Tuesday evening. Music and a general good t ime was enjoyed by a)1 present. L i g h t refreshments were served .

Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright entertained at dinner on Tuesday. Those prESent were: Mr . and Mrs. Jesse Wright, Misses Lydia and Mary Wright. of Springborp, Dr. and Mrs. Keever. of Cf>nterville. and Dr. Emily Wright, of Rock Island. III.

The work of weeding out the sa· loons in the state is about completed. There will be a.bout 69 saloons in Dayton that will have to close up, and .. bout 500 in Cincinnati, as well as many othel'll throughout the state that will have to close their dool'll. Mrs. Annie O'Neall entertained at Thankgoodnellll, there are none in her homeTu8llday at dinner the fol-

.11 .................. ...... j. . .. ..... , , .... ,. r""'''''' n', ""M'" ....I· .... · ......--·i W~:~;~~~~!~dCljO:;/r~ Warren ~~~i~!U~h~~.: Of~~~i!~:li~,~t;.~ ; Personal entioD Co umn 1 I 'County did a ~reat work 'in convict- Jennie Alcorn. J~nnie Whiteley, IWI.....:... ... ,,.::'."'11:''' :' :-..::..=" :""',::' .::::.. :....:.::::::::lJ ~~ ~o;;:i ::~I;gtt::. br;t t~~! ~e;. ~~:d~~z:t;.et ~~r:ol~~~:



.. ..


. good wOlk go Oil, and some day they O'Neall. E. V. Barnhart was in Cincinnati, Mrs. S. D. Clayton is visiting in may be able to get those who ea· --Thursday. Cincinna ti. caped this time. Dr. and Mrs. S. n. Clayton enter. Mrs. Viola Harlan ia visiting rela'j Miss Katherine Gibbons was in INTEREST IN SCHOOL WORK t~nM with an el*"tl~ appointed tives in Dayton. Lebanon. Saturday. dmner on ·T hursday evemng of last . Gov. Cox has iBaued a formal proc. week. The ~xquisite ~te of the Miss Ellen Emley has been quite Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were in lamation that Friday, November hostess W81 dlSpla~ed In ~e house ill for the last few days. Cincinnati, Thursday. l4,th. be designated as School Day. and tah}e decoration!., which were and he asks all patrons of the achoola 8uggeabve of H,:Uowe en. Co~en Mrs. Will Hatfield. of Xenia. was ~ recent guest of Mrs. Hope SWea. T. C. Christie, of Lebanon, was in to gather at theit school houaea to were laid for MIII88 Myra BaIrd. town, one day last week. hear addresses on the result of the MaJ Wright. Rosamond Dakin, roueational survey in the state, and Messrs. Zackary and Graff and Dr. Lee Earnhart and Kenneth Hough . ·ted h ome f 0 Iks , A, F. McLaughlin was a Cincin- to I18me a de1epte to a school con- and Mrs. Clayton. of tbe0 .S. U •• VIS' "Scarcely time for a last farewell. SundaY. nati visitor, Saturday and Sunday. ference to be held in Columbua in No time for a abock of fear. December. Only a moment's bait on the abore. Ml's. Ed Macy and daughter. Mias Several auto. were caught in the The governor thinks by this meana A few of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilh th · guide and the boatman mud between Waynesville and Cor. Edytha, were in Dayton, Saturday. to awaken a more widespread Inter· Brown's neighbol'll gave. them a Burne :r . win Sunday. est in the sehools. and a betterment prise lut Saturday evening by dropD-;ar. ~ow ~lIrprlSP.d y~u were to 1'0, and Hugh Ridge Carl Hawke of the achoola in general. piDg in and reminding th.m of their With bttle to suffer; httle know. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Everhart, made their weekly visit here. Sun. • - • intentions of moving to a different of Covington, Ky •• are visiting Mrs. day. Only a dream of d.lrk. AN ACT OF JUSTICE neighborhbod. They 'will be patty ~-- ..... --John Everhart. A dream of the fieetil1g night, miaed. but all preeent wlahed them Editor John Cumming'll, of the THE AME~ICAN BOY And then the beautiful break of day The Warren County Fair Itoard at SUceet8 in life, and departed to their Mrs. Alice McKinae, and daulrh. Warl'en County TimtlS. was ~ visitor a meeting held last Thursday,handed hom.. to think And the quiet peace of light; the good eoeiable In a~other eolumn we call atten· And you found )'Qurself where you ter visited relatives in Dayton. Sat- here, Thursday. Wm. lies, wh084l son was accident- time they had all enjoyed. The urday ."d Sunday. • ti()n to the ad of the "American longed tQ stand, ally shot and killed at the fair in evenluM' WU spent in. music, both Mrs. Andrew Woollery, of ColumBoy." This i'l B malrRZlne that every In the repose of the fatherland" September, a sum of money sut- v~1 and inatrument.aJ, and games Mra Belinda Rogers is home from bu., Is pent the week·end with Mrs. ficient to meet the expenses atten- of various kinde. An elepnt lunch young boy should have in the home, • - ••- - - Cincinnati, after a two-weeks visit IlI8be,lle Bayhan and not only the young but the old FINISHED THE AVENUE dant upon the burial of his son. was served. - Those present were: with relatives there. enjoy it. The price with the Miami act on the part of the board Is Mr. and Mn. A. L. Sid.., Mr. and This 'Springboro intends to paint their Gazette ia only $l.60 a year Get it Contractor Chas. Lewis finished to be commended, and we are glad Mrs. Frank Jones, Mr. and Mra. Will 1l. town red next Friday night with JUr. and Mrs. D• C . R'd I get () f 0 ay now, for the price may not "emain the cement road on the avenue on to see this act of Justice on their Dinwiddie, Mr. and Mr.. Ed Brown ton. spent Saturday and Sunday with their merriment. this way long . If you want it, let Monday afternoon about 3 o·clock. part. and it certainly will meet with and baby. Jeanette, Mr. and Mrs. us know and we will have a Mmple It ip a great road now and will be Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Hawke spent the approval of ' Warren Countv Jacob Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. Frank copy sent you. enjoyed by residents of Waynesville E. Hart!lOclc. Mr. and Mrs. AllMrt Sunday and Monday the guests of people_ Frank B. Hormell. of Chicago, • - • and all people who have buaine. . Cornell, Melin. ~ Cornell, .... Dayton relatives. PLM'ED AT LEBANON over at Corwin. Mr. 4ewis made spent Saturd~. Sun)lay and Monday WILL PLA \ BASKET BALL Alfred, Robert, Jerorri.. and Cumgood tlme on the job, and experts with Mrs. Suaan HaysJit .and other • rnina Jones. Jam.. HJtI,et. Nelson M. C. Liddy, who was quite sick A crowd of foot-ball players went say it is a good job. friends. There will ~ a ga~e of bukel Brown. MillBeS Jane"'!J"onea, Marie last 1week, wu able to be out on through town Saturday from, Xenia, The avenue was opened to the ball at Rogera hall tomght betw80 H.rb!ock Olive Dmwtifdle SlJsan the slt reet Monday. Mrs. Elizabeth ZeUel'l arrived to play the Un.iversity at Lebanon . public between the bridges TuBl'day the High School tea'." and the ex- Sides LiUian Sides. ~;' ' graduates. There will be no admll• ~. j" . ... home, SUllday. from Cincinnati, morning. Mr. S. L. Cartwright has been Bion. Everybody is invited to IM!e ~ ..•.. t: : where abe baa been visiting her son ~-------~.~---considerably under the weather, but USE FOR SHOPPING GLOVES WANTED! for the last, two weeks. the game. ROUGH MANNERS OF THE PAST is much better at prE!llent. Mr. Compton" Simpler Method at Ba,.. All the voters of Wayne Township PRESS ARE INVITED Drinking Trlok In Which Enllllih Moa. 'galn Counter Rejected With th. George Smith, who was appointed Messrs. Chas. Comell. A. Maffitt. arch Fllured-The Flret PinScorn It Delerved. meet at the Methodist Episcopal an examiner by the county commisThe newspaper men of the county ,erl ... QI~ . Church, next Sunday evening, No- sioners. bu been working at Ft. and Rev. C. S. Grauser were in _ •.t,·9. . ., Xenilil, Thul'8day afternoon. are invited to spend nut Thursday I'rom his ea8Y chllir Mr. ComptoD vember 2nd, at 7 o'clock. The comAncient for the lut week. DrIJIklq trlcb Sprecl III cllplomaoJ watched hIli wife putting on a patr or , I ti . tho >tit • th t with Mr. and Mra. Haney, of the tu ,loveB. "Aren't they too lar,e .or ~nlr e ec on ID II s .. e IS e mos Re·v. and Mrs.J. F. Cadwallader Warren COunty Orphan A.ylum and In the time of Henl')' VIII. lin. HeDI')' youY" he aaked I6IlIy. . Important in many years. We want Cult quotel the klnl'l challeqe to The money for the Ii"hts on the and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane were Children's Home at Lebanon, as Hubertu., tile repreqntaUve of the "Oh, no, not for Ihopplng 810.,ea," to acquaint ourselves witli the iflBues. PalllCTave FrederIck. He ..ut for two their guests. laid MI'I. Compton, and with her fin· Come, regardlesa of tbe weather or avenue is all in but a tew dollars . in X~mia, Thur'Jday afternoon. huee cobleu, fllled wIth wIDe and beer • 1'1 oft tbe table, she ran .~ IIcale up your political affiliations. 'fhis is and as soon aa that is colleeted the relpect1ve)J, ad pve die eDV01 hi. aDd down several times. l have to . . lights will be placed in position. I Dr. Emma Wright, of Rock Island. WILl. MAKE SP .. ECH be able to do tbat, you see," ahe ell- Dot a party meeting. choice. for a "clrJaJdq out" ttllt. In III., was the week·end gueat of her vam HubertUl plMde4 Uaat hi. muter ~ . •-- - - plalned. George O. March. of Lebanon. brother, Dr. J\. T, Wright, and Dr. J. T. Ellis will make a speech hac! actuall, IDltitute4 a :eomPaJlJ of "Do flnger exerclBolt I What ttlrt" WILL BE NIOHT OF FUN has just taken his seat as mayor of family . au~d Mr. Compton. .. before tbe Miami Valley Medical the Goldeu Rlq to put dO"D .uch COD· "ThOle aren't finger exerciliel. Society in Dayton tomorrow. at teau, an,. member Who broke the proFriday night is Hallowe'en end it lA!banon, vice Albert Stubbs, who hlbltloD to 101. .sl rIDe &lid elYe Mn. Compton's color deepened ••, Eh!Ction Day is only oix days away . rMigned to take the county auditortheir annual meeti~. His subject to tile poor. Hedt'7, aDlEIIru to prove .taklng oft the gloveB, Bhe began to will be pen over to a night of rev· ship, baa not been much talk about The .... ill: "Some Changes of the Last One- that the IDqUIlubaa waii the lleUer smooth and Btretch the flngers. "Those elry, not only to the younger gener· it fOl~ some time, and but little into Third Century." IDIUl, 'promJHd to'*nd th.forfelu hlm· are-why, they're calculaUonll, Henry. ation but also the older ones aa well Karl Hartsock. son of Mr. a.fa lelraad drank Ilil beee:. at a draft, est has been evidenced. Don't you see, If I atart downtown ~ whOl It took Germ" rour plpI with , tell dollarl, and go to the Illk There will be allld~ds of little and Mrs. John Hartsock. of Springfleld. CH URCH SOCIAL to aocouat .•or tie wtne,1.;) counter and find two lovely remnantl, big devils. old men and young men, ' was her. Thursday in the interests Ml'B. J. A. Funkey Is home from , . H;ow earl:r did iAaaJducl'WDk of the one three dollal'l and one for .our and women and young airl. all out of a wall.paper firm of Cleveland. The Dorcas Society of the M. EJ· colllvlSllence of the flnpr.... IIOTe? and a halt. ·1 want to reckon l,Ip 'at for a good tilDe, and we sincerely He made several aoeial CAlla while in CbilUeothe, where .h~ has been attending the Chlo Federation of Church will hold ·a "Measuring So. UUJe W&a··alel o. 110... III aactellt , OIlCe, underneath the counter. how hope they will have it. . • _ ...- - town. ~ much ~!)l come to, and how much but III mOlt CUll It'la obliowl Wom.,en~s Clubs. She was a del---te "I'al" in Ro ...ers' hall on Tbanksaiv- tlmtll, that the, had lDean. TIloee wcpra lIT ' l'IUI4ve left. And last ,.,~k I mIlled RUS5UM-HAAS frqm the loeal New Century Club. ing evening. Everybody is cordially the HCl'etary of the ~• ., PIID7. .. a /rt'eat barpin 'becaule I had on lome D W. Mee~ fell down the cellar . ,.' invited. ued wblD he vtatt.d l'envtu.· 80 · . tJlhi 'glove. an.d I couldn't reekon. I Several WayneilviJIe people received ste.,..t the depot, Sunda" serapin. MI~. and Mrs. F S. Jones. of • - • that be mtaht keep Oil ~ cl~wa ·". ·l1'.....·t !Ilil!p_,ot,f:!d to 10 ·to tbe Rle." u in Columbus . mam'lKe. , • b, ',, - . L-';k t t wo d.-~ Dot. IDcered III Iplte of 1I1I11t· ba•• Compton. . "Why not follOWing &nIlOun~ a Iarje p ieceof -_1'jD 0.& utM;r ' Ro . U t·~ 6. , spen. . 'heeD DOthe Ie..oold. uaaa. ~· of tleClto.n for :yqu f" "Helen Hatel Haas 'and 0~!W~. ~ul'tins bi~. · .Web ill ~t J~~k .vlstbJJg rel.t'v~ and .at_ . . .. ,. . . ua. "uttoa ..; ADthenMu., wlao' . . . '. '.'At • bai'the . job, bo1f',Ver. and h~ ~dl~ the: Grand ChaPter ~f the. ,. It Is said wate~ i!l1O ~ .In IIcrre. at ta~Je 80 that b. mlAf;' " . tlil~~ )ike f~int Eaatiern Star. Tbet··~pPed· off at. the EIli9tt~t ..~ ~-,jJf tilt lIleatbot Pi 1*' ,114, ' Dcicli' blin :~nlt . ..-:Ontheir, retum;-' for ':a : few that to~~f.i~ ..... of ~ '~ ' ~ ~""~II~~I~en.·:·, .'.. ~ • ~UrIIo·~ .', ).. .. T-~ . ...o!,.; ' •• to .... . .. 0;- ....J~ + '

- ..


------ ---




















~ACHINES Wby Old Backs Ache 1


Adopt ion of t ile Moto r Tr uck b y Agri. culturlsts H as Been One of t ho Fe a tures of th e Yea r.




11I('II Y p' II PIl' IllIuh till' rflr m· I ~ oul y Iu! prt 's tl'd 111 til " 10 Ii· 0 1' I prle,' d IIl1 tll m n ll ,'s , bll t Ih ,' fael Is I A grt ':<l


, Tha t II Drive •. Steers. and Br~ke8 o n AI! Four Wh ee ls Is One of It s Rern<lrkable Fearures- To Replac e Str ing T eam. of H arti es.

'\ I II':" 11 11 ' 11 11

I ... l

.lIfllIl l l.


; rlll.-h ,; .. l1u.:11 o f A 1'.-1. • j·c,in,c:r III ' Egy p t a. ,gn'u ' . '· I1J ,·t,·r), nf th .. On,1 lly nl"l, (r,f,III) H . C .I \IJI ~ f'Xllh)1't: d IUHt )'~ Ilr. :,,'. ('(I rdln fl 10 t hp ~Ilh p r< ' Iln d lllll Ch tb ne waM 1m· po rt ant


.\1 11,' 11 IIII" T<' ~ 1 I ~ twil l!; , huIIIJ In an ,,1, '( II'\(- Iral'lur r('<;,," l l), 11Il'11"d <llll of , I It.· , h r' )I ~ ,) f onl' of til ,: hi!: ~ l' ij t t'''~ t · I'm railn ." rl lillI'S. It :JI'I"'a r s to b., 11\ " n,lYS b,·t Wel' ll a UI Ulo r' Clll' and a i rr< ll lI'ur 10COlllutl l'l' . aud It can b e' I dabl;"t1 . sa ys ltaHII'a y IIlld !.ue-umo· tir o' En&i llt'crillj; I:'>"w Yorkl. n~ th most jlo\\I' rfu l a utomobil e l" ' l'), buIL t . for It Is Int (' nd t' d 10 )'c"lal'e s trin g i I.'"nls or 11llr~,' ~ u~t.!d for hnul lng ClIra I n.... r rl\llruuu tr R ( ' k ~ III city SlrelH for d , 1i"pI'Y to local I lldu ~t r les. "' to r end : " ~ol1l e uf til l' cnu~t re Ulurkabie f"a· tun' ij o f thi s l ructor a r e tb at It drI ves. st ... ('r~ . nu d urak es au n IL four wh c~ l s. Til t! dcv clopment of th ese fentur ea \~' a6 mad e n eccijsa ry ou IlC(,OUllt of the Bllort·radl us CUT\"f'B a)'ouud whic h the tmelDr would be requ Ire d to ope rate. and the necessI ty Of drivIn g ull rour wlk!e l ~ III ord er to Bec ur e th e ueoes· bu ry t racth'c ..,ro rt. As th e a llpclI r · Il11C e In lllen tc. . storage batteries of Edison type. wcl ghi ng 4.351l


lll 'l'CHU pl bh

I'd. both rrorn th e Slallt! point o r Re le nce and that of tbe II cqul llltlon of re licI'. Tbe \'U 1l ~y In wblch th e eXCR\lltlo ns w('ro ili ad, · iK .Itu llled at Tnrkh un , abo ut ~o mill·.> 60u th of CaIro. It was c lellrl'd Ih l~ yehr un d found to contal u abollt ~O l l graves. An exact r ('co rd was Inlld,> or all th o con ten ts or th e g ra v,.,.. TIlt' I,," ' " oIl.,·o\l·r"d Ihert! ar. , }!;r " ut !l 111U ' I "r mll ~If)sply ['ol(n<l toge th e r (orm ed bon es we ro mcnsllre d. plun s w e l'l' ln ll d" ['(' 1'8 I1l]d e r I hp watPl'. Th u tOIUl.J o I th n h .. r:dlu or th l" H[loo n. or e nc h gr:ne Bud of tb (' ('nUr !! c"IlI' : \ll lkh hUH' be "11 Opl'lIl'rl' nre. mall ), 'lr The r!:s ld (, ll t~ o r Lurkhun mUllt hi" " e tery ancl n comple t e, dH6c rip lioll or I tb e rn . In a rf:r narku bl c SUite a t IJ rCBcr,I !)(,c l1 "x t relll~ly pr08 jJ<, rou8. nccordlng all th e pottery. und vases lhal w r{' \nlloll. I\ R tlu' tilling 11\ or Bnnd III lh e to th e evi den ce furnIshed by th e exea· found was Bot down . As th e ('elll(, ler y \,a lll 'Y has prl"lI' rI' pd thp boclleij fro m vILlI on~. Th ey woro prol'ld ed abun· datcs from the most c rIti ca l poI nt 11\ I (lI. llIrba Il C(' . In till' graves quantlt lks I danLly with bc.a utlfu l orna nlllnts [or EgyptIan hl Rtory. th o flndlng of ~ lI c h I uf ululHlst"r and l'QUery vasE'S we rc tll elr lI ou se h u ld ~ and pr- rsons. a nd al 60 n detulled r eco rd. ' Ih " most c(lII)I1If' I(' 1 fo ulld 8 1>111 (' o f th e vlI ses werIJ of th e wilh 1nnunlllfllLJle useful IIrtlcles or ever nlado. Is consid e red of 1I1u ch 1m· blu (l I:lazecl \·a rlety . Th e r ll wer o " IRO i lJ I<H'l lc-a l necosH lty In the k itchen, th e portunce to arcba eo logy. I Hlut e 1i1l1,· tt C8. a lubtls lcr 8too ls 8u ch as l dluln g lIall fin d the boullolr. Sorue aT Th is points Is rega rd f' ll ae tll(' pre· orc used to support dlshee. strings of th .. t.ombs n rc! so w e ll [lresel'\,ed th ut Memphlte copllal of Egyp t. as It WIl S bead and Ivo r y ,tllblo Impl e me nts . th o who le sto r y o f I':gy ptl a n revere nce th e place of r esld eoce or great num · a mong whI ch we re spoo ns orname nted I ror th e d ead n ncl be lle r In Immortality b ers or wealthly Egy p tlnn s be fore with /lowers. rollago a nd bIrds In : can btl relld tJy n glanc e lit th o tomb. 1'lempbls becam e th e capital of u nited cll rviJ1~ on th A bowl. Anoth er ~p oon h I tJl e brick wa ll a bove th e grave Illn y )JJgyllt. It 18 s upposed t b at In addl· WIl S In th e shapo of two arms. \"'th be HeHn tlHl littl e nllt through whIch tlon to th mnny graHB lllal hav e Rcoolled palms ror th e bowl. The two th e Boul cOllies fort h for Its offerIng s Th e olrertory a til I stands. as do tll e


Stronger Than Locomotive.


s ir, Ih e lip-to ctat f'

['h eap lanll I,)

()U (' H

( ilrlllt'!' iH l1u t


1Il1illtlM it.

JU Ht d n.l p in

11" ' :111". lJ I1

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c~~~~ ~ ~(r..I:tJ.sJ~


G;Jsoline In Pan Dangerous. Gnsolln o III [jl e motor und erpun I. rather c1angerous, 1\8 It ru ay become Ig· olted tIJld cll use n bad fire. URua lly II com es from a leak III the g:l Boli ne lin e. and thi s s hould be reme di e d III once. In SO m e cases lillodlng the ca rbur eto r js a neceos ary part or sturtln g, nnd by thLs morc or Illtis gaSOline will escape Into th e uoderplIll every time th e m~ tor Is s hlrted . If this Is the cause, It Is 1\ good plnn to tit a flllln el IInde r tb o carbUretor to catch all overOowLn8 gnsoline. A tube s hould be titl ed to lhe s nout of the ru nnel to lead the gasollno through a hole In the und e r· flan. nnd so to tho ground. I n any cas e. It Is a good plan to ge t Inlo tbe habit or Inspec t ing lhe und e rpan occa· elonally . alld at drai nIn g It of Its ac. cumulations: Much can be told or th' performan ce of the motor by th e un derpll.n, as th e prese nc o ther e of B (IUallLlty of 011 or wate r will IndI catE Icakl! sorn ewh('.re.




~~ \r

- ' .

t l ·rrl hl cUll dltiun. My lddnl'Y M IlCll· a

fl \l ll lt1l0




,V. T'o rtna YI :

to ll rp 111I "nll y nnd Illil' ",x ltlblt a l :1 HI ;llH fnlr IIn,1 hnl1g . my klllc RC' lu" a. " r\.lu lld fur a \\ ~tll, ' If YOll \\: lIlt 10 11 11'1 hi I Ih l)" NoLblna tt· u to lIlu tor wlsd um rl glll ti lT Ill, h r'l\' ~ 1I mo un tt! ) u ll f' c1 n l'n n'. 1(141111'111 . A lot or Ih pm wil l ('011 11' wIth I:t' )' 1~l lIM I t nldn' l til, ~ I WI'i li('atioll~ IIt ;!y hau' rl'a t! 111 1!llt u t h,, 1It l o ng to CUI U WI" n n d 1 beth o a<lv' · I·tl H ' ·cn ,· .'I~ IIr c ll ru l..t y lIl eln i 11 ,·\ C th t' Y lIave4 oriz(' <I . I lilY 1I (t. . .. ~l a ny tim es lU I llutomu LII,' Hai l:6 nllLll ' e.t Doao·, .t A OY ~hore. SOc .. Dos f"" ls tll at hi M \\'oru ~ ar!' bl!ill!\, ,,"u6ted ' K"'ID~LE5Y all a !JI·us jJect. I1UIJ \Iou btll'SB 11 g rtlll t I dpal or hi~ talk ill r.rt' ·k. uut not eo ' FOSTER.M1WURN CO .• BUFFAI.O. _N. Y. whell tllnt pro spect ill II farencr. 11(' ;\I11'r"clal c8 Ol e tec hnIca l Ilo lll t~ of the nln l: hlu £'. !lllll If th" wlJol l! ~ I o ry 18n'l lolll rI ght 01T Ib " reel b e 'l) com o ba.c lt Wllh tho rIght qu estion s to 1111 In the ~IA~ ~~GiTABJ,~ gaps. And his knowll!llg e does n't nd with Iho genc rnlltl es of cO ll s tru ct lon. ell he r. 11 0 Is ljulek with til O prou t Bre not only Purgative. Th ey comthat h e knowti otho r cars nK well a8 bine remedial properties whose yo urs. special function it is to res'ore ,. Farmc rs th at go to thi s year 's ralrs will not olily be Inte rellt ed III passen· healthy Bcflvlty all the diges'ive ge r nutomoblles, but comm ercIal Bod diurelic processes. trucks as we ll. Th e wid e adOlltlon of mo tor Irucks by fRrm e rs during the Use them for poor appetite. sout last YE'a r has bee n littl e short or 118. stomach. sick headache. cUDs,ilon ls hlll g. III spite of th e filet that palloD and Indigestion. eve r y lIutolllobll e man hns fe lt thai FI~EF. TIlII...\TISE the d emllllU wns bound to Increasa The weh Sa.nlllonum,lndtan-Tho fa rm er Is ul e rt to opportunity. apollo. Ind .. has p"bli hod .. oo ce hn Hees It, nnd It Is 110 wond e r booklftt w hich I!' ivos inlere5l inJ,! tac.h nbo u f Ihe caUlS of Cancer, aJ~o Cells what 10 do for pa m, bJeodina. thnt h e sees It III th e motor t.ruck. odor. <tG. Wrlto tor It lod~. monUonir.l! 1101. P&PU'. wblch lJrln gs hIs mnrlr()t many houni 'Vnr.oelr., ( 'f)lrntnn,"' ub.. Ilnd mIl es nellre r to hhn .- Exc h llllge. Inlkill , I ' .l ', 1C.""k"lnw. 1111b-



02 1 St.,

Innd, J IItl.. " ~Iy hluJI (,YI nu 4 t lllHh1cr Wl! re 10

but he I 1111011' UIlI'lIlIl1!Jil,' ,';"un lIud de· 'I "fly

n t\ I ~ ,. .

8nmlll!' !

.r()ce r. }(r\ ce

t'untru r y l'\' I ' '' Y y.'ar.

po un ds, are us e d, wblch suppLy pow er to two electrIc 1II0tors of apjJroxlmnte. Iy 20 ho rse· pow er enc h, These mo· tors arc geared t hr ough herrin g bone gears . use d for th eir s trength and quiet running qualiti es. The four· wlleel steering n.rrang oments allows the tractor to turn In a cLrcle of 20 fee t THE MOCKING BIRD BEATS ORIGINAL IN ITS OWN SONG ~~~sd;tn~o~~~rih~v~~~~r~:~~:.~ew~~~~ radius-th e trailing wh eels tracking were br, ught to th e tomb by the rela· with th e forward wh eels. 00 enc h By L. M. BENNINGTON . s ide of the cab, within easy reach oC tiv es Ilud fri e nds. Tb e ne WCOllle l' In tb e south Is li kely for thllt expr ess IJUl'pO ee. Agal" an ti Many wurks of art o r the e ighteent h th e operator. th er e Is a brake valve ~ be su rprI sed so m e mornIng h}' hear· agl\lcl the robin began. only to be Ln- anti nineteenth dynas ti es ba ve been thn t controls th e operlltion of th e a ir· Ing a numb l'T or bIrd s . not usuall y on terrupt ed arte r th e f\rst re w notes by dI scove red by rurthe r clenrlng of th e brako apparntus. of thA automatic tho bcst or t e rmR. CUI fabblng com· th e s uuc y u surper. WIIO /lnlsh ed th e g reat temple oC Pta b. In Momph is typ e, all' b eing supp lie d to tb main fortably toget her In some near by tr ec whol e Bong each tlmn. e nding wLUI a From Borne of tb e excavated work · reservoir by a motor·drlven alr·comtop. Inle rested In thi s Buddell burying ' 11 l1 1e t rLumphant flou r ish. -lUI much liS shups In Memphis hav e b ee n procured presso r. The application of aIr actu· ot the hal chot . he wLII search out th e to BUY: " You see 1 clln . bent you nt all tb e ute nsil s use d In the ruanuflle· ates a sys te m of equullzlng levers. frIendly grou p', ollly to flnd It Illllde yo ur own tune !" t.u ra at sto ne "ases and examples ot operating th e luternal ex pnndlng up . or B solitary IndIvidual ; IbI s on e, The nnnoy eu. re d·breas t, IIstonls he d th e "lI ses III nll s tages or construc· bralles carrie d by th e wheels. All" how eve r, as much III earnes t about an d r e se ntrul, at le ngth flew Il IIttl o tlon. Colored slonos which wer(! brake hose couplings allow the use thlllgs In generR I n B though h e were rurt.h (l r aWRY. and teglln agaln .- Thl!J hrought (rom · th e dese rt nnd ('ther of al r on th e cars to be shifte d. The the whol e antlclpal ed doze n. time. how eve r. be brought down upon rIch stones whICh werc Importe d Into norm a l dra wbar pull of the tractor Is The mockIn g lllrd's powers or Iml· hImself 11 torr e nt or munlcal revenge, Egypt tor u se In making ornaments 8,000 pounds. On a trial test, a loco· tatloll ha ye beon much comm ented Including n early C\' e ry bIrd song In th e tor th e very wealtby have been found moti ve or the Class R type , rated at Auto Lamp to Show Speed. 21 ,500 draw·bllr pull, wIth throttle upon. bu l ca n hardly be el'Uggerated. cntlli og ue. and e nding up with n serIes In these shops. An automobile Inmp whIch shows 0 wide open. wns pulled backward se,·• One hns bee n obse rv ed to mImI C rour· or d erIsive caclrl es. like nothing 80 yellow light when the machIn e Is trav· A few mlles Bouth of Glzeh excava· t.een dllTer e n t birds In the course of mu ch I\S th e c rI es or II dlsturhed slt- tlons revealed eomo unusually large eral feet by the lrac.tor."-Llterary ellng more than 16 mHee an hour. 0 balf an hour, each 60 pe rfectly thnt It tlng hen. Thoroughly dllgusted by tombs of the twelfth and thlrteentb Digest. green light when a speed of more thar. was hard to ue ll e vo th e mcdle y ot thla o utpourIng. Mr. nobln gave It dynasUll8. Tho excavations revealed 20 miles and les9 than 26 miles an hour sounds procced ed from a s ingle throat. up I1S a ba.d Job and fie w away. la attulned,' and a red light when tbe Inc:rea.ed Value af Farm Land •• that a roboory had been attempted The on ly pe rceptibLe dltrerence In The mocking bird Is on e of th e bold"It the automobile haB, In a manner, car Is traveling more than 26 miles an centnrle. ago. The robber had en· the real Bong Rnd the Imitation Is that est or the feather e d tribe. Y;: "en tbe tored the tomb by a lillie opening. the perplexed the railroads of the coun- hour WIlS exhibited In MunIcipal Judge the mocking blrd's not e 18 l1Rually Impudent sparrow has a "holosom e rCBult ot a plnce of excavating on ble try. in less en ing their receipts from Fry's speeders' cOurt at Chicago. more full and round thnn th o orlglnnl. fea r of hllll, and Is pretty c ful The lamp was brought to the court own account, and he had gnth ~ red to· passenger traffic, it bas benefited them It III perfcct. In Inflection. howev"r, nncl nbout building where he Ie In th e gether a lillie huap of ornaments with greatly by opening up hitherto unde- by th e Inventor, who wlehed to hav ~ whIch bo wall nbout to make olf when ve loped territories and thUB increasing the judge S"'e It a boost. "There Is an ordinance In Chicago th e top or tho tomb had fa ll en on him rrelght traffic," said George W. Be nand crush ed hIm . His skeleton was nett In a recent dlscussloo. "I have prohIbiting th e s howin g of othe r than found III th e lomb tJy th e excavators . lately had called to my attention state· white li ghlS on automobil es," s aid t.he Rnd close to It 1\ handsome gold pec· ments made by New man H:rb. pres l· JurIs t, toral Inlnld wlt.h colored stoncs. of dent at the Minneapolis & Sl. Louis Keep Tires Covered. which the poor wrotch had hoped to railroad. and one of the kee neat finanRemember that ne w tlre ~ carrle ( r.ia l me n In tbe country, In whlcb tbe rob tbe dend. au tomobile WRS given du e credIt for on the sl rl e of th e car. If Itot protec t. History of Tea . . tbe good It has accomplish ed . MI'. cd from th e su nli g ht. w ill qul alll} Til", t'lIrli es t reconl or t(' a beIng E:rb decla red that two billion doll~rs oxidi ze. cl'8ck and beco me quitE was n con5ervntlv e es tlm n le of the 111· worthl ess. A new lire should pre m ention ed hy 1\ 11 Ell gUI) h run n was creased value of farm la nds. du e dl. rcrn bly be put Into sp rvl ce a li t tlE probably that co n taln c d In 1\ letter whil e until th e coyr 'r 11 :l~ bee n soiled. from Mr. WI c kham . nn I\g ~nt o f the reclly to l he au tomohlle. "A fe w years ugo fnrm land s whi ch It will not til II cle te ri orato n ca r se I~ns t I nd ia cr)mpan y. written from Fir· were lo ca( pd near the railronda wer e ql1lc lll y. It Is b eltcr , bowe ver. ta an do. In .It1llnn. ou Ju ne 27. 1616. to worth nbout $75 an a cr e. where t he have a co,'c r for f,x tra lires. IUlothor olli cf'r of the (·Olllpa ny. resl· land 20 miles back could hardly be dr' nt at Mncno. In th o Ha uth of China. sold lit $10 pcr acre. With tbe Intro. ns ltlu g. him for "n I>ot of th <l best Bart duetioD of th e automobil e. how e vc r. oC chaw ." It wa s no t until Ill e middle the latt cr land was brought within n or thnl c(' ntury tnat th e Englis h begn n few minutes' run of the I'!ulroad s a,nd to u se ten. T hcy receiv ed tlHllr 6UI~ Its yaluo hn!! Incre as e d trem enuously pll cs from Java un! II L686. wh en th e)' becnuse at thIs fact. The farmer who were drIv e n out by th o DuteD. sa ys ow.nQ an automobile nnd IJv es 20 mil es th e Bulletin of Iho I mp e rlal Institute from u shipping point Is today as clos e At first th e price In Englalld ranged to the markets or the world as Is the trom £6 to £ 10 P<lr pound . In tho man whose lanuls within thre e or four Extra pillows are a feature of the Me rcnrtull Polllicus of September. mil es oC the rail rand. Tbe automobile "Way Down South In the Land af Cotton.'" 1658. occurs an advertisement ot th ~ w\ll make th e run to the shIpping summer trips. They are linen cov"~hlnll drink ca lle d hy the Chlnenns point In lellB lime thon hors es tako to ered. ev e n In the IItl.le "quIps Ilnd turn,, '" " abl! of makln/;l hts own n(;8t . Dur- Tdlll. by other Illltlon8 Tny, alias Tee." cover three or four milea ." The calf leigh lace boot Is much that e haractt'rLze th e nHm icked tun c". in /; the broodIng S(1a60n ho Is UUUBU- beln,? Bold In London . Thomas Gar. worn by those who like to camp by Thf:: blrd 's 0\\''1 BOn g 16 onc or tbn ri Cb . ' ally nggre8s lve . A dog, which was WilY, the flrst English tea dealer. In the wayside. It Is water tight nnd est rwd I'ou ncl-:ls t )osS lblf' . an d Is nllt ca ug ht sniffing nbout ullwurlly unde r 16;;9 or 1660. (offered It at prices vary. Speed of Motor Truck •. not too heavy for comfort. mu ch Improv ,, !1 by bl! iil l; IlIt .. r rupt e d. rt : rcf' wbe ro a mo c kl"g Linl'", fu mlly In g fr om l fiR to 50B per pound. Not WhLl e It IB the universal experiIn a r ecent motorcYcle run from I\S It (O ften Is. b v th e IIIl tl1 us lcnl s quawk wa s b"illl; rcare d. was put to Budd en until 16H is th ere a r c('o rd or the ence that th e apparently high cost ot Omaha, Neb., to Lincoln. not a alngle or Ih ~ JHY. ur reu' .:o llJpl;oil dng whin e lUll I l/-{lI()lll lnlou!l rout by th e on ~ llIught Rast fndl u ('otn)Juny ha vi n g lalten an}, n solid rubb er tire cqulpment leads nccldent occurred among tbl: 61 rLd er! of lhe clH blrd. o f tll o /llll;1'y mal f! ' bird . I'rowllnJ: ~t o l)S for 11M ilnportation. to a lower a ll-nround upkee p cost who took part In th e tour. An otl u IIIt1 p fnll ~ i (';" tlm' l )1'85 ob· (,Il ts lill ,1 It b r·He r t.o kee fl at a sufe I I.han that obt ul na bl e with steel or Sl1k Bweaters In solid colors are fi pr \'{~d (l'H! da )' belw " " " a rnnt'ltl ng dl~ Ia "r , '. /llIU tiiNI ' a r., few wilJ gC'cI Jus t So. Lron tires In t he case of motor trucks favorIt e s for outing trips. They are bird and u :·obl n. 'l'llt· rouin . I'l'rchl'rl IIp!Il't 'r\1l10I'R th il' wo celll r·nJ oy n lI out " ~i p (' allin g or tuat Gc ttfsbu rg r!'UD- whteh travel normally at Cram eIght worn und er the loose coats and Ilre In II I'osr' hU Sh. ha d ha rtll y blll!l!1I !Ii ~ . \\i' ll ,II "n ragc,d mot'k ing bird. 1011 ." . to urteen mlleB )Ier hour over -hard not nearly as bulky as those of wool. rich. fu ll ·throat e d s610 II 1"' 11 lh e 1l011'~ : As a oo~ cqu ell cc Ihe uests lire "y s ?" roads, It Is ",:Idely bell ev od that the A Ino '.lrc}'cle enthusiast ot Ko.nsae, were li lera ll y "tu k n 0' :1. o r hi s mou lh " ftlllll" rl'ti t.· nea r th grouu d, tll £! Lin] "What a lot of good fl' ellng It did sI tuation may be different In the case I![!,rry Crowl' ~ecently malle n re(:crll b y th e moclltng·bi rd . whi ch IlntL n !i ?; ht· t rl'RI in;; to il ll OWl! 111' 0\\'~ 6n fol' IJro- ca us c." of heavy motor ve hIcles which [Ieed rlln on his mtj'.l·rcrc1e He IHt Great ·· e.d In a, cho rry tr ee neu r by, appa r(!ntly Ie-e tion. "A nu wllat Cl Jot nt bad poetry." not be driven raster than eight miles n l:nd fo,l' 'Dlghtou 40 minutes after tho per boUl' at any 1I1l'~, ~lther loaded Santa F e train had passed through the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" empty, and whose work lies mnln· city . When he arrived at Ness Cit, . PREDICTS NEW.TYPE OF SHIP ' s ho wou ld ani)' hav e to overco me th e or pcrlcapM even 70 knots, becaus e ~h t' or l:r over BOft roads. or even ovor ma- lie had to walt several minutes beforo r ll~ lst~:ICC or th e nlr. whlcb Is 1I0t cadamlzed roads. In the United the locomotive put In an apearance. . Waterplane. AccordIng' to Writer. Is , II Cll l'I y 80 Ilowe rful as water resl!jtn nct!. will s kim. Instcau at being lIunk In . I ex pe ct to Beo thLs t yp e of vessel States consIderable motor truck work Radical cbanges In the clubhonse 01 Forerunner "f Change In Marl"e .Thl s Is the kInd or vesse l which, I make hor uppearance during 'he nexI of this natnre may be contemplated the Chicago Automobile club ' are to An, hltecture. fa ll c ~· . the wate rpl a ne foreshadows- twenty years. And when .be has In connection with mInIng enterprises: be made during tbe summer. · Plnll. t he ocean ·go lng liner of the future. actually come Into beIng a ~eVOll\tlOD Interurban freighting and for the have beeu approved tor a substantial Tbe wat.erplane. I he Jieve. Is the The chip of lh e future ' will probably , •.forerunner ot lin entirely ne w kind oC be tlat·bottomed. wInged. and with II wUl have hoen elfe~ted In trI10nslt and ' t~nSJlOrtation ' at garden nnd farm eftlarge~t ' ot the 'garage, the addl. travellng C!lcillties In comparlft()o to produce, In ~litC.h-llnell::::.a!lY I1l1vlilg tlon elf • new7 1adles' p'arlor to tbe ~f!an·golng shi p. At prese nt a ship 's rUdder·tall . She wUl 80meIf'mes rise . eP¥d I. checked by r en&O Il of Ule lre-i l1iJo,e tbo waves, and at othel'1l tro.vel which the l~tr~ductiOD -or sLeamshrl;! . .In .t!re Uplf!!tltl ,and a i B1,.\!lplifteatiolJ. o . clubhouse' . proper, ~n-d th~ entire rerallwllYB and motOr ca1'8 'Will seem In- the Ure e.qulpment would . alflo be etI- modeUng.ot.tbe fttt.b 600t. The praS'e .~ : ~~.doull rWs\IInce· ofl'e re~ to her, pal!' alon~ the top ot the waten!. but ooly slgnlftcaut.-:-~Chciup.'·_ " ' . - peclallY appreciated and 'would tend will be ·lncniaa~ ODe !StOry In' heJght . . . . by the water. . touch them with ber flat bottom. . . ., . >'.,, ' ~~pen up a marli:et..for· mo.tor 'tf\te I 'atrordbil 'roo~ .f'!.' Itcpi'1nlr ·60 p6r 'oeD&.. NO .. If we c ould .p r04uce • vesscl When a. shl,p n9W travels. at 23' tn~ . A ~ ' may. be , . ' Ile&Yi,,9t&ht ,,,'blcll.hali barely ' beQIi ·touqhecl. $ ... cari~" -' . I ' . .. -' . . '. ~. lft~el" OD UI~. top or t~eater 'sbe wlll the da.~ . to ~~. 'mab 10 IIPter Ud • ''lJptw~ ~d. • ' .. -" " " .'" i':




10 Iill'

An Indiana C.eo




rnor p

Wh at n pity tbllt so many pOUODS past. middle nce are worri ed wi th Lnme backl!, ach iug kidoeys. poor eyesillhl. • ick hew· ache, diuiocss, grave l, dl'Op~y or dis-Iressiog urio ory ill... l<irIlley WCRko" .. LJriu ~. th,·..., dl t.comfor~ io youth or age And IS n rl ~ n ge roll5 Ihi ng 10 ""gl,·CI. forlt lu"d.lo Urighl 's di sease /lU U uri c ncid p o bonillj.j Vonn's Kidn ey Pills hav e brought n e w Bl re ngl h to IhOlb.l nrl. of Inm" I.Jnr k bIll'" rill UIOUSllnW of unnu)'iull urillll ry troul.Jl <l.





.Ba.4 n.uh&.

pul i tlald : nnrM li l"r l; h ollo ... Iru und tCU luo.ntrtld 8 t1 t lsfo.c1o ry. B eClk l.AJ., Nu r t h ~ t. . Uolleyuo , o..

I las h J6 the st u rr Ur en tllB nre made Of.

~Ol1J e


Don't nt'RI d II. cold . It menns Gmuumpti on or I n " "llIo t1 i~ . Doall's Menth olnted Couah DrOll" ~ueck cold. -6c at DrulU!t.ta. Many a man gets to be coucelled b,. thinkin g ho Ihn·t. !ted Crost nan Bluc gl<e8 double ,.&luc !Or rour mOlloy, !;oes t17k" ~. for liS QIIY otber, Dou't ~ uLy"ur WOtt:)' luw "UJ' o liJor. Ad\,.

Gretna Green Ceremony . A young couple w ho arrlv cd at Berwick th e oth er Sunday woro married after lho S cotUsb fasblon In a d l!li ghtfully s lmplo way. They drove over the harde r Into Sco tland. and, stopping Ilt a lpot wh e re two men wer e seated , th e young mun saId that he and tbe lady wished to be marrie d and that th ey could not adopt the conventional method, as It would be stopped directly the ba.nnl were (lut up. T he couple then rormally took eadl other for man and wlte before th o two witnesses, and a document to tba t effect was produced and signed by the parties and the witnesses. Signaturea on Palntlngll, Experts rarely rely on sIgn a tures alon e to de te rmine th e Buthontlclty or nn old oalntlng, but trullt rather to th e Ir knowl e dge of th e palnter's teohnlqu e. Sometimes the painter's name Is found In a con s picuous place, as , for In sta nct!, In Raphael's "S posaUzo" at Milan . Proud or havin g surpassed hl8 mns· ter the youthful g enlull wrote on a fri eze In th e very celltcr oC tbe can· Vl\~ , HlI \lh ael UrbLnlls." ReYll o ld s bnrdly t" 'cr Sign ed his work. Out upon tll" comple tion or tho pOl'trnlt or Mrs . Slddous L"I " Th e Trn gIc ~l US(· ... he wrot e hi s nalll e lurg e on th e gold cm broide ry or her dFo&s. HI) . wos ll l1abl C)_ l lU said. " to resIs t tb~ Icmptllil on or s l; ndlnll my na me 10 pos· terlt y Oil th n h !:'lll or ),on r garm e nL" A FOOD DRINK Which Brings D(lily Enjoyment.

.A lady doctor wrltos: "Though busy hourly with 'my oWIl alTalrll, I will not d e ny myselt the plens. ure ot taking a few minutes to teU ot my enjoyment daily obtained fl'om my morning cup of Postum. It Is a (1)()d b!lverage, not an Irritant like cottee. "I began to use Postum 8 yenrs ago, not because 1 wanted to, but because col'l'ee, wl~lch I dearly loved, mude my nIghts Long. weary periods to be drend-' ed and unfitting me tor b'uslnoss during the dllY. "Oil advice of (\ friend, I first trlod Postum. making It carefully as suggosted on til e package . As I had al· ways lIs ed 'cream and no sugar.' I mixed illY Postum 80. It looked good, was clear Bnd rragrant, 111111 It was a pleasure to Bee tho cream color it as my Kentucky friend wanted her cot· fee to Look-'lIIle a new saddle.' "Then I tasted It critically, for I hat! tried many 'substitut es' ror eolIee. I was pleased, yes, satisfied wLth my Pas tum In tasto and effect, nnd am yet, being a constant user oC it all these yoar8. I eontlnunlly assure my frleuds . and acquaintances that they will like It III place of coUee, and receive benefit from Its uso. I have gained weight. can sleep and am not nervous," . Nam'e given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mlcb. Write tor the little book. . "The Road to Wellvllle.~' ­ J;'ostum CODlell In two Regular POltum-mult balled . Inltant .t\., t~81f~onflt1l, O·I.IKII.,.!!I.- QIUC«tIT

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, DOt bow ",here tbe dootor'1 apena81

Prae t·leaI Fashi0




would come from. And we have been OS Tery ballpy all tbrough It. Pbl1l~ al· tf Chilrlty Fund Wae to Be Given to ways s aY8 thal It be badn' t had me he t ho Needy. He Could Usa would nev e r have 1'IInched the pos ition Part of It. LADY'S ONE·PIECE DRESS. Ile holll~ today . " If wo had waited , ae you h ave wa lt. T he ch ll d rell or a nos to n S unday Dear ed-where would w e be now ? !C'hooi clas~ had cont rib uted th e ir By EVA TAYLOR. Leelle, do you think marriage Is a 1ll' lln les fo r W ~(' k 8 to a ruod which "Georg.,," said LeHll e. "YOII bave thing that should com o afta r UUI! haH w ns t o 110 de vo led to ch arit a bl e pu .... heard me speak . nbout my fri e nd mado 00 ~ ' 8 way In th e world ? Ph ilip pOfi ns. 3 1: 01 nn t.ho day wbe n t h('y wer e Eunice Va ne'l I hal' e ju s t bad a le t· says that It is pllrt of life. not th o reo to u"cI <J" ?ll lh o ru atter of Its dis· tel' from her; s he Is comin g to pny wa rd of life." td butloll ~ac h c b llrt w as CIl Ii OtI upon me a visit for a couple of' (Ja ys , with Les lie hardly sle Jlt thll l ni ght. And I to l'x pr"'H a ll "p llliOll 11 9 to how Il her t wo childre n. while he r hU Aba m) iB on th e nex t day. o.rtor ~unlc e . ha d 8ho l id I.. s p.. nl. awuy In Ne w Yor k. I huvc n't Beeu gon e. s be waB too III to go to school. 'J'h{' tnat llt·r ,·xJlla ln d 10 th e m th at her for n early s ix years . You know She Iw e w no w tba t It was [lot like1 tlH'rtl "ure Me l'un..! cllnrllh.:s wlJtc h we we re at college toge the r." ly thu t G~ orgo /lud s h u wo uld e ver Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot o lli d bit glad to rece ive the rund, "The n I guess I'll h a ve to tl pl'uce up murry. Shu had SOO II he r facll In tb e r·il li {' r 111 liOBtc1 1l or amon g Ule lo r· fl ashes, severe headaches, melancholia, dread of impending .. tomorrow ni g ht." nn swored Les llo's mirro r ; s he had change d el'4, n more I ~II( " I n !~s l u n 9 . Hh r had Imp rcsse d fianc e, ae he rose to ta l( Q hi s leav e th an l!] ulll cEI . but in s teud or t a kin g on e vil, palpitation of th e heart, irreg ularity , constipati on and III t ll '· IIl . ho wev er , thtl t tb e money of he r . Ho ki ss ed h e r a lld pul on hi li the matronly as pect of a hUPllll y m a r· I dizziness are prompt ly treated by intelligent 'w omen who nil gh t [,,, ~ I) " nt to good udvan1.a,;e hat. As bo wll nt do wn tho st e ps Le... rled womun !lbe ha d beeomo a q'uc ru ' j 'l Ulo n r, I I,,· s k !! nnd uee dy chl11re n are approaching the period of life. lie looked aft er hIm wltb a vug ue dis· 1 0 u ~· l o ol( ln g old maid lus telld. Some ot l h" lr OIw n lJan ~ lJ . Se ve ral bright aat1sfactloll which s he could not quite day Geurge would aWllk t'n to the un· . This iB the most critical period of woman's life and she ~ D (' ~("h " K o n t h o 5 uhj ~ C l h nd bee n ..naly r.o. dera talldlo g or wbat they had mi ssed wh o neglects the care of her health at this time invites inma de. whe n o ne 8t1v on ·year·old bo y " Lucky Eunice !" she soliloquized. a In life; ho would warry 80me young n r08 (\ and. ed de nlly bearing In min d curable disease and pain. Why not be guided by the ex. little bitterly . "Hero wo arc . botb girl, aDd sh Er- well, It would be like t he rea d ler's rem arks allou t charity perience of others and take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo \'erglug on thirty , and both engaged those horrible breacb-of·promlse casell bpglnn tng III bome. Bald : ta the lIame montb. Aad you bavo tbat ' she had read In tbe newspapers. Compound? It is an indisputable fact that this grand old " I wan l " ou to know that I hll n' n nob hUllbond and two babies. while She must let George go. She kn e w pu t a good maDY pennies in that remedy has helped thousands of women to p~s through 1-" Sbe sbrugged he r shoulders and tbat he dId not love her. Sbe had bebox- " und then, after some 118Iaythis trying period with comfort and safety. Thousands cl went back Into tbe pa rlor. come merely & part of tbe roullne of " und I'n got a t ~ rrlble cold myaelf.H George and Lealie ha d beeD ellgaled hlJl life. genuine and honest testimonials support this fact. - . Dod on POI! l. for nearly abr. years. Sbe was a A ring at tbe bell-George'8 rinsl From Hn. HENRY REA VILIN, Cadiz, Ohio. sohool teacher and George a lawyer He ne"er called at fOllr In the arterFln,noll at She I. Wrote. Fort Worth, TODB.-"I have taken Lydia E. PinkhIUD'S VegetaIn tbe 8ame towa. But Lealie earned noon. Somethlnl muet have occ,!rred To 91dd to troUbiea of tbe Wall street ble Compound and. derived great benefit from ·it:s 1.IB6. It carrie<l. ~ more than Oeorge and he would not to make him leave bill omce at tho.t JJ:an t"orced to IIpecd his summer In safely through the Olange of Life when I was in bad health. I 'haII marry her-nor dId aho doslre It- hour. Bbe fWllened bel' balr and the city comell the necelslty of em· tlIat aU gone feeling mostof the time, and headache constantly,l . . . until be wall earning enougb to sup- Bllpl/ed down the Btaln! . ploylng a sublltitute stenograpber In very nervous and tlie hot fI.aahM -were very bod. I had tried other port ber at home. They had meant George followed her Into tbe parlor YBCltUOn seaeon. Wall atreet diction I, remedies and rlootors, but did not improve untU I began taking LYdia to be married many years betore. but and lIat down heavU,.. HIJI race WIUI hard I!l Dough tor the relular .tenog· E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It hIlS now been sometinl.e 81noe fll'llt Geol'ge's firm had failed and be unsbaven, hill tie sagled from bill col· raphe !' ; tbo BublltitUto rtndll It next to 1 took the Oompound and I havo had no return of mt old oomb~~ had hod to set up tor himllelt. thlll to· lar; he looked thoroulhly dejected. Impo~n l hle . I always praise your remedie8 to weak women. -Mm.. "olvlng the expenditure of all the lit· "Leelle," he alld, "I bue come to Tbe e mplo yer or one of tbe lIubst!· 1IJu.\'ILIN, R. F. D. No. II, CAdiz, Ohio. tle hoard tbat had ' been accumulated olfe r you your freedom. 1 con never tutes Ilot long ago tried 10 be partlcu· Prom Mrs. EDWARD B, HILBERT, Fleetwood, Pa. 80 carefully . Tben had come a pe- marry you ." larly c:nreful and distinct In bll dicta· Fleetwood, Pa..-" During the Change of Life I was hardl.v able to rIod of slck.ness. whe n all Leslle's sav· She looked at him; a new·born pity Th e ~e s t I. a dlsUnc e fealnre of tlOD . Neverth elesll , "comptroller of the be around at all. I alWll.YII had II. headache Ilnd I W1U!BO dizzy and lnall had gone on hospital and phy· ros e in bl'r heart. How men had to curre ncy" e me rge d all "co mptroller of nervous that I had no rest at night. The fla.shes of heat were eo bad slolans' fees. FInally . just when they IItruggle! She bad Dot thought before tbls smart one· plt'ce design. and tbe the co rn belt." A remltrk aboul the 80metimes that I did not know what to do. hod begun to put lIometblng aside fol' that George, too, might be all wretched Btandlng collar and cleverly doslgned "drou g ht dlHtrlct In Kansall" WIUI Intergirdle are IIlso now and p\,otty. "One day a friend advised me to take Lydla E. PinkhlUD's Veg&. turnlture. a natlon·wlde panlo bad lUI she. Soutacbe braid Is 011,0 of tbe new preted as "gmuch dilitri c t In KanaB . ... table Compound and it made me a strong, well womflD. I am very Ollt down . George 's earnings to tho Re ve rt ing to mo ne y matten agaln. "The bank bas tailed." he conLinued, trhumlngs for rail. and many cffectlve thankful that I followed my friend's advice, and I shall recommend Jj bare minimum of· subsistence, and be In a monotonous voic e. "Every pe nny dc elgns appear on th e ne w fsll froclls. Ir,e e mpl oyer talk e d about bul· as long as I live. Before I took the ComJXlwld I WII.II alwaV8 sick.l.y was only just begtnnlng to earn 0. III" 15 gone. I am at tbe bottom of lbe H Is here s cen to advantage 08 trl m· 1100 Into th o Bank of F, ngland. and tbe eud now I have not had medicino from o.doetor for years. You ~ Ing wagl! agnln. laude r a gain . It wl11 mean tbree years mlng on girdle. overAklrt nnd blouse. copy I!how e d th a t houliion BOUD had publish my letter."-Mrs. EDWARD B. fuLBKR1', £le~twOO<i. .Pa.. " "uppy Eunice !" s lgl1(,d Lc~ 1I 0 . longe r . lle, I cau 't hold you. Les- ThIs design Is peculia rly Bultod to been tak en Into .th e hau k. And th e n "he began to unoe rs tand li e ! Why, wbal are you laughing se rge. ratlne Bnd broadcloth. thou gt; From ~lr8. F. P. MULLENDORE, lUuuford, Ala. ni ghl tb e re the bell ra ng tor a new why sho was miserable that e l'onlng. about 1" Munford Al.a.~" I was so weak anrlnervous whUe passlDg t.brough Ihe other wool stuffs DlDY be use d also I r pls ! .•. Wall S trlJct J o ur nuJ . It WIlB not ultogeth er en\' y or her the Change'of Life that I could h a rdly live. My hlfSba.nd bad to will Bhe Inugh cd , and tb e tears In her succ ess fully . fr kl nd. The was-s h e fe l t lbat eyes w ~ ~o t ho so of happlno8s . Sbe rubber on all the gates for I coulrt not stand to 11a \ "0 II. gate sla.m. The lady's op e- pie ce dr eas pattern Ueorge and ehc WH e drifting apa rt. WC lil arross to Gcorge's c hair and (G3~2) Is c ut In si zes 34 to 4 ~ Inche s. PIMPLES ALL OVER FACE "I also had backache and II. fullness in my stomach. I noticed LhaC Ther e wlie no longer lho se n~ t.l of ro- porclJ e ll be rself upo u. th e a rm o r It. bu s t meas ure. Medluru si ze re QuIres Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetahle Compoun tl wa.':! arlo wance . ot rapture. iu th e ir moetlngs. JU8t 1111 e he us II Lo do In the firs t days 6'4 ya r ds of :>, 6 Inc h mll tc r lal. 1-118 E . Ge ness lJe A. e .. Saginaw. I vertised for such ca.':!es and I sent an d got a botlto. Ml ch .-- "C utl c ura Soap nnd Oiotment It did me 1'\ 0 much good t.hat I kept on taking it; a nd or tlJe lr (' uga& ou1(· I1( . Tn prot- ure t hi s .p attE'rn fIIl! n <1 10 c ents "My den r ." shc· said. " bow would t o "T"nttl' r n J1,"pol J""t lllc n l. " u f thi s pu p er. cur J me of a ve ry bad d iseAlle o r the \ fOWld it to be all yo u claim. I recomnlc lILi It to rl l e n al1l e u n tl n (1tlres~ p l u' nl\' , a n d ho fa ce with out lea vin g a eCLLr. P irnpleB a.U women affi.i ctcd as I wu.s." . 1<'. P . !'l1 ULl.J,:N · you IIkA to mnrry IlI O without the ,,' ,UTe to &fl\"l) sl z,o u n u u t:;u : .e l~ o r unLIt-' Tn . b ruke out all o ve r my tace. red and DOTt E, Munford, Ala. house a nd th e fu no lr.urc a nd t be n ew Ilt rge. They feste red a nd came to a trunks a nd tho out fit nn d th e trou s· . . . Writo to LYDIA E.PI~KR,uJ MEDICI N"E (;0. h pa d. Th 'y. Itc h ed a nd burned and (CONFI UE N'I'U.L) Ln~, ~IAS~'ifo rl\cl\· i c ~ . SIZR .... . . . . ........ . sellu ? Do you wan t m e, dear, or do NO. 6 322. cal lse d me to sc ratcb th e m and m ake I Your letter will be opl' ned, r c [ul (\I~( U Jl ~ wl.lI: cd you wac t t bese?" NAME . ... ..... .. . _... ... ........ . . .. .... .. . by D woman and h e ld til strict. conlidcnce. . 1101"('5. Th t'y said they w ere seed H ll l ea ppd lIJl and caugh t h e r hands 'III·al" t s. At ni gh t I WD S r es tles s from TOWN .... . ... .. ... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... .... . Inc redul ou s ly. itc hing . Wb en th e ba rb or would "00 you mea n that. L esli e ?" ho I sh a ve me m y race would bleed terri· erlod. "'Vh y, I hnl'e nove l' dare d to I STREKT AND NO . . . .. . ... . .. . .. .... .... . bly. Th en scabs would fo rm artel'ma ke th at s u ggestion. 1)0 you- will ' STAT E ... . .. . . ................. . ... ... .. .. . ,,'a rds. tb en the y would drop olf and yo u ? Today? " the so·ca lle d seed warts would come " T o morrow ." nns wcr ed Lesll o, S D1i1· LADY'S $KIRT. back .a goln. Th ey were on my face I lng, a ud th e u a flood or happy te e rs ! for abou t nin e mon ths a nt: th e trou· blinded her eyes . blo caus ed disfigure men t while It (Copyright . 1913. by W . O. Chapm a n . ) The superior shooting of Winchester I last ed. . "Nublack" and "New Rival" shotgun "One day I r ead In tb e paper of tbe VICTORY WON BY, DIPLOMACY &hells is due to the Winchester method of I Cullcura. Soap and Olutment. I reconstruction and loading, which I ce lved :l rree s ample of CuUcura Soap When Mr. Thurlow Knew How to ond Oi ntm ent and It was so mucb has been developed during' Over Soften the He~rt of His Charm· va lue to me that I bought a cake ot forty ~·ears of manufacturing in a er', Mother. Cutlc urn Soa p anel a box of Cuticura country where shotgun shoc.ting Ointme nt at th e dru g etore. I us ed is a science. Loaded shells that Mre. Da r ntoa," said William Tllur· both a('cordlng to dl r ectiocs. In about meet the exacting conditions of low. "the re Is a matt ur which I would t en days my face began to heal up. American sportsmen are sure to like to discu ss with you. It I may at My faee Is now clear ot the wartll and satisfy anybody, Try either of these this time." 5364 not a sca r Is left." (Signed) LeRoy "Why?" A,ked Leille. shells and then you'll un derstand. Mrs . Darnton looked m' er her gl a ~8' C. O'Brien, May 12. 1913. cs and frowned . She was the secroCutlcura Soap and Ointment eold AlId George was growing careless. He ltOOK POR TH~ JWD W ON THS BOX t a ry of tbe Society for the Preven· throughout th e world. Sample or eacb never asked her permission be tore tlon ot Mauly Independence. and sb, frel' ,wlth 32'11. Skin Book. AddresB post· pullLng out that old pipe of hlB In the had a well defined idea ot tbe nature caJ'd " ';:uttcurn, Dept. L, Boston."-AdT. parlor. And he had said that he of the proposition that Mr. Thurlow would have to "spruce up" for Eunice Wlahed to discuss. Pa .. lng. -bad said It brazenly. 8S though ad· "Well. go on," she aold In her most "!t·s very evIdellt tbat the old mlttlng that It watt not uecessary to Removes Bunal EnlaJ'8ementa, imprellBll'e manner. what Ie IU" IIchool of preBa agents 11 passing Is Growin. Smaller EYe.." Oe7. Thickened, Swolleo Tluuu, toke Bucb a measure rOf her! "I love )'our daughter and I hnve away ." Curbs, Filled Tendons. SoreLe,Ue spent a miserable night. In rl'O llons to believe that ehe returns CARTER'S LITTLE "What's the new Bcbool1" oe.. from any Brulae or Stralnt thQ.-l1l~ Eunice, arrlv od with the UVER PILLS are This plain two gore aklrt Is oue or my ut'fectlon." Stope Spa,.in Lamene". Allay. paill. "Th E!re Isn't any." clllTdren. responsible - they . boet not Blister, remove the hair 0/1 "Have you dared to make love to (he fashlonoble peg top designs. The Dot only give relief L eslie was astonis hed at Eunlce's her without first gaining my permls· material widens out Just at tbe h: pl. up the horae. '2.00 a bottJe. . ImIJortant to Mothers - they perma· appearance. Sbe had always thought alon!" delivered. Book 1 K free. and thu8 a little fulliless Is gIven In ExaIDlne carefully every bottle of nentlycuret:. . ABSORBINE, JR .• tbe IDtioeptic liMof her as tbe YOUDg. Immature. rather " No. dear lady. I have never call· botb front and back. The raised or CASTORIA. a Bale ond surB remedy for ... ment for mankind. For Synovltla, Strall1ll, sedate young girl with whom she had ed her sweetheart or darling. o r Bny' re gulation waist line may be used. infantil and cblldren, and Ilee thlt It It/tati lions us Gouty or RheumatlcdepoaU.. Swolleo. roomed at college. Instead of which thing like that. I hn VA mere ly gained and the closing placed at either aide Bearathe ,;~~ them for Painful Varicose Vella. Will tell you abe saw betore ber Jl matronly young the ImpreSSion. owing. perhaps. to seaur. Any of tbo novelty fabrics. Billo_., more if you "rite. '1 and J2 per bottle It woman, calm. aelt·possessed, wltb two the pl~aBure she seemed to hl1"e in tailor goods ond plain serge. cheviot Signatureot~~ I.dlpotloa. Sick H,... ac.... SaIl.w Sida. dCIIlen or delivered . . Manufactured onl, by In Use, For Over SO YQllJ'1l. ohlldren, a boy and a girl. wbo made my company, tbat she mlghl learn to or ve lveteen will be rich In this style. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRU:&. W.P,YOUNG. P. D. F.• ~tOl"""'I\.'prl"'e14.II... . Leslle'lI heart ache as ebe kl!lsed caro tor me if 1 gained autllorlty from The eklrt pattern (6364 : Is crt In CbildI"eD Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Genuine ronat bear Signature them. WAN T B D ~LJ-WJ:~N~ Iltzea 22 to 30 Inches wQ,lst measure. you to try to win bol' love:' Don't judge by nppearo.nces. Men They found a certain aense of em· ~!:ri'J~~~ t~!r:,Te~:al~~Ql8~1.Y~:~k':faJ~~.!t Mrs. Dllrnton's features bardened, Medium s lz., fl!Qlllr es !! ~ yards of 3(;. who wear diamond plos often have barrasllment In their meeting. They and she coldly asked ; H or 64 Incb material. ~1:::~f},t;·:.':l';W.~;.~:;::iT. ~~~~~ money . were conscious that everything had To procure this paU"m .... nd to centll "Wbat recommendation have you to to "Pattern D Ilpnrlment." of thl. paper. cbanged sLnce their college daYB; their olfer for yourself1 It you love my Write Damo nnd ntldres ~ plo,lnly. !lnd bo Interests had become divergent; they daughter now. how am I to be con· llure-tO Illve ~Izo and Dumb"r of pallerll. bad grown apart In many ways. And vlnced that your love wUl not be ae Color .more;oOOa brlllhter and lUlU colo,," tban 10" otber dye. One lOe packallo colors aU flbe.... They dye In cold ....ter bett:tptb~ lIDO" 'l'ber ~ Leslie was painfully conscious that It evanescent-kindly mark the word-all You can. dye any .. rmen! witllou! ripping apart. \"'RITE "OR FREE booklet. L-alendar. blocton. "C. MONRor ORlJ G c 0 • , • DO)" NO. E364. SIZE ............... .. was sbo who had stood sUII. not evanescent as Is the love almost every Eunice. It was not untll orter other man bas for bls wife at tbe beNAME . ... ............................ .... .. George's visit tbat evening that ginning?" TOWN . .. . ................... ..... . ......... J!lunlce seemed to tbaw. "I am Bure my love will not be evan· "So that Is George," she said. Then escent. I sho.lI love Geraldine always, STREET AND NO . ............. , ......... . Bbe took LaBile by the banlt. "My I know. I shall nevor .cease to worship STATE ....................... -: ........... . dear, how long have you been on· her [or her beauiy. I have noticed that gaged 1" sbe asked. sbe takes after ber mother. It 1 may "Five years," sald LesUe, rather SI\Y so. !lnd that Is a guarantee that Bird'. Ne.t (.;aught Flro. frigidly. . her beauty will not fode liS the years A blrd's nest causod 0. fire at I"olke· "Leslie, do you know that you coula' go by. If I might. wlth permission. stone, Kent. Engiand, not long since. bave beon married tor five years and try to wln-" '. Tho nest. built· just bolow a wooden !lad that much more happiness?" ask· Geraldine came downatalrD and In· wlndow·slll at 0. boarding houee 011 ed Eunice. terrupted them then, but the jury tile water front. was Ignited lly spark I r;eslie began to explain the clr· ret~ned a verdict in Mr. Thurlow's from a chimney. and the wlndow·slll oumatances, the lon« aerlea ot millfor- favor. caught fir e . The fire waR subdued tu.nes. There wae a touch ot envy In berore al!Y e)'tenslvo damage waa ber tone which waa not lost. upon ber Owed Life to Dream. done. Many Norwegians In. U. 8. rrh;n·d . lIIelton Prior. the famoue war art, You liave a right to your opLnion. MUSTARD Se many Norwegians have either OINTMEWI "My dear," ahe answered, "I ' know 1st, always averred that he o"ed his So ba,,'e others. Orlgln~1 Rneareh. worked tor a rew year. In tha United that YOU have made a great mlatak_ IICo on one . occaeloll, to warning Methuseleh was In goqd humor. "A ( should· say the great mIBtake." When gOIDg out to the Zulu Bu ~"rlf~) OD little ~h:oll like blnlog. Statel or have relatives now workJng n nwspapor man ' called on me "Wily?" Ilsked Lelite. ."Do you be- war ' he twice dreamed that hs "811 tods}'." 11,> saId, "and asked to wbat I fIoll't a<lC4lpt 1I'&ter tor bhll~. AAk ror Be4 ·tberll. or bave traveled or' been edu· Crou &n Blue. Ad,. cated there. tbat the number familiar Lieve In'liing before one \a In a shot and then buried. On arrtvlng at attributed my tong .lUe. I told him I with American goods Is sufllclent to poeltlon to! It-Georgii bad h'ad Durban he received .. letter rxom hli answered the Borne queetton 500 year ~ womau have an appreolable effect upou th e ·.tiueband·s· advantages-:-" motber telling of a . dream .f.dJnUeal ago, and advised him to look up the . PhUlp . Gnll 'I , gof ma.rrleu, ,,' Ith his own, and begging J~lm not to flIea or his paper." .,..Clev.el-and Plaln1·;~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~=7!!! loc~ ' 9~and . ...n'RW1"r~I" 'J!]uillce, .hail JUI1: . ~-" .c=" l go .to tbo fronL He 'pbeyea::-her In· Dealer . ' that ana artist





f'rom 40 to 50 Woman's Critical Period.










Black POlvder Shells


The Army of Constipation













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The Ameriean Bvy It"): III.11 pri,'"


Thc Miami Gaz ' He H(· gul.n p ri~

... www ..... w ... w""w .. --"'-'












Pleas Court

- - ---

1. A propolition shall be s ubmit· cl~ c lors of tbe etote of Ohio •. o n tbe Tut5da ahe r ~ fint Monda,l JO NoIbaU be lubmttud t o, the electors of thi S l talc, ·vcmber. 191~t to amend artjc1c XII of tbe Sn the manne r provided by la w., on tbe fint constitution 01 t be Ilate of Ohio by the ad· 'Tuesday after the fint Monday .In Noyember t diti f ction 12 to a. followS! 1913, a "ropo.a} to amend IIcCliOILa 1. 2 amI on 0 Ie • to

enc l,l . ,h clU5e co ncurring therC:ln.

S,I£CTHH'f , i. 1 h a t, for tbe purp~se of pr()cunna a sho~t ball ut for Sllite ott1ct:'r~, there


IS of arucle 111 of the couatitution to read... followa: "SIc:. I. The execuli ..e department Ihall

SECllON l ttl tu the


AaTtC1.1 XlI. Finane. and Tuotion. Su:. 12. Dond. of Ih•• tal. of Obio and of

consi.t of a sovernor, lieutc:n3nt gov~rnor, lecrcta_I'Y of .tate, auditor of ~tat ~ treasurer of ,tale and 3n attornt! Y yene rlll. " be governor and lieutenant gO\l c rn or s haH be elected On tho nnt Tuesday after the fint Monday in November, Ly tlote elec tors of the 8lat.e

any city. v~ l1~gel hamlet. county, road d is trict or t o wnshil) in the state. and Londa issued in behalf of the public Icbool. of Ohio anti t,he mea.ns of inltru c t ion in connection th e rewIth Iball be exempt from tas.aUon. StC110N Z. That thil amendment .hall tako

efn~r ahnll h old thclr of1iC'(~s for t ....' o )'ean.. terms of OtrlCC: sha ll COU1Ulcncc on t~c .«ond Monday o~ Jauuar~ nex~ a fter then

SPeak" 01 'hI 1lou$ I 01 R~pr~s,"fativ'•• Huou L . NICIIOLS.

and al Ibe »13tes of .0linS for m.mb.ra 0l .ffecl nnd be in force from aDd after ita the gcneral aSJ~tnbly . • ado ti "SEc' 2. The govl7rnor and tielllC:l1a.nt gov- ' P on. C. L. SWAI" 1:llelf

Prtzidtft' 01


S cfl4I,.

election. and conlln"c until tbelr SutecHO", Ad pted April lStb 1913. are electcd and quahfied. . 0 , "Sec. IS. Tbe governor .hnll appoi nt tbe UNIT EO STAff. 0' AWUteA, loe'C1"etal7 of atate, auditor of state, treasu rer I STAT& or 01110. of .tate and attorney seneral, and . h31l haye Officc of Ih. S<C lctary or State. I, CHAS. H. GRAVES. Secrel3ry of State autborlty to r.move nny of officials so appointed. Eve"1 officer holdiflK office by .Ie.,. of Ihe State of Obio. do bereby certify that the lion when tbi. amenc.hnent il adopted shllll eontinue to hold sucll offi~e for the fun term for which he waa elected and until hi • • uc· <CUDr lhall have been ~Icctcd or ap,pointcd

foregoing ia an ex~mplified

N . Sears

Live Stock and GI'ncral Auctioneer Pos leri on p (' di .~ IT (,C; ;1I1c1 vn lilt'S of nil kill tls of breeding s tock . Experienced ill ha ndling farm sales stnce 1905. Terms Reasunable



Satisfaction Guarantced

Waynt!sville, Ohio


Public Sale

btate o f Ohi o VH . •TtlUl 8 R Brown Con'missioners' Proceedings I:lr. , ple ad not ~uiJt.y . Utili the(1 lit JIIillll ,1.n na UnllrLlter Ilppo lotell . 75 0. Ueur/o(tl Y IlU llt{ 1~ )I]lU III l ell ole r Ie o f BllIHd of CO nt OJ is!llo nors. cuunset ::lnlrny of A 11 00 El otTmt1n, Depuly btule o f dh lu V:l C lin to n U. Por 160lller of W e lght·s ond Messures PROPOSED !,MI -: l\D M~~\1' TO Tll~ CON . . ,ROPOSt; D AMI'; NDMENT TO THE CON. rlo e pl<' uU O L t gui\t.y 1,0 I \vo r.ouu t ,. . STI fUTION vi OHIO. \ S1'l'rUTION 01' OHIO. WIlij fixe d at $100 p or m o nth. lteleBRtlU o n o wn rfloogoi ·L'luce . - -- SHORT BULOT FOR STATE OFFICERS. EXEIPTlHG PUBLIC BONDS flaM TAXATION. Plll8d g uilty t o thin! O,lunt IIIllI tUllI. B, i, "s o" "' d by til. G,ft",.1 ·A.llmbly 0, 1 B. i, ,,,01,,,4 bl-;;;;-G.ft"oJ Asumbly of tlln1e d t o ~ix 1t111ntll~ ill Xeui .. w o rlt- FOR NURSES TO REMEMBER Statr of OJII O. three·filthl ~f the m~m.b.", th. S,." 0 Ollio:

,h, el ected



ot l'Ilo rr oVl'. t Illl u . 10 hll~~ Elllll\ MIIY W i ulltllJ, ultltJ uf Mo rrow. Hev. U e rtrUtill '1'. Tibu fl l~ V!! EII:r.llbo t.ll Geo r gI' Full.u lI M. tilt H ),IAOll 'tlr, Ill. Pllrtitioo of relll AmU l i \' H ~ t,,)'I , f' n!lill~f\r furef'~ tutll UIU", 01 In'Ol n. l'eI • to MrH . Myrtle ,I. Ai . Luunrg v~. J M . lL bll\)(I . M . IInllll·... u l Murd uc k. Rev. Whll.t'. H u \'tv o r uf j\lllgUl" ut R"y /!;'ll'r E'''' Lncl~ tl , fUrlu e r, of Spri n guoro. to MIS!! MIlb tll M Mioh· Proceedings u tll . I1I:!u (j f Springb oro. !Jr. U . E. 10 rll jitloh,\rIlO o f UraUlI Jnrur O ,\\\.dy un (1 "1'1' lilt IIlfltlt uf uow Urllud l'lIl1rl l'~ (l \V 1lIIIlW~UU, r Ot" uatuto .Inrol' 1"'1' ey . t;lIt11uul 10' i:l lilt,tI ORAUUA'l'E Ol! TOE U\.lP \Int;-u to UII Vll ollnoy CIIUtltJ tl by broku r. uf Le hIlIt OD, to Mr~ t:llelh~ .A·rlONA L AUOTJON ArllltlfilOu'l'rvvllIo . Dr G .E Gowlly . •nubility uf H L ~L1ot~ u l1ltlry l iO BPIJOOL (Ill' AhiRRICA I:II\rl"y HItOI!Olll1l DUDn, riruggillt, s Jr Vli, Htnte of Olli,) V>I . Willilltll Brnutl u of Ciuoiou loLti. Ubil). to Miss Nina Rev. D B. plol\d not ~ uill-y o f eltller 0 f I,wo }{o btl rt~. M Mo rru w . Fit :t.gernld. oO t\ut~.

The SAFE boys' magazine y $1 a year ~1 .I IIJ \ . 11I "' I , /r'\ " I: ... l .. r .. ·..


heir< monlhs 010 I ht.II"'ul br>ltlloud n Ill ""! h


co py,


cORlllAred by me with the original rolls noW

on fi le in this offiee nnd in my official cu stody

- ...

1 win ulTer £It, pu h1io Hldo tlt my reRille no e ;S tIll1 tl~ ~ou tll 0 1 New BnrlinRton , ulld ~ rn llf1R WO!\t of Kin/(nl'tn . Oll th e ('Ilmby Mill rOI\(t, 00

Thursday, October 30, 1913

BI ~iunio;.: at J() · 'clnok, the fol l <lwl tl !!: BI,rRos , t\uttle, hogll. furm in ~ imlllementR Imd houlltl h o ltl house !Iud olso t o lillY co,;ttl Thoeo Who Have the Care of Invalid. g UOIIR bee bi ll!! tor terms. btu.te of Uhi L1 V" Itoltuul U itt'!! . Should Keep Thue Important B. F . Mills . Pload nut guilty . B un 'l lix a tl at Polnu. In Mind. Will Mi1l~, Auot,. $1000 and SQmt:l o ot \)olJ1~ furulsh od Willi rellltlndtlll to jill!. I ILvnlids who dislike the flavor of J Will o ff or at puitlio sole tlt UlY ['be Peopills' BoillllDll', LuaD und n 1l'ut cxlTnct will be able to tak e ·it SIIYlng~Co . VI!. Charle~t3 Jtlokson if n t easpoonful o r so is added to a residence 1 mile west of Lytl e. nu et oj. Defeodants oTllerell to PllY c up of hot boiling milk. Tho milk Thursday, October 30, 1913 HATHAWA" tllis oillim, e l~ e f"redose real eswtE'. dis~'lliscs the taste of t.he m eat exBeginolng at 1 o'clock, the fclJurn ey M . PlIlllips VI! : Emily R. tract. · A smnll qunntity of thiB mil- lowiog ohllttels: 2 horses, '" ollUle Wftt oes ville's Leu.d1n, OeD"" Uranl' . Ameoue d pe tlt,iou is filed tUfe taken when there is a feeling snd fltrmlng implements. Bee bills Offioe iu Keys Bldg. M"ln ~t by pilli u tiff. of exhaustion will provo un admi- f(lf term!! M rA Lil1lon 8t.rong ThotUtl8 E. Hoover, exeoutnr, ve . rable fCstorativo. A . A. Mc N I'il. Auot . l)avld F . 8mith et. ILL Traot No S E,'ery room in which thero is sic k BA~NHART, mlldtl til Cor~ Bmnk . ness should bo thoroughly aired Notary Public otate of Ohio VB. WIlII£\ID I3l!llw twice a day. Shield the patient with WOMAN HATER TO THE LAST hlln. Plolld u )" guilty. BODd fixed n screen and plenty of covers during Oregon Man. All Hie Long Life a All kinds of N u tary WOIk II.t .75'). Nut furnished und de "end th e airin g . Baohelor, Had Fact Inllcrlbed on W o rk I) Hpecltl lty ant i" rellluoded to j llil. Placing a board three inches wide HI. Tombatone. Stille of Obio VB. Jllmos Sheet;l . and the fllil w itl1h of the window Plelld gutlty . Fined and c08ts und e r th c lower sash will afford good CarlJ'inlr to hi s grove an nntipathy ~entet.08 sU8p~nded I,lll November ycntilntion during the day witholl t for the fnir sc x which chararterizeu State of Obio VS. J IITl1eS ~h 31ltli I una Illy cooling the room. hi,~ long Ii fc of. si ngle blessedness . I Funeral Dirt'ctor Plead guilty to two COll 'l tl!. Fined If, however, it beco~es necessary \\ IllInm R. IfarUcy, a well It hv and Embalmer &50 (\Od OOllts In ellch. ~entenoe In to s weeten the room qUickly a small farm er, who died r~cntly at the air t elloh InstaDce su~peoded during IlImp of gum camphor placed on un of sevcnty-throe, provided in his will, Waynesville, Ohio. good behavior. old saucer with n few lighted matches which was filed for probate. the erec· Alice A. Urtou et ul Vtl. Ulifton 1!: will scon overcome nny heaviness of tion of 11 monument upon which Call answered promptly day or night. Drake e' al. jherlff'(i dale !Approved. the air. shall be in jmperi~hable lettcring his Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone t;ettlemeo' ordered . Another simple deodorizer is a bit prefrrcnce for haeholorhood. 14-2r . t3t.te of Uhio Vli Uraut ~mith. of burning string. C ut a bit of the After directing thnt a granitp. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funcrals. Plead oot guilty, whioh pltla iA en- heavy white variety, hang it over 8 monument be placcd over hi s gra\'c, dorsed upon said indlotment by the. bar of something, 8ay, u chair, light on which shall be carved an old Best of service guaranteed. olerk. at each end, blowout the tiny flame, bachelor standing on the hri Dk of '3tate cf Ohio V~. Charles Guest. Bnd let it smolder until the bit Of} Jordan, preparing to cross the river, Refnllel. to ple'ld either wBy. Uonrt striDIl is c~sumed. with a group of old maid s 011 the ordered olerk to endorse plell of not . • _ • other side, cach beckoning to him, he Osteopathic Physician gUilty. L. K . LAngdo n appointed A Oentle and Effective Laxative r eq uested that tho following cpitaph

Du. H.E.


aJ Sccrcl."1 of Slole and !o",nd to be true and b.. qualUied al prOVided by I• ..,. and, of a Jotnt re.olullon . adopIed by SICTJOIf 2. At luth elecIion this amend· the General A•• cmbly "f lb. Stal. of Ohio, ment lball be ~at.d on tbc offici.1 ballol in tbe on the 18tb day of April, A. D. 1913, Dna manner I!~eac:"bcd by law .. HARTICLB II!.! fil.d in Ihi! office on tbe 30lh d.y of April, SECTIONS I, 2 and lS -THE SHORI' A. D. 1913, .nlill.d "Joint Re.olut ion 10 BALLOT POR STATE OFFICERS", or in Am.nd Article XU of the Constitution of otb.r Iau......e luffitient to d•• ign.t. it clearly. \ Ohio by the adoption of Seclion 12". IN Tt5Tt"ONY WHU IO'. I boy. h.reunto and If a 1NI,j0rity of the elector. voting on Ih. lame lball adopt l uch !«Iions I, subscribed my nome and affixed my official 2 and lS hereinabove oel forth oholl on Dna ••al.t Ih. City of Columbul, Obio. thn. 19th after tbe fint day of Jonuary. 1914. betome doy of Jun., A. D. 1913. and conotitule the ol!CIiona 10 amcnded of ClloU. H. CUVES article III or the con' Iilulio.n or Ihe stote of Sf"""." of' SIIlII. Oblo and aaid o~nal lcetlono 1. 2 and 18 (Se.• I) .ball be .... pealed and annulled. C. L. SWAllf, AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. S,.d" 0/ , •• H 0"" 0/ R,p,,,,",o,i,,u. D.parim,"' 01 Public p,.;",j"l1 0' Ohio. Public.tion of the above proposed amend· lIuCtt L. NICHO~8. ment 10 lb. CotUIilutlon or Ohio, und.r s.c· P"·,id,,,, 0/ tion 3 of lin act entitled, uAn act relatina to Adopted April ISth, 191J. ccrtain proposed amendment. to the Con.titu· V_I't1D STA'lU o. A "£OleA, lion of Ohio and the publication thereof," STATS o. o LIT O. po ••ed by Ih. C.neral Auembly of Ohio. April 00... of the Secretary of StalL 28. 1913. I. aulhorized by tb. nep.ulment of I, CRAS. H. GRAVES, Secreta"1 of State Public Printinll of th. State of Ohio. or the Stat. of Ohio, do certify that the FiA" I< 1I... u. for",oillf Ie an ex.mplifi.d t OPl', carefully Sup"..,uo, P"blic Pri",ifl/1. compared by m. witb Ibe original raUl noW on file In thit office and In my official .<.ullody u Secrelary of SInl. and found 10 be true PROPOSED AM EN DMENT TO THE CON· and eorrl!Ct, of a joint r.aolution. adopted by STI'fUTION OF OHIO. tb. Ceneral Auembly of the Stale of ObioJ on , .... 18th day of April. A. D. 1913. ana ILUIISILITY OF WOllEN 10 CERTAIN OFFICES. tiled in tbit office on the 30lh day of ..April, B. i' , ..o/I1,rl by ,h, C. .. ".I ASJlmbly 01 A. D. 1913, entitled "Joint rt.olution propos· of Ohio: Three,fifths of Ih. memb.r ing au amendment to •• ction. I 2 and IS of elected to each Houae concurriDi therein: artlde III of the con.tilution ot the Slat. of A mild , gen~le aDd effoottve la)(Ohio, relatiye to the sel.ction of goy.rnor · That for Ibe purpo.~ of procuring tb. eligibilil, oounsel of women to certatn officu. & proposal shall and other .tate offiecra." Btde of Ohio Vtl. James Brown ative is what peuple demaod whl'n I_ TIITIWOIfY WHIIIO•• I have h.r.unto b. lubmitt.d to lb. electorl of th, ••"1. fn I"bteribed m1 name, and affi •• d my official lb. mann.r provided by law on tbe fir.t Tuao Sr. 'l'rled aDd fOUDd goll'y. Finej Buffering (row OODlItipation. Thoua · aeal at tbe City of Columbu., Ohio, Ihi. 19th day afl.r lb. liMIt Monda, in November, 19\3, 10 am.nd the conltitutfon Dr the ltate by IIOU and 008'8 . Ordered oommlt andl! ewelLr by Dr. King's New Life da, of June. A. D. 1913. . .mending artIcle XV\ acctlon 4. th.reof ao 'ed to Xenia Work Bo080 nnlil u flid Pill!!. Bugh Tallmao, of 811.n AnloCIl4S. H. Cuns. it will read as rOllowl: S'C",." 0/ S'ol•• Ibat ulo, Tex. wrlte\!: "Thev are . beyond S~C. 4. No pereon Iball be elected or a~ (Sal] quetltion. the best pills my wife and poi nted to any office In this atate unle.. po • or worked out at 600 per day. .... ed of the Qualification. of au .Ietlor; prD1 have ever ttlllen" They neVI'T AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. ' vided that women who are citiEcnl may be a~ ".'Grim, ..' 0/ P"b/i" Prl,,'ifll1 of OhiD. poinled as m.mb .... or board I of, or to posl, Probate Court cause p; ~in. Prloe 250 lit: druIICgIs11I Publlcalion or th. aboye ~ropo•• d amend· tions in, thOle depBrtmentl and institutions e.. or by mail, B . E. Buoklen & Co ment to the Couatitulion or Ohio. under Sec> labliahcd by the atal. or nny polilical IU~ tion 3 of an ad entitled, "An act ..latins to division thereof involving tbe intcrest! or car. 10 t.he matter of 'he will of Eliza· PhltadelphilL or ~t . Louts. certaIn propo.ed amendment. to the COnllitu· of wom.n or childr.n or botb. tion of Ohio Bnd the publicalion Ib.r.of." S!CT'OK 2. At .ucb .Iection Ihi. am.ntJ. beth D Collett, dectla!led. Will ad· paaaed b, tb. C.n.ral Assembly of Ohio. April .hall be plac.d on tbe official ballot in 28, 1913. il aUIhorlzed by the Deportment of tbe mann.r ,Ilrescrlbed by law .a "A RTICLP. mitted to probate . Howard Collett MAR BEAUTY OF THE FACE Public Printing of tbe SIale of Ohio. appointed executor. Bond $'000. fUNK H AlPER. ~Y>MEW-CT6Or;. pp~iN.f'r!ikGJ~'~rY M Sup. rviso' 0/ Public Prift,i"fI. Uhlules Madden, W. A. HalDes Rnd Linea Engraved by Dlacontent and III r~R~E<f,h,+~AERNDl ~~sfg.SJHg~~ Temper Are Tflo•• That Are bROPOS"'D AM"'NDM"'NT TO "'11~ CO" AI"FECTINC OR CARING FOR. WOMEN AlbertM.en'itt aPPOinted rJ.ppraisers . ~ .. "'.. • . , ', n' AND CHILDREN"'. or in olher I.nguase suffi· - Di.flgurlng. STITUTION OF OHIO. tlent to clearly designate it. and ff a majority W. 8. Graham,Administrator elo . tbe eletlo", ""otin, on th. sam. sball adopt (,f the estll.te of Rebecctl Jane tUdes, IHORT BALLOT FOR COUNTY AND TOWIIIIHI' of .uch amendment, I~tiorl .. hereinabove eet OFFICERS. Hllve you ever stopped to trunk of fortb ,hall on .nd after the firAt day of Jan· deoeatled. plaintiff vs . Olive T . EdB, i, roso/",rl b" ,Iu C, .. Asumb/y of uary, 1914. become and constitute the I.etioa the dif[c rcnce in the lincs which como .h. S'ot. 0/ Ohio, thr.e-fifthl of tbe m.mb.,. '0 am.nd.d of article XV or the constilutioa "ards et ill, defendaQtR . Pnbllo or the Itale of Ohio and laid oriainal .celloa or eacb bOUle concurring tberein: upon the face? sllie of IlcldiUonal real eil~l\te ordered SIC'tlOII I. That, for the purpose of pro- 4 aball he repealed and annulled. Who minds the pencilings of good C. L. SWAIIf, earing a .bort ballot ror counly and town· Bame done. 8et~lement ord.ered abip Offite"" ohall be submltt.d to tbe SPe.k" 0/ 1M Ho ... , 0/ RI' ..... natufC and kindliness ( They en· ",Ieetora of tbi. atate, In tbe ruann.r proylded Hlloa L. NICHO~S, In the matter of the estate of ~f law, ou the liut Tuesday after tb. fint 0/ ,II. S."ot.. hance the charm of 8. face, bccuuse Monday in November. 1913, a proj1os.1 to Adopted Aplil ISth, 1913. 8enjllmtn WeeKII, d~cealled . Esta'e repeal I«tiona 3, 4 and 7 of erticle X or tb. they mirror so plainly the soul beCDllItltution .. nd to amend lcetlons I and a U"JTlD STA~U o. A"UICA. folly lidmiolstered. of lucb article to read .. follow", STAT! or OUIO. hind it, and women who have these Frank V O 'Neall, plaiotlff, VI! . "Ssc. I. Law. rna)' be pa... d providing for Ollice of th. Sccr.tary or Stato. I, ·CHAS. H. CRAVES, Secreta"1 of State the ",Iectlon or appolntm.nt and terma of all lines don't go to beuuty eulturiBtB to lucb count)' Ind town.blp .. may be of the Stale of Ohio, do terlify Ihnl the Kate Brook!! et 1\1, defeDdant8 . l'he huve them removed; thcy Bcarcely nece.aary, whlcb office" Ihall have luch power forclfOing is nn exemplified copy, carefullJ' of local taxation, for police purvosea, u ma, compared by me witb the original folls now Middle Creek Uoal Uo., a party de. be ~re.cribed by law. .. on file in this office and in my official custody fendunt hall le~vfl to tile answer and notice they are there, nor do their ·'S.c. 2. Law. be paased providina I. Secrftory of St.ate and found to be true friends think of them as anytruhg for a form ot IOyernmeDt for countiea and and cornet of a joint re.olution. ad opted by uross petition . the townlbipa ther"fn. th. C.nera! A...mbly of the SI.te of Ohio but beauty marks. SaCTloII 2. At luth election thl, am.nd· on the 18tb day of April. A. D. 1913. nnd In the matter of t.he I§llardiaWlhip ment .ball be placed on tbe official ballot in filed in Ihis office on Ihe 30th dny of April, It is th e lines that come from dis-the mann.r J)rClcrlbed by law .. "ARTICLE A. D. 1913, entitled "Joint Resolut ion rcla· :>f Edyt·he ROBS, Roymond ROilS Bnd X. SECTIONS 1 and;' - SHORT BALLOT live to tbe c1eglbility of women to Fred ROSB, minors co ntent Bnd ill-temper thnt are dis· John E R'J~s POR COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP OF· offic ..... figuring. They crease the brow and FleERS" or in other language sufficient to IN T~STIWOlfY WultaEO', I have hereltnto deaiauate It tl.arly, and If a n.81·ority of the subscribed my name and I1ffi.ed my official "ppoioted. Bond ,300 drag down the mouth and encircle ",Iectorl yoUng on tbe same ahal adopl oucb lui al Ihe City of Columbu., Ohio, this 19tb 10 the matter of the estate of amendm.nt, ••ction. 1 and 2 b.r.inabov. aet day of June. A. n. 1913. the eyes unpleasantly. They make 1\ CHAt. II. GRAVEs fortb lhalr on and after the firot. day of Rlohllrci Patterlllon, decelllled . John woman fly to specialists a~d indulge ~f:~'.o 1:~~d~c~.Jc~~ l~ro~~~t~on~~~ Sur ...,y W . Patteraon apPOinted admlnil!trl~. tution of tbe ltate of OhIo and .ald original [Stal] in quanti tics of highly recommended tor. Bood $1500. Charles Kelley, Rdlono I amI 2, and alao aeetions 3, -4 and 7 AUTHORIZATION OF PU8L1C~TION. of luch article. and al.o lection 16 of article WllIiom T. Mooots )LnQ J . S,Gottery creams and lotions. IV. Ihall be .... pealed and annulled. D,p.,,,", .. , of P"blic P ..... ,lftll 0/ Ohio. Publicntion of the above propolcd amendUndoubtedly these help a little, e. t" SWAtJl, ment fo the Constitution of Ohio. under Sec- ,.ppoillted appraillurlil . Sl.d," 01 ,., BDIlS. of R.p ...."'",;,,.. lion 3 of nn Det .ntitl.", "An acl relnli"g to but the real fault lies deeper. It lies 10 the maUer of the will of John Huen L. Nlcn~ certain proposed amendments to the COhstitu· Protid,ft' 0/ II,. S.UI. lion of Ohio nnd Ihe publication lhereof,· Throckmorton, deoea8ed. Anthen· in the irritability, the diBCOntent, tho pa.sed hy Ihe Ceneral As.embly of Ohio. April Adopted AprU 18th, 1913. V_ITBD SrA'lU ow A"'aICA, 2S, 191J. i. authorized bv tbe n<partment 01 ticlI.'ed oopy of wm "dmltted to worrying O"9r trifles, the gnawing STAn oW OUIO. Public Printing of the Slat. of Ohio. jealous:r and nil those other cha.raereoord. "UKI( HU.ER. Ollice of the Sccrcta"1 of State. teristicll, and until one 8truggles with I, CHAS. H. eRAYES. Scereta"1 of ShU S"p'nMor 0/ Public P,i",iflilo of the State of Ohio. do here'" certify tbat the Real Estate Transfers and overcomes these the lines are foftloltljf II an exemplified eopy, car.fully compared hy me willi the orlalnal rol1o now bound to come and bound to be ugly . Gn file In thla ofII... and In my official cu9l0dy Finding tha Drowned. Thomas E. Boover, executor to .. Seueta."1 of Stat", and found to be true and diBfiguring.-Exchange. Occasionally one reads that, wheii l:or~ Bronk 114 aores lIJ Clearoreelr end correct, of a Joint ruolution. adored b, the General Auembl, of the Slate p Oblo, human bodies are thought to be In rt?o township $68()4 on tbe ISth dy or April, A. D. 1913, Ina filad In tbl. olliee on tbe 30tb dar of Al'ril, ere and cannot be found, "'a Joaf of Henry and Mary H. Weakley to Eczema and itching Cured A. D. 19U~ entided "Joint Resolution Pro- bread has been 'f1oated down the ~Ing aa Amlndment to Article X of tbe The llIoo'hh." healing msdicatlon Conatitutioa of tbe Stah of Obio, relative to stream." But very few peopJe have Clara A. Weakley, parts of lots No. COUDIJ and to_hlp o....nlutiona. .. 10 J)r. Robson's Eczema <.tintm$bt I_ TU.,u,OJfY W _ _ w, I bave b..eunto the leaet Idea what connection' there 117 and 118 in Lebanon, '8UO. Mary W. Cunningham &0 H. V. penetrates ttvary "ny pore of tJie nbacrlbe4 til; Ul'le, and aflixed my official Ie between bread and the finding of 'en! at tb. ClIJ of Columbna, Ohio, thIa 19~ bodies. W.bell the river has been I '" (l. 201 I n skin, o:lears U of an, of J_ .A.. D. 1913. Walter, part 0 f 1 not ... .. dragged without result. a loaf of bread Btop' itohing instantly. Dr. Bob c.... H. Cuvu. S'~"Gr::J 01 SlGA 18 cut tn two. II. place hollo1fed out' tn Lebanon, $1. SI)n'8 Eczema Ointment 18 Roaren. tha middle, and a Quantity of QUickteed to Mpeedlly heal eozema, rallhes AU11IOIIZAnOIL 0' PUBLICAnON. sllnr Ineerted. The two halves of MarrIa&e Ucenaes' rlnllwo:rm, t"Uer and other nn· ,k aboYe I!ropo.ed01 Olio.amen&. th e Ioaf are t h en f as t • -_.. . "H~ hWltatlon ofP .. the ...,.. t ollet.... _r 81ghtly erupt.i onB. ·.11'...,:&ema. 0 Int. _ to til• .Coud~o of Ohio. undrr!leo again, and the bread Is thrown Into Alfred W. Diil,. .... aeoorator; of ment Illi II. dootor's presorlpUoD, n tlOII .t-Of ... ad ead "An act nlatlllfW the water In the pra.c e where the bodT, Kinas Mills, to MI. 8er'. B •. Wi\.: an exnnrlmene. AU druggists or by ',., _In ~ a h to tbe Co~ 1" .... .' . doB Of w~'eo ~~lcatJon Ibe~..... I. lupposed to be. . Without fal the lon, also of Kinp Mills.. Be". G. zqail, 600 PfeUler L'he~toal ' . ~'~I~::'~ed by ~~fiii loaf f10ata along until It reaches t~. l!I 'G d . ,. . Philadelphia aDd 8e. Louw .. .~ ' of die State of·Oblo. 'fIclnlty ot the bod)" and then revol~ '" ow y. " . '. . • - •





,It. S.,.,.,..


Ih. S,.,.









0' S,"'"







~!==~~~"~"=-'.:;!'=:;"":"~&~~IIAu;;~~~>~';'JI quickly, b~YeriDc _ ~ver,.~; ~~t.'''',~ W:~Il.~ .~. I~~' 991 :, farm~:~

- ..- -- -

Dr. Heber M. Dill



be engraved on the monument: 21 Broadway Phone 449 "To an indep.e ndent, good-looking Lebanon, Ohio old bache lor, who in his younger days, preferred living in single life rsthcr than get married Alld have ft BRANCH OFFICE petticoat boss nlling over him."Wed ford (Ore. ) 'l'ribune. • _ •



Tuesdays lind Fridays, from 8:30 to )2 olclock

A void Sedative 'oulth Medicine

Office, corner Main and High streets Phone No. 100 If yon want to oODtribute dlreotly to the ocoorrence of capillary bronchitis Ilnd pneomonia u"e oou~h medlolnes tbat contain oodlne, mor ghine, herolD and other sedativell when yoo have a OOUKh or Gold. An expeotorant like Uhamberlain's Veterlnarv Cough Remedy is what is needed. 'fhat olellns out the onlture beds of Graduate of Ohi" SIal lin ivers' I . bree .lin. plaoes for the germ a of pnenmonta lind other germ diseases That is why ' pneumonill. never re solts from a cold when Chamber· Office at residence in It'. USher· wood's house, Fourth Strel:!t. lain's Cough Remedv ill used. It bal! II. world wide reputation for Its Telephone 28 cures. It oontains no morphine or other sedative. For sale by 1111 Waynesville. dealen Ohio

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

- ....

- - - -......


Prlmature Bur"1. M. Tholnot, professor of forenslo medicine to the Paris Academle de Medicine, has been lecturing upon premature burlnl. an accident the fear Funeral Director. ot which Is. perhaps, not so prevalent as It was In the days of Edgar Poe. Telephooe day or night. He gave an Interesting descrlr.!Ion of Yalley phone No. ' . l.oog th e many Inventions devised for ' the Distance No 6{)-2r. a~oldance of this, Illcluding the Inser· don of a breathIng tube In the moutb of the corpse. which Is brought Automobile Service at all Time. through the lid or tho comn and projected from the grave. Out he declared WA VNESVILLE, OHIO that no precs ullon was so 8atlsfactory Branch Office, Harve1sboflf. as that of delaying the burIal until the sIgns of putrefaction are appareot. The provisions ot the code Napoleon, which ol'daln that no burial shall take J. plnce until twenty-four hours atter death nnd Inspection by the medical authorIty or the district. are, he sold, entirely adequate on this point, and It they are carried out to the full, no omce In WaynesvlJle, 0 one need have any rear of being but'- National Baak BIde. led alive. ~

Walter McClure




.•• DENTIST•••






PulJllah od: Woekly. ilL

\\" 11)' ''1'6 \'111".



- - - --OI'U' ll.lH






1lJ(1~ ( '0 flY . -- - -

IiUVtlJlC(l). . . . . . . . 81.0" •. . . . • . .. ' . . . . . . .• .• • . . ..



~~ .




A shark was killed by n dog at Loose, Cornwnll, E ugland, a few days ago. 'l'ho fi sh, which weighed over 20 pound s, wos sport ing obout in a small pool left by tho tide and ns it mode II. dash fpr the seo'the dog sprang at it ond fllstcned his teeth well into it s side, causi ng II. lot at bl~d to g ush forth. l?or quite five mmutes a keen sbugglo betwocn dog and fi sh took plnee, first one and then the other gn ining the upper hand, the fi sh making mony ineffectual ottempts to bi to its assailnnt. Gradually the shark got more and more feeble, nnd wos finally dragged to the shore in triumph hy the dog.


- - -... ...- - They Make You Feel Good 'I'he pleasnnt pnrgatlve effect pro. duoed by Chaml'erlain's 'rable*s and the htlaltby oonditlon of body and mind whioh _hey oreate make one , teel joyful For sale by all dealers.

• HER DISTINCTION. She looked up at him in sudden doubt. "Can I," she exclaimed, "be tho only girl you ever t old she wns the only girl you ever really loved ?" ITe t ook time to refl ect. " No," he at length made on swer; " but if distinction is what you're alter you can, i! you like, be the only girl Ulat ever believed me."-SLrIlY S tories.


0-----..-. -.-. ___ --......_. .-._-. ______ Harveysburg.

Tbe trip through and around the luuding olty of Mlllsle 'I'owDshlp Il8 promised in last week 's Issue, took plaoe " uturduy lIight. 'I'here were three extensive and elaborate staLions ohosen, the following hosplt. able how6II, Mr . nnd Mrs . J. E !:Ihu muker, Mrs. Emma Cline and Mr. and Mrjl. Frank Wilson, were open to t he ourlosity ~ekerll aad they were numerous. Tbe Jeooratione wet every etrlklnR, ths commIttee being lettders and not foliowerll, knowing wbat is n60esPary to make t h I n g s enjoyable. Ballowe'en ohar!loter8 were plentiful and an. tique, th3 provender was extra good and, owing the high 008t of living, everybody WIlB well served. The tiokets sold were vrry nnmer ous and the proceeds were very lIatlsfllotury. While tbis Ie very trying work on the committee, 'hey feel they have been weU paid for their efforts and e:r:tend a vote of thankl to all for theIr liberal patronage at vllrlous times. ~everal fr" m here were Ihopping in Dayton, Monday. Carlton Andersoo, of Day'on, Ie visltlnK Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ellis. ']Brit aD will 800n be" XeDiaoltlzen, a8 his parents are opening np a Flower Store in 'hat oity. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl 8tewar', of WilmIngton, autoed to oor village, Sunday, and were guests of Mrs. Mildred Eagle. • _ •


Chronic Dyspepsia The following unsoliolted testl moniol 8hould certainly be snffioienl '0 ~tve hope ,nd oonrage t ' perBons affiloted with obronio dy Jpepsia: "1 h,ve been a ohronlo dY8peptic for years, and of all 'be medlolne I have \akeu, Chll \Ibarlain't\ T .. blet!' ba ve d'o ne me more good t·han !loy thing el8e," says W. tJ : Mat\leon , No. 7 Sherman 8t., Hornellsville, N . Y. For Mle by all dealers. _____-JIo. _


Women Who Get Dizzy


--rrr don't care I" retorts the peeved wife. "I only married you because your hair waved the same way ns Harold Gallup'sl" "That 80 r' jeered. the jolted husband. "Well, I only married you be· cause you used the snme flavor of lip rouge 88 Millie Willumsl"-J udge.


A Marvelous Escape

.. My little boy had a m"r"'elou~ esoape," wri\611 1'. F . Butlams of Prince Albert, Cape of Good Bope. "n ooourred In the middle of 'be nlgh&. Be go, a very severe aUaok of oroap_. As luok would have U, I had a large boUle of Cham berlaln 'e Cough Remedy in 'be hOUM. AfSer following 'he directions for .n h6br aad4wentl' -minutes he was through all danger ." l:Iold by all dealers. ------~.~~



Mrs. Dart--Didn't you like your wedding presents? Bride-No-no ; got W88 pmctical_

everything we

.- -----


"I BaW an inky razor in old Doem's office the other day." '~."h.. it is whllt he uses to shave hia D&~~~;:

-- ..

- ---... ---New Burlington

Dr and Mrs. Whitaker bad .. 8 gueNl1i 1" .. ~ week, 'heir . brother, Umar Whitak!lr, and friend, of Brooklyn, N Y '1'he moth"r nf R(lT Killender wilt takln to the ChriMt BOllpltal, l..'in. oinnati, lall~ wrek . Elijah Hales, of Yellow Spring8, was oallinR on frienud here, Friday. Frank took ex.mlna&ion hl Chtllloothe recently aDd reoelved an engineer's lioenl!e. He wUJ open the saw· mill aKaln. Mrs. B. O. Whitaker Wall oalled too Meohani08burg, Friday, by tbe serioul IHneR of her 'fatber The Dootor, who aocompanied her, returned &turday. The Mnnday Bobool Convention, beld a' tbe Friends' Churob, Sun day anernoon, wa. one of 'be lDoet Interest ing ever beld here. The mueio rendered by a male quar'ette from WllminKton wall elpectally appreciated. C. F. Vioker8 and family, of Xenia, were the week.end guest. of reI ~'iV8e here. Chal. Sa,.., who r6l!idell lIoutb eal' of town. received painful In. juries bV ~hlg kioked by a horse, t:!a~.rd"y. He was .nnoonsoioUl for several houfIJ, but iJ1 reoo'f'6riog nloely a' present. After an e:r:tended "fisit with frieodl here. ~well Bnypp retorned Monday, to 'he home of bill gr.. nd. parentll in Yellow ~prings.

~~~~~==I SIOO Reward, $100 'l'he reader" of this paper will be pleased to learn tbat there is III least one dr'3aded dlsl!alle that 80ience bas heen able to oure in all its Iltag68, and tbaUs Catarrh . Hall'lI Catarrh Uure 18 the onlv positive oure DOW known to the medloal fraternity . Catarrh being II oODs'itutional dlselllle, requires .. oODstl&utton"l trea'ment. Ball'lI Cat.arrh Cure ill 'aken internally, MoUng dirflo&ly op. ' on 'he blood and moooos ·I!DrfacM of 'he 8JI!tem, ther~by destroyln~ 'htl fODDdaUon of tbe dilease, and giving tbe plotieDt strenRtQ by building op tbe OODat\tu,lon and u!ls"ng Datur.e in doing iu worl( . The proprletorl have 80 much faUh , io ita ouratlve po'w ere tbat they .offer One Hundred Dollafa for aDy oue 'hat it faill to onre, SeDd for list. of teI'lmoDlal., Addreu: F. J. CbeDey &t Co., , Toled", Oblo, '. _ -'- • . . ~ '.;: .-

.-:-::- ..Bola by"U D~ul(gi'f.s, 7"', .. .~



A VIvId Picture. Of all "aptitudes," the m.echlUllcal Ie lent likely to manitest \teelf III a feminIne braIn. The young woman whose vllit to a locomot.tve worka II described In Young'lI Magadne, wal doubtleas l~tere8ted In what ahe aaw, but her account ot the procesaes observed leavee the reader to doubt hilr entire understandIng of them. "You pour," ahe told & friend, "a lot of nnd Into a lot of bolte., and YOU throw old ItOve Itdl and thlqll lDto a furnace. and then you turn the red. hot stream Into" holelJl the saod, and everybody yelll and ahoutl. "Then you pour It out, let It cool and pollnd it, and then you put. III It a thing that bores holel In It. Then JOU Icrew It t08i!ther, and paint It, and put Iteam In It, and It lOW aplen. 41dl:r. and they tate It to a dre.ttlq. room and mall.e a hlue-prtlit of It. ~But one thIne I roreot-The:r tian to male a boiler. OM man ..til tn. "aDd >one pta· oU~de. and tbiI7 Poundan'a then ·.t)ieJ tt'·1t . to and ,Ott oqlll" 10

~)e Ball) falDilY PUJa, ~o, ,~~ . ,tl: *'OD .. . ~. r-P.' " _, ' . . ....

.. : .

noon. Mlal Lelah BOIl·a.n hae been quite Ilok but is muoh better and able for 8Ohool again. Misl rranoea Willion entertained her oonlin, Bernioe Haines, ot Wilmlng'on, Saturday and Rnnday . Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Barner were shopping iD Xenia, Friday. MrII. Fannie liatterthwaite was In Day'on, &turday.



.. '

The Family Cough Medicine In everv bome there IIhoold btl a bottle of Dr . Kin~'s New Dhwovery ready for Immedll4te usp when any member of the family oontracts a oold or II cough. Prompt use will stop tbe IIprea 1 of "Ioknese 8 A tit;ld, of Mason, Mlob ., wrlte&: "My whole family d epend8 upon Dr. KiD,', New uisoovery as the ben oonlh and oold medloine in the world. Two 500 bottles onred me of t>neumlnla ': Thoul!andl af other (amllell have been equally beueflted and depend entIrely upon Dr. KlnK'1 Mew Dlaoovery to oure their ooughs, ooldll, tbroa' and lung tronbles . E~ery dose helpe . Price, 600 and $1.00. All drnggillta. S. E Buoklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Loula.

UNDER OBLIGAnON TO NONE Columbia H.. Many 8tudent. Who Ow. Thel,. Education to Own I!fforU.


AdlI will be InR " rLell uuder ~h18 be atl (or twcnt Y-Uvt: l· c l, l :i ror Lhree hH!lCrllulll "ben uftlng /J ut mo r e tll an live li nes .

..,.. ................................

Mrs. J . B. Leaming entertaIned one dsy last week, 1I41ss Mooimla Bunnell nnd Chaunoey Bun. nell Ilnd son, Oeorge. Mrs. Frank Coleman has been siok with rheumpt\sm for two weeks. A pionio dlnnu was enjoyed at the Ceallar's Creek Churoh. Sunday. 10 honor of Rev . William West and wife, of Indiana . Ib ... R. E. Jone8, Mrs. B, F . Compton and daughter, Marianna, IIpent 'i'uesday with Glt.rfield P"terson and family near Corwin . Ma. and Mr.. Harry Lytle toe k tlunday dinller with z. r . Baines and family. Mrs. Glenna Wilson and little daughter, Mary Kathryn, are spend Ing a few dave wtth her mother, Mrs. Erne8t Bllrley, near New Bur· lington . t'everal from this plaoe aHended the Chester Township Sunday Bohool Uonvent.on at New Burling. ton. Snnday afterooon The W. F. M . R met at the bome of Ellanota Wilson, Satorday after-

Every woman who Is ~roubJed with fainting and diazy spells, baok. aohe, headaohe, we"knees, deblli&y. oon!lt.ipation or kidney tr(.obles should nse Eleotrlo BiUers . 'l'bey give relief when nothing el8e will. Improve the heal til, adding 8trength and vigor from the firlt doae. Mrs . Lanra Galnel, of AVOO6, La., saY8: "Four doo&;ore had given me up and my ohlldren and aU my friends were looking for me w die, wben my son In8ls'ed that 1 use gleo'rio Bitters, I did so, and they have done me .. world of good ." Jos' try them. 50J and $1 00 at al1 drull· Kistll or by matI. H . E. Buoklen & Co Philadelphia Ot 8'. Loois.

••- - -


Caesar's Creek

11 2

Rates of Subscription One Yonr (st ricUy In

- ------. ---.~ 4~laBslBed Ads

T-------.---.. ---, i . The Neighborhood News i


O. L. C HAN E, Editor and Manage r



.... ..




.EWING of all kinds .

Cnn nnd see m ll Mrs. James Kerriok lIyn esv ill (~, Ohio . n III '

SMALL roun d t op drop · led ox· tensi on table. Inquire a t this



Fine Assortment of


Novelty Aprons

fn r faotory workEXPERI. ENCE NECEt:!SARY. At.tfllotivo wu.ges fot' t bose who prove th em slllv.~s Ilffioient Steady wurk . Ap ply proDlptly to the A . A . I:Ilmonds & I:)on CompuDY , Rummit I:lt. & ~egll'Y Pilloe. Dtlytll n, Ohio. IIU MEN GOOO NU





All Over 39

Inrllfln Runner Ducks I " . 'r" .. f bi~ white eggs lind lot" nf tl l 6Ul . .J. U Biley . n 12




li l1 0

Holiday Goods

lH:J-A Poland .C hlna maJe h og ,

t1 good one. Inquire of E ll DeaD. phone 11lJ.2,Y. , WaynesviJle, Uhlo. n12

All Out for Display.

of boggy harness; I set O NEofBetbuggy l1y nets, good as new i

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

gasoline stove, Detroit vapor; 30 ft. of rolling ohaln. RoV Hathaway .




at onoe. my farm of 1I0res, sltud ..d on the Waynesville and Lytle pike, good a ·room honse and bH.rn, tobaooo shed. and other bnlldingll. Known as the Neely M lrford farm . Ralpb Lewis, Phone 69 2. n 12

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00

BOARB, elegible to regis. DUROU try. at I armera prioes. growthy ana good booe onlltl . For partlou lars Inquire of B . E. Stokell, Way. ne8vllle, Ohio. n fj


A Rood beating IItove in oondltion. Inqolre at this offioe. D5


E W EB-open wool. Inqulr. of James Van'ervoort, Way nesville, R . 2, phone 33-3. n 5 I




good general PUrl)OSe Dapple Gray Borse, 6 years old, welibt 1200 lbti. and sonnd i also about 100 bn.hels of old Coru. Ioqnire of A. Maffin, Waynenille, Ohio. 0 29

HOUle Dresles

Buff Orpington and White S • C• Leghorn Uookerelll In quil'e of Mrd. B. V. Bmi\b, phone 373X. Waynesvllle. Obio.




nice thorongh. bred Duroc 10 Jers2Y .Red Pigs, eJllgible to record . K . E. Thompson, Oregoni .. ,

One man to three meet. at l.ut _ part of hli expensel by hie own earnInp at ColumbIa. Besld. the obvloull occupations. Uke tutorlns, stenoc· raphy, newspaper. library, IIYmnallum, !'flU.louR and BOclal work ot varloul klndll, there Is a man who makel bll U~ln« dressIng wlndow8; another who practlcell osteopathy. another man who dlvldel hIs time between collage work and the management ot a theatrleal ltar; a teacher In the Ferrer Ichool. a taxIdermIst, an e:lpert In color photography. a vaudeville pel'tormer, a hospital orderly, a Pullmu porter, a printer, technIcal aBIIlatantJI from three ot the great city laboratoriel, a proteIBlollal haseball plaYeJ: and a tree doctor. One of the most popular under«rad· utes Itarted life all a newlboy. lAst wlnt4r a lophomere of eighteen wal tempted awa, from the college by t~ offer or a $2.000 position In a pubU.hInc houe., where he bad worked betore comIng to ColumbIa. Oue IIludent spend8 hll summerl upon a e.n· tral Amertcan plantation; another adda not only to hili own Income but to tM reputation ot the' universIty by contributions to the most dlgnllled of Amoerlcao revlews.-Columbla Month-

Ohio, Valley Phone 19 IX. Har. veysborg ring. 0 19

Room Ruga ·

$3.75 to $30.00

ALE PIGS-a few ohoioe full blooded I>uroo Pigs. Inquire of Thad Zimmerman, Waynesville, Ohio. 0 211


good one in a good FA.RM-A 100atIOn, ololle to 'wo rallroadIl.

For further partioulars inqoire at this offioc. 0 29 ACREIi of land. B E. of


Ingrain Carpetl

250 up ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!

~aynesvll1e 2 miles, known all the CIIlrJu.on Gause Farm. Ap. ply to Franklin PAoker. Waynesvllkl, vhio. Sf


Automobile Live,"y Service at Reasonable Rates:

IMF'ARTING FRAGRANCE TO TEA 8pe4:1 •• of Jaamlne Flower U..,d by the Chinese to Give Beverag. the DesIred Aroml.




It Is estimated that the Chlnelle CODAlso Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. sume annually five pounds of tea tor eacli member of the population. It grows In small patchee around the homesteads, plantatione beIng praDo Phone 71-1 CORWIN. OHIO. 17. tlcally unknown . The leave8 ars pIckGAUGING DOWNFALL OF RAIN e4 Iby members of the family and 1....- - - - - - - - - - , . . , , - - - " " ' - - -.............- - - · - - - -.......-.\ dried In the Bun, being subsequently aclentltlc Inatrument. Hav. Made It han.ded over to the middlemen, who subJlect them to the Ilrocess ot firl~. a Matt,,. of Abaolut. Mathe- . In Ilhe case ot green tea the leavee matlcal Precillon. are rOlUlted almost Immediately atter Few peollie really understand bow thoy Me gathered. end drIed of! QuloJD. rain II measured. We orten read In Iy after belnr; rolled Into balls by hand and IIQueezed . There are usually the newllpaper that 80 many Inche8 three plcklngB--early In April, wben of rain have faUen durIng a certaIn the leaves are covered with a whitish period, but It Is dllftcult to realh:e what an Inch . of It actually meanll. down (a limited output known as peThe Brltleh RaInfall allsoclatlon have koe); toward the middle ot May and apllo tn Auaullt. Brick tea 18 made f In f a II II In a II pa-yeara' recordlora , .... by prell81ng the damp tea In a mold ot.the United Kingdom. Tbey have report. from several thousand Ita· In the form of a brlok. 8 to 12 Inchel tlonl, which are sent 10 by people lonn and about one Incli thIck. Th. who ''work'' the bUlilneu al a kInd fraE:ral)Ce ot aU scented tea II not but Imparted by flrlng th. ot hobby. .There are lIeveral wooden I1&t1l1ral, Itructurea now In UI8 for meaeurlq lear with a 80rt of JasmIne ftower, called by the ChInese "mok-Iee." til raID, and thele are known lUi inferior tea8 the IIcenUas flower I. ......uce •." Tbe most Iklllful III a con· Itrewn over the top of the tea wblB trlunee wIth a runnel at the toJ), through whIch the water pusell Into packed IUld removed after a day or two_ F1o.ery pekoell are white, ve). • Clup-reoalver. Tbe 'werght of the rain automatically workl a p8IlclJ. ~et:r Upped teal wIth no fragranoe I will continue to do Roofing and Spoutlnl at This markl on a Ibect of paperwound aU are unfermented. RealOllable Prlca. 011 me at my borne, roud ,. C111nder, and when It haa - - -•• - ••----..:or phooe 24-2y', IUId I wW estfmate with you. lIlarkf!41 tn tht. fBBhiOD tw~teothl of . an Incb, the cup Ulta .o ver and empttea Advanced. the cOIItenta. The pencD retul1Ul to . JUrI. WUu.-1I IIHt ad~Ulaecl' ttll format po.1tlon, and the AIDe Uttle !t!11'I. OWI_......hUUUy 10. She Ie ...flee II repe..te4~lncell&Dtl:r ·uW t IUff~tte leader Of. a n.w reO. ·ntn eeaaN. to fall. whUe the peDOn, V8 aec • . Boolallltlc- cOIllDlUDItJ• . ecniUa~" ', '. OQ. the. ~. "bera talk Ilothlne . but ~~

---... - ..---

Have _y our Sale Bill. Printed at the Gazette Office.




.uti. , . :· ".'>- •• . .... " \, .. .. ~





th.,. .

II!Il ~ .


. ....



1~~~~ ......~~~~--:--~~~~----.~~~~~~~-4~ ~







AMan in the Open

With Every Mortal Rests the De· cision That Sltall Save

or Doom Him.


,. •


. ,"'~ ':

Is It not n t.r e ruend o u ~ fac t thlll DIan Iw~ t ho l'U \\ llr 10 I' 'b"i l th e Sp irit o f G.,d ·! III th .. flr ~l uook of IiiI' IIlbl e wo I " 'a d : " ;ll y Sfill'll ~h al l nut always 6lrlvn wllh Il!l\ ll." Th ere Is no t blng In hU llIa n frl l' JlfJ Hli lp like! tli e lon /: ·su!fer· lu !;. r lllie ut unll c \, er l.. s tillg 10\"0 Of our bl'a ve u lr ~'atlH'r . There com es a D riml ill th o 11 10 of I". ti l )' lIlo r tll l wheu I I' !llU h.l'S tI , O tlna l choi ce. wh e u IHl docld .·~ tu /=;0 toward e ll" ·ar)'. like Pet e r . or l o ward Rol c lde. like J u das . T ho 11 0ly Slllrlt. grle\·ed . reslsl .. d .






Proper 5electio n will Rcco mp lls h very much in bree ding Ohio hora ea.

i 1

I • : , • :

I •

= --=-.= des pl sr d and re ject ed . t hen talles It s 0v p rlustlng flig h t from th e sou l wh o orerr.rll s in 10 ho lln css .•dev llo to sa ints ", nd h ell to b ea\'e n . Almi g hty Go d so bui lt man . UI B lUaa· l l~: boar.1walk as AtIIlU.tlC City te rpl eco. t b at ht! CR ll no t b reak th ro u gh ta a n I> of t h e mos t famou a th c door of t ho wil l. Wo h ll vo the s l reets In t be world. It III pow er t o put o ut t h o o n ly light to IIk e wlllll one of t he most Iwguld o U l! throu g h time a)ld e ternity. to por tanl. reck on ed by lhe nuwe:'ltlngul s h th e onl y fire or lov e tllll t b ~ r o r people \. hosll footst e ps trav ene t hoice of Animals For Ere eding Purposes Should Tend to do ~lLm ee In tb e so ul. I' And It Is und eni a bl y oue or tb e T h e Ho lY S pIrit c all s tbe s inn er by " Away With Objectionable Variations - Individual a t hou otlnd voices ere h e glve8 up mos t Inte re sting, ha ving no counter· Excell ence ~ot t he Only Consideration. s triving. lI e comes In youthrul days. part as a t ho roughta re anY\lI'h e re on In manhood's ~ t re ngth. In ollr ale and the e arth . It Is t h e moat t\xpe nstv e street. blU' feebl eness extre me . none. Ill Y'e ry three o r tour years It t1 y 89ler. tjon in I>re o clln~ anlma le Is stallr-... fhrt ....! o n spltl'Be ly t;rnsbe c..l lu nd H e wn ll <'lh lonK. I. waiting 8111t. ball to b e, r e paYe d wltb plaoks at a :Iwall t s Impl y tile abi li ty to c boo~" ! IInci KO Ill" o f th " oth .' r IIIl1llo n un'cll e You Irelll no ol her rrtend eo Ill . De hold h e sta nd s at the d oor and C08t at Elbout $14 0.0 00- tbough tbe b ill I dl Id I ' I I t wi ll prolllll'" I do wr ll n nly wh f.' rc pas tu re Is a bun.lre(' ng n v ua " la . a n t. knocks . It 18 th e pIe rced ha nd knocll:. work 18 llcln e g ra dually. a nd not all at .r h r·lr klncl . WI lle se lectio n or Im.>(''1 ' . III I hl' cnse of hnn cl lilll: pun! brede Ing. A crow n ot thornll purplea hll once . The a nuual bill fo r kee ping It IUK flu lmals I. e v idenced In tbe ave r· th o ~(:lIlria rcl of 8(' 1('('tlo ll sholll ci con- brow and htH h ead I. wet with th e clean and In rapalr Is $Jf; ,OO O. All It ag l' h r d or flo ck. III t he high Rtand onl form a g IIclll' ly as Jlods lu le to Ih e Idea l!! dews o f midni ght. The lIam e old pro- stand8 today th e boardwalk repreor uu lfon n lty mai n ta in ed and or Ih" j lalu down hy th e (I>;sodat lon \l~not· c ras llnati ng voice an s wel'8 him, s ay. se uts an ex p e ndl t ur~ or nl! urly $4 5.00() ~uw!Je r of an imals (ll'OrJuced Ihat s ho'\' ing lli(' iJ r cNI. For InBtnnce . In Ih e tie- In g: " 00 thy way for thl8 time; wh e n for cons tructlou. welh' icJ u,,1 e xce llence . Show riD/.: p"r' I I('cl lo n . of II Hire. any t1 lsll n!'t varl a llo n I h8" e a more conv e ni e nt sea80n I In - re rerence to t he clel\nlng Ite m f ornJUIW Bs ('~Il Ilot bl' ta K('u aM nn C\'I, Is UPI til I'l'8 Ult In moulfi ca t lo n o f Iy pe . w ill call for th ce," An gels hav e tri ed It II hould !JEl fla ld tbat no broo m 01' deDn' nt ability III tb c l\Il1llO~ uf an i· In urC' c(ling g rnd cs. t h e b reE'd e r has to woo th at Buu l a s th ey hav e mlnla- mop 19 eve r a pplI ed to tbe surfa cll of ottl mothet r h asf t ho boa rd wa l k It k ee ps Itsa lt c lean . ' 1'~ mol' €' fl'l'edom for h e (' a n Ilx h is 0\\, 11 ter ed to blm ; t hoh voice mlll ~ 10 g et r es u I t ~ Ull I 1'8ri 11H' an 1m .1 I. . . , I '\· P'· · !:lUt O\'o n BO. h e s houl d have a cal!ect tr am uatb e mene 8 enta 0 "!:lwe pt ~y OC C\UI breezes" (to Quote a w tn llln~ have Uee n ured IJv til l oxhlh. P Idt e . ' . I!l alHI:\ l"Il .-tear ly nxed III m tnd a nd In Iwav c n: ro v PUCI', e re av m • phrasu nl OH t clllar to Ilropr le tors ot ItoI' The rea~on ror c »rcflll M.' I'~ctlon fixit l/! il s hou ld keE'p in fIllnd userul ~osseB, all ha ve c r ied out. "Come unto 8 a~ lde h otE' III ). It Is ~ vel' treo rrow ,be ing e ssentia l. ('ve u In th e l'a~1J o f i qlw lil l,'_. th l' nef.'ds a t' Ihe market l, nu m e all d I w ill g lvo you r es t." Out tb e duat, while tb o rai n lind t h O s ea- borne ma n. us th oug b on th tl brlnll o f a pre el- milit continua lly wn ~b It . Ho we ver. p W'e- ure cl stoc k. Is be"n us" or tbe fucl , the (j eIlH\ml ~; of l he co ns u mer . t hnt ti ll animals va ry , If Ih e vu rla· ~o ' l' ll'C lioli s houl d b c pra c ti ced " I(' e . pus h es uw a y '1111 resc ue rll a n d rour m~n . li t $2 . 10 a dny. a re co us t a nt· tlong d ls )llny ed are IIw a y frolll Ibo l"lt 11!lt-' ~ lIu t s llow HI leaH! u\'(' rngo plu ngps dow n th e ll UY 8 S. It seoll\ s all Iy busy II I Iho rut her curio us l!ls k ot etau ua rJ s laid dow n fn r 1110 hl'(':~' IIld lv ldua l exc'c ll t' lI l' . l ;ooll In<lI \' I(lua l l l10110911 Ib ll1 t h ing Ihnt It. los t ~oul. wit h kne ping lin! cruc ks c leal' betw ee n lbe r h e ll t;e lectio n ICli ns 10 ,10 a way W lt. , e Xf'l'I I""!·,, II Il':t lIH I l(lR He~slon III a b llt 0110 IH' u!'t lJeut be twee n It and the Iloards ·- t he ub jec l !J()\llg to dra in ol! t h e m as a re n it of t' uc)oRi ng h. dlvld· I :na rk ,'" (!"~ rep of us e flll qllrtllli(, H eS' judg me nt. wou ld en delHo r to thrust til " we t. <Iu lt! to uree d t haI '~re In fJobst:sslon 0. ( ~e ll ll,,1 In I h~ brN·(1. T ile tl' ud(,Il (, Y In 1 uaC' lt t bn OI\'lne saViO'.' !'. who bas Always Clean a nd Dry . more des lrll ble Iro lt M, On Ih l' ot hl' r I H'Il'I' I ''' 1l i" 10 ~i ve to o mUl' h u!\lJlhasl~ paid ror OUT redem ption \\ It h hi s ulood IH II r stroels mnr bo wet. other hl:l.lld . if t h e \'urialion s nre UllWfll"I l. · In Ill'dl" ,.. ·" and lint (' no u ~ 1i 10 intii" nnd h is lifo ; who. wl t b f'\' rl nstl ng str eets may be dirty; olhe r llli'ee ts then se lec tion uses lh em hy euoosill/! I vitl" a l nll'r lt. It lJ~dl grc ('s l'onw ln tlv! I klntl llt'g~ . hn ll cl rawn \I S towurd ll im· ma)' UO o bs t r nct ed- Il utltle boa rd wa lk a nlnHIls to bretd that pnSSf'ti8 1. \('l ll , llil III P S ui Illllny "nlmn ls notell [0 1' in ' , self. Hut ollc h I ~ th e mo mentouN fact. ll uV t!r. Wh e n s now fa lls In winter It SoleC'\ion In b reed ing p l'U{·tl r l' In · did tl n.d 1' '''·ld lc '' I·l·. Ihe n th c j!ell iLi I'l!I' : Th .. n!RO ll rt: ~ H of h eavl' n have iJl'e n C' X· Is c lea red llWIl.Y wi t h 11 cc le rlty a lmost ol lld e K !lc veml rac to rs . some o f width rna.\" I", "lim , Infrona n l th :l ll Ih e i l\l · hall fill',1 in the e rro rt to witl mf'll bock IUl'''' dlu le . Tho t lJ ol'oughfares or ore as followlI : nll ''''dll' illol iri d" al. si nce th " olfsp rlng 10 1: 0<1 .'\ lI d " Ih e re rl'llluln p l h no I I'h llad e lph la a nd New York may be (I) Tile bree d flud It s I I lli ' Illa ) pn~"(" :; the Io; ood Qua liti es of mor e sa C'l" i~"' e fo r si ll S. " w" Il' \1ig h Inrpflsl!fl b lc. but the oceao (I ( ll Pl" I I) I n .. arll y [; \il IO IiS all (' Si r r as WPIi:til Has CI1 cse n H is Own Place. Jlll.lllway al Atlaullc City. 611 feet wide . o s u r rOUndin gs, . . . ' (lO !!.'; 'lll l' ih ll lu ul ,' to thn ilJII1I('u ia le ' Th o d l' LPf'lIillcd s lu llP r h a s trodd e n Is boun u to be op en for t rantc . and . (2), ChOice o[ a n ll\llll~ ~H oreeti lnll Jl:HPlI l. ~\ll' h a 813 10 of arra irs I li nd 'r fuo t ril e So n of n od , cOll n tecl d ry al t h llt. Pr ese at ly t he Sll n a pwrtlnd uals Keeping III mi nd bree dinG . explain how " n llllal8 tlll,t ne ve r ",.Ill 1 tll., blond o f thu eUVl' IlD lI t an \ln ho lY .,ear s. nn. d on t co w e t be Inval ids In ilta nc..ln rd s . . 1 pllZl'~ 111 M" b(' th l! ti lL'O of s ho\\" ri ll~ Ihlng Blld dl' ne des p ite to t h e Spll r t o f cltnir ll on wh ee ls . (3) Ind ividua l excc ilc il ce In ;~l1ll11a! w i r:I;~rs . Spl "c:rio n s bou ld by all Uruc e. li e th e rcto re II11\st go to hili All It staud s today t ho uoa rd wal k (4) Th e eonsld(' nlli o n (I[ podlf r c(" I m (';, n;; ,' xc'lul!!' fro lll Ih e hl'rd au i ma l~ nWlI pl nr!' , 1i 1~ baR IlI I~sed h is ch nnce cosL BlIgbUy more tila n $10 0.000 a (5 ) S pec ial caro In Ihe ~t'ladio ll or I th a i a rc li ke ly to tl'lIusmlt ulldl'~lr- o f Ill1l11c rta l hl ('ssed ness . mUe to bU ild- the l e ng lb of It being sire. . . I 1 " abll' c h: l l"ll l·r" ,·Ij . As L'IIl lll LJl es of t bese. '1''''' lat·', enlln()1 en lH n o w . ro ur /ln d a t hird m iles. Ori.;inaUy (ti) AliowlIl g nOI anll lllil s :0 )1< 1'1 1,11 '1 we fllay nWlllIon I hose a ni ma ls tha t S UIlIl' of t h'e se r eje cto r s o f Go d nre It wan cot:n tloscd of planks laid upon clu cled with in th e l('rc t ha t Ill'!' tC. y · . II I I' l l I aro poor 1)(·l'ror lrl e r~. S 1I,V u r ONIe rs anrI If'a d" l's ull\o n~ me n. car ryiu g othe rH tbe Bun d of lhe !Jeach uut t h eKe we r e to tra n s lDl t Illl deSIra I) 11 11 "" R t hOR O Iha t SIIOW le ndenc ies to ce r ta in wllh t he m to dcs tru ctloll . Th ' Y a rc re peal ndl y wUEh('d aw'uy by tb e crue l. ( 7 ) Caref ul malltl !; lorllls o r 11I~('ase. S h y breedi ng is l\lte t bo en g inec r whom tb e fl re mau c rawli n g waves. lin d t he los s aod di s . Character of 8u rrcun (]l l\ g~ ;I ud nat· I t ran s lllll:sab le. e ve n to tbe poill t of ue · fe ural d('a d lu th e e n g in e ca b. H e had comCo rt occalJ lOIw d eve n t ua lly brougbt araL c:ondltionB o f l\ 10l 'a lll." IU IIJ th e : ('om lng u \l (, ,·tI c hal'lleleri!!t1c an d 81.ll· h bee n s t ruck uy a )Inss ln g timbe r . Ills Ilbou t t h o e rectio n of t he pe rma neut a d a p ta bil ity o f t h e :lUll(\11I 8 to IllIJ ~ l' animals HUl k" ur (,l' d ln g dl sco \l \,uglllg han d was s til i on th e throttl e. bll t h is st r ucture of tollay. u phe ld bY,lllllars 'cond lt ions mus t be f;on sldol ('cl in Ih,! lin d (' ut Il c,w n profi t. Anima ls wl l h 1\ tra inload of passe ng er s wer e run n In g aud gl rd e r's wh ich defy t he too t b of ~e lectlon o f n ureed . (! n i:ll portlllli relul(' ney 10 IIi~eaBe s hou ld b tl e:'lc lud · wild to tbe lr d cnth. Th e fire ma n. r e- ti me an d e ne rgy ur t h e elem e nts. prefe r e nces fo r (:e naln e ha r:ll'tpr ls l il'H ' ('(I. li S [()r (·x:i IU Jl le. a hO\'80 w it h It lc n- \'c rs ln g th e ieve r. s a ved th e m . So ruul· H yp e rbo le alli dc. u oweve r. It may ' of a breed SbOllllt 1101 "UI'Prc"'(\{' l uis '! CI II':' I" cur blness. D. J . K A YH. tl lun l's nre fo llowing blind lead e rs In be confessed t ha t t his e le mellt-d nfyc ons idera ti o n of s u ir ah ili lY to 1'1I\' lro ll' Colin:l' of Agric: uh ur e, Oh io State [h eir mnd ru sh ror gold . pl!!a s ure and ing co ndlt loLl Is onl y n ow beginning ment. T he Cho\'lot s bel' P. tor ill' \ · uhp r"lly . unhol y a m bition . The throttle Is to be r eae hod t bro ug b th e substltu· - -- .- - - - , - " 0 __"", pull ed out : a <lev ll's ha nd holds 1t ;1 tloll of re- c nforcod concre to ror steel -- ._- - _. th e ter ribl e curve 18 nea r; the a wru piles. whi c h. 8S sad, experleoce has cras h com(ls ! "Ruin ell" Is written proved . are hardly ' more enduring ove r th e wrecll. thau wood. o wing t o the destni ctlve Ins tead ot me n turning a way trom action ot salt wa ter and mlst·laden th e God 01 lo ve a nd mercy, In order sea air. I nd eed, ' on e may. lu spots. to toll ow raIs e guides . the y should be pok e on e's fing er au In ch deep IntQ fill ed with JOY to linow that the In· the m c tal Bn [)por til. Gut cOllcre te apIlnlle Fat h e r lovos the m . has plann ed pears to satis fy all require me nt s ad· to save th e m . Is filled with Ilnx le ty (or mlrably. alld hefore very long It will th e ir wfMllre, has sacrIficed bls Son hav e e ntir e ly replaced steel In ' til e to re store them to the heaveru,o-Inberl· const ruc t ion or the ved road. tance. What an honor to know that we dwell In the bart of Ood. In the way. The hoalrdwalk . one s hould re allz(t. mind or De ity- tha t angels are forgott en In tb e errort to r escu e a lo st rac e; Is llO mere local a ffulr. It Is In a that othe r planets are left b eblnd to Be n ~e 11 lIatlonal thoroughtare--the bring this one bnck to Its orbit of war .. great s umme r s treet ot th e UnIted States. and the common meenn&: I s hip nnd fellowllhlp! ground of tbe people trom all p}lrts or Strange Contrad ictio n. th e country . No otber place III th e Wh e n klnge. pJ:,csldenta or other Union ia ao cosmopolitan. The Cali"al'thl y magnates take notice of UII w~ rornlan Is as much at home tbere as nrc wild with delight, but when tbl the man trom Philade lphia or the cit· .KI n g of all kings reaches down to urt izen of T eKas. It la the great henltb II H up to h onor and power with him- and amusement reBort of the common self WI) s h rink back In t.error, we bIas- peoplo. having the notable advant.age phl' lIl n his name . curse hlB Son. deny at cheapness for tbose who can not his noo k nnd Quencb bls fires of love. allord to spend much money. wbllo for . . . With eloquent words Dr. WilHam' L. tb e rlcb- th ere are accommodations 10 Mdkin9 aeid tests of several far m so ds Wit h neutr." litmul paper. ' ''''atkln so n says : " I suw th e olhe r day llUurlous a nd proportionately expenT llc li l10 Ud pa pN id lI~ed .In\ ~· I 'Oll l' or a c id f'(;llditln n. II 11 1:.10 IlI dl - a tam e ea gle In a butcher's shop. slve hotels. soil ror 11( i. lill" nr 8ourll ... ~" . !'\eulr:lI ' I il l" H llil' nt'I 'd o f lil nl·. In Ih ls WilY 1 Grow ing (a t . h e care s ' no longe r for Tbe unthoughtful many who viSit . I ,' lll 'IU\, 1 (J 1 (' I'('s lill~ o bsnr vUliO lls ca n II,' t h o plan es of h eaven . His eyes, no Atlantlc Cll y. bowever. have little nolitlDus pa p"!' (·an . be seCUrt'l at 111 11 1\ \ 11 ' ;' '' ' 1;1 ,I) 111 t· riel ds it will be rou lld I lo nge r fixed ou th e Bun . .. atch the fire tlon of tb e more Intimate p eculiarities -dr ug It Ille lIu t I tllal all l ilt' IUllll iti so ur ; ill ot hers o nly I on th e h ea rth . a nd the golde n plumes, of tbo boardwulk and the beach along carry It ill sto<: k h e Will. pto lmulr g~ t a 1,1\1'1 , III ~oml' secl.l on s Ih" amo un t I on cl> str etche d above th,! clouds. are which it rUlDs. Its landward edge Is it for y O\! on r<''lu est. Samples o[ ~oll ! o r acid will 11I1'r1'a tie wilh Ihe de pth clrag~ .. d III th e a s hes. Thllt royal . bird rrlnged by 11 row of IIhops of every 1ms b o uld !Jo I\l oi~t e ll()d with sort " ,Hcr I below Ih o] KUr r" c'P: In o th e rs il. 11' .11 i in th e fl esh cr 's shamble. forg e tful ot aglnable kind. which otrer ror Wile all and t h e li ln ' u~ !Jall~r Il!'essed down rf er IL'u , ,, li nd li m e 111ft)' e \'e n ue f'ound 1 s lt y a nr! sen and sun. I.e a close .I mage sorts of me rchandise. trom csndy to IlgaiuHI l ll u IllOIHl su ll. Arte r 15 or ~I) a t II rt"",I " of 1\\"0 f" fl , l;fH j" It' r,'s tc'd of thou sands ot me n who. d~ba~ch ed dry goods. There are also I;lalrvoy. m lnul E's eXfl lll lllallou ~li ouJd ))(' 1l ll1l1e a D(1 If'b l. )' OUI' (1\'.' 11 foo l!. by th o grosser Pleasu;es ~f It e ~~~r ants. aud "almI8ts and various other an ortl a r UJ asr:(,na ln wh pt hp. r t ~ h a~ : ,\ \. A . BAC HTE LL. . lifo . bllve forgotte n t e ,g 0; ~~r~elve: de alers in the mysterious. but theae ~D an,' CU'l lI gO III I h(> ~ol or of Ih ," (' 011<'1, (· of ,\ g r k ul lu l't'. Oll ln :>la to i u ope r universe. We can .en h are merely Incide ntal, for therll 18 no '-U tID us Ila Jl e r·. A r~" tin t d Ollol('ij a ' UIII,,'r"" ), . by pIc king fl eB h y morsels out oc. t e proper likeness between tkb roadwa, . ._. - . a 5111"9. . and the strleets at Coney Island. Renta .= - : --; "'-.. - --:'-:'=~-=--=-===--= ~-:=. - . , -' , . "The re Is su ch a thing tor UII III are ononDQ,usly hlgb. A seasoo's oc. MEAL TH RECORDS NOT KEPT IN I lOO K 11101'1' '1)! llI flC 'nnt, bllt It w e eo ul d '1 u enc hlng th o Spirit and ta.ll lng vIc- cupancy or a mere wludow apace aU: RURAL DIStRICTS . m;r k .. ~ n al 'f' ural " to tal o r th e dl'Ht hd ttnl ~ to our ca rnal nature."- -Rev .. FA· teet sQuare .esta $1,000. The PIU'Oil I'anll~ frUll l I hv ~alll l' C:lU S(! S. rhe win W hittier Cas~·en. I chaso , price! of real elltate along the "Tht· 5 ec t io u ~ of Ihe co untry III 'I,'IC ' I, fi gur S \\' Dult\ ut: ap pa lling . I n Ili fl ~ ..... ~ ~~ ,nost dA~I-.blo bloCks, trom Mar".land " i I . I to k ee p· co ur.: :-y I> JIl an di es ot "fev ~ I'" or U Th"u Shalt Hev. J oy. avenue to Michigan avenue. 18 ,.,OOU :tIttle or uo all l' l1t o n 8 pal( ··Co u;:h ." Tilt' r! tles ,,';Ju IJ an aOll nce R<> fi ec t that It Is only the fe n<)nt II. tront (oo t. 1Qg lrec ord s or dl~ use u re r ll nt·1. T be th lll "I' tli ,.,01 u( " typ holu" or "ru hel'C U' nnd d lll gElnt soul thnt Is prepared for 'Su'nd;IY ~he ~Q.rdwalk. tbirge c iti es k "ep SOl\! HOrt of l' C' co r. 1 (" t l", co u ntry feel on nil duty Bud tor all .events; that It ill Sunday 1Ia the big/ dbY o.f the week ' ·.tJeoouse .. tt emio n to hea lt h prolec lioll ba d I\\ilk j ust d :e. I n the e llY t hey greate r to r esIs t cvU habits ' and vlt> I)n the boardwalk. On that day the to <!l\ slly COlltllllli nated Cocd s is di " c f nCC' ll rale iy (Ie flll ed Int sU nul d18' lent vns lllo\ls than .s",:ehat at the I hopkeepers an.d amuse m ent proprl. r Iftrail:!cl'.l a lmost w bolly in the cltics. 'O ! c" I' . . au d wh e n th e In fa n tll(~ tlea tb ha rd es t bodily labor, tha~ e wlio Ie ~ '8 eXpe(:l to db nearly all mu.~ JWf~ raro e xce ptio n Lbe cffec:t\vo neGs : T:I ' C J'i s es. mo u flts, l' l bh~ milk Ins )lec· not care rul to r eslet and Bubllu~ Bma~._ ~tn9IJII"'1U1 ',0., The other s Ix put.· , ,~e prol c live work depe n ds upon I tr o n follows. In tbe cities . ty phoid Is slna w,U lDse n8lbl, ran~ ~~-~IIte.r, ~tb..ei.' ' But 'there I~ .one block,: ' that rlud lv lduUl c it)',' r ather o n a Slilt"- I o fte n traced ~) Its SOll rce and protec· and that thou ItIlUt., ahyaya. lYove JOr. ~ 1..1",;,~ clolled ' Otl'. the borl!: 8' day; .....- ia\v OF a· ''iate·wlde a ud efficIe nt : tin meas ures Im ·oke d . Tn t h e COUll' In ·the ennin' .1t ...U, .. til s ystem , 1'here forc , 1 t r y the da n gr, r ou 8 well or Infec te d tooa_ Up a :'Jb<l , tlle'lr i'l'ellp,oit",tnore ('Qtlil.;!1 .· .. . A ~ur ~ or IIrban dGlltb, \ sU ]lp ly continue s to , wurk ll!lvo.o, '"














d r~lggl ~t do '~



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b;lui e~


:. '(1.




tP~u. h~t" p K'~

By gai n. a nd re n te rs or th eir propfl rty ta ke It on thlll condltloll . . Obvious "bums." techni call y 110call ed. are forbidde n the thoroughfat'e. Like wIse I habby people. This doel not mean tbat honest poye rty II ex· eluded- the boardwalk be ing one of tbe most d emocratic at streets- but that ragge d tolks are discounte nanced. El' e n the cbalr pUllberll, all or wbom l1I'e colored men. are required t o d'rosa themselves neatly. It Is desire d that th e road WilY s hall pre.ent at all (lmelJ a'l attractive appearance, and rags al'tl Beglan 101"8 absolutely d le llg urlng. barred. Tbe pollclns of Ole boardwalk Is e xtre me ly strict. and at midnight or In tbt\ small hourll ot the morning a woman trav erelng It III as ante from 8unoya n ce IlIl a t hlgb noou. F'rom dus k until dawn the board· walk 10 hrlllla nily 11gb te d by arc lights aod by fe8toons of Incandesce nt elel) trl c bulbs strung at fre quen t Intc nala Qcro~s th e thoroughtare. T h o llIu· mlnatlve effect Is both attractive aud beautiful. A 8 already I moiled . the re gu lations g ov e rnIn g t b e boa rd wa lk are ver y ri g· Idly e ntorced. Sllec la l rul ils ulJply to th e ]Iu s hln g or wh et!led ch nlrs. No pus be l' Is a llowed to has t eu t he s p'e ed of his cb a ir beyoud tbe poce o f a II10w wll. llt. nnd b e Is uot pe r mitt e d uud er Any c l rc u msta n cfJ~ 10 go ab eud at th e ch a tr In fr on t of b ls In t b e ondless Il r oce ~slo n l hat co n tinuall y tn\\'e rses the t ho roug h ta re . "Gra bbin g" Is ()os lll vf.'l y fo r b idde n--thl s t erm s ig nify ing tb e pic k ing uv o f a cas u n) P 9 S' se nger e n ro ut ... The push er mUGt fi rs t go bar k to t h£' c hair s tand afle r re ll n· Quis h lng U cllstomer. The uon rd" a lk b er e descri be d co n· n ects with a s lmlla r vlank roadway t hat rU lls a long t h e li ho l'~ Ihroug h Ve ll tno r . Ma rgalA City a nd Longport. With t h h ex tensio n. n o w al most co w · ple te . It cove rs a dis tan c e or n 1110 miles. stre tchIn g u lmos l th e p. lIl1re longth or the Is lan el on w hich Atl antic C it y stands.

REAL CAUSE OF HER WOE Not Lovers' Qua rrel. but Something of Moment OccilSloncd the Sleep. Ie .. Night. Th ey had QU llrre led III t he ba ll tbe night b e fore over some trivial mat. tor. a s love rs wlll. and bad parted In nnger . At th e earliest pos slblo bour th e 101towing mornhlK be ha.eteu e d to seek h er and b eg h er C!lrglveness. She was already In the drawing room when he arrived. silting 81lenl among a grOUp ot sympathizing trlends. His heart smate him when he saw her heavy eyes and noted tha t she wa s still wearing h er gnuz)' ball go\yn. " You are Ill." he SlUpcd. She shook her head. "Only a woman can appreciate what s he hOB endured ." ve ntured ane ot b er companions. The gtrl smiled wanly. " Leave me alon e wIth him." IIhe murmured. " Per. bapi I can make him underst and." " My love . my love," he moaned. " have my unthl.n klng worde wrought thl8 havoc? Was It-ror my sake that tbose eye8 kept vigil t\trough the long night? Did my cruel words so crush you tbat you 'bad DO. heart even to r emove your dalqlll gDwn T" " We were botb to blame." sbe ' sald gently; "but If you lI;new wb&l I have sutrered you would torglve the IInJust reprollcbes I have beaped. Ullon you. Listen! When I entered the houle last night all was dark and stili ; elMJry one WllS asleep, and I 1_ 1_" her yolce trembled ; " I bad to sit UII through the long hours becauso-" " necause of my unthlnkillg words, darling," he broke In deep~. "No." with a fresh burst at wee pIng; " be caus e m y dress Ie fastened In tb o back."-Llfe. _ _ _ __ Fish Travel Fat!. The distance Ilsh tr8lve l La d l'l!crlbedJ In th e Scottish FlsW! cy 1I0DI'd blu&book ISlmed rece ntly . A Demale pial ea· tra v ~led 215 miJes iDJ tbree month&, and another 160. mU-ee 1a two mon t hs. The first fisb lIIIOved flre.a the Flrth, of Forth to a PQIilot forty·s e ven miles e ast of th e SPUrr. 11l$.\.9 hlp. The fish were, with nnmllm's' ~ otbers. IDfW'ked. and libe rated I.D. order to obtain· data. regarding the ir migration, All InteX' e ating tact tllseovered at eJ;perlma..tal stations in the Flr~b of Forth ~ MQra.r Fl"b 11 that, among the .plalc41 tbe fe mllleB predopllnate 'mo1'e "aad U1<n'e according .to the slz'e of tbe flIJh, unUl a t 81~es over t wenty l~oh,e •• 'male s are .scarce17 to be .f,?-qIli\, .It careulate4 . from, inqurlea ·ot , . catches slnce 'J 905 ca8,~jI . '.Jlllalt; I61iiIo~ and -

~ . · I.·'bin~r bY_, P~lIaclelpbla ~tiua.ker '!~ tlUU!..I~~~U:I.D~~'

Roger Pocock lIIullrati on. II,

Ellsworth Young


Our Next Serial Story Mr.

Jesse Smith of C a '_' i boo is hIS name. He is a little brother of the great woo d s ; . a friend of the wilderness. He is trapper, sailor, cowboy, ranger. He is a lover with a strong; heart. Simple he i is, and of quaint, i abounding, unfail- i ing humor. He will tell you of the lovely sin g e r whom chance brought to the forest like himself, and how h'e fought for her. - He will make his bow to you in a few days. Accept him as a fine, big, heartwarming _eomrade, for . such indeed he •


A Man in the ,Open is the

serial we have arranged to print. It is so u tter1,..~ so amazingly dif.e:rent from most stories-you have read that YQU will thor"ooghty enjoy every 1re'W

installment. Wat~h for itl . ~ .

A,. Trapper. A Sailor.








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Re ceptlo" an d 8~n q u< t \'Va. Pr ~ l\l d c. I , at GcltY6b urg- Enemy Ro uted A fte r De spe r ate Con f let.



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10 H"'f- 'U II 1I11'ou g h t l\l" air aud e xpl o d e 01'), I' n . " "It ~r " N , 1 ;llId lilt' (' 1.1' 1.. 1', 1' "'II," 1' '' 'lt rl ,r Ull I"rnn k iJa.k c r, tb lrCl b !\8l'm an or t he A t hl eti cs, dl sUn t;uls h pll h im self 111 I hQ o pe n i n g gal110 01 I hI' wllrhl'M H /'rj , · ~ The r o III no Rlwrt Cllt ,ll\\llrJ li l lllllll!; I Qlll ' l ll I I, Ih ,' LI'~l'(' o f ron l L~ \\ h"f" All he dI d a y enr ngo, by mr.k l og It h o m e rU Il , wh I ch acco un ll'd for t he t w o r u np by w h ll' h th e Ph li no,' lphlu t 1,111 In Ihe 6trl'l' t ~ , Th e c u rtain "all rllog down , tllen I n q u,'cn , You b nl'" 1'(1\ 10 look lI'lli t hl' bN' S 0 " (' Clul !' t 'tf1l8 v ictori ou s o ver Ihe Gla nt R, Ill>, h lill anoth c r SC l'IlIl wall Ull In th e 1 )' OU tl nd b er , Do 1101 us, , lIlu o;h BIlI Ok ,' I If II QU"" I' IB r l'm ol'e d frCJIU " . h l n- , .lrul1Ia, l l le ~o u n dl ll g or lIu gl l"s, t he or you w ill ~et till' b p,,~ t " l'un,d :)g . I " r y (,lIr(' l u ll y , 1\ colonr may not d l8 Ilu rr led eOIllJnull d , tb o 'Iu l cl. 1'I1()\'(' ! hnd It, pn It I " ver I' h " ...1 t o lInd II I cu,'"" I, ,; i ~~ (, 'r ~c, m e h ours , " h ilt, 1I1I) lItH , I It, ~hOtH ot reroll'pr lind car- q ueen , : t he " lk ~ Inn )" be dl~ ,'o" (or<' r1 In n If' H" Ulll (', Ih' flas h of t he Hill.! r, t lir: Oil ' A Ir lghtl!l l' tl 'Iu(,,'n IIil l ru ', /l',llll , nllwlJ(' r " f tu l llll'f'M tr , h •• lh!l'p 1.1.1'1' ror cumll1g l' n~IIlY, t h e lll'ltk eu . rilu ks of the Ilgbt Bud hId e In II\(' IlrH <fR.,lt l'r I ('llJ ly I hrllwn rro m th" cOlll h s "r I' till' r ear ~ \Iltrd Jlrt'~ H l ll g U P OII ou r r eal' I k I 1 r I Un rl I o'11"rwl~(' I m l ll hly h ondl, 'l\. II (l ll d Ilallll. \lUI th o Fl ftb waN 1I0 t to (BrC'nn"lp DCI' H 1I! C11 , _, : Yon wil l U(, 1i!;. ' ly to fl llll h pr IJI I "'" at thr' ~l UJ't 80 lUI 11f1t t o ~Hr.III· . I be 60 cu ~ ily dl scollcert,' d o r IJIlD l c, I I h f I (,r t h .. ~O llJ lJ~ Ihll l , 'o n ' !l 111 l1n ~p;il ",1 p pdo t l e 1.J l?' f '~, R t ,--. t: I'P;.t f ~t · ('l'(,( (I Klr kkell. A l t hlM t'fIU ca l lUOtl1 Cll t , ~UC C l'S S uu d· II I I t; ("U UP I ( ·t I W 1(111 I " , ltr"nll I r 1'. l) 1I dl) n (,t nnd li ,'r " ft" f fi L1 o n,l!, Maj or ./,,1111 II l1m lll o ud , \Iho com· 'I I I !1l()Kin~ t\\'o o r t hl'l~' llll1"~ ""~ I t!J ' . I . lIgh t kllOw I'll~" 01 1'1\\' :'" \' quc p:, " ,., ' III Iflano €' d th u regilll ('lIt t ook l u Ihl! ,; t I ' , . I . C()lIlIJ~ I II,' hl:" IilIC' oll I~ that ~(111 \I' h ll\' e~ ull d e r sue h ('oll<l ll ,l,n_ ,,\ c'. ,l ' lIll ' U,\ll o n, 1111<\ with h l ~ utc u st ol11ed COO l ' , 1" ,1 Ilnl1 I ,. I If \' 011 h,"' p Ull rot' 11111/ 1\1 " I hc IH'y to th, ' wh ol . ' 1.011' I ('r nC B" nnrl I,ru\'(' r), qul c k l \' COIIl'I1 HII d eu ho nr heu d or CO IU'I1I1 to th " · I d t , 1111 ,1 wo I U IJE' II t h l' hi\' /' 5 10\' I ), \\ 1,111',11 II I 11111 If r,'\! ' 1(J ~f' t h ,., Ill" ,- :\11 11 ( " '" r'a,s,' d 1l0\\11 II pl ,le Htrc('\ llJwa r d lb., JUI', IIl1d use UM II I t1e flllflk .' U:. 1,,,,, ,1 ' h :I('11 III h ~"f I." 110 ' 11' ) 011 '11 11 :- IllIli ra il n ' ad .(I'·pot, 1111.1 UP OII U \' ac an t l o t i b l ,', 11 (' \-I' r) can'llIl n u, ,to 1,111 a >111· th"11 lb,' J1r~ t Itd ng III f ll\' o l'l\)l " df(' U l llr,t n ll" t' ~ ,,~ 0\," r eform " d Into lin e, d r ew HaberH Rn d g l e bee, for Ir be l'ri In" ~l1ll pd ,I,,· "01· ' br('ull ln'l off In t o 'l,u r M, he o rd<:r<ld llu d lI uy 19 lIuU I.. '" r "~" ll t 11, th l " r'"us, ' ~ I ~('f ili " i\ In ,h ,. b",,'1nl1l ll ~ 01 t ht ~ Ii t '.Ie1 ... led a 'charge, 1 50 m u cb sm oke 10 b, ' u se d III '1111 ·" t;l1" n nll If , h(' " I' ('mlor h A~ 111' 1'11 ( ar' It.! II), th is time th e enemy ha d, lJ ('ue' ' tb (' ~~1 ~h llt : h ; ~: llOl e mu ~~ I. !llk J)' III n l HI 11,,1 " Cll1' e d th " qur'l' l1, SIH' will ~. , lrat d to t he mo r k e t pl acf', \\ (' mel lie stam p d ~ d , I foullit 0" II,,' ,'o ll l b" , lind nft pn . h, ' 11M /l ud w ern Instulll l)' €' n gul;;et\ In n h an d, If car e I s t a licli 1I0 t to d iS UII.! t ltl ; nll l "' \' <:'0 l H! r " -ork of In ' t o, b ood co ri llJ et. O u r o nslaugh t w as b "e~ u nd get Hlf'm to runn I n g tlll-'Ie I" , Ill~ ('I;!~~ 60 Budde n !lo d s troug that IIOl\\'ltl1 ' r ery litt l e II koll b ood of Ill<' IIU,"" 1I" ! " -1 (; .. 11 r rolly she> II::Is I'Plrf',ut'd i r lJtr. tlll stau dlug 11 gallant r es lstn nce th ey big t b e b rood cnmb s : l I gh t (lII d lo!l pn r"fu~e b l 'l \\'N, n t h .. 'I'1\(',e Is 1i 0 UHl' wr. s l ill~; t lllll' ,'"am· , lJo t ll, tIl or ,h e' c omb all ,1 the bo t l(l(n w e r e hu r l ('d bac k alld rollo w ed wltb IrresI s t ibl e fo r ce. T. bough rr e~ b r eg l' \ l ll lu g f ra m es 01 h o ne y Th f' U:'II1 f) bar, Ir tll (' r p I s spucn tlH'~, n ile! ,h e' T(' meDts \I; er e broughl to th ei r IlSBl st , mI gh t be Bal d 111 U certaIn dl'~rt ' e 1'". "",u 'rall y IH, ance. r a ll y lu g aga i n ond alla In, th ey gard lng co mb s lilted solid 111 11 I)r 1'h fn ",b "\1 th l' ope r ,oIor l ool; ~ on': w e r e drl \, en back o" er Ihe hilI th cy brOOd , , Ib n com b , tl lC' rp. bf'r;:l)B Il r;n m e> M hi dl had tak e n possessI on 01 und er cov er A s R rul e yo u w ill lind a 'lUf't'n n n n ud s Ci'll. \ \'11<' 11 I b e o p~ ro l o r Inok .. of th eir gUI1 B, As on e wr iter saya ; • c omh , or th ut "oullln o r a ('o mb, (, ' r 1.11" ' 1l!(!I' 1l h e a l wllY s turnfl 'Ih ' 1 " 111 I c es t ban ll ft een m lnu t ee t r o m the f r ol1l \\' hlc h t he b ees IJfiVIl rl'cNILI), cowlJ fi l lli tbat t h e v.1I 1 lIme tb~? )' ch argod th e r ell r guard," enlc r gelS, b'l III hI !; hn ck hnrl . tr i ke on lh r: co mll t hey we re drIven from thI s lo ynl c l\)" D u r Ing n hon ey . fl o\" \\ 1111 Ii co l on y At! Rc,on as tb e c mb I s 111 t hu l 1'0"' M a ny w ' l'e f o und bI d i ng in th e w h at not excessl ,"" l r pop u lo us, getl l ;" bee~ lion , tllIO ql !f'en 1' 1<l[l~ on ti l l' np llIIslI " fie lds throu gll wbl ch tb ey c:,me, " nd c l Ingin g to t h " comh~ , t b~ Ril ll p ic st .1 11,> r cnlilll1lnl( Il l' . r Ihn hnt\1l 11l II ' " ot b er s III ou l o t tli e way pl ac es, I ca \'· WilY 18 l£l t.ak e t he comlis uut "li d fi X, n1J1I1I1 ~ I h e b l' r~ I h ., t Hr" th .. r (' ; 1m Ing tb e II treets etre wn w I t h tb e l r d ea d, .ml ne them , lh " L I'''~ , U8 we ll as the lllIPen , h l1 " dyIng a n d wo unded , doad and wo und· Pu t the m Ie th e collllJ , bu s k l~ t , and re tr Pll le d 10 the lower pn rt 01 th " ed borB~~B. and t he d ebrl . w hI ch a i , It th e q ue C' u h us n ot 11I" 'u (OU II <1 , look I c llmb~ , CXCP. p l l hoH(, t hat Ilrl' I1 l l i:1 ~' ways be l on g s to B conlllcl of thl e over them agalll , putt I Ill', th e m In an - , th pl11 sf- II'CS wltll b o n ry, IdDd, Th o d ead and wouud ed ot bOlh otb er comb-bas lw l. l. uOll I n th e hll'.; T h en w h pn lhl' op erato r turn s IL.· 'f 1l1 9 photograpb, Just r eceived, shaWl the first water ID C ul ebrn c ut , Just a littl e 101[0 In t h e d ell pes t sec tl nn tb e blu e and th e gray lay slre wn u lso , I comb m 'er. t.h e i111 el' n ~ klp ll again Olt Jr tb e Panama c aDal. betw een Gold hIli and Contractor's hilI. ThI s wBter w a s let t n tllrou g b pIpe s prIor t o Iltu about. coY er I'd wIth blood and du st: It I s n ec essAr y 10 u sc liS litt l e slllolle t h e o lll e> r Sld p. ; not thlH sbe (!ar('9 ffIT bl o wing up or th e Gamboa dike on Octobe r 10, In th~ rlgh t foreground or the pIctures Is seeD tho Cuenracba slide, tbo gray of on e and the blu e o r Lbo BS pos:llbl e BO' as to a yol d s t o r tl ng th I h e op erator, bu t to get IIwoy rl'om t l" , otb er was bl encled Into Due almoBt queen t o r un and hIde, ~ Ull and lIgbt. undlstlngul sbabl o color. 80 tbat It was Always h egln III o u t' HI de, 1Irst h IO W-1 sam . f! beek ce llt't S, wb en tb t'y d ps lrE. bard 10 IdenUfy ce e rrom tbe o ther; Ing a littl e smolt c be l w ~'e n the c omb to find black ItU eOIlI!. take all ( hll In mnn y c a sos th o bl oo d or cont endIng (1nd t he wnl\ of th e hh' • ~o IIH t o dri ve eom b s O llt , t u k €' the, hlve and du m\l ii ' parties had mIngled In on e common th e Queen b el wee n tb " com b s I t sh e ID tron t o f t b e eutranc,., se t It bacl' pool. bappens to be R!;a ln s t th l' w all. nnd c l a p a ll eutl'aDie guard o ver IU, The n E!xt day w o moved on toward, I th en tall e out oDI )' on e com b on I n o w empty h II' D. Gettysburg. and took an ncU" e part In that sid e and be~l n o n t h e olh " j' 'd,de" Tb e b ee s ure a ll sb a llPn o rr :h ., the fight. I co n t pl1d, how el' er, thot cODtll1ulng thro u ;;h nlll. T i1f~ ob J" c t Is ('o mbs, an d tb e eDtr unCe guar d Is (m ~: tbe r enl o pc nln g o r the ball I e W OR to prev ent t b l' qUf'l' ll f r ' "11 IJI 'lnp; l eft ~ l l y ~" r l1t lnI7. (!Cl t o aee ".' h en h er m nJ there ID t h aI lIttl e t o wn of Ha nove r _ on th e w all s of th e Ill vl' . sty al rlle p.s th e Ob s t rll ctlol1 , .l O n e o r tb e pltln N I!,' tn pUI i l~c combR I 00 n o t lenow b u t n,l l thi ngs c()r.~I'! .- - - ---'WANTED THEM FOR HIMSELF In paIrs , bavi nr; tll(' pul l'S a I llI l \" ,1Is· " 1'(' ,1 , this l s k bout as Qu lcle n ~n)' " t o nee aport , II sl n !{ an :v !(l ll io n;r } l!1 1' ~ 1i1llJ til:.! k ~ ll C11113 llmo ll g blll ek tt l','" for th o n ce<1 ed r O( Ill . I lifl t o und cr tnl'<1 t h o \' cr y 1I1lC"~I :tI · , Confederate Soldier Preven t s Boy In Arte r a ti lll !' t il " hi' ''': " il l'ofli!t t h ~ 1 111111 lahorl U~ lnNh o ll I It n \' £' :rl! . Btue From Taking Fine Boots Quee n \\'111 s how " Ig n s of ull " a~II\ " ~ ~ <Ie ' " n\1 f>u , , From Dying Comard e, ~~~~,.









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-I \ 1 ' R d H 8 H" Also a Most Essential Item on I ~nr l o us fee save een Ig n. Daily BiiI of Fare for Evcrv Develop ed Both in America ,. d Al d Member of Family. an ~ro a .


great tr ec w h l~ h Rc rp l'!1(1 d l ti m Ir'olll ob sen ' at Io n an d w rdtl' d fo r l he c nd t o com e, Pr eBl' u tly a boy I n bl u (l C1l11l(' up, nnd obsc l'\'ln g t ha t. til " d ying soldi e r was w earlu g a lin e p a ll' ,of l eath er

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wIll dopl!Ud t he Q tH~~ 1I0n rl >l I ', w h l' l.11c l' the fo " l \\'ill b ,! p rolltu u l " In


boots stoop er! an d hCJ,;8 11 (I \llc kl y to (\1' (' goats , ho u srd I II " ril ,'ali rl' lI~b uDlace th e m _ \ IY co n struc t ed "h e ll. a n d 1 1;} ~tl1rc d a ll t h .., I'nlscr or U(>! , " ' The Confed erate r ealizIng what h e n c omm o n, th e o wn ., r m ay (' ujuy l! r eut 'J TI ll' cross br ed h o r se 18 g el1ern ll '" ~ wal up t o Et epped trom hl ~ hidIng er nd I"IUlta(l('s f r n lll all 1" 'Oll llm l(' nnd '" tal t Llk I Not all tbe Philadelphia n s wbo saw their team beat ' :1 b y th e G lanta In th e sec ond world's series game p a la loco and ncco ate<l him, " i eDl c potnt o r \'i(o \\ t ha n 11c,.-,s th e ch, :o.~('p., lI o,er a cer n y. (', '." ito enter Shlbe Park, The illustration ahows how maDY hundreds watched the contest from th e roofs or Il ea rby p " }-Iey YOU' What ar e )'OU doIng Ip~~Ud pO ss£'Gso r o f a rrn m ;, cr ell , ;)('<1 1' 1 g l I ItL't I lIll"t'I' - POrCh ero l18. Cd,ldYld eShd 'l h", ro cr~. lOTOUg b b T P d_ 8 , fl a e on' .' 'bOUIIIII. . there, yQU rascal? Tbat mnD 's stili g r eed cow of t h p """; t rt,,,h l ull a ul a "nd poules 1111 a cccrd i n g to their ).. j ntl ""'" •••• -----.~-- • • ~""""" I lIvlDg, Tak e your hnnd s olr bl m thIs brel'd , I ' h e \,'ll'1~ 11 & b raed!! hav e b ee n b l~h l )














Ins tant!'" FIrst, b ecause tnl !k , t he de velopell, by ac letlllll c breed er s. t, ." " Th e U n I"n 110 1<11('1' r alb or dI et of m any Infan ts. ,' l1l1d l'e n \!wl I n· in Ame rku 11.11<1 obroad . Wba t 11 , ; r, obaDdon ed bl s und ' rLu ll ll !t; ntHI turn· I' allde aDd II. m o~ t f pSl ;nlla l It.em 011 r t'alionabhl t h u n t o supPoBe thut Ih"II ' ed to d epart, th e d ally bill of fnr p of C"." ' r y :11 (' m- m~ n who bav e given y ears or J.lbc,1 "A pr ecI ous lot y ou ' ve got to do b el' of tile ho u seh o ld, I. (u rn ldlle ll Jud w ho b u v e ~ I'en t mucb m o n ey , 11 wltb It, anybow !" h e gru m bl ed a s be I m OTe ch eapl y b y Ihe goa t , u,s Ihp ~' h!l d I rtt'vel opl n g tb o varI ous breeds. sh all , ; sbouldere d biB gun , 10f m ilk , wh en t h" Co l tllo soa l hav e u rrl ved n t th e most vroJital ' " "I've g il t thI s much to do w Ith It, and Ih(' a mount of 1..c'd anI! e~r~ ure WilY of r ah;l ug good horse fl esb, my fri end, I' ve t. o e D w aI tin g around con sitl er ed I s projlo,'l"'IHl lly m ilch I f till! rn rm ~ r visIts 11 r e pu t nh l. ber,e III tbo enln a couille of h ours ror greate, tb an 16a l of t b:~ co w . I ' llreelting eht abltuhruc nt ID tbl s cOlln t l') that r ellow to dIe to g et th ose boo ts S econd , b l'Cll U5C g " a t H m tlll " , rid, <' I" ' I n Euro De h e w i ll fi ad thnt " V d.\' my ecl!- o u d I don't menu t o bo ch ea t· aT, mor e null'Hl0 1l 8, 11.11 <1 !non, 'aRi! ' ,I , r l I A mall f' to IIr e' d nlong p u c" ed out o f th em," digested Iba n " 0\\ 's mil k , ,\ !It ,i e hom Ilu:; of th e breed d l u t I s to be (\r, . Its g~\lal e r degr cl' o f r lcbn ('s s. th rc t.I <!7 lo pe d, It Drew All Right. Is no a,preclabl o dlrter " ll cP III ap p " ar · l:l u In t hi s WBY w e g et the b.:;! A new re cruIt was doing duty In nnce or t Rste, A nd IlI Sf) " lJ.l' ClIU~,O Ihe s pC' clm Jl 8 of UDY k lud whatsoe v er one ot th e sarrlsons wb en h e com· milch gont I s prB c.t l c lllI } ,m mU ,le t :J If YO ll w a Dt h en ,' y dra[ts, Dud the ,: ·plalned olr n paIn In bls breast, The tuberculosis , whil e thr npp:o. r c: ntly am big sellers tb es e da)'s, stick: to ~ doctor ga v e hIm a plaste r to put on bealthful and t h er e f or e UC811 Spo<'tetl d :'a ft breell nnlt n e \'er mix tho drnf 1 . hie chest; but he hlld no "cbeat." 80 cow may b e, ond OftC l~ Is . c' ang(?l'o u (lly hreet\s, If Il 0881ble to avoid It. be went to tbe laundress of the com· tub erculouB, If you waut Just barn els hO r1l~ ,' P&JlY al1d aslled her If sba had a chest. b reed the trotters. If youJaDt sa {li ll , ,','NCI, but I got a blUldbox." Lime for Vegetable.: ·1I.01'8eB or parll hacks, breed lor tb el L' .. "That wt\l da;" said he, JJberal applications of lime may be U y.ou 'Want' 5Pf!Brl, under ;tbe saddl e 80 he pnt the plaster on. 'her ba.nd· ed to ' advantage by al/ v l1satablo - ·b reed tbo~UI~~dtt. "'.', H yhen the ::Owera.' It .'11 an ' otrect!Ye, mP,tUls o{ . :"' " _'. ' ., 0, . J.."'IIQ',:;_~",u. lt, It I,Ire",. , e .. I&1el . ' re tiD&' Iillhlutrttlon' <IiliaUeIl an~l " ''''~~,''IH~.. . Iftllled,':ar 11. ou l, ,'" III , lit I'

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~e dooto~ ne~ "tew " b~rtaonu8t , ~I:


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r. e~:ecnUliAmpoJ1iuit "..0 .CI4~. ' . '._ , : . \

co~ 'W. ~II~d-· P",,~.,",~.,.w: b.n .,', : ::-' ~ _ . ..~w.p ,,, , ~ 1IiQ\: ,_ ' ~"








r;:-_.':"-- - - - - No . •l_rP_e~~I_l~_I_~e~!.~~.1

0 "


24th Sund ay after Trinity , vem be l' 2ntl, 1!J 13. S unday School at 9:30 a. m:; Ioly Communion and sel'mo'l at 10:30. Subj ect: "The With-held Co mpl etions of Life." ' ,.J , Saturda y, N ovelllher 1s t. will be All . ainLq Day . T his fcsti val urings 'to mind the unily of all C hri~tian s, li ving a nd d~' atl in Christ. and the I final t riUllIphallt re uniOIl in heaven . Thi H day has IIl!cn uuse l veil by the '1 I ,C I U rc 1 sillce t he seventeen til cen tury . Mak e your cummunion on


(j eo. Co les. of Sprin"field. made thi s office a pl easallt call, Thursday.

---_.- ....

"The Old Maids' Club" given at Mr. and Mlrs. Gordon Joy have Lytle hall Saturday ev~nillg, was a returned from a visit ~ith relatives success in every respe~t . Not only in Clermo unt County . wall the play well given but the audience fully e.n joyed the evening. Mrs. Verna Schell and Mr . Clayton The dOLlr receipts were $29.00. of Dayton. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry King.

-- ...._--

Mrs. Anna Barrett and family, of The following haw their farms Spl'ing Valley, spent Saturday with posted, and hunting on the same will Mr. and Mrs . Waltvr McClure. positively be prohibited. Friday·- Fresh Fish and Oyster Seth Furnas. Day at White's Store. Martin Gons. Isaac Wilson. I. Satterthwaite The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church will meet with Mrs. Edith M. Harris Friday afternoon at AI the Legal Mind Saw It. In a case hl'ltrd at the DelraEt (IN- 2 o'clock. land) 8UUlmons court a a f ow day& ala. In which the complainant was Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Williamson, named Fortun e. Si'r Anorew Newton· of Lebanon, took Monday dinner Brady remarked to the detendant: "If you BtoD annoying Mrs. Fortune. mls- with his sistelr, Mrs. Agnes Wright, lortune w\11 IWt tollow \'Our tor tJo"'OB." and daughter,. Miss Susan.

Watch this paper. Call at store and lee how we are going to give it away FREE. Leave your name if you want to try for it.


It pays to trade at


00 for AnythIng, Young Man I. Stili Looking for

U~ S. Bonda ~ ~clreulr.tlon .. 110:000:00

An old man boarded the troln at the Other bolide to 1IeCU,!, Postal SavFourteenth street station and clung to loP· .... •. · ···· · ....... ..... 116.578.211 ' .000.00 a strap In front a f a young woman Booo., aeeUlU etj:·............. DBIIkIDa houae..... ... ...... ... . 8.000.00 Who was 8eated. As none of the men Due from aJ)pl'Oved reeerve agent. 28.795.30 b ed I no.oo I ow a d sp081tlon to lel tbe old Notel ot other National Bankj. . . . man Bit down, the young woman i'racUonal paper currency, nickels. and ceuw,........ ... .... .. lil.60 "' --se and offered her s ea t t a hi m . v LawfUl Mone)' Reeerve In Bank.vlz: SD6CIe ... · ............. 14,1U.35 14.163.25 Derore he could sit down a younger lfedemJ)Uon fund with U.S. u.,aaII unir(1I% ot circulation) . ... . . 2,1100.00 man s d Into tbe vacant seat. The young woman was confused but only TOW .•...•............... . 468.816.51 for a minute. She lean ed do'wn s light. Iy and snld to the man In lhe Beat; LIABILITIES Oapltal nocIt pald!.n............ 50,000.00 "You dropped an envelope on the fr':!Jj'~fundpiOili.i: 'liU ' 90.000.00 plaUorm, sir." NaUoa::. ~~. outat,wdJug ~U~U~ The man jumped up and elbowed DlvtdoDda UDDald •..• • , .. .. . ... . 320.00 bls way to the Dlatform. Hnlr a min· 1DdJ"ldual deposita 8ubJQCt to ute's search failed to revenl the sup· c:heck ....... . ... . 2116.866.26 P ed Demand cerWIoatea... 6.916.7a os enve Iope. Th e mnn returne d to POItalSavtDpDepo&lU. '. 1,082.10264,865. 00 where the young woman wns standing Total ..................... 68.316.51 and snld : STATE OF OHIO. WARREN COUNTY,SS: "Sny, lady. wbere Is that envelope. I, J. o. Carnrrlght Cuhier ot the above I can't find It out there?" j named baDk. do 80 emnJy ...ear that the "That envelopE:," rep lied the young C!:~~eJ:=~~t~e to the fle.t ot my woman. "Is In the same place your S. O. OARTWRIGHT. Ouhl.r. manners are." Ba~bed &lid ."orn before IDO Lhl. 25th Tbe young man understood and fad· d.,. ot October. lIliS. .. E. V.Notan' Barnhart. ~ At~: Public ed from view. The old man got the W, H, ALLEN seat, wblle the people In the vicinity ~ oIll'flSlGHT. looked. listened and laugbed .-New Director&. You Times.



Late ClaLCsified Ads FOR SALE

B ~ood

peat und storm front, Rood as Dew, hll.fl,ess nOBrl:v new . Inquire of Chas. Smith, R D. l D 12

A.Typewriter Sensation






Poor Old Elgin


1\1 down and out when compared to The Tri-State BuLter Company's prices for Bulter Fat, which is for week ending November 2nd. The Tri-State Butler Company deals direc t wi th thc sh ipp e r , shipments usually being made every foul' or fiv e day s as convenient to the shipper, every shi pment being gUllranteed 8g'uinst loss or damage in transi t. The Hhipper not only savell the collecl ion ('o~t of :1 , " or 5 cents per pound but also gains a decided advantagE: in having the t('st sample taken and tested im'llCdlately upon arri vH I. Our Spot Cash check will prov e to you , th e Tri·State is the most profitable market for your cream. We see every ship· per's cream, we deal direct with .' ou, we (lep.end e ntir e l~ upon the size of our Spot Cash pay check to brmg us addlli0nal shipments. Free Trial Cans will be sent prepaid and our Spot Ca.'!h Checks will convince you as they hav e convinced 6.000 ship· pers of cream in three states.

The TRI·STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. capital StOCk, $75,000




Bu)'", 14 C~o t", i no

--~--­ ~tu n" fu·tI No.9

SMITII-pnE~IIER 'h" IIl'"'U-


Nc\'e r bc (orn

h ll j

IIttclUlltcd. !Jetl ler.!

nUJ'Lhfn:.r l ilic Uli~ h een


IIlvllth rtm t tor

Lhls mnkc 01 mu\!June u n !. Hen rl\':iS ,)erfec t. 1I!i the one w o will sen,1 you. nnd ).,)" Pfi Y only



AND O WN 1'1'.


~~~d,\ A~S~I~C~'E ~~\!;::1I~~1:",~:~':


Pertect mAchInes onl.,·. complote outfit. notlltog extra to huy. 00 . trloll9 ot noy kind to this olTer.tor Juonly st thllll' of hu yiill( suoh" t}·pcwrlt"r $7.~5 ,low" nod $.2.00 1\ mUOLIJ tor li ve owntll.. 'I'houstlllds ot people have Imlcl $IOO.()J cnsh tor Sm/tll Premiers. It I. Swo,lnnl. by n"my consldorcll the host typewriter cI'cr built. A key tor each ellll('o hoter,Into 1\ tYl>e hr"sh tor c"~"nln~ the type hum tile macblne. ,tlltln.: cllrria/le. come~ to you with tools. rubber CMe r. evernhlnlC complete. run. bcoutltull.\·. Is sImple and .tr001r aoel It will Ills t 0 lifetime. We htlve 90ld bundrsll. or IIlle mllcblhcs ana ever)'body 19 8Btllifle(l. O'lly 911 orde .... wID be mled on U...

Also, Coffee Cakes, Pies, Crullers, Buns, COOkies, Etc.

and 10 Cent Sizes. Tobacco,lClgars,ICandle-s and Lunch.

~rr.r. ACT TODAY TO BE SVRF.. send your nome now. TODAY.


You ' cao't loalle. '1nd Its the !neatest economtol\l typewriter oPPOrt".nlty YOu ,,1\1 ever bave.

National Typewriter & Repa4' Co. Ile-a.~ · .1'cl

.A present for the bahy that will prove a comfort to its mother as well is a creeping blanket of gene rous proportions made of firmly woven cotton blanketing, eml1roiJered here and thero in gay colored dowers, animal s, dolls, etc., set far enoug h apart to oblige t he baby to tllke a n eeping ttip to get from one to IIDoth er. "I have seen a baby amu sed with such a blanket for a long ti lIIe," says the woman suggesting the prescnt. "The embroidered figures shou ld all be different IUld done in different color schellles. Heavy washable embroidery cotton should be used · and the figures outlined boldly. " The baby I watchcd creeping about on such a blanket seemed to enjoy the sensation of clutchmg at the heavy outlining. I doubt if his interest would have been 80 keen if the figures had been simply stamped on. The crudest, brightest colors, Burh as nre used in decorating toys, .holl1.d hI' emoloved.

a Month I -------,..

Ty""wrltor Ilt. tiII1<2 .2 5 1.... tI,,," rRetur .. r M·. 100...·.t r"Nltry


Prelent That WIll Be ApprecIated Similarity Betwe~1l French and Amer. Both by the RecIpIent .nd Ican Nation. 18 Accounted For In His Mother. That Way.


A~e Blila.. ~D"o. .



A notable French vi sitor speaks with surprise or th e mallY [)Olnts of BlmllBr· tty between th e French people and the Americans. He Is merely making the obverse or a discovery which bns puzzled many thousands of American travelers. The Freneh and Ame rIcan peoples, with all their manifest differences. are oddly Ilke ·each othel' In many ways. Perhaps the explanation Ilos In the fact that hath pcoples are compound. ed of many nnrt dlstloct ruoos. fused together In a slu!;le natiollallty. Tho mixture of races which hOB gone on in America Is known to all. But au AmlJ rlcull Is prone to forget that a 81mllar mixture bns been In progress for a much longer time In l3'rance. Three great races. Teutonic, Celtic and LoUn, are represented today In the populatton or "'ranee. Twenty nationali ties have fused to make the French nnUona.llty. A dozen trlbos of Onuls, the Romans, Franks, Burgundlans, Normans. wid others lit· erally too numerOll8 to mention. have been mixed nnd melted together to form France. SImilar mixtures produco similar roo BultS. That would 1\ ppear to be the formula for tho r ese mblances between France and America.

- ...




Btt~ad, G8e~l!!1It"s


The D. L. & ·C. railroad is in dire distress. An inspector dropped do~n from Columbus, Tuesday, and FOUND OUT HER NAME. condemned all the engines in use on - - -... - -the road. It is understood, however "What is the trouble?" that the inspecltor allowed one of the . "Apbasia." All That Happtmed. engines to be used, and "there is a "I thought there was a WOIIUUl in "'Lo, Jim' Flshln'?" "Nllw; ul'nwnw' trai'l each way during the day, now. thet case."-...J worms."-liarp A r · '1 Wepl<ly. The D. L. & C. did heroic duty I during the March fiCiod, and for this reason alone they ought not to be : molested. If it hadn't been for this ! line Dayton ~ould hav~ fared wor!l'l , than ahe did, for that was the only i line that could be run anywhere : near that city. It is hoped that the : differences willi Boon be settled and , the road placed av.ain in operation • . Lon~ live the D. L. & C.!


Something New

- ....----



·H artsock's Bakery.

Try a sa(:k of Burton's High Grade White Frost Flour. It is made from the choicest old wh~t and is guar· anteed by the manufacturer to give entire satisf8~ction or money " re funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke

mllr'e, S y eu fR old. A good ,Iriving boggy with Rutomobl!e



Mrs. Mary Brown, of Huntington, Ind., after a pleaaant week's visit with friends at the the Friends Home returnej to her home, Thursday.

That Envelope,

This happened In a crowded suhway ~~D~W ·ii'~m~'m·~g ImpreBs train the otber night.


'- --,

Waynesville National Bank



ville National Bank, at Waynes ville in t be State of Ohio, at the close of business, Oct. 21, 1913. RESOUROES.


It you are going to have a sale, see A. A. Md~eil, Centerville, Ohio, bo th phones.


Of the Condition of the Waynes- I' Actlonl



I have a new line of PORt Card s from Ie up to JUc. nice Hallowe'e n, Miss Stanton, of Imlianapolis, Ind .• Thank sgiving,Xmas and New Years . is the guest of her mother at the Post Cards with Waynesville on Friends' Home. the m, Ic each. Call and see . Mrs. W. C. Phillips. Mis" Mabel Morris, of Lebanon, was the guest of Miss Jos(>phin~ WAS FINANCIAL SUCCESS Oglesbee, last. week.

No. 2220


.J. F.. Janney left Tuesday for Chicago. ,I e wi ll be gone Ulltil Friday


- --

VentilatIon Teat. ;&. Iiolle way to tell whether your room II properly ventilated Is to place a wide-necked boUle of water Into which you hllve put half an ounce of Hme water, In the room, lettln, It remain uncovered over night. It In the momlq the lime water Is mUk the ventllaUon Is bad. If the lime ,.... ter becomea milk on your covering the bottle mouth with your hand and Bhaktol' the vessel, the ventilation II not lulllcLenUy good. )f the lime water remalnl clear, the alr of that room I. pure.

Mr . and Mrs . C. B. Bentley were vis iting re latives in Spr ingboro, Sun· day .

- -- --+ - - -

This is the Piano we are going to give away.

If you are not already supplied come in and rent .one. As low as $2.00 a year.


For 30 days only we will make a Special Sale on Anthony Fence, the b est on t he mark et to d ay. Waynesvl·lle, O. ROGERS & SON



El'Ilesl \{oge ri:l a nti Ja.'I. McClure were ill Lebul1u n Tuesday .

E. E. Keever, Mrs . Eva Darg-e r, H od Lackey, Hod Clark. Will Cox and W. II Drown, who accfllllpanied L. O. Th ompsoll to Lo ranger, La, returne d Tu esday . Th ey report a most delightful trip and l>peak in the hig hes t te rms of prai,e of the Loui ~illna Uplall d". Mr. ThulIlpson returned wilh tiuo'm toese ort a nothe r • party on a si mil ar trip. Ilext Tues· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- day.


Deposit Boxes


J. H. Smi I h lI1ade a bU 8in l!~ trip to ])ayton. Monday.

Sunday as the prll pe r obse rvan ce of Mrs. Eva Miller and Mrs. Grace the seasun uf All Sai nts . MuC une are in Dayton tuday. I t<:verybOlJy illvited ttl tht':ic ser. I vices. l\f rs. Lina Devitt Will! visiting relatives in Springbo ro, last week. TOURISTS I~ErliRN

'Thoughtful John ChInaman. "The "Irlues of a ChInese laundry. man IJIllver have been halt told." said the woman.. "Not of my Il1undrywlLII. anyhow. He Is such a motherly old aoul The other day he brought my handkerchiefs borne folded In two dlf· terent ways, abme 8Quared. 80me catll· cOl'llered." "Wh~ the different styles In Iron· IngT" I asked. "John pointed to the 8tack or cata· cornered handkerchiefs. 'These holey.' he lIaid. Tben to the sQu/lrc pile. "Theae good. In big hully. not gettee mix and go out with holey hankcbef.' "Kind old John. His Id ea was all rlaht, but doesn't keep me from getting mixed, for I can never remember .... hlch aballe means boley nnd which meana whole, so I am likely to diecrace myself wltb a holey handkel' chief after all."





Rents of

.' . Mr. and MI S. C. B. Bentley Xenia. d d Cal< D Satu r uy ·- Crucker 8n e ay at While '::! Store.


"Mother-a" Name, . 'A. deed was being drawn for a cel' taln farmer to ulgn. All went Bmooth· / Iy until the lawyer aeked him his


I wlf.e's name.

"Oh " yee of course . My wife'8 name. Very necessary. to be sure," ItQld the farmer. It was ' plaln to be Been that he was lIot prepared t,o all.BWer. The blood ru shed to hlB face, he looked troubled, and finally turn,ed bls back aDd looked out of the wlnd,ow. "Wha t d0 you thl t'''' h e ex· . n k 0 r th a. claimed, aB he turned Blowly rOlln4 " lIt . b h· S mp y canna rem am er er name. Ycm see. they 1I80d to call her Pet when B.h e wall R girl at home, and that was her name .wlth me I1ntll \two .... earS aft er our marrIage. wh J enr·' began callIng her 'mother.' 1 co.uld not tell you her na:me It It were a cap. Iq.l otl'enee not to do iO. S'poae ' lt wouldn't do to can her Pet In tbe deed'" ' . .. It would DOt do, 80 he hurried away, and ,In A.D hour came back with bl. wlre's ' full uaiDe wrlt.t en on a slip of ~~r.~Yout~-.l (:O~J.laol~~:, ' . ~


durability and exquisite design , -the hiRhest ideals in plated ware-are 8nured in 'spoons, forks, and fancy · sening pieces bearing the reuowned trade mark: .

1841 ROGERS·BROS.~:'pt

There are vario~s makes' of silverplated tabl~ 'Which are claimed 'to be "just as goOd," but. like aU imitatioJU, they lack .. the beauty and w~1j~_ ' quaGtr, , .. id~~ed witbthe ~riginal.and genuine IIlHI~.SB.ROS~ , ,ware~pu)arly.bownas·#·J'r7p". Pkllii1lal.W.. . '--. SOld by I~· dealers everYwhere. . Seod for QtaI~ · ~O .-t!' :'~Q~..u d~. .

ar". -. 'I.

J • '•• .' ••



.' itA · (MUU. . .IU",,,,, . ."1 ,_ af.)

~I:"'~~ IW'; ,~

3ixty -Four th Year ... - - - - - - - - - -

1 e

School Survey Day.



.. . .

Whole Numb er 323fl

-.---~-::.-=:::~:;l l NEWS OF THE ELECTION Pursua nt to a proclam ation issued - - - - - - - - by the govern or setting.~ide Friday ! Following iR the vote cast in the 0 i corpora tion at the election Tuesday. The funeral ceremony over the reo Novem ber the 14th. as School Sur· t~_ .. ____ .... . •.............-... _ ........._._ ._. _ . maim, of Albert. C. Taylor look place vey Day. the Schools of Waynes I Chas. Reynolds and family were MAYOR .. iIle - - - - - -- -...... .......... ........- -..... ..... " .......... ..............J H. E. Hathaw ay at t he Zephy r avenue underta king and Wayni Township are arrang pleasan tly enterta ined at th8 home 125 ing I J. O. Cartwr ight of Mr . and Mrs. Geo. Lanter n, . Sun· 10 Lindley Mills has tons\1Iitis. parlors at 2 o'clock Octobe r 17lh . for approp riate keeping of the day. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwr ight Walt er Elzey 1 day. spent Monday in Xenia. Re v. Fenwicke L. HolmeR officiated, Each Township di9trict will have III· Ct., ,' " d ' while Mrs. Reed, of Santa Monica, . •parents d h 1 h Miss Leafy Emley is on th e CLERK ay " urmg sc 00 ours. Almost a dozen of the neighboTl . A. B. Chand ler ghlin request s that the list. 111 rende red so los approp riate t o the Supt. McLau L. H. Whitem an was in Xenla. n .. h of Mrs. Hannah Rogers anticip ated h I th t TREASU RER funeral c ~arac t e r of the occasio n. patrons Vllilt ~ e town sc 00 business Monday afterno on. ~n a of Ridgev Hallow ille, e 'en by maskin g and g ' ing to W al in Deceased was born n~ar Winchp.a· day and get In closer touch With J. H. Cole.m an 76 her the Dr. Lang, Tl hom P e on Thursd ay evening . ' rl teacher s h ' . R. E. Dav'i town today. 48 ter, Va .. on Februa ry 26, 1866, and lOH . lerce ma e a usmess trip W 0 H . They ' assured her of a 8incere weI· 35 was married to Miss Carrie Warwick 1" ~pri ngtield Monday nighl. In the evening a mass meetin g for I " aper in Cincin. come to north Main IItreet. A very i k the whole townsh JIIAItS ip will HAJ. held in M,rMs. W· H. Allen was on August la, 18BO. t he coup e rna . school hall. Supt. Gilmoube CHai nes r. of t he nat on d ay. 87 pleasan t hour was spent. all partak . ing their home at Springfield, OhIO, Ll>lt -Chiffon neck ru ff. Finder IJ " . eo ing freely of the extrava gant rejJlease leave at Gazette otfice . where they remain ed for a period of township, and Supt. McLau \Geo. H. Dakin ghlin. of W Th of Dayton, was in freshm ents taken; pans filled with ME MBIiiRS OF COUNCI L 22 years. Their long marrie d life the town school, will have the meet· townmMond:~e , popped corn. Rev. C. S. Grause r wall in xenial · ding J. in charge . Efforts are being A. Funk~y was ble~ed with b ut a sing 1e c h II . 106 Grant LeWIS on business Monday afternoon. Earl M. Taylor, who is still their made to get a speake r of state 99 wide Mr. an~ Mrs. r'. B. Hender son are Miss Ruth Hartsoe k enterta ined W. H. Madden pride and joy and who at an ear 1Y fame. Music for the occasion will 124 Tuesda y eveninll for Mi88 Rosain Dayton today. M L Parshal l Mrs. Emma Dakin is visiting her age entered the theatric al field. in be in charKe of Mrs. Linton 114 .. . . The mond Dakin. who will leave thursson Guy and family in Dayton . which he has met with much success. Corwin and Lytle schools will C. M. Robltze r 107 day for her home be in· Drs. Ellis and Clayton were in in HannibRl, Mo. Geo. A. Zell Circum stances made it impos~ ible viterl to partic~pate. Furt~e J 19 The affair r an- Dayton Thu raday. WaR very enjoyab lt' and a . H. V. Walter and family, of Leb. L. A. Zi mm erman for the son to be presen t at the fu- nounce ments Will be made 2 deliciou In next s two-co urae . lun~heon was anon . visited Waynes ville relativ~s neral serv ice. he and his wife being week 's issue. Let everyon BOAR~ OF EDUCATION e co· Fred White is home from a BIX Sunday . served. Those present were Misses engage d at Chicago at the present operate to make this a red letter Geor~e J . Smith IS7 Rosamo day . week's visit in Dayton . nd Dakin. Emma Hawke , Edwm L. rhomas time. 144 Olive' McCollum. Messrs. Emmor Try a sac:k of Burton 's High Deceased was a vrinter by profesGrade C. W. Frye Friday, Novem ber 14th will be ob- Mr. and Mra. Elias Oglesb 134 Baily, Jas. McClure, Raymo ee and White Frost Fl our. It is made from nd Davis sion, having been engage d with one lw.rved in all the rural schools TRUSTE ES OF PUBLIC AFFAIR S as Joseph ine are at Eaton the gut',sta of th e choicest old wheat and Ralph Smith. and is guar. J. E. Janney firm Cor twen ty years. Besides his Pilrent s' Day. The rl:!mark 96 is often Judge and Mrs. Ri9inger. anteed by the manufa cturer to give P. E. Kenrick beloved wife and son he leaves a heard: "Why, I have never 94 been in A Hallow e'en party wu given at entire sati ~factio n or money rej J. W. White brother . J ohn M. Taylor, of Waynes- our schoolholJse." Take this 103 day and Mr. Campbell Corey, of Spring · funded . For sale by G. W. the home of Mr. and Mt'8. Samuel Hawke H . M. Sherwood ville, Ohio. and a dear sister, Mrs. visit the school in your 1 Smith neighb or- field, was the guest of Miss Rosa. 18J!t Wednesday evenin g. Etta Printz, of Dayton. Ohio He hood. Only regular school Resul ts in the Townehip: will be mond Dakin Sunday . The affa&ir Wil.l presum ably a aurMe<mrs . C. G. William son and F. was well known in Venice Bnd the the order of the day. The TRUS'rIi1 ES purpol e prise on Mr. Smith and ... hen the B. Sherwood. of Lebanon, were in H. M. Burnett announ cement of his d(>ath was reo is to inatruc t. not to enterta 259 lnlesta attired in mBIIQuerue in. Go The venera ble Allen Haines ~me town Tuesda y afterno coson. ceived with profoun d regret by his any time during the day and W. S. Graham 267 tumes arrived , they found him in stay as ~own to vote Tuesda y and made , his numero us friend!' on this beach long as you choose, but at Chas. Cornell 297 bed . . But he arose to the occasio least be office a pleasan t call. Mrs . Bessie White has purcha sed n There were many floral offering s at pr~nt 8O~e time du.ring CLERK the day. and . the ' , evenin~ was .pent very the candy store of Miss Kather ine F. C. Carey the ceremo ny, while the words of Thls1e ar 18 to be an Import ant one Manon Hamilt on and famil~, of Alexan der. 809 pleasantly. At a \Ie&IlOnable bOur the Rl.'v. Holmes were tender and in the school work. Many TREASU REIl change s Lebanon, called on M. C. LIddy IUbetantial refresh menta were part ru e and touchin g if) the extrem e, seem in shtht. Get in ~uch E. V. Barnha rt with Sunday afterno on. 291 taken of. Those presen t were: Mr. If you are going to have a sale. the solos accomp anying the ceremo · your school. T~e Educat ional JUSTICE OF PEACE S~r. and Mrs. W. H. Janney , Mr. and . . see A. A. M ~Neil, Centerv ille. Ohio, O. J. Edward s ny being all that could be desired by vey report!! holiday week. Parties Mr.. and Mrs. Stephe n Phllhp s,?f both phones. 121 Mra. Frank Heu and family, Mr. way of consola tion and cheer for are now scatter ed over CONSTA BLE the State Washm gton, C. H. have been vlslt- ~ and Mrs. Stephe n Burnet t ·famthose who mourne d. The body will! making thi~ survey. T~e legie~a S. G. Joy ture Ing Wayne sville relbtives. 272 \Jy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smitb and . I St. Mary's Guild will meet with cremat ed at the Los Angeles Crema- probab ly Will convene In special BOARD OF EDUCAT ION sea· family, Mr. and Mrs. Sherma n Dyke .Mra. E. V. Barnha rt Thursd ay after· Charles Smith tory. 51 and family, Mr. and sion early in .the new year to considFor SaI8-2 Poland China Male \ noon at 2 o'clock. Mn. Will Allen John Wilson 42 and family, Mr. and • - • er echooll egialati on. Pip. Inquire of Carl Crane. Stokes \ . . Mn. Will F . WOMAN'S AUXILlA~Y Burton Earnha rt Be on the lookout for l~lIlation Dairy rara. Gnham and family, lb• . " ~tlft. I M.iII8 Margu ente Thomp son •.of of intererrt to rural commu mtles. CORWIN CORPOa ATlON Carl Smith, M1'. and Mn. Fnuak Dayton , spent the week end With M . • - .. C M Re olda The regular meetin g of th e Wo· h '\Wayn esville relative s Roiren , Mr. and Ml'II. Carl Pickeri~~, Meaartl. Greg~. Vau~hn Wrig t ayor • . yn . man's Auxilia ry was held at the Clerk Carl Hender son Mra. Hulda Burnet t, Mm. LillIan FISH FO~ LITTL E MIAMI. and Morrie Miller were Waynes ville ) Th '11 b B Soc' I t Marshal h ome 0 f Mrs. Ed,· th M Harn's on William D.u~hters Hotop, Miasea Hazel Mullen "t Tuesda y afterno on . , ere WI , Eva On TUl'"dll Y, of last week, Chief VIal e a ox la a ors • _ • " Sugar Grove school, 1 milE' north of Friday afterno on, Octobe r 31st. Prater and Mattie B_, Meesn. Warde n G. neral John O. Speaks I Middle Run, Thurad ay evening, No. Mra. Cadwa llader conduc ted the aent the fi!'h ('u r along the Walter , Clifton and Charlee Burnet t, NEW P~OBATION OFFIC ER Little Messrs. A. B. Chandl er anli Jesse vembe r 6. Everybody invited devotional . exercises. Scriptu ral Miami and that ~ tream was benefit - Burton made a Robert and CharI . Strouae, Henl'1 bu.lne a triJ.' to DayQuotations were given in r~spon8e to ed by thousan ds of catfish. Mra. Harrye t C. Wright has been Hotop, Tommy Courtn ey. George baa and ton today. N. L. Bunnell returne d Saturd ay appoin ted assilta nt roll·call. After the readmg of the croppie s being added to the probati on officer Hall and Carl Johna. supply , night from a three week's trip until Decem ber minute s electio n of officers was held heretof ore obtaine d from 1st when she will the same Mrs. Mary Burns visited her throug h the eastern pal t of the take fuJI charge in place of MI'I. which resuJ~ in the re·election of source. Genera l Speaks "Come one. Come all. is a Jive brothe r John at Kings Mills last United States and Nova Scotia. the old officers. Mrs. Cadwa llader wire and under his manag ement Dillon B. WilBOn, the presen t incumTo the Witch . Call, the Thurad ay and Friday. Preside nt and Mrs. Mosher Secreta ry fiah ~nd game departm ent bent. Up at Robitz er'l, on Tburad ay he" ac. Regula r communication of Wayand Treasur er.. - - - ..... . compll'shed wondera in the way of e'en, at ei~ht o'clock, nesville Lodge No. 163, F & A. M., While at play Saturd ay afterno on, T After the dlspo~1 of other busl· stockin g the stream s of the d . Please mask." "HEAP N b MUCH 11 DIG TIME" State France s Janney fell and dislocated ues ay evenmg , ness the followm g progra m was with fish and creatin g a ovem er , Such were the UDiqu. invitatiolUl healthi er . 1913. Election of officerA and pay· The Mask Carnival given by the illHued by Mrs. C. M. Robitze r and gIVen: ment of dues. condition generlllly for the benefit her wrist. Trienni al Meetin g of The Woman 's of the farmer and the sportsm local Grange . in the Masonic Ban- Miss Martha 0' Nean on Octobe r en. Mrs. Walter Reed, of Chicago, J . T. Ellis, W . M. Auxilia ry ........... ... Cadwa llader The genera l is greatly interee Quet Room, last Satllrd ay evening , 3Oth,1911. ted in was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E . V. L. A. Zimme rman, Sec'y. was a splendid aUCCe88 in every &eIIIe The hoU1e8 were artilltie all, arAnd Ye Shall Fmd Reat Un~ Warren cOJ.lnty's Fish and Game As-- Barnha rt last week. Mrs. Reed is The Ladies of the Christi YI,ur Souls .. ....... .... ..... . M\'s. H.arns sociatio n and throug h this an church of the word. Many and varied were ranged , the rooma lteiuar decorat ed associa- on her way to Ilrockp ort, N. Y., will hClld the rhanksg Genera l Convention ivin~ market the costum es and their Wear8l'1 cer- with fodder and pumpk inl, with ' aasured of its =- Talk on -The -R J F C dwallad er t'IOn th e coun t y IS . where ahe will join hl::r husban d and la t the Townsh.ip House, Wedne - -..... ....... e~ . sday, tainly enjoyed themse lves to the ghoBta and witche s who greeted the a th share of any filh or game birds that togethe r they will spend Thanks · Novem ber 26th, comme At the close ncing at 9:30 fullest extent . Refresh ments were gueats in a · darken ed hall and cont e progra m 'th latives meetin g adjourn ed until the thirde may tbe distrib uted by the depart- · . , a m Come and give them a call. served during the evening by the ducted them to the roome of the gIvm& WI re . men. . . ladies of the Grange . Friday in Novem ber. feativitiea. After all bad . . .mbled, Mra. Walter Reed. of Chicago, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ chosen partrie l'l and unmuk ed. after was a visitor at the meetin g. several "stunte " we then proceed ed --KUHLMAN·HAINES - • • .... ......... . ...... .........,. ....... .. _ •• __.... -- ___ home of Mia O'Neal l, where a . . n_ O(1~be~ 1913 and the afterno on was spent in Ket. lIlew to those present MISS Hazel C. Hames, dau~hterof M Dear Sir and Friend: but who went away feeling better sumptu ous luncheo n WaR served. \tln g acquain ted with those who were After Mr. Wright came Hon. S. for the visit to the Home. Ch!li'. alJd Zana Rogers Hames was The tablew uveryp rettily decora tM kindly call your attentio n to the honore d with an invitati on to spend W. Brown , who. in a happy speech marrIe d to Rosw~1 Kuhlm an, a pros- datu at the Childre n's Home At presen t there are about 35 in in pumpk lna, eom, and witches with with day there. ' told a great deal of the history of mates at the Home. Throug pero~s young busmess man, Mon?ay f 'end Octobe r 30th 1913. Dinner . theAfter h the a favor for each gu.t arran~ed ' the board had transac ted the home, how. arid by whom evemng at the home of the br~dt!, rl it was new law of the juvenil e eourts the from the center of 8, Re&pectfully youra the table. Those their business, genial Doc Haney founda d, and in conclusion paid a place has received more childre n fortuna te enough to 3326 Hackberry_s~~t, Walnut Hills. G. D. H~ney called all hands to the dining. room. Irlowing tribute eDjoy the evento those in charge . than former ly. The childre n are ing were . Mill8e8 Edith Crane. Mary Th f egoinll messag e froll\ Mr. Everyt hing that man could wil!h for He was loudly applaud ed. Probat e well clothed and have plenty SCHOOL SU~VEV DAY . H e ~l~ed our h88rta with joy as was at hand, and full justice to eat, Swain, Martha O'Neal l, Stella Lem' was Judge Alton Brown made a v;ood and owing to the superin Y tenden t and mon, Henrie tta MeKinsey, MClllln. ane d rstood what it meant to be done. talk along the line of the institu· his wife there is not much Presid~t ~rthu.r Ja",les of Leb· ~~i~~ e to the .Iome for dinner." After the that the Warren Keya, Charle s Buell, Raylist course had bf'en . tional work, and he was well received . childre anon Umver slty wIll delIver the a? All th n do not enjoy. Freedo m of mond pavil, Mr. and Mrs. Will d things of the seasOIt served, Mr. Haney tapped on the : Jud~e Ftank Anders on followed the Home yards, and plenty of shel· dress at Wellman. Novem ber 14. In e t~~O ted nor were we dis- table and made a neat speech. O'Neal l, Mr. ud Mra. Ralph Miller, in with a good talk' which was enjoyed ter during rainy weathe celebra lionof School Surver Day. All were. a~cIP;he' r, the chil- Mr. and Mrs. Robltz er, Mr. and looked which he said he turned ~verythin~ by all. The commis sioners were dren all hav" a good time and enjoy Mrs. WilBOn patrons of Massie townsh ip are ~x· :PPOI~ng •and the good things Edward s and Mr. that over to the preside nt of the board. voiced by ~enial Al Baker, who themselves. It il a home for the Ronald Hawke ~ected. to attend .this r~ral m~tmg f~~:wed ~ere enjoyed to the fullest Preside . nt Cartwr ight, in his UBUal Ilpoke of the good of the institut ion m their . township: Give Preslden.t extent. The only trouble unfortu nate of the county , and, as • _. was that dignified manne r, explain ed why the illl ~eneral. The preas was James a Il'ood audienc e. called on, was explain ed by Judge Brown , they filled too lOon A FINE ENTERTAINMENT invitati on had been extend ed to a,nd John Marshall Mulfor d. .. -- • of the are devisees under the will left by weTh dayupdawned dark . and Kloomy those present . He said t.hatth e Star, made some good remark s. He the founde ra of the METHODIST EPISCOflALCHURCH institut ion Mary d e mist which was almOBt a rain: Home boIlrd realized that thoee A larKe an d appreclatl ve au dlence who was followed by Mr. Dillon B. Wi!- Ann Kinglin g and Isaac . Jones. They greeted Edward H. Frye. Monoloa. 0'30 :ad: us dread. tbe trip to LebanoD, had been workin g with them «lid not~soD' wbo spoke tenderl y of the are happy there, too. Preach mg service .at 1. a. m. b t Many of the ist, in the fint numie r of the local ur ma,;hine was warm the flllly ~rup the amoun t of work others. Sheriff Gilmou r gave a childre n do not want to leave Se.rn1on by pas~or. 'I k th even lecture course, at ~ool HaU, Jut ~:e~ did not cut much figure d.evolved on thOle at the Home, and ~rief talk followed by Mr. Howar d whAn the a~e limit ie reached In the evemn i at ; 0 c oc l ~ w we got started AI we are t~t it was the intentio n of the, Friday evenin g. The ProaraD l confter Andersc.n. of the board, and ·Mr. F. because in the Home they Rev. L. O.. ~omp80n, or~er pas or ~ realize eiBted of "Th. Man From Bom.... red with the pr~dent of the J>oard to give them an idea of it. W. BroWl), who made a rt!80lution, they have a home indeed. . of the Chn8tlan.c!"~ch Will preach. ~:c. in WaYne Township, by Booth Tarkin gton, followed b7 Mr. S. After tbl! pretty speech, the Presi- thallki~g .those who came f~r their 'r?e board of di~ctol'l are men of llevera llhort . . L Cartwr laht and a better man dent inirodu ced JudKe Willard aketch .. The effon. encou~ng words and their prea- affaIra, and cODSIBt . BEIIIIYHI u..BIIO WN of S. L. Cart- of tho enterb liner were hiahlJ apo , .~er h...u., . ....... .. at the Home, who, in. a way. is now· ence,. which.was u. nanim.ousl~ passed. \Wriih t, Waynesville, preald.n~. r., p~tedby th~ ~ audl_e e. Mr. Howar d Berryh ill and Mias he, with hia gOod' wife. and 1~ , editor cloeelJ in tollch With the Homeyon t1bTh:S..~ed thpaie redapeechtomtbaking, ani d .• . f ' F W d bill wife started for LebanoD at 8eCOUD t of the Juyeni 'rdBroD ~~_~t~~DH' see_~taryAn'dEd.. ' . . . le court. , ; r. e _... re . MarY. E. B~wnT e par ors wa < r....., ',~ ~~' ~I • lUlU OWIllU o'clock. 'Aa It WaB regular bo.rci Wright explaJaed lOme thiDp erAn 1't\at Ha,... ntcl.. . In t.h~re to enjoJ a !IOCial time. It waS BOD, Frankli n; ~. Beck, ~~ed las~ · ay In . Vlo.""n , .mee~th8 ~OQ of SpriQC' . "1A = p1r. h~~~:'UonW made.~. ~ to .t he preeen t ..w. ·.·that . . . a de;, well apent, anCl not one preaen t oro andJ;~. Bilek, Muon. r. ) ' .......... .. ... ~ " ' '!'';~~'. ' ","

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FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE STORE II SWEET POTATOES ARE QUITE PROFITABLE I HE OF GREAJ FAITH IPractical Fashionsl SUCCESSFUL IN PORTAGE COUNTY 'L----------------l Ravenna Store Supplies Needs of Its Town and Country I People - Buy and Sell All Kind s of Farm Produce I Growth in Bu si ness For Tw o Year s I T wCl ,\' l. n rs ;'1.I:: t' I hr

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()f ('()lIr>lI I III addi l lu ll to Ihe H!' lI illg f,':.tul' " .'1, . \\ .!<-rtif·y . anti u\\lnl-: lu ti d" l,l'ii..( I by 1"\lI d . hut I\ll h a IIw eltill", a ~ I ('a d y hI' lI nlj~ rl!tllu(] t!lfll ~ UII nnd ralll I Ihe eO[J(;C'l' fI buy s ~Il ll'" faJ'll I I' rod u l'e, " I'olllu an' yct buy in g "Jersey I l<'alll "f hilI'S" ", ~ ,"a " tu 1I 1'1 1' f' an ll wou ld try th e 1(, lId r pla llt s . I! u al so , 111I'lu rtin !; bllll e r all(1 , 'ggs, aud 1111' ~\\(" 'I B." IIIOs t uf whil'lI al'l' g ro \\' o III tll'O boy " \(1 Ill nl'!' till ' "Iaili s . Wf ' (' an und eJ'stood thal Ih(' ""no est ,,' 1\9 o u a lso hlllldl ~ d ~U lnl' 011111'1' IJI' 0tlllf·I~ . nO ln. 1), ·IIlWII I·I·. \,iq;l lIi a alld " lit"I' ,m ull "' rn I plnllt allmll roo,nod (II' /1\', ' a ('1'\'S u th o othl'l' sid e o r Burnn, e r . li e 1I f'l' Il · bly J.1etal oe~. TIll' plan fu r hnlldlin~ Bt~~ ~ . da y c d not to b e to lel thut ho mu st walt, th ese 15 as rllllow~: T he ('o m uit IlY I h e .1 r~, ·y po tato,·" art· o r "I'J' )' \1 hilI' t h .. pl llllt~ arP ,\" HI I ' ~ ('u llI\'3' and tha t his se ed musL tak e lis pays tarnH'l's u s hi!;h a mark(,t prln fiue qual it)' . but. tl ,us, ' grown '1" i1<'la' I l iu n anti hoelug ~ltoultl bo \'\'1' .1 s hu l· c han ccs with ttl I 111 0 vici ss itudE's oC as is be ln" IJaiti by 11 11 " (lliI .. r dealer \\'l1 r,', t; ,'orl:ia, alld MOIllC part s of lo\\'. (lIId ]UHt orH' u e nou gh to li" I' lllhe ,eaaoos and wl' oth e r. Farmers co·operatlve sto re at Ravenna, In the ('ily ~( lI al'(,lIn" I ~ I. After Ihe closo 'I' p xa~ u rO uhn 0 51. If not Iluiu '. aH so II I' /{' a ll aud lo use. It l'ul l i",,,e<1 Believed In thc Earth. capital or S~O. OOO div ide d Into 400 ot the s h ip pll11: """ s on , If Ih e sa les good . tl e~IJ I,\' th,' potll to c ~ will bp s lrlngy , B ut hE' trusl e d natur p.. In s pite of sh a r(, s of $50 enc h. 1':0 pe rson Is a l., sbo w a pro ll t "hol'(, th e' ("o~~ of hun. ( ' lImalk cOllu itiUIlN UU 1I 0 t appre- I U Il ~ aud of pou r QuailIY . Th!'11 a p lill. sto nes lind thorll Y und th in ~ol l anfl luwe r! to OW II m u re t ha n one shurc . dllll!,:" ellch fa rlll "r r<'" .. IH'8 hi s s hur e da ul y Inllll"lIce thc r]l lali t)' of ~ wellt 1< IIllii o w c ulli\'lltion 1"'l'II llts th, ' ~lI iI to hard SO li. he be li e ved In til e .'arth. No dlviuend Is pa id stock. but eac h I of th o pro Ots. T he. firs t y ea r this potutops. th nt Is JIIO , v,\ry Itlr~ely to dl';- o ut 1110re 'lui e kl y "ftt'r a hard II I' b elle vf' d e nougb to ne t. li e wns hold er lustead Is g ive n a discount "Jf amo unt ell to tl\'O l'l'n t8 PCI' hu s h el. so il lind m .. t llol.IM ur culture . This ra in. n nc! dr.\'l1(,ss is ~u pSH~ ntl ,, 1 II> not. oue of th oso wh o wnlt thal th~y " .- . • from 12 'h to 16 pe r ce nt on th e goods One Y0u r till' I'o mpany ul s poaerl a t pola to rt''luIJ'l's a s alldy soli. with Quality th at c I'pry I' fr Ort hhll Ulti be IIIII Y serve . li e l ook his prom Iso Crom be purchases. 81\/ 1'9 a re not c onfine d $6,00 0 wo rth of POt ,lI0 C6 lind a no th er I'l' ry Ut t le d ay III th e flr~ t six Inch,\s. llIad n tu Ill s ur e It. erE'atioll . II e ll eaLh th e variatio ns o f Th" Boll s hould be ra th e r compact. Th c ullly lllullurp w.' us e Is a m in· th e d ays and nl !; hts h e felt the thrill to s b are h a Id erB. How e ver, ouly ahouL year at $21) .Ouo wort h. hi gh , dl'Y, and \\'c lt·d ra lIa'(f. It CU ll be c ral f!'rtili , "I'plll'd III the r(ll\' at 25 per c ent a t the sales have bee n H E. F:S WINE oC s prin g. H o rest ed In th e cl ecpf'r . . used for "Wet't po ta loes for tl'0111 ~Ix Ih e rat{' of l, UOO puulld s per acre. m ade to parties outs ide or ,tbe or ga n l· Collf'J; C'. or Agrk ultur e, Ohi o StaLe proc eB~es . 11 (' had faith that all Ibe tallon. llIv pr slty . to t en yea rs without allY rotation , hut This cOlltnllls :: pt'r c.' Ill . II lt ro gcll, 1 world would "'tango b en eaLh th e ec. g row (' rs find th a t afte r th e fir s' and pe r Crollt. pbo" pho ru s. and 8 p er ce nt. - - ot'COlHI ytaurs Lit ~ c r op improvos 011 potash . \Ve 1It1(' find ground nsh or centrl cltt f's of wind nnd sho wer nnd r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... th e sume land. tank age, IIltrat e of suda, acid pitas. heat and li g h t. And 6 0 he sow e d. If th e plOI Is CIPIIII II' /, do not plow phall', and sulphate DC potash . We And so h e wellt rorth to sow , seelling . . th e IUlld, but CUt it up with 1I1 1l har. ndx Ollr ow n fe rtiliz e r. tbe soil In whi ch to cast his prollhe· cles ot future increasE'. For all sBed· The nin-nt ' of soda Is appli ed when Advan ce figuree of tb'J size of an I g rad es In bU Rhel box E' ~. It hardly row three to rour InchllB deep, thor· ougbly pulv e ri zing and lev e ling It. In th e "Ines are ' from G to 20 Inche s sowing Is proph ec y, and all seed· appl e crop alw"ys vary {reatly, Th e ! pars t o usc s uc- h n "o otatn p ~. tor s oc· ord er to tllLY e tbe proppr size, shnllow long. at tbl! rate of 200 po unds to the sow e rs are see rs who bide th e ir time buye rs are prone to make th em fiS (J lld grade IIP/lie'S . 0lilor9 wIll use ha r· pre paration and culturfl mu st be ob· ucro, and It Is placed on tho row n ear In the promise s ot Ute. It there we r e large as possible. Wh ite th e growNs 1'(' 18 e nllrt' ly. It th e box Is packed se rved . th e plants. Th is gives the plants a more prophets th er e would be_ more lIke to think tbat the crop Is sma ll. ['rop e rly, Il will be almo s t of n n eces· \V e use s llp·s ee d for b e dding pota· qulclc s tart, causing Lb e cru p to Fet at seed·sowlng In thll world . And If , s lly be Il elll and a ttra c tive. If a bar· However, all estimates thi s year. rl'1 Is used It s hould Lt c c lean and e ach to es from which to grow plants, which ono lime , and makes the roote or unl. there were more who und e rstood Lhe law at Incrense us It works every· tbough th oy differ, hllVC If similarit y e nd sbould be faced carefully In ord~r Is the first crop trom the vinlll!, or (o:rm SI?Il, with few small onlls. slips cut off ,he growing plante and Tbus, In connection wltb th e min. where there would be tewer foolish rn that the): fore te ll a smalt a ppl e o ut· to have th e trult look as attractIve as set out about tbe latte r part or July. er.1l1 fertili ze r we use, and In the ab. Quest!olls Rsked or those who s ow the put In Ohio anel neighboring states . , possibl e, wh e n tho b a rrel Is opened. Our potntoes grow from tbree to tour sence of organic malte r, we prevent sl1e d. For those who demand harves t The State. Horticultural Socie ty sa y~ ; Inches long, a nd about one and a half th e tendency swee t potalo es have ot before the seed has time to sprout that 26 per cent of II crop is all tbal Illche s In d iame te r . setting all through the season. which and grow are spiritually n ea r·slghted. can be expected In Ohio. To assure success In bed ding th ey Is very d etrimental to successful crop- Tbe symbol of great faith III A knowledge of s uc h n I'ondltlon must hav e k e pt pe rfectly , and t.h er e ping . on e who dares tll go torth llnQUestIon· usually Buggests that th crP. will not be must b e DO r o tt en ends or bklck spots. Proper handling Is just as Impor. lng, scattering se eds of truth and an overabundun~ e or the bes t Quality The s prouting Is done In tho bot·be d, tam as cultl,.atlon. For tbe first sale8. right aDd peace and lov e, knowing apples. Those who have spont effo rts either with manure or fire heat, 80 as tn August we do not take the potatoe.. that sLones and thorns and unres\lon· al).d money In ca ring for th eir orchards to raise the temperature at tbe soll ·to out of tb e grouud any taster than w'" slve soli are tlt e re, yet also knowlng thlB year should be In a position to de· . good summer h eat. About Lhree can selI the m. When stored tn shed .. that th e eartb Is th e Lord's, tbatsomemand good prices fo r tht'l r product. I Inches of good loam Is placed In the and barns tbe exposure to th e light how seedtime and harv est are InsepPrices wlll doubtl ess be hi g he r for all bottom . the potatoes laid carefully on and changes In temperature quickly arable. and tllat when the summer Is gradell of appl es than "las t year. At this and covered with three Inches "UIn th e product. past the r eape r wll1 surely find fields least, contracts already made wo ul:l of cle an sand. Wh p. n the plants are P roper grading Is also Important. ot ripe ning grain whe re he liowed hla seem to sbow that buy e rs IIrc expect· i rrom four to six Inches long above We have three grades. Th e firsts are s ced .- Unlversallst Leader. log to pay more. thc Band t hey are ready to s ct out. \II'I m e , the seconds are good , but "I Wise growers who hav e gOat! appl ')s We plant In ridges tbree feet apart, ,mailer size, and thirds are too small MESSAGE HARD TO INTERPRET will grade and · pa clc tltem In such a tour Inches above the level of the for food , and us ed ror stock teed. WBY as to obtain Lop pric ~ B tor it. Commentator. Differ a. to the "WomWhlI e occasloually one talks Lo a man an Jezebel" In the Third Chap. who says that the extra work has n0t ter of Revelation, paid him. yet with most g row ers a nd In a series of years, a n hones t unltorm As to the message to th e church In pack always pays. It a h'Jyer gets Thyatlra, In the tLtlrd ,chapte r ot the something this year thnt s!>flsfie8 him, \.Jook or R eve lation, It Is an obscure he Is very apt to re tu rn ont year tor more, and tbe man who puts out a Packed apple. are as attractive as Most Important Object of Green There Is Greater Danger of Put· nnd difficult one to Interpret, Hlnce we kuow so little of the prevalent cus· prOduct thnt will altrnc' purcbasers packed orange. or peachn. Manuring Is the Addition of ting Up Silage Too Dry Rather toms and heresies or that time. Com· does nOI have to worry IIbout seaBons m entators differ as to the "woman Needed Humus. of great plenty. A good feputatlon Is Tbls fall with a small c rop as an Than Too Moist. Jezebel." some claiming that "he was an. Invaluable asse t In tlle trult busl· outlook surely alTers many growers, s heatben priestess, who stood for all ness. who are fortunate enough to ha ve ap· (By R. O. WEA'l'IIERSTO~E.) (By WALTER B. LE UTZ.) So the farmer with the business pies , opportunities to get better prices Green manuriog, or tile plowing Corn Is ready ·to be cut for silage manner of lIcentious rites and evil mind will look ahel\d ~o next year tor their frulL and paye tb e way ror under at green crops, Is one or the when the grain Is In the dent and practices, and othen tbat sbe was the while considering this 'me. In grad· I next year's sales by ca rerul grading and oldest methods used to main Lain or to gla.zed, but can stilI be broken with leader of the Nleolallruls, a dl v Isloll log apples, Sit- e . trt' ec!ctll from blem·' honest attractive packing. The men Increase the productivity ot the soli. tbe thumb nail. At this stage, under or the church that claimed to be none Ish es and If II red "!lule, amount or I w ho will fo llow Buc h a sysLem wlll The effect of green manuring varies normal ~ndltlons, the two or three the less Christian because It tolerated color are cons ld e r t' (!. Honesty In a win In th e' end. because It I~ business. according to the original chnracter or bottom leaves will be turning hrown Borne heathen customa, lIke eating pac kage cOilsl sts in II flgld s yste m or H. 13. CRUICK S HANK , the soil. In gene ral, sandy or gravelly and ·tbe sbuck will be turning yellow meat otl'ered to Idols, otrerlng Incense ' . S'TIldfng and ca rcru l handlin g ill pacll · ColiI'll" of AgriC Ultur e. Ohio State Bolls arc mad e darker In color nnd be- at the end. There Is greater danger to the statue of the emperor, jOining . Ing. Many lII en \\'ill , lR ck Ih!' ir IIrs t UlJ ivprsi ly. come more retentiv e or moisture. oC putting up silage t90 dry rather social eluby, which wore num erous In . .' -' Clay ey solll! are made more porous and thno too moist. In a "tave silo the those days, aod which otten foste red rrlabl e , so thut th e y a r e les ~ likely otaves sbould bo tightene d up to ex· much d ()bauchery and ev en lIcentious· HAIRY VETCH GAINING IN FAVOR. ! GENERAL FARM NOTES. , to pudell e or hake, [llld are less subject clude the air and generally loosen ed a ne!!s. Many ot t heA'! clubs were can· nect ed wILh the trade gUilds, and on W ith Ih e I n er e a~('/I tI ~e o t hairy : Dh;ensc h"'k s about OItby drinking to wa ah lng. Loamy Ro ll~ are leBs little after tbe silage swells Lhe staves. Tho Inside wall of a concrete silo Ihl s account Thyatira, which was ta· not.ic!'ahl y affected than others. ,etch, as a willt e l"s cover nnd ~ I' ec n ' l· p~HE' I~. mou s for th ese guilds, otl'ered special Th e most Important obl eC't of green should bo wash~d with n thin mlxturo te malluJ' e c rop, ha H ('(Hll e th e adultI' m .; S tl nnng o n q uantity 01' \'lI rie ty or mptations to th e Christians who be· manuring IH tlt A nddltlon or humus to of cement aod water eve ry two or tlon nf mu c b of 111 (' ~" e d Ihlll is being , rf' 'li i ~ IIlt t J,\ o(J (1 e, ·oll () my. longe d to tbea e guilds , to condone, s old. III lDl2 , 2u7 sa!llp les of Aeed of K!'c pill!; t\\'o ( 'O\l' S 10 do th !' work th e 6011. Oth er I hin g!! b ein g !'qua l, tbe thr.!o years. This fill s tbe pores and oven It they did not approve, th e un· bps !. grl'c n manure Is that whir-it fur· ke eps th e air from the silage. "I't\'ll so ld IIU Ih e m:t l'liet II'; th e ha ir ,' '" \I II l' is t he (' au ti c of rLanv lo sses Chrl!1tlan practices of many or tbe ni s hes th (l largpst amount of ma te rial 11. will tuk e at least six learns to vari e ty we re l este d by Lll e Ullit('r\ I in flldn·illl! . . . . m embe rs. S lat l's Departme nt or Agl'lcllltllrf ', an ll l 'Th e IJ"s l lI';fY tu Lry alfalfa th is year whlel1 will readily d eca y In t11ll solI ke e p tho av erage sllags cutter busy. The pral so accord ecl In the first purt lind thu B form htimus . Th er e are, Co rn s hould not he cut down too tar 17 ron tR in" d li D ha \f Y vetc h :It all , is t1) /Iet f!\lu d an rl rea d y to >!ow a of tb e mess age to the ehurcb of Thy. how eve r , addltlonlll ways In which abead or It will dry out too much. whil e J GII .· ampl es cO'ls isted o f a mix· U('X\ ' prinl:. aUra seems to gl ve color to tbls Inter. weh t\ crop rnny be be llE'fic-lril. Two men shOUld work In the silo dis· tu re hairy ,. e tc h. ~!Jr i lll': ,·" I(' h and _ . .pretatlon, tor the Son at God himself !Jeep' l'ool e d "lantB nre decidedly trlbutfng tho silage with torks. Where we ed vet l' h . Thi s :J ~ ill lll ~ ration i s ~ e· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . says: "I llnow thy works, aud love, I,re fc rahl cl to Rllallow·rooted , because a Bila~o di strlblltor Is used one man Is 4rlull s not unlv heCllllrl' of 111(' fa"t I ha t and service, nnd faith, nnd that thy h a ir y vet"b ~eed l' f\ ~ ' S rrom $4 to $G Il WHY PICKLES SHRINK. they pl'n etratp. inLo th e s ubsoil. In sufficient. Th ey should kee p th e sllnge last ' works ar e more than the firs .. " '.hls way nlr and watAr lind (mtronce, higher at th e walls than In th e cente r bush l'1 and the o tb !' l" o nly $2 o r less, I It Is thought by many that tbe NI· T il!' s hrinka ge of pickles is 's pecially utter th e roots dcca y. Thus and should continually tramp the sll, bill for th e rea~o ll Vlat h.dry vel c h Is colaltans, though their doctrines were und oll bt,'" I)' I he re s ult oC too In n way e very d e!' !}-root('d plant is n ag o next to the walls. Tho tramplug adap ted as a winler l'rap to all cll· ' wrong, and their complaisance toward rapid ba l'lerial action while In subsoll er . It Is al so sllPpo~ e d that Is es pecially to keep out the air. When ma~s. the practices at their heathen neigh· tLt c brim', and by boiling of th,! such plnnts . !'s peclully wben plowed p ossible nllow tbe machine to stand Hairy "et(' h IR pa r ti cu la r ly lI seful bors was I"PRt dange ~ouB, yet were u,rin e, I he !Jac tNla aro destroyed under, ten d to enrlcb the s urfa ce soil two or three aays and refiIJ to mako bec nuse It ('nn be pl nnt cd latc In th e I still activ e In good works, and per· unll th e lIelion slopped. A with potllsh and phos phorus from th e u ne ot all the capacity. J<'lnlsh fllUng fall and wtll furni s h it B c r o p h('[orl' I he haps vied with theIr stt1cler and more time for sprI ng sowinl': and Is \'a ill a. st ronger urin e also reduces the subsoil, thus brllll-;Ing these s ubRtances th e sUo by rur-nlng In a load of grass l"urltanlcal church m embers In acts ble In to hacco He l<l.s hl'<'a ll se it ('111 ' he act ion of bac te r ia an d If very within th e r eac h or sh a llow r ooted or weeds. Thill will tot and seal the of benevclence and subscriptions to sown arLer harv est and 1110\\'<:".1 und e r : strong will s top It. alte-get her. plants. top and prevent having to throw out all good causes so that tbe "last b.' fore the n e xt planting of l o hu('('o. ! Co ld also rE'du ces such action Legumlnolls pltlllts arc more ,' alu· th c same umount of spofl ed slla~e. works were more tban the first." It is also valuable a s nIl orchard ('O\'er I and the r efore Lh e brIne should able for green manuring th a n ot h e rs, The silage uhould feel wet after It crop. i no t stand in a warm lIlac I'. b!1CllUSe th e y n ot o nly provid e humus, Is cut In the silo. If the corn Is very Calmeat People Accompllah Moat, Thl' ditrere nce of tb e color of th e I Sln c'e ba c te ria mny be "resent but also have the ab ilit y to use the mature when cut, and Is therefore too To everything tbere Is a ' season and Inl (lr ior of the se'!" 1 ~ h o wn by the dlr. : on e uc umbe rs when picked from nitroge n ot the air, which upon ele cay· dry, add watcr. A small stream may t e rent kInd s of vo:ch es atrord s a rendy th e' \' ine, th ey sbould be put In Ing th ey add to the soli . Fo.thls rea· be run Into the blower from a harrel a' time to every purpose under the ml'lln s fo r detect!n~ tbe 'use or otber I 's alt so lu ti on as soon as posal· son gree n manure crops should always or ta nk . It is etlpeclally Important helLven.-Eccl. 3: 1. The peOI)le In all lIn es of duty who vetch seed a s an atiulterant for hairy I bll'. ~1tlny bousewlves are a t be leg umes It such lire adapted to the that the sllage be well tramped. The vetcb . Cru..~hed ba i!'y ,.etch seed Is a prese nt uSi" ,> saccharine instead particular locality wh e re need ed and blower sbould be run a tew m inutes do the most work are the calmeB" letI\on Yi!lIow color, s omew hat lIgh ter ' ot sugnr in sweeting pickles, can b e sown at the LIme d esi red. e very morning in order to alenr the most unhurried people In the coni. on the nut than 011 th e rounded sur· 1 but tbis Is not to be commende d, atmosphere before anyone entU>l tbo munlty. Duties never wildly chase each otber In tbelr lives. One task ana. . Good pickles lOay be put up 'Cauao of Dry Rot, faC'l. Thf' c ru shed seed of most at tbe never turnB anQlber out, nor ever otber ",et ches occurri ng witb the seed WlthOlll Irs use, and It hos not Th e dry rot of potatoes. In storage compels burrled, and therefol'e Impel'. ot b ulry ve tc h vll l'les In color fpom ' as yet been proven to be harm· Is caused by R fungus . It may be con· Barley for Hog •• ' dark (awlI to reddl.s lt orange . Crush less. • " troiled by dipping the tubers In a so· Barley makes I:, fine feed for tho fect, dolnK· The calm spirit works ELMA I PERRY FOLK, a .m.aU handful of seed and it tbere lutlon of one pint formalln In a liar- hogs, The cbellpellt lot ~r pliS the tDethodt'cally, .do.log one thlD; at a \J'8 Iny fawn, salmnn or reddish or· I' COllege of Agriculture, OhlQ 'el of water 8.J?d leavinJ . them 1m· ' writer has e\'er brought up to 120 time, Bnd doing It well: and It theretore ~Ol'ka , ·B"·UJ.\:r,, thouah. 'Cever ap: mersed for two hOUri. 11'Jley mus·C .be pOuijdp had 'barlay as ' ~beli' maln ~ ula colored pieces tbe seed 18 D(,t State University. ~ea!\I&" to be In baa~-oI.. n.. Miller., dried before belne Iw,r~d. I dou. ' ~Ilr. 1&&lr1 vetch: ~ . _I •••• J •• ~..!,,~l!.t!.!.!!.!~ •. ~ Col II,,·

" '\ , ,·f .lp'







This chnrrnln g dl'slgn I" a l,s oh,lLe l:r slmpl o. Th o frOl ll!! and th e back IUO I bot,h plnln . th" Illtt" r ru nlling to a I point. A Il l' elly coltar trim !! tLtt' neck I UUd th l' c lll s ln )1 IN a l'rnuged 10 tbo ,'cnt~r or th o f ro lll. t'hallle, crepe de cllill e , wnah silk , cnshn l@ r e . coltoo, ('repu an d ot it e r 80 rt mat rials are llsed for th eg,' I;urnl nts. The sacQu o patl ' rn (G384l IR cut III slz l's 34 to 42 In<'ll!'6 bust m eas ure. Medi um Rize r eq uir es 3 ynrd s of R6 Inch IIlutE'rla1. Tn procure thl. r,nltPrn "en~ I~ ,.entB

~~'r;;;,I1~:;~,I~ ~1~,IILI~tll:t;,:~I,;" pi:.'ln\~~ ~ II~'d')·t!'o

Guru t o 111\'0

NO. 6384 .


01<0 ami nUlUb!:r oC l)!lt1cra. SIZE . . .. ........•••• •

NAME ...... ....... ........... ... ...... .... .


TOW N . •. • . .• _ ...... . ... .. .. .. .. ...... ... .. STREET AND NO . ....................... . STATR .. ........... _ ••• _ . _ • •••••••• __ •















This little dress has ,. bluu stl wltb tront closing Bnd with so oultier tucll. In front and tull lengtb tuck8 In the back . The low n ec k Is trimmed :wltb Il wid e collar and hAil r e movable cbemtBette and staodln5; collar. Tbe three gore sktrt also ('penR In :ront !lnd has a panel, with tucked edges In the back. Tbo his'mp sleevos maT be tuB length or The dress pattern (0376) IB cut· III slIes G. 8, Ie ond 12 Years. Medium site r eQulre8 2~ ya rd!! of 36 Inch rna· terlal. 'ro procure tht8 J!:ltt..... ~fm~ 10 "ent. to ··Patt e rn De pa.rtrnoq t." or thi s paper. Write name nnd addrO" plainly, nnd IMo tll: ure to alvo ..... . Clod u'Jmber ot pa.ttern.. NO. 6375,

811:& ••••• • • ••••••• _ •

NAME ••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••• •••• ••••••


TOWN . . .... ................... .. . ......... . STREET AND NO . ......... . .. ........ _. STATE . ......................... ........... .

...------~-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. Courtship In Oahlma. On th e Japan ~se Is land of Oshlmn In th e Sca of Jnpan th e young l) eOI' le enloy moro f,J e.lo111 In tho matt er or cuurtlng than In ('''''Itml Japan . Tbey are lett to them se lves to seloct their own mates, much after th e fashion of tbe west. Wh e n a young suitor pro. poses to the girl of his choice, the girl declines two or three times as a matter IJt Corm, a ud 10 order tbat she ml\Y e:rjoy the period or courtsblp. Who Invented Che.. ? The honor ot ' inventlng ChOBS bu bee n claimed by at least tourteen nations , and a variety of famous per. sons have been mentioned aM 6[1 1e In. ven tor. rnnglng from Japh et and Shem to King Bolomon nnd Aristotle . It 18, however, generally agreed that Eu. rope got the game from the Arable. "checkmate" b e ln ~ n corrupllon 01 "Shah mat" (" tbe Idog Is dead;'). Had to Get Bu.y, "You must bave had 80rne stron~ inspiration When YOU wrote tWa poem." "VerilY," Bald tbe poet, "I had." "And what was It, may lank." ".A -dIspossess nottc,e ."

Well Chosen, Going-Kid & .Morgan are rannlnlf a lummer hotel ' at the lea.bore, · aDd they call It "The: Break,era)" ,' , k • Haabln-thoy lI~cJt~d a lrO'o !l ' n~e;;~ "

for It. 1"111 the.... m~.ude~


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OHI O Judge, ju mpin g t o his feet an d se l 1,-

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I nj; a l aw book.




" I'm so r ry ~() r yuu, :-; " d," OL SL' rY C<l Cyru s ~I our". ''I' m "O r y f (l r my sa Jr," r ('sp " I1, I I'<I 1'\ ed !l1I), WU, r ll Lilt'r gr ,' '' " ' ' " )''! )'. ~ Loo k h "rl'. C)' ru ~, yo u ' l'I' Ill) I" 'h t C ~1U1ll n lltl yll u un ' Ilw ('utlsi " o f tilt' A'l r l I 1., 1' 1' ) O il Jl llI sl !' 11 0 1\ tH'r fa · Ih Ar " ",I hl~ \\ Ily~ p r " tt ,\' \\ (' 11. IH hI! r eull y tI" , t ('rr ibl.., I )TU ll t t h " y de-

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I I 11 10 } I f "lIld l' r.\r " O il , i f 1 o ll l y ha ll I hat ~(:I !'ll gn.\I' I\ \ , II" I \ \dll "lld up (' yr ll H :\l U<Jrr' :" (' n .. d Lt 11:t . ,,11 " 11 :'\: ~ O I ' I " ",nil ' " .I !I, l "1 1' , 111 gn a sh h i B l p( lfh aor) ju m p Oil y l1U llau t1 a rrut ,.d 1I 1H dl :o' (I) i'\! " t or) II'Hl,l ,.!l8 ,, ( II ,I ' ,I I S e1 nd I Il'\· ( I I II ' OW y uu f I' lI llJ I , I ~o f · 1 11"" "" A~rll ll " f ,' r d _ " ~ " \\'h )'. w h a t h as (' )'rll~ " "t to tl r. oJ ", ' " ,_. I r .... (IT , ' :1 1 fl "e "ill do\\' I kil O\\, t w o rl' lI o ll' s \l lt il It ?" a s\H' t1 t h e UIl ~ OJlh i~ tJl'al l .•1 1 .' 11 '1 11"11" h ,\() 11>01 \\'h o tlI UU 'l li P t o L " i l a u n d lHl bm i t - ~ p d . 1' 1111 11 t4 1\ I d n· r l ' lll a I ', tll l " I n 111 \' :It ol 'I' l l">' t l'd tlll' l r )Jr o S I " '~ t S \(I tl w o l d 1I1a n. " II .. uaH 11Ia )'p d o tle of hi " l .ra!' I ,,·..... • ' JII ' " 1 11. n \',' rill 1111. O n,. ha s Il f l l ow n ltt l tl t h e ot llt'r Is jo k oH o n ), O ll fl l lil I 11'1 11 ta lH' d,.l l cl1l 1 '\ :' " d I h .ll' " ' H ' VI ' r "'1rr·'r .·" ~II I. " .. In L oxlll l'; il ls ('ll1'H \\ hl' lI h " I, UI" III r '" l ni n .:; )" 'l " :-.ied Inoi;,'d p r l' ll ,Y 1'I1u c h con e ' ru e d. all app,'arn n(, 11 "I;a ill ~ . ll l'" ia r pd th e IC b e tlH d nOl Ill' co n 80 m u dl III l o v e, irlll e l i tt l e n ll~s "A lJ-: ut t w o yea r s h e JJ1 1~ hl h lt l'o nOllc(,d a sly t wi nl! (1) a go so nll, j ok f'r" gu t pa pa 10 joL I m l sc! a k l ll g th,' 'Soll a o f ~ 1 ()J I U ij .' Th, ·), gn ,' " him I In th t; ,~ :: e o r lJl ~ a t ,'r r ib lc I lI iliallUII Slid lJ <' II t"' c r cn mradp. " Wl'l l." nh AI' J'I'l' d N ed n f t er a mo - f on : !I'(!s (, " " 11 all ,1 ll uR ton l<1 Ih r. ·hos t. " m en t or "" r io ufl th uugill , ' ')' 11 IJNlrd " I c e r t a lll l )' hal'O put DIY ( oo t In th i s d ps p. ' rat e l ion I n bl R dell , corn e It! " gr ou n t' d p oo r N ed. "Y ou ce rt alnl ), hH" e," ag r el' tl L eila. w h at BJa Y·'· !\' ed \\ UH i n 6 pi J'f~ d w li b 11 0 o r d i na r y "\\' b a t clI n I d o " " l ol' e f OI' )lr r Uy p plt cd L eila A lle n. "Go li nd eee pu pa and p X(Jla i u," a dt h e ull"gf' d og n l 's o nly duug ht er . 11 0 I' l spel L .. lla. ba t! ('0 111(' fl o wn to H o pet o n lit l h e I n· So n1{'hu w ~ I'd cou ld not Rum m o n f '" "'urll , lI :q H' rh m c ' I nlll W t l Ul r ('o() !\I B n llf " 0 4 " llo(l on o r Cy r us ~ I oo r,., . hi ~ c hu m , up t h n ('OUr aK" to do I hb l i e tAJdb UI:l n . OJ ••,h .rt u nll r f'.l r Pf'\, u lull lJ n , NIHH I' tlllltI lIl &,. be t o l1l(' (· t Ill s j a te. It was d ~ c ld e d l ~ u p pa ssed t h!' All en !J omn th !' n ... ~ t (' ve . 0 :1 0 (1. l DLt' tTlalJ ... a l lU Il I . ........ J U I4 A ~ II HL. "hll..t.l p b l. to b i m II O\\' t o ad vise s t /) rn tll g n l fi ed IIl ng . T h ro rt. w(' r e n o li ghl s I n t h e o ld J ud ge A II I' IJ tbat h e w l " b od to h ou "1} and he t oo k u J> h i s at allo n I n WA N T B D lt ~ MA\m::~~EN t 41 :u,n rt In b tl )oo l n 05~ rUT lht' IO "'n lTfHi rllt l ll n., H l' lrncUJ ent er h l B f am il y as a Bo n -In -l aw . t h E' ~ had ll w of u big t r pe. IktI tm CNl, 11(' 01 0 fu· IlJAd\ ' ·h. I"Itn. Nu en pl l&l n t'n d Hd: " T h e f am i l y h avl' g all e {l ut t o 80 m e ~l;~;UiU: ' ~)I\~tl ~~~I~:;~~~:~~iY ~~~:!~~ ~';.~~ T h er e coul d be no p os~ l b l e Obj ACt io n s t o t b l e, c xc ept t h a t N ed h ad n pI gllbor·s. I 8 U I1 P OSC," h e r eHson ed. n o bU 81 tl(~~ d exp er ie n ce and was cr e d- " 1'11 st ay h e r e and (' at cb tb ,'' j u d"'e () c:cua JOn . uII )' Il w ido we r 's I learl Is '" UI OU8 antl Innoce nt o f tb e ways o f 8S h e retur ns ." w ur l . 1H.: d 0" "1' I!y an o ld finnH'. 1f tb l s latter bad not t h e wor Id . It was n ea rl y o n e-b al f a n h our b een tr u(' h e w ou l d ba ve discou n t ed Int er w h p n N ed pr i c k ed up bl s e ar s. Hr p"'(" ' Y' R \ ' t'1' 11I I r0Iot " · 'O"a. ! S h il l " "1 11 (1 M oore's l urid r c f eren c es t o L el l a's T h e ga t f' l atc h Of th e A llen p in eo a n d C'J.JH' I ~ W t) r ul ~ III " "t ry t ~ \'tI ho u r s . Ad\' f a tb er a n d ha v\) r ecall ed M oor e's r e p- c lic k ed a ud som t' on e cam e o u t. H ~ u ta t lon as u IJmctical j oker on a ll r ec og u lzed tb e li gh t ov er co a t t he Hcs i dl1 l1 t s o f O l.:l'a ll Clly, i': . .1 ., lJa vo occasI on , . ju d g e wo r e. A a th e p e d ~8t rll1n passe d vo l ed t o er ec t U II (' \\" C'i l y ha ll. N ed had n o t 118 y e t seen Judg e A l - him N e d st epped o ut from cov ert _ 11m exce pt at a dis tan ce. or a " JUllt a word, ju dge," h e b eganNo tb " U.:ht rul pe r~ n U8"" JI ~ u l<t bl ue, It,. ve rit y t h e jud ge was a r at h er sc v er e bltr! a 1.J!lI cb v r hl uu III 8 Iftl'l:" Uu(J l e of WILl.,., and ul tra-di g n i fi e d l ookin g pe r Ro n. T he w earer ot th e ov er coat sh o t A.k ro, Reo l (' 1'(,.,. \jail 1Ilua. ,\ d v. Ned could sb ow u p p r etty w ell , h o\\,- o u t b l s fl st. dro pp ed so m o t h l n g b e o\'er , a8 to f a mil y In co m e and pros· waG ca rryl o g aud pu t d o wn t h o s treet O ll io bro k e a r e{;ord l as!. yoa r by p ec t s. I f h e wa s o nl y gi ven a c halice on 1\ ru n . _m i lli llg m o r e I h un 3·1,[,00 ,0 00 s ho rt t o presen t hi s cl aims. "Well. t hi s Is qu ee r '" commented t ons o r coa l. " Th llt's j u s t It, yo u see." tl ecl ar ed Nfl<!, st ar I n g v ngu ely a ft er t b e f ug i , Cy r u s. t h e sl y t ea se. " It'a b r eaki ng t1 ,' e. " H e droPp f'd 1\ pa c knge, I " ,.. " rt1 .W l o flltnv ' ,.; S U() lhln ll S y rn p for C h ll dre n t e~ lh log. Mo ft l ' J i S Lilt' J( UD1". n "d u c-e to1 iulh~ nHn" . c l are !" tlo U,UIl U,)' K I-'u ln.c ure s w l ud COIh.:,2:ic u. buule...Ael N etl Bt a r ed h ard as h E' o pen ed a pll low- ca so to find 1'_ 8lufTf'd fu ll or sl l Not There, v er w ar <" documents and j e w elry "Df'ari p., t.h e tl oc to r tiu )' >! n eed li e gu esse d t he or ncl e ~ p eC' <I i l )'-a I;o m {\ (' hall g e ," bu r gl ar h ad l oot ed tb e All en bome , " \\, pll , )' UU l l ee dn' t go l oo king t ak ing th e judge's OV')T(' ont a s \\, pl 1. throu g h ill Y po<! k " t s fo r i t. " N ed Rut d own on t h e f r o nt st eps to awnl t th e r e tu rn of t h e A ll pns St i li Someth i ng Lacking, So on L eil a and b er fu th er ca m e I n to " f)o bbs snYB il l'! IH n m a ti o r :letl on ." vi e w . ,. And so h r: IH. Do bh s can USn " W h y , N ed!" u cl n lm ed t be tla u g h· m o rt' !;COH tu r p. fI an d l ess co mm on Ul! tl SO t er . III a n arg um en t Lh an u n )' o th " r ma n "That y ou n g man ~" g ro w le d t h e J c l' {'r sa w ." Judge, " Y ou 'll find a I!e lt er pas!l wo r d t ha n y our l as t on e, I f yo u expect t o How It Happened_ st ay a r ou n d h er e," " ll nw did H al tl c pa l e l os a h is " Y es. sec- t hi s I s m y pass \\, o r d on m OJl t ' Y ',, " th e pre sc n t. o cca s lnn, " ppl a ln p. d ~I' d " lI au I I1I' ('s t men t ," a s h e h n n ded o ve r th e s t ol en p lunder " W h a t sn r!.? " and ex plai n ed a bou t It . . " li n bac k etl t hree ace s ag ain st a , Th e jud ge wus fnl rl y delighte d t o flu sh .-'- I II d l a n a poli s St a r . r eco ve r paper s ot grea t valu e , h e d e· cl ar ed. N e d t ool! h eart . Went Him One Better, " J udge All en," b e 8al d m an f ully. Attfl nd ant (I n Brl tl Bb Mu seum)"th er e' s o nl y on e pn!.lsw o rd I'll e v er "Th is b uo k . s ir, was o n ce o wn ed by US" . !r y ou coo se n t t o m y p l ea f or C' l eNo ." A m c r l ca ll Tourl st - " P sba w! h ap pIn ess." that's n othin g. W h y. i n on e of our "Antl what·s tb a t T' o skt' d th e "That Young Man," Growh:d the Am erI ca n mu seums we h av o tb o l\ad judg e. Judge, pencil w llh wh ich Noab use d to cb ec k " L '.! lIa-fl r st , l ast an d all or tb. 0 1T th e an i m al s as tb ey came out of Ih e firs t Ice wltb the jud ge that Iime- L ellaJ" tb e Ar k ." counts." (Copy ri gh t . 1913, hy ·W . G. Chapm an.) "Say, couldn't y ou In t r od uce me?" To Clean Light WOOlen, 8uggestetl N ed wllb ea gprn ess . M a k f' a m ix ture or co rn m ea l. a h and"M e? Wh ),, " deciaretl Cy rus , " I t ful of bo ra x , and h a lt a ca k e o f m ag,,' ould doom y o ur c ase at th e start. M i x thi s dry. a nd scrub th e Tru t b I s, 1 am down I n tb e judge's Inunlty Found to Be Alarmingly on n es ln. the Increne I n the First City goo d s wi th It. To c l eau woo l shawls, bad books tor a jok e I rl ay etl on of illinois. Bwea t er s, etc ., s prinkle th f! mi x tur e Itl:n. Mixe d UIJ so m e l aw r ef ere n ce s ov er t h e ga rm e nt, place In sid e a s hee t h e bad In an Impo rta n t ca Re a nd C hi ca go h as just comp l et \' d a cell' fol d .. d se l'e ral tim es, untl beat Ii ghlly. mad e a monk ey of b l m i n o pell c ourt. H e ne ve r forgl1v e m e . O lt, sny ! " su s an d alarm Is r elt ol'pr t h e flgu r es, It I s s urprl Hi tl g h ow Illu ch th p. bo r ax fa irly sh outed C yru s, a s t h ou gh s tru ck \\'h i ch sh ow an In crnn sp. of 2G I)f' ! lJ R ~ I " t " ill I h p r l p ll n ln ~ pr ocess. of t J'L' Ul elldous cen t. In Insa nit y , with t h e i ncrea sfl I n L y a Budd plI Idr a I " Il ulatl on on l y l ~ pc r c ent. in f OUl f orc e. - " tb p v e r y thltI K:" "Wh a t Is ?" In quired N c r! hop e f ull y. y enr a. D ; . H . I. D a vi s, c {l u n ty p h ys l " Why didn ' t I thin k o f i l b e for e ! " c lan o f Ceok co unty, IlJlJl o l~ . d(' t:iu r e9 : sxc lai m ed C yru s, " m a ~ n i fken t ! I t that th e n umber of in sa ll o peo p le in solves th e proLl p m . I call l'L1t y ou CI P~sell s t eadi l y en ch :;car . I t Is a raet , ho w el'p r , th at t ho un dtl o In Just ri gh t w ith th e Judge- hurI nc r case in In snn lty i R ill lIJan y I " . r ah! l. D . L . A . S . O. ~ I ." " Ell : ,. st a r ed tb " b e wi lu f' r cd Np d, sta nCf' R confin ed t o ct' r ta l n s e c U (J n ~ 0 1 w on deri ng If b l s fr i en d was t ak i ng t h o coun t r y In (' y(' l o~ or wa\'(·s. T her o w ll ~ be a p er i od in w hi ch a tlI a r k ",1 inl eu ve of hi s se n seR. .. 'I De arl y L ove A So n or er "' ISO In m en t al d n l'11 l1 u ."n (' n ~ w il l b e n o t ed . T h l! n st a tl sl iI'S w ill su tltl en l j' ?Jomu s' -see7" pro polllHh !d ('y r u~ . " I don't ," c on f esse d !'o:e d In h Oil e- Bh lfl and th e luna cy n llio 11' :11 ;:0 COW;] I n ~ p c t io n s wh ero It was hi gh IlI l d g o l eu s wonderment. " S ec r et Boc l et y . G r en t go i n t o wn "I! In s('c t lons w l1Pr e i t was eo tll pa r a· tW Ol y .. a r s ago. Got th e judge t o ti 1-,,1), l o\\' . J u st wb at I s (h e r "a~o t. f n r rt " l (·r m i ll ed . a l· JoI n . Inl tiat e tl h i m. F'lrsl t b ing y ou t l Ji ~ h us n ot lJ e(m and Cream 'If, wb en y ou !leI' him ~ 1((lI lt th llt ut I hough a Jl t' niHtH a ll ll o t h "r s ha H ' o rf!'r l 'd lU I so r t s o f t' ~ p l " Jlati o ll s_ <I ' m . Th en g il' " t h e pas s word " O ne of tllf1S0 Is t ha t w hl ' n a I/,'rl'1l1 " W hot Is I t ," I nqu i r ed :'\ cd iu hI s The re-s a delicious smack ca l <Jl !l i Ly b efuli A a c OlnnHl ni t y "IIl ldr" lI a r ll c ~ s \\'a y. cn'll-hing o n . bol'll o f paren t s who h an: tiu l'f er e d " S e~ Q uep(' tl n II an ." in these crisp, appet izing bits mu ch t hrou /: b t l1<'1 cl! laJlJll y 11 1'0 l il, el y "Wb at'll b e do th en '! " of toasted corn that brings " R ecog nize you a s a h r o t her m em - l o be b orn m ental l y ddl r l "n t . T Ill' brightness and good cheer to b er - t ak e you to hl a fratern al a n d pa r ... nt ~ tb p.nJ sl'l ves I11 f. )' no t. ~ u~e r i n ay b ecn uRl? , Iw ir,. ru ll y gr() wlt l l l:l ' w m a ny and many a breakfast O h . bo w lu c k)' I ' Internal arm s . 'h ou gh of It !" and C y r \l s chU Ckl ed an d ma tured m eJl tn ll ),. d w y su r vlv o table . tho sh ock . • 1Il h e w r l g gi etl . In perfect I;o od fa i t h N e<l Dayton Toas ti es a re untouched by One on the Lawyer, called a t th e o ffice o f Judge A ll en H o Rt nted his H er e's r, hIt o f c r os s-examin n tlon hand in mak; a nd come in t h e followin g ,d uy . n am e, Y es, h ill h o ~ t had b ea rd blm dug up by a Jo v i al l a w y er f r om bl s tightly s ealed packages- clean m entione d b), hi s tl au g bt er, but b e fund or r e mIni scen ces: and sweet- ready to eat with said so gruffly and h e scann ed th e Q . -N ow, w h a t w er e t h e ex ac t words cream and sugar, y oung man over as I f b e w a s on the used b y th e pri son er w?! en h e s poke to witn ess slllnd. you ? " Judge Allen ," spoke our h ero, " t A .-He s aid h e stol e the watch . ha ve com" on a v ery particular orQ _-No, no. H E' wouldn ' t bave used :and , but first--'I. D, L , A, S, 0 , M.' '' t h e third p erson, "What!" A ,- Bu', t h ere was no · third person; The eminent jurIst turned black In only the two of us, the face" He I!'8Ve his innocent ViII' Q,-TlJ en be must have Raid : '') ltor a temble loo,k, stOte the watch." ... Selq~epedaUaD"" added the . over A,-Begorta, maybe you dId, but he oooftdent ,l<{ecl with .a knoy(~ng Imlle, didn' t _BQUeal on you.-ClDcinnaU ; groeers everYwbue. ~...hT! '" falrt,. shrieked ilia I oi ~me.Star.

" :\ ... <1 ," f'X pl a itH' d Cyril :;, Ao\(· mll lr. " h (l 's ~ t rl ' l'l1l irT O1,!r n JI (I ' II prob uLl1 y

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lJ ul'en Wilh el mina h as t o l d t h e D u ( ch parliam ent tb u t 11 bJlJ I s to be Intro d u ced fo r t. h e dra in age of th " Zu ydar Zp{' 8 0 aR t o ror m a n ew p r ov in ce. Thi s b od y o f wnt c r wa B ro rm erl y a luk'l HIJrrou nd ed by marsbes, 11.8 prellp ot cJo; t ent at 80lll e 2,0 00 8q uare III I!C8 b eIn g c hl et\y th e r esult or flood s In t h e tblrt ee nth ce ntury _ It Is fro m t e o t o n i n e t een fee t d ecp.



Tb ese are tbe pI ck ot th e wom en lolfera of A m eri ca, Including Canada, and Borne from Great Drltaln , wbo bal'e b een playlnl at the W ilmIngton (Del.) Country club ror t h e Internatlonal go lflng hon o rs. Am eri c an t ea m , Itandlng. left to r1ght: Miss M a rlon Hollins, MIss G Bt s h oll, M Iss Margaret Curtls, Miss K. H a r le)', M i ss Lillian Hyde, Mrs, R . H , Barlo w and M 1'1>8 H arri et Curtls. BrItish t eam. l ert t o rlgbt : Mi ss l\Ioss C ry81 er, Mi se Frances Scott, Miss Viol et Poo lley, 1', [ l es Francos Han ey, Mi ss M ab el Harrison, Miss Glad)'s Rav il n scroft and 111188 MurIel Dodd.







Post Toasties

','....., ;.

Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve

H. '1;,

PIndell of Peoria, Ill., here BSSD with ble sponsor, Senator J . Ham, Won Lewll ot illinoIs , baa b een IIlated for appoIntment all a'm busadllr to Jillisla, but opposition has developed on the ground that be has not always been a COD SiB t ent Dem9crat, and tbere III IIke~ y to be a figbt In the senate over hll eonftrmaUon, Mr, Pindell's opponents In DUnola called attention to the tact that he dJd-nbt IIUpport Mi; Bryan wt1en he ""'BII a candidate , foJ' the . p r esidency . and the lec~tary of ltate II bellov.ed tQ" bo , ualn. 1lIa' lnllueuce . . " : ' '.'

Elihu f.oot, :Jr.• 80n of United Statea Senator Root, 18 one ot tbe brigb, y oung membe~ of the N e w York bar of wbl)m much III expected. He bat ;ooen, on~ of tM uBoclate COUllI!!I ' In ',the · 'Impllacbment, trial ot GoYSMlOl _ Su~lIr ' :._,




I .







5014 by ~



.___________________________ [J1dai~~s] ------------------~~---- NEWSPAPER WILL COME HIGH Xenia

G.rm.n Publication, Somewhat Out . ,~f the Ordin a ry, 18 to Coat $75 a Year.


erlcan v

A newspaper al $75 a yellr! S uch is th~ record for 1ho high cost of rending to be established by a pub· JiBhing hon ac in Berlin. Tho !lew The SAFE boy s' magazine j oumal wi ll take the unrne, 'rhe Rer " clvC' nHlIllh .. U fO i Q!1 b"lllJtul l'Illn '"oJ II Y<iI a year view of Reviews, or The Chronicle of ~ 'I!:,~::; t~::1 r:~ : ,' ~:l ':~ I:~; ',1,:~ .~~'.\:;I; ~.I :.~I ;: ~~Il.~ ';:~':, ~; Chronicles, or T he J ourna! of Jour· nhl lli h . :0. 111 11 / ' .ln M"l r l ll ", .. \tlf1",",'lf I r ., I ,· I, nd \ .' It · \o li n ' , nl h" ,t l, ... I I ,.. t , <I ' ... , h ,..,, 1 1,(.<, 1, \' nRl s, or The Times of the Times, or ' '' ' ll ul ,I r I,n, .. ' ... 1" .. 1 1" , ,' 1 1\ .. 101 ",\' 1,, 1 ' ~ r ll ~' I"M . '- ' Ih ' n fl l, ' I.,,, Il ll r .liH l lu ll Il lld , 1! 1!,' r some other t itle which will indicate "I".rho, I h-' I'ar!!!"" I! " .,,' \1 ,·,1. ,,11 1,,", ":1 ",' 1,' 1.-1 1 II Hlltll{rll l,l , \ , 1" 'I 'tl l l r . ~"" ' " "". 11 , \ \\ I.l .\l uk, ' li t oll~e its nristocr'lltic supremacy. 'fh l n j.(M., Ht ulU l l I \I1 I1I ' / ' IIII~. , ' II I,'k "O ", ",,"t,' h.r ' ''111111 61:, 1 1I \'. ' ul 1,)11" , lid !\ j, tul'"ld " ".J fIo l /Il'f', Paris Bugge ts that its German own(' r~ coill il sililply "The Daily NewsThe AItI' n ' 01 .1 , 1 ~ I 111 1 \ " ' . 111.11 1'1 I i ptLp r," somewhut after the Roman rashion of caUing Rome just pl ain T he Mia mi (;lI~.' It, · l'q.': 1I 1.11 1'1j l'~ ' "U rbs." T he supreme newspaper wil\ be n dnily journal of econoinica alld politics, say tho founders, begg ill g pnrdon for using nny form of t hl! word "cconom ical" to describe a news paper at $,),5 per annum. The fo unders further tillV that their object will be to defe~d German's. p0litical Iwd com mcrcial interests in forei gn coun tries. For .patrons the newspaper hilS three large banking Funeral Director. hOIlS(,S, two steamship companies, some na val construction contrnctors Telephone day or night . and several nmmunition- factories. V~Uey phon·e No.1. Long THe .Jou:mal of Journals will be the Dlsmnoe No . 69-2r. TRA DE MARJ\5 imperialist organ par excellence. The Cr.SIGN!: government hUB already given it a Automobile 8ervlce at all Times COPVnlc.HTS <I.e. ~ ltbs i,j'y of lj;250. No ustonisbing tt1~{~.tI~n!,,~.~I:~_~! : ~~ (~I~rll :',~ :~ ~: I~,I.'III (~~ ~':~~~r: ~:; ;:!.~ I,~r. 11I ' !Jlll \lIn I. l, r l/luILl y ,.u l" ILt n ld ll. ( ''' l l l l1l1l1 l ' ' Il . S li rll. 'ril e price of three subscrip- WA YNESVILLE, I lfl tU. 1t1 r l (' llf' (" ' IIIIlIUIlIItI I . HAN ltU'JOK f ) ,1 " ' lIl 'll l . OHIO • ' O; ~:~lt:I':~~ (fl,~II!~:~: ~1r.~::,';~I:v ~ I~;~·'·:: ' ~(~I .~ I.. r;~:,IO'4I'y~ t iO ll s ! tp(citJl f w t tct. WII h"ul CIU''''':l'- I n thu Branch Office, Harve~sburg, o.


II fltl ,' 11

1 'III ~ t,

Beca use . b ll y ing in la rge q l1 a ntit ie ~ , we ge t th e good s as ch eap as uo th c city stores. Thi s, together witll the fa ct that o m rent!' anu oth r L':-; pl' ll Sr S arc so much less , we are ella bled to q uot e yotl a far be ttl'r price. No store ca n g ive yo u better serv ice.

, 1'I\ h, ~ ,



Our Motor Tru ck will ueli ver good s to

yo ur door anywh ere with in a radiu s of 25 miles.

Walter McClure

S~i¢nUfit .nm~ri~~n,


A h 'lnne nnl r l, 1I 11I -'r nl" " WI' !''' l'".

culllUou lit II II V

Public Sale

,. 11\

I 111.,'

E. v.

We extend to you a most cordial invitation to come to our store and look around. We are always glad to show you,

Furniture, ••







TbuJ"lday, Octo~r 30, 1913

Too Noveli8t-I can do my beet . BegtODIPIr ~, ~ . o'olook, the tolwork when it is hot. 10wlDg ohaUela :. II )l~aee, 4 oatt.le The Girl- Then you've got a anctlurmlDI Implements. See bllls f(li .terma. . f I great futuro before you. 111'8. LlIUItl Skong.' TRA~EL OVE.R G~LD.. .~. A. Mo~el). ~~~\: ..

Victor Victrolas



80ng Bird


"A Norsy Animal."

WUUau! SmUh of Upuer HollowaY _ _ _,;;;;;;;;w;..............................._ _ _ _ _ _ _-----,..,..,...,..----...,.....,.."...,-- Will! 8ummoned to tho /'forth LondoR police oourt a few duys agIO for "keepreal estate In Turtleoreek township, lng a noisy anlmnl" to the annoyance Common Pleas Court $3449.60. or hts nelg hbor~ . New Suits. T. C. Patterson, auditor, to Eliza- It appears that Smit h OW1lH an IIi. J. W. Lingo vs. Ueorge W. !lnd beth Hathaway land in Wallhington regulated thrlltlh whi ch starts si nging Welley C. Rush. Money only. townshiP.' every morning at ~ : 30 o'clock. ~ mlth weakly pleaded thut J.t was a love ly Lizzie Clark VB. Barley C. Clark. Thomall E. Hoover, exeoutor, to ! songster with a !lice lTI f' lI n w !late. Divorce. Wllfu\l absenoe. Austin Thaokara, 86 oores in Cloar_ In ord er to escape Infl exl hle English E~ma M. WillB vs. James Law. oreek town -hip, $722 5. justice he had to promise to bottle It rence Wille. Dlvoroe. (1roslI neg· up In II ~lRcl[ roOIll eVf'r y n1 l1rning until (j rP"fle<'tnhr e h Ollr or th G! awakening Con'mlssioners' Proceedings leo' of duty . At. Joint meeting of the oommls- of thfil neigh oorhood. International Correspondenoe Co. - - - - - and International Text Book Com· sloners of Warren, Hamilt8n and Saved His Foot pany of SorautoD, Pa., vs Thomas Clearmont counties, it was agreed Nevllle. Appeal bv plaintiff. to oon8truct a temporary bridge H . D. Ely, of Bantam, () , sull'ored Eva D. COIllo VS. AlberSo G.Co~lo. over the Little Miami river ut from horribll! ulcer on his foot for L::Jvelllnd . Hamilton oounty to pay four yeo.r8. Dootor advised ilmpu · Divoroe. Neglect . Claudia M. Welser vs. The Cleve· 76 per (lent of the oost and 'Varren tation, but he refused and reln c. tantly tried Bucklen's Arni oa 5£1\\7 e land, C1Dolnnliti. Chloaio Bnd St. and Clearmont to pay 25 per 0!10t- aa 11 IU>lt resort . He t.hen wrote: Louie Ry. Co . Monev. Damagell of the oost. "1 used your iUllve !lnd my foot was Contraot WBII made with Oregooin soon oompletely om·ed ." . Best by reason of fill. $8690. . Bridge Co for a 8teel beo.m bridge remedy f~burnR , cntK, bruiHA!:I !lnd Proceedings on Lytle and FIve Point !>ohool eC:lema Qe~ 1\ box todllV · Onl\" 2['0 . , , All drng~!~t, s or hV mo.!!. H. E. Wm. H. An'ram VS. Western house road, near Charles Kelsey 8 Bu -, Ideo & Co, Phillldelphin or HI . Union Co. TransGerred farm, west of Dayton pike in Clear- I [.. ouls . from 'be UniWd litates OOUI t to the oreek township, '131 .2J. -- - -Common Pleas cour' of Warren Contraot made WIth Bert Reed Tested. county. for pnttin~ In a. "'-ft. 36 iooh oorru. "Eighty dollnrs for a set of tires Is Stase of Ohio VI. Charles Guest. gated sower on Kings MiHslln,l Fos- pretty Htltr." said Jip so n. "llnveu't got IIny t hlll ~ c1waper?" Convloted of pointing fire arDlS at tor road by Will. Brenner'!!; oon· you "Sure." sai d t he an'a hlll suleHmun. J. E . Janney. crete rlprap at Albert Eaingfiol ll '" "I hnve a RfOl here you can have for titate of Ohio V8. Wm. Braden. on Hamilton oounty line: oonoretu : ton dolIarH." BooSlegglng. Plea. of gumy to two snd IItone pro'eotion to bridge and "Tell. ('h?" so ld JlpROlL Tbat ·s good counle. Fined SlOO and costs in eaoh repair of J·OI8' and fioor b Bert aod cheap. Id ow lIhout ' (' m - l:'fP they Y /Jood lor Llny·th lng? ~~v (' r had (O m t(,st· R eed's farm OD Mason !lnll Le\:;anon ed Y" 0BII1l • • State of Ohio vs. Roland BUes. pike In Deerfield township. ' 7 1.70. "I shollid bny so ." said th!' sales. Pocket.ploklng. Tried Bnd conviotContraot made with Lewis A tkin mUll. "Tlw,.·v " Ira n ·I,·1! IIV( 'r ~;O . OO O son for oonorete culvert on Philliptll mil,,!! ~lr'·ad;· . "- II"rp. , I ·s \\" F~· k l y . ed. Stale of Ohio VII. Finn Reeder. Pike, by Lewi!! KeHer's in Clear. Cause of Insomnia Pleaded no' gumy to three indict. oreek town8hip, $105 .30. ....- - mentl!. In default of $11,6110 bond Th e m o ~t COlilruOU cnuee of in. sorn DilL is r:i~l) rdtl · ~ I) f tho stO llllLCh he is remanded jail. Tonight and oonstlp!l t.ion Cbambfl rlaln'lI Marriage Licenses Tn. bletl! oorreot th , ~e dlsordor~ anll Tonlgbt, If you feel dull and you to sleep. For sl\le hy uJl Zen. B HiUenour, flumer tc Mrs. stupid, or bilious and oonstlpated, enable take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets delilers . Eliza K. Foa.kes, of FOB'er. ..nd you will feel all right tomorrur. Oscar Gibbs. laborer, to Mrs. row. For sale by all dealers . Carrie M. Hardy, both of Lebanon . - - --.- ....- - Jame8 M. Mills, employed at Hla Only Chance for Peace. "A malcontent." mused the man at KirJge Mills to IIlss Elsie Freeze, the head of the tabl e, "Is a man who both of Bouth Lebanon. THE OREAT.aT II neyer satllfied with his lot. The ~eal Estate Transfer. only one that could bring peace to his W, B. Uraham admr to 0, T. and rebelJlouB Bplrlt la the family lot." IN THE WORLD O. J. Edwards 41 17 aores in Wayne lUBUSBED WEEKI.Y. $4.00 FER YEAR True to Her Word. "wn.hlp, 13 ••0•. IIMI!L8, DRUclOI8TS, SPECIALISTS, Black-"She said on her wedding day 008TUMIItS, TRAH8FIlIt, DAB W. J. Emmons to Franole Sellers ODe-half InterNt In real estaM In that .he would go through everything AND "U. ..ItVICE OAH PROF"' for him.". Whlte-"Well, I guess sbe 1 8V USINO ITS ADVERTISINO COLU.MH8 Turtleoreek township. 134411.60. bu. I loaned him a t~nspot tlils morn· SAMPLE COPY FREE' Tboma. E, Hoover, executor, to Iq.H-Judp. .... ,... HIW YOIiK CLIPPEIt : J'nuo!t Bellerll, one·half ln~felt; In N. . Yo"'. II. V. L '- . ,. . ~. 'A




u . c..:.

D H.E.

Do you know that we have the largest Furniture, Carpet and Stove House, , in the State. outside of the Big Cities.


~ t.. ' VUlllUlll u fI,

I wi ll offer Bt pu blio Bo.le At my ~~~111111~~~~~~~~!'!"""~ resideuoe Ii mlle8 !\outh 01 N tl \V i(. HATH A W A'T Burlington, Ilnd 2 mUeS' west of KIDfCDl"n. on the Camby MUl rand, on • \'!I\j 'lfJ!\ l'ill e 's Lotullnj1 DonUH$ Office in Keys Bldll. Maln 8t Thl.lrsday, Oct~t JO, 1913 BSlllnnlng at 10 o'olook, tbe fol lowlll l(: Borses, cattile, hogs, fbrm · log implements and household BARNHART, goods . • ties ·bllls for terms • ." B. F . Mills. Notary Public Wm. Mme, Auot. . 1 All kinds of N 'It·n rv W or k Pen!llOD Work It ::lVl'olulty. \ J will ofter a' pub]lc sale at my re8idenoe 1 mile ~eat of Ly'le, On

Our Motor Truck Delivers Furniture to Your Door

20-24 N. Detroit

L.,r 'o", ,,' r lr· '1 ', I I . " - ;1 n

M"U:NN"&"CO~3~';B~~~~~~;:'~few·'yor~ Dr.ucb Otl!co. Gl6 Jr


"<l l tll !! !.





Gold-beari ng rock IS belDg used on rond.s ILL Co~ uiILe, Ore. A mining nlnn n amed ,Yilson, who has been in th e Routhcru Oregon gold wines for \'1\ J l!nfS padt, believing that the "rock Lci ng tl SN for road paving purposes cnrricd gold In paying quantities . . .' spot sa mples of the rock t~ Vll"glDla City, Nev., for aeaay, recelVed word thot specimen yielded $G.40 of gold to the ton. The rock is supplied by the (.'()Unty of Coos from its quarry . . four wIIC'8 from CoqUIlle. Large quantities of the sarne material are being placed on the county road between Coquille and Myrtle Point. Tho ro~k ~s being excavatt.'Ii from Il mountainSIde.


. . .. . 1 • We wUl ofter .at Pobllo tiale on MoOday, Novem~ I', 1913 Beginning at 1 p, m., 'he farm belonglnl to . the beirs of ,Inoob Cornell, dece'Bed~ ,I 'rblB farm Is "ltutlted ; llbou, 376. mUes yvest: of Waynenllle and IX mUea 81l1l' of RldgevUle, ·trontlpi on 'he lower Idprlngboro rOlld. oornering at Yen RbIs Stdlon:- ' Bald <.farm ooni,ins 88X ·aore.. W8 ... m eell at ttie sllme tim'!. a 10~_ oonsillSlng of 1 aore of grollnd, wltli go~'d frame hOUSQ. tobacoo barn aDd 8tat\)e rlgbt at Vena111e I:5tatlon.~ee; .bllJd for termp. .. " ~ I Trena 0 , '~aineson


C. '1'. Hawke, A,,~, ;

Funeral Dirrctor dEb I . an m a mer, W '11 Oh· aynesvi e, 10. ".. "Call answered promptly day or night. Both pho!1es in Office and Residence. tt~~ dlstance,No. 14; Home phone Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals . Best of service guaran teed . ~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~= :-•

Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic Physician 21 Broadway

Phone 449






Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8 :30 to 12 o'c1ock -


Bingle-What do you think of the 1fonUl1y 1tfcgatherinm ( Jingle-G rcat magazine l Fine fiction I I've just read the opening 70 pages about what it will contain during the next fow months, and shall get rig ht at the following 70 poge8 uLout what it already has this month. - Jud ge.


I will Bell at. publlc . anollon, at Office, corner Main and High streets my retlidelloe, 1X miles lonth of Phone No. 100 Roxanna. and' millll nortb ot Cor win, ·near the L. M. R : R . ou f·he fa.rm kn')wn .118 the Marh Compt \n ~rm, .

Thursday, November 20, 1913 Commenolnjf at 10 o'o)ook, &. m. the follo~lng property, ,yvlt: 4 B oraes" I • Ca ttl e, '"°8 B ORS, 100.;,b u . bels of Corn In oril;l, 8 &ona o. Hay in mow; Straw in bll1(lf1, Fodder in LABOR. shook. 800 I)uehela · Potatoel, ' 12 aoree Whea.' 111 gro1lDd. i'armID~ Kni ckr r- I IInJ ersland Joncs does Implement. j !:Illo Bnd 4!J tonll of'i!ID• night work? 91la~A i Bousehold Goods, Hee bills ' Bockcr- Yes, he explains to his for terms . M. M. IIlarnhart . wife where ·he lias been. ·,Vm. MIIIB, Auot. Wayne t;mlth. Cler ~-. RETURN FROM 'T HE CHASE.





Dr. · J. A. McCoy, VeterinarY

Oraduate of Obi 401 l t1' ft" . 0 ~ !l. mver ... " : . ....... .., .

Offic.e, at . residence in F, ll. Sherwood's house, Fourth Street. . .- Telephone 28 .



"D~. j; w,. ~llLER,

"John, what does this tag, $1.20, ' Mrs. Willi_Is sue advl\Ilcedf ., .,. . Mrll. Ollllll-Frlghtfully 80. SIla ta l . ' 1>.. . . on these rabbits meh?" ;T , .~. ENT,I ST••• "That? Oh--el'-that's the hour the Buffragette leader of a ns,!, J'el~ lou8 sect In a Socialistic commUlllU'•. '...:. J . • •. ,' . I shot thcm !"- Puck. where they talk nothl~!! .but imtv... 'N t~~~Doi Waynesville. 0 ..1 language. . ,~. ,'~. HAD NOTHING ON THEM.

Mrs. Kicker-The Filigrees have a Corot in the dining·room. Mr. Kicker-That's nothing. have a whistler in the kitchen. FEW OF THEM DO IT.

Ascum-What in your opinion is the bellt business to which a young man cnn give his attention P Tellit-His own. OPTIMIST. optimist, paP" & person who caD see th!!! silver lining . ~be pta his eyeoa the cloud." . . i '<WhAt is


"An optimiBt is










I'u ulio" u", W l'ul.ll'~



b"il h. ,

C lialo

r---------'-·-------t The Neighborhood News o-~----.--.-.--------.-------

~I A I ~


Bellbrook. \' .\I I. EY

T"I.E I ' III J. I';' , ' \1.1.

CUll!' Bl'e lsford wu s giv on 110 W fl dn e~ day evening by a lUer r y oruwd 1.1 friend s lInl, re la · Li Vt'l< wb o co Il tl d lit bi ll hum e ill 1ll""1J1l6 O l)s t UIIH' ~ . Tu e alIai r WUIO S I 110 .ua Il cO Ulpluto ~u rpri ljfl nnd muc b Il mn ~e m e nt Wll ~ oUUHUj by hi 8 t'lIort t o illtlntify biA cu11e rM befo re tb"y ~II .

LI . L. ( ·ltANJo:. Edil ll !' and Manager

Hult·s (If S ub:;crivliun 111 '\ ' tll,r l ~l rk ll y i n l1c1 \llr wl· l .. :.; lI g h · ( 'upy j


. \I·adrnJ( 1 1I,' ,liN , I 't ' /" 11 1141

( ""11 . I"'r iii,,' lilt' \-1 I'l . uot t( , \' ,\t'Ot.'li 11\ 'lO t' "" Tl,roo 11I' (·rllo ll• .. ..... . .... 15<:

" '"oIi,, ~ 1., ,,.,,1>. . 1,1 "'h IUM:fiUud


' \~.

lI\'u 11lt.' hl· ~ Irl 't ' uvu r n\'o in l' h od, pur li u "' . ....•. .. , .... . 5<: t rd 0 1 t.htLukH ., .... 15<: ~Oc , - " M dll LIU lJH . l 1dldd t·tt: , wtll'l"O c 1l11 '-' Is m ad e . 111c "' Jll u), ..\d \'urtlsloj{ IK illd1 . ... . . ... •. IOc I HgcoU lllli g l vUIl IU cuutrac t . \1J \ ' h:~ I IIt,;lt

r,. I UD

FRIDAY, TH£: 30TH, 1913. - -For the last five yeanl we have chroni cled t he news in th e Miami Gazelle as near as we could get hold of it. At times we hav e missed small item8, but when an accid ent has happened we have a lways placed it before the public as near correctly as we knew how. We have always extended our sympathy to those in distres.'l, and little did we ever think that we would ever have t o have sympathy extended t o us on account of a n accident. But, we know that we did have an acciden t --no one knows better-that of a badly mashed foot, that got mixed up in t he cy lind e r press The best way to tell this stosy is that it was done. and we are laid up at home for a time , at least. The Miami Gazette will go on under the efficient management of Mrs, D. L Crane, as general superintendent; Thomas Pierce, make·up and job man; H. V. Walter, (we suppose we are rea lly lucky tQ have a broth er-in-law as a printer) assist· ant editor, and Miss Lucy Emley, compositor. Now, if we have any friends who want to set type while we are at h ome, we wil1 be ~4. glad______ to ilee _________ _ them.

NO HURRY TO CLAIM REWARD At Leut Manager Old Not Think H e H a d B00 ked HI a C ompany 80 Far Ahead. The recent announcement tbllt the daughter of the lale farnoUB Jack llnverly, who is living in poverty in Now York, is to have a rousing benefit recalls the testimonial tendered to hi s widow about a dozen years ogo by Primrose & Dockstader's minstrels. Jllmes H. Decker was manager, nnd took ch arge of Ule olIair and mude it n success. M fS. Hnverly (Bince deceased), overcome with gratilucle, WOB at n loss to Bhow how she appreciated the work done in her behnlf by the indefatigable rno.nnger . Finally nnd with much feeling she said: "I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Decker, for your goodness, but if you don't ~t =- YOUl'"l'ewriro in tbis world you surely will in heaven/' And J!ll11eB H ., taking only time to shift his cigaf, replied: "I don't think we piny there iliis BCll8On."Chicago J ournol . -

~ \IrlJri ~ ('I

unrnu~k e d . ILUU Vil rl uus

Mu s ic

wu s

furni tth ed

ga lllell were plny.1d wli ich 1.1 three co urse lun ch wae lIerved . Harriet Graham, w bo w'ike~ h or h Ollle wi th her niece, Mrs . Mnltbur WILH taken to ~t Elizu IJeth 's HOBpit ill today . A ftlmily reunIon wall held at tbe 110me of Mr. lind Mrs Chell. Cumer IlI tlt SuntI .. y . Mrs . J ohn Pennewit gave a pltlno reoital at t h e Town hl111 last Ijatur duy evening t o a crowded houlle. Mii:lil Carrie Kemp, of Dayt,oD, vhlited her sister Mr. U R Peterson IIntl family last week. Vaugbn Griffe'8 will move on HerterL Tate'8 furm n H t week . - - ...- - - (Oel14),oo ) .. fl,to r

Dr. Daw~on of n eal' the Washing . ton Mills has ~old his farm . Pearl Underwood bas returned fr LDl a two weeKS at Oxford Uh·io. 1. F . Weaver and family have been entertRining hlR brotber Jame8 Weover I1nd wife of Elk Point. S Dakota for tile ptlllt week. Curtis A ostin i8 on the lIiok list. Willis Bnmgardller is vi8iting r ·' I· I\ti ves In Detrol t . Mr.!. F . Weaver and son, John, Rnd Cbas. Brelsford attended the funeral of a relative, C. B. Whit · tington, at Zoar la8t Friday . Miss Nellie Penewlt of thlll plaoe Rnd Mr . fhornton Aohor of Dayton, were married at the bride's hOlDe las t Tbursday evenilig. Mrs. John Edwards and daughler Florenoe spent last l3unday with ber mother at Mlbmlsbnrg The fir8t Dumber of the Leotnre Course Was given In 'he town hl111 last Tueeday night by 'he I.1wanee River Male Quarte', t.> a orowded house. The Bath House whioh 18 looa'ed on tbe Magnetio Sprlngl! grounds, bnrned to the ground las' Monday .. t noon. ~ " rril'd, la~t Wednesday, by ReT. ~al ,l,f IJ l:;rtoD, Beber Yundabaugh and Mrl ~nrl\b Carpenter, both of this piIM. Wlllill L .. n~1 " lI:e r hall purohased tbe Naomi t.111 ~" proper',. on Bouth Ysin 8treet.

- --


- ...-

- -


. . .--...-..-.i

Mr . I~nd Mrs Peat'! Stewart Wf're f·h e guests of Mr!! . Mildred Etlg le ti uncl llY night . Mr8. M. E. WilllOn and dl\ug h tt1 r Loui so Hud R. C. Garner were DIlY· tun vi!'i t or!! t-!a t.nrullY MIHIl Wln onll MoDonal d VIlli!! IhLl week end Iluest of Mr. lind Mrs. Ubn s Mlidde n, nf West Main s treot. 'I'llI' A . M . E . ohu rob gave I I Nooiul a t Town Hall Sat urday night whi ch netted t,bem 0. goodly 8UDl. Our merol.Jtlnts are deliglitml "1'1 th tbelr fall trade.


Nervous and ~jck Headaches 'l'orpid lIl'e r. oonstlpated bOWAI~ anll disordered st0U1aoh ore th e OlHI8ell of thelle btadn cues . Tttk f' Dr. King-II New Life Pills, you WI II be surprised u ow q ulokly you wi II get r e lief . They s tirnultlte th e air ' teront orgllu8 to do their Nork properlv . N o better regulator for liv er lIud bowels T,.ke 25 ) IlOli inves t In a bOI today . At bll drug' gl8tll or by mill I. H . E . Blloklen & Co Phl!adelphia and St. Lonls

----_ ..

- --Beech Grove .

Mis!! Roth Dan berry Rpent t:lunday With her bome f olk!! at Mltson K. E. ~'hompRon and wife were Ronday gueAts of Lon Brannon and wife . Mrs. Ama ndll Garner nnd dao gh. ter MIs8 Je ~l!le entertained on I:;unday tbe following guest" Alm on Ferrl8 aDd ftlmily a.n d A . B. Till· mage Rnd family . Mrs. Poletha Ellis bal! retu ; n ed to her home In Indiana after !!p<'l nd in~ a week with her 81ster Mra. MlLrtha W . Thompson .' A. B Talmage Bnd wife, Lon Brannon and wife, B . C. A tltinson aDd wife, and Geo. W , Davis and wIfe are delegates the Quarterly meeting to be l1eld at Sugar RUll on Saturday and 8unday. Pre8sley Vaoghn IIDd famUv have looved from the Old Gill BIll farm '0 Lytle with L. D. 9hll61 and wife. Geo. UtLVi8 aDd wife and Earne8t Mannon and family I'pent SUDday with Joe Bisey and wife near Wayne8v.}te. K. E. Thompson ond nephew



---.. -- -

Premature B~rlal. M . T holnot. professor or

rn('ulclu t!



l'a .. t ~

rorenM Acalle mle ~

Ml"dl<'l n p. 1 1 f\~ UN' n I p. rturln g upon PH'JllI.tU,.,· hilrill i. an Ilrclde ll l til" roar of wh leb Is. p" rhIlJl8. nut HO pre\'alent


III lhe dny s of Eugllr Poe. In terE sti ng d" HI'I' Il>lloD at ll1 p mllll)' inve utloll H devlscd ror the !l1I .iI.,: .,,·!' of IblB, Indlld lng the ln8el't i. J IJ 01 II breathin g luho In th e mouth 01 rh .. ,·o rp8e. wh ich Is brought Ih," lI );h rl", 1101 of lhe com n and proJ<I'(·I.·01 trOIll lh o ~mvc . Bllt be declared lha t no IJrEcau tlon witS so sati sfactory liB th a t or delay in g rhc burial untU th e sl&,08 of putrefaction ure appa rent. 1'he prov isions or th e code Napo leon. whlo-h ontain rh .. t no burial shllil take plll<::e ulltll twenty·rour hours arter dellth und tll sileclion by the medi cal Iluthorlty of th e dl str'lct. lire. he suld, entirely adeQullte on this point, an4 III they are carried out to tbe rull, 00 oue nl'pd hllve !lOY fell.r of belog bu,," h~ alive. UIR


~av o

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A l1U1e boy bas oo_e '0 brighten tbe home of Harmon Jl(oorand wife. J. W . Wolf and K . E . Thompaon transaoted bU81nells In Lebanon on Mondav . -------..-.~.~-----



Fine Assortment of

Novelty Aprons All Over 39


Holiday Goods All Out for Display.

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

A NiKht of Terror Few nlgbts are m ore terrible 'httn of u mother looking on ber ohild ch oking bnd glisping for bTf~atb during an attllok of oroop, tl.ud nothing in tue house to relieve it. Many m Jthers havQ pfo8sed nlgbts of t·e rror in this situatl un A Ji tt-Ie foretbought Vtlll pno ble you to avoid till tbil! . Chamberlain's Co ugh Remedy is B oertRin ollre for cr<lUp Bnd hili nevef been known to f ul. Keep it at hand. For sllle by all dealers. t \)dt

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.0rD

.. -----




"My husband." she said, "always wla nts me to look my best. 110 matter what the cost." "'\V e ll. ~ her friend reo plied, "oue can hardly blame hll9 for teeUne as be does."-Chlca,o Record· HenJd.


Palenes8, at times a t1n~hed faoe, onnatural bunger, ploklng the nose, great thlr8t, Ate , are indloat.iona of worms . Klokapoo Worm Killer 18 a reliable, thorough medlolne tor the removal of all klnd8 of worms from olllldren and adult8 . Kloka. poo Worm Kl1Jer in pleasant candy form, aids digestion, tonell sY8&6m, overoomiDg ooD8tlpation and I Do ea8ing the aotlon of tbe Ii ver Is perfectly ufe for even the m08~. delloate ohlldren . Klckapoo WOlm Killer makes ohlldrpn happy aDd hflalthy. 250 Guaranteed Try H Drill/: fltore8 or by mall. Kioltapoo Indian Mediolne Co, PhlJadelphtn and t:)t . Louis. . • •


To whi oh we would ud(l - w heD y ou Lit IHl tI. 0010'\ ge t rid uf It 1'8 qlli c:kl y II. Jl o~~ihI6 . T o t1oco IllPli"h t;h"r y ,) \) will liml Cllluuberiain 's ,'uugb H ... medy m OH t exoellent ~ 'o lu b~' ,.II d6I!tler~.

OlasslBed Ads

A cough tbst both1lrs you OOD t.innlllly Is ODe of tbe danger slgnRls wbloh warns of oonsumpttOD Dr Klng'8 New DltIOovery stop the oough, loosen the ohest, blln!>.h fever IIond let you sleep peacefully. rhe firet dose oheoks the eymp,J m8 and gives promp' relief. Mr8 A . l!'. Mertz, of Glen Ellyn, lowa, writes: "Dr. Kln~ '. New Disoovery oored a stllbborn oough after six Week8' doctoring failed to help " Try H, as it will do the same for you Best mediolne for ooughs, ooids, throat and lung troubles Money baok If It fails Price 500 & 11 00. All drug~lats, by m&II, H E Buoklen & C0. Phlladelpbla or ~~. Loul8 .

- ..


anee ' 0


A Consumptive Cough

- - - -...


House Dresses

Orion Thomp80n !lpent Thur8day aUernoon with Wm, G1J8ser and ·w .-..-_____"""_____"""_.... • family below Lebanon. Ads "Ill ~ tnaerJ.ed uoOcr ,ble heaO for twenty · tivo cent. tor three tn8ertlona~ )lr. Schnell and famlJy have .hen USIDi' not more thilD d . . IIDea . moved from Peter~burg to Rockey .............. ... Ford, Ohio.

Nearly Every Child Has Worms .


Declare War on Colds A o ro~n( h Ilf ed oollotinn whic h tl.IWIf " t,ba r, "' ,IIlmon oehlo. wtly bt! cnm " uncco m Uh )1l wi tu In t.tltl next j,{f'no ratiolo " he~ beeu be/luu by promin ent, New York phYSIOII1DS. Her" Is tI. li s t (If 'dont 'H" whloh the dllctors R'l y Will prevent tile aooual 'V1~ l t .. t.ioo "f tllo eolct : " Doo 't ~11 il1 /\ rlraugbt.y onr." fl on' t "Ie p In b ot, r OO Ll .a .. ,. Don't t'\' f1 ld th't' fr flM h IIlr. " " U OIl'~ , tulT vou r!\!l lf ... t m 01l1 t,illle Ovo r.,.,,, I IIIK ~ e duoe8 you r rtlSl st·




Room Rug.

ot all kinds. Call and S EWING see me . Mrs. Jomes Kerrlok, Way nesville, Ohio.

$3.75 to $'3 0.00

n 12


ENCE NECEtlSARY. Attnotlve wages for thoBe who prove them sl)lves tlffiolent Btoody work. Ap ply promptly to the A . A. l:llmonds & 1:\010 C.omp8ny, Plaoe. Dayton, Summit Ohio. tit. & lIIegley 812

Ingrain Carpet. Copyrh,hl IYIl TlIt U. Jilac:k Cu.

250 up

I __________________________________________________________


FOR SALE Male HOPI, nothing bet· DIUt ROC er C. V. RarneBs, WRyne8 · vm .. , OhiO, R. 3, Valley Phone 26 .2, Harveysburg Exchange. n III St·eors and 1 extra 12 YOllrling (toed fre8h Cow. Inquire of oil

Frll.nk Shldakbr, Harveysburg. Ohio. n 11l

IDEBOARD, a bargain if sold at onoe. Inquire of Mrs. Roy Chenoweth. n 19


RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires•


Knicker-I want to leAve the Accident W"lIe Caltlng Canncn R.. good .trlving mare. 8 yeals old. \ aulted In Foundation of Praaent . a good buggy with automobile world better th!lll I found it. Phone 71-1 \Mrl!. Jessie Winfield, wife of • Engll.h Gun Factory. 8eltt and storm front, good as new, CORWIN,,', OHIO. Boeker-Well, it w111 certainly be Charles Winfield, dh'd Friday morn han.es8 nearly new. Inquire oflv._".........._ _,..,.._ _......._ _ _ _".........._""_ _......._""_..........._ _ _ _......... better afte r ),011 Ilre gone. Ing at hpr late home Dear Hlokory. We owe our present a.nenal at CllliS. Smith, R D. 1. n 12 leaving to mourn her demiss Woolwich to an accident. Tbe gov· . ville, NEVERI ernment had a gun foundry In Moorfiue Indian Runner Duoks, her husband alld ohlldren. Bhe bl80 Beida, where, upon one oecallon, In laverH of big white eggs and n12 "I wonder why 'w omen always leaves her parenti, bro,hers and slll- the year 1716. a distinguished party lotil of them. J. C Billey. ters and 110 olrole of friends that will were gathered together to' wltooss the HO()-A Poland· China male hOB, seem to be m isunclerstooo P" ~ good one. Inquire of Ell '(Well, YOII nevcr heard of one miss ber . She wal taken away in operation of cutlng a largo cannon. early womllnhood and her taking A youn,; foreIgner. named Bchlach, Dell.n phone 1682X Waynel!vlJle making herself plain, did you 7" who seems to have been almost an Uhio: - ., n12 ' away loaves a plaoe In thtl hOlUe entire stranger, but wb:> was well aetbat can not be filled. t'he was a qualnted with the d4!tallB of castlnr;, ,NE 8et of bnggy harne8s i 1 set tltate of Obio, olty of Tolodo, } S8 member of the Friends ohuroh and noticed that one 01 the molds had of buggy fiy net8, good a8 new i Luolls County, been tnBumciently dried, and warned gS80ilne stove, Detroit vapor i 30 ft. Frank J . Cheney makes ollth that Wall a deTont worker both at home the molders against uBlng It. They of rolling ohaln . RoV Hathaway. be Is senior partner of the firm of and at ohuroh. She has preOt!ded disregarded his advice, and 'When he nl. F . J . Cheney & Co., doing business her loved, ones to pave the wa,. 8111' that he could not prevaU upon ILL SELL at onoe, my farm of 10 the Cny of Toltldo, County lind that they may benefited by her them to desist, he Immedlll.tely put 26 tinre8, 8i~uat"ld on the t;ta&6 aforesaid, and tbat sRld firm himself well out of harm'l way bew111 pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED baving gone. The sympathy thl8 of lore the cannon was cast. A terrible a·room Wa,yo8llvllle pike, good •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• hOUBeand andLy&le barD, tobacoo UOllLARS tor elloh and every ol\se oJmmunlty goee out to the IImtcted, 8xploBIon occurred when the molten of Cl\tarrh that oat1not be oured by lind may God be wl.h them until metal rushed Into the Wflt mOld. ow- sb~<l and other building.. KDown th'e use of HALL 'S CATARRB they meet again. Ing to the Budden generatton of IItMm as I~ he Neely M lrford farm . Ralph n 12 CURE. IraANK J . CHENEY Mr, and Mrs Lewl8 Sears and Ion tha.t could find no outlet, and several LeWis, Phene 51l 2. Sworn to before me and IIllb perBona were kUled and a large numUROU BOARS, eleglble to regl8surl. b ed i n my prese noe . th ' s 6th Howard Rnd Mr. and Mrll . Chas ber Infured. try. d tarmers prl068. gro'Wthy davof LJlloembor, A. 0 1886 Custll, all of Wilmington, were It til said that search waR made for tlnell good bODe on68. For parUou guestll of Mr. lind Mn. Milt Bowe the man whose predlctlonl had beetl lara Illqolre of B. E. Stokell, Way(Beal) A W GLEA~ON, , I will continue to do Rooflnl 184 $poutlal at Notary Publlo. Sunday evening. 10 painfully verlfted, and that the lOyRUlOnlbie Prk:a. Call 011 1111 at my hom., nes, T ll1e, Oblo. n 6 aan 's Ca'llrrh (lore 18 taken In ernment employed blm to advise or pboae 244%, and I wDl eItlmate JOU. ternaUy and aots I1lrBll'ly opon the Mr. 6eorge Hitchoock, of Walh· about the beet mode of preventlns TOVE-A good heating IItove in blood nnd mucous surfaOtltl of 'he ington, C. B ., • hulling Real Ee"'e hch accident. In future. Tlae I'flult good oondltion. Inquire .,.tBm . ~1S~d for &esthnoolalll, frAe. t and Inllarance man of *hat plaoe. ..a. tbat Moorfteldll was "yen up .. 'bil~ offioe. n Ii F. J. criENEY & <.:0., Toledo, made a BrlDR bip in 'he Inur..' of a lite ' of a gun foundry altogether, EWIC8-0pen wool. lDqnin Ina t oraDoe calli on i 1 and upon hll advice the eitabllllbment Bold by aU Draggiats, 760. of Jamea Vandervoort. Waf Tate aall'. fa~U1 PI." for connl Dg ~peo· ..u remoy~d to tbe Warren at W.... n •• ~lle. R. 2, phone as.s. n Ii ;"( " .",Da~1l011, . " agent Wlllon Il~daf " ' wtoh.;"'Londoll ,:r1~BI'"



Have your Salei Bills Printed at the Gazette. Office.






J. E. FRAZIER wi'"

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D4r1a fed b/! Mr. J ""v "

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Do n 't YOII wra p n llJll lltI~ 01,," I YP 1. ·cRuse I ai n' t r PJldy. It I \\'rOl (\ thi s " a rn III n"'l r I'd ma~!' 1t good and r.' d irnm II~ III ·lIP. "I",,~ Ollt. tpeth ban' . fur l'TOWI IlIJo; '\i lh ' 1110 , tion s. It wouldn 't b,' dllll. 110 . ') 1' e ,' I· d on ce. nnt tb(' n It's 10 pl (,II M' you. and t bat 's wblLt I'm f. r . So I pro(',,('d, 10 atrol;I' thE' fur smoolb. Iny thl' pnw ~ down son, raid up tho 8111 11 ('. and Durr. A so rt at t ruthf uln pss RVlIIl" o\'l'r 1\1(' . Go!o' to be d u ll, to o, No, I dunno ho'~ to b p~ln . It this ,arn was a ropC', I'd coi l It down be· ftlre I b egan to payout. You lays the ead. so. and n pmls h down. rlug b r rlll g u nlll th e blg h t 's coiled. HIn oot h, r pady to fl ake off as It run s. I dera " c d a lynchIng once to do just tbat. u ~d relieve the patien t 's mmd . It nil wc nt olr so well! W h e n we kids "'e r e goo d. mother

.be use d to own we came o f pedIgree etock; but when we're bad see ms we took atte r fat h e r. You s~e mo t he r 's rolk wae the e loct. 80rt of bo rn saved. They allowod th e re 'd bo room In Jieaven for ooe bundred lind fo r tr·four thousand jqst persons. mos tl y Cram NOY8 Scotia; but wh e n th e y took to eortlng th o n eIghbors. th ey 'd ge t exclusive. Anyway. moth e r's rolk as a trIb e. Is ::a.lllionalres In grace and pre tty \Ye ll fixed In Nova Scotia. Tben s h e '(I rc u nd out, s ecre tly marrI ed among the gca ts . Her uame's scrat c he d out or tlL e famIly Bible. with a strong h int to tb e l .ord to scratch h e r e ntr y froUl th .. lfook of LHe. S be 's marri ed a sailorman. b e'f ore tbe mast, a Llve ye r e from the Labrador. a man without a dollar. suspected ot be ing Episcopalian. In them dayr tb e Labrndor aln't Jald out exactly to s uit moth e r. Sh e's used to luxury-co a l In tb o loa n-to . taUos In the cell a r. -cows iu tbe barn. barter lItore round th e corne r. malls, church. school. alld It j a il right h undy, '0 she can e njo y tb e un godl y g .. ~ tlng .tJf their just deserts. But In our lime the Labrador wa s just OOd'B country. nil rocks, Ico. and sea, to Jlut th'l fear Into proud hearte-no n eed of 'oachers. It kllls off the wea kllng<i-no n eed of doctors. A ach'ool to raise m en- no need of preac hers. Th e Ill.w wae " work or starve"-no plac., for lawyers. It's police. and court, lind bangman all complete. fire and hall. anow and Vilpors, wind and storm ful· tilling HIB word. Fa.the r's home wa8 an overturn e d .ehooner, turre d In, and h e was Hurely proud of having a blggpr plac& than any otbe r Llveyere on the COIUlt. The re WIlS tbe bold overhead tor stOWing winter flsb, and room down-Blairs for the family, the team of seven husky ooge, and even a cord or two of firewood , We ,kIds used to play at NewrnlnnderB up In tbe hold. when the winte r storms were t e aring the tops oa th e hll1 8, and th e Eskimo de vll bowl ed blu e shrIe ks outside. . The hUBkleB mnk ea wo lf songs all about the lew ness o t flsh. and we'd h ea r mother I(lve fathe r n I)i ece or h e r milld. Tbat's about tho ' flret- I re m e mbe r. but all wha t m o l h!'r t bougbt about poor ra· t h £' r 100 11 ~' ea r s nnd ye ars to lay. . I used to be kind of so rry for fnther . 1'011 ~ "f' 111' workpd t he b OllDS thl'( ugh hI s hid ... furrt ll g ni l wlntc r a nd Il Kh lng E ll ml11pr~ . a nd' wha t b e ~aroed b e 'd g(>t ill (!'lIc k fro III ( II , co m pany. All \I~ Lt,·.·) "!" ' R Oil t' d 10 Ih o Ilu llso n El~y, h u t fnth"r wo rk('d ht.rd CH and h e owcd mO SI, , .Il ll dre ds all d hundr edS or ~ kln B . Th L' com pan y tl'llHlf'd him. Th e r o \\';) ~ I1 't a m~ II on 1 he 'coas t mo r e trllSl"d t han 11 0 Wu~, 1\'l lh motb.


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mu,,·(j II I' 'h,,; lit" r " 's th e 6 1110 1(c s n1l'1I find , I"' H .',·"gg l" Iring III th e bunk , 0.11 .. h II .. fl nrl fm2!' . Th "r," A Il-h s mf" lI. and Po ll y who U!!ctl 0 l\'al lo1) m e with a slippe r, j<yl/lg "hit" ~ nd rrozl~ . An d YEt I knf'W Ah" ('I)uldn -l ge t froz e In s um· m er The Ih t! r" ',, .moke Hille ll. awl bIg Tom my , blgg r nor fnth e r . throwing up blood I tln ld h e' d catch It !rom mother (or me8sln g th e floor. bu~ fl.lh er iUAt hugged m e. t e lling ' me to ...t 11)1. I aud him it Totnml wjIa

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It flo rt ur ,-du o c1aff"!sn't t:.\{l' out lit"

C ' Lt+ ' fj .

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In; H1 , nr 10


hll s kit' 5. ' o r

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How She Was Saved From Surgeon's Knife ~y Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegeta. ble Compound.

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Mogadore , Ohio.--' 'Th e first two yearn

n lgl tl

1 was married 1 suffer ed so much from

II 110' 11 I rn n fruIII tllp Z, ,(] .. I bh. lin d julll r li Ih ,' II "I'I'Y ~11I1' \Y •. I;) ) III lh ,' IJI~ II' '' p;II ' k 01T ('~pr Itr"toll . TIl" Z .. ,I, ·klah ''' I~ o ld . Ju" ' paint a ll' punl; . nllel Kh,' .1111 s llr,'I), ~J'(tllll to Ih .. (hru"1 u f lit .. pack. (lI a~

"ii1Rl f em ale troulJl eA ant! ~ benrin g down pai ns



Ill .. ('an O IH'rU"l r


HIHt {ltl, IIdl \< pours out. p.lIl . ot mil k . And I i1l' ..... · 8



Ulat 1 co u I d n () t Bta nd on my f etJ t long enoug h todo my wo rk_ Th o doctor said 1 would have to und e r go 811 operati on. uu t my husband wanted rn a to try Lydiu E. l'in kham's Veg et abl o Cor.>L-"':"l.....LlIIW-Il.;L::.l.,J pou nd iiI'S t. I took threE' bo ttl eR and it ma de m e wel l and s trong und I avoided a dreadful opera· tion. [now have two fine h ealth y chi ld ren. !lnd I cannot BUY too mu ch abou t what Lyd ia E. Pinll ham 'sVegetaul eCom· pnund has done Cor m e." - Mrs. LEE MA.NGES, R_ F. D. 10, Mogadore, Ohio. Why ",ill women tak o ch an ces w ith an operatio n or d rag out a sickly, half· h ,m rted ex is tRnce, missing threc-fourtJls of tho joy of li ving, whe n tJley can find h ealth in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? For thirty y ears it haa b een the stnnd· ard r emedy for f emal e ills, and has r eo stored the health of thousands of wom en who have been troubled with s tich ail· m ents as displace menta, inflammation. ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc,

wu s t(O Il I(·t\lIIlK a\lulIl h"r that ~l''' r J'(1 ,Iown dH~ li c'ldf' , pas t our old t' tllpty murL' tltn n nnyth ln g tllllunOn In ' hn mr- . th l' lI ap Ill " IIncnllr-1I 1111 !lig h1. \I lIok ('11 1101) th" mnrullIR " tor Pyt.· kt"ll ' (ollnwltlg n)l-' 'I' h" Rlln '-\lIM J\lst rlf\!.l r lit Ih'J ll'O tno tic af (\ c1 (0 ~ I( · t \ p, ~ o I weil l til' o n " "I(i t itlJ l . · ~ . whkh Ifl J( n' t' ll thlt1 ~s 10 lUi It to HIIY. "00 flud yo ur fnlhl·r ." Wl lt'l l W'· nIad ,·· th" I lflto4t. nut! \\' t t an w d,'('k . "tl t. I,'j re t 111l1P ~' nll s w ~ 1I "l' tllld S11l'1'ly It \\'u s u 11 til Ill". lInt! tr I " Iltll,' hall j.'rk lI tl lh ,' n il!; h :t1 yltrt l". I 'el a ll LJR "'u l(' h !'d fo r a c h " w 'o to pr.· Ity nl ~h hUHl, hilt )'Oll HUlI lI 1;<' [ \\,hHn ' , hl f; P lloll~h 10 ' drlr ~ Ih l' hu s kll'H 111, ' n hn' " k to a gr<' ut J' L', I tlag wi th r ll" IIWI\)' . and th l\r wa~ ,11m . t h.' a n· 1I~I · tI to J,rr'tJns . Tommy tH J(tHlIj:C to or pac k fath, ' r '~ f.un . I th'"ls llt I (·ould III .· ),ol!"r ~ II . I!. C. l.lw ~lll8 It nl< ' an~ H!'rt, rhn··· ",,;<'Il. sq ual ll lll: (>11 ('i"ill 7.atto n. It·. mOIl . hs Itnd rrlltl'th~ I1Inll a ~ c ufoo t to 1111" hi s fo ur· puan d d'"110 r\:-. :I '" ., . !~ usc r1 t o Lf! :!l1.1 way ofT. ulld II h e n yo u K"t thrrf'. t h n nx . Shn bl t('kollf ' t) UlI' to lH ' r and 'I'h ,· HI,. 1I1I~ fil II nr n hi /; lIoloe. Ilk,' \ \ h fl rl nn tlO u y ("ltulH""''"'\ h ; .~ . p!'ollie (5 EO awful nwan thry',j It ·t 11 ktti~h-' d rnl-Ju s t one,· III It·'n ),purn, tl nrl I!II ' ~, klrl ur ~wa , gul1~ sl'rl'amlll~; In a I " ''''Il t'h .. lI ~ hl " or Ih ., Ih .... "-I1l:J . ,,'r! , ti lran!;e r fllnr",· to dru llt wltho'J HO I \\'a ~ Qul (' k thrOll x h Ih.· door . uut o~ w:nlu . "lid I);,·r, · \\3. ~ I r . ~ t c T a\'l" h nn Ac hoo n('r u CO UI" " of ,"11 · ~ 10 ",hili mu eh li n ''('ome tn ." 1'h" 11\"/1 w(' ar rl'. c h , il-st s ill! phould ~.' .... 111 ( ' lIIig hty th .· "lIlt-walk. II l/lrchlng with h l~ bill;' wll rd I g r nlJh!'d ,I ~I ,.Il lig ~II ~" u nd pants rl gh l down (n th l' lr h el' l ~ , a nd Iwar (' r rln ·. pI pI'S to walle th f' ro lk 011 1 or Illl:ir ~ licJ d"" n all t hl' I I'. liS to th(O 11 0 111 (> 11 · I t IIns a ll '- ~ rr ',",' II /, I!ow lll!! ofT SlJllrl :IY b.'de. T lw n h I' s aw fnlh r '" IQrsl , 1\S : Ih' pails r ucKI ·d u ll d ,' r n u!. Mother ('om!'~ In IlnrJ look_ at f~t h e r . bru\" l"lt'fon' nl 01 1H~ r , b i11 wtH' n I gOl ood.\' . II illt I.. ~ s alld a rm« "Uf((' n,' ,j ul! , \\ as Kea r y, nf':xt I warulf'd. g l':t l r: ' ~o h ('> fOr~f'I S to Hay IlbnUI t he wo men o llt si dt", itU Y , " " ' UE t' would h ave bee n ways . lin t! tl'" ntll n))" ,. ·four I rat' >!t lll V( ' llt\ln ' SOIl1~, until I ,"'a m p nl.' ar :-. Iltl· nt ('Ivlll l'::1tl on. but ollll'r tllll e_ he'd "lJou g h ro r I:olnl( bnck. I wlHh prj I'd Kripp"d 0 11 broll l'1I hon ~ s . orr c"rne IlIg IntI) thfO wi'! , an d Dfll'r t h,, \ I'd 100 11 b "flll' c I I" p·. tl'!l . o h, 1 1I 1~ of Rl',rl pH. 11 (1 tl aHI It Ir f! III I' Ill:tt<"ilrs b c llin li, hut I Ilarln'l. hl~ fur ca p. I wlsh(>d II /(' s no w wou ld oe 100 ROtt, Molh,' r' ~lootl , Iron ·hClrtl. h nti itl,' t he YOll ku n w hal\' II II' il:r lndln~ pl l ~~ "'a~ wur~ ' for th.· ft k£'s or us than hut I\. WaH hard n~ "11111 1. I wl s nl! <i I kOllllltik . fi u 1'[lgo urou n d I'1I(' h pan, or bl'ollc n -" o w J rU~ III (> tll . "~' lIcto r." Rl1}'R s hl? " I 'v e come to ·, p li nl e r s·! Tha t (' cl ge s hone whi l ~ I r l'~ l((ln r U IllI11), dl r o. an l\ Joan, tOO , wu.n't a coward, alld 1hI' 1J1I ~h d ld ll't a!!11l Ih. bli\c k nr Ih l' wnt .... , 1111 th p and lOotl",r \\ould J(,q ga unt und dry. look So wo lfy. nnd II hilt If I mel up pay his de bt." ro c king h"rs"lr. "'Th n Lord gave, · " wit h the E s kimo dp\'tI ~ Oh. I was ":-;II),. 11'" tll n fiabb a t h. mn'a m Ye'li gui de I hut!. Out tllll t1 ~ III!' sq u a ll s of o rn e In wind W:lS IIk!'6 sc yth e" p d l~ .. d ..... lth s ho'd any. "'a nd th~ Lord h at h !.'lke n s urely tbo scar r dl'st iii' boy. and de ad pay no d e bts ti ll Monday. nway ; b l( ss('d b£' the name o f tb l' r ertn ln I'd gco t los t. Then I we nt on lind h a\'J~ Barno tea·-ye pulr tblng ," sl pe!. so I WaB blind ed. wnltin s, tre ez· Lord.' " beeaul'e I "'all go ing. and th ore \VflS f a" You s t arve d hI s s oul to death , and 11\ 1( unt il a lull ca me . alld I'd g,~t on. Tlll'r~ WON on ly Pe to flnd m e le fl , th e r '. trail blazed a ll pnst Buk e-a pple now I've broug ht his body to Ftluar.. It was brond lillY. Il nd 1 r pcko ll "ach Iln d fa th e r \\'II/l:glng his pipe ac ro st tb e ~l a r 8 h . Th o way waR aa (l Ini n lUI hie d pbtll. Will you le uv o thnt b e re str l) wclg lll'd n to n be fore I mad e that 6chooll or. stove nt moth er . "Th ey 'll dI e . mll·am." streeLs. Rnd tho sun s hining warm as ti ll M o n day ~" U you "'Int speelal adTloo write to Mr. Mc Tavi sh looked at he r, th en A gray man. fa t, ",Ith u chIn wbl s- Lydll1 E. Pinkham lIIedlf.lae Co. (eonO· I b!'ard him say. and Rho jus t s niffed . ll tl looked over Into th o valle y. " If I hndn 't t al< e n • m ou t doors t'ley'd Tbrn I SflW a man's mitt. nn old whlspATI, d to m e. " B'y ." saId h t!, "we k e r. lifte d m il In ove rsld e. "Co m e dential) Lynn,lIIu!I. Yonr letter will bo d ead now, ma·u m." bu()lle kln mitt stickin g up out of th e must rn a :kll h e r c r y o r s b c'lI be raving rflr?" says he. and I turn ed round to be opeaed. read and answered by. S he ca ll ed hIm I\n Injun_ Sbe callp.~ 8 1l0W . les tb f' r ha d dropped his mItt, m s d . GI·eet. woman, g r eeL By God, s how him th " Zedekiah. Sh e was n't woman aDd held In 8trlct cOQlden08o tlwre. Sh e was I:ollo-fou nd e r od. h lm ....,..1 dU IIII O whut she d(('I\:'( c,,'1 him . a nd w Ithout tbat bl s hun d wou ld be I'll mak e ye greet!" No Bait for Fortune H unterl. HI ma r c he d up Rn d down the ~ td e· So th a t 's bo w I ca m o aboa rd o~ th ~ I'd bpen Bslee Jl , nnd whon I woke up rrop.!. M Ie n I round him , how g lad "Did Knt p's hu s balld lea ,'e hm walk. nnd tbrough th o s kirl of ~ lIlf s Happ y Sh iP. just lik e a 111 ' lost dog. s b p WUH 'cooking breall fn st whil e s b e he'd be to get It ! mu c h when h e dl od ?" call ed hllll II lot more thin gs ehc m ust Hut wh e n I t r l£'d to pic k It liP. It In a s torm . swept u t UIlO that mad e wIth no room In my ski n ror more 'n ":-; ot eno ug h t o get lL pr a spco nd b on ('s a ud ramlne . Captain Smith hn vo forgot to say. Bu t he car ri ed wus bea vy. Tb ,' n It cam o awu y. nnd tbl' meat shake O IL m y bones . ']'mn E\' c nlll g Once moth. r s h rie k ed out. tryin g u6 f' d to Bny ho' d sig n ed mr on Il~ fn m hU HbRnd ,"- HuRt.on 01 0 In ht s arm s out t hrough tb e IIttl a th e r o "'<IS ratber's hand sticking up , to ma.lle bim s tOll. but he we n t a u pac- , lI y ghos t; but b e paid m o bon es t sc rlp I low door. and It was Btab blng co ld It "'IU' dead. "'lIb a bln ze of north e rn IIgbts . or r.:;>u r se I IlU0w I'd o ugb t to bave tng In fron t of h e r. to and fro. with wages , f d m il hOllest grub, wh ile a ~ lI e tucked m e up warm on th ., ko- dug down throug h tbo s now, but I his eyeB o n h er a ll tb e tim E'. poe rln g t o c lo t hes I\lld b cd , I was s nu g I\ S a .RED, ROUGH HANDS MADE m n tlk. bo hitched up the hu s ki es , und dldu'/. I rao roc nil I wus wo rtb. str aight t hrough h e r, a nd all th e grief IItll o rabbit. He laugbt m e r eading SOFT AND WHITE mushed . way up th e ti c kl e. a Dd T b " l\ I got out of breatb and come of n il tho world in th e s klrl n nd wa ll. and wrlllo~. a nd punct uatio n with hl @ and that h o peleoo awr ul t un e. S be b olt. Bum B. ha nd , reef, and steer. cllte· th ro u ~ h the soft bus h SIIOW. and Ilt bue II s ha m e d. For red. rougb . cbapped and bleedco,·er ed h e r face wltb h e r ha nds. try- c hi s m . lmo tll lind s lJll ees, s owing. ~qu (}o s unup wo mad e his wint e r tilt on TornIt wa s n ' t for lov e or futb er . 1\"0. In g h ands, dry, fis s ure d. Itch Ing, burn· Ing to hold whil e the g reat so bs il book gee, r ul e o r th e rand, eoo jl e rno o jlo, gllk Creek. W e put In tll o winte r ha te d to to'.lcil that haud , a nd w he n Ing palm8. and palnrul finge r-ends. tb e r e, furr ing, {ln d e,·e ry time b e did I wns s Ick. Still that \Vas beltlH he r. nnd s h e r eeled Ilk" u t r ee III a psalms of Da" itl, ' co n s titution of tb _ witb ellnpeless n a lls, a one-nlgbt CuU· I':a le , unt il s ho foil on b er knees, unU nit ed Staws. s nd pl nylng th(1 tra m CD 111 1' h orne fro m th o rou:ld of t rn I>S , Iha n be ing Hcarrd to touch . It's not cura treatment works wonll ers. DI· Ii i s hA tlll e w h e r selr on the corpse. bon e. wi t h tbree p ill s and a go od li c k h e'd sell m e all tile p elts. I was Hure - so bnd wh e n you dn re. rections: Soak the bands, on retira nd (' ri ed, and c rl p-d . Ing rogular Hat urria y nl gbts . Moth o r' ~ I )' proud wh e n he took m e hunting fur I du /':o wIth a B 'l o\\'~ h oe for a ~ bovel. Ing, In hot water and Cutlcura Soap. lllli e boy bogan to set up and tukE' naan d pn rtrldgefl . 1 l\'a~ with him to Th ero wus Ih e bu ck~kl n s h irt Hm e ilin g Dry. anolDt with Cutlcura Ointme nt, CHAPTER II. tl ce. til e fis hin g. In tb e rall w e'd h Ull!. all good . and t h e lon g frlngeH I'd used and wen r sort bandages or old. loose Th(' nl'O r ears In th e Paw tu cllet all wIn te r w,' d trn p ti ll It WIUI tlm~ for 10 tfck le hI s nos e wi th - th e n I ~ou nd The Happy Ship. a long. from Montreal to Colon, trom gloves during tbe night. Th ese pure. t bo ~(>a lln g, RIHI oll ly two or tbrep hi s fnc n. I jus t cou ldn 't D<lll r that, bu t e:] p'n II'Tosf) o f th e Z 'd~k l ah W . bao jos plunk Ing In Lh e m portu le8 of sweet and g entle emolllents preserve tim es In a yea r wc'd be bac li to tu rn ed my buck and d ug urotll I ca m e nagJ;s 'e wu s u. Sunday Chri s tian All V ra C ru z, to bugl es c r y ing reva! ly In the hands. prevent reduess, roughness moth e r . 10 th e g reat. bIg. numb e r- four tra p he and cbap p lng , and Impart In a s ingle . Theil I'd SCI! Pcte. too, who'd got used ro r wo lf an d bea ve r. He mu st LIP /llon g 'c'd wear n s ilk hat. IllH.· only Qu e bec. and t he oyste r bonts a s leep night tbat velv et y softness and whItepink , with a spitting co ugh . H e ... aot· hav e s te pped without seei ng It u\l d(' r one on Ih e La brador. Ye s. Sund flYB by Old Po int Co mfort. and tb e Glc>uc es ness BO much d es Ired by women. For 'c'd be a,s hore tn lliin ' pred~tluatloll t e r tl eet a-B tonnln g homd past R:lDlo ed to pl u)' w ttb me. but I wouldn ·t. I lh e snow , and It bro k e hb leg . Th e n tbos e whose occupations t end to In· jUl't co uld n'L I h a t e d to be anywl:.e r es ho" tri ed to drag hlm se lr bac k hom e. 11 11 ' gracEl o ut of n book 'e ke p' In 'Is a nd dagos baskIng on Ha vana quay s jure the bands, Cutloura SORP and Cunea r hIm. Il was w he n I stood up to get be rth , but neve r a wor d a hout lI Mh or Suck orunges In th e din g hy und er tb e Ilcu rn. Ointmen t are wonderful. tbo s tate or tb e Ice. Motb or 'd b een moonllght . wultlng to h e lp th e old man "Didn ' t I t oll yez?" !ather wou ld breath and cool o lf that I %l ret Been the Cutic ura Soap Bnd Ointme nt Bold point at P o to cuu g blng, "Dldn ·t I wo lf. settin g peac ptul. waggln' bls tal! . rais ed to a beli e f In Chris tians. 60 a board wh e n h e's drunk. If e ,'er b e throu g hout th e world. Sample of each warn yez?" First I thoug h t b e was one nf our wben Mo sc dropped In at h e r shack. went ashore wltbout m e, I 'd be lik E rree.w lth :lZ- p. Skin Book. Address postBut moth e r se t he r moutb In a thtn own hU 3kl es. but wh en h .. dldn't kno'llt( IIdmlrln' how ~be cooked . she'd be a lost dog, and h e drunk before th E card " Cutlcura, De pt. L , Boston."-Adv, ple a sed a II up t he bac k , and Il a vo h I ill sun was over th e ynrd·arm. But awa) his nam e I ~a w (or sun! he mus t be lin e. He'd kiss ru e. 'o ge th e r It wlUln't master and bo y. bUI "Pet e, " ~uj d s he . "Is suv e d." the wolf who li ve d \lll Two Mile Cri c k right In to dinn e r. Th e cos t .,r th e ns vles or th e world N ext ti me we come mother w a s all He'd got poor I/lapec tln" fath e r 'u busl· talkln' soft about lilli e childre n. \' ea ju s t fath e r and eon. H e 'd eve n nnwed Il10st year nggre.t;a l (·d $725,000,000. ness Instead of mIndIng bls own Tbat's how 'e go t m e awuy to sea ae me atte r hlms elr. and that's wily my alone. " 'The Lord gave,' .. sh o says "'and That's why h e was called tbe Ins pec· boyan a Beallll ' voyage, wltbout pay· name 's SQllth. (TO B E CO !'<'TINU ED.l the Lord h a th tak e n away; bleBBed Lor. It WOfl Murch. to('. the moon of Ing me ILny wages. b e the nam e or th e Lord.' but It 'l! got- famin e. Of course I thre w my a.~ ting kind o{ monotonous." nnd missed. His hungry smile's 8tlll She hadn 't mue b to Bay then, sbe Ihar be hind a bush, and m e wonder· Ing wb e th e r bls buslnlt68 Is with me or fa th e r. That's why I step ped on .re quickly relined by Sloan'. th e 8no w-s ho cs, and W1!n'. rI g ht pas t LinIment. Lay It on-Ilo IUbo where h e was. not dating to get my bllllr, 'fry It. nx . Yefl, It was me h e "'anted to se()-IIrs t. bu t or cou rse I wasn't gOing to Aakl. SlIft.Ia .... DloIoealecl Hip. en courago any an im a l Into thinkIng " , llpralDed my anklo 'and d t.louted ACCORDED A HIGH POSITION expressed tb e opinion tbat the propo10, !lIp by r~lIItl11 out or a third . lory he 'd scared a man. \V~ y, h e'd scarce sal wo uld du '-cry little. It carrIed Into wln ~ ow. Went on crulchd t or tour hav ~ IE' t fath e r e ve n se'T hi s tra c ks tor month.. TIle n I .lImed 10 lIoe Jour e rre c t. to prev e nt th e ext er mlnatlou or Un lmcnt, nocordlng to dl..,.,tion.. I foar th e y'd be trll pped or s hoL So I Women ()f Servia, Well Educated and lions In ce rtaIn parts of th e protec tor· muot >sy It Ie helpil1f me wonderfully. Able, Arc Companions of TheIr walkod slow and proll'll. leudln' blm We will nover be w lt h ou ~lonn " Llnlut e. "Thf' Y are belllg e xte rmlnllted, " Huabands and Brothers. r.!.~ aJ1lw.ore, "-C/wu. J ........ 1-0",orr from fath e r- flt IClIs( I played that, h e salt!, " by tb e ndvance of c:lvlll;r;awl s hln .<; all Ih6 tim e that motllt,r's Iii' There Is no COlin try In tb e world tlon. E"termlnnted way nOl be Iho h!Jy wa s to home . Ar~ £'r a whil e I where women occupy a more dlgnlfl ed right word. for th e y are really be in g g~nbbed d ow n a 10 ;-ope1 stick wh e r e position In the borne than Servia. The driven away. In my opinion, bow · ruth ,!r'rj hlaz(>d, Ilot III! !\ e r\!e as aD Servlan Idea Is quito dlfT e r e nt {rom ever. th e r e will i>~ no actual dl sapR', bu t e no ug h to muk., mo more or that of th e Turk. who k ee ps hi s wom· pearance of th e lion for a \"e ry long lE-ss r ef:p(!cted . e n behind sbut doors or th e Germ a u'l tim e to corne, although. even when b o Til" In ~ p Lc t()r Wi\S b l~g" r than m e. At ro nge r 'n nn), m nn. twlrt e r 'n an y whose Ideal wODlan is a h au sfrau. In Is on the gam e license. there will be hors e. I t nll Y<'T t h e m ~·n e d wblto wolf Ser\'la th e woman Is tb e compa-n lo n of com plete fr eodom to hunt an('l IIboot , on prl l'ute land." Ie wl~') r' ll mos t peopl e. lind bu~ rn r the m un. A man. Is r esponsible for bls un· - - -- - - - for Spnlna. (Oatin !\ hIs cubs, h e's n ~tllre 's g nntl eU nconventlonalltles. marri ed sis t e r s, and throug hout tbe " I 'ell and sprained my arm .. weelr mn.ll . 1\11'0 and WI' In terrible pain. I could " It wns prlote d In your IJnper. wnll Th e tro uhl e was not blru hunting. lJalkan s liltes It Is considered raL h e r not a.o. my hand or nrm uutll I nppUod ),ollr Liniment . I .holl never be wlthbut DI~ scared . Wh y . If h e'd wantell II breach or et l<lu dte for him to mar· It, mi ster? That's tbe reMO D I didn't There Was Father's Hand StIcking see it." Ylb~ ~~~;.~,r tl~:~~It,LJ.rtr.eDt:·-.. TIl e. on e nas b, one bIte . aod I'm hrt!n k ry be rore b ls old E'f s ister Up. 1\0 S erv la n girl would feel s be coulo " You doo 't seem to notice. Gerald . taRt. It wa s just cu r ios ity mnd o him Flue For StitJa_ hold up b e r he nd In 80cle ty unl ess tha t It's nearl y midnI g ht, and I'm dldn ' t ~f' e m 10 car e . but was jus t so cJo!;e h e h lnd lik e a s t p- althy gilost. •• 51on.n'. Linimpnt hft. donel more s be could s p eak (our lan gn nges. Th e r e yawning to beat tbe band!" trood thnn all~lhlnr I hnn ever tried When I'd tUrD to s how ll g h t. h(,' d sef' m 11 11 III h. '''' \ Ha.,pc d h e r up warm on for .tJtI' join"'. Illot my hand hurt 10 Is ha rrll y a Sen-Ian WOl.i!un who caD · "The r e' s no need of your allologlz· t hl' kom alik , with ju s t a s ac k of to apo lo g iz e. and tb e n I'd go o n w hls· badly that I hlld to ,top ....ork rltrht In not pla y SO"Tl1' musl cn l Instrum en t. Ing for th ese slic ed t omato es, Mrs. tho busi e.t time or tbe year, I tboutrht clolh os. hN I"ib le , and t il e Ellbum of tllnJl( n hymn. "t nnt tI",t I would have to have m)' Embroide r y, painting . drawing. an d Naybe r; 1 sa w the y wcre spo iled. and T har ho was ca c h e!! ri g ht ah eo d In pl lOIOH fl'olll N,>vu Scotia. y es, aDd lh e hand taken 011'. but I trot a bottle of s culpturt: are all s tudi ed . Polltl cs Is I hav o ll 't touched ·em." chi n n rlogH s h .. car r ied In be r a rms . t il e d eadfa ll, for a frollt vIew. If I'd ~7P11!.L,1-.=~t;:~~~~ my han4.'· a papillaI' reature among wom en . "Yea. I notIce. Mrs. Sykes, Ulat youl Pal h .... hrok e l~ iJ t I'all ah e ad. I took known. Out I thras hnd willI my s tick p very domestl eat· So rvlan women ar boy UIll tall es my Mary Jane to tbl At all 2Sc.. thl! /':C" 1'01 ' . ;Jr. !! wh e ll di\Y 3, we !n n pllnlc. hltlin g r..Ia sno ut. 80 h e e<' and ttle hlgbcst ladles pay personal m ov in g pIcture shows quite o Cte ... 1IOc. aDd $1.00 mad e lIl ', \\ illt"',' lilt. Th e r e moth e r y" IIl'.,d . Th e ll b o lost hIs tempe r . He'd a tte ntion te trivial matterr of hOll se- What she sees In him I cn n't Imag 1(l' p' hOU H' j ll Bt 'l~ s h e would D,t hc m e. a " ~ orry. but·buBln Cfl~-18 - bu s ln (,BB" exSend tor · Sionn', tr oe , ins tructh'o pr'~ ~slon on him . I rnn ot him. trl PIJc l1 k ee ping. In e." ~ u Cll"tn \\'l' Wl\6 .Ii ntO et ~c ar ed to step book 0 n h ore eft Tbe r e. are two women doctors prac· all a stump, le t out" Yllll, and b o lC!p' "O b, well . Mrs. GlIzzard . my Bill indoo rs , cattlo. bo~ and tieing In Belgrade, all d se,'e ral worn· poulb}'. Addr ... st r 91 g ht nt my throat_ goes to s ee your Mnry Jan e because It Wa~ a lm] /: In Marc h or m ay b e And In the mIddle or that cam e n e n t eaeh f!r !l. But publ ic opI nion. on nobody e ls e do es ; h e kind o· pltlep .-\ prl l that rat he r ..... aij away In coarse the wbole, Is rathe r against women her,"-C llicaga Tribun e. w!',nh cr. n. u ltlnll Ih e round or bls ;;unsbot. u Il ullet b'1?\zed my arm. IInct e nte ring th e labor arena. went on whIning. Anoth er ehot, un d Ir a v~ 11· (jirln 't .:0111 0 bac k. Th ere'd b r' l! lI b li7.~a l'd. a ' wo lr-how lln g hurrl- th e In specto r ran. The n r was rub· Interesting Memory Test. Want Protection for Lion., ('anp, hl owill g Ollt a la ne of bare bing whar tbe buUe t hurt, ' Bart or Ask anyone to draw a representa tloD s ulky, too, wIth a grievance, when I The legl&latlvG council at BrlUsb ~rOU lld rOl ,n d th,' !lack of the cuMn. of a watch tace wltb Roman numbers was Budd enly grabbed and nigh smoth· Esst Africa Is expected to adopt a Dr, fARt S. SlOAlf,fIc. whll c tlLt1 big drift pll et! h igher ~nd and you will bave ple nty of evidence 01 pack ed h a rd(~ I' , until th o comb of It or et! In mother'S arms. Sbe'd come propos al nt present b efore It for the the unreliability of Incidental memory, IOSJOI, lASS. g relV out ni.Jov c our roof like n sea with the team of huskies followln' me: "rotectton of lions aD crown lands. or two bundred persons examined b1 b reu k" r. rroze IiO Y0\.t could walk on flh f) 'd been gll:lDlng, too, nnd 1 Bure Up to thll present game lIcensea whlcn Myers only elgbt omitted the VI tram - - - -- . - - - - stipulllte tbe number and clas8 of ani· Lbe ov e rh u ng. And ju~t be tween da rk had a mlgbl.y clo"e call. . t:i\RX SIIClHTIIASJ) BV lIlAn,. rrom (\ She'd n~ tears lett for fathOl l. 80 mals ilia,t may be killed or captured their drawing or the watch race, and ~courtr ~ p or l e r MOlt ' 801e ntlflc a nd .Iu ccc .. rul a nd du c kl s b futhpr 's bll sk y team came only twenty-one put 1111 Instead ot tbt/I,n elbod . vor cl.'vll.'d ror t OAc hlng. Ihl. non when I got through 80bbln' we went have Ignored lions, whicb bave been back wIthout b lm. . more familiar IlI')tatlon, IV From thl. I,tt. E ..y ' c r m • . l'o.IUoli ••• urod. Will 1'. I don't r eckon I was :'tlore'n ten or to thA body, and loaded It Ip the ko. rega.rded as vermin. Now. 'however, it would appe ..t that Impeacbment of • ...,.• till Vnh'n " U)' 81.. NftlhyJII'Io T.nn. eleve n years ' old. but you see. tbls maUk for home. Thar's things I 4oD't It 1a proposed to limit eacb bolder of a witness because of bls Inability to re' l mre to tell ,"au. . a bIg ,,,me abootlng .Ilcellse to four Labrador Is kind of serious with UB, It wlUln't a nice trip exactly, wltb ' Ilonl. The otber day a game ranger port some Incidental feature of L,an Bnd makes even kids act responsible. 00 easy, Ilnd theret. famme. tbe In8pector luperlntendlng ·around. t who II said to be familiar with all event or Icene la not pBychologlca.\lJ A!rica' luIWled.-6aa aD4 CoIllID8QL freezing, blackleg. all 80rta rea- When we &Qt' back to the tilt. ·w. , Ui. ocnadlUODa IA BrlUah You )11t-\ t rill' ('ow

Labr ~d o r .

On the


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I Ihlll



SWains,Bruises Stiff Muscles



LlKIMENt K,1/SPain





I'T "


In F'rance on e Iw r~on In 20 ~s entltIt·ll to \\I ' U r a nil iliu n ' deconillUI1 .

Foley Kidney Pills Relieve . .


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i 1 ,1 '" Rat her H ut Init ,atlo n of a r~c w York Boy a t Ba \cl,el(Ic r' c Creek - Ca r· rle d S U P J.. lle~ to Front.



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Mak e the Liver Do its Dut y !\inc


r \"

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cx (' rt"lllJ~ k" t· 11'= IlC, in r'-'<;rl ' r I IlJ~ Ihlrt ll .. 1 .It I H ,Il In r l"~Il I . ll ill~ 1IIddd "r Hr ,· ~l n ' ,· "


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kidnev. :I ned p.lJuful htad cle r .u: 1I0n. [I I I

U lIl lllll)q . up

I lIf:> \'

How Abo lll It . 11:1 \ '1 ' $ ,~.,III I ' I I "


T h t:v

lJaJ· I


., \\ h"11 a Inall I 'alb.. 1Ii :-l \\ HI ' " .h'u r ' I i ll

prnm pt lv the suffcrll\g clue ;! l· II"'C


HI S Eco nomy. ' -\\' hy "l id t il at uld " ·' W ,'''


" I ~ll ltJJ()~ "

tl ..

" li:-"' r Iii II h i Ill ·

h i ' lwl, ·d tu go (111 S lit-II") ·

i nJ.!: Iw,r,' hl'f'alh '-

lIlt'ntiot l (, tl

:l o',' lod, III Ill<' l' lu r!d!l~ tlw ill til a h\1r r~- , an d Ih"lr • ~. ,. ~l'lilIln~ .",'1 1 b!'ou ~ht ,.\,> r)' ",? !l 10 Itls pOS I :lO 111 " a l u 11l .Il Ot), ;ond Oil ly It II Hr ro\.\' strip uF wa l .. r bp , Abu ul

rf' h e l !-'

Its Dr 3w b ack .


" Tltl ' rp


hawks and r"k o ns forn,, ·rh· used In EurOllo . lO o t oli ly for s porting pUrpOH"", but to r e lll(' nlsb t he Ir mUBlfOrH' IIlrdNA with furred lind reathere d ga me, 9n do th e C'hln llR t! a nd .Iap· all ese s tili e mploy train ed cormora nt s. but In tb e lr case Ih py urc used 1I0ie ly for eeo· nom ic purpvs e~_ This may at fi r s t appellr to bo Il s omewh at pri m itive method of obt~ln lng fl Rb , yo l tt Beo ms to be a very Bl'rvlcea ble o ne, and has at least tlio mftrlt ot be Ing I'xceedl ng · Iy pIctureS Que. Th e anti quity of tbls form of fl s hln .; Is Incontro vertibl e. and Is conclusll>ely proved by the ex· Istence o f \' c ry tlarly Japanes e paint· Ings, whi c h, It we allow for a somG~' h at crud e and Orie ntal t reatmen t, otlJerwl se rallhtul1 y depIct the tiport S8 It Is pmcti cl'd down to tbe pres'en t day. W e hav e also docume ntnry e vide nce to s how thnt t hese birds were similarl y ullllzed In Chin a as far back as th e sIxteen th contury . In many parls of thl' latter cou ntry cor· morants are used on s tlll·wate r lagoons or sluggish rivers. whe re th e y arc all owed to swIm tree; btlt In Yunnan and Japnn. whe re th ey are fish e (l In swift·ru nnlng streams , th e birds ... are-1nV lirlab ly barness ed. 1 have not had the op portunI ty of seeing the m hlludled by the Chlnfl se. but a few years ago, whe n on n \'Islt to Japan. I made a point of going to Glfu to lItudy th e method s adopted by th e .Japnn ese on the River Nagara . H era til Simson lasts rrom May to Octobe r, durIng whIch tim e the rIver IB vIsited by 1\ small mIgrato ry flsh , locally ca ll ed al. This flsh belongs to the Sa1mon ldae family , and Is IlDown to Ichth yologis t s as Plecoglo sBus altl· veils T . and S . III size. It hardl y eve r exceeds a foot In le n gth, and Is more often only IIlx or seven Inches long. The Japanes e e picures praise It. very hIghly as a table de licacy, though It lOA

\I ~ r "

"Th. ~



Cheer'. the

..., de.~ ' _ : ." .;


- ' _"




Everyon e was at a los9 for a repl y e xcep t the judge's younge st student . OfferIng the judgo bls own cbalr and bowing low he replied with gravIty ; "To your absence , &lr." The boy was put au Balary the fol. lowing week for truthful ness.' To the Nurae" of Ea,lu,. ma~ ~; "'!;II the 'bab1 eeDI .dowll froll.l Hea1'en ' . ' ':.Yes, WUIIe:" , . ~'Th,e:r mu~t Uke to have it qll1eftlP theft!, he:r. IIladUD& . '" . .>


DIploma cy. One day a huge Irish batterYl Uan, Btood In tbe crowd at th e sutle r's at Nashvll le. Pr:esent ly a little Irishma n naabed uP. fiung hlB coat on the around, threw hlB bat besid e It, and, jumping on them, yelled In a hIgh 'I'olee, qUiveri ng wlLn rage: '''01 wud 101:"e to flnd th' mon that b'ate up poor Tim Murpby _" The big lrll,b man tapped · bls cbest. "or.m th' mon,," he bellowe d boarsel J· The nltle ·lrhh'ma n wblrled aJ'QWlcI • ':'Oee;" he . piped.. ;'Ye did bJm ' uI' fQ'lOe.:' ,



!~:'j ~I:I\'I~.r ::~:.~,I~ r~~ i~~ ~;;',~~ ~~~1;, ~~:·~~:ll.l~ YJ ~;r~~: 'i~h~II,~ ~"lf, i-~~~\:~!,~J'~



l'''bE'l ~



\\'"011 11' 11 l(}~"rH du h:.1t p to ("unit '



ulon!; th !l id e rr"t-k IIOt l\\loW Ihat ofwould 80mp afford :'ulnt plIsHa ge. II "lwe\'pr , t hl' se rpw 1Il ~ 11 . , trPII;,; th pn(,d by two 0 1' Ihr ("! ('ornllllnl p~, he ld th ese IhoWla nd s at b"S 1111 i hr KU II wa H man~' hours h i~;l . Soon att " r da ylIght uur ca pt ain "r. rll'pd and for a lim e 11' (' we r e k"pl w:l!tl ~!; for unl .. rH a ho ut Itul t a mil·' In tbe rear ur lilt' fI):hllng , but tIll! hot work t hey were e ngage!! In 800n exltll ns ted thl' lr ammun ili on . and a s tl,.. enemy wer e fp liing trees to e rr p{,~ a. pas sage lit was not dee med ,:.. Ise l o driv e nn ammun itio n wagon nean' r th e srene (J f action. so Hbout halt It doz en of UR we re de tail ed to ca rry sup pli es to t~ 1) front . As each box contain ed a bout 1.000 ('a 1'1 rIdge s, an,1 the su nd was ank lt>-d ee p. It WIIS ~I O light task, and my comrad es tell he· 1 hInd, some droppin g . t he Ir la uds lind si ttIng on them as II the occa.slo n was not ul' gent. I pushed ah ea d lind soon cam e to I a bend In the road ahout GO ya rds 1 from the bridge . As I turn ed into the bend - my load was gel t ln!,: hp8V y- 1 could see men on my right cli nging very close to th e ground lind fa c ing weBt. and on my le ft lh e branche s dropped from a grov e of saplln!:, s. S'trange s ounds- "zlp," " zlp" -stru c k my ea r. fo r It was 'my flr s t tim under fir e. As I ap proa ched th e urea s tworks Lle ut e nllnt Ze nettl at th e 132nd wnlk · ed from loe hlnd them and clime 10· ward me, and whell a bou t three ya rd s separat ed us b e wa s s truck In th e head, not movIn g a muscl e aft er he fell. My load was soon In ,,08S8881 0 n at th e gllllant Infantry men . and. bav· In g flO further o rde rs , J Joine d the> IItrlng of ml"l1 wh o wer e trying to dl ~· cove r th e "o the r tellows" on th e op· posl te sIde of the cree k . But we were not allowl'd to stay there long. FIfteen minutes after' wards a r ebel yell told UJI that th ey bad Buccede d In fe lling trees to form a bridge 11 little north or UB. In Bpite of the fle rce re slBtallce , / llnd that It was time for UB to be movIng . The obstina te de fense ot the gallant New York boys gave the authorI ties time to get reInforc ements from Morebe ad City and Be,a ufort. but th e num erou s little mounds In a 9mall Bpace oppofllte th e tempor arr brIdge bore mute testimo ny at what cost It was done.


clerks luvlted all tb e young law atude ntij of ]l;ewbur g .to 8pend the arLerYounge ter Allo Proved Hie Ability to noon at tbelr omce. The judge r et urned un ex pectedly for some addi. Get Hlm,elf Out of • Tight tlonal paper s he wishe d to usa, and Situatio n, tb e air was fllled with tobacco smoke ODd Idle ness when he entered . "To what unexpec ted good fortune do lowe tbe visit ' or eo many YOUD. . ,People ?" InquLred ' tbe judge, with. ~ smile at the _array of 10UD. men' . whoso muddy· ahoes were 'r estlng . .' the tOp Ot'b,lB . pollllbed . mahop ay




fr atllrC'B of th e whol e proceed ing. II seemed Inexplic able how on A man (1uld manipu lat e so many blrds~ wlmmln g and diving as th ey wer e In all dlrectlo n s'-: wlthout th e ir relnl! becom In g hope lessly e ntangl ed. Yet by so rtlnit th em wIth a li ghtning hand· over· hand moveme nt . tbese leadl wl' re alwa ys kept clear , an d nover once did I seo a man In r eal dlfficul· ti es, \~' h ell Il cormora nt hilS com· ple te ly fill ed It s g ulle t. It naturall y tak es no fu rth er Interes t In th e pro· cee dln gs, and will then swim Idly u pon the s urface. Whe n tbls Is observed. the unfortu nate creatur e Is promptl y haul ed In board. and by a gentle but fi rm pressur e of th e hand It Is forced Ignomln ously to dIsgorg e Its booty , wh er r upon It Is thrown back to r ecomme nce Its thankle s! task. In this W:loY a single bird wIll account for 11 large number of flsb durIng the ni ght. and as the fio ct; numb ers upward s of a b undred Indl· vlduals, lh.e total catch Is sometim es consIde rabl e. fn th e mornin g, when all Is over. th e co r moran t s I nre al· lowed to rest on the gunwa le of th e boot, each bIrd, known by name. ha v· Ing Its allott ed perch. whIc h It defends wltb ang ry croaks aud peckll should a neI ghbor dare to dI s pute Itl right. The ' bIrds are abso lutely feal' less of th eir masters. and c nn btl freely handled . There could hardl y be a mor e Inter· est lng e xperIen ce t ~an to foll ow B flotilla of co rmoran t boats at work on a stili midsum mer night. Even the .Japane se themsel ves appreci ate th e pIctures queness of the proceed Ings. and every evening nume rous boatloa ds of spectato rs may be I et>D on tbe river awaJUn g their arrival at Glfu. The flshlng appears to be at Ita best In August, durIng whleh month th e late Mikado used frequen tly to vIsit th e scene. The 'great brazlen t-huge, cracklin g baskets at fiam~ast a strange and lurId glare over the eurrotln dlngB. In theIr dazzling light the brightly ilium· inated fl gu reB of the ns hermen seem to sland out with 1llmos~ unnatnr al s harpnes s against th e veh'ety black· On Cro.eln g a River. ness of the 'lIght. while the me n'! Llncoln 's reply to a Springfi eld clerharsh crIes of enco uragem e nt, the gyman, wbo aske d hIm what WU& to loud clatte r of theIr oars, Ilnd the be hI s policy on th e s la" e ry Ques tion. s howera of hi ssIn g s park s falling upon th e wate r all add to th e wei rdness was m ost apt ; "You know the old Met hodIst ot the Be"n c . preach e r out home?" saId Lincoln . Cormo ra nts are apparen tly not very "W ell , once a youn g Method Ist was I dlm cult to train , aDd have b e~ n used worryIn g a bout Fox riv e r, and ex· In l':urope fo r sportin g purpose s far more ofte n th an Is genera ll y su pposed. pressIn g' feaf'8 thai h I' -should be prevented from fulfill ing s ome of his apEarly In the sevente enth century pointme nts b y a ' frea hel In th e river . .lRlI1 eS 1. WBS enamotoed with ' the " ' Young man: saId th e old preach· sport. and appoInt ed Rom eo ne " Master e r ') have al\\ [l)'S made It 11 rul e In of Co rm orants." While he even wellt m~ life not to crabS Fox riv e r till I s o for as to bave ponds cut Ir. It m eawod·l nnd near Westmi nster for got to It.' " And ," saId the . esld ent, "I am not th o re~eptlon of varlons klud s or fish goIng to worry myself over tbe ~!av ' I wblch were to be afterwa rds capture d ery question till I get to It.' ; by his tam e IooJrds. or r ece nt years I th o well -known falcone r Captain for ' Sa l\'ln proved hi ghly success ful with Ladl ... One Snnday tbree ladles called upon his cormor ants, and there are stili some "'re nch sportsm en who kee p a certain ge n eral at the Union camp theBe bIrds for th e Ir own entertal n- at Sa vannah . He stuck hIs bead out or t be flap of hl8 te nt, a nd whIsper ed ment. to his orderly : "Three chaIrs fo r the ladles." Not So Crusty. The orderly got .liP o n a box and Though immort ally la beled "C ru sty ChrIs toph er " by T enn yson , "Chrls t.o· shouted to the boys In camp ; Typical Scene In a Souther n Orchard Where Negro Girls and Women Do pher Nort h" was "Three cheere for the ladles ." The not \l'11hout hI s the Fruit PickIng . boys took It llP with a will. llmlablo side.


Ub ,)UI

" " ' hn l

hnnk s HI (/1 I' PIl IInil ( Ih l! nlgitt darl" (' rn.,,,k \I' a s I' . t h eI hs\' o I1 lwII )'1I fe-II su rpr isrd,11't'tha i tit !'

I mus t b ' Ildmlltl"d that the II neduca ted Occl de nl a l p'l lute usunll~' {ails to de· ter·t Ita c ullnf1r~' :1l0 rIt H; In (act, wh e n I t nsted It. I thoug ht it ('ompar od rath er lInfa\'orn~ l y w l~h t he s mplt, a flsh It 611perfl clall y rpsc mbl es. Tho mark e t \'8 Iu(' of th e aJ app ears to bl' compar atively hIgh . 80 thnt cv en If th e season be u s bort on e, th e cor· morant fi s her s are e nabled to roap n s ufficI ently rieh harv es t, which mor e t han compe nsa tes th e m fo r tb el r many months o f en torc ed Idleness . But even In mIdsum m er , the r e a r e many nights whe n tho m e t eorologi cal condItio ns pr eclu de a l1 possIbil ity of fi shing. A heavy downpo ur of ralnand how frequen t th is IB In a .lapan· ese June! - speedi ly fills the ri ver with a turbid flood that rend er s fish· Ing wholly Impract icable. Nor can tho bIrds do any good on bright moon· I1ght nIghts, for th e n , In th e .belluU, fully clear waters of Ihl s mounta in stream, the fi sh can Be 1 th e ir enemi es npproac hlng a nd, mo reover, they are not attracte d by th e glare of the great. flaring braden whic h are placed , In the form of an Iron blls ket, on t he bows at each of th o vessels. On the Nagara the mode of fis hIng Is for s ome six or seven boats to work In compan y. These drIft slowly down stream for eIghtee n or twenty miles In t he form of an open line' that usually extends right acTOss th e river. As a rul e, each boat POSSC8S !ll! about IIfteen or s Ixt een cormor ants . Th ese are controll ed by mea ns o f reIns attac bed to a sma ll collar round th ft blrd's neck, whIch serves th e addltlonal purpose ot prevent ing all but th e ti ni est fl sh being swallow ed outrlgbt. The man standin g In tbe bows , and there fore derivIng full beneflt from th e light of th e brazier, has 60me twelve birds In his charge. while the less experIe nc ed man p06ted smldshl ps usually control s four or five only. The dexterit y ot these fe llo ws Is reall y one of th e most r e markab le

UHf! IpH 1-1'


t\\'~~~~. 1'1~HING WIT!! CORMO RANT5 1\'.1 r-ULL 5WINO



'iul' tJi1n..Jl) ltfl

~ •• _


For Infan ts and Children.



IIII .. nn .. Utllluu ••u., ........ 'UIlU ... U.II'"flUflUU

The Kind You Have Always Bought



A\~flable Prfparal ion for As ·


Bears the

Ihd'oodandReg ula

'h'" Siomach s and Bo~'(' I!i of


Promotes Digcslion,Chee rrul -


ness and Resl .Conlains neilher


Opium, Morphine nor Mill",ral NOT NARC OTIC





Aperfect Remedy forConslipl' -

lion , So ur S to mach.D tilrrhoeD,

Worms ,Convulsions .feveri , h-

For OverThirty Years

nes s and Loss OF SLEEP. fae Simile Signalur e of



NEW YORK . Atb lYlont hs old


35 »051 5 -JjCENT~_.: Euct Copy or Wrappe r .


-- - - -- --

Shipping Fe ver

Induonaa. pint e,. e e plwoti0 dt8tflmper , and ..n llI08e and tbroatdl le&Be.8cmhl4. and. 0. 11 others.: _ n o In.\l~r 1DOW "e .&PQ.ed~ k"pl from ba't'lotC o,lIJ of thee. "lLh .. I'OIIN'S LIQUID DIS·. (JURI!:. Tbroo to . Ix tl Oll81 o ften cu re & ~O . One 1.O.-oent bottlo·ElIlPER ,uIU'&D~4 to du 80, S nit 1.hIOM t o r bmod rutlrt1e, A Q~ on t bo blood. 60c aod I' ~ boule . • and IU a. do n'n ~ ,ttl"". J)nl.,1l1ta anel b&mou atwp8, Dlllrlb,t on-ALL \VBOLJI..BALli HII UUG tST:i. _ RPOnN MEDICA l. CO•• ~ Ittuu l .ta ADd Daetol'lo IOlrls t •• Ooaillm, Jod., U. R. A.

dl •• uNO

Rilles Shoot Well, Work Well and Wear Well The rougb, hard usage that huntin g rifles often receiv e requir es them to be constr ucted. on sound m cbanic al 7 princip les and of the best rnaten als. All Wmch ester rifles are so made. N otbing is left undon e that will make them shoot well, work well, look well and wear well.

Winch",. , G/UI$ 4nd Am"",n{t{ on-T"- RId CO.,


W Br~. """" for 01/ kind. 0' Hunlln,

w. L. DO U

$3·00 S3&Q 54:.2 2 $4&Q AND S6:.2 Q


MEN AND WOMEN Sov" 8h ..,tn t~. Wort"

'2.00, '2.60 and ,11.00


., "


A Typewrikr Sensation

$2 -

a Month-

Utl y"

1\ U ~ ulll llt)

t.o'liult iurd ~· n.:J

S:\t ITII-PIU:'II 1-:1: Typewrlwr ilt .~ :~ ..,:. It'"", than Ih,' m allu tac t.lll'Clnf" 10\\ t!I'II' ta4 ' h .lr)- 11I' '' ' t ',

Never beror.: h tH. Itn y tJllll ~ [,h. ' Il d ~ ht." t'n Rttemllttlc'l. D t!ul,~ r~ ~t: t' : U"'1t II tlilHl 1 r l 'nl r. lr Lhl s m Ak o of ml\chln~" ntl! Ih'llrly I' ''' p, 'r lt ' j' t, II ." Lhe one '9!'U wlll ~.'n (\ " /IU . lind ' "1I 1111\' "n ly TWO OOI_LAIIS .\ ~I";\,TII A:>I1l nW:>I 1'1' _

SEND YOI·1t S ·\ ." Y. ,\Sn

AIJI)n~: ",,.




1' (JI;T .\. (.

l ·.A




\\ . • :

WILL AItRAN! ;": A Tllln: Jo: n ,\ ,, ~. TRIAL WITJlU I,;T CO ST TO \ ' 0'" PCrfeCl muchlncN onl ~' , cnffillit,'tC ullInL. not.ll1o ll eXlru to \tu)" n o sLr ll1~'" u f un,' kin l1 to this orTer. J USl t h Ulk ut hIlY ' IHl !'Iuch l\ typewrit e r f or un\)' $; .';~ cluwn litH} f.:uX) 1\ month f o r rh' c O1unlh!'l

1'llQllI'oll lu1 s lit }Jl'Ol11c

h ave pnid 1 100.0..1 ("I\sh ( I II' ~lIIlth Prcmicl'S, It. La Standard, by III lIny t'tlnsillercd ttle heHL lYP8"' ri lt! r ever built. ,\ k t'Y fur enC' h chnr· 1\ t.n )C bru ... h (rlr rh!ftnln~ Lho tS I H! built. lnto Lhe mnchtnc . ttltloll ull r ritl61e , l.'umt!!'f. to you with tools. ru llht' r cu v er, e"ery tllln ~

complete . It run s ben utitilll),. ~ sil1ll lle u nd s tromr Bnd wtll l ast II IIfeLiulC. Wt! hnve lIold b undro(1!J of like nlll('htn ~s I\nd cvcryhody Is

sntlslled. On1:r IU~ "rd".... wtU 00 ml .. d on lhlw ofl'er. ACT TODAY TO BY. liV R E . Send your D ume DOW. TODA Y. Yuu can't. l oose. n nd iLS th o Ilre"te~t. co()nom i onJ. Ollportunh)' you will el'er hft\'c .

Lillian M lhe infant daughter of Mr. Nathan Smith died at the hom e of her parentB near Spring Valley Tuesday even ing October ~S . The fun('ral was held Thur<;dn}' aftern oon at ~ o·dock. Inl.:rment waR lIlade ill Miarni Cemetery. (' ARII OF

.. ,.,

HUNTING NOTICE The following havtl their farms posted, and hunting on the same will poaitively be prohibited.

Seth Furnas. Martin Gons.

Iaaac Wilson,

I. satterthwaite



- -AT-

Henry F. Mills died s t hi !! home in Spring Vall ey. Tu esday morninR". Whil e he had been in poor health fo r a long whil e. the end came rather sudden ly, Mr. Mil ls was 8S year s , 10 months and 29 years of age and leaves a wife, three children. B F. Mills. of Corwin , G. D. Mills, of WaynesviJIe and Mrs John Walden, of Spring Valley. and four g randchildren to mourn his loss. The fun eral services will be held at the Friends' church, a t Spring Valley, ThurRday morning at ]0:30 o'clock , Interment in Spring Valley CA m ~te ry





AMERICAN BEAUTY And MADAME GRACE CORSET .Demo~stration, Novemh'er 17. to 22., 1913, One Week Only


.. ,

... ,

W e want every woman in our ci t y and vicinity to take this opportunity and ca ll at our store d uring the above wcek-it mak es no ditTerence what kind of corset YO II may wear. we wan t to con\'ince you tbat these corset s will give you the bes t satisfaction of any. Uuring thi s demonstration it wi ll cost you nothing ex tra to be correctly fitted by an expert sent here by the manufacturers of these justly celebra tecl corse t s;- to be properly fi tted means a you thful. stylish figure . A void discO ll1fo'rts and ill s by wea ring a corset t hat improves your figure and is comfortable. The demonstrator, Miss Colvill, will give each of the first thirty-five ladies wlio call a handsome aod superb Art Panel of the Ameri _ can Beanty Hose in na tural colors; made for framing for home use.



FOR SALE I will offer at Public Sale at my r£'Sidence Qn Third Street, Saturday, November 15, 1913 Commencing at 1 o'clock p_ m .• I Jewel Oak Heating Stove 1 Clermont Cook Stove I Good Coal Oil Heater 1 G8IIOline Stove 1 Velvet Couch 1 Lady's Writing Desk 1 Ice Chest 1 Phaeton Buggy . 1 Sleigh Chairs. Churn. 20 yards of good Rag Carpet and many other articles to numerous to mention. These articles are all in good condition. Terms-Cash_ Mrs. Alethia Alexander ..



M rH . Louie J uhnson. wife of Dr. Arnold ,Johnson, di ed very suddenly Wednesday at her home near Le banon. Dr. Johnson lived and practiced medicine in Springboro for a number of years. but lately li ved on a farm near Lebanon . Mrs. J ohnson had relatives and fri ends in Waynesville by whom she was highly respected.

819.asa ard St. A""ade Hid ... D ..~\A)I1. 0.

Twenty.fifth Sunday after Trinit y, November 9. Sunday School at 9:30 . a. m. Momlna- prayer and sennon at 10:80. The public is invited to tbeee services,


We wish to expreRS our thanks to those who kind ly assisted us d uring thl' sick nl'!l!i anel death of our liltle nne. Mr . and Mi ~<l Nathan Smith and Family.

National Typewriter & Repair Co.




$l.~n~ up

$3.~n~ up

Madame Grace. American Beauty F R E E FIT TIN G s.



While you are buy ing COR SET S that we have the most complete line of all kinds of Wearabies it has ever been our pleasure to show you. P ric e s as u sua I The Ve r y Lowes t_ Very



s. Howell.



Something New I




Have your Sale Bills Printed at the 'Gazette Office.

Poor Old Elgin



Is d~wn and out when compared to The Tri·State Butter Company's prices for Butter Fat, which is fbr week ending November 9th. The Tri-State Butter Company dealE! direCt with the shipper,: shipme!lts usually be!ng ~ade eve:y four o.r five days as convement to t he shIpper, ,every -shI pment bemg guaranteed against loss or damage in transit . . Tbe shipper not , only saves the colleCtion l'ost of 3, 4 or 5 cents per pound but also gains a decided advantage in having the t(>st sample taken and tested immediately upon arrival. Our Spot Cash cheCk will prove to you. the Tri·State is the most profitable market for your cream. We see every ship· per's cream. we deal direct with ~' ou. we depend entirely upon the size of our Spot Cash pay check to bring us' additional shipments, Free Trial Cans will be sent prep,a id and our Spot Cash Checks will co~vince you as they havre convinced 6.000 shippers of eream In three states.

Also, Coffee Cakes, Pies, Crullers, Buns, Cookies, Etc.

BREAD-S and 10 Cent Sizes. Tobacco,IClgars,ICandles and Luncl1.

Hartsock's Bakery_


How To Secure This Piano Free

The TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. .

' capital StOCk, $715,000








Archiepiscopal Feast. A cl~rreBJlondent sends us tho mateI rial for a i!llnn er g1ven by the Arch' Th e regu I al' annual meetmg of the : bIshop of York In 1468 : Three hunWarren County Fish and Game As· dred Quarters of wheat, 330 tuns of ale, soeiation will be held November T. : 104 tuns of wIne, 1 pIp<: of spIced 1913, -at 7:30 0'c\0ck p. m. in the S. ' wine, 80 fat oxen. 6 wild bulls. 1.00' I sheep, 8.000 hogs. 300 calves. 3,000 , . W. room 0 f t h e 0 pera House. Leb· ' geese 3000 apons 300 pigs 100 pea- I anon, Ohio. E;leelio'n of officer!! and : COCkS: 200 cr~nes, 200 kIds, 2,000 ChICk- I other business of \mP ~ rtance will ! ens. 4.000 pIgeons, 4,000 rabbits, 20. come before lhe meeting. You are bittern; 4,000 ducks. 400 herons, 200 urged to be present pbeasllDts. 500 partrtdges. 4,000 wood· ;, • . ::" cocks. '00 plovers. 100 curlew. 100 quails. 100 egrets. 200 roes. 400 V."tllatl.n Teet. bucks, 1i.1i0S venIson pastles. 1i.000 A sillille way to tell whether your dishes of jelly, 6.000 custards, 300 room Is properly ,'enUlated Is to ' pike. -.360 hream. 8 BellIs. 4. porpoises place a wide-necked bottie of water and 400 tarts _ There were 1.000 servlInto whIch yo,," have put half an ounce torll, {j2 cooke and 1i11i Bcul11ons_ Our of lime watet', In the room. lettin. It correspondent InformB UB that his au· Nmaln uDQovered over night, If In thorlty does not state In what Qlrcum· the mornlD, tile lime water Is ml1k stanceB the dinner W1lS given, or how the nntilatlo'n II bad. U the IIme' wa- many guea's aaBemb~d. 'POsBlbl,. ter becomes milk on your 'coverlng tb. BomClj 1'eader may be able . to throw botO. mouth. :wlth YOiN' band u4 light/clin the lubjecL-London Globe. Bhakta, the velsel, tHe. venUlation S. ~'. .. ~ ' ~ not .ufDcSentl:; IOOd. If trb4IltlM water ......u ~...., th.... Of tbat rdoa ..


For 30 days only we will make a Special Sale on Anthony Fence, the beat on the market today.


·. RQ~&SON

W ayn~~e,. 0" pu....




rut Ollt the roupon in this adv fill it in properly. mail or bring it to the store_ Then buy your goods at our store. get vour friends to buy, and have your friends to get their friends to buy, Collpct all their ' Booster Co upons and plal'e them to ,our own crerlit in our Booster Club Ballot liox. With your friends' help, you can secure several hun· dred dollars' worth of Booster Coupons every' month , Tbe Capital Prize wlIl be given to the Booster securing the Ilreatnumber of Coupons before the cloEe of the Booster Club (11m, 30 Days Notice of Close will be given. .

REMEMBER, it will not cost you one penny more to trade with us, our prices are alwaye the lowest. our goods will still be of the same thoroughlv reliable quality. There is every reason why you should do all of your trading at our store. Booster Coupons given for Cash Purchases. fo" Produce. and in settlement of old accounts. J:he Piano will arrive in a few days. Watch for it and come to our store and see it, . Enter your name or the name of BOrne friend as Ii member in the Booster Club. and commence saving Coupons, . Watch our announcements each week.

Oood For 1000 Booster Coupons Zimmerman's Booster Club Store -#

I wish to nominate


a member of your Booster Club

I understand this is merely a Nomination and does .n ot obligate me in any way. Name .. -...... -.. -.. _.. ....... -- -...................... ......... . Date .-.. -.. .... - ..... _. _...... Address ........................................ .. (Only one to Il customer)

Z .I -M ,M .ERMAN·'

. ' . " .·The Booster . ~ .v

.. '.

' '


.. I

!3ixty-Fourth Yea!LEST WE FORGET.




Former Citizens :

-- ---.- --. ... --.----........




r·. ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .11



. ... _ ............


Th.u",,,, .. odu,"tiun" ,t,~ in 1: Th e past few day~ ha ve been 'luite the ni~ht! Thousands of stars of suggesti ve of what is to follow . Thomas Piluce WBS the dinner Mrs. Clint Grubb . of Dayton. fell hope in our Statel Thousands of - . . - - . . ... .. - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . ... ~ ..- ..+ J I Su nday morning we awok<! to fi nd - ........._ _ _ _ _•• _ _ •__ .• _ ..__ .. ~................J the gro und sprinkled with a light guest of Mrs. Belinda Rogers Sun· duwn the cella r steps. at her home awakened urban and rural communlast week. and broke her collar bone. ities. scintillating. affilliaf co.oper. Mrs. Maria Surface is very sick coat of snow. which with the tem- day. Mrs . Edith Harris was in Cinciny Mrs. Grubb tis the mother of Mrs. ating for a great com mon good- npt! last WH'.k. with typh uid feve r. perature sl' ghtl y belo w the fre ezi llg Mrs. Lizzi\:! Yeazel entertainer! F ran k Hess and a sister of Mr. lIetter schools. Friday- Fish Day at White's Store. Visit your schoo ls November 14 point. came as harbi nger of winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway Mon· Harry Murray and Mrs. Chas. Brad· Thousands of lights in the winat any time during the day. • warning us that the cold and wint ry day at dinner. dock. dows, telling' forth to the world Ralph Pence. of Dayton. spent month of the year are right at our New Sorghum at White's. that the conscience of the State of Sunday at home. very 00 1' . Tht! cong regation s at F. B. Henderson and family and [n renewing her subscription Miss " ed t th t ed f J Mrs Verna Kelley. of Springfield. the varioufl churches were not lar"'e Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud were 10 IS arous 0 • gr.:!. ne 0 • E Janney and family spent .... Pearl Culvin. of Sprin g Valley. Oh better schools. friday in Dayton. v i ~l leu relative!! here last week. anrl retu rni ng home were content gUeEts of Mr. and Ml'tI. Olho Henwrites: The Gazette is a welcome Forth from our rural schools • Mil'\S Annie Brown. of Xenia. !!pe~t with the rc~t of our citizehs to re- derson Sunday. visitur in our home. We love to come our best. at last. for them. w Our holiday Books are now on lhl! week-enll at her home here. main in cloors bv t he fireside lookin g e read its pag-es and hear from good are demanding a tardy justice display. J. E. Janney. Dr. and Mrs. J. T . ElIi8 were out upon anrl at interval s remarkin5 M r~ . Harry Murray and Raymond tl . f f tl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Henkle "Old Waynesville." Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit were Cin. upon Ie ev(:r unceasin g ury 0 Ie They. too. shall have the best. COlli ner were in Dayton Saturday. t 1 t' I s orm . n propo r IOn as ou r upper at dinner Sunday. Monrovia. Cal. Why do not we use our school cinnati visitors Friday. November 1. 1913 houses tor social centers and gatherP. B. Thompson and family were See our new SOc popular copy- roo ms were warm. the co!!.1 pile in Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway were . f h i " Th right Book J E J the cell ar was depleted : As we lOgS 0 t e peop e. e school Dayton visitont Friday. s. . anney. Ed itor Miami Gazette. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoops Mrs. Mary Haines. of the Friends' write the snow still lingers and to- at dinner last Friday. Dear Sir: board and janitor are not their own. , F. H. Farr and Rev. C. S. Grauser Horn e. is quite lIick with pn eumonia. gethe r with the ba re and leafless Will you pleMe allow space in ers. but servants of the people. and your paper for us to express our custodians only of their property. were in Xenia Thul'8day. trees rem inds us that Nature is Miss Emma Heighway entertailled Mrs . Amanda Galimore has moved about to e t th ' t . at dinner Tuesd' a y evening Mr. and Jjinccre thanks to the many friends They who love Ohio. her HearSupt. Cookson at theWaynelil- to th e Friends Home for the winter . sleep . Wen err 1IIJont anof e r Will er s I th t of Waynesville and vicinity who so children. must rally to the Govern vi1l~ High School Auditorium. Thurs. a c prone 0 ee a Mrs. F. B. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. If you are going to have a sale . such weather on the 9th of J . W. Ed wardB. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. kindly contributed to the POlit Card or's call and meet together Novem- day evening. November 13. ' th edd ' bf!r 14 to dl' usa th hIt' see A. A. M~Neil. Centervl·lle. Ohl'O, November is most IInu~ua~. in fact Chapman. sh. ower on our fift Ie w 1Il~ an · I ' d h scth· de IBC 00 ques hIon Dr. and M.... Dudley Keever. of ." both h never occ urred before. But lest we pones. mversary. It could hardly be called an C t oose t'elr te egates Col bto tDat Centerville. were guests of Dr. A. r . forget. the Commercial Tribune un. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Johr,s ena sower. urn UB. e- Wright and family Sunday. Mrs. flaymond Creager. of Dean. h b ut a veritable cloud grea conven Ion a ..u Frl'day and dl'd cember 26. Oh 10. o is spending thp. week with Mr. der (he caption "Fifty years ago to· tertained at dinner on ;)unday Mr. burst. It began 0 and Mrs. Harvey Burnelt and not cease until Thursday. after the Will there be a darkened window Mil!s Rosamond Dakin left last an d .urs. .. day". d ' us that h fifty years ago U. M. White . I t " informs evening mail. there being 193 mes- in Warren county? In Wayne town. Th ursd ay morning for her home in as ",un ay Just suc a storm swept daughter Kathryn. Mr. and Mrs . sages from 17 citiell and towns in 6 ship? In Massie town8hip' Our Hannibal, Mo. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Earl over our stolte. blocking streets and Charles Hough and Mi88 .larriett states Bnd Washington. D. C. It reputation Is at stake; we are at the Meurl. Frank Taft and Lott. of everly. Dayton. Monday. November roads snrl tying up traffic. So it Couden. of Lebanon. . hi b fbi' I' Le • b 10th. a son. was. and is now and ever shall be. t. not e Dayton. &pent Sunday with Mr. and was h Ig y appreciated by U8. Many ar 0 pu Ie op mono thanks to each and all. We wish ashamed of our citizenship. Mrs. J. W. White. Miss Lydia Good. of New Vienna. While the earth r emaineth seed time Mr. and Mrs Walter McClure enOhio. is visiting her cousin Mrs A. and harvest. and cold . and heat. and' tertained at dinner and supper on you health. peace and prosperity Co.operatioll of the men and woand that you mayal1 live t<e cele- men of a community can bring about S. A. Stillwell. of Lebanon. at· B. Chandler. summer and win ~ er. and day and Election day Mr. and Mrs Frank brate your golden wedding •. and if any sane cause for the community's tended K. of P. lodge here last . night shall not cealle. Zell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawke. Mr. we should never meet in sunny. salu. good. This i8 a patriotic duty; a Wedn.tay nhrht. Several of our 32nd degree Masons •- • and Mrs. ChBS. Rye. Mr. and Mrs. GOLDEN WEDDING F. C. Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy brious. sun-kissed. fiewer bedecked. duty to our children and their pos- The Ladies oftheChristian church art: attending.the annual convocation Southern California. may we meet terlty. We are negligent of our willlwid the Thank.agivin~ market at Dayton. thiS week. Hathaway, Misa Alice Carey. Mrs. ll.ost-Saturday ni ght between my I Mr. and Mrs John E vans, of no rth Lizzie Yeazel. and Messnt. Harvey in that summer clime. beyond the school duty. Only three per cent of at the Township House. Wedn8erlay, Great Divide. in that mansion pre- parents visit the schools. while we November 26th. commencing at 9:30 home and Chauncey Bunnell's a of Waynesville. were in receipt of and 'Claren::e Rye. pared for all who ""love God and do may safely say ninety·nine per cent a. m. Come and give them a call. ho.rtIe blanket. Roy Weeks • many valuable and useful presents --His holy will. is the prayer of your criticise the teacher who needll their when they celebrated their golden Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White enter· friends. hearty support and co-operation to Mr. and Mr.. Fenton &tta and Mesdames C. S. GrauBer . C. T. wedding November 8. At noon a tained at dinner Sunday the follow.J G d k ___ • II Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuntz autoed Hawke F H Farr and Miss Grace bounteous dinner was served to over ing.guests: Mr. and Mra. John Van· wor succ""""u v. ..I. f • . . J . 0 . an d M. . ar. Let's not neglect our duty Novem- ru own rom Dayton Sunday and C8~rman attended the district con- thirty of their relatives and friends Harlingen, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Charles E1l8worth Smith was born ber 14, for all other things are sec- .apent the day with Mr. and Mrs. vl!flltion of the W. F. M. S . at High who gathered to remind them of the Creager. of Dean. Ohio, Mr. and at Waynesville. Ohio. and died at ondary to the in'WHlflDt trainin~ of John S. ThoDlllOn and daughter. Mi. Street M. E. church in Springfield, h!\ppy event and to wish them many Mrs. Ferd Van Harlingen and chilAnn. Tn escjay. more yearB of happiness. The gueBts .ren, of Day ton, Mr. aDd Ml'8 E. M. Emerson. Neb.. October 31. 1913. a child. aged 58 years. He learned the har. We must get a new vision in reo _ !!!2!S were: Mr. Fred Osborne. Mrs. D. Runyan, Mr. and Mn. Cliff Runyan ~_ ness mllker's trade with his father. gald to the school question. What REPORT WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS FOR OCTOBER, 1913 Beedle and granddaughter Arminta, and Mr. Everett Runyan. of Leelan, Mrs. Frank Payne and grand.daugh- Ohio. ' - - the late Thomas H. Smith. and are you!' i.leas for a better school? worked at it nearly all his life. He That is whnt the Governor wan~ter Vivian. Mr. Walter Baker, Mr. • - ...- - No. No. No. No. No No. No. came to Hoopeston with his parents ideas. you·J'lJ. lrleas lead to ideaiB, and Mrs. Clifford Baker and son HAD TEACHERS BADLV SCARED 2 1 5 6 7 8 10 in ]877. Two years later he was but they must bp. &,iven publicity. WaYter, Mr. anli Mrs. Jesse Baker 1-:3 e: ~ I!: united in marriage with Misa R<.sa The Interchange of ideas. the touch and daughters Velma. Ada and M~ The teachers of the O. S. & S. O. 0 ~ ~oo ~lJ:l I!: i' M' !{l gjoggjfO if if if 00 Haas and two sons were born to with others means much to each of garet. Ernest Lukey, of Dayton; Mr. home at Xenia last week were E.. til s:: CI.l::!. ~3 ttl ~~ them. Mrs. Smith died in 1884 and us. An idea from Warren county. and Mrs. W. J. Osborne. Mr. and notified that they would have to!le- ' ~~ fO_ fOs::8'~ .,8 ;:~ 0 S!:::r;I ~ .... po;' ::p., .~~ in 1887 Mr. Smith married Miss Ella Wilyne or Massie town8hip or others. Mrs. A. E. Osborne. of Spring Val- cure board outside the grounds and • IStxI:r ... ." ;::>~ ~G":l 01." :r= Prouse. Four years ago they went. may wing its way to the legislature ley; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Osborne, that a maximum wage of S40 a ~~ ~ I!l~ glJ:l (3 0 to Murdo. South Dakota, and took and be the parent of a great IIChool of St. Mary 's; Mrs. Halstead, of month be paid to them Tbia was 01 <: ~'§ ~.~ "' .... s; '" :0;R> til : r . " .,,= up a claim near there. upon which reform. - - - Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans the ruling of AtU;mey ,General they madA their home while Mr. In these days of broad endeavor and two childre~ Lawrence and Hogan. The order spread conaterSmith worked at his tr~de in Murdo. of wide outlook. the thought fo; Enrollment......... ............ ...... ...... 10 24 13 14 22 23 17 123 Margaret. of Centerville. and Mr. nation throughout the institution, The remains were brought to Hoopes. mutual inspiration and helpfulness Rank in enrollment................... .. 7 and Mrs. Wm. Pennewit and daugh- and many of the . t6aehera were 1 6 5 2 3 4 ton for interment. Besides his wife is paran;lOunt. ters Mary and Hell'n. serioullly thinking of giviq up their and two 8Ons. there are left to All over the State on November Total days of absence ......... ......... 9 36 20 32 16 22 38 233 • -- 0 contracts. mourn his death, two Bis1;ers and one 14. there will be gathered together TEACHERS' ASSOCIA lION Later the order came to the Home, 3 12 5 7 7 5 13 62 brother-Mrs. James W. Johnston. a body of people whose object is the No of pupils causing abaeoce.. .. .. .. that for the preeent teachers will be ~ort1ill! city; Mrs. M. A. Pierce. of betterment of the public schools of Neither absent nor tardy.. ~..... ...... 6 9 4 6 12 11 1 49 The Warren County Teachers' As- allowed to continue to board at the Lebanon. Indiava. a~d Joseph J. Ohio. Our IIChools bave outgrown sodation will me~ at the Lebanon Institution under contracts made Smith, of Fowler. Indiana. the old regime. and are aching un. Per cent of enrollment neither National Benk nuilding. Saturday, with theTruatees. Tbiewudecided -Hoopeston (111.) Chronicle. der the older curricula and training abll4lllt nor tardy ................. ... ... 60 37 31 43 65 50 6 November 15.1913. upon Friday bl At~rney General • __ for a new. 15 58 10:00 a. m. - Devotional. Supt. P. T. S. Hogan and State Auditor A . V. Cues of tardiness .............. ......... 5 10 13 5 1 9 MIAMI QUARTERLY MEETING We can do much working alone. B. Thomp:>on; Music; Round Table Donahey, and thene_which spread but h.,w much more, working to- No. of pupil8 tardy ......... .. .......... 3 5 33 Discussion. led by Prof. C. A. rapidly over the Home ill being 7 1 5 4 8 Miami Quarterly Meeting had a gether. There is an inspiration Bruner; Teaching Boys and Girls, gratefully received by teachers and good attendance and ' manifest in. which comes only through B880cia. Per cent of attendencc ............. .... 96 92 92 87 96 94 90 Prof. Fred C. Whitcorqb. Manual headll of departmentll, whose poBlterest in its religious work Saturday tion with others, Who are working Visits of Superintendent"...... ...... • 5 4 4 6 3 4 30 Art Instructor. Miami University. tions were seriously affected by the and Sunday. the 8th and 9th inst. for a common cause. 1:30 p. m.-Music; The Changing ruling of the Attomey General. Edith M. Winder. of Richmolld. Board. of education, teachers of Pupils of Wayne Township neither! Lowell Hill of School Standards. Supt. P. B. It was claimed by Attorney Gen· Ed d G'll'l d Thompson. Supt. Lytle Special eral Hogan that BOme of the conInd .• Sam'l R. Battin and daughter. Warren county. Wayne and Massie absent nor tardy: o,..a 0 k I war I 1 an ' . arner. N ath an township, Governor Cox wants the ~QI • I School District; The Teacher's Lab- tracts conflict with the atatutes, but M artba. Marth a J . W V. Branson. Orlando T. Battin. help and inspiration of the light in Harold Burge Howard Misseldlnel Mt. Holly oratory. Prof. Fred C. Whitcom.. the state officials do not think that \ Phineas L. Walker and wife, all of your school house window. Novem- Anna Burge Heber Ross Alklert Marlatt Martin Marlatt This is a very important year for the conduct of the school nor the Selma. Ohio. Reuben M. Roberts and ber 14. in behalf of "Better Schoola Adda Burge Clifford Sunday Lena Marlatt Jacob Marlatt the schools of Ohio. United effort well being of the teachers should 1>e wife, of South Charleston. Ohio. ~r. for Ohio." Are you with them? Supr Orove J08eph Haines on the part of the teachers is nece&- disturbed. The laWi in the matter and Mrs. Keever. of Centerville, • - • sary. Do not miBB this or any other are said to be indefinite. and it baa Albert Heston, of Springboro. Dr. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Irma Shutta Anna Thomas County Ass·· It b een suggested that the General Clyde Shutts Chas. Weilhart College Hill oClatlon. and ~rs. Micdhener, ~tfh Lebanon. 26th Sunday after Trinity Novem- Inez Thomas Earnest Shutts Mrl!. Muzetta Meloy, Pres .• MiB8 Assembly stralahten ·them out. were . In otten ance el er one or b 16 S d "'-h I 980 PIS k M' Hazel Salisbury Carl Squires Jennie Tribbey. Sec·y. • -- • b th d er . un ay.,., 00 at: a. m au to es ane Surface Gayle Evans Marie Squires E C C MASS MEETINO o . ays. • _. Lesson, The First .fir~le of our Burnet Butterworth X • .om.. A. Bruner. G. H. SIB h Gerke. F. C. Gilmour. • Lord St J hn 2 1 17 M . METHODIST EPISCOPALCHU~CH ' • 0 : - . ' ornln~ Hannooy Orove pr ng ranc • - _0--Prayer and aermon at 10:30. "Lord, Russel Stanley Marybelle Hamer Carl Dakin Harmon Hill '.the School \1Iua meeting anThe firs~ quarterly Confer,ence will I have loved the habitation of thy Mabel ~l.y Ruth Satterthwaite Nelson Brown Edna Lacy AUXILIARVIMEETINO nounced in last week'a laaue of the be held Saturday evenin&' at 7:30. house, and the place where thine Ethel sa~terthwaite Alice Gons Esther <.:urtis Gladys Rolantl Gazette, for the.night of November Let all of the officials be present. honour dwelleth." Come. Georp,Satterthwaite Carlton Cook William Drake Rubert Hill The Fall. Dayton Convocation of 14 will be held on Thunday evening • _ • Rhod B ' II AIL- W I the Woman's Auxiliary will be held November 13. at the Waynesville UP-TO.DATE HOME f!lI unne _rt i son Harry Conner Carl Conner in Trinity church, London. Thursday, High School Aujitorium. The cauae Communion service Sunday morning at 10:80. Dr. Story will be with us Clement Satterthwaite Lois Dakin Charity Hill November ]3. The opening :service of the• cbup. is the iDability to At the morning service the plan of Mr. and Mn. ·Ralph Miller will will be the Holy Communion at 10 secure " . . . . ..for the 14th. taking the Bubscriptlons for the new soon move Into their lately acquired • ~ Green Briar School, which closed temporarily on September 19th o'cloQk, Bishop Reese officiating and GaoL.c, and an addreas by C. church will bepresenterl. Please-ar prol'8rty on Third street. The wu..,.,opened, Monday, in charp of Miss Opal Thompson. '. making the main address. Later, W. Gooklon, Supt. of Schools, Troy, range to be present. I • house has been thoroughly over- I vialt th~ township schoola80metime during the day, Friday, Nov. there will be reports from every Ohio. will be . the leadiq featurel. In the evening at 7 o'clock the hauled from top to bottom, a ayatem We are aDXloua to have a larae number of patrons a'ld friends in the bnnch of the work. eapecially the Supt. Cookson baa a Statewide repopastor will preach on the "ubject, of hot.water heatiria installed, bath '~ool room. on thla 'ute, Mo~ing ..,ion, reading, arithmetic, pbY8- Trlehnial Meeting rE'Cently held in tation u a apeake,' and ahould M ··The Unnaturalness of piaobedience room, and electric lighta, thua 10100', grammar and. advanced readillJll'&re -tau~ht In the order named: ~e!V . York. Several members of St. heard by all patroll8 of. Wa:,nesville•.. to Christ." Donotmissthlallel'vice. making it a modern, up-to-date afternoon -.ton, primlU'7, langull,1lle.. geography, writing history and ,. MB;i'Y's Waynesville, branch of the ~e, Corwin.and WQI1e ToWlllbl, '. -Clarence S... ·Gt-aQaer. PBstor. home. ., apelling. F. ~. Gi1~our. Supeimtend~t. Auxiliary, expect ·to attend. I Schools. ' '

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Whole Number 3237


Personal Mention Column

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"Hou8c kce plr.g! " ~ b t, :'epeatf' p t be SKIMPS LlTILE JOKE co m monp lace word wl l h 80methl!!1> of moel,!'r),. " VO II are rlllltl , Hurry, Backe d H Is Sta t eme nt W ith Mone y, Do yo u think I \I ou ld bn!:.l lt my e u· but Was Compe ll ed .,. gllg l~ nH'nt with Seulllor Pryce Ilt this Compromise, MISS ES' COAT SUI •• (' IP- I"'lIt h hour a nd st Pul IIl\'/ly 1t111J a th\t·r7 \\'h)' ''- 6ho II\II/.: h"d h YMto rl c· " RjJP;lld n" o f 1o:1I1t:,,,, cl ol , · h"n~. " 1'1" a ll )' ·- " Illi ' we udlllg urrn ll g"lIle llt !1 u l'e By VERA STRAiG HT. mork " d Sklct.,)~, "h .. " th,. ""11I,' rRa· 311 ma u,' : til<! Uln lll'r lti or(k l· .. eI : Ih e I':slh!' r .'\ o rr IH WU S to bl' [lInrr ic:od tloll tUrlll '" 10 jloll ltt'Y, " I 11:1\1' a hon gu, ',,, " ha vo l't'l:l'lIl' u t h l'lr II1\'1la· \\' h o:-itJ I\;:~~ ar" ~ () H lI u~ 1l lb al I IllIt Ih(' Ill'Xl aft,'moo n. 8hn Bat at h,:r li( ' I1 ~ - ., Ihn' " d (ll. ·" of Ill" ,,, In u eul: .; r t,(,x , . window, 111 '1' 1'10 111 Ul' O'1I her hunu . ::;11,' ullrs ! 111 10 hY Rle r lf'1I1 so bs and til. , n th,-' r d ay ," looil ing au Int o II,.. s ha' l o \\' ~ of tho \\ ItI'Il It" tonlt hro r In hl~ ar!ll ~ Rhe "1:1\' " Idm ·,h. · .\n a!da~ d ull illl d :\I:" ma pl,' Irt'(' ,' Ill'r l'iallC{ hnd JU " I Icrl fpl! that Rh" ha d 1I0t th o Rtrl' ng lh to shoutt'd th.· n 1s t . in cllOI'II :i her an rl s h, ' 1I :, d Gil " ",'(1 OW[\)' to 1101' rc ~i:5 t longer. Ill s lo \'{' ha d 1llf'lIl1t " I I an;' ~ll1y or Y" U g.(llllit'l lIl 'll t IlU: Il ' ~' I "00 til , I', a" i n~ lH' r Ill otl,,' r to 1'1:1 t he 1Il0rc to h l' r thall s~l e h ud le t "ve n II'I[h \\' 111<- 10 to back Y" " (' dlll'i,' ,; or fllml tolt ch" s to th,' dl't' o rati o ll ~ and hf"r own ['(l u I Itnow. nlY n ' r nl'itj'?" 1 til rl' hl.'nI'8l! [h ,' ""d dl lll; dinll (> (,. "I larry, r will comc with you," slip " I lia"e 11 COli pI " or dol lar' ," " ,;,1. ·d · F nlncls E Bl h cr wns th lrt\ ·olll'. sai d . l' ho I' hend . "}\(1),\\'h"re ' " (;ntiwI' I!. Pr~c o, wh om s he IIns to ma rry, was "' hI! s l Ppped out t b rou g h th o wll' ·::tu ha vll I ," :,d.iI'cI )'Jul(!UH' . rOl'll··so ye n. It wa s not II lovll matc b dow and Illc), ta('l'd ellc h oth!'l' In lite " U oo ti "lIoll g ll ~ I' ll ~ C1v c r bo t h o f bllt born o[ mutu a l (,,,,w'C't ull d ('0 0' ga r<\hon OIlI "ldc. ;';o!Jod)' wus !lllrrlng t h o~ , ' h, 'I,.. " 0,1 1"11('" . 1I0t h had L"l'II in 10\'1' b,~· In tiJ e st r ee t. S ho loola' u buck a t th e " "{try wl'll (I..'. I\\" sh o w n ~ l l lt'!-'e forro lin t! (,IH: h lUll '\\' it of t h, ' tJl hl' 1'. hou" I' , tearfll i. an d Rt ll l unc e rtai n. Two yPHr~ n n d lil rp(a lll( n til s beI' g ~" 111 Ih llt (·" lln r·box" " \I'hy {'ouldn ' t YOll com e b(' ro re?" " " ·p II. I (,a ll ,I" It Ir )'U II 1 1I ~IH l. hi roJ'(~ E 91h nr had sen l awu)' 111'1' love r , a pplying ~ h" whl " ll l' r"c! . . per hnp t-l I l fIIay n tl l lH ' IIt ' C l' SS.ul' j"" Tlt l')' ha d h"1'" l' n· lI u rry (; od danl Ha rr y Oooldard thre w !J ac k his h end == 1 "Of " 0 111'';" It' ~ lI e ('>('"",'I'), ' Y ou gal;.' d fi \'" y.m r8 and lIarr y sllo wt'd u nd laug h Ni. rl on't I XI,,'c t In w ill oll r IIl U,"')' \\ ,Ih· 11 0 [l ro~ " '(' ts o r cloill ~ an)'lhln l( ('II I1I' r " 11" (IlU~P , " h o an HWe rl' U. "SA nato r 0111 jlrouf. d u YO ll ':" tor hlm s I' lf or ror h .. r. "It Isn ' t tba l. you "1'0 unfo r tun n te. P ry ce> g l\\' (\ mc fiv o l1undrp d do llars ":-;ot at all, but I "' ''1'1' 1.1' "" to [U II HI'rY ." HIli' ,m l,l . " I:u[ 11 n l:.n \\ hO t o tay awny UllIn hl~ wedt.!ln g clay." ob""I'I'(' that It wa H a hll,·tie·('o ll ar h"x , " \I'h at: I t" pai d yon 1Il0n ey?" I 1',11 Ih" I ' ~':~ 111." II1InkH of Illa rri" );". III 11 <I be pI'I 'pa r('u "\'('~. An,1 th e iu l." Is that t he olt.! I With "n n1l' (lilli!'lI lly [Ill' lIIatt, 'r 1\"" 10 ",a i" , . a :,rolllt', 111(' II,,· \\"" 1,,"1 he man out " ltr . " ,I II I'm ~(' IF 1'1\ i ~ IA III~ 1' 0111 prn l ll h"wd , Hlld ~kll1ll' .s \\' a.~ warll(' U low"s . ' ou Clln [ , [ [('k I" 11(1) Ihl"~; \\'('(Id ln ' dllV b('ra'ISl' 1\ i~ paH m Id. that tl,,· ,,"xl I.... ·ak of Ih a t IdlHl "Iull id \1'" 10'111had :11 " " ' 1' '"111' Inllll \, " ; you d!'1l1k. I I ~I I ' h I I J k " ""'1' ~a \ ,. cI I ;n II/: II I _" ::; hll n ~ II ,.. t, oug It II ~ 0 e \\'n ~ ?,n , cos t h im hi s 11ft>. Years of Cult ivation Has Produced Sour Condition Wh ich is Ift )OU k rf I I I . fl 111 1', hu l Iha l S "h e re II<' fl' lI c1 0 " " '.ro ·c:o 0 unl COll I IIU "( : arry , 1o;" IIo ('r Inl d Ill'r han d on hi s arm Unfavorab le to Growth of Principal Crops, Especially T ick led a Mul e. • lIn g(llll~ tco (lilt "<HI to tile t ('st 00 " li nn)" yon di d this d1ls tardl y )I'll • a ll gl'l n pO Rltlon . . : .llIl c 1'!IUI 1'0 1'1 ':u'" had II lJar, l Ihe you t hlnl! Clover - Manure Not a Cure-AIL ho ld It t wo yt'I" S lind HlIHl fI\' e hUll' thin ;;?" ~ h" a ~k('d. lIlulo ':, ' 11111<;11, or at !t'ust lIlak" nOI "N' ,Ired (\oll ars? If )'t'U can I will ma r. "\\, pll , hns n 't he llIon " y to spa re ? I hat ~o llllrll'd lI); e laug li tf! r , and ~() And WUW' t he Just a s bad, " ' it h 3 11 wh e n I", SIlW n "ad ·fae(' d Jlltk s llllru , r y ),IIU wh f> n t lo, ' two ,l' l'n rs n r c up . The c fl'ec t of liming i8 we ll ill u~ · mo re c lov e r liH' more Illtrogt'n . Th,' n hi s m OO ('Y, bribin g a \loor man 7" I Ing lou,e near a s tah l a t C\' prl'HtI trat ed !Jy t be expe r ience o f a large It th is Illlro g(~ 11 Is i Ul' ple nWnl ed wilh It 1I 0t- 1 tlon 't wan t you to com e was n 't the !Jrlbl'," sh E' mlltte r d. " It nve llll P aru t Tro lltmnn Htn' (1 t. l'l'ook ~ numbe r of fa rm e rs. Of la to yean; phosphorIc Iw ld a nti potas h In ('o m· bael!." It W II S Ih o mak ing he r Ih o s u hject Iyn, he cI('dflpd It Hhou lcl hI< ('h" l' r" d " It you 'll onl y ma rr y 1110 now ! " ho th e ir meado ws a nd pas tures h ~e be- me r cla l t e rtill~.e rs , tho pla n t rood reo of t he bri be, She Ilncw that th e li nk up. l.i ttl c Pau l- he Is O,,", year~ oltl c ome , in mn ny instances, a ~ ilu re. q ulre mentH for maxim u m yi e lds ot cri ed , und I~s l h pr s h ook he r hea d In whi ch bou nd he r to Harry wa..q !Jrok el: li nd Iln'!< nt :11 Wy cko ff n\"' n ul'- r~ o t a They have faile d In gettin g t III to olJ1er cro ps wi ll be me l. By ree d ing her obs tinate way . to ro\·e r . Quietly sh~ s te ppe d !Jac k s traw an d tlc ltlt' II the lIl ul e's \'ar. Th e " In t wo yea rs ," was ni l s he wo uld tb roug h th e window . gTOw c lover a nd tim ot hy as in :arm or these crops 0[1 t!J e fa r m, a libe r al lI1ul e ~o rt or Arl nn ed lind s hook II ~ r; And so Hnrry w n t away . nn!\wc year s. T hey p repa r e the l and t he best q uantity of IIlltnure Is I(olng lO be T b ls Is a u t ility 6ult. It l1as a pla in " I \\'I n," said a lo w vo ice In h e r The il Frnncls P r yce. state se nato r par.. Senator Pryce was stand ing !Je- /I.,e gore s kirt with n il 8P.11 o r norma l head , !Jut d idn 't IH'I>·lt a w. T hen litt le th ey kno w ho w , m an ure and feTti lI ze a vailable for lise wbeneve r needed . Pu ul tri e d ag ain , This ti me th e mil ia and millionaire, hael wooed her. So all they think they can afford , a nd sow Thus the sllyln!:: wal at li ne. and ov e r tbl s B box coa t fo rI' he r , In h e r room . s mil ing. wh lr le(1 II bo ut Qui c kly, ra lspd Iris hc,' IK ge ntl y. so pe rsls te nlly di d he s('t "What docs this mean ?" a s ke d Es· with d e" p yo ke, plain rro n t aud blp - an d thu l, e xt !iou nds t hat 1Il1i p I'nul more seed t ha n they diu years ago. "Li m e, man u re nnd vigo ro us clo \'c r about the winni ng o f he r that he bud aectlo ns a nd plaited cente r portion. The clo ver and timothy ge r m inate a nd W ill ma ke the old ra r lll r ic h al l o l'cr," WOn be r con se nt almost be tore s be th er . heard wert! th l' (' lang of all all1l.o11l" n c' l~ m a k e a start, but a s t he mon \hs pass " It: m ec.n s ," a nswe red th e senat or, A t th e nec k Is a roP collar and amall be ll a!ld th e h ep·haw of th p m lll p. co nI' re ve rs. Coat a nd . k lrl may be of along the s eedin g beco m es t hin, weed s Is litera ll y car ri e d ou t. " tha t I have t cs ted you a n d fou ud Illned . T he Hurgl'o ll fro lll th o (lpr l11 un tak ing t he place of c lover a nd t imo th y. Anolhe r mark ed d iff e re nc e Is Iba t yo u true, j us t as I rOlln d him fal s\';. one ma te ri a l, or o ne plaIn and the oth· hosp it a l !Ju nd HI(PII lip Pau l's rlll'e a nti S o me tim e s they attribute It to a whe r e li me In s um cie n t q ua nt it ies ha ll 0, Esth r . fo rg i ve me. bu t I could n 't e r pl a id or s trl ped goods, Tbe Bult patte rn (G 367) Is cut In ha llds. upon which he ha d s lid u long droug bt, a t other tlm e8 to frost. then bee n evenly aJlpll ed , no s o rr e l Is to be m a r ry yo u until I had given you th e Medium the streH t a tt e r a li ghting, T h!'n hi s a gain th e leaaon W B8 no t ri gh t In see n, but on tb e u nll meu sllo ts, It II c ha n ce to see wha t you b ave e s- s tzes 14 , 16 nnd 18 yea ra. oo 81ze requires 4", Yb l'ds of U Incl1 mao moth er too k hi m ho me,- :>;u w York lIome other way. B ut 80m e ot tb e se I quite visib le among th (' thi n grass. caped'''orld, m e n have purc hased lime and applied Som e men bave led the ms e lves to bc"No, wba t 1 h ave found," she an· t erlal To l'TOCure thl. pattern .end 10 cents It to t he ir soli a t 1I0me co n ven ie n t Ii e ve t hat Ill anure will e llUilnate t b l ~ swered so ttl y, The Sac red Ballot. t o "Pntte rn Deparlrnent." ot tbts pl1pcr. time 1$1 tbe ro tation, pOSSibl y, aB t hey differe nce. lIu t (wen wben tb e land '.s (ColPyrlght, 1913. by W. G. Chapm an. ) Write name .. nd nddr""" pl a inly, IU1d be Apropos l h e "silcredn ss" of th l' bul · a ure to glva III.e (lnd n um ber at patl orn.. were preparing th e ir seed bed for corn i c ult h 'ated, fe r[ ill zed and ma nu red lo t, art ... r the las t elec tion In whic h I or wh eat. The s e gr a in crops ma y not a like, gro wtb of th e gras s on t he u n· took part. I as ke d a la bore r (\\' ho bad WOFlD OF REMARKABLE ORIGIN have been ID!lt erlally effec ted hy th e lim ed part does not In aoy way eQu~ 1 IIIZ'R ....... __ . _ not bi ng 1>0 fear trom me) ho\\' h" NO. 6357. liming; the m a in thing th ey wer e tha t wh ic h is obtained wh e r e the lime vo ted . "God kn ows," was th o nll ~ w " r NAJIIK .... .. _. ________ _ ... __ .. _ •• _ "Quiz," Which I. In Such Common aft er was clover, a nd t bey go t I t. has bee n a pp Jl ed. T hi s Is li n Ind k30 " I don 't." Use, Has No Root Nor Etymo· The r e may be spots wher e for some [Ion o f wl:a t Is In ta ct tr ue, Ihat mao "Not k now ho w you v otl'c! '!" I s aid; TOW1>l ........ _.. _._. _ ........ . -- . - logical Meaning. r eason no lime was a ppJled, and th er t! nure can not tu ke th e plnce o f Ilrue. " wh a t on ea rth do yo u menn 7" " \\' 011 , STRXET AND NO .• -- __ ....... _.. __ • __ s ir," he ex pla in e d, " th is be re ball ol Is clover 18 lac ki ng; !Ju t t be remainde r Manure Not a Cure.AII. T he word Quiz Is one or tqe few sa c red, uln 't It 7 So 1 Bez, 'L et ( ; 0 (1 d '. of t be fi eld hns a fin e g ro wth. a Dd this 8TA TB .... _ . _ _ ._._. _ _ ..... . __ Too ma ny fa rm e rs rega rd ma nu re E ng li s h word s whi ch baB no Toot nor d espI te t he fac t t hn t the whol e fi e ld U8 a c ure·a ll fo r every tro ub le whic !} clde,' and 1 sez a prayer to him . n nd I e tymo logical meani ng to gi ve a h int s hilts my eyee and makes Ill )' mark . WBS c ultivated and ferti li zed a like. a rises concer n ing t be 8011 . Mll llure of wbat It s ignifi es , GIRL' S DRESS. He k nowe whe re I pu ts 'un , I dUIi' t ." Lime To Increaae Clover . Crop. has a wide lI e ld of use fu lne ss a nd It Is said , In fa ct , that t he mana-Corres po nde nce of the l..onu()11 0 1" Liming tbe Boll 18 done princi pa ll y s bould be ha ndl ed In s uc h a way liS to factu :rer or the word hlmselt did not ,. s erv er. for tbe purpose of incr easing th e clo- pre ve n t u ndue loss. It s u pp lies l he know wha t It m ea nt, He made It .er crop. H o we ver, on m a ny ac id muc h needed hu mus a uu pl ant fo od 10 up. jalkln gly,· Ilccordln r: to ' lhe folIo...... • Important to Mothers aolls ther e will be ma te rial Increase In the soi l. Li me cll n not ta ke th e p lace Ing s tory o f lbe word's orIgin: E1:lU1llne carefully e very bottie of tbe yi e ld of these cro ps following a n of man ure ; neit he r can manu re ta k ... Ma ny year 8 ago tb e re Hved In DuDCASTORIA, a sa fe and sure rem edy for I appli cation of lime. It will !Je no ti ced the place o f li me. The same is true lin a per son whose na me was Duly. Infants and children, and see that It th a t the y' will be gr ee ne r a nd ha ve a of lim e In co nn ectio n wi th co m merc ia l According to custom he Rl!<l a pa rty Bcul'llthe ,,~ more t hrifty ap pearan ce, ThIs 'Is be· fe rtilize r s , T be la tter are used for the of frl lOnd s wer ll gathe re d tf)Reth e r on e Blgnatureor~~ cause th e bacteria whl c b C:luse the or· purpose of ad d ing plant food to t be e venin g , whe n b e made a wa ger tha t In Uae For Ove r 80 Vean_ ganlc matter of tbe so ti to decay and s01l, an d th e re tore , ca n Dot ta ke the by tb e end of th e followin g day e very Children Cry for Fletcher's CastON man In Dublin would be s pea kIng a those wblch cause nltrlllClltlon, th e pl ace of lim e In correc ting soli a c id· word ha vin g no m eanin g and be ing process hy which nitrates are form e d , Ity. It is eve n true Ihat th e use of cer · Double Surprlle. are a ls o e nabled to carry on th ei r ta ln fertili ze rs pro duces a more 1m· de riv e d from no langua ge known. Mr. GOO dy- I' m su r pr ise d l hat you Thel wage r was ea ge rly t a k ~ n up by work more effectually !Jeca u se of t he re ra tlve need of II me. T h is Is no t 10 Ilhould be III t his he lpl ess ly Intoxkatp u Daly 'lI IlSsoc ia t es. who we re Mlre that IIwee te ned condition of tbe s oil due to be used liS a n arg um e nt a gains t tbe "lo1ouaekeepl ngl" She Repeated. condition. the lime. NotWithstanding tbls fa c t. u se of those fe rtili zers, but ra tb e r for he ha d no c hance of winning under flI bble r- Sho' m I (hlc ); tb llu j;ht I when lime 18 appli ed th e Increase Is to th e cons is te nt uppll ' aU on o r lim e o n was aware of It. And, elx montbs the ci rcums tances, c'd s htll nd a lot mo re. be soug ht la tbe clove r c rop. How· those s oils that need It, A pro P CI' use berore, wh en h (> a s ke d b er, she t.old Daly owned among othe r things a theut e~ IlDd after the party ha d brOkver, Incre a s ing the growth of <; Iov e r of co mm e rcia l fer tili ze rs Is pro Ota bl e. hi m a bout H a rry. Brellk up that couRh. .0\ single do. c of " I won't hid e th e fa ct that w e en u p he calle d up all the m en conmay be e x pected to Increa s e th e crops !Ju t It Is Impossi bl e to ge t the ma xi· fJM n's l\,1 ('I\u/lh O rnlls j" '''I(" prompt relief- lie a t nil VI'UK Slot..,•. which follow, beca use, a8 Is we ll mum r eturns from fertiliz e r s applie d ca red to' e ach ot her," she said. " In necte d with the the at er, a s signed to fact, If he came bac k- " known, that crop has a beneficial Influ· to acid solis. 6Ilch 11 c ertain portion or the city , 8UpJ e alousy will not lis te n t o reaSOD. " You would care fo r him more than plied th e m with cba lk and Instrllcted e tiee upon th e 'fe rtil ity of th e s oil. This M. A. BACHT E LL, becullse It doesll 't believe th e re Is " " c h beneficial effect Is du e In pa r t to t ho College of Ag ri cultu re, Ohi o Still e for me?" Bs ked th e se na tor qui e tl y. them to write th e lette re "Q·U-I·Z" on a thin g. addition of nitrog en to the soli ; the Univer Sity. " Yes. But I do ca r e for you," ebe every door and shop window In town be forEI da ylight. HIs orders were car· ===== =:;====== =======-'=-- -- answ e red , Water In btulnlr ultcratlon. flj ...... a nd "I am sati s fi ed w ith that," Pryce rled out so ellectually that before the GROWS IN LIMESTONE ARIiA. moist soli and lies dorm a u t dur ing d r y W' makes liqulrl blue costly , UUj' Hed A Ilmple fro ck, wblcb Is BlIttLtlle morning of the following day was over Cru.. I!aU Dlue, Ad v, wea th e r. 8 1ue gras s sturts g row th answe re d. "Godd a rd Rhall have .hIs Blua Grall II Mo.t Valuable For Paa- early In tb e s pring and g r ows la te In c bance. It be does not return when every body was asking of his neighbor for wear at school, Is shown In thl. 11IUBtration. The plain blouse open. In Money talks, es pe cially wh e n it goes ture-Starta Early and Growl tbe fa ll. It is un e xcell ed tor la wn tb e two years a re u p, I sha ll claim the m eaning of the mysterious word front and ba8 an orna mental tab at Late. purposes. It Is seldom seeded a lo no. rou. An d I s ball t es t you botb," he "qulf ' The Ignorance of Ita m eanIng tbe upper edge of the line of cl08lng . to th e opera., usua ll y bcln g m ixed wit h ot he r gru ln s IIddf' d , s milin g In h is e nigmatic way, and It s Budden appearllnce all over There Is a tuck at eacb shoulder In Godc!a rd did not com e back. Esthe r th e city c r eate d talk and conjecture Blue gra s s, also calle d Jun e grass, or leg um es. For pllst ure spedl ng th o frnnt and an orname ntal collar at tbe II one or th e mos t hi g hl y prl zcd pas· !o> llowlng Is a good mi x tu re : 12 poun(ls lear.n lld that he ha d been I1vlng ju s t for many a day. Whim the truth that It was all a neck. BI8hop sleeves complete tbe H e had ture gra8se s In th e c orn be lt s tat es . ot blUe g ras s, 10 po und s o t ti mo thy, 5 th e same life as of o ld . blou se anll thIs Is ,olned to a kilt plait· It is a lso used a s a hay in g c ro p bu t Is pound s ot Red T op, 2 poun ds of mend· ol1e n j ust a s d iss ipate d, jus t as 1m· joke cam e out the word was a!lopt'Jd It's hard enough to keep house if in Sh e kne w as a I!ynonym tor a jest and eX!'res- ed skirt, wltb plnln front panel. not so pa lata bl e as Home othe r g rasses o w {eBclI e, 2 po un ds enc h o r A lalk e prov id e nt snd rec kless, perfect healtb, but a Vlomp.o who i. Tbe dress pallerD (63 £0) Is cut In slve a lso of a pu zzle because or tbe th a t li fe with him would have been weak, tired ond sUfl'er lDg from an aching a nd whl re c love r. qu estions and general perplexity It s izes 6, 8. 10 and 12 yearB. Medium !In Impos sibility. hack has a heavy burden. , Ilzo reQul ~ e8 3 yards of 36 Incb mateNow 8b e Bat beside be r wi ndow. had aroused . Any woman in this condilion hns good rial and 'h ya rd of %7 Incb contralt· To Quiz m ean a, th erefore. In one thinki ng over the . pas t. Li re bad cause to suspect kidney trouble, especiolOLD HAY IS VALUABLE, Ing material to trIm neve r g iven her much . Firs t It b a d s e ns e, to ask question s, and In other Iy if the kidney aClioDseeUl5disordert!d. To procure thI N pott"rn eeni! JO cenbl DolUl's Kidney Pills have cured tho;)H ay and s t.raw that is s po iled dur ing offl' re d he r th e love of a wo r thieSI' to quiz a person means to jest with to "Patt ~ rn Depnrlment." or thIs puper ' Vrlte name and addres8 plolnly, onr) be sands of snlfer ing womeD, It's the beat har ves t s bonld not b e los t. lr properly scapl'g rucE'. th en th e m e a s ured af- or poke fun at him. 8l.ll'e to &lve . tZQ a nd number or e rn. recommeDded speciAl kidney remedy. I han dl ed as a fertili ze r It will be lp tec tlon of a m at ure m a ll , an d n e ltbe r She EnJoYI Cigars. g rea tly to a dd t he t.h r~p. Il <.;ed ed ele· [ultlil e d th e d e man d tha t her nature AN OHIO CASB SIZE .... .... __ ._. __ ._ Mis s Dillwyn, whos e fath er repreNO. 6380. me nts or tlt e soli a nd a t tbe ~lIme tim e wa d e. Mro. Sallnll Sioc' "Bu t H a r ry love d m e." sh e t bou gbt, s ente d S wansea 1n parliame nt, and Increase t he org a n ic co ntf'IH. An nlY. NAMS ... _•• _ ~ _ .. _. __ . ... ____ ... _...... __ ._ I. r , 1770 E . S3d s t.. Cleve-Ion.. 0 .. pya : sis B h ow~ that a ton o f (' lo ve r bay ('o n· and fe lt tb a t tb a t a ton e d for a ll. who her s elf b s s done excell ent servo "l luft'ere4 t rom TOWN ...... __ .... ___ .. _. .. _.. ...... _.. _••__ tal ns 40 pOll nds of n itr oge n, G pou nds Th e futu re loo ked hl ac k and Ilismai. Ice on the old Swansea s chool board backache tor " Ion .. "of ph os pho rous a nd 30 po u n<l~ of po· II er b eart fe lt very t ender toward and board of guardians, 18 one ot the e .p ~clR. l ly on STREET AND Ha r r y at that mo ment. fe w E n gll s hwom e~ who enjoy a cigar. daf" ODO 41<7 tass ium . If thi s a m oun t oC pia nt too u 1 bar! to .Iv. up all Sh e murmllre d his na me all she Sh e e ven Bmoke8 cigars at public dlnSTATE .... ___ • • ___ . ___ .. _... . _ . .... _.. _. __ we re p urchased on the mar ke t it . my work on nos at by th e windo w. And. even as ners. would cost lIot less t ha n $8,;' 0. c ount ot tho .hooted It a man s t ep ped through "I smoke them b ecaus e 1 like tbe m ," ahe Invol( Inc pain. In m7 Farmers are 11 0 longe r des troying ba ck and Ihoulde' .. Getting Shallow. s uc h m a te ria l by bu r ni ng It li P to ge t th e s had ows or til e m a ples. H e came she told a newspape r r e presentative, I had headacbe. anr! LIttle Willi e was taking his fin' dillEY .pell. a nd .... it out of the way. It s hou ld be ba n· to wa rd h e r a nd st.ood b e neath h e r "I call 't rem ember how many year s ne"oul. Fin a lly. I died In s ucb a way 80 as 1.0 le t It rot win dow , rp s lin l; ltl ~ a rms u po n t h e I have smoked-all ove r the world trIp abrosd . Abou t the Ullrd day out EI~n.T Pitt. "lid Ilnoe tborou g hly , In ma n)' cases t he bes t s ill. l~s tll e r clll tclte d at t be w indow and where ve r I go. Some people they pas sed a fr elg bter. She was not baT.n'\ ...lIereO ", aiL" plan is to hau l It to th e bar ll ~' ar d and rra me. It was Ha rry! H e had co m e "make for astbma and kindred com. carrying any cargo and about three plaints, but 1 smoke simply and sale- fee t of the brlgbt r ed below her wa. tbrow In deep pi l e~. Ir It flre fa ng • .It back on he r wed di ng e '·e . "Es th er, It Is I! " b e whi sper ed, " I Iy for pleas\lre. 1 smoked my first terllne was vIsible. Wlille hazed a s hould be wet down a lit tl e. With Ihe "Ob, cigar Wh en I was eleve n years old. ' minute and then e xclaimed: a d ve nt or th e fall ruin s t he ma t e r ial IUI\'e com e ba ck to you ." She star ed at him lucre dulously and and later my fath e~ used to give me papa, lOOk how tbe ocean haa gona w ill rot rapIdl y and will be In ij bllpe to cigars, I do :lOt like cig are tt e s. S , me-: down!" s pread 011 th e fi eld s du ring t he follo w· rh en r pcolled. " You are too la t.e ," she muttered. one o rl ce said , 'Do I drink beer out Ing winte r. Lofty A.plratlonl. "Don 't yo u lroow what e vening tbls of a t h imbl e?' a nd th a t 18 my o pinion Far away there In 'he s unshine are the comfort of a clear head. .. Is ?" T he n, with rising pass ion, or cigare ttes. P e rsonally, I hav'D ne velmy bighest a8plrAtions , [ can,not During tb e past year 3,779,041 grow. "Why d id you not co me b efor e?" she sulfered .:n y Ill.effects, from clgan," r each th e m, but I cnn look up and aee sweet stomach, keen appetite and In g tl'ees and 15,040 pO llud ~ ot tree cried. their be auty. believe tn them and try 11 good digestion? "~ I cou ld n't como b a foni," h e anLook AheaJ. I A f avor It e f or pa s. I seeds were Im l)O rte d In to th e Unit ed B lue gra .. pant. USE Stat es, The t rees Inc lude val ua ble swe red. "Y ou made tb e cond itions. ''Daugllter , th e youn g man ,you are to foliow whe re they lead.-Lou!t'a ture seed ing, I s lIec ies th at do not grow In the Unite d mlls t have fiv e bundred dollars," enga ged to doesn't IImoke or drink or May Olcott, whe n t ed in t bls fo rm. The root s a r~ S ta tes and stoc k whi ch at pr esent ca n "Wha t did I ca re for fiv e hundred dan ce tbe ta n, ,,." .Strategy . • hallow, strong ly s tolrJO Iferou8 a nd It be boug h t more che aply abroad. The doll a rs . exce pt as a proot that you "Som etl mell r t hink I had better 'When he saw the enemy coming he .tands tramping we ll, wb lc h qu alities tree seeds im ported RJ:e Illr r-e ly for the were abl e to make some sacrifice not ma r ry blm, ron." ~(~>~ ,., malie It valuable as a pasture grass. purpos e of pefor estlng land; though ID tor me !" she' crl,d. , . "You 'are rig ht. Tbat "kind a turnel! and ran,' I call tha·t cowardiCe.:' It g ro"'11 best on 8011 we ll s uppli c<\ a numbe r (0, cases, th ey a rc used In 01' "But 1 have 1~ nEW, ' alld In my man w ill a lway 1 be a wet blan"et "Not at all, He renie~ed that the Se.nd ·fpt: ft~ 8amp~. , t~ ,I ~ c' ,. .,wlth llme and Its distribution Is 11m· namenal plaotlng 011 jDci.\r ldUILl ., pocket," be .aD Bwe ..ed .. "Come, clear. wMne"er you WIUlt to bale a Uttl. earth Is round. and. tie Intended to run lOu",l 'al1d attack -the enftiny milD Wrlilif. IDdl,•• Y~..... PUI Innpeedt tun. '.' " ' , ~ecl. rD , til .. Ume.loDe area, It prefer. tat.ea. ,W e can atart h(nI8ek~plng on that. .. · th. rear... . . . · -, . , 173 . . . ~.1In \'''' < " . 'I ' .'


Practical Fashions










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Houseworklsa Burden

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Do You Wish

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MrAM~ GAZETTE, . WAY'N ESVILLE, CHUO m, s ])')' hd'





Fellowship With God. irust in Him an d a Com fort in His

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Bo a rd s S et Up Beside the Rows of C "Iery Durin g the Blanch ing Period.

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,·() n,.; r" ," ' A~ all .. lI enl"t and 0 118 I B J AI"~ A nAI.«; JlI·: H .) IH th e b, ·,.t n. a l "I'I,,1 ror th e P\1I'VOIl8 II 11('" " II h" I!' 11 fl' h lig ll "pn co nfined A s a ru l,·. IUt l' c(' le r, mak es mur .. th at w~ lla ve " \' ~ ' r lll-il'ti. Th e frost will not pp npt mL e the III Ih.· Hl ud)' of the s urrur ln/i: s of lh e growtb du r ing th e fnll m o uth s. art .. r Illind . I w() II I(1 slate tb a t of al l th e ' th o wea th or g e ts coo l. tha n at a n y ot h. leay es . If cl10u b h a r .. U8,· r!. und whe n h YI(I"nl(' meaSll r"R to counl l, raet d l ~ ' 1 e r time . In hot . dl', weath e r cele ry th e s un sblnfls an li th e a ir Is mild 1 tllrl ,,' c1 81"I' P. d "' pr cBtilo n of Sl'I rilH and n ee d H u g r eu t d e a l or attention. fo r un · rak e a rt th e leuv('H u nd tben r e place a l. Ilw mlHl' rab ll' BI;(IU e lll e of a c1i~ - l l e8S th e ro ots of tbe vlaul cun b e keD t be tore e undown . Irl'st;r d mind . I wou ld und o ubt cdly cool Hll d II' t th e re will bo n o gruwth If t b e r e are Indi catio ns of a severe T!'l' mn nn g!'r o r O'H' o r t l,,' ll l~ Ne w Yo rk h o t .. ls . Ilppr('('la tl nJ; tha t no p rol'l Kion IR mao p In BIICh h OBtp lr le - /!:Iv e th!' fi r s t pln c!' to t he s l uID'" hallit to 8pe ak ot . fr eeze. Bome o ld ca rp e t or lIom ethlng for Ih o childre n of g u eR r s . ha M p.Btab lls h !!d a co mpl e t e ly e quipp e d klnrl"rJ;art e n and lli ny ·room. Ill'p t ll l}' d e c o mtp.d at prayer ," For this r easo n a8 well all seve ra l o r tbu 80 rt ls spread oY e r the top of and In c hnrge o f an expe rl . Old Ob j ect io ns DI •• lpated, oth ers. I pre re r to b a nk tb e rOW8 with th e rld ge8. I would mth e r do nil of tbill a nd be Ce rt aill old obj 'c Lions to pra ye r ea rtb as th e plants g r ow. When bla ncbln g by thi s method Is out of r e ward ed wit h crisp. flne· nnyored celhavo bee n dlsslvate d, o r at Ie liSt dimin is h ed. b ), Lh e co n clu s io ns of qu estlou . I mulch th em with well e ry. than put It In th e cellal" and hay. modern Hele ncp-. Thc obj pct lo DS bas ed rott e d manur e o ut of th o poultry a lot o f tnst e less s turr t.hat ta onll a bo use. a nd th e n ee L broad boards on dl sapvointme nt nt bes t . ~pon til " appa re nt lI bHurdlty o r a mind No matt er how mucb eartb c1lngll to on c art h com tnllnlcatJng with the edge severn l In e hl's from Lh e plants lu mind a bov e th e en rth haR less we ig ht e lt b er Bid e or th e row and llli the the roo ts or how cnreful one 19 to now than It had before we fl as h e d space around tbe plnnta wlt.h hay or protec t Ih e m from th e air. wb en eve r dry lea yell. Ihe roots ar .. once disturbed tbe pllUlt m e8s ag l~ H t hro ugh spa co I1CrOl;8 a co n· tln ent a nd ac rOS8 til!' Hea wlt b ou t th e I lik e Lo draw the e art h u p to th e loses It s fin e fla vor . plan ts ' us th e y gro .... . because In t hl 8 Anoth e r pec ullllrity o f th e plant 1a u s e of cl um sy wi res. wuy on e will b nve rar ' more wblt .. this : It th e r oo tR are no t cu~ oft BOOn Th e o bj ecti bn s to pra yl' r Lase ll up· Bta lks Iha n w h e n th e work of banking arte r th e plant Is UI ke n from the on th o unitormlty or 1l 111 ur C's laws . g r ound mu c h or t be tin e flavor wl1l be has n ot. t h e wei J;ht it 001' (> h ad . W e Is dOD I! nil at on e tim e. S ome people s uppose tbat n o matte r lost. Til II! Is s l range but non e the II r (> da ily dlscov e l'i ll g np pare nt con tradic t io n .. tlx p.d luw8 . l111 o ma lie H. di s· how la r ge th e bl'lln c hes are. th e sta lks leso true. A few II gbt fro s ts wi ll not Inju re crepancies. and It 18 d n Wil in g UpOIl US wil l a ll turn whi t e a fter be in g banke d . thaL It may be Olle of nilt ur e 's a u· Th e truth Is. a sta lk of celp ry that g rowin g cele ry. but a rr eeze always gu s l l uw~ . th at th e mind o f m a ll s h a ll bas atLolnpd Ita rull s ize be fore th e Injures It more or I"ss. Tho He wh o g row th e sl' lf·blanch lng go OUI In m a ni fold myst rlo us wayu to- bla nching process b egin s wil l r emain ward its m a ke r . n nd t h at h e s hull m ill· gr ee n . ""hll e th e h ea rt or lh e bunch varlNy sh uuld . If po ss ibl e . bank wlt~ wh ich has grow n In darkn ess wlll be art!. fo r t be r e n so ns mentioned Is t E' r In mani fo ld myste rio u s "'11}' 8 to whiL e . above. though It wil l blanch without U B. Anoth e r r l'aso n why I Ilr e fe r to use bf' ln g b a nk ed . If th e r o"'s ure close '('h e late ('hnnc ellor S ims used to m e nti o n olle of tb e common es t o llj ec- earth Is Lh a t It pl'otec ts cI!lery from t oge ther. Th e s o·cnll l' d sp lf·blan c hln g cele n es tlons to pray er. He r e minUf' d u ~ l hat th e ea rly freezes. An d then If a cov· to be som e w bat he r e lSI on e man ~raylng for r a ln -- h o e rlng of dry leav es Is put on top of are a ll Inclin ed wan ts good crOf'S: lind th e r e I ~ an· the ridg e s. an d we l'ghte d down to pre · tougb. On l(,8B e ither ba nk e r or protect· One year our ce lery was lett In th e e d In sc m e manne r . Some peop le Ull8 oth e r m an pr aying for dry weatherground until a rte r C hr~ st mas . and witb drain ti le li nd some pr e fe r to wrap he Is building II huu se. Th e obj ecto r ~ tu nd 8 orr an d 8I1 YS: additional protectlog It would ha ve pape r nr"und th e bu no:b es. kept much lon ger . I hnv e grown ve r y nice cel ery of " "'hat Itl nd of wC[\lh e r ar e we go ing Celery must have air to ke ep It from the Golde n Self·Blanchlng BOrt witht.o hav e In an s w e r to Lh ese pray ~ r 8 '!" Th e chan ce llor says : "It Is ns If the rotting. th e r efor e th e tips of . tbe out ban kin g. u Bl ng huy and leav e s as c hild ren or 11 fl1mlly s h oul d aa lt the ir bran ch e s s hould ne ver be k e pt cov- be ror e m e ntion ed, but whe n cold talhcl'. one for on e t hing and tb e (' r e d ol'e r with e arlil. Anything thaL weath e r Bc t In. the work of furnlshlnll: Is dry lind Is e asil y r e mov ed . will h elp additional protection took as much othe r s for totally dllTere nt Lhlngs ." Th e fath e r. It h e Is wls u. m a)' d e ny to kee p out the frost. bul dry leave!J time aa do es th e ba nking up process. some r equ esto nnd grant otb ors. but he will do w hdt he th ink s Is h es t The Gatun 1<.:.r.1.!!I o f th e Panama canal recelY e d a lin e t os t th o oth e r day when IItteen vRssels. Including thret for each of th e m . a nd th e requ est s -ire d ges . wn re IIttpd t oge thed from th e sea c ba nn e l to th o s urface of the lak e. Th e photograpb shows tb e loc k ~ th e y mak e are a part of t h e ph, a s lng ~ rowdfld with vessels. be art·unltlng Int e rcours e of th e flllll· Ily. Find God Through Prayer. DR. J. A. HOLMES Colun: bus. see king a we ste rn p ns· Crop Will go More to Restore Takes But Few Minutes More sage toO ludla. found a new h emls lJh e r e. Worn Out Farms Than AnyTime arj Ir)creases Price Marshall. digging a mill race. round gold In California. Alexand e r l:I ell. Thing Yet Suggested. When Selling to Merchant. trying to h e lp the bard or hea ring. st umble d UJlon the telephon e . And A carload or alfalra Beed 8blpped (By W . II. UNDERWOOD. 1 we. praying for a smooth sea or a from Oklahoma to tbe rarm e rs or the When a farmer' s wife or daugbter prosperous journey or a. r ecove ry rro m N e v.' England s tates ollcne d tb e eyes has a sutncle nt qunntlty or milk to be IlIn es.g . find God. of the e a s t e rn presl! aud caused th e m able to s e ll 80me bulter she ought by What If the sea be rough and the to giv e mu ch publi city to t.h e Imparl. all means to find Ottt Just what sort ·journley adv e rs e or the rec overy be ance of tbls valuable harvest. of butter people will pay the highest Tbls carload o r s e ed cODslste d of price for. and how tbe wa rn e Is packed d elay e d ot' denl c d. If we nnd God. find a n ea,rn ess t o him. a trust In him. a li bout 600 bush e ls, wortb '7 .50 per ror sale. and complyf wltb these con· comfort In hi s Il res.m ce w e had lIot bus h e l, or $ 5.000 In round figur es. dltlons. If tbey do so they will get all kllown be fo r e ? F e ll o wsh ip wit h God It was r e tailed to farm ers at $10 per It Is worth. Is ou r gr eat e>; t n <!o d_ bus he l I. or m o r e. but o"en at thnt O n a Saturday not long sin ce I was P raye r hi a mea ns of th at fn llow. price It was ch eap e r than any oth e r waiting In th e storo. se ve ra l IICrSO tlB s hip. Ou r mln () r n ep ds lir e mo tll' es to seed th ey co uld u s e fo r producing brought In bulte r. n nd wltb tbe eXCCIl ' • pray" r. If hunK er a ll d th lr l; t :Inti h eat s to ck rOCJd . tion o f Ihat from tw o customers ( m yand c old and pO\'!' rl y and ~ l c lil1 l'sS nnd Th e n e wspapcrs at t hA e a s t hav e se lr and one othe r) It was all mad e In fl o od s and fir eM alld l orn a do l's und o ld I adv e rtised tb e imporLan ce o f nlfalfa round \lrlnt~ and wrapp e d III 011 pape r. a ge a nd d eat h Imp e l us 10 pray f' I' . , and so hav e most o r th e ng ricuiturlli a nd some of th e large rolls w e re alijo blesse d arc th es e . ror .t h !!>, ":~ \:. h ~: coll eges. bUl tb e farm ers who r ead wrapped In o ll· pape r . rud ' c ourie r s thllt s ho\\ u~ th . il . wost e rn farm pa perll ar o Ju s t leurnlng Tb e clerk wei g h e d a basket o r S· to th u au dl pll c " c~lu lr111 (' r o f t il " king . wh u t It m ean ij and Its -put.u larlty as a pound prints. a.nd th e y tiPlled th o Coli Is th !' s lIu l ~ cterllll i . hoOl" , Ill' , reliabl e and profitabl e farm c rop. scale at G'h pounde oilly. I ask e d him prn )' ,~r 11' (> hal'P fe lt Ib .. .w\·. gh' of Ih e WI H! r e th e ,:;round h as lJ ee n pre- what h e paid and he saId 20 ce nls. world 's w,' a rltH' ~" . \I ll wh o kllOw .h ,· · pared In th e prope r lUanllc r and pure I ta s t ell the bulte r . It wall good bilt Crtl t'S S of It s wor~ t li nd th p I'anlty I s e NI so wn ullu (> r filvoralJ~() co udltl o o s fin d th e me r chant would h ave bee n of it ,; iles l gift s lind ou r way h om~ . I . . , alfalfa ha s pro du ccd fro m on e to n to g lad to pay 25 cents. th e sam e as I Power to See. ; Il t o n a nd a h a lf PCI' IIc r n at a sing le I gut. but be snld h e could not se ll It . . , c ultin g. AI. Illfalfa "I ways llrodu ces fo r mOl'e on aeQunt of Its mll ~SY ap· Dr. H o lm es . director or th e feu · \Vb al W I' n{'(' c1 Ig II ,,· po w" r to see two u nd sOll1l'lIrn ps tl1l'('o c rop s a ye a r p(la rnnce. e ral bun'a u ot llIi nps . ha~ J' us t 1'(,[ 111' 11 ' -to see th ,' .. har lol" and horR'C s all II I h i d Ih th., vie , ~ muc urge r an e If cach on e or th os e p e r sO lls would . Qd fmm Aln s kn. wh p. l'f' h e co ni.luC'l e c1 a I th e muu ntl1 i ll S; to Sf'(' (, ~ d nil ChOll t mon ~y .ea rning (la paclty ' of t h u In n d Jl ay $1. 2r, for a brlck.shap l'd bUlle r sea rching Inv eHtl ga t io n Into th e COlli I u s ; to ~.eP t h l' Sl rOIl !; n g ht a nn 0 1 tIl11ny'!s grea.te r t han nny othe r mold that will mak e an oxact po ulld ; d e poslls . lh a Alnll g hty s ' rtl trh e n o u t to h e lp farm fl'C'd l.hnt can b e ra ised on N e w fiO cents tor a roll of parc h me nt 1' 3 us ; to 8\!!' l ilal II,,· !l111'1 Cgt (' I Oll d s E I I II POI' 7 'h In c h e-a wide. tear th n IJa llP I an d 1II0st till'ea lPnl ng SUrl"(ll1 l1din,~s " n g ~n( so . Bad Man Rejoices. are uud er t h (' 11 11 'l'0 Ilt rolllng pow e r It Is a wro ng t h eory tbnt alralra with Ihe aid or a ruler Into s b !'c LS ~'h ··Yo u loo k ha ppy. " of tb l' e vc ria titlll g FaLh e l' . And sec· C~nnnot b e rul sed In the e as t. Maoy In c h es long . dip these Into co ld wal r " I fel' l lJ e ttr r thon I 1001; ." In g t hi ll. W l' s hall !\:lV O th e proph e t's farm e r s hav!l tri ed It and fa lll'd . hut and wrnp each pound n eall"> . p'l. e- k bo .,v Illle d "'" IIh ··What·s happe nc d ?" hope and th e propIHit '! raith , n nd th o the r~" I'lure III mos t In !!ver y Instanc e tl1 e m Il e ~"tly In a clean , ma y be trn ce d to four thin gs : white paper. I assure you the! enn "f':I t r. h ll~ I' e ll ev e d m e or a Il ea,·)' p ro ph e t 's t rll s i. t h a t t1 l('Y who are Sou· r Bo ll. I" ck of bnctl'ria. In s um cle nt h 2 i b u rd en ." with U5 n r e mOl'tl tl!nn t h py w ho are ~ t e n g e t 5 cents a pound tor the r " Y eR?" aga inst 118 , Th !' l'r")' £'!' . 111I!n . t ha t preparation ot th o s oli and Impure .butte r and the gain In pric e will ,;Ive "Ln ~t ni ght somebody sto le m~' be fi t s o ur lips rI llY an ll nlghL co nlin ' non·germlnntln g s ef'd . th e m a good many dollars to put In to wl fe 's l'llbhel' plnllt. " uall \' is . " Lord . Wf' pra y th " " . open Lime will sw ee t e n th e 8011. Soil tb elr pockets. our · eYf'~ ' thllt we may see ," - \\'alt e r from an old a lfalfa fi eld will supply It will not take ten mInutes longe r Liability Law. Jubb the bacteria Ilnd the a pplication of on c hurning day to do this. and lho Mrs. Pankhurst, the leaster of the Drlt1Bb militants. as she appeal"s In "Bill 's g oing to suo th o com[m n )" fo ~ comlllon se nse and patience will do knowled ge or putting a first-ela);B artt· tbe United Statea. where her lectures are arousing bptb enthusiasm and condamn gee." Gradations. 1 the rcst. cle on the market In flrst-elasB 'condl· troveray among the advocates of woman sulrrage. "Why . wbnt did th ey do to him ?" We all. r e fl ecting as a mirror the ' Alfa lfa will do more to r e s tore worn tlon will r e pay In Itselt ... "They blew the Qulttln' whistl e when character or C hrist. nre transformed out farma of th e east and south and It Is not best to us e the oile d pape r. 'e WIIS cllrryln' Il 'eavy piece of Iron. Into th e su m e Image from c haract e r do It more cheaply than anything else. It Is Impossible to handle th e bulle r Labor Lost, Coalblnl Under the Canal. Pbyslee ·Profesl.Or (atter long·wlnd· and 'e droppe~ It on '18 foot."- Every. to characte r - from a poor cbaracter to without tearing It, and It makes tbo Ittorage chambers for coal aro being /tug In the bottOm of the Panama ca· cd pro.of) - And Wow, gentlemen, we body's. • be tter one . from a b ett e r on e 1o one I Proper Feed for Sheep. butter look any way but well. nal. In time Ule Quelltlon of coallnl!: get X equals O. 11 Ii.ttle be t ter s till. from that to one Don't forget that whil e tbe ewes Sleep)"Volce (trom rear of room)UnJted States war v'ellsels will be a Feminine Deduction. etlll mOl"e complete-untU oJY slow d e- are feeding tbeir lambs. they aro also Feed While Milking. Gee! ·All that work for nothing. vital one and coal pocketll are being He-I see that tbere were but 5,0110 gre e s . the tbe pe rfect Image 18 aUaln- growing wool. The feed sbould be Feeding th e r:OW8 while · milklna prepared now while the machinery II words In the English language In ed. H e re the solution or the problem abundant enougb to supply both de- need not be any daadvan,tage to the An Anx'oul Inquiry• . on the ·ground. The bottom ot.- the Shakespeare's time. Now the re nre "f sau r.tlficallo n la compressed Into man de and keep the e we In 'good quality of the milk pr'oducM: provided Bh_1 think there II a movement 450,000. 'canal hall been cholen for the atOrage ' a lIentence : Re flect the character or healt~ . tho right kina of feed aod ' the rlgbt \. . ehambera . 10 that the , coal will be on footShe-~eU. )'ul!t think how many Christ and you will become like I It Ilenr pays to let a 8oc;k run Ibn. of ·pall are, used and It fl'eQuutlJl 'a~ '~apprehenslveIY)-You 'milan lately _hIdden ' IrO~ any , po••lble I Ilj m,or e peo.ple are who speak Eng· Cbt'llt.-Henry Drumm~nd. I ..0."II ~ndlt1on. h~ a. ~l4Ie~ln;I etr~ oA,.tJ,1e 00•• •• 1lI1l1" I thlI house f '1.' emy,-PopuJar .. Solenoe ·Wa'palne" .
















_,.,a ·, ,



THE MIAMI GAZETTE, 1_________________________

[JLdair's] ______________________ Xenia



A da rk.\" sp rl'nnt ill the 1.!1II p Joy of II llol eo nrr-hn 'oJ,'g-ist w :;~ floll illg a frien,l of It .',,,n·'·r· ·.tioll h, ' hau ",'L' rh" lI nl hr (\\·"."1 I: j" (' I: Il !" n 'r 1I11d a ~ ,· j l'IlL i lJ.. "ull " agll " witl , Id"I'l'll l'l: to


We Absolutely Guaran tee Every P ieee of

Our Motor Truck will deliver to your door whatever you may purchase. When in Xenia, make Adair's your stopping place. You are cordially welcome.





Wreath. Ho_ver, Mey Be .. Icelly bplelned.

li ,,





Xenia, Ohio"


Few mghts lire mllre terrible tb Ii n thAt of .. mot.her looking on tun ohlld ohoklng aod gusping for breRth during fin attllok of oroup, uod not-hing in t,he house to relieve It MallY m :lthers htt.v<l p!t8ssd PROMI81NG WRITER. oilllIts of t·error in t.biA situlltiun A little forethought. Will {'nable you Gibbe---You say your friend is a to avoid all thif' . Chll.mberl .. in's very prolific writer of flction. What t) ,)l1gh Remedy ill 0. otlrtaln oure for oroup and ball never been known ro BOrl of fiction? f ut. Keep it at hand . For 8&le by Dibbs-I. O. U.'s mostly. all dealers. - -WHERE IT EXCELLED.

---_-... .



A tablet bas been unveiled at Primero, IIOOtbern Tyrol, at the hoUle where Aloia Negrelli was born, to commemorate his work in connection with the lUJ'Vey and plans for the Suez canaL N egrelli made his fuet in~ti0D8 in 1847, and completed his pl&ns in 1855-6. They ,were accepted by the Paria commielion and in 1858 he was appointed lns.JM:C:tor general of the works by the Kliedive Said. N egrelli died on Oc,tuber 1 at the same year, His plans !nI'e bought by De Leeeepe, who ...ted the preamt Suez Cmal com:paDl. to carry them out.

Nearly Every Child Has Worms Paleness, at times a flushed faoo, unnatural hunger, ploklng the nose, gred thirst, Ate , are indioaUons of worms. Kiok80POO Worm Killer III a reliable, thorough medlOlne tor 'he removal of 801\ kinds ot worms from obtldren and adults , Kloka. poo Worm KtIler in ple..sant candy form, aids digestion, tonea Iyetem, overooming oonstipatlon and I D_ creasing the aO$ion of the liver Is perfoo&ly IIBfe tor even the mOB5 delicate ohildren, Klokapoo Worm Killer makes ohlldren happy and hAaahy. 250. Guaranteed, Try 1$ , Drug storell ur by mail, IDckapoo Indian Merttotne Co., PhiladelphIa anrl!:)t. Louis.




....... _ . _ ......_______.-. ... _ ,.,. ,:'_4' __ ~

Sun- ••___________~------------.........-~-

- -- - - -

l. . . i

Waiter McClure

WHO DISCOVERED ACETYLENE7 ']'he discovery of acetylcne gas was announced us new hy Brlmond Dacy, in the reports of the BritiAh Association 1836. The material which gives out the gas, ca lcium carbide, w,aa prepared 8B early aR 1861 by the German chemist , Wohler. Various carbides wr re obta.i ned by other experiment ers and w,' rc used in laboratories for the pr()(l uction of acetylene gliB. Moissall, December 12, 1892, presented to the French Academy of Sciences calcium carbide obta ined in the electric fumace.On thi s Bide Thomas L. Wilson, a United S tatcs experitncnt..alist, net only produced cnlciwn carbide in the electric furnace, but saw its commercial possibilities.

Funeral Director. Telephone day or nlgbt. Valley phone No. 'I, Long Distance No tlll-2r.


The cowboys were having a bllBCball game down in T exas. A big, bushy ranger clouted the first ball over for a home run. I nstead of circling the bases, however, he wnited for the pitcher to deliver another ball. ''Why don't you run?" the crowd shouted. "Oot two more strikea yet."_Ev_ erybody's Magazine: PLEASURE OF PURSUIT. -L-

h,!ppy when abe gets the vote?" I "I'm afraid she won't," replied Mr. Meekton. ,"M reI Oil to the . . e y g. polls and casting a ballot ill seem pretty tame compared to organizing Ithese great suffrage demonstrations." I



Automobile ServIce at all Times OHIO WAVNESVILLE, • Branch Office, HarveJsburl, O.

CO"Y RICo HTS &c. A ",on o .u'nf11ng a "li4'l1f'h ftlld d('scrl:'flu" IIIH'

I')uldtl, ''''I' 4H l ll lll (111 f C..I I"l tl1 lll1 (r ~c" ,t 4' llu 'f fl U III VllIIlI(l11 II Ilro hnlJ ly JlHl ellluh h, . (' "n Ln LI I II" 'I\I \., n. lltrLcl l 1 '~'ll l l ldollllu l. HAN DBOOK 011 I'nll -Iltl

'Dl!~t(:,~~. ~J!t~ :~lt ~~~::~~tfOII~:~~·~T~~ tl~~'r~~~"iy.

fptrtc" n o' , ", withou t

chn r QO, III LtIG

$titntifit Jlm~I'iCan.

Public Sale

A. ban/bo m ol r l11tll'1trnfrlt ,, "r"',.,

1.n nrol't clr.

culatl o ll o r n l)1 Idl.llltl Uo j u tl r lluL

fr,_m ll' , :\


M"U: Nrf IILlCD~3:t. B~~~~:;:IN'ewyl~rk BrIWob filice, _ .. D.Il! st.. Waablu., oll.

We will offer 6t PubUo !:lale on Monday, November 17, 1913 Begio nln g at 1 pm., the farm belong ing to the heirS of ,J"oob U. A WAY Cornell, docs!lsed . This farm Is situated IIbout miles west of '" . , Waynes ville and IX miles e!lElt of ' . ny'.l.esvl11e s Leadinll' Dean" Rldgevn !d, !.ronting on the lower Office in Keys Bldg. Main St. I:lprln gbor o rOlld . cornerlng at Yen ab) ", :oI, lutlon Said farm oontains l !!!!'!!"!!!!!'!!"!~~~~~~~~~~!"!'!!'!"~ S8X flu re... We v.iU sell, Rt the BARNHART, sam .. tllIltI I. I,'t oonst.lting of 1 oore of ~r6'lnd, with gol.'!! frame house, Notary Public tobllooo burn and stal·le. right at Vl'nable I:ltatlon . Ree bl11tf for termp. All trods of N ,.,t,urv W07k . Pension W ork II Hpeolalty . Trena t) , Jameson R ay Cornell Graoe BaEltilJg C, l' Hawke, Auot . .







I wUlsell at publio 1111otlon at my resldenoe, I y. miles east of vregonla Funeral Dirttctor on ! he Leb'\Don and HllrveYl!burg and Embalmer, road, Waynesville, Ohio. Tuesday, November UJ, 1913, Commenolng lit 10 o'olook G, m" Rorses, Mule, CatHe, Ftarmlng Im- Call answered promptly day or night. plementEl and Rou/I8bold Goods . Both phones in Office and Residence. Bee bil la for terms ,J F. Sbank. long distance, No, 14: Home phone 0001/'. Rollingswortb, Auot. 14-2r. W .. lter JordMn, Clerk . Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals , I will se1\ at puhlio ,l1nollon, at Best of service guaran teed. my residenoe, l X miles douth ot Roxanna. and 4 miles north ot Cor WiD, near the L M R R on the ;~~:,kn~wn uS tbe Marh Compt'n


"Sir, you were hugging my daughter." Thursday, November 20, 1913 "Well, sir, yon told me yourself t)omrnenolnjt at 10 o'olook, a, m. never to let slip the chance of em- tbe following property, wit: -1 bracing an opporiUnity."-Baltimore Borses. ,oJ. Cattle, 23 I::IO~8, 110(1 lIu "bels of Curn in orib, 8 tons of Bay :American. I io mow, !:ltraw in ' bales, Fodder io shook, 300 bu~hels Potatoes, lli DESCRIBED, !lores WheM 10 ground . FurmlDR "What do you think of BinJar' Implement'i SH o and 4'J ton!! of enellaR'" i Householtl Goods. ~ee bills 'Wife ?" tor t\lrw~ , "She looks to ine like Binks ma.rM. M, Earnhart ·R m. Mil ,s, Anot- . Iri,ed for money." __________ Wilyneldmith , CIerI.. EXTREMELY UP ' TO DATE. 1 will offer at publlo sale at my farm on tbe Oregonia and Ha "veysMrs. Stan1e~Are they up to burg pi ke, 2 ml1 hB north of Ore~onla date? and" miles south of HarveY8borg, Mrs. Redding-W1}y, m' dear, she on hired two musical cooks, so they Wednesday, November 26, 1913 could have ' oabaret in their diningAt 10 o'clc,oir a m" bur~8(I, caUle, farmlog implements and housebold room. goods t:!ee large bills for terms, ~ Dennis Mh&nnuhun ON THE CIRCUS TRAIN. Wm Mill!!, Auot.. "The elephant is sm8Bhing up' W . E O'Netan, Glark.




Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic 21 Broadway

Ph~sici8n Phone 449

Lebanon, Ohio - - -••.' +---- -


,W aynesville,


Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 to 12 o'clock Office, comer Main and High streets Phone. No. 100

Dr. J.. A


VeterinarY Graduate of Ohio ~III(, lJniveral l \ Office at residence in 1<'. 11 ~her. wood's house, Fourth Street,


'. W. Ne Sears





Telephonl' 28 things in the car o.nd we can't find 1 will sell at publlo auotlon at ~y hi,s tr&iner." rellidenoe 2,Y.' miles south-eallt of Waynesville. ,;' Ohio' A Vivid Picture. "Then get the baggage master to. Centerville on the Robert WllllamOf all "lIptitudes," the mechanical check the elephant's trnnk." 8ln farm un 18 least likely to manifest Itself In a Wednesday, ,November 26, 1913 feminine hrnln. The young woman DR. J. W. MILLER, RAIN OF WHITE BUTTERFLIES. At \I o'oJ'lok a . m ., horsM,oattle, whoBe visit to II locomotive works II! hogs, sbeep, farming implements, described In Voung's Magazine, wae White butterflies fell during a re- h01~lIehol i goodt', ~~e large bill8 doubtless Intsrested In wbat sbe saw, .•. DENTISr••• Earl A. Williamson but ber account of the processes ob· ce:nt violent storm at Bernay, France, for terws served leaves th ,· reader to doubt her Tlll~ streets wcre covered by the in- J , E Himes, Clerk , omce 'llI Waynesville, 0 NaUODN BMII Bid•• enUre understand :!1g of tbem. A A. McNeil, Auot" sects to a depth of two inches. "You pour," sh~d a friend. "a lot of sand Into a lot of boxel, and you PAW KNOWS EVERYTHING. throw old stove lids and things Into I a furnace, and then you turn the red· Willi~Paw, how can you m~ hot stream Into a'1l o~e In the sand. and everybody yells and : houts. ure the flight of time? "Then you pour IL out, .let It cool Paw-Borrow $50 on a and pound It. Ilnd t1:en you put In It Live Stock and ' General Auctioneer note, my son. a thln~ thot bores holss In It. Then 'You screw It together. and paint It. THE POINT. and put steam In It. and It goea splen· Posted on pedigrees and values of aU 41dly, and tbey take It to a drafting· kinds o~' breeding stock. M])id that fcllow Insult you by ofroom and make 0 blue-print of It. "But one tblng I rorgat-They bave fering you a drink?" Experienced i~ bandling larm sa~es since to make a boiler. One mao getl In· <tYee, he did," :.. 1~6. Iide and one g~s outSide, and tM1 ''But did you swallow the insult r pound frightfully. and thea they tl. It' to the other thing, nnd you ought to , ' Terms Reasonable " .:~ Satfllfact,lon~uaranteed MI8UNDERSTANDING. lee it go!"-Youth's Companion. '" \ ' ..-. -,~-

Lon~·Llved English Woman. ' A Won,an named Margllfl' l n UTn. of .,ulll '" it !.lOllt tc ', !lItJca ~I·" .l ' eelto":, ' I hI' " 1''' I!dl'ed alld ulntb . I' ~he Je stl 1 llljle bIn ' .. tIo 't'. , .', ,\ny of I b t, , 1..1';' ; -~ . ling , ~ urred . durlug eli• • ~ abe Jmew ,the silly IeUOG earl) , " ,III!. anti "esu 111.0'. Do you read your own .-".'iboat cJ~:-Pi~ POlL IIIoaf u,., l" "' ."-f..oi:utna ~~ , DeAJhbora' ~l aa,..'tte,

"illy love."

I ayea, Harold 1" ,. ~t did ]OUI' mother eay when . P. told her 101l were engaged to


l .lIO

"Wl'I l," Hll ill th e dur ky's fr iend, II I)f' riorl o f ,\Pcp ret1 l'ct ion, "11111."ue ),O llf bMd hilS d OIlI' f,, "nd de (:lI rd"1I of E,IC' II, una de ' l'os Ucs' bll llt's Il'ns dp rt' . Wherr should de 'l 'osllrs' houes b if it \I'IlR n't in de Oaroen of Edcn ?"- I II u t rated day Magazin c.

. "Do you thjnk your wife 'w ill be

F'4lw people reall y understand how raln Is m6llBured. We often read In the newspaper th at ao many Incbes or rain ba ve fallen during a certain period, but It Is diffi cult ' to realize wbllt an Inch or It actually means. The British Rainfall nS80ciation have years' rec ords of rainfalls In all parts of the UnIted Kin gdom. Tbey have reports from Bevel'lll thousand statlons, which arc Bent In by people who "work" t he business as a klud Of bobby. Tbere are several wooden Iltructurl'8 now In UBEl for meas uring mIn, nnd th ese are known as "gauges." The moat skillful Is a contrlvance wltb a funnel at the top, through whlcb the water passes Into a cup-receIver, Tbe weight of the rain automallcally worka a pencil. This marks on a shed of pllppr w01lDd round a cylinder. anrl whell It bas marked In this fa sh 100 two·tenths of Upper and lower Grindelwald glaciers • .. • an Inch, the cup tilts ovor Ilnd empties from 65 feet to 80 feet. Curiously KI-Yll tbe contents. The pencil r~lu rnll to . enough, the mighty Rhone glacier is Its former position. and the SDme little still dwindling. The director of the ''Why do you call your dog device Is repeated IIICCSR[lUtly until the 'Tonic'?" ratn ceases to fall . while tho pencil central SwiBs Meteorological station continu es to register on the paper "Because ~e's a mixture of bark, attached. expre88e8 the belief that over northern and Central Switzerland the cold .teal and whme." - - -- - --- -~P weather w~l go on until 1922. NOT ALWAYS. Tonight Th18 statement IS based on observe__ . th AI ' . Tonigbt, if you feel dull Rod tiODS 0 f ,,~ th er m e . ps Bmce '"Disease 18 mercile!8." stupid, or bilious tand constipllted, 1836. A aenes of colder WInters may "I don't know about that. I know tllke 1\ dose of Ghnmberlllin'BTablets alJo be expected. people who found themselves pitted ",nd y('U will feel all right t,omorrJr . by the BmallpoL" . ~o~ For sale by all dealers . PLANNI:O SUEZ CANAL. • _ _ . - - .


The Mi a mi Gaz· Ue

1\ ['I<'r

GAUGING DOWNFALL OF RAIN ' 8olentlflo In.truments Have Made It • Matter of Absolute Mathe· matlcal Precision.


1{ l').: "I.l! 1'11,·,·

{rP III UP IIl)JWd of nil.\' n th" r llIe u-<lut's II'hut I wanis 10 kll o w!"


"The photograph flatters yon," commented the earnest young man. "Then it is more polite than you are," replied the indignant maiden.

The Am e L l'UiI II If


A Night of Terro r

An extraordinary phenomenon was witneseed a few days ago in Deal (England) cemetery, .As several persons were paseing out after a visit to relatives' graves, from BOme unknown and unexplained CAuse an artificial wreath inclosed in a gl~88 case was observed to rise about three feet from the ground, tum over, and fall top downwards upon the grave "What did you think of the din. Without breaking. . ner party last night?" Pilled with 8upeJ'lltitious fear and "It was the most daring bareback dread, several fled from the spot. An- performance I ever attended." other spectator, a Deal co&stguard, • _ • who was off duty, although considerably alarmed, stopped and replaced Declare War on Colds the wreath in its former nnAition. A orulade of eduoation whloh r-I "th' Id b This remarkable story is vouched ta ms a common co s may e come unoommon ~itbln the next . f or by BiX adults. All day the weather genera'ion" has been begun by had been very oppressive anc\ thun-lpromlneD* New York physlOl .. ns , derous, and the CAuse of the extraor- Here Is a list of 'don' s" whloh the dinary phenomenon is attributed to doctors Sf\Y ",111 prevent the annual ..I_~ 'ty ___ ~JI _, visitation of 'be oold : t1WCW'lCl or compr"""'-.... rur. "Don" lit in a draughty oar." Don't sleep in hot roou.s " GLACIERS' 8LOW GROWTH, "Don't avoid the freRh nir . " "Oon"EI'uffyourself at meal time . The Swise glacieJ'll are growing, Over.eatlDR reduces your rtlstst. Thia is due to the cold BUmmers of rsn08 ." 1912 and 1913, For several yelll'8 To whioh we would IIdd-wbCilo you take a oold get rid of It a8 the glacien d been receding. The qulokly as possible. To aooom»llI.h Swiaa meteo ogical authorities re- 'hat yoo wlll find Ghamberlain's port that 23 glaciers have Mvanrod ~ough Remedy most exoollent, coDBiderably in the last two yeaJ'll, the !:)old by all dealers.


I'ruf, ,';~t1r , " "ai d thp d nrk.r, Oillyill' dil l Ul' lNIII': ,; he fi ull' in "lI l'e in 01" stlllt h \\' 0:< the " " '~ II (' d' IHI I1l'S , Jl ull' , ':111 III' t<, 11 ,I., " " ls II,:s' " I I"

I " \\'U 6

We can sell for Less than the City Stores, because our R ents uud Other Expenses are so Much Less. On an ordinary-sized outfit, we can save you enough

Carpets Victor Victrolas


" " 'rtlli ll i ll lp"rla il l dl~ ,'''\', 'ri l's,


It Will Pay You to Come to Xenia and Buy Them of Adair's



erican]}~~ ;;

: Dllrky', Opinion al to Burial Place of ApoaUes-Posel bly the Profe"o~ Said Foull •.





FUttnitl.I1'l Cavpcts Stoves

2Q-Sl4 1\1. Detroit

-- --------_._--- --. - - - - - - -------

~ ,

If In Need Of

to buy several fine pieces of Furniture. Furniture, Rug or Stove We Sell You.



or you'




'r UE


l'ul>lI. hod: Wucklyl





Se,dy ilnd Unl ike ly Loo king Ind lvld. ua l Knew All Abo ut Ci t y'" S t re et R a llwOlY Tro ubles.

W ayucH \,U IIl.

Caesar's Creek V,\I .LI1: Y TEI.E PH UNE- CAI.I.


A ma n

- --.~ i mrl tiBinell h as j ost (;ltlrohl\8tJd Erli tor a nd Manager a Une new a u tumo bll e. Hornoe Com pt on (l od family en Rate!! o f S ubscription te r taino \ M rs ArenIA Kersey , of (l nu Y t~n r (H t.rlc tl y III lut VDUf'U) . I I 00 Or p.goni a , t h e llis t p '\r t of t u e wee". .00 F ranols W il so n a n d Eve r e t t Eht,lnes wer e h om e fr oUi oollt' l(e Ha tes of Adve rtis ing ove r S ond .. y . • ';(\ofl l nlo( i.()('n ls. p.or li no . . . .. ~ Arthur Chill80n , wif e and t wo t ue ho ulli OH L ocu lN. !,lIu' k for o. per li nti . · 18.82111100 Jh ld. Ou l t v o:u.:vocI O\'~ 11ll0d daogbter s , r eturDtld w lesionllries Throo IlIl!<lrLiou, .. . .. . . .. .. . . · )b l~\I "rl (lH. 11 \'0 Il lI'h Oll rroo ovor li ve 21iC fr om Africa, lind Rnfl111 King. of North Clirojina. attended Q uarterly luclll.. .. IMlr lIu · . .. ..... , .... . . , nl 0 1 ~h ank • .. . .. . , ... ... , .... . .. . Meetin g "' New Burl!rJgt on , Batur· · ,·""Iutlollll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. •. .. MlC oclals Oloe. whero clm t e 18 mw..le .. . .... 26c dl'Y and l:ionday. ,"(,Iuy Ad ,'ortltilog p< Inch. . . . . . I Dc M r e. Ella Balne 3 h lle been quite UlllCOunt.ll Klvon JU co n trlOC~ . poor ly the pu s' week . Inll. Hay Compton spent Tueeday NO VE MIlE R 12. lO l a evenin g with Mrs , Betty MoPherson . REV. I. R. HICKS 1914 ALMANAC t:'everal from thi s plaoe attended the surpris e on Amos Compton, The R ev . lrl It . Bioks 1914 AI· Thursd~y e venlp g. manao Is now r eady and will be Mr . and Mrs. C . T . Barner and mailed prepaid for 350 . Professor d ~ ugbter. Marie, were shopplnlS In Hloks' fi ne Maga zine. Word lind W liynetlvllle, Tuesday afternoon . Works, for one YMr, a nd a oOPY of Mr. lind Mrt! . Henry Satterth . this Almf\nac for only one d ol/Il r. waite, da ughter Mubel and Unole The platn le8son 8 on astronomy, 6eorge Mille aUended ihe fun"ra) and the oorrea' forecas ts of 8torml, of tienry Mill.. a i Spring Valley, drouths . bli zzards and tornadoes, l'hurlday, make the8e publ1oBtlon& a necessity Mr. and Mra. oJ. 13. Leaming in every home In Amer ica Send spent one day la8t week wlih theIr Word and Works Publis hing bon, Boward, and family, Dear Company, 3401 FrankUn Avenue Cent er. l:it . Louis . 1140. Mrs. FranlL Uoleman is improv. -------+ . - . ••------ing Ilowly . 14181 Carrie Milia, who bas been IMPARTING FRAGRANCE TO TEA lick with ton8Uitis is beUer a t \111 8 - -- --

ll . L.

Beech Grove.


CltA N E .


N ot muob n ews this wee k . Miss Edith Bogan s pent &turdu.y aud tiuo dtly with f riend!! II.t 8 uga r R uo . ::;~ bin MoDonald I\nd fa mily . of Harv ey sbur g , were I:! unday g uests of E arnes t Mll.nnon lind f8mil y . Mlittie Davis w aB tit Lock lu n d on Woobosday of la s t w eek . Mrs. Lo oiou s FTllzie r spen t W ed needay wIth Mr~. Clif! Vanhorn . There w iJI be B <:!oh ool I:! ur voy meeting a t t h e church h ere on Fri day e vening . Nove mber 14. P ro f. Arthur .hm e" . o f the Leb a n on U nl verllity , will b e on e of th e s peake rs . Ev erybody In lI'ite d t o Itt tend . Mr ~. Mabe l 'ferry (' pent FI ida)' with ber sis ter Mrs, Anna M. Bran non . Frank Shank tl nd family 8pe nt !:Sonday wi\h Looious Frl\zier tlnd wife near Olive Branob . Miss ituth Ed ward8 spen\ b ator day a nd Sunday wit h her nephew Earl E . Moore . We are glad 10 report GrandUl a Thompson better at ihi8 writing. Mias Marie Starr spent Ba.tnrdliY and l:iunday wit h Miss Edna Death , erage. ------~ .--

"'llll() to Ne wt on D. nak er, m a ~'or or Cleveland, anu saId: "My tOWI1 ill going to have a street ra il way fi ght. I want to know a ll about CI "\' l'l:! nu·s." '" shall be only 'too !;llld to tell you 1111 I k now." sa id Mr. Daker, "\Jut 11 11· ro rt una l.'ly , have ap PO lntmentB until OU Il o'cloc k, Will you come bnc.·!" " H o\\ can I ruost profitably pn t In th e two hou rs h cr~ until that time?" ~Bke d I hE' Htrllnger. Th e Illl~\\'er WU8: "Go out on the pu bl1<- " lI li are. sl l. do wn by the m ost unli kely Ula n you can fin d- the one who l !lo k ~ most u~ Ir he dldn 't know t ho d lfT PI'ellce lte t w~ n f r an c hl ~e un d El dOll bl" Iruc k. Ask Ihut ma.n to tell YOIl about :Ieveland' s stree t r ail way fi gbt. nn rl whe ll YOll co me bac k I Wi ll lell yo u wh u~e \' e r you haven't b~n uble to learn rrom him ," Th e nUIJI came buc k a l t he end or two bours, '" need n't keep my avpnln l clcnt he re." be suld. " I round II:, /li ll d l UIl wbose foot wer e ant or h i s shoPH . whoso elbows were out of 1111' Flhlrt HI('(! ves, a nd who looked as I( h" h:Jd Just RolJ ered Ill> fo r t he tlret tlUI,· In a mo nth- In short. , round the un like li est look in g Ind iVidual at largo. ! put one qu es tion to hi m and be s tarted rig ht In a t th e boglnnlng !Iud tliled III all Ihe details lind brougbt me dow n to date. T here's nothi ng for yo u to tell me. unl ess you know wlJa.l 's going to ha ppen. H e bas n't been let In on tha t."-Tbe Survey. () n ~c




Nervous and Sick Headaches

Methodist Episcopal Churdi



F ine Assortment of

Novelty Aprons All Over 39




All Out for Display.

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

Re". O. 8. OraUller . P Mtor , Torpid lInr . oon8'lpllted bowels S unday Scbool, 0 : I II a , m . Morn l n . Ber and disordered swmaoh are tb e vice, 1 0 :30 a . m . Ev entn g se r v i ce. 7 : 0 p oanlea of 'hess headaohes . Take m. MJdw eek Pn yer Uee"og, 7 p. m. Dr. KlnK'1I New Life PIll8, you WIll be surprised how quickly vou will St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. gei; reliaf . They II t lmulate the air Father Loula Y aWl 8peelee of Jeamlne Flower Ueed by wrltlnlr · M~.s ev e r, second Sund a y of lbe m ODlb a ferent orf(an8 to do their Hork 9 :00 a , m. the Chinese to Give Beveragll. --- - ...---...- -properl,. . No better regulator for liver and bowel" Take 25) and the De.lred Arema. ,.'\ I A Consumptive Cough St. Mary's Episcopal Cbttrdl. invel' in a box ~day . At all drug Rev , J , F . Ctldw~U n d e r . Rector. It 18 estimated that lbe Chlneh oeDA cough thllt botherl you oon glBtll or by mail. H . E . Bnoklen & Sunolay Sc hool . 0 :ao IL, m 1II0rn in g ser lIume annually live pounds ot tea tor t.inually la one of the danger Ilgnals Co . Philadelphia lind St. Louis . vlcc. IU :3 0 a. m . Holy Comm un ion ~h e llnl each member of the population. 1& wbloh warns of oonllumptloD. Dr Sund"y ul eacb montb, ,.. grows In small patches around the King'l New DllOovery stop the hom estead!!, planta tions belne prao- oough, )oOlen the oheli, banitlh ChrfJtian Church. Ucally unknown. The leaves are pick- fever and let you Bleep peacefully . MADE UP OF MIXED RACES Rev. P . B. Tbompeon, Pul4l. ed by members of th e family and rhe firat dOle Oh80kB the Iympt::> ms Bible Behool, 8 :80 a . m . &>ci ..1 m eetlnl. dried In the su'n. beIng lubsequently aud 'J{1vee promp' relief. Mra A . Similarity Between French and Amer. 10: 80 .. m . OhrtatJau E ndeavor. 7: OU p . m. For In lean Natlona la Accounted Sermon by pu tor every ..Il.ernal.e SundQ' ., handed over to th e middleman. who F. Mertz, of Glen Ellyn, Iowa, 10:1 0 a . m . and 7:80 p. m. That Way. lubJect them to the proce88 of tlrlne. writes : "Dr. J[ln§ 'I New DllOOvery In the case of green t ea the leav .. oured a atubborn oough afier IIlx Hkkalte Friends Chur~ ..A. notable French vIsitor speakll with are roosted almos t Immediately atter weeks' doctoring failed he)p " .urprlle of the man y poInts of slmllarlI'i..,t Da) MoettclI;, 10 :00 ... m. F l ra~ Da, they are gathered, and d ried olr qulcJtt. Try It·. aa It will dQ thl eame for Scboo:!. 11 ;00 a m . F ounh D ay Mee UDIt between the Fre nch people and the 10 :00 a. m. b" after being rolled Into balls by hand you Beet medlolne for oou.ha, It, ..merlcane. and squeezed. There are usually ooIds, throa' aod luog 'roublel, He II merely malt Ins the obverse ot Orthodox Friends , Churca. three plcklngs __ arly In April. when Money baok If It faU. . Price 600 & A. E . Wooten, P astor . the leaves are covered wltb a wblUsh II 00. A11 dmglfllta. by mall, H II: a dllCovery wblch has puzzl4fc'l many Rabb a t b Scb ool. 9 :80 a , m. Regular cbureb down (a limIted output kno1Vn as pe- Booklen & Co. Philadelphia or tU. thousands ot American travelers. Thl services 10: 80 & . m.. and 7:iIO p. m. PraTer French and AmerIcan peoples, with all kOI) ; toward t he middle ot Ma y and Lonll . manIfest dUferences. are oddly meeU:ng Wedneada), evenlng at 7: 30. apln In August. BrIck tea III made - - Uk. each other In many wan . ~--. by pressIng the damp tea In a mold Perhaps the explanation lies In the In-the form ot a brick . 8 to 12 Inohe. FOUGHT WITH RAILROAD TRAIN tact that both peoples are compoul1dCjaassiBad Ads long and abont one Inch thick. The e4 of many and dIstinct raoes . tulled fragrance ot all IIc8llted tea Ie not Datural. but Imparted I7y BrIng the Hlrd of Infur'l;tted Buill H.ld Theil' In a sIngle nationality. wUl be tnoen ed u n der Lbla be ad for Own In Combat With M.It~ The mixture ot races which haa Ada twent)'·lIve leaf wIth a Bort of jasmine flower, centa ror ~bree Inoertlona ple :::e of Man. cone on In AmerIca I. known to ail. ..hen u81,,- not mora th an II v.. linea. called by the ChInese "mok-Iee." tn ,. ' Bat an American Is prone to forget Inferior teas the scenthig ftower I. ... - ............. - .... ... At • poInt on the rstlwaY line be- that a sImilar mIxture hlUl been In Itre~ oVllr tbe top of the tea WhlD packed and removed after a day or tween Mirabel and Cananral, on the procreas for a much lonlllr time In WANTED two. Flowery pekoes are white, vel· Bpanllh .Ide of the boundarr line b. I'ranoe. tween Spain and Portusal, there onoe Three great r&ces, TeutOnic. CeHlc vety tipped teas wIth no tragronoe occurred an odd lIort of b~Bght. and Latin, are re prellented today In Ew iNG of all k inds. Call and and afe unfermented. A train had jUllt come out on a the population of France. lIee me . Mr8. James Kerriok, lIW_plns curve from the hlllll and Twenty nationalities have fUBed to WlAynesvllle, Ohio. n 12 down upon a HtUe plain when tbe enmue the French nationality. A dozen Saved Hrs Foot IIIneer .aw dIrectly before him r. h.rd trlbel of Gaula, the Romana, Franks, OOD MEN for faotory workB . D. Ely, of BaDtam, 0., luffered of bull. on the trackl. The enllneer Bargundlana, Normans, and others IItNO PREVIOOS EXPERIfrom horrlb).! uloer on his foot lor blew hll whlat14! vlloroull~ and all trally too numerous to mention. have ENCE NEUEMSARY. A t b l l o t l v e l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....- - - - - - - ' four yeare. Dootor advised "wpu the bulla Bed, wIth the exception of been mixed and melted together to wtlge a for those who prove them tatton, but be refused Bnd reluc- one great f.Uow, who made Itra~ht torm France. 8<llves ttffiolent Steady w urk. Ap Btmll&r mlxturel produce Ilmllar re- ply promptly to tbe A. A. 8iwonds & tantly'rled Buoklen's Arnloa Salve for the traln with horn. lowered and lulle. That would appear to be the l:ion (Jompllny, Summit 8'. & :til egley as a last resort. Be theu wrote:· roarlne deftance. "!,..Dsed your aaJve and my foot waa It wal too late to preMllt a colllaton rormula for tbe resemblances betweQll P1RoEI. Dliyton, Ohio: B12 soon oompletely oured, " Best and the bull _I killed, but hla cal' I'rance and AmerIca. ----~-.~~ ------I remedy for burna, onte, braltl~ and ea'l. lylnl under the wheell of tbe ) oozemll Get It. box toda.,. Only 250. locomotive. prevented the tnJn pr0FOR SALE Cause of Insomnia All droggl ~ ts or b, mall . H. E ceeding. Pa..enler. and crew unlUld The mas' common ouuse of InBu lklen & Co, Philadelphia Clr ~t , to clear the track. In the mer.nttme g ood ,hiving mare, 8 years old . the great herd of ball., lcentlnll the 8(\mnta i8 (1I10rdera of the stomaoh Louis. 8~ good bn ggy with automobile Uhamberlaln'l brood of theIr dead leader, eame flook- and oon8tlpation In's back, pawing and threatenlnl. 'J'be Tablet8oorreot these disorders anct seat a nd etorm front , good a8 new. Inquire of nearer they came the more Infuriated enable you to 81eep. For 8ale by all hllrIlleSa nearly new. Song BIrd I I "A Nol.y Animal." Chall. Smith, R D . L n 12 they grew. and Bually they charle4 dE'aler8 WillIam Smith ot Upper Holloway Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. like a whirlwind on the little band ot was summoned, to the North London fine Indian Rnnner Dooks, poUce court a few daya ago tor "kee~ 'Workerl. Thoughtful John Chlnlman. layers of bl~ w~ite eggs Rnd Than all the men abendob8d their Ing a noIsy anImal" to the annoyance "Th .... Irtues ot a ChInese laundrr.' lots of them. J . C Bisey . n12 taak and took retuge In the cara. The of his nelghbers. Phone 71-'1 CORWIN,,·~OHIO. man never hav~ been half told," laid Bet of bnggy harness ; I set. buill followed them to the verr atel)ll. It appears that Smith own. an 01the womllD" "Not of my laundryman, of buggy fly nets, good as new i regulated thrush which starts IIlnlrlnc bellowIng and pawing. Soldlere aboard anyhow. He III luch a motherly old ga80ltne IItove, Detroit vapor; 30 ft. """_""'_ _......_ _""'_ _..,.,._"""'......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•__......._ _oAA every mornIng at 3: 30 o·clock. SmIth the train tried to stampede the IIIlI- .0u1. The other day he brought my of rolling obaln, RoV Hathaway . weakly pleaded that It waa a IOTely mala with stO~8. The buill recoiled, handkerchiefs hom e folded In two dlt· nl. charged &laIn, recoiled once more; Bongster with a nIce mellow nete. ferent wa,... IIOme !!Quared. some cata. ' a nd for two houns the battle raled, In order to escape InflexIble EOlrllah UROC Male HOf< II , nothing bet cornered." , • 'ueUce he had to promise to bottle It vletol')' now _mlng to be with one "Why the different styles In Iron· ter C . V. Harness, Waynes Ilde Rnd now with the other. At lut up In a baok room every morning unUl Ing 1" I Raked. ville, Ohio, R. 3, Valley Phone 2& 2, a8 night came on, the bulla withdrew II respectable hour or the awakenln& "John poInted to the stack ot cata. Harveysburg E xohange. n 19 and betook themeelvel to some dl. ot the nelgbborhood. tont !Shelter. Then tlMt employee and cornered handkerchiefs. 'These hol.y,' Yearling St-et!rs and 1 extra paleenlen were able to set to work he Bald. Then to the 8quare pile, good fresh Cow. Inqoire of ar;a1n. The track wal cleared 8Jl4 'Then good. In bIg hully. not gettee FrsnIl8hldall:&r, Barveysburg. Ohio. mIll and go out with holey hankchet' D 19 ~ta'e of OhiO, olty of Tolodo, 1 • the train proceeded on Its way. "Kind old John. HII Idea wal aU Lucal Uoun'y, f rlsht, but doesn't keep me from ..tIDEBOARD, a bargaia If sold at Frank J . Uh!:!ney makea oath 'hat A"noylnll Honelty. tine mixed. tor I can never remember o:noe. Inquire of Mr8. Roy he Itnleniol' partner of 'he firm of Havins 'rOuched for the hone It,. of whIch .hape mean I boley and whIch OheDowe,h. n 19 F. J . Cheney & Uo., doing bnstn88s the woman who whed a Iituatloo al meana whole. 10 1 am likely to dl. Poland China , Male Pigs. In. in the CHy of 'f oledo, Connty Imd .oruhwoman. the IOOd'Datured . man lrace myself with a holey handa!' ,quire of Carl Crane, Stokes 8ate afor8tlltld, and 'b.' oid firm wsa subjected to a .evere examlna- chIef atter all." n 19 wtll pay 'he lum of ON1i:BUNDRB:D tlon by the luperlntendent of the "!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!! Dairy Farm U014LAR8 tor eaoh and every ca8tl bufl4lnc. = ALIll PIGS-a few oholce full of Oatarrh 'bat canDO' be oured by "There are 4ell'eel of honelt,.:' laId blooded Dnroo Pigll. Inquire the uae 0 : HALL'S CATARRIi the luperlntendent. "How honMt II of TJIlad Zlmmtlrman, WayneSVille CURi:. jj'&ANK J. UHENEY aher' Ohio. D 26 Sworn " 0 before me and sub The load·natured man reflected. THK C.UTUT earthed In ,m l' presenae, 'hi8 6th "Well." he saId. "'11 teU ),011. Bhe II a hundred. plain, white dav of 1Jeoemher, A. D. 1886. 10 honllst that if you tbrow UlytJalnc Drepe paper napklD8; In de. (Seal) A. W GL.EAHON, that loeb to be worth a copper Into I will continue to do Rooflnl aDd Spoutlnl at Ilpl' 50 per dOzeD, at thie offiue. Notary Publio. the wa.t. peper baaket you haM to ..I THI WOR&.D RealOnable PrIces. CaD on me III my home, blllhe)8 of Oat • . .Nloe )'amlly Han '8 Catarr h (lore ia taken iD" tal It' 'Deltroy thll' or Ibe will alb It IUIUSII!D WDlLT. $UO rEI T!Al or phoDe 24-2Y., and. I wID atbnate 'trItb.-JOU. Mare, • Y.UI old, perfeotly , ternally and eote diteo'ly upm tile out aDd put It baeli on your 48111 IIOrIU:, DllVoGiiii. .PlOIAUlft, blood and macou · lIorfaoae of 'he night .fier nleht, DO matter how ba4-. · .O.T.U . . . . . .,T .A . . . . . . OA. genUe, wOI'k aDywhere, DO' afratd .,.&lIln.. &rod lor t_UmoDlall1 free. IT you want to cat rid of ,It. '1 dOll't A.D· . . . . .IRVIOI OAR NOm of autol. Vacant 10' ill Daylon, .' _So. J , caJD!{~?~ OQ~, ;T oleoo, O . know that I can laT anythlnl m~•." ' . utnIQ ....,~DVI~I.Q-OOJ.U. . . nioel, looated, will bl\Cle 'he 1 - ;,801il'6t ~Ii; ?~ -'.' " ,. "Nothl~ ~oi'e '1.· nee....IrJ'," ,aal4.• , ~_l COPY' F.RII . fot ·tarm _atoo.. Bdnr ~tiD"IOO, OhIO, hOD",,?, . .·Tale a",u', brpt17 ~or ~!l- tJl.- n~lnt.Dd~ tiD4 , he '~ ~ '. , .I_~ You ,.,- . '; :, . ' ~ ~.:' - \' - ',- , ,'. .. ." ' at ~~ . ,\ .'" ,; ... ' _." \~ .. . W!o . : . >'.. .. ,:--'" , •. ,~ . .. . , .. ., .

Coat Sale $9.95 to· $25.00







Houae Dreales

------- - ..




----_. - ..------



Room Rill'


$3.75 to $30.00 Ingrain Ca,-peta



.. ..

. _.


·- .

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Ratesa








Have your Sale Billa Printed at th~ Gazette Officea

















W aY;,l1eS~ille,.





--=:P1' ~:,,~,::5~~-~~~~:::;=;;;~ '.




Gog Ihlll t o thlnl! about. more 10 r eo mOlJ lber, ao IIIn ' [0 'Ill! . Two <I:JYs 1 baon [b or e, nlHJ lhe poa n u[s 18 gelling rnw. Ut[lo g nlY mot h e r. duo , [h o H a l/PY 5 !lI P. Jus t !l e·~ d . th llt' s " I. cI .'a d I dld n '[ lI our til" IWO ho rs t!s CO r.1 C. but th c r .. ·s Ii yo ung pe r so n be il lur\ [I I ... eOl t o r lI Ur:l ('t l ng utt "lttlO Il , \\'hu! hi' mo\' \!s th " r e 's a tlu ll '.· at 11'0 '1, <'/l'a k, 11\8 louth,' r. ho rtjy blll .. II, lOa . un d Dr es , ell l ly ti ll S dM dU WIl Il lo ll g o r 1I1 11 , crOI; ~ ' "<'S Ii ,'d , I s hlJH' d h lt ll Ih ,' I",," ,uts. b1l t



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tS011 H ' , ' 1'0\\ r1 "d \\' 1' l 1J jW I '1 d ~ u p . l f l"'1 , 111m 1J., lu g Il w r.· , l i t.! WUI W'U to Inu it ~ t lI' y ~ I " ,,' h li l l ' l u ! llI t.:. I \~ I ',~ , : 11 11 1 P f' " , ·t!'·lJ\ l ~ \' 11 If H' II k ldtc. un d wlw n I hllll d " d 11 h " .,', '11 : al l\ , H ilI! i l :" " j ': 'I :-. l it, · r ' ' ,, !I,I I l I,lie :t1 ,,0\ Illd 1'1 ' II." t tl 'I,.. (' 11' 1'\(' 3 ", Ir.. t !I" lo tt r ing "Gn,ull HI\' I'r" ,, :1 t h, ' IH S ll l ,Jl b l ' lI \\ .' IH'rll .1 II .1 , I I'l ld . " } 'Ul lI Ih f' cJ nt" b bdv, 1I .·' u bl""1 I1 IUll l( C I't'r u HII' e l' S o \ 1,.1. l ·IIItl' · ... I t) th " ~ 1 :I~· l lll l .: 1!.dl ' O! \ I' ,,;111 ,· .1 \'1"' 11 to :t !'t ... t~ t 'li to h is tut ku '0 liu d wrig g le .. , Tb"n lIt> t hl ug s I 6u ld , esco rt lug hlnl m":' oe a li nn Ih .. r 'e lI D kll h ','" 11 1(,' t haI. w hic h t ~ Hll lh : b l:-- . . ' Il d t l.~l' tI . l4 ' . d f. J ... h I I" . \\ lI l ld . :l l i t' II I d I II ' t ' li l'o ll lll l nollP (} SYNOPSIS. UI) und kl ll.ell Ulotb e r with II. big mil o .. buur d o r th u l ' l u r lb u ~ l1: lllnl, T h "11 I'd Ka t to lu ,o w ahll ll t Ih ,' m it) l. a b lc l .. 'nc.llll ~~ 11:': J..: C' d 11111 t:.. · " l j t: ~· " 1 ,1 : '" l li1 ' ~ 1''' ,1' I.!, n' il l , ' r l\ , : d Tl Jf lt h t' r ' ~ And !tle r e I at · th ~ lll o y ~ t e ,. s wh llt; IToll Ibln g H 0 11 hl 3 h ep I H --s j) lI r ~ \\ 'E' tln' Ao, d a llt:l lu: \ ! \L ' IHIt·!'>. ;~JI ". ', I ,' \ 11 i r' I HIl II I I. t l, ' I ~ t llfl' t' !. ! I : tl h s bl·· Tho IIt Ory op e "~ wit h J u 8 rnltt l re· 6 U1 nf' k ri gh t o n t h o 1I1J~. "C un 'l gU '9d? " says m o th ~ r . h s W ~ H tw i ll!; COH1' N.· lind ru d .. , rJu t " II tll n ' \\' ,,,' u lIlItH , my IUl lfe " g In bis ):;o t th l' IIHII P ' 'f r ol l1 H ul l , \\ l l n r '.. \ 'l-i '~' 11 ~ ...tln g fh e Rto ry u f 111 8 1)11-,h, t" u r l y II r ~ In lAbrador I1 n <1 or til(' lh: lllh u f tl bt t lll l H~ r " I'm th " o lll mUll ," b e glg KI I' g, ". h," s th l' t ll l1 ,. I Hl'e ll tll C w r pCK IWIlI' <' t!h:k , " \l lIrS, IIf1ll h" Wa ll "nay , (1l1 ," ' r how lh p 1I t');t t u r n \:-; Il l\' d :~ \ h OIl -. , Ill £' r" I'/' ~.e beCOU1 ws t1 l'IHll u r . tlt l' o ld "OUllI U." Th Ull h .. n 'ut: h,..d ou t ull d ~ o rt<l " l1 a i' fh .. " \\" ,11 ul lh" " li lt . nil th e tlm o: h ,, '8 ", /l ntln g to . how b lm· OIlIlct co tl llll'll S" " '1I1 ' ii '" ,, " If 5to p p i l1g t he Win d. CHAP'T ER It .- Continu ed . hi " "IIW , " I' ut he r tb e r e. li OII!" 8a.YS Lh.C dr l' llnJ: g ull s, IW II It L) \\' th e y d rov e ~ ,'It n IT. 11< '\ i m',',' r ""e n Hult wllt !" r rtIn g .' t1 . t"" Afra id. · .1 01,, " 1, " . '6 JP III lit .. \lll:t ~ , · "it,II'I' 1t t\1Ir llll'; tll o 1 dler cm e mb t! T wh ic h ,KH t 'SOnl l" h,' : " w ba l' ~ )'1' 1' tlU Ill O:. lto)" " down, IIl' (' k lll K a t II h u,lrt le 01 t o rn I"' (u rc" ~ u "". \\"'ll t In 9 wi Ill lt111l ~ , nn d t h e lUfli, 's U I\ I tl,-' 1, ' 1' 1, I !II' c.i tl d " :-a un r llli( rill l l:, ~f' rn l '" 1h,\ (l 1 ·J.!J1I1 I!~ 1 \\a H an wtleres u p lh e St. Lllwre nc e wh ,' :'" Wt, II O" u a hnn u lik e II b" ar t r up CIOlh" K b<'Hl rt O' Ih " ,, 1t,·,,1. "[[" 1' \Oo':. /'(1 th l'l' A'S a IUI !clt ho"l gal th o rl /-; Il,! , :t il t h" lv t! ~ th " r II ,,, h a ll " .. , . d 1o" , a l1'" , Ih. , "r ~:l lIl oI " \\,I'r kl' l,t loade d lumbe r for the Gu lr o· M •. , !co, " ::;mlth! " I P(jIl Plrl E' d, " S mith! " I' p Ih u r OI l Ih c t tt j;'" ttl ,, ~ I1H'II ,1 I "US ' \lth hiIll - qu a rt 'o t I,le ll ,' d Olll GnS, n~ll mar"h t , ~ 11 1) UH' rn\d <1I . , 1 1' 11' :3 I "1I 11"' ) ~ It •., Ip \ ,. r J)oi !4 I I\' ~ l l I \ r 111' had but th o captaIn an'd me \\'as awa y fls h , " Fas t. " ~a )'~ b e, " ~~I II yo u rs ,' ll II o\\nl nl( to \) Pill ;': ill t h ,' wro ll g. w hll ,· "n d cI K " r.'tt \'~. t r n i!lu' b t,ltill cl h l!'l , untl tll ~ I" " " II ' \' Iii' " I" 01 I ' ~ ,) II ' /.: .\ r." 1I 011> pr(',,"'h, 'r Ing. Motber had como rro m tb o Lub !(u bll'l at that "' rE' Hh urry Wi llA, __ \th Fra llltl. , Ma r wa H pro m l,.. inl!; ffl lthfUl 1 Thl o tHran ge r b gins to tllru \\ ow Ilrf'ss ~ d :I S n c'lllr l,c' n \\ ,' 11 II U" ,I.. I ' 11,.. 1 ,'1111' ,I, \\ II (1'0' " 1."11 1\,," t n "dOl' to Ilnd mo. old gray mot he r , Shl' 60m ... ugar , Dri n k. you ('ub. t o t·ap· to t.' ilr Ill )' lti d,' o n· OI' N Ill)' (' an; ,,,h e n hor ~ e t a lk n nd o w slnr l.-!; It !!t' e m~ o r eggs, wo uu L'r ln " \\ 11 111,,' 1' IiI lS lI " ro' 1' 1" '11 ' II T it " " r ~ : ' I ! h l ~, ' r l lthI NI n INt on her round horn s pec tacl lJ lI to tn ln a n d Mm , S mith , Now o f! with I 'm r fllll?, ht. cO\\"PU!l (' iI " h I ~ Eo rl or sa il o r s n! t h ,' cow -boy Is 1\\ 0 pl ' r ~ o ll ~ I foO t' l', o r 0 1: \'" 11Il!I ' 10 Ih l ' h l o\\l ' r , II l lt l ~ I ' II\ i t f o und emile at th e m ate u rt, a.nd tb o second ) ' f' , and pass Ih e bottle farraI'd ," " I'l pns. '. _II'," M)' ~ I, ,"It n ln't so plnlll s'. 'olol y It 's dllT,'r PIl'L :':; pur3rtng t b e on e I ('all IIl'ar, IIn I' u's '/ Il l 1'18 I U, II c lt ll ir br.)' , "lID. mls llnlif' r , tancl · lIlate rorw a rd, tb o or'naTY s t'» man :-; (o JI day , o r lIl'xt \\'I'f' k. or l1l nybe mill'll til" (o Y " I "r~ wor r!I ~ m l'. It·s me n !le t !! WI~ t nnd cold , an tI wre l' kNJ, ~ ort. Afr l u i" 8 < 1'\' 0'9 ou t t ill 8 \ .. ·. 0 11 < to I"', C h IS 11I ~ lnJl' lIt1n s , )l il t II Into th e paInting In th e name board, and Alii Ih o r.loodny 10110 wlnl1 . th l' sh ip's 1: 01 a th is Y"r , " p'n ~f (' G a \\' I (lone e m · but cow· bo ys h nd adven tures Ill s t ('nd, till' dud ,' ~ , li nd I d" :d " " /H,1t ~ ,I" co- ~ I:a lld , " r 11 11' \11' 1' :1 , h. 'r , Thp note was In hIs bos 'n's chair a .tarrlng down th,' h.' a<l lt .. h .. , wltil Iil l' s k y ~I ttllll: do wn brzz l,' ,1. ('11 ), ,, ' t ('a ll It k llinapf'fl '('uu so "x c il. 'nW II '.. rl'd sl reaks of lire , 1-'01 , r a t ed eg !; , 1!I;VII ' 1: it (' ard .ul In Ir... t'('lvi n ~ r" lI n ,, " ' " 1" ' 1'1'111-" YO ll wil l kind ly rigging. and th e bumboat loundr (,5~ O!l lit " 11Ill ~ th rn d ~ . tlt C ~ "II Ilk .. o il. th e Ii l"s o '·" r Rixty , but I s tuno,'d him lo w lnl~ I h" sell. I bl'c n mitsslng II fp , or th e s poon . till Ih p r r '~ on ly 1\ t"" , ' 11'1 ' " lI P" I t,.[ 1 lO U tn , The pe op le 'Who'd bee n t earing the o ld man's " hl'.. la sln \l ph ll; th o ~ lt ado \l ~ un th e III (' gn l with a h('lny ln g· pln , a. nd I \\'hy. t h l>! gu y ain't no morc 'n tw o le ft Ol't' r, anu [' Ill Silt" :." 011 11 wi l li 111, 11 1"1\'" "" ""' h c rt! Ln tll' llr IllY music. nOL .hirt.fronts. She j us t su t h nppy al th e (i p(' k, whf'l'P t h,· to r bol l ~ , li n d o ur feel h C' ars hl lll g rnanlng -- lIm es whc :1 you ye n rs old e r'n ru e- say. ~e v l'o l e e ll , bul So rar c\, f' rI'bo tll' SfO"m s ptt,,," " d your 1l,,1 ~ , '" 'Ight of the Pawntl ck oL. n nd s ile n Il' " is lik p. o l'l'r(\onf' ton s , s t o p ~ 10 f,nll!. " h e's had liv e ycars rldln' for OIl !' man. Bull whisp e r!' 'In n'l)' ear . "~II1 t;" lor ;.;..:;~.::.:=:.-----------=-., .,. admired everythIng, from Old (;Iory Th e s k y '. lik e cfl p[Jf'r pd ged ",\t h !lut Fran l(i e ~f a c WO Uldn' t billl eve four ye nr» for anotb e r, s ix yea rs In th e bllck door. )' 0\1 s on of n 0;1 ' " (, O(1 lt, " to Blue P eter-unt.1l o ur nigge r COO li Sh el' l Ilg htn ll1 g. lhpll th e r e 'e scud In On o word un til h I' we nt down In th e Arlzol1a, th e n threE' In Oregon, until wh leh o lT ('n ds DI e , bl' Ing tru e : ,,~vea came , and spl\l ed s lops ove r bldr' , n hurl')' o ve rb a d. t h e ho rizo n folding rore penk t o Inqu ire , while I apr-lied h"'", ndd ed up about hlllf a ceo1ury an (.gg nt th A ban d tor s ll ,'n""-, 11011 Seems he'd had n ews or th e lady . a nd In. and n runn e l·shnped cloud 10 Ib o th e hat c h. a nd batte ned down . S ays his nam e 's Bull Du rh am , calls out. " Ludl es li nd gl' nts ," 'P'rum eame to g rIn ' but was back in bl ~ gil l. southa r d wrnpplng up tb e s l<y , Th e r {)'s 80 yo u see I'd got a tug. and th e Well. bls talk m ndc m e s mall And tho buck do o r I s pe n hull' n il th e 'llJd~s ley, like a rabbit to his bo r row. whi le no air. u nd 1 no t ic ed t h o bl :1nacle c r o w aboard. so th e n e xt thing wall to mean a8 a s ta rv ed cat. but that was h ns to s tand d£'ad stil i t o r r"nr 01 .he marchet1 up th e gan!i:w a y, "('an 't aU g ht. BO It mllst hal'e bee n ni g h dark t a k e In th e h awsers . shove oil', and let nothing to the emotions at tbe ctber dropping all egg. abIde dirt." lIays moth e r. an d ('1' , '0 t h e under thnt tunn el c loud, Ju st as It b e l' drift on t h o e bb, en d of m e wh e n b e got m e on one of " Ladles." sars Dull, "ltnK l\t1' 01 Dew boy h e nrd not a word clse 'ce pt s truck . somo on e cu lled out "All It·s a ca utI o n to eee how many taps tlwm hOrtl e B. I wanted to walk. \Valk! you lIeen a li v(J mou s t' ~ On Ih l' way the I!plash , .'or mOlb e r Ju st esco rt ed aboa rd!" a nd I heard th e m ut e ye ll. and things tesets 0.0 e n gIn e- room. all The most 8ham e ful t hings b e knew up Ilmong yOIl. s eem. I' ve dropped my But Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vel·' that nigger ri ght througb th e I::tll e y. " You me~n. n il ove r bourd! " or ' m h eaps efficl c nt. Th e flrs t thing was walldng and telling lie8. It I mouse. Iltld It's c lim bing sk lrttl fOI etable Compound Restored out at th e <'ther e nd. over th '! po rt . Couldn t see much a t flrst. ns I was 1 bandied prove d up plenty steam. ror walk ed h e'd have no tb lng more to do soli t ud e." rail, and b006t ed him Into th e blu e bu sy ge ttin g moth e r out or tbe m y le tt arm W8S pink and blis te rs ror with m e. I rode till w e got to th e Then th e re 's slt rl f' l(s, s cre ams. laMrs. LeClear'a Healthbarbor. for Ihe firs t and only ba th drown e d cabin . \\'Ilen I'd IlRSS E. d Il a w('e k , Next I round a tap called re rry. di es throwlllK t\1clfI s .. lves Into tbe be'd ever hnd , Tb e n s h e took o ff h e r hal ynrd rouud h er nn d th e IItump of bllge-yah 'e Inj ection. which lelJl In the You know In book I! how there'JIJ a Her Own StatemenL armH or th e m dud e R, rggs dropt,lnp lIorn spectacles he r old bu c k ukJ n th e mizze n. I'd ju s t breatblng tim e. lin e o f sta rs ncrost tb e page to s 'low s quash. eggs going bang, Du ll t hro w, aloves. and h e r' bonne t. and so t to Thl' eea was flatt e ne d. white und er tb e n uth o r 's g ri ef. I got 'e m bod by In g eggs at eve ry man not othe r wlso deaning a galley which hadn't t. ee n b In k s ky. sn d what was l e rt of us tb e tim e we rod e Inlo Invl cta City, e nga ge d. an d s uc h a stlnll th a t a:1 th~ ., D etroit, Mich. - .. I run glad to dis-washed since th e dn ys or Prr-ald e nt WaR mostly bJow lng about. Draw th e lin e rI ght Ihnr : lig ht s goes out. [ ' 111 gr abb ed b y tb. cove r 0. remedy that relieves me from Lincoln. Sh o hadn't time to 1I ~le n to Da d wa s just ta k in g I!o m rr.a ;u:l again • • • • my Buffering and scr uff of the chicken, run out through 'the wet nI gg e r or Ul .. mate. lind !larry or wbat r e mnln ed , No use s houtlnl W e 're havin g Buppe r Dt thtl Palla· Lho hac k door. ond sl un g on til(' ba oll pain.!!. For two y ears -8 maQ on board could get more t!lan e ith e r. 50 h hung on nn d beckoned, dlum , a nd I'm pre tty nigh @l'Rred , I Buffered be aring or a horse. Hull's ye llin g "Ride! Rl de l yen or nay out at moth er. I:3h .. The OlltstS ove rs ld e were batlerln~ Th e r.!·s a mf'nu to say what's co ming, Glt a mo\' e o o!" He's n(l,l(g lng tb. down pains and got 10 F re nc b so you don't know what horse with bls quirt. he 's y,,:IIt:g al -cooked th e m a s uppe r too goo d to bp ho ltls In us . until wo cut Ildrtrt. Thea all run down. I was ' .eate n an d spoilt, tben s e t tbe d (eh es to th e pumps . but that was SOI~t 01 you' re e a lln g. and durned It I can find m e : "Ride, or w e'll be lynch ed !" nnde r a nervou. to rights. got tb e lamp a-shining . nnd e x, ofllclo Just to ke e p us warm. Work· out wh e th e r to ta ckle an a la mode strain and could not My mouth's full of rea th e rs . cblC'lto lUed to be shown round t he ship, In fl war m e r tha.n wnlllng, with lingers or a spoon. Bu.!1 say'! it's slee p at night. I e n 's coming a ll to ple ces- can't r'deThe cap'n and m e comes hack a long n t:l ng- tlmbo r·la de n we coul dn· t s ink. onl y French ror puckeroo. a 80rt of w ent to doctors herB d arosn't rall off . S o on the w ho le I wIth th e ding hy, mak es fUBt. and whi c h wus co nv e ni e nt. But. as motbe r rour·legged burrow!ng bll',1 \\'bl('h In· in the city but theY' dug th e chicken's spu rs Into Mr, ,climbs aboard , Th e re 's old g ray moth. said. th e re wn so ·t Ilny gl'ub on the hab its s liv e r min es, but Ir I don't IIkfl did not do me any Ho rse , nnd rod e li ke a hurrlcano !n 8 er. wIth tb e horn speCB, calm In he r roo(" and Wll co uldn't go down· s talrs . that, th e lady will retch m e a foc par good. panic. Allor which r e minds mp. (hat <Jwn ~ Itcb '!ln, JU Bt t e llln' us to s et Tl gb t For tnstanc f' , we want ed 0. drink or Well, I ordenl one, and by tbe la lly' s tb o hlnue r parts or lin 111l itlitlOIl oird L..:..:.t..L.-!.!.~'---..I " Seeing Lydia E. .town to s Ull pe r. Ca p'n li ves aft. and I water, rac\! I see I donp wrong. eve n be lor e Is comfortin g whar a ha bumps , S till, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound adver!belongs up rorrard. h el ng ord l l1 ary " 'ell. now, w e b pf' Il thrE'e days reshe complalnll to tbe man age r. I' m tised, I tried it. My health improved drnw tbem stars ucross. e eaman, and less Important oeoard rrpshlng ou r pllrch ed mouths with beer surely mi serable to think I've In s ulted wonde rfully nnd I am now quite w ,' ll • than the old man's pIg. Ye t som" how s lo ri es . when a flsblng vessr.l r.omes 0. lady. again. No woman suffe ring from fo' I'm ree lIng he tt e r with twenty ('[IlleR 1Il0ther kn e w, reeding us botb In the along smelling sa lvage. Happon s he's The mana geJ"s suspicious of m e . but male Ills will r egre t it If she tak es thl. be t\v een m e and Invl cta City. ' The galley, and standIng by while we- red. onc or them felucca·rlgged dago Bwlne Bull talks Fre n ch so rapId that " ven m edicine. "-Mrs. JAM ES G, LECLEAR. Nev r a word. but mother hud a li g ht out at Invlcta . T e xas, His charg es ___ fro g~:y can't k ee p up. although hE' Sl',n transpIres ov e r the eastern sky, 836 llunt St., Detroit, hlich. tor Captain Smlth's ciga r. nnd he r was Quite mod e rate , too, ror a brp.lI kar emll€!s and shrugs. und gives us sang· line. th e hors es Is t a king 0. roll. I'm seated on the remnants of tb e chicken. Another Case. eyes looking hungry at m e ror rear of wate r and some rancy grub--untll When He Move., There'll I Tinkle 0' truWI! t o drink. she'd he s e nt a s hore, we Bee n th e bill. Iron. This sort or coc ktail I had. was the and j3ull Durham says I'm his adopt, Philadelphia, Po.. - "Lydia. E. Plnk"Well, ma 'am," saYB th e cap:aln . I never kn ew till th en tbat 01lr old fi.r8t liquor I'd tallt ed. It's IlOwerful e d orpban, brun'" Vegetable Compound is all yoa Looking back It seems to mo rhat claim It to be, About two or three :'aent your baggage urt? Oh. we'U man was OWlJ e r. O r 'course that's all sea wben you wants to sink tbe 6hlp , as a harbor tug. droppIng me (jut of :tioon get your baggage aboard." right, only he 'd run astern wllb hlB I turn e d him rull. and went to sit on the conversation. wblle the restauran' th o IlNlt nIght 's proc eedings was calm, days before my periods I would get bad Tben I 'beard him on deck s e eln/!: Ins urnn ce. That's why h e'd stay with the rore hatch whil e 1 8ucked my arm. turnn slowly round wIth a list to star· Thar was the rat Ge rman fir e brI gade backaches. then pains in right and Jeft "mother's dunnage Into the Sl/are he rth t b e s hi p. 110 i t ' B no goo d taIkl ng. As and had 0. chat wIth th e crew . board. and null d eals for a b all k I<t In pursuing an annual banquet acros. Bides, and my bead would aebe, I called .aft, and the nlgg e r 's turk e y thrown to moth e r, sbo come aboard tb e t~ Tbey was talkativ e, and batt erIng the rront window rull or decurated lotll by moonlight. all on our wa, the doctor and he said I hfld organic In-out OD the wbarr. 'Iuccy. s hIp'S cat In her arms, and a at th e hn.tch wIth an !IX , 80 ['d bardly e~g8 . Says they're \'Intage eggs" all nortb, too, till the wagon ca.pslzed In flammation. I went to him iCJr a while but , Sort or strange to me r e m e mbering 80Tt of cold. dumb. golng·to·be-good· a word In edgeways. The n they got verd-antiQue and bookay. For years 0. river. did not get well 80 I took Lydia E.Pillkmother, gaunt, bitle r-hard. always In and-It's·klllln ··m c eort of Bmlle. She 8cated we'd blow up be rore we the mllllonalre6 of Invlcta bas sbrunk Thar was the fun e rnl obsequies a ham's Vegetable Compound. Aftertakthe right, wIth lots to 8ay, And h e re bore up bravo. until she struck the drowned. Allu8 In my mind I'd Bee from the expense. My job whp.n .Jro pig. late deceased, with munl('lpal Ingtwo bottles I was reUeved and finally wu little mother sobbing her tenrt numbe r·one smell In the dago's cabIn. them gulls sQuawkln' around Ule leavil. is to carry the basket, 'caullo honors. until we got round , out. my troubles left me. I married and out on the breast of my jersey. Just "It's too mu c h ," she BIlYB, handing me wreck. and mothe r fighting them , Bull's toting a s econd·handed Baodle, Then we was an apparItion olf an' bave two little girls. I have had no rethe same moth e r c'lrllnged . Said she th e cat, "too much. I'm goIng back That heaped thing by the wheel Wall I dunno wby Bull hae to introduce gels 8.t a revival camp. only Dull'~ tum of the old troubles. "-Mrs. CBAS.i 'Wae fed up with the Labrador, coming to drown clcan," dad. ror I Been the whites of his byes me to the gentleman who keeV8 Ule, wings caught fire. and BPoiled the Boau.. 2660 Chadwick St., Phila..P., :awlllY to see Ute worla. mee t ro[Iu!, and Bul I was to stay with our snllors as the ship lurcbed hIm. An' the peanut store down atreet-seelng I'd whole allusion , (TO BK CO :-lTINUED,I bve a good time; hut would I be aboarc1 the dago, to retch [nvlcta Quick. gul1sdealt there before. Anyway, I'm lihroashamed ot having h e r wIth me at and brIng u tug, Dad trusted me. Cap'n McGav.' was pleadln' with me, wea! eVB n to play th e coward and Quit him. tben Mr, McMillan. They swore they'd Shamed? All th e ways dow:, to I dread to thInk back on tb e pURfiage take me to the wreck tor nothln', ~~;;;~~;.;;;;.;;;;.~;;;;;;~~~~~;;,;;:;~;:;;;;;~;;;;~~~~;~ .Toe Beef's clear to Rlmoqskl you'l! or rour days to the IlOrt or [nvlclll they'd gIve theIr Blhle oath, th ey'd ~~~~~~~~~ THE AMERICAN RUSH TO bear that yarn today, or how the old Now In th e m days I was fift ee n, and sign agreements. McGaw had a wife ~~ ~ 'IQ."Q~~"Q"Q~ WESTERN CANADA Eea cu ~ t o m of winning a berth : n fair considered Ilome ly . Tb e mouth I got and ramlly ashore. McMillan was I.n IS INCREASING tight W8 S prac ticed by a Indy. aboard would he Inrg e for a dog, smll('-s lx love. Free UODu~ .tf'lad. <If th e Pawnll!'l(Ct. and thre(,·C/u a rtprs . Thar IIsho r e at I turn cd off the bilge-valve InjeCtion, In the n" " ,,' \ ' fl("I., or You'v e h ~ a rd or s hip 's husb:>nds, Invl c tn. I'd Hun look sort .or cheerful. opened tho fore hatch, nnd set them ,...,..J"'t.. Mni l ltl'll!a, f't ... kull·b.'. becau se they were old. I've known I "1\" nnd AIlJ tJ na "he r" but we 'u th e first s hip 's mother. And so a ll th e m tu g s kippe rs took me for two to work , TIL~'y WII8 quite ta m e. SHOW THE GAMBLING SPIRIT Ire th .. ,utnmls ut ~ ' r (!t, grandmother wbo would actually Hunw~ t.t~ u.'h Ic ft., wbll'b a joke, It 11' :16 rour da ys nnd tbree and that ul g ht I elept-Qnly to wake to till! man 1Illtlilin. fl ntry nights tl ln ce I'd s le pl. eo I s Ul'poile I'd up screec hln' at th e things I seen In Bidders at Auction Sales, Without bribe her grandchildre n to dIsobey ~ )'I~\ ;~ their mother. h e r daughter·ln·law , I've look funny waIl ling to Ilire a tug , drea ms. 'I(' re . " ' Ino. n la nd ' oro Funds, Find Delight ,In Just Avoid· known an old man who by bls UD· ~_-",.""II Rll n pl r'd to amln [ showed IJOWCr or attorney' wrute Seve n days we searched for tbe Ing Being Shown Up. IB id 1';\tll., f a l al.ltl , ceasing bullying and hec kling actuall, .Xl' R I , I , ~NT n"I1, "., .... CILlnk8 In Ind elibl e pe n cil on dnd' s old (Ilcky wre c k before we gave up und Iluh . at broko down the h ea lth or his s on, wbo In fIIP.ny ''0"'.''' t he rnll"n,.~ In CTU\'at. b u t ' tho tu g~ e Xllec t l! d ('ash, least th e captnlns dId . Then night One or th e funny sights. La tho p e r· C1l.lIl1du. h av" I,,·.-n bull \. In ud. and tb e age nts went bac k on m e , came dow n blac k o ve rh ead. wltb th e S Oli w ho dldn't bId at all, a t the Mar· was carrying a h eavy burden of care. :~,~.I:·~ 1\\rnl~t~:I~;~~18::lllln~?t :)~l ! but wbo mi g ht s tili be 0. well ma n It Notbln ' doing Saturday nlghls at s w e ll 811 phospborescent. lallus · thlnk rls Park real esta te auction. wu s the s~Lllc r"'" h I! l'If'Nl be- Ilt(tNt tll n n hm ur I",·, .. ., mlipI rruw B lInft Ih e om ce , tng cre w s all aliborl', but of mother In B IIgbt s ea undor a black look nf hIgh courage. sbadlng Insen· bls t a llier had not literally worried o r ",1\",4" nulh•• , 1\a1.e!l !U't) ~r.~:~~: b y ~ O"tl rnUle DL (;()W· Ih e port will ge t a mov e 00 Mond ay. s kr. like it was that night, wh en our sibly IlltO reckless da rIng, on th e race him Into s lc knesG. In both Ih ese calles I bold that tbe r es pec t of the daugb· TrUSI grown nH' n to know more n a tug run into th e wrec k by accldl'nt. Socl ..1 Condillon. of I\O lne mun who wa s bid Cling $800 Thl' A m rrlC'R n ~U.IM 1Mat. home lll('l' ll boy , Th e glass is down thf' gulls I jumped flrst 00 board, The poor whe'n h e knew he would have trouble t e r·ln·llIw and the son were mlsplaceu. In W CH l u rn CM t,,\dn, lit1 1. 110," & and that the old folka sbould not have SLMlfl, n r 111 " 8tY'O n a~ 1Ia."d. h.,.i" fly ing Inland. thar's weath e r brew· hulk lay flusb with the swe ll. Itftlng raising 30 cents. 101l1wn rlJ n wllllnn ut hI" OW" bee D allow ed to su bject th e Ir kin to IlIg, I Hec n in my mind the spraYB and railin g Just enough to roll ·tb e Ihln "A.trl1O dolls! A-trun dolls!" th e pt~~ 'j~si ~:;~d, ':I~~t:~~~~~~ev~ la s h o l'(' r I h(' wreck. gree n wate r. all bright epecks, ncross au ctionee r would call, trippingly on such 1II treatm e nt. Just being old 18 a\1.I u n uf c..;nnnd'I, ln~"', rll'\ II IVa!; (l a rk wbplI 1 we nt to tbe lind acrOSS th e d eck. Motber was the tongue. "A-trun dolls! Going at no guarantee ot qualiti es worthy 01 C~~~~~~~~ !lr:~~ fJ'::,~ ~na to r respect,- WomaD's Hom e CompanIon, \\'h:<I'1' ''5 wilh Caplaio Mc Gaw to AEYJ there. h e r bare a rm renchlng ou~, b er JI.trun dolls. Going! U n les8! " Tbe th" I'fllrlbu ~ I'oum , He'd s how !n t' Il ! e~t hand lifting be r s kirt. h e r face strain on tbe bldde r's race would be Englhlh Poetry as Chant •. t \I~ "'''' li P at t c n tbousand C8sh-:- looking uP. dre aming as sh e turn ed , terrlhl!.' to be hold , What on ea rth was S I Ol'P" ull compl e t e. s t ea m uP. e nginee r and tu~ned. und swayed, In a slow he going to do Ir the lot was knocked or English literature ') 11 til(' JII" ' mi s , ' ~ . tho ug h h e' d Hteppe c1 danc e. It's wh u t th ey calls a waltz. down to him? What was M\ going to are now beIng s Pt to cbant musIc by " ~ I,,Il'f ' tor n IlrinlL Cule ca bin he '(1 and tleems. as I s tood watching, I'd do, he ' asked you. wltb wild, beseech · the West London Ethical SOCiety, ).:ol OIl th" brlu!':f', c Ull lllng li t tl e g lory· almost s ee thc music swaying h e r as ing eyes. Swinburne's "The Holy Spirit of Me.n,N ' , hil i .. fo rmrd , Wh y . (, H' ryth ing wae sho wove circlet!, water or stars pour· "Why doesn't somebody go on and Walt Wbltman 's "Wboever You VP.,· 1'( ,,,1 han .I )' . fiO th a t I onl y hud to bat Ing ove r h e r bnre feet. Seems though bld :1 I don't want the darn lot." hl' nnd Wordsworlh's "The Soul That ,Boosted I-tlm Into the Blue Harbor. l'lnt b plt illd tit .. "ar with a b,~ la)'ing· lhe mu s ic 6lOpped, and she came whlsperl:!d to hIs next nelghhol' on(' RIses Wltbin Us" are among tho popi n, an d hn 11roJ1\lpd rl " ht do wn th e 8 tr31ght to me. Speaks like a III' nlgbt. ems Intely thUB sUllg. partly ail un· brulal, :~~~~,:~~,~u'~:i:i the way s il o c rep' ill "' H ~ su rely I II RIlJi , forc h ntc h, All I wl\llted uo\\' was a small "girl. , "Oh, mummy," she Rays, .. Ateny-five, Ate n y,flve!" called the accompanied so[o. partly as harmon· CARTER'S 1I111'i ll;oting olllce r I cau l" tT'U!\l. "look." and draws her hands apart so, (lUS , Good word that. S h e ' ~ g u t 11) Ized cbanL The president or the ..o- LIVER PILLS auctioneer, juet then. Whi c h brln ss m e to !\Ir , Mc Ml'llln. ju s t as It s he was sbowing a lor,g ribb e Quee n. and th e sc hoon e r 's a sen Act "What does he say?" queried tbe clety entertamll the rather bold hop, Pun!ly palace . wh e n we Rudd"u ly dh\col' e r ed Ott l' o\\' n seco nd mate , buying n !lozen bon. "wate red silk," Ilhe mutterll, of eventually ohtalnlng the Introduo liver, reckless one. fr ied oy s tf'l'~ In a card box with a wire " only lJlne cents 0. yard. Oh, mayn't ehe only sIgned as coolt. and "Elght.t:wenty-Ilve, - You'''e) lost your tlon Into Engll,'Jh church service 01 Now we're aslee p at le \'(' n knol~ h ~ lId l " . nil for twenty.five centll, I, mayn't I. mummy!" readings rrom the lJjl\stllrs or Engllsb lot." ' And there was dad, with all that on a beam wInd. and Key W est wide though th e girl seemed ex pe ct\~g a "Aln't that the , ptague-take-It luck!" literature. water ot stars, wasMo, aerols and on !,he etarboard bo w. tb e same be In g ki ss, said tbe reckleslI one, wbo was al80 ."H ello. FrankI e ." say\! I, slappIng across him. tn the second dog· walch wh en I'm In · I ma~natlon In. Dream,land, rellllent.. "Neb mInd. I'll lIet an~ther vit ed aft, Th e re 's th e old 1111111 sp uln'g h!m on tho bac\e , A roremast band chance before thlB thing \a over. " A man who awak,e 1& most prosaiC CHAPTER III, in th e captala's pa luce, th l!r e's m Olber ca n make hi s omCl1r act real dlgn!lled whose mlbu IS' commonplace, Who II New York POlL D'ye kllow at the h ead of tbe table sewing. aM with less. "Say, Macl tltterly una.ble to Invent 0. story 01 ~'~-------------wbat Greed don e?" 1 g,rabbed bls abe asks mo to HIL In th e mate 'S seat Youth. sets down In b\a skin', tall Thllnk. AII.d ' ~.t De.erv~ Reap.ct. write a drllma, will aaleep have tb, aa U I was chler offic e r IDSleu G at oye ters. "G reed. he choke pa ppy." Many people, fell you that yO~ - must most Bstol1ll'1hlng flights of Imqln.... s ays I. ~nd In my mind I Been Ihn bandy for waggIng-aU bIB posle. mallte r'S doft, lI. be respectful to older peo~le, quite tlon, , ,He Imagines a story, . ·Son," says 6htl--Qu e r . littl e : sort gulls wh eel around the wreck, wbere slon6 rlgbt tbar, peoples It 111 Itb .' ~lail!l'll, me~ womel Same with me, eettlng 9n ~e ~acb" "",' n nl ~ut of the Qu~suo, n whether or I ,oc:buckIe; "Bon, You'll n e ver 'gueRs ," somethlng's 'lying huddled "Com(' on. , . ,. t .a'a, sort of sulky at ba\'lng riddles puppy!". saya I, wilv.1ng Frankie down with a cap, jersey, overalls, .ea boOt.'!,' not: the1.'l'e' ~rthy . , . felpeeL , I'~e and animals, and eacb OM or them, the anlmala at t1mflB-'dIpeaU ht. the street, with them oystere, 80 an paper bag of peanpta, .,.aohed .reck bown so~. of the. moat . obstinate. "IIut., ,-art · .. ~perf';cu, la. if b,~ ~"'- I or the old Pa"nUcll:~t In front. ba(l.~nered, unlt1nd, 'Uiij'UI 014 peo. mun gets r ed tt' the t h e traffio nauses to admire, and .our 11leJ!; ~e old all.. : etlle. giggling, HI! Sl.!lps hls a lolLC on second oft!cer ' is rulUl1ni 100d. ' More them two IJ'&v", ..tam. . Got -~,. ',al. wbOIS taul" wen bonal in .u8Dc. .. ,




















Don't Persecute Your Bowels barsb.








GOOD MEN ARE DISSATISFIED : Feel That They Don't Me as ure Up to Own Sta ndard s Ev e ry Day In W eek.


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other members of the family


arc h UPPY'- nppc t il e s sharpe n, th ings bril! hten up gcne rally. And Calumet B a kin g Powde r is r cs pon sible for it aU.

Afte r All , There Was Something the Victori ous Insurgents Wo u ld dE' Ca st c lll uu. u8 ~ 1 8 tnnt chi ef of th e a powe r- will not al on e be used for For Calumet never fails. Its No t Bc Guilty Of. I~ ~ O POSE to re volution · ~e n e ral s ta tT uf th e Fre nch army; war ; Its u" (' III tbe urts would be tar wond e rful lCAvening qualities insure Ize ,~ ur rarc ou Innd uud Command e r F e rri c, dire ctor ot tb e too Irnpurl Dut to be ov e rlooked. And perfcc tly sbortc ned. faultlcssly raised "1'1". FII ('("('SH fl1 l r~ \' u l lill o l\i 8 t ( fo r s ea . Wireless te legruph station on to p of It It ha s b('e ll dl s covllr e d at last I am bakings, Tbl s 18 th e con fld pntly th e J,;ltT el tow e r. Paris, and Capt a in not Ilt all surprl s d- nolhlng would . hal II IOll l h I I" " ll l' d b,u'k In hi s ch a ir. I ·· \\·h il,· yuu COITC" IJO IIU l! nts h av e ~..n lm . wbolly ma tte r-of- C loltre . r e prese nting the French min· s Ur(lrls e m e In tbl e ag e o f mira. Cannot be compared with e1es! I" "' n rr ''' 8o na bly a cc urat e in your a c· 1 fac t pre dlc tlou m udo by Is t(' r of m arin e . oth r r baking powders, which promise U llv l, th e italian en· I hDv e not th e ellgbtes t doubt tbat t"o unls .·· hf' n ·mar k ed . "y ou ha ve ov e r· without performing. gln e er a od eh ' ml s t. In " W e hav e re ported to our gove rn· luukerl s om e £I f o ur good s po ints . We 1\ word , b e t1atly d eclares ment." said Ge ne ral de Ca.stelnllu at tbolnS ttlmetSlgtnOr UIIVI. dhau belenII abdl e ac know lo· ,l~ ,· cap luring th e In6urg(' ut I Even a beginner in cooking e nnao an s pec ay e · I tbat he hit s I] e rt ec l ed an seri ous ly. "and everything we have t a c S• ru c I an l it t d !;f' ne rul. ~ta rvllIg him a w ee k. bealln g g e ts delightful resnlts witb thi.9 never-gne rece v ng li S rum en s an re. i s d apparatli R by means ot said mu~t b e ke pt u profound IItate lay8 by whIch he can e xplod e ut a I him r!.'J;u larl y, c ulling o il hl ~ eur s a nd fuiling Calumet Baking Powder. Your IIn all\ ba ni s hin g him lIut Whic h be ca n proJ e" t wire less wuves secret.·· grocer knows. Ask him . II .. ' pa us," d th a t I h'e rorc\! a f t h e r est an e ne lllY's ships aud blow th e m off It Is no brpuc h of conflde nce to 'say , consid erabl e distance an especially RECEIVED HIGHEST AWA..'U>S tb e fac e of tb e waters ~ bo we ver, that th e commis sion bus pre pared cbarge of guncotton or olh- !IIark 1111 hi be rull . (' II. explosive. In rnct, I bave s een I '" g > Wadd'. P ..... Food EspoolUon,Cblcuo,1& Tb es c arc not the Idl e moulblngs of unanimously reported In favor of er the thing done bere already - tbe Idea \\ h CII yo u. s ay we huv e b ('n In· Paia EapooItion, France, March, 1I11&' all Ir re s ponsibl e dream e r. We r e tbey Frunce securing the Inve ntion without · hUlll a n and gl VeJl to e xtre me c ru plty . t It th I no a oge . er ne w utlered by any ono les 8 Important per- delay. no matter wbat tb e price. Tills s TI . kl . I h Sb yo u u·ve r'drn \\" It. We hav e n't e ve n llH wor ng appuratus 8 t e 0& h\J\l pt! a t running him ro r vlc e- pros l. haps littl e h eed would be glv e u to consi sts, strl[lped of technicalities, of th e m by olnclaldom abroad . Not so a specIal Ilroj ectlle emitting return In- make r torpedo. It Is a rull·slzed tOl' <1 " lIt"'- ;\ w Yo rk Ev enln P OSl g . with th e tu le nte d italian. All Europe fra·re d rays which find the exact dls- p edo wlrelessly controlled. Tbls for· Is wat c hing hlB eve ry move, and e ven tance abd th e e xact radio-magnetic midabie weapon can be started, stopped, Bteered and exploded by an ECZEMA ON BACK AND CHEST now th e gove rnm ent of France Is con- capacity or m etallic objects. When ope ra tor at a distance, but It r equire s slde rln g wheth e r of not It I. ad vis abl e th ese are dete rmin ed with precision special rece iving apparatus In the tor. Pie r's on, N . Dakota.-'·The e czema to pay Ih e VSlIt s um the wire le ss ex. th e Ullvl "~'-ray" Is then shot out [ledo Itself. It can perfol'm what Is s tart ed ' on my scalp. It finally we nt p e rt d(,lIIundu for a monO[lOly of his from Its station alloat or ashore and a InventiOn. long dlstnnce explosion takes place In- expecled of It . but Il Is nllt practical I· on to th e bac k of m y neck . th eu on to I tor the " e ry good reasoll t~t tbe my buck. arllls and ch est. It broke Imagin e what It means to be able stantly with math ematical accuracy. operator cannot see far eneugh to eX- l out In pimpl e s IIrs t and tb e n se emed I to blow up a battle ship or a cruiser This is not merely Ullvl's hope .of erclse his judgment In th e control of to rU Il to ge th e r In sorn B places, makwithout th e firin g of a sln~le. sbot! revolullunlz e warfare. Experiments tb e Instrument. 'T ake a motor boat ! Ing Ii sore about th e size of a dime. Warfare will b e r e volutionized Indeed! mad e noor Vl\lers prove that It can be 2,000 yards away - you cnn't tell ex- I At tim e s th e Itching and burning w er8 A steel-i;lde d le viathan or the dee[l can done e ven wltb the , unperCected ap· aclly bow she Is beading. How mucb I s o in t en se that It s eemed unb earabl e. These shells cost a little more than black powder loads, do no hurro far out at s ea If th e ellemy paratus nlready put together. So nc- hInder then to Judge tbe s tee ring of Th e more I scratch e d It th e worse It \ ltaa no IIhlps, but let It once allproach curately has the projector worked that a distant torpedo! The Fre nch navy be came, and there would be a slight but for bird shooting they are worth many times the differe.o ce, tbe coast nnd threat en to IllY lo w Borne two wInes were placed. five yards has already had trials with wIrel e ss 1I Ischnrge from It. es pecially on my as there is no smoke to hinder the second barrel. They are great port- be hold! apart at 1.000 yards' distance and torpedoes, and what UlIVI has accom- s ~lIlp. 60 aa to make \ my balr matted ! by "far the best low priced smokeless load on the Tbe pre ss ot a button In a s bore e ither one exploded at w\ll. the other p\lshed Is probably an extension at nnd s tl c l,), close to the scalp. Tbe I market. When you buy, insist upon having them. station, the Instant crackle of th e r e ma Ining Intact. these experim ents. hair was dr y, IIfl' l(,5s and thin. My wlrelcss as It zips througb tb o blue It works as we ll by land as by aea; RED Now. what mysterlou8 power 18 It Italr was failing s o ter ribly tbut I had I ethe r and . Instantly th e greal thing ot It can be applied to dIrigible balloons tbat he has? Or. better, what Is UIJyl begun 10 d es pa ir or eve r findIng re- I 8tileI parts amidships with th e roar or like tb e Ge rman Zeppelins. trying to obtain? lie f. My clothing Irrlluted the erui>' " And." dec lares UlIvl conftdentLy a thousund guns and sinks to the Briefly tbls: Some means ot pro- tlon on my back . The affect ed (larta ocean's lIoor, a broken. distorted mass. " It will r e nder a ship freighted with jectlng energy through space tbat wIll " 'e re Illmost a solid scab. No dre um, this. explosive ammunition more dangeroull detonate some explosive at a gIven "I had bee n both e red with eczema 1\ has gun e beyond th e experime ntal to thos e aboard b e r tban to their own place, Bubje ct to the control of the tor about a year and a half. Th en I I BtagC. F'or we eks past Il mysterious I ene mi es !" operator. bega n using tb ", Cutlcura Soap and yacbt, fitt ed with powe rful wireless As I have said, this Is ne new Idea. Ointm e nt. I used them dall y ror t.wo apparatus. has be en hovering off the Dictated by Commander George W, Frank R . Stockton has It ill his story, months and I wu s c'lred : ' (Signe d) Normun coast of France. Aboard bas William .. .u. S, N. "The Great War Syndicate," and H. Miss Mildred Dennis . Apr. 30, J913 . been II notable party and-UlIvl. Now Inspector In Command U. S . Torpedo G. Well9 used It In "The War at the C'ullcura Soap and Olutme nt s old the secre t Is out. Tbey have been Worlds." The same scbeme bas al- throug'hollt th e world . Sample or eacb Station, Newport, R. l. blowing up submarine mines by wlr&If tbe Italian, Ullvl, baa deylsed r eady been proposed at the bureau ot free, with 3~ - \l . Skln.J3ook . Adllress post· less as a preliminary to more drastic something by which he can explode a Ordnance of the navy, too. One In' card "Cutlcura~e~:.~~os ton . "-Adv. experlm e nts. magtuine at a distance by the Hert· "entor asserted that he had effected • Made the Parson Happy. The ya c ht Is the rnklsh Lady Henri· zlan rays tben we will 8urely get a combination of mechanism tbat It was Dr. Cosmo Gordon Lang. ell&, lIylllg the BrltlBh fiag, but under something to combat It. If projectiles could project tbe Hertaian waves or Frencb ownership. Wltbln her 'Bbarp can be defiected by sblelds surely other wIreless waves generated by nrchbishop of York. who, when h e lines Is hidden tho revolutionizing wireless power can be defiected too. electricIty and explode a dellgnated was bishop or Stephney, remark e d. apropos of the childre n of the I~ast lIecret whlcb not only France but tbe But this new power--If there Is sucb charge at a distance. end : " They are doing a great de al to government of the United States and rebuke the tendency ot the clergy to all the powers ot Europe have been become mlddl e·aged In spirit-dull, seeking ever since wireless waves morOSI~ and 8uperlor." And be told bave beena fact and wireless pod· one of hIs favorite stories or an er a possibility. And tbls secret IB Eusl e,nd cleric who was reeling lifethe new InventIon-as yet In Its InI less and disconsolate on se tting out on fancy - for exploding ut any desired : his dally round of visits, when n little distance from 600 to 6.000 yards by wlrelesj Intra-red Bolar spectrum l..::!~~~~~~~~~~:::::!:_':!:::::~::!~~~~:",!!"!~~:!~~~~~~J I street urchin look ed up at him w IIh a cheerful eye and knowing smile . and waves aO exploslvo substances in can· Help tor the Poor, I said: 'Ullo , young man!' That greet· A Real Attraction. tuct with metal. Bacon- I see by tblll paper tbat l ing Qu:lt e r ea ss ure d th e parson for tbe CarOline, aged sixteen, was busily Drleflf ~hill means that Ullvl says he can detonate the guncotton or the engaged placing pretty cusblons about Pittsburgh may supply tree tennis rest of tbe day," Dr. Lang declares . She Has. pow,der contained In a warship'S ~ag· the porch wben ber Cousin Joe, wbo courts ~or the poor. Hard to Break the Habit. "Has Miss Gotcoyn e a nlC fl Ogure ?' Egbert- I'm glad to hear that. Do azlne by means of wireless. and the Is a couple of years older, arrived on She was turning ov er th e \lag e s of "Has she? She bas s ix of 'e m, with I you know when a poor man la good French Government III seeing If It can tbe scent!. n dollar mark III front." I' Will reduce Inflamed, Str-dined, "What are you doing, sis?" tbe cou- and hungry there's nothing he likes a nt'w song. be done. "Would you mind running o" e r this -0SwolIeo Tendons, Lllfdmcnts. offered 1I1m more tban a nice aln Inquired. The Infra-red rays of the solar juicy accompa nlm fl nt for me ?" she usk ed : Muscles or Bruises. SlOpS the "Just making the porch attractIve tenn,l s cou rt. Bpectrum ar~ those mysterious beams him, prese ntly . are the daily tormenl of thousa",l.. To cflameness and pain from a Splint. be yond the edge of the red. Invisible . for company." tbe girl answered. "Cortalnly 110t," he ret ,lrned nbsent. ( eelu" II y cure t h t!Se trou "1 Side or Bone Spavin. No r u'des you m Us I r e'I'ISler,Bone "Chuck the cushions," grinned the Perfectly Safe. to the human eye but nevertheless P 'II I . ;) no hair ."'one. Horse c." be I K F I I m n e y, ··t row It n th e middl e of muve I Ie cau.e. 0 ey I nev I s .egm used. ~2 a boltl,:;' delivered. D., r ribc dl h I d "Better lap up that split milk," said there. For convenience Ulivl calls youth; "what you want is a bam10 work · for youdfrom . ' I .Instructlcnl . Ii ' tlrsl I dose, . anu . exh , your case f or .peclOl b the them '·F·rays:· They lire akin to mock."-AlnsJle·s Magazine. tho Ilrst Cllt. "It the mlssua s"e9 th e str'eet abd g et out of t h e way! " Showing ho ..... difficult It Is for the ert so d Ircct an ene Cia an ncllO!} to I e Il\d Book l K Free. the meSIf you'n catcb fits ." X-rays In that they can pe netrate reckleEIS autols t to break u long-estnb· I kidn ey. an~ bladder th at the p .(\I1. ,md ~ o r- ABSORBI'ilE ~R the andoe Ptic hnilll~nI fOJ Pleuant Diversion. "Not me," said the IIl!cond telllle. ' shed habit. metal, but Instead at making objects ment of klduey lrouble soon dI5nppe..r.. man '0· .1 "St-ra1ned t T orn L'•goa.. • .. 1fiu, .:, ucel II Bacon-Doesn't your wife get very "The woman I live with hlames everyvisible they develop force beyond the - -- - mente, En._riled GI.ndl. Velnll or Mus .... WAN T B D RELlA ~" . F. MEN Heal. CUll, Sore., Ulcera. Alloy. pain . Pd.. barriers 'fhlch can deftect tbe most Impati ent when you're buttoning up tblng on her husband." Don't buy wnler for bluing. Liquid blue La to .Lart In bUltOM8 tor tbomlKtlYe!)A'!'ln:)~~tt~ot.a, 11.00. bottlC'lI deaJcnor Qclln'rC"d. " Erldrll<c" frt'C. powerful projectIle,. but are &8 glass her dress be blnd? ".encol. Ilomn 1\<>01001 01 Ilk. No . "pll...1 n .... ded. , W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F. 310 Temple S1re.1, Sprln&lleld,lIl1L almost • .!1 wa~r. Huy It"" Cro68 Hall Blue, Egbert-No ; she used to, but she An Ambush. to tbe potent force of the little known tbe blue that' . all blu... Ad •. ~l:e::"i~~,:,'t~'~~R:,!a;~~..~:;~i" ~~:r.::~t~~~.~ "Tho leaves are turDlng early. Se. rays beyond tbe red, wbatever un- doesn't now. Alas, that a wise man can't b elp "How do you account for that?" that clump of red by tbe waYlllde?" thinkable color they may be. <t:I~~ ':I~~~ looking like a fool at hie own wed· ~ "Oh, I have her · stand In front of " 1 think them are tbe local can. How tbey work or In what manner ~EYE WAT&t~k':~r}:!::ro~ ding! stable's wblskers." declared the chat. Ullvl bas controlled them nobody but the mirror now." .JOIUi l-TBOIlJ'1l0N I;uNS&CO.,Truy,N,V. - .- ------teur, putting on extra "peed. be knows. But that they bave worked 111"8. WI , o .'ow"y 8oolblu5l' Syrup tor OblldreD Worked Day and Night. he blmselt frankly states and the offit.eelblng. Hohe n" tb ~ RumR, rettuceM tonnmma- YOUR OWl I'ME ~n,,;lfo~<~~~ "Why. did you break Into tbe house Down to Earth. cIal commission whlcb weDt to sea &loD.ana,. palD.oureM "Iud eol1c,26e aboule..A1r l:fe~b~~ ~. J~DIt,nJ["':':~~ ~%~i!':jeit:h~:~i~~: "When Is the boneymoon over!" with him solemnly gives assent. Ullvl In the middle of the dar?" asked the Australia raIses nearly "Wben tbe bridegroom begins to did not go about Ma work under any mar;lstrate. 10.000,000 ~J!~~:E!.7;:!1! I W. N. "WelI." said the accused, "I bad lIeT- bring hOIDe tripe and IImburger III' acres ot wheat a years. cloak of secrecy of mystery. Wltb stead of bonbons. and violets." him on the Lady Henrietta went Gen. eral others to COTer that evening,"






"REPEATER" Smokeless Powder Shells





-I --Pain nBack and Rheumatism ,


_ _ _ __







... ..


PASSINO OF THE COACHMAN The coming In of the chauft'e"r h.. way. Tbe cbauffeur, speed and granevidenced the pastlnl of the family deur combined In bls car, gives you eoachman, that haushty and purse no Impression .of pride of lineage, traprou~ In,dlv\dual wbo 'scurried you to dillon of purse, and he I;lu been a an IlIle 'of safety with a look. Noth· pleasant Interpreter ot the motlveB 0 Sng In New York 'haa stood, fOt,t.I\e the rlcb. If he rull'll you down he j ~~~eal.. ,the ., the gatbers u_p 'tbe remalU or . YOU 4'n4 . lIaughU~~~ or the'rt;lh ~re thAD ~e ' tranlfer~ -YOU I,th much ,prelence of , . tamn, ,~C}lm~1 ., U OIl "~,, ~mng . mllld " and • e,lllDlll~\lon , of '~Ime and _ D. ·... . b ... :&1"a" o'Wiae4 I'trth apace to ' a ciOllyeil1eDL~ea. and .. " ........ Ill a.mutSeil ... riPt f , :eorTIel' than , aD,fOne. · cbaulitlU' • 1 "1 ""', , ' -




never makes yoU feel like a worm. He II a real developmenl.-New York EvenIng Sun. Helped Him Move. "Whose mule was It that you, Sam?" "DI! landlord's, lir." . "That wasn't TOrT kind ot bJm' wal It. 'Sam ~ " "W~II. I don'.t tn.o~, bosa; . 1ou de > male\~ h~ . d. IaDdlO'reI '-'.., olOt to m~Te, · ~d de male 'I .'J)OI4; dfibl't WU I wu ....".. Cut . . . .

r '.




. '. .






THE MIAM I -GAZE TTE, WAY NESV ILLE. OHIO ' 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~I I

A Typewrikr !p~~~~~~..!~nl I Sensation J C. Haw ke was in Spring-horn tu-




M rf1. W. H . All en is in Cin ci nnat i

t Uli a)".

a Mo nth

Nt'\\< Bu ckw heat Flour at While'''111



Fred Hawke i~ a Cincinn ati visito r tuday . S" l TIl-PHDIIEI~ Ern est Rl)"ers was in Day ton la!it Friday. '1'Yl,,-, writ,,r nt I8 M"J .'': .'l It · . .. filii 1\ t Itt' "IfU"1 f n c 'ur~"' .. I U"' ''')OI I f nr l cu ' ) ' l )r l c· t1. ,;,-el\ t ba rgains in lWey'M Buoks . .J un n ey'~. • Fred Cu..o;key . of Mariet ta , i:i vi s it i n~ his muther Mr!i. Ma ry Caskey . Ma Fred Elbon ahd Mrs . Mary Caskey spent Th ursdav in Leba ll on. gU E'sts uf Mrs_ Nunn ie Brown . Mi sM Anna ThOlnllo n . of Day ton. ~ penl th e week- en<1 with :lcr parents . Mr . and Mrs. J ohn S. Thomso n . Prof. Harvey Sur!acl.:' Ilnd fam ily . Ha rr isburg. Pa., are here Oil BC of hf't'n hi'" 1 1,\(,· thln-r Neve r b\.' f orc hll:t llD\' s~r i o u s il lnellS of ll is ll Uemp t ed. Il l· lller.... ilf't :f;t "III 11 111111 II n'lIl f or coun l : of the t his mn kc o t m llChlnu no\. HCRrl~ us ,H' r h'I'L :I~ mOlher . t h e ono "'0 will spud r ou. and \ IHI 1'11 \ \Jo h ' TWO DOLLA HS A MO:-l Tl! A:-Ill OW '.'i 1'1'. Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Fromm a nd n !1 pent Sunday wilh Mrs. childre S EN ll \'( H ' 1l N ,\~I": ,\ NO ,\ .... Itl·:"'!' O N A I'III'TA I. ( ' ,\ lU' A~ lI \\, t : 's paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. J . omm r F ' S \ A Il ~ .. t; U ttI \ V ILL A RK AN t ~F. ,\ T U. "" ke. '1'" ~T Haw t;" C. UT IIO T I W L A T RI P e r f ec t m nchllll'H only . l· ul11\ ,I t.'le outfit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ma tlill 'attende d n o twnlf ext ra to hll ) ' , n0 :;t.rlnj,{!'! li t H n \' ~il nd werldi ng of Mi!ll! Helen H a rri ~ n the Iweh 1{ \11 } hu or hink t st. Ju r, ofTe tbts to t.)' p c wrltc r f o r on! ' $7 .75 ,' o w n 11Ilft $2,OJ f\ and Mr. Paul Peterso n at Ha n ·eys . H IJ){Jnlb f o r the monThs 'fh uu!'oll n d~ or I'e ' .pl e I ev eni ng . b ave pa.ld $100.00 cl\~h t ur Smll h i'remie rs, bu rg Tu e.;day b '" L U i8 S tand ard. by mll n y cun,itlcrl!d lbe ch will haway Hat Hoy r· ll Mr. and Mrs. A Itc~' for CIH' h typC1\'rile r e ,' c r hulilo aotc r. a tY He bru!'th t ll f c i enninJ( t.h e t )·p c leave the Ihllt of the wee k for l~lf'ir buJlt tnto the m u c lti no. li1tl n ~ . . . "frit' J.!'t"· . (,OmeN at Laurelville . Ohio. to you wltJl t oo l ~, r UlIber (·OVer. ('\'crr th i n .c ne w home ay has charge of I o omple t e . I t ru ns b e ll u tlfu ll y, iR ~Ilnple Il nd Hathaw Mr. e er wh solrl ~ ' \ hn ,. \\' . c ct.IUl lif I~ ng and will J u~t. hundreds at like uillc hln ...,s I\ nd \.' \' 'rr h l)u y iM a Rou r mil l. ... tlst!ed. Mr. an d MrH. S. L ~ v . Cart wrilrhl O nlJ' 156 o rd ar'1l w HI h tJ ' HI f) ") o n I h i 8 left on Monday f nr Akron to altcnrl oWe r . A OT TODA\' TO li E ti U H t :. """llll a cun ference of lhe State Board of Send your name no w , TODA y , lco.J. oanlt loose . nnO I t s t.ho ilrcn LOSL l~ l ·nnom Chariti e~ , a foul' days session. t.y p ewrit.e r oPOOr\.un i t y you w ill t ' \'C r h l} \' C, Try a !!a;~ k of Bu rton's Hig h Grade . It is made f ro m National Typewriter. & Repair Co. Whi te Frost Plour and is g uarwheat old t choices the (), 819-8'8 8 nt St. A rcade llldlr., V lO7tUIf. anteed by th e manuf~tlJ rer to g ive entire sati sfac tion or money TO f unded . For sale by G. W. Hawk e F.I\~MERS· O~ANOE Miss Dora Nelson, who has been relative s here. left Satu rday visiting Re&ular meetin g of Farmer 's for her horr;e in Califor n ia. Her . " Grange No. 13, Sa turday evening aun ts, Mrs. C. M. Houg h and Mrs Progra m for the evening ill: J. W. Ward, accomp anied her to" Mll8Ic ...... .......... _... ...... Neva Yo ung Dayton . FeediOJr and Care of Farm Team .... ..... ........ ...... Homer Thoma s Which offers the Greate st Opport unity fo r a Young Man, Ag ri cult ure, a Trade or a Profession? ....... _. ......... .. . .......... .. Earnes t Rogers Why Teach Ag ricultur e?_ .. ...... . ... ... ..... .. .. . .. Prof. Fred Gilmou r Thanks giving in Colonial Da~B .- .... ...... ... ... .. --.. Mrs. John Rich Sav Patron ! Had you ione to the trOUble to prepare a paper for the benefit of your brother s and siRters oUibt ebey not show their apprec iaNewBe ans , Hominy , Rice. Oats" tion-of the time and labor spent by etc. and a full line of Fancy cominlr to hear it especially when and Staple Grocer ies. Try they gIve such promis e as these do? a can of Chili Con Carne. J. T-.-E llis, W. M. Sec'y_ Mary Silver, The &,uaranteed shoe ....... - The "Waba sha" DEATH and "Big Indian " Work Shoell for winter wear. Mrs. Cathari ne Oilesb ee. widow her at died ee, Oglesb an of Jonath home Tueada y mornin g at 6 o'clock , nt : ; ~ed 83 years. 1 month and 7 days. particu boot. gum Ball Band Funera l from the house Thursd ay at Ball wear. hard to d adapte larly cemeMiami in ent 1 o'clock. Interm Band Rubber s, Ai-ctics Felts,e tc. tery.


II I'S " 'l O ... " uh"" Htu llt ' ar d S u o ~


-- i




It~J ca'

And MA DA ME 'GR ACE COR SET Demo.,st ratio n, November 17. to 22., 191 3, One We ek Onl y

. i







The Daugh ters of Mary, of the

M. E. Sunday School will serve an oyster supper at the townsh ip house

Saturd ay evenin g' from 5 to B. Oyster s 15c. Oysters and pte 25c.


---... ...--Ht1NTINO NOTIC E

The followi ng hav.. their farms posted, and hunting on the same will positiv ely be prohibi ted.

Seth Furnas.

Martin Gons_ Isaae Wilson_ I. Sattert hwaite


du ring the above week- it makes of any . D uring this de!'loll st rat ion it " inc!" yo u th a t these co rse ts wi ll give you the best sati::;fac tion sent here by the manu fac turers of th ese will ens t you nnth ing ext f a to he co rrectl y fit t eu by an ex pert h fl1l, stylish fi gure. Avoid di scomfo rts and justly l'(,kb rated l'orSl" ts;-:- to be p rope rly ti tted means a you t rtable. T he d emonst rato r, Miss Cul vin , il ls by wcar ing a corse t tbat imp roves your fig u rc and is com fo me a nd s uperb Art Pnnel of the Ameri. wi ll "i \'c ea ch of the fi rst t h irty- five ladies who call a ha nd so use. cun Bean ty R ose in natural colors; ma de fbr framin g fo r home


$3.~n~ up

$1.~.2t up

Mad ame Gra ce.

Am eric an Bea uty



D O N 'T FO R G ET ,

compl et e line of all kind8 of Wear_ . While you are buying CO R S' E T S tha t we have the most sua I The V cr y Low es t_ u as abIes it has eve r been our pleasur e to show you . P ric e s Very R e spectfu lly

B. s. Ho we ll.




------ -- ..----- -


. this opport unity and ca ll at our sto re Wc wa nt every woman in our ci t y and v icini t y to take to cun · no ditTeren ce wha t k ind of co rset YO ll may wea r, we want


- --

AT -.' -


. AN-,S-I r 1-:ZINMERM

[never wrote a dUlllin 8. in her life. and Mrs. Burton Harriso n. who re o membe rs when conyer sa~ion wa!:! South of , Munsey I Rev .. C. D_ an a r.t as practi sed III WashI Charles ton, who is assistin g Rev. ~eally Corduroys . Ov erall!'! . mg-ton and III the manor houses of . . a beginand Work Shirts, Campb ell In t~e meetIn gs, wdl Virgini a. And this is just . list. the of ning Sunnext Coat Sweate rs, Winter Caps,et c. folks" "old the to preach nion, you day mornin g at Lytle church at If you know the Compa what is in of ide& clear pretty a have m. a. 9:30 at School Quality Ooods and Prices Right. 10:30. Sunday ead ers. If instead . of in the afterno on. Also etore for next ·year'sus l to you " 7 Nu do no t know, ask instancRend . S I h' e. thol!t! un< ay evenlll g a · sam ple copies - for I p;eae 109 contain ing the openiJl~ ch"pte rs of clock. Arthur Stanwo od Pier'b fine serial to invited Corw in, Ohio. Ev(>ryboJy is cordial ly - "His Father 's Son." Full ans. service these noun cement for 1914 will be Bent .. . .., E~SC?TT . I with the sample copies. . .. , Wednesday evening , Nnvemb er NION 19,14 For t.he year's subscri ption of COMPA S YOUTH THE _ _ _ • fith at 6 o'clock at the home of th e j $2.00 there is inc1ud{'d The Com . brid e's parenta Mr. and Mrs. Jacob nts and a pan ion Practical Home Calehd ar for preSide college Seven I issues of the paper !:scot t, a very pretty marr iage oc- - - - numbe r of college instruc tors, in- 1914, and all the curred when their oldest da ughter \ : - - - - - - - - - weeks of 19~3, in~ remain the cludini ' 6JC-Presldent Taft, will (!on- for. the subscrt ptime the fro~ N ina Pauline became the wife of d.lltll~g nion Compa s Youth' The to : tribute IS recelVe d . Charles Robert Stiles. The ceremuny uon Il:oupons THE YOUT H'S COMP ANION , f ' was perform ed by E lder Geo. A. f lbousa nds of Booste r durmg 1914. . 144 Berkele y St., Boston . Mass. I I3retz in the presenc e of a f ew near ! Por n St~atto Gene , Then there I~ for the Booste r C~b f riends. Many useful presents we re I New Subscr iptions Received at woods . IndIana of Iltorles whose ter, more r d thousan a We want received . s have made ~er .famou s. this Office. ' per'!On~ to become activ I¥llpers ( and swamp - -- - - - - - Dougla s Wlggm . who Kate and oster oUJ:7Bo of rs membe he t or t ELECTION OF OFFIC ERS that ~ou . may Club. In order h · h II f c lodge I h I e e Iecllon at t e Masoni s n ! , avonte :your J.I ~ IonThTuesda : ows: foll A a ed y night result free ons D ' Cou r give fifty Booste R W I . t.o each person, over six years I J . 1'. E lis, ; M ; C. M. obitze r, our store on Sr. W. ; D. L. Crane, Jr. W.; J. H. , old, who comes to ber 30th, and Novem ay, Saturd : rman, Zimme . A L. Treas.; Colema n, d for provide book a in rs registe I C_ J. D.; Sr. Sec'y. ; J. C. Hawke , need make Is down and out when rom pared to The Tri-Sta te ey. J r( D; F. B. Hend erson,' that purpose_ . You toget, I HiM these norder chasei nopur 1 lader, Cadwal Butter Compa ny's prices for Butter Fat, which is F. . J Rev. iTyler; s. Coupon r Booste fifty ' 3 e Trust.e Pence, for week ending Novem ber 16th . ; Chapla in; J - ~. , The Big Traveli ng Booste r is . year$!; F . H. F a rr, Stewar d ; H . A. The Tri-Sta te Butter Compa ny deals direct with the shipper Call and as days week. five this or us four with every made _ _ _ being •• , usually warj:.Ste nts , shipme , Cornell 1 have a talk with him and let·him conven ient to the shipper , every shipme nt being guaran teed Mrs. Am!lnd a Wright , Miss May m. premiu a earn to how plain fax . Dr against 1088 or damag e in transit. and Devitt Lina Wright , Mrs. The Piano will be here this The shippe r not only saves the coflection rOllt of 3, 4 or 5 A. T. Wright attende d the fun eral week and we will have plenty . of per pound but also gains a decided advant age in havinsr cents of Mrs. Louie Johnso n at Spring boro music, Saturd ay, Nov . 15th. the tE'st sample taken and tested immed iately upon arrival . last Friday. Don ' t Fail to Ask for Coupon s Our Spot Cash eh~k will prove to you, the Tri-Sta te is the The teacher s of Lhe Wayne sville at Trade and Habit The profitab le market for your cream. We see 'e very shipcet ·most and Wayne town~hip schools attHE per's cream, we deal direct with "ou. we depend entirely upon tended. the meetin g of the Centra l the size of our Spot Cash pay check to brin&' us . additio nal Dayton in Ohio Teache r's ·A sso., nts. shipme Friday. Cash Spot our amI prepaid Free Trial Cans will be sent STOR E Charles W. Schwar tz & Son, of 'Checks wilLconvince you as they have convinc ed 6,000 ship_. 'pers of eream in three states. ~~~!k~~~tI~~rc:. o~el~~ae~f .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~ MISSIONARY ~ECTURE The midSion a ry lecture at the Orthodox Friends church by }{ev. Ar, hur Chilson and wife on Monday nig ht proved a very interes ting and profitable one. Mrs. Chilson gave a splendid de script ion of lhe people of or IAfrica and their habits of Ii ving. of I lack of habits, and the utts r lal:k moralit y among the nati ves. Re~ . 'lI appeal to .the Chul'e h to as -I ume their part of th e respo n ~ i bili t y t flChilson in sending them the Gospel wa~ con- I vincing and well present ed . J STIL· _ .


H enderso n Brose ,

I : I





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Po or Ol d El gi n




8 0 0 ST E R

for 30 days only we will mak e a

~m.DtH:i·lal I ' ~iIWl.t

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Sale on' Ant hon y Fence, t h e ' -:. . ..J y. tuua et k the 'mar . . .


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!"!!!!!!!! ents in '. Miami Cemete ry. monum Notabl e among these waathe band- -~~!!"!!!!~~~~~!!"!!!!!"!!!! . phagus some and ' m~ve "Sarco Remem ber that Frhiav , Novem ber placed on the lot oftbe late Seth 88 School ' Hainee , This is built of i the ' Barre Uth :is the day let &aide scbool at your. Vialt. vey d.Stlr t;iabe G.r anite. all , tine iham: date ,~d p~. bi · ~loettr. OO\1~ ~«!~of~.m~..}m· . . . , M~m.• ~i8 'Wilth ~~e ~8icbeJ;" . - ,. .... ~ruul ba ,oor Iiijlet-Ul..



, .; 1

-"he _TRI~STATE BUTTER CO., Cin-c.innati, O. ~ •


capita l ~toek

! 5.000

.I .

"-.... ..-~..........;;,;,.......::...;,,J.;....~......;:;.~.:i..,.__....,...-~~~-!





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Whole Number 3238


L1___....____............. _______ ...... ". .. .... .. .....

SHELBY·STARR A very pratty wedding was 901emni 7.ed Wednesday evening at 8:16 in Belmont. Ohio. when Miss Ruth Starr becam e th e bride of Harry Shelby. Th e ceremony was perform ed by Rev . William Smdke r . the ring sere vice used being hot h prel ty and im· pressi ve. The br;de's clJ usin Cath ' arine Bustlicke r was ring bearer. ca rrying it in a snow wh it e lily . Miss Hazel Dev iney . of Oayton. played the weddin g march. The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of while s ilk crepe and carried bride's roses. and was attended by Miss Mildred Sewel in a bea utiful gow n of pink, carry ing pink roses . The groom was attended by the bride's brother Frank. Foll owing the congratulati ons refreshments were served to about fifty g uests. The house was beautifully decor· ated in pink and white with a back g round of g reen. The dining room was decorated with a large wedding bell in t he center and smaller ones in t he deco rations. The bridal couple left about 12 o'clock, amidst congratulations and be.~t wishes from their many friends, for their home in Dayton. The presents were many and will help wonderfully in their new home. Miss Beulah Snider, of near Lytle, was present. One Who Was There. • -SY MPTOMS OF RABIES .

should concern every person that has .....J I the good of schools and community - ..............- - - - -•.- - - - --.- - . -.._...................... .....! . Mrs. Cyrll~ Smith and Mrs. Mary A. Wise were g u e~ ts of Mrs. Annie at heart. Read this carefully and School Hall- tomorrow night . School Hal l- tomorrow nig ht. thoughtfully. it it is not what you Gibbons al dinner Th ursday. Daniel Shepard is on the sick list. Mrs. W. W. Arnold was in Co rwin want or lik e, say so to your Super· intendents or school officials. Monday afternoon calling on friend s. Dr ..J. A. Story, Mr . and Mrs. F. See Calendars at Ridge's Studio. Briefly the suggestions which Farr and Thomas Pierce H. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank would take away the present control Joseph Marshall, of Bellbrook , Mrtl. Ralph Lewis iA spend ing today " I h' with MillS Zilla Githens, at Dayton. guests of Rev. and Mrs. C. S Woo lley . of 226 Orchard St. Dayton. an d create a ~o IItlca ~a~ me. while spent Sunday in Waynesville. Grauser at dinner Sunday. Moving Pictures at W. C. Phi llips' was broken into Saturday nigh t at the same time providing for gen · 'I . . h 6 II' Mra. A. E. Chenoweth is . visiting some lime after 11 0 'clock and Mrs. era superVISIOn are t e.o oWing: Saturday night 7 8 and 90' clock . , , . Woolley 's gold watch and their little 1. The appointment of a State relativell at Winchester, Indiana. Mrs. W. N Sears entertained the 1\1 iss Mary Hawke hall accepted a . t end e~ t . 0 f Sch 00 Iabyth Loyal Daughters Class of t he Chris· daughter's gold bracelet were taken. Superm e Great bargains in Riley's Books. also $2 in street car tickets IiCted Governor (thiS IS already a law and Janney's. position with March Bros. at Leb· .tian church in a very pleasant man· ner on Tuesday evening. After the anon. from the pockets of Mr. Woolley 's by itself unobjectionable.) ' 0f Mrs. Amos Ellis, of Harveysburg, See our new 50c popular copy· regular business was attended to coat. The watch and bracelet were 2. A 8 tat e boar d 01• ed uca t Ion . mem b era, elg . ht apPoint . ed 1....y "'isited her sister here one day last right lBoo~R . J . E. Janney. . refreshment.s were served. wrapped in a handkerchief in a hand mne - ...- - satchel, tht< latter found reclining in the Governor, the ninth being the week. Frank Shidaker. of . t d t Mr. and Mrs. the kitchen sink. Entrance was s ta te sc h00 I superm en en . Mrs. Elizabeth Mason. of Lebanon PETERSON·HARRIS made bv a rear pantry window. 3. A county board of education was the guest of M. C. Liddy last Harveysb urg. wer~ calling on fri ends here last Friday. The tacks had been taken out of the 0f fi ve mem bers e Iected at Iarge. week. Th e marriage of Paul Peterson, a screen which was nicely rolled to the ~. A countY.8uperintendent" ape After co ld weat her sets in we will well known young man of Spring top of the window, and whoever it pomted by thiS county board but We will begin our Picture Shows serve hot c h o~olate. W. C. Phillips. Valley. and Miss Helen Harris, was went out through the back door, from a list of "e~igibles" provided Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. W. Mr. A. L. Hendrick was. in Dayton daughter of Mr. Bnd Mrs. Frank which was also left open. by the state superintendent. C. Phillips. a couple of days the fi rst of the Harris. of Harveysburg, was BOlem· 5. The division by the county Perry Wade and fSlllily spent week on business . nized at the home of the bride's par· Rev. Walter E. Dakin, rector of b?ar~ of the county ~n~o supervision Sunday with Sherman Dyke and We have the best Calendar ever ents. Tuesday eveninlr, the Rev. Giv· St. Paul's church in this city for the dlstrlcts each contaInmg not more family. put OUit in this locality, at Ridge's en, o fficiatin 1[. past eight years, transm itted his res· than 80 te~ch~rs. . . Mrs. Andrewa and son, of Xenia, Studio. The ceremony took place before a bank of solid green foliage arranlred ignation to R. E. Johnston, secretary 6. A district 8upermtendent m were Sunday guests of her brother, of the vestry, on last Monday. stat. each of these,. nominated by the Charles Buell. Mrs. J. D. Marlatt went to Spring in the parlor, and white satin rib-ing that he had accepted a call to the county Bupermtende?t- and con· V;Jolley. Tuesday morning, to attend bOilS marked the pathway to the al': rectorship of the Church of the Ad. fir~ed by the preslde.nts .of ~e Leave your order for Thanks· the funeral of a cousin . tar. Prf'ceding the marrialra service vent ill Nashville Tenn and asking varIOus boards of education In their Iriving Cakes with Mrs. Bess White. Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Coleman went Mr. McDonald of HarveY8burg aanlr Mrs. Jesse Kelsey, of Route 5. is to Cincinnati Saturday morning and and Mi83 Sarah Haydock, of New to be relieved 'on D:cember 1st. districts; also to ret'ommend courses fhe vt'stry met at the Columbus In- of study and text· books. . visiting in Greenville, Ohio, and will r€!turn this evening. They were Burlington, pl&¥ed Lohangrin's wed· All the te~chers of th~e, New Paris, Ind . the I1ruest.'l there of Mr. H. C. ding march. surance and Bankinl[ Conlpany's t Coleman and familv. . The bride wore a handftOme robe office on Monday afternoon and re- rlcts .to be nommated by the district Messrs. W. S. Graham, W. F. Gra· of sheer white, and carried a shower luctantly accepted the resignation. sup~rlnl~ndent and confirmed by Mr. Dakin is serving in his ninth thelr. varloull boards. ham and Bert Stacy left Tuesday Don't tail to hear the Cre8cent A stray dog app~Ted at the home boquel of bridal rolleS. The brides· Concert Co .. at !)chool Hall Thurs I It IS t 0 b eo bserv. ed th a t nu~ b.era morning for Loranger, La. year here, having come here from ' . of Robert Friend. on the Mi ton maid, Mi88 Collett, of WilminlrtoD, Port Gibson, wherfl he did a splendid I, 2, ~, 6 and 7 const~tute a political Boy'a, Youth's and Men's High day evening. Stacy farm. and showed symptoms wore white silk ~d carried pink work and it is with feelings of re- machine pure and SImple; that 5, 1\ Cut Shoes just arrived from Brown Do you want the best Hosiery? of rabies by biting chickens and roses. Little Dorothy Collett was 'gret and sorrow that the members and ,7 take away largely the lo~1 Shoe Co. factory. ,Calland aee them Ask for Armor Plate; insist upon hogs. The dog' was killed Monday lhe ring bearer. and carried the rinl[ of his church and the Christian peo_ coptrol. In other wo~ds towns like at John A. Funkey II. Armor Plate Hosiery every time you morning and the head sent to the in a basket of chryaanthemuma. pie generally of this city will give Leban~n and WaynCllvllI.: woul~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. S. L. CartwriKht ar- buy and you will know the satisfac. sec}etary of the State Board of Following the ceremony a four him up' c?m~ sl':!ply part of a s~per~l~on rived home Th~ from Akron. tion of wearing an ideHI, IICrviceable Health at Columbus for examination. course supper WIUI served. '. - • ,Mr. Peterson is a popular younK Mr. Dakin is one of the most dIStric~.. They could stIll furnish where they had been attending' a stocking and you'll notice a saving scholorly men who has ever occupied lhe ~tll~dlngs, buy the coal, employ meeting of the State Board of well worth while. For women, men RABBIT SEASON OPENS . bU8iness man of Sprinlr Valley. He the pulpit of S1. Paul's. He reads the JanItors and tax themselves. Charities. On arriving at Akron, childr'en and boys too, let the stam~ and his bride have the beet wishes the services beautifully and his ser. Naturally the query eo.mes, w~y they found the snow 26 inches on the of Ar mor Plat.e, Harms.Naute Dye Saturday was the opening day of ..of many friendll. They will make mons alwa)s show deep thought, were not these 8U.~Mtlona 181d level, and they had quite an ex. be your protection against unsatis- the hunting season for rabbit, and their home this winter with the careful study and earnest spirituality . bMefo~l! th~ num erous &:hool S~rvey perience in gettinK to their hotel, as factory lIervice ann darning. We will continue until December 4th .. bridegroom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. With all, he ia a man of fine courtesy ~tmgs he ld lut Friday night? the cars were not running, neither have just added 109 dozen to our According to Game Warden Speak. Frank Peterson. of near SpriDK Val· d II bl . h' It IS because of fear the people h b k' d f . there were over 100,000 licenses ley. pleasant an a a e m IS manner. would not submit to having th· was t ere a ca or any 10 0 a large stock. Prices as low as com· issued. The quail will be protected -----.~-. and impressing all with his c<:nsecra· h i d ' I't' I h~lr vehicle to take them, 80 they had to mon Hosipry, 15c or 2 pdir for 25c . . sc DO s rna e mto a po I Ica mac me d h h th d . • this year. Rabbits are plentiful, and FILLED THE WELLS tlon and earnestness. Not only In dh tit k f wa e t rOUI[ e eep snow t o 20c or 2 pair for 35c. 25c for a fine h' d hia church has his good work been ~~ ?ome con ro a en away rom their hotel. They report a good. Liale Hose, also Silk Hose. Call and hunters are aV~l!!~o sport. The heavy rains of last week have done but he has worked with the ~th th t t' th session, notwithstanding the eX'JaSk to see them. John A. Funkey filled many wells that have been other religious and civic organiza· t~ . e dwobexceDP 10BDS't ~ sug· tremely bad weather. sole a:g ent for Waynesville. BROKE A RIB empty for several weeQ. J:.. n tam are . ges 10nS,ma e y tlons of the city for the betterment i I d d '11 . h ...----Maurice Silver had the misfortune f k' d H" '1\ n genera goo. an WI, Wit g to break a rib early last week While o man m. I~ gboltnh a.wth~L WI d minor changea, probably be made of the system as they stand. It can OBITUARY STRICKEN WITH PAR~l.,.YSIS WI m an. Oh' I I' h . cause keen regre. 0 at work in the bam he fell against 'th t h' h h d th Into 10 aw. t la true t at su· easily be done. Ami at the same WI ou IS . ch urc f an e pr&¥ers . . . Catherme . 0 g Iesb Y eo ) was a beam and broke the rib. He is Ilarry McGinnis, of Lytle, was I perVl810n should extend to e.ery time two or three cOgll should be ee (nee an d go od Will es 0 our peop e gen · . . . b ' S b Sh d h stricken with paraiylis last Friday. '11 f II ' h' t h' schooLJn the etate. Some schools brGken In the machme that would om III tras urg, enan oa getting along very well. ...- -~ra II y WI 0 ow 1m 0 IS new . . ; . . Co V" . His rilrht side is affected. At last h -COl b (M' ) D' t h Will be poor under any sY8tem, and begIn at the chief executive and ex· unty, Irgmla, October 4. 1830 orne. um us . ISS Ispa c . it would appear that much has been tend down to the remotelt district She died November 10, 1913. aged "No Hunting" signs at this office. accounts he was thoUght to be a .. made of the very bad conditions and school teacher. 83 ye-ars. 1 month and 6 days. 3 for 25c . little better. •- • In infancy she was brought by her nothing said of the thousands of DEATH good schoola in evidence all over the W~TCH THE THERMOMETER parents to Warren County, Ohio :, Charles Clark, formerly a rel'ident Istate. But to eliminate theae bad She has always lived in this com· of Harveysburg, diL'<i yesterday at conditions and make aupervision Waynesville Methodists are very munity and as a result a large circle his home in Columbus. He had been everywhere mandatory it is entirely much alive nowadays, taking sub- of friends and acquaintances mourn Harold Cook Tells 'o f Panama eaoal seriously ill since last July 1. when Iunnecessary to create, a political scriptions for a new church building, her g'o ing away. he ?ulIered a stroke of paralysis.. !machine or overthrow village and which ia to be erected on the lot She was married to Jonathan .or many years the Clark family tewnship systems everywhere that occupied by the present structure. Oglesbee on March 6,1866 . A:daugh.\ livtld at Harveysburg. where they are the pride of the communities. The "ork of taking ~ubscription8 ter Hattie died March 23. 1907 and . H E GREATEST WORK OF take the BhiJ8 throueh the eanal, MAN" was the subject gf the will be supplied with current, an~ were well known. Mr Clark was a r In all such where the lIuperinten. was started Sunday an'" the commit- her beloved husband was called into retlident of Columbus, about 20 dent has suJficient time there is tee havinl[ the work in charlre is the Great Bevond October 29, 1908. . many other electrical featurel. Thll yea:s. The body was brought to already the closest supervision and mt'eting with aplendid IIUCCess. The Thle deceased is survived by five talk before the Company Sec tum of was new matter to his hearers. it not ~prlllg Valier at 9:10 Tu~1Y m3.rn· th~ best schools possible. list ,.,.as headed by the Dorcas Socie- children, two granddaughters and the N. E. L. A. at its October meet- having betm touche4 upon by any of mg, and burial was made In Spring These should in no wi8e be dis· ty for $1200 and the Sunday School two Histers of her immer.iate family. ing held in the assembly room on the many lecturers on the canal &8 Valley cemetery . turbed but allowed to become a part for '700. When a young woman our sister Oct. 16 The talk waa lriven by · G • .an engineering accomplishment or a A large "thermometer," with joined the Jonah's Run Baptist H. Cook, Distribution Superintend- spectacle. _ - - - . . , . - - - - . . . , . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - : - - - . . . . , degrees marked up to $14,000, haa church and l}ru. been a consistent ent of Wisconsin Gas and Electric All o~ Mr, ~k's talk was .inbt:en placed in front of F. C, Carey's christian and a faithful member of company at Kenosha and arought to tensely . mtereatmg and instructive store and a record of the growth of that church. the section a realization of the tre- and parte of It arnualnl[. &8 when he the subscription will be kept there- \ She was a regular attendant on mendous work being completed at flashed on th, canvas pictul'eII of the on. Up ttl noon today the "mer- the serv!ces of God's house until Panama. Mr. Cook spent some time ti~y Panamans garbed a la natural Held at School Hall •. Thursday Evening cury" had reached $S5OO. Watch bodily affliction made necessary her on the Isthmus as an engineer with ~ negro weddi~ scenes, and told •_ _ _ _..I._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- !_ _ _ _- the thermometer I Iremainin~ at home. t~e canal commission. A large dele- ofolOme .of the amusing features of An enthusiastic gathering of pa· His lecture was full of pleasing ---- - MIra. Oglesbee was a devoted gation ffrom 'Kenosha was present to that present center of world interest. trons and friends of our local schools anecdotes and stories and again the BOX SOC IAL mother, very patient in her affliction hear him. I HeFell ·.deeerved the rising vote of gathered at the Waynesville School ptathetlc ~as used to emphasize hi, and exceedingly cheerful in her disWhile Mr. Cook showed many in .. thanks Jriven him at its finlah, • 9 rang POI'lts. A box social will be given at the position. Becaule of these things teresting pi~tures of the car-al.which < While, the talk on Panama was the Han on last. Thursday evenmg' i Sp'endid muaic was furni.hed by Ferry school house, November 25, she will , be lPissed but our loss is were taken by himllClf while on the piece de resistance of the evenine it Altho' a worse evening could not Mrs. C. S. Grauser, A. T. 1913, A good program. Plenty of Heaven's gain. great work. the great cut at Culebra. ',d id not comprise the entire enterIN". have been selected, probably over Wright, Mias Edna Satterthwaite, music. Everybody invited. Ladies - - • the massive gates, the dam and spill- tainment. President Comn presided two hundred were present. Mr8. D. L. Crane and Mrs. J. H. brinritox., AUTOMOBILE TURNED OVER way at Gatun; illustra~ the life of \ nd int,oduced the speaker with a - - - -_ ••- - the workers and the life of the · ell w~rded tribute to the men who h S C WLinton. SCHOOL ENTERT~INMENT An automobile, with a party from jungle, the most interesting part of .r~ completing the IrN&t undertakT e school lecture by upt. . . It is to be rClrl'etted that there . Cookson, of Troy Public Schools, was was not at least a representative of Harveysburg enroute to Dayton his talk to electric workers was the. ing. ~~t the finish of the talk he one of the strongest ever heard in each home of our community presThe teacher and pupilll of Spring Sunday morning, upset as it was detail of the electric appointmentS pve:the entertainment the touch it our town. He pleads for better or- ent. Surely it would have helped Branch School w'lll give a Thanks- tunling t.he c~mer at Main street and equipments o~ the big ;ditch,' dese~ed by calling for ~e aineinar ganization and conllOlIdati.on Jil order to stir up interest In our lICboolll at giving entertainment at the sehool and Franklin road, The 8teering .He explained in detail, illustrating of l;he Star SpaDlrled Banner. this to 'g ive the chi(dren-wbat they need thi!! time when such .intel'Mt ill houae, Wedneeday 81'enlng, Novem- WhE~1 was not" working properly and the details, how the ptea are to be· ~ an especialbr ftttiq touch &II to meet the pl'eMnt de)' conditions. needed WOrM than ever before In all ber 26th. ~eryboc:l1 ia ' comially the machine ran-btto the ditch, tum- operated by , electri~ity. how~ th, ltbe. plc~ree of ' Uncle Sa!n:~_ bla . Let our-ecUication lM!·more .p~tica1, the history ~f the public lehools of inVited to . at.t end. Admilaion 10 ing ewer on ita side. No one was locks will be lighted. how the el~ work w.ere" Ibowu in • ~ramrq of' . let UI ~ b1,' d?~ thi~ . ~ore Ohio. . . ceD""'te. injured. tric towing locoPlotiveI; which will natioul ~ . , .'. nom to Mr. and Mrs. J . F. Seibold at Mercy Hospital in Hamilton. Tuesday. November l H. 1913. a daughter. Mrs. Seibold was formerly Mi ss Martha Compton,


.. -







Man's Greatest Work



School Mass Meeting




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Hnll h u w ,,(Hlr toes poi nt. a n d , .. hf ' r h, ' r YO \l ' n l loo \cl ntz. prett)' . J lltil I rll ~ 1 )IIU '. ho r 8l ' I" Vill i tbrou g h. ~o th a i )'011 11 111'1 <'''II .c b l In tbe flo w( ·r of )'olllh f ,,1 Inn oC ,' n ~ .l, Ilfl ,l hun g on I h. , n .. :<rro" t 11' I"grap h pol e." On ce I b l' ''11 t o a ,h , ·u l.t' r , n nd ,) I' P Il a p lo.y. Tllnr 'H ac t on t', wllh llr t t'" n mlDul CEI lI u ll ln~ fo r aCI t ll'~ . Thllr 's act nfte r Ilt' t 11II lO ll Ju ~ t hal< 10 111 1 up tbe tl m l'8 b" I WI'I' Ii wtl h In j u D "'ar whoops. 1111111 oc t ti n ' . \\"h .. o all t h e ladles and genls Is 6110t o r marri ed It Jue t cal' u ' t 1:0 o n . So th e a ujl ell ce sa,s, "Le t·s gO'n h a v o a drink:' aDd tbe band gaps (lfT for Il d rink. u nd th e lady with th e p rogru ms t ellB you to p t to h ell out or IhaL It'll all over. Til e m illio naire Lord BlBbop of Durhllm 16 only Hull '8 fa : b e r · tn-law. Uul\'u not e xaclly B cow -boy ,.et-but oBsl sts ble mother, Mra. Brooke, who Is che f at a raoeh . Rull won't b e Quite populnr wit h his moth· er for bavln g gor geous c c l e bra[JoD8 wtth tb e bundred dollars eh e'd «Ive him to p ay orr a little (j e bt. I'd b ett er not com e to lhe mn eh after learlln g mummle's boy astra y trom lbe palbs of virtu e. The r e 's Ih e du::!t of Dull's h ors ell way off nlong th e r oad. !lud m e sei llo ' dowD by th e wnysld e. A d og Pf' lll down In hi s ukln , tll il hundy for wag· &ing. nil bls posHflIls lon s orouu d him I aln'l ev eD got no (all. t ere of h ah ell N

CHAPTER IV. The Ordeal by Torture. The Labrudor was good 10 m I'. rh l> _ wns b e lter, th e stock range-w a ll . rd four yenrs puncl,lng cows, and I 'm IDOst s urel y grat e rul. The. world In l h .' m duys was peopl ed , wltb onl y two sp ec i eS, punch er an ' tenderr oo t . the last b elli' made by mls· take. Mort'ov er. we COW· boys b elc u ge d to two Hec ts, our ou tfi t , and oth e r" or 110 a cco unL Alld In o ur outllt, t b l ll Jesse p erson which III m .... l ai d c lalm~ OD b e in g b es t m an, h u v ln g a pUlr of cold mo u n t/,ll ap ll rs w o n at cyltrd" from Pl efuc(' . our o ld fo r elli a n . I 'd • roll ed eanti e. dou hl e·rl g Cb p. y en n e o f carved 1... lIlh e r, und Hi l ve r 1I0rIl - u dandy sadd'" Ibal, IIrst prize for "rope and tie dow n " aglli n 11 11 co m e r s. Gun. b,' l l. Quirt. bridl e. h at. (:l o I" P8. everythin g. my whol e kit wue Ellv er mounte d and (! v,!rylhlu g I n It a t roo phy of 1,J·_ dln g. poke r, or I1 g hll llll , lIesides m y Rl rln g of pOllles I ' d 1'lgl' r , an entire black co lt I'd brok e-though I own h e WBa fur from CO il v!n('cd Add a good pay·dllY III m y ofT I.ln ll pocket, a nd d '}, !, Ihlnk I'd o wn IIIl lu tbem !\ve h ' e apo s tl es ror u lI ciL'of!? I)'y (know wluit ~Jory I s ? Wa ll , I suppos e It moatly consl"ui o f b ei n g yo un g TIm e I ~ l' e uk of, our ou tfit had turup,d ov er thrfle thml snn d b end or long·horna t o Ih o el n' l e S u nd rod e rtght Into Abll " n e. Thor w e w op to take th o train for our horn e rancb

r t I



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I II' :--1 II ", f III 'a 1' '-' Hrl ll It't-~ 1'\lrH ll l ~ fe' flJi ll h "l l~ h, ' ol1jl'(' I, ' d 10 t! 1~n U ,;, n ls . H~' ril ll~ ":. I n ml"l' t . ~ lh . (, VI II h .) 11 !lUrTll I ~t-.~ P,'I''-('II l yll1~ II fl lnk , T1)1 -0 a r ail , 1I ;ltI " ltgl : IP SI10rtl d \ '1 "u r r al " :H I I le"r a l II} m" w a~ IJI IJfl l l' t :.1 111 ;1' 1 .- (j " I' " 1111 1. , "Id. ' Rl r,''''II ~ lh", r I ha l h v h,, (' k~ fo r all hO 'R \\ (lr lh. b "t ' ltll~!' or a IU h" ' lI ll~ IO:t1l w1th u titnt\\ h n l :llId a fJ ll llt:tu r .. tt 1-'0111 . pnt,) I n~ ,d HU l d alll u r (' (lllr ~ f ' I hls lIf'n ltl ' f lt : III IU' J ruut n1 to " I1 J'I )' ~h ..• bllt ' kl1l~ Inul t·h · an d "'; 01" r .. ", 'n I R { th' fil(,(~ u t lil Y o l d frit·n t! . 1\11 11 1l lIl'hllm . \\' 0 h llll ll ' l 01,' 1 f or

~" 'lIr~,



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'Veiled "lnJun.I " and StampedeCl, .soWD BOuth. an d I hop ed 10 g e t back ... mT dog pup Rockyfc ller. And ye! IIr.V8r b e fore lieI'D on 'a rallroad. aDd dre1Wled th e boy s would f10d out 110... Reared I ""lUI of trains. tit. 10 Abil e n e with blu8b, nnd stood rooted while n guy .~llIng ..,ld watc h es r eo.ds my name II:roved n the 8udd l !.', lind th en addres;;t!fI m e . . )ft dter Sm ith. Old Pi e fllce. sClired my morn I s. did kick tbls person -.lden and se v e r e, but all th e same-,....t Ml6f er went to my h ead. . Tbe smell of In1'Jors made my slom. . . tJop l ight ov er while we ra nged • brave at tbe b ar . tor a first drink. ft~ ra'lll' rye /'tIt like ftam es, though ,... prelerved cbem afloat In It tal'lted ~ar, like lOap. At tbe lame time . . . I!!llht ot a lalllbllnl, laY-<lul made . " pocUt twttcb, and I'd 1.11 ""ward


, *"'



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IIrl'd , 11 1111 oWIII 'd III fillllin g th l' Lord . nnr! h plll~ blnny hll ~ l .. d . ask It I WUR ~ a\, . ' d . I HI'\' !I h l"rI I';ot ' ,'01 b ud. and Rhared my wad of m OIlP}, I f' \" 1' I w i th him . Ro w e .h ad c lgarR . a pou n d of (: h(\ ("n l aH ~ c rPHm s, a n oytih~ r 8 1t ~' \·. n nd h " ho u ~ ht a IJo li l e or putl'nt rn ... (II CIII " W e Bllnrpd t hnl, and for hla IIn·r. W('ll t on , h e wB l klng b y my 511rrup to (il ,' r ev l val me e tings . T his r ev lvnl wus h allpeolng At II barn, so I rod A In . Tlgflr. )'Oll Hel>. n,'''d ed r u lllClon b ad . and w h en poop l " tri ed t o turn him Ollt, h e kick ed th em , \'ou Ehould ju .. t ha,' o h ea rd wlillt th o preacher told th e Lord nbout m e, and a ll th e congregation ~roan e d at m e bclnK 80 young und fair, wltb sil v e r hnrn os A, nnd the Iiollp.s t pr08p ects ju st us },I e foc e u lw8 Y8 Bald wben I WDB l u t o lo r bn, akrlUit. Th&.Y had a II:r ~ a t big woo(]f'n CroBS upon tll A dolA. and 601l1llbow . I (jllnllo wb )" that m ad e Ill el f ee l ushllmpd. A g irl Ir, a. willt o dres s was .. Itl gl ng "Ro c k of A ~eH"-oh . mos t b eaullful . h er nrm s t h row"" round th e cross. th e " un -bright hulr lIboul h er like a g lory Th e s i g ht of gl rlti Wl!II t to my b ea d IIkH IIqllor. o.nd Ih ls on n WUiI surt' ly p.oo d wllh h er BII Il ·brlght h u lr. h e r dw e kll 11118h N I 'cn UbO I sta r ed. h e r Hllilty lip s r ebuking wh en I thrO WN a k lsH. hM yellow · brow n flY C6 O h, hud I r l'a lly w a Rh er! bf'hlnd m y ell r R? SIIPPOSA I'd got hlgh ·wate r mark s! Was my h o uds-I ", h i pp.·,11 nfT my gl oves to Inquire. Thut·s who.t 's th o Illatter. s ure. Got to m u k e good Iwron' lI eln' Introduc ed , Oat to 11:,· t a mo ,, :! on Tiger. I slVung, Bl,urre d .... lIh on o Apr ln r; tbrough th e door .. . ye lled "lnjun 8" alld 81amped ed. Bcut· t erln' gravElI an d pOlllc throu g b Abl · I nn e. I just w'mt like on e mnll for o ur c ook wagon down by tbe rnllroad ('Orra IR. Now . ror nil til e shnvlng-g las s coule,! H"I!, I wall !l1(~ " nil' c h !all . but Ihe n Ih at mirror ha H HnUlIi vlewR. lind I'm not t U;(\ lI g ri s ks. but st r lp l ,ed Bnd H('rllbbe,1 all o ,'Ar , The pla" tl was ';0 ,llIrll Hd pllbl lc I blu !lh ed 1\'1 "" 11O ~e' to h u,,18 1111 I WUR dres st'd n~alll, ~ 1"l\llI g m y h ll ir unJ bools. Th en I proc ured all e~t ra s peci al , che rry· r ed, s ilk Heart o ut of th €! wranglClr's kit. Som e of o ur boys mo.d e frl elldly SI~ I1 R ne I I,u ssed on my woy ba ck, li nd IIrl! d a r e iN Khots n f l er me for luck. bill I'd u o lim(l to pl a y, I Joln cll th t< r e vival n}( ~e t i ng JU Ht UB tb e ho.I ~am" roulld, PO pelllllHit slnupro mokln!! for t hl! door, cum (J back to s t uy and pl1y lIeClIlJHP of Tlgl-!r. I gav e Bull len doll o r s to hUIlt.! to th o bllt, ouly b .. loaS8"d II Int.o hi t! own poc k e t. H .. ME'('rtH '" ILlllln yp d , tnl). Boylnl';, "\\' ~s h' not . " a nt lll)l. " Th on h e ellpl1tllled It .. w Ih ll nrt~ p s cap e ou ly paid M iU41 BI, l is tlft y doll ars a day, wh e r eas be WIl H maklllg lo unlln·dH . Jusl th,," Mh', PI\"~" d , lind I Kot Intro d uced . "Say. I'o lly. " says BUll. " h er e' s Sailo r J esse Wl1l1tS lo get ac· qualnted ." Sh e KlOPP"'" sort o f Im pa ti ent ror HUppl'r. n lld n'lvet-eoCt h er volc~. rull of ",o nl,' mpt. "Anothe r damn ed su ppllant!" Sb f' as k f1 d. n lld Bull was holdlnl': B IIgbt l o r hl~ r cigarette . " Is It Hav ed 1" sb e I ,'oul<lu ·t s pp.ak . wnntpd to tell hor how I dpRplsed nil til '! r eligion I'll ,;p.,·n. th " bll(ots It mlld e, ao' the cow ardB. I'd mlh er bUrD wllb th e ~I)a ts Ihull bl eat :unong tho sheer> eV tt n now , "Ub, that's all rl ~ hl . I b en," she _aid Be Iho u g h eh e 1I0tlwHed me. aud Ir'lDk all IL man " h.! g ave h er hand to s h'akl', " <:no d stullt ut min " . I'h'r' Allhough l a wn I'd lik e to hav e that cross ~tlig e­ mnnag ed." Sh e po.~s"'l th t> w ellthp.r, admIred TI· grr, t Hl ked BrowuB and JOD" _ with lI u ll . lurnlng h er bud, on m e, IlBked hiCl to 8uppe r, walk ed orr with nlm all' thltt'a II II. r~ gg · sh " IIB throw 'd In th e aa b·h eap mllY f t>I~ 1 like I did tn e n Not>ody lov ed m e. 'cept our wny h erd. IOtIUl rl n ' pit eous for f ood nn ' wat er. Our boys, o f cours e, was drunk by th eIl, jU Ht sl ee pln' whar thf1y'd f.., II , BO I was d etmlate liS n moonlit dog howl, rldln' lH1 rd with my n Il';ht horse whar Polly' s lItt1 p lIome glowed IIl!:ht~ ucrOB8 tbe prairie. I see n 'flull und the pr"acher l envo tbe ro townrd midnight. walkin' 80rt of e xtravDgant Into town Tbe Ilgbts WPDt out. Then times I'd take some sl eep, or tLmes rldEl hppd guarding ber little bouse, Ufl ' tbe 'eold cama, till ttze dawn broke, till tb SUD came up_ It wall ' haIr ..,... _breakfut WheD J

!ftD BuD .pID, 0!1

1" rLlay , \\hll'h

U pullin ' I lla li t·



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h ili i d (1'1 ' " Th,'f! I AIl\\ . b ll r t ht , r U : ll u , ! 'I· ItH ' d Ihtrh, all d till' t " rtd, ' r(no l l\1t I l ldi :-:{ lllt · l . IlIl. ' kll t,f.:: I I \\' a)' , Hll d n ' ti('''il1~

I d r. ' \\' 1'1 : tll ' ,i llt-l: t a 'r u lln d Il u l I (" 1' ( tht ' d l'Hd 11r.(' Ar t, ' r\\, ;,r .t I f tlf lY LIlall l 'a l llt ' /I, ' a r Ihat lt n .... ,., 11 ,, ' ,1 t! i'r l' . ' p l. I l u I toll., ·(t l .lug" t n,. ' t o tJr lllk . lin' I drallk, cl ay Il r ll'f il a " 1I1 g, lIr aftt'r n f,· t, l.


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80 Hull II ft 'l UII l li~ " ,,,~ 10 1I",l v,' n , p ruy l l1~ . " Oh . cI (\!I ' 1 ,"'I h "' r U" I rum I fI "' lllatlon

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I hud

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"M y I"' Y." "a y~ h (·. " 11\11 u p y our w ith Ih l H pt>r " oll o lil"ll lIoll 11l' 11t~ fllr g un . Th : II ' ~ r i):: ht. 'rhl H tH 'f'(! It-' IHI'' r ' J!OTlf! i n rf' 1i~inll N O1 :J n ill . 1 O \\ ' I Io' ct Hn ll foot Is bl""rl ill' bl' "!,lIrts , u n.·riH I rlJ!hl t hnll ~ h . ullnl\t ill Y hl' ll1 ' IL " a ' lnr , 111111 ,8"" If I )o c' Sl ll ll r t I ~ I'oll .' r ," lI u ll lInol(1 wllh ·I)n! .. ~: IIl1d h I' HI' ,' 1l for hl ~· ron fo r Ih l' cl"~ l lI r , "Onl )' n 14'",l l'r ~ 'If th e way I wa H r illill ':: m y !:l~m fon t ," "II}'N J ak p , "ir u~ \llt s a (, oy, hny'g 'ora n "o lll l'lloio ' dr,·I1 MIII. Told m o I'd WI fe will"h I. d .. Hlh from 1I :" llra l o u "ht to 'old my ' nd 'Igh Inilipa d o f ~allf" '" . MIl ·H m ." hp wal';l';p d Ills Il n gl' r 'u mpl n g . \l 'R In 11lt>" . dowlI li t Poll y . " 't ,n~ Il ' t ,Iollg s ir,,'" you ,'"rnl' youn g fI' lI er . Oil' dO I1 ' t b e 'urd 011 Ihe f1l 1l 01l~ \IS . 1 a lII I m o r l.!·11 Il dny Rl llC " ha lly mal. H e'd j1;lmm" ' ,,~s oll s you tl1l1l m ~ ILO d oth pr H prJ'ep OI Ihat o nly I wn8 frl l( hlp n>:d . bllt o ul BlVay " ~' ou "' as lIl an y lli' for fun , You ''"It;hp d from lo", n the groulld was so ft e r for at \tIurnlng ~. a nd thi s h er l! J lllMle '"oulr! fa ll In K, lO ll' I gain ed (~ ouru g", Huppens hnv Jn Rhol lh l' m n n w ho w a rn l',1 him . Mi ss P olly 's hou se WUR oPPosite. I You are Il l od y , and Ihl N bo y you m a r · Ac rambl"d down ullga lnly. Ilhov .. d a r i l' d tor f lln, IA l:oln' to HeQ you tr.-a t,' d p"bble In along Som'e withers, ;Uld l et al- Il I ndy . lawn h e got rattiI'd Ilrsl tills gnnt uplaln juet bow to allt aD sh Ol. IOl s~ ln g this t en d erfoo t's h part . ,\ ' I " ! "


w h ich Illn ' l LIP t o uv erag" p rac tlrl': but it'1< l ime )'0 11 b egun to sec th p IlOlnt of t h o joke." Th('y l ook lhe t .. nd or(oot own}' , ann we w ere 1110[1", m e wn l c hl ng th .. I lllOI o f r ed blood turning brow n . Polly Ant drummin g tun cR on th e tn bl e. h (' r faCt! turn. 'd whll,', RIIl .. ln~ out Ih rnul';h th o ",'I n dow at th e lIoon h " ul or th ., pllllll l<. I r .. m r mbt' r I took a hottlu Ch HllIPal'; n e win e. I1l1 ed a bl ~ c eh l .. l. and clra nlt I t alT. It mad ... n l(' l a u (: h t n thlnlt tl h f" d l a u g ht Ill " drlnlo nl'; , 60 J lI ad u ll o lh"r. "I s e" ... 81\y S Po lly "I und " ulalld IIOW," At lImt Hh l' bf'gan to SCrtlll on .


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Settlers a Year tmm l j.(t>#11t ll~ crt'H. ~' · ll

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e Constiepat Ion IV anishes Forever ,

ICARTER'S Prompt Relief-Permanent Cure LITTLE LIVER PILLS n ever

' f all. Purel y velleta·

I bl e -

ac t surely l but llell tJy on ' U1 C l i ver. Stop afte r .I,nn" r d,·". lJ ~.. cure ~ IrCfis , indi""slion, . ,., impruve the compl exion. b righ t en the eyes. I SMALL I'II.L, SMALL UOSE. SMALl. I'RICE.

I Genul-ne

produced wh en tbe beam of sUllllllht 16 harsh word o r a cool look cuts ber to It ahe ever rnude to lIa8s througb a pri s m , 80 118 to . tb e h eart . she ls a fool. produce whut Is called th e solar s IICC· love s 80 mu c h that her husband'. will law , and thnt sbe bas Kot luto trum . 'rnc .11~k I, turn ed and t hA eol- h~h h ehr bl f h hI or.eO IIglJt of the rolnbow Ie mad e to t e a t 0 walC ing . B look In 01' sbo . way anticipate 1J.r,aak l 'h roUl;h It. Now. If the ea r be d e r that she will soon ' be a neglecte4 pillced tn th l! vessel containing the silk WIshes, ·· CI I D lar otta ronte or oth er ,nate r la l . a8 the colored IIKlUIl f 00 I. 'or the epectrum faU ' upon It, soUnds wHl b e given by tbe dHferent Pllrts of Such Economy Unwin' tb(~ Bpectrum. and tbere will be silence The low ~oat of living 18 dancero\ls. In otber. PllrtS. . A fellow who bqasted thllt be spent For example. It the vessel eontaiDl but two ceDU a da,i. bal ' beeD mUl' ,red wOr8ted aDd \ lu!I ', r,Mn 11gb t ftasbea dared b,. aQquaIDt&nc.s "'0 Ilif411T~ lint. 80 l1po'~ Itl ~oad .o~cIs bit beard he had mODey ·1. b1I itooldq,-Ptdla 'elIDa whlll ' tII~ red aDd Uae blue par&I at tbe cWphla ~



must bear




224 laughs for 2Sc To the





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He was a\1 boo, hoo, hoo at. bJ.t bee. ~o , . . fUDJlY be colll4Jl:& irpoU. ua.

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numed my living, fought my WilY, and done my IOhure of muklng bupplness. I 'd b eeo served wltb a mouth full wIde p,nough foi laugbln', n face which made folks smile when I was iliad, eyell to at'e lun, the heart to tako a jok e If [lilY orrerl!d, nnd wilen thlllg" hurt, I wosn't I1rst to squeal. No: as long aB the joke was on me I dODO my b e Rt to ta I(e It JIlte a man, . But suppose -Well, J'd b eet ex plaIn t hat the I~ngllsh tenderfoot wu at our w eddIng breakfast, and geLUn' eDCOllraged, he put up 'hls belt prise Juke_


('ruck.' " ,",,11 11' .. " rJl,rnllt I n th~ ~ h p ' d rl dn", (1 \11 lI,lP" lind 11 (' • . ~IIOW IU ' IH· tl U't' :I Itt 1\1 all I&,t . III\ , :--I 1l"k"'k" b t:'''~Jl In~ 11 8 I knpw Ih at If s h ~ ' d !,vJ-' r h",' n I A nd AI"I' n n.. th ', lilll. ~ " h p r I Ul !l1O'<I . I d t>o m " I nto I J-'.lM WII IIIII1I Pe r ,'.\' , An Rnlo(+ It"h N o l. l..- mru l. loll . '" "n.o h t! r I lf.· 100 I nlp , H o w ('Quid ~h e bp I "-,,, ...... 1III t il I .' ''' lI11d 0l ' I'W ·tU II I III " Illll l hpr , o f m y ehllrlr f' n , wh"n - I tl .·"" .. fT"rI 'tl I" ttlt' t ·"IH,"II" ... \\' ,."', It r .. '"'It Ilirl ultt,ly t:1' N\It-r drnnk. u nd Ro lf! my \Ionl ~8 til tlu, t t lllll U", t-l.' willi-" t" \IJ-l ill KugIiQunr, f o r Ihllrp waH 1111 \I'll)' Ollt , h"II ~ I , lit", II tt ," I' U'" I1I'Hur,' t o tt, f'lk tliM.t l W" " l' l r .. hllilid be And by th " Uml" I 'd on l y Tige r I " rt tm5wd"t) tr o lll •.' "'111 ",,, t o lh e onn nll';ht ,' 11 m" Hull to find Ill" JU RI (' I ' \lIII1'Y " '.cor,' I ltt' ,' " 1" " UH 't4l ""," I l y n l l tl rrrtll l lJ 11 lm p" o \O e AS dUNk WII" rll llln ll: , I wnn druII", l ... 1'0 ... lIh1u ," I ' ~I). H(,llrr c k"owl"" wh u t h. HaIti. JUIII N ~w tll .. trlrhl "'1''' h f'l llA' ON'I1M Io- lIln l( him to ~ h llt up o III I h ll"p D up, "'. II kit wi ll II\nll" ,~ ,·r .. ~~I " lft ,I rlnk I'o ll )" s bi n h u rt' W t>II, th a t', rllrt~~~~'-!lwiiJ 0. j!rt"a f '''lfut"",,. ('> 1 j," III .. "'It"".t .. li Ir l oI' rt trlrl .. f""p .... lall .l· ", , ' u. pt ~t a ll rl ghl hll"" r)'('- 1'01l)"8 hrr'n ~ h o t 1 ttl n lf.tnd f",.mlu", aml g-ralD Thl\l ' ~ (:ood . " ' e'<l all bav e drinks W:u ~lW~'fji(..~ili:iIf r AI N11IK· Fur 1I 1uatr.l(#d 1I1t'Mltn r,. llnct Mtl h., d ea ,I '! ~:;I'~~ 711~~~~ ' l~:~~~;~!S~,~.l0t~~ Shp w as Ileo d. w .... l 'aulldB. u r And I \l'il~ "o lll'r lh"n a8 ! nUl now W . 8. HETIIER Y. "~llIrd p r l' ,I?" I ask pd , 413 Cardn .. 8Iug .. Tol ed o, Ohio " .I "~~" . " hl' ~ hot h f' r " .. lr. ~ " I s I h n t H() ? " " Throu g h th f' ltrow - Hh,w e tll p ('yps ('nIlW . J, '~st!." N,' x t lh lll~ I wa s Hl a ndlnl'; I n t h. t l' nt dOll,. . and It w as >0 'Inrk 1!I ~ Ir!t! I hnr! to .. Irikl' a m n l c h , Til e Riliphu , ti l) hurllt' d bill e, Ih " ,\lIar! ftnr '! r! . and ro r th :- t mnUlfl llt. hpndillJ,!; down . I 8taen Ih e ('1 1l~k ,h.rk hnlt' b" lwef' n Ihl! l'yeR. I 11\1' ~rn. ' a r or dry in g b l 0 11 . Tllt' n th E m a tch we nt out, a nd 1- ' Ib;! l ""UE {' Iloug h . I KU"l! £lull what l'cI l e ft. to po)' fOI burial. Th en J was rldl n ~ TI~ " r a ll nlone with m y sharl ow drawin' Blowly 0111 ah en d WI th e moon won ed .



I Ud. "


I shou ld hllve told yOU . thot p tl p r Our b oy s of , the F l y i n g Z ee quit Ahl · Ipn e. I pltch " d a lilli e A l p.n t U'l I hl' pr nl ri o buck o( Po lIy 'a houHe. Tha r I co uld see my pOlll es at gras s. ond sourr th e air c l ~ ur of tbat stinking town. B ut rro m th o tIme I mov ed Into thp It Slued. !:tim Around . . He Dropped . IIOUR". lilllr was so mething (lislurh,nl( my Illlt!,,--som c thing un"!lAY -- oh . I 'a rd · moutb ed 'uoter. You 'olds 'Is 'ed , don' t know what It .... ns, b llck or all CHAPTER V , pln<:tu' tbe 'and on tho 'orn of th e hOllHC Ilmf'lI s, whi c h gll Vtl me Ii ~"n 8e ThDt p eblli e or ev il , so I co uld hurdly h ea r to gt.ay sad dl e, so . Then hup! 111I111o r8 . The Burning Bush. dODO the r est. -, Amon I'; th e IlI dln" ... b p- fore tI 00) Nnw, It'R partly du e to t h'ls 'Ne en· Co nllll ' from town on e 11 11(11' · ~ h c 'tI te rl u lnm e nt. ond lbe dlam'ln d r l nr, I .sl'nt ni P I hl! rt>,.- I 8 1"' n a nlllll 'N "hallow CP t 8 ralpd \\'Ilrrlor. hp g oes ol "no "foot nak t'd, "Iarvin' th lr~IY . Wil Y o ff 10 th e I\ U. Vl' h er. l.ho.t Ml s~ I'olly IJ" IIIIII II) l'ros~ tl, c pari o r blilld . I Jlr ~ lI, !I 11 ~s lng l",ref' lv e me wlt.h th e nak E'!J eyf'. a ll d II foo l '" nct. lor it WlirIl c d him , ltn,l bu('k Rid " of l h e (h'~ .. r l. Tll llr b e 11\ ~ 1 Wllil l!, 8 111l ~ , WP,' kH, maybe a whol . \laid I mi g ht com e to suppl! r . ,:::\\'e him I lill O, Th o l am p was O llt b f!' And thl1t (l\'enlng wa8 mos t ~ \Jre l )' fur,r. I rt'aeill 'd th o hOll t1e , an ll Polly mnon . till Ih e Big Spirit hapll"np te hl o y e Th"n th e ll1 g !;plrll wonderrul, In II parlor all 1IIIIIIII ,1I'I1S, wit h HO," " hy slerl cs g e tllng In ID) HhoW8 him u slick, or Il " ton e, or nu, RaNI and r oc k e r c h a ir" w llb pink bc..W H. way . Th Are WIUI champ ag n e wlrm, Ihl' httl .. I t \Vo u"lu ' t be sl' n se to IIhow a ~orL o f Irllllll ' c°rl mmon blhln g . IO hlc b 18 10 bp hi s mp le ln t>. 18 w,un"Llm eljl:arAU ea w\lh dr eam s In ahl r . 'H,d 11 lIIute ll 1( lI1,liu g the "trnngl' r 's allll, or lIln c h arm which guard s hi m. t:ont. l 'oUle no hl ~gp. r'n my thumb s rr. elllll ' to at"n" Il~al ns t a win dow or lIlak" l ng, ()r I II war. ' AO II p, r ce I t w e ll-nigh bl e w lilY Iwad oft sou ndH. !la t h er I &tood rl KIl't stil i, Il Dd Aln~' 1I 1: lh l' m Bibl e IndlanTl YOII 'II no O h, It was all so .'Ioga llt II n(1 hi g h · a ft e r n whil e Poll y llurpr l HI'LI I"' r self ml'lIlbl'r a f eller cn lled Mo~eB. CHit .. t lou ed th at I got proud of b eing aI, into a eI ","1 Rll pn ee. I cou ldn ·t h "llr th e Iw(' lt " "Ie of t h l! d QII .. rt. se"" til.. low ed I n doors. I Bi g Rplrll I n It burrolnll: bURh . Lat .. , H er peopl e WDS r ea l soc i e ty, h ... r that man. or fl'el. or Bee hIm He Utll'd him . Can't ex plnlll Ihll! - n o . his lribe 8 .: 1 Ull n m n dlcln e Illdge, And IlOPIlU un urmy g ell e ral, ntln ed b y th e You jll s t f t!e l I f 11 m a n !:I tart' s hard . I till, hllil story's mi ghty IIlllu ral. war, IHl r mother prim e Vlrglnlnn . lIut I1I'('LI al thut. Till"" Polly . o r t;tlur"e . This Illd ian life explnlnB a l o t til th en ah e'd gon e OD the Hta g'! , HO there ", p nt orr Into all sort s or 11tH. m.; n Ilk m o. wns m ean SIIHpl c lonB. NeXI morn i n g I trackl' d blood Blgn Beo lu d pnth. onl y , 1 hold sUHp lclon to be a fllrru of to the h Ollpltn l. Sep m s 11 y u"n/: per f M aI n y IlfOnd ,"' f!' w n r, nn d I found Illlo(e th a r In m ennllCHS w h ,m It tJJUCh CB wom en My lrom th e ban k h a d took 10 cOlljur· th e willl e rn eHs. th e v ery tn f dt c \t.e 01 mntlH' r w ou ld hov e slUed a t tII'.k ed la· ~on In g alld s wallow ed l ead. It wu s 1\11 11 be fore bl'ell kfnst torn aOIlI M, rresh Cram th e halld .,1 IJ1. dies. and dad waa powerful aga in c l g n· th"t I Almight y Fo. l lwr, re tt l>~ . A s for (h o sm ell. 60 O"rce It told I'ull y to \lack h c r dunn ('!lu se. ( TO Ill~ (,()~T!NlJI':D . ) had to b e bottl ed. I'll own up I waf' . ~ hock e d, nut th en you see mo t h e r Il nd dud, an' me helng working Pt'<lple. was not s uppos ed to t eel th e Iolgh· ton ed S(\nspe which b elp ngs with w l!al t h . It·s not ror grade stoc l; Ilk., m e to s et up a8 Jud ge on thornugh· breda, or coil n lady Immoro.l for IIslng a spoon whar I should n eed a tlhovel So It happened tbat In them !l ays, rnlnb(lw rllil upon the vessel. OthtU wblle I rode guard UPOD Mlsl\ Polly, _ _ _ _ culnrs produ ce no Bounds at u.1I. no m lln In Abll p.n e could s peak tl) her. St;ltement Sounds Incredible, but Ex· Gr.'"n ~ lIk g i ves out r.ound b cs t In I ~ r m ention b er nam e to me until I periment Will Speedily Demon · rnd 1I1fht. kind of m otf!r l u l gl"" , ~ I ... e blm lerlv e, She got to bn k n own Iltrate It to Be a Fact. more or lesR Bo und In dllTe r ellt colol'l 18 Sailor J esse 'a ' klll, and DOY person und no "oUlld at all In others --1:taI> loucbl ng on my kill VI'18 apt to require It set> ms tn c rl'(lIble that a bp.a m of Ilc r'S W {!c ldy , a fun eral. It was the se venth day Ebe ma.rrled Irl(ht 80u lJ be m~d e to produce s ound. La Grande Pas.lon, me. 1 know. b ecause Hu\!, 1\(~lInl! as but Kuch 0 thinK ca n be Llone. 1\ rny " Unc grande llu6l<lon est un !J e~ t man . cln l m ed a IIIS8. which Bhe of s unli g ht Is thro wn t hrough a " · ns ~n ve him . " Uull," lil\YR Rh e. "dilln 't a ll a glallM v p. 88,:1 '~nnl<llnlllg lampblack. grnnde foli e. M"dI O(!I'lty ID nil thln~ I h.·t you I ',) marry SlIlIor J uss" with · col or ed ~ lIk or worRt ed. or 811Y like I~ w isdolll ; m ediocr ity In .ensatlo0 8 I, No yuun. In Ii w Ae lt You owe m l! tWl!nly dol· B U IiJslo.n ('P.. A dis k hAv i ng sills or nll en · ! ~ lIp p. rl a liv e wlsllnnr . Ingil c ut In It Is mll(l e 10 r evolve swift· ' lady should (011 In love 1I11 the orr",. hlrH." I saw th e jokfl Wlltl 011 m .., I Crlm!! 1.0 marriage pure all any Iy In lhl8 b pnlU of lIj(ht, 80 us 1.0 " cut has been III II lll!. acctlpted. th .. marrluge b ea r, or walt, 'or rOlt, f.'lfpnctlng to Dnd It UP." Ihlls cll us ln g aiternote flash es ce r e m o ny ~ .. rfo l'lll ed, 9,nd the tlrst hall· Whpn on e plD('es ye ar or m nrrl~ d lif e h as pnssed aWIlY my mate the sam e as m e, ge tter aDd o f light allcl flhlldow g iv er of life, true to the eurth. and h ili t'8 r to th o gluss vessel he h eara A woman ma;' then bEgID to love. bul stra nge Rounds 80 long 08 the Da s hing with very grt,at r"'l!cautlon- v e r y cool. rpa rl el!8 10 dolo' rIght. Iy. vtlry l1~o d erate ly , vtlry ratioDally r' olks said 1 wall YO'lng to marry al b eam foils upon th o v essel . A BtUI more extraordlDary err oet I s If eve r she lov e s BO mu\:h tbat a 111 n e teen, but fuJI I'Ilne years I'd


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C.t Do.n'•• t Any Sto"" SOc • Bo.



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hrs t thousand se nding

we will deliver a copy of

I Adventures of aSuburbanite I


Even funni e, Ihan "Pi!:, i s P i!;5." by Ih" sa m e aUlhor . 114 I'''i!'''. c lulb bounel, profusely illll sl r llled ,

THF. TABARD INN ROOK CO, 1302 Filbert Strf'el. Philadelphia. PI.


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II'OU'HI 'OuTo'su.r.



.. . u N UOW,. 'or'l'O'T nu•• LU ....

I .v.... ''''' ... 'D"U. ILAUDU, ...



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II .". , (l U • . "" , 1t" th.,..tned OryoUaowlf.llruwnt . Doq' t JollXtal!eM. AbaelehI."R .. N.·'.I1.... o;cln:ul .... Ilo L.CLUO ~.~t . . . . . . •• r" , .. .UJ. J,•.OIUKIIII.&lI .


Pettit's Eve Salve

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° EiumCuHu

In Pe14si~


In II rppor l 00 suda l S un[Ii<),s BugK(' s t e d t o be obs,'· n t·" hy nil o r tll e c hurt 'h r'~ In Ihll l n ll" d S l lItf-K. t h e Hp ecla l cO llJltll lt ce ",b ic h IOI'l!s l l&:lI Cd lh e • u ujt!c t "a ys : "Un (' o r II... r!'su lt s o r lbls lo vcs tl ga· l ion wa~ l h,' r.'v !'llIlI nn t hat the num· bl' r ur ~Jlf" 'I :l 1 s ocl :d :-)ullda)'s now b ('lug ub" " f\' ('d on n ua l iOlln l 5ca l ~ II; mU l'b H I1I~ ll l' r lliun hn s bt'I '1l g(' " ra lly 6u PPOO"d (July sIx Mp('c\a l SUlldnys n ul Hllt'c',a lly l,kl!fg nal pd by t ho cal· 1

I (' JJ(lHf aft ' at pn' s (' lll u rn; ' r \" ~ d on nny

I<:1)1I " " " ' rau l"

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Thf'sP ar,', ( 'Id l d L a b o r S u n ·

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i d:....y. ~l '''I1t · n~ ' day , P \,a f'I' Sun d ay. I bu r SUlloIa),. I'rl. ulI Sun dny a ll et

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Tu · t>l' r ('II IIIsis d a y. T he othp r 6pc r ln l I S UIl da Y8 In th e cal e nd a r g l vt' a aho v' I ar' a ll /lx , rf by certain n ationa l or re o I 11,,100 " h<""luYfl. 6U ' h liS W as h ln gt on 's b l rt tld ~ y . M."mo r in l d ny o r C hrl ~ tm as" Th" " · (.IUri or th e cn lllmlt tpe w ill be I su b m il l" lI to lb " r e(h' r ... 1 Co u n cil o r ( ·hur ch .·". " ' l'rmHi ul lng m os t o r th~ Pr ot L'"lall l d ~ n omlnutlo n B. to lh p. noman (' ali.nll c c hurc h a Ulh orltle s. t o t he J " wis h churc h lIuth o rI Ll ('8 a nd t o ! a ll ol h" r ('\Iurc b orga n iza ti on s whi c h ca n b,' I"t t' r f's led In l hls mo vcm r nl The a im of (h e report Is to eecu re th e cCK lpe rall o n o r a ll th ') churcbes o r Ihe count ry In 0I 0 \'e rn e n ts ror socl nl l>t' tt e r men l_

The bes t pe op le In Dark Holl ow bad Ju s t beg un to s it up a o ll ta ke no ti ce or th o fa ct tb a t al o llg t b e G r " a l Whl LO .....·ay an d In o th e r lar g !! ce n te rs tber e wa s s uch a t hi ng a8 th e turlLey lrot . T h e Mu rtl n rumlly. hOlA "" ' ·r . li vi ng on th e rnr outskirlB ot th e Il o ll uw , had n ot ben r d at t bls ~cc u linr nn ti seduc tive mal Ion . " I 8 " 0 ." "a id ~fr" . Martin . " by th p Ilark lI ollo w \\' " .' k ly lS lr ug >; le th aI U lo t or chlckl'n ~ 10 l ' hlcago ar" t u rkt·} t ro tt ing" "Sb u(' k . '" ~ru d Mr Ma rt in ..,IIh 10 .. ft'ubl fl dls'Lln ln. "T h a t'~ Ju s ~ utl ol b or ml s tl1 l«' III olle at tbn ~ 'l IHl ll d ' n~ Ih u ' lbo dITl l( pd . c,.,uy d C(lH rl llll:n t of n!;rI 1'II 11ure s!'nd" oul . TIlf' y' rt! always l ry Ing t o t,,11 U 3 t Urin e r s 8U IIl Pl hlhS t hat'6 a bso lutf'ly conlr a ry t o n utur e ." - I' o pu lar Mng LUl no.




By Tamely Use of Lyd;a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. n er e J!I h er own Rt atemeTrto Cary, Main c_ - " I r e l iL a du ty lowe to nJl 8ulf erin g w ome n to tell wh al

Ly dia E. P iokham ' . V e g e t a b I e Compound did for me. On c y l'n r a go J found myse lf a te rrib le suf, f er e r. I had pain. I in both aides a nd I 9 u c h a SOTCmeBS I ' co ul d 8car cc l, s t ra i g b te n up a' l imes. M y bac k Ilch cd. I had n o apHon esty of Ch ildhood. pe liUl and was 80 A lad y. o ut wh t'r' ling h I')' t 'NO-lJlun th ~ n ervous I co u ld n ol slee p. then I w ould <'Id uaby n1l't l& nllil;:, uo r 's bo ys a ntl be so tired m or nin!:, tha tl could scarce ly ne il I'd t h~ ru It the y ,," o ulll,, '1 IIKtl to 81'e g e t arouncL It seemed alm 05 l impoarUth e bahy . I ble tD movo or d o a bit of work and I T h n II!t1 fl f pll o "·8. h ig hl y " la l Pd 81 I thoug ht J n r,' crwo uld beanybette ruDt h C! Inv lL a t lo n tl ppl' d l hel r t; b ltl s OVl'r I ti l I su bmitted lO an oper ation. I comtb e e tige or th e tJ aby bug gy. whua t h .. I m en ced taking Lydia E.P inkham's Ve~ y uu ng!; r bro k.. fo rth . , etable Com pound and lloon f e lt a " Oh Is)] 't hn cut e~ H e 1001ls jU91 n e w w oman. I b nd no pains, sle pt well. li ke U;e lilli e mon keys we ti iJ,W In t h e I' hod good a ppeti te a nd w as tat and purk !" could do almos t all my o wn work for a " So. Ha rn ld." pr ote At ~ d lh l} olll p.r I fami ly of f our. I sh all alwa ys f eel brO l he r. nu ct l; I,"g th e li ttl e rour.Yt'a r ' l that I}we my good bea.lth to your mcdo ld . " H e dOP'H, 't loo k li k e a m o nk ey leme. -Mrs. HAYWARD SoWEBB, Cary. So, lI oro ld . n o. be d oes n 't 10011 like u 1 Maine. rno nk ~y~" U you are III do not drag along until A ll the tlm l'! b e k e pt up a vic iou s an operation is ne cessary. but a t onca nudg ing a t lilt 10 Haro ld, wh o. Boein g fJ tak e Lydia E. Pinkham'lI V egetable gr <!a l li g h t da wn . s udd e nly corr ee t C! d Compound . h is blunde r by e xplai n in g : " W e ll. I If yon bave the slig h test dool:-S JU BI mea n t his rac e."-Ju d ge . I that I-, ydill. E . (' ln k h a m's Ve<~etaI'



Il E cold Hll aHO Il In Bu u t h · e r n Pe r s ia Is s hOrt. but. occas lona ll , BO s(' veff' t hat SIHJW fal ls ple nl tru l· Iy rou nd abo u t ShlnI7.. t he ca p ital of Far s; h u l iJ III Ul OHt wl nt t! r K only II- 1,\ , heavy ralu8 p r e vail. V \. T here Is a co n s ld c rablt' , vur latlon In t b e lI~nJP"rB' ture 0 11 t bc coust a nd on tlUl lofty plaleau In t h e In te rio r of the cou ll t ry . E ngl ishma n Say . as • Peopl .. W .. A bea utif ul s prl ll g ro llows lb e In t" n sp. Wou ld Be T hr ifti er If W e C u <:o ld . u ll d In t h e mou l h or Marc h . wh ile rle d Pu rses. ! !JI O h lg h t'H t ni o unlal1l8 s tili carry wh itt· A "lsltlnF; E n g lis hm a n be lle \' e a h e • now capH. t hl' valleYR a r e grow ln" g r ee n : wild flow e rs blosso m e vc r y, lI as d iscove"ed t bo r easo n fo r Am e rl· ,,·b e re. anti t h e we ll ·llnown rOS"8 In cn n .. X I rU\'llj.;U ll (;O Ull d E nglis h t hrtr t. I bleCom p ou ll cl w ill b c lp you,w rit.e l bl! gu r d '~ lI s ro ulld a bo llt Hblraz a r e 110 DU Ys t ha I t h e tiirr e r ~ ll c e In t h e R od <'rnos Holt lIIue ... 11: ... ~,h do" blo as i toLyd la E. P ln kh a m lU c d lcineCo. alr eady In hud . Ve ry Boo n Ih e r &. 1 ' l'fJd l n ~ It' mp e ra lm e nl of th e lWo 11>1 ma ll , cl"L ll,. all all), l.Lh er, llu fI ' l put ,.our 1 (con fi d entia l ) Lynn,Mass,.foradtr('s hln g ap r lng s how (' r s CI'US t·. Bum· t l on ~ 1M du", e ntire ly to t be cbauge 11I u u e T Iu "1 auy OLO..... A,h . vice . Y our l etter w ill be o p e n e d. I read a nd a n Rwe r c d b y a woman. I vu r ~t: whi ch EfJg lI ~ hm e n carry . m e r IIp (J r oa ( ' ht'~ rapidly. In thi s part of tll o wo r ld . lin d with l he ho t weatb · " ;o.;u une " has!! mone y Is con s tanLly E "p n a wo ,r. un s .. ldo lll h as ca us e to • and llc ld 10 s trict coolldcnce. I Jing ling In h l ~ poc ke t can pc,Bslbl y be b f pr o gll M t ~ o r wind. d rl vln ,,; (' o rn t II'''' 11m Tb u Juk e Is bo ld III la rge co p- ' tl on In t he Lond on Dlar ket ro ,' It WaB I'('ono '" ;('a l." sn)' ~ lb e o bse rve r fr o m )'(' \le nt HIli' li t tl e. 1 c lou d R of d UAt . thrD.UI'.: h .. p.· t Il l' th " growe r to t h n me r - ,I rrc lJ ucnlly a tl ultt<r:l l fl d wilh a BUb" On t h e otb r hand. tb e I t t a l;p~ a HWI-':" st ru ,-k g i r l 10 wush ~re tbe da ily tormcat of tbous.~nd~ To efo c ul tl va t.' d pl:lI •. u nnd ovo r t I" , PO ~l ch an t _ in wh osp ha nd s It U' I(I"r(o;u,,9 Hlanct' mlln d "C;unil'da h." bu t the " ,au ·.Iho ha li to open a ch nng!) pu r se f .. ctu.dl y c ure th e, ., troubl es you must ",. Ing II( 'I II ~, \\ h "11 t h is U tI1 {' arr vc; . \ r' Ht: I' (' ra l pl'OCeSHes In o r d .. r t o pr 'S Hr v e rraud was. or COllrsl' . eas ily d ~ tt' c l e d , t o " pl at h is s ma ll coin Is un de r co n . d is h es with a t rug lc a ir. mo ve the CilUSC F ol.·y l\idn('y P ills I>cgia ,'OIIJlI I'H a r,' I,. 'ru l1 1)lossorli U ll l :- 'I I! from f!'r lll t' lIlaLion ll nd ,I ecay . :u ld II /\,ood mall Y d l-'a lf' r s wt' rc rU \)IBd , " ta nl rt's lrai llt. T h e c xlra e rro r l ueces-W o r m ,. f" x l>C"lIffl JH"'o DlVIl, tro m the buman to wor k fo r you fr om tbe fi rst do. e. and e x' O n Mu nny . f1n e. l lu l. da ys t he' I" ' r- I Mu ch opium i8 UH>d III P e r slu' It K.'!f : oa ry 10 get ot his sm'lU coi os will b r !'!'?(\ I" la tl " 11 far bf' yund h[ h "~ P IHe. . Rt. t"ro ". 11h Or . P l.!e rl'. Ve nuUUift " Uca.4 e rt so direc t a nc\ Uc ne{I cial an a ction in the ty )lO pP ), pln, lltall r co ti c' Bla ll cu ruvu 1I 8f'r l wberp. Oil iu m tl ea IorB In r n~ t . Ihn ro os ump tlo ll II :lS ~ro w ll i cu u,c him t o fo r t:go ma ny oppo r t ual· .,. , o ns wlL h t (' na In Sbot." A d " . k Id neys an d bl add er Ihat the pai n a.nd I-Ol' odo r H o f t h ,' largp , ()" licl\l o' wh t t' 0 "" h uve Ih e lr omc •. s p rcse nl u n Inl l}fl'. l· cO B t1 c plora bl o f':t t e n t . wh ich c!ll!se ~ I tI,. ~ fo r s pe nd in g whi c h b ls Am e rlcaD M uch t h a l pa sses ror en lh u s las m Is nl e nt o f kid n. ·y trouhle .nOIl d is;oppe.'UlI. <l r H t h ut al' o mlx llcl h pr" and th :;; I n ~ rEuture . Th ., ju ico Is brou gh l ou t I cOll s i,JI" ra bln un~lrl)' t o Ih n a lllh or itles I co u s lu wu u ld 'tIu!;" rly n cee pt." n o t b itlJl but ~ u s h . I 10 I", ma d" IlI lo cakes fo r ex po r t. 011 Tht ·!·" :l r ~ opium Ch'U9 In (·.. e ry l a r g~ I w ith h(' aut lf nl " II lid QlI Ylole t on,' 3 l er u fn.v"rahl" ra in y bea~oo Ih r poppy 1 1 ~ r!;" wootll' lI IJOa rrI H. two an d a ha ir I t.H · Il. anti lh ft . Eic k plling ~Wt' • • t siliell W hat Is a Mu slac he Wort h 1 . ft "nll ' H •'lr ,n •'L Inn 'I)' R I h~ h l • an d a b pa Thll ' rpet Io n" an [1 Otl " a n" a h31f fee t , url slll"; fro ll1 th(, OT' lllnl pi pes s treanH ' \\' IHl t Is l he (,,,,I I \'a lu o o r a m us -TACK ER WANTED fl~ t:;.f'~; va lli " 1m IJI .:-n l!; I n h l ~ l pu " na . P'a n l ~nhl"", I tU u l f(':lt llrf' III tim I ~ nd s c a p e. c ! hrnud. th .. Ht ic ky l{J ass I" ~(lread o ut OUt o r f' Vt' ry l l'a !l OU ro:r.~(? h o u ~ ', 10 I laC h ~? Th o q u pstioo Is raiso d by u ul A. . I L J ., Uv.l ta:t2. r' h ll a.dul" li lu., 1·... \ f1 o w e r ~ "1:1 ,,,1 h ll; h a nd h ,,"lth y on i wl l h 5par\p· l:k ,! t()o l ~ lo l",rm lt th e ~ t.h n cou tll r y .' The dl s rre sc itlg S P l!el ll , ro rt h com ing IPbul at'\ lo n in Fra n ('t:' . th Al r t ull. Klra l)( ht " t e an R. and wit h in wa te r It "un l"ltlD t o .' \·aporat (' . Expo>·: c lo of I" to l lcated o pi um slIlo kprs m a ) !n wli ie b a you n g m a n Is sui ng hi e w , N . U . , CI N CINN A TI . NO . 45 - 19 13 . I th pm R[)f) iI n p p (,Jl r~ a In r.I:" tlf' s h y r lf' nced wor ke rs Dlll v.e rrom board t o , bll S"f'n f.\·e rywh f, :·r In p .. "la . an d ' lute, .' l1J ployer In pec uli a r ci rc uw · O I Sl t: M P t:lt f or po p py·llI·a .1 \\ h ir- h co n tl\l nH t h·' 01'\1;"1 hoa,·d. tu rtling o ve r th o la)' e r ~. " I'e ry lh osp wh o do tl ot can:! 10 ~mo k " Ll] f ! .Lancp s . l Ie r ec.' nlly o bt a lno' d the poOHilRlI lI llL f'rV rR A" O A LL N ose lu k,· . . a nd a bo la t nr. wh ('n lI r y. ti l' II OW nod t h e n t hll t t h e Ilt'll l a nd ~ Ull : drug ha ve ta k (' n ttl t h .. "rIl:J.1I pi li ha l I s ill o n o f r u le l to a n ultache o r t be . ll ND Tllllo,,·r DIS e llSr!l valu n ht.' po ppy ~ el'd " . S uc h II s lg h l m a~' d r y up t h tl e lCposf1 d 8urrac.~ !! and ' foun d In e very l''' r ~ la n' A bfl 'a ~ t poclie l , (, h in e~ .' e lll bass y he r e a nd ona of tb e C ure. the si c k .nd a cta • • n p reventi v e (o r othe r.... L iq u id --'ven 00 l b . 18 a do>lil! lI l to th ~ ow n pr o r th e pl an · : ren d pr l h t~ o p lulII lit fo r ma king Into I Now an d th e n l'fYor l ~ a r e mati ... to put cond i l lon~ of h l~ e m ploymen t was t o nl(Ue. Sale (or brood maTH . nd a U othere. Beat k ldnc-y r emed Yi 50c ~ tallOTI . ro r 11 ~l't'S In l,roH Pprt. fl ,, 10 ' cako •. In ra vo rahl .. w l'a lh e r t hi s Ilro C' n sto p 10 thi ~ f'I (,"fi~I \' .. uoe n l o llium . I Iha t la c tillou ld s ha re ofT h is mus Ul cb e. ' 1 a bo"l r-: ~ a D4 ' 10 n do ten. S o ld by a ll druaa1l1ta and. hor ae EocdI d OUR h llrl' l'S t. Itolt un a l,out Siliraz n~ ell H l a k (,H on ly all h ~ u r o r so. and th (' I but In va in : a nd 1<0 long as th e h ig hes t ' Th e youn g TrI aD co mpil e d w lt lI tb ls In· bouaH o r Hot, e xvr eal vaJ d.. b y t he m .nulw:::turer ~ fur It R Is pl1 han. so ulhwa rd t o th t' CO II O' o pium IH -" u(l y to r th e IJ Pxl man lpu la· ' o!fh' h IA Indlll !; .. In il . nbll s P. no r & I s t n lct lon and sllc ri l\ce() h is b ir su t(' SPOHN MrOICA L CO •• Ch e mla ts. GOSHI:N, INDIANA try _of tb t! da t n pu lm . 11 g r ea t dl'a l o f t io n. 't iR no w scrap ed orr a nd IR At r lct lo ns Will' bo "rr!'c t h '!, In p r p\·c u t· ' adornm en t , no t without r f'gret. Hu t - uplurn I~ ~rowtl. and Rl'vI~ rn l th OUS:l\lcll ro ll cd luto s tlrr dOUJ; h ·ll ke lum ps and Ins th e low er classes . fr o m ruinin g u wE'ek la lc r b e was di scha r ged a nd c h f1H tH nr o s hipped rro m Shl raz lu ha lll l >ll to I. mO il . w ho dl vl [les It Iu to t he ml'le lves. Pe rs ia Is doom .. d . a Dd Itl! ! b e Is no w s u in g t he Dttnche ro r $20 (' h ilia a nd \' u rloOs 1)la r e s In Euro pe. s mall e r portions. we lg h ln!; on (' poun d do wn ra ll ca.n n ol b e arr es t ed . 08 damaS(~8 ror tho "eslh ellc pr eJ ueV l'r),_.J,,~ aHQ n . Th e c nl lnctln g of th r ea c h . whi c h· h e pa~ s es Otl t o t he mo ld_____ _ _ ___ _ di ce" t ha t h e b us su rre r ed t h ro ug h t be opium j\l lcl' b pgln s In J Utle. wh e n . t,hC p.r. h y whom th t'y are pressed Int o the SOME POSTSCRI PTS los8 o t hi s m usUlc hl'. T h is wo ul d s ee m 1I0w e r ~ hl\ \'l n,,; fnd ocl a nd t hp lpa , es wo od en ro rm s n nd th e n Inlel on a to be mo desl va lu ntl o n. e specia ll y (aJIt~ n . t h o p o pp y headll a re n ·a rly lo largo board ror t h e n DR I d ry in g pr oewb E'n o ue la ke s tbo es th ouc pr e juliice all orm y u p pc l s t o ~P~Il.d io t o acco u nt. be "bled." e s s . W h (lll t hi s Is complc t l! d t h e Th e pur pos e a pocu ll ar lu dr{' Is I II d i d I nl' llrly $2 ... 000,OOU In t h!' ne xt u \ E __ _ _ __ _ __ h iB For t ' c a IeI' a r e ro e u p n re pape r na"Yea, daughter, It'. good .tu1F. The pain In r oe m ploy e d . It h ns n th ic k hand le Itl po r tl!' I s poc I n II v f ro m Chi na . ao d a r e yea rs fo r d iri g ible bo ll oo ns n nd ne S a me Old S uit. h my back 1m IllI g o.. L -1 Dc,""r BaW' anything work whl ela se. vl'ml th in , s hort blad ea. .an t I le n t Ie d \J Jl \V . III1 rerI s tr I ngs. Tb e plo ne s an d t he II n vy h a i r BS m uc . Hemmandh a. w- Il e r e Is an In ter eat, . al quickly as 5 ' s L lni ment.'· 1'houaanda of tu c h In It' ng l h . a r e s c t and with wh ich ca ke~ li re th " n )'ea d y ro r pack in g , On e Mor e th a n 2.000 .000 Am e ri ca n farm Ing a rti cl~, a ll dre ss. ~atcful peoplo voieo the IaIDO oplDl.on. Hen'. Lhe proof. . s e v'lral pnrn l1 el cU l a maY b o mode bu nd re d a nd forly -four a r e pu t In ti n- er~ are n ow u 61ng t e le pbo ne s tn t h e ir Mr s . II Elmmandbaw-Wb a t la It uJl ltell.ncl PaID Ia B..... Wb e D th o SUD lin ed woo de n cases wll h po ppy-s t e m h om e s. more th n n 100.000 havin g In· a bo ut? with o n e ~ lro k e. " 1 .... 01 tro~ bted with a .ery bad PAID ID arr s ta nds Iow a n l h!' wes t e rn h o ri zo n . th e c harr a s p ack in g . T h e woode n caaes s tu ll e d Ins tru men t s wll h ln a year. I I.- A le cturer d esc ribes tbp cloth es It&cl< { er .ame UIIle. I wen t to a doctor bIIt b. did n ot do ma any 10 I m !'n w ith th e a bo ve- m ontion Ad t oo lb are cc'vccoo wlt b s toog h ides a nd sac k . An It nlla n s ci enti s t h a H sllcrePd Pd 'l wbkb wome n w ill b e weurl ng 100 purcb.... tl a bot U., of S1aaD·. Bt n rt t heir work . makin g on e or t wo In g. ,,'wo cases fo r m n mul e loa d . In te le ph on in g wllh wlrpless a ppara· yenrs frOID now . LiDlment. and now I a m & we •• woma.n . I alwll1sl.:eep a ~ In c is io ns In t h e fl eahy g r ee n ~ kln of Th e ~rce nl ngo o f mor pil la in Persia n t u ~ b c tw!'en R ome Rn d T ripoli . a d g. IIl rs . H. - lIuh ! Tba t d oe s n 't Interes t tie or Sloan'. Liniment 1t h o h ea ll s o n t h e Bldll t o word s t h e s et" o piu m va ri e s from n in e pe r ce nt. t o t an ce of 600 m llos, mn lnl y ov e r sea . me a pa r ti cle. bo~ ." ~M'" II".Ud. 'H~.d_,&..I.l,... lin g s lln . Du ri n g t h e cool n igh t ho ur s t welv 'l pe r ce llt. In ro r m e r year s t il " A n e w bayon e: II I'S a long th e bot' H .-W hy no t ? th o bro wn . s tro ng·smeilln g. vi sc ou S Pe rRIl\n opium had a Tory ba d r ep uta - r ei of a ri Oe nor m all y . but 18 thro w n MrR. n.·-l1ecau80. u nle Ks sO['lotb ln g In to pos it ion tor se rvic e b y press in g wo nd e rrul h a p pe n s. I will IItlll be juic e oozes o ut and c ollec ts In pe.a rl· lik e d rolls n n tb e BurracA of th e s('ed a butto n o n th e s t oc k o f th e .... ea pon . wear in g t he Bame old bl ue ve lvel s ull vess el. lI e ro r e the ri s ing eu n gal fl" I SHAKESPEARE A POACHER E lec tri c produc t io n . or te r ro-~ l1I c ol' I've h a d e ve r s in ce we w e r e marr led .fl ume l(' n t powe r to dry or c ryst a llize all w e ll as p otash will b e carri e d o ut You n gs lOw n T ele gra m , th o..aOc ky Bu bstance , tbe glltb e rin g Is by a ne w me t hod In S we de n e mpl oy· _ _ _ _ In fu l1 Rw lng. S t epping cn r e ful1 y In g c urrent fro m hydro-electrl c plnntl! . Dumb. fro m lliant to plant. th e m en gath er A loc k whl cJl. w he n tb e k py Ie " My dea r." said Mr . Close nlfs betthe opium on th e broa d bl ad !:'!' o r t h eir lu rn e d . s bu ts olr th e gas oli ne and .lI s, t e r b a lf. " I t hink I ha d bette r l ee the " ....... m for" 10D& tlmn with .. ..,.ffely IODhined . - - 1.lnimr.n t a nd n ow I a m a ble t o be abotltand c a n cre Rce nt-8b a pf' d collec tin g 100 lv es . C(l l: ne ('ts tbe ba tt e r y and ma p; tl et o Ie d oct or abo ut my Den r lng." c" ...e I Uli nl< you d e.s.,ye alot at credit tor patti" • -w hIc h hav(' a n upturn ed bac k a bo ut 1\ n AW lo , e n t lo n t o fo il nut umo bllc " )I;o n scnse. " r e torle () th e tlgbt one. m Ark et anti I fIIl olt ulw a,. talte ttrao to .CCOCIUD' CIuu. a-... &"'- M IL •. Illl In c h hi g h t o pre Te nt the j ulco from thJe v(,1>. your h eari ng Is as a cu te a8 ever . drQP pln g off A& Boon a a a knlre Is A w indo w rec en tl y pa t e nt e d by B . W h a t put Iha t id ea 1010 ),o ur b ea d?" full It Is h andod to lh c o wn e r o r the F r e n c h In v('n tor r o n s l ~ l ~ o r. a n um ber "Well." wns t he r es ponse. " th ey fl eld o r hi lt fo r e man. wb o I'ta nda of pi vot ed se ,'Llon H. wh ir' h may I,c , ·Ra Y tb nt mo ne y t a lk o. but I hayen' t a mo n g t h .. eo ll ect DT9 to ace th ll t n on o move d 10 any Ill' s ireti :1111,; 11' by pU Jl " h e ard It say a thin g (o r montbs ." o f th e pr.,('\ ou s d r o pR are hidd e n a way In!; a c ha in. by t he wo r k .. rs to In c r e nse tb e lr dailY G ov.~ rnme nt hort l(' tllturl s t s a t Wa s h. I Importent to Mothore E xamin e cal-efull y every bottle of ...·alles. A~ Boon aB th e mornln g's Ingto n a re t ry ing t o d evelo p n r osl' CA S TORllA. a sare and sure remedy for w o rk Is o\'<'r. thp. n el() s a r e d ebe rted thn t will grow lu tbe Un llpd S ta t e s Intantl! and cblldren. and lee that It untli t h e II tt e r noon. wb e n ne w Inclrrom wb lcb a lt a r of rose cll n be diS" ~ CORWIN~-lOHIO. slons h e v" to be mad e . E ach pl a nt IB til led Deare t h e y#-+--#- _ .,.,-.. tapp c r! tw ice. a nd a lar ge popp y-h ead . . S ig naturE' of • • ~ gI ves from tw e nty to tblrty grains of How the End W ill Come. 1 In U se F ,or Over 30 Ysara. opium . A fow days a r e s umcl e nt to '''' e prot o'sBnr of n at ural phe no mpn u Children Cry f or Fletcher's Castoria finl sb a fl plll ; th e n th e poppy h eads h od acquired a gasol ln o ca r . "Th e d ay I are le tt alo ne and. robbed of th e ir Is com ing." b e s nld t o h is clns s 11 fe w . Whole Bill of Filre. nouri shIn g juice, tbe sun drI eR them w"' ll k s lalc r . " whe n th e t ir e w ill s ag : "The tro u bl e wi th Ho m e fo lks ." su,e up. Tn a fcw days th e y b egin to a nd pu nc tu res pie rc e t.he Inn e r tub e a W hit sett ph iloso pher. " 18 that tb ey Ilhrlnk an d chBD ge eolor. and w h en an d tb e cas in g bli s t e r- a n d th " n this Wil Dt t o c le ml up the P rospe rity lo/" th ey fire Quite withe r ed and b ave a llold en rtb of ours w ill ha ve B blowout a t o ne s itti ng . and pre ll y 8000 .,,"--(!lime d a ye llow bro wni s h tint th ey , that may s huk e l b e Dog St ar rrom lle no thi ng lett for tb e d inn er botb l ng bet for ." ""8, Waynes gath e red b y cblldre n. collecl e d In k enn e l and burl tb e Dioper to kllll:tly P hone 26 2, b eaps on a s uitable spot aDd th res hed : dom co me !" II ou t .wl111 long, eUcks by wom e n . The ~ Ungrate·n~ e. n 1 leed Is th f' n winnowed prepara tory to ' Excellent Precepta. "\~hal b ec am e °5tellrs and 1 extra It.r sale and ell port. It contain s about: Charlecote Park. Warwickshire . Eng· rr 'ou would r e lish your food. labor no::? ,o!h Cow. Inquire of torty pe r ce nt. of oil, whi ch 18 largely. land.-Ie the place ID ....·hlcb. according ror It: If you would e njoy th e raime nt. The nlOn keY.:&r, Harveysburg Ohio "sed In F ra nce and othe r co untri e s In to tradition. WIlliam Shake l!peare In- pay for It b e ror e you wear It ; If you I ho no t-. d e cll l1f 111 . . 1. ', the ]llace of olive oil. which It r eo dul,ed In poacblDg. Tbe great gale B would s leep Boundly , take a clear COD· Co u lua vnn J ARD , a bargalD if 80ld at lIembles c losely . It contain II no opl- of th e park are here pictured. scie nce to be d with you. I.t(l~ Co,,". Inquire of Mrs. R07 ~~~_~".,....,......,..~V'V-~~----V'V-,.....~-~-"" """..,...,..,~_ _V'V_~""-'_"" (<<tina olvetb. n 19





t~ ~. :lr~I ): I


V('~S,, 1 9






a :ll~~o

Pain in Back and Rheumatism









Rheumatism, Sprains Backache, Neuralgia







'f nJl~" Rates.



~'r .Racme



Automobile Tires.

Have your Sale:B ills Printed at the Gazette ··~ Office.



at Rea-






. . . _V'V. . . .


. . . . .___

th e co bwe b ga m e _ Each little girl \ d n11s . E uch II ttl 0 dress Is la beled. , II! g ive n the e nd of a colored cord . W hile the g ood tim e ts .:olnR t>n In tha Amus ement Afforded Little Folka by which ts wou nd ID and out RI mucb of dining room. whe r e tbe doll lee are I' Having Doll Hunt-Little Ginger th e hous e as lhe 'bORLeS S sees ti t. At dressed. r e fres hm e nts a r e ee rved. Bread Doll. a. Souvenir.. the end ot eacb ttring Is a glrl's Lame, Eac h c blld's place ' s m arke d by a pam eaning t he name ot t ho dolly. All pe r doll wltb he r Dame upon It. LlttLll' A ve r y cl e ver and IDlerest!n g m oo· of tbe s trin gs are gath e re d in th o .p ar· gln g"r bread do lls a r e g ive n [IS sA' n c r In which t <1 entertain child ren at lor tram whlcb point the hunt starts venin . _ unt. and each mUe girl nnds a pr etty. . !!AI l\ chll .. ··s party Is to have a doll h !.>AIt'ttle glrl il n e ve r have enou g h doilies. tboug h not ex ~nslve. doll waIting tor Not Society'" Faull••CIALien, find 80 no be Ue r plan could be fo u nd h e r . Th e etring the n leads Into the Glbbe- How did that rlcb.... ,rio OA. t)lan to send thelll on a bunt, at the dln lDg rom, wbere a little cJothfl.8 line age to ge t Introduced IntlllAIl NOnT , -end ot whic h a . 1!tU~ doll Ia the ' re- 1& stretched out. and on It . II pInned -' HlhbiJ-He waaD't ~~INO OOLUM.. .... ~. Thll hunt la ooth. ~me order the clothea beloqlnc to the ftl'loUl • .,. Jlijected. -Juct."p'y FREE . lit OUPIt...



0IALE ' PIGS-a. f~w oholce f 11 ne " blo oded Duroo PI~& . rDqU~e allf l.'had Zimmerman WayneevtUe Ohio. ' n 26



I will continue to do Roofial aad SpoutlD, at Reasonable ~i«:e:& CaD 011 me at -mY- home, or phone 144y.. and I· WI11 wltb you . ~ ~ '·1 '. t: ':; . •


. Mare, t yeult old, pertOO&ly IQIltle, work an:v",bere, not afraid of auto. Vacabt 10* til Da:vf DI0817 I~Sed will t~e the 1 tC:; for ' 'arm .tOok. 'Jildgar 8t1D~OIi ,

Ban-,barR Ohlo PboDI ~7 a

-" .



• . :u


J. E. ~~4:ZIER

lSc"orepe hundred, plain, white paper nllpkln8; 10 deelgol! 6'1) per dOl8n, at thl. bmw. 50 b IIIh e I8 0 f Oat.. . J'amily


........ .,



Waynesville, ,\'




R ESOL 1I0 ,


\\' llu r nI14 , III " III1:n I·,d a llli 111 11 m I "' «ll ar« "t I\ ny !Jud y l f Darky's OpIn ion a. to Burial Place of A.pos1.le_Po8 slbl y the ProfeaaoT 11 1t' n lind '," lIl ,,'1l ""ql1;rfl tll ti t I llnv S aI d Fos si l•. 1'1 11 .1' 1\4 Will i , .~

A Glimpse of California for You Would yo u lik e tu set' ~ n lll e o f th .' wonders of C al ifu rn ia '~ Have n ·t yo u heen d rt'aming aboul tilt' (; Il IJe11 . tall' for a IO IJ ~ whil p; Wo uldn' t vou like t n s'''' \\'i th nJU r " "'n '\'. ,~ ,.O I Il U lI f the wo rld' · famou s resort>' an d hll tl,I,'.' - \"''< ,uldll·t- HILI like t o k no \\' how to St' e and I;!nj"y t h e~l' b ig. h (,I.~lJi tillJ I ~, hlllJl t'1 iku h otpl,,? Wou ld n ' t ,','ll like til I,'u k at the Krl'l'n I.i ll" an d ~iIltil ­ ing va ll eys , t h,' fra~ran t o rall$<t' )~r,, '· <''' , the: fu l!-:; a L pl a y in the winlerl ess parad ise of th e I'auli.: ~

How to Bring California to


I !


.t l l d l l ...


If yo u will ~ I 'nd u,. le n ·('tll s IlI l're l.v to ('over co~t of mailill l<. we (\.·ill "",nd .' ·IIU fn'., H I"lok l!:! t d esc rip t iv' of Ca liforni ll' s fam ,m,. r L!~ , ) rl " all d in atldiL ill ll thp bil{ Chri s tm a.~ Numbe r o f. I ' S ,, ~:T MAt;A ZI:>:t.; with a b ig- s l o r), o f the progre:IS o f t'h A Panama · Pac ifi c Int e rna ti o na l Expus ition and furth e r \' ie W8 of thi " Pa cifi c C.. ast wond e rla nd . B e s ure to mention thi., lI ew~ pap e r and add rc~s your le t t e l' to Y<!S, that is possible .


SUNSET MAGAZINE, San Francisco, California






ww w w


IWc:::~ wa;;:-v:~ a-nor; :~:f~r:n erl

--I n tb e nllltter o r the wi ll of Marv b d e06llse. In tbe matter of tbe estllte 0 f R n o, W I'II II d m t tt eu., t 'v d ,: obD M . Jones, deoeased. Estate pro b Il t e . . oily administered. [11 the matter of th e· e~ ta l l' of In 'he mlltter 01 tbe e8hle of Robert I::iburtll, deo(1I\!I(lo . Fir!!t. and I· mmll Bu1se, deoeased, Chlim for lfinllllloconnt flied nnu orderfJU ~ u~ ~ :119. 11 I&gllinst said estate al)owed, pended ,·tlme \0 be eettled wben exeoutor In tbe mlitter of the wi ll of tSte ph. '!.akee :li.trlbuUon of hiH return!! . e n i.;oton , decenserl . WIll lldmlttell In the maltllr of tbe estate of A . to probute . Amund" Euton, wi (I'Jw , I'. Dearth,deoellsed, Firstandfinal eleoted to tl1ke uoder will . Wm ;Account filed and ordered luspended . Eotnu 'lppo inte d exeou t o r . No bo nd In tbe matter of tbe estate of reqoired lu veut.lry Rnd a Jlprail!e. .\mbr088 T , Deatb, deceased. In · m e nt o mlttOlI . ~en'ory and appraisement filed. In tbe matter of tht! estate of In tbe matter of tbe esta.te of James MoMnlJen , deoea!!ed . PrivBte c1artba A . Hp noe, deoeased . Adah sale oo nfirmed and npproTed . A. Batfield appointed auminlstra. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Il'lx. Bond $.60. Sl1mnel I::iidi\s, d eclln(,led. Private the matter of tbe estate ot 8ale of two notes belonging to lmid .Nlobollo8 Arohdeaoon, deoeased . estllte for Cllsh ord ered , 10 the matter of Jllm es LIlfferty . l' rtva&e aale of peraonlll property :.rdered. Same found to be insan e. ApplioaIn tbe maUer of the estl&te of tion for admission to Dayton I:)tate Mary,M. Corwin, deceased, 'l'homll~ H os pital made . E. l:loo~el·, exeoutor, Court deoldes FraDk Ludlum a8 I1dminllltrlltor tba'leiaolEIII speoUled In 8aid l8st of tbe e~tllte of Ru'h E. Ludlum, .. mare lobjeo~ to Collateral Inherl. d e oeased , Plaintiff vs . Robert E • aJU)8 Tax, Ludlum et al defendants Appraise E. O. Donham, all exeoutor of ment ot property in this Dause ap. oIol8ph B. Frenoh, deceased, plain. proved. Publio sille ordered. tiff 'VI, Julia B, FreDoQ, at a!. De · lendanu. tloott GuUery, William r, Moank and Joseph Nioholson Henry Franken burg Jr,. brake 'PPOlDSed appraisers, Private saJe man of Cozaddale to Ida ! 'lie Car. ordel"ld. roll, of Morrow. Rev. G . E. Uowdy . Henry Reid, adm ., eio. of Loulle Cyrus C . NUll, steeJworker and Lludeaann, deceued. &Ie of rea Ethel Todd SImp80n, both of . • &ate oonfirmed and approved, Franklin, Rev, D. G . 8mi&b. Uiatrlbution ordered, Freu H, Humphrevs, farmer of J, W. NewmaD, adm" of T . L. Clarksville to Olivia L. ColUs, of .8rown, deoued, plalntUf VI. Annie Morrow. Rev. Arthur Uooper. L. Brown, e$ al defendants. J!'ir8t Grover Edward Wayner, farmer lien amoon'lDg ~o J4I8' III with in. of Millmisburg to Jane C. Mo · \eretl~, held by ~he MethodIst Bome Uabe, of Fre nklin . Rev. Norman II' 'be Aged, ordered paid . . furtber Hweat . b rtbottOD beld tm further order John U. Bell, printer and Mollie & l~ oODr', Thompson, both of Lebanon. Rev. ~~"e maUer of tbe estate ot John A. MoKamy, .:~ i.te B, Rhoemaker, deceased , Granv!lJe E. Fisher, farmer of Gun, ir... Monroe appotnted ad. Lilpel, Ind, to Mrs, . Rllohel C, .1'erytblng, ~nDd $3.0, Re'arDlng I:!tevens, of Morrow, Rev. A. .1. mouoted An d ,'.nd appraisement Ke8tle, ::-lesor~'~-~~~r~g John A. Allen to Nel)!e S. Hill, aD onttre black ct,the estate of A . both of Waynesville, Hev. Arthor I own he was (ri '1. Firs' IlDd Cooper. "Add a good pay·dltY Td ad Clift'ord B, 8tamm, plasterer to suspo cket. and d'y e Ihlnk er Mabel Ridinger, bot·h of Franklin . them t welv e ap08tl IJ8 (o r know wbat glor y Is ' ''''al'.'tate of Rev . A. J, Ke8tle, It mostly cOIIslsts of belug y 'l'he Virgil A . tlhafor, f"rmer of Mon · TIme I ~ Il "ak ot, our ou , ' '1 rne, to Hazel Stabler, of Ma.son . turn ed over three (hou~and b. raev. U. ~. Barron, long-born s to Ih o Circle S and I " '" , rigbt InlO Abll ~ ne. Thar we woP 10 Paul ~ , PeterRon, auto buslDes'l take th o Irntn tor our home rancb tf ' ~ VIl11ey, to Helen Barris, of rn a ,_-8burg, Rev. b Given, w w

Probate Court

w"r)\.; nil I , \\· 11 ... .... ' :- . li t-! I ' Xl' l't-~ i Of· ;)" :\ ,1I1rk ." Fc'rVll lll ill !l it,,, u ' I , h i lI" 4\ , ' '1 1l~l t llt ' r PI' 1 :1 n .. !, ,j lIr,j' , l" ,Jugi ~ t Ii' . ~~lt · \ ., I : ll l lr , \ \ I • r ~ ' I I I ' ! \ \' ~ Itl 1\ ' <

:I. • .

- 1 . < .:.

" qIHJll(l!~





the empl oy of \\' :1'

tel ling a

The SA FE boys' ma!,;:tzine l wd.! IR On l !! ' "'0 . I ~1 ~ • b(Jllh lul b." " ' v",1 It. y 'IjJ .1 y ear

II I 1 ' 1l \' .'r~a l ll ' lJ h., hau overl "t \\ l '\ " \ hi~ tll !lJ ,lo \'l' r and a

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' •.' :"':, : .' : I,· . "I " "." \ 11 "1 " II ' , " 'I""lili(' ..,tll ,·aglll: willi I'~r~renoo to l' 1 " r lt ~ III Il1u ]> 1 1 l'u~ '. illl~ IIt t\,,~ rn ' , ,' rtlll ii i lul" ,rllult cl i ~l:o l'eries . tl 'll v lll lq.:I' ~ " r thl~ ('0\)0 1.1" ti l' lU llIl,l , " 11,' p rnf".Hor," haiJ (he darky, rl' ""on ll lol ,, hon r,.. II ~ (' I'\' II''' In n nl ... r " \l U.~ 'Illy ill' d at d l' bones he fio ds in Ihll l, tllf'\' 1111\ hll \' e 111 0 1'1' 11111" t il ' Ib,' ,'uve in ti t' go uth was thc • Postlea' "'pund w a h 11I " lr f" lt . l li ('~ 111101 In 1" 'Ill's. H o\\' l'nn he tell de ' Postles' re Cl'€lII ti" n ; t h " r " f."., I ll' It fI'~u l " p.} h "' Ue'li frnlll d e bo ul's of un)' other th il l, !J ill " 'lIr r, ' n ('''ll llt y ~I t'd l(' ,d III "U at' s whnt 1 wants to know!" ~"' (,I e ty h narlilv , 'rlll , ' r ~l'~ 'Inl' W e'll " '\\"(,11 ," ~ ni d th c dnrky'8 friend. Ulrf'c ted u w v" "\I ' ,, 1 ( h ,d w ,11 " lIr ho] "i'tl'r II pl'riorl of deep reflect ion, th o w')rl\ l'l ~ " " Il ,,'" IIf th " ~ " Il n;; "1I111Y bc you r ho~s h as done fo und de Ill ,' n I,n l.l Yllll n ~ \\, ,' II II 'n l'IIII" "y ",1 (; llrti '!Jl of Edell , Rnd de 'Pos tles' in " ' tl r e~. wl tlll u n'"~ " Il "ld, I, ,,,i tf! . ]''' ilL'S was dl'.TC. \\'herc sho uld de We f u rtli or 'l"' ~ nr (' " Il r 1I, I'I'(' ll<ln\./I ' P0811cs' bones be if it wasn't in de 'hil t W II w ill Ilppr "" llI ltI lilly Mllori · (l aMe n of Eden ?"- lliUJItrated Sunl i(' , · ~ thll t Ih ,' v 1111,,· mllk !1 ILl ltl tll.l, ' r tiny Mllg3zine . l! 'JIltilll ll"'" , ,t I'VlII:': III, tt Ar hv till! l'(J n~ln ~ \\ " Ii "I ~ h i w 'r k IInll W ll WHO DISCOVERED ACETYLENE? Will gltlLl lv . 11 ,',' ' I'I ""Y' . Ill OllIH' t1nl Atl r e The discovery of a cetylene gus waa tllttt m ll .v fl' . 1,lt t,l 11'" II ~ pll t r uu ~ of a nnounced as n ew by Bdmond Dacy, tllO lr UU "lt1 P,," Ir " \l· {'~ in the reports of the British Association in 1836. The material 'fhich Vcdarc V~; nr o n Cold s gives out the gas, CAlcium carbide, A ,' rtl HIII I" nf N!nC'A t;on wbl r h was prepared aa ea rly ns 1861 by the II I W" "thll t ,''''lItu o n cnld .. m"y 1m Va r ious CO W tl Un OOllllll on \\' 1t.llIn t h ll uex t. German chemist, W ohl er. g.1t1 t'\ T/t t·ion " h ll~ be.lO begun by cflIbides were obtained by other e xprow I n e u t N ow Y Ilrk p h YIIIOll1oll . perimenters and were used in labora· l:l e re 1>< 11 list of 'tiont's" wb loh the tories for the production of acetylene u oot.nrH ,NY Will prevfl nt tbe f1.nnnlll gila. Moisssn, D ecemher 12, 1892, vi" Ilf tir e (' ul (1 : presented to the French Academy of " Von ' t fl It In n t1mng lJty olir." :Sciences calci um carbide obtained in (lon 't stoep in ho+ roon:s " "Olln't " volLl t·h n frAMb flir . .. the electric fUf08ee. On this side " Don ' t lltutf \' ou r ~elt Il l. ro eal time . 'rhomas L. Wil son, a Uui ted States Ov(, r .llltt,ing rotluoe:! your rU!!llItexperimental ist, n ot only p rod uced no ce . I ' To wbioh we w ould Ildd - when ealcium carbide in the (']cc(ric fur· you tuk e IL o()ld g fJ t r id of it I\S naCl!, but 811 w its commercia! possiquIck ly as p ossihle. T o Il coo moli~h bilities. tb"t you wil l flnd Chamberlllio's I CouglJ R em edy m ost exoellent. I WHY'WASTE TWO STRIKES? t:lo ld by n il dealeri' ,

J\ I I I " ':, f t. r rll l 1.,, \ ...

ndl . I. 1 " 1" ' 1" -" , ' ,,," 11 " "

t ,ll " , " th h ·t l" H" hl ",I.,,': . to. h, ~ d I ,' ,., '\ r lll. ' 11 I .., IIIn-<t ItI"llu Jrl r ,...,,,"' , l, lth lN, I n .. l nll'l !\, ' .. ,,, .,.I :d

I lr tldtfl', F i ll l! " r H .' I.·,. " " flln~ hll ll ll ll , 1 pl )lI ' " ''l'I'rI ~. I )j · l l lIr l, II '' ' l< t ~ ~ 1 ,,, ' h l\lI ~ . · t' . HIt ·.'lrl.-! I !> ,


I h' l l. '~ n ' I I II Y . " UI' II!.. r ~ , ' h 'I It·. " Il n \\ 1,1) .\I" k'l


'Thillu". HII\ IIl I) t ','1 1, l'l.III U, ~ · hl. ' k' · II ~. 11",. ett' u ltt g, • ""')IlL'I"''' n u tt t'u t u r :d \ \I l lll ,I"r1I,

The American Hny I«' gllb r pri ...,,·

$ f.UU

Thc Miumi Gazt Hc ({cg llla .. I, .. il·"

Walter McClure


- -- .......

114 11

:~~:t'I\' I~I I\'i.~~:III}.I',~ ..~::~;::~I~~:II~:\,.~\: ,;';,::~';'i·.~, :i ~ : ::~:

Funeral Director. Telephone day or night, Valley pho lle No . 'I. Long Di!!tanoe N o tl9-2r.


Automobile Service at all Times



Branch Office, Harveysbu!lr. O.

Public Sales

I wIt! offer at publio lIale at -my farUl 0 11 th e Oregoniu and Hllrveys. burg pike, :! mil !!11 north of Ore,:onlu. and. miles s outh uf Hfl.rveysburg, on ii. HATHAWAY Wednesday, November 26, 1913 ,v R ,Y Ges ville's Letldinp: DenSII' At 10 o'cle,ok 1\ m. , hurlle!', cattle, Office in Keys Bldg. Main 8t fllrm ing Implements and household goods. I::iee lar ge bit Is for terms, I 'I'he cowboys were having 11 baseDennis I:)hllnnahlln ball game d own in Texas, A big , BARNHART, bushy ranger clouted the first ball Wm Mill~, Auot, W , E O'Neflll, Clerk, over for 8 home rWl. Inst cnd of cirNotary Public clin.g 'the bases, however, he waiteu I wi1l1!ell atpublio .. uotlon lit my for the pitcher to deliver another All kinds of N'ltory Work . Pension residence 2,Y. wiles Ronth- ~,.t of W o rk R I:ip"ol~lt:v. ball.. Centerville on thd Robert W!l1iotll "Why,don' t you run?" the crowd 80n farm on shouted. Wednesday, November 26, 1913 , "Got two more strikca yct."-Evcrybody's Magazine, At 9 o 'olo:)k a , m., borses. outtle, I hogs, sbeep, fl\r~lng Implemllntll, PLEASURE OF PURSUIT. hou8eboll goods. 6,0 large bills Funeral Dirtctor and Embalmer, I for te~ms Earl A. WilIt&mAon i "'D o you think your wife will be J, E Bime!!! Clllril . Waynesville, Ohio. ,h an-py when,she geta the vote?" A A, McNeil, Auot,




~ ~ -- -

CaU5& and Eff&ct. "It Is ver y curious to me," saId SIIther8, "w hat a mU61cal vplce Mrs. lJl'tghteyes ha s, IIl1d yet wbeuever she spea ks In I,' rench It Is hard nnd ras ping-almos t me lalttc." "O h, tbat'~ only ns turnl ,' suld BIngo. "You see • Mrs. lJrlgbteycH Ips rn ed F'rench by phonograph, and sho hIlS mlstaktm tbe Im per fectioLls of the record s Cor aece ot."-Judge. When the Eyes Are Gray. Among the gruy eyod there a re few who retain nny s pirItual elllotloDs. Poople with gray eyos are superficIal, frivolous, give n to (·' mbraco fa lse Idols, runnIng duwn bliud Alleys, following faJse proph ets; tbough tless, luconslderate. wanting In aYlll)Jlilhy. neurotic, unstable, not firm and deliberate. but ras b a ad I mpe Luous.

E. v.



l' J

I '~['m afraid she won't," repIled Call ans wered promptly day or niR'ht, :Mr. Meekton. "Merely going to the As I am going to qnit !armin~, I Both phones in Office and Residence. polls IUld casting a ballot will 8ccm will offllr 11.' publlo sale tlt tb 6 long distance. No. 14; Home phone 'pretty'tame compared to organizing Mllblon Ridge farm, 3 mill'S ea!!t of 14-2r Ithese great sWfrage demonst.ra,;. Waynesville,on the I llllrksvllJe road, Chal'rs and one Coach furnished free • • • tiona.'" Wednesday December 3, 1913 with fune~als. , Best' of servIce guaranteed . A Ni~ht of Terror I I Commenolng I\t 10 0 clook 1\ . m" ENTERPRISE. 5 borlle8 6 cattle, larming Imple. ~============~ Few nights arl'! more terrible ~han ments, hoollehold gooda, :-:lee big that of tl mother lookin~ on h e r "13ir,\you:were hugging my daughohlld clioking Ilnd gl1spiol/: for b!ll8 for terms, Artb or W oolt1fd hreuth during Iln at.ta ok of oroup, ter!' William Mills, Auot.. and nothing in the hOll!le to relieve "Well" sir, you told me yourself W . E, O'Neall, Clerk, Osteopathic Physician It . MallY m ot,hers htlv61 passed never to.let Blip the chance of em.... - - --:.' 21 Broadway Phone 449 nights of te rror in this situation . bl'llcing IUl<DPp0rtunity." - Baltimore A little foret,houg ht \'fill ",nable you Mean Farmer, Lebanon, Ohio to avoid IlI1 tbie, (Jhawberlain's !America.n. The mellnest mnn on record Is saId (Jough R emedy ill fI. oertain Clue for I ·to be 0 farmer. who lives 10 Knosae. DESCRIBED. croup and has never been known to He sold hlB Boo-In-Iaw one balf a cow BRANCH OFFICE \ hI!, Keep it at ho,nd. For sale by and then refused to divIde tbe milk, Waynesville, Ohio all deall'!r8 , ("What ~ do you think of BinkB' malntalntng that he Bold only the . e?" front hair. The buyer was also re- Tuesdays and Friday!!, from ,8:30 --I QuIred to provide the feed · the cow Must Be StrIven For. I "BhedookB to me like Binks to 12 o'clock consume d and compelled to carry waThe o ld saw runs. "Sweetest nuts 'ried forlmoney." I . _ _ _ _ _ ter to h er tbree UmeB a day . Receot· Office, corner Main aod High streets bave hllrd e~t s he ll s." This, we suply the cow hooked the old man, nod Phone No , 100 pose, Is a quulnt wily of saying thllt now be Is Bulng his son-In-law for I~XTlREM~LY UP TO DATE. eve:-ythlng wortil the having requires damages. both putns and strlllns to acquire. ... M1'8 • .~ Stanlec-Aro they up to The gold ts nol obtained until the rocks are crushed a nd the fircs are ap- date? Had the Last Word. pli ed. The bes t fru ltB or Ii>srliing are Two ladles, during a friendly meet.Mrs. lRedding-Wby, rn' d ear, she obta ioed uft er gr eut expense of time. Veterlnarv hired two mUJIica! cooks, so they jng on tho street, got to Quarreltog lubor and Inv e8t1!';u tton. about their nges, and ' used ve ry strODg could hawe cabaret in thcir diningJust• - -- - langullge toward each other. At last, Graduate of Obio Slu(. tlnivenlh· troduce ~ rOOII!. Lambasted, as If to eod tbe dis pute, ooe of them " here's S ... -V Child Has Worms f-------A new traIn er was engaged for the turned away und said In a very can· Qualnte!! ." ONhHE CIRCUS TRAIN. clliatory tone of voice: " Let us oot Office at fedidence in 1", USher· She Rtoppe'il> '11. a flushed faoe, cIrcus and wall told to put a lion and qUllrrel ov er tbe matter IlOY more. I. Allpp" r. and \'e lv etl:, k~n~ tb~ nOlie, a la mb through an ac t. He seomed wood's house, Fourth Street, '''.I'he lelcpbn.nt is smaahing up at lellst, have oot the heart to do It. at l'ontC' mpt. • .loatlOn8 of ne rvous, an d the nHxt his boss asked "Another damned ~. KiIJer is him bow he ~ot along with the savage thinge in, the car and we can't find I never knew who my mother was; Telephone 28 .he deserted me when a b~by, and, £Ind Bull waa holdl ~ Ie for 1100. "Sur E>, th e I\on didn't bother his t:rainer." knows but thnt you mllY bave Waynesville. lor hpr cigarette. "Is It SIlV ~ "ms me much ," he sai d, " but th a t durned Ohio "Then ~t the baggage master to wbo been the heartless parenU" n ddf~o. .~r\ . lamb butted the da ylights out of me!" check the elephant's mmk." I "unld,,·t s peak. I wanted tD • hor huw I dpRplsed 1111 the re/lrio_. How Cat Caused FIre, Appropriate Prnent. RMN OF"WHITE BUTTERFLIES. 1'" ~e"n, th " bl.,;ots It mnde. aD' the ''';'' Aaused n ti re III . a dwelling DR. J. W. MILLER, Mrs. Pozozzle Is discouraged In her cowarria. I'd rath er burn wltb tile touc~ · _ '''rt Glusgow, (Henfrew). reefforts to teacb polite tllble manners White~buttei'flie8 feU during B re- to ber husband , "I thInk," she sllid gOlllR thnll bl ea t amoDg the sheep a tunera,. ,t clnrl cr Fell 011 tho cat ••. DENTIST••• evt-' n now , It was tt...r the hearth. The ant- cent violen:tl8torm at Bernay, France. to Mr. Pozozzle at breakfast the otber " Oll, tbat's n:l ri ght, I be ll," she aald me. I know. the bed, aDd the clll- The streets were covered by the in- mornIng. "( shall give you a nose-bag omce ID ap. though ehe anaw",red me, and (~flnk best man, c lslI 'l clotlliog aod set Waynesville. 0 for your birthday." Na&loDal BaAl< BldI!aeeta to.a dIlpth of two inches, "8uI aR /I man Hhl! guv" he r hllnd to 6hak(' . gnvl! him . "(;ond stUllt uf min e, eh or' Allhough t het yuu I'd marl . - - PA~MOWS £VERYTHING. I o wn I'd ttk £! to hav p. that cros ~ !ltag L~ IJl a """ek . You ow . IIIrH." I IInw the jok!! manu ged ," Sh e IlR ~sl' (1 th., weathe r. admIred Tl · I caml' to marrlagll 'lull and' Wffiie.-.\Paw, how can you mea&Veiled "lnJunal" and Stampeded. f;"r, latkrd Browns and JODea wllb bear, or wolf, or fox, .expo \ipa'ed, urethe llig'ht of time? Pa:w--&'rrow $50 on a 30-day 40wn l!Outh, lind I hoped to get back Hu ll. I ufIIln g ber back on m€', asked my mllte th e same as rnA, "blets of lito, true to the en· Tor . ftM'" I eo my dog pup Ruckyfe ller. A!1" yet hir:t 10 Blippe r. wfllk ed orr with nlm giver f!!11 rlcs s III doln' rtgbt. ,my: 8011. Live Stock and General A,uctioneer N nrover before been on a raJlroad , an' t.hat'6 all. F.g g· 8h.~ lIB thro \v 'd In t'olks snld I was yotmg to mtl ------aDd dread(>d th e boys would find out th p. as h·hea p may fen l tlke I dId tn p. n nlncteen, but full nIne yean fTHE POINT. Nohody lo v .~ d m p. , ' our wny bow Bcar'cd I W Uf! o( trains. Posted on pedigrees add values of all (1arned my living, fought my WilY . I i herd, Inquirln ' pltl!oUB for fnod an I Ut In Abilene wltb it blusb, Bod dono my llhure of maktng happlne': "Did tliat\fellow in.eult you by 01kinds of breeding stock. WIlH drunk wate r. Our boys, of course, Ja-t stood TOoled while a guy seiling hy th en, jus t slee pln' whor th!1y'd f,,11. I'd ooen se rved wltb a mouth tu. uing you.a .drink?" pld watch es reads my name graved Experienced in handling farm sales since wldll f!ll!)ugb for laugbln', a t~ "'hlclr :Y'M he<jCfid!' " tbe saddlc, and then uddreslh!s me. 60 I WIIS dpHolato 11 3 n moonlit dog mado roills timHe when J was lIad, eyes ':~ , • • . insul _ howl. rldln ' hArd with my nl,r<;ht h') M; P . 1905. ' , I ', . )fldter Smith. Ot!! Plcfllce, selired LO spe fun. tbe heart tD take. joke b)I<!,t did,you swallow the tf , tIM' my morflls, dId kick this person wb a:r PollY'S little hnm e gtowed Ih:btF I( B IIY o.!fered, and when tblngr, hurt, I plac!" _ ,'l. ' ' --~ ' across tbe prairIe. I see n 'pull Bnll the ....den and fl evere, but ail the same TII'dIS Reasonable. Z-:- ,Satfsfactlon~uari~tee4 pre'l.c her lellvo tbere toward mldnlgbt. , 'asn't tlrst tD squeal. No: as long a8 or' olb 1UfaHtR'8TANDING. , " Cllat Ml6t er weDt to my hea d. '. hc Joke was on me I dono my best to of' the b.. ' . . ' . n" ~ _, . walkJo' 80rt 'of extravagant lolO town The Bmell of Int2')ore made my stom· Tbe IIgbta w ~ ol out. Then Urnes I'd tatte It 1H(S a. man: wm be gh,TiS DO ju~ f~. ' GRADtTA.'l'B· OJ'. TBlII • -. . . !loTI light ove r while ·we ranged , WaY~4e8vllle,., ()hio . Out suppole -Well, I'd beat e,ltJllaln tb,e apect~lIj~ best ~" - . '. . , ,' teke Bome sl eep, or times rid" b.. ,d , . . . , . -il brave at the bllr for. a Ilrst drink. guarding I.hat the lijngllih tenderfoot' waa at our In oth"r p. a ~s. ' .. . ' . "';:' , •. ,, / .• .A.TlOlfAL AV0TI9N, lItUe bouBe, till tbe cold . valley TcJcpboDe.4S-3r _\ .n e raw rye t't!lt like fiames, tbougb came, till ber For eX!';mp,~, . ~ '. . .. BB OOLo. ..... ~' ~e dawn broke~ till thf' IUD wedding breakfast, and .getUn' encour~ lIreeerved cbom: I\ftoat I~ It tasted Aged. ,be put up hla belt PM", 'joke) red worated IU¥I~ . ' • eejnlllar, like 8Oap. At tbe la1l1e 'tim e CAme up. . It was balt pa. brealdut when J He wa. all 1100;· boo, hoo( at hrat, 10 UIIOD It, · I01l~ 141 . . .Iabt of a lamblln& la,v-ou.l mllde the fellow wllWl till iId, ad , _ pocket . t1t1tcb, and 1'4. ... u.ward teeD Bull ap~ ~ ti1a 'Ueal Uke , . .. r~7 lut coulllA't


Dr. Heber M. Dill

-----. -

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- ----- ...


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... -.

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

---_. - ..----


N. Sears

AMI .....








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at tlBil inK l.u(' n l ~. vc r 11110 . . . . • .... .. . Ot, 11,,,,, 11111( l .u ril l• . b la c k r" ,' o. I",r IIlle . . . I lk: . '1l1&ilfl ed A dH. out. to OXl·t.-\OU Uve l i utilt Throe II1.fltlrUll o. . . . . . . . . ..... ~ 15c Uhltu n r ltJ8 . 11 \' 0 l " c ioUH r,..JO . (>\'or {J,·o Inc lo UH, I>Or HUh. • . • . • . . • • . . . . . lie 1.., nJ 0 1 Lho.uks .. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. l lle •. tt.tiolutiouH. . . . . . . .. . ..•. . . . ..••• • . • 60c

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NOV E MIIEl( 19.

I Dc

lUl l

Charaoter Told by the ChIn. The shap\) or tho chin Is or considerabl e ImportuncD In reading charllc, Jer. A cllin s mooth and round d&notes a chlldllkn di sposition and a yIelding will. Th e ol'ul chin Is an Indication or a n artistic, sensitive natu re. with sa rn o ta lent along thoae lines. while th " au gu lar cbln denotea the 8clent\llc. I,ruc tlcul nature. The protruding ch in Ill way s means corn· bativenoss. dtl turmlnlltion and power, and the rec<!d lll g chin denotes the weak w1ll. a nd tho s traight chin also denotes weakness.




The Rev . lrl/lt. Hloks I II 14 Al mllOac Is, now ready and will be mulled prepllld for :iGo. Profesllor Hioks' fine Magnzlne. Word flnd Works. for one year, and a oOI>y of ~hls Almanao for only one dollar. The plain l68sons on Rstronomy, and the oorroot foreoasts of storml, drouths, bllzzardl! and tornadoes, make these publloation!! a neoesslty in every home In America . Bend to Word and Works Publishing UJmpany, a 401 Franklin Av~nult tit . Loui8, Mo.


Peop/I! Worth WatchIng. There are certa.ln pereone whom physlognomlats say should be avoided by certain oth er persone. Thua, the talker Is warned to keep away trom the person with the overhanging torehead, tor he will prove exceedlnsl1 deep in argument. The buslnesa man 1& advised to watch cnretuUy when doallcg wltll the man with the reced· Ing roreheud nnd chin, the large, curved and promill ent noae. for he wlll prove shrewd In buslnes., ------_O~~


Golf an AncIent Game. One of tho tew publications Itlsued for extended circulation by the Brotbers or the Book Is enl1tued the Unk.a of Ancient Rome. It Is In LaUn, and purportll to show that the dignified game ot goIC wns played on early RoDlall greens by characters who are tamous In history. The Brothers of the Book la an organization or Idealists In Dlore or less widely separated cities, The headquarters are In Chicago.

.- .

Thl! AttractIon, A rather eccentric man, call1ni on

a family blessed by an obaervant little lion, wore kid glovee that had been cleaned. The little boy, seeming to ---be -mucli attracted by the visitor. Btayed close at his side. "You like t.c stand by Mr. Blank and hear his tunny Btorles, don't you, Jimmie?" preBently aaked Jhnmle's tather. "I .d on't care about hIs Itorles," replied the honest youngster, "but his hands smell just like our automobile."

.. -.

About the Human Eye. Greenish, hazel aud spotted e1ell are accompanied usually with shrewd. qUick. nervous, restle88 t!1mperaments. According to Protessor HudlQn. Aliatics wIth huel eyes are eunnlng and weasel-like. Contrary to ....the popular notion, persons with green eyes are too IndUferenl In passion t.c be at all jealous ot the opposite sex; they are, however, frequently envloua or their own.

Mr. ·and Mrs . U G . WbeLsel left Thursday for N ew Mexlca. Mr, Whetlllll 's health hilI! be en Tery poor for somt! t ime lind 'he trip Is made for tcbe betwrment of bis healtl,l . 'filelr IDliny friends tru!!t tbt'y DlIOY be lIur.caesful III their search . tSuperlO t end en t W fl8' and bis lady Ilssistants arb furnishing the paUonli a g ood s cbool Ilnd causing very little if any fllultfindlng . If this ooMlnoes to tbe ~nd they will be ectitled to a ohromo life IIlze . A very vellut.ifol wedding t.ook pilice here NOT6mber 11 at one of our mQ~t hosp" .. bIEl bomel. It being the dtlughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L . Barris of Rallt Main 8'I66t, to Plml Peterson, of Spring Valley, wher. he is engaged In boslnesl, Mr. anu Un. reterson bl\ ve the best wishes of this community. The M . .Ii: ohuroh under 'he oare ot Rev . GIOOml 18 bolrtlng a pro· trlloted meeting, the first servioes of tbe kind for two yean, owing to tl' e forUler pastors health being 110 bad that 1& kellt him from hill charge, Repor& reaohel UII 'hat Dr, Greenlee, at onfl time well known In thll! vicinity. Is Ilgaln marrlNl. U ill said to btl hiB third ven~ure. 8atisiaotion with our publlo amoen of the past must bave been pretty gimeral as there wall only one office tbat was ohanged leaving thlngs In the bliuds of 'he time tried and tested offioers . Mrs. l:ioaan Baydock aBd daughter Rarah , of New Burlington. are bere visiting litrs . Haydook's sister Mrs. Ibble Collett of West Main street. Dr, and Mrs. Randall bave finIsbed their improvements to their rellidenos whioh makes it very oonvenlent . .-. ,

A Consumptive Cough 'A cough that bothen you oon t\nually Is one of tbe danger Ilgn'le wbloh warns of consumption. Dr King's New OI80overy stop the ooogb. 10086n tbe ohes', banilh fever and le& you sleep peacefully. rhe firat dose cheoltl 'be .ymp', and lOve. promp' relief. Mrs A . I!'. Mertz, of Glen . Ellyn, Iowa, wrltea : "Dr. King 'II New DllIOOvery cured a I!tubborn oough after six weeks' doc'orlng falled \G help ., I'ry it, al It will do 'he Bame for vou Beet mediolne for oonlhl, 001011, throat and lunr 'roubles. 1.loney baok if It faU. . Price 500 & 1100. 1\1\ drngllistl!, hy mall, 8. JC Buoklen & G), Phlladelpbla or .. ,. Loull.

----..---New Burlington

Mrs. Klllender returned Son day trom Christ HoapUal where ehe bas been Sakinr treatmont tor 80ml 'Ime . . 'rhe t1rs~ number of tbe l80ture oouree "RIp Van Winkle" WIUl de· livered befOle a full hoose Tnellday evening of la8' week. Elmer 'AMar and fa"Dilyand Miss Flora harlan are guelts of friend, In Day&on. Harold t:;oammehorn hilS I'one to Lebanon where he haa • job wlt.h the Oregonia Bridge Co. Mn . Amy Lumpkin and son Albert are visiting relatives In Iowa A very enthusil1s\1c meeting W811 held in the 80hool houe Friday evening. Mlllll Bernice Hawkins, who has a po81&ion in a High Sohool a' Am· b.Br', Ohio, wal! spending ,he week eud In Clevelllnd when tha' oUy was villi ted by the blizzard Miss Bavykins was not able to get oot of t.btl olty until Thursday. '

Good In Everything. Bermon8 In stone8 and good ID .,.. IIrythlnl.-8hakespeare. t:!ta'e of OhiO, oity of 'folodo, t 88 Luca8 (:Joon'y, I Frank J . Vh',ney make. oatb 'bat he is 8enior par'oer of tbe firm of F. J . Oheney .~ Vo ., dOing b08ines!! in the City cit Toledo, (Jaunty and t:!tllte afore88id, Bnd that said firm wlll pay 'be sum of ONE HUNDRED uOuLARS tor ellob and evtlr.v ca86 of Catarrh that DallUOS be ourM by tbe use o. HALL'8 CATARRH OURB:. ~' aANK J . eBENEY Sworn to before we and lIub IIl1rtbed iu my presenoe, this 6th dav of lJeoem'ber, A. D 18S·6. (Seal) A . W GI.EAtlON, Notary Publio Ball '8 Oa~arrh ('ore Is takeo in· ternally-and le&8 dlUO"y upon tile. " blood .... d"'IIlJlcou · IOrfao. of 'h~ .y."'m. &snd ,or '-'bnoDIIIII•.frfttl. f. rJ OtlUIDY·"¥OO., '['Oledo! 0, , ~Id by',"ll>li,allll~ .760," \ . • ~. 'l'ak. IIAU' ...alldl7 Piili "fot co.. • ~Ipa~ ·" -

----- ..- - -Saved His Foot

B. D. Ely, of Bantam, 0., suffered from borrlbh~ uloer on hil! foot for four yearl!. Doctor advl8ed Itmpo tation, but he refused and reluatantly 'ried Buoklen's Arnioa Sal ve lUI a last rellOr', Be 'hen wrote: "I ull8d your IIIlve and my foot was soon oompletely cured. " remedy for bur os, ou~s, brolse. lind 8Ozema. Ge'" box totaay. Onlv 200, All druggtllts or by mall. 8. E Bu )klen & Co, Philadelphia or 8t. Loul8,


. -.

Proved an Un ..fe "Bank." . After secreting hili gold and Ill,.e~ In sackl of com In hili b.rnl, a wealthy landowner at · APclur&-80u.DIln, BaonlHlt·Lcrlre, France, torllettul of hi' savlngl, recently lent '$e corn to the village mill to be iJI'Ound Into ftour. The re8ult wall tbat all his tre&IUre wal ground to a powder. The inan bad I p[()found mlltrult of baDu.

.- ..

R ey . U. 8 .

Urau Hor,

~UUldlH· :"ic btJtl I. 0 . l ~

P .... t.or •

Caesar's Creek A pOl!t card eho,ver w \s given on Mrs . Minnie Cole man T hu r8day of las t wee k . Mr. and Mre, B. L , Surfo ce Il nu dau,bter Edna Annetta, of Be ll e fonlalne, Ohio, are the guests of Mrs . Surface 's I!ls ter Mrs W . E. Bogan. Mr . H orace ;Compton and fa m ily enter tilinfld lit SundllY dinnl'r Messrs . V irgo Mitchener and Her · man Jones. Mr . Ilnd Mrl' . J . S. LellDllng w er e shopping in Xe nia Fdday. The work of the bridge here hll !! been .delayed by the high wate rs from th e reoent rains. A tew of the nelghborll of Mrfl Mary Bogan gathered at her h o rne Wednellnay af\ernoon to help knot 0 0 01 f . 'rtl!. A number of the members of th e W . F . M . S. met I,t tbe Fri( nd~ ohuroh New Burlington, Mondll Y afternoon, to bear an address by Arthur Chlllson lind wife, the mis slonarles to Afrloa. Mr. Z . F . Haines and family took ~unday dinner with John Wilson and family. , Mr . Jesse Haines sold a fine drove of hog~ one day laet week.

St, AUgtJstlnc's Catholic Church.

-----_ ..- ---


Methodist Episcopal Churcla

m . M o rni n g' Her vi ce, H I .au fl . Ill . !:£\' c n l og Hc r \' l c ..· . ';' 0 L: Ui. l't,lI J. weok l 'r ~y c r 1'4 6et.tuu. 7 p . HI. a.


X~nia, Obi~

Yo.tllor Louis YU U6 M::l'-l."i e\'t.~ rf liccu n O ~ unJa )' o f t he l1l onlh a \I : UU.. III.


J\lary's Epi scopal Church.

I':c \ . J ,,' l ·lu t wJ. lin ll cr. HCCl o r . Sun d ,I. }, ~l'llUU I. U :w )1 , UI Mornl ll g R ~ r ,· I r ,·. I U a o a. In . H o l y Co tU lI.lU Tll ou Lh ll IIn~ t S UI H ll ~ y u f each lll ullL h .


F ine Assortment of

Christian Church. Dible

Th om" ..o n . I'w".... Sc hool. 9 :30 ... m . i50c1..1 mootlnr,

Rev. P . II .


10:30 ... 01 . I.! hrltltll1l1 Kud eft vor . 7: 0U· p. IlL Ser mo l1 hy p lUltor overy a lturn uto Bun",,)' ... IU: 30 .. w . ."d 7: 30 p . m .



1ik;kslte Friends Churct.. F i rHl II. } M ' · d ln ~ . 10 .00 11 . on . 1··l r8' Da J I !'c h ""l. 11 :0 0 a UI. Jo' u unll Da y M C~ Ll o K 10 :0 U a . w .


..\ . E . \\' oo t u n. P a.-; t o r .

Torpid lioyer. constipated bowels and disordered e~l)mach Ilre the OSHees at 'hese helldRches . Tak e Dr. Klng'l! New Life Pills, you will be I!Urpriled how qnlckly vou will get relitlf. They ulmu/&te th e aif feront orjitllns to do their ,\lark properlT. No be~ter regulator for Ii ver and bowels T"ke 25 ) and invellt in a b ox today. At all drull gists or by mall. H . E. Buoklen & Co . Philadelphia and St. Loois.

-- .

Bellbrool . Mrs . Josephine Turnbull ill ""lflU· ing her daughter Mrs . Harry Arm stronr at Xenia thill week. Frank WfBver and hi't brother James Weaver, of ~ilth Dakota, spent last week ., Komo, Ind, visiting rela ti vea. Wm. Rhorbaullh and dauqbtere, north of town, entertalneli 'be Ladles Aid Boolety of Mt. Zion oh .roh at 'helr home Jas' 8~'orday The Yonng People's tiocietyot the PresbytElriau oburoh gave a 800lal In the 'I'own Bflll IM~t Batur day evening , Married at 'he home ,o f Rev . John White in Xenia, Mr_ .lohn F. Lamme and Miss i:Jtella Cilley, both of tbis place. They will re!!lde wUh the groom '. mother Mrs. rrank Lamme, of Eal!t Frankhn 8t. . Mrs. F, B. Young and famlly apen' last ThurBday with Mn, Adam Penewlt, 80uth of town. The M. E. ohuroh will hold their Thankllgtvlng market In the Town Ball Tharikagivln8' eve.

---_. - ..---Cause of InlOmnla


~ah h a L h S(J two1. \' ao a. IU . I{cl-:lllar 4' hU tC b ri() f\I "II)~ 1 0: 30 II.. 11 1. , lilill 7 ::!O p. III . l' r it YtJr

m ootl llg \\' tRI UUHd u ), o \, ~ II I I1 H" a l 7. 30

Day by Day.

We I" 'e by days. Th ey are thl} l e aY ~JI rolded buck cac h ni ght In the 1 great volume thal w !' ", rih). Th ey are our autoblogrn phy. Each dB), ta kes us not n.ow ly. but as a tal A co ntinu ed. It Hnds us whiLt Yllsterday lert U 8; and a s we KO on. every day Is t elling to e v e r~' oth er day truths about us, show. Ing th o kind of bein g that Is to be hand l\ld on to It. mnk lng or us so me- . thi ng bette r or s um 'thin g worse, ns we declde.- J. F. W . "Vare. 11 nllke Moet Vlsltora. Tho pcrf" ct buby had reached the age w b .. n h o:o could coo. an accomplishment In which he Indulged himseil DlO~ t of the tim e wh en not utherw1so en Ka ~,! d . " He Is th e mos t weicorue visit or I e "l' r hud, " sa id the molh(}r . proud ly. "li e ju st lI ei! and talks to me by th e hour ." " Isn't that nice," r epllod th e cull er. "So unlike most visitors- th ey just talk and lle to you by t be hour."



All Out for Display.

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

Coat Sale $9.95 to . "-$25.00

Simple Cement. For mecd lng oruam ents a nd dellcate china th ere Is . othln g be tter than rice-flour cement. It Is very enslly made" It bein g onl y c ecessllr y to mix rice 1II0ur or ground ri ce thoroughly with cold wale r. s immering gently over 11 810w llre until It thickens, thereby form lcg a mos t durable IIdheslve 8ubsta nce which can be used hot or cold, In the usual way.


----.-~ ---

Bunched Them. !I During a Oathollc conv ention O'Sul· lIvan got a Job as a taxi driver. One day at the hotel he got a pl1rty of four that waa ted to go to four dltrerent churc:h es Imm ediately. One wanted to go to st. Jose ph's a nother to St. Paul's. another to st. Peter ·s. and the other to St. Mary's. O'Sulllvan drov e them to All Saints' churcb.

- - ---

Houae Drealea



Room Rugs

- -- -

Queereat of Trade ... Mr. Chesterton once wrote a oook called "The Club of Queer Trades." One ot the Qu ee rest trades In real liCe Is thnt of the elde rly South London man who stands dally at a. very congeste(! crossroad and asslsIB children over the thorough rare. Some 16 years ago he started this occupation out of 8heer benevolence, and has been doIng It ever since. The s mall sums and the Cbrlstmas girts he r eceives trom the p.arents or th e children lIorve t.c eke out b18 pension. ------~

$3.75 to $30.00 Ingrain Carpets

The mo':!' oommon oouse of in. Object Matrimony. 80mnia \s flillordere of the stomaoh Young womllc of anclect lineage. and constipation. Chamberlain 'I beautlrul as Holen, prud ent as PenelTablets correot these disorders and ope, economical lUI the Electre.. enable you to 1I1eep. For sale by all Bophlu or IJrond enburg, witty as Mme. dealers, de 8ta.el, au stere as Lucretia, charitable as Bt. Eliza beth of Hungary, d&voted as Florencc Nightingale. lovlnl Philately and Hllt0Pi". .An Interestlllg chapter In phllateUo as VIl'glnle, ' wllh the voice ot an annlltory. and In the hIstory of Europe, gel, an artistic so ul and posses8ed of la cl08ed by the decisIon to suppress a Iplendld fortun e, de81re8 correeponthe foreign postal aKllncles In Crete denos with a view t.c matrlmony.-Gera. the result or the union of that Isl- man Newspaper. and with Greece. Austria, Great Britain, France, RUBsla, and Italy have all maIntaIned post oIDcell In Crete, a& In Turkey, and there 18 at the moment much speculation In philatelic circles as to whether the LevantlD\l poet ot- Ada will be IDsened UDder Lili. bead tor flces maintained by the powen, twenty ·Qve cents for Lbree InlortlolUl; .11110 using not more thILn II ve Unel. among whIch Germany Is also 111· cllrlled. w\JI not be cloBed as welL -.


2.5 0 up

CoJ)),f l"M J9111' hf' It . Illack t:u.


_ ........ ft_'"' •

.,. • • • • • _ • • •




. . . . . . . . . . ..



Automobile Liv:e~y Service at Rea8onable~' Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.


Phone 71-1

OlassiBad Ads





--------- .............


8mlll Boy'l E...,. A youthrul American cltllen for the


UROC Milifl BOf<l'I, nothing bet tfme being reBldent In Germany WILB 'ter C. V . Aarness, Waynes asked to observe Independence day by writing "a patriotic American com- ville, Oblo, R. 3, Valley Phone 26 2, n HI position." Bobby chos'e "The Cow" Harveysburg Exchan~e. for bls 8ubJe.ct, and thlll wu the essay Ye&rling Bt-eers and 1 extra he turned out: "The cow Ie an animal. Igood fresh Cow. lnqrure of She bal two hom8 and four I&«s aDd Frank Bhidak&r, Harveysburg, Ohio. a tall. 8ometlm81 thll tall wave•. ' .111 'Lons may It waye o'er the land of IOI:BOARD, a bargalD If 80ld at the tree and the home at the brave I , " onoe . Inquire of Mrs, Roy Uheno,weth. n 19

Have your Sale.l Bills Printed at the Gazette ) Office.






. PIGS-a. few oholce full M ALE bloodod Duroo Pigs. Inqnire of'I'tmd Zimmerman, Waynesville




a h~ndred. 'plain, white orepe paper napkins; 10 deIlgDs '150. per dozen, at tbls bffi08,


~ W!I!lLT. $4.00 1'Il'IUI

SO-bOlhels of Oatil. !oIioe i'amlly , Mare, D yeus .old, peHootly " , B81i.tle'-,work . . an,.,.~~re, no'afraid . Modul)'. . . - .UI 'II~O • . OA• . fItIOm of ~ii~ . . Va~n' lot io . Some folt. who can't pl&1 .. ~ .•~ U'~ 1ft "DV'''.'"~IMO ~,""I!I1!l'_ ~1~J1 Jboatedj ''Will . trade Ol'laD tll~ ' world ~pect tQ 8AM ._PLEqoPy FREE '. .for f.~ .~ook. .lIIdpr ~PIa1~ ~truotl~~ Ill. the Il~ - _ . . . . . . . YOIUC ·: OU. ."'. llari'en~~t Ohio. PhoDe..~7. a, \.. -Alilata OODWt1ItkIL . ,., • .' '." . ~ .:1NIt Y~· . Yo . " .. . .• • • U

au '


Novelty Aprons All Over 39

Orthodox Friends Churcll.


Nervous and 51ck Headaches


----_ ..----






D. L. Cn ANE , Et.l ilo r and .Manager

" o n \' \l lI r (otr l" lI )' I"

-- -e



1IO\' a.... DRuoaln'e, ,PIOIAUne. O~.TU~ •• " :T.A •• F.·!I-~ OA.

Ii". .



J. E. FRtArZI:ER' )~. -'t . t



I will (;ontJnue to do RoofIallUld Spoutfna at Reasonable Prl~ Call OIl me at my home, or phooe 24-2%. iad I te with 1oi1.~ .

wm .....

'.~ ,II \ ~. ~


} . ,*t ~J




Buiid ing Dev oted Exclusively To Care of Milk Prod, ucts Need Not Be Expe ns ive Sho uld Be Located Slightly High er Th an Barn and Away From Sources of Dirt

_____ __ ~,.._ ___

_ _ _ 1 __ -



: ,-./ .. ... .. '

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D ut h O

l.1 l'('t ' !"sary

1" ' l pI IlI , I h i \ t

Ut 't\IJ l tl d



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---1~~---.:-==- = "=:- - - - -



'/It sati sfactory and conven i ent fl oor pla n f o r a sma I t d a i ry h ouse. witll small f loor Since 10x t2 f eet. 1n .:' \·er j cn ~ C' w bl' re 0 c lln ~irlf'r:t h l " Ilorrio ll of t h e tnr m In c o m e i ~ d ert \' ell fr o m th e Bfol ,. of da i ry l)ro Ju c l~. :1 .buIl d : n ::; woul d be p r o vl dl'd to hi' d l" ' \ ' ot l ' d exC lU 8ivply l O t.h E'i r cllr r . 811 ): ' : 1:1'£II " e plan s fo r a n I n e )((l t' lI ~i \'{' hU l lel i llg u r this kI nd a r e g l n ' o. tos ' th e r W) l lt plan R ror tb e c o n sl ru cl i o n an d a r .


, a\'ol d po! f o r t it" ~illJle r("'~ Of1 . Th t l nt i l :<i n ~ 1IIII' k ... t, ~ 1t"1 1 1" 11 01 h t, 1I >1 ,j f il l' :' n ~' o ' I' e r JIUr l""" . It .lai n lI i('I.' ·, iI ·. a r . i ll ' '':(' Ii ll v l llg tloo r a lld 0'1\' 11 jU i ll l;. I h ,' loc li ' I i n tilll ilh ellll o r l ~ n ;'\1 1' \'(' ('1 :h l <I' al /I f lll :tli ('!l Sl by fl li lll !; lh,. J IIl1s WIt:1 " Oltl f r ..\ I" ~ r f :·NI III .I I r OIllIl l nln l made h\'


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.rn " ,g c ru ent r o r it A (' Q lIl pm~ :1 I . c r":t"l (' r ~ iIll' lI IS I h il t Ill an y (a rml' r ~ d o l ltl'n' I ~ 1I ~,..' at Il hi u ,' l aw l h ut run ,; 1 hI' ess e n l l,lll f en t ll rr!- "' hII' ll . h o"loI, 11 11 1 :.! VI" pro p"r a l l e n tl o n 10 l\a R h l ll ~ d I } I I ' , V lie r ' l a ln Ed I II nny p l a:l ;t r c A roOU l anti ." afln" l or 111I' i r ('Tt' alll 1It ,' " ,II: I: " t ,·J·I ·t 'II' ' \\ 1 " I , C tll ll~" \I II,tl ' l : r r Qulres • 1.0 ( ' \ 11 Y (I a ~ ;('rI' ti 1;1 dt ' 0\ Il m !ju t hn ge, e n o ug h I n o l l or. I~ q.:'" l o r I m nr,> par "c uln r l y CrI" lIIl ~ c p:tra llll' ~ . t tl r r " , t , uu l lit at th t' I''' Hlt all I, ,, 1\ tim l ' t b e a cl ua l II P"ll s: a n oor: I\ a l l, 1I !l ,11 .\ I :lIIY fa r m l·'rs han' IJI'l'n Il' t! 10 b," fo l' "'l'r s h ip T lte val u e o r llll' ' u u llat h ~e lli n s \\'hl l:h ('n n b ., ':1'; 11;- , r; u ,c k l~ '1 11<' 1<:'. by uII ,c rupll lOIlH or m l s !lIfo r lll l' ll ! fro lll ItI " . (''' n,; l i ,," Il u i u t o f VI,' W i s a n d Ih.Jro ll g hl y cl ea ned: :l ~oo d dr3 1'! ~ p:\r:l l lJ r :l g~ n t B . t hll l t h f' lr pa r llc u la r I l h ll l II ['1\"" !, " " pl e a ch :lII CI' to \\ I.) r . to carry' w ay "" Is t e WI1 I('r '' n" ." . ,, ·l obl , ' n. n k e' 01 m ''l r llill e .I •uw Il ot II I' (I " .a~ h · I, "I i p A l l ll i ;; I,t ,' ( :t ' d. v; h l eh l ltl'Y <::"trIO t , ~.' , ,' • ' " met h o d o f h ea t i ng 1 1~I' h OIl , e II I rol ll I ~g "H" !' I lit ra r~ I " le r va l s, II IA d i f 'l Jo I r li lt y w ork . ,,, " I " h l r h t lll 'Y w i ll w eat h e r : pl en t )' or II ;;ht :111 11 ,",' Il l i la it l' lIl , 10 11 1111 ' r ~ t an <l ho w 1111\' illl " l lI . IIl1l uo i r th l ' Y pl ay on SlInti ay . ' [,h o tl o ll . cOIIV ell l"l1- a rrnll~E'IIH'lIt r, lor gPllt HI ,I ! ob se rV I n g P PrS ll ll w It h n n y I " IIJ .'('l i llll 10 ~""" II ' l ln y W M It ill t ha t If 'w a s h in g. sClI lllill g: and d ry i ng d n i ry I l lI clill' lI ions t o wa rd lI e/l l ne~S co u ld be a " 1:011 \I ":l t>l to \\ o r _lll ll il p rall l, OI d o d a 0" oo rl t'l' n" "II "" ~" ' u '. ,n r I IlI U"u l' 10 h •' l l n"e t il l ~ Af l " r ' ~ ' ... n ): t II C I'II . !lu t afk !' tlt ft t t!'il ' r, ! I ~ t h" larl': e U t e n sll uQ . Rrl • , r, " ~ , lSUP,ply (o r c o ol !ng lU I' mi lk a n ll cr ?:J.m . ! ln s l d e o r t h e sella r a: or bo w l. W e a r ' 1\·,, 1'"' ot l hi: !,o b bn th at; fl tilll" for th e lit e drury b ou se ~h o nld be e n ti r el y I a s~ ure d. ho w e n ' r. Il lllt In m any "" s ,'~ bu i ldi ll !, up or 111, ' 11 dur In.'I'C' h all t 1!eparu le (rom lil e ba r n wll C' r p th e- c r pam FPJlllr:nor s !-I r e a ll o w ed to !,O fLl r • (r it lid says Ih ll l In th " o r y he ha d al. ' l k l' !]f' 100 done I t sh '.' u l cl b . g w as IICu " 1' 1I I' IllI' 11\ .\·II ) S IIt·, II lh at Il I ('as ltn ' r C80 rl ll o ug ht ml , ' ," • '. C' i o c a t e d ,I II j'S l\ I I I10 11 t b"IlI (In sl l g h Li y hl !;.l er g ro u nd th a n th e a nd Cr f'll m r {, IIl:III! lIlg lu sl d" Ih e b01,1 10 h , ' "P" !) 0 11 ~ ull d 3 y for th o sak " o f ilmrll a nrl WE' ll away f r o m a ll cat ll c. anrl o u t le t, :, rl er sl' pa r:Olioll are IHI' II ,,' j)f' tt p lo' wh o , 'uil ld 1101 go to th em ' ya rd s . olll ,bu i ld i ngs anel lI1 alllll'e p i l l.' ~. !!;" :! ,, ral1;, d i rT"r,," t (rOlll Ih e rn l l k S t.> (l 0 '1 WCl' k da y" . but th e m(j .. ~ h" ~a \ .. or , and a s conv enl elll a :; pos, i bl e I n lb e ar a l ed. e ~ c (· p t Ihu t 'li l Y d .rl th a; rn a)' th.· r, ~ ult t h l ' It:StI b ,~ b, .Ii "H't.! I n I ! WR l f'r ~upply , lu C8 ~e a s pecial dairy h e presenl r Clll rtin s in the sep: r llllJ r T h (' ~" a l' t· lJi ":lS Url's thaI IJ S " Ii mllil ' h01l se ca ll not be pro v l d pd Ihe milk ho w l toge th er Vi llh a ~(, l\ e rOUli s hRre o f Il l'. Il lsl e,,,j o( lJul l dlng him up . <>r crealll sbou l rl be h ~ r, dl eu an oJ fl t or eu I he huc tprl,, : th e: p multiply very nIp , $enslble Vi e w of the M atter. c l ean. I! ~ hl anu w AII .v enli la t f'li id ly a nd l :t nnr· u l a l .. llie c r ea m fronl 11:11' o r till' Inrge bU Sin es s h Oll H!'R flr 'lll a ce . fr ee tram Btron g orl o r s of an y Ih ~ n eXI m i lkill g w i t h nll il ib e r l o> ss or (' h l c:t !;o hn s n r u l e In IlS manual that " k Ind . A tC~l lnr Is lI~uully II ," p r y (loor gnnl em s wltl c: l. e v .. " und er t h l) U(!>"I 1' :lI pl oy l'!; are to seek th e ri ght klntl of :JIln c E' fo r thI s plirpo sl'. PE ppelall,. If ro nd i lio ll~ . w i l l I nl lli t h O' (' rea m i n :, I S~0('L, t l o ns an d the r i ght kind a t alflo u sell t or sl orlng vl'gpl aIJI l' s, r em a r k n bly ~ h o rt. tl llie . Cr enm trolll p l ,'ns urf'~ out sId e oC bu slnes " hour s. .'\11 mlll( bU CK ets nnrl ollt pr utC' IlR lI s Il sp par alo r c arN I fo r In thi s ..... ay CO'l Th ilt i s t or the sake or thl) bu sllll'S>l . It ' l1s el l In ha ndling th . milk IIlld rren m nol he k r il l In go od eO lld i tl un . no m at . IS II ~a l,' rul e that no m a n ou gh t. t o till bl I r tl } II L' UII (!' )' " ' 11 l .' ," a w• ."n> ,Ill au 'o r 11, s b oll Icl })e 0 t Rue I1 c o n s tru c l ion anr! I l o r h o w W 11 il muy be c ar .. d for I n . ," . • d '~Hlt t' l' l nl t ha t th ey c an cll s!ly b E' 1(1' 1' o lh e' r r e ~ pf'r t s . Oul' of I hr trl o st I", . 1f\1.01'" ' ~ " cl' k . I he Sa hhu l h WM c l eall . Many ut e ll~ II A a r c t o be r o un d I po r tn nt ('o n si dl' r a tion s In lIlP se l ec. 111<1<1:' ro r mnn , J esu s ~ Illrl. 1111<1 (1 ,) 11 Ill ' li on of a c r eam ~C' pa ra l(] r i g Ihilt It , 1" "J,'tI tt to b n used for t.h o hlglll ,,; t . In lise with ollpn ?r r o u l:h ~ ea lII s . jolntll . Th e mlill C ~ 1l n e ve r b l: (!om ' l fl llOlild bo 50 COIHll rtlcte d th a t all pa r i s 1'!l rt O f 'HI I' manhood , C:xceS~ t' H o r, thl' 1tid r II j ' t b h '1 tI I,' in, UII Y f o rm . Ilre a v io l allon :1l e e y I'mno,, !' rom l ese Ol n ~ Y I can p ea sl y all Ih o roughly c: ean pu . I d oany ordinary m e thod or wa shin g, anti All p ar iS or th e tll! paral or comill !; 111 , 1:<1'." (. u g law wrlttec 111 ttl', S('rlp. I II:,.. , :11 0" " bllt of GOd'9 la w Wrt lt P. 1I In it r (' maln ,; tlll>r o 10 flO ll r ant! d eca)' . in · c o nt~ c l \\' l lh th e m i l k c r cr eam tn \l~t ,noculatlng c a<:h mi lk i n g wi t h mill i o n s bo Ih o r o ug J-.iy wa sh ed afte r eac h tim e 111"'1:'" ""turt'. As Chrl s t l all l!If' n w n , o r the most Ilnt! psl r a bl c SI1(' cl ('s at bile. tb e Reparntor I s u sed . li n ' l' aKfO r t o upbulld th B churcl l. So ',terlo . Ul e n s ll H man e (ro m lll1lie r lal A . l<_ PERKINS, ' \\'1' ill " i~1 UI,on tbe SublJath. IIll l "'IUlt! · tI Ing r I Sh ~ lIr r a c ~ s .1t0 1l1 ll be I O h io E I t ~ I ' I), . "" Vhri stlan m c n, Wf! an, " ag!: r to av CI ~ xp " r nlH~ Sta l on. \\ o0 3t er . III \ " lop ann ai d our r uc" lInel clvlliza . =--=-- ' .. till ll , :';O w e In l\IHl agaill o n Ihe Sal>·




'0 a








-";, It " II \t ·gl ·t ahit·. r ", pllre t lt(, ~a lllfl i It'mpe raturO! ts n o t allo w'd i o kc t b &I n :! I II,,' n l . lind It 1II II ,t b " u nrl ., r sto utl j' low iO d egre os. or lIIay b f In th e (·pl · Ih at t h l' kllll l of s t o rt\ ~ o t hat I ~ good la r I f k ept up fro lll th n floo r . a nd tor IO IIt · I. Catnl to u ll ot h er . ('a b· wu erp th ero 1M a 1;0011 cI.C' u la tlo n 01 ha ' I·., {llI rs n l;)" . s lll~ ICy a nd l (HI Ots l ai r . P erman ent. j)lt 8 ,," u ll .. d wltb ar,' :I<' t I nju rt' li by Cre ' zlll g .. I rish I bonrd s allu ('ov er eu \Vlth an upun II->ot at " " ~' ecl nry anu DPp l 's wl l , stand shed orc exC' elle nl " turag e Dla c e ~ Cor n 111; 11 1 I'rl' o7.r , " ' h l l ,, sw eet Ll lll ato es nearly all kinds at wint er \·I'!;otableB. wi l l Otl rulurd eve ll by 0 trOBI. I pr et e r tbosl! to th .. c ell 'lf fo r best I hl\ v ,> n ot Oft OIl k ept a great rosulls, e sp ecially with ap [1 it:8. c e l er)' alli ou ll t o r v l.!!:e tuhles In 0 cld lnr. lind lIDd rool crops. prdur th n o Ul d oo r p i t s, p sp eclally for a lJ p ll' ~ u " d c el ery and th e v eg otables th ~ t 110 1 IIIJur~d by (reo .. :ng. 1 dl ,; a "lInllow t n 'IIrh - :Id e enough ro r I w o ro wn o r h end s. pull Ih e cabbage bv Ih l' r oo t. bury I II th e trcHicb a nd I'O\' I!!' Wll h d lrl . alltl It dOC' >I not m~t · Men are Beginning II'r ",III ' : Ill' r t b l'Y arf, co vHr ud d eep Young "I IlI ~ J; h r fl r II P" pl ll g ollt rr O!11. liS cab· Think Twice Leavba g n \\ i ll I haw ,' at ag ai !1 n nd n o t ba ing s the City, I llI jll rl'd . pro vltl:!1 ~ t Ilt' l h awl ng !. wh l l l' '" co nt o l't Wllh Ih p dirt . It Hh oliid 1I 0l bo store tl until quite ( B y It. l! U I '(, I{lt.\~1.l Hpvpr " "" 1>n lh >! I', bUI It I t t urns cu !d It i. e. I>ccIILII; p l ~a. ln g with IU P hu dJI' "l y so a . 10 fl'l' l'Z" t he h "u ds o ld e r a dv ocateR o r ag ricu l t ural pur· t; oli d . l tll'r Hhoult1 b e buri od a t o ncl' Build to II 0 It!' tll' lu c l'e l'!': c u lnt c rl's t so lhat '11lt' y Illay thaw o ut lit t he wbl ch Is belll K lak ,," Itl tll CtiC IUlI.ll er s gru ull d ( · a r rot~. ~a l s lry u tld !lur s n lp , 11 11 (,ve r y h:.tllli. L Oll g uu ve tb " y"rl)' an' Iwn dll Pd by rn',' zi tl /; In t lte dl c t l'rl It s ('u lll i u S. alld IIO W at 1!'lI g th /;r Ju n t.! a nd tu rn lll~ urI' IIOt In ju r ed II I~ !I t' r u. Al l tli esl' art' s tor{' d sl llli lar tu , it., Fo r m erly th O' yo un g m c u or W e c a LI)lI!; p, h 'III S pil t' d III U c('llic ul fa rt lls . g ene r a t lo ll uft !! r g "Dcrali o ll. Il ea r' 1I11t! cov e red with dirt. .l ss al1 ell tlta t ot ' ou r s ' th ey mU 31 I II ('ru er that th ey m ay bc co nv e· 1,'l\v e tb e o ld h o m e6 tt'" d a nd plun g .. nl c ll t 10 gN a t durillg th e wint er . info th " tllrm o ll or II", gr t'at ci li,,". tr I d' I t;UVI!r t II! ' Itt w til s trnw or f od d r, Lh ey w (' r e 10 m a k e ull y thin g of a su c· RI) t hat Ibe g round will ' Dot (reez (' c e~,; o f IItc. l'\ow th py II /'(' tll l llki lll; m a r c' t h a ll II r p w luc hc s. ~ w ic .. before adop t i ng lit is co ur~I' , I ! I I' - I I 'uta t o e~ ti hould b e bur led In a " sllI' cia ll y us tl", y s ,·" tho "e o f t he ir s l l ~ h t dl ' p r ess l un. ha vl ' st m w pl ::I<' cd _tcfJll ai nt u nce wLt o t urn pd 10 Il grlcu l· II l1 d ur " 1111 0 11 l Op. th en CO\' orl'l! w ith t ure anu to ndvu ll e,ed tral lll ll ~ I II th l3 " lirl : or. ~ t on' d i n tu .. ce llar. th py ,;cien ce fo r gl lll( OW!\}' oh e ad III life's tIIa y L" pli ed d a ~ ' n III on !' corn e r . as hatll e. l ' l, c clt,y o fl ,' r ~" III ,"U' " J" U" d· II I'J i stUI'" doe~ n ot b ·lI·t I hl'm, a nd ,' alltn ges , but h e who SUIlPORl' S that it 11t,·y ~ h o u l cJ b e k e pt a s co l d :\~ pos sl· pOSS(!SlI eH a ntOIlOI)ul y o r t1WUl n il IR I" ... Wi lho ut fr e l'z ln g . w(w l'ull y U1 is lllk ell. Alld lIlis Is tb e Appl e>! u r e k ept tbl} Marn e W:l y a s f a c t whi c h I s at l en g lh bl'gi n nin g to POt<l tll('R, and I t add s t o conv e n i e nce dawn upon th e p"~ o"le o r today . .. in lt lllldllll g Ir tb e pit I s ke pt d ~y by T h er e have b uen lho se \\'h o as· (l n .uvu bl e sh ed or nhort Lo ards. g lint e d that a s r lcul tltrlLi pursuits w er e pp l l'!fl nrl! m u ch be tter k ept lhis bUlUbl e a nd m ellla l , but m en or t.h e w ay. and u ll l y a f e w sbould be k Cl) t brou"U eSl cullur e alld ,·l l t ,'.Ill lll ent tlre III cl'lI nr f u r Imm ,'dlate u sp. . se ldom toun d to agrec ..... lth thf'm . ( ' ,)I"ry UIlI s t hI' s t o r e d In m o ist Since th e "urll c~ t ng es. lh o greJllest " urth wil e i ller In th e c ellor or p i t. m en hav e turn e d 10 pu rsutls oC tb l" r. y f ar tb e b es t IlIl'l ho d I hav E' e VCT duss for th eir pl easures a ud r ecr ea· r,-. l1 " wI, tI IH to .1 1t-: t h e bun c b es, r oo t s llol\s. !I" " ~ II , anll ba nk th em on top of tbc Plutarch s a~' s or Cato thllt althou gh !~ r\J llnd o r In a s ligh t de press ion on 6. h p. WOUI PO ~A c ~se tl of great w('a lth an d • VI:I I <l rn ill od spot In a h t!a p two ( ec t ric h r aiment, ye t h E' much .. referred , ,. h! s~ wid e and as long 09 n eccs, ugr ic ultu i'al pursuits to th e rorum , ,;a r y . a lld !'njoy ed nothing be tter thun to Sel tbll ro ots In conta c t w I th thn !l It down to a dlnnpr of ball ed turnl pe lI~ olst .mrth , draw the ' IO PS together whl cb he hims elf had gatl.t er ed' and l l1d pull Ibe dirt a r ound In sl1cb n coo k ed wit h his o wn hands, wblJo bl s " ay 11S to c omI·l elely cover wlll,out wlrp. prepared the brcmd for th eir . ~ l'ltlng nny In tbo c rown or the h eart. b lllnble ru ea l ,


,11 ,.

sh ou ld oc n I II b (' S o na y e f ort h tbat tbelr lll·tl llai lltlln :e rll :l )' hr· mDdl' . Ya nn I'; peurl!' should b e conHlI'ltl"cI ii , 10 t he we ig h I o r an i m a l s th e t i m e rOI marlce lin >' rllitl as 10 Ih"ll' \'" II, n I ~ , <" lJIa y, . I hI' {, IHI :InrI n Ihl\t t he i r jll d~IIl"llt 8111a11 pat c h of po l a l(Jl's or po pr ," r n , J, p t ra i ll ed ,,,,,I Ihn t n r .. al 6 l' ri o ll~ In . an acr e of eo rn or w hp a r. a I r " " o f t " r e~ t in ull si n ('ss may Le nrou ~ .. d appl c ll, or dl er r les , II jll '!;. (':I I! I'o lt o r I I': \, ('ry nllrma l p erson se('hs en·t er. s·h l' t!j) . Tb p y ~ h fl ll i d I':ll'n a nti Io-al'll ' I nl nm f' II :. T h e youll g espechll y mllst and be mat p r iully r (' \\ ·a rfl " 11. ~o Ih ~ l II I "J I'e pa:; lim e anil ga01<'5. Th e cro. small bank a Cl' ou!lt r a il bl! " t nn ~ 1 1 III , <:I : f'[ "P i. I h e l awn swin g t bl ' l i s u ln~ li s o wn n:l ln () . : ('xc ll r , i o n, hnll game s, ' ~l lI l lI tI'Y ' fair Th e Ore IlI sIIrallc e ll ol !>cy :l Oci t h p , unci ~ h W H l' II t l' r Inll> I h o (l rt ;!;l'U m l (J eerl for th e flll'm s h oi l i ci b r lt ~ lI : " ~ ' r rC f\ 'n I IOII. Th e m orr ad ult s r ea ll~e .ou t or tbelr h id i ng pl a ct'g and Ilt' r " au I I. ~ i m port" !"", uf pa ~ tlrllc s Lllld gam c s by tbe YOUIIK fol k s. A c Prl l fi calf' u f lh e m o r e I' llI' !! th e bo nd o f h ," sYtlIjlnl Y s tock or a h o ncl r u u pon , a proml se,or y , het w pe n y ou II,': and o l d l!C C' l.IlW an d note. a r ece ipt for Ih e paYllIent ut un Ih .. llI ore n l':l I'I )' c an b e r callz<>d" <>

u r" ,, ~h t

" 1'0 11 tli ... tldn !; whi ch blstory und co m · ' I!t OIl H""" ,' d"c;lare ti", race n('I'.ds.Ed i tor ia l In Th e Contl~ e n t.

- - - -- "Get th e G an\, H iI b I' t" . . W e wI ' r e w atc h ln . g II. gang or mil· I In l ir Hd 10n' Ull III!; r a II ~ on!\ fi a t car It 10 0 11. abou t a d Ol, ell 1Il P. 1I to ! ~' arry Ih e nil 1 tu th e sldo of th e cnr . I nll' lI. !.I '. P. word from l h l: boss. a ll llH: I 111<' 11 ~11t ...d Ih" 11'0 11 togethl!f. alld wllh 1 ' ''I ~ ~ )lIcltl o nI?ptI s nap ping o f their mu~ c it' ~ ws se d It a l ofl anti d ro pp ed ! I t 0 11 till' Il l n t (orm of tb e c a r , It was ' a ~ t~ l k~lI g Ill ustration o~ th a allvan · :; , g . ,~ 0 1 l!>:tlll work. So sallorH, h a ul · I ng Ull a rOll~ , get the cul l er a boar~ , U I " ' ''" ~ '' <l1t>y all b eav e and ~traln at tit. ,.. I ' i ' 11 n t If , t ' .·.1 III lIS' , ~1. n r o a pre-' ,. ·1 i ll " Li ueat.innni. re h hr\o lJ~ o r social =_:.:. " ~___ _ __ .. fh 'lds or work. we must d evelop the t .· .. : 11 ~y~ tl ·llI . Get th e gan !; hab l t Itut th .., habit o t the 1I0w ery g a n ~, or ot th l' hoodl um " bun ch ," but the habit o f ~., r'l:l ng lo cburch, to Sunday There 1M mu ch trutb In the 'lilo t ilt.ion. "True rollteoess :, true kind " Bch oo.!, to conventions, to uny and all H" !IIl'~ at usef ul labor. W e can do It "a meal wpl! chatt ed Is h alf dlg('sl ed ." · Many p p.opJ e s c ~1'l to c 'd neS8. I" on "1 t! r th e ez. a ll Ir wo nil do It.- Zlon·s H eruld . > . ' Ik .Bright, I (n e r es tlll g t n a t th e t ahl e . prE' ssion s "r.' X ' II<'E' .. .. I .. e I1)8 won d c r (u,I y In . tt d' l' ": . -. t: . me. beg y our 1(' .g es 1" (' I parrion" "Thl1 l1k Y .. d " All Threads of Gold, 'process, Till, d.nner tab l e i ri nol th e " a u. an I f yOU LIt! II) !i elf· d !'nlals, IIttlll honesties, iIllnc~ for rec c llllting o n c'R tr ou bl oB. Irrl. p.,e ~.s e, .. as we ll as "Yes, sir" nn ll "1'\0. tatlobs or u ll ml ' ll l s, D oing t hin spread s : Sl r . out at dULl'. L u t t il e use of Ihe ~ t' li l tl ., lla l!~ lng warde of sympathy . lit· It g l obm n vc r th e m p.n l. It i s not eo . I mllrks the person oC rC'fln elll t'nt t o·d ay. II I' lla",pl ~s 6 ac ts of klndnt!ss, litt le oI!Ourn ll'lng to th e apPI' tl l!' o f thl' oth e r s as it did In t he past. Oesld es tl I C S~. sll eul ,' ictorles o,' er favorIte tempta, -pr esent for olle m e m ~ r to <i i ;,;c lIss lbn I w e ofl ~ n neglec t 01 h er lill i e ('our t u51ee I Io n s' t llf' Ef! are th e sile nt thread~ of JU e r l !.S of tbe varl ou 8 rl l sh,, · . valu l'l ot · and k i od . y acts, whi Ch are jn st as 1m, gol d whl(·h . when woven together, .certaln di ets, o r pe r so n a l l i k rs or dis' 1 portan t. and whlcb should not ba idell ' n out so brightly In tbe pattern .)1' I I fe t.ltut Gcd approv es. - ennon 'l ikes, It It; morc nttlnf!; t o mn i( c th i s omitted on acco ull ~ of bU 81neH 6 Ilnd Vanni'. ~, be place fo r Che ~ rful tlli k . l elling In· sImilar excus es. for tliey arc Dt!CeSsary , '" feres tlng or amu sIn g thln ;;s t hat have alike In business as nt home. \\'br.u sel f Is enthroned, PMslon 18 J1apj)ened, or a funny 8lory. :\1 eal time MABEL MISI<:IMEN and JOSEPIlIN E Inacl", ,wlIDe mlnl8ter. and PrincIple MATTHEWS, •• hould be de'Voted to oth e r Ihoucb t s lIilcomll' (;otlrt tool.-8. ~I\ DaDUln , ilIoiua ·.&Jloae "f ou r work, anll the talll Oolleg'e of Agricultur.; Ohio StIItt t.1ar''...aIo~4 Ie- 'Ow."Una to ILll alike, Un1versl~_ .

==-----===- _



I ''''' '




Before for



S uft1c1<:'nl coverin g should be &cld ed Washi n gton an d J etre rijon, our ' :, k ee l! out t h o f r os l. 'el nry sho uld !!;relltest w ;>sld ent8, w ere both ot them 1"')[ be Ator ed ulltll It Is cold ,,"ough horn tarnl ers, und loved th e l i f e or ror thi n I ce to form at night. nnd It til e coun l ry better th nn any oth er ha n ke d I n thp. rnll to be!;lrl blan ching I SaY8 the Intter In o n e at bl s l etters : u hefor o It Is sto r ed. a little cove rln ... ...... ultl,.ntor" o r t h4 earth nre tIl e m ~ '. \ " ~ O il t op wil l protect It until l a t e !n No· valuable cltlzens. Tb e y a r e tb e mas I


"Y(llIll" 1) 00 1': 0 ~ h o ul<l sh nr c i n Ihe I a CCr) lIllt

I nsupport able, " W ell , Il " nr },. " sll it! Ih" rnlr mntd, " did popp e r II Rk yo u I f yo u could RU1>\.Iort m o In th ~ sl y l l1 to whi Ch I lE D ft c cu ~t om c d?" " r-.:o. (I"a r ," sa id lIenry. " H e IIIc r el y Info r med Ine that be could,, ·t . Hlld g :I\'U m e his ble s"lng." JudltC,

L et on i o n s dry a day o r two I f the weather I s favorable. a nd then gath· or a nd Gt or e t h em. The on i on Is one of the hardle.t of garden p l 1'nt e ana I I' r ow n l arg ely ao a w i nt er crop.

I I bal" \\' p a r l! 1I0r. lI arrow· mltl dll d I n ' It : w" al''' n o t Pt1 lt)' and blgotell : we 4.-_ _ _ _:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 " ft' ~ lmjJly " f'IIRlbl t!. \V e uro Insisting

'bu s ln es s o f th e fn ~ m, tbou !( b it h~ !lll t , In a .; m all Wil Y," ~ar 5 A . n. (;r ah am . il l I ( Ih o t tb e C IJ II pg e 0 t • g-r f' lI tll n ' , 10 U . "\\' I b . . IIIv n r ~ Il Y · I [I II I' II n lO ~ ' .Slate be wit h h ' n ilnd (' h !(' k 5. IIlI fl l her a '


'I: hl" rnt liiln \ ' cf:ctil lolo Pill. nr e M id w it h and \,,·jtlw u t ~ Iltl b le s ugar cO.:l.t il1g. T h t',. n ·g u 1a l ft t he: b o w el s. in vi gurate tbe l i ve r a li t! \.urt fy Iho hl ood. Adv.

IlI t 'lf C( s!- u lill rl

'I' ll ..,." It :,,, 1 ""I"h difTI' r", II' ,' ~f IIp l li t", :t Il I O lig IhoughU " t I,, -op l ,' aboll l I h.! !IPr d or r !:~t. (J urs I. not l h,' tir ti lilli,' "h ,, " IO C Il hav l) h u rr! d too tli ll d l , a ll,l t h "rI' ar e mo r " PI'(' lIl o tha.u n lo ~ t I,r II ~ ""PP"" C wbo UfI' IJI'gln !lIn " to . Iow dow n. to Lak e lh l n /;H IJIU" P. I " ">lily . II."." 18 the h ~a t.l o t II. lurg ~ , b U8111~S8. wh o bl'ga n III It 11 M a o olll cl! ~" Y . lit S3 :t w,,{' k, lint! b,.'rl\l " I' 11 p"rt .,, ·r ... }dl e nlos t 0 1 Ii", I, , ~ :l o .-iK ill ,Llly III th e nnn w{'r t" ~t l ll II v lll l: II ., t l'lI ~ Iblll h u no tl Cl, tI tbat l b ll llI un w hu uc t u llll y did tb .. m os t w .' rt · II0 t th .. o n ,· ~ who w"re al ways II(' r vu u.l. III i t . w bo n e v .. r co uld Jlct IlY. a y : ' wh o !lC'\'l' r !.tad lilli e (or all yt h l "g t- lsI'. IIn c I ",·!t o bad DO out sltl e in t er .. s t ~ . Ch r ist i iln·. Sa bbath Spendl no· He 1J 0tl c .. d IlI sI "ad t hal th .. II) O:U •, ho dl t' d IIft' maturely an d ': urldl! ul y t!t O~ I) wh o r ... 1l Ilt .,y w "ru SU ve r y 1I11110rlau t that Ib ey cou ld lI o t h" s l ,' l r ,·u . ~ u t l",)' drovll th .. IUSt' lv,'3 l o ng h Ullr. :l ll d u s IIIUU)' d ll Yd a. I)OHl bl (' I I I" I' t h.·y lI i t>ll. and till' bu ,; IIl I'H ~ I " ,' lI t r i g ht 011. Th is y o un g mUll li t!· l' ''!l' d IIIILt us u C hr is tian h e w uulrl be • I . '" tly a llu p er sis t e ll t , n e v" r H n "r\'nus wur ke r . The Subb llt h I A Hncrl'd ( 0 h ilt l. unci ill' t;t-' I ' H t ht ' CC Hll l U O Ii ; .. !· 11 8(l _,I' " 1'1' .11 O U ~" f\" " I C !' of It. II \: I v es 101 111 a " hall ('u t o "' t o rr It l ~ ~ trlli n . II .· II " ,!! , I ltlil. ill , bl~, b l,I ~ I III ' k~ ,I~ ~ till U \lito ~ P f' II <1 I hu S " lJl).h h 10"~ I, I) t''' " Il' bael; till ~I o nda y I II 11 0 e OIl<lltlon [I'r \\~ r k, wh l l £' th .. n", " w ho " IIt !lld It 1:1 n l l l r l ~ I l a n II a )' a r c' read y f" r th " lr


01' 1

fo r Chlldrflo

CUUI! .~.

" l'S S

U fu. 11tH



R.~ thlu K' ~l rup

Trlq' ellJ l ux lcll bs h a ve b e"n InlroHu e-

is iuqJl! rL i l u ' lIl 10


-=~I .......... c.. v., II

o r ro,e.OI

dlH" ' U Intu (; l ~ l' l1l a u)' \,d t~l Great

ru rlll l'- ur . .; purt to


L - -_ _ _

MrM . V.' lrut r" .. ·'"

I s It I. ot till'" ro r us LU gBU> vl ' r tb o th il l Sa b l,ulh l aw.. u r I.) I 'u r llu n b!u " IU\\ H, I.) r llo a t I h,' p urpOMC uf 11 11' 11 \~ 111l s tll ild t" r I he o bs ur VUllC .. ur t h t! ~' :I " h al ll IH II.) Ihru HI I I do w n Ih" IH It l ' II I'oa I H of ulI"'illl"l: belh",' r H' I Inl I IIII ~ f ur ( ' l li,li lln lll' ll " v,'rH t il " 'HI I !I " II' h .... s l tllt ilJ lI III III. l klll~ th .. 11" 111111' 0 fl.)r a W l~ " "li d 1i ,.. 11 ('oll t rl.) l of :-; ., hlll, Il, , t! ~ C t SS t ':".' S u nd ay bath ·ha ll a n d lO tH' l ll f:: Jlkl ll r(> ~ , an d u l h t' r


ID ll~ LD lmul o u

- - - - - - -

UUlJ,Ii. Jlny . VR1u •..:ure.a WIlH!


___ _

.A\l.,. ,

Edu ra lloll ena bl es n yount: mao to "ho w huw cl on" b o IH n'L

I uOl l o u




1I001l\n E ." fI n1\bu:lm fo r ~&hlln lf tWtD"

t (> (" lI' I II ~ . ~lI ft i' I J " " I1I' I:\1(1HI. n 'll l u' r K IlIlIaruma-




en. tlu" t u .. y .. _ uud e y co lill • .

Sabbath Has Not Been Fully Understood.






~L _

[- ~·. :~~'lL :. ~,.:.~ '-J-J -- --

1f • IDlln wotl!d be bonelt he mu.t k eep III lrlll nlnt:.

vO lilhor . wh en t he grou ll d (reezes hard . It will not t h aw out in tbe ground, '1. cabbage. and be good after a snl!d f r " ,-,ze . It stor e d In th e cellar It II lIl st b ~ k ept In n box o r a barrel

,' Igllrou s. the m ost Indepe nd ent , th e m Ollt v lrtuou8, and they are tied to th eir cduntry. and wedded to Its In· te r es ts and liberty . by th e most last · Ing bond s," And now at l ength th e governmen t,

w llh t h o roots III C<Jntact with tbe 1I 1Olat c a r t h, cn r e belllg tak en tn kE'ep t b" wah' r ofT tht" stalks. '

n ational a nd Bt.ate. has taken up th e Hubject s erloll s l y, and undertak en to insurp. lo the young practical In s truc·

Il Is 1I 0t a dlfllcult malter to f orce tio n In t hi s all important Industry, by b b b 1 I th' d u Ilr (ur JI g e wlllt e r, a n It " "tnhll shlog and enu o wlng schoo ls (o r :ICI ' pp r l y done, people livi ng near n that IltIrpo ae. Surel y, the future qr ~ () o d. bl !'; mllrkel cnn mnke fln e profit this "dence Is rapidly brlg hten ln lol! . hi k A n d a tt er :ll11' . t b er e Ia no mort! 1m· li n I 8 war . I S WI'et potal oes must be dll~ be r ore (lOrtant pro bl em pre6enled us t o be l ito fro s t Ir they a r e to b e k epl long. met and solved than how to r eed the It the vin es IUP. bitt en by frost. cut I )I~opl e ot tbls rapidly deVe loping t h e m off imm edial.ely und dig th e 110' !!ountry of ours. l:lclcut ! flc a gr lcul· laloc s In 1\ f e w day~. ture must evo lve th e m eans ; Bnd It Is It Is neCf'ssary t h ot tbey be kE'pt ~ ate to Ilroclict that It moat c ertaInl y f1 hove the frost point, a bou t 65 de· wlll, !; r ef' s be in g th e Ideal temp erature . Sew Alfalfa In Fall, It Is also f!sscnUal thnt they b o !rept In many leotlons at the COU\1try tbe dry, '.vlth a free cIrcu lation of aIr. and possibly the best hulldlng (or keep, ilesl time til sow alralfa Is \0 tbc rail, IlI g l a r g·u Quantiti es would be o. brick R ememb er thi s and bave ground ready o r Rton e. heated by n rurn ace. Where to start a patc h tbls season. f' l.. d r . a 0 .. are wunte or bOlD ~ use. a box Unllrorttable Cow , lo r barrEl1 or dry sand or road du st I. good place to keep tbem. and thlll A cow that IlJ underfed Is never I should bo ke pt In II room where th .. thli most pro fltnble, I'

l!l 1




SCALP ITCHED AND BURNED Oreenwooll. Ind. - "Fl r s t m y hnlr bitto tall. the n my Bca lp Itched nnd burned wb l'o I b ecamo warm. I bad plmpl eH on my sClllp : my hair wal Coil i ng out gradually until I bad eC BI'cC'ly any balr on my head. I COUldn't heop tbe danurulT 0 1T a t BIL My hll lr was dry and Hreless nnd I 10 8t reat at night fr o m th e t errible ItchIng sensation . I .,.'ould pull my hnt orr and scra tch my h ead any plac. I bappened to be . .. For sev eral ), cllrs I was b otnere4 wIth pimples on my ( ace. Some of th e m were bl?rd r ed spots , some were rull of malter . and many blackbeadl, I was alwn Yij /Ikk l ng at th em and cau sc d them 10 be Dorl'. Th ('y mad. my faco l ook so badly I was a shamed to b e seen . " I tri ed mo ssage cr cu ms r o r my face Bnll ni l kind s of hat'r toni c and hom& n ~ u d o relll edi es . but th ey ou ly made l illn gs worse . Noth i ng d i d tbe work u ntil I us ed (' ulicllm Soap and Oint· m r nt. I wa shod my l uce wItb tbe f'utl cura Sc a p , tb en put pl enty at Cutt cura Olntmpnt on. Tb r ee mon tha' u ee of Cullcu ra Soap and O\ u tm ent hn s made my foce a e smooth nod cl pn n as can be." ( Sign ed) e. ' AI. Hamilton. Sept 24 . 1912, C u llcura Soap and OIntment Bol4 th roughout tbe world, Sample of each (rpc. wIth 32' 11. Skin Dook. Addreas post.ClIrd "Cullc ura. Dellt. L, lloston." -Ad" KOU

Log l c::! 1 Con clusi on, .\ IItli e gi rl WIlS ,,: alklng !lIang tbe ~ I r .. o t wIth IlI'r b rol h l' r, Wb ' D Ahe saw a o n e,arm ed mnn, It "'·o s the fI "'t t llllo In her IIf(J thut sbe had ever spe n a m n n 11'11 hout nn a rm , .n nd aba w a nted to kno w a ll ubout It. Her !'Ca ther eX(llol ne d , In aosw er to her Illl !'stions . thllt th o man had prohably m et with It.O a cc i d ent of som e kind and thot his Ilrm wou l d n ev er grow back. Tbo littl e gi r l thou ght tor a moment, and tll p- n 8ald : " W ell, Ir the Lord m a l1e us, It seems to me like he Ilugh' to k eep u s III r e (Jlllr." - J ud ge. Wild Honey. Thp honny thu't comCb out of a be~ trl'e I s not always as 8weet as tbe old· time cotrl /lillnen t. "sweet DB a be. Ir e." mIght l ead one to euppose, The bees thnt run wild dn not seem to h a'V ~ the fine t.a ste In nectar that th eir dam est Irated cou slnn hav e. SOlO p.tlmce Ih ~ re nre pOl 80ntlll8 spots In wild honey - ot l ea st th e re a r e l egend s to that ('!Tec t - and often. Ir the colony III old! nnd '.he .. o mil l u r ge. the h oney II bl aC' k aB nIght. !lut the bee·hunter now, a1all, to be c l 8s ~e d wltl! professional. that bav • tm 8~ cd on, cared 1It111) a bout discolor&ti o n nnd worrie d not nt all about po\Ron. To fl n cl a b ee tree m euu t the ex· ercl se of k oen eyeslg bt. 1V00dr. raft, pa· ti ence tlnd Judgment. Thl> wo:-, d er ln ~ hell se em ed to h n ve a prejudice against goi ng strai gh t t o th e hive. H e mosey· ed a l o o g rrom flow er to flow e r, 8 to~ p d to talk or fight wltb a f ellow be&, or, It b e kn ew be was b eing tollowed, Ilived lata thickets and bummed Rlm l ght aerous some bottnmless bog. Po when tbe rIg ht treo WltB located, "nd the com b la id bare, It was well wo n. It wus as tr eaHure trove, earned by th l! bli st e rs on the .. holle l er'. ·

6PEAKS FOR ITSELF El.perlenco of

a Southern Man.

"Plealle allow me to tbank the orlgt. nntor ot Postum, w hich In my case, IIpeaks for Ilself," writes a Fla. maD. " I formerly drank so much cotlee '.hat my n erVOU8 eY8tem waB almout A wrp ck." (Ten Is just a8 Injurious because It contaIns calTelne, the druC round In corree,) "My physiCian told me to quIt drinklog It but I had to bave somethlllg, 80 I tried! Postum, "To my g r eat surprise I saw quite tl ehn,nge in my nerveB In about 10 days. Tbat was II year ago aad now my nerves are eteady and. I don't bav. those bilious !lIck bN4achea wlllch I r egulllr1y had whlle drinkIng coffee, "Postum seems to have body,bulIGIng properties and leave, tlle head! clear. And I do not bav. the ba~ taste In my mouth when I eM up momIngll. When Postum II boJled g004 and strong, It Is far better In tast. than coffee, My ad-vlce \.Q. coffse dr1n~ era Ie. to try Plastum and be CQDo vlnced," . Name given by Polltum Co.,. Dattl. Creek, Mlch, Write tor COllY th., Uttle book, "The Road to Wellvllle." P08tum comes In t\10 forms : Regular PoatUm-JOUBt be well





Ie a

aoluble powder, In It., cup of. hot wAte,r and, with cream aIl~ ~gar, mak., & dellclou,


te&llpoo~ful dl880lve8 qUlokly


Inatlntly_ Groceri 8ell' ~tb kiD4L ' ,.' ~ '~'. I,


r_li", lor':Poitu&< "_" ~ • ;;. "'-







OHIO Tbut e veOlug Viola clld 1II0 .. CU li" '~ ~ en g ngeDll'nt-a vjliag e mUSi cals. alit! l'\ "a l Dorman saw ber born" a nd

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>...f": I\' .II·: lll t ·~·'" a11(1 h l'r :al}: t' r . ;: nra(' I t i. ' ~d u! d Id u l u~llP h l' l'. k Lt! . ~ ,lt d lJ v,, 1i i l: lJ'd ' 011 ll ll ' jl)Ullg ~ l'jlrH~lnl'll ~!I l l \ ' 101:1 \\,, ~ kind hp ,,,·t, d :-; '", h:ld ti" :lPl'nil1[l ·d .\l ;l lllll as t i) llii' tlll'.I11 r

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hll had 1I ';t!-o.l' d fu r U l1IorJth, IJ .. l h~ \ La.! I

VVI N. [Il H!.


SHER., ill 111>, (' I" ga o ! I ~rrlu\l l ' II

""' haVe 1\ " . Irollulc . D(llhil1 h

bf' urovt,'

Practical Fashions

SIIlTIl1wh ul

aton ed for whal \ 'io la hod m h~ .. d For a w(',·k Martin s ulk"d lind uicl nOI Cl!lIl1' n, ·a,. !lIe ~l n "~ " hOln'·. OIl! .




"I kn,)\\ il," declar,:d L

'~U' J'

\Iar lill

un u p Jv(' t'p uP t! au htt! \~a ) brlla ~ J 'Y a n d

I I IY lfaliOtl :lral f('l t t hill it \\ \ '11 111 lJ. , 1\ " :11 I lOrm llll ~l a n(' l' tI ullJl nst pity· 110 Iiarlll 1(> a C('('j,l IIiR e nn" , IllY (11 ill t'.I )' urtl ' r his fri l.: lld . I ii u way IIH'Y 1I ..., rft'l 'h t'lll (H , (·it ~io ll . w t!rp rh nb lit l ove . Th a t I S . h u lb Vl tiIt \\a ll a ,,It ':h. ;IU' (!]( I LIftil Ur l \' (j, ~ I ­ !tf·d \\I 'lli l y tlll\ Ramp YI Jll ng Ind y" L!1 oug lt 1\1allll1 ru tht l' dl ~A U :-. I. · <.1 h. ·r ~ II ~H V:,oIa ~I ursc. tll"\ll;h 0 11 tl ilT,' n ' lIt I" il h lIi s 1" ""lill l': uf "I I !h p mOil")' P\"ldlJg ~ Y(l un g I ) rt :w n. hnW l' \·c r . · he Wil!i 5 Ih · lIdllq:; . .JlI s t Hti tht ,y were

d l) l n fO LJS

wa s


rHoli ( s t

n' :~. nowl'·<1 !:" t!

\\'lI u l l'~ ~o lll ~ d


l ' H'~8 In g II b r iJf;lI ~b ,' llur ~e t ook f1 i.,h t

hl!n ~ elr

!he ill lC'ri,JT uf :,Ianin I,n I('''k~. dr ess lind I" ' (I ~ I"' ' I ~ a nd lIad nlll rl' uf hop,' th"l1 cUll fi,i<'nel' in lIi d r () fl1J" ,"i L1oo ~ I lie \\ ,,~ !h rirty nntl EI" I"!), . "",I h t, ~oll" ' lil1" ' ~ flulei ·<I !11I.t \'i o l" 1':: IIt I' " arimir I'd th ().~(· 'laa lltil' ~ . all I h COH ~ trary ~Iar lin wa~ IIlwu y~ in debt, al· WlI)S ,"" 'Hilling al hi :; h :I I' ,1 [alt· lind al w ays livill)!; bp),IJI\(1 hl ~ n lf'lIlI~ A Yoolldrl' r,,1 stl'ok .. or "I!I,n d ~ 1I"k ~ " , ;...... n ~ h e t ~ nn e d il. caul!' 10 him Lll a t \ "ry arl e rnoo n As h I' W:l~ pa,, ~l n~ th. , 01\ (' ' fli ce bu ildin!,; of the low!] 1\ ll gll rc al ' , ln upp e r wludnw hnil l· t! h im . : t wa ~ ' , ~I r SIIUW, th e lawypr. " Hey , ~\lr . larlln:" b p c:JlI~ tl d"wn ~ '1 "·, nt to Rf' " you III oncf' ~ " I Thl' rapid· tire sljun<l or ttll' Consti tutionalists of M<'" \ell at Santa i\lv.ri a. Th C' RQllltd Is equlp"p.d wltb mollelll, "~ "rnf' pre ssing credItor. I UUPP"s e," lJp·to·date mach ine J.;u ns. ond we ll train ed Itl how to U6e th c m e rrectlvl'ly. )!;run,bled Les t e r, swInging 11 1' IP.!, .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. stull'S . " SI t down, ~ Ir . Martill ." invited , I r . : ~1I0W III a ve r y ugre enbl f! tonI.! . Th e n h e mov ed his h uu d ov e r lOWllrtjS u bund le of pape rs lind sell'cte d 0 111' . "I ha\·,· hr·ard from yo ur g raodfa th e r." l'onUnUE'd tb e attorney. " A s you kilO\\, . In :: o llr b ~hnH I hav e tri ed to Init' reBt him 118 a r elattve nnd at lea s t starl you In IBomp small bu ~ ln esB. " "Y es . yes," commentod Martin rapIdly . hiE< eyes glowing w ltb engerneslI as he n(1tlced a fluttering cbeck pinned to th e docum e nt In th e lawy er's hun d. "He sends you one tllou sa nd dolla r s. III' ~aY8 h e s t a rted In hu s ineRs 011 a n ahalf Ibnl amount. H e does not en· cou rage me to b e: levr th a t h e wil l dr>

Ulitl vl' l!l·C' d. " Oh. d pa r- take


(' ar e,"

wa rn l'll

VI(lla ~

" TIlI' 1111 1' 111Is brul,"n'" alld \\ Ii h lbe word s ~Iarlin Il':'I) I'<1 fn '" of thu \">·hld e. Thb UP Sf' t . 6pill in,. Viola to tiJe f,; rOllTld . Th e lI ur" ,· tJ""h " d iI~ ro H" a Ih· l<I Aery l,r pHiu ca r:1" fro m


Viol ll'~ ill '~ ~



,I I , I ;


" " ur!?" in'1l1 il' II :\1arlln . lJ u t ~tu r· in!: IIl1xiO\1s l)' "f t,· r !h c rtlll a \\ny . " I [, 'ar my ankh, Is li pra lll " 11. Ob, :111'. Martin , I r.· ,, 1 sn ruin !' \\,Oll' t you try III !:(.1. me homll tu nh, ll!l'r?" " In 11 min u te. Th e r e' s a IJ" l'b l'd wire [I'nee III th e "ntl u f lli(' Ill-Ill . Ir lho h orsu ti ho ultl run ;I\to t liat it wou ld eOH l lII e a IHC'!ty p l'nny ," and off It " dll , h .. t1 . Poor \ 'Ioia clos ed he r f'yt'R . h{·lp ~ I i s and In t f' rr lb lu Ilain . She tell Oue of tb e mo s t I!om fortnble tiC hl r selr al th e po iot of tlwoonlng. I Iho sImpl e Dlod col s Is Bhown ba 110m ... WIL ~ not far Il way, but she could lhl s de .l g n . Th e pluln blou se 0loe_ Ilot p ossi bly r ise to her ffl~L In front. !h,' n ec k Is low. tbe armbole .. ' .... hy. 1I11sB Morse!" cried an ex tra larg e IlIld th e slee ve s hort or anxious voice. u nd runnlo g Il whe e l· long. A til r ep gore s kIrt, with cltber barrow fill e d with bllg ~ b efore him r a ised or r eg ulatIon waist line comNt::al Dorman apptmre d on th e Hcen e . pletes th e I'os tuille. " I saw til,! runaway. T e ll me-aro Thp. dresB paltern (6293) III cnt lD you Injured 7" slzoo 14. 16 find IS years. MedIa. Viola exp la in ed weakly and ph.> adO!d s ize r eQ ulroB 4 ~ ynrds of 36 Incb mato be taken home . In a trice Dormnn (erl nl, with % yard of 24 Incb .au.. bad arrlln.,;ed the empty bags upOQ f!ll' t he glrdlc ~ th e wbeelbarrow. Tn I)l'O('lIro thl. l'ftttl!'rTl eend 10 ~ "It may not be very comtorlabl e ,~ t o "Pallem Dep.\rlmrnC" o f thl .. piper. \Vrlt ~ nu rn.~ nnd Il(.Jd ress plai nly. nnd be h e ClIplalned . aure [0 I: I\' c sl ... !loll number DC p&""Neve r mind tIJat, I am In suell po ln, I want to Bee moth e r." / SIZE ..... ... - _____ _ NO. 6 293~ l\' e al' s hellJ't bpnt mightily as. tronsC.·rring that lIaln!y rorm to the bal'NAME • • _. ____ ._.. .. . . ..... .. . __ ____ _ row, \ ' Io ln's 80rl hands c la s ped hi s TOWN .. ........ . . ___ •• •• •.••.•• ••. _~ _ _ II f'C k. 110 bC5towed her tenderly with· ill the Improvised yeh lcle. Th"il he STREET AND . ____ ....... . ... _ __ dro ve it ahead , plel,iug oul lhu STAnt .•• • _••.• _••. __ ••••••• __ •. _ . _ _ _ s moolh p,t part o r the road . II " ca ll e d a t lho Morse home tbe nt'xt morning to lea rn good news th e LADY'S OVER BLOUSE. mOlll (' ut ho ope n ed the gard e n gate. \,iol a was scated UP OII th e poreb con· ve r s ing with h e r mother, th ereforo improv ed. These words float ed to tbe ThIs II the Ilrs t photograph tak en of the German Z elJpelln aIrshIp ears or tbe blame less listen e r! wrecked It 900 fE'et In th e' air ancl kill ed Its tweilty p8~vengers . "After y esle rday 's eX[le rlen ce with lIIr. Ma rlin , moth e r. of co urs e nev e r I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~ -before lhat, stili no, ror-l love an· ENGLANlh: EUGENIST other." And, cn!lling bls mind a bout to s olve this riddle o f lo\' e , N e ill Dorman guessed It out th ot h e was n fayored on e. Indeed. He found It out to a surety be fore h n partc d with Viola that morning. Th ere werc no furthcr remittances for Martin w h (' n thal Ilrst thousand hud b ~ e n dls ~lpate d . Wedding be llo w"re rin ging th e cv<!n ln g b e slipped away from town , In d ebl and out Clf 80rtS, but they did DOt chime ror The Horae Dallhed Across the Field. him. llny!hlng furtber Cor you, but, I pre. (Cnpyrl ~b t, 1913. by W. G . ChnllmlUl.) !Umo your success or failure would b e a t e ~ t as to that." BABY'S PRAYER IN COURT "SO t he mean old hunks has laosrnr d up at las t, baa be?" rail ed Lc o· Child'. Petition Referring to F:lther .; . tel'. Figure. In Motner'e SuIt for ;o. lr ~ Snow looked s ho ckl'd and dI s· Separat io", " ::;-uste d ~ His visitor tock th e check a s Tb e pretty c ut of this blouso ,,-tve. ~'\"t·-:·: · ",,:-~ "" "I."~ ' 1 ~ ' _ ""lIo. _ ~:-"~··"~ I.hou~h he was dolnp; sompbody a fu · Du rlug th e tr ia l or th e !le parnllon It nn u nu s ually dressy effect lind whftD mr. anti len th e ollie" ov prjoy ed at suit b rollgh t by Mrs. SlIsle nrad ley fas hioned of rich stuffs, s uch all D1llt~ be ing th e POsscs!;or of t h e la rc; er. t !lllrber against ber hu sba nd, Arthur I .~ , brocad ed silk or satin the result. .~ .:~. , .~ a moun t. In cas h h e had eve r own('d, \-.... . Harber, a N(·\'/ YOI'k la wyer. b l)- Is 's blou se which Is suitable for Illbut uot one particle gratr.ful f or th (\ foro JU BlI('o Mills in th n @upreme IIIOs t lillY ora810n ~ A" lon g or sb o~ / ' .'" laval' e f' nfprr ed. ro url, t ('~ !lmoIlY wn s givcll that tho Il lceve moy be used. Two large mold. "Tbe doy has coml' alld gOllo \\' 11('11 pl:."n!i!T had l« ' pt duily noles of 111" ('ove rfO d with th e Vlaterlal of th. I lowpr' my business lal f' nl s tn s t~rt B h~s h !l I )( J' B actions and wo r ds during waist serVl! to close It. Any or (be Iiul p obscure shop on nny [ ,· w hU!l' tlin fou r y,!ars at th e ir marr ied 1110 t)(~W s ilk.s or brocud" d 1I0 vc ltl ell ma7 ? ~~ dre d dollars," h e poliloQII Izt'd ca n· ~: r~ . lIa l'ber, who fo rm e rly U.,ed al bl' used wltli good r e8 ultll ~ ..... : temptuously. "1'\1 11.:1\'0 one grant' fling ll afitlugs, IIcc used her hus'.)lw d 01 Th e lady' s overblouse p!ltlf'rn ( fl:t{.l) · wIth th Rt thouBand d nllars. I ~ I IlCVl'r crue l III.d inhuman treatlIlo'J t , whilo Is ('ut III sizeR 34 to 4!! In c h ">1 built have a::other. I'll t ake tlHl (~nnce :\11'. l3a rbe r In turn swo re that hi s m PBs ur e . Mcdlum size r eq uires • .t yards o f ~6 Inch mal prlal. that I can work th" old boy for sumo will) hall b"cn c ruel to him. more whe n tho t Is gone," and h,. gave M rs~ Harh',r k ept h e r dillry of datly Iro prr.rure thl8 pnl tprn fte nd 10 ~nt. "Pnll crn Departme nl ." of thIs pup.,r . blmRe ll' up to a wild dr f'll m or "cuttIng ilaPllc nlJlf,;a In h er home on IIh cets 01 to \ Vrlte n UIl10 and ull<lrelSs plainly . lUl l] ~ a clush with the nallveB." wliitll aud yellow pape r, and s he car· sure to g l vQ 01"0 and Humber ur l,:lueru.. "I'm going to do thing s up "ro wn ." !"il' d th e m to court in a bla1:K tlllnd· be !t\clre tly vnunted ~ ''I'll g b'll Viola I!I\g . Tbo Ilarbe rll have 1\ dnughter SlZE ..•• _._ ••__ ._._ NO. 6351. tbe time of ber life. Old 1IIIJrso llliS t hree ycon rs old. Mr. Ba rb e r said tbat a neat Ilium of a fortun e nud s he's ''''e ry uight h is wife bud their ba~ NAME ••• _• _______ ._ •••.••••••• •• _ •• _ .. Mtako worth playing lor." r elle nt thla pray er: "God, blclSs Ilr(l.od. I TOWN .•.• ~ .•• _____ ••• _ •.•• . ••• _._ .• -_. _. The foolish young mall did what mother nod upare b e r to DI e. {~od. man y II callow youth Blmllarly ell' urn· , bless mo th e r lind ~lJare her to me. STREET AND NO. _. __ ••.•. •• ..••• • ___ • stanced had done be lore h i lll ~ Th ere l ood make daddy a bette r m a n ." STATE .. •• "_' ___ • ___ _••••• •• _ .... .. _. ~ _. _ : \\'ere n e w sulta of cloth es, some gor· I Mr. Barber look umbra!>o to tbe r e t· ' lteOU8 n e cktle~ , It diamond I'ln anti i ('rllilce to ",ja<ldy" In tbe bu.hy·s Eugell(oUH UOI CIl, lho flrst baby a remo val front his (orTIIl'r !llll <lest Jlrayer. li e said tbut when sb .. taug ht Have a Flre·t.xtlngulaner. living quarters to a s uite In th e ,. ;- inci· th e pruy e r to the child It was UlO born In England In ~ecordnllca wltli A rellahle tlre·ex ltll g ul"h c r, wbll:h pal hotel of the placCl. c rue les t thlllg s ho ever did. Wh po lhe laws of eugenics. H Ell' la t her I ~ IhrowM c hemicals l!lst cn d of wa ter, Tb e tlrat thought IlI nt Matrin had. ~lr8 . Barbcr w as n s ke d wby nbe had :; ho uld hang In eve ry home. In th .. of AuotJ'lan desc e nt. bam In Cali· fon.ia. li e Is tll tl nutbor of tb e . "New DnCE' hI had got over the Initial mad e dally notes or homo bUI'pe niagB, burn n n<l III the stable. SeconWi a re Nationaltsm," a book en economics. glamour of pos ing 118 a genllem,m of ~ h e replied: '''1'0 rellev o Illy feel· )'!'cel ous when fire breaks out. 11114 H e r mother 18 an Engli s h lady ~ of me.ans and prospects, wall 10 think of IlIgs." th e Il mall. Inexpenlllve extinguisher. Viola. lie count.ed on astolJl Hhlng or A Sf"> simple of Uloe aUd quick of aoWhen t~he restored Congress Hall In PbUa~lphlB was rededlCl)tfld tbe Devonshire. For n seve n months old that pretty maid l' lI anlt~ h e r humble True FrIends, ; lI o n tbat tb~ey at once arrest th u pro&otlIe:r .d ay PreaUlent WII40n delivered r.n addrcBII trom tbe same balcony trom youngster flaby Boice Is dis playIng relatives with bls lib erality and lI,ag' A large cro wd bad gathered at 'toe ' rOIiR of a small ·blaze. Motorists tlllYe nteb George W. . bJDgton delivered hi. public utteranCl'8 when be was presl- reJrulrkable Intelligence aud olreudy nU\ccltce. 118s a pronounced aense of llumor. ~ taLion to receive tbe famous states· found tb e littl e cxtlngul~ber III ,·aha. 4alt. Alioto .:ame for Vlolu OllP morn· IIIn n ~ The rppo rt e r Indicated a group able. --.-... -~ • -- -ins Inviting ber to drive over to 8 in tho for~ground . "They are p er&onnl H ... Perfected Embalming. died, about twelve years ago,' he Cllf" Where They Were. tlJenter party at It ncar by cIty In "n ·}' frlf'J\ds, gnt hTd to see blm about The Better Way, Petrlfted buman toeB were discover· rled bIB Beuet with blm to the. srave. A " 'oman bad' taken bor Bmnll (lOll new 1I1)ldcr truD," and Martin IIl1ud .. tI ~ " (1 akiug here, he ex plain c d~ " ) 11111111 never marry ." said ,bs; .... a few 'aY8 ago, by workmen while The bulldlas which I. being tom down to the natatorium, 1Uid.. all tb e drelili' to lhe high socIal Btundlng of "OJ\I~ ., Is It n ecessary to use p ersusllin te ~' o ung mUll wilh a pointed beard.. -teartng down an old "ulldlng at WII· I waR about .eventy·Qve yura old, The In&,·rooms being occupied. s he ITlUI 'f tbe others who would make liP Ind u cl' blm to speak?" . nccnus e you are an artist '!" namll~rg, N. J. It was tlMm .recllUeci I work ot demolition had reached the compelled to dresB uuder ber I:,,,tll th e party. ! "Not at all; th ey are going to try to "YIlll. 1 painted n plctlll"5' or ' otd rest&lnte of tlle neighborhood cellar and when 1\ workman opened a jSheet In the corridor. The boy, curltJuB. Martin waD very much put out ") llfe vent hlm."-Judge .. girl to "'bow I wua engaged.. w.. at the btdldl.llK blid once Ileen a niche in the 'Willi .h e found on 110 &belt watched stead!ly until hll motber, recelvl! a courteous but deOnltc I'eply s aid tbnt If that w~s tbe 'Way • orltabop or ..' famoua emballller~ Dr_ what· be Iuppollld to bs toes that 'Were having directed hh:J to look at lb(1 to tbe o!rect that Viola had Il p~e.,jHla Opportunity. tbought Che loo\ed· It was beUar f'Ile ' , 'lhomaa Holm.. who .appll8!1 hll 18- perfectly caned .tram' Itone, T~ere ,,'all, loat patlence, . DIU engagement. He dId not realize Couledlan (whose turn it Is to ap. UI; lp ' pn,l 't " .... ~~' " . cret'proc:esl tO'the Ipody .ot Prelldent Was .a110 a bottle that apparently 001;1' -'Harry. where arO' your eyel?" IIh" . tl!at V"lollI. 'Wal 'womanUke enough to pear)-I can't go on lU6t now-I do ~ LInCOfu: Dr_ HItfP!1i1 alwa,.1 beld that ,taln~. emb&Jmlnl ·ftUIc!'. A. ematl brick.' ' d9~nded 8l>:arply. "I realize that. 'Ib~ wOUld not appear to teel 10 tunny, ~ ..... einbalmlnc ~J!a.,.UclD!"ou'd ef1,\-,s-u p e~~ber II t.o ~ oPened, ADd It . .J "JUlt 'Where the)', ~ere when ' / OU ,JIlpcb advnntag6 fn ber plain home. Manager-Funny! Oreat Scot; mau, .un perleGt tlreie,j.UoD II; ·tUrDl. c1I UlPuibt, Ukel, $at ~llll ~ wW be b~II' me. mamma," the pe~"l .ow~ am.OD'· 'Mal1lo's 'boaetad: go OD Immediately anel tnalle the mOil [1M ~. to ~~OIe;' Wb8JI Orl Hoi., fwad t,here. . IUlDe, If ImpertiDQflt ' ff:dI~' _ ~ ~'Y~~'I of .. ~th aJ!d (ublol\. ~ , ot It 1l'b\le<It Id",-:-Srltn,. Bulltuia






NO ~




- --_._--










'j - - - - - - - - - j i Personal 1entionJ• 1it1 ----________




::e A STORY A DAY .\


storY a drlv fo r the :lfi[j days of

, J ~IJ 1- th al is lJart uf wh at you g'l'1

Poor Old

nur h"liuay Unnk!1 arc now on . by :3 ubsc rihinr,- $2.00 for The Yo nth 's ,li ~ l' l ay . .} . E .. Ia nn, ·y, C" mpanion ' s new volu me. The INdown and out wh e n ('ompll r ed to 1'11 ... Tri ·SlaLe Hutler Company 's priel'!! fllr Hulll~ r Fat. wliil'lI i ~ ~ I. A . Z i l1l l1 l ' rIllall i" I II Ci ncin nati flfty-I wo wt'f'kly i ~ ues of Thtl Cornfor week cmlin g Novem ber ~:lrd . 10.1 :1), . panio ll will con la in a t Ipast 365 The Tri-SLate Butter Com pa ny <.11-'1\ 1<1 dir~<:t w il h th l:' s hip pe r. ' ~L , IlL " . and :III t1lP ('Ilh tl r kinds of shi pme nts us ually being maJI~ e very fuu r II r five day ,; Il:-l .\ Ir . Fr ,',J \"',,,,11< :''', "r l 'o lllll ll>\ - " ,,·.1 r, a. h ng II at (' fl JI he cruw ded conv en ient to t he shipper, every shi ;J llI e llt hl·i ng lfuurall tc"d ' I ' Ill:.JI':II~ a ...i, u rt \ ,. it 1" Iii ' milO! 1.. ' 1\ ','L'n ~, \' " ('o\'e rs - tlli'~ best a dvice a g ains t loss or damage in tra ll;;i l. ,\1 , ,, r:l iz ab('~:l I:a ,h :ql. "I, ~.. llIl'liu' iu r bu) .' , a rt icles on Th e shi ppe r not onl y Ravl'''; till' collCr'li Oll (' I I~L of. :~ . ·1 or fl cents \le r po und but al ~o g-nill a ul:!t"irl('d ud\'ulltngl' 111 hllVll11:" Phillipf" Pict ur e Show will open d r"",.; anu rE-c reations fl,r gi rls , conthe lE'st sample tu ke n a nd tesl eu irn 'lll'ill <ltnly Ilpll ll nr ri val. Saturday ('.ve nin g. 7. S un,) ~ l () 'clo(" k, I I'Illu li nn;:; uy fUIlHl USllIcn and women, Ou r Spot Cash ch eck wil l prov e til ynu. Ih e Tri .Slllte i~ I.he Mrs . A IpI hia :\ Ip:":ll1 ll E'r alld 'lI);g l>~tioll" fo r the cu re of the mO!lt IJrotitab le market for your ('ream . Wc see 1.'\ cry shippe r' s c ream . we deal uirl:!ct with ~ ou . we depelld entirely IlPUI1 I dau~hter i\1 i!l~ Knth" rllle are lea\'illl(" III·al t h.I!lc. Po r the year 's s ubscription of the size of o ur Spot Cash pay "hec k Lu urin g us add il i\lnal today f or the ir new home in Dayton. . ~ no I IWl'e i ~ included a CO PY of The shipments. ~ r. J . L. Hartsock all d family at- C"m paninn Prac ti cal Home Cal endar Free Trial Cans will be sent pl'epaiu and our Spot Cas h t:hecks w ill conv ince you as they have convim:eu t;,OOO shi plpnd ed lhe' fun eral of e ha:;. Clark . for I~J l 1' , and ull l he issues for the pe rs of cream in three states. at Sp rin g Vall l'Y T lIe~d a y . rem aining wceks of t his year. dating f m lll lhe l ime the subscription is The TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. If yo u a re go ing 10 ha ve a sa l(> . Capital Stock, $76,000 SC I' A. A . M '!'Jeil, Cent r n ' ill c , uhill , rC'cci velil. If you want 10 kn ow more abo ut un lh phOIH'S . Th e Compa nion before subsc ribi ng, I·:. V. Ba1'llhilr t I rall8ad~d Iiu siH' nd for sRll1ple copies containing l1e~ ill CnIU IIIUlI >-l T IIei>day . Ihl' openinl! cha pt ers of Arthur StanWULlU ri e r' s line serial of life in a Mye r Hyman alld fa mil ~·. of Leua non, we re \V(:'l, k· e nd !{ue!!ts 0'1 ho~':; ' school- "Hiil Father 's So n. " With th em we will Menu the full An 1 Sherm a n iJyk(' and fam ily, A NARROW ESCAPE \ noun cernent for 1914. Tf yo u want a dand y Ca lelldar f( )r THE YOUTH'S CO MPANION , Mis~ Lydia Oglesbee had a narrow I a C hri~ t ma R present ca ll ('ar ly and • 1·11 Berkeley St. , Rosto n, Mass. escape from a bali burning last see ou rll at Hicl~e' ,; Studio :-.l ew Subsc rilJti ons Received at Wednesday. Whil e she was cl eaning ' !'I l l's. Cell. Carey and MI·~ . Gray , this Offi ce. the kitchen stove with a patent prep- ' HUNTING NOTICE _._ - - . - + ---· '- I lof HIIl"I"ey!iliur l!. we re Waynesvi lle aration , th e stove betng too hot, se t vi silor!\. J\l onday aft e rn oo n. EXPENSIVE fire to the rag and communicated th e The following hav!' their farms Ttw hel:il and larl,fcs t li ne of und er· blaze to her clothing, and burninl,f I P08ted. and hunting on t he same will New Good Things to Eat w(' ur. pri ce,; less lhan Daylon. T hird Messrs. Lafayette Nicholson and her arm . She started to run out of: <.OHOLD 'H ' TORC') ,Jogitively be prohibi1led. Wear I corset made to you . A. k 'or • . .- - large lilt arriv ed today aL John A. Peter Kuntz were brought before doors b u t was preven ted a n d th e demons,rallon. Telepbon. or send postcard 10 Seth Furnas. Justice O. J. Edwards on Monday tire was soon extinguiflhed. The Fresh Oy~ters Funk ey·~ . Martin Gons. Mrs. Sadie Zell 1a.'It hy Game Warden George Robert· Fancy Celery Isaac Wilson. Phone 126, waynesville, O. nr, J . T. Elli. waf; confi ned to his !Ion chanted with huntin g without a arm was not badly burned. b ut the Cranberries 1. Satterthwaite home the lath'r part of t he week license . Both plead guilty and each shoak to he r nerVe!! has placed her New Sauer Kraut. New Mince on the sick list. ------- -.~.~----wit h a ,,(' \', 'r e attack of aHlhma Meat" , New Beans, Ne w Ro ll ed r eceiv ed the minimum fine of $2i) and Oats, New Dried Peaches , NQW Th l' secon d numbe r of the Lectu re cost, am ounting t() $30.XO , ,Didn't Feel It. ADDITI9NAL LOCALS Simplicity In Higher Llfs. Apricots , New Prunes, New ---- . ~- --A little gIrl had been a llowed cotrss Cou rse will be the Cr cscent Concert The high er we ris e th e simpler wo Raisins , New Cur rants, New tor breufaet as an unusual treat. She become. There 18- a childhood Into Co .. at School dall, Th ursday eve· E uck wheat , New Meal, New What He Would Say. IluwteCi upon having more sugar In t which we have to grow. Just as there Mrs. W . H. Allen is in Cincinnati Hominy,New Canned Corn . Peas , ning. November 20. A Scotch mlnllter took pity upon Is a childhood which we must leavo than mamma thougbt neoessary. "I Tomatoes, New Canned AspaTf\ today. IlD IrlBh laborer toiling In tho dltoh ha...e already sweetened your cup, Mrs . arah Lippincot t has rebehind : a chlldHkeness which Is the gus, Peaches, Apricots , Che rri es . aD a hot lummer's day, &rid, fetching hl~h est gll in of humanity, and a chllddear," wu the firm If gentle reply to turner! from a visit with Mr . and Pine A pple, Olive Oil in half pint The holdenl of season tickets fnr the bottle and a glasl, refreshed Pat the child's demands for further Inpint ami q uart cans. s trictly pure Mrs. ChM . We ll er , near Centerville. with a 81a81 of whl~ky . Pat wal ex- lshn eBs from which but few of those 'the L.. cture ~ourse are requested to dulgence. "The sugar Is at the botwho are counted the wlse8t among Imported . Fancy Gl'apes , Aptom of the cotree." "I don'V feel It." The Ladies of lheChrislian church uberant In his expressions of thanks men have freed themselves In th eir use the~e tickets, Thursday evenikg, pl es, Oranges, Dates. Figs. "Begorra. sir," he said. "It's ,004; came tbe duhlous aDl!wer. accompa· will hnld the Th anksgivin g market It', justl to me Hke mother's milk to Imagined progress towards the reality November 20. nled by thorough and noisy action of J ersey Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage , at the Towm,hip H ouse , Wednesday, IlD Intant." "But what would the ot thlngB.-Geo.....MacDonald. the epoon. Miss Mary F['lney, of Columbus, Onions, Irish Potatoes. Nove mber 26th, commencing at 9:30 priest elay." said the mlnlBter. "It he 18 visiting her aunt Mrs , Anna B. A fine a.'lSortment of Oil Heating Heard About the "XV." Furniture. knew that I was giving you thll a. m. Come and g ive them a call. Cook and fam ily . Stoves just in. prices rig ht. In tbe window of one ot th e large drink T" "Be8Qrra, sor," laid Pat, Mu.lclan'. Devotion to HI. Art. . Coffee has advanced but we are M rs Floyd Anderson and so n. of "what would he say now, but jUlt furniture stores laBt week was exhlbIn 1838 Robert Schumann wrote to The Choir Guild of St. Mary's still selling a fancy Rio at 20c Itsd a magnlftcent Louis XV. bedroom Clara Wieck: "I have given several Xenia. spent Frid ay nig h t and Satur- thl_'Olve him another.''' chu rch will meet with Miss Hillen a pound. Try a pound of our eet. Two women stopped lind looked houn hard study every day to Dach 25c Santos , it can't be beat. 1day here with Mrs . A . L , Hendrick. at ~t admiringly and ana of them- Marlatt Saturday atternoon and Beethoven, and to my own work. Drink Plenty of Water. White Star only 28c , Rose of ehe ) may have been Mrs. Wood B. aDel coulClenUOuBly managed a large I John A. Funk ey is a nxious to see no meane of lessen Ing fll' Hlghbrow-exclalmed : "011. there Is Sharon 30c. Mr. Will Mohr, of D.ytnn, has C)Qrreapoudence. I am a young man of \ shoe buyers seeking good Stloes and I tlgue Iii of more Importance than a Bome of tbat ·ex·vee· furniture I've been visiting Mrs. Hulda Burnett twiNlty-ellht, with a 1'61')' actlvs mint, look at the large line of Ladies', proper ISUPPIy at drinkin g water. The read BO much about! "-Kansas City and family . Brooms 25c up to the Best. ud u artllt, to boot; yet for sight I Misses. Men 's and Boy's Gun Metal product:s of was te, carbon dioxide and Star. ,..... I have not been out of SaxoDY, I \ - - - - - - - - - - -, ------Button ShoCii, the latest . and bes,t lactic add. are taken up 1>.'£ the Oulds u4 have been Bitting sUII and Bavlng I Lard 15c a pound. Messrs. W. H. Allen and John B. ot the body and carried to' the lungs IDODey, without a thought of spending styles Pence of the Waynesville National Tied Boot Too Tight. and kld,neys for el1mlnatlon. The acit on amaaemeut." Try Pretzel Meal, only 5c a pkg. Tying his boot too tight caused a with W. W. Whitaker, ca8hier of the Elijah Compt on arrived hom e Fri· cumulation of waste product8 Is ortt!n day night after a month's visit with due to Insumelent use of drinking wa farmer, named Lyons, death at Ash- Spring Valley National Bank, are in The largest and best asSorted grove, noar Mallow, County Cork, IreLand In Bolivia. his daughter, Mrs. ' Martha Seibold, ter. It hlUl been noticed In the army land, recently. The man was tying his Hamilton today oll business. stock of Groceries in Warren that the man who falls from heat In Bollvta &11 vacant land belongs ---,. ~ - ---of Middl etown. County , Our prices are always stroke Is the one whose canteeB Is hoot In the yard of his house preparato the republic, and can be acquired the lowest. Come in and s ee tory to going to work when a veIn by purchaBe or lease. subject to spe· Don't wait until the week before empty. Evidently Not. us. Join t he Booster Club. burst tn his leg, and although etrorts clal resulatlons. The unit of mells· The tellow who ssld. "One-hall of Christmas. get in early and avoid the You can j oin any time. Cou the ftow of blood, were made to stop . ure II an hectare. which Is 2.4 7 acres. the world does not know how the othWould Bar the Spellohe•. pons with cash or p roduce. rush. Ridge's Studio. death ensued In halt lin hour. ADT ODe may acquire as much as er half lives." ev identl y did not exist A mllmber or parl1ament enlivened .10.000 bectaree, paying cash at the In a period of Ladles' Aid Boclellee, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Mich- a pollHcal club luncheon by telling Rte of 10 cents per hectare for farmThursday Afternoon Whist clubB, La• Sudaneae Product •• igan. were the week end guests of tbe story of a certain famous politi 1q ud .putng laud•. dies or the Round Table, Sewing C~ Bu4an Is the chief source of the clan wbo attend.ed a banquet a~ whloh Mr. Ben Lippincott and family and .It was expected Lmportant speeches world'. 8upply of two Important prod· oles and like organlzations.-JudSe. other r ela t i ves. J would be made. A dish of whltebalt ucte-gum arabic and Ivory. About SO Stevenlon on Life. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. wall eet before htm and, after looking per cent. of the Ivory and 15 per cent. of the gum is shipped to the United We are not meant to be good In tbls Mary '8 church will meet with Mrs. at the ftsh a nd then at the other States direct. The hetter Qualities of guest!! he r ema.rked : "Gentlemen, world, hut to try to he, and fall, and I J. F. Cadwall adpr on Friday a fter , let us follow the example at these lit· the gum are used abr?lId by confec· keel) on trying: anti when we get a ST. MARY'S CHURCH noqn at 2 o'clock. tie fish-drink a gOlld deal, and say I tIoners tn making candy and th e lower cake, to say, "Thank Godl" and when grades In the manufacturs of glue and we get a bul'fet, to say, "Just so: well nothing!" Sunday next before Advent No Try a sal:k of Burton's High Grade mucllage. - - - -- - - - - + e____••------blU"-Stevenson. vember 23. Sunday School at 9:30 White Frosl Flour. It is made from • N,ot Just What She Meant. a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon 1 the choicest old wheat and is guarCemetery Advortleement. . One I)f our beat·known novelists, the Advertlalng a cemetery IB something lat 10::}0. You are invited to these anleed hy ti,e manufacturer to give most slentivoly court eous of llIen, ar- not, generally encountered. but this reservices. enti re satisf action or money re riving very lato at a dInner party, wa. - - - .. - , funded. For sale by G. W. Hawke overcome wi th conf uslo n-"I am truly cently has occurred at Sydney, N . S. Wales. AUlltralla. A newspaper act· • .-..-,...... ~~O a local cemetery Wanted Information. Mrs . Perry Kenrick and daughter, sorry to be so -shockin gly lato." The vertlsed all Halt an hour nftcr Mrs, H!chly had Miss Bertha left Tuesday to j oin Mr. genial ho ~ t.e5s. only meanin g to aasure "commanding so beautltul a view him that he was not th e last. e mphat- of the bay thllt people who have given ber ne w maid an order she be- l( . k ' J ., h th • you tried It cannot be persuaded to go SMITH·PREMIER came un easy and went to Investigate. ~nrlc m _ouI SI~na, were ey Ically rc pll c(]. "0 , Mr. cao:t come too Inte." "Well. Mnry, whnt has detai ned you? WIll all spe nd lhe wmter. if'J'pewnter at as!J.»5 10"" thlUI th e nasnuelsewllsre."'. low-elt '''''tory pr1ct.t. ~ -----------.~-Ha,:.e you fo und my Keats . as requ est- i Mrs. Hannah Antram left Sunday OYSTERS ed ? "Lor', mum ." !\'1ary apologized, . Hard to Satlefy. Our Funny Language. "I was Just comln' back to ask what for GreenvIlle, where she was called "Some men l'are not even satlsfted A Illseper Is one who sleep.. A Is a Keats." ; on account of the serious illness of NewBeans, Hominy, Rice; Oats .. .leeper II that In which a sleeper when they marry and nro supported In etc. and a full line of Fancy .. -. Iher sister and brother-in-law. .leeps. A sleeper 18 that on which he style to wblcb they have been aOand Staple Groceries, Try Feared the Worst. D . d Sh ? tbe Ile1eper runs while tbe sleeper cUBtomed," causUcally remarked a Arthur Buffered so s€\'erely from 0 you apprecIate goo oes. a can of Chili Con Carne. woman. . IleepB. Therforf(, while the sleeper toothache. du e to a bad tootb. that his Call and see t~le large stoCK. of c~s. sleeps In the sl eeper the sleeper car------,- ~ tather Nnnlly in81sted upon the aching tom made school Shoes, Ladles Fme ries the sleeper until the sleeper. The guaranteed shoe "Me and Another Gentleman." sinner's removul. The Ilttle lad hare Dress Shoes, Men 's Work Shoes. wblch carries the &leeper, jump. the -The "Wabasha" A little boy. spending ths summsr In and "Big Indian" Work Shoel up bravely und er the operation, but Every pair warranted to give satis. sleeper and wakes the Bleeper In the ths country, dictated thlB letter to hla seemed troubled on th e way home. At . sleeper by striking the sleeper under tather: "o"ar pa, you ought to be for winter wear. John A. Funkey. Illst he voiced the cause or his anxiety. . f actIon , the sleopsr on tbe sleeper, and there here with us. It's One here. We went "Papa," h~ aekcd, pale and trembling, Mrs. A. L. Hendrick has been laid III no longer any sleep for the sleeper out on the lake yesterday. Me au' Ne,.er before hl\9 I\oythlolf lik e this been attempted. Deale", I(c t sa,1X) " munth r e nL tor "am I a crippl e now ?" up for several days with a very Ileepln!r In the sleeper on the sleeper.... another gentleman oared the boat." nt:; \b1l malle of machioe Dot ocarly a'l>ert"c t 6S Ball Band gum boot, particu. \be one we .. 111 seni1 you, BDi1 you pa y only severe attack of pleurisy and neuralTWO DOLLARS A MONTH AND OWN IT, larly adapted to hard wear. Ball Hint for Young Musician •. gia, but is better at this writin&,. 8JD(D YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS Band Rubbers, Arctics. Felta,etc. Begin your practice wltll enthus( OK .... POSTAL VAliD ANI) WI!: iasm. Don't put your practice olr 'beMt>s dames Edith M. Harris, Sarah WILL ARRANGE A TlffiEK DA VI!' TBlA.L WITHOUT COST TO 1{OC. cause yo u hav e "plen ty of time" You Zimme rman and J. F, Cadwallader Corduroys, Overallll • Perfect mBchlDes 001)'. comldete ouUlt. cannot kno w your piece too well. but attended the Dayton Convocation of ami Work Shirts, IIO~ e:rtra to buy. no 8tnollS o t a o y kind rem ember that one hour at steady, Coat Sweaters, Winter Caps,etc: toO UI.Ia oller. Just Lblok of b uyloj( such .. the Woman 's Auxiliary at London ", for ooIr 57.i5 <lown Bod $2.00 B concentrated practice Is better than moot.b tor five mooths. Thousaods of people tour hours ot careless Btrummlng at Thursday last. baye _paid 1100,00 cllsh fur Smtth Prem1e~. Quality Ooods and Prices Right. It .. Standard. by mollY coosidered the best tbe piece, If you want your money's worth ---- - -.., ever buil t. A key for eaell char· l ..,ter. a tn>e hrusll f or c l e nDintl tile tn>e when you buy Shoes go to John bull' lAta \be m acblDe. tUtln ~ ellrnage. eomL'S T ight. \0 )'011 wltb tool&. 'rubbe r coVer. every\h inir They were searching .,r a name for )<'unkey's, the best styles and best complete. It runs beaut.lfu Uy. IS simple Bod "fOIIIr IID4 .. tu last "llfeLJule. We "" ye SOld the new apartment house. "From the Shoes for the least money. Cus1IUD4H411 of like machnles aod everybody III way you're going to pack the people tomers near Centerville and Yankee 1&\IIIIed. lu, " remarked a prospective tenant, "I Street say John A 's Shoes have ()abo .6 uro..... wW be Onlld on thJJI . . ..r ..... CT TODAY TO BE 8VXE. suggest that you ;alll~ 'The Sardlnla.'" ~ayton'8 beat in quality and price, . SA!D4 70ur name now. TODAY. YOIl ClaD" ~ aDd its the I(rc.a test eeoDoroiclL Quite 80. 110 many say Mail Order Hou8es are nP&w!lte!' oPPOrt.llDiJ.y )'011 will eyer have. 'The maD who never laughs at him· not in it. A trial will convince you. " Typewriter &: Rcpaif Co. 1I8lf mlileB mAny a cbaD.c e for & good Every pair baa to give aatWaction


For 30 days only we will make a Special Sale on Anthony Fence, the best on the market today.





Waynesville, O.









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.. .



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A Typewriter Sensation $2!...~~·~~~


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---_. ..












f GEM f

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. IaUcml

aa ...... ·ar« .. ~ ~.. Duioa. Go 1101e.


Have your Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette Officee

, - ". ,

. ' or a reb~ will be allClwecl.



Henderson Bros.1

• __. _Cotwin. OhiOJ


!::ixty-Fourth Year


rr:=::::=:::::'-:-~~=~'::::--:-'~" "".: '::"~::::=::::::::l'l \ Personal Mention Column : I ,The


Whole Number 3239


. Social -- - --.-..-........-._-. Events I r

Wayne Township Farmer's The people of . the state of Ohio are invited to meet in conventivn at ! Club met Wedne&.lay. Novemlkr~19. .--~~~.--.-~---..-.....-... Word has reached us that Jack Colum~us, .December 5th and 6th. .....J! mstead of on Thurway 13. the reg- Mrs. It M. Hob lit entertained at ..• ...... ~---..•.......... · .......... ·~ ular club uay, at the very pleasant Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Mont Daughters. of Jeffers, Montana, was The ?bJect IS fOJ! those who ~ave th.e-....· -.......- -.......... •....... W. O. Raper was in Dayton Friday. Miss Mary Lal chern is lluilt:: ill. cou ntry home of Mr, and Mrs. Elias Hublit. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Rye married about three months ago to making of the n~w eode m their the daughter, of a widow who o~ns h.and£l to exp lain their recommendaOglesbee. the day was ideal, and und MI'. F1"Bnk Thomas. See Calendars at Ridge's Studio. J.~. Janney WlC! in Lebanon Tues- , most of the families were r eprea lurge ranch there, Ja('k is running lions, that ~he delegates may ~o the ranch and doing well back to their homes and explain day, sen ted , The C. E. Society of the Christian C. M. Robilzer was in Cincinnati This being the meeting for our . these proposals. Also, provision is church held a social at the home or to be made for open discussion, at Friday. Mr~, J , W. White ha~ been Quite corn exhibition we had quite an exMr and Mrs, Walter Elzey on FriThe f"llowing is all excerpt f .. om which time suggestions and changes sick. hibit of some very nice corn. San B er- may be made. Mr. Roy Innes, of Lebanon, was:in a letter fr (I m John T • U day even ing. Everybody had a good pp, d' Cal W 'I I " town Friday, M Al dEl' b h C II I TIle program f or th e a ft ernoon tim e. nar mo, . e are stl enJoYing The Il'terature from the State rs,' l) corn anM dlza et arru Iwas opene d WIt ' h musIc . b y M'ISS Anna A lot of Ben Hur Books Saturday were m ayton on ay , May Deardoff, We had some very your paper a3 regular as Sunday Supt. of Public Instruction telling of T. 0 Mason and family. of Xenia, comes along, ISnd can see in our this convention and its chances to f or on Iy 50c. worth $1.50 at Janney ' s. Your ()pportunl'ty t o purchase a ' good an,d in st, ,r uctive events given Mrs Julia Bergan. Mrs, John Gib. d minth 's eye h all the plnctlil h and people give a hearing to each section, Mrs, Huldah Burnett spent Thurs- Beauty Blue Barred Rock Cockerel us by MISS EdIth Crane . bons and Mr. Ed Macy were gue.'\ts ~ t O~gh we we~\ t ere our reached our districts too late to be day in Dayton. this week on ly. W. 0, Raper, ' Mr. S. 0, Henkle wlUlour essayil:lt, of Mrs. Mary A. Wise at dinner, es WIS es are ~It you an your made use (Jf. Now, at least, all are hi s subject being "What kind and Sunday. paper. We were ,at Waynesville last In · par t f ami'1'lar WI'th th e most 1m. . Mr . and Mrs . C.M' Robl't"er E mmOl~ B'I ' how mue h ed ucatlOn . shou Id be gIven ' ,. ,. were al ey. Sr. has b een QUIte Ilummer but our tIme was limited so porta n t pom ' ts a t'Issue. ' Day t on Sat ur day. m III for the past week. our children to prepare them for Miss Mary Salisbury entertained could call on . '11 e Sch00 I D'IS t ric . t f arm I'f b ' you. W~ wellt to Th e Waynesvi Beauty Blue Barred Rock Cockerels I e." As aIways he gave us a Mil58 Ethel Hosier and Mesars Ray· G tt not e ys ~rg reumo~ and looked for has chosen and instructed a delegate, for sale, this week only. W. O. Mark ~)aviB ~s able to be uut again very good paper which was enjoycd mond Davis and Ernest P..ogers at an ~. ~~ddy buted~l~ht lUI well have Wayne fownship School Diitrict and Raper, Waynesville, Ohio. after qUIte an Illness, by all we think from the very lively elegant three-course six o'clock din· 00 or a ne , e In a.hay stack. the Grange should each choose and " , I di scussion that followed, ner, Sunday evening. MillS Clara Hawke is visiting rela. , Ml~ I~ma Daughters VISited relaThe special topic for discussion We had a gr~d tIme, ?Ive my best Bend a delegate, also. A few reprarega~8 to al my o,ld time .friends, Benting the townships will get better lives in Dayton thi!l week. bves In ayton last week. waR "What shall we read 1" The Its th te b h Among the delightful social funcand If you are commg out In 19'& I as before, remember San Bernardin~ r~uht :n a grea rbnlumtoet' w 0 Mr. Bert Grant. of Dayton, visited . OUrt~OokSyare nohw oldpen fokr your diS~Ut~iOn was opened by Mrs. Cart· tions of the past week was a 6 no even be a e agree Waynesville friends Sunday. mspec IOn. ou s ou rna e your wrlg 1 • t f ed' o'clock dinner given by the MI'''~~ dJ U I 'II h' k . . h mig adn . f pp as ~I t In It IS t e among themselves upon important selection I! before aSS(.rtment ia Mi ss Ruth Hartsock nex avor flo H . h A' d M"""" uty. 0t' an Raymond Williamson, of Dayton, b ro ken. J , E'. J anney. h ' a f ter wh'lC h we B r-mma telg nmeTh'and arne k old ' friend 11 II to stop as long 1'88 ues. us WI'tsome mUSIC, th way. ' h as h IS IC wet WI a ow him to. if not Let the Waynesville delegate rep. spent the week·end with home folks. adJ'ourned to meet on December 19 rown a elr orne on Ir streetI II d h Born- ,To Mr. and Mrs. Walter ' 'th M d M M W SI The favored gueats were Mr. and l we an t e resent from the village school stand27 f H I'd G d Who k 1'h d WI r. an rs. . . I ver. M S Le C . h M d onger. . e are a ' t th T b' d I t f cases 0 0 I ay 00 s raIta ar, urs ay, November 20, __ • rs. v artwrlg t, r. an weather IS fine; we ave the doors " the ~vemng'8 and no fires the pom,rurale school owns standpoint IP e ega e asrom 'ed I t ' a son. Mrs , Ambrose Maffitt. Mr. and Mrs. it celV as wee k and WI'11 be open In open In 'ts' _L' d h ashorttimeatJllIIney's. NOPCE Warren Barnett, .Rev , and Mrs. yet, and no rBID. exlS m your own townlSUlp. an t e Mr. Gail Eyer and family, of Chi· Cadwallader and Mrs. Lina Devitt. , Grlillge delepte represent from the Mr. and Mrs_ Andrew Grubb, of cago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. A, Hours for the Postoffice on ~. R. Anderson, the veteran art standpoint the proposed legislation Dayton epent last week with relatives B. Sides. IThanksgiving Day : Lobby open from 7 a , m , to 7:30 p: m. All deThe many young friEnds also older designer, o.f Laf~yette, Ind ,: sent us will directly or indirectly effect the here. anoth~r 8hlrt'~81st pattern m punch rural cOII,munity. . Mr. an? Mrs. F, H, Farr spent partments open from 9 a. m. to 10 a. ones gathered at the ~omeof Walter embrOld~ry which took first ,re~ium Three delegates aan easily do the . ~~BS Zelia ~g~rs, of Ro~te 4, ~ Sunday With Mr. Guy F, Dakin-and m. Carriers will not make their trip Thomas Tuesday evemng, November at,the 11~pecanoe county (~ndlana) work of a greater number and do it vl81tmg relatives In Centerville thIS family in Dayton. Ion this day. Mails will be dispatched 18 to remind him of his 20th birth· fair. It IS a handsome design and well. Let Wayne Township have at week. . aud received as usual. ' 1 day - Walter waa ready for church k' b .:1 I H h d . H.E.,Johnsandfamlly,ofDayton, . . neverexpectingasurprise until they the wor 18 eallWolIl. e as rna e It!aBt these three. Then, should MI88 Charlotte Antram has been were calling on Waynesville friends Do not call when the Windows a~e. " . . '. 79 wais~ patt.e.rns up:to-d~te. .He adverse legislation in the end prevail, visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. Hart. S d 'ute closed; you will not be answered If swarmed I~ upon him. MUSIC, ~th also wntes: My Wife IS domg we can feel that an effort Willi made sock. un ay. rnoon. you do. voeal and mstrumental, &lao vanoua Mr. and Mrs. James Zell, of YelFrank H. Farr, Postmaster. games were the leadinl{ features of nicely, arm is out of pack and she to check it by having a voice in will be out of the doctor'e care in a what at least look» like a fair propoCome today and purchase these low Springs, spent Sunday with Mr. • - • the evening. A light lunch was Beauty Blue Barred Rock Cockerels. and Mrs. Frank Zell. BAPTISM AT ST. MARY'S served. Walter received many u... couple of weeks, Sbe is cnnfined to sition. a chair and is pretty tired of that • _ _ W. O. Raper. Now buy these ful and valuable presents, They left g position, but is cheerful and as happy Mr. Herbert Brittain. of, Dayton, Barred Rock COCkerel~.ea~~is !I~~ Delmar Ferdinand. infant son of at a late hb?Ur .1 wiehin 111m many Thoeenresent as anv. body. 1 have attended her SENTENCED TO REFORMI\TOR\ visited Chas. Stansberry and family only. VV. O. Raper, Wayne'3vi11e, \ Mr. an d Mrs. W . F . Benec ke, re-l ,more BUC h lrthu'"'' _...... night and day for over four weeks, Sunday. Ohio. ceived the Sacrament of Baptism at, were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. the morning service in St. Mary's 'Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cor-B.Dd part of th~ time sleep was an Judge Cushing. in Cincinnati on unknown quantity. The Home is Monday, sentenced Carl Coleman to Carl Hawke and Abe Dakin, of l Dr. P. D. Clagett and 'family left church last Sunday. Sponsors, Mrs. noll, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lackey, Mr. congested to the limit, with members the Reformatory for an indefinite Dayton, spent Sunday with their Thursday morning for Roswell, New George Hartsock. W. H. Allen and and Mrs. Ed Murphy and daughter ranging from Cuban. P. I. Indian. period for stealing Ray Mills machine parents. Mexico, where they will spend the l<~red B. Henderson. Irma. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Thomas. 'winter. • _.. Mr. and Mr•. C. E. Foulkerth and and 'Mexican Wara and War of Re. a few weeks ago. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sides. of ST. MARY'S CH URCH two children. Mr. and ' Mrs. A. C. bellion from 35 to 98 years, only Ii Lytle, were the guest. of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides and Mr Mullen" Mr. and Mrs. James Mullen few six or eightof the Cuban variety STEPPED ON A NAil Mrs. W, S. Haines, Saturday. Mr. Gait Eyer and family visited Mr. 1 S d 'Ad ve n tN b 30 and daughter Edna, ¥r.. iJllian and they are about as bad off as are the older ones. In our building of Weller Haines remained until Sun- Raymond Eyer and family in Dayst u~ ahYlDl 9 3O ovem~ . Hotop, Mr. William Guthrie, Mr. day evening. ton, Sat.urday. Sunday Bc 00 at : a. m" on, and Mrs. Lawrence Thomas and thirty-two men, and their wives 1 Mrs. Minnie Hartsock had the I"our Lord Teaches a Woman of am one ot the youngest. There are misfortune to run a nail through her Try a sac:k of Burton's High Graue Maste:r James Hartsock and sister Samaria", St. John 4: 5-30. Holy little son Perry. Misses LOla and fourteen in 80, and four in 90 and foot Montlay night a week. Medical White Frost Flour. It is made from Marie also their teacher Miss Vivian Communion and sermon at 10:30. ; Irma Cornell, Eva and Nellie Murup. Two ' Mexican war vets in our attention was immediately given. the choicest old wheat and iii guar· StillweiD attended the box social Thanksgiving Day service and ser- phy, Lena Thomas, Pearl and Haze Luilding. Sad it is to see so many With the aid of her crutches she is anteed by the manufacturer to give ~ven at: the Elliott school house last mon at 10 o'clock. Pope, Marie Hartsock and Vivian totterinll forms daily, without a ray getting along as well as could be ex· entire satisfaction or money re- Saturday evening. They report a The public is invited to these ser- Stillwell, MeB8l'B. }(aymond Hartof sunshine to many. Five in our pected. funded. For sale by G, W, Hawke. fine time. vices_ sock, Millard Murphy. Henry Murbuilding are blind, three others • phy, James Hartsock. Perry and nearly so. Only a few weeks ago a Harry Gutherie, Carl Thomas, Jas.

l ..._........___..................---.........._............_ ......




__-llep.hew of Ge<lrge Sale died suddenly McClure and Eameat Roger.. and was buried here. His name was • - • WOMAN'S AUXILiARY George Smi th. There has been no _,.,.._ _"""..,..,..,..,..,..._______....-""•• "......................................"........."....................... - .......,..........._ __................ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -"-"- • _ ••• - - • __ snow here; not enough to cover the . , . , y y....."'-y-yyyyyyyy""""............-....-.....-....-.....-.-="'="'-"'_.... _...._...._...._...._..,..,_...._...._...._..,..,yyyyyy-grount!; but within a very few miles Saturday, Nov. 15th, the prizes Chamberlain, suit of clothes ~r ISix Spcc:ial Trains To Haul the Buck- look after the desires of the Buck~ye The regular meeting of the Woo there was 10 inches or more." were awarded to the Warren overcoat by M. B, Hyman; LeWIS eye Party. Boys Com Special party with res· ,man's Auxiliary was held at the rec· e _ • County Com Contest boys. Verbryke, an Elgin watch by M . , pect to military sight-seeing reports ory on Friday afternoon, November Th~se m charge of the Buckeye that the Secretary of the Navy had 21st at 2 o'clock. Kohlhagen; Walter S. Colvin, a Although the crop was cut short cowboy saddle and bridle, by Bem- l~oys \o~ SpeCial Tour to thc Na- issued orders to admit the Buckeye The meetinlr opened with a rendiSTOLE A RIO by drought and hail in some sec· stein Brothers; Leslie Franz, a vio- t!onal CapItol Dcce'~her I ~o 7, cs- party upon one of ,the gre~t battle· tion of the fine old hymn, "Abide Quite a commotion was created at tions of the county yet the boys had lin by E. Trovillo; Charles Harvey, I~Imate th~t therc , WIll ,bc I JOO Jun - ships at the PIllladelp~la N~vy with Me" played on the Victrola. d' I a clock by Frank B. Cary These lors and J O() sCJIlors m the party . Y d d ItS al M e • . . cell ent ISp ays. h . Arrangements ha\'e been made for ar s an t IU a pecl ann The devotional exerciaes were conLytle last Sunday evemng. Wilham ex . ' seventeen were t e acre contest- . D '\1 and Band Concert be provided The tnps to WashlDgton offered ants. The "10 ear" 'contest was not SIX spe,cial trains to transport the n " . . ducted by Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. Bro~ks took a h?rse and b uggy, beI~ngmg to Morns GrahBD,J, f~om ~he by the Civic Trust, the Citizens Na- limited to them, but they naturally party, TI~e extcncimg the , tour, to To Appear In Movmg Pictures. Then followed another beautifu Member~ of the ,Hucke~e B?ys hymn, ~'LeadKindly Lilrht." Scrip· hitch rack and started fOl\ a lOY ride tional .Bank and Lebanon Grange received ' the larger number of the !ncl,ude Phlladelplllu, the tlurd city about 7 o'clock. Mr. Graham dis· b· EI Wills f U' prizes In each of the three follow m Size, and the very cradle of Amen- Com ~pccJaI Party hk~ly wIII,euJ?y tural Quotations were aiven in remer . 0 tica ing ~ontests each exhibit con: cm! Liberty , und still keeping the the dlstmctlO,n of havmg th~lr pI~-. spon!!e to roll·caIl. After the read· covered his loBS about 8:30 o'clock were won y and immediately notified J. C, who heads the record Wlth llli bu. sisted of ten cars. ~os~ of the trip within last yea~'s tures shown 10 every town m 01110 . Hawke secretary of the Wayne and 56 pounds on one acre. Clyde M P f Yel h hnuts, $liO for semon; and $:,0 and even beyond the confines of this Ing of the minutes and other busi' dDt t' ' Southard of "erritstown came secost he: ect 10fiw com-C: ar· for juniors, is meetin g with popular State if the wish of a moving picture ness the regular program was taken '· P t t ' e ec Ive " ley Hutc IDson won rst premIUm, a proval syndicate is granted, It is reported up. Townsh IP ro ec lVe an Associati0r; Mr. Hawke organized ond With 90 bushels and 45 IJounds, $5.00 cash; Clyde Southard, second p . . that a moving picture concern has Mrs. Cadwallader gave a very in' a posse as soon as possible and a and Ralph Archdeacon also of Mer- $2,50. Buckeye Corn f Boys Adopt a Unl- asked ;permission to accompany the teresting report of the Dayton Conthorough search of the surrounding ritstown third with 88 bushels and Largest)O ears Yellow com,- , , . , ' orm. , Buckeye Boys Com, Spec,ial Party vocation of the Woman'. Auxiliary country was begun. 16 pounds. ' Ralph Archdeacon, first, $5.00;1' WhIle It ,will not bc mad~ an arbl- with a v1e~ to secu~ng pictures t~ which was held at London recently. About 11 o'clock, a party consist. Th t h ' . b I • Ericson Poling, second, $2,[,0. trary f'eq~lrement, those III Chargelbe sho~ ID the vanous co~mum- Mrs. Cadwallader, Mrs. Zimmerman ing of Mears Hawke Elmer Eam. e 0 er pnzes are given e ow. of the tnp recommend that th e ties havlDg representatives ID the d !M Harris rep ted the . _' . The winners, in addition to the ~ngest 10 ears Yellow com,- com boys travel in brown kahki party. , an \ ~. rasen. hart and Sherman Dyke met the rig, three named above, are Carl B, Frye,! Wilbur Hutt, first~ $5.00; Charles suits. Brown kahki is cheap, neat Prepares to R.eceive the Boys. ~ WaynCllvtlle Branch at this meetmg. and durable. The entire outfit The management of the Bellevue- ";~The,~ollowl~g.extracta were read headed to~ard Waynesvllle, near the $25 in cash frdm the Civic Trust; Harvey, second $2.50. home of Walter Clar~. Brooks had W. M. Harter, $20 in cash; Howard 'Most Perfect White eom,-Elmer consisting of coat, brceches, leggins Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia has' from The MIUI?naz;r Story ot the donned~ Mr. G.rah~ s .oveccoat and, South, a Poland China pig donated Wills, first, $4.00; Louis Verbryke. and felt hat ca~ ~)e secur~d for $3 .50 announced its intention to tear ouV :General Convention. . " bel~ tired WIth hIS nde, had !allen by L. C. Nixon_ All the above Yiere second, $2,00. to $3,-75 (~ccolng t~ SIZe) by ~d- atpartition between two of its large ~.' ''~e Churcb.~n Chm. and ~apan, asleep when caught. The pnsoner above the 80 bushel class. Wilbur \ Lar t 10 Wh't m dresslDg SlgmU d Wisner, OffiCial dining rooms so as to be able..tb seat M,l'II. Bentley; The Church. Work was brought to town and lodaed in Hutt caI?e next in order, receiving HowJ: Shuttseaflrst ~ ~~oH ' ; National,Outfitters for Boy Scouts the entire Buckeye Boys Com ,Spe' in Two Continents," Ml'II, Coleman; the vi1llllJe prison over night. Mon- a , Breedmg Calf from the ValleY\ard South, seC~d $2.60.' , 0 of .AmCl1ca, a~ Red ~ank, N. ]. cial Parly at one silting, This will "Indians. Negroes and West Afri, day morning, he , was taken to Leb- ':Iew Farm, donated by R. L. H,er-\ ' . ThiS brown uDiform, Wlth the fam- give the Bellevue-Stratford tl!e cans." Mrs. Barnhart. anon to appear befure Probate np~k; Emm: ~on~~, a BCoeedi~g E Longe:: 10 ~:~. ~m,- o~:uckeye Badge, w~ul~ m~te a .distinction of being the only hotel The meetin~ then adjourned to Judge, Alton Brown. ~:~ dOwnat Y b' ntclon . rwm ; 'S hmmer k onger, d ,'200' , eever a 'ts ~g aPldpearance. ~ es efse on the trip able to aecoT?~odateTtbe meet with Mrs, Allen on December 1& ks is ~ oy a tkins, a ICY e gIven b Y I oema er, secon ., sw wou prove servlceabl e or entire party at one Sl tting. he roo , a IOn of Mrs. Jeeae Ha~- J. W. Lingo; Howard Shutts a set The special prize by the Kilpat· school or field upon the return, Bellevue-Stratford is under the same 19th. • ~ andie abou~ 16 years old, ThtB of single buggy harness given by rick-French Motor Car Co. eonsist- Secre~lry of Navy Extends Courtesies ownership and management as the Before leaVlq another beautiful : IS'~aecon~ <~Pade of tbiskind. A. B. ,~ufmau; CQ~ley Hu!:Chin. ingofm.automo~etriP.t~Dayton "'Congressman Switzer, who had Waldorf-Astori3l of New York City selectioDofmulicwaaplaJed, " He wu out on ~rol~.trom the Sta~ ~ '10 m cash; &i~ ~~, a ~d env;mms, clOSlDg Wl~ a good been selected by a conference of the and is considered. one of ~be larg~t ~l'Ii Whiteman was preaent II. " Refo~ ,Farm ·_~. , _ kit of tools by Jow Blair"Morpn ~er.wasa~edllatthi!'8DralFe Ohio...delegation in WasbingtotJ. to and ,best botels m Amen~. visitor, ' " , . .










bll(l mal!e my behavior 01 tbe monrtDg 'E~e Dl that or a s lU y schoolglrl; but 8tlll I did not teol Quito up to a BOclal In troductloD. 1 ea ld I wnB s u re that B :pb and I wou ld hav e DO IIJteres Ul In commOIl .

"So you 'll go home and rllC~ t h e mu, Il lc '" said J l' ~ s , "s ",Iso o ld !'r es. "M y 1I11"ulllld," Hll id I, "will b g e tU TI}.: qlllt" IIrtx lou8 IlUUUt m e." Wllh out u word ti c brou g ht my " "r~ . ' 1111 11 SI\<Id l" d him . -"nd I. "llh II Ml nkln g l",nrt, cantn,, "l . ,I II,,· 10 11t'lIn .. ~s IIl1 d til e horror "1,,.'1, "'" , ,·,lI1t,.1 m y " hornp" with 'lll til. , ,;lhn.(O ur or (his Ul a ll' s happ y s o li· tud, ' I I,' h. ·I,1 Ih,· o-ItlITlIp for 11\0" I Dl o unt, o n"' r",1 hi s hand . " 1111 ).'\1 IH -\' \'r g e t htllJ ~ ry . " I flR I{l.' d.

h1frecrq-eot, and ~e et .n rl1T dlI8 rlenees wlt.b the late Mrll. Sm1thmost rortuMle dece ased. lite a in't Ill! comple te wltbout a Dlnte. It aIn't no hnnn to !l.IIY wo mn n, mothor, If I j us t " nrl s art m y tra lI to Burvey tl. e Sill'r oundin g atoc k. Mrs . Ju bh ln pnB89fI he rtl olf ott ror a widow , Il nd 11 11 the bO), B n t th e mine tak e not ice tblll Rhe CII Il coo lt. Apart rru m th a t, li h u's hom e ly liS I~ bnrb-wlre rE'nce. and lIubb ly J oc k, h e r hu t!bn nd, alll ' t rlt'co:asl·d to nlly gr(Oa t e Itt' lIt, b<.~ III I': du e to I\nl s ll Ill s 8e at e n ce ul o llg la Oc(oue r , an d hlll\dy bes ld os wi th a rlt1 t·. Tbcon or th ... thr(' e young In dl ea nt 1·;lght)· 1\111." tinil y Is a RO Ulld \lrovos l· Ilo[\, bllt num c r!lullly C' l1 gILgC'd to thl' Rt .Lgn J!1v"n! and tf!allls t e rs nlon g the Cl1 rlboo Roa d . M IS8 \\' Ilt h, th e s cboolm ll'lIUl, k!'l' ps a ",iu o w moth e r wltb l u n ~u , ' nod t"N h, &0 {b C' 1lI liS smella Ih ... UIl It I. Wllr,· or the trap. Tbat's why MIH R Wllth Rtaya Sin gle. TIle o th n r /: Irl Is n no-accou nt you ng JI"lr'lor. /I; at Ihat I' m th o sort to lilly at " womall fo r ~ Qul nt ln\l.', th fl 8nm n bAloS Quit e pl' r ~ls t " n t w\tb so und moral., uut I holel thnt a pe r so n w ho "crat c h t'S hPr se tr n t m c al !! n ln 't neyer Quit o the lady . Sho s hould do It prj. ,'atC'. Th e r e ' s tho \\'I<low O'Fl ynn on tba trull to Hu nl1 r e d ~ lll e , -.. be's harsh, wi th a woo don 11mb. Besld Oj! shs wants to ta lk olel times 10 Ablleue, , don't. Wbl~ I've mos tJy kep' away from th e ma rrl ed In<Ues, a nd said "dell't'er ue rro m temple.~1 0 0" reg ular eTerJ n l ~ ht , th or o W IUl no harm as I c ame a long d own, In be In g 80rry for Mrs. Tre vor. Wom e n lire r e ckoned mtght, c ute lit r cadlng me~ . but I've noUced wh en I'ye s tru ck tb e comple t e polecat. that h e 's uaually married. So lonll u fl woman kee p s he r bead she's wl."r thnn a man, but when s h e g e ts rattled s h e 's n s ur e roo l S h e 'll k e ep ber h ead with th e co mmon r un of men, but wh e n s h e s t rikes th e all·round s llDk e r, lik e fl h orse run s Into a Ilre. s h e 'lp S aDd mnrrl c8 him. Auyway, ~l r s . Treyor had go t tbere. Said to be Tu esda y. Trip befure las t wa s tb o flrst time ""e n t h is lady . \lapp e ns Jon es reckoop d s he 'd been nppoillte d In s p e ctor o r s nnk e l!, s o I'd h ud t o lay of! at tbo s pring, and Mr s. Tre vo r comes along to gilt s hu t at h e r trouble, Sb o· s bun· g ry : ti h e nln't ha d anything but her prl~ e hl1 II"g to spcak to for w ee ks, and sbe's ns curious us Moth e r Eve. any· way . Sure ly my m eat 's transparent by the way h e r vo ice s truck tbro ugb nmo n g my bon es. If ange ls s p eale lik e b e r I'd dlc to h ea r . She told me nothln ', not one word about tho troubl o UlIlt'S killing he r, but he r vo ice mad e m e waut to cry. It you'd spo k e IIk ll th a t when I was your pupPY. you 'd a bad no n eed of th a t old s lippe r . moth e r . 'Cau so I C9u ldn' t tear him nl4'ay rrom tbe he e f bo nes, I'd lert Mlclt up at th e Sky·lln e, or I'd ast tbat lady to accep t my dog. You see, b e 'd bite Trevo r n ll·rl g ht, wharns I bas to diet my se lf. and my me nu Is sort or com" pl e te. Stili b y th e time she stayed In cam p, my t,alk may hay e done lIome eomrort to lhllt poor womnn. She didn't know th e n tbnt b e r trouble Wall only gain' t o las t another wee k.. You'd .hnv o lau gh e d If you'd seen Jo ncs a ft e r s be drank her 1111 or water Ollt of th e bubhly s prIn g , crowded wit h tio d a bubhlcs. She just goe~ ble, tlttup, hlc, down th e trail, cba nglng steps as tb e hic c ups jolted h e r poor o ld ribs. The mare looked so blamed funny tb a t at tlrst I didn't notice the tracks ' along tb e road ,


III(' .. el K" u r thl' c lllTs 1111<1 down to th, · h •., cuekpd up o n e s hrL'wcj t'yl'. "I 'ru " (o r \\ IlI tl ' ~ 11 1· y tHld th " hor1 zutl ?" No , I I I" 'l): h", 1 wit h s h,," r r .. lI " r, th<'n r. ' rr). J h:y ond th .. N ' ur(' three f,'TI1I\ l ~ or t of Ilrlt lt; h . CI.nadlflll? Th p ,., . 1"")' " 1)1"> 0" wIt h .1 '·.'I:~ r f;m ll h T? - plrlt'B o n 11 h cadhllHl. I. nd thl' c lll! Is ,·")' Il ·t c laim that I'it h ,' r, c"mlll /: frulIl t urr",lI. ill :' "Y"" PI 'l' ln g hlnll it., di u· latl ll~ th ,. =-t(,lT\ p f lll~ I .: r-!!}. ,·n tly Ilr,~ In Thll t coun try " ll .'.' r fn r a t le ast lin! hundr eu fe e t. t lw LllbnHlo r , for t hll !"s t-; (' \\,! ':> Ia ull, 11 tn ll .· .. ~ . "Wh y, YAII! t..ahrnd ( 'r unct II f U .•· II. d h "( hilt (ulh" r tlay 'ij mar c :, fl, oaf'pr hontu. h. · \,I\Il .1 ti ll ' " k)'· lIn f" R nl"'lI)' s (" a lll nl( . Th ut ~ liou lll be rnr l! nouf(ll . J ~ . l lJII,.' C'fl n1 . ' " :\ ':al l 1'r J {I ... n ll lt ) ' I ' r II Hl. f "Say. ~Ir.; . Tro ·,·o r, yo u do n 't kil n'," Tl;ar'ti "oml· thlnK I wantuwa y otT, nntl 1 Il' t my hOni !" h av e a drink nt th " r1 f1~ rh •• n llL'lI.! " r t il, !'- lt lll :111.1 ' .. d ll n l" '" JOfIlI In [h~ ", riO , k .' f \) lI' \ , ...... . 1 Jr'"~9'e "prill /(. tlwn we we nl s low ly on O\"'r my 1l 111Ht ' yt'L I t 's :--i I Jl llh . nn d ,"Ilh I (I"rl' t kilt,,," "hn t I w :lnt. '· be-('IIJn l'~ u ,'n wh. ')' In 1'. ' ", ' L'l lit' rllH T" r1cs th\, Bo undl ess carp!! t or plu " That hu. 1l u"Y' lIId thl' ~ 1\ y · II II(, ' s n !<II " d. my rrl .' nd s I' m IlII1" ll ) ,It ,~ ~,.." P n ll y . rt ~t'll:"r . ,r Ijtl" !'I lldrl , lul l' TTl n n\. l ~ . "I( you plf 'lu; e, nUl)' I blj onl' or YOllr ('a ll"d r On!lHlr f ' , " wh " l nh' r kt' r"pt .rli"· J t u t l:lV ') cOin mlth.'.(\ I wou ld IE-u," my horse at th e vin PH f II' c lt'llr h" ,1 hk! Icp th . "What do R au k ld. Som.' body was th c ro. Fo ur Indl'll frlt ' ndH 7" " It I b(' hnl'(, ;:o"d , you may . :--:0 1\ ~ hl p wll nt wlwl1 ~ h e sl rnln ~ a t nn· puck· pon lclI s tood In tb o s hade of th, ' CHAPTER V,-Contlnu ed. dllJr '? \\ hnl 8h" WIIUtS Is drtr L And treoo, s witchin g th e ir ta ils to driv e hllrm In my trylng .- ' And I found w"rUth . S" (, III H thero's away th p fli es. Th " mo m.' nt J. 'A8(o ~ll1 lt h h nd gl" (' n 1'111 at utlcho r becaustl I'v o 8worn oft A firtb , u bu ck"kl n m any p 1"1<0"" mi s ta kin g do llars fo r m a r o, u n loa d ed, w ith a b lUldllg ~ d I 10, II I.' hi e nunH'. I k ll" " h im we ll hy ro·p- drltl. " some so rt of weJl\ th . I've had 8 rew s too d In th e s unl\ g hL , \ l I hut WII (I " r t l'd , and I "' (' tit s low · Be hind th e IIta t lo n. l·UIIIII" ·I'J.t< 10 )' Surly Ilro·.. n . at tim es hy way of 91lm ples, t h e things nearest tree a man was speuking. I th t· fl' rryman, Illld m)' hu s bllll d's blt t. ,r Iy hoIl1P \\'ard , u p to m y atl c hor. Dear .... h ich yo u'ro a llt t o b e s e lfis h with. re ined my ho rse , " Now you , J o n pA," hatre d h n ll nutll n.'d n <lun~ o rous chn~ God! It I might drlrt! or give fiWIlY to bu y s e lt·rlg hteous n ess . be was s nyln g to th e In jured, a c t or. Nobod)' e ls e I\Y ed within a Reckoning wI th th e m projuces the "YOU take yo 'selt too se rtous. CHAPTER II. Yo u day'» jo u rn e y. feel ing call e d poyerty. They 're tbe a in't goln ' to n ..av s n ? No ! Th eD '·That 's my home." said J esso. " D' yo very s tuff nnd s ubstance of m e ann ess, why pack yo' b llg? Why rUBS?" ~ oe a dim trail Ja gs down th at u prcr The T~o .. Accident. Md no man walks s traight-l.oade d . N . A.- Mr. Smltb, wb ll o livi ng alo0 3, [ had some s lJly Id en th at tbe mnn, c li ff? Th a t's whar I -drlrte d my pan ics Dollars gets lo st., or throwed away, Ir be di s cove red me, wou ld know wha t down wh e n I cnm n (rom tho Stat es . ba(j a h abit or writing lou g le tt e rs to or lett to your next of !dn, but tbe y're boolness bro ugh t m e to tblB headland . I didn't know at th e wngon road from hi s mo t h e r. Art e r hi s moth e r'~ doath Hundred Mil House to th e re rry, th e' habit continu e d, b ut as the le l· DOt a good and lasUng possession. I I h e ld m y brea th . Ilk.e 'em, too. His s low, d e ll clou~, 1'!llan draw l wh ic h runs by the north e nd at m y t e r s co uld not be sent b y mall, and to post th ... rn In tb e sto ,·c s ee med to I found peace, I round wealth, yes, made m e sm il e. I d id not wn nt to ranch." " And Ih o treITIP ndous gran d e ur of s URge" t unple asan t Id elU!, tb e y we r o lind found some tlrln g more tbar In the smile, T he mare, n ye ry plcturo o r !<tow e,1 In his suddlo wa ll ets. wilde rn ess. Sweet as the cactus fo!'- mise r y, Ilrte d b ' r bandaged , fri g htfull y th e placo ?" " Hum, I don ·t claIm to havo been lJpar M o the r I n \I en v e n : _t In blossom down Salt River Is swoll e n le g, and houblcd In to th e that big m e mory, Th e r e's bee n good money In tbl s shade . I did no t. want to laug b, bUl knackI'd a ll in a h ea p with tho sce nIt W8.l! atter I'd found the Win gs why wu s she ca ll e d Jon es? Sh o ery. No . What took ho lt ot lIle good h pN packing contract, a nd th e wad In a nd h ard was th e com pany- a sl\v fl r my be lt·pouch hM bec n g row in g till of happy so litude. I 'd gone to work looked jus t lik e 11 Jon ps. then for the Bar Y ou tfit, breaking "Th e InQul r ln' mind," sR ld th e mll n top b'ar n nd his mlssus, both t hon· Doc tor McG ee 6u s pccks II tum o r. He tM Lightn ing '!olts. We WlIB out a beh ind t h e tree, "h a s gawn s ure ly s and pounll" r8, wi t h tb e lr thr e e youn g th inks I'll le t him ope rate, Ilnd sure few weeks from hom e , taking an out· Ilstrny from business , o r you 'd b:we ladl es, no w mur 'l... d a nd eett led be yond e nou g h tbat wOllld r e duce tb o s w{, I1 · lit or poni es as far as the M esn A haho , know'd that rnttlcT6 smells of snn ko. th e s ky·lloo. Th o re 's two co u ples o r Ing . prim" e aglps Rtlll camps a long thar Once a week I tako my li ttl e pack and one ni ght camped at the very rim- Thf!n I a s ks-- why paw?" rock of th e GrlUld Canyon. Th o NnTh e mar e, wit h be r legs nIl by Suuth Cave. Th e timbe r wo Ir I o utfit up to th e Sk y· lille c laim : or n trimm ed out becauso h e wns t e d around load of ppllcock c·oppe r . Tt run s thr"" .ajo Indians WIlS pee yl8h, the cllm p a s traddl e , 9nort.('d In hi s fnce. dry, grass sca nt. herd In a rntnsh "Su gar Is It 7 Wby didn 't you say 11k!' Il r e mitta nc e man. ThaT waR a hundre d dollars to th e to n lu b o m stnllion nnd bls h arem , thi s ye r e roo I sl l vc r . and loo ks mom lik e je we ls thlln mood, and nIg ht com e Budd e n , so be ro'?" I'd just reliev ed a man to get his Jon es turn pd h e r good eye o n th e Jon es be ln' on e or his young mares. min e r aI. Iron Dale 's cook, hl r s . Ju lr RJ>per, and rode h e rd wld o u le rl. I man IlS though sh e bad jus t dlseDver t'd n esl d l'6 th a t, th e r e was h e aps of 1\1' bin, run .. to mo re s pe c ies or pi , 8 Ilnd .cented th e camp s moke , saw tb e his ex Istenc e, hobb le d brls kiy att e r rrl o ndly folks In fur, h nlr , and te ath· cll~( e than eve n Hundred 1\I11 e ho use, .park of fire glow on t b e boys at rest, hIm whil e h e dug In bls k itc hen boxes, ers. Yes , I hav e bee n rlgbt to home an d nft r di nn e r I get a rlm-nre ciga r wh ich pops like a c r ac k er , whil e I s it end be ard tb elr peac e ful talk bus h e d made Il rs t grab at th e sugar bag, an d slnco I locnt e d." "Dut grizzly b ears~ How trlg httul!" In fran t of th o scene ry and taste tb e In the big nlghL They seemed e uch got b e r fa c e s lappe d . The mnn, always " Yes. Th ey WIlS frightened at first. breath or th e sno w mountulns. Tb e n trUlln' critters tull or fuss since dawn, w ltb bl s e y e upon th e mare , r e turn ed smllli as Insects at th e e d ge of t o h is place, nnd sat on his h eel as he- Th e coarse tre ntm e n t th e}" gets from I I<~ nd til e poni es , co llects Mlck ou t DOthln', while for mil es benea th u s fore. "Th ree lu mps ," he said , hold· hunte rs, mak es th e m BO~ c~ Oashtul of th e coo k hou se, w bl ch he's partia l to Iror boucs, Iron s lings me th o mnllthat old, old wotry Colorado Rive r was lng them on e by one to be snatched . w it h any strnngo r ." "But th e greates t hunters are I!Irnld pouch, and I ·blts th e traU , I aim to playlng tbe Grand Canyon lik e a tld- "YdIl'ro acting sort or eonvalesce nt, ma:ke good busb In tbe ye llow 41er, But the rlY e r In tb e canyon Jon es. No more Bugar, ADd don't o f th e m ." "The bi ggest crlmlnllls haa got mOllt pi n es by du s k , nnd th e eecond day aeemed no more than trickle In a be a bawg!" sen re at po lic e. S'ars has no use for brings me d ow n to Brown 's F e rry, crack, hush e d by tho nIght., while ove r· Th e mW"B was kissing his face. bead th e mighty blazing starB--'tlOlnt, "Baek of all! £lack water! Tbar spo rts m e n, nor me ne ithe r. My rifle's three miles short of my borne. From h ellp!l fi erce r than a n y b'llr, and I've th e fe rry th e r e's II good road In win · awing, and drive, rnd e h e rd on the now, ttllUlll tho lady behind me!" milky way. And tbat seemed no IYIore And I had ImagIn e d my presenco:! c b ased more s port.e men thnn 1 lla.a ter to Hundred Mile House, so [ tote g rl zzll es." than cow-boys drlylng atoclt. Would etlll unknown, th e cargoes over tbere by sleIgh. (](ld tum l His h esd to s ee Hla atar ""' asn' t Mr. Tre vor one at them?" Tb e re my contract e nd s , because T ea r· "How on earth," I gasped, "d1d you berds pas s, or notice our eartb like know [ was h e r e?" tul Geo r ge takos on wltb bls s trtn g J esse gri nn e d . tIOme lam e calf halting In the rear? " T o ll me," I saId, for th e oth e r .aIde t eam down to the railroad . I'd hav e The m u n's e yes were s tIlI Inten t And w ba t IlJIl I. then? upon th e wound e d ' mnre. ''Wall, Mrs. or th e story must be worth henrlng. tbat contract, too. only T ellr tu l Is a That was my grea t lesson. more Trevor," h e drawl ed. "Wall, Mr. Tre yor took o ut a sum- low·llv e d sort or a person, which cnn pin to m e thnn pe ac e and wealth of "You know my name? Your bacl< mln s agln rn a to r chlUllng him all my feed for a d ollar a wee k, wh e r eas mind, for I was bumble d to the dust has been tUrDed tb e whole tim e ! ranch , H e go t lined tor h aving no gun w he n I g e t down to tbe railroad I'm of earth, be low tbnt du st or So You've n e ve r Hee n me In your lite- lice nse, an d no dawg lice nse, and not mOl'c expe ns iv e. • Very bumble thing, not worth pray· a t least I'v e n e v er seen you!" paying hi s poll·tax, and Ca p Taylor Your affectionate son, JESSE. ' 1ng for, at leas t I could be mll8t e r or Raln-Btorm co mIng. "That's 80," b e an swe r ed thought· bound him over to k ee p th e llenr.e. 1 myse lf. I rode no more tor wage!!, but fully. "1 d on't need t e ll In' th o Boun d ai n 't po pular now with Mr. Trevor, p, S . -Yes, It's a good lire, and cut ou t my poni es from th e Li g htnin g o f that co lt yo' hus band bou ght from wh e r ens he got all' cheap. Now, It don ' t e nvy no milD. Still It mn de m e berd, mounted my stud horse William, m e, As to th e SQueak or a Ind y 's pig· th pm b'urs could shoot-" Silrt: or tho ug htful last tim e as I swun~ ·told th e hoys goodby at Montece\lo, Akin saddle, tbnr nln't no otb e r Indy I had n't tho ug h t or that. "Can l.boy alotlg w ltb that Jon es mar e inuggIlng and tbe n rod e s lo w ly nortb Into th e rid e r s hort of a hundre d and e ighty· b e talll cd ?" I Bslte d. at m y wrist, IIttl c Mlck s na ppIng r ear British posscsslons, So 1 come at last three and II bnlr mil es." " Me n can be g e nUed, and they need s h eels a s t e rn , and th e sun jus t scorch· to thI s place, an old a b and on ed ranch. (TO BE CONTINUED.) What monn e r of man could this be ? t am in g most. Th a r WIUI three grlztllea l:J.g down a mong the pines. Wom e n Is There's no a a so poor In dollars lUI to My colt was drawing toward hIm all so rt of IIdopted a party by th e nhw e envy ragged J ess e , or rlcb enougn to the tim e as though a magnet pull e d . of Capen Adams , and caroped and ~r ~ ~ ~ want to r ob my bom e, Th e y say H e stood fa cing m e , th e bag stili In traveled with him most tamill ar. Once there'll hidd en wealth w har the !'Illn- hi s hand, and my col t 'asklng pointe d· th e m ra ul' vagrants llrom e allde d on bow goes to ear th- thnt's whar I IIY e. Iy tor s u g ar. Very t a ll, gaunt, de e ply Marke t Stree t In 'Frisco. Not tbat I ~ ~ ~~ ~ __________ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _oiiiiiii_ _ ______ tanned, pcrhaps twe nty·flye y ea rs 0( hold s with thi s Ad a ms In mi s leading a go, h e see m e d to ru e Imm easurabl y hi s b'ars ntnong mao-sme ll so strong ~~~"' PART TWO _ _/""--r' :: ..._ _" ~.:; , old, so d eeply lin e d was hi s tac e. And and dl s trac kful to th e ir peace of mind. Dut stili I r ec kon Capen Adam" alld CHAPTER I. ye t It was th e fac e at on o at pe ace. I had been awny s ince d ny brenk, a nd m u 80rt o f t a kes aftcl" e a c h otb or . I'm GOT HIS "THINK·TANK" GOING sen t til e bribes, Is a popular garno, and Two Ships at Anchor, now th e s un was e ntering th e woot onl y attl"actlve to un lm a ls." 80 Is a r a id of fierce m e n rrom thu "Oh, Bure ly!" 1 lau g he d. As to my pur posc, that I t e lt could Kate'lI T\"crrative. Mexican Farmer Proved He Was Ca. d ese rt. Th e sellIng of Josepb and hla Dut J esse be eame QUItIl dls mnl. "I'm My h orse "fLS hnngry, and wll!lte d walt. pable of Invention When Object subseQuent Interviews with bls breth, to gilt back to th e ranch. I WIIS hunSo [ sat und e r th e pln cs , pre t e nding not r e ckone d ," h e b('moaned hlmselr, Was to Save Labor, r e n are r e nd e red wltb mu(~b dramatle gry too, bm darl!<1 not go. I had le rt to n urs o J o n cs whil e teo s hadows ':among th e popular attractions. Tbe nctlon; al s o the am lctlons of the men n e ighbors s ilies at coming ne ar my my hu s han d lyin g drunk on th " kit· l(' ngth c ne<l O\'e r th e ta W TlY gra ss, and of Uz, w ith ne w details, Buch as Job's ran c h ." Tbat the Mexican farm e r Is not th e eben flo o r , and when he woke up It orlln ge n ee dl es fl ec k e d fields of rock, "Well, It you pr~tcct grIzzlies and slow·tblnklng, lazy person the average wife c uttIng off h e r h a ir Hnd s e iling It ,.,ould be worse than that. au t to tho e dge or the h e"dland. ror bread. "DoIng brid e " Is naturally For mil es I had rollow od the edge The man unsaddle d my bors o. un· hunt sportsm en , s ure ly It's not surprls- s tranger ImagInes Is Illustrated by an ' the chIe f amus e ment or the Moslem Ingen iously devIsed well constructed of the b e ncb lands, searching tor tbe lo a d e d hi s ponies, fetched water from Ing." "Can't ple a se nil pa rti es, e b? Wall, by Il tarmer lIylng near a little town gIrl, ns It Is the one great event ot !bo spring or n Btural A ~o lllnarls, but ber later life, wben, corning back, h e fQund me li g ht- perhaps th a t's how the h e rd Is grn2r just across th e boundary line. The In g a fire, b e ue !;ge d m e to d oslst, 10 In g. Yes, Come to think of It, I r IT n a Uv es seldom go tar uway from theIr Got the Wrong DI.h. rest while h e mad e dinn e r. And I memb er once t a Smithso nian gra v e barnes and tb e y hllve ve ry p r lmlUve Jones seldom gets hom e In time r:., wa s g la d to r eRt, thInking about th e robb(' r comes to Inspeck Bouth Cave. Idens and customs. This well Is about pellce beyo nd th e e d gCl of the h ea rl · He said I'd go t a bon e yard o f incleDt 50 feet dee p and th e OWD e r bns built eat dinner with hlB family becauBO tb .. lan d . Ye t It was InlcNlst ing to s ee poo pl e. a nd h e 'd rob gray os to find a curious d e vice for hauling water press of hi s work keeps him at bJl bo w a man keeps h o use In th e wild er· out all a bout them old e n tim os. H o rrom IL It this Mexican had b een an d en k until long aHer everybody elM n ess, a nd h o w diffe r e nt nro his WflYS wallte d to cat c h th e nlmosphere of e du{!ated man he might bave bee n an has lett th e building. Mrs. Jon". a1ways puts bls dinn e r In tbe O'I'eII, from lhasa of a woman . No h o u se wife th em days, 80 I sort of helpe d. Rob· In ve ntor. bill(; g rav es ain't e'xuctly a holy voca· A tr~o flouri s h e d Dcar tb e well ",he r e he ft n ds It wh e n he arrlvos. ~ o uld have hl'o n more rl!linUly clen n . On e ni g ht h e reached home aftel Or s how 1I a fi wlrte r s kill, or h ll ir 11", tlon , tb ", party had a mean eye, a. Ge r· wblcb bnd two branche s growing out s ll ro nt e nse wit h which LlJI8 wondernan lUa ll 011m e, nnd a sort of patronizing pf tb e trunk. Tb e se bougbs separated the fnmlly hud gone to bcd, and found m n nner, bu t sti li I h e lpe d aro und to Into four branch es hlgb e r up. Tbe bls dinner on top of the stove. Nell.. rlla d (~ tho tal.Jh '· wa r e ro r ~n e . e nou J~lI Mex'lcan cut tb e branc h cs In snch a morning his wife opened tb e 0 ,,8 n an4 10 s(O r ye two peOr iA. IJ-liIt a wo mall ge t him atmospbere, me nnd EVh. " "Who 's t;ph ?" way that they form ed a pertect r es t dIscovered tbat the toad she bad }"tt wuu lr! not c lpa n a rr yl n g.. rmn h y hurn· "Ott, h e's just a silver· tlp, wbat s ci- tor Ja 10llg we ll sweep. He fastened for him ha d not been touched , Ili g It a nd throwing on c:lld watp- r . He "Wby, Jdhn! Didn't you e at yOlU ~ prlnl{\l'u \lour on n p1"ound sheeL c ntlne pa rties call s urs u s bQrrlhlli s th e swoep to n crossbar laM across and mtld.! dough wltho'\~ we ttin g th p ord. You just cast your eye whar th e th e t:wo upp e r brunc h es In th o middle, dInn e r last nlgbt?" sbe asked. "My d ear," ho replie d, "I did, atl( Ca n vas. W o uld I Il1w :I,"ll d , or s illp- Irl ck le s trellm ful1s be low my cablll, usln!; stout thongs ror the purpose. 'Plum h o fastened a welgbt on one enjoyed It very much, but you mad( jack s , or 11 pl f' ? He f'),ndo a loaf of D'yo s eo t b e m sarYls b e rry bus hes end of the sweep and a long rope to a mistake and left It on top at the b n' ad , In Il frylag P!l!' Bet on ed g e dow n below the sprayf' • "Whero lbo bus h e s are waving? Oh, th e other 8ud . The bucket Is rastened stove." among g low ing coal ll, ~nd, won d e rln 'g "Good heavens!" s he crie d. "ThaI how n. pl (' CO Llld pO Bs llrlJ b appe n with · look, the r e 's a gigantic grizzly stand- to tht! end or this long rope and all be h ns \til do.l s to lower the b~ckets Intol w~s the dog's supper!" n u t the hss ls tallc fl of U:l ov e n, I (argot in g up, and pulling the hra nches !" "Y es, that's Eph. the w ....L1. The we1gbt or tbe stone pulla . ' all about th u t cliff. "W<ell, as J was l ellln' you, Eph and it np again, brimmIng full. Oyater. In Motion Pictures. The lblllg I h nd Intend e d was a VIII ls h<al~!n a this eelentlflc person to One thousalld feet of 111m, showln~ c rim e, and consc lnll c~Btri c k e n, Children of Palestine at Play_ the pictures of the oyster Industry ~ "Sugar, I... Itt Why Didn't Ye Say dre a d e d Ics I he shoulO spe a k. I could get the atmos ph ere Qf them aDctent In Palestine, as always, children's Maryland rrom the "catching" or the , So Before?" not bes r th a t. Alrea l1y hi s ca mp was times ," "Uut the poor man wuuld die of play is mOBtly "making beHeve" that bivalves by means or tongs, Bcra~ cl'm n o;!d an d In o rde r. li ls pipe fill e d .1Ilace . for the r lgbt place, s ome pOint an d ali ght, at- ' any mom e nt h~ might frl gbt!" they are grown up. You mny see a and dredges to shucking, packlDg an • "Too bus y running. When he reached mite of five or six paying a visit of shipping, will ,be taken by SWepSOf ..,here fr.e rocks ""ent shcer. tw e lve broak th e r esLtul s jh.ncc. Tbat'" wby huudred feet Into tbe river, Th e re I spoke. aad nt r s ndom, alj~lng tr 11'; Va ncouv e r, he was sllxoly a cripple ceremony to a pasha or equally tender Earl. of Baltimore, secretary of , th. lIIlI~Bt be nothing to break the fa l:, no we r e Dot tram th e Onlled States, though, and no more use to . ~c1ence. years, excbangfng Buch compllmeilta NaUonal ASSociation of Shellfish Com ~k or being allve, of h ei ng u.ken His eyes said plaInly. "So that's tbt' Shall I call Eph 1" wIth him ,a8 "ReI~ I pray joul" "Nay, m1Bsloners. to the anDllAl convenUol '-ck th e r e , or seeI ng him again . But game, e h?" HI s broadl smile said, . "( tblnk no~ to-dQ¥,'·. sold I .. hul'l'1e41y [he lI'.hO lIees you Is i'Ilsted," and fill- of that brganlzatfoD; whIch meete II . . edge was n eve r Bbeer, and per- "Well, we'll pl a y," He sat down . )'\.8Ing. "fQr ~deed I ilbould be setting ally lbacldng out at bJ. J)reaenC8 whOe -Norfolk. A,(ter the Nor~olk coDveD .• s, atter all. ili9 place by tbe Sotta cross-legge d, "Yea." he answered. "I'm bome at ODce," , ~ he ·gathel'll up handtuJa of dll8t and ' .tfOIl, they will be exhlb~ 111 dupU . eprin,g was beat. Tb e re tbe trail from a n American cltI:ten, except," be added Wltbout ever toue Ing the wound. ' aprtnJdea It aD hi. head, Boldlnl(. ~ dUu ~ t.IIe VDiW (_ raIIch ga. at 11 ebarp turn, over softly, "on elecUon dQa, and tJi eJil." ~e had Ilven' me Uae 'C011l'q8 to 11,... laW' court; wiUa meklD Ie8dI to ~re- 8taC81. , -~ "'t. SYNOPS IS.


- -""-I"


---- - --- ---- - ----- ---D D 0









Better cookies, cake and biscuits, too. All as light. fluffy, tender aud deliciollB as mother used to bake. And just as whole-

For purer BakIng p.",... cHlr than Calumet C&IIIIOt _bo b&tl




prjc•• )'OW' gIOCfIl'.


.. ~~..~

IECIJVED BJCII!ST A.AIDS W.,w....... 'oM t........ al.. full !QooiIIu. , _ .......



y......· I ·. . _ ·. . , . . ..., ..... P .. Wr_ ....... _ _, Du't'" _ _ J.y CoJ-. It'l • ... --'<aI-1aoro 110 ...... ...... c.J_otblu

....... aIIIt ... ....

- ---Ncar Tragedy.

A Pittsburgh mllliouaire stood b~ s id e bls $8,000,000 automobile wonderlug where to go ne xt. A woman whom he bad known rU Bh e d out of th e hoto l and Rought to sol ve t!lls proble m tor blm In a burry. She shot at him, but. of cour8e. Bbe did not hit hhn, IURt e ud the hullet punctured the ch n ufIe ur· s leg, "G !" r eatexcglai un me s , that a narrow"Sbe escape d th ewas millionaire. mlgbt hav e pun c ture d a tire!" Different, RulI-H e llo, Fluff. 1 henrd yOU marrie d a woman wltb an Indepedent fo!'tune. F1ulr (dlsconsolntely)-No. I married a fortun e with an Independe7.t womal\, -Judge, InveTlle Ratio, JuIla-Can Johnny come In for haIr price? He's only got one eye, Hattie-You'll bave to pay double ror him. It takes hIm twice aa lonl to see the sbow,-Judge, The Condition, "Do you like a good s e ud·o f!?" -' Yes, It th e r e's no come-bnclt,"

Pain In aack and Rheumatism the daily torment of thousands. To effec tually cure tb ese troubl es you must remove the cause. Foley Kidnev Pills begin to work (or you from the "/irst dose, and e%ert so direct nod beneficial an action in the kidn eys IUld bllldder that the pain and torment of kidney trouble soon disappear..

Perrec' Digesfion depends upon the integrity of the liver. [F



~1A.~~i17A~~ ~~..u.:r.I.J~,










Mortality Figures Have Been Mialntc:rpreted. as May Easily Ba Made PI ~i n.


The morta l It, nUur'~ r(' cent l), pub· ll" hc,1 IJ)' lh,' cens uli bureau have l Wl' 1I IlIt"rfJT\' l"d III so m" (luarterM to 11!,.()vt> Ih .lI a fIIllll 1 M pUMt h i" iHirna at fL-r: )' l'C"trs . A Cllrl'ful exa lll ill atlon of th e fll:u;l!s th !!lIlJ" 'i""s .sl,e ",·s th:u thlH ('''"elus hlll Is 'll t .. r l), llll wa r rant· ed . Th e " lw..tH c ,II'alh rat,·H. cor r ect· e d for I' G" ill lli ""·X. ill<iiC'al ll tl1al In 191 1 14 ." Il e r s on " ,I\"d lIlllOII!); e\,ory tli OUHllll d Dltl l e~ b Nwen th .. 11):;(':; or tbiny ·Il,,!' all d fort y·four. whi le llll' dea,th r ul,'

(III' W(ln llan


U1 C !innl" ugC'

-~ Ilnn.........,III.n.. 'm.'U.. uua.UI'lUIlIlIIU.. UI. !


CASTORIA! For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought

A~elablc Preparation for ",.

Bears the Signature

!oimilll t ing Ihe food anr! Re~ula · ling Ihv Stomachs and Bowel~ or

wu..q IInl)' I .. n. I1N''' 'e n th l' agP B of fnrty ·th .. nllt! tHly ·fflul' th ' s p rocilio <l .:11h mtl' WaH :!a ~ rllr G\' C' l)' t ho uMa nd Ptomws Digestion,Cheerful ' tII(>fl tlnd Ili . ~ for " vpr y Ih ou~,, "d wo rn · I ne$S and RC$t Contains neilhnen . CI!rta ln alarmi s t" hi\\' 0 lldd .. d to· Opium . Morphine nor Minaal gPlhC'r lbp ~c ~pl'c l flc de ath rnles In I NOT NARC OTIC th o :llt('nlpt to s how tillll th e mo r ta lity ~'l" 01'01. DrSANlIElhTlf)llJ7f b" t "'<'<' n tb o lL~es of thlrt y.flvo ':!lid ~:'J-J. flf ty·rou r IH 63 pe r th OuSllm l of popu · Ab<.1MM. ) la llon . ~tnURlic la ns know vC'ry well I M.A.iJ" .#t4".J...J ., thu t spoclOc rates caunot be "d ,Io' d In I ~~~­ t ew Sha ll Not Rin g Tonight" was high thi s "ny. und conc lu sio n s Imsed on L~. C(,..,...,J .!'o __ 111 he r r ep,- rtol r c. lind " Th e J"OIlAh s uc h .. ru de and ignorant mnnlplliation m....,-i'iI-Hoy" amJ " Spo.rtacuB to th l' Ullldia· of gOVf'rn ment figur es n eed occnslon .•.. tu rs " 1lJl<1 o.lloth e r about Ro bcs plc rre n o lltlxlely . A~ct Rem~dy rorConslipi' Wbat th e governme nt re po rt tloes Itl au un Apc akabl c Dlaen whl're t he tion . Sour 5tomac.h. DiarrhOea. p oet would nO'er hav e s(mt him If be show Is thnt th e morta lity cu rv e for Worms.Convuleioru o t 'n lted States Is not esst·nUa ll y h ad \)': t' n be Ue r be hav ed. Natura lly Il£SS and Loss OF SLE&P y o u did not kn ow lb IJ nam e s of tho dlfT en nl tram that traced In foreign - - - ,,- - countri es. This curvo aPllTOlClmates poe ms t il (' [l . These yo u bave learned folK 5i_~ S;gnah'rc or tb e fo rm of tbe le tter J . Tb e baee slnc.., frulD co nlil.Ult reading. At tha t tim e you kn ew whal obe WIlJ! going to of thEI lett e r r epl'esC' nts th e most vig· givu by th o gP8t ur s wltb which she orous years of life. from t c n t o lh lrl YbAgnn. and eve ry piece s h o eve r spok e fh e. when the mortality Is low pst. struck t e rror t o your young Iioul. Th o numerous di seases o f In ru ncy E"Hn he r Th a nk Hg lvlng treal for tb e causo tbe cu rve to climb upward Il lit· cblldrf' n mlld e you fee l s hamefa ce d ' tle ",,,y on th e lett sid e. wbll e th e ap· IIbout ha vl ll E: beeo 80 excited o ver th e proacb of old causes the rlflhl sid e of th o le tt e r to mount s t eaci lly b o llday. and Il lmo ~ t ve rtlcnll y IIpwnrd. lIntll " TtUlnk sLt t vl n,o; - f o r wh n t 1" - lind h e m uld.uct Copy of Wrapper. tho tilghC's t mortality Is reached at h ,' r t'{1 a I'u r s ·o~eve nty · fiv e ye ars and ove r. Such a t h t' p I IlJr1t;~ t uf f ood nlld n..n empty PUTRe '! curve Is co mmon to all countries . an<I It Is hlle t v lu.l..k; of a pOOl' .:. nu.n 'S t he fact tho.t the mortality Increases WO O.::l. bt"l WE!en thlrty·flv e and IIfty·ll\, o years E,'e n aft e r th Is lapse o f years. (loes no t mnnlfe st alarming Inferences lhllo e feature s of tile Tbank sg lvlng en- about th e so·callPd Osler di c tum. The In the same house with Tuttle's Family Elixir. tertainlll ont lin ge r In your memory e rron eo us Int e rpre tation s r r:ce nlly pubThe lameness and soreness resulting from hard work, lish ed hav e been emphatically de nied Ilnd s pring up wben you Illck up the exposure, or violent exercise often p a\'e the .way for !.lap el' and r ead the preslde nt's Thanks· by lhe census burea u. Thc)' are enserious tr ouble and should always be aVOided by giving proclamation or tb e youngsters tire ly without foundation. and they rubbing the limbs and body with come In frolll school and announce : show a woeful Ignorance or tbe true " Say. pop. I got to speak a picco natnr'e and meanIng of tbe figures con· Tbanksglvlng. Do you know any?" lalne d In the gov e rnm e nt's r eport. Atter a while . of course. Thanks- They see m also some what c ruel. add· giving cnm e to hAv. otb e r slgnifi · Ing furth e r dl8couragemen t to tlJe can ce. too. Th e r e waa the first year slowly Increasing Incidence oC mortnl· You are the third generat/of\ which has known and you wore long trousers and II flower Ity at th e older ages. curd Tuttle's Family Eli"ir as the mo~t rdiable and sure remedy for In your buttonbole. It would be more rheumatism, lumbago. backache, toothache, crampll, cbilla, sprains, appropriate to say bouqu e t In yonr ARE NO MORE WILD OYSTERS bruises. and the other common ills of humanity. lape l. tor that was \:pe seaBon that Compounded parel, of gum • • _ntlal you "nd aa GOo . In ltamPI. tollelher wi", m e n woro tbe most e normous chrysan. Not One Bustlel In a Thousand Put on oU., IUld TC5,(et&bl.o eztraota - bunco perh1I namo .....d ..e will ""ad you IIromp~I,. th e mum th e y cou ld find 8.B a bouton. feclly aJ ..pteoJ for bolh In"'rnal and .s· propald "larK. II.e bolll.. Your money Niarket Is Now Found GrowUrbtJ \Uto. Ouru.nt.oeO uud c r t.h e puro back It l I d ..... Dol do .. bat .... claim , Wo ni They s imply could not get tho Ing Naturally. f~ la", fl f tho L' ntted R"'~Oo., t mmont . "III . end you froe .....,ple If YOD will flow e r big e nough. Rem e mb e r how AJlIl )"our drugglat. U he ~mnot !Supply .rlte for 1& wday. the cartoon is ts took. it UI' and d e pict. The populnr Idea ot th o source or TVn'l.FS EUXIIl CO.. 17 Beverly Street. Boat........... e d th e glided yo uth wearing huge oystElrs Is that they grow wild In cabba ges In th eir buttonhol es'! Hut c r eel{s. esta urles. etc .• and that me n It was a very serlouo matte r tQ you. Treason. go out In little 'boats and catch them . th e se lection of your chrysanthe mum "Why did Blnhack leave Calltor· a bushel or two at a time . Not one the Thanksgiving you donn e d long nia?" bu s hel In one th ouSllna of natural oys· "He Wall torced out b ecal1se he trouse rB. and you finally decided upon ters ready for mark e t is found grow· wouldn 't brag about the cllmate."-In · a groal y e llo~' one that made you ap· Ing naturally. Instead of growing nat· pilar to be bearing a glowing pumpkin urally. the artificial propagatio n. cu lti· dlan apolis Star. tC' th e Thanksgiving least. vatlon and planting ot oys te rs on a Grumpy Old ' Bach, Evidently. Then after you attained to tlI e dig. largE; sca'l e ilO'V produces more than "Did you t e ll the boss you nlty ot Il swee th eart to take to tbe 1.000 bu shels of mature oys ters. baTe proThanksgiving matinee. How did the aga inst one busbel of mature oysters going to be marrlod?" ueed wonderru 1 "No; he 's do wn on unions." ylelda of wbe.,.! th eater corne to be so Inseparably con. growing wild.


Sa. -

Vi':N l hose c ur I Y Tban kMg l v ln~ 8 thAt c rop ULI In hi s tor y a ro a~Moclll t ed with much - us ually too much turk ey and cranb e rry Bauct:' aud p i... As a c hild. of course. b e WWl thankful tbo.t Thaolt sglvlut,; tlay had to comA o n Thllr Rtln y e ve ry yen r. instead of flopp i ng ail ove r the wee k and co ming 10 turu 0 11 S aturdllY aou S undn y. whe n th or e wo uld Il l' hoild ay anywny. ~'or Is there o.lIytbillg so tragic liB 0. hoild/lY tllat <iU OB 1I0t fo. lI on a Bc hool day? Thurs day iij JU8t right. for tb e n . you s ee. lbo school peo ple r eo.sou tbat lhere Is no UB e bt'ln g lng tho chlldreu bnck for OIW day. a nd lIwy IIIl g b t as well bav e ~'r1day. too. ThankBgivlng on Wedn esdny would be ov e rs te pping the llIurk. sluce lbey would nol n llow t..wo ('xtrn da ys. aod lo~rlday m eo. nt ollly ono day off. Thursday WWl tbe one to cbooso. an d looking bllck now you cannot be lp wonde ring bow tbo ..' 'And now,' sald tbe governor. 'gazpresident over happ ned to hit tlllOn Ing abrond,' ho began. sucb an altogether Batisfactol'Y day . Pause. On We dnesday. you will re momb e r. "'And now: said the gov e rno~· not mucb work Willi done. tor overy· Pause. body was looki ng forward to tbe "In· .. 'And now-'" t e rtalnm e nL" P e rhaps you e ve n spoke And now Johnny burst Into t ears a piece. It yon did your s olec tlon Wall Umltcd. for the poel>! seem to be ancl rush ed from the ·platform. sturn· over tbe hal o In the carvet on kept BO buay grinding the mills for bllng I C hristmas tbat tbey hav e not onB lit· t le way. Th e n teacber got uP. you rem e mbe r. tle Inspiration le rt for Tranksglvlng. But wba t Thanksgiving poetry tl.wre and said It you would nil excuse 18 agre e s on one point- a II ve l)' veno r· Johnny s he would re ad the poem. and ation for t!1 c "Ollt8." No matter how th e th e r e being nothing e lse ttl do und I' poe m Sl arts tllnn e r will be BCHCd by the circumstance s but to excuse Johnn.:. you p e rmitted he r to "go on the e nd of the last \' e rse. Tbe Tak e that onc yo u r e cited about with The First Proclamation. "Thank sgiving Ev e ." S e ntim e nt rlot8 poem was no exception. for you found In the opening lin es . The SIIOW fal\s that In even tbose early days Go v. gently oUldoors . fo r the sceno Is not e rnor Bradford'l! Thllnksglving greet· laid In Baltimore. Md .. wb e re they Ing had to do with " eats ." usually r ese rv e snow for a Ch ri s tmas So sltOllldpr your ml\l<hl ock~. mll"terB. treat. .We ha\'o a touching "ictur" of the r e I . hurHln~ or nil d "/fT~c8; the IIttl o onos creeping sile ntly to bed. And IIsll<'rm"n . tllltO yo"r tackle o.nd llr fo r . poll. t h ~ "(IllS. you get In a me lting good. sort of And 8('O InBtd {\ns Itn ,' da,T1l t18 l)r PI)' mouth, .antlclpatlng that whe n th e yo ungsters YlJllr o.l d lcu tr c rnrt~ e mploy. reach th e attic th o ,poe t Is going to TO) honor ro ur first Th8nksgl vl ng and ",uke It " re."' t of jo)'. s pring a vncant c rib at you . Dut no. Listen! Wo rllil of t1w (rlllt M"",I l1 alntle. 8 0 close a t our hand In \)',,·on. Jt waH Th nnks;gl\'tng e v e , tlnn ; l YOIJ think, Ah! th oy nro the lI.:ht ,·ot 10.seA we sulrer '''rho Jlh)~ w o re In roWtl o n (b e VlUllry ror ouk,- or H"" " en: Bhe lv ·ts. But H~O In our O,i"n dearing" how gol den the ",I1lun8 11 0; Aru] nl eo thIngs t o cat, anti nl c o lhtng-9 t o drink. ~:nrl c h them with . we .. ta und ,"lcua auLl H~s htnrM'"ll y looked t or lhe m o rrow to ~Ive UM th e pumpkIn pIe. I}rlng A mIM~r"bl o end to frVcrythlng. Reme mbe r It don't you' Dut even then It perplc~e<1 you to' know why Not that It rhymes espoclally and you were h earing so much about pump. the last lin e 18 painfully ambiguous as kin pie 8.B an attribute or Thankaglv. to wh e ro tbu mlse rablo e nd 18 going to log when In all your Innoce nt young .strlk e . but what matter wh e n tb e rows Ute you bad ne ver tasted a pump·ot pies and various beverages are safe kJn. You did not know then that on the shelf. "pumpkin" Is so rt of poetic license Arter you had stumbled througb [or any kind of Thllnksglvlng pie. ~Is. ge~g IWrple-red In the face and One of the very limited collection of wondering wby all 010se "te llers" you poe m s tor this seaBon was d edicated .could lick with one hand down In the to "Thanksglvlng Pies." and this was school yo.rd .should look 80 t e rri tying de liv e r e d by a girl of tbe school. be. .assemhled before the platfurm. you cause ot her deepe r unde rstanding of heal a. 'preclpitous retreat. falling over the BubJecL .a hole In tbe ca.rpet on th e way. The next numb e r on tbo program Sueh bilking. boIling. tasting. bOlltlng! was "The FIrst Proclamation." don e Sudl prepa.rRtto n m lulf" fo r e ating ~ unpr6l11odltn.ted Joys by another boy. The flltin lly of that Such ......or IItU u hungry gtrls and b OYR. othe r boy bad suffered becauso at "'The First Proclamation." for It was You could hardly walt tor tomorrow to be recited In costu m e. Now. how to como when you hellrd th eso lin es. should a plnln Am e rican moth er know It was a " e ry long puem. all about how In what garb Governor Ilrad tord de- tho hung ry girls boy s of a certllin livered tl1at first proclamation? Fa· house hold appeased their hunge r with t h er found a picture or the PlI~rlm pies coollug on th e pantry all!! lf. and Father In the history and tho ught yOU thou gh t how ni ce It III list hue that would do woll enough. and grand· been to eat those ph,s "tw elv e In uum · tather so.ld : ··Oh. pshaw now ; don't ' bel'. brown o.s umb er." th o ugh you had he look IIko one of them blg·bnt fel· not the remotest Id ea what 11 mb er was lers around Pen·Mar?'· Finally th e y for, save to rhym e with numbe r . Hut borrow ed 0. suit that a nelghbor's yon bad a very de tlnlte Idea that What son hAd worn when he went as John would happen If you and your hun g ry Aldon to 11 mask ball. though It was little playmates should go and do Itkomuch too large. and Johnny pro t es ted wise wJth the plos cooling right tben vto.lently against wearlug IL .lust so out on your mother's shelf. And right when your mouth was does a simple thing change the co urse of Go noble Ilte. It the snit had not "waterlog like anything." that. elocu· been too large Johnny might have Uonlst trom the big girls' class came been able to take hili mind from his and and told teacher sh e was going appearance Bnd divert It to the \lnes to recite a Thanksglvtng' poe m for bo wae to speak. bnt :.error that the the little children and ' teacher said: boys would guy him occupied his "Very well, It yoU wish to." As tor You young brnin oW 1.ho exclusion of a.IJ you. you dldn't wish. her to. did not like ber brand ot poems, "Cur' elsa


MAUEAN 'EXPENSIVE 'DRINK ' ' PI.yer Should Have Appreciated ·Refreshment. foto It C.ertalnly

Coat Him Enoullh. The moat expensive drink imbibed by a "member df a major league leam dnring the '1915 p1a"mg B8UOn COBt exactly $600.06. The player who dl'lUlk · the, eoIIUY ' beverase III one of ~e 'best ~en in the lbuilD.... 1»lIt 'be has lone ".bbwn a tendency 'to tOpple ' from the 'lMW ,"UOIl Jat ~ w~ bpi aen"''' .. ~.....




--_ _--


For Over Thirty Years



Pain 'c annot Uve


Family Elixir

I i

Magnificent Orops' in All Western Oanada Is 1813 Rlcord I


nocted with Thanltsglvlng celebration? It Is. at any rate . 80 tbat wben you

OY's te r tarmlng Is now a productive Industry. as comple t e ly o.s Is grain farming on the e norm o us g r ain Il elds of the we st. It Is well compared to grain farming . oxcept that th e grow· Ing at o)'6ters Is a farm more compli· cated. expe nsive and hazardous. A large oyster farm comprises many thou,sll.nds of o.crcs of land uno e r from 16 to 75 (ee t of water In the great bodies ot Bait water. Ofte n th ese farm.s are situated Beveral miles from the shore. The small boats used In the ca tching of wild oyste rs would be nseless In lbe propagation. placing or catching of tho crops on th'ese great oyater tarms. Steamers and 1!'Il80line boat:s are employed . Some of the large atcamers are more than 160 feet In leng-th. 30 feet wide. and catching 8.000 bushels of oyste rs per day. In water 30 to 600 feet d eep--In other words. as deep all a slx·story building Is high. -U,slle's Magazine.

Ill'esent you rsel f Ilt the box office a s th e afte rlloon pe rfo rmance Is about to IJagln th e man In Sid e Is apt to ask s up orlorly : " Do you "refe r to 8taud on th e IIrLt fioor o r the second ?" Uut I you did not sland. You saL "Eats" got s hoved into the back· gl'Ound around tbls pe riod. and. din· nnr being late. all ThtUlksglvlng din· ncr us ually Is. you In.stanlly had to ask to hav e your pie lia".,d for supper. the clock pointing perilously ncar the hour of two. and the girl yet to be "called tor." Many Tbanksglvlngs have come and gooe slncc tbat time and the celebra· tion for you now probo.blr means lin· Ing up yOur little family and marcblng tbem down to grandmolber's wbere they will have a long. happy day play· Ing and Ilghtlng with cousills from oth· er otrshoots ot the puent tree. for about th e only dls tlnctlvB t eature of thanks giving. tlJ e church service Be ~hrlft, on little thln~ lIIi" blulnlf . and "eats" and tlle football game. Is Don't acee[lt wator for bluing. AAk for Re4 Cro-II &11 llIuu. th e hom ecoming It Inspires. The n th e r o is a bur~y Qod bustle in Overheard. tho' old bouse that It has not known "Thal Is a great titl e tor II. play." aloce til e boys Ilud girls married o.ud lett o ll e by one. Tbe ne west 'sald thA he ad uslJ e r. "1( es ," repli ed the lIck e t tak er; "It·s mtls t be admlrC'.d by all. and the family connection i8 call ed upon to no Ucll a shame to sC'e how mllny good titles that Bob's youngGs t no long e r wears are spoiled by th e pla ys."- Wasblng· ton Star. (Iressea. The n th e women go Into tho kltch · mOtlt effect.ive. yet Rimplcs t rcmed~ e n . and by and by th t:'re is wafted OU I forThe coulI:h. is 11,',n·. Ml' COllJ{b aromas from cooking things that ought Drops-6c at Drul( Stores. never hav e bee n thought UI) In the s E' days of high prices. But for or;Jce th e Yes. Indeed. housemotber forgets tbo high cost of Mrs . Robin son- And were you up living. She beats up eggs as If they the Rhino ? were seiling around a ce nt apleco Mrs. De Jones-I should think so ; and. hon estly. the way Bhe drops right to th e very top. What a splenhunks of butter Into pots and pans /ltd view there Is from the summit! you would think It just most nothing at all. But. IIIte Christmas. Thanks· The Difference. giving comes but once a yea r. tUld If "Does your cook ask many evenings we can't 00 a bit exl~vagant lh en. out :r" . what Is the use at bavlng the old I holiday?

Ic~ were mOBt ncode!1. Betore sign· Ing up with ti1s club ror last spring. he promised not to take a drink duro log the lleason. If he kept his word he was to recelve.a bonull ot $600 trom the owner of the club, who be.Heved that hili ouUlt 8OOo.d a good chance of being In the pennant flght IlIld. con· sequ-enUy. WllB w11llng to olfer extra loducementJI to keep bls men In good condition. 'The player. 'in question "ept his _SOOd reeolutlon for - many· -weeb, but one day he slipped from the ~arrow and, utertnc . a ·...



loon. ordered a glus ot beer. he was drinking It the wise manager at the club strolled In to see what was gOing .on and. taking In tbe sltua· tion at a glance. Informed the su,," prilled nnd dazed player th~t the nick· el's worth at forbidden liqUid would cost htm the entire bonus plua the prIce 'of the drlnk.-Lesll e·s. Par.doxlcal Att ... ctlon. , ·"Bbe ·baa .tich a IUDDY dlllpolltUon.·· "That acco1Jllttl.. for her popuW



_ ' - -...... O . h .


The pC'ople wbo fairly blaze with diamonds don't ulways s et tbe world on fir c.


Wb ..&t~~~B~


be••r ~



acre; II baebea w . . aboul total ... er~. lUl~ed Far.lIne m&)' be

Your Liver Is Clogged Up That'. Why You're



tull1 ... prolltable

Illl:r.fij"'11 an ltuSuetry . . grain ralah;g. Th" ueellent I I r - full .. f

outrilioo are U.e 0011 food ,..,. qulN!<! eltber for bee or daIry pu",.,...,.. 10 lUll at Oble.go.

'"1"'......., _ ,

W"tern O.D&4. Q&l'rted 011' t.he

-Ha.... No AI'p",OI,e.

Ohamplonablp for beef aleer.


Good lobool., marketa CODTenl .. flint,. climate e.zoolleat.. I'or 'b e bomNteader. tbe mao who "'llbN to farm e;a:teftI;'.e1lb:' lD'N-

will put you right in a few days. The do their Cure atipation • Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache

SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature


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OOIIU .....t.

.:rrl::!.td::m.~l':.~:!t~~~ 1:'~:'~~O:r':"".raUoD, 0\ . W. 8_ "I:THIERY.

Interurban Bldg.• Colurwb'lI. Ohio

THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS lhat make a horae Wheeze. ~ Roar. han Thick Wind Dr Choke-down. can be re d uced wi th

\. .• •



BOOK BARGAIN ; CAT ALOG Iuso any Bunch or Swelling. No bUlter. no _ bllir gODe, and hone kept at work. ConJt



Send ~I todall


Catnlofl SO

centOited-only a few dropl required at an

i application••~'3t~f~!vered.

I ABSORBINE, JR.,antiae .. tic IUiimentforman, kInd, reduce. CYBtA, Wens, Painful, Knotted ,' VaricoleVeinl, Ulcers. and $2 a bottie at I dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free.


THE TABARD COMPANY I w:::'::p~o~:.~:::p:::~~ :~ 1302 Filbert St.INN BOOKPhiladelphia

___ I



la_UODAl ...... ...-.,halI,-


rarm -:of..l:gl!!!!?~'::-POQItr7

farm land "neS clt.7 propert,; III (lull arountS Tampa; noareat pora to Panam" CAll at . 1'01' ute dlrect fTom owner. If Interl" ~ t~d

write tor lin "oil d.."""lpUOD Of pro""rty to 'UI.IUII.... Acnt. lotIO::, nil CJIJ. flo"',



____ __ _


-- --- _._- - - -_._- - - - -

Pettit's Eve Salve



Bend now tuO IIOItaI o..ser


Pl!<lkaae t.o '. CIIOW,

~ 1UuII\lt.... u . 110M, baCk 'If pre •• ot1Te fa~






A Glimpse of California for You

-..w w • •

Would you like t o sec 80 me of th p wollt lers cif Cali forn ia'! /-I;wen ' t you been dreaming- ubout thl' Golden State for a long whilt>? Would n' t you lila' to ~l'e with your own eyes some of th e wmld 's falllou>: rc.!sorts ann hUll'ls': We uldn't yo u li ke to kllOw how to see ami enjoy tlw!ic big, hO!ipitable, home like hotel s? Wouldn't vou like III II1<lk at the g reen hills and smil· ing vall('ys. the fra~ rant ura ll)!'" gruve::!. the f ulks at play in the winterless paradi ~ e of th t' I'a l'ifk~




How to Bring California to Your Home


Yes , t hat is po;;.sihle. I f you will sf'nd us ten cents merely to CO\'cr l'ost nf lIIailin ~ . We will :wnd yo u free a book let d escrip I.i\·, of Ca lifornia's fam ,l u._ reSllr ts a nd in add ition the big l'hrisl ma,.; "llmh" r (Of SI · :>. :: 1·71' MAI :AZ I:\F; wit h II big story of the prng-rt'ss IIf th ... I 'a num a· 1'dcifi l' In le rnlltional ~xpusi tion and furth e r vie w>! of thi s I'a t' ili c C, lust wunde rland. Be s ure tn mentiun this Il ewspuper and address your letter to



I: ~j

SUNSET MAGAZINE,SanFrancisco,California

. ,.



.• .•

"""__........__...,...,.·v·....•....·_. . . . . . . . . . ."'."""'.....•...._...._-,....,_........__..____"'_______......._"'_...._.........."."""'" •• 1..:0111111011

Picas Court.

I\ cw Suits.


In the matter of the eslate of :\1 ury RlIch. deceased. Albert Andersun a ppointed exec utor. Han d






•• .... tOt" .......


T ha Hite Inw, pluulsd b y the la Rt Rive r In Franilin to\~D8hlp near Itlgililul llrCl, nnll df'o lnr ed oonstitu C" .. 1il' IR I hroa! by the Hupre lDo Court. lit It Sl'I tl tn a that we " I'e to be given , . Ir.~ It ,.th, 1' .1' onr mOD fly [I,IJ It \I!! pas Cul umuu", on Wellu otltlny ot 1nHL.I ~I' b'.0 1,0 g : vu. \:V lly np!lvi' 11 e, L e ba non week, !lnll (Jail ed the " good roads " I lln ,j MU!lU D, tngether with the rloh In"", I,rovides fnr thll !(\ vy;n~ of ono I. ~r-i(ln:turt, l OOUO.I')' Burr 'ondlDIl h R.lf of uno mill upon all taxable t· h~t! tl village!!, produ oe the bolk of property 10 the Stllte. 1'he tund t he taX"'1! of the oounty . Whose r\.lult 18 It we will not gel more will be divided eqnally among the roaos or bet ter routtlll P '''limIngeighty.eight oounties of the tltate. ton gets a road, alld so does Dl1yton, The bl~ oODntie8 will oon trlbnte Xen ia, Bamllton and Mldd1(\towD . large I\mounts and the small ooon. Wbut was Repreeentative Boo'8r tie8 8mall amon n t8-hn L the money doing when thIs road ronting loheme so oo lleated Will l'e divide \ share wall up ? Have yoo notioed Chal and share a like. I:!enator Rolden s800red one of the W a rreo COOllt,.V blls 1\ tax vHliw. Sta$e road8 for Morrow I\no "Ill 80 tion, In ronnll numht"r8. of $33.960 ' Ilre of Its being looated as he had 000 aud wi 11 be oom pel led tn rai88 plil'Oned that. he ereoted a handBowe annnally t,he snm of $16,1180. The ne~, borne faolng it, lllo8t 8ammer, benetU8 to be derive •• to thi8 ooun,y although at tha' time" wae oilly B for tbls ontluy of money II prob mild rosd . The Business Men'e Clnb of Leb. lemaliol1l , inB~m uoh alone of the anon, lI1ent a oOlDmUtee Colom ' two brannbes of road tooohing this nf whloh IIr . oonnty from the south, 8tar~s In bnl lass IIprlng, abont a mile and a hnlf sooth of Ueorgo Cropper was ohsirman, Twenty.Mile Stand and follows lhe try to have the route throog)l 'be oourse of the Liltle Miami River on oOlln'y ohanged, bnt the oommlUee the 80uth 81de, throngh F08'er and elther faired '0 preeen& the proper Morrow. loaving the oounty at the argaments or dU not ha~elamolenl Hadley fl\rm In Washington 'own- help from onr RepreBeD . aU vee shio, tl dletanoe of sixteen mUel, Wh&'ever the reason, it lIeeml too Bpproxlma'ely. The other road fol · lata now, and Warren Cooo'y mnB' 10wII what Is called the Oxford pike pay bltr $17,000 f lr tbe (UD of and runs for a dllltan06 of about ha~rln8 eleoted a Senator "nd a Rep. five miles west of 'he Big Mlam reeeot ... ,1 ve who are no' wide a wake .

The Ameriean Boy R('g llht r price .. The Miami Gazette



. .


Funeral Director. Telephone day or nlgbt, Valley phone No.l. LoDI Distance No. 69-2r, Automobile 8ervlce lilt all Times

OHIO • WAYNESVILLE, _ Branch Office, HarversblllK, O.

Public Sales As I am going to quit farming, 1 will after a' pubUo eale at 'he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mablon Ridge h,rm, 3 miles eaet of Wayn88ville,on tbe Clarksvt1\e roaa, CommoDolng at 10 o 'olock '8. m ., 5 horfles, 6 cattle, farming Implo. ment., honsehold goods, See big blll8 for 'erms, Arthur Woolard WIlliam MIIlB, Auo'. W . E. O'Neall, Clerk,

Wajuosv111e'a Letul1n1l DeDUd I K Bid Matn S, oe 0 eys R.



_. - ...----


- - - ..

Notary Public

Finding the Drowned . . Occallonally one read. that, "heD human bodlell al'8 thougbt to be In rI,.. era and cannot be found, Ha loat or \read baa been lIoated down the l!ream." But 'Very tew peopll ha,.. the lealt tdea what 'connection tbeN 11 between bread and tbe findlnl of bodies. When the river baa been drarled without l'ellult, a loat of bread .. CIlt tn two. a place hollowed out In the middle, and a Quantity of Quick. an~er Inserted. The two balvell of the loat are then futened together a«aln, and the bread Is throwa Into the water In the place wbere the bod7 III supposed to be. Without fail the loat 1I0ati alon, until It reacbe. the ,,1c1nlty of the body, and then revolv_ Quickly, hovertn« over the IPOt.


• - -- - -


All kinds of N·,t.nry Work . Pension Work" Hpeota\ty.

A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirrctor and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio. Call answered promptly day or night. Both phones in Office and. Residence, long distance, No, 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. . Best of service guaranteed.

Cause Or InlOmnl. The mon oommon ORuse of In. lomnia \e rlillordera of the stomaoh aDd 0008'1pa"loD. Ubamberlatn'8 Table.. oorreo' these dlsorder8 and Osteopatbic enable you 8leep. For aale by all 21 Broadway dealere. '

Dr. Heber M. Dill





Physician Phone 449


Lebanon. Ohio

Why We Are Right-Handed, One of the profe980n at a wel1BRANCH OFFICE known agrIcultural college has ficure4 . Ohio It out tbat If you are lett-handed It II WayneSVille, a 1110 that your anceBtora were not Tuesdays and Fridays, from l8:JO .004 fighters. . to 12 o'clock "Moat penonB are rtght-banded," Ian he. "Only one In ev~ry twenty Office, corner Main and High streets I. left·handed. Why are people right.. Phone No. 100 handed' They may have been born that way, It Is true; but why! "Away back In the beginning tbe chief occupation of man wu ftghtlnl· · In battle be carrlt>d a shIeld In one • • . hand and a weapon In the other. It Veterinary W81 not mucb work to carry tbe sbleld. but tbe Quick action required by the Oraduate or Obiu Slot. lJniverlli'v hand and arm wblch did the fighting aoon developed that arm. It also de?eloped the nerveB lind tbe balf of the brain that governed the rlgbt Bide of Office at re£lidence in F, 11. Sher· the body. Th0ge wbo shIelded their wood's ho~ae, Fourth Street. left Iide-thul protecting tbe heartwere the ones who usually came out "Iclorloua. Down through the ageB thl. aelectlon continued, the right Waynesville. Ohio hand Iradually becomlnl more proll· elent."

Dr" J A



DR. J. W. MILLER, Advance Information, ''Was It a case o'f love at ftnt light'" "Tbey call It that, althouah ••. DENTIST••• before they met 8he had heard that he waB wealthy and he bad been told Olllell WayneavlUe. Na&lonu Beak Bide. Ihe "88 an belress."




. f}

W. Ne Sears Live Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees. and values of. all kinds of breeding stock. . Experienced in handling farm sales since

.- .

' ax


\\'ednesda,y, December J, 1913




Walt · er McClure


.- .


!' - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....":,,,,----~~-~~~



$ 1.00

HCgll l:H. Jl ri~


S. E. I-:..indrt·d \·s. W . H. Seigfried, $:\.',00. Willi am I rOll s a.nd Phi llip Spenc£'. R IE l{eple\'in a nd damages t o ex t ent of en . state Transfers, $ I:3.'). D . herine Ea rh art et a l t o Emma Margaret L. Cooke vs . Edward R . ,:'l\'lS I ~t No. SO:3 in Franklin, Ohio. Cookc and Thc Miam i Valley Build · $/()O. o g & Loan Associati on. To marshal Charlcs Cle\'enger t o A . J . Clerc lien s and sale o f real estate and other ' part of lo t 955 ill Franklin O hi o, $1 . (·quitahlc relief. Gcor gt: James tu J oel Kirby I :) Alfre d A. Sears vs. John D . Bums . ac r~s n ear Re? Li on, 0 ., $1 1'00. Money . A mount claimed $1 5000 1ho mas Miller , a dmr .. to J ohn damages and ot her r elief. ' and ~ora l\I cCullough 4(J.fi4 acres lOr O . S. Higgins as assignee for Anna lan~ til Clearcrct'k township $:!500. C. Brewer vs. Matilda R . Casseday S idney Pay ne t o Jesslc I . Payne Anna C. Brewer, Frank V . O'Neall: t\~o tracts of laJld in Salem lownUNDER OBLIGATION TO NONE A Night of Terror Joseph W . O'Neall and Edward N. s lap $1-. , Few nlght8 are more terrtble ~han Columbia H.. Many Student. Who Lake. Money, foreclosure of mortP . H. and Anna M. RuE' t o h a nk gages. ~d Netti e H . Forgy? tract of land that of Il mother looking on bel' Owe Their Education to Their John L. Stoutenborough \'s. James 1~1 the !\lac k1l1aw adchtlOn to Frank- ohlld choking and gasping tor Own Effortl. breath during an attllok of oroop, S . Stoutenboroug h and .Katherine 1m $1. . . and nothing In the house. to relieve ODe man In three meets at leut • A. Stoutenborough. Accounting Mrs. Wyle W.lllallls e t al to Chas. ctc. ' and Lola Mossteller lo t s !'io. 4, a nd It . Many m :lthers have passed part of hie expenses by bls own ea'\"Do nig hts of terror In this 8Itoa'lon. In", at Columbia. Beelde tbe obvioul Jennie McClellan vs. William Wal. 8 (old and n.ew pla t s respec tivel y) A little foreth4lught v.1\I {'nable you oc<:upatione, like tutoring. etenol' ter McClellan. Divorce. Neglect of m J\,lason, O hIO, $1. to avoid all thill. Chllmberlaln's rallhy. newspaptl', library, Iymn6ltum. Cough Remedy 1M a o~rtoln oure for 1'I!1IgioUB and social work of "arloul duty. Marriage Licenses. Harry C. Miller, dis pa tcher of croup Bnd hB8 never been known t-o kinds, there 18 a man who makel hi. Da:vid Crosnickle vs. Edsom M. hi!. Keep it at hand. For Male by U"lng dreeslng wlndowI; another wbo Gaskill . pama~es to extent of Silvert on , O hi o, to Miss Edith A. all dealers . practices osteopathy, anotber man 51057.50 With 6 % lDterest from Nov. W oudrc y of Socialvi\)c, O hi o. W. E. ,,110 divides ht, time betW8e1l call... 16, 1904. Plitt. "This 1& Your Show." "ark and tbe management of a theat.Lawrence Rena vs. Fannie Rena. H eriJert C. Roosa, farmer of Mor. The late SIr Ol'orge White. defender rtca.l star; a teacber In the Ferrer Dlvor<;e. . row to Miss Lura M. Elliott o f Love- of Ladysmith. WIlS a strong enough ICh,ool, a taxldermlat, an expert In .Lowse M. King vs. Arthur King. land . R ev. George White . mnn to take respon sibility for failure; color photolraphy, a vaudeville pe.... DIvorce. Drukeness and cruelty. R a lph K . Thomas, farmer to Miss he was IL strong enough man. too, to fonner, a hospItal orderly, a Pullmu Mary E. Shawhan vs. Alva Hesse Cora H azel Bishop both of Waynes- give credit to bls subordInates for porter, a printer, technical a.lliltanta good work done. Tbe first time 1 saw holD tbree ot the great cit,. laborat& Appeall>y dept. ville, O hi o. R ev. A. J. tle. him WaH at Elandsla.agte. Tbe battle 1r\ea., a prot_Ional baseball pl.a7er 'Proceedings, H arry E . Allmyer , paper maker, WII.8 well In progress. General French and a tree doctor. t o Mi ss Grace May Merrick, both of WIlS elnboratlng one of the most brn'l One of the moet popular ulld.~ Frank Carroll vs. Minnie Houck. Franklin, Ohio. Rev . A. J. Kestle. !tant alrnlr8 of the South African war. uat4!S started life all a newsboy. LalIt Plaintiff has leave to file petition F orest .E. Muchmore, carpenter of Late In tbe afternoon Sir George winter a IOphomore of ellhteen wal III~Tein with thirty d a ys. Loveland to Miss Elizabeth Weber, Wblte nnd his starr rode on the bat- tem.Pted away from tbe college b, lM Frank V. O'Neall vs. Anna C. Maineville , Ohio. Rev. A. J. Kestle. t1efield. and hnd not been there five ofter of a $1,000 poaltlon In a publllbBrewer. On motion of plaintiff, case mInutes before a shell fired from one Ing hOD lie, "here be had worked b.. of tbe Moxlm-Nordentelte wblcb the fore comln. to Columbia. One ItOo is dismissed without record. Declare War on Colds Doers captured from Jamieson at the dent spend a hll summers upon a C4iOo John B. Clement, trustee et a1 vs. R. L. LaFollette. On motion de. A orulIlde of eduoatlon whloh time of the raid but whlcb were d(\s- tral American plantation; snother fendant is granted 15 days further aims "that oommon ooIds may be tined by nlghtrail to be In our bands, adda not onl, to hili own tncome but time to file answer in this cause. oomtl uooommon within the next plowed up the ground within Il feW to tb41 reputation ot tbe university b, George VarLas vs. Thomas Varlas, generation" hall been begun by yard8 of hIs horse. Almost slmul- conltrlbutlonl to the mOllt dlsnUled of prominent New York phYlliollUls. taneously French hurrlecl up and drew American re"le"s.-Columbla Monthcoo plaintiff's petition dismissed at his Here II ... li8t of 'donl's" whloh the rein before the chief to surrender 11, 1 cost. dootorl Sf\Y will prevent the annual command. "No you ca.rry Oft," sal4 .. - • Mary A. Schwartz vs. the Village visitat.lon of the oold: SIr Oeorge, "this Is rour Bbow. "-Lo~ of Lebanon, plaintiff aWarded! "Don" sit in III drangMy oar." don Dally News. USE FOR SHOPPING GLOVES $3625.50 damages. Don't sleep in hot rOOU\8. " - ---.- • Mr, Compton'l Simpler Method at ...... State of Ohio vs. William Shaw"Don't avoid the frelth air, " IIlln Counter RaJeeted With the han changed plea to guilty. Fined "Don'h'u1Jyonrllelf at meal time . Nearly Every Child Has Worms Scorn It Ol ..rvld. , $200 and costs, $100 suspended ~nv~:.,~atlnK reduoes your ~e9IstPalenes8, at times a flushed faoe, during good behavior. To' whloh we would add-when onnatnr... 1 hunger, ploklng the nose, i'rom bll easy chair Mr. Comptoa Chas A. Gordo? trustee \·s. The you take a oold get rid of It as great thirflt, lito, are Indioatlon8 of watched bl. wife puttlnl on a pall' fit Loveland Electnc, Ice and Water quloll:\y a8 pOBsible, To aooomDll~h worms. Kiokapoo Worm Killer Is tan glonl. "Aren't tbey too larre for Co., plaintiff 's pe tition granted . that yoo wt1l tind Chamberlain's a r~\Illble, thorough medloine for ,.ouT" he uked lazily. the removn I of all kinds of worms R obert E . B rowning vs t he C. L. 000gh Reme,dy most exoollent. from "Oh, no, not for IIbopplnl( .10"61," oblldren and adolts . Kloka. & N. Ry. Co. Court o vcrrules mo- Bold by all dealerB. poo WorlD Killer In pleuant candy ..Id Mra. Compton, and with ber fln· tion of defenda nt to IVhieh defend· • - form, aids digestion, tonel ly8\em, 1'81'1 oft the table, ehe ran a .e1Ue UP and clown several tlmel. "I bav. to ant excepts and is gi\'en 30 days ROUGH MANNERS OF THE PAST overoomlng oonstlpation and In. be !Lble to do that, you aee," Ihe a · to plead. ' oreasing the !lotion of the liver Is plallled. James F. Cabot vs. Solomon Fred Drinking Trick In Which Engllih Mon- perfectly sate for even 'he mo@s "Do finler exercise.' What tor'" On motion o f d dend a nt plaintiff is arch Figured-The First FIndelicate ohildren. Klokapoo Worm allked Mr. Compton. required to give security for costs gerle.. Glow., Killer makes ohlldren happy and "'rboae aren't linKer eurcl ...... in sum of $40. hAlllthy . 250 . Hnlloranteed . Try it Mn.. Compton'a color deepened u. John W . Grosn' cklc vs, Samuel Drinking tricks figured In diplomacy Drug ~ture!! ur by maU. Klokapoo taking oft the glovea, IIbe be,a. to Cono\·er . Plaintiff granted damages In the time ot Henry VIII. Mrs. Henry Indian \1orlioine Un, Phtl ... delphla smooth and IItretch tbe IIngerll. "TbOR IIon(1 Ht. Lou;H are--wby, they're calculations, Henry. ~o extent of $1 800. CUBt Quotes the klng's challenge to Hubertus, the representaUve of the Don' t you llee, It I . .tart downtown Probate Court Palsgrave FrederIck. He sent tor two with. tell dallal'll, and go to tbe Illk huge goblets, filled wtth wine and beer PRESUMABLY HARD TO FIND coulllter and find two lovely remnanta, . In the matter of the will of Ham -j reBPeCUVelY, and gave t~e envoy bls one tor three dollars and one for four lIton \Vager, deceased . Will ad- choice tor 110 "drInkIng out" test. In If Action. Go for Anything, Young and a balf, I want to reckon up at Man la Stili Looking for mitted to probate. vain Hubertus pleaded tbat bls muter once" underneatb the counter, how That Envelope . . much they'll come to, and bow much In the matter of the estate of bad actually Instituted a oompaoy of I'll have left. And last week J milled Louise Lindemann , deceased. Fin- the Golden Ring to put dOWll such conThis bappened In a crowded Bubway a gr'BIlt bargain becaule I had on lOme al account filed and ordcred su s- tests, any member who brOoke tbe pro· tight glovel and I couldn't reckon. I pended. hlbltlon to lose his ring and give U e:tpresB train tbe otber nlgbt. An old man boarded the train at tbe hadn't expected to go to tbe nla." ' . to the poor. Henry, anxious to prove I n t h e matter of the ~111 of C.arne that the Englishman wu the better FoI1:'teenth street station and clung to "A.b," 8ald Mr. Compton. "Wb, not Hoppe, deceased . WIll admitted man, promised to find the forfeits blm- B atrap In front of a young woman &lk the clerk to reckon It for 'OU t' to probate. Louis Hoppe appointed selt and drank his beer at a dratt. who WIl.8 seated. As none of the men . "Henry'" cried hll wife. "At a b ...... executor. No bond. Inventory a nd while It took the German four gulps sbowed a dIsposition to let tbe old gain counter! The clerkl Why. noman elt down, the young woman bod)l' but a man would ever think of appraisement o mitted. to account for tbe wine. IUch a thing for a mlnutel"-Youth'l In the matter of the estate of How early did mankind think of the arose nnd offered her seat to hIm. Before he could Bit down a younger Companion. Selden B. Scoville, d eceased'. Carrie couvenlence of tbe fingerlesll glove? R. Irons Scoville appointed admin- Little was said of gloves tn ancient man slid Into the vacant seat. The ...- - istratrix. Bond $3500. Harry Rob- Umes, but In most cases It IB o~vloue young woman wu confused, but only To Stop a Laak, . that tbey had finprs . TbOlle worn by for a minute. She leaned· dowu slightlDson, Jes~e Ruffner . and Elbert the secretary of the ,.ouD«er PUn,., I,. and said to tbe man 10 the seat: To BtOI) a leak, . mix whiting and "You dropped an , envelope on the yellow Boap Into a thick palte with Irons appomted appraIsers. used wh8II he visited Veeuvlus so a lit tle water. Apply tbl8 to the the matter of the will of Sarah ~at be mlgbt keep on jotting dowl1 platrorm, sir." The man jumped up and elbowed tllace where ths leakage la and It will A. Guttery, deceased . Will filed. notes In spite of tbe cold, must hay. Frank V. O'Neall, assignee etc., been fingered, no less tban tbose ot bls way to tbe platform. Half a min· 'lie Inetantly stopped. A vilit from plaintiff vs. Lida B. McKay et al, the glutton In Antbena.euI, who wore ute's 60nrch failed to reveal the eult' the . plumber will 8tlll be'1. defendants. Sale of property ap- rloves at table so tbat he might han· posed envelope. Tbe man returned to but there Is uo .peclal hulT)' tor more proved and conftrmed. Settlement die the meat wblle hot and get In ad- where tbe young woman was ltandln. raclle.l '!'epatn. • - ••- - - vance of htl , bare handed fellow clln· and aald: made. en. "Bay, lad,., where til that en~elope. P.raon'l LaUllh Tena Much. . ·m the matter of the will of Nicho· 1 can't find It out tbere T" The manner of lau,hln, II a reHable las Archdeacon, deceased. Anna M. "Tbat envelolle," replied the ),oun, indication of a penon'l depth ··of Fea,.." to 1..0141 8awdu.t. Arcl1deacon, widow of the deceased One day BmaD Olear wae playfng 'Woman, Mis In the I&me place )'our thoqht 'and lelt-control. · For IDetected not to take under the will. . with a doll and eame ot the eawdullt maDDen 8I'e." the chronic rtlller ulual17 The young DIAn undentoocl and floCl· ltance. ,I'> rel, the. estate of Elizabeth D, leaked on to . the floor. . Boon after Os; pen()n of lballow thourht, while tbe carett. deceased, Private sale of car's mother caUed him to her to trim ed from vie". The old mall got the quiet: penon, who leldom laU.bI and "hUe the JMIOPlit 'ID tile YlclDlt7 'oDlJ rarel,. amUM, hu a . peat tat. . :.,_beloit belon~g to ·the deceased or· his linger na:111!! and Oscar Bald: "Don't .Bat, trim so shoz:"t. for all the Bli.wdut wtl1 looked, ' li8teaed aJi4 JaUch~,-N'" l~ 'Clf '~rand .' th9li1ll~"" . • ~" - ' r• . oome out.". J . . / _ .. ~ __.J . . . ;tora TlJI1ei. . _ . _~



: Win We Get Our Share?




T...... Reuonable.I-:- ~SatisfactlonlJOuarantee4 GUDVATJI :0.


.AftOa"AL :A1lO'I'JOlf ~U._

- eaodL.o,

Wayn,eavUle. Ohio:




P ubUshe,l; Weekly.


at WaYDDavIUe. Oblo

r-----,---- - - - ...


O. L.





Editor and Manager

Rates of Subscription U DO Yonr (strictly in nUvnucel .. . ..... 11.00 1'1 n!tlo (JOlly ... ....... .. .. .. ·.... .. .. .00 Rates of Adverti8ing Uontllng J.ocalB. per IIno .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

lie Hoadlug Local •. Llack taco. per 11110 .• .. lOe UI......tflod Ad •. 1I 0 ~ toO oxcootl 0 ve tin .. Throe IlUIIlrtiona.. . .. . . .. . . .. aile

Ilvo Inches (roo. over live InchOll, !>Or IIn at thank.. . . .. .. . .... .. ... . .. . .



l:. rd




lie aile

.. """ lu ~JoU8 .... .... ..... .... . .... ....


etc. wboro eha' 0 J. mMJo . .. .. . . 1I;lJ I11 1 Ad vertlBlng PC . Inch . . . . ... .. , . lJ lacount.8 glveD contract.

aile 10<:




TRACKED BY POSTAGE STAMPS Little Pocullulty, but It M.ant Much to the Trained Eye of the Watchful Detective..

Whether a man la a crimInal or • la w·n.bldlng citizen, he our;ht to take the pains to stick his PQat.a«e stamptl on exactly Itralght," an old detective laid. "U he Is otralght he won't 10•• t.nythlng by It, and II he 10 crooked he will gain. When I 11'&1 In the rovernment service the flret thing I found out about a man under suspicion waa the way he stuck on his .. tamps. One of the clevere8t swindlers ( ever land· ed WB8 tracked through hl8 P08tae. stamp •. "After you put a stamp on a certalD way tor a little while It becomes IlOOand nature and YOU stick It on that way unsconsclou8ly. That wae what that man dId. All hl8 "tampe Btuck on diagonally, leaving & little triangle at a certain 811e at the co~ ner of the envelope. He was a .II~ pery fellow and had eluded vlgtllUloe for months. One day I happened to be loitering around a PQBtoft\ce of • country town where I had gone on another trall. The mall came In. and through the little wIndow I watched the post master 80rt It. Presently I I!JlOtte~ an envelope with the atamp 1!~l c k on In thst trlangullU' fashion. I lot the pOlltmark, hIked back to tb.t town, and nabbed my man. It be bad put hlB stomps on straIght. probablT be never would ~ave been caurht." ~EV.




Tbe Rev . Irl It. Biokll 1914 At. manRO is now re!f.dy and w1l1 be mailed prepaid for 350. Profe88or Hloks' floe MagRzlDe. Word and Work.; for oDe year, aDd a oopyof 'hit! Almanao for only oDe dollar. The plain lelaoDs 00 alltroDomy, and the oorrec' fore0&8ts of IklrDll, droutbs. bllzzardl and torlladOOl, make these publloationlt a n80eel"y In every home In America. Bend to Word and Workl Publlsblng UompaDY, 3401 Frllnklln AveDue tn. Louis, Mo . .

---_.- ..- - -

Gorman Cu,,", In Germany one findS all kinds of curea. Every enterprising town hal one. Orten the cure house Is the flnellt public building In the city. A o.rman talks of going to hl8 cure aa an AmerIcan of ,goIng to his vacation. There are milk curea and mud curea. "Wfnd cures and water cures. mountalil cures and surf cures; but mr choice la the forest cure. Not only does It l;Iest please mr personal taste but I notice that It gelll the most serlouR C8ses-those wbere radical and heroIc cures lU'e needed. 1I'lrat of all there are the tuberculosll patients strewn about on their cots under the pungent shades of the Black Forest as about Dr. Trudeau's camp III the Adirondacks. Tben tbere are the devotees of Indigestion and the nervous wrecks, bilIous, alcolloJlc and aoclety wrecks, drug fiends. bridge fiends and everybody; that 18 everybody wb~ can spend the time and money to come hither for the tor C8t cure. Natu rp II,. III Germany, aa In America, folks wbo have to work and support famllles cannot afford to ba cured. They can't even alford ·the di sease In the flrllt place.-Woman's Home Companion.




The Neighborhood News

.~--, ~~




------ .........

Caesar's Creek



Beech Grove.


St. Augustine's Catholic


St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. I{cv. J . 1". CndwalJadrr. Hcct(lr . Sohool. o :ao u . w MornlnK .er ylc r . to ::10 a . m . 1]01), Comm uni on th e tlrO I Sund a y

SUIllI IIY 0 1



10: aD • . 01.




1:30 p. m.

Hk:k.s1te Friends ChurcL. ~'lrHL Da r ~' ounh Uay MOtoWD!!

i'i"" , DOl} Meetllll( . 10 :00 n. m. Scb'ool. II .00 a


10 : 00 a . m.

Orthodox Friends Churca.. A. E . Wooten. P88toOr . Sabb31b Sohool. 9 :80 a . m . He~ular cburcb IMl r,'lcea 10: 80 a . m .• amI 7:30 p. m . Prayer mee~lng Wodnuaday evening ilL 1 : 30.

All Over 39


. _.

IORES ON RAILROAD TRAINS We",a" Co",pl.ln_ of Talkatlv. Pellow Travlla,.. Who Inalat .n R."alllni 8ecrew.

It la atranae how m&D7 people. ...ben traveling, are eo boNd ...lth their own tIOClet7 that th.7 wl11 talk to .. batever atranrer th07 can force to IIlten-YM, and tell heart.. too. ODce, III tM drelslD, I . Reeder, of Xenia. vllited hll lecreta, room of. Pullman, a ...oman whom I mother lal' week. 61illl88 Verole and Ada Beckett have neyer _n from that day to WI. told me ... Ith .uet detall all about a are vllUlng relativel in Keotuoky. recent IC&Ddal In her family wblch . Mrs. Ben Ililla aDd Mill Eate thor bad out of the papers onl7 Clark were Day'on Ihoppere 1100. by the moat aU-.unoul effort. Yet for aU ~. ItDew. I bave been. r. day . port.r and I muat I lon,ed to • • rrtabten her for ber In411C1'etlon \y telll~ her that I waa Dna I Saved HII Foot Le.. Bertoul conftdenoea are flo&. B. 0, Ely. of BaDtam, 0" lIuWered Quellt. "I've bardly a hair on my head frOID borrlbl., ulcer 00 bill fool for that'l my own." wbllpo1'll the woman four yeare. Dooklr acivilled ampu ...ho haa come onr from the nut &eOtatioo. bat be rdOled aDd nluo- tlon olltenllbl,. to offer ,.ou a map"'nUy hied BuokleD'1 Arnloa Salve alne. but rully to henelf talIt:. ae a I..' reeor&. He 'hen wrote: "ThMe pulrl colt U~nc1 altOletber "I aled your aalve and my foot wal l'1'e bou,ht onr 1100 worth of braid! 1I00D oompletely oured. .. ael' and awUcbel: ' Pl<eaaant thoulhtl remedy for burDI, OUM. bruit.. aDd It II much more dlmcult to handle eosema. Ge' a box kl4lav, Onlv 950. tile cheerful, .xpanalye woman tray· .AU druggJlI&a or by mail. B. II: .1er who haa made up her JDlnd to BOlkleD & Co., Pblladelpbla or St. talk to one of ber own afIX aDd wbo II Loull, at heart a 'Yer,. rood aort, but ... ho menl7 happen. to be a frl,hUul bore. than It la to dllooul'&l'O the ad1'8llC08 The Hat Quoltlon 'n 17tO. of tbe offeoltv. t1'll,..Ung man. who, The Handel fe8t1val w.a orl,lnaJlT aeeln, a woman alone, feell that h. liven In W.ltmlnater Abbe,.. IUId the c:aJl follow up hi. rude Itarea with COIl· oft\clal notice of 1790 announced that "enaUon. Uluallr. curt monolrUa· "Do ladle I w\ll be admitted with hila. ble IUIlwer or no anlwer at all wtll and they are particularly requ ..te4 to lumclently crulh hIm-but you cannot come without feathare and v.rr amall deal out that lort of treatment Jour 1I00pa. If an,.." AI accleetaaUcal ta... own IMIx.-Excblnge. ---_ .... __ e--damands tbat f.male "'01'llhippeI1I ahall OO\'.r h.adl In church, thll I'eCQoo How Thln,1 Ha.,. Chan,edl latIon '1''' curtoull,. aoomaJoUl. A"You never uaed to come to me IIUftOItion In r.prd to ladl..' b . . . ....r ..... alao made br Blr wtUl the Imell of liquor on rour Cowen In ltol....hen/he I.'" It .. hla before we were married!" "No, t.nd opinion th.t the ladl.. mla1lt 41100"" 70U never uled to aiD( to me before In their!robe .ome ~tremelT we were marrted." fallclnaUn, flat bats," ...htch woul4


Beneath the unusually Ilttr.otlve )ollored cover8 of \be Chrl8tmas Is · IIU'~ of The Amerioan Boy i800n · tal ned a '~ealth of flotlon, :1f fao t, anll of attraotlve llIostrliUeD t.bat Is eer·taln to interelt the aotlve boy aI "will Inspire him . 'l'he tlfty.two large pages are orowded with good things . Prominent. among the excellent Uhristmal fiotlon is "The Les80n Jerry varned," by Clarenoe B . Kelland, "Bow Banta Came to Cote Blanoh." by Garrard Barril. Bnd "The Tale of a Dog's Foot," by ROBe Seelye.14l11er, are other pleallIllg stories of Uhristmas. "The Open Trdl, by Herbert Wyndham.Glttenll hI nn anlmalltory of unusual power. "1'(lx Feratav," by Harold WlIllam FU'erllk. II paoked with laughs. There are. bellde8. four other short storlOl ot varied appeal. The Beoond Installment of "The Gaunt Gra.y Wolf," a serlalstorY .,y Dlllo. Walltlce. appears in thlfl IS8IDA, "The King tlf ~he Filibust. er~," by E. Alexander Powell. F. R, G . 8 ., Is a hilltorioal artiole at the most thrUhng Illtereat. Lleuteoant Wlllter 8 . Aodersoo. U, 8 , N .• te1l8! tbEI boYIl how to ilgnal in his' 'Blg_ oa.ling For Boys. " "Maklog Eleo trioity Work" i8 the title of a new I16r'lel of artiole8 by Don Cameron Sbafer tbat tell of tbe wODders of modero aleotrioi'y In a form as pr.~otloal as " is 10$8restln/r. 1:"be many depar&ments and sbor' artloles appeal to a boy's every In. &erellt aDd aid him 10 bl8 Importaot bD!lin81111 0 f balns a boy and developiog iato aD able man. A boy yon koow wants a ;oopy. 11 .00 a year. Publlllbed by The 8prague Publish. tng Uo .• OetroU, Mloh.

All Out for Display,

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00 FURS UNDERWEAR House

$1.00 Room RUII

$3.75 ·to $30.00 Ingrain Carpets

'!'onig\)\, if

250 up


I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..!

you feel dull and


IItupid, or bil10us and constipa&ed. take a dose of Uhnmberlain '8 Tablets doDd you wtll feel all right tomorror. l..,.---------------~-------~---rO\1r. For eala by all dealerll . • ___• _ __


Brought Out by Trial •

'l"here CBn be no true virtue In thoBe who have never been trled-or at least we cannot be aure of Ita ed. tence; It may be tbere. or only Its eemblance may be tbere. In real Itfe we have to do wIth realities; let us make lure that our defenses are reaL -Arthur 1.. S.lmon.

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. "

Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.

IOlassiBed Ads WIt"

OORWIN,""OHIO. w.. In.err.ed . ... under Lhl8 head tor I'""'.......Phone .,..,..--------......................- - - - - - -.......--,-----~ 71-1

... w....-. ....

Ada .... 111 b<!

twenty·nve centa lor three InsertiollB_ "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ wben Wllne not more than live IInel. '" ..,..,.... ................................................ .

FOR SALE Rook BooSteJ'lI. FINEPrloePlymouth '1.00 Mrs . D . F . 8mUh.



".;~ ';t~



H_ve your Sale Bills Printed at .the Gazette Office.

Spl'iog Valley, R. 1. Borne PhoDe 'SI, CeDtervllle exohaDge. dlCl PIGB-a few obOloe full M ALI!: blooded Duroo Pigi. .Inquire of ~l'bad Zimmerman. WaYD8Ivtlle Ohio. n 26


buodred. plaiD, whUe 1Sc aorepe paper napkins; io de-

Sl,:nll 50 per dpzeD, a' tbis office.

JEI 10'81 GUPPEl 50

' ......

Holiday Goods

------_.-- ..------


.. _.




bOlbel1l of Oatil. blioe F.mily Mare, • ye.lrs old, perfeotly ,eu"", work any..,bllre, Dot afraid of aukle, Vaoabl; lot in o.y'on, nicely located, will trade 'he I for farm Itook. Edgar Btlnaon, BaneYlborif, Oblo, Pbone '7 I , tf


.u. .•


Novelty Aprons

Illble echool. 9 : 30 a_ m. !loclal mootln•. 10: 3 0 .. m. OluULlan Endeavor. 7:0 U p . m. SermoD by IlllatoOr every nlwrnate Sunday at

tUate of Ohio, olty of Toledo. } LU0&8 UooDiy, liS FraDk J . Uheoey m6k.. oath 'ba' be il ·llenior p&rtntlr of 'be firm of 'h '0 (J d I bWliD8III , F . J . U eney. 0 ., ng In tbe CUy of ·foledo. (Jooo'y aDd 8tate aforesaid, aDd 'bat Did firm f ON III BUNDRED will pay tbe 8um UOt..LARB tor eaoh and every cas_ of Ca'atrb UlatHALL'S oa"no' be oured by 1I0t vi.....IIoweYer. The "ructnattbe U8e 0: OATARRH iii, obltruct flat h.ta"the_re, chleflT CURII: . ~·aANK J. CBENII:Y oOnlplcuoul b,. thefT ableace, owbIC S"oro to before me and Rub prellUmabl,. (.... wrtte· MlbJect to femTNI G.UTaT lIorlbed io my presence. thiB 8tb lain. correction) to tbe tact that the dav of lJeoember. A. D 1886. lIat bat ..... not amOll, tbe tublou 'PIm&'l'Dfl'&I pll'DVD A W G~EASON 01 that fMr,-Londoll O..,be. 1~llU~ AI"..a\ (Seal) . , ._ e •• 'N. WO.LD Notary Publlo. Ball'lI Ca'arrb Oare II &akeo In· Removln, a Cork. IUJIBIID W!!ILT. $4.00 ra lUI teroaUy aDd SOUl dlreo'ly UPOO'118 To take a cork out of 'a bottle ..b_ ......... DIUcaOim. . . .0IAueft, blOQd "nd muc011II ,aurfaOtll . of 'bel there II neither a corbcme... · DOI' a DO.TU . . . . . T.A ....... OAI IYII"'m . Sttod for t.elltbnonlalfl, fr8"'IImISe at bud, ItlcJl t ..o ..retT pIna A.D IIYIO" OA. PtlOhT F . J . mlll:NICY II 00., TC)ledo, O. toptb8l' 4Ia""'ll17 Uaroqb the oorko _ ·""'QrnADv••nall'Q~&.U.'" 'SoJd b7 all ' Drogtrta~, 7Gc! OPllC*te to tMII other. B, ~ ' 8AMPLE COPY FREI ,'!'ak. Ball's J'am1W'Plila , for: COD- ' the upper lIU't,of' tile &Yo ..... ~ - . _ _ _ • .you ,OU.... ltipattoil. · . .:. 1'IIIIO~• .u. 10ft .....,. . . . • •.... . . . ,'., - .' . . ............ '"


Fine Assortment of

monL4 .

Chrl.tlan Church.




Rev. P. D. 'l'bomp80n, P .... LoI.

Torpid U..,er. oouUpasec1 bowell and diloroered I~lbaob are 'he oaneel of ,ll.e beadaohlla. Dr. KiuK'1 New Life PlIIII, you 'W1Il be lorprfled how qolokly YOU will Re'rellef. They "Imul.&o 'be oif feren' organ I &0 do 'belr Rork properly. No batter regula'or for Ii ver aDd bewele Take 25 J aDd iovea' 10 a box today. At;.U drug. gJIU or by mall :' B . E. Bookleo & Co . Pbtladelphla aDd 8'. Louis.

Xenia, Obio

o :OU a. Dl.

Nervous and Sick Headaches

Mr. 01 PUwborg, Pa., lpanl 'he week _DI1 w"h Mr. aDd Mre . John Zell. Ur. Clage,' and fam1ly IlpeOt nigb' wUb Mrs. AUoe MoKlnleY. They .~rted Tburaday mnrnlnlr for R 'Jlwen, New Mexioo where tbey will lpend 'he winMr IIrll . Lydia Uordon II vlsl&1t ber ROD Dear BarveYllburl(. Mr. Joe MoKlnleY. :»f Morrow, vlllSed hie motber bere M'rlday. Mr. IDd Mr • . U. G. ~be"e1IeU lalt week for R08well, New lIe:lloo where IIr. Wheuel hopee $0 relaiD his beaUb. Harold llimitb hall g3ne ~ Brook. vUle. .


Father LouJa ¥ aDB MaSHevery 8000 nd Sunday o f t4e woa t b I



o. 8. Onuoer. Put.or.

School . U : 15 a . m . M ur nln/{ ·tl er \·lce . IU :30 a . m. l!;\'e nlo g servi ce . 7 : 0 p m. MldwCGIr Pr \Yer "'eeLI DR . 7 p . m.




Methodist Episcopal Churdi


Mr . nnd Mn . •1. B. LeamiD8 were L. 0 Uhllel, of Lytle wa~ here 00 in Wllmingtoo, lliat.urday. Monday buying stook hog8. A. S. Allen and wife and MIBs Mrs. ROB3 Ruddook eotertaiDed Ruth Danberry (our sohool teaober) Mrs . Nellie Wbltaore. Mrs. I!al\ie epent Saturday evening wl\b K E LeMar and Millel Flora and Maud TholJlpllon and wile. Barlan. one day lut week, We are sorry to report Mr . and Amos (Jomp'oD SpeDt lu' week Mrs . W11I Kefll~y'l httle daughter wi\h Boraoe Compton Bnil family . quite alok at thl8 writing, bu' 'rhe Deretln Ula88, of 'hiB place. through the skl1Jful treatmeot of was pleaMotly entertained, Iia'.r- Dr. C. G Randan we all expect. her day evening, by 'he Uleanel'll ~;Iaa. well Boon. I'ress18Y Vaoghn and wife have of the M.E (,'hurch. New Burlington. gone to Virginia toapend the winter. Mr. M. M. EarDhart'. sale Wil.l Mr. N . B. Rich, eaBS of Wellmau, lll.rgely attended. Thursday. Is quite slok at thl! writing. We Z. F, Baloes aDd famll,. apent all bope for a. 8peedy reoDvery, WedDesday enning with H. F . K. E. Thompsoo and wife at. Complon aDd f.mily. tended 'he fUDeral of Mre. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs, Je.8e HaiDee eDklr· • , Day too on )looday. B. C. Moor aDd family SpeDt Sun tained a' Sunday diDner, IIr. and Mrs . laaao LyUe aDd Mre. Bessie d"y w"b J. W . EdwRrdlland raVlily . Several of oar farmers sbredded Oglelbee and .family. tbelr fodder last week. MiA loa lIay Uompton apent Asron SmUb ball blood POi80D In Thursday evening with Misll Lel.b one of hie haods. Bogan, Mli. Alpha WIlSOD, of 14adll'onMre. NelUe BunDeU enter&6ioed vme. Is spending .. vera.l daYI wUh her mother, Mrs. Bogan, of Well. ber 118tel' Mrs. Mamie Retalllok Wm. Guthrie, of Summerford. man, &turd&y . tranl&'3ted bUllne8s here OD Ilrlday Mrs . lIioole Coleman wilbee kl aDd 8a'urday. thank tholle who remembered blJ' We are glad to report Mrl!. Sh"n\t by sendlDg her a poe' 08rd. better at this wrltlDg. We ht>pe It "111 be permanent, A CODMImptive Coup The boot-leKKen lIeemed to gltt In A cough thl' bothere yoa oon tbllir work at a Mle here lad week. t.innally Is ODe of the daorer IlgDals 1'. S. Elboo. of Wayoesville, wall whioh warna of OODl1Imp,ioD. Dr l[in,'1 New DllOovery I'OP tbe bere lalt week and bougM Frank oougb, )o08eD 'he ohel'. b.niab Shilonk 'i eDglne aDd M. M. Terry's fever aDd Ie' you Ileep peaoefally. Ihredder. rbe firl' dOH oheokl 'he aympt:>ml Tbe dog klllera got in 'heir work aDd J{1V81 promp' reltef. Mrl .A. liere 00 tlunday moroing. If'. Mertz, of GleD Ellyo. 10.... R. J. Murray. of Long View wri~: "Dr, IIDg 'a New DIIOO"ery Itooll: Farm, vls"ed K. E. l'bomp oared a l&ubboJ'D oougb .fter weeks' 4ootariog .alled .. be1p.·· Ion. Suuday afternoon. Try It, al " will do She _me for Ill.. Lola ROUlb, of Wayneevll1e. you Bel, medloine tor ooarbe, oolde, throa' aDd IDDr 'roubl• . and Pbillip Larrlok. of Lebanon. MODey back If Uf.ila. Price I\eo & took Bunday dlnDer wUh Mr. alod 'I 00. All druglrll", bi man. B . C Mrl. Luolan Fuzler. BuokleD & Uo, PhUadelphla or ..,. • - • Loull . .

---------Corwin. .od Mrl. Artbor Zen.





. ':.


.J .. E. FRAZIER I wID c:oat1aUe to dO RoofInI aad Spout... at ReuoaahIe Prk:a. Cau oa .... ~ my bome, .-or pboae 244X...... I wID etdmac. wltb JOU.


'HOU~ , of , rooml, 181'18 barD. , ,.Water: and eJeotr1O ,Uahte tD

b'oue,..~ .• Iln....:·I'. :Devt".. " .. ::.'"

• .. r~.


THE Now Ih ls Is all end ed . After today be ...·m IW O\ d me. So I teel t hat I I.Itl VI! calise ror t hs nk.s lvlng , ove n If It did ("ost mo t wo ,lo ll n r5.'· HENRY HOWLAND.



L et others sigh , and ca ll t he days Now Coming mela ncholy; t 've got my winter's s toc k of coa l, A nd It Is paid for, bl ells yo ur 60ul; I'm full of tha nk s , by goll y.

" Wh y !l re Yl' U tIIl l plalillu g, ~;d l t h? W hnt haa ha ppcn ed ?. ' · ~1n; . W a ldron has spoll ed my 'Thank sgiving."' " How di d ah do tha t T" "Oy go l ling a wln t 'r hat that Is Just l i ke mlnl'." "Oh, well, Im itation Is tb e si ncerest 'flattery: yo u kn o w." "But sh e go t It two week s before go t mine , and I did n't know it."

- -



Attac ks Have Beon EspeCi ally Severe In Many Sect ions Of the State - Disease Pa3ses W i nt ~ r In Canker Spots


On the I Larg er Branches of th e 1 r ee


(Tb f' ro ll"" In.: I ~ a n 'clpo wh ich haE; U,WIl lhtll"(,u" hl y lL''' INl uUl !J} \"\ ' r ~' many I ,,"u I' ll.', tlnd whlch. whll, ' ut

l lf llt ' S

!-o Olll l.' \ \


l· Ll ~t ly.

w t ll b, '

fo u ll d Il )()~t ~ lIt b,fy lll )i;. no l (1111)" Ul I hl ~ partll'ulu l" ~CII!;O Il . !Jut through · (Ju t th e )" l'u r.1 lJlII' y 'Jlr '~ w() r k, well lI()n G. A II lcO c l('a ll l.>u~ln eMH. e it h l' r s lI1al l Or lnfl'~l'. hUl fl'!.'!! f ro m d ' blS; or. Lbo vury i.>uSl job lha t yo u can ge t by hu rd wo rk. Of 'sorv lcel:l to o (h ·rs . as ma.ny as can bl' r ~ 1I (lPr f" d -th e more th e bl"lll' r ' ovI! rod o ve r with to rgel' (ul noss. A few r" "o rs r ecol vod [rom you r bes t tr il! n d~. we ll r e me mbe re d . A perfe ctl y clc.a r co nscieocu,


L Ilflt ' \\ "

No Pla ce on Sout h Coast or Engl a nd S it uated s o Bea utifull y as T h is An c ie nt Cit y-Wool Ho use on Qu a y One of t he Sights .

; I ~ li .

. 1.. ' !) 1"1 ,",, , 1 hi:'

~' ·.I :--' lln

'1' 111 d i:-; " :h ,'d I r .. , ~ , II I \, I ~l~ \' f't ' l ' lt.: .. I I , " 1 Il I/, l { )) 1111 ' 11 ~. I ~ ,' ,'!.'d ' \\Ir!s ;111 41 I ! ;r llh:-. I() \ t ' ll ' fl \\1 111 d" iut , 1I 1, l t h,f,l\t!

:- pr ll\ . : ~


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h,ll ' l\

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uf ulld

..1 !ld burn all d l~(' :' 1.;"l" l p ..Lr ts


,h ' <lll tf"", 'd '. ,,,h : 11(' g l "" 11 I ___ ._. b" ., llhy fo i: ;, >: (' of 1111' 1I I1 , " f""II) Li P"rtS ! ., . .. Dark . d i~"ol o n ' d a r"iiS, or " "IlICl' IS'1 wilh .-harp li nps o f ,Il' " a rkil llo!l. lu d i. (':Iti ng Ih ir Ii m lls. :lr .. !" <>r IlI .' ,1 0 :1 tlt ~ I larg e r IJ r :ln<"iH' ~ il lld t, 11111- ' or t h, ' t r p , ~ . Ti lt'S.. ca ll1.,..r " 1"Ils art' wh .. r,' th e d l" ·" .,, pa, s ,·s tilt' lI illt e r. II small opr "!"lI l or t l,,' dis";,, ,' I Iw ig s ,) ul y (":I r ryillg the d is .. as.' rtl rOll ;.; h l b e Willl(·r. W It:lI Is Ih " b,·, l Illa n to ("olnltal thi, m nsl (Ir,;n<l"<1 IIr al l orchar d d;'ltl ~P S ? flprJl yillg \\ il h 11 fll ll r.:lci ci l' ha s I! l






I tII. C~ t ill!l lhu h, is toric town and. port at , .

~Oll l h.1JJIJ)t u n, ~Hll l . t o S pl l O of t~l O I "aF t dp\,,' loptnOUls or dockH and ShI P '


t· )



1111l~ \\ I IC I n'll e r It a


r Yl\



P \' t'l)




i I


Tb e Ideal wa li co\" c r ing 10 t he kltcb ' l Pa inte d "'a lis mu,' be m ud e bea ullrul e n Is l mp e l" ' lo us l O molsl ure a n d 'I a s W., 1i a s s an itur y. Though th e y s omegt;.cll se an d Is artl s llc in co lo r fllld de · tlnlE'!; s we nt wh on t h pre is mu ch stell.ln s ign. Ce rt a In c ol or s s uch as red a nd ' in t h,e kilch e n. tb e' are not Il8 ob]ec. ye ll oll", a l" e wa rm In lone n nd leod to I ) , give t h is e tfe<:l lO t h e rOO Ill . Re d. at I lio na b le as pape r , wh ich a bso rbs :he COll rsl'. wOli ld nol be suilable In a I m ~rsture ao d tak es up greuse. Var· k itchpli. for in , um m er Il Is too wa rm n is hc d pa per costs 1\ lit tl e more than Illl e! . III add it ion. is a tr ying color ' does Ihe ord inary kind, but it Is moro wh e rl' onto is req uire d lO re lll a in hours sUlis f ac t or~ .L1l1 I lasls lo nge r . I t mllY a l a tim e. Ye liow s, t h a t is, b uff , lan s, I be wi pe d olf Wi l h u damp ' CI Olb a t or go l(l(' n urow n e. a r f" safc war m c ol· hous ,e .cleanlng li me . H owe ver, th e OI"S for r(lO IlJ~ lhat a r ~ i ~l cli n c d to !Je : va r nis h lu rn s Y'~ lI ow In lime a nd , for da rk o r for lilos e a ll th e north 01" wt!ti t I -. s ie](l of th e hou se. Grny, or u col!:J r I t his re.aso n. Il IS w('11 lo Sl' lecl ,\ colo r huv lng a g myi s h t() lI e. su ch as g ra y- I t bat will loo k we ll whe ll s uch a c han ge blll C'S a n~ g ray.g r ee ns. g il-es tb e e tTect , lalcef; place . O l~ e at t h " !Jest c over· of c "(Jll1f'~s a nd nny be u ed on Id lc h. 1 Inga la a t hi n oil elot h. whi ch Is Bold ens 011 th e s u nn)" . Ide o f tbe ho us e. und er we vllrlo us Ira de na 111 (,5, !lnrl (,H p('(' i:l lly In s um me r Icit" li C' ns. Gr ee ns c a n be purcb a s ed rro m any wa llpaper and l.> llI e s a re colo rs t hut t ude easily , l de al e r. ,,' hil E' l hc ini tia l e xp e n se or an d, if wall pa pe r Is usee!, t h is P01 !l l l this Is g r eale r tha n th llt of so me oth e r DlU Sl b e take n In to Cr-II Sideratio n .1 ma le rlal~ , It Is mo re dura!J lc ti nt: s anlDrabs I: nd dur k bl u es s houl d ne ,'er bp ta ry. It is di flic ul t to ha n g, a nd a pu· (~ Illploy .. d . T ho ug h i t m a y l10t s ho w i pe rh a nge r will havA to be e m ploy ed. th e d ir t. th ey will glv!! lh l" room a wh ic h a d fls to t h e cos t. bu t w ill IHs t d ing"r a nd dep ressin g look. Ir t he ceil- for yea rs nnd Clln b e br ig hl en oo up in g Is lo w, no bord e r Shlll' !d he used : ' wbeIl n eces~ ur y by n caul at va rnl sb. ir, all Ih e o th e r hand. it :. 11igll. a bor· E L:viA P E Rr{Y F'OU LK, d e r \' III Improv e t1l6 ap peMCl uCe of t he CoI IEIge of Agrlcullure , Ohio Stato rOOIl1 . Vnlv e rs lt y.




-=--=c-c:=---=== _ __.


The po wer or soils to re la in mols· tu re a u d pre "e lll it s dow u ward percola tio n ,·arIP.s according lo th eir n ~-. ture. The ret ainin g pow ~ r lesse ns with t he c oan;eness or l ll e soil par· licl es !lnr! with t he dea easI! o f Ihe a mounl of orga ni c ma tt e r . Th e pow e r at wate r lO rai se mo ist ;;re !Jy CUlllllarlty from the lower laye rs dcpe nds upon th e s malln ess at the c ~plll n ry ~ puc es . and l hus upon t h ei r fine ness a nd ' co mpac tn es s of tb e com ponent Il:Htlc les. Plant roo ts s om e tim es fil ii 10 ab so rb watcr from th c soil du e to an y one of t h rre co nd i tion s: F'i l"Sl. t h e s oil Ill a y 1I 0t eonUl ln a n a dequ al e s upply of \\"0 · le r; second , th e s tlppl y rn lly be a lle· quale . bUl lli e s olut es d lsso l\" (' d in t h l' wa~(' r Illa y Il Ol rl e rm ~ a le lIl(~ [lrr>to plllR m uf th P. root !r a irs; lh lrd. tile Hail co nl a in poisono us 8ubs ta nc'es wh ic h in j ure t h e r OOl~ a n d lII:t k c Ilb· s or p Ion Impo ~ i b l e . T h n e m g po we r of a ga il pCllds upon th e re lative hum id ity a nd u po n air mo,· nts . T e mpe ra lure \" a riulio n s e ff ec t th o evapo rati on ni le l h ro ug h c ha nges in re lative humldl l Y. I A warm ed a llllos phere will bolll 1110re I ~~'a l f'l" vap or tbau on coolin g. wbeo



water cond enses. The Ips s mo is t ure In t he air utmosph r e, tbe ~r eate r the te nd e ncy at wa ler to evapora te nod produce a cendilion ot e quilibrium bet ween t ~e liquid and gaaeous pbase of the wate r . :rhe high e va po r:ttlng power ot arid regions. due to dry atmos phere, remOVflS w::.ter from the surrace layers much more rap idly than it ca n be· reo placed from below by t h e mov!:'m en t ot tbo s oli film s. Thll s Ihe e vaporatin g surface r eced es fa rth e r and far th er In to th e s urfa ce Illye rs llntll a point is re a ch ed wh ere equi librium e xisls bet wee n th e ra le o f e "apora li o n and th e upward mov em c nt of th e wa te r In the noil Mms. Th e rnte at era poratlon at thi s polut is s o mtlch less Iban at th e surfac e , b ecaus e til cre ha ~ hec n form ed an ai r-dry s ur' fac e la yc r. th e lh iC~lll ess or will c h hind e rs evaporalion, 'a s t h e waler vapor mus t diffUSE! upward throu ' h It. This thick dry la ye r accom pil sh es the sa me purpOHe as th e so li mulch torm e d by' l lllag e ope ra l ions. a nd th ese f ne ts are t he und e rlyin g p ~ lncln a ls at deep tillage, es pecullly [n s e mi·arld reg ', ons. M. C. SEWRi;~ L, ColIllg e of Agr iculture, Ohl~ State University.

It,~l ('ross Du ll fllt' "

If"" '.

t1uubl e m luo for oLbur ,


Chea p. lilY d"ar r,' lI u w, e v er y ma n hl ~ h l ~ prl ce _.. ··O h . Inti'>" 11~ Alld what liD yuu th lnl! i ~ 1IJ 11I ~"'''' ··Oh. yo u j usl ~ I vp YO ll r ~ , ' lt aw uy."

'·" ,.M,


L o n don . fh e fifty-th ird annual chltrc ll ongre~t;. wh ich opcne lJ on SC IJt ('l tnbe t· :.;0 luu) fo r ItR plnc o 0 r erpoo l. a to\\~ a t mu c h plclures · I q UI' u l l racllu n . 1li e re Is n o plnco au t he s e~ulh coaBt of Engla nd s lt un ted so 11 1)l"llutl fUII Y as th is n nc le nt port ; nnd Lbl' voyag e fro m it d ow n Soulhamplou wll l e'r . di sp lay ing Ill' 'n cs of Quie t woodland s. pas tures and suollt fa ir· wuy. add s llU olh e r plln g of reg re t to t he Eog lh; hUlIl II'1:I de pa r LU ro fro m ht) III C', j us t us tlt o pa8~agc p ast lh o Nee dl os a nd Ca ls hot Cnsl le. b etween th e \\"I l;ht li nd t h e mal n lau d, n nd up t o So ulh a m pto n h eate us l h e wander · e r's r cturn fro m o '·c rs ea s . T h is way cam o th e Romau 's voyngp rO\'P II ,.. rr, lt' t !ve. ~o pa f t\ f) t r p l n (.' dlt-~~ In g lo and fro m t h eir Ilort ot Clau 8en · ar e 6Jll is f" c-I ory . S t r il"1 sanl lat ion ao rl lUIll . ld ll ntltl ('d ' now \\'i l h Ditte rne. "ra d lc at lOll o f I hE' dib ... :",' fr o ll! t he 10 · so me two mllos highe r up lb e e st unry fc("[ ("d IOl"Hl il)" arf' ~I f' J;, ' vl'd to bo th e of th e Itc be n. n s po t wh e re th e coins moS l pss (,l1t in l r"(' IOI's ill Its cool rol. o f t he Cucsa rs a nd th e pots he rds of orcha rd s are not so T h" fol low lll); pl ;l n or operation. If a dead a nel go n e c h ' lIi zntlon ure y e t tel a tt ack s from many di seases. pl"opc-rly p.·rf ,)rntf'd . \\ ill b, ' d( c tl VA : ple ntifull y found . The Saxons . follo w1- P f' f= troy al l :;O l1 rl' t). or Infecl io n cuetom, est n bll sh ed ('utl i n~ 0111 th£' bli /:h t o nre o r t wice lag th ei r usu a l lal!' th i ~ f:tl i. Ifll t ' ut Oll l nil ,Iis l' II,;('d limbs nn ll duriJl); Ihl' se, l~on wl !1 n.H co n l rol l li<' t h eDl se lves on a no w sltc wb en they DIll P h e re. a nd lcrt th e ruin ed a nd t WIJ;' . Il iseuso a lltl I., (lill y a was te of tilll' ·. I h i (' lI t UUI all ("ll nk ~ r s . c Ul ting wcl i :-; l'g l ecl III tll~illr ("'1 nil wounlis UII '\ d f'S~ rl e d Cla usen tum to th A s pir it s at bl o (h,. h,·"ll hy li "s lI l's ClI lR wi ll ci a 1I10r(' tla rrJl tha n 10 do II I' l he . dead Ilnd th e evil lhlngs which ,(") Il pst ro)' all Itaw hom (lnll c rRp. prll ll lllg at :11 1. To len"C' Ih(' b llg h tl! ll they ' Ilrde ntl y b e lieved inha bl l E'd th e uppl C' IreI''; a ln ll g" r nCf' ro ws nnd 111 ;lans rl' lIlal n In lIle o rc ha rd af l e r r~ desprt ed h om es of mpn. ~rhll s So uth a mpto n arose wh ere we now find It. n e arby pa st ll rf'S . .... rnu\'i t1~ r tlt. ' lt l fru m thl ') t rt' e wil l f ur · Ill ) 1) lsl ll f""1 all wOllnd a Il'llh cor· n l~ 1l 1Il 0rl' t lt ilJl t' 1l() u); h d lseaso gl'l" Ill B W e do not nownd ays t rac e any SlUton ros l\" ~ ul.>lilll ;}[(' ~l1lll l i l) n , 1 pan l O , 10 !J lil:lll 1 11I~ en tin ' l1ft·ha rd . An oh· remains b ere , although In tbose da ys 1. 000 pa r ts (If WaiPr. T ld ~ so lut io n ma y I S N \ ' Il IlCC of l ilese pl a ns hns ("o lltrol lcli thi e v. as a plnce of Importance, and hr. ll Pllli crl to till' wo u nd wil h n s p ngl" Illis m a lady III (' (lm lll~ l" cta l as wel l O ~ the building call e d "King's Cnnute 's Palace"' Is later tban bls lime. It was autl s hu lIlII bl' uppli " d as soon a ~ Ih u ,;x[lt.' rlnH' nw l orchard s. h e re--as thn t monklsb chronicler. W()l lI l ti Ig III Ilti 1'. C . L . 1.0:'\G. Hen ry at Huntingdon, would hav e us 2 - ~y~ t e rn HI 1(' IIl Spl'c l!o n of every Coli n!'" o f Ag ric u ll ure, Oblo S tate be Ueve--that Canute. th e Immedlatc l re e III Ille orc har d li t I a ~ 1 once n we ek i t:nl\'c rslty. successor ot the Baxon monarchs , put lbe gross flatt e ry of bl s c ourti ers to the test. They bad told him ble pow·

11<-;(, ,'"

Other 81de of Shield, WUe (co:npllt.lnln gly ) - 'rbe Wllftn· sons' b OURO 18 muc h Inr ger tllIIn ours. H us bnlld - Yes, m y de ar, IlIld 80 la t h e ir Ill ortgag e.- Boswn Trunlic r illL )' O llr !J\II IIC ...· , ';Hc..C; \I' kt.., n~ Cur us UII Y lJ \,IU' L lJUi.j1u ur h IVr. ~' Lu w ILllJ' UlUur.

t uresque Attraction:>,

lim o tIl ll d grow th

l) llIJit :u :d II p ril"ot art> :-;IIIP~ i n I :\t· L U I ' till III 11!t '; ' ur 1" 11 1. cut · I !l ll I Jllt ' I I , 'd l') ilL! !' \,1' I l r, ' b li L:1tr Th .. t :ll t; l tllt a ll IJ :I I ~ :--i':n ~ lJ ll r~. I wi ,g s, W it . ! (, " : 11' .Illd IJl IIII ('I ' ~ UIT\.~ 1 lJhl:it. 1I1t hU\I:';'!\ LI ' I"" jJ llHli :( . ~ :- . :'llu1 1 •.• ILl ' h ll~ t. 1t :;\ Itl\1 II , . I . .. ', ' . If' .1\lP I ' I ~ :1 :; 0 Sf ' I'II1I I ~l y 111J lI"I ' d , .\1 ; l() tJ\ ~ U) : )I\ .t r Cu t l\\ I~ ."' :l lId \\;t ter

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I f lld llll t,Ii '1

Ue lle f in th o univ e rs al brothe rhood ot m a n, congealoo Into e vc ry-da y pracUce , Mix all togeth e r, a nd season well wltb cb .~e rtulll ess.

, hilnks for the present. thanks for the Pil.ti Thanks for the future, hidden and vilsti Thilnka for the water, thank. for the IN TIME UNHAPPINESS landi "Thank. for the turkeYi lan't life Fact. About President Lincoln's grand? Thanksgiving Proclamations DurIng the War. Cropa have all been harveated, and mighty good one., tooi Tho Inltl a.l dat e ot tbe national No danger that the government will Thanksgivin g has bee n H.x e d at 8 (, pgo to smash, I gue .. ; te mb er 3, 186·i, but lbls s ee ms somelMary'. had the meallea, but the doctor- what arbitrary. On Aprll 10, l ~6 2, pulled her through, (Nicolay & Hay, Complc le Wor ks , viI.. And the world la full of r-ealon. to 144 ), President Li ncoln Issued a proc· be having thankfulneslI. lamation recom me ndin g gl'ne ral tba nksglving nnd prayer for th e na"Why Is tt that you will not permit tionsl victori es on t h e wee kl y day ot 7,our husband to carve the turke y, Mrs. reli g ious o bserv a nce n e xt foll lJ wlng :Barker!" t,be .r ece lpt of Lbe procla IlUltlo ll . On "BeCause th" gravy doesn't match July 15, 1863, (Ix.. 32 ) be IKtm cd a -our new dining room wall paper." thanksgivin g proclamation for vic· torle s and appoint ed Thursdny, August 6, as tb day or euch obse rvan ce. A "nIe man who eats the proper way IMay oat on next Th.nksglvlng day. s econd proclnmatlon In th e sam e year dated October 3, (Ix_. 151 ) , 10 more " 'Where the carvtng took! are," said general terms appoInted th e la.s t I tthe visitor, Hendeavorlng to be facett- Tbursday In November 8S a da}' of tbanksglvlng and praise. On May 9, ·-ous, '"there Is the h ead of the table." "Oh, I don't know." sald Mrs. Hen· 1864, (x., 94 I, he Issued a less formal Lbanks givleg" peck. "I gencrally have th e cotrce pot 'recomme ndalion of withou t setting apart any dllY for obr 1Jlaced at the bead ot tbe tablc." servance. Tn the sCrlal examination. "Remember, my friend," sald the of these rccords we now discover that pbilosopber, "that you have many the aSSignm ent of th e initial date to Septembe r 3, 1864, Is more tban arbI~hjngs to be thankfu l for." "Yes, I know that, but I bave a BOn trary, It Is absurd. On tbat day Pre sl· ~ho thlnks he Is learning to sing d e nt Lincoln 18sued two orde r s of tbanks and rejoicing" (x., 212 ) . t ende r· <tenor." Ing tile na.tional banks to Farragut, Canby and Granger and settIng apsrt "Of COUT8e you don't have to work S e pte mbe r 6, 6 and 7 for naUonal ea··tOn Thanksgiving, do you?" lutes ot 100 guns. On October 20 , 1864, '1 should say I did. I always have (x., 2(6 ). be IS8ued bill second th unks· ..'to carve the turkey," giving proclamation for the last Thurs· day of Novembe r. Theile tbanksglv· "You don't look at all thankful. Ings were a part ot the war. feelleg. . "'"What's the trouble ?" Tbat tbey were continued atter the ' ·~:Ob, It's all on account at our next war and were turned into more ge n· <door nelgbbors. Tb ey had a parrot, eral channels Is due to th e SUCCI'SS of !but It died a couple Ot weeks ago." the agitation carried on most earnestly "It seems to mc that ought to be by Sarah Jose pba Hale, editor of God· ' ofInfficlent CBUse to makt) you feel ey's Ladles' Book. ·thankful." "It would If they hadn't got a phonoReasona for ReJOicing. grapb and about torty dollars' worth In all gltts the Individual bas shared .. of ragtlme records." and has caUBe for giving of thanks.. But above and beyond these he or ebe "Well, you look cheerful tor a Ulan apon reflection v.'111 find the cblefest .'Wbo bas just been touched. Didn't I eause for thanksgiving In the poell e&-888 you give money to the man you slon of life and bealth, In the presel'-were talking to a moment ago?" vatton or loved ones through another "You did . I'm thankful. too. lIe said year. Th e person who can r emain In· Jhe would pay me back the day after sens ible to this on Buch an occasion · "Thanksgiving." Is Indeed to be pitied- as much eo as "Do you expect him to keep his the IndivIdual wbo Is not mov ed to - 'Prom Ise?"' express his thanktulness In thought ''No: but I'm th&llkful, jast the some. for othe rs Icss favored. This Is lhe "FOr a year or more b e has been boring real spirit of Thanksgiving, the spirIt r lIIe wltb Btorles about his child and thill must flnd Its deepest expression · ''tunny' tblngs the kid says and doea. In generous deed and love.







Old Wool Houae, . Southampton, er was so great that If he command· e d tb u se a to' retire It would obey. Tbis appe ars to have b ee n too much ev en (or a DUllish king of th e t enth c e nt ury to b e lie ve ; aad when he put It 10 th e pro of. s od t he sea continued to come on , we a re to suppose that tb9se courtiers experi ence d a bad time. It Is a story which has been s e l ~e d upon wlto e ntbuslasm alike by moralls ts and humorlstSi and It would be difficult to say which have had th e best turn out of so promisIng a subject. We m a y readily trace the western defences ot the town. made trebly strong atter the Frencb and other al· lIod fioots bad suddenly descended upon It, midway In the fourteenth c en· tury, burning and slaying until balf Southampton lay In ruins. The curious de e p·arcade d wulls are relics of that time, In the determination at the townsfolk to build so strongly that no Budden foray should find them un· prepared. Here, also, Is a very ' curious and arcbaeologlcally valuable old build· Ing : a roofless ruin, It Is true, but with its external architectural fea· tureB well preserved. This Is tbe aocalled "King John's Palace,' 'a Late Nonnan houae. Modern times have, from the picturesque point of view, distressfully qualllied the ancient pic· turesqueness of this western shore. In tbe days when H('nry the Fifth's army of plkemcn and bowmen em· barked tor France, for that campaign "I\' h1ch gave the English the glorious victory of St. Crispin's Day, they went aboard dlrectl~ out .trom under the arch of Weilt Gate. That same veri· table archway remains, but a roadway now rnns along outside the wallsthose walls whose teet once went sbeer Into the sea, and wsre washed hy every tide. . This landmark brings us into the mli:ldle of tbe town . where the cflurch of Holy Rood stands, with Its . lotty splre-one ot the two old churches ot Southampton. '!'he other, St. Mich· ael, Is on the right, In St. Michael"lI Square, and is remarkable tor Its twelfth·century font, one of the only seven black marble Belgian fonts in England. The finest ot these Is in Winchester Cathedral. Among the remaining Sights In Southampton are the so-called "Tudor houee," near St. Michael's church, recently opened by the corporation as a museum; and Cle old· Wool house on the Quay, well. known locally as the "Spanish prison" from Its havln~ been used to house the prisoners of war in the eighteenth century.

r ftl cf.h c r( :rnY ·liSWf' t l l )lCl w d erlJ

f ' l rC--: hl h Jre.a

1 lJ(\'l h'\" J' t:"' r1t-l, IU. IVt , j 'I"'l lt=i IH II~'H' ~I; 'l' .... ';L hlu: I.o\u r tl. l'rl-I , lHO " C' nllt I r" I: 1I ILL" t i l' t l\VI' II a u a ro a. 1,1,' a.Mllut T t' I II ~ol J' h.r W Or'(IIM, e~ ... d by

I I M utllt'n l tu r ! -l Y"arM,

'l 'ht!j' n.n! (R) pl f't\flU.utt.o l (', chll,-lrf' l1 1ikc t IH ' lIl. 7}," ".1"1''''''''·/' A' llll nrU ~Il I"' Lu. ~ I' , ~1\ 1 1I 1 IIIl FIU·. I {' . Adllrc ..... A





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A 'y

_ '_ _ _ ', - : _ . __ .

F igur ing It Out . " How mall)" I"'op l" d o you 811 lJpoSe nos lo n wll nts to pu t In tI) h"r 111111 of F'nm,-,?"' " 1 cnll ' t te li you till I lak e a look nll li Il'll rll wh at h or po pil ia lion Is."'

ERUPTION ON CHILD'S BOllY 11. F . D . No . ~, J ackso u. 1\10.- '"Our dau ghte r Who 11:1 te n m ontb s o ld was ~u ff e rlng fro m nu e rupl1un all ov er t h e bod y. rn tb e b cg lnnlng they we re BDlUIl red s pots and afterward s turn e d to bl oo tly sarI'S. We trI ed all sorts o f olnlm enls but tb oy d id n ot procure a ny re li ef (o r our c hild . S h e cried n lm os t da y li nd ni g ht and wo scarcely co uld l Oll ch h ~r, beca uso s h o WIlS cave r I'd with Bo r cs tro m he od to foot. " \\" o ha d heard abo llt lb e Cullcura Snap (l nd Oint me nt and m nd e a trial wll h lit e m . and Il fl (> r us ing th e r(' mertl (,9 . t hal 19 to sny, th e Soa p Illld tho Olnllll un t . on ly [) fl' w d llY" p a s sed and o ur ch ild co uld s lec p we ll and aftc r o ne we pk s he w as totall y well." ( Sil( nr dl August ~'. !lar tols , No v. 25. 1912. Cutl cura Soap li nd OIntment Bold throu ghou t tb e world. Samplo of each fre e . with :I ~ -p . S kin Ro ok. Address postcard " Cutl cura, Dept. L, Boston."'-Adw.

Smooth Idea. " Orn(" luu s ~ Wh a t ho s your IItlle ~o, g ot o n hl ~ pant s'!"' " F" rnltu ra po lis h. Tb o~ are tbe pa u ts h e po ll s hNl Ule bu nls ters with ." Especially Cooked. Rrown - Wb nt aro you going to make o f you r boy ~ .Jo nes- We' r o t h inking at making him U llIillm', b o' s so Inte tcste d in me als. Survlva I of the Fittest. Emliloy e r- YuB, I ad vertised tor a stron g boy . Do YQU tblnk you can till tbe blli ! Applicant- "'Yell. I ju st finish ed lick· 10' tourteen otb e r t e lle rs that were wallin ' out In d o llnll. - Ilo s toa Evening Transcript. She Scored . H e was tryin g t o make up their Quurrel a nd came hom o with a pack· age held beblnd hIm . "Look he re. de ares t," be said. 'Tvo got flOm &lhing h e re for 50me ODC I think more of than anyon e e lse In tlIe world." .. A. box or cigars, I pre suDle," sbe s ~d swec tly . Daylight at All Hours. Dr. Herbert E. Ives of London haa Invented dayllgbt, he says. ScientUlo men havc worke d for yenrs tryIng to nr comp\lsh tbis task. Doctor hes haa bee n at work for at Icaet a dozen, and h c ass orts ho has finally produced a li ght wblch Is In every way equal to stlllsblne. Tbe scientist has designed a powerful Incandescent lamp with • epoolill mantle, whicb Is so placed In a cabinet be has designe d tbat Ita rays arc Immediately beneath a reOeetor. This Is ma de of metal, and the light 18 forced downward through a eerles of delicately colored screen., ao arranged tbat tho average raya which are not found In tbe north IIgbt are ellmlnated, and tbc etrect, It I. !Inld. Is that of a perfe ct harmony of! light similar In every way to the ray. of the sun.

WORKS ALL DAY And 8tudlea at Night on Grapo.Nuta Food.


Some of the world's great men have work ed during the duy and studied evenin gs lo tit th ems elve s tor greater tbln J(s. But It reQulros a good consUtullon g e n e rally to do this. A Ga. man was ablo to keep It up with coso after h e had learncd the sus lalnlng power or Grupe-Nuts, al, though. h e had tol led In h ealth, be tore he changed his fo od supply. He says: "Th rce ye ars ago I had a eevere at· tack of stomach trouble wblch le ft me unable to eat anything but bread and water. "The nervous strain at my office from 8 A. M . to 8 P . M. and Improper fo'ods caueed my health to Cail rapfdly. and' eb-called "Foods" were tried without beneOi until I saw Grape=================~~== Nuts mentioned In tbe paper. "In hopel ess desperation I tried thla LROTATION OF CROPS RIDS FIELD OF CORN BEETLES food and at once gained strength, ft6llh and appetite. I am now Ilble to work "An abundance of tbe corll bee tles Isb-green color and blacl{ eyes. He Is all day at the office and Btudy at night, In a cornfi e ld s bould be a di s tinc t mos t IIkeiy to . be observed teedlng without the nervous exbauetlon lhat wn r nln l' th a t th e fi e ld s hould not be among the silk of tile ear or on the was usual betore I tried Grape·Nute. pl a n red lO corn the followin g y eb r, but pollen ot tbe corn during late August "It leaves me strengthened, refreshed, satls1led; nerves quieted and l har it should be de vol ed to whell t , and Septe mber, altbougb they fre . toned up, body and brain waste reo . . . oalS. hft rl e y, rye or any crop o iher quen tly enter ' rarm houses at night, lltored.. I would have been a Ilvlng t han ct. TIl." is tbe advice at the Unlter! being attracted by the lampllgbt. skeleton, or more likely a dead one by S la l eR De partment ot Agri c ulture. this time, if It had not been for Grape. Th e worm Ie regarded by t he d e part· See that tne dairy cows are in .warm ment as on e of tbe easIest pes ts to "uarters from the start of the cold. Pay Tax Collector In Pennie., Nnts." contl"l)l under crop rotallon methods weather. It doe"s not pay ' allow Oxford, Pa.-When the local tax COl. ' Name gtven by POltum Co., BatU. pro,' ided lbe farm Is not subject to -the"nl to, get chilled. lector refused to accspt checks 'p rofer Creek, Mich. Read "The :P.oad U) overliow, thu s nec essitating tbe plant· ed to blm. the taxpayers planned Wel~;llIe,.. in pkp. "There's R_ Ing of cern consecutively. Jt ~ you ·have not an auto to drln venge and paid their ohUgatlons tn IlIOn, . Tbe worm Is about tbe size of the arou.n d the farm ; a . good slIddle all' pe~le.,. Twelve tbouland penmea ~~::.:... A ,:,~, . et.TiDed cucumber beet1~ haa a ~el1ow· ~r~e will s'ave mQIll".te,,& ~ .




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WILL ENDURE LONG IPractical Fashionsl Parable of the Savior Cannot Die Out From the Minds of Men.

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Slore, SOc • Box




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'I'll .. all ~ \~' I' (,f ( · lin }. 1 1:-; 11':l l : ~ I l 11 1I 1S " wh o tUt\' " 1I \lt (li ' :, ht zl l h ,.... Jil l I l l S :.; a l, t..) ~ I I LLlI r·,·I ,,·h l' lr. till ' !J{' , ':- _' lIl \\ orld a n 1

Th ese a r e th o grI d iron warri o r s of W es t Point who will n1l<,.' t th l' t a nt ( r om the Ilaval acadomy o f AnnDIl o ll ~ at U,O Polo grou nd s. Ne w Y o rk. In their annual batlle for supremacy a t tootball,

!1~ " dr , .. I J'ul u ali t!, j" uud i t i ,," , I II " I, ,,, r · I ...,; t II , t;

I l ut t h l ' !-; 1li r i t uf


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Fred erlck's Idea Showed That He< Could Shine In Futurc on DIplomatic Serv Ice,

"wl f, :LIIlJ il a r g :lill i llg , So .h, :-; tJ s of

I .. II ~ 1111 11 I hal IIl b l1Y tl. :o t aI'" ia 'l sh n ll bo II r ti t. a ll d th, ' I\ l' ~ t IIIijt, III' a Il i ng tllat " "I lI .. , II I1 ' ro ' f ac t or hav i ,, ~ III ;Jd" ThI s graceful style shows the new. " ~ a c rlt k , ' (u r I h , ' k i ll ~ d " " , I n : u ro ' s strnl h ht yoko In fron l wl tb tho maleLbl' t; r I', " "I'll , bllt th ,' ~ 1' ; llt III ri a l gather ed b el ow It and with 11 ding· 11 1" "10 t h ·, ~ a e' l 'i l lfo , ' h' III;".!" , al ,u tl1 "l1 unal clos ing , Th o n pck Is c losl'd or , : " :, l1 ~ t, ,! I" ti l " 1'lIr: Ii,k , Ol' ~ n w llh Btan dlng roll col l ar , Th e 11 ' Is "",',01 ,;" d""I ,; '"ilh \IUIH ,, 1111 ~ 1 f' o \'p ~ p la in at the tlh ol1 l d (' r arc gath· \\i t/.{\ ·S '1'11 1< t-- LIII : ,1 !'- ( ' jjlIt C l ' u r t l td : I,\ C rt ·u in t o a d eep cutT. Th o t hr ee g ~H~ , l> r ,, ":. 1.JI ~ dOl , '" lI ut I:d;, ' Into clJlJ ij; d, ' l'H I ski r t Is urrllnKcd t o ~ I rnulato 11 tu · I ll ll lJ \\ l" l t 1101 >' I,,,.-a lll ,' ht! ' tu , " '~ u l olc, and Is ma d o w ith r :l.lsed u r r eg ula· I I II' ~~ :-' Ib l :'

l , 01, }\ •.,



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tt u n wal Rt I l u o.

I auf! )L' I i l ~ ( I'a f llilq.:, \\ i l l :-. tall d \ \ il l'lI I ll l \lf' l l u r 11J4' :-o ·c al l" t! soc i a l H ' ll ' lI t H

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lJatteni Cf. :1 3 ) I s cut In ] 8 y pnrH. M~(1tum 1111 '11 1' 1,"; lIf III, ' a ~ , · 11,( \' " , 51>r' r eq uires a~ yar el s o r 14 Inc ll mn·

<J IHI J! 1" "~ i 't'" l 'tH, ,('II Il lto tli ,'

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nerore th e largest c r ow d e,'e r a88fJIlI bi od In Am erica t o wlt11 0Sij a fuo tlJall game , these y ount; m en from tll ll Naval academy w ill me et th e West PoInt cad ets at tbe Pol o g r o uud s . N ew Y ork,



tl ll3

\\Cq ·k ,;,t ,d H;'

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(, i 1Jg. \· t h p l'a l .:lttd UII ' \\u rl u

{lrnCllT'e thbol flattl r n ~wml 10 ~entff nl· p a rtnu ' nl. " or IlI l s p a l',' r .

and !lrl drc R ~ p la lrlly . a lld IJi) lu re 10 J..:'t vo 11 12 0 a nd numlJc r 1) ( 1)H U er n.

hi ; v i n,'yaru ' I.I"l 11" l ,a Ub" r l g li l I t h ,'rp, It. I, <J lil li' lli i ll g \\ 11"11 you I ,''') ' oi ;c o uril g.I,d ut { '(lll dit ; ( 'I : ~ , and It \ 1 ;1 ::; i f In

y oun g " r .

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NO. 6383,

SIZE .. ......... .... ..

NAM E ...... _ . ___ .... ...... .. ...... .... .. I

1'1'~1 '1u a ll lit ), II i e' a n il'! I I li n ;.; tlll' ll t o !'I 'c all liu \\' lI!a n y tli ill l-: ~ J ('s u ~ tla yti lh e I IUll g d H 111 01 hl ~ a\'ell it; I lkl', t; alhl ' r th o~ I ' h l( I ' II" ~!'!l (, H lU J.,;('1 l u ' l' all d y OIi Illld t h at th .. k Ingu o lll toll c h,'~ yo ur life and \l'or l{, IJO Inatter wliat yu ur " ('C U· patl u n m a y IJ I'. Why , It ~ ( ' I ' III~ lill ' a ll I llv itati o n f rolJl Ill '!! IU j ol l1 h i s furr, ' s w h un rou fin d that his k i l1 gu u lll iM I II t he IJ1 ld~ 1 o ( YOllr I Iff', 111,,1 s o It is , TI", k l ngrl c. m o f h.'n\· 'll I s I ill!' ;l II lan who go s t o 1I 11'I' l abu r t' r 8: That. \'I'ry fir ~ l

TOWN . . .. _. _ _ ._ ........ , ... .. ........ ..-. STRE E T AND NO .. __ .... .. .......... ---. STATE .... _

___________ . .... .......... ..


t:it'ntc ' IH" : cJ Vt· rtlinJ\\ S ~ om . · of Olll' (If !.:! ·

con c.: ptlt'!l'; , \\.(' jJr o tJli bl~· h ar! :111 iu"" tha t lh l' 1;:II~d o l ll of h('llI" ' 1l WaH lik e' 110 t:nr d" '11 o f 1'; d " 11 \\'I.J I' n' th ,'r" wOlll d Ul ' 11 0 la1>c,,. t v ~ I'f' a k of. ul1d \\ h.'r, ' II", o ld qU{ ' st ion of \\ fi g " !" \\'u u lcJ U I-I \ ' Pf bn b r o ughl li p It lfIar IJ., raLl,, ' r >illl l'll illg to ~('n}(' (lr li S t o filld lil a t th .· k i ll g-d u lll


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lonrll thHI h ' s~ nfl (1'(1111 t ill' 1);Jra b ll! We hU\' l! h:' arul U f,!rt 'al (( p al. II is till' go s -

p nl of work . ~; 0 I1 1 " u n" ~a~ s l iial tlll' f'(' is no gus 'I )I'i o f \\'01'1<. t.h ut It I~ a ~ l e rn luw of Uf '("' S ~4 i( y fro 111 w ll k lt lIlan Iii con t inun ll ~ !'"it r i\'i l1 ~ to ('!':W Hp " . ~U, It Is a ~os J " ' 1. I ~ u d ha:-; Inall,' w{Jl'li U 'nHla ll ,; uf gracf' , Th, ' l ell l ' ma ll IH 'ill farl il nst froll1 till' l<i ng tl u 1l1 , all<l til"

Mrs. Tllu s care (u ll y l ocket! the ' am close t , nn d t o l d h oI' two sons, e l g b t allu t "'l yearR or age. that s h e was g oin g sh OI) lJlng . " ,\Ii I'lg ilt. Il wtn ," ('a m e th o c horus. The stn:1'! door had hllrtll y sh u1 be h i nd M n; . Til liS \l'h p" th ~ t wo youIlg~tp.rH lJI Udl' U cOllcortf 'd ruRh for tiff' j am ('( OSI't. It <\'a.<, loc k eel. A hU ll t for I"'y~ l' rodu('l'(\ hnlr a dOl< en Ellcil I,' l(' \\ I~ tl' ll'.\ pali l' llll y , bul no: UIH' !ill l''' Th" locI! h ,' l d . th tl j alD cl osO'\ r"" " tlII, 'u iJlIlC(,PSH lhl r: "\\'h ut a Hila",," " s: tlu Thumas, the

TtJl s walat bas a equnr e yol!e In tbe r('l'rl'Hl'll t H r:otl li S h l r i np; la ' new Ht y l e and below it th e materinl Is 1J0rl'r s rUI' Ills \' i ll"~' :1J'(1. T o th~ l 'llriH· dtll er arranged in box plait s or ga th. lIan " , p r y h OIl .. ~ t call il lJ,( i ~ Il s;,(' r ed o r ed, Th e plRlts are new e r Ilnd smart. 'alllJl;'; ' In CI.' It I~ JIll 1111 ('gJ'H 1 par t of Tho cluslng Is In a [ll al t In lbe t h e lJt~c" "sal')' \\'orl! o f th ,' l<iI, g du JU u f ~:~ tcr o C th o fro.,L Th e ncck. sllgbt. (;n d , We of t .. n h" 1I1' ti", 1,"ill isll')' I l y opl'n, has a red roll co llar o r m a y " l'okpll u r us tlt l ' "a ' 'r,·t! "alllllg , bUI : be t1n ls hnd with a band, A plain t hal dC'St',' I'( ':l li lt' till tl (JIll ," \\' h l' 1I it Ie ~ I ee ,.·c enel3 In a plain culT, st r iv ing t o illl'U'" SlI (' I'<'UIIt'S H lllto Th o waisl pattern (6 35 3 ) Is cut In ('vcry Iifc' , il lld i'l lo ' tl lt, ,,)·calll ·d ,' I:C ll ' s l 34 1.0 4Z Inches bu st lo ensure. MedIum al7.e requires 2:Y~ yard s of 36 l a r ca ll i ll g of "Vl'I'Y l if" , Th e w01'11i Is lill " d with tii n-p r"111 Inch matena.!. killd s o f work . TIII 'I'l ' I" 1' 0 1' (' x:u l1jJ l " '1'0 !.roctJre this pnltrrn . "nll 10 rents Photogr ,ll,h of th e llCCe llte d JlltHh ' th o \\ o rk 0 1 I llI ' htJI Jl t'IIl:.d i 4' t', CU JI( ' I ' l 11 ( '0 \~ r,;~~n,~~~ ~>:SJa.:;,!tl~~::S~~ "p'~,~nrl ~~~:tJI~;.\"'~e of the bro uzp. s t at u., t o be e r ect e d 10 t with til t' lJ l"l' Jl aru.t lO ll elf ruod , lht l sure to givo and number uC l HLUt.:rn. Ml es Kath erin e Gil ea of W a ll stre('t. Ne w York. 18 Tf? co~n l ze d as tbe Wa sblngton to th e m emor y of ('o m In g for hOll s .. au d c l o th ol 'R, Itod a ll 6358. Imost expert c otto n Iltatl ij tlclan In thfl 111llted States, and her name attacbed modore J oh n Harry, one of th o early Ihus e Itllltll llera lJ h, a, tl\ Itlt·S \\b ic ll herooe of th e U nit ed Stat'~ s navy ~ o lolTJ (l 1J l ov ,01 W I l lt gl'l' "1 " )n w h e n II ~ NO, SlZll. ...... ...... ____ • 'to a cotton r eport changes cotto n valu es millions of dollars, Th o fi n ish ed w ork I s to cost a b out d esc r i lJ ,' d llw goo d fort 11111' of tha t NAMB ..... _ _ • _____ ............... ____ • $43.000 aud Is to be comlJlet ecl In tim e h Oll1o wh oa" I .... :~ id l llg 11I1 ~.' 1 IR a good TOWN ........ _. . ...... .. ....... ...... .. -- .. ror th e dedlcatloll ce r em uny n mn woman , I ~ no t thllt \\'''1'1, (If ti ll: kiu g· spring. The \Vorl( I s that of John J , dOIll or Guu'! i\ u u II ' dlllp" Ihnt c1 a ~ , STRERT AND NO...... ____ ...... .... ____ • Doyl e, a :" c w YOrk sculp to r, 'fb 4e has mor" n 'n~oll til goo 0 11 a ~t J'ik, ' tl "111 STATK . ____ •• _________ ........... __ __ sculptor wns ham pl'rcd in hIll worle by lhoRO \\'\: r> \l' orl in our IIlln,: s ,, "tl tat: th e tnct that 011 1)' onc portrnlt o f th e lOrln s. Th e l'!,) I s th ., I"" ','HSUI')' wor. co mm o dore I s t o be found . Thnt o n <, of all tho s!: \l'ho l aho r \ 11 11'0001, Sense of Security, Is by GlIb!' rt Stual' t and h angH I n th e i ruII , "li d s tOlH': of III"" " \\' 11 0 I rau s, "Th ose flee guards gl\' (' you a se nse state bOll so In Ph i lad plphlll , Th e o nly form t~ le ores i lll" t oois "u d I"lt ch lll' , of R('C llrity ," said on e mall. Inscrlptloll o n th e sta t ue will b : ' · ' r y : 0 1 th " ';c, \\ I", tl'uU Hfu l'lU lhl' ra W I " YI! S," replied tho oth e r , "It a girl " John Dnrry. (' o mm o dore or th e ma t eri :L1s LIto 11'\ 1111" ~ "f L'Ot t OIl allt1 l has to b o r escued YOIl ca n cu ll n life J.;n lt l' d Sta l eR 1'\" ")' . B orll Counly : \l'ou l HJ:d Hi lk , 1'11''\'1' is til .., wor k of : !! 1I :1 rd Inlltcad of ruonlng the ri s k of \Y exro r d , In,land , 17,15. DI ed In Pll lla, l l h oHO \\'110 "p" :' I i" , (UITu \\" anll ~n w h av l nl; her throw h er u rrnH aruund delphIa. 1 ~03 " , t h o Roeu aliI! r l·:tl ' 1(,,, h:l J'V ,' sl, I':tll f UUI' lI ee k, caJlIng you b e l' prese rv or ~.~ I wu suy t o any 01 lill' !-; l ! , \\ ' (" h ave 11 1 1 :ln d ma.kiug you r ecl as It you a r e un, Ll ce d o f you'! A rt ' Ilu'y lI ut "II 1 )( '~I 'ti · tl er o bl igation lO start IL rOUlullce," One of W i lde's Bcst. sa ry fac t o r :; ill Liud 'b \\ i s" !:CUIIUI II) ',' Oscar Wllll o WIlS once lUu c h all ' The Singer, noyed b y a f c ll ow'J;uesl at au En g h ~b Three Gre at Problems, T ho Cull el'-Who Is th a t s inglll ~7 country hou se, w b o loudl y stilted t h a I "Three g l','a t prulJh'lll!; l ay IJcfo r e 'I' h " Hostess- That's 0 111' n c w m u ll!, a ll artistic t'Dlploymen t \l'as II m e lan , t h e church e" ," Bald B e\,. Arthur Dale S h p al w ays si ngs at b er work. choly W:l st e of t i m e. "W ell , Mr, at a cun ( e r ence' (" tll· ·u u;- th l! \\'o r k('I'M' T h e (,all or -- What a hap py dlspo; l · Wild e," h e Bald on e d ay , " how hav e j;: du c alio ina l u ss cJ l.'la l lou to cun s ideJ' lion . Mercy. how loud sh e Sl llgS. you b ee n IIllSijlng your tim o thI s mOrtl· th e Il ji ed f ur II cl u,u r cOllll e c tlon hr' . Th e Hostese - Y c s. ' V h c n Hhe sIngs In g'!" "I hav e b een imm en Hcly bus)'," tween th e IlS~" C I :t l l o " :lIIU Lh' r pll g· loud she 's breaking som elhi ng. r eplfe d Wild e! gravel !-; ". h ave spent lous b odl el; of t he c(Ju lIlry, "Th e lit' st th e tlm e porin g o ver th e proof sheet s was th e r nCOllcill JlUon of hc l ouce :!.n d Theory and Practice, of my book at p oe m s." Th e Phlll~tlll e r elig lolJ-a,l1d th o prop/l eiS at eactJ "Mrs, GroW1JS rend s all k i nds 01 luqu!red lbe r esult of that, "W oll, It w ore n earer t oge th er t o da y than th ey l earn ed books on phlloSOI,hy," , WIlS very Important. I took out a had ever b een b e fo r e, T h e second was "Yet, I daro say sbe does n 't acquIre While atreet car strikers rioted In Indhinapolis and state troops camped eommn," "Indeed, " r eturn ed tbe. Indu strial unres t . and the fact that ns much userul Information In a month In the cit)', th e inhabitants were forced to adop t unusual means of g~tlng en emy or tbe Jlteratle, "I s tbat nll you modern cl\' llIzalion tend eu to produce of m etaphysical research ns Mr, about. Owners of auto trucks like the 000 lllustl'll.tod reaped a harvest by did'" "By no means; on mature re- mLlllonaires at on e cu,1 and buml1n Growus obtained by a f ew minutes' transforming tbem Into auto buses, \tectlon I put back the comma," said machines a t th o other, The third was perusal or the stock ticker," ........... Wilde 8weetly. ... .., the reunion of religious boclJ es. For the solving of all t h ese problems In Natural Ruulta. Remarkable A ppeaJ. 8tum'p ed. Twen ty.nt'ne mUUon' dollars ' 18 800n which tb e Churches wer e Immediately "It ougbt to be easy to Investigate It Is 'said of the eloquent bishop of Little Tommy (reading his Blhle)to be spent on public works In Mo-· Interested an enlightened d emocracy Ripon ;' that 'he olice made tbe YOllow· a mUk truBt." ~ PoP,. what a _handm~den 1 , "W.l1y tbat one mote than . others'" rocco. Of this $10,000,000 will be ro'r: , ,.IUI necessary."· -Londol!. 3>:J.P)1c Opln- Ing apperu from ' tho PUlP. It: "Breth· .', , Pop-A band malden? Great, 8c~.ttl · .. !'tin, I beg of you to tak~ hold :If YOW "Because . It ,oughtn't , to be dllllcUlt port works·at ~~ca an,d $6,OOD,' lcia:. " Tiley ', dJdn't' h",n manl<?ure girls' lD ~eart, and look It B~,bt 'in the OO~ fl:!r J?rtaonl and courta ot ~ua.tlce. to pump tIlOI8 dar', did theiT-Judle.... ,

"\\'I ' il ." liu ld Fro' c1 £' rlck, th e cid er , "w e C'lUI II' n l l ll llli l IJlll mll'1U comes h " lIl c and (I" k h ,,1' f or ~ ntnf'IIIIIIg for b"IIIg !;OOU bOYM," - :--:ew Yu r k Even l"g Post. MJ"8, Wln. l ow' H Rt wnh lnrc S1 nq~ t or C h i hlrea ,", u h"I1 ~ th" J{UIII H, f t".tU('eK In ll IJ4\ \ u.c UNlIS w tut.i cu l h! ~ a butUe....Mt

t.(!('thl ll l-: ,

Where H e W as Lucky, Two Lllll, ' Hock ll ugrOli! S engag ed In a Q\l arrol. wbnn 0 111) struck th e otb er 01) th e h pad wllh a wagon spoke. Tbe n egr o that had rece Ived the blo w rublJ ed his h ead for a moment and th !! u said : " Looll ye r e, St eph en, dnr's olle thIn g dat IR er Ilower(ul bl Ollsln ' fur you." "\\' h ut' s dllt?" "De fac t dat m y bald Is e z thIck ell It Is, \V'y . er my h ald wa'n't no tblck, er dell t1 e common rUIl o· halds, dal lick woul(l t' r kill ed m o, an' d en you wo uld or been tuck b elo' e r jes llce o' d e ,"'rI co UIl ' fir. c d mIghty ni gh $20. You 'd hptl er thank d o Lawd dnt I n.ln't g o t one d<:RU y e r e nl g ~ h e ll halds." He Kept Hie Seat. Th e> BulTJ'ago tte was speaking, " I'll be l tb er e ain't 'Il man In tbl s audl c nco who ev e r did anytblng arouLld tb e house for his wife. It th ern I s II man In th Is r oo m that ever mad e th e flre. milk ed t h e cow, c l enned thf~ wlnduws and mad e tlte beds every day wl tbou t a kick I 'd like to sce h im. th at's all." !lut sh e torgot bel' hu s band WaR at th o m ee ting . And h e dIdn't .duu ; st.and up!





(:ar' l

During the Spat. "J ohn , th e r e 's jus t on~ ttlln s I !\mn t to Rry t o you!" , "WhRt's t h e mutter, M'rln ? Ar en ', you f Oaling \Veil ?"- Puc k. Th n ~ll\tH rnllnuractur o of Ijlllni ne ,kidI'd Illlly ILL~t y o:!.r a pront o f "I 'out t;1 ~ O,O OO ,

Toasted to a Golden Brown!


Sound. ' ·&lnacking doesn't it?









- ' 1-


..... ..... ~

Tender thin bits of the best part! of Indian Com, perfectly cooked a t the factory, and ready to eat direct from th e pack ll ge fresh, crisp and dean. There', D delicate lWeetness about "Toasties" that make them the favorite flaked ce(eal at thousands of breakfa,t tables daily, Post Toastie, with cream and a sprinkling of sugar-

DelicloWi Wholesome Eaay to Mrve

... ........








Sold ,by Crocer.




r ------------------, ,l i p - - ---1-M---t -:--, : CHOOS ING THE RIGHT PRESENT I' ersona en Ion , 3rd A Ylnual Fall Sale of · ~ -- - - ---- --- - . Are yuu rlo ubt about a certain

j J ersey C att I e I'I: I



S.t<lnsl l(!~~y tranRa cted IJ,ly t on h lday. , :'111'3. 1':l'Il1'st Bu: l' rwo rth SP011l lh,' \\'l'(,!; I' li d i n Ull t':r:na i.



(~ h;i~I,~~

U. IIll. .• III


Saturday, December 6th, 1913








Consisting- of 19 Fresh Cows, 2 near fr~~h. 1 Yearling Bull and 4 high grade Heifer Calves. 15 Registered and of high grade. If interested, write for pamphlet .

H. D. WRJG I-Ir"J". I'----------------------

____________ ..1

Poor Old

EI~in 31

Is down and out w hen compared to The T ri-State Butter Company's prices f o r Butte r Fat which is ~ for week ending November 3 0 t h . ' ~ ';!'he Tri-State Bulle: Company dlo/als d irect with th e shi pper, shlp me!lt8 usually be!ng made every four o r five days lI.' l con~ement to the shIpper, eve.ry shi pmen t being guarantecd agalllst loss or damage III tranSIt. The shipper not only sa~es the c? ll ec t ion (,Ogt of :1.4 or :, cents per pound but also gams a ~eclded advantage in having the test sample taken and tested ImmedIately ul"on arrival. Our Spot Cash check will prove to you. the Tri-Stat e is the mo~t profitable marke~ for y.our cream. We see eve ry shilJper s. cream, we deal direct With ~· o u. we depend ent ire ly upon th~ sIze of our Spot Cash pay ch eck to bring u~ additional shIpments. Free T~ia' Ca~s will be sent prepaid and our Spot Ca'lh L'hecks wllI co~vlllce you as they have convinced 6.000 shi ppers of cream III three states_

The TRI·STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. capital Stock, $75,000




------------------------------' HUNTING NOTICE


Thank ";,~i \' i ,,:~ 1):1), !«·r\,i<: · at :\IaI'Y ' ~ 'llil' h a t t\l " "1, lk

S •.

Be it resolved that we the patrons of Cor",,:in Special School District do hereby mstruct our delegate t o the State Schgol convention to be held D~ember 5 and 6 at Columbus, Lmdley J. Mendenhall and Benj . Mills, alternate, to UEe all honorable I means to defeat the proposedlchanges r----~,---------.., Iin our school laws whereby th e


II. 1\. Cornell. wi f, ' and daughtel' I and I1nl'l'Y I'ra te r wi ll spend Thanksg ivin g in Dayton . :'I t r , anti :VI rs.

Aa ro n Scars are thi!i week with f r ie nd ~ and reial ivl's ncar Ferry .

~ p ( ' n din g'

A. K.

G~ o r g'e

and wifc . of Wil-

mingtolJ. speli LThllrl'ciay with Bellj. Lippin cott and family. B. F. Mill>! and fam ilymove(1 Tnesday into their lIew home which they pUl'chll,ed o f Roy Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs Cal Burns will attend the wedding ef a r elati ve at ReadlinR', Ohio. ThanksgivinR' Day . Mr . and Mrs . Archer Hartsock. of Dayton, spent the week-end with J. L. H a rtsock and family.

In~~d ~y<

.fr?m an. extended VISIt m Cmcmnatl and Chicago. Mrs Morris Rogers, of Route 4, has bee n visiting relatives and fri ends in Jayton, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson, of Cincinnati, are spentling the week with Mr. and Mrs . George Smith,

I ~chools of Ohio may be convertt'd

Misses Annie U. Brown of Xenia mto n po !'t. I lea I mac h-me an d home and Mary T. Brown, of 'Columbus,, rule destroyed. spent the week-end at their home And further be it resolved that h ere. we request the Representative from LO;!L- A horse blanket Saturday our county and the Senator from our District to use their influence ni g ht, November 8lh, betwee n the and vote to defeat any such meas- residence of N. L Bunnell and my Ru y Weeks. ures that may come before the leg_ residen ce . islature. Mrs. Lizzie Clevenger and Miss Be it further resolve(\ that cOIJieH Mary Prater, of ~pring Valley, spent oj' these resolutions be sent to our Saturday wi th their sister, Mrs. Representative and S9nator. Alice Hawke. Unanimously adopted, November Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and 25th, at a meeting adjourned from the School Day celebration held Miss Ol ive Mc Collum will spend the November 14th. Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Cincinnati.


Wear . ' made to fit you. Ask lor. demoalrrallollo Telepbone or .cDd pOltcard to

Mrs. Sadie Zell

Phone 126,



A Typewriter Sensation

pr~5ell r! The Youth ';! Com panion


ha'l IJr oveJ to be one of tht! best that ('an be l:hosen. PE' rhllp~ yo u ; no t ~C(· :l . lt lat ~ ly. a nd a re not qUite Iwn". J hell let uHsenu yo u!i sample ,' ll ;))' ()I' t 11'1 '. SU)JJlu~e you ask for ' I ill' i",, :IPS (' UII I aini n ~ the opening ,·I, .1 ;,[ ,·r:< "r r\ rl hur :) La nwo,ld Pier's



ZI:MMER~1 AN 'S ............ ..,..,.. ww,....,.,"""' ....



ww ..

,.,. .............

42·Pi~~~ Oinn~F S~t



A 42' piece Dinner Set will be j,{ive n t.o th e Ill'r""n" who will write the words: "ZIMMERMAN'S, THE OOOSTER STORE," oftenest on one side of a card the size of a regu lati on U. S . " ,,!:! tal ca rd . To each person handing in a ea rd with the ahov !:' words written on it no m a tter how few t.imes will be given fifty (liO) 1:I1l0\Jtpr Coupons: To the one writing th ~ words m ost tim\'::! on tne enl'd will be given the Dinner Set and 10,000 coupons; to the seco nd, H.ODO coupons; to t he third, 6.000 coupons; to the fourth. 4.000 co upo ns ;. Ilnd t? tho liflh, 2.000 coupons. In case or a ti e for first place th e dIshes will ~e sold at auction and the money divided, but the premium coupons will be divide4 equally among all tiein~. , . Boosters should get their friends t o write ca rd ::! and get thClr fifty free coupons. These cards must be presented in pe rson at our store and all be in by Saturday Night, December 27th, at which time they \~i,1I be submitted to a disinterested local committee for count and deCISIOn. The fifty coupons will be given at the time of presentin g the card . .All cards will be displayed in our store window before or after lhe deCISIOn. The large premium coupons may be cast only on the capital prize. Standings of th e Booster Club membe rs will be announced ne xt Monday. After Monday the ballot box will be opened each Monday aftpr business, for a count.

MUSIC. SATURDAY. ... ......... __ .......

. ....

... ... """'"




Plenty of FRESH OYSTgRS for Thanksgiving Fancy Celery Cranberries Grape Fruit Oranges Sweet Potatoes

Hai sins FigR Dates Crackers Grapes Apples Bananas Turnips Cabbage

Don't fail to call Saturday, November 29th. and register and get your fiO Coupo~s for your favorite Booster.

It Pays to Trade at


The barn on Ira Rich's place caught fire Tuesday and burned to the g round. They had been shred· ding and the tire started while the men we re at dinne r BASKET BALL GAME The horses and shredder were gotten out but everything else was The Waynesville High School ba.· destroyed. The insurance was $230. ket ball team went to Springboro Friday afternoon and d~feate~ the CHANGE IN TIME Springporo team. 38 to 8. --. Effective November 30th, Pennsyl. P. D. ASSN. MEETING vania , Lines will make following change in time: The Protec~ive and Detecpye AsEast Bound- 7:52 a. m.. Dailyex· sociation wilt meet at the Township cept Sunday. 5:26 p. m., Daily. house Saturday afternoon at 2 !) : 19 a. m. Sunday o"lly. o'clock. E. S Baily, Pres. West Bound - 8:40 a. m. 7:30 p. m ----.-~

-- ..- - -

. .



MACHINE TURNED TURTLE On Monday evening. about 11 o'clock, as Dr. Frederick Reiske and Miss Clara Hawk, of Lebanon, were returning from Waynesville the Doctor lost control of 1:he machine near the residence of Geo. Young. It ran off the road, turnt!d turtle and was completely smashed. The occupants. strange to say, escaped with slight injuries.

-- ...

- - -

Relics of Wagner Stolen.

Rel1ca or Wagner. the great composer. were atolen from the family home. VUla Wahnfrled. at Dayreut.b, Germany. on 0. rec ent nIght. The mOlt valuable of the relics wen taken. In· eluding the composer's watch, lIet with diamond •.

----_ ...---

Subscribe tor the Gazette



SEAl.'3IDPT OYSTERS NewBeans, Hominy, Rice. Oats" etc. and a full lin e of Fancy and Stapl e Groceries. Try 8 can of CI'1 i1i Con Carne. The guar an teed shoe - The "Wabasha" and "Big Indian" Work Shoes for winter wear.



nt:; Where AmerIcan. Fell Down. Twenty thousapd Ge..nanll sang . Ball Band gum boot, particularl Y adapted to hard wear. Ball "Ole Waeht am Rhine" to the accomBand Rubbers, Arctics Felts,etc. paniment of 20 bands. The Americans who started were aU rIght until they got to "geschwertgekltrr."-Chlcago Corduroys. Overa1l8 ami Work Shirts, TrIbune. ---+.- ...- - Coat Sweat~ts, Winter Caps,etc.



FARM FOR SALE The Kelly place or about 93 acres. 1 mile from Waynesville, Ohio. $85 per acre. The farm cleared up $3000 during current year. Roy Irons, Agent, Waynesville, Ohio.

Bank of England


. --.

We Should Worry. If the country Is being flooded wltb COllntertelt ,60 notes ordinary clU-

zens do not know It.-Philadelphia Ledger.


The Bank of England destroy. .. bout 360,000 or Its notes every week.





I I .


, Henderson Bros.'I·

Quality Goods and Prices Right. ,

Cl~sified A~



Corwin, Ohio.




OOD Poland Chlnll Bog n boot $ - -

18 months old Daniel Bootet. Wayn8.vllle, R. 2. dlO

- -------

Mr. and Mrs. ]saac Myers and Mrs. Marg aret Hurley, of Lumber. The Crescent Concert Company ton, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. Mafgave the second number of the lec· titt Monday afte rnoon . ture course at School Hall last . . Thursday evenin Th I d-' I MOVing pictures at Phillips' Thursg. e a les are , d d S t d . h f h' a ur ay mg ts, 0 t. 19 all artists in their line of endeavor i ay an Iand a splendl'd program was gIVen. . wee k, and . every Thursday and SatMiss Maddox, the violinist made an urday IlIg hts from now on. I 'l'J'pewrtter at .1I».lU Ie •• IhOlD lit .. ruRnu- 1 . . . ' . r ... tQ.... re·.low .. n ' .. ,,'ory Ilrl e.,. J espeCial hit , bemg pronounced by Mr. J. B. ChaJ)man ran his motormany to be the finest artist in her . cycl e into the "fatal ditch" at Mrs. line. who ~as appeared before a local IS. J, Raper's corner Sunday. audience In many years. A large ' Doesn't this place need a gua, d rai!'! audience was present and all seemed I highly pleased with the evening'" Mr. and Mrs. Grover. Meredi:h entertainment. . Iand son returned to theIr home 10 - - -- - Columbus, Sunday afternoon, after a short visit with Mr. Meredith's RATE OF TAXATION parentR, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mere · dith. On next Monday the County Treasurer will be ready to receive taxes The Uorc:as Society of the M_ K Neyer bcfore hl\d ,mnhlnll 111(0 th,s been . \ , . . attemPted . Deale", Ilct $:U.lln ",unth rf'nt tur for the first half of the coming year, church wlil hold a measurmg SOCial t.bla make of mnchm e not. ncarly R!'1 p e rf c c t n ~ Th f . . . . R ' H II Th . d . the one w e will ~eD!I you. II"d )'11\1 1'\1 )' only e rate or each $100 In thiS locahty In ogers a, 1\I s ay evenmg, TWO OOLI,AH~ A MONTH AND OWNIT. is as follows: Wayne township . $1.00; Nove mber 27, at 7 o'clock. fi cents ~A Y<:'~!T::'tM~:~? ~~::R~v'S.:: Waynesville corporation, '1.42; Cor. admission to the Art Gallery. Home WILL ARRANGE A TlfltE ..; DAY!!' win district $0.97; Cor""in Corpora- made candy and pop corn balls for TRIAL WITHOUT COtiT TO YOU. tion, $1.11; Massie township, $0.88; sale. Everybody made welcome. Perfect mncloioCfi ooly . COIDI,lc\.c ou lliL. no\hJDi' extru. to b Ul' , no Htrtnlls u.n)' ki od Harveysburg corporation. $1.11; to \IlI8 oller, Ju st think 01 buylnl( such " ~r. and Mrs. Thomas Fetter. of typewriter for only '7,75 down aod 12.00 1\ Washington township, $0.83; ClearmOllUl t or liv e mooths, Thousands o f peotole creek towllship. $O.!:!O; Utica DisSprmgfield, have been guests of Mr. h~.,e ~ pald 11 00.00 cash lor Smith Premlcrs. n .. 8tandard. by many cuo.ldercd the best trict, $0.90. and Mrs. George Smith. They are typewriter e,'er b uilt. A key f or each charon their way to San Antonio, Texas, aoter/ Ito type brush f or clcanloK the type bWls IDt.o the mncblne. tlltlno: cn rrla ge. c ome" where they will make their future to ;rOil wlUi tools, rUbbe r cO Yer. eve r y thing NOTICE complete. It runs b eautifull y. is simple .. nd home. s'~ and wlU Illllt 1\ IIfetlm c . W e h"ve Hold bUD(lfeda or like mILchllles nod c"crybo!ly Is ..Cillle4. Persons r1esiring Upholstering, old Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and 0IIlr »5 orde.. wlU he tilled on tit .. Varnish removed and refinished, daughters, of Brookville, carne down 0..... AVT TODA Y TO DK SVltK_ 8eDd rour name no w. TODAY . You Auto and Carriage Trimming will be Saturday night for a visit with WarcaD!' 100M!, and \I.S tbe ,"",Mcst cc onomlc .. wise to come and see me at once. I ren Barnettand family. Mr. Smith ,ypewriter oppon.uolty you will eve r b.ll·C. will be here a short time longer. returned Sunday evening but Mrs. A. L. Hendrick, North Main St. " Smith and children wiII remain until W~esvjlJe, Ohi~: '&Iter ~gi~ng. -


'-- .

I';J T llC,ma:< I as gOlle had, to lilt' l irl\~ >le nal s tory of life in Ii. boys' "d ll'u l - " ,li s Father'" S~n . " If you Day tOll hospi lu l f IJ I' t r" al 11 \< '111. 1'H1 k th e paper over earefu lIy. bear., N o Il llnt.ill).!'·· ~ig'ns :11 llii ~ "lIin', inl< in mind lhat there are tlfty ·two 1:1f il l' :J;'I' ~u l'h numbe rs for a year' s Hubscripli on of ~:!.OO , we are sure yo u will Mi s~ J ean F e rg'lI ~l, n. o f Day tun . say that a better present could not iH th e g'lI c:<t of Mrs. J. \Y. Whitl' . ue ch m~en . whether for a young perHo i'll - To ~ lr , a n,1 :'Ilrs Ali I '; vall ~ son or for an entire family . For a year' s s ubscription of $2.00 Monday. l\: u\·,' rnl ,e r :! I. II dHlI g'ht e r there is included a coPY of The ComH alTY lIalnil lnn an d family. of panioB P ractical Home Calendar for Oay ton. visited rel a t iv!!!:! here Friday. 1914, l~nd all the issues for the reo maining week s of this year. daling II . D. "·Ili ~r II an d fami ly . of from the time the subscription is S pringho ro. \l'l'n' (' a llill~ on fri .. nd s, receiv ed. he re Sunday afl prnllllll . If you ask for sample copies we J f YO II a re ~(1 in ~ t o bavc a sale . will send with them the AnnounceIspe A . A. j\k Nl'il . r '·IIII·rl'i ll (·. Ohio, me nt fo r 1914. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION; buth IJhOn eR. 144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Wa1t(·:- Chandh·l' . of iJayton, is New Subscriptions Received at "p e n J in~ tlw week with rdatives this Ofllce. hen'.

Mrs . S. D. Clayton returned Wed-

The following have their farms posted, and hunting on the same will poeitively be prohibited. , Seth Furnas. Martin Gons. Isaac Wilson. I. Satterthwaite





Have.your Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette Office. •





Sixty-Fourth Year



. ·. . . . ·_·. . _·H..._...... ..... ,....·.. .....-··Il IL............. L._................................ ~~~~!._~~~~~n _~~I~~n ,.-.-J I!!.Jt~~' ~:.~~:::;~~i~, ~;y;':;47 __......... ... .. .... H.~ :.J ; .... . _ . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _


• •••• • . . - • • -_ . . ._



r~· ·· ··

•• •







.......____ . 1 :


her home near Gomer, Ohio, aged

C. B. Bentley is quite ill .

years and 10 days. She was th e eldest daughter of F . W. and Phoebe Hathaway. Was mar ried to Clint .Sea~an November 14. 1889. To thIS umon wcre born two children. Earnest and Hattie, both of whom are living. She leaves her husband, ene BOn, one daugh ter, one sister. Mrs. Le Grand, of Norfol k, Va.• three brothers, Roy. of Laurelville. Ohio, Edward. of Columbus Grove, Ohio. and Hally , of Waynesvill e. also her father and

Have you aeen those Calendars a t LeRoy Irons was in Cincinnati Tuesday on busin eas. Ridge's yet. They are beauties.

Get Busy and see what Barnhart L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinnati can s h o~v you for Xm as. today. All millinery on Bale at ~ut prices. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley spent Grace Lincoln Smith. Thanksgiving in Xenia. E. V. Barnhart was in Cincinnati A lot of Ben Hur Beoks Saturday Tuesday. fo r only 50c. worth $1. 50 at Janney· s. . 27 cases of Holiday Goods reo Ethan Crane spent the hohdays ceived last week and will be open in mother of Waynesville. She united with the Vaughnsv ille wI'th re· latl'ves in Lebanon . a s hort time at Janney's. Christian church In January 1895. of All hats .and feathers at cu t prices Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson are which she was a faithful member until death. Her cheerful, loving at G. L. Smith's. jShOPPing in Dayton today. Leslie McCune of Cincinnati X N k d' I disposition endeared her ' to all who . . .' • mas ec wear now on ISP ay knew her vlt!1ted relatIves here last week. at Barnhart's ' . I . Funeral servIces were he d at Hig h Grade Gas Engine Oil. Mrs. Sherman Dyke waa the guest Vaughnsville Sunday morning at 10 Waynesville Auto and Ma('h inery Co. of friends in Dayton ,"'riday and Sat- o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Rev, Halfaker. after which the body J . T . Liddy, of Dayton, apent Sun· urday. was taken to the home of her parday with his father, M. C. Liddy. Mrs A. E. Chenoweth has returned ents at Waynesville. Monday morn· Handkerchiefs at Barnhart's for h?me from a pleasant visit in In ing a short service was held in the 5a to 35c each. dIana. chapel of Miami cemetery, and in· ~r. A. T. Wright made a profes. yisi~ th~ millln~~ store for bar- terment was lllade in the family lot. ----.-~---

sional trip to Dayton today.


Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Thursday. November 27lh, a son. , . . . . St. Mary s GUll.d WIll meet WI~ Mrs. Geo. ~artsock Thursdayafter noon at 20 clock. Miases Ruth and Elizabeth Chan. . i C' . dl er .. pent Th an kSgIvmg n mCID-

Mes~rs. C. B. Bentley and Geo. and EhBll Ogleabee were in Dayton Tuesday. . St. Mary's Guild will hold the an. nual market and sale Saturday, December 13. . If you are go~ng to hav~ a sa~e, see A. A. M~Nell, CentervIlle. OhIO. b0 th pones. h Mrs. Stella Chenoweth IlpentCiast





wlllter mIlhnery.





T HANKSGIVING And Other Social Events of The Week

'!..t....;:.. o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 1>S ::.,:;., I

Unli ke most Thanksgivi ngs in the past. the w{'a lh er this year was the one jarri" g element in t he celebration of t he day. Instead of the u8ual sno w and ice and bracing atmosphere. that whet th e appetite for turkey du ck and cranb er ries. and ad d rheer and comfort to the glowing hearth' stones. it was damp. chilly a'lu foggy all day long. Locally, the day was not obser ved in a rel ig ious way, as it should hav e been Thanksgiving Day is th e one link between Stat e and Chu rch , It is a natiolJal recogni. ti on of t he fac t that this is not a Godl eas nation. It should hell' us to realize t hat we are essentially a God fea ring people. Ever since the cus. tum beca me established, every President of th e United States has regularly iR.'l ueu his call to t he people to a.'l.'lcmbl e in thei r different houses of worship to rend er thanks to Almighty God for his mercies to the Nation. and prac tically every Governor of every State has re·enforced the same by his own proclamation. Not a line of statute law compels these ex~utives to proclaim the day. They do it freely and voluntarily because they recog. nize that t he whole people want it. But the way in which, individually. we observe the day. is th e test of (lur own vital appreciation of what God has done for us and for our nation . Some of us celebrate it with our hearts and mind s; some of U8 with our stomachs, The only religious service was in St . Mary 's Church. with twenty·thref people present. Yet the Psalmist ~aid: -" I will sing of the mercies of the Lord, forever; with my mo uth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."

We are in receipt of the Thank!'l g iving number of th e " Scarl et and Gray." a magazine published by the High School Studen t Body . of Nelsonville, Ohio. The magazin e contains a half tone of Prin. D. A. Ferree. and it! replete wi th school notes and Miss Ge(' l'g ia Hadden was the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsoc\t. of local advertisemen ts , The general guest of J . E. J anney and family Morrow, spent Thanksgiving Day make u p is very credit able . Thanksg iving Day. with J . L, Hartsock and family.

----_ ...

- - -

•N o. N o. N o. N0 N 0 N o. N o. No. 1 2 5 6 7 8 10 13

Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mrs. Stella Chenoweth spent last Savage. Sunday. November 30th. a Thursday with Mrs. Dan Cline, of daughter. Spring Valley. ,

----- ..



Yes. that new Kldne~ Heel Shoe week in Dayton the gueat of Mrs. be seen at Barnhart s. W. C. Weaver.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke spent

By the agent, Mr. Roy IrollR. what was fa miliarly known as th e Levi Kelley farm. consisting of about 93 acres, was last Monday solll to Mr. Clarence Ity e for $ U per acrE.'. Less t han a mil e from mar ket. pro· duclive and bea uti full y located . Mr . Rye has surely value rece ived. For a hundred years t he farm has bo rne the Kelley nam e. Samu el. Moses and Levi each in succession being pro· pr i e ~o r . One by one t he old landmarks pass in to ot he.r.:. hand s and ownel's of long ag o li ve only in memory. It is divinely ord ered so . We cong ratul ate Mr. Rye upon his new p o~ess io n and for long yea rs may he, from t he hill'h elevati oll on which it is located. enjoy t he view of the fertil e valley an d the peacefu l tow n. - --

----- ~

We wish to extend our gratitude Mrs. Mary C. Satterthwaite and to the friends who ao kindly assisted , MASONIC NOTICE Mr, and M fS. R. A. Croas and us in the time of our bereavement. . Kenneth Kilbon were Thanksgiving Miss Minnie Satterthwaite spent F. W. Hathaway and Family. Regular communication of Way- g uests of Mr and Mrs. Lee Hender. Thanksgiving Day with Mark Davis and family. • -! nesvill e Lodg ~ No. 163 F. & A. M.. son . MiBSe8 Edna Janney and Ethelyn TuesdllV twenmg. December 9. 191 3. J ones came home Wed ne s d' J .TEll ' W . M. . LetI. tIa . McKay had for her Mr. and Mrs. F. B.. Hendenon and ayevemng . IS, I MIas to spend the Thanksgiving holidays. L. A. Zimmerman, Sec·y. Thanksgiving Day gue8 ts Mias Emma daughters. Mrs. LoUIse Woolle~ ~d H . h d R d M C d Mrs. D. L. Crane ate Thanktgivmg !!!2!5 elg ev. an rs. a-d IDner ' 11 dwayan WI'th Mr. an d Mr sJ. .H. REPORT WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS FOIt OCTOBER, 1913 wa a er. Coleman.



~ ------------------------- ---

Lucy Seaman "las born November


See Calendar~ at Rid ges 'Studio


Whole Number 3240

!; gj

fll en


~ ~oo~!l:l ~ ~ f:l'tl!ll ~!ll



n~~:;:> s:: ~S· ~g ~t-" ~~ o-~ .. := I» s:: 0 oq .,::l '" b 0







The Mieses Emma Cartwright and Mart h a ..Burne~t entertam . ed t 0 Th~nksglvmg dl~ner Mrs. Sarah Hames. Mrs. Behnda Rogers. Mrs. Jsab~lla Bayhan and Mrs. Rebecca Hoblit.

Men'8 Hosiery to mateh the Tie g;~ ~ ... ~.~ .:! !'" if ... ::1:r"" ~ ~ 3 § Tharik!!giviDg Da.y with their children and Handkerchief at Barnhart's. .... ~ == 0 <:~ C:Il tb ~ '" Cl ~ = ~ b:l Mrs. Anna M. Surface had the m Dayton. ~ ~ Ui'~ ~. ~ ~::l-~ ~ §~. pleasure of a week's visit from her The First Division of the Dorcas . ~rs. Mary. Upp llpent Thanks". ~ '< ~~ L son Samuel and family. of BelleSocIety will hold a handkerchief i1~mg week WIth her daughter Mrs. fontaine, Ohio. during which, she bazar at the Township house Satur· ElIas Oglesb!le. Enrollment .... ... - ........... .......... 10 24 13 1,( 22 22 17 7 129 served a Thanksgiving dinner, to all day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Miss Marie Miller. of Cleveland, Rank in enrollment I 1 6,· 5 3 2 4 8 her children and grandchildren. ... ... ...... · .. .. · 7 Mrs. Eva Wysong 18 spending BeV- spent Thank.sgiving with her mother. ---eral days with her daughter Mrs. Mrs. Eva MIller. Total days of absence ............ ... 28 17 16· 64 8 36 91 0 260 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, Mr. (!)


_-= '" ---=:

No better present than a good No of pupils causing absence..... 'd h Ph oto. Call earIy and avol t e . Elliott Wright was the week-end · . W K rush. We al!lO have the Post Card NeIther absent nor tardy.. ......... guest 0 f hIi COUSin. ynne eever. V' in Centerville. lews ~~ :IWayS gllUl to see Per cent of enrollment neither you. ge u 10. absent nor tardy ............... .. ··. Our Books are now open for your illBpection. You should make your Mr. and Mrs. Harter Lackey, of Cues of tardineas.......... .......... selections before 888<ortment ia Dayton, spent Thanksgiving with No. of pupils tardy .... .. ... ......... Mr. and Mrs. Henry King. broken. J. E. Janney. rMi\!!L Marl'- Hawke, of Lebanon. Mrs. J as. StooP8 an d son, H 0 1mes. Per cent of attendence ..... ...... ·.. spent Thanksgiving with her mother of Dayton, were Thankagiving gUelits Mrs. Alice Hawke. of Mr. and Mn. A. Stoope. Vlsit8 of Superintendent-......... LeRoy Irons.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite entertained Thanksgivinlr Day with an elegant dinner. The guesta were Mr. John Dover, of California, Mr. and Mrs. Housh and Mr. John Housh . of Dayton. Mr and MH. Israel Satterthwaite and daughters.

57 and Mrs. C. M, Robitzer. Mias Helen Marlatt. Messrs. Louis. Printz, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. John Whitacre had :;: I.' 16 u q 13 12 2 0 44 Buell and Frederick Robitzer en· for their Thanksgiving guests Mr. joyed a l\umptuous Thanksgiving and Mrs. Cbas. Whitacre. Mr. and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ed Whitacre, Mr. and Mrs. GO 67 40 43 59 55 12 H M Lest P II d M d M C I rrry urray. er 0 • an r. an rs. ar (' 0 19 0 f> 6 7 5 42 Sarber. of Dayton, Joe Hormel and '19 Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure en- family and Aea Whitacre and family. 0 0 7 0 1 2 6 8 t er t ame ' d Th ank sglvmg . . 0 ay th eof 1 lowing ~ uests: James McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis gave 83 96 94 76 98 87 69. h. 3 4 Mr~. ida Kelsey , of Bellbrook. Sam an elegant dinner Sunday to the 3 3 v .....!...._3 ~---=4:.....:.._ _ _ _4_ _ 2_ McClure. wife and two sons Mason following guests: Mrs. Eugene Fosand Thomas, of Centerville. Ohmer ter. of Butterworth Station. Mr. and ¥rs. Rosa Weaver, of Dayton. was A full line of Men's Hosiery now Pupils neither absent nor tardy in Lowell Hili Barnett. wife and daughters. Helen, Mrs. R:,y Earnhart and daughters. the week-end gues, of her sister ready for Xmas Moppen. Barnhart. November. Joseph Shutts Henry Orndorf Elizabeth and Ida and son George, Dr. and Mrs. J . T. Ellis. Mr. and I ~. Apes Wright and daughter, Red Oak Harmony Grove of Spring Valley. Mrs. Sid Ellis. Mr . and Mrs. W. E. Mrs. Timothy Smith. O'Neall anti son8. Mr. and Mn. J. E. Burge Hamer Ruasell Stanley Clement Anna H ld B M S h f I t Everything up to the ruinute in 188 uaan are ome rom a p eaaan aro urge I Men's Furnishings at Barnhart's. i visit with Lebanon relatives. Helen Martin Addie Burge Marybelle Harner Sarah Haines ~ large number of friends a~d ,JanneY and daughters. d ... · Howard Missildine Albert Wilson Ethel Satterthwaite neIghbors of Mrs. Ernes.t Colher · · K DI Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stibbs, of Le~ .M~. LIUle aUllman .a~ ....IBIJ Mabel Stanley George Satterthwaite gave her a complete surprIse Satur· Mr. and Mrs. Leltoy Ironl enter· anOD, were guests of Mr. and MrS. ! LIZZIe Joy 8~t ~han~li1vmg WIth Spring Branch I Alice Gons Ch:ment Satterthwaite day evening. to remind her of her tained at an elegant Thankag'iving Henry King Monday. IMrs. Kauffman I Sister m Dayton. Clara Berryhill Carl Dakin : Rhodes Bunnell Ruth Satterthwaite birthday. The evening wa, spent dinner the following guests: Mr ' eed Socks h ' 1 1 Nelson Brown Esther Curtis with piano music and other amuse- and Mrs. L. J. Willenburg and BOn .... de I If he d on t n now, e WI Wdham •• College Hill Try a saI.'k of Burton's HI'gh Glea Drake Rubert Hi II menta, after which refreshments Leo, Mr. and Mrs. Paul WYBOng, Xmas. You can buy them a t . . . . ~1 Whl'te'Frost Flour• It I'smade from I for Barnhart's Lulu ROl1ll1d Lois DakIn '\Ellill Smith Hazel Salisbury were served. An enjoyable time Mre. Eva Wysong and Mr. Levi the choicest old wheat and is guar. \ · Harmon Hill Edna Lacy Marie Squires Carl Squires was had by all present. and on cle- Wysong, all of Spring Valley, Mr. an~ by ~J,e m.anufacturer to give \ M~. and Mrs. LeRoy Irons an at- Mary Roland Charity Hill . Sugar Grove parting the guests wished Mrs Col. and Mrs. John Wolfe. of near Har· entire satisfactIOn or money re- tendmg toda, the funeral of their Harry Dakin .Alice Winston Anna Thomas lier many happy returns veysburg. Green Briar Dorothy Austin Margaret Crane funded. For sale by G. W. Hawke. aunt Mrs. Amanda Bone at IAbanon 5





Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr enter. tained Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dakin and little daughter. Miss Jean Ferguson. Messrs. J • W. and II. F. White. Mrs. Burke. Mrs. Emma Dakin and Thom.. · Pierce.










!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~~!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~~ HARVEYSBURG MAY GET ROAD better get buar. The time i. here when they will increase in value. It ia rumored by many that the We will have a Bank. Grain Elevator. Pennsylvania and St. Louis Hailway buying stock and selling. coal and in Co. llre the owners of the D. T. & I. every way be This is no Railro~ and that it Cll~ be exp~ted dream but in a ahort time can be at any tIme to be put In operatIon. proven and the WOrd8 of our demaking it the near~t. route for the ceased friend Denson Johnson will ,East by several mileB, being no come true grades makinlr it the most desirable ' .. - route running into · Columbus from HERMANA CLUB Cineinnati. When this work is com·1 pleted ollr property will increase in . The November meetina' of the value and our town. will be the town Hermana Club met 'with Ethelyn between CinclJinati . and Columbus. Jones Frida, night. ~1l had an en. Property h~ - . ~?r several years jOJable time. ,~v~ !o}f~ .P.,OO,. and ~e low. coat of Jiving·.'JQUeII!, it',_ 'desirable Dilly Thoullht. . pl~e to' live, ~u.en.tlY " ou that . Co~~Dt thJHlt to be ' ~ '::1' . .for c:b~P J ~~~e~, ~ .' ~7A4d1aaD,. .~~ .__•. _, _ . _~ . '.~' . ~ '.



Record uncertain.

Clyde Shutts Inez Thomas Charles Sibcy Marie Surface Mt. Holly Paul Stokes Irma Shutts Albert Marlatt Martin Marlatt Harold Surface Carmen Crane Edna Dill Margaret Marlatt Earnest Shutts Earnest Earnhart Lena Marlatt Jacob Marlatt May Sibcy Burnet Butterworth Please note the attendance percentages above. Below 80,% is very poor . • . ' . The cause at Mt. HolI~ IS almost,wlthout excuse. The chIldren causlIlg the most of the absence live neat the IICbool and are older pupils. At Lowell Hill it Is very different. ThOBe absent lived far from the schOOl and are very small. As Green Briar waa not reopened until November 10th. it would not be posaible to make the '3BlJ1e comparison as the other schools so only a partial report is Kiven. I



Mrs. Lucy Seaman. daughter of 2nd Sunday in Advent December 7. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway, died at her home at Gomer. Ohio, Friday. Sunday School at 9:30a. m. MornNovember 28. Thebody was brought ing Prayer and sermon at 10:30. to the home of her porent'! Sunday The second Sunday in Advent is evening. The funeral was held Mon- known:as "Bible Sunday," the ser· day morning in the chapel, Rev./ mon will be in keeping with the day W . 00. t!n, of the Friends church. offi·1 Every\.~"y invited to these services. clatmg. I uuu




•- •

Mra. Flora M. Barbeau died the BUILDING AN ADDITION home of her BOn Charles in Dayton. . . SWlday afternoon. The remains/ Waynes~d~e Auto and ' Uachmel')' were brought here for interment in Co. are bUlldmg an addition to their . Supt F. C. Gilmour was ebOlf1n by Toyrnship School Board as d~legate Miami cemetery, Tuesda~ afternoon. garage for a paint al:t0p. We ~ to the Educational Congrellll to be held Fridayand Saturday of thIS week Mrs. Barbeau was the WIdow of th~ told they have ~ ft~t c'- , in ~lumbua. AnY'uaeetioJ18, proposa]a or c:hangee will be g:adly given, late Josepb \¥.l.Barbea\J. who form· painter from Stoddard A~tomobUe7·. eonslderation itreportecl to him. . .erty ope~~ the WayrtesviUe Flour Co:, DaJt?n, O~o. and , wqI haye<' ' '.:,.:~, . ,. ~'r C.Gi1mo~r; SuperinteDdent•. . i4illl. · thlSbulldmgft~in.~rt ~L







ALL SHALL REJOICE ,I_ S_SO_M_E_GO_Oo_NE_IG_HB_OR_lY_SU_GG_ES_T_ION_S--, "For the Good Things Are Abundant Which Our Father Hath Sent Unto Us."

Sounded Like It. "Mr. \\'OInun r .aY B b e I. n n entb'il' s las tl l' ll l ~ c lp l u ot IHllU k W a lton ," " S Olll O []t'W frol nk cure , I s 'poso."

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O og fen ne l often takes to o mu c h apace in the farm ya rd of Ohio farmers

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'Wind , Water and Animals Are Principal External Natural ,Agencies Through Which Seeds Are Scattered-Some Varieties Carry Far and Others Are Less Persis te nt

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Til l ' l" L' l ui" l1 ::J lu l il t' ru r m e r Ilu

GIve:: Your N e ighbor a Lift. al l ip.' (HllJ ti a (lu ll of :lo 1I1 f1 l1 l' uf ou r I eOlllfo rl ". :'\ " (,('tl sur y as tI \I' ~11I 1' V~~ l Iny I .. M . 1I I.;o.;:-; I NCl'l'ON , \ t or th e ir prot pctIo n should be readr UIIU (.u!J I,' ul y I:;, lil t' I lu y ur ht, lI ~- . Ir .u u Ilre a uil for e hand ed with Ilgai ll s t t be duy "l l"IlIg. ro'l'''~lIll''6 a ll tlI u !t~ OI[1ora.l Ill, t! I) The mnn who plants a 50-acre n pple at a rIl II wo r It. lUI d a n e Ig IIbor hae ' UI ~~" III &~ , th e ill \'au s u f g rac,'. t he hu ~o I hlld hard lu c k, wh y not Ulko tb e bOYIi o r ch nrd DOW an d taketl Cllnl of It tor ut b lury , aud ullow s l h t· rr u lt s a ll d I .' Mn'n y troubles om e wee ds s prea d al • fll1u n te anl ov e r all d g I,'e him a 11ft " t Oil " ears can hav e n o fear of WilDt " , . . I. JiU \\"l' I' S 10 . tY~,Ir )' a l l lin , uil- ss ill gs u r In the tuture . rmost entirely by m ea n s a t unri l' r· of Spl'c le • . rlf' ~C rl!.J'·~ a ~ Imrlp I'~ p('r life. " HI'Jol ce, a nd Il,t us relll ewbe r I It will ~ my bl ,. h O:Lrl In ter otlL . I' ' I' K ee p op en tile wlnd owli o t the sleep" e all hnvI' goo d reason to b e 1CT0un d s te ms . Th ese r un a lon g und (' r n.. l eu t "\I h k h hr IIf:S n ll l , ' , po Ili t. 11' I 1 t b" word ~ a r e a d ur l'ssed to u s or. LU"I " , Ir!, , I '" 1 " 1. In .. roo ms - pile on tb e blunk-e tll, and say s, I l oo l{, III 1-l1I1I t il l ' th a " nk f ul uay l bat . I WI' ha\'u a re living III un ago I " lIu j)UUe ll ce "It II t ho.e , · the ground , produc ing bud s that d e- ' ' u" irr'~ r c lI t who luudly d keOll Ih e flr os go in g all nLght, Ir n ec. esspoon f U It;' Uf II111 CI f ru lll n rd' Llrul.uHo tlll' l. r lo vo ror t ile , where t l'll' (ur nl Iu llI o r e hi ghl Y r Agar ' volop InlO n ow plants at eve ry Jolnl. po Ints Il I' n" RI II II 110' '''.a t . ~n ry W arm alr can be' pure M we 11 . t.! , and )" ot coo ll\' dec la re pr s ur f a CI' 0 11 the Ii lul ' I' d a t; a u IIp lirtlllg rac tor In c lytl lhal II IUat lza tlon . ~St111 other pla nlJj spread by r unn in g ed l;e ot it lilll (, POII 'I. U8 cold ulr. T h is m Ud , dr ie'd, ur th e PCII Ult c uch -d ues 11 0 1 r d r l O, I t han bel'o r o. The man who falls to cut tco In till'> TOots vt.'ry s im li a r to ro ot Btock s, e x· wl' lg h('d o nly ~.i x n ne! Ihr("(" fu~l rth ~ no r h il l' '' H ll)" h ear ill " " pOIl o ur lire ' \\ e hav o lIov e r F': seen ~ rar m s~ I wIn ter d oes not Cllt mll cb Ice wltb -cept that they b a ve no definite Joi n ts o un ccs. I 1, I' l' l II con' rr' c! III Ill ) Si ll,]) 1I0 W . J ~ " "M ~ lIid : " I ca ll\" uot to , s Ulall tiia t a good fa r mer could On t h e womc'lI ro lk a t /lny HeDSOn. ,~r buds. Sboots are lll{e ly to t pring fo r six OI o nl hs, I' ll IIIII ).: li P all d (:O llll t· ul'blroy , uut to fullil l" th e law of no wo rk to be don e lipan it. No mutter If ou r n plghbor Is too ' up from any poIn t along t he CO llr8" . lug I'a e h I' l>l II t fiS It g r,'w. TIl(' p la n ts :11 001;8 , alld what UIl" 1I 0t !.J .... 1l tU I- 1 SOUle m e ll ar e bOll esl becau s e It lazy to do hi s s hare ot draggin g the \\'('re r) r OIIIII Y k ind s II UU w,' r", a ltoIilled. ne ver ha s be e ll deHtr'J) <'! d. It pa )"s , and a ro w becau se -'Tbese natural m e t bods tavor th e tortbey cannot road. We must drng It ou r se lves , aa Uud did Ii0t des troy it , UI" d ~ \' 1 1 co ul d h e lp It. · AlaUon of dense patch es or COI01, \"" g etb e r , ;.3 j In nllmb e r." " -e CIlII bett er IlIT0rd 10 IKlI o r e him Anima ls rU I n ls h ,ul othp r na l ural no t, thou;; h tb o IIns so,'c r wru; 't u lJl lle d T he man who will sit baklns his thall to mIs s good means o r we ·ll II llgrati oll , :I'l any weedy by th e " v ~ nt8 o r market s on account ('al\,llry 1I 1111 C:a ~ te r; bac k befo r e n hot stove d ur ing s to rmy o r poor r ondB. p lant s . a s I h (' wllrl TIls pb f'r ry. hl nc k· L'"n t"l'ost by l ht! dlvlu e o UliJO ur lug oC wea th e r. whil e bls anima ls ar e le Ct You can gencrall y t e ll Ih e qunllty berry , po k ~ w( ' l'd, mooll s cP t.!, IIl1 d the tb e H oly UhoBtGenuine " Key Weat ." tbe Harv es t re stlYll l, to hudd lt~ In th e le e o r a rail fCDce, o f fa rm r by the tenee he k eeps. III,e. hn\' " fruil s wh ic h n r" Pll ie n by as Hehre w wr lt Ycs- iL's n not he r. P r otessor Van l! rs declll re , has had has a flltal twist In hIs milk e- up. It's a meun mun who will a llow bIn DlI sf' n WII8 vain ly trying to unllltcb birds, and th e h a rtl s I' c ll s Ofl l' lI pa~ s liO fulfllOl e ll t yet! It Is tI) e Orst bli zza r d that g ives tbe wif e to hang ou t wet t hrou g h th e n llrnl'n t.ary t nle t uudl· clothe s In freez. hi s tront door with n ciga r , to the " j{ t'j o!c e," be h app y Il lld In ' rry . God an imals Ii bard se t· back. Eve rything Ing w pnt h er. amU RClll' lIt ot a rrl end wbo bnd ncgesLr!<i . If co ndl l io ns a r e fll\'ora b le , Is n ut nnxlous to n :ee l" e onl y yo ur ~~~~""~"".......""'~~~ lh t) see ds ge rminale and g row wh e ro tcarfu l, pen ite ntial .......~~""'~~~.......~.......~~~""~~.......~_ complln kd hIm h omo to talk over tbe s er vic e. li e !.Jlds d rop ped . In th e same way d o na 's tl o yo u r joice. " lie tou rth dim e nsi o n. lO e rry 1I0W!" Ile IInlma ls d ls lr ibutf' weed see tl E I'ro lLl Joice 111 "vury good "Loo k h e> t , m nn," said th e rrt e na thi ng which the fi eld to fi e ld Iln d from t ar m to fHr m. Lord thy liod bath wh eu lip could t a lle with o ut betray ing g1vcn UII lO lil ee. P erhap s th e most Importa n t way In Take 111 11 111 ull w; his 1\11l1l ~e l1l t' nt, "do you know what tresh ;.troofs o f his which a n lJ1luls, e ith er wild or dom es ll· fa vor to )'oU . you're trying to aLlen th a t door You llIay woud er Ilt cllled, n ld In th e' di strlbutlo n ot w('ed .. his pro vltl li ce, With ?" bUl yo u canllot qu e sIs by cllr ryln g th e Hee ds o n Ih .. lr coa lS. Lion his loyo. Th e> Ilrofesso CowerIn g ulld er a Lard Grease Alone Is Quite EfChickens Generally Seek the sturt o r di s mayr. look ed, tbe n gave 11 E\'e ryoll c Is f(Lmlllar with the wu y in \;CUS (l of sin, you may Ilc knowl edg e w' hl c h the burrs at Ih e burd ock , sand your unwortb lnes fective in Destroying Head "Graci o us!" h e blur ted out, "I mUlt s to aHI( fo r good, Same Roosting Place and or cockie burs , Span ish n eedles, beg' but now with a bavo smoked my latch key!" !Jam ll lifld by hlm' j Lice 'on Young sters. l:;ar 'R lice and th t' lik£' s l ic k 10 t h e h air Ii uome ul eased by Carry Insects With Them. . ~ Ind carries tile fluffy milkwee d seed him, fri ends, your or an lll1 al s allti th o clothing of per son s, COll.lIlry , yo urself for many mile • . Already Engaged , protcc te,l :Uld pre(D )' A. J . L EGG . ) Pe r hap s we Iltli e t h ink as w e Dic k serve d oy bIlL. Poultry , roosllng In trees, Is not Dal1!e McTav Ish-An ' BO ye l eave you da re not dou bt It bas twice come unde r my aD~ "'f plants, whIch usually occupy th e l h es e ob jec ts tram our , exempt trom Insect e ne mIes. Thl~ Gl csco. on Snturda y, Wbat are YI cloth ing , tho his lovlng cafe for yo u, and hi s s e rvation that sulphur au d g r ease ,., 11011 almost to t he exclus ion of aI' fur ot, ollr favorite dog, or t he tlIlls or willingn bas been proved by th e eXllerl ence 01 dlle ln' tbe morrow nlcht? ess to give you a nyt hIn g you used upon young chicks . to kill head- many who ma ke a busInes ...'tJtber pla n ts. Olle at the mo s t Illt er· o ur hors es a nd s ows, ju s t how we ha\'e as k ~ Ir . Jarvis- Tomorr ow s ot raisIns bIro r" r. "Every good thI ng " you lice kill e d the chIcks Thur8d ay' a lso. .... . Ung and yet least known method s by s e r ve d th ese Jl lan ts . poultry . An exam ination or the I'v e no engagem ent. !.avo t 9 thnnk hi m for IlS you Only a few days ago a woman mIx· ' whlcb plants trave l short distanc es Is Da lil e - And the next nlcht? "rejoi ce" !.Je fo r e hi m . T he tal e nt he ed sulphur with hog's lard aed grea.ed limbs of trees where th e young flocka <-'lIy tbrowln g Ule s eeds. In t he t rult o r 1\1 r . ,I.- I'm tree th e n, too, gav n, 'b c place h e gave you i u th e und e r th" wLegs at be ns tbat were eD- roost nt nlgbt, be fore the birds have •.• e e d qases at 80Rl e plan Is th ere is II Da ilie-An d what will y e be daeln' quarter of th e earth h e se t you In, the trusted wltb tb e broodIn g at 40 YODng been yarded and housed tor the win· - 'tensIon set up In vllrlou8 ways as th p te r. will show countlel ls number s 01 on Saturda y? s tre ng lll, - whcthe r puyslca l or mental chleks. :Ollarts rIpe n , whi ch Is suddenl y r emites r esting und e r the loose ba rk. IIlr. J . -On Snturd ny 1 dIne ~' Itb the - by Ul l1aUg of Whi ch you earn you r Th e g r'ease and sulphur killed all ChlckeD s :.-leased , throwin g th e seed s evern I tee l general ly seek tbe sama Bucha nllns . living, hili c burch Into whlcb b e ad- but one at t be youn g chicks. .,. way tron the pare n t pllln t . rOOllUng place nlgbt atter night, Mil nnill e - ~Ian, tbat's a peety . . J want; mll~M ~'OU- ' 6v e ll your neglltlv e b lessLa rd wI tho ut ~ ulp1Jur Is quite as er· cany Insecta wIth The exterlla l natura l them. Th e lre o e d ya to l.nk ' d inner wi' us on SaturogencieF In gs- s uch , tor ('xample , as freedoil l ectlve In d es troy Ing t ho h ead lice, b ecomes Irtfested and the vermin In, day_ r cthroug b whi ch seeds s pread are b)' from te mpl atio n to fall Into o vil Ih" and It shoul d be ap pli ed carefull y aDd crease In numb8T s with wonderf ul :' means ot wind, wat er a nd a n \Jnltls . I' lu g, lyIng, drunk enn ess; 115 we ll as In sm all q uantitie s. rapidity , tlnally sallplng the vltallt, · the fall t b e air Is rull or t hese litl lr A Woman ' Heart. th e de li ve rance of your tamilie/:! nnd The lIc:e cannot li ve In grease, and or tb o birds. : fiully bodI es. Tbe n fanne n wonder If we e xamin e Ih e ll l She ( ge ntlr )- I I1ll1 afraId I do not friends t ro lll lilcknc ss an d d eath. dIe a lmoB t as s oon a s tb e grease why food does not faUen . When love you enougb to be your • careful ly we will find th at the se ed , wire. but " ReJoico ," lake e very 0 11 0 of tll es e touche s t.hem. Two or throe appllbLrds are old enough to "cllmh trees " i s hall a l WUYB be your rrlend, :-'bave dropjJed ~rom all th ose sallln !; good tblngs as a lI ew r eason for re- ca t lo n8 a r e s uffic ie nt to rld a brood and tbey sbould be placed In coops that slncerpl y wi s h tor your happine ss. • .along so easily In t he g e n l ie bree ze . jo icIn g. Re me mbe r "every good g itt ellectua lly or" h ead lice. can be easily dlslntec ted and kept In -!.In thl!l way see ds m ay be ca r rl etl He (moodil y) - l kuow what I'll do. an d e very p e rfe ct glfl Is trom abo\·o. Tbe applica tions s hOUld be a week a healthy conditio n, If the best Ilnanr...many m iles In a h eavy wind o r storm . ShA (anxlou s ly) - You Burely will Each Is a proot of hi s love or t en da),s apartclal r e!lulta are expecte d. On plaJn or level s tr e tcll es, wb e r e not do yoursel t an Injury? an d at your rlg h t to ask ror turtb er •.' the winds are st ron g, a c uriou s habil I H e (calmly )- No, I will flIId bappl· grent er bl essi ng s. Cr of seed dil, p e rs nl has been develo pe d by ness. I will marry some one else. I think few of us r ealiz e the b eauty • certain plants known a s tumbl e weeds , Sh e- Horrors ! Give me anotber and glory or our lite in thI s country , ~h ey are mos t Il u m e rou s lind best deday to conside r, dear.- New Yorll Where Is a pe opl e so wond erfully I)re. ..... eloped In tbe praIrie r eg ion s, wh er (' Weekly , s e rv e d as wo a r e? So unltorm ly-In r t be true tumble weeds I~ th e pr incipal a grandly even way progres s ing, , one. Otb er s , less st rl1{ln g, a r e to b e TheIr Mlsalon , Tho lan d Is dI ve r s ified In Its ell mate, .:! ound In nearly every loca lil y. A largo crowd h ad gat bered at tbe A III IlS s ce nery. T al k or th o garde lls :- typical tumble weed s ho uld h av " a clr· slatlon t o r eceIve I.he fa m ou s statesof () lh e r wo rld s ! Wb ere was eve r mun. The r e po rter Indicate d a group ".eular compac t top , te n or more Inch e ~ garden tJ .. d eck ed on such a gmnd In th e fore g round , "Tbey are peqsona l : fll dIamete r , thickly bran c h I'd In ord e r t;cn le liS o ur country s ide Is now . Tho frI ends, gath ered to see hIm about ' to catch tbe wInd , lIJ!:hl. yet strong wh o l ~ creatio n as we see It cries: ~p ellklng he re ," be explaIne d. ..enou g h to bold toget her a nd 8uppll~II "Lift up your h earl." R ejoico LIl tho "Is It necessn ry to use pe rs unslon to -w ith abunda nt see d s c lin ging to th e Lord w ho hath so bl essed you and will Induce hIm to spellk?" f'II lant with conslde rablo te nac ity so ul nss. Don't try to bear your burdens Commo n plantain Is found abundil~tlY "Not at ail; th ey are going to try to that only a few ma y be d r op[1£'d a t nny on your own so ul s. LilY them down in most parts of Ohio, preve nt hlm ."- Judge. .-one tim e. It mu st alS() !.Je prov ldell ror he will mercifu lly cnrry them and with some menns permitt ing It to be· Th es e \'lIri oll s m c thorls of \\"£' ed dis· c il eer you on the way. Lay them .-come easily d etac h e d rrom th e g ro und . persal are e tTce FAMILY OF FIVE t lve ove r li m it ed a r ens, down w ith him , be lli do th e cros s; all All Drank Coffee From Infancy . N ext to wInd, wate r Is th e most 1m· butl.Lre in s u fll c ic nt th e a n xIety aboul tb e tuture, to e xp lai n t he rapid th e par,portan t n at ural age nt In the dlst rlhu· migratio n of iV l' f!ds , Illany ot whi ch we do n you req uire, the mon ey you n eed, It la n commo n tblng In this country Han of seeds. Ev er y da shinp; I-al n cnr· h av e s e "n in r N'e nt Yl'a rs. T hORO t hp help you wanl. Leave a ll that to see wholo famili es growing up w,ltb :rle\; Innum era ble seed s In to the n,lId ,ly planl s tllllt hav f' br com o we e ds hll\'O wilb him. "Rejoice ,' cast off your nervous systems weake ned by colrelt ' hlllside ri verl ets It crea tes. Ev ery bee n m OI'o will el), ~ Jl l' e ad by t ho ,, ;;.rl· caro ; be glad b ecllus e ot hI s m erciful drinking . :flood brIn gs do wn large qllantltI es of Oil S artifi cIal a ge ca r e. It Is hIs divin e comman d. So nc iP s t ha n by a ll Lb.e Thnt Is because many parents do ed s eeds tha' Ond 10llgem l'n' OYN nntural Ilgell c!«; c.o mu ch has h e giv e n you alre ady, "'!Jat mblDed , not r e alize that calfee contaln s 'a drug lowland s a;d m a keR dOllhly rllfll cun he r e tuse you att er Be thl e h e m, -clltfe lne-wb lch causes tbe trouble. .cult the task ot k eep in g s uc h Innd College at Agrlcult V. H . DAVIS, Calvary , und b!s girts of yo ur "lire, Milking by Ele;ctric lty. .ure, Ohio Slate (The same drug Ie fOllnd In tea.) :1rom weeds . Da.r\\'ln , In hi s "Origin U n l vorslty. your b e alth, your rood," and all y" ur Gllt.edg e butte r can come only from "Thero are five cblldren In my famTake m eans paIns. of grace a nd hOlles of alory? Wbere? Care In lly,'1 writes an Iowa motber, ..=. --==-=--==:=---:-----=-- ~ gllt-e dged fin ge rs. . "all of having the cows nice and clean at TWO SPECIE S OF LIZARD S IN whom drank collee from Infancy UD The cown are th e heglnnl ng. Some milking Ume. . Be Employ careful the younoU Vacant _ Hours. OHIO. cows give milk that can h e turned to two yean ago. THE SUPPL Y OF NITROG EN. Care In bandlln g tbe udder of the "Overco me evil with good."- Rorn. 'Oto good hard, sweet "My busband Ilnd I hod heart trouble butter. Others, cows gently , The cow that feels good and 12 : 21. There are two com mon s pecies or were advIsed to quit cartee. We you Th e orlgilln.1 5 0 11 conta ln l'd no cannot mnk e good, firm butter L e isure misuse d, an Idle h ou r W'llt, rrom to save your Ute. Do the be.t gIves most milk and tbe best milk. ~tlzards In Ohio, the blu e-ta il ed lind the I did 80 and began to use Postum , We • nitro ge n . Th E' Orsl Dltroge n Ing to b eemploy ed , Idle In getting hands all wltb the yo u cow can, bas - ptne-tre e lizard s . It will still bl! waxy, 80ft to now are doIng wltbout medIcIn The former In I came from th e ,!ccayed organi c e and no occupat ion. Idle and empty minds and of poor' flavor. ,..eDIJJ:::Ion In 3 11 portion s o f tht> . So the cows must gIve. It Is the lut tew streams that . are entirely relieved of heart trouble. mailer which collecte d. Plants with notblng puts to tblnk or~these are be right If. you would make the money In your pall, Care III .tate, but tbe Ia.tter I s confin ed .to butter mus t hB ve nitro ge n, and It wa (Calfeln e cauaea bellrt trOUble wheu the maIn temptat ions to e \"ll. Fill up that Is !;Ight. straInin g the milk and getting It to --oe southe rn bait, wh e r e It Is qUIte continu ally used a.a In calfee drinilcan grow It In c love r und like that empty the void mlikhoul , employ M!. t hose vacant It takes a few years to change oIT .~mmon. Lizards are partial 10 dry Ing,) plants, Is It nol c hea per than to hours, occupy those listl ess hands ; a lot of poor cows, The way mUk Is separat ed from . pIaoes. and In tbls habIt dlf'te r greatly unless a man "Our eleven-y ear-old boy had a wealr try to furnish It to the plank; hy tbe evil will depart, because it bas no bas a good pocketf ul of money. cream makes a lot of 4l1lferen ce, too. , from l'ala mander s , tor th e se a r o al Cows dIgestio n from birth, and yet alway. m eans of comm ercial rertlllze rs, plnce to enter Somebo In, because w you It muat Is can· skim cost clean. th ese If days ; but by tnl{lng a bit \'Ways fOllOd In water or moist places. craved and wall given collee, WheD at a cost of 16 to 30 cents pe r qu e red by good . The b est antidote at tlm ~, you can -l'he blue-tai led lizard rUlls rapidly grow calves "p you bave a separat or, let It be a soocl we changed to Postllm. be liked it anel pO llnd? NItroge n has t.hree oragainst evil of all kinds, agalDst evil tbrougb to tbe one, and learn bow to use It right. dairy whIch will do over the g round and on this account Is we gave hIm all he wooted . He haa Igin 8, namely, tram stable ma.tbought s tbat haunt th e SOUl, agaInst good work, and take Ripen your cream In a place where ,.ftell calle d "blue swlfL" The writer a lot of comfort been restored to health by P08.tum and tlure, tram crops of the clover tbe nee dless perpl e xities thlch dIs <ioing It, too., there ' 1 1' 1 11 be no bad emelle to flavor ItIll likes It." ~ eonUnu ally come across these a nfamily, and from comme rc ial , tract tbe conscie nce, Is to kee p b old 01 Atter you get your cows, look out It- More butter than we know of I. , •.tm,ak 'Wben searc hing und e r I<?ose bark Name given by Postum 'Co., Battle fer tiliz ers . W e think of nltrotbe good we have. Impure thou ghU ror men to handle apolled by badly riPened cream. tbem r .f or mects. Its eggs are occas Ionally right, Be Creek, MIch. Write for "the . little gen firs t In tbe group of plant will not stand agaInst pure word s and such a man yourself (toa.iiIi 'In such places_ Its dleL can. That IB, be book, "The Road to Wellvtl le," __ foods, tram t he fact that It comes prayers and deeds. LIttle doubts will kind, be ' careful, 8carclt y Applea. be thorouai :l. 'lOll ' . . . . 'almost wholly ot Insects, snd Poetum comel In two forma: fir st In th e formula tor cammer not avall agaInst great c erlalntl ea may think these Applell are SClU'ee In ~y sectio11.l tblngs bave little to. 1.bei:Y lltiOnS sbow that !t eats a great Regular ' Poltum -mult be hOllea. ... ,,, cla l fertilize rs, ancLloc al markets are paying ' 8004 FIx your attentio n on things above. do wltb butter that will take tbe ' blul'! .nstant POltum II ~ ' ........ ' eeUes, A: 0 , McCAL L, , ' prl~. ~t may pay 10 ex.e rctle .~a1 and then you will be I08S and lea. ribbon, but they do, If you sive your Coliege of Agricul ture, Ohio care In market 1q tin barrels or bu..bel A teupoo nful diliolv . troubled by tLe carea, the temptat ions, work this k:Jnd of attentio cuP n, ' of )'ou hot water and; are boxel; perh&PI .mall bMilela State Univers Ity. , the trouble . of tbJnga ~ C/1U'1It--Ar bOund to wIlD. would ~p,r, " ~ea .. a .t1elllotcDU.I;: boiVl~raa&. return .& .J&rDr : ~~~ ,< ...... .....~tU:Htt:M:H tu ., I'..rbp . Stan~-.r In_tantl y. ,~~ I,.' , " . .. . . 't.' ... '~~" ,;Ni'UOIIl'".. ttJt·J~DatDm~'


I .







\• I

383 N o. Unlo u St., Aurora, 1lI.-"M y all 111 <' nt s ta r te d with a li ttl e pimple and it 1I1 \\"31'S It ch ed and bu r ue d te l"r lb ly. I 8c ratc hf' u Il and In a rew da ys my faco WIlS a ll covered wltb eo res . It rnn up to my e yes a nd tbe day afte r 1 cou ld n o t sec out at my r ig ht eye. 1 was unn ulo to got any r es t. I couldn' t go to bcd , h elng arrnld of guttin g the clothing aU soil ed, al:houg b I had my tace all bandag ed . "I waB g ive n two jnrs at sa lve but II kep t gClIlug worss. It wns something like a rUllnlng soro because ev ery lim e 1 use d som o at the salve J bad to wrap band ages around my neck to k ee p t h e wate r aud pus tram runnin g dow n my b ody, I wrote ror a sample at Cullcur a Soap and Ointmen t and In a tew days I r eceived these and wa l bed my face wltb tblt Cullcur a Soap and put on some Cutlcurn Ointme nt and th e n ext mornln a my race rolt cool Ilnd somewh at r& lIev ed . Artur uolng the sample I bougbt S0ll10 Cullcur a Soap and Ointment at th e d rug s toro. 1 tollow ecl thi s treatm e nt Just twenty -s ix dayl and atter using one calco or Cutlcur a Soall and t wo box es of Cutlcur a Ointm e nt I was cur ed ." (S ign ed) George -Mille r, Jan. 1, 1913. Cutl cura S oap and Ointm en t sold through out th e world . Sampl e or each free , with 32-p , Skin Ilook. Address post. card "Cutlcu ra, Dept. L, D08ton ."-Ad1O:

" " l '! t hd

":";Y 1'( \\ liB 'll J', l:' ha u Jt~ p a n i ii O l l ll.L'IIIJ..; aUO U l U d r n ' \'I I ~ IJ If I"1I u f l U,' 1:1 ' l th a l l h . .· b " a u (It I Jur 1:\1111 1,\ , LIlt ] r ul , ',. of out' hll,g d \' III , IJ a:, Ihl! f ,d"

Thei r Oddl ....' . Is u ll O o ud th ~ ng about men

ot Iron ."


dUl ) p I

A Me.n Comme nt. gav e Miss Antlclue a...,. 1111• • he finlllly got ma r rIe d f' "Her wrl llkles ." ~o








..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .









..... , ...









T Ilt! 6CCltll c ru IR(-r (" 11I' ~ 1(',' " pi ng loa u+: d al Ih e 1' llI lu<ll' lplt la , 1:"' )' ya,.u , p r(' I " ' r :1tol' ~' lo ", 'r ~ al lllq.; t!lhl,' 1' onl e n .; fel r Vl' TI\ ('r uz, \\' h ('n l ~ hl" l Ul ~ -:1 oi l l( 'd Ih l! ~lr r a )' of w a r Hhi JiH lI( I\\." i n :\J I' xican W:llf ' r H ..\b rr ar d (h d \' l l ~ R t ' l , (, OIB mu ud ed hy Cap t. \ \'l llin Il1 A, ~ I orf" l , fOrl ll "r ly oOUl lllaIH I",,. u f l li o ~] a lnt! , lb' ru~h 1",,1: 011 Hit a"I"' C'L " f \I,ll' l i n! " Til, · H I l! dll1t: !lr .J. :-:-. 1" \ Y n o d ,'.,\\ \\ · d~ pr; . ~I'etl l\d (\u lIg l tlj ' )' !If lit. ' Jl rfl Htdt' llt, anu F' .. an(·I ~ ~ l(~W H; ::;n yn· I ~ th e. Ih i r; " " !H h III L. - C'i , I. · l,rat .· d ill l h ,· \ \ 11111 ' 11 11:1:-. , ' 0 111' II h l ~ ll'ali (llt Sh OW R t h, - l.II' ltl ,· HtHI Krll Cl rtl , t h \' f'u ~l r oo m or t h e ,, ' h l l , ' 1! ' I1. J~ ", M ' j ' llt ' u f Ih l ' C' j' rt'U1i1Ii ) . II lid. al'IJ\' !' Illp fl l t ll rp l. u ulI ' of t i l(! y o uTl g ('(l u pi n I n \\" illi :u ns t uw ll , !\l ass.


Th e 1l00 Bo \' e ll parly wat c h ing th e dec k uJlon s ab oard the S , S , \ 'a u d yc k of tb e l.a lllport &. 1I o lt line a s (1) " vessel wa s c rossin g tb e , e qua lo r , Mu c b luug lH e r was e vo ked by tbe pillo w flg ht b t \\' e" n ~ l c C ar('oll (l e ft) o f l be y , M , C. A, and H o ff man ( ri g ht ) ; an offi e r In Lb e Rus s ia n arm y, sealed o n a s par dll'cc Uy ove r nn illl ]lr o \'is cd swimming pool. Tb e Rooseve lt part y Is se e n dIrectly li t I h e hCllo of t be gan g w ay o n ri g h t . Co lon · 1 Roos e ve lt ne xI to bare be nd ed man..




Am o ll g lil e he" l o f th .. \\' '' " l ll " r lrlpr H l'x bi hi li ll g a l t h o 1II l ' rli a ti onai bOl's e jilto \\' i n :-; "W YO I' ll Is ~l l ss 1,ld :t 1,'1('1 111 111 1111 of LOll g Is land, w ho Is b e re see u (; 11 h e r fi nE> bunl e r , A l d et'l1 I' ri- It-,


Tb e Ht. fle v.' Aldan GasQu e l , b e ad or Lh e Be nedictin e ord e r of En gland, has lh e g igalJtic task of r e 1ll s lng the VuJ. ga t e, tb e LaUn B lblo o f lh o R o man Calholl c 'c burcb. Tb e co m mittee of r ev is io n of wblch be Is th e h ead b lls ' alr £!lIdy b ee n al work on it fo r fi ve ye a rs an d will no t compl e te It for about Be ve n years more, Abbot Gasqu e t Is no w In tbl s co unlry d f' lI l'e r ing loc ture\! lIud raiSin g m o ne y to I' O mpl ut o th e wo rk,



M rs , Hb e t a 0 01'1', cd',to r of l he ne lV su!l'mge Ilupe r wh ich I. to be Is s u ed In Wl\ij hl ngto n, Is a well I(f]ow n \\'flte r on soci o logy , Is t h~ a utho r of se ver a l

boo k s , a nd h ilS t ra ve led exlC Ils l ve ly In lb e s tud y o f th e Industria l co n d ition o f wo m e n , Th e n e ws pa pe r , which Is to be c all ed Th e Suffra g ls L, will b e pub, llslle d wee kly and '\\'1\1 be tb e offici a l o r gan o r th e bra nch of sulIrage work· e rl! wbl c h IR trying to In fl ue nce natioD' a l legis la tion tor tbe caURe,

Mls8 Clara Cathorlne LaFoll" da ug ht e r or Congress man and Mrs, La· Follette or th e state ot Wa 8 bln gt~ n , is still In s cboo l but wlU b e a c tive 10 the social a ffa ir s ot t b e younge r set m the · national capita'! thi s ,,·Iote r.

Getting Her Stillrted, "Il:r, by tbe WQ)' , do you know Miss Sprigglns!" ' "'Yel!. Quite '\\'ell," ,

"Relative o( 'yoiiiir' , ' ,


. ,







. "


AdmJral Frank F. Fletch~r. 'comma,n dlng the ~outh Atlantic BQIlad'

, ! 'No, not eV,en a friend. " Go. ahead 'roD of J be ..Atlantlc ' fleet, Is, now WlU~j ,h1s ftgiltlnf' craft ",t ,V.era Cruz , HIS IUld,kn'Ock her aUYQU wlUlt to,'" '< , lLIIg .shJp 1s the battleship n'llp~e Ill~cl~ , bere shown COPllng on ·at full spee d, 1







.... . ".





~aobe.nt: ,

through tlie south ern statel! rl!CCllv_ ,) less "tbOD f16Q a , year',





-------. -



A Glimpse of California for You


W ould Y OU li ke to ~('e so me o f thp wonde rs of Ca lifurnia'.' H ovlm t yo u been d r 'llll1illg ab'lll[ 1II, ' (; "I Lll' n S lat.- [' II' " lUll!! whil t'? WOll lfl n ' t y ,)U likl' 10 ~l'e 1\ it h .' I'1I1· u\\"11 "'Y"'" :1[,: 11.' l;r th W l' ld',; famou s r .. ~ orl.~ li nd h" I<' I<' \\I1I1I.1n't '; <l Ll like lu kn ow holl' to ~{'e nnd enj \lY Ih ..." , I, ig. hf\,;"itahl~, hllillelike h O le l ~? WOlll dn ' l \,ou likl' to 10,)" a t the )trCl'll h i ll~ alld :;111; 1in ~ ' ·Hlley,;. t he fr agra n t onlllj!"<' ~' r,,\· \.!s Ihe folk " a l plav in the win le r less paradise of Ihe Pacil ic : .

How to Bring California to



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mdc·r:. Ihal t'al liels will not


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1"'[IJIc leal illg it in the

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.\ b o. see

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b uxcs all' jl IOI'('r1y I(h'a tr:'t! atlr! l' II', : l'd . atltl itl gUil u ('o nditiGII. kec l' a ll " I,-; t n ll' tio tl s .


COUNTY COURT NEWS ,., . . . . ,.,,..

Gell l'r:11 nurlsIJlI

B II Y YU11 r ~ ta tl q '~ ItI a, 1I ~\II,'C' and ~ b11lP all

rc moved .


hi, I

The SAFE boys' magazine 0'0 n I y",Ct a year

Al so ,

f nti.e mou lh s bellli>fut brain t""J

\\' ill lklay UI di,colll lllutle th e ca rrier,

Co nsllit YOllr ca rr ie r

II )

~ 'I! :1~::"I~:\ r r:~: II::, ~;ilt~~',', :~.~,h ;I:;t~~ If:~J;;~'~~ ~I:~I~.I, ~;

llin nlh . ~ l II III } . i IU"I.i r t I ''': "ln r l, '" I II t til ~ Il l , ,!I I ,' ,I II . Ut ll l- ' l l1 " " h l"lo£\ , M,' h onll ir r', \ ', n UII I) b y II\ O~t 1 ~'ll1l l ltr 11 o , ,, ' IIuL h n,.,., l "'H t lll' t.!" .· ft )tttC ' l n l IIrllt' lml . " ' !Ill' n rl k hlll 1\ " f on th n ll ""Hlu t l .. ,\" I k'I'IHt nll' nT Il 11( ~ h.·{' h n nh' H . J·~ Il · I't r ld l )' . I t. (l l l'll r:~fh ~' , !" ' I" d o r t'4,· t'·fH'j', How ,'" M ilk .,

fl'g-a rt! to yo u r unx cs .

t. III" ',

"'1 "'r1",

.:;~~~: h~;: Jr~~~~:~I~~~I~~~ "~~~:~iki\\:ul'~,'::: 0 " r



SUNSET MAGAZINE,SanFrancisco,California




be requi red to t ake I" n llcy iT01l1 l> 0" 1.'~ , (' iti ler 1' 1I '~c ill uox or wrapp d.

Yes , t ha I i Ih)ssilole. I f yo u will s"nd LIS I('n l'(,IlL llIl' r e lv to cover Cll~ t of Ill aililll.!' . we wi ll send Y,IU frep H iI, )ok let dcsc r ip ti v '. of Cali fo rni H's fam o ll,; rcs' I"I~ and in ad dit ion th p. lJig Chrl stm as N um be r of S t ' :\, :-: ~:T M ,\'; ·\ Z t :>;I·: \\' it h a b ig stor}, o r th e prO~Tl>"~ o f t ill' l'an 3Il1;1 · I'acili · Inlt' l' natiuna l 1'::<p()siLiun a nd fu rthe r vie ws o f this Pll cilic C.. a~t. \\' nn ri er lan d. Be s ure to IIHm ti on this lI ewspape r an ti ad d (' ,'.<>1 you r let ter t o




! { \ 'g llia I p i i l. '-'

The Miam i Gaz r Ue \{C t-; Ul.lI-_





Walter . McClure Funeral Dire(;tor .

Tour of Champ ion Corn Growe rs to Be Made Annua l Event by State Agrl . cultural Commtsslon-Six Pullma n Traina Will Carry Party to WashIng · ton-Will De R " c~lv e d .by Sac reta ry Bryan and Others. I Re<'Ogn lzlnl{ tha t t hpre III edllc ntlon and In sp lrnllon In tm vel, the Agrlcul· tural Commls~lo n or Ohio haB an· noun ced Itij I() te ntlon to make tI. i! Buck oye Corn Spedul Tour to the na· tlonnl ca pita l an annuul a na public alfal r. This great educatio nal movement was Introduced Inst YllAr by Hon. A. P. 811Odles, th en Hecretary of the lat'!! Illate Board of Agricult ure. epec1aUy for farm bOY8 and gIrls ; but this movement hUB ~o wn Into a atatewide affalr, Rnd this yenr the Invlta· tlon Is extend ed to evory citizen In

'l'elephone day or nI ght. Valley phone No.1. Long Dlstlmoe No. 69-2r . Automobile Service at all Times


Branch Office, HarVeYBt*rK. O.


.'. .-

Will Wear Brown Khaki Sullo On Trip to Was hIngton. While tt will not be made an arbl· trnry raq ulreme nt. th,ose In chnrge of D~. V •• HA')'H AWAY the Buckey e Corn SpecIal Tour to n IY WashIngton, Dec. 1·5, re('ommend that all Bucl;ey e BOYII oqulp thomselves ,-\ " .v '.lesvlllo'. L"ud lnv Deb"" with a brown kllnk! suit, consIsting Office in Keys Bill/! MaIn B' of coat and trousers, felt hat IUld


C t ~ :'" .

Ij ,.



Real Estate Transfers. I "In justice to her," ho said, "I do Charles Clevenger to A J Clere not want to take her pictu res now. part of lot No. 1)55 in . F' kli' She Is too homesick . Most out·of· Ohio $1 run n , town people want to be photographed , .. while In the cIty. If they Ilre longing K~therlDe Earha.rt et a l t o E mma for home I put them otT with one exDaVIS. Lot No. !Soa in Franklin, cuse or another unU! tbe homesick. Ohio $700. . ) ness wears olr. ~ Amelia and Michael Wins tel to " If you want your aunt's pictures to Clint Hines two trac ts in Salem tOW1I ( turn out well, just bunt up some one ship, $1. i from her home town who happens to Wilford C. and Martha R H ud - I be vIsIting h ere at present aud bring son to Frank Metcalf lots No J() I ,' hI m here so sbe wHl meet him un ex· 102, 103 in Maple Park S lIhdi ~' i sio~ pectedl y. The meetIng will put sparkle . D fi Id t I' $- and anImation IDto her fac e, and DclIn eer . I' owns IIp I i I. ther she nor I wtll be disappointed Commissioners' Proceedings. with the photographs." A. C. Vail appoipled ins pector on I ___...:....:_-=-~___--'___ the Franklin reta ining wa ll at $3 .00 I per day. , W. H. Stubbs appointcd in sp ector on th e Glosser roadway a t $:3.00 per day . Bills Allowed- Ed S . Conklin, stamps for Audi tor, $1. 50. Sa muel D. Henkle, fmal estimate on Tuwnship and Village plats, $8!lR. Va\1ey Telephone Co., t o\1s OOC. The W . H. Anderson Co., Wilson's Code for Prosec'\Jting Attorney, $0.50. J. M. Earnhart, services on Jury Com., $5.00. The Elliott Fis her Co., repairs, $5.6[,. H. E . Warwick, supplies for jail , $IJ.75. The John son & Watson Co., blanks for clerk, $4.70. Charles Stibbs, contract $96.10. F rank Stokes, contract, $65.25. W. D . Corwin, contract, $480. Zain Armitage, contract, $175. The Oregonia Bridge CO., 1st estimate, contract, $9000. The Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co., culvert pipe $158.40. The Ohio Culvert Co., culvert pipe, $217.30. Zain Armitage. crushed stone. $34.25. F. C. .Ha)"ner, clearing island and ditch HARRIET D. ARMITAGE, . $75. . William Mercer, road work, Athena, Ohio. $26.25. Alva Webb, making ·fill at One of tha Girl WInner. In Corn Growing Morrow river bridge, $130.50. Frank Conte.t In Athen.· County. 'lIPId 114 ,B.onc, final estimate contract Bu.hel. and 44 PO\lnd. of Shelled C:llrri.

.J!i. .




Notary Public


AU kinds of N"tllry Work . Pension W ork




In Ohio," again Ie to be the om· .,Ial badge of the Buckeye Boy. on tthelr trip to the National Capital. Dec. Hi. ...


I )






Every Citizen of Ohio Invited to Great Educational Trip. i

Com mon Picas Lourl Prm;ccd in,.-: s. 1$:;(1.-):2. Cha ries Ilu nIl.t t, ro .;ul\\'orh. .las. :II. Ph illip s \·s. Emil y H . \\":I\' l1 e to\\"J1shij.l $ 1:,11. 10. J. I.. Cr;_lIc, d ciL-n d a llt is gra nted fln~ ~hrlatt , road wor k \\'aYlil' t o \\' II' <l a : s to fi le pl t'ad iu g. ISlliP $1 2-! .!l!l C. II. ll a rt'~lJck , I'l)ud Laura:'.1. S kinner.,"s . Yal.l'l'ia How- wor k Ma~si c t\lwlI "hi p, $ ' U. I I. El i;I ' 111 ;l1l , Ad Ill . , of Ben j:lItIIIl S. H a rrell. Og-le!>IJ('l' , roa d lI'(>r k :\ I as~i(' tnw il d Cl'ea St'd . Case di slIli ssed at plai n- ' s h ip $1 ~ (i . !J 2 . Hellry l'a;. tl'l'S, r\l~d til t ·s cos t. !wo r k Harl~ul tOlni "h ip , $2~ 1. ' .-, Clement D(\,:1I'th c t a l \ ' 5. ~ . 1."1'1'11(' 1\l a . ol1 I.U t11 hl·r Co, III 1I1/)('r , Dlarth, cl al. 11 . G. Eas to n is lIlad e $ ~-': . S:{, ~l l:1 rl ('s H . C la ll dr,rf, till a l a purt y dcfcncJant in thi s ca use . esl i rna tl' all I.ovt'l a nd ~ I t! '~t l'\lt't ll n' J. W . Luburg \·s. J . M. B o bson, W a rrenCo unt y·s slta n ·.-" ;, $I:I:-..!lf i: COl in find s a ll egations of the p la in- C. \\ '. Spar b , roa d \\"( 'rk $:.?:.?:!. :.? ... tiff 's petition t rue. ,l a llll's V . Il a nkill s('Il , llt m lll'r $:.? l.t ill . Probate Court Proceedings. J oh n Hll ghes. i n~ p(,c l ()r at F()s t l'r '~ Im d ge $!l.llU. J. \\'. Lill L:o . n a il" In the mat te r o f the will o f Sa ra h !$ ~ . H . \V . 'i'ro\' iii °, road wl', r k Sa k ll ; A . G littery, deceased . Will admitted t (l Il'Il Sit i,P, $ 2·.'- A llx·rt . HOll d, w :'I d t o Probate. work h Ull khll t()II'TISh IP, $I!I~ I. S.-I . In the m atter of ·the es ta te .o f '\ ~1. H . Phi lli ps, hal :ltl cc tIlI(' fo r I cs t Eliza E. Casseday , deccased . So· in ~ ~ro llnd for Franklin wa ll . $.JU.I. !)~ ?ora ~. Whitake~ ~ppoillted a dmin -1 1-k rl Hecd ,. h r~cl ge repa irs ~)eerficld Istratnx . B ond $2p00. J . L .. Tho mp I tU\\,lI s hl p $:5 1.11·1. R A. ~kClltch cO Il SOIl, ~ . J . Irwm .and W . W . Vuorhis fi n:! 1 es till tatc contract . $ 18S. :.?lJ. appoInted a ppraIser s . A. McClltcliI:'UII , Jin a l. estima te In the m atter of the est a te of '('ontruct, $2:~ 4 . 5U . Charl es B. Lewi s ~liny D. HOI~kins, deceased . Wi ll - I, second es timate, cOlltra t $200U. lam H. Hopkms .appointed a <imini s- The Day t on S tC'ncil \\'orks, stamps trator. Bond $200U. Alhert Bor - · for clerk $4. O~ rol!ghs, Wi.lliam T. Hill and Ed Thf. Audi t or was direc ted t o not iGnm appolllted a pprarsers . Ify the P. C. C. a nd SI. L. Ry . Co., . In the matter of the esta te o f A .l th a t a wall is n ece ssa ry t o protect W. See~ dece~d . Harriet. A. Sec , the r oad wes t of the pUIlIP house executrix havmg full ad mlnlstcrc d n ca r Morro w in Sale m towns hip. and settled said estate fil ed her ~esignation, the beneficiaries h ~v mg elected to take the la n d s III hen California Woman SerIously Alarmed of the proceeds. Resignation accepted. " A sl1or' tIme ago I contraoted a In the matter of t he will of Cath- silvers cold wbio~ sett-Jed on my arine Ann Stanton, deceased . Wi ll lun ~8 and oaused me a great deal of Ilnn oyrlnce 1 would havb bad filed. oougbing s pells and DIy lon gB were In the matter of thc G ua rdian- Sll Hor ll Rnd infillmed I began to be ship of Francis Murphy, Edward G. lll 'rioutlly 1l1l1rmed. A friend r eo Murphy, Wilfred V. Murphy , Rob- ommended Chlunb,'r lain's Cocgh ert E . Murphy and Catherine B. Remfldy, BIlying she had uBed It for Murphy, minors. Dora Murphy yellrl'. I bougM a b "ttle and it re o appointed. Bond $3000. Said guar- lIeved my oough t-htl firBt nIght, and dian is 'authorized to m ake ap r . _ III 11 week 1 WRe rid or toe oold and . , J l K a sarene!!!' of my lungs," wrUes MisB t10n to the. P:ob~te \;ourt of CoOk Marie Oerber, Sllwtelle , Cal, For county, IIImols, for ~e remO\'al of sule by 1111 dellJers the personal estate of the sa id minors in this calise from tllc slate .. of. Illinois. Homeal,Pkne88 Spolill PhotographL -.. In the matter of tlle . es tate of Aunt Marla thought, and so dId her Sarah A . G uttery , deceased . Will relatives In the bIg city, that the approved. Demas G uttery appoint- photographer wus unpardonably dl&ed executor. Bond $ 500U. P . V. courteous. For three successive daYI Bone, Horace H opping and Bayless he refused to ta ke Aunt Marla's phot<>On tbe fourth' day he tol4 Se ttIemyre appointed appraisers. . craph why . .


T h e A meri can Hell"

To Be Wo rn On Tr ip of Buckeye Corn SpecI a l. A bll el;eYl' aU.wlled by 11 blood red r lhb())) to a ro llud whll l' dIsk, bearIng l ila luscl'llJtl nn. "Tho Rnlnl.!o w Comea


.. _ ----

Dr. Hobson's' Ointment Heals Itchy Eczema The ooDlltantly i tohinA'.1 burning 1len88tion hnd otber dillugreeable forms of eczema, teUer. SillS rheum -II,nd skin eroptions prompt·ly ourell 'IY Dr. Bobson'!! Eozem& Oln'men' (-jeo. W . .l4·itch of Mendota, Ill. say!!: "1 pnrohalllld 1\ box of Dr. Hobson'e .E:ozeml1 O ln'ment Bave had Eo z ema ever lIinoe the ·olvil war, bave been trellted by many doot.ors none :have given the benefit thd one box HON. A. P. SANDLES. He I. th e Pre8tdent of the Agricultural of Ur. Bobson's Eczema Ointment Comm issio n and the Man Who Started hall." Every lI ufferrr s hould try it tl\l MO\lemellt. V{e 're 110 positive It will h elp yon 'V~e gtlll.rllntee it or money refunded . At all Uru~gists or by 0: al1 5UO. Stomach Troubles Disappear. P feiffer Chemioal 00 . Philadelphia. 8tlJrnaob, \I ver t1 nd kidney' , & I::lt. Louis. trouble8, weak nerves, lame b.ok .. - • and femllle ills disappear when Choose NeIghbors WIth Home. Eleotrlo BUter" llro ullea . '1'hous"The subject of neIghbors Is one oD Ilnds os women woule, n ot be with -whIch we woe sensiti ve." Ag· out a b ottle iu their h ome. Eliza -nes Athol In an Ilrtlcle on "Some Pool of Depew, Okld .. writes: "Ele311'hlngs That We Len rned by Renting trlO Bitters raise I me from "bed • Hous.e In the Suburbo," In which she of !liokne!ls nnel !mITering Ilnd hal" advot:ates renting 11 bou8e hefore you doue mfl I~ world of good. I wis h 'buy one In Suburhan Life Magazine. overy suffering WOilll\1I could use \ 4<U Is true that the people dIrectly In this excllllent rflmedy and find out, ·our rear are charming In the social as I dId, J !lst h ow good It is ." As 'sense, but unfortunat ely. t hey spend i~ hlAs helped tho l1sands of others, but s ix months' time at home . .On one H snrely wiIl d o the sama for you . \ 1llde of uo are some poor but honest' Every bottlfl guarant.eed, 500. nnd n eIghbors , .whose child ren have taught 00. At III I Druggists. B . E . ~ mine Innumerahlo little phrases with BucltlUII ,'\; Cl'. Pbilhelolphill or St. [' whIch they startle us from time to Louis time. 'My God! and 'r ain't got - - - -- - . 'no-,' and 'Come on, kids!' do not esl a'~tly appelll to mo. Perhaps I am UDi "Mother'II" Nama. I ~<emo cl' utl c. But even the most 01· 'A deed was being drawn for a cel' trui stic wo uld have to draw the line tnln farmer to sign. A II went smooth· att IL family of soven diagona lly acrosS, Iy lIntll the lawye r aAked him hll who never miss a chance to knock tb. wlfe's name. 'baby down or make off with unwatch"Oh, yes. of course. Illy wIfe's na1;lle. . .ed toys. Our resolution to s urround Vory necessnry. to bo su re," said the <Jur own bock yard (w hen we sball farmpr. .own one) wIth It hodge offers Bome It was plain to ~ Bcen that he wae rElmedy: but what shaJl we do about not pre pared to answer. The blood" ~ h e neIghbor on the' other corner, who rushed to his fac e. lIe looked troubled')Il'IIS a rebellious cesspool?" Bnd finn. II), turn ed hl R back and lookedl .-. out of th e window. • "Wh at do YOIl think of that!" he ox. Cured of Lrver Complaint claim ed. a s he tlll'lled slowly round 'II W8S sufferldg with Iive.t com"I simply cannot remember he r name. plaint," 8ays Iva Smith of Point You see. they used to call her P«t Blank, Texas, " .,nd decided to try a Wh en s he was a girl llt home. and 250 box of Ch'lmoorlllin's Tabletll, that was her nam e with me until two and am happy t o Bny thlAt I am oom yenrs after our marrl ag6, when I b&- plr~tely cured and oan r eoommend gnn calling her 'moth er.' I could Dot them. to everyone." For sale by tell you her name If It were a cap- a ll dealere . ital olrenso not to do so. S'poae It WOUldn't do to clllI her Pet In the Keep • Thankful Heart. deed?" The unthankful heart, like my It would not do, so h e hurrlEld away, and In ?n hour co me ])nck with hla ger in ·the sand. dIscovers no mercies; wIfe's full nllme written on a slip at but let the thankful heart sweep through the day, and as tbe magnet paper.- Youth's Companion. fl nds the Iron, 80 will It find In every --------.~ ------hour lIome heavenly blessIngs; only 'e(l'llm uo<l« : the Iron In Ood's sand IB gold.-HenJ7 p1lq UOI9BDIIIO;) sq, moqh\ 01 pU9~ Ward Beecher. oq1 pOBIAPU ,,'qamqa eql )0 lno paUJUl eq 1.UO'\\ :A(quqoJd nOA plln punwv P91uIUOJ·la l~ B,\\eu eq1 lei l,uO(L, For Storing Linen" ·pulqeqJeAOAUN\. )0 nazmo U~1iIO When atorlng IInon wrap in an 0 11 pe11119 ,.'osnoq .mo 111 "euulP -'1Ip unS ' to~,el or pillow Blip which ~ been '11001 .A.l9110IJJ. ·u uqo£ 'UOH ettt.. YeI'1 ' milch blued. This ",iU .p revent ~Q)I II ~~Q8 Qlll II euOQ ~H 0 ..... th~\I1Denl from turning 7e11ow. ..


and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio.




Call answered promptly day' or night. Both phones in Office and Residence. long distanee ,N o. 14; Home phone 14-2r . . Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals . Best of service guaranteed.

Dr. Heber M. Dill

"A WINNER" IN UNIFORM. Glen Mnyberry, Monroe Town.htp, All e ~ County. Yield ttl BUShel. and 13 Pound. Osteopathic Physician of Sh elled Co.n. 21 Broadway Phone 449 can vas ldggins. . It Is believed . that this outfit w1JJ prove the cheapest, Leb~non, Ohio neatest nnd most serviceable that could be worn. It COBts $3.50 to $3.75 complet~, ac<'ordlng to size, and will BRANCH OFFICE prove aervlcen ble for school or other OhiO "'ear lI pon tho return. The above Is Waynesville, one of the Corn Contest wlnnen In Tuesdays and Fridays, from l8:30 one of these uniforms, all rendy for to 12 o'clock the trIp to Wnshlngton. Office, corner Main and High streets ------~ -. ----~~ Phone No. 100 Croup and Cough Remedy Cronp Is a terrible disBase, it at



~~~~S60p~I~~r~::~e8~~~::~yg~~:~ ~~:

---_.- ...._--

D r. J. A.. McCoy,

proper remedy al oncil. There is Veterinarv nosbing better in tbe world than Dr . Klng'8 New DI!!covery. Lewl!! Graduate of Oblo ~Iul. Univerlil~ 1Illamberlaln, of Man ohester; OhiO, writes about bls ohildren : "It\ume 'imes iu severe a tta oks we were afraid thev would die, but SInce we Office at residence in F. U. Sher, wood's house, Fourth Street. proved what a cer&alo remedy Dr. King's New Disooyery is, we hllve Telephone 28 n.l fear. We rely on it for oroup, o')'Jgbs Ilnd co lds" SO ORO you . Waynesville. OhJ~ 60c and 'L 00. A bottle should be in every home. A t all Dru/tj:;ists . H. E Bnoklen & Co , Phil. 8t Loulil,

---- -. ..------


More Telephone Troubles. "What! ye can 't hear what I'm say. In'? Well, thin, rflpeat what ye didn't bear 1Ul' I'll tell It ye agaln."":"PunCh.

... DENTIST••• omce ID N.&IoDal Bull Bid••

Waynesville, 0

__ z





N. Sears Auction~er

Live Stock and (jeneral

Posted on pedigrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock. Experienced mhandling farm sales since




Terms Reasonable. 1-:- iSatfgfactlon~Ouarantee4 ."





THE MIAMI l'uhIlAIo ", I;

W"ok lyl


UF F'ICE V ,\I.. L J;;Y

GAZETTE WU Yll u6 ,'1I 10.


. . MA IN STREIo:1' l' 1l:I.I£ I ' H U~E -- ( 'A I. I.


WAYNESVILLE CH UR.CHES· Methodist Episcopal Churdi

Caesar's Creek

Harveys burg. •

11 2

. _ . -- -Mr a nd Mr8. W . W . W l'loh on D. L. CHANE, Edito r a nd Manager 'l'hank llg iving Day entertained 0 dlnnl'" Mr . I1nd Mra. B. L. uilkin Rates of S ubscri ption I1nd son F rtld , Mr. 'and Mu. W . C . I)u" YOllr ("trlctl y In ud '·"U(·cL ... . . . . 1 1. 00 Welch and family aod Ib, and Mrs. H ll~lu Ceo I)}' . ..... .. .. . ...... . 06 !: . B. Dakin. M r ~. Mara Flnoh onter talned for dinne r on 'fhflDksgivioe Day Mra . nates of Ad ver t is ing .Ieadlng Loru l• . per IInc . ' " . . . . . . . .. . 6<' Cor ll Har r is. "cnd lng Locu l• . 1.lut·k ( Ul.... por 1I0e ..• . l Or Mr anu Mn . Fran k Wil80n on 'hl.KldOod /ujli. n o t. to oxccetJ th'e lIuog Tul"OO Inm' rLlura ... . . . . ... , .. ~6C l'hl1n ksgl vlng Day entertained,t h eir Llbltuarl .... Uvo luci.OH t roo . over nve ohild ren a nd Miss Lizzie Duell. of InchOll. Ix>r lin· . . .. . . . . . . .... . lie Clnoin nllti. t. rtI o ( Ulunk. . . . . . .. . ... . . , .. . .. •.. ~1Ie Al r. ,J on a t han Morrl8. of Tiffin, . ~Bo l ut lo u8 . . .. . . .. . , .. •. ..• . •• ••• •• oOe t)( :lu IH OLe. wile," eb a 0 I. made .. . . . . . l ile tra nsllot.r d buslne811 In thlB 'Yloln,', '"pluy At! vor tlHlug Pt . Inc h .. . . . . .. . • . 10e ~hi s week . l)INt~H U U L8 Kivuo )ll con t r act.. Mrs . F loyd Andersen aDei lOll Cl1r lton . of Xenia. were wook end \I li:CJ,;MIlli:R '. 19 \ 3 !!, oellte of Mr. and !irll. Amos ElIiB. After several month ~ visit In Good Remedy for It. CAUfor,"ia with reiattv811 Mr. and Mrs. Keepup Illude It ho r pri vate and partlculllJ' business 10 have whate ver Mrl. A. H. AnIOn and dauibler ber nelghbgr had . whether It wa.a a Ollee returned home where their Questi on of chIckens or diseases. so ma ny friends were In waiting for when Mrs . Oolth ere com pla loed to her their return. ooe day of inBomn la MrB. Kee pup was Mr. and )In. Robt. Faber. of ready tor her. .. I have It , too, very Dayton, made tbelr parenti Mr. ana badly a t times ." " Whl\,t do you do for It. Mrs . Keepup?" "W hy. I have never Mrll . A. B. Anson a viII It laet week. found a nything that did me any real Mr. and Mra. Panl Peter.on, of load. except to go to bed and sleep It Spring Vl1l1ey 8undayed wltb lin off." Peterson's\ll Mr .• n. Mra. E . L. barri8. THE DECEMBER AMERICAN BOY <\Ir and Mrs . A. '1'. 1I01er enter. talned for 'l'hankigivlng 'heir Beneath the unu8ually atlnotive ohildren and grandohlldren . oolored oovers of the Chrl8tmas \11 Prohaoted mee'ing a' the M . i: Boe of The Amerloan Boy Is oon. oh arob II making progrea. tllined a wealth of fio t lon , of faot. Iilr. Earl Murdook, of Columbn8. and ot IittrlloUve llIa.Sration 'hat ie oalled on friends here !!'rlday. oer t aio to !Dteretlt. t he aoti 'Ye boy all Unole William Nedry III maklni It will inspire hi m . 'fhe fifty'wo hili jfnndohildren Mr. and Mn , large p aK8e are cro wd,u with good rrank RudduJk a vlalt for a week. t hing8. 'R. L. Haney made a btlelnelll Prominent alDonl{ the exoellent t rip to Lebanon Saturday. Cbrlstmll8 fioUon i8 "The Le.son - ---_0 _ ..0- -- Jerry Learned." . by Clarenoe B. How to Bankrupt the Doctors Kellllnd , "How liant" Came Cote BlanCh ," by Garrard Barrl8, and A prominent New York ·phYllioiln "The TRle of a OOg '8 Foot." by 8IlYB, ..If it were no' for the thin ROil" tleelye. Miller, are ot.her pIMa stookingl and thIn lIoled eh08ll worn by women t he doo'or8 wonld preb ing P50ries of Chrlltmaa . "The Open ~bly be bankrnpt" When yon Tra il. by Herbert WyndhIlDl.(JIt.tenB oonnao' .. oold do not waU for I' to Is aD Bnlwal story of unll.n"l power. develop in'o pneumonia bnt i~ "Nix ~' er s tuy ," by Harold Wllllam at onoo. Chamberlaln'l Cougb Fl ferllk, Is paoked witb laugh. Remedr Is In &ended 81peotally for OOUihl ..nd cold8. and hal won a Thtlre a r." beHhiell, four other IIh .Irt. wide reputation by i .. ourel of Ule.. 8tor ies 01 vllrlod appeal. di.eues. It 18 men effectual and I. 'fhe 1800nd Installment. of "The pleall&nt and ..fe &0 take. For lale 6 a uo t Uray Wolf," a serial IItory by aU dealen . by Dillon Wallaoe, appear8 in thi8 18s ae "The KIng of tbe FilIbnl'Corwin. erll, .. b~ E . Alexander Powell, F. R -(T, ...;., Is 110 historical artlole of tbe III. Helen Barrl8, of Day&on. most t.hrilling luterB8t Li~ ntenant lpent ber Thl\nka,l'Ylnl noation Walter S . Anderson. U , ~. N .• tellB with her gra ndmother aln. Alice the boys h\lw \0 signal In hl8 "Slg. MoKIll88Y· naling For BoY8 ." "Making Elec Mn . laabel ~mith had for her trlolty Work" Is the title of a new Thanklglving 1(188\11 OUa 8mUb 8eriea of artiole" by Don Cameron aad wife, of Covlng'on, Ky., IIr. 8hafer that tell of the wonden of Ray tJmlth and famlly, of Brook modern eleotrlolty In a form all ville and M,•• nd Mra, J. Blotl and praotioa.l as it Is interesting . lon, of Calatt, ICy . . Thf:t mllny department~ and ahorl Inll DaTil, of Five Poin'. spent artiole8 appeal to ~boY'1I eVbry in her vacation with her mother. terM' and aid him io bls import.nt Kenne'h KUbon, of Dayton, lpen' busln88s of oolng a boy and denl the week end with Carl DenderlOn oping luto an able man. A boy you and famnYr know wanta a copy, 11,00 a year. Misl IJe8sie Lawson, of J[entuokT PubU~bed by Th. Sprague PnbU.h il vilUlng 11188 Ver.ill BeobU. Ing Cv. , DelIOIt-, Mloh . MI.. lIarie tJbut&a wu a reoen'



Mr . and Mrs . R .~y mond Wtlilon and daugbter, Mary Kathryn, s pon t T hllnksgl vlng with Mr . a nd Mrs . Ernest Burley a nd fa mily. A surprise was gi ven Marian na Compt on Tbursd a.y evening In honor of ber birthda y. Aboo t thirty youni peopl e wer e pre.eot. Misa Evans . the teaoher of Corn · 8talk ~oh ool . and her pupUs gC lVe an int.ere8ting en 'er~ lnmen' Wed. n8llday evenIng . after whloh a sooio.l time was enjoyed. Miss Lela h Bogan bas been q uite siok. Idrs . C . T . B ~rlaer and dl1ugh ter , Marie . 8pent Tuellday with R. E, Jonetl and family. MillS Marianna Compton i8 on the slok hsl . I:Ieveral frQD her. were sh opping in Xenia last week. Garfield Peterson and fA mily . are moving int o t he Haydook property. Mr and Mrs. W . E. Bogan wer e 'he guelltll of tbe former's pare ntB al Wellm\n. Wednesday. Hr . • nd Rober' Btanley en'ertl1lned Mr. and Hrs . William Compton, Sunday .

. -.

Fill His Case Exactly "Wben father waB siok .. boul s ix yean aRo he read an advertl8ement of Chamberlain '. Tllblets In the paperl 'hat. fit his oa8e exaolb .. · write. 141M Margaret Campbell of Fl. Bmlth, Ark . "He purohased a box of 'hem sDd he hS8 not ht>Rn Ilok 8lnoe. Hy si s~r had atomaoh trouble and wall 110180 benefited by &hem. " For Bale by all dealera . --------.--- ~.-------


New Burlington

MIIII Sarah Haydock llpent Thankl· gl nng with Hlsa Harle Hall. of WaynelVllle. Mr. and Mrs. Beery Keloh (Lena Blair). of Chicago. are ~he proud pareuh of a little 80n. "ymoDd Bnrley and fa&l1y have moved w' ~he property of lira. Oliver Whitson. Chaney rb9mal aad wi 'e, Fred Shane and wife bav. moved to the property reoently purohased of Wm. a.lell. Ellis .a'teraon and family have moved to Raoh&el Mlller 'l property. lIil! Bernioe aawkinll, of Am. Jalrs', Ohio, llpent Th.nklglvlag a' home. The Oel~ Alpha CIM' wal pl .... antly eo~rtahled .t the home af Mlaa Eftle Burne~ Fridl1Y aneraoon. Garfield Pe&enon And family have moved &0 the farm belonging to Trevor C. Haydook who witb hili famtly 11.1 _ond $0 $Own, The teaelter .nd pUpUI of )'alr. 'riew eohcol wBet 01 town, lave. plea81ng euter~lnment aDd 1001..1 Wednudayevening. Albert Perrin and family, elf near Xenia, lun'e mOTe. to the f.rm ra. oently purohaled of Ben Mml. Raymond Soroggy and family, of Dayklo. were week end gual" of reI." vee here. lira. Annie KelJeg'f, of MiBlOliri. pes' of Mia!! Bl'InrieUa IIcKinIeY. Mr, and lire . W. Sml&h aDd ohU· Is the gDelt of her couln Benry dreD lpen' Thanklglvinr with Oba•• MUler. Werntz Ilnd family. Shorthand U.ed by Roman .. 1I1.. 'AllIe Frame lpent TIlankl· The art ot Iborthand wa. practiced giving wUh her Bider .an. Linley hom antiquity. It wa. Improved by lIendenhall. the poet !Wnlu., by Tyro, Cloero', Mr. 'and illS . IMn liurfaoe enMr· freeman, and Seneca. The "Are 8crlb,.Ined Thanktlgi'rinr Mr. OhM. .ndl Characterl .... written about au, 'B rown and fa_Uy .ad IIr, Cbas. Ia tbe old..t IYltem ntaDt. Dr. Tim· othy Brllht'. "Cbaracterle, or the Art l1e", of Indlanapolla. Ind . of 8bort, Swift and Stleret WrlUn,:' publl.bed In 1688. I. the liret JIllllll8b work 011 .horthand. a.nuln. Pity. "Mr. and MI'I. WhUfer never h..,.. any argumenlll." "How doe. that bap. No Doubt About That. pen r' ·'Mr. Wbllrer WOII't al'lUe." '1 wouldo't say 11M Is pretty:' laid "The poor woman!"-Blrmlnillam the Simple Mug, lUI the IIght·halrecl Ai&Herald. woman of doubtful ale hande4 her •• • monlY to the coDductor. "but 114e 11 paublg tare," Colo ... d Epigram. A colored phlloeopber Is l'llparted to have . sld, "LIfe, I9Y bredren, am Why It Failed. mOB'Iy made ap of pr.yln· for raID. and Vleltol'-"Why did your little paper then wllhJn' It would cl'ar olL"-PreI- fain" Borvllle JIlditor-"Why. lira.. b)1,ertaD. Chinn, the village IOIIsIP. bad the ----~-+ .. ~ ••- - - - - - news .pread tbroulb the town before I oould let up my type." 8om.thlng to ..... k. "Thla article U1' we .1;10ald keep oar Hrvanta Intere.teel anel amu.e4. I believe I'll get our cook a ' let of books." "I think a set or new olltDa would amuse her more."






. ...----

arl.l.y a Bu.y Man. After a lire that destroyed BaJ' num'l museum. the proprietor con.alt· eel hi_ friend. aI to bls wlselt courle. Re told tbem be had a fortunB. and could easily retire trom active bu.l· nUl. Among bls frI ends wu HoI'.ce Oreeley. "Wbllt sball I doT" uk· ed BlIrnum. "If I were you." repUeel Greeley, ,,' would BO ftBhlnl. I've been trying for 30 years to go lIahlnl, and never been able to do It':

- - - -..


It to Exc.... Qulne-"I understand tbat Jour friend Bronlon Is a vegetarian." Qulned-"Yes. He bas Buch pronounced views on tbe Bubject that he married a grll8s widow." Carrying

Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Merc;ury a8 mercurv will 8nroly destroy the 8eD8e of smell and '.'(Impletel, deran~e the whole sy,tem when en· terlna It tbrongh the mucoua lur. fa08ll . ~.oh artlole8 should never be uled ex :ep' on prt8orlp$lonl from reputl&ble phYl!loian. as lhe damage tbey will do Is ten fold ~o the g0001 you oa1l Jf'OIalbly derive frt)m ~hflm . Hall'a Catarrh Cnrfl, mllonufao\ured by F, J . Cileney & 00 1'oledo, 0 , oonCllln8 no merOUl'" and 18. taken Int-ernl&ny, aoting dl rootly upon the blocd and muOOD8 lIurfaoee of the Iy. tem. In baying BaU'1I catarrh Uure, be lIure you get tbe gEloulue, U II taken IDttlr neUy and m<UielQ Toledo, Ohio, by F . J. Oheney & Co. TelltlmoDla!I' free. • . .. 8o1d by dr11lgil\ll . . Pr10e 7&1 pel' bou\e '. . Tike Ball'I'.8'amily PlUI' for OOD. . . ,. ,_Up"l... '. ' .'~ "


Rev. o. S. Orauser. P..,tor. S unday School. O . J5 a . m . Mo r n i ng s er ,·Ioe . 10 :ao a . m. F:venlnl>: Hcn' l ce , 7.: 0 p m. Mldwoc k I'nyu MocoLlng. 7 p . m .

.- .




Sf. Augustine's Catholic Church. Father Loula Y..U8 secu od Sun<lllJ of tlle wo" tb

Mu•• ev~ry

a . m.

U :1I0


Nut .... . Heltel'-''What eort of town 11 New York'" Bkelter-"Jud,e for younell. Two of It. ' burro,,-hl are n&lDe4 ~ er oocktalll.'-Judle. • _ ••_~D .aKept It ..... . Qera1d-"A' ~Ueman to keep a 1IImIt. Qeraldlne- U roo an 'at,. pnU.DWl 1011 u". It • all rIP'-N , ~ , ..

lie" j


Hc\' . J . I". Ct\uwal lud e r . Itoc lor . S unday ~choo1. 0 :30 n. m Murn l n g H ~r vi ce . !U :30 :t. m. Holy Communi o n Lh e U~I

Sun,luy ot eacb monLh .

Fi ne Assortment of

Chrilltian Church. Rev. P . B. Thompson. Paatol. EUbie School. 9: 30 ... m. !!ocle.1 meetlnl . m. Ch rlaLla n Endeavor. 7: 00 p. m. !Ierlmon by p ... tor every SUlldB¥ at

Novelty ,· Aprons ...

10 :3 0 a . m . ud 7:3 0 p. m .

Hk:kslte Friends Chu r~ " Irst

Da) J\II oe tl l1 ~. IU 00 B. Ill.


School. II ;O{l a 10 :00 a . 01 .

~'I r8L lJa, ~'ou nb U ay Mcc llulI:

Orthodox Friends Chu rdl.

All Over 39

A . E . W OOLeD. PaBlor.

Ra b baLh Scbool. U:ao a . m . l{cl:ul ar churob serv ices 10: 30 ... m oo lLml 7: 30 Jl. 10 . I'rayor mooLlng Wet!llestlny o"ollllll( at 7: 30.

If ,Action. Go for Anything. Young Man I. Still Lookin g for That Enllelope.

All Out for Display,

This happened In a cro wded subway eXplress train the other night. An old man boarded the train at the Fourteenth street sta tion and clung to a atrap In fron t at Ii YOUllg woman who was seated . As oone of the ruen sbo'wed B dispOSiti on to let the old mao alt do wn. the young womall IlI'OEle and olTered her seat to him. Before he could sit do wn a youoger man sUd Into th e vacant seat . The young womll n was con tused. but only Cor a mhmte. She leaned down Blight· Iy and Bald to the man In the seat : "You dropped an envelope on the platrorm . sir." The man jumped up and elbow,lld biB way to the p:lltrorm . Half a mln· ute'fl search tailed to reveal the BUP' (IOsed envelope. The man returned to ",helre the young woman WIl8 Btandlng and said : "Say, lady. where Is that envelope. ( call't find It out there ?" "That envelope," replied the young woman. "Is In the same place your manners are." Tine young man understood and r&d· . eel trom view. Tbe old man got tb. seat, while the people In the ... Iclnlt)' look'ed. listened and laughed.'-New YOJ'* Times.

----- - ..----

Constipation Poisons You



HOUle Drellel

.~ .

F'lndlng the Drowned,

Ooca.lonally one reads tbat, 1I'hed hU~IlD bodlM are thougbt to be In rl .. ers IUld callnot be found. "a loaf 01 \realll has been 1I0ated down the Itream." But very few people ba.,. the least Idea wbat connection the N II between bread and the finding of bodlell. Wben the river bas blten 4rasged 1I'lthoat result, a loaf of bread la in two,and a place bollowed In thecut middle, a quantity of out quick· IU,.e1·· Inaerted. Tbe twa balve. of the' ~oar aN then fa.atened togetMr araln. and the bread Is thrown Into the llrater In the place where tbe bod1: Is suppa.ed to be. Wit bout fall U. loaf lIloata alan I until It reacbes tJw Yielliity of tbe body, and then revol,. quickly, ho,.erlng over the IIPOt.


Room RllIl


$3.75 to $30.00 Ingrain .Carpets c.p,rtalit 1911 Tbo II. Uladt


,250 up

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



- - -_0 _ ••- - - Dally ThoughL

There- I. nothing good or evU . . . bl the wUl.-Epietetu.. '



wl\l be lllllerLCtI under

'bls beaa tor

tweaty ·6ve cents tor three lnsertloaa wb,en ualna Dol morl! lhan I1ve llnes. w ••


••••••• .."..., ....



MlAMI would be a





for your friend who is a

FOR SALE a fine lot of Barred Ply. I han mouth Rook Cookerell of. 'he


Bradley and Maje8tio tUraln for 11&141. Mrl. E. 1::1. daily, Phone No . ~,



FEW buahels of Oats,· Vacant 10' in Dayton, nlOlllv looa&ed. will t.rad. for farm stook. Edgar StinsoD, HarveY8bnrg, Ohio, Plaone 47-8. tf , '"

, ~.


Poland China Hog about GOOD' 18 months old . Daniel Boote" •...."""......- -.....- -......- - - - -....- \'..~ WaYlllelvllle, R. 2. dtO Y • .lILLS. . INE Plymonth Rock Roostere. RA ' F Prioe 11,00 . IIrs . D, F. t3ml'h, ~. I..... .. -

SpriDII V.Ut/y, R . 1.

Home Phone

132, (',en'ervllle eIohanie.


-- --------

....- - - -....- - - - - , . .


Automobile Livery Service at ReasoDa'ble Ra&,...... ~



. , '*"0 .,.. ADv.m....O ....,.... , .

' .....,0 .'•.'



OO.TU . . . . . . T .. A ... ' .... OA. A. . . .UI ,.IlYI_ GAIl PIt6nT _ _,_______~~-_-

, •

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00'

kepI. In tbe body-eerlous results often lollow. Use Dr. King' , New Life Pills lind you will soon ~et rid uf oonsUpation, headaohe and other 'reubl.. 250 lit Druggists or by mall. . a, E. Buoklen & Ce. Pbila. & lilt. Louis.

IIOnW, D"Uaciiiii. ....OIAUIfte

IAMPLE OOPV.. 'REI. ,. _ _ . . . YOaIl' N ..NII ' ." ~

Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.


If you are oonstlpated, yonr 8ya . l em II pol80ned by 'he waste ma"er

a hundred" plain, whl'e orepe paper n~ldns; lu deIIpa ,lie dozen, a' 'h18 offiue,



Holiday Goods




St. Mary's Episcopal Churdi.


. ....

X~nia ,



HPU8~ of 4 rooml,

luge' barn.

~ Wa~r .,,~ .Ieotrt~ . Ug~. III

~. y....'" y • .JaoUe; ·'>;) In. A. ,~


Also A.pDt for RadDe .~1ito.obile TIni.

Vnlft, · dl0(";.' ·~~~~~.-;~~~~~~~~~~~~M~~=~ ,.







l1Ie tllrougb the wooda lOle a b ear. I d o ubt Ir I rel1l e mber all that happenl'd. I Illuat have b een craze d with p u ln and f('ar umll yudd e uly I wok e up 00 a b o uld e r by th u t aw ful rl v('r. and ~all' blm drift Pilo t m e , caught In I h, ' rapids , d rownI n g . I wou ld Ill<\' C' . hulIt",1 I wa s so g lad,

hi ' Ha ',\ 111 1', and cty l ng ns 11(' loo k l I d at !la.' \dlh Liull c l't; c le ar


I' Yf' S .

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Il ll d f flr t hn 'l' W( ' \· \{s art -



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wh ,\ Inll'r Is r"11 Hrtl 'd l " I, a\ " , ' \lt l1l11I U t'(I nul l' i.-le. J"!04 ~~ l" ' ''''PlIll'!oIo :l l :n1. I .. ,' fln"

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t ake.. up t h. n nrrnth " . t nh ;, ~J p l ly m lt r ,-I erl f(h· • 1t1l!'· llIpl a l. ·, " lIk l.l" bUl ..:. h anK"'! her Dlind nrt c r m ~ t· t l n~ J ·sse.

CHAPTER II .-Cont lnued . To Judge by l it " hlnll ~ h ()e6, ~tr s . Tre"o r 's mean co lt harl go n e dow n to I\a rd th e riv e r not "lOr o', t e n mIn· tl tes ago, on lb d C'ud run , I h e n ba clt ~p t b e road at a racki ng out ·of·b r e at h Vot. Some thing mu s t bn\'c gone Wl'o ng, and s ure enough a s I Ile a r e d .. JJoln t ot rocks w h lc b hid lIl e trail ah ead, Jon es sDo d c n ly sb le d bard In the midst of a h Iccup. Ther e was tile Widow B e ar's track rIght ac r oss tbe road,. and Mlck had to ye ll blue blazes to get th e othe r pon lc s past th e eme ll. Ahead of me tit£! lra c ks of th e Trevor colt were dancing tho wldtb I)f the road, bucking good and h a r d at th e stink or b e ar. Then 1 rou e d e d th e poInt of rocks. The r e lay M rs. Trevor Ip a h e ap . BmcB Jon es .... o u ld havo s'b le d over the tree·tops at a corpse or rt whl!!' or !llood, 1 knew she'd .only falb t ed , but fe lt at her breast to make sure. I tell you It telt lik e an outrage to lay my I paw on a s le e pIng Indy . lind all ll 'W'qrse I'd .only my dIrty old hat to carr; ,,:ater tram u &eepage In the clift. My hOoart thu mped wh e n I kn e lt to sprInkl e th e wate r, and wh en that blame\l hummlng·blrd came whlrrlllg put my ear, I jumped as though th e devil had got me, splas hIn g th e butrul (lver Mrs_ Tre vor. At .tha t h e r eyes 'opened, atarlng stralgbt at my fa ce, but sbe made O'Jl a sort or s mile w b en ahe s aw It was only me. l4

J esse !"


"Yes, ma'am."

"See n my husbaud r" "No, ma'am." "I don't know What's come o ver him," she moan e d , cleechlng h e r teeth; "he fire d at me." . "That gun I traded hIm 1" "Four s hote:" "You was runnIn g away w n your c:olt shied at the b e ar?" "My ankle! Jes8e , It hurts s o dreadfully . Yes. the Iert." My knife rIpp e d her rldlng·hoot ele ar. The old r e d bandan a trom my 'lIeck made her a 'wet- bandage , and th e boot top served for a sp lint. Th e r e was no call to tell h e r the (o o~ . was broken, and the fainting fits ease d my job. Between while s s he wo uld tell m e to hurry, knowing t hat the r eturn of th at damn e d colt would show T1"evor whIch, way &h e:d run. I had DO weapon, '80 If Trevor happened along wIth t be .46 revolver It wouldn't be h ealthy. , 1 couldn't leave the ' loads of ore on my petlles, and If I got l\f rs. Trevor mounte d wltb her foot banging down, she'd lOB e time swoon in g . So I u n' load~d all ·the ponl e8 e xcept Jones and SwIft, who h as a hl g be art tor t rav e l. Next I fi ll e d one oC t b o ra wbld e pan· Dters with brus h, and lash e d It Dcross Jon es' neck for a back r e s t. A wad ot pIlle brush ma d e a sea t be tw ee n JaneE.' pannie r s wb e re I mos ll y c a rry

ou t a how l tb u mome nt It hurt b e yo nll twar ln !,: . I won d e r whut amoun t or ""III Is IU'),(Jllu u le bea r lllg u f r pa l thncollllh tJrl ,tI"? That larl)' WQu id burn bt' forlJ ~ h c' d ove n \\ hi III " e r . :\'('111'1111; t h l' f rr y my Inlla rds we nt ~iI'lt, for t h t' pu n t was 011 lh" far hallli, ti l" Ill an WA S out o f s l~hl , u ntl ,' \ I' n J U IlI' H wouldn't pr O I , OH(' to s w il n " rlv"r \\ Il h 1\ ca rr;o of miner a i and a d, '"k loa tl .\8 we r;ot to th o ouo r o f It r o wlI 's c nbln . T n ' \'or h ave In s igh t. I I(' p' (0 tb e ground. g l"ln g J onl'5 a h enrty sl np on th o ott qu a rtc r , which wou lol s l ('e r h e r b l'hln d IIrown' " c ab· ill : th e n with one Ju m p I grabb e d 0 1 m an B ro wn' s W lnch l's t e r rifle (rom II ~ s lings abov e th o h l'u rth, s hll\' ecl hom l' two cartri dll;Cs (r(\ 1Il Ih e m un t. e l, ramm e d t h e mu zzle th rough t hl' Will ' dow · pa ne, whlrh command b n vlc'w up th e tml l, nnd proc e" d e d tu ta ke ~ t oc k of M r. T r e vor. The man 's ('yes b e in g sta rk Slarlng mnd , It wa s a s ur c rnc l h e'd I)(,ve r lis t e n t o nrg ull1(,llt. I walle d, ro ll o w· Ing with th " rlfl o until tho hor s e's s hou ld e r wi dpn e d ou t, SI\'lnS 111 0 n c leat aim al till' h"nrl. The Il o rs finis h e d h is s trl d<" but wb ll il J was ru n n il,g t o I h(' doo r h E' c rul1Iplpu and w r nl d o wn d <'a d, th o c arca ss sll<.llng threo ya rds be fure It s topp e d . A s to Lh e '"a n, h c s hot .Q long curv(' d o w n on h is back In a sp ln s h ot rtu ~ t , wh ic h loo k ed ilL", fl IJrowI\ ex plosio n. Ill s n ,., o l ver we n t fllrtb ' r on whirling. unll l a stump tou (' h r d orr th e trl gg(' q an d ita bull et whill e d ov e r Illy h .. a d . 'Next thin g I h eurd WIlS th e ra pi ds, lik e 11 c h urc h o r gun finishing a hymn, and :\1 rs. T r ey or 's call. " Yo u'v e kill e d h im?" " No, ma 'am, but h e 's had an acel· d e nt. I'll take blm to th e c a bin (or fl r s t ald." Trevor was s ltllng up by th e tlme I r anched him. H e loo k ed so rt of s ic k. "Get up," saId I, rem e mb e ring to be po lite In th o presence of a lady. "Get up , you cherub ," In stead or rlst ng, h e r e ached out a fla s k t rom bls pock e t, an d unco rk e d t o tak e a Ilttlo n ou rI s hment, I nick e d tb e b o ttl e Into th e riv e r, and assIste d hIm to rise with m y toot. "My poor err in g bro t h e r, " s aid I, "please ste p thIs way, or I'll kIck you r tall through yo ur bat." H e aald he was n ' t fe e lin g v e ry we ll, so when I got hi m Into the cab in, I let him lie o n B row n 's b e d, las hing him down g ood and hard , 1 gav e him a sdck to bite Instead ot my flng c rs, w hi ch Is prIvate. "Now," said I, "your nam e Is Pol e cat. You're due to rest right th e r e, Mr, Polecat, until I gct Ul e provincial consta ble." I gath e r ed trom his express ion that be'd sort or talte n a dlsllk e to me , Swirl and th e mare w e r e g razi ng on pin e chips b e sId e th e cabin, and Mrs. Trevor loolted wond e rrully peaceful. "Your husband," said I , "Is resting." Sh e ga ve m e 'a wry laugh. and seeIn g s h e was In pain , I po ured water dver b e r foot . "That's bette r," saId ahe, "how good you are to me!" Old man, D rown wae coming across w ith a punt, mi g hty peevIsh b e cause I'd droppeu a horse carcass to r ot at his cabin door , and s tili worse when h e s e en I had a lunatic r oped In hI s bunk . I gave him his Win c h es te r , whi c h hp Sl! t down b y hls ' doo r, a l so a d o ll ar h ili, but h e was sti ll c rowd ed rull ot Pl!evl ahn ess, wasting a lady's tim e. At las t I hus tl e d th ponies II hoanl I he p unt. IIl1d s e t th e g uid e IIn (, s "0 th at w e starte d o u t a lo ng th e .. abl e , J"adn g th e uld mao to c o m e n" Slay a s h" plt' a s "'d . li e cam c. Fuct la, I r ,·II1(,.u lJ r'r l' u that whil e I too l< ~I r ~ . Tr" v o r t o lilY h o m e, i'd n epd a ill" SR£!lIgcr til r iel " for d oc t o r , n UrBel, g rfl l; ('I·i,; ". alld c' (l lI s l uIJlc . i'1I1 arraid ,, 101 mall 111'I/\\,11 Wa S lo rll so m e , cal..t dlll': 0" a nai l whl l(' I II flr' d 11 1m i ntn Ill,· !J u nt .

wlp' my CY"S , II lld In uunt Ille J; t' lo tng Wb en s!gbt ancl St' l\ . o.l cam,. uaeK, I W RS rl"ing 1\8 I b"d ' " ' \' I' r d"r "<1 10 r ldo 10 Ilil my II r", ;.l all u I', ·,1 ~Ir S\\ 1ft on roll ill" lJollld.' rs SI. ", p as a rou f 1I Il,I al! u' sl it h,'r I h"t ~\\Ift s ld"\\l sl' up th · ballk '" ,, 1'''"., ra c"" pas t Ih" man' . tlll'll thr "w S\\ If! \ T] fr o llt ur J UI1 {1 s .

Down WI" Ol t Ilt' tnrlr,' jU Ht a s

Ii"r 10n,1 (' nv ~ ll, ' d, S(1 I ha l , h i' alld th e la. ly , S\\ Ht nn:l I. W" ct· n il "II~t'd UI' In n h('ap ~I." Iilll,. d u g ~1"'li \\ a" Il (' k l ll~ m y scn lp \\, 11( ' 11 I \\ o k .,. alld f (

!-'t' '' l1It't!


al flr " t lIllIt SO Il Il ' lh ll, g .n ll ,< l hav e ~onp WrOllh . ~1 )' hI aJ ,-,' a s lwlwPl' n two btlu ln, 'rs , with lh, ' lIlar :, .. !to u l· d t-r pn'~H III~ TlI y II O S t ', Illy I f'b ~ wt' r e nil'

Il IH I ,. r


'" al l ·r .

'l\' t' rp


~OIlH ' w htl r p

rn:"\r l tl~

rup ld s .

WII B ~ l'rnrnbling

c los e Swi ft

fo r a routh o ld , nnd Tr \' o r s h (j l1lln~ fo r all s h e was wort h . I \\'alt c\ till Swi ft cl ca r6d o ut, und th ... lall)' q uit for b r cnth . I, Y C' S, ma 'aln," s a YH I. "Oh , ""Y you're not d ... "d , J pss ... :" "O.II y in pa rts ," su lll I . "an d how n re yo u ?" ' 'I'm ('uttin~ (h e ro peH, but oll , this knife 's so blunt ! " "DolI' t s poil yo;,r r knif e , \\,111 you d o what I soy'" " Of c'onrs e I wi ll." " It.' uc h out Ih en on th e' orr s ld !l of til " 1011 <1 Th e e n d o f (hat Insh lng' s (a ~ t t o tb o Ilrt"r · lln ~ k p. t li n e. " \\' h (' n I'd ('xpl alnNI thllt two or thrN' .Im!'s. " I h a r l! It ." s he a ll swe red. "Loose ! " "P ull un Ih e fore lin e o f t b o d ia m ond ," " Ri gh t. Ob. J ess" , I'm rr.'e ! " "K n el' l on th e Illare'" h ea d, r each ~lr R .

The La ndl or\j.

At lh l' fl' r ry '

[ro rr' s };a"'a ( 1r P

Of hi ,; IIf~ iJdll r" h e r C';Ich N\ t.h l. I'ro\ iltc, ' .I " "R " w ill KO far It' ll me 'l u . h l ll~ . ), " hi" "p" ,'C' h b BII'Il )'S hllll, tor lIu cl ,' r I ll .., \' 11'11.1 <.Ilal (·f· l nr th e

T\w y wen' snn l<' d Rio" b)' s lo ... In a IItr"I'1 (·a r . II .. WIl H \· ... ry In to xll'lIt e d anti ," prY HI.. ,'py , ~h t' W: Hl \' ''ry ba ll ~ ht~· and i'O ' ~ c'BS '(\ ot a \' ,' r ), Ulli t U wr l" ld ,'') fll (" ' . TII, )lI g !t h,' W:l~ tr,\'\i,,; Iwrrl . h ,,1m· Il l y t'tlllldlJ' t kll'p Jt\, : !I\I' :lIlil Ilc r :;h: tl' Li In top p ll u J.,: n \' #' r l i n tl " r r ilI1\lltlr' r . l'~ ach tlllll' h, ' 0101 It 11 ., ~ II I I I, ' 01 IlI g l'Illl:l l llib ly ,

\\" b('n I ~() l ha(\ R IJ l l ilt tho ,.a \· llIg" u i )' '' :lI'S, 111 101 had n,)t a du l-

.~: ~;-;.s.-:

n ro t ], ·y ('lIlI ld bllY rllr nlP

\\ ,.11 , I

111\ 11 11 1

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L,r Il'[t \\' h, '11 at la"t I ('n' pt o lll o f d oor s t n ha " k III Ih" a lltUln n slI nlight. Ih o (' 0 1 tlll1Wt ll \( i !'o Hllrl , U~p e J1M wpru cha n g-eli to

h ' ltlllfl . 11 11 ' ~ lIll1a c




f:i h f' ~nn ~-

-- -

rrH~tld( \ \I S

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forl 'pt!

tu ,' k a IrA-

o lli"

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\ \ 1r1a

" I"" I, sa t liP ~I rai)( hl. nntl IOcoI, n 111 1110; , III lI g IOI,I< ti t th e 1" ' 1')' \\ri llid e u face b), hi " ~I d .., "yoll' ..... not n Inll .I' ," It o 1Il1l1l c r l' d a t : ns l ; " you 're a I1 g ~"

t o ('riIl1so ll , the

fall ,'n III 'c'dl, 's o f Ih e pin es c lM b ed .h " ~ 1"I'I 's \\'llh orangl', aud a mlBt of 1IlIlky IJIII,' I ll)' In th l' cnnon . JI' SSp h:1l1 ar rnn ll('cI wit h law)'prs fo r th o pr n hal C! o f U u .w \' s w ill, and sot· tl p l1wllt or Ill s d l' ut s: whl cb wo uld Ipnl· ... II1C nOlhin/: . As fllr as J e ss c kn ew, 1 w a s pc nnll pss. and t o thi s dny I h nvl' neve r d nre d ackno wl e d ge tha t. ""r'lIred from t he ('xt ravl\~an ce o f my lat e hu s IJa.1I1. I hav e cll plla l bring in g In ~O lfl ~Il \'on th ousaud Il vo hundrcc-( d ollllrs a y ellr. J ess" s uppos e d me t o br d es tltu te , and w he n I s po k e of rt' lurnin g to my work In Europ .... olT ... rc rt 10 ra ls !' th e money for my p n!lslIgI'. "" uw lng hi s ran c b to b e lfI o r t gngp c\ nlr!'lIll y 10 It s filii vnlll e, I wo ndf'rpd whll t limit th e .. e was to t hl y poor ma n' s I' a lo r . Y es. I wou ld ac ce pl , nss urlng him or s wirl r f' pay' mOlll, y pt da r pd no t t ell h im th e wa ~l's o rr .... l'd me At Cove nt Card ... n. Il spe m e d Inrlec e nt that a woman 's voice . ,h ould b e va lu e d at m o .. e p e r week tll an bis h (' roic c arnin gs for a y a r. r sang to him , s imple e moti ona l mu· sic: O rr(,O'R lament, the finale of "11 Tro\' a llJrp," th e ange l Bo ng fro m Chopln's "March e Fu n c bre." I wo nd e r w hy wo m e n make It 80 Important that a man s hould propose? It ne ed e d no t e ll in g tbat Jesso and I we r e In lovo . It seem e d. only natural t hat we s h ou ld marry, and any pr et('nse of mourulng ror th e late Mr , Tre \'or would h ave b ee n distas teful. Alth o ug h born In t h o Labrador, J esse had b ee n a cow·boy In T e xas ror ha lt his workIng life. As a s toc k· man, he wa s to w e d a ran che r's widow . Was Il c aSh a med of h Is bu s l· n ess ? No, proud as Lucifer ! W as 'he ashame d ot tb e dr ess ot h is trad e? Not b y a damned slg ht ' Soldiers and s ail o r s are pr oud to wear the dress of th e ir trad e wh e n tfl e y marry. "So 'are cow pun c h e r s," saId h e, with hi s h ead in th e aI r . "S'pose we ride to Ca rlboo CIty , nl'ld get marrIe d In that li ttle o ld log church,"

pp t'(1.

H" re th ... In t oxll'alo',1

- -;; ....-::--

h ('"~ rtb u Tn :'\nr1 D "U~"3 WI lli (ho w,e of 'v\' ribh .·c I",klll V'w'lahl" rill s. S"nd fo r tr ial box to 372 l 'e;(rI St. , Kc w Yo rk. A J v.

Ar id Stnm:1 r. h.



d lS~ Jl !,e~f

Must B e. "\\'Ii" t tlo y" u l hl"l: of lilY tn ln of a [op'!" '~l's B <1 11 1111:.0 st o ry ." Mr", . W ln n hn.. 's

f'o otht n~

~ .Yr \ I P

f flr Chll,lroD

h ('th l nJ( , ", ,,rtt'Ii B l lu! ~lln l M. n' ,lu j' I '''' tnr'nnlln~ · ' i O H I~ll " YH p' llfl, f' \ lr'e~


l o n~. ' ~ t

: .I!l~III1Sl1



\\ I ltd ,... . Io- . ~ •• a bot\. Jc •

wo1'I1 III tl\l' F.:I\; II, h allt lll'a llH ulJ'; l ll n l lll llull al·

Is m. Each Nig ht


W o uld Set Up a U tt l, T e nt fo r Me.


lli ti i:Hlgllag(l \\'a ~ p l en -

I .h o IJ r; lll 1'0 arran g e d Mrs. '1' 1'(' 1' 0 1' I' nd ~1 r. Trc' l'o r and Mr, ! :;. , \\ 11, a nrl adel, ·" Ill' tl ll l ~ um s o Ih at ,,101 C r oll (" u '), h llll B, ' lf c ou lun ' t hav e lif: lI l' ~ rl It. u PLi" r , "' h p ' f'a~ I' d l ef l a u' (1)(' ru c t t bat Ilro\\' l" 8 !JlIllk Was nu il etl car , '101ss 'In th l' wall of hi s cab in. AS 'l' rp \'or 8In'l:~I-; I I' t.I, th e p egs cam e lid rift, th o lJ, ' d cn p ~ l z!' d, th e rO llo Il lac l, c d, lind Ih .. po l!'cat, hr ea klng loose, fo und Ilrown ' H rltl e. J'd led Ih e po nie s o ut of th e p unt, a nd was ia s truf=ling Bro wn, wh e n the pol e cat le l driv e at m e from a cross the rIv e r . \V lth all hI s fa ults h e could shoot goo d, (o r his first g raz e d my scalp, half hllndlng m e . At that the lady altracl ed a tte ntion by screamIng, so th e thIrd shot s tamp e d~d poor Jon e ll. I ain't r e lig ious, b ei ng only thIrty, a nd not du e to r efo rm thIs Bide of rhe umatism. but all the sins I've enJoyed was puni s h e d sudd en and complete In that one mInute. Blind With hlood, hal f stunned, and reeling /lIck, I h e ard t h e ma r e all she plunged along the b an k di s pensIng boulde rs . No top-h eavy ca r go was goIng t o stand that s train w Ithout comIng over, Ml the w oman 1 loved-yes" I knew fhat ' now Cor a f40t- waa goIng to ~ dragged unUI her hralns were ~cked out , by th e mare; Jt aeemed to, me. aau before- I could rollll ID1 ~IlMI,

Intc;lC.lcated Ma n '" Rem ark May Hav~ Held !ome Truth, but It Wu Not Polite,

r; lll~(,.

(I I' ,

r o p(' , g' n l, :10 (1 UX , but h ow dlo b . I('flr!! th " r .. ~ t ? I wall t(' ,1 a lant c rnh e nl n.l " one: my boot WIlS 10rJ:- hf) ma d ..' (l UI.': Ill)' wa tl 'r pro o f ('oal wall ru lrll'd - h o madl! 0"": and L' I II sl,l' d fo r a oo wln r, ·mac h ln ... , h e wou ld rd,, "€, 10 1Il 0 \'e CUIilP until h e haLl o ne' flni s he d, If h is .mme w~ r e not Smltb I c o ulcl pro\'(' him direc tly d esce nd e d (rom Ih e Sw iss fam ily R obin so n. U 11 proj(' c t so unds ri s l()" I IJay e to aas um e thllt It Is 80mcthln g unusuall7 safp. us th e o nly way 10 k oe p him ou, of d a n g" r . Jr I sllou Id e ve r wish tQ bp !\ wlduw, I !h ll \' e o nly t o doubt hi. power to tI)' wl l hout win gs. Gil ld er\ b y his uu c anuy woodcraft. I b f'ba n to mee t th p. parlsb lon e rs, m Ollntaln Sh N' P IIn cl g oa t s, tb e e lll lin d ca rih o u, eag les , h ears , wolv e rines, and certa lu ly r s h a r ed s o m thIng of J esse's uulirinl; dl'lIght In nil w lld r ea t ur cs. Ev e n wh en we n ec dod mea t In camp. and so me pl umll guose or ma llard was at tbn mercy or hi. i: Un , J eSRe w ould so meli mes beg th .. vlclim o rr, and catcb lU o r e tro ut. " So lo ng as t h ey don 't hunt us," be wou ld say , ''I'd rath e r t ote your came ra than my gun. Hut I har 's th a t dog·go ne bcu\'er d own tb e crick, h e Irl ed to bite m e y es t c rday again. Ir h e don ' t tame him se lf, I'll s la p bls tace. Tblnk. Galloped Mr, Swift on Roiling Soul. H e manag e d to p e r s uade me; and 1 h e 's e tlltor." de ... Steep aI a Hoof. ' conse nte d also to a hunttn g t rip. In(TO BI': CONTtN UE:D.l s t ead of th e u s ual hon eym oon. und e r the pannier, find the la tega , and Wb e n I W/l8 well e nough for the HI. Skill a Niltural Gift. cast ort." joUrnllY, I rode my colt, and Jess e J a m e s Crs n, who a s tonish ed th. She tumbl ed awhil e, and th en re- hi s d e mon mare-Jones-my sole rl · world by his r eprodUction o( flowe~ port e d all cle ar. val, I thInk exce pt that dreadful In hi s Ilelglan blacksmith silop, worlr.l "Get off the mare." b ear, In hIs affections. Two pack- at a forge In C ranfi eld , N . J . Not Ion. In another mom ent Jones was ponies carrie d our camp and baggage . ago h e W/l8 doIn g common blacksm ith. standing up to shake h e r self, knee an d e a ch nIght be would set up a Ing work. Art critics Bay that be hal d eep In the riv e r, and with a s lap I little t e nt for me, beddIng hlmssU gon\! much close r to nature In hI. s ent her olr to join SwIft at th e top down h eslde the fire. At the end of work than Van Boecke l. He uses no or tbe bank. M rs , Trevor was si ttIng five days' journey, we rode at dusk models, and 1V0r ks with only the slm· on a bou lde r, Btarln g out over th e Into Carl boo. pl est tools . H e beg an pis apprenticerapid s, h e r eyes set on , somethIng Captain Taylor, of Hundred. Mile s hill as a blacks mIth In Scotland ot coming down mld·s tre am . Her face HOUSI~, and Pete Math eon, tb e carga· tb e a ge of e ighteen. but sInce 1898 was a ll gray, an d she c lutch e d m y dar o f the Star P ack-train, two old h as llve d In thi s country , wh e ro he hand , holding lik e grIm death. As tor s tanch trl e nds of J ess e , witnessed our was on e or th e first m en to ma ke lUI m e , I'll n e ver r eck o ned that even a marriage In th e quaint log buildIng Iron go lf club. m a drnn n would try to swim the Fraser wl)Jctr s e rved as church and Dchool · , In c loth es an d boots. ho~sE!. Enormou s I rrlgation Profit., " I can 't. bear It !" sh e c ri ed , turnin g Captain Taylor Is a retire d naval Th o Assouan darn and othe r Irr!~ oo h e r taco awa y. "Te ll me_ officer , a pIoneer of th e g old mIn es, tlon worlts In Egy pt ha ve cost about " I g UIlBS ," sa id I, fee lin g m ight)' a mo,g lstrnte , a man to tru s t , and $53,000 .000 : but the Increase In value gr:l\' C, "yo u 'ro dU I) to b e col1lo 1\ ,\'b e n b e gave me hi s h eartfe lt con· o f IlI lId In midd le an d low e r E gy pt ~\' Ido w , " . grat ulati on s, It was not without a nd tho I~ayou m 'pr ov ln ces hu s hee n 1'h 0 ra l)ld s got T r cvo r, nnd Itoow le d ge o r .Jessc's charact e r . H e rro m $955,0 00,000 to $ 2,440,000,000. watc h etl. a nd Pe t e, tbe cargudo r , rod e with u s Th e t.otal ren t of thIs land has r 1608 , "Yuu arC' a \\,l l'O W," say s I, at last. to th el cam p ot h is Star Pack·traln , from $S2 ,O OO ,OOO t o $ 130,UOO,OOO. Rit e faint ed . TII (' r p, I' m dfOnd s lc l< of w r iting thi s Inlle r. lI ud lilY Wl'lst Is a ll to o th acb e . JESS E .

tlfll i.


t l H' f l l tf\ II li tr ea }{ ur snit- RH If pro' "I ~ lnr; In fl" b('tl l' l' III future, 1)I ' U" 'l ll1 th llt I d Ol fl' t ImCl'S b ut '4h fl \\':L :-1 !' :.: tr"It1 +·ly HIlH'Iy \:! t1. (1( IH'I'~llc ' whic h .1Iny b ... naIl\'(' p f' r' " I'h' II II C' ~It Ul' "tl'il i,.JI!." ij h. snl,l a t lJ l'I ll l~ hl 01 " "" rI'II'" 1110 rll.ocll. 11 (' hap" tll LIII1I'IIC lor. nUL o r 11 ('lIaos 0 1 Inst. "Vl'ry wri n llin ' ' x pro 's, llI!: d I ~ a~ bo"I,,, III' h ll H 1'1 '(' 1" '11 wo .' cI~ w hl cb P 1'0 \'I I I. ~ I lit :-il lr1\ I:rll\\ II III hr l n~ Doctor ~ l c ­ U " I' all d l ;1!' " -((.I Il W O ' F1 yn n us t tl)" Iii, a ",'d h im , I'I'Ull nll ''' '''.! , or cou r se, II .. wokl' up nhrll l'lly That Itl a tle n ll r " .', 1111i l .. II !' !' S IJII Hilly w as blrc'd t o :-1111 Idll l ~ , · I( . lila' lI ~ I ' d In ROttlO 1.111) .. r() ,; ~ , II I) II IUrllll) ",' (1 "~' Ill ('l hi nt; . I" II.. h l ~ PII.. k I r:llll wurk . I·' rcllll that R Pfl :-0 1\ \ \ h i l h \\ Oll hi s huc k uny dlr." Il ow rlflr,) you III " n ll II. la ,I)' '?'' ' Il" lilli ,' (\ lI wanl lh l' \la~ Olllilt arrl,'''' ti pn a r y excltlf lllC'd , c · aq! (1 t · ~ Hr O rt\ f rtlm th .. tn ! ut"", and ' I l l h trWnllflr ~ lIll (1 CU ~ tl'Illf' , t oo . a r e Ill- ""1,,.. up nl:" ln . s fr' "11 Ilu .ul,.. 'cl Mlk I lOll ,,'" o r n lfoold fllr ,.. ·" .'a rl'h , Of cOllr s' oue " I <lIIIII ·t. " b p ~ I'uti ~ n' d . j·\"t' n · f'11f1l(or L alld l uX ur y which l' Xp, 't:lS hl .1I 10 u(, prnfoo :;6 ioLll.r\ w ltb " lI n w d arn you l'oll lrud irt II la dy'" ~ tllt ' l(

m:t ll ~ l':\ I,ll , h~ 1 lIlad o lilt! a upd or 1, 111' 1o "' ll h ~ . (Iu tl l 11.1)' bou hdlOlti s tuIT Ih, · , ' hi ll''''' ' "c , '; allt cou lll be



BtU 10

I fa lllt," a mi w l"'1\ I a" ok(' (\ga ~ 1l In tl ll' d ll:- k . .J'" ~ t4 •. h"lI t o \' f'! r 1ll1 · , Th :Lt

a n4 It WIlS there In th e forest that ~ ate ou r weddlng·br eaktas t. We dranll th e h e a1lh8 In champag ne trow tin c ups , and tlw n, e ndd llD ~ up, J es8e n n~ I rod away alon e In to the so lilu!1e6 .

\~ l1rlJlA



" ,,- :'1('11('\1 T'r(ln\1lf l ,- f r o m lh('l l!t l mn.n p ~~,'y ' y \'l' nu l h lKt! "Dt:ucS

" It ll Dr. J'\ tIv .

Th ... gn'u"" r t h t· ('os t of 1 ~ 1' l n g , th e l'li l-'lI J1 (' r It Is to ro ' lIlaln aill/(le.

Pain in Back and Rheumatism are Ihe d aily to rmenl of th ol\$;," ,ls. To effec tually cure Ih ~sc Irouhl.s ),"" m,wl r,,· mu\'" . he cause. F oley K idlley pills b~l'i Q to wo rk fo r yo u fro m the lint d ('l~e , a.nd ex·

ert SO d irec t and bt'ncti c ia l no al' lion in th., kid ncys aUt I I)I ..dde r Iha l the p,,,n ami to r[Den t o f kiu llc v trouulo soo n isappea ....


Sloan', Linim ent Is 8 speedy. reliable remedy for lameneu In hon es nnd farm stock. Here', proof. Lamen.... Con. '" hOO 1\ horse .prlll n hI! shoulder by pUUing, Bna be WAS "" IBm" h • • oold not C"rTY foot at a1\, I lIot m bottle 01 your Liniment "nd Dut It on rour Urn .... anrt In tbree dBJII be showed no ImIDen .... Ilt oil, Itnd fn,do 1\ thIrty mlto_trlp ~ides."-IP,,".r

B, J.ID,,/.nJ, Lu.


For Splint .. DOl Thnuh

"I bn". used SloBn'o Liniment on a lin. mare tor IP!ln t ond cured her. Thll

makes the third hurso I 'YC cured . H Ilve recommended It to my ne lgbbol1! for thruah nn d they lilly It Is line. I nnd It the best Liniment J ever tacd , Ilteop on ll Bnd your Sure Colic Cure for mr,-

""If and ndshbora, Itnd I cnn cer!/~~. recom mend it AleDo"""!,,, Go.


Collc,"-S. I:.

SLOAN'S LINIMENT Is a Quick, 88fe remedy for p aul. try roup,canker and bumble·Coot.

Try it.

For Roup aDd C""ker "Sloan '. Lin iment I. !l,e .per~!'"'t

8U r C$ t r emedy fo r poultry r()t~l) [\.1111 cRnker In nU II. form., c.(,<clal y for ~n1\ke r in t he \"ofindpipc."-.t:. J'. Sp"" Jd,.


UlS, J offr"y, N. H.

At all DeAle.... 25c., SOe . & $1.00 Road Sloan'. nook on Horee.a, Cattle. Ho p aDd Pou ltr:n len t free. Addre..

DR. EARL S. SLOAt., Inc., Boston, IE.



There Lay Mra. Trevor All In a Heap. m y gr.ub . . HoiSting Mrs. Trevo r o u

to tll(,-mar e'6 bac k wa s a pretty m ean Job, but "Drs t of all I h a d to lasb b e l' dow·n . For ch afl ng gear 10 k eep tb e ropes t r om scorc hin g, I had to u s e my coat. sh ir t. a nd u ad e r s hlrt, 80 that -when I m ount e d Swlfl to .l ead off, I'd only b oots and overa ll s, and IIl rs . Tre· -nlr could Re '~ I was blush ing down to my b e lt. Shocli e d ? Jl;o t hlng! Great' ladles d O"bO' 1 s b ock li ke common people . :-';0, In ~ pltc ot th e pain-rackin g and Lbe fea r· haunting, 'sh e laugh e d, a nd It don e me good . She aa:ld I looked lik e Mr. P a llo Selvldeaty, a dago s b e;d met u p with In Italy. Dagos a r e sw in e , but the way ahe spok e made Ilftl proud. Washing da y afte r supper. We' 'lferen·t mo~e ~n half-way , doWD to the rIver wHen we beard Tre· Yer sorgio, and yeUlIig aatern,' 80m&~e.· up OD··, t1ti; . benc:h. At . that J ~ ., • trot. ~~q the ~J ~ let

Lov e . 71· crrrali ve. I Illar l'iu t Lioo el Tre vor In th e day!) \\'h (,1'1 h I' loo i! f' d IlI,c n go d a 9 Parsifa l. ' CONDUCTRESSES ON BUS LINE F ilII !; lil{(' '/lll a ll gl' l, hau Eu ro pe ut hl l<' f" "I . "Someth ing wrong wi th Eu· Brooklyn Suggestion Stirs the I maglrope," Is J esso's co mm e nt. " \V est o( nlatlon of Postl l ble. Pallsengers, th e Ho ckl es w e do n't li se s ucll, exc e pt Anyhow. to sell th c lr s kino," Wh e n Lione l los t hIs vulce--more Conductre sses are to ring. up th e to him than are h o r se an d gun to fares on on e of the n e w Brooklyn bus Jesse- h e wo uld not ask m e to follow lin es which are to supplement our him Into the w ilde rn ess but tried te> t rn.nElportatlon (aclUties-lt the board p ersu a d e me to stay on In London . I of es tfmate consenta, W/l8 sIngin g "EurydIce" In "Orfeo, " Oue of the lines seekIng 0. franchIse my feet , thanks to Lionel, were at last announces that to do the conducting on the great ladde r , and It I was am· only gIrls need apply. They didn't ao.y bltlous. Who shall blame me? Yet pJ)etty gIrls, but let us hope that pretty for better, ror worM. we were mal' girls are meant. If she should Btep on rled, and h e re .among the pInes, In our toes while reaching tor the bell thIs c elestlsl air, a year or two at rope. her llgbt weight and gracious the mont would gIve hIm back bls apoUgles wUl make us happy to have voice, My place was at hIs sIde, for been I.n the way. bettflr or worse. and wben he drank, For ahe must be thin waIsted In 01'when day by day I watched the light der to squeeze by comfortably, And of r eason give place In his eyes to w'. s.llaU Inalat that ahe set a common bestial vl~, untU at last I found my· sense fashion In the matter of hatplns. seit chaIned to a manIac-till death do Nor can sbe be permi tted to' knot her , us part-It watJ then 1· Brat saw Jet le, small change In a h'andkerchlef or to the one maD' whose eyes showed. 11D· cam bel' ~111. In the 'unconventional d,e rs,taildlng. , DbDe.r fayo'red t by lom.e ,",ome,D' B~OP" can't wrtt~ !lbont that 11&7 WheD' "era, Moreol:er, the complUl1 mUlt Ltonol. a thtti• ., »O'Beu~ of Jutlt that ~ DO ' .tope,~ ~ be lliade ID ~ ~. , ,~ . [i flf~ 's


fro nt o f c a udy s tores. It !J3 bad e oough to walt whil l! t h e condu ctor g ulps a b ee r . No paRsen g e r s hould be exp ec t ed to bi(l e .the concluctress' s umptioll of an Ice crea m s oda.

35 Bushels Per Acre WiU! th o y lo"1 of wh ellt a ll

Illllfl}' fnrOls In WestAlrn (',ulad" In 1\113. "O Il'U ),1.,1018 m~"". oo lug r61'"I' IO, II1.S h l~ h as Ofty bUlihcb p er ne ro. A s Ii 19 b' ns ono hUD' dreft IJushcls wero ro'llrtlc<l In S OUIO dis· lrl ch for on'8, IIfty buebels forIJUr le\',olIld

No Judge of Scenery. Th e late Bishop, Doanl'! ot Alhan, hated sociali s m, and at a dinner In AJ. _r~_~ from t en tu tweoty bany b e once said: b u ~ hels l or fla x. "The Socialist, who abhors artBt~ J, I\ ey s Ilrrlved In racy and supe riority and elegance, II t,h e cou II try fl \'I; yenn 1l1j'0 11'OUl De.llunrl" as· misguided and wrong-h eaded a8 the wIth ,.ery litt le mCllns. lJo miner who went through Hell'a Glen. hOlne_Leaded, worl,"ci hard, Is . "Hell's Glen, hetween GlaSgo-iv and now Iho ow n er uf 1i:l0 Clcrcs ot land, In 1111 B blldll emp of 200 Invegary. Is one ot tha most plo,H<'....:;... ac reR, wll icb will rCILU1.0 him turesQue and rugged pIeces of scenery ...._~" ."..,.". Ilbout four ~hou 'nnd dallal'll. In all -Scotland, . His wbunt wpighec.l tJ8 p ounils "Well, a mIner once drove thrOUl'h ~~;tp.1III to the bushel nnd "" 'UfaIlOO over M bU611 018 tu tbo aero. the glen In a 1~()llch. and, while hili ';1'housnnlla o t 81mllar In. companIons wellt Into 1':'lpturea over fttuDce s: mlgli L he reln.ted of the the "l1d, w e ird, o.we-lnsplHng features hOnll~., cr8 tn Mnnltoba. Su.ka",llllwnn anll AIOOr,,", of the place, the mIner yawned . The crop or l OTS '#,.. aD hiS cigar and newapaper, nl'llnda.nt ODe ....,,,.,.where it. W.stern Cauada, .. .'Oon't you Ilke lieU'1 Glen, Ilr!', t h'e .drlver asked, at a parUcuarly llr. ' clplt oUB and striking spoL ' , , .... 'grunted ~e 'I PM~>. It'll allJ tlcht.: I c~'t BeeD DODe « ·the 1ClG1I7. "-'r' thMe '12arD4I4 . - '



.\ THE

TRANSFER Of LAND ~r WALTER JO SE PH DE LAN EY. B!l u a.~e !LS a diu a ntt htJ IH)ij L a s a

Qua ke r . wa s th o ft ' pulullon t but Jur. via Me rce r hod WOII ITl I • l' IH IKrove arte r six t y duy s' bU Hi ne66 es ta\.J li Kb. m e nt In tbe r cul eHl.ut u and mortllllKe lIuo .

"An d goo d as gold ," WItS th .. u rdl' Dt an d ulnce ro a tl d.> ndulIl or hi s om"e secrl.ltary. N e il io Ward . uut s h,· s:Lid It t o h e rself. us' Mho I;lanc ...1 Ilmld l), a t her e mpl oyor. lind blu H h ~ d s d\' consc iou s ly. He r tru e woman Iy h Ollrt wa s fu ll of g ratitu de towurd r; tb e ~ h y . rnt lcon t mlto who had 6l tt r t" d II Pr In buulTH'tiR li te. S he ncoded \\'ur ll auu ly II'lltm SIH uOl pll od fo r 0. po si tl ott U KfflUO uc t( pr Ulall c ler king In t h" vi ll "gl' clry g[ \l •. s to r e. Ne llie bod an 1I~ !'d aunt to ~' I; port . ar,d wh on Mr . Me rcer o ff ered ht; r noar ly I!oub le he r fo r m, 'r sal:!r), Hh o fe lt as though I'Ilro orlul onco had beco m e h er p o r t Ion. Mr . Mer ce r hud !lh ow ll h o I' unusu al Indu lg nce . 11 0 ha d .her· n pallenl In teaching h pr how Ito Ol'e ra t o th o t ype"'~I t€ r . H o bod Sl'l h"r c osy and pl,pumnt t lls ks . From til l' Orat he h ad ploel'd e nti r e contld pnctl In her a n d thi s pl eaaed h N Kr eut ly In ta ~ t nt t ho e n d of th e fl rsl mOltt.h HiI ,. uw:n d. ed to ba nk nnd o the r Luslnpss \\'bl>11 he was a bse nt. H t,l r e m ployer a r ose nnd cnme ove r to w he r e she was hllR)' Ilt her dt' sk S h J) fel t h er pulses q ulckNl and w~ angry a t h e r self tor tbe ~ motl a n . " r a m go Ing away for two w!' e ks Miss Wa r d," lr Mai d In bls (Iul et . ge n: Ue way . H e r t ell-talc h(' llr t Infor lll Pd hPr th at s he woul d mis s him . Sit" dro pppd h e r g la nce rrom thoRe kit lll1y I' \"~ of h is "You w ill f1"d e ll n pc"s~ l;ry 111I'1ll0r: anda h er o. " he continued. plul'ln g a pac kage b for o :-./1'111 .. . S h e no llc pd that th .. bank book was Inclu ded. co nt[llnlng snlll~ c ht' ('k s of a l arge amount . Addin g to th is th" la r ge cas h ba lanc f's U~ll[\ lI r ca r ri ed . nnd th e fad th at Hh e bod autborlty t o

·" 't'. a Raw Deal . Sharp." Spoke One of the Men. .slgn checks during t h e a hsence of h er ·e mploye r. a s udd en wav e of em otion 'ilve rcame Ne llie . 'Oh, sir." s he s pok e Impetuously, " how greatly you tru s t me !" "And how greatl y you upp r eclate It. Miss Ward," h e r e.1 urned with a quick .s mll e. "You bave d e veloped Into a s ple ndid little bus ines s wo ma n . 1 ·don·t,Jmo w how I . co uld get II lo ngt hat Is . you have b ee Ll so u serul a nd 'Willing." H e turn ed away sby ly. li ke a great .schoolboy maltin g a b lund(' r. Th e mu· tual e mb ara Bsment . hi s t lLcl t recognl· tlon of h er barmonlous pOS ition o nl)' seem e.d to incre a se b~r growing r eo ,ard. " B y' the way ." h e we nt on. after a moment or t wo ot cOlls ul ta tl o n of s ome pape rs. " b er e Is som ethin g par· tlcular. It Is a llowe r or a ttorn ey a u· thorlzlng you to act fo r me In the Oint· te r ot a real e sta te tran s fe r . I have had a very good offe r for th e upla nd forty ac res ." Nellie ko e w th e tra ct we ll. It was .one of two pieces of proper t y lott to him by his uncl e's es t a te whell h e ~am e to Llnd grovl;. There was th e lowland rorty :!.er os n ear by. a worth· les8 stretcb or swa mp prope rty. "These people." .~nd Mr. Me rc er ex· tended a card. "will b e In. th ey say. In a day or two and Ilay two th ousand dollara casb for a deed . Yo u will exe· '~ute It. plenae . and take th e mo ne y." "Marvin & Sharp . Broil er s ." was tbe !legend the bit of paste board bore . "And now good-by . Miss Ward." ~onUnued Mr. Mercer. cla sping b er hand Bnd holding it. "I le av e e very1.hlng In your charge , kLlowlng you 11'111 attend to the busin es s be Uer than ~ pOSSibly could . It will be your tum !ror a two 'Weeks' vacation when 1 rolturn." "Why, Mr. Mercer. I have scarcely 1been here two months." "And need a little recreation. like of us." brightly reminded Jarvis. Then .ollIs expressive tace droPped ~olemnly, He stared at his little help. ~r' tn surprise. .A tear droP bad fallen 'Upon hili hand. His clasP tightened, :tats breath came quickly. Then he 1tuni84 aw-.y aDd abruptlY len the





r--------------.. . lNOTHER WESTERN GOOD YEAR


eh e t'nought of the IUndly d ee dll h had done sec r otl y since coming Llnd g r o vo. He was n ot 110 r ich m an, tar t r om It. b ut h is II lmpl '.! cb arltles were many. n nd o ne co nc r e t d od ot goodn esM. w h or e he had sa " ed a poor widow from fo r ec losure. had complet ely .... o n N e ll l e ' ~ h eart. It WllS t \\'o Ill o r !l lngs la te r wh e n N cil lo enl£'red t ho front office ot th e "lI lto unuu Me rl' ud . Tho boy who opened u p was b usy In a no th e r room aDd l1 a d nol not iced hr' r , nor hud twO m on Hi'llt .. !! In tll n outer uJlartme nt. S he wu s a bo ut to a lJpriz<l th e m of hur pr ~~e n cu wh ' 11 11 rl! lJlurk uttl'Ucti.'d ht>.r :llt" nli un ij ha rl'ly . " 1t'1I a rl\W d t'al h ar p~" spoke on e o r th o Ull'II . ' " Tha t's lhn k ind thut pays. Is n't It. i\t.arvin?" unll ;-';[· 111 0 Ill s tilnily k nuw th nt th o RllI 'h k.' rs wprc tlll~ e xpe cl l"nt6 of he r c rnp loy'· r . "Yes. but It It's found ou t-about th ut I(!ll ur. ) o u kilO II' . " " It "'un't be . If It Is. we've rnnrle our tu r n. hal' €' n 't wc '! S t'e h e re . look ut th! ruti on a ln o f the t hing : thl H WIlYback AleollY l\\L>rc!' r bas a trac t with un cov Tl'd rl ctll~9 und er It. W e di scov e r It. ~o do l'S t h... , 'u lca n Steel I'ompan ), Tll p ), wrl le blm off e ring him le n th o usand do ll ars tor th e land . I Intl'rcr'pt t h;1t le tter and It never rea h I'S Its d es tiDatlon . We came persona ll y and ge t an option on t he propert y . The T ide wat er Iron wo r k s pays U6 ri r hl y fo r It. T hnt 's o u r bu slncBsmaking a commlBs lo n. Sep here." ao d thnr\! was a ru stling of pape r . " The r e's a sum ple at some ot tho pr imo s tu r! un d" r th at forty acr es." In a fl ash Nelli e compr£' h e nded t hE' plot In motion . W h at uh o uld s h e do? !\I er c I' was fi ve hu ndred mllcs away . Sh t' had o ul y su r mis e to go a D. T he o ffi ce boy coming In annou nce d b er t o t h e visitors. T hey ij lated th c lr bus ltl pStl. Nelli had he r o r uc rs. Oh. for LIme. fo r a d v l c e ~ T he n . se lf·r e llan t li ttl e bu sin ess woma n tbu t s b e was. sho p re pa r ed t h e deed t1w me n 118ked fo r. e xec ul(·d It a nd r eceive d t he two·t housund ~l e8 HrS. Mar vin & S harp mar he d off Jubil a ntl y to r eco r d th e d e ... d . :->e llie ne a rl y collapsed whe n ~ h e t r Ied to r ea li ze th e bold . defia nt thing sh e h od do n e. Th e m en ha d le tt wb at looke d like a IUlllp of c lay b e pl nd the m . It was th" speci me n t b ey b a d t a lke d about. F ro m on e Of the p ro resso rs u p a t th e ('olle go Nell ie learn ed t ba t It conUlln e d a rar e s ubs t anc e k nown as ereRo lite. emp loyed In blast ing furn ac e s to fu se meta l. Tbe n NellI e waite d. e x pecti ng an explos io n ev er y d a y . H a I'lng secur e d tb elr deed t h e sch emer s wer e t a k in g t h eir le is ure . O ne da )' ~I r. :'l e r ce r appea red . "By tbe wa y. Miss Ward." b e s pok e. art r a war m . fri en dly g r ee tin g . " I notlce ' ln t he weekl y. paller a l rans fe r ot t he s wamp trac t." " Ye s. s ir." re plie d :'Jem e , h er breath coming qui ck . " I sold It to those cll· en ts . Ma rvin & Sh arp." " Bu t th ey we r e to h ave th e upland acres." "Th ey think th ey have got th em." explai n ed Nelli e . "Th ey a r e 8wln· dl r s . for th ey Inter cep te d a le tter ot· ferln g you a la r ge a mo un t . Oh. . Merc er ! I have tried to prote ct y ou . I h o pe I h av e no t do n e wr ong." and, burs tlDg Into t ea rs, Ne 11le told all. " You are goin g to bla me m e! " she sobbe d. as she looked up to find his eyes flx e d upon h e r. "I am los t In adm iration ! " crI ed Jar· vis Mercer . "I n eed a gua rdi an , as you hav e prov ed . Miss Ward-Nelli e . could It be possible t hat you would ac· cept such a r espons lbllity-perma· ne ntly ~" " I lov e you so-r lo ve you so!" was a ll Ne11le could wh is per . sh elte red In tho lle s tron g. protecting a rms . (CoPl;'rl gh t. 1913. by W. O. Chapma n.)


Practical Fashions LADY'S DRES S.



HUl £! chu rch Just as tb e congrega ti on



r cad with th e mlnIAt" r : "We bnye left u nd on e those thIngs whIch we ollgh t to hal'e don e. and we have d o n e tll as e t h ings wh leh we • rh e Tt'EUItil ot tbe thrt'lI hlng ought n ot to b av e do ne." throug hom \\ 'cH te rn ' ullnd a I'holl's a I Tb e mlln !!ropped Into a pew wltb a Illor e lI' olld t' r ful yie ld than u s uu J or ol ~h u ~ rett e r. " T hank goo( ln ess, " h e salcl. " I' ve wh, ·at. CJIII, . har l,,), Ilntl na x, a ll or \,b k h WII~ h:ln' ·H t,·tl a nd thn·slwcl in (olliltl illY crowd at I:WL "- I.utllet;· Iw r f"c t o rdl· r. Silt oll ly was til ' av, \l t llll C' J Ollrna \. erag" ylp l!! (!XCl'iklil O\'\' r th (' nllre ' - - - -- - - ~.~ul" r y. bIll lh l' QII :tl lty WU R of th e It's tt n, ·':\n l1lan whn IlIlt k f'!l hl ~ bll Y 1 ~I;u:: ',h81 f' l :lIId'lld . . Wi thou t goi n g Into I Iii.; valt 111111 t h"11 " 'lIl 't Jet hllll gil !; • II 18 ~ lIlh r. I "l1 t to sa y th a t I a llJlI!; u:\ llJ I' tI " llll lg trip wll ea t ,,,,,,!I t' lI a \Jll o"l Ull ln' rsa ll y v('ry n,' a r th l' to p. HI' ports ar e t o hand 8 it ll\l' l n ~ ). i" lds of \l'h,'al froUl 1lI'lIl\, I Il. LI'I',"ttyI<1 I}' .. •11.11 ...Il~~luu""I11 . ATlllt\ < ,,·d'''(".ru.s Lhatl"n l>luo tL.~", \J t:ld s which a l·,· ras,·t! fo rty b us hd~ Lli bill". Ad v. • P(' I' Ilel',·. :l ilt! \\, ,·i r.;hillg 65 pounds lO l· JI\'i ~ ltt 1'1:11''' " " hUllI I) Il .. "n 1l1:1 C(!I} t he nW:ls u rt'u bu sh .. \. Oats we l'l' \' e ry


In t bl s ori gIna l mo de l woO bave a bl OU6e d wit h slee ves In o ne w ith It . a ro un Ing coll a r con llnuln g o own th e fron t 8S p art or th e trim min g and a l) ID ner ves t. wh ich Is car r ie d d uwn tbe front of th o s kIrt 116 well. All extra back Is a pp lied an d may he d eta ch ed to gi ve an overb lo uso errect. Tbe sk Ir t Is a two gore d es ign. aLld tastens III [ ro nL Th e dress pattern (640 6) Is cut In sizes 34 to 42 ILlcbes bu s t measure. M&dlurn s ize requ ires 4 % ya rd s o r 36 IDch IIgu r ed goods . % yard o r 27 Inch plain goods iii yn r d of 36 ILlCb sa Un for co 1Ja r and gi rdl e nod 1 ya rd ot la ce pla Iti ng. t 'r~' f,p roc ure thi s plltt prn 8cn ,I 10 cpnts o a tt e r n D e pa.r tme nt." o f th is 11 e r \ Vrltc n a m e n od ad dress pla.ln l y ll~dP u~ auro t o g l vo "' 1">:- and nUln oo r ot'VD.tte ru.

NO. 6406.

SlZE __ .• _• • • __ ••••• _

NAME _____ ____ _____ . . .. . ___. • __• __ . _•• _._

TOWN ..... ____ _. ___ • __• __ __ ... _• . ___ _ .•••••

STR EET AND NO• . __ •• ___ _. . • • ___ ___ •••_ ST A TE_____ ___ ___ _ __________ ____ ______ _



hl ':1\,)'. rUllltillf: fl' u lll fifty to on e bun· dr ed llll t! fltte" n b us ll(:ls to t b e a e r o. l iar .. ')' al , o "as a I'p ry b ('avy yi e lde r a.nd h elJl up tho fI' pulati oll or \\·cstl'rIl Ca.n ada Il R a. Jl rc,duefJ r o f I hat c -'fe-aJ. 10 many parts of the country th e ylC' ld ot nax I'xcn,-dl'd tho earli e r ex p ecta. I tons, but In othl'r parts . th e r e was sOllle lo ~s On account or wind s bloll'Ing off t il(' boll. lIundre ds of farmers \I' bo h;1 I"C Oil Iy b(,(, ll In th e coun try t h r ee o r fo u r yearR. w ith bu t lill ie m e all ,; w hC'Tl t hey ..rr IY ed, will. out o r t he crop of thl H Y" ar, cl pa n up all tb e lr Indebl edll"sB, Ilnd b e a ble t o pu t sorn llt hing as id e fo r fu rth e r Im prol' em ents o n th eir fa rms and b omos whlcb a re 00110' fr eed o r In cu mb r ance. Tb e writ· er bas j ust hea rd ot th e exper ience or a m a n In th e Da tti eford di s t r ict t h a t Is worth r e p eating. II c went to t b e di st r ict Bev n o r eig ht ye nrs ago. with no mon ey. wo r ke d to r a ti me. got a t ea m of horscs, di d so m e t r elg b llng and bo m l'slPa ded a qu arte r s ec ti on of I and. H e now owns 48 0 acres ot la n d, clellr of all In c umbranc es, a Lld has wh cat, oa ts. b urle y and h a y. a s well a 1 a goocl numbor or horses. cllttl e ana hogs, fe edi ng rou gh g r ai n to tb e stock. lie Is a firm be lie ve r 10 m ixed fa r m ing . T h e fift y doll ars th at h e fl rst earn ed n th o') cou ntry has now In cr eascd to $25.00 0. H e has n eyer h od a crop fn llu re. I ns tances o f thi s kI nd cou ld b e r e pea ted over and ove r .ugaln. Ther e Is a Da ne , name d K ey. east of Sus katoo n. w h ose onts t his ye a r we nt 11 0 bu sb e ls to t h o ac re, and hi e wh ea t 40 bus h e ls . . H e has pai d o rr t b e mo r tgage o n hi s fa r m. a nd n ow cont empl ates a tr ip to Den ma r k. to visi t bl s old horne. He has no m ore c or es or 'W orries . b ut Is anx iou s to h ave mo r e of h ie people s cttlo In t bat part. It Is no t o n ly t be farm er with lim ite d m ea ns nn(1 small ar ea o f land w ho Is doing we ll . a nd h a s do ne wo o· der full y In W es tern Cana da thl e year, bu t the !Dan with m ea ns. tb e m an who Is abl e 1.0 condu ct s uccessful farm lni o n a lar,g e . Bcale and many o pport uniti e s offer t or Bu ch In Wes tern Can a da. 3.lso haal Increa sed his b an k account handsomely. A farm er In South ern Alberta r a Is ed 350 .000 bus h els of groIn In 1913, and made almost a fortu ne o ut of it. In Saslm t cbewa n and In Mani toba Is to be b ea rd the Barno story ot who t h as b ee n do ne by the farm e r work ing a la r ge oren . wh ich be Is a ble to do successfull y . b y tb e u se of Im proved far m mac hin ery . en· a bllng him to cut huodreds of acres a da y. and pl ow the land Im me diately with larl~e traction ou tflts. No be ller r ecomm ~!Dd ll tion c ould b e gi ve n the cou Lltry th an th e fact th a t during the past year. upw a rds of 400. 000 se ttl e rs n rrlv ed ~In Can a da . th e gre.ater number ot whom went t o t h e farm. The r e a r e still many thousands of home.s teads s till a vailable, capabl e of producing such crops and main taIning s ucb h erds as has mode r Ich m e n out o f the t.housand s whos e experiences could he r e produce d we r e It n e ce&sary.-Atd vertls em e nt.



n ,.



.' . ' _ ",A jf,.DI ~~. a~.; ~.. &lUI ..':IMIo;..- . ,..1 . . 4Ih.en_ " " .M 'd1l~' t.o~ .~ other Gay." .,~

' 1o~ tilmH' ' ..~


.J.... ~

" ' ,' •'


~Ve l1 . kidneys keep tbe blood f ree of un c lIcld . a de ad ly poison (bat is COD' 5talllly forming iu. id e the body. Sl ug,:; ish ki dnc~ a llow th" llriC acid to

accuonlla lc , call ~ iog rheumat ic attac ks.. hC;IlIac h e, di rzi h e&S. gravel. n r ina..ry

Ir."llv les. weak eyes. dropsy. nnd beart lilscclSC.

Duan'B Kidney Pills ft:«oru th e D O!':'~~!

l>I O?,i -ti ll()rttll(. acti ?D of the kidneY'" liti s un .. .,,; Ollt nne aCId and ends uri c poisouiJlg ,

,l l: I J


Some Good Advice, The r es taurnnt m a nnge r stood be· Thi s apron Is altogc the r novel. It hilld Ow c us hl er 's dcsk , wea ring hl B ~ I n n y peo ple lire quite h appy In the Is c ut In a slogl e pi ec e. with a round slOc k·ln· i.ra cl u s mil e for e acb cu s· homes In w hich tbey 1\"e ; man y more neck op eD ln g , exten sion s for tbe s bo ul· tome r . de I'S. a pa tc h pocket a nd s bo rt ' straps ot the milli o ns of Ne w York ers wish An ol d gf'n t! e mnn came up . "I not ha t t h eir liv es h a d b een cast In dl f· to bold t he tront und ba c k t oge tb e r tic e." so ld he . fum bli ng fo r hi s wal· Su cb mat e rIal s as let. " tb at y ou a d ve rtise to ma ke yo ur fer e nt places ; but It Is sate to say th a t und e r tb e arm. eve D t h e m ost s a ti s fi ed In di vidua l lin e n a nd gingh a m. as well a s w blte o wn plclI. " would en "y t he ho me at on e r esid ent cro ss ba r la wn. are useu t o r th eso "Yes, 51 ,.," a n swe r e d t be m a nager p ro ud ly . "we do ." of Ne w York . Il r es iden t wh o lives on aprons. The a pro n patt ern (G4 30 ) la cut In "Will you pe rmit me to orrer a no st reet. a ll ey. or avenue; h as no n eighbo rs: n eithe r o wns his home DO! sizes 2. 4. 6, 8 a od 10 ye ars . Me dium Huggeslion '!" size r cqu Ir es 1 ~ ya rds of 27 or 36 "Ce rta inly. s ir; cprtn lul y. We pa ys r ent. Hhou l<l bl' 1ll 0Rt \l ap py to ba ve vou." Out on lb t' e xtrem e e nd o f one 01 In c h mat e rial. T? proc ure thi s pnttern Rend 10 Cf'nts "We ll. the n, let somc o nc el B~ ma ke th e longest pi e rs In th e Hudso n riv e r to, P a ttern DC IJartme nt: ' (' r thl ~ Jll! Jer th ere Is pe r ch ed a tiny bu ilding • '\\ rlt o na me ano.! tHidress plnlnly anul U,; 'eul ." wrou g ht of corruga ted Iron . a nd reo sure t o "I ve sizo a nti n unlbe r u ( 'l.Jut t to rn. A W~nder. se mblin g Illo r" n ea rl y a bo mh-proo l " Hav e you ever n otic ed one odd sh elter tba n a peace able dw elling . SIZE-__ . __ -.. __ _ •• NO. 6430. t h in g a bo ut blunt peo ple ?" This s trange little apartm en t. never· NAME _._. __• ___ _____ • __ ._. __••• ______ ••• _ " What Is th at?" th ele,;s. Is fltt ed with all t h e com· "They are t h e on es who generally forts and luxuries that combine to TOWN . . .. ___ ._. _____ ____ ___ .. _.. __ ___ • __ ••• com e to th e polnl" make a bach elo r 's exis te nce Buffe l' STRE ET AND NO. ____ • ___•• _••• __•••. •••• abl e . R ich r sh eaths tb e wu li s, UaDlr SClbool Chlldren Are SIckly. h ea vy carpe ts lie und erfoot. a pla no STATE_. ______ ••• __.......... ___ •• _•••••••• 8~Udre D who a re delicate . feve r l8 h aDd c ros s stands In th e corne r. ca pacious : a'-I. !.fnmell ln,le r e U.. , trom Muth e r G ray" we et. Powd er s (o r C hildren. 1.'key c lean l"o the leathe r cha irs offer th e comfort 01 ~tlIDl",c h . a ct 0 0 th e II.e r , and ar e- r ecomm e nded qui et e ase , while an excell ent man· t o r ,'ompln,loin g c llUd r e n . A ple a Ra n t rem edy How Cat Ca,uled Fire. Dorm ~8 Us rd b, htotll e r s (or 241enrtt At se rvant obe ys and antlclpatee tile '! . t • • il:>c . S ample VH E ll:. AddM.., A cat ca used a fire In a d welling _ , B • rO"11I'1I' m tn ·eel. Le R o)" N . y , Ad v. s li ghtest whim, The occupaot ot thIs small domicile bou se at Port Olallgow. (Renfre w). r eIs a nava l otncer on e xtend ed fur· cently . A hot cinder tell on th e cat High freque ncy electric apparatus lough, who controls and directs the lying In front ot the hea rth. The anI- haa ben In ve nte d for th o use of barmultifarious Indus tries of the pier. mal darted under the hed. and t h e cin- hers In mB.8saglng and shampooing. welcomes the great ocean liners BS der fe ll amon g some clothlr.g and set th ey warp Into th eir havens, dis- the place on fire. No thougbtfnl pel'8OD llM8 4quld blue. It'l a pinch ot bl ue In a Iari8 bot Lie of wa&ar patches them ae they are towed out .AlII. for Rod Cro.. Ball Blue. Ady. . Inlln\lltlon. Into . the rlv er's flood. attenda to every "I hope ),ou will be succes s ful and want or the transatlantic travelera. The pteople who ftsh for compli· and holds absolute 'dominlon over his bring home soma ~sh." said Mrs. Fly. ments uisually ftah in IIhallow WlIter. caster. "Ne.ver fear. ' · I'm the boy little maritime world . that can get them If there's any to be found, " "Yes." IIhe emfled remiAll Puffed Up. niscently. "and 'you'd better take your "The town ot Plunkvllle 1"8 all perked pocketbook. You can't catch .f1sh €oIor IOOtU .up, - And over what?" !.ou without CIty Star. .room; .. "Dunno. Gilt a: new pitcher fer the I • MID;" NeIUe told berself. "It b&ll team r'" for iie,Gnti4 DeTer think or a "Nope_" ~~l'; lUItu~ .1Id like IDe, but....I "What !s...1t then




Remarkable Domicil e Provided by tha Government for Use of One of Its Offlclala.

... rOlli.

IsYour Body Poisoned?

c hurch try in g to nnd a congen ial con· gregat lon , an d tlnally h e st e ppe d In a




"eft at Hom •• R I! h ad beleo aroun d fr om chu rch to

AN ILLINOIS CASE P.t't'f'V PIct ure 1't:l , u "''''''1.1 .''

ChA. rlr-a 'P!a.ate1".

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N ea rl y n.f1, bad n.A dtfltempe r . Cotl t IO U too mo e.ll Loo k bH.d - bn.d , Dun '" phYS IC ' ern to death. C: ur~ \\'tl l rCIII O 'f"C the ' ''QrnJA. lmpro'\"e tbf' appe ll te cI t u llt.' ("III up Il il ronuf l, a l il l dCllI ' \ "p b ) ' tJ ' c," A r UJ 0 0 ffl n.ndM a.nd 'bl:!s..

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wl t.b e n. h Utltll e . Gnd BOlli. by c..ll dru gfClsl.a.



Goohen. Ind .• U. S. A.

C h ~mloto .

The Wretchedness of ,Constipation

Writer In Indi a na Newsp a pe r Has Some Pertinent Re marks to Make on th e Su bj ect.

Can Quickly b e o vercome by


No Incons ide rab le b ody of ph ys ic ians a n d tb ese not or anyon e school rua DY even of t h e " r egul a r prOfeSS Io n:: a re b eginning Re rlou s ly to ques tio n wh et h el' "ger ms" a re th e greatest. o r . as somo h o ld . t h e on ly cll u se o f dlsC8.8e. T h e Un Ite d States do parl men t or ngr lcu lture hus Iss ued a bull e tin " to de t ermlnCl th e bes t way o f pBS · te url zln g m illt so 8S to kill t h e d is· e ase ge r ms nDd yet not gl \'e tbe m il k a cook e d flavor o r les.qen Its nu tr iti ve "alu e. " 'Wh e re are Sukey an d dea r o ld nossy of yester day? Gone. w ith · out eve r hav In g entcrtal n ed th e sl\ s h t· ost s usp ic io n th a t the ir lacten l p rod· uct was 110t a bovo r e proucb . T he n s cie nc e co m es Into ca s t dou bt upo n a ll th eIr da u gh te rs. " A b ealtby cblld ." says tbe H omeopatblc E n voy. "grow· ing u p w h e r e ge r ms swar m becomes a st ro ng m a n . whil e a noth e r fed OLl PHSteu r1zed m ilk a nd gu ard ed by ·sterlllz· a tlo n' may grow u p a weak li ng. Why? Give It u p! Perh ap s th er e a r e tund amenlal cau ses not r ecogn ized by til e th eoris ts . If m ilk will cause di sea se will b eati ng mak e It w h olesomo? It milk Is pure, w Ill not heatin g cause It to lose Its bes t nutriti ve qualIti e s ? It tb e go rms co me from th e co w. why u se b er mil k? It th ey cOlll e fro m witho u t . why Dot k eep tb em out IDs t ead of killing th em aft er th ey g e t 10 the mllk ?"-lndl a oapolls Ne ws.


P urely vegelahle -act surely and 8ently on the liver. Cure BiIiousness, H ea d ache Di zz i: ness. and Indigestion. They do their duty. , SMALL PILL. SMAll, DOSE. SMALL PRIG&. Genuine must bear Signature



/~~ - -


Important to Mothers Examine carefully every b ottle at CASTORIA. a Bate and sure remedy for Inlants and ch11dren, and He that It Bearathe ~--Signature of rn Use For Over 30 YelU1l


CbjJdren Cry for Fletche;;"s Castoria Easily Seen. "Your minis te r Is a good man but h e' n n eve r make a groat p rea ch e·r." "Why Dot ?" " Beca u se a nybo d y can un de rsland ev eryth ing h e says ." An In.plratlon. "Oood gracious Em· why .old , • u you start tb ose gi rls g oin g? No w tb e y're a ll exclte dund all ta llt lng nt o nce," ' It

That's what I did It fo r.

I' ve got

to In ve nt n new class yell."


The Weapon. I WOU d lik e to shoo t all goss ip-

ers ." "Th e Ll a proper weapo o would b o a r e pea ting rifl e."

TTH••• W PIt ... Cp.U.DY, • ., .•~.. ... HERA ION UtlediDF.....'.

Hotpltal.....r.ILv~:,' ...... ~~::!,cuM~~-:.~~l:~:~::;t~~I~o~ag:. .... LO.TVlGO. ""ce....

. OUO.... OC" •

CH.o .,CWU.......

• "U"A" IT. Maw ToOltOCLn. . t. ..



TRT HI WD KAO • • ' T AIT&L&Q)poa:..o: aA.&Y TO or ....

THERAPIO.,. r,:~,:~~"", axs aa o. T il AT TIlA D& .",...It.1> WORD ''tN_UPtON '


Good Men Wanted :'0 :'J'!":-: to retail S316 actur" in" n. nt.omobtl 811

IHUlipio ea r n ow ; l, "",rllrrrllu r r &\"' 0 0 ; " ri ta

f r



OO~DlI 8~I:DU~~:~l~,~a:

f Q f OQ. t.l o Ktl~

and ... Iea plaQ. Billa Tomple, Do~rot .. All.

Coul!ha com~ from innnmed Bronchi nl ~ Ada,e , . ~a les l"'pL, !o( ~~e •. D~a~ • .MentholnlNi C O Ull " l)roJl8 the l1TItntlon-6c Ilt all Vrlla S torCB. YOUR OWN NAME 00110 81&D1 tn bIt, I. t.....

~IC tbew 11.'

Sead name

rt Is pro pose d t o ha rn ess tb e Ohio _ ~. ~.. - J ,. river n ear Louisville to ge n erate e lec- OYER 100 trlcal p owe r . YEARS OLD


:~~eiJd~c&lttir ~~~~::

16sra, Phlladelpbla, Pa.

Pettit:s Eve Salve

Keep Your Horse Sound and Well Learn to know his ailments and treat them yourself. Our free booklet .. Veterinary ~xperience," telrs d early ho~ to correctl dlagnose and curcyour horse's sickness wig

Tuttle's Elixir It Never Fans

Tuttle's Elixir, Tuttle's Hoof Ointment Tuttle's C d" Powders, and other Tuttle Remedies are u~ b h on abOD


everywhe re.

orse owners

Don't risk the value and life of your horse--al .... Eli'lir ill the stable. ways WI", Tuttle..


Buy a bottle "f Tuttle', KUru ted y ~"a'id.&1.... hu It-If ' not. I\Ind lllbl.nam.ADdeoc.Db .. .I.e bOttle prepa1d, ail<l .. copy of " V.terID'::;D~rI~==

'l'tJ'lTl.rS D.IXIR CO.. 11 Ik:VCl'i3{ Street. ~t""


THE MIAMI QAZETTE, WA Y'NESVlLLB, OHIO ~---.----- _ _ __ _ __ __

_ __ _- - : I · _ _ _ _ _



- - ---- O



!Per~onal"~entio~l ! Th~:



fill' Cluu mos t I 11lI~ p l ta lJly f'lItN L:u ne,l, un Friday t' har 1" 0< ~, ·I I\,: " .. lz all d .·UII " I' Leb· : !lflt'l"n ')(lIl. b~ Mr!=!. J . F . Cadwa lla · 11 111111. aI'" l'I'PI' l ill;.!" H Il la!'l~ I\' L' 1lI1)nu. 1 ./ I'r . Afll'r "o rd illl j{l"cf'tin g-s th e :\ s a ~cspon s ible- Safr and Permanent Ij"ll'lll Ul) III,· IO l "I' 1ft" I:,l,' \\"illi a lll ' l' rl'"i d" "I, ~I r:\. F. II . Fa r r l'a ll .. .! tllP C reamery, :-I n ti thc 11I 0~ t p roli tabl e tu ~ hip t n II 1 1':1" " ill 1 1:1 Iii " ''' ,1 ,'1,'1'' ,:" ",'l j ll ;~: "" I"II l' r . '1'1,,' lil',,1 1lIIl ll her " I' 1111' prog-ram t\11 ' '\Ilol "" /:1 11 '.1 11""" 1" I 'I I ,.".u /c r l uo"k I'I L .. .I.', hI", ( .ar\\'a ( ,· 1 1I11l1 111 ~ I, ( ,' , ' III,'" ,I I' I \, . . , ' . '. ,11 1 ' . ,I" I. ,, '" " I 'h ,· \'l,:trola alld f:II'OI'ed Ci ncinnuti, Ohio Capital Stock $75,000 L" ,\' Ila lL I V. :I: , "f l.a',lr,·1I il l, ' , \ II,j . I1 " 1.eal II \.1111 " IIy I .Ig ' It" " , 'I'" I:I' /.I l'~ WIl 1 a n.f .1 ,,11:1 I(flll1;\II'''.I·, " I' \ ,·ni:1 . al · .1/1,1 " \\,Ilt'I'l~ 'he l{i\'L' r ~I!ann on Evcry sh ippcr deals dil 1' 1 with li S , tl lI r pr il'l: kl ltl~d II", fllll('r:ti u f' j\lr~. 1.:11'1' (-""' II .. " is :\/ . 1. \', 1.: 1{,' \\'l' ~el' l'\Try ~ h i p per '~ Sl':illl iln !\! undn\' . . e n 'a tll . l cst thl' ~alt1ph ' lI t1 lrt (' diat l'ly, a far I I'SI"1l151'!-\ til roll ca ll wel'e anec· mar C' til' cu ra te way th a n I,y dl'p elldill'!-: ltpo n II Mr. :lnd Mr". I-: Ii:\~ (I ~ I, '.I"',, :111.1 I" I, 'S ,,!, Iri" h wit, Mr~ . De\'iLL read Stll llll satllp l!' whidl ha ~ l'I'l.' 11 IIn llled fu t a u :\\· d:\ugh l PI' ,\l i,,~ .IIIsq ,I.ill l' ~ I I, I \I is" .I ,·"lI tilllJalillll ,If th" anilllatl'd and o r so hy the rOlltl' ti t i\'t:r ll efo n : t esting . N ' l t ie Og l,'shL'" alt "lId, '.! :t d illlwr 11'11 I~' ~ 11 ' r.v "Through Ireland in a " ar ty 1)n Sal llrda.l· with :'I l r. :\11.1 lallnti l1l-:' ('a r .·' \.ly S. l;. Hayn e . A ~lr!l . Ct,/ "in I )glt'~h,'" :Il1d d :llI ghlPr p:ll'c r llY Mr". Lindl ('y Mendenhall. November A vera~e 33. 1.c. A li Ct' , o f Sp ri ng- VHll t'Y . " l rt 'iand lI un\p T!u1 c:' \va::; nlost in , 1"I'l'sting- allli ins tru cliv C' . Mrs . J . Sp? t Cash is paid fo r e\'t' ry shiplllcut nlld Free Mr. ;trlfl ;\lr ~ . . 1",· I,:tili l'. :'III'S. \\' . Whit e rl'ad an 'x ccll e nt paper, Trml Cans are sent prc pai d 0 11 rl'qu es t. La u ra !lld \ a ll"Y , :\l j,." :\lI na T Ul l l,' . ":-;" ntch a lld Iri sh IIl U';iL' cOlllpared ," 1\lr. ItHlph 1','rH'l' , " r I lay I n il . :! ', d wh ich shllwed wi lle r('sea rch ami inIf you have 5 gallons of cream a week, ship us or write to-day . Mi ss Vprllnit-a ;\ \I ·)iar\1'\,. of J at·hu n. I . I' e~ t in hpr s uhj e ct l\l ic~li).tan , "p"11 1 ' l 'h;lIlb!'i l' i ll ~ II ith Iluring' th ~ ~uc ial hour, one ould l\lr. a lld ~1 r~ I','rr\' PI 'llI' l' . IH'ar th(' pl'lwe roial pin drop. while I\ lr . Cadwnllad('r g a ve u ~ a concert Th . r" I'il a l IIlt·,'1 ing al t hl' Chris· r------------------~------------, t ian eh lll'i·h II'ill h") ' ill Sat lirti a.1' IIf ex quisite mu sic on the vict rola . , e vening, D('I ·,'IIdJtJr l:lL h, a t 7::10 Th e ladies lin g'~ red long- over Ule de· Fe nl ll lluHI F. SI'h ull z, of Ironton . l i c i"lI ~ IUI1('h So bounLifully 8e rved Ohi o. will con dllt' l t he .-<l'r\·il'es. 1\ 11 IJY th l' ).!'I·nial hWlleM, assisted by h er are co nlin ll y ill vitt'd to ('o rn e a nd nil'cL' , Mi ~s Lilf'. and IIl r!=!. E. V. l:al'll hart. bri ll),! yo ur fril· nd .-< .




The T ri-State Butter Company



•• • • •.






Our Price This Week is 34 cts.


3rd A.,nual Fall Sale of

Jersey Cattle Saturday, December 6th, 1913

A family d infl e r al till' IlOn1l' of 1l\1r . and I r~ .. 1. \V . t::.lwa rtl s was en· joyed hy i'll'S. !'Ill1l lil' I·:tlward ,; ancl da ll ghl(' r ~. :\lr . and l\ 1 l' ~ . Will Rus ~ lIm ar.d da ng'hlp r. l\1 c!'srs. He rbert Edward" und 1\1111e r, of Dayton. Mr . ami ;\Ir ~. n . J . Edward ll. l ;. W. lI awlw lI ml famil y.


. - .---




Gasoline fa gines 1 NEW ERA, 6 hp p., run less than 2 weeks, guaranteed same as new. Price . . . Less Than One Half. 1 NEW ERA, 4 h. p., pra.ctically $65.00 new. Price ,. . 1 4 H.P., manufactured by Saunders & Co., Dayton, Ohio, fine condition. Price . . $55.00 These Engines are not cheap engines that have been thrown away but are high grade engines and are bargains. 1 Small Steam Engine and Boiler~ at Less Than Price of Fitting.

',. ."

Th e Ladi es ()f the Dorca ~ Society of th e M. Po . chul'ch gave a measur· at NEW VIENNA, OHIO. illg party at I{ogers' ha ll Thanks· ... .............. . . .................... ... .............. ... -g iving night. A large crowd came 10 be measured hy Mr, Rubert Cross i.IIlJ Mr. Kobe r t Crew who stationed th emse lves at the uoor with the very Consisting of 19 Fresh Cows, 2 near fresh. l ate~t in vent ion in m easuring de vices 1 Ye.a rling Bull and 4 high grade Heifer Calves. ADD RE SSED MED ICAL SOCIETY The ve ry (J1l:.~ue feature of the party - -- was that a person 6 feet tall paid less 15 Registered and of high grade. If interested, M i ~s Po\'alyn Fnnkey d eli vered a than one :3 feet 7 inches tall. Much write for pamphlet. lectu re before the Chemical CongresR good natured fun wa~ enjoyed by all of Su rgeo ns, las t Thursday in Chi· p resent. The art gallery was a com. cago on the wor k she has u eet! doinr. p lete success , several dollars being INST ALLED OFFICERS OVER A TON OF PORK in medical catalog-inR' and indexing. realized a.'I a result of this innova____________~J I ll er subj ect was "A me thod of med· tion. The n et receipts of the enter. Messrs, and Mesdames J. E J an- Mr . C. B. Bent/t'Y shipped two car ieal indexing and the care of Huspi· tainment were between $60 and $65. ney, J. C. Hawke and C. M. Robitzer load s of extra fin e spring pil,!~ MOl . lal records," Mis;! Funkey ha" - - - __ ... - - li nd Mesdames A. B. Chandler. F. H. day . The piJ,{s w!~re boug-ht of s pecialized in medi cal catalogin g and HUNTING NOTICE I NEW POLICY OF CO.OPERATION J, O. U, A. M, MEETING Farr and Maybelle Fitzgerald mu- Messrs . George al1J Elias Oglesbee , her work is we ll k n(,wn to the ph y· lored to New Burlington and at· at a fancy price, and ave raged 266 sicians of Chicag-o . The following have their farms The Junior Order Uni ted Ameri- tended the installation uf officers for pounds each in wehrht. The Agricultural Commissi on of posted, and hunting on the same will can Mechanics held a vp.ry interest· a new chapter of th e Order of the Ohio has promulgated a new policy \ poaitively be prohibited. NEW CHURCH COMING ing meeting . Tue!!day night, after Eastern Star at that place Tuesday of co-operation with the farmers and Seth Furnas. VERY FINE FRUIT which they went to W, C. Phillips', evening. Mrs. Hawke acted as in farm erll' organizations of the state, The new church enterprise of the Martin Gons. where an eiegant oyster supper was stalling officer. After the work. a Isaac Wilson_ This policy is to combine the two Melhodist society is progressing I. Satterthwaite sumptuous ban q u(>t was serveu. We are indebted to H. A. Murray positions of county agent. or coun- very sali8fadory . Peo ple are re- served , -------. ------All report a splendid time . I for Borne extru fine apples from the sellor. and Ihe superintendent of th e sponding ge n e ro u ~ ly . Th e ther· - - - -- - . fruit farm of his brother J. C. PRIVATE SALE county t'xperiment farm, and will mometer at this writing gtandS at Murrlty, of Rogers, Ark. confirm appoin t ments to the posi- $7500. Th e co mmunity is showing THE YOUTH'S COMPANION - --offer at private sale, 1 good I will tion of county counsellor in such q uite an interest in this very worthy CALENDAR FOR 19J.t heating stove. 1 extension table , 2 , counties only as have voted to es- unde r:aking. The people are ap· Our Funny Language, A 1I1eel)er Is ooe who 8le eplI. ~ t ablish county experiment farms . preciating the effurts of the church standEl, 1 wash stand, chairs, clock, The publishers of The You th's .Ieeper 18 tliat In wh ich a 'sleeper An effort will be made to have the peop le to add to th e re lig ious lit e of bedding, dishes, and other articles not mentioned. Call from 2 to 4 at Compani on wi ll , as always at this Bleeps. A skepe r Is that on whlob general assemLly provide funds for the community and also to the beauty the sl eep er rUfl~ while thl' Hl eepef' cornpr of High and Third sts. or season, present to every 8ubsc rib er Ble eps. T lt p,r for e, wlltl c tb c Hle llper the payment of salaries of s uch oU- of the vi llage 'fhl! committ ee is Alice Frame. whose subscription is paid f or 191 4 , sleeps In th o ~ l e~ Jl';! r til .. ~ k l~ p " r car· perintendents and counsellors, by ve ry bu sy visiting- t he people . being phone 54·3 . a Calel1dar for the new year. It is a rl es th e sle('j)er u nl ll tl'" Klp(' per, the state . d esirous of commencing tile bui ldi ng gem of calt>ndar-making . The decor· whi ch cl1rri e~ tit ,· ,. ice p" r, JtI I1I1'H th e The commission also will encour· ("OTeowIN lTORQ) in lhe ear ly spring. USE FOR SHOPPING GLOVES ative mounting is rich, but it is sub· sleepe r afl d ws\! r" ti le s leeper In thb , , _ • . eotsct mid. to lit you, Ask lor I age the eo-operati ve buying 2nd ijleep l'r by strlklll ~ Ih,' sll'epe l' under clemoaltraUoa_ Telcpboac or ecad postclrd to H'TII ng a l:Ia rrel. ordinated to the main purpose to the sloep.. I' 0 11 ti\(' ~ Io' l'pcr , un rl Ibere selling of agricultural produc ts and Mr. C()mpton's Simpler Method at Bar'rhe g ro o l' ('~ In a rill u bll r1' pl are ;Mrs. Sadie Zell produce a 'calendar that is u~e ful. gain Counter Rejected With tho Ie no lon gor allY s lpc' l! for llw Mleeper supplies, It's agents and employees






Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co. Phone 105

WaynesviHe, Ohio.



---- - -



.. ..

... -.- --





Phone 126, . wayne.vllle, O• .

mad e with Hj)eelal maehiH t' ry. Dnd un-

are inslructed to teach the principles less on e h u!! this h I' could Hot do tho of co-ope ration and t o assist in or· work propprl y, no matt ,'r how skill ed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~ ' ganizing farmers into co-operative he wUS. \\'Il l' n lh n g roov" !:1 of a rlfte associations , but in n o case shall an barre l are lill pd with I('od It I ~ u ~ ual1y nece ss n ry lit Ii" ve :UI e xpe rt gu nsm ltb employee of the AgricultUral Oom- clean th e m out. mission serve as finan cial officers of co· operative organizations. Its 8i[ents !!'!!!!"--~--...,.-~~~!'!!!!~~~~ and employees may secure prices and advise as to quality but in no casEl shall they recommend or indi cate a preference as between perl-IOnS, firms I or corporations manufacturing or I We have fuur Gold Watches that we will g-ive to the Hooslers or selling- allY agricultural products or ; to pe n,!' )lJ 1I who are nut HoosI suppli es , or make con tracts for the ten, . They wil l bl! given durpurpo~e or sal e of the same. I ing til(' nex t si xlCf!n week" III th ~ f(ll l uwin~ wa v: The Agricultural Com mi ssion of ~ter at .89.2 11 le., thtln t h" m .... u· Ohio is a new de part ment of the : Olle Wa tch will be g iven pach facture"' . lowelt fll()tol")' IlrIIJ~* I fOllr c()n ~ec uti\'e w eek~ after state g overnment wh ic h recently , the cou n t. on Monday lJec. 8th took over the work heretofore done ; t o an y individual who ('asts t he most U"uste r Cuu puns d urir.g by the state board of agriculture, : lhe pe r iod of fuur wee ks . All the secretary of the sta te board of I Coil pons cast in lh ese r'lllltes t~ agriculture. the boarri of live stock , cou nt on t. he G rund Pri ze fo r commissioners , the board of control I I he hest Boos ter ill the Uooste l' of the state agricultural experiment Cluh Ca mpaig n , but a ll Boos· terR ~la r t even in eac h Wa tc h station. t he s tate dairy and f ood ! r nn te "t. Thus <)ach Booster commis.9ioner, the commission of fish high v I' ivw in th e club ha:; the Iand game, the state board of veterin- ' ;;arn •.' " p pu rlllni ty in each ary examiners and the state board walch cll nt c::!t . Any p ~ rso ll NeYer before has "nythln g IiIw thlo \)pcn of pharmacy, except those duties of having won a watc h will not attempted. Do .. lers I5ctla.IJO" month r ent !Or be alluwed to entE,r the foll ow· tb1ll of machine not nearly a" I.erlect "' the latter as examining board. The ~be one we wUl send you. l\nd ! ' O U l my onl,Y ing watch cont est , ne ithe r TWO DOLLARS A MONTH AND O WN IT. memLers of the Commission are: may any me mb er of the fami8END YOUR NAME AND AnDRESS Hon. A. P. Sandles, president. form· ly of a winner . ON A POSTAL CARD ANI) \VI': Don 't fo rget our I'ostal Card WILL ARRANOE A TUREI': D,\l' H' er Iy secre t ary 0 f th estate b oard of contest and don't forget we TRIAL WITUOVT COI:iT TO ~OV . agriculture ; Hon . S. E. S trode, have the largest stock of grono~~f~'i:~.:~gh~~~ o~nl.i~·r,~~m~~e~~n)~'l.'r'~~i f ? rme rly dairy and . f?od commis· ce rie2 and o ur prict>.8 are alw this orrer. Just \.hlnk ot buyloll Hucb " SlOne r ; Hon. C. G. Wllhams. agron· way s t he low~s t New goods ' for only $7 .7~ down and 12.00 " • . • mon\.h for live montlul. Thous"nd. at l)eOllle omlst at the state experIment statIOn ' in every dav . New Candies, .1>.... e pald $100.00 cub for Smith Premit,,... IH H C P' d f h C ' Nuts. Fruits an!1 other good It .. St"ndard. b y mon)' con..ldorcd the he.~ on. . . rice. ean 0 t e ollege things to eat coming in. We :;:rI,;e~l~;:rb~~~' fO~ ~fla~?~lIent~~ Ct~·~~ ) of Agriculture at the Ohio State will place on s ale Saturday 1; 'b1l1l\ Into 'he mllchlne. tUting cnrrlalle. comes University BenJ' . F G.yman 'toO JOU ,..IUI t.001& rubber cover. e"ernblnl! '" , articles at prices that will sur·COIIIplete. It runs beautifully, Is slmr,le Ilod I formerly chief inspector in the state prise you, Come in and see. and wlU hu t .. lifetime. We huve sold • 1aQD4re~ Qf like machlllea lind cye n ' body Is dairy and food department, is gecreBring your friends. Save your coupons. It pays to trade at ~.,: .5 OrdeN wlU bo filled 011 twa taryof the commission. The general ...... AOT TODAY TO IlE SlIBI!!. offices lire at Columbus. . . Send Jour name !lnw. TODA Y . You ' 0IIII" looee. aDd I... Ule greMest economlcaJ. ,""writer oP'llOHUDI~r YOU wlU ever lui Te.

A Typewriter Sensation






.. ~

, Poetical Hugo, The clouds-the only birds that '11M•. ,,~ . . . . . ." ~ !Uq.. DartGD.. 0. . jar sleep.-Hu~~.



la.tiaDal Typewriter at Repair Co. .~




Scorn It Deserved.

From hlB caBY chair Mr. Coplpton 'Watche d his wife putting on n pa tr of tan gloves. "At'(, n' l th cy too large for you Y" h e asked lazll y. "Oh , no. not for shopping gloves," said Mrs. Compto n, and with her fingerB off the tahle, s he rllu a Bcale up and down Bf've ral tlmeB. "I have to be ablle to d l'l that. you see," she ex· ptaln ed . "Do 11 n " 01' exe rcises? What tor?" asked Mr. ('oml'lon. "Those uron'! fln ge r exercises." Mrs. Complon's color deepcned aB, taking 01T I he ~ I oves . s lo e b c~a n to s mooth a nd strei ch Ihe ftn ge rs. "Those are--why, they're calculnt\olls, He nry. Don·t you see, If I start downtown with tell (I ollars. and go 10 lhe Bilk cou nte r and flnd two love ly remnants, one for three dollars und one tor four and a hair, I ,,"'a nt to reckon up at once, und erncalh th e, how much they'll como to, Rnd how much I'll hwve left. And last week I missed a gre .. t bllTgu ln bocnuse I ha d on some tight. g loves and I couldn't reckon. I hadn't expe('led to go 10 the Bale," "All," sllld Mr. Com pton. " Why not ask th e clerk to reckon It for you T" "Hen ry!" crted hlB wlte. "At a bargtlln C'ounte r! 'rh e clerk! Why, nobody but a man would ever think of Bucb a thing for 8. mlnute!"-youth'e -. ~~........-- -

MUlllclan's Devotion to HI, Art. In 18a8 Ro be rt Schumann wrote to Clara Wieck : " I have give n Beveral hours. hard study every day to Bacb and Beethoven. nnd to my own work. and conscientiously managed a large corresponde nce. I am a young man ot twetlty-elght. with a very active min", and an artist, to boot; yet for eight yeaN I have not been out of Saxoll1, and huV'{) bee n Bitting stili and saving money, without a thought of Bpendlng It on ~Imusement."



Another "Limit." --The stingiest man In Jamestown. the O:ptlmlst says, loats around the drug BOOre In the hope that the odor of ~ drugs will cure hi. oold,-KaD-

~ .P1Q:.11m"



sleeping In th e s leepe r 011 lhe sleeper.

German Curea,

In Germany un e flnd s all kinds of cures. Every enterprising town has one. Orlen tb p cure bouse Is Lbe fin· est public building In tlie city . A Ger. man talks of going to his cure IlR an Arne t'lcan o f going to hlB vacation. 'rhere are milk cures IIlld mud cur es, wind cures filld water cllres, mo untain cure ~ and SUI'f CUl'eB ; but my choice Is tlie fore~t cnre. Not only do es It hest pi ea se my person al tlls t e but I notice Ihat It gets the most seriou s CUB('s- those where radlcnl and heroic eu res nrc needed . FIrat ot all the re are tbe tltbp.rc ulosls patie nts s tr ewn ahout 011 th eir cots und er th e pun~e nt s h arl e ~ of th e HInck Forest ns about Dr. 'rTildenu's camp In the Adirondacks. Tbe n the re are th e de votees of Indigestion a nd rh e nerVOll8 w l' e c k~ , bll· lous, alcoholic nnd Hoclet.y wrecks, drug fiend s, bridge fle nds nnrl e ver'y. body: that Is eve ryoody who can spenrl tho time nOli mon ('y to come hither tor' th o rOl ",~ t cltre . Nalurp lIy In Germany. DB In Am~rh'D, fotks Wll0 have to work And su pport famtllel eannot afford to be ~ured . Th ey can't even all'ord th e rll ~ ense In the first 1IIace.-WomDn·R Home Companion.

.- ..

- --

The Hat Questi on In 1790.

Comp~ltIlon . -

- - - ...

Th e Hafll!o'! ft '. ·I;1' I ' ''!s originally given In WE'Rt ",I!!,. ,; ,. '.! ,I",y , anrl the ofllclal notl u ". ! ': .. ., . ,mn ced tllat "no ladtes will ue adlllitted with hatB, and they are partl cularl)' requested to comp. without realherfl and ve ry small DOOPS, ' If any." As ecclcAtRstl cal law demands that female worshippers shilll oover their h earls In church, tht s regulation ""as curiously anomalous. A suggestion In r egard to lad les' hea6gear was also made bv Sir Frederlo Cowen In 1906, wh en h ~ gave It as hie opinion that the IRcllp.s might discover In their wardrobe so mo "extremely. fascinating fiat hats," which woul<! Dot obstruct the view, The "fasclnat- . .111« flat hats" were, however, chieflY cenllplcuou~ by their absence, owliit prellumably (we write lIubJect to fem· Inlne correction) to the fact tbat the hat not amon« the flUlhiou . _ ~ ~~Il ~~


Ord er.

Order Is t he san.!ty of t h e mind, tho henlth of th o hody, lhe peace ot the city. the securt ty o f lilA stat e. As tho beams of t h o hou ~: •." us thu bones to th e mtcroc08Ul of mun, so Is order to all thlngs.-SoutheY'.







NewBeans, Hominy, Rice, oats", etc. and a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Try , a can of Chili Con Carne. ,


The gual an teed shoe - The '-Wabasha" and "Big Indian" Work ShoetJ , for winter wear.



t n :;, Ball Band gum buot, particu-' larly adapted t o hard wear, Ball' Band Rubbers, Arctics , Felts,etc.



Corduroys, Ove ralls' and Work Shirts, Coat Sweaters, Winter Caps.etc.


Quality Goods and Prices Right.

·Henderson Bros. Corwj~,








+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - e

, Former Citizens

IN SCHOOL CODE A conferenc~ held in Colum.


r·-···· . . ·-·--·· . · . . . _.. . . . . ···_···· · · . · . 1 r-..· · . . ·--.. . _ . ·. . . .·. i II: Personal Mention Column .1i i ·· ···~-~·-


- - _ .. ......... -


Whole Number 3241 STATE~ STLIDENTS


e - __ - - - - - - - .

: Social Events ,.

..... .... ,

F'allowing' out a mOVf' ment reo e -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • cently inst igatcd by the Ohio State - - --Un iversity A ~'\oc iation (an organ iza· H >Ien Marlatt entertained several tion compoRe,1 of Alumni·students of her young fri end s Friday evening. and Ex· student:;) to hold an annual reu nion in each county in the State Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and • . Mr. H. S. Warwick has been em· proposed school legislation and com· Mrs. Emma Dakin spent Friday in Mr. David Thoma~ left for Florida of Oh io, and in a ll th e large cities in son took Sunday dinner with Mr. played as an Agsistant Sicretary of promises were agreed upon. Xenia. Friday. oth er !:ltates, the third "Ohio State and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt. th e Columbus Chamber of Commerce. It was agreed to permit three Mr . and Mrs. G. W. Hawke. Mr. Warwick for some time was school districts or less, having a Friday, Fish Day at White's Store. Fresh OY)lters and Celery tuday at Day" celebration was observed in one hundred or more places in the Misses Elizabeth Carroll and Emma manager of Ohio Union. and is now regularly organized system under 'White·s. United States'on Saturday evening. Heighway were guests of Mrs. Fred Hawke was in Cincinnati Secretary of O. S. U. Alumni Associa- supervision to continue as such . Amanda Wright and daughter Miss Mrs. W. H. All en was in Ci ncin nati November 29 th. tion ; Eusiness Manager of "Ohio Thill will prevent the radical change Monday. TheBe celebrations are for the pur- May at supper Sunday evening, State University Monthly;" Secre- in the local school system whieh has You can get a Rain Hat at Barn- Tuesdav . pose of all Alumni and former stutaryof the Columbus Rotary Club been 80 strenuously opposed . An· hart's. Xmas Paper for wrapping pack. dents of Ohio State to get acquainted. Miss Ethel Hosier and M\!8IIrs. and President of the Men's Club of other clause allows local boards the . auun 1. d ance at J E. Jann ey's. Rev . and Mrs. Grauser were in ages m to keep in to uch with the present Ernest Rogers and Raymond Davis Trinity Church . right to employ their own superin· He hall been assigned to act as tendents instead of placing the power Dayton Friday. Mrs . S. D. Clayton was ia Dayt on con dition. Itrowth and needs of the were the guests of Miss Mary Salil. University, and enjoy the oppor· bury at an elegant three course 6 secretary of lhe membership com- in the hands of state officials. Good Candy in pretty boxes at Tuesday. tunity to meet with, eat. with, talk o'clock dinner, Sunday eVening. mittee and publicity secretary. In That two and three year certifi· Mrs. B. White·s. Expe lrt hand engraving at F'. B. with, sin g with. and jollify with each - - - --the latte~ capacity he will edit this cetes to teachera will be renewable other. STANDARD BEARE~S "bulletin." He will take up bis is a feature of the compromise that . ~alter Burnett was 8' Dayton 'Cary's. Lebanon. Ohio. The local assoc iation very fittin gly Roy Irons is in Columbus 0 11 busi· work early in December.-Monthly will be of interest to the teachers. vIsItor Saturday. celeb rated th e event at the Maple The November meeting of the Bulletin. A fourth clause states that superin- X mas T ags an d C,ard II at J . E. ness today. Farm Hotel at Lebanon with. a Standard Bearers was held at the tendents of three or more years' Janney's. See Mrs. B. While 's selection of sumptu ous banquet and a var1ed l home of the Misses Edith and Rachel successful experience must be placed HADES Twelve membel'll reMiss Clara Hawke visited friends Christma.:, Ca rds, Booklets, Stati on· program of songs, yells and after Sheehan. on the eligible list for employment. ary and Calendars. dinner speeches. in addition to the sponded to roll call . Instead of the in Morrow last week. The terms of the compromise re o My father was a liberal man. main addresses made by State Repre· usual missionary program the after. Special sale of Cut Glass at Cary's Miss Clara Hawke is visiting relamove, it .i~ believed, the chief ca~ses Outside the church's pale; sentative Hon. Earl E. Ertel of Cler- noon wsa spent in sewing and makI never went to Sunday school, o.f opposl~l~n to ~heprop?ged Jeglsla· Jewelry Store, Lebanon' Ohio. tives in Dayton. munt co unty and J . Marshall Mul- ing Christmas presents. An interesttlOn and It IS believed Will do much Nor learned to quake and quail, ing report on the missionary convenford of the Western Star. restore harmony In the ranks of J. O. Cartwrigbt transacted busiHave you seen th e line of Hosiery to When good men preached the holy Those present were: D. W. Col- tion held in Springfield was given by the educators over the state. ness in Lebanon last week. at Ba rnhart's. word John Hawke transacted business lett . W. L. Davis, Wm. P. Miller. H. Miss Grace Carman. At a aeasonWith condemnation fell, High Grade Gas Engine Oil. M. Benham. Roy E. Miller and W. able hour an elegant luncheon was in Springboro today . Because my father said there was DEATHS Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. W. Smelker. Lebanon; Roy W. Con· served. No devil and no hell. It was decided that we hold an Special sale on Umbrellas at {<'. B. over, Mason; C. J. Miller and J. H. The remains of Miss Bain, who Miss Emma Peacock, of Dayton. But that was many years ago; Miller. Franklin; Thos. B. Foster, open meeting in the M. E. church, Cary's Jewelry Store. Lebanon, Ohio. died in Cincinnati, will be broui/:ht to was a Waynesville visitor. Sunday. I've often wondered since, Foster ; C. Elmer Wylie. Cozaddale; the third Saturday afternoon in Waynesville Thursday morning on All kinds of Men's Neckwear at J~n S?eehan and daug hter were K. N. dough. C. E. Michener. H . N. December. A good Christmas proIf all the outer darkness haa the 7:62 train and burial made in Barnhart's. shoppmg m Lebanon Tuesday. No ruler and no prince; Bunnell, R. H. - Hartsock. Lee E. gram will be rendered. All ladies Miami cemetery. At any rate that other place Earnhart and Sam D. Henkle, Way- are given a cordial invitation to atFor the right present for the right Mr. RusseII White. of Dayton. . S f d'ed f h'd tend. Is not an idle name, Ml'II. MarIa ur ace I 0 typ 01 spent Sund with Walter EI . and person, you should see our complete nesville. -----.... ...---The following officers for the For I have sometimes walked therein, fever at her home 80uthwest of f ' l ay zey line of Ibooks, ranging in price from coming year are President, D. W. With torture and with shame. Waynesville last Friday morning. ami y. lOc to $1 .50. J . E, Janney. OYSTER SUPPER Collett. Lebanon; Secretary, C. E. The funeral was held in the Orthodox Our Books for Girls and Boys will . Pride stands besidE' the open door, The Lytle church will give an Through an overSIght. the na~e Michf'ner. Waynesville. Friends church Monday afternoon at certainly meet the approval of all Repentance comes too late; - -oyster supper at the Hall Saturday 2 o'clock, Rev. Wooten officiating. who know a ~ood thing when they of Gayle Evans! of the College Hill No prayers t!8n save us from the pain, evening, December 13. A short walJ made in Miami cemetery. see it. J. E. Janney. school, was. omItted frem the report Burial HARVEYSBURG INSTITUTE Relentless stern as fate. of the pupils who were neither abprogramme will be giv.en. The proIf once we are beguiled to buy Mr. Geo. Childers, of Dayton. was sent nor tardy last month . Chester M. Fletcher died at the The HarveJ sburg Farmer's In. ce.ed~ go on the piano fund. No~. A thing we all must use, home of his brother. Jam~ Fleteher, the guest of John Lemmon. over St. Mary's Guild will hold' the stitute will be held in the Town haUl ml8810n at the door. Everybody mA dainty pnlr that puts us in Tuesday morning of last week. The Sunday. annual market and sale in the Town- at that place Friday and Saturday, vited. The hell of pinching shoes. body was taken to South Charleaton, Watches, Chains. Charms. Dia· ship house Saturday, December 13. December 19 and 20. The State Laura V. Reed Friday morning, and the funeral mond Rings, Bracelets and Stick In connection with the market the FREIGHT CARS DERAILED speakers are J. S. Brigham, Bowling "WATCH THE THERMOMETERI" service was held in the M. E. church. Pins, at }<'. B. Cary's Jewely Store. Choir Guild will have fancy articlel Green; C. F Greene, Pataskala; Miss Interment in the South Charleston Lebanon, Ohio. Inez Plotner, West Mansfield. FolTwo freight. cars loaded with on sale. The Methodists are making stren- cemetery. lowing is the program in part: crushed stone Jumped. the track at uous efforts to bring the subscrip. Friday morning- Methods of Soil Lytle SU!lday everung delaying tion lists for their new church W. M: H.arford. aged about. 71 Improvement, J. S. Brigham; Rela. traffic for seve~!o.urs. - building enterprise up to $10,000 by I years, dIed m a New York h08Pl~1 next Saturday night. While the last week. Mr. Harford. a. son·m- ..... • ................. -_.. . • _ ... _ .. _ ....... _ .... - .... ... .. tive Importance of Live Stock, C. F. EASTERN STA~ Greene. Of entire mEmbership of the Church Ibaw h . the late Dr. Dakm and The Educational Congress that to come mostly from quarters which Friday p. m.-Use and Abuse of ,· d th rot er·m·law of Mrs. G. W. Hawke. . The Eastern Star met Monday e com· . P" I f h convened m Columbus on last Friday had some little local problem . But Commercial Fertilizers, C. F. Greene; have not been so IIClte. night in regular session. Degrees \ mittee are working valiantly and was at one time rmclpa 0 t e d few had a real message. So during Notes From the School Convention. are meeting with much encourage- Waynesville ~h?oll. He was an ex- an Saturday proved to be one. of the eVEming and on Saturday mornwere conferred on two candidates Mrs. Cora A. Thompson; Alfalfa, men t • very little oppositi'_n to the senatorI of Mlclllgan and also started t3e largest and most th e conven t'IOn was t h e scene 0f Soy Beans and other Legumes, J. S. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irons. Afterwards lunch was served. new building is ~heard. The people severa newspa~rs~ • educational meetings ever held in some highly ornamental and at times Brigham. R UNAWAY ACCIDENT Ohio. ,In fact it was conceded to be heated oratory. If a speaker had no fully realize that the project will not Friday evening- The Rural OutREV IVAL MEETING one of the most important ever held message he generally was permitted look. J. S. Brigham; The Modern only fill a long felt need of the church, but will be a great improve· On his way home from town last in our count.ry, to speak but a minute then to be Yard-Stick, C. F. Greene. The revival meeting at the Chrisment for the town . . Friday when at the Ab Evans farm. About 2500 d~legates representing co~pIE!tely drown:d out by the conSaturday morning-Ladies' Ses· tinn church will begin Satu~ ,~ . The t~rm~"?ete.r has agam been Charlie Smith's horse frightened at every section of the state were pre· fUSion sure to come. sion·- Remarks, By President Anna evening. December 13th. at 7:30. placed In posItIon l~ front of F . C. the push cart of a scissors grinder sent. Never before had representaOut of all the opposition seemed Stinson; House From Top to Bottom, . Ferdmand F. Schultz. of Ironton. ' S hiS Carey'~ shop and WIll be kept up to upsetting the buggy and throwing tlves of every section been invited to to come no suggestions better than I nez PI 0t ncr; Th e Oh 10 c 00 urOh' . All · H t C 10, Will cond uct t he servICes. the mmute. At nooll today the Mr. Smith with considerable violence convene and listen to proposed leg· already proposed. The dramatic vey. Les t er S . Ivms; ow 0 are rd' II . ·ted to d W I h' are co la y mVI come an Ch· k M M mercu.ry had reached $8250 and. the to the ground. Aside from bruises islation and to then ratify or reject came when a Cincinnati delegate F or L·ttl ~ e IC s. rs. ary e c , bring your friends. commIttee c~nfidently expect It to and subsequent soreness Mr, Smith the provisions. (JudgEi Sch ... ab) demanded to know QuestIOn Box, Conducted by Mrs. reach.the desired flO.OOO by Satur· escaped seriouR injury. The horae The lleasion was opened by Gover- where the money was coming from Cora Thompson. day mght. Watch the Thermometer! with shafts, detached from the bug- nor Cox in a very forceful and to carry out the new proposed reSaturday p. m.-Soil Maintenance, Inllnuatlon. . h "I hope you will be aucc:e..fU1 ell • - gy was caught at Will Cornell's ap. earnest speech. The way it was f?rms. The governor asked permis· C. F, Greene;. Id eal Kltc en. Inez br1nc home lome flab," .... d )In. n,.. parently but little frightened, and received is best stated in the Ian. Blon to answer the question. A sar- Plotner; Growmg a Corn Crop, J. S. calter. "Never fear. I'm the bo,. ACTIVITV IN REAL ESTATE unjured. (uage of the Chairman. W. J. Berry· castic word exchanged with the Brigham. 1 that can cet them it there'l aD)' to Not only farm. but town property • _ • man, Lima. Ohio. who said, "I like questioner followed in which the Music by Stokes Family Orchestra be round." ·'Yea." ahe am1led ,.JIII. ' nl8centiy. "and you'd better take JOIU' as well has shown more life recently. A VISIT fROM QUEEN ESTHER that speech of the~Govemor because governor let it be known that the Dayton . _ _ _ pocketbook. You ean't Gatch IaJl two pieces having changed haoos it has the punch to it. You can tax duplicate on personal property without balL"-Kanlae Cit)' Btar. within the put few days. Ralph The dElgree staff of Queen Esther alwsys tell when a man talks politics of Hamilton county was smaller than EXHIBITED AT XENIA Miller sold his place on Main street Lodge, Daughters ot Rebeccah 'came and when he tells the truth." that of Preble county though having ",. DrIlL which he will soon vacate · to occupy up from Lebanon Tuesday evening. Governor Cox assured the dille· many times the population, The The O·K. Poultry and Supply Co. ..tol7 Proprtetor-"J"lre drD1. U his recently purchased moderniz and conferred the degree on seven gates that he would veto any school Hamilton county delegate subsided. made an exhibition of their ·'O.K.\7OU ple..e. ladl.. 1 Dhialon.A. wID house on the hill. to Homer Carey candidates for Covenant Lodge. of measure that had the suspicion of a motion carried that the convention Quality" White Leghorns at ' the end_yor to batter dOWIl that locacJ . bon door; DlYlIioIl B 11'01 leap rrom for $1500. Frank Miller disposed of this place. After the work, an politics in it and that the delegates vote on the code as submitted. The the wlndo".· Dh1alou C wtll ,.auID his property on North street. known elegant luncheon was served and a might return home feeling safe that vote was favorable to the plan sub- Xema poultry show last week. In the face of strong competition qllleU,. at ~ tablea aW IUlrocata6as the Ellen Sides place, to C. P. EI· good social hour was enjoyed. The the new code would contain no mitted. by a majority of almost 10 with birds from Columbus. also from aU jut u 70U would haYe to do Ia lis. son.of G,ladman Ellis. for $1500. Lebanon team did splendid work, pOlitics nor would any power be to 1. Dayton that were winners at Hamil- .... of aD a.Gtual lin. JIarohI~--ur.. Both PIeces of prop~rti are favora- which was highly appreciated by the taken from local communities in the Some one struck up America and • - • bly located and desIrable as ho"?es. members of the local lodge and es- control of their ·schools. the Educational Congre'!S was at an ton the week before~ the O-K's won 1st coak, lst and 3d hen, 1st and 2nd Wallon With .. n.. ?ur vaca~t houses too are rapidly pecially 80 by the candidates. The He stands committed for. first, ef- end. cockerel and 3d pullet in the Single In 1411 one of the WOIld.. to ... bemg ocC)1 PI so that places to rent local lodge has taken a new lease of ficient supervision, second, better . By the removal of nearly all ob· Comb class. M8D 'at Tile aa.ue wu a w...,n or a lhip or a oombluaUOIl 01 both. A. are at a premlU~~ • life ancl is making rapid gains both certification of teachers, third. jectionable features that first apIn the Rose Comb class they won traveler or that time wrot.: "TIIIa in numbers and in enthusiasm. Let trained teachers. peared, it seemed from the first that every thing from lst.cock down to enctue hath wheell eel ..u.. wID ST. MARY'S CHURCH the good work ~ on. \ In favor of the school code as it the proposed code was sure of being lst ~d 2nd pullet. hold aboye twent)' people aDd ~ .. - • now lltands. many able men and approved. If the passing of this The White Leghorn class was the with the willeS. beil1l dr&wn or lIIOyed .• by nothil1l elae, eel will ' run. the ,3rd Sunday in Advent December DEPUTY TAX COMMISSIONE~ women gave excellent talks among into law will give Ohio a good school 14. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. whom were. Dr. A. C. Monahan. Dr. tlYstem and assure to all Ohio better second largest exhibit m ~he show wiDd belq pocI, aboYe an- mUM u hour apon the eYeIl bard aaata.. Lesson St. Luke 6: 1-11. :,'Our ~rd ~vernor James M. Cox haa ap- C. A. Prosaer, John W. Zellar. Ed. schooling facilities. even though and such a record is worth while.

• - - ----

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a few weeks ago between Earl Taylor and wife are playing Dr. Brittain of the State School Sur· I .._ ....____ "." ._._ .... _ _ .•._ ......... ! at the Grand Theater in Hamilton veyand a committee of township, L. .... __.. __ . ... _..... __ ..____._........................1 R'd ' S d' L village anu special district Buperin· S C I d t his week. tendents of schools to discuss the ee a en ars at I ges tu 10 .ouy nirn a Tie Clasp at I3arnhart·s. UU!l




____.. ______ 4_~.


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Calls the Fisherman. Mornmg pomted Horace B Stok.., of Leb· Prayer and sannon at 10:80 a. m. anon, Deput, Tu Commi..ioner for . You are invited sar~ces. Warren County•• _ • E) II . Th Ii itat. \ Poetical' Hugo. ~'Oontent ~':lt' :, ~ o~ , ':' 'l'he cloulD-tlae ODq blrdt that ~



.. ~:~~


__ .'..1_ ~eep.-H.~. '

mond A Jones. Dr. Allen, Dr. Britain Pres Ellis of Miami Unlver· sJty, F: W. Wiler and many others. On Friday evening the meetiD&' was thrown. open to dillcWl8ion. Op~tion came quickb' but'seemed

II!! •

locally we will derive but little Alcohollo "ntlme"," NEW PROBATION OffICE~ benefit. every citizen should lend it 'l'he Ilqlng IQUH II a DUlADae. lnlt his 81Ilpport. he hU It aU oyer the j . . "ho W8~tchthe Legislature when it Mrs. Harriet WriKbt took up her aU over the bar whell he ....JlI.. ~ . conv«mes ~d let us see what the law duties, DecembeM,- as -probation muab he loy.. !all Dear Old lIotMl'..QIpn'DDati lIlDq~. ~'.. . ofticer of Warren County. ~ers w111 do. .




1 want e.,er,. poMiOa

wt. ll i .. biltoUB, cun.U·

In 1903 and 1904, , wall a ter rible autre rer l or a bo ut ft ve monthll with IlJdnoy and bladder trouble, I co uld b o t s lee \1 Il i g h~ , 0 0 (1 do<: tor Bnld I w as g o lllg in t o COtl s u lI1ptlnn aD d gIl "e the up to die. lla G ~ \\'o etb e r d octo rs but received no be lll (rom ell l! r o r iJlem and am oure I w ou l d b ~ v o OOl? n i n my gra"e had I nol Bee n yo u r Rd. .. rtIRe ment io t he ,lll'arln ei t o Da ll,. Eag le Sta r ." Aft e r t a k ing sE' vl' ra l botr tie !! o f Dr, Kilme r's S'Iva llllJ,Roo t I \va. ..ntl rely c u red . Tn t he la at two ye arB I hav e been a 'rallroad flre m a n nod b 9ye "asseci two e x a minations tor m y kldne )'9 PllcceS8tull y s o that I Irn O IY that m y kldn (' y" a re in exce lle n t condition no W a s II. rea Dlt ot your grea t p relll\TaU on. Yours very tru l,., G l'X >ROIll K F.NSLER, 10941 13th Ave . So., lII ln DolIPoll e, MinD. Pe rs ollAlIy appeared before me thla 2 5th or September, tOM, Oeo rgo Ken3I~ r , w bo Hubacrihed tbe abo ve Btatem e nt Ilnd made oath ttl a t the same II cru s In substance JUld In t act. ImNRY CUlAASS No("r1 Publ loL-



Lot..... Dr. &1&-".,

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Oo ""~, WIA


". 1". What r~ .....ltoot WI! Do

'01' To.

Se nd to Dr, K Umer & Co., B ingham.. -ton , N. y" for a sample bottle . It will convinoo an yone, Yo u 11'11\ a l so r&,c e lve a book let of valuabl e Inform.... ·tlon , telling a n about the Iddne 18 IUId ~Iadde r, When w rttlng. be s ure aDd Inentlon t h is paper_ Regular fltl,.-ce nt. and o ne-doll ar sbe botUea lor aale at. .1I d rul etores.


d l.,\! lI lI I III . ~lJu r

"j -h, Utd c hlil g . U .. " d ill' II f', N ., ~

t ht . J atD Ilng t o gt .. ~ mUlhHl ri o f fr t)c pil i" . IHt(... . I t ake a ll tbe rlil k. Sold. b y dr u A'JlI .,.'A ' or ~ cent tt l\ F o r rrf"e J ILl lcn ll~ n ,h l r io'coo , Prol, Munron, &ltd a. JoliorlO n 510.. Phll. dolphl .. PL



Or' My LADY 0, '/HE ~OU T H ~ WHEN WI L OE ~ Nf~~ 'WA6 K I NC.~ fTC.. Crt ILLUIlT RATlO~ B-t DEAR_" HI:J..VI


(Copyrlllht. A. C. N cClur& •


Jack K e it h. B \ ' t r Jflntu n . n o w a b(' r do. pla '" louk ln" tor ro"mlt, ... war


pa rtl ,.. of .... v aK . .. H . a ~ • • Il teum at ruJl 8's llo p v u r» ued lJ r lue n on p nn l ea

Whe n

K~ ' t h r e Jl Ch 68

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t he r nld -

hal' S m " ....cred tw o "' . .. Ilnll <1. parted . H • • e~rc h u\'\' lt ,h.h nvktlm. n lHll ll~ p a~". nnd n l ock ." w n m an ' JII t)() r · t rait. K~lt h I• • rrpoll·d at Ca n oll Cit)' . Clha with nAmed th o m uBla r~ ecr k, hRRr i. !\C b ,' In, ,a"" ru tnu" t. cuA"er tll' ~rn ....

compan ion In hI. c o,l l na tnpd N_h t ell. him th at h. k n ~ ...- the Kei t h. In \ ' Irgtlll,.. N"b ea y.u o n e or t h e rn u rc1 f r t' c1 m l' n W I111 Joh n Blbley. Ih. other O e n. W il li. Wa ltp . r" rm· . ,.Iy a Con t N)erRI. OrnN" '. The pllol,._u n &n d Neb . . e-ape . nnd l a t f> r th ~ f u"tth' " '' C<)me upon a cnb ln nnd no.1 It . n,'C<Jpnn, to• •be nl/,' Iflr\. whom Ihln k_ h awa atyou Carson Cit y, T h e Keith tnrl e xpllli n. that .h. la In ..enr oh of n brol h"r, who de. ert. fr nm("(' dIhoh ~arm )' . .. n~ thul " ha d 'Haw Mr. 1eyd InJ\I r 10 (" u rrt P' t .... th e ""bin wh il e he s o u " h' he r hr" t h ~r. I 11l<\' lay a p D_ rw. a nd K ~ lI h In h ltlln g rN'Oi: nlm. hI m lUI B h, c k n ll r' T h,'.-r I. n It'r nne ba ltle In t ho (I ll r k.n ~ r1 ro" m In wl ,h' h Kp Uh ,. vic t o r . HOrM" K 11 ft> u p o r np r' :l IPd . a nd the .Irl " 'ho S Il)' , 'h ilI I,.r n " nl ~ I. H " p ~. join. In Ihe <,sca p • . " "ltI , px phL1n. his elt uatl o n Rn d t h o r U,::--! 1h' Pti mn k; " ( o r F orI Larn ..d . where Ih" gir l I. Io- r. wit h tho hotel to.ncl lRd y. MI •• 1I 0pr t"lI . Ih" ' ahe la th. ,I .. u"h t'" or G,' npr»1 W "' t ~ Keith antS N e b drift In lo ~ I> orlrl a n . whUTe K r lth mrelll I\ n o M frlr nd. Dr. F" lrbll ln. :.'n"~~~ ':'h"eet~,,~~·m~..t~:~eOfornf.';~IIW~.\i': lou. hby , and b«om o.. ~o n y l n" N' tI\I\! hla k B tl rt h ll" som t' pi nt t nv ol \'1 ng t ho \wo. Hope I ~Br"" Ihlll O~n . Wnlt. , wll n wa. thou.-ht murrl err <1 . I . at 81 ... r'd .. n. antS ItO• • thrre ,.h e r ~ . hp I. ml "lak en t nr Chrlall . Mndo ir e, t he Ca r"o n ("I'y . ln R"r. K eith meet. Ih" rea l (, hrl olle Mtl rlnlrt' and fin d. Ih"t m ack BArl ha •• on"IM'ed " er Ih al ,hp re I. n lll )·. ' ery In her lit e whl r h he Is Roln g to turn 10 her " "vnntag" Th .. p ltt ln. mnn tell. H" pe Wa ll. o r her'reaembl a nre 10 L' hrl. Ilp Mnrln l,.·. Th ey d"rlll e thn t Fn'rI W I IlOll~hhy mAY hald Ihe key 10 ' h~ . !tu a till n h,' HI> find . W1l1 ou~hby shO l dpA rl. 11 01'" I. lold o f the /l e" lh of h. r brolhr r, 1..:.I' h r8.ll . to Je"m wha t repr~ • • nlnll on. Bl I\~k ll ~ rt h na mlltle 10 Ch rl. II. Ma rln lr • . Hope aU lrgesI" t hll t In or der 10 lenrn th e . o('r e ' ahe muel b rl. " r Imp erso nat o th . et" " . • lnIIPr. tlr. .nlrbn ln Is In love w ith Chrtpd. lIt llcln lrc.

" I do n't k no w," hon es tl y , "we don' t an y 01 liS know, but wbate ve r s he Das tb o rlghl t o s he is going to get. You call be t o n t h a t , o ld ma n. We'r e bu ckIn g Hawle y, not Cbrls tl e Mac la lreg e t Iha t into you r b e n il. H e ba s n't any ri g ht. th at 's certlt ln , ro r be m urdered • nd s t ole t o get t h e papers--; be/ qule t!

" To w a t c h th os e orhe r... T be r e Is no know i ng wb n t pi ny Haw ley mi g ht I ry to p ull o ff , and I wan t t o k ee [l tlh l h hi II \ n g u n·s at of m. u rr,. up . man : th a t I'"stlbu le d oor c rea ke d Ju st t b e n .'

fl e s h o ve d h im dow n t b e da rk nlley nnd d odg ed back h ims elf a cross til e (root ot t h l! lent ou t Into t b e ~ tr eet. T here WS" n 0ro\\'d of nlen In froot 01 Ibe Tr oradf'ro, b ut t b e ('ouple l1e s ought w e r e n o w b e r e In tI I g b L 0




BY Forco 0 f ~rm.. .. \V llh he r hea r t t h robbinl: Her cbly , Il op o CIUllg to th e oute r d oo r of tb e ves tl bule e nd envorlng t o 8 ~e a little of wh a t was t ra ns pi r in g wlt bout. Abo ut h e r was d e nlle darkness, a nd s he da re no t exp lore t b e s urround in gs . ne bln d cou ld be b ea rd, tb rou g h wh a t m ue t bave bee n n t hi n pn r tit ion , the va ri ous d lst rac Uo ns o f t he s t a ge. s hi ftin g SL'e ne r y, mll s lc. s buffi lng t ee t , voices. a n d Ih e occas ional s ou nd 01 app lau se. Tbe girl h a d ne rve d h e r se it to th e en cou ul e r wl tb H aw ley but • t hi s wa itIng bere In d ar kn es s a nd unc e rt ainty tried he r to t b e u t termos t. It s ome one s h ou ld ve nture out that lVay bo w cou ld e he e xcuse ber p r e s. l'n ce or e x p la in he r pur pose ! S he fou nd he rs e lr Ir e mb lln g In e ver y 11mb rrom n prvol1 S fe a r , Hl nr tl cd by e very s trange sou nd. , \ 'ou ld th e man never " come . Su r e ly Cbrls tl e berself must be r eady to d ~ part b ,· th is time . I . A ru os t p re va re d 10 !l e e be Core t be terro rs t b U9 con j ur e d U\1 wl t bl n b er I d b m n . t oy le ft he r u s It by magic tb e m om e nt her s trninlng e yes d lstln· g ul s be d t b e ap p roac b or a d im figu r e w it bo ut. Sbe could n ot l e ll wbo It w a s , o nl y tba t It was t h e un m ls lak a ble lorm ot a man , a nd th a t he was wlllstlI ng s o rtl y t o hi mse lf. It mlg l.t Dot pro ve to be tbe gambler, but a h" lD lIst ncce pt tb e c ha n ce, for He s h a nd b lood could s t a n d t be s tra lo o f wa iti!,g no I Y b o nger . e t s e was n ot co nijch-us of te ar, only of exu lta tion, as s he s t~p ped fo r t b Into I be o pen , b e r bloo d ng aln clrcul a lln g rree ly In be r v ein s . At t h e Bll g bt c r ea k of th e doo r tbe man s a w ber, his whi s tl e ceasin g, his bat Itrte !!. In s lantly s he rE'r ogn lzf!d bl m as Ha \fl ey. he r h ea r t lea pl ug with tbe c~cl te m en t of enco un t er . " W hy, bulla, C bri s tle," h e said ram\l!al'ly, " I Iboug tlt I was early, Iln d expe cte d a t e n Ill illut es ' walt. I came out a s soon as you le ft ~h e s tage." " Ob. I ca n dre s s In a jllry wben tbe r e Is an y cause for hurr y," H o pe res po nd e d, perm itting berHe lr to dri rt und (' r hi s gu id ance. " Are YOII dls appoin t e d '! Wou ld yo u prefe r to com. roune with nature ?" "We ll. I s h o u ld Bay no t, " dra w ing her hund t brollgh b ls arm, lUl d the n pa t ti ng It ".lt b bis own, " I have se en abo ut a ll I care to or nature , but oat of Ch ri s tie Mac lll lre ." "Yo u may lenrn to feel the s am e




w a n t t o go the n~. · ·

wus ev Iden tl y . urprls e a t

tb l ~ rflru BlII1. na tu r a ll y Bu"pos lng trom t"

he r 1 II tbat Mis s Maclal re's SCr u\1 1e3 wou ld "ue "< a ij IIy over " . o ne I . 'rhl s Ob . s tln a cy or t bl' g irl Il ro llsp d b ls anger. " You WO ln <> n bea t t he df' \' U," Il e ejac u lat e d , grumy , "pn ' t endl ng t o be s o dam n pa rti cu lar , Mayb e yo u'd r ll tb er Rtalll d ou t Ih e re on th e pTl1lrle a nd Il a k'" . w It h a s weep 0 f h is II a nd a ro und the, b nr izo n. "Yes, I vl'ould," catc b lng d espera t e ly ,' ~.t tb st r aw . ''I'm no~ a rrai d at yo u : I m not bl I at a ll 01 I I , :11m ng Y O ~ , 0 ,y , ,--:d on t wn n t 10 go t o Sb pe n y Jo e s. H I k d h I rl t b t I" 00 e at e r, pU !:Z e a er a . t llu de, and yet somew h a t reass ured by b r e t f fld Ub e ~p r e s " on 0 < n ence_ . we ll . what was t he d lt'!e re nce? It ml gb t be b Ite t i t h er h nv e b e r e ra e ow n way, a nd t h e c ha nge wo ul d no t m aterlall;y In t e rfe re with his. pla ns. Ot course, it would be pl ea san te r ~ Itli n g t oget b e r a t o o e ot Jo e'8 ta bles ' but b e c oul d t a lk jus t as free ly out yond e r unde r t be Sl a rs , Bes ides, It m lgb t be 11S we ll now to bum o r the g irl. " ,'II , l 1 gh t, Cb r let le : ' bls voic e regaining Its p leasant ton e, " You sha ll hav e your way this tl me_ The re IS too m uc b li t s take for us to Qua rrel ove r thi s." . Frlg hte nl!d, ye t not d a r ing to res is t o r exb lblt tbe least r e lu ctance, s be c lung t o b lls a rm , a nd pe rmitt e d hIm to le ad b er to th e right down a da rk pass a ge a nd out t nlo th e open la nd be-


" I- I don ' t tblnk I un d e r s tan d ." "No, o f c ou r ~e, you don·t. You ta. » g lu e all we've gOI to d o In a matte, uf this k ind Is to s t e p In lo the n ear e st court, a nd draw tb e m on e y. Unt' tr oub le ts, our e Vlden r.e Is n 't co mpl e t e - we' ve go t to Dud th Bt wo ma n wl10 llrougb t yo u up ." " O h !" 6a ld Hope, not kn o wwg w ba t e ls e 10 sny, " Yc s," b e we n t Qn , allpa ren tl, .at, Is fle d wit h b {' r IJxclamall on . " UI " o urse, I know s b e -s d ea d , or at 1ea.'1L yo u soy so . bU I we bo ve n 't got e nougb p roo r with out he r - ool tht! w a y old Wal lc lITom iBes to figbt your cJa l'm a.n d 60 wc've go t to h u n l' tor a s ulu;Utute . Do yo u bs ppe n to know an y old woma n nbou t the ri g bt agn w ho would mak e a mdav lt fo r you ? She proba bl,. wou ld n ' t bnve to go on the stan!! at all. Wai t e will ca ve i n a s soon WI 11. k no ws we 've go t t b'e e v iden ce." He wfl lI.e d fo r a n IUIswer . but .he b a rdly k new wo a t t o s a y . T be n ebfl r eUl e m bere d that Ke ith Ins is t ed Ulat :'fl sB Mtlclalre ba d n o co nce p tion 'bat t h e r e WIIS a n y fra ud In he r c taJm , " No, I kn ow no o ne. l:Iut w ha t do yo u m ea n '! I tb ougbt eve rythln~ traa a t rn lg ht ~ Tb a t t bere was n o q u es tion about m y rl g bt to Inh e rit!" " W e ll, th e re Is n' t, C h rls U.,'· pulll q Il e r ce ly On b ls c ig ar. "Out th e courta are pa rtic ula r : th ey h ave got to han t he Whole t h ing In blac k a nd white. I thoug bt all alon g I could settle the e n ti re man e r wIth Waite ou tsid e , but t be old 1001 wo n't listen to r eason. I ~ a w him twl co to-d a y ." " Twice?" S ur pri se w rung tb o word from he r . " Yes : th ougbt I ha d g ot him oil all a Ca lse sce nt an d out o r t he way, th. fl rSl lime, b ut he turn e d u p aga lD like a ba d pe nny . What'8 worse, he's e"l· den Lly s t u m l! led on to a bit oC logal Inro rma tlon w blch m a kes It sal e r for us to di sa ppear until w e CIl.n get tb. lin ks of our c baln fo rged . /ie's u.koD the cas e In to court a lre a dy , and tb. s he ri ff Is he re tryln ' to fi nd me NO . . t o ser ve t h e pape rs. I've got to SUll o u t , a nd s o' ve you ." " I ?" ri s in g to he r fe e t, Indtl:Ylanu,.. " Wb a t h av e I done to be frighte ned over? '

,. /

Locates Lameness



Stop That Backacha WITH TH_




25 your and tet50 Cents 'or ',ea .emple A.k

d,u• • or writ.

The Derby • edlclne Co. EATON RAPIDS, MICHIGAN An Every-D a y C,~"d, d esire to m di nt... h eal th , c h eerful· nes 8, sincerity , calm cn u rs ge nnd goo~ w ilL I wl sb to llve wlt bout hate , w him, jealousy, en vy or fear_ I wis h t o b e simple, bon est, natu r al, frank, c lea n In mind Bud cle an III bod y, Unnfrcc t e d, rea dy to say, " I d o no t know " U s o It b e, to m ee t a ll m e n o n a n abl olute e quality , to faco any obs tacle IUI d m eet e \'ery diffi c ulty un ar rnl~ and unabas hed, I w ish othe r s t o live th e ir lives, too, u p to tb e lr b lgb es t , full est Dn d b est. To that e nd I pra,. that I m a y n e ve r m ed dl e, di c tate In te rfe re, g iv e a d vice t ba t Ie not won t,e d, liar oss lst wh e n my servlooa are not n eeded . If I can h e lp p e ople I'll do It b y g ivin g tbem a c han c e to belp th e m ae l vea; Bnu If I c an uplift or Ins pire le t It b e b y exa mpl e. Tb a t Is eo to say, I desire t o be r a d lan t.- to ra dl · ate lIfe.- - Elbe rt Hubba rd .

Add Cream


, ""




Post -Toasties,'


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Post Toasties So Sweet;



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Best Leg and Body Wash.



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Tuttla's Elixir

He ia agh e d, but not pleasa nUy , Itor te m po r . " Notbl ng," SIlYS a good " Ob, be ll, C b r ls tie , ca n 't you underautho rit y , "wi! I m a k e you s o n.n g u a r Bt and ? Old Walto IB a fte r you the -or glt·o yon r face s uc b a n uud eslrn ble ' same WRY h e Is me , I I'll knock our look us Ibe rree Indul gen ce or your w bole case If he can ge t YOU (nto -ow n Will ." A girl w bo was thin 10" court be ra re our e \' ld e nce la read,. . r en ll y paln rul d egr ee gai n e d 30 pounds All you know Is w ha t I bave told you 1n 60 d aYII 011 tb e following reglm~: H e r e t be te llow c o mes now!" - t bat's stra lg bt enough-but ' we'.,e T w Ive hou ra ' s le e p a da y; a we ll· Tb ey peer e d ou t t oge tb e r tbro llgll got t o bave fHoof . I c a n g et It In a 'v e n tll a t e d lind cold room to s leep In, tb e con ve nie nt tent lIa p, F a lrba ln month, but e 's g ot bold at somethlnl w it h ple n ty of tresb air Illi n ight ; s CRrce ly Il's 9 In te res t ed tha n t he o tb · whi ch g ives b lm a le ve r age. I don't ' lig h t down coverlets f or Wa rmth and e r , ulre ndy diml y co mpr e hendi ng tba l kno w wh at It is -maybe It's just a ,ho t· wa ler bags a t the fee t If thoy ti ll t rul y dang erous ri val wa ll tb e bluff- bu t t h e ch a r ge 19 cons plracy, ,a rc c old; loose, II g bt cl o thin g at aU g are ble r , a nd Ib a t be could bes t se rve nnd h e's g ot wa rran ts Ollt. Tbere II tim es w ith plenly of s pa c e a bout tht tho l~ d ,. by bel pin g to p rove to he r nothing for us to do but s kip." Mad With Terror, She Pulled the cllE'st: sboulde r s and wnil;t; n di e t ot th(l renl cb a r act er oC th a t Indi v idu a l. Her Logic, " But m y c lotbes; my e ogllge m e nt ! " · ce l ~als, cocon , fresb frul ls or stu rl'h1 I H e was s tlll blindl y ~ropl ng In We Trigger. ft was the wee k belo re C h r is tmas. s b o n rged, fe ollng the 101liste nt earn~egetableB, po tatoea, beans, etc" mille I b a7.e. ye t out or Ke ltb s s ha r,p , 8l1n Kfl s t ness o r the m llJ1. and s parrlog ror Em e r y and bls yciunger slRl er , Mild red, and c re a m - - everyth ln g o f a wa r ming . l in g words t h e re h ad come to him a yond. H e had to feel Ws wa y c arewe re de b atin g ve ry s e rlous iy tb e rea l, and s carc ely spoke, ye t pro- de lay. "Wh y, I ",..nnot so. Bes id es, Ity of S a nta Claus . f at -producing nat uro lit the w n y o.• guld ltlg li g ht. T he la t te r gripped DiS re gn rdln g he r:' Hope n n s we red, afra id fully, d d h h h Ir the s heri ff Is hUlllLua ua, the tralna ~o od ', wnrm batha, thou g h n~ ' too rr~ arm In reHtr n lnt. . ce e e a s t aug t e passage was "Ther e Isn 't a n y Santa Cla ue," Bald . ... ~ i l l ar an d h e b a d s omo will b e watcb ed ," .... ue" nUy. "En ay , old m n.n, easy- le t h im to e nco u ra ge the m an, yet ea ge rly reason a b l y fam pa s8." rea rful le s t s b e fall to play her part de llulte 1I01:ot In view, She answ e red "Do you s upp ose I a m fool enougb Emory. with fin a lity. "Why , t be re mu st bel" ins isted Wa Haw ley turned Into tbe nl le y whls- a rt gh t. In monos yl lables, now thorou g bly re- to ri s k t be trains!" be e!.claimed, After the Party, alate r . " How could t hey ma ke pie> tlln g. ev id e n tly Vie ll pl e a sed wltb tb e "1'ot tb e s li ghtest dange r, " lau g blng g r e ttul of bavlng permitte d b e r s el! ~o rough ly, pl a inly losing paUence. " Not "Well, Ge o rge, I h Olle YO ll are sit ua t ion and An ti c ipating o t be r de- Ilglltl y. nn d pressing be r arm more drift Into this pos ition , yet not In tbe much ; borses lind th e open platns tor turea tbat look jus t like blm T" 1)Jcascd wi th y ouree l f." II ghl s a \\,oltl ll g bls coming. Tbe g low closely a ga ins t bi s lib dy . " Altbou g b I least k nowin g how to extricate he r self. us , a nd a go od night th e s tart of the m, "Sulre l'l n g Sn.mSOIl , wh a t hl\vlt Asking a Good Deal of Her, or t he Trorad e ro's ligbts s l'rve d, an mus t confess you exblblted s om e tem- Ha wley too k e"erythlng for g ranl e d, Tbey will search for me Drs t , and d one now :" Mrs . Bae k-[I ay-I s hall wa nt you to What di d In s t'lnt. to revea l bls fnc e . sba d e d by pe r wh en 1 was la t e to-nl g bt. " ber ve l'}' sile nce convin ci ng blm o f b e r you 'll n ever b e mi s sed until Y"'U (all "Oh, no tlll n !;, b e dre ssed b;y tbree o 'rloc k, E llen, of c our3e . l h n broa d b ri m o C hi s hat, a n d tb e n "Old I n ot ha ve o cca s ion t.o? A ncqu lesce nc e _ With tb robblng \1ulse, to a ll ow up at the Troa de ro . /'Cever you sa y to that ar ls locra tlc Mrs . P Ic., to receiv e a n y fri en d .. wbo m ay call. ' ,. Id b k I I ne ve r e e \1t wa t n g . I-Io[le felt t he s mall revol ver hidden mind the clo t he s ; they ('an bu Nnt b e ' u nl s he d In to the d a rk_ Ke ith lea n- woma n SuOll Elle n--Ob , lor, mum I Aln' t you gl e ton '" Ing fa r o u t. yet kee pin g we ll wltbln speci nlly It be r e ng age m e nt be Im- wltbln her dress, und o ing a button SO a ft e r U 8." " Well, w b at did I aa y ?" gain' to be In? Ih e 6b a ,low B, bea rd tb e fn ln t cre a t. or ~rnLl \· e." th a t, In e nw rg e nc y. sbe mlgbt gr as p It " To-ulg bU" s b e cri ed , awallC nlng to "And r lgb t aft<> r I wn rne d :V 0 ll " O h , I Dill not find in g a ny l a ult, you more qulckl!y. Ha wl e y re lt tbe move- tb e Imme dIa t e d a n l>cr, and d s lng til aga ins t yo ur awfu l bre alls. You sal t! Ibe vest ibu le d oor a nd th e so ft mur· m n r of d ls t unt \' o l ce~ . Tb e n b e dl'e w lit l le s v ll-Ilr e . I lik e yo u a ll Lbe bet- me nt, Ihe t r e mbli n g or he r a rm. he r feet. "You urge me to /ly with · t o her : H ow time fli es ! I s UPpol:le bac k s u dd t'n ly, hi s h nnd oglli n grnsp· t e r beca Ul;e )·o u fight. Bu t the trou" You a r e a era ld, Ju s t tbe same," be you to-nl gbt ?- now?" . you r youn g bopeful will SOOIl (lut on Ing I"a lr bn in . Tw o fi g ures- I hos e at bl e was , C hris tie . yo u s h n illy ju mpe d said, press in g her to him lover· like, " S u r e, don't be foollsb and kIck np long trous e rs.''' "Well, WQ.~t 'B th o m:ltle r w ith lbat! a mn n a nd woman - em e rge d Io ta ' t h e on me with out even as kin g bow It oc· " Da rkn es s always g e ta on a wo man 's a row . Th e bor ses are he r e waltlD, dim liG h t, a n d a s q ui c kl y dis appea r ed c ur red . Yo u t oo k it fo r gra n led I was n e rves ," jus t 'a r ou nd the e nd of t he ravine." Frie ndly, wasn 't it ?" A\1 pa r (' tl l ly be r hund wa a upo n hIs lat e on pu r pose to sp lto yo u." "Y es , H,at an d lon e line ss:' re s eLtS be presse d her h a ndll to ber breDa," Fri endly ! ~Ir:,. Pi n gl e ton bas but " \Ve il, we re n 't YOII ?" a nd t he g irl Ing bls famili a rity. " 00 we nee d to ~brlnklog away from hlm_ (ln e c hild, a ot! s il o's a rOtl ng woman o rm, and h e was be nding d ow n so ns to gnin II g li mps e ot tb e fa ce pa r · g lan ccd l o q ulrln g ly up Io ta his Cae , go any fartber? Surel,., we a re aloO/' " No! No ! I will not go!" Ibe deo QI 20!" U 3 11 y coo('ea le d by th e fo ld s or L d a s i he y pll.Ssed uut 01 th e all ey Intp b e re," clared. illdlgnantly. "Keep back ! m nntilla . O nl y II word o r t wo r e acb e d t b e light o f tbe T roca de ro 's window S. "Only a fe w s te ps : the ravine II. Don 't t oucb m e !" One of th e Per ils of Divorc It. ' yo nd e r , and we ca n s It down on the Hawl e y mu st have expected the re-' " How d o yo u Iillo you r n e w IJnpa, th t' rtl , II II lt le la ug b, an d th e wo man's " You ce rta inl y Dcted that way." v o ice : " "'a, I dI d not; b u t YOU wou ldn ' t r ocks. I wa nt to s m oke. a nd we will sistanc e, for wltb a si ngle mOl-ement little g irl ?" asked tb o n e ig hbor. " W by , oC cours o I hurried : y o U Bald lis ten . a n d uesldc s I bad no lim e t be n be entire ly o ut of s ig bt tbe r e, " h e g rn s[led be r ev e n a s s be tUfned to "1'ot ver y w e ll ," wae tho re illy . "I He f.1 e lp e d her down t be ra tb eJ Ill', pinning b er arms h e lpl eSBly to bel «-o ld m n. y e ~ t c nl a y t hat I co ul d bav e yo u ha d so m et h ing o f s ucb Im port a nce t.o e X'p lain. Tb e r e 's a lot 1J a \1 pened t hIs a ft e: n oon I want to t e ll you nharp d f'cllv lt, 'lOtH bot h we re tbllr- Hld o , holding her a s In a vise. Illclip d out II hette l' one my sc lr." - o.- t o 1<, 11 lIl e " " r,' a lrlmi n ," s poke I{ el tb , h is lips 0.1- 3 bou t. WHI you give w e ti me to lalk ou gbl y con ceale d he lo w the vralrle " Ob. but you Will , my beaut,.," b4 tro ll F ree P re,;!! le vel. Fee ling a bout wlt b hi s b a nds growle d . " I thoug bt yon might ac' m Os t at lb·, ell r o f tbe otb er. "Tbr_t with yo u?" w as H o pe, ,I II rIg ht, a nd s be has Itot "W hy, of co urs e ," s u r prIsed ;It t he he round Ib e sur lace ot a smooth rOCk, up and I' m r e ady. Do you think I am Important to Mothors R ltam lne (,lIrt, fully e vory b ottle of blm g oing al r(' a d y. Now, man , will <l ll e , tion, ye t full ot e age rness . " Why a nd s eated h er up on It. Tb e n a matcb rool enough to le av e you h ere atone to C AS T01UA , a 6are and sure reme dy tor yoU he lp Ull out ?" s bould you as k that?" fla r e d, c as ting an Ins tant's gl e am he [lumped dry? It 18 a hlg s take I'm i n fa nts aGd c b lldren, and s ee that It " I? H ow?" " n a cau s e I want you a tone wh e re across bls rlace as he 11 gb te d his clga r: ploying after, girl , and I a m not goln. "Go ba c k th er e , ond m eet Miss no one ca n ol'e rb e ar a sy lla b le. I'm D1a cker tball e ve r t he Dlght s hut down to lo s e It through the whims at a Bca r8tbe ~/~ Slgnature or ~~ Mncla lr e. I d on't c a re wbe r c ),0,1 t a ke afr a id 01 that d am ned h ot e \. You I about th em, fi nd n e gro\1ed for a s eat w om an_ If you won' t go pleasantl,.. b e r- Iu no::b, a ny wh e r e ; onl y ke ep be r n e \' e r k n ow wb o Is In th e ne xt room, beside 'Je r. Sbe could pe rceive just the n y ou'll go by fo ..ce_ K e ep stilt, In U s e F or O ver 30 YeaT's. tb e botel as long a s possible. a Dd tb e slig htest w b i~ \1e r. travels I.-om on e star pee ring tbrougb a rltt of you llgre ss . Do you want me to choke Children Cry fo r F le tch e r's Castoria from You ca n do It l a r be tte r tbnD I, lor one e nd 10 the otb er_ T hat Is onll wa y c loud, aud In he r nostrils was the ynu!" Bhe will not BUSI)Cc t you at any Inter' In w blch Ke ltb g al onto our d eal - be p u ngent odor ot tobacco. With a little She s truggle d to bre ak 100lN!, tWlstNot Militant, e s t III tbls arIa ir. T e ll ber any lie you hnd a r oo m ne xt to W lll ougbb y nnd s hiver at CIIs&;us t sbe drew sUghUy Ing nnd turnln~, but the elrore Will " Th e 50 ('1,,1 ru nc tlon at I'!! , Come- can think up on ac count o f Hawley'. Sc ott, and ove rheard the m talklu y a way trom 111m, dre adln:: what was to usele.... Suddenly he whlatled SbM'P' up 's the o t he r afte rnoon elITnde d tn • I k ab.e nce. Oqod Lord, old mnn, can't I'm not g o ng to ta ' e any more c ome. One thing alone sbe telt was Iy_ Tbere was the sound of fee d raw n battle." yon see thl .. ta 'your cbance ; go in cbances, Will you go to '8h ec uy In ber lavor-However familiar Haw· 8crnmblln& down the path, and lb. " W bat? No t a qu a rrel?" and wIn." ,Io e 's' with we ?" I IIJY attemptlld to be, he was eVidently frlgbte ned woman pe rce ived the din " 1\'0, jWl t n tea llght." Falrbaln struggled to his teet, s tili a She drew back rrom blm . not yet 8umclently sure of Miss Mac- outlineR ot lIeverai approaehlnc men bit du:ed and un ce rtain , yet tempted .. 'Sb ee n y Joe 's?' You me a n tbe sa· lalre to become entirely olrensl"e, I Sbe gave one scream, and Ha_ . Conatipatioll caases and aeriou. l, 8KgTaloon Ilear tbe depot?" "I reckon, Cbrls tle:' he said slow I" ley relea8ed his grip on her arma " n tea maJlJ d i.caec., H i. thoroughl, by tbe opportunity. "You're pertectly sure. Keith, thlll "Sure : what's the use of being BO between purfs on bls elgar, the IIgbled grup her throat. c:ured by Dr. Piurce'. P ellets, Tiny Yl1ill'_ ted jp1Ululcs, I.o't anything that will burt the glrlT" sque a :n ls b? You SIDg and dance to a end o{ wh1cb faintly lIIumtned bls Sbe jerked · awa,. balf.8tulllbl~ "Sure! Of course I am. It's Just saJoon crOWd, don't you? Ob, I know tace, "you've got the Idea I bave backward over a rock. Tb. rev~I"er, E ve r notICe llow mu c h easIe r It Is to Hawley I'm gunning arter_ For God's, you're a good girl. Chris tie, and al\ brought ,.OU out here to malte 10"8 car ried concealed III ber dreu, wu hi "". tro~ bad 1.0 'W o rse tb a n trom good .ake" baYen't you got that clear ret'" t.hat. I'm not Y O~ with these. _.Lord kDows, I'd It~e to well e8Ougb, ber ~~ , li1ad with terror, ac;arcelJ to ...." ' : , ' . ~ "1-1 reckon -I'm an old Toot. Jaek,"1 ft;y·by,nlghte around be re. But there'. out just oO'W thew. more Impor.tant · -lmowlac what .Ihe did, sU pulled til, admitted the Doctor regreUully. "aD4 no re ason that I can see why YOll,mattera on band, FaCt II, IIU' Klrl • . trtiger. 10 the ftash . abe ·. .w wben IUl old fool 1.' ln 10.... b. huo't sliould 8hy so a t ~ 1I&109 n . BU ld . ., we:r. up ..~al,!lt a UtUe bBck and ma'n tbrow "UP bla.\b~d ~ and cO'dow• . • ot any 8enl.' 111ft. An;,.how ('II . do 1')' ou won't see an;,. one. ' Joe ' ~ got hay. ' lOt- ~o mall. a abUt·. lIt oar plaUI , The Il!lxt-Initant the oUiera " ...... . what you wal It m. to no~, Wbere 1U'e' 1' lome back room ,.-bere , we " caD , be -{~ mlclitJ Quick abUt. too." Ia!t : ~cl'" b.r: "'1 " ; ' ," JOUloJpa t" .' :'. . . '. _" . "'}.' alone, aD" haY. a blte., to.,.t. ..1IIle,~~ ..~~.It. '· ~< .1 " ftQ BJ: " ~UIJ1I»




\"c ' r o ta lk Ing. \Vh a t do you ga y! " "Oh, I would r a th e r n ot ," Hope lal' t e rl~d, be wI ldere d hy Ihls IllleXllec ted I d requ es t , a r eudy ha l f · u~ mpt e to b reuk away and ru n . " I{ eally I- I don 't Haw l"y

I"ruUl -

" 'I n ri, tI' r\'ll u L'I

n eaQ., 8Ip .. p l4'J"m~ kR ,u1(1 a n I II 'al l l io lo l ' U I" f llr- rll n Mtll '"HilO u . T o tln


Keith drew a side t he nap o f tbe t e nt to gl a n ce wll bout, tb e lig h t fa ll· Ing on Falr b~ la's la ce as be s trugg le d to a s lttl ns pos l u re. He ·bad bad n - Hubby-That mUlIoer of youi'll must d I I hi ' et oto m, ; n e w tb oug h t r ve n be a bird. fnll ed t o e n ll re ly g r as p Its signl ll W lIe y-NoneeDse ! She has oelther w lngs Dor e ra. CIl.n ce. "But, Ja c ll," he as ke d , s tili b a lf H ub by- Yea ; bu t j us t 10011 a t lh1. n ng r y . .,b ow a b ou t tb e g Ir I', H a s n ' t I>W of her. _ _ _ _ she an y r Ig b t to t hi s m o noy .. " The Thin Girl'. Temper.

Rf'ili 1 (or n t N"e p rw k IlIJ't o C tn1 .·"w · Puw P UI .. 1 wun l t o prO\'8 t ha-, 1-h4'1 Ill)8 Il1w (" I., curl" f ll-


O HAPTER-XXVIII .-(Continued.)

No tb ln wo m a n ('an atrord t o lose

p a l f" 11 or hue rU1111LQw· at, h u r l hfOr u lhneDt to



l r ••









Sceno In tho city oC ]'.;ogale s, Mexico, wb ero the con stitu ti onalis ts u nde r Gen eral Ca rran za lb e ir pro,' lslonai cnp ltal.




, '1'llOSO a ro th e fiv e young ladl es wh o attended Jessie ' VIIso n at he r marrlnge to Fmncls fI. Say re.

Her eldest was tb e ma id or hOllor, The bMde snmida were Miss Ange lin a Thayer Scott oC Princeton (II , Mi ss , El l a,lIor \Vil Hon (3) , lIlIsB Mary G. Wblte ot Uallimore (4) and lIllss Ma rjorie Drown o( Atlantn, Ga , (5)


BI~t/l r. l\l~\gn r et (2),


I "

.. . J



. .: ' ~J ...·.. 1 .. .

:. 'I; : ~.~ .• ', 1.: . .,. t

Ca pt. ~1 alt h,~ \\' A. Bats on's "u'ro yac lJt" or multiplan p. wh lc b hUB bee n und er construction nllar Savannah, Gu., completed nnd Its desig ner Is planning a trlul tI'l p f ro In Sa vullnuh to Ne w York. It that Is s uccessful he w!1l tr'Y to cross the Atialltic ocean, probably next sprin g. Th., (TRft Is ~ 4 fcc t. long and has 12 big planes an~ two 11·(oot prope lle rs, on e a t e ith er e nd , TlJer e are thre e tmglueH in a cabin s wuug amids hips.


. i " . ;. ! :.' '.


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a .: .... •

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~ a~ · ·.

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I, • •

• Th!i '\ ilave .,t rebeJllon agalnet tbo reign of Huerta, W hlcb Ie Blowly but surely IIweeplng over Mexico, Is felt In every: hamlet and city In the province of Sono~a, Here th e women aM! banding Into companies, aB shown by this M;ag,pal ~lI a detachment, ready to take up the ' caulIB whle h their husbands, fathers, brothers, sons and sweethearts








( ,.

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.,, .' ".\ ' "1.1',

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:', • . •. ~ •

' t.

President Edullllltl J . James or l he I1nlverelty of Illinois bas begun worlt on a b!1l to be Introduced at the next regular se8slon ot congress L)ro vldlng for the establishment ot a g reat federal university at Washlogton . It Is planned to be on the o r der of tbe Unl· venlltlel! of Paris and Berlin . Tbe bl11 III to c arry an Initial appropriation of $500;000. The univ ersit y Is to be governed b y a board selected by th e IJreeldent o't the United States, and an advl!30rY committee consisting of a delegato tram evory s tate will meet and torm a de finite policy for the In· I! the presen t plnns go

The senalo 's gifl for th e White House bride consists of a silver tea set o! five pi ec es , rich, heavy Bnd severely plain, and In addition, 8. water kettle. chocolate pot, Ice crea.m platte r, tray for th e t ea s e rvice, two large compote dish es and four cundlestlcks . In accordance with custom, the larger pieces are Inscribed with J ess ie Wllsoo's Ini tials, "J . W. W."


sh Sui s•

'5 Sty

A GrV!t 1Il~ Wonderful Bargain

The Ameriean Boy


• Regula r price . ....

We have faken from oilt ular sfock 12!J Suits, broken lots, but every size from 32 to 46, regulars and stoufs. Values $12, S~I., $16, $18 Bnd $20··.NOW

The Miami Gazttte


Reg uJar, price .

Walter McClure Puneral Director. Telephone day or nISb'. Valley phone No. W. Lonl Dtl\anoe No. 69-2r.


Automobile 8ervlce at



OHIO Braach OIlce, Barv.,.b..,.. 0.

P,.... nloD.y Humor. Taken all In all the bumor of the ,...en~ day II remaruble for two ,ualltlea, one II It I cleannea", the otber II itl optlmlam. MOlt of tbe profellllonaJ humoriatl are profe ..loDal opUmllta, and choice wontl of oheer are due to most or thole wbo eater into lucb eacer rln1r,. to tickle lIle public rlb..-and tbere are do..... 01 them, Ucklen as weU aa lilla.

Some of these are from the slIrplus atoek 'OI • Rew York maker--·ethers regular' valas r..our own line. Colors, grey, blue, black ... other fashionable shades. Weaves are TId"" ...... Worsteds and Cheviots.

.' \ .'


DR.H.E.HATHAWAY WaY08llnUe'. Lea.dtn, De..... OIloe ill Ke,l B1dK. II&ID a&

• •

C."'omla Woman SertouaIy ~ed


E. v.

.. A Ibor' 'I me 110 I ooakaoHd a BA~NHARTt Bevere oold wbloh ae"led on m, loogs and OIloled me a 1"&' dell of Notary Public IDnoYID08. 1 would bave bad ooulhillg lpell1 and 01, l1lDg. wire AU kiDde or Notary Work. P .....OD 10 flore ud Inflamed I begaD &0 be Work I I!Jpeoi.l&y. BerioUl1, alarmed. A frllDd no ommnded Oh.mberbdD'1 Colllh Remedy, _,IDS .he I;lad ued It for I boQlht a boWe IDd It n · e night} and oolo' llId Fu---' 1u.,.... wri... it.. UKn: r . .


Buyers Get the Best Value. ' t

"' ,




' • . ..,.

, I ., ..,.

_'j '

IIIf you get It at Kill ••bury'. ",hL"


1 tire


CO~;-""\!"---...... l.-----r!:=~



_ _ _ _• •_ _ _ _ _II!1II1!1£IIIIl. .III!... tJlI/,. ,_ _. I• • • •~ili8d.t1trrat!l ,. -on"";'",-

r" ~ '





IChv"rd Rill, Kdm. p111ntlif vs.









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KaIIolIIII . . . . BJ~



. .,.,


"'iI',' ; ,,:.~ ..... :


N. Se-ars

Uve Stock and General A.dlon.,


.' >

Dr. J. A McCoy,


' . ' :

f '. ' ,(,. roar .owaor,. fte,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .· •

Phone No. 100


...., plaoea wbe., I 1nMIN be ....ted to IHt . . . m,," ad thea ... pauecl .aacl 'loOked ." 'tII 1ItOIaI.... " 1 _ , M tia. 1-11t-- ..:.... -_ ... (1._ . . ' '

Office, corner Main and Hleh street.


I ._.... ·

to 11 o'clock

InlplNt/Oft, "At lilt," oried the mUllcllD, "I baYe tam. within mJ II'IIP." "Ho. Veterinary lOt" ukeel hll w~(e, whp bad bear4 the thlq befOre. "You know Oradu.te 01 Ohl'l ~IU'. Unlvenl(" Mendeluou'l 'Weeldllll March: ucl the manelOOI repute It brou.h' ._ '- himt" 1&1., the mUllclaD. "Tee, bllt Office at residence in F, She!'what of ltr' HWal1, I'm SOlq 10 write wood's boule Fourth Sl-t a dl"OI'Oe maroh."-We. , ...... Telephone 28 Itopped Corn • Good ,oocr. A ionrDment bull8tba laY. that Waynesville. • Ohio SlOPped corn II IUpertor 10 man, breakf8llt foodl now OD the market. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!I!!!! Bometlmea It II eateD with mUk and DR. J. W. MILLER, IUlar. ID mID, farm hOWtel SIODCOl'Il Ia cODIldered a D8Ce111ar7 adJunct to Chrlltmaa r..UylUel, IIId the ..,. of ••• DENTIST••• the little Tom Thumb ,arlat)' are par. ~~~IUoY SIOp\1lar forOh~ tree Olllae ..

w.. .... ...



•• I




Dr. Heber M. DiU

pltlteJy corld aDd oaa "eoommtlnd 'bem to every one." Vor eale by aU dealer • .



with funerals. Best of service guaranteed,




Chairs and one Coach fundabed free

to hll companion, aa tlae latter brulbo ad hill recreant Ud with bIa coal 250 box of Cb 'm'llerlala', Tablet., IIMYe. "Wh.n I tN, a new bat I a1· aDd happy to I&Y tha' I am oom


~e4..:.._ '[_ ProIIete Court Bndle,-YOllQ;ea,l07ee 10 paper Olllp .5 onS.n wW be filled Oil tw. . I'r '-II .. e & Q_' otrer. ' ACT TODA'V TO UB 81lB.E. In 'be maher Of, the ."1&8 or mill., aa.. 1l,,0 ..OU Anu ""ana JOur Dime DOW. TQDAY. YOIl Elisa,_ B • ~ ~d D-Iv '-Y. of I'nnkUa. .... AI'UaDI' eao" ~. all4 "'. tile IfI'CI&test. ecooOll11o.t . 4 ' • ,..-11'6· . . , . \rtIewltser oppon.WIl.~ will.enr haye: . 1&8 .. .Ie .~.' .~l . ~1J!ftJ or- . ~, , '. _ . ' . , ....... ,TJPf.WI'lter .' ,. .' I. '" i ,0 .. , . ..... ,- 'IaUle~c!fU1.wlllot_. . · .Do 1ft . .... ~. . . . . . . . . ~~.~Ot beUl~t.b, . . . . . . ,WID.~o: ~. . ., ~~....., . or ' .

lObg diebulce,No, 14; DalPe phone 14·2r.

Cured of Liver Complaint Ohio "1 woe 8nffllrll1g with liver oom. Waynesville, 111.lnt," IIIIYI ha SmUh of Pola' Blaat, Texa8, ...Iud deolded to tr~ a Tuesday. and Friday., from .8:JO


CIIlro MIlY · Paul VII. Jam. H. Georgtl Hm, ~~ "I; dt'fendan&a P,lUI, dlvoro& granted. PlaID'ur .... Bale approved. Dlantba&Ion made. wa,l beat the band oyer a ... Jet, -.. ~r of ...,,OLe - t It on ..... Eml11Ll stored to mr.idoo Dame. -RaaT" . , u_..... - bead .nd let tt ' cool Dillon ' B. WI180n VII . Manly O. estate of Amoa RUJ'&n, deoeued.. T:~~rl::~~~t fit. Try It." Wilson at a). Margaret Willian flIed Phdntlif V~, Emil M, RWlDJI'D n al entry of appearllDoa. Further pnb \detendI\DCII. .W. Z, Ro1) appolated Ortg.. .. liostion ot Jl.C)tloe to no~relllde.ts ill guardlao ad htem for minor deten. :&. real thq WAI a member 01 a 01'0 dillpeosod ",,"tb. dante In 01111S8. Private lIale pallid IIOCIIItJ of fIUlatloal mllrelere,. orderlld . SMITH·PREMIER ID ID4ta. who coDllderecl their vloRea) Eat.te Tranlfen In the matter _It the w\l1 of EIlZll.' ttma to be I.cliftoel to thllr 1Oda. Tn>ewrtter at .Si.1I5 leu than the JUanu· fa.tlt-oNn·. lowNt '..,001'7 pJ1Ctt. Tbalr method WAI b)' ItraDlIIlItioD. Trene. U. JamelOll et 01 to A. L. beth B Terwilliger, deceased. Wtli The IDD,Ulh tried to luppreea them and Olella ~Idell, CWo traotl of 1anel admItted to probate. James F, abollt 1810, but did DOt Hooeed tlB In Clearoraek townahip $4670. McColm .ppoiDted executor. C. W. about 1880. __ ••-----Nellie Brln)man to Jane Ander- Randan, J. Warren Wood and O. c\ son lot on Pleasant IIneet 11. I:nlaes appointed • ... Doae. Edward Bill, 'admlnlatrator to In 'he matter 01 thll .BllgllmeDt "What dou thlI utlon IIMC"f h M R 11 Kill ' l\louted the Impailionod ontor. 030l1r Arnold, two tract. in Hamil. 0 ' e arrow a er s Co.• "What: 40ell thil natloD -.qulr•• If Ih. ton township, t600. deed of aalgnment executed by -i4 Itepe proudly aerol. the Pacl8c. If C. B. Ilnd ZOllo YOllt W Vb.rlee .nd party t" Frank RioD of tbe prQ. ab. Itrlde.. boldl, aero.. the mlabt, Al\Ie J!4oore a, 80 aoree III W.llhln .... perty. mooflY, rights aad oredlt. of oo..a In ber march of tracle and freeD ton towDshlp Itl. aaId ad9I gnnrt .• n " rn.. f or th II be neu . dom f I repeat, wbat clO8I Ibe need r . " R u b b e r boola," IU••eated the ,1'08117 Neyer before h "s Iln)'thinlC like this heeD Thomall BaKfonl to hi. wile, two of ttl creditors, flIed. """non ID • _ •• aea(. lItt.empted. Dealers lIe ~ la.oo .. month rent for h ' .,., .-th l. make of mllcblne DOt nearly as perfeot "" traot8 at land 1a Warren aDd ·CUD. In tbe maUer of t e will of D. W '. • - • ¥'\~ cf~~R~1 Xe ~1oko~iJ6'Ad:M''bW~of¥. ~n ooun&l811 $1. C. 8mith, deoealloo. Will adml&te4 ThunderetDrtIt. ud LI,htfth,.. !'END 'VOUR NAME AND ADDBJl'B8 Samuel 8ulzbaoher aDd wife &0 to probate. Dl tha UDtted Btat.. tiN A POSTAL CARD AND WE I'olter H , Br...... -m I.... No••0 A"d In 'he mlUer of 'he aallcam~. atormIl are four or flye tim. . . rr. WILL ARRANGE A TUBEE DA'VS' -.... QUIlt aut of tha Rook, mou..... .. TRIAL WITHOUT COST TO YOU, 21 and rrao"onallau No. " aad.3 of Annl C. Brewer ...Iguor. Ap. w_t. OIIllttlq from conaidaraUoll P e rfect maChloC9 ooly. complete outfit. In Morrow Obio oI!l pUodioll Cited praying the conn &0 parta of ArtIoDa aDd If.w Ymca. !lo tllintr eItra t.O buy. DO .tnOif" of any ItIl\4 ". • , to tills Direr. Ju st think Of buy ing such eo Jam. B. DlUey e ••1 to Lewella 11ft 'he a",tgnmen' and ualguee 'I'bIa III dUI to the leD.rall)' lnOutelilo tYlle writef for only 57.75 down aDd II 00 a II "I I ed bl ... oondltlo f th t. W"-h·-I q mon th for live mODtbe. Thousa nds of people aay lotll No. " 4 aDd 10 ID DtU.". retarna proper . . . . . go &0 ~. no. huve paid 1100.00 o". h (or Smith Promlers . II fMqllent In nortda aDd nu. It I. Standard. by ulIlny conside red thO host IInbdlvlslOD a' Muou, Ohio, '11111, Mani~e Ucen. DOlI. t yp e writer "ver bull t. A key fo r each cha... • L n..~_ a cter/n" tn'" brush (or ole anlng the type l,;l1rl .......... aDd 'Wite &e Jildward o . • - ...- - bu\l~ to tbe ma ohlne. tlltJrJlI oa rrlalle. oomes Iil Shroyer and -I-e ... ~ Ia 'recleriok O. Rtchard, farmer 01 ft_ . . ._ G HI If A to )'Ou witll toola. rubber co.e r. eyerythlntr J . ...,. ....' -- Knill I' .... .. 'D__ r r .ve ..... -,. complete. It runs beautifully. Is 8imple aDd Ulearoreek to-."lp'1 l'raakllD to &a_e .... ~, 0 aear ~'IlIlIYI met thll mu" laid a . . . atronll aDd wl11ll1st .. Ufetlme. We bne8014 ......... I' ... u Be II D li t th " hundreds of like macldUes Bnd e verybody Is ran. a. V, e an e I. . ,., ..1 eatrem. lI"entr, ''ta a II't!&t


Call answered promptly dQr or niJdlt. Both phones in Office and ResIdence•

"So you retu.e to pa,tronlze that Osteopathic Ph.nician ChineN laundryman." "Yell. The 21 Broadway Pbone 44t thine. h, wrote on the piece of paper IIIII!III. . . . be handed me may be complimentary. Lebanon. Ohio but they dldn't look It."

.: C()UNTY COURT NEWS : • A Typewriter .-"..,. ,.-. . . . ."..---.. .,. ,.-. .*~-------.." .' . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . .~. =;,~~.!d~'B=~buaor.:= 'on Scnsatl =. .-. ""'\1180$2BQ~~~~~~~





Te M.k. • ~at Pit. '7oIlow m, ~"oe. aDd you

CoIDDIOD P.... Court

and Embalmer., Wayne.ville. Ohio •

Know Thlal ft. middle nree of the Blbl. II tbe ..,bth yar.. of the 1lath paa)m. TIl. • •nty.ftnt TerM of tbe Myenth chapter ot IDIra contain I all the lettan of the alphabet the letter "J." Th. yerse II tht' !1lnth yerse of the elptb chapter of mather. Tu norteat nne II tbe ninth nne 01 the eleytlDth ch.pter ot at. JoU. t • _ • Do



o.rber. Baw~Ue. Cal. "lor

See Window Display








... 1 •

.~VAn ;0. ,'I'IDI &l~AVOI'IoJr



, .


[===~~=~~b~!~~~~!===] HUTCHISON 0.Rr GIBNE' Y'


A Glimpse of California for You


Would you like to lee lOme of th.. wonders of California' Haven' t 10U bet!n dr••mlne about the Golden State for a lon~ while? Wouldn't )'ou like to see with your OWD eyes lOme of the world's famous resorts and hotels? Wouldn't you like to know how to see and enjoy these bl,. hospitable, homelike hotels? Wouldn't you Ilke to look at the &,reen hili. and amllIne valley., the frqrant oranle groves. the folks at ,lay In the winterl811 paradiM of the Pacific?





W. L. 1I.,..ey II belDg kep' 01018 •• home for. f •• da,l OD 'aooount of bl. dllabnUy. J . C. Un, Ia oon"lIIpl."q a nloe ImIID_ In hi. ne.. eD"rprtM u . .Ide IIDe, In IelUog lIeb .'"01. Be ..miD ,be Deal' 'a'on nppor' on. of 'h. la.... type. AIr. Gray bet., ~ m.obl.ta, 0&Il DO doob' , ... on. in 8. . repair. Ill', uad ~n. W. W. Welob ' ..o ••YI In Clnolana" lut week

How to Bring California to Yoar Home y _. that i. poetibl.. If you will aenci U8 ten cebt. merely to eover cost of mailinel we will eend you tree a booklet daeriptiva of. Californla'i ramOU8 reeorta and in addition the b1e Chriatmu Number 01 SUNSET MA.G4ZlNI: with a bll' Iltol'1 of the procnae of the Panam.Paclflc International ExpOlltiOD and furth.r vi. . . of this P.elfie Coat wond.rland• . Be lUre to mention thilll.WIpaper and .ddreu yeur letter to


lootl•••ft.. b1lllD... lin. W. L. Baney wu ....willl SUNSET MAGAZiNI.8anFraDeileo,(~lifornia in Da,aoa lut week. ~ ...- . .- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - , - - - - - - - . : Th. """mer'l ~"i"" will eo.· !!!!!!!'!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! •••• b.n -.oem.,. 11 and 10. Thil beiD, Ole ant IlUlUq bere"



PublJabe« .-*VI .,


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0Il10 . . "



• lILUN '1'''&1'




D. L. CuNE, Editor and

Batea .f S.......UO. 0 . . y .... (~Ia ad~) .. .. ........ .

. '..... Cop, ............... . · .. ..... .


. 11

.r Ad......u.tq



t. looke4 forward to Il'e.' d.l.f IDW... The . . . . .n.... . . . . ' Il. . . . . . na M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... wen qu.ntled ..Dd .. O&IlDot belp 0

beta• • lDOOIII.



................. _

' .. u...., .. " ...I .... ." ,

Mr. an4 ...... rlOJ4 .Menoo, for

....Dy .,.......141... of oar TllIa..

more .....n'ly 01 Da,••, wber. II... .Aa4e1lOD wu employed, hal "tl oon.eotiou $b..... bu mo... bla ruan,. • Xenia. 1Ieee . . . . . . MY . . . . . . ... Dr. BaDcIall Ia aplD l'1IDniDl( hi. -at. . IlTID." ....... for .. f.w

..... IM. . . . . . . . . . . ,




Stomadt Troubles



Ellli andI.....t. of Xeala. pallid

....... ~. DII' 11M .... , .. ... ... . .. lhuaaaoh, 11fti' . . . tidney '~o.,b Ia.... Jut w.., euOD" to I--a.. bIMk .... DII' 1IDe . . . . . . . troo~l.., w.k ........ lAID. llle 1Oa·1.·I.w In &ilia. of aear ~ AM. ... Ii.and female ut. clIaa~ «a D_TIlIe


'! --- ." TIIIw '-w...... . .. . ..... ...

U~ . " - - tr.; OYW . " 1DdIM. DII' 1JaIo. .... . . . .. . ... .

or 1IaaaD. ........ .............


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w" chal • • •aU ...•• .. lie Ad~ r-. 1IIeIa..... .. .. ..

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D&0&1I8&. '1••1..



J:Jeotno Bi. . . . an..... T b o u . " · ande ee wo.ea wotlka.ot be Widt. Mr. .GlIIOtt ~1dD, of X-ta. an bottl. ID tbek~. 1:11. . . .torn.-, of p..-ln.aoe who wu Pool 01 Okle --' '''&1 b __ A i1 --. .. ... ntee. eo own nl1e4 .. oar Tllta. ., II • oat.... rat.. S . . from a bed moob In. . . . . Wl'll rbeo· of liok... ..d .dertq ua4 hal 't. I t t . . .. ..... f ... to "oae m•• world of ,004. I wlIb" . . . . . . . . . . . .1' 111m,. .derin. wOlDan oo"d nee •• Ik uotlDCl. BlI .aqual•. thli .sOIII••, nmedy and IlJl4 00" ....... willa 101' Illm • •""" ... .. I did. _an 1l0w Iood It iI." AI 00""" " "u b.Cped ...0 . . . . . or o t b e n ' i ......1, 40 ........ for,-w: ~ .... DUlD ......,... inial· IC~ bottle .ua.....teect No. aD" .... fa !Myto. WedDeed., ,, '00. A. all Dnnlet.. .. & . TIae ...... Na.."fol . . .'bar 11M au .... &. Co. Pblladelpbia or 8t. been ma40 .... or by oar larmen fa LoDlI --r' ", . •_ • ....... 0..' .....1' CIOrII, bo' ........1'. ooa........., I. IDcllq faol' and M fI . . ~ .... _ .ler ".. .... toe aan a· . . . . 1 •• • ........ ' 1 JOJ. It.

I.... 0.'. n-....

-..oiIlUOM .......................... I "

odaII • •



n,. .,u.ou...





nie Gleaner Glrla beld a Cbm," msa basaar In the annex Bdurctay _nelrDOOD and neDlnc, PJ~of . Arnold of the High School wa•• deleg.,. " ., haoher'l oon ereel beld in Columbal lall' week . Min Sarah H.ydook entert..tDed dlDner 8unday IIr ..nd Ibl. Paul h *enon, of apri.K Valley, Mr. and Mn.. WeldoD HeUar. of UaklaDd. and Mr. Edwin .btd.ker, of Dear


Fine Assortment of

Novelty Aprons

Willnlngton. W.ldon B.lI.r. OakllDd, aDd lI.rIl. Lem.r lurpriHd 'heir m.ny frle[l(la la.. Wedo.lday by iotDII to "'''Inoln. .&1 aDdoomlDi baok b_1l&baDd


and w"e. They.n popular young people who .Dlay 'lae beet wteh•• of. wide otrole of fri ••d. . l'he Wom.n·1 1I11110D.1'1 Soote',. oUb. J'·1 .huroh me' la'ar d ..y aftuDOO•• , SlUI bome 01 Mn Roy Carr. A ID&II meeting wl\l be beld ID 'h. Irri.Ddl ohurob her. oa rbnn· day. !'hll wUJ really be.n adJouraed ....ton of Mtamt Quar ..rly lIMIting ID 'b.1Dklr..' of ahe m.mben\lp' oampatp whloh hal beeD DDdomkia by Wtlmlnl'OD y mee"oc· • - •

All Over 39 cenll.

Holiday All Out for DI.p.ay •

Japan Buketa, China, Leather Basa, Cut ·Glaa.

Dr.lttolNloa·. Ointment Hcall Itchy f.ufln.

Tine ooaataD.17 Uohlae. barDin, ..D.... oa and 0''''1' d fOrlJli. of 8OAID., klater. hit and .111••rop$lonl promp'ly our..

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00

It [I


B baa ' J:ose 01 \m • W ~Uoh'f u ::. IU eD . . . en 0,,: 0



"I purobued I box of Dr. BobeoD'. i:osema an. had J,o ~ma ner"01 ,bo al ..1 w.r, haft been ..... MA by ~y doo.on h ........ea .abe beDeIlt ~h.' of 111'. Bobeoo'. r.o..m" otll,tm ...nt.1 hal:' & • .,. .dern IbODld tl"J " W.·IN 10 It .. Ill belp ,"OU w••:aann_ " or DIOney refonded. A' •.rl 01' by III all 500. Pf.ljl.r ()bemloal ()O. Pbtlacl.'pllla


IWD.... til. a .... CIOlonG oonn 01 .... ~" ... ot Tho Alurioan 110, I. 00.. ..lM4 ..... tloUDe. 01 f&Ot. &I a.;. Lam. u4 of a ...o..... lUUhaUoe ...., AI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oenata .. hlNnlt tile &OU... . , .. It wlU lDepl ... Iat.. TIle "'..,.• wo _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gecwp Col......, w..oee lu'lad· WAYNESVlu.B CHURCHE5. ..,. . ,.... uo orowde4 wltll pod . . .-.r.. • , w .....a. tr.n Wop. I " . . . . . , ................ DO.,. ......,. of EplKOpII CburdI ProaalD.n' a• •1 ......OllIla' ................. . . , . - : -.I __"ean qo wat. ~ . ....0. .. arau-r....... ()br. . . . . . ."011 a ~. 1..-. . . .. ........ 1ItIa.. ... ~ , . . t l , 1nII'lIcI till '1l1Ulila,8cIlool. 8:•• a. m. MorIlID« ••r • • __ ...... b .,,_ _ a ~.~ lIelt. . . . . . . L _ _ _ .... _ '-1 __ "_-6"_ .,.IM. '0 :10 a.lIl• • "'.DIDI "rYlee. '1:0 »

._.................. ..

tIl .,




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Kill".......ow ..... u... to alaaeb." b, Uanud a.rrlI.

d 1'11.......... ... x.u. ...

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIIIf ......... --- _



...... -.-. _ . - •. Ja4.... Pr"er ...... q. T p. Ill.

"'* .... .. .... ..... , .......... aU . . . .Ium atm....

HoUle Dres.el

. - ....- . . . . . . . . . aaanIed ..... and _ .......y St• . Catholic: ~ '''l'bo Tale of .. , . . . . . N.......... Il. ""Jalllaome "'til· ..... '-II yuo 0 ..... .!~ tUIq..., or Jall....,.. DOep' .::': ~ery _114 IUIII1¥ of llIe moalll a lq . . . . . oIVll......... un. 0,.. • ~.. ucJ Op to tblI .lID. hlI Tral( b,. ••rbelr. Wp4b •• CnMIp ... '-III ......, .Uj-boota an n" uown. Sf. Mary'. EpIIcopaI ClII. . . Ie .. aabaaJ Ito" or 0 ...... ,....... ~,·le a ......" .. dl.i .... "at , • - • : ...... I. r. Ca4wa1Ja4er. Rector. . "Nl& ~ .. "b7 lluold WllUaia taclb oblldrea ~ .DCldIll17 til• ., an lIow to Baakrupt die Docton 8uo4&, Bohool. • :so a. m . KamlD« ••• k.. Wi... ....... • • to .. elaOb ~ ......... A ·'roml.... New York .." .......n ;!~::== ~:a :~IIc:-maDloD ,Ile Ont • __ . proper " - , ., onOl. Tlaen II ,_J U It .... aot for , ... thin Tu.. ..... bellcIee. 1001' oaIln .....t .0Ui", taeatIr lD til. wo.1d tIaan ""-"-61__ Ch .toI'lIe or .........ppeal. I Dr. ·IlIa,'. N.w 01_......,. ....... 1touJ. . . . . . tillDMIed IbOll ..orn ,.,.....,..... urcb. __ ;i O~berJaI. of JIluobeder Olal .,. - - . , ... 400ton woo)cl ,rob .... P. B. ",...... P..... "a'_ IIOOIId "Th. wti~ ..boutlat. obll4na' . . .0. ab17 be baakr....." WbMl ,.0.. • .. 1IcbooI. I: •• \:t..1odIJ--. .....'Ura' Wolf," . . . . . "017 ,tla.sP I. II. . . at.... ·w. w.:. ooDpaotaoold40Dot waltrOl"IUo =it.:-~ by I)Ulon Wall.....ppean In till• .,,,,,d tbey WODlt 41•• b •• .-.oe . . . . .Wlop". puuIDo.l .. ~•• tria. it 1.:1......... 11.0 P ••• I I I .' "Tb. Xl., of .... J'tllbu" ".ted wu. a .......s, Dr a' - -II tateD4ecI ClwDbelrlaln • Ooqb ...•...·.dte P..J-A• ....... - - . i. ' J[l.... • K w DlIoo BnIod., 1lpecda11,. fOl' ........n. b7 Eo AIex,ad.r . . . . r. a. ~~ . ·W _, ""... ... _ •• ~1uI and oolell .Del .... woe.. nr.a PI.) ....tlDl ••0 :00 L In. "ns Dar G• ¥ .• . . . ' _ 1 .............. ...... p, wide - .p ....08 .Ollnll Da, lleetlq 00. _ • ad • 0 0' .~ Bo" for ........ ~. ' -b';' I.. oone.' ."_ II:DOLU:IO .. 1DOIt·$bril1l., in....... LI........' 100 d,l.00. A "'oal. be ......... It lI.oat eaeohlal an" II S. •ad....o., U. III. H ., ,.111 II DrDnI.... '1. . . . uad .fe &0 take. 1. Orthodox Fr1en41 Cburcll. .... Ie,.. "0.. to " .... In lal. "Bt,- B . • ' BDOkI_ .. 00., PIIIL at b, III .ealan. A. •• WOO'-l. I'MIor. ...... . '0. 'M.k'-&leo • - ,' . - • aabMah 801aool. ' :10 a. Ill. Re«UIar obllre" .-. .' C•• .-; n..-.-L .......- 10:1' .. m •• ucl 7110 p. Ill. Pra,. Wor"" Ie $b. title or • n.w ' _ _ Y.. - - - . " ~....:a. .....,_Wed-say ....enlDtr .. 7:10• ..... of ....Uol.. b, DoD Ouuroa ftiit ..... ., ..............

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. 1.8 mOD""old. DuleI.oob".il--------------~!'VIt--------_ ., cUO WQDIITlla.. B. t.


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Po.... ()blna

~ PlJIDoatll Book RoodIn. I. 8. ........ • ~ tUO. lin. D. r. l5ml.b • 'fiIltlll_ ......... A.. ......... Bprtq:V,ll.'t B. 1. Bo... Pboae 01 .........w.'IIaIicIQ. at. QlDMrtUae ~aoh..... 41. • - • _.a-..II pIa... w ..16.. , ' ...~'.--' ...

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................1 of .... wooden 01 :-;::••a or lie!.. !!!!!!! mod.,. ••lIktol• ., lD a rora at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ R. . ,natloal .. it Ia a ..... ...,. " ........ m IIala u4 II _.... • ~ III",. 4.................laort .,...... .... .... ............ • .. onoe ... wtIl be lDMr&e4 UDder .........s tor ~. aweal \0. boJ'......rr,I.. _ .... ., - , .. ~.. Compton wen lIa WUm_taD on· 'weDt,·o.... ceDta for three tuerUoM; ....... aDd aid lit. lD Iat.l1Dpo...... ~... . . . . . . . II- --11--. .... Ul. . not aon tba. fin uae.. - .........__L W . . I."'-r ~-"",--.--~-....-..,.-""'-.... -~--....-_ _~_ __ b....... ., W., a boJ ..d 4..... , ...... II _ ........ W44 ~ 17 '" #h .. opallD............... A bo7 .,00 ...... . . . . . . . . . . I. • . . . "'Ilr~~ ~ f loa.. · FOa IALE lE. .w wan.. a oopJ:. '1.01 • ,...... ..... . . . . . . ,0 • Pobll_..... .,.,Tb.8pnpe PobUU,; .-~t&......... la, 00.• DeIlOU. lUoll. ;, FlU HII CulIbIec:eb' brodillll' ~ ........ 'h....,. . :'. '11 lIorr.w .. •_ • ....,... ,.,Ja...... eI* .1Ioo••ta lIil, ud r ...i & Bnppl, Co. win be 10 " .,.... lip ... ....., . . . . ." " ' .......... x.aa Uopfen 1'rl48,. Wal'......Ill. OD J!rt4a, of NOh week ~ of UbUiabeR1a.. ', Tala.... I..... ~r lin. I ........mla• •__ wltla .. f1I1111n. of Dalrr )'eed, anel .......e IIa , : :~ blI _ ....,.17.'· tal . \bet.. eo.. aa4 rUDln...... mat. yoo _Hraoti"e priOil. ............ II ,writ.. Mill c..=I.' "I,•. ef if......1....08. . .eI \YIP hay. tW .....,.... . . . . . ,.lal bos .... 1Im1da. . . pa Dot __• • 0 wUd of . .ned ...... ol _ _Art. .1Id ....... , of WU_I...... _ _D one .., mon$h aDa ReokI••Oookerel. of Plythe . IIok.,.... II., .........tomaob lilt . . .Il. IIndtay :,acI ....... lor ( Iroo~ ....... olio b••a... b, ....~ ~~ .... lin. BG17 .......... .... . KIa. S.M. dally, hOli•••• . . . . . " OIablllatl. for .....: . . .1• .,............. OM..,. ....... UI4 ... 417 c.tIrrIt 'hat CoeIaIa MII'CIII')' ", • - .• IuDn~ . . DaI'" lIloppan.... bUIb.1e of VaoeD' .............. '" ...t.~ · 0 ' · .lo. ·l n o..,toD, Dloel~ I...... ::...~::I~:"!m~..!aO: ' ~ =~ ~ II~'-,o LJUe 1pID' ........ will Wild- for f8nD nook. J:dp, ...... alae ...0" .,... . . .b_ . . .... ~ ...... ' . . . . .a•• a ..., .... wed ~tbtta.......... IIni ___ "DIaD, 1IaI'.1 '."U"l'J, Obl~. I'laOD.


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Automobile Livery SiIftce ·.t Rea· ..aahIe R......



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Pain In Back and Rhlumatl,.


and me I aqck 41!ffl . Sbe'l bave to ftnd him out tor hcr~lt. · VU. My wUe baa run awa1' wltb hlm. ,

SYNOPSIS. Th e . tory "I' ~ n " with JeB"~ flmlth


"tln g th e s t o ry ('If hi" hl r th . (·url)! 11 (1' .In a..brador l~ nd u t t h(' ct, 'ath II( hlt4 ( tt ttw r . be ~Otn "'8 Il HalloL Il ls Tlll)tl!!" ma r


h uld lIul.··: ·I I. · llC1:a11 tb g"t c ocour· aRed .: T h);[i t~l lij placo 'w as Jus t hum · IJi lng w ith ra ttl" Anakte. so I>: pll Il ud tOP JU tJ t \\ (l nl Uf"v uu tl l Ofit· t h p r 80 lo ng

Il S tht-' hlu ltlng: W H~ \y,o rttl lh p l r olJ l>l o

r~ ~~e th:-':.~t.~~ \~'~ ~:~,~l> \~:~~~t. : ~ut~ l '~; I doubt Jr t11 cr ~'8

S;;;ome. a cowboy In T~"UI.


i lltt " ',!. At that T bn'ulh ed n B i ~h o r r pll e r.

II " mn rrle.

n. Ktngt' r ('I t Q\w:'t \ l I ntl IJl,' II l1'rnlH, " Th f"u 1-:,,11 I( "U:~ tilUHJr . wanting 'Who a t e r la r e pu r t('d t o havn 1 · ~ ,",mlt'I· . t , • . .utdde. J f"SIIC bc,:orllPlt Ii. n~l1C' h ' ·r. Il n d j Rfluir 'l M l llifl (" hl"ll lt1 nk ~ . :'\ 0 \\' t htl. r I I1H,\,,,,, tf) Briti sh ("I \1 mbl", 1" " .· ) r"V" 1 "' Uti Ornl . I ': " ~ ry Rt rlp" ,1 \' a r ru lnt Or 'POI1 Y\

tak es up th e nn.rr alh e. t.Tn iln PlJ lI )' Jt1lL r r1 ~ d !th e c ontt~ rnpl"l .~ HU!t' ld. " bUI (' h n n l.:: f- s 'her mind uttt!r mef.'tilltc JI ·~:"{'. J .... " ~ \. r"A cuea Kal e from l uo r l l rt n k - m luhh: n .: .1 hus ban<l who IL ll e mpt. t o k ill h,'r. Tr"" I,r 'olea hi. lIt~ In th r-t f llpt.1n. I-(a.t " r!'J (> rt l otT.orll ot grahd Ol}P fR. ru .ln rU: t>r:t t o T l" l urn lin lh .. otage an~ mllrTle. J e.....

CHAPTER IV.-Continu ed.

Were Ul e re ' no t loud a. wou ld WB realize thut th e s ky Is b lue ? It uo :tittle mlBunders tandings hod r ise n .. bove our hor lzo u, wou ld J esse and I bave r eali zed our wed ded hopplness! 'How Bhould I kno'" wb en I read bls pock e t dia ry, whot wns menn t by ··ona night ou L T ook l\Iatlldn. " or "Ma· tllda an d Fuss y tonigbt." or "marc hed 'Wllh Hare m!" Matilda an d ~~U&sy t1 you plea se are lilankels . ond tbe Ha rem Is his 'Winter, cam p e quipm ent. Wllat would rob ·tblnk tr you toun ,t thlB In a book!

lie says It meo ns "Eatlng·ho use wom· Iln chasl n g- J es~1i galloping- home d ead finIsh ." And some or It Is worse! 1 dare not aCCllse my d oa r man at b eing na rrow·mlnded. I hav e no doubt tbat he Is quite satl8f1ed In his (nteDse antipathy to, nlggers, dagos and chinks-indeed, ~ will oat allow my Chinese servant on the much. But It 1 wlBbed to un cork a choice vintage at stories, I a llude d to hIs pre ju· dice agaInst th e word "grizzly" as applied to llls p et bear. "Now thar's whar yo're de ad 'Wrong." H e threw .. log at c edar ~pon our c amp altar, tAaklng ,freBh In<!ense to the wild gods. "Tbe IlUId· l ord's a s ilve r-tip, tat as butter. Do wn to the low country, whar teed Is mean. and BrltlBbers . lLrou.nd, the b'ars Is poor. and call ed grIzzlies. I'd b e .ashamed to bave a grizzly on my ranell." . "WhY . la Ule landlord 'c alled EpbY" "Christian name. Most b'ars Is Epbralm, but he'B Ephrata which means 'b e open: I trie d to get hIm to be open with m e Instead of stealtrig chlckenB. : .Th)'t's when the bad year come." '. " Were you in d.lftlcuIUes ?" "Eph was. Them cannel'les down to Balt wate r, lIn.d Osbe d tbe Fraser out, and the hatchery dldn't ge t to Its work until the fourth year, when 'tho n ew spawn come back to' tbelr !home rive r . 'leSt · alid th e sarvis ber· ·ties failed. So wh e n the salmon and lberrieB went back on him, be sort >or p etere d out. He come to tbe cabin and said, plain os talk. be was nigh quitting buslneBs." "But, JeBB e! A starving gr-I mean b'ar. Weren't you .arrald e ven tb e n ?" "Why for? My 'P'a rdner attend8 to biB bUBln e sB, and don 't Int erfe re with my hawS!! ranob . . He' owns lh o grubs, berrleB, salmon, wUd hon ey and fix· tngB. I ownB the graBS, Btock. chick· enll, and garden sals. When we dis, agreed about tbem cabbages. I sbot hole II In hla. ears untll he allowed th~y was mlpe. HIs 'ea1'8 Is sUll s ort


tll O


f' qul r ' ] bUt

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my o at enc k s. (lye ry S il t up anLl CUSS n n - 'day. .

rot.. •

I I':,·t hurt . Tho u'6 tl tlH'Y


pn (l mlp s - t ox "s.

mink , I.'" I

Hku uk . I

\\','ns pl. I rE' <1 Ih al 101 to r. p I . sav n g Ule foxl's. T p ll you, ){at e, lb a la nd· lord bl'gnn to srt 80 proud h e wou ld[] ·t know Ill !!." " Your gr cnt I'ng l~B . J cssc: th~ y kill ~ Q ulrr e l a. too." , -"That 's a fact. I t I ebo t th e ea g les, t h ~ m squ lr'la would ge t too joytul. Eug lE's ac ka. ns a so rt at re ligion to s Qulr· ls. or Ih ey'd :torge t th e ir prayers . Th e n ext propobltlon '<v as cougars." "Ob. I'm glad you kill ed th cm. At Ihe o ld roncb I waB so t e rrlO e d I'd li e awak e 011 nIght." 'Tm sort ot sorry. '1I!any'sr -tb e time. camped on :.oor be ncb.:·land , whlcb l aw n Is a SOod plabe ·for cou· g ars. I'd SP. t up ba lf th e nlgbt to li s te n. Th ey sa ng love s ongs, btg ,,:ar ,PongBr.and a l.1 kill.ds or music. hn~ YOII b ~)n · ~.s~;~,d! ~" . "K ill them? They're bard to Bee os ghos ts. and every time you fire th ey jus t get absent. That aIn't tb e reason t bough • . for If th jl lllndl.o rd want ed cat's meat, I'd Ilk!! to Bee tbe Oght." . "Tb e'd neve r dare to fig!)t tbat glan t be ar!" "I dUilno. Eph aln't lost no cou gars. He treats )herq ~ total 8tralJger~ 1i . "But tbe retl'l reason ' l ted , no moun· taln·llons to .Elph Is mostly connected with Bheep. Cougars does a r ight smart hU8ln es&. In ·s ~e p. ,:specla Uy: Surly Urown·s. Sheep Is m ean er 'n s nak es, s h ee pmen 18 m ea ne r 'n sh eep. and It t h e berd e rs di sagrees wltb tbe co ug ar s' gtve me the" cosgari: 'r sll~ m e n Is dirt." The r e spoke tbe unr.egcn er ate cow· boy! ' "But, J esse deo r . a r c you e ll re t bat Eph won't expect me to be 'Bpared' next time h e 's hungry 1" "Why. no .. IoI~ was rols~d .respE!ctable. an d the'rl1's a proper kllql1E!~ tor b'a rs on mee tin g a lady . 1t'1I 81'lrt at flr st da uc '; mov e m~ts: - 'general slid e. pass' the c1oak'room, 'an d whar's my little borne?'" J ellse's Note.

N. n .- Kate al?d: me a gre!!sJ th.t tile nex t .c hopter bas to b e c ut out. b!!lng dull. It's a ll a boqt .tl1 e bam·.ralaJng after we gol home to 'tb e rancb. Tb e ne lghbortl put u~ 'up a fine ' big cabin con n ec ting to the old one hy a cover ed porcb at cedar s hakes. Tbat's wber e th e flr wood I1 v:es, the wate rhutt, th e grIndstone. wb lcb Kate says Is exac tly IIko my s ing ing voice, likewIse lb e ax and saw. Of cou rse our bouBe-r a lsln g was a ce le bration , wltb a dance. camp·fIre wa ter·butt full of punch, and h ead· a c h es . I be t 0 veda IJnrs 1 was the onl y se mapbore slgnalcr In our dIs· trlct, Bnd lost It to Iron Dale. wbo learned signaling five years ago durWg lbe Ri el rebellion Cap Taylor ~ut up a signal syste~\.ror our use, at fires by nlgbt or big smokes by day. One m eans a celebration, two means b elp, and three means W'lir:'·. ; Arter tbe celebration we settled tor ·tb e , wlnl~, and I put ,all !he ponIes excc pt Jonea and th~ slelgb team down In tbe canyon pasture. 'fbat made the ran ch sort at lonesome. hut we're sbort of hay on accolfnt of ·t.h weddlng·trlp. We're broke.




. VUI. .. I could pick slArs IIIW apPle. 8 . lI e r .. me wltb my pipe IUId dog In my borne, and my deor wlte cQnt cut: Th e Do ~· l1 ot Loudon bllA! no mo re. except tr lll ~. I hardly kuow wbar to beglu , 'Ct' IJt ,,,h ar I lort uff with out mentioulu !( b o ~ they run IIWUY .' Tlle U1uslrio uH dldn 't b'ave th . n e rv £': so It Willi tily ludy who Hlole o ,'or to s tabl e in th l' (I, 'a rl o r n ig ht, and h a r ne HHNl th o· tanrn 80 s l. lent I IH·y er wo ke. ti ho drov e o rr witt. h"r .trunk s. th '~ 11\I PPy plano. uf\d h p( s wln o. on II hltt l' r n igh t with 'elghty' mil e ah ead b etorJj Rh c'd Il'l!'t 1I11\Y' be l, tr IhlnJli 8 ' w en t \,'·rong. Shp ' h ns , 'he In" lIl e up- cort!!lde rllbl e up (1I be mot .lnd I noticl!d th flt tbe signor loor.ed pure g rit. my gre nt Ithoro ll ghl)rll d lutly., ,,'ilh n n uccidl' ll t. .Then nls wIdow ()O whUs she. ,1vos bE'd up. ., . . a nd It muk (! ij mil reta l r eul good to marrl .. d me. a nd I'm plumb dlsb ea rt· I dldn't sarro,..' with Kat e IWr8 lmd· th lnl< o f Ih,' \\'oy s h e roilo'wed hl:T con· c ned. Ing me to 'I lrlve th em os rar as H un· s(' lc nce IIlong that lJ .i hol y Irnll'thraugh' 11. dr!ld l\f1hl.' The' Bound ot hor vo ice th e blnck ·' f>ln ~B . ' . " • . . ; " wos coold ng-; s lopjackB. whIch IItamprd!!R me ·e very tim e . . but wb en [ly dawli fill!' pllt up for hrt'i} kru s\ g lva" Quick satlstactloa tor the lim e t he da go trieR to s lro)te m y ca rs . be at · O·Fl ynn·S. T Il(' wI dow b nll brokJ) In'·E'sted . wh en Iron Dale rolle d In on woe too num e ro~8 . so I he ld his beorl h e r l e ~ · r,'p~onc hllt.g a IIIiIl s('n t h is ",ai' bonlf'. Says my blgll·gra de In t he llucket un til \1 0 beg ar! to' su b· o'ri' h r so ii ' to 'Ih o' ·co·rprnt er'·nt Httll'.' ~ I npjock s I ~ Buch atuff as dreams a re Bid e. 1 don't tok e 10 him 1\ wholo lo t, drf'd a nd Fifty Mi lo Housp ' [O ~et tbl! mad e Df. W it h hIm quotlng Scripture From wh e n I'd Onlsbc d tb e borses. some re pa1rpdf. He r be d way .·b eslde like ..hat. I go t IHI s picloU8 about hIs tJll n igh on sundown, the ro uslc la· the 9tOl'O with cor<J·wood. wnt or. ond comln K around by tb ls ranch. Inste al l I~(' r!!d ott,. a n<1 ,I got JIlore unp , !pore grub a ll ~Itbln reac h. It ,,:os rel\J ot hitti ng s tr algbt tor S ky·lIn e. On ratt led . At last I walked rlgll t In. awkwa.rd 'though that tli e" slove hnd V6" Ihut h e owns ' up to some tblng dom Sbe'd n block dress, Indeeen lround t e red mIt:, ond t'h Ei will'~ ''''urk~t · rro~. c url uus and di s turbing to,. my rur. t.he e hou lde rs, and n br) gbt ·a<a!' on 11 r Imlld 'wh llo s h e &14'p t, >'0 s he w ~ S lIo-. Tb ar's a stranger at H undre d Mile brow. SIlO Btood wlUl, the Qw lne'", pect ln g ttl be wl\1'ted b.erorc h <!r SOD, House, clolmlng he's come tram Lon· llrma_ B~p.u.nd ~et, until at ~h e s ight ot got h ome, . when '1" a t e arri ve d In tlmo don . Enl'lland. to nnd my wire. m e h e shrallk ort, guilty Os h ell. Tbere 10 sove he r from Heaveo'. Th e s Ignor . . On i h e suige:. liielgb trom .Al!hcro rt was nary a fll ck!!r at s hame 'or tear to valuoteere l o'mll ko Are and ('ook tb ls pl'rson go t froze, Which mostly her. but aho just stood the re ' Ioo-klng whil e Kat e ted and wotered th " ~e ll1I1,·: ha pp<;ns til ~ t end e rtoot, wbo'd rath e r so grand and beau titu l thut my breatll 80 my wire has th e' pi pasli re of, chpp. treeze ,Hke a man tb an ,run be blud caught In my throat. "Wby, J essI'," plns .out 11 nv o· toot we tl nt Al'nt Crec k, like a do g. So ~t course he comes In s h e saId . l1 e r vo lca all soff -' wlth jby, wh il e thIs un sel fi sh c~vall erl ci ~ta yed h andy for pob r Doc McGee. He's got " I'm so glad you"v a come to soe. It ·s In th e hOll s() nnd I(ot warm . NlltnTll lf a sort or puppy plano along, which th e g rea t scelle. tb e renu nciation , h o didn't Imow cnoug h to 1I ~lt Uie griev es me to tblnk our I!ctti er s must Come, SalvatoI', tram 'Tby 'peQpla s hall stove. u'ntll th e ';wldow l hre ~v ' Ihl!l~ . be getting out ot dale with Bu ch lat· be--' " anlk he gaL th e cplll·o l\ . The n Q ~ dlsr ~ • 1 tWiste d. him . by the ear Into my. m emberI'd how to soa k th e klndllngll . est Improyc me DtB, and other setti&m en ls : ,)Ia plo to throw dirt In our ca bin, he talkin g along lik e a: gramo- b~ o j.e he slr~c k 0 matcb, '5 0 h e lit ;h e fac e. ~. ~eellis Irs calle d harp Becord . pbon e. I set him down ' on th e 6tool. tuel nrat, thcn' stood over pouring 011 and this person plays It ni gh t and mYll e lt on the bunk, Inspectln~ blm tram tho fi ve-ga llon can . . When L'la day. so that th e ranch bonds Is Quit· while I cut baccy, and had a pjll~ It Ilre lep' up In ~o the ~~n. Qf , rQl,lrs? he tlng. and Ca p Taylor charges. him I let hi m tight me wltb {;\lns. s h e'd had to let go. aDd wb en h e 8e£'n the doubl e mon e y for board. 1 w'o nde r mak e a b cro ot hl)11. .l! I hoofed him ca bin ail In Oam·ea. h I' ga ll oped 'o tt ; t~ Into tho co ld or otherwise wafte d blm th e woods. leav ing tb e Widow Q'Jo~lynn to tbe dsgo paradi se, slle'd make a vII. to burnolcom f)"I111 by :bel'seJ l ; , lil in at me. By the time. ~le rea ~bell .tbe . cabin, "You wrote an ope ry." lIaya 1. VI e open door Is all Ilamee ; . \lut, bu· H e ex plalna with bl s tongue. blA Ing tl ll! Ice ax, bbe run s to th e 'gable eyes, and boUl paws wavIn g around e nd. and hacks In t braugh th e wIndow. tor the. time It takeB to boll eggB. I'm The bed's burning Quite bris k by thl'n, . not an egg. but tll o widow bas. Quit out . ~lImb ed "You give tb e leadIng woman a bnse to .th o wlQdO'V I!-nd gone to sle~p witl\, voIce?" tho smoke , so tha t Kat e cli mbs In anrt H e ball ed ove r eORlO more . a lig hts on top ot b el' s u dd en. The l1re "So you got a n exouse to r ·comlng." catch es hold at my wltl!. ' but s he H e spread out ove r tb e llU'Idscape. 6wln gs t b e widow througb ;. h.e.~wlndow , "Tblnkln'," sez I. "that.,sbe'd nQJ.hln · cllm be out. 'lI~hta on top at \I er aga in, more thnn Trevor to guara h e r bonor." then t.a.lseB a .roll In the snow .. Moro ta lk. Whe n thcl illustrious com'81!' out of "But you found h er maritcd ' wlt h a the woodS to expla in, d~ '~hln lc . ahe 'd alan." y ' '. • Hete n?· I carr. JUS\Ulee hlm.;e:wlalpl ug He wanted ,0.go n.lone to civiliza- WJth . d lliO . l1:ngllsh, .paw!" sbpu ld,"f s. tion, " . . . an~ eyes: Sbe leaves blm . e xplalnl.hg "You sto y h e r p," I says: '''and Salva· In front or tl.\e burning cabin .' , . , tor, you 're going to earn your board." ~ y- wlte' humpod this wldQw to ltJ. . VI. ' b a m, and· got warm cloUleJ\ tro~ ·Iler aln't claiming tb at tb ls Salvator tr.unkli .tor bQl/:\ of tbem. · ~hl! tlre!1 qu.~ actua lly earn ed hhi ,grub t·W,s: ~onth . b er baggng e .an~ the puppy .pla po, by~. She Swing. the Widow Through the He con cl ean stab les now without b e- d ed dqwA .~e widow In cl !!an ~1, Window. ' Illg kIcked In to a curry hash; ho call hltcbed up tbe team. and bit tbe trall o'llop wnter boles througb Ice, and .ho s for home. . ., ' / what ~e wants with my wife, anyhow. on ly parted with an a big to e up to . ;She 'ha~I1't a mile to ,go ,!>!fQre ,he Tb& ItWss us wa nts me to take the dat e ; b e can buck fi r&-wood It I tond .m~ ·m a. and . wha~ wlih ;. the slelgb and collect hIm. I dun no but him with sp urs and quirt; bu t bls dIsh· trom o.·Flynn'", t"'ll ~ ldp~I' ~.fb~· ~ g: see ms to my dim Intellecke tbat would washing n eeds more re bearsals , and and th e, cO)ll plptelrtb se no,~ oq~oAwl~ e, be m ee tin g troubl e balf·way, bes ldeB h e ain 't word · perfect yet at scrubblog I'd : ~d!l e<l ' up b¥W~ : sl}e r~ed ~' ~f!~ robbing tbe doctor and Capl. Taylor 'floors, He's·.Jess trll£tlous and s ll?tbf!tt'l .team _. ShQ woq)d \")I-I!t, (D :c,q. I,1? my since he was up-end e d and s panke(J wbo done m e no harm. : . " 11 " ~ .. ~ ' .. t' I ':.11 ' <. . I ~ In presccce of a lady, but on tbe other .ArmIX . III. <,So she;s ,J,J; J1e~L,~Ij~, h ~t burB~ hand, th ere't! a ' lack ot ~loy, cheertul· This morning. ah!!r rI gging a life· p ~sBed "ilt~,oll .rrom,~ . bety: ~'Pf h ill!! line . to the Btabl e becauBe ot thlB nesB; and appllcatioD;. .m e ·up onr;e eq .the. ~kr:IIJl~ ~r~1 ' . contlnulng blizza rd. I ?lent to the , r ~ent a cabl e meBsage by T earfui £Pod all .. JI'J\e ~}V I~g~.I! .IU!Jee p. In .Il!Y lady's hom e. Sbe Bhowed' me a letter G e~rge to the. al)d dance arUst .cabln, and. I:JIl .Tl&J.i~" to, b9m e )'Uth . th¥, Dale brought, In eytallan, whlcb BaYH who'B rucnln g t be .swlnes' opery, Just le t\er wrote .tt?, yqu .. \ldDUl\l!. , . ~~9~ th e swine proposes to kiss 'ber teet. Inquiring It h e'd remItted Salvator to you know. Mummy, wily .•~~ :Dnd ~y and wallow In divine song. etc. Hlft cO'llect my wife. 'The reply IH Indlg· · pipe and my 4o~ are weTeome naw, name Is Salvator, so he 's a dago. She. nant to say that tbe ew-Ine Is: a liar. whlcb you've lived .In your Ume and I " . ' ,~ ,\ : ' . beIng white. can't hav e any truck Likewise · there'B a in. the love d. So hoping you're 10 .J'!ea?ell, as till' wIth Buch , so that's all right. Seems Vancouver papers about the IllUStriO'UB _ . the puppy pinna Is tor ber tram her young cO'mposer. Salvator MItA'ftl, wbo'll deaves m e II/. p.r~»e.I!L: ,; belov ed maes tro, anotber s wine trom d leappeared, It se~ms,. into tbe wilds. :r.~ cL .S~II~ . .. . .. ,. JES~~ <TO BE CONTINUED.) thfl same litter. She'B Blnglng now, HlB wUe Is deBomted, .hlB kids. 18 .fran· and It gO'el! through my bones. Her tic, the Salvatori, a musical society, 18 , . ..·WorT)'. lItay . C.UM , ,Ileat"• ., voice Is deep as a man's, Btrong as 01lterlng rewards, whIch may come In FrnBer RapldB. and lawn that PUpPY Ulaetul, .and Ul.e rest 01 ~ank'!nd . (~rowll . . ~1\I@81 . Itclence h8;s.: locently , e~, plano appeals to' iny beBt Instlnks . hll fllta. This paper ,owns uv that,~he de- plalJied bow waIT)' commits It.. mU:. tor me. my name's mud, and sbe plU'ted Ie carelesB and absent.mlnded, de". It baa t;eached ' the' conclusion a lll d I jlHlt pause to observe that be tHAt .In many Ine~ce~ of what bave tread II It. IV. hllsn't made my· bed. , He'll ba'VEi eO'me been re«arded J &8 ' lul1~y, ; ~ frorp The wind went cbaslng afte r the QJllrt tor supper. lI'P.\cb tpe v~j:t,i~:1l~all¥ . ~\e8, th~ CfIUIe .Bun, leaving peace and clear sta1'8, AB to roy wlte , ahe'd never belleve hall slmply been one 'or acute worry, so this mornIng It mllst be sixty be- tlliat th!! swine wasn'~~e nt to fetch beT, IDlte~d ot 't he persall ·d;.tng o'C" medtal low zero by the way tbe logs are 01' thit he 'a de.ertrd hili wlte abd tmiakdo.wn; he: baa ' wQr"ed,. .,b1J!1!lelf Bpllttlng. At noon Teartul George family . She thlnk~ · he'll ' . little· c~k \O .!IeaUl. . . ,- '. . ,. . . - . .' . ".~ ·lzan'l\lIlr:es. dumping the puppy plano .. ~~~,~ .. ~. " .. ' .. _. ' .. '. ~~t and the swIne with his nose In a . ~ft'~-~.

The Army of ~2~~!iJ!~~~!!y rh,. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER pfLLS are

~csj)on sib'e ":" thcy not only give re lief - tll ey perm II· nently cure Mi 110l1s use 'them for



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'·ou n g " ' 111 0"'8 'ta lk too much a bout tlio Joys ot 'm arr led li fe to ·su lt an old b acllc lor .


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, 810 EaBt Elm. St.;,· !treat~r, 1lI .~"A runlllii'~ . so te tlroke " !lilt' a"'ove . my

right' eye, wbfcn spread ' o ver" my ' en~Ire fac e. It s lurte d all a small pImple. I sc ralcb ett It ope n and lhe contents tbls email pimple ran down :ny . fac e. .WIi e r e v~· Chis \'11'11 . "fle w lIore appimre'tl. '1"11 y . · Itcbed anI! burned te'frlbly; I c~uldn't · ' totloh mytace it butruid so. It ultlf1gured m; face t err ibly and I c ou l ~ · t · be leell· for ~v cr yone ' " ' ail afrald 61 It. . It looked lIlie' a disease at Mme lUnd; It ~lI.s nil red and a ': b eavy Mtlte . cruet . oti It. . ElveJlY body kept 'Ollt tit m, :wa)", a!'tald It woulcJ spread.' I loyt r ee t at dlght arid 1 couldn't blla!" to have any' thIng tou ch nly Tace , not e"en th'e ·pllo tow. 1 'baa to lie on the ·back· o't tbe h~ dd.· I was' iUways glad wben tnOrn: lng' came so ' I 'courd g et up. It wd q tterr.ely painful. '''At l ost 1 tbougbt at Cutlcura Soap and Ohitm ent and ' [ comme nced \lsln, the m. It took three wee ke to COIDr plete the cure. " (S ign ed) MlaB Caroline Mlllllf, .;\p::. 30,. ~~l~ . , . .... ~ ,<t,l!J:tc;url\ ..~llap.• 0 u,du.<?,(n \. mE'll~ . , ~014 through.qpt !~e. ,,:orl!l: l3aml!l~ ofl'acb fre etw1tij.3 2-l? Skin fiook . AddresB ~tcar.d. .. <¥.tloimr:- .~P~ I.,;1.~.o8tq~"-Ad~



"a,el chhtity

ilo'~ l e tl ell; ' aB ~li.11

Rlcbard March, tbll~ chitrftir ' expert Colo~ , WIt1l condemnIng th ese. c'?l\rl~e8."i ~i~ s al.\! : "A . man's wife sbou ted 'up to him

at Denver,


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tb\;j , IIb'aJ!pe1l>-In . baek:· Is , tdo

~e.· and trulhlonab\>e, -George, to .








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n . 'D'o'n't · You thl1:Jk: t;b14i 1ljlUe~ avel'


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a1\,fty " ' .. - " . ~ . I ~. \4 • ; 1.I'''lt's tbe:age nt O'hth&' Al,ha In corJKl>tate d ' (]hai:ltlea', thnt'II .'U liboo .,door, RII],'~ 'H7' ,~'.,., . , ,. .' ., . : I • \I'JY e ,;" dBnl';.", : '" " .... . let' t he ;ctiat gOl' said George. ; . . 'it; n·. be old ell'()lJgb and' ~1<Mnllblone4 ~nnugh' b e forB' It '5etl to the' 'Poor dn'b that' llI sblverlng (!It Il.n.ow.' " . '. ' t : '

...... 'Then . "






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-,..1';(:~hat! g:rl:l:~ :~:;.i~t~: d:~~e~ I~' ' .• 'ld'ne.Y: place ahe can IItgn&lr tor ;; htll~p with her cO'lIar.!' . 1h "~?w C;'?\l.1.~,rJI~~!'J1,?""'l!Ythln. lib ~'.


~tn~tl!!~d 'I~Jfwl,r~l~~.~.'i~: "r~ ';:..'.~ .. .... 1:



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!;MALL PilL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCE. Genuine mU3t obear Signature


The Illustrious Salvator. en meat. but appears It hadn't done --;- - - ; - ~'~~l Jesse's L etter . tbe harpsecord no good. He said he'd - . , ~~~ Moth r . I'm marri ed . I thought 'I'd roll his tall betore any more music . . , ' :, ,~. .. '. " got bH sH by th e horn s, but seems I've hrok e out. DO didn't stay dInner. STIRRED H"'ARTS OF MILLIONS .tInd, tjQt . ~IY ~~~ddh~i: iJh-t(: to~ not roped wbat I tlirow ed tor, nnd KlLte's pleaeed all to plecel!, Seems C . men and women of all ·creeds'·and what I' vc caug bt Is troubl e. I wlsb thIs gent In the paper collar has wrote ' ,... ' c\lmeii': Iii the ·'faCt ' that Y{he .net·· le you weren't In \l e av e n. wblcb feels an opera, and there 's a party goes by Worship'" 01 Bu~a . HIGhly Ex- cation where tbese particular ~. )<Ind ot cold and dI st ant wb e n a fel · the nam e at lmprese Arlo, song and cited Ovel' the ,. ~ Flndilnll , of th~ "Iit ' BUddha ~ !klln .lDtc:red .i wU low 's 10ll Pso me. Nobo dy loves me, dance arUnt, putting It on the lltage at · Bone • .,of. ;T~\r ,~!"t. .-; , r. . .alar.ouded In mfstery, .hldden kl a!1~I. a l)d th e mOSQuito es bas mlHtook me London, England. Tbe lead~!t~ woman . i most Impenetrable masa of or1entall&for a greenhorn . ' sl.ngs bllse, and th'at'll' wby Kate Is at all the trQal!ures , un~~he{l py gendary lore. ~o one knew ·detlnttei, I can't smoke In th e lady's borne, wanted. To the !)oJ.y wcmo.t: on eartb archaeologlr.t' s ~Pllde f~m . the ~lddeD where ' tbe Ihrlne, Ilad been' 6I'ected Rnd wh en It ·s torty below ze ro out· who sings base enough, they sends, ' r(!cellllee of the -earth, fio: lll1d has ever . :and conlleQ1ielltly the hmt (jIj~.,lIl'f"'.1 I Twisted Him by the Ear Into My s ide, a pipe clogs with Ice from YO'!JI tbls dingus and the organ·grinder. She Ui'rIlIed more human h~ti ··than tbe . olod ;booea.·waa' ,j1.I\~1Uie ~.Yt Cabin. breath. Cllewlng Is ti'Yorse , be'<¢~ says I.t·s a buslnees proposition wltb rflcovery ~r. the ,-A?~8fl. fi!,f G~ll= had to be ba:aed to : larp e~t;n.f all , . ) . .. . . '. bb e cri ed . S he don 't- nlled my gune'. mone y In It, and wants me to come S l l1dartba Bud~a" roJD ~ If.P~ . pUf~lIpe8swork.-Wlde World'¥MIII" ot ,untidy. As ' 10' his eating Sarah, saddles, Rn d me, or auy ' sort of litter along to tbe Old Country, Sbe'd bave P.c ahawa,r, .1ndla's. no~~ij\ . t~on\',er'. zInc. '. " '. " .: '!.~.' ;. ~ , wall. I warn ed h er not to tempt poor whar sh e b eds down. and my table me lD II collar and chain with a pink stronghold. .' ., " ._ ~ . (!l.u·.a.•'. ':'; 'I I. "~ '" .• : •. i .. ; :. ; ~' ~ " ~ . 1!lph too mu c ll." man~'t s . bel<¥lgs una ~ .:.t\))l: . talJ.le. bow at ~ . ear, promet;l~ng U1 Tbe etrect of 'thI1I dIscovery upon the Plctu"\.!~t""'9~,'ti ~~J.I5u.rk: "Sarah ?" Men, ebe !!ays, reeds sItting down. so Strand Street · ' . - .. ~ . votaries ot Buddha1sm, wbo ' are IIBt!· A moving "P1c·ture conce~ rlicentIJ "J on C's' roal. BeIng a fool runs In th ey wan', b e m lH took· tor . lIP""als. .She ''' ',ib e\3D having a roUg~ time mated to, number mQre., than : 5QO,OOO,· obta,llled perml~on ~~ ~"", .erie. ber fa mil y. Wall . Sarnh dIed, and whIch s tand up . , ~, .:.! ·.:!-T . here. mOliny livIng on wtld meat, wlth- 000 and form a..;large peree~ta-glj, ot t/le of movfn« plct~reit'l~~a'· Ftench cabbages w as bettiu ' seldom, a nd &ph I jest moved bac k IntQ. tb.e ~Id cubln out mon cy or servants. I'd like well population of JIIJlan, Formosa, Korea,· ,*,rll"'~ntAv1!\I" ~4~811'ItI.QlfB: ,~(1O "WU losi ng co nndence In my aim. 'Ill· I with Mlck,-he's wagging blmself by 'to see lier bappler: I know her music CMna, Tartary-:- Slam, Annam, Cam,! got' t" ·t~fIM' ott· thougb 1 told hIm I'm t ougb as Bea th o tall .tUit\~ee n '11'$ ,_~ to~\ say . a s . ~!3lonl{.B; to the whole ,wq~~!lt llJ]d I've bodl&. Tlbet,'BUrma, Nepal, India and~ ~~lIv~Hetf;.' BalDe \beef." this writing habit Is a vIce. It ' I'd ho rIght t~ hold" her 'tbf any MlllBh· Ceylon, and who look upon Buddlta a.i, .tl1etniffl• • PIIJ~~,,16t:l);~A~tf!lili,,\fp "He did attac k )'ou tb en ·" ollly a bottle of whis ky DOW I'd be ness. If .It s up to her to go, It'. agln tlitelr emanelpator, their god of god II, llrtf 'JO'ir ;,~9t ~xl1c t ly . l \ls acts mig ht bave gOQ{l, b\lLas It's el~h!.l wiles to re- me to look ple88e d, and ahall go ~. be aPDi~fated only )!.~e!l· ,It ' II"fllm liMn mis und erstoo d, thou gh. Seemed fresllitien'&, ·b,e's g~t"II1' Pllt up with the day I believe In h~ ~~, . cQii.l14eriid fI!'&. el!! .t1ie :llnd. atO'r tOOk . nfl~frf~!~;~~~~~~ ~. me It was tl,Jne to survey tbe pas- vIce. . V. of the " .t emal.,IJ ·' cif ~obamme '11 tlmea. ItUre, and aee how mucll In tbe wJlY l\lrs. Trevor's husband was an opera 1 made Ule dago bed ·doWII In bere, .would make Iii the MuhammedaIJ desertH benchel Pot ,rub could be spared to a poor slngj!r which mislaId his vocal cords, but be flopped over to breakfaat and worleL Tbe unearthtng ot the bonel a 40zes· or 10 deputl.. )w:!d~1i' er. Tbese ileople e ats meat, but so settled h er e to be on hlB romantic · theY'~e been at It hammer aDd tongs ot tbelr ' re,e~ ' aalDt. It Can be e"lIn, atreetlng the wb91e o"~ce; .QeI ,like, It "u~i'ed for 'e m, and lonesome, , and spl,te 1;111 wICe. He ev~.r .llnce,·, "'nDkJ~ tank1e ,IOf .,II IIi' . IlIlIagffiect,.hAs ~U~ tlJe ~ddlii.tII to 'em.n , ot' the ~!l!rilt, lIle'l ll ~ecL Down at the IO'Uth end, Ilwent loco, and mistook . ber "for .1.,ee!dle&-~l!O-O' ,•• 011!. Oho! me: tI1Iede.p~.or . thetrbetDI. bla. ",Vthat the . lOb"~. ~ ~Oon :. I" ' ~ Iilph' . family of WelYerinM, . bear I ehe broke her ankle .tamped- eatamlacnr.ow-yo:w, ~ I. >titel. CoUld ~Y.e claae; . ~IJ' ,u d ~~. . ~bm_ .. . ~ ." ·tlm~ if.O mau aM nUolll tq; anel I took 8D 1n~1t. be aboot, leu 10 It. 1J1lt l'IIl 411iut ........ ~cII ~__t:' 1o ill. roDWattc bar.. • . ,t ' . .:.;'

.' ,

BiliftOlaell, lodi ••• tioD, Sick. Ueadfch., Sallow SkiD,


~ ':V~~. s~e~~\:a?n:~:I!I~~ ti~~~~~ =~~~ rut: fr,6t~b'\i of arrlvfng here like troz· 'a. . ' . ..


are Ihe dail y lorment of thoulI&Dds. To ef· fecru all, c ur" lhr~" trou~le. you . must r~ IDa"" t b" e ..... e. Folcy Kldocr P il l. begua to .. orldor y;'u from thlj fir.\. tlo,.,. ~d ca' , ert 10 d irec t ilnd b e oe{i ~ 'illa.n Re t 100 In the lridDe~ a.nd bi:lJ"er Ihat tbe p ~ln and torment of kidue , trou lll" IiOOIJ di s.tq:>pcaa.



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The Value s ul>s tllu te who s erv ed U8 a dc fc u tler of I he lJ nl o n through t he ulo ody and e poc h' JlluklnJ;: pe riod o r the C; 1v1l war. This a Sbe r · tio ll ha s !><" ' n Illlld o mUllY times he forf' . It b UR aroused bitter contro· versy In varlouH qu a r te rs ; It has g Iv e n birth to col· umns of print. both In a nd d e ni a l 0 1 Its truth Now. for tuo Il rs t time , ev ld c nrA) Is b ere pre~ented tbal the s lory or Lln coin 's s uhs tltute III correl·l--<.' vldpnc:e In Ib e una ssa il ab le s h u JI'; or U II olnelal a ck nowledg ment from the re dC'rn l .gov . erumen t. Th e e xemption or Ih e Jlr(' ~hJel1t of th e United Stotl'S rrom tll .. tuklng up of ar m ... or serving ou au ac t ua l fi e ld of bnttle, Is provid ed for by Il s pecia l IItatute drawn up to IIl Ele t s uc h a can .



tln gency . Dut tbert! 18 nothiug t o prev en t tbe nati on 's ch l... f (' xe c ut!v e from s e n ding forlh " s uh s ll l. lIto to l1ght In h is place . a lth ou g h Lin co ln Was th e o llly occu pa nt tlf th o Whlto Houso who (" 'er took adv8 ntng e of thl ~ rat·!. Th o man who rt' pr esenl d In his rlc r 60n tbut of tlH' mnrtyrpd presid e nt wa s John S lImru c rf\ r- ld S t ...· pi es, wboso body now li es III rest III a IIIt1 e cemeter y at Strouds burg. Pa. Th e tombstone abovl' b ls grav e. pho· tog rnpb of whlcb III he r e r ' [1foduce d, t esllHes not o ul y to StB/llcs' war r ecord, bul state s In gronlte le tte rs th e ract or h. Is llavlng s e rv ed as Abraham LIn loin's f ub s titut e. The Insc rlp· fion In Ques tion r ead s a s rollo ws: J . Surnmer/leld Staples. a Prlvole o f Co. C., 176 R eg t. . P. V. Also a Memher c f the , Reg. D . C. VoIM .. 8 S 8 Substitute (or AnRAHAM LI NCO LN. Died Jan. It. 1888.

.:' ,.,

Aged 4:'l Ye nrs, 4 MOB., 26 DaYB. Hla grave also be ars tbe O. A. R. marker, a metallic Ht n r upon which th e words "POllt 150" appear. A small American nag flutt er8 In the breeze, but ' ~be outside world ~eem8 lillie In· f , nned as to tbe r-nrel'r of Ihls palrl· otic nnd distingui s hed soldi e r boy. I hnd beard the t radllio n t bat Lin· coin during the dark dnYB of 1864 bad sent a subslitute 10 the fro nt. But to confirm tb o truth of th e tra dition was quit e another matt e r. Th e popu· lur oplliion of Ihose I cons ulted app ea red to b e tbat th o tal e of Lincoln 's substitule be longed In the myth category, nnd bad no more foundation tn sober fact than tb e leg e nd of Wasblnglon Bnd th e cb e rry tree. Me n blgb

.. ,


of Mr. S lo pl" s , und be wae aft e rward 11I1I Hl Io' r ed Ju to th" s ervi ef' .


When tho "llg Looka Good. I h av e be en In c o untrI es wh e re tb.·· man b ad m eal onc e a rear; s()Dl e tloli cs t wk c - Chrl dlllJ!l 8 Bnet Eosl· er . And I ba w' s " ~n W()llI Pn c nnylnl U)J O IJ I h (' lr h ea ds II bllrtJ ...·u I ha t no IlIllU wo ul d lik e to (' tlrr y. nlld !It the "" me tlll ie klllttlll g IIlIsll y wi l li both Ila nllH. And lhose WO "'CIl li\'l'd wILh. IJ lll III (' a l ; oncl wh p il I thOll!"I' 1 or the AJlII ' r"'UIl l"h orN I "a id I .. fIl ys e lf : "A rlc r all. illY cOll n try Is I h .. I"'st In Iho \H.rld " Ane! "I" ' J] I ,'a m e h a c k 10 I hp spa a ncl !III w th t' o ld fla g flying ill thp al l', It " (, P"' t't1 til " '0 A8 Ibough Ihe IIl r rro m pur e jo), h,"1 hurs t Into h :Il~S() IU . - Hobert G . l11g .. r ~ n ll.

I lab or ing


Life's Puzzles


" Tbla III u bu u l u ll I h e Inro rmullon I ca n glv !' YOII with rdt'r c nl' e t o lhe mut t e r , llnd would tl ugges t tbat If you d t'~ lr l· tll leaI'll .aUYlhIO g . aiJou t th e VC II of I H c"~ d u lly sto ry Pr1 \'ll t C life o f ~I r .. Sluples you mlgbt Is made u ~' o f facing 1'1 LF." C·I' RF.ll IN 6 TO 14 01.': T8 wrl l" to the- POHlll l(, s te r or SOIlI El o lber Qu('stion s !nore or leHS Y ( n lrl lr\JIl~ ' .t wi l l r C' l u(I(1 IU"U'~ ' It I"A r.O OINT. per ~ t)ll a t Stro udsburg , Pu ., wh e re perplexing Now and ~'t~~n~·~ r~,~I~I.l~lr.n;I:~ t(::I~I· ri' ~t, I~'~:~~~' ~I D" Mr. 8t1111lell li ve d unci wbl'r e he dltJd lbell com e~ a call for a Jllll uar y II. I H88. " d ,'cls lon tbo l 1)loln ly wIll Any 111an ought 10 ge t th ro e 8Q\J[u'e ( s l!,'lled) J . L. DAVENPORT, largely s hape ono's futur e Almost IIl pa l s II day It lI e Is Ilh l.. t o wo rk . Commissioner. every momcnt r a ises a minor probl e m . a nd IIb le 10 .kE'e /J fr om being wo rke d 1 ~I e r e are se veral poollie s tili IIvlDI ond la te r yea re may sho \!, that tbe III :st rouds burg who kn e w SllIples and m alt C'r WI\S by no m ean $ RO trilling 08 r ' Jlten ll.Je r thaI to blm he long ed th e l it lIe e Jl ,,,d . unique dlBUn c tl o n or repres e nting Th e prO l"f' H8 doee not orrect ull L1IJ eoin o n tho fleld of bOlll e. Among nlJk l'. A ll a re IlasRl ng Jud J.; llI e llt on an I Ih el r nu ml> e r nrc .J. T . Palme r, post- c nll)" sH se r'lca or points ' But tb oso ,~,.aliter. u~l d prinCipal of th e public witho ut 0 Be rloll s purpooe are hardly o( huo l , C. 1•. Drake, ed itor or {be awa re of tills. Tbey are lI sed to rol Rtrou (ls b llrg Time s, and R e presentB ' lo wln " tb 11 t I I t I live A Mlt I II P I r PI " .! ne 0 e,lst r es a Bnce. I . It C Ie b a Ill e r I 0 e;n~i' In con~ equl~nce Ib e y dl'C.l rle 80 ligbtl}' Thoueands or peop le In the EAst Invnn a . was C . ar llC'ler atlc a n· lIS 10 bo uncon sc l ou~ o r ho vlng used teres tell in 0 1" pusstblltties ot homeco in that he k ept th " Wall e r (rom lb e the ir wlila Ilt 0 11. Here Is a dC1llgn t hut orTl'r!l He ve ml makllll[ In Ih o Nor th wes t did not h ave J. SUMMERF IELD STAPLES, Il ubll e press. a nd a lik e mod~sty On tb o otb e r hund . fM thos e with J! lIgges ll o ns for d evel o ptu e nt. Tho an opportunity to v l" lt tho W este rn wulBt may bll m adE' as pl c tllrcd . wltb "Llncoln'Q Substltule." From a Pho- I s ee mB to have Irnl'o!!e cl a ile n ce on the a k een se nse of dut th~ burde n oftcn Governo r,,' Specia l truln, which reI )'oung twld le r who ser ved bls count r y y . rever B. p r.>t1.y rOili ng and thr eo-Quarte r celltly toured t ho Ea Ht. nor hear Ihe ~lgraDPh Thaken a Few Years Before I so we ll. com e s 10 s ee m ve r), h e llvv 1 here Is s lee ves fini s hed with a lJ and c urr o or It Gov erno rs t ell of Ihe Oot,l en Great • eat. l one doe l! not h nve to m a ke a very 1\ t empta tio n t o seek 10 e scap e tt. may be mad e Into It simple klillono Nnrtlll.- 'rn S ta t e". In urd "' r thut eve ry~ ex haustiv e sludy or Lln col n's c h a ra c There Is a lono;lng at times for soma wulst wli hout th e r eve r s. A I hl rd body l1lay learn of t ho 6[11 " ,,111 11 chanc es f o r Inuld n g h()~ e ~ til II1nn•• o\&, ally : " It do es not appear fro m th e le r :n ord(' r t u uutler~ tan<l the Illotlv e outhorily tbat s hall /l o lnt out tbe r ig ht Id eft is to tuake tlte waist with lung lIrortb Dakota. Montana. Idaho, Wa.bolli"'al records of th e department: wbkh lot! hill! to s .lIl d a 8'.lbsll l u t c 10 path a ft e r t h e manner or a Jl:ulcle· boB rd ~ I f! t) \' es having d eep c urr s . ulld hi g h Ina-ton .... 4 Orolron. Ih t! Oreal North. that Pres id e nt Lin coln ever rurnlsh e d r() pre~cnl him In th .. sce u es of th e with o ul d emllndlng any elTort on tbe n ee l!. VIlriouB mllterlnl 6 m ay be u sed. ern Hallway 16 ,\1.lrlhullng froe, a u subHtltute." Anoth er Informed m e bloody drama then being e nac te d purt .:If th o traveler. One may boo d er>entll uK upon th o s t yl e In wbl c b tbe rnll1lon cop i es ot h an (h w nu' ly tllustra ted bookielsdeacrlblllil those .. tat .... that "A h,~a bam Lincoln was not liable tluou g hou t the Illnd. Ill s confid e nce co me Wt:ary o r beIng -e mlnded that 11 alat Is ,' e ve lop ed . 'l' h e~e books lIescrlbe Ih e 8011, ell. to dr aft. a rnc t or whlcb 1 was al· wus not or that eas ily satisfied variety tbe Ulble hi ... book of principles. not mH.te and agri cu ltu r e, quot e l e tters Th e pll l1 e rlln 15G6J) Is cut In from m e n who hBve gone W e s t and r eady we ll aware . Hod not sucb been whl c b co nt en t8 Itself with allowing rill es. !lnd fa n cies wba. \lvln g mIght rrnm 32 to H In c l.! l.Jus t meaNure. To becam e In<1epAndent. Th~y protb e cast! the e mployme nt of a tlubstl-I thin gs to r e-rualn a s th ey are without be It It were PosBlbl e to turn to a make the wn lst In Ihe medium 81ze fu sely Illustrat ed from 'H·tunl pholog ru p h H and cont a in d e t a il mapa I n tute would have lust all significance. Indulg ing In eJ:e rtlon for tile' common given poge ror auy e!l1ergetlcy, and will rf!QlIlre 2~ yards or :16 In c h mat&COIOTS. They toll whot o th e rs have Dut a personal 8eareb tbrough tbe gOOd . His was th e hanel whl c b wall Ibero rea d It d e finite. precise dlr ecl100 accomplished and show wha l you ri a l. . cil n do. offic:lal r ecords of Ih e Ch' lI war I steering the Ship of State lhrough as to th e rlgbt ours e . FTom them yo u can lon rn th o locaTo pror u re this p"tt e rn "end 10 cf ntl brougbt to li g ht a re fe r ence to "Abra-I t e mLles t a nd crash or hos til e guns. y et Some persons tak e ~efuge In ac ' t1 0n s tor tree home14tend lund In Mon" Pattt!rn D epn.rlrn ent . " o f thi n 'pn pe r . hllm Lin coln, prin cipal, ond J ohn Sta- greal aa was th e tas k assigned him, ce ptl ng a humAn autborlty. ellber one to tana. n u d O r~~on. w11cre c h un.p 108'1'8 1.1Wr1te name and a.dd r eu plainly . an ti bl orr In n ds cnn b tl pro cu r ed In Mlnneple B, recr.~lt, bot b ot tb e District of he IJe r ce iv e d with th e eag le e ye that cla im ing su c b power or e-n e that th e y .ur. to alve &lIe and nwnbe r ot pa U.rn. uo ta WOHhl ngt on lind Oregon. and Columbia. And on anotb er page ap- watchell the course of acti o n. a post tb e m Re lves entbrone. Some earnest wl.,.d North Dakota o lrera Ihe generlll tl1rm er . You can prnrmTe One of pea red an entry to tb e e l! eet tb a t Lin· 8tlll unfill ed, an unoccupied nl cbe CbrlRtia flS b ave reBorte d to ways oot S!ZE . . IhC1lo booklet .. tree. Simply Q.8 k fur NO. 5663. coin wlsbed a represe ntati ve r oc rult, w he re a combutanl co uld be pluced to unlik e kind s of divinati o n known ; '1 bookl .. t on the "tate In which yuu Ilre Intere.l ed and for Information about NAME .. . .. and aame was a ss igned as private to strike In be half of the Union . To that o tb e r ages. epeclal low to res. Writ e todll), tu Conlllany H of th e Se cond r egim e nt. post b e resolved to appoint a rapre ' Th e kind of guldanco Bometlmes TOWN . . .. :II. 0. ;r.BBDY, D. C, Infantry. Wltb tbese entrlea as fle ntatlve, that be might be practical. wlsbed co uld dou btlesa bave bee n ImmllTaUoll Aa'.ut, a baae of operations It hecame pos· Iy In persall-as he was already In -"Id ed . It has n ot been , lind wla e ly. It STREET AND NO .. . .. .. . .. . .. ...... .... . Gnat lIroribllnl .auwa,., s ibl e to trace tbe Bubetltute . and the s)J lr it- on the red field of carnage. It llIli s t be believed . Scbolars may find lUI G • •, mCl&'~ at. Paul, _hUl. STATE . .. .... . .. .... . . ........ .. .. ....... . .. . di scovery was made thst Jobn S. Sta- was do ne Quie tly, In tbat simple, unos. hooks that ,.. Ill g Ive th e rlgbt answerll pies WIl5 burled In Stroud s burg, Pa. tenlatloU9 Illunn er tba t dIstinguished to th eir problems. but Iru e teocberll Furthe r d eta ils we r e furni s hed b y Mr. all of Lincoln's nets, wbether In am· 110 nol encourage tb e u se or sucb w16BOY~ NORFOLK SUI~ John -N . Uurnett of Massa c huse tt es, c lal or private life . He neve r pia red "nllt'd he lps . u comrade of Staples, In the following 10 tb e ga ll e ry, and tbe verdict of bls Not only In ge lUn g tbc Rn SWE'r, but le lt e r: OW 11 consc ie nce Wll9 a ll be cared lea rning tbe WILY to It. Is or vital Iw' Saskatohewan (W..t,rn CIDadl) " I we ll r'call th e millta ry car eer of a bo u!. portance In training . It reu so n Is one J . S. Stnpies of my re gim e nt. Tbe Whll !! thi s Is probably the o nly calle tit mon' s nobl es l endowments, to use uwful 10SBllB or the Uni o n army. ens t I In history wh ere tho le ader of a nu- It for wortby ends Is one of his ~reat­ and west, were weighing heavily on ', li on sen t n s ulrstltut e to fill bl s ploce cs t glorIes With th e added light ot d ea r Lincoln, and be, with olhers In In the ranks or fig hti ng m e n , a s ort of r evelat ion , \Vllh the illumInation of public lite. were considering the d e · j1rCcede nl may bo sa id to he round the sp irit. with Ood's ,1pecla l leading airabillty of having Ilersonal r e pre- In the c us tom, hut r ece ntly fall en Into In dark places. the Quesllons tha t se ntattves In tb e fl eld for those not di s use , of appointing a "klng's cbam· rtlll demund thought 'llld slu dy be· eligible for se rvice at all. According pion." who wa s s uppose d to ofTer his "o m e on e o f the m ost vnluable ond to my recollection, In th e fall or late body In opposition to any cball e nger blessed elemen t s or lif e. To shun Hummer of 1864 Mr. Lincoln bad a ot ' t ho r e ignin g monarch of Great Ihem would be to e xperie nce a loss committee of clUzons of tbe DistrIct IIritain . Until th e access ion of the not to be made good. -Chrl s tl o n En , ot Columbia senrch for as pe rrect a late Kin g Edward VII . to the crown deovor World . specimen of physical manhood as of E ngl a nd. this functionary was a - - -- - - -Endowing City Churches. could be round to become bls repre· me mb e r of tbe royal e ntourag e. When · sentatlve recruit. This committee, or ever th e new king was publicly crownMany bav e fe lt during the lost tw e nBorn e or th e m. me t my dear comrad e t'e! the ""hamplcl''' appeared befo re ty·flve yeora that the c hurch was suf· (StapleR) on th e streot s of Georgeferlng at the expense of th e colleges . town.. and seein g his s Ulle rbly comOnce great fortunes we nt to the pact rorm. !tn d he lng at once satisfied • churc b . In T('cent years they hnve that li e was tbe man worthy to be bnen going to th e univ e rsiti es and sc>Jlli rl rn 10 I'll ns to h wntlon , Lincoln's re prese ntative In the ormy. clul foundntlons . Perhaps John S . low tt,·n l. ·rb' ruq,,,u r nile'!! 8.hd th e y mad e a proposition to him, and rI"~ r r'pt l v~ I ll u),tmlt'd 1'111111Itflt' t . Kennedy 16 :res ponslble ror the turn of " 1", ,41 )tl 'h \' \ V,· ... 1. " am.I ollu'r luIh e loyal boy-for he was but a boytho tide loword the c hurc hes aga in . ru r llml l un .... r i l!l lu f-\ uV·I .. f J bll:O 1nt once s ignified his desire to flll the H e le rt large sume for church work. _'.!1.A~""""'" t~!tl'l'aD 0J~~~~imJt~l;ll~I'1~v~~ t.o honorabl e pos ition. H e was soon art· Mo rris K. Je s up lert $100,000 to the 562 2 H. N . WILLtAMS erward Introduced to Pres ident Lin · brlcl( Presbyt e rlon church. Now 413 Gardner 8Ida._ Toledo. O,,~ Tb e Norfolk Rult is alwaY H Rmn rt ror coin, !lnd th e lalter gladly cbose him ~o m e s the good news that Mrs. WilPlftUe wrltft to Ul c acrtWtnoaf'Mt 708 as hi s r e presentr.Uve." liam Van Rensselaer Smith hns given btfY8. Bnd the model Illustra t ed II 8(rlctly uI> to date III eve ry detal! . Th e Allhoug b the communlcallon re, $100,000 to the First Prel. bye!rlan ce ived from Mr. Burne tt was as conchurc h, BrO'tlklyn, os on e ndo wment collar und r ljVe rs are Slll!l :;. Ihe c los ' , ~1f'41.b.c.Ji6lJOJ· JI · vlucing 8S one eoult! wish, yet It was rund to belp the church do Its worl, In g almost In th e c e o l p r o r th e su it. l ,. . O)' « ..6..,lillllll! i ... ,. I c leur tbut wllhout govornmental s anc· In the futUl·e . amId cb a nged co ndl· The Irou se r s are or knkkerboe ker :4BIfAHAM lINCQU4 tl on I h e re still w ould r E> waln dnnbtlog t lons. It stands close to the Church sirle. " Ilt l n IJelt complete s Ih e su It. . .DJ£,r, Th omasC>'; who would dispute the of tbe Pilgrims. wbere Doctor Storr!! 'l'w eed. ht'al he r mix I ut;es and nil tnllor Ia Gruwinlr Sm.. lIer E .... ry Day• , CARTER'S LITTLE ;ku~. uitt . claim Illude In b e ha lf of the dea d sol· ministe red so lon g. In u rpl':lon which Duilin gs Ilre used fo r b oy s outOIH '1 ht; p,ltll-rn 1 5 r.~~ I Is Clil in s izes LIVER PILLS a rc e dlo r. Th e-r efo re, th e faetB In tbe case Is ra pidly becoming a community or t'l..nYt3-,"lrftho we r e lai d boforo the fede ral outborl· apartlll e nts n nd hOlels wb e r e on ce It G. S. 10 a nd l~ r ·ars. Medium s ize I r esponsible - tll(~y . ~~.Q('Y~ . re quire s ::1.1. yard s or &O .ill c h llI a t&- notonlygivcrclicf WIIS the resId e nti a l section of Brool, · ti es, an d I r ecei ved from the office or rial. - th cy perma · cO IllUlhtsl on('J' or pe ns Ion at Wus b· Iyo's solid cl llz <' ns The pas tor or the ne nllycure Co... Ington an o lll c ln i s tutemeut l'onnrlDing Firs t cburc b. Dr. L. Maso n C larke . Is To proru r e tht !t Jl:lttc rn se n ft II') ("p nU IlipalioD_ M tb p PonUre tradition conce rning Lin· one of the mo st vir il e prea ch e rs In 10 " Pa t{, ~ rn DI'IJllrt nwrH '" o f till s p"p{" r . lions use \\·rltc name [I t)(t a tJdr e !i ~ p l l\ ln l ~·. ~'n" lJo coin !Lnd hi s s ubstitutc . Tbls doc uBrooklyn , thorouj:hly prophe tic In his SUTe t o &:I\le siz.e anI.! n u nluer 0 ' 1J o:.L ltcru. them for 8iliou lntu, men t r eads a f! follows: outloOk. de t e rmin ed to meet th e nc w Ir ·i ~c. lioD, Sick Beadache, Sallow SItiD. Dl' partUJent of tbe Int e ri or . I lim e s \... \th th e ir ne w n ceds .-The BIZr-: . .. .. . ......... . SMALL PILL, SnlJ\LL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. l1urpoll of P ons lon!\. NO. 5622. Grave of J. Summerfield Staples, Ir CongregatIonalist. - - ---Washington, !\l a y II, 1910. Genuine must bear Signature :'IAMEJ .. .. .. the Cemetery at Stroudsburg, Pa. Would You? "J o hn SUIIlID(·rfle ld Staples, resid ing Has J es uB ChrI s t r e ally tile Hra t T OWro; at S troud s burg, Pa., fll e cJ an applica- tho II s !!cmhl ed multitude clad In mar· tion for pe ns ion ill 1882. s t a ting that tlal gear, and cas llng down a gauntlet placo In your be art? Would YOU dO STREET Al"D N O . .. ........ .. .. .. ...... . , in the Civil war he had se r ved in Com· upon I he g r o und, d efied to mortal com- wbat tbe early Cbrlstlans bod to do In tbouBand!! or In~t a nces , 6acr,"c~ pliny C, Ono Hundre d and Se venty- bill any person or persons having · S1'AT8 . six th Pennsylvu nla miLitia. and after- quarrel wllh or dc nylng the right or goods, busbnnds, Wile. cblldren. rotber ward s i~ Company H, Second District the potentate 10 r eig n ove r the land . than deny Chri s t? Do you love Cbrtst well e nough to give him your bc st. of Culu m bla In /nntry. and tbat In hi s Bus iness Froposition. Thi s custo m dat e d bock to tbe stren · second e nlistm e nt ho was a s ubs titute UOUIl day!! wlll' n n monarch was also your son Clr dallgbter ror mlBslon "Sec lIoro , Mr Sand ~ . " . a lt! ~ I I'n work? Ood's pe ac e. God's res t, God 's for Pres Id e nt LIncoln. Tompkins to Ihe g rocer. " wl lat d o )O tl an ac tiv e man ·at ·ll rm s . and likely to "The r C'cords show that sa id soldie r meet In a hand ·l.o·hand e ngage ment love, Ood's power , neve r Hil s a bear' meoll by gl du g 111 0 ull ly ulI IC· 1t'lIll lS t'ull s te d !'; ove mbe r 2, 1862. In Com· wlt.h some perslR t e nt roeman at any lIutll .!esu s Is e nthroued tlJers.-U. of a )Jollntl o f Swiss ('I ,ee.;e Wh e ll I pa ny C . One Hundred olld Seve nty· time or lliace. li e ne e th e Institution H . C. Mncgl·cgor. am payiug for a po un,I ?" sixth P e llnsyh'anlu drafted militia. or "king '!I champion ," appointed lO "In se ilin g SwIss chec'.e . I" .\' tleHr Let Christ Build You , thnt he waR honorably dlscbarged keep ? II c hall e ngers at bay, a heredi madllme ." said th e gro eo r will! d ig · lt We are Christ's building, tben let nlly , "bus in e ss c Ulitlon tlrUmP l " lll O t o Mny Ii. 1863. Ilnd tbat he afterward tary honor. and one that was be ld for e nlisted April 3, 1864. In Company H, muny generations by the descendants him toshlon us nccordlng to bill dl· nllow my se lr 10 !Jer ce ~t (or lh" ho les . S«cond Dis lrlc t of Columbia volun· of th e Dymoke family, Out Edward vine Ideal or beauty, at ~hatever cost wblch . as )'ou mll s t be Awnl·e. l1lalle l ee rs . frOID which be was bonorsbly VB ., wbo possesse d an unusually to our Ne ltl fl bne sB, or pride, or Indo- no Impr essio n o n th e m oti t de ll e'a le l)' dl scbarged a Alexandria, Va.. Sep- strong sense of th e ridiculous , refused lence, or vain g lory. Chris t working In adJusled bca IEls."-- H a r\J c r'ti \\' L'c kly tembo r 12, 1865. and the record also to permit this b erolc burlesque of a 118 and upon us, and we work wlUl show that In thi s last service he was mediae val custOIlJ to be Introduced Chris t a nd lor him; thot Is the proA Natural Phenomenon. e nrolled as n representative recruit Into the splendid page antry at bls cor- cess tli at produces s uch structures as "What do you tbluk of tbl ~ vacuum for Abraham Lincoln, who \VIUI not nation and abolt s h ed tbe oruce of a be will prese nt before his flltb e r and Idea?" tb(l bol l' "ne"l. - Theodore L. Cuyler. "There' re mIllions In It." liable to draft. l warlike substitute forever. "It Is Bhown by tbe papers on Hie Eggle •• Plum Pudding. Reluctant Crlticlom. In thIs caso tbat during tbe war PresiNourlah,ment tor Invallda. lor Tl""....,neea nnd Tb l'Ollt ·froobl.... Jlo opiate•• One cup bread crumbs. two cup. "August us, deor." slii d tbe glri, t e n Samplo dent Lincoln decided that be would Ire.. Joaal. Bno..... BoR • ...,.,.,. M.... When tho Itppetl te bas !alled, aa In flour. one cup Buet chopped Ilne, on, derly, pus hing him Irom her as the place In tbe army a substitute to the the case of convalescent8 and many cup ralilns, B ~ rled, 1!!.1 cups 8ugar. moonlight nood ed the bay window credIt of the 'Dlstrlct of Columbia, and tbat be communicated his desire to do weak cblldren, nourishment Ie of 1'n1 cup. sweut milk, one tablespoon where they we re sloudlng. " 1 I hlnll Tbere Is a capital 1I0do, level, one t eas poon cloves, one that you ha d better try Borne ..,ther 90 to tbe provost marl hal of the dIll- prime Importance. trlct, wltb a request that he select tbe way to administer It, whlcb rarely faUB teaspoon clunamon, . %. pound citron. haIr dye ; your mustach e tllst es' like perBon who ' should be placed In. the evett-In extreme cases. To tbe wblte Boll al:l. bourl. After It beg ins to boll turpentine." ------service, and that tbe provost marsbal or an egg add the juice of an orange well, keep OD a III0w, steady boll. tbeD sent lor ' .Noble D. LarJler; 'then a and. the leaet bit of 8u~r. Strain tbe The Bost . Gift. ' promJnent · C!ltl~n~' of thl8 eu.y'. and mixture carefully and Bet It .away un· . - FrItts..., . ; The .h ellt. gift, Is the one tbal showi; til U. Is YeO'. Glld. Tben . It may be stated to blm·< tliee . ,::J:~~!~~~:~~ ~e"~ a.1 "O~~" jelly," ettJaer v,;ltb or ",O~e ~~g. one c\lP, ~I!~ I! 'IJttlo nit. ~thoug. ~t-an a:p~latlon of .wbot will Y:1'!. l:.i.ruer', two, ~U~\o1 (Ddl~ ~~a!, ~ne. • up: .be .p1e\'!lI~g alid' us.eful to :tb« .. ~l'ec!pl wl\bQut ' 8. .qc~,r. ' . ! . " .. , lIN.. ; Iaa~ lot &!I. add ~b hfr!II:Pbil eDt-that lI. wbat .coUllta!Qr . vtllu~, DOl ;rt '1\ ... • • .....DOODS ~r '~ powd(j}i~ . . .tU price ,ID moluq'. • .


Great N~~~!~~ Railway

Million Books




Splendid Crops an

The Army Consti- pa ti-on




J . SUMMERFIELD STAPLES. "Llnculn's Substitute." F rom a Taken at the Time He Went t o the Front In Lincoln's Stead.

In tbe r a nles o r t.he Grnnd Army or th\l Itepubllc a ss ured me that th e y were cortnln that "Old Abe" was un· represented In the ranks of tbe boys In blue. For all thut It seemed to m o that the story was something more tban one of those romantic Incidents 110 frequently quoted IlS huvlng oc· curred In th e llves of famous men afttbey blld passed over to the great ml\jorlty; Incld e nts lending color to laudatory biographical sketches, hut J:;Ject~d by the thoughtful blslorlan al ,beIng tormed ot ..the stnl! dreams . a~ made ot." LIncoln, with bls eJl.- alted . Ideals, his stern devotion to :' 4~ty, bls und)'!ng love for tbe Union aDd all that 'It represented, was e:l.· .' acUY the type of man to consider him· "Iel' at ·'ault If he neglected to mllke • e\oery IK'Bllble sacrifice In his power to tJle .caulle be 'leld dearer ·than ure. with tbe lederal au· at Wasfilniton en . tbe sub· tbe r~pllea :1 received did ·not Closer to the tbIlIY .IL8l1t!rttiCl pbBI.t1y.eIY



Brown's BronchiaiTroches






THE .MIAMI CdAZETTE, WAYNL4JVILL£, OHIO I e - - _ _ _ _ _ _ • - - - 0 ,I

· ' !Idumy ,'p ersona..I Ment Ion, trcna



Gopd old varieties such as Belleflowers, Greenings, I::Slush and Ta lpahawken.

On Track at Corwin, Ohio December 11 th and 12th PRICES RICHT



Gut Your Christmas Apples l\lo'W


Be.t of Frlende. "Are you good frlendll or the Browns 7" "I should thl nl( 80. We take care or their cannry, bu lldog and gold· fish whlle they 're 0. wuy on tb eiJ' vaca· tlon."

You need not kn ow the size of his ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ foot if you go to Barnhart for hi Slippers.



D. L. Crane, whose fool was so bad ly mash ed in the cy lind er pre:'!s six weeks ago is improv ing as ra pid· Iy as can be expected.



mll,llY pa-



In N olY



asoline n I e .... ,



Thursday a nd Friday


_________ -e '


Right From The Mountains

o\" or Ht.oro lJ'onlu IN an 1D-

\\' h l (~h Iliu round

York UUl t num ber of . arms buve rou nd It profttsble to let Pll r ' Irish l.inen IIal1lll< C' rchief~ IlBlde Ill! other forms or bull dlna And for men at Harnhart' l<. I devote themael1"oll wholly to helphl, ~ " W York Tnerrb s. ute Improve the ap,. '1, " arBll r. " o f thc,lr eatalJ ll i hUlent. by r'olley Mar ker,·! . l'!Juic!! Fa l h •sh ' I pu t t lll il 0. Ih,W In c " 'JD t h o. mUlter . AU a l White'" :-:'I ' l"L\ I \. In ~ ~ o j (lr ::, :l.:J!. ,. t~, rroll. t~ o Bmv.1l iLl I ~ I-'r i ll W'e ·llt.' lI b to t bo; J;l·t>at dry Sall1uel.·,, ';' I, a, :d II 'p"ltl l 'r l\1i ~s , !l 'J,~" 11'· .. ., i"t1,, '~(" In thu lu xu ry of V c·lm .1 \\\' I' l' '" I ,.IY\\ 1\ ~ ·: I"l'd:IY. I u. ..". hl l, ': ,, ( f' out to th .. lr btlslness homtlll every un ce In BO otten. Never nlind the w('athe r. bu y - - - .. - • _ .Hu ulw!':'! at K:1rllharl' ,;. Queer Rowing Coat1m1 ••• E nl:l! e h rowLlI g men 1\ oentury ngo $~ . ()II Ca:;seroles. ~p ec ia l sa l., 7!k . worn coetulII s tar different trom what A t Cary 's ,)('weiry tore, Lebanon. they wenr now . In 1 805 It was the corroct tb IIlg for them to wear a Ohio. green !oatb or catskln oap with a Jaok· J. 0 artw r ig-ht (lml daughl r. et nnd trouBerll or nllnk een . In the Rhea J and were in Dayton Tu esday. tlret unlv ONllty moe at Henley In 1819 Oxfo rd won wearlnjp blu e cbeokJI. Il ave you s('en I hOHE' Value Hand . wh!lp ('am bridge was In whIte with pink w'llsl:cnn(s . Orond brlmme4 k ' r c hi e f~ at Barnhurt ·". b,;nvy a lmw hatll came In a UtUe later. Our uC<lIItifu l Ch ina I'l alps at Gc , .... - -our splelldid large China Vegetable Strong P a rty Senti ment. Dishes at ~[, c are Il m()ng' the coming "W hal are the duties ot (he office our prises nud hapJlY hit s at Jan ney 's. to which you deBlro apPolntmp.nt!" asked the offi cial. "I baven·t Inquired 1\Irs, Sarah lI ai nt!s ~pent Tu esJuy Into th e llutles ." replied tbe applicant. with he r son Wes ley Huin es and "But." be R,dd ed rather reproachfully, wife . "Il waB beld by a Republican for yeaTS. And you oughtn·t to have any The Tie and Socks mat ch. if you doubt that what one of tboso RepubllcanB caD get by with Ito Orat cla811 bu y t he m at [larnhart'". Demoorat w ill be able to do with New So rg hum on the li st of " good ease."-Wa,sbln gton Star. tiling:; to cat." White's Stor e. ~


D. H. Hockett and Z. Underwood.

Li k e Now StOI'O Front..


w . . . . . . . , ........


... w

1 NEW ERA, -6 h . p., run less than 2 weeks, guaranteed same as new. Price .•. Less Than One Half. 1 NEW ERA, 4 h. p., practically new. , Price ,. . . . $65.00 1 4 H.P., manufactured by Saunders & Co., Dayton, Ohio, fine condi. tion. Price . . . . $55.00 These Engines are not cheap engines that have been thrown away · but are high grade engines and are bargains. , 1 Small Ste'a m Engine and Boi! ~ at Less Than Price of Fittir ~

.. -

- - - .-----

Prop>er Sen.tI of Humor.

We do hU'1d eng raving while you The eens of humor Is lik e Indlvld· QU A LIT \' " si ngle !lond Men 's Linen Handkerchiefs 2.'i wait. free of charge. F. B. Cary. uallty; It Is likely to be disagreeable • rose oomb White Leg. to otbera It made too prominent. It born Cookerell•. the kind of st ook cents each or $1.40 the half dozen at Le ban o n, ~ Ohio . Is a dango l'OuB gltt. so dangerous that the, laY8 flKglI lind wins premiums Barnhar t'R. Mrs . Ellen Manning ton, of Spring the person who lacks It may perhaps f,JI' tlB. Atlk OB for prices. O.K. Va ll ey, Rpent Wed nesday with rela- be congratulated . They do not know Mrs. Army Elmore , of Cincinnati Ponltrvaod IOnpply 00. Waynes. wbat thoy miss, but they are lik ely alld Paul Haines, of the U. S . Navy: tives her e. ville, Ohio. Vhone 37 2y' d31 to be the Bolld. senBI ble citizens, the were week·end guests of Mrs. Kezia Ch ris tmas Ti es from 25 cents to 75 men of m,eans, and the directors ot publlo atralrs. Thompson and family. cents each at Barnhart's. A Shirt makes a fine present for a Give the Credit Now. See our la rge and beautiful Xma9 man- buy one of Wilson Bros .' at display- a Revelation in Pleasing We ought dally or weekly to dedi· Barnhart's. II> little time to the reckoning up and Appropriate Gifts of High Grade cate of the vlrt'U98 01 our beloDKlng-wlte. Rev. Wooten, of the Orthodox Goods at F'airellt Prices. J.E .Janney. cblldl"6n, blend&-eontemplatlng them UJen In a beautltul collection. ADd Friends church , iilled the pulpit a t Mrs. Euphemia Houg h ami daugh- we .bould do 80 now. tbat we may not McCutcheon repairs on G ross ro ad , Fits, road work Clcarcrcek t wnthe M.· E. church, Sunday evening , ter, Miss Irma visited relatives in pardon and love In vaIn and too late, Franklin township $:i 2-1.W. R. A. ship $1O!J .on. J. W. ~n ider, road work H a rla n towII ship , $176.97. and preached a splendid sermon. 1 atter tbe belovel1 one has been taken McCutcheon, repairs on Shupert J. Cocoanuts, Dates, Figs. Special Dayton last week. T. Gregg, road work Clearcreek low prices to Schools and away from us to a better world.-Jean road Franklin township $38::1.50. t own ship $l(il).-l:,. Ohio Corru gated It makes b~t little difference what No use going 'south for cold feet, Paul Richter. Churches. you buy. if you buy it at Barnhart's tell Barnhart your t roubles. W. H. Stubbs, inspector on Glosser Culvert Co., cuh c rt pipe, $:14 .80. ... Every thinK' good to eat for it must be correct. roadway $39. T. E. Corwin, second Ohio Corrugated Cul vert Co., cul" .. Way. Christmas. Oysters, CranberOur Christmas line of holiday A. M. ve rt pi pe, $i):1.lill. Ullio Corrugated An emll~ e nt Oermll.ll professor had estimate contract, $133.11. ries, Celery, Grapes, Grape Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke and son, \ goods are now ready. Call and see the misfortune to die while he Wall Parker, work on Trovillo pike Salem Culvert Co., culvert pipe, $23. R. A. fruit, Jersey Sweets. Give us Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm. daugh- them. Ff B. Cary, Lebanon, Ohio. away on biB holidays. When the time township $115.50. John Hughes, Mc Cutc heon, 1st est. , contract, $15. your order, save your Booster ter and son. of Dayton, spent Sunday came to put up a tablet to his mem" inspector at Stubbs Mills bridge [Frank Maag, final esti ma te contract coupons and help vour favorite with their parents Mr. and Mrs. J, Lost-Saturday night on tbestreet ory In tbe little unlventty town where $10.50. Celia Shawhan, gravel for $:2:2. Frank Maug, 2nd est imate conwin the wareh 6th. t: Hawke. a pair of dark gray kid gloves. hie life's work had lain. this waa the River road Union towllShip $101.52. trac t $100. Ore gonia prid ge Co., Specials for Saturday Dec. Ilth Finder please leave at Gazette office. !Jne which the mortuary artist carved John Worley, stone for River road contract $131.:n. P. 11. Monce, can· IJiIOn It: "He d.led durinK hi. abo Aunt Mary Haynes of the Friend ~ Fresh Roasted Peanuts 10c a Ib Union township $7.70. Charles tract $IU':;.20. R . M. Va.n Home. Evening POit. 1 pound Seeded Raisins 10c a pkg Home, recently convalescent, suf- Edwin Thomas' condition is so Benca "-New York Simpson, gravel for River road [mal estimate contract $5.'i:i.04. • • Special lot New Candies lOc a· lb Union township, $24.40. J. M. HayContracts let-No. J82 with Samfered a relapse last Sunday evening. much improved that he came home L.umlnou. Fire Boxe •. Van Camps 26c Catsup 10c bottle ner, gravel for River road Union lIel Cutler ior putting in l ~ ft. 15 in. from the hos pital Tuesday. causing much anxiety to her many To enable New Yorkers to flnd ftre Crofts Pure Cocoa 25c alb pkg township, $9.60. Charles Simpson, Corrugated scwer ou the Pleasant friends. She has again rallied but All Scfap Tobacco 6 pkgs for 25c Barnhart will box Tie and Hosiery alarm bolteS at night; the superWltend- fill at South Leban on ri\'er bridge Plain pik e by Grant Conover's ill ant ot "be Ore alar·m department is Choice Muir Peaches 31bs for 25c her. condition is : erious. to match for riO cents the box . paLntlng them with lumlnouB paint. and repairs on road $704.00. Albert H arlan town s hi p $1 ·U);j. Join the crowd and trade at the I It II! of vol1lte ~lDo. and in some part. Bond, road work in F ranklin town /'\0. I S:i with E. M. Howell for an Pin Proof, is the name of a new Booster Store. The Best of Our assortment in china contains every thing at the lowest prisilk, used in some of the neckwear aJl of the latest Ilnd mos t pleasing of the city, where tbere Is a little ship $1 \)0.7(3, Hatfield Bros., crush- I S ft. 18 in. Corruga ted sewer by light. onE' of these boxes can be dill- ing stone in TurUecrcek township, S . ~.ueal·s on Franklin township line ces. It pays to trade at shown at Barnhart's. and useful novelties of the season at tlngulshed for a long distance. $192.4 7. Lewis Bros. , cement $1.:~ :2. cas t and an 18 ft. 30 in. Corrugated --Those who attend~d the School, prices that will astonish you . ""F. M. Collins, contract, $47.00; A. sewer by Frank Richard 's on Yankec S. Bond, contract, $43.50. Clark Street road a lso concrete hea dwalls Survey Convention at Columbus last J. E . Janney. RIght Sort of Schoolmarm. "Too mucb sympathy 18 misplaced," Nixon contract, $92.20. Perry Wolfe for both $\)U .25. STORE week were ~. C. Gilmour from If you are going to have a sale, _ys the Atchison OIohe. "An Atobl- contract $105.70. W . R. Clark, ink No. 134 WiOl Har vey M. Burnett Wayne tOwnShl~, M~.? T. ~awke see A. A. M :~ Neil, Centerville, Ohio, IOn man lately expressed concem be- pad for Recorder, $l. Hildebrants for puttin g in an IS ft. 18 in. Corrufrom WayneSVille dIstrICt, Lmdley b th h cause a ~roung lady Bcbool teacher had Book Store,' blanks for sherilT, $7.50. gated sewer on Waynesville and 0 pones. . d' . M en d en ha, II Corwm Istrlct, Mrs. as many as forty Ilttle pupils In her Hildebrant's Book Store, final rec- Oregonia RiV(!f road by Kibler·s · Mr. and Mrs. George Zimmerman. room to discipline and worry over. ord for P . J., $1950. Warrell County farm in Wayne township $13.50. Cora Thompson. from Ml1S3ie township and Dr. J. ' T , Ellis from the of Jamestown, were visiting their 'Wby, I wouldn't part with a alngle Times, publishing times of Common No. 185 with Oregonia Bridge Co. Grange. son Thad Zimm.,rman and family one,' wall her Indignant answer. and Pleas Court, 520. Warren County for new steel joist, nailing ties and her eyes were actually tearful." last wel;lk, Times, publishing statement of bal - cl~aning and painting (one c9l1.t) .... If you want a plain, conservative ames, $9.38. J . M. Hayner & Co., bridge over 'l'odds Fork near Myers Yes Barnhart has those little Red Neektie, buy a Bengaline, they come 8"mn... of Mr. Stephen •. work on road with engine and grader on R oachester and Osceola road in Speaking of Alexander H. StepheJW' $34.50. Top Hubber Boots to fit the child. in all colors at Barnhart'll. The Patriot, publishnig Salem and Harlan townships $8:iO. thinnessi. perbaps It was never b.!ltter times of Court of Appeals, $14.!iO. L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinnati Knives and Forks, Fountain Pens. cbaracterlzed than by the man In The P atriot, publishing notice to Wasbln'flon who said that when he Silver Mesh Bags and everything today. was standing on the "teps of the capl· contractors; $1~. 50. R. B. Smith, ' • G 'Id f S M that will make nice Christmas pres- tol an empty back drove up and Alex· coal $40.80. W. J. Wright, supplies, ! Th e Ch OIr Ul 0 t. ary's -. at F . B. Cary 'BJ ,ewelry Store, _ _. • (MOT IIOUl'N ltOllU) . ander 1:1. Stepbens Kat out. $82. T . C. Christie, trustee H . Archch urc b WI'11 h ave h orne rnad e candy entH L b Oh ' "ear a : conel mlde '0 II. you. As' lor I deacon, ma tches for court house, 0 - - and pop corn for sale at the market e anOl1 , 10. de_1Ia1IotI. Telepbone or scad poslcud.o $1.20. Warren County Appeal, Saturday, December 13. Try a sa(!k of Burton's High Grade Mrs. SadieZell blanks for surveyor $4.21). Allen Phone 126, waynesville, O. White Prost Flour. It is made from Huffman, salary, $100. R. HarshAbove all things, do not wait until the choicest old whea t and is guarbarger salary $50. The Columbus the assortment is broken on the line anteed by the manufar.turer to give Blank Book Mfg., Co., blanks for of Men's Furnishings at Barnhart's. SEALSHIPT OYSTE~ P. J. $5. E. S. Conklin, P. M., entire sati:'!faction or money restamps, $2. S. L. Cartwright, serv~ Messf3. Ernest Rogers and Charlie funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke. NewBe.ans, Hominy, Rice, Oats .. ices on burial committee Wayne Joy were in Dayton Tuesday. etc. and a full line of Fancy Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzgerald and · Bills Allowed-State of Obio vs. township $1. M. Ridge, services on and Staple Groceries. Try The finest liM of holiday Neck- Mrs. McCullum, of Springfield, were James McGee, W . J. CurrUl! J. P., burial committee Wayne township a can of Chili Con Carne. week· end guests of Elijah Compton $5.95.; Clyde Elsten, canst., $6.U5 ; $1. J. B. Woodward services on wear we have ever shown, we are total $12.1)0. State of Ohio vs. Robt. burial committee Franklin townI displaying this season, E. V. Barnhart. and family . The gua, an teed shoe Co1!ins, C. W. Monger, mayor, $2. 85 ; ship $1. W. H. Robinson, services -The "Wabasha" They are showing a fine line of W. E. Graham, marshal, $2.75; to- on burial committee Franklin tOWl1Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kirby spent and "Big Indian" Work Shoes tal $5.60. State of Ohio vs. Carl T. ship $1. Monroe and Johns ton, sawSaturday and Sunday with Mr. and Slippers for Ladies at Barnhart's . for winter wear. Senors, M. A. Jameson, J. P., $3.70; dust for court house, 50c. Monroe Mrs. A. Maffit. Don't fail to visit our Holiday T. D. Fraser, act. canst., 60c.; total & Johnston, repairing infirmary silo, A fine line of Christmas candies in Opening on Saturday next. Our $4.80. State of Ohio vs. Tobias $1.68 ]. R. Hitesman $25. S. L. Popular Mechanics nt:.; bulk and boxes. W. S. Haines. display is full of new ideas and 's ur- Bretney, M. A. Jameson J. P., $2.80; Cartwright, $2;) . J. W. O'Neall Ball Band gum boot, particuMagazine prlses, happy . hits and desirable 1. C. Brown, canst. $1.05; total $20.30. R. Harshbarger, express on larly adapted to hard wear. Bpll i'iWIIInPI so YOU CAlI UNO_AND IT" J. C. Hisey attended the Poultry $3.85. State of Ohio VS. Hattie desk 75c. State of Oltio vs. WardBand Rubbers, ArcticB,FeltB,etc. GREATCoatlaaecl s~ 01 th. W ...Id'1 Show in Cincinnati on Sunday. features. J . E. Janney. Pombles, M. A. JamesonJ. P. $3.20; wood, T. C. Welch, wayor $4.73. A Pro..... wbich you may begin read ina _ any time, and which will bold l'0ur Mrs. Townsley ~nd Miss Je~~ Fer- T. D. Fraser act. canst., 85c; total, L. H. Brown, canst., $11.20; Roy A pair of genuine Silk Lisle Socks IDteresl forever. You are IJYina in the best Corduroys, Overalll! ro of the most wonderful aile. of what Is and a Silk Handkerchief put . guson returned FrIday, to their home $4.05. State of Ohio vs. flattie Brant, asst., $1.50; Ed Urton, witamI Work Shirts, ubtJess the greatest world In the unlverw. up In a. D t ft I t · · · t h Pombles, M. A. Jameson, J. P. $3 .20; ness 5Oc; R. B. Gilmore, witness, , resident of Mars would aladly 1117Coat Sweaters, Winter Caps,etc. Christmas box, all for 50 cents at m ay on a e~ a p easan VISit WI T. D. Fraser, act. canst. 85c; total 6Oc.; Sheriff Clinton County, witFOR ONE YEAR'S $1 , 000 SUBSCJUPTION Barnhart's. Mrs. J. W. White. $4.05;. E. C. Thompson, inquest ness, $2.70', M. 'Sadler, witness 50c,' Quality 00005 and Prices Right. A hand Tie, put up in a over body of Wm. F . Gunther, $5.65. total $21.63. State of Ohio vs. ;~~~~:~~;~~~~.I~nrf;ormedof Mec:banlca. of your Mrs. A. B. Sides attended the burnt wood box makes a fine gift for E. C. Tbompsot}, inquest over body Leander Atkins0t:\, M. A. Jameson Poultry Show at Xenia last week. of Sarah A. Guttery, $5.50. State of J. P . $3.45; T . D. Fraser act. const., a young man. You can get them in Ohio vs. John P. McLean, A. C. $3.60; total $7.05. State of Ohio VS. Corwin, Ohio. Lost-Monday, December 1st,' a this way at/Barnhart's. Vail J. P., 52.65; W. E. Graham, Dewey Reed, M. A. J ameson J. P., pony bridle, between the Franklin 0 . 34th A al X . G tin marshBLl $2,)5; total $4.80. State of $3.45; T, D. Fraser, act. canst., Packer farm and Waynesville. Re- te dur . ~nu t . ~ast rele g, Oh~o vs. John P. Mc~, A.' .C. $3.60; tOta) ' $7.05. Petry Wolfe,. tum to H. H. Wilkel'9On or leave."t n ertng our .es. WIS es 0 a l , ~e Vail, J. ,P., $2.65 i . W. E. Graham, bridge repairs Washington township Gazette office. are pleal!~ to InVlte yoU~ att~ntion ~5hul sSe; total $3.50. S~te" o . 11 , H. W. 1'rovillo, work ~n Wash;t~~~!~~!~!~:~ to our Hobday Swck, which 18 full Olho 11"5. oJoh~ P. McLean, ,A. C. lDgton ' road work Harlan ·township Speci~ song service at the M. E. of ' appropriate and desiral:>le ' p.".- YaiJ, ~'. ~., ·, $.2.65; Vf·~· Grah,am, $44.50• .Jp~ . Hugh~, 'jnspector; ,'a t , ..Churcb Sunday eve~. . " '.~ ents: : J. E •.~an,nef, , ·~ba.L$2.JO; .tota! ' f4. 0;.• ~ A. Stl\p~ l4ij1s . bijd~: $.18. WI R; .'

"0 K



Waynesville Auto &Machinuj Co.

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Phone 105

Waynesvill E



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..-- ..








._--.. County Commissioners' Proceedings





H end Brose' erson



: .-' • •























, Former Citizens .----- - - ---....-.-- - -


...... +._.....--... ..- ..... ". f r · . ·_. . . ···_····__. .··..........··__ ·, ............... I I.'


Mary Lukens Haynes.

· H•

born at


PersonaI Menti(lIn


Whole Number 3242

.._.. ·· .........1J OBITUARY C0 Iumn f 1 Maria J . Surface pa!>Sed to the 1 eternal rest and reward of a faithful


_ ................ ....... - ..........

It is pleasing to note that Ohio stands atthe head of the list of corn Miss Therese A. Korr. and Jos. R. day , 1828, died at the Friends' Home, ~_ _I ! Chri ~tian on Friday. December fith, produciug states in yi eld per acre, Ebrighl were married in their ow n Waynesville. Ohio. 12th month. 15th - ••.•- ....--. - - -••- - -..... -~- •• _ _ _......_ ...... ......... ...J 1!llil, after a lingering but almo~t which is estimated at 38 bushels for home, 320 South Euchd Ave., Dayton day, 1913, aged 85 years and 16 days. See Calendars at Ridges' Studio. j Buy him a Tie Clasp at Barnhar t's. painl ess illnes9 of seven wet'ks , aged 1913. Indiana is a close ~econd with Nov , 26, W1:!. The ancestors of the Lukens family 7[, years. 10 months and 15 days. 36 bUi:> Iowa third with S. - - -came from Germany. Her grandYou can get a H.ain Hat at Barn· Xmas Paper for wrappin,l{ pack- Sh· was born January 28th. 1838, bushels. The crop in Missouri, Marrie(1 in Henderson, Ky .. Mon- parents, Levi and Eliza.beth (Clever) hart'l. ' ages in abundance at J E. Janney' s. as a daughter of Leander and Paulina Nebraska and Kansas is estimated at Thomas, and passed most of her long day, Dec. 15, Mr. Frank Hamilton. Lukens were natives of Pennsylvania. 18. 15 anJ 3 hu shels, respectively. of Lebanon. and Mrs. J enni e Bill· They were married in Virginia, and Mrs. J. W. White is spending a Mrs. Burke spent the latter part an. I useful life ill War ren County. Kansas will have to import nearly meyer, of Lincoln. Neb . They will in 1807 they crossed the mountains few days in Dayton. of the week in Dayton . Ohi o. all of her seeil corn next spring from . She was married to Daniel Surface go imm ediately to Lo ranger, La .. in a wagon. bought a thousand acres where Mr. Hamilton will have of land near Harveysburg, Ohio. ChrIstmas Presents at Rogers and Complete line of g ranite anJ alum- Dece mbe r. 11392. a t Harveysburg on other 9tates. The crop of 1912, on charge ofagrucery. Mrs. Hamilton upo~ which tpey settled in true Son. inurn ware at Rogers'. Nov ember 11th. 1862, From this hand. will be used for seed to some ex tent. pioneer life, where they spent the Xmas Tags and Cards at J. E. E.' tpert hand engraving at F. B. union fou r sons were born, all of is a sister of Cha!!o B. Eulass. The total production for the remainder of their earthly career. Jann ey 's. Cary's, Lebanon. Oh io. whom were present:with their fam. United States is estimated at We regret to have to chronicle the Mary's father, Joseph Lukens was ili es to aid in making her last days . V·Irg I' n l' a'n Mrs. H. E. Hathaway was shop- Allen Haines. of Xenia, BIJent Sun- comfortable . She passed away very 2,462,000 ,000 bushels, or 23 bushels protracted and serious iIIn ~f Mr. born In I 1797 , be· nIg a boy Will Gard at his home in Monrovia, of ten years when he came with his ping in Cincinnati , Monday. day 'With Waynesville friends. quietly , as in profound slumber, be. per acre, as compared with 3,214,000' California. Returning last fall to ~arents to Ohio. He was married Christmas crepe paper, napkins. Blatchford 's Calf Meal at White's corn ing trnly "Asleep in Jesus," 000 bushels. or 29 bushels per acrt: last year. The total yield for Ohio Cslifornia from Ohio, while ('rossing In 1822 to ~annah, daughter of Clay· gift boxes etc . at Mrs. B. White's. Store. surrounded by loving relatives. this year is estimated at 14~, 775,000 s mou ntain range at high altitude. ton and Ehzabeth Brown, who were The funeral sermon 'was preachl)d heart failure ensued. in which state natives of New J~rsey. Mary hsd Special sale of Cut Glass at Cary's High Grade Gas Engine Oil. in the Friends' Meeting House at bushelR. The price received is of colJapse he continued the rest of four brothers, all of whom except Jewelry Store, Lebanon' Ohio. Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co . Waynesville, by Rev. H. F. Reber. enough higher to make the total income from the crop exceed that of the journey. On reaching Monrovia, Clayton C. of Chattano~ga, Te~ne'JSee Mrs Israel Satterthwaite spent a Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell were pastor of the United Brethren church IbSt year. The quality of the crop he for a time rallied hut not per- preceecled her to the higher hfe. few days last week In Springfield Cincinnati visitor:! Thursday. at Jodd!!. of which Mrs. Surface was iEt not up to the standard of last year, manently, a growing weakness and She was married to Turner W. . a faithful member. His text was, general debility becoming more and Haynes in 1853, with whom she Have you seen the line of Hosiery All kinds of Men's Neckwear at "When a few years. then I shall go but proved to be much better than more serious with the pasping days. traveled life's journey until 1901 at Barnhart's. Barnhart's. the way whence I shall not return." early reports indicated. Considerable interest il being Some six weeks ago he placed himself when she was left a widow with n~ (Job 16·. 22 ) nd th f . I' t f Lo Buy father a new set of tools at Special sale on Umbrell as at F. B. taken in local and county corn shows. u er e care 0 a specla IS 0 s family to comfort her declining In an earnest discourse the speaker Ang e Ies smce . h' h f Ime he h as years. her two little girls having Rogers'. Cary's Jewelry Store. Lebanun, Ohio. great many bankers and mer· A lC showed that the deceased had been w chants are conducti~ private shows, slowly but continuously improved died in infancy. Dr. A. T. Wright and son. Elliott F. B. Hende rson and Mrs. J . H. almost a lif e-long member of his because they realize the importance and now hopes for complete recovery. In the early sixties they located in were in Dayton last Thursday. Coleman were in Lebanon Saturday. church, and was deeply loved and of increasing the yield per acre and ~e can reassure Mr. Gard of the Richmond, Indiana, where thE'Y had cherished by all who knew her. and hIgh esteem and deep sympathy of for a business the manufacturing of Have you seen those Value Hand· Never mind the wc.>ather, buy had been a living example of tru e improving the quality of the crop. The winning exhibits in many of hi. many and long time Ohio friends furniture and school supplies, until kerchiefs at Barnhart's. Rubbers at Barnhart's. who wish for hi.:! speedy restoration 1900 when they returned to Har· S '. I H l'd . Christian inspiration to those around theee local showl will be paased on h Ih d veysburg Ohio pecla 0 I ay prIces on any You will find some dainty hand her. to the State Show which is to be held to ea t an accustomed usefulness. Since e~rly in' 1906 Mary L. Haynes Shoe in the large stock of shoes at embroidered al ticles at Mrs . 8. Being conscious almost to the end, at Mansfield. Ohio, January 2730, AlWA \'S has been a resident of the Friends' John A. Funkey's. . White's. she talked freely of her readiness to 1914 . Premiums are offered on ten Boarding Home. at Waynesville. go to her eternal reward, and even ears of corn, any color, sina'le ear, Our perfumery stock is complete; Ohio. Three years ago last August. You should see our generous sup Always and alwaY8 and ever, being somewhat tottery ~ith ~ge. ply of cloth bound books at lOc. J nothing nicer for a present. at J. E. said she thought it best that she any color, peck of wheat, oats, rye, . Janney's. should go now, as her life work here clover 1\I88d, timothy seed, soybeans We are seeking the ways of romance, she fell and broke her hiP, 8lnCe E. Janney. With thoughts straying out of the when she c?uld not stand alone, Qor was satisfactorily finished . and cowpeaa. D. W. Galehouse, resent. take a. steP. finally. ~ter months .o_~ The Spring Branch school will give Miss Ruth Hartsock attended a piR~v. Wooten. of the Friends' Wooster, Ohio, is Secretary. Write P .l .. . suffenng, by the 8ld of her ~"eWe look for the happier chance, takers she was assisted into a wheel an entertamment Friday mght, Dec. ~o recital in Dayton Thursday church assisted in the services. to him for preDliu~ 1m, entry Where youth and its beauty beguile chair, in which she could move about 19. mght. and made an inspiring address. By blanks and information regardina' the building. reJievina' the mOD()tony Pu I 'sh L' H d· h' f co·inciden~e he read as the opening the show. us of her own room. re n men an kerc Ie s Tine best vacuum cleaner for ha te th h te f H 1 , . . . ~,----~nd honor and valor inVite With all her adversities, of which fOf men at Barnhart's. mother at Rogers'. cpr e ssme c ap r o o y 1'rom the lowland of ~mmon en-· !lhe haa a full share, she was ever Scripture' that ' -was read- 1St · the PUBLIC INSTALLATION deavor, cheerful and patient; ever careful of We do haud engraving while you Don't fail to see the many Bar. funeral of the father of the deceased. To_ the gladder and sunnier height. the co"!forts and happiness of her wait, free of charge. F. B. Cary, gain8 displayed at J. A. Funkey's. Appropriate and beautiful music One of the most helpful and decompumons, and ever .~ of Lebanon Ohio. So many say extraordinary Bargains. was rendered by a quartette of the Always.and always and ever, courage to endure the vlciasitudea of ' Friends' church. singing, "Going lightfulsoeial functionl of the aeuon Tomorrow can beckon us on;life with a marked degree of forti· Mrs. Enos Hill, of Cedarville. vis- Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and Down the Valley." " Jesus Lover of thus far, was given at Masonic hall A slim, smiling you th with a feather - tude. Her Joyous countenance, her ited her mother, Mrs. Romine, last son, Carl. were Dayton vieitors, my Soul." and "I Surrender All." on Tuesday evening. The occasion And our garments of travel we don, pleasing "Good mornina''' and haEPY Saturday. Saturday. The floral emblems. which were being the combined qU&lli public in· To follow and follow and follow, greet~nt: put her friends at per ect See our gold rings at $1. They $2.00 Casseroles, special sale 79c. the contributions of loving friends stallation of the officers elect of the 'Till weary we fall by the way; eaHe~ cheris~i:nprahh waa with the are beauties. Also clocks at one-half At Cary's Jewelry Store, Lebanon, and relatives, were very beautiful Maaonic Lodge and the Order of the And he leaves us to lure on another, Eastern Star for the ensuln&' year. Society of Friends with whom she their real value at J. E. Janney's . Ohio. and appropriate. More tripping and laughing and gay. mingled throughout her life, beinlr a The remains were followed to the The insta11ing officers were Mr. J. O. hospitable entertainer, around her Pin Proof, is the name of a new It makes but little difference what beautiful Miami cemetery by a large Cartwright for the Masollll and Mn. AI ways and always and ever, own ~reside. No service was more silk, used in some of the neckwear you buy, if you buy it at Barnhad' s concourse of friend s and relatives. Dora Ward for the Eastern Star. We dream of the life that's ahead; pleasmg to he,: than the entertam·lshown at Barnhart's. it must be correct. who fully realized the meaning of The past is a shadow, a vapor, . ment of her friends. She loved the . the exulting words of the pastor as Their inte11igent and 8fl1lpathetic rendering of the respective rituala, But the future with promise is red; beauti.f ul, sh~ s.ided with the weak. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Allen and Mrs. C. B. Bentley and Mrs. G. W. he,~xclaim.ed: . . . F k H k Death IS swallowed up In victory, lJ8Ijisted by the reverent bearing of We stretch out our. arms to enfold it, and With a willing hand gave alms; M' 01' M ColI lS8 Ive c urn were m ran· aw e were shopping in Xenia 0 death, where is thy sting, 0 grave, the officers being inducted into office, with a loyal heart she faithfully dis. Its songB fill our heart and our brain; charged her various duties (If life. lin Sunday. Thursday: where is thy victory?" H. made the eervicea beautifully im· And lilways and always and ever, pressive. and imparted INlOns, helpWe seek beyond that which we gain. ful in the every day liviD&' of life. Laura V. Reed. -----.... Masons, their wives, and members of the Star were present to the num· ST. MARY'S OUT PF DEBT ber of between ninety and one hun· St. Mary's church last Saturday, dred. ' wiped out the remaining indebted· The banquet was served by . the ness assumed some three vears ago Dorcas Society and was up to their when the church was improved and u8ual high standard of excellence. beautified at an outlay of almost The guests lingered until a late $3000. This end has been accom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hour, reluctantly leaving lCenell 10 pleasant and congenial. communicants and .friends of the parish. The church fabric stands [NOTE-Thl' h the lint of • loiiel of A county sch!J01 board, consisting etc:. No supervision districts to have I county superintendent as in all superST. MARY'S CHURCH now a credit to the town a manu· articlel. written by Prof. F . C, Gilmour, of five members are elected at large less than 25 teachers and nune over vision districts (restricted as noted I Superintendent of the WaYDe To"nlhip ' ment to th e 1oya Ity 0f our peop e, a Schools explaining the provilionl of the (outside city districts) on a non· SQ. . below). 4th Sunday in Advent, December sanctuary in every way worthy of prorosed code of Ne." . Sc~ool ~WI in partisan ballot. They have been as· I[n case any rural or village district 5. To organize social center work 21st. Runday School at 9:30 a. m. the purpose to which it has been con· Ohm . Next week hIS subject WIll be, signed the following duties:or union of school districts for super. in rural districts and encourage the . . "Dutiel of County and District SnperiDThe Christmas festival and treat will secrated, the worlhlp of Almighty tendenta. "-The Editor.1 1. To appoint a county superin. vision purposes alr~ady employs a wider use of the school plant. be given Holy ·Innocents Day, the God: But the plant is incomplete. tendent This official you will note ~ulPerlnt~ndent whose board is will· 6. To publish ~ith the advic~ of Sunday after Christmas at the regu. While a place for the development Th C ty B d is not recommended by higher lDif for him to give at least three- ) the county supermtendent a miDi· lar Sunday School hour Momin&, o~ the spiritual life .of the co~mu. e oun oar authorities but must possess the fourths time to supervision after'l~um course ~f .study with su~gesPrayer and sermon at 10:30. EvelY nit)' has been so admirably prOVided, . necessary legal qUalifications which Atlgu~t 1, 1914, even if the number tlons for varIatIOns between Village body invited to these services. of teachers employed falls below 20, and rural courses of study. they yet need a building in which to The firlt. suggestion of a ~tate as yet has not been decided ui>on. •• • 2 T h hid' t . t r th,e county board of education on That in supervision districts con· cultivate under wholesome sur· Board of eight members appomted roundings the social life of our by the a'0vernor has been withdrawn. h' 0 c ange 8C 00 d!S n~ I~~ application of the district or u~ion taining but one school diEttrict, the DRESSED POULTRY MARKET people. To this end a movement In place of this a Deputy Superin' w .~r~. nece;sary, ~or mgd to IS· of districts concerned shall erect the board of education, in supervision will be started at once toward the tendent of Public Instruction il trl ~ Ion 0 :;p? a on an f pog• . di!ltrict or union of districts into a districts containing either two or The Miami Valley Poultry AsIociaerection of the long contemplated proposed. His chief work is thus rap '~I ~ as h chli'::~~ as ~r.:s . supervision distriat on condition that: three school districts, a joint meet· tion will hold a market in the Townand much talked of parish house on stated.: "That tbe . Deputy .State =88lt~ d hie opp:r un! IYi (a) The Superintendent continue ing of the boards of education, and ship bouse next Wednesday, Dec. 24 the lot at the rear of the church. Supenndent of Pubhc Instruction be a edn d e 8C 00 . mos casl ~ to give at least three-fourths time to in districts . containing more than at.2 p. m. Dressed poultry and oth· The rural·problem is one of the aseignPCi as his most important duty rea~h a~bl SC; ~o enco~e:n ' supervision. three districts, the presidents of the er good things to eat. Orders may greatest problems today, confront- the supervision and' management of m~ e ~d en \J er cen lZ& Ion i (b) The superintendent. receive a various boards in joint session, shall be left with M1'8. E. S. Baily or Hl'II. ing.alike the church and state. .low tho centralization movement." an conso I ~ on. . . talary of at least. $1000 per annum. elect a district superintendent on the A. B. Sidell. Do not fail to attend to provide facilities not only for the It is proposed that \lats be kept on •. To compel the comblDa~on of I (c) These supervision districts do nomination.of the county superin· this market and buy your Christmas spiritual, but the social and physical file in the office of Superintendent of I sc~oola and the transportation of : not receive full county aid, but only tendent. If the first nomination be dinner. ~ development of our ambitious boY8 Public Instruction of th~. school ! chIldren when neceeaary, wh~re at- Ia pro rata portion of the full county not confirmed; he :shall immediately and gi,rll, such &II theY "can have the men and women who are eh&'lble for ten,dance falla below 12. Iaid based on the ratio of the number make one other nomination, If the SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT . adv~tage: of in our cities and larger the position of County Superinten- ,. 'to divi.e the county into super· ; of' teachers actually employed to 40, second fail of confirmation, the tOwns. The p.roblem ·must be solVed, dent ·o_r District Superintendent. _vision districts, eac~ ~tain~g one, (tlhe supposed number of teache1'8 board, boards or presidenta of The seho~l entertainment will be the ~and- satisfied, .or we cannot Th_e namell are plaecd automattcaU, or more aool distrlcta accordlna' to per superintendent under average boards as the case may be ma.Y.elect lriven Friday afternoon in the audit- , hope to keep 'o ur boya aDd: girli on upon this list as 800n as the l1l9ulre- the number of teachera' ~plolec1,' conditions;) a district 8uperintendent by a three- orium. beainnlng at 1 o'clock. All i ·tb~-,~~· Biia i~ '~Ei: ~1,1~., ' Tb~ menta'ot the law as ~ ctuali~cattona ~_e amount o~ ~bIOUdation and I (d) The'district8U~rintmldent of ·fourths vo~ of all ~avitl&' . i}l~ rJabt th~ ·, ~~ 'will ~~ . . " ~. ~~ ~• .n!Xt.~ .. . .." ., ~ fulfilled. 'ceDtralbatiO~, tbe 8ta~ ~f the ~;. 8Ucb,distii~ be . nominated. by the to vote ,for_. diatric~ 8upenn~ent.,\ ~ ~~W . ",

H arveysburg~Ohio.llth month. 29th

L ..._____ . ..--..-..... L:









- ...---

Under The Proposed

n~to Scbool eod~











.. : •

• • • ~.










American Bible Sociflty Must Be Supported in Spreading the Light. Th e d(\m :lI1t1 for nibles Is !; rf'll t. Tbe d " llIlIn cl lor Hibl!' work 18 stil i gr ellt nr . Hoth of th l'sl' c1 (l lnands come rrom pv, 'r)' p'lrt Il f Amp-rica lIud fr urn n ear· 1\ nil o th e r lJ:lrts of th e world . l~s. n" I' lall"J III ~lIcll pxcf'ptlo nnl opellin gs " fl1J t 'hlnn, til, ~I Pllltl'l'ra n e l\n r egions, \\ h l' re thlllg~ ar(' loo lcl n!; up, an d In C,' ntml nnd SOllt h Am l'rlt-a. wh e ro 1\ pn'H p, ,(·th·p "nllal ()p",dll~ Is clHI II !;. Inl-\ th p fu ('" or thinK" . upportllnlll f' 1I ron' 1" 'yolIll nll)'lhlng ho· r('[ororl' 01>C hllr(' ho '~ of Ih l' UnIt d ta lnill/( . "lOll,," nrp a ~ k .. d for f:'1I0 .UOO to help In

lI1{'f ' l

th ps(.'

lln pn ·c,..'d e nll'd

tl oll~.


Thin Upland Soil Low In Organic Matter



Winter Time-Land Plowed In



Badly In

Will Warm Up Earlier

Spring,Which Will Permit Earlier P ia nting

. Th!'re has beep mucu dl sc l1ss Ion l UlIHlg fllrlliers liS to t h e proll ~ r d epth t o Il lo\\,. ),; xpe rllllellts co,' alllg Illllny years 11II " u shown thill de e p plowing Is tll(' best. De jJ II l0wlnf-; Is usuully consi derl'cj S Incill's. Till' al'l-'rllge farlll. er plow !! from 4 to 6 iIl Clle'3. Howeve r, It Is not ndv isu bi o to illct'.' ~ s e thl'

agemen t. There Is usunlly a lime In the rn 1l wh e ll wQrl. Is slack, which lij tlot true at any allier tlllle durlll!: tht! year. able ill th n 6prlll g. II Is very <'tTective III e xt e l'mllHltlll ~ lIuch 11I " l'rls all tbe grub worm 1\l1l1 th n t ill wnrru. by exposing 'l.h e lr egr,S to t.he hard freezell of th e wlnler. . Thi s 1M Oil Im por tant [uI· tor In 80 111(' lo~ nll tlc- ~. Th e di s tribution o f lubor Is Rn alhe r fllc lor thnt mUDt not be 'ol'crloolled In farm man·

depth or pl ow ing I11 I1('h lit ll llY one plo\\'iuf.(. It Is u s ually better on shn l· low salls to Inert':lg e th d ppths g rnduully . Plowin!; th e SIl UlC dop t h at 1111 tim es I>; nQt II ;;llod practice. Th e 1101'SUS tr:llIIpln g th e bottom of Ih e furrow year urt I' yea\' tenus t.o d e\'('I op a hard ' pan, ('specilllly on s tiff. clay SQ-Is. lJ el'p plQ\\'lng clln bes t be done In thE' fall, thl! Hubsoll !J e ing l'x posed to the action of th!' elemc llts dllr l n ~ Ihl' wint e r. Io'all !Jlll", in); with most farmers has b('c n very lill i,' prac · l ie d . Th ere urp bQl h a tll'lInlllg"'" aud lll snllnultal(E'S In full pl o\\'in~. Tb e farlller lIIust be h is own Judl!e or th e ,)I'nclke In fI, fprE'llce to his 8011 1. Some of the dl sa cll'nntal(es at fn ll plowing nr (l ns rol!Q\\,s: I

Qf slllnl or :lln,lonII Is throll;;h th p ,\Il1 (' r lcn n 1!lbl ,~. IJ!' Illulrolll" d u,' 1I gllrnllll'rillf-; light, ~OCI"'l ." . u_ rl'l,,','s l' n tatlrr' of th ese a!l ot 1... 1"1'., "hll'h, lIt thlH hUllr . a klll',"l· VU Nt 11Itc' r"Bl ~. th l,t th p cil'maods mnke I,,;; I ,, ' a~ll!l l III H)' " ft PII b\' se\' n. TI Ie Ihpmsl' l" 1'1I kn o\\, lI . TllI~ sor iety hus !j Jllrlt I,f ,1 .. llltlcm I.. ulwnYR s tro llg .01111' I' nri owrn!'lIt. bil l thc wo rl. put Illl l''' ' ~ It In ,,urr ln ln l"'''pl,', U ~('a r c., IY IIn "n It "1'0 \1 B r:lr r1l 81l'\r than Incoll1 P · . ,. ,.. ~drprl $l l1g t.' i '1 ' \l111 ~ tun t''' 1n Ioca IItJ f' ~ (rom th psp l' ur)nWm c n t9 tlnd rrOOl utI I f \I hl'n ' 0' 1 'lll ti l!' J.!ro ' lIl p~t () IlllIIUI1 olllN "nllrC f' R llllJl cs IHP. not glveo I n·I u\\'o)'. " Ill' !' In vl"ry n!' pc\y ('asps. c;ur l'lrlll' l lo!1s ur, · d\\'urfl'd Into 111 8!; l I flral"' " by lhl' "rlln d "IIr 01 r t 1l(' A [l ne Ir" tl'uti . t h p.,· Ilrp ,o lel I!I thousnnd s UIIl SS·'" . or I!l H talH' ("~ \\'h <' 11 IpSH I'xperlpucl'd W lrh ln Ih" {'a lh .. dml. ca!llill's lH.'re hl'IH,,'olpnt distributIon would bl' su re . olld Ih " r. , fnlutly ['l'''' 'al th e, curl ouil to J!lw· lIwm IIW:'Y . Think of goln)! nl ll.nit·s .,r tht' t \-, lltll "pntury IlIld t IIe I Inl o ~lf'xlC'o. or Into thl' Illlikans, un· r ic h (' arring of th ,' ('til' I)' H ~ lIlll s~ allc e l, r psI' llt I'orlllilions lind attempt · st~l l s lu which th (l forms or lIow c r 9 Int: to sp ll lIi!Jl" s ~ Yet tllnt is prp· HIlII r~lIlts Hrc so 11lf!:,' nlouRly \\,rought ' ,'I~c ly \\'hll\ lhe soc l!' ly do!'s - a nd s uc' 1 PIHldllng. th llt thp\, ~"e m IIkl' til(' IIdn :;: r pallty. I',.,'tl n. tl1olll:l1 nl\\'8)'8 wl lh o"t purpo se 2, Causes soll to wasb If o n II hili· :\('111' at 'halll\ I~ 1\ r ... muant of the firs t or profit lind nlmost nl ways at a IQs8. sid e. (,hrl s tlan chul'l!h of th o vallC)y , I) It does 1I0t a" ie /:lrtR pave to d n things a. Blowing. ,>.:,;=-=--"___ .....;;.:....;="-_ _ _ small n lln r a ll "hose worn steps, lI ~ IH It ("an n al do wllh out th em . The a bov e objectio ns wo uld apply to Ground plowed when too t 's titi e r! uy uu' InscrlptiQn, hal' e prl.l),('d Il tnk,, ~ $2;;0.000 1\ yea r nt the Npw o nlv certa in kind s of soi L Thin, up· 40 genpnltlons of Aos tan s . ScaU(,I'C·d York nlbl housp alone to manurac- land 8011 low orga ni c matt er furnishes Land plowed In lh e fal1 will warm through th e building ar1.l pe asn nt s In I luI' e IlIbie R nnd 10 purchase such as It typ e lhat tioes not suit to fall plo\\'· up milch earlier In lhe s pring und e l Ul devo tional attitudes. pl'rfcc ll y obllvl cannot be h"t:I wlthollt expenditure of Ing .. On the oth e r hUlld, all 80lls lhat l be planted a we ek or ten days earlier QUS to pa s sers·by, with eyes IIxed on mon ey . Almost every foot of Arne rl. ar e le ve l and we ll s uppli ed with or· . Ihan the ~p rl l1g plowed soi l. This Ie liE desc en t by car from th e th e mIs l res s s its at the receipt of cus-- th e tllstant lights Qf th o grellt lIltar, can t errItory Is covered by hom e Dible ganlc' malte r tb e re Is great advantage i due to the tnct tha t the excess of \Va· and with lips mO\' ing wIth oft·r E'peateti work, and $138,000 a YE'ar It! needed In plowing In the rnlL It has the fol· I tel' qui ckly drains out of th l' soil plow· SL Bernard Hospice to the tom. I ed layer of the 801 1, and e vapora tion Th e mnln street presents n constant pruyers. Th e shrIne of t'otre Dnme \0 do It. In foreign ngencles $:117.000 lowing ndvantnge s on suc h 9011S: towo of Aoata Is a swift I. Conserves moisture. eun be cbecleed by slight IlII rrow lng. traosJuon from tbe frIgid to succession of In te rests, ancleut nnfl de Grace within ail e of the aide cba more must b e spent. Is the Question 2. ControlS Insect pests, E\'aporatlon te nds to cool a body v ery the s e mi-troplc zones . The mod"rn . A motor dllsb es along tho pels Is speciallY favore d by th e na· nsk ed , What for?" The missionary societies depend 3. In creases the amount of mols- Quickly. T hus all Ihe so\ ',r enl'rgy sublime but sange desola- narrow causewny, bQundlng ove r the tlves There would seem to be Borne· Is expended In wnrmlng up Ibe soli tion of rock s aod moun· uo even cobbles, Its stlt cylinde rs s nort· thing In the ndoratlon of th e Virgin very largely upon th e nlble eodety ture availllble. • . Improv es phys ica l condition. Instead of evapornllng the moisture trune, wh e re, eveo In the Ing defianc e to all old-ti me Institutions . particularly adapted to th e soutbern for Dlbles to use In tb e lr work. This 5. Permits earllel' planting In the from Its surrnce. I!:arly planting Is fn heIght of summer, scarcely A team or stolid oxen, drawin g a pan· temperam e nt. TbroughQut Italy, If rBct III often overlooked by supporters Important factor becau~e th e eur Y' week elapse8 wltbout Its fall at fresh deroue wagon of a type unchanged for one may Judge by Lhe numbe r Qf stat, of mission work. The cost of making s pring. \VAatherlt1g that comes about planted crops are usu/llly the best. .now, gives place with s tartling rapld- nearly two thousand years. bars th e ues a nd paintings and dedications, mbles Is only a part. Translations R R. BUCHANAN . tty to the olive groves and vineyards way. There Is not room for lbe two. she Is given preced ence over 1111 oth e l must b e made and revleed. It Ie • thrOllgh th e practice of plowing In the fall, due to continual freezing and Collegt' of Agriculture. Ohio SULte Clf the vall ey 6,000 feet below. Here By sheer Inertia th e product of the personages . Laborers returnlug frore vast burd en. America lias built up, through a thawing. makes mOl e plant roo d avnll UniversIty. the dltference of a few thousand feet first century trlumpbs over that of the their dally occupation, ,'Il iley dweller~ produces a richness at variety that twenlleth, which coughs and splutters from the market place and townfolk hundred years of helping to meet could only be experienced by the tra- with Impatience as It finds Itse lf re- throughout th e day, kneel befo re th E these Bible r.ei'd!, II V!lst system of 'Veree of thousands of miles 00 the duce d to following Its rival at an un- altar on the wooden Pre OIeu. mutte l Bibl e work that extends througbout WHICH FORM OF LIME TO USE ON LAND more level parlB at the world. It Is easy two miles per hour. At evening II few aves nnd pnters Bl ld then pro almost all th e world. America has this diversity that gives Aosta Its par· time one appreciates most tully I h e ceed on their course . Wlllte aparl come to be lOOk ed on as one of two tlcular. c harm, There Is probably not romance of th e place. Th e me llow from th e ir religious suggl!stlolls, an· great sources of Bible supply. AmmIt Is n question wltb many farmers poses Is n ow prescrlbod by law. This AIIotller town In Europe of equal 1m· tones of th e vespe r bells from th e clent structures und symbols hav e all Ica cannot stop. It must maintain wblch form at lime Is best to us e. Tbe law says whoever maauractures, sells portance that 18 80 closely overshad· cathedral are heard softly swel\lng Infiue nce that Is fe lt by the most mao Its spjendld reputnllon. chOice of the Ir.aterlal will depend In or alTers for sale any agricultural \lme Th e total Investe d funds of the purt upon tbe ease of handllog lind In to he used ss a fertlll~er or Innd Imowed by great peaks. To this day It and falllng over th e town ; uncon· terlllll stlc t empernment. They woull! remains, ' as PIIII), t 'rmed It, the lasl SCIOUBly ulmost, one Is drawn In th eir almost appear to r e tain something at American Dlhle society amount to U,- part u pon tbe cost. Qui cklime Is a prover shall furn ish with eaoo bull( a town In Italy on lhe northwest; and It direction . On turn Ing the corner of a the spirit 0(' th e devotees with whQm fi!l4,200, and It brings In about $136 .. cheaper form tha n bydrated IIm6, but chemical analYSis 6ta tlng tbe min i· 111 douhtless du e to this seclusion that side street. the tow ers of th e cathedral they have bee n associated through th' 000 a yea r. Income from Ad.les of lbere Is apt to lJe some Inconvenleoce mum percentage of magnesium oxide. .It. has so comple tely malntnlned the suddenly come Into view, with the slQW r evolving centuries. They teacb nlbles and Qther sources . carr)' this 'c oilllected wllh Its use caused by the the cal cium oxld c, the minimum nn d character given to It by Its Roman mighty Grand Combln soaring Into the lessons and Impart Ideas not to be sum up to ~390.000 a year. But not bursting of tbe sacks and Irritations maximum IJerCenlnge of ma gnesium builders. To the travel e r fresh de- blue firmament 14.000 feet above. In round In boolts of bl s tory. and wil l lesR thnn $825,000 a year must be when this caus ti c fo rm comes In can· oxide, the mlllimuru perc entage of car· .cended trom lhe Icy wnstes above. the last rnys of tbe sun, whic h have doubtl ess continue to do 80 long aftel had. Th~(l are Icgacles. but these tact with tbe moist sldn. Conseeluent· bonate at lime Ilnd the m ini mum perthe Quaint mixture at Roman nnd long since left the valley. the snows the usages thnt gave th em their flrst are uncertain . The churches -hlUst be Iy tbls form Is re served for tho se who centage of carbonate of mllgn.:3IUDl. looked to for $268,000 a yea •. bllt last have facilities for burning tbelr own mediaeval antiquities with th e mod e rn of the mountain fiash and redden ns If s ignifiCance have 118ssed awny. An SI)plicatlon of one ton at quick· llfe of the town provides tbe most no longer cold , but glowing with Inyear they gave only $6;'.640. lime or thQs e who because of (avoraule lime and two ton s or ground IInu,Prudent In One Way. .agreeable ot con trasls, Picturesque ternal fires, and as th ey turn rrom pink Great as lb ese sums are, they ought locntlon aud Hhort haul are ahie to ap· stone per acre Is Bum elent for the a vo "Here's a nIckel , but I'm afraid you to be Incrouse d In very large d('gre". ply It very soon a fter shipment. Hy- erage acid soil. Ve ry acid 8Q1\s retIItreet vistas greet him at every turn; to vivid crimson th e y a[lpear to tloat .at every step he Is re mInd ed of th e above th e earth, and th e mere tb ought will use It to buy whiskey." The home field . to meet demnnds for drated lime s hipped In sacks Is In a qu ire Qne-half more thnll Ihls. Four "Never fear, mum . I've tnk e n Bome Bible wOI'k. must have $200,000; - doings at a bygono age. Here Is a of ,climbing th em seems nn empty conveni ent form for hnndllng. Ho\\'- or five years later t hi s should be rol· mnsslve Roman bridge bnlf Bunken In dream . The mul e paths that wind big chances In my duy, but I aln't China, for Its n ew opportuniti es. must e,'er, It re(l'llres n early 2,650 pounus 101\'ed by anotber application eq uivathe ground, Which once sl!nnlled a over the nearer h\l1s lead vast num e r- \ ne ver yet tackled any booze that. could have S'100,000; to help repair lhlng~ of this form to e'Jual 2,000 pounds of lent to Qne ton of limestone; this to tributary river that has long sloce left QUS wayside shrines, eac h co ntaining be bought for a nicke l n drink ." laid In havoc by the Balkan war tbere quicklime. On tbl s basis to mnke It be repeated once during each rota· Its ancient cbannel. Nenr by Is a must be $100,000 ; and therp !<Imply eCjull\1y cheap. hydrated lime s hould tlon thpre aft er. . street crucifix reare d close by Bn arch· must be met the gTeat demunds h,· lie purchased tor about three-fourtbs ~1. A. BACHTELl... way bene 11th the houses through which c1dent to tb e Panama cansl opening ' the price or qui c klime. When the Collrge of Agr iculture, Oblo State .pnss peasants, priests and soldiers to and the new life In the entire south . Unive rsity . price Is prac tically equal, hydrntod the surrounding vl1\ages. Few pass The Blblo Is that Book on which lI:ne Is an expensive form. the shrine without making salutation; all Christian literature depends. It III . Because potllloes do not brui se so that Book on which clvf1lzatlon deAoelane In general nre (lp,rtlcularly dereadily ss some other produce Is no pends. It Is that Book wblch mission'Compiired' ,,:[tiilh-e' iiiUfves renson why tbey should not be handled arIes must have It they work. It Is other Italian town s. all market days with care. fUndamental work, this Albie circulathe street Is trav e rse d by peasnnts of tion. Hence the appeal of the Amerthe vaUey. gay with IIlllny·colored W e ll-rotted manure put on the lawn Ican Dible s oci e ty that It be on the Bcarves , bringing In their produce In In Ie this rull will help hold tho snow annual budget or every church of their native carts and on the ba(,k s I alld make 11 mu ch hetter Inwll Ijlrxt every name. or asses. These animals are Inrge r 1 )'ear. than tho common gray s pecies, durK I . The Night. In color and ott~n quit e l1nnti llo ll l!.! Some day we are going to find thM It WllS a glorious night. It beasLs. A few ya rd s distant I" tb e as goo d a way as a.ny to use the Bur· 8gems so full of comfort and of Honorary Arch of Augus tu s aud th e plu s sour milk Is to give It to tbe Rtrengt.h. the ni ght. In Its great presmassive Homan "ails. 21 feot in hens. enco our small sorrows cree p away, height. which to th is lI ny still exist ill I asham ed . Th e da y has h ee n so full their e ntire circuit. IllIud mell and ! Clean litter at' stra w 10 th e nest of fret nnd car(', nnd ' ;lUr hearts have crippl es Stlpport tb e mse lves ngailwt should not be fOTl~otlen at t his tim e of been so full of evil and of bitter the weather·worn mUHollry oi th " year. thoughts, and th e world hns Beemed enstern gnte, tb e PQrta Prae to r la, k ecp- ; so hard nnd wrQng to us. Ing up a conti llU QUR wai l. cu llil!g U!-'Oll , Select a variety of coro which Ie Sometimes our pain 18 very deep and Quarrying limestone on Klllly's Island, passers·by to regard th l' ''' I n t hl'lr I I real. and we stand before her very Ground lim es tone deserves th e earn· adapted to your particular locntlon . pitiful loss of sIght nlld It 'altb and In· . silent, becBuse th e re Is no language voklng loud bl essllll' H u n ull ~nd su nI for our pain, only a moan . Night's est cOIIRlderatloo of thosl) who can· dry to mark apprecllllloll tor ruv or:; The fanners' club Is the nalural foreheart Is full of pity for us : she cannot t e mDlatc liming th e ~ ol1. A natural runner of practical co·olleratlon. to come. product, It can be used in any (luanelLSe our aching; she take8 our !land A short ra mble through the n a rrow In hers and the world grows very tlty wi t hout danger of Injury to the streets gives many Indi cations of tb e The foliage of the asparagus Ded small and very far awsy beneath us, BOIL Experlrnent~ nt the Ohio Station should be cut and burned. nb-alpine character of th e town. Here and, borne on her dark wings, we pass have s hown thllt two tons (tf limestone Is a cobbl e r'u shop, Its ex te rior d ccofor a moment Into a Mlgbtler Prell' !lre ns efficient as one ton of Qulck- -. ral ed b y half a dozen cham ois skluy, ; ence than her own, and In the wand · lime, \lrovlded the former Is tinely .....,~. .~~"+~~..~+..~... -with horns and boofs Inlact. Next to I mUll \lgh t or that grea.t Presence all ground. Limestone Is considered fine· It Is tI guusmlth·s. with Implements of ' FAMILY HAS COMMON human life lies like a book before ue, Iy ground wbeo three·fourths of It wl\l tbe cbase and Ico ax es of IL primitiv e , INTEREST. lind we know that pain nnd sorrow are palls through a eleve havlnlJ: three 100 type. Metruware shops abound. at · trnctlng notice by tbler nrray of pol· but the angels of God.-Jerome K . meshes to the Inch, Whe';! two toni G. E. Woods, who OWnB and of limestone can lJe pUTe·hnsed and Jerome, lahed coppe r . The windows nre filled , operutl!B a 200'acre farm Dear spread on the soli nt an eq'lal or evall with the glitter of cow bells and me tal· , Albany In Athena county, Ohio, less cost than one ton or q·llckllme or In addition to ordinary farm IItudded collars of varying shapes. i t:m~:c=~~:::~::::::::::::I~£±ih::2:ci;ct2!0B&J0f~§g~~~3§i::::J Walking In the Light. 2,6!i0 pounds of hydrated lime, - the Milk churns, pans and strainers, and crops Is growing a tine crop of The Sou 01 Man Is ()Orne to seek nntl limestone should be uBed. Limestone tbe huge copper cauldrons used 10 Ilx sonB. all musically Inclined. Thele crops were all produced on a twenty·acre farm, three yeai'll after to save that w.blch was lost. Recall Siftings sometimes cnn be ~cured, AI. cheese-makin g , gleam likA mirrors 10 the land had been reo:almed from a wllderneel 'f .mall tl'ee. and bru.h, Some of theBG S008 bave althe story of BarUmaeus. BarUmaeua though rather course. there 18 enough the dark little Interiors, Crequently en- Thll , showa what can be accompll.hed by braille, mUlcle, and good bUll, ready graduated from high ,was physically blind; Jesus gave him Hne material present to justlty their croaching Qll to th e pa vement, ""here 'ellS sen.e In working a .mall fum. school and all the others arc lI~ht. Zacchaeus was DlOlUlly blind; Ule, provided they can be purchased a.t headed that way, One Is now In :,esuB brought him light. . nls IB the .. price wblch will make It practical college. Mr, Woods had his missIon of Jesus In a world of Imper- to use four or flve tons to tbo acre. PATTERNS ALL HAVE VALUE mount Importance In educallon. We which bas been built without any car. , feet chl~ren taught music so that It vision . He Is tbe Light of the Agricultural lime Is a variable prod. train the conscious Intelligence, but or Idea of proportion, to realize how I world. Every dIsciple. can testlry to uet . Tbis, 3.S well as other forma, would gIve them a common In- , Their Me .. nlng May Be Subtle, but wholly neglect th e hnrmonlzlng of strongly we are atrected by tbese the absolute and literal truth or lbe shQuld he purchnsed on the basis of terest In the home. The tbeory They Undoubtedly I-:!av., Effect thos e deepe r e motional states on wblllh sile nt Influences, Think, too, bow the Master's claim: "The man who folloiir. calcium oxide (CaO) or calcium carof tbls bas worked out well. on the Human MInd. music and the elements In all the pa-ttern of a wall paper may affect 11&. me shall certaInly not walk In the dark LJonate (CaeOl whlcb tbey contain. Now, with the help of a neigharlJ: whi ch are akin to music pIny so even ·though we mny be Quite uncon· but shall have the IIgbt or llte," The The Ohio la," Bays, "The term sgrl. bOT boy they have a baRd of Just powerflllly. Plato b eld tbat the In- aclous of what It Is that m .a kes the IDan wbo wanders In dnrkness Is lost; cult ural lime shall Inelude aU quIck. thel:' own Which II much In der e ln- traductIon of a new kind of music difference. The very fact that wo but If hE> remain IplIt he has blmeelf mnnd at . nel8hhorhood gather· . Ollgb t Imperll the whole state. b!' talk at patterns ns gay, restless, de. ! 1.0 blame. 'l'here Is no need to climb lime, botb lump lind ground, grouncl !.n&s. . ' grounu or pulverized oyster su bUy Insinuating /I. disturbing .Intlu· preSSing, or tho like, shows how they heavenly steeps to brIng tbe Lord limestone, h II I 1 t f 11 .. I 1 h )!. ~SwiNE;' .. ence Into the character of the citizens. respond to our moods.-The AUantl~, Christ down for fal1b lias stili Its ~ e Sd' Slul PIa e a me or Plas. era ·! Y College of . Agrl/:ultlll'e Ohio "ruto me, gos • me, mar an a ll And r!lally we have only to r em e mber . S tale Unlvenlty.. .. -' Olivet of vision, eOd '''ve. lta GRIIl~e ,of ~,her -slmlllll' prode-ct8." In Oblo the' how ditrerent we teel In a. room tbat' There are Women ~rpenw. ob~cUent Ql'vlce. ,...... ~.'~~' .,t, IID:1e~ tor' aulcu) tura! pUr~ - nobly proportioned and In II. room Thlbet, i le

\\' a~\\"rk t1~ilrl'
















I "t










OHIO , ' tM




.... .-:

Thellt' DIe the me mb ers of the Sayre·Wllson we dding party photograpbed In the White Il ouse. Tbe y are: Dack row, lert to r ight : n, II. Burton, C, E, llugh (,8 , Ullh ert H orax, Pres id en t Wilson, Mr~ , Wilson, F' .. B. Sayre, Dr , WII· tred Grenfell, n e,', John l~vanB !:;ayre and Or, Rcovlll(' Clark e, ~'ront row, left to right : :\1188 Mary White, MlslI AdeIInf' Scntt, Miss Mnrgaret Wil so n, th e bride ; MlsR El eanor Wilson aod MIs. Drown,





Am ong the most I)romln t'nt wum e n taking IJIlrl III tb u conve ntl un o r t ho :"at lonn l \\'om a n SllfTruj:;e IISHoc lutlon Wa s hi ngton ur e: M,'S , !\'\ E' dlll :llc Co rmlck of l' hl c u ~o (1), Mrs, Jill"" " L es Laidlaw t~ i , !'uttle Huffn e r Ju· co us of 1Ilrmlng\lull1 , Alu, IJ); ~lu, Cath e rlllll Wllug!! :II cCullocb of EI' ulI B lOn, Ill. (4 i, Ilod Hele n 1' , ~~a c k e r or Lawrence , Kan, \5),



Thi~ IlhotogralJh, s howing part or tb o artillery under tb e command of Gen , Alb orto Rasgado, lbe battle ot Morelos,



tak e n during


, Mrs , ~lIt che l, wife of th e mayor· I .. Ipet of New York, I s, like h er hU B' , lJalld ,


tin'less worl< er a nd fond o f

I altliNi cH all d outdoor lite, Sue , 1) f ' e l1 nil "Ilthll s iastic , WO Ill II Il ~uffruge,


hll ~


HAD MONEY IN 14 POCKETS This phulogral)h or

~lr , 1l1I(1

:\lr M,



Sa yre \'.'11"

lakl' n

Ju ~ t

I New



Wife's Charge, Turnll Out

Hodcarrler, Arrested on

_~~w~e~d~d_1n_g~l~n~lI~le_\_\,~!!~1t~e~ll~o_u_S~O~.V'V~_~""~~~""~_~~~_~ I

W ea Ithy. ~il' H,



Ellf'1I O'K ee fe or New York had

lJf'C'1I to th e pulie " Htnt lon several tim cs

III lh o 1(I$t fe w 1I10111 h s to have b er hus·

arl'csll!(1 Ii (](orl)' l'ondll(,l.

011 a ch a r ge of dlsor· Sill) \\'U8 paid lillie at· tentioll to, uecau stJ O'j, eere 15 ' a hod· I cnr ri er, and It \\'"n be li C:OYl' d that h er cO lllplaint:; \\'('1'0 cfl u ~ ('(l by min o r ram· lly dl s turlJanCt' S, HUI rl'C' nntiy s he ob· taln ed a wurrnnl , anJ it hlld to be I sc:orv"d, U(' t (' (~ li v(>,< :' l'I' ''~le d him , At the sUi tlon, In th e pE' rfunctory 1 se arching or the prl s on~r, the dl]tect· I Iv eB found money In eac h of 14 pock ets ' ill O'Keefe' s clothes , He had one $500 blll, three $100 bills, and c nougb other \ money to make tb e tolal $1,217 , HIs wife tried to grab funds to buy s uppe r for herself and the c hildren, but the p,o llce beld he r back, O'Keefe doea n ot drink . but his wife sold b e was a I wondertul economlat, He had bank· books showing d eposIts or $800. li n lid




'... I



Daron and Baroness de Meyer bave arrived in America from Eng·

~~d; ' ilnd ,the bn.ron la giving In Cblcago an ex hibition of portraits of American 't~n, He alao has dono much to stimulate the Interest in gardens in this ~u.~t.ry by showing 11 collection at autoclJ.rqme slJdes whlc hhe displays on the ·screen. Tbe Baroness de Meyer 18 a go<f~hl1d of tbe late King Edward of

Mrs. Francia Bowes Sayre pho~ t;rnpbed In ber bridal gown ImmedIate Iy after tpe wedding in the WhIte Houso.


. Eng\and Is one of tbe best·known wou'led' te ncers of Grent Britain. haQ teue,pd here Willi many women llromlnept In society and posed for on9 of the g P8lnt: s of • .... • ... .... ' .... .. ... _






, ,: aeOlal , Intel'co""IIt '


Wlflr"'I)!! 'writing to Mrs. Van port.laildr'l-~:" deaf.', -Shall I pu~ hi any {"-.,W,Orci. rroD\ yoU T· , r , , • , ', BUI~Th&t !,oDWi makes ' me

\. dieji4tr~ •




Gl~'~ m~ ~a ~t~'

~I. Of_~.-PI1ck.




Mado Her Peevish , Mrs. Matapr.,pp-Young Shurp will have to apologIze before 1 speak UI him again! A Fraud. . 1I41s11 Interest-Did be Insult you? Mrs, McCarlem-Thot, plano lamp Mrs, Malaprop-Did he? The last. sold me Ie no good, an 01 wllnt yell Ume I met hlm ' l told him that my , , to tate It bac,k. , uncJe, lia" locomotive ataxl'a; and be Three of the bl& batUeshllls of the-United States navy ftrlDtl ,at onoe nealer--Eb? Why? , ' ~~ ' ¥c€at\em-l;>fYD a chUM, GOD ' ' me . It: he "whIJ,Ue.d a~ crou- at ~Ietll.. In the forell'9und JI!' the ]lelawars; next, hidden by"lhe smoke,'ll InIf," ,. " ",,' 'Use ATkan .... uui.,1n the baoqrouDd Ia ,the Kansas. we Itt Oll~ b.l IL ,. .'


Such I. Life. "Happlnllsli Is unattainable." "How now?" "It Will nhvays my dream to get rich 'and have a cast·lron dog on the lawn. It took me forty years to let rich and ' now cast·tron dogs are out of .t)'~e,"







The Store That Sells "WOOLTEX" """"'~''''''~'''''lC.



..... ww . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I n Ih(' ma iler I.f the will Ii! ' al har ill" All" :-;I:, nlo)" , rl ~(,f" :'" ,I \\' ,11 adlllill "d Iu New Suit s. 1'rt )1); , 'l' III 11ll' 1I!:I II ,' r "f Ih .. \\ill "r Willia m L . \1',01'", ~ki<ldrr a nd A. F . Hrno nrlra ll . SI .I"hll . 'I.-I",·., ....' d Will .,d ,"ltt,·" to I'ft) <"XI ,. , " " " of 'h ~ ~S l " \( ' of \\"illia m M h.ttt.· 11., \, 11' ' . 11~c'<":l""d ,. ~ . Ella Dill (' I (I I. Mpn · l Esta tc Trn nsfers. c\" a lid f, .rt'd"SIIIl·. Amuullt claimed, $;1['(l0 :\ " J..: " UfIllHII I •• I. F Il i ~,,"y 1,,1 :>/ .. wi l li illlt·floS ' . ill l ' ni"errilY Heighl s suhli i,·i""n . l.d ."III"" Na ti"":ti Halik \"s. J. M . li llY ' ~h&r y:\ I)('('\;('r cl all " E 1\ Rnge rs l,"e 1\(' , "lid C(,mp"n)". a panllt'rshil'. M"IIt'Y . acrt' Ilf lallt! $ I l ' Ella ail e! Frallk IIra",I,," I" C ('. AII."1I1ll $ I 4.000 wil h i n tl'r ~~ t . I )dlu Polill)( vs . CI ,a rl('s p" lill !:. Divorce Paull I"HI uf luts No :!~I< a lld ~:\I ill I. eu H II H II , $1 :ll.d alinll1llY Ul1d C: ll ~ h,d y ,If t'l1i1L1 . I:."t,·r 11 alld Ihi", Braham II .' r: II ~ I a r y Bdl,' I. allt· \" s . J " h" ~1.,I "')\ 1 l't "I. Wulff 1,,1 :\u :.'O .!IId :.!·I a lld Ir" c,i" lI.tll"l s Common Pleas Court


] 1:

I ! iliu n u f rea. l es tal e .


:!:2 U IU.i :..! ~~ ill ~'1(1rr uw, Uh iu $ 1 l' lrllrll' ~ il nd E"a HildeiJrant lu E \"I'n' lt Pt:' " ~ .. n lI,t ;o.;u. ~7 iu ~Iainevill,' , Uhi" . $1 . -"\I ~ l i ll Tlral'kara 10 Mary E 11 ,,0"(" ' ,I

i<ul:lI,d ru ll'S Snril h '"s. Eilz.L Smil h . u rL~ .


OUR MERIT·PROVING SALE or LADIES' fASHIONABLE Underpriced Event fully ,Wortby of Your Attention .




:1 I

$ $


$ I

Women who have Iro rn W oolt ex Suits , a l ready know that thei v alue, qu a lity:and s tyle are the very best in the worlL!. H ut we want YOll to know it-you who hav e ne ver worn W ooltex. I t 's specia ll y fo r yonr benefit that we have "lanned this wonde r f ul otTe ring - we know that W oo ltex wearers will take advantage of lhis opportunity . . When yo u have worn W ooltex once y ou'll warlt

, ~



I '


Woo ltex ever after. Eve ry s uit is o f co rrect current style and of the mos t




1 \1. .


85 IIcres ill L"lca rcrcl' k lu '.lIship 57:.!:.!;' . Proceedings. desirable ~ M I{lI1l ya n . "X'T ut llr '" \\"111 . n . J - W . ~o vs . Z<:nn~ G . \" a n Doren ('l al ~un""" IO'J an" . ill \ ' lI iulI a nd TUrlk · f \ I' Dl'l, ndan ls gi",' n five u:r ys lu fik an> wer. c n' e k tuwnsilil's S IO.DO:\. <1,,·lity-,,", 'y i, £0' Flora Spri nkl,' tu Al b,:,1 alld Crac" I. uug J F . (abo t vs St,lmun Fred . plainlilT u sm a ll t ra el s uf land in lI arlau lo wn · fai l\l'1( to give seC-Uril Y for ros lS the case ~Iw Tak e n f ro m o ur regular stock prettiest coat hip $450. is dismis....d for wanl (i f prose,·uli))" . Alhc'" Slu bbs . a udil or I\) A. S. \\'I'SI is a handsome model in a suit- models in o ur stock wi11 be used 'Anna E . Smith vs . A. Lill{'oln Sidl's. et «IVl'r lot N.. . :.!:!H in Mackina w Addil ion III al. Answer and ("foss. petilion aga inst Franklin . Ohi .. $.1 .4 7. a regular 1;30 value-smart blue as a leader during the suit sale ~ \\' ilfnrd C . alld Ma nha R . 1111<1"'111 10 plain liff is dismissed . Co urt orders par- Ge\l r~ e Holmcs lots 1\0 1:1 a nd 14 in a nd black serge o f ext ra fine, - $ 18 and 520 values. ill a fine li t ion of real est a ll.' in this ca use as pmyed )4 a pll' Park sulxli vi"iu n in Decrr,eld tOWIIheavy storm quality . Coat is in chinchill a , lig ht and medium lor . ,hip 1130. ClLrl Gu thrie vs. State of Ohio, judgm~nt - -cutaway e ffect in one of the gray and brown mixture and t' .1 Mayor of ViIIi1ge uf Franl<lin is con. Stomach Troubles Disappear. popula r m o dels ' of the winter men's heavy mixture overcoatinnt·d . ! St"maab, liver aOli kirln ey Th~ Sanitary Manufacturing Co .• vs. and used for a leader during the ing-a perfectly s tunning coat is t.r ou blee, weak nerves. lama beok Jo ~c ph McCarthy . Defenda nt is given a n and female Ills disllPP88f when sale. It is p laced within y o ur here for your choos ing at . Pl'ortunity to file a n amended answer. Eleotrlo Bitten are utled. Thonsreach at 1I0nor Small vs . Arthur M. S!rulll, Di - Ilndll as women waul« Dot be with Yor,~ gronted . Plaintiff ge ts custody of o ut a bottle In 'heir h ome. ElizlI .hildten and is to receive IS per weel< (or Pool of Depew, Ok la., writes : "Ele;) trlO BItters raise I me from a bod lhl' ir support. Ollr alt,cration room 1I",'"r 'he D CID·t torgot t11l\t evory WooIWlC garState of Ohio vs. Finn Reeder . Defend- of ~iokne~s nnd suffering and ha " dlreclloll ot M.... I... ,.. II .... m enL 18 gUllrnllt.ooU tor two full lIOaaon's done me a world of good. I wish OUrtlll you perte('I IU 111 , ,1 ~, ant lound "Not Guility ." workman.btp . • atlstnet.o ry sorvlce. every 8ufferiug :woman could use j . W . Lingo 1'5. Georg~ W . Rush et a!. this exoellent remedy and find out, Every suit in our Suit Stock is lo \yered to la unch "Wooltex" Suits where th e y have not previously been worn. Defenda nt is granted ten days to plead . as I did. JQs t how goor! It Is ." As Take adv a ntag e of this sale. It means somethiog to you . It. hilS helped thou8ands of oth ~ rs , Probate Court Prouedings. It· s orely will do the sarna for you Mak e "Her" Christmas a m e rry one this year by g iving her a d~ peodable "Wooltex" garment. Come to Dayton In the matter of the will 0 1 Elizahe th Every' boUle guaranteed, !iOo. aud and c hoose from the newest and trues t. B. ~mith. deceased . Will adm ill('d lu 'I 00. At all Druggists. H . E pruUale . Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. In the matter of the will of Alonzo Cas.'lC - Louis 4ay, d~~ased . Catharine Cassed a y Ihe widow, elected to take under Ihe will . Commissioners' Proceedings. . In th~ matter of the estatt' of Michae l PliHs allowed :- J. \\'. Lin go. mdse for Clements, de~ased. Mary M. Cleme nl court hOIlst'. $4 .H3. Ra ndal l and Mong"r. appointed administmtrix . Bond $:!OOO clothing for prisuners, $1.50. W . C. Gil W . L . Robison. j acob Anderso n and Geu . alour. board for priso n"r, during Nov~ ­ ber 19 13, S l l(l.52. X(' nia Ci ty Worl< Snell appointed a ppraisers. Emil M . Runyan , ~xec utor of tllt~ eslale H o u ~. board lor p,risoners du ring NovI'mLer HI! :1. $42 . 1 he Western Slar, pub .1 Amos Runyan. deceased . PlainlifT vs. lishin g times of C. P . Court. $20. , ohn Emil M . Runyan et a!. Defenda nl s. Law. ma~in ~ keys and repairs a l C<;Jurt Court ord~rs plaintiff to employ and com - HlOusc. $3 . l~. The Frnnklm Chrolllclc . pensate a surveyor to measure tract No . I ,ublishing statement of balances and blanks. $:!:!.5(). J. R . HUlli er. se rvices as of said ~sta t~ . chaplain a l Illtinl1ary. :1 mon lhs , $37.50. In the matter of the estate of Grace l:. G . Marvin. mdse for Court House. 9Sc . Hecht, Englebert Hecht is discharged as Pure Food Grocery, floor oil, SOc. Sam D . Dr. Hobson'. Ointment Heals Itchy Henkle, fee s aud expen ses for Novembe r, (Uardian of th~ person a nd this esta te. 191:1. SI77 ;. State of Oh io vs . Annice Eczema In t~ matter of the estate of Ernest, Ral ston, M . A. jameson J. P .. $6.05; T. ~ . The OODlItl\utly Itohlng, burning Arthur . and Emerson Oberlin, minors . Fraser. Acl. consl. ~.90; N. Runyan, wU ti nd otber disagreeable Fum~ral Second account In this cause is approved ness 5Oc . D. Holhngsworth. 5Oc .; tota llseuBa ou " SI 3.9.5. State of Ohio vs. Cannine Adams forma of eczema, te tter, s.l\ rheum Live and confirmed. A. C. Vail. J . P ., $3.05 : C. F . Peters, const. Ilod IIklD eruptl )n8 promptly oured YVaynesville, Ohio. In th~ matter of the estate of \\ ilIia m "1.10; John Kuhn, witness, 7Oc ; J ames by Dr. Bobsou's Eczema Olntmeut . H . Hartfeller, deccased . Estate fully ad - Trendall, 7Oc : Wm. Dunham 7Oc . ; M. Geo. W . MUch of Mendota, Ill. says: Posted on pedigrees and values!of aU Drady 7Oc; total $8.95. Inquest over dead "1 porohalled " box of Dr, Babson's Call answered promptly day or night. minutered. kinds of breeding stock. In the matter of the esta te of Thomas t.ody of Roberl Crooks. F.. C. Thompson, Eczew~ Olulmeo' Have had Eo Both phones in Office and Residence. coroner, 14.75; A. W . ~l a rdis •. witness,Sl ; zema ever IIlnoe ,he olvtl war, have Long distance,No: 14; Home phone C. Shotwell, d~cea~ . Esta te fully ad - tot al $5.75. Charles Nichols, IIlspector a t be 0 tre led by many doClol'8 none Experienced in handling farm sales fiflce 14-2.r. Round Pond. IM ,50. R . M. Van Hurne , e 1\ 11 h . b ministered. Chairs and one Coach furnished llld estima te cont racl Sf>6 ; R . M. Van have glveu the, bene , t ~t one ox In the matter of the estate of Theodore , with funerals. Honle 4th cst. contrac t , $24 ,7(1 . Samuel of Dr. Hobsoo I Eczem/\ Ointment McCurdy, deceased . Estate fully adm in- CUl ler. COIL SI4 .95 . Eitner M. Howell. con . hlls_" Every suifeDf r should try it Best of service guarante~. Terms ~easonable -:- .SatlsfactJon~Guaranteed istered. tract . $1/6.25 . Harvey Burnett, contract , Wo're so posltlvo it will holp you In th~ matter of the estate of Juhn M. $ 13.50. Oregonia Bridge Co ., contract, we guar~otee it or money refnnded. GRADUATE 011' THE Ohio Longstreet, deceased . Estate fully ad- 2nd e.stima te SIOOO. ,A;.L . King, roadwork At all Urogglsts , r, r by aaH (jOO . .ATIONAL AUOTION MaSSIe t o wl.I s hlJ~ S43 .U2. R . A. McCu.t - Pfelfler Chemloc11 (~ . Phlllldelphia ministered. Valley T~lephone 4S-2r eheun, work un Chauta uqu a road Frankhn & St Loois 8800L 0. AMERICA In the matter of the estate of Edward lownship, S005.40. A. D. Bond road work · • __ . _ _ ._ " ._ _ _ Bennett, d~ceased. Estate rully adminis· Franklin to wllshi p $76.54. l. M. Sherbert, road 'work Washinglon township $:3'4 . Love In a Hickory-nut. tered o Phone 449 Alva Webb. bridge repairs Salem tOWII A hickory-nut Is named. then 21 Broadway In the matter of the esta te of A. T . ship 14 1.25. Frank Stokes. brid ge work BARNHA~T, cracked. It the kernel Is withered, Lebanon, Ohio Dearth deceased . First and final account Clea rcreek township $2 .75. Wa lter Hen · love bae grown cold; If It Is broken. derson. road work Clea rcreek township, approV1!d and confirmed. Notary Public the loved one Is untrue; If It cornea Veterinary In tbe matler of Ihe estale .. f Emma i- 148.31. John Hughes, inspector Slubbs out whole, all Is well . BRANCH OFFICE Mills bridge $10 .50. Frank Sherwood. oil , Hull!le, deceased. Eslale fully ad minis- li S. William Eva ns, lumber $12 .08. Ohio All kinds of Notary Work. PeDalon Graduate of Stat( Unlwnl'v tered. Work a HpeoiaUy, Contracls Lei- With Bcrt Reed for reo in the matter of the estate ..f Jacob E. pa iring bridges on road. in Deerfield townl'uesdllYs and Friday., from ,8:30 Zietcb deceased. Henry Koehler appoint- ship when cost of suc h repair 011 anyone to 12 o'clock ============IOffice at residence in F. B. Sher. ed. administmtor. Bond 14000. Inventory bridge at any one time In anyone year ......... ......... ............. bruce, cornel' Main and High streets d, ,<,s not excced ten dolla rs. Prices, team wood's hOUie, Fourth Street. and appraisemt'nt omitted . Ada ,..t11 be tnser ted under 'hie head for Ph N 100 and one hand $3.50 per day . Common labtwenty.llve ce nts lor three Inaert\otl8 one o. In thc mailer of the estate of William or $:l per day. Valid until September 22, whea ualug Dot more than five linea . Telepone 28 Foxbo"'er. deceasc:d . Mary Foxbower 1914 . w.w . . . . . . . . . ...... -. _.,.. Puneral Director. No. 186 with Charles Slibbs for an 18 appoint~d adminislratrix. Bond S:looO. Waynesville. FOR SALE He.nry Giehls, Charles VOlkerding a nd It 18in. sewer above Han school house by F. Galla her's fann, also an 18 ft. 30 in . Fred Kipp appointed appraisers. sewer uy Ha rry Pence's on Hart Sehool Telephoue day or ui,bt. Wa~(!1e8ville'll Leading Dentu' In the matter of the will of Hanna h house road, "Iso :20 It . 18 in. sewer by Clint NDIAN 'l4otoroyo ·E'I. twin oyllnder Valley phoue No, i. LoUK Corwin's residence on Hatfield road south Office in Keys Bldg. Kalil 8' Elizabeth Roach , deceased. Will filed . 19] 1 model In fir8t c1'l.sS oondl"on DtlltaOoe No. 6e-2r. of Smith Hatfield's residence in TurtleIn th~ matter of the esta te of Eliza T . neck and Clearcreek townships, also con- Sale or trade. .1 . B Chapw~n, R. 2, D~. J. _,~""!",!~~""!",!""!",!""!",!""!",!",,!,,,!,,,,!,,,!,,,,!,,,!!! Automobile Service at all Tlmea Haines, ·deceased . Executors ordered to ere te head walls fo r sallie $78.30. Waynesville . d in pay the collateral inheritance tax and inA petition signed by H . G . Cook a nd •• ,DENTIST••• othe rs askiug for Ihe gradi ng and improvterat due on legacies in this ca use. OUSE of 7 rooms, sum · mer kitohen Bnd pantry. store room, ing of tlte Welch counly road in Salem WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • In the matter of the assignml'nt of I he township with stone and gravel, COID - Well and oistern water in kitohen omee I. National Beak Blq, WaynetYlDe. 0 Morrow Roller Mills Co. Frank Hicks ap- mencing at the intersection of Vinc a nd Lar~e lot. bllrn and !!heds. Inquire Branch Office, BarTe7Sb1l!1r, THE OItEATE.T pointed assignee. Bond 115,000. A. Hoppe ~tcCl ay streets in Morro w I hen southerly on premilles 8 . E Mart.. d 31 P. S. Simpson and W. T . Mount s appoint - to I hc Rossburg pike was presented and ordered placed on file. QU A Ll'L'y " single and IN THE WORLD ed appraisers. --• • rose cumb White Leg lOBUSBED WEEnY. SUO rER YEB horo Cookerelfl , the kind of ~t,ook Croup and Cough Remedy that lays el1g1 and wins premIUms "OTI&,,, DitUCOl8T8, 8PECIALI8.,.. os A k os for prtces O·K ' 008TUMEIt8, TItAN8FEIt, OA. Beware or Ointments for Croup Is B terrible disease, It at f or . II Co W nes AND "U8 8£ltVICE OAN PItOFI'r' taokl! ohildren 110 eoddeuly 'hey are Poultry anlt ~npply . l oy31 . av U811NO ITa ADVEltTI81NO CO~UMN. Catarrh That Contain Mercury very apt to ohoke unlels gl ven the ville, Ohio. 1'hono 37 2X d SAMPLE COPY FREE all meroar" wtll lurely destroy' the proper remedy a' onOt!. There is wUh the ' . . . ,... NIW YOItK CLIPPER 1le018 01 ameli aod oomple\el ~ Ite.. nothing better lu 'be world than • • Morrow New York. . . . . ranp the whole IYliem when eo · Dr. King's New Dlsoovery . Lewis teriDa il Ihrough 'h8 mucoolI · lIur. Chamberlalu, of Manohester, Ohio, Feed & Supply Co. will be at ~ 'aoee. S.oh artioles should Dever wrl'es about bls ohlldreo: "illlme Setb Cook'lI offioe lu Corwlo OD be aeed ex 3ep' 00 preeorlptlou8 time. in severe attackll we were Friday of eaoh week "Itob a full Uue from reputable physioiaoll 88 the afraid the V would die, bat s1u08 we of Dairy ~'eed, aod oao make you clamqe Ibey will do is teo fold proved what a oer'alo remedy Dr. attraotive prlcell. Will buy ooro, Ihe iood yoa OAa pouibly derive Kiug's New DiBOOnry III, we have oats and ·hay. d 24 from \bem. BaU's Catarrh Cure, no fear. We rely 00 it for oroap, have - flne lot of Sarred PlymI.Dafao'UI'efl by F. I. Cheney & 00 )gh... nd oold •. " So oaG you mouth Rook Cookerel. of the Co ,1.'oledo, 0 , ooo'aios uo mercol'Y 600 and tl .00, A boUle 8ho~d be and 11 saken lD~rDally, aO'iog dl In every homl. A. all DrUlrli.,s. Bradley Bud Majestlo ~train for reo&lyapon ,he bJood aDd muooos B. E · Buokle. & Co., Phll. Bt Lootl. 81\1e. Mre. E. b. daily, PhODe No. M, dR earfaoel of Ihe lyaSem. 10 bayiug IIall'. o.&arrh (,'01'8, be flare you J'EW bUllhelll 01 OatAl. Vacan' pI \be RenalDe, II 11 lakeu IUfllr, Dumb, and Blind at Weddln •• lot io Daytou, uioelv 1001..00, Dally and made lD Toledo, OhiO, by A wtd41q took place the other 121.' will trade for farm etock. Edgar 1'. ~. Cbeae7 & Co. TellStmoula!1I at St. Gaor.e's churcb, Ora.,eHncl, Btt_ou, BarveYllburg, Ohio, PhOGe free. . BInalud. whw Mr. Herbert Tliomdlb 47-3, Sol4 by dro,I1I1'II. Prloe 760 per wu marrttd to M;il. BWu. ~ . bo&Ile. brtde and brtdepoom ..... deaf and huudred. plalo, white 'l'd:. """'" '.~tly pml for 000 · dumb, and Canon Oed.e, wbo III totalorepe paper uapldDII; In de. !I"~ .)" - , 11 bUDd, ~rformed the oeremoll1. _ . alP. 50 per «!IOHDI _, U1IJ offioe,. ',n

$ $ $

.. -----

on, "".,ant"d

\ 1),







$ $ $







$ $


3rd and Main St..


Dayton. Ohio




Director and Embalmer,

N. Sears

Stock and General Auctioneer

1905. .


Dr. Heber M. Dill Osteopathic Physician




JDre J. A. McCoy, Ollie.

Waynesvi lie,

OlasslBad Ads

Walter McClure





"0 K


---_ ...











.- .


15c "

"-. ,.






New Burlington


Barley Carbaok aDd family, of Ed' d M Xenili, spen' the week end wltb ) L C I • • RANE, Itor an anager rela tives hllu . Mr. and Mre. Warner Morris are Ratell of Subscription visiting at thll horne of tbelr eon (.' uo Yoar (strictly In adv ance) . .. _.... 11 .00 Lee and fawlly iD DaY&OD. • H nglo OoIlY . . • . • •. . .... ... .... ... . . , . 06 Mr. Bud Mrs. 8enj . Lemar enter tained Sunday to h.lllor of their Rate. of Advertising I!c daughter aDd hUliballd, Mr. aad ;~=: :'~~~.-~; ·Ij;.~ :::: Mrs. Weldon BeUar. t:1-.uled AIIII, 1iII' to exc~ Ove Uo... Mias Sarah baydook wal a Day· T~ 1lMUt101lll ••.. • . . ... ... JOe ton 8h ..... per )'riday. 'JbUuari... tI .. kich08 lroo. nver live VI' Inch•• per IInp . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . Oe Raymond Reev'e l hae lold hll , old or Ul&DIu . • . • . . . . . ... . , .. . ..... ll!c restaurant and pool room &0 hie . ..,luUolIII .. ..... ..... .... .. .. . ..... ~~ bro'her Wm.



oclala okl. whe ... cha t e Ia made . . . . • . . . tapla,. AdvertlalDi Pt . Inch ... . ... . DIaooUII" given ,n contract.



DEOEMBER 1,. 1913

How to Bankrupt the Doctors A prominent New York phY810lan

e"YI ..If it were no' tor the thin IltookllllJa aDd thlo aoled shoes worn by women 'he doo&orll would prob "bly 00 bankrnpt" When you oonuao' a oold do not walt for" to develop In&o pneumonia but treat It at ODoe. Chamberillin's Coogh Remed, ia In~nded ellpeoially for eoqhl and ooldll, and hall won a wide reputation by It.. oures of tbese dileU88. 1& II! moet effootualand II pleauDt and ute w take . For lale by all d ••len. . •


Couldn't Fool Him.

The farmer had bougbt a pair of IhoM til lbe olt, Ibop. "Now. can't I ..ri'roll a palr of Ihoe treel!" lUI" the olerk. "DoD't lit truh wlttl ••. 100011" nplled the tanner, brllt1lat up; "I doll't believe Iho. kin be railed 00 treell any mor'n 1 II.11eY8 rullbera ,row 00 rubber trelll or oJ.ten OIl oJlter planta. b'.OBhl"


Mr. Baln. from VirKlllla wl&h hla family hu moved In&o Jaa. Peter. son'lI properly. Mr. and Mra. Marlon heohow4u were called to 'he borne of 'belr daughter Mu . 1'. D. Compwn Dear WlImlnglon by 'he Uloey of their llttle KraodeoD. ltev. KllUDder III hJldlng pro traoted lervloee a' 7.oar. The following oftloen were elea&ed at the regular mHtlnlr of 61180010 LodAte lut Tnesday evening: W. M., C. B. MoKa,. i 8. W ., Wm. Sayrell; J. W ., Wm. Fleklher; 8. D, Rob&. Collen; J. n., B . J . Lun dy; Trea•. , W . N. Mo)(,y; 8eo., Trevor C. Haydook ; Trna", Thoe. C . Baydook; Tyler, Geo. Phillipe.


C9nsti patIon PoiIool You If you are oonstlpated, yoar e,.1 tem II polBOned by ,be , matter kept In the body_riona rNultl often 'IlUOW . UIIII Dr. Klng'l New Lite PUlII Rud yon wUlsoon ,et rid of OODsUpa&lon, headache aDd other 'roublea. 250 at Drunta&l or b, m.U. B, E. BuckleD & Ce. Phila. & In. Loale.

Fits His Case Exactly ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - . "Wben fatber was liok .bou\ 81x II yeara aRo he read 80 advertlHment of~ Chamber laiD 'It T. ble&a In the PIIlpere 'hat fit bill O&8e ezao'ly.·· wrltell MI~II Margaret Campbell of Spring Valley Fl~. Rmtth, Ark . "Be porohaaed a box of them snd he bas not beAn Mr. Guberaon. whll has be~n 910k siok slpee. My lIister had domaoh for the pallt ,.ear died at his home trouble and wall also benefited by Friday. Foneralllervlo81 were held them . " For Bale by all dealera . l:iunday afternoon at the reeielenoe Frank PetE:rson and bride, of Chi Spring Branch o.go, are villitiOg hia parentll Mr . Mrs. Mollie Edwards, of Day~on, and Mrs. Jamea PeterJOIl. has been tbe gueet of her lister Mrll. Whlle re\nrDlng home from sohool J olll8ph Baines Fine Assortment of PhlUp the little son of Berman .Mr. Thomas Be9a bad the mts White fell breaking bill arm In two fOrtuoe to lose his mOlt valuable hortle last week. plaoell. Huwherlng III DOW the order of Mr. JO'.!eph I)tarbuot remalne the day amoog our farmera . about tbe aame, Mrs . Elzey Boott aod ohlldren, of Born-Bator lay to IIr. and Mra. Waynesville, were Blloday guesll! of her parent3 hure. Joe Norrla, a li"le lion. Mr. Joseph BI!oine8 18 Improving Mrs. Iaaao PetereoD. who haa been biB property by having hl8 barn 8erloaly Ill, 18 IIlo",ly improving. roofed and a hen houlle bullt . . Mr. T. M. Gartrell hal purohased Mra. Fr8nk Be88 and daugbter the Beal property and expoo&B to we·re gue8ia of home follte here Friday . remodel1t for a home. Frank Uakin wall entertalDM by Mra. Wm. Adamall very poorly . hlEI friend frank Martin and wife, Mu. Phoebe MUll 18 .,111&log rela · )f ~prlng Vallev lut I)unday. Newl! is a BOarell artlole shl8 week, tlvellin Wayneavme. 118 uaual Mi81 Mary Prater retul'lled to ber Tbere '91'111 be a 8pellltfg matoh horne 10 WayoellVille af&ar "pleall. an(l entertainment at our IIChool an' .,IIU w1&h ber sia&8rl Mrs. •art. hOllse Friday eveoing. DIIOtmber 111 An adml8ijloB tee of 6 oentl wlll look aDd Mra. Clevenger. All Out for Display. beohar,{ed and 1& Is slnoerely hoped ...- - that tbere will be a good a\tondanoe all thla money III &0 be used to fur· California Woman Seriously Alarmed nIBib a mU810al llls'rurnen' for the .. A Ihor' time ago I oon'rao'ed a sohool Everybody Invited to come all m v Bevere oold whloh sonled on my :>ne and all lind ntlw InDIJII and oaulled me a ,rea' deal of readere and tbo editor of thill paper annoyanoe. 1 would haV6 bad a Merry, M~rry Chrl,tmaa and oougbing spellll and my langa were Hal~py New Year. 10 lIore and IDftamed I bepn to be Cured of Liver Complaint _rloully alarmed. A friend reo ul was snfferldg wll-h llver oom. ommeDded Chamberlain'l Vough Remedy, eaylog Ihe had need 1& for plaint," 8aYII Iva 8ml th at Poln t try a yearll. I bOUih, a OO&&le aDd 1& re Blank. Texall, .... nd deolded Heved my oouah the fira' night, and 260 box of Ch 'lm1lerlain 'e Tablet., 10 a week 1 wu rid of 'be oold and and am happy to uy 'hat I am oom BOreneA of my lunlS," wrl&ee Mlel plet.ely cared and 0It.!1 recommend Marie Gerber, 8awtl11e, Cal. For 'RellD w everyone." For ..Ie by all (lealora . ... Ie by all dealers .


. -.

Novelty Aprons

All Over 39


Holiday Goods


Japan Balketl, China, Leather Ba,l, Cut


. -.



Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00

·Men's Stylish Suits!


A Gr~t a,nd Wonderful Bargain HOUle Dres.el

$1.00 We have faken from our reg.'

Room Roil

ular stock 125 Suits, broken lots, but every . size from 32 to 46, regulars and stouts. Values $12,

$3.75 to $30.00 Ingrain Carpet.

S15, $16, $18 Bod $20••• NOW c:..r.t ... I'" n. H. _

250 up


9.90 Some of tbese are from the s\lrplQs stock of aliew York maker···otbers regular valuts fro. our own line. Colors, grey. blule. black aDd other far;h1onable sbades. Weaves are Thlbet.. . . . . Worsteds and Cbevlota.


MIAMI would be a

GAZETTE wel~me



for your friend who is a


Early Buyer.. ,. Get the Best Values ....

See _Window Display

KIm ••..."•.

"~ "' .~".




RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at ReaIOIUlble Rat..


... JlU .et It at

..,.. 52 Eo Msia St. ,xeNIA, ~

.. AI80 Apat lor Badiae AutomobUe TireI. .r r









If s bate" of robbers II! lIaMe to coat sbaflJ, · ·rau'vlI barely I1me to _tsper blm tlfty dollllrs 1\ da y. antI onl y Tb en l nred. tbe bullet throwlnl fetchee flfty-on e doll ar s a day o n tbe that hand ba ck, 60 that It contract e d c:onLrnc l , bls min e 1M bett er \tI onoy. bO on th o gun . His revolver shot wenl h e rolls h l~ t nll nnll ta l,,'s nwuy hi . through tho r l'ur wall. The h a nd was tIl!'n. Thnt's Iron DILle seVl'1I duys III IIpo ll ' ll. tbl' wCl' k. . " I\'o w, hnndA up, all oC youl " Dnl,. 1I.'· s rI ght snlnrl. too , Ilt ho\l\lll~ II 1 YE' lI ud . "\l unda lip! Drop your glllle!" bu_ln t' SH 1111'lot III/::. "n whl'n \' (1 i1t., l ll e or th u robb r8 was rnle ln l: hit enwlJ "rry 101", \1 h lr fii'R II Hort or ('flm ,.;un to flr t'. so I hnd to 11111 hIm . Tb~ plilllt'111


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is of kidney wen kness. Kidney disease kills thousands eve ry year. Don't n es loct a bad bac k. U YOllrbaclc i. lame-if it hurls to Sloop or lift- if the ro is irreg ul ari ty of Ihu sec relions-suspect your kidDe)'S. If you sulfu r headac bes, diztioess Bud are tired , 0 rVOUl> ano worn -out, YO<1 h""o furth e r p ro~ f. li s" ))oall's KiJ Dey P Ills. a fiue remedy for bad b"cks i1 url weak kidneys. An IndiAna Caae

Mr., John D, CHAPTER VIII. '\\'h l lnktlr . 405 N . Ellul HI.. Multl.on. uin't " 1 \( 'O IlI '~ g('t1 In h,'r moJ f's ty's tlo In 1. . allY. : " Oll rk The Stampede. cl n' lt.. aJ)p l. l\r e c1 \ t, mlnlllll" . all( 1 Wt' han<iH tll.·so rob hpr R '0,' und or my ( ' )lU and Jo . ~ P.'.' ' ·ar,.a/il·c. to II I" (' oll . luhlo 1111 hl~ lawful m Ulll, my "Ilktel wt! re \\,hl t' h \11<''''' ro bb er .. ,~" KIlt In lIu Inn.m a ll nn d 1"01bil l WI' 1';01 10 gu 'l' llI IIr ll !. I ~ I 'I wa. 1\ 11 c rlppl e (l up with HtlBo l" !'d thnt th Pre 'fj moncy In It. can' Is 1\ dl ' RPl'lJlntmp n t. Thi s old Th.cullI ll. ttlm. ) :(Y lIH' 11l wIth a plume on Illall whflt Ipads 8YNOPSIS. "Er--may I venlure to a sk If your CHAPTER VII. Thf' OWIII ' rs of th l' m cattl .. hllrl ouglll ' ..,.~ u. ' htld con + hURband holds squatter's rlghu. , or to be ~rntpru l n nll ~ h ow llH'lr gmtl· his fnce. oUllht to more d e porl· :t~~;lel\aTl ;r:C~' Th. .tory opens "H h .1 f'''!\8 Smith re- has the bom es t ead and pm-e mp ti on ! " IIW III , fo r Rcrt' wln g A gun In Kal e's The Round ·Up. t u de, 'l'a ll ~c ot h erwi.;e Lh o Btock Is Doetore and eIlnlf th~ .tor,. 01 hloi hlrth. ea rl y IIC .. In may ask my h us band ." c(lr IIln't nil ~o rt o f mnnners. EVI'Il " You Je$stl. Narra/il'e. p " n.l vo trclltmenl. npt 10 FI·SUt' r . l'ru posed that wo hI t brll llor nn" o C Iho d.·nth ., C hi. C,,:hH. o t ,"ec l u ,pli Whllo I mud e Algnl\ l IIr'" " on Iho the trail right I\,..ay, wlLb Iron Oll io a rtPT I'd shot hIs hand to chIps, h e ''Thank you, madam. Our forE'rn ou ease bcC'ome. n tH\II()r. I ri a mot her mar· e d . Do&n'. ICl4IUI)' "" I ho ma"t<'r o f lh e 6h lp Bnd lloth are Instructed me to sny tbat IC th o place top of t he !'lIfT. Mr. nohbe r cam e to Pilla h e llJa d mo gra bbed nUn SIl I1lC ' 8 sun wllh htl loCi Cor Ipntl l!r. Carri ed, wllh sym ptom " 0111 In tho wreck o f th .. " easel. Ju•• fr o m tbe nrll and \lnrl Ol\t from m y wlf" why ror I of lool ho('hf' dI sa bling one of hi s m e n and trlc '" 10 mak e me lie tIowll. ~(\me8 Q ("owbo~! III T('xu . He morrl a. proved ui be oceupled, I was to ask b e foro lana. olly . a sInger o f Qu estio nablo 1T1 0 rI\18, te rm s for paelurage. \Ve've only two hurln 'l "n ll r·d to IpnvfI m y card at th e .tort: d ruo \0 ao04 )u :allh," !Ja le lold orr O'Flynn nnd RrHn.ll· There's ~O I1l Il fOl\1 8 JeeL dOD't lnntw who htl h, r e po rted t o hn\' e commttt~d Sou th ('n ,' f' . Il o's pl r tur csqll 8, say~ combe 10 Btamp pde th e csltle just ot wh en you give th e':tl a biDt. IlUlctdB. Jtos.e beco me" n. r::l n ch~r and h.undre d bead ." c.e !>oeD'••t Jut, 5ton. so. .. a.. InOV.., 10 BrillAh Ce>lul1lbll\. Kale Trevor Rh e'. haIr lik e a rnv ... n' ij wing , eyCll And 13ull, wltlt th e Bnd eyes, claIm. "Mr. Smith wl l1 conRlder th e mn t,o;lItiL of daw n , se nding 'e m PMt thl' es up t ho nttrrllt1v o. t] nhappllJ marBpIID.!'L~T 8Il,pl·Dlu". sc:; rf I IHII~o st rIp ed wIth ru,,". a nd e hootlng ond )' e lllng as If on III hlB anci e nt fri end shIp. Whlt tl ad Ih o cont~mplll l •• ould"', . but eh ...n" •• ter." FOSTEJt.MIUIURN CO~ BUFFALO,"" Y. e r Inln-1 nthor n1t>("tln~ J eeHe. J l"aBo rea· or an !!!', flhl rl hlnck 811 k. wooll y s hnpA t here \\'B~ no he r esft er. That IIh 011 III we los lll' d hI s thtlmb" behind blm, he "'Vo' ro a mppd In !l lilli e cllve Il t "ueo Ksl e from h~r drlnk -madtle ne<l hu..... nd who attempt. 10 kIll her. Tre\'or the south pnQ of Ihe be nch, deucod ou t of a Wild W(,Ht s how, go ld an d Int .. ro>sl th e ro bb ers, a nd brln g th em told us hE!'d beAn e dl\eltt e d at Oxford Ions hi. life In tho r a pid . . K.lo r e ' ocft sli ve r IlxlnS8, Ch !'y" nno 8addle , ca r· Ollt ot t he cave whl cb overlooks our a nd CambrId ge. IiDtrflr. of IIrMlnd ope-ro. mao..~!1 t o f"etu,rn com forta b le." " ,,'hat!" I(al e nas h f' d out, Uart<!lr to the .tage and m"~ J ose. . TheIr or course I kn ow I'm II fool . and bine of fome foreIgn br<>.. d. or maybe pasture . Lookin g down at a sharp marrIed lifo .t"rUt o,~ hSl' pll,. . Kllte 8UCa Krng. mll nn e rs li t t o r a king. age le avin g "~ton nnd Harrow!" IlUmb. to the pLt:z<;!lngs o f " {'om to ex pect 10 b e trea te d ns suc h. nu t th Irty· four. h e Ight elx fprot two Inches , angl e , th ey we re n't lik ely to hit our "Yea. lind I'v e enoll g h education to t~n to the Itace nnd runa BWIlY .... Ith this man claIm ed 10 hav e camped at rld(!rs , whereas ollr pOBee, posted In 1m. She haeU 6a 'VIt1 ('1 w O ' Y'l}'nn from h es t only thl rly-e lght, nnd 8uch a sud good cov er with a sLeady aim could guess thI s nln 't no way to trent Am!!!'t h e South Ca ve without passIng tlI18 er burnIng hou8e, 10 b,,<l ly burn e" he rsmile- -a ll o r thIs will be use ful 1.0 atl end to th e robben wltb prompt· lean eltl tens. You'll heur of thIs," h. It end return .. h o me. l'e.aa8 re- houlle, which wae Imposl!lbl e. ,. ~. b ur with op.n arm .. lIhout6d. "from Unclo Sum!" "Camp ed at Soutll Cave?" Bald 1. tho pollef'. n eR8 Bnd despatch. Htl tri ed all ho knew 10 glH out ., f "Thar." eo.YB Dale , "I kn ow the re'd "In that even t I n ee d not de taIn you . CrossinII.' tb e rern our main oulnt ' . CHAPTER VI. Mr. Smll h no do ub t ,..111 call on you beIng phu logfllphed, whi ch I wlt!ht I'd le rt Hill y nnd Tlranacombe to start be rewards ror you. d esd or aJlye bee n t b ero, ror H muat have b ('leu dri ft tng th e co ttlo .southward , willi e How mucll? Two IhollsM:! 4L'l.\ I after dInner . Good mornIng, Blr." Robbel")"U nder·Ann .. plumb co mIc. bu t we nil submits wben 1\'0 rod e on to tak!! up ou r position s h eod ?" .B ut tbls WtlS not to hie mlild, and Kate', NorroHve. Ka te g eUl aft e r ue . Thnt reminds me nrollnd tbe cave. In tbo ruined shack, Th en old Wblske rll ordered Bull lO [ galhpred vag ue ly that my hU ll blind We have started n vIsItor's book It tbat If bo can't Cllpture th e ca mera shut hIs bead . He '. I curious, IIlow, Dpena wIth lIress cuttings of Inler- wns not r ally wan t ed lit th o DIIY Y and platp, we're apt to b e bllrnt out "aU-way to our borne. Kate was to mournful vole", li ke a cat ,.·lth t.h. hav e a ca ndl e . sc reen ed 80 that It trtew8 with Professor Bohns, the far c1l mll: I eve n s uspec ted tbll t thIs vis· b y llccldenl. could onl y be seen trom our traIl. W o tonthache. MOUS arcbaeologlst.. who came to '3X· Itor would r al h er d .. al wIth m e Ihan "I d!' \1Iand-" She led blm on nn d mad e hIm talk . paHsed my re nce, we c roB sed the bal f· It requIred mora ~llle the paleolithIc deposlls at Soulh Bee my hu sban d. "Sh ut up ." If hIs hOAIf' knew how mu ch Kate h ns tUlle cree k, we gnlhe rerl s peed alon g !It1Jferers find Instant reUer in Caye. Next are palle rs r elating to a thlln n blnt to Bpc u ro hIs dppartur e. So Hull s hul IIlJ "'hllo we IRtlb ed blm, J esse re lu rn"11 at noon . HI) ra- down In h oI' no te- boo k, thIs guy wit h th e ODell pasture, and th e n Kat e's yel l jrummons for allsault, brought by l h e Sloan's Liniment. It penelike wI se YOllng Ginge r anti tb o g r e ll~ c r. the fin d eyes would !le t kick d 11 \1 we nt thro ugh me IlIle a knlre. The late Mr. TraTOr agaInst J. Smith . But cel"pd the Rto r y ot our ca ll e r with round Seein g thl' fellow I'd kill e d mIght want th !' pastil rl' . When I axed Ir tratea to the painful partrobbers mu at hav c hod a man on nlshl ae gem of our collec tion Is a lell e r or t he nolM es ot OUIl d IRp lE'!llled. "Thllt a ll Inques t, W I' la ill hIm st.ralgh t In the th e robbe r made 101'0 to h er, my wlfp he rd , nnd rou nd he r by that II gbt! soothe.! and quiets the 1lCr!.~, lengthy explnnatlon trom u n emIn e nt v Is itor. Kal e. " h e sU lIlme d ti p, "wou ld jll4lt laugh e d. and tllru e el aWII)', tellIn g nul u' s h aud g rubb ed my rein, Dnu ruIned shack, llnd th e n morc h ed our ttaUan cur, who spent a whole month make a first ·c luss strnnger. Kn ew me. No rubblnir-mettJ,y IllY It on, me not 10 be a fool : but t he blu sh you say , In T exas?" with a gro wl he hnlled our who II' prleoll l' rB o ff 10 So utb 'Cli ve, wh t! Tt1 at the ranch last wInter. Nobody 1ft t1lE'~" 1I walt unlll wo gl' t our constllb l, Clim e oroll nd h er n ·c k. outfit. "Stenely, " says h e, " you fool~ " H!'arln g from h e r kitchen Mrs. 1II.0 re hospitable, Or more hungry tor I dunno. Perhapt! It's my lI'·e r. ~o Th en In a wbls per. as his men cnm n to ~ r re s! th l' m. popularity than my d Ollr man , but , O'F'lynn's s hnrp grunt at dl ese nt, 1 I'm lakIng the only m edicIne I hav e, II. crowd ing In : "DIHmoun t ! Ransom e , thlnk that special prayers shou l? be c loae d Lhe doo r. :>low on th e sl'('u nd clay a ft er we en p..... hl ch It tastes like IInlm ont . Is It hold horses ! Sam, tok e tbree men offered for bls ,' lsI tors. He has a " You've le ft th e key·hole open," sal4 tu res tbese Il1 drone8, along toward supmo'up now:-"Lov e me : love my bear, Jess e, rISing from Iho tabl o, "come Tiver, or am I gettlns to dlellke this ntoot round tbe rear of that cabIn. I person ! take t be reet to close In the front. pl' r , th e depositions of th various P.11' aot my mlssus." for a wa lk." 11. Siwasb. and Nllchl e S co tt, /lnd ene- lI ~s Is nB follows, viz.: My Jealous hero has told the stOry " Now, Kate, d ea r ," J6I!se lIat dow.D Up to th e ruIn e d shack two mile So hnpll l' nS, wblle I was 'l\'Tltlng, my's horscs and drltt them away out or an old admIrer, once my te ll ow~tu · beside me on th e Apex Rock, "tbls Billy O'Flynn com es nlong wltb th o north of my hom e, JlI!S th e r e m.'nl dent, who hrou ght me a dump y plnno morn you got your first lesson In ro b- pack outfit on blij way to Sky·lln e. He oC reach . No man 10 wblsper, no man of one robbe r expec l lng 1L:l Inquest. • • N....... for which 1 80' s tarv od, tol d me th o bers. How would you lik e a vis it 10 wanted to know why I made them fires, to mak o a BO und, until I IItt my band Two mil es south , rlgbt wh ere the up· .. t ......'" not be wlth ..., 7""r Unl· pratIt to aU .. ho 1 ..II'.r ment and ut that cabIn window. Atter that, kill tlews, talked sbop, and wou\(l mnk c old Ca p Taylor at Hundred Mile ?" per cUIf cuts off the end ot oUT puture, .nth ne.. r~. orrheulD.tI~ or ~III of 80 I e:t plalned I was making n clearing me a pTlma donnn- my lire's ambItIon My ,'olce mn y have Quive red jus t up thar tor Kate's spring chrysanthe- !lny man wbo tries to escape. Get a there's our cave full of cBptured ban· Jf~r4.''-- s-r II 'J'<o . , mo ve on!" lfbe trap was well bnlted. LonelY,ond B littl e. "Dang r?" ( asked . dlts, to wit: Wblskers, Bull Durbam, mums. (She spell that word, whleh Pat.ADc... S o, with me at bls tall. be crept GInger, and the dago. Down on tho terrtfied by tho <l eu d muj es ty ot WIO· "I dunno as th e re's actunl dauger, h ad m e bogged down 1.0 the hoc ks.) ", nfl'enod ..Ith Quite. tleY...... nn· ler, [ craved for the lights, tor tb e bllt It I Jes t ktlow ed you WIlS snfe, I'd along Crom cover to cover. wavIng b ench In front · or the cltve 1'8 our r~e headache for , moatba withOUt It may be live r, or my 'Qu en m In· an, relier. I ),our Uolm.nt for crowds, for my hom e, for my lleoplu. b e fr ee to oct prom pI." fl ame d, bu t my mInd aln'f. easy, an d hnnd s ig nals to throw bls squad Into gua rd·camp wIth Iron Dille In com· two or th ...... ilnd I bnven'tJqtfor my arL And th eru are II Ltl e thlllgs (ered wi U. my ,end Ii...,. "_111,./. Ii. "T e ll me e veryt hing, J esse ." Ih o S ky·llne tolk may thll'k I'm onl y place. Tho e nemy's tlve borses at th e mnnd. aud Knte with the bOYB haylns SIriIse:.r. LotU..&I' • .s:.1door we re led orr by DIlly's Slwnsh ~ besides wblcb m eun 90 much \.0 a " Up at the north e nd of th e b encll, josblng wIth the m ftres. s upper . Right Ilom o at the rancll T~eab lor Cold aDd cwoman_ arrlero. Bod NILchle, 80 gently t hpr c 's mnyh o two hundre d h ead of I ca n't lea ve t<ale to rId e for hplp, house Is m e finIshing my chores , and ' ' ' ' IIttl. ctrl, twel ... re.... old. 8a1vator lurn ed o ut to '00 a cur, III H 8 lrnn~ e cattle. One p e dl~r ce short- I clln't sb ut he r. I can't se nd Bil ly to that tb e robb e rs thought they wer e CIlI\Ibt .. ..,.ere cold.•nd I Ira.. ber the widow sPoiling has h for my SLIP: mIssion d esp Ica bl e , ond yet no woman, h orn bull Is worth a l.l or tw entY·llv e tb e con s lable without break Ing my grazing. Dy that lim e Dale and m e per, b ecause s he bates me worse nor three drops of SlOIlO" LiDlmeol on supr on ..,loC to bed, and 'be lOt up lu ths born can eve r be wlthoul some lit tle h ttn dn'''' dollars, and th ere's a Here- contract wllh the Sky- lin e, Ilnd I don ' t "'{IS a t th e window gap on th e north snakes (or bE'l ng a Protes tant. Awn)/ mornln\f w ith no aime of a cold . A Illtendern ese for one wboso lov e ml ~ · fonl s tu'" I'd take orr my bat to nny· di vu lge notb ln' to WillIam O'Flynn , s id e of th e s hack, but the cand lo W(l lI orr he yond th e borlzon Is old man tie boy ncsldoor had croup and I J.'. the mother the LIniment. Shcp." blm leads him. And ( who ~; to r ea d wh er es. Th er e's Abe rd ee nB or Angus EsquIre, who tnlks to the moon ratlle r In our way. we coulda't s ee tbrou gh Brown cussing blue strealls 'cause hQ three dropa on \foinC to bed, and he..,t a leason to poo r J esso. iearn ed on u - I J1;et th e m poll hr eeds mlx ed - nnd a th a n was te convorsatl on. Its g loll' . and It wu s n't ttl I we got liP without the crouPd.~a, lnorDlDl," cn n't nnd much constabl e~ _ Mr. If. n. 51"",&.. IL . for m yself. I Itm no lon ge r (rce , but bun ch or J erseys grazing apnrt. purt y If I mak o 1\ le tter for Dal e. and s lip rOllnd to t!t u doo r hole tbat we'd n Such be ing th e combInations at ~u~ ".u DooJon. r.a.. as... 110. aM IL. fetter ed, and proud o r the chul ns , as cl ee r. An ywnys , Ibat h erd's worth It Into tb e pOlich, 13l11 y won 'L Imow, or vi e w ot what was going 00 Ins ide. p e r-time , along comes the wIdOw's or· ..... BooI&_ ...... _ & Love 's cbalns. " 'ortb more \.0 me maybo two hundr ed thollso nd doll ul"3. goss ip If h e hS}Jpeus to Dl('et In with lily wIfe stood In th e nor'west, right, phon, young Dilly O'Flynn, wbll ~ ~han that los t world. eve r y hoof of 'e m &tole n, and I! yon stray r ob bers . I'll get him lip lInd far corner. A m an with a gray chin handle s my )lack contract wltb tb" One mornIng'. It must have b een th e railed ull th em mill ionaire ran clles In ott by midnight t~ the Sky-lin e, In whlflker Rnd a mournful smile, with Sky·llne. He's supposed 10 be on duty Dl fAIl $. SlOAN, lit., Bostal, 1m. twenty-sixth, I ttllnk. we h ad a ca lle r. Callrornla I doubt you' d . ge t th a I time for the s uppe r plcs, and th e boy s Is gun muzzle In h et right e ar, was at tbe guard·camp, and his rIding bach destin ed, I t .. ar to e ntry In our vi s i- valu c /' wIll be s urgIng down to th e fe rry he· b. lOvlng h er bead against lhe wall. to tbe homo ranch complete ly disa~ tor's book. J esso hnd ridden orr to "No aloc k own e r n eeds th"t amount rore mIdnIght. Now I must ma ke up BuH was talking o1S usual, explaining ranges the landscape . I'm busy. bun, eee how bls po nIes t brlve on th e' n e w or Rtud ca ttl e. \\'e dnn 't l'alHe such som e li es to bas ten Billy's timid foot- how his tact WAS b ette r 'n Whlskere' gry, and expected to take charge crl «rass, Mrs. O'F ly nn waB r eddlllF; UlJ In th e tlortb. so tb ey've been 'drlft e tl ste ps nlong th e path of duly. gun at persuading females . Glngror the night guard at the cave, but' aomo· afte r breakfa5L, !tnd /lndlrlg m yse \[ In In h e re from the State s. was tryIng to aS8uage Bull. The how tbls 'Bllly attracts my attention b)' Th ey're lIT. the way, 1 took my wa ter colors down gaunt wIth ramln e and driving, nnd It Ril ly basl e ned away at mIdnight to greaser was keeping a kind of look· acting a whole lot susplciou.. lnst.e(\(\ to Apex Rock. \.0 s .. e It one sketch b('ats me to tblnk how many morc 's te ll Dale th at pigeon's ml1JI Ie eelllng out, although he couldn't see from thtl of brln,lJIg me some message CroU1 would bold wint e r, sprIn g, summ e r. as bee n le tt d ead crossin g tb e llIacl( Pin e at. elghty ·four and thr ee·fo urths . . He lighted room Inlo Ihe dark wh e re bo - Dale, h e rId es straight to tbe lean-Ie' vie we d from the cente r or \l ond er· cOllnl ry. 'fh u Bar Y brands hus bee n b eli eves that If b e can get that sec ret waB. . Ginger clapped his paws over kitchen. st eps olf hla pony, and whisland. fa ked. Th e parlles h erdIng 'e m wults Intelligenc e 10 Iron In good tIme. h e's Dull's mouth b e rore the proeeedlugs pers ror hili mother. 1 sneaks through "ow our hous o b e ing In Cu)) vIew till I'm away, and trIes to mak e a. to sbare the profits. Fact Is . that went on. the bouse to the kitcben In time t. from the ape x. and sound lrav ellng denl wIth you for pasturage. The "No~." flays WhIskers sadly, "are see this widow wltb a IIllp of paper. Iron's late wiro mad e blm th e lau ghmag lca Jly In tbl s c lea r atmo s pbero, I gent wIth th e sud eyes 18 se nt dr essed In g·stoe k of the plains over some Joko· you g oln' to scream any more?" brown paper wbat we us ed to wrap UII beard voices. Mrs. O'Flynn had a up to fool a woman. Kate's race wns de ad while with the vrlsoners' luncb, At sight of m' s h e put up on hIm conne cted wIth .Isitor, and I wae 10 such a Jealous "Now, I{ote," his great strong arm pIgeon's mlll(, so that BlIly's s hare or rage. "You cur," saId s h e, "I screamed she gets modest, .lIbovlng It Into th~ amrry to sbare tbe gossip, thnt my closed round me like a vIse. "Tile tb e 1Iroftl.6 will be d elive red on th o becallse my....:you·re hurting me, YOII stove, but I becomes prominent ' anti .ketch went over the cliff as I rose to e or Da le's boot. H o's breaking rec- brute! Leave olf If you want to bear grabe It. "Sbure," sbe explains, "an' to run . A ratber handsom e man, In one word trom me. Leave olf! Tbat's It's only a scbllp av paper!" ords to make tb e Sky-line Quick. the sple ndid cow-boy dress , stood by Nothing hBp pened tbls: TJlOrn lng, ex- bette r. No, I won·t Bcream again." . (TO Bill CONTINUED.) • chestnut gelding, such a h ors e arls· Th e gUll sight wos tearing ber eDr ce pt Bull Durhnm. culling himse lf tocrat that I mod e sure b e mu s t s port Busy Da.r., Brooke . He, the gent with th e ~ n d as s h e serElwe d b er b etld around, 109k· • coat of arms . Mor eover. In a gill' "Wby bave YOIl beeD evading meT' eyes, who came to make 10" e to my Ing him tull In th e eyee. "If you du cerl, and r e luetant way, as though I wife. He paId me o ne hundr ed dol· me any harm." she said, "my bus· Inquired the cIty oIDclal angrily und er orders, h e was kIssing Mrs . lars tor pasturage. Then I ax ed hIm band's frl e lldll won·t I" t you 01I with man wbom he met In !lie street. O'Flynn . She b pam"d, hl ess ber silly " Evading you!" replied the otbe'l to stay to dllul e r, and Kate says shl: deatb. Tlley 'll burn you. Sland bacll old hel1rt! . . • man, warmly. "Wby, confound It, "v~ Bull you coward!" neve r s een me so talkati ve. Mrs. O'Flynn lool(s on b er truthtulH e flInch e d bock Just a little, and I been calling at your office overT daJ found out which we eks th e Carlhoo ness as 11 Quality too precious Cor • stage carrl ee slJecie, and how mR ny saw hIs band drawing slowlyc. cle ar of this week." every·dllY U8e, and 80 carefully bas It "Tbat's just It. What were you look. thou6and dollnrs a montb In am!llg!l.Dl her h ead. been prC8oi! rved thnt In h e r tltty·tourth "Oet yo ur hOTllee," she crIed out ing tor me In my office torT" comes down from tbe Sky ·lln e call1p. ,.ear It ehows no s Ign or wear. He nce, He even dragge d out of m e thnt old on reaching the house I WIUI not surprised to tlnd tllat h e r visitor was a C total s tran ger. dirt fl oo r of hla cnbln-whl ch rprnlnd s " Jud ge by signs- ch Ivalry. -retlcenco. lII!bS:.'UDtrf'~ ~'illlr-lU"~ ~r-lIrf'~ .~iI1JI" ~ me thut If Brown's hom e becom es t h o BfI5WII 1S.Itt.~ &?~ ~~ ~ Nine times In ten when the liver II court E'sy-M ra. O'Flynn's guest was scen e ot a mining s tnmpe de, I'll hav e right the stomach and bowels are right. not a cow-boy. HIs norl tt mann \)rH , to k ee p shy or hIs rlflo. Yes, flu B CARTER'S LImE flxaggeratE'd politeness, a·nel Imitation show pd n grea t gIft of talt h . and go t. "---0-._ _#1_ "' LIVER PILLS or o u r mlddl e·c l a~s English spee ch both hIe photo nnd the n ega tiv e to stamlJc d hIs a s a bound e r . but not of show th .. ro was no III teellng. ['m ~ gentlybutfinnly l the Brltl ~ h Dreed. LaLer. IIl ' mornentH postornl, barmless, Simple, raised lor MIGHT NOT SAMPLE BY TASTE coming back horne, rememberd of exci tem e nt, he s pok e New York, a ramoull cider and dropp.!d In tCl let Curen COD. with a twang or mu s lc·haJl . ;, Kate'. Face Wae Dead WhIte WIth Le aving Kate hid In a ruIn e d shack. Darl(y WlIllng Enough to Listen to Uncle Wash. Atler some general .tipatieD, Ia· Eve n In flO lon e ly a place It Itl .cu· Rage. hult.wo y to th tl re rry, I was down by Pralse8 of H Is Cider, But Wa. Not be casually observed, "[ suppose..Jlnct,. di• •tion, rlous to rememb e r that such a pe rson ele ve n p. m . to Ibe bank of tbe rIver" Giving !t :'Away, Waeb, you stili make that good elder Sick should app eal LO me. Stm in' Ills hull country knows you're clear grit, I. I you Used to mnk e In old tlmes1" Headache. In g old lDan Brown . So soon R!I and Dialnl.. After Eatlnjr. common way the ma n bad beauty,<car. 60 tbere's no s hame III leav ing. for huai o'd brung me acrost, I sent him lco Few or the negroes in the soutbern "Oh, yes," r e plied Wash, "I "till rle d hi s clotbes well, moved Wllh my sake, d ear-" rId e ror nil he wae wortb and colll!(!1t' states are Inclined' to be thrltty and makes my appl es mos'ly Into cider." . SHALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL me&. "Do you think I'd leave YO U In dltll. • gra ce. 80 much th e artist In mtfsilw our cOllstablc, which cost me eighteen saving, thcugh many ot tbem are dlsTben he calle d to Aunt Dinah. bll must bear Signature and liked, bu t I tblnl! no woman could ge r 7" ~ ~ He slgbed. " I knew It. I cayn't dollars nnd 11 horse. The mone y In pose d to Industry and live In consld· wife, "Dlnuh, fetcb out a go'd of-dal bave seen LhoBe tragle eyes without so,'ere, but I'll get even on bonm' erable cl)mfort. Borne, however, have bes' cider." ~ ~ h b elli It, and, Kate. It's the truth, I'd belog' Influenced. trades. acquired the saving babit and are not The visitor naturally exp!,eted that t?~zt. "Ab ! Mrs. Smltb, 1 b elieve?" He rath e r see . you dead tban scared. From mldnlgbt to one a . m . 1 put only not wasteful, but are In the local he was \.0 sample the drink. But not .toad u ncovored. "MlJ. y I venture to The re'e Madam Grizzly, and Senora In tbe time cussing Dal~; from lhen Idiom extremely "nlgb." so, The old man took the gourd an~ . .k Ir your bus blind la at home~ I Cougar, tbere's Lltdy Elk, Bnd even till two a. m. I felt that nobody 10,e(1 A case In point Is an old man, once drained every drop, Then he hande. thInk I had the pleasuoh of knowing Mrs . Polecat, brave as 1I01ls. I'd bate 10 h ov9 my mat e tho only one to run m o ; rrom two It. m. to half past. I the elavo of tbe Randolphs of Virginia, the empty vessel to the viSitor, blm yea rs ago down In T exas." was scbemlng to take tbe robbers wbo has become the owner of one ot "Er you don' b'Ueve dat am 1004 like a scalded cat." "He 'll be b3ek by noon." Bingle-handed. At two tblrty-Ove IJale their plantations, lind ' Is Quite rich. He cider," he IIllld, I!plscklng his lips. "¥01l " The program, Jesse?" "Tbaolt yo'], madam. Fact . is, we "Do you remem ber, Kate, how we rolled up with nine men from Sky-linE', converts Into casb everythIng ~bat Is jeB ameli dat go'd."-Ne-. York By. ",ere \' e ry mucb s urprIse d to s ee yOllr chimney smoke. We tbot)gllt 'this ex'· los t fiTe dolla rs finding out . that Dale mounted on Billy's ponies, besldeltl not necess.ry for tbe malntenance ot nlng Post, 'O'Flynn, nnd Ransome Pollock, wh() the bousetNld and gll'ts profit from qulsl te place was Quite unoccupied . nnd me Is slgn.a lors?" " CarefUlly prepared. _ "And Captain Taylor gave UII the may be good tor a burnt oUtlling but many things that few negroes eyer Indeedl" . think of selling. Incidentally, he make. "YOUr long IPeech did IlOt make Ter:l "Who's 'we'?" Signals 10 raise the db.trlct: ons fire Isn't much use alive. at course, bavlng ralaed tbe COUUi' elder of all ' the unsalable applu IIlterestlng readln .... l.f4' the crueJlJ "Ob .. we're ihe 'outfit TIding ror Gen· rllr feasl8. two for help, three tot: uY. 1'4 'got to make gOOd, produclD8 btl place and le\18 It, and' tboqh tie" ~d14 friend, '.. ." . ,.' era! Sehmldt. Ws've come In search war!" ! , . "It w . .n:t meant to." teJU4Mt the I." of the spring food. We were fnlonnMI "Tbat·s It, little woman, By dusk a buslIleBII proposltton and -Tabbert· to Tery tond of · the. beverage hlmlelf, be mx. ,peachei IoDI '. ~ , '.that- .Bolljle1"e place was unoccupied, I'U be 00 . top ,?f t~e, c!I~I~ and ~mue fQllow. Iron hili DO lense: of humor. il.Tel drinkS with lUI,. ~ lSi. uela'" ator. "I trr to e~01l.h to 'appear ·Importaat, ~t~ 1lOI o~D' td .'all .. . ADf I mistake n in sup. my fire. ' back ·trom · the .nDl'roodr anr.b9", ~o'd can't lee Jokes unleBII: the bor'it unless they pay ror- ~s cl~er,' .,.. lIII*lDa..~ thb, .. Ponder's placet" ",b,sre themA robbel1l, woltt ' " the IIn_ ,tiI 'W~. plalll ' OD th~Jr ·UcteUt. ' :. t-,ag maD of, the .De!.h~cn'~--\ idlcI8ll~- !n~ __ . . . dl . · "'It.... '. ,~, ' ..., . 1{t'S OC!lDt!I to w. . ~ d'er dolJanl. 'Whet U4 Mell.,..., for . .)~ 7MI'I. oIIIIl."'. . " . ~ 1 "\'I ' d



o f HI'IlW n 'H

Backache VVarns You Backache oDe of Nature's warnings

lI:.tll RPcond " 1\ Ih nt h old ·up"










ute" 0r1hlo







~~~~~a~;0'~~ilnt:8e :u'~I:rd ~I~l~e~tt~~:

>v: ?" 0

~ ~ ~; ' K ? Ma~e the Liver Do Its Duty 0 0

A'-t A'-t ~ ~ ~

., tb~


ro i~ Id:'~ver





~ ,..





ot 1\/13 ('~crcded nll expec tllll onC'l, 30 b usbe ls pa r a(;ro was th e gCIIl~nl1 y l ~ ld . The grnd!l was

", h .. nl er u{l


The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of

~imililting Ihe food and Rel!uIa ling Ih ~ Sromlichs and BoW('ls of

Promote! Dig~ ~-tion,Cheerrul­ ness and Re !lLeOn Iii i ns neithlN' Opium, Morphine nor Minnal NOT NAR C OTIC

In Use

Aperkc l Remedy rorConsllpe· Iron, Sour S tomac h ,Diarrooe<l ,

Worms ,Convulsions ,Fevcri ~h­ ne s s and Loss OF SLEEP ..

For Over Thirty Years

- --sieoatuTr --rae Similt




Copy of Wnopper.

Bo r e E,.A, O raDUl l\ letl R yC!h d . p ro mpt l,. be.aIN wab RuUl au . .ro. Ad • .

and SUe . K1e Bal ·

The man who can lau gh fit trouble will be \[ e pt pre tty bus y laugb lng. 0._ .....,r'·. \' aed eJlpel. 'Vo r ma 1t) • Ady.

"o. ..d .., e ry

Bho l" k1l1. t r w b O UI"L

De II. bU5Y bee, It's always better to .-tIng th&D lU get stung. R...t Gl"OU 8all 81 ue "til w as h double u IllaDy cloLbea a l allY o Lb e r . 1)OD' L PUL Tour IIIOD01 lut.o aDY OI.her. Ariv _

The re are but two kinds or men. one ta lks whllo tbe o t he r acts_ A~oid Da n~erou8 No. tnl m8. Take Dean' M Menthol.. tetl ClIugh Drop•. They hBve re:U

nlue--6c ilL all Ilood Droll SLOre..

Watte rs' tips are not tbe onty things In th e world that are won hy walUng. '"

..... "1D810.,' " 8oo\bloe- S7TU'P tor ObUdreQ th e I'Uwa. reduC'ea tnftamm ..

tce'bJIt~ KUrt.r Dti

,",OD .a1la18 pal o,cure. ..... ad colt c ~ .. bonl .....

we m eet

OccasIona lly


a woman who

a c tua lly be lie ves her hu s band knows as much a s he tblnks he knows,

Charmin g and us tul , this clresa ma y be mu de with t be nec k hig h or low, tJ nls h p. d with a s mull collar and wllh tile closin g In s urpli ce or In dou bl e breas te d fa s hIon . Th e sl eeves ar e pla in, se t In wi l hout rull ness and a two pie ce skirt com ple tcs th e costum e. Th is Is s lightl y draped In both Cront and back a nd has the raise d ALWAYS WILLING TO OBLIGE wai s tli ne, Th e dre ss patter n (6 422) IB cut In Accommodating Man Must Have Made sIzes H. 16 and 18 yea rs. MedIum Conalderable of a Hit WIth sIze r eq uire s 3'A1 ya rd s of Hinch maStorekeeper. teMal. with Ih yard of 36 Inch velv e t ror collar nnd girdl e. A certaIn class of s hopkeepers try To pt'ocure thl. p"ltem ""nd 10 centa to forc e th e ir wares upon pass ers-by . to "Patte r n D~ t'n.rlm(! nt . " or tbls r . Write namo and a ddreSH pla inly. and be A trav e le r de t ermined to t each one aure to el v a "' I" ~ u.nd n umber of DUllarD. of tb ese a le"80n, Th e o·e nder wan• U a clothing deale r, and had a way oC almost dragging people Into his place, SIZR ---- ______ -- - -NO. 6422 On e da y th e trav ele r stoppe d for' a KAMB ____ __ _ ___ _____ _____ ______ •• _ mom ent Lo e xnmln e a coat hangIng In TOWN ____ ___ • ________ __._ . ___ _____ __--._. Cront of the e stabli shm ent. when out darte d th e clothIer . who ask ed : STR.KKT AND NO, __ •• ___ __ ________ _ " Won't you tryon one of those 8T ATK ___ __ __________• ________ _ coats ?" " I don't know but I will." r es ponded the trave ler. con s ulting his watcb . "I haye 1I0me tIm e to spare. Yes." LADI ES' VEST. He we nt In; but no matter how orte n he found his fit. he calle d for more cOlitS . Finally. when he had tri e d on thirty or more , h e looked at his watcb . re sume d his own garment. and walked out, sa ying a s he went : " Good cla y. old c hap. I won ' t charge you a nything for wba t I've don e , I b elie ve In a man who 'll oblige o.noth e r wh en h e can. It I'm e ve r this way aga In a nd you hav e a ny more coats to try .on I'll do all I ca n to he lJl you." 0

8 e . ure Llmt Y6 U ask tor Wr!.&:hL·s " egetable 1'1110, amI look for tb e

Indian Ilgn,,tnru of Wm . WrIght 0 11 wrapper and i.Jo x. F o r Con s LipaLlou, 1I1lIou8n. .. and Jod~ •• -

Secret of Creation Out. Marlon. a ged six years, was looking all whil e he r aunt manutactured a rag \Ioa.. Ad. , dolI- ' .. Au nti e. wby don't you put In the Looka Like It. e yes ?" she uk ed. "Jan' l that g irl stuc k on h erself!" "The eyes are put In last, dear,"' "Yoq would think It to see how r e plie d auntill. ahe'll glued to tbe mirror." " Oh. that's wby we can't s ee hOI> God makes us.'· said Marlon; "he pulti .&01 ChlldnlD are Sickly, lIoUta' G rft.y'8 8w ~et Powde,.. fo r Chltdl"eu ' our eyes In last."


'jot bou!"s, r ellf!\' e Fe ..erl.b· me •• , Read ...e h e., Stomac b "l'rou bleM, 1.'eet.bloB' D'aordera, mO'l'e atH) r e gulate th e bowe .... and DeMWo)" WQTm s . Th .. y u.roe 80 pletu u.nt t.o take ebUdrea lUte th em . UMed by m o ther .. f ur" yeara. At all 4M. g glftl" , 2l\c , Sumple mBU4>d '-KE1tA~4 ,U!> A- 8 . Olm_, ~.4, L e llO7, N. Y_ AdY_

On P ortage Plains , ~lunlloba', thel'e \\' (' re Born' rf'rn arkaule yleltls . :-;0:1.11 Elgl 'rt had GI lJlI ~ h (' l s DC wh at per a cr e; tli e Rovrrurlll ' nt Carm, til b usb· e l ~; Geo. E , Stae 'y , 1A; T . J . Ha ll. J oh n H llSS nll d D. \\' :ll cl'lIa lg , GO; W . R I('ha rd soll, " I ; \1. OWf'tlS, Gi'!! ; An· d e r so n nn d Tumbull, (;0; .I . Lloy d, ~ . I ~ ; Jn s . 1\1'11 and }{"bl. Brown . 48 ; J . \\· Is ha rr. 491,..; H . S. Tully, G~ ; Pli ill!, I '~gf', 47; J . St (,\\lIrt , 4 ~, ; .I . \\'. BrOlin, 3 11 ; C1l(". ll!l' ,luhnHoll, 4-1; 10: If )Iuir, 4:!; L. A. Ilraul p)', 43; 1\'. Bodtl)' , 4il; Alh r' rt 1 1:l\'I~, 43; E . ~Ic· Lenag hl' lI . :;7; farming the sa me land for 40 year .. . J . \\,1 ~ IJ:\rL sI't'lI rpd a crop I of 4 ~ I" uu SIt. ·IH to Ih arnl , t he bes t he (,VeT h,ltI , IlI,,1 th e vleltl of Mr. nrndley 's \la s (Ill land \l 1~WI'tI t his s pr ln!;. I \lnrqllf'l l1', \Ian, ~I'\lt ~ 1. - S I J l cntlid I wl'nth"r has "I,,,hlo 'u Lhl' farm ers or thl g s ('110 n to rnai,p goo t! p rogr<' sa w illi Ih,' ('liltIng 11r! <i h a r l'('slln g oC thI s seaso n's CrOI). \\·hf'l1t IR av e ragin g t w~ntY IJII ~ II~ls to th(> ncrp. wi th barley Corl y·1l1'1' nnrl ()a ts goillg s(, l·enty. T he re hn f; bce" 110 damagQ oC a n y d e• I srriplion . flin s('u rlh. Man .. says: Goo d r eport s a r e COining from th ~ l1l ~c h lnes o f h igh , y l ~ l ds an d goo d .ample. The ele"at ors nre bu~)' s h i pping ca r s e l·e r y da y. Dauphin , ~Ian . , Sept. D .- Thresh ing Is gen l: r:! 1 the gra lll Is i n good s hap e lind tir e 'l\'I,atlH'r Is 11Ien !. Th e sa mples nr bH ,l ('I'c r grown h er e, grnd- I Ing 1'0. 1 Northe rn . Th e ret urns a r e large r th a ll e~ p ec t e d In Dea rl y eyery c llse . E. n. Ar mst r ong 's when t we nt th lrty·Cour b ushe ls to t he IIcre, othe rs twe nt y-(l\·o to tW(' nI Y-Reven . f1 lnscn rth. !\Iu n .. Sepl. 3.-Cutttn g Is flnl s be d b er e and thres hin g Is in rull Bwlng. T bl s par t ot th e prov ince Is k eeping up It s r eco rd. wheat av er agin g tw e nt y-five bu s he ls to tb e acre,Advertls em en t.




T he village gOStl .p ne ve r baa tim e to tak o a va ca ti on.


~E~~sl~::~~~~a~~~~~!~I.~I~n~~;lg::~~ 4~~ i Maxwell-Briscoe Motor Car

For Infants and Children.



IPractical FashionsI MG~~"~~~B,~"C~~~,~I,~~~~ IThis Is Vital to Every Owner

CASTO RIA A'* Il t'tobl~ Prep.lrarion for ll -


Break up Cultl s III

Needy. " Ie Jones a Crlend In n eed?" "Yes. he's always In need,"



AI.o to a ll Owners of Stoddard.Dayton, 1905 to 1914; Columbia GaBoline and Electria, 1906 to 1914; .. Everitt C a r s of Any Model; Bru.h. Sa m pson and Courier Can TH ER EARE T HR E E GOO D R E ASO NS why you should ha ve yo ur car overhau led now and worn parts replaced.

THE MAXWELL MOTOR COMPANY DID. We considered it ~ ood business, even if not a moral or legal obligation.

FIRST : T he garage man can give you bette r service - and you can spare the ca r be tter now tha n later. No m atter whether you ar e goi ng to keep th e car, or sell or trade it in on a new one-it will pay you well to ha ve it thoro ughly overhauled , worn parts replaced by new ones and body repainted.

WE FOUND 122,000 owners out in the cold, as it were -pleading for parts_ Their cars laid up and useless in mo st cases.

SECOND: We are able to furnish replacement parts for all models of abo ve makes of cars within 48 hours from receipt of or· der, Have concentrated this branch of the business at Newcastle, Ind. (center of population of the U. S,) Here we have a $1,750,000 investment in plant and stock_ 45,000 separate bins of parts.

THIRD: And perhaps the best reason why you should .ecure your requirement. now-we mu.t increa.e prices 20 % January lit, when the new part. price li.t. will be off the prenes. NOW NOTE THIS-Never before in the history of this industry has a new con· cern, having bought the plants and assets of a bank· rupt one, taken upon itself the obligation of furnishing replacement parts for the cars it never made.




._u ______________---. __


Settlers a Year







HAD WE CHOSEN ANOTHER NAME those 60,000 cars would have had almost no value in the second-hand market_ As it is, they have a definite value. And by the replacement of the worn parts your car will be good for a long time to come. ANY REC 0 G N I ZED DEALER or repair manwhether he handles the plesent Maxwell line or not --can procure these parta for you. Or you can order direct. Shipment will be made within 24 to 48 hout? after receipt of the order at Newcastle.

Maxwell Motor Co., Inc.


.' ",

WE'VE INVESTED about one and three-quarters millions ($1 ,750,000) dollars in a plant and stock of parts, for over 150 di.fferent models, made by the concerns that comprised the United States Motor Com pan y, whose assets we purchased from the Receiver thru the U. S. Courts. WE tOOK THE NAME ~ MAXWELL solely for the protection of 60,000 persons who had bought cars undes: that name.

833 South Scioto St-, CIrcl eville, OhIO,-" My little girl's trouble first ltarte d on h er he ad In a bunch ot little pimple s rull of yellow-looking mat.ter ar.d t he y would spread In large plaeeB_ ]n & short time th ey would open. Her scalp was awfully red anO Inflamed and th e burning and ItchIng were so Int e nse that s he would scratr.h and rub till It would leave ugly sore s. The soren also a ppeare d on her body, and ber clothing irrItate d th em so that I had to put re al s oft cloth n ext to her body . She would lie awake of 1003 Woodward Avenue nights and was very worrisome . At times sh e was tortured with Itching DETROIT. MICH. and burning. HI tried dltl erent rem edies with no bene fit for months , J had given up all N otf : For quidu r urvia II/ose livinlf Easl o/Ihe AlIelfhtnilS ca" tinier bope of her eve r getting rid of It, th en fr om Afaxwdl M ulor N~w York Co. , 13th &- East A ve., Lonlf Island I conclud,e d to try Cutlcura Soap and City. From the A !!"If/unies to tlu Rockies, ortier tiirut .from Max· Ointment, The eeeond application wtil .J£olor Newcas fle Co" Newcastle, Ind. West 0/ Ihe Roddu. gave relh!t- In a short time sh e was ord"r from .Jfaxwe/l JEulor Sales Corpora lion, 675 Golden Gate AUI•• entirely cured." (Signed) Mra, Alice Sa" Francisco. Kirlin, Nov. 4. 1912. Cutleura Soap and Ointment 101d throughout lae ....orld . Sample ot each The ",alst coat or vest Is now _It· tree,wltb 32-p. Skin Book . Address poat-tla1 with mauy suits and gIves needecl card "Cutteul'&, Dnpt. L. 80ston ....:.-Ad1'. warmth with a cutaway coat. Theae Knew It Firat. de8Jgl\s show two stylCD, one l'eKUIaHe-I've a surpri se for you. Betty tien and mannish, closIng high, with notcbed collar ami reve rs and the arid I are going to be married . She-A .surprise? Why. bless your otb1lr more femInin e, open low, with 'IId6e r e ve r s and double points at the ht'art. s h e' as ke u me to be olle of her lower edg e. It also has a little shir- brides maIds months a g o. ring at the 'sid es. Brocaded velvets, Red Cro". Ball Rlue, ~II blu e, '-L blulnll e mbroId e r ed and platn silks are used nlue In t il .. wo rld. wILkea tho laundrc8I fOT t'hese wals'coa ts_ omlle, Ad" . The ves t pattern (6416) is ' eut In E loach W.Ill< .nd Two-Stop. Lc.,." sizes 34 to 4~ Inches bust measure. Mos t m en would be only too glad to from pro(e .. ion.1 dMKen. Sond 500 )(e(blum sIze requires for the vest on be con8Id Cl ~ed ' lond poor. for full course of lullOGO- R.I •• r. the figure. 2',4 ya~d s ot 27 Incb matefancy dancing' on requMt. rIal and yard oC 36 In ch ve lvet; for ELENSEE DANCING SYSTEM U32 Clark St.. Cln c lnnlltl the .other styl e, 1 ~ yards of %7 Inch mal'erla l ar e re quired. 'l'e procure thi s pntlern Bend to cenbl to> ""attcrn De partm <!nt." of tbls pllper. Write "arne and IlddreS9 pllllnly. nn.l b6 ....... to gIve al~" and numoor of JjJLtlern.

WIFE WON Huaband Finally Convinced. "Te n yen rs a go." s aId tbe profeasor _ __ of mnth e mnLi ctl, " I Idlled a fl y ~hat tia: Some people are wille enough to tl"J got Into my office. It I hadn t kille new foods and beverages and theu ' tbat fl y, she would certainly b&"e generous enough to give others the Ia1d 1..600 eggs. From these eggs be nefit of their experlenee_ A wife would hav e co me othor flies, who I writes: would In turn hnv u 11Ir.reased li nd mUI- 1 "No slave In chains, it s eemed \.c) ~Iplifld so that by now w e s hould have me ,,-as more h e lpless than I a cartee !i50,t!l7.S41. 29G more fil es. Obviou.sly CllPUve. Yet the re were Inn~merable t.b ey would have made liCe an Interno . warnIngs-waking from a. troubled Tberafore, It Is c ertain thut by the Idn- sleep .... Ith a fee ling of sulfocatlon at 11l~ of t~~t fly I dId th e world 0. ~ times dizzy and out of bre ath, atta~k.s eervlce. - New York EvenIng Post. or piUpHation ot tbo heart that fright. ened me. (Tea Ie just DS InjurIous as eotrett beeausolt contalnB cartelne, the same SlZR ____ ._. ___. _ Tb .. ne';', ADO w",. III ZUMOTA. Mll.ltard 0 1 . . NIl. 6416 la lb. baa4, 'nbc.. o",,,.for 001,,:", Paln ...... . . . - drug ' found In colfee,) Go I.G for PHYSICIAN'll TIUAL .tooe. Na&IIR __ • _______ ··At last my nervous system wall 110 av.DTl U'UII"f 1"0•• 110 1ltI... 8........... . - , . dlsarraD&ed that my physIcIan ordered TOWN~ ___ -- - ----- --------. --- ---r -- ----"Do more eoffee.' [capltulated_ "Determilled to give Postum a fnlr 8TRIIEI" AND NO. _••••• __ ._ .• ____ _ trial. [ prepared It accordIng to dlrooSTATE--.____••••••••••••••• _ . _ tJonll QJl I.bB pkg" obtaining a dlll'k brown liquid with a rich snappy fill.' vour aimllar to cortee. When cream hDmlgratloD IIIlUrN Dlaenchantlng, and augar were added. It was not onl, .bo" ,bat Lbe poputalIOll Canada 10Inquiring Frlend- When you take good but delicious. ~':J:i;~fo"I\'I:1 "Notlng Its beneficial elfecta In mo. one of those long automobile trips Dew "t"lere the reM. ot the tamlly Ildopted It-all doesn't the shifting landscape finally tbe United Statee and BII.op<!. except my husband, who would not ad· become monotonous? Uo." of tbe •• b."8 Returned Vacationist-Distressing, mit th:1t eotree hurt blm. Several OD 1&..... 1" .be ot 1I&nlweeks elapsed dorlng which I drank Iy; you have to remove 80 much ot It P08tum two or three Umea a day. from your person every day before AlberLa. when, to my surprise, my husband you can 81t down comfortably to your Lo .... WilHam Percr. an Bog· Slab Nobleman . . .,. : ''The saId: have decIded to drink PostUlD. dinner! ~""ttl4!. and opportunl· Your Improvement Is 10 apparenttl~. offeNd b, tbe Cauadh'D Got Plenty. ~~;;,;t 'V'H& a~.. 80 hlftnltel1 ICre.. l~t you bave Buch fine color-that I prothao thOM .. bleb ula' In &ng"What's thIs deluge ot mall? There pose to give credit where credit It 1&114, tlla. It .um •• b.urtl lu think tIIa' people aboutd be due.' And DOW we are coffee-slaves nc mUlit be 40 pounds ot manuscript.' tmpeded trom eomlllg 10 tbe .. My own ' tau It," gronned the edItor, Jonger," (,'ou,,"1 wbera tbe, ea" moa' eAlln, ... 4 e •• r.aln), .. Name given by POBtum Co., Battle "A poet sent m e a pretty fair poem Lbelr poeIUon." Creek, Mlch , Rend "The Road to Well- the other dRY. and I raBhly In¥lted him New dl 8 trteLe are being Ollened to submIt anything else he mIght ·lIp. wbleb will mako-acLoe... lble Ville,,' In pl,,;s . 1\ ~e&t Dumber of bave on ha nd_" Postum now comes In two forms : In"·.I1.LrI"~ ...peelall,. adapLed ' to ' mh,ed t&I'JDIDg aDd ".alo Regular Poatum-muat he boiled. ralun&"_ '" . A Sad Occaalon. In.tant Poatum Is a solnMe powder. teai!poonful dissolves qUlcldy. In ' iI .' " I 'once Baw a ,1I0ut\h ~rn colo~.e! wlao 'of h6t water and. wIth cream ~I~ n.!lt care for h i.mlot Jul.9!,.lIIugar, ma..eo. a ~!!HclciuB be,,~raa.I' ', .:Yo~ ~r".)okl.ng_ , .,' 1n'IUntl~; Grqeere "11· botb kfu4L ~ ~,;<~N~. 1_#1 not. An~ ~e. lIqt~•. o1l,~ '."Thtlre'8' a ~WUll" lfor POR'!m.· '. • 11D~!O .w~ ben¥t~ful( , • Q. E. D.

Wheel Within Wheel. "I h ea r W Igley made h Is pile throu gh th e manu Carture of s tog ies." " No pe. ilu t he sUl rte d on th e road to wea lt h In t ha t way . His subsi dIar y compan y w a s what reall y brought him his Cortun e.' · " Wha t' EI the s ub s idi ary company ?" " The mat cb tactory ."

Made at Tarrytown, N. Y. and New Castle, Ind., 1905 to 1913







The Typewriter for the Rural Business Man~ -.



ZI ·MMl~I-{



'11p~~o~~E~n~~~i I "";,,,,:~:~e~:b:~~: ~f AN'S




Friday Fis h D(ty at. White':; Store The Tic and S''''ks ma tch. if yll U buy tlll'1ll at Barnhart ';;. . . J~l UY iilstt.'r n w 'IJ \ \':.\l<:11 I'I l1g (I I' ·e , I .raC' l.' let at P..""'pn;'. ,...



Thousands of Them for the Friends of Boosters BOOSTER COUPONS NEXT WEEk From l\iunJay . n ee. 2~, to Monday Ope 2~) , we shall give dou bl e Booster COLlpuns on all r:18h purchases mad c at our store . also we shall give double coupons this week on settlement of ac . counts.

fl lt·s



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I f

Candies Oranges

Nut s Dales

Bananas Apples Cranberries


figs Grape F ruit Sweet Potatoes


ii !



lit; .i\ ul)ll1lol[ bud It Il JlPOIIlJll . Toys ToyS! (111r tlt· t1 r o~ are lJeillg s LllJpli e.1 Hobby H or!l(,~ WUI!'(,n::; Sledfl l:llackboanJ !'l j' Our Hool(" r,'r C i ,.J ~ :tnt! H"y>< wi ll witll ruun y ILttrnotivo tlllionloltlprell l:('I'tainly meet the apPl'uval ,, 1' all on t<l/lLllllire lIlefltlUI( with /l good Ro Pop GUliS Come i.n . Bring yo ur f1'iemls in . Look ove r th l! bargains we who know a ~u od thing when they IJU~i" es~ . are offermg. P lease yourself Favo r some Booster with your In gersoll Wat.ches coupons. Save hard earned cash. sec it. J. I':. Janll l:Y . Th o Loblw oll t;tlH Mil\!. IlIlide II. ! Are you getting those fifty coupons from each of your friend s A nice uic.vrl c at I: ,'g'c rs' for the Irlp h"re latlt wellk 11I1·h eir now /lnll I China and Glassware !! in the card contest'! !loalllifulll,ulo I,ruok cio llv erinK fl our old er boy . I" (lin IIIflt·chILntH . I fl Silverware Have you some friend trying to win the ]0,000 coupons for IT . V. Walt!'I' and ramil y were Vr . . J O. Mlloy spent ISllntln.v Gut you anJ the 42 piece Dinner Set in the card contes t ~ Rog-erR T('u and Table Spooni g'uests of Wayne.<\·ill,! relut ives SunThe card contest closes Saturday. . Knives Forks Lu" I ('~ of our cil.y. day afle rnoon . SIl g'a r Shells nutter hr,ivl'H etc. A ~ori e d of d/lnoesllre being tliven Who will win the watch Monday, Jan. !)? No UHe going south {:)r cold feet, hnro this winte r by t·he youn~ I Other Useful Christmas Cifts II The finest line of fi ne Candie" at 10c a pound e'l(lf sold in t own. tell Uarllh a l't you r troubles . pooi lle nnd are very much ouj " yod Fancy Boxed Chocolate at the right prices, New Nut.'l of all I Safety Razors Pocket Knives Savory RO :\!lters Our Christ mas line of hnlidny by them. Kindll. no old cold storage goods. The Best New England Wal. Washing Machines Wrinll;crs Carpet Sweepers 111. P. ::;tewllrt antl wife, of Wil nuts at 20c, fresh Roasted Peanuts 10c guod s arc 1I 0W read y. Call and see i Oil lIeaters Fancy Baskets Clol he:; Ra:;kets etc. t The Booster Club Contest is boomin ~. Don't fairto come in mington, wad" Il fi}'ing ~rip to our thent. F. H. Cary , Lehan on, Uhio . and get some of the Bargains we a re offering and help your fa· \ city ::mturdny nn husinet!8 . vorite Booster . Buy a Coupon Book . they a re·the same as cash. J. E. Janney and fami ly called on Mr. and Mr s. W. W. Welob truli ~ etc. \ Watch fCor our Big Specials on Sale Saturday. It pays to trade at fri ends in Lebanon amI Spl'ingunro lioted busillel!s ill Wil min gton I ' IInd ay afternoun ThnrsdllY · f I The A M. E. church bas instu lled Uarnhart will bux Ti e and Hosiery 1\ new light. lo ml.ltch f<lf GO cents the box. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. L. F . Cour~ri~ht For that younger boy, a ~ Ied, pair moved from here to Dayton Frldll'\' of skate~ or e .~press wagon at They oalDelhere from Dayton leSt! P. O. HOURS CHRISTMAS DAY o~.-.--.-..__.-._ - .. - 0 l{ogers'. than a year agJ and erubark"d in Th is week we will give with the the blllcl[sUllth bURlness, but not Lobby open from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m lJurchase of eve ry dollar (or more at feeling SlI.ti8tl~(1 returned to tbe Jlty W F 1\1 " All departments open from 9 to 10 ~--.-. -- - - - - - 0 one time) a hand so me souvenir. J. D_EATHS. • • .. . where Mr. Courtwrigh' wllla glii n a. m, General Delivery· open from Chll9 . Buell was a Dayton visitor E. Janney. golntobnsinel!lI. Richard . Duke d ied at his home . The W. F. M. Soci ·I': ofthc M.. E . 4 to 5 p. m Carriers will make trip Tuesday. Mr. aud MrS. Albert Me rryhow last Friday ni g ht about 7 O'CIO<.:l(. \ chu rch held a ve ry I I, .Isanl me~tm g. Dr. J. T . Ellis and A. Maftit were on that day , Do not call when the after a lingerinq illness. The fu- at the COllY home .,f M r~ C. M. You need not know the size of hi s guests of the Springboro Rooste r transaoted busines':l In Lebllnou on neral was held at the house Monday I Robitzer 0 11 Wedne: ·' oy afternoon of windows Ilre down. All mails will .~atu rdIlY · morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Camp· la'lt week . . There U' t·' a large combe dispatched and received as usual. foot if you go to Barnhart for his Club Friday night. Mrs. B.arriet Allh'uore WIlS ro bell condueting the serviee. Inter- I pan~ of lad l ~3 pre 'enL and the followSlippers. Frank H. Farr, Postmruiter. If you are going to have a sale, membered by her friends. It '>eln8 ment in Miami cemetery. lID\{ lnterestm g , pl'O~:a~ was ~ri',~en. - -- .... --L. A. Zimmerman was in Cincin- see A. A. Mr.Neil, Centerville, Ohio, - - -.. _ . A report of the Dls~r1ct meeting, her 84th llit thdllY· :3he Is a re Th W ' 11 F ers' lnst i held at Sprin gfie ld r ece ntly, by Mrs. ORANOE MEETING nati Tuesday. both phones. lU....rkable lady r etai ning her f&oui e . aynesv ! e arm , • C. T. Hawke. A readin g by Mrs. Fine Chocolates in fancy boxes ties "nct strength and "hows mo're tute WI ll be hela December 31 , and Dodd , a vocal du et by MpRdameR Something nice and useful for Grange Meeting Saturday after· Hawke and Grau~er: a tru e story of noon. Officers for the ensuing year every member of the family at make nice Christmas pr"sents. W. vim and notion than many II.t 20 January 1. yellrll The weather is never lo If you want a plain, conservative a J apanese girl ~v Mrs. James Va!". Rogers'. C. Phillips. will be elected. Necktie. buy a Bengaline. they com e ,de.rvoort; a r earlin g by Mrs . HurrlR. --Mrs. Luura M08her is in Spring The Woman's Auxiliary will meet Revere fOlr ber to goto ohul'oh. She in all colors at Barnhurt 't\. MIss Gr~ce CaJ'm~n .th en favo red ~he ladies WIth two VIOlin solos . Du ring SHOOTING MATCH Valley today. ~ith Mrs. W. H. Allen Thursday the re!!peot of all who know ller aDd hope sbe mll.Y have many ' Our assortment in ch ina conta.ins I the social hour toothso ml,l refrt·sh· A nice lir.e of Christmas and New afternoon at 2 o'clock. more birl;hdtlYIl. all of the latest and most pleasing menl:8 were served There will be a big rifle shoot and • - • --and useful novelties of the season at J ohn A. Funkey's Christmas OfferclQ bird shooting for turkeys Year Post Cards, Booklets and tancy Unole William Nedry spen' ~!ltor prices that will astonish you . The finesl line of holiday Neck. g Calendars at W. C. Phillips'. \ mg. Everyt.hin ne:-v and attractive. and ducks at Waynesville, Fridav, day with b!~ grand d~ugbter Mor!! J, E Janney. : wear we have ever shown . we are Ed Sherwood, of Monroe, was in Very reasonable prIces. Go and see Frank Rllllduclr. December 19. _ J, _ p,eThomas, Mgr. Mrs Lina Devitt was in Spring· I displaying thi s season , E.V . Barnhart. the d.e~p ~tore room. f ull. froll) floor Waynesville Tuesday. )4tl!! Mitohell. of Leelan, who is boro last week, th~ g uest of her SIB· I Mrs. Cynthia Evans went to Cinto cellll1g. Everythmg DIce you can te/lohing sohool here returned h ome ter, Mrs. Jesse Wright. cinnali, Monday, wh ere she will Yes Barnhart has those little Red For the right present for the right wish for Holiday Gifts, prices never Friday n:l ght. Abo ve all things, do not wait until spend the holidays with relatives. Top lfubber Boots to fit the child. person, you should see our complete so low. MIES 1.'odhunter, Miss Compton the ass~rtmen~ is . broken on the Ii~e \ A pair of genuine Silk Lisle S~ck~ The gift makers great opportunity line of books, ranging in price from W h Ch ' eh . D' and Mr . West, spent Saturdayand of Men s Furmshmgs at Barnhart s. and a Silk Handkerchief, put up In a 10 t $1 50 J E J ate es, ams, arms, la· is ~ow at hand for selecting approco. . . anney. mond Rings, Braeelets and Slick ~unday: in our oity. Our beautiful China Pla~s at 5c, Christmas box, all for 50 cents at pnate presents from J: E. Jenney'.s J. W. White transacted business Pins, at l'~. B. Cary's Jewely Store, Jonathan Morris. of Tlffio, lrll.ns our splendid large China Vegetable Barnhar t's, Dillhes at 25c are amo~g the COOlin, g Dr. and Mrs. Hathaway and Mrs. handsome .tack of hohdar goods, It ' in Cincinnati Tuesday . Lebanon Ohio aoted businellil here .he forepart o~ s urprises and happy hltsat Janney s. Harvev Burnet attended the funeral being larger this season than ever . r.: ,. bet Over 1000 HandkerchIefs: 3 for DC: A nice line of good Candies of all ~his week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mrs. of a relative aU:ipringboro last week. ore, 10c or 3 for 25c; 15c or 2 for 25c; the kinds. Home made Taffy a sp~cialty Rev. I:)lmms, of New York, gave G rac~ Smith a nd Mrs Mary Caskey A hand Tie, put up in a the M. E . oongregation a talk 8un. were Oayton visi to rs Monday. burnt wood box make~ a fine gift for 20 and 25c line for 16c, Lisle and at W. C. Phillips'. v There will be a Christmas enter. a young man. You Clln gel them in Silk Hose or Half Hose less than Thev are showing a fine line of day aUel!'nooo and wile enjoyeE! by Late Classified Ads all. tainment at Lytle Hall lSaturday thill Wf1Y at Barnhart's Dayton or Lebanon at John Funkey's. Sli ppers for Ladies at Barnhart's. Mr. alod Mrs. Pearl Stewart, of night. November 20, the proceeds to F. P. Schultz will preach every Don't fail to see this large collection. C. T . Hawke, accompanied by Wlimiol!:toR, ~und&yed in our viI be used by the Lytle High School. even in g' this week a t the Christian FOR, SALE Aamission 15c. chu rc h at 7:15. Ev(>rybody welcome . Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Conner were Misses Helen Hawke, Grace Carman lllll'e with relativea. Dayton shuppers Tuesday. and Ethel Hosier autoed to Lebanon The ladies of the M. E. ohurch HITE PJymout,h Rook and B. Knives and Forks. Fountain Pens. Saturday. will ssrve '}hioken dinner Ii\ 250 a C. Blaolt Minoroa Coolt~reI8. Inqalre o r Mrll . J . B. Chapman Silver Mesh Bags and everything We acknowledge a more than com. "Ide during t he Farmers' Institute, Phone 655. d 31 that will make nice Christmas pres· mon pride in our 34th Annual HoJj. December 111 and 10. enl:8 at F. B. Cary's Jewelry Store, day display, caused by the grea t va. A Shirt makes a fine present for a ...- - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , I L ebanon, Ohio. riety and range afforded for the per· manbuy one of Wilson Bros.' at Charlie Brown :will spend Christ- feet satisfaction in the selection of a Barnhart's. mas with :his sister in Indianapolis. present from an inexpensive remem· Complete line of Silverware and Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 25 brance to a s ubs tantial g ift. J. E. J ewelry" with prices t o suit, at cents each or $1.40 the half dozen at Janney. Rogers'. Barnhart's. Our 50c salad dishes weoare offer· Mrs. W. H. ;Allen, Mrs . H . E. ing for ;:!i>c are of course meeting Hathaway were shoppihg in Dayton with ready Rale; you should tlecure .. Tuesday. iiiE • elIOT eou> IN n'OAU' one before they are all gone. J. E. Ycar . ' _ t mado 10 lit you. A.k lor I See our large and beautiful Xmas cIcmoDlualJoo. TcJcpboac or KlId pOlllcard 10 Janney. displaya Revelation in Pleasing Mrs. Sadie Zell Call at Phillip3 for your Christmas and Appropriate Gifts of Hi gh Grad e Phone 128. waynesville, O. Ice Cream, Fruit Cakes, also Angel Goods at Fairest Prices, J. E.Jan ney. Food Clakes and Columbus Square SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Deal Mr. ~and Mrs. Walter Smith and Eread. children spent Tuesday with Mr. C. The I:ilrgest Bargains in John A. New Beans, Hom iny, Rice, Oats .. E. Werntz and family. etc. and a full line of Fancy Funkey's 5. 10 and 2liic departments. The great assortment of Underand Stapl e G rocerie~ . Try You can't afford to buy before seea can of Chili Con Carne. wear should not be overlooked by ing what a nickel. dime or quarter bargain seekers. All our furnishwill buy. Store will be open evenThe guaranteed shoe ings for Holidays will be appreciated. ings commencing 18, 19 and 20 until - The "Wabasha" You will find quality and appear· Christmas. and "mg Indian" Work Shoes ance, the best prices lower than the for winter wear. ------.-~ -----lowest city prices. John A. Funkey's Corwin, , will be opf'n evenings com. Popular Mechanics store mencing Thursday, 18th untilChristMrs . .AlIoe McKiusey and dongh . Magazine Ball Baqd gum boot, particu· mas, tIM' WertB shopping in Dayton l:Iatur-wwna ao YOU UNDalSYAND rrlarly adapted to hard wear. Ball day. Mrs, Margaret Hammon, nee ZelBand Rubbers. Arctics,Felts,etc. c:-aIa..... Sten- cltIo. W...Jd'. A CltEAT " ' - - which }'OIl nuQ' harin readm. MeliUS. M. V. and I. W . 8im8, of lers. of Chicago, is visiting her moth. .. allY t~ aDd whlcll 'IriU '""hold }lour IntereeUcnrftl'. You are I1Yin. In tbe best l!ipring Vall!'y, visited their tll~ter Corduroys, Overalls er, Mrs. Elizabeth Zellers, and other r, of die IIIOIt wcaderlul . .e. of ",bat Is and Work Shirts. oubtlea tbe ~t_ .orlel In the UDivene.. Mrs. Hope Stilell. WaynesVille relatives. neIIIst of Man would IIlad1y paJ'Coat Sweaters, Winter Caps,etc. Mrs. Christie McKinsey was a FOR ONE YEAR'S Our 34th Annual Xmas Greeting, , SUBSCRIPTION Xenia vlsttor one day recently. tendering our best wishes to all, we Quality Ooods and Prices Right, Mrs . Waterhoued and daughter are pleased ~o ,invite your attention were in Dayton one day recen.tly to our Holiday Stock, which is full • ,ft . . . ' ........ " ..... , ••.... of appropriate and desirable Pl'el!- . The beautiful Christmas story will ents. J. E. Janney, Corwin, Ohio. be told. in picture In "The Star of . Bethlehem" at School Hall on th~ Try a sad, of Burton's High Grade evening of Jim. 3. Rev. Graueer White Frost Flour. It is made from will give a brief explanation ' and the choicest old wheatl:Uld is guarpropriate music ·wiIJ be ·fumished. UDd~r t;qe .auspices of , the Dorcas J •" ....~ by aatisfaction the 01' - money give - re; • .,

Chri ;< Lrnu!'1 TiC's 1'1'0111 ~;j ('('nl' to 7:-' w(' nt t·n ~r iltctlllg


('ach at Har nil al'L· s .




~:I~:le~ t;:~~~~:1 P~:t~OI~CS A;:o~~:1









i i Alumi:~=l~:~:~:: a~~::leU::~~::. l'O~iX~~:a ~):~,~:~ II




White's Store i

_.-.. . . . . .----..-..-- . ---

lpersonal Mention I


-- ..

---_._ ..




.- .

Bargains In

Gasoline En ines



c__ - ....


..... _.- ....



THE "V AC" n\\:



1 000

Henderson Bros.



manufactu~~ ~

sale by,G: w. Ha~ke~\'

•.,'_, .. f:'.·\"'


ft~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .




1 NEW ERA, 6 h . p., run less than 2 weeks, guaranteed same as new. Price . • . Less Than One Half. 1 NEW ERA, 4 h. p., practically new. Price • . . $65.00 1 4 H.P., manufactured by Saunders & Co., Dayton, Ohio, fine condi. tion. Price • • • • $55.00 These Engines are not cheap,es that have been thrown away but are high grade engin'es and are bargains. 1 Small Steam Engine and Boiler, at Less Than Price of Fitting.




Society, 'Adr:ili88hm 15c.


~ '



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Waynesville Auto &Macbioe(y·(:o•.

,Phonf.' 1-05__

8ixty-Fourlh Year


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Whole Number 3243

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T~~He~~~:t:~I::::A~:~E;:day ,

Social Events .


The regular meetin g of the . - - - - - - - _. man' s Aux iliary wa~ held at the afterno on at Schoo l Hall given by the .-~------.-.-. home0of Mrs. W. H. Allen on Thurs· F IT I d _ ..... _ _ .. , , .... "" ...... ---. ...................... -, • ,.._ .. .... pupils of th e Waynesville School wa~ Dr. and Mrs. Hathaway, Mr. and ayor and wife will fill a, . ay. ecember 18. ._ ........................................................ _ ......- ....................... . - ••• certainly very d ' t ble t the '.ar h C I Th . '1 cre I a. 0 Mrs. Chas. Johns and son Glann. ot ' f our d ays engagemm t at t e o · e meet10g was opened by the d " .on ial theater in Davton. beginning rendition of a beautiful selection of See Calendars at Ridges' Studi o Walter Burnett waH in (Jayt on pUPI s a n all:> o t{) the mstructo.n . Lytle, and Misses Anna and Lulu Decemuer 28 . music on the Victrola "Angels Ever seve ral days last week. Before th e progran~ began Supertn- Vandervoort were guests of Nathan Bright and Fair." by Handel. · Miss Sybil Hawke ill home from tendent McLaug hhn paid a very Austin and family Sunday Delaware. Mr. and Mrs. C. . B. Bentley were graceful com plime nt to. and word of - - _. ' The devotid'hal exercises were conXenIa visitors Saturday. appreciation of hi~ eorps of teachers. Mr. and Mrs. J. L Har~ock gave Friends of Ut . and Mrs. Wm . E Kenneth Hough is home from Col· saying hp knew of no better or more the family Christmas .Jinner on Oglesbee will be g lad to learn that dueted by Rev. J. F. Cadwallader. in umuus for the holidays. High Grade Gas Engine Oil. efficient in the cou ntry. In the list ~unday. Those present were Mr. Scriptural quotations were given they are now .pleasantly :ocated in Waynesville Auto and Machinery Co. we lJeg to include th e superi ntend ent and Mrs. Archer Hartsock, of DayCleveland , where the doctor has a response to roll call. After the reading of the minutes Mrs. Lee Hawke and little Bon also, and we uut expre."8 the senti- ton, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock lo·bed "Private Medical and Surgical and other business the following were Dayton viSItors . F riday. Rev. and Mrs. Grauser and so n men t of our enli! e community when and daughter and Bert Hartsock. of Hospital" of his own and is doing rogram ' St . Mary ' s will spend Christmas with th eir par· we say that th e commendation is Morrow. P w as given: well. co h ZI M S 0 CI t h t cnts in Dayton. · M Hall , Shang hai, rs. "ara mmerrs... ay on as gone 0 ful ly me rited and in every way th eir - - - -.- - - man; A Year at 'St. John's Univer- Indiana for the holidays. Mr . B. E. Ippmco tt p IeMBn tl y Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barn hart will due On the program, each of Ihs OBITUARY sity, Mrs: Lena Henderson; A Visit d lower roo ms was apportl'oned 15 en ter tai ned last Wedn. esday at din· M Reb M'll d f spen Christm as with Mr. and Mrs. rs. . ~cca I ~r a": SOil, ~ . Ray Smith at Brookville. minutes and the Hi gh School --15 ner in honor of his 86th birthday. to a New Town in Wyoming, Miss minutes "The Christmas Exercise" The guests were Mrs. Hester &lbin· Richard M. Duke. son of William Emma Helghway; Reading, Letters Dayton, VISited relatIVes 10 Corwm and Rebecca Roland Duke, was born from India, Mrs. Edith M, Harris. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite by Mi ss McKinsey's r oom , and "The son and son Frank, Mrs. Miranda at Flint Hill, Virginia. August 19th. In the last ntomber on the program, F. J. Sherwood left Friday morn. and family will spend Chris tmas Concert Exercise" by Miss Benh am 's and dau&'hter Phebe, Misa Lucy 1831. and after an illnes" of five Mrs Harris read letters from a ing for Pittsburg where he will spend. with friends in Springfield. pupils won the audit:nce at the be. Emley, Rev . Schultz. of Ironton, months. died December 12th, 1913, favorite niece, Miss Crisenberry, the winter. ginning and the interest and enthusi. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lippinaged 82 years, 3 monibsand 23 days. who has consecrated her .life to misMrs. Huldah Burnett. Mrs. Forest asm con tinu ed throughout the exer- cott and family. Mr. Henry Prater He was one of a family of five sons sionary work in India. Miss CrisenMrs. Chas. Stansberry and two Graham and MiRs Edith Graham cises. The innoce nce and guil eless- and Mr Henry King. ness of children always attract and .. - ••- -and five daughters. all of whom berry'!! mother was formerly Miss chilnren visited Dayton relativf.'s we re Dayton shoppers Thursday. reach~d maturity, and of whom one Mary Mosher, who taught in the over Sunday, please. The " Chri stmas Dinner" by A NEW CORPORATION sister, Mrs. H. D. Sides, of Dayton. primary department of the schools Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Montgom- four of Miss Stout's scholars won ---. alone remains. here for several years. Misses Edna Janney and Ethelyn jery. of Centerville, and Mr. Henry g reat f avor and applause. Miss A new corporation. "The J. W. In 1840 his parents removed to the At the close of the program Jones of Oxford college are home Brown and family of near Center· Vand ervoort's room devoted their Lingo Ilardware Company" has ~n vicinity of Lebanon, Ohio, and a several selections of music were tor the holidays. ville, spent' Sunday with Ed Thomas 15 minutes to Riley and was most formed to succeed John W. Lingo little later to this neighborhood, so given and the meeting adjourned and family. pleasing ind eed. The "Don't Cry who has conducted the business in that for over 70 years he lived within until the third Friday in January. F. C. ?i1mour . and fam.i1Y w i}1 Li ttle Girl. Don't Cry, " "The Rag. Lebanon for the past fifty years. one-half mile of where he died, and • -.. spend Ch'1stma! With Mrs. GllmoUir s We regret very much havi ng t o gedy Man" and other Relections were The officers of the new corporafor nearly 34 years this farm has ST. MARY'S CHURCH mother of South Lebanon. decline an invitat ion to be lJresent exceed ing ly weH rendered, and em. tion .are as foHows : J. W. Lingo, been hi3 home. at the Christ mas .entertainment, at phasized Riley's claim to the title president, Stanley M. Sellers. sec· Christmas Day, sermon and Holy Mrs. Elijah Compton and MrS. the Children's Hom e, which takes ta t d raI He was married January 8th, 1857 Communion at 10 o'clock. Mabel Fitzgerald and little son will place Tupsday, December 23 We "The Children 's Poet." The High re ry, T~e~?rer~n g,;~ L~an. to Elma M. Crosley, who died June Sunday, Holy Innocents Day. Dec. spend Christmas with M~, and MI!'S. know from experience that a day at School gave "A Ch ri stmas Carol" by ager. e Irec rsare. . mKo, 28th. 18(;9 and to them, besides the 28th . Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.; Seibold in Middletown. the Institution is one well spent. Charles Dickens. Old Scrooge, Old Stanley M. Sellers. Judge J. A. daughtt'r Alice Trickey, who lives in at this service the ChristmasexercisMarley's Ghost and all the others Runyan. Elias Oglesbee and Ray L. Dayton, there was born a son. Wit. es and treat will be given. Morning Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vale, of Our old friend D. L. Crane, editor I were present. each acted well his Herrick. )iam ~uoley, who died in infancy. Prayer and sermon at 10:30. The Dillonvale are visitinK Mr Valo's of the Waynesville- Gazette is not and her part. The applause attested The ~ew manage:. Stanle7 M. SI'S'ters, M' -. Ed Thomas an' d M~ recoverl' ng as rapI'dly from hl's late the place th ig old classic still holds Sa.llers., IS a W. aynesv.Ille boy and he . . be December 2nd. 1876 he was mar. Ch rtstmas musIc will rendered a t · .--L. . H' I dl wei· 'd t h' f ' d . h M in the hearts of the people The With h18 f ami Iy WI II be Kay J Sh ~an. ried to Mattie Munger, and to them the Sunday morning service. You ason accI en as IS rl en s W18. r . . ed ' . f W I d'd music was excellent and rt:fiected com os cltlzena 0 arren county -. C . were born a son and da ughter. Carl are invited to these services. rane IS a sp en I newspaper man and Nellie. and who. with Allie and • - eo Mr. Q!larl~ NicnplBOn and w'fe and, withal. a typical gentleman-we credit on ~he teacher, Mrs. Lin~on once more. • - ••- - the ten grandchildren, survive him. DEATHS of Milwaukee, Wis., will spend deplore his iIlness.- Western Star. Th p. enbre effort was both gratify· CENTERVILLE INSTITUTE Christmas with his parents Mr. alld Thanks Mr. Mulford. We are glad ing and pleasing to all in attendance, His was a full and busy life; he . - - - -- - -- - The Centerville Farmers' lnatitute was active in the welfare and adThe Hon. James M. Keever, died Mrs. Late Nicholson who will ha've now to chronicle that, Mr. Crane is NOTICE will be held in Washington Township v~ncement ot the community. but at his home. in Lebanon. Friday, a famity dinner and Mr, and Mr'S. rapidly improving and hope it will .. . hall. January 6, and 6. The state for him life was to an unusual degree Dec('mber 12. Mr. Keever was Nolon Conner and daughter will also not be long until he will be getting The be~utlf~1 story Will speakers are S. J. Baldwin. TaU'centered in his family and his home. prominently . known . in Warren be of the number present. around on crutches . be told m pIcture tn The Star of madge Ohio and 0 A Dobbina · nf il ' . t ' t d County. havmg lerved as county ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ Beth!ehem" at School Hall on the Cedarv'iIle, Ohio. Th~ will ~ H ere was h IS u a \OK In eres an 'sal · '" surrounded b y h'IS comml oner for several years. FAMIL V RELINION aniA __ ••_ _ _ NEW PARCELS POST RULES eventng of Jan. 3. Rev. Grauser a good program and good music h appmess. will give a brief explanation and ap• - • . wife, cllildren nd grandchildren he a... ball Item. A . fit f '1 be furnished. Dally Thought. )Jropriate musi c will spent his declining years in peace The aquaele play mUle be popular Official notice has come to the Post ' series 0 p easan ami y reEvery man's Ute I. a f&lr7 tale ...... and conteT\tm~nt with the world. and when one of theBe girl teams chal- Maste\' here of the changes ordered ; unions have heen held in the South Under the auspices of the Dorcas Society. Admission 15c. ten by God'. dqen.-Hau ChdaIIaD in gratitude to God. len ... the bo)'l. by the Postmaster General for the part of the co~nty durinll the past AnderRon. . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parcel post commencing with Ne'w week by five slstet'S and one brother Years. The most important of these ~ho had not all been together at one • I .".,., ..... It. I. "II' . .. u E2 " , " , ,........._ ..... _ _ ........" ..."..."..."......,,.." '''.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''__'''''_''~~ is the increasing of the-parcel weight time fo: over forty years. The ~ "" limit from 20 pounds to 50 pounds brother IS Charles Watson, and the for the first and second zones. sisters ar~ Mrs. A. B. Weller and Equally important with thiscbange Adra SmIth all of Mt. Etna, Hu~t. Under The Proposed is the act of the Post Office Depart- ington. Co. . Ind., Mrs .. Caroh~e ent in raising the ban whi('h it ea- Chenoweth, of, W~ynesvllle. OhIO , tabliahtld against the sending of T. W. .Fenmmore, of West .. .. l):? -~ ---~o:r boOb by parcel post. The order (J,n RI~er townsh~p .and Mrs. Rebecca cz:(J ...... , ~----.--this subject is that on and after Wmters. of thIS city.. They were the "Peace on the earth, good will to oppressed, light for those in dark· March 16, 1914. the parcel post ser. guests of the Fenntmore home last [NOTE- This is the second of a series 1. "To nominate the various disness Love is the lesson of the Incarn. vice shall be regularly extended "~ w.eek where on Tuesday they had a of articles, written by ofProf. F. C. Gil- trict superintendents in each county, lIN k d h mOIH, Superintendent the Wayne men. . ation. Let us always understand that books. the rate of postage for them plcture ta en. S~lur a~ ,t cy .we:e Township Schuols, explaining the pro2. To direct the traininK of From heaven's all gracious King; religioQ is love. And for us, "love being 1 cent for each two ounces or the guests of their cousm BenJamm .,i&ionl of the propo5t'd cude of new teachers in his county, other than Ste h C IdS Sc houl La ws in Olaif' . Ne xt week his subThe world in solemn stillness lay is the law's completeness." And love fraction thereof when the books penson near Jar os, an on un· jcct will be. "Certification alld Trainin. city teachers. and to teach not more remember is practical and findsex- weigb80uncesorless.andtheregu- day of Jam~ Stephenson nearby . ofTcaclacrs. "- The Editor.] t.han 200 periods per year in any To hear the angels sinAr." prel!sion in giving and service. lar zone rate when the weight is The oldest IS 79 years and the training courses for teachers which youngest 67.. Duties of County and may be given in the county. Again the Christmas bells ring out Christmas time brings round qain over 8 ounces. upon the air; again the Christmas the custom of making · presents to Regulations in connection with the - Wmchester (Ind.) Herald. District Superintendents 3. To recommend minimum caro~s thrill o.ur hearts; and w B ~re lour friends . as far as we are able. change at New Years are officially • - courses of study to the county board carned back 10 thought to that mId. Suppose this year we begin to !lend stated as follows: TEMPERANCE MEETING Thirty.eight states in the United of education. night in the fields of Bethlehem. some timely offering to our enemies "On and after January I, 1914, the ., States already have a law providing 4.' To act as clerk of County Once more we hear the angels song also. "Heap coals of fire on their limit of weight of parcels of fourth. A um~n meet~ng of th e churches for county superintendents. Nearly Board of school examiners. of~lo:y, and peace and see the Christ heads." Certainly do so, if you hap- class mail for delivery within the of th.e Village WIll be held on Sunda~ all the rest have some form of com- 5, To make out and send to the ChIld m the manger. The Gazette pen to have any who are at enmity, first and second zones shall be in. ev~mng Decembe~ 28 a t . the ~eth pulsory supervision of rural and county auditor and the State author· extends to all its friend9 most cordial and also badly off. Try to bring creased from 20 to 50 pounds and iin odlst church. ThiS ,:"eetm g Will be small special diiltricts. At the pres· ities all reports required by law, greetings for the blessed Christmas pleasure and love to t.he hearts of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, aev. a te~perance mee~lng under the ent time Ohio has optionary super· and such other reports as the State time. On evet:y hand are happiness old men IUld old women who are not enth and eighth zones from 11 to 20 auspIces of the Anti Sal?on League. vision. Under this plan probably SUperintendent may call for from and revelry. and good wighes. come well to do. The children wtll not be pounds. Mr. S: A.. Pr~bst •. s~permtendeut of not over one hundred out of aver tinle to time. (At the present time instinctively to the hearts and lips of forgotten; love will always make "The rate of postage on parcels ex· the Cmcmnatl Dls.trlct, wlll .be the one thousand townships have been this is a duty of the clerk of Board all people. How pncious the le'llBons their Christmas bright. Find out ceeding 4 ounces in weight in the speaker. The chOIrs of the dIfferent properly supervised if we take the of Education where no superintentaught by this holy season. Ghrist- some poor children who are thinly third. fourth, fifth and sixth zones churches Bre reques~ to ~eet at new definition of supervision. viz: tent is employed. The plan has mas teaches us first of all to r('joice'l clad. and without boots or shoes, and shall be.... follow.: the M. E. church Friday ntght for the person acting as supervisor been very unsatisfactory.) The angels message at Christ's birth "clothe the naked." Last, not least "Third' Zon~Sixcents for thefil'8t rehearsal. • _ • must devott' three-fourths of his 6. To hold monthly meetings was, "Good tidings of great joy," invalids and sick people and the sor- pound and two cents for eaehadd,iFOOT AMPUTATED time to supervision and may teach with the district superintendents to because of the birth of "A Saviour, rowful must be made to feel that the tional pound or fraction thereof. but one-fourth. advise with them upon school mat· who is Christ th~ Lord." We should birthday ~f Him: ,who delighted. to ""Fourth Zone--Seven cents for the Harold Cartwright, son of Mr."and In the educational field the Federal ters. b~ very hard mdeed to move, and heal the ~Ick, ~rlDgs many a h~lDg 6nt pound and-four nmts for each Mrs. La'Nrence Cartwright of Day< gove/ement mnks Ohio about SiX- \ 7. To outline a schedule of school stl},l-mor~ unworthy than we n~ ~ balm ~o the~ In the. shape of kmdly additional pound or f~tion thereof. ton, met with a very sad accident teenth. This is caused by the lack visitation for the teachers of the ?f the ~mdnet!& ~f .Go~ our Saviour. . attentIOn SUItable gifts, tender sym· "Fifth Zone-Eight cents for the last week. While employed in the of system, improper or no super-I county with the advice of the district If w.e did not. reJolce In the ~rd at pathy. and words of hope and c~eer. fim pound and six centll for each railroad yards his foot WM so badly V1810n. ('O~r certification plan and superintendents. ChrIstmas tlmp., and also, at .all and fervent pra.Jer that avadeth fraetional pOund orfraetion thereof. mashed that amputation was neces. low standard o'f requirements for i 8. To call and preside over an times and in all places." In the joy much. Let us in I.oqr happinees and "Sixth Zone-Nine cents for the sary teachers. We who live in tpis sec- I annual meeting of all members of that came ~t Christmas time, the ; revelry remember whJ we rejoice; first pOund and elKht centll for eac:h' •_ • tion can hardly realize the school . boards of education in the counq, world KroWS. younger as itgrow8 and let.the melody of the ansrellsoDK additional pound or f~tion thereof. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT conditions that prevail .in many parts I 9. To visit and Inspect echooJa as .:older~, Do n~t be.afraW 9f rejoicing. ~mi~~ us of the brotherh~ ~f all "All replations or partaof regul.a. of our state. much, as his other dutiea pennit. '4Katn OhriatJD8B teac:.heB · men to ~en I~ the Perfect Man Chri'!fJesU8; tioa. in co~fllct liereWith are hereby The annual ~ristmaa enteJ'tain- . .ohio · seems to have a chance to 10. To hold te.cher·s meetinp ib ~o~be~; ~ home and ! to'inally. w~ 'tIilIh y~u all a j010ua. resclnd~.~· ·. ment of the M. E. Sun.d ., School place-hel'8e}f among the filti. Isn't th~VariJtU8 ~rc~ ofd=~~ j.a ,.ilvidet:J,Qve lpyj na.peaceful('bdltii.u,udwitll •. ~' .; ~Ilbe ' held " ~is (W~n~ay),~~e- .,that\!hereOhio.~longs1 • .'f:~en:'~· WI , e ,'-- .-, ... ~.CQ~~_iO". '11m. ~"1'" :·God· ~~~;ev• .. Qo 7~ <~ l~r ' o~,a ~ lOll' Dlng.~t th~ ~urcll: ~~e pu~1iI;. li, . TPeDew ,.~e 'il~es~e duties of _:;;;"'-';"-~'~-~'"!l""!~~""!-""!. I


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!Supervision of School.


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OHIO Dale nnaw tlrc". "You bM ,mIr ntCl I \\~ II. "


1 h .- o;t ,' I'"Y n pt ·tl~ w l lh J "'~.. e Smi th ,...,.. I . t' n i{ t ht' ~to r)' h i !!! hlrlh, ,'a r l)' 11 t (' I n 1.itl ' rn d o r I1n,1 o f I he d eo t h o f hI!, ra t tle r . J t't1St ' he f " 'l l1E'~ n 8R t hlr Hl~ mo t her mar · 1·11*, lb· t/11181(lr (I f th o t:h hl n IH1 holh IHf' I.,t( · 11\ tll '- wre--: k thfll \,e88\"'1. J esse \·", C", .,n l '~ n ("{, ,,,hoy In T C XfUI.. 11· rn llrr\t·~ l ·"t : )' , it sl llJtt: r o f (I Uf!l' U o n l:l L le m O i l d ri . wh " latC' r h n : p ur l(,IJ 14 h a. v o cO f1l nlllt~d .U! I j ' ! e J (>Silt) bf-co meR a. ra.n che r nnft n ld \ I '~ 10 Hrttll'h Co lu m tH a. Kate Tre v o r l. ft}.(fI!t li p 1h ... narrn t ive. U nhappily l 1\ tl r ~ c1pt' Btl!) ont c nlpla1ea s w r h1e. bUl c han ges




mind nftt..·r m M tl llg J ('...sAO'. J r u A r e lJK r, t p f r o m her drtnk - m Jlddc n ~d hU5b an d wh o fltt~m p t8 t o k ill h e r . Trevor l oa •• hI. ti fe In th e rB t'l ds. K ..t o r ~J.r( s otter" or g rll n~ o p e ra manng-e r !J to r e lwrn t o Ih . s l alC'e a n<'l m ar ri eR J """e. T heir m o rrled It ro ot8 r '-" ou t hap pny. K o t o s uc · c um bo t o th e p ien dln gtl o f a c ompnscr t o 1"e l u r n t o t he s t a g e a nd ru ne (t w ny w ith hIm. She l't'."u ell W idow .()' Fl y n n f ro m " @r l>urn lng h ou.o. til bad ly burned he r · cuc~

lII el! a n d

c~ h'eM

r~ turn s

h o m e. wh ere J e!ll8

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he r w ith o p e n a rms, Cattl e t h te\'es "ppellr In t be n e igh borhood . l eue n.a k8 K a lo t o g o t o Il pla"e of Bafe ty . To hI. Joy s h e re.tu l!les . J e.8se r esumes th o n a r · ntJv ~ . H e c llll1l on n e tgh bor. and p hln. to c ap tu r e the robbe.n. Kat" ts rescue d t'rom the h and. of the bandits .

e.,APTER VIII.-continued. 8eems to be scratcbea all the smooth .Ide ot thIs paper, aort of reminding 1118 that Bull bas a founfa'n.pen stick· lng out of hlS ve8t pocli:eL If h e's been writing with mHk, I'd warm th e llaper-but no. we uae canned milk, and haven"t got any either. I've heard ~Intly Bome wheres of tblngs wrote In .. pUtle, eo I pours on a boltle ot Ink, .ad rins es the paper In the wate r· but t. 'Tea. there's the message plaIn as pri nt. "Gun to hand. but cartridges wro ng alze, no good. Get .45. nllly to wa ll "WHh ponies under n earest pin e N. or .ye, when plough above N. Slar. "fiend more gum tor chle t's wou u d. '2lull ." Billy ",'al! mounting at th o door t o "ut out for solitude. bu t s lu ce he Irnowe I can't mi s s und or two hUll ' odred yarde, b e waB pe r suaded to COli" , tnto the cabin. Tb e r e 1 r ead him Bo rn e oOt the e tiqu e tt e abou t ke op lng h is tell1' per and not u si ng coa r stl la nguage. Alao I told him po ll tl} ly wha t I tho ught oOt hLm, and wber e he 'll go w h e n he -dIes. He wa Ite d, st ro ki ng lh e little fur on hie muz zle. 1111 I got thro ugh, 10011· Ing so ed pa ti e nt with me t h nt I came n e nr h a ndin g trim onc In th e eyc. , \<¥ou Invite d th ese robb e rs to m y Kras8!" He nodd ed. "Thanks to you, my w ife hnd a gun muz'~l e e c r e we d a round In be l' oar." "Bet she squint ed!" said RIlly. If I los e my t e mper, I can 't shoot, :and Billy kn e w that well. "Sb e's up :II31n It good and ha rd," sald h e. , "Agln wb a t?" \ "Makin g a sil k pu rs e ou t of a so w's

" I r efu se !" T h" ~q\llrt wo n't sc are any moro Billy, 60 I e~hi b 1t8 m y gun . " I regrE'ts 10 r e mark, Mr. O' !-'Iy nn , t h at t h is gun ac l s so r l o f sudd e n. " "Shoot, a nd yo u go to ja il !" " [lut fir st, my de nr you ng fr ie nd, I'v o tim e t o lop all a tew fin ge r s , o ne a t a tim e-wo n 't m is s th e m all a t o n ce. Ma y I re q uest you 10 po ur out th e m ed l· cine? No- no t on t h E' flo o r , plea s e , bill in to th o go bl e t. wh ile I o bserv e that yo ur r ig ht th ll mb s c ems t e nd e r all l' r that cut, nnd oll J< ht to b e tre at e d. So , a littl e mo re . T h a t 's righ t. No w hono r m e by add In g a little wa t or fro m Ih e pit c h e r . Tban k you . Thumb fl'e ll ng easi e r ? W ell, th nt th e r e laudanum soothes Ihlt IrRc lious Infant. and caus es a whole lot of r e poae . Qull e swee t without su gar. Yos, pl ease, you'll 11ft th e gobl e t to your mouth while I watch th a t nothIn g go es wron g with your pu g no se. You want to lhrow back yo ur head, you treach e r · ous s wine. Drink . or I'll s plaeh your brains on the fl oor!" "I dare n't! It's pelson! " "It's bulle ts- you 'd 'lette r! Drluk. or J'\I kill you : Drink! On e- two - much ob lig ed, I'm sure. Hop o you'll slee p well ." ''Curso yo u !" be s hri e ked. an d flun g th e gl Aa s a t m y hE'a d. Th l'n do wn ca m!> tho widow lik e a !on d glld o. S h e sc rat c hed m, fac e , conl ' ssed lil Y si ns, sobbed o vo r h rr darli ng Blll r a\' lc k, presc rib ed for m y f' lt llrt' , wr ung he r we t fr oc ll, and made a ~oa p (' lIwl lc tor he r o a s prl nl; all a. t onco. It 's a 6ur e fa ct t ha t wl<low wo s pi illY busy , a nd what wil h sli ngi ng Ihul .'m ~ ttc a t lh e pati ent , and gl'Utly Intro d uci ng th e lad y to Ih t! kl tf' h e n ('upboard, wa ll , I d ec la r e 1 (I idn 't hnl'I' a dull ru OIllEUt. Tb en d i~ . tnn t shots brou ght us a ll up s tan d in g . " A t IUMt !" Hi lly s hou le d, " lb ey' I'e off!" " " ' ho's ofT ?" "Fa lh ~ r nn d h is m e n-esca pe d whll o ke t>' yo u In l a llL Foo led . J esse ! Fool ed ! I fo o led you to th e ey'!s ! My fat her's Lu rr y' O'Fl ynn, Capt a in L llrry O ' F)) n n, caplll iu of th e ali t· laws !" My, t h ' r e wss pride In th a t la d ! H e sat on th e. tabl e In th e du s k , fi ghti ng to kee p an·ake . rubb ing hi s e yes with h lB s Te,,,,e. " HA'S givo m e lea\' o to Join, aDd I'm hittin g th e trhll to ni g ht - hlltin g tl w Irall, d'y e heor?" H is l'y('s closed, h is voi ce trail ed all to a wh is pe r. Oul" idr' f cou ld hea r a rid e r COOlin "o 6\1'I ft , lin d DlI le's yol co hailin g , ".JesMe ! .Tee se !"

ear." "You lop-ea r ed, m a ng y, plg· fa ced, berrlng·g1ltt ed so n at a-" I " Jo'ro m th e ' fo:tl qu l} tt e?' " a s ked B illy . " 'I don' th in k mu c h or you, anyway. :':Mothe r aln 'l got 110 usc fo r you e ltber. 'or nny or th e ne ighbors . you old cow tblef!" 1N0w If nlll y t alked so big liB all ''tbat, It m us t bl' 10 astonish his moth e r. 'So sh e mllst be at tb e keyhole, and ..ure e n oll g h I h eard her grind her •• tump w il h th o bac k ache from stoop' lng do,Y n. Ha p pc ns Mrs. Smith bae n :carden s quirt which It holds a gallon, . .0 whllc I lI e p' youu g nilly Inte r este.1 wltb ' patches of e llclu tte, I too k ott ·tbe hose, HlIed th e s quirt. and le t drlv <l ·tbrough lh e k e y·hol e Into th e widow' s ear. At lhat sh e lifted up h e r vo! cc &lid wept. Feeling be tte r, I r e sum ed the co nver· ·satlon. "Rilly," BCZ I, smooth :L H ~ream, whllA I fill ed the s quIrt. "on ,the shelf the r e you'll find a little small

"J ess ," th e la d was mutte r in g. "11ft hi s s to el. , o lld hi s woman. burn hi s ran c h , ond put hln Hrcs out- lhats h the wa y to - " Da le ha d ste pped from his hors e , nnd Btood III th e doorway, making It darlt In sld o. " Wh or e III blazes are you 1" "Look," suld ! , and Dol e wa'r.h ~ d , for tb e boy, d ead pale, wae lu rching from s ld o to s id e. his e yes closed, his lips stili moving , " Only drugged," said I. "Who le t Ib e m robb ers es cape?" " Ran some Pollock," said Dale. "Who else ?" "Dav e." " How's hi s poor tooth?" says I, an(1 'd b b d. eeI nb e UP. Da I!' eXIl InIn e d h tl Youn g O'Flynn rolled over, and went do wn s lIftts h, so th a t I had to kn ee l. II l1d t r y If hl ~ h ea rt was al\ rigbL It I hump ed alonr~ s leady and gl\'e ' uo s ig n of quitting. "I ha d to ," said 1, "old Whi s ke rs ' h b I yon d or IH th e W' t Io w 8 us a n!, a"d ruth"'r to till s boy H o's cl e nr grit , ~ . 11'0":' . " \\' he r c 's th e w ido w?" " 1'[ t l " 1 h d h es ng . ear ol'El es come thlllld · ring o ut or th e dusk. "Robbe rs

c ntl y t wo mu r e 0 1 o u r men had to Ju ln tho bun c h be ca u MI! Ih ey cou ld n' t s ho ut th ... lr goo d a d\'l ce, les t Ih o ro bb N8 hear (' '' ery wor d. I was a wny to Ap e x Ho(~ k , Iro n do wn In t he canyon , an d lh f1f;e bla~ t e d Id lolS t a lk ed . O f co urse o ld 'Vhl s k l'rs k n" w t h,lt a nt e lop e will a lways c r('e p Il l) to I II · Spe-C l a ny Wllvlllg rag, II pfo rl' Ihe " x, c itell1 f' lI t w as propf' rl y b"g ull h,' a:1I1 his ro l>bl'rs ~ l1 (1Il( · d throu i; h ou r urok a n li lll' . Ir Ha nso m I' has tim p to nlm hc 's dungerous to th " n e ighbors , h,lt since th e o<l ds were a tholl61\ n<l 10 anA t he "'u u would k ic k h im as fa r as nex t T hu rs .\ay , 1'<1 II n\'e be t m y ,]Pbts b ~ wou ldn't hit t h e pn r ty wit h t h a t fla g . Yot t ha t 's w\"t a l hnpppn!id . H e got th o widow O·Flyn n . Wllh on e henrt·re ndln g, de vastating ho wl Rh o we nt to g rass , nnd Bhe did s ur ely s hriek ns If th er e waB no h e r e· nr l e r . !\(urth e r ed In th e 11mb s h e was, and as I le ft to fo llow the Bounds of th e m oseaplng r obbe rs. I didn't have lim e to s e nd a carp e nt e r. CHAPTER IX, The Untruthful Prl.oner, J e,ue' 6 Narrat4l ·e.

With creditors. wom e n, robbe rt!. and e ve r ything dangerous, you want to he c huc k full of deportm e nt and a whol lo t tac tful. An ything dl s trllctful or s cree ching di s turbs on e 's peace or

or (' OUr>\ ,.. II", r r or'na ry, no·accoull t. r a l!!;., \\' o l " o ~ reck on" ,1 Ill )' frl cll ti,; ,,"II ,lin \\n ll (o r .lay I" ,ro r e th ('> )' ::Il ' t l'nl l11" " I ri\(' ldll~. W hl'n' us Du le go ' t h,' Inllt,.nl. (,) "lId m y pap l' r trull , 1l 1I " /-: 11· '",., 'd ul Ih r fl'rr y. Udor e we e ll 1"1',·" Ihl' cabin, I'd 6, " ' [1 Ih., g lin t of l iln ' 1,"lI prll be hin d IlIll rim or ll,,' 1" '111'11. linn I knp w ou r bO )' 8 trll s t ed 1Il f' 10 kr.,·p Ih l' rf, blH' l's some how do wlI III Ih ,' "1'1" ·110\1" (' \\' 111" k e r s, s inc e 1111 ' liqu or mad r hl~ wo u nd wor~ (l, h lrc hr " ~rNllllng a round 111C ~ h a('k . A I lil" ti rs l ~linl o f daw lI , h e o nl ~ re d Ill/ II III lall " .", 1 t h", ~ni: nnd 11 1' do wn , Ih !' n ",' n t 10 Ih ... (\ 00 1' hi 1115(' 11 . I I'~ a pll)' Ihat Ila ll'. 0 111' Ics der. a ~lIr,' (Inc Fho t. ha s n ~ l l l\ht casl In his n"llr (ore, wh ifo h thr ows his lend II 11 111 10 Ih,' ri g h t. Tbat's why, wben Whi s k ers \\' (' nt to th" doo r, Dal e 's bul· II'I 011 1), whi ppe d ofT hi s l e ft ear. III' 611'o d o f be ing gral eful. Whlskeri! s kip ped aro und holding th e sid e of his fac e, with r e marks wblch for a poor man wa s e xtrllyaganL Th e shot mnd e Dull bolt courageou! behind the s tov e, to look tor a bandage. he s uld , whil e Ginge r and th e greaser sat up o n th eir tails looking 80rt of dep rcsse d. Not one of the four n'as happy on finding that they'd bottled th l' mse lves In th e cabin Instead of tak· In g m y nd vlce a nd cl earing tor Ih e S llI ll'B. " I'rl so rt e f"," sa id Whl s k p. rs, dol e eorn c, ho lding hi ~ poo r ear, " YOII can talk to )0\11' fril-n el s a c ros t th o ri ve r?" "\\' h y, c r tolnly, Captain." " \\'h n l wa y? " "~tgnuling. "

Mr. Bu ll Brooke Got Hurt on the Nose.

" Cut th !' ca t g ut. ('olon e l." So Ginge r c ut m e fr ee. "S.lIOW n wbl~c flu g , Ge ne ral," said I. So Oi n f( .. r ..... a '·ed n pa pe r on a Sti Cll, a lld nale r p pll ed wllh a wblt e senr r fro m hi s ne ck. \\' 11(' 11 i WRlk p.d o ut. th e bar R acros t th e ri ve r ga ve tbree ch ee r s , but I wa s ha\f l' d fr o m b phlnd be ror e I'd got far si(lew ays. " Now," ~ ay 8 Whl sk ,~ r B , "S iPIIl I, and pray !.bat you won 't be t "mpl ed to sc nd e rro neous message s ." " lt pl11 e mb e r," Bull sho ut8, "I e nn r ead !Olorse. No fooling." " All rlgbt, Mr. Brooke.:' I called bRCk. "th e n I'll use s emaphore." I h ea rd Whhlkers In t e ars directing hi s two yo u n gst ors to pu l Mr. Brooke's h eud In th e m eal s ac k. nnd s it hard o n t o p. So I began to s ig nal, explain· Ing eacb \\'lord to Whi s k e r s. Swim . "That." says I, "m ean s 'Dal e: " P ool. " That's '(001,''' says I, ' beh ca URe e don't , glv e th e answer." Be low. " Th a t's 'H e llo,''' Rapid s. "That's 'H c llo ' again." "You li e," s ays whi s ke rs, mise rabl e , thro ug h hi s t ee th . "You made ail: let· ters ," . " Sorry," says 1. " It got spelt wrong fir st time." Float. "'That's 'skunk,' 811Y~ I, "becau se he's a lJOl e Cal not to answer me." GUliS. , " ,Vhat's that?" Rsk ed Whiskers, b ellps susp!\::iolls because I couldn't think of another word of four letters . "Hell!" says 1. "Quite right," sIgh ed Whiskers, "to think of your future home." Dale Signaled. Coming. "Tell Dale ," says Whiskers, and his bereav ed voice kind of jarred me no\v, "we 're just ,>oln' to keep a gun at,.your ear·hol e while we march up the trail, It nale's noen flre, your wife wUl be a widow, Mr'. Smltb ." At that I wagged my arms and slg· nale d. " No call to ge t w e L Hold·ups marching to GeorgIa. ,Kill man with

mind , and send s on e 's aplomh lo blazes , ju s t w he n n benr trap may hap pen at any mo m e nt. 1 t nlVe !ed fo r a ll 1 was wortb to put tll a t wi dow be. h ind 111 0 , and compose my m ind . Mayb e I'd go ne a mil o be for e r eo mors s gnaw e d Whl s k c Nl becll u e h e 'd a bandon e d th e widow , H e paused, and as I com e s urging along, he lamme d me ov e r th e head with a gun. Yes, I was captured. 'fhpy got my gun. too, and march ed m e along b etween them. Old man Drown was away, but as I'd le ft thn s cow on the ne ar bank, th e robbers wern able to crOBS, and put the Fraser between me and rescue. That ought to h O"e ch ee r ed him up, s ince It gave them a s tart of sev e r nl hours toward safety , but Instead or s kinning out of BrltiRh Columbia, as I advlscd the m with po w. e rful s trong talk, th e y'd got to stop for breakfa s t on old Brown'8 be aDS and sow. belly. cu s sing most pl e nt eou8 be. caus e h o wasn't th ere to cook hot ul s cults. Aft e r breakfast th ey \"lUIted an bOllr dr osslng his paw ror old Whiske r s , ti.ud wond e ring wh e ther they'd wasle one a f my car t I' Id ge s on me, or k eo\! gun. If yo,u miSS, ware Widow Smith ." th e m all for my fri ends. On that I You s oe i t Dale squinted and missed, divulged a lot at etiquette out at my my widow wos apt to reproach. So 1 added', "Allow windage for squint." book . I told tb e s e misbegotten ol!· snrlng th e y'd bee n brung un all wrong, ~-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __




bottle." In my dim way aim ed to get hIm I'xc ll l'd, and talknt.lve, dlvulg' tng s ecre t s with all his hearL Th e n atterwnrd I'd lik e him asleep, out or mis chi e f. "G e t your bottl e yours elf." says he, 80rt of d flant , so I lot drive et him wltll the SQulrL "If you pleas e, " said I, and be got the bo t Ue all ri ght. "If you don't mind," sllid I, "will you just draw the eork?" "And tr I won't?" I look my squirt and watched him puli t h e cork. . ''Thank you," SOl I, aee lng bow ~~8iJuful Is tht! use ot true politeness, ....Now -m~y I trouble you to splll whli't'B, Wl ~ . tho bOttle Into that Ihere gob, ,'NQW be '80 kln·d.'~ ,

No nn s w er .

The lit ti e lIam e le p' u p a n d caug ht th e brushwo od, tho c r ack lin g lifte d to a roar. und th o rohlle r s mll s t surely know thaL th l' ll' tlm o wus co me , for If lh e y s how ed at t he door t hoy would be s hot. I grabb ed my gun rro m lh ~ g round to stop our boys from flrln g. Th e n I s hout ed above the noi se of Ih .~ flam('s, " Com e out nnd throw up your hands! " Th e y came , poor fellows , nnd I m a do th e m prloSon ors, marching th e m do II' U to tbo re rr y.

Tbe j3 s 1dcfJ{. po"! t· on es


Id Sol"~'<d ~'" for nil



For dllll)" .150 In millions o f kite],,,,,. hIlS proved th"t <Alumc t is hig ], est not ollly In

qualIty but in fW'I,tftlltg I'0'_ur r n.q well- unfailln !\, 111 t<' ~ "lt 9 -"llrc tu the clIlI'erue-nnd wond erfUlly econom ical in use. A s k yOl~ i'rocer. Aud try Ccluwc t lIext b..kc day_

Received Highest Awards W.rld', P.r. F.od £Spo, iti ...

c....'-•. ID.

P.N £spool.

doD. F,......




Troublesome Tower. Sbe was a good s e rv a nt, was J e n· nl e, and Mrs. W und e rlarr ne ve r wish· cd for b e tte,r. nul lu th e mu tte r of pictures J pnnle was weak. Th o r e wns one In particular, wblch s howed tho leaning tow e r of Pi s a. EV E'ry day Mrs. W . hung It s tralgbt. and every morning J e nni e put It crooked . So Mrs . W . wntch ed. "Now, look lll~ re, Jennie," she said, "yott' ve hung that picture at the tower crook ed again! Ju s t look ot It!" " That's just wbat I say, mum," returu ed th e do mes tic dolefully . "Look at It! The only way you can ge t that silly tower to hnng strai ght Is to hang the pic tur e crooked ."

- -----

Remarkable Record. Three gl' n e raUoll s of n family named W e iland hav e cOJllributed 173 Yen rs ' s e rvic e ut 1\ fa rm n ear Goda:mlng, ' Surrey, England. Willinm WeI· land. a ~e d s ixty-nin o, has worked for 59 years. His tsth e r did 60 ye ars' B(, n 'lc e , and hi s two SOll 8 Ilave don .. 010 and 24 ye ars .

Crope on Same Land Far Between. Though tobacco Is th e chIef product LIMBS of North [lorn eo, the land producell but SCALY PSORIASIS one crop of tho product In seven or nine years ' wll!l th e resu It th a t new Troop H, 6th U. S. Cnvalry, Canlp ' /lelds must be cleared ('very year. Aft· McCoy, Sparta, Wls.-"/ was troubled er the jungle Is cut and burned an with psoriasis tor nearly two years. army of Chinese coolies 18 turned on Portions of my arms and limbs were the land with hoes to dig It aud pre· atreeted mostly with It. II appearod pare It for plarlllng. No plows are In scaly {arm, ,brealtlng out ID very used, 'fhe young tobacco plant8 nre 8 11 d t d d 1\ set out by hand and k t I Ilh rna a s an lira ua y grew larger ep c ean w aud white scales formed wlrnn about hoes. It Is necessllry for -~ tobac~ w, ' the sIze of an ordinary matcb·bead. plallter to possess thousands ot aCT('S T h e looks or It wa s horrlhle, whlcl1 of uncnltlvated land In reserve , IIlId d to employ "00 to 1,000 coollos. rna e It very unpl ea sant for me. 1& U Itched a little at tim es. "I tried several tr eatments which



.~~;~~~;.~;.~;,;;~;;~;;~~:~~:;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;~X:~~ 1 :~~~~ ~:t(~rgQ~nmo~t~~ ~~tyi~ a:~::: ;;ttfEB98BBB~m~~':

bro ke south?" or they'd hav e e nough d e purtm e nt to :' Ye p."1 mak e tracks. "Now," saye T, "In Ih e 'U e \' t ICY grow 'd wIngs ?" land of th e rree and the hom e of Ih e '" ~?? 0 o:=: ~ ..... - .-.", )'~Jt~ .-...~ .......... ~ ~ .... " N ope." brave you bee n appreclatetl, whe reas ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ,'-4~'-' ........ "'-' ~.....-.& ..... "C" I an t R\\, m tl1I1 Frase r?" If you ling e r h er e till sunup you 'lI be "Ilottl ed?" said he , cheerIng up. shot." ~ " , " "'--'" ' ~ ____ ,_ a m ·, SIl y s I. "N a t co r ked yet. T hat mad e poo I' W h Is k e rs "till more ______ ~"""""".,..,"'''''''',...,.''''~'''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''''''',...,'''',...,.__'''''~'''"'''''........~..... ) Oll wnnt to mak e a. lin e h e re Qulclc, suspicious, wondering what Bart of trOIll t h e roct 0 1 th e upp e r clifT to th e be artraps guile ful Smith waa project. TOOK GHOST'S WORD FOR IT court and recov e r your propert¥.' ;' . WhethElr MRglRtr~e '1111 I ~ I' d gl' 0 f t h e rn' ' I', and eaeh man m a ll ll Ing. " Wants to get U8 up on th e - --... .. er p nncu thr ee bl.g fir es. Then post half your bf1 neh," ~ ays he, "that means ware New York Woman Declares Father'. faith In the e "ldence ot the astral fa· m e n t(l l e nd fir es . ond th e b est shots trnps. We'll stay right here, boys, for Spirit Told Her That Friend Had ther at Mr s. Shaplero or was unsatls, to hold that line with rifl es . Th pm daylight_ wh e n we'lI be able tu s ce our. Purloined Ring. fled with the answers made by Mr.. .' Steiner wllo amon the thl 1'0) ' . g 0 r nglS, I b el's IinS Kalla b r ea k tbrough selV ES, bow to S8ve th e m cattle ." t ' ,-u&' Clared most e arll estly she did w Ile n I Ile y k nowe t h ey're corne r e d. " You're dead right, Whiskers!" says Throufh the prO!lY at Mre. Ida no 8 .... a. li e n 's yo ur boys , Iron. Glt a m(,ve \. ".Halr on you! " Shaplero or Brooklyn, the ghost ot her the ring, does not appear 118 a maUar all! " But he b eing tretrul with hili wound . Ia.ther appear ed as a witness betore ot record. but he held · her ia S5~ bDII "That 's so," say s \)nlo, and III two orde rs his men t.o disable llrown's Magistrate M\IIer In the New Jemey tor the grand Jury. s hal( {'s or 11 duck 's tnli h I) was throw. (1,1<11 ... nIH! lash me up with ratgllt. Ave nu e w ~Iollce court at th,at borough. Mayor's Pleallant Duty. In g his men IU lO Iill e . !\l eanwhlle the ~Ioreov er, when I W!lS Irusse d, thla al oglng tll!at Mrs . Clara Steiner, wbo wldo\\', wild and lon e , had ftew; so null see c fit \0 ' klck me on the off occupies an apartment ou the same A pretty ceremony took place .1 lhat left Kat e without h elp, her job chance, n IJart which ain't refe rred to floor 'wlth Mrs. Shaplero, had stolen Newcllstle, England, recently, whell be ing coffee to kee p the boys awake In paUle soclety, especially with a a $150 ring belonging to her. the eustoms of " Barge Day" were oblill we' d daylight to corner the rob- boot. Mrs. Shaplero charged ' tbat Mrs. served, Bnd the mayor and corpora' bers. "Brnv8 man!" Bay~ I, and the rest Steiner had visited her on July 3 and tlon sailed up the river to "claIm th, Me n watching on a strain lik e that of th e m robbers was ~o ashamed they was upward ot au hour In ber bed· a,'II" of the Tyne, The great blO' g e t sCll ry as cats, so hy moon6et SOUle got me a. gag. room, \lIblch Mrs. Shaplero bad occa· ment of the ceremony Is the l~ndllJ', of our warrIors would loose otr guns "Sorry," say I, "pity I won't be able 810n leave once or twrce. In a when the mayor bas the delightfuJ, at stumps, tre cs, rocks, or just he- to guide you to :Brown's cIgars. He drawer ot tbe dreseer reposed the If Invidious , privilege ot selecting anT cause th ey fell lonesome. After the keeps a bottle, too." ring. On July 4, when Mrs. Shaplero young lad.Y he places from the Ulem' m oo n we nt down, dry fuel got sca'l lt, "Where are they!" says Bull, missed h 'e r rlog she went looking for bled crowll and giving her a klas and so th a t lh o fires waned, and some of "Gag Brooke." eald I, for Bull wcut Mrs. StEllner, and learned ahe had ' a 8overcl~. The 811erUfs alao choose our young m c n must have eeen mil. by that name, ·'and I'll eUvulge tbe gonl) tc Paterson, N, J. a faIr lady on whom to best&w a kll' lIon6 of outla ws. Wfien at last Borne- drink8," "aut sure a8 I am bere. your honor," Ilod • ....glft, and ' tbe mayores8 I. OJ: thing actually happened, it was nat. "Gag Brooke," says Whlakers, cheer· . said Mrs" Shaplero, .. the figure of ·my pected to make 8Om~ uaefril 'preeellt ural Ihat Ro Il some otwuld have adven: Ing up a little, "pity ile weren't horn d lParted father. appeared ,to me. ' . the damsel. kls,etl byl1lS WOl"8 hi l' tures. 'He WA s n't built for solitude, gagged." could' seEI blm as plainly u you y"our· .' ~ , and wQe n h e seen a . flag ' wave from So -tbey gagged Mr. Brooke" and leU Sitting betpre me . aPollo - Make' Childr.n ' GlacL· . be hind a bus b h e called the boys from mount,ad him on, sentry while' the1 'ha~ 1I10, WIY. ~, He aald: , 'Mr.. 0teln~".Iia8 , _'at Us make children · gI&d le ft anil rIght to bun'dl..ln and corrobb- Brown's botUe , of ~~k7 and elpl'!l .. .f~ur r~g, I1Ibe tooll It !ton 10 drawer tb1D~fI ,!"hlcti tbe.Y)_ODI (Ol'Ud ,C!IoDDClf I't!-te. ,T he Jlag kept .\lila«, ·&Deh,re• • I ~t ' IODie, ·too. r ,. , : Ca,your ~d(eall~, ta~.. 'f.,."!I!, lIl~ CibtalA. ~Clhu KacJ&rea;" • ~ .' .


.'Drlnk, or 1'1\ Splash Your on the Floor."

The n I I! wung rou n d to cl nK tae cabin. and BIIW th e ba rr el or rur OWD r e volv e r just Jl el' rin !> ro und th e dOOf, By It s h e ig ht Iro m th e g r uu nd I Judg e d that poo r you n!t G1n ,;e r waR t h" nrti s t. I w Is h d It hnd b"ell !J ull, lor I'd ta ke n :l rnnc y t o Ginge r " ' Vp ll, ~(' nl ~ ," ~a yR I, "yO ll r IIm brr' l· Iu s 18 !n Il.e h ut ru~I{. All a b o~ r(\ io r lt ohlJl' rR' HOttSl, 1111,1 d0 11'1 IUI'!;I' l tl1(' lu nc h." W h ls l, ,' rs WII II I. ·<1 11\u Ili to th" CHbln . but I'd .(1I 1'I' n n <l 161i1w to ('tll !l ut , liO (:i ng l! r !;o t or(h'rs to Rhoot n1l'. At t ha t I fl nrpd u p. "Rhoo!," Ba)8 I. " yo u o ku lklng cO\\,lIr<l~. sl·lIrl'.1 10 , hal\' r Oll r no s l'~ 0 1 Ih !' dll o r. \l ul l! yo u r a lI eu r, \\' hl " I{I' rB , t' I HJr~p , )'uu 1'111' . :" T Ill' (' h l!'r ('Un1(' !lr st , stra lgh l nt nH' , ull d ~t">lIlpd 10 (' 11111 b 0\' (' 1' lil Y (uut Oil 10 h is nOSl'. Mr. \lu ll B ruokl' ~ot h ur t on t h e IIO ~I' too, lind \,,1 ju:< t t lm <> to ha nd Ih l' )oI r ('lItw r a Ic rt !l aml<' r h e lt lnd t he ('a r, lt r' fore I wl! nt dow u o n Inll of Whl s kr>rM, and Ih a f0 1l1' or \I ~ rol le d in a he'll' . I lea rn ed wlll' n I WII M d ' nl1 o l' ho I\' t o arg ll e ~ Th !'n 1 61 I'U g~ I {'f1. dr n g ~l n g m y plie or robh!'rs ofT s id ewllY8, ~ o lhut to kee p u s C'ovc rl' d wllh t he ~lln , !>'lor Gin ge r @how ed hi s r<' lI h l!ad In th ll door wa y. It w as hi s 111 (1 o r I1lln fl . ye l wh e n th e s h ot Tll II !; Olll fro m nc rO~8 t h o rh·P T. a nd I s u w Ih l' la!1 CO IlI O cra s hing 10 th e j:; round, I ({' It eOI·t of s ic k. o r co u rije lh a t s hot s ll\c kcn!'d t h e g rip of I he thr ee ro blH' rs, so I wl'(' nced loose. ~l r uc k h a rd , ul1'l,l Jum ped hig h. ga la· Ing thp north wall of th o ca biu . When I turn ed ronnd, our boys across lht' riv e r we re pourin g hot lead afte r lhe robbe rs as thoy dlv t'd Ihrough tb e doOl of the sllack. Ginge r sprawled dend on the doors le p, and m y gun, six pucel ofT, lay In lh e du aL Th o robb eTS we n' di sa rmed, and 1 was fr e p. "Say. Whi s k e rs ," I call ed, "I ~aul to savll your IIv cs, you aud th e grclUI('r. Com o and throw up )'our hand s b e fora you 're hurt," Th pre was no an s we r . Rock y Moun ta ln outlaws may be m e an oad bad, but th ey fl g ht II\w Am e ri cans. and th c y know how to di p. I'd only anI} way l e ft 10 (orce th eir s urre nd e r, lind sa ve th eir II VI'S , s o I hu s tl e n b r u s h· woo d, cord wood , c oa l all from th e Rh ed. plie d up tb e fue l. a nd got n sulphur m a tc h from Ih e bunc h In 01)' hU ld poc k e t. " \l o rA," ! cllll ed. " Old Bro wn 1'0l't o f " a lu 6 this pi ne l'. It's nil th e h o m~ h e 's got. and It a in't In s ured ."




the advertisement ot CuUcu"" So'ap and Ointment In the paner and



I sent for 11 sample. Th ey h.elped me, 80 I purcl)ased two more boxes of Cutlcura Ointment and somt> Cuticura Soap and tbey complet ely cured me. It took three montbs for Cutlcurlo Soap and Ointment 10 complete my cu:·e." (Signed) Walter lIIahony, Oct. 22,Cutlcurll 1912. Soap and Ointment 801d throughout the world . Snml11l' or each tree,wlth 32·p. Skin Boull. A<lclreas poatcard "Cutlcura, Dept. L. Dostoo,:'-Ac1Y. Me n de-e l-u-r-e-t-h-e-Ir- Io-v-e-b- efore tbey f e e I It; women confess theirs onl, after they have prov e.1 It.-Latena. lied Cross Bull Blue glVl1. doubl\l valuo f<» ,our money, gocs tnl"" IlR fur U IUlY other. Don't put your mODII7 ln~ \L1lJ' other. Ad••

• e rho yansek, In northeastern 1:>1· berla, Is the colde st InhabIted town III tbe worlrl. Tha wLoter minimum Ie 8&. degrees below. zero. 1I .... Wll".10 ..'8 Boothlo!! for Cblltirea Mletblng.. sottens 'he gumR.. redlU!t!'!\ lnHamm ... UOQ,nlla~"lt'l,aure""'lnd"o l l"~. bo'U~

A good husband' IB an a8I1e,, ' but . ~ .

1V0rth~ess jlne Is n fiablllty.







Christmas Gifts by Little Fingers By PEG GY POW ERS



Ing UP. the governm ent buys buns of 1 80metn lng the Publlo Mine .. ualry. S ho rthorn , or special da iry I "They were picked up III the open trc('ds and ijl'ndH th e m In at cost price sea." sa ys th o Times, "jUHt I'rtl'r tll elr ar.d Oll long tim e paymen ts." vessel. tho schoone r Marjorl o Urown . T h e yi eld ot g ralu In WE'stern Ca n· wh ich h a d s llfUng 1\ leak, Wl\S about to THE LATES T METHO DS ADOPT ED ucln In 191 3 was exce ll ent bu t not ab· slnl!." Tbat'B the troublo wltb IlU un· no rnlUl. wlwat going from 30 to 45 Illustrat lld paper. The public Is ell)JF=== ='::::.- :It=;l BY THE AGRIC ULTllR AL lJ'.~ hd s per acre . li nd othe r small grain pr1ved or Beelng n pi ctu re ot a vessel 1 COLLE GES. II i. lI I'qually good nv erages.- Adver· ju s t after It Is about to alnk.-N ew I t Is,· nH·nt. Yolik Mall.


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Probabl y After This He Made Some Inquir ies Before He Gave Up H iR J\·.on c)-.

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I lHlertl ali sIH y{" nJ' ~ ago wl! ~ '11 it cs·

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Both Specie .. "His mann e r Is dogmat ic." "Yes, and hi s qu cijllona arc Icnl."

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"prlaln clLi ('olo llcl wnH notl'd for !;r eut I;'· n( ·rcl~ i ly . lI ll il ll ci lo:; t nnl durin g

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Don 't Pers ecut e You r Bowels •

Cut out calhanic s and . which hp. hac! ""foil ~('n' i(' \' . nuLl brul al. harsh. unn~c""""ry. 1111 '; 1I1:IIJI' hi:1I \'(!r), ") IlI I'athc tlc ttl TER'S LITTLE \I h " h ad i.·. ,,·,·,j Hi"dlar ! PILLS I II

;~~::~s "li


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· .• • \\ ' 1I il f' \\ll I1\1' 11 ': 1111 IllH • .1 • I j t-: Lil\ ('Ill. u !l ~ III ' fll l' l al l old Oll t· I rk~\' tI lUa Il , 4.! \· \ ·: dt ' lItl \' ill a Uj l'( 't po\,t , rly ,

" All , you IlIi ~ r. ' l'tlln\·.

II :l \ 'C

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lik o IIl),Helt.

rnnrl< l' u 11 11' (·u lon p1.


a gr(';\l

I' llrety veg~table. Acl ~enlly o n the liv~r. ell


mt' rn l;,on.n' bf.t wcI .


(on.l lpallon,

SCI· ... re o 8I1i . u...... Sick IInd4


aDd lodl,ellioD . •• lao". "Ah." 1'l· llllt·u th p old mnn . "anu . SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRlCL 1!I( e ),C'rs I'. colmll· !. I hllvo spent n gn ·at pn rt o' my liCe In governr nl'nt'B Genuine must bear Signature , ,, nlc·e. anu s('ell a lot o· burtl ~ wurlc" "~ I y l'O Or nHln'" c.>:c laim e,1 th l' kind bp.a rt c('J ('o lon el. liS h e l,uHh od n half dollar Into th e old mall' s bnlHI. ~ " I fear you ho\' " rec" lv rd uut a poo r I' " r e ward for )'OUI' se rvices ." Reduce. Strained. Puffy "Ye ma y we ll ge.y th a t. c o lon!'l : ' Lymphangitis. Poll Evil, Fistula. re plied thc vtotl' ran aM hc hobbied Boils. Sw.,lIinp; Stnps Lamenea 1\ way. and allays I'llin. Heals Sores. Cu", " But ," IIddl'd the r olonp\. ")'ou Bruises, Boot Chafes, It i, D ,lid ll 'l t e ll mo wll,' re )'OU s ,·rved." ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE " W,·II. If it com os to th a t." Ihe old [liON PtlIlIONOU8\ Doe. not blisler or remove the reproba te an ~\\, p r c d . wit h a s ly hair"n" horae can be worked. Pleasant to un. c hu ckl('. " I He'rved my lim o In j·Jnll. 1\2. 00:1 hOllie, delivered. Desc ribe your ~ \\'hl're they ~i'etl m e 15 ),ca rfl fo r Cor 'prdal instructio n s and Hook 5 K free. ~ t Qa ling Jewelry !" AnSOItR iNE. JIl" .. ,I"Pde Unlmao. 'or .... kt.d .. duct'. Strain.,

('x pc rilll clI lul fartll G In Mu nl· to oa and S" s l<al c hc wun . Ti ll' bl'n!'!l t . o r th ~~() in th l' matt e r ot IJrucl iea l " dura t ion hav " be e n wid E's pr ad, but I he pcal~Rt h"n e lit IH to be ob8 ~ rv e d Painflil. KDott~1. Swollm vetna. Milk J.4.. in tlw imltw<iia t e " lc-In it), ui thes e Cnut. ·unno:ntralcd ---unl.,. fC'w drop. rrqu\r(d It IIlt,ppa. fa r lUR, wber' thl' occupan ts ha ve CASE OF MAN'S INGRATITUDE ",Ion. !',kell ~e,ho"I."""' ..... rdell""4. ~ . F. YO UNG. P. D. F .. 310 !emol. SI .. Sp'lngftel d...... t L, rought Ih l'l r holding s Into a hlg~ '1-0011' 8 Cord Hammo ck. !>--Ratf ia Collar Button BOl(. Atat " or cu ltiv a llon . and year atter Woman CertaIn ly Had Poor Reward 8-Matc h Strik e. 2-Ther momete r. e 6--Neck Tie Rack. year ~eps an udded value. for Her Act of Gen e rous 9-Croc het Bag. ~Doll's Raffia Hammo ck. 7-A Pretty Bag. The Provinc e ot Manitob a Is s up1000Th read and Needle. Self·Sac rifice. I ~ard Board Work Basket. t" e lllPuling thi s work by its e xcell eu t 11-Rln g Toss. -r~~~~~~ C porge B. McCl e llan. Cormer mayor ~~~~~~~~ agricu ltura l co ll ege. mauned by pro· ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ S Christm as draws near, th e glue Is harden ed . With Ces80rs of th e higbest standi ng In of New York. was t.alklng abou! e your of pretty 811k you have In tbe house . the little tolks are wond e r· carving punch and h am mer t :~ "i r various bruuclt es. Th cIt this Thank sgiving. strike Croch et. with me rc e rized silk crcl.cbe l "The day ." he said, "Is a goocl 011" In g wbat they shall Plake light. c!l re rul blow8 over the board to Ihread, a chain ot 160 chain stitcbes . work Is appreci ated Is shown by th e for a bolldny -a go od one. for a visit . . tbls year. 'l'he y sbould d ecorate It. large att e ndanc e. not o nly of th e lar· Wheth er you are a For the seco nd tim e round take se\'en know tbat sometbl ng mnde me r's sons. but by thp fllrm er him· to tb e seas hore . Thrnd and Needle. small town mercha nt stitches and go Into e very fourtb by th e mselv es Is apprecl · "I was once wnJklng th e noard · self an d a ls o by th e sons of busln esR How glad mother wtll be to rece ive stitch of the first or a farmer, you need row . Keep on . at.ed a bundred times more tbls 1Ise tul gift! It Is made a typewr iter. of bass· crotcbe tlng In thi s maun e r uatll your mlln nnd professo rs wlto Intend Col· walk In the brilli a nt sunshin e or an than anythin g money could wood I,(. Inch thick. 3 ~ Inches lowin~ farming as a pra tes Ion. and AUa n t\c City Tbank Sg lvlng day atter· I wide bag Is ten Inches long ; then sew It to If you are writing buy. tbat is what it Is f,lst b eco min g. noon . wh en I sn w a n overdre sse d and 14 >';' Inches long . .(See picture. ) the cardboa rd your letters and bills baee. Run a pretty Aa Chrlstm u8 draws near, tbe little This mu s t b e Tlte Provinc e of Saskatc hewan. coupl e come tortb (rom a cafe. given 11 coat ot shlliac. draw ribbon finls b ed with b h d . f IJ "Th e y we r e (Junrrt' II bows .. \Ive to the folke are wonder ing wbat tb ey shall Bore a holo In the TI elr Ie v an , you are not getting u ng. n ecess ity of a hlgb er and I vo ,es . if . middle ot tbe board through tho top . At each corn e r or 11 bl·ttcr system grew .make this year. They should know one Inch from louder and fi e rcer . Finally th ~ '1 e -Ic lency. , oT {arming . ltas In tbe top by which to tb e boltom of the bng plnce II bow . . 'that somelh lng made by themsel ves Is bang It. Two, conn ec tion wltb Its univ e rsity an ag· man gav e tll e woman u push thnt net· 1 It doesn t reqUIre an expert operfour and slJ: Inches Raffia Collar Button Box. ually knocke d b er down . appreci ated a hundred times more from thal bore , ator to run the L. C. Smith & Bros. holes and place In How the ch ild re'n lov e raffia work' rlr-ultur al college and what It Is dothan anytbln g money could buy. "As sbe struggle cl to b er tcet the typewr iter. It is ing today in the lUatter of edu cation each of them B peg 'Ii. Incb lhlck And It Is wonderf simple , compa ct, ul what beautifu l Do~an' t molher still use the needle and Yo'ill be fe lt for nil time to com e. and womnn s hook h e r fi st at tb e man . ' comple te, durable . 1 Inch long. which holds lhe spool lhlngs e"en ve ry Iltli e cblldren can It case given her two Chrilltm ases ago. of thread . Two will not btl lon g b e fore It w ill be an and s hrll-ked : Inches trom the low- mske . 'The raffia box In tbi s I'\cture Send in the attache d coupon and aDd Isn't fnther as proud of his desk est one glue a "'And this is what I get. Is II. for we will ~ive especia easy mntltlr to pick out th e hums velvet pin cushion . was made by n slx·year- c"'d youngst l attentio n to er. mannp 'l by grsduat calenda r os the day he found It hid· This cushion Is pnwnln ' th e fly s c rp.e ns lo gh'e you a y o ur type writer needs. s of t b is ' ·ollege. 2>';' Inches square. It It Is for father's collar button s . In d e n under his breakfa st napkin? 01' tb e Carms owned by thos e wh o day otT!·" Is stulTed wltb colton batting. One the middle of it .......... ... .......... ... .. .. .... ....... ......... . cut a lIn y bol e. Wind R e member , whatev er It 18. wrap It Inch be low the cushion screw a brass raffia evenly around thi~ circle rro m ba n ' ga illed from the e xperi e nce I : L. O. Smith & BrOil, TYI,c~rlt er Coo. - neatly In tiss ue .paper when flnlshed . bool! to hold thl' Import ant to Mother ll scissors . the cente r to th e e dge . Cut a piece o( ta ught by th ei r neighbo r. Il".ucu.., . N. Y . Exam ine caretuJl y every bottle of I: . tie It with ribbon and stlcl! n piece of Pl • ....., .end DIe 10ur treo bool< "bon, 'Th o sa me may b" su icl ot Albertn . CASTO RIA. Thermo meter. cardboa rd 2 In c bes wid e and long a safe and Bure r emedy tor evergre en Or holly tbrough the bow . '1pewrlle ra. Anyon e Is glad to have a pretty enough to fit the base. Th e univers ity at Edmont on bas 1I lo1ants and cblldren • . and see that It I Wind the raHia Nnwe .. ... - ........ .. ....... .......... ... . ; A carefull y wrapped present alwayo thermom eter for complet e agricult ural co ll ege. F'ull his or her room. nrouud this piece and with a pi ece of adds to tbe pleasur e ot receivin g It. BearB tbe Look at the picture and cul a des ign raflla sew 11 to the advant age of this Is taken by bundred s I: bottom of the bo x Here nre some Ideas that will help like It out of basswoo d . Dore a hole Braid three pieces of raffin for a ban· of at ud e nts anxious to b eUer tbelr ag· answer the question of "What sball I n ea r the top for rl cultural knowl edge. li nd 11 t them to hanging . Sand pape r di e. Punch one hole on each side of make this year?" Thl! flrst five BUg· the board the ssme as you did the th e basket near tbe top and run th e take hold ~lIccess fully of tll e lands Children Cry for Fletche r's eutoci a gestlon s arc chiefly (or the boys. be· match strike. Shellac both slde.s. If e nds or the handle through th em . that th ey e xpect to occupy. This cause to make these prese nts they you put a coat provinc e h us als o added de monstra · The Knocke r. on only one side tbe Vou can sew smaller bows I\'here tb e will need th e ir tool chests, althoug h, bosrd will warp. Stamp the back· handles loin th e hasket If you wlsb tiou farm" in various parts. whicb are Afte r God had finhi h ed tile raUI e. very of COUrB P . many girls ore as hllndy ground to milk" success f ul. Inasmuc h as farmers snake. the toad and tho vampire . h.' it look pretty wllh a Anyon e wbo has ever made a ratwith tools as their big brotherl l. carving punch and hamme r stamp. fia basket knows vl,~it them from 1111 purts. nnd tllk e ad · had some aw(ul substan ce left. with how much pleasur e Ring To 88. 'ut out 0 backgro.ulld \Ike picture for It Is nnd how glad vhntuge of e ducutin g themse lves for which be made a knocke r. A knocke r one Is to receive Mnke a base or stand of wood nIne the th er momete r. Olue It In place. It tor a gift. Soak a reed tn hot wa· short periods during each wlut e r. . Is a two-leg ged animal with a cork· !nches square. and two Inches thick. , Tack on a the rmomet Dea n CurtiSS er with tbe brass ter. 'Thread a n eedl o with raffia. of Ames Agri c ultural s crew soul. a water-s0 8ged brain and l30re five holes In the top of this. ene cscutch eon pins C olh~ge. Iowa. BayS : thnl nre used for that Makc a point at one end of the u c ombina tion backbon e made of lelly reed In the center and one In ('acb corner. purpose . " We of tb e United St.ates tblnk nnd glue. Where other people ' witb a knife . Wind lhe piece of raf· hnve 'one Inch {rom tbE' edge. In these boles . Cardbo ard Work Basket. fla around the reed. Form this end that we know how to get behind agrl. th cir h ea rls he carries a tUOlor ot rol, fit rounded sticks about an Inch thick. And here Is a dainty basket that Into a coli and sew culture Rlid pu sh , but the Cll nadlans t e n principl es. When the knocker tlgbtly. Wind thp Paint or ehellac the wood. Shellac -I does not re qu!re dare to do e ve n mor e than w e do In comes down the strel'1 tho tool chest. und th\'ead ove r the rced and place · ho nest men tI\(' some respcct can be bough,t at nny paint Btore. )f "big sister" will s_ They h a ve wond erful turn tbelr backs. the angels in heaven be glad to have It. needle tbrough the coll of reed an d " it Is too thick. tbln It with a little It Is usetul as faith In tb e Cuture: th ey hesitate at no take precipit at(l r e fut; <' behlud well as pretty . Cut rnffia . In slartlng a new thread, tb elr hol r! alcohol. The t.ops or the stloks are out of heavy white cardboa rd four It along tho rced and work ov e r It und e rtaking that oITers )l ro~ pe cts of harps nnd the dp.v! 1 bar·lock s t.b e gates gilded ror about an Inch. pieces shapfld 111m th e picture. TIH'Y unlll tb e e nd Is rCElults. 1\10r e signific ant still Is the of hell. -M lssouri ilrun~wi fa~ trnec\ . ckf1r. Th e de· SIx rings arCl mad e at reeds formed sbould be 2 inches wid e co·o peratlon for ogricu II u rn l proacrOBS the boltom s igns aI'" worked III colored raffia In circles . Soak the reeds for about and 4 Inches across motion. Inellillin g th e gove rnment. tbe top. On each Wllen the hott.oin of tbe bas ket Is fin Dc""'. Mcnth olnl .. d t '" " ,,,h IJrops clIee· · 20 minut es to make them bend easIer. one ('mbr-old er private individu als and co rporatio ns tivdy drh·c Ollt cold. several !'plder wetJs- -Is bed brgln the sides by placlng nnd . t op 811 till·Oll.t thl' Cover them with raffia. This gam e with me rc e rized W. 8. NETHE RY ilTt iutioll8- 5c at Dnl Jl ::it.orea. silk. Cut out of reed ri g ht on top of the Inst coli. lind Ih o ra ilroltd M." will give much ple a s ure during tbe ca rdboa rd 0 s Quarf:'. I nterurb .n BId •• a trifle les s than When tho hasket Is finish ed sharpen "Canadi alls are Ilulling great faith COlumb ue. 0"10 long wint e r nfternoo ns. Took Him 2 Inches. for Ih e hottom of the bas ket. the end of the reed at His Word. In edllcllti on tor th e dev elo pme nt of to a point, I1ni s b · Neck Tie Rack. Fit and sew th e !'ides to the bottom Ing tb e coli gradual A farmer met a rnl.Ll\ at lh e ru i1road their reSO llrC(,S- ll ot th e olcl ,' ducutlon . ly. Basswo od should he ueed for thIs and then sew the s tati on and ask ed him for a chew of sides togeth e r to but Yo catio nal Ooll's nnrl Raffia te e hlli Hammo ck. c·a l. Provo rack. be calise It Is soft, easily cut and form a baslcct. HUll a ribbon. abont Take a pi ece of strawbo ard 10 inces that hav e l" sH than hult t he pOI~ tobacco . Tho man puil p" ou t a plug light In weight, Saw out of the wood (In Incb wide. along the edges of the Inches long aud 7 Inch es wide. Along ulution of Iow a and llIuch l e~~ wcalth nnd said : "ltave you got a knife?" a design as fhown In the picture. It bapk et . Sew It " No." snld the farm fl r. Th e n he usk e d Do YOD exped them lometime 10 marry7 firmly at the cornerR . the longest edge make notches 1,4 are appropr iating llIor e libe rall y for Is % Inch thick. 5 ¥J Inches wide and At eacb lop corner place a pretty Inch apart. Faste n two brass rlngri colleges and se hools. lI'ianitob a . Cor the man It be hnd any objec tion wbere If so. it is f ..r o.t,. to teacb them at the 13 Inch es lo ng. The rod Is I,(. Ineb bow . In th e middln of back oC I<trawbo ard. Instnnc e, h as ill th e last two years h e bit nlld he sa lr! : "N o." Th e n he proper age about Sea, Heredity and Marri.p. thick nnd 1 I Inches iong. Tho posts are A Pretty Bag, Carry II cord from one ring on tb e provide d ab,out us IllUch mon e y for tb e jumflf'd on th e train aDd said: "1'11 bite But what, when and howl Send for Fr. ')6 Inch by 11h Inches. The rod and This Ie a cra.s h bag 14 Inches long back through tbe informat ion to THE GALTO N PRESS, corner I).o tcll In blilldlng cic on agricult ural Ill flOt ao It III the next town." posts shoulcl be mnd e out of hlrch or end 7 Inches wide 311 Masonic Temple , CinciJm ati.. Ohio wben finished . At fronl across the lengtb ot _the board. 11,\\Ia has app ro printed In halt Il cen· maple wood because It Is harder. the top a piece 4 Inches long Is turn· through over the back. and loop Be thrlft1 on lIt.tlo Lhtngo Ilk. blnlng. It tury. It h as given In two ye ars $2.· Don't Give lhe rack an even coat of shellac . ed over and 1 y.! W.I••• It.C.I...." w .. to. &cccpt fur bluing. Inches of It at thn through the other ring. Do tbls for IWd GOO.OOO for building ~n . [J,C. noolc.'(I'1!8~ HI~"" s and grounds for un· Place two screws and two screw ey~s bottom Is ravelled ero.. lJlllI lJIu,,- Adv . for a fringe. An til the thread passes over each Its agricult ural Instituti ons. on the top ot the rack so It will be Inch from lhe top ot the bag eight notch . Tben weave across. Weave " SaSkUlc h uwll n Is building a plant All Out. ready to hang up on ChrlstDla~ moru· small embroid ery YOUR O. . I'".E ~::= ~:~~~~ rings are "ewed. once across the back close to the {or Its Univ e rsity and agricult ural Ge nt-Is there any soup on th bill 11I¥ t.h.PI liP· Bad _PI" an4 col· Ing. add ..... fOr partlcueach IJ,i, Inches apart. Throug b tbls edge. Work over e ....... A_. _B_•• J .. Bo~le8Z. y~~1·~ leg.~ on a broacler and morCl s ubsLnn· of fllre? this last row Rnd Match Strike. a sll1t cord Is drawn. You can make sew between tbe ' /:J" · • strand. so that wben t!al plan than bas bee n applied to any Waltcr- -there was. sir. but I wlpecl Out of a pleco of bass wooe'! that up your own embroid ery design ~THOMPSON'I-~F ftllcMe . The YOU pll\ce your dolls In the hammo ck similar Inslituti on In this country . Yet It off. measur es I,(. Inch thick. G~ Inches bne In tbe picture Is worked wltb a It won't ravel . Unfastc n the rings [.elther lIrovlnc e has more than hnlt a wide and 7 Inches long. cut with a simple chain stitch. .IOIUII L. 'I'HOID' 8ON liONS. OO..TftI,.JI. L wlllion pO)lulnt ion . and breal! away the cardboa rd. Many a man pats himself on the scroll eaw a match strike like In the -.~================~=== ~ Crotche t Bag. "For public Doll', Cord schools Hammo e qually ck. gener· back who Isn't a contorti onist. pIcture. Place a piece of sand paper W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 50-1913 . This bag was crotche ted wIth a very Here Is a picture of a hammo ck ou~ provisio n Is made . They nre around a small block of wood and simple stitch and be--;;;;;;; ;;;;,_.;; ;;;;,;;;; was made by a little tor dolly. mad e or macrem e cord. ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;~;,;; ;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-~-.;;-.;;-.;;-.;;-.;;-~-;.;;.-~-;;..;;~A Ing built up to glvo vocation al and , sand paper It In the directio n of lhll girl only nine years old. Get out ten·year -old child made this ham· technic al tr a ining lUI well as cultural . grain of tbo wood. Never work against your crotche t needle and see what YOll mock for her IItt.le sister. It Is about They fit the u eeds of the country ex-' the grain. Give the board a coat ot can ao. Thle Then you are arme<1 to forebag may be uBed for one yard long and madeo t the Solo- cE'lIentl y and should turn out . fine shellac. Cut a square oC sand paper many differen t things stall trouble or to defeat it when and If weJl made mon's knots. You can alBo have tYJ!6S of boys and girls . They do this and place it on a tbln layer of glue In will Inst [or yenrs. it comes. Tuttle's Elixir is sure For the bottom mamma show yon how to crochet one. ~Ith a remarka ble faith In the value the center ot the panel. Place some- ot It. cut a pl~ce to save you many times its cost oC cardboa rd ~ Inches too. (It rlgbt educatio n. thing heavy on the Bllne'! paper until by 6 Inchee. Cover It with any pIece by keepmg your horse well and "Dean Curtiss was much Interest ed (Copyrig ht. by W . O. Chllllm ..n \ working , when otherwi se you'd In the many other ways the Canadia n go\·,ern ment aids agricult ure, sslde be losing time and money. WIDOW MEANT TO HAVE HIM sented to accomp any tlk-- conple to trcu: appropr iation Don't be helpless. Don't II tOO' 'educati onal, Buy a bottle of ' England . but contrive d. Oil Inndlng at purpose s. They dep'end on others. Learn Tuttle's are aiding In Bolvlng Remark able Story 'of Worldw ide Ch. . e Elixir toDover•• to give them tbe ~lIp. Once marketi ng problem s; they are encour· for Man Who Sought to Evade to. know what's wrong. day. Your dealer again was the hue and crr lalsed. bul aging better breedin g of livestoc k by Matrim ony: bas it-if not, send Know how to cure. Dreher manage d to reacll New Yorl! buy ing sires and resellin g them .t with his pursuer e on bi ~ lrllck. F'or cost. nnd they ar~ us his name and 60 doing mOJi.y other a seco,nd tlmo did he .vold cupture. things of like charact Write today for a cents and we will er. . and succeed ed I,n reachin g &ah Fran, ."1 found that the governm ent la ·a(!: . c;>f "Yete rinary Ex- send you a large ct~co, ·i.ynere' b.e~c Iiad' the " mlBforf.Une: · vanelng (~m. size bottle prepaid , 60 ; ~ . 8~ ~ per,.;<:e.nt. ot " p'enell~'" supply ais3 to ,bre.ak ,h~ Orlpple d llY ' th'eo aC' 1 th~ 1m!>?~y. 'UeceIlB ai"tto build a: C:OPl of CQ:oO~!r ~ .•. '.. ..youtself ,;with a 'bottle of ~Ide.n.t )lJ, ,~.eo.l1B,,, 111!l\oltt · tuthi!,ti~.te." Uve c!,~am$lrlell' ,a~d . n Veterinary Expece!~Tato~ .... ~ld . aDd ' broken . iii 8J)lOt. be' no longer fa'(: IfE:1m crurU~. ".and It,D ' rru\t]e 's Elixir. _ . nence. .. dtlhil It.t i .~ -,~ ~~mp~ed ' e , but anowed " h1cself rate o( '1ntel'ea t aDd ,o!! 1(j~. tlttlO . 'I'atiI....... ... r.o.. t.lie~ St.. BostoD. ...... to ' ~ takeD;~••n.loG"o f by Uili Widow ,;tlatlll8D~. ~here caw. Jl~ bl'Md.


The Type wrIt e r I for the R u r a B uSl oes s M an








. d //~


:::: 1 ~~~:~u;o~t ~~ I :.................................:::::::::: ........ _......: I

Hav e You Chil dren ?





.....It - --

~EYE WATE E\t~..:!:~


Wb en you r hor se goe s







.. ..




an4 !



,• ; Delayed Correspondence ;

r p


That. Sdls "\VOOLTEX"


...................... ...... ...,.. ......... -.


Beech Grove.

""ph >loun<, who 11.," on EM'


M pi e FIt.. '1'1'111 move Hoon t·o a farm Rich n o !.Jotte r at tbis writ·in g .

~~)~e~~::~I:nd ~tfe eotortaiue~ t;a~:~y~mith

n •.

Mr~ .



~ .. rg\.,

ulln ~ bt er

Willia ms Ilnd

O f LADl E S' f ASHIONABI E SUITS r II Wtb f Y A ll t' [\ tnt ~ ;u IY or y 0 our en Ion ~ $

W. ' " ,0"Y to "''''\ N . B


w as in LolJUuou o n



Ul08 . Brow n and lamlly h avo

II .,. 0 1 Y( llow Springs, lasl Uloved on t h e E d Jorda n plaoe. 81loday. R . J M nrray . Apen t II1S t wee k i n I



Mis. BesR ~bultz, who \!ves nortb of town hall been dll.ngeron ·ly III, II B(' ,uewhat Improved at. \hls wrIting The 11800nd number of tbe Leoture (;,' urse wall a leotare given In the '1 '. wn hall lallt Sdnrday evening. 'I'be Elllo" Dlstrio~ 80h 0<.0 I sou\h of town opened up lall~ Monday 11.111)1' being 010100 for II. week on 0.0

Ibtl uorthl'nstern part of th e s tate looking after fine horses . The ruany friendll of Mrs. Shank \'\1111 be pleased to know tllll.t sho is ~ g,>tUog better. ~ Lon Brannon and wife spent ~at. urd 'Iy /\fternoon wI'th re I J.<I Vu"'8 I~n d fri e nds ot Harveysburg . V J . Jordan hilI! goo e baok t o

oount of &Carlet lever. fir. G. C. Book Is !faTIng his re"ldenoe treated Co a 001\\ of paint '!'be Farmer's (DII\itute will be beld a' 'be II E ohul'oh lleoember 17 aDd 18. Milliell Lila apd hy BldoDII\rloker are '9ll1ltlng rela'tv" a' Lylle this -eo'-. .. &



\\"l lnc II who h ave \\"o rn \Voolt ex S ui t s. a lread y kil O\\, that th e ir ' \'ahle, quality anJ st yle a rc the ver y best in the wurld . Bll t we wan t vo u t o know it-yo ll who have ne ver WOrt l \Voo lt ex. It' s sp{'l'iallv for your o eneli t that we h uve pla nned this wo nd er · fil l o lre ri.llg- \H: kno w that W oo ltcx wea rers will tak e advantage of thi s oppo r t unily . Wh en YO II hu\' e worn W ooltex o nce yo u '\1 wa nl \Vooltex e ver aft e r. . bl E \'e ry s uit is of co rrect c urrent st yle an d a r t Iei md ost CS lrtl. e d f ' ' Illality-e\,ery onc is ~ Il :\rantee o r two season s wea r.





Oblo , to spen<i t h e ' bl1lanoe of tbe wlntor. J . W. . Edwardl had bls h ord o f OIlttle dehorned laet week. Mr. Rogers, of Waynesville. perform ed tbe opllrdtion. Several from tbls pltLoe nt,t end ed the funeral of Mie8 J essie Bllin nt r< Uorwin ODe dny 1ll8t week ~e~~lnndedll"'a" ~'bheu·hBo~leSfOordf ::emre. h 8e <7er 111 of our farmers hnd sir.k • ... • .. orl!ell 1ast week . A, B. TRlmBge Rhor~uKb and daughterll north of had 2; C. V . Harn ess 3; M. M ferry iowu 1.., ~DDday. 2; Fred Smith L

, '.




$ $


- ---------------------------~


Take n fro m o u r reg ul ar st ock




ro' ~'~ , ~

i,- "


a s a leader during th e silit sale -~ I S a nd $20 vulues . in a line c hinchilla, light

c ut:\\\" :\)' e ffec t in o ne of

g ray and brown

~ ~




;f/", / .\, I ( '\

y\ ~,I~:,;,~.\

O rle o f tll c ,'rettl'''st , .. t 1110c\e1 5' I'n IIur stock \vl' ll be used

is a lia ll (\so ll lC mod c 111 a SU1t:\ reg ul a r S:~ O valu e-sm art blue an d black serge of ex tra fine, h eavy s tClTtn qu a lity. Coat is in


, ,~.~':a .,,~



((I \





$ $ $ "J

'-:i._ .



n,m '

~ .•• Wbitaore Salurday and Sun

, . "' • • orr


p o p ula r models o f th e wiltter a nd used for a lead e r durin g the


: 3jif~f.E1:W;:~;;;; ::~:~~i:~~~:~~~~:·:~:;f:E;;:$$ 'o~",

It is placerl within your

'""$15 -00

Woo,., '"

mixture and


.. V'



men's heuv y mixture ov ereoat- , ing-a perfectly stunning co at is


he re for your choosing at


~HI,U~~t~.ol,:", I~ mJI I"I',. :"'I~ I~,

$12 ·50

ult"I'O' rUc.'e.lI'....


A. B Tlllm6 g e, Mrs. Ueo. David, m OIiIIHl:tlnrU II ' o(\<i Co r t wo full SOMO Il '. "' 0 , _. day. Mrs ~'. /::" Ha.rtsook and _Miss Edltb guLI.Cu,· l ory OM ,·IeO. wurklll u".IIll . --Pogan wore ID OilY ton one dav )IlAt, E \'e ry s uit iu OllT Suit St()Ck is luwered t(l la unch "Woo ltex " S uits wh e re they have not prev iou sly been WOrD. W6E'k . _ T a k e a dvanta;;e of this sale . Crt mC3.n ~ so m e thing t o YOli . Croup and CGugb ~emedy A . 8 . Allen and wl/e we re among Mak e "He r" Cbri ~ ttn as a tIlerry OTI C thi s y ea r by g iving h e r a depcndable " \Vooltex " garm ellt . CO lli e til Day ton ~ Croup II " terribltl dillellse, It at hob ohlldren 110 IInddenly 'hey are those from thi • plB03 who nttended ~ a nd choose f~om the n cwes t a nd truest. ..ery ap' ohoke unl8111 glvsn the the fnneral of Vnole ,lames Keever proper remedy a\ onoe. There Is at Lebanon Mondav afterno m . --Do~bin8 be'ter tn 'he world than Dr.JElng'lI New DllIOovery . Lewis Stomach Troubles Disappear. OhlmberlalD, of Manohester, OhiO, ~_ abon' bll ohildren: "~ume R\umllob, liver and kidney '1m. ha &evere aUaokl we were t.rouble-, weak nerves, lame ha c k .freU4 Ute? would dte, bu* sln08 we proved wbai a oer'-to remooy Dr, Kia.'. New DllOOvery ill, we have f.r. We rely on " for oroup, in Okill., .helr writes: home. "E)so Eliz" Qij,au and coldll" So can you out Poolaofbottle Depew, 100 . .4 '1 00. A bo,Ue should be trio Bltwrs raise I me from Il bed In e'9ery home. A\ all Drul("lsts . of !llokneAA and suffering and ha!l B. 11:. Baoldea & Co., Pbll. 6t Lonls. done mea world of good. I wish ~ ..................... ."""""~~""~,,~J~ ~~~~"""""""~~ • every suffering woman could use "A.~ this exoellent remedy and fiod out, t1lACKED BY POSTAGE STAMPS as I did. Jnst how good i~ ie ." As It hIlS help"d \bous8nds of others, Constipation Poison!! You Peculiarity, but 'I t M.ant Much It surely will do the S8me for you . to the Traln.d Ey, of the Every boUle gnaranteed, 600. ILnd If you ILre oODstipated, yonr SY8 Watotlful DetlCltiva. f1 00. At all Dluggist8. H. E ~em Is poisoned by tbe waste matter Funeral IUrector BUOlllen & Uo. Philadelphia or St. kept in the bod v- serious rel'u1ts and Embalmer, I : Whart.ber a m&D I. a orlmlual or a LoDis often ff)llow Use Dr. King's New Live Stock and Gt'neral Auctioneer _"w-&bl4lnc eltlsen, h. ought to tate - -- -. - • Life Pills lind you Will soon ~et rid W '11 Oh' tile palnl to ,tlok hts postale 1Itam~ of oonstipatlon, headaohe and otber aynesvi e. 10. Gil euctly .trataht... an old detective USE FOR SHOPPING GLaVES troubles. 250 At Druggists or by Posted on pedigrees and v.fLlueS::of all .at4. "U be la atralght he won't 10le mail. H. E. Bucklen & Uo. Phi)" Call answered promptly day or night . kinds of breeding stock. uJ1hJu' by It, and It he III crooked Mr, Compton'. Simpler Method at Ba~ & t;t. Louis Both phones in Offiee and Residence. . . . .UI pia. When I wu In the govlong distance, No. 14; Home phone gain Counter Rejected With the ~-Experienced in handling farm sales since enuDlDt eentee the fint thlnl I found 14·2r. Scorn It Deaerved. 1905. De.', Dumb, .nd Blind at Wedding, Chairs and one Coach furnished free out about a man _del' su,plclon Willi A wedding took place the other day . . . .., Jae stuck OD hili etampl. One with funerals. J'rom hIs easy chair Mr. Compton of the cleveretlt awlndlers I ever land· _tcbed hIs wire putting on a pair of ..t Bt. George's churcb, Gravesend. Best of service guaranteed. Terms Reasonable -:- Satisfaction~Guaranteed -' ..u tracted thl'ou,h htll postag. tan gloves. "Aren't they too large tor England, whea Mr. Herbert Thorndike Doth waa married to MIHS Stil es. yOU Tor be asked lazily. ·.tamP" GRADUATE OF THE Waynesville, Ohio ..Atter ,.ou put a atamp on a certalD "Oh, no, not tor shopping gloves," bride and bridegroom are clear and .ATIONAL AUOTION dumb, and Canon Gedge, who Is total~,. for a little whUe It becomes seC)o ... d MI'B. Compton, and with her fin· f'B<JOL ()II .A:MRBJ<JA 084 D&ture and )'OU lltick It on that pre off tbe table, she ran Ii IIcale up ly blind. performed the ceremony. WIT Ullaoouctoual),. That was what and down several times. "I have to Os:teopa~bic Physician Qat man did. All hili ltamp. ...... be able to do that, you see," sbe ex· ,~ell on diagonally, leaving a IIttl. plalned. 21 Broadway Phone 449 tilanale of a certain IIlle at the co~ "Do finger exerclsee? What tor'" BARNHART, Lebanon. Ohio ~ qf the envelOPe. He w4's a IUP. allbd Mr. Compton. ~ fellow ud had eluded vlatlanoe "ThoM aren't finger exerctMII." Notary Public will be In8ened uuder thi s bead for .tor DloIItha. One da)' I bappened to Mre_ Compton's color deepened as, Ada twenty· Veterinary five cellts Co r three Ins ertlon_. BRANCH OFFICE h l.rtna around a poetomce of • talting off the gloveB. she began to when u81ng not more than Uve IInc •. Ohio All kinds of Notary Work. Pension Graduate 01 Ohio Slat. lJniverlil . oountr7 toYll wbere I had gone on aDa .mooth and stretch the fingers. "ThoN ..... "'_............ __...._...._...._...._.... _ ,.._.........._.,._.... _,.._...,..,_...._.... _..... - .... -,............ _...... -1 W aynesv iI ~e, Work a t;peolll.lty. _... trail. Th. mall came In, and are--why, they're calculations, Hen17. Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 FOR SALE 0I'0aIIl the little window I watobe4 Don't you see, If I Itart downtown poItmutar lort It. Presently I with' te~ dollars, and go to the silk to 12 o'clock ~~~~~~~~~~~== Office at ledidence in USher. an envelope wltb tbe .tamp oounter and find two lovely remnants, Office, corner Main and High etreets . wood's house, Fourth :::itreet, l:3eptem ber Pigp, Poland China .-ell on tn that trilUlgular ralhlon. I one for tbree dollarB and one tor four G ood ones . Also 1 Poland Phone No .. 100 .• the poetmark, bIked back to that and a halt. I want to reckon up at Telephonl' 28 to.... and .abbed m,. man. If he had once, underneath the counter, how Uhlna Brood I:\ow . 15 months oid, ------ ~ ---- -- put bll ltamPI on etrllllbt, probllb~1 much tbey'll come to, and how much wilt farrow about middle of Mnrcb Funeral Director. 1M ......r ..auld have been cllugbL" WayneSVille. I'll have left. And last week I missed Osoar Mowrer, Waynesville, R l. Ohio HATHAWA~ 7 a great bargal.n becaUSe I had on some gloves and I couldn't reckon. I WA.,(nesville'8 Lell.din, DenUI' Telephone day or uight. HITE Ply:nollth Rook fln(1 S Valley phone No. '7. Long PRESUMABLY HARD TO FIND hadn't expected to go to the sale." C. Black Minorol\ Coc ker els. Office in Keys Bldg. Main f:!t Distanoe No. 69-2r. "Ah," Bald Mr. Compton. "Wby not Inquire o. Mrs ,J . B UhllrllllUn DR. J. W. MI LLER, II Aotlene Go for Anything, Young uk the clerk to reckon It for you for d :lJ "Henryl" orled hIs wife, "At a bar- Phone 66 6. Man I. 8tlrl Looking for Automobile 8ervlce at all Tlmes l pIn counter I The olerkl WhY. nC)o Ttlat Env.lope. N DI AN \1otoroyo 'e, oylinder body but a man would ever think of 1911 model in first c1!1ss oondition WAYNESVILLE,. ... .. / l'hla llappeud III a crowded aubwa, lucb a thIng for a mlnutel"..-Youth'l Sit Ie or trade. ,J. B . Cha pman, R. 2, Companion. apr... traba the other night. THE CRIATIST Branch Office, H8rve1sbu~, O. National Baal< Blda. WaynesvllJe, 0 WaYDesville . d :H All 014 IIlAIl boarded the train at the I'ourteeDtil .treat ltatlon and clung to Bill of Right'. OUElE of 7 rooms, pantry, !Ill!" · a IIb'ap lD fIooGt at a ),oun, woman The bl1l of rights Is a declaration mer kitohen a 1111 !!1.Ilrtl J'OOlll IN THE WORLD wIao ..u..u.ct. Aa none of the men of tundamental prlnclplea deemed ba- Well Ilod cistllrn wllt,or ; 11 kltohlll1 lUBIlSBED WEEKI.y, $-i.OO fl:R YU1t eIIowed a cUepoaltlon to let the old lIio to tbe Constitution Itsel! and bor- Lluge lot.. bun .1011 ~hedR . Inquire "GTE'L e, DRUCCI8TS, 8PECIALI8TS, . . . elt ,own, tbe 70un5 woman rowed from the Engllab bill of rights on premitiPs 8 . E MIlrt.. d :ll 008 'r U M II It 8, T It A N 8 FER, 0 A B ..... and otrered hal' .eat to him. of 1689. Wben the Constitution of tbe AND . . us SERVICI[ OAN PROFIt' he oould lit dowD a youn,er United Btates was framed and Bub(~U :\ I ,TTY" Rm.glll tlnd BY USINC ITS ADVERTISINC COLUMN • • 1"01; 0 r. ulllh While Leg . . . . .tid bato the neallt aeaL Tile mltted to the people It did not have ~SAMPLE COPY FREE r-m. woman wu oonfuBed. but only a bl\1 of rlgbts and It was BO harsbly h orn Cookerel!l . t,he kind of ~t ook ........ NEW YORK CLIPPIIR ... a minute. 8he leaned down BlIgbt- orltlclzed on tbls account that Its that lays nggll IIntl wins prf'miuDltl N_ Yorlt ••• Y. ~ aDd ..Id to the man III the seat: f or us. Allk us for prloes . U-K. -You dropped an envelope on tll. friends promIsed to Incorporate or add aucb a declaration, and the flrlt ten Poultrvand Hnppiy Uo. Waynes. The SAFE boys'magazine JIMIorm, air," n. maD ,umped up and elbowed amen d men ts t 0 .t b e Con8t1tutlon. ville, Ohio. Phone 37 2y' d31 Twel,e monlhs 0'0 I -I bcaJthflli brain lood nyOil' a year made after the maIn in8trument was AJII)OY)orrlll bOlll. not r\ chlld'" pAper. OIe"n u "'''IT to the platform. Half a mbl- adopted, were in tulflllment or this with the ft ",'h IIUn! f\11l 0 pj()turc.... S6 to 61 JltLaOll ,wort ..... MUCh failed to reveal the IUP- promise, All the State COll8tltutlons • • Morrow month. ~ Rnl"tl~)l rina 8torJ cft ottrayol I~ven~ tun_I. a t hhttlatt. hl fltot)', tmhonl lifo. ...niten bt . . . . . .velope. T_ man returraed to Feed & Stl)lply Uo. wii\ bl} nrc Dl08~ IlOPuItU' bon· Buthorw.. Imrt,ruetlv., ~I"l WIt.... the ,.ouae womaa WIIB staJlcUq now have bills ot rights, praeUea1lJ ~oth Cook's office in Uorwln on I\ l(h4. Fino artlol ne 00 tootblllkrnd ·other Identical wltb one . . . eaI4: • _another. ____ Friday of elloh week with a fullltne llb'o~~~I;r;'Pg~l~jft~r ~ro~~I\t,w ~!~.; TbIDA .. lf"'mp OOlloctlnjl, Ohl~k. ..... Pote, Oar· "8&7, 1a4)', ..hera tl that enTelope. of Dairy .I!'eed, and oan make you tlonlnr. Invention. and Natural Woudon. TRADE MARK. I C!Ul't tlD4 tt out tJaerer Power of Knowledg,. Ilttrll.otlve ·prloos. W11l buy oorn, DESIGNS ""rIaat _ ..lope," replied the ,.ou.. Knowledge Is power. That's why a oat~ and hay. d 24 The Ameriean Boy . CO~YR'GHTII Anyon •• anclln, a.Uteb an~ deeerlplion mo, ,....... .,. fJa Ille 1&111. place Jour professor gets U,OOO a year ILnd 8 . Regular price . . . ... . QulOkl' ueertnhl onr oJ,Jtnluu tree whet1J.c r AU Inyent10n II probabI1IUl ...nt.abt~ C OMnlulIlrtt-.en ....." concrete-brained fighter can get .10,· FEW bushels of Oats. Vlloa.nt tlon. The Miami Gazd,te "trl.U, oonOdentlal, HANDOUOK on rllt.C"Lo ne·JOIUlI undehtoocl and fad· 000 for aD hour's work.-Clncinnatl 10i in Dayton, nloelv located, ••nt nee.. 0lt,..t a,renn:r: tor leourt.,,,J,atenta. Regular price . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 Pa....o.. talt.n \luoa.b lIam• .to co. ,,"'YO . . froID.,..", Thll old mas got the Enquirer. will trade for farm slook. Edgar ~I....cru. w.\boaUbarp, 1n.\bO . - .......... a..people III the vlclJl1~ • _ • StiDlon, Harveysburg, Ohio, Phoue 1ooW,. UItieH4 1Il4 lau,hed.-N.. 47-8. ' tf ' ... rn.. Stickier to ' Pi'opr!~, & ......lJIOm.,' 1l1a1ltft1.e4 .1101,. I "'J'IItII' (lir. ealatJon of,anT ....UIO Joe.nlil. 'femll, t3 a . • - • "'Walter, _Iter," 1ea1l~ the man8 hundred. p.1a[n, ~hlie Do ~1I ~ < ,"oar' OWD or-yonr' Bier: "Here la a1l-j bathtnc without. . orepepaper napkins; in de·_IP,,~.·1IiaiDt ~t . ' JIOItume.......n,nch. . -", sigD8~6~ pe1' d02le~, aUh~ .-o~ • . ': '. ,;;: m.;,: _ .. IILo W. . . .OG, JJ. c; ,

---_.- ...


t1 II





~....- ---



3rd and Main Sts.


fi.............. .








Dayt,oD, Ohio

N. Sears

---.- ..


Dr. Heber M. DiU

Classified Ads



















Walter McClure.

Du. H,E.


J. A~ McCoy,



om~ ,~ENTIST

~.~~~~ 7 ~~~~~~

"0 K




.. :

Sdentlll( JlmerlCan.








. -







l'uiJll. llUu: IV ook l y, Itt


W UYl1 CH ' Ill u.

i===!~~ ~~e~h_b.?~~~~~~~~==]' ~::.~.,yM~~~"~~~~O" or ~~~": A

Harveysuurg. VAIJ_EY 'I'E J.I·:I'110)l; E- \ ·A I.J. 1\1)

Rev . Topy , of Mt. Zion ohuroh , T he I:ltoll ell FlI.wlly Orouostrll. of Editur alld Manage r Dllylon rurlli!!Ued til" WUllio for t·be preaohed a~ the Presbvterll'ln oburoh It u r Ul ers 111 Rti~ ute which WclB l\ tlUO tLt this plll.oe Illst I::!uudl\y evening . C;!ulte tL illrl(e orowd atLeu ded 'b e Hutes of ~ ul.J sc riptio ll 01'~1:I. Mr. I:ltokolt i8 a Warren Conn \ 1"0 YOllr (s l ri"t ly III '''''·lU'CO) .. II.0u t y pro(}uot and 'he mualo renderod Institute I\t thil! plaoe laat Wednes· H 111(10 t\' ,J), .. . . . ... . . Ofi W Il S of II bi.:h c lasR. t;nocells il:! dUEl day and 'rbursday. MrH. Wm. Fulkersou and Mi ss - - - - - - - - t he t5toa o8 fnrnily, Rnd our lat ch Maroia Snooks 8ilAnt last'Ihursda y Rales of Advertising strin g hlLD gS out to them . ,< ondlng l.ul'nl •. por 1I1l0 . ........ . . . . . lie l> with her m other here. Hcu!lIuK Loelll •. IJlu"k IM·O . pcr IIno .. .. I Oc r . C. lI . Randf\ll Willi oll.lled to L.eo Mm,. . who atl-ends soh oolat ' 111,..111 00 lid •. noLLu "",coo<! !lve Ii""" hi ~ nu tive home in Indiana on Be 'J'broo IJlIl(IrLlou•.. . .. .. ... ... Ilk: oonnt of the death of an aunt, re- t be U. 8 . U ., is home tor the holi · ""ldLullrll'•. 11"0 uwh&! l reo o\,or 0" 0 days Illchllt!. I",r lI u lie tUl'ning home ~aturdIlY. Mrs . V. E Chambere, of Sidney, , 1. rd o f Lblluk • . . . ... ...... . . .... ... . ]fie Mr . Nathan Cleaver II. mlln of . '-.eluLlollS .. .... . .. . . . . ... ...... , . .. ~Oe m ore I,han fonr soorH yellrllili visit 0 ., ie visiting her friend, Miss ncl1ll. olc. whoro clIO' e I. mado ....... I lle F loren oe Myert! . . l"plllY Advcrti.lwc 1>< . Inch. . ... . . 10e in g hili relati ves here after Bever,,1 MI8ees Lon and Ellen 8ummerR D lBcowl ts glvon )0 COULrIlCL. II.bsenoe in the west. Mr . of Detroit ue visiting the Mills Cleaver WIlS ono of a large family family . IJKCJJ:MIJElt H,. 10 13 IIlJd iB the only ono left to tell the Jobn Finley iB ander the doo'or B tule. he wile r \Ieed In this vioinity a nll at one $ime was Sherifi' of $hls oa reo CHRISTI\tAS PRECAUTIONS A shootinll m atch W!la held a~ the County. whloh arnot'! he Il.lled wIth home of Jaoob Carey leat Saturday The r eoorda of t·he I:ltate Fire ored~! to MaSSie Tp . Mr. Cleaver afteruoon . Mushal sh owt'hlt Christma. trees enjoys preUy Kl:>od health, his eye Mr8 . Laura Funnell i8 Vi8~tlDg sIght bothers him oonsiderable. were responsible for nine fires in Mr . and Mra. Robert Carr lue rel_Uves here. 1912. More properly , por hllps, tbe bltune ehould not be .. ttaohed to Ute ISl(aln reaidenta of our village livin~ Innooent tree, Lut to the Onrief!8 l1etlll II.t the oorner of MaVle and Clark California Woman Serlous)y Alarmed "A IIhor' time ago I oontraoted a of those who ·u eollrll.ted it with In Avenue. Mrs . Moss Bugan is very poorly severe oold whioh lIettled 011 my IIllmma ble rua terll1ls . Nine may lungs and oau8ed me Il great deal of 8eem a amaH nnmber 01 fires in n at thi s writing, her many frienJII nnnoyanoe 1 would hav& bad regret It, but hope she may have 8ta te of s uoh g reli' p opulation Ii 8 oough lng Rpells and my lang!! were 110 Rore and I began to be Ohio; bu t even o nly one would be a aplllldy reoovery . Mrs. bJon~ I::!\ump, Mr . and Mrs. aeriou!!ly alarmed. A friend r eo sullioien t to prove that in these ommended Chamberlain 'II (Joogh b ell uti rul acce~sorieB to the holiday J ohn Th ompson and Mr. Alexander RemAdy. saying IIhe had used It to 0 1 Oklahomll., dlued with Mr • . Mara oelobrl1tlon. th ere ev er lurks I·he year". I bought a b·'tUe and it re post!ibllity of (}l1nger and dhla!:lter Flnoh t:tatorday. lIeved my oou@b tbe first night, Rnd W . H . Antram )f Roswell New In a week 1 wal rid of tbe onld !lod But the dauger can be Lvoided Ilnd thll.$ withont d 3t raoUng in the leaat Mexioo, remembered hie friends aoreness of my lungs, " wrl$ea Misll Marie Gerber, Sawtelle, CII.1. For from t ho beuuty ut the diPplay or with Chrilttmas gleetinge . ell)e by all dealers - - -_e _ .e_____ _ Mr. and Mrs. Lewi8 Sears and son the plea8ure tlfforded by it. Boward of Wilmington, were \he ASlluming thll.' you have ulr"ady Caesar's Creek pr o our~d tbe tree the first thing to guestl' of Mr and Mrs. MlUon Bowe do Is to Bile 'hat it Is seourely plunted tlunday. Franoes Wilson and EvereU Mrs. Pa nl Peterson of Spring 80 thllt the ohlldren, in their enthu Valley WIlS $he week 8n(l guest of Halnel are bome from 0 )!lege for al1l8w Bnd exoitemont, oln by no ber parents, Mr. and Mrs . Frank L . holiday• . possi bilit, pull It over . Mr. and Mrs. J . 8 . Leamlng were 1'h-en in the work of deooratlon, Barris. Mrs. Mara Finoh WIlS remembeTed Oay'on shoppers one dtLy last week . use ouly metullio substancos, or The Berean Clolls met Il t the home others whioh are IIOt readily oom- Ly her son, Charles and wife and her of M"rlallna Compton Saturday sister. all of California. bUII ,lble. Tlsslle paper ILnd ootton evening. Clarenoe Woodeon known al Bap batting have too 'Ireat an affinity Kise Marie Harner attended a for fire to be plaolld III o)ose prox- py Hooligan haa returned to his p~ren~ home to winter, aner spend- Chri.tma8 eo'ertalnmen' of the imity to Jllthtlld oandles . Waynesville Bigb Bobool Friday If tbe presents are hung UpOIl the iOgtbe eummer mOD\hs abroad. Thoae tnterested In bringing the aUernoon. tree, extingultlh all Iigbts b"fore reMr. and )Ira . Zlmri .Baloee, Mn, r nmen Institute here deserve moving thllw. Ella Compton anl1 . Roea Rad great oredU for Shelr Inlluenoo, If proper oare Is observed through. duok au'oed to X~nla Wr.dne8day. William L. Harvey has been quite ou& the state thi8 year'. report ot Oor ohurob observed Cbrlstma8 thll Mta'e Flro Marshal will reoord indi8posed for some weeka but a' no fires a8 the r08u1' of tbe Cbrist tnls writing Ie \booght w be 1m 8unday. A short program was rendered which~was very interell$· pro vlug . WIlS oele brll. tion . Ing. Da vid Compton for a week has E . R . Defenbll.ogh, been takiug a vooatlon an \ vialtlng State Fire Marsh ..1 friend. in Springfield and Dayton . Fits His Case Exactly • J. C. lIray made Uolombne "When father was siok .bou, six How to 8ankrupt the Doctors I visit for eevenl daya laet week. yoar!' alta he read an advertIsement A promloent New York physioilln Rev. Lewi. of Wilberforoe filled of Ohamberlaln '.. T. blet. in the s~ys, ..If It were not tor the thin 'he pulpIt bere Bunday at the A. M papera that fit ble ol\8e euoUy," stooklngs and tbln eoled shoes worn writes MIlIII ldar~are' Campbell of by women t.he dooton would prob E-churoh. Ft. Smith, Ark . "Be purch.. eed II. "b)y be bankrnpt" Wben you Christmas Is beIng o)osely ob box of 'hem II nd be bas not beAn oOJluaot a oold do not walt for It to served here many UBdfulllDd beau. alok slnoe. My sister had stomaoh develop In~o pnl:'umonlll but trea\ it tiful presents b ,ing excba trouble and was also benefited by at OUDe. CbllmberllAin's Cough Mrs. Cora Thompaon one of Mae · them. " For sa)e by all delliers. Remed;r Is intended espeoially for ooughll and ooids, Ilnd hilS won II ale 'l'ownahlp Illdlea gave a very ID-I wide reputation by ItI! ourell of tbese ~reating "')k here as tbe Farmers A Girl .t Fifty. dlleallll8. It IS most efi'ec$oal and I. lnlltltute. tlbe Is a lady of oal,ure The only thing you can tell about. pleasant lind aafe to take. For BIlle and la vflry Inatruotlve and Inter young girl Is that wben she Is tift1 by all dealers . Jearl old ebe will 10011: a great deal - - -estlng . u ber mother looks now.-PblladelWtlIiam Sheridan one of our very phla Ledger. Wbat Was Wron". "Grandma," cried am, impulsive euccessful farm en haa purohaeed youngster, hurrying bnok wltb bls new a fine new Oakland aUSomoblle tour · The Big Item. little jn.oket, "this Is a lovely ooat Ing oar. "Docs It take much money to lIend and I love It, but you've made an awful Barry BhMaker traneaoted bUII- a boy to college?" asked the Boob. mistake. You've put one button too mauy at the top nod one buttonhole DIl88 In Oaytoll Tbursday, Barry "No," replied the Cheerful Idiot. "It'll Is in the horae bualness and haa our keepIng him there that takel the too many at the bottom!" coln.h -------..-. ------beat wishea. Oar IOhoo) I:1reaka rank WedneaI"norant India. India hns 315,000,000 people. lesa dllY, Deoember la, antU January 6. vie Have Met Them, thlln half of whom can even rend the 1914. £lome men uae sentiment and lI),m· _____ a - ••- - - - - native vernaculars. Neverthelesa patby In a way that suggests grlodlJl,I Ulere are 668 lIewspapers and 1,969 an ax on a tombstone. periodicals published there. Dr. Hobson's Ointment Heals Itchy D. L.

CHAN I': ,




11 2



. .. .



.. - ...-----








..... . UP.lU})D~ "





- ..------


Can T.II All About It. The eonlltantly Itoblng, burning / One of the peculiar Lhlngs In Amer- eensatlon bnd otber dleagreeable Ican life Is that those who have no •• al' rheum Hnanoes always know the most about IIforms nd s~ of In eczema, eruptionstetter promptly oured Hnance.-Pbllndelphla Ledger. by Dr, Hobson 'a Eczema Oln'men~ Geo. W. !"Itch of Mendota, Ill. saye : "1 purchaBed" box of Dr Bobs 'e on • "- of Ointments for Beware E ozema 01 n&ment Have bad Eo zema ever lIinoe 'he oivil war, haTe Catarrh That Contain Mercury been trellted by many dootorll Done liS merourv will 8i1'l'oiy de~troy the bave given tbe beneflt'&hd oD'e box senee of smell and '.'omple'el, de- of Or. Bobson'" Eozem" Ointment range the wbole syptem wben e u hR1'," Every soiferfr 8bould try It .. ...... . terlDI/, It through · tho mocou. sur- We're eo poaUlve it w11l help you . . faDe8 . Maoh &rtinles sboold never we guarantee It or money refunded. be used ex ep\ on pru!.Criptlon8 At all' Uru~~letllJ Clr by Qj an 500. from reputuble physlolans as the PfeIffer Chemloal ("0. Pblladelpbla damage they will do ie Tfln fold to & St , Loals . the go.o.l you oall possibly derive - - - - -.••_ _--0. from I·hem. Hall'" Clltlurh Cure, . Had the Lalt Word. m~nuf!t&ture(l by F. J. Cbeney & Two ladlell, during .. frIendly mee... 00 , '1'oledo, 0 , oontain8 no meroo)'y . Ing en th e etreet·, got to quauelln. and 18 taken lot-ernnlly, aotiog dl about tbelr ages. and uled very lit ron. reotly upon tJle blood and m uoooa language toward eaoh other. At lalt. surfaoos of ehe 8yetem. 10 baying If to end the dispute, one of them BaU'8 Oat&rrh Cure, be lIure yon aB turned away and Bald In a very con. ~e' tbe ~tlnuine, It Is taken Intllr lllatory tone of voice: "Let na not a ... Dally and m'lde In Toledo, Obio, by Quarrel tbe matter an7 more. I. i'. J. ·CheDey & Co. Test.imonla!a at leut,over bave not tbe beart to eto tt. free. r DeTer Imew who my mother wu; SoIeI by druggists. Price 760 per _he de.~rted me when a baby, and . b"'~le: " . . who Imowl bll' lba' you 111&1 ~ Take Ball'a Family PUll for OOD ~en tile l1earUeU parqU" .. l



,~ ;



Bey. O. 8. Orauaer, Putor, Sunday School. 9 ~1I a, m. MornlnR sel vloe. 10:30 a. m. EVening servlee, 7 : 0 p m, Midweelr Pr \yer AleeLlng. 7 p. m. ' -,. ----

St. Augustine's Catholic: Cburda. MILlIS

Father Loul8 Yall8 BeClODd Bullda, of the mODth


a. Ill.


St. Mary'. EpiacoPIII Churc:la. Rev. J . F. CadWallader, Rector. Sunday 5obool. D :80 a. m Morning ReI vIce. IU :30 a. m. Holy CommunIon lbe fir ..t Bunday of each mon~b,

tbrlllian Cburcb. Bev. P. B. 'thoms-n. Putol. Bible School, 1:.0 .. In. 80cIaI meet'q 10:.0 ... m. 0hrfIItIttII :&adeaYor. f:OO p. 8enDoII by ~...,. alMni&\e 81U1dQ" 10:.0 .... iYId 7:'0 P. m. HkkJite Frieadl Chu~


irat DI1 lleetlDI(. 10:00 a. m. ·FIn'Da, 801looJ. 11 :00 a Dl. rOllntl Day llee&lDS 10:90 a. Dl. "

OrtbodOx Frienda Chorea.

A. .•• WooteD, ' I'~r. Rabba'h 8obooI. t:1O a. In. Re~ar chureh ~.lO:IO" m., UId 7:10 p. m, ~ ~Wlll_"' . ~ 1" ;;

a. f:...

An e:draordinnry phenomenon was witn l'ssea. a few davs 1l!!'O in n enl (England) cemctery: Gev('ra l pcrsons wcre pnssing out uit('r It visit ( 0 rcla t h·cs' graves, from some 1lnknown And unexpltl inl'd cnUllO an artifi cial wrenth inclORed in {l glass case lI'as uhse Tl'CU to riee about threo feet fr lllll ti ll' ~ro llnu, turn over, and fall top U OW nWlI.I'M upon th'o grnve without lm ak ing. Fill ed wi I h 8U pcrsti ti otl s fl'a ,. anel ~ dreael, se vernl fl('d f rom the spot. Another F]'Il'ct11tor, a Dea l ('oastg uard, who ",n , off duty. althl)u gh cOlw id('rably nlnrIll('d, Rtuppe<1 alld replaced the wrcn thin its fom lCr pos il ion. I Th is rcmarknl,le gtory is voucherl for by six adults. All dRy tlle wea lhe r had llren I'cry oppressive nnd t huu- : dcroll s, £lnd the e/luse of the r .d mor- ' dinar." plir nomenon is ntlributed to c1rctri ci ty or co mpressed



X~nia, Fine Assortment of

Novelty Aprons All Over 39


Holiday Goods


Tho Swiss glaciers aro growing. ' This is due to the cold summers of 1912 and ] 9] 3. For Aeveral years the glaciers had been reced ing'. Tho Swiss mcteo rologiCJll authorities ro- 1 port thot 23 glaci('r~ have advance!l i eonsiderllbly in the !Ilst two years, .thC' / upper and Im"r r Orllltl elwu.ld glaCIers from (j ~j feel to flO feeL Curiollsly enough, the mi ghty Rhone glacier is still dwindling. 'I'he dirrcto r of the central Swiss ~r (' fro rolo rTieRI station exprcslJ('s the br li ef that' over northI'm anrl Cen tral S witzerlulld the cold damp weather will go on u ntil 19 22. Th is stutement is ba on observati ons a t' wea ther in the Alps since 1855. A Beri es of colder wintCf"B may also be expected.


All Out for Display.


Japan Baskets, China, Leather Bags, Cut Glass.

Coat Sale $9.95 to $25.00




A ta.blet has bcen unveiled at Primero, southern

T yrpl,




ho~ where Alois Negrelli was bam,

to commemorate his work in connection wi th the survey and pl ans for the Suez canRL Negrelli made his first investigations in 1847, and completed his plans in 1855-6. They \~ere uccepted by tho Paris commis- . ~Ion and in 1858 he WIIB appointed 1n ~pector general of the works by the Khedive Said. Negrelli died on October 1 of the same yenr. His plans were b()ught by De Lesseps, who floated the present Suez Canal comp6llJ to CII.lTJ them Cl'Ilt.


House Dressel



Room RUil

"My love." "Yes, Harold?" "What did your mothar say when you told her you were engaged to mei''' "Said she knew the si lly BCllBon WfiB about due."- Pittsbur{dl Post.

$3.75 to $30.00


Ingrain Carpets


Copyrlltht IQI1 The J I. Ulack Co.

Cured of Liver. Complaint "I was sufi'erldg with liver oomplaint, " says , Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, "dnd decided to try a 250 box of Ch'\mllerlliin's Tabletil, and am happy to aay thll.t 1 am oom pletely cured .. nd oan reoommend them to everyone." For 8ale by all dealers .



Womanl Complalnll of TalkaUvlI F,Ilow Travelers Who Insl.t on Revealing Secret .. It II IItrange how maby peop!e, when travelin g, are so bored with tlM!lr owu Boclety that they will talk to whatever stranger tkey C8n force to IIBoon-yea, nnd tell their heart'B secrets, too. Once, In the dressing




would be a welcome



for your friend who is a

room (,f a Pullman, a womsn whom I have never seen tram that day to thll, told me with euct detail all about a recent BOaotlnl In her family which they bad kept out of the paperB only b), the m.ost atrenuous effort. Yet for all ahe knew, I mIght have been a report.r and I must say I longed to frtgbtEln her for ber Indlsoretion '1 telling her that I WaH onel LeS!1 sertous confidences are fro. quent. "I've hardly a hair on my head that's my own," whispers the woman who has come over from tb. next &eOtlon ostensibly to after you a mapzlne, but really to henr herself talll:. ..", .. -..- ............. "These puffs cost U6-and altogether I've b,ought over $100 wortb of braids and II'WItOheB." Pleasant thoughtt It til much more dlftlcult to handle the cheerful, expansive woman traveler ,,,bo has made up her mind .to talk to one of her own Bex and wh 0 I• at heart a very good Bort, but who merely happenB to be .. frightful bore, than :It Is to discourage the advance!! of the offellslve traveling man, wbo, ....DI.. a woman alone, feels that •• • c:an fc)Uow up hlB rude ataNa with con· Also 'YBl'I&Uon. Ulaally a curt monol,.ll.· ble anlwer or no anlwer at all wt11 lamc.~eDtI)' crallb blm-.but )"0\1 Cannot cleal out that IOrt or treatment jo 701lI' ~ iIU.-J!l1chan,e.. . ,


Methodist Episcopal Chua

g :00


Wrea·th, Howe'oler, May Be Prosaica lly ExplaIned •

'.' , .


• ..,..,w.w ............................ - ....



Automobile Livery Service at Rea. IODable Rates. Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. ~RWIN,




Practical FaShio~






Reason Will Do Much to Prevent• Our Convictio:1s From Bef,oming Weak. "C o n\("\

11 0 W ,


U H r l'a f'O I1

to g f'l h e r .

Haith th' L ord ."- ls allih I . I ~. Th o " r('u I"R t ot th e l1cbr e w p rop h· e l d Jl u t ~ tl\('~ e wor ds Ill t o l \l " III (1Ul h of n ll.L '1'1,,· AI'lI i" ht y I,. r ~p J' I'ti~ lIt .' d IHi

Ilt w nll i n ;; t I:p ( Ht"t 111 a C TIl P Il tin 1111 1

Ihll:l, ('lIo u"h III t l,.,lr

/'I·III~ I (1 !I .


do t h IlI 't Ii 11 t l\\, I Jl~ IH \ U P I£! d. , rh liO t l 'un til' I (' l' ," so r lltl :-> f h e div ll lP nrrn l gn1111'111 . A Cr'ordlll{ "; to I: r:.ia h . I :, I d

,,:'.111 '" I h" 11I 10 t h ln l' wI th 1,1111 . Th e \I rll l<J' f'RR o r rf'li "il l\'~ pl'o ple In a ll c. , qll'r:t l l() n ~ ha :.: h " 1 1I thn l l h<, y h :1\ O I, tll,r I !1t\Ut!hl ('n on:..: II A fl o c k t ha t wi ll tu rn o ut egg s If p ro lect ed a n d

._-- -- ---- -

h ~ ndled


ri gh t .




11 I..: \\kl{l" d (lilt In t lJ l,dc A m n n ' 1.: 1\"1':0; 1111 h is 1I 1iltlh o n \\ Jill dl /''' A n o t


I,' "'11 ,,rllt11 l"I

II'" :tn· tl Tl" Clr th y or th p ('111'18' If w{' Il rC' 1" 0 t lmlll to


' " a lit! In v",t lg at(' 111111 1'('''"0 " kbo u t c ,'('r.'· <l llcLri II " II h klt th" re· Iigloll o f . I es u ~ le a<'l!t'!;' Supp ose II:a l ( hin l<i ll g dtJpg 1"," 1 r OU Inlo cl o ll b t . 1 )(111 hi IR "ftl'1I11 I1 \1 '5 1tI l' 111 ~ l nnl. '1'111' 1' ., Is 111 0 1'1' rHil h In h tJ ll r·~ t .1oll h t Ih an III a c l'ppd a b n ll ( wlll (' h yo u U J'll afra id ( 0 th lll ie n ou bt Is n n .'xrJ ~ rl ­ • III '" ", h ld l lJ (oIo lll:;S tn a gro \\'.lr l!: lit" . 1 II 1I1IIn IJ IUSI n ~ ht h l~ way t hr o ll/,:h <l oullt to tit " c le:l r n nrl ,u n li t s pn r, \ \\ 11I1· h li e beyo n d . !I I' ('a ll cia t h is IInl )' I h y harel a nd h() nl'~ t li linkln!;. "(' o mp., I IN 11 5 J'I 'HSOn t og t UN ," salth th e,

IS BACI{ 0F EGG, PROD UCTION Laying Hen Must Have a Surplus of Fat in tl1e Body as it is Necessary for the First Step in the Devel-

opment of the Egg-G reen Feed Essential in Winter


In Readine ss. haH h.-en th e ex h nr tll t lon ot I I ff )' t .. ~1. H E:>1"I" CTO N .) T h is s ma rl o no pi ece d r ess h ns Ibe t hp. AIlll lg hl y trom c love r fo r a COUIl II' o tb e bl'{; IIIIIIII J;. In In d (! " l' lopl lll; mN ho d s to g e l th e tha t Il Is fl l fo r Hl r s ea s olls. Afte r Int est s t yl.. IJlo us f' . wl l h bo d y a nd t h e fu hl f' SS r llIos t any crop. It Illn e .I,,~u s ('H Ol e. a nd be Gt po ss ilJl ,' r "H u lls from a fu rlll o f th e cloye r c o'lI lla t Ill' sl'l!d t' d In lh e fall s lt' e ves Cllt In o n ' all d wllb Il d ou b le III .J 1'~un we h ell r God s a v inI' " ('0111(, " 0 iJ l 'f! a 6 l~ d c lotil ng .ll OUll s ltl e 0 1 t h e . ' :, I ' ncr ea I IJ[1\' 0 foumI It n cee.OllrJ" t o Il C," II bc' IlU l III wit h n lIur sc c r u p ot f ron l. It h a ~ a M.'d ic l ru r! a t lh e n eck. no w, I.,t u s n 'a .o n l oge th e r . J ep us , g i\' e cn r~f ll l Jlll c llt loon 10 fo il ('o lls pr ' o a ts" In Ih e 5)\ 1' 111;' 1'h ., s k irt Is a f'fll r guru tl eslg!], CIO :51I1 li wa s :1 1\\'0.\'8 r f'a s on lll g It It a..~ ber n , \·o ti o n . I o ll g I\go I b('cu lll e fl flrm boo \ \1h " [1 n lI eld h :ts pro d u('ed c orll for II I on e si d e. T l1 es (I f roc k ~ IIr~ mild " 0 1 M id t.ha t he n l' \' pr argu e d , and t hat I ~ li t'\'er in t he fl'llS ilt llit y o f tl o u b lt' c ro p· tw o K" uso n it t1I l~;'l \\, ,'11 be A~e d l' d to c I1n r rn pl1 !if.' c r(' pt ~ l Iee II Ine. so· Il s Ilk , t r uc II \\'1' m en n Itt' n p\'(·r arg u e d In ~ " S t 0 ll\ \I'm s oo n ex• · OIl (S n nd wh e ll Ihl H cro p It! ta ke n . I I/Irl g . b ill Lhi ..- ".J c he l'\o t se ~g ('. c h iITo lI bro" ic lo til nntl th O' tn od"r n . sf' n air ~e o f th e worn . b u l In I h all.·o t he lan d un les s a t ho!'OlI g h IIP' i It ('o u ltl p ro fHu bl r be fo llow \'d wIth s imil a r fa br ics. tiH' ' 1t~l' l w~ t 6 1' II " C h e. Wa H alwa ) s u r· pl ka tio n o r m a n uro Is pro \' id o.> d e Hry rotl tl e r co rn L11 . T hl' dress pulll' r n ( 6HI) 'In cu t In "u ln/-:. Ill s who lo 'lin e sea s o n . Three s P('c ch was a r e a · l r on r a nd all ilile ili ge nt Bch e mo o r roo )' (, 11 1'9 \ o uld glv(' lan d l\ p r eLL y se vc r e Rlzes 34 to 42 lu che 8 bu t t me lls ur e. SI,tI('ci o rgu me nt. 111 8 qu es t lon R arp. I ta ll on 18 ad a pt " d . Irln l, hut It \l' ollld be th or oughl y r eo Mc:o d lurn s lz(' r equ lr l's 4 ya rds 0 1 4-t m ig h :.I(l r lli n n Ey ll og ls ms n ncl co mp{'1 E ith e r In o pe rnllng n sma ll d ll lr}, o r sto rt' d b y d e vo t in g In t h ma ter ia l Il to clov e r tor two t h e m ind to TI~~ ~on , " [ s not a lIl!\n r a isI n g t;l o e k fo r ma r k e t one m ust be y~ors. Libera l aJl I.llcatio0 9 or ma Tn procu re thl_ T'n tl~rn ~enel 10 "" nUl b (' ~:~ ~. llt a n nure a Sh OI', P 1" "W hat think 1 pre pare d lO reed t hrou gh fr e qUe nl l a r c 01 vltul Irn port .:nce . to "Pn tt ern D~ p t\rt'" " " :' " .·r Ihl o T'"p~ r. YO. Ir [\ mll n ha \ co a hund red sh ee p pe rio d s ot Gumm er d ro ' Vrlt c na m o und u,€>!'\3 p (lI l nl y . ll n t ~ bo ug ht. h b III cn rr y lng oul, tbl s double crop .U,o to giv e stzo o.n u n u m bc ; c~ p a U " rn. u nd o n ... ot t e m l' !,:o ne n s tray , d ot h Tills Is abs olul l'ly nel'essa r), II th e pr inc iple It Is \l'd l to fol lo w eo rly he n o t lea ve th e nI ne t y nnd nin e and milk o ut puL is ma lnt nl n f>(\ o n a bas Is rcLa toe ~ \\' Ith pe as , or foli o \\' uny or!;ol·th In (o fh o m Olln ln ln n and seek· Ihal wilt fulf1l1 co ntra c t s . Coru comes dlna ry vo t u to c ro p wlll1 fodd e NO, 6 411 r COI' O . SIZE -.• -.. - .• -•• - ••..e t h lhat wh ll' h Is g o n o a stray." Tb e lat e In lh o Inll and in a dd Ilion to thi s Atl er r epelllln g th is for a co u pl e ot p ri e~ t. th e L p.vit e . Lh o Samarit an : lh e wlnler s NAM E •• •• •• • _. ___ ••• ____ ••••• ••• _ uppl y ot Ir o y mU 8t be pro- S03 S0 11 1; s ee d wilh c ICJ\·er . Oat.s and " WhI c h now ot th es e threo thlnkes t vld e d . Sum me r tpe di ng s ee ms Lo be pcn s t ogethe r mui\(' a good lorage for TOWN ...... . .. . _ •••.• • _•.•• _••••••• ••••• _. th o u wa s ne Ig hbor UlItO him thal re ll ot e ye r .ln c r e a s ln g Im por lance In daIry cow s and hOgR. the n nlmals 10 be omo ng th e th ie ve s'" "Wh e n th e lord d!strlcts . Th e n th e g row ing scarcity 1lI1'u l' d STRE E T AND NO . ••• _ • • ••••• ••••• _._.-. In whil u the c rop Is green . A of Lh e vIn eyard com e lh . wh n L wl\l h e or advancI n g \'alll ~ o r Innd cons lltutes pa t ch o f arll c ho llel! or r a pe will help STATE ••• . • __ •• _ •. •••• •• _ •• _ •• _. -••••••• d o unl O th os'e hu s l,an drn pn'" "It ye, a nother QU Asllo ll . Il ne eds little a r !!; u. lh g ro wlh a n ti q un l lty ot hogs . b:- In g ev il . liO n w ho w to giv e good : m nl to s ho w th a t we ou g hl to 1m· I lI y k ee pIn g u p s Ul'h n varI e ty a s this g irts u nto yo ur c hlldren, how much I p ro ve o ur farr n il~g lo nd Du d, If po ss l· 111 fo r m ... r o n ,to :tc r l' s Clln su LADIES ' SKIRT. ccess fully m or A w ill yout' H en \, p nl y Fath e r give bl e a ec C' lU plls h !IS m uc h on 40 a c re s I h a ndl e a d ll lr)' ot le n c ows a nd ral&e Ih e HoI)' S plriL t o th e m that ask hIm!" a s 'for merl y w o did on RII or 100 . ~;, to 50 hogs e vc r y ye ar. H A ought : ' h ? C,h r,l,s : lon r e li g Io n: Ie God's yolce I h nve s(' c ul't?d Ilm e t le:11 re s ult s by nlso to l! u ,'o thre" o r 10 llr mares and a sa) Ing . Co mI ng. nol', le t us r eason eo w ing r ye ro r fo uul'r T hi s c rop ls i c ou pl e o f huuclre ll c ltl cltens , bes Ides a t O ~lh e r ." r ea d y (0 c Ul ll n.1 8t ac k In.tA In ~lay I gard e n a nd s ome f rull. Meth o ds can Ma n y a mnn Is n ot a Chrl s llnn be- i uu d Il c a n be' rul lo'o\'l' d With m ill e t . g e l. b p \' n l'ie d to s uit locuLioa , Illurl,et ad· caus/! h e IR n ot wi ll ing to r e ason the . tln g Iho lu tl.' r Inlo t lt e r, r uu nd by J u ly vun t ages. 50 11 ch u1'Ile le rl stlcB and {a· ma il e r out wllh Ood In ChrIst. It , t. Th e tl t ho ta r lll or comes fa c o Lo bo r c a ndltlo n H. In th l'8 0 littl e tarm ' o ur co nvl ~ tl o tl 9 IIro b ec o mIn g weak , ra c o with Lh o Ilr ol>I" tll u f so il cx h uus · propos iti o n s on o a im mus t be to dlB· • It Is beca us e w e do not Ihlnk . It the I linn . It wo ulll not b p wi se t o r f' pe nl t rio ut e th e wo rk (·" .. nl y ove r th e sea· old dl r. t inelifJn s between rl g hl ond ' thl'lt prog r a m t he n x t seUE OII , b ul It Is 5011. FrolU th e l ll1l o of a s pu ra gu8 a nd \\' r o ng nr c fa din g o ut It Is b CCRU M we , pr ne ll c: h Ie to see d Ow L nc ld to clov c r rhllhu rb In tho e pr ln g until (h e lost h a ve cea sed 10 r ea s on wit hOod . Ir as 800 0 a s t h o m lll e l Is t llk e n or!. wi nte r a ppl e is p lc l,e cl p H'r e .o ught to t he sen se lit s in Is lo day dl sl\lJpear ln g This will r ('st th f' 5(1 1\ Dn d re oto r es Its btl s om e lh ln g f res h for illurket every from th e hearts ot m e n It Is becau s e , qualitie s. Il shou ld be d t! \'o l e d ' to d a y. th e)' lire 1.00 hll RY to s it down and m e ditat e wlLh Ood . I 'have h e ard m e n ~-""~" "~~~~~~~~~~---~~--" "-"- .... ~ b e wail th c m e t that .Lh e y had nl) tim e to ge t Il cQ ualntpd with th t:l lr wIves and child re n. ThIs Ind ee.l Is tragic, ane! It is al s o lragic lO have no tIm e to g e t oC Quulnle d wIth olle 's selt. W e De ve r kno w o ur selv es until \\'e thInk about our life wIth Gad . I, e t \1 1\ , then, s pend more tIm e ID rea sonIng with hIm .. Let us pI<'k up th e thin g s whIch Thi s ls a lWO pi e ce sklrl wllb 0. very we have lost. L e t UB sit down and grac e lul drnp p.!,y In trool, simulat ing thInk about (Ilat llIan whlcb we fully a lUllle and arran ged for a lrala In Inte nded to be lind II bleb, IIlas , we tbre e s t yles, e llb e r s llorL square, short hav e n ever ye t b ecome! -Rev. C. E . point o r long square. Th e sh o rt polnl J e r!!lrso,! , n.D. Is mo s t In ue e tor ' u rmal occasio ns, th e 10l1g tra In lor e ld e r ly women at PrayIng for OUI FrIends , ba ll s or e vc nin g wf' dd i ngs . T il B long Prnylng for our fri e nds and ac· Ir a ln Is a ls o u ~p d by hr idr s qu a lntan ce s Is th e best se rvlc o (hill Th o s klrl pa tte . ( 6 ~ OS ) I.. c ut In we cnn ev e r r e nd e r th e m . HUl how s izes 22 to 31l In ch es wa is t m ea SUf'O. oft en hav e we relt s harply limit e d In Me d iulU SIze r t' qulreR :: y arrl s o r 44 or th e tllll e and opportu nity al o ur dIs· 5 1 Inc h m a t e rial , w lth o ltt Ib e traIn, or \lo SIII ror prayIn g a s we s ho uld Ilke 4,¥, ynrd s of 14 or 5~ Inch mat e ri a l to pray ro r th e m a ny whom we hold with 1\1 (' lraln dear. A m a n of manifol d and h c ayy To nr/lr llrc t h l!'t p :1 t tf' m Ron" 10 c e nts reS I) a ll s lblllllf'B , lind ri c h I.rny e r to "Pa tt er n P l' p n r(Jll cllt , " or t h is p a p t:lr. \\-r ltc n a m e n n~ l a dilr f'~s vll1 lrll y. n n ll b e life, told a frI e nd 01 a slmpl c prac· aur a to g IvQ ~ lzc nflll Hum ucr o C v u.lle rn. lic e lh u t bad lJ e lpe d him In this dlf· The I~ind of a Herd Produce d by Raising the Calves of the Bnt Cowe, tlcully. "1 am uot abl e to do nearly w!Jnl I s h ollld likc lO do In the way (11 )' 1'; IJW AIl O c . G I. IT;r.f< Ii:.J I c hop aft er ea ch me a l a /ld s o forget NO. 54 08 SIZ E ..... . .... . . . .... of pr[tye r fo r my trl end s," he saId, . It we s ta rt a calf out rIg ht In tile ,' a bout tll o aw ful habl l o f ear·suck lng. "btl t wh e ne ver fh e thou g hl of a Frl e lld fIr s t yea r o r , It s lire It will e ve r N AMn: •••••••••• •••••••••• _._ •• ••.•••• •••• _be a Wh en th ey 'llavl' fi n ishe d Lh e lr meal co m es Inlo Otl,T mInd , In lh e mid s t or prolltnb le a n Ima l ; bllt It we d o /lOl they should be tUl'n ed out on n men· TOWN ••• •••••••••• •••••• _._ • .•• • •• ••• ••• __ oth er duti es , we call OIl the InsLant gIve him Ii fair, g ood s tart htl wlll, at dow or a\fulra Il c ld to e xe rcIse and STREET AND NO . •.•••••••. •..••••••• _._ ' ju s t 'think upward ' as we think ot b est b e a worthl ess fic rub, cousum lng they will Boon beg in to nibble grass lhat trl e nd, lind th e upward Lhought much more fe ed lhon be wlll Ilver and s o g et extra n o urIshm ent. STATE •••• ••• • _ . __ ••••• _•• _ ••••••••• _••• wlll sure ly be rec e Ived by tbe ratber Th e main obJecL i,tI raIs Ing ea ll'es Is In beaven as carryIn g tb ut frIend beto k ee p tb e m conUnu a lly growing . It foro him ill lovIng Inte rc ession. Per· TrIed Them All. Is easi e r lo put on a pound of gaIn My Small nIe ce, Rged four , cam o haps th e life or 'prayer wilhouL ceas· when they are youllg t hun IVhe n they running Into the room where her Ing: Is . ju s t a lite ot c e aselessl y Ull" aro old er . ward thloklng ."-Sele cted. mother nnd I were sIltIng. "My dolly 's sIck," she said, "and I • Methodl l of FeedIng Fowle, The Boek of Proverb ., don't kn9w wllllt 'S lbe maller. I gav,a Fowl~ should ba vo e mpty cropa In It ony book or tbe Old Testam ent be r wate r and ebe can't swallow that: tbe mornIng . and the crops tibould lh o doctor gave her a plll and she may be claimed by young people aa rfever be quite tull until It Is time tM especial ly dIrecte d to tb e m, IL Is pr~ can' t swallow th31." go to roost nt n ight. For the f1rr'" "The n," said I, "I don't Bee but wbat verbs. Jewish writers say that Soloteed, grain scattere d In the litter early yOU . had bolter try ChrlsUa n Selene", moo wrote the Cantlcl es or Song 01 in the morolng Is preterre d, tbe aooo· Solomo n In hIe youtb, and the Profor h e r ." er tho bette r after tbe birds leave tbe " We hav e trI e d It," "aid sbe, "and verbs In bls rIper years. LULher said rooBts . she can't s wallow tbat. "-WIBC Ooslll Lhat every slmlng at godIrne ss Bhoald ThIs Induces tbom to exercIse , which make Proverb s hIs book of devotio n. Me dIc a l Recorde r. 16 espe cIally Importa nt on cold winter Colerid ge said It was tbe beet _stateB·· mornIng s. In the mIddle ot the day a" mao's maDual ever wrItten . Get ac· HIs Fatal CurIosit y. warm, moIste ned mash should be "I underst and that vaudevi lle per· Qualnte d with It and reap the benefit glveo, nbout wbat th e y wtll .ent wltbln of Its belp . tonners g e t bIg pay ." 16 or 20 minutes , IlDd at olght, f1bou.t "S omc of lhem do. Are you thInk· an bour before they go to roo s t, a ' libIng of goIng Into vaudevi lle?" DivIne Sympat hy. Human sympat hy Ie of tbe faIntest " I don'l Imow that [ will go In ex.. e ral feed of gralu s bould be scattere d In the litter. aelly, but I'm thlokln g of commll ' kind, compar ed with God's sympatb y. tlng some heinouB orlme, just to Bee what ' oile r s I'll g e t." Alfalfa Bnd Sweet Clovor. Where ' It 18 difficult to I 6l>tal11 Swell Lunche on. stand of altalfa it" ". R e port' or an e ntertain me nt says ' "Thoug h m eag er before luncbeo o, thE att e ndance . Had 'dfJ e d appl~s, per\lalls , ' Tl rl~

A laylD!: b e n mu s t ha ve a surplus I t c nd s to kee Jl t ilC !l e n s In h e a lt hy con· ot tat In th o body. T hI s fa t Is n ee e s. } dill o n. (' e r w in uf 11i (' h r' a \' l ~ r lJ rc"l1e lIary for tbe Il rs t sle p In lD e d evelo p· ' a r c 11I 1'li nell to "Ilt ((10 JIl Ul' h o r th o m oat at the e g g. Th e tlry m a lte r ot m ash. In s uc h '·""[oS. t he it u PJl pr ma y th e yolk of tb e e g" ('o nt al ns a bo ul G 1 be k p t 1' l o~e . 1 d u rl tJ ;: l il t! mo rni ng 4 ., nllll I. pe d o lll\' f il l' Ilir(' 1) III' fOll r per ce Dt f n t. As t hi s Is th e flr s l II~ rt ho u l' s In ne th e R r tl'~lIo o n . 'f h p l'o n8Ulll p, of th e l'gg to be ro rm e d , It Is esse ll ' I lI o lJ o { mas h c a n b ... c'on tro ll e d so me. li lnl th a t the h e o b a ve a s tl p ply o f ra t wh al by r~g u la t ill l; l it" s \lppl y 0 1 g r a in. In h e r bod y. A h en's bod y c onl1l ln K I H r ns la y lIes t an d k l'('n III best t·o neil· mor e fnt jus l be t orl' t he la yin g p e rl 1I l ion \\ h e ll fp d 0 1...' h :ilf as lIlIH· \t mas h th a n al a ny ot h e r tI me o f tile y"a r . j a s ~rai ll . A lal'l; pr qu allt lt y Is liab le It lUay bo In le r eH l ing lo lHJtC t he to c a u . e d lge s l iv e Ir o \l bles. A Good (lua ntlty o f [el' d wh te D a h ea\'y la ylll !; d r y m :.s h I(' d Is co mposetl ot ben w!1l consum e In a y ea r 's t im e . "Ib s . ('o r n mpal. L ndy Co rn e ll , n r e rnHrkllh le he n as a ll 6 Ius . wh(' at m illtl ll ng .. e gg prod uce r , co n s u me d du r lns tb e 4 Ibs. wh a l b ra n. year 60.6 pou nds ~ f11 l n , 29.3 r o un d s "Ibs . lII eal s(' r a ps. malh, 9.9 poun ds g r een {oo cl, 4.1 po und s 1 lb. li nseI' d 0 11 m e a l. ebell , 2.1 5 Ilo u n d s /: rl l. and 4.05 po und e 1 Ih. n tra lln tn enl. I(;Tce n cu t bo n.,. W ith th Is raw ma te r ia l, 1.3 lb . fin e c ha rco al. .ebe produ ce r! 257 e ggs, wei g h Ing 29. 6 1 t Pa s poon fu l saIl. pound s, a I' he nomi na l r ec o r d ro r fI white logho r n he n . Ve r y t e w he ns wi ll Tbls Is too r ic h In pro te in to be t ed equal th is r eeo rd. bu t It g oes t o s how a lo ne, b u t whe n It Is co m bln e ll w iLh what ea rpI,,1 IIl'PNll ng, fee d ing a n d t he g raI n, rl'eul llS t wo -t hlrd d gra in li nd care '1\' 111 nccOIll pli, h. o ll e· th lrd 111 115 0 , the re s ult Is a bal· Th e re fl re lII a ny 11I 1)(t llre 8 t ha t m ny a nced ra tI on . b e [ed , b il l I 11'0 tlii n g~ ~ ha uld bo con ' Gr eE' n tood or so me ~ o rt is III'c,'saa r y s td mcd in pn..' IJH r iJ lg 6ut' h n ml xt u r C" , lo l h E' healt h o r t he fo wl. It s \' a lu e Jo'lr s t, It shu II llI p ru vidl' a \'a rl ely o f \i ps (' hle Hy In It s ph y s ical p IT ec t u po n f oo ds: an d 8,'<'01) '1. IL s hou ld no t ('Oil Lhe d l g "'~ t l v e s )·~ L e m . l3 ee ls , c a hb age t.u ln n n I'X('(·';; o f ill d iJ;!'S l lb lE1 fi be r . a nd s pr o u ted oa ts li r e amo ng t lt e bes t Th e '·3 · ~ ·1 " rot l n whl l' h is tcd a t t he g rpf'n fee ds for wlll te r . As a rul e , t bo Unl\' e rslt y J '(JIII~ r y plan l, l1I ('e t fi lh ese io wlij s b o nld he fell a ll th <' y wi ll ea t o nce a cl a y ; t h (' re Is li tll e d a n ge r re q u l r e1J l t'lIt~ . (t I, (·ol11l'os.' d o f of theo lr o " ere a tln g u nless Il be ot 15 I t ~. cr~l'k~ d ('o ro . sp rOll te d oats. A sa fe a mo unt ot oa lS 10 I b ~. II h.'a l . Is one s qu are Inch at c al s pe r he n pe r 5 Ibfi . O ltl S. Il ay. If l he fow ls are c onfine d In lhe T hl' {'1I J'1J lti <: ra,·\,,·tI In e na b le th c ya rclti. s o m e fll rm of g r een fe e d s ho uld d lgest \l'" j tJII'<i' ~ ( 0 " •. ( up o n It mor e he grow n in fh e y a rd s. R a pe, 11 I'f' a di ly a n,l t o lIffllrtl 1Il0 re exe r cis e t o plun lc cl afl pr A. good r a in, \\'111 soo n de· tb e h ... ns ill sl'fa ll'hi ng Ih l! liltPI' . Un· v" lu p plll nts SUm,,;u Jl t ly la r g e t o s upd ama ged SiT."·,, ln,,;; lil a )' be fe d In ply gr ee n fo od fo r II (lu m be r 01 he ns. I}re e n c ll l bone Is a n e xc e llenl food fo r winter egs produ c l\on . It Is ge n· e r a lly le ss e xpe n s iv e than m ea t s c ra ps a ud Is ea te n m ore r e a d11y be c au s e o t i l ~ fr es h co nd ition. Ir fed da il y In "on nel' ti nu wit h ma s h , o nc po un,l t o fh irt y h e ns s hould be 1\ m n xlmuln , q ua n l1ty . Wh e n no m as h (' o n ln in ln g m e Ul sc raps o r ot her meal Is l cd , the , qU Antit y o f gr ee n c ut bo ne may be In· , cre ase d lO on e po und t o sixtee n hl' n s I 'r he be st res ull s can be o l.ttainf'll by I 'N.> cl ing lh e bon e thr e e tIm es u wee k i ns te ad of ev e r y clay . Gril :l nd s he ll s ho uld bA re d In OIle D A self·feed i n 9 ho pper. h o ppe rs. W ith o u t grI t , (he b e n cnn· not g r in d th e hil i'll I; ra ins whI c h are p ln ee or w bole wh ea t. Oa ts s h fl u ld t,.. fr d 10 h l'l' a nd wllh o llt ~ h e ll , sil e lI' ill pl u m p a nd full ; a l h pr ll' ls c, Ih l')' will ll:i·l, th ", lilli e to ma l< e th e s he ll of th e h e Wi1 ~ I ('( 1. Th o n bo ve m' xl u re ha s 'ti l egg. It Is 1I0 t s n fo to Ag S llm ~ th :l t t he e xee,;s o f c n r bo· h yllI'RI Ps, a nd , in o rdl' r It I' II will fin d by fo ra g lll g a ll th a t s he to 1I1 ;l ~. ' it a b ~ l all c('d I'nl io ll , If. \\' ill ne l' ll s . lit, II' " ' ·»:l r.\' to fl"'u in a tlt li tio n o t.h e r T he las t and m os t importa n t tn c tor m al, ' r i,'l~ . ,\ llil' h "o n tal n mo re p roLe in III wa fe r . I';SI;S 'Il' o co mpo se d .In r/':e ly tlt UII Ih ,' "rd ilJ:!!'", g lili ns . of watpl' , and h e ns whl e' h ha ve n n Ir· '1'1 ,, ',;,' je' t·c\s cl>l ujl ri se t be s ... ,:[)ud J't' nl lnr o r Ins um c lent BUPJlly o f wat e r part uf Il,p rarl o n. wh ie- It is t he III IIS h. ,,: 111 s u rre r . A'larg o pa n wlLh s u mc le nl Th is "11"u!el III' ('1I 1l 1] 1I1"1'1i o f U \, 111'1"l y RlJp ply o f water to las t a d ay s h o llid he of food ,. (':J(' h I, t w hi<' h t he lIe ns Uk C', I In pa(' h pe n . A pl a l ro r m fn s t c n,·lI to an ll "h olli ti cfl ll !:li n lI ulc kl y [I \' 3i ln b l," n ,' .:11 o r Il le pe n aho u t twe l\' In c he s n ll l l' l.- lI ," . T IIP lll :1K h ca n. ;s t s of ' J'n lr. Ih e fl oo r w ill aId 111 kee pi ng tho g r Olill d g r ains, iJ ~" I 'I'lI'l ll ds, sli me fo r m :o tl I' from becomin g filtby wiLh s traw at lII e a t, (·ltn rc on llllJ (1 salt. It iH II s uu l· n r,1i d ir t. Iy f .. oJ d ry In a hOI'I,., r wh ic h ma y be I F. S . JA CO B Y, o pf' urtl 0 1' l'i o,;(:tI a s tJ e~iJ'(' d . Thi s ~ ys. ; Co ll che o f Ag rl c ul l ure, OhIo State t e m Is Inl)o r s a vlug , "O IIl'I'l li e n t , a ucl : Unil' e r s ity .






i \\


Tb e l1I (li~ tur e In th e fio ll ifi h el il aro und eal' h i ll d l vlcl '1I11 g1'llnul e ot th " 8011 In n li g h t ; lly t?r o r fllm . This fi lm Is k e pt ill la c l by t wo fo rr es w hi c b n r ~ s cie ll tl n'.·ilI IY kn o wn a s ('a be Io n a 1111

1 c oanel' tion Is broke n between the up i ll" r Rnd low e r layers, so that th e wu : eJ trom on e of the under particle s cannot I be pa s sed to e oclrcle lh e water th~ \ pn rtthCle a bove It. ]0 thlsd",nkY th e dUhSI mil e , co n Li nually stlrre , e p ps t e wa t e r he lo w tb~ sllrred laye r s and furni sh es p lnnls with the moIstur e Lh e y , n e e d . Th e co uta et betw e en th e pilI" 111' les I ~ no t r estored uotU the a r e a Is visite d by a s ubsLanll ll1 rainfall , whi c h SO lu ra tes the uppor layers and reoews th e o r ig inal or pass ing th e wa t e r tro m purLlele to particle . M. C. SEWEL L, Co llpg e ot Agricul ture, Ohio SLate Uolve r s ity.

a~h oS l o ll, a nti th e dfcC lS o c .wh lch arc dIffic ult Lo break. It we t1l1uk of th " .011 as ma de up ot la ye r u po n lay Pl' ot these IIt li e pa rll c les, s ur rou n(\ t?(\ l;y wat e r, we can readily s ee t ha t a s th l' aWl 'S ray s s lt!n e d o wn ou th o e arth ' crus t the upp e r ftIm at wa te r will gradual l y evapor ale . As It eVl1po rat es It ha s a te nd e ncy to r l' ple nis h li s qu a il' tlty fro m th e la ye r be n ea t h o r a d jacen t to it, ond Lh us 'It ee )J a la yer o f \\,ute r.urro und e d particl es o n t he s u r face. Oblo Is not nlone In tbe great 1081 It th is we re all ow d 10 con tinue It would not be long b e for e t he e artb or hogs f ro m Cho le r a us Minnes ota r eo 'WolJld los e Ita mo lsture ·h oi d ing cali ac. ports a loss or $6,000,000 for ·lhe year, Ity; and pla nts wou ld th e n be un a ble to live. H e re Is wb e re ou r tIIlln s KF! ep th e pou'try In during the ~old opernU o08 are broug ht 1nto u se . BY' mornings '..lnt!1 tbe . froat la · ott ·lh, . ~Df tb top lay e r s 01 tbl' 'loll, th e &,rouod .








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A vi e w of Chihuahua. th o most Important city or No rthllrn Me xico and capital of Cbihunbu etate. whi ch was d eserted by Salvador ~ I e r cn d o. th e fede rnl mllltllr), gov e rnor, wltb 3.000 troopa. aad occu ple<1 by General Villa o!. th o constl tutlon a llats. This cit y Is now th e milltury hcadquurt e rs of the rebels III tb o Northern Me xico. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


This photograph show s ~ o coronati on co rte ge of I.ud wlg. th e n ow k ing or Its"ur la, III ~Ulllc il . passi ng before til e city b nll. Th l' In s ut Is a por trait oC tho king who has boon r e gent ror YUH rs Illnl r p"I>lltly (l!',pos e d K ing Otto. who had been Insan o sln co beron! bls accession tu th e thron e.

CARRANZA GOES TO INSPECT MINES AT ~NANEA ':": . ~- ..... ~. ,'N _ ~r:-:


'::. .:'~:



Th" fif teen IIttl o 1.. 6sles dl' CSth!(\ In th e ir uu t door Es q ulmo clothe s who con s titute th e first c l n~ s In tb e "first t empl n of th e 8UII[' r wo llln ,, " in til e Pt: f'rl' Anna Th orlle op en·alr model scho ol a t I:lryn Maw r coliege. Penusylva nla, Th ey ur e to be lilt' !nlhje l'ts of sci pntiflc e XlJ riment lllg In a pe n air education. a nd It is expec ted Ulal a ft e r S C VOIl years of phy s ica l and mlJntnl training In th e open, tb e y will bee oms r e markably h ealtby a nd brllli on t young wome n. The glrlR a r' Dilen just afte l' lenvlng th ei r clas81'00m, on the law n, w.bero the y Indulge In old Eug ll l;h sc hool Kam es and moderu physical exe rcises.






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Gencml Vcnustlnno Carranz a (a rrow) , tho IIl e xlcnll re bel le ad ol', on hili way with n boll yg llllni anll followers to Ins pect th e min es at Canouea, In th o stnte of SOllora , .. .. I.



T en years ago, on the 16th of Nove mber, Pope"Plux X, took up tho great work of ruling over Imd governing tho Roman Catholic church . The photoIP'llph shows ~e celebration, In the SIt/tine chnpe l at Ramo, or the IIrst decade of the rule at th o present pope, who Is seen on the lett n ea r Iho llOnllticlal chair.


Ludwig. form e r regent and now king or Ravarlo, Is he ro pictured In his hunting garb. ll e Is fond of outdoor life nnd Is an nccomplished nioun-

taineer. Doxology Didn't Go. At one tim e E . T . Smith, lessee at thfl Surre y (Eng.) Gardens, \\'as un· able to get n mU lllc lice nse for the hall ,.In th e gardens. The bI s hop of London ns ked him tp lend the h all for n SUD' day pray el' moetl ng, Ever ready to purry ravor wi t h the clergy at a time wh en bi gotry W R R s t rUIlt; a gai list all surts of nmusemcllts, Smith con· I se uted . It was II. huge concours e. Every nook and corner of tbe hnll was crowded , the meeting was a great succeSH nnd came . to Its ener. when up IIPoke ~e bIshop of London, who was In th e chair. "Dear breth· rell," eald his lordship, "we, will now conclude the afternoon's good work by stnglng the doxology." "You can't,. I prot~Bted a voice (Smith's) (rom tbe back. I haven't got a .muslc licenseIt's against the If w-tJie magistrates won't let me."




Vlow of til & stag~ In th ., Masonic T e mpl e III Washington during a sess ion of the National Wonmn SulT rng e co nvention . Mr. , Anna Howard Shaw, the ' presld ellt of th <l association. Is seen nddress ing the mee ting.



pointed out to me thnt h e sold things wholesale and th a t tilia little boy's ratb er !!old things re tail; nnd that MagazIne Writer In Sweeping I ndlct- consequ e ntly t he l'e was be tween me ment of What He Calla Conduct and that boy a gulf which cOllld neV'pr Andre w Carn egie was Eev ent y·c ig llt Most Unde mo Gr.1tlc. be rp.s PE'ctll bl y brid ge d. yrnr s oil! th e oth e r day, and his hap pL I Whe n YOU nre brou.ght uP. a s you nc ss i G ' xp r os5 (j In lhl ~ phot ograph We are a stupid peopl!! a nd we are In e vitably are In a society like OUI'S . for wbl c h he )lase d ('s peCially ror 111 13 ell s at his e. bad-laO kl ng pe op Ie, \V c nr e ug Iy, wltl! thnt sort at blasphemy be ing ' occas ion In tho famou s "llrli " we \!nve n a rrow minds and we ha ve continulllly dinne d hila your ea r s ; home In New York. " Ea rth Is s uc h a bad l1!a nners. A gren t d ea I a f t h at Is whe n you are taught to be unsoc ial a\. h eaven . I neve r want 10 leav e It." bl) due to the e\lect of be ing bro ught up eve ry point, !lnd brought up to be un. said, and " I( you can sho\\' 1110 an yo ne In Ii society of Inequality , I know per- lIoclal. then nny little chance thllt your who will g i ve lII e a ll o pllon on lir , be can na me hi s pri ce ," The mulll· fectly ,weII w h at h npIJe ne d to my se If • natural elldowmeQts Ilt your birth rna'" 'I t i l t '1 J rnllii onuin. Iro n mu s ter Is enj oying I writes G. B. S . n "e 1'0110 an n' agn- have left you of being able to grapple zlne. I can rilmemb cr ono ot 'my with th e enormous problems ot Ollr th o best of healtJl. earlie st experi ences In l1te was my· 'modern clvlltzatlon-":prdblemB that d efath er finding me playtng wlth a cer · mand from .you the large}lt scope of Courageous MY,cologlsf·" tain littlo boy In ~c street and telling mtl!d, the most unhesitating msgnanl. Stnple ton - Oo'l'hnt map ~l l\d.~ \IY Is a me) was not . 1to .play ,with that little mity. the most sacred recognl~l'on 'of good deal of a milksop ; 8pen~8 '~ts vaboy. giving me to unde~~nll ~hat ,i!e yo¥~ e~irltual and human eQunllty cations botanizing nnd that - '/iott of w.a a a very Jntertor and- objectionable- with every pe rson the nation- Is ut- thing, Now . J like a spice of danger ttnd, of little -boy. ·1 ~d Dot , found ter\i ~4eBtroyed. 'I:hat.1s why I doubt In my amusement s." Cald,oot-,"Well. BO • • J father., '~.wby1" :w.bether these problems 'c an be Boived . you and ' your football are not In It a shop." '~ji, ~!',.. b,,?Ugbt .,up J n that way. To. with Mlldway when It ,oomea to dan· bu pu .• 0IYe~em , you Deed "ne'w Bort Of ger. He' dIscovert new varieties of ,n J UInan-' belnc. . - .', ' . . ,' mUBhrooin~, anel eatll tbem."-Puck.




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Frt!l k S u \I\e:\


011 Monclay . Decemb er 29, th e re will be 1)l;lcL'o in on e o f Ollr s tore

window s a I'Jl ll f arlic les so ld e very day t o c·lIljtmn e rs and t o f'ach pe r"on halH.l ing in a li st of a l least three ar ti cles w g iv en fifly Roosl e r .CO U p01~!,. and to the pe r son handi ng inil l Ul! th e most compl e te list will be g l\'en a il:!-pi ece Di nne r Se~ and 10,000' c o up()n ~ ; t o Ihe SEcond. 8,000 cou pons ; t o the t h ird . 6,000 coupon s; t n 11 .' fou :t h, 4UOO cu upon '; an t.1 t o lhe fifth , 2.000 coupon s . In Ctl e of :1 I ii' fn r first place th e dishes will be sold a t auctio n and th e In"l" y d i\, ideu, but th e premiu m C()U POl IS will be ui vided equ',ll y among all t ie ing. All lists mu ~t be in h~f<? rc Saturd ay ni g h t , J a nu a ry 24th. I{e membe r, we are g iVing d ouble coupon s 0 11 a ll purcha se" mad e thiS week. The card contest closes on Sa turll ay nig ht of this week. Have you g ? tten as many fr ee CO UIJ O n~ as you can ge t? Who 'will be ~he best Bo(\st e r and win tho watch on Monda y '/

1'l: [~\,l5 1 0;>ol


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l~ '1'" ue PI't',;t: rlt a t all 111' ~ I' lin gs S. J. J oy wag in Xenia and [layt"n oIf Ih e cou nty huard of ed ucation Salu rday HIleI S unday. ·.... il h lll,· r il'itl lu d iticus,<; but nul lo Mr . John Tho m ~o n , o f r Oll tl' 4. Ims \'ut t · . 1:1 . ,],,, \) (' in a ll re"\Ject~ t ht' .:hie f bee n ill wi t h pne umonia . ,' xeru livc otliccr uf lhe county hoa rd Mi ss R uth Zim m erman. o fOxfor u. ,If d uration . is home for the holid ays. I n respect t ll t he' ~a lal'Y of the A MER RY CH~ISTMAS' Miss Alma Wa tel'hOll>lC was ~ h ()p· c(lun ty f' upertc' ld lm t a min imum of TO ONE AND ALL -:; 1:!UO is propose d , ha lf t o be pai d by ping in Day t ll n Saturda y . tile stal(· up to a paym ent hy the Miss Mar t h:l. O' :-il'AIl was nIT du ty 'Il al e of $1000, and till' rema ind e r by seve ral days ISRt week un accou nt of Iht· coun ly. illness. T he dis trict su pcr int end l'nt' ~ duty cor respom ls close ly to th t' work d one Mi ss Ma r ie Mil le r will a rr ivt' hOI11 at. prese nt l nwnl> hip supe rintend ents. - --f rom Clevela nd ton ig ht to ~pe n u th e - - - - - - - - - ._-- - - - - lI <1 we\'('I' it m igh t bc nol"d 1ll' l'c'that Late Clru1sified Ads h o l i d ay~ . Homulc kness Spoils Photogrnph •• ' New Burli ngton should a d istrict super inte nd e nt bl: Germ an Cures. Aunt MlIrl n tbougbl. and so did her In (l erma ll Y (J ll n tl nds n il l11nd8 of Miss Hell'n .)lIn (',; l' a tl l C hOlTl e given mo r e t han t wenty , lIn e room relative s In tbo big clly, thnl the FOR SALE Miss Flora Harlan is th e guest of wee k from Colulllb us to C\1r~~ . Eve ry ell tf'rJlr lsln g town has ~c h (\ol~ it is Vl'ry d ouhtful whe ther photogr aph er WII S lI nl lllTdonll hl y diss pend on r. Oft en t ll fO ClIl'O h ou ~o Is l be nnfriends in Dayton and Miamis burg-. holidays. his wi ll e ve r be ap precia tecl (lr ve r y eo urteolla. For t bree success !\'e days e ~ 1 Illlllllc bllillll ill-: III til., d ty. A Ger. he r ef used X'l'RA good frellh Jer!ley Cow . Miss Elizube th Reeves is at hOllw profi table. The d istrict superin t en· gJ'Rph . Onto tllke Au nt Mu rltl'H photo- mnn Ill lkH ;) f KollI !! 10 lilA Cit ro a s un tbe fourt h dlLY ht) lold Gw rge Rocock moved to th e far m IDq aire of BItDry Craw on Rox from the O. N. AlUerlclln of ,0; ;)1 111; In hi li vacatIon . U. Athe ns , for th e de nt will scarcely ge l well enoug h why. a"na and New Burilng ton pike, owned by Mrs. Cha q. Sa tt erth waite . T ller o 1\1" 111 ll1t ( ' III','" 1111(1 muel (' lIres, holiday s. "In arqua justI in ce ted to to her." gain ho the snl confi d, "I d nce do of j14 wind Cli reS The Ladies' Aid was enterta in ed Tu esd ay. t he leache l' or pupils 1'10 necessa ry in not want to tuk e hl'r plctlll'e" IlO W. cures lind anu wat or " (11'(' 8 , moulltntn sur f (' II1 ' ('S ; bu t il l Y c!'o lee Ahe Is too hOOl('Rlc k. MOHt out·of· at the home of Miss J nnie Reeves Mesd a n1PS ,I. ( ' lI aw ke a nd lI arry beltt-ri ng conditi ons wh ich need town people want to be pbo Is tb e fo res t elll'e. tog raJlhed last Thursd ay. MUrray 'we re P ay ton ~h op pe rs, cha nging. With twenty ~c h oo ls he wblle In tho city. If they Notice of Appo intme nt Not on ly rloC'~ It h"rt pI' my u r' longing Horace Collins and family have Thursd ay . will avera ge r eachin g cad1 a little for home J put them ott wIth one ex· peroollul U:~ t l' Lut I n. . ' ,hM i l betll E.tate ot Catha.rlne Ann Stanton:Dooeo.secl moved into th e Powell '1 OBO where CUBO or unother unLi I lhe homoslc k· th e mosl s(O rlou ., 1', 1" proper ty in of tener than once a m ohth. NoLice I. hereby ,Iven tbat Ch.... QII' ";hap-I S rRli il'al a nd herulc fur" " 1.1'1' n('('ct ed. I f yo u are !-:,o in~ tu have a sale , m~ h.. boon duly appoillted and' qUalltloo ,OU t h B ur I'mg ton neslI wen r a olr. Why he will not vi sit mor e lhan First at nil th r r c a l' ~ Iho tuherc ulosls IU K .. ecutor 01 the x.taw of Cathorlno AUD "If you want your I1 lI l1t'S pictures W sec A. A. M·'Nr il . C('nt e r vill e , Ohio, . I an d spe II' b S,,-nton late of Warren County. Ohio. do- ' Th e box socia this numbe r of times can be seen by turn out pnt ir nt ll strewn nh" " t all lh elr CotB mg ee at well, jU Ht bunt uII gOnle ho th phont':; . thla 16th day 01 Decembor 1915 \' the school house Thursd ay night was loo king ove r hi~ dUl ies as proposed froro her home town wIll) ha I'I'(,II on,. (trI,l"r th e p lIlI K~nt ~ i . I' 5 or lhe nt llC~ S to f'o r e~t us nhollt Or. '1'1 .I"n · Alton F . Brown. . an enjoyab le affa ir. Miss Esthe r u's ca mp In J udae ot the Probate Court Miss Clara Lil e. of Xenia , will u nde r the new corie , whi ch are as be vl81t1ng bero lit ..pros"lI t IlIl U brtng the !\,lIrond nrl.s. Warren County. Ohio. : Shamb! "ugh hlm here pro ved he rself th e spend Ihe holiday s with Rev. 80 she wi lt mcet blm un ex· Then Ih ere Ilr!" th" J evoteeR or In· and follows: champi on s peller. 1. To nomina te teach e rs for all pectedl;or. The lJIertln g wtll Pll t 8pnrllie dl ge~tl o n and tho n· . VD II H \VI' ncks, bll· Mrs. J . F. Cadw a llad er . and anImati on Into her fu ce, und nel· Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Shamb aug h 10118. nlcollOllI: Ilnd vacanci es which ari se in his district ther she nor I will be ADDITIONAL LOCAL...~ whose dl s:llllloln ted drug fi E' nll ~, brl rtJ!e In udoty wrecks, childre n have been confine d to oti s nnd evoryAlfred Wr ig ht. wh(l has been at- sulrject to confirm ation by the board. with the photogr aphs ." llody; t haL I ~ ev(' rybolly who can their home with scarlet fev e r are tending -Geo rg e sc hool arri ved home :~ . To r ecomm end text book s and spPlld the time n!HI lIIun ey to come L_t f th A t' Sal S• A • Prou:;! Choose Neighbors With Home. Tuesda y to sptmd the !lO lidays. 0 e n l o o n now ill of the same di sease . courses of study for adoptio n . hllh~r tor th e tOJ sl cure. Nnturp lIy I "'fhe subject or ,w igh bors 18 ono on In Oerm n.ny. a~ In League of Cincinn ati will speak at 3. To spend his full time in ac tual wbich we Amerlen, fo1li8 who --.. Mr. an d M18. R. A. Cr oss left nre sensiti ve," wrlt.os AgLytle M. E. church next Sunday , ROUGH.IJIANNERS OF THE PAST class room s upe rvision, admini stra· nes Athol In nil nrtlcle on "Sc1tne have to wo rk nnd ~ u .. port tn mlltee Monday for San An ton io , Texas. cannot nlford to h I' <'lIrell. Th ey con't Decem ber 2~ at 3 p. m. Everyb ody where thllY will f'pend t he winte r . tion and instruc tion of teacher s, 'rhlngs That We Lea rned by Rl'ntlng ev en IIttonl th e 111 R(005e In the first a House In the Subllrb ~ :' In whIch she place.-W oman'!I .invited . such inciden tal teachin g in the Drinking Trick In Which Engll.h Mon. It ollle "'omptllllon, advocat es renting a house before you Mrs. Ed H an by, It dau g hter of schools as he does arch Figured - --The being FI NIt for Fin. - --il· · Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hawke and buy one In Suburba n Li fe M!lgazln e. Mr. Will Hay, 1illderw ent an ope ra· lustrati ve purpos gerle.. Gloyu. es, unless he be "It Is tru e that th e peopl o dIrectly In daugbt er went to Bellefo ntaine, tion las t week , in the Xenia hosp ital. called upon by the county board of our rear nre charmin g In lhe social The HOlt Q V ~ 3 tl o n In 1790. ~ay. to spend Christm as with his Drinkin g tricks figured In diplomacy . educati on to teach in any teacher 's sense, but unfortulllltoly. they spend Th e 11:'11,1.· 1 r,H' 1! .... : I \\'a ~ nri"lnally In the time of Henry VIII. Mrs. Henry p:U'ent s. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Carlwl lght trainin g courses whicb may be or· but six months ' time a t home. On one given In \V06 1In lll , I' I' \ ;,I".y. "lid the Cust quotes the klng's challen ge to attende d the Christm side of liB fire Bome poor bllt honest' official notice of 1';'111 1l1l as ente rtain· 1 'ul I1H:~t1 that · Mrs. AJeom and daught er Ruth, HubertuB, the represe ntaUve ot the ment at the Childre n's Home ganized in the county . Any di strict neighbors, whose chil dren ha ve ta ught "no I n (II ~8 wl1l 1>0 Illlllllit, ,I wit h butB, Tut's. MilS Elizabe th Carron and Miss Palsgra ve Frederic k. He sent tor two day already employ ing a superin tenden t mIne Innume rahle little IlhrllH'S with I\,lId th ey are Illirticll lrlrll' r equ ested to Blanch Wardlo w were ehoppin&, in huge goblets, filled with wine and beer . ' may allow him to teach one· fourth which they startle 118 from lim o to com o wltholl t h 'n llil' l':< nll(l very small respectl vely. and gave the envoy his time. 'My Ood! lI.nd ., ain't got h oops. It fi llY ." "' " ~ .. . " Mis.'les Annie fi nd Marne Brown of his time. Dayton IRSt Wedne sday. ('~ I n choice ror a "drinkin g out" test. In . '11 d CIl . no--: and 'Come on. klt1 ~ !' do not ex- demand >! that r"mulr "o rR ~ tl ca l law . h M .1 vain Hubertu s pleaded that hlB master .. hl pP!lrs Bh.Jll 4. To hold teacher WI spell 's meetin gs in Rctl), appeal to me. Pel'bnps I nm rl stmas Wit r. anu un· covor th eir hea dg In cbu rch. thi n regno had actually Institut ed a company of Mrs. Albert Deafen bllugh his supervi sion district s. at Bellaire t.1emocr , nllc. BlIt eve ll the most al- IDtlon Wng Cllrlnll Rt-' 1I110m Il s. A Ae the Legal Mind Saw It. the Golden Ring to put down .( 5.. To fill out and send to county truistic would bo\'e to draw th e line suggostlon In rl'gard to hulln!0 In & caae ht'8rd at the Belfast (Ire- testa. an)' member who brol(esuch con- Ohio. en' headthe proat a family of Beven diagona lly superin ncross, IaDd) lummonll court a a few da),11 hlbltlon to lOBe his ring and tenden t all reports require d genr wns nlRo mad o h y SIr Frederla Moving Pictures Christm as Eve and who ne" er miss a chan ce to knock the Cowen In 1906, wh en he atO, In which the compla inant 11'&11 to the poor. Henry. anxious giVe bylaw. gnv to prove New Year's baby Eve at Phillip 's. Every down or make 011' wltb ullwatch· opin ion t h fl t th e ladles III lgbte It as his D&Dled Fortune , Sir Andrew Newton· I that the English man was di scover 6. To assist the the county better superin - cd tOY8. Our resollltJon to sllrroyn d In tb elr wnrrtroh Thursd ay .a nd Saturd ay nights as Brad)' remarke d to the defenda nt : "It maD. promise d to A sn m 8 "extrt'! mely find the forfeltB him. tenden t in our rural own organiz back ation. yard (when wo shull fRo ctnattn y. fin t hatR." whi ch would :rou ltop &nnoylne Mrs . Fortune , mill· Belt and drank his 'beer at a draft, usual. 7. To be in all matter s the chief own one) with I.L h('((gr otterB some not obstrlle t th e "Irw. The "rn ~ clnat.. fortun. wUl DDt foUow your f()(luo •• while It took the German four gulps remedy : but what sball we tlo about tng flllt hilts" were. howeve tb account for the wine. r. cblefly J . O. Cartwr ight, Dr. J. T. Ellis, executi ve officer of a ll boards of the neighbo r on the oth(>r corner, wbo con s plcuo11 s by t hdr 1I 11~ (' nce. How early did mankin d think or the W, E. O'Neal l. E. V. Barnha rt, owing educati on of his district . with the !:>as Il rebellious cc ssJl flol ?" C. prcR llmnbly (we WI li e ""lJject to fem· CC!nvenlence of the finger less glove? B. right to discuss but not to Bentley vote. and J esse Eurton were • - • Approp riate Pre •• nt. Inlne correcti on) to tire fu ct that the Little was sl1ld or gloves 8. To be present at al\ meetin gs Dally Though t. lira. Po&ozzie Is discour aged In her times, but In most cases It In ancient in Dayton Tuesda y. b Iy lIat hat wns llot II mo ng th e fa shions Is obvious Conten t thyself to be a scure etrort. to teach polite table manner e that they had fingers. Those of that ye.Br.-L olldon Globe. of boards of educati on of his district. . good.--A ddl80n. to her hUlband. "I think," ahe said 1 the secretar y of the youngeworn by Miss Edith Mosher One returne ·half the salary of district d home r Pliny, to Mr. Po&on.le at breakfa st the other I used when he visited Vesuviu s so from Chi~ago Monday e vening after superin tenden t is paid by the coun Iy. morning , "I shall give you a n08&-bag that he -might keep on jotting down a pleasan t two · mouths visit with Mr. --tor ;rour birthday ." notes In spite of the cold, must have Nature' a Kindne n. been fingered, no lesB than those of and Mrs. Frank Taylor; Nll ture 18 very klud to a man. By the «lutton In Anthena.euB, who wore Try a sat:k of Burton 's High Grade thll time he Is shelved socially he IB gloves at table so that he might han· i die the meat while hot and get In ad· White Frost Flour. It is made from glad of It.-Atch ison Glolle. i vance of his bare handed fellow din· the choices t old wheat and is guarers, anteed by tile manufa cturer to give entire sati~faction or money reo UNDER OBLIGATION TO NONE funded . For sal e by G, W. · Hawke .



--- ~





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Ba rg ai ns In


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'llVear a ' _ _ de 10 A.k lor • clclDoa....1Ioa. TeJepbollC or eeod po...arGlo

One man In three meetB at least • ot expense s by his own earn· In,. at Columbia. Beside the obvlou! ·Mrs . Sadi e Zell occupat ions, like tutoring , utenog· Phone 126, wayne sville, O. raphy, newllpaper, library, gymnas ium, g !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~~ lOUI and work various k1nda, there IIIlIoclal a man who of makell hi. llvlng drealln g window s; another who practioo s osteopath)" another man who divides his time between college work and the manage ment of a theat. rical Btar; a teacher In the FerJ'(lr Ichool, a taxiderm ist, an expert In color photogr apby, a vaudevi lle performer, a hospIta l orderly, a Pullmal! ; po~r, a printer, technic al 88slsta nts ' from three of the great city laborato rlell, a profe8ll10naJ basebal l player and a tree doctor. One of the most popular undergr adPop ular Mec hani cs natea started Ute aB a newllboy. Last Mag azin e winter a Bophoowre ot eightee n was "warn a ao YOU CAlI UNDlIItSTUlD Ir" tempted awa,. from the college b)' th. A CREA olfer of a $2,006 pOSition In a publllhd SICW]I' 01 the w ......•• r -T-Caal,,"ue wblch )'OU may beain read ina Ing hcmBe, where he had worked J>~ It any time, and which will Dold your I n _ forever. You are Urine In the best fore eomlng to Columb ia. Due Btur, of the most wonderful age. of what is btIetslhB sreatest world In the universe.. I dent 8p,,"d8 hili Bummers upon n C4oraldent Of Mal'll would sladly pay- 'tral Americ an plantati on; another lacidll not only to hili own Income Dut FOR ONE YEA.R'S ., SUBSCR IPTION to the J'(lputation of t~e univers ity by .. tbla maauine",!!1!,rder 10 keep Infonned of contrlbuUllDs to the mOlt dignified ot OW' IJI'OII'- In lOoIlIJlneerm. and Mechanic.. _ ~ reading It ~ Two million. of )'OUr Amerlc an revle/8 .-Colum bla MontJl. DNb~ntho.are, &nd It • the favorite





*1 000 ...



best AmeriCUl appem toof IIIthec:Iauea -old &lid rwna-m It


for IM-. ... 4 abop, ...paIn, ...... ~"t\ c.n.howt o _ _ ...,..,..eo" "'...(10~) wlrel_ OUUltl, ..~ 1IIIII'"* 4..~ !he Ullngo a bo,1ov"': ....... . ftAIt ...... CO~ II CDI1'S


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m PtI-.

'ftoB "a., .... " D-ri. t (20 NM) 11-"" .. to malre ...,...a1Ie __ to 4o~rt.J~.._ho







........ COP\' 'IODAV

POPU LAR MECH ANICS CO. · .'. W"'!--"« lII";'U lO ,

Warr en Common Pleas

Columbia H.. Many Student s Who Ow. Their Educati on to Their Own Effort •.


KBep • Thankf ul The unthank ful heart, Uke my fin' ,er In the land, dlBcovers no mercIe8: but let the thankfu l heart BWeep throulh the day, and as the mal1le~ find. the Iron, wUl It find In eVert hour. 8Om~ heavenl y bleuln pi. oill1 the Iron tn God'. BaDd I. IOld.- RGrJ




A nrlll

:\ .


E . 8ulith

L'Il ("ldl~' ~ ideJ;


ot ul \ Case N o . 1 J 2 9ti

By virl ll(, o f &11 oruer o r salo. dlll}' h;.su od tro l1l ~mi d t 'Olltl. In lh e a h o\'e S IIth'U nu;o. nud direc:tod . I will OITor rur Hnlo. loy wny of

1.0 mo

,m hli e

Ulil,tion ,

at the


1011 '-:0 , in LobtUHlII , \\"urron


uf tile Court

Ly , Ohlu. on Monu .. y. JUDUnr y ~(;(h . A. 1>l 'oun .. 1914 . At JU "cluck B m .. un said d .. y . the follow ing d ... '

I'wri bt'c! feRl e"Lu.t e.

I.o~ wl" :

Sltll Bte In tho Count/: 01 Wllt'roll State of Ohio. and In tho "owlIshlp 01amiWayno. n. nel hou nu ed n nd dOHCrihed us follow" . vb.: I'I\rl u f (.IIt) 8. " -. q uarl er of Sec . No. 2. Town

I"'u. a. Hauge I"' u . ~ . M . H.8. Ueltlnnh,!! in New Beans , Hominy , Rice, Oats" t h o WilLI! line o f sa id Ht:clioll at 0. corUt!r of ('tc. and a full line of l<'ancy Ja1l1 C~ Jcnnluill and Int o J". I. II Ui" phalll. t h c lwo N. pnlcK to ,'- s t,u.Ji o in the Houth and Staple Groceriel>. Try , liu u of lat eIlti Mr. lJ u, lnc:o> , a n E IIlI 8 in . tl l nm eter a can of Chili Con Carne. !:I. 14 do~ r o". I'; . I) Ik6. : a SUKur I ~ In. , < 1I1llllolel' 8. 22 degn'e,; W. 11 IInl••. thoDce S


The guaran teed shoe - The "Waba sha" and "Big Indian" Work Shoel! for winte r wear.




Ball Band gum boot, particu , larly adapte d to hard wear, Ball Band Rubber s. Arctics , Felts,e tc.


Cordur oys, Overall A Work Shirts, Coat Sweate rs, Winter Caps,et c.


Quality Ooods and Prices R.lght.

Hen ders on BrOS-I Corw in, Ohio.

78! ~ d e g reeH E . 18 1.Mlle 8 n. utJ lcatl lull rrum \V tl)'u

(,0 &. tltOlitt

iu tlu;

C8\' iIlo t.o Centervil le Lhonce S. 157& j,; . WiLh . ald rou(1 70 POIOHami ~) Ii Ilk..- to 0 ~tUl1e , theul'O s. alld witb ~aitl rUReJ H~ cl eg rooH E. 6. poles tu ".tono in the south Hue of ."id SocLlou; tllo",'c wllh "a"lline N . l S ' ~ dcgrues W . to th" pineo of beginniD, cOlltnlnlng 3Dn pul"" allll 18-10Q R(:rot! of Innd mo r~ or less. Exeo,ptlng ou L of the .umo "nil In- I 00 acre" "t>nvoycd Ily Jomee Jenning"1 nnd wlfo to S"muel Iloam b y tleoo (Iated June 7th . 18~9 ... recordo:! In tho Lnnd Record. 01 said CODaty Nu. 36 pag06 II S Rnd 0"captlnl( ,,180 0110 Ilere cODveyo< llij. and the Kald James J!oDnlol(s and wifo to Johnl I,)' H. Woolard b y doed dnLed Jan'y 381.h. 1848 recorded In Innd Record N o . 2R. pagonllli 691 In .ald COUDty . . Tho lands Int.ondOO to be de&'rlhed !lpOVO liel.iJg the Bame hmds conveyed by Henry Jennlngl anti wl(e to Nehemta h Whartoll by deOO datoo ~te.rch 3rd J8~ 6 aad re.:onlcd In Vul. 36 Jlllge 3 16 of the Deed Ro"urrJ. of Warren Ooull.ty, Ohio. . Said Heal Estate hllll been rellularly appraised under order of Court at ' 3000. 00 as a wllole aud will not be 80ld for 1088 than two· tblrUa the apprruaed vlllue. "To be sold subject to the right of the defendant. A. Lincoln to remaIn on s.ld preml_ u a ten&ntBldee, jllntU tbe 28th doy ot Febrn&r')' 19U. "



._-._---.I "

Terms of lale .-one-th ird ,I;. .h In hand onll d8)' of Sale one-\hlrd III orre-year and one-third tn two 7"81'8· 'll'he· detelTtld 'Jl&7menta to bear alx 1JB~ cent Jntet'en and be iteoured by mortgaae o the preml8eB 8Old. ' ,


.t~" 8t~-::A'r.t~ Oo~'Y' . 9 blo. 't



.' ~=?

Gasoline En ines ...... ...... .... -..... __ ... 1 NEW ERA , 6 h. p., run less than

2 weeks, gua rant eed sam e as new. Pric e . . . Less Tha n One HaJf. 1 NEW ERA, 4 h. p., practically new. Pric e • _ . . $65.00 1 4 H.P" man ufac ture d by Sau nde rs & Co., Day ton, Ohio, fine condi. tion. Pric e _ • . • $5~.OO The se Engines are not che ap engines that hav e bee n thro wn awa y but are high grad e engines 'and are barg ains . 1 Sma ll 'Ste am Eng ine and Boiler, at Less Tha n Pric e of Fitting. ··_-· ······ ·v ......... .....,...,...,.~ .. ~ ... -


........ . .

Waynesville ADtti, &~achiltery io~ ",


Phon~ .l05 .


. ' .",





· W~y~e..~Jle~·· :()Jt.i~~_'· "'t


8ixty-Fourth Year

, Whole Number 3244




- - .- -


- - - . Herman and Mrs. Anna Surface. A ' t.ree loaded prese~ts was a dehg ht to the children while Old Santa . appearance. also made his

Social E vents


.----------. f



1 - -- .-.--


, Former Citizens

l\l onduy. :' ec~ ntber~~. Mr and 1\1 r d. Murri s ; \\ . ~ i lvc r delight fully .- -~ -Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Co leman spent Mr. and Mrs. Lewis St. John very The Gazette wishes all its fri enus and r eau crs, a happy New i 't'ar. ent ertail lL,d th · mem l,ers of the Born - To Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Christmas Day with F . n. Hend er80n, pleasantly entertained at a splendid May it be the best and brightest you haw eve r ~pe nl. Very oft en, ubou L \OVayne TO\\'Il Hhip Fa r mer's Club at , I'e rry, of Lebanon. December 24 . a and family . . Christmas dinner Thursday, Those the fi rst of the year you can see the wort! "Irwo icing" on storl' dOO IS. their pleUSullt country hume west of daught er, . present were Mr. and Mrs. Rolland This, as is well known, means that the pl'ollrieto r if! moking out a de- Wayne;; i)le , Mr . GeO! ge Scenebly and family Mr. and MrH. S. L. Cartw rig ht had Ross and sons Heber and Oakley tailed list , or catalogue, of all the goods he has in !:I tock . This i' done in Th e ~ I'irit or Chris tmas was qui t e Mrs, .1. E. KIl~s anu Miss . Kezia Mr, and Mrs, F , W, Hathaway, ali order that he may know just what anu huw much he ha!:l matle (lr lo~t cvidellt. several uf tlw young people have moved from St, Louis to VicMerritt ~ theIr gu('Sts Christmas of Waynesvill e. Mrs. W. C, St. J ohn. a ltd what he will need for the coming year's husiness bein g prc~ent who were home fr um toria, Tex., where Mr. Schnebly is Mrs, S. E. Mardis, Mr. and Mrs. Then you know that many persons are given t o maki llg' rcs'.\Llti() n s , ~cholll fur the hul.idays , and the working this wi nter. Mr. Schnebly Day at dmner , Earl Mardis, Misses Bertha and for the New Y~ar, Th ey determine that thelr will endeavor to d ~ ce rtain rOt)lTI ~ gay WIth theIr tastefullyar· in his letter says: " This is so unlike the Christmas weather that I have Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and Frances St, John and Alice Mardis things that ought to be done, and that they will not do certain other things ran,geu Chri~tma.'l deco rations. !:Ions, James and ,Carl, spent Christ- and Messrs. Paul St. John and Frank that ought not to be done, Such a person is in a way, tak in g all in ven. lhe mornmg was p.leasan~ly spent. been used to that I hardly know mas with Mr. McClure's fathe r and Mardis. ali of Lebanon. . . tory of his life. an (I at n00 n a Iuou n t If U 1 d mner was wh ether it is Christmas or not. • _ • Have you ever done this? It is a good thing to do at the iJegi nni'lg of served , after which t he me.eLin g was Flowers in bloom. no fire to sit sister near Bellbrook. --- . I' NEW JUROnS CHOSEN the year. or the month. or the day. called to orde r iJy the preSident. Mr, aroun d, (only in morning and eVt:"" . . Mi ss Ceorgia Hadden. Miss Letitia What have I, in my life that is of rea l value? Has my life and my Cartw n. g h t. amI t h c exe rCISes on tilL e nin g. ) But it is not always thus. I McKay and Miss Emma Heighway The Grand and Petit jurors for character g rown richer since last year, last month, yesteruay? prog ram were ol_:ened by prayer by have no land to sell. or I would tell enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. the January term which convenes Have I gained, or have 1 lost in all that goes to mak e my life ~ w eele r, Rev . Grauser. Curre~t Events were you that it never gets cold here, but and Mrs, W, H. Allen . January 5.1913 have been selected, fuller, truer? In short,have I lost out of my life the merely tran sient and read b.y Mrs. A~lIa ElIl!:! and th: con- it does. all the same. There was a lower things,and have I put in t4eir place t he everlasting and hig her things r Istru ctlOn . of hIgh ways was mtel· mighty flood down the Brazos valley. They are a9 follows: Mr. ~nd Mrs . .J oseph W, Hain~sl GraodJ ro When you ha ve thus taken an inventory of your life you can see how lIgently UlscuSSed by Mr. SIl ver. Mr. and it has d<lne a lot of damage. entertamed Christm as Day at their u rs Ril ey and Mr Hawke An int er est· such as washing away houses and country home Mrs . Agnes W. Wright Scott McClellan • Franklin Town. muc you. are 1worth, If more Theh summmg !. . railroads. and some lives were lost, ding paper on 'h t e "Lab' or P ro hi em In d ' t than .a year. ago, B of t If less. k a nd Miss Susan Wright ship' Frank Carroll Harlan Town- up may g'lve p easure, an I may g ive pam . u you now w at to 0; I I d" d ___ . IshIP. . : George E. Riley; : Clearcreek itb is. a simplef buoiness proposition; you mu st l"eplen ish stock or go out of re an wa'! then rea by Mrs. too Most of the crops were gath'1 ' Hough Following thi'l was a er ed. though, " ...- - Mr. and Mrs, F red Hartsock and ' Township; ;Charles F. Thirkield. ' usmess. or a.l. . . ~ .' . g . little da ughter, Mildred, ot Morrow. I Franklin Township' J B Pence of I If you desire hfe , hope, strength. g ladnesA eve rlastm g, you must gll t o jCh:lstmas re.adm by Mrs. Hiley AN APOLOGY . ' . " Him who only can supply these. It r esL'! with you What have vou? which was enjoyed by all. After the enj'uyed Chri'l tma.'l dinner with Mrs. Wayne "Township; Perry Earnhart. I • ' . d' g f " t b Ms Eu ith Harris and family. Clearc reek Township; John Retal- I~hat do you want! Where WIll you. get itP Take an inventory of your C r ~a \n ~ a k~onc lhse r epor tYd trh . We fed that a word of explanation . . life and find out whether you are a failure or a success. ar es aw e w 0 represen e e club at the State Convention of Pub- is due our readers. especially those hck. o.f Turtlecreek TownshIp; J o?n I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Miss C. HIm . of ClearcreE'k Township; lic Schools , the president in a few who are reading the continued story Clara Hawke a nd Mr. Karl Hawke Joseph Sawyer, Deerfield Township; · 1 well chosen remarks welcomed Mr. in the Gazette. . ute theil' Christmas dinner with Mr, A. W, Eastman. Hamilton Town· ! and Mrs. Sam uel Meredith into the On account of our paper not comand Mn;. Lee Hawke and family . ship; Harvey Monger. Clearcreek! club. ing in on time. we are compelled to Townsh~p; Clint Cleaver. Massie L ' 0 i The invited guests Rev. and Mrs. use some left o~e: ~eets this week. Mr. and Mrs. J , W, White gave TowDBh~p; Joe Hadl~v. Clearcreek t L _ _ _ .... . .. , .... _ _ . . . . . I CraWler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones. GRANGE MEETING their annual family dinner Christ-----~ Mr, and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and mas day . Those presen t were Mr. Township; Earl Swam, Clearcreek Miss Margaret Lewis is on the sick and Mrs. F. H. Farr and Mr, Thos Township; Charles, E. McEwan. Helen. Marlatt h as been on the sick Mrs. Tibbals, of.. Lebanon. each ReirUlar Grange meeting Saturday Clearcreek TownshIp. list. list. favo red the club WIth a few remarks. afternoon. Subject for disculiion, Pierce. after which the meeting adjourned Rural Schools. Pellt Jurors Mr · and t Mr!! . tMaUricd~ Silver H , A. Cornell. Wayne Township; C. B. Bentley was in ,. Dayton MonJ. E. ,J anney and family were in Jto meet with Dr, and Mrs. Ellis in J. T. Ellis. Master. served a mos sump uous Inner on F k Elb W T h' A day Dayton Monday. anuary. Mary Silver. Sec'y. . t t t f f th ' ran on. ayne owns . Ip; . . Ch rls mas to wen y. our 0 elr EMf t T l k T h' ts t . on or. urt ecree Own8 IP; · d G ncar f rlen s. ues were presen I ", I U 'th T tl k T Little Doris Hawke has been quite J. H. Coleman was quite sick I d ",amue ",mi. ur ecree own' .E;52 Ih · C d Cl 1rom Wmnepeg , ana a, eve an, h' F k W I' H '1 T sick for several days. sev eral days last week. SIp; ran y 18. aIDi ton owni -~-------..- - - - - -----.----.----~ Toledo. Columbus, Dayton, Lebanon, s h'~p; W, T , Mount. Deer fi eId T own:.: und Ivorydal e, If you want a first class Storm J . A, Funkey has recovered from ' a Eevere attack of bronchitis. ! ship; A. H . Harvey, Turtlecreek Buggy go to Cross Bros. Mr, anel Mrs. Ralph Miller moved Township; Frank C. Carey. Wayne • I Under The Proposed into their new home last week and Township; H . S, McClure. Franklin Frank Austin and family moved t o Born-,-To Mr. and Mrs. Chs;; celebrated the event by entertaining Township; Arthur Pressley. Turtle· Highland County last week . Woollard. December ~5. a son. at a Christmas dinner. Those pres- creek Towriship; Daniel Chamberlain, i_________._._......._._______...._~_... ent were: Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Cor. Franklin Township; AdamB, Morris. . M~. Grace M:Cu~e ,and ~iss MaDo not miss seeing the Sayers and 'C;3 Turtlecreek Township ; John A. Hal. rle Miller were m CmcmnatI Sunday Scovill Storm Buggy at Cross Bros, nell. H, A. Corn ell and family. W, E, 1.'i OT E- This is the third of a series County Superintendent a district articles, wrillen hy Prof. F. C. Gil· su . t d t d ' ._fth Cornell and family. Re~. Fran,klin . Township;. Ad~m The best Storm Buggy on the Messr:3. Fred Henderson and U. of mour, Superintelldellt of the Wayne perm en en, an a...,..... er aeBridge. }tSarajnkhn TOWh~~lllpW; · C.lmt market you will find at Cross Bros, M. White were in Lebanon r riday . Town ship Schools. explaining the pro· lected from the county at lal'KtI but T Ellis enter· Harner, .Dr. a nd ,Mrs. J . .' em . Towns Ip;. IIham ,:iliolll of t ~ IC pr.oposcd c()de Of. Ilew holding at least a state certficate. N tamed at drnner Christmas Day Mr, Monger. Franklin Township; J. E' l Friday. Fish Day-White Fish. Movin g pictu res New Year's Eve Sc holJI Laws III 0 111(, . Ncxt week 1115 sub. jert will he, " Institutes, Care of School. , 0 more two year. five year, nor and Mrs, Roy Earnhart. Misses Todhunter, Deerfield Township; dackerel and Cat Fish at Whlte's and New Years night at W. C. houses, alld Law finforcemCIlI." - The eight year. certificates to be i88Ued. N ettie and Reba Earnhart, Mr, and ' George H. Anderson. Salem Town· 'Store. • Phillips, Editor .J County primary certificates to be Mrs. Chas, Ellis and children, Mr. ship; George W. Davis: Massie Townabolished. Mrs. Sadie Gehag an. of Columbus. CERTIFICATION OF T HEns and Mrs, Sid Ellis. Mr. and Mrs, W. ship; Chas, Huffman. Washington Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Williamson Provided that five and eight year EAC " E, O'Neall and children. Township. are spend in&' the holidays in mw is visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs, certificates now in force be continJ. H. Opp .. - • York City. Under present ex isting laws afte r ued in force until the end of their Mr. lind Mrs, Frank E. Thomas Dally Thought. Miss Margu erite Thompson, of passing an entirely writ ten test term and be renewable if the holder entertained at Christmas dinner, Mr. There I. nothIng good or eyU . . . Mrs. Emma Dakin spent Christ· Dayton. wa.'i th e guest of rel atives a license or cer tificate is issued to has taught successfully. and Mrs. Lester Surface and son III the wW.-Eplctetu.. mas with Mr. Guy Dakin and family her e Tuesday. appli cants say in g that t hey MAY Also, that teachers who hold two in Dayton. · 1\6 II 1. h .1 Leac h tichoo l. It in no way states or three year certificate at the time M ("{) _. ___ ._... __._.. _ .._ _ _ ......_,_._.~,_, . Dr. and Mrs. Sherwood enj' oyed Lebanon. . ISS 'l ary aWliC 'lng as arcturneu to the applicant CAN teach schoo l. We of the passage of this law and who ~ •_ _ _~~ _____ rn ~ after. spen" week wI'th ! their children and grandchildren the home folks. u are told that there has been fifty· have taught five years may have Christmas Day. eig ht varieties of teacher 's certif· their certificate renewed &II long as Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman and little icates being issued. This is t o be they teach successfully. Mr. Raymond Williamson. of Day· daughter left Friday fo r Clf!vela nd, red uced to th irty.two. Not more than one one-year and ton. spent the holiday season with to visit relatives. A fee of fifty cellts is charged to not more than one three-year certifi· his parents here. I the examination, This is used cate may be issued to anyone teach· Mr. a nd Mr~, John Sears. of I{oss. ta<c 'rQ ......- ... - - . - - - - . - - - -...... - - . - - - . - - - - - - . (;3' Hugh Ridge, Abe Dakin and J ohn burg. Darke Cu, are v:siting' their to create an institute fund. In the er. The first to be renewable twice Stansbury. of Dayton. spent Christ· Bon, W, N. Sears and famil y. past examiners were paid accordin2' without examination and the second 1913, which comes to a cloBe to the South at different times have mas at their homes here , to tha num ber Leing examined, to be renewable onee. night has been a year full of calamity, added to the sufferings of people in Mr, GI!Orge Waterhou3e, of Toleuo. Should not th e ('!xamincrs be paid Candidates for life certificates if and much Buffering, but all through different localities thua makin&' the Rev, and Mrs C, S. Grau ser. and was here durin!; the Chri stmas huli- a fixerl salary? not college graduates must have sev· entire United States akin to each son. Charles. are enjoying a week's days with his moth er anu sister. It is now proposed that every ex- en years experience. If college it the sun has shone down on the other, visit with relatives in Dayton. Mr, and Mrs. N. L. Bum ,ell and amlnalion consist of two parts. graduates four years experience. Bame old g ood world. a pleasure in So many and varied were the . H I I d d h d'" n wr itten exam ination to test the The special training requirements which it is to live, and breathe and calamities during the year. that it is ~h" . E. B. R~~ers •. west .of town. IS sO f n , e~'sc?e. ~tLeDn e t eCwh ~ ulllg academic and professional and an to be gradually raised to 1920 when enJOYlnO' a VISit With hlB brother 0 a re ,atlve 111 ay ton I'Istmas , , .. have our being. Early in the )'ear almost impo88ible to chronicle them eo • • D actual test of the candld'l.te's teach· about one year of special traImng in their order. Railroad wrecks. Mr. Thos, H. Rogers. m douston. ay. ing . This sur ely will be faii'er to will be requI'red for a one-year cera man prophesied through the daily T Masters Carl McClure and Ethan the conscient ious , hard working tificate. ships lost at sea, disastrous fires. ex. press that this would be a year of mining horrors. strikes. murders. Mrs. Mary Caskey returned home Crane are spending a few days at the teacher who never takes the time There is a provision made that in great calamities and suffering. This suicides, and hundreds of other from Springfield Friday. after home of Mr. J as. McClure near from necessary school work to cram case there are not enough teachers for examination. making the requirements.thatspecial man. though perhaps of ordinary things. have surely made the year spending Christmas with relatives Bellbrook. mind. surely had the giftofforesig ht'\1913 one to be remembered in the there. . h .. .. This practical examination will be certificates be issued. as there has not beell so much Buf- making of history. W en ren~wmg hiS subscrlPtlO.n made some time during the precedThe minimum salary for any fering in a long while as came dur- \ We are at the dawn of an~ther Mr. and Mrs. James Stoops. and R. J. M,ountJ.o y stated that thiS ing year by one of the examiners or teacher having professional training ing the year 1913. year and may it be better than any 8On" Holmes, of Dayton. were the makes the 62nd year that he has person authorized to do so by the ex· is fixed at 145 p.:!r month . aminers. The examination shall con· Boards of Education are required The Arreat fiood through Ohio early year in history. Let the unity of Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. taken the Gazette. in the year. brought the greatest Christian bodies be forged and Adam Stoops. Mr. and Mrs. John Sears returned sist of a class room test in each of to put their teaching force upon suffering, and brought it nearer welded in one lr1'~at body. and per· Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Deddck, of .to their home in Darke County, after l three branches of il15truction being a sal.ary schedule based O? lenath of home to us than almost any other haps the world wJlllr1'o~ bett«:r and Omaha, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Horace a pleasant visit with their Bon W. N. , taught. 8efVlce, amount of proftalonal train· calamity, on, ~ccoun~ ?f ~ num)?er the kingdoz;t1 of mankmd wlll be Cleaver. of Xenia, spent Saturday Sears and family. ' If a p.e~on h.a s never taught nor- Ing and success as teachers. •. _of former cItizens hvmg In the path better fortified to meet the great with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley. mal trallllDgwlll be necessary b6fore In regard to schools for trai_1llD.&' • of the gteat calamities that come upon them~or Mrs. Stanley Sellers, of South getting a certificate. of teachers the State Noi'iijala" Mr. and· Mrs. Harley Wilkerson Charlest~n, and Mrs. Benj. Hawkins, - ~ard8 of examiners are to be Special training schools in each'CounperlJaps the world will be 80 good est~~,J~r'Q.lllrbt qoubleto that great calamitieewill n~t be sent and daughter ~t Cbristmllll with of Sablpa, were called .. here.MondlW ppillted by'the County Board and no ty and Special trai~iq. wo~k in.~" tbcililjlDdi! 'b1~·beopre;e.peciallr~~e u~ntbemtoab,w tbemtlJe errors their daqb~r in Morrow Mrs. ona~untof tbe·'aenous Jllnesso~ longer ' by Probate . Judge. This achoots 8rti'8UPpoe8d1iO care forthe The b~ftooclaiD, o~~~~, . . '., ~ w.~~ain~ , UD.~I~.: their !.atherMr.I. E. Keys. , . ~of~eri ~Il consiato! rainina~f~~;~~ ~~~o.,.."_re~.' \)n

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Superv.·s.·on of Schools


New School Code


















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The l'Aiami Gaz ette - ~.,

D. ~~~'E.

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How the Non Chu rchg oer Robs Him self


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il l;; non-e llurchgol' l' s b u ls h lmse lt "IT frn lll th p Wt'.'lIly IllI"l y at t b t'y \\,pre (;u u 's \\' OI'U a s It I" C(l1,t:ti lll! ll In In II... b ahll I) f \\ r l t lll~ I I", IlI b lc . Tb l' rt! Is \\' o r d of l"'l"r,; tu I hl' l r I': ng' :~ od ,," t s iue tb e lIi\J I", W ll w il l fr ee ly I\" h ('I" ls ln ,;, III w h k h ItO Il II!. \" ,t th l' mos t Ilu " 11J I or US (1\.'\ I t ( J~ r.lid i I h ~o ( ' ITt \' 1 \ ("' as l O 11u.·y t. at-.un ll y l'\·f' ·rlT' t! k n ow t h nt l lie Bib le Is ti lt' Ulle g rNl t 11lHkv 11 11 111",II: l l g , · U ; lL :'l : ~ l' llr a 1)ls ! - to 1111' !nr t th at th e y ow n Pll 1l \('rrlt or), lll <' rn r Y I ' X I ' I"< '~s lon o f I' Ii gl UIl S fuelln ..: t( I r:H · :-.i:~ l i t : , I\ ... ~, \\ It b u i ; t ,i«c reaK' o f \)\'(\ 1" :!9'; ,OOu 8 f)U a r c IIl tl t· ti , u r ~ ()1l 1 6 J ot! till' fu un tlli n 01 GO.I' M t r llth , T be li \' !' 111111'6 t u J.: I h. :l R lar g,' 1I~ n il E !lg lullll a nd t\ I LIt ! ,-nl t tin.' lI t·s t't o f the ma ll w h o d Ol'S 110t Im , w t he Bi lli e Hiu l \ \" a lt'", )wltb t", 1'0 0(, lI lt-h ll l'll n ul' a n y \\ ": ' l'lI u . J: l~ lak-Il .\' ,. 11 (" i \' u bl e (b a t ply dOl'S li nt k no w I he g l'l' ait s t at t Ill' 011ll'1' dl':\ r o ld c it .-mile l,' r s ,",Ut La an : .tt~H I. UH.' IH t o , . _ -Iho ug ht s Ih ut h nve " 1' 1' 1' b.'e n t h ull g ht : 'nl lit a r y lir e· mnll e n u t e of I hl' fa r t. t! . lI'~ n ot kilO\\, t hl! bes t w u ru ~ t, ,'d nnns "" .. Iu lo" " I IIh,>tlm nb le ad \'lIn, \ \ '!lu t I na ~ llIuI' b n H Ib " r ol ulI lHIH fpl t has (' \, e r ~p u k c li t hr o ng h bu tt1 un li p ~: t agl Ir, wfIrf;,:, " lIo l'l'less r lfi ll IIs lns b Ig I' nnn g h nn,l ~, l i ~ s l 'a IIb tl ijll P - ~I y fr lc o" ,; ~ I ront; ,' l\ uII /<: h Hnd ri c h .':, d()(' ~ n u t k no w tI ,t' llI os t I m\llil' i n ~ , be \'''' I'Y t hllnkf Grn ,' l\"" ' $~ 1'0\\ <1 ,'r ~ 1 \' lug IJrlH'l lcall y no \ e'HHI!; h ul t o m e, to pil ch lu to n n 'lIt II r lt a ln , rO trl furtl ng, Bll"tldni ,,!'; ullt ll ur I ht' In fu r ma : I'" a s 10 th e lo cn tion or It !! an d , ". '1 unl)' r- I I A~ An llqll e- For w hll t '! d l,1 pil ch 111 10 b e r, h u t ngf'R, l\;ow , In p\' c ry ,'hurc h t h is ! Uf;" r . tillt It IR 011\'10119 t ll a l Il r e cl s<! ly b(,llt h e r att .. r ~ 1I ~s ( ' uu. l lq lle--At tb e ve ry ' a fa ir flghl, II w o tll, l at word I. read a nu f' xpoll nd e d , It Il ll m bl'r of 1I1 ~ ngr ec u b l e t hin gs Lh e . n m t blng wou ld mnk e a gun or loo ll 10 I tb lnl( nn tltl bla sf'd p .. r 8<111 to d" y a~ p a R ~I' S Into t h!' II\'e s (It t houRnnd B ur o r, uu t UOtl 't tiay , II pis iol a ( II' mo r e d l1 n gero l(s t oo l for II t hl! torelo tb c r s 01 t b .. IIrPl' q ll'k"rs m pn , an d mn k ra th e m s t ron!: a nd u ' u ~e u f nR'n~s l n s, It rna )" Ind eed , b ad 1\ vr e lty good ura\, Oj lin d P llT l' . Ul ble til E- II II T C' a i, o pin io n at IlJ I' Ill · .ai d lhal tb ~ r e 18 n o l(' g ltl11l 8 t o use 61" 1\'1'0 ntld o r what SKIN HUMOR 25 YEARS 1Il0M a lway s s tro ng me u, Ih,'), lInll In hand , !lo(' to r fo r It Is qui\(: li ke ly Ib a l nrt l' r Iht, un P a rk e r w ns rIg ht whe n b e SAid t ho t . e 'Ih' n d ng d l: \' \ce, sllve In wlll- pl e nSRtl t tl C'8S k nown " Cu t kllTa d id wo nd e r s to r til e , For a s t h e HI ' \ o latio n , t he re wu s so rn Nli ln g a bout m !'n t wr n l y-lI v,' YI'ars l ltry oOln g. Rnd In ne illal wa r , \( we Wh en Ih e ,'o u ut r y Wa R f; trllllnl( lIb .. "d s u rTe r e <l a gullY re nred o n tbe 1I1bl e tb a t dl ,lr pre nl ln ted Iru m tl 1" rrllJlu hum lrTa[J t t b a t citize ns now nnd tb on n eed wlt b Its eo til III or, eum pl<'te l), (' OV. e r r4'. \' · ll " tic ll ing It 3 th e m fr om othe r m e n, \\ 0 h av e ob, e rl ng illY h (' ud, II ce lt alld 10 use tl rea rm s again s t Imrg ln rs, hl g b- cott on SllOulu f r s, so a nd I I~ lu ba ('co lI! (',·,'r y uU " ~Hv ed thi s O1lrRe lv e s, It Is a gr ('n t e v<" " t o my ...·uy n u?D an d otb e r s It s boul d be ob· th at \\ ore ~ w it", 1 beca mo nn ob ject l lJl li !'H or u sed t b ll weed, pity th at nny mnn sho llid Il n po vprlHh " io us t bn t Ih of urpad . At lurge e xpc nse 1 co ns ul t100S' d eH lrn bl.. n nd tbf' Y fE, lt I h e ~' bad mo l'<' r enso n to pa t h is m ind a nd ou l hy not comI ng \!1l~ (J ed the IllOst abl (' JIIos t ('If£'c t l\' e ann t o r suc h pllrp oses tb l! m s' h ' (,s on tb (' Im d, fo r l it u od o rs far a nd n <'a r . e mill" B wee k t o jo in In tb e comm b n $tud y Th eir t r e ntm l' n t \l'ILS o f 1)0 avail, 11 01' hi s nn n d icap li nd b urry , P 60ple a re \' !:Ju s g r ow l h IItf'y s bow ,' u be fo re t b e ~ nd ex positio n ot Its tr n n ~ 'e nd ,'n l.l1 l wa d t hnt ot Ih e _ _ Il os plla l, d uri n g Jlett· r: bRpJ.)ll'r , If tbe y or e no t g ClllnicC e lg ht.' f ll t b cI' n Ulr), WaR dOD !', n.1Pssng . s ix mo nl b s ' e [Torts . 1 sutl'e r cd on l Gll e r , nnd tbo l ornw r Is Ii goo . ome n Hut jll st ~up l'o s ln g on e o t tb (' Aga lu, th e n un ·d 1U r c bgoe r ,,11\119 nnd ('o n('\ llu I·d tbl' re wa s lI O he l!) f(IT b f th e IlItt e r. Tb py hl\\'e ple n lY ot frllll l'r S of I b .. n,' (' ln ra l lo n co uld r l!n d h lm sc J( o J'[ frow those lJ Yllln s an d me t b ls " Id l! of t h o grave. 'I'1, pn I o \' e r a few s tn l lHlk" a nd n hser v" a fe w l ,m e t o work a t Ib a t t bnt Is w ort h pra ye r s tb a t ha ve he~ n tb e co mm un lI f'u rd uf SlIlllf' U III' w ho ltad bee n cUI'I'd )w hil e, or ('v e n t o play, nnd It Is on " o r e ve nt s Ihat Iha t nr ~ At h a nd toda y ! pro!)e rty at all n o ble soul s s ince tbe by (' lI ll c·lIra H< 'IIII'<l lps nn d t hOll g ll t It YOIl tol d bIL l! t bal ~ I n l"; hi s lI ay tb l' h.. worth Is th e wbol es(lm e Indicat io ns ot Il b,'a llhy ps almi s t wrote and Chri st ian hy mnal · th at n tr ia l ru ultl " , tlLliall on ot "h at Is 0 1 ta rm a nl tllal s th e' n .' W(' n' p rodll <1 0 11 0 harm . ) ll n, Cf'tJ COllnt r~· - l ils ("Ollnl r y - bas Irll 'rl'a s"d know I! a s Ib ,' " ogy CKm e Iota beIng, Tho C hri s tia n s urprifill igly ~hoJ' pe r ('a lll tl\ w ea lth," IUe th at people In Ihl s co un tr y pla y tor th e lITI,"'k , t l a~ t ),!'a r $4,525,2 t time I w ne co w 59,000. m ore' tb o n I,' ll Illll l'R In ar 'n , mol' cb urcb Acc urdln bE' gan g Iu t be bllrf'a 'l of s l a t l ~w ltb · the Rlr l!; ln g ot U pl etl, ly l'urN!. S , p, I{ (' y,, ", 14i a s bard I1S tbe y wor k. Bu t bu~l n cA s !l a lt H l'e nt ury a go , wb e n lh e s ta l ls. Con· th a n :W t h, lliS In popu la t io n , a nd more l ies ' rN' ko ld"g , bymn . Ou r bym n s can la in tbe ll o llies t gre6 S t,. !f oslO n yo u Iln ll I a re wOl' tb lI(:ln il o nrs t I.J t'g nn l o busy tb c Ol se nn d pl ea su r e n a ve t urn ('d th e ir bac l(s th a n a t . Mas s" Oc t. 1 ~ , 'O ~ : ' lve a a s pira ti on b o ll sa n!! li m e s In ", ('a lt h , ho w a good u('a l nl lJr/J t ba n w th e huma n heart e h vel're UH (> In X · t h e a boll t I;uc h thln g ~ , Ib e r eco rd wa l \lpon t b e knoc k!'r, se ttin g Ib el l' f a ct' ~ wOlll (1 b l uke th l' n e ws ? W uu ld h e IIIl Y~ wh l':' th p. t'(l unlry WIl S yo un g , In $ 5 pre s se d a nd e n s hr in e, In wortls ul Face Covered with Pimpl es H , I ~ 0 , 000 , s howin g tb nt th u tarm E.' r 1.0 b r l bt e r s ll les, So If you ~. ro a t s ti li lI~sp r t , a ~ " om e or our frl t' nd s I ~ O{), or a t tb e bea uly, set t o gold e n m usIC' , th e so lace " I ('ollgrn t ul nt e ('ll tlCIITIl u pon m y t im e wb e n tb e y bll vo bll s bee n do in g hi s duty by bl s COllOouts with som euod y settle t ho mlltt e r alli o ng Ih e old es t Inh n ultnnt s a r o t h e fi r st rt'co n l of ppr cll pl tn wea lth, Ir y ond hI s famil y as well a s by Iha and pe uce and pro m ise at th e Cbl'ls· s p cl'd y re("o\' e r y t rolll pimple s wb lch 'WIth h im: do not lJ ot be r me wi t h It, I) ro n ~ lo d o, th at til(' "good o lu d a y~ t he c iti ze ns of Ill<' l'nl ted S lal es w e r e manufa r t urer, tb e rnlJj ~ r , Ilnd t h e rn ll- tla n rn lt b , Once thl'y W(' r e th e CO Ill· po \'('rl'u l1lY fa r f' . I lI ~p d C lI\l c m a Soa p, IJ'ha t Is l be an Ewe r ot t be world ta- we i's bes!." or wo u hi be no t he ln ore unl y wOrt]l $" a piece, Tb e ga in lu pe r rand m a ll prop e rl y of (,ye ry m a n, Olnl m l' lI t UlIU R"Ro ll' e nt tor t e n d a y!! ~o w , mon . al as ! so runn y know th e m not, l3 ut u nd my tur e cll'fl rt' d and 1 o m p erfectb ay, a good on , t o. E v ' n In s port" lik e ly to sa ll y fo rth In s e nr ch of ' Ita cRpit n we alth h a s not alwa ys be e n The pos tofl1 ce ba s g ro wn from a n In. be~ <ll c li nd ma k e a pe r e mptory de- s t eaay d ur in g tb e de cade s, thi s w bo leso me s piri t pre vail s ; ID ' Cer t a in s ilt "lion with 903 bran cb ell In 1800 to l'oo r, Ind eed , that old nge w bl c h flnd s l y w ell. I ha t! t r ir li doc t ors for B vno Ch r ls ti nn h y mn s ingi ng It s s we e l (' r a l mOllt It s bll t go t no r es llltR. Wm , J. .il eed It d o m lnat(,B tb re p e r haps m ore mll lt d fo r your locun 'crn tlon a s a uan· ce D8ll S ),,'nrs s how ed s poo re r tb a n n earl y 70 ,000 tollay , ge c UIl ~ IUll a t ic? m ea su r es In It s b ea rt. <IlIr lng Ih e pre viou s te n Sadli e r, I f> H Sus qll hnnna Ay e " Pbllatha n anyw be r e e lse. It t ak es tb e (orlll yonrs , lJ ut Th a Isal a rles pald pu lJ ll c s chool r, l), If tr u th 1M s t ra ng.'r tb a n fi e· tnO!H (If I h" tilll e w e bnve d elphI a , ) l ilY 1, 1909 ," bee n g e tting t ea;:h pr s hav e In cr p8 sc(\ Irom $3 7,OUO,' bf Intol el' u nce, It Is ~ o p ro no un ce d , It ll" n'urfig Shut Off From InSlllral lon , ure s a r e st rnn ge r Btlll w b ~ u nlun !; nice ly, th nnk you . tn 1810 w e 000 In 1 70, to $1 97,{) 00,000 tbl s y e ar, Is Ih e splrlt of a I nn n l ~' nge, a big age m ,la s u r ln g t b e And equnlly d eservin g at notice. ,'Ils t s tri d e s that Oll r were wo r lb $7 .~ ~ a hea d, 1 8 ~0 b ad fa ll- a nd t be Dum be r ot t e legrams se nt o l·er with tb es e oth el' t bl ng s Is thi s: tbat SAMPLES OF COLLEGE HUMOR &nd ra s t , too bi g lind (a s t t o s low up cou nt r y ha s tak e n sin ce Ib e Fo urth of e n to $0.94 ; In I :10 we \\, 81·e ev<!u a th e wl ~es bns jumped fr om ~ ,O OO, O O O the lIl au "'bo s buts hl m se lt o ff fro m f or th litt le fello\\', J il l)" J7iu . Wbut o ne of tbe sig n r s littl e- \I , 'OrN II I. Pror~ s sor's Somew hat Startlin g Re$u. 79, lJ ll t In J 810 b a d 40 y ea r s RgO t o 90,000 ,00 0, OJ' the ra. common w or s blp with bls f e llow· me n d r~a Ol e d Ih at In J803, 01· le ss t h nn 30 ju ml lPt! lo $10 .9 1. quest-S tudent Ph Ilo&oph y-Cilrea bouts , thi s year , Is de prl vl tlg hImself of tbat ons anll Pra c t ical Jol("s of l e n are In ve r y y'·'a r s ui le r hl ~ inl' d rie d tljlOIl Iba t ful Wife 's Warnin g, [n t h .. mid dle ot th e c('ntury wo blld The sc figure s , w\ill e e loqu ~ nt, gIve e \·e r n ecessar y Inspira tion to tb e e n· ball ta s t e a OlI n(lt li t nil liS (unny as h isto ri c d oclll1l e nt, th e Unit ed S ta te s a dv un ced t o $ I~ , O~ apl c ce, and fro m hut a faint Id ea of whnt ha" bap- tbusi a sm or s erv lre Ilnd tile sac rl t.lcla l th eir pe rp e tra ~or · s e m to tbi nk, So me- w Ollld a cquIre n te r r it ory ut 875,000 t bat t ime o n l ite r .:. were no more bnr- pe A ne w t ;(' rn ta ll )J ro f!'ss or In n gi rl s ' n ed In o ur wate rla l we lfure d epn rt. lif e. Tb e aut bar or " Bcce 1I0mo" cul lege wl ti h in!{ t o d ll tu in oll e of Ib e ti mes ~u rb jok l's Inv it e I(' gal pun is h· sq ua re mIl es. or n ea rly thr ec times tb e gai n dru lls or r ed u cllon s wbate ver, Dut m e nt wit wa s ve ry bi nellr tbe truth wb e n he n th e SI)a Ce of 134 Fourt b! Ii lll(\('ll ts , ~ l1l tl : "Oh , ~ I I SN - -, m a y 1 m e n t. IJO\\ n 10 P a na ma a party o t Rh o n t nil tb e 13 orIg In a l st uws put whil e we nrc ta lking of whn t w e are at Jul)·, W ltb aI rs hIps float ing , or s ho wed th e world tbat tbe rea~ o o tbe ho ld YOU t ogelh er, li tH th ut was w h ut we got wo r l b !Je r ca pltn a mln ult' af t e l' cln ~s '!" , It mig ht not b e about to /lORt , a bove Ib e elll es; wl would· be hu moris ts cJrc:ll lul ed th e d Isc iples lov ed t be lr t ellow ,men so tb wb e n we bou !;b Lo ui s iana (or $1 &.0 00,- a ml 5s to menti on 'J' h i~ at\\'i('e w ns g ll-" Il by u\w of Ihe tbe rac t tbat e VNY m essag e s: to Ma rs alm o!:! t r e lensed ant! atd p. ntly wa s b ecause th ey IOI'('d sto r y t b a t Rel~Jrl ol u!; 1 5 t s ba d predi cte d 000. In 18 19, wb e n we took In Flori da, onc of us b e re in Ih :;l utl e u ty to h I' Ili a te N: '·C lrl:!, tak e e U nite d S t at es an swe r ed, with radium r eady to r e vo. Cbrl s t flrs t. It Is tb e man w bo In tb ut tb e cilun t ry wo uld lJe vis ile d In WI' a tld e tbe 11 11 Ih e COlll' Re5 d more t ban 70 ,000 s Qu a r e b aR 11180 a de bt pe r capita, yu u ca n w ith t h e m f' n In 1 VO InUor. lztl tb e scientif ic world- wby Is !Jb ur ch confess es bl s love to Go d, aDd the ni g ht h y" 'rl'a t ~ bo c k a nd tba t mll ('s t o ou r II re a : In 18'1& w f' r o f v~so n;, for I hi' wo u lPn or th e fat,· e too k In lit e pe r Cll l) \tn d t'bt was $1 &,63, o r r It ece n ot iv es fal the l' 10 Impulse pres uzn e of Iba t be fo r e H 4 IO V8 from IIlt y Colon wo ul u he wl\1('d o u t of ex ls te ncc T e xa s wIth Its va s t d 01lla in 01 389,000 more tr y to lind a li t h ow m1l c h YO: I th an t b ree thil es ns milch a s Ib e more a nniv e rs a ri es Occur th e UnIte d Ch r ist J es us, and d edi ca t e s hlms!!lt IIllUW, an .by Il tl ll,. 1 wnvc. l: m lng o n Ib e h ee ls ~qll :l r" mll cs: a nd withi n t hree y e a r s weal t h \ll' r ca pita, d IbE! me n try to s b ow otf :-' ; o w , tbank good · Sta ~"! s wIll s h ow e ve n 1U0re marv plo ui with o t be r di scipl es to tb e lite at t hl'reatl f' r hud ab ~ orb ell Orego n a nd of tb , COSIU H I:t n ca tac lys m, tb ls d tb . tl I h uw JUu ch tb e y Imow," t n eS R o n s e r 03 vicE' s t a llS a nd c a r n eceiveR s, w e see beforo m 0 tb e ~{e xlcan cOll cess lol1 , a dding In ue we ll Oll t of th C hr is t's prop b " cy t h rew I h' IplOra n t n ntl : a lta r a' "commi ss ion," wb o goes Tu e wl\',' of on e of I b e pro fessors e /lnancl a l wood s , for I,,'og res!; In til e world of nallo us " fortb "u· ro u nd o umb e r s 800,000 '1I Ullr e mil es ~'acb 111111 a ll 0)' u s has a per cU\llt a lI' u rn uu b lm li S be, went or! to offi ci al e persU l ious illio It'TTO r, huLl Ill e re wns t o bl ess an d pre acb and bC'a l. Whe n mor e, tlc bt o f uuly $ 10,7G, ur con s iderably at a (" nl' l'o l one r a lllY d8Y : "Now, s om t h l n ~ 01 a I I~ ll i c , or co urs e tb e Words That Ar~ Out of Style, wo r s blp CCRses e ve n th e bllumnl tu rln n E\'ery on ('o In u Illti ~ w blle Und e less t ba n on e-thIrd J o bn , UO lI ' t st n ntl wit h )'0111' b a r p bea d of wbut we own, Mos t old Eng lis h wo rds IJ a ve fa ll e n In s Unc. t w !ll pass ('o n vu l ~i l' Il " d id no t occ ur, But t be '3am "f'em ",d 10 gro w te r rI tori a lly h u n. a wny . Our h os· on th e d Alll P g r Wltb n s ho win g lik e tb a t we may b e from tb e i r h igh oll n d ; you' ll su r E' ly Vnn UUi :l alit ' IO l'i t iV 8 ( nu li: t h e o l a t l e r 10 g ry , p,n d wo u ld es t ate and a re n o w pltals , coll eges , r eform agenc ies lu ne ll o ff a promIs in g lJard o ll l'd It we tak e t b e da y air and l'ntcb culd ."- Utc. a tal hOl1n (>d In th e bes t SOCie ty, a t uny s e tt le me Dts got th e Ir impul se from b a n d ;lIll\ I he ju l, t-r~ are n ow III jai l f rngn l( 'nt ot th e contIn e n t. Th e Gnd s- go tbe cel£'b r a t e. rnt e lu :I1 ay falr anll Belg rav ia.. Of c burc h, a w d Uli g II,,: r('bu ll o f I,,'o ccediu l(s tll a t d e u IJlI reb a se of 36,000 s quaro mil es Tb e y are baing conuuc t ed :-':0 0 11" Ill'c' d S I ' ~ Il I( of Illon o t o ny If Th e bigg est fi g llr"s tb at th e gove rn. thes e Is t he Snxo n word " lad y," whi ch :1011' ~ r m e n who, eve n if not a ll (' n(\· oll ly Ih,,), jll " t look n rolln d (U l" au · w, ,,, lJrpugll\ Dl:lIins t t b e ll.', ADd It W[l B mlld e In I E53 ; Alas ka wa s b o ug bt m ent b~ s c omplied tbl s ye nr Ilr e \l rob. w e ar e told Is de ri ved from " loaf, ng c urc b , are IIvlll g on th e c hu rc h 's u t h e l" ~ w atll s,- Ro)'s tol1 t h e s l' lJ u ll l('ri" t ~ g['1 a ru un d ~l' n l ' li ce (o r ~ 7, 200 ,(lOO in 1867, a dding n e arl y a bly fOllnd In' tbe fr elg bt re cords, giver," Impul se w b lch once r es ch C' d t hem , :the gl' u" I :11 \' ('f" ti h l w ill LJ <> t ba l i t f) OO ,() r)O s q ua r e mile s to ollr m a p , nn d T hey are so colossnl tha t tb ey r eally ID 1910 we ll ll eak of a "WOIlHl t! " a n d Th e Impul se whlcb Til ::!: Flm;!'T I"AURIC III Hn. WI' t oo k In th e Ha waIIan 18- m eall no tbing to s ustains o ur c bn r· I tl ool r lU"(."fJD. I I'a rt'41 " Ilh 1110 IInlna.c el ( tho OO"rlR. se:,y " d t lJl' m r l!; IIL anyon e outsid e of tb e wo rd " la dy " ha s he ClJUl e alm ost a Ity and works (or b uman wc Hll r n wilt ~.~ ~~~e~~~ I n ll<l ~ to pro\' e t bat w e W l' r ~ not di s· ~i'1~~~t7~. ~: ~ y~':,ln:ktr~;~~ ~I~~ ~ ~:!t th e r:lUroad hu ~ ln e8s, and p<!rh a ps no t t e rm of r ejl l'oa(' b , A yo un g single w a n e w he n m e n r e nse w o rs hIping crl lll ln ntl n" in ~ t tb e I'ac lfl c ocea n HO I' er~ m uch to tbe rallwny e xp e , rt woman I ~ a g ir l- pronoun ce d "gyi rl" God, W e can Th e '.':;, 1' ~.,;<i n ~ 1 Ille whlt & pl ;, gl l~ In lb l' nln l lf'r:lga A ge nl ll ,; I ~ a Ullin wh o tri es t o lJur , uf o ur fa vu r, Tb e n a ll - nB th e :na me " yolln g lady" Is 1'0- Cjua lu l.anc es whoe e It in our own nc' ",Ill n e vI 'r 1,1: ('ffl' I'II\'e \\ b ile co ut agl o u In a bunc b, u uri are not c hu rch go e r s _ ro \l' Il1Otlf' r - o nd I'; e t s It. n /{ th d ay~ of 1898 (' xce pt h.l: wa y of co mparI so n . Las t se r ved fo l' barmaid s, s hop bnnd s a nd Tbe y arc g ood , hut th l'Y J~ all uwttl 10 h" frN,ly a n d 'Hw to nl l a nd lS!l9 we tuol' In P o rto do not say Ri co, Guam year th e- 1'Rliroud s haul ed 23I>,6 0J ,3 9 0 .. tel el' \ion e ope rators , "I,ord, I will follow th ee whltb e r sotivre ad by PXi' ~ctorn tlon In IJlllJ llc and tb e Pblll ppi 103 ton b at [relg ht one mile , W e cnll Then n es , a nd 11 fe w of t bu 1I0t th e wo rd " dre s s " llsed to de- e ve r th ou goest, " e n ~ lly ('om pa l'e tbat s bow lng wltb Tbey Ilre kindly, 'Illace~ , ( '~ I I\'('i all )' un tb e s t rel! t u, wb e re Sa ,llonn Island s, Tb o Sa ndwI ch Is- th e a mounl of freight bauled during sC I'lbe th e o ut e r garm e nt of our mot h. I but the y do n o t s ay " S e nd me." Tbe III I lu n gs ,ot" ('X IJos ... d to inf ecl io n. la nd s w e r e s care.,ly worth m entIo ning e rs a nd gra ndmoth e rs , bnt "gowns " I non·c hu rc hgoe r s huts him self orr from c olon Jal du ys, for during colo nial d a ys and " rr ocks" No t II n l ii rn e,," ur('s a r e la ke n severe fo r th ey ad ll \!d a r e wo rn Il l' wo men at the one d'ynamo ot the sac onl y R w ee mltf1 t o our rnllroltd tre lght was not rifi c ial life. known, Posr e al 6 F' a t e ho ldlngs- G, HO s quare s ibly the re « n o ug b 10 f O( 't iL if no t t o ab!JII s b, tb e mlJ '!B, to be e xact we r e tlgures compli ed th e Iw e n tl " th ce utury, Al so we may -and Porto Ri co s howIn W e ml g bt close tbls editoria l he r e. g how mllny \louuds of fr e ig ht ta lk of "re lat1ons, " lJut habit., o l'1(ct l!J n,dJlr bOIl! to h e ultl; and with Ita 3,r.OO, not of " r e in, But we would like to re mind tbose and littl e Gu a rn w ith we re ('u rrl ed by th e coas twis e vesse ls liv e s ; " nnd th e most t o p u hl lc d c,t t' n r ;·, w ill th e OgtH li s 1 iG wl " ilt n~ n tl fu bl e ot part' nt s who are n ot taltlng th e ir ehll. be le (1 out ' 1l It og (' lb e r or the ship s th at plied be tw ee n Am e r. roost e r mu s t lJe cll ll ed a "ciJ lc kcn u ga lo Et 1:: 1,.. :c~I I '~i ~ \,(; t a l,.' o hr.i' nnll wp 'd b a rd ly ," as ' dreu to th e c hurCh se rvi ce of bow noti ce th a t we h ad It'Ilu :llld I': nfl r io us y, ll s b, Du tch, f'r e ll c h, and tb e wurd .. towl " bas s unk almos t to much tb lost Ib e w . e:" Ilre robbing th e m at futuro Porl ugll .'se I)Ort s. If I b ese li g ures the lev .. 1 o f low langua ge .--Quee o , joy and po we r nnd comfo rt nnd tr.-'I, Th e PhIlippi n e s 101:11 ",<1 a bo ul 14 3,- ",e re prl' par pt\, bow " uu e ve r , th e y bav e If t bl F <:l IHI,o n f o r tb e In lEl !VIa rs ball ono Sq Uill'" tlon. We see a great tbrong of c bll· mil, ,>! , and yu u'll ba rdl y he I, e", n los t III th e oU Bt of tim e and t b e People Fl (o&t cl l b . ( 'l!I , ; IJ!, 11 1I 1(;' r c... h :tr~ t ,Iri n c..: e , h.l d,· III of Other Planets , dre n growIng up In N ew Yurk wbo to'uppres s a ~ lUtl e wh e n !·ou UI' \~ worl.! h a s u eeo 100 bll s y to bunt for Cal ula ti o n s as to th e s ize r ""u lre d nl'Yer a re prougbt J\ v, I" I'l' Ilfl y. t l" ,,' · wil l c() n ,,, Into In for nll' d Ibat tb !' Snm ollll " i s laad ~ " t be LD , or s pnt to tbe for hUllllln lJe in gs on tbe otber plnne rH c b urch se rvIce!;. , ,0"s('Rsil ,', I : Ihl ·, t" ~' r u n d f a ll "' r ' s res ld · th ll t we too k O"N In 1899 hut! tb e We re m(,llllle r our In tb f' yenr 1800 tb c 1.' olt l'l1 Stal es vary wide ly ac cordIng to tb e bas is of own c hildhood , those b r Ight and s un· II nr y ron:.\{ , " IJ I{' \J lt Is (',;!lllUl\ ,'d I,y " ll Prn IOU8 ~ n' a o f , :1 sqllare LlIil es. Bilt culn ed all (I f ' :~ 17, 600 wo r tb or go ld r e ckonin g . AccordI ng to tb ose llllsI!(] ny · m ,o mlngs In tbe IIttlo c hurc tba t I "" ~ ,., ,: . 10(, wonl! $ '! IiO ,() " O, ()(l O, 1\ (' \'I' n Il t t h a t t b, b e r e's pl t'nl y 01 room Thut W a~ going Quite a b it, one must lipan tb e Ilt:tra cllon . of gravity , JupIt e r wb er e we learned th e great hymns IIpon t bos., of At U,,' ~ l" - ! !ii',· II" 1",1'1'.1' Iwl r. \\"1 11 Ill ., houeeH , drII lth' OC I' :! 1l d o t s fo r ea- a cknr.wl eflge . Lus t year w e conv e rt ed should be p eo ple d by pygmloo at y d oc kB a nd coa lin g Bl a . $1:1 1,ti :' 28 tb e ages , where we beard the great h ,63~; tb e s liv e r coluagc record In c h('s. Wolfiu~ , J)roba t. !y iI :,v" (,lI ll i\','(\ tilt· II' lJ u)' l ~ b 1.\ o n 6, A fe w on Ibe otb er bnnd, religiou s truths n ev e r to forget tbem, tbouHan li Ion s of coal w as $~~4,~~4 ; 111M year It wus $1 2,3t11, · argu ed that GOliath hlmRe lt wOllld be wil ~olli e!O , .. '1;;1 : I LI'Y WlJ l,' l \\' '' ~ I ~ IlJl' " Itl red at /l n y oue of those places lIlay 7,7, e r I' we came acco llnt e d d ~ tld e Llly und e r s Ized upon musI c, whe re we under th e s pe ll 01 mon.,y. lit some Um e In tb e futur e ~ a\" e the looked wltb rapture that pillne t. He worked :'lol'e than $96,000,000 worth of gold (rom the at the painted window through Which ,\nI Prknn battl e~ hllJ fi " t und glV IJ It ree ble ness of tb e s un' s IIg?t the re, the IIgbt was tran8ml tted Into Tb" rE' i, i I', t il" I' lly , iolog i<';.t ' a iJ o r a, I b e pow t'r 10 OV('rt'om e a fo e in tbe wa s tllk e n fr o m our te rritory laa t b eauty, tOry ur til l" 1' lIi v, 'n il y o r I' l'n li by l Viln I" {fir ('ne t. Tbu s , all tOld, wil e n rou add ye ar . In 18 10 wll{'n tl) e go ld mining which would de mand that th e pupil ot where we Bang In the choir (nnd e very the eye sb o uld b lJ e ualn much vs s more WIlS In Its c radl e , tb e prmluc· clllnta- boy and girl should be allowed III the .a wac!:lf r l ~: ~ lU t t I1l t1i:f:U T(' ti th e r!l t.·J1Ut! up lh,' vario us urt' akfa ~ ts, IlI lIch e on s, ble , Slnc.,.:b~ ~ r.l pll .ldas in can. chelr In e very cburch) and learned (lapa bIJiI Il '£ of n ll y 1,, 'r. " I, t o w bolO it nnd dinn e r s o f n e w lalld I hut o ur !Ion wa s $2,·IG3, and e ven tbat am o unt stant ~{)putrt lon to the hall of th e e ye, tbe cboruse s from the oratorIo s, lin ,'!" baR I'n Jo y .. rt ~ in l' '' 1, ; 6 we get 15 not ,'out'be d for as absolut e ly nc1>; Ilppl iv,l. It WOuld lJ"uioHuly .... "is t e r lI:nd tbat to th e entire body, saId where we read the Ih " I l d~' ~ h o w lu g uf 2,~ : Hi, 7al sq unre c urHtf'. p s alm s in respons o 2.e ru if H i lJ . lt (\~l t o P (' J !;() H S who pn y wll -:s , In If'20 tb e pig Iron product ion of WaUl us, a little calculal lon sbows " ' Ith th e pastor, wh e re we professe d will lllGIH' y III !: Il '" .. llO wS I bll t It I~ l, <'ces.! tbllt Ul a\' E' I:a ge Jovian must b .. ne a rly Christ us the mast e r of Thl p n l' ''' I" r r l!ol' ), C O~ I Ill " Un ltl!d t h e {, lIl1re COllnt r y wu s es t\matpd at our 1I1e-ah I18ry l or !l i C' \lOll ,,\) to try to ~1l L> thirt~1l ( Pet 8e \' (> n In ches 1.1111- - not how we pIty the boys " I a l ~s tr<:'[l811 r), PXIl l'l ly ' ~ 7 , O :1 9 ,7{i S , or 20,01)0 ton s; las t year It was about 16 .. and girls Wh~ quIte fov tncll es shorl e r than Og , king grow up with none I,ress. lI u Oli l $ 3 0 11 sq ull r f' lt lll(' , of these trndltlo na Add wbat 000,00<1. of Uashlln, a c cording to t b e m easure - Impov e ri s hed In nil m e norl E'S wf'· \, e l:ou !,hl t o w bat w(' lJau durIng at the In tb(' year 1810 Ih e re were saId to We aI' " !l ot r ea ll y to UCI " \11 'b e th p H.'\" u !u: lon , IInr! yo u g ut a tota l of l.Je ;!59 ne wspnpe rs In Ih e country , a s at bl y b ed s te~ given In Deutero nomy, soul! Pare nts would do we ll to con. sider how e asily one can r ob a child flta te lll n t It ..,'. Ih" k:tiR"r hU t: trHlII (l 11 llttl" m or" th nn :l ,tl UU,O UU s'luare (' ompar(' d wltb 21,32 0 at tb e prese nt Male Fashion s in 1850, of th e se s weetest r ecolle ctions age e lu tJ orulC" JJ:- f' JHl r .... t l o ll~ l U cut t b ~ s ub- 11I1i" R or t (' I Tlr u r~' . ! Im ~, Tb e 1'l'co u\.- do not aU<!{I1p t to ,\Iale fashi ons at 60 ye ars ago hnd know s,-l'he Christia Enpon tecl Th e £O VI'I'I1 11I1'111 II g11 l' e (' XII " r t s, wbo t ell ",hat kind or n e ws pape r s th e {'(iIlu a rio ,..:: (' •.dd (· ~ i FI c a ~ t.! <; (' l' l u a u y I ~ i ll ' n Work an' otb e r di s comfort s b es id e s long hall', EI'ange list , \'oI Vl\d III iI gre lit wa r , I f th e l,a is'!I )\I ;-; ht lu b t- t.L. e lH. St o n t: <J .. th, ror tb e y lors I'r!n ted 100 years ago, nor do th e y Trous e rs were tight and buttone d unII h ou lu cut t l, <' c a bl l!~ . ho w I lilt! IIC g ,-t nr ur~ !Jay t ha n lllt y u th e r , tntl s tl· )! Ivc,' nn y sworn s tat e ments of circulad e r tbe foot wit h broad s t raps. Eve ry ti o n , le t t b u ,", ud d ku ow <l'hal b ~ llll ~ lu ci :t lls 00 rhu !:Ioue , ,·a l .. " I~ t f' lli at t b e m~al. TrUI' 1'omorr ow With God. man wbu aElpired to b(l well dr essed I total woo,!lh of Ih!' L' tl itPd Sl a tes l aTh " \\ nr lI epartlll Pnt ~ I>ent $2,5GO,OOO wore his cant a;ny ? so hIgh In the collnr "Take 110 thought for th e morrow ." I day is O " ~ I $ 1 1' I, t! !l n,OOU ,Uli V. Tb e y b a ve In I SO" as aga in s t more than $1. 5,000,- thnt tb e back a of of the hilt rest ed upon ThIs Is !') clause In the s ecret of l'un t:,o \.n tb (' f · u Jl (' l 1J ~ ! nn . ;;,[lc l' gu ing itn· 000 last year , In ord ,' r I ha t a ll by s l('WZI IIHlY I re a t It. This fllsblon was so pre valent ..oxlous liVing and as applied admon. ()\' pr Lt l : rt:'~ il l Hf :1.(" 1' (1 )-. o f n l1 nl c ral ~ th at The r(1l\"Y p ~ p l'nd e d $3,448,0 00 In tbat, accordi ng to IIIL IlUI h- Il I wllh u llt vlslli ng 111111 , :' SIr Algerno n W est, Ishe s against sappIng worry and f y e r ~' 011lt l, '\tJOlIl Il a n<l c hild in tb will alway s be e ] 800, as compar ed w!th $118,000,000 lAst "eve ry hat bad'a Lon doD I fI \Ij ' nt io ll Jl t:.! r~n lt s a D t Xil llllun· l " d lPU ::i llltC" crescen t at cloth ceasel ess fr e tting, Do not look forh a~ $34 ,72. If you h a ve ye a r , Wh ile th e pension roll at tbe two on the bac k ot tbe brim to prevr,nt \,\' urd t() tbe changes and 110n of tw a rt tl ca ts by le le pilon e not a ~ mu cb fl s tha i yo u ~ bould for chances 01 go to yc a rs j $64,131 and $153,89 2,46i . the rubbing of th e beaver. or Imlta. thla lite in teRT; rather )O(lk to l Al\'e ,'s who n re nu t ce r lal n 01 eacll \\' a :; hillgC.on IH ld '!<'tu!lnil t b'! dltt'ere n ce them ('ottnr.' con s umed ' In 1800 amount ed tlon bea"er, at wblch tbe bat was ~Ith fuIl hope that &s the,. arise, God, -Cl th er's a l!('ctJ ons 8hou ld borro lV t.b ~ fl·Ol ll il.!lIj . O. P . A us lln, c ble C ot the 10 18,8' 9 ba le s ; now use '.500,00 0 made, tor Bilk hats were not tben In- whose you bureu ~ of f-' I>l tl s lle s, are' i wlIl deliver you o~t IIIlPUo.nce trom ~ o lU e fri e ndl y d oc tor. )( e Vf' IT otle buies, v .. nted ," And trom the same author. at them, He has kept you bltberto . wb o hnR !n on' lha n $34. i 2 sbould go W e O),'e consum ing more tban 6,000,- ItI we learr., that "ope1'8. hau were tben bold fast' to bls hand, and he Deillwa re r epo rts I be la rge s t straw· 1.0 Major Aus tin Ilnd " whack up" with 000;000 pouods of sugar a year Just unknow n, and In the eYenlelf a fold- will lead YOu eatelL.t hrough a[l"tlllD ga; l.e:.-ry crop In Its blstor y, TJ!is Is ell' blm t" tb -: e xte nt o f e vc ry Ile nny they now; In 181l0, the ftrB~ recorde d year, Ing c:.hapellu braB ,wae~lilw aYi e'lJTlell a.b.d wben you ~aD~ot stand he' wJII - -ClOIl1'3g i llg, "",rh aps \ -hen t he be rrIes ha \'e B UOY \! th r. t s u m , h e could make the consum ption [or th.9 12 months under 'the arm. Nollody b':lt an elUlc t dJ s l r l butlon of our IJatlona l was IlD D".T you in hlJ . ~ot ,. m YEl at rua ke t L':ey may b e s o nu' 61;1,000,000 pounds. Almost equal.' apothoc ary or a .:lelto r woul1 have look forward to, wealtb IlIld everybo dy . might be s atls· ,maroa . aad I arge tha t Ii q uar t !lo~ of ly enormo us and unfatJao mable ftgurel dreame( !"ot lenlng hie bat ~ ilie hall fi ed-fo r a mInu te. The calculat ion of ar~ llro~uee d ti> sgo:'r the ann~al'-valu~ ,.,.ot 'lth~ , lI9.Dee" where. be ':"~.. , g,/'~r, ~ Wi!l ,~ ~ r eall¥ a ~u:lrt. what e\"e ry one in a c'Jun tTY · oU&h t.:..!~ .ho' ot, the stock produllt s ot th~ · CC?~~7 ; , ~~,: ;'" " I ' " • I~ ~ 1 ( I!\ g .




"r. .









Are But For foar Ta""


Because they are made of the choicest materials and guaranteed to be absolutely pure. L'bLT. Veal Loaf makes a delightful dish wrlun cheon, and you find Libbt. VieDDaSauqe . Comed Beef Pork Beau Milk equally temt>ting for any




, I


Have supply LibItTin the house and you prepa red an extra guest. You can buy J.iW,f. at all grocer's.






\ 1/: '".;.;.







---- -

!WEST'S GREA( OAMr~HA~ON 'T M~UCHBRAIN. ShoshoneStl'ucture in Wyoming Is World's Highest.



People A re Liberal In T I1e l r Contr i bU tI on s t o Y o un g Men's Christian As soc J.J t 1o ns_



\'Ulfll g Ch r i stian n~ · n r ,., lild ' \\- , It Is said , 10 ill" ' : ti { :111 n '( '(I[-ds i n illI llJ ll nt o f nl Uorj' ral "' f ' d fil l' rlf ' \\ b ll i ldifl g s 'Phr 6 U (, C t '~S 1'1 .1,

\I' ;1f

f'-IIP j·l ll1.f l :-i

Cleanses the System al l ·hi l. "I. ·! ,,\; l n. wh :O l, effectually; Dispels bu.a gl\'f 'n colds and Headache$. ,.. 11 11111104 ho t h to M en 's aOt! It ::ihoc' iatlou9_ A d d ed due to constipation. I .. I : I h t' $::.,.. II I.UOII (' (uupalgll f or l .u l l dl!!g l.l f, lr l CApita ls , D r ook · Best for men. women I' ll v. lt h ( /: •• nld o f a (e9.' men and children: younq I" "" J". ' " "" 1" '.1 $~l :' . I}OO: Atl an t ~ $ 2 17 ,000 ; and old. \\Iu! ru th o com To qet its Beneficial "" '1 ,·,, f' ,r 1111 1 $ 1(11).000 : Chorlf'H t l '" $1:.0.""" 1( :l 1"lgh . N . \'. I effects. always note the S7 :. (,",1. \\'"11 ,, \\" li la . \ \ ' ,, " 1, . $4 8.000 . :t n .l I ' '' I' ' ''''' '"': ~i1 c h . ~ :: ~ ."OO. A S611 ' name of the Company, tLrt'u things h e l l)

, Ere c ted In an Eff ort t o Recl a im t he I Ar id Valleys I n the Reg ,on There abo ut s- Wi ll W ater T hirs ty Crops.

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plainly prin1ed on the I front of every I?ackaqe of the Genuine

- - - - - -- - - -

ALLEN'S FOOT =EASE Shako. Inlo Your S hoe ..

Alleu '. IrU(~t-li:u C'! , the an tl . e,&,U41 VO''J.lrr lur tho (,.rL II r t"1Tp, ...

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..... LCOHOL- ,3 PER CEN T

AV~ttable Preparalion ror As ·

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I hlrl; .\ " ':l I'~ "1-'0 u.' II ... " :O-;ot' hi 1 IWl:;c LOtJt s:" l Oflli n ll ( · l i 1"lIlIklt.' .


The Great Shoshone Dam.

i tla ug!'ra for til e llra,·o. an llll llD OWD

I w orl d

For Infants and ChUdren.

IUI ..... UtUt'UlltllIlIUtUUUI ...liiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiilltlll

\\' ht·r . 1 d id ~1I 11 ).:. -1 th pir g rHlllHath( ' '' ~

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Alld t hl'


Kind You Hava r~~ ThaAlways Bought

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Tl'n ~ t ' :l 1' 8 ~igO l\l d 0 I l lt l\!

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0111 ,\

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!.imllating IheFoodandRe~ula · th~ Stomachs and Bowel!.




neSs and Re st Cor. lains neilhn

Head on Croo k ed . LIllie Paul had n l wlIYS lH't' n tnugh t hy b l s mOlhe r Ihat (; o d h a d ma cl e h i m nnd Ihut I. e ollg h ( 10 be th: lll kful I hal be had been Ill ad e 00 IJl' rfl,, ·t ; eyeR. ears, f ee t. hand s n lHI all c" mpl ete . Il ls m o th r h ad uOll g ht a n('w coo k st ove a n d PUllli e wa s e~ullll !l i n g It . li e lift ed t he r es en-ulr lid and l oo ll ed In. Th f' [" was hi s lJlrtlll'P, as nat IIml I 'is life. i n th e Wltlel' , UlI l h ' wa s SO l'OIy tro llul ed, whil e l uo iling 0 1 II . When llBkeJ , b y his m Olh('I'. w h,,( IIII! I rOuu l !! was, Ite sul d : "Dod mlgbl o· m Ull e me pe l'sect, but he Pill my b eall un troo k ed ."

Opium,Morphine nor Mineral

Bears the Signature fi




t o conQu pr and r oom fo r niL" I II th e s wift marc h of natlunal ('\'e nt s du r in!:, lhe pu st d ecud,' , th e d(' \' el opm e!lt ot th e w es t ba s [orus('d th e utt l!ntl ll!l ot tbe w orld . It ru r Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa· lli 61lPS one of the IIl llSt in~plrlng pag (>s lion . Sour Stomach , DiarrhOea. I In th e ann al s of our commonwea lth . Worms .Convulsions ,feverish, It Is a st.o ry of pr ogress and uU!llun ne ss ilnd Loss OF SLEEP. ~l'ilip " elllpnt- a batt l <' w ith n a tur e I II lJer st ern es t nnd mo st forbidding aspec t. Hu l irr igation bas wrought its mlr· T ho TrOlglc D i fference . or l e, and t h e w ealtb ot tb at v on Ion ~' IIII"Jll w ns ly ing on h i s ";>d . f a('ll or th B ('o untry wulc b great st a t eS!ll en <lo\\'o\\'ard. ~oh b l ll g ueHol ately . H is in \\'l'ustt'I" e da)' w ere wont 10 de· mo th er tnok !,Im In h er ar ms I he .-iure \\'or l llll'8 8 Is greuter no w tblln 'Dlnute . h" " ' IlI'n"d all . It \\:U 8 a th ul of th e <' !ltire nRt lon In 1860. Of girl, and she bud sell l blm a not e. ('6 111'<, 1>11 Int erest I s t ile proj ect l or al i' d It r ead : I n north ern Wy omi n g . 1 " Dere \\,1I 1\' llIn : I As II1/! ~ prlllgtim e show er s and " I IllV YII Ih e b l' ti l U,a Il l' nl' rr gl \'9 sllns hl n e fil II upon the snow y peallR me th e mos t kalldy I sau<,I," - :::>11 (' of tbe l ofty lIIounta l ns on tbe ('"s tprll <'eHS Ma gazi ne. rim of Y {' lI ow9 t on p )lark . II l h uu6alld s tream ~ rUHh tio " ' n wllrd 10 1111 to <Clean Sanitary Fl o ors. brllllming tile . 8 W HI . t10wl.n g Shoshone r l\", I' . An Im portnnt physl r!1I c han /H' IS will oeClir lit suc h Il tim e. The lIood Y arni sh. ",11k " Is ('ommon l y r",; a r", ed only us a lJ<· uulilll' r . i~ al! c llil- ien t I I1Ilt lIIlC'C'. unchecKPd und lItH·on · I su nl t ary u!:f'nt. \ ·arnlsh,.. d SII ; fu('('s can Write UI for Ipecial price I ro llPII. s wep t mildly through th(' ro,'k - be c lea!wt! by w ipi ll ): . ",,,I th" mif' robe · wlI lI,'t! gorgt'. will b ent ItRel r t o SI II\· l aden du st Is tl l ll~ I"'PI out of thc ai r I Ill" S agn l n"' /I m as, I,,(' wall o f ('on- I A varn ish <,d fl oor I s lh"re f or" nul onll' MODEL No. 34 crete wi th whl"h 111 1111 h il S b IOf'k.t' d I up to dat " . b r aliliflil an d (,;,,11 ), cl P~ I~ ' th •. ra m ·" n . A l>rllutlflll Ink e. 100 f ePI I'd . b~1I I S wb O I." ' O I~ll' . Tb'j :">11 I lona I Original price $2500.00 11.·.. p 111111 cO\'l'I'log 10 SfJ IlIlI'<' mll(' H, ' A,S~O: . l.ll l rJll (If \ "rnlsh ~1:tnllfa c lUr('rs , Thi s sol v(' s t h . prohlem. A h igh dass car at less than one third w ill RPIJ~ lIr . , 636 Ih "'. \101 11'''': Pllll;,,"' lp !! ia. P<'nn " th e or iRln al n,si ; n:bll iit, wnrll " ~ r1S made n ew and ~u"r a nt c(·t.I u ro dl stnblllllll{ tl'('e n lI .. o ll l ,··1 "n l ill."1 (or se rv Ice ~!ld sal isfac ti un sam (: as ;) new Rambl er. Wn l e t uduy. I n thl~ w ond .. rful gR ~h In th e m (lll n' j "~I O<lI'rn Fl oo r s." \\'I 'il-It l ells h oI\' tll hl R. with pe rp elllli c lIlar ,,,,li s a tholl - tloOI' S In a)" Ul' !" a(I., all d h"pt wh ol('· THE THOMAS B. JEFFERY COMPANY .. 1008 Michiaan Boule yard "'i n d f(, pt high . th e go ve rnm ('nt has ROml' II IllI al1ra ' !Irf' ~clld for Oll<' CHICAGO OF IlLINOIS I'r('c'lf'd th '" highest dam In thl' world . Y arnlsh i s r l paper Iha n ('u rll et nnd I t I s a w edg(' of <'oll <'r pl e ~2S r(,p t I far mo re satlsfa, ·tory . 1 ' 1J 1 / ' ~ S Il l' I ~ I ll l ll1l ' \\h l \ n~ Ue c au fronl IlHHe t o t o p. It R h ei g ht rHn - r:I/-'1' I,('f ore l if {' f:1I 11 11)' oIJolillt. U oa ld · on ly I.J~ ap prp('la l ed whp n I'olllpnr e<l One E.xpe rl en ce. with thll t ,,"pll .known strllr tu re . ~(' ,,· I " Til .. Wll!!l ali "u lI H,'1l1 10 10" f or a 1,.·:,,1.' 11 lll l ,n \\'111 1)l'l' ll! lld h e doesn't 61,cb !lling H as nlea. Y ork' s fSlnou s FlatIron butldlngw01!1d l ob : n Ih .. lI " !'lea l "ollled), sC('ms e n· kn o w II,,·,·{· .tre 1y l UP):IH'r\P IH 'e d _ 110 YO U kno w of I nfantrymiln in New Equipment . l'pnc h within 47 f eet of tbtl top of tbt: <lam . and tbe tIp-top of th e d om e O('r e n ' I' harlll~ d une I('adlllg blls tn f'Ss j G nrf:C' ld Tf"n. (H'pr· ' l)ln ,. "" ('o n s fi pnlion . befo r e 0 " and wnter .b ottle as compured with of the Pnll ed StateR capitol wou l d " h ; onl' wa~· . I kll eW . hp al wa y s led The way or tbe tr nnsg ressor th{' old e quIpment ~ h o\\' in g ho ..... t he f ull 21 f eet sbort of tbe parapet. her hll slJn n ri a dun l''! '' _ __ ________I _bnr d "lit Bn ' Do·, h . mall 's chest was bound I n b y st rol E n e I tb Bummer. wb en tbe crops are _ _ I ------- .nnd Ruspenders . E\'ery thlll g Is n ow th i r sty. th o big gates will b e open ed li ghter: the fighting anrt ('omrort nnd the p ent ·up floods will be released equlpment8 u ro Nepal'uled from one I nto the dYer below. Anotber dam. nUOI he r and ,easily detached . RE'ur Or s little .... ter Irom the humeJI 1}'IIIem when 0. [ow stM1('ture of concrete. wm dl· vlew~ at the new an .. the olt! e q uip· . tborouthly t",. led by the chief chemi.t .t Dr, "ert the waters tbrough a tunnel ments ore also showll . The n ew Pierce', Invalid.' Hotel, 8ulr.lo, N. y" tell, the three ad 11 quarter miles long Into .tory 01 impoyeri . hed blood-nervou. exh.ultioD equipment shows th E' pn ck wlt\.l the tl canlll whkb for 40 miles passes or kidney trouble. Such e:umlnatjon••re ba yonet 011 t he l eft. 31. 0 th e sbovel. a Ion g tbo ullllOr edge ot a broad aUlI ... ilhout cost .nd i. only. Im.1I p.rt o( the ('un teen. and ('ondlml'nt ca n . as com · fertile valley' containIng ;'00,000 acres ...ork 01 the at.1I 01 and lurteon. under flared with t be old . showing how the Tw o Yl'ars ago It was a desolate tbe direclion 01 Dr, R. V. Pierce tivinll tbe beat ~:M~~ bulk ier weight t\oPll ed agaIn st tbe medi,..1 advico pollible ... itbout _ t to tho.e waste . . T oday It coutalns more thsn ba cli and pelvis, thus \JnlIul y nnd too ",ho ",ilh to write aod a (ul\ .tatemeot 01 200 farm houles Bnd three thriving (JulC'kly fatlg\ling the soldI er . .ymploml . An imilatino o( n.tura method of towns. Last yoar 10,000 acres pro· ~IOBt of tbis gl"eat relief to th o reltonot ..... te 01 tillue .od Impoveri.bmeot of the blood aod lIervou. force ' i. uaed wheo you l ; nited States soldi er 'I\'ho Oghts on duood crops on thll project. The bea' ao .Iterative sod ,Iyeeric n.:n1lC 01 root., toot Is .dlle to the untirIng ellort9 at con of hope IIblnes brlgbtly In the witlMlut lbe UIO of alcobol, luch u tbe offlcers who make up tbe UnIted west. It beckons the landless man to State Infantry Auoclll.tlon wbJch was the man less land.


For Over Thirty Years

- - -- -- - -



Scores of further SlI!!!;""t ion s from offiC'l'rK hav e b een r eceive d b y t h e l 'n\tf' cl Stattls war d epurtm f' nt. wh i ch 18 r p.~ ponsll.Jl e for tbl s ne w d e lmrtnro. to m ake the soldier. more emcl enl In time 01 wnr . An ambul ant Il l\r\tcn a range on wbeels wb k h ca n cook 11 meal on t h e mardI- Is one of the newes t wrinkl es proposed . Automobilei' fOT a mobil e army are demanded now . Th" hlank('t has b ee n ro ut to welgb ~ I:'. It I s propos.<J d t o abolish tbe con t 10 the field an" slIblltltote a sweater In tts place. Oth er re('ommendntlOLs are that the sergeants carry no rlf1 e In the field bllt bave re v olvers and bolos in· IItead . LIke wise th e cooks are 10 be relieved of the rlf1e Bud have revol\'er and bolo, thlls enabling tbem to car ry lufflclent utenal\e to cook for tb e <'ompany wben other transportation haa been abandoned . It Is proposed to do a'l\'ay with the old campaign bat and to substitute tbe mounted police hat . . which ball a lower crown and II. wider brim aod Is more comfortable. Wltb It goes the Individual "bouaewlfe." The com· organIzed Bome Tears ago. Ita presl. pany will eam at kit for mending for d ent Is Ueut ..Qeneral Jobn C, Batell tile entire outftt. A neckerchief I. to 1Jrl,adleMleneral Clarenoe !t. Ed: De made pari of the uniform. OIBClerll wardl t. vt~e-prelldent, and Ml\Jor ..til 'n ot e&JTJ.. their laan. tn the 'Oeorre H. . S~ltoll -' Ia NCl'eury &DI

.,.14, .~" \obacoo aD4 IO&P 1ri,ll' be treuur.r,


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, II til ~ l ,.. g t 1[,,' p: l l r !'I.lw l{ !I,

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A Wiry J udge . AI an n ~ •.'w s ' · Ollrl . n" ~(} l'(llng to the 1"->1101 ,, 11 T i meR . Il ] \',. " ,. c1a l rnod ex · do so : f·\1 I1 p lI0 11 rrOJll servlug- on th e ground

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all't ' a d~

Are Shoel L, ved .

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Stn les fOO l HI!d I Pr Wllh can rill " .. !>"It

t ool. it th i nity ~u l dif"J' ( '",llllO! bit '-' tlu.-\, of lJa l' lI ~ u m. · '~ hil . :,IHI ' th en mol'<' ammunillon . :-; ow ada \,K ~lfI rOlllll] ' ar(' nOI ('on si dl' I'P<l :I n,· I~ O n ludl fOI' thn fir s t rlol ,.. of ammuni l lon . \"h al III' dOI'R nOI nN·tI ill a fI~h t is liT.~ s he ll<'I'--tll c " dog t c nl. " o ,·,' r" " al. bl a nKI'l. alld pOl1cho . To<lay th p intrenrhlng to ni is !'e. gard ed a ~ ll('xt In ItrlJlorta n l'e t o t ill' WCfl Pon . Ea c h m ull (· u ITII'R eit her II l;ick matt ock . a r- I,o\, f' I . 01' an axe. ( '<'rtlli n Illf' n al Ro hn " (' wlre-c lippl'rF . " ' Itll " hov(' IR II whol e r" l( lml'llt I'I\l! hlc1I' Its(')f in IItll ,' hot ps III Ih l l'l )' se ' ·· ond s. and d plllI 61l ldlc\'l! nr(' nD ~8" III Il. go\'e l'll m ('nl. . Thl' old "a~ s of ~ta n rli n g liP in Ih " fae., of t h .. h ll iJp1s are ~OTl e n ow . TlI p o nl y till H' a. ~o l · d ler sh ows hl1ll8pl f t o' th e c n('m y . tr b e can h elp It . i ~ In the IIn al ru .,h . Advan ces arc no L pe rmlt tcd until 5\1I,erl orl ty o f fire I s a~ ~ u r cd . nu t ttwrc n r c a scorl' of marcb pR t o "vcry skirmiRh. II III I th e t aIJI: lnt ('d I\ sl g1vef\ : hc e>lsentlu l t hl llg~ thn t "((I'h In flln t r ymlln m u st I'lIrry wi t h h im. ull ., f whlf'il arl' di strihut etl Uh)rn or I{'ss -~ \'(~ n ly :moll l hi ~ IH'rson . 1I «I'e i" Ille t alm l:lI "11 li st of tile l :nlted Stu t es Infant ryman' " k:l :

III , t ll ! l ! ' :-.

.\Jtl !'- t o f Ihl' St ' , ~ 1l (' 11 a s " l l as \"(llIr TIIolh r' J' !'oo ! .! 1I. 'r ma l l J..: II ' .. .. " \\' lIu '"dlot

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urC' , fir ~ 1 or BII , hl ~ wilapon!'\ - l' l flf' o r ""' \ ' ol\t ')" - and flIp prO)lf'r an1tllunif i l )ll . thp l in~ 1 aiil l la(· \- f' t. OtlP i n lrj ' IH h ill g-


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I l lI " . In r go 61l11lR ' Sllo l , l ' hrt :-. l i all \lfllt~' , a ~ Izfl rl a tl o Pllbll c 01' I III'a l 11 .,l! rt ' al J'(' hll iltl a " f ' o rnp l h~ blld In I

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Soap lU l l! () I rllm~nt I Jo u r t'tltO plf.! xloOH. T{l cJ. ' t!tn t h c' \\ :1S df'ur ThE' j udge he l d a Ifl lI ~11 i1all~ ". alll! d l ." . thin IlIlLI fall · • Olll,·,·,nl ll '" \l'11I! I h,· 'I ork o f or Inl; ha i l . all LJ ( ' fIst ~ t ) I lftl ., that it Is l'algn s ,-, n the H llli j " I ' \ !tT HI th on l u rll nIIl IOS ( f rim i ll :d li tH t U lIJie t h f' lI l. 11Ig: IU the ' m a ll , H t \ \1 1111 11 he lo u kpd in T t lltl k o f I hp !->lI rr .. t i ng e t. lailf.d l ly ! \ 11 11). li l ' H~ kl ... d 111 II \d l l Sppr ' A rl' n l ' fi!: l l"' df~(1 s l(ltl l !uuules- - I}J Plllal tw - I ,\ l l l . \pr y (, po t ?' ' \ ' l ' l \ ," wa s th e lIll ("I \lil t ' l · f dl s tl~lI r: ll i ()n - }Ih!- t;)t( ' al h.·· ~ lla f'\ I , · tl r l ' llI), " :--:11 I 1~· l'r' t \l \' o . " \\'0. :-; I rail • •• of P1< lt l. 'I'h l ilk n f Il,e 1'11""1110 I ii ,· ,.,·j ol nd er of I I,,· J!l rt 1,;0, " bu t nul o t a c l ":lr , I<i n, "(J rt whill' bands unci \\ Ili Hp,' '- dcaf Y o " 1", rI b(" ll'I' go 10 (0 gOlld h:slr. TIll'S CI ulp " ~it,~~ nre (, f l .- n . 111" Lu x. Til.· w l l ' '''~ " oba ll ijIl('ok otlly ~I !tl a tll' I' "f 1I111.e ~b n llght( lll' I IU \\ ' '' - ('ttHI' all(J ( ·o ll liliellt. 1111"'1 ), ,:.,e. " Iz ' - W:lrlll balll\! " lIb - -1 1', 11 10- ra Soall, I. . ~ I " I'·d Wh('ll !1<-crH I To Take l or a Heada ch e. bnry 'J.I· ~,,"tl e all oiul1ll~s with ('\!1I '1 " \\'h :. 1 un y m , " dl l' 1. \1' :, 11I-:1IIar'1I,' " c'u r.,l O Jn t uJ(' fll , Thl' 1 u.1 (\~ t ('llti c' lI r n - l.l q u u r till' 111 1; 11 : ! ll· l t l r ... " - Tu l ell0 I,ou k. AI'! In \' :lI,,,,loI,' ~lI i d" to sltl!! !l tlrI 111 :,, 1,· hair Iwu llh, \\ 111 be malll' d frcI' . Oil ~ n !ll " !I I ' II I t lo k 11111111 !'l \\ U n s tldJlf:,:-; n p p l l.-~Ii (l n I" 11,1) 1' 011 ,, 1' Drug &: ,n" r"\" tft h " l,rll h" 11 , C'b(' UJ . \ ' 1" p., Hol'! on , ;0.1 a"".

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01 Blood


8e.l. C.ptuNd b)' On. BOlt. London.-Eleven Iteamshlpa of the Newfoundland ..altn, leet ha~e had fair eatchel, the Bona'feDturl, tbe lrat

I10,00;0 to r •.turn to .,all.,

~ ' .J~'" brtq1m, baU ,

. .

the Car


:. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~_am_m~~__. .__. .__

FREE TRIP to - --

IlAYTON Sa "Ie this and wait until Wed. nesday, January 7th, at 9 A. M.

$50,000 Worth of Hand Tailored Clothing for Men, Boys and Chil. dren to Be Sold Out Entirely by

The Continental Clothing House U. B. Building, Main and Fourth Sts . DAYTON, OHIO The Greatest Sale of Modern Merchandise Will Begin at Dayton

January 7th, at 9A. M.


The Continl'ntal has decided to devote their entire time to th€'ir other chain of stores, and diacontinue their business in Dayton. Rather than move the stock from Dayton, they have concluded to distribute it into the homes of the people of , Dayton and surrounding country at prices that will hardly cover the cost of labor, letting the material entirely out of question. This will he a merchandise event of supreme importance to every man, boy and child within a radius of 100 miles of ' Dayton, fof this most magnificent '60,000 stock of clothinJl' will be sold in 21 days. The store is now closed to re-mark and rearrange the stock and wi\1 open again Wednesday, January 7th. at 9 A. M. }t'acts and figures will tell the story rather than words. Below we quote a few pricea to show you what extraordina'ry bargains will be offered. Come and dee for yourself and be convinced. Railroad fare will be paid to all purchases of '25 and over. The Continental carries the most magnificent and complete stock of clothing and equal if not better than any Btock ever brought to Dayton. Note a few prices we herein quote. Remember. there are hundreds of other kinds. hundreds of other styles. all to be sold at the same proportionate prices ,


Men's Suits, of all wool materials, the latest styles and patterns, sold by Continental

~!.?c~.~~.~~ ..~~~~:$3.9S

Men's hand tailored Bults. made of fancy worsted materials and elegantly trimmed. sold by Continental $12.50. latest model.

~i~~i~~~~~ .~~~~~.i~~ $4.95

Men'a Suits. all sizes, single and the newest styles made by America's foremost manufacturers. sold by Continental $15. lat. $ 5 8 5 est model. price...... •

' dou~le breasted,

At $9.96 we offer you the choice of 30 Models and 120 patterns ot the finest $28.00 suits ever placed on sale in Dayton. Don't take our word for it, come and look. Sold by Continental $25,

~ar\:t,~~.~~: .......... $9.95

Men's black and blue cheviot overcoats. as perfect in ilt and wearing qualities as the finest grades. very warm and ~eavy. sold by Continental $10.00,'latest model. Continen'$3 9 5 tal retiring price.. .. . •

Men's Raincoats and Slipons, in tans and browns. plain and fancy backs, all seams sewed and cemented. This lot includes all our $6.50 and ' $7.50 rain coats-retiring from business,

~~~~ ~.~~t.~~~.~ ... $2.89

One lot Boy's Suits. sold by the Continental for '2.60. latest

~r~:~:?~~~n.~~~~........ 79c

Little fellows suits, in 2Y. to 7 yr. sizes. latest Russian styles in fancy mixed fabrics and blue serge, suits that always sold at the Continental at $5. retiring

!ai:.~~~~~~ .........$ 2 . 2 9

2.000 pain of Boys' Knee Panb. Knickerbockers from 4 to 18 years-boys knlckerbockers always sold by Continental for fiOc. retiring from busi-19 ness. sale price........... ... C

The best $18.00 Overcoat value in America. heavy vicuna cloth, genuine cheviot, fancy or plain, an excellent. stylishly appointed $18.00 model. Continental

Men's Pants, of wearproof Wellington materiaJ, perfect fitting. sold by Continental $1.00 latest models, Con-49 tinental retiring price... C

Handsome Patent Beaver and Kersey Overcoats, handsome tailored and lined with the choicest materials, the kind of garment9 worn by the best dressers this season. BOld by Continental $25.00. Ikte3t model

Men's good strong. durable trousers. "The Never Rip" kind, in many shades, stripes and plain material. always sold by the at $3.00, retiring from business$1 2 9 sale price............... • One lot of Men's Trousers in blue serges and fancy mixtures. sold by the Continental for $3.75 and $4.00, all 110 in our

~~?~~~.~... ~~~~~.~~ ... $6.95


Men's Rain Coats. in English and American all weather coats in rich patterns beautifully tailored. handsome lined. our regular$15.00. $16.00 and$18.00 coa~-retiring fr<?m$~ 8 5 busmesss. sale prIce U.


Men's Slip on Raincoats. all seams sewed oneemented I!eams alwaYIL sold by Continental

~~ic~:..~~~~....... $1.49

One lot of Boys' .K.nickerbocker Suits, good patterns. Norfolk style, always sold by the Continental for $3.00. retiring from


~~~ri~fe.~:.o.~...~~~~~$1.95 Ch~~~·6~~.~~~~ ... 1 9 c ODD VE8TS 9c

One lot of Men's and Young Men's fancy washable Ve8ts. many plain caasimere vests in this lot. worth up to $1.609c retiring sale price ............ .

Begins at Dayton, Ohio. January 7th, 9 a. m., U. B. Bldg., Main and Fourth Sm. Mose Cohen'. 0141 stand. Continental Clothing Co., N. B. Railroad anti Traction Fare paid to all purchasers of nr; or over. -- 'l1l. building Will be cl()led Monday. Jan. 6, and TuesdaY. Jim. '. to re-mark and the larp stoclC, and will open pin ai aclvertt.ed WedneedBJ. Jan. 7. at, 9• A. M. , 1


.,. Ada will b. d . , ,' .... .. j . ;" •. ''1


.J tt fl ,' 111 11

h. · '1 ' , ' ~ • ·, t ~:. .... 1. . · · .11 , ,t · ·1\ I .,.1"' " l ,. I ~. , .... ··· l " ' f .1l u



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Walter McClure


Funeral Director.

";'." ,rt t·" Anna M. IF you want to sell yout' oorn. soe ,," , ' ., n ·:' t : n , . ... 1\ 0 , 14 1 Robn' Beokett or phone 83 4r , ' L\' ; ' " , ,,, FTIlnk. j li

.., ., ,' J

Telephone dllY or nlgbt. Va.lley phone No. t . Lon g Distance No, 69-2r.


In the matter of LInn " O. Rarr . 1'bl!tp Hopkins to W T , Moon A)lpli Olltion mA Iie for entrllllce to lott! No .3 and" In J efferson ~ql1arll. D"yton 8tllte Hospital for suid per. Waynesville, 80n, C. P'ey ' to Louis Fry tiD aorll8 In In the moUer of th e wl1l of Blln- ClelUoreek township $1. nah Eli~llbeth Roaoh, deooasod . W C. Gilmour, aberlff to Boward Will admitted to probate. . W. Ivins 3 traots In banll1tou town. Frank Ludlum n~ admr. 01 the ship 17312,87. estate ot Rut.h E . Ludl um deeellsed, 'Thomas C. Weloh E. K . S"lnel plaintiff V8 . Robert II: Ludlum et 8.l.l lot No,' 42 in Hlghlawn subdivision defondantB. l:ialo of l)rOperty ca n. to Morrow, fl. firmed. Dist,ribution 'lrdered. M. M Retall1ck SO T . D. James 3 , aores In Wayne townshIp $1. In the mlltter of Edward Craig. Fralllk Riohard to Elizabeth Rlob. A pplloation is made for entranoe to ard 3. acres In Clearoreek townlhlp Dllyton Btate Hospital for said per11. Bon, T. B:. Bears and wife to E , O. WilIn the mntter of the es tate of H. son lOO aores In Hamilton townllbip EIIll:llbeth Roaoh. de061l8ed. Joseph Hilmore appointed exooutor , bond $1. C. W . Ilnd M. M. Howard to W . 1760U. John Gilmore, George M. Roberts et al lot No. 174 in FrllDkUn Brown and W , H . Williamson 8P11700. pointed appralserB. H . 11:. Creswell et al to A . L Real Estate Transfers Browll two lots In Barveysborg. $1. E. M , Runyan, admrll to A. U. Elizabeth .Jaokson et al to Milton Weaver liS Ci3 aorel In Tortleoreek and Nellie Mounts on lot '500. township $11.123.68. Lulu Medaris to C. G. Uris' lot Frank Lodlum. Admr. to Robert No . 7 0 and ea~t balf of lot No. 71 in E. Lu(llom. part of Iota No . 65 and Morrow, Obio. $1. G. O. Burst to G. R . 1'008e lot No. 56 In Lebanon. 12700. 351 In Maoklnaw subdivision to Maniaie Llcenaes @liver Hltesman, farmer of Ore· Franklin. OhiO, $l. ,Iulll\ B. Heistand to Owen O. gonia to Gladya M . SmUb, of R08CroBS 1,X aores in Carlisle, Oblo, $1. obeBter. A. J . De"lne. J . P. G . nnd Peul Pegs to <t. L. and . Geolrge J. Bowman. f.rmer to Aml\nda George lot No , 9;10 in Editb Pearl Ward, botb of COlllld · dale. Rev. A. J , KesUe. Franklin, $850. Geor ge L . Smith, farmer to !.Ji811 John O'Donnell et ,,1 to Wm . E. O'Donnell lot N I . 303 tn Franklin. Ruth A. Van Horn, botb of Olin Branoh. Rev. Arthur Cooper. 11.



Dr. HobllOn's Ointment Heals Itchy Eczema



,. .

i • . •,. .. ~ .. . •

~b18 bead for thr~e lnH6rtlotu .

Educt\. wbon uolni nol mora tban u"e line • . 1' I LJ . lH In -' III }I. . . r'L.oklln

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-' I



Automobile 8ervlco at all 'rlmel NE Registered Jl'rsey Buli. In_ quire " f Edwin S, Furnas. R I, WAVNESVILLE, OHIO • phone 33 IX. j 14 Branch Office, HarveJsb1lJ1(. O. UGGY, newly rubber ·tlrlld and pllinted . Inql1lre of Frank WU. aon , HarveYBbur g. j 7


EXTRA good f resh Jergey Cow. I Inquire of Btlnry Crew on ann~ and New Burlington pike. j 14

V. BARNHART, Notary Public

All kinds of Notary Work. PenBioD

~eptember Plge. PolandCblna, 19 Good ones . Also 1 Poland China Brood !::low , 15 monthl old, will farrow about middle of Marob. Olloar Mowrer, WayneBville. R . ~ ,

Work a Mpeolllity.

Dr. J. A.. McCoy.,

PI.y moutb Rook and S. W BITE C. Blaok l4inoroa Cookerels.

Inquire 0: Mrs. J , B, Phone 66 6.


Chapman . Graduate d 31

DIAN Motoroyole, twin oyUnder I N1911 model in first clllSS oondition. 8111e or trade. .1. B. Chapman, R. a. Waynesv1l1e. d 31


Oblo 5'al , llnlvenflv

Office at residence in F. USher. wood's house. Fourth Street. Telephone 28

of 7 room a, pantry. sumH OUSE mer kltohen and atore room. Well and olstern water tn !rUoben . Large lot. barn aod eheds. Inquire on premilleB S. E Mart.. d 31

"0• K •




QUALITY" single and roee oomb White Leg. horn Cookerels. tbe kind of IItook that lays egg .. and wlna premium .. for us. Atlk us for prloes. ()"K. Poultrv aod 130pply Co. Waynes. !!lle, Ohio. Phone 37 2y' . dB1


a bundred. plain, wbUe 1 5 c orepe paper n'lpkins; In deIIlgns 50 per dozen, at tbis oftioe,

Dr. Heber M• DOli I

.•. DENTIST••• Waynesville, 0

Osteopathic Physician





21 Broadway

Phone 449

Lebanon, Ohio


Me1bodlst Episcopal ChurQ The oonstAntly itcblng. burning BRANCH OFFICE n... o. S. GraIlMI'. PaAor. aensatlon "nd other disagreeable Waynesville, Ohio forms of eczema, tetter. saa rbeum Bunda:, School, 9 : 11 a . m. N ornln I{ se, I .. THI WORLD Ilnd skin eroptlonl! promptly oured "Ice. 10 ;80 a. m . Evening le'Tlce. 7: 0 II lIJBUSIED WEEnT. $4.00 PEl 1Wt Tuesdays and Fridays, from .8:30 Dl. Mld.eeIr Pr '1"r "'"",Ina. 7 p. m. by Dr. Bobson's Eczema Ointment. to 11 o'clock -' '"'"&.eo DRUCC ...,., 'PICI"~I'TS. Qeo. W , J!'itoh of Mendota,lI1. Bays: 00. T U • I . I, T R " ... Fait. 0". .,! purobllsed II bOI: of Dr. Hobaon's St. AuguJtlne'. Catholic Cburcb. LoW. Yaa. AND "UI IUVIC. OAN "O~r. Office. comer Main and High street. Eozem~ Ointment Bave bad Eo· ~a.. nllryi'Uher Phone No. 100 II800Dd SIUlda, of the mODtb a n UIINO ITS ADVaRTlllNO CO~U.N' zema ever slnoe tbe olvil war. have 11 :00 a. Ia. SAMPLE COPY FREE been treated by many doctors . none . . . . . . . . .., YOItK OLIPPllt bave given the benefit tbat ODe box St. Mary'. EpfscoJMI Cbun:b. .._ Yootl . . . "'. of }Jr. Hobson 'a Eczem" Ointment DR.H.E.HATHAWAY Re,,,. J. F. Cadwallader. Rector. bas." Every lIuft'erfr sbould try It Sunday Sobool. 0:80 a. m . Mornln, . ". / We're so poeUlve It will help yon vice. 10 ;ao a. m. Boly Commnnlon ,be lint WaYD88rille'. ~ DeBUlI .8 Y~ARr we guarantee It or money refanded. Sunday ot eacb mon,b ENe. Oftloe iD Keye Bldg. MaID 8' At all UruRglete or by 0: ail 600 Pfellfer Chemloal ('00. Philadelphia Chrlltfan Cburch. & St. Louis. neT. P. B. TbomJ*lIl. Pu&oI. Bible 8cbool, 11:.0 a... 80cIaI -'1118.


------ ..---

One of the professors at II wet.. known agTlculturnl college bas figured Hkklite Friends ChulQ. it out that If you ore lert·handed It Is lrat Da, "'ectlnl!'. 10 :00 a. m. Fir.' Da, a elgn tbat your ancestors were not Scbool. 1 J ;00 a Dl. FOllnh Day MeeUn, good fighters. 10:00 a. m. "Most porsons are rtgbt·banded." Orthodox Friend. Churell. l&7a be. "Only one In every twenty A. E. Wooten. ' Putor. II left·handed. Why are people rIght· ha ded' They may bave been born SabbUb School. g :80 a . m. ReJtUlar obllreb n . I18rvicee 10:10 L m., and 7:80 Po m. Pl'a)'er tbat way, It Is true : but wby? , meetlna.WedneedaJ evenlJla at 7:10. "Away bnck In tbe begInnIng the cblef occupation of mlln was ftghttolr. In battle he carrlpd e. shIeld tn one H01Y to Bankrupt the Doctors band and e. weapon In the other. It A prominent New York phYllloian "81 not much work to carry the sbleld. were no' for 'he thiD but the QuIck action requIred by tbe says, "It" and tb1n Boled eb088 worD band and arm whIch dId the ftghtlDS aCookinga by WOfnen tbe doo'orlt wODld prob lOOn developed tbat arm. It &110 de- IIbly be bankrupc" When you veloped the nerves aDd the halt of tbe oonuao' a oold do DOC wall for .. to brain that governed the rlgbt sIde of the body. TbOlle wbo shIelded their develop inco pneumoni. bu' 'rea' l& left lid_thus protectIng tbe heart- as on08. Uhamberlatn'l Uough were tbe ones who usually came out Remed~ is In tended espeoially for nctorloull. Down through the agea oougbs and ooids. .nd hae won a tbll selection continued. the rtght wide repu&ation by ita ooree of 'hMe It lS moe' elfeo'aal an4 II hand IIradunl1y hecomlng more pro8· dlseues. pleaaant and .fe to Cake, Bor lIale oteDt." by all dsalers. • ,


.. .

iltumaob, !lver and kidney troubl6ll, wealJt Derve~, lame blok and female ills disappear when Eleotrio Bitterll are UB8I.t, Thonsands os women wooll. not be with oot a bottle in their borne. Eliza Pool of Depew, Oklll .. wrl\es: "Ele:) \rlO Bitters raise I me from "bed of ",iokna~ And Buffering and bas done me a world of good. I wish every sufTl'ring woman could U88 tbis excellent rllwed)' and find out, 8S I did, Just how good it ill." As It has helped tbooBande of others, it lIarely will do the lIame for you . Every boUle guaranteed, 500. lind '1 00. A t all Drugglsta. B. E Buoklen & Co. PbUadelpbla or B', Lonis .

---... - ..---

Cha,..oter Told by tha Chin. The Ihape ot the chin il ot oonllleSarable Importance In re8dins oharaour. A ohln tlmooth and round d. Ilotel • ahlldltke dllPoeitlOIl aDd • )1eldlnc will. The oval ohln II aD lD~catlOIl of an artI,tlo. lJeuitl"e DBture, With BOme talent alone ~e 1Izl_, wblle the 801IUI&I' ohln d8ll0t_ the lIOIutUlo, praetloal l1atllN. TIle proU1l4ln« '~11l alwa,." meanl oom· baUYeD_. determlnatton aDd pow_, uut the reoedtnaohlD 481l0w. the weU "w.' IDd ~~ 'Itralabt _ aI80

..... " ..bfq• . _.. ' t,.. "

. . . . . . .,

Funeral Dirf'Cior and Embalmer.




Call answered promptly day or night. Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance,N o. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. Beat of service guaranteed.

W. N. Sears Live Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and valueslof aU kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since



Stomach Troubles Disappear.



10:.0 a. m. (JJutI1tilUl End_TOr. 7:00 p. Ill. I~y putor ne1'7 aleernate 8UDd., .. 10:'0 L ,m. and 1: .0 P. ID.


Why We Are Rlght·Handed.




"TtI!1 II Your 8hoW'." Terms Reasonable .:. ;SattafactlonllOuaranteed The Ja~ SIr George White. defender of Lad:rsmlth, was a strong enouell man to take responlllb1l1ty for fanure; GRADtJAT& OJ' TB& Waynesville, Ohio be was a strong enough man, too, to • .A.TIONAL AtJOTION Valley Telephone U.Z, «1"e credit to his 'lUbontlnatel for 8J1()OL ()P .Uta.,cA good w4~rk done. The tlrat time I ..w him WI. at Elandslaagte. The battle !=~~!!"!_~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"!~~!!"!~!!"!!!"!'!!'!!!!~!!"!!!"!~ waa well In prograM. General F'Ntllch was etaborlltlng one of the mOllt brilliant aftalrR of the South African war. Lat. III the afternoon Blr Oeo~ Whlu land hili Itat! rode OD the battle8eld, JUld had not beeu there a,.. minutes before a shell Bred from one ot 'the M8lllm·Nordenfelt:a wblah til. Doere C18ptured from Jamlell'on at the Ume of the rald, but wblcb Went d_ tlnecl b,. nllfbt1all to be tn our hand .. ptowed up the ground withIn a few prd. 4~f bll borae, Almost Ilmultaneoully French hurried up and drew Mn before the cblef to BUlTtlnder oommJUld. "No you carry em," I&lll Sir Qeorp. "thla Is 70ur show."-Loao .OD n.tIlJ NeWI.



FlU HII Cae Exactly "Wben father wa. Ilok aboa. IIlx year. aRO be nac1 aD .dvemIll1ll8n& of lJ'baImberl.tD', T.bleR tD thl papen tha& flt btl .,... exactly." writee IIl111 CampbelLol F •. SmUll, Ark., "Be parobal8d. box of them ..d be hal Dot ~ .tok "008. lit ....., bad etomacb koabl' aDd wu:'a!ao, baefllecl by

...." . -. I'~ ,tale"N!~, ' '(





The Amerlean Boy _

Regular price . ; . ... . .. . , . .'l.OOj

The IIWDI Gu.tte

Regular p,rice. . • . . . . . . . . . .

both ~~






New Burlington





. 'William Harlan of Earlham 001. lege la d home for the haUd·. ys. B. B. Reeve!! aDd family, of Riebmond, Ind.. .pent ChriatmlUl wUh relatives here .. The Friends Sunday 8ohool rea· dared an Intere8t1ng prograla Chrlstma. eve. Mr. and Mre. E. M. PaUeraon en tertained on Chrilltmas, Mre. Raohel Miller and .on Burwell, J U8'08 Be<llvee and family of X.nia, Mr. and Mre. J. W. ilaydook and 111111 Buab Haydook of this plaoo. .(1111 Bernice Hawklnll Is as hOlDe for the holidaye from her sohool work near Cleveland. Ilrt!. Jae. MoIntire hu u her guest her .1ater Miss Dena MoDIll . Ilrll. Wm. Mendenhall 18 'he iUEI.' of fela"v .. in West Elkton. EvereU Blair has gODe to make hla bome wl'h hili unole JOB. Hml'h. of Spring Valley. H.evlval &enloee afe In progr888 III \,he Frieadl oburoh In ohar&e of Miss Bertha Day and Mis. AileD .



Midsummer Sales

lin. Piper. of Rlehmood. t. qulh .lolI: a' the heme of her pareo. IIr. ud lb•. Wm. !'rame. Mr. aDd lilre. John Zell aUeoded • M.iuloDa.l'y meetlalr In. Harvey .. bQl'C s.taJday. III. lAora MoKialeY. of Fair· field, la .pelldlng bet Tae..tlon .., ber bome. Velma Bardta Ie vleUloK nlaUv .. In Keotuoky. J[eDanh KlIboa. ..f DaytoD, le bere m .a uteDded vtatt. IIr. Chu. Reynolde aad faally '·oeoilltioua .. .......... . ............. loe oc.... It(). when chilI I " mad••. • ••.. IIIe Ill'll. 'Ii. O. W.loh w.. HopplDl .re lpeOc1tD, 'h. boUcSay WHk III Dartoa. • I8pla, AdY8rU.ID&~. loch .•. . .. . ..•. llle iD DeY'OD rlOlDU,. D&.counc. .tTIIII lD COD~'. lin. OJlver OaTil .D. Racbel Wr. rre1 IladaD, a lDooeaetal were Ihopplag 10 OIaoiDuti Ha'QI'. . DEOEMBER 11. 1811 farmer ID 'hia Tlollll" ,,.uaoted day. bUlln... he.....tant.;r. IIr. NloholJlle lpeDdlDI 'he boU. MADE UP OF MIXED RACES Ou Dlwl, eleoted OODoII are de,.••, btl home ID Urbau. maklDI prepantlou to repair ou Mn. Wm. DalllhMre .peat SUD. 'IMI~ • .tw.. n "reftCh ........... paru aDtllDaaan a •• w U,h' aD4 de,. with in lit. lIoU,. 10M Ie AoclKlnt.e4 ..or. I" ••Mr .,I"m. IIr. L, of Xenia, vlllllM - - -... .....~-That Our Tlilace b1ack.mltb dutnl bta motber here oae dey neeDUy. Cured of Liver Complaint 1Uee IDle hTiI. of n.,. Point. t. A Mtabl, ''rench "lIltor .peaka wt.. 'heM 10,. Um.. t •• "ery '-Y . .Il. "X Wall sutr.rtdg "Ub liver oom. nrprt .. of til. many polDt. 01 II....... IIr N.'han Clea.,.r ••f"r. TI.1t .pending her vaoatlOD •• Iler bome plaint." I&ys Iva Smlt.h of Point tq bet"..11 tile Fr.nch people ..... the with rea.."".., left lIoada,. for alll Mr. rom •• rdla aDd wlfl w. ... Blalllt, Texae. ""nd decided t.o t.ry a American.. \ Soldier'. Boml.' Dayton. 111M" Bunde)' of IIr. and "'n. Joe 250 box of Ch"m~rl ..ln 'II Tablet•• a. .. merely mak1Dc tM 01 and .m happy W eay that I am oom ODe of tbe blrenD" oUb ..... OD TiDDe,.. . a CIaoo'f.". whIch hu pusaled • ..,. ple'ely cured and OAD recommend Ueo, Wa&erbouu, of Toledo. tl UlelD to eVlr,. one... For sale b,. tItoQI&D4a of .American tru....... The wei .be daDOl •• T... Ball Taee' ....... ADd American peopl... 1rItIt all da, Dlab.. .pendin, the bolld",1 with Ilt. an dealen . tIaeIr IUDIIIIt dUrereDc", IN oddly The I'rlende lunde, 8obool re. mo&blr. 1liiie eaclJ otller III m&Il)' . . . , . . witb GaDd" DU" aud M.. tH Carrol .rown . . . ,. Cln. Pw1aaPl the uplanatloo II.. Ia till mlmbered Caesar's.Creek olnutl Ma'ula,.. fact that both peopl.. I N compoUJaj. unDpe Oil Bunda, ••nlDc. e4 of awly and dlltJact raoee. tuee4 Preaohlal ., 'bl M. I:' oburob Mn. "no ~'balfau' aDddaalbaar, Preaching .rvile Wall held.t the tGpther Ia a elDCie utiOllAlllT. HDDda;r dtenaooD. of, P.... vlelted her cburch Bunday, Rev. i'rank lIoor. n. "'t~ of raoee ..btoll ... IIr. aDd lire. I. A. "ra.oak," mO*ber Ill'll. o..thertlll ~"rk .... moo, pa.tor . . . . on III blll'loa II bow. to aU. lIill! Sara Halnee la spending .. Ba, aD Amerioall I. PI'OIIII to lOfPt Da,t08,.... "'etilDI theIr panD" week. Holiday Sales were ImtIla& a IIImII&r mlxtun Ilu ben Ia bere for. w..k. Mr. Obae. ikown aDd famil,. .Dd few days with her grandparents, (II'QIY'" tor a mll(lh Icmpr Ume ta IIr. aDd lire. 1'nD&: 8latdaller Mr . .Iobn Wbit.ore aDd famU,. were Mr. and Mre. le&&o Lytle. rruo.. mensely large th Is season werl nmembend OD (''hrlahDa. b;r poe...f Mr. Ill'll. D.D SufaDe Mr. and Mra. J. B. Leamlng spen' n.... IHAl noel, 1'eutoDla, OelUo Buoda,. wttb their eOD Ralpb IlDd &Del lAUD. are npr_ntecl ~ ta their 100 .reeI who hu beeD Ia· ChrIdau Da,.. ... popalaUOG 01 J'raDoe. Wrombal for .y....] J ' " aDd bu • ... • family . '!'welT DatJODIIIU. ban fueed .. beeD very l1IOOMIfal. CrouP aDd Coutb Remed.1 ..Ies Loone Bnrhman III en~r ..u. the rr-c.b DAUoIlllH7. A~_ IIr. Alf J:4w.rd.. • t College hrll Croap le a terrible d...... DlDI the MI81e8 Pauline Kreider Irfbea of Gau1e. tile RomanI, J'raDh,. koke obUdren .addeDl,. they an and JI:a~lla BaB8IU. of Oeborn. duro 811JWUDC1 11ol, Normau, ID4 othere Ut.- Gear"" who" w.lI II:IlOWD 1NIl)' too numerotll to mllltlDll, 11&.- maD, of the nadel'll of Ihle paper •• to eboke un.... liven 'hI Ing holiday •. pmper ......,. ., ODoe. Tltlre Is d..A Mea mlud a04 mellle4 t.cJptMr to b .. for'I, ' . 0 , . . re --. - u o'flr aothla, bet_ In tile world than Belveral frOID thle place aUeD .,.. bm 81mllar mUtune prod_ efmIlu ... ...101 a plaDtMloD aDd hu applild Dr. )[Inl'. N.w Dleoo'flry. 'he Cbratmal entertalDmeDt at the Chamberlain, of llaDoheltlr. Ohio, aarmony Grove achlOl hOO8e Wed IIllu. That 'WOUld appear to lie dI.e tbl Donbena Icleu or tulDlDc. M...n Le"'OJ .Dd Jlo~, oar wr,l'" .boat Ia.. obUdren: "Mom. need:ay .fternooD. fwmula rOT the r.em~ 1Ietw. . I'nDce anc! America. pr~...t'fl dry ,oo4a mlrohea.. tillS" I. "'fin a.taou .e .ere W. E. BogaD and family apeD' havI p--"ue4 • ..w H.tlODaI afrald ....y would die, bot IlDoe we Cbri.ahn&ll Da'" wUh Cbaunoo" -proved what a oerWo remedy Dr. , " IAUGING DOWNFALL OF RAJI u.eb !lest... wblob.peab WIU for KID,'. New .Dreoo..,.le, WI haTe BUODeU·•. their 'DOOIII. , ao f..... WI rei, OD it for oro.p, Mr. aDd 1118 . Joe Diebro oalled OD IoIeftt.Hle 'netNnlllIte Have . . . . " TbOi .Il .. _-..... ., 15-". 00',,,, lDel 001..... 80 OlD 1 aalDee and famll" Bunda" . . ~-... ...._. 500 &ad '1.00. A bottle Ihoal be"iI" . . .atter of AlIMlute leld. lpea' Cbrtatmu wlab b .. 1IOD t. e..,. bom.. A' _U DraIJlll. . . .fMltlloon. . .tIoal ~,... ....... B •• _· BDOkI_ & Co.. PbllItLoDla. Mr. ed lin. J'raall: IiJtanley ea AlonllO BnIlDoD, 01 naUorli:. .... teoJlll really 1ID4erItaad..." IIr. Wanell VleaTer. of DoI...oIl, ·. • _ • ..rt.uned CUll'm.. Day Mr. aDd nIIl Ie . . . .ure4. WI oft.- ....... lIJoh .. j'plDt (.'hrla&mu wltll ble .. Sprin.. Branda lin. J'rank CooUln. of WlImlDg lIle ---llApW tbt 10 ....., tull.. mo'ber lin. 1Ia~ .Iau. Cleaver. • too, IIr. aDt lire. Georle PbUlpe, or HID baft fall_ durlq a oertaIa ~ period, bat It Ie 41t11ca1t to reaI_ Itr. Cleaver b.e .....,...sbJe.peel. ~ AaaH Wrlrbt uad 4alllbte, of· Ne" Burlington, Parmer ~aanley ..bat an IDeIa 01 It aetullJ' - - ttoD witb 'bl.PIUfoIa'.· R . Co, ...... eDjOJed Cbrlatm.. Da, wiUl aad famll;r. of near Centervllle, '!'be BrltIIlI RalDfall ueodaUoD un Mr. aDei lin. rraoll: WUeoa &ad lit. aDd IIfI. ,JOIIDb a.t.... Bob4n' Stanley and family, Paul . __ ... ~_. W.. Allen a-n ' Conldtn aDd Grant Philips ,....... reconle of nJDfalle III all varta clau.b.... LoalN alleilOD WIlInlr W. ·u r 01 tile U.ltecl K:IDdom. "..,. un ... --- ~ -Co"_ ~ from .."eral tlIoaIaa4 ... of ClDolaDIIU'lJIa ' ~~tmu wi'h '~week . anel wI'b the Ia...... par. M", Ethel mpton, ..... wr8ll0fl tsou. w2Ileh aN MGt III by people IIr. aDellin. B. WU.... of De,......., D.aD, O. MltobDer. Roy aod Berman Jonee ..ho "won" the lIUIID..... • ~ toD. Mr. ICdwant Cook aDd tamil, oalled on Bonce Cempton'e rhura. ~ hohlly. There ..... lI'feral wooc1ea . Mr. aDd Ill'll. WUltaaa Wrlrb' aDd ...... thaada, with B 0 DaklD dey e"'DIDg. IItnIctarM now Ia 1111 row ....~ d b O- II n. -"'bI I ... - --. -... - f.mtl;r. . . Q t .. ."ft ftIIl, and th... .are laaown . . ·na _wan. aDd ov a Dum be r f rom h ere a t · ....upe... TIle moet .kJUfUl . . . . . WUmlqtoD, vtelted lin. Wd,b' " lilr. I:menoD Colmer .... alaier tended ih. Chrtatmaa en'ertalamenl btftDoe ~ • tulille! at til. . . . . moab. lin. ,,1. . . ~ '01 Daytoa. aj07l4 Chd." .t 'be I'rllDds ohurch, New Bar. throqb ..Illcla the ..ater .,..... IIn.1ada 1I1.1Oa nhInIed kome . . . With home b... IIqgtoD, Wedaeedayevenina. • G1IP-reoeinr. Tbl "'lAt of . . . from DaytoD aftH ..venl ....b ',,,,'-'----' T _ _ who ... ____ ~he ".lter WU..A and family ..nd "'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-11 .. Ill automaUcan, a,...,n. . .,......... - z _u • . 11 , T1lIa . .ra OIl a Ibeet of llA,.. YO... "'et, with ber eoD Percy aDCJ .lfe. ...... of b .. parente ben for lIIIOe John WIlBoa anll .am y SpeD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'CIUH • C1l1nder. and ..h.1l The ZtOD obuob hu beeD t f . bat re'Dnae4 '0 btl former L'bril.lmaa wl&Jl Zlmri aalDeS. • aarlled III th.. tuhlOll two-teatlle of hldla, • eerI. or Dl........ ud bom. ID IlIchIpD •- • ~-:ebI~UP:!, :'-:'l~:~ Ud OOIl"lnlou. Let the 10bD Volmer aDd famU,. _jo;red CalII,omla WomanSerlOUJly AJarmed tta form. poeIUoIl, and th. . . . . PatII ,oocIworll: 10 OD. . Ohril. . . . d . . . . wiab ClaM. Brad· "A .hor' lime .go I oonwaoMd. ~CII" npeatfCl IDCeIIUlt17 aatU... Mr. aud lin. I'nDk I'onabell, or. elooIi: aDd lamU" ..Veri 0014 wbloh .eUI84 on lilY . . . . CIUII to fall ...hlle tile peaoll XeaIa, ..... 'bl p .... of Mr. aud Mr. I'nd 'JoIoD aD. famll;r of 1UD8I' aDd GauHd me .. great deal of CIOIItlDa.. to , Nlfetw - the .......... J ..per IIM'Oer, of . ., lIala QDo,.auoe. 1 would h..,e bad .Ulala'" DIU' OC)l'wta. oallecl OD IIr. aDd oOu,hlallpelll and my IUDII were 11:. lin. JOHpb 1IaID_ laDeI.,.. 10 BOlfe aDd IDflamed I begaa &0 be .111'. aDd lin. Uaoola Bea4rtoll:, IIr. Oarrlqtoo Kilt .. eon of IIr• .erlol11ll, alarmed. A friend reo -t~~~. o~ "!~ of ".JD8I"llle, an .... peete of . .d Ill'll. QIaOwa .,1.. aud Ill.. oallD_ded Obamberl..ln'. Coaab - - -.... Ik 4Dd lit• .Am.. mil.. Remed, ...,.tnl Ibe hacS Uled It f 0 IaooM M Port Glaqow. (a.trew),... . '. . • BtbllIloKnt,h' of J[tDIJIIaD. w.... ~.,.. I bOUIM .. bottle and "re. el would be a welQ)me c-tlr. A bot mDder lell OIl tM.... ':' . 0 aem I'oley,ot OJe'rel.&DKn , le Dalted III aardale ., Wllmtq&oD II..... m, lOulh the tlrs' night, and I7Iq Ia front of tile beartJa. The .... ~ b .. pereata Mr. u . Jan After .plDdlDc ~al'w..t 1 w.. rid of 'be cold and mal darte4 aad.r tile bed. and tile olD- . . . . "eley, of D.... here. • Mewt lloae7IDOOD tIIey wlU ntURIL I(;MIUIII of m;r IUDKI," wrltea 111.1 der leU amoq 10m. olothlq an4.. , The M. &. lude7 Sohool PVI to th. Ilo.e ot lale panD" wben lIarle Gerber, . . . .lle. Cal. For . . 1I1a01 OIl I~ _ • 'belr treat Bunde,. ablY will .....4e uW IJprl." Tbey _Ie b, all deale:-~ • . for your friend who is a -A ....... 'eI.nd.Ill'll. 1Iar;r J:dwuda aDd 10. .111 ab_ be at laome to 'blu fdad. Mr. and IIrs. Peroy Reuoa, of Editor and Manager Day taD, were the gu.." of their parotnte ever ~1arlstDIU re'GrDlag hO~1 8uaday, Ratea of Subecription One Year (Itrletly In adnnoe) .. . . . .. . '1.00 Paul Reoloa came do.. HaD day 8 DIlle UOpy . . .. . ..... . ... . . · .. . .... . .05 from Dayton for • 'e. d ~;r. wltla bl. pareD". Ratel of Adverti.lDK Mn. AnD a B100 >ok, of OlDoiaDati. deadlD& Local8. per lin. .... . . . . . . . . .. lie came up '0 Me ber motlier ADd It •. Reed.iDl Loc.... black face . per line. . . . 10e llluaUled Ada. DO' '" u~ 11"8 !IDee ten for. week. Ubl'uar\.!~e .~~~ 'a~" IIIe Thl iI&ok.. raally. of . . IDchM. per lin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie made . 'be mulo for the daDOI.' Card or \hanIu .................. . .... IIIe Town Ban on December It.

D. L.




. J



Wttaps of all D~scttiptions

Suiu, Coats,


""loft. W.,.

Fura, Blankets,

Rug., Petticoat.,



. ....



it., . .


We have lOme very fine Cut

. -.



Glass, Brass ware, Baskets, DoD.,

Gloves. Aprons suitable for New


Years Gift. aad any .eason.

Great Sale Silka 49cand75c



New lot just in






· -.

'! ·.......





",u .. tra1Il ..ent out of Pad4laatoa :: t. 'heir proper';r iD W';rDIITlll,. IIlItioa tile otller da)'," .. e ..... toIeI..pea r... The ptlpllI of ou IObaol pve "ther. ...... III • tIIlrd-clul COIlltut- moll: HarTl" of D_r lAb.ilOD. • nry ID,,","aK 0llrIa1lD.. pro IIIlDt t ..o 1F9mID lIIloklua ctcanttll liN Ett. oauoI, or lIaryl"'l1e, paID ..., WedDeada,. afMrIlOOD ud • awl kDltUq."-LoDdoo ~ Obio, .. makla, her I1Itar Mn. wlllob... eD'OJed b;r.n Allee Harvey. ot Dear LebaDeD. a a __ .._ --u -ade ble

.--.a. 11_- ..b. preeea..


Beware OIntmeat. for Catarrb Tbat Contain Mercury

. ..

.. iII.roa" will larel;r deetroy 'tbe MDM of IID.II .ed oompleMly de. nail 'be .hole '.,.'em wblD ea· teriDI .. ,bro1Igb th. moooaa Iur. f&Oll . asa'!h .rUol_ Roald Dever be aeed .z :ep' 00 prelOrlpUou from reputabll pb,etot.DI .. the elam.,. 'hlY wtll do I. tID fold &0 'be IOOd ;roa GaD pIIItbl, derive froID them. Catarrb Oare, Dleaarao'and by 1'. J. Oheae;r & 00., '1'oledo, 0 ,ooutatDI DO DlM'OD'7 aDd .. Mk.D laten.lI" aotiD, dl reot1,. DpoD the blood aDd maoaaa F U r - or abe ."'.... ID baylu, JIaU'. Catarrh (,'are. be nn ;rOD .,. tile . . . .Ia~ It ill taU. later· ....,. _d ..... ID Toledo, Olato. '" •• 'J. ~ & 00. ~ . .,.... . . . • ..... r .. __....... PrIOe '110 - .


- - u.-



"'... aDd win before .b. "tuu .. aaaal ud treated.U TW7 bOlD. m.kl ber mother lin. IIUJ .U,. ICdwuda. vtatt. Mr. a.1I lin Cbu. IInddeU u,. aad lin. ADlCII Allea of n.. .._ ._I'~ t'' ...'_D VOl< --- ...... y . 'laUork, .....rtalDed tbelr teD J'nall: IJali:ID _"~ed .. flw of o1aU~, ...b.... paad eblldnD hil .tabbon.'. ~ oboppID. fer cllDDer hilda,.. The pa. . . . . . ., IatardaT. . .el -JctJe4 tile oooa. •



. C.",... , ~ertI.....'" lin. AmOi .UIa .• Dd lin. (,'Iua Ad.,...uelq. CIIIIletarr .le ........ ConDeI' an ladlepoM4 hom M4 _ .......u, 1DCIOUIlt.ere4. Mt title ~ oolda. ...u, Ilaa ~ lit .,..." .• _ • W..... AaItnIIa. ~ HWQIIII' ... ftIUIIt • IooIl ......, .. Coattlpdoa PoIIoaI Yoa ......_.... 10 blaatlf1al a .,... .. . . .., aM ,..,Ie .... ....,. If an ooM&tpated. ~.,.. ..... It . . . .. .......... . .'




18m . . . . . . . '" ......... _ . . . III..



Of all DLlCbaatcal .. t.... UbI, to manlleet ttaelf In a .....aID. ,,.Ia. The Tounc ..0IIl1ll _ _ $ I t to a looomotin ..OTU I.


k.p' ~.. ~ ~~...:~....~ e • •01. . .,_". ~. - . . . . .,. ~ . . Ufe!'Jl1e • . - " " will - - ....iII1. . , __ ---....... 01 OCIIIS..~·_. . . . .


Ia Toune"







M...llne. ....

CoaI»1t)eae bat.fI.tH ID ..hat .h......

b1It ... aocouat of the proeM... ob-

MrftId lea".. tile reader to 40ullt ....

aeJentaadlnc 01 them.

"Y_ ,,",." IIle told • frleDd. '"a lot

at .... lato a ......,.


lot of 110.... and 70D Uel. 1114 thl.... batol'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!


a flarllllOl, aDd tileD you tUrD tu ncl-I:

Iaot.u.. IDtO. boll Ia the I&Dcl. uuI "~

,..11. aDd .hout..

"'rIa. rou poar It out, let It eeol ... poaad It, aDd tIIlD 701l 'put ba It • tMq tbat bo .... hoI. In It. "... rea KNW It to..tb.r. and pablt It, aa4 pat IteaIIl I. It, edit lOll .,1. . 6D7. and tit.,. t.te It to a dnfttq. . . . .. . . .u.. bla&-prlnt of It. "'B11t 0 ... WDa I loJWQt-Th.,. "VI to . . . a boll.... 0 . . IIWl pta . . ......d . e pte oatllte. aDd tMr ~I ....tflaI17.... u.ea tile,. de It te ~. . . . Wq. ... ,.GIIl ....... to . . It ..I-~Y~~ czo-~

1...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at ~ea. IOnable Rates.

. AIIo Agent for RadDe AutomolJlle TinI• " ......... VI.w ., at» . loW . ,..... -~~ " -- ........~ I~ " '. Dra-rl-.. .. - . X, ...... .. ....... ~ . . . ., . . . . . . 10 . . . . . ~ . . boat... ..:, " . j . . -~ ~, ........ .~ , _.~ ,:-« .. . . . . . . . at . . . . . . . t..-I'1Id4....... WDo : Tab ' . . , ...... 'Ior. GOa· iIIUt., " ~ ~ "~~tl~ .• ~. ' , 1 _ . __ "'~""""~" , " I!,'.i.r ' ~.~~~~~WM~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~=~~ .r ~ . . . ._ ·iIaJ)'J " t, ,. . . . . ~ .,. ~ _~ . . . . "

" -~,...,.

- ..

..a.... '. - ,--4K"_.,. .. __ db' .. ~ ,



. .

. '* ..........


.. "":. ' ., ....


The Miami Gazette I SHAllOW o.



'\· :\Y'; I·: S\, IL U :.



GUl TIV~TION IS BEST [0 r RGO RN (1tJ R0r() I AFOird


Frequent Stirri llg of Soi l D Lr i n -.~ Growil.lg Sp,\son Tl' llu S nn tll r n ll y mu s l b l' m orr I l1tl' r I l ~l l ng t o th e p ... r ,;oll o r , 1v,,1 IIIHl!, lnfl , COll sr rvc Muisturp, Cul tivato r Wi th MallY S,nall lio n t h an 10 0 111' Who 1I1'~~ (l nly f o r th tn n g lbl e th i n g:; 111"' 11 hi III :l n d \ Sh ovels Bettc r T h al l Oll e With Few L a r~ ' OIlCS Hy A (;

Mr, " l l. )· ,,, f" ..... tl T ' 1/

\ ),:'r ll lI1 11 1 f

j,l' "It •• • .r .\ RT iIH I1H I' f 'r "

T ile C'III'I':II \II I1 o f I C)(' ~ " ll i nR nnd n ln n ot ' 81 1r nll !' Ih o bO il I s 1I~ lIll ll y ~l' uJo;.. ' n o f f/: e tl ~e ot n f ew uny c lr ('o !1l ~ dc ·t rl! lle ll tl\ 1 liB l iIlH~" o r ('lI l lIla t hlll. T iI"'l.~'· i ll ' t o b l s Inter eRl s . w b lle to tlHl~e wbo 1 (' l\l(h·s both th !' prf' p!l rat ilill II d" I''' ICJllk o ol y u pon t il e H" ri OIl S " Id ., o r li fe p l a lllil l'; n n rj Il l" 1I', ' I' I(illl-: c,f Ih .. ~() Il n u d s hare o nl y It s dnr k ... r n~ p<'L· ls. 1I u f t" l' !h r (,I''' JI is I'I UII I (' d , IIh l l l' "III · fe '" drenmll Or wb nl p ... r h ll Ps nlllY ~O lll e !1\':l lillll 1111 h l d l'8 I h,· Slll' l'i ll f; I h c' to p n ss would a('[ n s II Inn lc II P Oll tl ret! Holl nf l (' !' t li .. I' mI' h aK l" '(' n " l a n l '·11. n c r ves. sa l'S tb e (, b nrle" l o n :'\ C\\ S RllU F o r II I11S 1 ",d l ,; i t Is I)(' st. ! o P";l llkt' Cou M e r , O u r drl'n m s nre of tc' n <' 11 m · I L1t><' P t i ll ng (' i ll th " 1"'Pllftra!ilJn II I Ih , ' ]la.nlo n s to U8 . n nd Nou u! t hn.' s w e n lld I f:.;,·(·d fwd autl Slllli lilw " ll it i\a l illll af l .·!" ol1 rs~ l\'(" s nlovl n g un con Hf'lCJu lll y wt l b r h l ~ (' !'u v IS p I:L1 1, .. d . 1'1" '1' l i l l. l ~ l · 1h ( ' lll i n a wurld fa r r" lll .,,' nd f t'O l11 ou r g ll ' t 'S It H o I dlln!~ H I fl r~,, ' a lll OlllJl I l f 'L r(1 0 Jll In \\ 11w l! I n ~~ I II U filii 11JPII ' I'fI( 11:i r .'u l h ablt n tl o n . b u t on e wh ose' \lro l1l ' In RI'an h <> 1 1" '1111 rOll' 1. n ll ll "s I h A I HPs Nee m ea 6Y I f l I lI lI m ' n t II nLi ..... ho se d e li g ht s' coom ll"n:lli e I:,r !l orne ~o ll II) <I ,.in l, i ll III .. 1':11111,,11 Il l .. " , f , , '" .... a I.\' , alld p t) l'tlll l~ 1 ~1 1' :Ii I' II) ( I tI! I ' !' !~I " " O f l h e IHlrd ship ~ Wt:1 11Hl )r . pI ·rb np s. ut ' .snll :, IId h t' l n il l 11. \· p n· pn. r a li ' l ll or ca lled upo n 10 ti ll a r <i llrln J,! o u r whklng p l ll t ) ! 1,."e l. ~h a ll \,\\' [11 111\' :1 1 11 111 \ 11I' 1' hH h OtloZ·S. T h o wo d r1 whi c h h; o ur Id p!\ Ul f> r al 1i cJ l o ss fit' \\nl l ' l" II'n tll ,1 \1 ' ~( I i t of h a J1p i n es~ . w ith all lI S w o nd er <If h y I U l'I l lir : }.: iI 1111 1": " 1!l:\II I,I " 11\ " 1' i rs acc ompli s hm en t nnd nil t I ft II l e:U~ \Ire u r Slid" "" , kill:'. \\I ·,·t!:-: . Ut ! li II t·1;,:-o III lt d appre (~ t u tlon-th e worl o i n whl (' h w e (llil ai I' ll) 1I1I> s: lI"fa l'I ' la~' 1 f' II I ~ttl 1. Ir l lH' slI i l is h a r d fin d i IJII II'.V I h .' natllro I I y pl a y a n I mpo r t n ll t part - w I10 Il t l l (l fU ( I I S o f I h t' I'I l rll pl n l l l ~ al ' 1l n t b as not Be" n It M sh lal ll g Ra ll d~, IIntl Pf' II ,' I''lIlr fa l' i l. h il t 1I111 ~ ! 1" ,.<\ l o rt y s um m it s, n lld fl u w ",r l !l !: pll t b s, b eckonin g , t< ' llI nl/: II ~ how goo d I t I F t o live un d d e f yin g u s 10 rpst. t h e app ealing rll 1l 7 \\' e r an n " t a ll p:a l n I li s 1!J\orcR a nel dis co I·,' r 10 n!!·h l dcJ,on \ n lJ al n ; wU lll rt fi l1l1 thl' IlId \\l · I



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1I " (' }I " r :-;, . 11 1 1'1'1 11 I ,,~i ll l! l ,\' " \Hi ,/q al l (l IL -III I ~ f I r 111111 , 11. iI ~ It l~ (':d h d , al"'" h. Il lS , ,, a hslI rLJ ra i n f a ll un rt :11 111'\ ' \ ' , ' 111 I I f rolH fl l tl n i l l K u tt Ih r t.'lI r ' f" ," ' . t( 1 JI " \, ' 1111114 '

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GOR E E M P t R E S KI R T . Wllilt " h ey Old About It. Th .. r r u.s on

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all d Ih" 1'1 :111 18 !lI" ,1 , 1,I'\ \I 'd 0 1 t h"I ! I "" I'ldy or nlOl ~ l lI rl' ~ · "r· ' ,1 III t il ... d l'(' 11 IU.I'I ' I'H "f ~ I '; i. I Ir all"II'I' c\ 10 d o SO . ! '" 11 h II f l hi~ l c' HI"lIa l'}, \I a! ,' 1' \\11 1 \J /ISS Oil ur. Ih r oll!' h I II\' Roi l Rll d b {' c\al' '' '' ~ I f' d \ IrOIl! ' Ii. ' " "d a l' " II lIilOlI 1 b a ll n!: I ,,' e u "I' 311 .\' " " r l' ic·t· to Ih. · plant s. To Jl I~ l' I' li t ll.i R II I' pl'IIl ' l i l 'I ' ,1,, "11,, 11' t'I II I;,' O ,i i i !!. \\ hiI'll k " "I '" a I" all k l'l 01' ,, 1' Ill(" I :-. lIrfat I ' I lf l ilt' .... " i!. 11 :\\ ,· .\'1111 " \' , ' r 11 0- J IW I 'd h o\\- II lt d ~{ l l l l' s( tl l is lIlItI, ·!" n ·


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was b O<':l ll s"" h N f ace er up t ion th a t ~ lI e "o ll l lfn 't h a ve I t t ll l< !'n . J L!8t m ll k o Ii n o l o ot I li i s t al't H YOll I, n o w rur lIlIll . lie n('ed. . . ~:u" r pl'a r c·I'~ . :'\1!l ltv 111 19 u a n), tl n .... wl ,o Bu rfe r s f r u m d i s n!(ll r i ll !( , pa rt II f YO llr d llily PI', g r 3 111 I 6 1d n e r uptl o ll s , 11 0,, 1110 1 ol nlll1<1 l1 t ('u r e" e r lll'lI l' o s ld n Jl lil' :t ses . It r e('o l lp C' ra le wl l h 1,1111 . lila I storC's tl lO sl( l n 10 n o r llia l h p u.1!1l li n d ">.~ I", ti lm'us I s t o ",,'rk wlttl I ' )o~ cl rnrs t be com pl(>x l on . " I t a ll e pl eu ll. ),0 11 :\1111 n o t f o r y vll. To cu·u lH'rat e 1I1tan S m or e t han 1I0t to urc In Ip~ ll fY ll1 g 10 th o m o ~ t excell ent " Jl Jl IIH<I t " " " " 1ti il<, l l v lty i re8 11\t ~ ( r om t he \l SO of R e~ lnol. b oln If y t> 1I ll l' ed h ltll . I!' t hi m k n ll w . 11 0 oln t m pnt II l1d , 011 1' ," \\'r ll('9 ~ 1I ~ (l 0 ,1111 is lI11l ''' Il lli ~,' io'll t. U OII' l In It I' ~ 1" 'I' l n l 1.111(')' , ('amp (' r e ell, ~V . \ ' a " I b ad preca uti on 10 (' on ce al YOllr tl l ' l'd III ur ' l b r(' n t r ollbl " ll t o r f our o r fiv e YC' lt r ll <I e I' tllal ." 0 11 !!lil Y IICCII SI' h i ul u r 1! l a!" , wi th IL v ery d ls 1\!;'u r l nr: er u ptl 'J n o •• ~ DI Y f ~I' '' . !wd H l'sill ol [la s hp l lll' d It t cutl on or !1\'\;l e,·t ot dil l y . eo lllu " b ," H l's lnol ointm e n t sh ould Ii' )''' " k n ll"" of !l n y >1c 1, nr sR In Iho I he II ged for 1111 ok In erupti o n s , ec · n clc:h IHlrh otl d . le t hllll kIlOW , I l ll h ... l l' m a . r y th pm a. h (' T(lP9. \la r b er ' lI no o lh e r wn y ! o li n d out It .. h , Il~ o rl u s l ~, ol e . It s ll1l)9 I! " hllll'{ D Ll Il ' t lay l' lntl ll t o n i l hi s ti w o n nd In stllnll y . n t' sill ol pro m l'lly IIl1 a y !t nlt t' nt io n . Th" r<~ u r e (JtL C' rs . It S " In c D ' '' W rn lld ly m O \'f' S I nt o t h e a n "tl l~I' .,f I Il e Irrltal lo n n.nd Is Ih e b es t tin's81l1 g tor burn s, s ('alcI 8. boll s , f l'lo n s. III'blln· c n tll ll l11IJi r y a n d ), 0 11 Yo'o ll l t.! likt.' tu t lll-VIII t h i s sld rt W e h nve , 'h e pn. t or ,'ull o n Ih elfl , 8n y RO t n v or lt .. 1'; OIpll'e III0d" I " . T h f' P Ili1 ~!' 1I cl e>', el It Is II C' omfortln g , b ealln g b W' !'I tl ~ o IIl1tllll(' ~ k l rt 1II1ll' " I ~o pN' pu rallon. wh lr h ra n be 1ltlec1 rre<>ly (l e i t he chllrl'l l allli I I,., kll lgd u lll o n ue !!lfl d . w ilh t ht.: !fo !' lIU" I\' a l" t l i llI' , on I he t endere st sld n. H eliinol o int· your h E'Jl IL C' u n si d l'r w hn t yuu ca n r I f I d I I I l l' l IU ~ . · \\h o p re t i l' l 80 . HII l ~ J,ut 111 10 t he (' hu r c h [I t:/. ,\\' t" 11 u8 \\ h a t 1 a J=-'11 a r r ll n ~ l'cl till tflat , la p 1\ uh.h u . m en t I s IlIlt 1lP In opa l j a rs III t \\'() y o u ca n g e l u l l t u r It , rhl" I'I lll r ~ !t I~ til t. b n (' k rHay h~ Ul ll llt! J II IlhlJ l t b tr l ~ Bizps . p r k e fifty c ent~ nnd o ne L1 o ll a r , At ull Il n lgg l st s. Heslnol Cbe w lcal nn t h ~ pt for y~ o u r Coo \'P t1l r nct' . hil l 8 8 o r \ \ I t il It l' I " ' C'I':-ie d u" O X p I !l I' t. I f l il.t ' ltn O I KH ll lzatl u ll L y w h lch yuu ('a n h (lI P ! ffI I T( 'd . Tr l f" ~t ' ~ h.irt H a l'e lI H1do U Jl tn I Co .• Baltimore. Md.





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'\\ ho f ellrs 10 d re'llll ns h I. f l\ n ~ y w i l l s becllu ,;e rna li lY "" t' nr"0 h ell \' 11 ) ' " I'O LI v b i Ill . \\' e d o n ot I h l n k t h n t <, ,, ... n t b e

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t h ~. \\ orlo .t l p a b4lCls 1t' r A l.J uoS I f' r I t-! w o rt h 11 h Ull tin tl \ I t)ak f' l ~ III r." t. I I ~ L' lI er , I "~t " ' n t h.l f' k ", t'. s n f ar n 9 c hlln.: h ll SC ' ,. "III "~S IN " II lI t " rn eu , I s ju s t OD e le 88 t hnn noh e, Scl ; U


I I~\"q\l ~.i~t'Pyllt! .

Ilwt(' r h ll, patI n. In Pfl t-::t li n e. tIlur ll n"o . l ,o n gt'O H IHt SO lli e u f ' 1 1 1t~ l Uu.<1 t l·I 'l l ~ I>.' I '· P I'• t of i" i lk HUt! 1 '~lt l()~ l l i a f e r l a i s 0 \'(,.4' a c(J l fJ r etl l i ll - Stout Lady More Than M~t HH Mat ch Ill !! '1' .. ~,.c, p t h, ' ~ kl rr I n pl a " 11 l u k" When She Stirred Up Tired· :l ,ll e l 'f' til' plai n IIt·l l t ln ~ ILnll Ht 11 S I1 11 j! Looking Man , I ) ll) I ll e " ai!"t . III JIJ\' i t u nO h tlli.' sk i rt 111 I I , "P I" ' I' t ,tl g o .m l. . W Il Il "~8Il Ll tb e f o (lo wln l; fll UII Y In· Ti ll ' pa t t"l'll (:..t~ G ) i~ 1' 11 1 In : 17.t>~ ~~ ('I de nt III UII O of t hu l a r ~" 8 t b: d llllJ u r s 10 :11J illf'h r " "' al ' t 1111''' " " 1' ''' M (' d ,ulIl aucllon rtH I Ul S . A bl ~. sluut I u d ),. al> ' :-i ize rt ' Cl u tr(\s :17t' Y•.l l'd l' (If ::t,.; i ll c- h IJ tU 118.r en ll y a t th e brok er c laSH, 1I11l1 en .. II·r ild . I Rt' on ceil h,· n ... l t co m t llrlu.ul y In . LlI IHIll · T l l l 'n" II I ,' 1 1 11 ~ " . l(t' I U ~" r1 d \11 (" ' 11 1" c h u lr. u ud III Jue c our se b eKu n b Id d in g to " 1'11 11 .' 1 11 t " -!'.l l f ll l·ul " oIf li d .. p a p , r . 'or a l u ol tj . o n which a ttr eJ , luu k ll 11t


1.0 1' " the c hll rd.. It I. t be w o r l Ll 's KI'l'Il!f's t \t' s i i t u t l " n . rf tI ,,· \lur id Is HIi Vp d, I t will b u <l Ol ,.. t uruu gh the ', hure· h. (" h rl~ t b <> r:an i I. 1\.' II(' \, 11 In )' tlll r tHl' U rh llrch . It Is senets, blll . at l east , w e ra n t u rn I t . Ju st wll al y o " lllllk e' lt . P n ty tlllll you pro m i se s to o u r acl\' lI nl fl(,;, · a llli !!lak e "my Ut! 'lI'orth ~o lll cl ll i n g to It. ollr d ll Y drea Dl s (lfl 'eS, as 11 w e r " , In R c n 'H'f1('" I h o c h ll r c l l . Il Is n o t a tb e d es e rt spo ts of li fe . I ,p~lI la r Ins t ltll!lon . I I I ~ no l n (' I'nt er \\ r i t e HU III . ' .L f.· 1 , .ddn":4 ~ J ,l a l fl h > .L nd I" Sll l l' td t;;1\," ... I L' · ' \ lll i LltilIH,,> , d 'C p .ltt, 11 1. \ nlu n . fur w u nt or ti O ll H.! tt tl Ug tu ~ I t II I ;' "'!lci u i :tLlllI~ (\ ! l h nt. I I hi t il(' hu u s ~ u(Jun , .. rre"'llo ll llte ly l elln .. d . I 'Oll llll' t l · J um es II . C olli Il l', wr i lin g or " tbe o r · 'If Um!. I ' se It nB ~ " c h , !Iou WI\ S bri sk , b u t In t h e "!l d t h l.l I ii · AI I I' n d th u dllll' (' 11. T l lNe I. ub In· ,)4 :! o. d t' rly G erm an mind ," n Ol cs Ihnl a g(' n · !S IZE ...... .. ... .. ule "11 8 kllu c k tl d down 10 tb .. ~I "\l t ,pl r .\tl oD In p n'II" 111 ng t o "III (J I), ~ (':t t " , e l'sllon u g e tb e c h i ef e x ports ot O c r · l a tl )'. wb u n il " uu ll ..r r ccugn l zl'd t l , at :-; ,\M F. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. . .. .. . .. . ... . :'ee Ihat y u u r I " ' W is 1I 1I ,' u II I ( "' ''r~' II w as now h er pro pe.rty . thUll . ~ I r L· t .. h, m any w e r e IJhllo sophy , poe lr y . mu sic ,t' r vi<: (I. T O W:-I . .. . .. .. .. .. , . .. .... ..... .... .. .... ' .. Illg uut h er IIrm, sbo ah a.rl,l y r "P I ,~1 1 alJd emlgl'U n l s, while lod ay sh e FhlpH c: li ar d y o u r t {1 n g ll f'o . Y nc i' rH · i~hbu r ' b f' r k GLI ('k l t' 8 o u It, e x c la.Jml ll g : " 1.l e y. m nc: blnery . ch e mi ca l s, tex liles III.Dd ST RF:F:T A :>: n :-; 0 nr o r ,'ll d In g Y"U I' life . A c,t' 1I1 '1 u r li n l1J1i11 ~ " Bu t th e tlrt> d·l oo kln g mUll I'H l d o t her wunuf aclun.... produ c l s, u nd tbe ~ llld wor d IIIIlY <l rll'" RU III I' I",d ), I r u w ST ATE ... . uo aUc lltltlu . 110 s h e o e x t po k ed hi m A Cultivator With Many Small Shov els B est For Corn Field . m er e thought of ber co mp etition you r c hurC· b . Y OII ma y no t n l E' lI n nn )' wl Lh !J er ' wlbrella and s aid ",It.u IICll res Amo Ticn nnd h as b r ou g ht En g ' Deaf tb ~ slIrfIH'e. It we h a ve a d l'ep' l . F' r equC'1ll sh a ll ow 8tlrr1n ~ of Ib e Boil harm . Uut. YOll ar e r E' B pon ~ ltJ le f or Kre ftt "r aSllcr!ty than eVer : ··1.t'1! !1 Land to tho v e r ge of h ystpr l n . 1I 0 w m e llo w 8e l'd h('d , Ib o r o o t s u r e . '11 , I dllr i ll l; t hc g r ()w l n~ 8easo n . and c & Ihe ('o nRc <] lIl ' III' PS o f y our ,,:o rd 5 U GI RL'S APRON . ulr Ol e t a ble. will 10u 1 It 's my l,r u l" bus this co m o nb o ut? Vou co uld r ouragf'd t o i?,O L1 ec p Iwd J.:" l hp l· ruud I (Jel'i ally i n t ilt' 11111 " o f dl'OIl Lh, w i l' , 11' (' 11 aR th El l1Iut ll·.... D OIl'1 Off(' lI d , LIst, I ert y . "'lid ~'o u'll scratch I t." put all G erma.n y . and » e nll syl· fro m a Inn~'" II 111 0 11 II t of ~ol l. T ho lpu n er rt! ed b er ftx ecl l r r or Th , ' I{' nd to I'I'(ld ' '' 'e ,l u! ll r h bl'l h ~ 1' nOll I en 10 Chri s t. " W oe lin to th e' mllD by ' 1 1\ ho m o lT en so . ·o ll1l't h ." " a wLlfIl eot or tw o . but d i d as r C<]Ill" ! ' v<unla to boo t. In Ihe sl At e ot Texa s. pl a nt f ood In ' hurd ' 1tl lll i lY 1: !'Illl nd i s ! f hnli 'If I hlS w or k l ~ Il f·l-d .... ' ·II 'U In ('Ufll ('o n trl bllte t o !lIe. ('\1ur('h, Th~ Yet th e r e n r e upwnrd o f 70.000.000 Ger. /l il t c URi ly L1 i~ s " h' e d , S l ll' l'i rlf; Ih (' ~ II i l . .. ' ' . ·ed . lie did lIlor e . h o w e v er . f "r IlIUIl Il K aud \)n 'n l(\lI " 1!1) II,,' .. Iod s h l' i m,.' s I h ... f; r"w i ll f; II I ~ ~U II,'t'l I Il l\'S 1J, 'Ht tu clI l lI' \ pr",\ r hpr ('a n n u t work ~11l rarth an d a SC ntl' ot pnp er tro m hi li lJuc k e t Ill> man s. "",·!th SCAnt n atu r al Tl' so u rc es , ~ Wll te r. I nlo cOlllac l w i t ll m orn " r, i l SI!r. " a t l! tl,·,· p early HI Ih p. s('a ~ on IH" f orl' , tllk n hi s DI "a IA In· h . 'n \'(· n . (' hurc h put It " u op r th e Ir:uly's uose. with Ihe tbe T euton b ad to think b n rcl and rar'" hll d hu sl enM th e sol ,ll i o n u ( p lll ll t 1110 rool s (If Ih!' I': a ll i s h a l'e l-:!1I t e ll , r ~ lI p n RP~ nlll Ht h b 1I 1flt . An' YOll de> '1 1ll et r PlIlarl,: " D'ye seo th a i ?" an ,l ti ll make tll e boot o f It. Ju st a s In IIc hol· ' <' I'Y r al' !l il t i ll I h " 8 11 il in Ol'd l' I' to , i n I; yo .. r lih nre 7 'olld . Il llP xt In d k ated tl corr es llollJl lIg DU lll ' arly an(! sclenUfl c r esen r ('!;} , bl s ngil · If ), Otl 11Il V(l nn y rnntcn l lon w i t h an )'· " ' h en a h !'a \'Y ra i n {,lItp r s th e soi l. a ll(l1\' t l,, ' IlI tl i ~!" re 10 go tJ l'f' p e r . nu l ' b(' r Oil t h e a.rm c halr s h e 1\' llS sll:J. t eli c ultUT'o1\ tl!ld I., dustrlal labor!; b av e !1J e g r ea te r 1'11 1'1 of l h e w at('r p ass(,R ' 111 1"" In I h p S<'[l Sll ll th e roo t s u f th e I body . ge t It s t rn igb ten '.' d out. If )Il U on , " W el l . Ih en," b e c ont i n l u ' ,I. wh(! u b ee n Intensc . m elhodl cal. plodd i ng, do w n thro ll i?, h til!' goi l IInlil It r ea .' b es I ('o rn .. Iant spread Oll t I n t o t h e ' s p n cE I r), " lid Ih r y r efus . ),o n f' xo n .. r a t e sb e ha ll a c <]ul esced w t lh a w on de l' i u l( nod r~ ril e Ilea .I, " glt o rr : !l' s m y I· hlli r . . . too l'()ugb.· H e h as t a u ght tbe w orld · Ii pl ac '(' ,,111'1'(' Il!llli ... l l jll' n i n gs Ill' t w Pt' n I tH' t ll'{,P lI ,h (l r o ws a n d a llll os t C:U IU' \ yo ur s" if. If y ou r er l\ ~e . It w ill be I a n d I wan t to " It " o wn ." An d art . 116 bow to farm . H e Is supreme In tbe lbe s oil p a ri iel es are ('o mpl e l<- Iy 11I 1 ~ d I IJ I ~ l e l y till th e so i l t u wltbiu llir" ... or c halk ed li p Il.g a) !ls t y ou In t he j l!d !; bb <l 10 g e t - \.oudon T l! l eg r !lllll . e con o mic u se o r ch emlr.11 l l1, w it. h th e free wat e r . Vllr i n g th r ti m e f Ollr I ll c he s u f th e sllrfa" ..•. Oee p (' III· m " nt. T his I s a bl u e p('n" lIe" nil ' I "' . bf't\ ,' c l' lI rains Ih e Ill n nt s mll ~t I:e t ' II\' atio n a t Ihi M tillll: Cllls 01T t h e roo le \\' hu ( \\' 111 ',Oll ,10 a oo ut It tI' ''' '1 ~ Go to yo ur pas t ur , ulld sa )', '" ti o 1t I s l'ath er c.'Omtorls bl e 10 h ear tbul Llll'ir m o i st ure fl'o! 1I I hi s sllilp l y d ... ... p ! II po n wh k h th p p l an l s are d (' p c m li llg tb e opinio n o t c x p ert M I n lb " Luke Su . :l o wn In Ih ~ 5011. Th e procc ss by I f u r th e ir rood and Wili er. and a IJ.:lOr not kn o w h o w much ' I cnn do, but 1 SMO~E t\lll willing to d p \Yuat I (·,H I. COUllt whl l'h thi s wat e r ri sC's In Ih e s oil is I crop i s l h c r eslI l!. v erlor r eglQ.n I s d p clll t'<lly adv e r se to ' on m e, Use m e," ~ Rl\ r>tJ f'flpiil (l r l ly . Wh e n a tlddl l aye r . Th ,e proper iLll \l ~.' m e nt f o r co rn ~ 1l1' 1 Partil'lllnr m e n who smoke realize A \'old IIn y (li s pla y of ('l fUl~ diRt Inc l · tbe view that the suppl lell of Iron OrE Df tr-a.s h or manure Is 1)low('(\ undl' r tll' alton I S a 1·" IIII·Rtor wl!h a I Dq~ (' how olreu s lv e to people of refin em e n t at th e prt'1Jent rate of Increased use lat e in th" sell son. th .. (' aplllllry C' OIl' !lllm b e r of Hm illi s h o vl'l s, ruth e r tban Ion In yo ur c hurl:h u Rsoc l ut loo , ~l l' n s · I s n s trong tobacc o brenlb . allll b o w ur od b y Chri st 's " tand a rd, I; OOllrlC'!' S I s will last only a short lime , Tbose fa· n eetlon w l lh th \! s u bso il I s b l'o k pn , nile w ith a r e w I llr~ '~ ones. obj e<,ti o llable to themselve s lit thut );reatn ess. TI1Ne I ~ so II tti o dl lr,Jr mlllar wltb tb e r eg ion p ulnt out bit· --------=-~ --=-- --"d ark tlrown tas l o" In the m out b on c e b el",ee ll I h e h l~ h (' s t n!lIl l ow es t Ucm s -ot tooa In the C as(,>I<l c ronge, beallron s lir e n ll t ' o nly nftpr smoiling. L II l\ e UHlt )'U ll hnv e n oth i ng t o b oost atJ tJut. sides mllilo os prov ed up In !.be N eg, I'a):t ll'" T oilet Anll s epll c 19 w o r l b Sntegun rll Ibe lu l er es t s o f yo ut (' hurcb a n "C'C' ss ory a rlil'\ ... . t o th e 81011 11 girl. aunec. I sblJemig and otber r unges t o tbey -n r e al s(' n v e l'y pretty part ot lis ' Io'f,>l g ht In gold tor ihl s purpo ~ .. alo ng thi s lin e. est ward ot tbe latter . Posslbls t'h e w b e l' tol ll'tte , li nd tll' l o n ~ sh o wn III the alort E', Ju st n IHlle In a gl11!lS of wat ~ r D on ' l s peak li g htly o f nn y o n e's so· IIlu s t rtL! lOll i F; a mone t h e must o rou · -rinse Ihl< mouth and brll shlh e t eel b , a strict annlYIIls ot tb e prophe cy o t Tbe ..... 001 of the lIl"rlno r eprl'8('ut s , Ih e size alld· mu tto ll form wilh o ut r& clal s iandlng or Illl elll'~ lu al tmlnlri g , ll)P ll t lll ot ali. A Rlmple sn eQll e Cllt 18 TIle mouth I s thoroughly deodori zed , ,;bort llf.e to r Gur ore SLlI>ply would Una"o l,lnbl fl po,'e rt )' Is no di s graCe, the fi nt'nt grad e o r filler u sed in th e dllcing t li e a m u \I ~ t and l'iluru(,I Pr 01 lI sed rOl' Ih A garmen t . but It Is c ut out tile breath b('comes, pure and swee t dl sd0ge t hnt Ii r e fers only to tbe ex· Th e In c linati o n t o Ignor e tho se bel o w ..... o o~ u traLl e, Th e Hb c r , ho we v er. lh e \loll i b elo" n sa l.l Slal ' LOr y s tandard In a L1 ee p V In Ibe front and b a(' 11 III the and a dell gbtrul sen se of mo u th c leall· bau st.icm of tb e M esaba {lepaslta. Even )' our o wn rank I s the m os t 001'10 118 varl oll In d i am ete r lind len g th . ac co rd · I Th i s c ull s f o r a fl ee('e 10 J.:rn de XX Deck . !lud tb e outlin e lJf this openinl( IIne! 8 r ep lace s that dark br o wn tothen th ey lire predlcaled (lin the maln, Bymp tO tn of I'Dllltr · h eall e dn e8~ Is ! rl m me d wllh 1\ wide ('oll nr arran g ed Ill ' 1.0 (h e breed or bl'eedl r.g. or I~ "" !I'r, L ea rn 10 hid e YOllr ", h es ~)(J' dlB li ke br ele l1 e ~ s c rOSR Ih o shoulders, bacco ta ste . l enull ce ot a J'lIte of ' In min' I: MI ' h' h \\ h ... n Ii 1Jn' C' d (' r find s that hhl Sh t'e p P a xtl!l o I s f a r superior to li q uid nnfie ()ld Spa n ish e r DO W Ie wa s a r e b ~ co nl i n g lOo sn loo th . llodi cLi ant! tress es un ll er a pl ea sanl smll ... . ' F e w Th e fast ening of tbe apron I s In the Ing (!Qu nl W t b e e'X c !"J)t lonal ()n>c or th ~ tl se ptl ~ s li n d Peroxldo tor nil l o ile t [I f'O pl e ('(Ir e mu c h abo ut y o·tlr · t ootl1· Inl rod ul'ed Int o thi s eounlry III ti l e , la" ~,i n~ I n tin l' !ll'SS o f s l a pl e, h " rnay Ila~ 1 t wo d'.ecad es, A p art from I he cor· l 'cotll l' o f th e bac k :lnu Ih er e lire ti es acbe or rhplll1!lIt! s m . GOtl call do , frnm t!J e siLie seams buc k ward und 11lILi hygi eni c UR es and may b e obtain· l'ectoess of tb a t ca l c ulation the fac l LaU e!' Jlart o f th e ('i ght eenlh , ~ e !1tllry r ellll' u ), th e L1 t'fI',' l by matin g his e \\' ~' 6 ('d a t !lilY drug slOro 25 lind fiOc a b l JS more with SOUl P. troll \)I ell . th a n th e nls o small PlltCll ,IJOc k(' ts. 1...3\\'n . ('anl ' I s w 'C'l l Imo wn "m t the re 1l1'O vasi d e, \VII S "'lar&c t erlzeLi by h ea" y fuld a o n I t o ram s of n c" otll'se r t y pE' . A S KI"' ,,p or fient pORlpalu 1I110n re ce ipt of price p r each er . Tr y him . Use y ou r, P~ S lor brl<'. ~ in g h lll !l, Hercal f' and oth e r was h l h e \Joll y , e Xl'CIH ing' IJv (' r Ih e bal'l{' 1 o r (: 1""5 t: la d l In Qu a lity of fl 1'N'e . Jloslt-S <Jt ore vet IJra.c tlcally ,\111' Co.. Dos lou. mllt e rlnl ~ are slIltlllJl e fOt· Ihl ll aprun , by Th e Paxton T o ile t :.lau y bn.'Cd ers eo n s ld er eu th es,' fo lds c· w c" .,r l hi~ (' la 8 ~ an) (' ll1'f'f ully lIIall'L1 wh en y ou ll et;od him . (Apll l'ndh . R l!a d th ..., !! o \, f' r car.,. and c r u~~ UI<1' I ~ al so pre t Iy , l.ace o r M . S end for n f r ce sample. ~1.'J N· t lollaul e . becaus e o r Ih e dlni Clllt y ' 10 1'1.1111 8 o f C las s A . r c sllilinll in Ih B onre !!. ""t·ek . ) "':'The elllbrol u l· r)· nl By b tl u setl :\" trlllllnlng' l 0 In sh f' arin g . and b y spl t'(' ti on lI,... y pru· lII o r e L1 " s iraul (' (,1 01 " IJ. ~ h ~ arill g tJl o ro (nll y lit I"n sl Th e p a llPl'1l ( 49G:: ) " ('II I III ~ I ~es I S Ll oO ldn 9 I ~t for Nlumoer 0118. I ' I,oo\; I n10 II,, ' (' y "s o f Ibe 'orl pn tu ' llu e(> 11 a 8h e c p with f e w {' r fol,Js . Owin g I ('usi l y I hall 11105" o f C lass A auLi ~Iv. I ,uth,' r an Advocat e. l f) . 'q "I I I I" " - . ., .. r( II f' Y W I l ce n g y e n $; Om9 ( I R4 ;l lI tl y'u,u IlJok Inlo o rh H t llat ur" OIJ/I<]U(1 tAt 1'I:IIs J~ e rence in type. tl]f'e ~, .;Jasses I lug a I'e uso nahly heavy fleec e and p~ 10 ] _ } Pll! " " CC II Ill ~ ze l< QIII I'(" " . d' I 1111 Ilh hi ' "arel ~ {If ~ 7 Inrh rnal e ri al. I cn r I 't II , , n 01' Y ,w w CLl ! LI atnUHe The Domestic'S Own Problem. Oc':j <j('n tal L1 lsCe rI!11INJ t. A mysll.Q ., I be rse lf. Sh e trllnrued a !lIn /l ' e l oll~ D c f o r e allY girl all o w !! h e r se lf t o be r ~. p rol 'ure tll l~ I' nt t ,.. r!~ ~(: rl.l . 1ft r'>:1 1' ! lOOkill g hH.! llnd tiO a rrallgo d it th o l a. li nd ".lil' n Ilgl II IIIni s IlU u,pPll l lior. 1 '''. P H l lI II'1I I...JC lJU l'( IIH! lLl . uf 't h l :i., ~ ' : I r~ r . . I . . (rawn RWU.)' rr o ll1 he r c ountry h n l!H! "r1t ~ n l llll ~ :, , "t ,, <.l,trc'_" I'tll lf11 1 , /,,,,1 10 " long t;\l I ( ,uf >*lU,I !lI t' lI l. nut some where r ed o stric h Il l ume h ll llg . Ir", gh t b l'r a Il S(, o f ·lI a tt ..... lng o n'rrs o f h Fg h .. r !SUfe l d gl\"tj HIZu a Jl cl IIU lIJh t!I' ~:'f IJ·l tl ~ I :I. I down fr o u } 1); 0 f ront or t h e L r lnl. Uf C :-" \." ,11 11 II ! I I", ~ " \'I ' l'lI wl !,h w'lt1tb ' W e (Ja, w ag p !: In Ih e c it y. eh" Hh o nld co n si d er , - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - -~ _..,,--....._,., h e r bil u y f a" e. 11(, l1 t ( ' hi n:III "", lI ul d R Ills di/!:nil y 01 1 w ell th e ('os t uf th e c h a nge . Th e r e nro SI~t ,: .. : ~.: , "Co me b e r e. Sydn ey," fiaiJ Ilt' r Jloli l.u d, ' th ('r " b"ats a il ' ''t M. as re ady NO, 4 963 , I athe r thln gi< mor e VIl Ill[t ul c t han m oth t' !', " 1A! l l!l O tark th ut { e ~I" e r 10 I.J I",,<1 al tlw ~ I o r )' of 8ulTl'rlng 0 1 w nge s ; IJ tI.l c r qu (' stio n ~ IIIOf.e Illlport· b ac k, 0 111 o r rOl lr ey es." JI1 5 IJWD Jl t," pl " iI ,; Ill:I t o f 'L11l ' " t ra nl( c i ,anl tll>V\ lIIon "y In :lklng. Th e h !'lp "Oh, nil . .mu t h er! J w a nt I t Ihu t TOWN nil t Oll j.Jl'II nl ' I.lJ ('all Ili i n (1 .",11. lfho which girls m a }' 11e to th!'lr moth ers, way , 80 I ean ~ ee It mys el r, 'Mo st !lI P. . prlvll .. g e or Apendlng t ~ e f'n li r e " IH'lIt lu',J1 ( ' lt iIJPI' " i ~ I w r b a~ }fj not sO STREET Az.;n NO .. .......... , .... ....... : nlw ll Ys only olher peoplc c au Hel! lue Sabbath III 'th l:' ~e rvi l':! III' th e Lurd :lnLl ;[H:c'u Jlar :u; b.i ~ r epu t a l lon. , teath e1's In lilY bats."-Jud,.;e. wnr shlppl ng with p eo ple " or· I(j,e pro· .... 8_'I'_A. __ T_E_ ._ . _ _ .. _ : _ ._ ._ , ,_ . _,,_. _".:., ' _. '_".-J Ii Til at LI b era I Con g ress . clo1ls faith ," nnd fn·ptlulll from I h .. A zoo t "'X IH.~ rl ~a yR t h a t s n Hl\~ ! S l1'H I S1 w ellt Jplll plntlnn l<, .of c ity . li fo Rhould "\\' n 6 hln~t o n bill! I\skpu , ( o r Oil .. 'be prCl t.,(.-tt·d , I~o r ull " in u" t""""Otl ~, I nil bo c'on ll ld >' l'pd ah .. nt! o f Ih e wng o Clubs Not In Accord . I bUlldl'ecl IIddlt.!onal pollce m c n ." 1buse who t1l sag l'('" w ilit hi m vd ll 'u ~ ~Ol1l(' (' itlbwomen ~ Il o m til h o v e n i " Wbat nbout I t " 'Qu estlon. Man y yOlln g w o m en " like illrajd 10 d o nU ~' Lhl ng IJIll ,; 1.." a t " Congres8 wan •.s to give l h l' lll that yOIJDg w eu, have b ae n luned awny hllrd , t IlIle k "." I,lng th " p.' l\ CC. li od t11\ ~ a ppure nt n cqu l ('sI\<! tl cC' , If l h .,)' d o riO: f rom home by prcl s p"c lR ot' TIllildog st Ctflll' to be " Rpncl u ll y t!'lll! ot :-1(' ,,' I many uew law s , Instead:': wi sh to s ubje ct t b f'lllSt' l" e,; to 6<'riour motley ea sily, Oldy to find tl l l'm~ (? lves Vorl•. '1'11'0 th p at c r (' I!rb,; lu " t r ec pnll" flnlrR.PPEd by tiO !l1 e of Satan's s n a r es lit th e !fotel A"lor. nu d p ach d ~. f! U" pic lOll. He Knew. and rohbed of uil that II< d ear to a n~ nOlltl ee d !lt e olher IIR h a ving si oll'n Backer- You got trhnmed bad . th e nume lind perQublt .. 1' of th e oLb er , ble beart.-Goapel Herald. thought you aald YOU wore cODfldcLt The old est woman I n Np\\, Yor k dle c l o ne r.l1I u wu s ask ed 10 s how ca ils e If the reRult , tbe o t bl'r day lit the age ot one hun, why it ~ l1ollld ' not b e rf' strain ed 'from PugllJst-1 wna. knew r'd get Our Gain In Hellven, A Good Example of a Class A Merino Sheep. "red and seventeen. She did no t au· using th e n a m e by ordpr or Ii ' jl;slI ce IIcked.-Puc1c. All pl.lo . s l c kn p.I'B. weariness. dis· "Ise the world to ( olio\\, ber mode 01 C)f MerlllU6 are now recognized : A .• B . I dltclng an loprove ment over A t ress, languor. IIgony ot body or mind. In th e SIIIJr ... m e COIll·t , Th e "li.b then .S 11",lng. Rl esslng>! on b er 80ul! a,ud C . Cl a ss A . ba@ raIds at th e n ec k , ror mutton . fly mating t.h ese three wbet her In ·o'ur se l" ... s · 01" others. Is to Wll8 dedared adjourne d , lind Immedl a tel~' .,ple IlreRldent as ked thosp. ' betl.lld ov er tb e hody , and htud tlll[lrt e r s. c la ssf's. th e brl'e d el' may secure lhe be treatel r e v er l'nlly., seeing In It our longlu& to r emaIn liM h er g ue sts. Sb oo p III Cl l\s s B hav e Colu>! aboll t typC d esired. By tbls matin g sOllte 01 moker's hand' rmsslng. ave,. liS. rash· ~Wom e D ' always are nnd cons tltlon , whkh ' '('ouli wnli ' 'i l ltoJ{{'t h er S lICC{,SB ' all,. ou gbt to be wugher than m en," th e o ed, uud breast and (I t t h e thighs. : our b est bree ders are able to produce lonlng- bY suffe ring- th e ' lmperf e~ t "Qf rbl: " ., i : 118ya Prof. Tyl er of Amh erst coll ege. Tbe C lass C M erino hns a s tlll>ol,h 'I allY or all of !.be tbree Iypes. .Tb e De- decayed subato ncc' ot OU" SO\lls. EVE!r)' Cut out cathutica 'and P\lJ!JIlIitly'.... bnatal, barah. UIlnec_OI, Stili. no mnn ought to leaye It to hi. \lody, wllb no fold s al all, o r 1.0 a lain e Merino '6 Il gool! Dlutton lJro- llOrrow Is n billow on ·thls v.'orld ·s iiltpcnill\/il luxury. slight e xt.ent In the n eck or brel\8t. du ce r and orte n bas too light and troublesome sea, wblch we must paps ChallfTeur- H SIlPPO'SO. · now. YOIl ... Ife to bring up the kitch e n coal. 10 orde r w s el ' lIre the SllIoo tb · c onrse fl l.'Cce. , It a Delaine ewe 01 OTer 'on the cross to bear us .nearer woulillt't 'belhwe ' CblS' cu r : wos 40 horSe home. EaC'h trouble Is mcar.t to rebodied M e l'ino. breed ers bave had to 1 this IYIHl be bred to an Amerlcaii ram 'pow er'! "Woman Is stronger Iban m an,H allproac h n earer the mullon t ype of of higb wool prodUCing llllalitles,ll b e t lax the world's hold npoJl us, and our McGuIre Forty bor· r·sc powe~1 opinE'S Profess or T y l e r . At any rate carca.e;s, tel' lIe\!ce will be obtained, It Is !I11h hold U'OOIl the worll,l; "each lOBS tc Look at that! HelJOr, ' It'U cost ye7 mnke UB seek our gain In bllll\' On,a good mllny ot us o r e led to believe The te..'1deJlcy has been In securing ImlJortant to stay in tbe blood 01 IOmethln' fer ont8!-"Tlt·Blts, that she Is s tron ger In the \' lclnlty 01 ;be better mutton produ c ing sh eep, to wrinkly shee p III selecting Sires, ., [)octor Pusey.
















._~_~_._~_. "_~_'~_'_~_'_'


Don't Persecute


'Y our Bowels



baTe Ii falling oft' In weight and qual. the same It)' of ' fiee ·e. Long experience has neck free 'Finally a good word bas beC!D said Ihown that It II almolt Impqsslble to nearly 10. ilP.ep up density and finelleBB of ' IIQeCe for th. English sparrow . , SOlllelKldJ '''hell wrlnkhi . are entlNI)" abollllbed. Exteullon claim I to have round that It eatl UU .I'be 1mPOrtaDt thilla .. to keep up I ~Jlture, .otton.. JWlple ~e:&le. Go It, birdie. the lll'l\' boDe.

time striving to keep tb~ of wrinkles and tho b041 '


Oefec(1"1 E)lellght. Ths True Church. "Some klndl of Jove niay be blind " The cburch that love" (J'oct with ' all remarked the :moralllEer: "but the IO~f ' HARRY EVANS, ' ~ Itl heart and mind and stren«tb and · 'lne hail,tor lifs, country.'fan't:' .' tloel mOlt 8004 to ' ·the Poor. ud Department, College of "Perbapi not,'" rejoIned th demar Is the ' true obureb.-a... Qhlo ~ UIl1~or.lU', " ~lellected I1Ize,r.; 'but It 11, 0Wm too near alghtle' ~)r. IilU1p', Ep~copaUu. . Tor~nlO. . J•• I. . ;or activ. IQUltar7 ..mee!' "' ,"




Wh en Fa te Re len ted JJy Ellen

He n~

CotrrriCh l. 10! 0, by Auoci at t d L ilena r y Pro..

" Ob, !l' s :\ sweet little rOOlIl,"

I\1I ~s



StilI's ironical ly, Her ga ze roaOlcd lleJl ~ IY(' l y OH I' th e Ill tl o ha ll rOOIll ~h e t1w e lt In, from tlie rl ump dll' lI n ':II, hiona Lo tho bunle P ), l' lr above h e r (,I'eton ne-co nceal e-J I\' a ~ li s lllnd . A trllnle bUOlIl ~ 11 011 (he land ln~ uut s ld ll li e r door and th n pro('pe(l l'tl wIth a Rf' rleR of Rrn ull !'r bllmpR "I' tit .. Btalrs and InlHl ed with II flnal t Ill S" uverhea d. "S(mIC one new." Fnlnt. hopo fikle.'rl'd lip, to dI e Instautl y . "Rut of ("ours e 110 one 1V0&tb whil e 'would come la' r o \0 II v"'," Rh o m umbled scorn fu lly. T~{ifl'r di stnst o of hqr surroun dings, of her d al ly grind , or bel' colorleS 8 days orose wIthin her and jogged ber motLlP ntarll y alit of th e rut or d ogge d (hee rruln(' ss and acce ptance or enVironm ent thot shc h ad forc ed h e rself lnto_


leCt pink. mint hearts

"Engnn ed 'I love you:" she ".sentcd . "And was th e re a girl you illude cnrt wheels In front oC all tb. way bome-II II whlrlillg hands 8D~ legs?" "Cee, I ",i s hell you'd gone to my s chool ! " His pyes were s hining de. li g ht edly, anl! Miss !Hll e s sobe red s ud· d .. lll y. "11 11 t w e' re grown -ups now," Rhe siglo ed_ "Only som(> times we fo r gpt." "Would n 't It be g l't' ut to s lid,! buck to thO RO kid duys, wh e ll ~\-erythtllg was whnt It spo[ne d, when w e ('rlell wh e n we were hurt lind laugh ed when \\' 0 were glad, and belleYI'd In e vcry· hody wc knt'w and everyth lug wo were told ?" b e nslted , "Now I smile whijn I'm hurt lind cry wh en J'ru gllld ." s h e snl(\. "We ll '" h e c halleng ed, hi s hands s tili thrust d~ep In hI s poelw t and his eyes dancing ~age rl y. "You don 't look \llee n girl wlio wo uld take 0 ;inte." "I'm no "rnid-ca t," 2h 6 boasted . ." lmow where th e fl~' s a birch." The lau ~ h In h e r eyes ftl ckere ll anlliou s ly. "Oh-o!" H e r littl e squeal of deli gh t WIlS g~n · ulne. "And we mIght fllld some win· t e rgreens . Tough. old on es, you know, with r ed b e rrI es. Oh, It's finc to he 8


~;;::===-I '


Bul.ll Out of Ordin ary Farm Wagot tl With Full Sizert Whee ls- May Be Utiliz e d l'ur Many Differ ent Purpo ses.

For Infan ts and Chlldren.

The ~ Kind You Hava Always 'Sousht Bears ~the


Promotes Dic;!slion,Chcerful-

ness and Rest.Contains neither


Opium,Morphine nor Min~ral NOT NAR C OTIC




A low wagon I ~ 1\ dedde d ad \-an lllg e 10 ", ·1' lite limbe r with a t1!:hl flOOf at ti mes 0[1 th e farm II th e rOllds are ,· Ight f(·.,t wid. R R fal' forw a rd as flrln. With a low wbeeled rig a mao l ' O~ s l b ll ', wlth ullt Int e rCnlng with the can go into a h ay fleld or corn field turning or tbe f ron t wb et·ls agains t "1 bute 'em," thumpin g her head Bnd 10Bd tbe mck with bull the lab or th", tlll1b ~ r s. Into the plllOWB viCiousl y. " I hate Deck Ol'('r tbp front wI! "Is , rostInvolv ed wIth hl gb whee ls. Ot co ur se Hery body." RISing, s h e fa ced h e r self Aperfecl Remedy for Cons li~' a sma ll wh eel will sink deeper Into In g th e d ec k ing un n falp", bols t er . All 11('c ll s lng ly In tb e wavy ·surface d mir- Icld ." tion , Sour Stoma(h,Dlarr~o(,D. the roud and drop Into Ii furrow or tb e dt·cltlng Is o f soltnd In ch boards, ror . "I bate mys elr, too. I'm ev e-n be"Yuh b e t c hyu _ 'TalD' t no fntr te Worms ,Convulsions .Fevcrl~h' smal l depr csslon that a larg e wheel Wllh a s tr i p nailed uuder tbe enda ot ginoill~ t o "rook my little fing ers lik e tallt lilee grow n · ups , tb(lllgb, " he pro· lKlar(l g 10 prot re t th e m. will hrld ge over _ lh~l1l - tb er' ll be calling me genteel ness and Loss OF SLEEP. teRt ed, For bay, 11"e s tak es In r en 1', with lJ e xt. Ug h , I'd rather lJ e bad-do wn · The wagon lI1ustra ted Is built out T o think th ere was Il man like 111i9 il'~c Simi~ s;gnatur r of! I'ight Ilorrlil - than ge nt ee l, with a cotat th e ordinar y tarm wagon with Cull he lJOllf'd c ross-wi se. lind 2x1 raEtlI er sIze wheel : First, e n,,1 fro ll! ( O P of ~n m e to tb • d N 'le tt' t on wool brai n and a ,eawdus l h eart:' In that grubbin g city bl'yond! make nn axle nIn e eyes were as chlld1s h and blue as the , and a balf fee t long, with skeins that s hi e ld lh e \\'llc e l ~. ·Thls part mny bu A sort wlnil stirred th e rum ed cu r- a utumn sky us she proteste d_ llt !11 and whisked h er hair, and , turnwill ftt your wheell!. Tuke two tlm- re ono vl't\ wh e n baullng cUlllmod l.tlcB ''I'll ben t you to that S UID OC, th e r.,. Inr;, she tbru s t lI er head out into the bere 18 feet lon g, relativ ely as s trong ot h" r th nn huy. littl e boy," pointing wltb ou t s tre t c hed Tb n't' ~ hO!'t PORts nlllY b e set 10 l' ulis hin e. as 6x 8 pin e (round timbe r s will anfin g e r. "One. two. three. ready- go." swer If you hnve th em on your Carm l. gro und wllh In c lined ha l'S mid Ih.., I " Pooh. Solly gir l, Imt you 've gal the Wit h thnt I11l1d scampe r, Surab Stiles hang these unde r the ax le n e ar th e wag on drIv e n or bac\!('d upon SIUJ)t! hilles," Rh e Informe d her self, sniffing b<:'gal1 a n afternoo n at unalloye d, Cool· skeins with flve·elg hths round Iron to rni st· It from th' 6.... 01lnll . wh e n th " Ul ('rlsp a ir eagerly . Is h fun that never ftu gged until 8 h ~ clips with wagoll fll n b~ I' banged 'Illicitly and burrs unde rneath. Four much With tll e stirrin g ot sprIng sa p wn~ hom ewa rd bound, loaded l[Ior" l' aslly t ilun I h I:: ord in ary wit h the gr sb,lnch blocks may be put . . . ........ ~• • IIW~ ..... b e tv;een ('0111"8 an eagerne ss In th e blood may - gOI'geou s railage ral' k l'an lJe lift ed on or orr. ot the autumn wood~ the axle and timbers , which will make ba ll. but Il's th e fnll for the r et'kl ess- Th ey paused Ilt a bend In Thi s wogon lI1ny be " tiNI for hauling th e road tbem sUIl lower. Chamfe r the fron t lI t-5 S nud zest of ud\'entu re, with Its where cottag(' s h e low we r e glimpse ': end s lind bolt togethe r, forming a trl· s ll ng~. " orn , li nd In th., ab sence of 0 Surpris e for the Deity , In s l£lent \\'urnlng whisper of depart- thro ugh the lea ves a nd .pn'!lup r, fu r balllin~ manur e (h ll ylng a s ky of molten aJlgle. "Pupa, " ea ld a littl e gir l, rus hing Ing dnys, it A urge to ma lcc haste, that go ld pou r e d Itself tllto nu ~I<I('ulla rd f; to lJotloel' wltb I. for root a glitterin g InID the room wllb the all' of nne bringHang th e front end unller tb e front crop ~ . ttnd Ol'" ns une 's eyes to fl ee ting youth, Its riv e r. The laught e r curves lIlany unthotlg ht -of thing , fell awny Ing \'a tuabl \, Illfol'llllLLlon. "diu you axle f"'lnln~ breath charged with the last from by means of a strong, short Miss Stllcs's lips In a tired, saU,,· ullon th e farm, wblle a~ n hay mel! lm ow t hol th e Brown 's li llie baby was r each bolted Ilrml y to tbe timbers It 1'a int sce nt s of s umm e r swee tn ess. lied s ig h . Is n n 'ry gr eat !!uI·lng of ('ne rgy , And It moved unwont e dly In Sarah "nut It mll ~t be good-by ," she was lUBt behind the clrcultlt part of front wheth (' r tll!! IlJtcbing Is IIMI" lJy htl.Ild dt'ad 1" "Y e~ , dl' :lr, I b e ard or II. IIren't you Styles's h art as sho s niffed the I, een I nslst lug. "Mirac les cann ot hellr repe. hounds. The lelng-bo lt goes throu gh or londer. wrry ?" nlr and Huftened t he rep ression of her tltlon. It's a ralnhow aft e rn oon for th e reach and serves to d rnw tbe r ea r The rear wh ('( ls 1, Inl< ~o far Hpart "Y " ". lJ\l t, papa, It was (l1I!Y threo 1I 11E. memory -let 's not touch It with the part. but the w eigh l Is s upporte d by a nd tbl' load so low tLat It rid es da Yij o ILl ." a 'c oupling In front of the axle. Tbls (' a s lly "Gird up your loins and pu t on your s tupid fin ger of , wit h no dalt g ... r of t ll'lJlng lJ"er, reality and s h atter It. " I kn u w. lov(.... consIsts ot a h eavy eye bolt and large tan pumps, Sarah, and rare theo boy. Uesl dcs . It fute Is ('ager and ma li e,. It much .' tlslt·r for I1H!JI 10 work "A nd do n'l ,I'u,t thiltk G o t! will be triangu lar link, whIch Is looped ov e r upon It wh e n tbe loader willing. " IR tl ~ (·d . Tbe ""r/1ll ,; t'd to H',· It ~Uln(' bac k so "You're n silly, littl e girl," said ~hG the projecti ng end or the reacn In wb eels be in g full ~Izl? tb e lo[.d \\,111 1ROCt Il '?" front of axle. pull ;,s e"olly us UIJOD all) wa gon mUll soflly. "You're cruel, tno_ Haven·t ""-.........__.....,"'.....,....,......."'''''''-'... .,.__~~'''-'....,........''-''~''' we grown up togethe r?" -'~~_~ A Trained Nurse's Experie nces with "Very Imprope rly- in one arter· Reslnol O intment . noo n," she pointed out. "But, dOll't I app li d ltcslnol to an ul ce rnlcd I g you und e r s tand? I cnn' t be th e littlE of s ix Dlonths ' s tan tliog. Alm os t e very, , girl nny more. Any way. I'm arrald , thing hnd bc('! n tri ed to henl II. Mad e I know- It wouldn 't last," two a ppli cation s a dIlY for fOllr weeks '" can't lure you any 'more ," h e saId and leg was lJt'rman enlly 11(: a l..,d. ru efully_ "nut 1 am sorry. Here." h~ ] hav e need H eslnol on chlldren 's drew out 1\ card and rapldl ? wrote a Caces to heal e ruption s and for every· lin e upon It. "At lea s t, you'll take thing thut se e med to nee d an o intment this_ And If you r e lent-I'l l be walt.. with sa li sfac tory r ('fm lls In (! v r y caBe . Ing." Mr s. l sadorc I~. C'aonl' ron, RunnIn g lightly, she s lart ed down I A11&u sla. ?ole . (G m dna\ otl i'\ur. e .) the road . Tb c n she looked b ack and H e Gets "Comm erc ial Ext ra," wblle he watc bed. with a wistfull y r eo gTetful sm lie. she tossed the card Inte " lh 'II 'l y ou IOIJI'l I l lt m ~ I , rlb of celI r y ' " ('oillwan (jf"'d ~1J" ~ . 11 (· c:h the wF\Yslde bus hes. t wu . " \ \- 11), ItUl ·.'" IL sl«:1i .\1 1' li l'c kpen . She b ad paused n scant mome nt In " Aill 't It I!,ood '! " the boardin g house ball to survey hcr " Uuotl'! C (\t" 1rtinl." it ':; I;. u .d - i rs ttlf-' t.umhled hair wben througb th e cur· u e t5 l t tnon : is . I'IIl li 'l' IIi ng J,a l rur t.ll e tulned door s he saw hIm co ming, ,aual~ ' furublln g a bunc h of key! In his hand. Wltb a smothe re d cry. s he fi c d up to n .. 'V~.k . Weary. Wftltery Eye • • her O"'n room and waited, p eering R e ll "' \"4!o lJy A.I url n,· J~Y f- H ' u l t'tJy Try breathl essly through a tiny crack. M Url'h' l"or ' I uur Eye Tr o ubJ ('A. You Will Llk1' MUl'hH'. II ~o (l th e, . SUl' ut Y ou r 't was tho same gray figure, with l ) ,- u J.a:I~ I ~. \\·rltl" Fur Eyc' H(Jo k H Fra u. bands deep In his pocket s-the very ~l urhjt: El' e H C! IIH.H..l ll' Co .• Chl c.:.l Aro. Picture d .. one end of the large at all times. The He LOO.Kd-~R­ t'.hlcks hovu under whlsllln g man Into whose arms she brooder bOUBe In operatIo n on ./k'.TfL LfOE> 'lrrthe them in a vcry sati slled way. ThE TIl (, ar (l r~ g ' [)J ail C ilJl ' t lI ud l'rs tnntJ had almost fallen two hours before, farm of Henry D_ Smith of Plymou th AA/p ft7<?E7" ftrst Cew da ys from the innlbat o r eel· ,\' h y lJ(' h u~ (;' tH: I11i e£. His h eavy tread mounte d slowly and county, Mass.. says Orange Judd lar n cloth screen Is fr e qu e ntly laid Mno, "''';.10..... 8 "'~'hl .. ~ !o<YTllP, 80unded In the room overhea d, where Farmer . At the left and near th e over the pipes to hold in b f'Ht ~~~("~~t~!~~1:aij~·;~'~U~~~';~~~~t~~tt\~/t:.: !k'.~ .~~~ forth, " sho murmur ed. "and perhaplI tbe crash of a trunk had driv e n her to floor will be noted the Ilne at pllJeS Mr_ Smith , who Is (111 1' of 1bt-more mo s t 8ue· _____ ____ adventu re will bit you on the shoul- despair tbat same day, She burled which Is the sole means ot provIdin g cessful po ultry rni~ e rs In Nl' w Eng :;on ," anima ls lDuillply ntt lidly anl l her bead In the cushion s, laugbln l bea t for tbe building and for the land, reportR tbe e rs , you noor, lonesom o tblng, an'd Insystem as ('l1til'l'ly SRt SO ll)(, , millet; tire udders. troduce YO\1~ an affinity, Any way. hysterlc ally_ Then arising. ~ be sur· young chIcks when they come frum Isfaclor y. As th e c h ic ks grow old er . vli'yed h e tho r fad Incubat lant face or. In This the tin) Is familiar ly tbe tall air is glorious ," they are mOl'pd toward th e "llH.'r e nrl A girl Isn't n"':e ss hnly an an!;"1 IIf" known as the open pipe 8ystem of of the b Ollse where From the woods came the ting- mirror. It is a liltl ~ cC(J I ~' r: call~ e ~h "'H fl y . "What 1\ d ear, sweet, lov e ly oU broodin g. The \)oller Is In one en d of finally they ling scent or autumn leaves and are IJlaee d oll t doo r ~ !ll til t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ ~~~ thing fate Is." sbe murmur ed. !lun-wa rmed mOBiles and cool-sha ded __ __ depth s_ I A woodpe cker accent.u ated : the s ile nce In sharply taplJed mens, The Artlst'a Compen sation, T urk eys that ure halched (oarly In ures Qnd 11 squIrrel darted across the Save In a few busIn ess concern s. the spring wOllld grow 10 ",.'Igh from snn-nec \led road. great concern s. Harrod 's, the army 14 to 20 pounds by TbankH gh'ing w~ek . Miss Stiles kicked her heels against oD'd navy .stores and tb9 like, what These weIghts aTe ofte n exceede d the fence ~be was perc hc d on and III a strange welter Is In our whole sysMillioDS of people have CAS. by the best growers , but RS the y nro uncontr ollabl e abandon threw back tem of paymen t for work-m ore espeI CARE TS do Health work for No Other Kind o£ Ltve Stock that Ul e most populnr an d tb e mo~t r"lIdily h e r bead. purse ll her lips aDd poured cially In tbe higher branche s of work! Will Return So MUIOh MonM,Y pJoduce d, tll ey are ~uggest e d as the them. If ..ou have never tried (orth a lilting, whIstlin g refrain ot her Art and literary work are l errlble exJ too 5uIOIOe 88£ul Produ u1' mopt advisab le. amples ot thIs confusi on and want ot long ago sc hool days. tbis grem health maker -Get n lOc as Poultr y. The average yield science, of tur k('y he llS 18 writes a pessimi st In the LonFaintly floating from the distance box-a nd 'fOU will never use any frpw 18 to 80 eggs, each 01 wl1kb can another whistle chime d In. and sbe don Saturda y Review, The paymen ta other bowel medici ne. Ilsu&lIy (By R. B . wEATH EnFOR D.) be cOUinted 911 ' on tu prlJ duc e Ii to many of the best workers In those paused. the e dges at her BOlli shell There 18 no other I-Jnd of liv e stock living ponlt. drawing togetbe r Ins'lnctJ vely, but a barre n fields are so' bad that a man CASCAR RTS .oc • box 'or Q ....k·' Th", Questi on of profll from ke£<plllg IrHtmtro t, all d\'UJrJ[i.lS_ Biqui ""Uor smile lin ge red on h er lips_ Plaintiv e, Is quIte sanguIn e If he sees not at the lhat will return so lsrge a Ilrotlt to in tbe worlel. lllIiIon bollU n UIOQl.b. Iy riSing and falling, tLe notes came end of his career the madhou se or the the success ful produce r as will poul- turkeys simply reso lvp.H It s£<lf into t11~ ' try, and no kind of poultry Is mere o bilit)' of the ownet (0 brlllg lh"lll te' nearer. SoCtly tile girl crept to the plluper' s grave, It he paint without genius. a paint- profitab le than turkeys when htlndle d n marketa ble B.lzl'. fringe of bll s he s overhan ging the road This can readily be done if care a n D aDd watch ed the whistle r swingin g er may. by attracti ng an Ignoran t pub- properly . 'fhe fact that turkeys will from the nttentio n be given to all the r eq uire· along, bls head tilted linck. hIs hands lic, make himself secure. If he write without IndivIdu ality or real force. the time that they are six week'S old till lI1~nts at succe fS. burle d In his poc k e ts. I WILL MAKE YOU Six' s tandard vurletle s are lllore or "I wtll1der ," sbe wh' s\le r ed ne rvous- writer may likewIse make himself ee· winter sets In gain the greater part of PROS PERO U8 1f JOU .... bon., ana am bltloa. ,"It. Jy. "It I dare-um , He looks- er- cure by drivIng hard bargain s with their ltving {rom bugs. grassho ppers less grown In tills ('"untry , viz., tada, . No ... ltAl' Hronzl'. and thos waste :-.lnrrog e who grain ansett. huy tbat and I.lnff. Slllte, th ey pIck up In sell his wares. Intellig ent-and nlc('. I believe I '\\'111." LOllI' OCIC'llpa'lon , . Her IIweet. ehrm whistle join ed his ; But Cor the most part .good work In their wander ings over the range as- Whit e and Hlack. '::=:!~I~ The main d I Ircerence ll are lu sIze DDd *:'f;',: .·;;~N':l_;;';.;-:'.,:;..:;':':" breathle ssly s bo peered out. when these hranche s Is the work of sensi- aures theIr existenc e tbrough this DAISY FLY KILLER r:::::;~ru::rr.= suddenl y th e earth crumble d he neath tive men, who lire still children In period at little or no cost to the color of plumage . The Oron7,~ unci tbe e~':-''''':'-=::ltr,J:;.""d:~, Nf' .. , , ~h:o"h."'n.~ ... !'\arrag ansett are t he largest, tbe sua her teet and laughin g, haIr-blo wn, moncy molters and wbo shrink from grower. 1.1.~oQ,..nlto', c.'''''' v.t ...... aoo. and , .. II .att.tcul.,,::,~ . Pllta .rtle ...,.,. I•••• A. . . . . . .. . Tbe,. may be termed selt-sus talnlng und Slate lire tbe m ed iu m and the Politics and public life clutchin g the willowy sapling s In ber bargain ing. ) •••• 'o ft» .. '''I ,... :l ....S IAno.... CO.(JPERlTlYE RIAL1i CO. patb, sbe descend e d Into the very nnd busines s makell a much bettt01 (oragen where they have sufficie nt lJIack and Wblte tbe amall()s t. ~~~'!.,~~:! f..j:~; 'a~~~ game 11M ttcan • • .-lea art B.lldJ or . I('tters: . Of late thlDI. so much Improvloment 10 n •• ,.Ulf'h1darD!s of tb e a pproaeb lng whistle r. " .......&0 •• D. c. rt'ullyo. ut.114«,.'" '' size bas bee n made In tbe Wbites that 0' .~nl"tt'p.oW ,.uJh,. Wl..dle she put straIgh t her hat an:! - --- --' ... I.. ROLOIHl . . . . they h " v e movE,d up to cnn t e nd ror tucked In stray hairpIn s be picked up The Laat V'orc. J.;\.'''.fll'';'~. AI3S0 RBIN £ tblrd position , 80me of the Ul ha vlug .""O~".I I ... 1' .... the scattere d crlmsdn leaf clu8ter~ Cr~el' Into thy nsrrow b<!c1, passed the ~O - pound mark. Crcel' and let no more' , ssM. &Dd present ed tbem to ber, . Va.n thy oc,! _ 814.nd fasl. IS WHAT WE CAN SAVE Tbe same stateme nt may 8000 be "Dld you learn 'Tbe Farmer Boy' In Th ou lI1Y8e .• )<luot 'II break at laat. YOU ON ANY BUGGY r.,ade of . the Blacks, as Ule y b ave • 1I~le red Bchool bouae, too?" be Top Buggie~. Runabou~ g,'eatly Improve d dllrlng the past few wonder ed, and at the boneat wi.sUul- Let the long cont ention cease! Ca rls Blld Geese are 8wnnp and swans are aee ... Wagons.. )'",ars. 1108 tn ,bls volte the last remnan t of Let th em h B\'0 It how they willi Wheels. Top Trimmin g-. In addition to th e fOI'E'golng tbere III cautlon melted. Tbou art Ured ; bp..t be atill. . . Wrll. 10, P,lce. a non-sta ndard 'v arlety known a8 the fIlC1lles9. . horrId." .. In. CWlUU ' BUOB '" SCHEU co. oBlirbo n RedS. They might well claim. tb... hl ..·~ th". toft ~~~:~.;l~1.~~:~"~ r vol~ea 400 brut! uti eIMln';"". O~Jo.. ·.b !!!" .! !he




For Over Thirty Years

~ ..


~~CASTORIA Don 't Persecute you r Bowels








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~01L~ ~~

You Sleep ·






---_. _ _---


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II yorinceeSlSra n ...",,' lD,1 l P9ultrYIl 'Clholl








These certificates a re valuabl e as the cash tha t YIl U llllls t pay is less than the regular wh olesa le price of Pian os no . uetter than this one. and in case thp pe rson sea uring one of th elll do es Il ot eare to use it. it may be transferr ed an d solcl to ~O ll1e on c who wishes to buy a Pinno , What Booster will win t he wa tch next Monday , .Jan. [) Dr H . E Hathaway was th e winner of th e t1'e I'i l're rlin n" r Set and 10.000 coupon!!, writing t he w o rd ~ . "Zilllll1l:r ma n '::!, 'fht! Booster Store" I;,1:l2 times on o ne side of a posta l ('ard Ja m .s Dinwiddie. eecond 124.5 times . Ed Strouse. thirr! J07G Irma Cornell. 875. Mrs Sackett 659. A II Postal Carth on di ~Jllay at our store See our Store Wind ow . see if you can win the Dinn e r Set and 10,000 coupons Start the New Year Ri g ht and Ict WI show you how we can sell you the bes t ~ro ceri es fur lesg than you are now paying.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year To All

Notice of Appointment Catharine Ann Stnnton.;noccnseol man hu boon duly apoolnWd auli I,ualitled u Executor 01 the I!:.tatu 01 CathlUine Anll Stanton late 01 WlUTIln (Jou nty. Ohio. de· ~. Dated ~bla 16~h dar 01 December 191 a. Alton F. Brown, Judie 01 the Probate Court. E:.tate 01

Ia hereby given that lJhus. F. 0hap -

Warren County. Ohio.

M. E. CHURCH Sunday School 9:15 a. m . Preaching by pastor at 10:30 a. m. Subject "The Touchstone of Character." Preaching service in evening at 7:00 p m · Special music will characterize both l!ervices. Clarence S. Grau8el'. Pastor.

.- .

HOUSE BURNED A house belonging to the Strouse "rothers north of Waynesville burned to the ground early Sunday morning. The eause of the fire is a mys· tery as the house was unoccupied. There was a small insurance but not enough to cover the loss.

Ohlld ..... alld TheIr Pete. NeYer stye a child any pet and let th10p "IIOrt themllelv88 out." It 111 fuWe to think children can manage peu by their own Instinct; they mUllt be taught how to do things In the rlJl:ht way.

_ ~

l..'" _










' ,·i:~ I·Y

,J ' •

I' :,,, ,

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('u. .\11' a nd ~l,.s I -: ,. n(;~ t I: Li lt e rwo rlh .\·If l'l ,d a ll d r·:·li.d t ·w"rt. all.! , 1111 at,· Christ mas dinn e r Wilh ~ u, '~ I ~ " f ( 'I' Ir!(' I'I'illl ' 1'.·la· iI' (' ~ T lle~· J oh n :::ih ,,·ts lind wife , nea r Lytll'

\\'ri~', ht


Iia y .

"\/'thll l' Thomas had fll r ~11·:i. A. T . \V ri ~.:I1l an d :i" 11 Alfn '" :-;l1n dl~ . \ · dillner g- UC:4l:i, Ed T h" maH a r,' ).! lh'.ql::l II f rc, l;\ t i l'l'~ in ~pri llglll \ r ll . and fa mily , I"mnk Th o ma ~ amI fam. lud ay . ily and I\cnllf' lh Th ollH1S and wif '. :\fr~. W. I I. \1' ,,:, and :\tisll Dlil'(' M('Cui I Ulll .1 ,' :,ll'i llilati for a A ra mily ga th ' rill~ \\,.s held at few days. '.1r . !'; a than J one!'!' rh ristmas . Th o!lc If YOll a n ' I'" i ': : ' " h:1\'(' a ~:Il,' , PI'(,St' llt we rt' !'I I r . and M r::;. Frnnk H 'C' A . ,\, ~I ' :-\1'11. 'l"I l"I'\'ill p, () hiu , Zt'l l alld 1Ilrs. I':va .T IIIl!'S alit! da ug-hIlo th ph on('~. te l'. (' v I"a alil l

I,:t han C.d"rrl llll , 'If T" it'd". W:l S 1111' .\1 r. an d l\'l rs . . Jot' l'!llIpman g ave g uest of !III', :III.! .\lr ~ . .J. II . Colt'· till' (amily Chr i s tma ~ din ne r Ihis Ina n TUl·"dav . year. Those prt'sent were Mr ~ . I.ina All en Ilaill (,'; , (Of X(,lliil. ~ ]1 l' llt iJuvilt, !'Itr. and Mr,;. E S. Baily an d TUl·stl ay with h i~ ).!rantilla rpnts I\lr. I\1r. ~ :m nlt\r Hail y. Jr . ane! Mrs. Allen 1I11 inl·s.

Nn nllli tuld Orpha H(tcl<elt served Day . Th e inv ited guests were Mr. and Mrs. MUlInof Paoli, Ind.; Prof. and MrH. C. H. Yo ung. of Lebanon: Mr~ . Ann a Haines and daug h ter. of 'lu n o ..... ; D. H Hocke tt. wife anti t WL' children, l\-1n. Mary H. J essup . .I ohn Hich , wife and son. Mrs . Id a !Tockct t. Earl HocKt'tt. wife and da l;gh te r. Mnry E. Youn~ and

i\1r. a nd ~ Ir~ . Warren F:dl\'ard~. of a fam ily dinner un Chri stmas

Deliver . CIlI . , fl l't · g u('sls of their parenls !\Ir . and :\1rs. O . J. Edwards. Mrs. \ ' (·rna Sc hell and littl e SOli anJ MI'. Clayl l' lI, II f Dayt on. arl' v i ~itinl{ Mr . ane! Mrs. lIenry King .

r . .. (;i lm ullr ~Jl l:'lIt :Vlonday an J TlI csda.v ill C"llIllllJtI ~ on husin ess and a lt l'n ding Edu cati on,,1meeti ngf'





·1\ .~ •I "

W e think it fitlill g- at t his t in'll' t il anl1 l11llll'(> that I I"<' hill, ' ,J . . cided to awarn n Ht'cund. third. fou rt h alld fi ft h prt'miurn tll hI ' me mbers of th e BOO!)lCl' Clull. !llany of ~' o u Boos ters a n' d ll i ll ~~ g~()d work f or us and we wi sh to :ihu \\' our apl'l'l'I' iatin li lIf y" u r erl r ;, : IIY making it po~ible for ,;everal o f yo u tv uLtain a ~iano fur yv ,l" :,-lf II\' the payme nt of a very ~ nl..lll Hl1l lHJI1l o f eash. ,\ t consid d.w l.! ~ xpen:!e we have a rrHm~cd for fou r p ianll~ wh i h WI' shall give to you a>I sllcci ficd l't!I"",. if Villi want th em. T hl'~ I' pianos are all reg ular ~:{OO . ()O il1~ tr ull1 e nt~ . Thi s i: til!' way they will be g iven : 2nd Prize - A certificate for $19000. t" a poly on t hr pur · chase of one of th e~e i300 .00 Pi anu~. 3rd Prize- A certificate for 'bIRO 00. to ap ply IlTl th purcha!\e of one uf the~e f,;~OOOO I'iun(,s. 4th Prize-A certifi cat e fo r $ 17u.00. t o appl y on th c 'pllr· chase of one of these $;)00.00 P iano>!. 5th Prize-A certificate f or $1600(1 , to app ly on the pu rchase of one uf th ese $;)00.00 Pi anus


. . . . .0-


Z I 1\1 M ]£ R M ~~ N' ~ 'Il~., , Bo()srpI1JI-{S I:


1111'. L. T. She rw uod . elf C l e\' ~' l a nd , ( Iall ~ ht c r . was a welco me gllest at the pate rna l roof· tree from Wcclnt'sday Lo Satur _ M r and Mrs . Carl Sherwood and M. E. ENTEIHAI NI'f'ENT little Hnn ~ave th e Christmas dinner day. fol' th e family ChristmllA Day A The Christmas entertainment held l!ev. J. F. Cadwallader left thiH bounteuus dinner was served after at the M E church on Christmaq mo rnill g foi' Chicago. wh ere he was which Santa made his appearance to Eve was very pleasing and out of the called to ofii cia te at thp funeral of gladden the hearts of old and yuung. usual The program consi::!ted of a Mrs. Ellthe r Cadwallade r , as the beautiful Christmas tree was song by all, a solo by Miss Louella Mrs T . I'; Cu mmi nj;!s and !IOn ladm with toys for th e little ones Williamson which wa'! very we I! Floyd. of Xenia •.; vls itt'd relativeH and useful presents for the older done, a trio by Misses Helen Hawke, here Saturday ni g h t a nd Sunday ones Those present were Mr and Loudhi. and Jeannette Janney. a Floyd will remain f nr several days. Mrs. Aaron Sears. of Dayton. James beautiful solo by Kathleen Gilmour. , . Mullen. wife and daughter Edna. A who held her little brother while she Try a sal:k of nur:~n. s HIgh Grade C Mullen and wife. Frank Hartsock san~ and he acted very cunning and White Frost Flour. It is made from wife Iwd sons, Leroy. Raymund. sweet. a 8010 by Miss Sybil Hawke, the choicest old wheat and is gu~r­ James and daughter Marie. Morris pictures of the service of Christ were ant~ed by ~he m.anufacturer to gIVe Sherwood and wife. Fred Sherwood : thrown on the canvas by Mr . C. M. entIre sat!,flfactlOn or money re- wife and daughters. Helen and Ruth. RobitzE'r and Rev, Grauser gave ex- funded. 1· or s~0~ G. W, Hawke · and Wesley Benham. They return ed cellent explanations. to their homes at a late hour wishing NOTICE Mr , and Mrs. Sherwood and son a CHRISTMAS AT ST.MARY'S You can get your New Year's Happy New Year. dinner Thursday at the Mpson's HaJ! The iliad Christmas time was On Sunday. December 28 , 1913, for 25 cents. ' It will not pay you to properlv observed at St . Mary's Mr. and Mrs. Nel:ron Hamilton decook at home when you can get dinBusy handll had decorated the church lightfu,1.11 enteztait;Jed at dinner ner so cheap. with Isurel. which. with the white a number of their :friends in honor ....- - hangings made the sanctuary very of theiJr twenty-fifth anniversary, FOOLED WITH BUZZ SAW attractive and beautiful , At the 10 They were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. o'clock s\lrvice Rev . Cadwallader Last Wednesday. while cutting Among those from a distance were preached on the theme. "The Child- wood with a power saw . Ed. Martin, A Sign," based on St. Luke ii 12. living on the township road, had the Mr. and Mrs. George Miles. Mr. "And this shall be a sign unto you; misforlune to badly mangle his hand Chas Scott, Mr. Joel McGee. Mr . ye shlll~ fiud the Bali~ wr.apped in the end of one finger being entirely William Miles and son. Mr. Edward sw~~lmg clothes. Iymg I~ a man- cut off, He is getting along as well Miles and Miss Thereaa Miles. of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and ger. The Holy Communion fol- as can be expected. lowed, • _ ...._ __ little granddaughter, of Lebanon; Mr. Daniel Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. The Sunday School festivities were NOTICE Milton Banks. Mrs. Amanda Ecton. given on Sunday morning at 9:30 With Miss Ruth Hartsock presiding Mrs. Harry McGinnis. of Lytle, Mr - and Mrs. Sam McGee. Misses at the organ, the singing of.the glad hall secured a competent blacksmith Christmas carols was very inspiring . to Lake charge of the ir shop and it is The ex~rcil!@s given by Mrs Crane's ' lIOW open and ready for business. class afforded much pleasure to ali i A share of your patronage is solicited. Warren Common Pleas I present Thus another t:hristmas Iwe reckon with the past, gratefl:ll Anll l\ ~~ S mIth i lJnse No. 1129fl for the peace and hope it leaves A . Llncolu !:lId&! at al \ with us I" Dy vlrtllo 01 IUlorder ul salo. dul)' I.. uod


------- ..- --



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mlde to lit you. Alk for , demoa.tntlollo TelepboDc or eeod POII_d 10

We.. . ' _

:Mrs. Sadie Zell Phone 126. wayne8vllle. O.


_ ______ _ __



The union Temperance meeting I at the Methodi!!t church last Sunday evening was largely attended, all th('! f different congregations of the village being well represented · I C " Wooten Revs. Grauser. .. d ' h am .au- I Ilad wa er part.lclpate 111 t e serVice, Mr , Probst of Cincinnati. because of ' I I illness was unable to be preser.t. but ,delegated Dr' Long of Dayton. to fill his engagement at Lytle. in the ' Iafternoon and Waynesville ir. the I





i,' NewBeal1~. Hominy. Rice,Oat.s" etc. and a full line of Fancy

Popular Mechanics Magazine -w.rna so YOU CAlI UIIOIIDTAND 11'"" TCGatilaaed St.? filth. World', A CR£A .......- which you may beain readu..

• an, time. awl Which WllI bold lfOur interst forever. You are Ilvina In tbe betot ar. of the mo.t wonderlul Rae. of what Ia oubtlea the ~Ist world In the unlverwe.. tWideDt crt M&rw would 8ladIY P8YFOR ONE YEAR'S



eo thlimq:uiDe...1n order to keep Informed ot our ~ ill IUllriDeer\na and Mecbanlca. "" T!III radIna 1£1 Two miWooa ot your netahborl are. ind itof map~UIe In thoUAJldo best AmeriC811 lIomea. It appeaJe to -old IIIId


rouna- mmUd - .

on.. "Q., ..... " ~t (90 NM) " ... _ . . , . to do lbInao-bcnr 10 man _ f l l l _ for 1I........ d obop, npa/r8,Me. .. AlMInr ........... (10pqee) ..llabowto ..... IIIeIIODfUmlla.... INI_OUUlII,\><MI.. . .~..a;Je. ...d all sa &hJDp1 bo'lo.....


d St ap Ie Gr u ceries. Try an, a can of Chili Con Carne. .

Th e gualanteed shoe --The "Wabasha" and '.'Big. I~di~n" Wo,~k Shoes for Wll1tel \ ea . •

I t I I I


I OI1~ o.

nlJ( :t.ion . nl. Lllo dour Ilr tho COHrt l u I N bnno u , \\t arreD CounLy, Uhln, on

~' o llll l\y ,

u 'duck


JlluuI\ry 2~lh, A . D .. I~I'. At 10 m ., on said day, the lollowlng Ill'-

. cribell ro,,1 ~.t llle. Lo· wit ; Alt lI(1tO In ~h o County 01 WIlrron alltl Stl\te uf Dido , nllll III th" 'J'o wllBhlp 01 Wuyuo, alld lioum..l ed

n uu doscrU.od at; tollo ws . viz :

J'arl. or 1..110 ~ \\' . flll8.rtcr uf Sec. ~o. 2, 'rowil N o , a. ](uugo Nu. 5, .:\1. R. S. B eglnniug in

Ihe south 111)6 01


Section at


c:ornur u l

J \\IIl08 JIlIlIIln". 111111 I[\/e Ju.ll1h W oph"n •. Llwllcu N. IIG p(j les tu a 'Hako io tlotlt.h lin" ul 1"I,e 1>1 r . Hulll~". un 1'1111 8 In. diDmoLor S d ogrcL'S 1' . 15 1116, ; u Slll;l1r 16 In .


lI j "mel~r B. 22

degrcOli W. 17 links, thelllco S. E. 18 poles to 11 stone In tho mild Icadhl" from W,.yncsvlllo to UolltorYlll o. thonce S. 1:. ).< I';. wi t h .Bid road 70 ,)oICl< anll 7H ~' degt'OO~

r, lillkti t.4n s gtu no, thence H. o.lIIJ wltb tmld rOl1d 2 Ii ,Iol;rooti K 64 I,,>los to a .t.,ne III the south line of SHit! Moct.iuu : thence with sait.lline N, 7S)<j <Iegl'oo" W . 39 1)01", to tlte )llllCe 01 heglunlng comllioill!! 22 Illlli i8-100 ucres 01 lanrl mON. or less. E " cOptinll out 01 tho sarno 1 "lid 15- 100

evening. Dr. Long reviewed. the the .. cnn '\!oyed by.1 ames J.,nniugs and wtre to twenty years work of the Antl-Sa- ; ' new , ncre. Hlulluel Beam by u_1 dllted JUDe 7th, 18a9 no recorded tltu Lalld Rocord8 01 .ald loon LeaIrUe, telling of much that 1 Ball nand gum boot. ' partieu- , eo unty No. in 26 pages lIH Ilnll 119, "nd elt"o ptiu" nlt;o on" c-o nyeylXi by the stold has been accomplished and predictlarly adapted to hard wear. Ball' James Jennings undac ro wile to John n. Wool"rd ing even greater victories in the near Band Rubbers. Arctics,Felts.etc. , by deed datutl Jau ')' 2Hth , I Bj bant! recorded In II\0d Flecord No. 2 ~ , puge 691 In ."Id ()nunty. ,future, Hopefully he foresaw state 'fhe IIlIHI. Intended to be ,Io"",riboll I\boyo wide prohibition by 1915. and a proCo:-duroys. Ove~'alls belug the .ame hwll. mnvey.. 1 hy Henry J enllhlb'lllLnd wlfo r.o Nehemiah Whnrton by hib't' d t t th N r I and Work SllIrts, dootl dated March ard 1806 BIld recorded In Coat Sweaters Winter Caps etc I IOn amen men 0 e a IOna Vol. a5 P'11ge 326 of tbo Deed Recortl. 01 Consti ution by 1920. A large choir ' • . Warren County. Oblo. ' under tbe leadership and directed by 'Quality Goods and Prices RIght. Bald RlIlal E8tate has hoon re"ularly apprnised Wl,der order of (Jollrt at saOOO. VO as III Mr. Orange Raper rendered inspiring . whole and ",ill not he 1I01t! for 1_ than two-




__ •

Henderson Bros.


Corwin, Ohio.

Aaron S. Watkins, a npted o,rator will deliver a lecture in the Opera =-~~.!...c:an. hooSt! at Lebani:>n,. Jan. 12, at 2 p . m. .... . . . IIAMPUr COPY ftIOA:r and at Harveysburg' in the evening of 1.'_ __ ·P OPtJLAB MECllANICS co. the same date . at 1 o'clock, in the . ._~aaa_w••• w.. -... "~ - .. IL. ..CIIIQj". 'JII!l4.GO._ · . . Town haJl, ' .


, ,

tmm tlD,hl Court'riu the abu\'ti ss.atmJ l : lL'it1 . and to me ulrocwu . will nlrer tor tmltl. hy wu.y of



third. tbe appr&lliJlld value. "TO b4l IIOld subject to ~bo right 01 the delendant. A . LJn~-o ln Bides, to remain on 861dpreml_uIII tenant until the 28th day

1 NEW ERA, 6 h. p., run less than 2 weeks, guaranteed same as new. Price . . . Less Than One Half. , 1 NEW ERA, 4 h. p., practically new. Price " . . . $65.00 1 4 H.P., manufactured by Saunders & Co., Dayton, Ohio, fine condi. tion. Price . . . . $55.00 These Engines are not cheap engines that have been thrown away but are high grade engines and are bargains. 1 Small Steam Engine and Boi~ : at Less Than Price of Fitti\. '.





.. ...... ... ......................... "'-"" ... ... ..... ...... ... ........




Waynesville Auto &Machinny Co. Phone 105



Emma BuLt Rnd Vera McG ee. of ; HU N(jA ~I.·\N PA~TRIDGES' Harveysburg ; a'ld Mr. amI Mrs. I _.- .Jame ~ Cu rti~. Mr. and Mrs. John I ~\nno L1nccm ent. that thou !lands ?f 'impsMI and little son Horace. M"~l. l patrs uf l1u ~)garlan partrld.~l': Will Mattie Ellis. Misses Katie RoLillson. , be relea..qed 111 SOllth e rn Olilll In th e Geneva. Nellie and Esther Curti$. near fuLure ha!:l bee n th e ~ource of Nora Ellis and Messrs. HousLon, keen intercRt am " n,; a great many Maurice Roberson. Lester Curt is and people in this cummunity . Albert Caines. It is thoug ht that t1",e fO"ei g n game. which is harder and larger _ __ _ _ _ than t he local variety (If quail. will NEW CENTltRY CLUB breed with the birds found in this climate to pruduce a bird that will ." The New Century Club wa..~ enter- be mure plenliflll and less affected tained at the beautiful home of Mrs. by the severe winter. W. H. Allen. last Friday afternoon . The game is being distributed in The house was en fete with holly and conformity with th e hunters ' licen!e evergreens glVmg everything a law. which Lecam e effective recently Christmassvappearance. Miss Ruth and which provided that fifty per Zimmerman opened the program cent of the in c0 me secured by the with a pleasing piano solo . Roll state fr om the 100.000 li camas call was responded to with Indust rie::. granted. be spe nt in the prepagation of Ireland. Mrs. Funkey read a few and protection of game. chapters of "Through Ireland in !,I Jaunting Car." Mrs. .C adwallaSOLO LOAD OF STOCK der read a most excellent paper on "The Life and Times of Edmund Wm . Rich and H, T. Jordan. of Buck." Mrs. Eail~y read a pleasing Harveysburg, came in with a tmixed " Story by an Irish Authf:r" in rhyme, car of hogs and sheep last week . full of irish wit . The hostess gave Mr. Jordan looked after the sale of several charming. classical numbers stock belonging to N. B. Rich who is , on the Victrola. for the pleasure of now serious ly ill. It was a sad sight her guests. The social hour was en- to see Reuben without his brother joyed with more music and a de· Bark. as they art! gene'l'ally called. licious two course lunch served by as the Hich brothers make the trip the hostess. Guests were Mrs . to Dayton with stock once or twice George Hawke. Mrs. Burke. Misses each year nn~ their coming is always Ruth Zimmerman. Myra Baird. May looked forward to with pleasure by Wright and Emma Heighway. I both themsel~' es and all the boys - - - - -.. . connecteJ with the yards.- Dayton Daily News. ELLIS-McKNIGHT -- -~.....- ---

, )


On Saturday morning Decem ber 27. 1913, a wedding of much interest. was beautifully solemnized at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Beck. of Wilmington. when Miss Ethel McKnight of Wilmington, became the bride of Mr. Carrington Patrick Ellis. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Gladman Ellis of Waynesville. Quiet simplicity marked the weld· iog of these young lives. Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight. the parents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. William Ecton, 'uncle and aunt of the bride and Miss Nora Elli~ sister of the groom were the only otie:! in attend · anee. After the ceremollY the bridal party returned to the home of the brides parents where dinner was served. The bride and groom left for a short trip .



DEATHS Mrs Esther Cadwallader. formerly of Morrow. Ohio. died Tuesday morning. December 30. in Chicago at the home of her daughter. Mrs . Donnel ly. aged 83 years. Mrs. Cad wallader was a sister of the late Dr. Miriam Williamson . . Mrs. Hannah Parker aged about 97 years died Tuesday about noon. Funeral Thursday mnrning at 10:30 at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Amos Romine, Rev. Wooten officiat-


----- ..


ST. MARY'S CHURCH The second Sunday after Christmas January 4. Sunday ~chool at 9:30 a. m . Sermon and Holy Communion at.10:3U. The public i3 cordially invited to these services.




- ..---


The Centerville Farmers' Institute " Term. of 8ale will be held in Washington Township Miss Lucile Comell'.s school closed f. 1I0ne-tblrd cash In band one dllY ' of sale. all. January 5. and 6. The state last Thursday 'with a nice entertarn._ '" one-third In ODe 7ear and oDe-thlrd ID tWl)' T a II· ment. by th e PUPl'1 s ana1>~ at t. h. e '1ast'"a yean. The deferred J)&7menta ~ bear IIx speakers are S, ' J. B~IdWin, cent Iln~teold. IIIDd Ijo ieculed b7mol'tlflp madge Ohio and A • Dobbins nr4i!8e·nts ope~the pnllDu. . . , ,, ' . ' " tree , . with ' WALDRON O. GJuiOll'R • .. ~ CedarVille, -will be treat for 01 Fobrualry 19U,"

, 8Ur1A'W_ OoUII~. Ohio.. .

,tui.,. ~ 8~, ~~'T~ . \,;




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-erases"'; ,:. '.. ,j.""".",.:...

; 'e:,


. ._ " " " " , , . . , -....


::::ixty-Fift h Year ,.'


................. _......................•.•... _..............-.- ..-.-.- ..""....- .. ~


: The Farmers' Institute




December 31 and January 1


i~ '2;) .... .....................- .......... - ....... _ ............................. _ - - OS'

Was Best Ever Held

'1'111< Wayncsv ill e Farmer's In!:!ti · abundance of potash in our Ohio soil. t ut e IIpcllf·d it!l Tw enty. first Annllal Wt! mus t make it availabl e. Be the Segio ns in :School Hall. 10 a. m. ma!:lter of your own larP1. Music- The Quart et. Decl'mucr al. 1:>1 3. Presid ent lIar. vcy Burn ett, presiding . MUflic uy EVENIN G S ESSIO N. 7:30 P . M . Th e Columuian Qua rtet; Invocation, Hev. Wooten; Minutes of last ses-' Music. The Quartet. Reading by · Ed y th a Macy. T eet h or no !iillns rentl anti approved. President MISS Bumett inlrotluced Mr. John W. Teeth by Mr. Conover. Teeth or no Conover. ()f Mason. Ohio, who spoke Teeth mak e the begt of your oppor· on the subj ect, More Li ve Stock for tunities. It is the spirit you put , '1 )' . t k th t b . SO l ·crti lily. We hav e two things 1tI 0 your wor a r10gs success. to battle against. soil washing anu Do the .best that is in you. "Thrift soi l ex hn u~tion . Sho uld keep more is the management of ones affairs in li ve stoc k. In Holland 100 cattle to such a manner that the value of ones the sq uare mi le a re kep t; Denmark pO!lSe.'lsions is being constantly inhas 1GO to the square mile'. T'lI e creased ." T.1ere i8 no such thing as Neth erl ands 149; Un it ed Kingdom 90 luck. It is the spirit in you . to s4 uar e mile a re kept; whil e our Piano duet. Misses Edytha Macy uwn U. S. has but 19 to &i uare mile. and Elsie Gustin; violin and piano. Mixed co rn a nd soy beans in filling Mrs. Gehagen and Miss Ruth Hartsi lo. saves buying protien feed . sock; vocal solo, Mrs. Ella Stein. II W . . Th Oh' B b M P questi on . Will alfalfa answer the! e 10 oY. Y r. owe. e flu me purpo~e as ooy beans wi th corll? should give the boys and girls a An swer. Yes. chance to do oomething for them. :Sor.g by two member':! of (\ uartet selves. The child has great BBpira~ . t' d h Id b d' ed Mr. E U. Powell. of Findlay. Ohio. Ions. an s ou no~ e Iscourag . wa s next I'ntroduced and spoke on Better be the 8B3OClat6 of. the boy subject. Live Stock Farming. Ig. ' than to let them seek associates elsenorance 0 0 the part of our farm .'rs where: . We as fathers and mother!! of the past has depleted our ~oil. It ~re r~IB1Og a crop of boys and girls was qot intentional with thfim but 10 OhIO today. Let ~s be careful of were ignorant uf the principles of the.m.through the period of c.harackr fertility. Believes neighborhood. co. b UI Id mg. H eIp th.em to b UI.Id no bl e operation in stock raising very bene. characters. that Will stay With them ,,D " J ficial. must be good J'uJge of .,a. tock. th ro, ug h IIf e . oung. OWn on asTile feeder should have a brl'ght per s Farm by two members of prominent eye. Muzzle should be th e Quar tet : . I (Contmued next week) mOist. ear .good quick action. hair . smooth and hid e 80ft. and good back. •- • 'f.hP.l:le ~oint:; .. all indica. te health and ' ASKED FOD STATE II\. DOAD FUN' 0 II\. vll!:or. Ralsmg of LIve Stock depends upon your intelligence for


OBITUARV Another life is ended. one more pilgrimage over. another fam ily and neighborhood saddened. The breaking of precious ties . the loss of a dear sister and friend tears our heart.strings. when some one at ou r side says "She is gone!" But

Ea rl y Mond ay morning G. W. Haw ke's g rocery store was broken in to . th e thief gaining entran ce throug h a back window. The cash reg istt'r WfL~ broke n ope n and sO lli e small change taken. Th e preRiuent of the Protec ti ve and Vetect iv · As·

eir 8 are

r';3 .- ............................................................................................ _...o:r

8Ociation was notified. and th e Ceda r' vill e blood hound s were imm ediately I l f I:ll :-lOT is tbhpy f. PrilL "'rl l, ".f rh'"· r I ~ t. al so II Iis l of all enum erated th: I ...E · .. -, This \ \ f1ttl' 1I I'. aL s('('11 sent fo r. but failed to li nd th e trail mil"'. Sil l" ,ill k"II,· ,,1 of the \\" . I\IIl" y()uth rCl{ ularly employed. of th e g uilt y par ty The As..~oc ia. TIo wllshil' :-;,'1,,,"1-, ("~"lailli ,,~ the I'rn· That each teacher send to the tion however will not let th e ma ller ~'~I,,,"sl' I"f . 1he OII,r!, p""'N'U el ,de " I. ""W tlistr ict superintend ent for transmis· "P' t f th h d .x "',, .' ,,\ S II' " ". CXl wnk IllSSII Il- . assmg ou 0 e s a ow rest: . uu t otTers a reward of $50 to jC"1 "ill 1><., . "CulI'-lli id:llioll a nd C~ ;lIr''' . sJ()n lo the county !8uperintend ent at Into eternal dayanyone ca tching any perso n guilty i'''I.;'''' . :"HI SI.II"I" rdi/at ilJlI "f St·I,,,,,1-." the end of th e fi rst week of school a Why do we call It dying • I I'l' hltto, I'.ISt 0 f aII t he ch'ld of taking anythin g be longin g to any . .I I ren wh0 h ave been This sweet going away?" membe r of this organizat ion . 1tI attendance to da te. and monthly Albina Williamson McSharry. - -- . _ .• - - TF:""HER'S INS1'ITl lTJ,;S rejJor ls t hereafter showing the atdaughter of Elijah and Nancy Cly. REC EIVED LIFE CERTIFICATE S Untl e r the telldanee (lr each child in days with beli ef that cou nty reasons for ausence. mer Williumson. Wal born near teacher's instit u tes are not bringing Ridgeville. Warren County. Ohio. Mr. C. A. Bruner. form er ly Su o the best poss ible results for the That the county superintendent be and died at her home in Waynesville, pe rintend ent of our school. now prin· mODey expe nd ed it i!l r eco mmended : requ ired to notify the various truant January". 191 4. cipal at Lebanun. Mr Fred C Gil. oflic en; of suc h case~ of illegal non· The immediate family consisted of mour, ~upcri ntendcnt of our TownThat th e Coun ty Uoard of EtJ uea· attend ance of school as become evifive brothers and five sl'ste-, of flhi p Schools. and Mi ss Clara Li le. tion dec id e on or uefore Februa ry dent by comparing the HstH of the ." Jst of each year. whethe r the so· whom all the brothers. and two sis- who so me eigh t years ago taught ca lled institu te fu nd shall be useu clerks of boards of ed ucation. and ters have passed on before. here. now teachi ng- in the Xenia during the comin g year for institute ~~e te:~~e7 an: ?y a ~~fUI scrtsuer s mon t y repor. . She WBB a descendent of George city schools too k the (>xamination be· purposes and wh ether school dis- mTyho t e eac th h y a W Clymer. who WaS one of thenumber fure the Board of State School r:x· triels shall be required tn pay te d t ere sUffpe~ne coun t th who signed the "Declaration of In . ami ners at Columbus Dece mbe r 2!Jlh. n en canno secure e e ectlve d teachers for attendance. enforceme n t f th I h b dependence," thus entitling her to a n sustai ning the examina ti on were That in counti es where no institute th ' ed dO ~ edawt' e e t the diRtinction of a "Daug-hter of the ~ ran tcd life ce r tificll tes; Mr. Bruner. h b h . au orlz an requlr 0 repor American Revolution." a High School. Mr. Gi lm our and as een . eld the board?f ed ucation i the facts to the State Industrial . . be authorized and req Uired to pay IC Life and death are subject to God's Miss Lil e Common School certificates h . h' ommlSSlon. f )h to every tear er . 10 t elr employ (N t Th 't h I laws. there is no eSl:ape. everything or ( io. We congratulate them h h u d f . 0 ee wrl er as severa that lives must die. She I'S elsewhere upon winning the goal and believe w 0 a.~ atten .e or at least "IX times been asked whether the maweeks a recoglllzed summer school ier'al he e ed ' I tte f in the spirit land . A spirit of queenly that it is merited . They all possess for the t raining of teachers. the sum I lr u.s . IS on Ytaatema r Of patience helped her in timCII of ex. not only scholarship and character. t.' $10 persona opmlOn or s ments 0 y ppea treme suffering or discouragement but are always Rtrong a nd pO:litive 0 Tha~ in coun t ies where no institu te fatdts as thhe a r .lnedthefProposed l f to preserve her natut'al brightnes!' for the rig ht. ThEY reflect credit is held the county board of educa. co sse" ave relra1O.. rom1 ex' n t and cheerfulness. upon the profession of teaching . b ' zed and reqUired . pre 1 g persona opmlOns damos tum e authOri to altocrether Th f ~ts __ .l She had not been in good health • - .. - - - lib' .. h h ... e a~ are con enl!eU for some years. and about one month Prel., and Stage. pay every egmne~. w 0 as at· statements as they appear in the Proba bl y th I a.I tended a summer t rammg school at code and 't it ted d . t 0 her bed by th e cept pos81bly that e ro or 8 no appe , eI' I . week!! $ 10 over and above , qUI e 0 en quo wor ago was d fiven the dally preS8. ea8t SIX d read d'lsease w h'IC h sh e had so Ion'" 110 "owerful IlB that of the 8talo.- the '" 10 pal. " by . , he bad fed for word lest the meaning be mis.. ... t' · u r 0 r 0 uca- undorstood. The materl'RI shown l'n patiently faced. Father UeU80n. ... Ion. . . .. . these articles will be presented to hat !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ m Ca8e the tnst,itute IS. reo the Legislature and will Wl'thout t ed th t b d I .~.... al~ length . e coun y oarthree may 1m It doubt be modified there ~ their to two. or four is a chance that it greatly may beorthrown d : af~'"t the institute sessions. at least out completely. ~ ~. Gilmour.)



ri:::::" .., .. ,'" "

":.... "' .. " .. , •.......::=-=.-:. . l;} Personal Mention Column H

mmlSSlon or

Under The Proposed

there are other eyes that are watch. ing her coml'ng and other vOI' ces ready to shout the g lad tidings. "There she comes!"

sucpce~d' ty~:~:a~!~;~~::t~:n~:~:e~~: IJ:. . ................. ".......... _ .. Co . . f th· h resl ent appointed the following H' h Ig WHY

Whole Number 3245

.................... ------.,




11 . . . . ...............·. . . . . . . . . _1




•• _ _ _ • _ _ ....._




lone day be under

the immediate


-.J direction of the County Superinten-

-committee8. Resolutions. Elias Og· of the Hitc road tax. which amounts E. V. Barnhart dent. who shall arrange the program Emma A. Janney was born in lesbee, F. C. Gilmour. Mrs. Mary to b S30000 h h thA was in Cincinnati Roy Irons is confined to his home for that day. Cleves. Ohio, October 12, 1863. Frame. Nominations, Edwl'n Chand. amount a outfurmshed " . • toget wit com- .. Tuesday. with the grip. by theer county CA RE OF SCHOOL HOUSBS When she was about six years of age ler. Frank Jones. James Vander· missioners will bring it up to 160 000. W. H. Allen was in Lebanon on Mills Sybil Hawke returned to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. voort, Mrs. Chas. Hawke, Mrs. ChBB. The inter· county highways named buainess today. Delaware Monday, f Int~rder ~e~edy an~t~re better Janney, moved to Kansas. They Hough. Music. The Quartet. Ad- bythecommiesionersaretheDayton or . esc 0 0 ouses I IS recom-lived there until she was sixteen journed until 1 p. m. and Fairfield pike. Xenia and LebaMrs. Huldah Burnett and Alvin D. L. Crane was down town today ' mecndedt thai : . t d t d' t . t years old when . they returned to 'k C I . . oun y superm en en s IS riC Oh ' d I' ed th . AFTERNOON SESSION 1:00 P. M. non pi e. 0 umbus pike and Wil Dyke were 10 the Gem City Saturday. for the first time in ten weeks . s · t d ts" 10 an IV two or ree years 10 mington pike. The money makes I uperlll ~m en. 1Ospectors con· Cincinnati. They then returned west ~r. and Mra. LeRoy Irons and Mr-. Herman Sims of Morrow, necte~ With the office ?f the S~te and lived in Kansas City. On JanMusic- The Quartet. The Hogs it possible for an improvement to be as a Mortgage Lifter was subject of put on one of the inter.county roads son Ross spent last Sunday in Spring spent Sunday with Joel Hamilton. Supermte~dent of Public Inst~uctlOn uarv 14, 1891 she WBB married to W. M~ .. Conover. Gav.e experience of 'which is to be deCided upon later. Valley. b~ authorIl~ed to prosecute directly. E. Mather. of WaynesVille, Ohio, As was stated in the Gazette sevMililSCS Josephine Oglesbee and appeal to the county com· and they continued their residence bOiling mouldy corn in soda water and feeding hogs. Uses charcoal eral weeks ago, it is possible that MiSl! Mamie Estell of Loveland, Alma Waterhouse were Dayton vis- miSSIOners. members of boards of in Kansas City for eight years when and salt freely. D6 not feed too Waynesville will be left entirely spent the PBBt week with her cousin ito,s Friday. • education w~o allow the school hous~ they moved to a farm just norlbeast much com to brood sows. . out of the question. . Ina Hamilton . or surro.u nd1Ogs to become unsamof Burlington. In 1907 they and Jason Sheehan and family attend tary 0 n a d t tL Music--TheQuartet. The Twen. Thereisnoroadinthecountytbat rl nyway angerous 0 ". e Mr. Janney moved to Burlington ed th,e funeral of Wm. Pine in Cin h Ith 1 f t f th h I tiethCentury Man with the Hoe by is more in evidence than the Xenia W. F. Benecke is out aaain, a ft er · .T d - ea • mora s or sa e yo e c I· and built a house on Second street • . 'th Icmnatl ues ay. dren -Po C. Siiwin. In a well written pa- and Lebanon pike. and it looks 88 spending a week at home WI I • which has been their home. per he said ill part. Parcel Posts. though something ought to be done a diseased tooth. \ Mrll. Cynthia Evans has returned That the State Superintendent of Mrs. · Mather's health had been Postal Savings Hanks and Currency to make this evident to those who . home after a pleasant visit with rel- Public Instruction be authorized and failing for several years and during reform, are some of the twentieth are to act in this matter. St. Mary'li Guild will meet WIth ative!! in Cincinnati. required to set up and issue minimum the last two years she was confined century advantages that will aid the • _. Hisa Emma Heighway Thursday requirements as to the physical to the house. She died at 7 o'clock America" farmer to raise the standTO FIGHT HOO CHOLERA afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mm. Mary Upp has returned from plant of Rchools and its care. . . Friday morning, December 26, 1913. ard of his calling. Believes the time a holiday visit with Mesda mes Lizzie All plans for new school bulldmgs Mrs, Mather is survived by her near when public utilities will be Misa Ina Hamilton left· for Wilber- Sears and Lida Oglesbee. be approved by State Superintendent husband. her father and her two At Columbus, January 14 and 15, force after a two weeks vacatl' on of Instruction C . ' sons. arlJ., and W. Fred,whoare owned by our Government. Too theannualstateagriculturalmeeting many middle-men wI'th exce.Qsl·vc with her parents on k. R. 3. AIf:red Wright returned to George The mspectors of State Superin· young men. While yet a girl. Mrs. t ruerIon an d Wor kshops ~ather united with the Ep\ecopal profits are very larvely respunsible will be heldI in the ChambelO-of ComSchool Monday night after spending d en t 0 f Ins. for the high C08t of living Jiscus- merce bui ding, which faces State Mr. A. L. Washington of Wilber- the holidays with his parents. and Factories co operate closely to church at Topeka and continued an sion by Mr. John Zell. House square on the nort~. force ~pent a couple of days with • ?E'e t~at all laws a re enforced deal- earnest member of that church until Governor Cox wJ1J dehver an ad- Mr. and Mrs. Neloon Hamilton, , Mrs. Esla Moore. of Dothan. Ala .• mg With school grounds. school Rtruc· her death, Every care and al'd was S Senators,Porn I d her mece ' Song by the Trio. Responded to dress . Two 0 . • (an spent t he latter part tures. an d proper care of ' school given her during her illness. but shll enco;e. ·Mr. Powell next spoke on er.ene of Ohio and Ke~yon of Iowa" ~v . Wooten and family have be- of the week with Mrs. LeRoy Irons. plant. continued to grow weaker until she d' d Nee s of Modern I<' arming. Intelli Will come from Washmgton to b)lf l ome residents of Waynesville and ' e Ifor tsto secure ha If ml'11'IOn are Jiving in the Elizabeth Moore Mr . an d M~s. LeRoy I rons en t erLAW ENFORCEMENT IeThe . funeral was h Id t th h g ence. and ke(·pin'" '" our boys and 0 f th elf \tained at dmner on Fliday C. F. That the compulso ry attendance S d af e a. e, ouse g irls on the form are essential needs dollars from the U. S. treBBury to property. of modern farming . Compares farm fight hog cholera. Swtne owners and Irons of St. Louis and Dr Heber M. law may be enforced the following ~tur ay ternoon. at 2.30 0 clock to fal·.tory. Should be run on bus- breeders from Ohio and other states Mrs. Eva Barger ami her guest, Dill. of Lebanon. reeommendations are made: ~Ith ~e ~~remony IOdcharge of Rev.J ioess principles Have an ideal in will attend. Mrs. Elizabeth Raymond were in That the State Industrial Com· T:' c em;~~ ~ Revrtt • ~. h your business and strive to attain it The subjects of Control of Tuber. Lebanon last week &,ueats of Mra. Loslt- Ladie's Gold Glasses. double mission be given general supervision ompson an e 10terme 10 t e as near as possible. Emphasizes culosis in Cattle; the Inspection of Amanda Hayslit. vi3ion" in or near school house last over the enforcement of the com. Graceland eemetery.-The Burlingthe fact that farmers should co. Stallion under the new law; the day of institute . Finder please re pulsory attendance law. ton (Kan.) Republican. operate in locality. breeding of same Value and Profitt of • County Ex. Loat-A black leather pocket~ok turn to Elmer Earnhart. That this commission be authorFEATURES· Ov"~-R-L-OO-K-ED line of stock. Conserving of fertil· periment Farm; the Beautifying of at Corwin last Monday. Finder M M b I F't ld d ized and required to appoint truant I ' Satter th- Howau'd. rs. _aarrived e I zgera an Bon. 0 fl'Ic~rs In . a II d"Istrlcts w h'IC h f al'1 to A great many of our readers do I' t Y'IS one 0 f our great need S. Bac- Horne, Sch001 an d Ch urch Groun d 8; pease ret urn to Ed na home Thursday. teria will work best in loose soil the Value of Attending the College. waite and receive reward. after 'pendl' n th h I'd appomt them, the salary of such offi- not read the home paper as they h fA' . Sc'l e n c e . • gin Middletown. e 0 1 ay season cers bebg a charge of on the district should. There are few peopte that ·. f avora bl e an d teo grlCU Iture and Domestlc with relatives M1\k e con d ItlOns elements will become available Put School, Rural Education arid the Waynesville will have a base ball concerned. are so busy that they can not take nitrogen into your sdl by growing Uniform Management and Control team this summer that will put the Rev. C. S. Grauser. Messrs. C. T. That whenever the local enforce· a half hour to read the paper, eslegumes Can only add phosphorous of CountY Fairs. WIll all have a place old town on the map in big letters. Hawk.~, Chas. Cornell, C. M. Ro. ment of the law cannot otherwise be pecially the home paper. We 'have through commercial fertilizer. . To· ?n t~e two ~ay prog~. All farmer We'll tell you more about it next bitzer and SamJ. Meredith · went to obtai~ed t~e commi~io~ may send noticed that some patrons think only Arcanum this. morning to view the depu ties Into the dlStrlct and the of reading the outside local paae bacco needs plenty of potash. Sltould mstJtutl'B 10 Ohio will recess for week. ~ractice . rotation of crops. and be- tho!e ~wo d~8. . M: E,Ig.uij ,,;: . distr~ct expense and salary then putting the paper aw.,-. W~ heves we should add a legume to our Movmg pIctures of the recent Com Mr. Bert Bart8ock, who has been ':: ~~ .' of Bald deputIes, always aim to have our pqea featrotati~n . We. m,u st keep abreast of Boys' trip to easteni cities will be working In a mill at Morrow, has re- MillS Kath"fYn~Da·kin. of Hannibal, That the clerks of all school boards ured-pcrhaps sonie weeks they fall the tiR!e8 to be able to feed the pea- shown. Stereopticon views that will turned home and will take up his Mo•• en~ute to National Park, near in rural and village districts be ra- short-but .any l~in&' features . pIe of our coun~ry. Know ~ciur own instruct and please will be shown. . . occupation &8 a .farmer .,..n this WashitDgt~ n ' C., spent the week- quired to send lists of all enumerated are put on the inside Nee. Read '~arm and ~d. the. elements of fel;til- .~~ Aarricultunl CollUDisaio,l "of epri~., Bert thinks there is no pl~ eJi~ at the hc.»me o! her grandmother, youth to the ~ariou~ county super- thft 'J)aper ,tJU.ouah and ~t the." fUll ' Ity . ~t you - ~eed~ ~e ia . an OhlowlUhavecbarieoftbemee.tfb&, lustu,ooduWayDeIYille. ' Mrs. Amanda Wnght. intendentsonor before September'benefttofit. . }'





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ALL ARE FRUITFUL I _ IM_P_R_OV_EM_E_NT_OF_F_AR_M_P_OU_LT_R_Y_FL_OC_K~I : rHO~::~~~L~FHOMESTEADS Whereve r the Word of God Is Sown There Can Be No

, Western Canada's Homestead Area Being Increased.

Baran Ground.

Th e great ru sh for hom ~s t l d& , wh ell " ' ''I' a r " s,'1 I aLlon I s Ojl l' II L'cI by I th e U . S. go vel'llIl ll'll I r el'ealH lh e fact 60\\11I~ rIl1d r l'aplug , alld a ll H rt ! l~ O\\ tll at lh ·r e is 1\ !-'.rl·al tlt- ~ I I'c 011 llie u rt-Hilt! [l':.t 'JI ' I'~ Tlwrt · ~jrll litH " . ....- . Il lIrt ot tit " AIlll' II l.!!l 11 III'op l ll to Ge t \\11(1:0-" 1l1l 11t •.i [ UqIS Ilrt ' !i(1 !~rl , .l( 11 ' .\l ' I all u . ThC' fl\l.! t tklt I"IIS ur IhuuSHli d. 111" . 01 1" \\ lIlll lll t 1l nIl,} in \o\ h llh ll:c.~ -­ 'I ur· 011 h lll\(1 at ,'v, 'I'y Opt' IIII1i;. /lud outt l, \ ;,rt ' ~ Iu n t ll l h Hon ll' !"I I \,t! alld 1,",1111 ~ r ~ j .).." I v u f (>\\ hl ' l!til ,'<1 hllllll' ~ IP .. d ~ a re \\ \ , H 11 , \ •• \ IlItI ~ t rl'up. 1 :1. Lr\I ';:-. t l J f lh l·I I :~""' ;""'~ ,;;~· ~: ~~~~~" ~ "'~ ~I a ll aL lo ~ hU\\ H tbat lIw n\' ll l lf 31 ' ! 'd !'-l \\ II I ::..:t:i~.'~ ,"J~:, '~ f~:~~ :~~~.s~~"":,'~~ro#u ~~~ ,r '),. . . : ..... '\! .)-'~~ ..... , ,~'~ \ . ~, ," 'i'h ~' 1" , II ' l\pr I~ 1111' ~jI \\"1' ,111 l! ni l i ll l..; "; ~ ' , ,'" : t~: ..-Jo. ,,~~tf~~~~~. . .;::~t~:,o) :~:)o,:~ ~~;,.1<~..,:~~~~~ ;l'~~~+,~b: '0';~ ublo agrlcullural i:l lld s w h le ll a re In tlltl ,~I~ t at the gul ~ rnlll( ' lIt lir e rav1 "' l' il lt ' d" l ' l , I ' 'In' t l ',, ' h tll ~ llr 1"Jlltl or ,')~ , ' I ........ ~ .,. . ~ "" ' , ,,>\ • • {. ....~ . " ,, " :"'~' ( -4,,~.~..., '~t"."~ ~(:t(";~~, ..~~~,~(f..-t! ~ '~' ...« ~~: , C\w Idl ', dl D\ lnl ~ h lll l : I n audit lun to Ihl. I t' \' , 1 'J lil :, I S I hi ' J..:! I · .~l iilld : ~, I l'IIJ t\ ~ "'>. ~ 'i. .. " ; . . - ', ' ~.::. ~~~ . ':t ,)o, " ~ ,', " ". , .... ' , ".,. : ' . . ' jr " A!..t 'J'ul h uf I l l'" \ 11 ar,' h(.,\\ llll-: 'i lld j " ~" "" • ..:, .• " ......., ..." .' ~ .. '" .. , t ' i<)~ I ag;'I(; lI lt Ul'al lall d" IlI.l t lire- o( provc d 1 • • I II ' , • , , ... , , ' '• • •• ~~."'.>:.,~...... .,;',. " ,tl u c ha l P IIUI'.!!1 "t! In pi icc' t u ,,"etl ' \\ h:i l ~\I( ' \' I ' [ ,1 lII ,lD :--U \ \ I ' I]I, tliut !"{ liall h ... . . J ~ : Iii .11 :-'0 1 1' 0\11 • I_ _ ____ _-..:.·:.. ; _ _ _-.:~:::....-~-.-.:.:...:.:...-:---- ----'---....:...- -=~=.:... nn l' xl~n l lh. l t It t lf' (,U lll l'M a til" tou. I '1 h,' '1 " 1" 1>111 11 (Of 1(l1I 1"I .. dg " 1:0 III' A " .. II !)u llt pc,ultrr h o u ~C' ndn pt p!\ If) m"PI tho> n '(j ll l rr' m, 'nls o( th p. ' 'lU(·"tIO fl to th r· 111.1 11 II It I! IllOdl' l a te n it ' illl :3 " h o itltl'lId:i lit ~u tillo ( :tr illIng. ( , 11 _ '. 111\( IL l li l II lit !ifr'. l Jllt II 1 ~ \.lIlIy ' Ill ·, win t l ' h,l\' llIg V1t'lIt )' uf \ t ' lltilatltll l alld 11101 \ ( I IOIl A CUIIII". IF.l\ !'iI ' h t' t \\t"(' n \\h ~ r ' h e ti l! llli gu !-'IIr{lIf1:1tt' I, ( 1l Pre I .p ., Ill' Il\ t ' \\l ~ t ' \\ 11(1 dl ~ pl'r ~ H tnH ' 'II " OJI I I :-i llt' d t-> ltt'! t l' r H IHj tlt t, u () uLd e· IHHlrd. II tlt;lIt ) IO \Hi l ' , whilh Wl\!\ t oo Cove , ed b~rny,1r d on rr g h t - ~n ideal p r o tec ti on fo r m anure . I " ! 'l to b l' h au In \\' ps t "rn \ ·::fl:l da. lI I HI\\I ,d g t " 1' )a lll 1tl J,!: ti l( ' ~ \ ' I \lh ;u ;, ' 1111111 I , I h, higlt.' , t (ll( II IJelllull In \~ ll H ' J I Jllilil (' {Ill l'lIg a '{' 1\ 11 1~1l1 1 r; l l lt ,J :, I~ \', ,, 1: 1'.'\,'1'111''''-:1::-':) a(hi : t' d I I,,· lira d fnnn \\hO i 1l th , ·\ AI IH Ita . tholl .•. II11 l s uf fn '" IWIII" " I ":l ds 11 1.11 11:; ; ' 1\\.1):-. : ~ II Ol! It' I ' t Clr pH y, allf) I Tt ' ll ~ lal!:! a go au) I.ltnl\', \\I ll\' It ad \\I ' r t' I"-f' llt ., 1' lit(l In ",:-; ,\ 1"ld y \\.t f! of I GO 11" 1 "S !'II~I!. \Ill l~lI II rn)' U.' had, .. UIII. ' l It' !J I.~ foll t·· .... I Jl. t ~ bl' 'IXCll ~ t · 1 1. l"• .!()( Ii 0 1 la ll e ~ ( ' h ! ('hl illt-> w a s I vol\4:~d I n llt1 t 1 dlaft ' l \ ;;' t ' ll t 11 1( 1 th : lt 111,'\ \\ l)u l(1 U.I 11111 MI,npl u I,r. ·c,·.,:; of n llfl/;. \la YlIIg but "I ll 111m 11 ' . lt 1\1 111\\1'111 10 d o j.:.uud 111,011 \\pl, p:t\ I I~ III~ 111 1~I!!lo r s I IlIal, .· J.,:lk)d til .111\ \\ :1\ 11\;1 . I d pI'-' ilt'd I u. 1l' 1l dul hll' l' lltl'nllC\' fn.' , null I h ' I 01; on .lnil ci o l'lh it flot til him In ~I n :' .\ .1:1 " tlJl ~ l dl ' rt., t l th n t all' 111.11 11 \\1" , Tbt,~ did \ III ~ ; dlU 'I hl ' lJnl~ I IHOII , it fo l' ~ IX m onth s ('Ilt'll year tor lltrp 8 I\flo\\l t't h:.,·, 1111\\"\I 'r ~rl'Ul 10 \';11 \11' " tlll l ll !-i 1' .I:d !l Illi" Ihn11 n dullar fn r \ l'1l1 . ' Il I.: ' · thut I \\a:; c all~ t· tI \\a-; (nll ll l y ct\rs Th {'rt, l ij 11 0 l1( ' C( '~:::; lt y ~o Ilw ke I ~s \llIlp ~H l)lI t Illto pra('liee I " ~(': IIIU~ (J I ~ l', :i \ \dS 1111'0\\111"; ill S Ihp r.lI I ( I \\l\ti \ ' vl'\ iUl :\ !lH I H \u I U ICJ ug'. I t·dltH.1S all u 0 XJJ t. fl Sl \ ' O JPunle Yt \ ' •• J ~ ' lirll 'I(ld, '~ :tllil prl)r(,~~l""'; 1 .nu n l " ;: \\ ;\ ,.. ' .\ 1\.1 n 101' t lt e pur· I ll al(' h (lt ll . l l l II}\' :' ltlf' \".; and put 11H\:i 0 111) 10 lillll . YO Ii h :\\'o ont.! Ch ,l ll l'fJ tn Unless Is Properly Sheltered, When Field Can Nut Be Ihll l \\~ lIIay f oll" w I hplIl. and tU ,· r .. I,,· 'IIII ~" pI a 1" '11 III II,., ,m UI IJI ()U" pl'lce Illth (h"lIl 'u Ih !' ","I11'!l t lill ie or (h , tlf t y o r g I(l ll~ \\holt ),ou wa ll t A I· I I ~ql Ill . , l'lllt ... LJI a "I)/1Jit l rtul d , ' I t\t l l .If $~ :'t 1( 11' thl' 11\1\ lJl ld s \\' It ,\', the u v ti\' U H011 1.()\ J!\ lll h tJa l'l\ 0 \' 1'1' all tll Y I l h(l\l~ h thi t\ ht 1flH l. lt a dillg h:t:1 h t f' n Driven On, the Most Avai lable Portion Will Drain hou d l! r:l ~t l 1.1111\1 ' 1' \\ t lul.1 h .\\p had tu bp (\II I ' J ltlll (' (\~ \\' 1111 lh , '" C'a c: o.: 01' 1' €'Oldl ' gnill'; un in " nllil t1.l fo r n uUlllh t! 1' or ,\ far m'r 0 1;'])' klln\\ I li p l)t"'st ~(1.(' d .. "' , a l llin, 't! ;1:; lit li l~ .!" ,Iillir if it "ere I ,u n !<I a \ IIt al 1111' : 1 \ t ' I :l~ t l .Iealer \D ) f:' Uf':i. anti h Ul1dn d!:j uf t h u ll l$ atl tJ ~ of Away - NItrogen Is Lost As a Resu lt of heating I( ' r 10 1, li, ld ' . I, II If h.' d o ('" 11(11 "" ' , '- '''lIlt! I h ,l( I, .. load IHud,' ~ UCI I ,Ill III pllr,· lon ·o\ l " IIIt ,~ b a IIl fi li \\he \\ 111 t lll' lll hal' e b ('(' n wl:( 'n by h Ulldrpus or 11\('11 1 h lf.. 1' t1)"I ' l g ' I ' not i ll1 prl l \t ' " II III :":tl 11 \() ['I' I II H II 1, ; I :f \'.\\' i ll I tl ( ', 'li llt-: al l l tllo us aru)s of AU ll' ricans. til'l'e r&hlnuure is subject t o li l'o r), losses ror t h('I''--' t s nlways R s m al1pr 10 s 8 lh p \. ill ,.f t Ill : , : I, H \ 0 11 \\111 take thH (o ll! pl.llllt!-'. alld do hi':) n);d n s s u flklf' nl t o lust (o r tltno. Th e lRlgcr pan III 111l' 1' 1>1111 food is I n "hUll it I, Sprt',lrI (hJIl \\h c'lIll IS poor· IP:Iehl ll;:" ann pr "('<' pt " P I' 1'.·11 /(10 1\ I" '1 ' ~f)IIIoI" 1<, 1, '11 1: llllll lliol ~(J II IIO W, )U~' l",s l In >:111,, 1', il lS ,·"s tu l lI .. r an d of a~ gUlI d 1'l\ld a~ any lhal has th e lif]uld eXI'r.' IIIl·lIt; ,f 1111' I\rlll~ Is Ir $LO r('J o ( Ill' ,,,,, to niH' w llo 11(\ ,,,, I\(" ,, 1"' 1 .. III IIlltl Ihat Ibpr(' i ~ a dlrr""' 1\t II ll1 · If 'UII h:tl' " 1;"< ' 11 U( Ih., o pinion yel bl" ' 11 lllkt'lf up I n flfet, Ilf the sl1 0wed to lU ll i\\\'UY. a lH'H\' .\' Juss w i l l It' n Htllllt' I' i !"-i to b e !1to r \'u . n ~ h c d Ir ,~ p rt · t 'j PI ',. 1'''1 111 l lla l \\a\ nlll) call It! d! ) t:t:,('Il\ 0 11 lil l S S lIl l) I ' ( ' t. 111 l\t (" th at )0111 I !oult r ) I ~ ~lIl1ply a l l ullll' r Ol llnt n n \I( \ l' r) n la n ), . th OSl' t llal are r esu lt. FUll h e' llIorc. It", !flOlst I·al ll a· of ~U III C sort furni>; beH th o mos t plae· h (' P llj(1\' it~ p ril l; ' · -:t'~. I lu", I"" ., ,' arM II", \lulI ll lI indllstry al,d 1101 a 1,,"11L 10 ) (; If . 11' 011 1,1111 I l(·rt !,rl' uf lit " U(·st. Th (' y ('UIIIIII'13e ble pa rt I s ~ ctng l ost !J(o"all ~e Ih e Il l a l OlPUII>; of ~a l' lnl; Its ferul lty . "IS· T h,' rl/ : hl IUll d o f ''' 'lint:; an d r l' !ll' ha,; ~:'u\\11 ,III il11l"',)\' (,' '' <: 11I I hal i " U" It 1:0 ,I plfln to tl'l til 111I!,'"V" Ih (· l al llh Iha t hIve th l' oppo rtuility to In · plant food In thl' li' l ti l d Is sol u lole II IHI 1 1":" " IIII' I !lU'h l ng th e liquid wll l save I ll ', 1'''" (lil ly III ' r\OIlP h." th e "I se ' !!!f',j In 1"'.11. S" " ",.al "f Ihc' ~ ( :tl,"g Iloll'k an d Ih " 11 ~ \ '" 11 10: " II,,' I'rOI "'r du l;;' I n t he ~:rO\l1l11: of p;ml ll, w hf' th · IIo'onh more pound (o r \1')UIIII (lHIlI thaI 1.lalll rUlld, !JUt Ihelr u se I s 1I 0 t adl'iH' \\'I~ufJlll i ~ d"\lII " r\: ,, \1" n 111l\l 1l." lH"(> " fln l\' h UI,' a ,kl':lrlm"lIt o f \101IlU ·.1 r;l r" \ltl) oIu I ,'all \\.,11 I "I IJ('miJ l'r E' r I t ue "h " ,l t, 11f11 ' , b arit' .'· ur flu, cOlltnlll ed i n (h e solid (>x"r(,lI1cll t 'l "ul " III thlM coulllr)'. A small s h ·d nr k ll nlll(' III; 111101 prud"lIr" . ' ~l ar, hu ., \jall<i r.' all r\ qlJ!t " a IlIlmhe r o f co l wh a t Il '~ a 'llhl", ' I (1l(1I1~hl I \\n ~ bu t In alltllllnn th .. sf' 1 ! 1Il(1 ~ a r e IIdllllrwhi ch mu st d(' c~ y b efore thi s (o od call i \\itl. !I ti g ht flo or an b e L ul lL at a 1\l1 1t (1If{ 1(11 011 1,,(11;" i" lillf' a h r lJli'. ,11111 , I , ,~ I, " :,1'/' " 011 <1 ' " '11111: (1i "II' !l \\11 pnul · "h " n I S(, 1I1 n <.I " II·I<U(l \\'n <I .. n l"r :t llul) 1l ,I"Jltc'd fu r IIlIXt' d fu rm :II !:. n be uspd. ~ Ill al l co~ t a nu will an sw er c v c ry pur· IIlI h lO,, 1 \Irll<l Pll f'P I" III, ,, a 0\ ['\'11 . Ir~ ~"I" ' rllll" lil s(al lu ll s In,I f'P '!. (, II ·o\o l lul h i li tor Ill) n r ~ ( 11"11' o f PI, C" Cl.lijS of Ifll l1lin ,: (hat is <;,'rl ai ll tl1l; I I' e pc,,~ If tli e m anure I s not l eft lu It T \o "r., i s a l\(lI' ell y ,'.1 - <10111 ,\I ' ll :1 1 ' (1 111" n l I h e cn ne spolI<l.' IH·P grh ools h r .'d poullr.' ,\,h ,'~ ,' alflt' I!JO II ( Iht' 1" 'ltu r IPturn s tha ll IhHt o f all gral ntoo 10 1lg. This s tructure will care worldl)' prll <!( 'Ii PP Ihttl ~ t H nd ~ In 11\' 11(' I ha \' ,· ~ OIIi"n liP ('O\l r srs 011 1I0ll ltry en o\ or D,' c"lu b ,·r. 'd id L"~il ll alillo ~ 1 growing. ('"tlil- thr l\ " and fattl' ll on 10r a few 10a(l s until the gro uou Is 10 ,I t 1011 10 n iv l nl' \\ i"tlom f:\r nl lll~ th a t Hr e marvel s of ('OIlIPlflte- I IIIl'U P(li lll l ' ll' 10 111 .". Frtl tll tit(' two th o nutn t lou:; I: ra,, ~ . s ; u alr)'l lI !; can It In IIrlll (,1l I hnt "(h I' phll!lr!'11 of ness. , h fOS In 111I ~ I,,'n t I:OI:l s fo l !o \\'s l:. ~ c:u rl cd 011 Ruc("J5l,lll ll y; (1Illbc' r f or LUI.<lll!OIl t u ;) dri ve n over or work less pre!<slllg. MUllure store d i n a Ih l ~ world arC' II'l o" r I II thclr W, ,, I'rn :\lost of us arc f:ulIIlIar wit h tbl! ' .Ianunrl' III II) ·lI. 1:1 "lij.;S : I'(' I" ·II:H." . bul l<\llIg Is wlthirt rC'uc ll , nnu IIat C' r Is 1 sh ed of thi s k l nu for an y l eng th Qf l ion th an th o ch llcl rpn of 11 ,: 111 . ' I\ ul \'a rtLlI s pou l lry sholts thnt ll re (·o u·' ·111 (';{I:S; ~Iar(' h 1 III ~ Il . II pi-:g-s. 1.11(11; ensy t o j;ct. Thfo Sf' l:t nds are loc:lt<!!i lilliE! sh ould be lie LJt moi st and packed Ih" l 1';' 11 nill y '1J":111 thnl 11"" ar" 1111 )1 ' , .\iI, I ('d i ll th OIlN :lIl<iH Ihro ll g-u. a l tlml n'eol'oI o( eg gs fl'O,ll a III n 1 111 Ihe park di s(r,," of allY of lhe do wn. In~ nl (l ll~ I II (h f' lr own " pllf're to hf'lll 01 111 Ihe r (l' "I1 r1' Th!' \an~p r sho w s I In ~ ' dll~s :I:ul (h is too. III " 111011:11 I t hll' .1 Il ro\'i,-,cl's; "I IJ\L'S of I r(,(,R InA rove r ed yard . made b y build i ng B Ih ems(' II'(,R Ihnn (' hr l ,; tian~ a r ' II I are h"l l in th ,: hi ~J;f's t cilies oi t hp ' wh(,11 l ' I!I!S \\ I' r ,' at n (,III'ly 110 (' top t t'r ;; perse Ihe l and"":! I)!" alld I;I\'c It 110 i~I'r.e r barn or a dd itional sheds, Is on e 11" ' il' ~ lJhrrr rtllllllTl :o; "w Yor k t"hica.o;ll. Pitts· n ut r h In I'r\f'C' 01' rO llrsC'. Ihi ~ n'c IlI'alll)' I ltat CUll uul), be a ttain l'd In Of t he best ways of pr e \, e nting l os ses. Th " 111 " " o r 111(' \I'orl!1 wnr}: h a,d" r 11I1 ;:it " ' 1('. ill fa(·t fi ll tilt' larl; e c lti ,' ~ ord Wfl H f' X""ptinll!l 1 hilt i l lalll:ht IU" th (' lIlorc o {1p n \lr"'rlt~ !<('ctions by tile \Vben stoe k runs l oo~e In t b e yard of for II" Ih lllg~ ro f Ih l' \\o rlll - (or Ih~ II a \I' Ih " lr \lo ll ilry shu ll'S cac b year , thllt hlood lor h lt'd i ll ).:' 1 \\ 111 11'11, nlld plalltillg 0 1 U'(,t'S . TI'"c clI lt ll n' by lhe th is Idnd, tbe mo sl favorab l e cond l· 11'\1I l';- 'Ilft! ar(' ~~P ll an(1 t PllIp(l rlll a lld (h es.' Rh ol':S ar ~ plu nu od on :I S (o r e l'er a(I" r I h!l\'C' l: t'pl n othing b u' wu y I s l!piug clIrried o n to a g r ent e xU(,ns for the care of sl ored man ure lliall Ih., Ch rl Qllan s do for Ih .. ( a r "Iahol'a \ e II sra lt' as an y oth er f orm pnr e bred Rto(' lt In my ) alrJ t ellt: B" ~ldc!l Ih, ' s~ fr e(' I;mnt l and8 p r el'ail. In a thl·es·year rotati on at ' 'l '' r'' 111 1pn r lll ill thlnl!'~ I h al an' (' t fl r l 'f ,' n( 1'1 t ai nm ell l T h p smallt'r cities - - ------ _ th .. r e are l ancl s whic h m ill' be h nd by t h e Oblo Experiment Statto u, Ihe nal. , fl l>1I hal'!' a r .. g lflar s hn w (·ac h )'('ar. POTATOE~ purc h asi ng from r!llllla) s :l nu IJrl\'o to val u!' of a t on oC manure wh: ch h as Th " Rrl\\ ln g nnd r en plll~ or Ihp h il t If th l~ Is nut oI (1 I1 C'. th" pOll i try (o x ' 1 ~ I compl1 nl cs a nd 11l00 1\'I!lun l s. Th ro8o bcen ~ e l te r ed was $3 .22. or ro u rse , w()r ld l~' \\'i~<, Ilnd I,rud,,"t I " (In th l' ~() I i I, ' hil fOr ' hI' allllll,,1 f <tl r is sure to b e la n ds ha\' o n ot In "" ' :I ~c d III I,r lt-c' a. Th p han' £''' pl :III I .. <1 n ile or II,,! m o" t I filp rI:l ll l fl'fllurps. UI!'I!; produt'liv e Il lHllllle~ and lh l' lr 10I "'hr. n manure Is re i nforced w it h ph os· of "!'Ins llll"~~ phorous, Its valu e Is mue:11 h lghel '''1(1 r " anC', ' fnr S(' !f nl nnp h n "'''Ipr I t IR apparf'nt Ih at til.· "IHln n ), Is • call o" mi ght ban' w arrant N l , lI ll(l ma y anll. If the I R8tlng effecl b e consl d· ahltnria n l. has 110 ma r k,'1 l .tl lI" , ,lflo! I'. nl\\n~ 11\1 10 the rt~·t t hat t ltl~ IlI d uS' 1 - ! st !ll b e hail at r pl\so n nbly low II rices ere d . $G .OO per ton Is perh aps not un· Ih.! ru st of ri E' Rlrnypth II Ir l' I H II l lt' of 1I1 e mORt l:Jlpo rlalll. aud One of Most Im p ortant Problems ' Rn(1 on easy The crop In \\'(1stA sheltered barnyard saves l oss from r easouable. L osses by car eless hand· n il. O f nll SUI h 1tr1l'1'!'fi t ~ II I~ writ Ih!: ! .\ 'I .. ~ Hi dol\' is . f(\I' h pl' ~"." , about H t o ' I With crn (' lIn ad " III 1 ~13 \\':1S on o ur tho rains. !lnl'; frertJlently r each i nr.; o ne·half tile tf' n : " Y o nI' rip l1 c ~ arC' ('o r r ll pl(',1 11I1!l I h ,., ", SI l ,a)IJJ/.: I' IOI 'U~ lIl o ll uf th e armel as 0 eel b est of the numlJ er or I:ood crops tha t I' r. lu ~ ~ f Ibe manu re ; Ihu s, th e 10Rfi o r \'Oll r I~nrm f'n!~ rtr" P10 lh ·"iltpn. ~'n ltr f;ill 'l ,I I I,.. I"O llt' r (',Ire is gil'ell to Few Exc ellent Hints. th ,l t cou nt r y hll ~ ra i sl' u Wllt' al has Manllre whl<:h bas been proper ly II lon mn y r eac h $1.60. 011 m os t ollvpr nncl r:;01(1 I ~ canl«(1 r (> rj and t ll P h. r 1'1 " I';IL I ', Oil'! of Ihe Illus t 1m · __ b'· t'u r C\lurt c d With yi eld s o f frolll 30 careu for In the barn sh ould n ot be I farm s trom Su to 100 acres one !lun- rn ~ 1 or tl' '' nl 'hall 1)(' a I'.' l t ll '·S~ 11,)rla,.'t ,1,: 1' ;:" that 'Iln~ h c \J 'E'd Ih e III · ' B y J . ~t l'~; I Il: l.I ., t o 'I~ bu sh el s PE'l' a ('I','. fi nd o th llr I!'ral ll thrown Inlo the , yard and c~\1oscd to t d r <? u l OllS "il l be produced eaclt yea r Bl';illnRt )'Oll. and shall t'a t YOllr lI ,'~ h dW If\' alo ll ;: co l'Ilorldl y \\ IIhln 11(' Th p. I . f t Ii wll h 111(0 h ;I \'y Yl l'ltlR .- A Il\'l'TlIs9the weath er . r h e f olloWIII>: t ab l e ~'ltd Oil lIlallY fa r ms 11\ 0r o Ih a n tbat ~R I I Wf'I' P I1re." I"K~ 1'1' \\ 't'~II :; ',S th r' Inl tH m "~ lon unu ij tora "o \~~~II:':: o~ Il~~\~ ~;~ S ~,ol'I~I~ , r~:.lo : ment. shows lh e Il cr el!lllago to plan t [oo u I The lo ss on sucll ," farm 11'1 ' 11 be ° 100 " I 'f'h olil a so w er wI'nt (01 11 t( I 1 I I I I b II I lhal eo b .... " I , I f' P conln ~' P' n lIe II,' In s , pro u lum s th o I; I'UII"" haH tu ti ea l \\ I(I! Minister Was Hard Hit, that I s sol u Ie In waLer : In u yea r. whi c h Is eq ui valent to more ~ow!" 11 :111' I",. II 1 ~' lI l'd J.~ th ,.. lal lollS .ex " Tilere ar c a 1.. \\ lhlllg~ that ~ huul ol Th er(' ure lIUI" M IIl1d

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Horse manure ., ....•.• 5S% Cattle man ure . __ . . _, . fl~% Slle(' p mallure ... , ..• , . . f}3 % Heav)' ra i n s w i ll ,,' ash out thi s solu· ble pInt. The dark colured str eallls flowin g away flom th c mllllllre Ilile arc carry ing la rge I.I m Olints u f n i tro· geD} ph osphonc a c id and pota sh, all of wh ich are III II form al'ailabl e to the plant. Manure thrown In piles I s subject \0 a third l oss, Nitrogen ill driven of! as a result of thi s beating. It Cermen· tutloil cont i nu es until the manure Is light In col or, l ery littl e or lhis clement of plant food remains IndIrec t, ly, heaLing causes a Jo ss of pho sp horiC acid and pola sll Chan ge s talte Illace wlileh mal; () more of lh ese co mp ound s solub le, !llld th e res ull i s a greater los s than 1111 (111 gb I h e l eacliing action of rn l n ', a !olll' !lUI Ing the pro cesses of b eaulll· . m'llfl,re loses rapidly III

tha:l , Ix per CC lt t Interes t on $2 ,600 E"en tb ou g h a low I'alue be pla.ced on nltlll Ure, a Imrn large en ou gh to shel· '1 III II B good In ves tment In ::~I~'3 1:llI g :u: 1 (ertil i t y. and i n ad . d d' l l un 1" 111 be ot valli e f or storage an h I I S C le i .

WIlllr ~ il o u ld ht>50w ' \Yh !'rc~h()!l ld \," 1" "'- ::1 1 8tat l (1 116. By I'('adlllg " he ~o\\'? th ~~,' an d app l ' ln ~ th e In ethntl s 1'hl'r(> I ~ but Ollf' sPNI f o r th l) ~o ll shu " f1 i n 11H' 1ll. Ih " farm e r h as hoc n , o ( hllilia n 11r ~ It I" Ilt p \loor! all d con\'I (,('.: (1 Ihnl "" 11I( le 1(,6s cusRln g w o n l all,l tru th cof r: ,) d I t mak"H a! 1 Iln (1 a little fl ' or(' ,arln .,,;" will make , fi ,-~ld "., frilitful. pve (1 th ,ft nl ns t 1lI'l,rom (b o " III'rl, l' ll .," II 1' ,"" 1111 .." I t~. III . I I Isi ng grn ilnd , Th e w id e awake farmer or the se "Bl ps sP!l are ye that so w b es Ide dll Ys tloe., ,, ·t lI ('ert mllr.h argum ent to all waters ." c .... hUll Ihat \lure.IJrcII stock of SO\V the seed by th e way s ld!'. Aft all hinds al eTal!'es the bes t. wh cth er It li es on the eurface. th .. bIrd s 01 It is hurses , CO \V9 , I,oultry or any. h eal'e\! may carry It . or an gfll s' wings thIng plsl' !Jul It Is ouly wllhlll the wnft It to fruitful 8011 . last rew yea r s that many "ere will . Sowing It with Inflnlt e pati en ce and Ing lo adlllit It as rar IlS Ih e poultry ullchanglng e xpectanC'),. wpnt. an,l th en th ey were shy about Wesl ey tells of h ea ring his fRlh!'!' Jllllting an y 1II0ney Into It. The re are a~l\ fir hlR Illothpr onc p: "\low sevE'ral WllYS that litis may be done, could YOll hay e th e pntienep t o t('ll sOlli e 11'00<1 a nd som e ba<l , nnd there thot blocl(h<'atl th e sam e thin g tw en are sPl'e ral point!> to be consld er ell to t y tlm e ~ over?" m aldn,:; an illv<,st,"enl o t this na l ure ;.. nr1 l ,e n P, "C'r f or got h er nm,wpr : Thf'se I'olnts. how pvc r . should be b e. : "Why." ~;l ld ~hf', " 1f I had only told I rOrf' l'I'( 'I " man. wh eth e r It Is ponltry him IIlll ot een tim es J sh ould haVe! o r an y ot h ol' stock that h e wishes to lo st ni l illY lahor." i ll'I 'r ol/'.

I dry1. thlliOroll g th e 1"llaLol'S cal efully j.; l l ly III the ~ U Ll .



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~ dlSortI UU( th .; f M Ound oncs .and 11 f b I ~CtI tan " t l e ll! care u y . or a ru ' pUlalo d oes nol kee p "ell. 3. Keep lil e potatoes flom geltin g chill ed. ~ Place th c potatoes wh er e th ey will lie ur;- 1111.1 warm. A temp erature ot from GO to 65 degree s has bee ll round to be about rIght for k eephlb sw eel pot at oes. Make a ci rcul ar bed auout six r eet In d lu ln(! tc:' , In ~Olll" sh elter ed loca· tlon , by t hrolxing up th e Illrt f mlll Ih l' sidros. I'llt all t\l P of thlg 1\ ( tl W Inch es of ti lrall or h:.LY . I'lu<.: e UII <!lld III th e c"nt el' o f thi ~ I'I)1IUlaLur Uuu aboul 61x inches square auu four to liv e f c,ol 101lg . 1 h ' 111)(' Hhou l u b e b u r (' d full 01 hole s up l!n,1 (\ 0 111 1 Ihe sid e. to 11ITuni I

A l'hUI'IT1ll1g ) Cl! llg \\Idow wu s b (' ln~

cOllrl p.d by an ('9.rn (>s t IIlh\1l~d you nK nlllll :Hcr, w h o ull !; ht tu help h is bl-10 1( ti \t V- l ec turin g 1\('1' l itilc ijon. Ona da y t he so n, callght hI th e ac t or uRing a SW('III' wurd, wa s ask d: "Whllt d id ~.,.. . J Olle, BU Y to )'ou, Rf'~ i n u ld. the d ay \\ h pil h e too ll you a sid c for 11 prl\' ntc tnlk?" "li e sOlu illllt I ought to lov e you b elt e r," cnme th o une xp ected I\nswer, "that he didn't Bee ho\\' a nybody could h elp loving you t oo hord to do any· thin g you dIdn 't lik e."

I';: ~'

~ M~:~ ~ ~















/- 1'




HOW TO TREAT PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS For pimples and bl ac l,h cn dlJ the followinG Is a mo st effecti ve and economi ca l treatm enL : Go ntly smear the aCfp.cted pl\rl s with C ullcurn Ointm ~ nt, nil th e (,lIri or th e tl n ge r. but d o not rub . \\' :Is h art tb e Cutlcurllo Oi ntm ent In !lv e minutes with Cut!cu I'a Soap and h ot water nnd continue batl!ln g lor sOlli e m i nut es This tr eatm el' t Is L ~ st o n r l ~ l lI g and r e ~lrlng, At othe r tim es u se Clili cura Soap fr ely for tb e toil N Ilnd hath , to as· 51st In pr cYentl n !; , lnnammation. Irrltat IL (\ an!l clugt,;lng uf the pores, the common cn li se of plmpl cR , blac kll eads, r edn ess and roughnllss! ypl\ow, oily. mothy and other unwholesome condItions of th e skin. Cullcum Soap nnd Ointment sold througbout tbe world Sample of eacb free. with 32-p. Skin Rook. Address 'post. card "Cutlcurn, Dept. L, BostOD."-Adv.

I on c.(' r ead or a teacllPr of IlIlb ~ ~'II B I, Ih e bn 'l'II. Thi s deLJends on I auundallt vell tila tio n The pul alUc> (II,.. ( hlld r('n to whom WaH brllu" j)t a lIl an 's indil'ldllalllltlng so mu ch tbat ' are Ib en pl\,. d.. urO\llld the tluo lu ,I . : , . a hoy o r fiv f' year s, \\ ho ha(1 n el'e r l i t i s fl s" I""H LO ellt('l' Into any di scus. con k al h eap 11t ~: a.'no,.ulI ~ uf po tatoe~, spol(ru a "ord. (' n n look o f r e('og f.i oll h,' r p us to Ih e llr ~eds that may to pat III each b,w l. I ~ [, UUI I .UOO (I , nlll on or ma(\ e a voluntary m oUo n. be r l:o",'11 Th e r e Ilre three c la~8e!l- 2,00.1) p O ll lld~. T h,' wher s are lll" 1l P, l es of fertility at the mercy of the Th e teadl er la y bC'. ldc th e ('hlld fOt llH! nW;l l hn; ed s. th e Pgg breeds and covel'NI with IIny or SII'II\\ or oth el barn eaves . half an h our PHl r y d ay. wnt chln g alln , th !'! J;" Il ~rIl l pur \lo se ur ~eds Unde r Illater la l \0 u d f' IHII of tltr ce or fUIII wa llI n)!: and .h nnJtlg fot some sl l(ll 01 1 pnl'h or th('s e th grc nrc sev. Inch es. On t o~ of thl ~ I,; IJlI( two ,' r At \V oflster, In ' a th e') ear lotatio() Int el1\ p;p nce o r \'nlltlon . To Jtnprol'p I " ral ' :1 111: 11 1'8. and Ihoy each have. threc IlIch,,~ 01 ' iln. anrl tbl s nm ounl "f (<'111, o at H, I\hl'a t , clo\'(' r and tim· Ih e lim,) f or 11lm~ e lf hI s habit \\'n~ tf) , 11 110' 1, booners Fro m expel'lence with should be Incren sed a s th e w e ath el OO I !' 1' , \l' h "re 16 t OIl R of m anure hnve I rf'nrJ aloud Aft er six months, ll elng : sP,p ral ur Ihe m , I w i ll say t~ ;iY gro,,~ cold er Th (' II pap sh ould 110t Ill' L (' (' IJ appll ou at Iho 1'11 10 or M t UII . on l)f' P ,lay vf'r y weary, h e did not r ead . I Il r ('('u Ihnt )'O U may start wI I I covered too tl el' p \\llh dirt at flrst. t1 " , ,) 111 ,1IlU 8 tons Oil wh ent, tbe manure· I Pr('spn lly h e noti cp,l Ihal th e chilo , ~Iv' YOIl sn tl s(ac tory rE'Ruits. I t y th e pOlato es m ost 01":1),8 go throu g ll hn " Iln,l a valu e of $2.40 lIH ton ; and wa5 IIn ea~y snd trying to movE' He , ar e given th e proper hou sing an, I a Hweat nnd lo s8 Is lili el y 10 o(,c ur If "h Cll 8 t o ns have been used a t the brOllghl hili mouth n enr to th e chlld' d I feedin g . cov cr e tl too deeply. Th o IW:I{I ollglll I'll ' I' uf 4 taus u ll corn and 4 t OilS on handA, who, afte r rppeato!l ,,!fort sue t Second, t h o Inveatment. There are to be cxa mlllcd III a w ee k or ten d;t y~ whcal, th e value has bee n $3.(,0 per (,,,,,.,pd III pl~clng its fingers on the ' th ree good WIl YS Ihat a start may be aflo r pUllin g up, and It too milch 1<: 11, ur an In cr es se o f 60 cents a ton tenr-her's \Ips as Ir to say "Make tbal I' mll,le-;- h ) buying E'lI'gs, baby dliclls or molatru c: i a prescnt, uncovc r the pll " Lea.on In Grammar. (01' a thin ap plication where tbe !'.ound 8galn ." a pe n of lllatllre birds. Th e latt er Is. and let dry aR th ey stalld for a rew Jenuy's uncle, wllo was a Bchool 1l1'10 1I Ilt , ts llmlted. In g~neral. llght A rtl!r this first encouragement thf o f (,Olll'!;e, th o Illost satisfactory, as hOlll's, and then covpr again. teacb er. met ber 011 t h e street one a pp l ications malle frequenLly will ('hlld was . w\th long and patient ef· Ihe brf'ed ers will give you u slIfficlent Th e tubers l11ay b e tak en to a dry . beautiful May day and asked h er If {!: v<' I~r~er \ elurn s than beavy appl. , fort taught to speak, to think and t(J numLer ur eggs to allow the hatching warm room and th cr e stored In ~nnd she was going to the MaYLJoie dance. ca ~,l o n 8 made aL l<J ~lger interval s. \\'olk . o f morll goo,l stock than co uld other- A light room In an IInused build lll g "No, I ain't going." ~ he crup 10 whIch manure ea u be Whllt Divi n e pntlen( ... ? What In , wls .. be: secu r ed . The Industry ot sell. will an Sll C(' th e pllrpos es well. If some "Oil, my little deur. " sai d h er uncle, .... l m os t profitaoly appli e d wlll.I'alY \\Ilh f1nlte Joy In ~uch a victory? It was lng bab y chicks hns Increa~cd won- ventilation Is provldl',1 f or . Th e m cth "you must not say 'I ain ' t going.' You : hc '1.I 1t:re llt ro ta li on s. The corn crop, tho vpry ~plrlt at the grellt Sower, the tlerfu1ly "lIhln th e past three years, ad of PI'ocNjure Is 1\S follows: Put ~n must say 'I am not going,' and he pro~ UI , t: a rani, fe eder. will alway s Il ~ t Teach er of nll teac hers. and 1& generally conshlered a very the 1I0 0r II Inyer of sand two or thre(' ceeded to give h~r a little l esson In I t t u nd ,:aIlLug e If ca re I s ta l,en to One who h eard thle dumb boy satisfac tory m e thod of stnrting a Inch es deep, and 011 th is place tbe po. grammar. " YOli are going. He ,. lI: nl, 1) a !trIO He edbed. so that tb e rise sp eak and saw this lame boy walk I fiock. By this systom )'oU can "Cl;lU!lt tato es side by sl il !' until the sand IN not going. 'Ve are not going. Now, P. ': apillal'y moi st ure Is not retard ed ~ald: "It "as like one who eame I vour C'hlcli ens before they Ilre f co,·cred . Th en pour dry sand over can you ssy all that, .J enny ?" by a b eav y ")Jpllcatlon plowed under. down from h ea ven and laid h trDlI ell I hatcherl," and avoid the n ece ssary them until covered, and then place on " Sure 1 can ," she replied , making B M. A. BACrrTI,:LL, ' cl o wn b OHldc mil, his great heart by botlier or an Incubator or severnl more potatOp.A ard cov e;' as beforE< " courtesy. "There ain't nobody going." CO';('l\e o f AgricuJlure. Ohio State my heart: watched m e wllh Ilerpf'tual l broodv h ens. good many . layers U1 ay thu s b e put 011 l Jl,I I't' sl ty . {'are: I nfused Into me his own life. and I' Th.l~d, the dealer. A person buying top at ('ach other. until sev ern I reet In No thoughtful pe~oll uoes IIqutd blue, H', 'lI'alt ed r?r nearly twenty yeats before stoc\! of any hind should always make! height has b ee n r pached. When doing • pinch o( bluu In n I.r~b boUle o( "'~t~. Ti:o.;TS WITH SOY BEANS. I l'Ot and drowning out during the I r(>~ch.~li my fingers to hIli lips and I l' casonr.lbly slir e of the rellabillty~ a this It may be necessar y to place some .A5k (or Red CI·O... Jlall IlIuu, Ad" I STo wing scason. ' ~Id . Speak. Lord, tor thy servant th e mam willi wh ., m he Intends to boards on the sid es and In front to A LeDacy, A ti Um Ulury ot tbe Oblo EXll el'ime nt Severn I g row er s b a d success with I h ea r eth ." d : My eXllerlences have been en. keep the sand Itl place. " "BlIokH InherIts hlB wtt." ~tat lo n s cU·()JJerat.l v e tO ~ L S Wlt b soy tb ei l' trlnls. crops ran ging In yIeld : In sowing the seed of "the King: . tlrely .satisfactory In .thIs resp ect, anti Wben storIng sweet potatoes It will "Y'e8, lie writes Lhe same Jokes his fr ont 8 If 28 1)lIshels to the acre and wbl ch I s the word or God, bellde aJ. In 'onl~- one 'lase bave I ever been dl be fount! prop table to pay close atten· hean s In 21 coun t ies brlng~ out tile sorre of tllC plots yielded as h iGh ali wate~B," by the way side, on stony appointed, T 'h i8 was a shIpment ot t10n to detan~ . Th e potatoes should CI'lI;ndfuther wrote." following ta c t8: ' 50 bu shels to the acre .. As a w hole , Lbo pl~ce8 .aner among thorns and e.e~· 1 b aby clilick~ sent to me from a poll!t be kept dry an~ warm, and be prop Failures to get reRnlls Crom · the StatiOH coae] udes that the " careful ! upon tbe g oo d ground of ~~ ul1~er l l1bout 1,500 miles away, Wblte th$Y erly· ventllnted. . " tesls w ere d ue "In most iTl stancea to tal'met eli D grow 80Y beans 5ucr-8SS I .tandlng hean, thl\re Is ~r~a~ tolT .atJd I "ere' ,;n" ·tjl e rurl the weather ..Ilud- . .,- -.':".- - - - - d~ell plan·ting· he:nry rai ns after Cu lly Wilboul pre,10uR ex-[,erlent;f: ' ottl mes (lI ~co.uragement, lIut theit' t~\" d et;'rr . (!hltng~ and was 110 ~vere Ui/it r" Production of · Poflc. plantIng; t o cold, .wet weatb er a[Ler Can IU\ntl\e them with the l.n\llelnen·ta ! ~unl 0 joy [n reaping · thl ' C!.rl~ .. 8~ ' tbel c.hltr.ks \~ af~ .all'4e':l~ gefore r~eh· Tllo p~pduct1on o( pork " 'Dot ke.p .'.lIthU1. wblrl! caused the to , (ol~n <l on ~est fl\J'll1a" arvl-\~t ....., - ~" ,.~ t refused the. Shipment, and .lnl pace ~IUi IncreaBiD~ PQplilatlfn. \ . ( ' -t "

"olulll e a'I,1 in w eig ht. Wi lbi n six m ontn s. IUIl H Will d "' r ease t o tIl ('Il l ) ·ft'. ' t, II ! . ~I" 11111'0 Will then go lb o lU I Ill· I 11'1\('11 pel'fec tly [re~h. H eall ll g i, ·'lIl1't.!d IJ) uac lc r la, Wbl l' h " ork In IllI' jI'CSe lll 'e of the air. I-: xc i ud iIJJ; I h,' air In k "cp i ll ~ the 111 all II I () COIllPS('t ,17,,1 " " )I ,t 11'111 h el l) tu pr .. · Tent b (,1l1 n g ~ ( " P Ib iR l,lSs of LhC' mo st eX I 'l·I,,';I\,· ,'kllll 'ni of p!ant I "od. S lll ~e 1I1<' 1' 1.I IIt I"" t! I n the 11 1\1I :d mallur" i s <.1 ", ,>1" (0 (\ In wa te r, It IS most ,·;tllI ,II ,' e an d lit I b e ~ all1e LlIII ~ mo st PI1I; , I5 105t. Th e only 11'11> to pre l' ellt t U:3 loss I s to have y ~I E' I' Ugbt floors. Th ese nro r h ea pe5 t ,I b"11 mau~ of CI' l1l1 Cl e, a Ct'IIIC1l t 11 0 0r 11 . 11 pay for Itself, a s h as been ~ b()wn by experimcn ts at \\" OO!ite r wh <!re tw o lots of slCers w ere fed . one on nll eartb flour an d anut h er ail e, c ement. The lo~ s Will !l Ol be as g l eat on u cla y 5011 a s on a fl oo r of a I .: hter soil. M a nu :e ap pli ed to Ib e fl eill a s soon as m a,le \\.11 IMe leBs than It will \In· del' o( h"l , oI lI dlLI. ,n H. '1'hel'e will iJe tw o oiJ ."" , 01 1, " lu Immediate appli es · \I on. I 'i, ' . the fie l d s Illay be mulluy at th e 1I1f1l" 'If UIJ pli cation when I he m un ll ! co ' i1 I1>t Ill' mOI'ed , se('und. tile re ma )' LJil , 1I , f); II h t'n th er e !~ no fi eld to w!ll c h th e Ill ~. nlfre ca n bc applied . Th e ob jel'lIOl:' to flppl ~' IIl':; fr(' , h llIanu r e to a steep bi ll" iue I s not wel l fo ullded,


bo k ept III nlilld "h('1l h ;lIIu l ing lile <' lOp '" ld ". !JCII ~Io rillf:









{t} : ., )~).: . • ,,,! 'V)o.'


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T h" llVIH.' r p tiot" L; nqdl ... 1, ,\~ ~I ', r·\1 ...· llI , ( ~ \\\th all 0 1: 1';lll'll " , r l i l l 1" II I I

1J1 1. !! ~ I J O\\\

p ' ll n Ul,l l1l u !,d , ' s h ,,,t! i ·d \\ ll h :C~ . '\I I(I found s {1f fLlfllllll ll l l lf1 11 whkh Ih .. ~ (' UP· \;l· I ·t! liH' ('i l Y of \ ' If.' ll1rln rrom Itt,· rf'{lt 'nlilstR , and h p low Ilr p 11)1' f' ; I1 I T1 U ll ~ :Iu d (!la t III IP ' 1-=I! Il S \\!lkl1, tOK, · Llll·r "tt l , a Jaq'!(' oro\' , ' or h o r~('s Il '\nJ~ ol1 lun d of rLfles lind ULDn l1l1d lil1ll nnd C all1jl ' ljll1llflll 'Il', "" rp ra pllI: . ' d by 111 .. f' · b,'I~ \\hf'l1 IlH 'Y JIUl tho IJll c r ":l fnllow('rs to nt~ht . r : tll k~ \\1tl' l1


(Jill' 1IIIut ,,!;r3vh Hhow8 General Hu erta, FurelEII ~Iillist£'r 1\1011,'110 of ~ 1 f' J( i~o Clly on lh4!llr way to ... session oC tb e n a tlouu l cOIlga',". Qu et fll I'''S I hem . Ilr "r t ~

(;"III'ral ~loh ~ llu

tllan'll" 't riUlllg Ull'lJlIgl . t llO' oilS al Ilu'! rlu '" Il,fl and !Ilan-


' r h l' rt'l1wrk :lbl e :; u cC'( ·~ s wtth

\\ 111 (' 11 11\1 ' r ehp1g of nor h~ ' f'1l .\ It '' ~iI · o h HVP IIHH It; t)Ut '\ in g r eat I!lt ):tSU)"I' {II lhl! mind of (;,'n. J'alJ II) (;O I1W I" H I, .':II, ·d 111 ""III ~'r) lilt· l"Olllll1alltlt'r·ln ·c b"'f of lil e l 'nrrnn 'l :l Co rces II, northern l\1f.'xiI'o. The g,'n era \' wh o ts Il"r" " " ;rl.' " "Ilh hl 8 glatT, I ~ cO [lc' enlrati liK e n !!')' rITo r t of h l~ ill kf'e llillg UJl the s ue· c'l'H sf u l wor); of h A,ns"lng tlr (' f" tlt' rI!: ' sl f " r" I ' ~.

"Irtl t t~ic




, Guld m ln tng Is one of lbe 1lI0Sl valu ed of Ihe lIatural r , ' " "url' ~S of AlaHka, (llir mos t 1I1)l'Ih(' 1'1I tp rr ltory, fu r wll :cb, In bla m PlIsage oC D ecember 2 Prcsld e llL \\,11 ~o ll urges h ~I\I . d eclllring " th e pcojJ l" of ,\I as ku Hh oll!d b e given full t errito r Ial rorm of governmellt, Illld . ~Iaskn, as t\ Rlore·b ou ",', bo unlncltl'rl .





t I '

...til ll)16 plc lure- :\1,' <ho\\,11 fiv e of the l eading d,'II'gn tes to th e IlIl N nnt iu nnl An ti·V lv l seetlon nntl Prott'l'lion co n gr," • . Just tw i rl In \\'lI ~ hlllgto~ ·1 Dnc!, row . Idt 10 right : .'lrs. (,Iintoll I'ichn ey F1Ir r p 1l o f :'\I ' W Yurk, ~Ir s , Flort'llce ' Pell "' arin!': of :'\(' W Yorlt <:It)' Fr ont row , left to rir- Ill: 1\11':;. Caro· M. Gaston DOIIl .. r!; "" Is tb e n p- w Il''''' 11011 E. Wltit. ' o f f'.'nn ~y ll·n nlfl, MI>!R Lln d ·uf· II'I !;,' h)· or L onel"l!. I'; nglallu , and fIlier ul Fnuu..: e. Mrs. R . G. I n jl;l'l'so l 1 ot ''(Ow Yorlt , wido\\ or th o tamou8 iI:ct urt:r ,






,~ .'

I 1



Ua rln/! lltt' wurst storm which )lcn ' <'I' t1 :.! H r xp erimH ("d III ~S )'c ar ~ Ubllll\ 1<)Ilr i ' ut o[ ';no w fell. compl et,' l ), Ila raly z:llg \miJ .c. Tbol.lsund s 0 1' IlCr~ons I Arm and ~I e&nro 18 tbe South Amo r.· \\ r.n maroou~d for tbreu dajfl and t wo n ights tn office build i ngs UIIlI fal'torleH. I Icun l, Il"I I' Il I of JthIHnH\~Y uncir,r arr llst ~~_. ~ ' in N ew Y orll on 8u~plclot\ or having B od 'Una, "Pn," snld littl e Tommy, "you know .Tlm land Horne,,? " '1'11, pa , Jim no d Horal'o sny t.hf'lr lJI':lYcr e very ulght. and Ilsk God to malte 'r:m g()od hays." "How nice," aid th e rnther. "How 'Very nIce," ' ' "Out be ain't dono It yet, PI1," tbe

urcbln added,


Looked as If It Had. I USI' d a " \101:;01\ 1I0"d l e" 011 youug "Do you th ink t h e mot or ear bll S , W,Jln ell . come to stay ?" ask ed oue mun ot his ~~-.~ neig hbor. Avoiding Oblivion, "W ell.,' r epllan th e othel', "there was "Tbat politicIan g~U! blamed tor e one out In tront of my h ouse today , grllnt mallY tilings 110 never did," wblch J thought hnd; but tbey ' got a "He doesn't caro:' repli ed Senatol horse after a while and towed It 1SQrghum. "He wou'l~ ratl! er b~ rou. home." " eo than not 8eem ,lmportl!J\t,"



Thtll is lh', n ow " I,paralUR fo r (l o ll"" signals th e In611111ation of which i s b eiu l( c:olI ~ ldo re u by the !llI ll,o r ilieH or Wa.~b : .1 gton, Gree n nr.I;ltu5 frOl1l the electric globe at the top or Ih e standard t ell tb e Illen 011 li ent to call up their' vr cc lnct station:; tit Oll ee, St-nlng Him R ig h t. A young lUan wh o was know n to h i' engaged to II. tenchp,r WDS observed leav ing h er bouse and lookllllt penslvf " 11 al a rlug In thu valm of Ili s It und "The engagement isn't brok en art, Is It 1" uked the frien d who met him. '1t Is," be Balel, "I was hair an hour fate fn calling, and she aald that I must bring an explanation s'l gned l by



Hi . . \ \ \.' Yurh u,l\ .1 II. ; '.,. I . 11.. : ; , ;-,~lul) il. (.I t lH· :", (ii h." arrull&t' I !lI:: L~ u'l'd belli !; IIIOdl' [0" til "lrp~ , Il '" o. '. :I:ri~ ln':w tr '-'u :n Ilu b lic pl[lcCS Ill) cen Ll'lr& Cot' bo!lday cel o l:)rll- ~lo U 8 in '.\ hit' ll thu poo r mny la:\' e 11 parL 1'hfl one here illu",,' tl'll ted ill being ut 1111 In ~la rJlso l\ Square park, . 'ow York. and· 15 .m teet talL On Chrlslfllas "II It will be cJ.\pJ.led by au ILOmens6 electric slar Ilnd lllu~ lAated by thousands ' '( . . ot theatrIc Ugbta, .



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(-. ,' • ,

Wo rna n'.



Real Estate Transiers

T ear~.



I-·-··-···-.. ····-~···-. ·· · ~ Professio nal Card • ~

"Thoy say tiUH II. woman's tears ~:0.nI O 10 ber atd tit uny moment." \ (' 0; her tears aro vol unteere. 8 0 to

••_ ... _ ... . .... ... - .. . . ,~~ !:t.!..-~

HI' 11k ."


Sup reme T est . I tlttr ll's N .llnct IIl yrtl o M Hnwn ril! 0'1 TO (OLUM IW' Let no m an c; II hilm,,' li' gr·!I:It unti l to .\THrrl'O H.oh o r t~ e l· " I I,\t .:'\u. 271 - -- - - h tl \.JUB eorr '( ' [ N I I ho 1'l'Oo[ o\.Jce t s or I () •.u l0 ' "1' . '1'11 <, ,', ·" b,llf''' r. II \ ·"~ "f 11.I.( l' II':tl I in ,.' rHn kJ . tD , If' , \.1 1, F u n~ral Director. biGown ol!It'la ": nOl ie," ':'. H. ~oIH t< lIlld wifll to l..;ro,"' D. I Il TII I U('l l\'ny 11111111 .. wi ll unt l" " IHI - -- - - --- - - - -. , ~'\1'\'\ lsl1 n IH) iH lion'''' ill ll'IUl l lto l1' ,''' I,I'llll l rt\Lt' III \ 11 · 'n~t.·r I1H- e1.l!l :: I. : :"1 • ,: ,., l"'ld lit tllP:1' :oI", ('IIl'lrol ..1/100 " \ C l assified Ads t n ,', ,.,hl p. ~ 1. To lephone oily or nlgll t" h' . >. ( 'I ' 1 1 10 }<~\· " lyll'p ln f(.I"li ' (,II . "I '·'.· ... Vul lt.,V pit,,, ,,, No! I A,n g • IlIl' 111 • urn , !L (l rUr , t o HI)I " ,rt I J)i!!tl1ll l'~ ~l) lill-:G I' , L' I f' I " . IH t on .·-,lv IJl' r t Ull' n t t il 1 1I,~ \Vl 'it J,' Ails will he I wwrLl 'd uU l1l'r l h ts hf'all fo r e. .. U .l . U' I l ' r l ~ " l U O Ctl n u . 50) l Wt. 1I q '· Il \!t.l \!c u l s Co r th ree l UHc r llonl ,,' I D I . 1' v. t. U . III ",~ ..') 100 of all OI t1 ;1tlOS .If the ~ t·nte a lI . I "'u . .bon utl lng not wor e t ha n live ll n eti. 120 I-:nnl lllll l! nt ...... ... .. ....... ..... .. .... . 19 Automobile Service at all Time. 13 lS 7 ~ I 15 19 \ "'m il 111• I'~nuYlln, (' xoo n t or t·0 -'\ . Eve.rv. sJll1u kbr I ~ an II cLiv A f orcp OJ ...-. • • .......,....,., ....... ".,...... . . . . . . w • • • I ' ve n· , '.'\ f I d . an d d1r ~C IOr in shn pl ng polioies of v • ..Ii r u" u. oo r e~ u tin lD nan"- ill enrulllllenL ... ..... . ........ . Ii I \ 5 ·1 3 ~ 7 FOR RENT W AYN ESVlllE, OHIO T 'lrtl ecr'lHk t owntlhip ' I I n3 till s tlltO lind national adminlstrlltion. 10 I Hl3 r •. , 1' - k t B '.., t I" A speolil l O ll r will b ring fiUyor Total d av~ I>f absence. .. ... ......... 11 Z!1 fi \ 17 39 Branch Office, Ha rvey sburlr, O. 15 I 37 , . " . vuO 0 e u ry QIlI Hr u HE Ann Eoglepropert y for rent . I '" <itt' 3(; 23 no res of la nd $ t m ore peopl0 from Van WertCouuty . 4 .10 \ 11 59 Inquire ot H. P Key s . j l!1 Hanna h E. (Jr es wel] et IIi to Ah In on e t~oA'nship of P utnolID Couot,.v No of pup i s causi ng absence .. . .. 4 9 7 b ' e L. Brow n. part of IDIot No. \) iwouly.five h og r a isors pilld god N eith e r ah",ent n r tarrly ... ...... . . 6 11 49 9 10 I 1 4 o BARNHART, alld lot N 19 ' B b '.bemltelves a t, tow ns h ip m eeting to WANTE D o In nr vey" urg. . .. I O nto COI)l '~ Imd aS31st 10 u rgIng t h e l! . 8 Per ('ent IIf enrollment ne ither Notary Public ab:'\t:l1l no r tardy ... .. .. ..... ... .. .. . o 41 31 40 48 50 20 govorn m ent to h olp 10 the oont ro l y ou want to sell yuur corn. 8ee Ji,\r vey A. SurfaoetoCltl r en oe E a nd e rodlcatlon of b og obol(\ Tfl All k ind!' of Nota ry W ork . P enlllOD R obnt Bec kett or pb on e 8 3 4r . ~n 1 ~ .. oe 3 t raots of la ud, on e being Ca.'Ies of tardi ness ... ....... .. .. .. .. .. . 14 9 I 2 10 3 13 38 76 Otber oom oluoltles are lI kBW I~l1 bl1J Work a ::!peolany. In Wily ne tow nllhl p, t he ut her s In oomlng Groosed. All fll rmer in No. of pu pils tardy ........... .. .... . :0 8 6 7 33 Clearoree k tow nsh ip FOR SALE 8tit·ntes w ill T60e8S for two d"YR Alfred V. l:l nook to Newton L l 92 next woek, and offioers a nd stat·o in· I'N ccnt.of attenrience ..... ". .... .. 9., 97 843 1 903 99 9i, 85 91 Bu nnell 46 46 tlc ros in l'a r tl eoreek st r uotors will go to Colu mbus V ' . f S . d '4 4 B AY M A RE . 12 y ears old . g ood Township $1 dri ver . 80U nd a od gen t Ie, a f rn id (Jounty FIlir officers liod direotors. .;..;;ls;.;I.;.;1s_o;.;..~u.p~e;;.r;.;m.;.;te;;.;.;n:.;;.;;e.;.;n.;;t-;;.;.;.";';"';';"';';";';"_':"'i-":"':'-~i-,:;:..~::.3...;.._3::..:...;2=-_~3":,,..;2;i5 Frl.l n k a n i Mar y (J. Taok E'r to A Veterlnarv of n otbin g Im d " Ii ood travlller . bllT'liers. grllln deil iertl , li ve s took P upils neither absent nor tardy Red Oak Tooker lot No 312 In ~H80n Oh IO Prloe IR rl gbt. Inq uire at 'hi8 offioe. Graduate or Oblo SIal. lJniversl'y men an d fa ir exhIbitors wi ll attend d uring December. : Cli fford Sonday H elen Martin jn The h eadl of departments a nd field College Hill . Rober t SniJe r Hebe r Ross Ua ll ColLen a nd Mrs Ha ttie Col O NE Reglst.ored J E'r sey Bol i. In. men of the Experl mon t Statton. th e bArt t o Bell e Colber t. ot al part of ia· Hazel Salisbur; Ca rl Sq uires Anna Bu rge ' Howard Misseldine q uir e " f I!.:d wln S. Furnas . R. J , Offi ce at reuidence in F. 11 Sher. offioers lind a e pu ty w'a rdons of t h e pbon e :m I X . j 14 lot No 56 10 Lebllnon, 'HOO. Gayl e Evans Lowell Hili wood's house , Fourth ~tree t. F Il!h and ~ ame Dl vlRlon will be in Mar ie Sq uires A. Tuoker and wlfll t o rrllok UG G Y, n ewly rubher ·t lred and Ai H .J oseph Shutts Harold Shutts evld enoe. T hree h undred vet·erln pa Inted. Inqnir e of Frllnk WU. T :wkE' r lot No 310 and 311 In MIl80n , t. oily Edward Gilliland Tele phone 28 Ma rg aret Marlatt arla'l\l wi ll be In the oity, o mcer~ Albert Marlatt son, Harvey sburg. j 7 Ohio H. Spring Branch J acob Marlatt Ol.lnl el W1Jrriok to Ida Warriok of buildin g and loan a880ola~l o n8 Lola Bern ar d Ohio XTRA good fr esh Jersey COw. Waynesville. will pa rti )ipa' e In one of the dis Gladys Rola nd Alvin Roland Carl Dakin Harmon Hill IDq nlre of HElnry Crew an Rox. Yo of an a ore oussion s. ann ll Ilnd N e w Burlington pike. Nelson Brown Edna Lacy Wlllter Bi ggs a nd wlfo t o Edwin Sugar Grove Mo v ln ~ plotores will feat ure the j14 Esther Curtis William Drake Moto, part of lot No 3 in Corwin, DR. J. MILLER, Drog rllm . Ir ma Shutts Clyde Shu tts Mary Roland Lulu Roland l:iept·ember Pl gl!, Polano ChloA. Ohio ---.~ .... - - Carmen Crane Paul St okes Gnod one!!. AlBa 1 P oland Clara Berryhill Banollb E Cre8s well et al to ••• DENTIST••• China Brood !::low. 15 monl·h s old. Alice Winston Inez Thomas MfirY A. EllIlI part of lot No. 11 10 For Frost Bites and Chapped SkIn Harmony Grove about middl e of Maroh . wlll fflrrow Ernest Earnhart Anna Thomas HarveY8burg. Ir Jr froBt bU&en ears, flngers and omell -'n Russel Stanley GeorgeSatterthwaite Oaollr Mo wrer, Waynesville, R 1. Waynesville, 0 May Sibcy National BaAk a'd•. J. 'E. Zecne~ and MedII. Zecher to ~oes ; obapped hand ~ and llp8, obI! Ernest Shutts 7 Rhodes Bunnell Ruth Satter thwaite Burnet Butterworth blain .. , o.lld, s ores, red a nd rough CUnton W . Mu.Dion 10' No. 711 tn Mabel Stanley Albert Wilson a h !lndred. plllln, wblte skins . t here 18 nothing to squal Franklin, Ohio 11. Green Briar Buoklen's Arnioa Malve. Stops the Ethel Sattertliwaite Alice Gons C orepe paper napkin s ; in de. C '. A . Wall et al to Bridget pain at onoe and heals qUloklv. In None. Sarah Haines Clement Satterthwaite slgn8 50 per dozen , a' this offioe. Murphy 30 Borea, of land $l. . every home 'here should be B box Osteopathic Physician . School Notes Ralph and ALra Lewl8 to Mary handy all t he time . Beet remedy for all skiD dlseasel, Itching eczem a , Christ mas e nter tainments 'wer~ given at each school as follows: Red 21 Broadway Phone 449 MoCurby 24 fill aore8 of land in tetter, pllee, eto. 260. All druggist·s Oak. Saturd ay evening. December,19th; Mt. Holly and College Hill, Tues· Wayne town8hlp '3600. or by m ..U, H. E. Bucklon & Co. Lebanon, Ohio day evening, December 22nd ; Sugar Grove, Spring Branch, Harmony Philadelphia or ~ t . LOuis. Probate Court Proceedings THI CIUATE8T Grove; Lowe ll R ill and Green Briar on Wednesday afternoon. These ------In tbe matler of the will of Rloh. BRANCH OFFICE entert ainmen ts wer e well attended and highly appreciated. ard M. Duke, deceased, WlJI ad. TRACKED BY POSTAGE STAIIPS F . C. Gilmour, Superintendent. Waynesville, Ohio IN THI WOItLD mltted to probate. . lUBIlSJIEJ) WEEnY. s..OO m TU:l Tuesdays and Friday!, from 8:30 In the matter of the estate of UUle PeCUliarity, but It Meant Much of tho to the Trelned Eye to 11 o'clock ROTILa, DItUOOI8T" SP\lCIALIITt, WA~NESVlllE CHURCHES Louae Lindemann, deosllsed. Ee. 008TU M 11t8, TitANS Flit, OA B Wltohful Detective. BORES ON RAILROAD TRAINS t"te fully admiDletered. AND . . us 8ERVICI CAN PItOFI':' Office, corner Main and High street. Phone No . 100 Metbodist Episcopal Chul'Cll • ., U81NO ITa ADVEItTISINC COL,UM ... In the ma~ter of the e8ta'e of Whether a man 18 a criminal or a Woman Complains of Talkative ...1. Rev. O. S. Grall8er. PltlItor. ' SAMPLE COpy FREE ' Rosella WUham Crane, deoealled. law-8.bldlng citizen, he ought to take low Travelers Who In alat on .' i~ • ' . Estate fully administered. . the. l>ataa to ./lUck hl8 postage ,JItamps Revealing Secret.. " .. . ~ Sunday SchOOl, IJ : 15 a. m. Mcrnlng se. , ........ NIW YOItK OLIPPllt vl~ . 10 :30 a. Ul. Ev cnJng ser vice . • : 0 I' · n~. "THAWAV m . Mid weelr 'Prtyer lIIeetlllg'. 'I p. m . N•• YOlk. . . 4. & In the mlltter ot the estate of on euctly straight," an old detective It 18 strange hoW' many peoJ."ib, I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Willinm H. Witham, deoeased laid. " If he Is straight he won't 108e anything by It. IUId It he Is crooked When traveling. a re so bored with St. AugustIne's Catholic Chureb. Waynesville'. Le&!Una DeJaUft Eighth aocount approved and con he will gain . When I was In th e go,· t.hetr own socie ty that they wlll talk Father Loulll Yaua ()moe in KeY8 Bldg. Malo 8. firm~ . . ernment 8ervlce the first thing I found to whatever stran ger they cao fot,'Ce MaliS eyery second Sund.,. of tbe m()utb B In the maUer of the estate of out about a mall under 8usplclon was to IIsten-yeB , and tell their heart's 9 : ()() a. m. the way he stuck on his s tamps. One Becrets, too. Once, In the dres8lng B any Osborn, deceased. E, tllte of the cleverest 8wlndlers J ever land· room of a Pullman, a woman whom 1 St. Mary'. Eplsc:opal Churcla. folly admlnatered. ed ws.s tracked through his p08tage have never _ n from that day to this. Rev. J . JI'. Qad.,&1Jader. Rectl't. told me with ex act detail all about a Marriage LiceD8eS Itamps. Sunday Soh001. 0 :80 5. m ·Mor n ln g ser NAfter YOU put a stamp on .. certain NlCent scandal In her tamlly which vI ce. 10 :80 a. m. Holy CommunIon 'b e IIral Funeral Dir~tor Berman W. Osborn , barber of way for a little while It becomes B6o- they had kept out of the papers only Sund"y ()t each moulh and Embalmer, Midland Ulty to Mi8S Julia E Knight ond nature and you stick It on that by the moat str~ nU O U8 errort. Yet for way unsconsclously. That was what ChriltJan Cburcb. all she knew, I might have been a reof .l!'raoklin, Ohio Rev. U. G. Waynesville, Ohio. that man did. All his stamps were porter and I mu st cay I longed tq ae•. P. B. ThomPlOD, Putol. Smith. Ituok on diagonally. leaving a little frighten her for ber Indiscretion by Bible School. 11:10 L m, 80dal meetllli l l~ : ao .. m. Olu1atlan Ende.Tor. 7:00 p . m: Call answered promptly dill or night. Barry Elwood Feree, lineman for triangle of a certain size at the co~ telling her that I was onel S4~on 'by paator evllrJ' alternato SUDday .. Both phones in Office and Residence Telephone Co., of Cinoinnatl to Mle8 ner of the envelope. He was a slipLess serious confidences are fre. ' 110: 10 to. m. aDd 1;10 P. m. long distancu, No. 14; Home phon~ pery felll)w anc.', had eluded vlg1lanoe quent. "I'vo ha:rdly a hair on my head Vera Vlvlen S took of Loveland. 14·21'. HJdujte Friends Churea.. to for months. One day I happened the wom8.D ~ that'8 my own," wblBpers Rev.~ . E . ~Jwdy . Chairs and one Coach furnished free ~e loitering around a postofl\ce of a who hs.s come over from tb4 next IMlOirll t Da) Moelln R:. 10 :00 a . m. Fin' Da, with funerals . . James Lawrence Ulark, farmer conntry town where I had gone on aDo Uon ostensibly to orrer you a maga· School. 11 ;00 a m . FourUI Day Meeting Best of service guaranteed, d Malon &0 Misl Lanra Bartman of other tratl. The mall came In. 1U14 lIlne, but realJ:y to hear heraelf talk. 10 :00 a. m. near Monroe Rev. A.. J. Kestle. through th e littl e window I watched "The8e PUff8 009t $2tl--iuld. altogether_ Orthodox Friends Chur~. AE W Pasta RllymoD Camp, farmer of Ore. the postmaster 89rt, It. Presently I I've bought over 5100 worth of braids lpotted an envelope with the stamp anId BIWltChehS." Pleads,~t tlhtOughbtl .. ' Sabba~1i S~h~l. ~~::·m. Re~ar ohurch gonill, Ohio, to MI88 Cleo Prioe of etuck on In that triangular fashion . I t B muc more wCU to anw6 eervtcee 10:80 to. m.. and 7:10 p. m. Prayer I::!outh Lebanon. Rev. Walk. ,ot the postmark. hiked bll.r.k to that the cheerful, exponslve woman traT' meeting,WednliedaJ evenlng a~ 7;.0• . (Jlyde Uriah Keokley, teaoher of town. and nabbed my tn8.D. If he ha4 iIIe':' who h IlS mnde up her mInd to' .'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Live Stock and General Auctioneer ' Wayne, Nebraska, to MISt! Marie ( put his stamps on straIght. prob~bl' tlllk to one of h~r own Bel[ an4 who II ' at heart 11 'Very good Bort, but who AntoiDette Montort of Lebanon. be never wo~ \d !a~ .heen caUKht. merely happens to be a frightful bore, Rev. John A. MoKamy. . Posted on pedigrees and valueslof all than It Is ttl dlscounlge the advance!! Roy JII. Vlnlon, fllrm er of Mor. An Ideal Woman's laxative of tlie offensive traveling man, who, kinds of breeding stock. I will offer at Pnblio l!Iale at my row, Ohio to MISS Mary ·N. L"U of Whe wants t o take BII.It,s or ca s tor Beelng a woman alone, feels that Jle r4~sldenoe 1% milM from Lytle, and Experienced in handling farm sales since Pleasant PlaIn, Ohio . Rev. A J . oU, when there i8 nothing better can follow up his rude Btarell with eon· 3~ miles from Wavne8ville, 011 the Ke.tle. than Dr . King's New Life Pills for 'Y ersatlon. Usulllly a curt monosylla. W llynesvllIe and Lytle pike, on 1905. all bowel troubles. 'l'hey act gently ble an8wer or no an8wer at all wD1 Thurtlday, January IS, 191" PhiUp Balder, laborer to Miss and naturally on 'the stomaoh and sufllcl entl y crush hl!ll-but you cannot Terms Reasonable .:. ISatfsfactlonllOuaranteed CommenOlnK ., 10 o'clock, borses, GolIUe Neillwlnger, both of Frank. liver, stimulate and regulate your deal out that sort of treatment to your oattle, bop, mtaoellaneoulI, and liu . Rf A. J. Kestle. bowelll and tODe up the ent ire sys. 0'Wtl eeL-Exchange. hoasehold good.. &e laret! billl for .GRADUATE OB' TlIR William B. Barraon, laborer to ',un. Prloe 250 At all DrugQlsts Waynesville, Ohio turms. Frank Z. Bel8 .ATIONAL AVOl'ION Misll Minerva, Kuoker. both of Leb. a. E . Buoklen & Co. Philadelphia Chronic Constipation Cured or ~t. Leuill. Valley Telephone 45.2r A.. A. MoNell, Ano' . SIIOOL OB' AMERICA anon, Ohio. Rev. ROilS. "Five years ago I had tbe worst Cba,l. Burnett, Clerk. ~.----oase of obronloooDstipation I ever . Carey E . Gray, employed at N knew 01, Rnd Chamberlain'/! Tablets Oratorio Popular In Germany. C. R. Dayton to MilS Eva Estelle J will offer at Publlo Sale at m:r Oratorio. ever III nee the d11Ys of onred me, " wri t el S ~,'. Fllh, Brook. ·rol.lidenoe on tbe Spring Valley aDd Burns of Lebanon, Oblo. Rev lyn, Mlt)h . For sale by all dealer8. Handel, haa enjoyed extensive cult!· Centervtlle pike, 6 miles we,' of LaVerne Taylor. .... Tatlon In Germany. Every cltf of ImIlprtDI Valley, .Dd 2~ mllee loutb Maxwell J. Holllnglworth, farm. portance hs.s Its oratorio Boclety, and weet of Bellbrook, near M&elker'l Noed It All Right. er of OregonIa to Bertha M. ROBlell many of thelle cholrB have become Corner,oD Btox-"Say. old man, I'm Borry that of Leba,non, Ohio. RIT. A . J . K e8 justly celebrated. market Up 1 gave you yesterdaY Wednelday, January ' 14, 1914 tie. turned out BO bad. I hope--" FOl[OommenuinK a& 10 o'olook, horeea, "Oh, that's all right. I passed It alons Ofattle, hop, farming tru Ple'Ue0&8'1 l Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to a fellow 1 had a grudge aga1nst.·'- ailld harD68II. See lllrge bUll for The SAFE boys' magazine How's This? This remedy has no 8uperlor for Boston Transcript. tflrm.. .John O. ElIIoU rllcIYc aODlbl ·'Onl We offer One HUDdred Dollars coughs Bnd ooids. It Is pleb8ant to bcalllrial bRIo leod Y A.• A. McNeil, Auot. Alllln1 for all lin,.. notaohl1c1'op r CI Reward for any oase of Catarrh that take , It oontalnl no opium or other J . Il. Bimes, UlerJl:. • wblotlg, full or plata ...... 1M! to ~T:~::: OBnnot be cured by Ba,II's Catarrh narootlo It always oures. For 8ale What She Meant. ------~.~~ ~:.~thl~I=~=~'Ty{~ra.::lt:':e:; Cure. by all dealers "My second husband Is no more Ulte mOd populu bon' . ..0.0 .... 1&1 artlol... I'ln. anlol .. on f~b&I r my fir st one was than day Is lUte Brltllh Columbll'a Tlmblr. Fa J. CHE NBV & CO. , Toledo, O . • - • Dopang>."to of!!l, ~T IbT. Papular Sate ce. Bow to • We, the uadersill:ned. have kMwn F. night." "But remember that you With the el[cepUon of Siberia, Dra~ ...... !'Po "'tamp 0011_1"., 3'blok_ u~ Helpful. _al .... r,; ....llou ...d fI.toni WOlItSen; J. Chen., 'for the last 15 years, IlIId be· should never speak III of the dead." 10 and the northwestern Unlte4 Do you know that equal parte of tur- "Oh, ] had no Intention of 40lq that. lieVf\ bim perfectlyhonomble in all. husi· 8,t at8l, BI1t1eh Columbia's timber ness t ransactio.. and financially abl. to pentlne and ammonia wUl remOTe On the contrary."-Houson POit. The Ameriean Boy wealth 11 reported to be unparalleled carry out any obligatiens made by his paint from clothing no matter how Rerular price . ... . .. . .. .. .,l.OOj in IUI7 other country. ----~ firm_ hard It may be r Saturate the paint The MilUlli Ga.dte National Banll of Commerce, two or three Umes and w8lh the IPot' Dark Town. \. . Regular. ·price , , . .. . . . . . . . . 1.00 • Toledo, O. with warm water and 108.p. or 10,000 townlhlpa In France bav· , Today Ind Tomorrow. Hall', Catarrh Cure Is taken interualy. For both lng more than 1.000 Inhabitants, al1Uut A true man finde eo much work to acting directly upon the blood and mlu· 6.000 are without any public lighting. diD that he hae no time to ~nte~plate ~us surfaces of the syltem, Testimo· "mple Enough. DIals lent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. "Bow doel your husband account Of the remainder, there are 1,1I~8 hII 781terd.,.. for toda7 and tomo... , Sold b y all Druigists. by gas, 2,763 lighted bJ eleo- , I'I'W are here with their IiDDOrtaIlt. " l ake Hall's Fainilr Pills for coDstipa. for· the hlJh eOlt of U"lng1" "Ver, . l\8hted trtcl~ an~ 11~ by' a~etYlene. . ~-lkr7 ~ ' : ~, IImplJ· He 3111t blam.. me for~"



Walter ' McClure







~ -'"







B. v.








. If



Dr. J. A . McCoy,







a1. .






Dr. H eber M. Dill



---- - -- ..


'I.... H.E· •H




N. Sears

Public Sales

.- .


----_. --

.- ----

. _.



't a year

. ..

.- .




Ina..-Jg ' 1'..,





Mid8ummer Sales at






Wttaps of all D~scttiptions

Fura, Blankeb, Ruga, Petticoata, Underwear.

Holiday Sal•• were 1m... .arle th I••e•• ~n

We have lOme very fine Cut

. CIa.., Braa ware, Buket., Don., ' Clov.. AproDl ".uitable for New




110, all. Uae •••.., . , , . . . ..s..rtIIIDt ..... "ala . . ..,. ah. . . aDd , ... ,..pIe 01 .. to... ft'. 10M',... .a..._ alae . , . . ..." ......,...a. oat .. papN, . . . . . . . . . . . WQDlnllIe .. ,-o. 'b..-fnD',... ".110 ..................,..,_.. t• ....,..,. 'MI an 1iDbOWD to 'hem. I.,'.... dowD to .............. tile ,.... ~.d do ........ u ' do ............. ., 1M' ".m .. au • lIchborboot, uJ brtq ov .alia.............1......... u. TUn .... ,..... ...... eM . . W. . . . . . . . toae, II".-.r.,..' .. woqh.... Mar. . . . . . .u .. '''of .........

) .

_bl..... .

. . . . . Oomptoe. Illn. DUr. Powell Ie qry

cia"".,lie, ... 18.,.....


c....". Creek

of • • lin. ~\ ............., of 1I1•••poIl.. I . ......... ~MID..IO... a ... ea.,.., . lin. Dr. WIal..k. .. .JOJiDa 10.., . . . .11et 'IN from •• r lin. &ataD• aeooaa' 01 a .... 01 of 1I. . . . . .1nIq• ~..... ........ ..m. ........ . ........... Da,u4 ..... 1W4re4 ,~p........,. .~U. . . . _pell14 ~ e1_ IIIelr wapD" u4 pula. Pad wlO ~pUela ....... at ••"", ~. toWD oj . . . . . [,elM . . . . . . . . . _ _ , ...... Wtt.Dc18 _UGh_ ID4 lhI ",UNq"'" .... oIcl ra.. '. . . . WI _ft " , • • II. . .,. 1ta .. he....... 01 tIae IDD......... Da,. lOlleD tato. Ko......... I1 .. ,...,... . . . . .W tIa.ol. . of 1116. . WIltiq. bletontanaeoea. .."1' u.

w.., we... .... .....





ftA.,'••II,. "...... _lin . ..... pee" .... ...,...... It,.... .J..p Lea-I..

., lb.

.*'.,..... . . llan to

~ .............." ... II lIor.

Yearl Gifta aDdu)'


Gre.t Sale Silk_ 490 and 750 Newlot jut in

lin. 0arIeI4

0.0............. lOB.

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I "I II . 110 1;',\(,,- ()J.h l' r JI [o r kltllln "Bu t "hy ,lf e I you c l p n n\p'~ ... bls a y.,t"l.r' sl neo qL' mar'r tl.' cf...... t \I '" R \I(lr/l .a pt)(\u r In the neh: hb,"I r hoo t1 ' Y0 U nr.' .• ~r r(llcl; 611 "" :I .J t'!'I!i\ ~ill (1 . o lliee l's "'I'r p till" ,. \I It I allx. •,' ' ( • Tlfi",'" K " te I.:> Ito to " IlII\. ,. (I t ''' (''11 .....T"1I"=l<~ " n·.,u 1I)'9 1'tll" . L"nte . a lld.' rdO. I~(y a llj~ ~l' ntlln hi. n·p r, ·fe n!.IIII·(' of u nalrl ~ , oo;k """0 J; ,. " .H·I( IIrr'" ti l '''''AI v ) ";'[' tI~,jl e r .t ba r ". ~ I" ... nor tot : .' " . Jo yt":c 8ho He reCu('lt1l" ' It k icks . \\ 1\(....1: It s iO ltl. · 'b e ta nr fi ll's. . ..... Hit .Ies," re",II","n t1(1 I I 1 l ' 110 .. P "Hr t t"n 1 \0' YOll think I d o n't racl,on '" "~ a kpn ·tT,111t t hp I 1110 " r~ h:hhnrq h n <f :j rlntlon R an u ~ lIhmlt llronf? Rlah Y tl hOlk hi"''''' . h nd ,I II' ,~ , , n t ' ~ And .. thl' nbsf'~_ n I1t1 )·. . , t Q cnillure th " rl1bn~f8 " t ... ~WR" " " " . I I. un, r t o,," ,IOW (I ll 0 11 t l, e rO ll t Ilf tl ,e 'Jl fll,' ,,11 . hstzllrnu. but Ihnt " ,I' ro You f laJ rn ('I'nu lll a t II ,· a ll ,' g(' O to IJI' .~ ram " Th l' m h. Orsl , c " m ' l1ls ~ WI' lIa ti . rl .d lll g . ~ Raid fb "' \ ou 're o ff Iluctln, ,· " t I10 h nurt. of lI,e bit""" . t Th .- rnh ~tol (l ll. an d fo mrJ In I)O,,~ c'~ H I O n of "'v erl1 l!os t ree Ih e IlU fllbl o81 In Ib" lIl~s t hp pus lll'd e rll n.r o c8ulur~d, bu t In. t r T m n.kt' Ih ,· t b e o utl n ll "I s for m y B1 1h " , , ! r ' for '¥nr,r a l o nc'" n , . on" ' • . "C o ld" to '6 hoo't I '"psst'. th ",t 'R ' all" .,_ca~. J 68M , I. cnptur d bv Ihe rohb,·,·" "ro\·o. 1e '. d ,'a r . •\11 0 r ~".1)1 hI()' ) IlrI 60 nc r s'! Ri ght IH~l I~r e ' r 't o ' YOll !Hlb mlt ,Ilh o- ," 'T1I " t '8 a" ll r l~ ht"" ,'"" 1'(lld WII.A 11 "1' IlCI.,· l ln n 1' h iN was fa I I . "1"", ~ u re ." I fl dld . ''he ' c le aned It bth (' elln of 'J usee "" I~ ~~ ;6b~,,~."vfJr TUBe mllkes orlS!' 1I" .. ot tog rn phs 11I" ntl rying Cl" rl ll ln of h I " ·tH) ~ " , t \1 11 II 0111 '"l n' lll) 1I1 U e lJ eth e." "A'lId' oll e ttll ll g lnd t't' " TKo t Hrool ••~ y pste y. !-ook ,.htl r c'," and l.l09 . "f)1\"\l d.,·o r co u rs~" k '",alll" and e , I,!o' n('p o r Ih e ft And you ¥fiI nil e ye- o n ~, ~R D .t& g'~ hi hi s " ·orlt. \'l Ur good 'I nd y CHAPT ER' k H"',, y\c ,IItp t~ .s lto .... . hl m II ~'· IlB. ~l e3 n "Do y l'\l1 T.,.l1t oll1b~, den r : l ' ~ f o r II • I'PI!rbap~ It wa offe r tw o n ty-fl vo Ih o \J 8n nd doll ars ' r t'- \'our e n e m y f rolll s II II nll l,,' o r oll e o r ti \U e ~· .(a r b ack In . fie e ," I put ml little fln g~ r naif III bnv l' prQ }'ld ed 1\ k ing . a mqtlfl ' bl~ l hofll .bI g lo wa rd for r" covc r r o f Ih" s tock PO)' ATJnt~ n o. lI e'll Iil e to 'do ) O-I.! dlr l ' th l' bree d ! w',ll utl cI":lbs lh .'t a ' f , t£' d h im . K~t e'8 Nan-oatl tito " h.e looke~ doWn \ h s9I1 (h a t m OIl l'Y 111 10 ("ourt li nd ta ke m ~' r · Tlt u t'. 1 (fo'rt 'nr s~" ' . .. ' ., t i,tul ~"llalc \O\r II was 11 1I hl'/<Clltl tn 1, ... lt hll lPS "lo ' w llt ~o of At Hondre d MIl e Hou se th ~ 10fl~ ., . rl ,· ·loOk ~ d 1\,\.1) aero,;, Ihn t h 'lII c t! lp l til u g l! dell'rml n ('tl tl' 1" "'1 p un o f my m " l1. nn d I won ' t s a}' D Otabl o hltd bee11 r~ 1JIov e d rro m t h (' d ill IhA dro u M Ill lhl) rl "p l h ~ o f t l'l l' CH tl On . IUl a '~~or,, ' (' t\nl ~ -f'r · PrJ<onf<rs . lO U nr" .. hn rgpd In you r mor . a sh art h 11.1 ~ 1, -0111 , 1tng hull. tbe b e nc hes set tJ ac k to tll p tb e .ntoo o nll lin g ll COU l , {!IIUlTht.,QUI" pro 1'1 I! II ~ od ~ ~ltrou gh t h b,c!1'u" ill It i~ lllr} \11111 ro hll,' r ) IIn dl' r n rm q "SaY. llIl h :J llds bpln g h ll rt , ,:' 111)'0,1 tog walls, and nl Ih A h e nd or th e r oc m \tIlIl IP, lhou g h It \\I' r e e t cbu~ In s Ilv e r ," I). dJ \l t~ 1;11!l1l 1l.v a an e normou s Un ion J ac~ d r aped a an d hOl1ll cl tl ... In VanOU9 ".·~retls . , ' I)t) just rpac h Int o my o f! h ln(1 poe tH>t" H ."1I/l'I), (·IIIfII I". 1','111.... nflg tfd" YO U vall or atlt do lOll IIltn not ," \I Is h to I,ro , e ~ o llr b e ' II hlslle rcd li nt! Th n t 'o r l ~ ht I\ rcJu t r " I'\I 'l) t>\ \\ "/11 11)' \ 11 1,; III 11 11 v e ry S DlRII port ra it or Qu ee n V lrtorfn n, e r ~ 's a Rol d ,,1t(,C1t · "pl'u dcn t III rn n (t~r" .. (l nd a ';nan ' 01 Iltrl'cl lotl fi " 'fl lI ll 'T ;I k e It. 'I" ~' fn rfl" o f hlfi t" flP' B illionth wns th e c h a Ir, III fr o nt or It Inn oce nc e ?" tl mr·'s u p ; Ol'l'e th a t 10 "l\r " , Th c p rlsoIlP , ~slratc h"tl th e lrh ea'";l. . .\ o ur la dy from us ,~ a ~lIO r~ of ke -,, ': irll y . II cJrl~ tl ~' 111'"(11. a tabl e s e t with w r lrl l' g m atcrlo ls a ll rl ~"II\ I" ',' r r ul , ,; · l'p, "J eB8~ . :I:"~ ~Ot f1Il Ch . fl cont flss ll)O n nar' b) II rl' a'll, rl k"I1' ·,1 " ~1 o\1"s It I\ 1. " su(ll [li p nWg l ijtra(~ " I Bll ke . Ooo db y, pn rt\e r.l' the Blbl o, whil e at on e e nd th !' ~ (' h oo l ",,,I II"'/I\l n to' 1) "hl'~: lO U HCI~I~.d )\!r. Tres- Illtq r Qll fullI'lJI ma'am looke d ve r y selt·con sclous ,'\ ~ d o n 't kno w \lh nl m y pO WI' rs d rl-' Ill . " (l oodby f ,l e ll d" a ll d tlt l' ) ~ u ~ hl d nlJo u t -.~ . vc!r'H ,_, thI ln t s _.. m ll l ll'r. . bill it·~ . ",I d r- llt lb a t· th e .Y ' .11\,1 ~,' e.\I!l IIl!!.o '~I Ill\' f" It I,,'. " A d io s." snid tb e Mpx!ca ll e le rk, In omcl a l ·black . "Ith 1,Irg e r e d "V"Y:l. ." HI~ '",,'nlo s "' (' rl.' d ~h l fl. n n tl we l 'lI" f ' h~t ' II.'" ,." ~ :'II h~"' Icss rpc! I. " ", 111I' 1l Is IIII' soo ne r tfl esc ~ 8/-e d con: Dlos !".,) b ows U\ee s lg ll o ls o f dl s t rpt;<>. 11 ,urjJ rt sl'(l It.\' Alld tll p -E ng ll" b of 111\ 111 'P ilI. Tit !" e al n 't no net·d 10 a nl ~ lIi n l\ n(' f( of t It ... 'sit:l ~ In I'd ~ On the n e llt sut I ro n Dale . .I I! S 9 <:' . a n d m " " \I III ~ " I til' j ll~tlCll tI,,,y r IRlltl )' t ha t Is ,' " M n ) YO ll' rtd e III Go~'r· ' rll ~t;.' · . .. , ' I do n 't wRnt th l' m . ~ \1 • 01 t o:! ·lIu'\r terw r .ull:y, l1t' I:/l n fl r llll: III ul! mytiot"r. and all Ollr POSH I'. VPf\" III at d ' nt llll(1 - - "VOIT Ol e II pa recpl id tli p e t fi dd>ts. nd CIl Rag c " hat 'ln e lf l OU ,,'e~ .11V" ec t l l)~ Illl d In l e l~ 1I>>,".1 ~~ Ill" ~ose. On th o le'f l wcre two Ra:.rllt CHAPT ER -Xl. _(~ h !l rd'cl~' l' '' to lIl t:c f 'th e 'l'flt'l-rCb t 0 0 ,O/ Oll sl'tI o l1i(;,"'s h(l,1 \ 011 n r" t1 fo r (,He o rt flu t) Yo u. ~'M r Am e rican etocJ(om en. bo th lit " wllu ll' t!:ttll li r- • w eRrh/: J . )'q u r ~oTII':DRa I'" ' . ,~ '. "trlll(- r . 11:1 1I~ ;\11,, ' 1" """ r;, r Ih,' 1110'" " " tints, whil e on e h nd t h e s t a r or :t HC' p rrRE' nl a ll\ c·. g ive Ill " )o u r rece l-P l Billy O' FI1'I'n. . • • '~:rhi'f" p al tl,.u (f \jo w.: Ileat(!.e, w <,, \,~ t:~t l1"1" "~l'eh l'ft' ror Ih ., c,ll tl,> 1'0\1" c le a r ou t. ·antl Kate's. ?'·arrgt tve. Untted Statos m a r s h a l ntto1' \I . ... . Res id e t h em . a .rl en r 'lltl o 10 Olllr ,I ltn d ~ n\p!;lltlr ·., t.; ,'t to Ih" Stll t!'S bpfo r e yo u ' r ll lilt !;r . Tifill ' bh"" " ('tt aniP,,:!1 '~<1 11 1 " .st tbe g e ne-ral p ubhc. con s Is tin g o r re 1es s fl ·Is ·.cru e l· to Y OII~r0 lil lYJ lrI no t r e d " It l' 1.>" a n y 101)·pa r l' d o lll c l; \I i 'g'rlh ,'. 'BCo iivs 'off !J1.>.' ch c.; t. WI' d o:\ t h :tvo . bt' on 11I00r., 1I IO > T ea rful George. tw o rnn ch ·hand s. ~ n Crh I: I\! .I I\ ' (,O ll ll lh~ 1I _ b l> tS, j u!ttly . n glLHy (,rltE' 1. In I . '.. ',,' • ~ l . l"omi tllbl1'. h a nd o,'e r vour Ilrl soa ~ r8 pP1bin.lJ,jlli· ~ o\\'e a """' lit ' In tlw ' \\·oroil g UI Ihl s \ o un g co,,' bo, !~· n "' ng • Indian, and th o captain 's b ll ll!l og . nnO th " r,! . In I' ia I',orll. of d "sl r ll(,,\.la n II scu ' ll pd " ' rr 11,t\ o a!l'd Mr S lllllh . will JO U bhi ' Hl P ' it \I'ul r.\ I p rt . -'~~ept 11m ' 6 OT ' of u " til 1I I d I h • • ..IlJIlwo W ee .Tames. th e ca ptain's granri s on , /l Us t > d a s IJHlgl~ 'rat e 10 ma lro n f.\l1" p!:.ovl d plll,lul . uU I.I 1'111. (\i" \ (' 011\ ItH' I,,1 m un, 'e" r I 8 on I " d VI' r;, bjI gf'. . eat with the dog a t firat, bu t pres· ~fo rr~ , or I lI'm ·P 09I'.r~ ~rll" ~V I I' tH.~a t hp(ll"f'n lI,sp ll b0 ... 01' nlUf" l' r "(;ot La o n(' . "" I... :"t fo r Ilt " ~Il y s nij J3 . ftlltly h e tntel-ru nte d th e co urt to say dl v l. lo n of th is r e ward '! All rig ht reSile, "1 prQIllJse d his fll the r th~t I'lf . '{. , • r ... . . " . , R (lfl ll ll\rd ~ ·tl lll -·a l t(' !t1·rt t! " " r(lrl ~" n O nf' (1 II II r L(' r gO I s 10 Dal l:' . o ne- quart r b • ,,'You purti e d ~~ x I ,lllO th U6:.t,lHl Id do 'II ll 11 1 I I. ' '!lJlOrl of clmr 11 [(.,." ,.,-11 hll l "'1 h o n" tI " .. ·... 1 ' "'"'tr; thnt h e would like to s ir on eq • .u n, , lell erI uv'........ 11 0> to Sl tllt l!. and ll1 ' otho r ha lf 10 be .• r e,ll ( it '.," k ,. ~, .L · ' 1 I ., '.... gOllu S ness nu\lH \luu l 1)\' 11 fUlt with cons lde rnbl '; we lg b for "0 " rt ' e IJ:ld til l! P rIlI (J.Il" dt' r . n l llls. 8.J)LI t u ll v . • O _ J·UB ~ yOII. \1":\ t CII . rn... \' .. '11 " .. < \, . I'qul\ll~ dh ld er! a mo ng yo u. ' Is '1 h~t ro .uers ~., ~ • .'"o.ll'. S "'II u mu g " email a pe rson. u l(,, II lnt ) O U ~'l'rlJ puolr d"s t· (rom hi s h id e. 'a nd t1 o n '\ 1011 (1 r1; pare d fql' t)l , C Il, . !.I~· 111. " nllll ll leR ,w;'m' a RfI!tf wcU'tr)n, dhr;", , I fair ' All r lg b l , h e r e 's t il e (lIU9~cf ~ gi t g eslrcula tlng . )V~ ga~ ple n ty Jo'· l'nllh , · I,!\t~. 1i en t lt he '"bn ··m y trail UlJc)\, fo"\" E! th e ~("oIrf'cl "" II I ("'~ (" am!' lI 'nr' ~.: At CIIPtaln Tay lor's c lltran ce th e k et.·s ge l th eu t ll ul , I "rr. •• · '·... · ·.1 · III and d llln l? r ' a ll ld" . barre l.. "Carno." sal~f."ond't04d.-!~11ll ; n.?~.,., f qr.,.- fa O , , •• • 1 1: eonetub le orde r e d u s nil to s tautl .. your l' . .11\': At sc r n' d to.o ' 1 Bympath • I les '" Billy d ous. " r int; 'In ,,' nh til ... 11.,\\. I'm (a m ls h e d." tl lI O fQ I11,,1 10 ~' th l t h.. . ,I . ~ t U 11t ~ 1 d ' ).0 IIlght of tbo two olrange rs h e moun, · '1'. th a J. t e. " ,in ¥, \ my ,Jo;H Be \HlIg-ma yqlt. DO J 1 (' 1 ~lIl(~tth h"'~~ .jllu § l?e ~l rrl) rIA" II n,l ' 09. Ih ll t t he om. c~ eCe. \T fl~ fi _ .. ~,.orlll e ll or ovr. s So th e co urt rO be . anti th e d e at4 ol d hI I 'I I II ' T lli t e J pm r y' H~ >I b Oltl o 'J ! lJUU 011. .'I' lil rJfle was 'lI u se ed 8. single ey e-gl!l ~ ~, and s tnr e d \\11 t h ca pla ln. 1t,I\'ing I b " tl eve. blOk ),' . ou ~t' r~. . ' III S \' C III n . ","" .. t L " ) vi c e rfl.. h ",! 1111' IIInn e ~ e v· . ' \I' ,D " ' 11t .q'll· nd :,nd poo r . [I" " e b~e n ('o n'lP lV'" he art ach pa w it h h is t,lJmlll a growIng writh until th y r e m oh·d cry Rtul Ul o' In B rl l:s h Co lumbI a n . onu 10 ' \ ttll lh~r face s to th le' "'111) \11)" m y " os ses~ lon , e ate . JOl'l s!'ou' VIlo WOII' Ih e "n"It'!i'~ llo fl' (, " 'J ~J1" I •. T h e n II" b'.' a rd J=se comin g' Wbll>t! their hats. Then, taking th e cba l:·. pru dlmcc , a s ked a lt hund s a nd .' . ~ Lh l! lion. His m()tll'~ r I~ my coo.' nOI II W uIt a r ~h ,' .tiern,ill .,)1' I II ~ ''"' Y ra h . to 'PII,V, 'l th o l\O\\lIhbnod .lbnlon , '~ ~f. C' om l~" boy'B . ~nl e \\ ot: 1(1 IIl de lh O'l lie permitte d us 10 be seat (\ find or IIrl so no.:rli t o d Inn e r " O f co uN<e," 1<> < t I I':\ln~"'b e saId a nll ". 1~ (t, nc " II I s h u prillcess , ' !ls' tb e" toc k lll1': I c ' " ' ' ' ' , . ~ Jea r(' , tho ug ml! s. lU n ,. la/. I· !\' /I h II " w e m fe llow d e r e d bls constab l e to "Bring th e s nld aft e rv. a rd to .l l"sse. "I ou g ht co hn,;e I, ,, n" p,t a he l or.o r . His' ra lh e. ,was olle of t lo (' .... 1.;, . " ~i' ~'" .. • , . ; , II to PRrl I r plll n l'hln g 0 111 ot Ih·, · ~I HU\l I I,,, ll rd !. S , so prIsone rs att." ... L' \ t. a hu , .... cOIll Dl IU" d yo u a nd Da le to tri a l mo s t dan ge rou s le alij.'rs or Ih o I1m; l;y I placed It lielt n" tl'pe. so Ibn t, .IIl Y "J . ~ 1".J l'li~(" IIn ",- t" Ill ' t, (. c'o ,. r f a t l" l'r '5' "\ 1\" . '!,, 'filll'! liS alt "~rp n Id rt'n d y rnr th e m r!tal ll ~ull a \\:8 : 'so th ef !1 t11.e- lnd' IIMU'I \llIW IIll1h;n' Had our captive s bee n 'wasbt'<\ anll for ioo ml c ld e. fin e d you a ll round fpr t"'lo' cll uIl U l1}aJlm . '[ I~,,, 8e'\"on . h ()~ ""lIU' n y C h\'tn(h~'f A fIlilrm Ilf hulle I:\ o r y: a'flCr '1 don'~ bl u m e hll n. nOt .;. J C'tiBe ca me. It tle e ls m,-t. lI,,' fI,.~t ru ~ h , bruobed , tbe)" might not hllt e loo klitl'· us in g g un/! .wlthou t u .. lic!,\ns e, !u~n e d lJle d'if! sellr cll of d~II ';rR r. \"I' ve ~'1 ~ _ ' r I • t [l ull t,IH'Y "'re rE' 1.h~0.\I n bt.c~ ".le rl ) d,,· .. Ell'" . i ) ' flO wretcbe d or 1;0 g llJlty. Old O . . . ., ' • J. • • "A' " 1' ·, ,.. 'F/y p r,: th E' law ye r s J09jlll 6h 'fa t ex tra dltloli all \lI B gl a mo r ' \\'8 s " Mr lp!\ ';d ' a wn. ' '~' .. .i'" . • • . l \\ ~i" T ltor alllll' It ,., . '. . ,.. ." f('al . ed n ~d d l'DlOr:l I! 1. ... t1 ' . ~~. .deecrlb ed hy J ess~ as W11l s liers; \, Irtf' (:lS,·. a nd .mIJD*nd e d" ttw ' c nttl c to o:- n t wb e n Jesse . ~rlc\lQ{\ ' OlFl]Ih.. a lld P~. " . He ll,!, ~ : b•e ~a ld In ¥r c~JUI.g. ·.. ·Iui.t' Ilch <"ofrt·uri,:..'l~!)J ' I v~.., l!!l:e:.l .\1, [t o e l , pI Un •!I (,~ g nl'll~o,. ~l!.l're~l\ ~"lIrtll d t jJC' 1Il n nel \\"~tI,1 ollr Ill pn 111s h e ad In a blood·sl alne d ba nda" c, m y g ra ss nt gov e rnl11 e l,t e xp e llse S,IY': yo ull'gs t or! wl\ l'n yo u Bliw ed ~I,I:. <SU,·IIl!.' · f'l1 )~ltlco iAi. 'und 'Ih e r c's "om alit \~ il h th Ir con ~t~n r f1l:hl ln l';" to jllfj,tl<!.? , pnd ~ b9\\ ~d , UII 1 ~' tll at it.ll11 .. ' Il' g •.f> m a .tIls rIght hand In n go rY 'handke re~1 It Is . J'U b u !Janger!, dra wn. and lta ~o\lr ~otl\P P\ t~ (l Il Bat o<l. d()lI~rs fof' e·ou. nt.trfe lla "I~ " f<lr.,·da y~ l;rna lark of 8 1 1'C! t .~ It woulrl eotdld ''h ~ ro eS' ror whitt :too k e d 80 ttl tbnt he 1\ a s 1;1 von a ' se-' t~!!¥ r N"l y IIt 11 l!. \lh,, \, did./you do .\lleb tbe ca~· l pn'll b y llu! ·polltlclan ~ . 90 l,sa l\.e h;lIl; ro~ , uh e oo .( wh QQI,,)IIl\' o 'b ee ll 'vIl?l"e. HIs fl'l'hrt Ib'a9 b'Pt>.i'''mfhgerl ~ •. lflr ~ l.!l\·toot! tll.rt Il )lU ll IC The Me xican, whos e be autiful Jeni'rt th e ' press . :I"d jail ed for , , " ., . . ' r"ecl~lp'tr-d proll' ~llI&: ,,"vitl1-. a. 1<.1!i~. _..~ !ha.t p.ll g h) haydtJIJ · ~T4Ilt rUtittr the· h1'd ,hnli oO!ri() ~o" u c p.1;}<I (' d III "th (' lIl tp \, dress, and 60ft dark e yes reminde d e <1ltors. Alld I rni lls e d 1111 th e run " • ~.... " 'lu Itl s o rOltg~1 lI'ld . .' . , ro~~ ~ul)~re 4 MI~o .1-IOU8,O,. Wi1Jl .• ..I Nlst' H ~ F'lflh Arl"!" el(~.Q s. On ('" me sharply Aft e r dinn e r tho crowd broke of th e CHAPT ER XII. opera .bou s " . ' .~\ : ' 'rfl e i1 .......: d1icu s~c d' tm·(l\rov c~.I~ffa. ~~I).rt ~.' lhnorhl pack train be arlllg a load . or ~ tpl es n ~ co ule! hn. I' ~'l o p pr rl .se emed like a tra p pe d woH. olll y Into IItll e g ,·oups . -"" .. A llllll c h or E ns t Oregon honlCs. thl...... the d e IllO m ll dres s If'ng l f1 . ' mu.~lc · tor 7.>t l\ o ll. and ·., llh o nl y th e "thlllldn g of escape 10 the n e al"~s t Am l' rl <: an o tll ' l:Ils we ro bargain ing 'Th e r e V,'As ".Expo un.Jng tm; Scr'lptu res .iW cO\\'.bO),R to handl e Ollr Il t oc k. n' mab norro\\ es t kind (I( II rond on which to "Woods. Bull Durham 's B W!lg& e rln ~ I\lth Mr Oalo fo r hi s Sk y·llne men to my dea r' (lum'py pinho. 1<~I~e d I r o ll s '-01 ,w·~ 0 1fC1 ' r ,ltQw IIllliJ.,Il); JlCfSOIlIt· In to run Ih e Sk) .lIn e contrac t. a p Irn r e tre at. It IR not too mu t' " t o s ay that callnnt ry woo OllU're d by ubvlolls rld o II Itll rh e pri so ne rs und lhe c!1til e. /laaon: IlDuclr' needed ·' 1\ou'" and' £,ro • .n;ssp '" ~od y? .pn tby ,!¥Irfac(\~l1e Is g ate d corn fi e ld. and l".t'~\l r ~~llli tWS !t- ' ~ . mor e thnn pr ohll bln eerl.()s • . \l:nd an ATfl4l ~ . keDChl!~ f · fo r th e 1 ug!({'d \I hllll 'traces or a black e ye. fly th e door s tood Mr Brooke. that t h " s ical s~ c kman. Inz)·. C hln es o se n-ant s . s o llI a n y 'must v. holf' corpl! would h Ili 0 h !: l'lI c ru s h e d. ..::.e~, sald ollr - justlco of th e plainln g s ome thing at· llroat 19n9lb-.. ~0 : .pilly. l\rorp hi s fl,i!.ddI C. I\!111et~ ~ltlo ~ro- with sl\ r h pow e rs In t'essrve as' \\ollid !1~Vt'''' tllll~ ! ·f!.' W:J1lCcp !qult ddllPo'YD '': :l',IMl~,"""l\MIsco"~s'.f us .~I' camll tlml e peace. layIng bls band 011 th e J;lJbl e . our bore d c ons la bl e. At th e he ad .or il\J cod my c!rump1e d Ictt rs anel -ti, " 9C)1I1Jl, a tl 6!;t -class ' volell,lo SJrfg'"Jro e nt ().ve ~ W~~.,\~UI\~ !TIeilJlll. ~.e~,I\e ~o : vlglll.ut v. e~y pllY,e r ' n " "'n ll eollt'sr tl\l'.lthe, rODul s " . ol ,· tho e n e m y _~tf·~.,tl!!ft!niA ,rrlre' "'ciiiTy"' ia-'V... j .~he 108g, lable C ~pt.aJ1\. T.r~r rag. It IIl' and nnoU'Jlr, l esse e m e rges, 1\11 golttl VUl1 cOuve . r on hutlln 61,p.s IIlld tl1 \'<lIo b eJI\lv ~d that. ju s t a s ·n, flo c lc o r The:reln .i eltll el 'I a h~ !In'toh g l ra nlllf,:s Inartl c lI.llI tp; poe ~ . . know I'm 1I0t h e r e as JUlllJe or In\\"· " 0., c raf tJ.6sH arti s t. #\11 :If\ efo ntuch' ~lUtil e' I . 'cn:l~e: ot pI'OVlnCJII~ poll tie!!. 1 I<I OUL r lh " -l1Ittn r!ll lj wrlt f' r. pns s loQnto r~ce8e .l~t'~11tfned Ihe p l) ~m y lI'ld H:lV NI ...... yer. bat all brie' o'f . Aer Majeoty 's love r o f to • .lh e POhttll'- , ~ . ' ._!',i f • P, ifnc1 e nt ROlllb. otlr co~ljlpg I:ecl~f~ s old arm y o r ~,\me l'l c'1· 6 1~Je.Cl ll n ll·t1l1n ~ bbabtt'i c e rs truated to <It?..Jb ~SPQ,rtlUg tblng , ulln arr'nnd'~Ealure ·:Takj) _ Dlny.'~lth · YDI1" I ' " . I , mul e flav c'd til e PI{thvtrlou sIn e . and s pure A'rnh' 'CMifo'' III lt yllo ) lIst ,'l. 15 'g h (\.nd· betJehlb, ' ull ~bat ~s 'J es sO"'(j( the I!.lId to deaJ'~!~trh:~ alld'l1l'q ri\y 'wllh "nut If / &'!. }Ie 's, "o~' /o .Ioo~ I.fl:el r .. ' . ov e l' th e L'Il,fdon 'I ctte r . filIi)"; 'fl/JN ~n.A!)~th .. . I~, bhJl\le ~ tbree Inno~}~1t.I.ij.e ~ ,tli_ .hive' lh e :tlgbLllou811 es ll a nd tll o raneb." L. ' • ;1.(. ,1 : ,YetUn.G,ao5.t-=.d,~ tJon _cons ll!tr/lo ofl\'lbtJ d,cll"fdtlTl'g dl~.,.s- 1t~t s J\ !tH.Jle~t.:Jbllltl' misfort une to be Cb~I~!;<'!..!\ Ub ~.1DlI.! , · sek>p of ;tnl\.n.Y " Ybu 11r eacb Iti 13t"lly," 'r" sald~··:~v(j\l ~~(\e.n~YI ..lJ~.k () , o~ ~erB and .crjm e~ .. qml the ,\ 1110'\". Ws:W~~. St1J.\~~f· .t.r~ 10d.r~I!,:~v~ a ,T e nllj;'I\J>tl1) regl. You've only to prove to Ole that h Pfd,O!' il l!, pr~y lit JII m. . R"~;IM~li'C"s 'witlr"w m I'Rve uou s for hQI". liin9Iu.g . bed er'i.f· l~o\1 ""; wno' )'cads' e nt, OllcQ lonk Oil t oo mu ch br.alld y, you·ret· tnlloce~~ .an~ , J .~lW e ;~p~. . r. l!nu . eX P9;undB th e th9B\1c~\'!>Od8 •• BO~ Q~ f1. .danger ous :r-." 1Jt'! "cdl~ llhd '~nlld'(j' 11I n; ' II\>' to b iB tlng. "'<III P"Ilt>r. a lld lI e w pad s for Scriptu res on oo'1ot-) 'ou $0 fr<'4!2 :Bet'I warll ~u ·.sundaY ' -e venlfgs t6 Ht.s ~oth!! r .~0,~~,111rq- on. ~lt(t t~"'8 hur wood e n leg dlid'i!'9k 'EJrl '01'1t("I ' I~' dld .. t ·know At t e n c" nl to' tell tb e truth" s ~.i:t !!'l1,l ~ p.,Bjll )1 ~ .tho .. uiI>tos e.,vl!low , 0)\41 dnt'ig ':l. J ~s!,e. "" jf , ," '. vapor It! a burgalrr .' .drluICIlJ,g. ll;::a\J;l s t 'the .re gll. ~, ' }f Y ':Yl\lprt~\ l'e~t···· '. , . ) . j • •,. " Seems u squaro, -~a/. :Cap," • . t \ l J' Imetv " whlle I spoke th e " , '. • " .. .,.11 " . ~.' Whlsko rs. «rh ell wo I, ne) , tbe ~yldp! JI\t\I oat appenll ng to hIe sense ot~· r(:mr.· • .~ . "W~u' I"\un S<i,~ 'l!lnrl?a' , ~ Ilnd with het wood't n Ip c c:hu<;kle d qQf!ly 'It 18 n 8Quare d t!al . . Nbw. wciu l(1 . ~rte r bre \lkflls t , ~vhN\' .1B1l8{'. 'h r ~ ilrl,;ld. J , '.~i c r.. tcb ed oU'l tlpon'tllb 'ol!·c!6t 1'i vag'.\I, • "'I'h e 1I1'111~ t cg lltuiloJllI (TO. BE CONTIN uo:O) ~oQe..tQ,.worl(. tlte wldo:w· e amw·tO: 11'0 • ' . . • , 4 .: • ." . (., you lik e fO hn,v;!",.~om.o ,. op '!; ur' {O~;.. • '!I' . . ! ' Jg d e ~ . "Ney' dIstress 'h~ard' a" ' ct'll . CII'n n e l; ' r(' all . le alllllg l\J;a t'tlst t.b l! country m e n as' prlllOtt e r8' fri e nd %' .• , . ' . kl111 to mull ' I " ' , ' : post, tlilt sUl;tg . up h e r llllrnn with • , . Wblsk e rs looked r e proachf ully al ,~" .I. : ., . ,.l-~~pry sm. dO\lt' n ~I'qtnpUy ' weilt to s Iluge r s . •h..ell QyeH dark. \\ It b , , r eJl! .... th e llJtite d Stntf's m a rHltal II ho d e. ~4l~p ,~~hl!,\.~he GWlVtO) ~u\l tl;jo I"l'gd, cad. , ,Wh~ l~ I led ~Ier Ie 1\ wea l,' P~~r H) <lnsl~4-1~ p;tra<U IIQII, and th e r e lr urat!ons hapR s hll. fe lt lit) SlIllp a th ... ror a Whim \I e l\ a 8 uhoul t~roull:h rr se nlA(lve 0' stock u.~SOctutlons w ho fhtt"&1!or~b~f" l'!ls k ' rr C I1~r' lotlsn d h lln ' fio o d ' o[ ·,e al s., b,()li !\ loose. IUJd J. \V,ld olT ~ r ed fablitou s r e \\ u rds for h ls_~od y . trott, i(n\t"m~d .' " ' ('l1n~I~I, ' rbr.d"lt ' oHl' 11'1 .. 11., m ix.ed. IIrtJI It e,. oobs .'!llr~ I .~p· ' d ead or alive " e:1(n; Tlu:re'w a 1J" lnts 'l dl<tll'r eN. j"f' t }, u \\' n jJlllioscs;; "d h~i ,uho,)' ,:I""j c lt. " W a ll" be drawl l·tl. "u n't ,"x:l<'ll y .• , t . . . . •. , 1I g h~. ,ld e rl:! .IWtlUlP" 111m . ""l ' lIl1 \I ,,~ ~ ~TO. i ou 0 1h e r Ilrl ~O Il " r B Do YOII '\C' . , ,. ,,"All S,!fker'n . YQ\I~ Man:.. 1/1 1I)1l) a Clls h/a. a nd til ,) c h ll d,wll. I ~ y . c e pl thI S man a s your s pohps ll1 un !" _ .-J"'":1' - A com ml ssloll e r to lit " 1I:lwlll llln II Hi H1Cll · u q c·I <:, • ."" ' ll t fp" to , b!lt ten d "SI. gl' lIor " ,. .~ ': ' . 1(" •••• "Wh lr.t! Hide the Gun." He.Sald . 'slil~ds \'illrto "bc' !lppolnt t> d ' ili\d' e lll:h t ill . ~h e dr efldJul " Thal's ull rj ~ ht. " B:lId Bul l.' q ll,c k ~ .IT¥\s, l1J.<[ r;,'" .' . • _..... ~..... ",,' I ! ~. hlOfh er .ir·I ,IW w", n~ tDiI~ I" tla.e. bl a ck, npplJda nt.",ai\ tH/Id,th i:."," '1Mp eh .... wh e ll . .i' r O ' F'h' fl n, } ou lU (. eh ar"~lj ll' lI l!1l~ It ", , ~. . • ~. , .- , ' ,.,.. !ll e 1t 0 1\ :'lIl1ll!lIlr It \(nS 'ro ' llI lI! Illd ia il 1·l lil ~ .. ru! tllI,,, ,, 1I<<lE:Jog.t!Qp !lJ)w · th O' 8OUl.h a~1I0llre <l 0,1 til,#- ~{)e,\l o ~(HJtJt:f 1•• N1Gt\:r.. " .tl! as s aull\lI~ 1\ ' \ 0 1111111. YO It oll.,, ·,"<; PASSE D. mq,· t~Qr~~UI !I IHllta hlp nurse ry, 1':0 \" ~rn (j~R fo r \\' 1'" of t it ,> h ar ~<:'ttb~ ";n,t.·s lt'tIrlg ·ibof !l.~ th oj,.\V,IW Il 1I011l1j! 0111 be IUt)j' .€lr a th ( II . r es t IllS v. lth Illdlng amI a b.·tl llI !,;. (; Ul lt l 0 1 Jnttl .•.. e . !" . ' e t" _ll r 'l'\tl die rig·t'OORI.!PR~ n inth '~". At tb e foot of t lt e I./Ibl e I IIl l1 v ! HI' was gon e tbl ~t;O ''jI .:au'I_" c w_ e. :,' . / '1':' ; I . , . '" l\ot ,onlX ,wa~ , ).I~\~l r.1"~I! fit. Dot ~ullly?" h o ur. P I I.! IC~' .TlqejjL ,fi~rth tiiOl'" Loal . A11 ",'atk . thl'! stair rloor .udde nly open ·a~4 1\1 .. Itnt t\"as'~s o In baa ~a\\ Ihl' .\1 xi ca n \\"h l~ ", 1' "1f 'a h i> I) SUfi ord prNI m e C! h e at!1I "t lO fi (' a l r\) . for" , Ilj;m,,~ln ,H;la BrJ~f ,bttt €.vld"t ., ' " It 's n ra cT." saId " 'I II Sk'Pl s Ha d ...·. IIIl fO J ' HI1 ,II I' . c ltl lJf CIOBO the broad,!o r!p ot the,Dut pb[lltu ':Tli:e p\'esl'de ttl: - 'IJltJII S 'lo r I"';Clll'" " I", <. o u ILl ULII « .i h e-, "Oul!l l' rn paHl1I ' vtu{ tltUie r Imllatl e nt ", •• i" ".,'u ,Dee'" oSJIItn'be . " "tl a ll three 01 u ~ " ' h"s 10 s n y , r.! · .( ; BII~g "l'<i' .... olly 'llefOle ttlC 1Igbt. 110 do ulll JI~ v ' riJIln Ju ss .. jl)"' f' rI th e ll'. so Htlrc ly I would nIld him .... ' o:.:CWl-n.1c •• \\It,'I 's got 10 be ~ ~ ' tl ' -- h l <lI ,· W hl nt - \l lth;o ~. r. ~ , . ' • _ thahdal >\ •an. In t l'e I I ," ",~I ' • ...,...\'It'' ' : I ' " ; .. b.e fore' .Hte' m'elnQol or prl'Hl' n: or ll il'JI s: nHll clws; a:l<1 ;" [1,. ~ ;'.I' fp !l r (' ~ tJlw t 1,la ce: mul- , . r,;' l' n VtI",' n"W'plI~ ,thq .q\lIc,gfl}J~ ~ .flll.l'ly ,~.ta ttf'l'tI su lf Ul> 10 hln fuJI b ' I ~ I", - ' by .g,'u' l, . d III nr" .. wlde...n wNte It I "Goojl llJo rJ1 \l8' ,ilO"l!!si s"80od li'lotn' lo h ~ , 'co leI e u ~1.! til e jO)l1"yey . dd J . I' r ' (I nf tl t' .. ~ li!::hte d .. l» ·•• "1\ r iOI'Ll I -Ls r' I d" I J I me n : We trl l"d to rO I cu ". Ind y tv II .(r"'J.lJe .. ~l.y . ii.lrd.1:0 e.sP"al'O ~hll pas· I"ng.' I r ou, . bl~. ~. Y c 9~1I h,o .' IJ-O r \ <; . '1'/ :.f, c hll •• )1 I h s Sn'lIh .'· suld (100' 0 ,"1 .O:.l~)~"n hll llll" t as w e ll ~ bat Cd'Ull1 "thIs rom u ~k Ye~ trp ell rt f.1I lI lI g ~tflr had ; 1'1j:"" . g l< c h I" hll Rband u <l ay tlrlllh O u. \W.c :OC~SI09 ),OU clown \"on hOllr ago If ~ h' >.,; h a rn oj ' t l11 - ). I" ::;l.l'bu~t i an Oon z Il(\~ ~'~u \I,'~n d h 'r"Hl ~, t slt o was to lo )1 011 bnd onlJ. "Ge llll e nliw . I am ~orr y to Hil l' thlll" ~ liS . "li d "" s e ho; !ln ,1 It IH\rtl W bqll <7-" e. tbH ,s~'eral VOK O m b Ollo r s :Ill>. ~ n l l! l l lo r II Il l' IIIl' o uP'''- Youlh 's Compal llo'n. I I,,~s~' t lI" e l \"( ' h 'a: 'l'l~ 's oul,)·. hho y, _ 1\ nd 'Aml'1 !lot SI..el' tQer >ill . QI~\l-, all ' f,. \\11p.)IQ/lJl t8 for Wb at she d Oll e. S h t! to ld " " It> go 10 · that fl\c C h (l \l' S ,I\:we e.'al>ll<td ... :t.4l~ An, o,lIotbe r ( ." ;1 /! r aR' 1 - ': r ; , I , iitiih I ~ W e w ~n\l:i la llt ·n~t? 't~ce·. a ll . tile~" ir\j ,ill .tl ! r 11 b la.z, -. Yes. s ir ' th'l \V O jl~ t 0\\ I\ H 11 ,1 d a.' .111:\Y l~ra& .. sb s~J..y t,hllot tht!. PocKet e~~pr0t;t/1I9 !.n U'I•• II "1<lurQfI':~ ". 1('111" S otn gr "" ,s e no r ! " s..~I ~ Ih" S(\()thln,g 111cl r, 0..o r. flll~~ a l Pe ltt I .c locl, sef' ms . tu l?av.e, i/l 'l\!'fj · .. <, " . Ih ll l wr' re 1! IIIIt.l" as 1" '11 . "8 t lte II t.t< t sb~rlt~d tt~ ~utr. 11;1 11·1)1"1 ,~1I pr"'I"l~ ~ " . -J\. eenl~~a Ie pock~~ t!'l1t1fqol \e I .~." ~+ " .~....!. ;., . ," ' I. " . : ' A I. l·o uld. I " u'n ii'e l \..ook th e ~eB t'cl}" g ll,l il Willi e ~Oll 11.1 e way of show I li A ou r. n 't;- I}t::c L ' as l~\l~ tl~. QIl)IlfI\4lt tOU I tbe btd ''' t, l~ I'llfic:r4 ut It .. h ~O l 1'11 6'1\ ca rt o f a ,\' bn o t' f an e xclnlc'" tr~ ot · ·. ~e }tunga. Power of. LIH1~3!le. " 'ttO 'g<;.\ a "ay ould oors •. or .time IS, or~ .::oprs9' )l1.IJ0~~ . lmpo s e,l. "n ell t 1!'!D(l/I," t,:a p ta ln '1 a r lol" a pollt· dan (lo sts and t e leg ra p h!' o dmlnlstr llo l110n I ll' ~ It I,'., .i "o n'ro ' nl e " . I c a n' t gel th a i wom u n to la l", a ny I'rou-e utl y;- 1 <!f#n'U) upon Bill y' Ite"ch ~1l 1!1e. go.s t\~l jl ~JJold ~ er) l;~u L I ) ' I u lI u" r ,,1ujlll t h,ll yo u, e nt. told y Il (arm o ~ s tlo n. Th e il pJlhunce \\" e ~gb s on1y.1:n fr esh " 1 111 pr(Jud ." sa id Jl! sw l!, .~' r( m ll ], t· o n . ,~~ t:PQIt o",er.tll\ngtng)th ll· {) ~ prh !l "O aJr, " contplaln~d th e yo un g p hl's I) FI ) ou . r"C\:I\'(' d 1\\ 0 \lD I,Ilch In .pllll ' f s on 'at th e corne r s lore onq ~Ib y ~ ramU\ c s Is no bigger than Ii car(' i<llt1fl~,: ~ : ~ . t~ t • , , ' \ ~ Is l,meu t, and th a t 1\\0 of ·: '.) ur CO.ll. )"('111' "''II''lil llIl IlI U ..I.\> lh,<>J y o " ·'Y!'u l il'; CU ll ~O Il . J.1 ~: ,Y'.a s cj /j!all ln g J e sse's mornIn g. a p tl y illustrat e D: ~ f';\fl.e , .8 11 d cl\n._e lhad·by '!an)t"'th"O'''''- er '4' ~U"f\0A:t ~\;PI~ r)~~Tf"ljl\'ip e':flr() p. ' 1m .. a n d I 6ll r~ ri se d hi m In n tit of rao) (" 1\ prO' 10 11 ,·,1 iJ., II ... /I II n .. ... lHl "r, /n"I' " II n J!\.1 .. Vl ,t.!.lj1l\1l. last ~'a ther. bJr <!d o.\ lI C "\',',. 11'II I~h l tilt' n ell n' cti th a t h all a ll g "Y Ia ug ll ti#r. ·· nig ht payme n t) of)l:o prl/lq o~oe' ' \!Irdl erly" snh~) ~ tid doC t}l'. " 1'~1 I",r ,'. n l' PII!;t'd Ih l.. ufT , oll l. I ~ t!t a t lru . 7 · . ~r .: . -a. bit .. 2oo d;p n,\llr~d' qut~bm nll. Evl: 'le t le p60n j!' "(;(1verq TloDs'! ,bleh' coBt,\I • ~ u' ,. \'¢"'r'l 't \I ro nged \IS. th r m and t heI r hl·c!'ll. " BlIl y," 1 R&O .'Me d ...·\'cbn1tl 1h off tbat :d~~.t1i· ~ , 'lf~" I" cqP'.\I t'· " It·" 1\ raeL" ' w¥"UrE Id trom :'p e bny'inc h , The' -pocket lelepho ne II \VI! PUI lIll n J;ood tI ~lll , " Y !!. s lr t root .beJore ;~/::;: ,~~~ , ~u· falW'. , I. ~lIlla l:~I~n , " Tlt e v r dl ct 01 Ill ' COU ' l Is. ' /l or ~1 ~~f6ad~~i; ~a k. .~ _"~lntl1 ~ ~tibo~~ (4)i ., COUit}\)!. ,,tq~: ~ e adapt e d for ,nse r tlon And W l! 't'\'llu ldn t b av e mi ss,,,] I\' m l l ~ In a wall plUI .H,e Qbeyc t\... w, t ll s u U,y. pl\tl e nca C ulllY.' w~t .to .,~e4.1 l \1u~~e<\lJltel ~: ~ ft,!lr fi\l~er either In. a private hOUle, of thn t lwo lvt\ 'y~a rs ' tr n ll. I. ' wasn ' t my wh.!,Ill? street " B~t prLsone r. y ou~ ' c ellfllsslo ll our "IV,,), ',As ~!!~~I, fa~h~r .• pnt jow,?,to ;:.tbo =U s. o r In a lamp'~08 lo rn" tJl t wo me n . l\fJ.. Smith . t, " Why nre you no t' a't' ~~k? pre v II tb o rIght of the spt'l jers to t;le1,lar atio16t 9:30 to.,;t.p r ,., F.' ~al bel' hall lltllsliled biB ~~O:~irr~:~tii~d:'1l~iit , "YOll h l\d to g iL' tha t iltfornla tlon a r o '''Yfro #te lng wH:t! " my ' huebiulc l's ttl. tii~' 'tiiHlae' i and oil1ll ill'o; drafts simply 4tglUliz o fllr (] rense o f· t he !le ttle'0 tll <'> \) ow ," remove s the telt'pho n6 .sa "l 'J eGEe. " and Mrs. rifle?" . . , ... , . . , . [or ' t4e nigHt. . sent unll! the constall ie co uld be Evident ly this made tb" plul: arid pula It back In Sm it h ro rgl ves you," wor,,"" he an~wer.,. ~ulk·1 enough ~olse .to rouse the new hired pocket. , r h 'c,I ::J h l ' l'o nl O I1l~ h', ~ :-;~ I h til

1 '-A t . 1,1'\1'':


Y'Il' ,In' a t 'nll ,' d St ,l t'~ A rnf\ r~ha. l -l" . \ "it , .'(lllr . I)Oll1H'.


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.an~ yean ILIi'V III raIl' I1cllll Bhe rn For w eeltH b e fore th e fe1ltlvnl th ou· Banda and thoU Sllnd s at trecH al' ~ b roug hL by r a il and wllte r fro m th , foreete of Thuringia and i\1 (' 1;1('11 burg to t h e capit a l wllere th e y a n ' sold by dea l{'rs 011 t b e pub lic S'l uar l: ~ au d placp.B III th e last fortnight bt· for o C h ristmas Ih e trim g ra s ~ plot , Yllnl s b bpDl'u t h a ra r es t of Chrl:ltl11a s trens I'all g,'d up In Clll.ll ('ss liu es. e uch r ('stlng 0 11 1\ rotlgldy tll c k d lO' g('lh ,) r, deal w uod ~ l alll.1. All d h en fr o m ('\i:h t In t h l' il lUm ing ti ll ,·Ig hl at nlg hl . al'('o rd lng 10 I' nrl\~ raJlb 1<0 Ilnd so or Iii ,; 1',,11<-,' r,'!\ u l uLioll ~ . lh o lIlllllonnlr!' l'UI'laill (If 111<1" ,, 11'), . th .. uniform e d ulti 'Ial . 1IIl' lJe~ jJl ·(·tar-l(>d prOl eHSOl'. al it! li p, 1Ii1 .H ra hl y pa id. hun !, r), loo ldllg ,t hINI l\' h<:h ·· ". ruu I\l!o\l ltl l'r~ . h "~g l ill'; an d b:. I' !;:lI n lnl;



HOI'E TO RAISE LARGE SUM Mil lion s of Red CrOB' Chrlatma. Sea l. to Be Sold fo r A"t l·Tub e rcu iosis Work.

TexaS-for the Winter to Texas where all COME pleasures of other "win-


F ew p eop le blly e any IdPa of the mll gllltutl,· of tll' H"d C ross ' hl't ~ tm aB : .. nul ca ll1 l.111lg ll . Thl R yea r ov e r 100.f10U .OOU R •• ds han: b"' n I)r ln l e d nJ1d I ~I Ml r l i.Ju l' · " . Ir pla c'· d e nd ' lo'l' nd I th C'S(' ~ , · :d ~ wo ul d ('x lell d ne lll'ly ~ .4 00 . mil ,,", o r III'a(' \i ('u ll), from Ne" YUl'k to S a lt L :dte Ci l .\' . Th,' y h ave be l' ll l ~ ('lI l t u o l' r r 2 ~ . t)(IiJ dlff"n'lll a g cnt~ I a ll d w il l L, · " ,d d IIIl Il h ~ lld l cd by au ! I .trlllY or II WI h' ,,~ Il lIIn lUll ,llU O vol "I1 ' . I f·NS . II' C' l ullllI~ 11I< ' lI, w() lllf'l\ on,1 chl l· I , dr .. n . . .111."I"~I ~ u~ •. :Hh:': ~ llsln ll (: I~C ll- I I ~ilr~ b.' l I. . L, ", II . C~tl l( : . ' ~ l) rO~!;1 o.ut 1 .111 C (l '1I1ll~ .lIltl . n l. ,o . (I Il!:h l) h .IH I

tering places are combined with joys that·you didn't find elsewhere. You'll be delighted with the social life, the superb hotels, the varied recreations of such charming places as Galveston, Corpus Christi and San Antonio. Arid~ with the climate that makes your simplest diversion a delight. t!


(Jv pr t }w! r ( ' ltri Htl ll :l!4 t n -p . The 'a l I t il ,.: :1 ~ 1\ · · rll ·;ill g C , tlllj l<lIV: 1 l H' il ll or· tl r ('a n LIP huu ul a ll pri ( ·"~ . fr um fiu gtllli 'l.(' d ~ 1I:1 l It I ~ dut: \l lful if milny markd fur a fOI' (':; t Itl llg to t;I J p fl'll I Pi (l 1 1 ~ " in t h e Jf1 o r.· \ Iupulull t:. f)t al PR


II I!;H ror


"tl ll l(l 'U "" " r l .

Th ll un ~

lIlay b e <11~h l i tl IJ d to b p hUIl ~ w ilh ('or ·

ll s ca tlll~ "" 'Cl r le Ug h ~ alill tleclc c O w lth lIiam on(l ~ f,lr ll\ ,' i.J un l,,·r·H w if.. th" o th pr ' '''' bly ill'lI ill ilul, ' c1 wi th fa rtbin g dips ull d lloi s ,·r:.bly trl r l" ',1 ou t with It halld f,, 1 of II Ul~ for Ih e. wo rktugllllt.[) 'S

f lt lil ily .

Th l,:


u ll

dUl y at the c lf'c t ril- pl ll nl stati o n s til Chrl~ l /lIus ,.,',. hal'" tl,, ·ir tn'e, a6 110 l b o " il l;l n .. <i l'in'rs liS tlll'Y s il ln ttlP ll qu u rte r !:i


tl \t\ nd lwu r y ~rds wallins

for Ihe II lgh l Hh iftn. Th e s oldit'r _ In t h' ll ~ r ra " ks, th" ijallo rA Hl s ,·a. ,I,... pat.h·II IH III l h e h os pita ls. \1 11.' "u I1I'IClg In dlt! IIri s ull~. t:' \' ~ tI t1u'\ poor, t1Jit;t'\ rabl ~ wrt)tc h es. l h tl A ubrn " r ~I" 1 t " 111 h . (: uwl!r ing ab,)ul lll e Ii r es I II till ' l'C ' fu j:;t'>l i o r IllO' hom e I('ss- - ll".y all hll H ' the i r J'a llll l' ll ti d!) hol y 8~U SO Il of tll o y l' ur . III I h e n "n n a~ lI uo er Il t r o jll cn l BUll . whl'nl t l)l' (':\('III S IIIll s f r p lllu(' e th ~ lIul lve fl r . C hri HIllI l\ s c" I"hr ali o ll s U Ti th l' Rame 50llgH ~ uo g as a t h Uln e 1111 li "bc li \ ' a,e r


o f th,' "" ' "H ry wi ll not h ill'" I\( 'a rd u l th l ' HI' d I ' (II SS f: I' ; tl and 1I ~ IIlI~ o l u n \1\ ' Ih l' 1' 1'1 ''''' 11 11(1 11 o r t u upr(II I" "I H. It IA Ii IIt :l, :II I " a ~ l ;,11 1I01i .IIU U sp a ls 11 1:') b · ,· "I t! litl " ;- " :1 1' Th, ' Jlrlllc ll,l e I uI ,O Il w ltll-It 111 ,· K i. li ~ (, f sp a\:' is lJas<' lI , Ib lh a ! ,., IT) ""lI l " <C"' l/l wllat lItLl e I 114 ll l 'l ,d · · d tt , torn' l ' r Ith ' ac t ual C" Ot:' t or i I I rlll ll:t~ :!l ld 11 :11 111111 1'; 8 h all b,' s p"111 ru r 1(11 )t'l ,· "ICJol ~ 1101'1, III Ih,' 'O lll nIU ' :tl l y. IIh"r l' I he M'il l" a r c "old .


Your vacatio n in Tens I• • new treat in store for you.

--- - - - -

MINDS IN COMPLETE ACCORD For On e (:. a t Le a s t . 1\1,'. an d S mit h F o u nd 'r hem&e lves Abso lute H a rmony .

CEO. S. STEIN. D_ P . A.


408 T". ct\on Buildina (.n.:l nn •• I. O hio


" \ \',. "I'I' u lIl l" cJ In 1I11,; mo v(, lIl e nl." Thought "Kaly" Was a New Da nc e . s aid T II' III la H :II. H,·,·II. a I h 'lI\,pr I)hy s l" Two tru l't' l lIl~ l1l<' n on nn ~1. K. & 7 .J o gis i . ;lJ l!'II pO~ o r a Iir l'l a ,: ai ns t Ih e T . trai n, " Suys Ih o ParHo lw ti un. "we r e hilu m at Hit; A n ,:: lo-. ~ )ton notion of tho G>!rman colonl eH. dru!' Iw u iI . la lkln ); or I h"lr I ri llS all<l a youn g fe l· (·h . 1 II I1"s is (;rnwn fr o m ch lltlh oocl b ou rs 11l'r(uI'C P " y, ,~. a ~1 1I)! lt· lh ntl!;I:1 P OS8PgS "S u s . lo w s ittin g ucro RR thl' ai s le ca u ~ht l RI I\·1. 0 1' '' 1' lI an~ ,\nd f 'r s ~ n lind Cr imm . UII<I ht' ld and n lld ill 11"'1 "" 8111'Cl wc' rl' 1::,(' :\11'. and 611atc lt l's or I 1t"lr CO IIH' r." !iol\. Il ls li lt' slg hl or 1\ l' hrl s tlila R tre" brl ll KB Iu .' rrM. ~ 1I 1 i iI. <:urlo~lty go t lit !' lJ e tl " r o f h im and h litllld I hl' ",oO lic lltl H trill1l plng itO ITl P lllnd . :-; u lura lly. wh pl'! n il ,;"rlllany 's chi ldr,,!) "re C'r l l' brn~ ", ! :: " :0 1 or 11 bill;' '' ('0111 mo r n ing b"n\ forw a rd ontl atlurrsB<'l1 t h o II1l1n Iltl'II llg h th l) sllow· lnu'·1I fo n 's i . tl'a ll lllg i.J e· li ll; . h"r mod e l flilldly Il' a" . th,' WilY , At tllH 11I11,, 'rlal \Irs . :-:lIl1lh III h pl' l hlll 1I1)!ltl i; O\l' n \l'a s In Ih o s e a l a h l· ad nf h im : ' S ay, it ,.. ur 111 11 11 h ill l !III' fir 1I" 'l' fur hi . fn lllllv , ' hr l~ l ' 1I111s <, ,' I,·IJI·at!oll. 11' 11 11<'. III lit e 1O;I· n A. lh o' (',, "rl ' hr ls tm us I" c ,~ 1 '\)1':11,·" In "'Hclly t b,· ~all i e \l'l\f p"CIII~ 1:1" 11,,"1' wi l h h e r collc·lOnne· lIl - l ll o~ .. g in\;R ta lk in g Ol' p. r th e n : '! I ' \, e 'I' ll.., ' bab ' s cl OIlP. Il'I e " T ex a s T Oll1my ." "The T tln . "hl(' ll II ull il 1':11 1I!I{· 0 1 til<' v"lI e r oblf' IllIlI'k l'l - as III PI' N)' n th,' 1' hOIl:\' h ol d lhr OIl !; ho ul Ih " "!Il1]1 ln ·. 'I' w(, ,· ,1 h:, " " In b t l' :.l' ln S. !!1J..a.... ~~~~ 60 " 5" .,l'Ia1l), II lI e s l,,' clincn s of IIr 111'1 ' ';~' Il" ' l l' d by IIIP rO YHI ' QUU \\' H.; of P:t111 w'! r~ t e rrlbl · . yet !;o." "'I'll .. H". lldtion \\·:lltz." and so nw I b.,ley nnd 1rom Id a, ,, Is Pl(' li l'd o t:1 In Il lt ht . bl azi ng 011 Ih o buahclo for fla:<. fOl'I'Sll'l'8 fo r Ih e "lIlpe r or ulI(1 " lll lm· s8. a nd oth nr l re .. ~ they W"/'I ' l·a ,.: tI)' dro wn(' ''' i.J y l h e -lIrol h ~ r ~. b ut w h' " It ('() III I'S 1.0 "clol ll g I trce H In I hp w ill d u \l' s of th " g ulJ l .. d III1Il~ "" . J. Keya arrived In th e counin d imlll i" hill g sl z" for thc; 1II IIII " l'tl U ~ alii I' I' 1111' 11I1l1'rs of , pliltll ig roars of yo u lIg SlIl lth. Jr" t h " KIIly ." I f'Ia s~ Wh at kind or 11 I SUIlIP :,11 y ~ \ : l r ~ 1\gn, h " ro rt\ Ih p (; p rman ghlllt h ad t ry 5 y ~ar•• go 1rom Den mark With very little means. He th e e l11p"l'o r 's I III 1111 ,\inl e r alO iI~· . I h kl 1M. ll l~ ~i x S Oli S anu 1" llu to, >l ·\1 aboul his crib wllb a tooth - wi~g l e IH It . allYlI'ay7' " -I(nn 8as Ci ly aw n~ e n , cI fro nt th o ~ I , ' ,· p or cl' nlurl,' S. th is Id" '1 of t1l1J It omesl.aded. worked hord. Ollf: da lll': ht e r . th e wl,·l's of his Ihrl" " fIIarr i(' o " On R. Illl d hl~ :,,·h .. . Slar. Jl ~n('p ful t ;" I'mn n c' hr is li ll as I\'HS (·o rrc l· l. Jlllt of o ue o r l h e is now the owner o{ 320 acres of Innd . in 1913 had a crop 01 gra nd so ns . til(' lu ll !' r b 'l n.; fllvon'cl w ith \JI'OPOrliOIl'\ ".\11'. ';l lI lI h . " hll' l'r l11g III h is pajamas, IWO b Ul'Il h c r u of ol d III·rlin . r Hu rn ln g rroln m ul<i11 1( hl ~ (, hrl s l' 200 Bc res. whi c h wilt rea1ize n ill' tin" t n" )" . 'fh l' wh e! n UIII I", r a rlj ~P I urI In Ih e SII\' II \ i.J" nt O",!r t ll " wa s h s l a nd, lrylllg to Social Eng a gem e nt Lin e . !:las pun.' IUl sl' H on Cli rist m as " q '. Wf'n' t o iJl' lrunsp l.a llt f· ll him about $4 1°00. H is who.t wei ghed 68 t.... to Ihe bu.hel h a il of 'thl! U,.W IHl ln c e at POls da lll . wh "re th l! Iln ise r al· I,r" p:tr" a c '!lon tlll lllg r~)r hi s s on n nd A s w ee t roun g Ihlll g ('a il l'd lO ha ve Into Ih e r u"r i ll~ hllb of t' lIIpir., II Widl hi " H UIII' ~t u c.1 t h as and averaged over 35 bu.helo br'cf' mp. , il e I;"od lI1un wo u ld p l'o \)ab ly " x pln' uu th e s pot. ways sVl' nd s l ·h rI 8tUla s . and th ..· vUl' iu u s I:if t s . a uuu l , '" ,n ll, l ar tl p la Ht/ 'r fo r h iS \) a b", wh e n a t e l<'jlho ll e In s ta ll ed In h e r r ~s llle n ce . to tho au • • whi c h t lt e sam e H" e r I'CY Is o\Jsl'r vp <l I'"~ 111 tb e fUllli li e s (I I hi s wi [I"n ,"uil'c·. HC:II'Cl' ly aulilb le a bov e Thous and. jot olmltn r In" In dpppntlt'n! u r party IIn (" " asked 1'111 ), j't'a r s 'Il~O. w h f'1I 11" 1'1111 wn s II d ir ly. un p re8tane". might b. rctalCd of Ihe tl il' b ou r g eois . ai'll d is Ji o~e d III til(' fOO l o f ~ acll se )J;lra l' I h,' II 1'1'0;\1'. n 'a clll' d hlln. th e manag e r . t l1li " " " ~ . prol' lI ll'i a l tOWll . wi th 11I· llg lll e d . lIl· pav p u homesteoders in ~l a nito bll. Sos· Irpl'. Jlut bl'for(' till' IIIIP"r ia l fn n Ily <;1'1" h r ;1\ I's till.) f..asl. .. ·,1 oh ll .' . 1", S ill.!. ' If s e l' ~ n l'('nrs .. \\.,. hal',· II I; r en t many ~ o rl nl <l bka tchewan and Alberta. s l n ·ct l>. w llh n Jlnpul al lo n r<' lIo"' I1 (' d "1" ' 11 ill I ItO ~ l' days The crop 01 1913 Wag a n .bun· Ih o e nlp .. ror ancl ~ :np r (,ll~ att.' n d I h ,' " 1:escI1l' I'unf(." 0 1 n. I "uu ld ha l't' luu\;",d rO l'w:l rd Il ud ll ~a t i,, " s . " ,I IlI IH·r l.' d t h e S II'{'E' \ YOllng '(IT 116 fOur !y rn Ull nf"r tj ufld lI 11co u t hIWH S, aBd w il li l ht: iron d. nl one everywhere in Western IIrl:Se ntlitio n 0 1 ~I ft s to t h" m e mlH' r s o ( th .: ilUp nr lal h" \11 1<1 lil i" "r ",, " . <1 0 y ou Hnow whut th in g . "so I thInk you cnn 1I1 111( e It a h a nd uf IlIllitarlslII u fl l'h' ·rh"d "I'c r 11 u ll. tlIP l' llri 3LUlfI!\ C.nad a. ho useh o ld. \,alpls·dt,>-c hnm b rl!. I"'rgo na l al Llmd a nt s . IlIc k t' t! Itav, · dOlHl ?' parly li ne. (, I'e n tr II doe s cos t a II I\.Ie Ask for descriptive Iilerator" and res t ivaI wu~ th e t rn l1 (lu il ('C! h ' bl'utio u of whic h Olll'! h nR red uct:<! railway rn.ts. Apply to UYH. lIud fOOllll ' lI . " ' \" ''',1 0',' '' .' :-imll h un s l\'t·n"tl. "Y O\1 ' <I m on:."- .I llll ~ '. re ud . I n t h l' Lu stl':nrlf' n. b('fon' th o cn~ tI ~ . fl l'hrl s lllllls Superimtnd .nt '" Imml\fratlon, On U) e: a ftp rnoon o f C h r i!' t mn s ('''0 th e t' nlp"ror. l1e ba ve d o n ,' jll s l whal I wi sh I'd don e.' " fall' \Va s Hn ll u a ll )' (' '' t nb li ~ h l· t1 whil' h t h e: kin !; IIntl rny a l Oll awa .... nad •• or cOnll1:ll1ie d by a n ad i uto nt wh "s' )Jo c lw lH :I re Sluffed with Th e t ota l Oill olln t of monl'Y reS1JOR' falully u ... <1 to vi s it to bu )' j\llllp iJlg jncll s u nd glng .. rw_ 8 . NETHERY. II Pw ly· mlnlpo tlV I'. tli ree. and two mark p ie es. tak 's III Was P e rson ally Interested. Ing on tb e OC· .. lI n,,· bo t.t oll1~ In t h e brearl fn r tho pa la.·" C hrl .Ullu s lfl·es . Ilk ,' IIny o tlwr G .. I'Inlerurban Bldg .• Colurnbul, Ohio trad itional lI'u ll< thro ug h th e park of tl lf l II,· \\, jllli ac I! alld "~ Ioth. · r. " tiald a Ii l tl e gi rl. brIn g!:!/!: s h u I' '' o f ~ uI Hn u riJ]f' ('a lli ps Is $2r,O.m a ll Cn lll ll}, . Th" l.u SIl!ll rl'!I\ f:tl r ha s p,, ~s <,d awa y . I h o Cana!l lilo Oorc rome,nt Agent kin g o r I'rll "s ln h as bl'('ull1 <' I;"rnwn ,·llljJl' rOI'. 1I" rl ln hil A II IGt r lb ut e:s money 10 Ihe b egga r s wllo ra lly lu t; rpal fo rc·e. a g rimy li ttl e urch in to til e mal e rnul I OOO .Ono Il l' h a s a k in d \\ o r d or u c ord ia l gl'lN ting fo r ,h"l11 a ll . lIor ,' (Qunt o f I(;tlll ll es s , " Jl lellSe was )) de vc IO\ I('r\ i ll~o a ra il' u ud bpOl lltifu l citY. a nd nil Ih at redo es b E' fo r ge l th e g uard ut 11 1 ~ gUI ·s of Ule p<1la<: ,· Il il'ky 's fac" fo r hi iii ." 1'III!!"""'~~~""=-=~~=-=~-=~~"1 IImln s of t l ,.~ Chrls lmas of 011(' 0 \lJlOIi a -tlllll! b: t h tl s pirit " liut whl' s huuld I wa s b bls face. -I ndee d .. a pre·do us inh"l' ltRll ce. That ~l ill h !1 l d~ RU' II 1I1" ! I' m 'n o t Id s 1)) 0 111 0 1' . I( DlcllY 's ' HELPING SANTA CLAUS. prCUl t! s way . 'nnd 1'('8t8 conC'ealpd in Ih p. hrnll c lH' G o f th e fact' II P(>(b wa ~ h I Il S . wo uldo 't Il be b etlIlyrlall,; 0 1 Ch ri st m as lrN'ti II' h i ~ h ri c h !lnd 11001' ulil, ' se t W It1lln a f (·1\' ye a r s lh e r e ha l'" h ('(' u o r ganl zpd !'(' ve ra l t e r fo r iJilll 10 go ltome 7" \if) In t l ,~. h ll m es 011 th e '!I'" o f th e f HAt. " "l·h. 1Il0thp.l'. o lll ,v - w e ll . you ea ld It \It :u' r l\'l l' '' th e nld (l 1' 1'nlan s implic ity ha ll l·a nI Ah e d . asso('latlon s \\'ho~ p pur pose It Is t.o a S~Ifi t !>areDIs, '"Kjlf; CI· a Uy moth e r s . in th e pro~r d e l' l' lo lllU " u t of' llle lr chlldre ll .was n-t h ea lthy to kiss dil'l y races, amI In th e \1011",· ur th t' r ic h Ill PI' l' h n nt ,' Icr tr lr. Ilght ~ lak e lh e SO lllt~ or th es t~ ntlSociuli(iUI I wll nt t o l<i"3 Di cky now!" place 01 tlH ! " Christ cund les," \Vhether you are II< 1001, to physica l d evelu l'n,,·nt nnd th o mOlo r car or lh e small town merchant 0 1h, ' r l> tu 111 (] [l lal uud m o ral Il1'tportant to Mothers Slea m yachl w hi c h h e 1l"'Q S or a farmer, you need! ou d s t ill olhers LO bOlh . III Examin e -carefull y e,'ery bottle or bl8 8011 Ub l\ ( ' hrls lllltls p rosCASTOH IA , a safe and s ure rem e dy fot a typew riter. e nt CI1I1 Ilnrl n o pluc(> un d e r Ii little book p rcPUTC'd by Ull In fants and children, and see that It If you are writiog' lb e C b rl ~llIlas lrep . as did th e a ssoc iation of the last nam e d ~ c:1ass. til ", wrllt'r re ~ el! ll} , Bears the JL1~ _ I Lon. your letters and bills \l'ool e ll comlortor, Lh e h uod · found thi s s tatplUE'nl ' "Pur· \ Signatur e of ~ by hand, you are Dot Ketting f~lI ful or Il ln ~e rbr e lld . or Ihe e nts are aB much res ~o nslblf In Use For OV<:lr SO Yean. n e w s k ntes In th e day of h is efficiency. for t.h e selflllhness of the ll Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria fath e r . Cnmso or f) es tln n on It doesn't require an expert .opu.. childre n us they nre to r th efl 11 . ne ,'"r fnllin g s pt ~ ndor. lho gramoph one tak e the ator to run the L. C. Smith & Bros... None Needed. Oh . nHrI' . ltenl "onR: existence ." This r ather e m· place ot the C hrl s t mll~ bymn s typewriter. I t is simple, compact.,.. S, til Icpep 1 h e g-reen eart h Tourtet-You ha ve an unusually pbatlc state ment led to q uIte which used 10 be s ung as Iln t e n der, complete. durable. a dlsc usBlon of Ule matter large acre age or corn unde r cultivatlct of jllous r e vere nce to tbe sn it k eep the gray ea rth Send in tbe attached coupon anel' s lrong. with th e motb e r of several tlo n ; doo ' t tb e crows annoy y ou a "Tanne nb ll um ." or pe rbllps we will give espec'ial attention -th chlldreo. who told the write r grea t d e a R? e ve n. ho rrlbll e dicol. th e tree Stilt kcop (he brlll'o ea rth Farmer- Ob, not to any ext e nt. your typewriter needs. th a t she had b ee n engaged wlll b e fa s tened to a cloc k: t1 r enmt n g , , ,' Tourls t--Tha l's p e culiar, conside r ever since her tlrs t boro In work contrivanc e which. on or c1~ed a lhnt . hnll h e (lon e, "- hll~ (' hll (lren"H '1\""3 co me combatting se lfiebnetl8 au d In g yo u hav e no scarec rows. being w o und up, r ev olves lO ~: L. O. Smith At Bro8. Typewriter 00., i fltrr nmt"J,f 8, r acuee, N.\'. :1 Farmer·-{)h. we ll. you sef:. I'm out d eve lop in g generou s Impu leee a tun ~. jnng lc tL out b y B PIe . ... seutl lIle ,our tree book .bon' J.lko sU l1 b~ums from the l!!Un! In b e r r lllldre n. In r e la tlu g he re a goo ll part of thc time myse lf.ruuMlcal box. Th e bulging t,pe ..rUera. '. !:' Name ••••••••••••••••••••• •• , ••••••••••••• Oh n ng('I~, AWf'et nntl Npl pT1l1I d. her experien ces 8 h ~ told th ie ""oJW York !IIall. one·storl pd s hojls wIth glnge rThrnnJ-t In our " (IoI\rt ~ n n(t Ring P. o . ........ .. ........................... .. Iltll e sLory : . bre ud lind g ill un ge ls s tu c k Th (' W0 0l1PfH whlt'll ntl"fld e l1 8l&te ••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• The), stop th e ticlde- Dco n'. Mentho· " At this Me U RCJll of th e year In tbelr dlnmond -pan e d wi n· ~ : ~ .:) Th ~ ~'o mlnR (I f th e Kl n ~. Inlet! Co u",h Dr ops b lOP c: ou ~h1'i hy ti t.up · :........ .::... m y c hlldrp n gO L into th e habl l pins: dow troll ts hav e "nnlsb!'d . lhe e ll u, e-5c U 1 DrUR tilOl'c,. of e xprcsslng their d esl r e e Dnd th pir Jllac p.s n rc ta k e n by for Jlarti C' ulu I' Cbrl s tm a!\ gifts No't Wasting Sentiment. Prompt,Relief-Permanent Cure storos built 011 til l' sa m e s l y le I did nOl l e ll tb e m th ut II ot palnt ula l ma ~lItn cnn':e as l'n c le Il e nry- So you ore' goi ng to CARTER S LlTILE Do yoa expect them sometime to IIlUI'J1 th ey would be g ood b oys and ge llool now. e h ? And do you loye your LIVER PILLS n eYer acrOBS tb e Allu nti c . F'ro m t he If so. it i. Y.ur Dut, 10 tenc h them ' a t th~ gir ls th ey would r e c e iv e lbe~ (J gif t s . ra th e r tri d to 1m· It, nc h er ·.' b <'!: lnnlll!; of Upcc lIlb e r 1.1 11 th e f CUR l t lley d e vote a con· fa il. Purely vegeta. prope r age nbout Su, H.r. dit, and M. rri •••• p resR upon th e m th e 'Id ea thut ir titr, y 'd id not as k fo r sl tl ol' t! porllon of lil e lr space to Chr lst m !ls bazan. I o bh le (agell sel' c n ) - l'\a w! S h e Ie bblet - act s llrely But wh al, whe n nnd h ow ? Send 'for F," u ~e nlly on where o ll e Im agIn es on e's so lf tnlll s [Jorte d to Toyland . more t h u n th e y s h o u ld r rce lv e. that b . wo ro 1I 0t 5(· lIl a h . 100 old for m e . .. the h iler. inform a lion to THE GALTOJlj PR£.Ss. Th e r e nn~ trem('n doll s set pl ec(,s w ith e lect ri c tram s. nlrth e y mig ht ge t th em . Wllh thl " Ildmonitio n 1 r; ou\l le ll I Stop after 311 Malonic Temple, Cincinllatj. o&io th e Id (' ~ that Slln t u Claus n e'e<ll' d h e lp, e~v e clll ll y til r e achs hi ps and rllllway train s cl\ r ee r llll; alJo ut I1ml d wond e r rul . ..- - - -'-r.LIquid blue II .. WML 8C:Il!.lon . AvolO dino.e r dis )lRJlIN m nc h a mount ul n sce ne r y rI\\' ls hln g vi s ions; of fall' In g th o poor , th e s ick a nd lhp unf o rlUn ule. 1 to ld my It. UU1 IWd C ra .. Botl Ulue, LlJe tJlufl that ', I tress-cure ,I I blue. "'<i v. ' indigestion, d'oll-wom " 1l nnd Ilrm y co rps 0 11 nrm y corp s " of t bfl m ost child r e n to lI e lp Santa Cla u s a II I h ey COUld . Iln d e l'e ry of this paper desiring to buy any· gallnnt 1111 Roldi ors th at e ve r mnnn e d Ii fort. The n lr' Is y en l' th e y have mana ge d t o di scov e r some poor c lllld o r T he se Girls of OUri. i Improve the complexi on. brig ntc n the eyes. thing advertised in its columns sho91d r e nt with !I ll I'a r ·sp llttlng cacophony o r nOi se e mitted by s om p. sick or unfortu n ate boy or g irl for WhOUl lh e y have " lI e re cO lli es P o lly P e rki ns.'s SYiALL PILI., SMALL DOSE, SMALL I'RICE. insist upon having what they ask fOr, m ec h a n ll a l toy s . and t h e ntm osph f\ r e r oe k s with th e am a ll pro'vld e d g ltts . In tllU s h e lp ing Sa nt.a C IOUf: t!J ey h a ve mak e it hot for b e r." must bear Signature refus ing all substitutes or imitation,,or sh a v.lll <:s a nd g lu e , t hat pee ull ur pungent odor ot tho found so mll c b pl eagurc tbat th e y hav e Quite fo rgo tte n "llow 1" toy s hop w h ic h brings b ack to th e o ld fogi es th e my s t erl· th ei r ,own d esIres be yond tb o m e r e eX jlre sBlo n of the m . "Why. let's b e cool to her."-Bo s ton ~ ous d e li g h ts or th e birt.hday toble . Th ey hay c at least curbe d th e ir s e lfi s hn ess , and I think TrunsClII)t. . W . N. U., CINCINNATI. NO . 51-1913. '"~d " ~-On C hr i's tmas eve ever y Ge rman mu s t hav e hla that J h nve le d the m to be gen erou8 to some ax" Chrilltm as tree. Wh e n on e pasBes throu g h th e s treet8 ' In thi s woman 's ex pe ri ence li es mOl' e ot practical on a w e t C hrl s tm uA e Vfr-tbc sparkling fr08t and snowy valu e thnn cun ' b e fouud lu all tbe books tbat CUll be pub· muntin flt the fcu ill e tonlst ra rely put In an appe\lra nce IIs h e d by all th o a ssociations In christendom. She got al me .... goods brighter . nd faster colon th.n an.J'~he{ d ye. One 10e pock age eolono alt fiben. They dye In cold wu.e{ better than lilly other d~ berore .Janu:uy-ollfl hus the curious fee ling o f b e ing In ' th e root o f th e whole matter. and sh e tlp p ll ed th p. propel Color You can dye ;1ny \fonn~nt wllhout ripping apart. WRITE FOg FREE, booklet.. calendar. blotteR, etc. "ONROf DRUG CO" PANY, tbe mid s t o f 60 ,UOO,000 o r people all c ng[lgcrl In doing the r enlc d y- a r e m ed y th a t did IIOt . dir e ctly c urb. thal d id same l!:,ing. On e c an Imagin e th e traveler. looking on the not punish , but e ff ec t e d b}' -Indirection tho very r es ult thou8 a nlls ot Mohnmmedans laboriously threa ding th e ir tlult s h o wished to bring abollt. How man y pureota are way a"ross t he d esert of Meccn 10 win the Utle of Had j l. t('d ay treating th e se lfis~n ess or th e ir cb lldren In tbe ' ~ysterious regardin g the sce n e with s imila r emollona. For wh e n I fiB m e way? How many nee d to treat th ei r children In tb e In), every German, It Is lIte rally true . Th e streets ot same ,yay? And bow mony call e asUy he gln eve n now by Derlln are dese rted. save Cor th e ca r s a.nd omni bU ses and eocouro gi :ig tbe ir cbildren to h e lp .Santa Claus? cab!!. and nn o ccasiona l polic e m~ . an d from bl.' hln d th e blinds of th e wi n dows th e caudles on th e Chrlsl mas trp cs. j\'l y ide al Chri s tmas : H Olli e , the country. snow . holly. throwing o ut th e ir' IlIth, b ea nts Into the darkn e ss o f th e n Chri s tm as tre e, ca r ols and ki n d faccs and foud h ea l'tB ia manufactured of a combination of blgheat aradea of Connecticut, PeJlIlSYlvania and Ken~ nlgbt, IlS did th e llLa r to th e sl1e ph e rd s nearly two thou- about you .-M rs. Brown-Potte r . tucky tobac.eOJ, and prepared by our own original and exclusive process, neutrall&log the olcot;lae without chemicals, which guarantees to tl\e consumer a standard of unequaled eXcellence, and the only aotl·oervoul. aotl-dYlJ)epllc tobacco in the mllJ'ket. ., " She needs a new featb e r In her COULDN'T STANO THE OUTLAY " You n eed 0 new hat." Mlln Pouch Tobacco it) always reliable and uniform in quality, does not cause heart. " Um_ " hat."-Judge . burn or indigestion, is free from grit, noxious flavorings, and adulterations, maltina . . Nombat', Pers onal Appearance Old Not Count Ur,dcr the E)(lstlng Milk for Gloves. alive, your Clrcumstan cU, A simple and etreodve' way to clcE< Il kl6 glov es is to d raw them 00 tho Wombat. hands ,'and go OVE'r tlU!1D with a d eliu cloth dipped In nklm ml)k; Wear. tht!m until quite dry. I,Or moisten a sIl'lall spon ge .!II.'!' piece or c1oth' ln BKl'ln 'mllk rulj :.I t o.n- a cake of caBtll~ sOap lI!!d .w) th thlil, 'll1ooge thtl . g~OyeB 'Until t'li l' ' " ar\! quIte clean: Wear unt1l tiler,





The Typewriter

- - -- - -

for the Rural

Business Man


.......................... .... .. .. .......... ... ..... •



Constipation Vanishes Forever I I


J!f'5-?l ~


~ .~

.... ......... ~.: .~

.. ..... ~



, . ~~

Have You Children?


_. '




FADELESS DYE,S V_._c" ....

Reform in Tobacco, No

Compounds to Chew


A Olean, Lasting Ohew



ui .

. A COOl, Sweet 8m_Oka




Th e Villag ' C(>uncilmet in reg u lar sl!Il 'io n iI!(.nday t'1' l! loin~ Aflt'r tl l" rl~g ular r nlltine uf bu ~ ine:ls had Iwnll t ran!ladt'd,lh (>llldCtl sillo Iii., nnrl thl' fo llowing nC' \' ufliCt'rs \\,I'r' MIVorn in: :\ !aYllr, !Jr, If. t:. H at haway: M H.n.d l ~d . J tJn atit: 111 Bain e:;: Clerk, /\ . B (:ha !l(II,' r: T rf',h u rt' r, J H. \t\eIl1U II: CUIIlldlm' I Geo rl{c A . Z.. II, ' M , I ,d)lll.c r, I.," my Irons, M L, I' ar~ha ll , W. II Madd e n IIlld J. 1\ Punkey Mayo r Ha t haway nPJllI in ll'l1 Chas. Cornell mt-mber of Roard lI f 1I 1'1I111t f or fi ve years, Dr Thontall E S he r · wood . H ealth Ofl1re r for one yea r , a nll Wuodrow Bogan . Stree t Commissiuner f or one yea r , Harry Sh e r · wood W Ull appoi nted t<o fi ll lh e vac· ancy on t he Board o f Pu bli c Service causet.! by the fai lu re of P . i':. Ken r ick to qualif y. The foll owing standing comm ittee!; were ap pointed: Finan ce - Ro hitze r lind Marlrl pll . Fire and l'rh;on - (r(lJt ~ Rnd I 'a r ,;h all , Sl rcel.<i and Alleys - P Ull key ant.! Zell, Law and Ordinnncc - l'v{O:Jlle n anri Iro n!'!. S irle-walks a nt.! Gulte n;- Parsha ll and Robitzer

Miss Lavont! Uurt on was th' hC'll t R, )ost e r for th e mu nl hand

wears t he first Jro lt.! wat ch Who will wear th e second? Thini:' And four th r The second O Il C will be g iv(;n to t he indi\" iljual n ot h a vin${ WOll one, o r w ho is lO ot a r elative of the winner , who eal;ls Ihp most coupon;; f rom the l'U UII t I)f' 1\lon(, ay , Jan . G, t o the CO UIlL of ~1"1l ,(" I' . Feb , 2. Are yuu lCdti ng al\ yo ur friends ready to lis t t he articles t hat are placed in ou r store wi n · dow? For each list of th ree articles we sha ll give fift y Roollt· e r Coupons free, a nd t o the one making the m ost complete Ii ~ t, 10,000 coupons and a 4~·picce Dinner Set. See the full e r ex planation explain ed on the poste r at our store.

-,;j,---.-------. Per . _ :::~. M~n::. j. ~~l l 1 ::CC~3.~. Ev~~~~~l

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If you have nul ila icl

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' J :tnttnry :lOth is l'"siti \'I'ly tli ' las t d ay to \1;: )

No furlh e l' I1lllil'e will l.H'

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n e''1wrtfully. Frank II . Millc'r, Trc:t"u rer lIf W;, "!'I '1l 1:0U' ". O hi ·,

. ,·k uf li ltl e M r :< h:li.~i1llt" II \{'IYUl " n ll. uf folk s at t.!innt'l· S llndu\' in ho no r of l'lj nr ,' kon ('II " AI'" 1111" lllnn VltI- Mildred 11 0 1 ,'>\ s('\'enl h birthday . J v v ,,' ' J. h . ~ itin g Mr::l . ~~\' n B!\r~N . T hu:p p n~S"ll t w(' r,·, Mil dred Gi lh"It,;. C;l'ace i!urll'Y, Ali l'c l;eLJ ha l't, E!:!lhl'1' If you arc i:'o illl! to have :\ s ale, Th ompson, Rhea Uyk e. Mildred 11 o It, UNDER OBLIGATION TO NONE USE FOR SHOPPI NG GLOVES sec A . A, M" Neil, C"'J1II'r\·ill .. , Ohio. ;IlHI Ha rvey Hole. Columbia Has Many Students Who I Mr. Com pto n's Simpl e r Met hod a t Bal'both phones. Owo Th ei r Education to Their gain Cou nter Re ject ed Wi lh t he 1 Scorn It Dese rv ed. Own Effort., H C' rsc he l Bunnell e nterta ined th e Mr. noel ~f~ . [. r ' H;d~e , 01 Wayn es ville Ohio State Boy!' at a n O,lY t un , WHn, .'\ 0 '''' ll'lIfo.< Hl1tj. t ~ of One man tn thr~ meet s at ICMt.: From hI s cn "), "ha i r Mr_ ('omp ton informal d innl· r Ne w Ycars m ght. part ot hi s eX IX' lIscS I>y hi s U II' II ('aro- 'WlltchcII hi .. wlf " [111111111: on It 110 Ir of Mr . IInll Mrs \I ,.1Il .. n ItlllgA. T hos(' preRent wen' Messrs Walte r Ings at Co lumbia , Jl~ s lde Iho ObV IOUB tan glo\'oH_ "AI"' '''! 11,, 'y lOll lurj;e ror Every Good to Eat Mrs. Lilli ft DY l'r.llTlI \ I<o n of 11 11 11 11 11 . W illiams , l10ss Ha r tsock, Lfoe Earn · occupation s. Ilk e tutorin g. s!enog- YOU'!;' lle [I " I<, 'd I:lzll )' , Sweet Ora nges , fancy Apple!! . lll.. ..ra viRi t i ng 1\ln., Ilypr'~ Jl~ r - h a rt , Lyman Si lv e r a nd Kenn el h raph y, neWRpllpc r, library, gymnuBlum, : "~h, lJn, lin! r il l' II I ,, ·!,pin r. 1;10\'OB ," Pure Buckwheat. Oysters, Dates ~lI giotJ B IIno Badal wurk or various said :III'S, ('n ll1 " l llll, :ta d \\ II Ii her fin · ent,!,!, Mr. tlIH1 !.ir!'. Hl'th Cook , H ough . Mi ~s es Ruth Zim merman. kind s, there 18 Il mJln who nlltl\(,R his I gerR urr Ih .. 1<111 1,' , "I", rn lJ II HI'nle up Figs, Celery, Cranbe rri es , -Oon't fail to see the Special ({11th Hart. ock . Sybil .Iawk(' , ()na lIVI D~ clr ea Rln ~ II'ltlllow ti ; IItJolh{lr wl.o I and rlo wn R'!I'{' ral 1"11<'8, " I hlll'e to we will offer for Saturday. It CIVIL SERV IC E E.\Ar\\l NATIO N S trawn . &Ina J anney and Emma I>Tactlrc8 os teopa tl lY, unolh,'r TlI llO I be abl e to do t!~ IIt. you sea." she f!%' will pay you well. H awke came jus t afte r tht' boys hal~ who d l vlde~ hill time b<'t \\,(,1 ' 11 I'"II ('/(o plnlnNi. Save money and trade at "Do II tJ;,((> r ('x L' I'clses? Whnt fo r?" !I. f!ivil sr r vice ('x a mi nalinn flH l h l' a.ssemb led. t o s ur prise them , and work lI ud th e tlIullng(ltll(' lIl of a IIH'utrlca l stllr; a tCllc her In Ih(· F(' rrc r ask(>l\ ~Ir, l'nm p!ll II . oflice of assesso r wa" helt.! at Leba- help eat lhe dinne r, school. 8. tJlxllk rntl st. un eXl'ert In "TlwM an,,,' t fiTl gc I' e xercises." no n las t Saturday. Th e assessor,.: color phologm lJhy. 1\ "lI u<l<·I' III,· PI'I'- MfR. (;011l 1'1" U'6 "0 101' t1"f' P(, Tl C?t\ · us, ----w ill IJ€ pai.! $4 p e r day i n ~te[l(i of $:! A watch pa rty at the hom e of Mis!' forme r, " hMllita l ord l'll y, II I'ullma e takin g .. If tho gluveR, KlI " hE'lIan to • as ffJrn"' l'ly. They wjll h ave mo rl' Winifred Macy , New Year's Eve was porte r, n prITlt (: I', techlil eni JI ~~i ~ lllTItB I sm oo th allo HI I~tl' h til<' li l! g('r~ . "Those SC HOOL BOA R0 trom thr ee of ih e grellt ci ty llluura to- are- wh y. they·N.' cult'lIllillo us, He nry. work to do a nd il rnust b e accom- a. ve ry p leasant affair. Those who rles. n prorf's Fhmn l hllHl'llIl ll pli~yor llon't you ~co , If I SI ,"·t do wntown The new memb er s of t he sc hoo l plished in as short a lime lIiI \Jossihle , enjoyed the c \'ening were Mi sse~ and a t ree cl OI'I M. with t.en do!lllrs, rlml j;1l to t ho silk Ono ot th e nl ost popu lar 1l11c1 (' rgmd- counte r IInri I1IHl Iwu I" vi'ly r 'lr l",nt8, boa rd we re sworn in Monday night a nd wl! <'kl \' I-p tlorts will hav e to be Huth Ha rtsock, Ruth Zimm e rma n , by R. S. Howell , retiring p reside nt rendered t o the county co mml s~ i o ner Em ma Ha ',vke and Winifred Macy. uates started II r~ as 11 1l., ,,, , ltOY, Lll ot one for 1I1I'(' p uo ll ll rH " 1',1 () !\ ' I , four win te r a Hu pho muro or .. igh lN'1I witH and 8. hlllf. I walll In f,,,, I , I . I) Ilt Notice of Appointment <>f the old b oard The members j-fo race Stokes. Th e r e will be bu t Mess rs. Jas McClure. Bert Hartsock , tempte d uway fro m the coll ege hy the once. uudprncnth tl1< ' ,Inl <' r, how el ect are G. J. Smith, E. L. T ho mas. It assesso rs t h is year, an averuge o f Ray mond Davis, Ernest Roge rs, ofter of n $2.0"1l Jlo~ill,," III n [Ju lol ts h' much the y'll ('O ll itl 10. 1 h,)\\' milch E,tate at Oatharlne Ann StantoJi :nccouecl C . W. Frv e. The hold over m embers abo u t one to each t :m' lIship. Dean Howell and Terrell Macy. At tng hOlllU!. ",h ero he hall wnrl,,·" bOo I'll hnvo left. ATld lil ,( \ • It I missed Notice I. horeb), given thaL CIiWI. P'. vha pman hu boon dul), appointed tUld ,/uaUO Iltl are Chas , Cornell and J. 0, CartAn examination f or l he office of midnight ice cream and cak e were fore comtllg Ir:t l'olllmlJln, (1 11 " s tu- a gr('ut h :lI'~a ln I)("' ;lll ~" I hlld on some u Executor at tbe Kstllte at CaLbar no AUIi dent sJl ","ds hi s ,,"IlIIl,, 'rs UI'O I1 "Con-'/ tl gbt glov(' B nTl d I ,'ou ldo't reckon, I fJO , tmaste rH of t he fourth class in served. = . n t~te of Warren CounLy, Uhlo. de- wrig h t. tral Arne rl" IlTl pluntatlo n: lI1IUlller I blldn't C)(lll'f' lt'd In I ' tll o sale." Oated thl. 16tb day at December 1913. The board immediately organized Warren County will be held t he com· adds nol onl y to Ills OWTl tll coml' but I "Ah." soltl ~Ir , r o, ,no "Wby not Alton F . Brown. M iss Beulah Snider e n tertained to the r~' llIl l llt i on IJr the lln l\" ' r~ lly by ask th E' elMk to "" c.'. ' It tor yo u!" by electing G, . J, Smith. presirie nt. in16 Sa Lurda y . The oltlces to b e J udgo 01 tho Probate Court Warnm CounLy, Ohio, "Henry! " crll'll hi!. . ,1'<'. "At n. bal'J. O. Cartwright clerk and treasurer fi lled are at Ca rlisle, Co rwin . Ma in p- last Sunday. January 4th, at. h er con t rIbutIon s to the moet rl lhlllfl l'd of ville, O regonia, P lea!lBn t Plain and Sou t hv iew Home in hono r of hf!r AmQrlcan revlew8.-Columblll Mouth- gnln couuler! Tllp ,I".'lt ! , ·hy. no, body but a man WI " (, \'pr Ihlnk of Soulh Lebano n , Th e i>alary fo r Ilister Fern and her frilmd, home Iy, NOTED LECTURER TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION -- - . . lIuch a tblnl'\ for a ... , 1 IUl c !"-Y outh'S these olikes ran ge fro m $ l80 to $500 from Wyoming. Those present wc r .. Misses Evea Lacy, Mildred Sewel. PRESUMABLY HARD TO FIND Compl\QI~ . __ _ The Warre n County T eac hers' As - per y ear , Aaron S Watkins, a noted orator - - -..... .... - - Mr, and Mrs. Harry Shelby . nee will deliver a lecture in the Opera sociation wi1\ meet at the Lebanon ROUGH MANNERS OF THE PAST Ruth Starr, Earl Duvall· and Ray. If Actions Go for Anything, Young KILLED H[S SISTER house at Lebanon, Jan, 12, at 2 p m National Bank Building, Saturday , Man la Stilt Looking for Drinking Trick In Which Engli sh Monmond Wade. It snowed all day bu t - ---That Envelope, and at Harveysburg in the evening of January 17, 1914 arch Figured-The First Fi nall proclaimed a good time, from th(' 10:00 a . m, Devotional, Rev. KesErnest Tinn ey. ageu 1 '. killed his the same date at 7 o'clock, in the gerles s Gloves, Th is happened In a crowded subway dinner and coasting to going to th ~ tie; Music; Round Table Discussion. !:lister, Mabel Tin ney , aged 16, while Town hall. "xpresB t rain the oth er night. Drlnl<in g trl cl,!; fir llr('(1 In 1I11"om1lC1 Led by C, A, Bruner; "Stalldardiza- playing with a r evo l \'e r at their hom e t r ain in a wagon drawn by two mules An old man !Jou rlll'd 4re tmln at the One Who Was There. tion of Subjects in t h e Elementary in Lebanon, last :)unday, The boy Fuurteenth s t reel stntlon and clung to tn the tim e of Ilftl :I') \' 11 1. :lIn;, lIenry A Vivid Picture. a strup In rrout o r 11 young woman Cust qllol es lh,. l <i ll ~ ' ~ challe nge to Of au "apUtude8," the m.echlUllca1 School," Dean H, C, Minnich. Ox- found that the r e volver had a s hell Huhertus, tbe rt'pI'cscntati ve or the fa ~t Haly to manlfellt U..,1f In a ford, O. 1in it , and he commenced snapping it INTERURBAN SHOWS UP GOOD who was seated. As tlone or the wen Pulsg l'ave Fred"rl<: l.. Il l? sent for two showed a disposition to let the ' old llemtDbae braIn. The youll& woman 1:30 p . m.-Mus ic, '!Education at his sister, turning t he cylinder man sit dow n, t he young woma n huge guulcts. filled with wtlle a nd beer ftOlllt_"fIalt to a locomotive Yorke III The report of the S, and X, trac- arose and ortered her scat to 111m. respec ti ve ly. anel gnve t he envoy hl B and the Social Fringe," Dean Minback The girl final\y got the g un "'cr1be4 'In Young's Magazine, wall co for a "drinkln!,: Ollt'· test. In chol tion line, running from Springfield Before he could sit dow n 11 younger doubt.... Interested In what she saw, nich; Bring along any questions you ' and snapped it several timC;!. When bat ber AOO9unt ot the processee ob- may , have relative to proposed the boy go t it back he forgot to turn to Xenia, has been made and shows maD slid leto the ' va cant seat. The VUlll Hubertu s I' ll'ttdl'" that hi s maB te r had actU lIl ly Instlt ut .. u u compl1ny or lel'ftd leaTea the ~ader to doubt her "School Legislation" as Dean Min- the cylinder pointing it at his sister it to be in good shape financiollv. youeg womnu was confused. but only the Golde n RIng to lIut dow n such con· ed' down sllgbtror a minute. She lean ....Ure undel'lltandlng of them. tests, any member who broke the pro· pulled the trigger and the bulltot T'h e road has declored a dividend of Iy and Bnld to th e man In the Bent : "YOQ pour." ab told a friend, "a lot nich is qualified to answer them, to lose hi s rIng a nd give $1 ar IaDd Into a lot ot bozea, and you Mrs. Musetta Meloy, Pres., Miss struck her in the shoulder, and she 3 X per cent on the 5 per cent cumu- "You dropped nn envelope on the hlbltlon to the poor. lI e nry, nnx lous to prove ')Iatrorm. sir." Uaro.. old lltove IIdll and thlllgH Into Jennie Tribbey, Sec'y, lative preferred stock, and an initial died from internal bleeding before The man jumped up and elbowed that the Englls hmnn \Vus the better • furDaoe, and then you turn the red- Ex. Com,-C. A . Bruner, Lebano,n , a physician could reach her. dividend of 2 per cent 011 the com Dis way to the platform. Half a mln- man. promIsed to find the rorrolts him· bot atftlBDl Into a hole In the sand, and mon stock. 0. , F. C. Gilmour, Wayne Township, • - .... yella and shouts, ute'8 searcb tailed to reveal the sup- selt nnd dranl( hI s beer at a drart. The road is unique in that it has no posed envelope. The DIan returned to whil e It too k th e Germlln four gulvs MARRIED 63 YEARS "'Tben you pour It out, let It cool G, H, Gerke, Franklin, Ohio. ' bonds outstanding or any debt of fI1here the young woman was standing to account for the wi ne. aDd J)OWId It, and then you put In It How eRrly did ma nldnd think of tb o and said: • Wile that bores holes In It. Then any kind , The 63rd wedding anniversary 0 MARRIAGES JOQ It together, and paJnt It. "Say, lady, 'Where Is that envelope. convcnl ence of the flng crl os8 glove? Much of the credit is given to Mr . and Mrs Cyrus Smith was Little was said or glovcs In auclent r can't find It ou t ther e ?" .aDd put eteam In It, and It g08S IIplenMiss Mabel Satterthwaite, daugh- celebrated Sunday at the home of Col. Ackerman, general manager, ..en)', and they take It to a drafUng"That envelope," re plied tile young tim es, bu t In most ca~es It Is obvious room and make a blue-prInt of It. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterth- thei r son-in· law and daughter. Mr. who has resigned and been pro ....omon. "Is In the lIamo plnce your that. tbey hnd On gers . Those worn by tI,e I<ccre tnry of the younge r Pliny. "Bat one thing I forg!)t-They have waite and Mr. Fred B, Staup, of and Mrs. H. H. Wilke rson , on moted to the general superintendent manners are." used when he vl sllell Vcsuv Ius, 8 0 to make a boiler. One man gets In, The young mun understood and fad· of the Interurban and Terminal elde and one gets outSide, and they Da), ton, were married in Lebanon Fourth street. ed from vIew. Th e old man gut t he thllt ho mlghl kocp on jotting down Ra!1road at Cincinnati. Tuesday. Rev. Gowdy of the Pres. pClImd trtchttul1y. and then they tie It aeat. while the people In th e vld nlty notos In sll lle of th e cold . mllHl have -----to the other thing, and yoU 0ll8ht to l;Iyterian church performing the ee r· looked. listened and laughed.-Now been fin ger ed, no less lban tb ose of BAKERY CHANGES HANDS the glutton In Ant henllBus, who wore lee It COl "-Youth's Companion. Muat Not Shun Combat. YOI .. Times. emony. gloves lit tuhlo so th at he mIght han- - -........ --"He Is not worthy or thll honey· Jesse Lewis has purchased the dl e the meat willie Itot nnd get In ad· Nay, Nayl suns the hive because the comb who The marriage of Miss Zelia Hayes, Hartsock bakery and will take posA young gamble r had just nsked her vance of his bure handed fellow dinbtles have stings," , ' daughter of Captain and Mrs , Mel- session Thursday. to be "hls'n." Ilnd the mllld popped ber ers. - - -.... - --ville Hayes, to J _ Lester Spahr ocbend In tho room a nd said: "Old you • • call, sir?" "W hat? With the hand curred New Years at 12 o'clock noon, Keep a Thankful Heart. Dally Thought, I'm holding? Not on your picture pos. The un tha nkful heart. like my tin, at the home of Miss Hayes ' parents There Is noth ing good or evU Bale tall" ger In tho sand , olscover s no mercies: on Columbus street, of Wilmington, In the wlll.-Eplctetu8. - - -_.-+ - - but let the th a uk fu l heart Rweep Warren Common Pleas Ohio. Dr. C, L, Conger, of the Not to Her Taste, through the day, !lnd !IS the magnet Methodist church, performed the Art D(,nler-"Thls is II beuutlful finds the Iron, su will It fhld hI everY :: Auna E. Smith ~e e ll e from ·Haml et.· " Mrij . No w- hour some hp/lven ly hl es~l n g8; only ceremony, which was said in lhe VH Vase No . I 1296 A . Lluenln Side" ct 01 rich-" I doo't cure fQl' hum let!!. Sho w the Iron In (lnd' ,; san d is gohl.-Henry presence of the immediate families. By "Irtuo at On oruer ot ~R l o . fluly 188l1ed (1101' toLD IN no. . ) Ward n~ ch ('t', trom sllid Court ill the obave statctl eWl .. , alld mo II good-s ized clty."-Judge. After the wedding they went for a mode to lit you, A,k 'or 0 , Wl'd..r . ' _ to Ill!) lllrot:tUlJ, i will ofTer ror sale, It )' way or emoutnUoD. TelepboDe or ocnd polll:ard 10 puhhc <luetion. at the door ot the Cou rL _ _____ ___ . _ _ _ _ .. __ short trip through the East a'1d on Hou"". In I.ehanou , Warren lJount,y, Cl hlo. Oll Mrs. Sadie Zell their return will make their home Monday, January ~ Gt h . A. D" 191.. At 10 o'I'I"ck a Ill " on said dny, the tollo\\'lw. rI ~­ >, Phone 126. waynesville. 0, temporarily, at the home of Capbin ,,'l'ibOll real estnto, Lo-wlt: and Mrs. Hayes, They are both very Situ ate In the Countr. of Warren alld Stutll Ohio, and in the l'OWDSblp of \\' ''),11 0. SEALSHIPT OYSTERS of popular young people and have the ulill hOllllllod !lUll lle8crllted us tollow8. vi>: Part or tho S . W , Ilunr""r 01 See. No. 3. 'l'OWI1 best wishes of all their acquaintances No , a, J<I;ogo Nn. 6, M . ft. S, Beglnol,,/! In NewBeans , Hominy, Rice, Oats " the south Hne ot s"ld SllCtlon at n cornor .. r When purchasing silver- , for a happy married life. Jnm"" Jennillp and lal o J081ah Bhl"IlUIlI ' etc. and a full line of Fancy thouce N . II G POl08 t.o a stnke In tbo 8"" LI ware remember that in and Staple G roce ries, Try lIu .. ot late Mr . Haines, au Elm 8 In . dlaOletol' S. 14 degl"OOli E, 15 Ik8,; a Ilugllr 16 Ill . ST, MARY'S CHURCH : a can of CI~ili Con Carn e. silver plate nd name stands alumeter 8, ~2 degrees W. 17 links . then<:e S. 7 8l1i dogrees E , 18 poles to u stono In Lho for higher quality Of greater ron'1 leodlng from W"ynesvllte to CeuLDr vilio First Sunday afte r The Epiphany, The guaranteed sltoe thence S. I ~>-i E . wlLh .ald roud 70 pules u,"i 5 Uuk. to a .tono. th''', l l'<l 10 . all\l wlLb suid -T ht~ . Wabash a" durability - than tbe reJanuary llth - Sunday School at rond 3 ~ II00r"".s E . 6. pole. tn a sLoue III I,ho and "l !ig Indi an" Work Shoe!! somh 11110 at said HeeLfon ; thenco with RBld Hue 9:30 a . m ., Lesson, Our Lord's Paranowned trade mark N . 7S }~ d"grccs W. 39 poles 100 the placo ot for wintel' wear. boglnnlng containing 22 and 7H·IOO ucres ot bles of the Kingdom, land iliON or less. Morning Prayer and Sermon at Excepting out ot tbe .ame 1 aud .6-1 DO acres eouv l'~' ed by lames J cnning8 and wlte In 10:30, subject, Gold, and FrankinI:!amuel BeunHJYdced dated June nh I Ma9 .... recorded ill ~htl Land Records or 611hl cense, , and Myrrh, Everybody in- • Ball Band gum boot, patticuCOU'Dty No. 26 pagilli 118 and 119, ond 8XAsk your dealel' to show capt. ' lnS: also ono acre conveyed 'Ily .118 " alii " 10 lIOU CAlI V_AND IT" viteJ to these serviceS. larly adapted to hard wear. Ball James JIIDlllng8 and wlte to John H. WoolILrd you the various exquisite Band Rubbers, Arctics .. Felts,etc. by deed dated Jan'y 18th . 184M and recordsil A CREATC.liDaedSt."aftlo.w-w'. patterns in which the ~ wbich you may '-in read In. In lund ftecord No. 28. page 691 In aold County. at any time, aDd whicb will bold four DEATHS "Silver Plate 'ThaI' Wears" Interestforevel', You are livlna In the bett The lands Intended te be descri bed above Co:duroys, Oversll!! r. of the meet wooderlul 1181!. of wbat la being the ""me laudo conveyed by Hunry can be had. The wide latiand Work Shirts, oubtleu the ~tat world In th~ UDiveree. Jennlnga amI wlto to Nehomlah Wbnrtuu Ily Mrs. Albina McSharry, died at her lUlident 01: M... would ~y pay_ dated March 3ru 1866 and reoortled In ill knives tude for choice Coat Sweaters, Winter caps,etc'l deOOl Vol. 36 page H6 ot tbo DeetI Recur,l. ot FOR ONE YEAR'S home in Waynesville, Sunday, JanWarreD County, Ohio. fork~, s~oons and fancy , SU8SCIUJ'TION uary 4th, The funeral was held at SOlid Real Estate bas been regularly Ul.lQuality 00005 and Prices Rlght'l serVIng pleces assu'res satisprolll6d under order or Court at 13000.ou as a the house Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 whole Bud 10m not be 80ld lor lellS tban two· faction to every ta..te,. thIrds the appraised volue. o'clock, Rev, C, S. Grauser officiatSold by leadi~g dealerS "1~0 be sotd subject to the I'lgbt or tbe i'n g, Burial in Miami cemetery. detem.lant. A. LIncoln SldO!l . te remain nn everywhere. Send for cataoald premises as a tenant ulltll the 2 81h day or F.lbru","y IOU ." Corwin, Ohio. logue "C-L," sh."ing all The body of William Wells, who , designs. .. ' Term. of Sale died Monday at the Miami Valley • Otle-thlrd cub In h.ud oue day ot sl\le ,MERIQEN BRITANNIA CO• hospital, was sent to Waynesville, one-t hird In one year .and one-third In two (lDIemaUODAlSU.... Co., s _ , ) yer.rll. The delerred pa)'lDen&a to bear 01" I Ohio, by Undertaker Ed Luthman. .II.IDC.. , co ..... per cent IDteNllrt aDd be 600ured by mortg&t(e , 0 tbe premlaea IIOld, He was a resident of 35 COloradol ...------



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$1 000

Henderson Bros.



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avenue, where he Jived with his son.







Popular Mechanics Magazbie

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~ixty-F ifth

'~ ~ --- ~.~------~----------------------------------~----------------~ Jr~' UA ~ \ Y U, ID14 Whole Number 3246



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In !VI emoriam


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.... ... _........ . . . he rshi p. He loved th e order and r····. . _•• ••··••·· ......-.......... .-...... _.-..·..•·..............._......... ! ~ ! never miRlled a meeting wheD able to he present. He never united with It 0 l ! any ch urch, although he was a reg· I: .....l ular attendant a..'1 long as his strength pe rmitted . He told his daughter ••.••• - •• _-to ..._. _ -. __.'. __ .... . . ..........----. ___.. ....... ... __ •• _ ....... ........... _ .. .. .. ............. that hi s creed was fait.h in God, Illinois Glee Club- School HIlII. lIIi ntd:; (;1er Clu ll ·-School Il ali. hope in e termty, and charity to all men, and that the Bi ble contained Fo re.~t Ridge 'Was a Dayton visitor Miss G C tI t no thing more. Tuesday. of Dav t race ar~~lan s:v a s lit! lorueS . on f r1 cnus a t ure ay an d It is not what we profess but the Sund way we have lived that co unts when J. E. Janney was in Dayton Tuesay. ' day on business. II a S over. MrR. EdiLh IlarriA anu Mi~s Edith Mrs. Henrietta Hopkins, has been Mm;her were Cincinnati viSItors The ways they are many and wide. quite Rick for several days. Mmlday. And seldom are two ways the same.

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P ersona1Mention Clumn

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.-' '- .- - -- -._. - -----. , Former Citizens:

!\. (",mpany wa!i urgani z<:!u last w('ck to IJaek the Waynesvill e Miami !'lasl' Ball Team thi~ " lImm er. A Mr. and Mrs. T. Lee Adams, of competellt man ag-er was chosen who Kansas City , are in Phoenix, Ariz., wi ll have abs(lluLc control of the a'l th e presenL time, en route to the signing of play er;! and t he manage· ment (,f the team after the play ers Pacific Coast. where th ey will spend are sig-ned . II v ha" proven himself the winte r in the in terest of Mr . . to he an xcell en t J udg-e of talent Adam!!' health . anu has shown slJl endicl results in . I Iles t wa r k uut ofl' gelt1l1g tle · liS Mr. Will G. Rich, of Cedar Rapids, players. Th e Iwrsonnel of th e team Iowa, writesas follows : "I am send· is practically co mplete and aR8u res in g an a::count of a big time I atth ose in charge that th e Miamis of tended at the K. of P. lodge here. 1(114 will be one of the very best It was a big time and we hall loads team s Waynesville ('vcr had . . of fun that night. We have not had An effort is being mad e to organi ze any snow hpre yet, and it is fine to a league to be composed of Waynes· work out doors. This town is the vill e, Xenia. manch es ter , Wilming- home of Quaker Oats, and it isasight ton , Washing ton, . II. and Sabina. to see the amQunt of cereals they However, this is not positively a r- turn out in a day." Mr. Rich ber anged, but it is a n assu red fact that 10nrt'R to Maine lodge No. 643, and is the Miamis of I!H 4 will be all all·star inside g uard. aggregation.

Side by side, we may ltand Chas Uue ll was .ca ll ed to Dayton Mrs. Amos Mendenhall was quite At the same little door when all's il l last week, but is better today, Tuesday , on acco unt of the seriou8 done! illness of hi ~ father. The ways they are many, Steve Phillips, of Washington . The end it is one. C. H ., was visiting old friend s here Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkills of last week. Dayton, wel e the ~ ues t~ of Mr8. INSURANCE TRANSFER Henrtetta Hopkms FrIday. A. B Chandler hae purchased the Mrs. J . C. Hawke and Mias Clara Pickerel and ca tfish this week. insu rance business of F. E. Sher. Hawke were visiting friends in MarFrank Stansbury . wood. and took possession Monday. Irow last week. Mr. Chandler is well acquainted Howard Mannington has accepted Miss Lizzie Stewart arrived home Mr. and ~rs . Ab Evans will move GRANGE MEETING Isaac Eva n Keys wi~ h the insurance business, and the position of vice·president of the last Thursday, after a visit of sever. today to their newly purchasal everybody will be well treated if al months to relatives in New J ersey property near Cente rville. The Waynesv ille Grange will meet Mahoning and Shenango Railway they deal with him. See his ad on Th . , ' Saturday evening . Corw in Drake and Light Company. This position In l SI!) Isaac Keys a tanner and another page. Miss Henrietta McKiDsey has e Wayne Township I' armers will be speaker for the evening. will occupy only a portion of his time, currier by traue. came with his wife been ill for several days, but will, in Club are meeting today at the home IThe installation of officers will also and therefore will not interfere with COPIES ARE FREE Sa rah Walker Keys and t hree chil· all probability , resume h.r BCnool of Dr. a nd Mrs. J . T. Ellis. take place, A. B. Chandler being the his present position. The Ohio Slate dren, J ohn Walker, Mary Gest a nd Main Street was cleaned F rirl ay installing officer for the occasion . Journal says that he is widely known Through the courtesy of the audio duties this week Sarah Ann froni Hulmeville, Pa., and tor of state. Vic Donahey, the ' . GI CI b d S · and the street, looks real good since Ah 11 g rahn gers °kUght to be present and as a traffic expert and specialist in settled in Waynesville, O. Th III public utility affairs. The friends ee u an WISS the mud has bee I d If ear t e Rpea e r. e 10018 Gazette is in receipt of his annual Isaac Keys . was left an orpnan at Bell Ringers will h?ld forth at School I . n c eane 0 • of Mr. Mannington here are always report for the year. These reports an ea rly age and was raiel'<! by hie ST. MARY'S CHURCH glad to hear of any advancement he are free to all who write for them. Hall Tuesday evenmg, January 20th. I Mrs. Eva Wysong, of Spring Val. uncle Joseph Galll'way a sea captain --The club comes well recommended . ley, W3B the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Second Sunday after the Epiphany, may make. and a member of the Fi rst Continen· SPECIAL SESSION Roy Irons Saturday and Sunday. January 1 tho Sunday School at tal Cl · n~ress . Sa rah Walker wall the Dr. and Mrs. H . .E. Hathaway 930 L b' t "0 Mrs. T . O. Mason, of Xenia, former· W h d M ' j : a. m . esson su Jec , ur · AI daughter of a farmer, J ohn Walker There was a special session of MISS ma ater ouae, an essrs' l For alll evening of good music and L d St' ll th 'St "M . Iy Miss Winnie Wise, met with quite · d R M'II I ' or I s e. arm. orllln~ by name, II !l()ldier of th e Revolution Wayne Encampment No. 120, Ra h y~~; d Dav:aan " ay :..e~ saw i enJ oymen t attend the entertainmen t P rayer and sermon at 10:30. The a serious accident Friday evening as To this little family after 10f'.ating 1. O. O. F ., Mondav evening, when t e eXBd. nger at anon lat School Hall Tuesday evenin g , public is cordially invited to these she was returning ho~e from Day· in Waynesville there came five man! two candidates were initiated. MondayeveDlng. JanualJ/ 20th . services. ton. A colored man who had been children, William Stou ten, Thomas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!"!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~ ejected from the car near Dayton, James .. Ann E liza , Joseph Galloway - - - threw a stone at the rar. and it went and Isaac EvanR who is the subject - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - through the window where Mrs. of thil:! sketch, who was horn on the Mason was sitting, and hit her on the 7th day of August 1830. He . was cheek under the right eye, making a strong healthy child up to the 10th Ii very painful wound . The negro year of his age when he had the miswas caught and lodged in jail at fortune to be thrown from a hor~ Xenia. According to late advices and s ustained a fractured limb and Mrs, Mason was a-etting along as ~rom that time during the remain· well as could be expected. der of a i!ng life he suffered from LADIES SESSION derers, 60 were habitual thieves and I tification of teache.'R. 5th. Better I and for advancement in the line of t he inju~, but bore his suffering" The Ladies seB."ion of the Fanner's 130 were criminals, convicted more schools for every child . 6th. Better i education, therefore OBITUARY quietly with patience pnd resignation Imtitute was called to order by the or less often of cri?,e .. ?f t~e Jona· l State aid. Believes new code is top Be it Resolved . That it is the sense He received a seminary educalion president, Mrs. Laura Jones, wishing ~han Edwar?s family, It ..S said there Iheavy along .the line of supervision: of this Institute, that we approve Hannah Foster Parker, daughter after passing through the put>lic the large audience a most happy and 18 nO.t a lea~mll' co~leg"e 10 the coun. / We shOUl d !lIVC our own energy and ; the pr ovisions in the proposed new schools. With a mind above the pro:sperous New Year. try III which their names are not effort t.o improve au r schools. ' school code . which provides for uni· of Mary and James Foster was born average intelligence he w~ capable The devotional exercises were con· found to be recorded and more than A paper b~ Mr s C. T . Hawke gave !form su pervision, better trained December 19, 1815. died December of occupying any position the town ducted by Mrs. Mary Frame, min· 100 ~\'e lawyers, 30 judge~, 13 college a repor t of the Ed'lcational Congress . teache rs, and a bette r certification 31, 1913. Aged 98 yr. 12 da. In early life she joined the M. E. church had to offer, but he had to forego utes of previous meeting approved. presidents and more than 100 college at Columbus, on Decp.mbe r 5th and ; plah; furthermore, afterwards went to the Fri(!nda all desire or selection as his life work Music by the Columbian Male Quar. professors, over 100 cle rgyman, mis · l fith. She spoke of the governor's I Be it Resolved , That we trust in must accord with his affliction. tet. Mrs. James Vandervoort took sionaries and th60logical professors, Icandor and honesty in the prosecu- th e scholarship. good judgment and church at Selma, O. She was married in 1837 to Clayton On the 11th day of June 1&'i4 he for the subject of her talk the small over 80 have been elected to public tion of t his work, denying all charges unselfi;!hnes.~ of tho!!e who prepared was married to Mary Elizabeth word "Tests," but oh, how much office and 60 have attained prom· of trying to drag the school q uestion t his code and ask that our Senator Parker with whom she lived more Hawke daughter of John and Mary meaning there is in it! Will you i~ence in ~uth0r:'hip or edito~iallife . into politics. He will oppose any Iand Representative be importuned than 60 yrs Six children were born to this union. Two of whom now Tregenna Hawke and to this union stand the test! She says, "Be brave, Time forbids gomg further mto de- such legislation. Believes the decline to s up port thp measure. rpmain to mourn the loss of mother. Mary F. Frame five children came to g larlcien the ..' look the world squarely in the face, tail. "Now that these facts are in counttry life due largely to decline ...- - lives, John Milton, Vio la Jane, Ellen where there is a will we will always known, let the lesson be learned; let of count ry school. Ohio stand!! fi fth F. C. Gilmour ~ NllOfi'iii";who died in her 16th year, find time to do things, that, at times the sennons be preached; let it be in most things but can not rest on WILL ENLARGE TERMINALS Anna who died in infancy and Mary seem unsurmountable; thinks there impressed on our young men that past laurels. The School SUI'vey ha'l Esther. is a wide gap between women at they dare not step aside even for a furnishl~d tbe basis for an improve· The D. L. & C. Railway Co., are On September]il , 1866 his wife .:ountry and town women which moment. Let all possible use be ment in Ohio's School System . Leaching of Soils was discussed by preparing to enlarge their tenninals departed this life after living with ought not to be. Women ot country made of these facts and something Needs are more real co untry schools Mr. Powell. Leaching is t he escap· in Dayton. Bonds are to be issued him for more than 12 years leaving more free to do, as they know they will be accomplished." This most not imitation of city schools . Dis. in g of the nitrogen from the soil. to the amount of $500,000. Some at her little ch ildren to be raised by his ought to do. Says teach children worthy paper was discussed briefly cussion opened by F. C. Gilmour. Coyer crops through the winter will the money will be used to payoff sister Sarah who proved herself to the value of time, it is something by Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall, Mr. F. He believes the new School Code prevent th is. Fall plowing and lay· debts , and the balance tor improve· be!l loving capable and efficient that can never be replaced. Farm. C. Sawin, Prof. ' Youna- and Miss embodies the opinions of many of i~g bare. through the wint~r, will ments. foster mother to the little motherless ers test their SEed corn in order to Elizabeth Chand:er. Music by GoI· the leaeling school men of our state. It b~rate. nt trogen from the SOIl. - - -.....~-~ .....- - orphans. save time during the busy and grow. umbian quartet. Adjourned for din· That in working out this new code Grow~ng' Alfalfa and Clover, was WILL INSTALL OFFICERS He married again August 30, 1877 ing season. This paper was replete ner. Mrs. Laura Jones, Pres. we must bear in mind that we are the 8ubJec t of M~. Powell for the to Rachel Elizabeth Cartwright, with good thin2s. A duet W&.ll Mary Silver, Sec'y. . not only building for today but for afternoo n. :"-~l solis are adapted to The new officers of Wyoming Lodge daughter of Seth and Sarah Sinclair played by Miss Ruth Hartsock's AFJ.'ERNOON SESSION, 1 P. M. the future of our great state of Ohio. aflfa~fa, PSr~IVHitng thb ey lare prepared No . 102,1. O. O. F ., will be installed h" , A . te . d' . f II d or It. 01 must e oose enough '1 "H' S' t ' Ph to Cartwrig ht with whom he lived pUpl 8. IS I IS e r s b °M~raEPI.8, MUSIC by Quartet: The Most Pro· nSom rbestm g IBCUSSlOn 0 owe . for the ai r to come in contact Wit:, Thurstiay evening, The officers are ISS Iza· fttable Horse to Raise on Farm, by ng y member of Quartet. The h d I ts PI t f all follows; G. D. Mills, N. G.; C. a happy congenial life for more than a humorous se eetion y . b th Ch dl er bl ad d . . 1. . t d h ' t e no u es on roo . en y 0 S. Burnett, V. G.: Homer Carey, a 36 years. Nine years ago on an un· e h anf th was d Y re I an Mr, Conover. Beheves the general nommli ;Ih~g commIt ee . rna e t elr nitrogen in the soi l will cause alfalfa luckv day when on his way to his broug t or a rolln 0 f app ause. purpose horse the most profitable report W Ich was by motion accepted, b I I' I t'lon Rec. Sec.; E. C. Rogers, Fin. Sec.; . d Musi" by Columbian Quartet. horse on farm. Reading· , What and the following officers duly ~o ghrow , . ut 'Iul n ~ssh t le Idnod~u a h h place of business e shppe u p o n . . . I ed P . . IS t ere, It WI Wit er an Ie w en G. C. Hartsock, Trustee. some ice and fell dislocating the hip The "piece de re.istance" of the Killed the Dog, Ml!B Clara Hawke. e ect: res., Dr. J. T. Ellis; Vice 't I· h t d p e E M' h S' d III rogen 8Upp y IS ex aus e . joint of his a lready weakened IimiJ, ladiC4 sesaion, in fact of the whole I ~rof. Chas. !oung, of Lebanon, res.,J, . ' IC ener; y an Deepen the soil as much as pos. ELECTED OFFICERS requiring the u!!e of crutches the ill8titute was the paper prepared by OhiO, was next mtroduced and spoke Treas., .Fred Elbon. Executive com· 'bl P d th If If ' th . . I . . F kH Sl e. rece e e a a a WI a b alance of his life. Two years ago Dr Mary Cook subJect "Heredity ' on The New School Code. He 8ald mlttee • ran artsock, Seth Furnas, I' t d Hit t The WaynesVille Canning Compa• . ' , . II . Th' b' Jr E t En h t M J M cu tlva e crop . ave p en y 0 his mind became clouded through und Environment." ThiS paper n part. ere 1S not mil' wrong ., mes m ar , re. . . h . th ·1 Ap Iy manure to ny held their annual meeting fdonsuffering and age and he became should be in every home as It showB with our Public Schools. We are Vandervoort, Miss Elizabeth Chand· um:.m e SOl f day, and the following officers were p 'Th p. 42 Ib · Ioved an d f ~I ··ththe.wI'de contrnat rec.10mg . ~'t a con~tant care to hIS .- at leadinO' . a moral ; . not satisfied with them nor should ler. Signed . on behalf of committee: PI'Ime onectroon .a f a Ifearlefa,ISh ence I ~IS elected : Pres. J ,C. WII IOn; V'ICeful wife until death relea!fd him and Immoral hfe, and the figures lD we be. We should put more of ourEdwin Chandler, Chairman. a crop that draws heavily on the Pres., Roy Irons, Seey·Treas., J . F. from his suffering. He died on the comparison of a family . termed selves into them. _ Tendency is too Commit~ee on resolutions made lime in soil. Doubts need of lime in Snook; Directors, J. C. WilscJn, 9th day of January, 1914 at 9 o'clo('k "Max," or the "Juke" family, and great to get chtldren away frOID the follOWing report which was by t Ohio b t may have to Ulle Roy Irons, F. J. Sn~k, Wm. Zell in the evening aged 83 yr. 5 mo. 2 the Jonathan Edwards family are home. The idea of all knowledge motion adopted. h~ ~~~e ihe~e is a German seed and George Zell. . days, His whole life was p&S9ed in ~ppallingly shameful. Max wa. a bein5f derived from books ~ a mis- ~Ived, That we hereby tender and a Sp~nieh. That grown in the • - • Waynellville in which he lived an Jolly good fellow~ but hl~ whole !ife taken one. There are InstanCeB a vote oJr thanks to all . who in any north-western states from the Ger· • - - - - - ~;tTl honest, industrious, self-respecting tended to vulganty and Immor-allty. where ~ child fa a~lutelY unable to way or manner have contributed man seed is best. Practices sowing moral life. He was charitable both ~onathan Edwards ~~e of a long ~e book education, yet the ~me their means or ta1~ts in making without nurse crop and sows as early in talking and giving. He was ac hn~of8Cholarly,.Chnattanancestors, ch!ldmaypollBe88decidedmeehamcaJ thisoneofthem09tsucCessfulofour\as possible in spring--in Mayor - - - .- - - - - - - - . commodating always ready to do and the figures m comparison are as ability. Believes the very ~t Int!ltitub~. preferably ·June-it stands the first Mr. and Mrs. Al ComeIl, of Route a ."neigb~r kindness. He held followa: Of the ' progeny of tope achools we ·b ave· today are the gooO Resol~ed. That we extend to Mr. t winter better. Harrow to kill weed 6, had the pleasure of entert.ainfug Sunday the follo~ gues"': . ~r• .. a. ~umb;e~ of poailion,s .. of hono~ ~nd '~ukes SlO were paupers, BOO die In ~!lntry achooJa, The new code pro- andMI'I!I. J880n~heeh~ a vote of and other grasses. trust during ' the . cour:se of hiS hfe. Int:a~~"fr~m lack .of load eare, 400 P,088B~ . fumiah for ~~ achool~ of than~ 1~or their hospitality inenter~ . · Music by Quartet. Unanimous and Mrs. J. C,Bawke IUld clauabtet . He unitechvlth ' the . Ma~nic; Order. en and wom~ werJj. ~ed early 'Ohlo: 1st• .~~ ~~~ t~e1'8~ t.ainirlir I~e State iilstructOl,'8. ' \. vote to hold .Institute next · year. Clara. Mr, and, Mrs. Elmer" ~ in life ~dfillecfallofitloffice8 in their ,own wickednelil,.50 2,nd:·..State~de~uPefvi8ion.8d. ~. ·the attittJ'.d e ·of. the far~er Benediction Rev. C. .S .. Grauaer.. of Ridgeville, and MillrMame Mlb", "vera(tiin-.l»ver·dllrinli . bia.rmem-, ..... 7 wer, mur- .*, ~ .ot mon.~~tIj, · ~ ~.b8B ,been, aPiDit -iporaDce' Acijourn'Eid ~ .. . . . ,.. " . ot'Shakenowli. . ' . ~. I,'," { :,. ' <"':;;;'1 · r;:· ; ':~.~;'~ '~_".;, '··'~~: ,.,oJ· · 'l;~. ;-/ ....: . I~...~:.~,;. ·.' ':[ •..•.• "., . . . t~· .... " 1::'. '..



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1O)('kl'tl I h ,' h o u ~. ,In'J tb , ' ol d e,l b ln ! 'I'h (' n I Itlad!' I h ., 101,/( r ail IU ~:p\'l'a ta, r IIlId \\"11 1 h ) lh' .\ llI' I\ o(' k, cal l1ll l; un


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tllt ' ll

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Practical Fashions


cit al ," • \\ 111 ' 11 ~ II! '", 1~ I )j H', I ' ll " ,,\ 1'.

'I h " ll 1.1 111" lh t' I t ' tl , r rrutll I I(d 1, It f r ~ f II. \dde li ."11 1 tr"II ' (' J ,\ Z\, ~ H Il l'l l tIl \ 1:1Ih r , t l! I \ " I ~ \\ II l'd uf \1, \\ lt lhl ll i


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:~{l Jtl t' lhll1J~ l or " ill t' tl ... \ t -=,tC'fI /If"ti til r !'i t Ir . ,\11.1 111 f! llr s uet I l1l l' l" ( . I IU I' I l lu-'l Ih,' ~J I · " t ll lJl!.l · ! S " hkh t. / h .-· .... 1" 111

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h' 11I 11.:h , ,.: Ill " ror " ,' I II.~ \1 ,11 11 ' II ', fl l ' h I \\ :,rll' ,'.1. and It " .l l tr; "d nlP lH ' illl! !-Of t Fi l lpI ' r~l t t l lOU S' UPI III1I , I I':' " , In U \I ' Tlh l"'" (l r 111. I h 111 111 , I . ' xpl Ull1 t d lhut 1'1 .\ Ik~ r h l l" I). ~I1c1 d lt._l 111, - t rh' ){ arI d JI '\ 11I1 to 1Il. 11"l' ' Il\' \ \1 ':-' n F I ~nn as k''' p h },h t, lH a. C" 1 f'tlt1nO l ~ l.' \' Ih r Iliin x t h:d Il\ V :-- l' r \dl , t 1\ lo t, Ilh r- a (, U I' I ):;I . I ud I.I IJ IH I I r ultl l hl ' l lft!'1 \\ar l)rf' ~KllIg I U ~ t. ', tlth. 1 cl ult, fHJ l lun k 1 J llt (' 1Il ' I '~ t" h Cljl ptHl r. II tJ\t 'r li l ' L u ', ' , ' ~ 'lI a~ 1 ri (Uf IJ P :t c r" in nu r tl nl l ' . Iheu " I d oubl :-'.l l d 1 ' 111" ' 1 l aT I 'd \d lh ' I I.u li 1111 I I' Y OIl \\ . L~ no h \l ~ l Jalld fu r \\tl h a ~\\' II I c njo y m n n t Dr frpo.;b ~ \Jtlt. I f gn l I h l1 l \1 r .. I· \\ f.\ 111 .. ~ 110\\ a h lH'h a s I ll(' wit h I ~ r {h lkt) aroulld lhl~ Mo l e (J ul UliO th,' sUlI ~ h llle d a~ ~ ar" " UI" ' l' , " n uu" " lI oug h I v U. ' In.ln LII I" ' pl i" h udi ' , d i u yt' tlJ",)t I Ii I r" aclwcl th e g r ove .rt tb lH ('oul 11"\,, l Jl U ti 111 ''' ' nlort a l. " h I ' su ch a puk C' UA to "(' t , \I lth ~ l' 1 bour ~ <J lik e n g r een lu );o"n \\ u e r e I 'or th "t I I o ul " h n\'" I"" ,,, 'd 111 m. d" ,ld 11( " lOU HU lIl e, "(' rI""l1ll1 ); I f m en ('o ral IHe rs brOln l' h up 10 .o lll e rlubed ' Th l') u ~ , ' <.1 , II" , (h'~ r o ld IU,UI \I'(' n c ('a rll,' n,' ar wit h a ll A b ll"rll' ..:rl nnrng, \ nult Thl ' wa vf.· ~ or illtt! n ~ l' , th e r i~ · on, t() bl ·!tp\ p In o ur f o rprntll f' r!4 . bu t and \ 0 11 d n ln l, as :'\ onh ! Th :,1 Vd-'~ li n l' r 'l> o rgan I hrc.I), lh .. g lory In lb p Ih l' II ' I ~ (~\ c r\ " r' n e ra l d" c llll l' o f , \\a ) 10 In'at a l u rl y T h <tt \I "" lIU w lnoows, gl\\' I' mc lH' aCC, bUl W I' faith It l ~ Ill)[ (o r us 10 hl.lln" t1 lf' m ('in c h f o r HII' UK (ou ld b ll) l'U\\ b,,)". al l ellolr of th e \\IIHIII had gon e nw a y and Wb a l fU l r), f(, r " xnn ql l .· co u lll uc nx · I 'd U ", l lIll t o 1'6h nw, 11 mal t,. s Hit) fo r once III l h ut S\\P,' t 8ulltude I \\ a~ p" ct.' <1 tu b"I IC' \' I' In 'J" ' a r rul ( ;, 'o l'ge? ~ Ic k at lile l' tufIlmic lt to thlllk I Illll r 1(l 11 l' 1), ~ly s ltlln g 18 n l t h e r ool ot th ' If " ~ h' ~ \1 S l Ou,\,;cu' , ri C d ) 011 I o nl v dOllt' I t fOl .1 Jn k,' gO" e rn pss I r ec, und .h'HPf:'H und er l b e "Oh . t ('1 1 lll (, IllQrp ul" ,u t h '" D ld "H u t lOU J"" . tuark my wurd u o n th (' sh.> s p. a k I () ~ ou" SlI e's f ea r f u ll " dan If I ~rt' a t f llt Ilt' r p I nl' l C w(' r e Ull I Y W" lluII ' . rnrl ('h Ilnrl l.' II"rfl el I' :1 ti th 'l(,\': II ;; , nO th(' r p, ho w It \\ ou ld , 'alie lh ... pnln f urt' lgn " o mall r l OIll I h ', rUlls ~ ~I' I I J' I I I II h qU Ilt=' rt . ~, 1 1() ~~f':'l g t'lJ. " 1,..1'(1('0 bl rn so hadl' " " l Rll t l h"l O, \~h o \\ nl 1' )t I(UI1 . ', tl f; III H R Ut a \t' YO Il "I III,' )Oll ' r e 111111\' I I,el' r d or th lH \1, lro I! ;: t o llIal.I' 111111 )In'" , ll t In I ll y th l n lt < I' m frll' hl (' nc(] o f h er rll"\ ' ~hr ' t h 1l1 k ~,' hr . rI ton . ,d, Iha t 'I' C., \ OI dal'inl' t o <" ,II ~ou h er lI lPll l!h l ~ 11 (· h ad gonr '''' U\' , an d til l' h ll S h ~ lltJ ~ 11t ":) not , nU t \\ I r (' f-l h l.!'H not \1 n; " <Jn l "" l \I ho I IH' " III Ih f' lIld o ll tfl' e \tlU It' H \\ It k ~ d W O ll l H Il " ,J i':; ~ I' ~ lIllth, Dh l"H n o l a m a l 1'1 , d \\(JIIl· ·~ I. , " 11 H I l illi ' n "\t \I h is lIlu lC' h l· utl . . U llh . :In In ll n poo r llllll ~ .ltl d hl'l (hli li. fl\lI ligar ~t ll l \') "I r p ! pft \\ 1111' 11 \\ou l d, \ i '~, \ 011 ....;lI f· ~ .tld }(,l'1 \\' ollel


\ O U I C H\(i


The pases are yellow, rtIe Ink II! rusty knelt down by h er. and ahe ~ b r o w n, but tb u past 16 ,,\Jv e In every IDY torehea d. \Jn e, tbo livIng past. tbe sunny warm " I dldn 't catch your word s," said octmted land of m mory, all fu ll of Pete. lov e nud glor) lind d eli g ht, unu agony ' P l ollllse," lilY Ind y whi s per e d , \I h lch ('a nnot b e t ako n trom m e. th er c mu s l lle no murdfl r ." Il o w wo nd er fu l It Is to th lnll Ihat a 'T e ll h (, r , 1'(' 1(' ,' aul d 1. . t1l11 r e 'l1 b o "n·" t l u dy, and thl>! il( - orant I " llou 8 nO murd e r I c an ' t l e t h e r o fT with b rut!' sh uw n up In till ' I' otl l'd lIIa nu that - g lvp h i'l l' fa ir wll rnln g" ~ cll lJt , " lJ ould """ r h ay,' I.", ,·n lllnll a ll d J "'tLl rOIl " n way sl ow. 1 \\ I f" I O/:I' t l lf>r' \\' llt' rI I think tof \Ihat I II I"'," I \\'h l" I)1 ' r (' d - \\',' l' pf\kp In : \\ ,Ih' IlI l lIT,l t " , s lov"nl~ , I H 7 ~ , H" lnsh \\ h l:- IJI'rH b pCHlI S t ' 1t \\ it~ t h l' ( ' 111.1 of . l>ru tH I. tJ\patl l ~ JC'nltn.!4 , Ign u r:Ln t l y ll,, · \\ (Il ltl In u s 1\\ 0 - " ' 011 1 1 1I ~ t Tf1H '/ " I cru .. 1. I " ' r' h U\I Ir \1'15 rlh ht Illa t Hh l ' ~ h , ' 1(\ . , " cl III \ . roro 'h· ':!d ~I1 (1uIJ I I ' a,1' rll'~ It h l\~ 1.1I, t'11 nlf ' ' 1\ 11 til l' . , lit' !'\ .llli n l'" t h t nr. I : l l Hl l' f lr'llIl ' I " ) l' .l r~ t u n : ,d rl l' 1h ,l l I 110 11\ \\ .I!" 1 01 (h·.ul " " \'• • l !i 11 11\\ tl r l l1 ~ to L t, )u'r ~ . · I \' : IHt \\ I,ll, ' Sil l ~ h l l llllUl ' d lh ••l d ~h l ' s :dIV~ , 1 ~dlt ' I B llH'lt ti l l' ~o 11/ \II ' h ti ll' gr, ', d j " i,a ll ' :--- 114 H ( ' (Iuli ng 111' rl' T. tl\I ' l i U' Ol) ~ tt ' r\' 1!'4 f lit' \rH' \\ h ll h \ It l ,1 \\.1; I Wld, I I IIH ' IIIlH I n SOlltll ('n \' f'. I


, ' d o , 0 111 [8

CHA P TER X II.-Con tin ued " \\'I IY. HOly dar< ~ I l t ~"! !,:ood 111"1n In s t o m y 1'1 1110 ,'ull I l, ' \l ,I S h 'lt' I! In g pl (' nllrul tuU"\, a r,u lIl I' " I Jl l t" ' ~ bh ' oel hr fo l<' I .:Ol hil a (' 0 11(1 '11 r . li jll " t


or Ihunt! h ea rd n I..'t It HI I II ' Iii ' .... , 11 I 11\ \ d ·.!l o r . -hu t .ln rl f.· n It" '" P "!"1, l l lll !'i II I lhln l{ th l" or ll .' . . (Jlll lf' 8 U I It" " l d I\l h :tlt !S11I11 J Ii, ' d ah u ut Il l'a r I JH rt! t H !! ' ... · iy .d l 111g hl wt'arv t o tlu ' tip or l )f 'r T I L~ l \\ .p. l l11U 1 H .. ... ' (j I I I U II " ny \\ 1' , j. ,. I • .:.. p oo r sou l. 1:: 0 wll ,'u J \~u l\ u OUl' ' \ a N t h r r.' .. ,.. l lIt .IIH I , re' pl to l b., 1. ' ,\ n t u rh )or " .\ l lld ~ ~p ~ I t "\ ,t', ,l 1 1' l ll..' f t o 1111 (1 t hll L -; li ra had " Th at ' ~ lll ., I111T! X dt \'4 p",, ·,1 .1'111 t il ,: \. " ,p 'h I' h ad 111ft IlI H n ' ~h " ti II l al l\ HIli 11 1.'1 \1 h ' lI 11' \ lIu " ' ,\1 1", 1,;)11 fq ll of hr"a " und lnllk' i Ilalltl ' r,u ",,"" rrOl h

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1111 1'i \\, ' I'I ' d flOtl l

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Ih l' Ht t"' 11 I'd (' l o. , w hlt n pnr iut!




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I <I sc arc·. " r ,dktl hllll (' II ('Ll III four I ' It'l' n m lllll h s II,' rubb .·rl nl;" ' II" t m o : lI'f)"'l lill /( h " h P.(It·d eh'''f'1l hU HdrNI ' ~ PO llll tl b, anel I ha(1 t o HI' r ,lt r'h I ll" nPI: k I b,,(ul'l' \11 ' Ht.lrl ('(1 up to Ih" h o uso tll/'ll t o th l ' I. f t "hlll l': I hl' \\a ,:oll trac ll Ju s t I'a ~ t ('n UH'o l ul f; ro \' ,' TIlt' \\,1 1( ' 11 " a~ >1,j rl/; IIl ': rUU 1,11 th .. I'nd or th t' grtH' P nt :1 c'a r lt f ~ r Hu d \\b t'D nlld 11\ " ! IJ lo l l !'ol l ' it h.I ' " , ,a ll \ pH h ~l h t ll I I.,t I' UI .1 \ 1' 11 for rll " 1,1 t \l llrnln g I l lp~ '1'1r ,,' \\.! I!-ot t t~ ( ' li t I II n Ul' wl lh ti ll' \ \0 1!Ja1l ( Hll .\ :;I\a t t· b r· d at Ill " dri 11/\' c lr .. · \,P .In " tlvl'r II H." fo l l!, l'l d th , ~ \ . ' r .... \\hlJl til ling 1 Ill' (f' u m (a ~ tt'r bl "I I ~ ' \ \ 11H'! 1 1 ~ 111'1 ' 11 :11 ' .1 11 , II 11\ l itt' ' ( hl ' ll I till II' d I (IO H(' tt l ' lJf :I f , 111 ' r,' nf H' " 1\ f ir Itt,. 11 ,1( 1\ .11, I l i P ' 11 III t i ll'



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hl ~ W ~ IM l l li • I II ' : t ' I I \1 11 t '. ~ I ~ , I I II... II II,· jay 11\ (h ~· Jll.t !11 ~00 d c; . ;' \ f l t! .t , If ': t l' , It II:! I t:ll ltil .\ I l l tlu kt ' , t li p I !lan \ ' (1\ 1 call}; Hu ll Jl tl~. \\ 1'I'(' I l,,*-H! I I'tJtg a faIr) I :'; U} ' PO O: i' I ' ~ tll lln l( l 1111 th e· Iltt r ... .. ·J ll l t ·e) c d/ ,d . . d lld t o( \ '"d ~ . :' I It I! l' \' l ' r I l \\ as 50 fo o l (,.h \\11) ~ h()u ILI I rnrgl\, ' h r f l, r \\ 11.01 ', h " .I ld lO I l lll ) h ,'l rl \\h, l t l' l \'" yuu d" , Il ,I" ny , h,' , ,"Hi \., n t hl l ll<l " I •• ' I . 1,lIU llS lh "l tl\'l' I. ,' ~nlln fl U.. ' :P l h' d of lIt' .l l h, :-. uv h a (' Qwa r d I n h c~.; h.llS " I aliuC'u. ~ h l! Ut a h,I'H fUll r t h l ' n {'\\:i h e g-u t h ~ 11 1. 11 1, I"' lf l( l ' ~ (l\l h ,t h Uflflrl! d ,,'.. ' t I ('up IlIlu l lt ~ F ' l ll tH'I r " p b " ,,,lllj.\ p:lIu; .\11<1 ~ (' l I b ud 11 N t «r us.' T(1 !"r ru·t Jr(' 1 1 1j q f':"Lll ro rn <1:, 11" 1" ('''' " I!It u 1 h l lll ;; "l orr :lI l\p, 'Oil So I lla ti :11 " It'ti, "nd a ~ I J ll l'lJ /ll t l> "1 ' .'1 (, I t\ I ·\'I' .l f't 1I 11' IL t ' rO \l l. That )(Is • 1 t', ". l ' ' 1" ' 1' ('" n l ,'f,1l thl ' Iru lh , th ai l)l l'~Ptltl y I r an ,\ r it .' 11,\11 1" :t it.! ,1.1 , 1' . ...... I ' 10: 11 \ d r • II 1" I" c cl my 1,,11\ to UI) UO 11I li rtil I, I Iw p t ' " Il gh t 10 ~ Id', ~h YI ' r . . 'It. wo n (! r , o s r ure \\e to b tl \\ ,t\ P l r (, llmln~ 111) " I,l r t h'1 u m \C ,IIb HI.:.u li .l l t' fld ~o II L ll l lH r "1 " ,ill l ' II t o rn b y bt up ld." " ,\u el It I t1 ld nt 10\,.' . ,, \., 1" ' (').011 Ill " b ~ , l1 I" '1 110- lilt.' hra lllb i l's. b) r" e t ('aught I n th e r OO I S. , S h e Ii fu ll 01 Ill ,SCill('1 ' Thf' d l \ \l1 \ \.18 "\\:1 1~ (' ..Illtl S la ~~ .' r thul I d 1'. ln" O nl y \\ h C' n I pa Ksl'LI th e pl nce "h .~ r e ' Of (o ur,e" Th (, o ld Ili a ll , Ill!, III lJ l~ ('ye~ r"P I I I .· . Yo u r d l ' M' rt ('(l trup ... Ir \! , \\ olrlll h a ve NO, 646 7. SI Zt; by an em on es l ive, nnd he y on d t b e t\l ln ld ed a nd l a lk,' d , o n l y my b. 'a r \1:lS b lILl ketl tll u ll ~ h - I \\ lth rIl e. " POLl.Y S~I ITII l'll st door of th e g rov e "arn e ou t Into c.w ' t se t woro s t o nt tbat pu zzl t: d NI\ME ha l r..I t o h o ltl by ti lt ' roac h b;lir .... " P S · 1 II bo lO )OUr ran c b ~ l o n · The fuJI sllnll ~ h t, I CQuid g o llO rn ttht~ r but fn e mO r} li e had t u lu m e l\\I Ce th a t du ) " nJ ,l tl III f' d l'o no tlll lnh and artp r h e TOWN f e ll to I h e g round exh a tl s t pd \, ,,s, It h e was n ot n fair}' l'sc:lI "'d rro m m )' 1Huc h I dirt not s ee " I a m to tell you ".Ui vc r} t>l ll y , and th at bllllu pani C frolo iny la t.h , th at s b e is not lh (\ "· (lr p him lh e r e III th e Y('u r s ST REE T I\ND NO .... .... ',~ .\'(urntl l (! whi c h 10 ' s bam ed m il IlS I look ed up a t th e el'IJ" mln.x _ Wi ud" \\ a,es , llnd Ih ln " Jlly hU Ru and wns s t il l :. t r..Ilnn e r wll p n l o w cd c cent 0 f s II ve ry bl rc I1 t rees \\ h 0 h 0 Id t"ltlgs," h STATE e sal' d, . are lu ll of m l " c hler VI 0 Il eur d a h orse man Th e womlln sla ntl l u !; In th e " rt'ck· co m c t h un d er I ng ' .. U co urt at t I Ie foot 0 r t h e upper C I lu 1 Id "n d lau g llter I P 'ru e s un b U " rOotn to I 11, tI '1 I age of h e r trunks , wllut",d to talk. We P 0 cu r gllC or. "to .• ntl son, u ~~ Som ethhlg small and black \\a s COlD· sparkle h erd ed h r, J,i;ph and I, to th e foot of even In n t ear and Il eav en s purr I ng a w ea ry h CHILD 'S DRAWE RS, orse across the Ib e pacl! lrall. which Ing toward me, a clergym an , too, nnd toucb es our l en ds up by Bte.ep lips with e~er)' smil e, for YVlrd . J esse took th e l e tte r, nnd wbll e n ervous, because he twiddl ed hi s IltUe joy Is boly, jags t o th o rim-roc k d I h ad n Snlr ltB , angel s. fairies. h ( ! r t)n, of th e U)ll)er 8 t rang e aw ru I I m· .. hat td th cll ITs , t h en on thr oug h the blnck pln .. a are only thought s w blch hav e caught pres s l on 0 ays. man s. years pass· to Hundre d \l1le " Are you In pain ? ' he as k e d . W e borded up tbe tbe light celestia l, mirror tbought s lng , n whirlwi nd of time. My man pack trail , my beur nnd I, and pointed "Ar e you a fairy?" I an s w e r ed , won· whlcb shine I' n Heaven 's glory Chll. w as growing o ld b e for e my e y es. and It I t derlng. I couldn' t tblnk or anythin g dren and tb t Ithl f h hi hor on h er wny , alon e, ufoot. If sbe happy people see that light. s ru e a w n a ew Ollrs • S l ived tbruu"I, tha t Qighty miles, she hair waR fl eck ed with else at the momen t. tor our lost ranch which 811 v er When ne,' e r s hines on any clouded th e lett ., er f e ll from hi s hands I s BO far from everyw h e re . be would r e m ember th e way, tbe way " "~ o, msdaID ," h e saId quite grnvely 80ul which Is bnrr ed " My so ul Is clouded H e lp me" walked awny, making no so und nt all 'I'm o nl y n curate May r sit do"" n?" " I wond e r, " be smile d wllh his o ld I sat on my little stoo l and took tlle " -a/ e', Sarra/I I' e. h eart w ent out to him, for h e llind c ' ·es. "Hnve v ou a se nsu ot bu. l eHe r Th e pap er t elt like so m ething J v wa s so little, so old. English like me, mar '! J Ah,-tb f ' was wa l llllg for J esse until th e lot. er e. The n you n eed very c IT ens I \' e , so th a t I I d lQ to orce Mnklu g cloth es for li ttl e c h ~ 'dre n 18 1 but with th e manner of th e grent n e ' e r worry. mys elf to rpa d. nnd ev e n th ( en without Bun s ton e I nto t h e cnve, All th a t I eo· or run 1I.\\a> As sun. Ilk c dressIng a dult an d th C' \\ ork Is t world . \~'h e n h e Rnt do wn h (" took shine and II 1 unders 1 d b t andin g bl o n e of word horrr , I r ' wont nnd pr w, C I 111 rain ar e to tb e d ea r earth. ce n n ur "n sh rl ill Y h 'Hlll s and tact? , \\ hy I c I I'n r l!(I n ,. cnre not to hurt on e of my fl owe r s, . d •.f t, v el')' dainty In I he drn'l C' r s Hhown ow ve rore so u re l a u g h t er and t ears t o eH l r y u · 't ... k mID, "u we u se a molle l which lin . I k Inscam 'x ' t th t It "US b e lter Fatber Juretl b p l d 1n P. m> " I fNll' J'1ll tr(' s pa ss lllg." h e sa ld . " In living 80ul.. b y th e hands, Humor d ear IS th e on ' ll O\l , e C" P a on the I " g It Is !;,l th l'rt' <I 11 IIttlo b oynur r oy al gard p.ns Mny I In t r odu ce \\ra th e r In winch th l' s pirit l ives" llot t o mak e a ti l'(' n e. Cfl m b ac l. to e!rawin p; t h e [In I n u war · II e h nd gI veD low th e I.oa nd arHl has th . , \J ~ ua l I illY ~t oo l t r,,~" " lr ? 51r..1 .. I I d ;\Iy name Is I ,\ iH t p.d - Jnr pd th m e N I 1(' 1<1 m ac r m fl a v e ry . lIu t SU I r o \\ Hod t c-ar g? " rOD e opening:), Mu~lI n, c:llub r k , HatP cn or r corn r o r t 1 :":'~t" d , once nn ar m )' c h u plain DOl\' a f t f ... I'e t .. sr oo el III tl'" dou rwlI ' \'1'1 \ n un , " . '.\'b y, h oI\' ('all tllli s un m a l;· r .• c n ro, 0 ....:: " limp ure. ou t lllll; fi an ll (' 1 ('an b e U St <l 10lr t h i s III lnt OUI IS t. " ". Iluvlr..l sl ep t ill m y l n p .Ind no", I 0\\ without ralll '" whll~ o u s a h o ur I" s hal, Il R th o u g h 11(' trl e(] n o g a rItl P nt. w h il e SO l'll f' ~OI)t1 :i lrO I IK J ,, ~ • 1 • I 11 ' , , tu hl tl e Are lOU s ure. II H\l ay I rt '11lC' mber \ l"lIr" rl 'u, " chnt ( 1.111 111 1: I th o d ear ~a nl I e t trl ) 1IIln d 8. Uti d I I ncu ' ou lJ pnll Sl' J1aln n e xt. ur )ll'l'c t) 1I1"Il IH:I'); 1<.1 &1 11 1; form s \' (lIl' re, Il nl a - " l ook pd lhl'ou~ h th e /i1uok c ou t toward ' Thu t l s .1 socr.tlne ot " h e ans\\I' red I ~ Ir :l !jUlt C gra"" th e trl;nlllin g I)' that I 111.(' to sc e a Ih e ."ttl nl' slln . h e Hpokp 'Fa ir),? lIell('\ e In (, . IIPal l ~ (\ y , I'm gr n v el y, t h of quaint e ou t \\u rd si g n of Inl\a rd Th e draW ('T~ p att (' rll ((i·H,;' ) Is c ut l!l , S\\(>I>t rJ nlllgs in hl6 h ermitag e n v ery cOllllllo npln co IIltlc lw r su n I-I e In Ipnce. For ho w .' 19 0 ca ll {; () d rt' nch '('n p Ta y l or. mn am ." l Ie \\':\ 1\ "aY l ng s poko aM Il sI z es I. ~ u nrl :1 ), ('ar " ~I ' d l u m Bl zE' w ' A hllillbl ... " rlllI l r rr t1[ ~ ou r s , n ll or ldl y ancllor lW 1\lth n lhro ugh sclli.l.lll (,S' uo\\n to th e "OUll11 1 " t o ld lOP rf"lql1 ir ros 1 :, nrd of ~ 7 i n (' " tn~l1f ' ri ,:d to g "t h pr e ll y t h \! 1~ ? rs €' ,lr.l lJ , p o rtahl " lJat h , or bls r llll1l SY att e mpts HO I rol ll' 1 " ' 1I 10f'. l p :l~h !' r. Ofl P t o ~; llCl\' 111 m th (.' V c10u t b tU- . To pro("u r c til l !) pnrtrrn ~ "'n ll 10 ("pnt~ [ h," ) II UO lo )latch a wo rn o ut cns80c k, lin d h o w w/// 1 1 sa w t h l' '1('.1r pr'l', t '~ In ce thr oug h I allot h l' r h Ollr t o "Pu lt rrll D I p a rll lt t I I I. " or Jll\ p ..' r CO ~,lU by l oa o II p'i \ \ Iil l ng 10 ". t. ut Iu \\o r k I\ !) n rh r' ~ 'l'lur " b tri ed to s llJlt'r ln t pn rl his I \\ ':I t ~ Il a m t~ 111111 ,1t!l l rl '!-i " t LllnlI hll'( }l, ll( I y , ,llId In' i-='- -t ... a r s , bu t Wlll.·1l I Urll s ll"(1 th r' nl U\\:J , . i\llo t IH r h ~llr sure to ~h' f) Hl ~o,.: " 111..1 U U!1I Ut r " r llJl ll cru m lll lrJll:llr " , hU l fI (l l ' t f <: I' 1 11U l ll ' l ) 1' (1 I ' r./1 pr:l)' .. r~ a t P\ "'TI · ~ on g Tb " n Ill, " lin I t h O m i s t t' CIW111l ' d . I l c, ~e" lIl u d r e· . ,\ H t ~·~", ' ''r ~ dri vi ng \I"bb r> rllOl (' n c,ltl~hl t h. , ( fll I I If, for -: r OI..'P[ I t ' :1 SO III I h r (' nct hI ' 11.1ll s ot th e ca l' e unrl thn , ..- - - - - - - - - l ,. lJl()l .' , n \ll"ll l " li d )'I 'B lI t lrlll - - - - - - -.. " m h our L'tJJl ' ,11\ . ' ) , (, ut u l' th ll t l l'} ln g 1',ln i ! rO) roo f 10 .: I(,\llll!: b e]') I !lllO 1't1l('rc n l ,I -!- ~ 'l' hpl'l' IS a I'). I(!<',' hA Hllld , \I h ... r ", TIl" n ,"'BEl ' !':lUIP l>a c' l. ruh\, t h " Hlll(JllP \I :t ~ ,I rOHe. huoCl 0 1" .I.dl Lit<' r ' '', l ,1I II 'l l l , .III) 1,",, " 11 . r~l /~~I~ NO 6455. SIZ B . _. _.• • -... . . .. . 1 ' sn\l l ~ ,I\\ a: ll ng lnea matl o n, n ' Ht , " II U , u ll h o u:.: : tht , ll>ro " .,1 " f l i g ht. .I nr) I I" , tl" e l' (unyoll .\t 1 1'(\ IIt ,I ,I d ill. 1 NAME _ . .. - -,," . . ... - .. - .. . _- _. " •• . -.f .o m l ll n l 1'). l el' Ih .' y c e nl", 1.0" 11 1' b y .j(" "' " .'; "nfl/ rr e '-i L' . If 1 '\ '.\t\ l r ,ulJ I, "d H '< " n" l ll ll l ' l o nl rl' p t rlllpd II' JlI1 a s h.ul u ll Y Hell uf 1/1 ::11 H ~ l n~, l ~ ,\ mf'~ S t~ n b l 'r \\ as \,,;l lr . 1 f OHlld '11 \ lao y l!Pu tpd on b er Gtool, lIo(J d l1 1 ~~ alH c Pt! ' \1 , 11 11; 1.... ;t.5 t ray tiI J\\ 1l \" til(' JIl fl lh Yt.t I '~OWN __. __.... ... _.. . . . . . .. . ... __.. ... . l' 'I In !~ 111 t JIf'S C '\\U( Hi s . no " vi i fi lll fi t. J1l } ! that 11'Tft"r 111 ~~~~ li r r h alld s, "h l l c 1' ('\10. b O T ' , lu i \ ' l l ] Ul I t .·i l i l-! tilt' (rim)1 f 'I h e KilO bad ... . I' t H nd lh(' firt:s t tltnr ' [ OII1 rb ll r ltl r' r bl; 1 o nll \I ho CRn " h" "nug a U11l"1 8)', oIlc STREE1 "N O NO - _... ... . _... _.... _ ... . ll<,tl lu s s p \l r~ 10 th(' t1o o r- Jll s t s h on" " " ( ,I ~ .I 1\ t--, l ln l1 ' I), ,l rul' .g hil U S " 1·S'''' ran, (' , stl1nd. To p i t ' I ('1I11d to ~(J U !~hf\ sta nd :; il ll g \l ~l ,111£ 1 \·.n ·~ J a ~ kl d if h e' rl fnl\f' a l1IP~H q; e: STATE _... . _.. - . ..... .... _......... _ ... .. _•• ill g lit t ) lf ' nl o uth 01 th p h,' ~ II 1', l,oJ l \' h ,: ~ a , ",nfu l ur 1111 ,,"' 1 1 c av o. d'lrk 10 \' /'1" al \ O llr b " " K ill id I II 1"' 1 nr lll S 1" ,r11 l n!, til e tl'u il," h I< said dl l'dt ~ .t l l d til l', II!W rn ~ t 1111 ' g l l'l r y '~ lt L I1 I: , ' r Ie JU : d~ I could n ot see lila til<' >I "d o f " rn ,tll . h lld , ] ll " t 0 11 t ho :-;:1), If sh e CO m I'lH , I'll kill hO T" fll l ( , lljrL l1 Til i d ,, ' h 1 n l to "- " l ' a hf' :l ll t fn el! l ' l.l \ PqW of l llca rn :lI lll 11 , \\ ' li t H at I li e AmerlCi ln Ganges :-':ot t hal. .ny lad y whl s lle r ert HO En "ll It t l LI I ~'\ \\ h lf I, i ~ IIJIt dll ~ I CIt )S f ' C'I l! R I': CONTI Nt'!':n 1 lJ"u11dar y tol th e splt' ll. i:: r.d Th e t~ItHl l J Plll !'it of (·U UI· S f'. b ri ng blR I f OJ I a p" 11 ( l rll S " I' I I I f; t'l l ' s ll :p 1:,I\pl:; 0 1\ n Icll'llS o f f unr; ral cp r c tllonl os to a (p , t lnll lu I l lll \, aut! tl ~\\ (' ltP l al rt l i n Am erica Soml'l ti m!' :1..(0 I t w as n n· l lt " i.\ t~I ' ''' 11 11I 1 to \\\11'1. 11(· IS III f n n uu nc ed f11at HOlll /) ! : lflUU S h ud nt 6h !lH I' Il ,, " '11 ' tempted to float th e d ead 1.1 0(1 ) ot un o Is a ll r,r ou nd YU ll . allel I I (I) , . Il ' , ,,,lf ul' " ot th eIr cOllntr ), IIl Cn Lll'" n the Sncra· . \\ ,li t 11"\ \ b, \ I m !l~ IIl l'I , hil t ! , bil l = - g r OIl! l d lS h o ly m enLO r1H' r ••• nut 1 have little appre8 e4'1I1:i I n lJl Ih ,t l id s \ ' 0 11111=: ~ll' i " O : 1 h onslon that Iho Sncram ell t o \1 III e ver h HU 1 f..1 til \\j.J i:lIlI d rllllJl 111111 11 11): \fll'r '1 \I U da) s hllll pa Rs .'<I J illC (' m y o ear b ecom e It sp.cond Gn ngo8 Arnr'rlca ns a v. rJl IJ :IIl , llt· fo rl' hl' rl :.lilY 1 h a nc ·,· to .11' "gr' I t'ft. Ih ~ n t llt'llu g h th e Ion!; dny I are lOO "finlck) " ubo ut sa nitati on for b,' ~ 1. flldf' \\ ,,11. '<1 11, Ih,' h o,, ", ' and th .. bh~e the lo ens oC India to pre vail in th e 'I Shuuld th ... r t' c rop up any disturba nce Snc ram e nto vall g lou lI1 of n lghl A\\ l ' )lt liP lh o glowing I ey to an y oxlcnt, o r Itnpf'(II CHAPT ER X III . I""llt, no excuse would be nc· -Cbrlst Pete , There 'l l Be N I' li ff It wa s tlll' l1 I ~(:<Lrtl the Hlgnal ' Nature Demand lan H eralel . s Its Toll From Every : . T dl ('(1 pteu und tb o ull[o rtllnate thlng 110 Her, " 0 fI'I't from I he rl m'I'OI' I! , a nd tol rl my Living Thing , and Accepts [ cb ok ed In 110 mov e ment would lit I Murder . I h Illy !l a " ,rj 11: .(( IllS r.lIll er \\a ~ ('o mlng Some Historic al Wellerls ms, No Excuses , : OUCt! U.. l a b p. l ed a 8 r ej ec ted. aod b. . 1f t: t,~ ~ \ ll l l (l / l '~1 ' 1 11 .\r~\l I III () l g .· . tll ' I': 1 1\lI ld , !. f / I g: h I I HHll fi . III make Anlh u ny m e nd hi s wa}' q," J !oIS '~ I ll o \'. •'d th ll t I h,· , 1I i'P! I t () ' t ~ l {fl 11'1 1:';':: 11 14 ht f'(h"l., b o unll lu <lr" aile! dis appp,ar PORt haste! 1 ' ill h l :'l b l) c l\ lJll .lrd . a 8 L' 1f' o)lalr.1 sa id wh e n s h e so t {bf'J - - _, How e v ~r tin e ancl f:aility a f! owp r d t"' ~ 1",,1; " ,r l rof "" It \ I I , I\I " dd \\ 1. ' , 11 In th o grout oUice of Nature there It " " r Olllp l ;"I '''' 1I ,, 1.. rI" al n eedl e. CHAPT ER X IV, . . m :lV l oo k, It I s pr ess!'d l o do a F;r ea t a r .. Ifl nnrro erablo. d e partmen PU :; l :,] ,l \ l , , II pt\ I!It' ~ : Il o n ~ tll t' O t H I ( r l ill \ 11t, <I\, ' lUt! I-'IUIJ a \lh, "t" i' } IIH r :-'C', ta with " I'm "fr.lid I' v - lost ' I prs. n n d f th o F'rCflcb " l l dhlSH \\ o r k gOlUg on >Lnd the nn e ' P I \ ' ('e .au d i t !i (.0 w l1rrl lrul. e'J h." h .' ,' nLi .\ Ic t ; "f' o n n~ aro I , art,,1 1, 'Ur':I' I IIl. · .. n , ' ·Pltt r ... I I • SpecIal ," us l'\apol eoll said III Via l ,·r. The Locked H o u se. nil Hu i1 (' rl to it s I~o rk c , 'u ld T I d, thl! >, Ij 11111 ('8 IJ.H It llJ .l ~ In · ,t..I f/ T f 1' \ I t mll SI brltl g I Ollw" r' you ~ ~I G ld tb (' rI'!, g~ndlly l'lI tr 1\ \ (' d r dl.tI~ h ' tl r .'I I! n il' .Ie " f'S 100 ,,[c ' Il!)lr " t 0 1 tl II> ' gl, II l lr. h I I til " 010< cor ', u r\ l\,-,d tll.ll, rr, 1'. 1 Id ,' " f o rth the IrUI, CO, lltlllU lf:n f ! :l tll r C'o un tl SCl'lltl''' like a <lUhUY • Ie alH! It,ll I., I,u t .1 , \1" '!'nl' cu o k of ou r c d ve ntureB \\lllch plunt Ilf(' " I !I\' e f or my tUll ," as nl()gP II C'I \\i ll b(' b r okl'll -,ul,1 th e 1 h y no rn l'll ~ S what b.~ \\(l:ll d l"h"II'1 11 ; I' h n "l o, ". rl l,IP" O'f , .. It appears I,, ' d " ' J! P,IS ·.I,, " to b'!, HaitI, \\ h Cll h e tnpp ed lhu ha l r e tilfl> 'lI:iJ 'h 'l t \' 0 bega u tngf'tb l' r , \\US i i t to );0 o n cn llh WI' II b d " t III 'i " " hil t r;,ltll er P tUrJI lS Itll C( " 111 a 0 l alJo a rt' c".r r tolilng ( re '.1, 1,,1 l oI.,, 'k I(", ·' t I I ~ ,.rt' d 11 ,\ f,,,dl Ihll'\l~ 11 a , I ' In "I cip h er fam e, If It Is oul y gaIDll /J ur ) Ea .. ~ W e ''''re too ', lOn g . I en " rI., 1' ,Sf t rJ l;" hl ~ r, ' \ " h l'l' \ ,,::;, 1· ... 1 l,1I" 11 I I t 1,0 s un a nd ~h owcr, who bas to subii , l ,at h '.I II\ \Ill:, h i , "" I .. )oun~ to t h lllk h oI\' 1t mon." as lJacon must S U nI(' tlmo "ai d II' h l'U 1' tH! co l or Ilud Ille s mell o f til e {low . Illlt a c l ear a~co Ill ' l o,. ri .'I: II " ' .\ ,,, II , .In ll b. ' I,WII1'" rI " ,1 " " l h ' I' u llt of his work, and thou ght o r Shak eHp a r c - John 1'1. .. , I ~"hl" s, thl' 1l1'P " r 11 1111 .11 "L our pa r tllll;, t llnt on c of u s e r !l r e nil tor so m e purr,o sc, th err' fon! BuU. 11I1; IIa i ~ I: ... , :rOl " cll .. II III 101' 1, III ~ I" h,~8 no 1 r " <t rl' ~ I"' '' J ' ,1 " .. hrc~t~ll ng B]1I,IC O to enjoy him ,11I d 1100\\ . 1t :,I' , 1 \\ 0 \" ' " to b e l ert \\Ith o lll y t h e brom e tIll r' ;lrll"st 11' " o f h i, r"tul'f l. I I ., ;IJ~ , 'rlill" i , : II·.ldl~ " , ll IJ' l l \101111 t il I" 'n (' nd , Ihe p it y of r'hrl8t lllJ d e very nu soone r I s It ft'rllJi zt" d b y th e b e e" ~ If ltl n . I ,)o1 )ful frollc - Hnb1ndr an!!tth Mu'slc as Med. ci n e. no Houn e r do~'s thl) rll~lO of Its fruition T agore, put out ti l" l11'h1. I" ,,'. ' LI nI " goorl IJ )' , .'n b:t! I. In . lh O ~tI:lDtiC Monthly _ " ,, ·. ll(h , II t ; r' IOI l: e ' I". \lord a st.a bh l n g m em o r\ A t c p o rte r ol1(' e asl, ell O scar Ilamarrive, nwl \la o i" " to> tbnil It sh eds Its flxqulslt e pet·' "dl lp,) 'i s r "nk lll ~ 1" , fll P Ill' von d " r m e t'sleln If h e ll elJeved In tb e n e w Sl uce I lost Kate IfJ fOUl ), f!lIrs to- sis and · a cru p. I econ o m y com))p. l s It Prol1l l lll' lfl nl ' r er..l .;e o f t h e I)"d I ~Ir , ;:;rnllb Begging Of1, , \\1 11 )r. u laul, h a t tn,. \ !' ry Il ight, and In .1 11 lh al therape uUc Idea that mus ic was a tlmA 'lOll. I never to g ive up itl) s \\ eetcat. p erfum C'..(lul<l ReI' I liroll~h thu \ll udo w , all l l nl ll "lJ I f e It "Can ~ou dlfec t me to the best ho melllcin e. "13 e1le,' I t (' 11 yuu " f ai ry 'a l,, : I I s d ar ed to euter tb e e In It ? Of course ~.ou sc wlIer ponce has "Il'l.Jtch ed no Ume to !Jaunt Its finer), tor It tel 11\ thi s town?" asked lIr10n I'ls l!lg bl' blnd th e 'Iu l t , a n il'(, on E' the strange ! I do," the Impress arlo repli ed, 51,,! Il vp. d with ru e. h er poor rool J esse, Is busy beyond "1 cll!!',; , 'rh,. o l g ht turn ed rl a lc, th en f or mensure . who. after sadly watcbln g the tralJ know at least 'Oh, do!" I b f'!gg"d tbree operas that are T oday [ unlocke d tbr. door 'l'h e sun· Viewed " long tim e th n g r ea t gaunl pI'Pci ll il'f.' from wilhout . necP.6s lty d":lUrt. had set bls n&tebel upon thl a drug on the '\\'ell," h (' b eg an, ' r('U k n uw \\ h e l'e li g ht. g linting market, While as f or through cb l nks In the seOD1S to be the only t\>voale d I n tend e r prlmros ll light ,ll1d t he three factor · In Na· station platform , bIrch trC't's ar e all u s ing a boarded window s. tell popular songs, there Isn't one ot them In long dust· ture. tor which everYth ing works and _ "r can." replied aMbe r s had e. I h l!ard OUi' rid er s sad s ingl e p ool as th eIr mirror? " the man. who w., -that doesn' t make me Ill." str oaks on rat-eatc n furnltur o, gray moves. 4Je, mount ~nd CUUlIJr a\'ay ror the There the bud develop s Into waiting fo~ a train O f course th et'!I were going the otbe th e T h r ee' cobweh , scattere d Mhes, There was the flower the flower Into the fruit, .y·s wClrk , Th o two hmam en went Grace s way, "lIIut I bate to do it." Mrs, O'F1ynn and I Deep. bad th e )luppy plano, green with mold, her, tile t'rult I~to the seed, the seed Into a .ot! al so on some domesti c errand, 'rhe known tor month s pallt "WilyT" "Wome n lIava all norts of e t 'Bell UllI.t !.he spot work basket, half' esten, her Wrltln , l new g plant again, and sO ·rorth. We wtDrue cau;sht th e pines upon the rim' w as haunted , ·'BecalJ.Be you WIll think ~,..-.: lot J,w~jDg alit . sld!1i," "Ye I and table llttere<l with rat-~awed ~JI8!' cllab~ ~f acUYlty. ~I ~~ ,UDbr~k. lIeell~! ~ r~ • '. -_ , • : : " ' :• .• .o~e o~ the eXCUSeB ' are blIght, > , ~ Il l n1 I

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u f l, 'r hi s n'tllrll Ih ,' i n ll' rl'lI tin b UCI ' (j1l II t \l' 1l !e h w,· prlnl a M 101IOW N. III ' wr l t p tc \\'h y d i u ) llil '· Illl g ral,· fr"lli th s C uit .'.! Sta l" .·:·' I IIRkL' d a [unll!' r In \\', 'sie rn t 'a llll ua . " I b, ' lI eYI' Illat f or a poor lllllll W !!s t II'rtl I 'allu d u 18 th., tllll Ht favnrnble lalld: ' was Iii,' ""\l l y . "a llu I h avu now CO HIllI tltat il Is til<! Paradi se or the P oor." Th ,' fa rll1o'r . n plulI Pe r of t h e west, bnd tlv e y ('nrs ea rli er l e fl I owa for Canada 10 H"(,llru a Il ew hom o th ere_ AttnI' trnv" r~ lng th (! country tor some tlnH', h o s t urt(' d h In h0I11 11 on tll0 open prlllrl " and with slelldy Industry dllvotcd hl111 8clf t o th " w ork i ng of tbo vlrg ln soil. :"\1)11' he Is the w ell·to-do own er or that c ndl ess sea of wlll'ing wlll 'at (' urs that go es o n for miles bllfor<' my I'Y (W . Ills strong. sul1burned figure find s th o b eat backl:round In his farm ttsP Ir. which Is Ih o outcomo ot bi g c"u ".., I" ~8 activity - a pr olly twoIItorlpd dw,'llIng hOllse, a larR c clellll Iltul>l e, III th o mids t ot a ham l et of barn A, s lll'd " und outbu l l<llugs , 11 useful Kard en overfiowlng with products; 110r"e~, ratt l e, BIII'I' P Ilnd swi n e on tbo rich Ila~turf'!<, and around to the borlzon wh eat, Rold e n wheat. "In Iowa? " lh e farmcr co nti n ued, "I farm c d on r f' nt('d lanu, [or at the price of $100 pf'r ac" " I did not poss ess Dl Ont' y p n ou~h to buy , I m igh t farm, I might Ca r lll as I COUld . m ore tba n the 11\'ln(; for my""lf and family . I c ould n u t all:liu , So m e times th e harves t turllf'd Ollt good , Ro m ('Li m U9 b a d, but th u gra nd 1 0t~ 1 Wtl~ a hltll'r co mbat to k l.''' p want f r um th ... door. It WIIS 1m· p08 81blo to l ay by f or b a d tlm os and In spit., of a ll troubl o and wurk an old a ge fr e.~ of car.. \\'us not to be tbou ght o f. )Iy d ,'at h would h ave, bro\l ~ ht bitt e r pOH'rty to lilY wlfl' and chlldn'll . " I dl'('i,l ed to brr-all ' up lin d go to CanaOH. wh l'r (' ut leust I could Ilg bt oul Ih., s tru g~ l o f o r f'X ISl enco 011 my own l auel , I s tarll'd out with a mule team, (til m y ea rthly P08B('s,>l on s II' re In th ,] Ilralrle-Nchool1er with my ..... Ife and " hll d r r 1l . Th e n I took IIp a homeIt('od ot 160 a crp.!I to wb Ic h I add"d by· purchu se grudllally: 1l0W as a whol e I ('Qunt ah ullt 3,000 acres as my own. Th f' whol e prop erty 18 free of d ebt. I do not nwe a cpnt to anyone, I bought my lund for $2 -$10 pe r acre, DOW I would not gln~ it lip ror $:.0." "Do YOIl m ea n to SIlY that you paid ror th l' whol e land in th e five Yt' ars?" I interrul'l ('d, '1n n. Illllcb sh o rtH tlIllP ," r eplied th " farm <'r. "Tlll~ land pai d ror Ilseff, 801ll" aln'ady b y t be Ilrs t harv("st, ana at l onges t In 3 y('ars each Il eld had brought in It s purchase prlcll. If you doubt t hlit lanu In West ern Ca nada p ays for Itself within ~l y('ars you can easily convince yourself of the truth of my ass ertloll. Let u s assume that a farmer buys a farm o[ 16() A . at $16 p er A , f o r $2 ,'100. Farm machines, seed • .,IOll);hs, mowing and threshing might bring up the outll\y to about SIO p er acre. It the farm er sows the 160 A. for :l yeaTS In !luccl'sslon with 'II'heat and harvests 20 bus. per acre, th en th e product o[ an A . at the ave,.. ago price or 75c per bu. Is exactly U5 per acre. If you d educt the 110 out· lay , you 11'111 retaIn a clear r e tll\ I of '5.00. For 160 A. the annual excess amounl~ to $80&, cOllsoqu eotly tho farm has attor the third liarvest t>roughl iIi' the purchase price of

,2,4()0. "Som etimes- and not rar ely-tbe lanu pnrs for Itsplf by the tlrst harvest of 35 tHIS . of wh ea t brl llg In more than th e p urchase price , of $15 pe r acre. As III somo yeur" I harvest e,d more than 35 bllS., you can r eckoa for your· self h o w qalckly I paid (or my farm ." "Would you not prerer your OW!! farm In Iowa?" I asked . "No," r epli t' d tb e farmer, "neyer will I go I>ack . In f.!: cn cral vcry few Am erican ~ettlprs r el u ro to th e old hom e. In Iowa a IGO iI . rarm costs $10 0 par A ., $IG,OO() ; In W es t ern Canada $15, ollly ~2 ..IO O. For th o sa me mon p.y t.hat ~' ou require to buy a t60 A. fllrl11 In lowfl, you can buy h ere In v.rf's t~ rn (',wad" u farm or I,O()() acres. I huvE' mon c y ('n ough to buy II farm In lown, if I wl sh'lHl . But ther o my y early Income w ould b e a smnll one, wher(' as herr I work for a great gain. Tbere I would only b o a s mall rorm~r, h r e I alii II Iurge landed proprietor." In n corner of the farmyard I had during our convprsallou noticed a mound of earth ov ergrown with grasses a:ld wild flowers. To my In. qulry as to what It was, I received the reply: "Thnt Is lhe ruin of the wooden Ihuck cov er ed with sod n, which I called my home when I settl ed b l'ro five years ago," 1 gn th er \ld a wlld aster from the ruin and flung It Ipto the all', In a purpllsh-I:llltering line the wind drove the

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Someth i ng t o Be Thankfut For.

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'I \\a lk " fH Ilf' , t ll i l il'H it I OIl C's o lno a il; ;,"d I'll ' "rl·,1111 'j'111'ro !J ave

b" l' n 110 1<l IlP ~ III till s or l ow n . So I Cilnll S ll ~Ir , Illulll< to d l'l~ m e sate homo ," On tb u wuy hom " \lr , Blnnk " a" rnr"ldf'l' ab l.l' ow.,lI ed up . The pr .. 1 t i (' ~ l g irl ha d ('h ose n him from a Crull U o r P lJ r~o:JlIblo 0:\I'II .. l or8 , and Ili a '" lings of se lf·sa ti sfactioll w ere (! xcu Hablo. Hil couldn ' t re s i st sayi ng: "\\'h y did YOIl think I " 'a 8 the ~ lrOIl~' ! 8 t and br\.lvI !~ t 111:111 there to1I1gh t ?" " I " ldll ' I." answ(>rl'fl th e g irl. ''I p l rilp(1 yo u bn c oll ~ o I l,n e\\, y ou could h o l l "r I h o l ou de8t ~ " - (' Ip " cl a nd Plain-

I'r p" ~Hl blllll "H of ill diridulli gr()wl h and 1I11 1101l1l1 pro HI)I' rll ." I han Hny pr"'l'ioll~ .\ liar ,,\' c r pronlispd I n<ilv luuul <!ffon i s en ,'ouragpo! by <'011<1i li o ns In spiring I'o nfld f"l<'p In r"sllll ~ . lind the natioll flnd y In l'('nl il' " i ll II .. own neh ip\' e ll1f1llt a and natural lJlr-s ~ Ings to rnlBlISf' whIPh wou ld ('f)IIsll tut e 1\ natlo nnl ('r 11l1 '. II th e IJIlJiylti ual ond t he nalion nre gu ltl (' d b), t ll n expc-rle n" "H of th u pa Rt liS th py sho u ld b e, th e n e w )'1'111' will be Illarkpd h\' IJrogrl'ss Illl d IlroHlw rll y Buch as till'Y h ave Ileve r before l' ll joypd , At Ih(' YNY OlltS/'l It ~ h()ul.1 hI' bo n,,· In mInd thaI th e individual iR Ihe fouu , luln 60 Il r(''' of nlill olllli \Jrogr"ss an.1 pro spl'rlly . T hl' ~ I!rillg f (" ' d s th e strcam. 51r alli s IIn i", 10 forlll rivers, alld mil\hly rlYrrs rf'p l l'nlsh Ih u evap· o"allng OC""llS. LN Ill p ~\l rl nl; fail . Ih (' Rlream t1rl ... ~ lip. Ih l' riv p r fall s. and t b e o('e an ~l lIlI s h"low Its nawr,li level. So lh l' ludlddllal. enm Ilw hll11 " Ll es l , I"nst cO ntilill" hlH "ontriiluliol, 10 the rising li.le o f l'nl Slll' rlty . if 11<' wOllld draw fr o lll Ih o l prospprlt y fo r hl K II(' rsunal 1l1 'P.<I ~. jllsl a:l th. · b p r l n l; •Iraws from th,' O~"all I brou!;1l Ihe ('on ' d('ns3tlo n of li s p\' apor:llNI \\at !' r s--Ih e ruin that \"111,'rs IIHl l alld . Th. · ,' I " 11H'11 I or persullal r (,R p"Il ~il>l lIt,' cnll ' lIOt b e di scount ed wllhout (' uunnl\erillt; tho welfar e or all - II"ilh(')' by th" Inui v "lual b i mself, no r by oUl·l l, t )". iI I'rol'pr ~f' II S ~' <>r r(' ~Jlon s lbi\it~· com\lf' I ~

Sa rah HI ' rnh ~rclt HUlllII 10llpd on(' of h"r nil end a llls. a llrl nru €' reel h Ar to brin g "omf' p"u l'ill' ~ f rolll t h e Il!'arost sb o p. E ithe r Ill .,. Illai,1 mi ~ lInlierill(j()d Ih. · 01'11.' 1' 01' h .' t h ollgh !. as th (' say, lilt: gll"~ . "T hat an), ol d f ru l l wOll ld 00," f or Hlw (, a 111 I' bac k a f ew m in u t e. lat f' r w i th h alf a d ozen plump . Ju i cy pearH i ll a bn !<kN . At the m nl ll l' lll, Hl' rn hn rtlt w as ti e' A .imple remedy IIl1:oi n.t cOII~h" aad an c laimin g to a fri e llrl abo lll th f' d ea rth lhro.t irritation. nrc Oellll'. M entbol(lJAd Cough DroD&---{ie n t 1\11 good DruIl:Ki.t.. o f good nell' plays. and anybody w ould hav p Ihoug ht sh e was too al>· Fhdng the Blame. so rb" d III 11<11' 1llll11' 1Itnti ons t o notice "Auntie, wb cn you W~ r e a you ng girl Ih C' mllld' s miHta l(l' . Rhe took a w e r e you vcry pretty?" from I h l' ba ~ k('t sl o w 1.1' and, allpar"Y('s, m y child, \'ery pr ell y ." ~n l l)'. unr·oll,,(·ioll.I.I', unO th e m ai d " \\' or e yo u popular1" turn pd to l eal''' Ihp room . "Oh , YCR , vcry pop1llar, I was tbe In an lInlu rkv UIOll1pnt Ihe girl bplll' o f th e neighborhood ." pall HNI at thl' do o r and l ookp.d round . "ntdll ' t any rOllug m en e ver come to Th " I1 . w i l h a st on i shin g Rwiftn pss anf! call on you?" acrll r:l ('), of a im . Oprnhardt r:l l ~p d " O il , yes . m y d ear. Lat R of th e m. ~ hpr hand an.1 th p pl'ur tl ew th rou~ h " Th en, aUlltlr.. why Is It that you , ~parC' , !1l1l3s1Jing Itself to a Ju lry pulp lI eH ' r married '" on thl' Rlrl' s 1'11 '-'(' . ":'\ o b ody ,,"cr propo se d to m e. my " Thalli, h~ av(' n :" was nll sh e ~a ld ; d enr," ··Ih ank h ell l' I'11 i t wa sll't a n Il ppl e ~" " Wily not ?" "I don't kn ow , [Jut I'v e orten thougM All Is Fish to the Net . It III11s t hav e hc- en th ... high cost or liT",ateh an~' lhin g whll " YOII w('re In!; thut Rcarell tbo y oung men olr in I , "S~ . ill Ih e lJ u n l lt' rn hnlf o f lIl(' nrlh ' Ih!' u <'parting of th e o hl and the u sh e r- Bw ay on YOll r \'a cntiOI I~" tb og' daYB ," - Dlltrolt Free Press , It t f'IIK of :tllolher sl"'lng approa c hill l;. Illg III of a. n ew Yl' ar 5holl1<1 I>I! dlslln' " Slln' I (lid lL w ei gh.· " ~S p n11n(\~ a lld who I(nows bllt It will pr ove tlw ,.;uishpd b y Borne o l> RP r vanc e or cere· Y nll "II l eh an .l 'lhlllg7" "l' II,llllll I told ~' Oll I Wf)lll" hn non't buy ..nter for blnln!r. LIQ.uld blael!' IlllJ ~ 1 fi ~rf('( · t ~ pr i n,.; lhe world has .. ve r mony appcars but natu r al . a nd w e u c u ~ .ltnost all wnler . lIuy H. d e rou lI~ll Blue, S (' C1\' An d Ih e r e Is anoth er sumlllPr cordlngly nn,] \'arious CllStOlllS prel' aU wplgll R 1::11 and h er d ad's w orth hal f th . blu8th~t'.allbluo. Ad? h"~' ond ,whi<-h ma~' 1>1' tbl' Idpal sea- In diile r ('nl pa r ts of th e countrr and of a ~I,.. , . ' I railway ('O Jl1pn nr . an elcc· Good Definition . SIl Il, n pl lb .. r to o h o t n or c hill y, fr p<' of til e world . Som ar p of a spo r tive tri e 11 ;~illillL; pl a nt lind tw o brpw(' r · " What's a free IUlI cer?" frolll dr(lu~il l and cx('cs~ of rain - just t har,wt(')', otb('r8 seri oug, and In o th· le~. " "T h a t' s a hack wrll er wbo 18 earn" ll a l HlIlllll11'I' ollgbt to De. CI'S boLh nllrillful a 11(1 pClls!l' e moods I Ing more than $12 II w eek ." AII.1 wilh n ature's new ol lporltlnlty are 11ll prmln g le d . . Advance Information. 10 [ul lill th o bOJJes 01 m en an <l WO IllNI O UI' o f th t:: b",n ·kno wn an d most I • \ o un~ mun, we lI P1!U I>ral llR III our • <>ll1es one m oro cballee for thl' l11 . on gf'll ural of th ese customs I s that of r eo I bu g ln .'s ~ ." !\Iaoy a man has lIlIled him self [ rom . k o n t II e II I g h t " I Iwo\\' "Oil do That Is wh,' I ' m ov e n \co T'k Im'e oll ng labo r -sa l' ln g IJla,IIIOf(' !:rl'at dlvisl"n of tim e. wh irh i s m :l.lnlng up t\ I I 12 0 '( I oc· rhln e ry . 1111' nll':J R Il 1',' ot life. Tbt> y nWI!t anel of ])('c~ m~e r 3 1. <'It b er in th e born e. l oo l>l ll ~ fo r fI jnh h pre."

sc lwre IlpOII (' I'cr r ol'PortullitY wilhill r!'nell . It th pr., ilas b"cll Olle 1000 ea 11l 0re ml s· chio,'olls Ihan allothor, as rl'garlis in· clh' lnllnl actlvlly, II ha s 1>('(' 11 t be onc clll bo dl l'd in th e oft ·r el1 ea t l-) (1 phrase, " The world 0\\' <'6 nlt' a living ." It docs. If on.' c arns It, but the world h as not hin g 10 giv e to tli c laz y, Ihe In· tlOI Pllt. Ihe slugga rd . In Its COlli pen Btl · L10u th c world Is r eciproca l - It 11a ys h!\l'k. un th e "I'era g-c. Just ab ollt wh a t the Indlvlduul contributes. ~o lllcllllJ e s rPII' urdlllg meritorious f>(forl g ell e- rous· Iy. Succe ss roml' s to tb ose ollly who mak o good , Th <'rll Is naLllral law In t.he bll sln('ss w orld. nn.1 obedience 10 thut law Is 118 e"sc llt ia l liS observance of civil law If th er e IR to b e lu.llvldual proSll erlty . Ce rtain it i s; that for vlolallon of all law th e r e is penalt)' wblch Is sometimes seVf're. Nor Is t.b erE' auy eXCllS(! for failure to uo one's part b ec allse oC tbe apparent proH[lel'lty of others at his ex· pense. HUl1ll1n ex peri ence has shown that a part of society cannot long prosper at the expense of the wbol e, und thnt n part Cllnnot lon g prosper at the e::pensc or anoth er pnrt. This ex· perienc e h as also acconle.! with natural Illw wbich rul" s 011 th e principle of gl'ncral avcragm;, III s lllte or many nplJarc nt excl'l't Ions . The second great nllstal;e lies in nrgulng froUl ex eeptlolls, a mbllll((' whkh Is always productll' e o f erron eous conclusion s, Ex ce ptJous but Illall c good the rul e which only Clln b e th e ba si s or reason which In lurn , If f.!:ood, e x(' lull cs ex (' e ptluns. Sound r E' usonlng .! em!llld>1 l e"lI lIllute excu se ",h i dl I' uunot be fouod In IllIlIvlrlual failur e. Tb er efo r c, Ihp new YP!lr wllh all its o ll po rLunlti cs app eals t o you. It plac es rp~llOlI slbi lit y 011 )'U ll . Its m C5S:l f.!:(' Is " It's lip to YOIl ." If 1 ~ 14 s hall IU'O \' O a y!'llr of pro spNl ly 10 YOIl , it Is b(>caoo e you will hav e 'll c rlted sucress; If, on the othe r hand. 1!1J.1 shall have pro \·".1 a ),I'ar o f failur e. rOll \\'111 h a Vf'. in 80me 1ll0aSll r l'. at l eas t, iJrop " rc· spnn si bl,' . A s 11'11 h th e ill divluual . .;0 wltb th e n an on . L,' l. t.h o '~r ni rs sar whAt Ih ey will, ther e's log i c In I h e joy the world f1n.l s In N"w Y ea,-'s. One day may be mucb 11110 an othe r, but "e" ery day I s a fresh I> eglnfllnl\." The years come and go, bearing nenrly th o sallle frel ~ ht of 801' row and falluro and bitter dl sallPOitlt ' ment, but always hop e feels the thrill and uplift of a new chance for bumanSty, at the turn 0' thl.' year, and all that ~ake8 life worth wblie Is touch ed by bope's mng lc. New Y eur's comeR ~lth th e increase of light and tb e slo" r e treat of dark-

>;1'I'C I il 111 j() ), lJ~cause It Is Iln ~ po \l l'u , llllllla r r ed, alLogeth e r c l l'nn and opell f or II fairer and h i gher r ..c ord than ' th ey haye e \'('r lived inlo a n y I we l velllonth !;une by. What If th e hopc of such adl'au ce· 111(, 111 1:1i1 ~ of renll zn tion. hI the larger 8"115'·, allu wilh few ex elltions grows f " "Il I.!r lind dllumpr llntli it di es when the- n (' w y ear ba s grown old ? Th er e IU(' e xcep tions , and tb ey ar e b l' acons Iig hl erl f o r th e gllidance o[ humallity ou Its upward way . In tbe glow of thes!) tri umphs of high endeavor which enal>le us all to k ee l) our dreams aliv e, tho world discov ers foothold for It s c limbing st ells. Ali Ibis reasonabl eness o f New Year's hopes and joys, this cou8cioU8n e ss which IR f elt rather thal1 r ea soned, of th e Inllnlte possibilities of life, i s \!Slwc'\a lly easy and natural In America. lIere the balance between good fortun e and III Inclines most often to th e si .l e of joy . H ere the op· portualtl e s which minister to hope nre ellslest to fin (l and seize. . Alway s and e l'ery wb e r e, Ir mankind III not t.O slip back Into th n mire of lItter I gnoran ce and b estiality frOIll whi ch the raee em erged b erore history bE'gun , th er e must be visions of b e Lte r tblugs In tho futuro tbun the past bas g iven . Su('h pictures call to the savuge In his hut and th e barburi au III his t ent. Without hopo tbe Inn er life of the worl.! w o uld faint and di e. "Wbere there i s no vision tbe peopl e perIsh." B 'Jt In _0\ m erlca theso stirrings of the ,·!tlll force whi c h IIrges man llpwaru and onward, despite ullnllml>t!l'e d fal lures and lo sses, leu\J In the heart with n e w strength . Tho hOlle In the SOli I Is In h n nllOny wlLh tb e I' OYlrollllll'ot of the ra(' f', Optimi sm Is native to tbl' soil. Th e <:ontlnent syrcads wid e tho fi elds of o pportunit y. Never was tue IIpllft ao ..1 joy of the nl'\\' your's com Ing more r easonab l e than it I ~ t oday. Never was ~he ontIno l, f'l ll"1 'r fo r tlJ(' progress of the nB' tion an.1 th e world, In tbough!., cftar,u:ler anu <I E'e d . The old earth h egi ns its wl s ' ~8t year, Its ri che st, Its b es t . The c lo se of Ih.~ y ear brin gs with \I a Illingled f el' lIng of gladness anti mel· nnc-holy- of gladness In the anticipalion or bri ghter days to co me wltb tbe ~d ': "l1 l o f th e n ' II ~' ca r and o( Illelan · choly 1/1 reflections on th e fl eeting UR' l lllrc o( tim e. and Ihe gradual apprcach of the In evlta l>le goal III tho race of lire. Ring Ollt Ul e old, ring In tbe new, Riltg, bapllY I ~u lls, across the snow; Th e y ear Is g oing, l et him go; Rlu,g Ollt the (uloo,. ring In the true. 1ltat SI) InterestlDg !lJl occasion as

fon! is of

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I hr('sholo! w(' 11 0\\ s land . ('o rl tnitlls gn"at ·





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I\ lrl . drcll,plllt: h r r \l ukhrnl " Id sp" 'r I tor' ,.


I .,



wh ~re a lilli e family party llIay b e ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ga tl1 rre d : In t hc c burch , wh e re r e o Ii glOll8 "wlltc h-nlg bt" servi ce Is h eld . or 011 th e stret't, wh ere p r unlcna,l f'rs makl' m en ·y . In 110 III ace In Ih e world I ~ th e ce l (>bration of N",IV Y ea r 's e ye mad e of so mur!J li CCOll n~ liS in Philull e l pb la. III a great meas UI'It this is du(' to tb e fac t thaI It 15 tb e "(;radl e o [ L11 lE' rty " ot the co untr y. and Illp. iJell 011 Ind cl->c lJ,l enco hall Is u HPd to al\()OOD Ce tb e agp of tb e rtlPubllc w lt b the dawning of th e n e w yea r . T1lOu san ds of pt'opl c co ngreg ate al>ont' Ind eJ)CDl l ell ce hall . Hwl wh o l1 th .. clock points to m idnig ht a nd th e hell I bE'g1lls to 1.011 orr tb e ,-('Il r s, pllnd emo· nimll Is IN loo se with lhe Ilrlug of small arm s. Ute t ooting of born s nod noi ses of a ll ch aract er s. Th e c el el>ra· tion Is carr Ied a long all the thoroughfar es In th e h E'llrt of thC' ('Ity, and especlally around the Illr g(' pul>lIc build· Promotes Digestion,CheerfulIngs, which are elaborate l y illuminated . ness and Rest Contains neilh~r New Y ear's eve Is a favu rite OCl'aOpium J-lorphine nor Minera', slon for so cial gntherlngs In Scotland !'.'OT NARC OTIC and tbe oorth ot Englund , anr! wb en /6v'I" C/OM P,SA.JflJEL 1'Yll'IIM th e e venLful hour bas struck Ih e gues t8 Jl."V'~,~ S ...I all proceed to tlw hou s!' d oor and un· Alx .f,,,ltr. R",/,,./I,. faits . bar It w I th ~r ea t formalit y to "Ie t 'lut .4,pu Sn '/ ~ th e old and: let In tb t' n ew YE' ar':' /J:pp<nh "oJ Tb e maldng of good r ('solutions wllh Bifnrlt."f,wS.dn . " ~rJ" uti . th e dawning of th e J1f> \\, year Is a rll1,.r,,.,I, fu 9"" I'f'ry old ('uslom, an rl Oll e whkb lias lIi"t,,,",,, 71tu or - - ,,- -no Iioubt ' b('e n tollowc d wltb much \ "perfec l R.:mtdy forConslip'" \JrOnl. It alforrl s Ii sille nuld oppor. lion . Sour Stomach,D"lrrhoril, tunity 10 lay nsld e full' 1<' r e neel I ons o n I Wvrm s ,Convulsions Je\·cri5h· past Impru d enre an"A m IslJl ltJla gemen t , I ness a nd Loss Of SLEEP and to r esolve for til(' futur(' to do our utmos t In fulfillin g our (,ut y to GO ll f,)( SImi\(' S.gnalUrl o( and our fel.low'/llcn.

CA8TORIA For Infanta and Children,

The Kind You Have Always BOUGht Bears the Signature




ped tarmhou se. What & contrast between tbe lowly ea.rthy hut of y8>jter· day and charming palace of today \ Fierce Fight Before Rodent Could Be This contrnst says enough of the un· Destroyed, and Man Is Sebounded possibilities, which thIs new land otters to the wnllng worker. How' verely Bitten. I I the' poor emlgr,ant on ule open pm r e, A monster rat, whleh bad gained .through e~erfh~lId act~vlt~ ~~~n! entrance Into his bedroom through an ~~~a:.~~r r!rme: : : : e:teemed :'U. open window; during the ...da~, savagelien! .' ..More ..Ufe farmer 'dld not r.- )y attac~ed and R(iJlB\!ll Kemmer-, . ' Ul~ to: a& : \ Wh 4ld be. em1cratef ~r."~f P-eI}J\..1).u~g. ~d ' ft took ha.lf'.. att . -~H ~'T 1 th~ lIP,war wJtlI • .~oqr of f.~~ua . ~~tiD~i' to ~paQ:~,

'1", ., ..

lI a rl

\\ IJ" h :1I1 " lllklh /,



r e tired for t b e night wben the hus-I bund felt a peculiar scratching on his arm as It some one were tugging at b l m,

For Over Thirty Years

- -_._ ~Mi£;

Ring out rais e l,r"l e In pl:\c e Ilnd hl ood, The <'Ivlc slaur!pr And th p spite>: Ring In th e lo\'e of trulh and rl g bt. Hlng In the common 10\'(' or f.!:n od.


Millio,ns of Mohammedans. Only 13 centllrl p ~ h al'(' )l aBS"'] si n ce I the death of MohllmmNI anti toclay Ihere are 225 ,Q()0,000 Moha mm edaos, I one·sev enth of th (, P01Jlli ation o f the globe There are 50 .000.001) IT! Arrl ca, , , _

62 ,O()0,OOO In India , :lO,OflO.I)OO in China, I 29 ,000,000 In tha Malay Arehlp 'ago and 250,000 In th e Phlllpp1n es, not to


speall ot th o lands that are almost wholly Mohammedan lu w e stern Asia . A r ecent writE'r said : "WLat flres of faith and devotion must have burned I In the h earts ot the early champions ot Islam to mue them gird on th e sword and fight and die for Ill e !lew religion. It sw ept across Syria and nli nortb Africa like the d E'llert slr.loon-swlft. tierce, Impetuous, Irresistible, d 9s true· live-only to be curbed and cooled by the waves of the' AtianUc."


flower towards the fine, modern-equip-

,. Di7 '-ow~ . • yea."-,Ad"8ruAemell\ ~ .~ >'

VOling L ady's Rea son for ChooslnQ Escort Not Exactly W ha t He Had I magined It to Be .

C:r r a l ,l i nll wa R a Jlll, anl n~ pll l l"n! .\tr IlIrln l! (w c ' vp ~ (H Lo 1::.1 11 blm ond h'~ r I lin l.r"lh l' r . a ~ \lh~ , I"I ,l!I ' Il I - I ha l L '·" :JUR.' h e '" n 'al l }, a \'c ry d ec o nt I hid \I n" Il "H" ' ': h£'r to Ih ,' lr I' ll ' f . II I! II , [II ,d he'd Iili l u ~ If w e told pr(l ll1f' ch l i,~ h . \\ 111' n tllI' l r m o ',h l'r : I!l :'; l"I ,.. Ll IlI1In('~ 1:1 tlr ~ t !I'n tl r III a glee 1 (' 1l1 111 ('C' d t n Iii . ... . , ] \.' 'J II ' l ~., 1 "'10 1' !\ I 111 1, Il" ~J I4 ,L:. !-' III a t'l lt ll r, ttl O , Ey e ry .. ' l ' hri s li:' IJ ~(' I i'lI tl!-: ;, to! Ill ' . (t ol d ttJ C' m uod y l i l\j· :-; hi !! \. I l h ;lt lill ' \ 1ll'L<1 " I)I " p l:\ ) ~;,.!.. tli, 'I' T h" uti",. lll g i ll n hun ch or YOll n. I I IIU ~ p !.,~ pi, fl !'l :tlll ~a rt1 . ·:;' 'H!(Jt d~ ~ 1I J1 ' l 1'01' a ~ l lI'ta l :-Ip .... ~I(j1) nt • :\ f(' \\ j'b y~ h ll , ' r f;' ·I :d dl l. ' · r .l l ! () c f'rlair J IIOU S(: i ll 11L" stJiJ uriJ!\ !'fhey IH' I' 1III I t h~· r . ~ l l1l"\i:j.' d and ! jllr" , !l., ol. UTt · allu t1 :\ ,J("pd a ll d I h, 'y s a ng Anc! t ' xC'I : lilL.1 1l1-! . :\10111 ('1' , (~(' r: t ! rJ :--~I II ! : 11 1 , \\ 111'11 it \\ i..I l" a l l (l\' t · 1' 1.111 1 prp tt le8~

jU'lillll ll"ll I Journal isT frolll C hlHellll' ) tlll ll! 11lI1U" it j()urn cy thrlJ ug il ~' a lli\d ll uiJ lalnll1 b a thuro ug h kU lIw l "dj.\" tlf I il l ' l all d ali I! I" ''' pl l.! alld o f t h ,· " lJ"llllC\ I "'H ~ pO Ks lblll li" H" I l lIlt ( ' a ullu:! . 111.· YI ,.,:;ill IIIlIU . atTIlrdH In A

Ctl i;U,




and screamed, the husband tackled the rat, Mter a full hnlf,hour's fight he managed to smother the Intruder ' under a she'st_

A lamp was lighted and tbe room As a result 9f Kem.mern'l! many examined tor a possible Intruder, The wounds blood polson II! feared .-PeonsKemmerers retired again, satisfied burg (Pa.) Dispatch to t>bllade)pbla thnt there w,,;s no, burglar In tbe room; 'Record, . but a vlcloUB bl,\1i 9n bls ,.arm caused ., . . . '. ,_ v.'· '. ,_.\ thE! h~lIba~d ~ jllmp out, of ,bed a aeC> " ~e,~. ar:td, Wom~~. ~nd,•.' ,o-nd , time . . · . . •.... " . " , "1<., mlln.{tl!lP keep ~e. I ~' .. 'lD~,~t1ngon -d11:C101I~. &r,a~ hI th~ _other ~bet ~\.th~ O'!D; _. iWO~~ ,





. ' ,,,1 Uie, ytcloul! ~en~'lI1 '.~etJ, '. N;: . ' li,!~:..,,!JWe , JiI"'~ ~erer, nev.lT, f)D~e COD~. k,eeJ)8, ~er 9\V!l ·1HI. , .. ' 0:1 :. ,.-. -t~!,". : ~~em '~ ~ ~~ uv~ frlIht, -huddle4' Ia. CorDer' ~ ' dIa't' ~~ ~:'--~ ,-arurn: . ,...' \ 'lv-• .t. ~.• t· '~• •~"'<t

...- - -...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " - - - - - - - - -..

Pain Cannot Live

the S .1 ll1C h O U ~l' wi th T ..l tLle 's Family The I.llllencs::; and SlJrl:nl; ~S r c ;,u lt i l1<:; fr o m h ard work, exposure, (,r v iolenl e:-:crt:i;,e o ftcn pave the .way for se rio us t roub l e :md s hould .. lwa)'!; be aVOIded by rubbing tbe limbs and body with [n


Family Elixir Y o u are th e third gcneration whi ch has known and useci Tuttl e'~ Family Elixir as the Illost r eliable and 6\JTe remedy for (heuma tism, lumbago, ba .: ka~hc , toothache, cramps, chills, sprains, bruises, and the other common iU:; of humanity. Compoun,lod p urely of g llm., c ••ont "'1 oil,., 1,,0.1 \'Qgut.aulo clt.rnc hc lI l!o I,ur. f ec tl)' nJn ptl!t..I fot bo th tntornal alll) ~:r.tcrllill u ~e . OUar!UIlCC" unde r Lb~ :locdll1,<ofthe UnltodSt... leaO..,Tor'"llcnt. A.ak your drunlllt, ;.1 he CA\llJut .UPllly

yon IIOnd na roc, In .tom!" t<>gctber with hhl titLInG, nuu \YO ",Ul.eull YOll pru1Ul,tly,

prepaid, A lari&ab.o bott.le. Your m UIl~y b!lck if It c;tON not do what. we clrdm. Samplo bottle ..nt tor"', I.. . .Lauup. to eoTer POltG\lO,

'I'IJTI'LE'S EI.IXIIl CO•• 17 Beverly Street. ,

IIGetoa. .81.....



:Cou nty Cou rts Prohale Collrt Proceedings 10 th n W'Ltt ur uf thll l'~ t tl:O ,) f B , o j l,l nliu Bllrrf'lI , dl' ("",p, 'd, ~'lr~ 1 Rl'JllIH\ \ fi ilpril v,',l II nil l' .. ut!r lll ~ II [ n H1 e nHl tt.u r uf I hI' t\~I!:Il! ot P urry B rLllp,·, illt u('I',h· :-;l!\·,,,,l h fl.o<,u uut a pprc.vl' " 'Ill r\ c,'n llflll "<l (~I ,urt til tl- t".. u,\ ~ v Illlt\ ~"ill [{ ullr I'll , n





And BIil , on t,bat even ing we look for tltiillt NiCK, I was lyi n'l awake, expeoti ng tl 'ric k. And Bald "~Iok has betird hAr if ou ly ho tries, For Roth laughs q uite 10llnl y anu somotim e!! sh e ori es." And What lid I heur rattling on the honso to p? A jingle. a alatte r, I~ skip and [~ h op. We are good ly people, obeyin g t he laws, This ohild, I am Bu re, will bring good San&a 1 rose from my bed and stole out like 1\ ORt, My eyes were like SRuoers. my hlltlrt pit a PElt, And what dU I see from the head of the s talr!j '~ No othe r than Santo. Claus l'lden with Wllres , I ijto le baok to mv bed all gU llt,y all t!in, Why oould I not s illmber ?, 'l'here was not muoh din . We a r e goodly people, obeyio~ tbe Itl WII, And this ohild has oertain ly brough t 81lDta Clans,



--------------------------- 1 E. v.

J P. , $ 4.;10 , 81'tite of Ohio VB Jllmes Rnf u ~ Mee k, '1', D. Fraser, mar ~hal, ~ 1 6. l 5 W, c. W lmour 1llIlIlst.aDt '1 50 W, W. BowYfl r , witnesl!. 50e J , B Ifost er, 1\00 . B . L tl mlth, 500. J R Meek, 500, Ueo . Mee k, /'iOo , Clyde Collins , '1 , Mrs . Rulus Meek 500. 8 1tl.te of Ohio VB. Dan W . Dumfo rd, M, A. ,Jameso n, J, P . 1320. I . C Brown , cons t ., $1 ·15 . ':oDtra ots Let-N o. 1117 _with Bert l-teod f'or outting down hili by l!'renoh farm on Lebllno n and Mon . roe pike Ib Turtleo reek townsh ip, $977,5 5.

-- - -

.. - ..--- -

His Stomach Troubles Over

Toen 1 slumbe red Bnd slept till the dawn uf day, And arOBe with my heart as bright and gay , As dear little Rn t·h's could have p08sibl y been. Or mother 'S 'Rho thRBe thmgs had oertain ly seeu. And hllostened down stairs with n smi le on my faae, Elote with the prospeo t of seeing a raoe. We are goodly peo, \e, obeyio g the ItlWfO, And a dear ohild h ilS brough t us good Santa Claus ,

.IF yo u want to sell your

corn. see Robt.rt Beo kett or plloDo 83 4r. j 14

Gradua te of Ohio ~I nl . lJ ni\'ersi h TIMB Ea-A lot of good ox handle timber , W ill se ll or let i to s omebod y t o tnfl ke up on the shafes. Offi ce at r e!lide nce in F. UShe r · Jobn Benoh, R. R 2. j 2~ wood 's house , Fourlh: :it :·cpt . BAY MARE , 12 years old, good driver. sound and gentl<l, afraid Teleph onl' 2'1 of nothing and tl. goO(\ travele r. PrioelR right. Inquire at this offioe. Wayn esvill e. Ohio j 21


Reglst.e red J\:lrsey Bull. InONE quire Edwin Id , FurnllB, R , I , "f

phone 33



,..,.. 1I.w YORK CLlPPE It

.' \

Methodist Episcop al Churdl


ae ... o. B. GraUllllr. Putor.

Sunday Sc ttool. 0 : 15 a, m. Mom!n /1. seT vlce, 10 :80 a . m. 1!! nming ser vi ce, 't :0 p Mid week Pr ty cr

p l.


7 p. m ,


St, Augmstlne's Catholic Cburcb . Father



Mass ever'V second S uoda, of ltte mODlh a

U :OU a, m.


"n,one lendln. a .keteb and (thcrtr,uon ma,



G~f, ·~064' - ""~ -


Wayn eSvil le. Ohio .

l e lh ~r an tio n t. prob&bl, pal..altabl e. unl ~"," lion ••,rleU, oonDdeuUaI. HANDBOOKComm !'aloat. lent tree. Oldel' .,ene, tor .ecrurln«on paUJII'I.

Sunday Scbool, 0 :ao



Call answer ed prompt ly day or ni R'ht .. Both phones in Office and Resid6!nce. long distanc e, No . 14; Home phone · , 14-2r, Chairs and one Coach furnish ed free> with funeral s. Best of service guaran teed.

Sdtntlfit Jlmtrltan.

MornIng s er Urat

vI ce. IU :ao a. m. Holy Commun ion ~he Suodl\y uf I~ acb Ill ont.h

A band.ome l, l11oRtntel.t weeki,. J,n rR'8lt culatton of an, lolonUOo jou r nal. 'r orma. clr. tour monlb" ,L 801d~, all n ."od ..I.....

M&I' :


~!!! fmt0&!8~:::-::I!~O~ lqrk

Chrlltl an Church . Rev. P . B. Tbompeol1, PutCII.

Bible School, 9: ao a. m.


_t~. 10:308. m. Chrlatlau End....vor. 1:0U p. m. Serm on by plWltor eve!')' ,uteroato 8und&¥ ..

10:3 0 a, m. M!ld 1:30 P . m,

Hk:ksit e Friends


irHt Va) Mee tin g. 10 :00 ... m. FlrsL Oa}

Scttool, 11 ;00 a m, 10 :00 a, m:

FourUl Day

FUneraJ Diuc tor and Embalmer,

Quick., .,.certaln our 0 •• 1111011 free w InT en

St. Mary's Episcoval ChurdJ .


Orthodox Friends Churc:ll. A, E. Wooten. PlI4tor. SabbaLb Sohool, 0 :ao n. m. Rel(Ular cbureb servi ces 10:80 a, m •• nud 7:80 p . m , Prayer m oo ~jug Wedncstlay evewog 6~ l:aO.



N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer Poste d on pedigrees and value s·· of al \ kinds of breed ing stock. .... Exper ienced in llandling iarm sales since. 1905. Terms Reasonable

-:- iSatisfactlon;Ouaranteecl

Wayn esvil le, Ohio Valley Telepho ne 45 .2.

Pop ular Mec hani cs Mag azin e ""IIITU N

at, any t1m'~ and which will "bold in\;erestforever. You are livlna In thelOur bat ,ear, of the moat wondetfu l, of what " doubtless the lP'ealest world In the UIII_ A ' resident Of Man ·would gladb' paJ'I


so YOU CAN UNOUl8 YM. 11'-

Coalmaec l SI-r'" do. WooItI'. A GREAT Pro ....... which you may helrin I'JIIdlD8

Bills Allowe d-Col.u mblltl Blank Book Mfg Co., blanks for 1'. J. 1940. Tbe Woster n I:'tar, pub., no tloe to oootrao~ors, (.)regon la bridge 114.90, Tile Wester n S'ar pub. notice to buUd Oregon ia Bridge $3 .70. W. C. Gilmou r, expens es for quarte r ending Deotlm ber 31, 1915, '29005 . W .. C, GUmou r, board of prlBon erafor Decem ber, 1113, 'll13,~a

,.' '"r



p"lentl taken tbroUlfh !lunn & Co. receh'e fPC''''' noUe, . Without chRrpe, 1I1 tbo

Rov, J , F . Cndwalln der, Rector.


Wayue sville 's LeadinJl! DeDlt.) Office in Keys Bldg. "air.. B-1


tothl8m asultle...lnorderto~lnformedof CN/' prolP'<'l8 in ..nlrin~ and Mecb!ln1 eL Ale you reading In Two mlWona Of your neighbor . an" and it " tho faYOrite map. zme In' thouaand s of the belt AmerlCUJ bam... Jt aweale to.u ~-oId anG - men iInd WOIJIeD,

The SAFE boys'magazine .1 a year Y'lf

Twdrc monlhs o'Onl

ilullbful braiD rood


AU ..... y for oll not",cbnd '. pn.JlO' . Oloon., • whlllti o fu ll 0 [I((lturee. 86 l.o 6Z PRaM month. ~ f 1m)" l~it'.lJ lta r' Cft ohraye1.,"8lfcr, , ven. turn} athletloe. hl~y. ICIh oo l lito. written by mOR POpUIR1' bols- .athol'S. Inltruotl., o !l'P(M\1.1 artlel... }' \1>'I artlol .. 911 foatllall and a!.her i i" "'on•• to of .,ocbolll"", Eloet~~lt 1 Phot<>..... " l'apnlDr SO len .... HoI' to II"..'; T hI""" tamp OOlleotlnR. P..u. OU, deal. .. la.,en&lollll au4 Natunl Wonfon.


The Amerie an Boy


Regular price , , . . . . , , . .. , .'1.00]

The Miami Gazrtt e Regular

oru8~tag.7~, 'W.l· Ii'ontl '1~~~g!155~E!~~lj rj Tnrileoree~Bros" tOWDl~jp,


D ii. H.E. HA'f HAW AY

II.. York. II• ..,.


ICut .treela rented a' $SO per mObth Batfiel d for the oftloeS 0.' DJ.~lot A....o -

Office, comer Main and High str eet s; Phone No. 100


Anlla.s tly, my heart I lit great rain ooat 1 soe, Hangin g so oozily baok of the tree, And bless me I a bathrob e as red al! a bbet, I am snre that Ruthie will deem it a treat , And she'll Dever take cold when out h the roln, Anll with her red hathro be she must not be vain. A dear little girl who obeys mother 's laws Will always have visits from dear Santo. Clall8. Christm as, 1~13


Tuesda ys and Fridays, from 8 :30' to 12 o'clock


ADd this Is not all , 'Tis quite hn.rd to beliove , That one little girl 110 mnoh should reoeivo . And again let us see what more Ne hllve here, Carts, ohair, puzzlslt and.ev en 0. gun I fea.r, Dogs, balls and pioture books, good thin gs for a ohild, Wbsn ! was little 'twould h"ve mllde qu.te wild. 1 was wllllug I knew to obey the laws, But did nlt have visits from good l:iBnta Claua .




Constit ution.

And bless me! What next do I see by the trtio? A great train of cars, there are oue, two and three, And a traok to run on, I'm filled with disUlay , Lest dollles be ktlled in II. wreok Borne !lad ullY Bere's a sled, muoh ader it Is I nm BurA. Cars so_etlm es make wmmd s that no doot J r ol\n onro. Ruth must have been goodly , obeyin g th e lt~W8, And thil Is what brough t her the goou 8l1nta C1llus.

Dr. He ber M• Dill

lUBllSDED WEEnY. $4.00 I'ER YUlt

Literary Note,

And what did our lUtle Rnthle then· s ee? A nioe b~bJ' oab, buI not hung on the tree And dolls, there were nearly 1\ dozeD I kn ow, It Beems hardly possibl e It conld be so. A wee grip of olothln g for dollieR to w ear, And dishes to eat on. Pleose han dle wi th oare. Rnth will be a good girl, obeyin g the law!', BeOBuse it was this breugh t good Banta Cillo us.

~Il ,".~~

DR. J. W. II ; ILLE R,

j 14


.. - ..--- -

"Talk a bout genius Dot belD' reco,· nlaed," eays a Georgia editor. "We once treated an author to a halrcu teven though he didn't bave QUltej enough 1.0 Bturt flo mattre8 s."-AU anta

Mr. Baynes , I am told , a~slBted !:) Niok, In geUing t,he tree and adjusti ng It quick , And Oh, (Iuoh a sight for oor eyet. to behold, There were lays of all kinds and splendo r untold . "fe oould not believe that for one little tot. Old Santa would bring such ~ wonder ful lot , dut we're goodly people, obeyin g the laws, And ~ ohlld will attraot dear old Sunta Clllns

Viola Moore, both Of Frankl in. F&tber Nlohol as &lhneid ey, Jaoob R. Reeder , f .. rmer to Mis. .Tnlia '~, aaroha rt, both of 8pring . boro, lIIIoar Andrew Clinton , farmer of II'rankl ib to Aiig Mary Elizabe th ltouU. ColJ1mlulonera' Procee dings HouSe OD DOrnet 01 Silvor and



But I\h, and alaok I all our teaoherfll were gone, Bus Mr. MoLau ghhn who truly hos shown 'That he's been in secret oommu nion wi t h Nlok, And wbat be has done Is a moet famous t riok. We wish all our teacher s and .tuden ts aould sbare In all of our fun, whloh 1'3 truly so rare. How oortain It Is that obeyin g the laws Li"e a d811.r ll\tle girl wtll briag Santa Ulau8 ,

Marriage Licenses

Vete rinar Y



And then Mrs, White came bound ing alon g, And Oarnet , so act-ive and graoefu i and Bfrong. Me Laughl in w&@ near the hoot of the \hr ong, An:! even our Mal'y oome rolling along. ThU~ I took up thu r811.r with a modest PIloOS, And Jennie beeidfl toe with elegan t graoe. For faithfu lly followi ng all the good laws, And dear m&le Ruth will brlog good Sant", UlaulI ,

Fred R. Usborn , farmer tG Mlsa Mary Elhiabe th Hoff, both of Mason . Rev. Walk. Earl L. Carr, maohin ilit of Clnoinna,1 to Miss Bester C, t:!hinn, of Lebaao n. Rev. A. J. Kestle. Edwar d Franais O'Donn ell, chief olerk in R. R . offioe to Miss Mary

Dr. J A McCoV', .. J .

Mr. Dyspep tio, would you not like EXTR A good fresh Jersey Cow. ...DENTi~T.... to feel "hat your stomaa h trouble R Inquire of Benry Crew on Rox, were ove r, thllt you oonld oot nny anna l.IoUd New BurlIng ton pike, klud of food you deBired withou t om"" ID j 14 WaynesviRe. 0 Natlonu BaAk BIde. Injury P That may seem so unlikel y to you t;hat you do not even hope a hundre d. plain, white for an e,n ding of your tronble . but C orepe paper nllpklnB ; In de permi t lllB til Bssnre von that it i8 si gns 50 per d (lzen, at thi~ office :' not ultoget her iUlp08sible. If others o~n be cured perman ently, and thou Osteo pathic Physi cian ~ sands have been, why not vou ? .John R Barker . of B'd tJe Creel!:, 21 Broadw ay Phon e 449Mioh .. is one If them . He saViI, "I was troll bled with heartbu rn. In· Leba non. Ohio rligest,ioD, and liver Domph liot until THE CIIE"TE aT I used Chamb erlaIn's fable's , then BRAN CH QI<'FICE my 'rouble wat! over Sold by 011 dealers . Wayn esvill e,

Wben breakfa st was eaten we all made a rueh, And lIome of UII stumbl ed so great \Vas the aru"h, Our Lizzie almost lost her cane to the ruoe, And Anna her tnbe droppe d while walkin g with graoe, Dellr mama was anxiou s her l1aby to gnard, For her kind friend, Hiss Blanoh e was runnin g 80 hard. F·or she knew goodly people, obeyin g the laws, With baby. wonld oer&ain ly bring 811n\& Clans ,

New Suits. Ed ward O . Hartso ok VII. Goldie Bartso ok, divoroe , gross negleot ,

Prof essiona l Car ds


A fe w ,y en rl! therou fter ,he r e came 0. p;roat chltn ge, What Wlit! it we htlllord ? it was new und quite 8tran gn . Tke v.oioe of a ohild, r inging o ut on the air, T h tl Ronnd 01 sma ll feet in bnll!l and Oil stllirl!. It was dear little R uth. wah pretty blue eyes , In color and twinltl e r esembl ing tho skie!! , We are goodly people, oheyln g the la ws. Maybe we will no w have go;)d 8110nta C J'l U8.

Patriak \, Breen and M, E . Get. zlnl!er to N lOho l8 S J . liitzsln ger,5 tru ots of lund in Tnrtl eoreek Town· ship, $ 1. \ lary A, SeulA to Chl1rlel! M. Bun, ter, PliTt 01 lot 283 i n Le '>anon, 'BOO. Ha rry V , Walter to Frank Ra n· dol ph, part of Inlot No, 221 in Leb. tlnon, 1ll500, Miami Cem etery Assooia tlon to Matild a M. Duke Jot No 157 Beotion M, In their ground s '100. Johu G. Vail and wife to Brioe B. Worley lolot No. 1 In Ldhauo n, ,31i50 O. F. Brown and wife to A. B. K:anfw an Lots ;No. 4~, 20, 65. 56, 57, 68, 69 and 62 in &u&h Park sub. dlv1lllon to Lebano n $1. F . M. CtlDnln gham ~o A. B . Kauf· man Lots If o. 'S, 24 and 25 of South Park lIubdlv lslon to Lebano n , Comm on Pleas Court Gertru de T . Tibbals vs. EUlabe th K. Simpso n e' 0.1. De fendan t filed aaswer and crOBB petUlo a. Cheste r Mahaff ey. I\D Intant by W. 8 , Mahaff ey aDd hill next friend and father VII. Theodo re !:mnde n. Certain allegat ions are strloke n from answer . &oland rous MmUh vs . Eliza t:!m Ith . Plaln,i ff ordered to pay attorne y fees and eXp0Il888 of defend ant. State of Ohio VB. The Harvey sburg Fertiliz er Co, Patrlok Gayno r appoin ted to assil!' tbe Prosec uting Attorn ey. J. D. Miller VB. John L . t:!touten boroug h , Plainti ff awarde d part of bill olalm In the mat'er of the applloa ton of Josiah Holbro ok, Reoord er of War· ren County , 150 additio nal allowed to conduo t duties of the offioe , Elizabe th tinook VS, ,lames F. Sno~k, Dlvoro e granted . PlainU ff granted oustody of the ohlldrll n. Altmon y lind weekly allowan oe grante d , Regula .r grand jury Impane led Bnd dlsohar ged , A speoial venire was n 'lmed Ilnd retnrne d , Joe Bad· ley appoin ted liS forema n , ,Joseph Lnne appoin ted oonstab le, After being sworn the Grand Jury retired to their room .


W, H


Hut other::; there were put ill part of th e ir time 1'1 gui ng to se rvice a nd hearing the ch ime. Or listen ing devoutl y lhe sel'mon to hea r, T llu few wcre thus fi ll ed with d evotion I f ea r, l3 ut feastin g and chattin g and reading I guess, T ouk m o~ t o f lh e time, I am f ree t o confess. BUllho ugh gOl dl y t hey we re, obey ing the l a w ~ , Th ey d id not , ah m e! have good Santa Clau s.

Real Estate Transfere


Wa lter McClure


In the IU ,,, .<I • •1 . hl' 1 ' ~llIt (l tlf AI be rt W e rner 't l]l\ .J uM'ph lu e h.I ' K' lly, m in, r~ Flr,,1 I1I:COtlU I lip. pr llvnt! Iw d r' Hl li rmeet I 10 th o lIltUl ,'r L1 f th o " Plut o u r · G l lloUO 1:!,' ,," 1. III';Rntl. I';slll ll' fully ,u1minh lterod , I In fIl ll t.tllr of t he "slall'll '! H e b' I'clI A DUllHJI, r1 p('p'l~od E ~ tlll, e fu I' v ut1m ini stl'rort I n I,ho lll'lt te r (If tho ollt,Rle ,1f li e ~lZe Mi II fir , deotll\!lt'rl . Eat,flw lu lly adlDi Di~ t e r od . In I,he ullltt tl r 01 t ho e~ tllte of An lre w J . Bltll er , deceRsod E. C. Dll nb 'llll a lJpOI Dt.otl ll11ml ni Rtrl\tor, Bond $1000. 'l'hoorlo r o Hnney , M. L , Browll IInd.J P . Fl1irolli \d ap POI D ted Il p pm i ~en; , Iu the O! ll tl er uf Lhe estate of fil abllrd q Dukt" rl eceased , Cllrl L . Uukn IlppolUted oxeout or , No b JlI oJ. J o hn Str oop, Elmer EBrnh OI,t. tlOU C. J . Mllrqu ardt Il ppolnte d apprfli ~l:l r tl . Ma tlldt\ M. Dnke eleoted to I,.. ke under t. he wi ll.

How's This? We offer One Hundre d Dollars Reward tor any oase of Catarr h that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarr h (i'ure. F. J, CHENB Y & CO. , Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hnve Iteown F. J, Cheney (or the lnst 16 yea rs, aDd be· lie"" him perrectly hoDomb le ill all busi. _ transactio•• and financia ll y abl. to c;arry out any obligations m ade l.Jy his firm. National Banll of Commerce, Toledo, O. all', Catarrh Cure is taken intemaly, directly upon the blood a nd mluSUlrla',eea 01 the sy.tem. Teatimo · p~ 75 ce.nts per bottle. . .Druggists. . . . Bamilr pm, for , conltipa -

I\ "


lle!{an wit.h t he wi~h lo t'ach one who i~ here he III ,· IT.\' and g-laJ throu~h lite ro nling year . A nd SO IlIC o f th e lll WL·\.' IiUl l' g ifts did excltan ljt', Nul Vd)' cu:iLl y Lout from vcry wide range. And goudly they were. uueyin g t he laws , l.lUl Ih ey did not t huse Jay::; hav e guud Sanul Clau s.




HIWlCl',' A


Hpence r , lumber Chroni c Cnnstlpation Cured Elbon, roadwo rk "Flvlly enrsal{ oI hall Ibt, worRt lI!1h . 'l'p , $!'I7.:lii Mmor Benllet t ca so of ahrolli o OUllStilJ.l t iun I evor Illml,lflr l;3 , J olto Le wis, oomponlltl· kne w 0 1, and Ch" ruberln lll ' /'I TlIb l e t, ~ I fl,m fo r rva t.! u,roun,l brit1ge 15 , L oured m e, ' write!! ~ ~ ,Ft.; ll, Brook- •••• _ ....... . .... . I. ~ :: : : :::: :: :: ::::: : :::: ::: ::::; \',' ilit,.or<\ rOllu wo rk tiulom t OWD l yn . Ml al.!. Fll r Bn l!' h:y' nil ul\alers . "I ~ i p , ' I (,(I Ul .I ohn LIlullu. lumber Why t he Na me "Flag ." t-,.,; Ii:!. W . Ii N Ull, r Ofld work The n::n16 " 1Il\!l " I u f;'11' ' n to the Funt !ml Uirec wr l 'I ' IILl'ert' Ak tow nl'lb ip , $4 0 ~O. Otlo rgo iris becuu 6u ot Il H nat fuurlel' lI leav es. Ivhlc ll H II'U~' \I Itll t!, u \I Ind. Sh akePllllil)~. ~ruv .. l for .Urodil ron d :'OU spea ru ' ~ LI S" or I hl' word .1PI,lI es to Tul " l'h ,)f!f> d :l \' 1)(' " 11:lH , I .,HlI M ~t SU. i4Ll . R. A , l1eCul ch eon a.II Y IUll jl·\Jl ) Wlll':I' 1,IIIIIl lhat Is Vo.lI .. )'. ph l oJ ' u N, . I ... flg r l",,1 WOI k uUlI gra ve l. CIncin nati s'\ Ilyed to un ci fro by l it .. "lream, I Ji SLu.lh'tl N .I 6U-:! I . pIke . $:,2 ~ ,SO. B llmer Holaro ft, roud wo rk Tnrt,lflu nll,k to w Dshlp 1 13 Cla ssif ied Ads Autom obile Service at all Times .I vh n R ug lle!' , I ll ~ fl ec tor King ~ MHI M Im d,:w ' 1 50, A. J , Kipluu t. r Olld WA VNESV ILL E, 0.1'110 work W Bd hln gl on, 'I'p. , ':l0 , W J) Achi \\' \11 he t n8t'ru;' t\ llml e r l.hly beart (o r tv.' ·ttt y · rl ve (c uts t or t.h r ee loHert!uUII .. Branch Office, Ha ne)s burg. O. T o t,tOIl , r Ufl t! w o r l< Union t own ship. . hen using Ilot wore than Uve 111l (!~L *~ ~ 1';, .1. V, Hankin son. lumber ............ .... w . . . ...... 'w"""' ...... - . . $~~ [,0. Morrow LU 'n ber Co , lumFon RENT ber (, 17.if), .J ohu ,"Vo lfe, oon\rao l· BARN HART , $74 tir,. J ohn T . Urton , Don traot TBE Ano En glo propl'rl y (or rent . \ Nota ry Publi c $',15<1. :-lnm n. Hink le, tees lind ex Inqu ire ot U . P . K oys , j 21 pen del! ,lLl.i se r vi oes for Deoem ber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All kind .. rtf N"t,nry Work, Pe nflion l:lt 8, f lli765. St Rte of Ohio vs WANT ED Work II I::ipl'oiul ty . J nmes Rnfnl'l Moek, M A. Jameso n, 1 :!. l!lt

At the Fri ends ' HoardillK' 11 0mii', a beaut iful way (If spe nd ing t Ill' lime on tlt e g'Oll t! ChriHtmas day,



8hil), $ :.1 .

Rut h's Chr istm as Tre e

,1'9WD;.R•• ,"."~

priCe . .. .. .. ..~ .. ,

For b~th







Bever.l our oommunUy enjoyed Illiah rldlnl lut week. Muter George BonneH I. on the lilt· Published Weeki, n~ th .. u uzeLt.o Ollico 10 the Ratel of Subscription. Allell 1I1111dloll. Alalo St .. WIlYIltl8vlllo. Ohio. Ooe Y8aJ' (.trlctl,11l adv~re) .• ... . , • ••• gg IIr. Bert Bogan lpen' Sanday Harve)'I bUI'l' • Beech Grove. tUllgle Oopy . . .. . , . . • . • • . . . • . . • . . • . • . • wUh hi. parenti Oeo. Bogan .nd VALLEY TEI.EPHONE-CALL NO. 112 falDlIy, of WeJlmali. Ratel of Adveriilinl Mr .• nd lin. Solan MMwarS porB h h be I .l8ll88 Balnel, wife and JlUle Roadlog LocUl. ~ IID8 . •. .• . . . .•.... • 6e ohued 'be O. C. (lleaver proper ',. Uuy ra, n non w 0 11.1 en D d.nghter Belea M. Ipen' 'I'hureday CllUOOIltled Ad• . DOt to excoed fiveliAel . Three InMln10oa . ............ , 26e and will OCI01apyl'. the .tinv tor the palt .foor Ydart! wltb WaUer T. WII.on and (family . D L. Crane. Editor and Menager. Dlapl., AdventalJl!J per 1Dch .. .. ...... 10e Th. vllla,e oOODoll me' In regular hal _ved bill time and returned WED d R I I h Dl8collDC. . . Villi on contnd. _n. .da Iegan -Ion LMoDda" evenlnl, Jannary bl8 home here with hili brother Lo n . an ~ Je ,.. " lpen' ODeandywife all. wee.. w • . D. Ii. AUer 'hI "'Kalar routlnl . of rannon. Leamllig JANUARY 14, 19a. bQlln... bad beea tr&ll..o$84 'be The many frteDds of Ed. Re'all\ok !Several from hera d&eDded 'he ooDoil adjourned line die an. ,be will be gh,d to know 'hilt he II get· I f Ell I Pusan d the STOPPING JACK F~OST f anlra a SUCCESS TIPS --In' I be"a followla, o~ wen .wom . ng ._r. .. N • Frlendl oburoh, New Burllng'on, Ma,.or Joe. Whetlel; lI.nbal,". We art! IOI'ry repur. . . Ba'urda . Prof, Alex MoArdle, of Harvard The followlul ' from a maD uol Loyd. Clerlr, OI,.d. IAvley; Rloh no btltter. y • _ • J. Vnlver.lty, In praotical &elts In the tha' weDt lolo.n old town, ••• who Tr".urer,Obu. Madden I Ceuooll.. 11.118 .Neill.. Jordon hae aone Chamberlain's Cough fral& growiDIJ dlstrlot. of CaUfornla, tought aDd proepered: 'DOD'. Eo B. D.klD, Dr. C. 0, RaDdall; Chicago for ..veral months. b d h t J 1001 1'. L. a.rrl., Uao. iii. ..... _.... .. ooughl Thll remedy hili Uno for al prove ' a ao... F rOI, can be 1. "8t1ok '0 00. _w....... Mrll. ADll\D d a Garner an d. d aug.. and ooIds, Ie euperlor pleuan'to ou'wIUed, and &ba' 'hollMncla of eoough to what yeu OIU do .nd Ion. W.lkr illVlrfl .od Cb ... Eelwardl. ,er 14181 Jel,le bue been slok wllh ake, It oODtalne no opIum or other dollarl' worth of property be uved. eDoulh 10 7 0 ur firm wID kDOW wha' Mill liar,. Toc1hDDMr, of heavy ooldl for 'he pa.llt week but naroo&lo It always OUI'88. Eor .ale Be 8ayl when fros' makel i&e apo you oan do. man, WII 'lle gu.' of ber III'ar we are glad report them both by an dealerl pearanoe. by 0118 of 'he telepbone, 2. "IDI&ead of dr.. mlDI abo •• 1108. of Ibe .blatn, better, .-. word caD be len' to orohardle" .DeI wha, you have do.e ,0 ...... a.Dd .tan in 'o ur IObool. Lou DraDlloo tranu.o'ed bW!tnel8 Do you read your own or your by the DBe of SD1Ud,el of orode 011 do 8Ome&bIDI Ibal yoo b.Ten', elone. Th. litate I'lr. JD.peo&or made.n tn t!prlogfield on Tuelday. burned In large paDI cau be u8ed 3. "LearD bow &0 _ve, bow to lalpeo.ioD of oar vllla,e TIlunday, Ueo. Da1~11 and wife entert,,!ned ~



'0 ...

., 4




' 'lac





Wonderful Cough ~emedy Dr. King's New DlsooV81T ka.own everywbere a8 'he remedy wbllh w11l 8urely 8top ~ ~ougb o~· oold. D P. LawsoDolEldlon, Tenn. wrUell: "Dr. King'!! New Dt800very II t;he most wonderful ooogh, oold and 'broat; Ilnd lung medtolne I ever lold 10 my store. h oan't be bea '" It se111 wlthoo~ aoy trouble at; ~1I Ii needs no goarnntee." Thi8 is erue, beoaut16 Dr. Kings New Dlsoovery will relieve the moet. obst! · nate of oooghs and ooldl. Lung ~rooblel quiokly belped by Its ulle. You Ihoold keep" bottle In the h u08e at all times for all t;he meDl · hera of 'be fa.mlly,' 500 and 11. 00. All Drul{glsts or by mlli) B. E. BO·.'klen & Co . Ph!)adelpbla or St. Lou18. Dlagnol.d. " _.. "I'vo cared for IBevera.l ...e n:pla1ned. "but nevor POl'llODI. htove laneS anyone 10 that I would havo been 1'111101 to 1 .,0 up my homo and work 1 for him. It necolBary. That Is roa110.,0. T:at II lIortenlng ot brllln."-Cb1. 11 n't Itt" "No. tliatthe IBo't real 10.,0. caao Racord.Herllld.


veryeffeotoally tn 'he Shreat6ulel IUooeed 10 bQllnHland be happy. DO onl II olaarse4 brlDpD, blm dlstrlots. The expenle Inourred by ~. "U I.n·, 10 mooh your Avla, aDel bll'l. BI r.por&ed thai our &own tbe Ole of the 011 will lMl ,very lmall power .. II II ,our deaymg powlr; w .. olean and In oonforml'y wIth In oomparlson ""ttb 'he value of 'he Shl l.tter I. a 11'. . . . f. .&or ID the taw. oropll saved. I'he oranberry crow, .UOO8ll. Thl Ilok ia 'bll 'flolnity .. thoqb' en of Mauaohuleltl have already 6. "Wben yoa It.rl ou'la bOIl· &0 be lIowlrlmp,.vial. taken 'he matter up and will Ole DUll teep In 'ane wtab you town Mr. and Mn. 1.. .1 J . .up .peD' tbeae meaoll So eave their orope 'he and m.te yoor bUIIln•• crow aloDI I.., week In Nerwood Ihe ,u.1t of oomlng year. He a1110 matee Ibe wl&b ,oar oilY. tbelrualbser II.... Cbu.lIoenUer. etstement that within 'be aex' O. "Don 'Uor~e' that 'be _ _ 8e~.ra1 of our olllleu are es: twent, yearll we will be able to ao- of your bQllD" l..cIa &0 oDe Wng, ~1Dc '0 beautlfr'helr ho_ wISh o ,ra~ly predlOl 'he oomlnl of rain. and tba' IDUI' oonlOtlD,loUII, be pal., ".GOn .. thl _Iher perml .., While 'ble dllOovery may be of your aim .IODg 'be road to .DOOMI whloh will add ,rea&l, &0 'lie loob lome value to Shl8 ooun'ry, and 'he -adnrU.IDg." of our 'flU.... Our lown U DOted fao' tbat Mr. MoAI die bill madl for Itl oleuaJlaeN aael _u&lfal 'belle valuable dl800verlea known, 1I0re Uian 1.000,000 buhall of .bel. and ~a' 'hey wlU work au' the corD laa. beaD Iblppec1lato the U. 8. The Temperaaoe Leo'an., TowD Deoeeaary relulu, bu& bow abo•• IIlDce 'be w.rttr wen' la. etreot. BaJJ lIonda, DI,h' wu ver, muob the orode ollP Only 1.., IprtDI, ThI.I. lb. an. oom lVer Ihlp.- appreol.Ied,. tarp andluM....&lnl wbeu tbe ,maKe oODuoll wanted SO b, ~e npabllo, aDd be. foroecl awaaGe WU preMO'. 011 'he I&ree'l tbe price of orude oil AmerlOllD 00rD to late • elump. J'oeepb BMCl ., OD. 'tae a mer. wen' up about 20 per oenl blaher The 00rD win be ued 1D0I'17 for Ibe ohan' ure aad .eU known to many than It did the former year. Wheo maklDI of qrup. The '~porta. of 0111' oUI..DI I. owner of. 260 acn n oomes to mlog the l'u1f for &lOD faollUl. for 'he remoTal of fum ..... BUlIboro, Ohio. aDd smudging orch.rd., where m the oam frOID tbe It.malal.. .re hllD. rUJUIla,. datr7 and m ..&lD, wllIt world will 1& ,0 then P pered eD 8000n' of the IOalOlty 0: 1oocl.1IOOt8I. HII maa,. frluda are A ver,. few orohar41.h 10 Ihll oan. , ... 10 bear It. community are Ipraylng their Our frilnd~. C. 8bumabr, .bo tD 'be Iprlng, fiowerlng and the I'r_men of the Cherokee IndlaD baa beeDfeeU n ltucn.p0M4 forlOlDe re8ul, obw.ined bave fall, proved to natioo will ID • cllalribulloD lime we' '0 the MI.mI Yall.,. them tha' the mean. are juetlflable., of ~e ••tlo.·. tribal ladli .ael B .....I of Da7MD ...t weea aDd O'hen are '1'1lI&ID, So luok. and 'he fODde. The ~rlot ooun of appeale . . . operated on and a' ,bta wrl&ln, relal'ta 'bat 'bo,. are ,e&&lal only •• Walhintton 10 beJclla. cIeoIatoo Ia 'b01llb,to be holdlq btl .wn. a 8mall amouDI of fruU, Althoulb whlob wlUJ dl.trtbo. amOll, the ... aaD7 friandl hope for btm. a recent law . . . enaoted rOroiD, freedm.a .OID. ,5,000,000 of mone7 ....., noo~. ' 'be farmer '0 .pray hi. orohard, and laud.. lin.....rl B_lleh aD4 claqhser bow many ot our 10081 olOh.rdl... -lpent BODcIa, 1M .I UII. of lin. \have obe,ed tbe I.w, The law II I'alb are qaeer. TIt., "be Bookah'. paren. Mr. and lin. &cl goo .1 ID Uae1f. aDd for 'be of match.. to aad palut .1MlD. .l _ Beuoa. 'be larmer, and sboulcl, therefore, to IIlhl 'b. . . . when buatiD8 for .louatbaa lIonta, of '!lilla, OhiO, ~be oliiiYed to 'be leiter. lDedlotDe bom... -adalo Ooarter. traDIaOIecI bn.IIlD. . ben Ian week.







MADE UP OF MIXED RACES 8lmllult1 n- jr ... noh Ind AfMIIo loan Nnlonl I, AooountHi JI_ In

That Way. A aotable lI'rench TIBltor Ipeab willa eurprt.. of the man, point.. of limn. tt7 between the lI'rencb people aII4 u..

.American ..

HI II merel, mak1q the ObT8r1e of a cltlCOTer7 whloh hal puulec1 IDU7




thoUAD41 of Amertcan ~"'lerl. Tile l'reDoh 1.114 American peopl... with aU the1r manltelt dUfereocel, are oddl)' tar. each other In man7 1'''11PellaPi the explanaUOQ U. ill the fact that both peoplell-&l'. c:omllOUII414 or m~ dl.Unct rscea. l'UI4 toptblr ill a IIqll uUoaallt7. The mJztu~ of raeel whloll .... IODO 0Jl lD America 1. Don to all Bat u Amerloln t8 prone to foept that • .1mllar mixture hu been Ia pro.,... for • much lOllPI' time fa 1"raII0I. , Three If-t racel, Teutonlo, Celtic . aIl4 ~UD, are Npr8lanted to4a7 fa the population of ....ance.

TwentJt nationalltllli bave fuH4 to make tbo .....nch naUonallt7. A 401.. trtb.. of Oaul.. the RamuI, BgflUOdll11l, Norman I, ud otherlll~ II'allJ too numerou. to mention, ha.,. beaD mtsec1 and melted topther to


form I'rI.Dce.

Similar Dlhturel produce tdmIlar ... nlt... That would appear to be u.. formula for the r ••emblanceCI betYMa l'taAoe and Amertca.


Good Advl... "'I would Uke to let IOIIHItIlIq . . leu," ",d tile 8weet YOWII 'I'IIJDI. "WeD, ,w mlPt trJ a do••" veatarel the lrou0h7 drq lto~ clerlL

,II. ·r· WOrDII the Caue



Y our j





Midwinter Sales


HUTCHISON &GIBNEY Obio Wttaps of all D~scttiptions Suits, Coab, Furl, Blankets, Rugl, Petticoats,



Holiday Sales were 1m·



mensely large this season



We have lOme very fine Cut


Glal., Bral. ware, Balkets, DoUI, Gloves. Apron. suitable for New




i>a7ton. • _ • An Ideal W....'. Laathw


WIl. want. tab 11&1.. or C1aRor oU, w. . . Iben .. IIOtIalq better IbaD Dr. Kial'. N•• W. }JUJa for all bowel aGI and na'unUy OD De Unr, .ltmula.. aDd ftIrDla.. ,.0111" bowII.aDd lODe ap .... entire eye-. lAID. I'rtoe 110. A' alL B . E. lIaoklea • 00. PIaUacJelphla. or til. Leala. . • - • • ............. -.c..lk_


Great Sale Silka 49cand75c





Yearl Gifts and any lealOn.

Ina,.,,, • _via,

~I •

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ia III1I_J.r fnU beadwa,. cr-' cIeal of' .,ocI1I

New' lot jUlt in


and. wbo eDJIJ7ed Ibe rlele wen 11...... Sara Bradtard. Dbel ComptoD. Dr. and it in. Ward left Blthet .....balllll.lIartanD. 00IDp. lal1ll'da, f,. J'lorl4a .... win be ton, Lelah Bolpll, l_May comptonL_ _....,.,_ _......._....,.,_ _ _ _ _ _......._....,.,_ _......._ _ _ _ _ . . . for .. .... lmODtId. and 11-.. Audre, Orew, 80J -- --- • oJ• •, Efta Iq.., SermaD Jon., D.-. r_ .... IWIdae for CbUdna Raleillb BOlan and Carl Jon •• --.f D8l hbo "I . . -'l1ry ,lad to . , a f~ ........ 0 01U' I n wen I. pn.... of Chamber.... I %ala Ibap.,.... . . . weN. b . . . . 17 .. wrtNe ~~. Ucla BeT. Aaaoe Cook a'''I14ec1 preaob. .,....,.. 1lU",,.~ WII!, 1 ~~ ID, ..,vi.,...1 lbe olulreb Buda7. __ " both • • •, IIIaI DUlltJomploD, ~f NI. ...... . . . .".u'u4 ,...... IalII to uti . . . a GO"'~ or ..a4. UqIoa,...-' the Ja'Mr part of ddlllr.. . be WI~ Oom,pta.


Dr......... ..,. eo..

;r" rt-;, -::-:D:'~:' . '.







lIarvey.bnri, Warren Cleaver of neSrolt, Mloh, ChI'S . 8~ara and wife of CentervllIe, Mr. aod Mrs. Ca.Ier, of Treblln. Earne,l Manoon anel f.mUy of 'bll place, Mn . Ida Maa. DOD and dii nghier Etbel, of TlppeDaDoeanli l!4181EU'b Bogan,of Well. man. A . 8. Alien and wife ellterialned at I famHy dtDner on Sunday. All 'belr ohlld.reD and grandohlldren, forty la nomber. Geo. W. Davll, ",Ife and 80D Glen Elvin Fire. aDd family and Min Complon olf Lovelaud. Ipen' Friday wI'h Ernellt )lAnnon IIn4 famU,.. R. J. Marl.Y, of Lonlvlew 8tock farm hal JUI' returned from ville, with a new dran horae be boUlhi while there. T. B. BranDon and 4aughter MII8 LDlu have roturoed their homt! a' Sprtugfleld .fter .peDdlng a tew day. wI,h I.oOa BrannoD and wife. Mn. Ida O. IlanDon and U. 11K'1.-1I 1 Mr, ...... E'llel have retnrDed &0 their homo a' Tlppecaooe after lpendlaglblBboUda)'. with r.ia&lvee and frte:ad. bere. 11111 Llui. "troup of Barve,.... bur,lpeo, a... weet wllh lIer .... . . bere lira. &. 11:. Thompson Joe Bar,e'" and wife and ClareDce AlI_ relurned to their bome In Da,Ion on !'rtclay .fler 8peading leveral day_ with A. 8. Allen anel wife. The friend. of Mrl. B : U AlktDlOD wUJ be pIeaNd to know

Uu DeW IObool board Ilu lateD tha, Ibe IIlrettiO, be"er. Ilold of tUlr ollDlal dati.. ucJ w. R . J . Murray I. buUdlng. large Bellbrook. upeot for tha. • " . , .uooeeeful .heep bam. and .....faolor7 acbDIDiatra. VerDon Prot. Obaa. Morrie .Dd wife an ebll w ..k. Deatherap I.ID Da,&On "IIIlUnl wI.b bl. parenti II. T. ..... lin. carll,. are .oon 10 N. V, Cl ......r of Okl.homa. I. lIoula of near towa. lea" u &lid wU1 mat. llaeir 1a0lD. vlama. reil. U",,, and old frtencla lin. A ••rne Bel. Ia udar .... la ANaDaaa., Oldo. W."Ptt loe· hen lIanaylburg. U will cho&or·. oar.. oill d th. mov be remembered by CHlr older ot&lzeOl J . . . Weaver 101. btl oooudOI io : : Ib:::o.: IDMDI tha'lIr. Clenr . . . elected Ah.rl1r a XeDIA de.ler for ,15. IDOODnni_. and • lOll to 'bllof lhIe ooan'1 in 11111i or 70 .nd K07 a.rrl. who moyecl to 1I1ob1. "loIDlI)' wben h.1IM met wltb ex J8118l1ard8l11J' w •• btl depot,.. ..... f.w ,... n Ia ben on. GlUen••~ 'ID .b. pnottoe Of hla Wm. M. 'l'bolDp!lob aD4daogb.r, .11Il1. .rof..ton. Ou toea I. their lalD. HI.. ADdrolilieda of O6Y'oD, 0., .Dd 11111 Mynle WIlIIaore ••tenatDed IIcIwvd IUneOD preaobed a'lbl Prof. Barl'7 Kane of 8haron. Pa, ..... Goldia OreeD, of Xenia, I'rlada oboroh'tn. 0.7. .psntl••' wll6k with Mrl. Mar'ha 8UDda,.. .. _ a t Ihe K. E . oburob -..... Thomn.anD, IIr. Tbomp.on'. .lou Weanr .nel CJau. &~..... rBaDa,. mo.ller. are repairlna the W ....r PI'OPH'7 TbIe wIn.r ..-her 11 beln, pu, _ _ _.....__ --.._-on IiIouth IlaiD lar..,. a- ___ .. _ _ 0". farmer. wbo are Ski 02_ CoDaer Ia -"-"la .... - dGlq - . -•" "butob.rlDI For Frost Blta and Chapped n uarr)' .... I ..... • 11' anel ourIDl IIrandparen tI. I':tr frOit bUSen ears, flngetl a04 .ProUaoMclmNu.q Ia 80. 1I0lail n.;:.=~1 al .saki' k)ee ; cbapped hand" anel UpI, o!all 00 the II, P. oburoh. lohD •• Vandarvoort Suuda7. blalM, oold, lorel, red aod rOllllb .lou albIOn 101' • ~aluabl. bene . . . . . Loyd our popular poallr;y ItlQl, there tl Dothing to equal BDOllleD'1 AlrDlo. t:Jalve. 810" th • I ••, I Muter Barold WlaUaor. I. oa tit. ~'rJ bQl, IlIAD D. re peln a' ODo. and beag qUietly. In every bome i&here .hoolel be a bo][ ancIlbtppt.,. Ilok U.I. IIr. B. L. DakID IOld • two y .... haDd,. all tbe &lrae. ...., rlmedy J.8, Tum.r after a oontlaUOQl .......r Batarda7 to IIr. Bentl_,., for all .IIID 41...1181, Iklhlng 8C1118ma, M'&er, pilei, ekl. 260. All drnaBllte I18rvioe of al yean .. alerk ntlnd • • OI"'e buyer of Wa711.. or by mllU, B . E. Bookleu & ~o. from Ibe lObool oo.r.lIond.,. Uaat w ....ecll'IO lbe. anel reoe1ftc1 Pblladelphla or~' LoUtll. -. lIn.8uah I'on;ytlae, wbo ll~. ?~o per lb. Mr. Datin ra.... 10• • Dear Wubla.&oD Ill.... Ia la • "er, an. _&tie and .1....'. noel.... eaeUr'8 Creek oriSloal 00Ddi1t0D. ... ood 4 Ia -- b 1h. top Ipn. . - II orow Mr. and Krl. Jo•• Dan.... 11111 liar 'b. PetenoD III vl81U" De][' afMmOOll for tbe 4l.lIIb kr D oroth)' .... I1UIja with Bora~ Compton aDd family . IhooUD, maklla wbtola will be 'I.... 4)f Mn. Dav1amolhlr lin.........1 leveral of oor YOODI folk. eD. by J . . . W ....... r. ....ylo7 a.',uda,. j.yecla bob-alecl ride to 'iprlill Val. MI. Mary l'.clwuu Ia 'ftIJUq In The A. II, . . pntru&ecl 81. . . . .' 187 l ..t Wedneeday enDlna. '!'bOIl

A fool dllagreeable breath, dark clrel.. aroaDd tb. eye., a' 11m. fev.rllh wI&la Ir.1 'blnt; obHk. flolbeel 'and .hen pale, aMomeli 1PI!0llen with .harp cramp"" palo. are .1lIDdI0l&lou cd worml DoD" Ie' 70ur oblld .ufrer-Klobpoo Worm Kmer will -'va .UN nUIr. kllli the worml-wbUe I. lualtn effect acid 1''''''1, to ,be bNlth of ,oar olalld b, removinc the daDo .... proD' .Dd ·cllA4allNMbl. den of UIICND~..... .ad' ffOlQ ' tbe.,.. rnm ........ - ~ . ' K10k*ptio .


OD New Year'l! day Sbe followiog g08l~, Jbl!. Mary 'J. Cleaver of



f.,. ..

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Automobile Uvery Service at Rea. aonable Ratese

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Utile IIaIJo Ka~ Wu.c.


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Pilc e a

For Food In




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1 he n :<eep Busy Cleaning Up Dur l g .h e Mil d Pe ~i o ds

Creatur es


New Testamen t Has Us a Revelation of God Which South Window Away Fro n" I, Stands to Reason. I

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' I. " " , . " , e ·I 'I, "oI i l) . \\'h ~ 11 Ill l.' ~rollnd i ~ rroz('n " li d 'I" ,; 11111\ i~ III "1·id c IH' e. w" r m '" U ' I' i ,It" ' c , , .:l. IlPC'~ .' . ". I Ft.r 111.08 1' h l rds Lhat "Ill flo t (,0111,' I .. t h .. food sh elf, ~cuuer 11 '1I ,;o l1lil, I M li lli' litter f rOIll thl' hHY lofl is 80 111 I Dlwn but PI'Ote<; t.ed p lace, ChnfT Illi xed I A palace ln blrdville. ""I t h gra in , s(,fltlere d f1 <'a r !I 8ht'lte r ed I' place n ell r (he hallnt s of '1uall. mny ~ "slilr- h in tl ml'," nnd th .. !'n(,01 " :I~ ,' t1<' t h e l11C,HlH or sa vinI; l1lany fro 111 all'n t Hnd pro( ....·lioll t\i ""11 Ih('s(' f " :llh .\I'uth hy Atan'inion or freezing \\'h "11 1 erNI fril'nrls i~ \\' pll IHlId bac k in b, ' n· Ilartl nr" s~l' d by hun g!' r . l1unll kom ," , "t\rlal s"n;/'(" IImrs feed about . ba y s t n,cKti I n lilf' I ll. A . [;OSSAH II Dnd ~('()'I'T O. HAHI<\",


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and rc ru~nal1t llll')' arE; wlr.h 0 l11 II \lar · Licit' or I'tl lu,' "x""pt II " tl i~c lo~ifll; by whal Il pil l nful t.,x p l' riflllc· '" ' IUlit :..I lJ·

[al ... ' r III"n

I Th!'n th e bll st,' r s w ou ld brellk t h r oug h ' ..nd l et out a wl\t ery 611bstanco. S lio wns very crO~B and rr ~lflll while she 1" I t ~nd it alld hud v e ry Itt e r eB a night. \Vben th e ('rHp11011 was at Ita I worst tho tearllf'1' or tll' s('hoo\ "e nt I h er b am" an rl wou Id no t 11 II 0 n." bel' to , _ttend until tbe dlsflgurt!1llent of lIer fuco '~a9 BOlle.

.,~,_:,' ...•"_".,,. , .."'; "'.:>.' ~.,:. '

Good B' r ~. and a S,' lo Add Much to S ~ ... ~ t he uccess

th,,~ ,tiel not kilO\\, \\ha , II,,"; w, ' r e I, tallilflll; a!Joll l. Som p of 11t"lr II ntin'n~ ahollt Wl' l"n MI ,·uCtU". i Olp prf fl( 'I , llntnt;, ~

a~' l-1.



lIbu" l .. nr II Pflv, ili.tinO'lI), prove '


rp fl\ll'f~H !oflnll\m ....

Lock 1I 0x ~ l aurl(,lJ. I II , -"In (h sp rin g of 1911 our IllU n dllll,,;lIt ,'r. rll:l6 h ft V/l yeu I:s. h ud 11 br erlk ill b ou t u n er lip and part of bel' C'11pr~k that W8 took tor ringworm. Il n !s clI1 lJlpd ;, rr d I U I lnrge ringwurn\, ou l y It dl ("fl' that it W!U~ CO \' I\ r \.' (.] with wat e ry bl1 H: l era t.hl\L ILcherl and !.IUl'fl,' <l ( "r!'lbl)'. Inn.d e wore by lH'r fH'rntchlnt; It.


p ro<lo:h " ,1 rh p lil-\hl. Need New Testament. Th" 11H'Il, 101' ~XHlllJlk. who LIe· scriu(' r; od It" cII",lD~f1 ding " Olll "n Ulld chlldrf'll 10 be Irea ( ed \\ It It the ut· most cru ~ lty . vulgnr an ll uuri}u rlo ~ hl\m f!, und ,,11 (or hi ~ g lory . certa i n · Iy nec d pd 1\ Ne w T es l a 1l1 ellt ItH mu c h as any h atllen . . On e reason rOI' , Ill<' b l' lI (: f of III I I· IlonR I n tbe divinity o r .I1' 8U8 1>1 found

Wlo'I~'-h' n;-;;;.:;;;rur ( ;I"lrl",.



gh"' ll li S 80UI('




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1;11 .g ll l: l~

1, ' I I!I' I I1IH I thl ·.\' l "ol ,' '\ hll I II V' T :'\ ,lW

Some III'opl" n, 'I'l)r fo r g h,' ull tl l Liley bl'f'a l( i nto a IIlIdd" rl ,·e ll.


ell;tr:u ·I, ·r 1111<1 work 01' I; tl ll, iu tl ,, · IJI'I' · l.,....._,: ... su u :lu<l t ('arh11l!: alld ,h ,· .. r\'lct! LU !tunH," II), ul J C~ Il H ( ·I,r lbl. EVr' u S OIll (\ of tht ' .I, ' \\':; \\lIl' t.' ;\lled tll " 111 ".· , .1 ',.,1 (,'od ' e 1 ' 01'11, ' .',1,,1 d".-, C.• " '. " ~~r l ll ...i him ;" \\,pll a ' Ib ' Y kl" · \\ ho w In porti o ns or th e (lId 'I' (· ';la nll ' lIt. have


')o>l'd, :lIIrl • .•· f'} o:Ph


t,i ll HO:' II"


IlJl cnulo\>n"I~I"a~ -b.: III \\

lh . ,) \ \11 " 1.h;o 1 r" ,' H'" 'h " "r:lf .' 10 1 1111' t" '/lul,r ,,1 \ n ' \ ('I! ,l i llfl It. t:O l\ tlllllS of th, ' n ' l l!

01 11 1 • '1', '1 , . r , ··,I· .li ll. , /" '(1<1 . III'lf fOI \ . , . b l l1 ·~l .~ C"fl '.l,t r '· ... · j ' lllJ · i... 'I I TI Il' 100 d "'" I If ..' _:1, !I I ~, \." .1. 11 1'0,s<l,I f' '" " 81... 11£' 1. '" ~ ; I . ' 1. 1 " ' 111 . \I 1111 I . lf· soull,arn " llIe ex· \


Bu y JW

' ~I(>I1..aJh""I"'lu.c ur c,.. oYlu.l c"",·,\l:.<A~U II I""'"


UL tll "HI. I. the jj!, '\ ' III P'

61~,. ,l>4

UI Oru •• &U lllua. .ely.

tentblnll . 8I) rl r-lI~ IIII' 6(1111,""

t il' " ,d ,·. ' H , XPI''''<;''ll In I t il ,· Ii I .r~1l1r" . th IIHJIIIIIl"' lIt M· UI1!J · I"UI"I' ~ .11 111 1111.,;;.·., "I ,",,,I, r ll lIlLlI "., Ill' \ ' Id"a , t{" IIf <I "ti !')1I1 I,:););> t. \;1" " ( ', :lIlt! • In , ' \ nat ions ~ j '. 11\ t4-1) aln"';lll'u t~ " 1I 1' tI JlI' :--

l , )n

difli l u lr

! ...'Water III bluln~ II .(llIlte.aUOD. (er m.k,," 114 ,1 IJlue ""01.11,

f 0


' arm,ng .

I( , (' -r\l' I.() I : , inak ,' up my mind j ll~L \lh er" to : "I wrote and rocelved a Bam ple of 'I't,f' . haek ·l u·IIIl' ·l ilrlll" IllOI" 'IIh' llt IW'nl" a>l ' I relt tbal th e farm t IHIt J I f'.u tl cura S onp an d Olntm e rlt • whIch I Iitul i .. I/O' i ll'> . \,U, I"'<I "" " igfirouHly is 1'lIllll'l1 woul<l bl' hOl1H' f o f' mun y II we us ed nccordlng to cII r eclon8. an d ll('('(J f1l VI ;s ld ll>; i" "b j ""1 at Ih" ( ' PS( ) ,' ar8 . "lid I ha( I 11 ,". 1 Ihl'rdo,.',· !J.' ·I they gave Insrunt rell e r. 80 w e bougbt lOr t l" . hOI "" ;'1.,1 II ... " "in,,; s ,,[ 'III " fl), 1 ' lfo:'1 .. "r<'ful III lilY 5" I,'c t ion . Borne more. It gflldually grew !JoL~er , i t '.Ilt Icllra S and who "", •. lJ,'''" lUudc· u""rsallguin" hy I I wa . li l'lllg in ;-';"11' Y o r k (' i ()' a l W e k epl on usng OIlP Ih .. Illil rul h f ll l :111,1 Ifl i, I"llfUII II; artlclE'H Ih,· Ii"",. a ~ lIH1nn",I'r f or n lIlnnuf,II'- 1 Ointm en t and In three or rOUT moulh~ th ~1t hul'., h"('fl j)ub ll :l l1l' d l't'col1fltill!: I "rin): ('u n<:Prll . at" gu,"1 >lular),. ",hol1 I tho ch II rl wnB entirely cured . th, ' :<,11 aU I :.IA"S anll Ifl Oll'" ar)' ~lIin [ or III) uen lth CU USE'd m e cOlltilclera lll e (Sign ed) Mr. Henry Pr ins. Oct , 22. thll ~ " 1 ' ''' (I · hu\lI(I '~· 0 11 ' :' w ho I ~ av .. ( h,, ' n larlll . ulld I f"lt tllut Ho o n, ' r or laL('r 1912,' til folio\\' fHrl1ling I IllU Sl r~lIll<ll1 i8h city work o r at 11'8HL I ClIticura. Soap and Ointment Bold T hl K rnOI',' m~1I1. with il R obJer t (lr llnd IIIY~fl l r II< u posllioll II'h0re I , throughout th e world . Sample or ellch poplilatin!: till' ioactivl) farllls lind would not hal' ll a l'huuCll to 1111lk e the' , frae.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Addr08spost· gradua lly bringing b llck to f l ' rtillty t h o 111111"'. nach er thau gPl into ~ u<.:h . card "Cutlcura. Dept. L. Doston."-AdY. n balldnll"u pla cl'H ha s nll'nk "II" rl rh(' 1 ti lla,,". I d!'cide d to glv \; up my \Josi- I A t."Il>JIIUOnfU! t)f ~lIij~ lp 11111 laln t a Int"rpsI or both rir'lr lin d po o r alii,,'. lion. and cu rr y OUI In) pJ llllS as 10 l il t' I' Ir etll!'rul oC purf' (ruth . al1 ,l will In !il " ('lIlIrh!' of t im r. nn,1 by fa nll _ . _ _ _ _...;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~


, . , I , :


in !.II(' fact that h f' has p;lven us le' l I ho na,uml P "' '' f' ~ >l (If I'll nli Ila I ion . I I hil,1 ~itv"'l til'. an rl <.:o 11ld inlnl C-1 I'l' vp l ation or (;od wbl c h stan d~ to . actullll y Iliac " U/I lit(' fal'fll~ lilo~~ who I dint l' l~' s('CUI'\' $~.OllU whic h 1 conslLl· rClIso n . Th e God 11(1 hilS taught U9 , will fO' lllaln ' her,· Ifl f" lIo11' rarming a~ CI'!',I a 6unlclc nt SUll1 to ·mlbl .. nlll tu 10 6P(' and l ovo n nd 1I' 0~s hlp und obpy • a J1r o rp ~ slo fl , hili .tll r ing I hl s tllll £' P. "!lr!',Y ou th " work ulIlIl I AoL th e f;\rm j ROAD ~ aud senf' Is lili() u fath er . a rr !elld. a s harp \\'01' <1 o r "al'1oill~ sho uld b f' a d· on a pnylnll hn ~iH ( lnll' I' 1 f(lund tb ls I COlllro rt c l' anti a he l pl'r In ('\' pry lime ,Irrs:l " o- to Ih,' o" ,'rs "n ~ uln !' arid to ti UW <'lllirpI Y Inlld l ·qun l ol. ~ o 1 gol of n eed. A Uod who kn owe tb our rh e man o f .:HHali "npllil l who I magin es bu sy OIl t hl' f arllt qu es ti o n. lind anThe opportunity of securinl!' T he ~VprHI:C' 11ft' of horsee on(l nU!n rl'llntl' aud r enlemuus w e are but du s t. h r "al vrotils , "ill C'1m,' to hlul who fiwe rcd .uo ud\' ertl sl' m ent in a c(! rl.nln bomestead8 of 160 acres each. mo hllp ~ may l,t' in (' r(' IH~e rl nnd rhn cos t A kin g \\'ho dops not gov('rn with nn tI Of'~' hill l lI1~' a rU l'f1! rnrtll journu l . d,'sc ribing th e farm I the low priced lan ds of Manitoba. of hnlllilfl;; r ertll('ed . ",'cortl illJ; 10 ( lif' ev erla s tlnl( club a lwaY!l In p\'ldp.n ce. Tn II", ri-r) mUll ""I'I'<" i "ll), shou ld 'HIll ,Ii pres"nL oll'llillg. SaBkntchewlin and Alberta. will ()(fj cp of It o:uls. or th e i>t' )l31'1Ill elll. of but h e Il!u dNh ti l< In th e pa ths o( rigb~' l l hi ~ \l'urnlng bp addrps~p d. nn d I will soon have passed. 'I'lli' rnrt ll contained 7'2 nero' s. nil Agri cul '"r.·· . b)' rC! I O('lIi il1 g IliallY o ld ~ollsness for hi ~ 11I1111\J saKP. pollll OU( to him by ( rut hru l r ecital o r eig ht room h ous£'. barll . e tC' .. UII<I co uld Ca.nada offers a hearty welcome roads and th morl! ticlentillr: layilll; " I ~nd m y l;'ath e r are ODe." sai d I Ill) ' 0\\'11 !'~IJ\ · rl "uc"~ j ll Kl II'b<:~e a ci ty h ,' 1J0ught for $1.500 lI'ith $l1fl() c aHh I to the Settler. to the man with a out of n e w 0 11 1'5. Th e natural tC llrl p n ~~ .J SliS. family looking f or a home; to the \\'oilld yo u know \\'h:ll nod lila 11 Il l ay fni l. if h I' Is not ve r y careful d ow n . It was sltua Led ou, ' a nd 1111 . farmer's son, to the renLer. to al,l who In mad hllild l l1/! i s 10 build n sU'a i/-:h1 Is l i lte? II I' ~celll~ 10 I\Bk , Ser· ~ Anrl III 'la ld ll ~ Ul' [arming :t~ a pro r.. ss lon . h a l ( hours from 1I0~tOlI . alld a!J o\lt liv e wish to live u nder belLer conditions. r()~ll . wh e th p r It goes ov er s(e.,p ho feeds t he multitud e at th r ,'lose ot 1 r call IlIlaglrw no ~n' at"r folly for from Yorli ('ity. Canada's grain yield In 1913 is gr.III1'5 01' hill s. a ", ea.ry day n s t h "y nrp. all s£',ned on !1 elly IllIU! IIi:i ll 10 f'nt:;a lle in farmillg 1 ~j1e llt th r be~l PHrt lIf t\l'O uays the talk of l ho w orld. Luxuriant 11y bulldillg a h !/:h \\'ay around 1\ h i ll a grcen hll1 sld(' . and I\S If lo sbow I \\,II11<I UI a ll ." pr (' I'iO UH f'xperic lU'(: III lopki ng Ol'p r rho gTOllllll . allil was Grassol give cheap f odder for la~1J9 or J;ra d r. i n lllRny cnsps. th e 10n gl'~1 ho~\' our Fa tll ('l' In heaven answers"our I flll':mln:;. ClI· . " tllu ~t a t)llllli · ~o ll COUl' chal'lll cd with tho country. lit, · ( u rm herds; cost of raisinll' and fatterung w ay around llllty often !.I e th e Shar i elll dally praye r . "r.h·p u s our ' brea,\. 1l\ {'II,u rnt r "IIIt , llls In pXpe l'l 'I H·~. as llUrrOun dl n [;s. nnrl thc :.ISp!'c t of th . for market is a trifle. ami mos t ec ollo m ic;tI .way h omp. Between the Sinner and Dea th . i ll e.~llI· rl "'I H'p 111 t'arUlltll; COI11(,S hi gh . ]lro llo~ltlon gen rall y Tit,· farm hnd I The sum realized for Beef. Butter. Ac co rd lll!; to the test III\0n y or 1arm "t b " F'lIrr"in:; r l'QlllrrH to I.h· flnllllcl'd as b e l'n in OtlO family for 100 yt'nrs. a l1 d Milk and Cheese will pay fifty per A I L d n . eSUB s an !! ue ween l e Sin' . ' . . d en co n sulrC' fl. wll ere a. hor~e lU ay hr cent on the Invest~ent. ' b carefully <IS 3 U Y UlIS!t1 6il \" ' nture a ile the oWb c r. \\'110 was Lhen liVIng on th e I I WIO wo u Id ston e pr able t o pull 4. 000 pounds on !\. IOl' e' n('r andI llose diG d t 111 lllay ~n",agf' ·111 I;, (\J,r city o r. ,(ll se- ~llace. was ov er 70 y at'!! old llnd gol n!: Write for li terature and partie;· I e g rOll rl, It would ha" e dlfl\,' ulty In illlil i n o to ( atll Ukll r evhea. s 0 has L n I' Wh'~ I:'" You (:1IIInot possi bh' ~Hlkr' ~ I blind. Jli s c hlldr t: n had b Ol1e Lo th ularn as to reduced railway l nto t OIl' own c ar s. au d mon t o 00 . ' . . . rates to Superintendant 3.Q OO poundR up a ~t()('p hill. The slZl t hilll< of t h ei r own ui lt and after ' ,;UC CI'S;; (If rar nlt ng \\'Itl1.Out Ca ll1lUl. j ('Ity UI,d h e was. allxlouH to sC' 1l and of Immigration. Ottawa. of llie lOU d. th e r efor , t ends to ht1 'r I l !1d . b II I ancl Y0 1l ('anl1ol (' xl)ect .m lll cl p nt HlIan· s pr·n ,1 his da ys 111 grenl!'r casF'. I II t t 1P sca e an tlat welg n lU· Canada. or to m ouIDu t'ed by tho grade of Ule Itlr ge~ 1 1 clal 1'1'1 urn s 11'1' !toul "" InveR tm ellt 01' ~ pond erL'd th e matt er for a w ee k. f I . . Ilia d 0 n LrllJ ' t 0 t h c· pace, I hill Oil the way 10 lllnrk ot. Tn a Il !I 111 ' man a" Ls . W. 8. NETHERY ,un l I' l yo u h ave h Ci' ll. f artTItng . 1a ug ant I nglull Interurb.n Blel8. He~nu se t.h!' JustlC" ofv our ~o~_ ~~ "' lIoH~h t o Ilro!l'- by lind COr r f'C l, Lho th,i s I imo with a draCt ill my p oc k et b el' of cases uctu:d expori enco ShOl'" Colu'."bus. OhIo Cor $100 to be paid down IlS blndln~ that the relocatin g of roa d s rlrollnd th e 1<111d of JustiC () thal g l es a ell _•• •., 1 1Ili ", a"" ti nf Ih E' 1l 1' Sl .'· l'n r ~. S') fll" fann s han' all Itll' modern th r bargain If I felt ~atls li \!d that 1 Canadian Qoy.rnmen, Ait. hills ha s been n comp l isbc d. eHIlE'1 to nil Wl,lO uuve dOllO wrong anti are Iiot h trips were with no arlrli(ioll in roarll en Kl h or IIr\<I. Borry and will promi se to do .bclte r , ~Oll\· '·lli " n c"R. s,i ch as ruoHln g 1101 und wRn l ed 'thc' fal·m. And Jesus on lh!' cm ss gives us l1l1 \I. (' old \\ at"a. botb gas· and al ectrLc made in AugUBt. wJliw th e co untry y In !; only a few fe C! . lU Bt ration of th e pati ence or . father· i li{; htillF;. II itt! lhe facil ities o r l \gl\l e n- l OO k s beantlrul )' -~-~.-:.=...-:.:.:~ hood whic h , havin s' lov ed. Will lo ve In g th ," I.. ,I/s._' wor k. !.Iut thp ' gn.>al maOn til e last trip I II'lilked from Lh e unto tlH' end. Anll so through the 'joril)' of our farm s can only boa!;'!' 10ll'n 10 th e farm all It b eautirul warm ages fI\Ith has deepen ed that our Lord of II '~Ink I II rhe kit('hen. · ' d aY. lin gering on tlle Wa;t . to pick d p. m(Jn s trateil whal he was by what \ bought tl Tv aOl'{' farm ill Ma ss a· IJI~ c'libcrries as lurge as stra\\,b errles. corn Hnr! wbeat are mRd e In this WlIl' , Iro ,11,1. One ot th e first 11I1I s trlou~ ch'u >l(:llS. not f il l' r~ uru' OOf;!ton. and and d elicious blu L'·b'la ck huckleb erri es. Arter tbe ,-oil in g the ti nl<es I\.re of'.~lJ co nv erts .wbo with .a ll or his l earn- m OI' I,d 'HI to 'It in Lh e fall. thln iling b('s icles kl1oc1<ln g from th e t rc s ch est· tOfl~ted. whic h imparts Ii Ulorc npllC Inf; nnd sociI\! preslrge acknowl edged t.but." "ill l('r 's work wou ld got things ' nUl!; an d wnll1uts In plenty. I had will put you Tight a few days. tI~ l ng Ha vor allli color . Th e r eady. t o. ,Ics us a s his . Savloul' thuB conreBsed. III ~;o od ~hajlf' for t h e'fO ll<fWlng ~ear' l quite madp up my mind to IlUtchllse. inTh do eat cereals rll'e wholesome an d DU ' "Hnhhl,_ wc know thnt thou art a I waH fnrlll ·hun!:'rS·, I 'bad long ed 'l'h' Lran s"!c tlon completed. 1 moved . their tritlo1l 6. :o.tost of lIlcm (u e lI\ad und ~r toacher. come from Goll. for no one fO I' an d Illlticiput,ed Ihe day wb eu I my family to the to wn unl il Bu ch Cure snllitary ('onditI0118. Il.nd Ihe s larch i " can do thc thi ng.? thO~ doeal linle~s CO\llLJ ;; l1ak e tb e ci!. y ~\l~ JAV !) in pure tlt,l es as I could make ce rtain repairs stipation. God be with him . - R e, . Frcdl'rlck E , ,' \11' a nd 11 ('n l t llflll s urroulldlll' gs on n an(1 alte~tloll" to the Ilou"£, '\' hl~b Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache tho roughl y cookc d . 'I'~,~ y lire. h oll' ' .. .a . r.; (,I · 1':n"'l:l'nd hom es t c acl 'of sufficient wen' ll ecessnry. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRiC&. flver. 1I\0re e xp ensl\'c I hnn t !Joso pI''! Hopkins . to Oh iO E\perilll C' l1l S I:'t \( 'n . \\'oO:, !I' r

,.. .






Ill"d houses In farm back-yard.



fi eld or ccme to lile barny anl. when·. lr nOI' Illolested. aud a li ll i e g ralll lllr u,': 11 co th em. tltey wlll r elllain throllr,110 ll l. the winter. 1111 : i llg the mild perlod tl lbe free l un !'" ,o ull ter m ay not t e \' Ialted with I rh f' >illl1e r egula'rlty as llllring in' j ·!Cl' l C.III w,'ntber. At these tim s th e " ;n l ~ are b usy c leaning up t h t' dor· (;tnll ' in~ect. lire wlueu li es bidden .:.t,,~) III r r c vi<:es heLween or under thP 'I b a l l.. " "IOllg the f a!len leaves. and In


-=-= -=-=--==---.---

l. CEREAL FOODS ARE Th l'e are on the market an In dell· n ,)t i' ly largn n~mber of ceroal pr eparR l; lI11 ;; known as b rea k fas t foods . Some ql tll<', !, are made by simply grinding , ~ r: l'Il~lt l llg t.he grains, as In lbe CIlB~ '•• 1' c'f1l'll menl and oatmon\. Others nre p r <'pll n ,rl by c ompletely cooking t he









Yo--u-r--- ·Li."er IS CIogged U'P



"" 1" ,,,1 af tpr wh Ic h the produ cl Is .. . Ro· II .";I'un: :,I or 1'0 11 eQ an d th en d r I au >1\ O'l l~ is an example of this form : \llILred at ho III P.. l\lld. ,t.len rlghl f!COIl ' A tll l l\ third method \s to malt or Olll), IR neCe8H1\ry. Ihe hOllle ('ooiled 'VII.() IlI' :' lI'i RP IrMt Ih(' grains . rl etles should be usp.d, . . I ~rany p er so ns prefe r a ho t hrc<lllfa~!




Early Followers of the Saviour Looked to Assured Victory Over Evil, and They Achieved It. .

UCrl' ?' J;'" tn permit of 111)" doing ail of 11IY own work without b1rlng help . r'or !ie \' er a l years J , l\ad r ead up , on fann i ng, tak ing several ronn journalB flud th e lJull£'tlns Issued by th e depnrt· m en l of agriculture. and Ih tbls WilY gathering !l fund or Information. ,,:hlel\ . lqgl'!lher With \he . knowledge ea l'lw <l In four yea rs ' wor k on a rarm In Wisconsin " ' he n 11 lad. I\·ould . I beIlevell. fi t ni" to carry' out the plan ' l had In mind 'when I sh onlu acquire my o wn place. , o r t h l' !tarrl wor k In the nelds. tb.e b ui ldin g of nlll ' ('lll1ces In the cq id mornin g lJy starlight. t.he cultln'g Ih~ cnrn w hp[] lhe d ew was on the I . ,. l;o~ d ellvefi ca USll1g ~ore BuOU UA.·rs ' an achill~.h;lck;; . the h.u ~ klt1S; of lhe com frolll Ih l" "hoc \( wh (!11 S;lO ~V was on ' tl1l' II;I:ound, I had only n bazy recol. l er-tion proba hl y hf'cllu~e I W aR then a YOUllg blolld r ea dy for frolic' 'or hard \\'01'1<. w hl dl ", ve r came ftl' ~t. In Lll e lig ht of tl", ,',xpr'ricll el'~ OIl tlHl rurm I 1\11 0\)' thilt I !Ilu · t hn I' P w ork ed a\\'i\lll~ Ihlrd Il'lthOl1l r f?ali1.i ng It at I.he tl'llIP., I I?plJnt 1"'0 y~nr~ luoklng liP .farms . . ~ t ove r y sUlle. ." I ' I nqu i r I es m I!l!Ullll! I fro 'Jr y :;10urce ' po ss ibl e, but could , ' ,

f o od a nd y e t do not 1V3nt th e troubl of cook lnJ;' it for hours. Th ese' shou lll be c ooked suffic i en lly. rm' OVNl'(lokill l! With " tbe sentence or d eat h in r d (l (l e ~ no partlcu ln.r the mselv es " tb e early Ch rlBtlans faced n SI.<'Irr 11)'00 harm, but lind r ~f)o ltl l1g le:1\'es th e the world . and !lstollisued It by more Htnr<'il in a ronu tlllli Is dilllcult to than th eir "s tubbornn es s." They wero d i ge~t t h e rn08~ essentia lly happy p eople of L1 I1" uol;er! br(' ul;[:l sl ro or!" art? al th' uay - .l eBna was Lh eir hope. their \\'8 )'8' th f' c h !'n1lcst. and . When c oo ite(1 su ffici ency was or Gor!. th eir names I UI1~ !' !1ou ~h to mal, ,,, Lhern d i/.:(Ostl l>lh we re' written In h eave n, th.~ y w er e rull Oo :.:I<lc boiler for steaming cereil ls. nt''' ri c h ill f ood VaIUf!. B' .~i d pH 11." of love for a ll m en- tuey hud "bsT~ lower part should be one-t hi rd 1111,,, 1. cornmea l . crac k ed oals an,'. comr II I.Un children." as J USlIM Pllt It. ( J of boiling water . . , wh l''' '. " 'h i 'h :11';> gpllcrall), 11 ", (; ~ 1 " rl l1llr! natural . .J es us IJrought tb<)m I \ .!t o"I! l\l{)SP lJreakfHsl f oo ds Illal ' Illl' r p a i',· s(' II, l'al olitcrs HI Itaral II!. . ' Into a n ew world ot posslllllllles. A "!-,, r ,'''o\y to serve II' I I II OII[ Any ,'oolt .1 ;olt. L'O llt I1ll1ritiO UH a:"l Il lollll ;i1lle . conducl. that unci ent moralists dared no t. ask. fh p ~h(1l-acter of Jesus Jlug'~~ . ~(> lll . are made h ~' Im p l.l' Ile:ltinl' , 1-:1.:'1 .\ r ;·: tU1Y F'OUl.I<. g(· st ed . und tll p lov f! o r J esus made nc. tl, (: l!'ni llS In walrr. dry i n'l aud IIi{'n I (' (ll li ' ~ " or ,\ ;;r\(' II I ' \1 1'('. Ohio St;lte tua l. " 1 f:all flo all t hin gs ... . said Paul. ,u l l t!~ 111' (' ru ~ hillg th e pl'oducl. Flal(ed t.:ll i l·e r~ iIY · ~ . .____ ._ _..".... =-~_ -,- ~--' . " i n It i lll th a t stl'ellJ;'tltcneth mc," 'l'lley ~.~ - , 1 100 1, (" <1 10 'n ssured victory over ··evil lis. ( - - - -. all<l lli ('), a('!rIr~ \'I' d i t. "Tl1iR Is the vi c. t(lry thul has ol'ercome tbe world I' f).lr failh ," V c:ry sooli a npw note ---------.--.~-:<'-------------!---' i s 11I'arcl III Lhp lr wo rd s. Sto i ci sm WlL8 Il P,p r lllli' i n"ll i rlp " hlfl'C' corn e Lo : n o tioe/} · l· s p p~ja l ly \\'h !'~1 I h P.I · ll~'" I lit ·."" ' ",,~,· r· ntl a ll .l· mu ~ ical :" Eplcetu s , I'. ' ,'.,:I<-g£, of ,\ g f'il:1I1,uf'''. Ohio Slnl " I 1" '11 to 11) i nlo 1: 1'<" ' lI il olls,' s Ih py orl,' :, ani\()n·n(','s a h \' lll11 lO ZlJllS bt ' t he T·" . I·("rsir .I', ,,"flU ' hox ·('ltiPr bUKd . • <l a lll l1'.';" · ~ro" ing p l anl8 in th l: wiu lc" : -. . . • I Il<'v(J"l;tarl~ rlt ,· tllne. Over on over , \\ <11f' /' 1111\' 1' he,·n I' ported. in ~ 011 ! P. · I " 1! " ..< ~, I " 1~ 8 1 11~' I h e r"! is n so und of Rl ngl~g In ".,:, ,~ . I l ' <'n l E'r 1") II ~c~ in larK" ll llf n·, ~pl'~:.. in f' Ih e Ir,~, in Ille p.llr ly Pllf'l (, .'1' >. )'roilull !y I t Il ag (,O lli e to nfl li<'[' "f . h,' gro wi ll);, f., ': ,' on w i t h kero~ l'II( : Pal<l -- a,; In Ih t' .. ~ i!:lI t b clinpt~r ot j H fJ lllanR all d (h .. Ibll'leenth of ,First <t th!~ Ii llll' !J.: C:lIl';P th (')' 1"'l·OIO.' llI Ol'l' l "nl :l '-,I ":1 will r, :" u: t ill i h~ elpalh fli ('()rillthl :lI1s. fll1<1 it "('p eats Itse lf . . . . . I : i ;l mr l ou:\ in Ihe all~lltnll th an HI a ll." ; lli fo In i.1jorlty of i t ! t !Jl:: t ll rp iJ:d l\·idu:tl:-. Ttl (, finly Spirit was u glarl spirit, lind ' I IlI' r ~~SOIL Til t> uUlls rOl l t:;r(,l!:lI ,' iff ' 11 :hp y a I'" not r h ~~ lt~' cl ~. t thl~ tim p. I i: l ud l",s~ --Jo)' In thp iJoly Rlllrit- was .:, rn:u p s on t he tru nks of tr C't' t-; and lIli, th( ' ,· (":1.1: bf' dl',.; t I'O,\'b d \\'hE-n tlJ ey CO li !he ~rc:r ct or C'hrlRllao mora lity. '~I';'I " ill ""'" 'c h o[ hib" rlt" llng '1 U:/I" ;\ 11'1\ :01 (' 011 l!'l' (' t r u lll' 5, i ll llio! (al l w i l li I t . 0' ; 1(. " ' l1cr' ~ :IIHI ~I\le of Itolls e~ . [1'('. 110 ' '.1' ., 11' 1' n r c all lJe B\\'~'P t It d o Iiero I .1. S. II 1."< E." I Our F at her Alw ays Neilr. 111""' ;)' "llI,·t'!n~ hou ses "I.d olhe r ; sr 'lI" ]la lls. j lL I ; :1 ' 0 slor e tbem sei'." !! away ill Col!t- ;s ,. of A gri"ull ur c, Oblo Stal(" " prplly "tory " r hi" cltil~hoo d II I ;lrOlL'(' led n!IJ('es ror tl\o I\·i llt(' r. Thf'~' 1 l ·~, ' I· , · rs: ly . tol(1 in [lobe rt L ou is i=ll ev"nson 's auto5 ' 1~1; th p I" II" ,·S and mor e l e nrl c r w ood I - _______ bio l; l':lph)·. Il e ~peal's of a dny In hIs of tlt tl !.Io)( ·cluer find bav e IJe" n reo Wh"n r' eliill!! l1"t y uur b(.'ns alway, childltnoij \\' 1I<' n h e accide ntally lock· :; lOrtpd al' Inj urlug rruit . ~ n ch aE " I " ",ll fel.· of ti!C tot',; t fot' hreeuf'rs. A ad hirn " 'lf ill a. dar k· room . He col1!<1 f1ea d !l!s. pl.ums· aud UlPples. I ' l, t h" l !tn ,; " wo d Ull uucl13r two 01 not t \ll'll Lbo l,<)y to r el ease blmselt, '1 h i ~ fng;'cr' h~s entllrerl Oh io onl y (hI' '''' ) ~ ars of bpu \' Y feeding llnd'jllY' Ilnd h e was in terror by r easoll of Irq· : 11 "'('L'nl Yl' o r s. It evid ently £s ~ pf'l·ad· , In~ I;' a g l)cd h ell w tie to . !lsln d enemies. untlt hls' taLber came l oc . :IS i t was e ~p eclally numerou s lh is to the dodr lind cr..1\ed to him . Tben sC, ls on ThE' wlnle r Is pussl'd ill she-i· , ;': 1111'1), t ho silo eveli l y fl'0 1ll th e top he beca m e quInt. In a little whlla 'er ed localili es. When spring co me8 1 Thi s 11'111 hel~ to pr ev ent the danger the Illuslc of 1I1H fatber's. v91ce mado and tht> buds 01 .the box·elrle r bc!;it~ to rrOln, • f rcezing and 11l~Ul'e m i nimum him forget bis surroundings and l!1.r sl (,p"n, · tllp)· scatter fl'om th pir , \\'fl ~ te. " ,, ', t errors. An~ h e actually enjoyed 111\111!;; IJluc s und sel.'k tlte! r plnnt ; . r emaIning tlino of' his' 1... ~... "~h._1 rllnd. Eggs are usual l y laid 011 the T oo much cbmjlnny puts too mlldili . b efore the of t he , hOl)) el de.· t~ . .(\d\llt~ nJ)p ear urte r I di flhwaGhlng on the \VOtllOIl folks. So we m~y , b ear ' terrors, UII\l"'~JL11_";1 . When lbe l eayes fall. 'In dang~rs-evQ~y" u~to~a;tcl ~UllD,g .".~.. we away . 10 protected, A 1\l~~wJ edge: . of tqe composltJOl) ,.oi' l: ~~,>;e~~~r. Y.t!l~ IGp~ ~~: Y':•.".,~;;l'':.0'''' then Ulat thet · are reedi (S II vll-Iuabl 6, aisQt to, tile £13,491,:.. ~}10 ;:peak~ . }en.~II~.~u .







I tore tlw old hou8e dow n unci remust bear lIlodelert' on e of lh e unu sed Htorerooms a8 I\. kitchen, putting In plenty of wln<low s UJld making it comtortable with sheathing Bnd matcb ed floorin g: The hou se b el1l g over 100 y ears old bo.s ae Immens e chimney rrom the cellar Big Money Paid to th r' root. containing In its l ength for Old Coins. JII • ..-d_hlnr...... ,-ph .. el10ug h . brick to bu lid 11 sma II b ungll~=::'W-1C"t;i~:.,:"...~ low . . 1'he IIvlng·rooms lInvo tbe old _ •• "'.......r .... ' ...._ original b eum ceilings. Th ese Wfl eu=~~,;:~~l"!r.,::!. . c}lse d~. co \'e rlng up many un sl gbtly :~;'':'f':::.''''' ....., .... · pl~e!l and [lnllCred th e walls und cell- ...._ _ .. _lUft':'u':;"..:.:.1 It: • .2.100 for On_ 001" Jp~ that it might sme ll sweet and ~-!;L·'1t!':::.':.'k'i:-:"::: c\(!nn . ' All d ef ects In the hou se .".. I" ft~. ,.u co.. UIlL! LU"" TO showed up strul1g Inside and out as ==:~":' ~ soon .as . we got to r epairing and fix· we ... P..tfl ~.... 1110007 R.. l.ul.l'Q rwO"~.'.t. .16PIdplf.1 Ing up . ""'00 ( . , _ ....., .... '"~ •• I I f ' " t.lQ ......... ...,... • . • l('t1. Di) f at" DI. . u . ....... ; 1 alii polnlln,; ou t tI e (e o(;(s , so ·"";"~C;D"'~"o'~'1.~~·:""'It"'I.fuh~';~ t hat anyone ' buying 11 N e\\' I';nglan d OOu{~~!':,':!,,,;.~":'~"'l'~~'~Ji.~ 11_, rund o wll farm . IUIlY lo ok m or e closely Tbe NumlllD4J1. tlonk "rTn... Dept. n Fortwo II T tban l did. I\nd n(lt be cnfl'l c d allay by r ,. exna n d eM ir e to buy a farm. overlookin g \ . mallY o t Lhp ('sscntlal pO!IlL s II hlel! a ft£'r\larri call for all outlay In r e palrH. and a COlreBIIOnd ing chngrin a t b elli!; bllnd to v c ry palpable defect s. i't I~ p:\si e r to buy than to s('I I , alld . FOR th ..~ lIlall "ho bu} s Bhould gol all h C! " ca n r'or II I S mOlley. an d IIe can on ry ,,0 this by Cllre and prop~r oversight.





..:?':.':'1'g'n _... _,-..

'f ...........


' ._.m....:.'''


Don 'I CulOt u



..ill ' remove them and leave no blemishes. Reduces any 'pu,ff or swelliog. Does not blister or remove tlte hair, and horse can be worked. $2 a boltle delivered. Book 6 K free.


, ABSORRINE, JR .. the Idc.:t.


Iptl••p<1c IJnlm.nt for mODFor Unit&. 8ru ilelt 0&4 Son.. S.. r:lUn,•• · VlriCOM

Vdn~ VlrIcoalll...

AIl&ra Pat.. Prk. II lad S2 " _

at dlunlm Of dtU,.ered,.

WW tell more If



~O~~Q, P.O. F., 11~~_1e-'i.: Sprtn.~~~~













. . , ~





Have You Children?

Do 1011 eXpect ahein ~ometiiDe to IIWTJ? if 10, It is T08 Del1 to tench them at 'the prope~ age '!bout Suo Hendlt,. and Marti.,...

'But what; wlicn aDd


Send 'for' Fret.

infonhatioti to tHE' GALTON 311 .MUobic ,.

pRESs.' c









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·---------------------'----.. . .--------1







I 1 1 t










\ \I " W OJ rhp gCI \ I ' J'l t 1111'111 tJ OI · 1c. ~ and r~ll\, a ) " 'r' l lIllI lI ! a t lIll' ,:\I ...':\lt ":11I I H I!'1 ( ,I ' J al lll ll l ' tI , t il \\ lt ir" J PO i Ul llb [,UI ,1 holt ftl r , 1~~ J1 l' I" ' lll, 'II , of TllI"~in) n",j fu r slIfO't y dur l ll~ 1110' falll o r etll l nu" Lilli ,01,,1 1"1 lit· " IIU I v. h ld1 1"1i o vpr th l" ' I I H I I I .'; d! I I' II)...:lI l \_ " ' ~ 1" 111, . 11f)\\ i ll liP l ~ r'H dtl ~ lI ll l \' ,\ ~ar4 t. ~ t · \\ \ C ~ l" h, "h i. h I~ t,l I Jl ~ ru~ h L cl I U n 'iLrlIl H·t .~ city rlH tlu~ lilll' n:.! r t llT h .. "('I I H II ~ "d ill .· ,. ,u .. 1 atl lu'k Otl l hf ' c: i r~ It " US from th l!'\ IH~ II'rj d I .( ' TI , ' Cifl I ~ ll ' 'I :tlt l pko Lr ach I II I ' il l l) I " I~ 11,1" l ;' t , q td .. \\ Ii t l .\1, ' :\ 11 ' 11 T I l l.' ~\ ,.:\\ Y Il I It "1. a s h.l uII lI ct! ()(" lo~)1 r !!O Ittj ~ . T tl , 11 lu ' 11 ~un ~ w hit II root-a that fhp Ilg !tt · d I'Hll~h t " IIIl" d St H1, '!'i ~1~lIh()alM , ' he s t,) !", \\" , j ' f' llnf,: :1I1f1 Till ' ! rn a nJl I \ i · \ ' .. d I tll' r , r ill " , ~ t o lh. - l,a lt i ,::.· ' a t I I, i l !I ' l l li ' I lIn~" . 1 g U I I :1 \' lI l rl " 1I h,\ illl Y u f I H II' Hg ilt ill t.: nh-· t I l f-' dil l! ' I ~ ; o r l!: ; \1' 1 ~t " ;, (l ,,, t h rt ~ t h u n Wal4'1 l ll l ''" . Kh l l l S :"iI'W .ll · r~t')' . IUI Il IIt I Hllllid ulld \ Iqdllia . I,- IIl I? OU '~ I.JI ' 1\ 11" h a r l }(lr . :1 ;, I , "- I _'I . . I lw l Jl'!'- I w l' , -:..t I'I ' flH ' tH"adlh , it ue! ltt' r d b l,larl'o [lINl d I ~ :'7 ,p I 1c- t (JJ : ~ ~ ' " . I J a ~ .\. h i l i t tl ( II :: 1 kLut t' Hillt I , ~ l . fI ! t I r j ' l , d II t ' f ' \ \ ur 11 11 10 111 1' 11 a" .& 111 -(' , ,'; h ilT ) tu UlUI! itl'r



Thi~ lJruu,,! til;I'r, t \\U rl" '1

i cia"" I

T he CUcnru c ba ~ \I(h~ 8"e n abulling ou t tnto Ih e woter, tbrou gh whi c h tbo dTeu ge~ h ave ~ u t a 17-[0", ","ep cbann e l 90 f"et w id." tb ' r by p(l~mltllng the ope n ing .or the Panama eanll l to be fix e d tor sorlie time III J allllnry I tostead of n ext llUlUmcr. Omclal H HOY tha t th p onl), cir(,lIntstance 10 pre vt!lIt i s furtll "r sli ues , The 10rg4' dreug!! , Corollal and tbree others mude the pl16sag c necemlJer 14 . Seyo;n dr"dgp.s aTf' no\\ li t "ork e~(' 8vntlng th E' slid," bO Ulu t throu gh ullv lga ti oll lUuy be N!llrtHd "PX I montb .



')1 I 7!/,

10llg, llIauc lJy A . P . Proctor. is 10 til' \J1"'~' I. I ' ,1 Iu j ' r" l thul \\ilsol) by lhc,Pr-luceluL It IR a top}, of tbe t ~· o !Jig lig l' r ~ tlln t guarrl !'\a "~ a " h l1 !1 a l l ' r l l.(·"loll.





























Til t, RI,· 'l'h oll1aR l.ipton I ~ h l!n ' "",'11 uu :r rl n g t h e Iir81 In,lI e-f lll of lUetal 11Ito til' t"rm,for th e k t"tll or ~hnnlr"d. IV _ with wh ic h he hopes to 11 ft th e America r ;) (l L1 L ltt RlillUn e r . ........ - -

...... ", . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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h(lusP ~t t

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I ll dJ lh. ,-' 1.. ,


b- tll r y


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bal' J.!(ruunu, WII_ tI, t' p .. l"l U,,0 O1 \All lc l. II .. n "IH" " ('e IlIkH'd Ihe att.<L.Ck Whld , wn:'l r pllul s l'tl lJ y I h"

-_ ... _--_ .........

1III"rl " [ (II " ~~ I. ·t", 11 , .,), "all IlghtlL":





......-.- . .. . . . ..... - ..

i i


\\. 1\I111111 ./<'lll1ln,, 6 l ' ri(·I ' . l'n i t C! d I; e n f'm l BOllla . prIm p IllilJ is ler o r ~ t :1ll' S Ill l ll is t pr to LllI' r l'11ulJlk or Pan a ma , i ~ hpr e pho logr:r"hl' d "'-:lII<li lll; 1.11(> [ '!J!OIl 0>[ HOIIIII Africa . i ~ hnving hlR trollhl pA jUt; 1 fl OW 111 1.\ ~ .. rlO ll S co n>11 t.h n doo,' o r til l' l e!;a t i on ill Pana ma. troversy wltll th .. l cnflprs of til(' East H i s \\ o rlt I" 1Iiaill l y It> H!' I: I IIU! 11 01 il ' Ing 1I [l (lP I' I1 H III til<' poi It II ~ ' J !I" n~ - IIIUi uli InlJor-L'r8 Itl his donl/du . "ubllr. t hat wi ll In lPl"r ~ l·t : with tile ~~~ ~afety or operullol1 of t hl' n,n al , Heaven,

. ...


" -----.--- ~--.----------------



I,i , I


.. ....

I ~~~_


Tht' qU"St!OIl, " J-Ia\'" rtHrOno m/lr s Walkino In the Wa ter, I ever n amed or 11lIggested th o heaven ly Wllh >1 Ilew tY PIl o f 11tH UI>lt UU,. ellll tr od), that is th o ~eat or IH~llv e u?" ll1ust walk t hro\l gh wute r \ViU,out I roub le. lJ e answered III t htl n egallvll_ T he 10' the In ven tor having roct!ntly walk ed cation of henvel1 h as occupi e r! t h e ac r oss til e M I s"'I~f\ lllpl rh'e r Rt St, thoughts of m en for t housunds ot 1,oull:l ill ue moD s l ratton of ~la d ev ice_ years, but notblng uellnlte r egardin g I The floats ure at-ranged IIfl)und th e- the matter bas us y~t been reached . Oregon, tbe first of the ltates to lIel"ct & site 011 t~ PIUII!.IU&·Pll.cUlc 61:body of the wearer, who (Juts on the It is 11 puzz le that t h e great- a lld posltfoJLgTound" bas accepted 11 desIgn to-r-a biUldlng modeled on the linea dovice Ike nco_at, Ilnd )Yebbeda.ff/:llrs mighty tbjnkeT1! have n llver ~eeb a ble or the Pal'tbenon. T he oolulluili w111 btl fiv teet In d11Uneter an4 40 teetJ{l&lI are, t!l.9te.ned !o' th ~., feet, w!orklng to ' solve. Jt used to be "up" ¥om&; and w lU b e of Umb~r trom Oregon's forellta_ . : hi. teet b e can mQye ,thrOUgh th e wri.. , " ~ut , !linca Galll,e o p~oyed the, f~J'o '01' ~ur!l at' ~\VIJ4mlng~ In ' the- revoluUon ~t th~ ea,rth, : '~p '.! . ha~ com e . ..... ' _" . . . .. . _ e WI, P9DaoJa11OA'. ' ~ outtl;t ,jJJ . h.p,pOIlIl1'?le, rot. ~l1e tnoilQn Is tA..!le ~o.m e\Vhal~ .:!'m bl ~OUB,": Perhilpl!' . U'JlII'o/-bu.tton ~09ta.. 1!ol' eOtmng fr m .Actors.







that bC~a1Ii)n~, ~ 'J;'Jle"'ftl5aw"ar -nlliuf , )Ie~v~n)s 1tg~t ~here. tbe,. gl!~ 'D!an )~arI8. ~ But cheer up; pl'Ob~·! man iD~m.e tax-·Jaw-· ~P1Iea. only t() ' wft.h air, · ... .. '. . ~II, ~ ljll~tt.llr ~'ht!l'~ b~Jtp\l)' . J)'6:foue~· '. wtll not be eal1~ ' pon to bUt,tOD th ', _ money' _DciLJ~:ijlQ~. .-".. •\

• t




' . '





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.______________________________-:.;. tc ll you lh a t

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and "a refllll y iJaud lcd- "ery

k r p t ill

prc ca ut ion takc n to sec t hat it i ~ pllll' a lit! wh olesomc ."


1\ I ' •. 1. \

1 \I U l ~ '" I




\ ''' 1 . '0'

again .

thi s kind of m ilk takes

a nd the


11'. ami Mrs . Fran k

lias 1I,'!')1 Dak ill . T uesday . Januar.1 1:1, a :-;on.


L t' i 'il~ll l l

II ig h (; mdl' (;as Eng ine Oil. t hi" . WaY llf,; \'ill e AU i., and MUI'hill ery Co.



Ohas. D. Oook





---_.>-.- . ----


... -

A Typewriter Sensation



I i



----- ..


---_.-- .---

. _.



i _. . .'

The Booster Store



that we expect any da v and we are making a


Special Low PI-ice from car

Waynes\Jilie mills,





Frank Slans bury wi ll have f resh M r~ A. R. Sid es and Mrs . H . 8. fish Fr id ay and Sa l u rday of th is wet!1\ H ath away a re in Day to n today, atat the ~ <;III1 (' " Id st and u n ~Iain slrc 'I. t"nding the poultry !t how.

111 rs. I{oy Wee k", II r Ho u Lo~ , lVas Messl'!j . W O. l{ape r ,.J. C. Hisey We are very much inde bted t o C. lh.! g uest o f 1I" r I'an' n l>! , Mr. and and Ray Mills arc in !lay ton l oday E. Michene r for furni shi ng us with Mr:;. ll a lll ptPIl Willfield . of C l ark ~ · atten ding' th e p oultry Hll aw . the w eather conditions for Hll~ . ville. las t w ~E'k. The a ccoun t is f ul l an d accurate: Th e s a le by weiR' ht law was d eMr. Ma h lun J:id g'l' :lI1d Mr. a nd elnt'ed 1I11con;llitlitionai by lhe Co url Til e rain fa ll f o r Janua ry amounl('rI Some time ago we aecured the local &8 e ncl'_ for the Indiana S ilo to 7.88 inches which i ~ Ih (' hcav ies t MrH. U. M. I:i d g-l; w /:)'(' th e "ue 'Is (If A (lpt'al s ut Columbus Monday. Company. W e have found much rainfa ll f or lhat m o nt h we ha ve on of Mr . and :\1r;;. Il. C. ll.itige, IIf pleuu1'e In interMtinll our fri enda and n eighbors In the .dvlUltaa".. Dr. a nd Mrs. J . W. Ward le ft Satr ecord , There was but :l "'~ inches of llaytHll , SUllllay . ocODOmie •• profit. aad .IHoUDIi .aluo of tho Imlay m nrninl4' for st. Pctcl'!jburg, snow. Th e month was e xtremely COlIgr(,RS m a n S . I) . [t'ess delive re d Fla. wh ere they will ~ pend t he rest warm f or the season of the yea r. th e a lecture ill l he Upera !lo use at Leb - of the wintcr . minimum temperature be ing 15 deg r ees. the ma ximum was 6 1 deg rees. anon last Fri:Jay even ing for the M nI. .J. H. Chenoweth, IV ho h a~ Th e rainfall for F e bruary am ount- llendi L uf the G. A . It. Pos t. hren making he r home at WilmingRvery farm er who owns an Jndinnn Silo e d to 1.89 inches . WIth 4.',{ inches has found that it is the best bu s iu ~ss deal N. N. Mu rray of Selma. Ohio , Ion t or flo me tim e . h a.., returned to The t e mpera t ure averaged he e\'er made and the greatest plea sure Anow. in tUW Il la;;t week lnoki ng afte r he r h om e herc. wa." of his farming experience. It not o nly much co lde r than for Janua r y , the adds 60% to the net profits of the dairy nded inte rcs L'l o r h i!t father. H e la and feeding pell s bllt it also saves all the m inimum being -4 degreefl . the mad e th is otlice a ver y pl easant call. Pl'i e nrlg he re have received word hard, nnplebSant work of win ter feedi ng-_ maximum 64 degrees . that Mrs. Wm . Ha rrison, of Love· We have an especially attractive propoThe ra infall f o r March amo unted George W. Coleman. \"ho com - land. fo rm erly of this place, is i meition to make to yon now-one thnt will to 9.01 inches, the heaviest Ma r ch enable you to get an Ind iana Silo in time mitte d s uicide al Xen ia one day lal:!t prLl v in ~ in h ealth . for next falJ's corn crop and to pny for it rainfall on record a nd with one ex- week, was bur ied in Miami ceme tery 88 it pays you. Let us t ell yon abou t it. ception t he heaviest rainfall for any Mr. a nd Mrg. Steve Phillips. of Monday. H e was a civ il war vetera n. one month. Maximum temperature Washington C. H.. and Miss Ann 73 degre.:s; minimum 8 degrees. Mr . alld I\ lrs. Benj . Hawkins, of Phill ips spent S unday with Oliver Harvey.bUre. 'Ohio. The rainfall f or April amounted to N ew Vi enna. Mr . and Mrs . Stanley Davis and family. ~~~!!!"'!~~!!!"'!!'!!"!!!!"'!~~~~~~1 5 39 inches; maximum temperature Se ll e rs, of :-)/)l lth Charle~ ton, a nd Rev. J . R. Wynd. of Springboro. 79 d egrees; minimum 29 d egrees. Mr . G . E Handall, o f Day ton , atEvidently a Qenlu.. Th He put every cant he had into an ere was 3 ,03 inches rainfall in te nde d the fun e ra l of Mr. l. F.. Key~ will prp.ach al the Lytle M. E. church n ex t Sunday at a o'clock. Every"Uncle Tom'a Cabin" ahow, and at the May; maximum temperature 85 d e- Mondav. b oi!y cordially invi ted . . end ot rour weeks his treasurer, with grees; minimum 31 degrees. to tile good. aklpped out durin, The Jun e rainfall amounted to The llli no i::l Gl ee Cl ub and Swi:lS If you are going- to have a sale, :. the Diaht. So he wi! to hlmllelf: 3 70 ' h h B II If I I l' I ''I'll catch the CUll," and aet the blood- . mc es; t e maximum tempere lIlg-e r!l. w It) appear l e re U (':o1 ' see A. A. M,' Neil, Centervill e. Ohio, houuda they had I.n the .how on hili ature was 94 .degrees; the minimum day evening, wi ll g ive a p rogram f ull b o th phones. trail. "Oatoh him 7" he wd, in apea\(- 40 degrees. of mu s ical numbe rs . The re is not of It later. "Sure they did. They The July rainfall amounted to 2.86 a rull sp ot in t he e ntire p rogram, The Woman's Au x iliary of St. oaulht up with hlm. and ha put chain. inches; maximum temperature 99 and it will ct'r ta inl y b e wo rth t h e Mary's church will mee t with Mrs . around their necks, and atarted an· other ahow." deg rees; minimum 52 degrees. price of admi ssion . l;e t you r seal'l Cadwallader at the rectory, Friday The August rainfall amounted to ea r ly at J a nney's. afternoon at 2 0' clock. 1.82 inches; maximum temperatu r e Hla 8peed LImIt. G' Mr . Frank Pnuly. formerly o f First Fond Mother-,-"My Reginald 94 degreee; minimum 51 degrees. Prof . G . J . G raham, of Xellia, had baa to have a new aet of achool boolLl The rainfall amounted to 3.27 inch- the W est e rn Stal', a nd who has bee n t he misfortune lo lOBe ten nice, big, • "ar)' year." Second Fond Mother- es in September, the Plaximum te m . f o r some time In t h e editorial chair juicy h e ns hy theft Saturday night. "H. .hould take Harold tor a model. of the Midd letown J015rnal, has been The t hievc.'! le ft him one, however. perature was 97", the minimum 3 1° . My Harold alwaya etara In the aame promo ted lo ·the ~ uperint en dency of booke for three yearll,"-New York which occured on the 23rd. Lee Hawke has the agency for the lIl't'enIDI Poet. There was a very large number th e Jou rn al. Th e Gazette e XH' nds to Mr. Pa ul y i t.::J cong ra tu latio ns, Kaiser Steam Laundry. of Xenia. • • of extremely hot days throughout the ---~-----Book. In Oilcloth. summer 8eHSOn Th t t a nd kn owing him as we do , can saft'- Leave y our orders at the barber shop When packing boollil Une the boX61 .' e empera ure with table oilcloth. You wtll pralle". ~eached eIghty or above on 18 (~ays ly say that he wil l lllaliC goof! in hi" a nd they will he promptly attended to. 'the volume. In thla way from clama&e In June; every day but three in July ; n ew position. - --.... ---during long journeYIL or rrom mold and every day but three in August and mildew If lett In a damp etorale and on ten day" in September, six --. - .---- -- - ---- - - - -- - A GOOD ENTERTAINMENT bouae.-Good Houlekeplnl. days in October. It was above 90 ;rhe Euclid Male Quartet. the third degrees on nine days in June; eleven 1100 Booster Coupons number of the lecture course, gave daye in July: five days in Aug ust and Special Sale-Buyers' Best Bara sple ndid ente rtainm en t at School five days in September. gains-Booslcrs Can Collecl Hall last Wed nesday night . In their The October rainfall amounted t o Countess Coupons quar tet work their voices ble l,ded 3 02 inches maximum temperature To each per, ,, ,, pur c h3s in ~ S!i.oa n e rfectly. The~oloists showed good 8& degrees; minimum 25 degrees . wo rtli of g-ollds in cp..~ h or prudul'C training and the selections on thl\ There was 4.76 inches rain fall in fmm Mo uchy. Ja u 19. to Moud ... y organ chime~; were among the most November. maximum temperature', J a.n. :W. or fur l'ac h $.-,.UO dopn~ it (' d, to he t ra de d 'JIlL la ter. will be Kivell enjoyable fealur!<s. The r eader in a 74 de2rees; minimum 15 degrees. II ()O H""s!" r Cnu pollS, DC) uot IJlI Y charming. unaffected manner, provp.d S • . i.-) n nd ~ l·t ·1;, , cou pons, wlr $! 1 .2t) The rainfall for December amount- j' ali(I g'Cl . :i:!.-, ('!lUp.II I., hul Iluy $':' or himsE~lf an excellent e ntertainer and ed to Ulll inches, maximum temS ill :I uri g,·t I IIlO or R21l() ct) up"u ~. m erited th e hearty applause of lhe perature 59 degrees, minimum 16 ' O il a ll C) l her :I IlIt1U IIt s IJIlt mulliples .audience . II I $:';. l he I) Ul' "<tu p,, u for eac h cr llt degrees. will he giw lI . Douille ""II I"' IIS 011 The total rainfall for the year was I se llklllefl ! " f aCCOll fl IS . (~ ,· t you r TneW1'ltel' at .8:1.113 Ie •• t,h.Ul U,e llIullu_ ,47.95 inches. Almost half of this I frie ud. t., lis t l hc' uuudJ"r tlf ar l ieles BANK ELECTION facluNnteJowell ftlC'lt<ory prlc..,. f II' h th whieh will hl' I'I:1 (,l'd ill "ur window, e III l e ree months of January. ' fifl y il u", ll'r C"upons ttl At t he annual election for direcMarch and April. The yearly total i cacWheI",gin rsoll prl'S(' lI t ing a lisl of (hrn" was exceeded once b ef or e in 1909 : "'lief,,. a lltl :t 'I ~-p i l'c~ !linner s.,t tu ' tors of the Waynesville National the OUL' Ill ak ill g t he Ilh t~ t (,( 1lnpll"t c Bank on Tuesday there was no change when th e total was 48.75. lisl , :IS we ll a ~ lhol ls:l1ul, lO r Huusler in lhe board, the former members, For comparison the average month- f C O li pons. C" I jtarlil' ula rs at Ollr W H. All en , S . L . Cartwright. C T. Iy rainfall is here given January 2 .98 ! s ll) re . Cet a oil (It) ('n upofl lickcl. Wha t Beus tcr will w ill till' wa tel! Hawke, J . B. Pence. G. E. Riley, C. inches. F e bruary 2.67 inches, Marc h Monda y, F"l!rua ry 2 . ·S. Se;!lrs and J. W. While, being re3.77 in ches, April 3.12 inches, May I A FEW SPECIALS elected without opposition . After 3.96 inches, June 403 inches; July I Choice Evp . P e arheH 3 1b for 25c the election the organization was 2.87 inches. August 3.36 inches . I Q t . jar Prppared M Clslard 15c effected as follows: W. H. Allen, Septe mber 2.65 inch es, Oatobe r 2.5a : Lar~eJal' Prepared Mu slc'1rd IDe President. Geo . E. Riley, Vice-Presi 25c Never belore !l"8 tlnytbl n~ IIIc e thl. heen inches, November 2.53 inches. De- . 11 b Box 1'\1 r e Cocoa ntt.empte d . Dealers (C P t. $3.(Xf a tl1 on rent fu r dent, J. O. Cartwright, Cashier, R. Shredrl er! Wheat Biscuit2pkg 25c Year 36 .70 in_ thl8 make of macbtne 11\)t. nearly as J) ~r fcct. us celT, ber 2.65 inches. Grape NUll; ~ pkg . 25c the one we w ill scnd you. and you I'n)' only E. Davis and Martha L. O'Neall, ---TWO DOLLARS A MONTH AND OWN 1'1'. Fancy Appl es, Sweet Oranges, Bookkeepers , Why "Bucket ~ 8hop." Fancy Bananas, L emons, Cab8END YOUR NAME AND AnDJlK~ S _ ._- ,..- - ON A P08TAL VAUD ANn \VI;; The phrnBo "bucket shop" orlglbage, Pllre ' Buckwheat flour. WILL ARRANGE A TUBEE DA , 'S' natod In Chloago . The lboard or trade :Late Clalisified Ads TRIAL WITHOUT COIlT TO \'OV. Pancake flour, Maple Molas9es had forbidd en deallnglJ In grain opCandy Candy Candy Perfect mnchlnes onh·. comillete ouUl t. tion. In lell8 amountll tlhan , 6,OOO bushnoth,n, extra to buy, DO strlng" of an y kind for Thursday, Friday and Saturto this ollor. Just thlok ot buying sucb 1\ ell. Au open board wal leBtabllllhed FOR SALE type,ulter tor only $7.76 down and 52.00 1\ day we will sell a fine line of month for ftve monthll. Thousands of people for small ga.mble1'll 1Jllder the rooms regular 10 to 16c candies at hne 1>6112 1100.00 c&lIb for Swltb Pre mi e r•. of the regula.r board. WbE!D bUllnu. h Ie Standard. by mul!.Y consid ered the 1",. , wall Ilack In the recular \ board the ' BICYCLE-A gool1 bioyol .. , Bnd in typewriter eyer bullt. A k ey lor each chit r· 5c a·Pound good repair. For farther In .oter. II> type brush for clcnnlni! the tyve elevator would be lent down tor anSome jobbers were oVf\rloaded built Into Ule mBchlne. tllttntl carriage, comes .ormatloD inqnlre lit \hill offioe . other "buoketrul" of IIPeeu1hto.ra from to ,cu .. lUi tool .. rubber COYer. evcr)'tblnt( and cul the plice. You get the j:.l8 complete. It runs beautJtully, 18 simple and the unauthorized ex<i1alllJe. whloh benefit. lay in a good supply, anonll' aDd wU1 la8' .. lifetime. We have oold thua ollme to be known. as the !"buokhundreds 01 like Jnachtnll8 1<012 cver)'bodY Is remember only 5c a pound. also aat.W1ed. etshop." Induatrloua Firemen. a few pails of Chocolates at lOe OalF 113 0........ ....w be 1111.... on thl. Ftrl!men In Amaterdam have little a pound, sold by others at 15 to olr.r. ~()T TODAY TO OJ!: 8UltE. NOj Why Should He? i Idle time. Mall;y of them are skllled 20c. We will sell any quantity, Send 10ur nl1me nn ... 'TODAY . You When a man, charged wlth l> drunlt'WOrkmen. Ever)' IItation haa ItII own either retail or wholesale. oan'L 100lle. and Its tbe lI'1'efttest economll!lI1 \)'pewriter oPJ)Or\unlty 1 0U .. Wever haye. enneBB at Lambeth, England. was -workelhop. where all repairs ara made, It pays to watch our adv's add to have uaed bndlJansuage,!he In, and "here automobllell ara built, ex· Typewriter & Repair Co. dlgnantly protellted. -I, am the igraDd- and trade at eept .. ' to the eha.lIll. Amllterdam . 'WU ODe or the 1lnt clUe. to put • 1.:0. al'd .......... BId... o..rt.o .0 father of teD chlldrelL ,II)'. eldellt aOD '. ., . f has lOt twfDa. Do 3'QQ~lJdJ:/I wou14 motor appllJ'atua .lntO UH In tlJe 1lre ·~epartmeDt. . ' L. ~e, W.• yn~lle, Obio ~ awearT" . . _..1.


Old Process Oil Meal

\ he I 'ct it .illry



We have a car of


T ickets f u rt II e Illi nois G I('c Clu h. St. Brig id' " llarochial ~(' hool h as Tu c:lday cvcllin l{ wi ll be (I ll sal e at jusl u ee n completed ~lt Xenia at a .Ianney's Saturday of t hi;; week. co"t IIf $:10 ,000.

only with other good s."

Oil Meal

I:.' v. C. S. \; r ausc r \Vas a D ay ton vi. ILOr TII C'sd a y .

Sl'C' A . 1: . t' lt a n.d l vr Llw 11I'X I l im .' ;\1, · s~ rs . 11 0 ra ce /',r ll , lI f Xe nia, a nd you havc y" ur II nlp e rty in surc·d . II .' J allle,.; Zell, of Yell ow S prings, were will trefll Y"U al l rig-ilL. ip tow n toda y .

we will

Milk wi ll be received d a ily a nci d c l iverl' d to c u st omers




endeavor to ;lcco1l10da tc them till SPll lCUIH'


I t:,

P:J' til


The Sauina F lou r Mill was de:-'1 i~'! 1':llJlllu 11 "i!-:'ltway ilas heen i "tro~l cd h.v fi r e Monday evenin g- . quill' ill. h ut i" fllLu.: il I.('t l l'r ni l "'. Loss :i;20 .0UO.

What Will White Sayswant ju st

Illi rtl

il -k t '~t ' ;\~t·'

\V~l l l: .. . ,)J'"i ~

" O u r customcrs

Mrs . W. H . Alle n was in Tm·:idIlY.

Hum , To

a san -



art· pre parcll to

E \'c rythi ng

e1eall ly

--- - -=-----.-.. .

e------ -----e

fllrni sh the " c ry bcst of milk . conditi"'l -- milk

- .~-



onai 'Ment. ion'I ,:tPer I

·,Vhat The New Dairy Men Say"The S t a t e In sp c to r will


,-----------_._ -- ------,


J. E. FrazieI


Roofing and Phone

Spollt~r; g

:24 - a :2 1- :2



,-----------------------------~ .I!: "I:I'o r,t (UH Ollt. or lhc ..1 1Il0 I a n ti 75- 1111 1 :wrOM (~~lnV l: ~' l\( ' lIy J un)(\~ .l r' lill i u J,:1'I IHlcJ wUo I II Sllnlllul HUH III uy (tooti d ll tl'.l l J t lllt' i lil . l bR !1 UM I"Ct:ord t'.1 In I he I.ulld Ht'(' n rd ~ !'lu ld Coun ty Nfl. 2fi pauCt'ii II sa nti 11 9. u lIII t' :\. · l ' ("l I HIIIJ( ulXtI 11110 IUTt' c'u n\,un·t! lJy t l lo snlll

Notice to Farmers


Th e W aynesville Canning Company is n ow ready to contract fo~ corn at their office, at Corwin, Ohio. J. F. Snook. Manager. Roy h·ons. Ass't Mg r .

JIl IIICH Jm mill J{s a n d "ltu t o .fuhn 11. " 'oullt-rll

b y 11"",1 t1ut ~,1



.Iun ·),

H ocord

:-... .

2 ~1 h. 1~.

re,·oTtI".1 In nld .1"",·rll ",,1 nlto, ,.

I H4 ~ tl lld 1)Ut!e

t 'UlItlt.y ,

'I'1,," lund" Inle lldo(1 to 1>1'


hOitl K lil t) !"UlIll' Inl1 l1 s ('O l! "f'~' \~d h y H cnl'~' J OlJllil lf.,"1I n utl wl fo 10 7'tlh l'llIi ll h " ' lI n rtn u h ~' c.lf'c tl t!u fe,.... 1 :\I a rc ' h ;'nl I b ~l i n nd N' I 'f l l'df\d III

--- -- ..

" n l au {J.u ..m :' 2Ii IIr lli u IJCl\l I Hut ,.. rd", o f 'Varrl' lI ( n ' l lI t)·, (lIlio. ,Convict'. Pet Mouae. Hnl tl U en l Et4lldl' h Otl t 'l'r n I"t'j.!tllnrly up On oompll:lUon or a thre o years' son· Jlrlllf~~ 1 uHtl f" r urt l ur tlr l'mlrl at. 13 UIIlI , 00 US a w holo 3 11 d \f ill tl o t. he 80 ld ror hl~ t.hun l,WO· lence, a convict has left Peterhead thlrug lit O"1'prIIl.,'1I vnlltO. penitentiary, Aberdeenshlre. Scotland, h o t<O ld " uhJI'('t to LI lli rig ht r t h ., aocofnpanled by the companion ot bls d ~,"To rOlHItU1 t, r\ , l.ilH'oln S hhlS. tn r('lll n ill (\ 11 t<lni d prt ! ml~\loI as u LOIU Ul L IIIHII t.t1O :! St h (I n)' Imprleonment. a, brown mouse. He caught It while working tn the quaT' of F uhru '"ry 19U ." rlea uhortly after his arrival at Peter· Terms of Sale head. The mouse shared Its caplor's ~ U n u- lh irrt (' a~h in hnml on'" d(1\" of " a It', meala, and In 12 months had learn ed nno·\.llirtl In nllo ,)'cur HUl l o ne- lll) "l I n LWt ) A Til t:) ti u Ce.rrt"1i J)u)lJlI unts to h our 81 \ t , a variety or trlckl'. such as eating out yours J:u~ r l'cnt I ULfl~~L anti hu M.J 'u rnt.1 hy mnrtijllgo ot the convict's hand and sitting up at o tho preWi'l'H so ld . the word ot command. WALlll tu:-l C. r; J L~lO lJ H . Rherltr \Vurrc lI lA.tU tt ty. Ohln . - -- I:Itl\uley .k "I.nnloy. ,\ tty '•• Influence of Education • A hen at the Oregon turm school has broken the world's record by layIng 99 eggs In 100 days. And Btlll All h:ind s of Borne do not appreciate the v"luo or education In agrlculturo.-Topeka Journal.

----_ .. ••




A. B. Chandler ~ lh.'C'~ S SO r

Not,leo Ie horehy gl\'on that 1\ potltlon will bo pl'OHentod to the Commlflliionors o f Wan'O n (;ounw at their _Ion




O ve r P (\:-; toITic~. WaynesviHe, O. Monday. Pebruary 16. 191 4 II " U ~C I'ho l1e (;- 8 r pra,lng for the laying out and estauUshlns 0 1 OWet' I'IIUIIl' 77 a County Road on the lollowlng line tow It ; Boglnulng at a poillt In lJ Ilih St. ext.elldud lrom Waynesville and Just North West 0 1. 1.110 North Weal. corporation linD ot Waynll8vlllu aud moving ~henee paraUel to and lIutslcio 0 1 "aid corporation line N orto EIUit.erly through, The "Yankee" Lhe IlUId. 01 O. J Edward •. J . G. K6Y. and 1>IlIUp Hopklns to a polut at tho Intoraoetlon ot Franklin Hollo<! a"d North St. and thero cncUng being a dlstanco of 900 toot moro or 1088. O. J . EDWARDS. Principal Potltlou or January 12, 19U D oes away with ch ips DoeR awa y --~mokin g "kindling w(lod." DO(~>l away wit.h ' e xplos ions." Sav es it s price every m onth Sold uy


----- ..

SHERIFF'S SALE Warren Common Pleas

Ann" ~s Smith I Vaso No. 11 2% LIJlcoln Sldc~ et al \ By virtue of au ordor or ",,10. dul y iKSIIOti lrolll .ald Co urt~lfI tho I\bovo .Latll<.I C11S6 . nnd to me dlrectod, I ,,'111 orTer for oalo. hy W"Y or ImbUe auction. Ill. the door "I till' V""I·I. House. In Lebanon, 'Vnrreu (, 'OliuLy . Ohlfl , 0 1.1 MOllday, January 26th. A . D .. At III o'cluck a III .. 011 . aid day, tho lulluwi nHc1l's.!rlbed real csLaLo. to-wit : Situate In tho County 01 Warron ancl St I,LIl 01 Ohio. and In the '''own. hlp 0 1 "' nYll o. and hounded and clescrlboll a8 I"Uow s. vi •.: PBrt 01 tho 8 . W , ()lIBrlCr of Sec. :-. o . 2, Town No. a. lumge No . ~ . M . H . S. lleglnnll,g In the Kouth line 01 said Section at. fL ("O r nor (I f Jall108 Jonllln," and late Josiah l:tslluUII I. thenco N. 116 pol&i t.o a &tako 10 tho 80 ULII line of late Mr. 1I"ln08. an Elm 8 In . dl amoter 1:1. 7C c1ogrOO8 N. 15 1118.: "SUI:I" 16 lu . 1:1. 32 dcgrOOll W. 17 link •. thonce S. 78 H degroos N. 18 poles til n 8tone III t.he road leadhlg trom W~yn o8 \'ill o 1.0 Ccmtcrvltlo. thence S . I O~' I" wll.h saltl rond 70 IK)les BO<l (j linl,,:,. to n 8tnno, t. htmj'o ~ . U IHI wltll s uid ruad 2loi tiogreos JJ: . ~ j potes lO It ol,one lit t ht! HO tlth Huo of 8UltJ Sertinll; tluml'H with 'mid Ii lie N. 78 ~ dogrtloR W . H IlOh's It> I,ho pl,,,,o of IltlI!lonlng conl.ll iulug ~~ u"ti ',~ - IOO ucrOH uf I,\ud more or lellS. 1 A.







Weir a co'ael ",Id. 10 III you. Ask for I demo •• tnllon. Telephone or ••ad poslcard 10

Mrs. Sadie Zell Phone: 126. wayne.vllle. O.

TAX NOTICE If you have not paid your taxes, do it now~ and .avoid the rush of last days. January 20th is positively the last day to pay taxes. No further notice will be giWlD. •



Frank D.


Treasurer. of Warren Cour.ty;,-Ohio • i,l.,-r., }•





~ i x ty-Fifth




The Hev. Philip Trout, who is now loca tel l at New Carlisle, has just cl osed a big rev iv nl at lhat place with 30 conve rsions. Oltl members say it was th e g reatest meeting in the hi ~ tory of th e church. __ _ _


......·'·'''.'·'''-------''''''- ,.

In a leUer to a fr iend here, Mr 1{ussell Parlelte says he has been sick for several weeks. but is improved so far that he haH retu rned to his work Mr. Pa rlette hold~ a responsible position in lhe large-store of Butler Bros. Prof. G. J. Graham, of Xenia, had a narrow esca pe from being seriou~ly scalded one day last week. Workmen were mending the boilers in the basement at lhe central bailding, when the retu rn pipe blew out, but by a quick jump aside, Mr. Graham escaped the scalding water. It was a narrow escape, however. J. W. Satterthwaite, of Laketown, Utah. 'wn-les as foJlows: "The Gazette reaches us regularly. and is a welcome visitor to our humble home. We have a very healthy country. very little sickness at the pres~nt lime. We are having fine weather at present and splendid sleighing in most places since the first of December. The snow is well packed in the mountains which is our assurance of a good crop the coming summer."

.- ...



.,.1. .....••. I.' ....... _•.••• _......- ...,. ............._ ...................... i



; ........... __ ....... _._.._....... _......__.-.....

The regul a r meeting of the Woman 's Auxiliary was held at the rectory J&nuary 16, 1914 at 2 o'clock· The m e~ tin g was openC"d with music. th e beau tiful hymn. "Lead Kindly Light." played on the Victrola. This was followed by "Abide With Me." The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev . J. F. Cadwallader. Another beautiful selection of music th IdS ' t I t waq en p aye. crlp ura quo alions were given in response to roll call. After the reading of the minutes and other business1theifollowing program was given: The Gifts of Churchmen and Others, Mrs. Zim. merman; A Consecration on a Moun· tain Top, Mrs. G. W. Hawke; Our Mission in Brazil, Mrs. S. L. Cartwright; A Noted Pioneer Misftionary, Mrs. O. J. Erlwards; Reading from "The Emergency in China," Mrs. Harris. The program called forth considerable interesting discussion. The last number was a reading from the book on China used by the . Mission Stu!\y Classes this year. The meeting then adjourned after which a fine selection of records was played . The next meeting will be held anhe home of Mrs. Cartwright the third Friday in February.

Whole Number 3247


.I Social . -._.---.........-.'- -. Events I

On Welln esday, January 14 , lhe !I Persona1M" il i eolion CI 0 umn 1 ! Wayne Townshi p Farmer's 'Iub. .------------------. L....~.:::=:::~.:.:..~...........'"·.~=:.:-::=7:::::::::::.:=:::::::::.~·.:=j was delightfully en tertain ed at lhe Mr. anti Mrs. Chauncey Bunnell beauti ful home of Dr . an d Mrs entertained at dinner Sunday Mr L:


Miss Edna Satterthwaite has 'been Mr. U. B. Urlon of Morrow, was Ellis. A social hour was enjoyed and Mrs 1. Satterthwaite and family. in town Frid IIY . while lhe din ner was being prepared . quite sick. A description of such an abundant Mrs. J . E. Jann ey delightfully C. W. Schwartz, of Lebanon. was Fred Gons: of Route 3 was in dinn er is impossible. At 2 o'clock at dinner today, Mrs. entertained by the meeting was called to order in town Monday. , Lebanon Monday. Rachel K,eys. Mrs. Louise Woolley, the PreRiden t. Mr. Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray were in Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. Hamilton are Miss Ruth Hartsock gav e a eelec- Miss Elizabeth Stewart, Mise Georgia Dayton Thursday. viHiting relatives in Dayton. lion on the piano. At roll·call three Hadden and Miss Kizzie Merritt. . famili es we re found absent . Mr. Prosecut1~g-Attorne~ Frank AnMess rs. J esse [Jurton and Waller Cal·twright then gaye his annual Members of the Orthodox Friends derson was In town Friday. Smith were in Dayloll Thursday. address, which is the duty of the church gathered together one night Dean and Raymond Davis MI'ss Jo seph'me 0 go Ies b ee was t IIe Presirl ent al the first regular meet- last week, and surprised their new . Howell Le were II) banon Sunday afternoon . I"'ues ' d' L b I king of the New Year . Current pastor, A. E. Woolen and family. • . toff rlen S ill e anon ast wee . Events were given by Miss Perle Not on ly was it a surprise but a reDean Howell waa in Cincinnati High Grad e Gas Engine Oil· R'Il ey. Mrs. Ch am Iler's essay was ception as well. There were about Wednesday and Thursday of last Waynesville Auto and l\lal'hinery Co. very car efully prepared . Mr. Dear- 60 present, and an flnjoyable time week. doff opened the disc ussion foll owed waH had. Many artIcles of food Dr. J . A: McCoy was in Col umb ~ by Dr. Ellis, ::samu el Meredith and were brought and tendered to him. Miss Edytha Macy was visiting Wednesday and Thursd~y of la~ t M H k S . I . Th . relatives in Xenia Saturday and 'week. .. r. aw e. pecla tOPIC, e triP also. Sunday. of the corn boys to Washington. Is it adv isable? Me.'3Srs. Jesse HartOne of the . most pleasant dances Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers and sock and Samuel Meredith opened ever given in Waynesville occurred CI Mr. and Mn. Wa Iter Mcure an d M' Eth I H . . Mrs. Lizzie Yeazell were I D t ISS e oSier were 111 Dayton the discussion of t his interesting last Thursday evenin~ at Rogers' I n BY on Saturday. topi c. Messrs. Chandler, Ellis. Dear- hall. Four of the young men were Monday. do ff , Hawke and Riley followed. hosts, and they made the guests at Sh 'ff G'I d CI k D 'I Mrs. Sarah Lippincott was visiting Th' d erl . I mour :"?d afer an relatives in Dayton Saturday amI e Invite guests wert! Rev. and home and a fine time resulted. The I' .1 Mrs. Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs. music was pilno and drums by the Bone were In t own ".-I ay t ernoon .,unuay. on business. Jason Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. L. Messrs. Stake and H~ell. About ----.~~ . . Mr'l. Elvin Fires. of Route 3, has Mendenhall, Mr. and MrR. Roy Earn- 30 'couples were present, besides D~. M. W. Lang, of Rldg~vllI~, been the guest of relatives in Leb- hart, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis, Mr. many who came to 10<ik on. SIXTY.EIGHT YEARS AGO was In town Monday, and paid thiS banon for several days. and Mrs. Sid Ellis, Mrs. Will O'Neall Quincy Stubbs, of Cincinnati, while office a pleasant call. and children. Following piano SOIOB looking through an abandoned grave· M Fed H k Robt B Mr . and Mrs. Geo. Hartsock and by Miss Edith Crane and Mrs A delightful social affair was the awe. . ur- Mr. an d ,nrH. OK E rnest H I1r tsock were O'N eaI ' . by Mr. an d yard at Hyde Park recently, found a to essrs. T II rM d Er t R • theI meeting adjourned to 6 0 'I c oc k d'Inner given tomb stone. about . seven feet high. enr' .errDe to 8eSyand nes . ogers in Dayton last week shonping. meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs Mrs. D. L. Crane at their home on . d' t 0 th e 0ffi ce f orce w e In BY n un ayevemng. Heber 0111, of Lebanon, in ' February. M on ayevemng but wh ic h h ad been pushe d off t h e base. on which was the following M W II Ste h .l Miss Th ~Ima Baker, of Wilming• - • of the Miami Gazette. The function rs. a ace penson an" to was given as a slight mark of appreinscription: h'ld f M'ddl h n, was the guest of her g randI. etown, were t e mother Mrs. Ida ::;tok S. t d PAPER CHANGES HANDS c" h c I reno 0 "William E. G. Farmer: His death guests of relatiVes here Saturday l.nd Sun'da . es. a ur ay labon on t e part of Mr. and Mrs. ... Y Cran~, of the cheerftll devotion and was occasioned by blow from the and Sunday. reversing lever of his engine at the The Xenia Daily Republican will steadfast loyalty of the force to the '11 th e Mr. an d Mrs. W• E Mrs. B. .S. Howell were soon change hands Messrs. J. F. d u t'les 0 f th e a ffi ce durlng ' th e t en • O'N ea11 an d . Mr. C and k'll Waynesvi e water atation, on Little Miami Railroad, Saturday, two children were the guesta of Mr. m la~ SVI e Friday. afternoon'j?:r and Fra~k Ridenour are orgaD- weeks of enforced abllence fNm Nov. 7. 1846, qed 21 yean. 10 mo. and Mrs. Abijah O'Neall, of London. Mrs. LlDton accof!1pamed them to IZing a syndicate to take over the business of the editor because of the and U days. " Ohio, Sunday. her home there. \ paper. Both of these gentleman are serious injury he sustained. NeedA _ th '1 ad . 1 newspaper men, although Mr. Orr less to.... th d' n . lIlts l'UO e ral ro was comparative y • Mrs. A. J. Woolery, of Columbus. has been out I -y e In er was In a a new one, this accident probabl)' C. T: Hawke, Chas. Cornell, Sam I is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs . . of the bu~lness f~r appointmt'nta and preparation up to created a sensation at that time. Meredith and Rev. C. S. Grauser Isabel B h M WI' h" !lome httle tIme .. Mr. ~Idenour IS I the high standard of Mrs. Crane's _______ were in South Charleston laatFriday h b . . ;s, ooery aslatPfe!'ent managing editor of the handiwork in the culinarv art. and viewing a church. as een qUite sick or several days. Xenia Gazette. Dr. Austin Patter- was' partaken of to the extent that METHODlSTEPISCOPALCHURCH Harold Smith has secured a posi- . son, the retiring editor. will leave at all felt a bit uncomfortable. but -- - Mise Rowena Wright, accompanied tion on the B. & O. Railroad, and °Tnhce for _thbe South for his b~aJth. after all gluttony is a venial sin. S)lnday School 9:15 a m. Preach- by I - nephew, Vaughn Wright. of will move to Cincinnati thO k ere Will e no other change In the The pleasure of the evening was ing by pastor at 10:30 a m .• subj~t Rt>d Lion, were guesta of Mr. and 8S that city will be his headlqSu:~:rs' for~e except Mr. H . ~. Bailey. who added to by Miss Ruth Hartsock and of sermon. ''The Efficacy of Prayer." Mrs. E . V. Barnhart Thursday and for a time. at least. re t Ires f rom th e b usmess manage- Master Ethan Crane at the piano and Sermon subject for evening. "What Friday t God Did for Want of a Man." , men. vocally by Miss Lucy Emley. Mr. Miss Minnie McKinsey has resigned The Republican bas always been a Crane and the Gazette quartet. The John Brown, of the 0, K . Poultry is given ~ordial in- farm, had a lot of fine birds at the LIler position • • The public vitation to attend theseaservices. in J. W. Lingo's store we Icome exc h ange, an d it was a Iways guests present were the Misses Lucy Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. Dayton poultry show. and of course at Lebanon . Miss McKinsey has \fUIJ of interesting and up·to-date Emley, Katharine Prendergast, Ruth •_ • came away with some very substan- served this noted store for many news. Hartaock, Thomas Pierce, Mr. and tial premiums. years with the utmost satisfaction . -_.. Mrs. J. H. Coleman. Rev. and Mrs. NOTICE WAS MADE PRESIDENT Cadwallader. • .-- ••- - The annual Holbrook reunion will Mr. Chas. Buell was called to The Stokes Family Orchestra will be beld at Hamilton, in the Masonic Xenia Sa turday on account of the Samu~l.Irons, county commissioner INSTALLED OFFICERS give a concert at Lytle Hall ,next Sat Temple Saturday. February 21. death of his father. who died at the attended the state meeting of coun· --urJayevening. January 24. for the These reunions are held in honor of National Military Home in Dayton. ty commissionerd at Columbus last The J.' O. U. A. M., No. 103, met benefit of the M. E. church. Ad· the late Alfred Holbrook, founder of The funeral took place Monday after- Iweek, and waH honored by being at their hatt-laat Tuesday evening in mission 16 and 2Oc. l the Normal ' sehool at Lebanon. ruoon. at his late home in Xenia. Ielected President for this year. regular session and installed the following officers for the ensuing year: Councilor, Karl Smith; ViceCouncilor. Jos. Hormell; Warden, A. L. Hendricks; Hec. Sec .• W. H. Dinwiddie; Fin. Sec., W. S. Graham; Treas. , Jacob Strouse;ITrustee. W. P. Hay; Conductor, Chaa. Smith; Repre.'lentative State Council, J. C. Hawke.



J. H. Curtis •. of Route 1, received the sad news of the death of his aged father James Curtis. who was born at Bull Run. Va • in the year of 1820 He witnessed the great battle of Bull Run. He was living on the road leading from Manassas to the historic BuU Run Bllttlefield. when the Civil War brokf out. He wa3 sittin~ at _the breakttlSt table when the first shot was fired. He with others went out upon Mount Pone Hill, and throughout the day they watched that bloody conflict where the best blood of a divided Union rushed into battIe. He saiel the conflict was a hard and bloody one. For a while in the afternoon victory seemed on the side of the Union forces, but at the critical moment they looked westward and saw a great army rushing to the field. Then the Union became panic stricken and broke 'from the field . The next day he looked over the fielr! which was a ghastly sight yet, strewn -c-----wiTh the-dead and dying. The Second Battle of Bu\l RUIl found him at the , same place, watching almost a similar disaster. He lived 0)1 this farm for 34 consecxtive years and in his later years he went to live with his daughter· Rosa Harris, of Bull Run, Va., where he departed this hfe January 5, 1914, at the age of 94 years.

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Supervision of Schools Under The Proposed New School Code

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The three·year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bogan, of near Har· veysburg, died Friday morning and was buried Sunday. Interment was made in the Clarksville cemetery.

That the Deputy State Superin. help pay the expenses of the addition- grade high school shall entitle any DISTRIBUTING PLANT [NOTE-This is th~ fifth of a ~ri~s of artic1~s, writt~n by Prof. F. C. Gil- ~ndent of ~ublic Instruction be al apparatu'i. etc, required by the : student to admission without exam- The Standard Oil Company has mour, Superintendent of the Wayne Signed as hl~ most important duty , standard set by the State SupeHn. ination to allY state aided institution ~urchased a lot in ,Corwin. of the Township Schools, explaining the pro\ of higher learning after Seplember Harris estate, and will establish a visions of t he proposed code of lIew the superviSion and management of l tendent of Public Instruction. School Laws in Ohio. -The Editor.] the centralization movement. That two grades of rural graded , 1, 1915. distributing point for Waynesville THE STANDARDIZATION OF SCHOOLS achools be established, first and secThat graduation from any state and vicinity. The oils we have been W. F. M. S. In view of the fact that the rural . lond, according to standards sct by aided institution giving two·year or using have come from Lebanon, thus Mrs. Robt. Crew and Mrs. Harry problem is also distinctly a city To further .the effective I!Itandard- State Superintendent of Public In· four-year courses for the training making it very inconvenient for the Murray were the charming hostesEes problem, because inefficiency in rural ization of schools of all kinds, and !truction and that subvention from of teachers shall entitle a student patrons here. Probably wagons will to the W. F. M. Society of the M. E education mUilf react sooner or later to encourage schools to attempt to tlile state be to these sehools accord- without examination to a four-year be sent to Harveysburg and through. church last Thursday afternoon at on the efficiency of cities. whose reach higher standardaof efficiency. ing to a .definite schedule, ShY of $50 provisional teachers' certificate, out the tOWll6hip. 'l'he plant will be the beautiful home of Mrs. Robt. population is largely recruited from the following suggestions are per annum to second grade anet $100 elementary or high school certificate located near Benecke's elevator. Crew. Over seventy ladies were the country and whose food comes made. I per annum to first grade. as the case may be. • - • present and spent a most delightful entirely from .the country, it is That two grades of one room rural That the charter of the third grade (This completes the report of the CARR'INO A GUN afternoon. The program consisted recommended that: sehools ~ established. first and sec- high schools be discontinued, but code as was submitted for the con- H. B. Moran, on Route 5, swore of readings, "Why I Believe in Mis. The state pay haiL Ute coet of ond, the grade to be determined ac · that communities be allowp.d to carry sideration of delegates at the Educa- ut a warrant Monday for the arrest sions" by Mrs. C. M. Hough; "Eyes transpor"tation of pupils in rural dis- cording to standard. set by the State on 9th and 10th grade work in first tional Congress. Since that time of James Scott-, for carrying con· that See" by Mrs. H. E Hathaway; tricts up to $100 for anyone district: Superintendent of Public Instruc- grade ruraillraded schools whenever there has been a few changes. One 0 ealed weapons. Constable Joy "Her Gift" by Miss Louella Vander. That a apecial subvention be paid tion. . this can be done ' without this inter- provided for the election of a county cerved the warrant and he was taken That one room ru~ll!ChoolB of the f~~ing with' the efficiency of the first board of five memben by a joint ~efore Mayor Hathaway. who bound voort and an interesting selection by for services rendered by centralizeO Mrs Robt. Cross. and consolidated school I' according second grade receive no state" sub· ellg htgrades. ' meeting of the presidents of all the him over to the grand jury. Scott Mr. Roy Innes furnished several to a plan to be explained later in tIiis vention save the regular apportion- That graduation from any. first school-boards in the entire county, leaded guiltyito tlie indictment. • • .. selectioDs on a Victrola which he was paper. • ment of the r»mmon acbool fund or grade one room rural school or any instead of the board being elected P exhibiting fOI Mr. Trovilla of Leb. That asrricultural IUperviaors be an)' payments made by the · atate graded rural school Ilhall entitle at large as was first proposed. AnINITIATION-OYSTERS ' anon. It was a great treat to the especially .required to further cen_ under the provjaiODs of the law a pupil to admission to any high other suggestion ill that every teach· "ladies'to have the pleasure of listen- ' .tralization -and consolidation where- authorizing p..,m8n~ t~ poor ·d}l!l- iIc:hool witheut ~ination after er who has never hai professional . WajDe Encampment. I. O. O. F. .'• • < irig:~ I!Iqc~ ~eellentJPusi~. ever poaaible 'numu~ as ~ida- triCta. =~. ·Septem~r . 1, ~916. (This it wilfbe training, regiirdless of ag~. experi- met Tuesday :evening and ~tia~ ~..: J:~ : Mra; Murra,y ftIoo tio~and .cer.~_~onwU~~tribute "~ each.)na roo~ ~ool of ~e n?fed Yiou~d 8U~plant ~d repelll,ther ence or certifi.cate must have . ODe _one ~idate into the mysterf.of . . 't'Siated ladieuerved more ,laigeJy, . fl~ grad~ be.~ ~d ,fl'QQl' the , ~()~eJI)~~ ¥'1~ now;. ~xists;) -' .. ye~r of profesalon~ -training before th" order. Mter th~ inltiatio~ 0,.. ". -:.\.::Ji"'d.~'j{':;~ ~., 'VAPv . . .", , ,- 'eclii"catioD thaD .D~"~~·ODe~ - _fuDdl an UIlUihubv 'on of t. - That gtliduation '" from first . ten ~ere ~" " ' _ .. '. '\I:' ~ ~.~ ~ , !" \1 " \' ,~~. . .... '.~::,¥ :/ '(r~' " . .. ,~






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fint! how u s(' flll Ayr ih beoam~ to hi.m as tb e weeks paMsed OIl. Most or the consuhlr fUll tiona consist ed In pass· ing up on <'X llori dutlu s and Ul e 8Ulnd, Ing of b us ill(,ss h ou 8"s In the di strict. It was relllarkabln how w II Ayrlh was pos t ed on tb es!' d etails . One d ay h e cam e to \\' alt e r . [>vldelllly rull ot some By MILDRED CAROLINE GOOD· subject that Int e I"'Cst{'c] blm greatly, RIDGE. fo r a h al l i' Up pf( '~s" d u)(citc me llt was " I uo not I bl n k much of your v is ibl e In hi6 lUalln(' r. • rhoi(" ', Bl u llche .'· " Builib, " II l~ slIld. " i lea rn." " ( )n )'I ll' nIP1l1l o f ho nlo or of hus· "Learn " h at. Anih ?" inquired WalkInd . ~I :l l'e il\ '!" t e r In h l~ ki lldly WI\)' . ·l lo th . \, ' a lto r IH cC' r talu ly as mil h " TIll' !!uiIJti - t ll os.' who ex port the in lL'\" \\ itl l you :lS wlll ' lI h" mnrricll wirk .. r. 1111' bamb oo, th n bt'ud s , tho ~· ou, trut I wou ld r s ent a hushnnu tlns,'ls. ,[,hpy IlIuglll·d a t )'ou r coun try I IHinglng 1110 to thi s uu t'n durably dca· - tU l' r.rl'a t !:I nti I lov ,' b"(;IIU SI~ yo u ,0):11 , ' ~I'ot - nn Eodl:t)' , IIQ cOlllfort. no arlO of 11.. · 1'(' . T hp ~' b tl a ~ 1 t o p:J)' Ull t I· , tll ff'. n n th ing but wa l lowing nat Iv!' !! Iiltl" dUII ('~ , b ( · cou~,' tlwy say 'ma- I au! " h,l t. IJl isl "r ing " lin." l, ' r la l I':lW ' alld ' /:ooc!g fn:lcy ' "' he u It Y..t WL' h01'(, for a futur e, sist,' r IH ['( ~lIy ·fab ri C's .' '' J "ar . Rai d lllan('l", ill IH' r e hee ry, opIn hiH 1' (1 01' wa y A:' r lh h :J d given t ho tll/ listi(' W il l'. " \\'h l' o I SI'tJ Wa ll r ) 'O ll ll/: l' OIl~1I 1 a v :!Iulibl e 1I1 1It. \\' aIU' 1' ,.y r ~ (!aj' illlp ro l'u in h 'Ullh :lnd s l,lr· 11I1I'W t h nt till' d i~ ( r l c t guild of m ~ l'ils I tl ol ,i!, (IF hi s n,· , Yl'u rs ' spn-Itud .. ('hauts in c ludl'd s hn.·.. d. trick is h m cn. il l a "luff), d"pnrtlllPn t ottlCI.! a t \\· uRh· That lI i/.: lll 11<' \\'('n t 0",' 1' his tariff fl ies. III;;toll alld his fT l'e ope n Ill r 11t'(' b r l'. li t' matj,> an Irllpo r tn nt di sco ve ry. Old <I pple tlCC ,n an OhiO orch .. rd ~ept p"oduct,v" by ca r e . Y"u Iwo\\' th a t '~'u lt e r Is fl mart Illid Ill· S trllllf; ricf'. Ill' ads. banlboo 1,Ialtln g, Tom ato Vines Cut Back by the Chinese Method of Cultivation, Showing = du s trillll S. H e i:a s Hta rll'" at th e bot· natiy" tinsl ,1 w'·lIvlngs. w he n appli ed Flourishing Condition Later In the Season. I to m r un t:: of th e tlipl o lllut ir la dd e r , but to rll gs. d rllp" ri <'B and cu r tlllns , I no Int( nds t o r e adl th e top " "houl'l Ila \' u bl" '11 1I~I"tl as "fabrIcs." (Ry ~1. F . nITTI': :-:II0 I'R E. ) be Inrger In ('lrcumfc re nce thlln the \'e n ' humlJl e, Ind(' (' d. wa s the pros· Thl ~ nlt 'an t an III ('I'ea90 III the Import '\'e nu mb e r a (, hln ese mnrket o rdinary eaucrr. e nt pOR lti o n of YOllng Wa ll e r \lurton. dill Y 01 O\'c'r fOrty 11(' 1' co nt. ti d v~­ gard,' n or umong th " residen ts or our 11 0 ulso beheads hi s ca bbage, 1(>llv , Il l' h ad been a ll lIn d" r c lprk in lh o em· lorem. little town. nnd nllh ough until thrM In g tb e SUl Ik t o grow . li e c uts slight ploy of th e go \' e r n lJl ~ 1I1. A congr"ss,,' ult er dully r pOTl N I lI ls dlscovelY years IIgo h o was n t 'llc h e r In his nl\- I nlc k ~ or ga Hh(' s In th,' growing s tlllk, Iliall too k a liking to him an d h a d s e- and oplll io ns t o th o authorIties at tlve laud. lit' hILS , b ecn u s(l lIf his finan · wblch. wat f' rf'ci and 1,' Uu l'U , produces curet] rl)r h im h is pr ()Ht'u t pos ition as \\,nshingIOl1. Ju s t two months later clul SUCCI'SS In hl~ new occupation, a seco nd grow th thut tIT €' lu allpoarCOll 5 111 at He iron, nn ob sc ur e city In , h e cnnll' into th e h ouse wIth a tlutter- con 'l' crted t be scorrtlrs nt hi s un ique I an ce fair Imlt ll t lu ns of brussels met hods Into bumble imlt.:l.tors of th e l aprouts aud (Iult e as good to cat. By Thorough Knowledge of the of Oil and Ili d la. .Ju s t marriNl, h u and hi s wlf c Ing gt ri p of paprr in hi s hand . had bee' li l h e re 1I 0 W for abo ut half a " Look, Tllan c h ~," be sa id buoynntly. snme. I His Cal t h In th n forcing IJOwera of Storage Houses. the Delaware County, y ea r . ~I r s. ~Iarclll Hurnhum, th e w id· " Our s hip h us cOllie In ~ " \Ve bay e n€'v r r ascer taIned th o warm wat e r 18 subllnlt,. I bn\' (J known ow J s i5ter of Ulnn c he , wns v is lling "YO IIT disco n ' r il's will lead to a Bourc e of hi s ugri c ultural iore. but I him to h eat W:LtC'f for bls rndlshes In Produced Apples This t hem. c h a n go o f, c1ass illcati o n." the official con t ent ourselv os by observ ing hla I the chili da),H of spring, tcatlng ita "1 p it y YOtl, Dlan c be." s be now snld, le ll !" r l"UU, " tbu t will increase Import metllods of procedur e, then we go and I t e mpernture us care fully as Ir pr('parT .... o oppra tlons which nrp sli l1 a ..-h ere It (' o uld b(' kept from !leason to glancing s ourly at tbe flat, unlnt e rest- duties ov e r $2,000,000 a y ear. You are do lik e wis e nnd tor th e bene flt at ' Ing a baby's batb, with Incr edible paprobl e m for many Ohio orchnrdls'ts sellson, It WaR oblained for a much Ing expallse of low huhltntlons and t ranslerr ed as consul ge n e ral to Slng- fellow tTu Ck'Plltch ers J will t e ll at I' tl enee and perseve rence. As soon lUI ar(' those 01 wa rdin g olr Ih e la l e lower pr\(;. The w('11 for the oil was treeless plains b e fore ber . "I bave cer- apor e at four thousund dollars per an- some of Lhe t ri cks of this "Hl' athen his radish e s were well above ground, ta inly outdistanc ed you, old e r though num ." Chinese." he covered th e bed with a lay e r of Iprlng lros ts alld mn r16 eting. The constructed on th e ~ l d E' o f a s \ e(' p hili, It was und er widely ehanged reslHe sav es bls squash and pumpkin Bawdust perhups nn Inch 10 de pth. \Oprlng frosts arp a prohlelll he cllu s e with an olll ll' t at th e bas e, to wh ich j am. Ne xt month, as you know, I am He bakes tbe Boll In which he Inman )' bave nOl be('o lD e familiar with a. wagon l'ollid drl\'e n nd loud t he 011 to mnrry Count ToliCer!. TlIey say b e dential conditloDS tbnt Mrs. Burnham seeds for the next year's planting by drpppcd In upon th em un expected ly a tbe simple process of k ee ping the tend s sowing hla cll bbuge and tomato th e USI) of all heat ers, wbolle the mar· with a grE'at B3 " lng 01 Inbo r lInd lim e . Is v e ry ric h," "Ye s , bu t money Is not e \'erytlhng In fe w wee ks lat e r. Th e Burtons oceu- SQuash pumpkin that especially ~eeds sometime befo re using, tben ket proble m I, c2n e to the lack -or Althou g h al1 the opE'mtio n 8 at th o world ," r ema rk ed Biancbe, who pled a beautiful bunga\cw,', set iD the strikes his ranc)' In a cool. dry place patiently breaks up and crumbles the proper dI s tribution of th e fruit ufter orchardlng are ""el1 carri ed out on until the n ext plnnting season. TheD dri ed, hardened maS8 be fore wetting it Is produced. ~her e heaters have tbl s farm, tbe other feat ure 1. did not tblnk much of th e count from midst of a lov ely garden "How s up e rb!" pronounced the ca. he plents th e m with Ill eces at the pulp It. been used, however, It bas been shown the two storuge bouses . Th" larger what she hnd heard of him . " For mercy's sake here!" interrupt- p rl cious Mnrcla. "I would be content adh ering, and they appear above For hlR late cabbage and tomat068 that the spring frosts can be ellml · one , which ts a remodeled bank barn, nated all a source ot trouble. Ju s t hold s 8,000 bushell! of apples . It was ed Marcia, sharply, atarlng down the to live in this earthly Paradise fol' &round with mushroom-lik e prompt. he plants tll e Beed out In th~ open soil of the garden , lea vlns on" plo.nt eve r : ' n eS8. Ilow thes e heaters are of "allle ha s originally bul1t for a st-ock barn, nnd a standing In tbe bill and transpllUlting "You will be Burely welcomed as a His muskmelon Beed be ties up In been shown well this year In the high s tone wall found a tion, allow ing perpe rman ent guest," declared Walter, a bng of cOllree burlnp, nnd covers the others, wblcb, under bls orchard of F . p, Vergon and Sao, of room for many stables beiow th e barn chivalrously. "But how about tho this loose ly with rich 8011, nllowlng suaah'e skill, usually grow. Delaware county. They h a ,'e an i Door, ha s been utilized (0 great ad · Wbile Bome of his "stunts" seem eount? " the seeds to aprou I b efo re plnnting orchard of 1lI0re than 40 aeres lind by vantage In the chn.nge to a hOllse for perfectly use less und nbsurd, yet tbere "A count of no account," reporter] tb e m. th e use of h eaters for just two nights th e 8torage at fmll. The floor of this ~!arcla with a wry fnce l,lIr.klly I He also preserves hla cucumber must be some me th od In hlij madnes8, !list spring saved a big crop of np"les. portion hIlS bf'en c e mented, th e win · found It out In time. And your ser· 'leeds In tb e c u cumber. wblch ue coa t~ for hi s vege table c rop. wIth Its at· In giving credi t to tbe h eatem tu n dow8 and doors tightly closed, with vants-how dli'fere nt to tbose at that. carefully "lth pnrnmll E< [Uj Moon as t e ndant crop of dollnrs. ure not the large d eg ree for the crop this year, th e 1 tlHI exception of one door, ...·bl c b Is r esult of chance. halt civilized settlement. Tbe man pulle d trom th e \'In(' . own ers point to tbe tact that ot h er u sed ror UII e ntrance. The Ic ... storage wh o cnrried In my trnp s was quite . orchnrdlillts in the Bame n eghborhood, ! Is above on Ih e harn flo or . jl·crty ·fi,, (> Once , contrary to _Is ud,·lce . r sl!j dlgnlfled." who did no t usc heaters , fa ile d to pro· tOil S of Ice I ~ ' s uffl cit!lI t to k pe p tho "You do not recognl~e him?" In- out Rom o choice tomnto plant>! III n qulred Dlanelle with a quizzical smile. " " Wh y, no ," r eplied her sister with 11 1 , " puzzled nlr. I "lie Is Ayrih ." I Too Late Now to Reset Plants. . ~::;~+-': ',.: "oou menn the mnn whom you res· eue d from that horrible penauce at So Thing to Do Is to Prepare th e o ld post '!" for Spring Work, "The sam. Through him, my dear ;\Iarcin." d ec lare d tb e young conSUl, "a ll ollr goo d fortune seems to have (n}, A:-;:-;A OO\I. I, ;III·:IU nturl"d with a bOllnd. A little s eed at I A ~ rett t many pe opl l' bl'lh! ,'e tli at













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!iindn (' .. ~-·' "All el I (J~ th e

be:lUUful rull·blown c ri ed th e happy Bi anche, he r outs prp. ud a rm s exp ress ing the luxury, IhQ joy, th e comfort, th.e rare lovo The Native Looked as If He Had Been with whlcl1 hea ve n h ad bl essed Iler. Rolled a Milo in the Road . (Copnl g- lI l. 1~1 13. t.y \V. O . Choplflll n.) JI .

r oat!.

"The r e Is that philon th ropical h ll~bu nd of yours with a ne w pen sioner in tow , I fanc y." " If s o. Walter callno t he lp It." retUl'tl e d Blancbe, with a swee t s mile. "He is always trying to do something to ameliorate the condition of tb ese I)oor nativ es." " Ue has picked up a raro sample this time," retorted MarcIa dlsgustCold storage houGe on Vergon Farm-Capacity 2,000 bushels, edly. TbeTe was certainly a wide contrast duc e a crop of appl es of tb e propur· I npples from th e time of stori ng until tions (hat Ihe Vergolls have lIe e n abl e I ~p rin g. Th is s torage house bas proven bet wco n th e spru ce. handsome conaul to rai se . I "ery s llli s f:lctory to th e own e rs Rnd nnd tbe limping, t alte r ed native whose Tw e lv e hundred heate r s nTe us e d I ha s se nf'd Ih e pnrpose us wpll liS tr It arm he h eld in aiding hIm to walk. The Th ey III'e always I hnd hee n hu\lt wilh th e Id ea of us ing native looked a s if be had bee n rolled In Ih lB orc hard . His Jl laced In th e orc hard In th E' s pring It for Olllpll' ij /orage. The s m a lll'r a mil e in the dus t·ladeu road. wh e lher it is n ecess ary to lih hl th em ~ Iora gp hOll se has I.L capacily of 2,000 clothi ng was n en rly lorn off from him. Face and hody bore a !DOSS of r uts or no r. It was nccessllr\' to liS" t he m uu ~ h Is. bllt t wo nighl s ia !'r s pri ll g . Th at th~ If. u n"r' 11 (TOP o r app lp6 Is g rown. and bruises. He wus gasping for t ..... o most esse n t.ial poi nts ha\'e be t' n froll1 trees Ihal hal' " 1I ('('n pr nn e d finn ',reath nnd seem ed to be in a state of o iJsf'I've d In th,' use of 011 h e'll (' rs h " r ... 8 pra~' ('d Hilt! lakl'n cort' of ~!' th e I r('p~ almost comp leto ex hau st ion . Wal te r le d him to the hut of tbo ser· is sho wn by Ih e ldf~ c ro p 01 UPIJ les of Ihis o l'l·iI :.I1'(1 h:Lv e, Ih e cro p ,,;ra de d hHf\'es IPt! in :l y'!ar Ibat ha s 1'1"(' 11 no· and Iht'll s lored lO awai t III(' best de \'ant ut th e re ar at th e house and gave tu bly poor fo r appl('s . Th py make i l. maud s of Ih e 11I :ITI, et, th e r eslilt s of him Into hi s charge. Then he apa polnl, wh e n th e l" Is (lang!' r from orr'hardiui( ca n ne"pr he In dOllbt. Th e proachrd th e ladi e~. "'Vulter, how can you interest yourfros\, lO li g h t th e h ~ :lt"!·s o n time n lld gr pat h ~ II P tll s from sloring ha ~ u pe n 10 Iwa ( th (> low I ,o rtl o n ~ of tlw uroll /Chl a lit he r (' In th n e n flu vls self in these ignorant, worthless peo· orrh n rd fir tit. B eca use of Ih esp. ftll E's a pfJl e, wh il' 1I ig 1'[11 5t'd In quit e a <illll.n· pl o? ' chid ed MaTcla . ' YOUI' clothing Is they ha,'c se ld o m 10Sl a crop b ('&a u~ f' tlt y. Thi s lIPplf', ordinarily co nsi llc rcd covC'red with dust frolll contact with or their fru it b e in ~ fro st kill (' d. Th !' wOrIhl ess by mallY peo pl e and sa m!' thllt fe llo w." " A poor rellow, indeed," r eplied WalIh prmolllP t e r , wlli(' h is t il e " u idl' by grow e rs. Is sp lt'c l ed and s lorC'd by th e which tho lI>;h t iug of rh e h earers Is \ 'e r i:o ll s HIIU sold for a good pr l~ l ! III tC'T. pityin g ly. "You will not wonder at h is condi tion when 1 tell you toot ~I arl e d, is placl'd III the d PIJfl'ssl o n. I s prin),:. I t is a varict.l· wilieh do p~ not wh l' r(' the cold all' ~ellles firs t. anll l lo s<J Its vallI<! 11'0 111 stornge trp r:lu ~e of I fOUlld him iyi ng by the waY'dide, Ih is plan mu st bll fo lloll' pd If o r c hard liS pxcellrlll I;t' ' ping qualilies . Th r· c r ee pin g all hands a.nd knees, bound hqn llng Is to be m nde a SIICCPSS . AU OIII ' O/h pr "arili es grown, inc illding th p fo r Calcutta ." " Two bUlldred miles away!" exG,Ono p;rli ion a or all werp II s"d du r ing ' .\I inkl " r. )(UIl1(, . S no w, BC' ll pfl oll'c r nncl th e two night s . 8y pll rc has lni( th ,' oil fla.ldll' in, hrlnl-'; n fnncy price wh en c!alnlPd !l1arcia. "You do not mean-" "That h e hlld IIlrendy covered one in Inrge 'llWlltl/ies 1I11t1 lIu ll din g a ,,('II , : stuTed a nd s old in th e sprin g. ___ hundrc(\ miles without rising ,lpright -. -=- - --= =:::=:=::=.=-- -...:::::.. fo r lhe past six \\'e e ks? Y es," declnred \'·ull C' r. " 'H y d1cl h e do It?" Inquh'e d the L-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---------------------.J ,': Idow, witb Indll'ferent curiosi~y. " A s n. penalty. He was starving Tn 'es II rp all auout us . TIIf'), l a ll li e I Irllilks and stems. ar E a lll1 0st a s e qual · and r, to l > a me a s ure of meal. 'Ihe law Been an d st ll ult;'d n ear ly (,\·(,I')'\\,h('I'(, . Iy il1l~ resrlnA' ;llld b aU II(ul.. . Th ey a re Inte rr' "lillj! al a ll li nll'H al lu : Abov e all, \r c, es are goo d f rl C'n d ~ 0; ,l ut him at a year of hurd laho\·. The I)riest of hi s sect fin e d hIm '.wenty In nil places. Til ey pr e sellt e ve r- l1I :1 n . Tile III U I' (, ulle knows avout t hese ! t ae ls, or the horrible ordeal ho was ch llll gi ng ph us!', of forlll , colo r anu I lril ' ntls th ~ 111 (Jr'· h W:lnt s to i,now , UllIl l' rgoing." I and the h(' ue r he like s them . l eXl ure. Th ey ,'ltT)' rrolll ClI), lO day W . R . LAZE:>I B Y . "An d you paid his flne, IHfcr?" and frolll week to wc e lL Som e of the Coll ege or Agr ic ulture, Ohio S Ul te spoke Mnrcia, contemp t uausly. marvelous c huliges III th e progress ion UnlversilY . "I could not resist dOing It,' replied Walt('l'. of th e se ason are ~e en in tr ees . The widow lett them a few daya laIn summer we note th e profllslor. ot 1-:1'ou~h IH'r"se ne on th e drink ing foliage and an Increase ;n size and water to furlll n thin fllm over th e ter to meet h e r affianced but,b~nd at 'apleo. The native, Ayrlth, whom WalI!ubs tance. It 18 tb e period or growth. 'I surrace wtll help to avoid spreading t el' had taken under his J1.fotectln, In alltumn the brlg bt, rloll- co lars of roup nmong the bIrds of tbe lIo~. wing, became domestlcnted as a grata> the leaH!1ra.nd the attrac tive forms of , wben the disease Is contracted by one ml, loyal servant, He was without the ripening fruits reconcll" us to .the or two Indi r iduilis. kith or' kin, but was a man ot unusual com ing cha.nge thnt Is akin to s leep or -----education for hlll clalls,. His devotion' dQttth , In wlnter the bold outlines of Enccllrag~ the quail to stay OD YOU} l:l, tile cODsul ~d hl. wife became ~o,-' 1h "/laked trees, the dlvfBJ on of tbe farm. They ere va]uab!_ bIrds t. IIk~ In ~~. IDtepal~, . .'. "r&1loties, the. 80mberbut varl·col9red hI!.VA around, Walter. W8. a' pod, deal surpJ1N4 to


...---------------------------------- 1 WHY WE


I: I


I -


" f

flow l!r~"

I : '


o rd"r t o ha-,to pl en t y of ~ tr a wber· rles It Is necess ary to set U III' W p;,tcb



ry yea r or two. Thi s Is II mistal, .. n Id l"a . If good p lants aro u s('d to sturt i . I w ith, th e putch CIIIl be I'PIIl In b<! arlng , smnll plo t wlwr c a shl'~ hR,j bee u I ('on dltioTi for a numb er of you rf<. : dum ped lor Bcn' I'a l y e ll 1'". They grow I W e cnn always ( I'll an o ld 1,I ant bv to lJ e l!nOrrnOUs " Ines and had muuy the app arance'of tho root R. 'I'he old. PICNIC" I bi r j ogso ms , which dr op ped ofl'. how e ve r. e r n s t r3.\\' b erry Is tl l~ Tnore d en d rot o 8 I,~EAL "OLD rOLKS' I n a few days . I It will hav e. Wh,' n plallt ln",. he cnre· (;omblned A es of the Partie I ants Oue day ttl)' Chl nes(' I1l'l gh lwr cume ,' ful to select thOBO with go ot! rOOls. Reached t~e Enormous Total ~f o~erh WIt:1 It kll:re and ~ut ~I e branlch~'s [I The r oo t s should nlways be pruned, Ten Thousand Years, a . t d~dvi Lle~ a mO~l a '1. 0 I~(:adr y III but not too dosely, unl ess they nre t\\O I )f; sever t em tua t ti1 e) roop· be ing set Intll In the fall, In which An "old folks' picnic" r ecen tly h eld I ed to t~l~ g~OU~d, and U l thfO~g~, ~h~ S case ve ry IIttlo pruning Is necessary, In Utail was r e markable for tbe tact occnrre II t 1(1 atter pan a u ) , t El because the plnnts s hould be very that th ag es of tb e partiCipants reach- ~108som8 c~as(';1 to fall and my plants carefully tllken up Ilnd trnnsfcrred E!d the astonishing a ggregate of ten or~ more r ee y. with as much soil as possible clinging tbousand years! Only 0 ~ l'\'fR(Jn was "he n h e Irrigates his potu toes (and to the roots. und e r s e v e ntv and the oldflst had he raises tw o c rop~ on th e sallie land It Is too late now to reset 8trawllerreached a . hu-n'dr ed and three. The'se ! each year), hc waters long nnd dee,,· ry plants, so the thing to do is to get " old folks' picnics" ..are annual ,tlTalrs, I Iy; and his potatoes nev~r gl:O""- lIenr ready ror the spring work. If the committee s be ing appolntE'd In each dls- I enough to th o fiUI face to get sun· old pntcb Is to be renew ed, plow or trlct to Bupe rintelld the arrangements. I burned, as do thos.e of the Ine,xpe r' l dig out th e old rows, lenvlng at least Every old pe rson In each district Is lenced g~rdeOers "ho s lightly sp rln ' n space at 18 Inches be tw een those e.all ed upon and furnish ed with a silk ' Ide the ~ urfuc e at th eir potuto patch l lett. llndge (red for sev e llty years , blue II 8S sCllnttty nllli as often aa they d o If one d oes not care to save nn y of th Ir le ll b I for eighty nnd white for nin e ty ) . I e1' uce c( a. the plants remove d, It Is oat necos~iIIl ese · badger, nec llre free trnns\.lorta- j There 16 no (IUeation as t o the S\I · sary to uproot the m. They l"lIO eaelly lion nnd ~' ntertninme nt for th e wear· , perlorlty , in size and quality of t~ e Ibe d e6 tro yed with tite 1I0e. Wben tbe or, und an attpndant If n ecess ary. The de e p·gro\\n potato ove r thuse gro\\ n c rowns are destroye d tb e roots will day lij passed III fea s ting, concerts and ' closo to th e ~urfo.ce. die. sports and amuse me nts or vari ed d e- I Hi s b ee t seed nre soaked In water at The r e malnlog plants sbould stand scripllons. Hund.rE' ds of priZes are ' least 48 h o urs bcfore planting. lie severnl Inches apart In tbe row. This n ward ed In th e num e rous contests, as, I oet8 them to Hoak lu warm wuter nnd will give the berries Ii cha.nce to ror Instance to th e oldest man' th e ' during th e daytim c I( eo ps (he vessel rIp e n. Tbe straw which was used woman with the most children~ th e : containing th em as much In tho sun· t 0 cover th e P I aots s h ou I d be placed "oulwes t Civil wllr \'e t cra n', the ,"OUllg- I ghln e as possible. , n In tbe spaces he tween the rows to est womall who cro se d th e Ame r ican I have n eve r yet seen blm tbrow walk upon while gath e ring the crop, d esert; the ma n w!th th e baldest head; I ~ way )a young plant of IIny d eserll>We "renovated" the old s trawherry the woman with the old est child ac- I tlon. li e me re ly tran splants tb em. patch In the above manner Inst aprlng, compnnying her on th e groucds; and and I d o not belie ve It an exaggera· and as a result harvesterl the best 60 011. Games and athl e tic sports are , tion to s ay that nln c· t e nths of the crop 0 f b erri es ever seec In this .part also Indulg ed In-dancing contests for plants surviv e llDd flourish, for he of the country, wome n bet ween the agc 3 of seven ty I surely Is u past master In the artThe berries were large and fine, 10 and e ighty; potato rac es for the less I for It Is an art-of trnnsplantlng. aplte ot. the tact that th e drought was a c tive who hav e " as se d four·score; 1 For eXlimple, when his le ttuce plants very severe jllst he fore they be~n to and ynrn·winding contcsts for thos e gl'ow to about the h eight o[ two in ches who ha\'e passed ninety.-Wide World I h e thills out tbe bed Ilnd cllpplnl" orr ripen, and this should convlnco a.nyone that a new patch Is not a neces. 11'lagazlne. . ahout un incb of the root tip of each slty, provided one takes care of the plllnt h e pulls, he r eplanUl In long old one. Air and Atmosphere of Home, TOWS, and th e lranslll :mted lettuce k Id d I But after all this Is merely one way In he r " Tower Hoo m Talk" In Wom- I mn es a more rap an a rg e r gruwth of starting a new patch. J<'or, when an's Home Compnnlon Anne Bryan ' than tbe plants wh ich ho bas lert un· McCa ll writes In lIart : d isturb ed. , the old rows are removed, It Is the young plants that produce the ber. "What sort of hom es (:0 we proThe r e planted, or rath e l' transplant· vid e, for our own and otber people's ed lettuce with Its clipped roots, Brows rles, and everyone who bas grown chlidren? lIow wllrth while and VOJ- , to such enormous heads that at a berries will tell yoU thnt a plant which has never been dlAturbcd will ul1bl o nre they? I do not mean to In- short distance th ey remInd :>ne of produce more ' and finer berries thnn Quire Into the kind 01 furniture WG thrifty cabhnge rows. have nor tho color 8cnemes nor any· He never uprooUi the head lettuce ~~~t ~~~:de~~e ~~~7nar~~~~d~~~~: truing of tbe sort. I would speak he markets. Inste:J.d, be leaves tbe While on the subject we would urge rather, of some hlg leT lovellnes8 . For stalks 111, the ground and assiduously everyone to sot, at least, a small thle 'air' and 'at'mosphere' and that waters and cultivates them, where- patch as loon all the soil 10 rendy to more spiritual loveliness which make a upon they produce Ill10ther bead ' Iii work. You wl\I never regret It. There place truly a home are not to be had about half the time required for the Is nothlng. more dellclouB than f~!h. r~:!ill! old china and.. [uwture, but_. first head to reach a marketable sl%e. I»e_ strawberrJes lOla nothing In the rather ~rom old stre.n gtbs arid an!llent His beet plants lU'e transplanted way. at flalt , s~ easily ' groWn. BU." be virtues, not forme taBh'loD~d from the with clipped roots In precisely . the aure to al!t ·goo41 plante, .Sometimes It bElst aoll most expensive' woods, "beau- same mO.JIDOr as tbe lettuco, . II 'a!molt ,Impolalble·· to procure 'gOod ~ltul mahogany, dark · oak and ,roseHIB ' onloDs, which are Invariably "Ilmtl . ~1~o1lt .paylna , ~e v'lrl ' !ilch .wl)()d, · In .~Cl()us ~neB, ' but, .Itar;t.e d ·from tbl! ,eed'. (he :refu8~ ' 'to price.: liut tilt. wUL pai one'" . Jo"8, _beau~l'relleOnab!eJl8!I. ·RJlci.. use seta), are tranillllani~d , afier h. .• ~n ' In.fertor ' tb.~: ~jI8." lq ~ the It . roots , clJpped "aod Ir~ to "arrethit, (' V

Crookneck Squash.







:; ' . .






~ -







, t

T his r ornurkllblp Ilhotogrnp h, Ju s t rc(u lv ed froll) th e Isthmus, Sh OW8 th e IlrCSl!ll t condition of Lh e eucamc ba s lldo; In I Ill, PUlIalJlU callu l and Ihe dr edges at wo rk c utling th e channe l th rough It. nu rth. und a t th '" right th e cu rutl strelc hes uff toward ttlt; Pedro Mig uel locks .

At the left Is sneu Gold hill .






:::, ':;



MARRIS & ['W11I5


See no In front of Ul e e..~ecuUv e offices of th e W hite Houso when "blkcre" trom Los Angeles presented 0. letter offering free to thll gove rnme nt a socret formulu fo r an o.ll eged cure tor tube rculosis. These pcreoll8 s aid th e y bad . been cured by th e r e medy a nd th ey walked 011 th e way trom California to Was hington to give It to Uncle Sam. The s t ea mship Cris tobal bas bee u loaded at New Yor k wltb the big guns design ed for tbe de fense of the Panama canal. One o r tb e mon s te r s Is b ere seen being put a board th e vesse l. The avoerage welgbt ot tb e cannon shipped Is six tee n to n ...





M r ~. a llu IIlrs. Frall 'ls 11. Sayre in t h e ho me of A mlHl~HlIdur I'age In Grosvenor sQual'e. l,on don . Her o In th o Dll1llaSRlldor's s pl ondld home th e fornl!1 l' M Iss J ess ie WilBon, dau ghte r of t he IIl'csldc nt, und h e r hu sba nd bave been e njo ying a rew days of their qui e t hoUt'ymoon .






Cord ova.

f: ~~~ l~er\\::~lnl~~:t tr~~ra~~~~~

I wo me n

Miss Dorothy Trout. ulIlIgilt"'· or 1116 of t he dlplorual\c set In la te Capt. Hen ry O. Trout , U . S. A .. Is : Am e rica.. S be does not liv e In Wash- 011 ( ' of th e prett y s irts of th e fir m), Ingto n, ho wAve r , us he r hu s band s et In 'Vas hlll ~to n wbo h ll H! Ill arl ! York his b ea d quarte rs. th eir deb ut this winter. Sill' wn ~ pre, se uted by he r !; r a nd"ar c llt ~ , GI' II<,ml and Mrs. A. S. Burt. Sun's First Visit In Days.

, I


"Loo.k, mis te r! What's tbat 1" exclaimed a caddy to a solitary goH player o n the links, relatp.s the Indian· apolls News. The player, who was addressing hili ball, knowing that th e caddy must have had a good excuse for violating an Intle1l4ble rule of lbo links b y speaking when a player Is preparing to drive. looked up and saw a huge, tlery ball. dimly poleed. Ie the soutb· west. \ "·Ob. It·s the sun. I can see It now." Bald the caddy. ·as B. clOUd of mist rolled away. "It was Just a Btreak. ot red when I . lIret saw It." 'l'he siKht was really phenomenal. for all the sky seemed to lie cloude<\ ~cep~ qlle small plal;e tl'-a t' had been pepetrated by tb" eun's rjly'8. Almost, . , apoke '~~~ Ivell ot nilat, ball ~f ft,~;: li.nd the 'SUll'l' . dati bad ended. '" ' . ~




Lauds Home· Baked Loaf.


In !.' arm and 1~lr c8 Id e . J esBie V . K. Burchard wrl tes all arti c le en titl ed "Breads Made With Yea8t. " In which she gives a number of recipes. Fol- i lowing Is an extrac t from h er genoral comment: , "In these diR.Ys or bakeries on every corner In to wn, and tra ve ling bread "('; eu .' ra l" ~;l1rcU110 Zapata ( lett) Dnd " Gcne ra l" EmUlano Zapata ( ri g h t) . wagons through .the country. the nne th e broth l~ r " who art) te rrorl:dng the rede rnli s ts ot southern Me xico by t hell' art pf breadmaklng \ 8 dege nerati ng. It guerilla WI! rfure. Th ey a r e merely brigands. willing to sell their services tit Is too mu . . trouble to mix and kn ead tbe 'best poyer. and bake the beautiful brown loaves, th" spicy bU'nlS; the 'tempting rolls. The ,..,.. _ ••• ~~~..,.....,~~~~~~--~~-~~-~~-----~ Peanut'. Value Recognized. be... t bakerS; bread I8 ., tar inferior to - Ono Idea of Practical Woman. It 19- cy rrenlly reported that tbe peo". " tbe home-made P'"9duct. rind ' I rejoice Our Idca ot a prac tical wo man is that bread making, as· well ao stocklng- one who can get as much pleasuTe out· nut crop of . t~18 country has an an· .darning, "Ie bE!lng t~ugh~ 1n mor.e pub; of changing the chIffonier to where nual value of bet;ween UO.OOO,QOO and lie schools' each year. . . ' . . ' 'the dreaaer stood and tbe dresser to $59.00Q.OOO_. It I. · It.Owln, ,: In ".Jqe , \" "1'he·;l)ren(JP!JlIix~r ma~es t~~· proc esa'I'-.Wh. ere Ule chl1!onler s tood,' " ' ahe ilnnuaIlY. :: Thll.' 'II 'due,' In - the ,main. . 80 a..y an~ ,! imllie ~h~\ .almollt . aDY-' "would ,IIn~ ' 11l, buylnK ' a new t:\lC for to' the :!ari.o ul. UllEie,,;the ptlan'lt ,l ... be-. ' olla-Can,' lluccoed In the ' tint -attempt." the dlnln.. room.--qalvellon "New". . IllS put to th... ;t1ai: .,






" 1 . '








Pub .I·C Sa'ieS

1 P ro f eSSlona . I Cards

Not One of Those "Dlstino·lahcd:" ;:;: ::~: :-:-,.:-::.;.:~:.:~:::::.:::: : ::::.::::: .: ::::::: : A I\no 6t11l n : un who \l'1I ~ ,) ' , h i" hI' t ._- visit to \\'ll til: l nKl o n rccl:nll.\ \<, II to -.k.· ...."""".~ ......... w'""........,..~... w ........... _ • .."."............ - .........~ ....-""""''''''--~.......... - ........-"....~-...,......................,. • , . tbo ca pl lol , Il C,·Olllp.lllIr-, 1 l;',' 1\ Ir , ' ·l\ d . ' • liHue r!' ' Jl1l!lliJh N lilhol~O l\ ' .11)h n ' 1,, Will ,,/., l' lit. I'IIHIl) !-itde u t lil Y I I ' I' 1 the :::::: ::::: : : : :: : :::::::: : :: ::: : :: :: ::::::::::::;~ ~ , l ' I .., II t f t o S \"I' CO l i ~ r t '~S n l-Il'~ti 0 11 ' r on . 1.. ...•, ",,110 II" t .. tilI \"" 1' 0 II) \Y . D . ~ NC\\' SUI·( S. L 'III I'lr J V Il ll nlIintlou IIlId U I" rO:iIl,OIl('''" lou t· :"11\ \ " " ..,ll ll . IW I'R 0 • I' 1 l' I 1 '0 \\' h ll" Inl :-l o . 11~ in l'lI1\'(lrHlIy, .,.. . . ' \\' tl.yu Of!yill · . nn I II" Pekin HOtLLl o n ' v l~11 'rs . I;;' ., ·ry t lo \1\1\ 81111 l'U.' T he WlIyu \lsn llEl Ntltioot11 BlI n k l'rimblo ' or ..".l lllll OI\k I1v u rl ll~ i\ lI d ' ov e r the HbS\· IIIU I .. d HI: ,I "B Ill"1' ~I,, · I ... vs . .1 ~I e r & COlllp" 'I ~' . H l"l ct ltl ~ III Ll'illllO n, :1'1 . joi t Itt fl~ e u pr iues. Monday, February 9, 191 4 lo g III \' l\ln fllJ' Ih, ' l1l<' lnu,' r fro III Ids '1 f "' 0 I I \\' " II ,''' \ ,nlV ' t I In I,nd. J tlOnl' e , of I, t1t 1.0 U ,ollloK u. . m, horllOS , oattle, dls nt " •• []tlY 1" OUl "Ullt, 0 or" 0(1 w I I In ,I • u 1 \ \T H.h J ohn i rOD ti fu r repu lrtl I l l'lct . " "1,~I 1', I '\" I) \ h1 O'H "d. ' J\\" "!\ th,I' rI~ . litiiO FUI1t:ral Director ' I v -., 7 1 - u.., 0 .1 \I f . . I h • can 't u :\I 11 1; 11 ~ I u 1111. HII , to, ", 1 til' w"rl " I .' U , .... ' . ~ . ~ II U brid get! on I"tlluuS Milltl lind Ll,b. arnulnl! Imp tllllt-IUti1: "r ne~ s nu" KaD sn'n. "or cu r. ' H('l." I'l'pllprl Ille Lommon Pleas Court II, )IHr v,'y~IIllI'/.( , ,I un on pi ko in TUI·tlecl'ook 10WII~IlIP )fI Oll t~ u ll u hl gout):!. beo hu ge hllls Wushlo r lo n rT11 ncl " 110 C,lII' t oveu or d r nl~ . • '" 'l'elophoul' ,j" \' Ill' 1. lg b t . .1 ,)lIn.v I . ,o ..:ov~ Wm A.TtID ( ;I\IIrhl ~ (' 111\1 1 cora B . C II'II\'or to wh _n t,IJn 011 .• ( nf ~Ilr r tlpoirs on I 8 111 orso .l MU 80u dlstill gubb h ll1 '~I~_ Vll l h l \.-,lb , ,1\" N··. o ~· . li~ k ,'( " !i"" ,. d t 'OKt. ludd nnd \YII/('r (,rllY 1 ,Jt.~ N I 7:S, 7·1, ~ ', X!'i, lOy b rid t;'l ll t 11 11 )' 011 1' lim ll due" n ut ' C . T . H'lwlco, Auo t . Ol s tll nOIt N II U\l- :) I'. I xteeu $ 10 In Il ll)' OU ll yel1r. W. E . O' Ne ulI , Clork. ba lunee Il ()e" tu p lu; lIllff ,,>I t.orodi l nnel ~ ' , in Hllr v(\.I"~hu rg , $ 11i00. Chronic Constipation Cured lHl bili J ml ~ m tlot olal m . With \V t\lto r '1' . Wil!lon f .' r H llme ... "I<'i \'(j .r ellr!! Il[;il I lllill I·b p Wllrst Automobile Service at all Times Con 'missioners' Proceedings In l ellp ll o inl. lllllnt.~of Grun(1 ,Ju ror ' on rOBu >I iu K Wuyn e l own6hip, ellOlO of chr ouio ennllti P,I li on I I1 \"Ilr Jj ,IIR A11 o wP11 :- .J . W. Lingo , n orth of CorwlO a n u Hu t vcy :! IJUr g kn e w nl, aD d l ~ hllfl.IIJBr l lli l\ ' !j 'I' "hl ~t~ WAVNESV ILL E, to fl ll vaoa DOY ctl uliccl hy Hiok n eM~ uf OHIO HAND TO MOUTH. onred ml', . wr i teB 8 . '. Fitlh, fir ll uk . Ol' ll rg e E . Ril ey , R. Wild!! ~'II rIH I ~H fur C H. $ 1 ~i. C . !:ihoo key , pill e . Dranch Office, lluncy s burg, O. Iyn, Mi en. Fllr ~lI l n h:,/ 11 11 d n ll l l" r ~ . rt)lIl\ work Unio n t own@ hlp, $:3850. -_.--011 ri st Iloppoi ntod . Aro you getting accuslu'm ed to ~;tu.t,e of Ohi o Y S G rover Moore . Hnn Albor~ TIII1U work U nion town . His Stom ac h Trollbles Ove r New York?" l\Sked the tn.lkative D, feoullnt. 1116lld guilt ", finod "2:, 8hi p. $ 10 :; 0 .J,)bn Kinswort.h y, groce r. Nno wo rk Un ion tnwn8 bip. $24 [,0 . Mr. Dy s pl'l l'l l(). wnilid ~' () u not, li kll BARNHART, IIn ri ootlt e to feel tlllll yuur :Hllllllll'h t roll h l ~'" .. By dug-rees," suill the woman. ''1 The Miam i ' 'annin g: Co . va The !:l. A. Lnwls, liupt l·ou.d work Union werB uver. 1'!J"t Y" U 1·" ul, 1 1111 1. Il l.)' Ihink 1 like it n littl e bctll'r than I AWi w Ill b e Ineon ... 1 1I11110r LIIls h ead . for Notary Public tw entY ' llv o ccn l~ rnr ~hree- Irumrtl oDM . L & 111 . R. R. Co, pl a intiff t ow os blp $2I:U!-I. J . A . Murrell, kin!! of foud "'HI Ilp~ ifl'd \\' 111"'111 did ut first." ThclI 1\ momcnt lalcr . hen u Al n~ not U10rtl lhall live lIuCH, road w ork WnHhin g ton ~ownsb i p, injury ? T hal: lII l1Y HBtJ lI\ 14" uuli !;, . I.\' aw a rdl'd t 500 daUlIlI(68 . to you that YOIl eI,) hilt ,.von lIill'" ~ \t e n oldl~ l : "Hil l how did you know _** __ * ......... *.* ... * ............ **_** All kln cltl nf Nota r y WOIk . Pension Jobn Bigler VII. The Ohio EleotrlO iao 10, B L . Frye, Trells, crnsh ed for lin emlin !,; (If YO llr l.r,Hlb l!·, bil l. tha t \\' (\ had jlldt llIovcd to 'town ? I Work ~ tipeoi llity. FOit HENT Railway Co , oompr om ised and dis l:I\une Deerfield township $2~3.tl4 . permit n~ I.Il 1I~"llrO Vll ll t\Ju t it. i ~ T!l' \' t' [' told YIlII." R M. Vun Horne. Id . est. cont rllot not 'dlll~tltl"' r i 1I 1' ():<~ i hlll. If ul.hor s ruilised . "1'10, YO;I Ul' \,er told me , bu t tho H E Ann Engle propt1rI .V for r £' nt,. !Jeo. A. Barr VII. Margllretha $;;00. Oregonill Brt.1ge Co .. 2u . e!\t . c"n 11(1 (~ !ln,,1 Jl ~ l'II ",n \lntly. Ilu(llh utl way you bou ght g rocr ri rs did. Yon oonl.raot $2000. W . E Dechant, 81111,l H III1YfI 1"" '1' , wily 11 111· vou ~ l oq lliro 0\ B . P Kep" j ~ 1 Harshbarger et al. F . M. fillwilton I • .f ohn It Bllrkur . IIf B ... I,t)o Creel" ho ll ~ht iu ~ lI c h large qUHntities. Jr appointed guardian ad litem for bridge repairs jt'rllnklio township Mioh .. is Ul1ll .; t hom HI' '''""l''', " I Thi s shulfed tllul yuu had ju·t come .-- - - - ,~ O 7& Bltl.field Brol.l. ort1s hio g waf! twuhl (1(1 wit- h hl111r l lJU ru. in ~ minor d efe ndant8. VeterinarY FOR SALE from ~O Ill C pl ac(' where pt.o rl e had E\~ate of Obio vs, MIlndie Fonder s loue Tnrtleoreek township '192 24. , dil{est iun, tlnd lIv l'r eo m p lll l Dt Ilfl lil Graduate of Ohill ~Iill lJnivcrsil , Lew,s Hros , oement, '1 ,65 R. A . ' 1 usod CIHwilHlrlulu '" rl\hl p t~ , th nn plen ty o f slun'rooUl, lind ~" \toug ht (lIll it-h. Bill! fixed at $300 l)R SA I.E- Co w /Lo,1 (l,.lry feed groccril's by lhe box nnrl !.Jnrrel in· Mcl~utobeon, contraot, '1 &7. 10. m y trouule Wll ~ O\'o r tiolrl hy Hi l of vilrioll 9 kind :! rhur~ ,I lIn t'tBte of 0bio V8 . Louis Rnnyan . stcnd of by thc rOll ll CJ. Ilu t I Sl'C' you ' g br1'. I ge ap dtlalerM._ _ _ ... __ - -"''' ~t1 r L u d lum, llIa k. In ""' 22 bv Robt Beoketf., Corwin, Uhio. Plutld guilty, fined '10 nnd COStH nrc gdling tl ~l'( 1 l o k,>epillg house on t!peoitll pri ce fr om c u . f -1 Oflice at reilidpn ce in .... UShe r· pr oach Balem townsbip '5. L. U Probate Court Proceedings I wo ki te hcn BhetvC'R, II ud arc hU.I'i ng wou(l' ~ ho use. Fourth ')1, ed. ITEMS ABOUT TOBACCO Anderson's t>onR, lumber $100.17 I CYCLE-A goon hle.vol·, . niHl in In the ~atter of 'he 1l8tate of in d riblets, like tile r est of New goot] r eJluir. Fil l' fDrl.h llr In A C V"lllns pector Fmuklln Willi . Tclephonl' 2H The curing of lesf tubaoco Is of YorKers." Elizabeth MoClnng, deceased. Es form lltion inqu ire lit I,hlll :111 i<:0. $ 111 . I ';herbert, brlclge r epairs mnch import,tlncs. !ll so III !' hllmlllog tat u fnUy Ildminlstered . j 28 Washington townllhip '~ 10. Typo- ot the crolJ from tho t illle it is ont Ohio Waynesville_ EAST INDJAN TRADEMARKS. In the matter 0 ' tbe estate of 1MBER- A lot, of goorl l'x hundl e write r Repair Co .. repair in olerk's ur ploked up . A gr Jwer olln in jure EJizabet h D. Collett, deoeas ed . Sale tirllhe r . Will flol l or Int . t o --'! -elffice, '12 25. Type wrl ter Replli r his tobo oeo or op to to Hi pOI' cent by I'ictorinl tradt'lIIl1rks for co lton of bond oonfirmed Co , replilra for oonrt stenograph ~ r, thl! simp le pr ocolls nf loading it on picc goods intended for sn.le among somebody to m a ka up on th tl .. llllrflll . John BI' ll oh, R. II ~. j ::lb DR. J. W. j,'\ILLER, 10 the matter of the estate of '12 E . C Thompson , Inquest over II ric kety wagon a n(l not handlin g Ihe llinu lls of lndin llSunl l.\' have Msria Conover, deoealled . BAY MARE.l :t y ellJ S old . Ilno,l 8ales in body of Mabel V. T inn ey , '6.25 . I~ oarefu!ly on th e WilY t.o the Ulll'll os their subj ects incid enls in II indu this 08U8e arf' IIpproved . d r ive l'. Bound 1\0(1 ~fl nt. I ·). tlfmid .. , DENllST ..• Xenl~ City Work Boulle, boarding Even more daOll1 ge ill 611Aiiy worked myUlology, romanti c d rama , IClIlpll's, of not, hill~ and 't !lood tfllYl'le r Marriage Llce1U1e8 prl 'lOner8 i1nring Decem ber 1913, omc~ In O!!oar Andrew Clinton farmer of lao 10 Qnlller & ,Jordan , COlli for in the barn during the c urin~ time . d eiti:es, nllutch girls and .Ellrop~1lJl Pri oe i!' ri ght. Inquire lit tbis offi oe. NatIonal Waynesville, 0 lIldg. j 21 As all tobllcco gr owers gnow, tbe . I\~t res:les . :Mo~arl1m C(l !l n peoples like Franklin to Mary Elizabeth Rontt, oour t bouse 12991. Ltlwi8 ProB. & orop oun ban g iu till! s hed for many p~ctllres sh0:-V I~g .Moha~rnt'dll~ ~o l­ It hundred. plnin, whit,e - - . - - - - - of Blue Ball. Co .. ooal for oourt house ' 08 94. months nnd not r elllly cnro. It d lers YanqUlshing t.helr Chn sban C crepe pnper l1~llktn!': in deFredertok Daniel Staup, sloo- Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co, ~I~n £j 50 per d ozen, at t hi!! offiee oan be dri ed out. and yet n ot c ured . en emies. hlol~ of Da'y ton, to Mabel L . ~Ilt· blanks for P . J. $~ 50. Citizens It oan not lltllllU In a pl1rtiltly oured --H-A-D-T-O-.-terlhwai&e of Waynesville. Dr. G Nlltlonal Bliuk rent for Pros. Atty. Osteopathic Physician ::: fltate and later . wi til a f e IV dnys of E . Gowdy. office 4th quarter 1913, $26. W . C. 21 Broadway Phone 449 grt'\'\t humidity, <l e ve loJl pol5 Rwellt "How 110 you propose to begin Orvil &.- Bar.hart, farmer of Gilmour, foes at Ootobe'r term 1913, There I1re nn y number o f thlogs work ?" Lebanon, Ohio Lebanon to lIis8 Ethel May Knowl- serving venlrea eto, 1169 74 . Valley whloh tobacco nlily do in a barn "fly suspending operatiollB." too, of Lebanon . Rev. ~rthur TelepbQ:Je Co., reots u.nd tolla C. B . THE OREATE8T othbr thllO oure p ' )perly, "How can that be?" DRANCH OFFICE Cooper. 133115 JJ. U. Anderson, refnnd er _ _ _ .. __ - - "I'm ·8 paperhanger." Waynesville, Ohio Real Estate TrllDllfers for 1912 on '2000 listed by error, RICH MINE WELL CONCEALED IN" THE WORI.D W O. Bndean to B. B. Bromley, Franklin Corp , 130. Ht'\te of Ohio, lUBIJSmJ) WEEKlY. $4.00 PER TEAl UPS AND DOWNS., Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 lote No. 'TI,79 and 80 in Maple Park V~, E. E Vlln Meter, Clark Burge8s, to 12 o'clock If This Story Is True, Untold Riche. IIGTEI.., DRUOOt8T8, SPECIALI8TS, Subdivision to Kingl MUIs1240. ,T . P ,$266 . 8 . G . Joy, o!tnst., '3.36. "Young Splurgcr has had his ups a08TUM .RS, TRANSFER., CAB Are Wa i ting fQr Some Fortunate oftnd dowlls J ) AND SERVICE CAN PROFI- Office, corner Ma in anll Hi g h streets J . W, Voller to C. \V Uogleaby, t!tE\te ot Ohio vs . Tbol. Chambers, Prospector. Phone No. 100 "Y L·· d h" I 'j ay U81NO ITS ADVERTISINO COLUMNa lot No.•87ln Franklln, SI, C. W, Munger, mayor, 13. 26. W .cs. lYe up . IS .Ill: lerl ance SAMPLE COpy FREE Thi s tou chi ng talc, for t he veracJane Banta to Charlea E. Eaton, E Of'"b Il tn. mllol'8ban. $7 50. S'ate ~d IS ~,:"v engaged I.ll lWillg down NEW YORK CLiPPIi:R Jote No. ~ and 6 In Allen's I!ub· of Ohio VS. Pearl Moore, C, W, ity of which WI ' .Iu nol youch, cOllies his past. . New York. N. Y_ li. BATBAWA 1: divIsion to Franklin, II. Munger mayor, 13 25. W,. E Grabam f"rom a SO llfl'C tha.t we 110 not kn ow, says the Engi nee r ing Hnt! Minillg W. G. ADderson to A. Millard lot marshall, flnc State of Ohio VI!. Wayuesville's Leadlnjl DenWls No . 68 in B4aoklnaw sobjlvision to Walter Bobm. C . W. MUliger, may Journal: {ltllce in KeYR Bldg. Main Ht . WA ¥NESYILLE CHURCHES "A hou t I(i(i () It 8 panin rd in P Prtl, .Fl'Rnklta, II. or $3,25 ; W . E. Gruhaw, marsht11l Charles E. Ea~on to Lillie Weaver $1 6.71, St&te of uhio VS. 811as A . named J'osc Sa lcedo, f ell in love wit h Methodist Episcopal Churda 10&& No. 6 and 6 in Allen's sub di- !:iioJk, A. J . DIvine, J. P . $5 .26; 1. III Iml ian g irl. H e pro 't'l'derl tu tlo neY. o. S. Gra\Ul8r. Pastor. a thing almost unheard of ill those viaion to Franklin U. C . Brown, const, $1.25. S,ate of Sun(\ny School, 0: 15 a, m. Mornllll( set D . L and Ie. P . Wills to Emersoo Ohio vs Jesse Forkner, W. J. Cur- times. H e married her. Out o f vice. 10 :30 a . m. E " "lng Hervlcc, ';: 0 p Funeral Dirrctor . m . MI(\wC<lk l' r \ye r Nee Ling. 7 p . m. TRAOF. MJl Rr. s Frazer 61 aorel in Clsaroreek town ran, J , P ., $496 i'1'. D. Frlloser,oonst gratitude her mot her rcvealeu to him DESIGNS and Embalmer, COPYR'G >ITS &.C. t!hlp 14100. $4 .30. State of Ohio VII . Grover a vein of silver of unexampl ed richSt. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. Anyon e Bending a " h etrh nil" d OftOr l/\fUHI I11f\, "ulck l, R.!ICe rtnl ll o llr cqlilll l Jl\ ( r oo,!, h ! lllI ' ! 111 1 Ellen Gleason to M. C. Glea80b Moorll. W. J. Curran, J. P ., $6.70 n eSR. H e worked it nud d r('II' from Io'ather Loul. YBUO WayneSville, Ohio. Itl fu" t l(m 18 (lrohlllJl 1 rllUtm lllhl u . ~III1IIT1UIII(' /1 11<111" Mulel b co nUdoBUul. HA NDBOOK 011 "III euLd MM8 e very l!Icuoud S undBY of the month a CINe Eisten, oonst , $7 j Leslie FU~ it con siderll ble welll th-loo much for 28}{ aores'in survey No. 1225 $1. V:UO a . m. ' C':~t1~ 1~~ y!~~t ~r.:::~~I~"~l~~~·I~ r~t.cJ~~lr~~:lve Call answered promptly day or night. D D . Runyan et al to Jame8 E. water, a8sistant $1.50 i 8. Drake, his happiness, for his 'opulence ex."c eflll nnU". with o ut. cli nr llO. tllth G Both phones in Office and Residt'nce. Richard ~on 8everal 1)ts in Butler. witotJlIII 500 i Bird Prendergn BS 500 ; cited the cupidity o f the viceroy, St. Mary's Episcopal Churdi. Long di8tancc,No. 14; Home phone L. Fitzwater, 600 i ~tate of Ohio VS. Count Lemos, who hu.d him charged vU le, 16600. no v. J . F. CIltlwaI\Il,lcr, RectOI· . A h.n~8nm el1 IJ1n !'lit. rnt e<t we ekI,. J. nrl:c!tt elr· 14-2r. culatl o n o f nn, IBcloll\lU(l Jtl urm&l. 'I'u rll l". fJ a Sunuay Sch OOl. 0 :301\. m . Morning s el with high treason, t he penalty of W. C, Hudson and wife to Stephcn Orville Oavu.ult, W . J . Curran, J. P. Chairs and one Coach furnished free r vi ce. 10 :ao ..An . H o ly Cummunlon ~h o nrsl Duteil lot No . 77 tn Maple Park $:t. iji i Clyde Elaten, ovnst., $1.65, which was d eath and the confiscation SUDII",y ot each mootll with funerals. MAU'NN B ......... om..., h. II' Bt., Wubloaloll. ll. C. Bcst of service guaranteed. subd1.810n to King8 Mill8 6S5 Stllte of Oblo vs. Maudle Fonder. of all worldly goods. "It was in vain thllt Salcedo deChrlttian Church. W . O. Hudson and wife to Walt-sr sm"h, M . A. Jameson, ,J. P ., $8 25 i Rev. P. n. TbomPfJOn. Pa.otCII: manded pennission to appeal to B, Duten 10&1 No . 90 and Slln M.aPlel!. C. Brown. oonst.., $2 55 . Bible 8cbool. 9 : 30 s. m. Social meetln~ Park sllbdivision to Kinge Mills, '90. Contrao~s Let ;-No. 198 with Madrid, and offered to pay two in- lo:ao a. m. Cbrlatlau Endeavor. 7:0U p. m. 8ermon by p ....tor overy alternate' Bunda¥ ,., G. F. Brewn and wife to Milton I Samuel Cutler for stone and brush gots of silver daily during the fifteen 10:30 a . w. and 7:30 P. m. Keever and wife lot No. 44 in South Iprotection BDd ohanglng of ereek months that Dlu sl ela.pse before a r eliicksite Friends Chur~ ' Live Stock and General 4uctioneer Park subdivision to Lebanon u.iong Lovell'nd and Mnrdoek pike ply was r eturned. The count r efused, irRt Da~ M c e tl"~. 10 :00 8 . m . First Da, and hllnged him in 1669. But tho Emma Bainbridge to Mt1rgaret Ion G. Heath's farm in Lovl!lu.nd S ch ool. 11 ;00 a. w . t"ourSh Uay JIoleellDI< Kratzer two traots of land In Deer. Clorporatiun Hamilton township butcher got small good out of it. The 10 :00 a. m. Posted on pedigrees and values :~of al IodiuIls, in tCll t on avenging their deld toWJllhlp $1. $15~ 06 ' kinds of breeding stock. Orthodox' Friends ChurCli. friend, d estroyed lh e wo rks of the A. B. Chandler to Frank Cook G I A. E. Wooten , PlIBtor. enerll oontraots as follows ;10 Fl7 aore8 in Wayne township ! mine, fil(ed it with' waler, Hnd conExperienced in handling A'a rm sales since !'\ahhaLh Sc11oo,1. II :ilU a. m . Re~'U lar ohurcb , With A. B, Sides for furnl@hing cealed the entrance so d everly that servlcos 10 : 300.. Ill .• I\lId 7; 3(1 p . m. Prayer '995.07. 1905. mcotlng .Wod o",;,lo.y evening a~ 7:aO. Mary A. Ellis to H. E . Creswell ppikes, bolts, eto., at market price as it could never be di sco lre red. Nei. lot In Harveysburg ordered by ooonty oommlssioners. ther promises nOI: threats could exTerms Reasonable -:- lSatisfaction ~Guaranteed ", ! With Walter Eltzroth for posts tract t heir secret, which remllins so .A. L . an d J . E. B rown to R. u Ore8well and 14.. A, Ellis a lot in Ilnd Portland oement at market to thia very day." GRADUATE OF THE Waynesville, Ohio Harveysburg, 'I. prioes, liS ordered by oommlasloners. This story is more romantic than «ATIONAL AUOTION Valley Telephone 45·2. George Oglesbee to Nettie Ogles-I With B. P . Blair for Portland those of the Gunsight, Peg lcg and SHOOL OFt"MEIlWA bee Ya intereet In • tracts of land in oement Ilt market prloe . i1everal other " lost mines" of tho • ::: - - - - - --_.Military survey 6&3, II. I With Jonel! & Howard for sewer AmcricUll desert. W. D. and Z . R. White to L. A. pipe u.nd P.)rt]and oamsnt at market NATURALLY Nun118t et al 89 .76 aorss In Turt)£'- prioe. ' oreek townshIp With LeWl8 Bros. & Co., for Port· B. T. Workman to W. D . White land lceme.t and ooal at market lote No.ll', 117 and 119 in Unlver.! prlce, Popular Mechanics sit,. HeIghts in Lebanon, With R. B. Smith for Portlnnd Magazine cement and coal at market prloe . "wllnl'TDl so YOU CAN UNDCIISY_O W" With B. F . Benecke & !::lon for A CREATCoatiDUedStoryofth.W........ How's Tbis? The SAFE boys' magazine Portlllnd nement und lile at market P'.....e_ which you maY begin reading " at any I ime, and which will hold your twel.e months 0'0 I .1 . We offer One Hundred Dollar8 Price. healthful brain food y..., intere.'! forever. You are living in the best renr. of tbe ulost wonderful age. of what la A1 1 1 )l1~ t nr all lxIl'" notn chl},t'" pl\por. 010['" 08 Reward tor any Olse of Catarrh that With Ohio C )rrugated Colvert doubtless the great""t world In the unjverae.. 1\ wh l.t. I.- full 0 plctu""" SG t.o ()2 p,..ea ovort cannot be onred by Hall's Catarrh fllon l h. l\tnnb,Inlq)lrfnR atorl ntt nrtrnveJ.i&d,on .. A resident of Mad would gladly pay~ tU1'"(I. athletic&' !tll,tory, aahor" Hro. wrltton by Co. , for oorrngated ingot Iroo flewer FORONEYEAR'S (''ure. ruO.llt vopul!,r bo)'8' 6u\hol1t. IUl trncUvb .poQbl "rtloIOR. Fine a'rtlclue nR fooibalLJ,nd nther pipe, prloee aooordiog to I!ize. , SUBSCRlPTIO" P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. _no. Dopu,monto 0.1 M!l<'baal .... KlootYI~lt1, tID tbis 'D3gazineJ,.1n order to keep Infonned of We, t£ae uadersigned. have k1Iown F. PhntolUfttf,h1. \'lopular SalOMe. Bow to llnke Our pro.grcss in £,ngineerlng and Mecbanlca.. J. C~., for the last Hi years, and be- P 'IV 1Ith the. Morrow Lnm ber Co , for ~:r~r::: 1!:~ltl~~::rr1~·~~,IIW~:g: OarAre you readlll8 it? Two million. of )'OUr neighbo18 lITe, Bnd It Is the favorite rnap. liew him perfecUyhonomhle in aU busi- ort and oement PC8ts and lumber Floorin .. and JOist alne In thousands of the best AmerlC811 beSS transactioaa and financially abla to at market price. The Ameriean BI)Y " homes. Jt apP"ala to 1111 daua-old aod carry out any obliga~n' made by his at stated prloe8. young--men and women. • Rcg'ular price . . '.' ......... • ~ .oo~ IIrm. The "lIbop 1fo." D...tJant (SiO PIP!I) VlTlth the Mison Lumhr Co ., for ,IT." til"" wan to do ihll!P-bow 10 m.b National Bank of COlIlIllerce, The Miaini Gazdte · _lalarUeI.. fo~ home aDd ahop. ~paIn,"" Toledo, O. . RegUlar price, ·.... :! l .. .. ~ 1.00 oak d oorlng, oak jol!!t at fixed prloel!, ".bIateur .......Iee" (10 PGIIM) tel.. botrfD Hall'. Catarrh Cure is taken intemaly, ::::.::=I!:'~l'.u"t:!7.!=~"';= actina directly apoa the blood and mlu· also Portland oement, othel lomber F ~ ": ~ ~~,' I :.,. • OOUi surfacee of the, Testimo- and p08t8 at market priOM. . .~~~~~~~~~_;D c......... nials .lIeJlt free. -Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold lJ1.all. l;)ruggists. . With L. G. AnderloD.ill Sons for . T W 'uld . call~ M'.188 . Mil :.-', Tab Hall'. Fawl, Pill, for Coustipa- lumber, P~8ts, ew' ,·at m~rke~ prioes. u.n:mret ~ .•.'Y?U .1io!I, \.' . With W\lll~m ~,,~, for 4oortnK, ., ~~oJ~"'~. _ ':. '. ." r, Ii f ,... -"





j ,l i". ti t H;w,l ll n CeH O ther lUl1liJll r : Itn l\ 1l()8 1." I. t !ll lL l' h~t pr ioOi' \\' 1I1t \Y . tl . .\'oU r lll.h, W . ~ .


Walter McClure


.. - ...


~~~~~~;C E. v .

Olassified Ads








Dr J. A, McCoy,






Dr. Heber M. Dill ,









Scientific Jlm¢rital1.

rCO·3~~B~~::'New" yoCrk



Nei Sears







a year

$1 000








~ 7i .

.... .

; __







--_. - -

GA Z ETTE r---Th; -Nei;hbo:.ho0d


((ates of Subscription.

l'uhll. hor l W{)<lkly lit the Uu zo lt c Olll co 111 thel

AII I I1 llu l ltll ul{.

~1"11l !;t~"yn~'"\"llle.~o. I ~)I~'~ ~'~I.\ .• .".'·.n):::::::: l1 : gg

TELEI·lIl1NE - (·.\ 1.1.

\' 1\ I.I .EY


- --- ---_.

'\11 .

- - - - - - - - - -- --


D L. Crane. Editor and M e n ager.

Rates of Advertising Helld lllg Lon" • . pcr line . . .. . . ..... .. C lu.<sllloll ,hi • . not IA., oxcoo<1 JIve ilnetl 'fhroo Ill sertltHlH . .... . ... . . DI.~luy Advertl.I,,{\'. IlOr Inch .. . . .... lJlHco un U gll'OD OD CODlfl>Ct.



. . 20c .. . . lOe

.JANUARY 21, 1914 .

I , "'"

.. t




111 nt more thun 11- huudred yenrs BKo, WaYllulIv\lIe hud what their mPlllberfl cu lled a "Busl nuss Men's Club" 'f here c"me IL mtin to this town nnd or~liulze rl it. got almost 1111 t·h f;l Ilusiltel:ll! men into It (Rt the ro t,e of "5 per) Imd started opera. tion8 Tho obj ct of tbe IlBBocil1tion Willi to infurm uncll member how muob Dill Hmit h or Jimmy Jones owed til oue of the members, Rnd thull iof orming tile member!l thllt they mast n o ~ give the ! gentlemen too muoh oredit, or they migh t I)O~ s \ bly never get the.r money . Thiti waH the pnrport of the aSl!oola liou. • Well the aesooiation Ilouril!hed for nearly two long months, when they gllthered together and by means of an entertai ::.meut on Labor OILY gllthered t<heokels enoullh to give f~ big luncheon . The "eata" proved the strll.W that ended the asso. oiation's eXlstenoe ignominiou8ly, for there was uever ugain a qaorum present to du busiuess. The inform. ing oollf'otion I1gency had ~he pleasure of colleoting about "umsteen" oonts. and the oompllllY Solon aban. doned this potty poheme of BlIowing the members to infor\n 00 their brotller fellow. It is ~ fllct, however. thai thiliis one of the mll.ny ways that brough' the merohonts of the 'owu together. W·hlle it wns II. "sly" way, ve' there wal! more feeling among the 'IIem· bers than I1t any time I!iooe. Wha' I~ needed und wbHt would be 'he best thing for the merchantll and the town in general. 18 a oommer· olllololub . The ideB ill belug Ollrrled out in even smalier plao.,. than Waynbsvllle, for Inettlnoe, Spring Valley. Tbe i,.ea of Ii olub of tblll kind would lJe to bring the men of the town in closer tnoch with eaob olher, not only In tbe bu~lne8a world bu~ in tbe sooial worl t at well A olub of til is kind w{Juld uot be oc.nllued to buslnesl! men, but to the farmer men of ~be oommunltyas well. Many Kood thing" bave re sulted from II. olub thl18 for.mad. Clubs at Lebanon and franklin are enthusiaetio Ilnd great good has reo 8ulted therefrom. The money thllt would be ce· qnlred to finance the olub would btl sWBlI In oOfllptlrlllOn to t·he amount ot good thBt will result. The busiuells men of onr town ~hould think this ;lutter over oarp fully and have au orgtlniZltlon ef teoted that will be Il oredit to the town f\ud Aluroundiug oountry.

'l'he postoffioe IIppropriation bill. oarryini '306,247,767, the largebt amount ever reoommended by II oommittee to run a government depflftment, bas been rsported to the house by the oommittee 00 postoffioes and post roads. Members deolare that th.~e will be 'I. figM over a rldAr oontalned lu the bill whlob woald gl ve tht} postDllIster general Aweeplng po"ers to di!lohurge 1l8siltant postmRsters and appoint suoce8sors wltbout rega~d to the civil servloe law, under whioh they are now pro&eoted. Postmi.ster.generale pluto orats already and more pawler tbll.o should be granted to them. ParoelM post have Inaugurated a. new order ot things, and U I, being utilIzed the last degree by all kinds or merohants exoept the poor printer. He hae to pay 'he fall oharge on IlIi printed matter len' out the lame as tormerly. Thill. one of tbe many Injuetioetl thai he hU8 to suO'er. And It doe. no' stop here. 'l'be government hae Itolen million of dollars' worth or printing trom the poor pllnter lu tht! way of envelopel. This alone, It nothlns more, ought make the govern · meot more leulent to the prlnSer and allow him the IIIIome postl\1 prlvllegell tha.t other merohant. have.




----- ..---

An Ideal Woman's laxative Whe wants to take salts or easwr oil, when therlt Is· nothing beUer thaD Dr. King's New Life Pills for all bowel troublel. Tbey aot geotly and na'urally on 'he stomaoh Bnd liver, stimulate a.nd regulate your bowell aud tone up the entire lIys. tAm. Price 250 A' all Drull81l1ta R . E . Buokll'o & Co. PbUadelphla or ~,. 1.00111.


- ..---


Among the many wars of Mexico 'Was that of 1838, known as "Guerra de loe Paste1es," or the "Pie War." :rhis namo is truly descriptive, since It occurred by rcaaon of ' a few pies baked by a French pastry cook of the City of Mexico nnd stolen by hungry pcons. The cook entered a claim for indemnity in the sum of $60,000. Strangely enough, the French governmeot took cognizance of this claim and made fonnal demand upon the Mexican authorities for its immediate payment. and, stranger atillt the claim was paid.




"What caused the coolnC88 beJ tween you and that young doctor?



"-' Mi8.""Hen Willi in 'tears . One of th~~g?t yo~ rere. engaged?,~ . her little ones had been Baorifioed ' H Hls Wfltmg IS rather illegtble. t to mil ,. e a replist tor Ii visiting oler. I ~';:ll;,e a note for It OOO kisaea." gymlio. "I tI h' "Cheer up;' RBid I he rooster, oom loug t It WBS a prescription and took it to be filled." fortingly. "Yon should rejoloe that ynur I!on is ent,edng the mlnlll THE WAY OF IT. try. Be waS pourly qualltled for "Why is it that hospital is so popIl lay member anyhow "_Philadel. ular. It certainly hasn't got the best pbia Ledger . doctors." . "No, but it has gOt the prettiest Knowledge of the Anelenta. From various prehl8torlc Imple- nurses." menta and ornaments found In Egypt, Professor Handcock, an Englishman, SUITING THE PLACE. has concluded that the ancient peoples of that land used face paint; that I "Don't you think the rents· thia the early pre·dyna8t1c Esyptlans were' a m a neolithic people. having been BkJlled ' p~rtment house are very hig~?'t In the making of flints and very early Yes, my dear; but, then, It'S 20 learnIng the use or copper IUId sold. ' storics.'t . IUId that from the earliest .tImes they HOW GREAT A THINGI knew how to navigate sal11ng boa.ta and rowboats. ''They say Ella'lI 1lance baa mODey to burn!' . Childs ''Wellt he baa met his match."Worms the Cause of YQ.ur . Town Topics. Paios





A foul, dlsllgreeable brea'b, da.rk HIS ·KIND. clroles around t·be eyes, at times feverish. with great t.hirst i cbt'eke "J flushed and then pale. ahdomen ones insists thllt there ought to swollen with IIharp orampilJg plllne be a tAl: on bachelors." . are allindiootioni of wormll Don" "He must be ODe of thOle .m,le let your ohlld sulfer-Kiok.poo ~ thaoriata.t' Worm KUler will Illve lIure relief • - • M.thosl In Thel, Llvl".. ]rllli the worms-while Ita I.naive etrect add 1I1 .... lly Co tbe bealtb of "Don't you thlllk. dear," bepD your ohlld . ,by .removlnl( the c1ao. Comfy. "that our nezt door ne.hOOn. 8eroue "Pd dlMgreeable etree' 'of the Scrubba'" are puttlDc on & ·areat ,WOl'lllB an4 pa~lIIltee' from th~ ay.· 481.1 too.)l\ucb .t11e; ~D.14eiiq til. • t~.;. Kiokapoo Worm Ktlle...... a tact that, theJ nu.r now from da7 - . 'h~"h prOducer. I!h9n1d. be .1'0 eTery to d." wbere tile. Den ~~ lII .oolDIDC ~ooaenold. ·Perfee~11 , .. fe.':· Bn,." fiomf· '~~ r. ~av : . Price', t60 • AU . Dr"i' ,''J.ou .~, lIlel.4 m,ore '_'~"=:ot _b;fi .QjiUI: ','gSoiapgo "Iodlan ·th~ more , ~ ~ :00' pbUa ~ qr. SL. '"~ ' . .~.,.. OQ\ -to m.. ....._ ." . . uc,rib!, . ~. •





~\ ~t


~: ~




., -



-, -






Wonderful Cough Remedy Dr. King'~ New ·Ulsoovery kl.own €I vtlrywh ere a t; tho reweav whioh will !l urely stop IL 'o ulln 0 ',' co ld . [) P . L ~w~o n o f Eichllll1 TAOIl writoB: "Dr . ({in ~ 'H New Di~bl) vt'!r v IS th O" mO>l t wnnd fl rf nl coug\]. cold Ilnd throllt "od Inn.: m edicillf' lever so ld in my "tOT'J. 1t oun 't be hellt· It !lellR with o u~ IlOy troublo ut .111 It needs no gUf,rnntee. " '1'hl~ Itl truo, beof\u~ e Dr . Kln gtl New Ui ~. covery will relievtI tbo mo!!t oh .. t.1 nate of coughs Ilnd ooId s . Lu II 10\ Ironblee quickly helped by its n~ f' . Her Good Wishel. Yon !lhoulct keep 1\ bottle in tblJ A woman prlsoller',; greetIng to n.n h"nse t\t fi ll t.iml' s for all th e mem l!:ngllsh magist rate: "Good luck to bers of tile fumily, ;'00 umi tol. 0(1. you. old sport! May you never WilDt !\1I Qruggil!t·s or by m,dl B . E . tor a shilling or a shIrt!" Bu ·kl en & Co . Pllllac1elphiu. or St . .~. --Lou i!! . Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Greek. Played DomlnOL This remedy has no superior for The gUlll e ot dominos has been " .... cougbs find colcls. I t iM pleMII,lll t to take. It oontalns no opium or other rlously traced to Greek. Hebrew and uarootlc It lilWIlYS onfl'll . For B:lle Chin ese origin. Early In the eighteenth century It WUIl Introduced Into France by all den Iers from Italy. and the Cafe de I'Opern. was long the headquarters for expert Do yon read yonr own or your players. From France It spread to neighbors' Miami Gllzptte? Englund. Germany and America.

~ -- - .---- -- - - - --. w Bu;, i ii'.l


(.;. .


- ---------------- ~-------------------

t. ~

0- -

i;<::w~ ~I

Junloe In HaytI. The theft or govttrnmontal funds In HaytI Iii very common. U one ot the suhje'ct6 or otllclalij 16 caught In th e a.ot, or even SUR1)(!c tcd along liuch a line, It Is me rely U Question whethor he lives or dies. In such cases the presid ent droJ)S olay manikins on the oemo: t floor of hi s priva te office. If tho man ikin breaks the prl80ner dies. 11 It tuils to break he lives us long WI tho moist atmoijphore at the prison be is confined In will let 111m.

Mr . Rnd Mrll. Bornce B"I-!qn of I M I~" J ·'I." ;m,1 8 · ,!LR h . ~ · I' (' turoecl near hero ht4v e tbe tlywpMhy of, 'li b I t" , ., t-,- . . .. :, 0 It er, . lI itl': .1 ::tu vnrfl l oummunity in the dt!ath of th .OIr \,' ., • • Vbl L wi ,; , j! :. >u<I .~' ../lr ~pl'l n" first born, being 3 yturs .lId. V • . "y The MIl8",i,. Tp Bunday l:3('h oo1 ~' ! I " \ 1lid 1'. I :\1. rTf ,·, .... U.. y t ,\D, oonventlon oonvened h Aro !:iunrll\ V "" .1$ t. ) ; ,. 7;'.1 ,'1;. ,\11(1 :~ II '" , t li er Ilfternoon II.t tile M. E. ohuroh . ·Re v. gr .mllp.. r "I\I~~ . ,. nll ~ ',,- \\' ll r nHr Barrv Compton. of West Milton Morri s was present Rnd a-.. ve a. talk. A' Mi!l ~lls l!'JOrll Rnu Mfillct Bn rllm one time Rev. Compton was onr very plel1~I1J.1tl y onterlluDl.lj the pastor ~nd WBII liked by Bll. On Df!Jta Alpb.l CI'J!!!:! on SllturdllY Sunday night he preBohed one or aftern oo n . 'fho Wom en'M!:<'oreign Mi sRionary hill appreoiated !!ermons to a. large and aUelltlve audlenoe. Be 18 oor. ::iooiety helt! an all !luy " ~e wing " at dially requested to oome oUen. tho llom6 of at r ~ A. \\. Heeves The stork vl81ted 'he bom!' of Mr. ThursullY of last woek . Til e w.) ,uen and Mre. J. Hamilton Bog8n and are preparin g 11 box of clothin g t,o left wUh tbem a boy. be sent to Afrioll.. We Ilre being vlsUe _l by Inspeoror!! The seoond number of t.b e leot.uro of dlO'orent kinde and the la'e8t ODe OlJllrlle. "Ameri oan Knots. Split ant! to appear npon the soene came la8t UUl,jpllt· · by Dr. W. T. t:l CuJp, of week to make Inquiry ae to how Cleveland, wall botll instrncti ve nnd many, if any, spellk 0&1y '8 we had ent.ertainlng . Little Mllry loenllower is qnite ill on Main street, and from all ao. oounta he wile an unweloome vh!1tor. wit,h pneumonlli. Mn, W. W. Weloh 'nnsaoted Mis!! Hollin~ she8d. teaoher ot tbe business In Xenia Tuesday. Intermediate HuoUl, is nt her h ome Mr. and Mrll. Jonathan Morrill. of near Xeuili, qnite ill . Mi ss Flora THlln transaoted bUllness here laat Harlan il! teaohlng in her plaice.



Midwinter Sales



- - - . -. The greater amount of 'he legol Fol' Frost Biles and Chapped Skin

talent of Lebanou ",as here last week lea,nins their dulte. In the O&8e that II 800D to be hea.rd In our Court of Common Pleal. Turp Smtth employed at the 1'1. U. R or Da.yton, vllUed hie wUe and daughter Bonday. Mrs . Margaret Anion Faber. of Ua.ytoo, ill visiting her parents Mr. and lIrl. A. H. Anion. MIBe Olee Anson a.nd Gall U n(l:les· bee on Bnnday were the gue8's of Mr. a.nd Mra. Albut Merrybewat thetr bea.utlful home on the Avenne The Wa.rren County Sunda.; 8ohool oonven'lon will hold a two dlye I8l1slon In our Village during the month of May. Our latch string bangs out to every thinK for the beltermen' of mankind. It might be!l good Idea to move 'be County eea' ht're as a greBt portion of lhe lUlga.Uon In 'he oourts are from thlll 10cal1ty. al 'hough we have law abldlDg oitiaens they will 10 'ooour' to have their grlevanoos adjullted. 'the State of Ohio agalo.' 'he HarveYllburg Fer_ SUlzer Co. Is the oua tba.t Is belnR beard and con.'rut>d a.Dd of oourse not misconstrued around 'he well heated ltovea in !lor storos, and from the present outlook it is about &0 allume the notoriety ot tbe bar ry Thaw ease. tbtl mau behind the Fertlllzer Co., Is another Jerome and Will be found after hil rla-bte. Mr. and Mre. Lewis Bears and sao Boward, of Wilmington, epent Sun· day here tl-e guests of M~ and Mrs. Milton Howe. Our Fertilizer has Inlltailed In tbelr plan' a. maohlne 'hat will OOn · 8ume the odor and Ie ready to be put in operation. When this Is done and found to be &s expected the oommunlty will be well please" Mr. Kibler of 'he tlrm ot Kibler Bros. of New Washington, traDS. a.oted buslnese here last week. Mr N. B. Ricb, one of our highly respeoted oltlzens, remaiDs quite poorly a.t this writIng. Mrs MOles Boga.n ·a.' the preHnti Ume is very slok and her Ilet&ing be'ter Is hoped ror.

----_ - - ...

Best Cough Medicine for Children "J am ver., glad ro My a few worda In pralee of Cbamberlaln'8 COlIgh Remedy" writes IIrM. Lirla Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis. "I have used It for years botll for my ohil. dren and myself and it never fBllp t,) lelleve and oure a ooagh or cold No family with children ehould be without It aa " gives almos' tm. media$e rellal In caseB of oroup." Cbamberlain's Coogb Remedy Ie pleasant and sate to, whlob III of gren Impor'ance when a med. lolne mul" be given tQ. 10Urll ohll. drsn. For taale by all dealer•.





{Uttaps~f all D~scttiptions


Egyptian. Really Knew More About the Subject Than We Modem_ Do Today.

The announcement is made by Ii Brit:ish Bcrentist that he has discov· ered how the ancient Egyptinns in· cubnted chickens to the number of 12,000,000 a year. He has found in· cubfltors which he declares were used in Egypt 5,000 years ago. The secret has been well guarded, ! but it is laid bare at last. They had no oil stoves or gas or electric heated incubators, but they had ovena whi(!h worked much better, even though they required more constant tending. Each oven was crucwated to hold 7,000 eggs, and the fuel by which it was heated consisted of chopped straw and dung, but for the last ten days of the hatching the en· ergy was supplied al together by the chicl{ens themselves. It .is the commonest error of those operating our modern incubators to use t oo much heat, especially toward the end of the period, and now we DUly learn from the old Egyptians how not to do things as well as how to do them. The use of the 8traw and other light fuel shows thnt the Egyptians were most careful to avoid too intenae hent nt any stage. We thought that we werc the first to uso incubators, but we. are fifty centuries behind thc timcs. .

Suits, Coats, Furs, Blankets,



JOHN LOST HIS CASE Peculiar Form 01 Cu... 1Ie,me'wh,.t Prejudiced the Agalnat



Rugs, Petticoats, Underwear.

Holiday Sales were immen~ely

large this season

We have some very fine Cut •

Glass, Brass ware, Baskets, Dolls, Gloves. Aprons suitable for New Years Gifts and any season.

expense to the county was returned to his home to an8wer to a charge of wife desertion. Arraigned in court, he stoutly protested that while ne~ity forced him to leave his family In order to obtain employment, ho had sent various Bums back to his wife for her support. The state's case 1J~gan to look rather shaky, because It was a matter of choice between. the word of the wife and that of the husband, and the latter had noted certain dates on which he said he seJitt histook wife amoney. the court hand At in this the pomt quea-II_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- J

Great Sale Silks 49cand75c New: lot just in


Work of 8up.... rogatlon.

Job!\aon had JUlt reconred from one or bll periodical spreeB to whloh htl addicted. Durin, the soberin, olr proceBl he met the nll.,e 0004 Samaritan who had often helped blm o't'er the roulb placN In hili almost worthle.. lite. Shamefaced &lid ID a repeutaDt mood be contueed: "W.U. MI.. Polly, I certainly baYe Hen makIDC a fool of mYllelt acaln. I found I ,u4n't ha't'e to make IIIU7 altentJou to oompl... the JOb."


li'lr frollt bitten enrs. fing ors find toos; ohapped hllndli Rnd lips chi! blt4ln", o,)ld. soreR. red Bnd ;ough 8kins. there 18 nothing to eq ullI Buoklen's Arnioll t:)lllve . Stops the plli:n Ilt onoe a~d heals qUlokly. In every bome there shonld be 1\ bOl[ handy all the time . Best reoltl,1y for all skin diseases. itchlug eozemn, teUer, plle~, etc. 250. All druggists or by m llil, H . E. Buoklen & Co . Philadelphia or Ht Lonis.

tioning. "Jo'h nt what was the largest sJk of money you ever sent to your wife at one, time p,t the prisoner W88 asked. ."Well, judget it was exactly $80t" wd John, after studying a moment. ''How did you send this large sum, John t"t queried the court. "By p0stal or express ordert bank ch~ or ,howr' . "~one of them ways,'t replied .Tohil. "I sent two forty-dollar billa ~ eItve1o.~.h . I

_------------------------fY.""". . . . RAY MILLS Automobile. Livery Service at Rea, sonable Rates. AlSO

AgeBt for- Rac~e Aa~mobQe ' Tires~ ,







'T'llere ~I 8 S sO!1lotb:ng wll lc n III 'a cell mil In hi, ca lloue tMlO kUe S8, "1 hope4," said, " Go 00," " W e ll , m oth e r 11ated J esse 80melhln ' " hronk , Art ' r"' ard wh e n- - wull, s h u had to run for the nrltl s h 11088e8slo ns, li nd II' !, me t up wllh .r e~6 f' ngul n by a ccId e nt. He g il'o u s 1\ s h ack and s.' nll' la nd, but mn l h f' r an' m ., hnd our I' r lde , 11011 wo uld you Ilk{' 10 tnk e chari t y ! ~ l " th l' r ha le r1 h Im s tili II o rs{', flnrt <I01l 't you I"':II:;III!' I' d go ba, k nil III 'r S Ilt"s nI)' IHOlhN . "T h r'lI ,l Oll II lI lr l' l('d J f' SSf' . Of ('o ur sCl nHlI h<'r a"I I niP hot h kil t''' th:1l Po ll y


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drop or bl.:>04. -rhal u~ ....n. ,.. Jess e, "And them p:,orca w!Alo les Is ISO ron t e mpluo uR of t h e g iant &(]uld they ueel h e r ro r rood . S be's s mall along ot I spe rm w hn le , btlt s ho's mean 118 ftlgbl pytho n Kllll k l'U wltll 1\ de vil In the Dlldctl >, TlInl'1 1 do fo r P o ll y , " Well, las I " OY ll gII I se{' n anti · 01 I th e m s h o- n l);l1 trIl IHI!!< ~ Ir n n g l e a bull ('ach a lot, u tld th l! s igh t t urn e d m ~ Ki l'k 0 0 " d o~ "a I\' , d')'f' Iln(lI-r stn n<1 1 wh at l' oll)"R li o lt ,~? I l old yo u 1 llUtl'd .r I'Msr. 1 l o ld you s tr ul gh t to yo tlr f J\c~ why I h ll l (> d h llll, A ll d 11 0 \\' , m ll m, I ' w

-:lll tl

Practical Fashions LADY'S DRESS.


o lll y HOIT Y fo r pUI,J r .J I ':;'~W"

f,lIiI .. r W;}M ftI'lI lll"l whl'll 110 or II , LIllI U s It II'n " th " " , I 11111111 , Iha t I II I'~a D N cl' ('J' III II" 1 l!"I 'r S "" 1l hif n. \\' (> Im " w Ihal I' oll r r(>a lly 10 I", t (,I'I'IIII 'd '''' ~ nll\,(' , ",," 1001h,' r 1I'0ui d h lll'tJ o lt.! d ill'S at Ih l' ra ll ch h ad IIl lIy bt' (' 11 SVNOP S IS. Th e tft n r)'

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t-! ~r~d'(:~· 'I:,~~r~ , rorh!~ I~ll ~::;:I,p:. :I!' ~\ r.~~ il . ,I;l I'(l ur:q';t' , .l 1 '~(~1' FO f fo!;l ve as ~·ou ll o pe h •• " h" " "II1" " It . , " " I II" ,. ,,,I· I Ill.'" 1rnl' p,lrd,," . H.,.. I' your lite cl ea n. tram ~ \::1 ' i:'l'."'· ~~';' '':'; ',,;" I~::,! I .. ; !~~:,,""[I.~ ,,::~:~ , 1''' ' ' 1'), to uc h of ovll. but to th o world bt" ''' J l n,.~. " ..~. . '.\·1,1)'-·, " ,1-" ';;1 '" II .. nl lrl h':( fi :alld up ro r th e hon o r o r tho name } ' I\ I I)" u ~t nllf->r \,r fJ ' Jv.MI! o nnt>I, ' 111 \f ,1 " , : )'0\1 g-a " c h er ," wh .. I''' '' r I. repM,,'d I' . h ." ' " " ,,,"nlll, 'lI oult·hl. .I~ •• " 10," '" 111 ' '' n ran"I ,,'r ,IIlI I " l will. " m ",,"," [ .. Tl rIU, [, ,'nIUm bl" "",.' T .. ",·nr "Yo u forg ll·c 7·' tRJ(f' 8 u p 11. .. I la r rl\ t h '.. \ ·rlll a pn l1 v IIIH r~ "V .. rl 'l\ .1" <'0"' ''"1.'1." ••• ul,·" .... hu l <'·h ' l lI ~e. es, tH' rl m'" ,1 "r"' r Ill""",,,; J ,' ~"" J ,t"",· r,'.· " You wil l pray for h e r?" l"U f 9 K ate, r r l Ull h p t · Ll rl nk - 01lt.(htf'l\f>t ' hlls " I wi ll pray" bun" w h o IIW ' nt!, [. '0 kill her. Tn','rl f ' 10SPR h i. lire In Ih.· I'n IJ lds. I,ll[ e rl'jP" (' " And now th e h ardest test ha s Iltlll oCTo rs o f .: runtl Il porn In,," a go r. 10 rCl ul'll to come. For your wlte 's honor and tor \ 0 I h ~ KLnl/o and ," nrrleK J es.e. T hulr In llrrled li re ."tr(. u,,' )II' Pllll y . K n lO 8UI:- th e child, you m ust k e ep their names cumbo Lo (hiD PleBdlnlfll lor IL co mp"8a , IOI stalnle sB. d e nr or all r e proach w hil e r C""tur n t o l lfo 8 lu gu nn c runs n.w uy w t l hi m S it. rc~cu e" Widow O' I' lynn rr<l m you nwalt God 's jud gment. The y must her bu mln l' hu u ~e , I. badty bu rn ed her ' leav e you, Jesse," .ell nnd ro ' I II rn o horn e, where J e$;c reo celvP8 hl'r wllh OP' n nrlll~ , J e88e c u ll s " Ob , not' tbat, sir! " (ln n d~ hhKors n nd nl n n. to ru pl ure c hl tle "C an th e y s t e lhll'v('s, a l e I. reBc ued trom Ihe hn nds ayile r In haDar'" , of Ih n bllnrl l,", Jes"" to <' npl urt'd hy t he "No."

" nut I ca n 't 8w11l1 . I'm a s n ll or."

I mo th C' r wro te to P o lly , wo' d ll U"l h e r


"O h. "'oaJ ly ? Th e n wb at's yoor it 'lI"rs " na m e ?" Wh f ' " It's Hil ly O'F1\.' nn to .. a t a n cscnpe o r u s "N b h ' J Th e n \'011 sa ved motb e r fr o m bllrn· 0 u t t nt 8 w ~n Jl y 1l)'\.' gu inea I • h' 1 k J In g ill Ih u t s hac k, li nd urt e rw a rct s h e P g, t e p n on ~ llllly O' F I)"n n. h" I,'d .J "~sn worse be ca)lse sh e Yo;,r 're no t a tal r y !lIll y ?" Itl ' II I hi f; I " " 'h h t d ' k '" b C'uU n t t til or e ar oflurting " y, w a oes )'OU nuw a out I 1' 11 t! . Oh s h e was mad bcca us o s b e' d tal,r, l Is?" ;'ot fond 'or you , Mo t tr tht II k i d 't ~ S U U y , you ' now, on "A d k I be li e ve In fa irl e a, but t b e n It pleases n you t oo UB nto your ran cb . mumml o. " (,harlty agul n. and yoU eallln' under I' t t t l b tb f Tb So Dilly sat o n his b ea l makIn g ro os an co o r s, 0 o y e z, e friends with tbo h ea ve n· bo rn, nnd way motber pra yed for J esso ",'RS ough to scorch hIe bon e " DIll Patsy, the nurse, came be blnd him, c n kl d "I I ' II I s, d y cra v in g w ith cotto n'g lo y£'d hands to c hu e 0 , • Il n t r e g, ou~- I r luk , d tt P ofe I C th 11 t touch tb e s ailor's cri s p , sbor t, gold e n , un no fl gmUOr I,~.rltsh mre. ss n a a c cu s b ' a r,Isd n D8 \' Id grav e Iy tr Ic d on tb 0 , ma n' s pe allCd cap. "Th ~ n t he re s tho flg~l1n ' be t wee n " ("n n you run awny?'" "Yee:' BU ly a g r eed . 'fa i ri e e Is rot ra ther s g nn g Bod J ess o s , Dad got h J t th d 11 H h "Ne ver!" wbeD tbere's r e al gals abo ut. with rosy un g , CMse go e 0 IIrs. aug , "Th en you mU l:l t part ," ch oe k e n·bJu shln' nn' cotton ~ l ove! ." co tnm on , fl,o -ac c o unt. white tra sh, like tl e h en s J d J esse cove r ed hi e fa ce with his "I..awl[s ' 'Ow you sailors docs fancy 1110 w r an m , r esse e xpoun· ha nc,l M, and there ugnlnst the d ee pcn · you r selves." said Pats y , b e r s by fin. In g th e S c ript ur es. We uln't go t no fcC' lln gs snn1C a s you" In!; twlll g ht I saw s hadows r eaelli ng I ge r s drnwn by that ma g netic go ld or . , (l ut fro m him, liS tb ou g h -s lo wly th e t h (' man's blllr, P oor la d! P oo r s avn go ge ntle ma o! I d " Yo u savl' d m o tram mur d e rin g S In <1ow 8 too k form o r hl gb ·s hould !!r e " C limb on my bnck a nd rId e." sol d I wl ll gg nnd mi g hl y pin Ions swee ping youn g O'?}j"lln to n u vld, ''I'll he a .I {'~ s e nnd g ot mC' away fr o m that to Ih o g ro uncl , fn lr y h a r Re, " I ranc h , 81 11 (:0 Ih pII I'v e foll o wed th e II , Itlokf 'd "1·1, and be hOld bo waS " The ch eek ot ' Im!" jee r d Pa ts y, Hl'a, T h e J"'s wo r st) me n Ib e re than c hn n"w d. "rn i ry 'orse Ind cf' d !" Jps s e , I Sl' ' 11 wo r 6C gru b, wo r se treal · "Pr uy lor m e, slr~ " li e wbltipc r cd , Ob, ~ llrl' l y th e fa irleg we r e very nll' llt. lI o rsr tlm t's III gl' nc r ll l si nc e I Th f' 1! L1 I1' prl es l r a ise d b ls htUHI, a nd bus y ab o ut th l' m, tuggi n g a t h ear t· qu it Lh l' ra ll ch . I"ll' e ), PU I' H nl ~C'!,- " gav u him th e be nl' dl ctio n . T hl' r e w a~ tlIP g lu lll our. th e great· n ps s of t h e s ea In th is Ill d 't; I'yes , jll s t


robb re , but by b t"iev£' r r us e mn k 's p ri 9o n ere o r t h p. r( 1hhe r 8 , Th <,, \' Il I"C t urned ove r 10 n I'u lterl ~ln I P~ ma l sha l. \V IIO It""

I~x trl\rlltl o n \.)ll,, ~· r9. J E"fU, e t n.k f' S ('hAr~", tIt th ," o Hllnw (' h ler' s so n. DI ll y O' Flyn n, h ILl't " R p ru ml .~ d Ih ' e ll l.r 10 keop him nul or hi" r"". er'R v rn r,' ~" '''n. H e l ul(NI n Ul y t o Vnr'l'01 I\'l!r nnJ Lttl· lad I~ sh nnl!h nll'd. ,\ "nIl I. " nrn to Knle a nd " "sop and Is nflnwn [<"I'ld . .f osHe ra· ee l v~. Il 1,' I"' r rrnm hi. Il rel ",Irl', I' n ll y, In whl h .h " 'r.l!a h i m ~h~ d <'~"'I'd him hU n Ihl nl<I"1{ al,,· ,..,,1 klll ,.. 1 1,. ra"l r. S h e l hroawns 1., ,,""~ t o him. CHAPT ER XIV.-C o nt lnued , Tb o fa lb C'r n' l l? u~erl IlI f', tll rnln!; 10 my d ('ar nutn . " J eH~C', " h e sai d, "\\'O ll 't you s h!l k e hall rl s wiLh tO e ? arrived



" Vo u see, " h" Ha ld . " I ma do a lII istak e my self th lll l· lnS a pr iest s h ou ld be cc lll>ntn to Win' love fro m on h lg b, JC'ssc r los c.~ th e nvo k. Dut In Its full es t s trengtll God 's 10 l' e It Is yea r s now si nc e my lady le rt comes thro ug h a wom a n to a h lne ul,o n me . KU I'er hus lin ax touched h er our 1! r~ and so t' vC' ml~sc d tb e g r en t· t rocs. or an y buman c r e ature e n t e re d es t of bis g ifts. YOll r wife h as t o ld h e r locke d bouso. T lIe rus tle at l'fl' me eve ry t hin g. and I' m sn I!nl'io u8, dress is In tbe le av es e ac h fa ll, tli e W on 't you sbak o hands ? I'I'C bee n s o p ln c s s tili echo to b e r voice. I hear lonely, Won't yo u ?" b el' to ots t eps over tb e new s now, I But my man s tood In tb o mouth at feel h e r presellce w he n 1 rend her too cave, as tbough be we re beiug boo kl!, I kllow h e r thoughts are Bpll'judged. itB haunting me, nnd a ll thIngs walt "Tbl filtb" h Id" f tb t unt il s ha comes back . N ot until 1 lost B , e s a , out 0 e pa~. m y Ind y d id I eve r h ear that falot, FI~~~"volce sounded as though be thin, sway ing ecbo when her grove were dead . seemed to be humming t un es. At Umes "Tho law," be said , " I've come to when dew was falllllg, I have h eard find out what's tho law?" th e pa tte ring of mllllonB 'and millIons "Man's law?" at little feet, just ae she said, makln. ~I 8uppose 80." th e grass b e nd , "But I don't know. I'm only a v ery Tears drop on tbe paper and shame Ignorant old man ; your trlend, H poor fool JesBe. Th e Book say8 that. you'll have me ," He shall wipe away all tears. If my "What do you think?" bear had only liv ed, I should not have "So far as I see, Jesse, th e woman been so lonely, I wonder If-God help I Began to Under.tand What Billy can arraign you on a cbarge at big· me, I can't wrIte more , The book Is Meant, amy, Moreover, If )'OU see k divorce finIsh ed , s trIngs, while Billy and PatBy fell b ea d sbe can plea d that t h e re •8 equlI I gu II t, from which tb e r e'B no r elease." PART TH REE. ove r ea rs In love, and my pet cupid "And that's th e law' " b a d them both tor slaves, David rode h CHAPTER I. Bl\ly home, by hl s august command "Man's law , But, J e sse, w e n you I t' h I b d h a nd Kate we r e joIn ed In holy matr l· s ratg t nto my rowll stu y, were mony, was It man's law wbl c h s uld , Spite House. I sat In my lazy chair. 'Whom God hath joined, le t no man Ilc lt1C'W8 the 1kJ0 k . Was It my voice t e ll ing baby to go Pllt BBund e r ,' W h at has m a n's law t o 'r h l' book Is not fi ni s h ed. This book and get dry fe e t? Wa s It lilY han d do w ith tb e aw{ul justi ce of Almlgbty o r .J esso 's lifo li nd ulln o is not Onl shed g ras plng B llly 's horn y paw? For I God? whil e she who set U B ~Illu nd er Is al. Ileard my roaring can yon, saw my " And b e r e, m y ~ on . I a m ~ omClh iug low ed to 111' 0 . "Vengeance is m ine ," cllfl's , my e muattl ed sculp l ured cliffs . more th a n a foolis h o ld 111 nil. I Ie sltlth lb e Lord, "I will repuy ." We and alice more s "e me d t o ",a lk with J C3se In Cath edra l Grov e," r06e t o h is fee t, llI tlk ing tli l! Higll ot w:llt. I laugb ed, I c r ie d. Ob, yes. of' the cros s. " I um o rd a in e d," h t! said . " a \\ ' b a t Impulse move d m y man atte r barrl \l l e r to pl ead at th e bar of four yea rs to e nle r tbat tra gic bouse? course I mad e a [00 1 of my ~ c lt. For Heaveu , Wi ll YOll no t ha ve me a s your H e read our book, BO plteo usly stain e d, tbis dear lad calli e out at Wonderl a nd, thI s h eedle ss ruttl a n who knew or my a dvi se r, J eSBe '! " this h eap at rJaper scrawle d with I'u s ty "Wbom God h a lh joine d," Jesse Inll , H e add ed pa rts at a cbapter, s e co nd marriage , wbo h ad s ucb a Lal e l au g bed 1I0rrlbly, " t!l a t harlot and I ." which I have finls b e d, It Is all blotted to tell or "Mada m e Seotson ." Ob. H e r procIo us "S he 8wo r e to love, ' bonor and w it h t ears, this record of hIs llfe- bav e n't you h ea rd ? Baby David ls ille gitImate ' Could n 't o bey? " c blld hood , boyhood, youth, mnnhood, "Till d Auth us part!" 1111 mor, pass ion-verItable growtl} ot I h ear my n e igh bor, Mrs, Pollock t e ll· lug that s te ry a t tho Scandal club? " Aud thot was pe r jury?" an Imm or t lll splrlt-nnnals of tblilf love F eelin g 1I1-bre d and common. I "A jok o ~ A j o l[e! ' whi c h IItte tb us above th e earth-a nd begged B illy's pardon, made Wm sit "That was not m:lrrl age , my 60n, the n! down, trie d eve r so hard to put him but blas ph e my, tbe s lu be yond forg iv e· So I must try to catch up napplness , at his ,case. Poor HII I hll vo noles h ere of dear Fatber condemned as a Jar ed. made at tb e time when he was a WIcke d old brin g in g IDe with Baby David home . I the very rem e mber we Bill In our deck chalre how out on tho BlI n ny sid e at th e sh ip, watch· s bone the eyes of a Ing a cloud race out In mid· Atlantic. thore was manlin ess In We tall[ ed at 1I0me. everything he did. Atter Frognall End, wbere my saInt \ a journey for my sake, 1I0w cura.te- In-c harge, Is on th e river near blm doubt that h e was welcome? Winds or, and the re I we nt to live w ith " I know I'm rougb," he said hum· l1a uy On vleJ. bly, "but you Bee m to understand. ~'rom the first my lI eaven ·bo rn was You know I'm straight. Y{)U won't Inte r cste d In milk, IRt e r In a grow ing mind straIght talk unless you're num be r of worldly thillgs, but It WIIS c h ange d, a nd you're not changed- at not until last winte r by tb u firesid e le ast not tha t way, mum ," th a t we r eally hu d 8erlous tules a ll C hanged! All, how c banged! The aLlout Wond e rl and. loo king glass had bitte r tbings to Although Duvid ha s d£'cld ed to bc a t ell me, lind cryi ng make s me such a t ram conctuc to r. h e stili t a kes som e frump, I n e ver fe lt so plaIn. And tho ll lLl e Inte l'es t III ot he r walks of l,i fe. eyes ot a young man are of t e o brutally On ce on th e tow· path h e as ked an o ld rrll nk to wom e n. ,"Don't mind about me, Dilly. Say ge llLl e mulI wbo was Jl s hl ng what b e waH ftshing for, a nd got th e nice r eo what you've CODlC to t e ll me." pi)' : " I oftf' n wonder ," And It was on "!leen getlln' It ready to say ever t hi s pat b b es ld e the Th am ~ 8, that o n sin ce I started for England, Look d ay lnst :\'o ve m be r h e made a big bere, mum, I want to go back to the "T ile n You Must Part." frlend s b lp. His nurse was pass in g a beginnIng, to wben I was a kid, an' ness . Th c IJ l t "' ou ~ lost creature bns t e w r e marks w ith a young man who motber kep' that hash house In Abl. aske d the way to my h o use, and ba by le n e. D'ye mind It I speak-l mean n e ve r bee n your wife." "I Laid b e r wh a t sh e Is , s traight we nt a he ad purs uIng his lawful occa· a bo ut this here Polly?" slons. Curio us to kn o w what It felt 1 set my teeth nnd hoped ho would from lb e s hoo ' d e r." lik e La be II real fish, he waB ste pping be quick. "Wbo ruad c b e l' 60 ?" Into th e river to seo IIbout It, when "Well, ye aee, mum, she only done it .r oBs e lowered h is h ea d . tor a joke, and the way Jeaee treated "Who mad e he r Ih e living accusa· th e Foung man Interfered. "Leggo . my ta\l ," sa id David wrath· her-'" tlon at m n 's s ins ? Sbe Is 'tbe t er ribl e "I can't ' hear this," Btate's e vidence: Ood 's evi d e nce, rull y, the n wi th sudden defiance, "I whIch walt s to be r e leased In th e Day got my t ee t wet anyway, so there!" '''You don't mind If I lJIay that moth· of Judgme nt. Ynu told h e r straIght "That's so," the yoong man agreed , er Bnd me haven't no use for Jes!le?" (rom the s hou ld e r , Jud ge not tbat ye "I say," David g r e w confidenL "I know that." b e not ' judged. Rem e mb e r tbat or all "Mummle Bays It~ In the paper, so "Well, mother put her up to the the meil she IIn ew on earth, you only It's all right." Idea. To 'cet BJrut ·of him, Bhe' IIham· can plead not gUilty." "What's that, sonny?" mad dead .. I helped .. I Bay Bhe dODe " 'B~C/luse r mllrrl ed her ?" uked .. ~ little boy w~at went In. to lOe il«~~. m~m., . If .~he~d let It 'I. ~ .~ &.bAt· jene bumbly: abOllt some flshes, and th~t.tDan what- I'd take h~I"lIlde' ~t ·DO"'.'~':'·'. ,'. "Because you trl1!d . YOll gave ber swum and BWI;lm. and 1 Baw',d bIB ,."BUl1, ," ', Plat. ~ ~... " 10Ur olean namll~ yOl1r. p.uro lifo,. Jour· lure III ~e papeif So now 'tend JOIl ."It · ~ that. , 8b-'• . l~'•.,"U. all ID&IIb~, ' ala, au or knightly cli'V'&lJ7: look de udder way." • ,. rtpL" . . > .. • ..' ~ ~ . -




.J (~ t;:ii1o d l'ad a way, (J ul y \\'(\ ~ toll~




nf! h is gua rd ~'\'1 ' n w Uh

111 0.

!\!o w h e

" "\' h y, I c un 't Bell nOlhe n." , IIt 'd hl ' r I,'alh .'r Rfl ld It w:\ g no n e of let nil' k now his " "1')' III'lI rt. I co uld "Y llu cB n Bee, Th e !'.li WO Is fo r m e n ur bIl Hi l l'~K , F u the r IIk.:d J £'BBe , I IIll t 111,1\1 hUI Iru S! h lrn . a nd It w as no to jump I n. and you sw ln}," I hpugh t th e w o rld or y o u, ~o wlll. n ~nln l1 tl f1 l' : t.!·dn t · ~:1 wh ic h h a d uro u g ht


till' l:ld


10 En J!la Jlu .

" Th e m f' .' vil ~lIul cl "," h I] W IIS 6" ylll l'., "h~e a habIt o f Ihr o wl n j; o ut Inl\ to 108 H'II'" Iho wlIt(' r , 80 YO Il WO u' l ~ee " ~ h . ' 1 II ' II I to t .'y r ll up t o UlIlI Il~y as . au grn pp lp. Th a I '!! w\l f' rf1 th e y're 80 Ilk" thi s P oll y . S he's u ro t. baunT, good · nnturl'd bo dy, und It 's th e Bure st ta cl s he 's kind to m e n In trOlibl e. Any· body elln bave a drink. u meal and I bl" d, no mall e r how brok e be 10; nnd

Spit e House Is trfle hos pIta l for tbe district. Sh e 'll sIt up ni ght nursing 8 elck man , u nd, t il l I went an' li ve" .. thcre , I'd bnv e ewo rn s b e was good a ll the y m a k e 'e m . T h ll t' s th e 10k, "Tbt'n you begi ns t o find out, n ud What 1 d idn 't s e o, m oth e r wo uld te U mo Sh e' d boe ll th r eo yc ars th ere. B" s l(l ns , I 8po n most of ,,, hat ~'e calla "" .... ' -' ~' sailo r tow no. and I'd tbought )" kn o" '11 l ho l ou gll est tII Pr" ...'as in ttl( · way a t bo n rdln ' hou ~c's : but rough IIOtl SO In ' I~rl sno IlHn if Is he t'lll oss com. .... .. fI:lrl'd w ith wlmt goes on Iil er e IInd e r Ih e sl"n o f ;'.Irs , J t' ~ l;e S lIIlth . 'fb a l " 11 :111'" al n ' l (l Xllt' ll y d c'a n ." " Th llt '~ C' Jl o lI gh , I 1l, lll k, If you d(ln'l millfi. I'd r ut h PI' h .1I'1' He w s a ho ut OUT old ( r lf' nds-Ca ptain 'Pa yl or, fo r III s t ll ll CP. and Iron 1)" le, li nd holl' is d ea l Uoclo r ~l t'Cl" f'~ " " Df'a r 1)[)C lor :'tl r e r'[', Ig It ? We ll, II (P II ynu .'C h e lil' i' cI wi t h in a In c o o y. Sh e g ot him dr ln kln ', ' k lllll od blm at fiB in .J CSSl"S <'yes. Sa il or R m ny bt'l ca rd s , t.h e n told b i m h.,' ll besl Rh OOI ru gge d, brul :l!. tlc r cc-n ot vul ga r , hlm sC'lt, Th e snow drifl S tb r ou gb Ill! ~:I:~t:l?ea~:~\,~~: ltc~II ~~ n~:tC~~ll:;~~re we hou~o, "An ,1 Ir on n a le? Oh . or courStl , b~ " . 'u ppnse I' \' (> g rown," sa id £lilly . w as J esse 's fr l.' n d, t oo. I'd foq:; ot "W e ll , mum , I go t a notion to go hom e. S he go t him drunk nnd we nl tbr ougb Signe d us A. B. In a four·mast e d bn rk him . T h nt 11I 0n e y W IIS tor [l ur in g hll Clll n Inn 4~s out 0' Glasgow . fo r Vancou- hands a t th e Slty .1!n e- wll s n't his to v(> r with ge ne ral ca r go , I quit he r at lose . so he s kipped th e country , Tho Vn ncouvf~ r, mucte Ashcroft by C. p. R.. min es c lo sed down find th er (l wasn ', blind bsggage mostly, th en hit the no mOre packing conlracts for J esHe .' road afoot. I thought I'd take m7 do· I began to und e r stund what UlllJ pa rture from the Flfty· Nlne." meant, an d It was wllb s ick fear I " Th e old hush trail?" asked concerni n g my dear man's "Hard gain', but th e n 1 expect e d, at sta ncbest trl e nd, hl8 banker , Captain courso, IlDothe r'd be t h ere at t!~ Boulton Taylor , r an cb , amd you, mum, an' JeBse, "YCMl'd hette r know, mum," There couree, o.nd- " was pain In the la d 's face, reluctance "You mUBt have found things In hIs voloe, "Be ing tll e n eare 8t mag' changed wh e n you 8'Ot to the ranch," Istrate, h e tried to dowll Polly tur " Didn't get there , I'd news at Hnt kee ping 8 disord e rly house , Rul the a , Creek, alnd k e p' the road maIn nortb. as old man Taylor o wn ed, he dIdn' t Mother WII8n't at the rancb any more. know e nough law to plu g arlit hoill. Sh e'd po:lson ed J e sse's bear. Oh, mum. Ttt e r e a in't no mpnlelpallty, so Spite I don 't want to hurt." House Is outs id e tIle law. Out Polly'a "Go o n , dear lad." rrl ends l)rOI'~d nil th o good she done ~ ft "Mothll r 'd took up wltb Poll)' at to m a~ w llo wns h urt, or sick, or Spite H o u se," brok e. Th c n sh e sh owed up how be t 'Splte House?" store and hote l was c utting Into the " It's th o N in e ty -NIne J\!Uo House. trade of Hundre d Mllc House. Sb , Tbore's a si gn bonrd right uc r OBS tile Ilrung compla ints be for e the go·ve rn· roa d : menl, so T ay lor al n'l magi s tra t e now . TH E ' :\'II':ETY·N INE Til e ~ tag e stabl es g ot mov e d frotl) MilS . JBSSE S )JlTH Hundre d Mil e to S[llte House, Th~ HOT EL, S T O Hg , LIVERY . pos t·olfl ce had to foll o w. :-';ow b e's a lo ne with o nl y a Ch inama n, He's "She' d ld thnt to ~ pi l e .T!'s se, un d b lind a s a ba t , t oo , a ud th e r 's n o 1 N U th e y call tll ' pl nec Spite Hou se." wa ys nholll It - nolt Tayl or 's d yi n g" Spi t e Hou se ~ lI o\\' rigbt Fath e r ,Ia· " Is th e r !' no ju s tic e left?" r ed II'IlS, "~;wo rd ve rs u s dragon, " he Dunuo ahou t tha t. She uses a lui told us, " is h e roi c ; s word versus o f la \\' ." coelno{lch Is h e rolc~ . non 't draw your 1 da rl'd not a s k a bou t .Jesse. T o NIl 8wo rd on a cock roach ." M ill wa a Impossibl e , to piny C;}gc/ Thi s m il c h I trI e d to e xplain to t i~ o r up and down th e room woult young O ' Flynn, whose Iris h hlood h as on l y be rllliculous. Stili , BI lly 's pOIP! a fin e se nse of h umor . Ou t th e smile ono us tobacco e:ieus ed th e opt' n ln g (11 h e gav e m e was one ot pity, turnin g a wIndow, s o I slood with my back my h eart to Icc, "J esse," h e said, turn ed . whll o a Nov e Dlb ~ r ni g ht closed "made tlnat m is take , That·s wtlY I'v e o n th e ri ve r a nd th e mis ty !l elds . co m e s ix th ous u nd mil es to warn yo u, (TO BE CONTI NUED.) Howly lI.f o th e r, If I'd onl y t h e eddlea· - -- - -- tl o n to U1 lk so I'd be u nd e rstoo d ! Handsome Is aa Handllome Does. "I 'm going to try [mo th e r course. Snnford -So you don ' t beli eve I'll Sen h e ro. mum . You ' ve h enrd t ell of judg ing a ma n by hi s c lothes ? Cachalot. whales, They runs say Cr a bshaw-No, Ind ee d ! That's tbn e ighty l o ns ror tull whales-one hun· portIo n o r a good man's lite ," Tht tlre d ti ny horse-powe r, dunno bow ~ay we judge II wo mlln , and look bo .. Dlany kllols, full of figbt to the Illat we get fool ed! - Judg e. 0;:-


Th is gri\l' 4' fli l tl rt ' ~S I~ [1I11tl4' wll h body a nti H I . , . , \'I'~ in <JIlt· 11 11 .1 II'l\h tb e tro nt s 1 0o sl' I ~' cl l' a l' f'd "V"I' \\' Ith " " ps t whi c h hl s.' parnl ., rl'OIll I h. ' ilo llie e . Tb.-. t wo

p)(l C I I ·~ Idrt

80 fl fol ds " li d

i s I!ro\' idf\u w ith

j.:alh .'l's

:lI'IIIIn .l

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h nn· t h ,' I aboit' d o r nor, m a l wn i" 1 II" .· ~ o h " Ii ,' ;' ," ntl l' l (' an b e' f ou nd fI ll' h antll ' u til ' , ",,\.1. \1(1 do \\.' als t. nlld


I' IIII1 f'. ,·h., ,·\I ,t, ".' r!! .·. "al lll·l jCed L1 ro:lllt'l o l h nil.) f't hl' r ~" rl la hr l('s. T h" ,1 1'esR rall['r n ,,;·1:: ::) I~ ellt In 8 17.('8 ~ ·I

to , ' ~

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t HI S !

TllPlls uro..

1I1 ed ln JII s izl' r <' qll irt's ~ :", )a rt lR o f 44 ltl l'h ll1 a t.'rl nl. \\' iflt h of lowc r ed ge o f Hldrt 1'1" ) ar . I ~ , ·ro

pr n,..t1 r~

t hl !'1 p n tf " rn ~('on t l ]0 C"flnta

t (l · ·Pa t 14·r ll t It' I' :lr tmc 'H ." of ttll ~ pll ,, ~ r, " ' ri t e n a m e alld Jldt1rB~~ p) lIln l y . )lt ld be auro to hive - . ... n l Hl 11um bu ,' t oatl6J'"1l.

SiZE ... . .... . . .......

NO. G43 3.

NA.ME .... . __ ....... _..... . _....... .. ... _

TOWN ....... . .. . . . _...... . ....... _ •.•• _. STREET AND NO ... . .. .... _. ........ _._. STATE ___ . ........ . _ •••••••. _ .•• _ ••••••••


. '

ThiR ga rm eut Is a n cl' t' ss lt. y to all m ell and bo ys, It Is llIade or a blank· et wo ve n for tlw purpn se, or of el tl er· dowlI c loll ' , or Turlll ij h to weling. It Is of pl a in ~ af:fl u e Cllt. wlt.h hi gh n eck, ftnl she J \I·lth a s mull ro ll co ll a r aD d plaIn whl e slcevl's, A cord and tas· s e l fini s h es tho wai s t. Th e balhrohe pattl' rtl (i ,toO) Is c ut In sizes 8 , 10, 1 ~ anel 1 G y"al's , und 36, 40 autl 42 IlI c hl!s ch est mea s ure. 36 In c h slz£' rl"quires " % ya nlij o r 44 in c h mat e r ia l. To Tlr o~urc Ihl ~ !'Dlte'!'n .enrl 10 cents n Up:l rtf{l ~ n l." o r t h l8 puper \ Vrlte nnrtlo !1 nd u clth 'e J1s p l u lnl y, :lod

t o "Patte ,..n

a ur ~

to gJv o Biz"

NO. 6·. 70.

I ~"

II urnho ,'


f) :'

ou.tter n.

SIZE . •••••••••••••• _

NAME: . _. . .. ...... _ ........... _• • •••••• __

TO·WN . ... . .. .. _•• • _ •• _ . . .............. __ STREI! T AN!) N O ....... . .. _............. .

LEAVE CONDIMENTS TO CHEF VisIting Frenchman Bitterly Cr ltlclseo American Habit of Salting Food Placed Bofore Them. "It Is eaey to see that mos t of th ese multlmlllional r ee don't kno w what d e. cent cookin g

I ~ ."


And th e Frencb countess, shru ggi ng her white and pre tty sboulders, let her eyes rov o dl~dalnfully ove, th e N~wport dinner table, wtth l~ orchIds Ilnd its gold platc. "Why do you say tba t , madame?" a mulUmllll onalre Inqul?ed. "Because,'" r e joIned the c!'untess, "the minute a dls11 Is set before you you all :raIn sail on It. You all, with· out exception, rain sa.\t on every dlth." "Well '! " saId the mulUml11lonalre U he rnlnEld snIt calmly !lnd' generously upon his 'cbaufrold de glbler. "Well, what of It'" ", Jook at ,you," cried the counteit!l~ "ealtlng .a chaufl'9ld. de gl· b'~or. to .whlch chef "b·aii. 4~vot~' ~l% o.':"~1 hours of ,hl,B ~t.taleDtl >; A~lIt , Dint wlUlout -~D ' 1~~q :'lt ·ftftU ,· 'J~at ,I . *Pt A)', Jog ~: QMcl to


. .~, , OOO'~


to 1IIIMa"'~ '000JI.",

th at as a matter or ('o urse you tal.f this coo king to be bUd . "Mon ami," Rald t ho co untcss i m · prC'sslvely , "whe n u ch e t sees II dlnf:'l salt o r pe pp er a di s h he's In despa h'- ' he'f! In de~pBi r as a pai nt e r would b'C! Ir tb e purchase r of hi s painting tw·lt up a hru s h and add ed a llttlo mOf(, g ree n to tho gl'Uss or 11 little more bill!) to the sky . "Good l"re nch cooking n eeds no 111.1. dltlonal eeasonlng aL tabl e, They wlw Beason It, lik e you mullimllllooairm without DO much as tastin g It tlrd, don't know wbllt good French COOkiDI: Is. Were r a cbuf I'd rath e r work III a MarBellles olght'sou table d 'hot-e than In your kitchens of marble aD~ glas ... "

STATE ... .......... _ ...................... .

, H 1& Symptolll G Su rely S inis ter , "I am af il. lld ( ' rlI1l5I1a\\,'11 mind Is

lVeake nln g," r eg r e t fully commen t e d Ih e Errati c Tbinj{e r , "WhclI I In· form er! hIm a 11'11110 ago that Hot!. Mal'vln Mooch Is e gnU s tlcal , Ilrrogant. negligent. ex lravosan l, Incomp'ltent, visionary and totally untlt [or the of· fice he hold s, In stead of remal'klng with ' appropriate chuckles, 'Dut \'ut· side ot that h e Is all ri g ht , eb?' be merely said, '1 think eo, too!' and walk ed away."-;<aJ,1saH C ity Star.

Value of a Boy • School oftlclals In Bev e rly, Mass., calculated the mon ey gain for their WhBre She Wa. Wobbly. \lupUs In vocational e ducation. Tooy I'lldlth Is Vl#l'Y timId, but she tries fo found thil.t an expedllure of $800 per do her duty , and not long since recll. boy In lridustrl~l traIning had raIsed ed a "piece" before some school vlltt, t~o capitallzatlon of the bo y's eoonomorB' with great credit and , apparent ic vahls , from $6,000 to $16,000 or $18,. <'almneB8. Her mother, latElr eomplJ ·000 •. 'I,· meDted and pral••d ber, especlallyfclr ~ot' s~inl.q a~. all De~vou~ . "O!fj .kI'l , . :, ..... ~" J:eally, m&llllbai' !"Util,

.chlld ,es:P~ecl , ~~uOu17::· '~l ia~ at hand• .~. ~ , ,, -~" ...~ ,


aa, .~.'.

" . I.





• -IS

Housework ;~ntin~ th,.___cPl-=---Da~~-.... T H E pll1yfulporpols e haB put Oil Its wl u t e r u~erwoar, 1. 11 th e fopn of thi c k prot(>cll vo la ye r fa t and " __III until eu rly sprin g 'th ose ~ gn mbo lt ng cn:n turtlK of _ _. J th e ~c a will 11.1 nou g ht by 0. II p f'c1 u l e1a ~H of Atl an tic fishnrm c n . !I "eul > s~ or tlm o u" th o p orpo lso Me mln!';ly Id, yd u pon It d e pe nds th o bu ~y OIflll '6 nppor tJon· lng of hl a ual l)' t n~ I'8. Ilt-CII UHU or thi s laCt a cu r loUK Illdu st ry lias de· v e l o p e d In th lH co untry uf wlJl c h th e pu blt c . gf'n t- ra ll y k uows nOlbng, au Indu ~l.ry th at InLl nlllt cly atl'ectl! th o running of watch es ancl c locll8.

As severa l thou sanu JOust be caught during th e seaso n to s uppl y tho aunual co ns umptio n ot 011 for thlB country It 18 ea"y to und e rstand why there are atatl o ns tor this work. located ulong th e Atlanti c se aboard .trom N ew J e r se y to F'lorlda. P n rpol seH vary Crom six to twelve Ce t In I" ng th , !Lnd Ih o blggost of tb em w eig h full y a fluurter ot a ton . Th e ir s peeu III fright ened fli g ht and tbelr beautlC ul lea ps IIllo,' s the wate r 's sur· Cace t cll of their g r eat slr e ngth : and OD e ca n eas ily pi ctu re th e task Ln· vo lv l! u ill d rawi ng the h{'.avy seines with a dd ed burd c>n ot a good ly numbe r at th ese ex cited mammals makLng th e ir utmo s t elto rts to broak tb e lr way to fr eedo m . Th e porpoise Is th e largest denizen at the d ee p caught by 8elnes wltbl" the waters of tb e United Stales, and tor excitem e nt tbe nearest approach Is tli e tn kl,ng at the tunny In tbe wat ers of Europe. All soon as tb e porpoi ses are strande d In sba\1ow wat er. th e fish e rmen rush In among them, taking good care to avoid th~ Blashln g 8wee p or their powerful tall8, and hook tb e m 80 that tbey may be drn.gged high and dry upon the beacb. Strange as It may seem, the flsh are not Infrequ e ntly drown ed or IlUffoc· ated betore th ey can b e pulled asbore. This Is because they can not breathe prop l'rly wh e n r esting on tbelr sidell or their be lli e s . N o tim e Is 10Ht atte r these gTacetul creatures of th e s ea hav e bee n landed In s trippin g tb e m at th e ir tat. The hca ll IH a "'e r ed from tb e body and th e precious tissue at th e low e r jaw and ch et' ks Is tri ed out s eparately fr om th e body blubber. Th e r eason for this la that th e t.wo oils are quite unllk l' a s lub rleanlJ; . and haste Ie n l'edful In ord e r t o ' pren'nt the fatty tl F~ u e . from b PcoDl in g ran cid betore r e nd e ring. Rancid fat seriou sl y a!. focts th o tinal product, an d see m ing ly trl 'll nK <,onclitl o n R bear Im po rtantly 'upo n th e ult imate sui tability at the lubrl cllnt.. ,'I Ihr> fiHIIIIH! Rtatl o n s th e 011 pro· duc ed Is esse nllall~' raw or crude by (·O II ' I'.. rl~"11 \\"1 111 t h(' fi ll ls h t'd ar tic le and contai ns n good lIeal of Corelg-n Rubs tn lJ e<, \\" hl ch mu s t bo re m oved b e· foro Ih p sl uff Is fit for the ma rl( c t . A s soo n a s th e all Is r ecel\"l~ d by th l' l'pf\ IH'r It IR hc a l pd !len ll y In o rd e r to (' o mpl rtc th e cooking process b egun by t h e fi Fh e rm C'n at th e seinin g s tati ons. 1' p to this Ilo lnt m a n ha R don e hi s work and now tim e and Nnlnre t.n kp up ill o In alc. Th e a ll I ~ allow e d to r (>R t for e ight month s and Ie ex!>or-PII .I u ri ng Ihm tim e II' the clarifyIn g e!Tects of th e sun anel al so to the 11I fillf't1c R of 'IImnUc h eat and cold . Th en It Is strained 01' fIlt e rt'd through suita ble fabrics to clean se It.

AT pu.,y I N IT~ NATIJRAL LLf.l1t:.NT

From th e lower Jaw of tb e porpo ise breakers. Loaded wltb Its quart e r of Is extracted an oil which Is peculiarly a wile ot n e t It Is a bard tllsk to sbove Otted to s e rv e lUI Ii lu brlcan t tor ODe of these boats throu gb the broke n watcbes, clocks and c hronom e ters wale r near th e belich . Tbe most and st rang e to BUY, trom no otbe; frulUul porpoise hunting statloD Is sourco can nn 011 of th e re quisite close to Cape Hatteras. and It Is w e ll qualiti es be obtained. Th e refore the known What hazards lurk 111 the porpoise Is bUilt d IlS BYB tematlcally watMs of thut part at th e coast ot as tbo wllnl e used to boo the Carolin as. \l ecau se or th e risks run lind th e A t e w yea r s ago nearly 6 quarte r of II> million clocks just out of Ulelr sklll re quired 'In this occupation th e maker's bands went wrong. It was crews are recruited from local Ush ernot merely that they los t tim e but men who are pe rtectly tamillar with tbey actually came to Il full stop Bnd th e coast and are Quit e at borne In would not work a t all. Th e re was no th e surf. Tbey must hav e clear Question about th ei r 8ltllful labrlcatlon h ead s , s t ea dy ne rv es anli tbe ability and assemblin g. TI, e wh o le tro uble to a c t quickly. Th e suMmen arc ever was doe to all IDl p .. r Cec l lubr ica nt, an d r eady for th e ir work wben a scboo l a goodly sum o f money and much of porpoi ses draws uear , provided th e tim e we re SIH'n t be for ' t1:e se c locks sell g l\' e s th e m hnlt a c h uuce, and it wero In runnln~ ord l"r lind fit fo r dl s- takes but little Imagi nation to gm8p trlbutl o n. From th l IIln y bc appro· ,om e thlng of tb e e x ci t e m e nt an d th e elM d tli e va lu of Ihe con tributi o n peril at their occupa tlon . which th C1 p o rp ol~(> mnl,es to th e da ll y Th e habit o f til e porpoi se Is to slI,lm life or nlllll\(l lId. In j;choo ls close In s ho r e and prob· Fo r )' p'lrS thl' po r poise wa s take n ab ly H hundr ed or two hundre d yardB prin Cip ally ali n nit: I ;; ~ u(' In oth e r sea wa rd Cro m the be a ch . Thi s lJlakes fi s hing . TIl<' 11:'"1"(':161' In lhe dema nd It possibl e to int ercept their co urse tor th o 011 lod to the c r ea ti on Of n and to d rag th elll ashore after th ey bu s lll~ Sfi having fo r It ~ so le e nd th e IUl\'e st ran de d In tile' s lu Lil o w wat e r, ca pture ot po rpolx s In large n umbe r !; the s eines pre velltln g tb elr escape seannd uuder CIr<' UIlI S t:lIlC/'~ tha t co u ld be wart! u nd fri g ht en ing th o III s ho r e ward. conlroll e!.l t o IlH' l't eOlllllle rcl a l d e- The 0lwr nllon of ca plurln g th em Is mand s. s lmp lo to descrlbt', bit t It s prope r e xeIIllr jl('fllling 11;ld 111'(' \' IOU6 1)" bp!? n ( ' u tiUll Is q ui t e anoth (> r llI att er . th e m e l hod c f :ah ill" th f'tll. bllt thi s Someti mes Lb., s en Is so sllloo th ha,1 nnny dr:!1\ b:i l" \; ~ . ,\n ull r pfi ner that Ih " fi s h detect the presence of In NI'l\' H.. ,\f(1rd I" nrlll'd t ha t t he th ei r fof' ~oo n eno ug h to go scurrYing Turk s 0 11 t hl' II lac l( ~l'1\ u se!l dra g n .. t s orr al /: r ea t ap eI'd. J\ '!:l lll . th l' wat er~ to Inn d Ih e nhtlv o porpoi se whe n ma y bf1 so troub leo uR that prompt swlmmllJ !'; ll l'lIr " ho re In "ups t or ce r· Il and llllg o f t Ul' n e ts anti the Intcrceptal n s 1ln ll fI~ll upon wh ldt Ih .!y r"I'.1 lion or t.he IlPllroach lul; schoo l beThi s w a r. a pr:!t' licp utllitlowtl h pr(> nnd comes II UI>oss ible. P e rhap s o no or condlt lo tl s W( ' '''' lIot i<lptltic~ l . hut that m o r e of tha bont s ma y be $waml.ed ~Ic:> " er Yan !.l'" III It<' " ..lI Ill'll thL' fae ll· bf'for(> g e tt lnR dear of th e bre akers, lLI e!! ('011 1<1 h e lldllpl ~ rI 10 >u lt tho r e- . m a lt ing rurth e r success ful effo rts at qulre metlls. Frotll ~ I' W J e rGe y to til e tim e> out of th qu (,s tioll . or th e F'lorld tl ar e now H'nttrrl'ti t1 s hlng stn- porpo lsfJR may be swimming too Illr tlon s on:tlnlz(:d b ~' 11I 0It r efine r 0 1 the orr shore to be r ea c h ed wltlt II fair old wh nllug cltr, and trom ~ c>ve mb e r c h:11I (, (, of drawing th e m to shallo w to April th ')I nrt' b,l tiy Bci llin g por- water be Core they can ge l away . poise!! as th ey pa'6 up a nd !.lOWIl th e Thl'r(> ar e m nny times when th e etAtlanti c shor clln('. I'orpo tstla Cll n be torts at th e fi sh e rmen are fruitle ss, cau g h t. at ot h e r SC'llSO Il S. but In willt e r l and dliYs may pa8s without a single AI a Lalit Re.ort. tbey are tntt est tlnd furni s h th e best I porpoi se putting In sn appearance. "Grab son says h e Is not an~rse to and mo s i. prqD_!n hi !' )"1 l'i.1. :-;OI1I1 'I III1<'S fI hllul will ne t less tban II To th o unin ltla t e(1 - th o fal of th e dozen; perhaps th e s urfm e n may land spending mon e y wh e n tbe I occasion body aud th r. fat o t' th l' lowc r jaw i lal f a hundrecl : ilTid th e re bave bee n s ee ms to warra nt It." "That's tru e. I've s (>e n him buy a ILppear mu c h of a Id nd. Il I! t lli e 0119 ocCaSIODl! Wh Oll more Iban doubl e this prot! llc l'd fror.! lll r m Rr p racl k ntly dlf· I "Ul ll b 'I' have bee n bea che d at !l s ingl e s tamp wh e n h e couldn't borrow one." tercnt In th e ir c hR rn(' l('ft ~ t i (" ~ . Th tl I 011 [ro m I II' l>(ld~' fat Is \\"orth In Ill e raw s tat e about 40 CC>lItS n gR II (1 ll. while a tik f> qU:l1lti t y of th e yi f l" oC th e jaw pnn u llnd tb e lIwrr ow o C (\l(' jnwbo no br ltlJ: B $ 10 . Th e bl llb bt' r. or bod y fa t, of u I n"~ e porpo isfO furni. ll eR from Ov o to six ~" lI o ns of o il , arlll the lo~ er j;~w~ o f n fi s l! or th " sn lll e I size glv o p rohali ly nllo u t t wo qllarl s on an av era ;'!!. and this '1" a ltt Ily IS ! gr!'utly n'dllccd I'f lon · th l' va riou s, 8tage s of r c> f1nl!l !( bav (> Illad e th e 011 1 fit for th " lIl arlwt. \\"1I (, 1l r(>Bdy 'tor Bele to watch ancl cI (lc k tnullcrl the I 011 i8 worth lI early uou bl o Its "alue In the raw or IJI1r efi nt>(1 condltloll . The equipment R t each lI s h lng stll tlon con s IAt}; prl nc i Pl! Ily of tb e boatk Ilnd th e ~p ec l:1l :.(' l s li e ·I.;; nod fe r th e work. J\ worl,I 1I1:;' tlnlt Is com· pO E.c d of four bOil IS IIltd a mil e of seine . Tli o r e l1lf's a r c h eavy nocl exceptionally s tOllt, anel It Is ~OIll ('­ thing of a tas l, to hanell o th pTlI prop· I erl y. Tho boa ts aro a c rn s~ he t "' l'p n !l I sltllY nncl tbo fl Ehln g d ury o r Ne w· 10uodland an d our ow n down Easl ... coas!. It Is I10t posR lbl o to Pllt ('ut utter . th o porpolsos from ~ h £ lIcrell point s: the bo uts hav e 10 bn Illlln cherl ri g ht The laat turns ot the big scrow of a cider mill crUShing out the elder. Into tho s ur! und car:·ie !.l safely be· yond th o d a n g~ r lin e o r th e tumbling It .tai.:~s all the power of a strong man to turn . I~ when It geta low.





Might Choon Ita Own TIme to Ole, but Driver Selected Spot Where It Was to Fall.


R. F. D. No. 2, S e ymotU", Mo.-"MY I1calp broke out with fin e plmplcs at the start. Tbey Itched and burned so much that I was compell ed to scratch th em and t hey would tester and come to a h e ad and break out a g ain. The troubl e lra s attended by such burning n nd \tchln.g I could not eleep, also wh e n I sw ea t It burn ed tb e same. My balr fe ll out gradually and the s ca lp lte pt rough and dry with Itching un d burning. Arte r ab out two years th e plmpl,~ a broke out between my sll ou lde r s. j\J y clo tblllg IrI"ltated th em. 1 WIlS trnub k d with tbat ecze ma. U1"e or siX 7 ea.r s. "I tr1 cd eve rytb lng tbat was recomm e nd ed without an y be nefit until I u sed th e CuLl c ura Soap and Ointment ae col·d lng t o dlrcclion n, and Cu!lcu ra Sonp and Ointment cured me sound and well I:n two w ee k s ." (Sign ed) S . L . Killian, r-; o v. 22, 1912. C utlcura Soap und Ointment sold tbro ughout the world . Sample ot ellch free, with 3.2-p . Skin 0001( . Address pos(' c~ard "Cut[(:ura, De pt. L, Ooston."-Adv, Poor Woman's Gift. A poor blind womun In Paris , w e are told , put 27, franc s J n to a plale at a DlI Rslo nary m ee tin g. "You cannot afford so mUCh," .ald ant!. " Yc s , Rlr, I can." ~ h e answ e r e d. On be in g presse d to (>xp lal n, s h e snld : "I am blind, und I snl !.l to my ffOllow 8tra w ·\\'orkcrs, ' llow mIl ch mono ey d o )'OU s pend In a yea r for all In rour lamfl ~ wh en It Is t oo dark to worl. nl.' ht s" TI I' I 'Ab t " .. ICY r e p ICC, ou tw c uly·se \'c n fril nc s .' "SO,"' said Ih e poor woman, "I fo und ' t h nt I could Bave s o lllu t'b In t he y,~nr b eca us e I am blind and do not n eed n lamp, and I give It to s hed light t o thc darll h eathen lands,'· Something Light, "I want il bool.. " "H e r c 'R a ni ce nov el." "Oh, tllat Is one of th ose terribl e crlm o s torl e~. You nl' E'd. smelling salts with a boo k of th at BOrt. G,ve mp so mething to go with u box of honb Oi,l,\ . "

II c lh" r 0 raJ". Sweet Pow de ... for Cblld.....D Rei h've Feverishness, Bat} StoDJl\C.b, TectblDg DiSorder s, move II ud re gU late th e Bowels &cd .~ Go

pl eusa nt remedy for Worm s. l'aed by

A. 8. OlulSted, Le Roy, r; . Y. Ad".

.................... """'-"~"'''''''''''"'-..,......... ..r ......,...'''''''''.....,...,..,~.....,..~~~-.........~-..~~-.._

Ohio "Burb3nk" Claims That He Hu e r s who rna)' have an abhorn'lnce for ~ucceeded In Evolving a Real the odor have learned that tbere art! Odorlesa Onion. Ilny' number at curatives that wui dJspel the effects of ordln/U')' ,o)3lon eatlng. H.a.llap opera 1I 1~ers are especl~l)' fond of .0 nloDa, b tl' · ~l;11ch to"'l .. ther.. ...belteve . ave a cura ye , u 0 ', ~ff~t on 9te ~t . and vooaI ~rde;; but . A8 tlielr '!Potk ~1;lDg8,thelll : 1Ii"'1~e uaoclaUon. ,wlUf otll!ll'l ali ·tJie ~1Itace :tile7 -. eat

~ 'Wlth, tH .~

fnah ' Ja.nl87;

which act a s dispersers or tbe aroIIla thllt !!tanu8 In disrepute.



M l ch-

t ro\lhle. I h n.O t e r rlblCl , lif'nrln~· d o wn puJnH throu«,h llH'1 a m nii o r m y' bac k and m y blood WIUI Ullod with urIc ad d. ~_fy. Ilmhf'. ank les and t eet.. ~we ll,..t..I tw ke t holt' nU l ll rJlI s i lO and 0. f\n g'flr pr't<l'su r o I ~ rt a ~erH f or h ours, My Ri gh t Wtl)] a([ected. my h end d t r.:zy nnel 1 \v ou ld lI a t or h o u r. L:n('o lllicIO U.q. I Fl'lt (til t hin thnt n o one w u u ld have re co J:nlzod rn '. Thn h. ldney aecn~ tl O IlS con t o.lnbd witH e , f Ul ly BU bstan ces n n t'! It al1owI'd lo atn.nrl br ea m. th ick , 1 h ".~ 0. do(' tor unci h e s aId my

kidneys weren't tUtori ng th e Impll rlll ... rrom rn)' I y atem.

ol'!'ec t. In ( act. I

Not hlllC' ho.d th o leas t

WfiUI K ett1nK wor90,


oloter broull'ht me 0. box ot DOll n'o Ktdner. Pills Il..Dd when I tound th ~y we ... he ping me, I kepI o n taki nG the m. I

aot stronl'er. my kln ne}'R

IFhat a pain . ..


to act

ri ght &nO th e .w~lI lng "'An I down. Tbe h eada ch ... &nO dlny . pell. lett mB. I ptcked up tn .. eigh t and the patn. dtoappea red. I "' .... ablo to talte care ot my hou.owork, fM lln ll li ke a ~Irr"rent woman. Doan'. Kldn~y pmo .,eservo eV0rJi bit or credit (or curing me."

Wife (with tna«a.zloe) - Here's IUl Small Girl Calmly Put Aside the Chld- &rtlcle on "How to avoid War." Hub-WhAt does It aB.T-Mlmain ab Jng Administered by Her gleT Paternal Relative.

In Her Glory. A woman vI s ited u fri e nd whose busband thought of mo\'llig out Into the country. "Oe ttin g bac k to Lb e la nd Is all well and good," s he Bald, " bu t ('onld you be conte nted to li ve In a littl e place?" "Yea ." r ep li e d h e r tri en d . "I tblnk I c ould If I wore the onlx one the re who ow n d an Ilulu ." Important to Mothers Examine carefully eve ry bottlo of CASTORIA, a sate and sure remedy for Infants and cblldren, and Bee that it Dearsthe



Slgnutureor~~ Tn Use For Over SO Years.

Children Cry for Fletcher's C!litona Wise Johnnie. Littl e J o hnni e had bee n na ughty all day. At last, to cap th e c limax. be slapped hi s small sister. \\' h e n fath e r cam e home from the otTIce th e mother told him at his 80n's misdeeds. "The nex t tI me you teaso your slot e r you go to bed WlU10Ut dinner," the fath e r enid stern Iy . Th e kiddi e sa t In sil e n ce fo r n tew m om e nts . Tlle n all of a sudden be tur'I Pd t o hi s Cather. "The nex t tim e I want to hit aio,ter I'll watt till a ct t? r dl,nn e r ." b e remarke d. Testimonial From High Authority MrB. B. L. WilBon or Nae hvllle, Tenn.. Is fam ed Ih o wor ld over tor her wonOerfll lly Uell cluu. cake8. Th ey are Bltt\,».J t o "II parl. ot the Globe ror epeclu "fflll rs wh erl) tho b~.t ut CM OS are dOll1 l1 llued, Mr.. \\ 1I. 0n has tho d l. tln ~ tlon ot baking Chrtetmas cal " tor t he PreDIdellt s, In whi ch 6he u.o. CalulUe t . Bak-


Poop Ie may Bpeak well at the deadbecau8e tbey baTe apok.en otherw'" whUe they were Unne. iii .... WlDalo ....'. 8ooUoID. BT"lP far Ohlld.teeUllDC'. IIOf1.eD. 'be pma. reduce. IDO&m~

.-..u.,. p&IO,<lDf'M wtDd eolkl,»e



P~ cent ,~_~~worlcl:'_ ~::~


botU . . . .

We baye heard ot women wbo loy.

to tempt men IUld then abuse them


belne lIusceptible.

a.a Tal.. amlla.


Ball Blne, all blae, belt blnln. In the world, malt... the lal1lulr_ .A.d• •

It Is more bl68sed to g1T6 than to recelTe, but It Isn't .0 popular.

lmmlQTition ftrures show that the population of Canada increased dur!nil 191~, by the addition of .00,000 naw ,eWers from the United State. and Europa. Most of these h..... on farms In provinces of ManitOba. Saskatcbewan and Alberta. Lord WlIlJam Pe"". All RnaUsh Nobleman, .,.s: "The oo..lbiUties and opoortunlUn o!!'ared tJ, the Canadl ..n We.t on 10 .rn.ter than tho.e which axIS! In that II .aam. a.t.surd 10 think that ahould be I mr-e.od trom com\n1J to country wher. tnay can most oasllJ _IoIIN certa.lnl.Y I mllron thllr 00111100. Ne .. district, are belnlf opened Ullo which ..m make a<><le... bl. a IIreal lIumber of homesteads In a ..'m<"4~1iW espoc;lallyadapled to mixed 1&1'1111" .~= In6 and IInJn nU.1 nlf.


Por Illustrated Utarat~ure~~~:II~IIF. rocIuead rall"ay rar ••, SuDl. 01 Immlll..uoo, 0Nlada. or


W. 8. NETHERY Int.rurban Bld._ Columbua, OhiO QudI.. _ -

The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome


Purely vegetable -act surely and ,ently on the liver, Cure Biliousness, Headache, Dizz:l, ness, and Inrugestion. They do their du~ SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRlC& Genuine must bear Signature



Have You Children?

"To have complete .ucee"", wlt.h De failur es. ca r e tthould be u~t.:u in tho selection 0 1 Dllklng Powder. " Ca lum et 18 complimelllet1 wIth tho tol- Do YOD expect them lometime to IDUl'Jl low lllg t e" llmonlal trolll her : " So me Ii !lI e tI me ago 1 Illade Il careful If 10, it I. T••, Daty to te~ch them at the .tucly nnd Inv es t igation ot th e baIting proper age about Su. Heredity and Mardq.. powd er subjec t "nd I teel futl}" repatd . I Rm nrmly con vinced fro m t he r t!9 ults I But what, when IIJld how? Seod for F. . h n \'o rcc{'lvC'd that there 1:'1 no hflklng pow- information to THE GALTON PRESSt. d er to equal C'a l um l ror wh ol elfOme nC:15 311 Malonic Tempi.. QDCiJulMi, Ow. and economy. fLncl I u.1 so r e('l) mm end C olu · In et Rflkln~ Puwdcr to r I,s never tailing r esult",'"

Calumet 01 8 0 re cc lv~d t ho High est Award s Ilt tI'Il Worl,I '. P uro 1-'00<1 Ex poAltl nn. Chlrn ",lI : Grrtn tl l·rl <6 and Gold Meda l, Pari s I': ' llu. llIuu . 191Z. Thl. will. witbcl ul n .Ioubl . prove Int erest lnl\' alld very gmllryln" to lhe friends and customers


Ca l um et

Baking Pow-

der. II has nlwa y. bee n foun d tnat C&lumet


economical to use.-J\dv.

YirginiBfBrmsand Homes rB •• OAT IlPLlIJIIIDID IMJIQA11I&

Taking PledgeL I5tubbClrn Tllront troubles IUC euily reII. B. !' ~ \'ed by D~l\n'8 Mcmtbola t.ed Coul:h Drops, "That tellow takes tbe pledge a :Liley I\ct hlte maglc-OO fit all Druggists_ dozen tim es a day," said the Doob. "What Ie be, a dipsomaniac?" &liked Even It· 8. man doesn 't sblne 'In 80cl- the Old Fogy, elY he may have a wile wbo thInks he "Naw," replied the Boob, "He'. a Is tbe real tblng 'In ~r11lIante_ pawnbroker,"



lnkstor ,

"Foll o wtng th e hlrth or my thtnt ch ild. I belrlln to not1co Blgn~ ot kid ney

Satl.factlon, Crawford- Vld your wl Ce baTe a Dickering. good time In th e co'untry? "Orde r ed your wint e r coal yot. old Crabs haw- No. Tbe only tblng tbat mnn~" reconciled her was the though t tbat "Ord e red It? I'm not In a position to she bad stayed away two weel. s longer orde r It. But I'm muk lng overtures than tbe woman ne~t door.- Town for It." TopIcs.

What She Wanted. Library Attendant-A forelgn.lookIng woman came In today and aaked for "cottage olleele_" 'a . . .,)(\, ' Cl'OU 11&1& Blue wlll wlIIIll !Iouble' a • ;. Frl~nd-...Ha! DId' ahe thlllit the 11- D!anY·IIlot;liea •• 80y other_ Doo'\ Pll\ your brary waa. .jl- grocery ' .toreT .. mODeY' lll~tJDIC!ther. AliT. ; ". .- L., A~No; · after Queat10Dln .;. .. . ~ ..., I (ouad lbat .@be .~-. ~...;., BJ1tllib eirl~I"" .QP~• .about



Do I H~n.


Here Is a "kid" story wblcb Dr. Oakley Smith, president at tbe Cblcago College at Nllproaathy, enJoya telling bla frIends: "An eaatern Intlm3.te at mIne," saId Doctor Smith, ''lias a. child ot extraDrdinar)' precocity . She 18 only tbree, but bas a mind of h e r own whlcb ahe sometimes asserts to the C00.8lerna-tlon of ber tatber nnd mother. "It became necessary one day for tbe cblld's tather to reprima.nd ber gently, but firmly , wben sbe m1aconducted berself at tbe table. The chlld'a face bore a pained expMlsslon. The mother was · Bllent. A guest at tbe table wore the r eSigned air that guests always do on such occasions. As the tatber flnisbed his admonition tbe allence " 'IIS electrIc-burdened wIth for ebod ing. And the strand was broken onl y wben tho baby looked up at her mothor and a s ked : "'Mamma, did somebody say BOml}ECZEMA ITCHED AND BURNED thing?' "


A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR I Tholle wbo lik e onions ns Il seasoll- ' certuln kind s of nuts salted dry call' • ---I iog in foods, ~lJlt disllite to offend OUl- beRntJ and various other p~eparauo:

~o r G"8


A South Dakota congres ~man tells a story of the old coa c hin g day s, when a ce rtain P ete McCoy, one or tbe most .klltul at the old stag&-d rlv ers. operated a conveyance that made ' a circuit at Deadwood , Carbondal e , Spearfish . and Bear fiulclJ . Pete was flV mOU B tor bls fast. furloua, daring Clrl vlng. One day, tho story runs, Pete tore Into Carbondale on his usual dead run. Up to tbe "botel " door clattered tbe Btage. Tbere, suddenly, as It stopped, one ot the four borses fell dead. "Kinder sudd p.n, that, Pete," said a b ys tander. ··/'.:uthln' s udd e n about It," said Pete . "That bOBS di ed at the top at tbe hl11, t en miles bac k : but I wasn't goln' to l et him down un til I got to the r eg·lar tiloppln' p lace." - L!pIJln co tt 's MaglV zln e .


~~-.~.~•.,.;--..........~......--.. _......




ll u tbcrl.l tor 2·" yt-arl;. They are .0 plea8u,at· to L.'\k~. cblldren H ke tbi!m. 1'11", ";"" 1' F" il. At Gil DMl8'gi8tl!~ t S![)(' . Sumplo Ff1 ElI. Audrega.,


t. t7ptenl of thtt c:!nree


t.elltlmon7 l. 'be be.1. ertdence.

l I


Tbe (ollowin&,

eil'eec.ed bJ Doa o'. KJdo", PIU..



try .


Dean's Kidney Pills -nothing to InjuN nor cause a habit. Dellcate womell can u so tl\e m wltb perfect s afety,




a Burden'





Tb e dally cares at k eepi ng bouse and brfng lng tip a t a nd\)- arEl h a rd eno ug h (or a healtby wl;man . Tbe tire d, wenk rn o th('r who st ru ggles fro m morn t o nlJ:llt wlt ll u lilllH', Ilch· 1D ~ back Is c arrying a 1II 'Il\'), bllrdell . :-Iany womptl hc llf'YO tbat 11r!llary d isorders nnd ha(' I(uche al'e " femul e I troul.Jles" un d lOU R! bl' PD dure d. Hut l m ~ 1l Burrer lIlt' t' (\C !10. arh<! ~ and t.rou- I bl es wben t he kit! ncl's ar o s lcil. . VOfllf> tl nre c~p~clall)' Hl1h!<'ct to klei I n .. )' dls. ·:\r. ., . T igh t cl o lll !t1!;, Inlioo r I w o r k , t lie> tJ rti t':tl s of c ll ildl.J inh th e w or r y, alld I h •.' ,1I.,nplllc. 8lrall lln ~ and I s tr l\" ill!; 1) ( 1 IJ'"~ " \'l1 r l; 111 1 11 .. 11' Ie bring It OI l. AI fir>! till ' ,ruuul" Iliay br> fllIly ua ckrIC llc·, ~Irk h ,·:tdn.-],P, dlzziu" ~s I a nd a drlJw~)", dllil lan g uitl (("(' lin g . but 1 1ttJ~~ t~l:; <"(Ond il ion 1M d rllq;"rnuH to) " " gll'c t . I t or tlr ops)" grtl\' .J all d rl pu, lI y Hrlght's d lHensu start In R',I1111 Bur' l! smali WII \" . Do n't b dl s('o ura!: l' d. Wh r- n baC kRcho, n!lr "'OU""I'~~ and Irregu lar o r pa inful pa:ssas.:a DC tb ' k idn e)' sec r otlon s be gin t o botb er you, u se Doan's Kidn ey I-'lIIs, th e remedy that bOB brouo;ht ne w life and s tre ng th to thouBands ot sutTe rln g women. There are "OAI no p o lsollous no r narcotic dru gs In

~UBOr ()~IN •

co..,- ...I n h _..... v..



.----------------------------_.-----I k B .' · . I [" ~~"Oo: , :': ' V 'o~~.::,:':t tho iiP;;;~;al'M;n~~;l Z I M M I~ R ~\([ A . N I USlneSS --r-_ ..


T h e .M

Ullllllal COll'i,'l ll i,)I) of the Natiunal . • - - - - - - -e I:illov I~e lailp r,;' ;l3Socia li on, whil.:h Itay Smith, ot Brookvill e, is here CI.)sCS vilh a bUllquf'l t o· ni g ht , lhe tociay. j rew il prke:of sh oes may !loon reach $Jll a pai r. Harry Williamson is in Day ton to· " 1'111'" ;;h'li: laws " a lread y allopteu tlay. " in ~r, :-; I all'~. and .~c \· era I1l1 e a"~lIre ll\) f Mrs. H. Said.: th l' "Uil l( : 11:1\.11'(' now Jlc ndi n~ in Mr. C . M. Roililzt!r was in Dayton ~\l1I "J"'.~.-i . \ '(' rl' ~ i \'C' n as lhe ch ief SunJay. "Crrl :lin l\' we li ke the milk fro m the new dairy , It is as clean nd l llilii: a~ 1 evcr used , b ut I don't likc the m ilkman be- cau·;vs f IJ I' inc rca!> ing' th e price uf J. W. Whi te i~ in Cincinn ati today foutwea r. cause he don't sc nd a wago n aroulld cvcry mo rning with on business. Th (' ;; hlJC retaile rs w re t old lhat the milk." if all ::hoe:l we rl' a ll lea the r ~ . O()U , Mrs, Edith Harris is shopping in ouo mtJ re hid es a year would h ' re- Cincinnati today, quircd in this cou ntry al one , and Will White Said: with hides practicall y in 'IInt rolof Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Allen arc in "I am now almost six t y years of agc and some day I wi ll the Inrlrer packing- hou ses, it can ll ot th e Queen City today . dro p out of business entirely. : :lIt ti ll tha t time comes we he forseen to what hpig'htil ~h(Je will be just as accommodating as possibk. [n case of sick - priccs mig-hl soa r . I{ev, and Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader ness, old age or bad wea ther,~j u st call up No . 20 and see are in Cincinna ti today , - - - .... what will happen. OFFICERS FOR 1914 Mesdames C, S. (jrauser and F. H Fa rr a r e in Dayton today. Cro wn Lo J ~e No. r,:IR K . flf P. , Cet your Milk on Saturday Night for Sunday. install ed th e foll owing ot-licers for Mr. l:;aac J ones i'l lying seriously 1[l14 a t ti1pir nl(,(,tin g-: C. C., ". ill with pneumonia at hi>:! hOll1 e , Matli tt ; V . C . . l' . 11. Hart!';()('k; 1'., A, L Sicl es; M. o f A, Si la.'1 Hichard · Mr. e ha;; Mi chener and Miss Ada son; M. of F ., F . !\t. Che noweth; M. Michener wert! in Dayton Monday. of Ex .. H. P . K I'Ys; K. 11. & S., L Miss Clara Hawke WIlS in Morrow A. Zi mm erma n; M. (,f Work, I". M. Chenoweth ; I. (il1ar(f, Phil Hopkin s; ::iunday !lnd Monday, the g uest of O. Cuanl, H, H. King; Tr ll ~te(l:\ f r iend~!. yea r ,.;, ,J. H(ln harn. I have several farms listed with me for If you are :going to have a sale, see A. A, Mc Neil , Centervill e, Ohio, sale. If you are In the market and want to KILL THE HAWK both phones . occupy one this year, see me at once as Dan B Oli l' , sccrdary of the Fi,;h some of these will soon be rented. Mrs. Roy 1rons, an d . son , £.' oss, and Ga mc Assoc ialion, if; paying ~:) , cents a head for hawks. l'hese spent S unday with relatives in hawks mu ~t be cleaned out before ~pring Valley. the partridg-es a r e released by the Mrs. Alice Alcorn is entertainin g Sta te . Hawks are the natural enher sis le r· in -law, Miss Emily Alcorn, ""!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ emies of quail. partridges. elc. , and ;... ... the partridges will have a bette r of Pittsburg, at th e Friend's Boarde. I chance if the hawks are disposed of. ing Home. No. 2220 Don't kill mouse hawks. as they are Mr. and Mrs R. S. Howell left protected by law. REPORT Tuesday for Mobile, Al a. , to visit his DllSJ'lIel$S !.Of the CondItion of the WaynesGAS MAY BE CUT SHORT farm near the re, They will be gone ville National Ba nk , at Waynes ville in 1 he State of Ohio, at th e about t hree weeks. closeof business, Jan . 13, 1914. The resillellt;; of Norwood and .!:r~tIme;:~==~ ){ESOURCES. Cincinnati a re in imminent danger Miss Josephine Oglesbee has rec-Ialr~ .... ".,......tlDacIa LoI>l1ll and Dil!COunlB . ... ...... . $US. 1S5. 71 of havin O' a shor tarre (If nutural gas t.urnel l from Lebanon where she ~,,~_frieade Ovoruralts. secured and un80CUred 937.6·1 ~ ". ......w.ban ..!::l U. S , Bouds t.o 1IOCUl"e circulation .. ~O.OOO.Otl on account of a leaking main. The spl'nt a delig ht.ful week wit h the .... o3M, profiIa .... Othor hondH to secure Postlll Bo.v..... oftla. . . 11Igs . . .. ~ .. . .. ... . . .. . . ' " . 3.000.00 main caug ht on fire from a hu ck- Misses Helen Lewis and Mabel Mor~=n;o\;~!!.~'.~~::::: ::: :: ::: l1~:m: ~~ ste r 's lantern as .he was passing over ris. Due {rom approved rescl"VO agents (3,9U3.19 h I k' C I b Note8010ther NationalBank8... . 660.uolt e ea mg mam, near oum us, ~ ~ Frtw:~3a1cl.~~ ~~~~~~'. ~~e~.: . 268. 08 and explod<-d. A force of a hundred Jo hn A. Funkey will sell YOIl any ~ r.a"tul1tI?ney .vlz; men were imm edi ate ly put at'work Shoe in his larlJe stock at a reducSpecle .... . . . Reserve. ... , .. ..In. Bank 1~.12 8.0~ Bv~ farmer wboowns an Indiana Sib Logal-teudor Notes ... . .. 500.00 15,G2 &.U repairing the damage and putting tion, Forced to make room for bat fOlUldthat it is the best business deal Redemp~lon fuud "IUL u .s. Treash l! urer(O% 01 circulatioo). ... . . 2,500.00 out t e nre. Spring stock, ",hen all Shoes will be be ever made and the greatest pleasure of his farming experience. It not only hig her. Tot..I ....... . .. . . . .. . ... .. . 482.666.32 rodd. ~ to the net profita of the dairy HELD BIG MEETING LIABILITIES ' and feeding pen. but it also saves all the MeS!:;rs. J. E. Janney, L. A. Zim· bard, unpleasant work of winter feeding. Capital stock paluln ... .... ,... . 50,000.00 We have an especially attractive propc- ~'::.fll~I~~U~roili,s . · 'Iesc; ' expenses 90,OOU.OU Representatives from th e Miami me rman, W. H. Allen and Fred Gons aod tax08 paid .. . ..... . . . . . 12.247.60 .tition to make to you now-one that win National Bank noLc8 outMtlWdlog 50.000.00 Valley fiood di:!lrict, IH~ ld an en- are attending a meeting of the Ohio enable you to get an Indiana SUo in time OI"ldends unpaid ... . . , . . . .. . . .. 61l 0.0 0 thusiastic meeLin g a t Dayton Friday National Insurance Company in Cin · for next fall's com crop and to pay for it Individual deposits 8ubJoct to afternoon, Representatives from cinnati today. cbock . . .... . . . .. . 272.a94 . S ~ .. it pays you. Let UI tell you about it. Oemlmd cerLUlcates .. . 6 ,073,3 ~ PoataISllvingIDeposlta . . 1.290.46279,758.72 Piq ua, Sidney , Eaton, Middletown, Ohas. D. Oook Roy Irons has several farms for 'fotal. ... ..... ... . . . . . ... 48 2 .6 66.32 Franklin, Miamillburg, and severa Ohio. Harveyebura. STA'fE OF OHIO, WARREN COUNTY.SS; other places we re prellent and took sale. See his ad. on another page. I, J. O. Cartwright, Cnshler of the abo,'e part in t he meeting, The discussions Mr. Irons has had considerable exnamed bank, do solemnly swonr thnt tho above Btatement I. true to tlie befit ot my mostly were in rega rd to laws that perience in farm lands and he will k.nowledgo and bellel. J. O . OARTWRIGHT. CllShler. will be brou g ht up at t he m eeting make yo u a good bargain in anything To Admit Errol' C'.'m. Wlldom. SublCJ'lbed and aworn beloro me this 19th of the coming legill;ature sessionll. you want, See him 800n, or what .4 man Ihould never be ashamed to Januo.ry . 1914. E. V. 13aruh art. ---- . ..own that he la in the wrong, which ta day of Oorrect Att.eBt: Notnr~ Puhllc you mig ht want will be glme. See S. L. OARTWRIOH'r. WHEW! BUT THIS IS TOUGH but 8&)'lq. in other word a, that he ill hiR ad on another page. C. S BEARS. WlMr today than he was yesterdayr W, H,ALLEN. Directors; The Adams Express Company was Pope. We have placed on sale f or one fin ed $1001) in Cincinnati the other weel. women's *2.00, $2.25 button day fo r an overcharge of five cents and lace Shoes for only $1.69; Missel! on a package sent from Ind ianapolis button and lace, gun metal or patent Ito Franklin, Pa. The indictment Former price $2.00, $225 and $2.60 : against them included eleven counts 11.69. Now is your time, John A in violotion of the Elkins law. I Th e new rates on express ship· Funkey. ments will be much lower than Mr. Robt. Cross received a letter formerly, last w.e ek from hi~ brr>ther, R, A Cross, who, with his wife, are spendTOOK ONLY FIVE MINUTES ing the winter in Texas. that they were both well .and enjoying the Seam(oI1 Thom e of Centerville, only Southern climate. Mr. Cross said took fi ve minutes aftf\l' he r eceived the thermometer one morning reg· his decree of divorce from hi s form · istered:.:4, but did not stay that way er wife, Jan e Th ome, to take out very long, and that it was very a licence to get marri ed again . The pleasan t most of the time, new Mrs. Thome was Mrs. Lillian Strong, also of CeIlLeJ'ville. BIBLE CLASS MET LEBANON \VILL HAVE ONE The Bible Class of the Christian y Th e Western Star says that LebaintefresMtingAclass chur~h had ahvehr meetIng at t e ome 0 r . mos non will hav!' a Chautauqua the comi ng year. Scve ral of the Leb · Mendenhall last Saturday evening, ano ni ~es arc wurki ng to that end, there being fifteen present, After , the organization of the different anyway. ....- - -comml' ttees hadb een compIe ted the business meetinll' closed and then the ..Wi··ken up, after socI'al part '·'as VY · h th h tess e os served an e1eThe undernig ned will sell at public Wh Ie g ant two·cour&e lunch to which all ,auction on the prem ise" , the real esdid ample justice. ' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; tate and personal prop erly Qf Ann After singing "God be with you !!! McCun e, deceased, on 'tl'll W" meet aga,·n "they adJ'ourned ,, , T.hursdny, January 29, 1914 voting Mr. and Mrs, M.endenhaU beginning at 1 o'clock. royal entertainers. _ ____ _ _ The farm contains .131 .a cres, situated 3 miles southeast of HarveysFAIR ENTERTAINMENT burg, and 2 miles south of Jonah's ~ Run Baptist church. in Clinton The 1llinoi. Glee Club gave 8 fair County, This farm is well improved, entertuinment at School Hall Tues· , I haa good nine-room houlle, good d ay t 0 a good a udience• The ab Phone :34--:3 1-:3 bam, is well watered and J is a splen- ...., ••f one.f mombe.. of did farm. .Appraised · at $100 per quartet had a great deal to do with acre• . the efficiency of their work. Several Wm. Mills. 'Auct. of. thei,r .:; ho~~er, · V,le~ 'Et~: D~t:er. Aqmr. greatli enjoyed. ,.

315 Quarts Sold the First Week


_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _~_ _ __ _ . _


'1'4.1 t ~t 1(' ltt' r.;

onthInmg I IIiIJ .Pleasure ;

l 1l ' I

We have a car of

Old Process 'Oil Meal


that we expect any day and we are making a

Special Low Price from car






J. E. Frazier



ayneaviUe, . •











... .




.',. d . 1 \ 1 • •1 ,f" fc\II ,I\\i ll (! /..lI ll lIlI·rt lll l! · ... J II H ··.·l·' 1. 11 ' '" 1"1 , ' , I• t ' "'.1 'lIll '.: III r::l ,, _ • " ~\.t I' ::,,1 1;--· I \

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2, \ \'rill' "UIII \,lIld .... . ,'\ "Ill "' 11 It· .. f ' ;\1' \' 'I" r "1 1\ S, Th is w~, rd l'!lnh':--l d,."'· ... pll !:ill ll Ld \ , 1 ' ~I !llllt \ 11 .. 1. 11l 11 1u' Ii .; t ... m\( ~1 be h,,"t1~ c1 ill .. II lir 1"'[" fC 1 h.iI ,[.". . ' .. . • HC1l1 C' 1tt! tt.' r t lt;tI ",' . 4ft ' ~ i \ i1lg llt ll) l' , III I'. oIl-.. I .. , t " II ' ~: ,$ " t ~t11\111l ! I:J ·,. " 1111 pu !- il

I hi ... Wl'l'k , :tlld dOIl I, il' CII UP' I Il'" tl\ l ."L· tt kllll' lI ' , I! \\'110 wilt wi ll lhe W.IICh ~ [ Ii,,,I. I\' . h· I"·It.If\· :./llil .

, -


,i l l .I\ IIL h

Good Things to Eat This Week Dates, Fi )!~ , 1': ll g' li ~ h WfJ lnuts New BU t:kwhl'il t, New lI ollCo'Y . Jumbo Dri ed P <,,\ 'h eR , Swept Prull e:! .

Oysters, Celery, C r anb e rri e~ , Ca bbage, Jersey Sweet Pcltotoes, App les, Oranges , Bananaq

Special for Saturday [' ull ih rkg-. S,·.,,j l'11 r~:lisin s, 10e ·1 Ca n ~ Sli g-ar Cll rn , ollly , :!5c Hrmg u.'> Yll ur butter and Eg~9 .

261b S.tamlllr d Gran . Sugar $1.15 31b Peeled Peaches on ly 10e can ! resh Roasted Peanuts, We Ilr .

Booster Cou pons with Cas h o r Trad e. It




tLl traJ u at


~.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~.~ -~'~~- - -~'



No Expert. Tbe horny·hatHI,·(1 ~ . r loll who Conversion of St. Paul, Third Sun - I bad ju st Inheril ed .Lc' I . ; \ .' weut to I (lilY d f I I~ ' h J ' 25 18ee a Illlllli Cll l' ". .. Ill , . JU 10 aya ter t Ie ~PIP any, ' an uar) . thi ng with IhC'" . Ina'am ?" ho Bsk ed,Sunday School at 9:30 a. m Serm !)!) exhibitin g hi,; h llllcl ~. " \' O~. sir." sbe and Hoh Com munion at 10:30. ! lIalcl , "aftl'r you',,1' I! ' 10 n surgeon You are in vited to these services. ; Ilncl hUll Ihol' lI I'l'a,·.'-- . ilch d up. 1 d u n' t "" ' ,le1 1,, \I ilit J " . ' ~:Ilt lJcloJ\g to Do yon r ead your o wo or your the regular pracl1lioJ\ , .". nelghbo1'S' Mlantl G llzptte? --

•- _


'fhe Gladidus America's Most Popular Flowering Bulb Planted earl y, in lon ~ rows in the garden ancl c ul~i\' atC' d , cutting spik e as 500 11 as lir!' t bud ol.lens, one .":111 ha \·e cut flowers , unsurpassed for lastlll!; qllahtJes a nd beauty of blo om.


Oil Meal Special


In, h t 11\1111" I

POIIC ; 111 ll a' fi fth :.!.I IUtJ (",I lI l ll-H ' . HIII I I ,. \. II ii, ," \\'''H I ~ \\ t" -.;laa ll g i\ l ' ii ft ,' ("QUill/It'-. I n l' .t l 'l~' '11 1"

I· A-NJ\. J> N I LO


th o

' ", t . I \\'l: ... 1a:1 1l g in' III t l1l' [ lI ~ ,Otlll \..·; HII)"II .... ; l il l ht· 111lld




ttl I l.."·,,

:"l ' \.'I ITH !

Fa,r ms For Sale Roy .Irons


\\ h" t Ilt' Iq llr1wiu g I l("f!'o l'lI


110':_ ." " '-" ... _. _ _ _ . . . ... _ _

Bulbs Mailed to Any Address at Prices Clven Below Mrs, Frances Killg, scarlet pink, best all -around GJadicli each, 6 cents, per dozen, 58 cents. Package of ] 2 Bulbs, 3 varieties, 4 bullls of each . in cilldmg e ither America, pink, Earon Hl1lol ( Blue Jay), violet, Mrs. Frances King .scarl et pink ,or Princeps, white and red, my selection , 6 ~. cents . Mixed Varie ties, 4 for 10 cents; 12 for 2[, cents; 50 for 85. cents; 100 for $1.50. Mixed, small blooming size, hulbs below one inch in diameter, 50 for 45 cent s ; 100 for 80 cent s.

w. ·C. KERSEY.


Oregonia, Ohio.

· r Notl·ce to Farmers nero. c""l'u),e.1 lo y E .xnl p t1 l1 ~

uut. ('I r t h o SIUlIO J nmJ 75- 1no

.I am es J"lInl ng. lind \I Ifo 10 , ~lu n\l o l H" am h y ducd dUI ud J 1100 7t.h , 1":'~.I l\~ n .!co rd u:J ill ,11 0 LUIII! )( ceor , ls (If tJalLl Conoty Nt), 20 PIlI;Of' IJ t; HIH I 119. all d OX'"


The Waynesville Canning Compll- ""Illing nl,,, ""tI "ere CO Il\' !J)'fl« by t ~o snld J u.mes ,Jennln !-{s unt! \\,1(0 1,,0 Jollll H . \\ oolilru ny is now ready to contract for corn Ii), "ill><.I oilll"l1 Jlln ')I a"lh. l o ~ " lllUl rceonlct! . ffi C · ' Oh ' III lunt! " "curd N u . 2H. pngo 6U 1 In .Illli at their a ce, at orwll1, 10. VoUIlLY. • · k M 'fh o Illlld. jlll·ellu cd ltl bo ,I ll"~rlbod aho\'o J. F. S noo, anager. hel n~ til" salU() I Ulili s ,·oll \,oy,..-I by lIenry ~I~~S 3~~d:t"'.tl~·~~I, IJ':.l¥~g~dl~~~l \~'~~!::'~l ll~ Roy Irons. Ass't Mgr .

----- . - ---

.:s ~li (I f t ho \\' urroll t:ulI lILy. I )hlo ,

\' 0 1. :H; J,m,ro



Helll EstulO

IlnLi Rod unLlt·r


Hcco roM o f

h ~e n rC ~ \llnrly OI',lo r~ l t \Juurt at S ~uou. uu





whol o a.utl will nut. La sol d ror 10.0;:1 t. huu two thIrds Lhe ujJprolliCd yuill e.

"'1'0 bo xold , uhk~L to tho right "I tho tltlreruJuu t.. A, L lll«: olu 8 Id w~ . (,0 rcl1l11.ln Ull Notice 18 horebv 8 1"°11 that 0 vetltlon will ."Id prcml,;os n"" Lo'mnt unl ll tho t HIh du y be pretl8nted to tile Comml68lonenJ of Warrell ot Fubrtt'lry J ~ 14 ." OounlY nt their 808SIoo Terms of Sale Monday, February 16, 19 I "

prayIng tor tho laying out and eslnbllsiling .01 a Couoty Hoad on the following 11110 tOW I~ ; llel{lnulng at .. point In 11 h;h St. ""wuiled lrom Wayn68vllle o.od just No,·th West" Nor~b W68t corporutlon line or Waynesville and moving thence parallel to anil UlllSillo uf ilBld corporation line North EMl<Jrly throui{11 the lands of O. J Edward•. J . U. Keys uUlI Ph1l1p Hopkin. to 8 point at tho InwrsN'U"n of Franklin Hoad m .d North St. and til ..." ondlng being a dl. tanoo of 900 louL mnro ur 18118 . O. J . EDWAHDS. Janu&ry 1~.I9U. ~:oclPai PotlLionOi'

AI One-thlNI

L'1l~ h III hlll id 011" dny of sale. ollo- t,hil'(j i ll on o )'tl:1I' and olio- th Ia"(1 Ju t~(J yoars '1'110 dole rl'cd p aJ l11 c llUi to bear tll ~ p or cOl t( Jn t c r('s t utld UU !->LI(' UI"Oll by mortg~ o o tho Jl rc Jll i~Ct) ~ I d.

" ' ALUlW:-i 0 , G ILMOUn.


All Kinds of

InSURlIn'-'E \..J A. B. Chandler


~ lt p .. ilr Wllrreo County, Uhlo. ley &. Sttluloy, Atty'8,

Common Pleas _ __

..:2 Anna E. Sml~h

Successor to

!Case No. 11296

Lincolnv.81des et 101 . lly vlrtuo 01 an order of sale. duly ISHued from COurt,iIIIwul thoulfor nhove ellSe, t.o mesaid dlrlK:tod. (firHInted .nla, hy wayami 01 public o.ueLlon, at ,I", duur 01 tho OO llr~ Rouse. In Lebnnnll . \I",,'rl'l' ('DUlay. Ohio. on Monday. January ~Ii'h . A. D.. IY14 . At 10 o'clock a m.. Oil said day , tho following dl'scribed real estate. to-wit ; -Situate In the Oountr, of Warren and State ot Ofllo, and In the l'ow""hlp 01 Wayne. and bouoded aud described lUI follow8. viz ; Part ot tho S. W. quurter 01 Sec. No. 2. '1'owo No, a. h onge No. O. M. R. S. Beglnuh,g In the 90uth line 01 said Section at a corner of JIUll88 Jonnlup and late Josiah BlHpham . thence N. 116 pOle8 t.o a lItake In the south line of i&te Mr. Ualno•. fLU Elm 8 In. dlomewr s. U degrees E. U Iks" Q Sugar 1 0 In . diameter B. 22 degroes W. 17 linke, ~hellce S. 78Ji degrees E. 18 poles .to n In tho road leading lrom W..,.nesv lllo to Centervllle thf\llC6 8. 16~ E. "I~h snld roo.d 70110188 and A,

F. E. SHERWOOD Ovcr PoslufTice. Off ice Phoue 77

th!1='':::=:::'i!..- ..

IInuse Phune



The "Yankee"

Fire-Kindler Does away with chips, Does away moking ·'kindling wood" Does away with • explosIOns." Saves It!! price every month Sold by

Will Lippincott

~o~~u~e:r='l!:~' :~e::gl'es~o "~~~d~~n8tY,~

90utb Doe of II6ld Section; theoce with 881d lllle N. ' 78 ~ degrees w. aD pulos to the pinl."O 01 ~. d 78-100 ncr;ea ot

Waynesville, O.



• ·Ohio.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~·~!!!!!!!!·!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! . ~.




. .' :


., ' . . .' . .

Get Sale'BUlw" p, .•.int~· at. Tbil·· O·ffice . ." . ' -", .' . ,. . ,










:, ;k








-, Marie Furnas , dau g ht er of Mrs. Ella Furnas and the late J ohn Fur· nas, was marri ed IUHt Wedn esday in Atlantic City, to a gentleman fro m Alabama. Miss J enni e; Harden, formerly of Waynesv ill e but now of Morrow, wru;operateu upon at Clark's hospital at Wilmington one day last week fll r th e rem oval of sebaceo us tum ors near the IIpi nal column , She went tilt'ough the operation very nicely. Mr. Herbert Edwards took charge of the Thatcher Sa!T1pl ~ Shoe rooms in Dayton. last week as manager. Earl Everly ;has been in charge of this store for t he last three years, but resigned recently to take a traveling position in the shoe busi· ness. having a part of Ohio and In· diana 'a s nis territory. "Mr. Edwards is a good man in the shoe business, and ~here's hoping that both men will make good.

---.-.. - - -

CELEBRATED ANNIVERSARY Hutchison & Gibney, the dry goods merchants, of Xenia, celebrated the 51st annive'rsary of t heir business career in that city Friday. The firm has enjoyed a long and successful career. Mr. Clark Hutchison, the senior pa'rtner, has been engaged actively in the store all these years, and although he is 84 years of uge, he still is at the head ot the store, and does.· a -vast amount of work. The concern is noted for being one that can be depended upon in all its details, and it is a pleasure to shop at this store. There was no special demonstration at the store Friday, but many of their friendll who knew of the event dropped in to extend their congratulations. STOPPED

PROPERTY WAS SOLD By order of the court, in the case ot,Annl1 E . Smith vs. A. Lincoin Si~es, the sheriff sold the property of the lale Sam!. Sides at the court house on Monday. The property was sold to Tillman Barton for $3240.00. The place- wa3 appraised at $3000, and the bids brought the price up to $152 an acre. The sale was unusual from the fact thilt the property brought a price 80 far above the appraieement. Much credit, however, is due to Sheriff Gilmour in -the way in which he conducted the sale and his ability as an auctioneer.

---_. - ..- --

SWAIN··McKINSEY Miss Minnie McKinsey and Earl Swain were quietly marri<'d at the Presbyterian parsonage, Lebanon, Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock by Rev Gowdy. They went to housekeeping immediately in their new home alreaiiy prepared near Ridgeville. Their maoy friends in and around Waynesville. ' together with the . Miami Gazette, extend their· can· gratulations IlJld best wishes to them, •- • . NOTED lJlSHOP DEAD ._ _ Bishop John' Walden, of the M. E . ·~' cJ{~J'Cb. died 'in Florida last Wednes ),', day. eyehlng •. Bishop Walden we" ,~m in Lebanon. Ohio, in 1831, and . ' Wu" elec~ buihoP :in 1884. H~' '. ' W8i proinlh8iii' 'ill .~81onlc: circles,



. He. ~¥. iala to:.~ :p'f Spr~g.~rov~;' ! · ClDCIpri.ti;·JUj .~litbo~~. · " ;1-:" ,'. . ' , , .' ;.r ,j. • . .

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The New CEn tu ry Club was delight· fully entertained on Friday after· noon uy Mrs. Charles Hawke. Roll call was responded to. with brief ~ ketr h cs ot " Places of Note in Ire· land ." Ml'3, Barnhart read the reo maining chapters of Baynes adven· t ures, " Throu g h Ireland in a Jaunting Car." which has been a source of much pleasure, during the past few months. One of the best papers !:lince we have been studying Ireland, was' Irish Women of Note." pre· pared with painstaking effort and research, mentioning briefly, some fifteen or more women whose namt>s are in the "Book of Fame," includ· illg Mrs. Hem ans, poetess, Kathrine Hayes, whose sweet voice was a type of J ennie Lind, Margaret or "Peg" Wolfington. as she was known on the IItage, and others. Mrs. C. S. Grauser's paper on "Moore's Irish Melodies" was unique and amusing; she closed by singing "The Last Ro~e of Summer, .. and "Believe Me, if all . 'fhose Endearing Young Charlt!.s," which toul'hed a popular chord. Guests of the hostess were Mrs. Frank Zell. Mrs. S. D. Clayton, Mrs. Gilmour. The ladies lingered long during the social hour, with pleasant con· versation and a delicious two-course . I Iunc h was aerv ed by th e gema hostess. .


WILL HAVE A BIO TIME The J. O. U . A. M. will have a big time Friday ~wening at their ha11 on Main street. There will be a class of three initiated and a large num· ber of Ju.n iors from Spring Valley will be down b witness it, Alter the initiation a supper will be served . All Juniors are expected to be present, as there will be a good time in store for' them.





: Social Events :


The i"i!;h and Game Protective As· uf this county, aR we ll as l ........................................................... ,................................._ .. the aH.~o(' iali o ns from other adjacen t On Monday afternoon Mrs. S. D. .••••• • •- •.•••.- ... ----.....- ........... ........ .. ... .............. ....... . _ ................... .-J co u'nti l' s, a rc doi ng a good wo rk in Clayton delis:rht ecl a few little girls Chlls. Stansberry was in Dayton r C. M I{ouitzer visi~ed the Ca pi t.u l protec ting th ,Ash and what game Monday, City hUlt week. IVI' hav e here. In Lel,anoll th ey hy g iving a party for them in her ha I' e a strong ol'g'a nizatiol1 and ev ery pleasa nt rooms, The gu es ts were Mrs. A. Maffit was visiting in Mrs. I{oy Marshall has ucen quite man and U(,y that lik es the " fun" i ~ Kath ryn and E.'l ther HenderRon, Dayton Tuesday. ill for the past wee k. a l1lernl,er of the associ ation. The Ruth Alcorn an d I{hea Jan et Cart· ri ve r towns dow li t he Lilli e Miami wrigh t. Ernest l{ogers was in Dayton R. G. ,Cross was a busil1l'RR visitor are joining the county organi zati on M L' II M d h 11 Thursday on business. in Cin cinnati laRt week. by t he sco res, and inlend t~ ;;ee that t . r~. t 1I1~ ~.y h fe~ den a Tehnter. t:l e fi sh are protected from the all1~ Il a e Ig t u Inne r ura· Mes..,rs. C. M. Robitzer and Lou Mis.~ W i n ni CredMacywa::l thegu e"t " scavenger"th t ' f'tt l . > ' day In honor of MIss Emily Alcorn, of relatives in Xen in Suml ay . s a III cs le ri ver In f P' t"b Th M Printz were in Dayton Sunda-y. the summer lime , These men corlle 0 d IM<'s urgl, '1 J e g uestsMwere . r. AI ' .Ma ry Sa I'Is 1.uury spell t Sund ay most Iy f rom I h e Cities . . an d t h ey d0· an rs. nneyI . d r 3. M'Ice Milson's Fertilizer the best on the MISS AI . ] ~( I't I ad market. For sale b; Chas. Frye. ISS ill Sp ring Vall ey visiting re la t ives. not ca re whether they trap or dy. E C?lrIlAaiDC I t e aug lter an s . 'mly corn . _ __ naml'1 e, so Iung as t h ey get t h e fih MiilS Mary Hawke spent Sund ay Ther e are five members of the We have very pretty Washington e. county club in Waynesvill e. There Tile boyu" w10 h d I' ht BI'rthday cards. W. C. Phl·lll·ps. with he r' mother Mrs. Alice I-'awk 1 1 ~:Lve sue a e 19 Mr. ancI Mrs. Allen Hai nell. of ough t to be a t least 21)0, for now here f~1 dance two \\'( e k ~ ago.are goin~ to Miss Bertha Keller, of Cincinnati, Xen ia, spl'nt ~lI n day wilh rela t ives a long th e r ive r are lhere so many ~I~~ anoth er one Thu rsday evening i& the guest ~ f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon here. fishe rman as at Wayn esvill e. It m , oge~ s ' . H~ll. Those ~aving reJoy. don't make any di ffe rence whether ce lved IIl Vltat l.onR .to . thiS former Antioch College at Yellow Springs , Don't fa,il to huy yo~r Shoes now, you li ke to fi sh or not . we ought to da,nce are cordiall y I?vlted to attend has been clol!ed on account of scarlet If you don t. w h ~ n spring' comes you ha ve a prid e in t hese things that will thiS one. Good musIC. fever. ' r will wish yon had tak en advantage he lp th e good work along. So be· of the reduction. J ohn A. Fu nk ey. come memb ers and let's see to it The rheery h o~pit ality of Mr. and Mrs. Alice Hawke spent last week in Dayton with 'her son John Mr. and Mrs . A. Mallit we re that th e river banks are kept free Mrs, G. F . Brown of Lebanon , was Hawke. guests of r elativeR in Harveysburg from trappers and dynamiters. It enjoy ~d in their beautiful home on is the work of every right·minded the twenty·tifth by Mr, and Mrs. W~ Mrs. G. D. Mills and son, Lindley. Su nday. man 10 inform the proper author· C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. 1\"IrS.£.n)1I L' H1. II 0 f' Ced arv i'11 c. spen t MissGrace Williamson, Mrs. Ben il ies when he hean; of a violatioll of Haney, Dr. and Mrs. Thompson, of M'II . Day t on the week·en d with her mother. Mrs. this kind. Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. I S were In I S an d Ray M'II Sat d Rom in e. Cartwright. A delicious dinner was • ur ay. AFTER ELECTRIC LIGHTS served, and all found so much pleasYou want to go and see the large Edi tor J ohn Cumming'S, of the ure in this delightful home, they Warren County Times. was in tuw n assor t men t 0 f Sh oes, th e Ia t es t an d The citizens of Mason. Ohio. are were loathe to leave it. best Shoes, Boy's and Girl's Shoes Monday., going after electric lights. They sizes from 10 to 1, Women's Shoes, We are p!,epared to se rve Val en. claim they are tired of groping Button and Common Sense Shoes. tine parties 01' socials in the best around the village after dark and One of the pleasantest social events former prices $2, $2.25, $2.50 down style. W. C. Phillips. getting 108t A committee appeared of the season occurred at the cozy to close out $1.69. Wom~n's Dongola before council Monday night to put home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray and Button regular prices $2.50 and . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke , Mr. their case up to them. The citizens on Thursday of last week when $2.7,5 now $1 98, Men's Dress and and Mrs. Lee,Hawke and two daugh· claim that a plant can be put in and · a number of their friends responded Wor'l( Shoes $1 98 worth $2.60 and ters and Miss' Clara Hawke spent maintained at nearly the same rate ' lo their invitation to partake of an $2.75. Don't wait and don't miss \ Sunday in Dayton, the g uests of Mr. that they arn paying now for inferior I eleganttivecourse dinner who proved thegreatba~in. . John A. Funkey. and Mrs . J ohn Fromm and family. lights. without doubt the truth of the say· in'g that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs ~ o(' i ation

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---------------------1 I H I II

· f t he W onderfu 0 PerlOna1 Impresllons


Work was stopped on the "wall" at Franklin, last week on account of an injunction brought to the Comm~n Pleas court by Frank Hone, ' 1m un.. successful bidder on the job. Garver Bros., the contractors, have dropped orders for material on the job until the hearing. which win be heard on the 14th of February. Should there be a rise In the river serious results might happen, and perhaps :the county officials would have to stand the brunt.

r·. · . _. ·. ··· . . ·_--·····_. ··· _·_· . . . . . · . . ·. ·. . III Personal Mention Column 1; i: f..... - ••••••••-•••.•••••_••••_......... _.-._._._


Whole Number 3248

e en Ke er

By ",BAS... M. CARTWRIGHT, Chicago

Frank Zell, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cart :wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawke,

Mr and Mrs. J. T. Ellis and MillBe8 Kizzie Merritt and Clara Hawke.

Several of MillS Ethel Stokes' friends were invited to her home last Saturday. The morning hours lOOn passed and at twelve o'clock all were Invited to .the dining room. The at,.. traCtion was the table arranged for twelve, decorated with a pink and white basket full of pink hearts, for the:centerpiece, with ribbons lea~ing to each plac€'. where they were tied to pink and white carnations. Each foun~ their. places b~ place cards bearmg two little cupIds. After an elahorate J~nch~on was served :ach pulled their ribbons and received a ~eart containing the picture of MISS Ethel Stokes and Mr. Clarence Dunham and the d~te February 19, 1914. . . !he mVlte? guests wer,e , Hazel Mitchell, Mildred Dunham, Perle Riley. Mrs, Erma Hartso.c k , Eleanor Earnhart, Blanche RJley.. Mary Parlette, Lola S~okes, Luelle Cornell, Laura McKmsey, Mary Gray, Ethel Stokes. and Louisa Stokes. FARMER'S WEEK

Chic!lg'o, Jan. 24 ing the position of the tongue of her Idecidedly different f rom the soun d I thuug hts in a freer way. To the Edito,-WhiJe t.he story of teacher, and her larynx as she for· waves of the ordinary noises. !:ihe I Mis.~ Kell er's college experience Helen Keller isan old one, yet it may mulated certain words. Then she delig hts in dancing and catc hes the was an arduous one as 90 few of the be interesting to BOme of the friends endeavored to imitate the processes. rhythm from her partner. textbooks were translated in the about Waynesville to have a few A teacher of vocal music in Hoston Asked whether she played any langu age of the blind. Hence it personal impressions of her that I applied to her some of the same musical instrument. she answered was necessary for Mrs. Macy to gathered while listening to h ~r and methods that he used in his work with immed iate g lee that she was an spell out in Miss Keller's hands most her teacher, Mrs. Anne Sullivan and found them successful. It is ' expert at grinding th e hand of the work. Miss Keller, owing to Macy, lecture the other evening. difficurt to follow Miss Keller in her organ, th e constant attention . she neces. What was most imprc>'~ i v e in her sar ily had to give to her studies lost Miss Keller has always seemed to speaking. Her voice is peculiar; it me to be a super· woman. possessing lacks resonance and inflection, and is Ireplies was the spontancous and much of what we term "coilege as she must a mental equipment that artificial. Even at this the r~ults I' sparkling wit that came at that in· life." As an undergraduate she is far beyond the ordinary. are marvellous. We could scarcely stant. She al ways had per fect doubtl ess r eceived in recompense If I have ever been inclined to be expect what she has accomplished in command ot hersel f and was ready for a piece of work ml)re than has morose or bewail my fate, I certain· articulation to have been brought with a response. The qu es tions were ever ueen pa id to a college student. Iy felt many twinges of conscience about. Her talks are inspiring. She asked her by Mrs. Macy. Miss Kel. She wrote her biography as a part after listening to this woman de- tells ot the great lOY she has extract· ler held her finger on Mr::l. Macy' s of the req uirements in English. A prived of her three principal senses, ed from life, of the need for a great· lips and her thumb on he r larynx magazine paid her $3,000 for the and ex.hibit.i ng as she did such evi· er and larger sympathy. a more ex· .,' and cauglht the words in mos.'t cases completed manuscript. What is astoni shing in her case Is dences of good cheer, fortitude and tended.fraternity. Miss Keller has wi~hout having them r epeated. patience. never witnessed the glories of a sun· MillS Keller was askej whether that almost all her knowledge of the When Mrs. Nacy took charge of set, the culmination of a majestic she had IEl favorite poet. She as. world and the people in it. past and Miss Kdler at a very tender age, the day. But she has imagined all this serted that she had as many favorit es prescnt , has come through her hands. latter was unable to make her wants in her mind. a'J she had moods and each made a SOllIe of your readers who have seen known except in crude signs. The She i,s interested in mankind and special appeal to her at various times . Maude Adams on the stage doubtless instructor began teaching her by a\1 that pertains to men and women. Miss Keller knows instantly when have observed the wonderful char· writing words in the air with her ~he keep. in touch With the qorld's an audience is applauding'. as she acter of her hands and have noticed hand. Her first word learned W8l! movements. She knows all about puts it "I hear with my feet." She huw they play so important a part Interest in the annual Ohio Farm"doll. After the lapse of some days the new tariff law, currency act, the catches the vibrations of a floor in her acting, Helen Keller's hand s ers' Week, which is to be held at the Miss , Keller had a revt'lation that Mexican imbroglio, the Calumet which none of us distinguish. In a are elect ric, they are vibrant. Her Ohio State University during the meant a mental awakening. She strike, theadministration'santi·trust similar WI&Y she detects a round of whole being is alive with atmos · week of February 2nd, is state wide. On the program are many noted exdiscovered that each object had policy and 80 on. She is conversant laughter in a body of people. Mi ss ph ere. a name as did each action or procese with a number of tongues and reads Keller e~tplains that she can tell She is all flashes, She passes perts from the agricultural instituThen she began to build up her vo· them with fluency. She has studied whether there is a large or small from one thought and emotion to tions of Ohio and other states. cabuhiry and later learned the art of socialism and has e spoused some of number of people present by the another with a fleetness of intellect In addition to this is the Home 3entence making. its principles. She is in touch with strength of the mental vibrations that is astonishing. Her face, though Maker's school for the women. A She was fnterested in these days the work that is being done ' by the that come to her and also she is able Ilacking in so important a factor in study of the home and homemaking in the origin of lite. Mrs. Maey creative men and women of the toguage the volume of personal odor l expression liS eyes. is all aglow. It will be taken up and it ~ill pay the traced the creation of all things to world. that emanates from h l\m a n is full of power and beauty. The mother to come and hear the differ· "Mother Nature." FlowerS, ani- The most interesting part of the bodies. mind and soul of t.h e woman are ent lectures. mals, the rain, and 80 on were from Keller program were the answers to She Wasl asked whether she could mirrored in her countenance. 'I'he same week the the same source. One day Miss questions propounded by persons in tell any fj!miliar friends that enter Miss Keller is a miracle. She meeting of the Ohio Keller asked what" Father Nature" the audience after her. talk. She her room unannounced. She aaid proves the absol u te power of the sociation will meet at was doing all this time. was asked for instance if she could she was oftm able to do this b) intellect and !lpirit over the physical. Pavilion. The nW""'llm NaturallJ one of the ma"els of clistinguish color. She replied that means of their footsteps, their per· She has burst asllnder the fetters much interest to .tOclunel~ • this gift'l<i woman is her power of the aense of touch -was not dt'licate sonal odor. and she naively declared that kept her in darkness, and .he many pt'()mllneQtcDEu,91'8 dpeech. Never having beard a spok· enough to do this but that she ,felt that she was sometimes able to dis· seers and hears and talks, with or· hand to tell wn...' ....t!J' .....v~,'- ... en word. and nQt having' . opened to "red" _hen she was angered, tinguish her men friends by the gans that represent a keener sense various bnmclbe& her the procesaes wh~by children "Why,' .she was asked. "Because brand of tol;laceo they smoked: than those we possess. 8heep and letlni to tal~ througb hearing, ~ I am bot,'~ she r.epJled. . . Miss Keller has been able by sheer I have been privileged to listen to have a pl«ce on Ingandconstant-Npetitiol\,8hefound . Sltvwasiskedagain if abe could mentalarid" spidtual ability to rise manynotabl~ people in my day. I Tbl!lemeetingawlll it a·1.OJII"- ~d . ~uou" tukJ o ~NspoJld t6mUsic;•.· S~e. d!U~ that all!) above ber Inlh',(~n" ' She liv~ in a have heard none that taught me:~lie ~ " the la~er and . 'li~r'voeaJ (t~ti~ ~w ~~b.le b~ ij, ;aJ~ f~.~ 'the "~9f .~e JiO~~' ~e!:" .,'~llm :co~ '. :Hfn~ voca~., ~ns of l~fe in so forceful a'- way, sIloul~ ~ oh' h~a u_,.... ~.worc:J8: .. Sbe::«Iid,~ b~leel .. w-v~aD~ .~~tbeunp~.onsw~ ~, b~ .':t, , ~er ~Pt:eBsher. a8 'Hel~ ~eller. . , • umbulltoh_lheno,t ed',ipe.Ii8I"~f.:







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FellOW-Men With True, Zeal· OllS and Constant Love."

Co mmon Methods Used Show Differences in Expense in Hand- ' ling th e Crop Cutting by Han d Gives Best Results- No ~ Efficient Mach ine Yet Manufactured for Cuttting



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Praise lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

lial it hi:

W om en from the Atlantic to the Pacifi c from all sections of this great cou ntry, no city so large, no vill age so small but that some woman has written words of thank s for health restored by Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable CO,ro. pound. No woman \\'ho is suffering from the ills pecuhar to her sex should rest until she has gi ve n thi s fam ous rem edy a trial. Is it not reasonable to beli eve th at wh a t it did for these women it will do for any sick woman?

Ull t th c' u.1I·l lll portlllll Ii< i llg lti UIl I' 1"'1" r- lI lla l !'. -Ial iun t o lhl ~ ~n ' tH tru t h


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\\ l l h t! H.' curn h £l n-t\~ql L: ~ 1"', ' Ro n y,"I ' Ttl !] (' t}:,l I) r c u ~rln g by h Aud . IJ) U '(l rr"~h In Ih ,' l11 :n· l , () llII , f al'll ll·I; . . u r ~I, ' c1 . all·1 hy th .. ( ' 01'11 II "- fI' es I 1'1' . I. Jf \\. ,11 hf' l llt t ' rfl S t!ll).,:. 10 lu u\.: ()\ er SOtlll ' I ;.:. \ i ' l~ I;" ; l t\\ T il l" (l g ul"" :-; flre n \"(' ra K('~ 4'1):1


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' I Uti If' il1h £' l' il .. { t\ l'lI a l I ,fl" ' " Till'ulIg h tI i" " I' iti"nl Iltu t h L' hI'" ~" r III thl' Hop k o\' i.ll k <· 111'01""111111'11 thl,:. q ll ~ H l 14 j lL wit h Hit ill anti IIH ' ElIi d f" !-II~ IJ, yt' l II " a ~ u g\tud qu .... titlo tl. alld uctdrI' H:{ t ·cJ I u Illl' (If} " al.u) \' (' RII lJth t" r ~ I L('!oI: 1 u b iI' 10 UIlH\' ''r I I TIl " 1""' YI' r d if l Jlll t lH' li 4' \' j ' thul Ih l' mnt;tpr , aM 11 .. I calif' " hi m , (' \)llIu gh' l..' auy II l ' \\ llgtll l o u Ih" sllbj "PI \\'hat"I' ,' r Ih ,· ""~\\' PI' t lIJ iKhl ti ". hi' it o lJt'd to h(~ al.Jl ,.. 10 rp, ' pl ,l' IIIlI t I t r,,"la ll ll'U n o ut lt "r (lire' " Li'"1 fo r (Ji l illlll l •• It nppill('"" thall \l 11lI1 " In'ad ,l' kIlO"'" , Th.· lawl;l l'(' r paltl III , aLtl'lI llol1 1(1 I lh " lI,uli c lo llS d <'sig ll cu IllIlJ >L h i ll! . I ' b llt a l 01\('" ""","'I'l'd lite ' I rJlI' ~" r lIi l ll II 11111 '811011 . " \\' 11 ," i " II r i lt"11 III I !I'I Ill\\' . lI "w r OaU 'ij l lll ou ': " ]1. · ('alll,' 10 l'" t l 'c h i s" tltl' (l las t .. r un ci Ill e mU Mtl'!' t llnlS Iu "a l l'eilis ,' him ' 'lild to I lIn ~ .. h i m 101111\' hl lll s,' lf 11;: t r r-nt"d hlill ns a 111\' ." '1'. a. 0'" ' \1 (', <tuai ll t l'd wILli th p law. "lid hud .. 11i ll1 IH'nctlc" lIecIH dl n g Itl h is know l eJI(!' Th( ' l a w)'I'r ull s w t' r c:tI d b <: r e.. t1y a L II \~.i,t- t'IY thul t hl' dh' illf' i!Jw (' Ulll1 lln:,,! , rI I I holl Rha l t 1111'1' II", I.o r d I h y l .(,d I




... r ant I) r l iti S kllill c'all bl' made o f S f'n~ , of \" 'h' l'tf'rJ) a nd ur other

nt od(, I:t I t' ly h U,' Y \\ou l li d a nd t bu s l fl o 8(' 1'\1" c' ::01 1' \\'0 11 l u to th e spriog . T h,. gurllll'lIl Is ('I osed high fit th o t h roa l . alltl has 8 rou nd co li nI'. dro p I "llou l d e'r~ a nt.! pla i D 6Ic(' \'r.s. T h lo\\'. "1' 1>o r ll'on Is sra n t ' Bnd Is ma r ked off by a ~I'\ d " belt, T h E' patl"1'1I 164 ~ " I s (,lit i ll Ri l.eS 2, 4. I;. 8. 10. i 2 ano V Yf'ars , M edium sl7.1' rc' quir('s ~'" ),unJs uf H i nc h ma. t Cl'lni. T tl pr nru , c Ihl . p~ l t"'n ... nd 10 "enu ; t o "PB t l e l'l1 lI"IMf l mf'nt ," or t h tA p nJ>"'r, ' \\' r it" IlIlnl(' " " " Altd rn"" plnln l)'. ' lito] ha l sure Itl ~I \' •• • Iz., a llo! lIumh~r o r "ll lJ ern. 1

\11th n il th~ h"llrl . und "'tlh all I hy II HOIiI . a nu II li lt all t.JI ;- SII'l'lIgLIt , all d : lIilh a ll Lh ,' II li lid . (I lld I h ), 11" IJ;hbo( I IJWI· h i,:, · IS lI s" ll 10 (.\It 411 an ~ 1'1"" liS I h;- sc lr. " I~UI'. 6 JI I' (' e lll on ~ I~n HUI I' h i n" The Mast er's A ns w er .

A illi t h(' Illus l e r tiM i d 1I 1l1(l h i ll1 . T hOll ha sl an ~ 1I I' rl> d rig hl . u (J this a nd Iholl Hha l t livp ;. li n' fOfl" 'er L ifting iI shoc k from t he cor n ha r· hal'!' £> 1 , 1'1"t! l i f, ," v es t er . 1'011 11 ' S14 " ~ . $ ~.'l l pl' r Ill' I C, T h ry \\'f'r e DOt ~p l ' n kj ll g of t ~l ~ r;"t m " " 10 fo ll o n' t lH' iJ l lld "1 " li d HI '1' 1,,·1', .11'(' IIllel l." otll er t y pc,; o f COl'r. rart hl y lif( " H lirl \\h .. 'r l the I11fl6tpr ~a H l up (:oro . It g l l'(' s tl'Ou ul!' h, k l1 t1ck i lJ l! ha l I l 'fi"' I" hili 1I 0 1l<' hal'I' y<'1 III'O';P lI >h al l l i n· ... hi' m " ,.1l1 ell ' mull)' orr ' !ars and h I' II k i ll); 11[1 ~tnll ;~. I n all " " f ~ I"'( 1.i1 \ ahl \, 0 1' cOlli e i ll a comlllOI. . ThOll T it ,. l a \\ yc r i~ s lUI i ll cln UUI aM 10 dilion, t he u i lltil' r rqH I 'S(' llI , " he a l'Y I tl SP T it ,· ulll'~ nl l 'lIliulI Cd. w h il (' Ih ~ ! C pu i n f, { I f' il l21.:.f'.a r~ t o bp, i ll or d e r 'nvesl lll Pn L anri I\(' : II ' ~ 0 11 1 I IIpldl }' Itl" OI'I< II l·1l IIlId"r I ' I·tai ll l· ()l lIiilioll ~ . ()rl t o jll Hl i f y h illlsc=rF [l nll :t . k ,. " \\,h o I~ has prO" ,' ll IllOSI ,:11 1,1:1('1(,1'., I n ,'111 · Ill'<' II" " l lIi n 'l), saLis f ac tory I U t it ,. lil Y n" I,;hb ol" ! ' tln g il l~il");c <:0 1'11 a ll rl i, 1:11'1-,,'1), lI ~e d foll'll lt' r 1\ IH> I\' a lll~ l O ('u t h is (' 0 1'11 CrOll Th {' l'hHri sl,"':;4 hac! w r u ns IH ltirHI t1 for fill s \\o r k. . '1 111"':1., :1 11<1 with little IOS 6, abOUI II 1; 0 \1 ('1'1 ' 1(1 b,. rp.gurd~d as I h" il' : , r· i~ hlo()r " . TI :('y did I:ot ull d ~ r· 6tand tll d th r 1;I' nlil·!; "'l 're' inl'ludl:u il \ till' (0 1111,1(11111 " J. OI·I· l ily 1I"I);h bor a ~ Ih YHl' lr " '1' ]" , 1I1 :I SI ' ·I·. 10 (' OIT.,,·t li d, " r r OIl C' liI~ fillit{' "X I,eri m l~ 1l '5 11.1' (' Sho wli i ('Olltll lll ;II:III\l 1I \\'11 11 hllma n BOW:l~I' . Oil S iri.''' . a ns w('I''' d tilt' 11l\'Y"I" ~ 01l ('~' t ha l pf)orly ·w a b hl~ d and 'tC I iii:: etl 1I111k I tl,l'l'l' j,. lt l\\ ,, -,, ~ dangl' " or Iyph ol d 1111 11 by it IIllI'lIillf' I'l' pl'I'ij e llt i ll!; 1\ pdtl r Ul c lI sils are on e uf th e gl'pat »UlI n·,',· I , ' N i 'II " 1' 1' 11 , I{(,py m i lk ca n III 0 1'1' .J ew III li lstr aBc d (' l rculll stallrI'5 be. of COIII <l lllill:lll o ll o r mlliL 'li l l; H 'R sel, : 1... ·' 111 0'11 11, I,,· ll'ael'ri t o illl lllll'~ wall' l ill!\ HIII' ('IJrPc! nllil r el lp\·,' t! b ~' a I;tlod ,;ho u ld "IIHI ),S he hea v ily t iIllIl'd allf! Ih li ll a n~ " 111 1' 1' sotlr(·f' . If I h l ' I'" i s S& 111111'il a i L T he pl'lI'Ht an d the L e. an ~ ('revico til l ed w l lh solder, H1I81!' ~ " 01111 ' tl l lllhl :i to I h r· plIl'i l.I' o r IIIP " ' lJ ,' il" snw Ill<' ill un 0 11 tl,, ' 1'0nds i d ~ w ho u teosil~ s huu ld 1l1' I'!'r b e li st- d . h ee llll HP I 1(.' 1' i l , :", "l d II~ h(,; l r·.1. h ad b et.n ro bh f'd and wo u nd('d. but It i ~ aimo sl 11Il()('~N i u l ,' to (' ll'lIn 111.. , 111('." " p'I.,s Slol ti or 0 11 th· olb er ai d !!." milk "",I uac tPrl" f r ont til .. ro ug h su r y.; I T h f' gooil Sa marit an w h en h (' lln \\' facl'~ , They sho u l d ue \la , h"d I II hlJ l . h im hod co m pass i on upon h i m and "';ttc.'r l'ulltainl ng a gOOI. a ilw ll . ~lI c h uolt n cl u p h lH wo lt n ri :! and brough t b lm


I ! l ~ I ~.;I t ~ ! ! • ~~O:;II,:"~~;t. lt S~d b;~I~I;ilf. iJ l :~ ,,~;~'in 2°;)~: t I ! ! i f I J !l ~ Il lu,\"n,~:,\I: ~; e:~lt'; Oa(otrli(l lft"~~I~k,e\.>!,a,hr~.~;ot'l·r Jln~k~e~R·e!.d tlltIO1UO 1 ~ '( n (' i~ hb u r cl o ltr hol dH t h p Ol l h ,,,,, I is







' ' ~ I I

'to it s purit y; thi s w ill r end er It pra c· IJcally st erile. If st ea m Is a va e. r ins in g should b e follow ed b)' a st ea m· i n g over a j et 01' p refe r ab l y IIn n .. r p ress u re i n a (:Iose d c hamber . ~l l l k \' essel s sh ould b e ex posf'li 10 .\ lhe 511n. if possible. bu t t h e), should also be pro t ect ed f r o m th e dll st. T he .. r som e of th e la r "", tnil k prac tic e 0 ,., C'--ll,,'ID t' es of t llOI'UU "llI)' dr.r l ll " th e ill" ~.. .. ul "c o f 111 ,' 11' C"II S w i. th . hot. al l'.(\lr p(·tI ~· ~ n" . w a~ hitl ' ~ lIll l l rill~i ll ~ .11111 1111111 (" II e l . I': , ., tlicolf'\y Pll l( llI g 0 11 .' h l" l id .'0 Jlr",\ .~ Il ; III ri ll I 0' ( h e <'nHHllce of e l'f'al I'nlu l'.

lll "I ~II Il '"


A pail i nto which moat of the dirt cOIn 'lll,. . . . . lj ll de r o l' d llla ry c Olld l tlOO ~ th e p er· IIkl d h dl h d 1 I so n s '~'Iko o . t 10 m n 't l an an e I t h e lIl l . 0.11 tls w a y to l e cou sum er 1111'6 a c onS idera bl e ~ourco of conlaml ' I ' I k th 1 d •. . (' 1U0S an ~e l.o lt ' , natlott alll nHI e I I (; h th e nt Ilk I s. lilt b JCc. t el l , < .,.n E: to "'.1 I I I ll' :;e p e l ~o n s ~ Il Oll Id II II \ e as c I c a n I hall <l ~ liS the co ok w h o pr epares o th e r I flJotl ~ . Th e hand s should be Wll sh u 1 lIil h suap a n d water aUd thol'o ughl y ciri,' d bt' I'() I'C til e milk l n l': Is b egun . Th e I nlil li i llg ~ tool should be cl ean ~ o th at Ilt r hall ll , will 110 t Ul' in ilClin;: I it arod .1I 0 ul d h a l'e al l el\~ t three I e!;! ti~ l il d l i l: ,~il · ;wt· faii -rnr ;\ 111<,\,,1 , 1001 i. to he p re f err ed. n. C' . 1 ('ul l n:" IIi .\gl'il- tl l t lll <'. Oh i o ~Ia l e

~o iled



1 ·ll ill· I'~; I." ,




\Vax 10 h i m l h llt f' lI a lUo ng t hi p,'cs 0 " And h e sai d h .. th a i showod m f'rc y On hllll , "h ~ n. SlIit] J eHU . lInlO h i m . " 1: 0 a nd do th o ll liit(1 wi sc." Th e 1IIl R W PI' to l h,' sn' at q Ues ttOD WA6 .. xlort('d from th e law y(' r's o wn m oulh , Fulfilling of the LOIw. " Wha t shall) do to in b er l t et ernal I l f "'!"



un c God supre mely. nnd all tby rei . l ow. m ell . wi t h a tl'lt f:' . zealous and con. Itant 11 \,(' . "Lov e Is th e fulHlllng of th e l aw " n nd w hoso ever fulfllll! the dl. "In e law shnll be fre e from the law u f s ill Rnd den t h and sltall live for· ev er . Lov e I s immortal and' the y In

N AI\fIl: ..... ... . _ __... . . ... .. .. ... .. . . .. .... .

TOWN ..... .... . . .................... .... . ST REET A ND NO.. . .... . . _.... ...


h'iio miii,: I ( ·U:-': NI:'\'GII A ~1. I . I

8TATIl . .. _ .... ................. . · .. . . . .. •• ••







Hodgdon, l\lalIle.


For 30 :years Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bas been tbe standard remedy for female ills. No one sick witb woman's aliments doeS justlceto berself if sbedoes l10t trytbt!l famous medicine made from roots and herbs, It bas restored 8<unany sufferingwomento bealtb. wrtte to LYDIA E,l'lNKBlll Il'EDlCINE CO. (CONFIDENTUI.) J,niN,IUSS.tforndvlce. our letter will be ope neft. r e ad anct answered '-';:~~~~~ by a 'Woman and beld in strict confidence. _.. _




Errors of His Ways . " A good !l:ew 'Y oar r eso luti On f o r a m iddle-aged m arr ied man r saId I nvention SOl i d t o Guarantee Ellery Gpor ge Ad o at a d i n ner I n h ica~ o . Sh ot 01 Bull seye. Ellen In "W ell, th e b es t r eso l ution a mi dd le· the Da rk. age d m arri ed m o tt cou ld malIC . accor d· Ing to my vIew, would b e ror h im to C lJ arl e P echa r cJ.:1. po lice offici al of s w ear ott t oiling bls wi fe aLi d c hildren Pari s, haa In vente d fi ll a tt achm ent - about th e g irls h e u sed to kiss 10 hi s th a t enables o ne 10 ~ h oof a revolver y oun g days. m or e a cc uratel y Itt th e dark than tn II "I'd say to Lb e ml d dle·agell marri ed bro a d da y llgh t . tile :'\e w Yorl( Jndeman o t thI s t y pe: pendE'nt SUites . " ·S uppose. r ri enil . t our w lto reB In to Thi s a ttac h ment co n sis t s of a metal· II r E' Ollnl sccnt. jovl n l moo el so m e ev e· Ilc tub e wit h 1\ l en s a t on e e nd aDd a nlng a fte r suppe r tin d !ltarted to t ell tltt y e lectrlr l am p n t t h e oth er . By about t he bo y s who lt sed t o 1II ss her m ean s o C ut lrr o r H tlte \l gilt is directed by Ihe wood IItove In th e dIm pa rlol', out th r ou g h t h e I on !! n s :I. sl ender c one, I II lh j s I hn'" gor t! skirt w e oD e w oullln't Lhe dov e ot p eace I\all h er ami Is Buffic lentl y s t ro n g at a distance or t he ""W reat ures - Ihe extensloll wIn gs and light out p . d . q . Just ?'" o r 80lU e four rud s for a\l prac lical pur· nho.e t h e wai s t line In tront. The posos. In the m hldl u o f tile Illumlna· sk i r t i ll a IRO provi d ed w i th folds 01 ~conomy t ed fi eld thero t ~ II sm all dark Ipot orape r r an d it has a p eplum wh i ch can which coincid es wi t h the Ilue of the b e sho r t 0 1' l o ng or 9.'hlcb cau b e omit· bLill et's fli gh t. Th is enu bles the Inex· The high cost ot ltl'lng nO"·Qdo.~'9. and ted en ti r e l y . This 18 one of tbe styles th e w ay pl'ieea are steadily c limbing skywblch 8hol~S t o advantage In sofi ward s. I. :nlll,lng econom y In thH kItchen perlence d s hoote r t o hit a selected IJart ~ of th e burg lar'R a natomy wltb b road cloth. c ba r meu se. crepe mate· even more Important th"n It w as In tho ..ooa o ld dny" of our th r ifty an cc8tors. m ore certaInt y t han he c ould d isplay r Ials. and th e like, But how to aohleve econom y ? There's In ordInary tnrget pra c tice. Tb E> I!kirt pattern ( 6444) II! cut In the rub! The olectrlc curre n t Is supplied by • In many lInell, It depend s almost ens i zes 2:: to 30 I nches _waist m eallure. ou the house wlfe'H l<now led .. e at small dry baUer y or a storago batter1. M ed i um si ze r equires H~ y ards o f H tirely foo\111 and on her wlltchfulnoos- but for.inch matcrlal. tunately, In one line. baking. economy whIch the offi ce r can can-y In bll pro~ 'Jre this pAttern lIend 10 oentl can be made almo.t automatlc by the uso pocket or whi ch the detender of the 10 " P)\ttPru n"partme'1t." of this paper. Of the tamoua Ca.lumet Baking Po,,·der. home can place uuder his pillow. Th. E~onomy I II- ba.k lng, as every good cook \Vrlte name and nddre•• plainly, anti be .ur.. to give - Co ' and number of J)aU1!r)l. know .. dep~nds not 80 much on economy light tube COli b attached to an ordl. In buying the materIals a. on the success nary pIstol, Ilnd It may be uled .1 • at her bsl<lncs. Failures menn wasteblgg,.r l""lea by tar than th~ savIn ... aha flash with peacetul Intent or mere17 NO. 64 ~4. 1IIZa . ... .......... -.makes tn buying. And the fact that Calu- as a show of force. met absolutely prevcnts failures anti N AMR. ••••• _............ .. .......... . ....... ml.k .. every baldng 8UCC"lIatul has made It the favorite of every cook that seeka Helping the Editor. TOWN .... ........ _._ ........ .... . .... .... __ to be aconomlcnl. In other worde. CaluWright- It ' seeDls to be «eUlna met 18 the secret of economy In bakIng. STREET AND NO . ............... . . _•. _••• It \I the !lureal. tOG-alte. ted by hun- harder work for the newspaper mau , dreds pC leadIng IIhyalclan8-snd u for all Lhe tI me. Ita .."neral quality. It la enough to say STATIJ'_ .......... . ........................ _ P enman- Ob. I don't know aboll' that Ca1um,.t bas received the highest ."ard. lit two World'. Pure Food Exp()s l- that. 1 Bee that ball·bearlng selllOn ttona- une In CblcaltO. Ill .• and the other Hard to Please All. have J;leeo patcnted by aa OhIo til' In PI ria, Fraoce, In March. 1912. Ad v. Tile c hurch authorities at Munich ventor. have t a k en a stand against the {lIe. 'EalY Money. tllre squ e cos tume at th e I:lavarlan "You can·t fool all tbe people all the . No ~laooll'btfllllle rlOn UIM liquid bl_ .1,.. lIeallant e. :'~f e n who wear shorL trous. time," announced the Investigator. .. pinch of hlue In a lara-" bottle of wac.. PI'S wblch It. part at tho bare "I know It," replied tho trust mag. Aak for R,.d ero .. !lair Blue. AdT.






Calumet the Seoret .of








S . 11'11' 111

illll·IH I:lllt (,C'OIlOlllic facto r i ll agrkll l I African Boy Preacher, I lI n·. ;"" ' IH r l ill~ 10 Dal'l d F. HOll slon. Th ~ ( ' hl'lsl i u ll Obs er ve r te ll e a b eau. ~,·('r(·I:l.' o i a);l'icull ll l'l' , I tifll l Flory I\ ili(' il Il l us trates th e pos. slb ll i t i ps or C hrl Rl la n work In Africa. I I 11<1' 11),:1' of I l1r· ~ IH' ejl ba r n leal; ~ nr , "" i Ui u lll ~IO I'I' IBo n t ells of a com. 11('110', lix I~ liP 110\\ hefol'e th .. ~ n o \V mun i l }, ill Afrl cH wh ~ re h e f o und a :- 1,. ', p will 1111 1 Ihr ,,'!, 0 11 III li d· " Ch ll ll "1 "rr l'l eli by t h e uuti vcs. with a I <l 11l' I d .1 11 I,'. l's. bo,\' I \\"'11'1\ y ea r s old as te ac h er and : Illllli HI<' r , Thi s b oy h ad At te nded a I \\, 1: ,'." pl' Olil:r' l i o l l ro r I ~ I ;:. wl lh ali i C h ri stiun mi ssi on scliool f or a bri e f · 01 ",I a l of j ;,:!.UOO.IJI 'I) IJlISltt ·l .· ti I tillH'. a nd o n h elug talle n to his hom e A 1",\11 whi ch keep s o ut mos t or the " ., IIIIIiIl I I ] dirt . i ,I " II ': "" p , · P t' re co lC I'd Itl thi S b y h i ~ llllrents bf: ga n to t each his lit. , r Oll II !! .' tie compu nipns ho w to r ea d b y writ. I illg i n I h e ~u J1 c L Tlt ~ m en o r th e vll. U r r ,,1 C,II' l' sh ould 1Jf' 110"11 III c l (, flll s, h;g d oLiI utnl i nc rs . TiJ l'Y ~ lt o lilli n ev er l O I!'I.:I I] an ti 1111111 t r ee s may bO I I 11(; l ' ga tl l er ed ar oulld and stated thut Uc. IIII1C"d i ll itol wall'r u lltll f hl' JIlIJI ; I 1>I' L1 111- <I ill i ili s l llll e o f year 011 warnl ; flt e)' co uld not o li o\\' th e boy s to leari? hm' b " II r i l ,sr.-d IHIl T h .. wa sh lllg ci ,I) ~ . 11Il! s l,r i ng Jl l'unlng'ls h!'lIer. 60 11ll't h illl'\ th at th"y d i d 1I 0t know; aDd rin si n g II1U St bl' I h orollg h ly d o n t' 80 till! l~or b~cn m " t hl' t eueh er of the ~8cb lime if thl' c l oth R are t o be IIf~ P I I T I. ·' pruu ll t: lin n of ('orn i n lh a V n i m"n . FIItHII ), th Eir said to hi nt : " You in go od COlHlil.iOIl. 'rher sh ould ue , fe·1i .-;, 11 , <S 11'118 ie8S for 19H ha ll th nl b e 0 : 1' tene h (, l' a n d l ead er . aud w e sf(>rtJt1.c c\ by bo i ll ng fo~' abo u t thi rly " f I :' I '~ ui : <I I nl1. will ero t a ch a pe l for y ou so t hat you ml.n u tes, uill pse they cs n b ;:o s terilized ca n d o t h e w orl, as tt Is d ono b y tbe 1.IUd-o!: Meom pr ess urc . I-: ~ Itl IIlId o t lier C hl'isUalt ml stilo nll.rlli~ . " Thu s t~hil ' Th~ great St care oboul d be.ta lw lI .1O n o l IJ!' 1" "t1 I N I boy was tell clt l iy~ tbe · !'I· I~.ot~ .-"Jllage .~' pu re w ater for w!lsh rn r; mlll" apil rt . th e lmo w l <1g·e ot' t ,h e' goslie.l;as .b e' , . -.e:r; II! • . W h en ~he wtJ.te r u sed i s SliP ' " learned . . . ~ I)y' ~liallow " 'ells ov . st r eam s, I T h p.- It·g oC m 'dtton Is onl>' o f t he ' other ' 'v..lllll &.E!lI : ""'" . ... .... (';~~ r.her i.a -P.ny poss.lull) .chance fo'I" p O'! l ulni' C'tH ,'I 1) 1 llle


.. . .. .

wholll t.b e dlvill e spirit of love for God lind man dwells can never die. " For God so loved the world tbat he gav e h i s onl y b egott en son, that who· ~0(' 1'('t' bellc\'(·1. 1'1 In him should not p eri sh, but hav e everlasting, lire." I L iM a l so writt e n that God. lltt'ough h i s Jove and abundant m er cy'. hath pI'O \' lcl r d [ 01' h iH ob etllcnt c:hlldl'en " all lnh el'il Rtl CO i n coJ'J'IlJltl bl e and undetll l'd li nd t hat fad uth 1I0t away." l eg." e8.ld the archbIshop of Munich. nate. "Tbere Is plenty of proflt In Oh tb t' gI'R(' lolt. thou g ht or an In· "will not r eceiv e the comforts ot the fooUng balf of them half the time." itl'l'ita n(' I h llf IS fa dl'l l'ss and a life I churc h." An Ametlcan. writing from tbat I s (' lidl es s. thRt c ity sa y s: " Th ose peonl e see m ed IIn.Wlnalo.. •• Syrup for Cblldrel •• l ' I • I I"I [ e. t 0 k now to. think , m ci r e- df~ Iheir _. . Ilative " ~''' ' iee&.hIDC, eofLena 'he KUDlS, reduces toftammoAlld t ti S s (·,(" rn a dress Uoa,allay.pala,cureawlodcollc,:::icaboUle.Alt Th ('~~ Ih e Dill y fru e Goil " ·-R e v H ar· th an o f th e comio'rts . To show thIs ,

1' 11· , ''' " mall 0 11 Ih l' fnrm I s t il c most I


feel it a duty I owe t!o all snff~ ring women to tell wbat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compollnci did fllr m o. 9ne yeu r ago I found myself u tc rrilrle sutl'e rer. I had pa ills 10 bot h Sides nllti ~uch 0. Boreness I could scarcely straigittr n up a t tinles. 1\11 back ach~d I had DO appe ti te and was 80 ne r"ou~ I could not sleep, LbclI I wouid be so .til'Cci f!10l1lings tilut I could sCll;rcoly ~ t ~l'Ound. It seemed almost ImpoSSible to moyo or clo a bll of worl~ and I thought I never would be !tny bettor ~mtil I slli!mit tcd to .an opera.tion, I commenced taking l,ydia E. Pinkham.',; \ egetahle Co mpoun<~ and soon f el t like a new w o man. I had no pa11lil, slept wfO ll, bad g~ apIlCtitc and was f at ann c() tlh~ do almost all my 0 \\,11 W()l k f o r a familyof four. I sha ll al\\,I\Ys fflel that I 0 \\'0 my go?d h ealth to your

Si ZE ....... ......... .

N O. (;J84.

$~ " II . $ ~, I"'. t wi no a l 1111' Ih .. ::1 .. Ib ~ pr'l' :lI'I'" ~ 1 , 5il , 1 1I1i' l'< '~ 1111 11l\'(>ti IIl1 CIII 1111 ba si:; I h .d


A Grateful Atlantic CQast Woman, H ODGDON, ME.- " I


$ 1. 11 •.

cli tl'ic-Il il t o (' Ieanse, 1'h" wash in/; sh o lt ld' be followl"ll II) a Ihorough r i n si n g wi t h ",,,[(. 1' as nl'a,' t h e boili n g po ln l as po sHilil e. af t ln w h ic h t he v essel s m ay ue se t asifl e I n dra i n a nd dry fro m t h eir o Wn h eat. Vcss(:ls should neve r b e wi ped d ry 01' rinsed wlLh c alc! 11' 8 LeI'. beca u se tha i u ndoes t.h e ste rilizin g eff ect of t ill' h o t w a te r . R i n se wat e r 8liollld b e h el d at the ho ill o g point an h OIlT b eron' li se. ~8p~(' illl l y if t h ere I s any Qu est io n as

I:-;DE PE~DENcE, O REGO N. -" I WI\S s ick with what four d ocooI"tl culled Ne rvous l'ros trat ion, wus trented by them for Bcveral yoars1 w ould be better for a while thon back in tbe old wny agnin. I han palpitatio n of the heart \'e ry bU.d , fumting spells, an(.l \\'118 80 n e rvou., that a 8~on dropJ;>ing to tho fl oor woulu n~u ]'ly: kJIl mo, c(luld not liit tle hgbles ~ w eIght with out making me sick ; III fact wa~ ~bout as s ick and mi!'cmble as a. pe rson could bo. I saw YOllr JlIe(\Jcm~s adve r tised and thought I woukl try thcm, and am 80 thankful I dl~ fO,r they helped me at on ee. I took about n. d ozen bo tLl.e~ of. Lydia K Pinkham's Com]louud and also used, the t;n,nntwe W[l ~h. Since then I have used them whenever I fe lt SICk. '\ Ol}r ren~cd168 are tile only doctor I e mploy. You are at libert y to p ubhsb thIS let. ter."-Mr8. W. Sl'EPBE~ SON, Independence, Oregon.

8( 0 1' 0)

J)PJlr('ci u l io ll o n ma c h l l1P 0 11 h,, "i,; t hltt I t 1" ,ls In ), l'aI'5- $1. <I n il. IIll l ' 01 , :, dn ~ 11k .

(':1.11 , ,· "

Wonderful Case of Mrs. Stephenson. on the Pacific Coast.


Of Courso Not. Jinks- There goes Slmpklne. K. h08 a perf ect wife. ""e ought to call· suit him, he surely know I how tQ manage a wife , . BlInks-U sel ess; 110 man would glTe a,,' ay a valuable sccret like that.

th l')' J>a ratled .- accolIIl)"II!~d by ,,"omon I Newfoundland has tor lIe veraJ y ears iJl th el !' equaliy picturesqu e grcl:!s; Iteadlly Increased Its ogrlcultural pro. vere r ey l e w ed by th e prin ce r egent ductloD . That Wae Her BUllne... tlnd ~OO co npl es danced t h e Hcuubpla [. "How: dJd that manicure ever ma~ l er wllh a \' im w lli ch w ould hav e heeD Living up to our Ideals isn' t reo allo to marry that old mlllionitLlr01" IDtnos 21hll' had t he m e ll alld. wom en IPonslble for the 111gb cost of living. "s~e JU8t nalled· him, I guess," worn COil 1·t; lItiona I dress, A sc hllhpluL. I I I' w i t ll lon g pu n ts ~v ould b e AR COIll' forl a ul e a ~ n foot ball pl ay er 0 11 roll er ~ I'a l (, fl,"

Prr.. of or Goodnesa. li e I~ a ,;') od llall , who CR n r cc'Clv o a g.i f t w<, l l. - EllH'r Son . MlI lionalre'g Enj9yment. A ~ to l' . WIII\ wOI: th ten million. b ill he t ook a' pc r son ali l eil g-h t i ll silllll g 'hl t he lu h b ~ oC t b l' Astor .lIouse all(1 I"filch i n g flt e Iloilllr.! roU Into thi s :pn l· nee t h ar hi s brain had p Iau n ed. T~ hov e all it:ea . to wat c b I t :grQw . ~,Q 'tn en w ol'l( I t. out nn,1 sen 'm.~ll~ manl I n <:an c r ete B Ltb s ta Il Q ~. 1 h(9., jOY• .~· " ,.

The Secret of Health is Elinlination of Waste cbann

1mtl'J bnal.u.. man boWl bow dUlkaltit \I to keep the pIC- bol.. '1114 of lila d..k f .... from tbe .eeumulatioa of uel.... J!8peN., E.~". b6uaewlfe tao_ bo" dUllcult -lt I. to ber bom. fr.- from the acaamulatioD of ioU _ of 1IM1_ thlaga, 80 It fa "Itb tbe bodJ'~ It \I dUlh:ult to keep .I t tree troD. tile accumulation of".... Unl_ tbewUte fa Pt:om~t\JI: '.UmlDated the maebln. U7 of the bodT _0011 becomee cloned.. 'l'hl81a th. ~ of IIIOIt b1llll&D


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QuIte. Wag. W5t:ome r- I notice .that. youI' sign :. el!o),i: " " e.roas t ol!r O'l'.D coIrBe~" ., :~r9ge~~1;e8 .!lir. . '_Will yo~ ha ve '.a. ' . PQun"T . '. .-' " " ' u.tomer-Certalnly not; ,Bince you dOll' ~omDi'el;ld ,'~ ..Go"od · dllY, .sIr....;,: b ton Jjj!tlWla <·~'raD"CrlPt. "

_ .




Getting ,t· Stralgtlt. tbe YQIlDg'\Vedtl have leparated. 1 sU J)po~e Ii. w,a8 becau8e he <couldn·t 8upport ber', in tbe afyle to which I!he Wali, accustomed?"" . " . . . . ' · .','liS ay ratbe'r because abe cO~dn ' t.o. cuatQm herBer, 'to the .~~e · IDwJll~ b . could lIupwrt ;S-er.:: " &0

1." . \





~r" C , ~tUI~l l \\ ',11 b t-i,( u[~ t! . ~e(' lf· tIlIY u r \\ar ( ,ll J rl ""( !lI I·.u. c.J "'~ ! I;' " ( 1 11 lU I~. ld (I i luu h. 1Ilg u ftl <: ,' I' Jo' l l} H ou " " ••• It. L a,,' Eo \' ha ~ llu~B jr ' ,b.e ?rs, 1.ld) of \ Irg,"11I '." J., ' !.Jlu· 1 report Oil 'h e upfe nsl's or ttz, Pu nulll:" ';'!J II I t il, · " ,r,"l rlll'tlun wll r l, (IU whlc b. . " ' . UI.t, u r "I Irlall" t'l. citlllg lJ:l" ll le6 w ith lIH: <'; ' OIlX- ,. a r~ ~ . "11"'1 hl' r hu s balld 11' ,11 Il' 111 ·, 1Ii b (' l ug .,ullll C "u)' !I IP.S<» Ollllg, I .' ' , ••' ! CI \ J. !! ':! P\; I '"g {'u rp~, l; " or ge It ('/'0';' " ,• ., P I" . . ' . ... : , aug ur:u!",1 gOl'\lrll o l' uf ,11," ~ !a"'. II," , Gocth als (right I. sou of lllP ch i,· ! ' 1'1' :1 .• " r (,I U... "au ;\ I, Illifl Albl: rt HAche I' . . 1 c€'" .HlU h.oo t , ..... for p Uf' I' marrlag!.! · .~ r',·. ""Iart t I!.J '" " a s , son·ln·law of ('0 1. II F. I!()dj:.t' ~ 111M' ,'I" ( . ~ ,t,,· '·:".ua l CUJLlUl is llltJne r!l. I' " ~. Miss Ma rga l'c' t (' a l' I I' 1' of It,, · "amuu ~ ' 1 ~~ Vll'glula fa mil y uf ( 'a rt ., l' s . w-...-....,.", ...... ..-. . . . . . . . . . ,.,...,..,...,. • • • •~......""'-"-"'-"'--""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',....vv Hit: Face Ca lled for a To u ring Car. ~~ : Marlborough Mascot. , r II, ruUH,utJ! b t'l'so;lf, helped tbe , T ha t it i ~ ,·s JI!.!cleu or bome \'~ r" I : Tho uu"', e s~ or MarllJor'oo!!h ,,:. , III <l1I (' lJt'SS tu the ,!parch to r the lost ODeI I.hzili Wu 'II" 1I IV 11II\ e mOlley in thl'!'r I' , . > No Fanatic. . . . I Sl'eal dl slr l'SB th e ua )' s he Offi CIUIP. U a! II " UH \l\blJe looking rOr it he r maJe ij' O\\'Il rig"' , :lI! tJ f.o me , 'e r.'· una tTacl1Y ~ f n U IlI-- 1 "'Hl e~te nd )011 J JOIll Il U Lhe openIng or th e ~IJlI'Y Curzon h()st!'1 . I)' w;L uu pred Inlu an ap artme nt Mbe . i lll eD '0 fJOs seFl! UJOIOr cal's in ord",r t · t hl? Audubon Boclety, IIl1d Y" l yOlll' whe n she discoYel'ed s h e had lost a I "as nOI supposed to eut er and no-mailJt3in Iheir 0 li lliI'll ' '\\' S I ' .U , u" ...· bal I~ lrlmmeu with reuth .. rH. tiny buck le sbe had been \\' I:arlng on ; ti ()ed t wo of thtllnmll.tes of the host el, th e ot hc r du ' 1I11,])a con)':'.rs B l l A 10" D I Wearel' ot Hut- Ycs, !.Jut YOU see. t" 'een t\l\'o}u , " ~ a ou b,c' til e bird t hey came trorn lI'as killed , II bit or black velvet around be r U~C k 'I' ~ azlug euger ly out of the window tr:;~ va I1g nomen 00 a ftreet " It only cost a ahUliog;' sbe I\aiu. "but In g to ge l 11 glimpse o r her d e parture. car Thev "· · kl r bl:'fore I join e d.- Bosltlll F:n' nlng I would far rather lose my best She gree ted tbem kinGly. In dU D 11 . I d' J "'~r~ SlIea I llS 0 a' mD.!l 1 'J'THnscrtlJl. ler la lilt mer. \\' 10 s UPPoB C! dly ______ _ __ string or pearls ." This lIU1e maecot , t ime th e li ttle buckle turned up and had accumulated Quite a bit of wl'alth daintily carved out ot a bit or old the duchesB rewardeO the Onder with Said the tlTst Olle, 'eagerly ; " Has In the Sudden Downpour. I Iron, was sent ber some years ugo by a Hoverelgn. be a moWr carr' I " I am very uneasy; 1 am sure hi" 11 loyal friend when she WI!.8 fal" from ---.Replled t~e second : ":-\0. I .Iaas " golle out without he r u~ . bappy IInll .was not recognilled by ro y· "T b Parenti" ·Rights League ot. lIot." . brella-.'" ;.. a lty. E\'er IIlncs ' abe I'eceived It the . America" haa. ·been · started :In ' Sa~ A~d ·tbe .llt'at 'OJle · Iook~d u p In Illl " Oh. s h e ·.Wl~l cert;linlr. e k ' 1'efugl' atm08pb ~re ' sesp!oo to clear, Ililsu.n·- F'r~ •.co f o r -~e · purpO.e'· o~ ·proteotp,1dent IJUInnl!l' or ·aurprlie. . Sl1 a shop:' .... dereta~dln ga ,were d(ljIpenel1 ~c3. -lile ili, ·tbe ' rl811~ or parenti OYV claUdre~ . ~. ;· Wi!a~1 · . Bhe' aCWm d, "tb PI" file ,.. ·'l"hllt'. "'\lilt' ~ali:e" me un~nIlY,'''-- ducbe.Bfi'·came Irradllsl!y Into h~r own.. lind. ~o co~t4lract th6 " ~eTl.l U.~WlDC';' . . _Ipo~or ~r ''' ' .' J ~".Qll OPI.nI~Il, Even Q\l~en Alexandra, a Jl'eat belley·, ot, cllnCletl . . ... _ ~. .'

I ! Si x tbousand people gathered at St.. Peterabw-I!. ,1·1a ., lO ""Ituess th e open· iJlg or t he first eommerclal Une of bydro-aeroplanell In the world . With Tony Jannull oC the Benoist Aircraft compallY ot St. Louts at the pllot'e wheel, the ft"t mac hine of this latsst of all pl\.ssengel' lin es left tbe St. P eters burg yacht har-bor en route for Tampa, 2% miles a~BY· Regular trips IAre made eac h day.

~, _

· . ..






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COUNTY COURT NEWS ~ :u~: 1 ........... •••••••••••••• ~





I bU l'o'IU


Public Sales

Reason In Anlml1ll. Despite th e claIm s or Illltn), 'l ulmBl loyers sci enti sts us n ru in Ill Rlst th at th p.rt' Is 11' ) llbsolute I'vi ti (·IIr.c t hoi ani. mnl ~ rellSIOJl . Th('y admit. ho \\'e nll', that nH )'l' l II",), " .... fa r rrom unde r· Btnnl]\llg' th l' Irn ",;u ll ~~ lol\ or nnitllal In811 1l ct. "I' I.h l' )l llb il ~ Of ;Ult ~ . h l'i:lB and I'v en hl gh"r all ltll lll~ t ha t In .-li l'Hte Cllllll.Clty to re·IIHOII. It 111:1 )' un ll11ltly cent url es bdol'C th i ~ 1I11 c!; l\(J n s hll ll he defi nllely d e l l! rlll!lII~ d .

.....- . . . - ..·r···--·. ·_···.............. _... .

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• •• ,_-~" ••••••••,.


Professional Cards

Th o Iur urllu l lte veollo I Will p ll " r lIt pllllli n sal · ILt the l\ll1ry E. Mulfor d t.o Edward Bluir ' g iv e ... tlll~ Illll'I'P~ tllI l! \nfo rllll\tlUn. , I'\\,I U U In\. a ll ::-:: ::: :~~: :::: :::::~::::.::::;.:::~::~:-;;: :: :::::::: New Suils. lo t :\0. I io 'J' ll oU1 IH OU tlddlUoll to I Oorm !.! 111 0 \1I ~ r :' IX Il ll) lIt1\ .. ('luhog I R R"ocblpu VII . A b!!ololll b:v ~alllnlay, Fcbflt nry i, 191-1 LI' 1I nD" n I D('(" 'lll bpl" ,, ' ~ t. Ih,, :\ ,,"'r1l'9n Imo ple an .. lind Milln!\l EV ltll R AV}l(H\1 by fi" hl lllllrlP; "I. 1 ~ ::\il \J',." ('k. the ' I l!H '" !In nk ~(\ . 1"' 1I . 1I' J\1 (;" 110 1,11 o f d(, ' ts . I ro ba te Court Proceedings wI ll-I,,·. Htn ,'I;,'" .I. U\I \I.n(IO l'l/.(lI r~'ln d [I'!' ,,\ III I! l · lt lL l to ! ~ : '! lll q· ·· "R , " lut F uneral Oirector ,,[ 1I 1l . ( I ,·ll lI lIt~l m~ IIl1il h l '\l Hclll, l d I' K '\\lplfl~ n tH v~ . 'l'h9 U1Il S T . In ~he ml1tt~r of tb e e~tl\t,e of I Plllf", 1 " . .- 11 ,1 11' 1 ,lIl10 I'lg l, I' f'!1('g . Thf' \\'II\ ' 1) \I~ 1ttlll'~ H, · , l h Mon .. ~, fl n /I ('on unr, of M'l '1' l) PI I f c:,;otl " . i\lI\hrn"'l:l . earth . dElCOI1!l.eLI. I' v ' tIl XI' ~ 1' 1)1 \, "1 ",1 1' 1' 0 111 Il II ' ~ Il '1 II LUII I 11111. Au\'l. oh ,\Ol c~ lI E1 u . '\ COO Ullt clili Uletl. fHI Teleph one clay or nIght . !Ltu !lll le of per'i onlll pr uperty or t.h o,, ' g() (1I1 " 1I 11t! ' 1/ 1 l"c rl' lI~1\ of o. e r \' ttlley phone N o. ". !.lIn g wi l l! 1 1I1 1' r1'~t. I No Lover of tho Bath. tiered. $4 . 0 11fl. 1l1l1l " WII ,,: til e (' (/r r [\~l' u ' \d tn ~ I I \\, 111 n l)',,\, a t Pul 'lil' :"111 ,' lit my VitltuDctl N o 1\\J-2r. Swtnhuruo ov Idollt Iy fO l\ncl batlts \V 11l ~" '1 1 H I} le r \ :1 . A nUll A lIe n In I h tl rna ttor of the nata te of .J. porw(\ t nr I V J c 1 1" l~lJ l\ n (.,. U [, u II I ~ 1I11 lt .~ :-ill tlth WHilt of T ., I' r, '. ' . 11""'. "II" ulllhlleI1 06. 1 1~ 1l: llr .In ok!loll. ueolln~ed . Vi ctor WtLYI\Ilsd lle. on th n Pekl ll 1l.1IHI, ()o & l oureo ot In ... lrullon. fo r he lolti Automo~lIe ServIce at all Times Ed mund GOS Ha tllI.Lt " lIuud olulro" WllS 'it,.te oi I I: .. , t .t ' 01, A M. Bllwer I:l \VnrlflYII JlP <>lntElu I1dm in l;;tr ator . /I'\ ondaY , I: cbrunry 9,191-1 wrlttllll In IL Turki sh bllt ll. Doctor VI! The t" "I'll o f CO llllt,y ( 'o llllni " R •.) H L C llanlbcrl ~I' 11 'S- COII(111 "enlell.I' . . . . unl! .. ~UU() .utlrk Leever, ut·il er ",.. " \ III o'(' llIl' k Il II' hllf tieM ollltltl, .IohnBon, Oil tho lIth ur hllll(.\, rllKlU'ded WA VNESV ILLE, OHIO • fll , ' ne r!! of Wfl rrt'll (Ilunt,\,. AlLert \ . . , H . " . -" . ' j them with BU6plctuli . Wil eu uu 011.1 . .. .• . • lID Gleve Ilntl J. C. alnes £Ip poillt. Th ill r e lll olly liUR Ill! s Ol1l1riIJr f,)r fnfluln~ \Jl\pIOl1l110 rll. hurn e!!;; Iln Branch Office, HsrveYBburlr. O. I't ub h!l a!' tLll llll ur Ih e (t"f\'er (n n- 11U ul'prl1il!e rtl . cOIl!-thlll\ll J c'lhLs . It I;; pl(,";;1I 1I1 t o h l1 \1 ~e h ()lt l /!UlI(\ t! . l-j~u Iillgo Il1l1s Llohtleld frleud . 8ho\\'In8 him 0\' 01' 8 house bulll Hpocll\l ty tor him. "!llItAd r., /:u tin g li UU 'J'rllll"rl1r Co aorl ·JOllIII the IlUlttor of t ile wi ll of J on t.ako It ol) nl nlns Il uo pium Ilr II th or t ll r te rm :;. on the advanl age ot the bnth room. to'l.-ve r . Illjnnc t.ioo a nd n tl r oo t, lr~ It "lwllv;; r~ llrn;;. ~~ , ' r ;;111" e plt L Em or so n Mu soll Ii~hnn ~lI w ve r. d eceased Will fil ed . by 011 df'o ll'rM . the doctor said : "9 11'. are you well!" l ·. T ll lLwko, 1\uot. .Jo~l. ph <.iihnour. exeonto r of the " " dtuhlc3 f(.h e r. "QuIt o well, tha nk you, doctor," was I E. V. BARNHART. \V. K O'Neall , C le rk . :it·ate of ')hi o vs Orvi ll e Ctlvolt, l lL~ 1 ", .lInud tetltllDlent of Hanllah • - • . the r eply . "Then, M lr let well alone. \ N t P bll I bate tmmersloll ." 0 ary u c " I "Id Il ui lt.y t·o 1L!!!lII UU and hAttery, EIi ~1I heth Itoac h, n eoea !!ed PItLinEvoluti on In Fly ing. I wi ll so il at m y rO~lcl e n (lo nil t h tl • /1 1' /1 J7iJ !tll d cn"t·!! t.ifl' V~ . Berth" RO!1ch . De teudsnt One or tl,, · It/O , t IIII I' rI'HlllIg exh ibits Mtlt te o f Uhi () \"s Willi am Hnook . In th" Hrltl" h III II.-<I'UIII Is 1\ co ll/'cl\o ll \\' nYDP!I " jll e lind Clnrlul\' lIl tl Wild. 6 All kinds of Nottlry Work. Pension fil eu l\n unSWl' r in this cause oon_ l:l I hroe c nunt ll for ilIeglll 8t1ltl of ot birds. Fhu lIllI!( lit .. j.!radual ~ vo lu · IlI i 1t~ " ~() uth of, " ' ay n e~ vllle, I\llar ... .,... S Work a t:ipeolllity. s"ntltl g to t h e prtl yor of t he plaintiff . t lon or Oyill/: \''' I'lltllre~. frolll th e \V ll J,llllu II . OD ~-.~.~ . ~.~...~-~-~-~.-.~.~-~.---.~~---I C]llur bond WIl S fixed Il t If>OO in Exeo uto r theu ord er ed t o prooeed pterodaclyl to til l' pl!(f'OIl. Th .. purTuesday, February 10, 191-1 " .... wi ll he II\, c rL~ J \tllder ~bl . bead lor t.o ,,(lvertiHe the r oal e~ t"t e of tbe pose or tit, · IlI s \ll a,- Is to \Jrovlde tw la· .. uoh case. L\\ cn L)' - JlV{' ce n t s r o r l.hrcc ItUiC rL1IJUli Beg innin g lit 10 o'clook t·h e follow .Ileu u tilit nol more Ihao U,'e lIue •. lors alld d" , i),: " " "" IIF a<'rlill crn tt with Urnl Coleman V!I . F reDcll Br08 . (\ ec(llisell f :lr s llie Ing chat·tell! : 7 h llTSt'I:I. It; Cl>t l.!e. :1 B~u e r Co . , CIlse oompromised UBt'ful obJ "ct 1' .,., :-'1\ 11". A ll (,/ lu ally In · ..................... ,. ..,..,. In the mntte r of t he e~tl\ te of Ed te r ..,s l lllg "xh llrll is tlta t IIr hllrrowluK hyoud BOWR. implumentl! I1nll ha·r· FOR SALE Real Estate Transfers Veterlnarv ward B \Vrlght, d eoea sed Laura nnlll1l1l B, whil'h h a s uetl n III ~ta li e d with D"MS Ha e billR for te rm !:! Ej ~ h n llllhnn W . Illlli M uppointed Ildminis tratrix the lel l'n t hnt 111 111 1111': onglueers may \VOl . Mi ll;; . All ot. W. C Hlld~ou to S. H . Bromley, fi ,. b W . K O·Neali. Cle r k . Graduate of Obio Slut. lJnlvenilv d e bonis n on w ith the willanDexeu . pro t. lu e re y. O U::!E of .. rootll!!, pantry, som. lotI! No . 78, 79 lind !:IO in Maple Park mer kitchen Rud store r oom. Pond 11000. ~eorge Dllu88er. Chus. 8obdtvil'i)D t·o Kings MIHs, $240 1 w ill offer lit puhli o 1!tIle lit my Well and oistt'rn wate r io kltchtln. John N . Voller to C . W VnlClea. E LeWIS Ilnd W . Chester Maple IIp· re .. iu~ no o . SX milos W8t1 t of 1,,Ytle. 1 LlI r ~o I It, ba rn llnel s h ed". Inquire Office at ce.lidence in F. 1$ SherChronic Constipation Cured m ile e llllt of Fiv e P OIDt Koh ool h o u~e 00 ure mise... H E . Mllrt . by ... nd C. L. Uoglesbv lot ~o . 497 tp pointed IIl>pmiRers f 11 wood's house. Fourth Street. In the IUlltter of Mary BB:Jbmao. "Ft Vtl yellrA n~o I hlld the worllt on t he Hl)rlllglJoro nnel Lvtl e pike on Frunklin. $!. UR S A LE-Co W I1nd d/liry feed " . Bantu to Charles E . Euton Iota appllo'L ti o n made for entfl.\ooe to Case of c hroni c c ontl t,ipJtion I ever Telephone 28 Tuesday, February 10,1914 of various kind!! rllUr!l. Jan k new ot. I:nrl Chlll1lberlain 's Tablets No. (j ond 6 10 Allen's @ubdlvlsion DaytQn I::ltllte Bo ~ pi t a1. :!~ lJ y .Robt BllCkl'U. c.;orwlI1.0bi o. Bf~g lnnlog at 10 o'olock t.he fol cured ute. ' writes 8 f . Fish, Brook · In t he mu.t.ter of th e estute of Iyn . Ml oh . Ftlr 8alA b:r all dealers luwl ng chattels : 5 horsell , 30attle. c;pecllll prine from cllr. WayneSVille. f ·1 Uhlo to "' l'Ifhklill, U . Mlir t ha D. Pence, d eceased. Th e II b rooel s o w .. , olliuk e n!!. impl e ments, W. G. A IJde raon to A, Millard lot lCYCLE-A goon bloyol'!, and in t.hird lI cco untapproved by tile oourt. e to. :See b ills for terms No . 68 in Mllokinaw additlQn to g ood repuir. F l)r fnrt.her In J. W. Bmokney In the Dllltt er of the will of Ali ce To Set Stencil Colors. forma tion inqui rt, tI t t.h is oflioe . DR. J. W. MILLER. Franklin. R. C . Baine!!. AnJ I .. Atter stenciling. tr yo u will press a 08, Clint-Oil, decea sed. Will filed . j 28 Chlirlea E Ell tan to Lillie Weaver bot fl a tiron over lhe pattern stenciled, Wulte r Kenrick, Clerk . lot·s No. 5 I1nel 6 in Al1lln's lIub,liviIM BE R.-A lot of good II X hundle Con'missioners' Proceedings you wtll fln d that It makes th o color ... DENTIST••• timboI' . Will soil or le t, 1-0 fast so that It can not be washed out sioll to Frlinkhn, II We will offer u.t publlo s llie on tile BillH All owed-N. W Mfg. Co. om ce 10 D . L ,Viii!! and wife tv E Fra zer 8uppliel! f or C )UTt houde M .OO. wbeu the fab ric Is laundered . It you pre ml tles of A lbe rt Stacy , Ilt Lytle, somebody to mnk e IIp on t il e sh llres . NatloD~ Waynesville, 0 1I<Wk Oldll. •Iohn l3elLOh, R. R 2. j 21j hove mix ed too mu c h 0 11 wit h the OhiO, on 51 1l0rllS in Clearcreek to\\ nshlp, Tru 8 t ee~ Puhlio Affb.irs. lig ht for paints IInll Mmenred Ihe tabrlc. plal!e a I4lv!J Wednesday, February II, 191 ~ fl. huodred. plHin , wllite oourt h o uMe Bnd juil U!l 84 Walter blotter over the s mear and press with Ellen Gleeson to Martin C . Ulee- Llirriok. frei g ht aod drilyage -tOo. a hot flatiron. The all will have Beginning !It 10 o'clock the foHow C ('repe paper n 'lpklnA ; io de~ sou 28X' aoretl In survey No . 2225, W . a Hopping. repair!! at Infirm. been absorbed when th e blotter Is lug ohu.t·t .. I~: " h orses. 4 ol1ttle . ijigns 50 per d ozen. at thl!! OffiCfl lItted. so thal it Is not notlcoable. farm impleme nts, IlOusohold ~ uoels . ary 16 65 W. H . Hopping. repairs Osteopathic Ph),sician ;; S1. " e hiol~ e ntl . etc. 8eH lluge biJlt\ fo r H. 8. Dear~h tu .Jullll. R. Eatlton u.t oourt h lu~e and jail $26.92. 8tncy & . H ole . t.Arm !! 21 Broadway Phone 449 I undivided 1 14 interest in 50 flOres Bouthord N o velty Co, M. seals for . W . N . ::>Oltrll Auo t . An Ideal Woman's Laxative of Illnd in Clearcreek '0\vn811ip $1. Dept "ealor ·1 60 . CllaB . Etiberger Lebanon, Ohio W L<: Kenri c k. Clerk Whe want A tIl take !!!Llt·!l or cBlltor Jullll R. Easton to L . J. Deart.h BSSt. to Sheriff 11. 'f. E . Keelor ••• THE OREATE8T I ·U iaterest 10 50 aores uf Illnd in lIledlcal 8ervices to prisoners 13 oil, when thorA iH oot.hing heUer BRANCH OFFICE I will offer ,. t pnloli o Rale .. t. my thl1n Dr. King '" Ne w Life PllIl! for Cletlroreek township "50 . Perry Woife, road work Washing. 811 bowe l tr ouhl "l:1 Thtl y Ilc t glln Liy I' e ~ideooe 3 mil os nt\r t h ell~t, of WnyWay~esville, Ohio IN THE WORLD William 8. Baldwin and wife to ton township '42 60. C . 8 . Rapp. aod DIl tornlly 00 tile I!tolDo c h [ulIl nesv ill .·,! X mil es wus t· of Mt. !jolly, lUBIlSlIED WEEKI. Y. $4.00 PER YEAK on the' :hnH. Rytl furm . on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:30 A . R. COmpllOD 1 10 aore in MasoD, oompenslltlon for Toad aronnd liver, stimula te 11011 regulate your ItOTKL., DIlUOOIST8, 8PE~IALI8T8, to 12 o'clock S1 . Thursday. February 12, 1914 bridge at Fort Anoient 120. Charles bowell< dnu ton e up the entire "ysC08TUM ER8, TRAN8FER, OAB A. E. Mulford iO M. E. Gallaher Ward, r e Bd work Washington town· tAm . Prloe :.l5u At all Drul:~i!lte Beginning lit 10 o·cloak. the folj () w AND . .US 8ERVICE CAN PIlOFI":" Offi ce. corner Main and High streets H . E . Buoklen & Co. Phillleltllphia Phone No. 100 . '3.13 aorell weet of Lebanon lug chBtt-ela : 5 buneH Bod ".ul t:~ , 8V U81MO ITS ADVERTISIMC COl-UMM8 ship. 1::18 TolediJ Bridge & Crane or ~t. Lou ill 1 Jersey oow, fllTlninH iItl PIElIII Pnt8/ 7 " W , 8m to L , C. Ivins 2 traots In Co., firt.t estimate oontraot, '13018 . 25 SAMPLE COpy FREE . lind lliousohold goods See billA for --..... NEW YORK CLIPPER Maineville, '1. W. H . Elbon, road work Wlishingt erms . 8 . B Mor!Ln N_ "tOrll... Y. A . &hnell to C. W. t:!ohnell lot ton towlIs hip 113.75. Henry Pas BEGINNINGS OF FREE SPEECH Dit.H.E.HATHAWAY Tom Dill, Auet . =============~ No. lin Morrow. '1500. A. B. Rides. Cle rk. ters r ·)ad work Barlan township W8.)'11811 ville '8 Leadioll DeD".. ,!'homas C . Welon to RUllseJl $48. W. G. :'htlltz. bridge repairs Englla" House of Commons First De· IIberatlve Body to Assert RI ght Office in Keys Bldg. MaID 8t. 80hnell lots No. 249 35 in Hlghlawn Turtleoreek townShip 1:15.10. Bert of Dlsculalon. WAYNESVILLe CHURCHES lu\)1lvislon to Morrow. 1200. R eed , firRt e~t, imllte contract 1800. H. H. and N. Blltwklns to M. and P. S Monoo fillal estlmBte contraot The fi rst leg islativo body of modMlethodist Episcopal ChurCla A. Dloklnl!on 47 acre ~ In Wllrren 1·17 87. ern tim es to claim t hc r ights Gf frcc Rev. o. S. Grauoor. PMtor. and 5~ acres in Clinton oounty 11. tlpeeelt and free tl i SCU B~ i o ll was the gun ~ ny SChO,II . U : III a. 11\ . Mornlll ~ 8101 Coot.raots Let: With- J. K t,;poo. FuneraJ Dir,ctor J . Warren Wooo! to J . '15. MorrlH TRADE MARKS Engli sh hou sc o f COlli mon s, whiuh \'Icc, 10 :30 a . III , E on ln g HCfv t r.e. ':' : 0 p oer and Harlan Whltaore to furnil'h DESIGNS m. Mt.lwecll Pr .yer NeeLlnJ(. 7 p . ' U . ,1 and Embalmer, late No. 20,41,42,43. 71, 7~, 110,111, declared in fa vo r of " uch a r ight 0 11 COPYRIGHTS <l.c. white oak lumber fiooring Bnd joist An10nellf.mdlnll ... lt e t~h and dt'8{1f 11'II0 f1 nI", 112. 113 and 114 In Unlvtlrslty Dcce mber HI: in till' F ar Hi\! L 'I'hi g qlll Ckl, . . ce rtnln ollr OI\luIOIi free W u lLILt'r flll a~ flxed prioeE' subj ect to order of St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. Waynesville, Ohio. lII ,.oll11no lit prn, pnlentable. ('1101111 II 1iI('I\' Heigh18 subdivision to Lebllnon Il. brave declarati on mark ed n IIl Os t illltl o li. 8L rtetgj CUlindOIIUnl. HANDBOOK ntl ' -'fUr-IlL' l' atilcr Loula YaUR oommissioners . Valid un ttl Sep I. F, Bigony ta J . S . Morrl1!l2 portnnt step towarrls the libe rti es of '6;!;/:1~~ ,~2:~~ ~~~~~,fO~tt~~·~r~'~~'~o.;~r:J.• (] M(\'~d every ~t!CO I1J SU1Ull\J o f tht' mou\h a Call answered promptly day or night. tem bllr 22, 191-1 . ~c"d nnUn. without ChftrilO. lu Lho traots of land In University Heights England and of all the world. Prior U : 00 a. m. Both phones in Office and Residenee. The auditor was dire.ted to ootify subdivision to Lebanon to tha t timc the lllelll ber s of t.he comLong distance.No. 14; Home phone St. Mary'S Episcopal Churcb. 'he Cioclnnati Northern Hy. Co. at A han48 omet, 11I111\traled "'''ft kl,. J."FReet clr. I4-2r. John M. Hamilton and wife to J . mons d id not dB ra t o cri tieise the culatlon o f un..1l1ch.mtlUc 1nurnal. ,]'u rlll ", ~j a Hc\' , J . F' . Ct~dw 'LlJ l uler . Recto] . Franklin to put a 40 ft. solid oros'lIChairs and one Coaeh furnished free ~. Murrill lot No . 71l io University rul ing powers.' 1t was thi s parliaSu "/lay School. I.l :ao II. 11\ Mornln g Be. with funerals. ing on Main avenue west of Frank . Heights II. m ent wh ich fi 1'8 t formed lhe co urt "Icc. II) :ao •. £II. Hol y Cnmmu nl(", ~h c I1rHI Br.... ch Olllce. GIlI' St.. W.. blaaloll. Best of service guaranteed. Slln,1>Iy ut eac b mouLh • J U •• I I t lin and a 2" ft. solid orossing 00 C• C . E u 1ass.o ."' ..... orr s 0 A d and country pnrties. aud w~lich hau I n erson s t reet wes t 0 f F ran kll n. engaged • N o. 19 i n U n i vers it y .H e j g h tl! .1. in di~putes wit, James 1. Chriltian Church. nOM h t J B 'M . Eaoh to bEl JeveJ with the top of the Eight years nfter the d eclaration of Rev. P. n. Thumpson. PutOl. ""eorge . IIro 0 . . onis rails . School, 9 : 80 a. m . lIoc1&I mootlol 10$ No. Hlln University Heights $l, l • _ • froe spcech Charl es I. dissolved par- 10:DiblE' 30 a. m. Chrl8t1au KudelLvnr. 7: 00 p. m. Ellery Beller 80,1 wHe to J. 15. ; . liament, and i t did not meet again Sermun by pnst.or overy alternate !lunday" Morri8 lot No 73 in Unlversi~y For Frost Biles and Chapped Skin for eleven years. In 1640, however, 10: 30 a . w . !IUd 7:30 p . m. Live Stock and General Auctioneer 8elghte 1350 it' Jr Iroet bitten eara, ·flng.ere and what wus caJl erl the ''1ong parlialHickslte Friends ChurClt. F. H. Kemper Trustee to ,J ulia H.I toes i ohnpped hllnd~ and hps, obll ment" was cOllven ed . It was this irR! Oa) Mee lllJ l(. III :00 u. m. ~~lr"L Da, , , 1>ll1io'l, c lid, sores, red and rough Schuol. II ;00 a Ul F'OUrLh Day MCClloll Posted on pedigrees and values ""of al ]101l8e of commons that first attacked Cot;1den, lot In Morrow, 11 skins, i!l nothing to equlll 10:003.. W . kinds of breeding stock. Julia 8 . Conden and hushtlnd to Buoklen'lI Arnioa I::lalve. Stope the the hotl se of lords and voted that the Olrthodox Friends ChurcD. Thomas C. Weloh lot 10 Morrow It. }Jain at once nnd heals qUlokly. In upper chamber was ll sel ess and danExperienced in"handlillg (arm sales since A. E. Woot<Jn. 1'8IItor. Viotor fl.. Augspurger to Otto I. livery home there should be a box gerou s to t he libe rt icR of the country. l'ahba~h Scbool. g :ao a . m. HC~\lJ;Lr ohureb handy al1 the time . Beat relllll\ly The bishops wcre al so exeluded from serv"'oo 10:30 a . m .. nnd 7:30 p. Jrj . l'rnyer Augspurger 1-6 interest in two for ol1skin disease!!, itching eczema, mooti ng Wll<lnosday C\'colog IL~ 7:3 0. traots ot Illnd near Franklin tetter, pile!!, eto. 2iio. All druggists voting on temporal matters. '1'he Terms Reasonable -:- jSatlsfactlon';Ouaranteed I. Monger to V. M. and R. Fielder or by m~i\, H . E. Buoklen & Co bouse of peers was aboli shed in 1649, lot No. 6~8 in ' Franklin, ,1 bOO. Phlltldelphill or \:it LOllis. but four years later Cromwell disGRADUATE OF THE Waynesville, Ohio Jobn A. and Martha. C. Uook to .,-" solved the long Pllrlinmcnt. IkTIONAL AUCTION Valley Telephone 45-2r Carrie Job nson. their interest In II Mile. of Varioul Lengthl. SHOOL OF A lIERU'A BALD. traote of land in Mtlitary O;urvey The mile. tile ordinary mUe, is 6.280 No 1548, 11800. teet long. The geographical and the "He says he always takes his wife's W . U. Hudson ~o Ww, W. Chllw nautical mile are each 6,080 teet long, The Scotch mil e is 5.929 feet long and advice." bers loli No. 70 in Maple Park sub- the Irish mile, 6.7 20 teet long. The "He's II no such thing. Look at division to King Mills, 190. German mile Is nearly fiv e miles long the top (Jf his heao. " Joseph L . Moonts et al to LeWis -24,318 teet. Th e Dutch mile Is 19," Pcrhnps hr takes it after a Bilker 30 aores in Bamilton towD- 295 teet. The Danish mile Is 24 ,876 teet. The Swiss mile Is 27,469 teet. struggle." ship $1. Popular Mechanics The SWI!dlsh mile Is 22.023 teet. - - - -- - ..".,....



Walter McClure





Cla--s sl"fi-d Ad- -

Dr. J.










Dr. H eber M , Dill



----_ ..----





M&U'Nrr.rCO~3~~~::~NewdrCrk n.~.


N. Sears






How's This? We offer One Hnndred Dollars Rewllrd for any oase of Catarrh tba t cannot be oured by Ball's Catarrh Cure. . F. J . CHENEY & CO .• Toledo, O. We, tlie ulldersigned. have known F, ~, Chene, for the last 15 yea':5. and IX;liev'" him pe1ectlyhono~ble .111 all buslness transactions and fmancUllly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. H aU'' Catarrh CUn! is taken internaly, acting din!ctly upon the blood and mlu;)(JUS surfaces 01 the system. TestimoDials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. . Take Hall's Familr Pills for constipa· tioll,



"Plenty of excitement at the Wem· Offended Elt"etlc Tute. "The natural refinement of the bat wedding." feminine character cannot be wholly "So." subdued," said one London policeman. "Even the hprse threw a shoe." "Juet so," replied the other. "What has happened now?" "A militant l5utAMBIGUOUS. tragette has turned a bomb Into police headquarters. It was a pertectly ''You remember, I barely missed good bomb but she dldo't approve of ' " Its hand decorations. -Washington you several time8 last year." Star. "Yes," said the guide. ''Well, I'm a better shot now." What Would You SlY Now? de GenUs who waxed wroth In Directory times b&o cause woman's decollete drels no longer reprelented the a86ect ot an "Impregnable citadel."


It was Madame

"Is that boy of yours learning to play the piano?" "-I hope be: is. But from the i; soUDda I c10nl think eo."

- -'- ' :-,:.:. ::.-

: - ~ :-~'·-~·-t


T Cuntlnued Siory 01 th. w....... A GREJo J>n> ...... which you may begin readin.

at any time. and which will hold your Interest forever. You are living In the best year. '01 Ihe most wonderful age. of what Ie doublles.q the IITeRlesl world in !he uolvene. A resident 0{ Man! would 81adly pay-

$1 , 000


SU8SCRIPTION to Ihls mnga2ine.,!n order to keej) Informed of our progreso in ",ngineerina and Medtanlce. Are you reading it ~ Two miUlOM of your nelflhborll are. Dnd it fa the favorite malla. "Ine In thousands of the beat American homes . It appeals to all claa&ea - old BDd younfl- men aod women. The "3bop lIolea" (20 pqea) g1wee .ms, WI178 10 do lblbflO-bow 10 ...... Woe{al .rUeI•• tor homo and shop, ..pat......... .. A_llear K..haal.. " (1() PJiRea) tell. hO'l1'to mako !~I .. lll" furnIture. ..1.01.... ootl1le, boac.,

'''',tlllo", magle. lUId all Ulo UJlnp a bo'lo..... .'.10 Ad .....;rov YUL SINeu: COItID •• N.1FI4eaJ .. to ..... PM _ _CIIIIfq _ITS


,,1tD BA......•COPY TODAY


The SAFE boys' maga2~iDlir'

T.~lye lIontb. o'OnI ' beatlhlul bllltt food

y,1 a year

001" Dbh ohtl"', p0.POr. CI.." •• full 0 pl C!tul'Mt II ~ 6J PantI 01'1117

All bo, foraU

a whl,tlo

lIIoath,,.I"",,lrI... ..,honl ""'rl ••,Oft .....I, 1I4n:' lite. Wrltl.. ,

t .......thlotl ... billtory•

moat IWIpubr bon' au.flora. Ia.ItTQct.l"~ .1 Ilrtlal~ I'loe artlol.! Oil 'oo'ba1L~D otber rt•. Dep.rtmnntAt of )leohanl!!f, Ell .ltr.

Pnpalar 801en"", How 10 )llO'" ~bom_Jlh:. bl ..... lllamp 0011 ...11,,-. ChlqlrnD.. Porte, (Jar. deall,.. I ....nllono &lid Natural Woiade..,

The Ameriean Boy Rl'gular price .. " . . . . .. " .•1.OO"l The Miami Gaz~ tte Regular price . . . . . . . 1.00

' ."



. : ---------r



+- ..... -----.-. -- - - -- --- MIAMI GAZE·TTE The Neighborh()od News ----------- ---------------- •__ - - - - - _I ____ ...... -.. _____ . . .____• I Rate8 of Subscription. Caesar's Creek S pr ing Valley


Publlahed Weekly at the Gaultte omco In t he Alle n lJulldlllll. s~ .• W~yncav ll1o. Ohio . One Year (atrlctl, In advance) .. . . . . . . 1'.00 /:l IngLe CollY . . . • • . . . • . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . 03


Rate8 of Advertising Head'nll Locals. per line . • • . . . . . . . . . . •• ClallldRod Ada. Dn~ to ex~ RYe lin ...


Throe 111II8rt.lons . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21M: D. L. Crane, Ed I'tor an d M anager. DI_lllay Advtlrt.laJllj( . pflr Incb .. .. ... .. • lOc J

DllICOunt. lJivon nn ODDtrac'.

JANUARY 28, 1914. John 0 . Freund, Mit or ef AmeTlca. Ian that the UnUed Sfatea lpends IIlx hundred mlllion dollarl a year on mUlllo. Be '.YI 'hll is more than the entlr. po&a'" orop and ponUry produota ,h.t .re oonsumed in thll o.)uD'ryln • y_r'• time. Thla II cerklnly larprIBiDg to 'he average mulo Ion.... nd 1$ ie more ,h.n any oountry lpende for mnslo. Let us use 'be bea', both lu'ru. men~1 and vocal, .nd the world wlll be grN'ly benefiUed by".




The maglo word "m ulio" II III old tbe world luelt . The Bible lpuakll 0' mUllo early In the new "orld, .nd surely there oao be DO. thlni more lublime thBn the PAlms of David. Maslo In Oflr own oouu'ry today il dhlded Into olalleB- the muters or the 01.SII08. and the rag time. or 'he non.olauloll. The many &eaoh. era 0" b e d loy, however, are 'eaoh· Inl the 01...101. and tbey mUI' be ,. ., alven doe .redl~ for It. On the other h.nJ r.g time Itm holdll DANCE OF OUR FATHERS stroag amonll 'hoUllaodl of people, The clerlY .hIB aad forel,o 'Who \lke the "Iwlnl o ·~ the tune." cooatrl. are havlo, maoh 'o.y And It miy be Mid bere In palliing In regard $0 'he "knlo" danae of 'bat 'lie rag.'lme I. plea,log 10 today. Why' Ie U auppoHd for. many InllS&noee. What would 'he mlnn&e ,h.t any of theel mlnlBtera "merry. go round" or the mlnltr.1 .ver laW the "tango" the "banny. IIhow be without Ita rail · time I Ab bOI" or any of .he lo.called dll Bolotely voll1 of anything tbt at. RraOBful d.nDell ,h.t they are klok. tractl tbe maasel. 10i .bout? We dare I.y not. Th. Iln&log of the day la 1'110 10 U .ppeara that $0 orUlol.. th... two olueel-and $0 ths oredlt of 'he dlinoell one OU'lh& aee 'hem. To oompGll8r who ha& lpen' 10 muoh 18 to believe, an4 One Daano' t·lme on hll1 compoeltlonl, may U be beUeve that BOOlety wlll 10 'org.' !!ald 'hat he hold. the lopremaoy. themaelvel" to Indulge In thom. I~ wrtUnK mUlio the oompoaer be.rl H .ppeara 'hAt 'he leu' laid In 10 mind 'he ola .. of muaio th.t h. reg.rd to 'heae d.noe. would btl 'he mlllt wrt&e that will pls&116 the molt wtaee, ,hlni. Inatu.d 0' p..oolalmlng PfOple, He no' only haa a b.rd agalnl' 'hem from 'h. palpit.. 'tme to pleue but III cellanrad If the whon the mhaia&er had never .t. mulo d<l8a not oomu up '0 the tended. danae or perh... Dever at.lldud of ~he m..... The IDa .... tne .... what d.oae "uUko. of thla oountry (U leliWI Uae) would ThEre mOB' " 10methlDiin Ulem ratb.r hear I "ooon IIbtluter" than from tbe fact 'hat nerybody hae • aeleo'ioo from IlOme plealiog IOm.thlni $0 a.y In reprd to 'hLl opera of the bel' 'l'h. atan. new ·'fad. " Wha' It Is we OIono' dard opera•• re by the beet com lay, bat If len were ..14 aboa' 'he JY.)Hra. • nd ue plenlng $0 ,hou.. dlron08l 'be 18111 'bey woald be anM of paople. danoed. Wbon people $old they One of 'h. l1'ea' te.ohera of vo canno' do a ,hlnl, 'hey make apeolal oallBm I&YI that while there mlY be I Inquiry Into thAt very 'hlng .. flnd BOrne harmony In the mualo that IB on' what U IB, and 'h. ooDaeqoenae wrlt&en 'or ~he volae ·'od.y, Is la 10 II 'h.' &hfty are pUty of the UlIDi ~rdd.n ander tbe "'om 'om" maalo tb.t la moet &alk.d aboaUrom pr8U u ~ tnd i • _ad of Afrloa ;th .. t the AfnoaDa .hem· aod Pul p.. up your m _h.1 woald deolloe to pro..Q08 'h. &h.t ulong" Ul. "knlO"I. mad. BOundi ~la" emaua&e frOIa tbe ~e Idb,eot of orlilotam, 10 lon, wlll 'Ime, "coon ehou&lng" ltd that la ~he daDcel' In ,h. world be l'Mdy forced on the people. and willing $0 'ry anel daoce it. ... d T h e .quar. .1lOulo taagb' la e.UI' IOhooll ...nOll, wa. aa 18 of 'he very hiah.. , grade 'Jany I1OhoUllObe. ~he \ Il'Ilnl. reel and U".. aonee 'or the little follr. are .Imn.r danOBlt of our for.ta'hera gema when aanR In their .0'lre'y. are all 'hlop of 'he put. Many of 1'h1. . . . . I' Ihoald be, and " II our ohlldren have nenl' heard of hoped th.a be'o... maDY ,e.ra &heee d.nON. an , It IB high tlme 'h. Do.hlol ba' ab. bee, will be beard parents leach them &he dance and thr01lRhou~ the whole Unl&ed 8t.&8I Ie' Ulem R" bact to 'he P.18'..Y of and other couD'rlee .8 well. olden tim.. • - • The Oerman8 Idld Itallana have . LOOK AT YOUR LABEL .I*ay. bouMd &hat Ullty DIll only · 'he belt muato, bn' lOme of our rag. A look &he label OD your paper time .Ioiera wl$h their .011la bne will tell how YOll 8t1nd wl'h 'he •.pvaded 'he.. emplrN and In'ra. Miami G.zeUe. A loot O1'8r Oar ctD08ll .hel .. rag time IOnga. and may .boo'" 8how many 'ha'.re behind n 'be Aid '0 their 'hey have wl$h &heir Iube,)flp'.ooa, ~. W&y &aken 1$ ap, .1 'he. IIzpor' of 'hll to make 'he editor loot pleued la c':'eap ola.. of mulc In 'he Ii &0 a'&end &0 'hll ID.'.... a' 0008," y ..... h .. beeD Immen18. . "he needl Ule money," 1101










: "


M r . nor] Mrtl ~:~/- r t1. .r! U!. ug hteT Mr. aod Mrs. Raymond Wtlson Doroth y,ol n n" r f:; pril 'gh(Jlo, were .nd HUle daughteT Mary Ka'hrya w ..~k enl! ~ce~r.~ () f .\11'. nmi Mrs. spent Band.y wilh Earnest Burle.,·II. Nelvtu n H ... ,. IU. Meslts. Raleigh and Evan Boga n MrR WUl Bhbb . who hllK been spent the weell: end with relt1'lve" lIel iuu.;ly III tor 1,''' <1 nWDLbs d ied lit nOAr Leb.non. Ralph Leaming bae Bold hia farm be ~ ' hom e M" n (i ~ :.. ovun:n g . 8er· v ic n~ "" 'lrfl h ... !u ,,,. . he lluu,:;(' Thursabove l'Iew Burlington and haa par. day ntternoliD. Borial In I::!priDg ohued T. C. Baydook'a farm near V~lley . Fairview lIohool house, Jarliles Olborne and wife visited MIII8 I'rancea WUlon w~ home over Bl1ndllY wah relatives here. from ooUele over Bund.y. The pro'tTaoted senloe~ I\t the M. lir.• nd ·Mra . _W. E. Bopn and E . ohuroh are still In progrelll . daugh&er Lelah apent Batnr¥y and Mr. and Mrs. Clarenoe Eagle and Sunday of laat week wlth .hls Billter little daughter were week end Mn. Wm. Lunn and 'amlly, of gaelts at Dayton relativel. Cl.rkevllle. . Mr. Charl811 O"leebee has pur· J 811" Baines if q alte poorly, IUf ohase<li the Bell MoKnlght farm on fertng wt&h rheomattlm. Wilbur Ruddook'8 have pur. the BeUbrook pike. • • • Mrs . Hamer, of Flat Rook, Mloh., ohased • new plano. • Howard Leamlnl and daalhter .nd Mr. and Mr8. Lee a.rner,o' Dayton, were guests over Sunday Mildred 'Were vlll'lnl btll parenti • Mr. and Mrl. J. B. Leamlng one d.y of rela.t ivel here Miss MlLty Salisbury, of Wa.ynes. • • 110.' wHk. • ville, WBII a t)unday Kuest 0' Telli. Unole ",oleph CompMn 18 lylog a' Uves here. the polo' of death.t thl8 writing. Jeue •• rner and f.mlly, of Wo~ms the Cause of Your Childs Spring Valley, oamng on bll Pains brother and 'amUy C. T. Barner. A foul, dill8greeable bTeath, dark i'rlday. . olroles aroond the eyes. .t tlmel Amos Comp$oo called 00 Horace feverl!lh, with great thirst i ohl'elrl Comp&on's lDuuday .neruoon. BOBbed !lnl1 then pale. ahdomen A oomplete allrprlBe w.. gl",n swollen with Bharp orampllJg paln8 are all IndloaUonll of worms Don" Balellh and Evan Bogan Wedn8&- let your ohlld sllffer-Kiokapoo day eveDlng. The evenlog w.a Worm Ktller will give Bure relief lPent In pl.ylng Bamee after whioh tllls tbe worml- whlle its laxative datnty refrBllbmeDM were IIIned. effect .ldd gr'lll t.1y to the health of All enjoyed a gold 'ime. ThOle Jour ohlld by removlolf the dan. gerous and dlll.lfr_ble e1leo& 0' prelent wore, MllIIeI Eleanor Earn worms .od paraslte8 from the SYI· bart, ADD6 J!'ornaa, In. Compton, tem . Klokapoo Worm Klller ae. Sal'. Bradford. Luall. Buhman, bealth prodaoor "bould be In every Lelab Bogan, Ethel Compton.. Floe· honsebold. ..fe. Buy a ~x todn. Price 250. All Drug· • • ale MUohner .....ther ShambtLulb, glstll or by mall. Ktolrap<>O Indian Sara Ba"erthwal&e aDd Marianna Med. Co. Phlla. or St. Lonis. COmpton, II...... Alna. Comp$on, -----.~~ Roy Jon.., Kelle. Boak, .Weldon • Bellbrook. "lIaon, Ralollh Bog.n. IlArry Sat. &er&hwalte. H ......n Jon_, Fred Born-To Mr. and Mre. Roy ~o .. naa, Eber Arnold, Audrey ~re ...., Blaok an 8 pound boy. f!:van Bopa and C.rl Jon88. lira, Will Bolm., of north of • - • ~wn, wlll mat. a ..Ie of ber per Best Coulb Medicine for Cblldren IOn.1 properJy F.bruary Uh. "1.10 very glad to _y a few : Mla8 Cbena Hay,oel, who 'ormerly worda In pralae of Chamberlaln'a ~IVM b.e re, died in a Toledo hOllpl&a1 ! ~.,h Remedy" 'Wrttee IIr., LiB lad Friday. r Th. body wu ~hlpped t)ewey, Milwaukee, W18. "I have bere .... , Mond.y .nd barl.1 W.I ped II for both fo.. my ohU. ~ dr.aaod mYl8lt and It nn.r faUa ~&d. In thll cemetery . ~ reUeve .nd oare a COlllh or oold . . MI.. Carrie Kemp. of. Dayton, I. !fo family with chlldreD 81.1.oo1d be ",181"_1 her aillter here fo .. a f.", . "'hoot It •• It ,Ive8 .lmod 1m- 4aya. medla&e rellel In ouee of croup." . Mra. Nellil1 Sowards la uodel' 'he Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy II . pleuan' and Afe $0 'ake, whloh ill .ootor"IOAre with II' grippe. of pn' tmport&noe who a med. ~eTeral farmers In the neighbor· tolD. mut be given to young chU· hood hlne opened their sugar campa. ~rea. 1'0••ale by .11 deale.... Alpba Surface visited hla fatbar • • • - • .t Lebanon lalt week. Corwin. The Township rrnstees have pur • eh.sed • new drop our tala for 'he • • . Tewn.1;tip b 'l.l1. Mil11 MhaDle MoKinleY and Mr.. ChI'S . Boyle has returned from a • • Earl S ....aia ".re qaleU· .. v Is. t· t n ... U I nd wltb .. married as' , WO W88all ry. ~"non"'~ To....,.. Ka,. a hoet, his mother and father . • of good wtahee 1 0 wt&h 'hem .froa , Mra Eaom Earnhart wu IIhopplDg " belr many friends. ID D";'on 1~lIt Monday. . '----------------------------. . IIr., U. U. Wheue) haa re'arDed , '" • _ ••_ __ -bome from Roewell, N. lIu. · Mr. H is Stomacb Troubles Over ;~eUeI hnlnR been muola bene. by the .outb.rn ollm... will &0 ':~Il~t~r:!!!'; ,!~~::~~u ::.~~~I!: J.uDalo a whU. longer. were over, tbat you oould eat .ny .: ;)(... Ind Mr.. MIller, of InclUan. kind or food you desired without apOll., a ... "let"D, ..elaltT8I h...... Injury? Tha' may seem 10 unllkely . to you that you do not evea hope M... and lire. Jobn Zell aar. for an eDdloi of your t.rouble, but ,..,ebar. "Illton Frid.y, permit 118 $0 aBSure vou tbat It III II.... Chrl.'le MoIIDley and Luanro ~o, .Ito~ether IlDpo88lb1e. If othen .....r • •nMr&aln" 1.., Sunday bT.. dan be ·o arM permanently, and thou Phone 24--2 I-~ nnds have been, why no' TOU? JA... and Mn. •1'1 S .....ia at 'lIlell' .lobo n.. Barker. of B."le Creek, new !aome DNI' Bldp"ViUe, Mloh., la one .f 'hem. Be says, "I Mr.•nd lira. (.leo. Lanhr DOW tv'" 'roubled with heart.buro, In: oooapy'he bo.... reoenUy vacatecl UIReetlon, and llver oompl.lot un'll "...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 by M.... IMbel 8ma&h aad aon. • I ueed Cb.mberlaln 'e l'abletll, ,heo iny 'ro'o ble wu over. Sold by all M.... Bann.b WllllamlOD la 1Incle, ~ealerl. 'be doo~l'" care. . - - -__ ••- - II.... OU"er DaTi....... in ClDoln. ' ~ Moet lerloUII Aooldllftt. n." S.'arcl.y. . ; Mlu Samantha, th8 prnldlDK 18nlal Mn Kate CaMy and MI.. Irma rof the kltcheo rel.Un. bel' ez· , Daalhte... of D.ykln "Ial&ed Shel,' ."rtence with an lc~ pavement. "All Mel 1.111 .wtul tall," Ihe told ~ paren'l h.r...., week. • Mend. "Comln' trom chureh Ah r.Q' , . Mre. Oarr, of Sprlq V.lley. and _ de conlecratll4 Iidewallr. an' Ah lira. ElIIa aod daulhMr Vee.. , of ... t1l'0 houl'II unconlClentloua att.b WeUm.Il, w.... Banda" 811..... ot dllf tuk me home." , U .... Whehel. ------•• 4_-..______ .... Gllmmed Flape of Env,lopee. Sa.. the lummed a.PI of UlltlealM Wonderful Coup Remedy envelDpea which come to you by mall. Dr. KIDI'. New OI8oover,. to IalMII your canned fruit with. You tlJOWD every a. 'he ...~y will and It vel')' convenient to tell .t whl.h will 8arely .*'op • ~OOlh or a .lance lUlt what each Jar contabul. oold, D. P . t.waooof ICldloD, Taan. and the pmmll4 labela thus I&nd are ",rttea: "Dr, Kia.'a New Dleoo...-y ..u, put 00 III1d vel')' econom1caL I. &he moe' wondlll'fal ooqh, 00)4 and throat .nd laag medtolae I " _ laid to my' l&ore.. U O&D" be Ho,e and "lOt. It ..UI wlib01lt aay. 'raable at ..n. "Hop<e," aoconUnl to Bert JIm•• Ie Deecla DO Thte te "1oou :foT a dime lD tile ...t pooMUt Cr1I8, beoa1lll8 Dr. 'Ctllp N.w I)Ie. 01 I..t'a ault. I'IIot I'8OOftN oon.., will reline the moe' 0 . . .• two tootbplou, a ma&a & ..... nate of ooUJ~ a.nd :ookll, L1ID& of lead J8IloU." 'roabl.. qutOkl7 helped b,lu a... • - • Also Agent for RadDe Automobile Tires. Yoa .hoa1d bep a boUle ia~. De"gero... CMe. bOaM a' !Ill uaa.. for all $b. melD· LoQI_"'l'roubled with loll of ... ben ~~,!amlI7, 100 ~ tl.oa. petlte.lBn't,1Ihe'" Julla-........." PhOne 71-1 OORWIN,tOHIO . ~_..~" - .b r B. ~ enD Wl.1llt to I&t the WDp tW _I . . ....... . .• ~~ ~. ~1M!""~ ~J..,.~ Jorbl....-ut•. · " ., -.------~---...~~~-- ~~~

Xenia, Obio

Have had a wonderful Midwi... ter Sale the palt weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains.


SOc Up $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 $1.00 up

Blankets Factory Wool Factory Wool Comfortl

---_. _..- - -



Crex 8xl0 $7.00 • Matting Rugs . • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up Axminlter • $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet • • • $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs . • 65c ~p Mattings, our own imported Chinese and Japanese • • 121c up

Lace Curtains, good bargains SOc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all widthl and sizes.

Skirts • $3.45 up • 59cup Wailts • • • Gownl • 50 and 79c up 39cup Dresling Sackl Suits and Coati, $25 $13.50


J. E. Frazier

R""fing and Spouting



, , · FIR~T • •



Great railroads are orga~iDl their emplbyes to mak~ this ihe keynote of their City ollaaizationl are ' be,<t iog formed everywhere to qilell the mad rush and devote more attention to the safety of life and IiQlb.


We have rel.'ognized this "Safety First" sloaan in our bank and applied to The American Guaranty Company of Columbus, Ohio, to issue a bond to our depositors ltCuring the safe return of every dollar deposited With us. This bond is now in force and it means to all our depositors ablolute safety a,alnlt tbe 1011 01 money if depoaited with UI. Come in and see us.

We wlll be . glad to explain the

plan to you.



Thol. Miller. . ,.,•• ,dent •

H. D. ~elll.on.:.












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Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Ratea.-










OHIO by hun!f~r'lllll mortal.

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Re c ognized Force of Appea l , e("Uli~ura Roa p nnd Oin tment sold t o Manliness. and It H,;.s l 'hrOu !; ilOllt tile \l orl d Sarnplooteac b Wor ked W el l SI<l nilook Adore!lspos l. ' 1 , h:"1 "pp":11 II' Ih ,· p,," t '"a st l'r · D L B l " Ad ept. • _ os on . v. '~f'I" rn l " S. ' , r- ral g raY""II'eel t. ,,, .:tl'" ~ tIl I' tI card " Cullcurll. _. _ _ ___ _. " On th p groun d Ih al yo u·r., r u n n i llg \\,' r, ' ro 'I', ' lItl y 1'1""1'11& .1\(', lhl' l f At Church I n Holland . " r;" ,d huu ~i" ('lIplain Tayl ol. yo u l'lgn r~ III 111"11), ""rl s o r HlOl land 1llE'.n sti ll t'ny. d i d Ih at." "TI~iR t nlk abollt mOlh er /lllll th e '\t'al' Ibc i r h als [II c hllrc h. M oreo v e r , " \I v bou se sh a ll chnrglJ lIo(h l ng Il bO\8 Is all .Hr)' w e ll . Ra ,d one. " But :;1110111 11 1'( ill "h llr",i'l1\ not ('O ll ~ illered Il h ail ' b e fr ee. nn d th e " I slt o r!\ my faih r r ' comes' III ~ lron i;. t oo. ~ I Y Irrp\, ,.. r CIII b v Ih e P II Lc h ,wh on H(lni el! . I .. • I . d gill' S rath e r d('loll.d on" mllllll p n , ay Ie! (s no t ill pl'o grp " 8. Rn'l. It I s • e,en " Th e il. III my I [ltle \-'ol1 y way. I'm I/ R bo \ s Ihat did m o r e at thaI age 10 Iho milli s l er il "" rnpll"\('~ indulge I n afraid I 'll hav e t o 010\' 0 Srlile 1·louse ke t' p ' u s strai g ht 'tban an Lh l' lilll" thi s pru ctl ce. down 10 th e n e w road" moth e r's admollitions. She \\:18 a A ltogeth er . D ll l c h Pro t!'Htnll ( l s m \p. "Oil to m y Innd '" "\\' eet unworldly IIltl ,. [lerson li nd "'. it would 8"1'111. r rlO m n ('crta ln atand . " YOllr c ru e lt y r('ducl' s tn e to a,lor!'d h er a nd rp\"prf'n cf'd h er I .. :teb. point. 1\ co mfor t nhlt. rornl or'rr' lIglon, T om l\ lIIarl),r I a ppea l t o th e cbh'Il~: ' Irig8 ' H o w e v er . " h e n(,,'pr co uld tblnk 011(' ;nd )' 1,E'ep hi s h<l t 011 In c hurcb. r ous pllbl", to h o),colt thnt III'\\' road or u ~ a s a ll Y thing \J ill h e r I lIlh.' hoy s. "hleh sa \ "1I 1111Il 1111111 ) l\ chil I . h~ m uy . \\ ' h plI J' n~ bro ughL m~ m': in~ o th e and a s w e g r ew lall ' r lIIlll more ! lui\( frl'l' l) 1111" I II hI " 1I:alural vo l cl' . c lllln try " Oh. you d on t kn o\\ this \\01'1, 1" we "(' (II: lrc<l Ihp u~ 1I 111 b o yi sh lIot I II a \\hlspp l. h •. h ,I S II H{,lI l hOllS!' hUlIgrl' 1I l' lghborhoocJ!" Sl'IISi' . o f ('xaltNI i mpoltan (' p alld mfll d III II \I I, i t p. ami :11 '1'011 If ' ,\ I " r(" ! :Yl y c lient' s (lon e ro J' I'm ' mI g ht haw' b l'('n l ed 10 sec relly pat s how hllll I I' h l~ I." " (II' to 101TI'r hllli " Madam e Scot~o~'~ IIIUI\(.lll:tn~ ro n~ l l l fc r roni U' 11I' r st rt ('( gO!'Ull ('~e a a 1I \11 f !'hulr. lind hI' ha s lIl ! e' ,lInb p ews 0 1 \la) I oIsk a pl11111 (j1lt' S lIOII ? old fa Hhioll ert. CXCP \l1 fo r fat h e r. pall,INI 1\,' 11 1 all ,,,u L" I(.I 11 1111 aull ~ . '( ' c r ldlnly" " P.,lh t' r saw th l' forr o o f n p p!'Hlln~ ,hN'1 f ill ' I"" uv, I,ror' 1III IpII IIhl' ~'(' 'I s , 1H'r(' \\all' r pO\"' r In Ihl s 10 li S !I S nliln to m un . Ion).: b dore _____•_____,_____~_-_ g ill, h'" t llf're \\a s )nllph m:ll1 III II ~ I ~ " "S8 I Th "II' R U 101' c ly "" ' I' crall " 1': ""1) IIi)!ht at d llllw r. I rnn ",,' It ln: III l oo k aroulld 101:IU I'I'O\\ " , ), 1'1 ' "rl "r l it,.' bl p s ~ I\l" \\llh hi s , arv. ..I n ,1 tllI' lI , ' nlllC ~I ' . F.rI[ (, R ('I) of('" ill~ !. \l l f e and rork Ilui s eu \)\1 ', I be " iull . nl(' a ssi slalll . lIot Itlln s,·If. w:u, r ml s t. I'<I\I S" "lid look U'; I II M any p .II US Ih.,1 p.,s., as rh e um ~ t i s m a f: 11I· \ P.\O r " I' m (111) n nllP(,I'*l1ml\(Io r lhfl t'y ps are due 10 \Ie Ik ki . IO(·~ "- to Ihc .fiUlur,. 1'111 100 1: 1II!l fo r (' h r llp lIm b cl . !-, ood " ' \\',, 11 h o) R. \I o\\' g ( ' CS th 0 wo : td 7' o[ the Id ll oc,; 10 d flve or! ur Ic :,c id ,h OI " lIbhl)' . ~ IIU\\ rur h :lIIl :' I; <'. \\dt pr ' III)'.\l·I· t o mi ll .'·AII ,1 "011 1' (> II ~ r h r>lI:' \'" Ih p I h lJu~ hl IlIlu pap "r. pulp. allu a road or Illal m Ol n l' lIl Rtp a"I ,," "" or" 'n r1ur When ) O U sufl. ·r achr. bud jOints. b ,'ck. ilc ll c 100. (h zz lc eS$ aD d som t! u rin .lr)' 10 nl.tll;; " 1 I \ €, lJ ee ll tl av e 1in'g ~orn(: i ng th e d l!v \\' (' Il ad t o I,~ P PfPt !y dISl ll rl ", nc(·s • . !(' I Do.·o ·< ",dney P ilis. !Il n " l l l ~ :t Oll In s"all '" o[ (h fl'[ cOIllb l · sil lti g ht : ~ IJ I' a hl< " o 1I ( lI r!I 11>81 th e r t: IlI ~U V t h:u I"> r l.!conlO1 c u<icd b\' ove r :1 IHI It y0 1l1' 10, (' l y vdup r fll ll , 11":01' 1(1(11; nn d 150.1100 p ';o "l c 111 m"uy tl i ifer eal h ous \\[11 gil'I ' IH " Ill' e Iho ',sand hOI S'! : !'(J """ j "'0 I, Drill .. D O"I's 1, i,: n(,,' 1', 11:; h elp w ea k kiu· ''' I' . ~ h !J ll 11.\\·u 10 lIu [ld )(Jur ('II [ olT _ _ __ __ nc\ Cj to d ti \'t' 0 Il th e u ri a C Id wh w h I't ):If: I e)! l1I )l" a l:-:o i ll ,. hou t.c , T lil' rl ! What Anger~ cI M oth er. ' s 'th e C.l IIse u f uil ck ,' c h e. rheum .\l"m 11 1I 'r II I,., w ar :q:a i ns t Ih l' s" iJb l I: A ~rOll p of 1II''' f ll" " .·1' m "n ""ti! , a n,1 lumuago loi n,' -, )UII I " llI' II, I,' s A" to Blll t " \I ':illt l/' 1111' \ \ ' '' Hl l l ng to n park 7.0 thr A.., IX])! \S ,\ H ere s p roo f 11 ' )\1 :-1'1 It Sf' P Ill S h,lrd l y ' th e k ll td nr otll1 ' d a ~ to ,' (, lh p 11 *'\\ h i l' P'" T h t' l C." t;t: \[ f ' " ' l\ l ke r , l' lb 1'1 rh n ps 11/ 1)1 ,, 111) It. . ~ bt't-' n l'.·hr i:-q l·l. i l tl " 1(lIlll I hl ll g 1111 ~ JlI[ to ,1, '11 I \l~ .. Jif· J ( : I OI, d .\ ,"" , yenl ll 1, .I ' l l th !tl to rll ~ I lh,' l !l f'JI .· ' \\U~ f; lrt.! l l hl o g l.lZ t1~ I n (IU! , nlllle r 6\ 111 0 , J nd " e .• ~H · ' F ur t" n i wli PIl a l lt lle hi ll and h " r rn otb l' r ~ (' , l r ' l J h nd m l' lI * CHA PT ER ' 111 ~lppr(' rtl' h(. rl <: u lnr I h , UIn :l l l dl l) ~ w u e In ld llil In . l.{l o li ll t { TIn rl II J (J I!. ~ 1t! '-X,., bel) It n d couJdn I Re sc ue.. ('IIt.(\ nlf ' r-i l'l . ,' x (, i l P,ll y ffllRi n l; li nr m 0 v e (\ 11 m b III1 ',dr" d (I ldy . I Of' "I Sp l l.,

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hf'ch (lckp dn lY lanlblin g ,1111' a ll d (·OIIl I OII D. ((l n $II;I,,'<I 111 \1 ;II d e .latp m!'nt ' Tr) If l'v e got all tha t Il ou", I'; a('l l drl\ c r 10 pr p"" nr 10,,(\ . ~ un~ct Tbl s CUl'lboo wagon road ! rlJ; .1110 t "111 11 \\ Ilh pe r~ol1:J1 H" r\ Ic ... s. . uns rr~rn AFherort 10 Quesnell e. due I ,,"O 10 fO,\la l " (' OIlSI/WI"'" re t' !' ipl north. "xcc (Jt at Ollf' POlDt wh ere thf' '1I I r, lit lld hl(' lgh I, i ll , I l'alil 10IIe <;overnlnent ,",ouldn't pay for n bridg e III"n lh. fllrlll , h rll r " nn "l'l'ro\l1l. l c rOSB ·.he Hundred MIle gorgo. " '1111\,1/11'1/1 (om[o rts " "l1able t', liuHh "So I<t th e nln ety·five mU e posl Ihe L~:" ,·1 alld n ·sl d,·lI et· o f ,I lad y I'la ce "o tld swings eastwarll th e ru1l4l6. pass· i'l (' la arh " u f :oulig "ornpp l<'nL el \'11 en · :I\~ Sp!te House 10 lhe h ead oe the . ~ln'·~ I. II I' i lll;lIlg IIlstr\llll e n[ ~ IInu II ~ ~"rge. wbl:re It Crn"8eS Hundred Mile SIH I :Wl " ) "\'Ilort , 0 Madame Sco l Mon. ~reek. right h!'re orrlling '\Kh cr "ft !'a c ifi c I.lmlt ed ~~ , "Froll! bere tilt' road turns west In:;t. ~galll 0.1 the north side ot the gorge, . Ab8 0 1u l f' ~ pc r e C\' re ~IIIr1'd ( ' barg1! I " [! ,I afler one mile on the I('vel. drops 5 1'otsoo " t .o",n !.be Hundred Mile Hill. wblch S,) fil l' II,,· impuls.? hud move d me :8 t h r ee mlll!1l high . and a terror to l U lJ e ,!ul c k b ~ rore ! r epf'nted. and navigallufi. I Ih e Jou rn e y gan, lime for tha t . Leav· " Al th e bottom lhe .road turns north l ng th e s \\ (' el majesty and serene 01" !Jgaln ' !or 'Quean&tle, at a cabin caUed d er of Ih e English landscape. I made the One Hundred and Four where old the usual passage by S. S . Cbaron Petf! Mathson lives. n. haIr)' lItt1!'l ~r· across tbe SlYli: to New York. where [ son. Utre Ii Skye terrier with a r~~th· caught Ii ptu!!'y train for the tran~lt h\l8rt. · ,. of an untidy continent. Anu 110. li n "And said ~Jathso/l bail ·blazed a ' cut, the starry middle of 0. night. ~ Wf1' I' olr, crossIng the .~r~~ t!ie gorge• ..~h4ln m et Ilt Ashcroft. : :,. . flUUlblnr by an euy grade to . the

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\,ru' I'l'l l nl( h er III Spit .. Il o' IIlI ·. On er. Bb (' ('all !;p t hlft) br p alCll1g 'hI' l a \\ oh" hlllJ ull th"nI Ih'II'S- HO many d o ll.II ~ " hl'ad- aH " i!n~ H II(· ~ . I t alll ' l " ' Ul ol er lIh. \laut s Oi l ·" BII , r, Ih u l \'.I1, ·n 'hp "-f'u l t o hit, ran el' lhat 11I1l~ J" I;"P hl'nt ltpr :J \O" S3,lge n, o hl \lalh so /l . I "' 0 0 [ let h er 01T \\ Itil 11<>nlh . "Sh l' \\on ' t l et him o fT \\' '1h " ealh T"ice Fhe h as "ilt lJ'm 10 ~ ham e In publi c ::;he 11 n ov er r " Hl u nu l flh l' gets blm hangpd Th e rf" s 011 1) o n e tblng puzzles m e , I 6 "" il ' ~ his sl· lence. l/le waiting. \I hlc h rlIaJll'S Pully wake up nnd serc('C' h lit night But J dunllo m yse l f - h as Jes se lost b is nerve?" ···Bow do you Imow all tbis?" "She told mother every th ing." ,"And your mother (old you . Why~" "Bee Uti~a)' . mum. you r emember the thing your hU8band culled Bull I)Grham.

\\l lo!=; t'

And t111'11 I tlll'd

In an Ar m Chair Be s,de the Stove . the 01 O ld Man La y

hlnl to loo~(' 011 1 HllIl Lr pak I hl' 111 \\ Th :<i S \\ ltv H\)I' 1l got I h ,· '<JI '5 1"lIl e

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our rh'er ~ ('aSon . \I :"lalll'- ~('O l " {ill \\ Ilh I··allll·r J a rl' d. EO 111'1111 ': 1 call ....l , > 'O /I M In r fk n tl lf· d \ 111 " lI u li '" h ,lI\ bas h f' c l1 ('(, lIpd "brll a " " I' u r ): ' II I I' r l 'j "ll' a co llll; l oo t! p'j v, n· t ( 1J J .. u fl \\, 1" I I,, · [(·all i. I";II' II'!! hi S val e bll slo l's s" a.1 .th: (JII" I" . 10 " 111 10 :" "'ll l ll l 'U I' I:'"1 '1':,) 1", s. "0 ' cou r se" Ih,· I ' ll I\'I S . ·I , l n g rn, l1[n" r,m,li f "h o ,.111 [ .SIII!;. ( 1 ):1['(1 '" w b c n Poil y . g ot I " 10'"1) IJ ()H trn . IS•lr f'Bs., , nl) lOan~gc r ca II ~ d Ill £' all III I "!1M I '~I." Th" II la l l);1I bu," ~ "'·IIIf· d c()\\ p(\ by ehe handl ed .rp~s("" 11.' 11 r s. 111'1 0 th e : maids h .ltl 10 pack .11It! I '~" Lu r.scafP Fh" pr I IlHlIt'II Slt )' of gllLt eri ng ~Iar en vl)lopes I n lh l ' ~I 'flm o[ a h l'l li e lin s tu rugc \11th tb e furllllU i ' ! .al "~ 11 1; 111 Us \\'e uro\(' Oil . Oll ly OD ce I ve n· til they 'd OP PI1 . lin d gUIl1I1,~d Ilwm . P ec king u nd Toothana Emp0rlullls . I 'II N I 10 s [lpa k . as king I\lr J': urr to ~.. h on sb e wn" Ih rollgh - Ir s h l' S('n t my !tttl" h ome passcd 10 U g t.' IIL1 "tua ~ look o \!; for ~ l lI ety·r.lll e 1J0use. th em o n. Hh e found oUl "ho h E! d ealt with' mourning nalls . d[amoud s. I1U,. Il o l s('8 u cc ll s t omed to bait. tb (' r ewoli id Ith d I I a It Sll' by bit s a nd ~crnJl S of sto e ", t t l did L \Ian [ 10 stop .. an /,:ot Il "m "arnp, oOL 1 0 · k d ry 10 sop no trust him 'rh('r e's no Idl er s 1I0W" "ere Buld lind the proe.!e ds ball c li e lIudded us." nl . lind . l'l oll c h pd "Sh e wOllldn ' t dnrl~! " with t h !' Hudso n 's Uuy,comllany . dO\\11 b eHlde him. I wlii t ed II ntil n "="o ? Yo u r e m !' mb('r h e yo u The k een al plea su r e bnl\· r ed wa r ",th s honl' 0111 ac ross tha t book you wrot e to g" l hf-'r at th e money ga\" e m e cam e wb l'll I y aD Ibe SilO'" Irom nil Ih e l ighted wIn· rnncb ?" I b elped In drart: Dg of ,n cu ble do wH o r S l,lte HOll sl' E llre lasb· ·· You know th a I " order f rolT! Ib e ~llIdson s I~a) (o\1lP~ny ed bl s hor ses . :111<1 III ,1 mom ent moro " I r pa d Il Il t S piLl' Ilou se. Sh e had I n London 10 Ilhlt b l and m.lgllltl c o I. bo we hnd passed Inlo th e night again a b N I[J I' r ron I n LlH' bar· r oom wilh manll[(.(>1; Ih~l~ b~.a l: t'h Im~ace III \ all Pr ('se nLly \\ e (·ro~ ~.·d th e Iitll e shul,,. Jes se s lett c' l lI ... r cn l "Y"" IIHI I1NI t'ou, el On! "'\\,1) 8 fer l e thul II o n e. br id ge OVI'r ihlllllrl'll Mile Cr ee k . IIke'marl" happ elle d 10 \\:\11 1 11 parl.s h.llt. n bag Ih"11 s wun g 10 th e I!' f t mt o ('a lll n lll 01 ' ''hNC \\"('S 1'0 lelll'1 .. 1 uut s. and il monk(' y thiS \ :lIlCOIl Vl!r T u) lor s ) ar d . \\ h,l t· Tom. I~e as· .. .. hp IlIl1dl' n '\I1I 1" "r loouHP of I t. alld po t en!., ' c wou ld n"l~e fI pnrl ', I of "IRIIlTII . stllblpd (hI' I pa m. Mr Eu~e and 8('( i ( "Iighl [0 ~~O\\ ho ", J" S H( ' burn · Ih " m "Il.holll the ~ ltghl p.s t. :e.lI. o r 11111)' ~O l sllow s ho\(·I" frum Ih. · burn ed h"r hO [1I1' ~" \bll pl ..' ·h .. was tllplr t~(· tr l ll g iiI/ x ed As t o sll qlll _ llI~ all·1 h."",,1 o ut a \\ :1) 10 til l! deep drilltl:. to o . I hnt II I !Ill I Hu [ I hn t s tlIP . lIli e mI gh t li S \\('11 lI<'kl t:' dllfLed door at I.lw ""a r " lid of th e IIQll,lIllg ' (.! ad " ," 11,,1 11 [ h"Il[' Lltl'm [h I ' A ll'" So h,' r e Is I h e t "I"gram bulldln{( Prese n tly th f' (,11/[II' s!! ~e n · yu r nl' Fhl ' 1' '' : :: iJl 'lll [ h ~ ( o lln l ry . l · rt;l ,·ltI ·· Ihn ·e ~1!Jig ll ~ . ~ a(' h \\ l lh .1111 II' L II R 111 . a nd I 1I1 11ll fl III) w :t v [\\ 0 hll r ~ ... ~ . "Ilgagu t wo r " I ,aIJ I (' bllsh Ihl'o ll g h . 1111' ba rroo[1l allrl ti, " l l1g hall JOSSf' wa " rt ' 11(' 111" I, Ii " I d (1.1 11'0 1'11 lar h o: t h, " IJj ' , 1- 1" 11 " I " ,I! '- II III 110" !(· :" " ~ I "r ~ . "IX mOlllh " gIlM:IIII""II : II , Ih ll ( rflr <l our on \l, (' rt ~ h\. !lo w by ' :,n\' " h , t , m lill II ,. r id ,-" '11111. h(l llil " fn, a nd 1It1 (' l lI j tlHlJ' 1(0 t\ "as 111 1' old I lu l, dn'd ~ l" c ' h j IMt~I1 f' n l· h ·.l f' ·r! n u t T hl' TI ~ h c "HI ' lt l' IIU g ( Ii fJ Tl' ''IOU ~ !'1'q U II P lIl r' lIt s ~ 11I(" d n~ s oulr Ih (' ~ / ' ar!-\ ago, o j bou g ht 1:10 ' . n' s ' r>r r ) 1t .,,1 th" • ,Ib l .. I or J ••" " . ;-;'IIlI h . I O~~1 '-10 I s ! {,I~ I ~ to c a · PO!II 'Oil ' " ss lz (·s. b,II\1 I I[(·I ~ . d a n c(-s. t o ok n"' .i\ [ hI. ("'\\ " II I :I(lr ir r . a nd ., " .1( 111 \\ ilh J)IO\I , IOIl S. I ,,,u," s. a m · \\h"" lh('S!! ro o Ill s Or"lnl1\\uJ \\lIh !';u , h 1: ",; ,," P I " " " ,oil ;'; 11, , (1 ltl '" r" 1 111 11 111111' " lH,ok , <o ll s l g 'H'd [u \\ ." l/I l lt anrl (Or,, ' o ll. /I (t \\ rl a rk . ell :.! t .1 f1 -o~ 1 l ' \ t: r1 t)\ It l H. I lf!,' .U .. 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Get DOAD'. at AD7 Store.


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IMake the Liver Do its Duty Nine limes in ten when the liver I, right the stomach and bowela IU'O right.

. ,..,.


hos bp en rount! Lhat If m etal sph er<;e aro u sr-d. and lh e e l ec trIcIty made t.r Electricians ExperimentIng to Deter. jum'p Irom ono to the other. the fl. mine How'Far the Spark Rult Is more accurale; and s phe,. Can <Il1mp. spar k gaps a r e replnclng tbe needl. point jumps. ny measuring how far nn el ec tr i C EVPII with sph eres to jump fro'll: c urre nt can jump thlougb the air tho athletic el ec tricIty is nol entire!) from one piece of m eta l to another satisfi ed unll!ss eac h sphere Is M b'. el e ctricians can d el ermine the volt. In dam eter as lhe Jump the c urrenl ag e of II current; and Il Is by setting (' ~pecle d to make. With such spherel a. (lurrent to making brond jumps 'and th~ epllrk of a current ot 600.000 volt. u.'.~ n scorlnlJ the feal with a tapo Ilge will break down when the spher.. · rct!af.ure that the very high voltages are a littl e more than 16 Inrhes apan. ulled nowada.ys are ordinarily me... u',~d. But the judges of these atb. Milk' and letle feats have 'recently determined It Is a little known fact that tIM that the ~lectrlelty jumplI 1l1uch more most delighteul mu~lc at tlie preselll surely from' Borne sparks tban trom day Is produced by pla),lng on mUlL ~th"l'15. just as a man Is not likely to The supply ot I\lory nowadaY8 dON jlltnp 80 " 'ell tl":!m a mud spot as from not to a great extent meet tb& de' firm /p:oulld. mand. Strange lUI it may,. Bound. IIkl. , SJlll1'k gapB. all these Jump meaaureB milk fonns a 8ubstitute: ' rt ulld ar• . cailed because of tbe ' gJ'€~~ elec- for makJng the keyboUds Jll&n~ ' :rh~ sparl: th~t Jumpi aero••. ~he ;g.ap. and In"appearance. tbt. hardened 81l~ have been made of- ne.iU8JI6\pta, . ., . stance 18-' hard.ll7 ~Up~b1. " -ta, *-"jlU II,Y~ ~"t; Jt ~ 6 ... :, ~-( _ __ __




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gentlybutfirmly pel a lazy liver do its duty. Cures Co....

.tip.lion, lao di...tion, Sick H ..claehe.

and Di,mea After



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Old·Tlme Method ist Church Bulldlnll At MacLeod, Alta .• weat her coocll. '----------~--------------------' In New York I, to Be Obl iterated . tlooa were excellent all through the aeaaon. Nin ety Ile r cent. of tbe \\'heat Nil"" Yor k.- Th e :'l e tlJOd lst co ngr e· up to Oct. 1st gra ded No.1, th e only -g atlon of o ld Uree n wle h vllIag!!. which No . 2 b eing fall wh eat. The yie ld has bee n Ke lf·s ustalni ng fo r 1, IS yea r s , range d rronl 20 to 40 bushels p er a cre, For Infants and Children. uot wllh s lund lug t ht, fnc t that. 1111' d is· with an average of 28. Oats yielded tr ict hns sln('c bec n OV("Tu n lJ y bu s l· we ll, and barl ey about 60 bu s h e ls. n ess. Is bolrl ing Its Ius I ~e rl"l~ecs 1/1 Inv erary Is Cl n e w district In AlbllrIts Ik' d fu rd St re.·t eh ul"eh, th" II ltl ... tao H e re " ' hea t grad e d No . 2 and r cd bric k Siru cture In II Id t'h Ih e som e ot It we n t ~o bush e ls t o tb e acre. t'o n g l'e ~il l lO ll ha~ worll " i" ,·" Rlnee oa ts goi ng a bout 7;) bu sh e ls . 18 t O. huyi n g bp"n (,o IH I ~mll('(1 to 1I1uke L e Ulbrldge correl! ponde nt says : "In roo m for SUbWllY bu ilding. Th e con · t he Monarc h di st rict t he yield o n s um· gr('gatio n IIIIS or(;a lli ;: NI at thf' home me r fallow Is averaging th lrty·flve of 8a m 'I ,' I \\'ol lnuv e, 11 C'llrpe nl(' r . In bushels, a la rge p erce n tage No. 1 (; I'Pell llll'lI 1' llIlIgt' , III I 0;; , a nd It Is nortlJ e rn." th e Ihl rd (.ltI /'~ ' I'nllK rl'J;a l io ll in :'>pw "J~prln g grains a r e yiel din g b et. Yo rk . ~r than ex pected In th e Mill, ri ver Pro motes Digc s tion,Chcr rru" Sevl.'r ul or I h.·· 1'l"t'SP ll t lI'o rs h lpers, ~trlot , south. A 300 ac re fleld of 11 ~ 5~ and HC51 Co nl t1i ns Jll'i ltJer Wh o ha w' hp' .·1t 111l ' nliJC " R of t h n Ch u rch JIIartlulB wheat ga ve 'I ¥.: bushels. Opium ,)'.lorphinc n or Mtnf.' ra( fOI' mof': IIl i'" iil1 )"ParR , r"('a ll t ho ze n· " Expe rimental fa rm r e Rults on grain Itb or t ill' <'h,,,·, 'h 'H po pul a rity just bl'NOTNARCOTI C 60WO on Irrigated la nd pl nce 'H ed Fi fe' for e Ihl' ( '1 \'1 1 \\"'1 r, ",h " n Ih e fl v. wheat In th e ball ne r pos lll ull , with a .Tohn P . NI'\\'ma It , II hI) lat" r becam R a yi eld ot 59.40 bu s h els p e r a e n' . , Oa t_ b is hop anu (;"/1 (' ,'ul (;rn nl 'R pas to r in yi elde d 132 bu sbe ls to the uc re . th " 1\1 tl"O['oli an IP rnpl,' , drew suc h "John Turne r o f L e tb brlelge grew c ro wds Ihn , It " had \() e li mb In a wi nbluley that w en t 60 lJU Bhda to t he A Broom Corn Grower W ith Fifty D07en Finished Brooms on H i s Wagon . d o w (' \ ' ''1')' RIl nday (''' '' n ing 10 rl'3(' h ncre_ hl~ ,,"lfll t "Red Fire av e ra ges In weight fr ow Th. · prilll' lpul c roll s o f broomco rn aud Ir ll ed' s ~ ar y, h IHI'O\\ ed Ii secon d 60 to 68 pound s. and a t Ros th e rn t he arp ral~e .1 III Kll nsas, Oklahoma and , lim e iw fo rp. planling . Iiroo m l:o rn is Ro uth e rn 11l llI ols, ultbougll tltl s crop " goo d 80d crU ll. Ma rquis wh eat will ru n a s h lgb a s Aperre c l Hemcdy for Conslip.'l · lion , Sour Siomac h , Diarrhoea . p ounds to lhe bU Rhol. w h ll0 bo sample will gro w In ut her 8e(·tl o ns o f th e I Brou mco r u pl a nl s llre ver)' Il' lId er of MarQui s wb e a t a t Arcola w e ig hed ('0 I111tr)' whe re 80t! all .1 c1iumtic co ndl , a lld JJl a k ~ ,th l! Ill us t rapid g ro wt h in Is One of Ilh" Mo st Striking F"ature. Worms .Convulslon s , fe\'cri~h­ no lesll than 68 pound !! to Ih e bushel. lIo us a re ru\·u rnbl. ·. : lIa r m weRt he r . Th ey wi ll no t stand In Grand Impe ri al Ch inese Sum· ness and Loss OF SLEEP Thill varl e ly Is gmd ln g No. I h ur d ." It Is a prof] tllbl .. cru p I! S t h e prlci' I lh e cold or I'arl y s p r ing like com . Th e In er Palace. fac Simile S;gnatu re 01 Calgary. Alta .• Oct. S.-Th e prob- ~er 1011 for th e II r l1 s h us unll y I'anges seed will rot be for e ge rminatin g, or if New Yor k.- Onp. of tli" most st rik lem or handling Albe rta' s big gra in $ ~ 'I . Ot) fo r th .. lowe r g rad f's thai arp. th p IJlnnt ge rminat es th e g rowlh will ~ In g r al urt's In t h E' grou ll ds o f t h e Imcrop 18 beoomlng n se riou s on e. and damaged by weathe r, and lip to SI GU be retllr de d by co nclon ed co ld . there 18 a conges ti on at ma n y pointe a nd ov I' ra J' t he ver y bes l. . i Wh e n In rga a r ea8 a re plan ted th e pe rial s u tum " r Jla ln cf', n bout e ight In southern Alb ert a . One Lh ousand III t he so u t hw es t it If! iJ eC"oml ng mORt co n vt' llient wa y Is to d ivide th e mil es rrom Pcijlng. is tho marbl e c ar8 could !Je u8p.d Immed iately. Tbe 111 01'(' 11Illlurta nt liS a tolla gc c rop u nd , fle ld Into s ecti on s ot IIhou t te u acres C. P. R . pre pnrl.'d for a no r ma l yea r. II Is u ~e<ll (l 1\ co ns id l' rllhle ('x t e1l1 8 f~ er e a ch and pl a nt at Int e rv a l.. of about a while the y ie ld of gra in WU 8 enry. the brus h has 1 UI.' I1 re mo\'ed . 'fhe , we k. Th e n op de mand .. promp t at · wb ere abnol'mal, wi lli an Increuse c! see.1 hUK SlII ull rCl' din g valu e. I I/'mlo n, IU1<l if lid s sys t e m of planlin !; acre age of abou t !!3 p<'r ccn t. TIlt' t wo be,, 1 t y pes ot broom co rn l iS fOllo wed th pre Is no t so mu ch dan Moose J aw. S a s k .. ret u rn9 s h o w g ro wu 111 tho' ~outhw eB t Pllrllcularl y Is I g r of dama ge to tb e bru s h fro m rai n, EXIlC I Copy or W rapper, some re ma rk ublo y l(> lds . th e Dwa rf HlId Lhe Standard , '1'111' I or 1J coming to o rip e. £lnssano. Altu .. S ept. !!5. '1 3.-1odl> !) wa rf is ml,lc h IIk r t! be cau se It g row s In case farm b u nd s are scar ce tb e v idual r ecord c rops -grown in Alb l' r ta onl y fro m fo ur to s ix Incbes hi g h with sc:a rcily II! not so k ee nf~' fe lt , fo r tber e :'\u, .\ Ionw, 1\ gi rl i~I" t nec '3~a r i l )' i Include 1,300 a cr tl .· ld of s pring wheat a hru s h o f fr o m 12 to 20 luche s lon g, : :s not a \"C r y large c ro p that de mandS :l 'I1Olt.-rtl \ 'C llU B iUil t lJ ,· .. au~e she ha ~ ! grown ne nr BaH8a llO whi ch we nt t h lr- hO ll'el'(' r, t lt ls t ypl' Is bf' tt e r Bultet! to o lle ntlo n within a Ile rlod or a few .11. offhl/ lld e d wny . ty·r1ve bus h r ls t o t h e a('re un d w(' lgb. lit(' 8£> II\ I-arl<l reglol\ s ll nd 10 th t' up· : d ay s, A f nw hanu ~ ca n ta k e ca re of e d sixty-six 1l0uiHIs to t he bus h r l. IlI nd" o f t h e broo mco rn spctlon III th e I "o lll ila ra ti ye ly IRr ge Ii Id s and it is W'(l l" nl ~ " "Jlrl 1f'd prom ptly t n)ln ,be hu man . , b t,lJJ\ "" !t il Dr. P~~ry' . \ ·ern l t rUlCfl " De ad. Nobl e , Alta" Oct. I , 'I :l.- AII reco rd I KUll l h" 51. Th (' Dwarf is use d a gn'at mu c h more conl'e nl e n t t ban to pl a nt on man,. farms In Shot ." A ~Y I tor the larges t s h l " mt? nt or g ra in by ' dl'UI III sOll th ern Illinoi s ntHl olh e r th e wh o le fie ld 011 a Single daL e. Weattml Canada in 1913. earne yIelds o n e far mer will be bro l«' il l h l~ yea'r I11l dd l(> s ta tt's whe r e It is gro wll in ' Th e m eth od of plan ti ng Is abo ut th l' .\ lot o r s o c a ll1'd "tl("! .. I)" 1,,11.(\"1'-; 1 bt!lng ",ported . . If tho es tim a te or C. S. l'o ble of :'> ~b l e 'l ~ ", a ll 'lUnlltl l ie s . ; Bam e a s for Ku nir ca rll . Plent In row s hl.h AI 50 buahe!. : nrpo nn\',,'I' ll l· an i of 11nl il th,"' y Us I Royal Ch inese House Boat_ " .... aer... AB hirb Albe rt o . Ilro res corr '('l. ~ I r . :'> obl e , .Tbl' Hoil s ho uld be plowl'd in th e fnll a bout three f et alla rt . a nd tOllr to fh'p ill sr Itt<' s ort of sealldal. ulOObuahelswue bas notifi e d th e Ca nadian Pac ill c Rllli. or ear ly In Ih p winte r so t hat It will , Inches a pun In th " row , 'fb e St an d· I1OUS(' boal . It rests firml y on l h e bo tI I~!!~"~~ distr<cta rec<>rded for in &Omo oata. ...'ay he r e tba t b e \1' 111 h a ve ~5 0 .0 00 r,' IHili us muc h 1II0lst nn' as possi bl e. ard , ,111£1 ' 0 I's lu r!;ll gr ow th . Is pla nted I u rn or t h e lillie lake, a nd th e ma rbl e C ,, "~Io .. RIlIl ('010 1. r:tnno 11 ,,101 nu t 'i{n in- I I I[ SO buah .. l. hr barley tuld bushe ls of gra in , ch le llr !Jurl e y and Abou, two WC{'kR b e fo re plant in g . t h e il\ ro w~ ahf>l ll thr,,!.' a nd u ha lf f~!' t " 'bpe Is 011 (' It her Bl d ~ contai n sLeps lJ."",·- ~I ~ llth n l " t,·o\ t' , u~h 1)1'('»' \ ,,,, ~ Io · from 101020 buo. for fIas. do·.e ';11'es relicf--6c tit nil l> ru~~I .'t. . J. K~ys arrived in the o ats, r eady Cor s hi pme n t \'e ry sb o rt. Is li n ~ h (J nh.l he d i~ l{C d a lld ha l"fo wetl , : apu rt. . Ipa,iill g dOI\ 11 to th " water 's edge.('ounc ry 5 }'t.ara a,gu from l y_ ~ ~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~____~~~~~__ Denm ark w ith vcry little P u pulal' 1>1<! l'ha n ic8. i All In the Family . l:1can lll. lie. bomes tKded. L. And er son Smith . ~' rltln g to a I worked hard. i. now the T I"' II you dolt ' t Ib ln l, II/l ltll s I~ f011t1 owne r of 320 anes o f land._ friend In Lh o Old ('ount l' )' . locntl'd at I l'r hi s \\ i C,'?" in 1913 hKd a crop of 200 l{l\la m. Albe rta , Surs : DCres. which wif) realize him "~(lt so [o n, i as h e Is o r h"r hilS-I Dbout $.,000. Iii. wh. .t "A nyone ta lti ng \II) la nd will fi nd Al Old Fi c tio ,n Regarding Famoua Man . hUlln ." .. oll he d 6SI!... to t he bu.bel be rta an Ideal prod ncfl, The soli is a and averaged over 85 bl&.b..10 sian 11 11 Denled--Not Worth to tho aer e . rlcll blac k loa m , \- a r ~ Ing f!'olll 6 to 12 ' Millions. Did n' t Su it S Mai l Bo y, Thousands of similar in· inches In d e pth . Th e la nd h ere In Fertilizer Should Be Hauled Out Corn Belt Farmers Have Experi- I Afl' ,' s pl' nding !l fc ·.1 wee ks lo ~ t slance. might be rela,ed of th" t his di s trict Is no t wholl y a lle n prairie. home~tf'" adcrs in Manitoba. &.8. 1.0 nd on.--The cl osin g o r Haddon y,-'u r at a IHl t(',rlIlS pial" ' . whPr e he and Built Up in Compact enced Much Loss of Live katehe,,""n and Albena. A t Interv als , som e ti mes closely , som e· q ull to r fear o f th e milita n t s urrra - too k bl s dail l' ~"lIll In tlte open ulr The rnlp t) f 1913 was an abun· tim es Widely s cattt-red, th e re are Heap.s in Field. Stock From Ailment. dant One eVerywh ere in Welltem gp \les has Mtarted th o circula t ion once pon l of war m bui phur "'at pr, :l little Ca nada. s mall plots of poplar an d will ows , ' fl' lI l) w WIIS t h is YI':l1 a l th e sf'as idp . a ga in of a n old ficli on a bou t t b e va lue Ask for descriptive literature and These generally grow round Bome ~l al1 ur c ror s prin g gra in H und eurly Fa r m e rs In th e c orn be lt, es perlally o r th e tapestries in tbat d esert ed man· lD bls li n y ba lh lllg ~ui { he ~uZt'd out redu<;.ed rail way rates_ Apply 10 Bman depression In th e l und . :end tho n' g ~ tnbl ",s musl be haul e d and ~ul\t In tb e middl e aud upp er 11sH Iss lppi s io n. One rid icu lous es tima te s peaks O'ler t h p " asl (lC" lIlI il l ~II (olll' " Superintendent of Immigration, Ollaw >, Canada. or "- snow_ ~rUta. h e re In th e wint e r and 111) In he alJS, co ns is ting of a lterunte vall ey . ha ve. at various period a ex · or the m li S " worth a Qlla r t e r of a Th L' 1I he Jl ro teS \ NI. meltll In the s pring tilling tbee8 lay erg of horse man urI.', cattle manure pe rl e llced 105B or cattie pasturpd o n million ." w. 8. NETHERY. " 1'111 not goi ll ' ilt . Dnl a lll 't \\ill"r Interurban Btdg .. COIUrtlbu. , O h io sloughs (prov luce "slows" ) w it h 80ft uu ll ma nltre from th e hog pene; covel' 8ta nu lng c orns talks after the corn I J\ s a m a tte r o f fa ct t h e Ha ddon ta - f I' boys; tln t's for boa t H. " water. Nearly all th p.s e sloug hs have e ach InYf'r or manu rp. with rich earth ; I1ns beeu harve sted in the autumn . Can adian Govern ment Agent pes t ri e s a1r1l not " aluabl e at all sa\"e Indians First "Cub ists" ( 1) I old bul'ralo twacke to lhem , for It wae m a k ~ Ih e h eap about. e ight or te n feet An ele me nt of m yster y hos B tlr· for Lhe fac t that th ey are genuine old from th em that th e y always got th e ir III wldlh . sl x re et in h e ight and as long rounded the death ot cattle In th e s!! work. Dut th ey are lIot fln c talle s "' S ta r," arl inSlrll cto r In tlt p water, Tbe poplars are very uRetul .. s wanted . The drainage from th e Instances. Th e diseas e Is character- trlc .. a nd Lh e y ha ve no mor e tha n mil' L' ll ttl'd ~tat (\S Ind ian Sl'l" l" it: c, cl a lm~ for building barns and he n·houlles. !Jil e s hould he pumped O\'o r It from ized by n very rapid course; In tac t , aeum worth , and Haddon mak es tbe fit· t tla t "cubi s t" art orlgill a t t'u wi tll t h e Wild 8ras ses a re plentiful , while tame t ime to time. The urin e will Btart very commonly there are no premonl· t esl museum for tbem b e C\~u sc th e re Am(>l'l~an Indian 601)1 ~ .)(\ relll'S ago. CJ1l8I1eJ1. Buch as timothy. brome and fe rm entation and by spring the entire tory fl ymlltomll . and It Is not unusual they stili do some s e nlc e- b elp to Amo ng hIs co ll ecti o n of Indian art , ..eetern rye gras8 do re markably well , mass will bl.'come well rotted and In for the owner upon visiting th e fi e III break Lhe s unk nakedn 68 o f tb old l'lt rS American Art :'> ew9. 8peclme ns flu e condition for 8preadlng In the In th e mornln~ to find one or more tat walls a nd compel th e s pinne rs aud in Ih e common Il gu r" of I.he eagle . -AdverUlement_ d rills for early vege tables or for broad· cattle dead whlcb on th e previou s weavers 01' Lancashire to ijlle nce , won· " ha pe>! square nud to ta!l :; \wllk e nn Caught. ea gle. yet ImmediaLely Imp re ss ing the Whether you are II c'astlng for small grain , e\' enlng \\'(>ro apparently In excellent d e rlng "bow it -was don e." obse rv e r thllt It 1M on e , Which , de· Mrs_ Peck- John Il e nr)" , did you This Is the metbod followed by mar· health _ small town merch a nt A few years ago tbey wCl'e ralllJl g cll!rCH " Lone Star," Is the beigbt of mall that lette r? ke t lIardenera and truckers : A Anoth e r Ilecu\la rlty or the - disease or a farmer. you need J _ Henry- Yes. m y dear, I- - e r- held large Ilart of the manure for tbe truck II that 108se8 may OCCtll· on one farm Into very bad repair and the Duchess th e "C ubist" art. a typewriter. of Rutland ""Isely Baw to It that tbey it In my hand all the WR Y to the mall farmll cornea from the cit)' _ This mao or In one fleld wblle cattle on an adII you are writing were thorougbly overhauled alld re u· Park for Mlllionalrea, bOl[. I dln't e,'en put It In lilY pocket. nure Is hauled during tbe winter and JOining rarm or In an adjacent Held ovated, your letters and bill9 Plane for tbe trans.formatlon at ao J -l'Bmembe r dlatlnctly. be 'allse compoated with leaf mold, dried may be free from tbe arrection, I' normous cost of the H,OOO-acre Palos by hand, you are not getting full MI'II. Peck- Tbat w ill do. John muck. earth from the head lands lind Various Investigators In the past rdes ranch, o.verlooklng Los eflicien c v . Henry. I gave you to leller to mall other vegetable mattel'. Land plaster bave attempted to discover aome germ LEWIS GOOD EUGENICS Ye Angl.'l es harbor and th e CaUlllll!l. chnn· It doesn't require an e xpert oper- Juc.!s.e. Is 8pread over each layer of manure or organism or some toxic 8ubstancl! nel . Into one of the most magnificent to hold the ammonia. The richness which might be determined Ii:! the Tuberculol,l. la Unknown In 01 rt>s ld t- lltlal parks in th o nation for ator to rUII It:e L. C. Smith & Br09. ThIs WIll'DI.... U I\foth ...... typewrite r. It is simple. compact. the Hebrlde.. Which I. of Ibe manure may be Increased by cause of tbls condition, but thus tar ,\ mc ricull milllon aireH. nre being lIoUler Oro,'. Aw.d Po.. M .. fo. Children Now for Sale. "line ...,... rI.II ........ U e"da.c:b •• Bad Sloaaacb, spreading 25 poundii of finely ground the cause ot Ihe disease bas not been mad e . Frank A ' ·al,,] p. rllp of th e comple te, durable. Tee'lIIlcw DI80l"IIer • • ",ove a .. d ...,gutate the aulmal botie meal over eacb loat! of established . Selld ill the attached coupon and i\; atto nal City bank of 1'o;p w York and ...... 411 .. an4 d.llro,. .. orm.. They br.AII up I.JOndon.--The Island ot Lewis. which his al!Bor: latcs re cently pur cha s ed the we will g i \'e especial altent iOll to As death of stock from - this aitec· Ulanure as It Is I>lled , The !Jolle meal OoJd.1D14 bou .. , Tille, are 00 ple,,"Ilul 10 "1l1~D like '''em. Vaed b, moll,,, • • for tlon II! generally Budden and there II! which seems to have been olfered to tm ct for $I , j ~O ,OO O for th'~ purlloA('. your t y pewriter need s . All D'1I11181 •• ~. , 8ample F ...._ ... acts Quicker wh en rotted. /!. number of tr.U Ckel'8 use Ilne little opport unlty- tor treat ment. anI- Mr, Lloyd George :lnd has long been Th o plUIl R a8 Ih ey uo w s tand pro mi se dre.., A. 8 _ Ol",.ted. Le Ro,., N, Y. A,h , ... .. . ". . . .. . . ....... .... 8round Florida rock to milt with the mals sbould not be turned Into fleld for 8ale, would be an Ideal spot to tl> Invo lv o a n t' XllP lHlltll rc of ' ~,I) UO. · L . C. Sm it h i\' H r ll!!l. 'r"'p"wrlter 00 .. New Pipe Cleaner. found a university for tbe study of (1(\(1, t4yn,, ·tl ~ t·. N .Y . man\lre ; Ih e two together Is said to with standlnB.,8talks. r l r u""t' Kt:ll u JUt) j'ou r frre boo'k ~bo\lt For cleaning I11pes used for COil' give a at low cost and of As a matter of tact the disease may practical "eugenics," The custom or ty P\·w ri h 'nt . ..eyIng liquids the re ha s been Invented Bllecial value t. spread In the rows be actually prevented by cutting the putting to death weakly or deformed SKIN CLEARED. • • " ••• • " .. . . . . . . , : PNU.U11' a machine tllat forc es crushed Quart:!! for peall. beans and early corn, stalks early and only feeding them children by "exlloaure." approved by By Simple Change in Food. . t) .. ' 'through Ulem, mu ch 8S bottiea arll ' : 61310 . .. ..... ... . .. ....................... . Manurl! from graln·ted horses should atter they have been carefully cured Plato. tormerly prevailed here. and. wll1lbed. be composted hetween layers of cat- aud removed from tbe neld, Lo8eel nccordlng t o Mackenzie. existed ::Witb'l It has bee n said ty a physicia n that .......... .. . ..... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. ............. ... . . tle or hog manure, heav)ly Illastered, from fAedlng on standing cornstalk! In comparlltlvely modern times. most disease: are the res ult o f Indl" ARE YOU CONSTIPATED? As a .rellult. the ~wlslans are far ges lion.'. ladlllD Vegetable Pills han and top and sides of heap covered emphasize tbe eoonomlc value of cuL· There's uudoubLed! y m ucb trnth ir, proved thetrworth tor 711 years. Test them with sl'l Incbes of earth to prevent tlng the corn and feeding the stalks superior In physique to all otber Is· 7oUI'III)\t now. 8CD(1 (or .. Ulllle to 8i:! "cui 1088 of ammonia. If thrown In a In tbe barnyard or corral, or. beller landers of the Hebrld~8. and tubercu· tbe stntement. e ven to the ca use ot , Do you expect tbem.ometimetomarryt St., New York. Ad •. large beav without being composted sUlI, shredding the elry stalks, under 10sls Is u~lknown except wben Intro· [IIany un l!lgbtly eruptions, whi ch ma uy If so , it is Your Dalr to I.. ach th em ~t the with cattle manuare It will Ore-fang which condition tbey may 1>e red \vith duced by decadent Soutbrons. Lewis suppose ca n bB. rem o\'ed by apply ing p rn pc r (1 Jo:e " holl t Su. H.reeli!, and Marri.,•• M'endlng Stiff Felt. Ie also a prolific mother of Intellectual Borne remedy nn the oul s lde. Hilt" hnl . " hl'll "ud how? Send for FrH .Breaka In surr felt frequently may and a Inrge part of Its value will be the le as t posslhle waste . giants, and has Ilroduced J, A, Smith, By changing h er food a Karl. g irl ;nfcl1"m alioll 10 THE GALTON PRESS. be mended by holding uuder them 11 10Rt. tbe Waynflete professor ot metaphys· was reliev ed of an ecze ma which wus . 311 Maaonic Temple, Cincinnati. Obi. IIgbted match, the b eat causing the Feed Your Cow. Well_ shellao tor sUrrenlnl; to melt and run great ennoyance to her. Sbe wrlt e~ : It somellmes happe ns that farmers Ical philosophy at Oxford, Caponizing Fowl,. together. "For fiv e months 1 was fiuff e rlng I T he large breeds are best fo r cap· are In possession of e xtra good cowa. Olllzing. A. rew mouths old capon Is but not rt-allzlng the amount ot feed HANGS IN MID -AIR TWO DAYS with nn eruption on my fac e a nd "e ,.u,...... , bands wblch our do ctor call ed e C7,('ma I -LIQuid bllle II .. weu. .oluUon. A.014 no better tbun a cockerel. A calX"l r e(llIlrl'd 'by (!OWB giving a large yi e ld. pI' bHL _ft.t'ht ¢rH. "' Buy Red Croll Bill! lJiu •• tho bluo tbat'l \hlle tor r.r,re....... anel wbi ch cau sed Ole n great deal of I they are Boon allowed to sbrlnk in Stu!lent Narrowly Eecapel Death .• n blu.. A d . . . , will morc readt\y put on ral and get ,,"111'1 IIrt f'. 19L\, If. fU. Rlt, .. 80~8. In con\'enl ence, The suffering w a s al· ' la rge and prime after maturity . The milk becaull the feed given does not While Exploring the Grlndel. LO UI8 VII.L1. I. ... n..lfln'_ r.,... Uht... . most unbearabl e. i Undoubtedly a Tip. object of caponizing Is to I!e ruro provide s umcl e nt nutrim e nt. While wald Glacier. "'HI~ " at.bu.a. .. 18M. "Th e m pd lcln e I toolt only gave lIle ''Was It n genuine tip I1awson gave quality and size. but quality ' IR the cows In good condillon can . for 1\ Grlnde lwald. - A s tud e n t named t e mporary relief, One d a y I happe n ed , _____ _ _____ _ you on the .took market?" most Important. Age (loes not Impair time. give more milk than th~ feed pr()"I guess It was ; It made me lose R capell as It does a cockerel. provid- vldes. by drawing upon the fat stored MakoUlch, wbo w as making an ex. , to reud so me wh ere thal (> CZelllll wa3 illY balance," ed the bird Is IIOt kept longer tban a In the body' ye t Ir the grain Is not curslon or the Lower Grlndelwald gla- caus ed by Indiges ti on. Then I I"I:a 1 , gradually Increase d as the cows lose c1er. fe ll i nto th e I..utschlne gorge ; tha t m nny pe l"80nS had been r e lieved \' year and a hnlr. . Un RolDAn 1tre B"I ...m for 8."llIln" ACII' Capons wll1 bave to mature bef('1re In body welgbt, there will 800n follow Thlrty.four feet down be was caught of indi ges ti on by eating Grape-Nuts. . .Uon ID e:ru lind IIIOammaUolI or . ,.. .nr tbe-y can get mucb fl e sh. aud tor that an ' abnormal sbrlnkage In lIIBk now, orr a projec:ting point of rock. on which _ "1 decide d to try It. I liked th A - ~I" . Adp. reason they cannot be sold while and also a decrease In the QU RlIty of -b e remalUl!d Buspended. He was only taste of the food and was p ar t! cula~I Y i mjlk ylQlde d. discovered two daY8 later by chance, pleased to noUce th at ill Y d iges t 1011 I One of. Many. young_ and. atter being hauled up trom bls wae hn\lrovlu g lind that th e er u pti on I ", ~rl~gll-ROgerS 'clnlmB tl) be an ae' ll<tr.l1ous p~lsltloh; wa8 brought to Grind- was disapp earing a s If !Jy mu ~i c . I Mongrel Geeee. '. nOlUc, doe8n't be? 8011 Fert\ll~y, • had at las t found, in t his great food, Tbe mongrel goose la gtmeralty the e!wald: ' Grl,gS, Only aa to .religion ; &8 Ul Fanne rs must learn -the baale prln· He was lIerloualy injured and great. something that reach C'd my trouble. llr eQUilnlr else h~ !:mows It all. . clples of 8011 fe rtility, When ' we have result of a mat1~g Jlet)v~en a Canada . A,' "When 1 find "II. yl()tim of tbls e,IDlc' to ' soUs" and . to p~der and som,! :d,;,rk'" colored dOJDes· l~ exh&Ul!ted. "" Uon 1 femember my own forme\' suf· tlc. usually ' an Afrlca;n ol"a.~ ' . . , .1lb,oillihc)rlii.e, ba ve terlng lind advise a trial of Grape-Nut. . u,aUa; , I~' Is dlmciult-to tatt~n~UJqngrtlle food Instead of medicines." mecol!d~e~t~~~ co~e:8~rh Name given by Postllm Co., Battle Mich l Read t The Road to ' tn 1>kgs. , .·~ There·'_ 110 .L\.'~'""J.... ,~. ,i.lIe. .... ~e .



The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of






For Over Thirty Years











The Typewrlter · for the Rural

BUSl" ness Man






Have You Children?









II",","" I~. tbGe

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.IPersonal" ..... ----..-...-._.,- .... ..-.. Mentionl

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l1 14.' \ \ II I

illd u\\

~~ I I .111j.

8p eei!lls for Friday, Saturday

COLDEN SUN COPFEEThe Best Coffee ~old a nywhe re at 30c. With each pOlino we will g ive 600




3Ocapoundcash . Tryapound of this good coffee and help your favorite Booster at the same time . 25lb. Granulated S11gar 4 Cans Ohio Corn 81b Dried Peaches lIb pkg. pure Cocoa 31b can Peeled PeachC!l

$1.15 25c 25c 25c 10c

Get our prices on Maple ~y ru p Cans, Lard Cans, Leather and Rubbe r Soles, New Kit Fish, New Buckwheat. J ersey Sweet Potatoes. Cabbage. Celery. Sweet Oranges. Apples

It pays to trade at

The BoosterStore '"Wlldom

of Solomon. The reason Solomon II!, called the ",I.est man 18 because he n'ever tried to tell each of hIs wIves that she was the only woman he ever ioved.-CIDo1DDati &D4J'·.rer.

ombining·. a&~ill.~SS. allJ'


INg:to~J\ :avery

fanner who owns an Indiana Sil~ baa found that it is the beet businesa deal

0--- -------..-. _.-..

I{e olu liolll:l in llll'm n ry o r I3 rother Isaac EVllll I\ ey:'l . w ho d it'd J an ua ry 9. IVI4. ,J. W, Whi te i:; in lJaylon today. "L<>a vei; hav e the i l' Li m • tu fall. a n I fi o \\-e r~ lp wi t he r, at the north wi nd " Mrs . Sa ra h Zimm erman wus Il ('ol d bl as t. uut t hou , llh I) eath~ ha l h Da~ Ion \' i ~' to r Tu esclay. al l seas.)ns fo r th ille 0\,\'11 . " OIiCe' If you wanl ll ~~ , )od I~e rti l izer cal l aga in a u ro tbe r ,\1 aso n, IHI\ illg ' , '111, Chn:,. I"ry(', plh,n c 1!l l · L I· S . , "l eted t h,' dt'si).!l1s wri tte n for him 11 '1 li fe 's l rl'>;slc uoa l'd . ha!:l pall31'd 111'rlw rt l :d wards . o f ()ay t oll, was l hrough t he IhJ na l" o f Et ern ity a nll a \'i ~ i to r at hi s pn rl' nlal hOllle Sunday. nl.' red til\' (~ r.:m d Lod gf! IIf th ::--l. ·w .J I'r llSa lclll a nd hath r eceived . '.L"I h i ~ r ewa rd, th whit· SLOne wit h a ni'\\' narn e written thereon. Anll Wh e rea g. Th e all -wi 5(' an d merciflll MUllte r o f tn e uni verse has cal led from lau(lr 10 refl'cshm('nt ou r beloved and res pec t ed broth er. And Whereas . li e hav ing been a tru e 8n(l faithful brothe r o f ollr beloved Ord er, the re for ue it Resol" ,"'d, 'l'll a t WaYIlesvl'lle Lollge No 1(i3 F & A M Waynel:lv ille . . . ., ' Ohio. in te:ltimony of he r loss be draped in mourning for thirty days . and that we t ender t o th e family of our deceased b r other our llin ce rE condolence in their deep atllicti on , and that a copy of these r es olutions ro ll·s . T . Ie ~ lIl iL h anti children. bp Rent to the fami ly . Broukv ill e. a n' "i,;iting- Warr 'n Bar,}. E. Janney ) n etL a nd falll ily . J. F . Cad",:,all ade r ~ Committee C. M. Hobltzer ) M rti. Ann i!' O·;o..Jcall and Mrs. W. 1::. ()' Nea ll we re :;hIl Pping- in incinDEATHS nali la!;t wcr k . L



.. -----

Mrs. Margaret Lippincott, an aged lady of near Harveysbur~, di ed at her home Saturday evening. Mrs . Lippincott was a pioneer resident of that place, and was respected by a ll who knew her. The funeral took place Monday morning' at the home of he r daughter, MI·s. Ed Reason. at Harveysuurg . Interment in Miami cemet e ry.

... - ..


Perfect machlnes only, complete outflt, DOU"DIC extra to "UY. no strlOlfs of "cy hInd to tbls oller. Just thInk of bU}'lng such.. typewriter fore montbs. only 11.75Thoulmnds down ncdof 12.00 montb for Ov l)eOI)lca bne paId 1100.00 cub for Smitb PremIers. 1~ la Stftnd.rd. by manY consIdered the beat typewriter ever buUt. A key for CBch cb."" IUlter. a type brush for cleanlclr the tYlJe


complete. It runa bellutlfully, 16 Simple and ItrODjf and will last a lifetime. We bue 801d bundreda of lIko macblnes acd everybody 18 latlafle4. Oob' 811 TODAY ord..n will. be 8URE. Oiled on tht. olrer. ACT TO D£ Send 10ur name now, TODAY. You D.n'~ loose. and lUI tbe greBtest cconomtcaL tYpewriter opportunity )'ou will ever bno.

Na;tlonal T~ritcr 11'-~

at R. '" r Co. ........

' al. . . . . .,.. R. 4,IcaCIe IIlq.. DaFtoD. 0

Elme r Roge l'~ W II~ call ed to Centerville Monday on a ccount of the seri ous illness o f hiR s i~t e r. Eve rybody want.s Monday to be a da rk day, ~o that Mr. G round Hog will not ~ee hi s shadow .

------.- --

A Typewriter Sensation

NAME AND ADDRESS ~d' A~<:I:kE «i~~R::~A':::

He v C. ~. {;rausc r attend ed the fUll e ral o f Il ishllp Waldpll, in Cincinnati Monday.

Born-·To Mr. and Mrs. J O!l, Compton. of near New BU1" lington, died at his home Monday Peterson , on Route :{, Friday, Janafternoon" after a short illness . uary 23rd, a d a ug hter. The funeral will take place today, Miss Lillian ~arqual'. of Midnleat I o'clock from the Caesar's Cr eek town, is t he gu est of her s ister. Mrs. Meeting House. In terment will be J e~s e Burton and family. made at the same I>lace. Geo. Walerhou ~ l:'. of Logan Rpo rt. --Ind , arrived home Friday fo r a Z W. Pl\ulzel. t,f Indiana. died couple of week' laY·I)IT. sudd enly at the s ugar camp of Amos Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards DeHaven. near New Burlington move(l Tuesday to their farm, lately Monday. H e drove over to the camp from Lebanon, and while sitting and vacated hy F W . Hathawa,. chatting with the men. suddenly ex · Miss Clara Lil e , of Xenia. was the pired . Mr . Pa ulzel bought a lot of g uest of Rev. ami M rfl. J. F. Cad. lumber thr. ugh this section some wallad er Saturday and Sunday. years ago. The body will be taken Born- -To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. to Noblesville for burial. F isher, in Cincinnati, Sunday. January 25th, a son. Mrs. FiRher is a New Burlington niece of Mr. W. H. Allen.

Ohas. D. Oook


Mrs . C. S , Grauser wllSin n~m Monday visiting friends.


I3uy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, wh o hahdles Milson' S the best. Mrs. Fe lchan and Mrs. Clarence Marshall, of Cincinnati, were lhe g uests vf Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marshall 1l1l!l wee k.


Your Opportunity

Mrs . Po L. Thomas and Mrs Jason ::>heeh'an received a telegram Thurs; day anll ouncing the death of lhc'ir :\1r~ . S. I.. Cal· twri ~ ht apd Miss mother, Mrs . Wm . Val e . at Sm ith l\ izz il' M(' r r ilt wC're in Ilay tun 'I'u es- fi eld , Oh io. Mr. and MI S, Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan attended the day . fllrw r al, :wh ich was he ld at SmithH,) rn - To Mr . a ncl Mr~ . Hen Srnil h , fie ld Sunuay . on I,u u tc I, Sunday , Januar y ~ ;l, a Mr. J. M. Mulford will be one of d a ug hte r , thl' sneake rs at the mid·winter mee tMrs (; . W. Ha \\,k ... and dau g hte r. inl: o f the Buckeye Press to be held MiRll ElIlma, wprc flhll)1ping- ill J)ay- a t Akron , O1lio , Feur uary 1!) ·21. t on Friday. ~1r , Mul ford's s ubject will be "Legal If you are ~ ()iTlg to have a Hale, Adve rti sing- OpinionR o r Law." At gee A. A . M·' Neil . Cpnt erv illl·. Ohio. t he ~>arne m eeting Mr. !:Iarohl Pau ley a Warren Cuunty hoy. but now of both p hU Il C'H. Troy. Ohio. wi ll speak on " Su bsc r ip· SUj!dr' lll " k.'r,.: al'(' hll ,.:tl in g- arolllld lion Gelting." ll et ti ng- l'l'a dy I \I " )1(· 11 lheir r amps - --. - - for thl' :>eason, WIl.L RUN THROUGH TRAINS

he ever DIJlde and the greatest pleasure of his farming experience. It not only al!ds 60% to the net profits of the dairy and feeding pens but it also saves all the hard. unpleasant work of winter feeding. Mrs. Sarah Haydock is the guest We have an especially attractive propoIiUon to make to you now-one tllat win of relatives in Wilmington . enable yon to get an Indiana Silo in time A Farmer's Institute will be held for next faU's c:orn crop and to pay for it here february 9th and lOlb as it pays yon. Let us tell you about it, Roy Reeves and Claire Ewing were married in Wilmington Thursday of Harveyabul'8, Ohio. last week Th ey began housek€'eping in Dr. Fudge's property. Being popular young people they enjoy the best wishes of the entire community'. Mary Icenhower who has been quite sick with typhoid pneumonia is improving. A brother, Albert. is now confined to his bed with malaria. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs ChllS. Icenhower. Joseph Compton, one of the oldest men in the neighborhood died at his home sou t h of town Monday about noon. Funeral services will be held at 1 o' clock Wednesday. A lumber man Mr. Pau]zell. of TFPewrlter at a82.311 I.... t.lll.n tbe "mnu- Noblesville. Ind, who was well·. lowest, tllo tory prlcu, known here died suddenlY in the sugar camp of Amos De Haven Sun· day. He had driven from Lebanon anci on his arrival at the camp com· plained of feeling ill. He lay down on the rough couch near the furnace and when Mr. DeHaven went to him a few minutes later he found him dead. The remains were taken in charge by the McClain undertaking establishment. Never before bas.l>c:rthlng IIk o thIs been --- -a~~emPtod. Dealers lfetl3.00 .. month rent lur thia make of macblne cO.t neMly as perfect li S SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS tbe oce we will send IOU. and YOU PIIY ocly' TWO DOLLARS A MONTH AND OWN 11'.


Mrs. Alice Alcorn arid da ughter. of the.Friends Home , a nd he r guest Miss Emily Alcorn, of Pitt.'lburg, were in Dayton l~riday. Mesdames J . A . Funkey, Cynthia Evans. Edith Harris and Lina Devitt attended t he f'ederation of Women's Clubs in Cincinnati tod ay. Miss Cheney Haines, a former Xenia lady, who d;ed at a Toledo hospi tal Saturday. was buried at her old home at Bellbrook Monday. We have a fine line of valentines and val ent ine post-cards and cumics, anywhere fr om X c up lo $1. See our display before buying-. W. C. Phillips. Mr. J. O. Cartwrig ht w 3.S t a ken quite s;ck with ple uri ~y Saturday and had to leave his work and go home. H e is uhle to be about at present. Chief of P olice Sm itl), of Xenia, has b een . stl spended because he would not take the civil service examinati on. There will probably be a suit broug h t to decide, the matter. We will give you th e g reatest bargains in any Shoe in our large stock you eve\, hea rd of. City cut prices are not in ie. Mail order houses could not. hold a candle to our eut rate. Joh n A . Funkey.



1000 Extra Fine •


The Commerci al· Tribune of last week says that th e D. L . & C. and t he L. and N . will run trains llOth ways daily beginning the fi rst day of Fehruary . The magnates of both of t hese ronds we re in Cincinnati last week conferring on the matte r. and t he understanding i.:! that Ihe traine will maintain a through service beginning on that date A new train service is needed on this road, a nd thIs i:! thought to be the way of mak ing the road of more, benefit not only to the own ers but the traveling . p ublic as well. If the traflic justifies, othe r trains will be added to the service , making it one of the best roads in the country A new time table will shortly be iss ued

--------- .

•• ••

CUT AUGUST 1913 : :

From home-grown Timber


W. H. Madden &Co.


- - -..

The central and southern Ohio .'·i'_______________________ I ..zIII!IB ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sunday School workers will meet at Columbus February 5th to participate in a grand rally. Th!,!re will be several noted s peakers present from all ov'er the state. One of the SUb-, jects will be the relation of the chu'r eh and Sunday School to the newspaper, thus bringing about a cioselr understanding between the pre&<> and the church. Judge Alex Boxwell, county superintendent. will be one of the speakers.

- --

Ftlrms For Sale I have several farms listed with me for sale. If YQU are In the market and want to occupy o'n e this year, see me at once as some of these will soon be rented.

- ...- - -


Roy -I rons

CORNELIUS-COPSE' Mr. D. R.. Cornelius was married to Mis,'.1 Inez Copsey in Xenia last Wednesday afternoon at the resi denc~! of the Rev. Sullivan They are r.egidents of Spring Valley. but intend to go to housekeeping on a farm near here. .




Nul lee I.


that a. petition wil l Wun,()11

Monday, February 16, 1914 praylug "" I 10 0 11I~' ln g out tlllli est ablishIng IIr It Coun t y Honu Ull 'ho lollowlng lI uo Lowlt; lIog iuuln" at /l poin t In JIIgti St. oxtended (rolll Waynes vlllo /lutl jUlIt North West 0 1.1 lie Nm·th Wos t COI'I){)rntllJu liDO or WnS'nllllvlllo IIUlI lIIovlng Ih"",·o plU'IIl\ol 1·0 Bnll outsldo or Ruld cOl'])Orntlo'l lillONurth EUlorly through I.ho lnnlls 01 0. l Ellward•. J. O. Keys a.1I1 Phlllp lJ opk lu" 10 n po lut Ilt tho Imel'lloclinll uf 1"rllnl(U" 1/0l1U nuJ North St. 'nllll tburo oUlll llg belllg n tllsliUJoo or uoo loot moro IIr

loss .


12. 19 U

O. J. EUWAun s . j'rlnclll(ll Petltluner

Wi sdom and Mercy. As the fll'st rule or wl allom Is "lmow thyself"- n1t.houg h .It ha pp ell s to be the most dIm cult ()!l e- so the first rule ot m ercy con:;i:; ls In b eIng can· tent with oue's lot, alt hough ·Lhl s Is just li S dlmcult ; Hull ou ly such n content nnd pnclt1 lJ (\ Ill Rn w tl\ be girded and stron g to cxt(lIl11 mol'cy to othere. - John Huslcln .

---_.- ..---

h o rah .~

he I'rc:KlIltt:u to 1100 Comml ssloner8 o ( Co unty UL th"lr ."""Iou


... ...---



Notice to Farmers

The Waynesville Canning Company is now ready to 'contract for co rn at their offices. at Waynesville and ORTHODOX CHURCH Corwin. Ohio. J. F , Snook. Manager . Friends Orthod.o x church February Ro} h ons . Ass·t . Mgr. 1st. Subjeet "Courtship, marriage --~- .""' --and divorce." This we ueslre to make an especially helpful service to younl~ people. Services at 10:30 a m. A. E. Wooten , Pastor. The undersigned will sell at public - - - +-...- -HAD DAIRY BARN INSPECTED auction on the premise... the real estate and personal prop~rty of Ann Th~! Waynesville Canning Co's McCune, deceased. on dairy barn was looked over by an Thursday, January 29, 1914 illspeetor from the State last week and everything. Wall found to be i~ beginning at 1 o·clock. excellent condition. In fact, . the The farm contain~ 131 acres, sit· inspeetor claimed that the barn was uated 3 miles so~heast of Harveys· a rival of the famous Hartman barns burg, and 2 miles south of Jonah's Run Baptist church, 'in Clinton near Columbus. Gounty. This farm is well improved, has good nine-room house , g ood ST. MARY'S CHURCH barn. is well watered and is a splen· 4th Sunday the ~piphany. Febru- did farm. Appraised at $100 per ary 1st. Sunday School at 9:30 a acre. m.. lLesson. Our Lord Feeds the Wm. Mills. Auct. Multitude. Sermon and Holy Comi E. R. Dosler, Arlmr. munion at ]0:30. The public is cordially invited to these services. --Do yon read yonr own or your EYE WAS CUT .oUT nelKbbor8' Miami GalPUeP


The "Yankee"

Fire-Kindler Does away with ch ips . . Does away m oking " kindling wood." Does. away with' ex plosions." Saves ils price every month. Sold by




Chester Mallow, 20, of near Xenia, Couldn't Place Them. had all eye cut out while cleaning Little Jessie, used four, who was Waynesviile, ; Ohio. Mr. Clarence Bentley received milk bottles. the bottom flying out, qalte familiar with a pacle of cards. w ord Monday evening of the serious and hitting him in the eye. waa taken to chul'ch fol' tbe first time, _ _ _...~__ • i She was very much Intorceted In the illneSs of hi!! brother in Xenia. and All Kinds of h t t' Id b per lataln'ld glass windows. which portrayt a an opera 10':1 wou e Servants Proved Faithful. ed h dllr I h bllli f or me'd t 0 day • t e to the erent SB nts of t e e . In the Days of 'I'error during \:h 8 Much amusemlint of tboBO . French revolution, when one man wa. seated by. and very much to the cha' I' . Mrs. U G. Whetsel has returned denounced by another as an act of reo crtn of her mother, Jessie sBld, 'In a home from Roswell. N. Mex ., where venp;e, It was rare Indeed for the BU- stage whisper : '''lell me, JIlother, ta send a representative to this meeting. she with Mr. Whetsel has been for thorltles to receive Bny Information they kings or jacksT" . Secretary Herbst says: Don't fail some tl·me. Mr. WIle"sel WI' II ra- from lIervants, though It would have S t "" Id - - -... - .. UCCl'!lSOr 0 to have your Board send a member. main there for some time yet. been t he easiest thing In the wor !'I"ure It Out. u or to have the entire Board come. tor'a servant smarting from a sense The fOllowing quaint excuse WIU f80 F; E,. SnERW90D. Th'18 IS . your mee t'109; come and rnak e We wI'11 place all our Ladl·es." Low of Injustice to have aent his master to celved bv , the Nordl London ' magi.· trate from a defendant the other hday: Over Postoffice . ' . worth somethomg to a II 0 f UI. W e Cut SHoes on Sale ala Ip'".. prl·ce. You the glilllotine. •- _ ....-~.'--__ It -. b I ' • tllfT.-'"'I:IC)rY canot.apear has I ~" I~l:~ , Office ,Phone' 77.' waQt a Constructive. not a Destrue- can aff~rd ~o . uv severa palr8. EntertaInment .for All. . . ,'. .. tive meeting, evep if it Come look' at: ~hem. We ,must m~e ._ "A Ilretly girl can 'a Jot of .~~ I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!~!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!~!!'!\'!~~~~~~~~~{; we have to oppose some leg:is~llti~)I' I room for s pring factory ~mck :~, Cos~ ·to!:taloment out or her ~iTor." o~ w~jch seems at this time to be not:in ',tl1b 'Q ueetionJhis time, itis· '3erves ,l1n ~b~ge. " " ~~I ," So. ~ Qr '. Il 'WM, j The annual meeting of the Ohio State Association of School Board Members will be held at Columbus Thursday and Friday of this week. Ohio Is facing a radical change in h er Beh Id h . 00 co e at t e present time and every school board ought to be interested enough in the matter to

,,D... ~.'~, A~.;WayD~!"~, 'Oblo' .m~advi-.fied,

Insu RR ne E

A. B.. ChandIer. . . .



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~:··i~x-t-y-~r~'·i~ft~h~,~·rL-'~{-l·----------------------------W--A--Y-N---------~----------------------------· . - ---------------------------------~-------------ESVILLE, OHIO, WE.JNE3D;. . ···


+ ..... ..-.~--------.

I Former Citizens ,



Messrs Alf IlU\l ill and .John Cruwder took over t he pwpriclu rship of th e Kdte rin)! hote l Sunda y. Thi s hOLe l i ~ the uld cst II lle ill Hann ib<J l. anu ha:; beNI run hy th e l\ e tt e rinJ!~ for over thirl y years. The lI annibal Morning J uurnal ha:; the follo wil'g to ~ay of MI'. Dak in: "Ther e is l1ut a gen tle man in North Missouri bet· ter known than Alf. Dakin. who f " r many years was traveling salesmun far a tobacco co mpany. anu is ac · quainted with almost all th e travel· ing men in the state. IIe will have charge of the hotel." Mr. Dakin is a brother of Mrs G. W. Haw ke.



Mrs. Eliza Beam, an old resident of Waynesville but who has been living In ,Dayton for several years, died at the home of her daughter there Saturday. The death of Mrs. Beam followed an illness that became serious only two weeks ago. While she some· times suffered from the usual infirmities that attend advanced years, her health was-excellent most of th e time. She was up and about the c::hnu~til forced to take to her bed. In fact, she sat up for a time un Friday. Mrs. Beam had r~si <led in this city about ten years, living at intervals with her two daughter.s here. She was a familiar figure in the ~outh­ eastern part of the city where she made her home with Mrs. Lacy in recent years. Her robust hE.'alth and her splendid memory were consid· ered remarkable for one who passed the alotted span of life over twenty years ago. . She was born ' in Camden, N. J ., September 22, 1822. After her marriage to Samuel Beam, she removed to Lytle, Warren county, Ohio. Here she lived most of her life. Samuel Beam who died leveral years ago was a iarmHr in a small way. It was after his death that Mrs. Beam came to Dayton to take up h~r residence with her children . Left to mourn her dellth are two daughters, Mrs, Emma Lacy and Mrs. Amanda Sheets, of Dayton, 14 grandchildren and 30 great grand. children. ' . Mrs. Beam was a quiet. motherly woman'devoted to her family. She spent the IllSt years of her life in peace and contentment among her children. Being unable to read very mueh becauQe of failing eyesight, she still co~tlnued to do some 'sewing ana fahey work. Onlv a few months ~rore death she finished a quilt, fUlleJ"al tOOk place .~t the home Monday afternoon W• .Mueller,



, 1 ':\ .




TELEPHONES SUFFER Friday night's wind . storm was a severe one, not only locally, but all over Ohio. The wind did the most d am age to the:telephone and electric light wires. SlJme cities were I'n darkness on account of Il'nes bel'nO' .. blown down . Traction lines in many places also suffered badly. Terrell Macy has been busy putting the telephone lines in shape, In some p Iaces the poles are almost down and general havoc all over town and the country was the result of the wind storn,. SHE WAS TIRED OF UF E Mrs, C. N . Cluxton . of Wilminl:' ton. committed suicide last Monday even ing at her home by hang ing herself in the wood house, In a note left to her husband ~he said : " Good-bye, love to all. I am t ired of the monotony vf life." Mrs . Clllxton wa s a lady beloved by all who knew her, anel her taking he r own life can hard!y be understood by her friends. Mrs. Cluxton"S maiden name was Evalyn Hiatt. and she was a member of the Friends church at Wilming. ton.




I :ul:k~


I ~--------- .

Social Events


, ( II (k t .. l.p r I. Ii-.:!Ii. in \'11 "1 : t lwn' nllnl' IIltn the, e - - - - - - - - - - - - e h'lln.· [O r .Jl '';~ t' and 1: t=b~'lT a Hin g ' . , . . I MI"" Lm ma Il cl)!hway ate dinner I,all' .tli . 1 i>; t\J)' daug-ltler. Margar ct ' C' I . I ' I II t I I II ' h i ' 'I ,"')un( ay With Mr. I ). L. Cran e and ,UllIn . . ,, ·ps''' '. . . flm !n\{ . tcntll!l . r I f arnl'1y. 11\ 1', . whll'h In) :;~I"1l " he tdl eJ , ibl' ln g j tof a ha Pl' Y an, l cheerful di ~po~ i ti on. : I{ ' 1 M , J F C I II I 1' lId l' r t h,·ir k,\·illg. watchful cure l I I,P\I"t funl(1 r~t' ·t·' ' . 1 al wa ar e r . . I l' Ig- IllY en e r alOl'u the (;~zette ~h, ' t~r"w oil 1I V "l lll~ )!lrlh .,od and /1 ' f l' lIe~1 Iay evening with a ' . • O,,)CC' orce lOr IJIIl!' \" ''1rs ~ h e came \ /. l I a llh l' ag'l' . . IC rto a cu nc e r L. \·(·.· l WIth ht: r p nr(, IIL~, tw o b ro Lhe r ~ alld '\\' 0 ,j .;ter,;. i II a sLage cua·h. makinJ::' thi :; al~fI th ei r hum e duringMiss Georgia Hadden ente rtain ed J. B. Chapm an has purchased a li llY )"!lIr I-'e ni li zl· r (I f (ha:;. Frye. t.he jU U rlll')' whi"11 lasled si lt weeks . at dinn e r Satu rday Mr . Lee Barley. new automobile, whu h :.l hd l l~R lsu n ·" 110(· he", l . ('ru:>~ ing- tlIP Sllsqu C'hannn and Ohio of Denver , Mr . and Mrs . W . H. riv ers 0n a fe rr y. I.·uused hl'r e x Lre me A lie n. MiflS Lizzie Stewa r t a nd Miss Mrs. J . H. S mith and Miss Mattie C'. n. I :enlic·y wa<; in Ilavttl n fri g ht. nml great anxi ety as t o a Olive McCollum. r ue,.,,! :}' \\'i lh a carl oad 'If h'J)!s·. Cook were In Daylon Tuesday. safc l all d in ~ un the other side . --C;oin~ t.) Wayncs\·ill e . he r father Mr. and M r~ . W. H. All en enterMrR. Henrietta Hopkins is conva· J\Ir: . W:ll tl'I' J-:l z('y Anti S"TI. I" 'n. Ie..'!ci ng after a prolonged s ick spell. :letll. \ \' ( ' 1', ' ;.h" l'pi llg ill . "' Il i'l S:ltur. ~ tuJl"f;'d there ov cr nig-htlooking f ur I (ai npd SUllda~' ~ t .Ii nner in hono r of n Illral iOll f il l' b usiness. hut not beini:' Mr. Lee h arl !:;y. 'I t ·Denve r. Col. day ,Select your wall paper now before '.·nti n ·l y sa tis tied hc j.o urn e~ed back ITh '_ se pre~ellt w ere: Misses Georgia the assortment is bruke n. J. E. J an · I f you [tn' I-:I.ilH: I .. It,LVC : 1 -<a ll'. I he next day to th e IIWe vlllage of. Hadden, Lizz ie Ste w~rt and Letitia ney. :i"I> A. A. \1" !\:('il. (·,·I II,·I'\·i,,\· . ()hi ('. I lanl('y slllJrg . wldch was attracti\'e ' Me « ay. II h bll th "h ulIl·:'. to hilll on acro un t (j f the pictu res"ue I' - ---+ - - - - Mr" Chas. Cornp., w 0 has lwen '1 POM N quite ill f or so me t ime. is s till \'cry ~ ·.. ncrv and rich ferlilesoil &u rrouud· 0 A GRANOE \ ·all'llti n.·,:. \·;tI '·lIt iIH· 1,, ' <; I-.. a ~, I .::I'lllg' II. •. so wit. I1 Im' liltl e flock he I sick . Rnd ctlll1 ics fr olll • J I' up (I) $ 1. Last Saturuay the re was pulled I I locat cd in thi ;j liUlr village. oft at Morrow one of th t t Vl'rv 1')";" .\'. ( . II :1 al.. :it' , ' t Jl'm H('rl' Margar et Wll-'l !'loon taking " e grea es Mr s . Anna Henkl e, of Route 5, II' I' I'I -i'''II' ' I . Pomona meetlngs It has ever been was quite illla:;t week, but is mu ch ...... :1( \'fllltagc uf attendmg sc hoo l three . . better now. . i lllOll l hQ of th e YC'lr in a littl e 10 , our priVIlege to attend. The day [ r Y" I) W;I lIt t fJ ('''J ' ')" a h(' art}· I 1 '1 . h : g I being so very inclement with rain _I I " . sc )t.o louse Wit It.'l g r eased paper ' Mr Cha.'l Com II took Mrs Ralph Inll ~ J t r,n l Ill I S~ Ih ,· 1'1'311 1< A' I VIn . d dn t d b I Isnow an d sleet. there was just as Mille~ Mi~ Martha O'Nealla'ndMI' Ll'(lna rd (Ollll·r!y \ to . at t lt p Opl'ra ' \I ow Pflhnfes . tal ~t u 'tYt ent~l es many as possibly could be accomo · . . H ., I' I onl-{ enoug- (,r lrC'e 'o 31 oge .ler . uu::;e ll l:l \\'l' ' , . Ther' '!hc r ecei ved n m eagre eUuca~ dat ed, otherWise there :-V 0uld have A. Maffi t to Day tun Friuay. .. . . . been such a cr owd that It rould not lmpr ovlng' It III after yea rs by h b 'd d . Mrs . A. J . Wnllll'ry n ' lllrllc d to lIOn. Mr. Lee l3arley. of Denver. Col.. reading-. which she a lway~ enjoyed . ave een provlke fadr, As I t hw~ t was t he guest of his s ister. Mr~. W. her hom c in Culum bu s Saturday . l :rown to womanhood she met and I every sea was ta en tln every c air H. Allen, from Friday until Mond ay. after a weel,s' viH it with h<:~ si"t cI·. waHunit ed in marriag-e w ith Jdseph at the table filled yet no one crowded Mrs . Isabe l Bayhan . · · co t t N ovem b er 12. 184G . out. I I . I...lppm Th ' hI" Mrs Harry Karch and Mrs. H. W. thll !-l lakin~ liP a new mission in life , f the occasIOn was t k e :~ mlOatlOn Cleaver , of Xeni a . are the g u e!-!ts of I Mi ss Anni e 13r nwn rail I t ' down frum that of making a ne w home. which 0 Ke two years wor 0 roo WarMr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley today. Xen ia Saturday. and w('n t f r om her mi ssion was lovingly filled. ren eye as Worthy M~ster and the to Centervil le , to vis it Mrs . Nannie years Sh e was a f'al' thf u I mo th er t 0 f our effort!! and . labors of hiS two . Mrs. Elijah Compton arrived home Kendall. who is quile il l. ua ughters and three 90ns. grand. blossomed lo beauty on thiS last oc· Friday, after several week s ' visit casion. The Bentley Br os. r eceived wo rd mother tCI twelve and great grand· with her daughter, Mrs. Seibold, of this week that their brother. who has mother to four. and loving home and The experiences of this position Middletown. together with others of a similar naJust passed through an operation at children so devotedly. made her a Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, Mr. Xenia wa.'! resting well and it- is real home builder. ture have mad e him into an ideal Bert and Miss Ruth Hartsork were thought he will r ecover. She spent 70 yea rs of her life in presiding officer. firm courteous and the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred thi s village. and f or years knew ev- withal of good judgment, never alHartsock, of Morrow,last week. The first time in I!) years as agent ery face. and almost every footstep, lowing the business to drag nor inf ar Red B d Felt Bool,> and and was always r eady and willing terest to grow dull. aIi Ban Severa · I f rom herE.' attended Po· CIoth Over ghoe'! to be solu a t a r e- to lend a co mforting hand to those The enthusiasm of the occasion was greatly augmented by a delega mODa Grange at Morrow Saturday. duction . J ohn A. f unl<ey will g iv e who wer e s ick and in need; and like ' . Th ose wno '" went were Dr. 'J. T. you a chance to protect you r feet a ll oLhers had sickness and so rrow of tl'on of patron~" to the number of Ellis, Warren Keys, Misses Ethel and during this month and March. Don't he r own . B~t God was g raciou sly thirty-five from Clermont and Hamilton County Pomona Grange Louis Stokes. fail to come whi leas30rtm ent Lq good. g-uoc) to he r . as aeath did not visit the . A class of 25 fourth degr""e family for 54 years. when the link ... mem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~-.... __~~~' --- - - - - - - - - _.-wa s br oi(en by her co mpanion being bers . received the degree of Pomona: lake n fro m the h ume . and in two bem~ perhaps the lar~est class ever hId b I admltted at any meetmg of Grange. yea rs a son. w 0 1a een a so acom-I After a very pleasant and profita panion to her as she so te nderly cared bl . th G I ed t tfor him through life. The father. 'ethsesshion We ran~lel cOGs 0 mee h d WI t e aynesvi e range on mol er an son spent many years S t d M 23 d together , and now they are r e. united a ur ay, ay ~~ as til\! Reaper came again on Jan. BIG DAMAGE SUIT ~:l • . UlJ4 . and takes mother afte r a usefu l li fe of 87 yrs. :l mo . 21 days, Damages in the total sum of $100,leavin g the·1 daug hters and two sons . I000 are ~ought against the Pittsburg, g randchi lu·r e n. great grand ICin cinnati. Chicago & St. Louis children. brother. siste rs anu frienos' Haiiway Company in two suits filed to che ri;;h her memory. in the Common Pleas court at Xenia,

Personal Mention Column

L::: =::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :'.:~::::::'.:: :'.~'''... . . :. . . ........................ _ ,

formerl y lived, and was laid to rest beRide his mother in t he cemetery there . Th e only reason f or the terrible deed was hi~ grief over the killing of the d og. which was hi s constant companion . The boy wal! th e son of Mr. Oscar Milhl. lIis mother was the late Laura Hobe r ts Mills, who was a form er citizen of Waynesville.

Whole Number 3249

. --;~.--------------­

·· ············ ··· ····__ . •.. ............. ················_-..... !t··········· [............................. _ -. ... .

Fr ed Mil l ~ , 16. of near Dayl on . shill him 'S clf in the left temple Th u rsd ay u fle rnoun. The boy was in .lhe Ii ·Id and- hau a ri6e which ac· ........ ............. ...... ci lk'lJtall y dii:!c harged and severely Frank "allu·" J I:, ·,II....·lll '·,\. ' .·l I) i l l III \·J......I W()ulluc·d h ili dog which was near [r, I' 'I'UP.-";I)'. him. Thl! boy realizing what he hac! quite ill. d onlJ. turned the g un and shot himMrs. \\' . 11 . .\ I!_"1 \\;0 ' III (' illl'ili ' self. Hill father was with him at Wu~ hingtol1 lJirtht.lay cal'd Hat W . .I nall ;o ~t I'- id a;: . t.he limt' o hut could not prevent the C. I'hilljp~ · . . i:! uicide. The lad's body was broug ht to . I. N. Mi." er. of Il a rv eysl!u rg , wa'! 1l '.'W ~! : 1I1\' (,\' ,'1'\' 1 :" I,t at th e 10 town Fnday I) . Spring Valley, Monday, where he ' . . IH'ra 111111",· I It t.; I'.'l'l'k.

In a letter from Mrs . Emma Johnson, of Ale xandria, Ind., form erly MiBB Emma Barger, of Waynesvill e , she says: "I received a lett er from Miss Lou Henley, of Washington 0, C.• the RUN DOWN BY AUTO other day, and she says that he r sister, Miss Kizzie, had had a stroke of George Elzey, who lives on the paralYRis on January 2nd .• and was Lebllnon pike. was run over by an in a very critical conrijtion." auto Saturday evening when he was returning home, on th e Utica r oad. He had been to Dodd s and about a The "Goouy ea r." a paper devote d mile from there the auto came tear· to the rubbe rtire business. after a reorganization of t hat company at ing along at a great rate, and before Akron, Ohio, says of a former citi- b~ could ~et out of the way it ran zen : "H erbert J . Long, who for- over him. breaking his right leg. merly had charge of the acceSl'lories He could not walk, so he crawled in department. will now be assilttant to the mud to his home. He was abou t Mr. Preston. of the dealer's division. three hours getting to his home. The driver of the machine did not He will help all the men in this de· stop after Elzey was etruck. but partment to go af' e r the sundries kept on going. although Elzey yelled business effectively in connec tion at the top of his voice. It is pro· with th e sal!!.'! of tires." This promotion is a good one, and bable that the driver knew he had brings Herbert near the top of the i'ltruck him, but he did not attempt to stop his car. business. Mr, Elzey is getting along as nicely as could be expected. Mr. A. Mbffit received a letter from Mr. S. F. Way, of Livingston, Mont .• last wel:!k, and among other things he mentions the fact that the K. of P. Lodge of Montana. has ---honored him in electing him Grand Chancellor. Knights of Py1 hias in the domain of Montana. Thus are honors cast upon the boys from Waynesville.


I .\ I

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W. H. Allen, President


J. O. Cartwright. Cashier

Xenia is to havea~~'"Wincorporated The Waynesville National Bank being the bes t in the state. business in the 'form of a serum had a birthday Sunday- it being 39 Not only has the bank been noted company. Thill company will man- years old. The bank at the time o! for its ~.olidi ty , but the ~i'Tl of the ufacture a new serum for inocula. its birth occupied rooms where Mr. ~ directors haR b een to get the best tion for hogs with the cholera. The Maffit now is, but five years late r force available. Mr. ,j. O. Ca rtcompany will be known as the Xenia ~oved across :he street in the build- : wright clShier. is known to be an Serum Co., capital. $5,000. The di. 109 now occupied by Mr. Opp. In affable, obligin g and co nsc ienti ous rectors of the company are: H. C'119~0 ~herorner.~tone of the!r presen t r 'l~hier , a~d has mari e the bank Illimy Siefert, Fred B. Smith, E. E. Lollar, build 109 was laid, and a little later frumds s in ce he became cashi er . D. V, M. Menger. Mabel H. Smith they moved into the new building . Mr. Cnrtwrigh ~ is known ill betllkillg Siefert and W. ·B. Craig, M. D. V. S. which they have occupied since. . c ircles as a ban l{er of aG ilily . • _.. The bank bas enjoyed an era ofl The ori gina l bouI'rl o[ directo rs GRANGE MEeTING prosperity, it having risen from I were S. S. Haines. J oel Evan s. S. W. almost nothing to be the "Honor1j Rogers. Jonas Janney. E A. Brown The following program will be Bank" of the county, and the 13th A . P. O'Neall anrl 13. A. Stokes. all rendered at the Grange meeting in the state. Much of this prosperity of whom al'e deceaseu. Saturday, February 7th at 1::';0 has been due to the efficient work of The board of d irectors at the o'clock: the president-Mr. W. H. Allen. present time are W. H. Allen. G. E. Yearly Report by Lecturer. Mr. Alle~ started in the bank as a Riley. S. L. Cartw r'ght, J. W. White, Snapshots-State Grange at Lima, clerk, and by hard work has reached C. S . Sears, C. T. Hawke and J. B. O. the presidency. He had the con- Pence. Best time to lOW clover seed . in fidence of the people 'of the com- M.ay the Waynesville National this locality, Jason SheehllD. munity, und by his ability and judg- Baltlk . have many more birthdays, Suggestions by B~ot.he1'8·. ment was . able to ove~ome diQi, and may the present board live to .' Sketch of the life of Abraham cultiea and gave to th\1 town a s~n8i .~ the bank grow to larger p~opor· . . : ." subStantial institu~on, th. at the ~o~ •• is tbe wi~h . of the ~iami •... people w~re glad to have,' and one G!lZette and .thelr many co titu-


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The mo the r in he r olli ce h Id the Saturday morning in the matter of key 0 s th e d eaths of J. Homer Hawkins. . a prominent farmer of near Xenia, Of the g.)u l. and s he It 1::1 who stamps d L . F C fOb the co in Ian eVI . reamer, 0 s orn, who w er e killed on October 12th at Uf charac te r. and makes th e b eing l h "L d ." f who wou ld be a savage t e ucas gra e crossmg, west 0 .. Xenia. Each suit is for $50,000 B u t f or her gen tle ca re, a christian d O ' b roug h t bEl' amages. ne IS y , Izaman b th fl k' d . . . 0f '1' 1 I f th Id e aw lOS as a mmlstratrlx len cruwn le r Queen 0 e wor th t t f h I J H _ __ • . _ .. _ _ _ e es a e 0 t e ate . omer Hawkins. and the other is brought AUTO LA NDS IN DITCH by Frances C. Creamer. W. L. . . . Mill e r of Xenia. and Roy Fitzgerald A dlstresslryg aCCIdent occurr:d of Dayton, are the attorneys through l a~t Thursda~ ne~r Alpha,. OhIO. whom the suits are filed . :-v hen a .machll1e skidd ed an~ Jumped It was set forth in the petitions I?to a dlC~CI' h'k \!:l l the mc~chm e were that the deaths of the two men was Co unty . er ., e t ~., ex· ongressman due solely to negligence of the deC. G H~ld ~b ran~. D~puty Probate fendant company in operating its ~ I!en .Doan alld Chas. fh omas, all of train at an excessive and uncontroll\' llmlTl ~to n. None o~ the party able rate of speed and for not prowere ktl~ed. but sprains. ~crat~he::l viding for nor giving any adequate a nd brUises were ve r~ . plentiful. warning of the approach of the traih Ml'. Weltz was the most Injured one, by watchman gate bell h' tl W IS e or · . d b k . " IlaVing s ~staln: a ro en Jaw. otherwise . The driver. It seems. lost control - - - - - ••- - of the machine on the hill and at the CHANGE OF TEACHERS bottom it hit a mail box which caused Spring Branch on Monday of this it to jump into the ditch. week changed teachers. This was ---- MUST USE "WEIGHT SALES" caused by the resignation of Mi85 Ethel Stokes. The vacancy . was Deputy County Sealer Huffman filled by Miss Kathryn Drake of requests that all dealers and mer- Lebanon. chants obey the "Sales by Weight" Miss Stokes has been highly suelaw until finally decided by the cessful in her work and the teaching Supreme Court. The decision of force of Wayne Township extend the Franklin County Court ofAp- their .best wishes for her futare bap-:. peals does not effect the whole state .Pin.• p~rity. . ..



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S h o tur n ... t.l . f rYII I~ l O ru u aW Il)'. bil l g r it . rtnd thft t's \\h y 1 w n. nt ~ \y~ ll . h f"r !tn. to! ~ I' I' II1(' , 1 \\ ('011"'0, ll JU.l lille HlI tl l 111'. I'11 CIl. " Il c' I d II "I' r-. Ownr l~ 1 S I' Yl' H, m J!O'

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1.1 I , I I':I!" '. Hit } f' !HQi l In t t ' t nor w a y / " l (' ~ . K ntp. ' h ) ( ~hu (: kltlll , " t ill ' I1l t:r 1•.ICI:'Uh I lt ' ~,"iCl!: 1110 t he ,h~~ s l' , . '. , d f' r'o\ 011 1 a l las \. Yuu fill!' I' lt l UOI u X nlll s t il i ti tH ' ~ h r;ulk frolll I1Jt ' ', \ o ur IIT t' }; CI,lc e . I Bu td IS .}I !" t~ ,~ l l " I H~tl~ J)ro~qJn rou ~, H!ut t ll)' r fl t i r ,'u LJUY le.u\' ,; Ill" a !<ln l" " t:.h l' p lt ' fH ll'(J I r 'lI l ' h ' .Ls e '.\111 you le t 1l1 P PHS~" is a drOI) III my bu c k !'! o f d l'hl s Au d ' lI luY Il ' [ I f; I' " yo u , oml ' I" a .... :-.; ' 11 I' t III t ' bl " c , It " . li t II N" I n g~ , LU g tll, 'n 0111' 1:(/1,,1 Ir il ' IId l 'ol!' III," s l ,.t!:t 1l " Yf lll w o n ·l t .II, .. n:1' b :1""\ k I u':"'1 1' f' "1''~ "n. ~ n o b " II " Ilh " II II' h 10 1\I ' r \\ f' it lth In bU"i IP' " 1~ 'th l lli('lrtuu l." I1

" n e ar (' lI ilt! .'('11 fl hnn 't

Tells How Sbe Wu Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink. ham'. Vegetable I


1I0us ,·':" ' :.;O{ 10 Ilt "t drt · ~tHu l Il ia " ." Illl tl " 110 ,\'0[1 \(('1')' Kirl~ . t oo: " " ' th e T h f"' ro R 0111) a. n ll r ~e, 01 11\1 ft pou r




I I ct I t Id I I .' UlU mO ll 1\ ' \I , a n ~ .lU u la \' I', a:; II n lllt ' d 10 1nul, t ' a s "1 '11' I , "G " l II

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rn(l - .. My ba Ly W Il3 ,I rllllld J iJloHlcJ till j WIlB ~"""'=....-:...,.,._=.. a bUrfl(' ll W mY!lclr, \\'r 'pow u r , t ht ' !} d ")Ja rl l' o r Of mum .abn ul ' ('oas t , s('C' t'l't l y t o b uy tirnu er J(l'll tl!:!. d y io~ ma.n ." , '" . , l ug 1Il E' (lil t. ~ l lu kli llti y F,rUll l ' u Ulf11 J s utT\· rL·u f rorn fe1lfP '" H r ll l!'lh j·,. fn mh!lI, In)·~ , d:tI,!ol t r. ',,' ID , \ 1 , 1, ('1 bp (' n ciu.mpl' Oln 1NI , !-'tarl i ~ l l! Il e rml s:-1 io :l 10 ij l pt ' )) in th Rt old b arn.~ 1 mala troubl e 90 [ 01" frl f' lltJtl find d " ' ''h,t tl. "lll l !! fi r 1', ,1 1\ . •\ \'o \\, f' d1s t v nil" n n\lrfl (' a ud tL doc' lor, " And y ou ' l ; It l'Hr 111(' Oll' l'l 'l L l.t·~ In \\ j lh idt 'i-l ls :tll ft ( I H n~' re ~l'III ' I III ' Pro , I_I"',, a'tlI ".,11' arr" '" III ,III',' I" ;llr, ToC1l I'-aulknpr, h i ~ e ngl nl'(,J , of On t.llrlo "· 'b I .I ',' bch Il ~ " (\ t o b\' lon l: to Ill y 10 • . bU l l could not Hund O[) . 11 \ ' (1 J ' ·,...Ii"'Cz 1\1.. I' ., 11 " 'l r u (I K.d " !oi H r a ~ t-.l ra lJ::h t as t 0 wu r d \\ 11 Il' t illt'. Iht-' " v t,, 11 S t ' , 1 I r eal} \' cou 1dn ' l UI.! an I' my [e e t 8IlU I le i t r1,,"1 UIIII "f h.c pla nN SUr\' y!' fl. Ih n h' l co ntra ·t s fur l pl11' " Why, Y " . I!< ':lr " I wilhllllt my goi n g bun ~ ry , " I ' v ' II' I' I I tI " l ik e m i llion s of pu rnT" Bil OW rond , lo g bttlltlln r.s III the ' 'I'll (' OIU" 111I' II ," bil l "" ' h!' lr l' d " )" 'R " I1roo lt l'l s lgh"ct " 1'01 II dl-i l. I \ PI' a, l~!l 10 11" t !":t), CHAP TE R II I.- Cont inued. falls , a nd a t(' l('graph lIn .' whie h tit P; <' I up "it·s l' r amp " 6l]t · 11'0: 11 11 ' <1 . ' I " " ct I' 1I11lOi t d ' , , , ' I " Int! }Ott pay oil' th " 1" "I' I f;a~('~ " I neaulcs w ere prick . " '. .' .. , " ' u~.o n e , t l~) Tl {' nhln , " I d id . Sn I'ully 5l r U lll ~ r. Lg. t i rne ing m e all ov er . At Wh (' n " ,,'" I('n ded t h" h O I'~ es , I ron woul d ~I'c ur o our Lu s i !;eM fro m bci ng , \le ar eb lid. you ru (I el' zitl!: I ha d II (' u rlous Sf'n~1' I h n t III i~ :\I' t o r I las t my doctor told Bo t up II c lock UpO Il Ih p ~ h e lf, so 1 Iw o wn nl Po ll y's l.os t·ortl C!" " 1'1ll 1I 0 t. col d. it' s ('ra m p," o r Ilf(' wall try Ing t il l"v ro 'a!. .tIl ll III tlln eN ~ II illY \Jl a no. II ro o ItO l\l' arti rn ~ . m e that all t hat ml~bt hea r th e t!cklng DR linl e IJassed. ;\Ir, Dnlc l'!' ope n ed Ih ' S ky ·lI n e S h ~ IlIU't hnve fall cn t hr o ug h th '" tl lt. att e m pt h e posed. "ar l), \ It'tll n an fr od. (, 00l t. th py :;I' rn I would savo me was H e c ar rl f' d In arm lonl ls from th e ntlnl's. pe ndlllg my arra ng f' lll n l wllh I S il O\\' wh ich ('o\'i'rt'd o ur wat.- r· bo le, " :'oiot that I c lnlm." he wen t on . tb(, lr bea ns IJ,nll bacon wl l h my (a Hil ly a n operation. but for s b e wu~ l il ~ raJly i l1c !t~ ,'d In ice " lh a t Sllil(' House is u ny ways holy . plnt r, the g ~ ntl ' Iuau s ports m y l' r\'~l Blelgh . h ~ o pened caBe R, he s pille d o ut th p o wn crA. I sacks. lI e Ilb owed m e mOlple syr up. ~Ir, Surl y Brow l, placed a cab le lip 10 '.h o br ('aR t s . [t's 1I01. Of co ul'l! o. a s lJO rting and th e lu d y ha s illY doar mOl la'r 's d la __1.4..L.J..J.........;...,J this I r efu sed, try·your·stren g t h clgnrs. II dundy ri fl e anll built a scow In readlnf!~s to renew Find ing 1 ha d !lot s t c'etl jrth lo carry gambling joint m,..e t s n d emand , are, ulLtnd s which li re r ea ll y pUllte , lit) told my husband to gllt m e a bottle of 'WIth plen ty ammunition, boo ks. hi s fe r ry busIness , b pr. I s hou ted (o r th e nurse. who g r c tla hle uf' mnnd . a thin g wc bolll dear. Lb ey 're coullty 1I0cle t y- you r eal, Lydia Eo Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and 1 would try it before [ would clothes, csndy, R pla,n o w h ich pl AYB Mr, T e arful Geo r g e placed loads of rou sed Poll ly. aod lh e n the Cbln a maa . abhor (md would Il k e to bo sh ut of, Iy mu st call alld leav e card s." auhmit to nuyoperation. He did 80 IUld It seIf,t h e n ga r d e n see d s, an d a 11 80r t s forage a day 's marcb a pa rt ucr0811 th e Togetbe r w e ca rn. e d h "Hut orI d n oor a, gave Au~ since de Qlnnd . creU l e B th e s upply . "Theylbo sta"ortralls!" retl a t m e s o rud e ly thnl o f things wbi c b you'd h ave honed for for est , th e n d rifted II\' e Btock Into h er brand y, Ulld laid b e r . dressed as Ipt s h av e It In Ill g b·toned style. not , I b '.~ ~ I bt to r & I improved right nl ong. I am now doing all my work nud feeli ng fin e. In the long ago , Th e place was like J e sse's !'Knc h s be was. In ('Ol plall1 Taylor's bath , b tb Th t ' 'b t 1 ' " , unl •• em , • II cell .(U'J< oug . run y ugs, Ol s w a sa). mem b ~ r th ,'y 'r e dead, a n" "('">e y'd r nlt, "I hope other snfi'ering w omen will try a barte r s tore, p\lE' d to th e beams Father Jnred so ught out young gen· Th pn wbll e Hilly ro de hard (or a <lo co Il ls n lJaClOu ~ be nev nlence see m ed t o \' r be burn ed , 100. th ull be cl!.::," )ed II I your Compound.. I will 'recommend it with rich es wasted on m e , who h a dn't t1 e m e n to b e trol ne d nt .r essc·s "Scbool tor. nur se n nd [ ti ll e d th e ba th with c, onfc r partn e ~hlp. yet , to be s h oc ke d , 1-'011)" S a un ts ." to all I know." - Mrs. DANIEL D. B. a n e ighbor le ft , Why . e ve n Iron. wbo o t e 0 l on lal II I st rl\ c tlo u . " fr eezing wnte r, wbl c h for f'1~'" bt hours a t my Ilnmora l ten d en cn's, " A d th Sl 1" ck I . ,... DAVlS,110 Franklin S t. ,iA?gnusport, lnd. uaed to th ink for no on e bu t h im self. M r. WUH am . O 'Flyn n beca m e a b r, we k e pt r e n e we d with Ice, "H " I I h I " ' t' It · n 0 ar a . rn lll, owcvcr . Ie s g c( , I s over. S "A hal f.ln l e r est. my d eOlr . .. ",;: tfI, Since we guarantee that all testimobad a kitt e n for me. warm III bls pock· tender. despatch rId er, stnble man, She told me of It I' lli nge am ong VI!lC' donu with. s hove d aRid!' . Th ar e was intl'r s t. thnt' ll a ll. " nials which we publish are genuine, laIC -tit , nnd forgotten untll a case of bard· general ad\'ls e r, no d co mmand e r· ln · ynrde , o\' e riooklllg Lake Onlarlo, Ju st money In It. but s,!,n ll 11l0uey, alltl " So y ou 'r e In pa rtn ... r~hlp 7" ware sQuaBhed out Its b es t Su nday chief al lh e Hundre d. whe r e a creek com es tu mbling down we puss all , Old 'I sy lor may have " Why, no, I-uct is. o ld Pete bllA not fair to IIlIJlpo5e that if Lydia E. aeream . Who'd ever think, too. that A he wlld e re d Chinaman. with a yel· trom the Nlagnra heights . H e r fa· told yo u lh~\t ns far bacJl as Nov e m· be e n worki ng thlrty. fiv e year s , wltl! Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound has tile 110 s m a ll a bun dl o o f rill' nnd c1awa low amil e. c ooke d, scrubbed. chatlf,r e d the r . a retired minister, wlisted bls be r we deC Id ed. l\Ir~ , Smith and mc. hh, frdthrul <,)0.,8 s hining behind t hD' virtue to bert> theee wome n It will he lp any other woman who is 8u ffering in a ahould have n .. nllrr to III I m y wbole P Id g In· E llg Il s h • and bur li e d I ucc nse nnrrow m eans io tryin g to raise tho t 0 r un tb e h ouse ~s a tI rs t I -c ass r st or hair- It's s ilv e r no\\'. e b ? W ell. I bed wltb JOY, S lIre ly. I loved this 10 Joss In th e kltcb e n . proper grapeH fo r sacrame ntal wine, for t ou rl sls, ,,\ (' bou gh t the S lar couldn't luav,'" him In th e 11Irc h. Anr. li ke manner 1 -orld I 'd BO n early QUl't , wh e n aft e r A n d I, K a t e. was b ing d Moth e r \~ id ~ If you are ill do not drag along until .. usy nurs an "'. B dead, all d nin e s mall cbll· P :Iei,.t ra In ( rom T a y or, nn , t h eo Id.. tb~ rc 's the Hudson'lI Bu y to conslct ~ r lIu n pe r Iron loos('d a gramo phone, k ee p I ng IJO use . ' vl th n~v er 8 ' .' ~ mo m e n t dre n had to be fe d und c lotb ed, to ap· ca rl\ '~ d or IS lOa kl ng our ne w rl gg Ings , with for I.!! up llorth de p!'ndlng Oil Uf an operation is necessary. bnt at once The Hudson 's Bay man had sbown to s pa r e for th e Bpec t e rs wblch th r on g· pea r wlth d ece nc )' a t cb u rch and ThIS was uc ws Indeed ! for supp li es , And I sUDPose, wh e n I take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ' Im a specia l " r eco rd" fro m England, e d our for esL Afte r th e snow roa,9 8c hoo l, so tb nt lhe), would nOl be " Of co urse pa c k·tralns a s RIlCh are I' I d Compound. tb e nngel so ng In Cbo pl n's "lI1arc be dlve rl ed trnttlc. my one v isitor wa s a s ham ed among till' neigb bo rs . out o( dnt 'l a s Noah' s a rk, nnd we'vo come t o th in k of It. ill rnt 101' prou Write to Lydia E. Ptnl{ham Fun e bre ," ""e had lh ot firs t. th e v e ry Pe t e Mathsoll, who o n Satu rdays ' 'Phe n U ncl e J o bn fo und on nd ver· got to marc h with the process ion , of th e outllt, So , In m y sentilll (' nt a.l }(ediclneCo.;, (coniitle ntlal) Lynn" 1I0ng sh e u ~ed t o s ln g in lhls cn b ln. c limbe d th e loug h il i fo r h is rations . tl se m e nt In th e Ilfl p£! r , A go \' t' ro esfI Yo u'lI ~ee In this pros p ec tu s ." he he ld way. I mad e 11 deed by w blc h Pete In lliass. Your letter wil be ol»enoo. tim es ""h e u I r eckoned It a s h ameful \"b e u my IHlll e nt wus we ll o nougb, wall wanled fo r four c bll d r",n so m e- ,o ut n pape r . ··we ll. I'll r ead It. l~et' 1! tnana glng o\\'ue r . with a hal (· lnterest. reod and a08wered by a woman th Ing for a ny man to cry . he would tnlk wi t b "no lt" T ay lor where In British Columbia. Tb e s ee-y es-'Fores t Lodge . lon g uncl e r while Polly Is s lee ping vnrtner wltll and held in strict con1ldence. ri ght' veto told Int e r Pete!~ fe r e ." It wns K a t tl .s vo Ice , ahout olll timps In the go ld min es, or wage~ were so go- n e r OIlS t bat tb er e th e nhle manag e m e nt of Mrs . J esse no"You Oh . II'H God, motb e r , that I'm ve ry on the bigb t ec hnic of pac k' l r ai n har. would be en ough to s pare for h e lplog S mith , wl ~h g r eat flxp e rle nce in' • • ,;rateful. I h ea rd b e r voice filling n ess. abov e th e (:om[Jl'e h e nHi o n or a fatb er, It meant so mu cb of pro pe r • n o. It's furth er on-'Forest IJOdl:e "No. I s uppose I'v e ~It t o owr thl8 'Plnce which u sed to be be r home. ,'·oman. fo od, and good warm clo thin g for tb p. is the nntura l cenler for pnrtl eB vl uw. up ?" Ipad " You Il on' t wa n t Pet e to be c hea t ee Th ou g"'" my w Ifean dare rte f or Un til th o n urse ca me I was with my younge r c h 'Ild r e n o S 0 re f f! ronces were ln g th o wondrous wilds,' That s b ould b all our yea rs - Ion' II n d s a \\'ay. pallo nt alwa ys. an d s lc pt In tb e aam e exc h aoge d WI'th ,M r . I'"roo·k e . W 0 ;;rI p tb e m, e b ? 'Exp e r ie nced guides b"" his Im rlnel's," " You 'r e r Ig ht, Just open my dOllk A wee k o r more h nd passcd . nnd' I'd close roo m . On h e r arrival - how I en. wrnt e mos t charmi ng le tt e rs, and Un· with pac k nnd saddle animals from m y st r e ngth aga in , Tb e rive r bad vi e d that Ilr e tty un lform - I\'urse Pa n . cle .Joh n If! nt m o ne y for the jou rn ey. the famou s Star alnJo.' we ca n 't ca ll nn d look Ins ide. H's lhe puper ou fro ze n 50 that we cOllld cross to tho ton proceeded t o set us all to ri g ht! . lily l ittl e scboo lma'a m pursell h e r lips th e m mules, of course. 'w lll escort '(,>ar- t op," huntin g g round s beyon d . and wh c n we sever e ly. ove r thtlt loan, wb leh must ties visltlug the sc e ne rlcs and bun t. I (ouul! an d rea d tile d eed . c a m " back our cn mp was fu ll o f meat. be r e paId by In s talmentB , In g g round s or th e Coast Range. the "You've re~'l d It. of course." I eald . Th f! t rulh lu scan'c , h!'!l ng wlonowed 111 r , Brook e. m e t J cn ny at As hcroft. ('ari boo, t.he Omenlcn, tbfl Rabin e, and HIt '\'I'US re nd to m e by tb c lawyer by luun y preach e rs. alld my gra ins an,d tooll III; r by "lpJgh n en rl y :t hu nd r act th e 'nss la r ,'. Tbat ou ght to splash! " cllal). ISll 't it a ll right!'" when I l ry to eal I h p. III , are mos tly mllt?~. g " ~lI n ~ n~ol'~ nnd more fa mili a r Hilly ha d waroed me or bad chn r , "Ob, yeB," [ nHlnage u to ea r . ' n l hu sk s . Iron ra li R rn ~ a I;o "'ard , n ut a nd ho r ri d UUlI\. ID a s t all' of wilLI Rrl.!' r s Mettled on th e la nd s tow ard all rlg hl '-slI c h funny lega l jlLrgon. ' IlS II III P- ly·n Ig h l POU III Iii , f e ar ~ [ I1 i m. 81." If'lLn f ' to a I/ .J .. sse·a m n c h. '''' c r e these Brooke's I 100kNI at t he nnm es of the I'0 II y on Iy WI' 11< , or na f (' t y In and l " 1< ' hundred . so th al I cou ldn·\. drunl, en r io t .It S IJlte lI ouse , T he . "('x peric nccLl gu id e R?" ne sses, CUllu G McT av ish and Lo w t. " e ti g IlUng ' .1 t a f('t. i wl'a h av o Illallal(Cu wa l t r sses W d" I'Ud e an d C.t'u O.I P 0 II Y , "i'\aturall y." 8rooke rold ed hi s prOD' liv ed Joe . th e wo rst c. h a r act e rs In our 1H'r, Th l'n II'UIl claim s It's Ilot tb e lilY llrllllk on til e fl ~o r. 1 11 1! r f! wl're ! ll ec tu s , "th e s vo r t lo g trnd e had \.0 be d ist ri ct. 'rh o do c uDlPot r pa l! to tb t litll e \lom:l ll I o ug bt to figh t . but th e no chlldrE' n . closed r lg ltt down b eforo th e toUr\llt Gld bllnd I~a n ha d bee ll no doub t de, Afte r I I "'~rll l' d frOID Mr E u re tbat ' . !.: b Id Mill ' I fltro ye d , fh e <I eed a ctuOlll y B.Ig ned hl g (,,,II s hn ,lid In brin" ln g a ll o ur sctllprs 10 d<-ath o r r u in. A womon's I was n prt·Jl1d l!:C'd w i lo es~' wHlt out a 1 co nu pe ll ~ U too' u ad ' b I ~O~t r e !Dado Poll y 001 0 owner o f the famou s yield tJDJDeCltately to Sloan', LI..... ",!tilll I~ Ii ~hl as Ihl s tlt. ·lIown. but t hi s. sh re rl of e vi de nce th 'lt ' no c oun s ports me n I~udt t~tPen j t e r °T~rs. jlllck·train . My frl c nd had been ' t '.'1' ., ' d' I b I !J xp ec t to n t ngB ust 60. !'y ch eat e r!. ' Iment. It reUevea a~ and tl as (' I10 I, .. l IHl pas turf' II Il I"H~ YOll tig h t I' OUId II li t ~lJ t o Ita ,S Il]. n n t llll t e w an l, rpch e rcbe meals . and uniqu e dec . ,. .. . , . .",oUou part. Instantly. ReduClOl """n, :!nll Chrl f t hlm :;,·lr fought to Il y ing girl s 'C,o nfe Rsloll "onl d Dot be ( I' ) BI': CONrt :-: I ",n.) InftammatioD aud ?,ul"tatbatalJOn. ~ r: d('a th al-:aiU ~ 1 th o ,w il s w h l(, h g rew allowed in co urt l'lI c e pl It wp.rQ mad e , Idag pain. 1>oD t rub-lt peDer~lI k 11 1'1 1111<1 him l doubt I't' (' bee n unde r catll befo r e Ol ma gls tr,,! t', !'nor I' trat.e.. II I'OW" 1'( 1\ ), ~o r t of ('hri s tian , J r:m uy would lI l" 'e r hav e tuld any mOln J' ll glJl ~ o fa r in t hilJking 111)' rn o r :Ll s wha t happon l'([ at S pite Ilou s,, ; ehe " oed .ct r"[lairs . wh(, u a lIew t h ing would n o t hi"' '' j( lvE'n th e las t SA n e ba pP',!l1 "d , poi nting lJuL t lt e wa i' !!lome nl " of h l'r lire to ,·PHsC'u. n,:c ; O' I'- I,HIII 1'O(\ f' ol'"r burn ing th e In l i> ali a s u ll" 'r e wa " no I' a~l\ a ga in"t ~ lth.1 fr01l,I,t1l (' lIu li lin' d . :\Iy wife is th pl'e: l "r II ro ok .. or !' ully in a c r ime wh icb ' t) l'l y c", ha s seell 111 ) ~o o, h" lias ' hlt cl '·.a ro e ll t hem pe nal sCI" ' il uric , ll lJc kl'll w ilh I·' al h .., r Ja rf'd . be !taR He C a rried In Armlo ads From the \' e ngelLnC " '" J think ollr prayers to· Irlvea qulek relief from eMIt aDd e OOl n "ilh I{at., fru!!l Englanu , an" Sleigh , !:e Ul e r did more good. Oln !l wl w D t,h e BOTti GOOD AND BAD MEANING I l:ood s ign . b ut It n m r"" Qec8 n ",,,TI £hroat afl'ectioDi. Have JOU tried be Il' fl h,> r nun;llJf; a l !Jolt Taylo r 's lime (:am e for .Ie nny's remo val to a b efore th e wo lr see~ h)lJ>. tben b~ 8Ioan'" H"re', what othort _,., bed Hid E', ~JlI ' I" eC'.l clin!': SlI f'l)' Ilrow l1 Sh e was a (' o l o rl p~s creature, s u p port· bE'd of lint soaked III carboli c 011, sh e 1Innumerable Super.tltfons Connected wi ll e dumb for the tire"" or 10.. R.llef ffto. R.____. fro m Soda. e re ,, \( \\' fl h a cab le. t o build ed b)' rOlltlne as by n ('or set , nnd was prepare d t o fa c e th e cO lll :ng ~'alo , From Time Immemorial With his voIce , "'My mother hoa w:ed OD8 Il0<l. ba4tle .. IU' W scow. an d fltH r~ Ih t? fe r ry ag ain , !lilly Informl'd me t hut ahe need ed to "Shall I die'!" s h e ask ed . I COUld , Wild Creature.. Par Ii Lla rrJ to " , 0 act06s an yone'l at S1... Unlment. and a1th~ abe 811 yean d ..... obe b.. abRanHo me I'oll(j c k '~ I.lJ IU:lOHge th o bo s hocked thoroughl y . 1I f! told h e r only ldss bpr. . -Ilat h Is considl' r ed a very bnd sign 11 ta1ned lI'l!et...1'l!lef (rum ber rbco!l_ tIaIL· .......... B. E. Utodo'-lf, cu..,.. Col. T re vor mnch . Iron'R to reope n th e that t he patient. bf! ln g a sailor, wa n te d "'['hen." she suid , "even If It IFn't Th e re are ve ry many 8upersUtlone some I)a rts of England. because h M Good . . Colcl eM C..... Sky·lIn o whil e lihe m a kes his I H!ItC B llu rB ln /l: dOll e s hIps hap e anel Bristol Iru e. t e ll palla I di ed gam e ," co nn ected wltb wild animals, In the olde n timCII It was believed that wlteb A .We bo, DelIt door bacSaI'O'llp. I ~Ith th e owne rs - O'Flynn wa llt s lO fas hi on . KUTao a nd I we r e to have She w a~ CaDlldlnn. and th e r e Is cas e or a !lon. It Is belle,'ed that the es trans (orm ed thet7.lllelvlIB Into barlll p ... the motb« 51.,.,... [JD'-At to ~. Sb:.g..e him three ~ ell : TUn tbe pHcklng , S be Is nnlling 1\ do c· .. a c b fo ur hou rs o n an d r01l1' olf, w Ith valor In thn t blood , . wearing of a claw of thlB animal wm i ln order to bring b3.<l luck to lhelr eDe tor t.o t llke :'tlcGee' e prae li ~c. T ea rrul t "' 0 dog or ha lf Wal('llfIll, 'wb ic h would l3e for e she w as mo ved. Doctor bring great strength, mles . =O::O~ptra'1C;. ~$ III. B. ~ J7Zl a..o..I .......-, Ge<Jr ge Is to buy an imported sta ll io n, dui ly r ev !'rse th~ ord(' r, ~o givIng us Snunde rson . or Cllnton. had taken P e ople connected with clrcusEls and - - -,- - H-r.tac... and dr ift b lm w ith a bun ch of gnat the mid dI p watcb by turns. chnq;e . and since we lac li ed p (!trol e um shows ha\'e a saying thal when lIon8 Companlon.hlp In Solitude. -Sloan.. ~ol_Dt" Ute bed 1IIIdI. clae 10 the -'d. Itltu nlleftd 111& Orego n ma re s tu Rto c k my e mpt y Wh e th e r n : III've d at midnIght or at enough for a ha th. approv ed wb a t we ge t resUeSB and un ea.,Y'. eIther III luck Solitude trIes 14 man !n a way 8U (JI ~a. n.... pmDllbaft ..110M »astures. TIM d p.<ld settleme nt Is II\' e 1'0111' a , m , I would Dut on my furs for had don e. lie u sed oplatf!8, but tb e or ex tre mely bud weather Is st hand, clety does not. It tbrall's him upon lili .galn li S though t ht: r e had be en no Ii littl e prowl ouldoors , To leav e tb e pnln, afte r a fro s tbite Is tbaw ed , Ie 'Rnd that when the y contlnuall:r was), owu reBOUr~!. and If these resource. 14 '. Polly, to r ob, nlln. n n d murde l' among llOU BO wb en It wa s (orty deg rees b e· that whIch tollows burnIn g, On the t h e ir fac es In cnt-like rashlon they are be meager, If the ground be occuplet AtaD.,...... ...............I'OO ClUJ' p i o ll ee r ~ . And th e n my wife wi ll low zero . (ell l ike th e p lun ge into an third day came ex haus tlon - ·and re- IIlt() ly to hnve fits or ill t e mper In tbe l in and or blmse lf bI3 poor nnd narro.. ' sao................ a....w_ IIOnd you ng Engllshm un to scbool ic y bs lll. but gave th e ~a m e ref r es h· lellse, nen future. I h e will have a Borry time or It, HenOl .......... m.. -wIth m e fo r trainIng. m e nt Ilft e rwanl , , I was obUged to gIve e vidence at NumherlesB oro the 'Supers titions wo rendUy attribute Borne extra fAIl S. SlOAI, lit, JOSrlII, _ St ro ke by ,t,oke thi s ~ I r. O 'Flynu Once s e llin g o ut on s uc h an exeur· the Inqu~t. an d my profess ion hall o.ssoclated with the tiger. Th"! natives tues to thus o pereonn who voluntarib -com es ~n 5 bln l hom e thot 11 0.: \\' 8 InllJ SiOIl I trav e r sed th e tliJl ln g· hlllI , en t e r· taug ht me qule t n esB. restraint. slm. at ,India believe Ilhat Its whiSkers nre e mbraco s olltude • .,bo llv-> alone h :my h ide. as tl!lough I Vie ra be ing !log, e d tbo da rk barroom. and oliene d the pIlclty, The corOOllr mi ght talk low. a deadly polson. and that when fine ly tlie country or In the .,oods or II ..ed. He SaY8 be hated me a lw ays. Inn e r door whlcb ga l'C U\lon the porc h . but I waa dealing w ith men; It was my chopped and secretly Pllt Into a per· the mountains aneS liud It Iwe~t. lIot never de,plsed m e b efore as he But th lH 1 cou ld not pu s h tye bu siness to mak e t1\el1\ c,ry. There was BOn's food they will assuredly cause kriow they ' cannot llYe without COA400a uow. My wlfo and I shO Uld s to rm door open . SOmething reSist'!. no caBe against .B rooke. but from that ~a th. ·What is known nt' the "evil verse. without. socIety or aome, BOw:t, <lIa.DBe clothe~. only· I'd be too usel ess somei.hlng oul.lll de thrusting at tb'e time 00 ward "lsllon to Spite H auss eye" Is greaUy <lreaded In India; and IIlld we. credIt them with the ,ower ,tor a W91U\lU. l rou suys tb e same. lind panel s, something alive, I fe U bae , ,vere treated ' IlS 1~9crs .u.ntlJ t h y lett t<>,rt tbls parents haug tbe claws of Invoking it from t!lema4il.ea o r ·. el... · ~ ,. roost uOllh'r lstlan ~ny I th~shed agalost the bar, Imaglnlng'bears, bur· ~he c:.0,llutry, . ", ",. 0 ' , : , tlgers r~uhd t~e De'c~8 ' o~'. their C!lU. of , lIn~lng ~C?rt cOuiPD.lOnll~IP '\'w'lti . . pall. knoD~ their h eads toseth. g lare, hog les •. anythlcq, 1I7hlltH !lsten. For the ,re"t , .i ~01l1~ :t,lot , ~e , I;lre,a ept' llren' d ';, ,~, ' " i ' ',' .dumb' thin,. tbaD'- 1rltb 'ui tuig ... . . ... &Gr ' ~ 'me , too much ~ diie et; afraJa b lftMJi> I~, .,t iUlel~8ta1·lar . ~ the ~lWC•. To ~88 a! ~~ .W .up~ecl -to. ._ 4t&"""'ob' ~ ~ O 'F"h' nn It r rh,-q li n" tl. ll~ I, tI, II ' \\' .1'1:.... l"u:~ 'tw('" rl l tll l' t1 nnl' 'tQrll .l l"j ' d t h r~ll u."h th .... \Indld h.a+·,~ Hr !'" II \ " nil' u rr hl!-l




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LOOMEKT Kills Pain



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of hu I U.lIl . \lI ,d l \ . I II ,11 · 111' .... '1 I :oIl"lI l., ', 1 \I"rU i~ Ilot 11'\)"1, till' I h .. JllI :ti " II,'



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No ono was IJl U r,\ H UI' J)fJ ~ 4' lI lhan 1I'>ic/)'-r wh~n Mec'1illtock's 1It'IH t h III tb e 1"01l wu~ inillllwd an d th !! 60111 , r~ord WILli IlIadO ur i,'ranklln' M d eu th and uf the dlscov erleR o r hl ~ ship . maws. And Ihon rulIo" c u Ibat hl1 n lOr hl'rolc A lllerl (,lln exp lol'llllO ns wh"; h ovened Ull lIlu wondrous \\a. tarways o( t.lJe \\'Il sl (:rpe nlnnd COIIHt fUld thull unharreu Ilt d h itllel·to dosed ,al.(18 to the very vole. I n years jU8L PIl>! "NI . wh" n tit<! slIr. ft';c"oIi5T~ ~nc/ Letno' end itJ reIst/on ro tlr<? Iforl-It ~/e ring dIspat c h tamo allllollndr,~ t hat IG ~ d"gI 0l:8 o r longitude- while the kllo"n 10 f'll('n cJ Ihlollg h 11101<' thao P erry h"'1 rfi""lll'.(1 11. f.! Ilortl, "'~ U bl .... 1 ~ .. v dIstlln,'o across It e xceed s b y lIUley llVO dpgn.!"s 01 lalilu d t'. ....Jth a " u,un srap C po p. tbe II COlli or hf B am bl· hunLlred mUIl8 thal from lhe north . 1111" 01 Iwar ly ~UU mUcs lioo8 slruggle~ or II 1j1l1U"f' r o r a ce n · {,:'IIUfOSI polnL or North Am'lh'u 10 Whlt,l <.Iatu 10 Ihat efTe~ l :1I'n la('k. tury , the wor<l \4'o ut rouuc.l Ihat a r c· tbe IstbmuM o r PanllmlL l Ing II I~ plubabl e Ih at Nic holas Sec. tic f!XLlloratluil wall at an e nd The surveyor th elle r emote I ('glo n s Ond Land ('O Il SISI !! lIr U Illlmllf' 1 01 d IJlveO tbal ;irllC a ud lliliomilahl !' I \\all b tlt Oll e or tb .. lIlany Il ro g r e881ve 1 clUB" lying 1 ~ laIlLl l!. ~ llIlIlar 10 "'rull ~ 1'~<:C' n d ant 0 tb /l;orse ViklnKII' j lllJ lJrOV e lllCOlB for' Ru ssIa initialed by loser 1';111<1 It s high, abruj.ll cllers. l{OlLlti AmUIlU Sf' II . WII!'! dc t,' rr"L1 rro lll Ihat 111111100 11 " c haracl(' r . Pf'tc r Ih o alld ll' UJ' y i'O"JI,' U Jt ~. ak9 sel!m to SUM. that a.rc l lc! "oyall" 011 w hich h I' ha<1 Ur"ILI l'laDn ed in hi s hUll " ' !LnI, I l aill \1 Ilk il'lk) H Opilllull t hat il m Iy " !ldy Bla (d 'r I I I r' . W th' r t' . urn DR 1(' ll rll'" 0 Ih l >< 1II0MI ,'xtp. nd "d Il r gf'Of'lTlllclllr HilI" I I,.. of lu k ,,,"!, fUl'llIalloD. D"~ IJlt e llle .. I' ram rrom U,.rlll~ "trait h I' Hail pti ' YP } H (l \'('r nll!'tnpt .. " wus kll U\llI 'LA fu r l lIl .lt II' K" (aliOll WUH >l C,1Il1 al Ibe bOlllhward. Ull tl~ senltll!\, Illgll ll ll tlll'f> Ih" l:n 'HI :>:orLh ern "XPf'CIIII IIII. i l l :lIlulJl l-; p lut". Ilk laud ~vi u P lltl y tI IIl'akH \\Ith !';ur""KIall okl a "d LIlt);· l a~t" d I~ YIl Hrs from I ~~:; Itt 1~1~ UIWllllli il '" ar('ile game. TnlC'!'S uf dl'll. wII s lcug,·~ alt"II,pl,' d I h " SlIlIlh Ito II'sll ll~ ",1\'" faUl£' to lIe r l ll~ . MlIru' l r e lltlh"' r \11 ' 1''' 1·1~lhl e. pulaI' lipan; " (' r e g('''grap l IlC pol . \ II.r. loth " 1..III)tie f s, to Pl'olllsc h h dl "f Sllell , alld Io"cl li fe \\as abnnualll. orr . WIH'II Iho }rar l al~ 0 IWll flll lhp, r C' and o Uu'rH. I II Il1ll)r duys "" .) wO'r'; Hh or .. ""III .' "alru s \lCII! hl ·v lI . Thil "ltH "Olt·tI II IIluns"I''':,,1 reClIrn'llc{J of f o ll o \l 1'<1 li y I(n lw b ul', \Vrne g" I. Anjou I 1,lrg c- tu ll\ 0:1ill" maUL; ))y I h,! HlI sHia u t'ovular ' lll"1 !'ht "I a rc' c\(' 1I"\(f- or aflu Sa llllikor. ollll-. r~ 01 '1 " "'I II" ' I1 ~ r"'IIlII!~ 10 thll It:~l}aldl. t:u that tll f"' rt · W I' Tf' UO I l' s~ ! I l ow H UliHia l li1"'l)~ I"ti is t c nlly pu!"~ upd g pol (lg'. \llp lillIU :l a rid UH\ HU l a \ \' 11 1 tll .,n . I x l' xpPthL1"n~ IIcll LLI ... 1 <'x I Il r r tb I I III IU\\ " 11 111'11 11c;llt (II' ib I' II )HI<-:II eull· r lu lfing IlIo~, ' "I' )(u o~ ia . Th I milt'! . :t ""'I' 11I1I '. !'OICY or l! I l, v"oP· I Ulti OIlS. f I , .. ' I 1IIIIy 11l"fl t of S ll"'lllIll trlLli,' h rlH b" ' 11 1\ 11('11. a nd I h \' S\\ 1',< . y. u" ('. ",UUl'\um, ~('\ f ,l rtb \1\ nen J . ti l ' Sehokal III thl lIay III /(1 'II "r,, 1 lello"I" dl;l' I( c russed lh ... L, r"' lIlalld " '<'('a )) a l J( I ' I I i d (''''d l 'llt Illa l lilt.! '·ull llt ,.. nlal ~lll' l r l fl ' l l II I l,ullllS Th .. (: .. ,' 11" .111 ." 'l ' I·,,(l u r . ~ (Y . II ~H 'B.II mpe!' a o a vy . III lart • Oil" l'ult ll (;al lo ll s. l>u r" routp.~ or nal'" u r A ';),I I,; IJrtllllkl than lJa~ 1I(" :,n 1;"11 ' l>lraul.. ("un<l <l IHas tl 'l ancl li ... tl it III I l ~lIll oll to an ti fl'urn thp vall .. ) ;; III' ('rally ~ d)JpO S"u. b ~llIg l rull ulJU lU .'url lI Spl ll. lw'l,{l'1l ~I,·all\\IIt!,· Ihl' I lh .. \' l' I1 " " ' I. or th e Lena "ltll 01 IIlh,. 1' J~II III II,·~ UI' more I n "Id~










, ' tt' fa fl t"i!'\Ofl. JP;tc 'h (ht ' IIYI.olt!pll(' al

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,I<'III,ILo l v

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a l anrt p, \\' arml llJ; 1 11

' 0:( 1.111111 \\ It lc-h h i6 I :Ither WiLli fi rs l " i l lt )lioll"l'r~.;1 wondrous 1"11 Vil li to lra\' L' r sp Atll u uc!~('n 110W tita rt ~ "11\ ,1 1\ 11l1I1; ir s H),OUO .Ul\t} of t nhald1.1I1tx h "nll g HI ra il III drift Il U llh wC.!~ l· ; HlIl"I H , I:t IIt .. J\1lr:t~I',l.llI t.l "rO llll\! '11Lnl \\it h Lh (' I,' " fill!''; of Ihl.! !:i lbl'" II". IIort h 'lid or ~O\'a Z,lIlbi:l 1111\" !Iall fl el 'a u Th ~!'I t" u ll I' p p IPS~·11I \' lHlt I,,"' " t {,H t ,.,!. hc:t u<'it b or 1!(I.lj ll 'e ll tuuy 111' caJI L~ rOI'(: i~n lllld Id t'alhntc Iu u n d Hallh' for " (1 runl ~ rcla l ~hl ,, ~ )I'Hr t ' \ p lO ralloLl , a~ l(lt lln. lrt l U "Ah h l b., ,. a ft er '<'ItT It \\as th ' n 8U"gl'stud thut 1I11 "~I :l1I 1' ~II ('dl li (JII ~. l l lii('il . n flo . J " .t :1 ~a tl:tirn('l()t'r toUl e cou lu lH.! f c uuo 1I11 '~Ii<; nnd ecol1 oml . h ., • IltPrlng n l'ri n g: !{tl'n it. Tlll ij \\ o ult! Il<'fur,· cl uRc rlbln" I I", dl"cOY" fl l'S 01 {' na ul,. HtHk~ia tnoblnl n a ::; lb pl' l:i1l01li . !"Io"'l UPlll f' llIlnt II'lIk lLzlty the !(ll H~UI" , " I,.t. \\'11I1 \'IudIYO SloK as th e main port. will b o w ell to But forl h for ell; 11 In· j to wbl ch \\'o uld lle shiPIIC'd til(' prud \ :l Hlll nti inlo Iho SI b" ri a l1 OC"'IIIJ n l!nr· u ('ls of Ih o Vtl~1 r l'!;lo n 10 th e l 'a" 1 of -lit l~ Nlcuo l.:lS ~('ennd l.aJl d . Fi r~ t ! ('Il IH' (')H ' I\.' U Hkl tl III "ru er Is th o 'Xt"~ tllti,, n \Ii I'~ \ ' II , I II l h p S0Ul1l ZUQ r o f 19l:! twu pow e r,



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Il J'~ lf ld 11111111 1:.


t o (;,,' IIPrtl.l

'1"1", \ \\1 '1 1''1 (hll ' fq~t l. .11101 c'II"' ,"nnll I,ap" " ~ "I)lI" '11 ,I" ,,,bill " "I p all :t " HII . · POll "illd, \\ll ~ In k ' ll /\ II", 1':lgh l h M I",,,ur l f ru,,' ( ' ,,1 ' 0 10 l' il lRlJurgh InlJuilll( u ff'" tin y,; .lfl r' 1 the batl l (' . Tlw y h au 1" ('('1111, III I' ll Pllid orr anel had I,a d 114 , ('11:1,,('" 10 )I ' lld their mon' ·.' I gOL $1 ', \\ :L!;(,H ror nl(, trIp \\, ,, 11\11<1· .. 1 Ih " 1':iR hlh :'oI1 "~t)lIri al Shll"h alit! lork IJlI alHttll . () I) or Lh" 8<,\'('", h K. (1I .';1l~ " ava lr)' uf'Ht l"" rl to n poi"l It'l o \\ I '"Irll \\'I' l'n \\, . "01 I II , ' HI, O I Ulf't Ill' 1l1I(' 1t' itll~1 I". " I' '''I"I, d nl" to"o Ljr,III" s


Shlpplnll Fever & Cat,,",bel t'eve.


At the BO;3rding House. " Tt ' & haul. " "a id tho se lltlm" lI1 al , ~ ~ lanlliad y ILt 1:111 dI nner Inbl<', "lO Ihlilk I ~ that thl~ poor lItlin l a mb ~huuld IH' I' ~~ d""lr'Jy"d In II~ youlb J U ~ l 10 ,al,'r to

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P'uk Eye. EplzooUG






( ' nnndL 111


Mrn. Fannia H. fl r""l. or Rrynnl. Nelson r." , Vn .. wr ites: "1 b.!Hovo J hod and nc h o n \V~Il1n.n could b :1\'o, m l' h:lr k w r...u w eak, and 1 Butfored with nervou. nc.., and could not . Iocp a t n'gbt. SutTl·r..d w'Lh Borenoss in my right hlp, and ovory monlh w<>u ld buve flP<'II.~ and hnva t,> in bcd. I taken eireht bottlca of your ' C"lIvonLo l'rv8cn pllOO' nn,l one vlnl 0 y our 'rleasant PeUeu.'. Can no.. tIo my work fot' .i,. in tll1nily. and l ecl liko a ne\v woman. I think: It is tho best mndieine In the world for womon. J r ecommend It to all my trfeoda and DlAllY ot \.helll WIVI.I boell greatly beoetltou by Il. ev~ry pnln

In ( ,I, ', It F ,u .. ,. r,ll! ( ;'n .d n .'.'" " I l . t' p II I 111:-.1 d fl. I I 'h" 10·,111. " , .~ l. ' "h \l1I!1 1111 "'1,'1,' J: ll l h'~ I III I IHI fl ' ( lirllol l , ill . \\ hI ) h\l } )~ 1111' r l,. ~, t IU '\'r- l lo ti "' ! ('on{illnll g :h'


t o

Favorite Prescription



f'X[,t..tlltHJIl Ii C:lJ Ut'



I" Plllall;alJI" !'l ",'i, 's uf ~lrc -

COllJOIand .'r ~IJ 1,~dwan.1 lJ el 4,\ll t'\ r, \\rit o " Th ,' I..a.'il uf thtt An '




our appc tltr's" 1 \ll1h 111 1" li p Ih,' IIVN \\Ilh hi " oul tl t " Y es." r opllr-d Ih e sm arl bOllnit·r. The opportunity of secllrinll free 1 con","lIog flf 1'''1 \' 1'. II hc)g sh pnd of Htnu;gilug with hl8 por'lOll, "Il lil l bomest_de of 160 acrea each l and ie ,·. 11''''' 'tl~ ,,~arh . I(J"III'CO. "If' . a l so tOU I!:U" the low pri c ed lands of Manitoba. '. \\ \1 ,·aK!.." or IJlIIIS 011<1 h :l If ' [llnl~ " I Saskatchewan and Alberta, will \\I'i~I" . \\1'11 ,·" .\ Ibl'r l 1\ :'olllll OIl or Exa l~t~'focr:~e?~I!~ ~~~~eb~Llle ot lOOn have pa.ssed. 1"'11" '1. ' til" III I h " :"''' Il ollal Trlhll"" C: AS'J'OflIA.1l5u Ceandsurert'medy for Canada offers a hearty welcome 1\ 111 '1.., ,. "" '''"lra har,,1, hilI I ,ltd IInl iDl:lDts ~nd ch ildren, and lIee tha.t It to tha Settler, to t he man WILl! a I I h I f arntly 100kmt1' f or a borne; to tha (11 011 I ... I , . 11 11" n corslhe ~ I f anner's soo,"to therenter,lo all who il ,,"I , 1111 1,,,,,,,101 .. [,,: UII" I II ~.#~ ' wish to liva unde r better cond,lions. g' " .l """ "I' ,II" "" "'. " " Ol ll flllb SlgllalUroor . ~tA./. I Canada's grain yield in 1913 is \1.1\ \\' " I" 1-: ,'1 :.t .... lId . 11111,' all,I tUK,· In reo For Ove r 30 Years. I the l:Jlk ot t he w orld . Luxuriant .-J' lt ll '·" I In .I.) . i lo ·· una l. ,III 111;111 I I Ch ild ren Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria G, asses IrIVO ch ea p fodd er f or l ar&,o , t ,.\o\ I I" 1: 11;<; " I \\, ,~ "111 \11 ,,),,·,1 III I h ,· I hords ; c ost of r aising a.Dd falterung l ",J," , ,,1,01 I,,· l " " '~ "" 11\" " , Ti ff' M o d~rn W~ys. f or marke t is atnfie. \\ .1 0 !{I,,, I' n' .11111 ' ·."l g"fI~ "" )l ill ! "f , \11 , H... "II I .Id ) " ' " ,,,,, I, "'.l\·n III , The sum realiz.ed f or Beef. B utter, ' '' I gli :t ,"1 :'" "n, I·· 1-:"1 I",,, ""(' .\ hllf[' M il k a nd Cheese will pay fifty per 01 11 11' "'' a'id 1 l illi' (Ill 111 til .tl \\d .' , ~11'~ 1':~i)l ) rI ~{J: l J1 a. l. ,\!I ' .L !' cent on the investment. ,1\" '11 d .. ~I'J.:I.t 1'. 1 " '" " , . " "I ' lII111 1 ~ WrlLe foril ~e ra ture and partieI Ip 'I ' lI ' ' ,, ' :, lrf\"J .,t I':,d u e-oh lit,' w, ' ~ht f. ln "" n\ '·K,· ta\ ,I t! 1'1115 ~" " "nld , ularsas torcducedraltwa.y h I h I II r a.les tC' Supenntcndent J.: .. ,II" 1.:,01 I,ll !>. ,llId b ' · ~all 10 , II"(' k ! w'l :Irlf '\I I ull l ' '' lil t! ''' (' ualll'~, oflmm l.: ratton,Ott.awa.,-"'"e.: 1 "1' II,, · )11"SI'''';' ' IH anel "Ihl' rs I : They r<·~u"t c Ille J,,, ... els. ,nllgor lue tbe C~ nad~ or t.o I I' J 'f I II I A I ~ ... I 1' ! 'IO "d Ill ' 1'. ", 'l'I'{l IIA h T!l", S {IIII' I ·1 " 'c r all' p~~.' ~~ _'_V ,",1 ,. ,j II I) ""c·I, · '11,11 br \lflh h im ., l iI W. S, NETHERY I .'! III I.tli II " I If ,,01:' 1 .IIT"SI. \\'1111 ~1I ,' rd Effec t of Rubbcr Ti res !;~~~;:,r:~;,B6~f,; tI',l I \11111 '11 UP f lir/ lI'd Il\l' l l lu' fir" j ' )lo w did ';'0\1 I t'll alll 'I ' 1110 )o..lll h CanadJan Govcrnme:nl Aat \ \I'l l ,l:I!:ll rI ,It JI :! d ld', dl Th ~·)' p u l hl n) <.: ..1I I ,: , d g. Ollt' 0\(' 1 jOti , •.•. ". 1'"1 :,,.011 I "I \I." al lll(lHl o lil pl"I,I), ,·r,, " ,·" I ' I;;' Iii " Ji C' 1 :-' .l~ I I' ~lI l I 1I II )(, I){1:1 • 1 . ~ \lIj, tl Li llt : ( II' J )' 1 h I ' 1', I' r , . !I(l \\ hi H P ,,'1 f 1'11\' W'n l ('r f or hI IJ\l1~. 1.1 q ul.1 )lu l' \!' "11 1 I I I I II . 1· , .. lll ll ,,·.tI, ·r. Iluy H,d , ' r 0:,9 Ullil UI UU I I ~ \\1' OIln\' ,,/ 1 .~\ " I 0 1 (,' 1111 l' "h u lilLIe lba b I.dllJJue. AJ\' J





I . ..


Don' t Persecute

t '


Your BoweIs

' I·; ~III I, 'I I " ~C' 'I' I :·111 1 I h ' ·I .' "' l' lI "1" I - - - -Cu, out cal h"rtic. anri ru uI ' d III n ld I "jr:: "' l a b' (' ~1 1 1(1 h r) 1 "" lJU' Tilt' Vl' s t \\fl Y It, ('ull pc t I l llb, il ry l brutOll. h ar~h.u u IICl..cssar)' . ,I tI, ,· \1"- ,<11"1 I" ." ", 1".1" II ... ",,' :"· ' ·,·r to ulI Y LO It:ud but lJulruw to CARTER'S LITfLE "" I' ',,,·r· . .I It " ." , ," I "U : :" 'IItI ~.l. lIll'· HI' \' P : LIVER PILLS I I I I I \U I" I \1) I I l\) II 1\' I . 11' I I I,,··, '" c ' l'tlld ;· Act r h" ln ~" I H1111.; ,\ ,l~' I ill.t.-! \~I' \\(Ju/(t ,\ -;i lllplf' nrotp t (l n ll ;'~: llll·t d.l lhl t9'(lI1Q ~~::!~T~i.l loCn I I . t ~""\l\ ":" (:1" '1 -1 ,l it' J)~ ~II · )l, IHh tllcd'.t 111I:, k .· :t ltl. PI " 11 '1'11/111 1' :'0 \La ~'·Oll . soutl.... h. j . I I . IlKII I)",,,.; ;H; ,iL !JII')! SI ',I,·o. nll'",I' r'ln~ol bad.l IIn t\ _ hli !"'t ::I"~ " H ~()I f 'g' 'np .. r~ . \ + r·' bQwel.' CUt ' I 1 - -...,- - - - \.;o l d l vt' ~. ( "!I(~ P!u ll , (' il ll t Ul nlllg I \1 I ~ Ultl n l UI 11 1111\ 0 " rp.itl l l'!">!j t hl\lISl , ~?'I','.'u",P"••",U,b,' It l '~ l :\( '(.(,11111 " r thl ' ~!(:1 { I JaU 1I~ 0 f \1 1\(1:1 111"11 1, bi ll it ": ~~ ~ III ' ,u ll) 1;0('8 t o .. Su:liJlead. I ~ l l' tl g" III I ~"I:! anll doubtleH~ IIl'I'l> h· . Shl l uh. :~ilt l II ., r '.' {' '' ' r",1. 1I'f! h h,l , Ih. I r Ilt'a"~ . I d, . Gild In di,ellion .• , knn .... , c·d 0 11 hl H nllt'n'I "(: ~ r etul'l\ Journ ey 10 , .,11 111'" I'I"! " u,"1 .__ ___ : SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSEI SlIIALL PRICE. 1 1\011'11101 Islu n d. II ", Rc iL'nllflc wor l d ~1) 11\' 1i 1t " 1" 'I" r1 , ,,~j(f; of \I llH· I,) l ' p !l " m:! lI f:.,,· «!l I,nm C.. r hO'lI l,1I11 11 "~II must bear Signature will a \\al l \\'itl.\ inter s t tb ' . lao l UH!S- l llil\l ntl:,\\.!t' d 1h, ' lu t " rll l o ll (I ~ t)) l ' 81\1 .. . 1\ III t' .\ ' h 1l 1!! 1 tll ~.dIIUl :l :lt)n u( l'y~b tH ., I'~U b~la l.1 SC I PO- I :\1. 1 ~ !,{JI JtI b IJ: ," , dlJ(j t tl")' \\H II n rl 1(, ' )""""' A1, ~ I nug 0 r Ibi A 11I trt.' plu _ . __ __ ",~

, \) . Long :111 11 lils Kalll'lll C{lIIIPUII!IJllij : dnrl, ' d Illl 1I 1UI.lilL . III'b" bl't ullul lite .1,·UIlt'IL " ,In k 1 1 ,· unce . ud'"lio[]~ a llu l'orrt ~ llu U8 \'t;Jor c. 1I 1BU \ I . ,. IJI tl It· 11\I II , b c-r IlLl d P'ti o t tIl l! U' LOllI; tM Iu.ndt;. ~\l ()kiL lUi IU t l" II ' b Y \ \11 · ' . ,·tll ll! \\.," ' 0 ' c SI!O\"· ' .\' . I k ltz K" ou I' I (I t I .1 I t · , .'. , C" n ' . IS a l,'u U ',',l ' ul n l1 1'~ a d t.l t II r U II , I I llS 1( u s-· .n f t"C OI ~ II Il ~UU ':-0 1111 1 t ·.~"1. 1 r f.. r v i SIted tbl 5 Iban" I . 1 by






r:euched on August 19, 1878, the north

' list. who g av e h i ;; li fe to ad\ UlIce l kDOll \lh,,1 11.1:' In t llol1l Il,' f')rt· I I: hl,' l ,, 1\1.1\, 1,,1'(' 111.!l l'flu ll l1!8 pz:rq, ,' I; t.o;.';l'U pl llc kn , I\l l l . u"'" e t 0 R u 8~ I !I II I10 though t I ~ al" "hl~ k y a 'PH' II I was 1II<1' l i"d ('\llIpl,' 10 gc ·t alllllg ·lll llE'· mIll l OllS It Is il h U ll»)' COIIlCld ll nCB . III (, I il '1 II,) b"t;!;ed nil' 0p l' n tl ll1e~ I t IR (,O lllmon H' n 51' I thaL thI S ve ry Y I.!S r a ml'llIonal lubl et I I I ' " . n bj CI t o I to ilaro n Toll I" In lJroces s o r lJ). I Will ", " ~ .l lt . )1 "c.' 1"1"' . ':" ffl 1I I a hi" knee lilc.,. this, but your hor", Ih (, lli I " h d I .. 110' I ,I! III n. un I Putl ' n 11 F 'L I ' l ess Dy's do Do t s tain 1 ~ 61:1.11111 1'111 Oil 1\01 1'11101 island. I. b .... I .• I ' ( ' . . t. may.. have a bllncb or bruise 011 hia , "1 ~ Ill" " '''II .''tI. ut" ,~ • ., 11 11 ~gO th c 1" 'IlIf' .~ UV Allkle,Hocl::.SliAe . Kl1e~orTh rn3t.. I Hll fll tlll ' c1 Ihl,r d, 1lII1 '. O~ . s« " n' t .P; Coal Now From Spitzbergen. " .. II I I II 1I1,·il' ('a ll ' !> It ":I~ l\(It lu ng \\'h ,, " ttt .. war<l1I p hlt ~ a rock th " ~'.-~.~-~=I'i~~ ·I· he ,·.. •.•~ st cu al fl e l"u..o of "pll·' bl' rg'.n Ilnl ll II 1",.k",1 111,.' II,c' 1, "1 ', 1'1"'1 " '."". na YD I ,1pprOpl"l:l I i o n the .. ... ~ ~ ~.::·tLJ'I::::I-\ '" I glltz an ti Tlllm~'T I!!rt V l adivosWk ar e at b ein g o p.'ned uP. and by all, ') II11n fl III " .. III ". :tn tl I \\a R IH'I Flnklll!: funtl will clean it off wilhou t !:tying thlt to pro sec lIle their 6I1r~~s 1Ilid to re- all Am erl clln. .101111 M. L OIIj;year 01 !Ollg In (\ 1"JI"S lll~ IIf all fir ( Ilt' Wh lHk) horse: up. No blister, no hair II(' W Ihc lr effo rts lo rOllnu Cape C h el · Marquett e, lI1iclt., who hll H a titi e to ,'xI''' )l L " r,, \\ IIl\ (t ll'~ Ihn( I hnd Ilul gone. Conce nl r,, '~d -only a fc'" iii d t t St P 1 b JiO sQllare mlleK from a Norwe"iaD Illltlt'l ( hp ~ h"tI\l5t on Ie I' ~'I :; 11'1I1('n d"'I" rC'l"ired at an al'l,hc.~tion. $.' pel y US' 1\ all rp urn 0 e e rs urg " throu"h th e I,aru sea.. COruP,IDY, r epo rts that hlH company ad' Irau c \\II~ rU Rhing . t ,)o. a~ II " ·as """l' ricll"' ..... Dnai b< xo" ' c... lo'!J"'".llb.lJoctIO", " • •• ' Ind nook 8 K free. AOSO IUlINF.:. JR .. abU."",,,, Th e xp 'dillon WIUl und e r command has ~hilJPe<i ~5 , OOO tOil S this y ea r. ,L \ <:, ry h oI L1a y Unl""., fo, a.... Llnd. R<>l u",. ralnfal 5 ...lIinr~ f .... of U eu eral Sergoler, Imperial Russlau The Engitl E'O rlng und Mining JourAho ut fll'(' o' cloc l, In th l' arl l'rnOOn a Now Located at 119 W. 7tb Street I ~:~:'I~.':.~ ~;~e. ~;;;;; rl::~.''''j,rl~'tr''-:''dv~2~ navy, who wjLs Incapacitated by a nnl say,; tha a d e posi t or about 60 .. provos t gua l'u drI' ll "I' III my fron l ioOIlI... dru"I'IO.,d,U •.,.,I. "' .. uloctu,«loolyby slr,oke 01 apolJlexy. Lieuteuant WH· 000.000 tons exis ts III i!pl\zbprgen . and <i(' malld l'u all Imlllt '<i ,at<' "\frren · Formerly at 2911 Vine Street ~ . F YOUNG.P.D.f.," nUheld,Ma~ 1' 1 n l I lfl (,rfl ra 10 l 'h e n1111e8 are worked b v f' ro ln '.~50 ,. klt:tky, iml' ria l navy, slIcceedlug to ,,,cor ." ~l.!r~lIl1 " t h e c ommllnd. made a running-surv ey 10 :1011 lll(,U and altbough t he shippIng ""nrc h m y pla ce fo r \\ hl Hk y and COf) Cincinnati, Ohio I " • 1M ' uf the Asiatic coast from tbe Kolyma season lasts but three months, mIlling Ilsent(> Ih " same [lod arrf'S ( Ihl' ~1- lIl'r n,' hn.q /\'T(>ntly Ntlargcd hlH I lIsUlutlon ',w, ••" riveI'. latilude 70 degrees north. lonsl Is curried on lhrollgbout the year. '1'111' ofl\ cp r III l;harK t! mati,· th e In· ILl II~ WI'.l !:i(>I'enth ~I. h ll' h,>: r~<"'lI lly , .,., .........1 p""~ H t S It b i 111 N M ' r d Jil In IIns l'" from a.bru .h.J mn..n y II" W Elt' c · 'hit. rorr~r,.~ud tulle ItiO degrees east. to Cape Ch e l· u . p z ergelf s 8l a o. a.n B vestlgall on . but. ~ tranll " ttl tln)' 0 110 Ir "'.' ,\ppIIHII"p, IIt " t u r .. Ifl lJ" lI s"d In w';~'~i;~';,'!·liou, )·lIskl u. It Is th e llna Umo Ulst this L"nd a lill the northern oations ot 110 \1 hl ~ l;y 1'110) 011,' <1 ui' 011 l emoll ' th ~ IrI'nlll"'"l or llt ~ trl~n y nllmenl' 11,,· "'lr'~ 'J1.'.'.". Europe l ook upon Mr Longyenr and lU' ', "d lefL l or cam I' In" short 'nnll "" slt I." twlr (0 W, · wl sl , 10 s"y 'ltll( I 0 . . ' ' " ' . . . . . . " ' •••• cape bas be en visited by a sbip com· ~ t £ , I th!" I h l(" llr~ 11 1' \\1 II (OC" 8 urt' p hlf ('~ nf I n W.. I....l ahUIIIIH118ttG. IIIK rrom tb e eastwa.rd.·s Ill~ A, lI ('rlcan COll1 p !,ny as interlopers. Inn" Ih e Orn C(' r (' aml' b"c k :Lion ,· an d l I)r'''' '. I... ltu\' ln", fur. Ii 'I' p" .1 I;' )"'Lr~ r1 e ~"'• • • • • • •".iii"".jjj~"· 1101lnG of completing tIle clrcumuavl· ' I n faC'l. Hu ~s lall s h ave a lready Invad- 1'"llpd "' 0 Ollt t o ant' slup and » d d VOl," hl< IIIrtP III I 111, 111 111111. '! lu I he , S\II n '~"' (lll ll rl U ti 'l' ur .\h.' lll( .11 h l"rld >'!l}, galioe of AsIa wero d es troyed In l oogl· ed the company a terrItory and tak eu M,. hllY . ~ found you r w h ," 10. \) 11 t 1 "11 I" """" 01" . 111 '", ""c thi s " ,Imlruu l" u tilde 96 d ('grees east. where h erouuti n\V~IY a ('!lrgo o f c oal. onflequeully 11I" 1l il '1I11N :1Il cl I wi ll ('Ullll' tolllg h l ~'I~:\'I ·:·' I'·;" :';:~ I~I, :"~.II'll~I"I~~IP:~~ ~',~,~ I'h~e l~~;" , ..... ~ ... ,.. .. -. • an Impen etrabl o barrier of so lid th e Americans are In Q Quandary RB I' I n r II Ilu nOl s,'11 any nI OTl' . an d a 8 lor I " p>IlI" l nl ti. "U,·, .. " ("I <- lI r. llIv,· ' r"a" lCeyt... Patltock ::"::~~'£7::"':: ice. 10 \\ hnt t o ito soon a s I am l 'll !l . \. pt! I \\ tll C(,ll1W allli !n,nt 1 ('t,r ~Ihl IJJ '~;yt~ 1.1I1 1 ~~, r!,h " r , Hl',)l. ~~:~:,::" . .t~:~:;:I:.tlftd .It OUR Aoa NT As the sea was open to th e north. g t' l n fl " ,\ bo ltl f;l~. \\' hl "h IH' (Jid n nd 'll;~'~l/1l\\11r~ 1~~~"' d~ l1ih1' 1';;t\r'/,~;~" tI;~~·J7~~~'wtll~t :~~I.a':'~:''' ~I~l':t:il';;: N~I~::,!,~

Asia. Capt :;.ln ': !le)yuskiD, which he determin e d to tie in 77 de-

he decide d to explore this unknown aren or th e Siberi an ocean . To his

r.OIll1llLLnd cII by Dr' L o ng . wh lr h urlrt· ,. (1 1I 0rt !t'\('st rl y fro m \l1 ·!·II. /-: ~ I rail

rul Ie .. ureak I'S, Ih" T al m.vl' lind Ih e \ ',U l!:J I Z, IUflUI) ~ :\rc ly LL \'o1' ag (l "1 0 IIl1ll1 I ht) J eanett o \\ WI c ru sh (' d by , III r i ll/\ SI rail lO allli front th c Lt) II LL. I h r· I... . NuusclI fu llo\\l!d Iu the Fl.un . auollt'l ~" ,lIf(l lltg~ ,Ln .1 Bu r v ,,}'s w e r e mad e '11 I) . . . · .. . r o u t .. but Itl' conditIone around Cape • I nl,; ' ) "ung s plan. Ill ' tInfl o f Ih~ 1"ru m was a prac tical conlillua llo u of I ( ' bc lYU MHIII prcv ~ IItt'd tll f' ~ Il lvs frOnt thlLl r tl J l I I I rp llI" "" g In H us~hl through tile Kllra o Ie ea n eL P, 110111-; I 110 li nd ~~a . 'tH ~ C?{' II, IW <I lIlt' ship lJlI ~s~11 Int o dWee p wulE'r about 250 rnflf-'s f() the Earl y Itt .Iul y , l~lJ, t h e Ice urc:l lico r s north of th e lI ew Sib eri a n IHI:llld8. Tho O1osl llIl pOitallt addition In Ilw I ti ,y rogral,t, y of the 81ll crlun OCPlln, l imo nud m eans consldercd. was made hy Cn pt. Ed\\'ard H . ,Iollalles en, In Ule sill ling scl.Joon e r Nordlund. L eaving Cap!' Mourillus, Nova Zc mblu, h e found tho ocean Ice. Cres. 60 that h e crossed to Cap c Talmur. Il car Cape

t;helyurskill. 011 August Hi. IS78 b e <discovered In 77 degree~ .I!! lDln~tcs north lall tude . 8ti drgrc oy east longi . t,ude, ao Island Damed Elsam ltOI't .. ~ (Lonely I sland). scarc c ly lUore timn 100 mil es to lhe wes t or Nic h o l ilS S ec. and Land. Most Intere!lt.inr. w ere Ibe c J(llc rl . .

onces 0 f B yron A , 1D. von ]\;ordeusk. jold. the grea t est, all vbMes of action und of knowl edge cOfll;idered, or arc. Ue explorers. In his unlqlle voyage.




or Asia. he



Kero.ene Can. In Demand . American emply Icoroselle tin,; a re largely used In India as receptacles an(l for (ullllling many of the pu r poses for 'vllicb 11'011 buokets lind palls might be u sed," writes Consul Henry D . Baller. on sp ecial servIce 10 the east. "Handles are attnched to empl¥ tins, wtllcb I\rs UIUS utlllz d Cor carrYing water: abp\lt In I\.. l:iousehold, and In mnny cases' they n"re tilled with allnll , and ' dal)08Ite<l 10 large government ... and :private " oftl.oI!l' tor.. emergency in · ,;.... . . 0(' flres, .'wb8b· the .an~ ' maY be I l








If.,," ,••




Old Mother Hubbard.



e!lslly flung on the blazing fir e nn tbus extinguish It. "E mllty gerosc ne Uns ha vo also a wid e use as conUllners of whee ( cla rl· fl ed butter used by the onllv os ). and they are also put to use as flow er pots;' oft ell thpy are flattened out nnd smoU h oles pierced In tbem to serve liB win· 10\\'s or peepholes, tbT{)Ugh wbleh the iudi9 S ot zenanas or harems muy look out of their houses wIthout beIng Been lhQ.fnselvea. .; "TbeBe llatt'ened out . t~~ allO . are muCbc uaed u ·tOoftna. for:many otthe .,





\/:lid fp l' lh~Ol . Th p tH'xt da ) 111) un clt ' a r:-\ vL'rl ha, '

~\I;I I~ t\~" }': I~~(:~11 P't!I~tll;(I~ . . i ntl.!_'~l~Il:I:~~~· tll~!;' tl~~\:

~n , ( 11 i1 I ' " ( O"r" "II ' nlhn. IIt~ H lwil ~~: :;.', :~,I:.'~ '1·,~t~::':·i,',·,,":t~:~';·";::;I·,',i';}.~ ~II'I',;a.\~:~


~ .

•.. , .

'.. "

w " ~ abo\~ 1

~oll nc.


I " ~ '; " ,

Can Make ~3 50 a Day


I \\



Swap Pain for Ease



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11rlll1~e ~ 9b~d.?W i!llt-,. ~dl . •



:;,~ \ ;~ ',:~;";:;~':~; ~~n!.,,~~:~,7;7,:',:: IIIllliRLOCII:COMPAIIl,.5Z3T_Stnll~'r--'~

!';"\ " nlf, SI I 1 1\' \1I ~ n'I ' ''lI T hl" ' 111 • (]rallt 'H' army. lIllICh tr n ,,,,,I n 1:!' ttl 1 P .rn • 1.,. oro" ,1III,:"i h"ll'· ~ ~I ,1 JIl ~ • ItIl l t'~ D ill towurd H ('onnth : lhl' I'(' WI' '> l' '11 ""'''' 1\, \\'. In,·" t>, V" n ," 1 !" I llr . t'om<thlnlln.w. N".oll,'lIl o". tl'S )lO S"u or all 0111' [llq,"rH If! n \'I' r) <Jot'" "10 I' II' I" ' " rn. !',",d ' r_. 10 WowIlIRendyolllt HILIL"I'I"" Til.· Jl r .~ XI (1'1 ', '. \\" . \I fl ro r 0 11111 '" "' I11'.. 11141 I ~ ' " 1'1 1,'1 , 1'1,,",1' ,'an:11 lbnl w,ll Ot:al.&t5o«. I<",.."nl.<'u yOIl lhl. '- I, on 111111' 11 11d l' ( II lal lt·c 1 nil :;"~ TI'QUf'B t. ' Ulll\.>Utll. Co rOflldod'" h olll ,' \l' ' II pl" a~c tl wllh 0111' IrlP <llId l :n.I,.o,. <<:11111 ' ' . 11, 1' \\'.,. ,\ \10 " rtl l.lIt uf uur Ircllulc H 1 thf' 1(1 n11,' 1\ "'"' '' I" 1'1 Tit,t (; I.' l 1<'rn " .".', I. -.:;;,., il,:-owl llll , \\l i ( 1rdiU'" ()pt r . II' · 1. 1··c" - - - - . - -- - - . I trk' : )' ,,111 ,"' " III "I I ,,"ahl., c,,,s,·. Th e Twentieth New York . ~ilns Urinh :!S04 r": 'fI,tJ! u t r(l:l~ l ~~ I~~,t~.~llllrl~~l t/~!I~;;~nl~;:!\.:!II:II;:';~;~'~l~~~\II~n!tJ,! ;lt I b:1~,~:,.~~ ~.~1\~~.t.!:ffn~llllt~i~L~~~~ \"\IIII,!~~ ~,~~,~ '; t~~l~ Ilrouk l .Jv ll . :-I. Y.• WI'Ilt'H Ih' :\atl r; na l " t "II" '''''iI'.. d, f il.~II". 'It. 111.1l· .,',,,,,' nl' ,,,,I'll,.""'"""'" "" onln ,·.·a mu ll> Ul. W U UULl<." L.'~ V I<UAS • .sP. \V lllLlC. " .... I t" r '-\!II'I _-"> TrilHllll ' tlln l til., o ld i',\ Ptl! I(lth ~t · ,\ , ~ll.~~I; ,~:\~t ~,\I .I~I' ·:';~l: ;"I'~', ;~t!~:'I',~;e'.lt::1!·~\.1·'~~1~:1 :!:' W . N, U ., CINC INN ATI, NO '1., 19 14Yor k a l c;.·tI Y" bu rg \Va ', III lh e ~'il' sl \)llg nu '" Thi r " dlvl slcJl I I··il >[ ('''I Samplo 11011 10 li nd tn mll1'lIld ,'u In t h n 111'"l t1a\" ~, I1 g hl by ('01 Th " t)(Jo r. · I:. l ;a lM Th l'), \\ 'I'll I" ac t ion 011 '.1 h .ll " IInl\ 11Il Ol< II ,,' hy , uffer, whon IL bollie of Tuttlc's F!lmily '1 8 ""v!lolLlfI a \ .1' Il II , 111'<1 1 1 I' III On EJj~ir w>ll Itrillg such speedy and permane nt relief ? 'Vh y get lallle anJ slill-invitlng serio us com, .July ~ 1I1\!~' ""I',. ,·t ("'m "tl'C) hili plaint s-afler hald ...·ork. exp" sure or violent :;n(1 Oil J Illy :1 1 :"' III ~ !' Iei,,'''', ex ercise, " hen yuu can I,eep III the piok of conchll n:"· dIllOn by a gno o ruud ow!\ \\'tb




\ ;'::~~~ ::I. :'''I ;::~·''''~''~

v l lrlo w·(

I)OOrer hOU Rf'~ or nntlves. Emllt) Getting Her M en ey's WoMh . l,er05en8 011 tln~ sell for "bollt fOlll : !tirH. K i ml DOIl ' t you riud Dr c enls each." Soakmn'~ charges ralll('l' s!.CPJl ·' - - -- - - - - MI.. Slmp--Ycs. I do. 1\111 th en h o Beer Drinking Discouraged. alwl!l.Ys g ive" such di gniti e u und 1m Tbere ls a general tendency throu g h prE1 f;~ I\' e nUIIlPs to th e mo st ordinar y ~. O'll GE'rrnan y to di scourage Lhe usc 01 ni itrlC'r.l8 thaI I t Is r eally a \IIp.u 5ltre lo bee r by tbe factory employes durin. be ill ulld go to hilT. ~cr treatm en t. worldllg houl's, a custom w hich hat! I been quite general for many yoars. 1 Put11r.g It Mildly, Many or the. factories now IlbselutelJ . Torn- Did ' you say your f rI end 15 .1I~hlblt ~e d~~!Jng ot ~~4!r .In L?8 . elend~ ? .' . . (I!-ctory .. an~ ~~oYlde . the}r, employ~ j.; ." T3b-;:WelJ, e)le r~titrn~ a 81~' ·YUh tea I!ot a !ez:f nom~~ 'llllt\..· '.; I h ou ette go, .n becaUse abe couldn '4 p."

i .·.·. _.·

Everyone Should Have This Protection


A rare discovery has b (l Ptl ma,ue tn I Ihe realm of li t eTnlUl'e-'lolillu g l e~~ , lit ;!, IH" II r,!I" lIH' d ane! I' urn lsh,' d than t h .. author or " Olu Moth el 11I1lJ.. pa ,,;l's t o Llle' frem!. utiLI "e 11·1 1 Iur



DrGeo f Hermann






, . . , ;1











grees 36 minutes north latitude 103 astonishm ent. b e fiOOD ~ Ighl ed hi g h d egrees ]7 minutes cast loogl tu u e. As peaks. Ul e summits of u new l und In he was the first known visitor to tbe latitude 8 1 d (w r eeo north, longItude bard," whose lin es. unprotect ' d by cape slDce Its ciiscov er y by Chclyu s. 100 degrees Clast he land ed, hoI st e d CO PYright, lI er e IlJl llloprla ted uy suc , kin by sl edge journey In 1742, Its the Russiall impprlal co l on, took po~. eCse!\'o c.:ul l ors of Mothe r Couse w i lb surrou nd In gs w er e cal·eru ll.".• noted . sess'lon of tbe land In t b e nam e of tho OUl thll l c a~ t bIt or n "Lllank you " Nortiensjold sent bls supporllng czar and IlIlm erl It Nicholas Secont! Th e tllst:ov(' r y o f th . "am e of Ih e UII ' uloumor. tllO Lenn, se,'l\varel to dredg e I Jt3n d , thor \\a s rnnc1e by a cle l'gyman 01 u She was slopped by henvy nnd vcry WlIkllzk y !lJllowed lhe land nortl1· t ho .hul(·h 0 1 1~ llglalld. th e pres ent close Ice ID about i7 d egr ees 45 mID ward. finding il with a cllu!lnuIlig vlcur of Y c· ulmptull . la Co UDty Da \'(m . ' utes no~th, Borne 75 nlil l.s south Of ' north westerly lrOnrl. In l atitude 8 1 \\ho l}jL~ g h ' t' ll the n ews or hlH hHPPY Nlcbolas S econd Land. to w l ,lcb she 1 (I eg r~s nortb. 10 1IgIllll I <>. ,.~ .Iegrees Iindin g t o the l ' ft 'SS. He su"s that th o L1 \J U .I made th e Il ea re~ t apllrollch hilherto ea~t. h e found 11 IHIc lt oC solid t CE' . alJLho r w:.ts Sarah atherlne Marlin , on r ecord. which forbade furth er Jlro gft~ :;s. \l'ho \\'roll' the Il1Ipprlshn\)le rhym e The dIscovery of Nlchol~s Second \ thou gh the lantl r each ed a~ far a s lh o mor e th un 0 hundreu yeurs ago. and Lunllis simply an Incide nt In the ceo· {' ye ('oll id SeP.. Retracing 1II s cuurse, thn l !\lolh er Hubbard h er se lf wa s nomic d evelopment of tb e RusBlIln em . the southern extremity of th l! n ew hous~h('" pe r to Iho squire of Y en l mp· pirc. Tho general pu bli c Is unaware land WIlS found fn latitllde 79 tin- LOll. Tho pronullciallOIJ o[ th i s lIame of tho astounding potential rosource8 gree s north. longitude 104 I\ i s !lot gll'''u. but taklug th o hUll g ry of arcllc Russin Its areas ext ends ea~t, wh f'nce th o coast too k IL lrend ,log of t he PO€!1Il illto a cc ount. one halr way around the world-through to th e norlbea8t. The . bn d Is thus muy Guess I t ocr ?os yelp·ton



P~l pc r s



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.ift/.,. jP , LI ' i'> of rruiLII ' '':s~, \I('1t lor lhe longl""t . It .I o h ll I,',,,"kllll



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T liA S IJ[I"II NC'nrr"d 10 1)41/.1"





Tuttle's Famny EHxir -for more Ih:lII h:elf!\ c.ent ury. in milli on s of bouseholds, the standard rcmecy forrh c "m ~ li ~ ,". lumb!l~ . bnr.kachc, toothache, lam eness. soreness, IWlng('$, "pr!lin$. hluise. and lhe mul titucle of other everyday afflictions. .. With TUltlc'S Family Elixir in the bouse you can rest ~y." Pain Mnllot IIva tn ""mpllny ... Ith another dRv !let n 'at· TUlth:".. Famny l~ hxlr. 1'ho lougoet. t'1· r drug~lst. 1t bu 031l11(Jt


tnbll alu.)(i l tho 8C1fl"S t! nud 'OluSt r4J1IJ\blo.

OIJn. rt1Ut~&d uodor tuo r~ra tootl lAW. CUOIl>ounded of IIUDU. 011 •• lOud V8got(l.. blo O:nZMU -lllu. perfectly adaptbd for hnernal u _11M ul<>rnal _ ,

TlJ'i'TLBIS ~ CO•• 17

ua 00 C6n~





ISmith 4 traol>t of lund In TurtiAoreok. ed 14!l8~ . 7\l with iuter est : t owus hip ' 1 Common Pleas Court

COUNTY COURT NEWS : P::~;l: ·~ur:wl:;~i~:-- C~l:;I:): w\~--;e:~,wf=r·;f·~::Il~~. 1 M.~~:t :~st~:I:h trt~otsGeo~r~:n~I~~ & E~~~~;. ~o~,Ud~~:n~:nt:l~er~~t~d





I I b e IOl>tter of the et!tll\e of " 111 r> Ponoo deco ' 0" 'I'hl' d , ". Uli \.I . I I\C. JQ nt a ppr uved . !tnoie M Tiltl" n!' Ilc\mllli~trn_


tr ' x" f l heest •• t eofA lbertL rlttle. VR Myrtle Beoh 1,,1 I t' l ,,1 ,1 ' ftln llt.nts ::;lIle of real ,, ~ It" . , d':" ',J.

c\ "'''II~.,d plaintiff

tb o 11, .. [I r Li f tus es tn te of M:rllllda Nicely, deoeu8ed . I!:statn fo :Iy Rdmi niHtered [ a t he ,n utle r of the esl,e te of SHllluel Sirles. decellsed Estute full y a(l' nint8teroo. ! n \he matter of the estate of E I Z;!, 1<'. Baiues, deoetl8ed. Estl\te fl ,lI yadml nl ster(ld . I" the matter of tbe es tate of I:"te Brooks, s!lsignor. Firs~ BO oon ILl~pproved . Dividend of :J a 10 ~ tlllowed creditors. Ueorge E. Young, IlS Ildminis t,rator of the eBtate of Pearl Ie C. Gothrie, deoeased plaintiff n. Bnr bon Re Ilvis et al defendaDts . 8ale of real8l!tate ordered , Ed Retalliok A. B, Talmage ~nd C V . H&rness apvu1nted apprair!lers . 10 the matter of the estate of Aillina MoSherry. rlemllllled . W. ChRster Maple appointed admlnitltrawr. Bond 12000. Charles Bawke, 0 '1' en Barnett and B. L. Cllrtwrlght "pl;uIDted fu>praisers Marriage LicenBe8 Earl P. t:lwBin. farmer to Minnie 2 OKtD8eY, both Lebanon. Re. . G. E. Gowdy . Ia




I,)an P. BUDa, stl1mps $5, ' tHldebrll.nt·!! Bl'ok /::ltore, abstrnot hook fl of real estato for AudUUf 31i. W\IIiam Blldley, o o mpen~ation tor roar! thruugh furm 110 Ohio Corrugated Cu lvert Co. oulvert pipe '(17 .20. A. J . K ipha rt·. rOl\d work W Ilshlpgtou t ownsllil' Perry Wol e r oull work WI/ sh ingtltn towns hIp S7 ,2' . A. M , ' P~rker. roar! work Salem townllhlp '22,70. .J . V. Bank ioson. Inm bor '25 50. E . •J Tamplin. brId ge replllrl! Ullrllln uud Sf\lern township $38 7'5 . J uho Mau5, work n t Fost·ere foot bridge til 3 8 Bert Relld. bridge repairs Deerfield township $3i). t:lllmael Cntter.oolltract U58 Oll. Bert Reed. fiual est i. mate oontmot "1 77.55 B,. A. Me-

lin to 81t1ie Muy Hathilwll of Leb_ ITurtlec r el.: t'J wnslllp $en. day ~ to file ple.a dlng. • . y, MI>mie nnd Blln jumin Etunllllrt to Louis Runyan VII. BlaDobe B au,m . Rev. Arthur Cooper . Evun .1 . anu Mllllrad tStectrlom lut un Po ltng Olllle utspll8sed. Por tl'r E Culver, chauffour of ' . Dlt y tuo 10 I hlllY Rllavt!s, of CIIlrks MllUflll Rtrel't,. Lebo.noll . S1. Stllto of Ohio VB. Miludle Foudor. ville , ){ev,A. J.Kel'lt,le l.)e Vere(lu"tinotl\ l tovwn l.vIo'lr- ~mitbpl eau!! nilty. Fined 12Gaud E<.lwerd G. Method , fMmer of Wlm lot No :l~ in LablmoD. ,33[;0, oOfltR Hidgevi lle to Mr. Lyd lU, Ellon I V. 'V . 'l'olUplllnR I\nd wife to .l os, 8ttlt~ of (l)hio vs. ADnioe Ralston, Olluf,{hter:;, of Wnynesvi lle. Rev. ; II. (;~rrlngton 2 truots of Illnd In fou nd Dut guilty by a jnry . Arthur "I ·uul>er. . . Oeer ueld.. ~own81llp ' 1. , Nettie B. Forgy VS . Frank P . __" Ii . D. tStokos t.o A. V, l:>nook . 2 t'x Forgy et a1. Robert J. Shawhl\n al> Real Esta te Transfers laores nOllr 1' 1,1(1 Ball il. poInted f/:uardillo ad ht6m )f the ~' rank P. Forgy , sheriff to the '1', C. Christi'e to Elmer A. Ellman millor derenullnts in this olluse. Farmers Btluk Co. of Spring bor o. n orth hBIf uf l ilt No , 7H iu Lebnnon, ~tate of Ohi o VS. Charles Fit,z7'1l o;q p u l o~ oi Illnu in Clellrcreek 1'1I1i00. ge rBld. On aooount of breallin!o\ t,he t()~'ns hlp, ~7r,0. W. C . Gilmour to Tile Pot1 pltl't:! oOllditions of ' 100 sU8pended fine, Ellz I \~" Illng to Mury A. Bigler IBuilding, Loan I\nd Sn\"in~R Cll . of 8t\id r'lu~ pen 8ion 18 8et asille and ue lots No. • 08. 710 and part of lot 7l:! J.ebanon. lot No. J 01 and part of lot fBnunet is held to terml! of his S6n . 10 Flunklin, It. No. 102 in Bout.ll Lebunon, $5;'5 t,:,. ten ce. ~tIlii M. Runv an , exeootor to Elmer A . Edmon to '1' . C . Chri8tl~ 8 t.ate of Ohio VB. Wl\1Iam Snook LOUIS R RouY lln 102. 2:l ucres in 8everll.llots in AVl\Ion HflightH fl ll"t. guilty to illegal salo of liquor in Uuion nnd 'l'ort.leoreo k township, ment nflflr Leta non, "~I>OO. throo count!!. Fined $125 and eO!lU! 17000 , Thom us J , ( )~bornll 'lIId wlfo to ill two anu $200 Bml oosts in the Bunnll.h Bonnel et al to J ennie W . B. BILhlwin loll No . 2R L in \viooU third . The 5200 fine being HIlS and George J Rmes y. aore of land:in addition to MIUIO II , $ 1. peI\ ded during good hubllvlor, Clearcreek t'lwnship ~;t.llte of Ohio VS . The Ha r veys New Suits. Ueorge E. Ball to Edward Farmer burg Fertillzlll' Co. llotion of de. lot No . 863 ill Frllnli:lin, H. .Iesaio UrRndin vs . W!llin m Gran· fcndllnt to qUII.Kh the indlo'ID Bot Ueorge MoLane t ;) Bewell E. Lew is din, OivorcA. g r oss nogloot and I'X· oVEl rruled, Uefeut:\ant excepts. 47X tlores in FrankliD townl\hip, tr eme cruel tv . Commissioners' Proceedings Ella DI1vis to E. 1:3 . MoCandless 6 Hebor Cu r ey vs . W. F , GeIAo!' . . , '. . aores in Turtlecreek towllslllp '300 . j Money. Amoun t oillimlltl $ 1r..OOO BIlls Allowed : -T , ~. Chrlstl~, lit .Joll .. U. Morris to W H. Beok lot aorl OO!lt!l. torney fee d e fending Charles Oll1os No. 13 in Lebanon, .J . W. Lingo Vt! . .T. W . TtLylor . pie., S50. Oea n 8tllDley, " Y E S gage 1,0 M.. rgllret. A. Mer Mo noy onl.v . Amount oillimed fee. defending James R . MO~k ohant lot No 1176 In Io' mnklln , S1. '317. 27 wlt.h intorost . I Bll l m~ ulld Zlmm~rman, 0 ot I~g N. M. Bunt t o Robert l :armack A. B , Morri!!. ad mr .:>f the e8t!lte , for prisoners "3 , 'Ihe B. Fred (,0. one· half of let No 5113 in Franklin of Ellllahtltli C, Shoemnker, de I olothin g' for prlsonertJ 122.10, Tho~n11250. ceased vs or. E RnLl B. L . tjhoe I tOil Thompsoo, services on burIal Edwl\rd B. Prarrer to Llda 8. muker . Moo"y unly. Amonnt olalm. committee Har lII.n township n ·




I will offur lit pubhu BIOla I1t tbe Corwi n Hotel, un Saturday, February 7, 1914 Begin niu [( "t 1 ~:30 o 'ol ook, t ho f(111owing ohlLttols: 2 borslls, " lot of UI1 8oe !lun~lIJ u~ .. od ll llu~o hoid go ods. Will Dilughters rOlU Oi 11. A ort . I wi\l sti li at' ,',~y~-;~\(l en oe O il lUll Wtlyoos vill" utl.l C ltnkllYll1e lood. 6 mile!! ~o uth of Wllynesvtlle, nelOr Wellmll.n.ou Tuesday, February 10, 191-t Beginnillg Ilt 10 o 'clook t·be follow ing chll.uels: 7 hOrtlOB. III oattle. 3 brood !IOWA, implements and bllr. ness. Hee bIlls for terms. Wm . Mill!! , Auot. Ej Sbanaban W E. 0 ' Neall. Clerk .

I will offer I1t publio IIul(' Ilt my o. retjid enoe, le X mlletl west of Lytle, 1 • Cutoheo n . road repairs CIDolnnatl mile el1st of Io'l va POIDt ~ohoul bOUle ' pike FrBDklln township '''0080. I on the Sprlu gburo Ilnd Lvtle pike OD Oregonia Brid~e Co, 2nd es timate Tucsday, February 10,1914 contrllot "1500, Oregoni ,~ Bridge Begi nning tit 10 o 'olook tbe fol . Co" final el!!lte oontru ot, '437 .5' lowing oh .. t,tels : Glloree8, S osttle. R. M . Van Horne. 3rd estimate oon. I brooa s() w~, oh iokenH, implements, trll ot 188 R. Van Borne fina.l etn. I::leo bills for terme , ., J . W. Braokney estllllllt.e ountraot .406 12 C. S. R . C, Hll i n o~, Ao:'t. Rspp, d irt furnished for Fort AD- W uitflr KeDrlok, Clerk , uient till 12(1,-.18 Raymond Barsh· e We will offor ut publlo Bille on th barger, 8lIiarv '60, I:lteveos u'Jd premj olos of Albert Staoy, a$ Lytle, Beudly, attorneys for IWu. EokleR Ohio, on Yo pnyment of judgment agllinst Wednesday, February II, 19J.t Warren County all per oompromlse Beginning ut 10 o'clook the follow · in Case No. 6tJ89 , '1075. Ing olin.nllIM : ·1 h or~es . 4 oattle, Contnots Let :- No. 200 with farm InlPlements, Iiousehoid goode. Bert Reed for addiUonal out and fill ohiokens. etc, See large billl! for Stacy & Bole, at Sha.ker Bill OD L ebanon and terms , Monroe pike in Turtlooreek town. W. N. 8ears. Anot . W E Kenriok, Clerk ship U96 .30 I will offer b \ puh:il' 9ale ut my No. 201 with J , K . Mpenoer for extensloD of nort,!! wing wBl1s with rellidenoe 3 miles nor l l,' "t of Way· stone and south wing walls with nes vill" , IX miles west ut M t. Bolly, on the ' :has. Rye farm, on oOllorete lit Stubbs Mills river bridge Thursday, Febrt:ary 12, 1914 aDd for nddltional fll1@ un north eDd Beginnin g Ilt 10 o·C !'Jl' I:. the fOllow · .,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:_:.'_:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:_:.: .:_:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:J........ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:_:.;,:.:.:.:.:.:••':':':':.:.:.:.: .:_:.:.:.:•••.•:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .~:: of br id go 0 n Hay nc r roa din t:i ami I· ing ohutt.els : Ii h u. ~( >I and u.uleA, ~:~"'~"""'''''''''''''''''~'''''' . . . . . '''''''~~'''''~~ ~ ~:: ton a nd I;l1lem Township '41i180 1 Jflrqey oow, '!lIm ing implemen's ':««.:., ::\ !~~; I :;L:;::'~:b ~ :~~ g~ RDd bousehold goor' See bills for tl'rmB f L B MoraD . Tom Dill, Auot . A. B. flides, Clllrk.






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We Offer, Subject to Prior Sale, the Untold Balance 01:








::: ::: ~

(Incorporated under South Dakota Laws.)

;:! ~


AUTHORIZED CAPITALIZATION 100,000 sharesl par value ofTen Dollars each Full PaId and Non-Assessable

:.: ::: ::;

Sto k ' T 39361 shares c In reasury . .. . . ... , .. .... , . . " . . , . . . . ..... . .. .. .. . , ........ ... . , . . . .. . , . .. . . . ..... . ... . . . . . , . . .. ..... , • Stock authorized for sale this issue .. , .... ... .. . ... . , ... ..... . , .. . ... .. . ..... , . ... . ... .. . . . .. .... .... .. . , . . . . 20.000 shares Stock to be reserved in Treasury for future requirements of the Corporation .. . ...... . ... , .... . ... . . , ... ' .. . , .. 19.361 shares

STOCK ISSUED arid OUTSTANDING as per annual report of Dec. 5, 1911 60,639 Shares


m ..,

::::$::: ;: $

$::: : : $:: :: $: :

::: ::: :~$ ::: ::: .




1. NO PRIOR LIENS- No mortgages exist upon any assets of this Company and none can be created without the consent of THREE-FIFTHS of the entire stock isaued. 2 . NO FLOATING DEBT-The proceeds of this issue will retire the Company's bills payable. and furnish ample workin~ cap ita 1 toESsTucIcMessATfuEIDly cEaArl'YRNolnNtGhS-e business. . h d f h' . 3. • Approximately seven times t e dividen requirements 0 t IS Issue . . 4. MANAGEMENT-Will be continued by the present Executive Officers and others who are expert shoe men of many years' experience in the IIhoe ' business. 6. SINKING FUND-Will be created to retire this issue at the option of the holder at par after FIFTY years, }'(>gardless of how dividends have been paid. , , 6. GUARANTEED STOCK-Application will be made in Clue course to have this stock guaranteed against loss to the extent of its purchase price. by one of the strongest guaranty companies in tho business. 7. Application will be made in due course to list this stock on the Boston. New York, Chicago, and Saint Louis stock exchanges. . . 8. THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends right along. . Having ploced a large amount of this i'ltock, we will subscriptions for the unsold balance

::$ .' , :::""


.:. ~


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::$ $ :




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Ii J.:'~ ~":


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• ::: :.: .:. ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~:~ ::: ,:~


$'. $: : $ $

Saint Louis. Missouri

Or to the Following: NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS AGY., Bank of Commerce I!uilding. Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Investments. ,Morristown. Tennes.see:

Dr. Heber M. DI·I) Osteopathic Physician ~

R. C. Baines, Auo~. I will olTer at publio lillIe at my 21 Broadway Phone 449 resldenoe.' miles Ilouth of CorwlD , Lebanon. Ohio aDd 4 miles wei' of lIarveysburg, on tbe MiddletowD road. OD ••• Wednesday, February 18, 1914 I BRANCH OFFICE




Commenolng I~t 10 o'olook, tb.,e folaynesv e, lo.viDg ohuttels: 4 horl!~, '7 cattle, • 24 hogs, f"rmlng Implements, honse Tuesdays and Frl~ayl, from 8:30 hold goods. /;ee big bills for term8 , to 12 0 clock E . T Edwards M c. T . Hawke, Auot;. Office, corn~~on:i~~~t~igh streets


I .'.

"opeN EYE BRAND" Shoes Dept., T. M. C.



j~i~1~~ pU~~i~a~~~::i~:ethewP:rmo~~o~ D

MONTGOMERY SHOE COMPANY Of AMERICA, loc. Makers of Locust Street


. '~ '. as &he Allen HaiDee hOlUestead R. • • A 1~B A WAY ::: ::: situated. 3 miles Dorthweflt of .f{ay. ~~ ~ ~~~ Delville. ani Yo mile east; of Ferry OD Wayneeville'e LeOOlDjr DeDttat .:. Wednesday, February 18, 1914 Offioe 111 Keys Bldg, MalD 8' ~;~,., ~~ CommenoiDg at 10 o'olook, i:I horses, .. 7 oattle, 7 brood eows, farming Im:;: :~ plement@. t:lee big btl1s for &arms. •. ~~ G . E. Roland A. A. M)Neil, Ano'.

The subscriptions will be open Saturday. Nov. I, 1913, and continue until. unsold balance has been sold. The right is reserved to reject any application and to allot a smaller amount than applied for. Pavmen ts'In f u II to be rnade upon allotment. Stock will be sent with draft attached if desired . Applications for this unsold bahmce may be sent direct to the



~~~ :::

At Par, Ten Dollars Per Share


Telephone 28




road';:nday, February 16, 1914


PURPOSES for which this stock is being sold are to equip a large factory for the manufacture of Men's and Women's High Grade Shoes. to be sold direct to the COn8Umel'll from the Company's own stores and by mall. The Corporation owns valuable Secret Processes f)f making shoes that have been demonstrated and found to be money saving. also Trade-Mark that nas been in use and before the public since January 7, 1897,. also lar"'e mailing list of about ~ 580,000 names of men lind women, each a prospective customer. about 1000 new names are being added each week . The shoe business in St. Louis. Mo., is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFITS on capitalization For illRtance, a concern turning its capital once during the year would make TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT. seme 0 f the older concerns in St. Louie turn their capital as much as THREE and FOUR times during the year



~;~f'~:~ :~~:::I~~o!!, :ar~~!~Cfm;iem~~t:



Graduate 01 Oblo Slat. Unlversl'y

::: ... ::: and household goods. llee big bUls ~~~~~~~~~!"!'!!!!~~!!!!!! :::..- ::: for terms. Oscar N. Mowrer '" ::: , ::: A. A. MoNeil, Auot. DR. J. W. MILLER, ~~; ~ :~~ The undersigned will sell at his re8IdeDOE', 2Yo miles eouthwe8t of .•• DENTIST••• ::: ::: Lytle, -l mUes west of W"YDesvtlle, ::: on the DaytoD & Lebanon pi e. on ::; ::: Wednesday, February 18. 1914 N&$IoU2m u Oldlr. Waynesville, 0 :~: Beginnillg at 10 o'olock, a. m, 2 ~~~~'!!"'!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!''!!'''!'!!!! ::: :-: horees. 6 OIIttle, hogs, ",beep. farm I ingimplementsandhouseho]dgoods. ::: ::: See blUs for terms. ::.: ';:. Melvin WlnDeU

I h A f h The TreM\U".N Stock Has a Lien on Al t e · Baets 0 t e Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid



::: ~ ::: .vaynesville, in the E. E, Keevel Office at residence !~ F. II Sher· :~: t:~ farm, looated OD the lihenoweth wood's house. Fourth ~lreet.

Issue of the Treasury Stock of the


J. A. M ceoyI

Public Sales

\~\ ~ ~ ~ m~ ";~ldO!:. a~Ja::11i~s a~~t:~: ~~


Professional Cards

b""ga Dr.



~: ~

:i·.l:i $

for tUflJlslling aDd driviDg 22 oak

piling 22 ft. lon g and outting aDd B1IlIoing Ilnd drlviDg 8.12 In . be&mS ::: eaoh 27 feet long in Little Miami



:::$ :~: :::$



MAKEY 0URM0NEY W0RK :tt~:~:$ a,,!:.~:,:a:.::~~.;:~~~';.!:::;Co,

li $

:::$ •:.

lu :

THE McDONALD·WIGGINS CO., Stocks and Bonds. Suite 605·6-7-8 Hom.~ Life Bldg" 268-276


~~ ~~~·w.~~~~~~~L'~~, ~~L~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~.~~L'~~~~~,~~~·,.~~~,..,.~~~.~~~~.~

., .•,#- ••~.:~.:~~~.:.:...~...:.;~;.~~.;-;:.:.:o:.::...:-;.~...:.:.~,.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.~~;.:-;.:~;;.....:.;~;.;.:.:.:...:.~.:.•;.:. '••:.:.:~:.:...:~:.:.:~:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:J:.:.~.:.:.:·:·,:·:·:..·,:·:·:·:·:·:~::;·:ti-:~i·~·~~.;,~·:..;.!·:<t::.:.:.~:~:.:..>:~:~~~-,~(ot;<~l~'~~:':':~,


1 will offer at Pattllo Sale ., my residence "bont 2 miles Southwest of WaYDesvllle, OD the Pekln Road, OD

Funeral Dirfctor and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio.

Monday, February 9, 1914 at 10 o'olook a m ., horses, Mttle. Call answered promptly day or night. farmiDg ImplemeDts, harness BDd Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance.No. 14; Home phone houl!ehold gooda, 8ee la1ge bills 14-2r. for terms, / Chairs and one Coach furnished free Emers04 Maaon C. T Bawke, Auot . with funerala. W E O'N II ('1 k Best of service guaranteed. .. ea ,\..' Rr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!'!~~~~~!"!!'!!!!

Sears Stock and



Posted on pedigrees and values]of at 'kinds of breeding stock_ I Experienced in handling farm sales since








Mr.. Margaret Lipplnoott, a life I::levelral from here atteoded the \oog ot&izen of this vloln"y and wbo revival. servloes whioh beian at Rcadklg Localli. per line . . . . .. . . . ... . . . lie bad aUaioed 'he age of tour .oore New Il)urllngton Frlende oharob ' CllUOIIllod AWl. no~ t.o exC4*llln IInM 't d M Three 1n8u"'lona . ..... ....... . ~~ years and \eD died at her daughter, Hon&ay Feb. 111', Rev . Wooten, D . L . Crane, Ed 1 or an l!nager. Adve<'laIual per Inch .. ..... . . . . Dl1Icounla I ven on oonl.r&Cl. Mrs. Mary Ward'a bome. She evanlJell!lt Mr. Sind Urs. W . E. Bogan were leaves foor daugh'erll, two SODS and FEBRUARY 4, 1914. lIeveral grandobUdrtn anel many Dayton IIhol'pen, F riday. relatives lind aoqualotanoes tbat WaUer WII.on and family had a. A SPRINO SONNET /1 WILL OET BIO SUM wtll mla! ber oheerful and pleasant 80n4ay gUBRtl Zlmrl Balnlll! and waYII. Sbe waa lale '0 rea' In Mlami family. CODU II elulY enough to look pleaunt, The Obi') (ieod Roads Federation Cemetery a' the aide of departed Horlloe Compton's on*ertaloed When the sprlog oomea aloDg wUb met reoenUy In Day too to look over loved onea that bad preoeded ber Sunday AlDos ComptJD and 'ilter, a rnsb ; plaoB for tbe furtherolooe of tbe Ute place where trouble la noS known Ethel. Bu' the Illrl wortb while market roade tha' are to be bom and Ion "Dd aff80lion retgn. IU. Jeelle Balne8 and family spellt b the one who oan Imile tbroogb Ohio. Tbere will be.'welve preme. Sunday with Joho WilBoo8. "beo IIhe llip. and sU. down In ,he market roadllin tbe a""e. the Inter. lIeNre. B. L. and E . B. Dakin Edward Bogan ""ended Turtle sloab. ooun'y road. will be bum by the IlpeO' two daYII In Clnolnna\l laa' Creek me6t1nlr ~unday. • ooun'y, then 'or ned over 'he week 'ranlaoting bulnllllll. Mr. and Mn. J. S. Leamlng bad WILL REDUCE WAOES lltate if deemed advisable by 'be lax. Th. Vlry lalt of January was &I thellr gueltl MOllday Mr. and payera. roullh alld dlaagreeable. Mra A' E: t:llmonll a':ld Mr. and • • • At the annual eleotlon of IItook. l'be lltate will probabl1 oI'lI08lve Aaron S. Watklna, L.L . D. will Mra. Charlell Oabb. of PalDterlvllle. .-. • boldere of the Miami railroad la.' 11,000,001 of thl. money from the deliver a leo'ure hera on the nigh' week In C1nolno"U. they decided to government, and IlIII up to 'he Ita'e of Feb. 18th. You are rellpeoUully FEEL MISERABLE? • hold another meetln, to maae drall wbere theae roadl will be bum. rBquMted to be pr8lent. Out of Bort8. d!1pre8lloo. pain in tlo reduotionll In ...Iarlee of tbe One of the main roade ehould go Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pe~ellon, of the baClk-Eleotrlo Bitters renewa • • • "hlgh.ap" offioll18 af the road. Bev through 'h11 town to Lebanon via Sprln, V-,Uey. were 'he "aeet. of yoar health and ~ treng'h A gUllr· eral of tbe titles of tbele offioers wllJ Xenia and CiDOlnnatl," tbe road I. Mn. Petellon's parenti, Mr . and enteed Liver r.od Kidney remedy . Uoney baok If not sa tl8fied. It oom 1>6 dr:>pped, and they 'hemselv81 lIborter from Colambae to Ciocln. Mn. trank L Barrla over Su_day. pletely oored Robert Madeen, of will reoelve differen' tltl .. 'uat are natl tban anT o'her ronte tbat can I ~ . Miller one of oar enter West Burllogtoo, Iowa, who 8uf not 80 "blgh .oundln,." Not only be propoeed. We have not been prl.lng oltlzen. 'raoaaoted bOlllne.. fered f'rom virulent truuble for eight month!!. Arter foul' doo'otll will the t"le. be dropped but the able to hear what road th. ltate 10 In WaYDllllvllle Friday. gave bim up , he took Eleotrlo BIt. salary as well. tends to take, but they oan make no Mr. Nathaniel B. Rloh and Mll. ~r!! and i8 now a well man . Ge' a The raUroad8 havs been olalmlnlm III'ake In golnl tbll roo 'e. MOlle Bogan lUll remain quite IIlok . boUle today; It will do the sllme for 'hat they have beeo lOlling money • William Murrell, of Clarkevllle, you. Keep in the house for alll1 ver ever IIlnoe the 8tate took a hand at AFFLICTED TOBACCO PLANTS ,ranuoted bualnau here lut week. and kidney oompltlint8 Perfeotly and dependable hs result8 will the gaze and told tbem where and Romine ijhum,ker II home from safe 8urpri8EI you. 500 and t1 00 . H . E . how to do ballne81. They claim A eerloua dl. . . . to tobaooo planle Wilmlnrton wherl he hu a nloe Buoklell & Co, Pbiladelphia or St. 'he paseenger traffio hal fallen olf whloh often greaUy damagea the poal\lon. Mr. Shumaker II aome · Lonll!. ....- - such an extent tha' "Ia almOlit orop. haa been carefully ~tadled by what Indiepolllld but ille friend. hope Brltllh Fllh Harvelt. Impoealb)e to malnt.aln local 'remo eolentl.tI of 'he Depar'ment of Ag for him a .peedy recovlry. Slxty·two nrleties of lilh. Includlq along the line on a payln, baR18. rloolture, Tha Department hu jUlt J . E. ~ha'Dakerll home from 'he creat 'l'l!hlte ftat !IIh. red 'hell h!a. Well when" oc-m81 to vlee pr9l1 Idued an .xten.l.... report d8llOrib boepltal. and lalmprovlnj(. tlny trelbwater cray!llh. ,livery Illdentel, 2, 3, "and IOmetlm81 flve log the nature and aymptoml of the Everybody ,. moveingBon40hange man. d..rk ,Woned ee1a. Ind yellow of them drawing a lIttl' I&lary of diM... and lach methoda of ooq'rol Ing looatlonl and I.UIDI ready for dried baddooka were ranc.d tn the • • • alale of the Church of St. Masnul the aomeUmee t25,000 a yeu, It lookeu a8 have be.n found eirectlve. Gara. 'hair aUlDlller'1 work. M.ttyr, Blllln«agate. E . C.• the other tbough U w.. nearly time to r. ful experiment baa .hOWD tha' oer The yOUDg plopl. pve their Sunday. at the harve.t thanlr.eK1vlnc 'reDoh and ave aU the ealariell 'hey. 'aln Inll8O" Ipread 'hll dla88,e, and wleilly danoe at town hall Friday .enlce. • ---- ~---.-----can. Generally" I. 'he low·prloed iD greeDhoaaee, plante IOr"ned with Dight. The King of All laxatives man on the road tba' catchee " doe olotb and fumlpted with a nlo AI we bave only one dootor and • For oon!!~lpatlon, U8e Dr. Klllg's flllt. Tbe eeotlon bandl are out otln paper were k-sp' free from " . one blacbmlth tby are kept very New Life Pill!!. Paul IIlltholll:a, of down or elee are Ie' elf altop'her, In abe Gild, 'he only method of OOD buy. Buffalo, N . Y ., .aY8 they are 'he theD a 'raID or two Ia 'a ken off 'hul 'rol a' preMn' antlable Heme be lire. Emma ElUI had a "king of all laxatlvtl8 . They are, dl.panlliog wUh the 'ralnmen, and ,he prompt removal of all planll Tneeday and wu remembered by bltl8.IDK to all my family and I Matti~s, al waYI lkeep a)lox at home." 6e' 10 eo down 'he Une. It ma1 be Infected wl'll Ule 4 .....e. • poetal oard Ihuwer. a coocl tblng for the road to out A new 1nllletln GaD be NOUre4 IIr. aad Mre . A. B . AnIOn are en· II box atld ge' well again. Prloe 250. A~ Drulnri.te or by 1WI1l. B. E 01 'be ..lary off 'he longeet fr.. by appllca&lon to 'he Depan terlalmn, abelr ohlldren, Mr and Buoklen & Co. Philadelphia or S&. end and put It on tbe .Iahort end." men' of Apioulturea' WuhlnJrton. Mre. aobt. , ..ber and M.. , and Mra. Lout•. 'hd I. to 'be man that worb 10 Tlae bnl1e&ta namber U 40. Boward Anion of Dayton. bard and la paid 10 little. "Glory - - • Dra. Boullh and Mardla were here A. He Re..oned It. "I am Inclined to think," IIId .. be, bot that woold be a oonlUDlma A WINTER COUOH one day "a' week viewlnl ,he oon 'Ion to be wlahed. .. A e,ubborn, annoying, clep~. .ln. dltlon of our lenlltzer from a lanl· man. "that our frtend, Mr. Graftoa Grabb, wu created on the BabbatlL" There ill no doubt but 'has 'he OOllllb han,1 OD, nob the body, wy ltandpoln'. "lI'or wl~'t realon T" "We are toll! Interurban In&ereatl of abe ouuo"y WNUDS 'he IUDP, and olMn leada Mr, Wa'ea Smad, of Har'wen, that an bonelt man II the noble.t M'8 hurtlnl 'be steam roadl qoUe to eerioul I'Multl. The fln' doae of apent Hunday wllh relative a here work of the Creator. and alBa that Oil Dr. JtInll'lI Naw DIaoov.ry givea a bit more ,han 'hey ready to relief. Benry D. Bandera, ofC-ven. ilre. Omu Bolllnpworth nee the eeYElnth day the Creator r8ltecL" admit, However. the Interurbane dllh, Va., wa. threatened with 000- 1I1B1 Kabel Iberwoocl of near Ore- -Tlt-BI&' are .tIll maklnggr9loa bead way all 1I0mptlon, af&ar havtnlt pneamonla. Ionia, villi ted friends In our village • _ • • • • over 'he oountry. exoept W..ynH Be wrltee: ·'Dr. King '. New Ole- Tburaday Methodist Minister necommen.toovery oa~ht to be tn every family : . I b I\. ua • • vtlle, and we have been qul&a anx "Ie oertalnly the ..., of all medl. Frank E MUla who b.. eea Clw1l1berlaln's CODKh Remedy lou. to have one for 'he.e many o1n.. for ooaghll, ooIds or for apendlnr I8v....l mODtbl at Jacklon • • • Rev. Jamea A. Lew18, IIllaca, yean. luog "on1»le." Good for ohildren'l la again at home and hIS wife II Mlnn, wrlte8: "L'hamberlain'lI ooaa hl. Money beok If no' ea'ill with their daurlater In Ken'ooky Ooagh lwmedy hall beeD a needed •, • fled. Prloe 500 and II OQ. A' all b b O.e of the f8&'or81 01 'heGue"e Drugglll... B. E . Buoklen & Go, and will return aa 1I00n .. t • ro . and wel00me guest In oar home for • a number of yeara. 1 highly reo Is oar aerlalltor,.. We alwaYI aim PbUadelphla or i:J$. Loul.. loll begin to BlDK. oommeDd It &0 my feUow8 as beIDI,'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _J '0 have the be" and alw'YI to .. - • Sad IntelllgenOl reaohed aa Sa'- a medlollne wor'hy of 'rial In oaeea plok 'he ODe tha' we 'hl.k will Bop Knowt..... urday .fternoon Dottf,ID8 u of 'he of ooldll. 0008h. and oroup," Give peal &0 eor readere "Tbe MaD of Kaowledp lB UU tie CIOlD at _ death of our yoanR and hi.hly ... Chamberlaln'lI Cough Remedy a the Hoar" will 1000 be dDI.lMd. obup. ~ man lB juWlB4. to ..... ~med Irlend Frank Hherldan whioh trial anil we are oo'lfideot you whl and wa have oho•• n for onr next ...... la taklq pride III Ita oa.e ver, u.expeo&ed. Be wu flnd It very elfe"tual and oontlnue to U88 " .a oooaal8D requlre8 for ... If lae blmHlf worked 0"" the 1014 one "The Ttme Look," by Chari•• 0; It aDd tdlC1 to OOID It., C)r, at 1..... eCrloken down In early life WIthout Tearll to, oome, aa many othen! have ICclward Walk. Ii lie came b, It hoo.. U:r. a1na4:r.... a mlnnte'l ....ntln'. Be I_vee par. done. For sale by all dealer8. e . ~ The nory Is IDteneely Inte'8IItinl( IC1 Ollt. But when he dieS DOt 40 UI7- en",llatere, brethere, rela&lv.. and --To DomHtlca~ the Heron. ..nd of t1l9 01... tha,,,1Il make 10U thIq of the klD4. but lOt It from 101M frieDda tha' wl11 mlu blm In bta DUMl'b:r who threw It ID hlB , . . It I...aId that the Parla Academy of _.,.r 'e,e' the next pa~r. An then wut Il'01UleS hu he to bout cC goIDII· · 8cl8Dce hu offered a prize of f2.000 ama'ear de&eotlve and lo.,..r III IU-lob R\lPlJa. Oar merobantl are In ,oed epirlle to the penon who devlael a meaDl .Ixed up In the atory, and 'he mTl _ _ • aDd feol that 191' will brlDg the for domelUcatinc the heroo In onlar Phone 24--21-2 tery Ia no' 101.,..d until 'he flual Horrible Blotches of Eczema Ired.., l'8I11l.., tn a bulneaa way to obtain alerette, without Ir.WlnC tJla ohapter, Qolotly oured by Dr. Bobean's of their career. Whlle ...e are Dot blN..-4IalelllM. If yoa have any rela"v.. or ICoze.a Oln'mlni. O. P. Caldwell, balUlnl many new bDildlnp. we friend_ yon wan' '0 take the paper 01 ~8W OrlulUl. La, a'a"': "lIy are devoting our a'teDlion to palo'How Is Your Boiler? let tbam know, 10 they ,,-n get U.e !1~or advll8d me'~ uy 'Dr. :~ IDland wbU.. w ..hlng and I" every Gnt p6per. oC thla In&a ....~lnl ,,,Ie ' ~~::.~e~nl cakea one that "D, be foand .beaattf,lnl 8'!!!: ::-:illllt~i~r~h::11 ;:::~ - - -.... - • 01 Dr. 1I0beon'l Owma Z.... Hoap. Olelr preIIliIN. hb eDglne and hl8 mouth the flre Tocl.j I have no' a apo' anywhen lin. A. T. Moler wu lurprlaed box. Ia your boiler (8tomaoh) In Subscribe tor the Gazette on my body nd oaD . .y Jam oured. by uveral of her nellhborl who good worklog order or I. it 80 wuk U wlll do 'be _me for yoa. lu happeDed ID aDd . .le&eel ber wl$b that It will not IltaDd a full load IOO~I, beallng, aDtlaeptlo aotton wi and DO' able to .upply 'he needed =====~~=~===~.' wl1l .'r id )'00 of a)1 IklD humon, her carpet n,lIB ng. enellY 110 your engine (body)? If .blaokheedl, pimpl.,., Eozema blotoh· Mr....d Mre. Ira A. Bartll~k, of You .' have any 'rouble with your Deafness Cannot Be Cured 811. reel anughtly 1IOre&. ..nd Ie. V81 DaytoD, IlpeD' 8r.'urd..yaDd t!ondaYatomach Chamberlaln'l Tablete will brIo 3&1 appltcatlons. ae they canno& yoar IIktn olean and health,. Get a with 'belr pareDts here. do yea I!~ood, Tbey 8trengthen and reaoh the dill_led portlonl of the box today. Guaranteed. All Drug. Dr 0 G Cany and wife for IDVlgonte 'he stomach and ena'lle ear Tuere Ie only one way kl oare pta, 100.. or by mall. PleUrer ... , " to 40 fill work oatoraU,. Many dofDel1 and that II by coo'ioual (,'hemlcal Co, P ..lladelphla '" !:it. lome &1m. neldantl of oar ~~ very retlllarbble oaree of lltomaoh remedlea'. Deaf.Nlla oa1ll8d b1aD Lonie. have mo....d &0 Wen Milson, w ........ trouble h ....e been effectei by 'hem. Inflamed oondllion 01 'he muOOUl • -. IIr. O&reyhal opa.eeI an oftloe and For eale by all dealere. 1Inln, of '~e Eoakoblan Tube Off.nded KatheUo T..... lB malling great prQIHII in hla pro. Wben 'ble tube Is lofla.ned yoa "'!'be ulural reanement of tile f ••lon aa a vetlnarlan. ltateemanllke. ban a rumbllDi BOuDd or Imperfe'J& fe1IIJnlD. oharacIter eanDOt be wlloa, b f Wl} I , "Do 10U thlok your coneUtueDta wW hearing, and when ., Ia entirely nbdll8Cl," aal4 one LoD401l polloemaL Wl)llam WrI, , 0 10 DI on, approve of :roW' attitude on thl. biD r olOHd o.ID.. II the reeul., and "lIot eo." npUed tIuo other. "WIa&& 'nuaokd buln.. here one da7 "I don't bOW," replied BeDator SorDaleu' the Inflammation oln be .... bappened DOW'" "A mUltallt nf. thil week• . .hlllll. "I ha"e tried to make .peeohel takea eu& and thle tube restored to fraptte hu tuDl4. bomb IIlto ~ Mr. and lira. Newton '!'hOmal, of aoqh to bep tIlem from kDowlq abe normal oondl&l()D, hearing will Uoe heuQuan.n. It .... a pel'featl1 Bedf rd ID4 wu oalled here OD what It lla." . be deetroled fo~ver ; Dlae oaI8I 00' pIOCl bomb, but abe dlcIn't apPl'OYe of 0,., .... _ ~_ of teD areoaall8d by Catarrh, ~blob k haDeS dIooratJoU."-WuJalDItaI aoooaDUln. l'IaOIDM IDO_~, ~. _ •• Ia Dothlng but aa Inflamed oondl&108 8tar. UpplDoota'. deaOl IIr. Thomu re. Tbt~ ~ Cou,h Med!cme of the maooullurfaoea &urDef1 home Taelday ..Dd lIrl. "I bave 1lHd ChamberlalD'1 We will live On,! BafD'¥:!f~ Don't It TholDU ret6rucl home "'orday. OoOlh lllemedy ev8l' Ilnoe I have Janaa!4rb an"!tar=>~' oanno& be _ lin. .r De&rol" ....~ been lwepIDK h 11118, It . ., . L. 0 Also Apnt for RadDe AatomobUe Tires. ~ bJ' Lall'l Oatarrh Oore. Send Iome ..y lba' ohronlo ~tip'. lin Ibble aDd lUll Bam... of Karlnal'Y} Ala.· "I ~ . Ian , &lOD ~OtllDO' be oand. Don', yoa lMt ' k . . std. l' cane 01 lbe .,., nmecll.. I olr~8Dql;:Oo Toledo Qblo. bell.... ' ObaaibeirlalD '. Tal»'''' KftU wee ~ _. ' ne.. and,' II,. obIldrea aU • • 'Di'aille,,·71So. . ' , ha\'8 0 ued ·o&____~hy Dot roo' . ,>., &ateD IhDd Ihroru · t~.~1l" J&mU,. pule for ooD 8lve~. b1aI. Tb.,. oad oDl, "U~ ~. .~ 1'01' o~IdI.Dd whOell.... "~,,OD~ ' ~ ~.,' , q~, ~- "'~ aU .~n .., .;~ ~ to '-:'-. . .': .. ezoelI_.'.; .::'_~~" r.. aIl,dea:le.... ,~m~~~...-~~"":':"~w..-r.~=~~~~~~~~ VALLEY 1'E LE1'HO NE-CA LL NO . III

Rates of Adverti8ing



Have had a wonderful Midwi'1ter Sale the past weeks, and will tinue the offering of many bargains_








Crex 8xlO $7.00 Matting Rugs • • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up Axminster $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet • • • $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs • _ 65e up our own imported Chinese and Japanese • • 12ie up




LaceCurtaina, good bargains SOc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all width. and lizes.

Skirts • $3.45 up 5geup Waists • • Gowns 50 and 79cup Dresling Sacks 39cup Suit. and Coats, $25 $13.50





.---_. - ...---



SOc up $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 $1.00 up

Blankets Factory Wool Factory Wool Comforts

J E . .Frazier



and -



SALE BILLSP , Yell, we· print ·em.



Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Ratea.





. , '- ,,~ .', . - ' _?: . ~,







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W i n\c r Quarte,.. for the Chlcl, en •. Well·Pr o t e ct~d end Wit h Amp l e Run.

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a Great UbOlIl It l I h " uoo ; l h ,' lb l ll >; ' Th ." It S 11 F \\ II ". 1:,\ " ,... • I "Ith ch I C'k lllll' 10 '0. lh ulIl Huw uftel Starch l or th e l.u rd .r " ~II'. I hll l Ih , ' II f , 111 "" i h" " " nr (I t Ii nu ck ,. th " Onlt "9- JOII", \leoplc on the I Ulm slalh for i 01 .1 (,slJ~ 11I 1 ~ h t IIf' 1I 1il ll lf,·ijl I n " II I t.r I I II Content - - Not a Perfect I body ' -- th nl I ~ . t h!' I ,f,' of 11111 1 w h n • • n~I" I . U') IlI'H I"r lI o ll f.,·or a 10 t 10 " " 1110 w (,'l\n. tit \lArtl "" IlIOl\6jY ~6 8 ll a rTl son ::) t , El y TIn, Oll lo.- "MI I I~ Ih e Il f " n n d Ih ,' Irs hl o ( 1n" 11 oo n dltio li H o r ho w ~o()cl th o IIIl1rkl! ta . 1 l eMn&!o mil lhat th c:r n UT" g rt'ut PO& , case \\I1S a sc u l V !rouul» I fir s t n<r , I th .. 1"" ' '' " ou ll Rt li t IlotOI twJ Ii puu l trY · I "lbllltl". r Of poultry rule l ng on Lho I tl I ' II b iou kll o \\ thn l l 'g hl I. ' ''1'<1 a M Ih ... 0 II Iir~ tlt III ol h. \,'·-t t c el sma U"ClI 0 ~OI1 Illy sca l ll wbl c h ' . • . r IA ., M), '" U • ..... urm nnd 1 , wollld IH Ol n a l llcl f' o f ( norl I Ill' 1"11£1 1,, ~ III po ' ,I I "" .; ' lit o bul l en' lI ha. ~ l n ~' I1 ' R b ' l w-,m bo l of .1 11 f'lc"e li r lJII o f .111 P; 'I a u . ' lb111p.)11 ," IIIIulll lrlll" j;OL !';ood I " Dult. Thllf" I~ IcurCllly .. {arul b ut wha t comm c lI ce d to Itrh . .... 9 . , •. '11 1 ot hl' r r eo, ~ '11" nro I , ' 01 r "It I I,U I <o r n l c r llmb o "rl,1 1, " 1( 0 n l'~ ~ "f a ll Irlllh " r .·,11 pIlrl l J" ot :111 1 scrntch th em and In 1I1110 tb l Y bro ! '" . ,.~ • , ; .I ll.. u. , " ' .. I • " n . .. " " ',0 I • k with (,lh,)r s tock rnl"lIl1; Oil t L u tnrm. hl<8 "till'" ki nd oC poultry. sowe malu! I fa m a al u or s(,l1b wltb a I II ":I~rl y c ultivat ed Il n d c h l'.l} d y r.I IRrrl II lll t! Ih /} CI :_ 1II\)6 nI P br o"" }o' n o ll g b I,n\\ ", '" oP Po <l li o ll r ar I"'H~ . bllt ' all with ( bkk " n" b ccouet! th ey I QU ' !" II paying !ldjund to tho tllm llyln . In1 rtSler, r Irldg t He ' k r I Ir w'o uhJ c a ll k ept o v(' r \\ III 'P I . 11 I S PlUl,l y \\ h ll " saue'p 8i1 01l1ll h I' lI ~ e d '0 11I " ke whI c h Is , li p "lI1 ul " lI1 " r , h" lr OI' LlO' . . d t 0 PU B. an c lUll S 0 IU no ·,·• t ~ LIf eI liCI Au~nol' conIc out ,vll en I \" ollld 8crutch th c m • I t ' made right h h I bt I rome I n bl c ould I I SP <' 1l It Il .uwmtlr M p r c pn rl),f (o r th(' tab l l', Dl1 d ha s ,I pl!'Il '" t h<' dl.h m o l. t J1.nt. l li o u~b n OI HlrOIl ~. fl avo r , w lH eir ~(ll;rC'd jI,: I" d I'olill u es H k \\, p h n,1' U.. ,' " Ii \lllj; too 11 11 " II III t ~ " "" CStll1 r ) 10 a v., t e r II I QU te pro t8 r ra B 118 110ll ry any 01T. It cau sed 01 0 10 los e most or illY :1 I' SI, kl" d ur c h ll' t p II s. ~lao ) t'x IJl' rt pC IU) hal'~' fille Bil e-COBS with IAt" halched I balr. It b ecllm e thin and dry an d 11ft}1IIJ a k cs It li n Dc r " p( :l hlc' " cl;eto b l (' f or II l t'r! l lln l ' S' Zf II 1'0 1.110.... ('II I (';l e ll iu Ih " d n rhll e~s ur r" 111 Tnkf' " l1l a rl tr y ral se rM c tl uld UOI l1lu k l-l Plpllnsee c Lkkc U8 T h" IIrutlle rrOIll th o poultry I II I d f c I 'll d a l ly Il se I hair and scoo p 0 11 1 111, 1,1.. M aH h \ dd I " bo i s rllll of ( ';I I Ill l ni: hllll h>'fur l' ' h k tl h .c as. waa l r ou,' or ov r c fr(lm alt a nd c ould n OI lila t' vr o t . lI.u s lu e81\ blu ed UIiOO c l1 r e. t Il ellrs with Il until II go t 60 I,ad 1 wu.a T h p c " l ~r tood v ~ I\lP ot III" POtlll0 two t,l ltles poo llr ll l~ !rllllc' l . ~al l yOII l' me' lIlal ~a ze , ~ "o h o " II" ' " ~r"" t l ll lli onl )' Uuoll t UOf'·rll urth ot the ku o \\l (' dg e llud Ihe lntt:lI l geuce ot tuo ' Y ,. b I t tips ,n l h e s tarch whic h I co nlll i ll ~ Jl f' Plk r 10 l asl e. i1n d , hr(>(' lah l ('~ puo n I ng a nd trl' mlli i n g In Ihat d a rk ll, :'« . b " I1 ~ In tilt . ,' " uul n ( :u",1 bPll8 must 0 pHulor . llsham('d to go to u uar cr 0 g e lilY P al IS f ound I n s ll ch SIll All f} 'l allt i t l ps ( u l : hOI mi l k The " h ' les nr I WIl "'gg ~ 1 h a n d " <1I1I Slrt' l e ll ed , kn e('s ~ hll \d llg, 1 1I"lc e ~ " llruli urin ;: (".'d ~r.d ~ are ' T h ere Is lll oney made III k eeplug haJr Cllt. Ll):lt i t m a y p nH't ical) b e d l srp l( oIfd eo 11('" II'l1 lln l ll ~ t , ff may be fol l}.,el III H e. , h eR I I b ('.,lhlg w l llll y. n p n 'eH I n a rn ,·k . , A h(, 11 ! ;Lnn ot h e r dulty an i POUltTY aud ""Iu g wltlle8!1611 to thlB " J Irl ed C' I' PI)tblu I could g e> t ho ltl 9 l "I i b r 00 d v a I Ill' TIIe pro ttl I ~ 1(l11, and ba t.(' un l l l b r o wlI 11 .. Sl U RR n g ( " T hpItl" " 1f' II , i,, " .">: 0 nl li ll n " 'lll bp hHII"t' I ( , ~, n l1 11 rall ') Jl u rh t' l) c.II ' : ; ' III " n llIU SI >L S8, ·: tlun (·a .1 b e u htaln ed OU! of p v er y I oC • _ _ _ li nd _ __ • but rI(' cl' l\'.edtl no ln tel n . or the m alf'rlill \\h i<: h bMI!l s all el 11·'l.l lcII·' 11101 \ hI' ~ O TJ nk l ell \\ I t h " r3 , ell l s urh n s l ul,. I ' ,. I . I. II ' 'TI It I curo u ntil I COtntnl'll cc d us n g L u cuv ; . , ) " a ullR Il h'US ~, I: 11 1 u n e 11I. ( r n ~ 1 I ~ ~ e (" ' " 11 u r our (·tluutry I t' p ou r y , . 01 I ' h .. I cep;UTS I he bod \·. i~ " cry I l m llf'rI . a ' I'll " ' P It (0( '1 1',' Il1 lt ll ll g In io OV I· n . Afra,d of God . pr o" "I' W II I,,: r" 11,' I'all " b l HI II th e iJu 811l " b" I~ u ol to b .. d C!!Lllul'Cl I Ta ~ l1 .l p nlld !ll mell l 1\ It ~ . t !l scu t) co mpAred to I I\(! .Im ou nl I n (C I " a ls. l't )l. \lO l 1'Ih I1 H "rrCS T \\ 0 C' lIp:-' h o ( \\' e l UI , P 1J (~(\ 11 a f r a i d u f ( ; o u, af r ai d , hl g flt ' Rt P rll ' l' " () III HH,' 11 11 11 11' \' " I t ll I 1 I f \ HH (I I g u III tj d 8.8 Rll} 0 tb I' r '-"0. ~ cu • ' comlll c ll ce d" to dI Rl1 jlp, 'u r I hu , ay I an d Rli Ch yeg l· I.1b le s u s p c- a s a nd 1\1iI ~ h " d ,," 1.( 11) ' ' . ~ lahlf's pOOll f ll lR It II I l1r IIHI II " r , .lld [I f oll r . (' I \'f' ~ W I.' h al'P IHJu l lr y \\' (' 1I 111 " ! t h lllk :00 1I1 .l n y I ,(.u l pa ilI'll .( nl! n<, cd . cl ea l .h t'u d"d bUlit u sed til o t IItH'II TII SO.'1l AII II O ll llm (, l1~ b eans : on rounrl ' , f 1'0 I aI 0<' " r o n la ln s I rr . "" 1,·.lh poo lI ," 1 Pp III)l)r . 1 I p.I " P(J (1 I1 · 1'''c l1 u fra ,d or !rrp. lIfra lll o ( <l1·n t h . Ir' ral " ,'r ~ .Ir,' k,' I ' pl n l; 111' 11 " I II "" 'HO I ' ~""n p,o p!t. t o ma k e a !! UC(Cll tl o r I t. " ~\ S to \\a5h lil Y Bca lv t,," ,£, " .lI a y a. b olll o n tifth of all 011110 I' III 1" " ," ' 1. \I h~ ' i\('I I .. nd or ( ,.rlnln v Hrlf'th;S a r e lIu(ur I wltb warm \\ Ul l' r n ll o c~J(' " r'l ::;oa~ f ul I : : " !~ ,1'(lI' II" d p:lrHl ey. 'r.:: lI 'a 'l'uo n W c h U\'e b, C' n ,, : r .d d of 11 1I 1I g ~ \\ " ~ " " 'J! lh ,' h"I1 ~ k ,' p plll l; '1I 1' n! Does Not Su ppl y Ali N c ~ ds . 111 1 " , ". tp\\ '; ", 1111 8 or e' 1I), (' II I1(, ' ol k nnd or th ll'I-; " \\ •. lI l) 1I0 t ~ 'P , af r :llll """SI' Ih '" 110 n ll l Ih l lll; l .rl l l' 11 \1 r(' p r l) c1u c tlv (' thull oth l: r 01 lilld rub on th e (' utkl: r li 11I 1 00 ~ n! of I. , , • •'" I!. f,·" d" Oll s o f Oll i on Jill"' , ~"' I Of Ihl ll g s Ih al II r(' .11111 o f t hll' ~~ ll", t III " Ulllnw r ',,, ' 1I 1\l" l 1'1.111 f, .1 I, L' oI" I " ';11 ' ':r rl "!II ~ , "V ~ l1 til<' t,eBt or tlwm r ec el vc d b elll' lIt il, It co upl e o f w (' ek ~ I' h (' POl ll lO n lo n,· I. 1 1I~!l lh '·" III ;01 ' , . nnd was cured 1\\ 0 nr o nlL M "' :I'pn ": I1' l1 l ,· pl~ r~ SlIlt ~, ,, I n ~"p nr , ~ nu l I n I h a t d ar l.l1 c"S M \\ .' " n' r~ ~ pfO, d ", tlII II III ,, ' " i1 1 " h,- II ( h ., 1 \\ 111 f :11I , ll un or dO i n g t heir best "or .. a ll Ih ., t1l?'Jd R of h" bo d .' '111 .. ~ 'ol l ' h I' k .• ( S I"ned ) fo' J B u sh er J <l n ') 8 1 ~13 ' {.,Ilh ,:\ 01'11 .. 1' gi\(· n . and I) I al Ih or l"SI II I1I-; OUI lI, ar"6 1 fll , ' nd ~ ,1lHl III is· I" ''''" In 111" " ;,,h ' ~1 ' " 11101" 1I 11 1,'S" I '". ,· a r c pn)ll 'rl y (Cld auu <> " ", tll r J! ls h c s (' x c ('II"II ' 1(,,,0\ in r '';' '(' 1'''1': 0;11'111, d'p i n to Ih"" ,.I k lll g Ih" 1II 111 1 1,'"" I II. 1''' lIi1, \ \\" 1111,- 1 ". I!n'l ') ('!t n '" ro r I uticura Soap :I l1d O,utmPllt sol d u p I h l' W.ll nl tll .l lI d , IIP p ') I ll g '11 ,· e ll TI I I I k f H ~I . I 'k t r I ( . II l u LJ l V I' ' throughout Ihe w orld ::;a rn ~' 1 1o! of c a c !. .erp..v or m u sc u la r :1('1 1\ 11 0'. hu' 1"'011' 111 IIl1n l'/!f; . ,Il ,,1 : I ~ , llli , nto crull1 h ~ F ry I H' rl' s I I ,· Car II ~S~ 0 allg, ' r • JO C _ __ . ~" Y. ,I ' ''' 0 0" K ,C ' . ' fre e wltb :l2.p S k iu Bu o k . Addr 8 9 post.0111 ' 111111 11 .. In d r ! ' I) fa l. a nd dra l ll o n t he a li gn III: II Il 'a~lJ n I ~ bl , "",' !\. , p loh! sllllp l ; b('cuuse thL'Y lire n o~ SUI> • .. .. I s 1.l c ki n ~ 10 s lI eb a n fO X' l' lIt ,Ilal · It" j I bl card C UCIcurn D e vt L UOst OIl --Ad v n p l l ,' oJ \\ itll ruod Iha t wo uld ..InnI I~ , . , . . pola l o alo n (' \\ 11 1 1I (1I rO I 'Ilt' I, r ,,\\ 11 [1 " 111 I , ' " g llll'I lIlI b hood " d . I holl g hl I~ di s S 'd " r t p o l ,tlnt'. a r e simIlar 10 \\" n , le I I, r aCI! E'I.. :111 ); 11.11; " 'S I.II ~jO. " \1 I' (.\. rig ht , 11" ' " 1 I() d ll ~O . /l UO ... l tllOlIt .... .1 C I ! ,I Helping H I ,n t o S ."' v-. b e sl b od ,l ) rl E" 'cl upl1l r n , .\I ~ I (· h I ~ sai l , a bout Ihe Ir i s h p (1a ~nnl 1I11t! h i~ POl U'rl 00 1. 1; ' " ' " I II ('ol1J posi lion In :uldll io n 8 1' 10 , .,j , ,, b l.l c I"' (,R ~ "' \ lICI" 11 a nd I " .111 ; " 'l'u ~"'l b ll ll ) . 1 '110\\ l o n g I ~ y ,.u r ,10 " ' 1. ,,. I'''"1 1! 10 l O ~ 1.1r< h . 'he y l o nta ln about SIX p <'-, l rIIu t Ih l I s. I( , ~ hhl d g"'"IC (.\ I lI I C' 111, ('1,· lu cl , hll ~ b l!pn w r IU,' n II UOll t the 1" " '11 ," ou ')11 a ,11"1 " " I .'1 .'.C ,.I ,LT~ d iet a n d huw \\ (' 11 hI' cn ll 11 ,,1' ~ r h e cO(nPO Si l ioll i s S T" I , ) . IlI n d ll " l l vO' II ""K " r I ii .. hl' tl Are we ~\ron"" ' " w o r l, on Ihis f ooci I II a n d l llCl \) 10 hi :' " "Il l r.( '"!!"I r I I . 1] 11 [';11 iI , II<' S' 11I P rh ,lt 5 Wp,' 1 IlUt" tO l' 3 . r I r n I ~ I'"I • a rk,I ,, ' ~" !,f d llll ill A h . I .... 'II It,,: II I " bL'~ ! r Bui ld JJubSlhl ,, ? 1I0 w ..' ,·Il. uI) l l l h l~ !J , ll I , 1' .1. ,1 " POl:l 'O p alc h (h£' I I Is h I"'''' ' ''' II s li all; nwy h(' ~ errE', 1 ns il s ub s tttllt e f o r ' I h 00 0'" ' ,1 \1 ' l,I · II I 'w :lIl1ic'rillg I II I C U li '.\0 ' " " " " " " art) !; t:l ll g th u be lit 0 \\ n s a cow. a n d . LIl .. b ll llolancf' of III Ik I 11 k d ,' "hl l(' p o la l or s a t Cilr . ", . ~~ II h ,l' " , k,' I';") p llU ll I , r" . lIll ~' ciO l tl(l IUIlY b t: g e tti n g g oo I Epitaph ( o r a Tru s!. turn ls h s h i m h' H h I he G I" l.l' d H ll rp l Po tatoe ! . h.ll r :la r I. II I'RR. , ('0 .110 IH' f l'lt ; (i od r a ll n ot be ,', abu " u lh o u\'t'ra gt .. fr o m t h ei r a ID o un t of ,)rOI ( i n I I I 0 I . ",'11 ~S tu e trll s l n ' " ·,nl d ~( 'H'j i ll r ,\ Fl ''; rn " dl lJllI " ,z pr] potl1toes wh i c h h ,1\ 1' 6('<'n. g tl'H 1 1I ' "~ ~ 11 ( I' ll f,'11 111 " " 'W; , II ,,(),; ', " d may bf' BHtI IlU" ll . bu t hllv ... T h " p Oln lo (':t il bl' prt' P',Il (,o I n n II I I I I I I 1",1''' IIn ,ll'd PlIl In t o huller c' d IMkill :; I e " n l ~ 111\·' .... C'('''~(1( t o ' " 111" th" ~"IJ r " " " II I'<I t b" jlUl llt ", il l'ro tll ero • I" o l k l l e n t :t lun LllI'oli I n ,\,:,., h , ,· ~ t rtl ~lu go " I' ll grea t nu mbe r of "")" . !,; In ('p It I ci l" h . el o! \\' lI iI l umps of trut l('r, " li d " " 11 I S I n all ... r ili'~": l il Prt, I. 110 1'lO llo r III thi n<: I I) " ll1l ll1" 1 "y U, o h. y rti , "' h i II Uf;P !l al m o st e v e l.' · cllI.1 III I II O~ 1 h Oln,," ,' n ' 111 I I I . I j 1 " I I .' 1111~'1 t !I<' m \ \(,' \1 Inl~r; Ih . 11 1:1;" . hp rlllkic \\ll h s ll ~ a r Bak e un ll l ~ lI g;H m, : \f'rl' S no 1"1'1 11 " ' I II OUI.HI. I T h , ' " l i, l l llv.1 u r ~ h l ' ull g (' J U~ l II a.s O f'\; of !h o stn p l " rood s, I h ,' mo l',' I h(,I'(' I' 11 )1 II' I I I I I I I ' b tt l t :I n ri hllll C' r h:l\ (' c; andl nd ano Ih ' po " I I; JII I) 1")1' 1 H ) ' 11 I 1U , "I,, ' \!~ h " ;'; f: s I r ,,111 \\ 11 (' to la C I O U , wld o '~ ~".r ~ I, ('11 11 b e p r l' pnrccl 10 mak" II hl1rr h nr t 'I' , ~ ' l '( I I t ' !l .. ,\ w Hlo\\' , n t h f' f 1.\:, !.HOt e:: ' 11('1 h l'l)\' n, o r m a ke a f; .pt! D I) ." , ) , I I ,... Ll ll I II t nl\l's~ t il H().o n bJor) I or t.: 1' \ " ~ t'II ~ O llc:r' or w .t'e I r u n 1l r a l , h a~r p ' 1\I. t!. d Ull ' !!; 11 1f ' lJu n:d ~rpPlizi ll g. I II \! m o l'f' " Ll u e It. '1'111 hll ' P I I I t h h If 1'1")'. \I 'al \ 1" n s :II' ( h " IJoss lb ll l lll's II' thl~ L' II J f I I It t )O'"lg 'l l I C,' IIlln u es on ~- a (, lip " SI' l\ i r r'. (0 d rl' p III'r ha ll dk "r hi d I lltO ,,0 0 \\ lIg a r e sa rn o 0 11(' ( I 1l1'1'1I RlI g .l r "nil fO llr l a bl p~ J1oonful s \\ :1; ' ' ' . " i,' '' , . " I~ l it ,. 1111]'1, 11 1 ~~ uf \\or r~ r "lth ,'''' '' " r ' a l llrt' Vl'a r ~ .I~O a ud Ill),,"11)8 of pH' p a rl n g th ~ po !a to f or t h l' Ill/ II Oli O' I:tl l l . po o ll f ul b u ller anll h.d.; e : 'l' 1r !' 111; \1 1 I ,,' r l u r b(' d ('all !lnt rin d th ,· I I'O\Jrt a l e,1 h CI l O h l~ own UM(' I I h o O I)() H r rav e., " A yo n n g 111 :111 f; l1 l h ll ll y o n'P l et! to ,ta bl e: . I lIn l l l Uro '\JI " a y In I h ,' I h ln!: li p II " ' ,Ci1.! ll llllo- <;a r , ' :llI O malin " I E .ca ll o pI'd !'ot atoes. - \\ aKh . pare. , 5"' ('l'l l 'o loll OOR au Gra U n O'.' I 'o,s ' 1 ('a I, t d u I t, C' a ll ' ! Bl'l' t h I' Wd " " , / h:l r;' t h l' "J:; {; l a}1U 1': I>" <Isib ,1 I I f'a l' d,,,, II an rl ~" l t h .. han d I,,·,.. hId ;;oo k . a ll cip c ut I nto thI i n RI ICf's f o nr po · I I1H'I l f 'tum S .I 7 ';) ( I ( ' 0 I IJ, b 0 II ed s w ce t po I a I HI' ""IIII S 10 " '(' ''ll1 \1 ll~ h .L 1"l r J)< 14' 1' • bu t : ~ . .. ."..;;..:~ .. '... -;., . ~'"\ I Ll c'S ,1'1.: I \'l' n ' ) ('lI r ~h (' has b ecotUI' for b er . ..' " I :ut l h" \\ Itl o " . h Oll l; h"r h".ld. tatOeB. ul a 11I ye~ n U bll ilc r eo ba k 10(,S 111 10 all" ha l f-Ill c h slic es. PUI a ' I, I lk ,' I I... ltl ll HI IIla l1 ~ro,,' nA . 1" 'cau !;I ' I '\ II H' r ' p rD' l lI cll <. ' uno! we hav e lIen o" "' :"\0 ,' I'o h ( · ~ iI 1(1. '1":1 \'n it 111I' Tt1. tn ~·!lis b . sp rin kle WI Lli s,Lit a lld IH' ll p e r. I . t I It d b kl II h I I n Iha l ,;lo lt O of w o r r y IIV! f ac "" '('s I _"""" .' _ .... 11t.ll la .v ~ I I(I 10 2.-, 0 'g g!! fll.! r Y ' :l r , • . It) r III 0 A. HI er e a ng ( ~ • hav o (1 o n c \\ Il b I f'al'~ 11\H'. ' .. d r er. gl' wlt h fl o ur. :wd do l o r er \\" Ih ~ l1nll 1; 1" \\ It ' 1I sa I t. p e ppeT an cj I II r ee 1,,1(' all u ll l or j u , n t . 11., " I I", 1IIlIIt bl' '' '' r eac-!HH.1 " ' on p·ha lf. l u bles po o nrul UUtt l·!. R e ppa t. ' a' I I I'K p o oll f lI i ~ b ro\\nsugaT. I) o ~ o\ "r I Se es Men as Trees . I I'·lf l> ~ (' aI" ; ~ ;:l' I f w <' lUlkl'tI ..!bu u t Aeroplan e Kept a s M emen l o. m I lk llll il l It con'rs Jll) l a, o ('~ . w j l lt Oil " la lJl r s poonful bullo r . R e- ' l i(' R. ,,· ,. 1I 1f' 1I a ' tn'p~ \\al l(ln g . i llS 'h" 111 ' 1 I.l ) \I l[; ~ lJ(1 " 1(1: 8 p~ r y . ·.t r Wc' All t h a I Is Il' ft v r II I " hl sl o rl c ... akl' oll e a n d o ne·ro url h ilO llr s lin II I p r ill ro \,CI' w n b bullnr ed crll llll.o. an d VI SlOtl Is o pu q ll e I! a n y o f u s h a v e i A Pro ze Houdan ' "lId d I l.l II ' b ...·n la <Jg h ed nt. Why r.' tb pOln toe~ lire ,o fl. hu l.;e UIlI I I Ih " c rumbs I1re bro w n I bee n I n (! lI r ll ll ·SR . l e i us r ejo l c (' , n Ih e I bh "u l d ' I lI 11 t I>c J1O~~ l bll' to go e il . pC! , \-\ ' l l g h l 1t' }l lan l' wlIlr \l'hll'h \lln n. lI· 10 n (' l mu lllr.lI 1'01i1l0 cs - " n l ' I ; pn und SW Pl'l Po tul o CrOQUl'ttes.- T o 1\\0 , li g ht \\' hl c h s tream s l od a) from thB ' C", '01 , ' '' ' \ \ " IIIU MI ulll pl" r"" li :1 111.1 ,I ll I lI'lI until tl h e 30 0 P Ho.l gel tl fl I' '' f r o, " I!" I h !' " :\C ' l ll c 1\I'Il ; "a r ~ :I go 11> 10 b n "T<" gro t.CII c h eese' In Il,s rlll' f il is " h it .. Cll jJ f lJ ls hOI n('e d swo et potato' ~ add r~('(' 0 1.1 ('8 11 5 (; h ri Ht. "h o ,.:! 1\1' 10 dls- , () i 11\1' IU lld IIr.l l \\ 1 11 pl rrdll U ! 1'1'):~ I " g);,; jJ(·r ) .·ar? SII.UCI'. A r r a nH(' d i .' d . r o h l hll , le,l flO' 'Dr "'" [,l h l"~ l>oonrllIB butlcI·. 01\ (' Il.l lI : JJI' 1 ,til our i'l arl, II ('SS r c giU'dlng th e lI 8 " ',111 11> 1!I'lI l l r),Ill l' 1I I,,:o c' all 01 l h . 1':Y " r~' h"ll \\llJl t d o t h i S. but IIlloek R(l ll t l" tl t o Itlp (' at t1 t '~lfl I t111 S t ' lI III a t talO~ S •. w h ite snll el' ane! I'h ~p~e In .:11 . l C! lI Rl'o'Jllf u l saI l. a re w gra in s " f P" P I lIr.. o f (ino. I h o 10\'0 o f (iod . lh l' r pla- : IJr otliH h v 1<, " p l n g ~n III II :, (In t h i' f el' c\ , o r I ho .! "()' gg h' n look ~ goo t! a nd I1I1 Y ' P l tt sb llrgl l b ~ l irl' Lil t' al' l a tor' s m Olu , 0[' T hl ' m :u ' h lll £l \\ li S !Ja di y tl a JI1 :q! l',f t f·rll.UllIg 111), <' 18 III hUll I t' d bi1 k'n /; jJ er ;, ntI :r I)"a t ('u egg. ,SI101.1]('. (I I p 1n l o lio n o( 11" ·111 tn God nnd Ille r ro. l ,'IIII'II o f I t h "" t .\·" ",· ,1 " " " 1' I on h. ' J\R , 11I,.,he'l " I." 11 ::\ : 1I ;r~ Ru(' ll a ti ol' k C;Ln c uunl · . . l ,I', I {1b 1~h. ( o\'I l'r wit h b ll l l er . el l'J' u m h F; ll.lI d l c rll lll I) • . t II PII I nlo eg g . a n d ng.' I ' n II m 'a n to h i s f" lI o y. tn l· n . . ' T h '1 l1I o stll l Olll . 'VIU l1 llld l' 'l il PIO' ",,,, ,,, ' ''' ·li l.ln cl ~olll l' jJro nt a ttJlI'I f'n I1ofl H' \\ 111' 11 Hlld ~ (" H fn l l 10 h, 5 dlo" it III I hu ' r ari fi c O(' f'n n a s h o t l Ii.n " ,'fl(ll" ( l ll ll " ilk l' II l1 t l til e c rumbs a m lIro \\ n I llto Ir l" Jli)" Frv in o e" l1 f a t an" n od I s a li I' F a th e r Go d IF; I(J\' C' \\' " I :m'st " Illl f " ,'d 1IIII' \'I oIlI a ll ·. ;" :' 1' T lw l I " ' Rhl Iu \Illy t 111 oWIl p. r .1 S u loueC r el' m l'd P ota l oe s - (' 11 1 !"! ol rl . bOlI C' r! d ~a l n . ' nr e n il hi s thlldreo n Ufl> I " God 's g,fL. I F o\\ I ~ I,kl ' :t \'u r" ' I )' o r f <l od t l .·Y I" " fl l "r \ W O or tlirel' doll.Lr s p e r y ea r, ' " Ic l\ng Iri ~ "onel er flll rl lgh t v ot.ato .. s IIIlO dic e. nel'l wh ' l e' sa ll( Il l' WI l l h (' l p II R fll Pl' t 11 11 i ts ciuli oo. ' o f l en (I r e of a ll £' k i ud \\ " ~ 1,," ,l rl ,relllrc l l:lg I n h o w Ih (' prod uc t Is han· QU l'n tl y It "tlU 11 $\'d h y J\ud l'C'! w D l'C' \V 8 nr! b ea t IborOllg hl y. On e nil e! on o· i 1'; 1.I7.,\l I ET Il .J1o;Jo'I~ Ejt SON aud MARY b £'ar a ll It ~ b urd!ln s. !:, lIdnre ;; 11 i t M I' 1" 10 \\ III ,' h"Il B- Ih e ir l lk " ~ 11 1101 d ,s I rll l<l Ca f l' f u l s,' l cc!ion anel mnting lint \I lhnt avlntor al so " a t! k ll l ! 'd \\ 11' 1 t'o urlh c up s at \\ hi I e sau co sh o ulrl ll e I E ll\IO :"\ I ' :-i . HO'T OWS 111«'F; , will produc e Ru ch Il flock No one can It. TI1l' mllr hln c hn s " (, C ll r l'sloreti 10 u s ed wl (h t .. o cups of d ' c~ '1 l'ot:II [1(,5. ' C o ll p~ H 0 : Agrl (' ulture. Ohio S t ate ][e ha s broll g h t !l rf' Illld i mmolt a l'l), I '1'1", It .. n lth of th e floe k IIIll s l h e co n ~Il Y tbut tbo b est re~u lt s h avlJ boon Its orl g ll1 ,, 1 1'0n ,lIl l on !lo lh Hod g (' r s nud Fowl e , ' s \Vrl g h t mn c il i nos h:u ,' POla t oes a u Gra tin - PlI t e r ea lll f' d I UIlI l' o r s l l y to light alld h aH ubolt s h f'd d pat h , wip ed fl lu e r<' u F,vc ryoo" II h o lll,l k l ' ti lIlOLIe Y ' oh l atn " (/ III pOllltrydorn. motm s of but :lO·bo rse po\\ PI'. y c t t lr l' Y - - ,-_--- - --o._-..=_ It a liI . nnnlhllat <l!l It. /I " w n('ross Ihe ('onl l n eo t In op po sit e "B c ye nngry anti s in Ilot." e mho dljOs dlr('cti o ns ut a tim e w bc' n Ihl! o prohis t l'ac hln g "D o ubtllot th e ultltTIale plan o h ad not bl'en c qul11 J1t' cl W Ilh th A . 1 reign o f g uo dll ess , truth and lov o L ______________________ _____________..J nmon g m\tll . i s th e ver y commnnd giv. I O(l· horse Jlow er n ,otor tl r todllY. whll'lI 11I nllc s It milch more s tablo. n o r baci · ' h eeso Is bell e , ed to b e I he o l dest st l l d e h£' t ... ee n Ihe yen r s l8 8 0 ' 1 8 ~ O . ; pn In bls rom ln g Into th e .... orld . for It lIe \ c lop (' .t a llrwh e r l' nl'a l' lh n ~ ll p (" l 'of dairy products. It Is tile firs t f o rm and . Il l( C Ih l'll Ih('re has been a con ' ·the t!\b erna c l e of God i~ among I i or w hi c h It ha s RIIICC 8h o \\ n II Re l ( lO [n IIbleb milk is pI l'sc r ved for f Ulur<' 111l1l 0 1I S. s lend\ ~ro wth A s mi g ul ho m en" bo "upa bl e Uf;e. It trace s Its origin. no do u bt , to r xp (',·I I' ,1. I ll p ' a lll o unt of prodll<: t alld "I~e 110t so li c ' l o us : do not worrv. " Accoun 0 arge

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t h " ~<:c ,de n tal s loring a t ~Oll" milk ' mo,,, '" 111\ r's l N I have Increas eo m o r e I be says. So I pl ea o walt nod's goo d 1 c·lI r l.l I t h aM b ee ll a J.. rapl e f oo ' l f o r rap ,d l )' Iliall Ih e 1l 11lllber of 1ll 0 1: r ill , t i m e t o brln/; YOII ou t o f rOllr ditli Clll· lTIall } r ac p s for l1 UC OUnI d y <':r r s pia} ,I III lls mnkloi; In 19 0D Ih o : li es IIno I nal s. If c \\lll brIng yon lIl t O ' l 'h (' ('sl) I S of I lIl pO I (311 r C a s ,l f ond 1, !I1t1 .- 'JI l' lt p p ~ , ' maoo III '.jlo I lIl t en t 'roI 'all so of It~ I llg il n u t rlll \(' ' ~"" . s '. l1 ' " \\ l' '''' approxlmale l,. Ihr('e 1111 11 I iiI' C'1l" Cl \\1111 "h ic h II can Ill' prf' fnn l : 1" S fl clor y . or AnI (, J'I ('[l n pal "1l f or Ih u l a h l l' , ' lS app e, 'l, ' ng fI.1 rh,. .. ",· II (J , lilld s of t hl ~ IlI c lll(lt'd v o r . UII O I hp gll 'a l \ :tTl el l o f \\ n, s i l l L II "trll l g "1 :-'\\1 ,9 , brle'I< UIIII I I I'l' l .... h i c h II C.,n heo . pr v l,d Fr o" , I lI p ' C"' " "K' IlI ' m, l k (' h ne~~ 1'11" ,'f' " I(> \\P OI II I of n g l l rulu, r e. I t IS a ll lin · IHn l n d cr i n \rn r l ican modill r. .I I ,on s o f /J urt .w l c' Illllnl odilY 'T I' I' IlI l es l r r f'r', I1 11 1m por i I'll fnr ()l gII 1>r;\lI(I ". SlI c h ti hI\ TI' ~ " h o \\ I h ;\I O, " r :If;O.fl U0.n on ,I S :>; r u f r ha l t'l. H og u<'fort :tDd oth ers \\. I ,. C"I';V I~NUr;R t)') 1I11(15 o f c:ll< "· s " Dr f' m ,lIl E> nnn ulil l y , 1 15 ,tll1 ~ I ~ Ill'HJ' l\' $~ q . Ofl O 1100 Co ll'I: ,' of \ '1 lr lllflire. Dill " ~ t nle ('I II"""l lI lIld ,ll' 111 .,, 11' II' gr"nlrt" 1 11 ,1' ,,: 1 \ ' --- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

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W t Con Constant Growth of Same Crop a er Tubers Are Not Conon Same La.nd Always Re'd . d S f f t ry sults Disastrously.

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Let the h g hl nf his dl"ln e hUmOln I On oI ," "U lI l (If lilt' 111' .1\) j1o l a lo c rlljl l ra ce ~lreal1l "1l011 , 11U lie Iransform (' r! 1 '1l"1 t h e low 1lI1lflwt Il Tl C". JU a ny P"I~

- - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - " I) I I '1 1" P')"1' · I.S" . ' I ,n sc I ,' r t I il ):• I l\, ; " ~ PIl'" 1\ " " " " ' , I I I · " 0 P Oll I r} . ~ I1 C1J,. '6IS\ b l ' IWI< d 'h ," I I .., J I( . " II' lrlll). I' "" " I) ' 1' 1' I ) '.11 CI 'esse I I 1 I (' 011, ". It 111 11 II » , hnl\11 " P I'L"oIi1) il ) "". II " iI ' " I1 I· " ' ,, I , I I .1'11 I " " 1111' . 1I1 S1('! $u l,h ah a It l ll-! l j [ I~d l '(jIIJU .llld '. j\i l I r , 'I I. ,' ' I)JI " Ht. t nt' l Ij I' t I 1',1 I \ (I ;} d IS ~t gOIHI • I ' I ' [ I II ' 1l e .l ' 1l Il . .lh . ~ C' llll t I q" ' " nnd ', fi l ' l! l Jl lh :l t e;\ f~ \ d " I I\ " d ! f'· t ,I,I . , I, JLI1! COlli II ,III" \\"t :I ,"

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, [i l' A F W O ODS, Dean or th~ MI"n ~. I IC-I'H"fIlc n! or A g r lcultun' ) Th e > urnulnLlo u of noxIOus weeds. r11 ~"1i8es aud Insects on the farro I s III1 l! o f Ih e most sorlous sourc es or l o ss This I'esu l ts lUI a rul e from the 1 ,' (.lI s t:UiI ~ r (l w th or too long co o tl n · UI'I/ cul l lll Cl o f th e Bame crop or c1asd o f c r ops o n the same l au d bod Wilt I n , ulioll l! c rops . b acterml dlseascu, ;.: r a ln r ust :IUr! wceo s IUld IUlJe<: ts too I nu me r o u s tu m elli l un. all accllmu l u te I n I h " sul l under the OD(}-CI'(IP sys, em , Th f' ~ p p('sls nfton mlllllllly 10 such , .• n " <L p nt Ihat IIltllllal.!ly It hPComes i t:1p(j~ s i bl r' 10 S(,CUTC profilabl e r eI 11I rn ~ f ,o lll t h c land t h u s I n reste d . ['l O' ' 1 . I ~ l:Jllt I' a r l ll I P.6 must th en b e s&/' lI r!'t1 ('II' c'rllp s I' ultlvut ed o n Iantl not All th ee~ f: l1 h j f-o('t t o ! hC' BO PCg ts , , t l'lI J1uP 1.1 S (' Lit I IP aVOl 0 € (J a n 0 t) i 0 l e r-



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Many p n l e. s ic kl y p er son s wonde r for y ears why th ey h ave to Buffer so. and eventually dl scovor U,at th e dru g -caffeln o-Ill correo Is th e malo cllu se of tho trouble . " I wlla a l wnys v c> ry f ond of carlen and drn n k It e very oay . 1 n m'c r h n d much lIe sh u lld oft en "onderod wh y I wus alwnys so pa lB. thin anLi I\ealt. "Ab out five y ears a go m y Iwalth comp l et el y broke dowlI an,1 1 wn s can fin ed to my b c d . My s l o rnn c ll w as I n such cond itio n t hat I c o uld ilardI)' tako ' I Il f sufJIc\cnt nourl s hmcnt to Ru s t .1 n c "During thIs tlm o 1 WIIS dr i nl(l n ~ cortee. uldn 't tblnl[ J c o ulc! do wllhotlt

It. " After awhile I Cllm f' to tb e cOil e I u. ' slOli tllat coiree was bur ll. ng 1111'. an "A d ec id ed to I.,- \ve it up anr! t l Y P o slum ' " 'ben I t was made r~ gh t-d a r k nn rI r ~HTl e very ( I 0 r II . ,' rl cb - l Sf) on b[l C o nc

I ,,'" I1 S .tr l · d (~ I I " rI "I ' IllIt y of t h e !loll Improved by 1nte ll1- I " In o ll e \\ Poo k [ bpg an to f eel h c tt .. r ,'\ 1; , ~ ,·.. ,' 11 1. 11, •.,\11 . plltal rH':< ~ l lI ) u~ . to I H I Icould eatrnoreand f:S le ep b l.:t"l l1 tRv F; l c' rn F;o frot.a fi tt eM r , .. Y h" r "n l! ,·d . u " lll l.: .I ~ Illth- ":LtC' 1 <I<;' 'I'hI P TlI o s t pro 11 fa bl c system s f o r nny Rick hoadaches wero l e ~8 rrcqu ent. an d ~. I Il" Is-1 .. ih l ,·. n , ~ l; l ll l ll; 1111':11 Ul1d " " ~. ng J] I 0(' 0 II I:. or I ). p .. a r f u rm I ng. as ( ar as wlthln · five m onth s I looke d an d f e I t , t hf' ):'" ' 11 11 ,\ 1111 ,' tit(' pco l.ItO"s are hot. ' h (' e n r! n Vf?O I p c-. d can UBua 1.. ' lIke n nc'" b e ing, jl eud .acb o ape II s enh I th oy i \,~ \i£' I .\ !t tt !t· <11 " ~ llO !lld b. , nl/ cl uel and t '~ I . h I ti l l I ), lin o btaln !)11 f rom your state fIX- tlrel)' gon e . . 1IlIXIlJr" ', ' d 10 th e Iw!!" W i\! iii L I " .' b jI('\' II Il (O nl s tar ot) '. "My b ealt h con t ll11l ed to Im prove \\arm I r 1111' gT'lln I" {, orll "I' k iU" ' • and t orJay 1 aID well and stro n g . we I g h Ih, ,' '1<1 (1. 111011 of " fl IIl C' I II an ag l ' I ,, I ('y . Bran as a Pou I lry F ee d . 118Ibs. I attribute my p resent Il ea I tl. "' hO ll l" i l l" r l' · I ~ (j. t h ... C Hi ll a ll( • "r 'T f",HU' I " 1 .. . : : ' . 0 1 - B ull "lllI \\':J sh . T il " \' a l u e wh eat bran as a pou - to th e lifc.g lvhl).\ qll fl lltl ps of P oslum SIIl,hl .1 Ihr l r , a. I II try f ood I f! u olt er underntoo(\ than forName glv c n b y P os lllrn C o .• B n ttl o I ln("! On '- t atl' A~ lr lJ l t ll r;' (,,, 0;::,' r I hi k ' " 11 d \" I I .. , . .• lIl er l y It III good or grow n g c c s Creell, 1I1lch. R ead 'I' h o oa t o " e . a nd layin g h e n s. I t contain!! 2() per vlllp," In pl,gs. W,nte r Poult? Feed. cp nt ~ore pro tein thuu whole wheat. PuBtum now com~s In two forms: Ch v(" 11 11 t h e tu\·IIIIl U• r u t~ !>agll S , wh ic h ~ll a.'k e6 It .of great v a lue. both Regu l ar Postum- - mlll;t be w e ll P1l111 Jl kl'll s. Clc .• h at C:ln he etl nv e nl - tor bu~Tdtng .I!trong f:ram~s and tn bolled. . enll y s t ored . ror wj l!tilr pOIII\1Y . fo~d . f urn!llhlog material lor productn, _! . Instaht 'po!3tum- 1s a 80luill e pow. 'i'bIllY q. :ty' b . !~d c llh er COOlt,ed or eggs. Th e _!lule It contaItl8 Is good . C1er• . ~ telUlPoontul dts~olveg qulckl, 1 ra\",. Cooked v,ekclables. or course, .tor bone making Uld_ for: sb alls !tlf I tn a c:up ' of hot i"at~r a11<:\, ' \ Ith ,cream ahlllllid b e mashll(l and tblck f! ne~ wJth . egge ,. It!8 ch~p IUld should be, ~ep~.1 an~ BUBt\r, _~~lte8 a ~eUgi~us bl)\'erag" ground ·gmin ... ~ Alw.a y s re/llo!~ the berol e tbe . r:Q~I!l 1lJ!'4 I1f1'a'15 WI~ Inatantl~, " qrocet:$' ~el.l.lihl1l klndo. teod, \'rom,.pumpklns,· . · tbe ma;lh. elther. ~ or IJI.5llit,-recl.f ~.' ~ :.·'There·It'~ ,Rea.sOll : !or, Po.t~ . • ,.l\ . .. . . "I' ,1, ,,\ ! ' . f , 1

AllI C' t ' \ a H uD , t

,', ... 11/ . ' 1..11 • .-. 1/ 11 f I ,~hi I I .If' _ f I n n n n l .1 I I~ ' t,I.J, I ' \ l d o r l d ( h l ll , 1 111 11U 10\\ 11 ' (.' 4' .lI l l" l l I " f I I "~ ~ . I IIll! I ,,(.," I ' ASi a u ll \'l ~ l tf'n ;\ nd t i ll' p r l n.c l llHI m l•i;. I ' . 11 I ,II .'11 , 1<'lIa.' " JI\ I I ,' I ' 1,.f'\ , I't' d "ll h P ,IJ ,, \":t !l P I!-' " 1. 1I' '", . ",1 1. I/I'. ,t) I tl bl ~' p I"'.J"iJI pfl r II,!I • I !C I I I '1 . 1.1 ' 0 ' .Utll \ ( I o s p d U\" b'l rr i.C' l"s . I • • I .. " , ., ". .' f' Til' 11 ' 1\ ,f Ii:, r l. , 0 101'('(1 al" I""d to In "" , , ', .,d , I,, ~ ~ e~ 0 ,JOu lr) I h " I'lIl d ri ll; " ,I " , \\1 ,1111 se(' Ul"'cl In s u r . ., ' . , , . . c ' · oI ' ( 11' ,JII'~' I' " , '\ I II .'tld . , lu n 1 '1 . .. "1 : ,,,> .•,, I'IIlIl lI Y a l'\] )' 0 11 11;( all rJ 11I <)l IlI l'tul l' • . " II " " I c" .. d ', (I·I.,h,· h ll,} .. ~ o':l rl I' ill.I 1 1' . " h">I I ll ".~1 d I1; II,,· rl l'xl h lil l y " I -- . b .. '" II II, 'il e'd ' . i ,j . h " 1:" " 1(1.'1 10, , I", I ' I PI: r} ' II' I ll" h <, ' a~1 1' " 1" 1 li n P ot " t , I s ' K ' . r ": S u n In o r e a. t h " l l1 l' ' II i' u f :I (· .. I! 'I ll I i,,· i'i ' I,. 1111 I,r, :, - h d, ·,·p. In n g siml :; I'! u rlLl I'",,! I n I, on'a t il c' ' 0 1<1 1 1'0 11 o f f u ll c0 1l1 . b r , "I I ' " Ill ' ,,, I" " (, ' , ! .. II , , 1t .'.1 Ttll' IlIl 'I,· ' S \\' 01 1 t} ,'sh"rl o' rr Pl' t ' ...' . . . ~" "Il" iI" t n ,' !ll hl' l S " I' ro p~,a n "01 ' "f t h 'h c ' " " \, .,,:<1 ppl\ I" bO£1e ~ cV ('nl y r'O: chu t'eh <' R ' (JIIlI''; 10 li 8, 19;;: p ro b a t.l on. t o w l. Till) !1 , ' ~ i L rlli :. 01 ·. br(!,\<t h'J JIl' I, ,1" I,,·rl : ,, ' , II' " ." nr "r,'d r" c' rr~ ' 1II " " ' lid Is h ca Ht 0 1 .re d .' rs. 4G . I~ 5 m h 1 tllJh I'Cn tR n ro ll f! lI 'tn t:' ;11l" II; 111(' f c",1 '1 ill d " h"'h ll I) c" '· I\C I.·. ,I. ;l ot l ll~ puo r . hloocJ bl h" li ng, ~ud r pg u l :lI l y a ll nolr g. G.4 .7 ~ 'j , o r a :w eI )' ~ (I (I .tIIlI pl !.l hl,· III a r' II I -~ hll d , Dl'ci 'I ' ,t Iy el:e" Hc d rlH! nl' sl . I;h o lli u IOl a l o r all cluSRI's or 179 .1Ii7 Tb r e and s l i).,!l rly " tl lf \' n u ,1 easil :: be nl II:" , Hl ! ' ;,111 1 Ep r l n ~ y t o lb " I II' S or I h ~ 1', a n a " era g e a l t pildalle e In S lI lI d:ty . n 'l rQo~t,r o r lIu lkl , "fL~ r ".hkl! al-'" ,\): ;:. 1'0 1-'-"'1 1' 1'), s110uid h SllllYc d 1 ~ cl l ool o r .109.855 Th er e are 774 IJa" t.h is bon e h.udcll!; a ll ll III CUIIII' S 1:1 : ~ ' 0 1 1; c,llrs " f o r b ein g k ll lr' d. 60 ~ocllJ a l school s, wi t h 18,287 scho l ars ami blunt, fl c,' o - d l ll ;:: 10 HIP Ilg . of iiI t tt' c ro p will be ·mpty. ing. Last y ea r t h er e w e r e 33'4 !'fowl. rhe' l eg ~ I YOIUlg <lnI111:jo1~ ilr,' , ts 1n att6l1druJce !~ 'the th eolag1 ·. m.ooth . and become . ffoltglw r an d L ' J;U Il en plowed under -opply loarfca. Of thIs numllfilr ' tlftl ' _1.,. AA.·I.lie blr<J. l,tr CH"!1- ol der. I \I 1lf,,'.,A I1l ·. ,.., ' .. !

cI -. ,' ,

WONDERED WHY, Found the Answer Was "Coffee."


I i nto hl B Im~.~e Le t fnith. bo p e anrl , pl o ,11 \\ as k ' lIl: u U"1. _ tl~: \o lul] o f lo v c lule y our hea ll ~ Th e n your fli E' ! '; I'I1<1 s for Hlo c k f eer! Ih o anlllln i ' w ill be tlllI'd w i l h II /!: ht lln d you s hn ll I hu~ bllJl d ry d iv iSIo n (If t h" slat e (' 01 · . r " j Ol C(' "with tlu' j o; Ihat i s ulls ppak. ,l l eg p at P u ll man h ar; " ,, \'(' r a l IJ Hltl lrll'!J I a lt l ro anrl full o f Al o r y ." - Ht. H pv s .,m· 1 o f Ihl " " " ,.1 I u ,' 1 Full o "s O n aec~ullt of th ei r largo w at" r, nil· I , t« nl. pOl.lIl l l' s .d o w· 11 1(0 lI.o t s u' l. ,blfl I Beg ,nnl n g of MIssions. I for fllPdlnl!; SW'" " F:~ J1I' "II1 l'nl t1 1 It' T h p I I10 d "1I 1 " r" of leng li s h ml ss l o :lB ' "u l ts a t w an :! F; !rd ,Oll" sh~" " b q~a n \\ ' I h (':lr,,), \\' h l'n II ... \\rOLn , 1111ll (j il l' pOllnd o r ~I ,\I " IS " " lin I ~ b l1 llt fu ne pou no " '" ('o o k l' d po tato ps I II ~ 1 1I \· ' ·~ " g." 'O ll or Ihf' 1I1 1~ sl u n a ry ' I " ll" u bl< 'l11 Ih a t \\ "li d , r flll <'piton l " o f I o r lour a n '! (m p hal f pn llll 'S o f po n , I h " c·OIl;I II I<1 I1 ..; II nti th e II r " ds nr til " I ' OC'S r.l" . O n Ih l~ !I"b ' ~ : ,,, \0 110 ('D Il I " " " t· ltrr ~ I r;1I 1 " " rI<I o f hi A r!" v II " ') " , fi gllrp. ou '. IIr .. p ' n l):l lJl" r('!.'~ rh" o f po· I H '\' h t'n I l 'd La hog n 1 , .0) I ll.U!::Jt tlU" t (IlH l'O " "T\' u n d I Uv cR •tl g al lo o "I t ",f OI ' . , it a,1 \' :\8 11\' \\1< 11' 1,,'. " til l' hori zo n o f h I' tro d with J('ra l ll to r >'LUr n Ha tl sI'H C' l ' r o b;; l>l) nnt 11 10 1" I la uI 1I1\~~It 'I1" ' lid Ih,. ,\l lI'1I1 \\ il~ m n r " , ln r y T<' Hul l" I ( ' iJ1 lS li :I [I ~ lI a ll til t h .. tliJ \" f1 of P a ul. 1 f I )l l r 1" 11 , ,d · u f 1'() l al n (Os s h ou l d bp UR1), • " ()\\lI . n nl \ f o r , 'al'1 , ,, ' 11 11 111 or ~ 'a lll " h ' r e r,lpHI b u t it " a ~, "-l l l l l l :l rg (' l j u nkll









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Cheap and Can Be Prepared Ways - Chie f Value Lies In Its

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REFUGfE C,I.\MP FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN 'r!Jm.~ ·" ,..'• '/,.' '~ I








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ht" .ll..l"d I) y ' )UP 1I1 :11l. a s \\ a s l i l t' t · ~ sc vn "l lItI~ I t I t hi~ Hdrr Ii H i~ lr a l l()lJ. th t' (' n i t tl S W1 P:i I r' ('lal.DJL~ It ' " j .., n u \'. d i n ' ( ' l t tl 11.\ it COJl l lIJ io slo ll 01' fh ,' tJ l('l1 uppotll l f.l d ll ~' i~t' C ' r< '1 :U·.' or t In · illlf' rI(lr L~UI (l Tld H p kt~ T"" . h i,.\ :- tIll t Illi n' ( · (II!l\l1i ·~ .. i o ~ i i ll HI ' ~~io ll . L flrl t o r ig ht arolllld th p 1:l u h· :.11''' : ,\n lill r J' U;l' I ~ , (' h l e f l' Ubinl" ' r ; VIi . A. 1( .',' 1' " o/ It r lll l, 1' : I I) li ' lllln u pl l, SIJ I", ,,,·lsll ,· u( Irr illation .I uti,; .· W ill k I(i lll' , (ltid ('lIU IIS. 1 F II. ~"\\III, d ;n:" (o r I .. l ,t,) .: ;': 1'111 ,111 of l tll f·urtln!i :. ..·d oll . u n d ~t.·tTct a I'Y ut' t he IlIl \' r iu r ....r:t! ! I\. !1 1l f-\ I..a l ,.. tio :. :




T he thousa nd s of Mw:ica n s(lld i .. r ~ and (' i\'i liaIl6 who fl .'d fro1l\ Ujill",;a \\ 1" ' 11 \ ' d l" ',, rI' Ll' 1s Ivo l( th u l \1 1; " '1' "I" "till under tb e prol f'c tl oll of IInrle ::;/1111 . Our i1lu stra tiv n " l1o \\'s fo m" of t il, · I'rdl1 i~ "~ s tr ~i/l b to ru;,hl' Ih eIBS(·ly e. 1 ('o l1lfortablo on the Aml'ri cull fi de or Ih e rl\' (' r , i I




.;, =."

I/ I' l'l' hl :J · r ou.ti oll I!' ... 111) \\ :,lI U i\,;u l'l· J'I'l ·:-- t·l ltl llg tll u '- L a ti) (.)11 t! lp l :" ,tr ! \d l!(' h i~ ;IJl: :l1'1 "{' n lt :- l \l a "l.lI' '' \\ 111, l.l:llt IUS "'f,'t!l p ' .lr, 11 11 1. • .1 bh · Ii i s I ll. · \\ l JI'h 01 ;; :./I · l p ln r \ b i l illg :-\ \\ltI. j ·l l a lld , \\I1 .·r,· l l, , ' :-- ' , . . ... ~ I , J ~ I : I ~ ! IJI. · !' ...:p,) :- t ..; i:<{ 110 \ \ :, 1 ; l ': Jl' gilt .!\r tr;H·thj · p r iz .. !-- 1111 "1 ' d t i l] ' tL· 1,, :-1 \\ · ,r1 i ll c:;, :.H · \'. Htl d it· t • J'{ 1 ... ult . d . n t L;.':: ,' , .t1 I~ lic \\ url" pi art'


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1, ' 11 " I<OH P uf \\'n~ltl ng loo, IH 'H, ~ (If r tll" ~ I ': .. ~c. I II·!i a tt r a l th'E de Lul.a ol c,""l,

L 'I


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:\a Rt'

\h/OMAN IN MAYOR MITCHEl.'S CABINET F i ll ed Up o n "Biscuit3."

A " :111' 1" lIr . In:! art' lvlu, is Ill'tW l ' Ii, /I II .. 1'l' l':«1. lil l l Pruf. L P '1 r " t'\; 11J1'1ll ll " or Ya.1B

1IIli\'\'rHi t y

W IlA-;. ,

n,,· ~: !1giUOl' r N' c lull 1"'C"I1I I) : uf ;1 ' a ~l' \\ l ltl l'H it ,\ a ~ jJ. \ \ hul a l o a f , lJr n"th i ll!,. Il l.: told tI " ~ l lJ l ' Y 0/1 111" lJr u tl!l'r . I " .\1 ," lirot h !' r," sal Ll I'rof essor HI'ee l;: I i urldg ", " w lle'll ),uuag, WUB roud ot "I sit l ll~ a C('lgh borl u g famBy uam etS ' ::;i mrnullh , 1\ 1.1 0, with (rue Kenluck'" 1108 " 1111 11 1), , i ll,' lled 1I1rn to etay to din uar, UO l' u i g hl he (:lIme horDe quite gorg pd, , " ' I'llw ,' It .. sai d, 'w hat big blBcuilM I they 11ll\' EJ o \' er III Ib e Simmonses ,' " ' SO il , yv u don ' t mean t o te ll IU e. thnl ~Oll l uo k a wbole one'? ' I "I lit" Hv u of 'em, paw_" I .. 'Sou, (h ONe weren ' t biscuits: tbc;» \\' .. r~ IOlLv(;s of lH"ell.d:" I I F i ghti ng Foreat FIre • . A mlllonia Lombs !,lIe being used I ~ 60 lll e or tb national forests In this co untry to extinguish forest fires es- . I peclally ill cODnection with brush where the fire figh ters cannot get Deal' /(,lllrlR

Irwin Maxwell Gregg and Grace Margaret Knoll were the Hrs t man Ilnd woman to be marri ed under th e Il ew ellgconl c Inw of Wiscon sin , whi ('11 r fl q ulreo that overy person entering matrimony have a physicfou's ce rtiftrnte or goe d health , Mr, Gre gg Is dlrElctor of the Milwaukee Y . !II . C, A . Rntl hl ~ bl' i d ~ i s (UI all round at.blete.

!II iss Mar." FultOn ,,1 ual·t il the ! bUlldBUOI ' L1al1!!ItI I'r " I' 1110, n",·' 1>0" 1 f' !'ll ur or Virg i lll:! aud ~I I' ~ . 1-1t'll r ), C. Stunrt , ~ h (' 1M Ull ly Si'.lt-f' 1I ~ l'al''' lIH and J8 at IJt t·~ t:JI · It (u; ndir:,:;; I:w hou l i n


Wllshi llgt o u

lhls n ew tone of yellow, which Is matched In the coll ar and cuffs as well as the edges of tho pockets. A few of

thesB bathrobes arB worn over here and have caused quite a sensation . They aro r ea lly Intended for n egll· gee wenr In one's room. to be use In the Bame fasbion as a woman uses her, kimono. but whatever their UBe, they are brilliant additloWl to the

1Qu4uJllie ' ~ar!lro}:le., whIch. by the ,raJ... - getUD, more, r~JIIant l.l;very






~~ :

Millionaire 's

Gorgeoua Color for Mere Man, The London tailors have ev en gone RO far as to make· glorifi ed bathro bes ror men out of blac k sati n lin ed with


Kid s.


T lt l' thl''''' ~ra lld('I III<l I' l'1l vr lll,- 1111 ,' mOlllh , lIlId to whi c h th" world of ~1a rshall Fi ... ld of l'hilago , " lIst S·\.' ,lIUU writers n nd I\osslps are /lot llay in g Ii Yf'sr to mainta in . Tbl ~ was IJ ro ug h l half enollgh at tl~ ntloll . Tb"y B r e 60 10 light rece ntl y ill l'lJi cago In t hl' I"'t)I bu sy discussi ng l b e yagiJrl "s of wo- bllt c cou rt. wheu all Cl'C Ol/lll i ll !; 1\ li d m en's cos tllmery that th ey d o not mude, Alllong thl! it" m ~ whicb t ~e r eali ze th e fact tbat ulin l' cus- court thou gh r prvlJl'r to a pp r u \' e \1'.1 S t ull1 er~- Is more gorgeous tltau it has ~2 ,rIO() ror a d rng hum for 0 11 (; uf til O ' b ee u since 1860. boys aud an a dd itio nal $2 ,0011 for oliw l : hunting aud stabl e e Xpense!!. Th ~ Force of Habit• girl. Owendoiyn, r €,Quir'c u Iln' usslbl ' . " Don' t l et that Carm er COlU e on t h e 811 (:e of a maid, ,\ go \-eruess, and' aLII slock excl'.nnge_" ~ (j8 B Katherine U. bavls, :\ew Yor-l!.- city 's new commission er-of c orroc· n groom. wllh a s tabl e. H er mlticl!I. "Wily hotT" laneou s e,weuaes durlu g the year tlons . swearing In a d ellU t'~'. eO!l1Inl Sll loner, MI ~s D avi s Is the fi r~t woman to "Bec\1ur;~ he'll sell for a Pitchfork It Were U,l04, 'I'he chlldre'n , are being bold a position III the lJabluett'ilt a roayor of l ew Yo r k. Until IlPlJolnted by anybody tall:S IWn Urj blllls are 10 ~l1e educated In England. wbere rea l ,l;f!U. Mayor ' MIt!!b eI, fiho WI\!J su pe\'~ Icritleu l of tbe lledford l1etormalory: for Girl s. wheat;" ,'. ~. ~_ ',~ lJemeu· and ~1141e.~ lire .tU~U~d out. J .~ B~,Mr)rd





, I



enough to the burning area to beat out , Ule Hame B, It Is t\a.1c1 that each we~ CXjl!oded bomb- · will 6%UuCuIBl\ fire ~~ 1\ CIrcle of. about .ftYti tn dlaJa.. eter,


(;,'. "

-~~n.~~~IJ:~~~~mm~~~~~~~~ ·t.n:: •

~ '$ I . - -- -.

~'I, I ~ '··e:fsc n·~l l\IentionJ: __ •_________" I

New Car Lo d of lenc~

, ':

The prices are right



I; . i l l'



Ila\l k,~ i,; ~ PI 'llll i ll~ i ii, .

wI '"I, wi l li fl' il;nti ,.: at :'Ilo r r,,\\' .

'I'll .:! j\'l iallli" will

• BJlJ' .Pleasure Soma time .... we eecared the . localaaeuc:,.J_ tho Indi"". Silo CompaJl¥_ We haw. fOUDd much pi......... inin_MtinIl ourfrionda

_d nol,hbon In the .dy.ntaa .... _ _ profit. aDd aU.1'DUIId

...... of the




.. ~

Every fanner who owns an Indiana SiIG baa found that it is the b est bltsiness deal he ever made and th e grenh'5t pleasure of his farming experience. It not only adds 60% to the net profits of the dairy and feeding pens bllt It nlso BtIves all the hard, unpleasant work of winter feeding. We have an especially attractive propofition to make to you now-one lhat will enable you to get an Indians Silo ill time for nut fall's corn crop and to pay for it 88 it pall! you. Let us tell you about it.

Ohas.D.Oook Harveysbure.


• All Kinds of

InSURJlnCE A. B. Chandler Succ('ssor to

F. E. SHERWOOD Over Postoffice,

Waynesville, O.

Office Phone 77

House Pholle u-3r

~ trll llg

one thai wi ll I.e al, I,' to r opl' w ith Thl' 11 ]. , s: \'. ,.:' a l·1 \\ill tli,,:!' the Iw,.:L amateur L('am~ uf the '·I)\InL ry. Th manage r i" in co rth r .. u ~~ h l ra i!! ,.:en·i(' l· ,\ Iunday , rl'Spo llt\{'nl'c with 1' 1lL' ur lWu m en Foil",,' ( I" . ('1',,\\, ·1... In ( III' Ol ','r a t hat DI"lIl1i ~e t u make t he learn ' 111" '1':" Ihl~ \·.,' "k ; th' n " s areas" ". tit I'ung-<' r and if tiwy land them (he club will ue th e ,.: trong-es t that thi s ~ \ 'a~'I I " 1<11 (' allll ', II('I>I . 1. () . (), F. tO WIi hag e n I' had. In all proba· ~ l ,I: ' I,' , 1 'I n,'\\· t':llIdi'! a tl' in thr 1II ~'~­ bility the lIlanagers from Xenia, t l' !·i (',· Il f I: 1' \ r (ll'd"r T l h'~d a y l·\'l·ning'. Wa s h i n~ton C. B ., Sauina and Wii;\1," ', i: !lI1!1 ~1 II;ti,in ~"t li ollw 1\10 n • . mingt(ln w ill mee t ,;oon 'a nd mak e t!;t l' af l " r ,III ",\I"l\tI ,·,[ vi si t \\' il li hel' arr;.l.n~!e m en l..~ for the Reason' s wo rk , ~()II, :\1 1', (; 11." Ilaki ll a:1 U falllil y , uf Th e commi ttee on ground :> a re luuk in g at several different sights. alitl it i" p r ovable thaL new encloser! - - -- ---\r" ;l1'. ' ,r"I':n,'d ttl Sl'I'\'e Vall'n· g rt lllnd s may ue sec u red ror the Ren· (i" ,. 10 " .. 1,, ·; '.1 ' ~ t\('i:l l :4 in tilt' h(,gl :' Oll. r~




\,'. C.

... - -

l·h i l iir~ .




l'e' l

I,alld ill " lis l ,,( \\'o"ls ill I It" w"rd G"It\ ~S(I ' If".(Jit d" ),"" C,lfl C..I Sihg ~l J . 11\0 " " III'" lI S free, The wor;1 L'Ilflll':-.t ,I tlst· ... ~ lll1 n l ;ly ni ~ lIt, P ch. I \,.\.

'J"" lit(· \\ iltlll'r " f il wi ll thlt 4:.! -p i,u ' I Ji""er ;,;...(. :\11l :-, ic

Ilt' );l

S dlunJH\'

u ll a l" \ ' I,..' Jl ill "

" 'a u:h


h,· ~ i\' ~11 ar lt' rl!l~o n

. u llr

Spl'C' i: d S.dcs

jIl l

_"_ ·C_d_It_"S_d_,,_y_ ' _"_"_" __ S,_'I_l_"_ '!;_'\_.,_. ______

Speci als Salf.'S




CLEAN EASY SO A.PPor three doy::! we will sell fi Bar;; famou s Clean Easy Snap fur ~!') cash and give wi t h e ·tch cash sale. 600 Booster Coupons Free This soap will wash your clothes without I;he washboard nu rubbi r,g-. Just g ive it a trial and you wi ll use no other. Ask your favorite Boos te r to get the soap fur you.


From home-grown Timber

It W. H.lVIadden &Cn. I'

ch arge of thi ::; famous hote l f ot' over Mr . and lVl r ~. C. T . II a \\'1; C' , 1I1rs . t hi rt y years. At the time uf his Mary C<l:->I\t'Y. t,l r~. Cha.. lIou g h a nd 1 1\1 i ~" l:ell c I)' j 'call wen' Day t on election t o cou nty auditor he was the mayor of Le banon. and he resigned .~_IIl'~ ______________1IIIi l I vi ~ i to r ~ I:1s t Wed!1 l·sulIY. to take ch a rge of the' auditor':> office Mr . S tubb8 ha.~ I,('cn a g oou ufli cial. Many a line iR taki lOg' at!\'antagf! of th, ! g- !'I~al. cut in p r il'es Lhrough the but was hardly acq ua inted WiLh his entire IH I'g'(' Shue Sioek of ,Johll A. ulTicial duti e~ as ye t. He was seven · ty years of age and leav{'!l a widow 1 Fu nk ey. Go ea r ly :lnd oft en. and two child l en, Mi s..; Ilerlha Keller, who has heen The funeral will take place thi~ the g ups l of Mr . lind Mrs . c,orrlon aflernClon at 2 o'clock. The court Joy for a cf,u pl ~ of wP.e ks , r e turned house will be dosed during the serto hr l' in Cinei nna t i Tlle~Jay morn- vices. - - - .... .... - - ing . FOUR CANDIDATES Adve l·thlinj? ~ urely IJayS. The Roo:>ler Sto re think ,; Suo anyway. ZimThe ;1. O . U. A. M 's had a big n1t~ rma 'l sol d I\JO Iio linds of 30ccolfec lime last Friday evening at their hall in t Ilr('e day:> las L wcek his on Main street, Four candidates





adv e rti ~c m ents.

The weathel' prognoRtica to r s hit it to a dot last week. They aaid t1wre would be a UW]) in the temperature of 05 degrees, arid th e drop cam(', whell thcy ;!aid it would.

We a1'30 offer for these 3 days. 25lb Sack Granulated Sugar $1.15 3th Peeled Peaches I Oc ca n Ohio Sugar Corn , 4 cans f or ~!ic Fancy Rio Colfee 21b 35c Fresh RoaRt ed Pean u ts 10c Ib Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables , the

2,000 rolb wall paper ceiv e(1 at J , E. Janney'fl .

just re-


we re initiated, a n the work was put on by the Spring Valley lod ge. There wer e about 20 of them came d own to see the ir team work. After' the work an elegant flurp er Wrul served by the ladies nf the O. E. S . ) odg'~ . About 4;; Juni or!' flat down to the tables ,

1 '

- - - -...


- ..- - --

Light Consumers

In vitati ons :Ire issued for the martiage of Mr. Clal'(!Ilce V. Dunham, of Lebanon, to MisR Ethel Stuk efl, If Jig\-.t rents nre noL paid hy th e dau g hte r of Mr. and Mrs. Harry l Sth of February, service wi ll he (' \I t. StGlw!!, lin Th u r:;<iay , February l!>Lh . oli and a charge of $1.00 ftlr recor.nectin g-. J. If. E. Moxley , IIi Clinton, Ohio. By ord erof Board of Public Mrair". ! will prc'l ch at the Ferry ehurch .--:~---O _ .... - - Sunday mar n;ng-. Feb r uary Sat 10:30 REAL ESTATE DEALS and a t th e Christi a n church here S unday l'v CI,i111{ at 7:;)11, l'Nc ryltndy The old homestc<lu of th e laI c S. S. I The Wayn esv ille Canning Compa WCIC01IIl' . Haines was !lold Monday to the ny IS now r eady to contract for corn Y('gg-m cn Till ed tlw ~a r(' of the Misses Trilltma and Margaret Ed· at their offices , at Waynesville and J u!ncHLnw n post oll it:e Monday night. wards , of Daylon. Their many Corwin, Ohio, They we re scared ofl' by a lady who friends here are in hope~ that they J. F. Snook, Manager. /ired a n 'vo lver . , Th ey got about '$40 willlllal<e this their future horne Roy Irons, Ass't . Mgr, in money, overlooking " Iurg-e l' sum soon. in anuth e r ul'awe rMiss Addie Keys sold her property [f you do n't huy S hocs at the on Fifth street, the Ann Engle home" grea tly rcdu (' ed price this m onth at Monday to Mrs. J, F. Snool(, who J olill 1\ . Funkcy 'fl C lo~ in g Sa le you Ads will be In.ert.ed und e r thts heat.! f pr will occupy it at once. twenty·tlve cents for t.h r ee insert lo n'l wi ll w ish yo u hall when you want .ben u.atng not more than tl\-e I1ne!o!. Shoe,; in ( he ~ prin g .


The BoosterStore I

Comedy Co.

Complete Chan~e of gram Each Night.

. Ohio.

Funeral Director. Telephone clay or nigbt. Valley phone No, 7. Long Distanoe No. 69-2r.





Friday Night in Conjunction with the Show.



Branch Office, Harve.J'sbUl'C, O.



ANYONE thinking of ordering FI uit rrees will do well to s ao. oorreepond WiSh or have him cltll Notary Public and see you for fir8t olass goods. I . N , Miller, Harveysburg, Ohio . All kind8 of Notary Work, Pen8ion mIl Work a I:lpeoialty,



lUIIlmED WEEnY. $4.00 PER TEAl 1IOr~ DIlUCciii8, -ep.CIA ....,..,






.. , .



F~!: ::....,..",,"


t'Rent,:or" hlc.rclo run .lsh... d 1))' U ::J. O ur R 141e rAgenttl everywhere are II rH c/hrllLil ]Ja rH cutarsan.chpectal aiferat once. "0 MONEY REQUIREDuu ttll'OU " 'I.'IIlvo and apl.r<lVe yourblel'c1o. Wt' l'ih ln to (UI!I'IU e nnywhl' ro In t.h ~ U. S. wlt/wut CJ nel "1\ ttl'l' . 7,rrp"l1 j ' 'I' (UI,/ , "ItIj olluw TEI'I DAY.'PRI!. wbldllliltP you m n .,' rltle Ih,·ble., ·d" ond It It yon nr~ Ih"n ltot l)('rtocLI.V sIltl.f1c dor

Dl n ld llj.! 1III1l1ny fllt4t..

cyclu .. hiLI It l:mcl( to 11!i nt.OUI'OX1)01Ise

\v .. furnIsh tho FACTORY PRICES ))OSslblo to nmltO r"c lory L~ .. t.. YOl! "tl VP 810 125 ;'';I;irl~~;;;,~,-;'-'~;;r:;it;;;'hu-h~

I'j'!l'.II1.i' ';'Il

111'CeL o r 11 ::' n I u1 h 1\ V ( I t.ll('IIUlI

,·k. DO NOT BUY f\ hi,

","Ire IIt,lll"OU rc·crl n' ou r <In 1. ~ln...tlt" n Il d '1"c IHflrlwlJle






nnlU~r .. , ...,-,.... -:"'~. ... ·..::c- ..'.-....-_- ~~li~~~~~&E~~t~~, 0.' """'~t ' " ••~.rlc'-" ran,X , COAS.ER DRAlb,.DJ',,.uip,tD~oi but tumtAly have f\

Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof Self-healing Tires T~ :::'::'::!~r ..."..r~r rrlmR ~~~!!!!~

I'rank Miller purchased the hotel j !'Ilo price of ,IIua, property fr om Harvey Gustin Mon· ".......... 'rill .,11 ••~':'.~.!.~~~.1"&~::::r;t.:~f't~~~..". ~ d,ay .. The h nte~ will lw run by W. ~ . PUNCTURES GURtm, whl) will take charg J of It ".,T..... oral... wIIlJOottotth •• lrout. March 1st f o r a year A hund.-ed tboU SI\\ld p,, ;r< ,,>lei Inst re nr.



I ...


- - - - _ _ ... _ _ __




~I" do It! nil slz"s. It bl 1I''' ''l ,v Clnd eASY

riding. very du rable nn d JI,, " u InsIde with whlcn neve r beand willen clus"" UP s mall ooocLures without allowing nlr to escalJtl. They wellfh no mar.. than an ordlnnry tiro. tbe puncturo roslstlng

a socclal auall~r ut rulJlJc r.

~mes purOU8

-otl.. tlle.hl.....IIMrt-

IiA".IHI_notuNtltrlJ'.'za;i During the winter and spring behlll' given by sev~ra lla y~rsotthJn."tJcclo lly and rI'" _rip "H" Septuagesima Sunduy February 8, llual\U~s prellonJd tn/ITlo on tho t.",~d. Tho rf'gulnr price of Ihes8 to ,,.."nt .."' ....In.. Tltl. months Dr. Macy will not be in his tl,.. will outl.tIt .n), .....r Sunday School at 9:aU a. m Lesson : tlr<lll"ls 8111 .00 IJO r "I\lr, but tor odvm;tl . tog IItlrP<ISQS we Harveysburg office except first week are mnklnllo tiiJ(lclnl lDctory 111100 to tllo "hle r ot only ",.11.-.0"9 .LA8T1C alld .a.y RIDI 0. Our Lord Rej ected at Capernallm . 14.80 1I<'r pair. All ordeN s hlp[)(ld HOlll8 day lett('r Is FOR SALE in each month commencing the first rocc1ved. We will "hlp C. O. n . on nL>\ll'Ovnl. You do '" Morninl4 Prayer and sermon at lO::lO. not need topsy acent until you ·.. 181PIne and find them strictly as repreeented... Monday. All the other time will be We will nllow 0. . . . .h dlaaount of'6jltJr qlnt (thereby maklng the prloe " ,•• pel'l)IIlP) U The public is invited to these ser- you send PULL CASH WITH OIlD!!1I anti !lnc1oo<o thl8 advertl!lClllent. You 1'1111 no r1ak III of 7 rooms, pantry, s um- spent in his Spring Valley I'ffice. sending us an ortle rB8 the tires may be returnild 'at OURexp<lll88lf ror"D7 reason they Ire not H OU~E mer kitohen and 8tore r oom, vices. .tltt&ato1'f OIl enmlnatlon. We &l"II perfect1,. Nlt.1M aDd m.0Q8711Q'_ ~ tIJ .... ..,. uilla baaJt. U 70G 0I'der .~ror thel!ettfM. ,-00 will ned tbll\ tbe, will ride euJel'. ruo falter'. ~ .tter.lMt 'all. Well and cistern water in kitchen t.ban a07 ttre 10U baycevor need or Mlon at an,. Price. We know tbat 1'OU wl1l be eo well 0--" . w 7.oa " . Milson's Fertilizer, the best on lhe a '!!.V:JJ.z.2G wnl~~rOnior. We "'aut J'OU to Mud u•• tl1.' onln'at ouae. beo~tlllln »atr al"-=s!!lftl', Large 1 Jt , barn and sheds. lnquj r~ MASONIC NOTI CE market, For sale by. ehns. Frye. I,. TIRES~~-:'~~~~~':':~~lD~~~~~~':".'::~lal · " adtO on premises. ~ . E, Mart. f 11 ___... _..,. _ _ _ en"" ruU,. Quoted abo .. • or _to tor our btl ·TI .... antIl1W>drr catalOl.' .bleb "-t,.t.... - I l - aII_ OR 8ALE--Cow nnd d ldry feed 'DdaO~_=.dtls.CIe:9.2.'t_t"'dltladn .. a'abOUt=1:Uo;~~n" .UYlIiO ' bl8JIIIe~.DaU ot variou8- klnds rhurs . Jan. - Natural IndIgnation. Reguhlr communication of Way· DO nO. wAl,- o~l,~,:,~a.~":'={TOa""O.u.. __ ~oer:.._"'_II_" 22 by Robt . Beokett, Corwin, Ohio. ~ ' ThC Fnrmer (palnO!J) - An' then you nesville Lodge No. 163, F. & A. M .. ItM.LODI.F~EltoDIoanlO·u.thol.DLEWrl, ltocuO"olPw; ... !!Speolal prioe from car. f 4 caps 'ave the sauce to !lon d 8. deputa- Tuesday evening, I.<'cbruary 10th • • 1 .I:j .. ' tI n to say yo~r hours arc too longl Sojourning brethren are cord- 11 • .I,'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ ''r~·~·'~~-~~-~!!!!'~'!!!!"!!!-~'!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~'!!.!!!!!'~;;., a hundted. plain, wblte W -wy-where else will you find.. '. "' ,y In I' ., . ,J \ . , . " . ..' . . , ~. , . orepe paper nltpklns; in de. ',b e '00 «ivee 'y;ou fOQTt1!en good houra ,~ted, I', .. J. 1', ~1I8" W. M. :.' >·D · • - t:::":.:.J ."-t' ~nft!- 11\ .. 50 at tbiB offiue, 4 ,A, Zimmerm'tP, Se?'.Y . _ .. .. . nil









St.. I\ lary '1' (;uilfl will m eet with Mi ss Le t it ia McKay on Thursday af Lc m oo ll . As wurk, during Lent, fo r the ChiltJrel1'!:j HO~Jlital at Cincinnat i wi ll be planned, A filII attendance is desired.






IN EACH TOWN :m"" I,trlcl,LOrlelonnd r. xhlbltasamule L.testModel

Classified Ads

Automobile Service at all TImes




Walter McClure


Nothing Cheap But the Price

Notice to Farmers

Will Lippincott





Does away with chips. Does away making "kindling wood." Does away with ' ·explosions." Sav~s its price every month , Sold by

•• ••




\';1 . I :,,"'ard li" I,kill>' , Mrs. I':,'a l ;nlldit nn d dal1 !!hl(!r . of lJa~· t' HI. Aud itor Alur rt SL uhhs , " f Ll' IJa Hoos I er j',I t 11(' lltn nllt a lld wear .... ll u.' 1\',, 1",' ;::I!l''; [ ~ tlf M1' ~ . lI 1' nriplla 11 ,,1'· nUl!, d rO]lIJl'(1 tI"olll Su nday t'\'l' lling ~c,, 11C 1 ;:lIld \"\a t eh. W ilt.) \\'ill \\i ll at Lil<' l. .. hmlOn I I tlll ~ e whi Il' wai! i ng I Ill' I I,i rd ' .,"') (""nl,' TI :o Ih ird I kill '; Tu · ~ d; I .\' . \\ ill lJ(' ~ i\' ('n 1 0 tile illd i\'iulla l liCIt "n a ell "t ')lll f' r . The cause (If hi~ lIav in io: \\'1111 I\lJl' \\110 C III '; tile- In!! ... ! II :,11'''; , .Iallll·;; ~1l' l'hl'n~ alit I Mi ~H deat h was hpart failur e. H nCJ~ l t.'r ' : (I U PIlII S f n) ll1 lilt 'CO Ull t 1)1 I: ' \ ' <1 '.;u'< t in. III' Il:tY(IIIl , II' p r e (Ill' .\ I"'H L, ." " ,I' ll",,), a, ttt lite e"llltl Mr. SluhhH W<I;l no t only: wei "r M,,"day , ~ I : trd , • . I g-ue ~ L-: (If I\lr , anti Mrs . RI I!<;;e ll Bp.nt· krl'.lw n in Wa rren cu u nty b ut all .\rc· \,n tt gt'l l ill !{:t 1l V'''1r fr ic ttrl 10 le v las t wed;. ov 'I' th e ~tat(', as he ha.'1 been in

''''~ th~

.\1:1 \ 1l' , .\ t·l so fl [1 rnllfl

: : CUT AUGUST 1913

habit and trade at





- Evety~~:~er;OaOndd t~e~::~ ~et

The "Yankee"


I ,',un thl:' yrar , 1I ':1g-II (' or no iI,ag ul'.




:lnd thoug h ts'

\'i:-- itin'! no!a .. 1t h t· '_ e;1I 1. ~ . tJj d I.; l·i rfull1r l\slan U i n ~~. , ': \" I " alh, 'Pl l " 111 II(' !:I';'.rt! , I1" "" r), \... ,; ' , "~ I':l ~ (, 1,:111. I' l a~I 'r~ " . I, . \ . ' . • \\ ','.1: \ \\,,"'; in D;\\' lllll : alit! 1(',\1 11- . ',\'h :i ,' !l\lthilll! (klinil (, f i'-n ,h.\ "" 10 '. : i!l('''~ . . I in r rg:ard (tl a It 'a~ u h a~ b 'l'lI ""11':lllllatC'LI. ~' I' L llw I('adl'rs ;11'(' wMI,· tIl 1:,.ll if ll l, ·.".1 :1 papl'l: aL "Id~' ,~" in g-I.ard t oward Ihal (·nd , a lld 1'1 11('1' 1'" I :1\ d . I·.. .Jalilley ". ['In ' I hI.! season is fairly la un ched in a llp ro ilalJili ly t hun' wi ll he an or· ~· ;· lI tl\\ f'l; lall" hillg 1'1l1'1"'''' 'S "Itiy I.(:lfl il.t'd lea!{ue t hut will vring- thi~ OI l I hL' III '\,1'.\ 11"11:'1' till '; wI·vk . t ' t . ~ , ,,\, II If! U pronIIlH.' nce.

See our all No.9 Wire Fence. . I ,\ Give it a trial. ~ J\j :\li ,~ ('la ra right

~in g ing

I 'If ba,;(> hail :lrf' ill LIl " a i I'. I L Willi , : :a rn l!<lrt i" in Cincin nati : ull ly be a fc w liay ..; 110W \\'l l('n th'J lJi):; t", :: .., . I lea:; u L (' I,d,s will lJl.) ~. ing- ~u uth in . .. ' ~ r :l:ni :.r· ', .;al'ter", :lnu the Ill'W:'lpa\'''\1 I I :III L a 1£",,, 1 I'l'r l l Iz('r \: a ll ' ,...\-! " r"., ,\,' .. 1rlo' (II • I U. U f t r:t d c~an c 1 " «1('Ill' ., ,'h! . "' -\' " pill,nl.: ·1!11· !. I· .. . ' f I I ' I . . 1 '1 :1! . 11:' .1 r<'ganilng th o I r r"'~lJec,

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Cambria Sleel and Wire Co.'sfence IS

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of the celebrated

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Th e birus are

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are getting In a new car Ioad


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Mr. E. E. Liddy, who ha~ been working in Chi cago. has been trans· ferred to Bo ul de r. Col. J ohn Leonard. of Kin gA writes U8 that he had his hand burned by powder about fiv e ago. He is nO\\1 in the testin g t esting ami weighing powder.

Mill s. badly weeks room.

Th e home of J . M. Stacy, of Day· ., . 1 ton. wp.8 b~oken Into Saturday .nll'! 1t, and the thlevcs got Mr. SLal'y s best overcoat. some_ !!mall change and sev.eral other thmgs~ .They went up· staIrs and. took $1 0 111 .money and several articles of wearmg apparel from the family living on the second floor.

......... .-............... _._.....__........ . ._..__ .............._........... ........ --_ ..........I !.__ .............._ ._...--................ . _ ..................... '-'j f ! Personal Menti4()Q Column :

J ,)iln V. l3ul'gett was born near Georg(·town. Brown Co .. Ohio. May 11. IE4:3. und ci eparted thi s life Feb. 15, 1914 near his late home in Be lmont ag-etl 70 yrs , H mo. ano 2G da. In II-mi, he was united in marriag e tu Mary Milbul'll. of Gibson Co .• Ind. '1'0 this uniun were burn seven chilo oren. four of wh" m are living. Mrs. Clara Conn or. Mrs. Co rd a Kelli s. bO lh of Harvey~burg. J oe B. and Hu ~h r.. of Belmont. He a lso lea\'c!! to mo urn his loss a widow. one sister. eig ht gnllldchiluren anu a host of


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W. 11 . Madd en was in Cincinnati un business last week.

Washillg to ll llirthdny cards at W. C.

I'hillip ~ '

If you want a good Fertilizer call Walter McC lure was in Dayton eha.'!. Frye!. phone 49 l·L 1-S. Sunctay on busilless, lJean Howell has been very ill for Olho Arn old anti f :vllily were he re the las t week but is improving . visi ting hb parents Frid ay .

MOVing time will soon be here. and the re will be 3everal changes this He was u soldi er in the Civ il war. year. and servt:ld three years. He uni ted with the Olive Chapel Christian Mrs. Mabel Fitzgerald and son, church in Brown Co .• in 1872, and Howard. are visiting relatives in died in that C hristian ~faith. He Miduletown. was well respected by all who knew " Meliotone," the new wall fini sh, him . He was a kind father and uurable , fadeless. washable. At a lovi ng husband. White's Store. fri':'I1d ~,


Miss Helen Sides. duughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sides. who has been the guest of relatives here on seve ral occasions. was the reader at the Y. M. C. A. Pop concert in Dayton. Saturday evening. Miss Sides is a reader of exceptional ability, and has been "eard at several Chau· tauquas. She appeared in connection with the Wurlitzer Concert Co.

Whole Number 3250

BOt'll --Tu Mr. allli Mrs . Eduie Wopllud, Monday. February 9th, a Mrs. Home r Car ey and Mrs. Effie Smith were visiting relatives in Leb. an on Sund ay. M r. ami MI'P , E. V. l3arllhart spent Sunda v In Brook Ville. and Monday in Dayton .


Two pieces of lh e origina l Collett lands were so ld at WilmiulIlon last week and were bought by youn ger connpctions of the ol der famil y. By purchase Ed. S. Collett came into possession of the tract of 101 ac res. adj oining the farm of his fath er, the late Muses Call elL This land has been own ed for some t ime by the late Virginia Coll ett Smith, and the transfer was made possible by the partition of her estate which was done in th e Common Pleas Court reo cently . At the adminiBtrator 's sale of the real estate of the late Ann Coll ett McCune . Thursday of last week. Howard McCune purchased a tract of 131 an(1 a frac tion acres which had belonged to his mother~ in the same neighborhood as the farm above r eferred to. Mr. Collett took the land at the appraisement. $80 an acre. while Mr. McCune hy competitive bidding paid $102.10 an acre. for his tract.

n-'-t-;-1 .-._---------.......----. rS-~-~i-a-l----E-~e..

The Card club met nt the home of Mrs. I. Sa tterthwaite Tu esday after 1100n ,

Jason Sheehan and family enter tain e.1 C. T. Hawke and family a dinner Sund ay. Mrs . S. Lev. Cartwright deligtful Iy enterta ined at dinner on last Fri day . Those invited were: Miss Al corn , of Pittsburg. Mrs. Hannah Rogers. Rhea Janet : Cartwright Mrs . Funkey. Mrs. Milkr. Mrs. Al corn and daulShter Ru th, Mrs. Devitt Mrs . l3aily. MrH Clayton. MisS Heighway. Mi ?~ Letitia McKay. Miss Kizzie Merritt and Lizzie Carroll The day was spent in pleasant can verse and all were g lad to be ther/l

Thc! fam ily wish to thank their Milson's Fert ilizer. th e best on the Messrs. Herbert Edwards and Carl fri ends and n ighbors here for t he Hawke. of Dayton. were gupsts of ma rket. For sale by Chas. F'rye. Mrs. E V. Barnhart entertained UBITUARY lovmg kindness shown th em in their th eir parents here Sunday. very delightfull y at her home Satur Miss Stell a Lem mon. who has been late bereavement. day in honor uf her little guests Mr. and ~rs. Walter Kenrick.-of vi si ting fri ends near Lexinglon. Ky .. - - Ella S. Gregg. daughter of Aaron Misses Carolyn and Louise Smith, of :; Lytle. spent several oays with rela· r etu rned home last week. and Rebecca Kelsey Gregg, was born Brookville. The following little DROP IN TEMPERATURE ti ves in Cincinnati last week. near Ridgevill e. Ohio. Nov ember 8, folks were present: Misses Es A heavy rain and thunuer shower Mi ss Hazel Gust in. has been the 1841. and departed thill life January ther Henderson. Doris Henderson We are prepared to serve Valen· of 31, 1914 in Brunswick. Georgia aged came down Friday evening and tine Rhea Jeannette Cartwright, Luella pa rtie.s or socials in the best guest of Miss Mabel Hadley, visited the southern porlion of the 72 yrs. 2 mo . 23 da . Sr ringboro. for several days. Williamson. Elsie Hawke, Doris state. The rain came down in tor· sty le. W. C. Phillips. At an early age she united with Hawke, Novf!lla Benecke. Kathleen Mra. Victor J . Holmes. form erly r ents for a time. and continued the Mr~ and Mrs. {<'red Hartsock and the Universalist church in Ridgeville Gilmour. Carolyn and Louise Smith Dr. J . A . McCoy is spending Miss Sallie Csdwallader. of Craig, greater part of the night. Toward daughter Mildred. of Morrow. wert' and has always done her part to help Games were enjoyed during the Col.. writes us as follows: "I was morning t he wind changed and th e a week at Columbus, insp~cting tl.hne. the g uests of relatives here Sunda/. along the work of the church. afternoon, and dainty refreshments very Borrv to hear of broth er Charles' mercllry began • to fall. Sund ay new serum factory. and gettin~ She was united in marriage to were served. formation about the same. death, and that' I could not attend his morning was cold but on Monday Will White says. everybody, .who J onah R Gregg November 8, 1864. fnneral, for we were so companion· mo rnin ~ the thermom eter reg istered is planning to paper or paint this To this union four children were giv. T he Misses Louise and Carolyn able in our childhood , The news of 2 above zero. The weath er boys say spring should come in and sec what en, three sons and one daughter. On last Friday evening the Sta~ his death brought back vividly the that the cold will not continue long. Smith. wh(l have been here for a .. Mellotone" will do for your home lOne Qon died in infancy. Susie A. in dard Bearers, assisted by Mrs couple of weeks. returned to their happy childhood hours. My husband The maple syrup makers a re glad to Grauser, gave a miscellaneous St. Mary's Guild will hold a George March 1881, and on June 3, 1893 her shower for the bride·to·be, Miss and I are well eetabliehed here at see the freezing as it will tend to home in Brookville, Sunday. husband was called to the Great Ethc! Stokes. An enjoyable evening Washington market in J . H. Cole· Craig having bought proper ty. My make their crop better. s d F b 2 Comedy Co. left men' Leonard The s store. atur ay. e ruary 1. Beyond. She is survived by two was spent among the girls In con husband is. a taxidcl. mist and is very The ice men are anxiously wanting · . a sons, Dr. Frank B .• of Wellington, versation and music. The room was Harveysburg, where Sunday for to ea t an d ch erry pIes, G00d t h mgs successful m his busmess here. I am a week or two of this kind of weather tastefully decorated in the bride's they will show for a week. Then specialty. Ohio., and Prof. E. Lamont, of colors, pink and white. Miss Stokes afraid the altitude is tllO high fo r so that they can fi:l their ice houses. they will go to Clarksville. and in all Washington, D. C., one grandson, received many pretty and useful me: and we may ha~e to our and t he people generally would like probahility will come back here soon Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Hough, of Robert Danforth Gregg, an aunt, presents. At a seasonable hour a resIdence. I" April, 1913, I had to see it 90 their ice bills this sum- for a return engagement. The show Route 4. Mr. and Mrs. Alll!n Emrick, Mrs. Mollie McGriff. an uncle, A. H. dainty two course luncheon was a slight stroke of paralysis in my mer will not climb so high. was clean and the people here en- Mr. and Mrs. Jas . Johns, Mrs. Chas. Kelsey. of Richmond. Ind ., many served. The girls departed thank!n& side. I had ahout recovered _ _ _ _ _ _- - Mrs. Grauser for her hospitality and joyed it very much _ Miss Alice Johns, Mrs. Jos , Thomas and Mrs. relatives and a hostof friends wishing Miss Stokes much future from that when I had another one CHAUTAUQUA ELECTJON Carey got the silver service lor the Kate Johns, of Lytie, attended the Burial was made at Springboro, O. happiness. - - about four weeks ago. For several most popular young lady, and Ches· funeral of Mrs. Ella Gregg. neur • --days the physician had small hopes Last Wedne3day afternoon the ter Carey the child's service. Spril1gboro.last Wednesday, WAS.APPOINTED AUDITOR Several of the neighbors of Mr of my recovery." and Mrs. Lincoln Sides and little stock·holdeJ'S of Miami Valley FranK· _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!~~~~~~~!!!! lin Chautauqua met to elect direc· ~ John Marshall Mulford was ap· daughters. dropped in on them last MARKET tors and organize for the 1914 cam· pointed auditor of Warren County Wednesday evening and gave them a REPORT WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS FO't JANUARY, 1914 hearty surprise. A two course lunch - The Dorcas Society of the Meth· paign. The old board of dIrectors ================~~==~~~== by the county commissioners at a was served which everyone enjoyed meeting held Saturday, There were Various games were played and the . odist church will hold a market at was re -elected and three additional, about twenty applicants for the music played by the graphophone the Township House on Saturday making the board consist of ten position. and each commissioner held made the evening a pleasant one morning, February 14th at 9 o'clock. members F. G. Cromer was selected President and General Man rlger; as out as long as he could for his long to he remembered. They de Plenty of good things to eat. Come parted at a late hour wishing the E . S. Lorenz, Vice President; W. G . particular friend. but the fight Sides family success and good luck and buy your Sunday dinner . Anderson, Secretary and TreMur er. --.~.~--simmered down to three, and Mr. in their new home. Those invited The session for 1914 will begin July BROKE INTO POHOFFICE were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cornell. Mulford finally landed the plum. 17th and close August 10th. The late deceased auditor had only Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hartsock. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strouse, Mr. and The Xenia poltoffire was broken served a few months in the office, Mrs. Ed Brown and little daughter into 18llt Friday' night, and 46 cents and Mr. Mulford will get to serve Jeanette, Mr. and Mrs. Carl SherWILL GIVE CONCERT - - - -- and a parcel post package was all the r.lmost all of the term. He was wood and son Morris. Mr. and Mrs. burglars got. The package was The Pythilln Sisters of Harveys· Enrollment .. ..... _ ......... ... .. . ...... 10 20 8 15 19 19 1 6 115 sworn in Monday. Will Dinwiddie, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd taken~ut of the office and the con· burg. have engagt:!d the. famous Mr. Mulford is well qualified to Savage and two children Paul and . 4 7 fi 2 1 8 Mary Elizabeth. Misses Lola Cornell, tents scattered along the streets. Stokes Family Orchestra to give a Rank in enrollment ................ .. 6 fill this office. and the commissioners Janie Jones, Marie Hartsock and They gained admittance by heaving concert in Firemen's hall. Saturday Total days of absence.. .... ......... 33 17 17 32 4 22 19 Hi 160 have made no miatake in appointing Olive Dinwiddie, and Messrs. Clifford a brick throuith one of the rear win· evening. February 14th 'rho~e who I 47 him . He is a man well liked all over and Walter Burnett. James Hart 5 I !:I 4 dows. The district inspector was have not heard this orchestra will No. o~ pupils causing absence .. . 8 6 4 3 the county a'nd a man that will make sock, Nelson Brown, Alfred. Jerome miss a treat if they do not attend. notified at once, 60 himself known in his new position. and Cummins Jones.....- -4 G IG 7 I 10 3 . The offices of the Xenia Supply Co as they give a very fine concert. Neither absent nor tardy ......... .. 2 13 All luck to Auditor Mulford. NEW TAXATION LAW and W. O. Maddux were also broken The admission is 20 and 15 cents. Pel' cent of enrollment neither ----- .... --into, and the thieves secured about Everybody is invited. , absent nor tardy .......... "1........ 20 60 50 40 79 -1-1 ! 56 50 52 WAS APPOINTED ASSESSOR Any change in a long continuous $5 in these places. The thieves evi· - - - - -law or custom is liable to meet with Caqes of tardiness ................... . 3 o 1 2 !) G 2 30 James Sale was appointed assessor opposition. In working out and dently were disgustetl at the small BIO SALE OF TOBACCO o 20 for Wayne Township last week, as putting into effect the new taxation haul they had made and proceeded Last week closed the largest deal No. of pupils tardy ................. . 1 2 2 7 1) 1 his percentage was the best of the law the honest taxpayer and home to break up the fur; ,iture in the owner, need have no fear of harsh offices. in tobacco eve~ transacted in,a single Per cent of attendence .............. 84 95 89 93 99 94 95 87 dozen from here who took the ex· treatment at the hanBs of those who Chief Cal.ady thinks it was the sale by the farmers in Warren amination. The appointment meets have been selected to do this work. The .law ~ it stands on .the s~tue work of boys around Xenia. or some County. Over two hundred eases of V~ii:l::.;it~s~o;;.;f;...;;:S;.;;:u:&.p.;;.er;.;i.;.;n;.;te;;;.n;.;;d;.;;e_n_t-_._......_.._..__2....._'t.;.,'.....~3-.:.__3..1....3;........;;3~_4.;...-=2;...;.-=.:24 with the approbation of the people very bungling amateurs. the crop of 1911 Seed Tobacco' were of the towuship as Mr. Sale is well books 18 a piece of splendId It:glsla• Pupils neither absent nor tardy. \ Harmony Grove .. '. . I LIOn and through the co· operation of -----•• - • weighed up and sold at the new quahfie? for ~he ~osltlOn . the tax paying public is sure to retlult Sugar Grove Russell Stanley Clement Harner ANNUAL MEETING FAIR BOARD warehouse of The Warren County He will begm hIS work !loon, and I in a more uniform and just value of --r--Lea! Tobacco Company at Franklin Alice Winston Anna Thomas Maryhelle Harner Albert Wilson will have to be through by a specified both real and personal property. It On last Thursday the Fair Board and the cash laid down. The sale Harold Surface Earnest Earnhart Alice Gons I time is not the interest of the law to put Mabel Stanley . • an unjust burden on anyone, and to met at the office of the Secrf!tary was ·negotiated through the Growers Inez Thomas Paul Stokes Rhod!,!s Bunnell those who have been honestly testing and effected an organization for the Tobacco Sales C:...mpany by Philip Harold Earnhart Everett Thomas . TRAINS CHANGE TIME their holdinga will be a 4{reat benefit Green Briar year. The newly elected members Spence who is secretary of the Com_ Margaret Crane Carmen Crane By taxation and through it alone we Margaret Christian 'Okev Christian were sworn in and th~ officers for pany, The time table for the D. L. & C., are permitted to enjoy the benefits Lowell Thomas Marie Surface -----~.-~.~---Benjamin Christian the year elected. S. L. Irons was which took effect Monday. is as fol. of government and of our public Burnet Butterworth lows: institutions and we all should con· re.eleetedpresidentand 'FrankElbon, TREASURER FOR SEVEN YEARS College Hill tribute a just and proportionute Spring Branch vice president, Demas Guttery, treas· ~ Leaves Edgewood for Dayton at share towards supporting such inurer. Philip Spence was again wi1'r"'R. Lewis county treasurer Clara Berryhill Lester Curtis Hazel Salisbury Carl Squires 6:57 a. moo and 3:57 p. m . stitutions. To those who try to hide elected Secretary and the date for for: seven years, resigned as deputy Harry Roland Marie Squires Gayle Evans Leaves Edgewood for Lebanon at or cover up their holdings, to escape Harmon Hill the coming Fair was set for Septem- last week" and , will accept a posi· Nelson Brown 10:05 a. m. and 6:35 p. m. taxation, and do not contribute to Esther Curtis Lowell Hili the support of our free institutions tion in the Lebanon National bank, Wm.Drake ber 15,16,17 and 18, 1914. .... Rubert Hill we hope will lee the folly of your - - -•• - • _ to take affect the 1st of March. Mr. Lulu Roland Pearl Orndorf Joseph Shutts WAS GIVEN FINE Lois Dakin way and when approaclled by our Earnest Shutts EVANGELISTIC MEETINOS Lewis' many friends are loath to see Catl Dakin Prentice Tinney Laura Hill deputy assessors will make an honest him leave the treasurer's office,-as Edna Lacy Harold Shutts Clyde Shutts Tem.n Johnson, Dayton, waafined listing that our tax rate may be reMary Roland L. E. Alh80n,evangehst, has been. he has always been an obhglDg and RayMond Starr Elizabeth Starr $100 and gIVEtn a slx·months work· duced and all put on a more equal house sentence for contributink:to footing. This you owe to your «inNed to hold a ~ries of meetings' agreeable officiiU . He has made Charity Hill Irma Shutts Mt. Holly the delinquency of a 14.year--,old girl neighbors that they may enjoy with ~(.L8b&nbn. begi!ll1ing March 22 hundreds of friends in the-- couuty Red Oak YOQ the institutions ' thatate' peces- -:~ Churcbe8have united-and will duringilis term in office. ' The llank Albert Marlatt JoaellJt Haines of Spring Val1ey~ last week. The aary,for your welfare and cltiZeMblp. , An~Burge Robert ~nider - . ,tbli.'·two _weekl- campahiil. is to be cong.ratulated . on getting Margaret Marllltt LOla Be~ Daytonia hotel proprietor were fined H. B. ,Stokes. ' ,~, ,.'. ,',l P ..:er!Ir.lWlIl'teIl, wtill~ the singing, Mr. ,Lewil. . D~triit .~r. ,' ~ l~. C. GUp19~r.. Su~tende~t. ,for harboring the couples.


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Thp .tory "p~ns with 1"" •• Sm'lh ro · "tt n~ t ill' Btory of' I)IJJ hlrth . ,1Q.rl)' It (·· H l pu rt l\ "r bu t therp WU!:l n o n c nd to ~~ ...eflllti\· hr" 'IM an " of I" ~ d~nHis lh orm (lhitht' ' r[.lIh " r., ' e c urga d o r. S 0 1\ 1 ' 11Y c h nng I'd ",-,.'0111"-" .. saJlor. m:lr · ! 1\ Illrm t h r1..NJ th o maat er o f t.htt 5h l", ant! t .utl ,,!,P l(\st'OIUP8 In th.o \.reck 1n o r T th o .Vt· Stwl. bf"I H. I~ owbo)' nXM li e Inn.".~~ r r l.,,,


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conlct not lI leep . Gr.a any c nmrure 81 ep wh e ll t h e s prlu g'~ sweet restless ai r c all s to 1111 n ature? I~ve n the lit· t ie bird s "' " ro com in g bac k 10 thl' nort h , (61" now nlld a "n ll' a~ I sl roll ~ 11 ilion!; l h p rO lHI I woulLl hear a s l"" IlY tlV IU rr " l oII't It dawn r ,' l '!" " :-.lot YP.1. 1\11\',· ann ll",r .up" ,~o I came t.n t h p b ruw o f the ~rt 'a t h ill wh" lI c e I s hould ~"'" lit., dllW II

",.. nt to find nu t \\hat ~\n ~ th p mattl't",




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On ro "r lt'r hi s Salurd,,,, ' K lr:! m p "1 ' Ilro()k" I ndlll~,' ni l y . as th ollg h h !" "Oh. ",'f'r "0 1lI1ir h bdl p r " 11""p .h o SiXlY S tur mu l(>" IOl:e . IH r ' ~ r e a. t III - 'Il I( ) (kl'lo .po n'·,. tn "'lildrr'. n . .. It _I' OU fill)' . hlngs ,I 'Tall ' do Il." sai d I'pl p . . Ir clled Some W"fll lip th l' C'U llon. ~o nre .;0 .... '1 I 1• I' pte I"flturnl 'J,.. RECEIVED m n ,·" • • n Hrilish C., ltlmbl .... Kn. e Trl" '" ,' pr), o ld . '· 1 ux.' 1l lIo lt ." he cXIJ I"ln,.1l Ilk .. Ihnt . II 's cri mIn a l lil>(·I. "li d you're I t1rH. h ,,' d 11Il\'{\ Ih" jokl) on llIP . " a rew !,,'e ll Swain ' Ill' FI'!lS e' r. IJUt l lw HIGHEST AWARDS t~ 3 li P .hu narn.lIn. Unh ap pI ly b ~ I ' '1 " hill" bll ilt I\ a lll, ' 10 th n Skoo llUIII Ih,u SP.j "W o uld n' t yuu lik !' n hot r llm '" h" rl or Ihl'lI1 (' llmbl' cI I h bil: c lJfrs , ~ "cI r1~ . she co nh' lt1 tntf!'8 8u lcldfO , bu t c h 1\ II~P S n ou t 1 rI ~ ye r e P Al n . rR fler mind nrt~r J::e.lI ~ J e_se. JeRo,' T~R " W e\l ~" ns k f' d moth"r Rbnrp ly 1I 0 wl'\'I' r, " Ill' Shrug.•!:l' \! hl n s hould"'.... I'Pt,> s tlll'( /'!" I' Cci 10 hi s fe'c:!. . " I'd 1':0 vnnlslll'd illt() Ih'l fIlT Ps! . . and IJllt Ih l" ogrpe lll tl ill H\I'UY , " I do n ! j fo r Ihat. " 11 0 slj: h l! ci , " JU~l Ilk p o n.. " I r('t'I, on p .. r,' n oel his a r r a'r'JS r up. Klll o from }tor t'l rl nk -m:\,ld c norl '""- " W e ll '" ban rt wh n n tt p. mpt:l to kill hf'r. T C" \'o r . I' " 'f Id II II I( ~ d" p- I I()MO hI. lifo In t"~ jt>\ol" • . J{nl o r.j oc l" " lIolt 811Y. thnr'6 pi 1:" wllh pin" want.o II" ha rrl o n ."O U. 'l it' . mB n. rOI) " 0 r"1 .MP IUU) nil ur " I -o tl'CrtI or ,,'Ta nd ",peru mfln~cn.r t o ",Iurn bows t o th ,. lr lalla. jus t sln>lc hln ' IHI,I " ) l ls ll' l' ~ I a l h .u n. " ",olb"r hi ~~ ... d at So h e t ook m y oe m . " li d I h ~ lp"rl l lh ....... ID ):w lu g U II 'W lIlad r lna . H u ~ t o the o and m .. rd es Jes!'lf" . Thd r h d I k I I marrlf'(l Ufe . lart. ~ ut hllpptl)'. Kal" ."c- s tre t chln' Dro u nd hi. Ht y ." h ll1l . h ill! a long l " roa . wltil I ro l) 0 a~ e' lIl',:fll o r , til: grr.a t <"umhs to the plMtilop of fl oomp08 I' In Th ') o ld wornnn tu ru p<! hf'r back, for Pe t e. wl lh a wblsPl'rf'd wo rd t o "S ir !') bllrn ,' el th em rl gglnu. " hl' 1 S t ar !,,,,·k ·t r:dn s ntlmb t' r l'fl With tb r h Id d " I ' I II I rOlurn to Ihn ot.&g1> .. nd ruM IIwny mlh molh t'r, r08(1 fro m hi. be nc h . and wit - sa . 1' llaH t. 311 _ " I ' "On ~ pll r I.p r s • [l -. hIm. S h .. TekUI!II WIdow O'Fl),nn r"" rn P t ') ,v a:; ery lng. her hllnllns ho".... I. badly burn~d h"rIn April IlII' "" rume a ru s h of out appea ring to 81'e Mr. Ilroo l1e . " Mnther?" s(:n l :e worth IIl'guint:: . ~\t and f"IettlrtnJ h otne. where j QsBt!: rpII .. y fl k 1 tin t l n h H I c~ I" •• h"r wIth oJ)4ln a rms. J ea.e 0"'" wa rm th o ut of Iho 'H' s t, II c ldng up w"lkpd PURL h l n\ across t h e suo t "R . roo e came n s p ",' , g" I" 1 " [ wnll ao rrr ' 0 S(' I' I f1 lie m u es (In nelgltbc>rs And plllne to c"plur e ra ttl . all th o s now, Havo on ly on thnt hig h yard , and on ~ I owly up tb e g r ea t I Itt· rl/tg lngs , 80 mMh t' r burne d e m . los t , nut! In 1lI ~ gri e f I kick ed Bro ok ~lrl~~'~··ba~dll:,.. 18J=Ur~ or:::l.',',r~ob~.n7?: 1: lnt eau whe r f' t h e Hundre d :'ollie a nd In g C Url' o f th e road to H undre d Mil e " Won't (hat be r-nth e r awkwa rd?" abollt on e-Ihlrd o r a mil o o n h l~ wa f rob beJ"ll. I>"t b y " "loWer rUJ!o makes prl .- ~Vllo 1I 0use soe me d 10 wolt an el walt 1I 0use. " Som e . You see. mum . lIolt \laid ho mo 3,(00t. " o n f'rfll o f 1M robben . Th ey ore tu r n e f1 nv .. r tn (I. tJ n!~'1 Slafea mar_h ... l. who tiM III til !! whil e s iln ncl'. Th e sli n was se t li ng b!' hlnd him arrlvP<1 wIth .nraOlllon papers. J ~ •• e Pote sa t un d er a root of cedar wh e n P e : e rested a t lns t upon tnll CHAPTER VI. ' ...k ef! rharg<> <if Ihe out la .. chle" . so n, h d b II t h It k I I oy n Bllt y O' T' IYnn. havlnc promlsell t ho ch lr t Shllk cH whi c h h e a u t 0 ti e e r s nowc la rl ~urn mlt. a nd du s to kc-e p hIm out Df hlo fllth~r' . protr.s lnn. tb e n e w " rl gg inIfB." li e WaS rlv o tlng lak e a of s nadow far h olow him. At Th e Bl ack Night. He Ilak". to A" aon .. neau,·. Ih o tb .)- Inst ot six t y hn cka morea, a. b e .h o Hundr cd h e round th e lnmps lad •• hanSilty ghn.l~. I . bor rn ntm' " Kate Kal e's 'van·alir e. fLn tl .Ie..o an d Is n am ~ David. Jesse r ~ - drt' am e d of th e great north t r ail, of allgbt , and, as usual, ll111y oti'erll d h im "I, Boulto n \\ ''' mYRs Taylor, Co.,,· Il le tt er tram his IIrlll wife. P o ll y , ., tn.. I v~. which 8h p t" U. hIm 8 h~ decclvNl him o p.. n meadows Ily t h fl II IIgw IIglle t . 0 f a dr ink. " I R.l n·t dr I nl; I ng,'. s a Id I' " t e Oland c r R . ~ ., r e tire d, being of s ou on In lo thi nk ing .h .. had kill.,.'! hersel f. Fror I h ~ he llv .. n-plcrc in g ~ 1) lr e o f Tsegeor- hus kily . as b e lurc h .. ll pas t tb e bar mind In a d ;' lng tJody, d o Ilflr'e by mah e th "! hono r o r Kate and their Bon . f nthrr and mother s""rate. Kate a nd Dnvld "" din I t b at I h e F or k S 0 t S k ('e na . Into 1. h e dl n I ng"I 11 II . a n d on t 0 tb e lit my Ins t w ill and t!'s tam!' nt : to li:nl':la nd 10 11,'e. Four yea rs Inle r nll ly ":v.oth e r ," h e snl d. "I' m n o s louch oC li e room on th e rl gbt where Ca ptain " An el do nppolnt th e Indy Imoll'n :l ~ O"Flynn an-Ive.\ I\nll tel'" Ke te how ,Te",o 0 rurgado r . Th e m r c d gi n ens II Is T ay lor la" . lias b &f.'n ruin ed a n d 08 trad ~c r1 t h r nu..:h .T Ma da mo Seo tson my !lolc (, X (]<-u lrl' s ~ th e". ot P oll y. Kal o nrl'l\'"" s . 11I te, rl .1( for kltch fJ n box fJs, an d It's " Roll! " h e whls pe r .. d . lind tru!\teo of ull Jlro p"ny which I I lumb",_ plnn. " olp. " II complt-te. The mu les Is fatten log "That yo u, Pete? Sit d O\l' n,' - said (lId RrlUah fri end. Co nnd " efeRI I"y. t he pl ot5 oftn 1"0111)' may di e po"s es~.' d of : 1"rovl810n8 nnd hplp Ilrrlve In lim e In !:oot:. I IH-Ill'. !l nd t b e mCn'H tb c s am e the bOMB c hee rily . "H o w's th e t:lalm. "To pay lilY jus t d c bt" RIII I to nd , .I\V<, .1 .. 88"'" lire. H e hearll of "nl e's Ilr- a3 las t f.u:nlIl(' r, a ll wort h th ei r fee d , Pete' Gl' ltl n g (' o arse go ld . e h ?" r1 v~ 1 and 0 1' h or v1anA, B rook~. B fn rm f' r mini ste r t h o r c nllllnd pl' o n he hulr 01 I bandit and Intlmat ~ of Poll y' •. cnl1~ nn too " "Gold ? l'ay, Bol t, what's th e mu tmy grundson . J II Il1PS Tayl o r, nut m 'Jlhe r, gr im nnd Oe r cp. In th e t o r , old re ll ow?" Katf) to Inte'".1 her In Ii Roh.. me (n hr1ray Polly t o hr. o wn fl nanc1a t A.d\·nntn~c . "U ntil a t hlR c om ing or age ho s h ~ .ll Sh ...... ! u.e.. throt's o f h e r s lJ rlng c1 e unlng. ha d , not "Matte r ? Why . n o thing, P t o ," tbe r eec h'e th e whol e cstnle, Ir th c re If c oma to admi re. " Pete, " sbe s hrille d . blind e yes shon e keen ly: "of course I'm any; CHAPTER V. " 1t\ 0 mo r e bu cke t s ot wal e r , an d yew Itot n ell rll' t o be droc k yet , and a s to "SIlVI" on ly Ihnt I bcqul'ath to Mnd jea l gil Ii rno\'O on. An d how lon g be'! wb at low, you'v e joll y wc ll got t o nUlO Scotson my swo rel an d tb \'Ie The Carg"dor. yew bin p r omlsln ' to whittl e m e them wa lt. H ow's o ld Calnm it y7 I got torla C ro ss: Katc', NOrT4Nve. c lo t h Es- pins? N ow jes t yew hu s tl e , Lost Creek ,11m to work at IlllIt ." "A nd with r egard t o burial, It Is my I It was sixty d e «rees be lo w ze ro. ' Pete. or I'll ge t ri ght ugly ." Was the bOBS drea min g oC old tim es wi ll tb ut no money wbat evo r s hall I'E The moonlight lay In slive r 00 the Fe t e o n ly c ut Crom th e plu g Into on Ligh t ning Creell? Cltn es. th e hundred-and-tonr-mlle ca bin, bls "0101, and roll e d tb e tobac co s mall "W att y's In th e mail ," sai rl Dolt. h spent, but t bat m y boel y. wrappe d ill deep burle d among the driCts, gll t- for ,.hi s cor n-cob pipe . His winte r Watty h nd bee n dea d tb ese thirty I, Dlacovere·d the Old Cargador Crouc - th e flllg b y right o( h e r mnJcMty'S CO l,) , g the e aYes wltb ICicl es, th e ticrv ltud e was e nde d, snd h e was mas - Y'lIl'e . ed Down Agailist the Trunk. miss ion, s hall be cODsi gned to tlr P tered alon smoke went up Into the husb of de ath , ter. th e eargado r before wbom all Th e n P e t o s at down on the beds id e, Il\Al rour hundred Ilnd Hvo dollars cns h . I'a'rth by m y n e ighbors; that no frl m.d and the lig ht In the frosted window m e ll bow In th e dread northlands. and the two m iners prat tl ed about the s o I come to return him the mon ey." of m ln o s hall be allow e d lo stand Ufl would glow till nearly dawn . l\:oth e r we nt olf conte nt to carry h e r new flum e nnd the pri ce or fiour In a 1 dIdn ' t cluite und e rstand. "You see, co \-e rl'd cat c hin g co ld. or to w ear uo Within. Pet" eat upon hlB shiny own water. and Pete, wIth something Ca mp now' o\-e rgrown with jungle. 'pete," I s uggest e d , "you :lnd Brooke s pp mly blae ll clothiog at the serVlt:f bencb , rolling waxed e nd npon hI s of Ii fiourlsh , lighte d his plpe_ A word to RlIIy wo uld hav e been are tb e owne r s. Don't you ow e buH or th o r es urr ;>ct lon , or t o toll be lt ' whIch shoultl be penle d w h e n the s o~1 IIblny knee. and tautened his double "M othe r'" P e t e le t out a sharp call, e nough to g e t tbe nllarejos to a place to yourse lf and balf to B rooke?" .Ut.ches throu.~ th e nlgbt. IIcarcely nne torge ttlng h e r bus Iness. motber of lIafety, pendIng th e settlement of "Well, \I that 's so, I'll pay nlYse lr IIM8es to God , or to make pre t e nBe r I feeling the nel'<C! of 8leep. His nllw ca Dl e Quite humbly, as though to bel'll. P e te's JUBt claim Il.B partner. But the and owe tb e r est to Brooke. But th e n pllrado of grler ror ODe wbo Is I!lo~ to go." .pareJolI, s tacked &II they were finish· " Ye s, Pete?" cllPsador knew wp.1I that d e ath bad he claims '-be t\' bol e Star stajo." Tbe month s of nursI ng were e odc tl ed, had gradu,"lly crowded poor Mn. He llOlnte d with his pipe at a dls- come to take the one man be love d . "In thut case YOIl owo th o whole or ~o longer should Nurse Panton and J !>ete Into , her lut strongbold. tbe tant ho rse man roundlog t h e flank or This wa s n o tim e ror lIordld bUill ness. the money to Brook e_" disturbing !lolt Taylor's peace. It wal "[ don' t mind owing B rooke." P e te bp. afraid whp. n our patient "'"a8 go", l <:orne r be tween the _ood-boll: and the ' the hilI. bunk. Fiercely she re8 e nt ed th e flll "Brooke?" s h e w blspered, botb be tte r to go Quie tly. Celt so m uch be tte r tbat b e waS able or r e joice wh e n frnctlous whlmll aDD Ing of her only room with harness, of gnarl e d rh c um a tic ha nd. clutcbed a t . • • • • • • • • • to walk wlt.hout b e lp. " Brooko's gone dIffi c ul t n.bsurtlltio8 marked thoso r a.\ her bunk wLUI ~crap loather, whlcb be r bea r t. Th e s ky wa s tull of Sla rs as Pete on to Insp ec t mul es. I wond e r bow li es In whi ch he fougbt o lf death. A I the IRst, arto!' lOnn y hou r s of sllonee eerntcbed her. ahe said. Wedged Intp " [ r ec kp.n ," sa id P e te ch ee rfully. \I'cnt h o meward. Tb e stars were bi g he'll get on with th e m mu les?" tier last cornaro she would patch dls- "Thinks h e's a circus process ion. i\nd r oun d : tbe fores t In an ecstasy As it happ n e d, .Jesse was an actual h e as ke d m o in a boyis h voice Ir he sew in g crooned 'One More Riv e r," or so rre l's clattering a loose near-hind Ilept vigil a ll n le rt, n.1I s il e nt , and tb e witn ess to Mr. Brook e's Inspecti on might g o up-s tl~ lr8 to seQ his unLforlll AlOme Ind e cent ballad ot tbe gold ~t;O I~ , a n d h er moutb Just ble e ding us II l tle s tn nmll or th e th a w we r e s ayi n g or the Sta r mul ,," nt th t' lr pastllre be- I n hi s dre!l mR h e waR le aving e cbo ): '!DInes. he SaWS wi th t hat spade bi t. , H e's a th r. lr prayc rs be rore th e Crost sleep low hi s ra n c h . ll er e Is h is narrallv e: 10 e nt e r the roya l navy . Billy wa D awa y o n an e rra nd to u. ~ "Mothe r." Pete :would look up rrom sure pol eca t. Trots down -hlll , too . and o f th e Inte r bours. Th e man WaS at "Th e t ro uhl e fo r these poor mul es 1IlI11 bench . "You mind wben I brung s uff ers In his tall. In competent, mot h· . p~n('e. It Is nol so v e r y much to be was thul th ey follow ed a fal sc god- Fall s . aD d It was Nurse Panton'! :her he re right W thIs very cabIn, er. Look at hi s fce t. H e's bad as a c nr gador : bll t It Is a very big thing d CiS. Th e ir be ll marc P ru e o ug ht to watcb be low, wb e n a t t e n in the eye STOPPED TRAFFIC FOR PUSSY 'wltb Father Jared, I\nd tbe BallY, s tal e salmon, rotte n to tbe bones . ind eed to be unselflsb . The tree s ke pt have bee n o ld e nou g h to know be tter. nln g I auw th e chnnge c orne ver} BuslnellS on New York Thoroughfare 'DaVid ?" J:l{'eo drinking, too." vigil. th o lilli e streams crooned sleepy but at t h e age o f tw e nt y- three. with sudde nl7. Th e race of my d e ar rrlend Inte~rupted While Mothe~ Cat "What makes YOIl hover, Pete?" Drooke drow up nn d dismounte d, ~raye rs . tbe stars In glory bumbly gray hair a nd bald withers , s b o WIUI no lon ger old, but tim e lees. reH e cte d Crone. the Street. an un en rt h ly ma joll.ty. I · 'O'ye mind Bab, David?" lenvi ng hie r e in on t he horse 's neck, se rv e d liS lamps, and the mon made s tili remale . I lTO BE C ONTlNUED.) "Dldn't I nUl'f!e blm?" said the old Insle ad or dropping It to tb e ground . no cry In bls pain. Far down In tbe " Sb e and h er mul c s b a d b een grazIt WaS a busy day In Fu\lOIl s treet _ ..,oma n softly _ " Ho'd red hair like bls Wh e n Drooke moved to sit on an valley h e say a r e d flame rl so. Ing mayb e ha lf a mil e whe n roy ne w Gold ilnd Sliver Coinage. Line s of trucks w~re buckin g e ach o th Inuck-up mother, blue eyell same as ll parej o Pete orde re d him to one of. • • • • • • • • • sta llion. young Jehoshuphut. happe ned Gold and sliver c oins were au ~ hor· e r eaat and we st. whe n o ut rrom a Jane. and a birthmark on his 011 kid· Mother saw Brooke rid 011 to In- along with hi s harem 01 twenty-Ilve Ize d at the su me time by an acl of produce store carn e a cat. and dang bey . Now, dId you uk her about that s pect his Star mul es In th e ir pasture mares_ snl " lIlng down wInd for a congress In 17!l2, but coppe r coIns lin g trom her mou t h was a kitte n, birtbmarlt~" far a way down the Frase r Ca non. She drInk. Th e mares look e d so enug snd c~nts and hair c e nts, \Ver e lasncd a.e. with which she essayed to croslI th l; " I told her," laid Pete. "that a BUSblacl{ed th e stove wl l h malice. ·she grass-fat tb e ), cou ld sca r cely waddle, rore e ither gold or sllver_ The eolnag, stree t. Each time sbo starte d she bud Plclous female, with a face lik e a s hool. UlC be dding In e nm ity, set the but J e bos h apbnt was full of s luful of copper cents and hair cents bfllr80 to turn bac k beca use or a truck, and cre be and an Inqulrln' mind Is wistful furtn (l\;rc to r ig hts I:S thoug h It were pride, wa lt z:l ng high a t e p at tlt e sIght In 1793, or stiver coins In 1794 and gold ho r e rtor ts soon atlract e el a crowd of to Ins peck Dave's kIdn eys." be ing punish e d, tb e n sat on the damp of Pru e . In 1195. The first gold coins lsaued lell e rs. Motber wagged her head. "I own lIoo r b rooding, wb lle twlllght dee pe n"You should hav e s een f'ru o play- wc r e the eagle, or t en-donar piece, an i Down from tho c orne.r ca m e a pc>I'd like to bellev. Ir.ate Smith Ie bnck c d over n world o f tr rJu ch e ry. Brooke Ing up Innoce nt mod es t y In Cront or half aad qunrte r eagles . 'I.'be doublE IIcemllJl. H e soon SaW what waH t he In. this country , bnt you're sucb a conwile a thi e f, th e lyin g boss bad usp.d J e hos h aphat, pretending sbe wasn ' t ea g le, tw enty-dollar gold pillce, wo.~ matter, a nd while tb e re was ' nothing tlnuouB and enduring li ar." P e t e and thrown him away wrung th e r e, making b e ll fl ve sh o was t oo s ud- nol issue d UII 18411. aod the emly pleof In the traffic r egulations to cover t h " "That's so," silid Pete. dry . And P e t e WaS a ll old fool who d e n , didn ' t appro,- e of th e gentle man. ot that year Imown to b tl In IJxlstenel point. It took th e bluecoat only a moOne day when the sun s iron e brlghtwoulo fo r g ive . flatt e rin g hl , ~ vanity . with nil sortl. of Is In tho mint at Pbiladelphla_ Jt'1-olL m e nt to de cide what to do . Iy Into the cabin, Billy arrived with 11 Sit ... h ud dr{'aded t he lo ne ly s umm e r airs a~d graces . PruEo paraded hllr- J 8-19 to 1881 not a single tw e nty-<iollar Going In to the street h e raIsed his letter from Captain Taylor. P e te wlren s he was le et wit h on ly sq uirre ls self along In front or tb e hare m to gold pl cce was coin ed, but since 1811t hands In tbe way tbat truckme n h ave would not give It to mother. or r eael fo~ com paD)' . :\ow Pe t e would be spite th e married mares. and all ber tbe coinage has bec n contlnuoull. le arued meu ns "Stop." They s topp ed . it nloud, or e ven tfl ll the n e ws. He "~ c ttJn '" around , r u ine d, and out of The eal, seel og b e r opportunity, took ~an ce d an horoplp e. and ·.I'or k, th e mnn who ha d hee n used a nd a firm e r hold on. the nape of h e r I>rod mothe r had to ~hallo him . , thrown asid fl. the la ughing-stock or Ig y, and then. holding It hlgb to ke e p Now what on "lrUl's tb e m a tte r with tltI, teamste rs who s aw h is pride lI s curved toll ' out of tb e mUd. she y e w?" mothcr boiled ov e r. I b~ousbt low . slowly and dellb!!ntely pic ke d b e r way " Finish the m rlgltngs by firs t MaY ' 1 The Crontle r bre l'd s fi e rce women. across and disappeared In a e e llar_ ~aceful old s Ol'kll, while P e w at bls ",i th narrow vc oomo u s e nm ltles !.oIll' . A olnse r of Que. lI (> nn hle


"'h, ' lalHJ ~sSf) I. ,,,,,,,rlOll 10 ft.hB\'r Onn 'ontlIl ,«ulddp becOO1r.~ rh('r IU"c1 alld

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lIa ys he . wnrd th e foes o r lh e h o use. Even If "Says I'm partner and boss or tbe . P e t e sutre reo, nrooke s hould not prosoutfit, and rUDnlns the wbole shoolln' ! "Brooke 7" She W!lll1pe~ed. pe r, o r tb e boss who had fnlled he r match. nnd I'U g e t more we alth than 'lI! tbe k itch e n boxea. ·' Not Bolt hleseif mar. . Motl' E' r dragge d two fiv e -galion patch h e ll a Ollie . and I' D.ay sit 00 my riggin gs," said the old cans of I,e tro le um Crom tbe lean-to. -Th e r e 's none lUte Nancy Lee, [trow, gray ea rgndor . and s tngger' ng tinde r th e ir weight. Ow! Ow! "I though t. " said Brooke qu it e klnd - poured th e 011 over a ll Rr ooke's Ilar"Oh mother llolt's give mil a half- • Iy . "that thi s harn e s s · W8S mine ." IlPss. Breathing heavily with her la" and alD't this a happy little ./ "A interest, baIC-lnte res t, " said mothe r , bor, s he carrl(.d lOads or swampy h ay. borne, my darlln'!~ . " surErly." Bnd co rd-wood. until the aparejoll At tbat Mrll. Pete !lung bor skinny . "I fear. " sBld Brooke, "you 80rt at we re but part of a bonfire. Then with arms around hll ~k. and tbe two ~ misunderstood . Old Taylor did say a hrand rrom the stove sbe lIet ellly old tblngs' lobbed together. : s omething about your use Culness a. a the bay allght. There should be no rt A week later, when. to lIave Pete : working partner, aod, ot ccurse, IC public shame to b rea k P e t e •B h fI&, • long tramp, nlJly rode down wltb hadn't cance le d that preposterous COD- there e h ou Id b e no pac k -t ra In un Ie III the raUon., be roulld the old people , tract with th e Hudllon's !:lay Company, h e were carga d or. . eODcerned "about th .. yere partner- ! the re's do doubt your knowledge of Pete stood bealde tbe allhes. lIearcheblp." tb E' country up north would hav e ~een Ins mot h ar ' 8 face w Ith hi II s 1'" 0_ brood• '"Mother allowl tbls Brooke lIS 'I worth paying ror_ It was, as you sa7, Ing eyel, H llr b urn I nc r&«e WllB Foon... 14 f 01' now • be tralb," lIald Pete, wasglng bls snowy I, damn ed awkward abont bls belns and Bb e was atra. pride. bead, "and Cor all the Intereat be \ bl! nd as a bat ; In Cact, [ was put to 1t h oug ht t 00 Ia te 0 f a 11 hi II Iovine . takes he 'I IDOIItIy corpee. Thar'3, Clulte a lot oC trouble getting the agree- ' In the work, the greatnelll or the IIhoroly holM 111 mt 'lIklto bar." ment witn essed. How e ve r," h e pro-I thing which his knowledge and ski]) Billy read th. httter thoughtfully . • duce d a docum e nt which mot her' had made. That Ibe had burned. "Brooke beell to lee the rigging. r" snutcbed. '' It'M all there In black aud Understanding how love had made be asked. . white, and the r e's the old rool 's llig- I.hls blunder, Pete lIald no word. .fie " Once In Deoembftr. He don't know na~ure-holds good In any court of 10nl Y that ~olt had paid hlnl 1I0thln·. eltber.. law·- proves. tbat I've bought and pald ' -a8 ven dollars cuh and kind, "Wondor what he wanta?" tor tho whole Iltajo_ You needn't I retl1med. I n II II ence "'Sm ellll mean, eb?" c laim I haven't a d ear title-so you the , and once ' mort! rac~ "A mea.. allleD. I'ete." n eedn 't sta r e ·at me 8S If I'd forg ed the! the hili which )Ild to the HUIlB illy had aDBnt the wee k tracking s lj!lIature: It', IItmlgbt._, goods. [ tell .dred HonBe. '.' . " . the t'OO Met elarac*i!n wllo had )-ou," • ~ • ••• • . cl 1 ,.....ed u ~..... '" a ........ e. Motbp.r reeled back_ard. wl1lle Ibl'. ~~e .1f~'' ,AM _....... , "1 ":"00d • aD_






----~----~------- -----~-~--------------. -------~ Pb~~ responee r~om the stolid MI1r


II b

d who . appeared to be thloklna Boy Turned Sbtement Made 8.~~ you hear m e Murpby?" ezclahD by HI., Teachllr to Good d h d' Adv.nt..... e " tYea, e ezasperate man, • sir," be anl-wered. "but DQ brain balln't lent tbe mellBA&e cknnI "Strange t.O . .y ... lIald the lIobool- yet!" teacher, addl~alng his claall of boYI, "our brain a c ta aa a telephone to tbe dl-er-t "arts of our body. Uncoil" Progreulv. Sa. .•.. tchew.n. u _ " . SCIOUII", , before we move our feet or A traveler was tJflled by a feu.. .. comes from the plBBenger who ba~ 1uet boa1't'led Uk. ...... bandl, the tDelllla"'e braln-" train at-well, caP It Roo.terr[_ uJac" Murph", wbat Ire von griD- Saskatcbewan, ",,-,,11, wbat • J , • at .. . ' be demanded_ think of Boolltel"Vll'e'" ....oe tra~ nln.. "I wu thinking ot BOmethlu'. 111'," gavo blsbateatimoD,. wu to tie h .. wb'.;:h h h_ came the tbln~ UII_er, • t ..Oq t uuuoote.nt... "Well, of IIOmethtng that'll 40 etrect wal a trea.1t live to ....... a cute towu. a • your brain a lItUe goodl" retorW4 tU tow~ _bleh meant to eet there a.IW! muter_ _ wblcb had a gr~at ~ture ahead of It. "Here, come out of tliat!"-u a~· J a town which had made remar~. · other crlu eprellld lteel! over tbe prOgnllll dur~ tJle short Ulne I~ bIIII BaUCY youngster'B (ace. "Just ,Btand been tn IjIXlltenee: "When"ere behInd the board for""': haJf aD bour, there?" Inqu1re4 tbe mlLlLbOm, BcJoIII, ' And .111 .. ..lve ~ ...., . you IIOmetblnlr to ~lD t ervllle, ..~ 'Bout11 three weeki ,. rl~lo t)A.. . about afterward!'" : the traveler rep cd. "GeeL ~ , ~ At the ezplratlon the 1!l&llOll M~ I Doolten1ll1an In ' U!O~llhiD4jflt .• ;~ PlaY "'all reean~_ ~ aueb ImpU~, "n~r&Ilce CO~W )!eo "Hold youI!' . baDd OIlU" deu.aildet .1 "Gee 1 - -Yo~ oqbte1' . . . . ._iIIII .... ... - •..-"':..-• .Ilia,'' OU& ..,..~ .~~ _ '",!,'D ~ ~ , i ... ": _ ._ Small

.0 ,...





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Usefol Rel.tlv., "Yell, my mother-In·law cnn make berllelt very us e ful at times." "Ulad you are Calr enough to admit It." "Of course I'll admit It. Why, jUlie the other morning she waS so provoked at mo because I didn't get up and cbop tbe Ice oCt the front steps that she went ont herself with a broom and Ice pick, Sbe II a. ltout lally, and when ahe IJiPDBd on the top atep a~~ bumped Mrself all the way to the sidewalk IIhe fell ao hard that she eracked ths Ice on eopery Itep. Then ber language regardln, my IIbortcomtnge was 10 warm thaC It molted all thll rrat;menta and left the .tepa as clean and IImooth al they ever are In Jul,.."

------- -

P.w Krio_ F.verythl"g. WlIIle- Paw, wbu Is II pleoe de reo slBtance! Paw-A Bteak after YOI11' mother getll throulh. ~rylDg It. my Ion Ma......"ou ~ to bed;..-.Wlllle.

-. ~o,~ .T.h.t ~)~, • "00 you ·eat muc~ ' meat. .my Ilr!" '- .. - ' " " ' ... - , . -' , ·;NO. Indeed. tIoatori .:l am .. .. ..... ,d,IJIarlut,


, j..,






1t:ajllil13 120,000 c~: (Jtuens li~ne(' 1 1t.J()tC lel·S ~ 4Irr~~ ~




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:4ha.ft· tear· Ilig ilH .... u)' t brou~ h th e t l'u l)le JUllg le a nu UjJ th ' IIt'iShl!; IUWlIl'd whero' lay t he SlJll n iHb I'I tl l'lIlr'U t.! ... f.'n tl lllg Santiago dl' l·uha. At wha t >ll n('., (;;l0l'· to I", kll OW U liS " I!tou tl y !Jeu d " J n t he pat h of till' A lll erka:1 Ud Vll uce t h e re wus a IJ n ',II( lu thl; fo liage. Direc tl y In th e lIu ' uf t.h " I:\jJauls h flr e it lu y. Aud HO lh kk Wa~ Lh ~ j ung le that t he ad va lll'ilig l roollS b atl t o " ross t hIs o pe n spue .. .

Youngller Undoubtedly H ll d Won It. bu t There Were Other Circum · Ita ncee to Conl lde r.

It was ttl(' day af .. ·r Ih" party . :-; Iuc· tmmillBt ionfill'llres s how thr.tthe ur·old HlJbt!r l cum" tu LI" lUullu' r population ot Ca nada increased d urall d ti ll ld : ! in ll 19 115, b y lho addition of 400,000 " M ulIlma , 110' " IDuny of tho"f' ntc e no w settlers trom the United States cll t ·g l a~s it' t' "r"uul dl >hl!M of your. and Eu ro pe. Moslottheso havoe'one Ill',· 111('r(' ,·,; a\·t l)'?" . on farm s in pr ovlncos o r Manitoba , I "'!'\\'('lI t y·f.Jl II·. Ill)' BOlt ." I Sas k a tc h ewan a nd Albe rta. Mont pelie r , Vt. - " We h a ve grea t . \\'i ll \ lJ ll l .. '1 Ille ItlUl 'u U hu l'.· I Lord Wil ham P. roy. IU1 Rnall.hNoblemon. your T(."meui t's. I was vt'r y ir.. I mu n' ll ll~1l ~ ::?" . h.)' S: r~~ulnr a n ti was · '."'\ l J, da rl illg . (~ruudu!olll " r 111'( 1\\ 11 '''''Th.e~ss'bi1lLlesand opportunltlo!otrercd ti red and s lee py all 1 1;11'" Ill " Olt" lI m."n und , :rllll.llllUth.' 1' by Ih. CAnadian aro .0 Infln"el, th o I' tim •.·• would h ave I ~u li l\'1111 '''l o ttH' r rlo7.en Tlta: rnul, •. ~ areal.r Iho n tho'. whiGh .. 1st In Id h II d IhAI II seemt absurd 10 th ink thll-t CO C I 9, a n m y I "~a"II )' I WlJ dOZP Il ." I .hould be Iml><ldod Irom co mlni to han ds an dfee t would " Ali t h" Sllll ll· . · I,,'r fil ,tct.! YO" " !: Il ob· ; <OUl'fry .. h. r. Ihey can mo" oasJl, &llIl....i1l'I lo loaL My s t omach • rl. " l'lpUN" 1.1('1 In .,:'' , «lrtalnlylmpro.e th.l r posltJon. m t'': J bad I " , 'l' ry \\ "'I. I'll h"t .. N .... dIstricts Ill . belna opened Ull• • ~~, .....'" pam m my Side BIllJ 1 " Ttll' n ""I!' '' '. 1 0~ 1. '('U UAr I' \'/' brok 'l ,.hlGh wil l make aeceuabl. a areat .1) I It · number of homestead, In o .. u".... , ....~ a b uu ll'~( ac Ie rno~ "n one of ' ("tIl " :-; • • \\ Yo r l, I~, e nlll!,; •• peeil.u y I>dopted to mlaed of th e ttme. LydIa u t •• d nUn raj I Pi nkham' s Vege- rOS . ~l/lUla I na· For IliustrtUed lIte.-lur. and ble Compound h&.lll red uGOd railway rate" opply to '--'-................_ ....-'-.............. done m e lots of good Plltllam ~'lI d \,ll·SR ll),,,s lire th ,· Suet. 01 ImmlamlloD, OllA .... and I now. f eel fi ne. I a m r.egular , my I brig h te~t ~ d fa.':~~~ C&nada. or to .,~,~! h 11 W. 8. NETHERY 8tomach 18 better and my pains av e a I';" pr HOlt!!" Ih ut l te gIrl \\ It II a Interurb.n BId •• left m". You C811 use my n ame If you c: b Ohl 0 I I'k e . 1 IlIll proUl I 0 f W h a t your r e m e- uro k p il h"',rt a ",,"y~• rn unug'·R I() M:",I' _ olum_ U., ..... l di e'S h!l v~ done f or me," _ Mrs. MARY "r .. \\ or l it e V ",' ''" ..

Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'8 Vegetable Comp~und.

day of July , IS~~

'''''s lil li e UI'ID)'



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T ,.._ _.,. T wu s I ha t blazl ll g h oI flr8 t


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• • •

./3rif General ALJt1illc5


tl utl'u lll lld In wa rfar e, Ill a u ~' u u· train ed e ve n In what I ~ no ,,· regar de ,1 GA UT UI E R. 2 1 Ridge St.. , Montpelier, Vt. I ",wnl.htn£, T o b .. rro n o ,:ed7 _ Guo".".... .~• • • n s "rlma r y p ri nc iples or co mlJa l. lJrl1ve tl o n s . t il e lov I!nll On of lutrl ('lll e Il ll d " Wh., do we IlU I U an o r g un lzed m lllW 11\11 . ,, 11 11) r(,wuW'" LAtl t4' r~. r C' i."~ or w b a(\Cu I An Honest Depe ndable Medklno I In a n, rurw. 0 ' wo n _, . I",.. du n, ", t u n ~<'<1. Srnd bU I unt a ught a ud ull pre pa r pd ILl! vo we rful ne w ">Dglu ea a t war ; th e li u .:., wa" tu e Ilu esllo u j.J:.t t to Ue u e rnl $(. and r" oel we w ll nd l'rf u l r(' w od,. b , retu rn W&JI 'I I~"Ii" It mus t be admitted by e very fair- I AOd r".. ..... K, T"w" c-.. "'. "I,,, •• , ~ ......- •• ,. Am erican a c ver hl1 \'e lJ e"n lu t he Il ~ed. as r e veal .. d by s tudies and ex · ~1 i tt H o n e al l,' ruou n III b.iJi Offi ce. - - - -.---e arll ' r Blag .. s of the Ir wa r a. th e lI ew pe rle nce uf mllltnry s anllatlon ; th e " A s \ I"wc <l frlJ lll tb e s tandpoint of minded. in telligent pe rson. that a m edicine could not live anu grow in popularity : "nicke r s li nd I( lgfl l .. ~ s " em to hay .. 1 entt s led m ell fro m !'Oew Yo rk and dcvelopm e nl of ne w and a wltl m eth. th e lIu t lu nKI gu vtl rnDie u l, we h a ve an f or ne arly f orty y ears, a nd to-day hOld : lu l,pn th e pl ace or Ihe guo d o ld fash 'l MichlglUl n lld Okla hollla olld Arl zolJll od s ot trlLll s porlallon - a Jl th eae h a ve ur ganlzed will t tu to t.a.k e pa rt wi th th e . .. . . . . . and Illt th e u ulo o me t be re t he IIU ' chan ged th e charac te r o f th ll soldle r 's ar UJ Y a~ I h" II r ut line o f de fe nkle In a r ecord f (lr thou sands upon thoU8anda l lo nt'd h.'urty Illu g h . I madebyl08.BancocamOU1,la. pre me tel' t. lJU s lucsH . li e mus t k ll o w Illor " t oda), CIUI~ 0 1 'Ill y lI utio nal emer gen cy," r &- of actual cu r es. us hos Lydia E. Plnkham's Veltetable Compound. without lkd em•• H.I I U\ ue, all bl u~. beH blulo&, : trlu~r~~~,:::-=.eSU.6.5In!..':' 3ternoon. S cores fe ll lJefore tb e e oe w y's fire. than be e ve r kn "w befor... Th e Id" a jJJJ ~d th e ge nera l. . t ' tu d t at T&IU8 In Ibe worl d. Dlalcel lb. I&DUtl nlBl w. " - ...... ot thJa ..111 handred.a o f VIr e an ae u I ow1Je . .1..1. . . Im ilarn.port •. No)LattaWho¥ou Are ~' hut was n eedet.! Dloat WU Il iu te lllge at uf th e soldlel' lUI m or e " food for I)ow, " 'i'u waJ u wl n oUI'8e lv olI." lie co nuu- poss<!s8mg grea worth. Such medicines mu st be looked ' or Where YOtl Uv." b"",,, vour chaDCO to leade rship , IUlI.I s killed leade r ll were d e r " 10llg ago be came Obsole te. A ued, " uD tli t he gre at m ails o r vo lunboth standard and No man ever kn o ws ho w many double l'our_ntaa!ar7orlnoome,work. Woe fully fe w. The sac rltlce or lire blgh .. r tralulu g 16 r e Quire d . tee ra w bich III ce rtal o 10 be ne eded 1.0 upon and termed .... tb in k Ing person. fr l~n ds h e haB lost by blindin g th e m t~tmeor ~nt1y ~ ..... _Ina durttl8'.~ ....................... tkl. ___ we ut on . for lac k ur knowl edgll to Q ur littl e sta ndin g arm y. t he r do r e, carry on a u y wu r with a f", re lgn pow· dependable lJy every _ - - . . A no... U.... bWlIn_ o f bl .. e o pe wllb a n unex pec te d mUIla r :v 8il· hi today regard ed more aa a trai n in g t! r ","u lJ ... ell Ji s le d. urg un l~e d , eq uip· If you have the slightest doubt :1d l' iee. caah\lfOIlta.You canwork ..tbolDeortrllv.~ kl 'V "'- .olo7 the b...Jthful. outdoor work .noS be· '!lalloD. . • I H(:hoo.l IUld a Illode l for Ih e large r m il l· l'~ d a u d (rallied . that Ly dl ~ E; . 1"1 n lam s ege .....,.. ~ _A Qb ~r, ~ar baalnr_.t Dr P .... ry · ti Verm lfuQ't! "~ c o t "~II • I. u,_ " Tbt' o r gani~ed ml ll 11a Is to b e di s· bleCompoundwlllbelpyou.wrlto an ,1 . . p. l. Worm. In a n r, f e w bour. . T lie l'e cli me OIl ttl I' se ne Ii Irs1 I tar ), torce that witt be neces sary In ~:",.,.t..,:!, j,L=';-"h:.~c::..~..;'.. Lle ul. Alb e rt L . MU la. ~'Irst I' nlted l o u r ne It war tban as th e co untry's lln gu ls b f'U fr o m Ihe uu o r gaulzed mill· ~Lydia.E.PinklJamMediclneVo. AJ< _loll. S t.Il tes t ll yalry, holdlug rauk a s cap- c bl e f land d efeDs~ t.! e pe nd t! n (·e. "'rom tla . T b« la tte r e mbraces the mlLn(confid e ntial) Lynn, Mas8 ..forad~ Wh y Is It thu t It t a kes a hired girl 1.I\Iu and a8s IHla ut adjU!.8ut gen e ral o f th l! I' ltJ ze oll WU llt cOllie th .. big fl g ut - hoot.! of th e l' olill try. Si nc., J 79~ every vice. Your lel.terwlll beopeoe d, fou r bo ur u lon ge r to m op th e front \lOlullt et! r ll. aod a ~tach ed. to th e storr l in g fore e. mal e ~ It.l z(! n of t be l tilted S!.8tes he · read Bud anfSwe red by B woman. g utt ery th u n th e back po reh ? or Ge ncral Sbalt e r . Four y\" urs at Itl uur e ve r y war we bav e sen t uu· t weell th!) uges of e lg ht~cn a nd torty · and held io strict confide nce. W est Poin t lind 19 years a s a s ubal · I Iral ned ci tize n s Into th e fi e ld Ilt the liv e . wbo lH phy s katly Bound, b as been Wri g ht 's Ind ian \'eg Btable PllllI put t e rh offi ce r of ca valr y se rv ing In th e , beg inni ng . Th e res ultin g 10"8 of life. a IlJeru b~r of tb e unorgunized m ilitia. New DiE;J covery for Dia.betes, tbe s tomach In good condition In a t llr we llt - ha r d. studious , workln, I large ly lJe cuustJ of th e IgnoTUn ce of " Tb ~ u rganlze d mltlt la include!! tbe Liver a.nd Kidney Trouble, s hort Lime . Try tbe m for Sick Starn· years - unit ed with na tural. ('ap(lclty bow to li n unde r mlJl t.ll r y tlf' ld r.on- Natl o u a l Gua rd s of th e s e ve ral s tates. aDd Iltness, hod lUud e him a cool . r eo I dlLl o n s, has be l'fl s hoc kin g . Tbe flnan- .I ta r~ llo rt ed s tr e ngth Is 120.000. The Bright's Disease, Dropsy,etc. 81'11 . Hlll ousn 68s and lndlge.&tioa . Adv . 1I011rce rul. " kilirul . tralu et.! military cla l los5 In prol on gatlun o f th e war, law of 1903 nl tl. kes thi s Il mo~e forlnld· )I a ny a wo m a n 8urre rs from In·' )",ad e r. li e kne w the bU Mlness o f war . lu t empo ra r y Ile thuc ks, In oxpCllse o f a bl e a r m t uan It.Il protot), , 'e e ver wa e 60 nlll iu b4'eau Be h er hus band t a lks In At on CO h e bega n to brl n" ord e r Ollt Imp ro"l s lu g lI e ld armi es fro m notblng, bero r~ . Tb e war d e part'lle nt recog. hl ~ ~ l pl! p. -of chao A. He show ed th e m e u how 1 In pen810n ro ll A, hlUl bpen s tup e ndo us. Il lzes It lUI a potent torce wblch . with t o tnkl:' cove r . Htl dlrf"c te d a rE'l urn Lack or pre pa r e dn ess wa s tbe ca u se. jJ rope r HUll po rt ur congress. can b ~ Re<j e ro•• a n! 1 HIDe wll: ... ash double u 1Ira. Th" advanee. t emporur Uy ch oc k, Pre pa r edu 6Ils . th e n. i" th e aim and mod .. !I r eal natlonal milit8.l'), aBset. ma n ,' clu th .,. .... liny o ther . ])oo ' t p ut your D\uui.y 10\.0 ao y o~be r. Ad • . ~d . was res um e d. 'I purpose o f the mllit a r y a utborltl es o f Onl )' tli ost! ,' Ie ment ll of tb e Natl.onal Tbe n a !gllanlsh bull e t c rash e d th e u nited Slates. Th ey a re tryin g, Ouar<l "'hl l' h participate In tbe fed e ral SOC M launderatood. throu g h hi ll b ead. It lore a way o n c so fa r a s co ng r e ss a nd public opinion a pprop ri"tl o uB and conform In organl. Ge r mnn - Va l I can do , I wl tl do. eye and te mporarll)' hlllld ed th" o th e r . will pe rmit . t o profit b)' th e a wful II'S' za t llJn . ar ma me n t Bud e qullJlll e nt witil W a,.; /I e r e. wr 'v t! ha d en o ug h o f !lu t h .. refUSl' l! to leave th e s po t ...' be re I so ll lI o f th p pas t . 'rb ey o r e trying t o wha l Is Ilresc rlbe d for th" regulu r th at va licll n co n t rover llY. Prompt Relief-Permanent Cure h e wa s ~o urg ently npeded. Sight· mak e tbe reKul ar arm), a pe rfect m lt l· arm), a r c rE'c og nlze d by th e war d l>CARTER'S LmLE le~s. a blo ')dy bllnda ge wound a bout tOt'), force a n d to mak e th e NaLl on a l I m611 t us pa.r t of the ol'ganl ze d l'h ~ Cough i. wh n t hurt •. b ut t he t ick le iN LIVER PILLS never b ls bro w. li e re maln pd and conLlnu ed Guard . othe r w ise t h e orga ni ze d mlll · · II1 JJ il ia. Thi H tak es In, boweve r. al. ~ o " la lll • . De" u·. JI1el1th olat,'rI ('''''Iti ' 1J!'O\Js l ail. Purely vegetab ls wo rk of direc tin g t he troops as Ua . jus t aH we ll tralue d all any body DlOHt a il t b e Ho·cu.Jl e d Na ti o nal G uard eto" th e t ick k~5t: [1~ good J)rug~ i! t •. ble - act surely th ey cn m e u.Jong. of cIU7.p. n sol d l<'rs <:3 n lJ e tra ine d . o rglu ll zatto us In tb e country. but gently on The ' sceoe ha s b<-e n pe r llc lll 8H' d In R.' su lts a r e he ln g acbleved. j "T he policy of t he war de pa rtm 'mt All opportunity Is a good bi t like n the liver. p ic t u re 80 d In writt e n de scr iptio n. It , Th er e has i; ('e n an o r gan ize d milit ia 11M to m a ke th e orga niz ed militia all wasp. It 1I11(PB a lo t of ex peri e nce t o Stop aftc r Are y ou n In ttTpre r ! It 80 . d o lIo t deHpnlr. st.RndR o ut as o ne of till' mORt vll'td o f 1I0rts <, ve r s ln r e t h is beca m e 11 e llici e nt ro r ee fo r na tio na l Dlill ta ry 7lJl. w ODd erfu l d l · eo \· f' r~· (or K ldney d l setulea kuo w how to graKV It with o ut ge lling . dinner disI s jJll'll dld In ci t.! e n ts of the \\'a,' of l.con s tltUtlOn a l r e publi c . Th e o r ga nl z-! pu rposeR. T he de partme nt Is wIthout' n ull tb e 1r COUlpl h,' utl o u ~ lJ r ill1o!8 tilO k. l<l n t'y8 t o StUIl1\ . I tress- cure It tlt' U (lo U th e h ea rt. live r, bl u od a nti k id· I indiges tio n. ] Sl,S. l in g I) f It "ve r ha B lJHe ll In t h e han dS ! au t ho r it y 10 In c rease tb e s tre ngth o r IHe b ey's, , ' O UDlA"rnc ttj l lJ(' Clllll+(". It w i ll ll u t ir1"uw I improve the complexion, brightep the eyes. " I-'o r dl SllnG Ul 8.h ed gall antr y In 81" \ o f t h e R t a t ~s , ho\\·e l·er . and the Btatpt; th e orga nlzl'u mi litia. Il bein g wltblu rH" CV l ititt\1c , 11\.11 vdll u.rre UI \U~ \ro u bl t' n nl1 Wallte of Powder. tl on n "J1r Sn nlla l! o de (' uba . .J uly 1. hav s h a d var y in g Id ea l! of what sort th e pr o du ce o f ea ch ~ t.nte , und er th t! wh a t. k ld o eye )" O U b a ve Idt. It Iii tile t e"ud A m il l! \\'h o II l1 d n ever bee n du(!k SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, STtfALL PRiCB. prefK:ri p tl o u o f " VllY6 iduil o r t IH! I'tOll t h - M lS~. In ('!lco ur ag ln g th oMe lIeur him of a mil it a r y forr e ·.. ho uld btl malll· 1 con s titut io n, IlJ de term in e what s ized wit h our die t dl rc.-c l tu u .. will uut tall yu u. Itlln lill~ s hot lit u du ck In tb e a ir . must bear Signature b y hi s br ave r y and ('OOhU' I!R u ft e r be· t alnfld In th e g u ls~ of o rg:1l1 lz('d I force il ~ hal l huve. Th e \Jurposo of tll .l.kJ ]>4!r d ozen, pre paId . T it " du ck fe ll <le:1d t o t he g rou nd. In!: ~h ol t hro u gh Ih e h 'JLld a ud e nt ir e· 1 mll itlu . I t b" d . jJa r l nH' nl Is lO seek t o mak c ROBERT SMITH CO. ''\\'''It. you gOl h im !" " xclalmed l y wilt,o ut s ig h t. " Th a t Is th t! not a· \ T h e wur of I ~n s ~h o w ed, u p th e d,,· I e lTertin: t hl Inten t io n of cong re ss . us ~18 SCHOFlEL1~ BffiLD1NG, CLEVRLAI'ID , O. I h e n nHl te ur' H fr ll' ll(1. tl OIl on Ih n r ecord In the .... a r <I'!pn rt, ree Ls o f our mili tarY sys te m In a glar- I eX llr!' s !'; ,,,1 ill " xls lln g laws . und a ss ist 'or ........UI. t41 •• 4ru . . lah.Wrt...." .. L... o.lw. " Y"s," r ejJll e d th e a m a te ur, "bu t 1 T h l~ "eRllIt ed In thp tb e BtateR in su o r gani zi ng , arming, m e nt 1'1 e xplan ati on or th p a wa rd of ! in g fo.~ it lon . 1Il 1~ h t us we ll ha ve sn yed m y am· GRAY'S SWEET _th e c on g r essional Hl eda l o f hono r to I paBsa gf' of th " lI e w Illili t ia lu w of pq ll ill Plug and tralnl og theIr NatJoua i Give a lJl ln d bf' ~KHr :l llilll e all tl !I e munltl o n- Ule fall wo uld h a vc kttJ e d this ont ce r . 1 1!l03, k no wll Hi< th e Dic k bill, r eally ( ;u a rd s that tb ese Imle pllnd enl torces, ma y in vt'st In lU I e)'f·,oll(' III·I·. POWDERS FOR CHILDREI 111m." Wn .. h I" a b y m or e: lJ rn \'e , th nn scor e~ o rgll nl zl ng tb e m ll it ia fo r ce. Ry t hl Wit I'll n eed ed, ca n pass, without r e or. tP' R~i"'" I...m.bD..... Cono!l""" , tion,Cold. IoDd carTed dlaord<nI .Bu d hn n d rpds of o tb e rs w ho pa rticl- I a ct Iurgf" r f"d e l'ul a Bs Is! was g h 'e n ,"n n il.a t io ll , s moo thl y un d easily Into Only One "B~OMO QUININE" the .tomach ..,OS bo.... I. . Uud bJf Important to Mothet'8 • M other J for U Y<QrJ. At all D0I2flRt'lIl In Ille opera ti o ns 1tl Sa nt iago '? t o th e militia o f th e II t a te8 a net :1 l a l' g~ tb e fet.! e r .!.1 se n-I cp.. 'rbA.L ' R L AX A'r l \ ' I:: IHtU MU (J tl lNI ~K L...~I/" 1n r E xamine carefully every bottle of • .lri.ra 2.Sc. Sampl< mailed FR RF_ \. b cl;.\ lfnu tU M'u(!t W l. I~. J \ · l§ ·o r (>! u l.,;.uldL n4)ne P r obub l), no t , bu t hp, bett er Lha n s o er meus ure of milita ry e fll c lell('Y r e• • • CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy fOI I'A.&lI& ........ .t.dl1rtlM A. .. oa..te4, L.. . . . . . . Y. l Jr ... " c.;urm <.i r lp I n 'l'wu ·l .l Y" ~ Infauts and children. and 8ee that It m a ny o ltH' r ,;. kn e w h o w t n do th e job qu lr e d o f tbose fo r ces III I'c t urn ro r " T he d ld Blo n of mil itia arral1'8 18 whi ch th e Am e rl ra n force~ h a d set tha t o ld . th t! mac u ine ry throu g b wbl cb th e war Bears the ~ ~,~ It's awfull y h ur d fo r a gir l wilh a Otlt to acco mpli s h 011 that day. It In HOB t h e la .... wa s ame lld ed ancl de par tme nt \, xerc lses Its supervisIon pre tt y ank 1(' to \i f'f' [J lI e r , ho(' lu\'(' s SIgnature of ~~ N was hi s k n o \\'l b.d ~e, hi s mi llt llrv sk Ill , . Imp roved . A nll llo n.] m ilitia boa rd , ove r and diHcha rg es Its r es pons lblli. tied . In Use For Over 30 Yean. Qu:t e at! muc h ns b la roolness a nd hl R cO II Rls llu g of militi a o fll re rs a ppo lnt e tl ti cs to th A o rganized militia. Tho dl. , Children Cry for Fletcher's C81!torill dl £ref!;lI ni o f hi s o\\'n sul'l'er ln gs , th a t by t be sec r e tary of Will'. waH author· vls lo ll Is o n e o f th e four co-ordlnattl THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABY'S UlUlOY'LLtl, n . brou gh t him di s tinction . Ized to It dl'l!!e wi t h th e wa r depart· bra n ch es of Lb e offi ce of the cb le t of :\1 BI1Y n man w ho n ll.Lr ri es f or IT10 u ey ,,~~~'~~~ T h(' gOl'e rnm!' nt at Wash in gton. me nt o n militIa a rrnlrs . Alld al so th e s ta ff o [ t h e ar ill Y. Its duties ora com· SKIN la II poor co ll e(!tor. the~e I r~ ~ on s frcRh In !til r,l ln <l . COlt · divi nlo n or militi a affa Ir s In th e wa r I preh r n si I'e. Th ey fait lIalumJl y into c1u t!' d tlt a t th c lImn w h o ha d don e de par lme ot wa s crelltl~ d t o h n ll d lu th e tw o classes. O n ~ is admlnls t.atlve In the core Of baby 's and halr, I Rore EyeR, (J r" ""I", « l K.• altd 8Ue. - - --- - .. \d;<at ~ lll llL.h n d <I o u e at Itloody l3e ud su bj e('t . alld tit e othe r lu s tru ct! o na l. Cutleura 8<;)ap 18 the moth e r'S ta- p r o, u\J " " h ." I~<l "'"Ib Ru mll u Ky. nu l' , of thl~ paper d~m~g ~o buy Not only is It unri v aled In .a Ul . Aile _ ___. anything advertised In ,ts colWitS tll P s ort of mlln lI ecd nd to train '1 · · · " Adm in ist rativ e e mbrnc'ls all the vorlte. future ann y omcs r s . So, advan cln ~ II 16 thi s di vis io n wh ic h Hrl g. Os n . d etail s con nec t e d with th .~ l!u p"r l' ls lon purity and refreshing fragran ce, but If yo u ha v(' 10 w!llk, ui Sl On('€ dOCSII'1 umns shoul~ Insist upo~ having ~bat ~ey bl m to t ~le rank of ('o lo nel. ti ll' WU I' Alb!'r t 1. ?llli s n o w h ead s. of dts b ur He lh ent s or fe de ral fund s . the Itil gentle emollient properUes are I lpnd e nchant rnf" nt to th e I'l l'w . askfor.refuslDJl:allsubstitut.esorimltationa deJlll r t tnC ll t In t he Il lliumll of 1898, "~ d e l'lll a id Is n ow extnod e ll to th e organ izati on of th e Nlit!Qnal Gua d usually sufllcl ent to alia), minor Irriwh en h Is o n e re m a in In g "ye Ilad or gll ll iz ·ct mll itllt o r National Guards ill tb e va riou s s tates, a .ld tb e ll' equlp- tations. remove t·edu e.'1s. rOllghness \ hea led, Gf" n l hi m to Wes t P oi nt a s of t b e \'u r lous Hl a t l'S to th e (> xt Pn t metlt \\' It h IIrm s , . ammuniti o n. unl. and cbafing, sootbe s e n si ti ve condlBup nr ln le nd ent of th e !l n As t m llltan' of ahout $[, ,000.(100 a yenr. Of thi s 10l'm a nd enmp e Quipage ge n p.ratly. tiODS. and promote s'k ln and baJr ' acadl' nl Y in the wor ld . Tb c re he r e- nbo ut $2.600, 000 Is pxpe ud ed fo r a r m~. "Th •• ai lD of th (' Instructional ef. health gen e rally. Assisted b y Cutl· \ Many people suffer from weak hearts. They malU ed for p. lght Yflars. oqul)Jm e ltt. camp purposes ancl man t! u-l for ts Is t o ass ist t he s tate s in sec uring cura Ointme nt. It Is moat valuabl e In may experience shortness of breath on exertion. paln over the heart. or dizzy feelings, oppreB8ed breathing In J904 h e " 'US udvu n ('c d 10 th e "ern. a bo ut $f,OO,OOO fo r th e promotion a train e d and effi c ient fi e ld force. Un- the treatment or e Czem RB, raslll'll and after menls or their eyes become blurred, tho beart Ie not g rnd!' o f bri gadi e r gp. ll c rnl. Now . afte r of llft e prac tice. go m e tlt lng li ke $600 .. de l' t h e co nstitutIon th e authority for Itching. bUl'Dlng Infantil e eruptlous . sufficiently 8trong to pump blood to the extremities, and t \vo YPU I'S of de l>n r t m e ntal command 000 fur ammunitio n a nd more than t rai n in g th e milltln Is In the hand8 at CuUcura So.a p wears to a .... afer . orte n they have cold handa and feet, or poor appetite because ot weakened III tt. e P hlllvplu C8 and threo ye8rs of $l ,OOO.ClOO for supplies. t he s la te!:. but It must be (If th e kind outlasting £Ie veral cokes of ordInary blood tnlppl;y to tbe .tom.aell. A boIn toDic I1114I1c.eraU.,. IIJogJd be taka .bIeb .... lik e <lu!..\' In the d epartm e nt <ll th e Th e rp.8111t of th e lI e w lnw A has be e n t ha l Is Jlres r.~lbed by cong~s8 for tbe soap and making He use mos t ecoDO ba4 after-effect. Such 18 I':ul r, gl' lI erut ?IJlls is at hi s old to bring th e Natlollal Guard forc e Illto a rmy. nomical. ·occuratl on of supe rvi si n g th e training c los(' r and more lutlmale re lation w it h "With t bl s In vi e w. t~ere are &.eCutlcnra Soap and Olntmenl sold ot )'oung Americana In th e busin ess th e r egular army, to make It mor" s ign ed t o e ac h state spe cln.lly Qualified throughout t.he world. Sampl e of each ·of Will' . untrorm In organization. di s cipline a nd a ud se lected omcers to do duty as In. tree,wlth 32·p . Skin Book . Addre ss 1l08t_bIoh ooatalDe ao daDproae IIII&'OO&Ioe 01' aIoollol. But It Is In a la r ger fl e ld. Instend equipm e nt IUId to e stablish lItandard s R p e~tor, lnstru ctoJ'1j, a8sls llult the statel card "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston ."-Adv. It h.lpll the hwnan lyetem In the eonatallt maDI:lfKture of rfeh, Nd blood. It o f (I.)rectlug the Intensive tr:tl uln g of of e ftl cie ncy. to Whi ch all e leme nts ar.. In ' till s practical way , and enabling --~~--- ------help11 the atoma.:b to uelmitate or takoap theproperelemabl tromtlwofood\tberel>y Very Near It. 1 'lIevE"I'al hundr ed prospectIV e officers of workin g. the m In th e matt er of t.ra.'.l\1ng to keep helping dlgeltlon and eDring dywpep8u.. heart-bum and 1IWl7 tIIleomfortab • tJ7IDl'"" toma, .topa excellliv. tlsaue waoto In convalescen ce !tom f.Vlln; for the runSonuY- PIl. what is a 61tHt In fi n \· tbo regula.r army he Is lu cbur ge of Ge ne ral Mills blmse lf. In hIs ereI" In ton c h wIth the most modern methdowD, aDII!IDIc. thin·blooded people, the "Diacove'Y" '18 retn..hlDe aDd 'l'itall&i.aatlv e'! 'tbe federal activities thal assis t the lurrlage , grlzzled hah·. stlrr, g ray, mlll · ods pursued In the army. Pa-Some thlng like this, Al a bam a " The r e sult of federal IlIUII!ltance at. .NaUon a l Guards or the various slatel tary mustache, firm jaw and strorrgl) , in IIttalnlng military proficiency. Ap- line d moyt h. Is th e Id e al Boldler. ![o. forded th e orgtl.nlzed mllltta Is that It ought to lov e :"Ioblle . :proxlmately 120,000 NB.~lonal Onardt!· .speeeh he Is careful a nd deliberate, IT , has g re ntly In c re ase d the flft!clency of A poor ImltaLlon (If wick edn ess Is ' m e n lire the material '\\11th which he Rctlon 8ure , determine d, rapid. "A the force. It Is progre8slng 80 well :18 workIng. It III a larger force than stron~ character" Is the estimate of ulon g th e se lines that, with conUnued bette r thB n th e r e al t hing. 'the r e gular army. the obllerver. It III a correct ns tl · ass is tance by congress and a recognl. Something Ingrained In the !lber of maLc . On e known. without th p. atud y tlon of tbat oss lslance by the states, English-speaking peoples makes th e m ot his life and habi t of thou g h t that tll e nation \\' 111 h a ve a d e p endable field ·oppose d to th e maInte nance of large , de m o nstrat es the correctn e ss of th e for ce. certainly ;)ne Infinitely better ,standIng armIes. Tbey ever have pre- I t heor y . that h e Is a mnn of hi g h thM n.Il y ne w Or b'1lnlzaUo u , fllled up fe rred to put tbelt de pe ndence In a Ideal s. spotless life and s imple ' creed w ith u n tmln ed c itIze ns, could be ox. citizen soldiery. But modern eondl· of rl gH nod wrong. I,e cted to be ."





Mandel Post Card Machine


666==='= 666====666

Constipation Vanishes Forever
















I Readers




Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery

Reform in Tobacco,



:BACK TO B£GINNING OF MAN Engllllh Sclentillt Gives H 18 Veralon 'of Rapid Proce8s of Evolution In the Early Days. Not the ancest o r of modern m an . \lut a m a n . n e ve rtbe le s s . is th e flu a l ~ udgment of-Prof. G. Elliot Srr,ffii, F. .F'. S . cOncerntng the Pll t down "Dawn Im an .;; 'whose ' . .follsll jllw a no ·t eet h. " 'un nf\s takably 'Slmlan In .character.n \;lou for ' lilm ·, the sc\ahLillc nOmB at E tuWth.ropus ,,'He. b ellevjlB that this


specI me n mu s t r e pres e nt u ve ry aUght· In view of tbe fn c t that no human r lt. 1y mod ifi ed desee ndanl or th e comm on Dllll ns or undoub ted e vid e nce of hu on Ct:8tor .o f mod e rn m all nn d hi s r eal man workm a ushlp are known earlie r pro!!,pnltor. A t the m 8etI'l g of th e tha n t h Ple is tocene; It 18 quite poss lMa nch es te r Li te r a ry and P hlloso pblce.1 blo th at umi ds t th e turmoil innlde ntnl Roclety , a ll Novem ber 18 Ins t Profes- t Oo th e In nugur:ltlo ll of th e Pleis t ocene Ho r Snllth pictur ed th dawn or hum a n pe ri od a grou p. o f anthrollolds rose s uexi&trllctl : p'!rlor to the dl!fl cu ltJes or new clrnn Di. " Wh.en ma n wa.!L1lrst Ilvohed -th e and· ilecame 'Dawn' m e n.''' pllc e or evol\ttlon !"ust h ave bee n pbeno me na ll y rapid , by r I1so\1 Of the r apPennGylvanlA ,:oar In Lead, id w ectlng ou t of those who not . Pennsylvan ia'!j ooa1 vrO!1uctl QD Is aJ. fl eet ot foot and n1 D1bJe-wltt d t o meet roost as , g reat a n that 01 th e . lh'e dangerous n ew cOD dlUons , Tb-IB • . (,,' n ty-seven "J)roductn~' ItJlt.6f. .. \ . .



No Mysterious Compounds to Chew


i8 manufactured of a combination of big heat .g~ade8 of Conn~t. Pennsylvania and Ken· tucky tobaccos, a nd prepared by OL'r own ongmal and exclUSIve process, ueutralizlug the nicotine without chemicals, whic:t guarantees to the c onsume: a BtBndani of unequaled excellence, and the only Bnti-nervous, I1ntl-dyspeptlc tob •.ceo 10 the n'larket. Mall Pouch Tobacco is alw8¥5 .I'ell~ble and uniform m quality, does not ~ause heartburn or indigestion. is free from grit, noXIous llavonngs, and adulterations, making

A Clean, Lasting Chew

A Cool Sweet Smoke

.Virginia fiirmSBDd...omea FRRl! O.A.TA.LOGVB Oll' SPlolINDID BABO~&

B. 'B. Ca.JrJrIN-a .OO.. l.o..KI".......,.a... . , r ' -i

. VI. ·N:

0 .. OINCINNA'r.I,...N~. 'IH?1~ ' . '"



COUNTY COURT NEWS ......_ _. . . . . . .,..,.....................""'....................."'..."'...",._ ••_ • ., • ., ...., • .,.""""........._ _ _ _ _

F lr"!, 11 lel fi Ultlll oouuo t of IIdruiois· tUe!! a ustlline d. : trtltl) r till'd nllowfld lIud oonfirmed . Lulu Oreen(J V" E rmn u U Ut'M UO • _ _ _.......,..,..........,..,..,. I In re e~t~ Ltfl <If .1.1\110 D . So h ellc k, Ueore~ or divor oe grlluted plalnt.llf. ll ooeui!ml Atlidl\v lt fi lo·J foroxt,lmCommo n Pleas' Court Real EstaleT ransfer s Snit. fur lIlon ey ; RIDOuut cJuIIDml tlOn uf time I,ll fil o .\11 ~ COOUti t hy ~t,(l1 ,1 or Ohio VB The B lirvey shurg Cand ice Birll to Chu los W . \:h'b"330.20 hnd int·ere~ t fro m tiopt·eru be r udminl t-ltmt' .r . Ftl r'ilazor Uo On Bp\llioat.lon of bUl rt . l ou1 estate in ' Vay ne town sh ip 2u. 1 9 1 ~ I III rf' o" t utlluf !\Jary UlllnoR • •Itl· f 1300 . F' r <ID~. C. AnUArAOn, IlroRenn tiog at · Probate Cou rt Proceed ings ' COH ~OU. lidw n nl M Luk oo:l flp. \ ol'oe .... J OI.lnh Morro w I t! appoin ted Lneiod u Morria t o Dilolel P .FllrIn l'U lI~tllte lIf .IlIno D. t5o honok, ponHeu Ild hlll ' Mr •.It,lr . BUllu :$'100 ree. r ea l est.ate in Wllrr en und ( ,0I' JlI'OI .. 1 oommi Sllione r to tuke the dnl' HU~ed . f ebrutlr y :!5t.ll sot f aT ti led. c\ " potlitio n ..,r ThomaR Wh e tsel II Hileu t o woHh lp . Clormo nt nouo ti uo lJ o>lrinJ{ c ltlim nglli ll ~ t u~tll te of Jan e HOI.,. :,nl Arcl1dl'ne lIl , nxeG nt,nr VA ~:lO()O . llI ·.It' · IB I " l tl''' S~ nh n 1'0 about to [) t-\ollerlc' jr ~ ' j\ I A I" . , . ( ).I'r Ul' Y rc lu llU o n II L .. I ., b Mllr y \\' utkiu1:I til Allio Uliver. iu . ltl£l ve ~he S'atu FshLta of ,J. Elhur Juckso n. df'- tl1kAn til Ho ll r uu l u~tl\··O li t IJrivlltO tor-est In lot in PloasB nt PlaID. ' I J . W . Lingo VA ZeDLI G Van Doren OOI1 >lCj ! 11~' OOIl}ry no u ,Ipprui stl ' ... d a. rll~ Lobuno n Cemete et a1. Cue tried betore co ur t BDU lll Pnt fi lou ! In ro ""I:Iignm cnt uf AG ll fl U t iun t o EI!",,,beth Murphryy, A8S0C:O 'ury. v.ndlot r e ndere(\ in faY nr o f. renl I'~ _ F.~t r' to ')f Edward .1. Wri~ht, ll ll : I3re wer, Il B8i~ll o r . First lind tiP III tlLlo in LouIlll on. $300 'hed·,f endan ts cou~()ll In,.mt.lIr y II OU flppmis e- ' uco,llln t of fl sflign oo fi lod "'Vnldro n C. Gilmo ur to Nettiu H. Clellle n' Dellrt a et al . VB. N L. m ll,n t tll t'U , I, ERtlltO of E lmll Mllxwo ll, Iltlll, )<'or /.:y [lOd Ifr .. nk P, Forgy, Uearth ,,' al. Order takeu t.o tllll l r oa J O~. Est'litu of Mt chae l Ulomen ts, .de. mlnorR , Second "coouo t of gUBl'lhn n tIlt" in Frunkl lD, $30. relll fdta*e. OEll.I~ed .. Invont ory IIDU opprnls e Ifll ed. State of Ohio vs Roy Knott On meat hI ed . r to Frank WIII III re ItSd ignmon t of AO OIL. U. (, Iunle!!I L. ttlpenoe t ' H rvey I nr' plea of gollty the defend ant Is sen E:itatA of Uee rge H. HlIge, decease d /' Brewe r, H~!:! ' ~ I I II , r on es a ,0 1n a ~ 1 g, t gnor . Rf'!< . ' g ntttlOn ':I f t.'O &encod to &he wark honse at Xenia NinUl " ocouot of Ilxec lltor 's tllad. ('), 8. H i ggiu~, IIs~i ~n oo H('o'Jptn,1, .1'i for 'he period of six months lIod Estate of' Katie M. Beolwm , de IU' C. EnItL!I~ "}lpnlnt otl Allie Clivor to Mllry W .\tkiU >l. lIl t trustAA. pay ooe&8 ot prol'6O otlon Seo tence oellsell Firl't and f1nol noooun t of I Honcl $ l a,OOO fill'u l .·\ •U PI eaSIII1 t PI1In \ , -1 ... .nspen ded on tll further order of th e admini strator filed . F . B r own ,'t0 A d In r o estl!te of An ~ u~ t Annkt'J r. lIe C U Drew ox,i u t oourt. Est.ntu of \Iar gnro\ Ilnd Willa o ea~ed . Resig nntiun of ,8 io !-'outh P !l rk IItldlt,IO U. '100. t'xocutor New Suits. Yeak lo, mioors ceoon 1 noooun t of ltiled lind RCMmed. .J . \J Aunke r J ohn Milton ChICk to .JoAnnn Kate I'ranz vs John Ball, et a1. guttrdi un fil ed " p.J oin tmi oelLUlni"trj.tor . Bonll ' 10 Clnrk, reul esta te In f Wayna t ow oBul' or mODey only ;amou nt olaim 1u r a Wil l oi ,J onatuu n ~Ilwyer, de 000 tUell. APlJr'1i!!er s J . L. Tbolll p II III P, ' 1. ""'" .. '10650 wi'h intues t from April. oettsed . Mlltter Bet f or further ~Llll, I:l . 0 McVey unc! Alltim Dutr o. Ii'.lmer A . E" · ulll OO t 0 M.try E . "V 1910, lcu a oredU of $18 25 ' l) Ir • beuin g ~'ehruory 2, 191-1. Mury Utlll e Lon e VI! Danilll VIID - lo t N(1 lIi 2 In AVtllon Height s, $1. Mu.ry E, ~hawhan vs Alva BeSSiE!, E C. Dunha m , e xecuto r vS . ,Jolla 'L'nyl o, £It fil. Onle r mncJe to He lll!' C•• rrie OLerHll t o H ooston F ,'r<, I e& a l. SuU on bond; amoun t olalm· B FreoC'h et 1\1. Hale of real estBte I m te t.v 1I1)IH'td RI' two t r IH:t." of eq ual ll ';' IIcrel! In Barlun town81 11 p, .."31 ()0 ed '223.'8 with in*tlr6l!t o n $201.50 apprnv ed Ilud distn l.m ti on of pro j frllntll ge 'ln I t htl sh eriff ill lLu!flor . ClIlnrleR E Eat.on to Cbnr leR ~' frem Jllnnar y 19. 1914, oeolill onlered . ized t.u oti lt to his a!l ~I>lt"llc e Il 001ll- b ex ean er , lot l ll7 PILrk Plnee , Frunk · The CUlzen a Nstion al Bank vs . J. Estute of .Jahn E Moore, decoase d . \ pet,Aut Rurve yo r In lli viul og said lin, E.Sho omate retal Mult for money ; First und finlL l 8000l1Ot of udmini s IPrtll UiSOS E iI:.II\beth~. Ga~e to M.lf v J . amoun ' olalme d '260 wl'h interes t trator filed, a pprovod, a ll owed aDd Not,tiu P for gy vs Frunk P, !I'orgy \ Ste wflrt., 10\ tl711 in ~'mnkl! at 8 percen s from Deoem ber 23.1912 . ooofirm ed . n, '1. e o .~1. Or.tor tak en to Hell rHIlI es tate. J lI. lill~. C :.IUden to M8rg uro t The Cltlzen 'J Nlltion al Bank vs A, In r e wIll nf No pthall Constn ble. The )';"U1/ary M,\Uof,lCtu r ing Co. 1\ Wuod. relll e8tat~ 10 Morrow , $: \ ~ O, B. Mordl, adminl strB'or of eitate deooa ~ed Will flI ed for problLte VII J "se ph ty . Moti<>n : t,o Is.allo .J. Irons t o Margar et Ir (lIlP, of Elizllb e'h Shoem aker. deoease d . Estlltn of John E Moon, deoolLB ed .. "t r ike ttm eorleel aneW'lr from HOflores In TUl'tl eoreek townsh i p, fl





1=1 8$8


Chu rl t'::l n, Clem.m ts to fl . B . 1 will otfor nt publio 81lle ,.t my Wilker son. Illt!l iI nnd 4 in Wuyne a- rt1~i rleDoe au the WhltfllD tln 'arID. 1 10110 we~t l) f WlIyol' tlvlllfl . ou ville, $1. Tuesda y, Februa ry 2~, 191 .' I:;berull Hl J . Morton to Jobu Wbl11on , 200 \l ll.l un Ilor e~ in Deer. Begi nnln g Ilt 10 o'o lock, t,he foll ow. Uelf1 t,(lwnsh ip. f l. lo!:: ·1 bUr>lfltl, 10 outUp. 3 b rOfJd I:;h OrllJ llO J . ~lort,on to ,l ohn Whll l- 110 ",.t!. fPlrlll1 ug lU'pl e L(I'lutH .Hlll en, I X uores in Ueur llelt1 t,ow.Dship, IJ OUill1hui1l gO\ld ~. l"tH.J big bi 118 for f.tll· u\~ . $1. l·. 1'. li.~wk e, A oot. Clint RLl 8~. Edward Hamm er to Herr let t M. I wi ~ 1 olfA r !It public 9'\le nt· wy Burn!'. 10.'l-~ nores in Humilt on to wn h omll 3~-::; miles ", nH h Ilf !Spring ship , $ l V .. Ilt1 Y, nnd 3X mll ~H Dorth of WIlYClwrles M. Boger to Luelh~ Bogil l'. nosvi 110 , on re.d ost ate In Ridgev ill e. $ 1. Wedne sday, Februa ry 25, 1914 Mnry Perry to G. M. Thomp son, Begi nning nt, 10 o 'olock, t·he follow7 uore~ in v eertle1d townsh lp.I4:!O . ing ohll t telR: 5 hLlr ~el! . (I OOWI!. 19 MIHY Perry t o George Ivar Gtlr hog~ , hrm impleD len'a Ilud hOURenrd, 12 aores In Deerfle ldtowD shlp, hold /.(uoo s. !See Illrl(e biliB tor terms . C.'!'. d CHyke. J. I:\. Hurtso ok . ' 1000. Tom Dill. Auots. - - --. - ••- - Keep Con.ele ne" Clear. Recogn ized Advant ages Ir you 8B 11 you r con8CIe nc e to In.\ You will fin .\ t ll llt Ch3mu erlaln •II tereBt. you lratllo with a trleud. - Cough Rew edy hilS recogni zed ad . Beecher. va n tu"'ef< ove r most mediol1nesd 10 t> u se for oU \lgh~ and 0 lids toes not rsupprel loosens and elie vesl-it .Ii Iuct ngb .. ids bnt 8x peo tofll. t iOD and opeos tbeseoretlOo~, Whi 0 h I will of'l'"r at publlo ILnotion at enlible~ the !!Y8tl!m t o t hrow off a Illy residenoe, :l~ miles nor th of oo ld . . It oounte r aots aov tendenio y ,Vllyn", ~v ll1e. In I.he Ill . E. Keever of a oold to reuo lt In It oootaln~ n o (11)iulD orpoenm ron narIl. fa rill , l(lolLt cd (1n t he Uhenow eth ootio, lind may be given to a ohlld rOlld • . In lUI oonfi de ntly SR to on Rdnlt. For Monday , Februa ry 16, 1914 Ie b y 1\ 11 d 011 Ier!:' sa Bo"lnn lng Itt \l lI 'olock II. m" 3 _ _ __• _ ..._ - _ ., I b O rRf.l~, 2 OO Wf' , f"rmin g imp elUeots Iwd hon sehold goods. Log ical Ren onlng. ~tle hlg bill!! "Why do you tllslMl upoo baTlnlr fllr tunus . Ut!Cllr N. Mowre r the bigges t piece of pic, Harry ?" psked A. A . MoNcll , Auot. the mother of a BlUall hoy. "bo I will ofl'e r t.t publlo Bale lit, my your older broth er entitled to Il ?"·t r e"idtlnoe 3 IDll eB n orthelLs t of Way- "No, he Isn't," r eplted lh' IttUe teluo"v ill ~ ,l Y. mi les wost. of Mt.. B olly . low. "He was ea ting pit · t 10 yeara betore 1 Willi born." on tho ' .hu :;, Rye farm. on Thursd ay, Februa ry 12, 1914 Begin oin g I't 10 Q'olook. the folluw The King of All L:1 xatlves Ing ohlll,to!!; : 5 h orse8 and 1/ , ul e~, For eO Il Rtiplltio n. USIt IJ r . King's 1 ,I e r ~e y oow, fu.nulDg Implew ents New tMe Pilii'. PIiU! ..IiI.othnl k a.ot 1l11'\ housuh old g oods. Bee bills for Bufhlo NY, lilly!! they are tbe tt" rmt:.l . B . B . Morlin. "kIng o'f ull luxllt.1ves They are a T ,) LD Dill. A uot . bles~ j ng to all my 1,, ' .. lly a nd I A . B. Sidetl, Ule rk. a lwaY8 koep a b f)X at home " lltl\ The und ersigne d will Bell a t his a. hox litJd get wellllglLln . Prloe 250. r e~ide o e. · , 2Xj' milefl !1outhw est of At Dru!tlt!i~t8 or. by null. B E P billid olphla. or "t. L .~ rl(!, ,I mi ll'!! west IIf W'lyne svill e. Bookle n & Co on r.b,l U"y tOil & Lebano n pi e. on Louis. \Vedne sday, Februa ry 18, 19U To Prev"nt LI noteum Crackin g. Linoleum which hus been rolled aod B e~iulling at 10 o·cloe k. a . I l l . 2 horde:;, r, cllttle, hogs, ~heep. farm put away can be pre vented from in /.: .mplem entsan dhouse boldgo ods. orackJn g hy placin g Il for a tew mill' uteB In froot ot the flre before un. ~o bills fur terms. rolllog. Me lVin Winne tt R . C. Haines . Anot . 1 will offer at publlo sale lit my r eRl deooe. I miles south of Corwin Ilnd 4 miles west of Harvey tlburg, un the Middle town rOlld. on Wedne sday, Februa ry 18, 1914 ' E, BARN HART , Corume nolng at 10 o'olook , the fol10INing chattel s: 4 hortles, 7 oat tIe, Nota ry Publi c 24 bugs. farmin g Illlplem entR. house hold goods . l3ee big bUlB for term8 All kinds of Notary Work. Pensio n E . T Edward s Work a ~peota"y, C. T, Hllwke . Auot .


P Ubl·Ie S a Ies


--- ---.- --

ililll $:~

$20 0,00 0.00

Pro'fessional Car ds




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60, 639 Sharc~s

Stock in Treasu ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ..... . . . .... ... .... .. .. ... .. .... . . .... . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . ....... . . . . .. . 39,361 shares Stock authori zed for sale this issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . .. . . ... .. . .. . . 20,000 shares Stock to be reserve d in Treasu ry for futur~ require ments of . th e C(·rpor ation .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . 19.361 shares

The Trea~ury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the Company and Its Earni ngs Until Its Dividend is Paid


lli, ::: ~ m~ ~



1. NO PRIOR LIENS- No mortga ges exist upon any assets of this Compa ny and none can be created withou t the consen t of THREE · FIFTH S of the entire stock isaued .




~:~ 2 . NO FLOAT ING DEnT- The proceed t his issue will retire the Compa ny 's bills payable , and furnish capital to success fully carry on the busiries s. s of ample workinR ' ::: . .... ,., 3. ESTIM ATED EARNI NGS- Approx imately -seven times the dividencl require ments of this issue 4. MANA GEME NT- Will be continu ed by the present ::: Execut ive Officers and othe rs who are expert shoe men of m a n y ::: years' experie nce in the IIhoe busines s. •• 5. SINKIN G FUND -Will be creLlted to retire this issue at the option of the holder at par after FIFTY years, regardl ess of how dividen ds have been paid . 6. GUAR ANTEE D STOCK -Appli cation will be made in clue course to have th is stock guaran teed agains t loss to the extent of its purcha se price, by one of the strongc St guaran ty compan 7, Applic ation will be made in due course to Iiflt this stock on ies in the busines.g. the Boston , New York. Chicag o, and Suint Louis stock · exchan ges. 8, THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividen d !! rig-ht a long , Having placed a large amoun t of this stock, we will receive subscri ptions for the unsold balance ~

$ $


At Par , Ten Dol lars Per Sha re


The 8ubscri ption8 will be open Saturd ay, Nov. I, 1913, and The right is reserve d to reject any applica tion and to allot acontinu e until unsold balance has been sold. smaller amoun t than applied for. Payme nts in full to be made upon allotme nt. Stock will be sent with draft attache d if desired . Applica tions for this unsold balance maY be sent direct to the



Or to the Follow ing;

J, C. THOM PSON, Investm ents. Morris town. Tennlesd~ .

THE McDON ALD·W IGGIN S CO,. Stocks and Bonds Suite 505-6·7·8 Home Life Bldg" 266·275 Bway. , New York City, New York.

I ::: . f. "'~.IJ"." 'L"»."""" ''''''.''''''''''''.''''''''''''''''''''''••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ". - :.:.:.:+::.:.f.:.:.:.,••:.:: 'ii!:iiV"'~ .:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.•:.:.::.;.:.::.;.:•.:.:•••:.:.::.:.:,:.:.:,:.:.:.•;.:.::.:.:.::.:.:..w:,.:.:.::.:.:~:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.::~:,' . . .............. .... .. ............... ........... .... ..... .. ............... ......... .. ........ . ...... :.;



::: ::: ::: %

::: ::: :.: ::: . ::: ::: ~ ::: ~

NORT Hwmr ERN BUSIN ESS AGY .• Bank of Comme rce Buildin g, Minnea polis. Minnes ota,



PURPO SES for which this stock is being Bold are equip a large factory fOl"the manufa cture of Men 's and Women Hillh Grade Shoes. to be sold direct to the consum er:! fromtothe 's . The Corpor ation owns valuable Secret Process es of makingCompa ny's own stores and by mall. shoes that have been demon strated and f?~nd ~o be m oney saVIng, also Trade- Mark that nas heen in use and before the 500,000 names of men bnd women . each a prospec tive custom public since J a nuary 7, 1897.. also large mailing hst of abuut er. about 1000 new nam es are being added each week.. . . . The shoe busines s in St. Louis, Mo" i~ conduc ted on a basis of TW E NTY PER CENT NET PROFI TS on caPltah zatlOn ' . For illHtance, a concern turning its capital once during the year would make TW ENTY PER CENT N~ PROFI T, some 0 f the older concern s in St. Louis turn their capital as much as THREl !: and FOUR t imes during the year




Full PaId and N on-Assessabld

Makers of "OPE N EYE BRA ND" Shoes 28315-28 Locu st Stre et Dept ., T. M. C. Sain t Loui s, Miss ouri

(:$:;: ". :.:,', !O:


lOO,~!:~~~v~~?Jl#.~I;~~;;;'~hund" South O'kO:;; ; ;~~~af~e;~:t ~Uri!~1:'l~rfG

Iii i' =I $

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'l'he unders ign ed will offer at pubho a.uotion ou the fIrm known DR. J, W, MILL ER. as the Allen HRlne8 home8t ead sltuuta d 3 mileR northw allt of NRY · Dedvill e, and y. m ile ea!lt of FerJ:'y on ... DEN TIST... Wedne sday, Februa ry 11'1, 1914 Cll!lee ID Commonolng at 10 o'olook , 3 horses. N.&Ionl s.ok BIde. Wayne sville, 0 7 o"ttle, 7 brocd SOWB. farmln~ 1m· ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ plementl.'. Mee big bills for term8 . A. A. M )Nell, AuO~ E. Roland

IDr. Heb er M. Dill

Mr . Fred Burre tt will offer at Osteopathic Physician ~ ~ publlo aale on the farm known liS 21 Broadw ay ' Phone 449 the T. ~. Barret t fllrm,l mile west of Rprl~g Valley. on the Center vtlle Leba non, Ohio PIk e , on •• I Friday, Februa ry 20. 1914 . BRAN CH OFFIC E lltlglun ing at 10 o'olook the tollow- I • lUll: 71100d hor8es .16 fine PolADd Wayn esvill e, Ohio China brooe} Sl'W8. 1 Pol"Dd Cbina Tuesda ys and Fridays , from 8:30 mulfl h og a.nd 46 shoa's, Imple, men ttl :If nil kindB, teed. eto. to 12 0 clock M. N. Donglhl!s. Ma.nager. Office. comer Main and High streets Wm, h..illtl, Anot. Phone No. 100 I will sell at publlo sale on Saturda y, Februa ry 21, 1914 Comme noing at 10 o·ol(1ok. the tol HA'l 'HA W AY lowing proll6r ty : Fenoe post8. Aruerloan fenoe. buggle8 , plowR . ml@oelWayue sville's Leadw il DeIlSin laneou s . Idee bill!! for terms . Omoe tn Keys Bldg. Kalil sa A. H. Sides I C. T . Hawke W N Boars, A uets

DR. H,E,


'l'he undera lgned will sell Ilt pub lio auotion on Fune ral Dir(tctor Monda y, Februa ry 23,]1914 and Embalmer, Comme nCing at 12 :30 o'olook p, m . a' the Illte residen ce ot AlbIna Wayn esvil le, Ohio . M08bu ry, deoease d, In WayneS Ville Wurr'3n County , OhiO. the ohattel prope rty beloul! ing to the estate of Call answer ed prompt ly day or night. said deoea8e d. Con811!ting of honse Both phones in Office and Residen ce. Long distanc e. No. 14; Home phone hold fnrnitu rl', See bill. for terms . 14-2r. W Cheste r Maple. Admlnl.~ trator Chairs and one Coach furnish ed free of e!!tlite of AlblnB McShe rry . with funeral s. C. T . Ra",ke , Auot. Best of service guaran teed.



N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer Poste d on pedigrees and values~f at ki~ds of breed ing stock. Experiehced in handl ing farm sales since


Tennl R~nabl~



ISatltfactioalluuantee4 .I




MI AM I the I


Sprin g Valle y

8"ft~ n 'r~


;: .. : -t~'

"thel " Is M" . ".

S I",{ n~QII.

' · ~.,, \;; in E ld:,,'.~~ that FUTm or 'A ]os l ll. ut o will ho h nld in brl! lIkH <1 ,," :, i :,,' I "101·' or 1I .:I:d ,uod ; l'ublls h od W""kly III ClIl1.tl110 O tll co in tho th E' 'r o wn HILI I lIehr ll nr.v UHIt fl ll d !hl~ t ~ · ,' t - · w . 1,· ' . ., . , "Po Rates of Subscr iption. l I ', f'!; It A lloll Uulhllilg . l\I UIII St . . WU)' I H!M \ ' 1I 10, U h iu . 011(' Y('l\r (Mlr kt..I)' I n a.d\" tllt '!· \ . . ..... 11.00 10llJ bac k ' . , .,,," ,.. ',\' ho '; (,'0 1')' . .. . ... . . .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. , . .u. Mr. :llnt 11'1" la ll" , , ...• iiI ":. ,ul<:ed W. L. WhHll ore RULl rl oug hl.I,!' II rll . II I ~ " It ' q. ..lid,' .:;: who VALI.E \· ' I .ELJ£PH Or\E-C"~ ~~I2 !I-- - I>utes - - - - -- - - R ev ll yi sit cd t-:!u nll"y In B lIh,·o ..It . ' th nl I"," ,.". ,! .. \ .")' , l" .: 'I Ihe of Advert ising Mr . und Mrs. H . B. Engl e. o f D,, \' ' :1e"I ·. I .,1 ! . U cudlul-t LOI 'a!s, pur I h ~ c ... . ... . .. . . . . . ' :: . ·. ·./; u (,;''''''' III~'' Au • . ' IIIl t.o 0'"00" 11\'0 1I0c. 6c tou. we re 8 un rlay gueMt8 of re l,ulvI'4 1.~ ;I :J,: .'",1 ':' O . L . Cra ll "~ . Edl'lor and M~rlaO' er' I I: ',e r l'lt ruu III~crti u /J " .. .. . . . . . . . . 20c h er e. ~ ., . Di . " I"y


. . .' . .

AOl'urll.I III(. IlCr lllch . . .. . ... .



UJlicuuUL s ghtm un co ntrac t.

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. "·1· ,.,d --_ ._-- - - - -- - Born-T uesday . Febru f\ry :J I n 10 II,,; :; , ': :... :J ",.'.. '.I\'.'J, .1e" . : '.' on Mr. and Mr8. Wesley Whlt/lk e r. ·1 trving. FEBRU ARY 11, 1914. fin e da.u ghtE'r . Mrs. D. W. Anabee WIIR the KueMt THAT'S SWAT'S TH' l\\ATTER I A PLEA FOR THE' HORSE Thursdl1Y or Alr. nu u Mrs . M . A . ('nt. uf ~"r l ~ . ,l p }lr n~t1rtl. pll in in l Shorwo od. of Wayn rl! ville 00 the notice board of Liver A New York dally paper pubBorn-~undIl.Y. F ehrlllLr y 1' . t,ll th tl hA(' k-b:l oc tTlO !:l, [t "r,; J'UlltJ W8 i pool golt olub, appear s the follow Illshpll the followi ng you r Illlil lth lint! 't,r An f,( th plea for the Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bllrtso II ~ II Hr' l o k. IJ. tlon . ont nell Liv nr lint! KitlllP,Y rO Ing verslls typewr lUen on the olub hor~e : IIlI.t! y . Mr. und Mrs. Arob Cop sey e u- MonAY bll ; k If " " t !l ati~li ml. H ('om i nme p"per : " 1 am but one of the muny patient , tertaln ed ut Sunday dinner Mr. and plet'A ly c nrl',1 Robe rt, MIII1 ~0 1l. of I ~wat the hr~l1and walk a mile. toiling horse8 wh'ol!e hearts have Mrs. Philip Hawke and little daugb- WORt Bu rllo gtn n, lowlI , wh o ~ lIf 1 Sw~t the ball . It's worth your beelJ orus hed b v this despair ing t er . Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Copsey . M r . ferPld fro m . "'rul e nt. t r uultln for I eIght m onth l; . At thou~ht . while and Mrs. Ray Eagl e and two obild- gave him uP . he tor fo ur lloc tors l( El oct ri c Bit- I Walk a wile ~nd IIw~t the ball. "We gin lI y plod throng h our ren and MitiS McPhe rson . t ATS lind iN n ow IL WillI mnn . He t a Walk some more. Nor Is that all. daily t uBk for the ma!lter man and ttoy Hollan d. wife and childre n hottl fl totluy : it will ,10 th e M'LlIl fl fo r Swat the bull Ilnd walk. what then? gratefu lly bCcept a measur e of oats were week end guests of relati ves. .1'00 . Kee p In th o h Oll~e for 1I1I Iivor nnrl Itillnny co m pillint.f! ail our wage; but \'ie 11uve neither Swat the ball Bud wulk "'/tllin. Pe rfectly The M. E. QUllrte rly 'l1eetin g wall ';Il fn /I'HI tlupollll nhl e . It·MT esu lt~ will i After that YOIl walk aDd then - hands wl~h whioh to defend our· held Sllturd ay and lSundllY at t he Ru rJlriRO yOIl. M'a '1 011 tl 00 . H E selveS nor voioes with whioh to M. E. ohuroh what? Bn c klrn ,I:' Cn. L'hil !llle lph it~ or I:\t . JO thi!! place. plead . . Unce ~galn the ball you swat. Byron . th e younge st child of Mr . LOll i>!. .. May our I:ood master s leaBe to and Mrs. Cooper --Swat the bllll and walk Btlll more ' , died Friday after 0 Had His Numbe r. us th e precie uB sight, whloh is our sh .rt. illness with Keep on tlwattln g a8 before. m embran ou8 Tho n(Owly accep' (,d young mnn was only j oy . When "s fll.r all thla you've got, croup. "ma king liP " to hi " HlI' lll' lhl'art's 1m· "Mlluy of U8 thus ntHioted are Swat and wllik then walk and swn.t. plsh sma.1i hrot h!'r. \\, il ilo. el'lnc ln g a employ ed by wen that have he~vy "The Best Laxativ e I Know Of" -Liver pool Post. de"lr'o to In spl'c t hi s watch charm. the loads to hanl; uur BIght hns been 1'1 hu ve Bold Chamb erlain's Tub- visItor ll n ed Wi1111' to hIs lap. In a. lets for 8evern l yearf'. People w ho pau se ot genera l convers atIo n Wil li e I de!!troy ed to break our 8pirltB. plpe(l. "hrill y: " Am I as beuvy as "If lawB were m~de by whioh the have used them will tuke flo t llin!; Sister RATS ~Iub e l ?" ellle. I clLn . recomm ed them to my workin~ of a b\tnd hone wuuld be c n ~ t ome r s as the best Iftxati ve und - -They 8ay thd this Is to be a rat oome a mlBdem eanor, the orime of oure for conl't.ipaU oD th!lt I know Firepro ofi ng Ch l1d r ~c"s Cloth e s. year. That ill to s"y th,,' rats will blindin g hOl'8es wOllld cease." of," writllS Ifrnnk t:;trouse, :."ruitWh en fir es are Mla l' i,·d. If thll re la be more plentir ul thl8 year than in lI1nd. low!\.. F or RIlle by !til deulerll. any OBligeI' "Signed , 'Blind Bob .' " ot chl l dr ~ lI gett ing so former vears. If this proves to be - -Ilenr as to ignlt R COtlO Il dre"so M or This plel\. ought not t o be roade by Cause of Worry Defined. 80. every (armer and every bou~e ILllron s. acid nlum 10 Ihe walcr In Worry medIcal scIence no w definee whIch th e clolh es are rI nsed. Thla holder in n e towns ought to be th" blind hor8e al one, but by the as the domina ready for them. and plao& every ob oae $hat has to go from mornin g that or fear. nce of one Idea, usually rend ers the rubrIc fire proor. There Is a rear of some --- - - -Ita ole In their way to keep them until night dr!lwin g the immen se elllst1ng condition or dread of what loads thl1t is foroed upon him a.nd may happen. The Idea crowds from mUltip lying. On the Form . all olh· Y.:lUlIg Wlte-" Thal pudding I ha ve The rat brlngr; all kinds of plague8 bis oomrad e. A great wany men ers from the mInd. or permIts them witb It . Disease germs or all kinds are oareful 01 their horees and work only the feehlest and occasional ac- ust made tor you Is n poem." Hubby "A nd 1 sUPpolle I'm to be the wast&them B8 they work lves, by tivIty. The most terrible tyranny III -Jasket." Uke to travel with the ral, and they not putting 100 muohthew!le . at n burden the tyranny of nn Idea. lIeem to thrive on the germ In8tead on them and by taking easy bourl! of tbe germ killing them . as well. Colds and Croup In Childre n Tbe people when thev see tbe rats ~everal of the differe nt I!tates are Manv people rely upon Ch~mbElr. are beooml ng plentif ul ougbt to taking up the propos ition of hourt Inin'lI Vough RemtJd y Implioi tly in ........ .,.,. wage war .gainllt them Bnd exter- for the hJrBe the same a:! for m'lD. CRtle8 of colds lS~d oroup. and it Ads will be Inscncd unrl or thi s head for minate them. They are death to aOli K,lD8:l8 Vity hall limited the never di8app oints them. Mrs E twen l y· lI " e cellL A l or thrce losertlon a voung ohiokenll, they eat tbe farm- work of a horse to l2 l:f. Thoms !', Logan8 port, Ind . wri tEl9 ; when using Do t mo re I ban li ve lineR. houn a day, •• v ___ ... ___ v ___ •• "I h~ve found Chamb erlain'8 Cough er's grain I and do greut. damlSge to and no more . ............... .. Remed v to be the best medioi ne f or barn founda tlon8 by their burrow A horse hltohed in town laBt week ooids and oroup I have ever uBed, WANTED ing everyw here. In fuot they are W~8 the lIubjec t of muoh crltloi8 m. and ne ,er tire of recomm ending it about as big ~ nuisano e at tho Amer The poor flnlmal had eviden tly been to my neighb ors and fnends 1 NYON E tllinkin g 'o f orderin g, have always given h tG my ohildre n lcan people hOVol to deal with. Ana wJrked over· time, and a ronnin g whon sufferi ng from Fr uit fr ees will do we ll to see, oro uP. and it "'akes work to get rid of tbem lIore on Its should er jU14t where thtl has never failed to give the u oorresp ond WI\h or have him clIll Poiaon , 8inll'eing, trllps Ilnd other haruesl l rullbed it all the "me, made promp t rehef . " .!<·or sale by 1111 a nd Bee you fo r ti rAt ciaRS good8. .,.otriv anoea. doee n~t leem to exI. N Miller, Bllrvey sburg, Ohio. the poor animal loo!r "nd aot de· dealer8 m 11 ~rmlnBte t.b8m, for if tbey leave jeolod. That a man --would be guilty ol!,e plaoe on any of these ftooounts. of dnviu g IS horse of a.lI'. Teleph on. Haunted HIm. thl8 kind 18 Dr. Bell bat1 a .trOg. aver. Ion to they wlll travel tv anothe r place p • th k f h Ilman k now led a8. e eu II ge. *e ringing of the telepho ne bell-th e FOR SALE w h .. re per h ape t h0 people are Dot The marsha l tlJltl him to never drive creat invention for whioh be II roso vigilan t !Iond perbap s they do not '.h"t animal $0 t own again ID the lponalble. I occasionally went Into hll oar., to fight the rodent. OUSE of 7 rOODl@. 2 lInll s, good same oonditi on under penalty of room ant1 found the bell Btuffed with paper, or wound around w1th towell. We well remem ber wben dlstriol being laC-ked up l cr oruelty oistern , city wl'ter, large lot. to aoi- "Little dltt I think when lob601 houae. No . 2, Sugar Grove muls . I Invente d aillo 1,\ rge VAcant lot mljdini ng the thin.," 8ald Dr. Bell one day. Ilbove. central locutio n Mllio s t,reet . WIU ohrlste oed "Rat TaU" 'l'here whln he hat1 been .awaken ed by tbe Inquire of M. C. Liddy, Wl1yne swas a small buildin g on tbe grollnd s jln&lIn. ot the bell, "that It would rlBe ville. Ohi o, or .1 . 1'. Liu dy. 11 0 that wall ueed as a woodsb ed at ORIGIN OF OAZETTE up to mock and anooy me."-F rom Glenco e Av ('., Dayton , Olli o. r 25 'bat time, tbat WIUI fuJ) of rat8 AvlaUon Book." hy Gleno Curtiss. Tbe nei"h~orhooll boys arrang ed to OUt:lE of 7 r oom s. pant.r y. s nm- - -... ---An exoban g,= saY8 that the nlime mer kitohen alll} !l1,oro room . lttll the~ Ilnd at the same time have Gtlzet&e as applied to Horribl e Blotche s of Eczem a a newspo per IS Willi Bnd (' ifl t tJl'n w!ltor ill ]dt(Jh en. lome fun out of it. TW(l teams receive d from a small Venltia Qnickl y oured by Dr . HobBon'8 Larg(1 1 ,to bnrn Itnrl "II 'r l ~ In q uire n oo.n, on premis es. ::5 . E . Mnrt. were ohosen , of ten boys e'1oh. Ilnd the prioe of the news t 11 sheet pub Eozelll a Ointme nt. C. P . Caldwe ll, of ~ew Orlean s. La, states: "My (in a liatllrd ay they weot to tbe lished there. .1'he artiole does not dootor advised !\ hundre d. me to try 'Dr , Bobpla in. white pla.ce armed with stout oudgel s (no say wbat the ooln W88 really worth, 80n's Eozem a Salve .' I u8ed three C orepe pa per mllkl[J ~; in dodoge allowed ) and tore down the old but it mUllt have been IImall. We bOX08 of Ointme nt !lnd three oakes gns 5c per dozen, ut I,ill @offi ce. tl:qUdlng Then tbe fun comme noed . will pla.oe Ii small bet, though , th'lt of Dr. IilQbtion II Derwa Zem~ !::loap. Eaob side waa determ ined to get the materia l8 of that da.y were not Todfty 1 have not a spot anvwh ere on my body a 'ld oan say tbe most taUs, and R8 iast 11.8 the worth 11.8 muob as they are today, It will do the same forJ am oured . you. Its rata were killed the tatls were out ellle they would havl'l Ilharge d a big 800thin g, healing . antisep tio aotion off and oounte d afterw ard, the one8 OOin for tbe paper. If tbe raw ma- will rid you of all skin humors . Vete rinar Y having tbll taIls t'> pay for the terlal for pBper does not stop mov blackhead~, pimple s, Eozem a blotoh· Ing upward , newspa per8 wlll not be ell. red un81gh tly sore8, .. nd leaves Gradua te of Obio Sf il l. LJniversil} oys~r8. 88 large as they bll ve been. Not your skIn clean and healthy , Get a 10 &hll manne r many hundre ds of box today. GIl~ra.nteed . All Drugonly tbat, but the price wlll have to gists 10c.. or rats were destroy ed and for years by mail. Pfeiffe r l Chemic al Co, Philad elphia & St. Office at rei!idence in F. l.l. Sher· there Wall not a rat withIn a mlle of ad vance a8 well. wood's house, Four~.h Str~et. Louis. sbe plaoe. 'l'hlll II an idea that per ----------Ions baving iDfe.te d plaoes 1ught Look at It Thl. Way. Teleph one 28 '0 remem ber. and get up rat o~n COMB .U INO HOO CHOLE RA or course, It's tough luck to haTe _'I . Tbe rat with a orimin ..l · 1& bead ache, or lose your joh. or have Wayn esvil le. Ohio Throug bout lhe United State8 one ot the children come down with reoord for germs ougbt to be driven chicken -pox, but. cheer up. It's much r~~~~!~~~~~~~~""!!~~~-'!'~~­ where hog oholera exlet8, tbe tltate out. is doing !loll they oan to oomba t It better than letting your clothes callght In the machInery and being whirled 80 mnoh h.a s been that it Is aroun!! " line shatt.. almo,t imp08l lble to remem ber all Fune ral DirectQr. Deafness Canaot Be Cured things that bave been !laid and donEl, --~ -- - - by 10 !al applica tIons, as tbey oannot but the one great tbing A WINTER COUGH ill to watch. reaoh the disease d portion s of the When 'he oholera geu Telepb one day or nlg~t. in l o the A IItQbbo rn, annoyi ng, depr68 sin8 ear. Tliere Is only one way to oure ndghbo rbood watch Valley phone No.1,' Long your floolls oough hangs on, racks the body, deafnes s, and that is by o o n t l o u DJs\an oe No. 69-2r. l' weaKen s tbe lungs, and often leads remedi el. De.Ine 88Is caused by an carefal lyl \and .f It might be p088ibl e to serlou8 relluIts . The flrst dose of iDflam ed oondUl on of the mUOOU8 that it 08b be outwit ted in that Way . Dr. King's New Dlsoov ery gives Autom ObIle Servic e at all rimes lining 01 the Eustllo hian Tube ~rum is being manufa When tbl8 tube i8 Infll\.ne d you almoet every I!tate now otured In relier . Henry D. S~nders. 01 Caven. and a gred dish. Vt , wae threa~ned with oon- WA YNES VILL have .. rumbli ng sound or tmper~e')t many people a~e using E.. OHIO with good tlUmptlon, after havlnr; pneum onia. hearing , and wben it ill eD,irel y Be Braneb writes: Office. ·'Dr. Bal'Ve Kin,,'s nbnri. O. :blew 0111olOled, De&InetMI Ie the rellult, and elfeot. About the only thing that oovery oUllht to be In every family : anleu th~ inflamm atioD can be will stop tbe oboler . ill froal. but it is oertll.inly tbe best of all medl. \aken out and this tube reatore d to th .. t wtll not do aay good if the oines (or OOUlbs, ooIds or for 'he Dormal 001l;dltlon, heartng wlll disease Is already 10 the flook . lung trouble ." Good for ohildre n's be dlllltroy ed forever i nine 031188 out oouabe . Money baok If not sa,is· of teD are Claused by Clt~rrb. whioh • - • fled. Prioe 600 ~d 00. At all .. nothin g but an Inll_me d oondut on How To. Prevent Bilious Attacks Druggi sts. B. E . Buokle o & Co. of the muooaa sllrfaoe s Pbllade lphil\ or St, Loui8. We wll1 give ODe Handre d Dol "ComIn g events callt • - • tan for auy oaae of Deafne ss ows before " Thil Ie their sbad· 68peotaUy Thina- He Wam- and Doeln't Get. (oaueed by 06tarrb ) that oanno' be true of bllt0118 aU/loks . "lrIao would be much happier!. if be ourN bl,r liaU'1I Camrr b Cure. Send ti ;e will feel dtlJl ·•.• nd Your appe lauguid - If Only knew what he wanted... · layll a tcir olroa)a n, t18e. you are 'u1:lj~' to _,taots Louisville mlnlater, .' And knowln .B. J. ebenll,. & Co•• Toledo , Ohio~ take tbree ot CbambbtUou~ erlain. TabJ.~ .that. Jle wolild be worrte~ oonaiderab17 8oId·b , 'Drq.g pta, 7!iO. . , IlII S OD . . &hue lIymp&omlla,pp ear, l... ·if be ha4 ;lenM .endalh to tmo:t Taie lUll'. "amlly PUl. fo1' OOD alld 'be aUaOk may' be· warded off·, . . , "'" . ... . . for .• alll bl,.aU ....... . ..' " . •, '~I . ...'




.. --- --


'X\!nia, Obio Hav e had a won derf ul Midwiwtter Sale the past weeks, and win continu e the offering of man y barg ains .

Bl an ke ts Blan kets • Fac tory Wo ol Fac tory Wool Com fort s

• •

SOc up

$2.9 5 to 4.00 $4.0 0 to 5.00 • $1.0 0 up

- -- .--- ---

.. --- --

-- ..


- ..

----_ ..

--- -

Cla ssif ied Ads






----_ ..


- ..


Ru gs Cre x 8xl 0 . . • $7.0 0 Mat ting Rugs . . $3.0 0 to 3.50 Ta pe str y.. $10 .50 up Axm inst er . $21 .00 to $25 .00 Vel vet . • • $16 .75 up Bat h Room Rug s . . 65c up Mat ting s, our own imp orte d Chinese and Japa nese • • 12! c up

1 '

Lac e Cur tain s, good barg ains 5Qc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all wid ths and sizes. Skir ts • • • • $3.4 5 up Wai sts • 59c up • • • Gowns • • • 50 and 79c up .Dre slin g Sac ks 39c up • • Suit s and Coats, $25 $13 .50 •

1--- --- --______________________-=


Dr. J. A .. McCoy,

.. -..

J. E. Fr az ie r Ro ofi ng an d Sp ou tin g Phon e


24--2 1-2

- -

Ohi o


Wa lter McClure


·SA LE BI LL S? , Ye s, w e pr in t ·,e m.






RA Y MI LL S Aut omo bile Livery Serv ice at Rea sona ble Rat es. Also Agent for Raeine A,to~obne Tires.



Man Is But


Steward of


I Win

Possessions Lent to -Him


A I'l, IC'l il ASI': I,f




World. Th l're

1I ~~.

" Tho InU · owe t o lin nllch'lIt IlI' li,., Ihat t il!' 1" 'llve nl y tJlldl" h. :,H 111<':0' n" 'oil'" Rllo ut t h(> I'n r th . n\nd,· a wlilltlt'r lll i hll f'III 11I1 Y 11('· Ilghtful tll lit .. ('11 1''; of l; ",1 I' n·s e nt nay 1(1,(,"'1(,111(" of Ih .. "',·llar wor ld W"


C om petition With the

the Lord,

Ill<' ~ pl" ' r('~ , "



Ilt tlll l!,, "d ~

of YtJU1,K

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flllll.g l,uH illon s Ill ' li tol'eB !l.~11 t.lIIel·H,

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u[1I1 lu ~ru", ~ s lollul oCCUilll tl ,'I1S , t hruu!( hout tb e I ' n lt/ ·r] S tate ~ . \I hn In t1:... ir .. ar li, ·1' lir e, wo rk .. d un 1I11 ' furm . Tit" ~ lI ll!'l' II' ' II I~ uf (;11), h f .. Wl·r,· attrllt' I"\! . uu t il til r·) faC'l' ll th" ~tl! rn • !'enllty. Th "" ... 1,,,,, ;)1(' wo uld hll" " h nli . H r' (' p r d in~ to !-i()I Jt P , hall lMh" d t h is I dUIlI ' 1>,,"1' 1' hau tI,,·), retullln ,'d un thu prl'tty r alltn ~y . IJllt It h aR 1'I" "'HI"d 10 flirUl . ~ I" oy of th,·Ill . coovlll{'t'u of I U ~ !o'(lrnp lhlll ~ H Hlrp \\' ol1d,' rflll "0 tj I tbl~ are "OW !;('It ln)'; "buck to th u ; kll o\\ I hat Ih, ' w ho l.. ph YRI(':,1 ulll · I lund ." lIlI\l In til" "x perlenc<'. 11 0 bpt · ," ' rs" Ip In "IIll s tnll l :tl lli III tl II III' Iy va· t pr " Iu,·l' IJrr "r~ nor b(' lte r OPPol'tll1;lt y r l('d Int"pmp ll! . un d t hllt Ihl ~ mOVl"affo r ded . Ihan th al ex isting In Wl.!trte rll n1l'lIt I" rh) Ihml c . T ill! movP IlI"nts of ( ' aDuulI . Mun), of them ha vf> tuken StIII' S "lid pllll1Ns. of rn o l ~" lIl l's and advlln ta ge of It , all d there a r e to b e lOll" . Ill' Ii Khl I1 n(1 HO llnd . li rl' !ill !lC' fuund tod!l Y. hundre ds ot such . f"rm · ('ord l n!! to thp Inw ('f rh)'thm. This Dipping milk lrom ca n- Old unsanitary method 01 distribu ti o n . In g In th e Provin ces of :\1anllu ba. , Is tr u,· '1 1"0 01 a ll lif e. TllI're Is co n· Saskat c he wall tlnd Albe r ta . 'fb\' ('on · ,Iltlo ll g th nt s urround rarmlng ollc rltI iun A t odav Ilr e 80 much s up e r ior to I bea t of th e- wing . Ih tl pa SllaKI' o f e \' e r y I hose In e-xis l l' nce dur in g th ei r \,urly I gen!'ra llon fro m youth t o as e. ~'ay not t hi s in II nit " I~' I ntrica t~ r hyt h m I-":..;:_..........:.._ _:.:.-..-:._...::..._ _ _ _ _ __ _-.:.-:._ _ ~.:..:.._ _ _ _~'__=_ _ _ _"_' rlll'ntin g dll),s . th et Ih ere I ~ a n u ttruC· li o n nhotlt It. Improved Ulilchlu e ry . rl'ally co nst it ut e 80mI' wond f'rr ,,1 ri c h harm ony fo r th e a ll ·fath er? level Dnd oppu plnlns. no rocks to A Finn Prize Ayrshire Cow. ehun , no t rpC's to cut down, but wide Among th e lOultitudinou s rhythm s RlH'ccMslve Ilroulb ~ In tb e d airY tltt' pa 81urCl! o r tbe Mil o If l! umm e r e trpt c hf' 8 with mlle·lon g rUrrOW8, e leh I th l' mld"t of wh ic h hUlllan lire Is BPt Is tlt ll rh ythm of the sea80ns . Th e SI'Ct1011 o r the Northw est ha ve ser ve d feedin g 16 II (\Ct; S~ar y . " ntora t o h un dl e the gTllln, rn llway ~ to Many Factors Enter Into Cost of Product Between the Time t1 (> ld Is bla rk In wlnl Ar. gre(' n In In Ii ·lltllit tld way to s bow th ... ll PCCIBI H It can be s parllc1 f rom th e rarm cll rrv It to market . lin d bring u lmos t s pring. go ld n In Humme r and brown "nlu o of a lfalfa. Tb e r e arc se ve ral and Ie se nt to market 11 good t~sh r e, to tL~plr d oors th e th Ings necessary t o It Leaves the Farm and Is Delivered to the City HouseIn autumn. Th e wonde rful a lt e ra- r ea so ns wb)' Ihls fodd e r o u g ht t o be turn Is obta in e d a nd It is well to Dote opl' rat e. Splendid grazLng areal!, e'l' wife - Consumers Partly Responsible for Price 1I0ne o f sowl nll: and l e ndln s an d r eap· g l' ne rally e xtellslv e ly usec1 by North - tbat Il Is one of lh '" llrsl la rge IttlIDB c,- Il eo t opportunttl fl ~ for raisIng cll tll e. In g a nd plowing lire r e peated oyer e rn far m e r s . or th e crop s eason . Thest' th ings are all so dlll'e ren t rrom Conside r ed from any s tandpoint It It ('o rnes In conside rabl y ahelld or wbat they once were thlLt tb e re Is rea· Bnd ol'l'r again from ge n e ration to About fifteen )' p nr ~ ago th e fir ~ t I mU ~ t be tr a ns ported fro m t h e fa rm to genel'l1 l1 on . Chan g es of ciVili zation ts a protltabl e bay cro p. It (' a n be de- g ra in aDd the re" eo ue mu)' do IIway so n to speak of the attractions R. H . milk bottli ng e~tabll~bll\e n t wa s IllIt tht' ('I t)' . Tbls OIH' r Rlio n COSt s o n th 8 are continuous . Man's bablts as he pc nd e d upon to o et th", producer full y with th e n ecessity of borrowin g money Cross man of Klnd ersle y . Satl katcheIn to operation, but not IIn ti l wllhin tbe II verag e of two cent~ per ga ll o n \\'hl<: b goes about his wo rk vary Ind e llnHely. 50 p er cent. mort) pro tll than e ltber ror c arr~' lnr; Ull th e h ea,' y ()peratio Ds wan. tb e 1U1ln who won sucb s pl l'D dld la s t live o r s ix vears ha s t be sys t e m w ith th e a dd itional h('o' t Ofl o ne rebnt but na ture's rb ythm Ie th e same from tlm o tby and r ed cluse r, whether dis, of tb e farm in g season. pri zes ut tb e Int e rnational Dry Fa rm. , of ba ulln g It Ir om t e ' t8 l (In to t • t ls ually th e dai ry farm e r will pr e fe r In g ('ongrl'as h(>ld !it Tulsa . Okl a homa , b een gen e rally a d ol· t ed. fbls sys t e m i bOllllng es tablis hm pnt mak ps the to. age to age. Th e spad e gives pLace to \lOBe d of In thl! murkct or f,.d ou t to Ih' e stock on tb l! plu c", . to bav e th (> alfalfn c rOI' con s umed on I lnst fall , jl;re w th e prlzo grai ns during has brought \l\1 th It liD added cost 10 tal cos t t bree cents I,er gali llo for t he horsl' plow and th e h orse plow to As tbe r '" Is Ii c ulllll g of alfalfa a bout Ih e place b!lC81lSe It greatl y Increases hl H 1irst Year farming . U p to 1913 be th e Rt ea m plow ; man Is no madic. ag th e handling o r th e product. Th e de· . traUB\lona llon alone. Expenseg a ls o ricultural . Indu s trial; but th e seasons th e fir st of Jun e In Northern stelt es th e ti ~ \\' or milk . Tb e ea 'h re turn Is wo e il n ~ ngln e!'r a:Jd the ool y knowl. maud for c onven len('e tbat Is mad e by I (){'('u r at t h p liottllng plant. Thp bot· swing o n as b e for e he ca me to his In· th e c rotJ Is of most impo rtance 10 tbus lik ely to be large r tb uo for mar· e dg e he had of formin g was thnt ob_ llIe pre~ent day l'o n 8ume r upon tbp I tie s must be wasbed , sterilized un d k etlllr; th e hay and th e midsummer t llin ed whE'n he wao a bo y. Tbat wa. h e rltance. For. Inde l'd. thlB ' BUCC I'S' kpe p lng up milk co ntracts. milk man bas a lso been a n im po rtant b an di e d. T he5e operation s ('o~ t about In Ih e d r .v sonso n tb e pasturcs give and fa ll cu t tin gs are e quall y proOtable ve r y us eful : In fact It was valuable s ian or th p seasons und e rli e s all hit · factor In tbe In c rease In th e (; ost of one ce nl per bo ttl e Inc lndlng s oap and t o him. lie hnd ll Ot forgott e n IL man w l' lI· b!'lng and progress. Ir It o ut or at least run do wo ser ious ly fo r w lnl e r l e(,dlll); . di s tribut io n . These convenie nces coal. Aft!'1' Ihe hottles Are wil s b ed Th e c rop will av e rnge thr ee cuttings Thou sand s with os Ilttl l' e xporl l'o ce all s houM s udde nl y be changed . clvlllza· during July whil e In August th e y m ay c:an not be (urnlshed g n,tultoll s ly by the)' mu s t be IIlled with milk . capped i e ach s eason In thi s l ati tl\d ~, althougb h e bad clln do we ll !'y hikin g up one tlon In a ll Its ramlllcallons would b e be practI cally bare . tbe mil kman, but lUll st he )laid for In· ilncl I ·ed. wh k h opern tion s will cos t Th e early c uttin gs of alfulfu Is rea- I It Is commonly harvl'st(>d 11,'e t.lm e~ In of thl' IG r e gra uls olTe r('d by Ih e on ce sbatter~ d . H th e earth ceas· di rec tl y by t he co ns um er. i a t t be leaR t possib le fig'ure I wo ('e nts 8t government, _ Adver1l8eI'd In its pre sent mode of movement Bon a bl y s ur e to be a h eavy c ro p. Kanslls, Or!'go tl, ·WQli l1lngton. and a Cn nndilUl The aY e l'age co nsu me.' do es not ])er bolt Ie . Th e cost of the bottl e It · ment. . nnd Ins tead s .... ung round the s un 110 I1stl fJ lly It Is tlle bes t of th e seasotl. fe w other s tl1te~ r ealize tbat It cos t s h im Illore t o h ave self Is three or four ce nt s , an d. tbE In vl e \\ or Ib o di ffic ulti es wh lc b that th e re should be e ternal s umme r Tb e y ie Ld may be de pe nc1 e d u!Jon to ' hi s milk d e liv ered to lhe bnc k porc b o \'E'rnge bo ltl e mll ke~ n ine tr ips be· Il o w Ii woman'a l. ea rt do 8 lI utl tlr on on e s id e of th e plan et and e ternal e xceed that of any o th e r lodd e r Oil an I Northe rn furmers h ave ex pe r ienced and placed In the re frig e rator than tore It beco me s useless . The cost 01 • ke~Jllng UI) t he ir milk su tJpl y during wh en tb l' pRstor t e lls lI e r th a t hl! wInte r on th e ol h er, mankind would e(lU a l IIcrcage. If he Ibould com e to the c urb to re- handling th e milk and bo ttles , and tbe Th en it Is three weeks or a monlh . th e s UUlm er month s It Is worttJ while 11I1 ~~ll d lIt' c'lug bl! r at ('\\Urch : s w iftly with e r a nd di e . Ro co mpl ete celve It. The average milkman ,etl! distribution I'arles trom tour to four - - . -- - - -are we dep en de nt on Ood for all Uiat Ca rlie r than timothy or r e d clov e r. It to consld"r t he s tJ eclal value of alfalfa • salary or 60 ce nt s an hour. He can and a hal[ ce nts per bottle, dep e nding com.e s In th o right time to augment a s Ii dulry fo dd er'. ('"onO"\'"t llln r ," .~. IIl1d IIggmva t ~. mAny we bave and are. ""rio" . " 0('.""• . It" lltorou~u l y cllreJ b y All the Gifts of GOd. . ~ 1' 111" I'ir ...·". I'l e" .. ",t Pellet•. Tb e fn,·on t. All o ur we ll-being, th e n, Is depen · _ leasl rn ll Inlo t h e d lsn'pu te or hov lng (:.uul), 11l 1ative. Adl' . de nt.upo n th e r eg ular sllccesston or 108t YULlr skill In th e lIl apl., ltus in esH . .; ---: f Hit th e 8"850 n9 , ('ul min utin g In the har· TIl e o wn (;r of the llJl·t u- da tp sugar c' l amty a am de 'I r vest. What Is th e h a rves t? We us u camp tnkes ('arc t o. h ave II goor! eU1>" 1 .... luktl~ tJ"Ht'e \l' U,l; as k e Hallli e t all y thi nk o f It as co rn a nd rru ll. 'and ply o r wno d l'I' ady a n,l a ll hiR Bll )lpli ,1S wn~ Ban e . ot.her v!'g(· tabl ps. IIU l th E' harvest Is "~o :-; 1'1\' Yo rll Ju r y wou lll l'o nl'lct I on hand for catch ing thl' fir st r un of much more than all the se. The hal'- Floor Wa II Sh ou Id Be sa ]). wltl ch Is 01' th. , be st 'Iuu li t )' an ~ h im ." I,,· UIl R II ~ r .. d eonfld l· ntl )· an d vest I ~ in nil o ur \\'areholls es and ('O lllnUllHIM th " hlgb est I,r kp. Acvantaijc of Edu ca t ion . B rushed and Cleaned-Drop8hopp. Doo t s and overc.oa t A, boo lts a nd Th e old ·fa s hlun ed t rOlls h IR sel dom "If a ltl a ll Is nlltu r~ lI y bad . Ju you bicycles, th eatHs and bos pltal B. ~ t\' ee t­ pings Are Valuable. seen th !'se ,lays . ('osti n g toO m uch In thln lt thul "II utu ll on wou ld make him meat s a nd battleships- ali th ese are • th e manura e tu r<' nll ,l th " wus t e 01 LwttH ?" th e harv es t just as really as loa\'es Lime wash ma de r"om s ton e \Im t! Is tim e III th e use. The pall s are also "M nybe nol;' Lu t It wou ld h pit) to Rnd mutton ('hops. For they are th e best puri fie r. ~lak e the wash Il.S mul'il more salillar l' us ,,,pi: as mo rp klJt1P h im o ut of j!ill. " thin gs mad e for hum a n use by m en n s f ollow~ : SlO Il t! Jump lime, t e n easily h a ndl ed. 'fh e (' heunl'st grade or th e primitive ele m e ntal gifts of pou llds: boiling wate r, two gallolls, or tin soon Ollt an ,l It Is more Living Up to Theory. God In sea a nd .. 011 Ilnd 8eaaons. and ('arboll c a cid , one ounce. P ut oC'o nomlclil In t hc puri to buy a go od "Ill nl',' (' r ~ pullk s hl ~ so n , dues la"! " Harvest Is God'!! girt But h e doe s lime III bucket., pour ou the bo ll in):; /':1'u de . pa intin g th e m on th e, outside I ",'I/o . hc's an e fll c le ll c), c t'a nk " not d e t e rmin e how that gift is to b(> watl' r . cov e r with c loth a.nd u.llow It a nd kel'pl ng Ih c m dr)' w ht' n not In " Wh at 's t h ut I:ot to tl o with il?" u Bed - we do. H e giv es us tbe raw s l and for oll e hour. The) m " ;lure , I\~'" "II" ~ ay H t h e up\\'a rd s tr o:!" Is lo st m ateria ls-we mak e th e civilization . to mu s t be \1' (; 11 s t irr ed to preve nl S yrUfl (' an s s bould n el'e r he wa s h lld J" ,'l u n." Ho us ton POB t. H e g ives us iron a nd e lec trI city and sl'orchlng. whl'lI ('lll r,tl pd. as It Is IIlmo s t Itnpos cotton- we mak e ba ttleships and ex· If th e r e Is not e nough water no t all SILl ", 10 gl'l Ih l'n. pntlre ly dry and th e Engllih Exclullv"ness. plosll'O?s . H e giv('s us the wh e r e with· U. e lim e will be slak e d well. On th e mois ture IlOO Il In,lu('es rll ~ t. Th e lat· The Rn!: lIs ltlll Rn. Il.S " " fl r)'une a l. llnel we make perni ciou s book s. oth e r lland , t oo mul'll wate r re ta r d ~ US t u ntl IliOSt sa tlstllct or ~' W!lV Is to s we alln g dpns. and Il'luor s ho p8. Tb e th e Rla klltg b y lowerin g th n heut. Ad d pal'lt th l' 1I1 :J\V a ~' III 1\ dry 'Io set wit!! know ~. is Ill c lln ed to bf' ludl vldua l and maH!'1 Is tb e God p!'rmlts us. that h e (' no llg h boiling wa[f' r to ma ke Ih,' thl' s.'·rllJl wb ir'h n ntura ll y e llngs 10 Ind e p'·ll de nt. If no t " x c l u s I Yt~. li e III Delivering milk In bottles-the modern sanitary methOd . a ll ows us 80 to sq uand er hi s riches. wash JUBt thick eno ugh to sprend th e m u ntl istllrbe,l. Whl'n r(>u,ly t o r eo b appy wit h his fumll), In h is ( IIUnlry d ema nd t h is pr ice beca us e be must · upon Ib e a mount of mlill h .. nrll c:1. flut It Is not a ll 8(,1 ullnd e rln g . Th er e we ll. Mix on e o unce or carbolic acid fl ll r ill S>'! Ihern out with hot wll te r or mansio n. wh e T< a hi g h lw dge 1J'~lll'p8 SCcluHlon. and pe rm it s on ly th e I' hlill' ari se at oue or t IV O o'c locl, In th e I Th e e xpen se of handlin g t he pin: Is an oth e r sid e to th e picture. God Is In e nch buc k et of wash . Carbolic sup ntlll th ,,!· \\' 111 k eep sweet lind IH' YS or bl a. hOlI Me to b e SOt'n from morning and mu st a tt e nd to hi s bu s l- , ho ttl es 13 pra,'Ucally tb e sam e a s fo r a l ways presen t by hi s s pi r it to direct s cld Is poisonous a nd mu s t he han dl l'd bright ror sevr· ral years. tb e rOlld . H e do es not. crav e rxci teness In ' a ll Illud e of wea th e r. :-\earl)' : th e q ua rl s an d Ih ey se ll fo r on ly ha ll a nd ai d mankind In th e ueo of the wI t h ca re . If th e roostin g pole s and Dl' carl'ru l !lot to 8e l('('t an I" 'apor a ll custo m e rs req ui r e that the m ilk a s llluch. It Is tb e n au e videut fac t h a rv pst. Thll t 18 how good Is don e nest boxes a r e movabl e lalt c the m out atol' 100 large ro r )'our ('amp. If YOIl m l'nt a ud cO llvl\·lnllt y. H e pre fe rH t h e {(ul et lI lld peac e or th e Berni ·rurnl a ube le rt on t he back po rc b . Co ns ider- , tha t th e dairyman loses 1l101l!')' o n and progress Is m aintained . of t h e hou se. IIrns h down th e walls. ba'·., 1I 0 t sa p e no llgh to Icpep It fll1 p ~ burb lO th e whirl of th c (' It) . ,l Ie docs In g tbi s fa c t , tlt e 'ost uf de lil' e rin g ('VNY pillt of 111 111, h andl ",d so ld . but Thank_giving and Dedication, c lea n th e flo or: then IlPply tb e wash, th e ('O llt"' lIts w ill a('Q ul l'~ £I scorc h cd 1I0t like to be within t oo ea,;' ucce6s on e qua rt of mil k Is all ('ent bE- c uus\, t1I a l(~~ a fal rl)' good pro fit 011 the Harv(,st . th e n. Is a prope r occasion wh ich s hou ld tJe put on hoI. T o ke I navo l' ll ll d I ~ ad to a sllspl" lon of pa· of Ih e ma e ls trom . Th c Ilu (o:t.ob ll o 1'. req uir es one minut e 1'01' Ihe mill,· ql1art bot ti ps, fol' t bey SI'II fo r nearly for two things- thanks givin g and ded· tim e t o get the wu s h Into tb c cracks . trollA th ai ~' u ur flrod u('t Is ilC)lng adult · nnd th e train a lld troll !'y C!lt'll a f(" man to ('omplcte t he tUs lL Aftp. r be t\\'i c~ lit e pr ic e a s the pin t s. Th o r oos t s and n es t bo xell s ho uld e l'al .. d with canl' ~ ll t:ar. 11.'0 1.1on . The t hnnksglvln g Is obviou s . qulin s pecdy !' no ug h. With hi s fa lll ily has d elil' e r ed nn e ha iti I'. h e mu ~ t wal\( ' Aftl'r th e (Ia ir)'m a n paY R th e far m c r Pro m him come all good gifts. (Jut b p bru s h ed ove r with coal 011 anc'l A ca ll .\\ hl c h hns Ilel'lI hurnt call . aLullt him . a nd the city nnd Its bus lbil('l, t o t lt e s idewall; , 1'01' 1'(' 11' people fo r the milk an d ke e ps up th l' rt' IHlirs d ed lcatton ehould bf' os otJ vl ou s. We th (, n glvl' n a thick coa t of th e h ot n e n 'r agn lll U(' dl' ill 'lll!ec1l1pon ror 1t['A t n (o ~ s c ar p~ n t a safe dlstan c ... thf' Eng · "..til perm ll him to wall, on t he ir o n h l~ ma c h inE'r )' ; aft er h repail's hi s mu st never l osl' sight of th l' fu et that \\' a ~ h . Th e floo r s hould b e well eO:lt- c laSH worll. IIshmlln IH ha pP)·.- SlJbllrban L !f, ·. lawn s. If tb e C01l8lt m pr \You lll perm it wagon and ba rnes~; fee ll s and (' nr e ~ a ll we hflV~ Is fro m t;od. and mllst be ed wit h fr esh alr,slaked lime. If th e - ---- - b ls milk t o be le ft OD tb e front p o rcb f,'1' hi~ h or~!'s ; when he ha ~ a c~o unt · us ed In a fa s hion we ll pl t'lls ln g to h im. FRIENDLY TIP. worlt Is we ll don e th e li ce will Ill' SOIL~ and o li o \\' tlli' m ill, m uT. to l' 1' ()~~ h is led ('Il [' all 01 Ih (> 11:1 (1 " " Lls ant! th r' li p d oes not ~Ive liS th e ha rv es t thnt 1;111._1. th e bouse disinfec t ed anel th e ~ ', Restored Hope and Confidence. lawl1, till' d eli\,'f : ' l'ou ld lJ e tI1:ul ~ ill inl(J r(\~t 011 ill \'fI~t11l l ~ t. Ibpn· I ~ a \'(~r ~' \l'e m ay be gluttons. e pf! n rtt hr trts. solf· appe a r a n ce much Improv ed . r.hooS l! IIIUl'h It'S. 111111' au ti the "o s t lie ,·"r· . S lllf' ." mllrl( in Irfl lital ma)' L... 1· "ill'rJ Is h. 11lx url.ou~ . carrI ed all'n y b:< waste- a Lrlght day for thi s work. I Arter several y ears or Inc1 l!;tlBtlUlI l'estJo nd lnp,ly ti il\lini ·h ed. I·'t. \\, h c)ll ~ t" 11I·"tlt. II i ~ 1 11~ ' U!l l.l lll'r In whll.' h Ih(1 ful fas h l(}ns and guilty of foo li sh a nd Clean 11P the droppin gs every morn· - - -and Its attendant ('v1l influence a ll th o wiv es r't'a ll zl' t hat (·r E-r.l· lime thl!Y (' n· I" '~ ) I" I' d,f'.n ".ln :l. Ib plr. 11I 1I~ Ile lll·(>r:d . cos tl y h~'bhl ()s. F.ach Is a ~ t '! lVard of in g: put In. barre ls be tw een l!iy ers of Organic' Matter When Present in n.lnd , it Is not very s urpri s in g 't ba t gag e lhe mill, nla n In (' 01 1l' (, 1'8al ll) 1I tb,' t ,1 " ' ( ll n l ll ~S ll·.f' ,o, t .'lllbf'r Ih,11 1 his POS~l(>SHlollR , he th e y g re at or rich s ltted earth, spread one or tWf) I on e finally Joses fal tll In tll lc gs gen· that Ih ey arc us lnK "ul ual> l(' tim e fo r t b e ac t ual \' alu e of' [h e milk Itse lf. s mull ~Ian )' peoplc set asid e a tltbe han d fUls of plaste r o\, pr each lay e r Quantities Makes Land Either erally. wh ic h Ihey mu !' t e,·"n l ually pa y. H. C. GOLDB AC H: or o th ¥ fraction ot tbeLr "barv l'st" of manure; tbe plaster wilt preve nt BI k B A N . Y. woman writes an Inte r e s ting Tb ere Is s t ill IlJ! ul h(-r s ld(! of Ih e CIl II"I!: (> of Agric ult ure, O h. o 8l at! for the j purposes of God . And thla Is loss of ammonia. ac or rown. letter . She SIIY S: Qu es t io ll to be (·o nsi d e rt·, 1. Th c' mill, . U [ li\· ~rs lty . g(lo d . Hut more Impo rtant and more "Three yenrs a go I sutTe r ed [rom nil K(le p the bllrre ls of manure und er ~~ --=--oCbrlstlf n Is th e co nstant us e of all cover outside of tb e hou s8. The drop· (By JA?I I!:S D. ?IARSHAI,L. Colorndo atUick of pe ritonitis wblcll left me In AKrl cultul'O College.) a most mi se rabl e co nultlon. For ov e r KEEP THE BROOMS CLEAN. halldl e or pl ac"d In a (' orn~r . hn. IIIII E our !fSsesSlons as l e nt U B by tbe pIngs of 50 h e n s fe d on mixed graIn . The color or Boils Ls gove rn e d large· two years I suttered from nervousness, e nd un ill(' Iloor. Th e b roo m is a (' 01· Lord · Sold .John Woolman, "As he meat. ground bone. wheat bran. corn One of the Dirtiest Articl". of House· lector and retaine r of jlu " t und mal' WhOt~rst found ed the earth was tben chops and a IIttl~ linseed meal prop· Iy by tb e amount Ilnd kind of Iron w eak heart, BhortnoBS or braath , could kept dry. will compounds and the percentages of or- not sleep. etc. hold Use ilnd Should Be Washed . r ea dily Leeu nw a sprl'ader of di eease. th e I' propri e tor or It, so he still re- erly composted and ganlc matter whlcb they contaln. "My appel lte was ravenous but I witholll proper att("lIi on . mal s; Rnd, though he hath given It make tbe best kInd of a fertllizerenotllgh in six feeding mouths for a Iron may give 80118 a red , hlue, yel· felt starved all the time. I had plenty How m a ny hou se wives realize that The tro uble of ten e nco unte r ed 01 to ( h e children of men , . . . yet he low or gray color, depending largely or tood but It did nOl nourish me beth e broom , with the u s ual a mount of th e broom ",earlng off diagon ally m a y hat~ n(>v(>r alienated It, but his rIght half·:acre garden. upon texture, aeration and mQlsture cause of Intestinal Indigestion, ' lIJedlcare given It, is a (IIrtr article of be I' lim lnat ed hy glmply turnlng th~ Is a:.s good as at llrst; nor can any ap. content. OrganiC matter when preslt oll s l'h old use? Th is is proba1>ly tTil P broom from side to si d e dll ri.l g t he Illy \. th" Increase or their posseSSions ent In quantttles tends ' to make solla cal treatment did not seem to help. I beca ll se Ih e broom is som e th ing th at swee ping. Th is will keep th& ,· dge corvrrary to universal love, nor dIs· either bLack or brown In color. The got discouraged, atopped medicIne anG 16 !(Iven lilll!' ca r e whpn II co m l'S t o straight and IIr!n. Insl en d of Ihu ber pose of IRWS In a way which tends to eomblnatlon of colors formed by the did not care much wbetber I lived or die d. cl e!lIll ng. A b room is som e thing lhilt and pain led. II\<~LE:-.I S l'O TT, some by oppressing othe rs, with. Iroo compounds IUld organic matter Tequ ln.. ~ ca re fr om t he ti me th at il ColI('ge of .·\ g ri r ult ure . Oh io State " One day a fri en d asked me why I elng ju stly chargeable with us. gt ve ri S8 t 0 a gr eat rna ny I a t erm edl a t e r eaches .he h o use k ep pe r un ti l II U ni\'Cr s lt~·. "- New ton H. Marshall. tints. didll't try Grape-N uts iood, stop drl.nk· r eac hes l he t m sil pll,.. Wh e n t he Owner of Up-to-Date Plant As a rul e the dark color ot salls Is Ing calfee and us e POHtum. I had lost broom is p urc ha sed it s hoilid be Ihor· 'J'1lf' use of romm pr ' Ial r e rtill ~e l's il Appropriate Gift, closely a.ssoclated with the presence faith In everything. hut to please my Talkes Care Have Everyoughl), SOll k fOd tn @o a p), h ol water for becomin g murl' I!eue r a l alUong fruil or organic' matter. whil e a light color fri pnd I began to u sc both and soon of the mlBijlon boards r e ports : two hou r s tJefo r e it is us e r! . After g r o wers. dil l' larg .. ly to t It f' fact t but" thing in Readiness Early. Indicates Its absence, Dark colored b Cl'am a v!'ry fond o r them. e rr mu c h appreciated contrlbu. dr~·lng. lhp broom will hI' re ,ll]), fo r nSf' st::t bl" rnal1l1re :8 SO I1l PlI' ll at scarce ID soilo a re usunlly Quite productive, "It wasn 't lon g b t'fore I got Bome or $12.6G tor our work In Africa and Ihl' unu)alll' c cau~ell by th " scat· rna tty fr ui t gro\\'i II !; di s tr ie l.s. In or· whil e light colored ones are genemlly streng th, felt a decid ed change in m7 r eceiv ed r ece ntly from the memo (D), DESSI E: L. PUTNAM.) terlng. or broken s tra w witl be avo ided . de l' 10 1'-1'1 I he lJps r results Crom t he I or a colored Ilrny e r m eeting held T\:le product Is one of the most unproductive . Soils Ull e \, en In color Ily ~telll . hope op rnn g up In my heart As a r ule . e l'e ry room i n I he h o use us e 0]' J'crti llzH". th E' "rower SI ,' Tuesday night In one ot tbe wholesome or Bweets aud If the re Is and s ome what mottled indicate lack Rml s lc \\'l y bu t Burely I got better. I Is swept lI' ilh Ihe ~ lImc broom . "'h e n SL Url)' h is :\O il. a nd by obse nlllg the C IlL~~~U ll UJH ill UnIon se mInary at Q SUrplUB It can b e readlly di sposed o f aeration and draina ge, nnd are not could slee p very we ll, the con sta nt th e s we(> pi I1g Is dlln€' Ill(' b room ill nO I result ~ o1>l:,ine d from l'x lJl,l ri meoWI I Hi e In good pbysl eal condItion . e r a "In g for food cea s ed and I bave d, Va. A requ e~ t accompa· of a't good Illiees. w as h ed, bUI 51011' 1'(1 n way in som l' d a rk a pplk ul lo ll he wi ll soo n k no\\' t b " r c- I ni ed b et te r h ealth now than b efore the at. e contribution that It be Bent Br'a nd your name on th e· cans aud co r ner, with Ih e b rus h part 011 t he Qu lrC'lI le l1lR of h is Bo ll. Co t11l1li'rc! a I to M Electric Incubators, ta?,k of pe rltonltt s. . McKee and u sed to supply worl, a trall e ror the prime arU cle. This 15 n. filll.y pruct lce, and te ''li li ze r s n rc expensiv e. a nd !''?qu lr a some flo or Ele ctrically hc ated Incubators ' are l\ Jy hu sband and I are still u sing Deed at th e new Bta· This done, customers hecome r egu la.' h ousewives II'ho arc c leun ly a'!lotH Ime lli;; n t hllmlting. now be ing u sed very largely. The Gmpe-Nuts and Postum," ~ I "ny g ,OWe r ! I lio n 0 'wb ere be -w orks. The custc)mers. othe r th ings s hould no t take elI!'e of bav li', II'ltho u t s u flld e n t CR u se, CGJ1> cOD t Na m ' glve.n by Po~tum Co., . Batlle . is In reeog nltlon ' ot the NE)ver b e tempted to sell old syrup Storrs Cotlllecticut experiment ala- I the broom In thIs Dlnnner. Wl t b jusr demn ed thl' l!' lise, wh il e o t hc'['s, Mtt' t worlt Mr. McKee did In thl! . tor new. The price Is alluring early tlon snys that It Is easy to' cODstruct Creek, Mlcb . R en.d "The Rond t~ Well· a ·fell' m in u tes' elttra \\, orl\. tbe broom st\. ilying tb e ir soil' ('ondlt\ o n6, are se I colored school w hich' be '01" in tb e seall,On, but the f raud Is ,aure an In c ubator which hI fire ProOf and ville," In pkg,:!. "Th ere's a ReasO'D," bla), be wR.Bhed. dried Rnd hung 011 n c u ring (lx ce lle nt · retur n. Ifl r l~' . ganlz ed J~ve .........1 t ....• nb""" I~tte... r ·A .new ' ·c o·n duct8d while be ".., b(~ tletected; or even jf vou lu'e' not perfecUy Ind estructible wlt~ out th, . - ~ " . [ .pe ' nJl~1lftf f l'O'" tim" '-to tll.eo 1'loe-, lIa1J ~1 a ' ~In g rWl tbr(lUlh tbe mo ul'Y Inv eslod. 9 B II;t the ' s!!mlnlLI1'" I ~nmd ed, 8.~ ' n deceiver yoli ~V1li ~ a~ ulle' of cOPller conductQT~, ." ~. IP''' 1!'''~I11~... Ine. Olill ,.n . , . 11'__ . r •~ , "i ,( lIIi et;,t:1tt. r " . II . ,




I ~~~:. r:~,c;, "~'r~'D~~.II -:ft h~hl~h~~~g~[ ~~::





It' ,



























, J ..

, ~ '~

.'. 'I, ~



' ~.~ '~~"1'. "

It celltl), Il r " tllrll e d froUl Lil " ~I c c.literor til., \" '~Bl'i~ IlIu rl !' a r,'c onl (o r h ~ r ~ ., I I . whll u th u f1,"lls hlp \\' yoIll lll g broke \)10 wo rld ' ~ n 'cord al tarr,N Prt\C' l lc~' T hl' p!lOtofO:rnph "how " thl' llln6 _hips III t hl' oru .., r III wh i c h th ey USUllll j' sa il. Th o Wyom ing ia In the I"ad a t til l) r ig ht, an d 18 followed b y the Plorl da, t ' tal!, Dpl!! w" r"', :>;orth Dakota, Sou th ('" rolina, Hh odll Is lal"\. Ut' orgln HI" I J(' r ~t' ~'. Th l" III ,'0l1 8ldpre d tu b .. lll e IIl..,lIL jJo \\ e r(ul uaLlifl


I ranr'a l~, "!lrt luft lI urn ptou Hoads for the lIoulll . IJur illg th l-) las t bat Un praetl (' .. ,'al'll



:io rapi d has I"" 'll Ih r' \I ork of th " bUI\" drp.d ~,-~ he r .' ph o tul(mp h Nt TI' lll uYlng 111(' t ' lI~arA <: h il ~ lid e III Lb e ('ull" tha t th o tunu l will b" r .. Ad y ill April (or t he pass a go of Of'I'Ull " " "sels th ro llgh Its (' n l il'" Ir nJ; lh



The Mexi can 80ldlers ll nd cI"illnDs who tied from OJlna to American lerflt.ary are he re see u sLa rtlug ou their long trip to Ioort Bliss. whe r e th e y are now being cared tor by Uncle Sam , W"'"


T hlB remarkable photograp h of tb e steame r Co bequid. wrecked on Trinity le dge In t ho lIay ot Fundy. NoY~ Scotia, shows th e vessel cov er ed wltb Ice and almost lIub ml'rge d, and boats res cuing th e pasBengers a nd taking oft the Ina lie,





Mrs, Richard C, Durlesoll, Lie utenant Burl eson of ~'ort bas passed UII society tor work and has enrolled a8 a 8tudent In a V.' ashillgton unl'·PI'''''. ''

This charming photograph of Lady Declea was made 10 the home ot Mrs; R4i1glnald De Koven ot New York at the tableaux vivants, It shows the tormAr Min Vlvl&n Gould In the handsome mediaeval gold embroidered aalln costumo and gold. headdress with the tamoua pearls of her mbther, that IIbe ' wore In the lTOuP picture by Federlgo Zuccaro. t

Tbts Is F. Sumner, the Washington cobbler who mends the sboes of the presidents, His 1I\t1e, sbop is not far from tbe White House, .and 80me of bls best customers bave been the cblef executives and their families , McKinley was his lint presidential patron, and Roosevelt, he says. was the best. ' The colonel bad a \Lldn, tor tan Bhol!8, and Mr, WllsolI WeQrs lighter tootgear than any of his prl"leces-


J . M, Waterbury, Jr., populllrly called "Monty ," who did more t.a help de reat the English aggregation nt the last Interna tional polo match than all)' otber member ot the "Big Four," hill! been elected captain to succeed He~ Payne Whitney, retired,


Practical. "Mias WUtinl III a great walker. I see her out every morning strolllni tB.rough the park." .. y 'as, Jlhe saYII Bhe'. k:eplnl In touch with nature," ''The lalt three mOl,'lllngll sbe 'ha.. been walking wltb that blDd.ome YOunl 'mlln who' works In the People's baDk," , ' . .. ~j:A. ~sympathetic ,' pllrVeror of bllcoUt IwriDOv~ DO , doubt.·· ·, .. • . , ~.,. J Ualnlt 'b ':. Oil. 'it tile UiUiln.·j

In~lu., nYc" I -·w l:al"n'"ft,"

d. bls l u8-1 VI .....'..,


Telephone Card, Get a lOxll,lnch table t with deep, toned yellow paper of tbe heaviest variety, with edge8 torn and slightly rough, Remove the back and cove r with a pretty shade of' leathe r-colored wall paper, Print In red the names and telephone addresses of Intimate friends Bnd r elatives, Stipple the rough ' edges of the paper with red, In one' c;orner of the cover pain~ a pretty design CIt holl~ be~e." Hanl the ear'4 by . i lf8in coflf, ' "

The Byplay Mlnlltrel .. " Mister Jntertoc~tor, can you teO me the dltrerence between a man who Uves on the 8econd no or of a house and an astronomer?" , "No, Mr, ~ambo, I cannot, Tell ue the dlfrerence," ' , " One Iy upJltalrs and the other stares up," ' ''Signor A~dt!n Oldll 'wW DoW :reD~ dor 'that , p:!.Uuluc ballad: 'P:st "Oil Your H~\'Jee. , Darl1q,: tor TIl* ..." ,

~umn ll!a78 ~ 'C o_"" ,


," '

r 0------------.





iP;rs;;al~;~~-i~~ lT~~':;~:

1\1 E R :NI AN'S




.h'~';" Hu rt nn wa.'I in Day tun T ues

da ~·.

Flour Sa


Mis~ I~(;hel ~heehan b n ,.,itillj.{ ill

C("l t('r\'i\1c thi ~ \\' et~k.

!Jay ~

Tu ~·s(.by


Thursday, Friday & Saturday, February 12, 13, 14 We will give 1000 (;nupons frer


ith ('ach s:\('k o f

Now is the time to buy fl our and h elp Yllll r favo rite Booster. Give th e Booster th e orde r and we will deliver the fiour .


-::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ..




Four young ~;;ploye~ of the J ohn V. Burgett a former resiAdams Express Co .. III Xema were ' arrested Monday on the cha~ge of dent, dropped dead near Spring' petty larceny. The four men haa Valley Saturday. Mr. Burgett wa!' been purloining packllges for some a man well liked and his sudden t ime. They conf~ theIr guilt. taking away waR a shock to hi s All four were married men. ' many friends here. The funeral was held at the Chapel Monday morning All Kinds of the Rev. C.S. Grauser otIiciating. Interment was made in Miami ceme-





John Ralph Reeder, 26. died at his I home near Edgewood Sunday. Feb• • ruary 8th, about Mon. The funeral Successor 10 was held from the house Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, Rev_ Shively. of Dayton officiating. InF. E. SHERWOOD terment was made in Centervill e Over Poslufiicc, Waynesville, O. cemetery. Office Phone 77 House Phone {i-3r HAS BOUGHT FARI\'\ .

A 8 Chandler

l I



InlS the ~Ul'R l of frielld s in Spring Mr . Henry Wooll ard and Mrs. V ; d l ~y last week. Albert Shrpard. we nt to Washing- Mis,; E lsil) Hnss, daughter o f Mr. t UIl. C. 1-1 .• Sunday, on ae :'o llnt uf and M r~. Clint 1{lIs::l . is ve ry ill at h er ,tlw ser ious IlInesi:I Jr. their sist er, hume west of t own. Mr il. ~ t ,~ve Phillips. Anna a nd Hannah Kelly, Isaac .. M"lIutnn e" for hOIl. e d eco ration, I\elly, Roy Irons, A. Maflilt. Henry applieo over wall paper, ea.c; ily put Vandervoort and family. and Dr. T. Sherwoud attend ed t he f UII P l'a1 of on beautiful s('e Whitc'sStorc Auditor Albert Stullbs in Lebanon Room . last Wednesday . Howard Hopkins. of Dayton , came . . d \lw n Tu esday to sec h'g (th Mr. ';lnd M rs. ,John McI\nl g'~t ~ncl . . I, m ~ e~, two ch!ldre n. Mr. and Mrs . Wilham Mrs. lIc>nrletta Il opkll1!'1, who IS ~tlil l Eclon. of near Wilmington, and Mrs_ very ill. Amanda Ecton, o f Harvcy sburg . were guests at the home of Gladman Valentines, valp-nUnc post -cardR I-:lli~ ann family Thursday . I - - - - .. - +- - -- and comics from ;~c up to $1. SEEDS BEING DISTRIBUTED Ve ry pretty . Call :llln sc>c them W. C. Phillips. The allotment of see<iR to a con-I Messrs. Fred Gons anu ,J esse g ressman permits him to send but T homas s pent a couple of days in Ii small ~er cent of his con sti t uent>. Cincin nati last week and saw the new In my effo rts to cover the district I have had t.o adopt some pla11 to make play, am.! Paid the allotment reach the itwidest ."Bought . .For." . tory. Knowing that wo uldterri· be .,w.;a~lbm__________



WH, Madden &Co.


I'1.. _ ____________.:

r. L. Pierce was 111 Sprmgfield T uesday. "Tommy" made himself very useful III the Gazette office whil e the cllilu r wa.,; laiu up so long .

Wayne~ville Cann ing CampaIl OYThe is ~ow ready to contract for corn


Sexagesima Sunday or the second Sunday before Lent. February 15. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m LC8S0n: Our Lord's Miracles Among the> Gentiles. St. Mark 7: 24.37. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Everybody invited to thebe services.

Lee Hawke fell on the Barnett hill Monday morning. He was going down the hill, and stepped on a grav· el which made him slip. and tryirig to save himself from Ii fall, tell on his back wrenching it badly. He will probably be in the house for several days

FeIre- Ke dler


_ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

r - ------------------------------·------------------.. . .


I ,

The "Yankee" Every farmer WhOOWDSaD IndianaSUG bas found that it is the best business deal be ever made and the greatest pleasure ofbla farming experience. It Dot only i In adds 60% to the net profits of the dairy and feeding pens but it alllO saves all the .. hard, unpleasant work of winter feeding. Does away With chips. Does away WebaveaDespecia11yattractivepropo- making 'kindling wood." Does eiUon to make to yon Dow-onethatwill away ' with' explosions." Saves its enable yon to get an Indiana SUo in time· h S for next fall's com crop aDd to pay for it prIce every mont . old by as it pays you. Let us tell you about it.



at their offices, at Waynesville and Corwin, Ohio. J. F. Snook. Manager. Roy II'ons, Ass't. Mgr.






From home-grown Timber

- ombIDIDII! I :l:} . lJ'a~UJrE~$ -1I1JJ .,Plea;ure iNotice to Farmers , ___________-__________ N PIA~:A ) J. ' . . S I LO~""


1000 Extra Fine'


impossible t.o Rupp ly a ll I have had th e seeds allottt!d to me ~ent to t!very other name on the mailing list. It WIll be understoorl that I would be g lad to have those in my district who really wish me to send them seeds to write me. and I will Fern them to During the w intc i' and spring' the t!xtent of my allotm ent. Those months Dr. Macy will not be in hiH who r eceive seeus and can not use will confer a favor upon me by r M r Carl L . Duke of Route 4. haf' Harv eysburg office tlxceJ,lt first week them turning them over to some one who purchas~d the Newton Groby farm in each month t' the. first (:an USfl them. I east of Springboro. Monday. All t hf' (.ther time Will be Yours very tl'uly. . S. D. !"ess• I spent in his Spring Vall ey 0flice.

-=----- - ...---



: : CUT AUGUST 1913 : :

p·-tys to t rade at



" lJi ~ h

.\1 i ~s Ma ry Wh elzel, uf Co rwin. h Ollse.

1000 Coupons with each 24;~ pound sack 500 Coupons with each 12;{ pound sack


Your Opportunity

trui ng t o Paint'! Use Lowe nro~. Slandard" Paint this season • an(1 see the results. Sold by Will .J. T. Lidd y. of Dayton . !'l pent Wh ite. Sunday with hi g fath!'r. Mr. M. C. Miss Edith Mosher spent a f t!w Lid dy. 1dayg last week in Cincinna ti. the Terrell Mary has h een confin ed to !{\lest of he r uncle. Mr. Chas. F· I the houRe sp.veral daYR on f(l'Cllun t 0 f Mushrr and famil y . . : 1\1 r . It F. Ad ai r. of the' Ada ir I flidmrss. I f yo u a re j:!'oing to have a sale, Furniture llou se. o f Xf'nia. was in . sec A. A, McNeil. Center ville , Ohio, town Tuesday in the in terests o f l broth phones. 1hat (Jld-establi~hed and trustworthy I



:,\1r. and Mrs. Car rington Ellifl ano M r.:l Mattie Elli s were in Lebanon Wek nesday .

in !Juy ton


-. . - . -.- - . '.- - ' .- .-

Mrs. Janie McCray. of Dayton, was the:week.('no gUf'st of he r !'l istpr Mn>. lela !'rall .

b llSill(,~~.

i\lr,; Laura Sellars is .."penuing a w il ~l friends at lIarv ey ~-

Made by th e Wayn esville Mills



few ,iayg Ull r~ .

Albino Flour

Watch our adv' s each week.

~;nd~,,~.J~IIII_ _- .-.-.--.--.---

~1 rs. n. W. Annnbee, of Spri n~ Va llt'y. ~ penl last Thursday w ith ,J. C. Hawke wa3 in Spr ingbo ro Mr . amI Mrs. M. A . She rwoud . TUt!sday un bu s inc~'I Mr. Sam Moshe r -of Cardington, Buy you r Fertilizf>r of Cha.o;. F rye. Spl'nt Monday and Tuesdav with who hahdles Milson'" the bei:lt. Mrg. Edith M. Harris and fam ily .

1000 Coupons FREE Special 3

I 'o~\;!r~

I :rnl'st

H. Allen-w," ;n






From Monday, February 9 to and including Saturday, February 28th



A Once In Six Months Sale, When All furniture Store is Reduced 10 to 25 Per Cent.

Will ' Lippincott

Chas. D. Cook Harveysburg,


• Ohio.

New Car Load of Fence See our all No.9 Wire Fence. Give it a trial.

The fence



A reduction of froml 10 to 25 per cent at Adair's means ml~ch more than the salme reductions in a city store, because 0 u r original price is-much lower. We Deliver Goods Within a Radius of


25 Miles of Xenia.


I "~

Wayneaville '-r', ''l


.:. I






The prices are right

Rogers & Son


This sale Includes our entire stock of up-todate Furniture, Carpet.,· Stoves, with the exception of good. on which there I. a price restriction.





We are getting in a new car load of the celebrated

Cambria Steel and Wire CO.'sfence

North Detroit: S~.

Furniture and Carpt\ts, J


OH 1.0 •.

Stove., Victrola. ' _


_____________ _____________ ~




Sixty-Fifth Year



- ..-~ ~

l: F. L l ~ I_- /\,: .,



- ~ ~--~ .~~ .--------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------~~~---' s!2 ------..-..---- ... .-& .~.-.------..-.....-.-------:.....- ~

I Eighteen Hundred forty-rive I __ ____



~~O~------~-- ~



While convt'rsing with Mrs. Fraz· ier. a neighbor. Monday afternoon'. Mrs. Seth Cook sudd enl y complained of feeling ill. Mrs . Frazie r went to the teleph one to call Mrs. Cook's dau~hte r. Dr . Mary Cook. and when she returned to Mri:l. Cook, she found her nead , The funeral service will be held at the house. Thurstlay morning a t 10 o'clock.



. . . . ___. . . . .




Whole Number 3251.


[!). -~ - - .: - ...-. -- ... - ..........-...---...... - -- -



I Th~ Insp~dott's Visit

The inj unction s uit agai nst the Commissione rs in th e matter of the wal l to the Franklin briJ ge consumeu the g part of Tu esJ ay. Judge C. II. Ky le of Xenia heard the case. ~ ----------~-o~---~~--~-~ ~

Eltzrot h & Map le a nd Hamilton & All inspector frum the office of) waR th e major ity of these men who Langdon represe nt erl the plaintiff. The foll owing let ter was writ Len f Farme rs li ve wiLh much ease in while th e contracto rs were r ep re- State Inspec tor of Buildings and voted the hall question down s.: l veral by Thomas Coll ett to relativ es in this part of the worl d. Th ey plow. sented only by Mr. Shepherd of Wtlrk 'h ops was in town I a.~t week years ago. and now the same men . . . . are in favor of something better England in 1845 The original letter I so w and g-ather their crops; and at Hamilton ; for some reason the and In spec ted th e public bUlldmgg. than we now hav e. And we need it. is in the possession of G W. Ha m. other times they have much leisure County P roser ntor took no pa r t in 11 e mu s t h ave d one h'IS war k pre tty The school hall is very convenient mell. of Cincinnati. who let us have and enj oym ent. Ti the!;. poo r rates. the defense of th e case. thoroughl y. as he condemned seve ral bu t it is not adequate nor is it it for publicalion. Mr. Tho~ . Col- church l'ateR and way ra tes. art: not The legality of the contract is the adapted to the uses that a good lett will be remembered by th e known in this country . The county SCHOOL NOTICE P ma tter und er diRcllssion . J udge laceR. pupils of th e old Academy. as he was or par ish roads are' repaired by each Kyle re~erved hj~ dec isi on . He lirst visited th e Oddfellows' township hou se and hall combined Owing to the prevalence of scarlet at one time a teacher in that famou s man contributing one or two days h 'ld' d . f d th t t \ would be. if put up in t he right way. UI mg-. an III orme .e ees These q u e~tion s are before the people THJ; POTfERS temple of learning. The son. Thorn- work annually. Turnpike road s. fever the school has been closed by tha t t hey must buy fire e xtmgUlshers. of the town ship and ought to be as was a Methoui st miniHter and canals and raIlroads a re constructed order of thp. Health Offioer. Due The Potte rs as the fourth num be r to be placed in conveni ent places in acted on. Some day we will want to notice of re-opening will be given w~ located in Ohio ami Ind iana. by compani es inco rpora ted for these of the local l e~ture course were th eir rooms. The same thing was have something bi g in this township through the local press. The letter is particularly interesting purposes. greeted by qUIte a g ood Sized ..I d h K f P I d and wher e can we hold ifI By order of the Board. The United States a re rapidly in· owing to the fact that priL'Cs of that d' T d . . h l o r"e re atl e . 0 . 0 ge room. ', ' au lence ues ay evenmg at sc 0 0 " . Phillips' picture show also felt the J. O. Cartwright. Clerk. time are Quoted. and business gen- creasing in population and improvhall . Tbe werp he . M \lsons were ordered to buy ex· t ouc h a f th e mspecor ' t' I d f S lan , or ' numbers . . well g iv ~n ' 1. erally was mentiC?ned. The letter is ing in most things. and .we re hlg-hl y ap prec la~ ed by the tlllgul"hers and to put a fire escape he gave th em five days to close the ST. MARY'S CHURCH as follows: Hut amid all the advantages with audience. Mr. Potter's 1m persona on th eir building . business. The reason he gave was which we are surrounded political QuinQuagesima Sunday, or the ~i(\ n of "the old .maid" heing el!pe~Rogers' hall was ordered closed that their room lacked four feet of To Mr. James Ca rpenter. and religious difficulties find their next Sunday before Lent. February lally good. Owmg to. the epId e mIC fIJ I' g ood. He said th e fl oors were being the regulation width to give a place; dist'aJes afflict and deaths rePennyione, St. Germanl!, move; disaster and calamities happen 22: Sunday School at 9:30 a. m .• Les- of scarlet fever no chil d ren und er lG unsafe. and numerous other things show. that the chairs were not fastCornwall . England. ulld poverty is sometimes found . son. The Great Confession. St. Matt. years of age were allowed to attend. that would necessitate the use of a ened to th e floor. and other minor --Dear Sir:- ¥our letter containing England has her advantages. which 16:13- 28. Morning Prayer and serCONFE~R [ D A I) F: G~EE g- rea t deal of mon ey. and that by the reasons for closing up the business. mon at 10:30. Subject: Washington's an order on Lond on was duly re- are not found here. and in the United t ime it was fixed up good enough to The closing of Rogers' hall and ceived; and the receipt of the money Sta tes are advantages not enjoyed Life a Plan of God. The first day of Wayne Encam pment 1. O. O. 1". li se. a new hall could be built. Phillips' leaves the town without conferred th e 3rd d c~ ree lin two . Lent, commonly called Ash Wednes- candidates. is here a('knowledged. among you. at n special meetingThe room above the Township anything in the nature of amusement We are all in good health and in According to reports among us the day. February 25th. Litany. Peni- Saturday evening. Vif! itors were House was declared unfit for use houses. It·s true the lecture has the possession of comfC'rt . English farmer who is a tenant is tential Office and Holy Communion present from Spring Valley. Af ter unless a fire escape was put in and two numbers left but that does not at 10.00. a. m. The public is cor- th~ meet ing an oyster s upper was nume rou s other things done to make satisfy the average American who Agri~ultural affairs generally are 'not in a~y desirable ~ircums t.ances. served. dially invited to these servire8. it all right. Right here. in passing. wants to see something in the nature prosperous. Wheat. is. at this place, They m~gh~ ~o b~tter m America. is .... here we ought to have a new of a show oftener than 011ce a month. about 2s a bushel (Winchester meas· My WIfe Joms III love to you and Township House and a hall. If the There is but one thing to do, howure) oats. about 9d and maize or In- all her brothers and ~iBters. She --1 Township House is unfit to use on ever. That is. to get down to busidian wheat Is. Beef and other kinds would be glad to receive a letter the second floor. why iiln't it unfit on ness and let's have a place that will of meat from Id to 3d a lb. Butter from Mrs. Mullis especially and the first floor? Thel!e questions are be a credit to the town and township 5d a lb. In some stales the prices from any of her friencls when they to be answered by the tax payer. It as well-a fine. new Township House. are higher. shall f.e~l ~isposed. T~ere is no t •........................---...--..... _.-._._..-.................. ..•••••••••_ Ohio is a productive part of this probability that she Will have the f.......... • country. the soil generally being pleasure of seeing any of you again N. L. Bunnell went to Dayton Allen Holt! and family left Monday FRIENDS QUARTERLY MEETING rich. in this world but she is ' desirous at Friday. for Texaf . Some lands have been in tillage correspondence while in time; and Samuel R. Battin and daughter I for thirty years ill su~ession with · fellowship and mutual pleasures in Martha. Esther Battin, Martha and Miss Dora Stiles was io Lebaooll Mr. ami MI'!. A. B. Sides were in out any manure; and the crops are the world to come. Margaret Warner. Reuben M. Saturday. Day too last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey and still good. Timber for fuel and Yours very respec;tfully. . Roberts and wife. of Selma; Mrs. daughter Alice were dinner guests other purpoBCB iSlibundant. A cord Thos. Collett Allen Haines. of Xenia. visited his If you want a good Fertilizer cal l Dudley Keever. of Centerville; and of Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Rye last Satof split ,timber for fuel ill worth 5~ Waynesville. Sept. 20, 1845. grandparents here Sunday. Chas. Frye. phone 49 l-L 2.8. Ralph Howell. or Springfield, at· urday. at this place. Small brush wood and P. S. My son James is studying tended Quarterly Meeting here last thetimber of trees llJ'e not considered law and in ten ·ls to practice; and Fred White went to Dayton Thurs· Saturday. An interesting discussion I Saturday afternoon, Misses Mary Miss Lizzie Stewart is spending a of any value with us. Barley is not Thomas has been appointed to a cir· couple of weeks with relatives in day for 6 visit with relatives. was had on temperance also Capital Gray and Eleanor Earnhart, at the much cultivated here, indian wheat cuit as travelling preacher, but he Dayton. and Labor. On Sunrlay an interest- home of the latter. gave a mLtcellabeing its substitute. It is very ·fat- seems more inclined to enter into Spring Valley is holding a farmer's ing hour was spent as a memorial to neous shower in honor of Miss Ethel \ tening. business. T. C. Mi88es Jane and Flo Clark. of institute in that village today and to- Frances E. Willard. Stokes. Xenia. spent Sunday at ' their home morrow. CHRISTIAN CHURCH The rooms were decorated in red in Corwin. hearts. and durir.g the afternoon all B. of H. PROCLAMATION Wm. Thorpe. of Dayton, was in engaged in a cupid hunt. After Bible School 9::30 a. m . Everything good to eat at the town Sat:urday shaking hands with Social Meeting and Communion atwhicn all gathered in the dining All public meetinghouses and place~ market Saturday morning. at J. H. his old friends. 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at room. where Miss Stokes found a taare to be closed until further orders Coleman's store. 7 p. m. Everybody made welcome ble decorated in pink and white and By Order of Board of Health. A reading by MillS Justina Hart· Born--To Mr. and Mrs Georgp. Milson's Fertilizer. the best on the a t thf'se services. laden with many useful presents. SOCK. of Lancaster, was a pleasing After serving a dainty luncheon. Funkey, of Chi calla, Monday. Feb- market. For salehy Chas. Frye. feature of the program at the anall departed wishing that all MiB8 ruary 9, a fine son. nual banquet given by the Matlons, Mrs. Alice McKinsey and dllughEthel's future da)'9 may be a& happy. of Morrow. Mrs. Dudley Keever. of Center· ter, Miss Henrietta, were Dayton The invited gucsts were Misses Ethel The House of MysteryYou will learn that ville, spent Sunday with Dr. and visitors Iflilt week. and Louisa Stokes. Blanche and Perle there is more .than Paige Carew's unaccountable The following announcement was Riley. Stella Daugherty, Mary and Mrs. A. T. Wright. one variety of bluff Enoch White. of Owensboro. Ky .. received oy - Waynesville friends disappearance Eva Davis. Lucile Cornell, Alma after reading the Mrs. Florence Huddle. of Lovethe week·end guest of Mr. and Saturday: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Waterhouse. Laura McKinsey. Mary The coffin-like box which apnew serial we are land, is the guest of Mrs. Mary Cas- Mrs. U. M. White. Hausman announce the marriage of Parlette, Opal Gray and Eva Morpeared at the banquetkey and mother, Mrs. Antram. about to run. their daughter Agnes Anna to Mr. ford. Mesdames Stella Butterwort.h. Miss Ina Hamilton~,)f Wilberforce. Fallis Wales Smart. Saturday, FebLottie Stokes. Erma Hartsock. Mol· The beautiful girl in the crowd William Nedry and Calvin Ed- University spent th week end with ruary 14. 1914. Carthage. Cincinnati. lie Stokes.' Bertha Gray and Eva surrounding a murdered wards, of Harveysburg. were guests ht'r parents on Rout 3. At home after the first of March, Earnhart. of Mrs. Alice McKinsey one day last man - all .play a part in - - -.---- -Wyoming. week. HAD A HEAVY LOAD -------.~ Mr. and Mrs. B.~. Howell reo the secret of turned Saturday night fTJm Alabama BANQUET AT HARVEYSBURG Mrs. James Pifer and daughter where they spent the ast month. While on their way to the farm of have returned to their home in O. J . Edwards. where they were , The "Kniihts of Pythias and Chicago. after an extended visit cutting wood, Messrs. Perry Pence. Hids are being receiv\ed at Yellow 'Pythian Sisters" of this place cele · with relatives here. Horace Pratt, Abe Dakin and Fred Springsforpavingtheir .main streets. brated their anniversariell tOQ;ether Pence, who were all in a buggy, 00 That little town is "up comin' ". on Wednesday evening, February 11. As she was returning from school the Hough Hill. the axle of the in their lodge room, hy serving an at the O. S. & S. O. Home at Xenia, Mrs. Lester buggy broke. and but from the fact ele~ant supper to eighty or more of Friday evening. Miss Annie Brown with her guest. that their horse, which stopped. the members and their families. At fell and fractured her lett wrist. visited friends 6)' when the axle broke, there probably 8 o'clock this compllny sat down to last week. would have been some one hurt. As a long table loaded with chicken, Archie Peterson and Miss Hattie Claarle. Edmon. it was they had to proceed to the baked beans, salad, pickles, bread Mitchener were married in Xenia Mrs. Walter Walk woods on toot. and butter, jelly, coffee. cake and last Friday by Rev. Albert Reed. poria,Kansas Monday ----~.~-candy. They did~o their best to eat They will make their home near ing been called there WILL OlVE COMEDY tells how an inventor all of this-but they could not. Waynesville. the sudden death of brings a multi-milAfter supper the time was spen t in a The C2ntervill~Library club will lionaire to time by fine social time,. lau~hing, talking St. Mary'S Guild will hold a George Iton and Mr. an ... Mrs. Nelson I give the comedy play entitled "Mrs. a clever fake. A and joking one another. . All seemed Washington market in J. H. Cole- daughter. Ina, Mr. It's a real mystery stoIy that Mrs. Ssm Briggs of the Poultry Yard," at the strange murder, a 80rry to part. at parting time. man's store, Saturday, february 21. McGee spent SondflY th Mr . anll Township hall, Centerville, on Saturstands head and shoulders mysterious disapThese orders are doing good work. Good things to eat. Cherry pies, a Mrs. John Roberson. of Oregonia. day evening, February' 21st. The above anything in this line The Knights meet on Thursday pearance and a suespe~ialty. play is full of funny 'incidents and that has been written in • Two cases of fever have night of each week with Joe Davis ~ion of unusual the cast is a good one. There will Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerqlan, been reported, Uf!ralldline. daughter for C. C. and Chas. Shidaker K. of long time. We bave been adventures will keep' be music interspersed between the Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit, ' Mrs. Sarah of Mrs. Bess ~ and Glenna, R. &8. acts and every moment of the ennillJr you interested from fortunate in securinl Ibis Zimmerman ~nd Mr. J. Hawke daughter of Mr. and Jas. Din, The Sisters meet alternate Tueswill be taken up. Admlsaionto the beginning to the dever tale as our ned serial, attended the Pythian Sisters lodge widdie. day nights with Laura Ward for M. adults, 2Oc; children, lOc. If you very last chapter. at Harveysburg WedneJday evening. the 6nt installment of which . want to 'spend an eveninir of pleuure , E. C. and Martha Davis M. of R,.& After lodge work the . Company will appear in .. few days. go and see this play. ~ down to a delieious chicken Blipper. I • . • ' .• ·~\f I . good ' thinKS If'rv.eci with " LOR~NOE' MeeTING ".~,. , 1~licke·,n. . . ,and ~e 'vflllltriPllI'Sp:rinirflel,d.'


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cans a. ,.-to Po'" nerythlnlJ. wbo ·by, hlB mottler IltumpiDr bealde him, gave ourtl(9lvell, bound to keep tho pace, They ha4 the "And you good women pride ye~ new rabbit wlUi the m, collared and se'l ves In virtue. which aln't b eon chained like a bulldog, Bnd were tal· t e mptod. You r vIrtu e nev er been out· low ed by Dav id 's i1urse, dear Patsy, dool's In the min, gettln ' we I. Your Blll y's wlf J)lucklllg my young virtu e n vc r b e n starv ed nnd froze, nnemolles- th o wre tch . o r fooled und b c lrnyc d , Your co lors Out on Illl! p"rllou s e dge of Ape x n lll 't rUII, 'cause the y've nen' r be en Hoc k I cou lrl 81;" )'I1l1ng ~Ir . N is t e d , to thl' '\";Ish, You don't kn ow goo l1 Pllth er Jll r, ' cl 's Il('ph e w , 1.1 pupil In frolll H \'I1 . u nd you He t UlUl' Juugln' n1<' . JI' ~ SI"~ H(' ho'JI o f ('o lonll\l tra llling. I "T,'a rs running uov.-n y,' r ra(" " ('> h '~ with rl1ri IIll d 1111 (' h,' wns Iw r luu :! ly I \'o u lh lll k )'OU Knu l' k II rU 1J g b \\" I1C U lI~ h lnh ror IJlrtl~: ! ~ ' (I \I CRUl l"' UP ng1n lOP !''' lIl' l'nr rlJlM "[JOII' t YOIl n ..' c' ){on," e r.i ct J t'I~s(' . rp. I plu.I'l,,' ( ' hr i,; tllln marl) r . I <lOll" you li~ l ltll1~ a s l :II ,' c ';:n r , "l h nl'~ It' s li m o I Kood If )" ' U k n ow '" II 1'1 11 n il 111(' ~ \II ' " IIII' I" 'd ,lIlr 1'<11.1,"" ~c h ooli n ' ., ou g ot In r"a l III ,'. I ,,,,I; J "011, h ill



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I' llalr, with UTIl i 'S of ~"I'il t hun~ry , )I I' sai d h \l 'c1 IIIR Il1l'e m y ,. I ' '1 t" I t ,A " • 1111 ,lll n~ pi \ ,\ r p f r~;on8 orn t " so m f"~III1I R fillli pnul'l lI f,; o n I!' Y fo rl' h e ad hIl6 In ('~s, and b e Bh or l' ly dlrl - -In" eb te d "h.-.rr \\" e~t. I'm !;ol :lg to hnv e bI ll " I Ill) I~ roll ll ig on thl' liollr !I t IllY rro('!, a ll I' el got In a (::OVP TlH:!l8 , ,wcl a bon · eYl's." LI, .! round nnd 1l'andle, lI ndre II r- hte,1 t\H' n t~' ma. th 80 n ' 3 , nn d a 5 t anl· p n d tJ 0 t "il t1l IIIlnl' ar~ blu e ." waS hol,lIlIl/: I)" Ilaw!' In lh o pal me of lII ul os. Tb e n b e fonl cd u wid ow down " I mudl' fil' s t Kr a b . Von c ao h a ve h is ha nrls ti ll it Htt'udit-! d an d bl a zod ' to Ashcro ft to s t rLr t htl11 rU l\ n itl~ a grl' C' n, IIl1rl II laq;p. month , a nd y ou r up c ll 'a r . "lIl!rk up . IO ltisus ," b (> l\"ll~ ! t011rl8l joInt, Bnd I was 10 bl'! tur oed ('hrls l lu ll naDl l' 10 Ca rro ts, H ~ 1I 0 . '1I)' i 11 n" . "(,l1(" ' l"·oh 1)0 n' l le t 'e m kn o w • ou t . A" In IOV t ', \\1 " tl , lOU ' . nu be t U e, b l'f()' S Ilaby lJ llvid ." you swoomr' d . {}rab on La t b(! CrOS8' j '" gues!1 that' s 1111 . t ·X:cop' I g ot t o ~ Iy Hon w aB coming th rough th e anAu nl,'lk (\ It l,ro Ll d rlf 0" ou ,1'· h l1 l '·0 t e,'\ yoo one tbl DI:. I t , \M ' I nurs n g sCf':1t.·d du s k, I1n(1 In his a rm s h e ca.rrig h t. LH!Ir;h , tl1 uru! L a u g h! W ls h' d th e sick :nen kep ' me Il tra lgh t n il th p, m rleu a 1 r ~ " dOJ:: n chI n n do~ with ~\It I'd h nlr ... Orl' [" " .' f rI 1 k \' , II , " > ~. " . ye ars , nep m e r o m ~ n . o u BP0 I muzz ln, f' lll ll rrom tb e Il o~e 1.0 tnll , but J had (' orn e to my s l' l[ :lud on ly rJ llly wall mea nt for u nur II, train e d for a ca r" t'tlliv m pndl'd . I!IIOw who \l'lUI loyal. As the candlu Dllrse un t H-uotll - w!lll n e \" e r vou ' , ' J " Sounv " snid .J ('sse " do n l "al l drop tJl azl'd up I sa w tb e C hin ulllfl ll gIl>- mi nd Dl'oolre sto p pe d t b o nu rS ing, M . ., I ' II I ' I ' .. Ir l' rlng li ke som e tootb less mas k ot , '111(1 I dran lc I'm 0 h ' Ii nU 'sa 0 e ' aria, or ~ Il' 11\ " e pu,pp e!< . I ' , . n. I g n " I 'lill n nd Rb d ldn t , NO th pr e: Yl'lIow In ,lI l\ ·rllbbEo r , but th a t nurse ' wrong . " f' ome thll1/o: drn ppcd Oil!, tl IOlI!; h . S ce , stili k e pt up h l' r si ll v s cre anll ng un· "Y . . I . I I' 'b . . , es, lour e}f'B ~ "om fi r n " . y Illumm l.l' ." [II I orde t'l'd 11L'r to s hut her mou th" the}' don ' t com e back wfl h th e m bau· wblcb she did in s b eer s urprls I d h ' . Du vld ha d thrown ~1"rI« Inl o my I CIl!'ieS, an t e hllth , Ilon t "orry 111.1 ) II lId d nn cf' d ',ba ni In the' gloa mlug Th e r o luy Poliy pron e a c r c,SB the I a bou t thllt., 'CnUs e I'll be d pll d b y dRY' . ' . , ' " doorway on h e r face, racked with eon. ' lrrpak J pSHe 10 ' C.d Yl" 11 0 Ike "Ith S,ll11 e s ti ll nge t lo ph). the tn ll 01 , . , I. r , II. la r!\'(' an llnaL vul slve s obs, until feeling, I 8UPP0!J(j, ' Ion'd ycr, and s ome how , well . I' m , " I kllld er rllnvlll V t h a t wnv m " s c lr !\nd urt o f r ~'Tl llld. ~ e , . said J e •• c, ' "'. '" '0 · ". "of l)(' ll1g :\ 1I1 1i<> bo y. That's ttl-? III ' It I go, yo u II g e t ba c k J ess, e h' I ' It 11 ' 1 . wh t I I d I f t I ~fl,'c t o r 5 t ll ll! , Th is Is u lon g way, a J n g u ('oumge III C , I t oo fr n m Ih o l.nbll\ clor." kn e lt dowu n nd ld~c d my Bls tpr my . ' . . poo r siste r. Por 1\ mom enl I le t h e r TIll' \\' Ind mn tl c qu it e It dl s tllruancf' , t l' ll lnl( til o pillen to hu s h, while holh lStrok e my c arroty hnl r , wh ic h sbe liked. Then I r an to hurr' m' 1'0 Ie my 60 n all ti .1 ., .<8 <' wllllt e d to play wllh to b I th b t l h) h )t P tlJ lh !' wolf l n ll. lind wo u ld not be qu lpt, r ng e ee eo. l {~ 0 \Va e r. . th e b an dages. I round th u t wr etch ed thou gh "Iruncly Ih e s tnrs IIlld th o Ore · , nurs e de talllin Bill anll lh e China. fi les had lIghl ed Calh Ad r:tl o ro\'(' , a nd Y g p re I e nH O th u t I must tho rlv r lik e an or gan crooced mnn, w Ith some , not bo dIsturb e d , I wu s t e ll ing h e r th o tlrst dee p no t es o f n a ture S ,lO ven . to get out of my s ig h t, to go to he r 80 ng . An nw ed ,'xpe ctunt Sil e n ce b e d, wben a I'ev olv e r~ho t ra ng cnme tn us . throll gh the ecbol ng hou s e. " Li g h t e n o ur d ark n ps8," s a id tbe P olly ba d c r aw l.,d to th e d e p, grav .. o ld troes, " we bes~e<:b Th eo." found h er revolvor, S be wbo ga\'e " Oy Thy l~ r el\t rn e rcy, Il lende d thll everything In lite, hud slven m e buck l " tlIe flowe r~ . to J eBse. and l ay dead, he r foreh ead "Defe nd li B Crom a ll pe l'lIs ," tbt ~b a ttere d In with th El r e volv e r.shot. small h lrds twitte re d . For Bome Beconds Hill y and 1 hung " " nd dangc rl! or th e night," t he 1l9!lnck, wutchlng from th e doorway pe lls [1~1l ve r e d, whil e a slo w co il of Bmo ke unfold e d "Par I be 10\' 0 of Thy only S on,~ In th e wIl n li ght of th e d nwD. The crIed tb c S outh W ind . 1___. ra in had (:ensed , and t he eus t was a ll "Our S :1\"lour J es u s C hri st, " a worn· Iglow wltlil golde n rndla nce. an's voice r eB po nd ed . Once Morc With Jcsse In Ca thedral Billy Imelt nnd t.lucbed the poo r: " Am o n ," th o c l: fTs were breathlnl{. GNVt'. brok en rorebead , then look ing up at "Ame n ," th e bl g h clouds ochoe d , th e lasbl n g rain on h e r back, I! he r-cse we, " Tbls time," be s a id, " It'a r e a l. " "Ame n." sn ld t he organ rive r, on bands and ~eell lik e some ro~-iorl1 came : wild a ni mal c raw ling to s be lt e r, while EPI LOGU E . And fro m the M!",rent woodlanClp behind h er stretcbed a trail o f wet "Amen . Am en ," and blood. I slared until In Buame she Once m ,o re with J esse In C nth e drnJ [THE END.] Bat up, still ror all the world like Grove! The breatb of evening stirre d un animal lost to human teeling, and Its tnngle d coral, tbe long needles Earth EatIng, to woman's dIgnity, until as s he looked clustered In globes were swaying as Earth eating Is a habit orten Obat me a wan sbamed s mile see me d to c e nsort! swuy, with h eavy Incense. se rv ed In India, and Is very wId.!) apologize. Sh o sat ba ck tb en agaInst Beyond t he purple night swept ' up dIstributed. It orten manifests It!lflU the log wn ll, limp, reined with weak. over glow ing cllffa to where the upper as a symptom of dlsoose or p erv e neSB forest IIk,~ an edge of t1nme burned app etite, but among many hellltby "Nurse ," I called, stili wIth my gaze against de eps of sky, p eople It Is a r e gular bablt. In addl· tlon to India, the Soudan. Chlna and on Polly, "tbls woman Is wounded , "Come to the hilltop : blackbird chor· th e Ma lay archIp elago are m entioned You are a nurse. You claime d to be Iste:r s aa plllc es wbere the custom prevnJlI. u nuree." Peal theIr clear antb e m to the kneel- but tb ese by no m eans exhaust tho But Miss Panton Indulged In bys· Ing gorse," list. It Is said tbat In Siberia. and terlcs, . so I turn ed to Billy, "Run Into Jesse la y dreaming wbll n I sang to Lapland, e nrth consisting or the fosthe house, ge t tbe hlp batll. warm blm, CrllBp slivered hair , and the slllzed s ilice ous Ihells ot dlatonu Is water, blunke ts. banduges." ileoply graven Unes of his dear face, mixed with meal to mak e ' a ltlnd of " Aye, lIye. mum," h e tou c he d his l;Bve hIm at rest a sweet sad dignity ; flour. It Is nlJio said that th9 Alnus forelo ck , and swinging th e C binaman but presently he would look up, his of Japan us e d 10 e at 11 paste made ot to hi s feet : "Co me nlong, Sam," h e bIg mouth humoroils, bls eyes alight a mixture 01 rllatomaceou3 eartb , Tht grunt e d, aud bu s tl e d him orr o n duty , wltb tun, II mnn of commandin g power I IndIans or Gun t e m !lla. eat a yellovrl15l Polly loo l( ed up, trus tin g m e with matul'ed In wisdom, In sympat hy, nn d edible ea rth contaluln g s ulphur, not h e r lawn y blood s h ot e yes, J le r vO,l c e valor to lead hi s follo w8. so milch UB 11 foo £!, but as a propby, was a drea r~ hoa r 8o ne ss, uc mandtn g Tbrou gh th e e as t window or the la ctic again s t dl seaso. There a re p eo · IIq~o r. lI u .-~v lth ~n O!):[] wO,und, to I l:rove, I c ould s ('o a li l li e Ilrocesslon I pi e III Bc n ga l \V'ho r egard the nn o qtlll' k e n the h ea r t s nclton UllglJ t b e 'It .my cl osest frir-nds pass on their ea rtb o r w hi c h a nthills are t>ullt ILl a fatal. Ilud Ill' liUcw well It was no Sunday slroll. Firs t (' Ilmo P e t e, 111 at d elicacy, and tho ex planation nas bep-ri usc plcm:l l 11l 8t e a d of that she '(la se In bie Snbbath salt of blacks , a n d H uggl' ~ t €'d thnt the flavor la due t o pointed at I nllrsc, a nd s:1lu, " Send with him, u rm In a r m . was !I'lrs. p e lo'l a dl g csllve l1ulG add e d to th~ earth In silk, rull ·sk lrt ed, p ri ckly, and s o b)' tb ll uots to m a l< e It mo r e eaally ?>:urse Pu nton w ho sat " e ry g rim . Th e n ll llly passed s low lY work ed. In he r cor· ne ro I s a id , ":lud IIl1l 11 e b eef lln/o: In


r. 1)'

0 "





I ",



Vf' r y so (l nnd gra ce ful Is this mod· !! I w it h II K se~ mi pHS s h ould e r yo k e UIlII full 10\l(' r lrl ous.'. T lw nll e n rront dl s l'IHY 8 n prcot lv "I'st and th e vi nic . .. b t s lc'o\, (' lil a), bf' fu ll \('n gt h o r 8 r.r e r , T h o t " a pl l1('e Kkirt I. dm p cd In 80 ft

fo l d ~ a t th o ~ Id ~ti a nl l IIln y have reg · ul a tlon o r rnl ;;!'ll wa: sL IIn o as pre,. (l'rre d , On )), ~oft (ab r ic R, c re~o s ilk, "pongI' und th o III", ur o 8ultuhla . fo r th lH mod el. Th o pa\t nTn IG,17 R) Is cu t In slze.t 42 I I b t lite0 1I (, ICS us measure, H dlum s ize re ilul r~s ., ~~ yu rtl s or I I I In c I rn ll l Pr n . To procu re lhl. I'nttr.rn .~nil 10 cell ~ t o " Pa tte rn D ·)L\r llllc tlt." or thi s p"Jlc r . Wrltu nnm o n n:i udJrcMs rlalnl}" n ~ 't he aura to g lVD »1' 8 '" Hl lIu ml,er or pa ttern. H


SIZE • • , •• -- -- . --.....

NO. 6478,

NAMR ____ . ___ • ___ .. ____ ---- -- . --- .--- .-.... TOWN ____ ____ ____ __ .. . -- . . --. ---- --.- ...... S TR EET AND NO. __ ... ____ __ . ____ ..... _. STATK .. ______ . _ ._. __ .. ___ •. - -- - ... __





This bandsome mod e l bas a novel waist with a small Inn er v est and ov er thi s th e body cut In one with tho sleeves . Tbe two pl cce skirt Is fairly full at the top and bn s ll. crosswlee tuck hal f ;\lay d o wn the front, Tbls 18 an exce ll e nt d esign for crepe mate rIal s , messalln a and n il ov e r Illce, aB w e ll BS for light we ight woo lens. Th e patte rn (64 89 ) Is cut In sizes uTELEPHONE" FOR THE 'DEAF \ lJe rson nIHI a normal pe rson who ia 1/1 34 to 42 In c h es hll s t measure, MedIum slzo r e quIres 4'!8 yards of 44 I n oran t or the finger lan~age. Letters and Numbers to Be Flashed sile nce witb whi ch th e d e vIce Is opel' In c h ma ter ial. To procuro this patt ern eond 10 eents on Buttons by an Electric Key. aled Is a very Important point In It.t 10 "Pattern n<')1llrl me nt," or thI s pallOr, board, I. the Idea, favor. Tbls feature mIght mau 11 Write n nmo nu ll udllress plaInly. nnd bu es pnciu lly ulle ful whe r o quiet or .e Bure to .:1\'0 81~13 nnd nu rnUcr o f pa.tleru. lo fill cree y in trnnsmlttlng Information IF d e airubl e, aa In Be nding war new. 01 NO. 6489, SIZE ................ . &ec rct In s tru cti ons in bUBln BslI h01ae1l


lea. "

e r by th e fi h ou ld c rs, nnd out of lh e room , wh!l e d "ppro vn l. I carn e bllclt wh ~ r (l

3h e wus

wound ed .

th p l€'ft bip , hut I dared /lilY clol h in g wh le t! 'm ight t and ~ l'!l l e d th e !lo w of Rol e <I1 !'t a t a lco b ol and g lec t h a d mnd e he r co nd l· at I s hran k from toucbln g

' \0

Illonthll o f l ! Ion s uc h It" r "So I'e Ka t o," s ho !a l' ag:llnst the bollo lo g o f th e w ulI, h oad ba c k , ). ElI ut , loo llin g a lo ng h er , " Ca rro t)' Kate. i , tnw :J!' hu lr , dr a gl'l I'c\, a nd ,\ Et'c ond r ev ol ve r ' 8hot All r red my ak es, wns Atrc llI(lld with h:';r, an d I' m II f ru ld l h e n tha t I los t my t e m pe r I a OJ n o t a fis h·fag th at I ~ RIY<h'Jc" C,.as he d on t he Door~tep, s b o uld ~ I oop to fi ghting a c r ea ture ~u(' h aM Po ll \" I,ut I wo uld h a vo rli e d tho . UeO.- eSl "- "y C1Wll' wi th hi s long r a t her lb a n le I he r see on e tra ce of ye llrow Ibgr-rs to tou cll llI e, the n timid, f",ar . but rcn ~ s ur ' d, crt'D I bac l( to hi s s tool l'. illy ru s hl'd )J as t the Ilr ln g to r e ach tn ti ll! co rn e r t he door and c lose II, b ut I ordere d h im Soon .' \ urs e 1';1 11 \0 0 jo ine d us, h('r 10 ue s lst, the n gra sped th e can dl e a nd . tlothlD' balr In co r ks ~ r ew s , loo k ing very he ld It out to s how a be tt e r ligh t. ' pla in. pec"i s u beca usE' she bad not " Low e r yo u r lights !" I sho ute d in t o b een ce ll e d :! t ml d ul gb t. " What' s th e d:\ rk , "yo u fire d to o hlgb!" matte r ?" s b e ask e d cro>!s ly, an d for A r e \'olve r c r as h ed o n the door·s t e p, spo rtlng au8 w a r I pulle d d o wn th e blind s. S he and lo w d o wn wllhiu three fe et ot tho skirt away • Olvere d as sbe passed . the open door g round, I saw a dreadrul tace CO nVUIB' ' yerselt a co taltjl a chair b e hind it, Sh e begged ed wl Lh rn~e, chan gIng to fear. ' Tb~[\Vord ,of , _ ~e. to c lose tbe door, but the night was womll n ....'as sinking to her kn ees, s h e ,bnve I! , ...-arm. and .b981dcB 1 dn red not. Nurse buri d he r fa ce ' In grimy,- blood· ' "Ye nee(l :n~I.()lolr ., ed ~htnam:ul each bad a g llU!,IJ 01 I 6I1}<!ared hands. ani! rocked and fro [wasn't "''''.,pd.30 c1Id · I. feellng mucl;a bet· fu' a.wful ati~lldonment ot grIef, •.. ,. no drea.m, ~I'I~ ~."" , . " ' . ' The ,d,!lnger was -OTeI' now; t:be mo' ~rac6 'em, ., ~.~~II.'II.~


l'u r up It noti eo . '1 1001\ t'hl ~ f ' d :'\~\ 1II! Irfl IH IVI' t1 IU !"IJrS 111 -"" u III.l ly . Try Sll rl ~' I t n l\','u f ll r u ch all";: "

\\'("11. wbat' s th t od dH '!

\'l~ I' (' l l

II li·,



I a()\"' lt~lI rl"l,

NI1 r1t1n~ nlAU.,rs, II \\ as Ihis I " (' ~ ll r oo kA w hk h dota' for lilt', 110 l } O U " lIu t !I'p; n ll f C'C t' (' t S !t u ~ I'I UIl f'Xallll' l e \\orthy or .' lIsse. lIrookn 's uu l y H th ing 1 U( ' ) 'I , d I ' Hl n gl' \ H n ltrn(\~ no P oe r s \\1 " \ Aud t hf'rt.: I \\U S fo!t ', lOOk In 1tl{p. a 1o~t cl o g 'ca 'i fi l' h e was "'{\'11 l w '~, 11' a nd ~1r~ . Smit h ,' \\ ('1 1


C{l 111 II Hlr It I

Ilt ';t r t1J" , un~ 1 l t;ud i ll f

lh i,' ,~~ .

111 1\tOllg,h n.

I (tarl<.III '~ !{ c lnHi Hg rOHlld

lil' f


~( 1I 1 P.



Pro \'lrll'nf"t'l.


f'Y f'!i . And if I ' d l lUd a IlUllll" Hu t t tlid n ' l got a fair s how e v er . and ('v"ry li m o I d ou fl !!O~)(t . I ~(It II In \ 11 1..' t1 f'(,' t\ ,


r 10 •~ Ilrl,'l lcge of lhl' un . !(nl,' Is r~ ' " ,01 from II .. h" ",,, t o ·~ )10'" fn'l n at th e handl, • . J ,'~. " ", " 1'1" ... ·,1 I)v lto~ d ,' rbr (>11. Hut I did long ror J ess o. mh b" M1, blil h\" :. ' I t' \ , .:- rU:JC m a k <,:'t pr l Joi TIII'(lll" ll tIl" Ill urmurs of lh u n p'l re r Ont' '" or I h ~ ·'·,' hl......' Th,'y " ",, 111 1'''.'' .. " ~ , 0\"" ' . t~ D ~'nll "' 1 "'."1"" ,"ar',III'1. ",1'0 h R. ra in , 1 f.. 11 a th ro b In tb e S('(lllOd, th (· n arrh(',. \I III' -x lc.loIllI"n p,l p".... Je • ..., hea rd II fou nd gro w, or 11 borHe g(\ l· Cl\..kl' '' (' hnrg'c of 111(' .. ut l ,,,\' (' hlt,r e ~nn. )'I lliv i)'F I" lIn hnl'ln>( (, rl1m l" ',1 t h ~ 1 ' ~lle ( I('pil :):. 1'111' swift 60 ft rh y thm, now 10 k,'rp hlill Ot,t M h i", rUlhe r '. prnr,·.. I,, " . lo ud , no,,' I'r r y fnl n t. th e n very IINlr H I' lak(,R Ril l,· to 'R OI'OIl,'pr n nd t he Ina IR .hanl: h lllr~ . i\ ",'n I. horll , ,, I,nl ,' e(' hol'd ag a l l1~t th e ba r ns , th u nd erl' d an "~ ,I('S' " II n,l I. n~m"1 I DII\"'I I. J ~'"" reo ac rO SH th e brid ge , s plas h E' d lurollj( h e<-h' ('p n I ~ tl "r (r'Hn hi. n,'. 1 wlfo, I'n ll y, In whlr h .1,,' 1.. 11" him ~ hr deN' lv",j hi m tb" Onolll'd )"Ilrd, an d cea Hl' d a bruptly . Int o thln kl"" ~I ... h.l<l kI ll,," I'N.e lr p'"c HIII ;- hlld co me born e from th e Falls, lhr IIn llor I,t I,,, , e nn,] rlll'lr 8" n . ' ''Ifr o' " an" n,n 'h er "",,·nt., (.;'\l e flnrl P OI ,'1,1 ,:<' he \\'n ~ s t a bling hi s roan, h(' W I\6 cmas· t~ En~ l n nd t n 11\'0. F'",,,· Y~'Ll'" I" l ~ ' 11111)' Ins tlll' )'nrtl 111 ha s t c , hi s s pu r s c lnnk· o FI Ylin nl'rh' e~ nnll 1.. 11" hnl o lin\\" J,'"" . bl hn . b~p n r ull"",t ll nd o' '''n"I. ,'11 IlI r,'";: h I .. d at th l' d oo r·s te p li nd, d r elld lng s l he ," lnr1 lc !l \'(' '' ~~" nr f' l1 l1y. h ,II .' nr r;\" " II E' WS, a ~ lldd e n panic s c lze d ru e, I In Brltl.h rnlllll1hlll, Ill '" )1l nl1" ( \0 11"i ,) II . I b II d t b ol d frl ,' nds lind ,l d"11 1 110 .. )1111'" or 1',, 11)". ,Cl 1' 1 U t 10 nr. Pro"I"",no an,l 110 1[1 arr" " In ,Ifill' 10 lt D Pll t (! re d, as tre u lll willi r nlu. s ha d· e'We J C NS " ' S lire. II<' Ill""" nr I\ f\t("~ Il r· in g hi s e '.'es u"alnat th e ca nd le- li vb t ; rl.,,,l a nll or h"r "In ns, nrook l', n to rn"'r . ... '" b!,ndlt a nel I n!lrnlll~ ot 1'11 11,"", Cll li s 0 11 lil pn as I mol't~ d h e call e d out, ne K a t" 10 Int H eHl he r In Il ".' llI'me I" be' th oll"h I wer e al a di s tun c e, beg"l n" tray Polly to his o\\" n tl nnn"' ,, ) od " nntn~e. " " " ahe r. rusee , Rrool(c's a~s pt cu bl ~ pinna m for brandy , His fa 0 was baggard, are d~teat"d , hi s hand us h o drank was c o ve r e d with dri ed blood, h e slumme d th e CHAPTER VI.-Contlnued , glass on tllA cou n te r 80 that It broke. }o~or the next bour I was hu sy ren o " You he nrd th e s hots 1" be said, docrlng' tbe last Berv lces, ..,I n huste , fo r "At Svlto I-lollse?" I whispered, tho Inmp had a. DlOS! pe culia r 8ln e ll. H e nodd od. J took It away and li gh t e d candl s , but "You wer e th e reT" I asked, It was not tb e lamp, S pre ading th e " H a lf a mil e beyond, When I Kot U nIon Jack upon tb e be d, I bolte d Looked ' In from that room . For a ti m e I aat In tbcre It wus all durk. the dlnlng·hall b u t cou ld not s tay throu gh tbe e ud wlndow, but t h e min tbere. Eve n In the barroom I stili had got down m y ne ck , so I went round. to fight off some thin g Intangi bl e , 11 The tron t door was Btandlng open, Bense of be ing watch e d, a p re s e nti· lis t e ne d a whil e. No need to get s hot mysE:Jr, Thougbt the place was ment or ov ll coming sw iftly . C los in g the door whi c h le d Into th '1 de r e li ct. Th e n I b ea rd groa ns. " Stru c k a bu nch of match'.!s tben, bouse, I opene d th u t \Vhlcta /Save npon th e yard. then pluce d a flickering found th e b RII htmp , un d got It a lls:bt. -candle on th e count er, and my chu lr Wished I'd go t u g un , but the r e wasn't noth lu g hu n dy e xce pt tb e poker, 80 I In fronl ot It fa cing th e darkn ess, In the prese nco Of th e de ad w h,c ' l ook tbat and the light- Just followvi mak es th e ir r estln g·places se r e ne \V'J-I! th e g roa ns , H e wu s lying on tb e b~t'· QuIe t b ea uty, Ins tinct wIth l e nd e rD I<!ss room 1100r." "Broo ke?" toward nil 1I\' lng h earts . That pr es· "Yes. Sbot througb the throat. e nce had entercd the good log bOl~J e , a ho me ot human wnrmth , ot kl ndly blood spurting down the .Ide ot hIs comfort, made holy, consecrate, .... ~ e re neck , makIng a big pool on the oil· p e ople wo uld bush their \'o~ce!l , can· clotb, You know the thIng you make with a sUck a nd a Bcarf w twIst up? straine d to r e verenc e . And In th e grac ious mOllO l on ~ ot A t ou rniqu e t. 'yes. Well, It choked tbe the rain. compollnd ot "oicos joine d In swi n e, BO [quit. He whlslJered somerequie m, r fe lt n soothing m e lanchol y thing about my thumb burtlng the. beauty. knowing woll bow peace not wound. so I told hIm my father's n«Ck of this world bad come Into the home· burt wors e, "Up to thut I thougbt be was just stead, play ing pathetic to touch my But outsIde tbat, b e yond, In the ncting. feelings . Once h e muttered dre nd for est, a threat, n men c.ce Oile d name, and then he was dead," your th e oute r darkn ess. F enr clu tc h e d at "Brooke d en d!" my h ea rt, n pre s e ntiment toll! me of "Yes, b e 'd been s hooting Polly. too. evil, of Instant danJ;'e r . Th e n. as traced h e r blood tracks BII tbe way thou gh th e horror In t h e nI g ht mov e d to the front door. H e Uo, what's that? otbe r hearts as w e ll as mine. th e ' I thought r beard- " ClJlnese cook came g rop in g his way I li s t e ne d und there was only the thrOl\g h th e dlnln g·h a ll and bumbly sound of th e ru in. s c r a tch e d a t th " d oor. I let hi m In "I s uppo se It's nil rlgbt," sn ld Billy, and b e cre pt to n s t ool In th e ncar "we 'd bette r e lose ' thnt door. tbough." rorn e r . I whi81Je r e d to him : But h oro r e h o ('o uld r enc h th e door, " ,\r c yo u rrl g h te n ed, Sam?" Nurs e !'aulo n ca ll e d him awuy to ber "Too pl e nty mil c h," h o (I Uu,'r- r c d, COl"IlPr , wh e re 8h e 8J)oke In a whlBper "me tlltelled bnd ." so that I s hould n ot h ea r. s e ntllng H e li gbt e d hi s pipe ullli sPf' me d, h im , pf' rh aps, ro r h e r c loak, MORn · IIko ml', to be eus" d b )' hu man CO lli· whil e I Cli m e f,'om be hind tbe eo unt~r pan y. OOC I;: o nl y h e olo\' (; d . au d In tn my fo rm or sea t bc Co r o tu e 01)4,n d oo r 1\' a ,I' , wb r e I su t Btar lng Into th e 11 :1 r).;II l'85 , unahl o to ree l any mnre , bu t jUh t b UI, um hc:o d . Ac ross m y weurine88 flick pl'l'd th e mo u rnfu l solilOQUY cot a )loo r ba r ll ·d on r fn wl- "Yesterduy DD ~,:: g, Wlllor ro w a featb er dus'00r! Whal' H th e good or any tin', wby, 1l 0 lhlll '." 'rh e n I, t oo, h l': llrd a sound In tbe IlI~ht, anti b.,ca us e IIl11y and the nnrse werA Illu tte ring , I st ood up with tb e ('lwHll e· li" h t lr e lllllll me, ttylng to see In till' darltn ('ss. nmy said afterwa rd b o had 11l0\'~ d qui ck ly , to s hu t the d oo r, bllt l wan' d him back jusl as th o s hot raltJl; OIlL . Th" eJ, p losion bllnu e d , d nfe ned ' o(" ' 01(' d ' \"(' 11 to sc orch m e, whil e the minor 011 t llr, wall ca me cl'ash ll1 g rlo',1 II . ~ t lllll1f' rI , dazzled , ho rr ifi e d, I f" lt II dull I'il ge a t th is attempte d 011

",' II in t h" nr ~lI t II :' Ii


" r, ,· , " " "IiI1 " 1,-"- J ,'< , ,, , to I1 ly" , if '11' I ,, !'TI ' r,' l\lIy frl!; h l" II, 'd l r r"fI ! " I' I , t, h 111 I " 'II',J 111-'11 h'lI J:: 1', ,\,' " I s h uu l,; I' I" M :hal <lnll r I I II II;, r 1\ \0 .. , III . I,r,' In , I.., It '' I' ," h ., '" r ' J' ct - ,'(I " "ru . ' 8 " rtl 1.I ~f" OP" fI\ " r! ';0111'1""_ T)l l' h"~11 him . "" had stJ" uull bl s \ ' Ic· t01\', n lhf\ ,(.;l'ndnnl' f tt .lr . ·. . .I , ... .....I" 1"1'."" I " I" r '''''''I'!''II III .. . ""., . ,," I !'''I' I,II ;· " I'" . 11 1" lo ria I ' I'U " S upon a rlLlIlld wh k ll I ~;:!'~; ::I~ ~~ ~ ;~~ ~!fr~U&.:j~.IT~~'~rI " ~ ,\\ ..' ·n\I!~ IJ:~,"\I.. t :~ "nn ' a bo u t nlY neck . Could I wear h tm . fill ~ r ...... u .. ' Wid.. ,," , ,"1'1, I l l ' (r .. ", t h': t'r os s IUHI set o.D ex amp l" " f co w· h er " " rnlnl!' h ... "" . 1< h:o ol l, I" ,rll" ,l h' c· a rli i,'!' In !h"H f' poor cl'ea luTL'fl "bo er-Ir ILi l tl r(·t llrfl~ 1I' )fIlP . \\ II+,It' , I ' !I ~ '· ro ·. ,,,11,01 (· Ut ·" I' l l

II r

~I H ;:Oi' n ( I H' 1I1n ll ~ 1 11~lfll l : .··l n I I f el t fl O IlIlll l t' II :-' t' r l l!er. Wl l h handH w lIn ),)o!"o f' h t·IHb. llit ' 1I 1If:"'l\' I WI' t, J HII:th pa rt hl'tt . ttlll'Ufi t6 hakI Jl g. : pH 1Jul :u.:,:t I U,:-..' I:' t' gh-Olll , .H all n:-: u nit! j' IIO gTl ' lI l 11\ ' d ( If l l'. l.r~ I knl! \ \ ' th .... ! :-.h, ' L'll I (· u I : l~ !\ t' r,'t"tI 1 ll.l"a ~::i c1 1 ~' ~ tr.d tt had II ' n ;;,p)'ou d " n d\Jrl1 tl cp . b ut

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rI l l ~ ,": !;:'rll!~ ( ":1 :.":~, I:j! ~:\ J.;; ; ,; ...' I':' fr' 'I ".,1, t\ •. t II!I 1 I I" r rt,. M t !<I IIII H:,' r ,,( I .. II P :In. ! t" I " , I 11 1{. d Ih,\t I\ P ;1I 11 11 wit h h" r l Ptt l n 'tl f' \\ n ,.'l,! l '·'\·'~~·· l t'l f" ·"rl .... ' . 1.\\1 1, \\. II . T .... lI'. If ,· ~,II: .... ruu ld l/' Il l! d largt' flat 11\e l .

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Is WII IIII'II, ~lbtpr8 In 11111 11 . I \\ Is h 'd ",nrnO Il . 11'" " Il ,'n': !"n!-I:I\.: t h ;,ull ' r I ti ll' , I' d I1.lIhur ll h od r III, ·, you r 'll, I';: "lp. lIllll 1" 1"11 111 Ih" 11 111n1l'111 "',\I HI:,,'lr ti I' n ll, ~ h "d II huby Ll'I'I,:tl to rn , or 1110 ,·Ith hn ir :111 ' I lhll'-:, ,,, .. 1'" Iln il In(J~l"n 0111' " ila r,' or

! m,'



Practical Fashions








NAME .... .. ....._ ...................... ..

It Was Stili Hard,

Bridget, a green maid, waB wl4 b) h e r mistress to cook a sort-ooUed eel for her mlstreslI' brflalUasL FIve mInutes later .be'ranr, for tllf maid, and, usklr,g It the egg ,.-as dODE yet. r eceived an 6Il8wer In the ne,calive, Tblnklng Bridget had not boiled til, egg ImmedIately, lI»e waited a C.W mInutes 10nKer, anC &galn asked if ~ elg ,was ready, "Nu, Ina'am," repltad. Bridget. . "M1Y not 1" 118kErd. lor mlatrl!lla. "To b.e sure. 1DA'lJu, an' ,iI stU1 for diclD't 1, lUSt feel ot,IL'

har". •

the en





TOWN ---- -- -- ____ ...... :. ___ . ___ _• ___ ...... STREET AND NO. ....... _ ............. .. STATE ................................... _

Mrs, Twlckembury. "We we nt to tbe cathedral last Sunday;' said Mrs , Twlckembury. "and we heard th e 'Magna Charta' beautifully 8ung,"-Punch, Dr... anli .Beauty • next to b ~auty, Is the mOlt· deadly weapo~t ln woman '. ' armodry, '.. and.ottenllupplles the ' want or';bea1lt,. Itaelr~!-oJ'me ' Balfour. ' , " ... -

.r , "Dres.~.







No Rest-No Peace TirPrf'R no r ('s t allri hilt little Jl"a c o lor a ~ I r~o n ..... h o~e IdrJlJf'Y S are :)ut of urrJ , I' .

f' Jr ' Hak klrln oTS, back ac ll ll, I~ rt:';';u lal' k i dliry ae lJ o n u.n d u ric a oll! trulIull!. Th"u s il nd ~ u r g r at · rul r com1I1"11t1",1I01l '; till"u Ullhuut tllo c oun U"J' 111"0\"1.' 111I ·i r wnl" t ll . O VI'r .

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Te/ls A StoryM

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GWhen Your Back is lame-Remember 1he Name"

DOAN'S KIDNEY PILL-S Sold by till DezlIen. Nee SO ccnu. Foster-Milhurn Co" Buffalo, No Y~ PrO»rieto<s


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And J am . l itill' boy t a ke hl8

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Me a n Fli ng, Th r'y w"r " d i>, C ll ,' ~ l nt; hll r s" r ac in g . " I 11 '1< '''", '' ob s 1"\" <'11 th~ Ya llk ",' ,

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for I lll lre. s uw a hor5c a dJulh;l)d wl ll II ('r by n I II II !; lI P'~ it ' ngth " I " Is Lh al !;".~ .. d rnw led Ih l' Ji:ll gll ~ h 'l I1lan. "\\ '(' 11 , l"\'e s(' e u a. l'Ios t.1r rae .. Ih a ll t h :!!. I 1I" e d two )"P:H S ill A,'III · I lan d."-(' If'v " lnl'd Ll',l d e r. I


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. .- - -... U:'I1 1': :-': hu \'c dU IH' ma h a l. AI xa ndrla, Va. , to lJr'~ I th c s a s I" l> nr t " r LIH' s ll 1; 3 <'I nd rl c l "'~ Rtltlll,'d III AI "xalldri u :wd tu .. c iLi"cm parts of Ihe Provinoes of f " rI" C th e rpll c a of lb e I of t h ll .. II Sl a ot! t he tropi<' a bUllClnncl' '" I'r' JU8tJ )' proud o t t hei r e nte r prl"" t io u . A ./ \'. Manitoba. Saalcoh:ho •• n and ------,la ys o f Geor l;e lV a~lllng - nr th " \\" 'R t Int.l l ~ III rl.'t urll fo r th " fa - Th e Imlrkt'l pl ,,("c th ,' n IR)' dIrec tly in Alba rt•• have produced wonQuee r En9li sh Duty, derful yield. of W hea , _ Oa' .. IO U, It j ~ 11 0 1 th e c:lpl La l nlllU H to bacco wllh which All.'x:tll drI8'6 1 fro nt of th .. a l,p roRc h to the Carl), lo Al ll l ~ ri(' n ll s ' il l Uft lH ! I~r(l~ t r- cl to lIorlo, a~d Flu, Wheat I;rnded of th e !lul io" , d os plte 11.6 01 '" h i!; ,," r u ho"" I' WlLS Oil ed. T hat was hO Uti o a lld that "arn e marl or couutry Contract to No, I Hard . . II a m e, t ha t Is rI c bes t In It pe ri o d of bounteou s hORpltn llty and produ ce wall Illlimu t f' ly Id n lltl e d v, it b I,nnll" Ihat f ro m 11:1;,1 It h:ts b (, ~ 11 CU"weIghed heavy and pi.ldod from 20 to tal{ " a n u t y :rs one 01 tb e ECZEMA ON ENTIRE SCALP I"IIIMY 1045 bwh.l. per acr.; 22 bu.ohel. was Intl mn t C' li S s o c i a t lo ll s ('o ll l'll )' I!rHC(, . \~' II_~ h l n j:; t oll ' H dum e s li .' lH e nt Moun t aboutthetotalaverag., Mind F ......... h l· I"f.' d ilnl",· c us tO Ill H o r t h e c ro wn . In \ 'Ith th fJ I\[" o f t he li rpt UII 11r ., fl g h! of th,' broad Il ullway Ie Vl' r nOll "ud WDB on o oth e r mea n s or ina ma~ be considered fully <u profi t; 'j l;,' I h"r" wa du ty o f (' ig ht p(' nc e R. F. D , No. 2, Sunfield, Mlch .-"I able arl lnd ustrya~ grain raising. The IJ rl'~ ld pn l , IJll t AI ' " a n · lir e Inrj:;e drawIn g roCl IU . III W as blll g· di s "l ay l "~ iri s common " e ,, ;'e. W c o f n ;':1 11" 11 all all th e t C'1l liquo r s old III WaB troubled wIth eczema. It bcgan . ~cc llell t grasses futl of nutrition are drl a, \\ h i,'" "t:llld s nrlt! . l o n 'ti day It wa s fini s he d In go ld and t w lllY IUIOW b ut Iltti p. of the ha rd r; ll lps the only food reQuired either for '~f :I ' ! "0[1 "" hu uses - ;L Grl'a t illl::o ll\" e ll l· wltb Il. Hore 011 tbe top ot the scalp, \\"!IY ll .. tw,'P Il :v! ount Vfl r- wh ltl ', Illid t he r!' o n m u ny ot:('as ton s h'l o f th a t colollla l period, and reas tlng or d 3iry purposes. In 1~12, Wld again in 1913, at ChicaRo, ManitoL. carried off li on Il nd th e dty or \\' tUlb - IO llk a ll a c tiv e part In 0011 1 a nd fes· WRR nflt a lway s as abu ndan t as th l' " ;:"e In tea rlrill f.Hb. bl ca use It wa s bn1ke out as a pImple a.nd gre w larg e r , ~' In , )"d PliI), t wk ,' a u ay Ill' t h (' (':\:. u nt il It wa s II: larg e red DPOt wllh a. tb. Championebip far beef .teer. ~ 7 In g lo ll. \ Ilvlty u nd le d mun y a fa Ir Vi'r ~ ln l a li !; to ry boo k wOII l<l bav e It. He v. ~t 'l' . schools , markets convenie nt . climate ex. ..\ lc-xl, llIlr Ju. pl:lyed 11 0 ~rn nll pa rt In t h l"Oull h th l' sla t p. ly Ht<'PR of tlu ' m l llll " t I "'''(, IlI ~ , t h:\l (' baUY chro lll c l!,r Cl ( t il e " I ~ I' ,, !lk" I"" , n ll d ~l) cou ld olll y b ' I crus t or scab o ve r It, Tilis became cellent . For the h omesteader. the man I,r, ·\' d tW ice a lla )" .- Lun J o u :Villi !. la rge r tlnally co\'c rln g lil e enli re scalp who wishes to fann extenSively, or the l h p rll l''' l a l i'' ,~ y.:'urn or \Va s hlugtc,u 'll I 1l 11<l Lh o Ie:; R eXfl ct lnl: r l'e l. T be h a ll · I tl m , '~, Ic' lI s UR lhllt Ale xand ri a th ti n Inve1tor, Can. d,a offe ra the biggest 01>and spread to dIffe r e nt part s of t1~e YO llth a nd ,'a rly In nllh oo 'l. A rt' pre, W ilY tLR(' if, If tra dttit,n be co rre, ~ l, i5 b()a~ted 1lI0 rp ri p; hlly o f its tJe aut y l han l)ortumty of any place on th e continent. C h ild r en Not Na t ura ll y Destru c tive . 1 bo Jy , tb e limbs a nd back and In the "~' n tnt h" VIrgi ni a to wn , It s tood th e n no t wlthou~ Its sl' lIl1 me ntal In tcr~9t, 1 itH Ill"nn " or c ha rm Ing th e pu late. Apply for descriptive literature and He g,' nLi l' \11th d ti ld w ho e a r H. These s or es gre w larger g r adaut! ror f;" lI f'1":l t lll !l« law r fo r al l th aI. ro r It 11" :1,; a t th fOOt o r th p bAu ut llul I "'I'h (' neiJ.: htJo rh ood of Ue ll e lI an' ll reduce~ railway rateD to "11",11 ,,.' h is loy". Th l' fau lt Is n o t u:ll ly uulil some we re as larg e as a wa f! bC? 1 o f l' (Il onl:i l sUlnd ar d s. It s poo. s la ln' ase o f "o lld lTluhuI'allY tha t w a~ not n d es l' rt ; o n th e c ontra r .'" iL Superintendent of ir is , bill YOII I·S. \l ho I' ro\"it !..rl hil l! w i1l1 qll Rrt c r of a dollar. Th e y wo uld Itcll ]m m iJ(ration~ pi c had 11JI\ ~ h to d o \dth th (' mold ln/\ \\' :t sh i n~ t o n uwu lled Ih e co m !n!; of th was in rnM Y \Jl a"1'" a ga rd E'fl II lJl, t, In y ~ t ("lO I' el lip li ca l l' d for hi~ i Il lOn t u n ' I and it s cratc h e d tbey wou ld bl ee d and Ottawa, Canada, or to M \\'u ~l'in~ l olI'fl ,' ha rnl' t ('r , an d Was h. lo \' I)" Sa ll y Fa ir fax IlJio n a lJi.l rti \l Iar : undin g wtlh lu xu ries. lIu t its illlill l!' m in " to lIli d e rSI:l lJrJ . I o t tor e,;s .. ' s m ar t. Th e clothing would Irr itat e i n r.:toll r il:hly r e pa id AIE'x lIu d rl a, o r [O\,p. n l n ~ unci whll t:' e~corti ll ~ h pr int o ll\l ui~an t~ , tlie w"i.l llll y , ",,(' r e not wl ~ ". S: NETHERY Ilp il e Il a\"!' II a s It was IIrst (' all,' d , b.\' th p hallroo m o rferl' d h er bi~ b . urt, J lI Y t he s lI CCPSSfll 1 c u lture or LOb,~c(·" "' ,, r i:< :'Ilo llt r' ~~" I" i. ill llf' r le ct u l"e Ill l th c m at night whe n It was b e Ing r eInterurt:len Bld g . l'aflll'l(i l' "a ll , ~ ~I d 1I 1l1o' c h ild re n wc r, ' D"lCJ\'ed ca us ing lil e m to Itch und smart Columbu8, OhIo h is " ","e l" fall In !; COII l'~ rn tor Its we I. W11 lch . he r J('('ted. ' th f' Y had ruull ey. And hav Ing filled far e a nd adV ll II C" IlI " " l. a ll th !' opposlt o e icl e of thl p s a m .. , t h" ir coac li hOll ses ..... ith gI ll car ri ag , ' ~ n t't Il,. tura ll y d ps l l"llcti n ' . as mo s l par·: 80 [ could nOL s leep . A wa te r y fluid Cana dian Proba bl y no RUrdvl ll g s ll'u c tur e in h nll Is Ih e b lue an d w hit!' roo m, whi c h a nd th e ir d inlnll rooms wIth g ilt glas s· " Iii ' ; h,, <1 n 'a SUII to 5 11 IJ pO S , but t ha i 'I would rUIl f rom them. My scalp beGovernment Agent I h., IIl ~ Lll1 rt t o pul l Lll e ob ject t o came covered wlt ll a scale aud wil e n _ AI !! ~al "l r l u hnr bo r c d \\' /l s ll lng loTi with . W:l g .John Carl y le '" pa rt icula r re t r e al. \ I'B th e y b(' ~a n t.Il look dowli u pon th'! pi('c r H wa s t hl ' o n ly natura l th lt',g ro r tb e Ilalr was r a is ed up it would r al De ' ill its hlJ<;l'it a hl e Wil li s In o r o rr e quen u y I W it hI n lhal room Washlnglon r ecel;'e d l>oorC' r so rl und 10 l a lk about famili e s. a c hild to 11 0 wit h ~o rn cth i n g il dId , thi s s cale: th e hair 'Was coming out I thall th e ohl CIU"ly l ' hou sc, and ct' r- I hIs (' 0 ll1ml8slon a~ a mt:mbe r or Gt'n· " Of couroe It would ne ve r do for no t II".h'I'6t:III<I . "I o sl t oy s g iH' n to , t errIb ly . tain ly nOli ' W8 5 mo re dire c tl y USSOCI-I· e ral ll mddoc l{'s s turr In li 5G, What $uch g r ea t people to run mark e t c8 rt8 ~ (' h illln ' n art ' too corn lllit'at t' d. Or. "I treate d about six montbs and got I atcd with th e fouII ,latlo li of th e mlll- th at m()~ut to Washington we can only He li ce tb e Iloo r Be ll e Hav e nit el', I", h01"1 a~s l'r t (' d . no re ller Bnd arter u sI n g Cutlcura tary s jd e of hI s lif e . SlrCI ll gt' as It partly dIvine, but the re Is no doubt of though Arn boRClllll:,d In ple n ty, we re " in s tead o C pxp ec!lng -:ltil dr en to I Soap Bnd Olot ment I'.-Itb two appllca- , may Hc e m, for lOan y ye n rs thi s hls- Its s l'g n Hlcu uce to us as a Ilatl o n be- ofte n In dllng e r o f gna wing t h e ir IIalls. a mll st:' th .. mse l\' oH w ith tol' s th e y do I ti ona we could notI ce a great dllfel" to rical Inndrnark has belm h idd e n away causo of ",bat It taught hIm of the And unless th ey could cate r ;l lamb are quickly relieved by Sloan', not und €' l" sl and , 1Il0t,llf: ~S should 1lS · ~ ence, It began to g e t b otter rIght beblnd th e bn lle- re d frollt of Alexan - fl g hlln g ways or the Rrltl:\b so ldi e r. from so m e r,oo d natured 'cracke r' or a Liniment. Lalit on-no rubS U~TI!: II~U I"O r (' s llO tl Slull lt;, fo r tbelr : away, In a month's l im e I wus comdrla's once noted Iwt e l, t h o Draddock Frl"m th e broa d portico or Mount Il'as h of Clll ck(,l1s from the S unday nebing: Try it. (',h l loll" f' II : , I'nt e rta lnnw nt. s he COO ·! pletely cured," (SIgned) Mrs. Bertha h o us e , uccupy ln g on'! co rn e r or til e In Verno n Wasblngton sa ..... I3raddoc k ar-· groee wer(' ollli ged to sit down wltb tlnu e d. ., . Th e mo t h ' r who drives h e r Und e rwoot!, Jan, 3, 1913, n e r courtyard. sh ut away from the pub- rlv ll wlt.b hIs tra ns ports and hIs regl-I lon g faces to u balr gra~d dInn e r of Ankl. SIWun - ' 'bWoe.rt..J Hlp, c hIl d aw n )" from h e r ~ ltl O wh e n , s h e I" Cutlcura Soap and Ointment 80ld " I sprained my ankle and dlsl()(!Ilted lie gaze nnd d e nie d tile outlook of the m o nta af red coale d soldiery and pass s alt m eat and journ ey cake. ~\' ork lng makes a pl t.lrul Il1I Sta ;(O. It througbout the world . Sample of eacb my [lip by rallil1ll out of a third alory broad approac h whlcll It once enjoyed onward to Al exa ndria, nIne mll ea "ThIs wa s the ord e r or tb o da y, A , D , I" ImpOSSIble tn psU mat e th e ell'ect r WIn.:..:OW. \Velll 00 crntche. tor tour Ith 32 Ski n k Add t . ree,w -po n 00 . ress pas month". Then J . torted to 110. your In th e days of 11.8 we ll nlgb baronial abov e , coming wltb the sple ndid tradl- '5!}, wben Was hington, jU6t married to u I'on lh e c 1111rl "s mInd If he were d "c tI D t L B t "-Ad Uniment, occordlll" to direction., I imparlance. Until a few years ago lions of th e klng's troope and with all the wealtby young wIdow Custis, had !I (' vc r tum ed a way . If h c cou ld n.!\\,ays car u curn.. e l> . , 06 on, , v, mu. t MY It I. helplnrr me wonderfully. We wtll never be wilhou~'. Llnlthe Carlyle house wa s largely used as tho martial fanfare or regulars. As a se ttl ed at Mount Vernon , nin e miles be s ure or sympll thy a nd und ers tand· Dodging, y:,']J ..."w.'P~re_"-a... J, .u.II: storage place by a local deale r In lea d e r of tb e local provincial troops be low Bt, lI e Hn\'e n. Th e unpl onsant ing from th e jlc r,;on be lov es most of "WlIl you .. give me your nBnl e, _ colonIal nnllqu es, but II: few patrIotic Wll8hlngtoo had won ror himself a situation or the familIes at that place all." pl e ase?" VIrgInia women saved til e building cre dita ble r e nown, but here were sol- !lOon r oa c h e d bls e ars. '1'0 a man or "Pllrdon m e, miss, but t his Is n't from turtb e r IndIgnIty, tbough not e n- dlers supposedly of ste rne r stutl and bl s charactcr, with too mucb spI rIt to ANOTHER COFFEE WRECK Ica p year." tlrely f ro m dang er, as the old furol- hlg~e r mllltal')' capabilities, follow a bad exampl e wh e n be had tbe What'll tho Uac When There's an Eaay • _ ture rO\lJld a n e w abIding place withIn Gene ral Braddock promptl y acce pte d \low e r to sct a good one and too mueh Way Out7 !I1oth .. rGra7'. Swoet Powden tor Chnd...,.. __ R e ll c"ft! J'evcrIHbnclie, B a.d. Sto lJlu,c h, 'ree-l.hlng tho Btlll mora InOn.mmable BraddOCk th e hospitable Invitation ,of Jolln Car- wit to look for happIness anywh e r e but housc, adjoInIng, lyle and eatabllshed hIe b eadquarters In h is own bO!<o m, it could not long be Along with tile cartee habit has II DI. urder. , WaY" li nd rCll ut .. ~" ~b e Bowel. a"d ' are & plelu"-int. r e m ed y tor WorlllY . UMell by In 1732 John S . Carlyle Imported und .. r th e roor or that gracious host, questionable wbut part h e had to act. g r Ol \\:,n t h e prev al e nt "American Dls- Moth er" !orUr~nr • . Tiley nre "" pleu . .. "tto from tile Isle or WIght tile stone of the IItlle blue and white room becom.. A mark e t cart was Instantly co 11- t:ase -nervous prostration, ' take, cb lldren li ke tb em, ilory . o'",r ,,,il. At Tho following lette r sbows tbe way Bit Urut:l'flot., 2i.c, Hu mple JrltJ,;t;. Audre.... whIch tbe house Is built and be ab- Ing th9 cOUDcll chamber In whIch ..... ere structed, and r eg ularly thre e time s a !p/eadlol E... !pnIu, A. B. 0 Jwsted, Le R oy , loI. Y• •1.1 • . sorbed for part Qf the f~undatlon a J)lanncl1 the preparallons for tbat mem o week s e nt 01T to Bell e Hav en fill e d out. of tllo trouble: .. I feU and sprained m)' Brm • week ","0 and "'1\.1 In terrlbt .. p,ln_ I could portIon of an old rort whl c b hnd bee n arable but 1lI fate d campaign against with nice roasters, kidn ey covered • " l"i ve years ago II: great coCo Easy Then to Be Generous , Dot uae my hand or arm unlit I appll<d buUt man y yeal'6 b e fore for the prote c' the Indl~ns, Washington's prevIous ex· lamb and veal, green goose, fat ducks fec drloke r and fro Its use 1 bO ' 1 The trouble with somc would· be 7 0ur Uniment. I shall ne~er be "Ith· out .. bottle or Sloan '. LlDlment."-'" tlOD of the English Irader!' at Hunting perlelll'o. IlB a leader o f local troops n od gobbl ers, cb}ckenll by th e bask e t, came 80 nervous COU ld. scarcely g e ne rali s m e n Is that th ey alway!! a. D. Sp",,&or. Elioobo", N_J_ Creek BS th e place ..... 1lB the n known against . be savages made blm we I· fr esb butle r, ne ..... laid eggs, vegetables slee p at all nights, M ' condttlon gre w leav e th e Ir mon ey at home In tb e lr Floe 10.. Surmagaln~t the IndIans, The barracks or come at lbose cf'oferences' and hIe and (ruil.8 o f all sorts, Country g e n· worse and ..... orse untl\ fit lally tile pby- olber cloth es. .. 51nsn'o Liniment bu done more that aOclent d e fense bocame the c e llar keen Judl:1Dent and practlclil advlce tlemen dinIng with tbelr fri e nds tn sic iUtl I consulted d eclared my trou_ _ __ _ _ __ ,ood th" n anytbinr I ba." ever trie4 or th e Cn rlyl e hOIlA e , and In tb08e earned for hIm Br.lddock's admiration town ver y ~oon r e marke d th e w e lcome bl e s w e r e due to coffae , forotill' jolnlo. I ,ot hand hurt 10 Dr. P ierce'. P len snnt P ellet. finrt put up bru:lly that I had to ato" wor1l: rlrht In c ool , dnrk, dry retreatll wero store d In lind the In.vlta~on to serve UPOD the change In dIet. 'Bless tis all,' ex"But being so wedd ed to tbe be v- 40 )"I'ars ago. Th ey r egulate Bud invigora te l the b u. I •• t time of lb. year. I thoul'ht 'Washlnglon's day the bulgIng casks BritIs h geuerals stair. It t>l enough claImed tb ey, 'what's tbe m eanin g of pf:loge I did not see how I could do sto mllcb, Jiver Gild bowels_ SuglU'-coulea at flut th!lt I would haye to have mv hand token orr. but I IIOt , bottle o' cob-..... e blle d bottles, and delicIous old to add thllC In th o trying work that tblR~ You InvIte d UII to tamlly rare , without it, especlally at brea kfast, ti ny granulc., Al1v, SI".n's Liniment and cured m, band,," _WilWn WA..J.r.Jfom." At... hama for which VirgInia hll8 long be en fa 110 '";:Cd t~.e Drltlsn record s testify and bere you bav e glven us a lort! a~ that m eal seemed In comple t e withPi-ogre .. , note d that the' Ir~1nla omce rs alld troops mayor's re a s t.' 'Y t' S,' re plied the OUl - ou t coffee, id' "How Is your Shakespearian club At all Deal.... 2Se., AIl~tller part or th e .old (ort forms bebav,?d like m e n and die d llke 801- era, 'thank God for st:'ndlng a Colonel "On a vlalt, my s d cpr \'e IDe gflttlng on 7" 150<:, aDd fl.GO tbe plazu. at the rear of the bou e tilers, and Washington came oul of WashIngton Into our ne lgbborbood.' " ot carte e to prove Il wa sb had rm" S PICDdldl y. \" ·yO lea rnc d two n ew S u"",n tb e strHe unec::"thed and riper for the Send for Sloan '. ful. At the end at elg t ~ys I SIl' PS las t wee k."- Llre. fr ee . hllt.rucUve wblcb the broad centrnl hallway far more serlm,a task tbat I t th(' crElvtng , book on horlel I wa s less nervous, opens It was upon this nlaza I th V' ay ahead Cut Off, . .. ,n e of him "'b Id I II cattle, hotr. aUd far away days tbat the Corlyles rl . , e wor s we awnm that I 1 for c orree wss Inten I went bu(; k p.".llzV, AddreOfl no thrlft, all little thIng!! like blui ng theIr gu ests g~th ered on summer The arcbltectlVaI smdent will IInri I s tern kalst>r has rorhidd e n hl9 Officer.- to the old habit as s o a s I got h ollie DM" accep t water for blulnlr_ Aak ' or Had nlnge to discuss tb e qu estion - f th mUch to Inte rest him and to warrant to !l1\n ce th e tan go or to go to tan go and th e old sl eep l Ili gills c a me Cru~ UIoIU Hluu. Ad., . tim e or to pass the bours II bOattl e study In tbe Carl:tll' house, Th e old parties. Th p.), say that a young Il e u- n ear making a wreck me, c . the og windows, th e doo '("ways the prlmltl ' e I t t m e t ~ rt"In_n d In th e stree t s o f d de c ided to Badly Expressed , over a bearts ome g lass amId enan " 1 heard at Pas tum s oothIng s ruoke of tb e rrapra,nl Orono- copboards, ch.alrboM'ds. doorste ps, ('or- Herlln th e other day and e mbraC'et1 try It_ I did not II ke t :It firs t be- ' " Doc t o r, l ' m Horry to brIng you I It th th q nlces, moldIng, etc" are exquisite In hIm ..... Ith fervor cause, as I afterwards (\ i!\cove rc ~ , it ' away a nt to th e s uburbs ." to't' 'dwthS ere I e youn g people tast e and rIch In Qualntnoos , aod ele ' l " I'm d yin g orlonl'lIne.'ls!" said tM I I 1'011 !1 .1 , t, ~w" Don't mentIon It. Yo u see, I have W~IS not made prope rly th wa cne 0 moon r Be ov er e rlvCl gance or detail. Tb e r ':! th e II ,' r u ir,'c llons ' a nllih e ' pallent out this way, conse· nnd took th e Ir pleasures In th d . Y are a~ . e ute na nt. eve r, that wben ma do I e ecot- th ey w ere In WaRbIngton's tim e, and "What!" said th e frI end, "!rme ly In BOSION, MASS. ' Ql1 t' llrJ,; I Clm klll two bi rd s wIth one 011 th o package, It was d, lic IOUS. ous m a nn e r o f t 108e days, In common with t h e r es t of tho man- Herlln!" -'I t h a ll II. Boothi n;; ,g\'Cl Oll illY Rtli ll O ~~~~~~~~~!I ••••••• Th e n, tb e gurdens r a n do ..... n to the s Ian are regard e~ 8S smong tbo be s t "Just Umt ," r e t uTllE'd th l! ,~th (!l' . e lind e ff ec ts rIve r 's ba nk aod ov e rlook e d the docks specimens of ttle SCH:alJed colonIal " You cll n't g o to a nvbod Y'B hou~~ an " nerves, and none of I,' fa r e we ll to A.,,,,,I. hl,,A' TobROCO RemCl,lr - Ou~rnn"l"" I I,n In"uul Ur r\ ' llI'l \ ' O t.tI. r. w f u r ('I j(an! I HS (It tUbU I~I'1i 11'" a t wblch th e trndln!( craft we r e m o ore d style, ' J D~o .""::'' tha t coffee had, so I mo r e. Th ey all dan ce tbe tang un ly Po stU Ul ! n un y for m . o r mun t11 ebocu"ru lh r f-(uTld Dd . ~1f 'H.l 1 It y " u r~ I' (\ UT or 5t'kf'l4' ' m ' \iI lIet W!\! 'OU1' t.Il eeL' · ~ 'c offee and bave r :I.!;c Rlld r Ot·",,, ,, "o n d <' rrul t tJ IO l!('t{ b y rtH urn w&. 11 8 l1t' I~I : R (r, l l o &l tl NKY, .1..... DrJltH. :.., UYOUfi DI Sl'...U .... -trudlng cmft th at came from over In F~bruary, 1752, ,8 market was In- New York Evening Post. sInce. The most 1'1 U I. a ccoun t AtJd N':l.... Un1 11:. TOb~ ca.a..~. ro .• , Ic"U., . u ... ~ .... ,: ~'~~t~~/Ii ':!'t\'ri£'R.EE' c~ ~("~~ftD(I~~i, :~:;~~~H~o~~~ .................... _... ................. '-ienvc u f r Otll - -\lu.' I' o dl_ ('a fl-t!t' an d ,W-Oz.:VlIRrt' ,. ctt llJl:8 e Dee ted 117 t h e bene fit to bt my O\\' Il e ~ Between the Acts, I 'H.EHNEWFIIENCHRtNlEOY No.tNo2No.1 STAFF GUESSING Jefferson M c Addi~ter would lik e to nor? You 're extremely kInd , At Sbbr. Postum could not HAD, THE I " ";Ir," Im ld the man 10 ' n l':1 Ol'cl,,'glra ;::~~:;'r'?r",~': I, . " spea k with hIm? Yes, that's the name ry's? What? And a bottle? (Surging pe l' ience," d l "i l' "in 1) !l !o:~ 'nfT tn and fr o you tJUV C t!l o r " ull.'d ), tor "ClI :I\ tlw n a 'lllIlIn t. Ah'O lut~ IJ FREIL. •• , • • Q :-00 ·' nlta .... ' 1,,' ('lrcu l.rlto ~uo'>lIlf..tI"n J'. Uk. LlCt' t.,ltM !~ame glv On by fI1.cAddls t r.r , JournalltSt. ' New Reporters Monumental Bluff AIInte r est In t h e errlire s taff.) It's awrl1 i n €'d n l)' ~ ilk hat. al Er~~. ~·ft~"~;VT~Il~;l~f~~~~~:i':::T:i:~~~:~·~otJ~' (Th e otbe r reporters listen 10 awe- fully kind o f you. Well, say Tues d a y CI'cek, Mlcll, Write moat Deserved to Succeed, But " I canllol he lp that, s lr,' - s a id t ll o _.. _._._-_ ._-. - - - -Road to Wellvllle," struck '!lle oCe,) at eight, But r eally JHe Overlookc!l One PoInt, In [ \\, 0 for ms : IO lh e r. " Ir YOII had gO:IC out b l! tw ';'e n ~~ ~Ho.~ GRANULATED P ostum how Tbo 'New Reporter-Is thIs really Cit);' Edl'tor (in bls everyday voIce) st bo we ll t h e acts j"ClurselC your bllt 1V0uid not _ :.:c:; ITCHING LlDS Re gular Postu The Ne1'" R e porte r (going to tb e t ll ie-' Mr_ Devoy? M:y name j l - Ab, you - I have Ijome worl, here. McAddl s ter. hllv e s urr ~ r" tl ! " -P ucl~ .. bCllled, ,phone ' lLod osten~!ltlOU 8Iy s tarting tbe recog nh:e my voIce? You perhaps re- whe.n you are quite tnrougb 'talklng t.ot'~'.lunl-" 8 a soluble ll"w- \ • 'mncbhiery ) -Rello, central! Let me membe r that 1 Interviewed you yestel" youTllelt, Tha~ tel e pbon e has b een disdl sD OlvP.8 ·qulck.Jy I pr~:~llt;rel~~"f!,dnu~r,~d J!.~~~8 ~~" Il.. t;have 2746 C, pl e a se, (A pause.) You day? Wha t's' that? Best reporU Oh, connected s ince mo~lng,-l'uck, nud, with cream .... m. A.l" -:-_ _ __ _ _ __ glddy _lIltle tblng! ' . No, I said twen-ty- thank you! You're veO' k.lnd_ I tried ' • d elicious be vl!r-l sev<,n, Twen-ty-sev- Hello! - Ia that I to m,nk~ "it 10, Has',,~yuilng . turJled • , · D~nllerou. MI,take: ' e ll bOlh kinds, . Would It be the part or w1sdom, ~ ' 27t5 .G'J?" Is Mr. Ba'I,Vgertoes DevOY In up In rega~ to that' cue Iince )loon 1 .. Ii hobbY"1lI aU rlgll.t, .1 long &Ii ~oU , Pl1stum. , turn your back ~n the ba<l;kbltilr1 " , Uie WU1,)oU teU" b1m twlt Mr, Well, sorry to trouble- yOn, ' JllIl?_ DID.- dOll', mll~ It, 'for .. 'prtnt'.11!la. ,\ - ... .. oalee! ..;,








Sprains,Bhises Stiff Muscles

:\1 0U'1


LINIMENT'" Kills Pain











\ !.o,






















Mr. Fred BarreU will ofter at lie C. Uu\brie, decealled, plalotlff lReliolutioua of reapeot for Albert Recognized Advllntagea publio sale on 'he farm koowo III : va. l:ll\rbon ROAVis ot al,!'t e endl\ntll ~tllbbs, decelilled were pat!89d . You will fin·' that Chamberlain's tbe ·T. S. Bar"ett f..rm,l lillie wellt Publlo sale of real estate orderes, Jobn Mush&11 Mnlford was a]l. Cough Remedy bas recognized ad of ~prlllK Vlllley, 00 tuu Ullllt.ervllle ' t y , 01.1I 0 . I nJono ' tl on . I Boward ArohllOliloon. u s OXllcutor pointed lIoudl~o r to fiJI nnexpir ed vantllgeK over m08t medloloes io Pike, on W arren I,-,oun e for oougbs and 0 lIds. It does te rm of Albert Stobbe, deceased, u~ Friday, Febr uar.v 20. 1914 I 'b I J not supprel!l'l 1\ oough but 1008ens All en Ra P1' vs. '" ar es ,ord aD . uf the will and ost·ate of .~I oholas . BeglunloK at 10 o 'olook the follow. He Immediately filed bla bond, Archdeaoon, deoeased, plAlDtllf V8. • and relieves it. It aids expeotora. A moun. Mon ey fln d (I" mAges. 101(: 7 ~oorl bordep. 16 fine Polilod wh loh Wll8 acoe pted, tlon and opens tbeseoretionp, wblob '"1 <0 Burley Arohdeaoon, et Ill, d ofen o Ia i mil d .. v . . CbiDa brooel 81'we, 1 1'01'\0 11 Ubloa i, dants. Private lillIe of tIm. d tra ot In Billa allowe4- l:ltate of Ohio V S. eUl\b!e8 tbe lIysteDl to tbrow off 1\ m ,.I" hog Ilod 46 IIhoeats. Impleoold. It ooonterao's anv tendeooy Probale Court Proceedings this 08U8e 18 oonfirmed und Approved Frnuk Kno\vlton, W. Z Roll, may"r of a oold to rellnl' In pneumonia . mentl ')1 all klndll, feed, etc. M, N. Douglrllllt, Mllnager. In the matter of the e8tate of DIRtrlbution DlIlde . '3 GO. '1'. D. Fraser. marsball, 15 au, It oootaln8 no (lplum or other nllor Wm. &lllla"Auot. ooUo, and may be given to a ohild Sta tEl of Ohi o V B Milt Burdsal, \V, August Aunller, deoeased . Re81~n~ · 1 In the matter of Chllrl es ~. \Ion ot ,I obn C. and William A, . Drake. Salel per801l fo und 1,0 bl" In· Z Roll, mayor $!.l.25. T . D. Fuser, tUI oontldently aA t·o an adult. For snle by nil denler!l . 1 will Bell at publlo 8ale on Annk er R S I'x·c utOrB aooepted . John Bane. AopJioation fur admissitln to UIB rsball, '3 , 5. State of Oblo va, --Saturday. February 21, 1914 Mat Hurdsal, W Z Roll, mayor, C Aunk ar Kppointed odwiuistra'or Dl\yton Stllte Hospitlll is mode. STRANGER THAN FICTION Commenoing '" 10 o·olc-ok. tbe fol $:! !f>, T . 0, Fras"r, marshall $3 'u. de boni" u nu with the will annexed. In th e matter of tho guardiansbip lowlnll: proverty : Fenoe pellt8, AwerStltte of Ohio VII. John Redmond, A, Bond 10,OUO, J . LoeTbompsoD , B. of M·.rgaret R . Hobin, ImbeCile A man employed at the Kelly Cord· 10lln feooe, bugglell, plow8. miloeli). ~o Vay and Adllw Dotrollop- lc omprGmise, settlement and oon J . l)ivlne, J P , 12 40. I. C. Brown. age Co., in Xenia, while unpacking lan80UII . t:)ee blll8 for terms pol Dted Ii Pllra isers. veyanoe are approved and oonfirmed. OOlls t., $-l.iW. State of Ohio VS. a bale of sisal, last week, found A. ll. 81del John K. t:l pencerj admr . de bonil:1 In the matter of the guardianship Wl.IlIIlW Loy , A. J . Divine, J. P, 8 Mexican watch and a number of C, T. Hawke . th . nOli of the estate of William E ot J . M. Hayner, an o.lle~o(llmbeolle $2 21i I C. Brown, oon8t, $4.JO. coms erem. I W. N . Searp, Auotll. ~tul te of 1)1110 VI'. James iioo\t n. E ~wartz, dec61!IIed, plaintiff V8 Molly Application for !lamo Is dlslD18Bad. The watch i~ apparently a v.ery Th oderlligoed will aoll at pub. But11away, mayor, '1.IiO. 8 . U . Joy. valuable one bemg of the LOgUlers\li eO~lon on B Swartz at ai, defend!mts Publlo Marriage Licenses • oonet ,1:1.1)(1. Stato of Ohio V8. Lee 15 ruby make. The case is of heavy 0 au 1181e of real e@tate ordered. Monday, February 23,.1'14 inlaid silver with an inscription on it Roy R. BarleU ~o Mis! Marg8re~ Brooke, W J. Curran, J. P, t" 95. In the mlltter of the estate of Ulyde EI~ten, OODS' , $8,15 . Howard bearing the date 1609. The watch Commeoolng at 12 :30 0'010011 p, m . is in perfect condition and is keeping d tbe Illte rellldtmoe of Albina Amanda M. Scbnell, deoea8ed, L Boerner, both Jf ~·ru.nklin. Rev. Elsten, lUIS'., $\.tiO. A. G. Cooper. acC'urate time. When found it waa MoSherry, deoea8ed, 10 WayneSVille Sixth acconnt approved . Charlos E . Wadsworth, paJ>I'r Contraots Lei :-No, 204 with the not running but die instant it waa Wllfren Couney, Ohio, the ohaUel In the mstter of 'he estate of maker of West Cl\rrolton to MUls Ol ogonla Bridge Co., for furDlsblng w<>undtup it b~an ticking aa calmly property beJOnlllnj( to th", eawte of MoseR B Thomp80D,deceased . Fir~t Vlola&egar, of ;..eUtw 'Jn Rev . U anel driving 26 wblte oak piling HI as if it had been Quietly reposing in said de08a.ed . Conllill\lng of bou8e some one's pocket instead of having bold furnltnrf'. Bee bille for terma , aod finbl aooount approved, E 0 d ow y. ft. ol1)h lit Banta Aroh 00 Oregonia been tumbled and thumped about in W. Cb6liter Maple, Admlnilltrator In tbe matter of tbe eBtate of Dr . John F . Abrahom, phy8ioi~n an(l LebaDon pike In Tnr'leoreek a bale of sisal for several hundred of eatate of Alblua Mc811erry . Margaret 8 . Iford, deoea8ed. Firs' of Wellsville, to Misl! Mary Eliza township $327 60. miles, The watch and the coins, C. T., Anot , which consisted of two Mexican aoooun t Approved . beth Ureatbotlse, of I.eb men Rev . - - -... - -dollars and ten half dollaf'\l were all I will offer at publlo lale .. t my In tbe mdter of tbe estate of J. A. MoKamy . wrapped in a handkerchief. rellde009 on the Wblteman farm, 1 George Cook, employee In paper How To Prevent Bilious Attacks Ceoll and Rlobud Watkin8, minors, I l is probable that the watch and mlle weat of WaynellVille, on Seoond acoount approved. mill, Fr~nklln to MillS Agnes Jaok· "Coming Avent,s oa8t tbelr shad money \\"aa the property of some Tuesday, February 24, 19 ... In the matter of t·he estate vf \ lon, of Franklin. ~ev . G. E . Gowdy . OWB before. " This la ellpeol"lIy Mexican who hid them in order to Jamel L . Mounu, deceased. First true of bilious attaoks. Your appe save them from being stolen. BeginniDi at 10 o'olook, ~he follow· and floaJ a('oonnt approved ColT'miS!lioners' Proceedings tilel will feel dull aod languid. If ing: 4 hOrllea, 10 GaUle. 3 1" 0 d . 'yol1 IIore -ubjeot to bUloulI aUaoks The King of All Laxatives . 110"., farming Implementl tl lid 10 ~he matter of tbe eswte P, B. Rue was ~ppolnterl to IUIsls' tall:e ~bree ot Chamberlaln'8 Tablets houll9hold gooda. See bil{ bill. Jur For oonRiipatioD, uee Dr. Klng'8 Mula Vonover, deoeased. Firat 1100. \ Proseoutlng AUerney, Frank c. 1as 8 'on as tbese sympwms appear New Life PilIt'. Paul llatbulkllo, of terml. oouot approved. . Anderson io the Jfranklin Retalnlng\an(i iheat\aolt may be warded off . BuJJulo, NY ., says tbey are ~be C. T. Hawke, Allot. CUnt Roll!. George E. Young, admr ., of Pear. wall 08se. FOIr I!ale by all dealers . "klng of all laxatt V9ll . They are a I will oller IAt publlo s'\lI' .. 1 my blesslag to all my family and I bome mllea lIOu&h of I-il'rlol Valley, I'nd milM nor&b of WlY· nMvUltl, on W ednClday, February 25, 1914 ~ w.·.· .......................:.:...............,.,.".:.:.:......:.....:.:."."...........,.".:.:.:......'".>lW--.., ~~7;.~::~i;I~:;: . , . I. BeginntnK at 10 o 'olook, tbe followlIIC obattelll : I) bor!l8l1, 5 oowS. U bOIJll, farm Implemeou and boulI9hold goods. See IUlle billa for terml. ('. T. aawlle, J. L. Hartsook. Tom D11I, Auots . F. C, BlIorlllODt, Clerlr.




-.,."""''''".. '..'"'.'.". . . . . v~..,.......,._.. ...,....,.. ,.. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."'. . . . ."'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .____. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _...

, \ "

New Suits. Kll te Frll" Z V S • •Iohn Hall Ilnd AlhArt !jnu)·. Money only . Amount oi lltnlt'd, tl (l tl 50 with int ere8t . .\1.. ry E ~bllw b ltn V~. Alva Hes88, M. R. HIli lind He nry Oi ehl!!. Un n ,·"II . Am"unt C'1 " illl f'd 1 2:13.47 II.nd int,·r,·"I. '1'11" GltIOZ"!l!1 Natio·l'·1 9 ' 1 k VB . J . E Shuemalt t:! r and A. B. Morris, all IllluH. of tb " eAt .. te of Ell Z1heth (;, Shuelllllker. t1eceosed. Mouey only. Am onnt cl8imlld *2;,0 with iuterest . The CWw nR Nil tional Blink VI!. A. rI. Morrl ", II.S admr . ot tho &l Gale of Eliz'lOOlh C. ~hoemaller, ci ec;88ed . J . E. ~l1oem .. ker and J ohn W. LiDg", Money only. Amount a ltaiw ed $330.20 with InterpBt. .lohn Swi t1', ,J ohn Hartsock and John Evans, trustee9 of MiddlA Ruu Baptltl' churah VII. Burrell Ooode, )drl<. Jobn Cadwallader, fdllton OoodA, Cbarlell Ha Rile and ~i ·. dle Hun Bap\!st ohuro11. Uun8~raolion of will. BnpPJDg I\nd ~rrell VII. C. 1.:). Shields and Mary t:)hleltlp. Money and foreol08ure. Amount cltl"lmed 1760 and In'flres~. Maude Kn uU VI! . Roy KDOU, dl voroe . Oro" .. negll'ot of daty and tlxtreme orn ulty . Blanobe Johnsoo VS. Robert JohnSOD , dlvoroe. Grosll oeglect and ex. trllme oruelty, Inman Monger VI!, Frank D. Miller 3. Trea8nrer of Wllrrl'n Co" Ohio and .Iobn vI. Mulford a8 Auditor of

--_.- ...


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Issue of the Treasury Stock of the

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.IDvestmTenta, orrurtown, enne86ee,


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at PubUo Anotion on the Botel Gronods, aD 8ou&b Main ~'reet, .', Wayneavl\l~, obio, on


D K. H.E. HATH A W A. ~..

Saturday February 28 1914 Wayneerille'. LeM1n, DeaUtli ::: ::: ' , OtBoe ill Keys BId.. IIaba 8' ::: ::: Commenoinll at 12 :30 o'.look, tbe '.',., ':. following property town: 3 ho~ee, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $:~ 5 bngglel, 1 wagoneUe. harnesl, :.: ~ h01l8ebold good". Mae big bUill for 4; :~ ter~ol. Barvey Gnatln :;:: ::: c. T . Hawke, Anot. FUneral Diftdor ;.: ':. ; ::: ::: 1 will ofter at pnblio Bale a' my and Embalmer; ::: ::: residence, 3 miles 11&8' of Waynea. ~;\ ll~ ~~I:h: ~:::b:eetl;i::, !'rveY8bnrK, Waynesville. Ohio.





$: :

Wednesday, March 4, 191.. Beginning at 10 0'01001[ *he follow. ::: tng obat&el~: 6 hol'll98, S .. nI8ll' cows, 5 brood BOWII 28 8boa'-, farm. tOil implemeots. · tIee biJf billA for termll. (Jeorge D. Oglesbee ::: .A.. A, MoNell, Ano'.

::: ::: l:.·l$.: ,·l:,

S Sl::; 1#1 .,. . :::


Callanaweredpromptly davorniR'bt. Both phones in Office and ne.lct.nee. LODg distance,No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chail"llDKl one Coach ful'Dil!hed free with funerals, Best of aervice paranteed,

s~· 8D~~n~~~ionee.

~~~.:.::~ saIe$ oinee 1905• .













lAve Posted on pedigrees and values [ofla

:Ii! :::









... .a.,~_a....a. , E!.'.· . • '&"108", ' AVOI'I ,. OX. , . , . : ~.l"~..v~~g?q.l . •aoo.. o•• h

·.T, E, & B, L. 8h 19maker. . to 12 oc:loc~ Oallaher & Ho\lloisworth, Anota. Office, comer Main and HiKh atreeta Phone No 100 Having 80ld the Hotel. 1 wlU 1911 •


........ ..................... . . ".. ......... . ~~~ ...tA-:.+:~».:.+:Y»:y•.;.:.:.:...:(.:.;.:tQI.,...,;.:«.:+:«.;.:.;.:- ,:«.);.",,:~·~~~,,~·.·.~.·~·.·.·.·.·.·i.· ~·.·.·.·.· ~.;6·~·O:.;,~·····~~·6i ~ , , * - - v-<,M~"""" "":\~ ~:..J~ ~ ~ t; •• • r)I •





honlehold Tuesday. and Friday., from '8:30

implements and some

:~::~ ::: :~

::: :::

Saint Lout., M~uri



Dr. Heber M. DiU


TOBIAS S. MILLER ial Lc:Re,reae Spec2628 Sntreetat~ve M:WIt




purpose blaok, 1 general pnrpoae Waynesville. 0 Mare, 1 mare, Winnie Porcell, B :2"~ In loal by 81dney P·)inter, 1 borll9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Puroell, a good road8~er, 1 horae by H, Purael), 1 hone by AUen U. i horse by 81dney Pointer, 1 bOrle by (Jowmodore Kta$on Jr., 1 WeAD· Osteopathic Physician .. ling filly by Sidne, Pointer, dam by Wionie Poroell, 1 weanling OUy by 21 Broadway Phone 449 Commodore Klston Jr., 22 heed of Lebanon Ohio

::: ::: :::


Saint Louis, Missouri


NORTBWEm'ERN BUSINESS AGY., Bank of Commerce Euilding. Minneapolis, Minnesota,


::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::

$: :


THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in dividends right along. Having ploced a large amount of this IItock, we will receive subscriptions for the unsold balance

28311-28 Locust Street

§ :::


r=:;;:~!~=~a~:'~~~~:~~::::d~~:~::::; !IisIs~~;;:~::~y':~~~~ wa)'1l:=~ ~~CE




::: ~ ::: ::: ~ :::

The subscriptions will be onen Saturday, Nov. 1, 1913, and continue until unsold balance has been sold. The right ia reserved to relect any application and to allot a smaller amount than applied for, Payments In 'u11 to be made upon .1I.lment. Sto<k wUl be ,.nt w;th d""t.t"""••H, d.,.;.-ed. Applkati... ,,, th;, u....d hal..." moy be sent dh·.,! to the


f~ # # il



At Par, TaD Dollars Per Share

~,':.' $~;.l ~:


1. NO PRIOR LIENS-No mortgages exist upon any 88Sets of this Company arid none clln be created without the consent of THREE·FIFTHS of the entire stock isaued. 2 . NO FLOATING DEBT-The proceeds of this issue will retire the Company's bills payable, and furnish ample working capital to successfully carry on the businesa. , • 3. ESTIMATED EARNINGS-Approximately seven times the dividend requirements of this issue . 4 . MANAGEMENT-Will be continued by the present Executive Officera and others who are ex~~rt shoe men of many years' experience in the IIhoe businesa. 5, SINKING created to retire this issue at the option of the holder at par after FlFlTY yea1'8, regardless of how dividends have been paid'. . 6. GUARANTEED STOCK-Application will be made in clue course to have this stock guaranteed agamst 1088 to the extent of its purchase price, by one of the strongest guaranty companies in thE! business. eXCh~g!r.plication will be made in due course to list this stock on the Boston, New York, Chicago, and Saint Louis stock












savJng,al80Trade-Markthatnasbeenmuseand before the public since January 7, 1897 .. also large malhnghst of about 580,000 names of men bIld women, each a prospective customer, about 1000 new names are being added ~!8ch week. . The shoe businesa in St. Louis, Mo., is conducted on a basis of TWENTY PER CENT NET PROFITS on capitalization,. For iORtance, a concern turning its capital once during the year would make TWEN'l'Y PER CENT NE:T PROFIT, aome 0 f the older concerns in St. Louil!! turn their capital as much aa THREE and FOUR times during the year

::: "',


Dodds, on Wedneaday, February 1914, ':ommeDologat90'oloot, 'hetol. ::: ~ ::: lowing obattelll :


The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the Company and Its. Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid

Ii' :~


Fun Paid and Non-Assessable


::: .'. :::

- Ohio mf'~;~!::~:: ::~:'¢~:~:n~2a~~:aVI~~n~::aa~:f Waynesville. 25, ~==~~~~~~~~~

STa~Cp! ~~~~a~~epoan~ ~fUJ~~~,N1~{fG j~~~~~ :::h~=~~~:~~~':!!:: N.*,~~DBI4 . .DENTIST••• 60 639 S} ::: ~ :::

~~T~()RIZED qAPIltL~~fION h s al par va ue en ars eac '8J



Stock in Treasury . . . . .... , . .. .. .. , , .. , .... , .... . . .. . . . . . .. . ... . .. .. . , ... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .... . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. 39,361 shares Stock authorized for sale this i88ue . . ..... ... .... . ... . .. ... ... .. . . ... ..... . .. ... .. . .. . .. . . .. ..• . . . . . ..... . . . .. 20,000 shares Stock to be reserved in Treaaul'Y for future requirements of the Corporation . .. ... . ... . . . ... .. ... ... . .. . .. . .. . . 19,361 shares

:::::: :.:


(Incorporated under South Dakota Laws.)



~~j ~~~


~~,:,:.~~~ .

bousebold goods. ~e big bUla 'or terms. W. M. Glllam Offioo at residenoo in F. U Sher::: Laoy aud Ayers, 400$. wood's house,. Fourth Street • . We will aeU at publlo a' ::: our reslden09, 4 mllee north of Lebo Telephone 28

:::$::: ::: ;:: ::!


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

;iS~ ~:E;~:f;::l~~~::.!:=: 0 ......10 !e:I:I~U."""')

We Offer, Subjectto Prior Sale, the Untold Balance of

:::$::: ~: ::: :::






..~, R.-......b~. II

" .. .!w.

..... u M - -





tId._ . 0. .10...,.. .·, 0&.0..0..1 &:til ,


. .,


. W , •.ynovllle,.'.Gbl" ',' . y..,~ s~ .,..., t"" -. t










Publlahed Weekly at the Oazett.e Offlce In Lhe Rates of Subscription. Allen DuJldllll!. Mr.1u 8t .. Wayu.. v111 6. 01110. Uuo Year (.trleUy In IWlvlWoe). , . .. . . . 11 ,00 "'Ingle OoIlY .. , .• , . . , , . , . . •• •• • , , . •• ,


. 0)

Rates of Advertising ~adlll l!

't D• L . Crane, &l ' lor an d Menager.

Local., per line .. . •.. , . . , . . ... (;1"""'1100 Ada. not to e xceed live IInllll


Throe Ill8ertlolll . . , ... ,' , ... "



Dis play Advertl. lus . per Inch . .. ....... tOe D1BcoUD1.4I aivllU ou contrad.

FEBRUARY 18, 1914 .


'rhe State fair doe8 not have thlllle Oo:>ocellalool and" 18 olalmed that the fair ball made more mone,. ,han ever 111100 they abandoned t.hem. Let's bave a fair, II'''e we uled '0 have years ago and 'boy wlll make jost as 'JlUoh money .nd • clsan record for giving .. olean fair.

New Burlington

liThe Best Laxative I Know Of"

JaltuB Reevel and family, of Xenia speot eeveral day. laet week , witb relati vee here. MI811 Marie Ball, of Wayne ,ville, Willi tbe week end guest of frlendl herEl. Revival IItlrvlO8a are atill in prog· rees d the Friend 'a ohuroh condoct. ed by Rev. Wooten, of WaYDeevllle. Rev. KlIlender 18 boldlnl( protracted meeting 01, Lumberton. Mn. Ifred McKinney, of near Xenia Wal the gueet of Mra. J8I. Molntlre a few daYIL laat week. Rev. Phillip l'rout,a former paltor of the M, E. churoh w.. In 'own one day last week. The Irarmers' 101lt\tote wa. a ,aoo . ee.s in every way. l'he ohurob wa. filled to Ita otmoet capaolty a\ all the lelslolls. The IOhool exhlbl\ Will verv lnterefltlng and \he follow. lng were the prize wlnnen ; Bell, white cake. Anna Reevel ; bel, dev, ils food. Mae McKay i belt pie, Fer. rt. Hoiland i belt ginger oooklsl, LoUie Budsel i be3t laed corn ( ~am Ing) earl Jones; belt It'Ied oorn (Yel. low Dent) Fred Begler. Mfi. Jaa. MO[Dtire and Mill Mary Colle,* gave a paroel IIbowe .. for Mill Sarah lIaydock last Satorday afte..noon. She was tbe reotptent of many tlIIlful and beaotlful preHnt.. A plelUaot featurE' of \be DOOa810n f h WIU the announ08ment a , e ap. proaohlng marriage Maroh 5th of IUII8 Mtonte Powell and Elmer Barnes rhls wlll make tho foorth bride I~ III many weeka from ahe 61eaD8r 0lall8 of tbe M. E. Sunday School. Invltationo are out for U•• mar· rI e of Sarah only daqhter of ag, Mr. and Mrl. ThOi. C. Baydook to Edwin O. Bhldaker. of the Oaklaod aelghborhood. Tbe weddlna II ooou .. a' hleb noaa J'ebruary 25th ia 'he proeeDce of about elgbt,. gu_"', tbe pa,sor, Rev. Klll.,.der olll.ol"tlnK.



"I have Bold Chttmbtlrlaln'8 To!). IlItll fOil' BeversJ yl'lIr~ . People wuo have tlsed th ew w ill tl1ke nothir' l; l el8e. I can reCOID01 t!d tb llm to my OQl!tomers a8 the h eRt IlIxatl ve tln d oure tor CC.f IB tlpa~h D tll tlt I kn('w of" w rittl9 Frnnle t1trOU!;f' ~rn! t. I"~d, ][OWu., F .. r .m II; h v all deulers. .. _ _ ,


M r8 . W . E B o~:: c WIJ ~ ll~ l1ed f,) Lebaoon Ill S, Th\; f ~1'I"v 1'1 11 ; OlDI.! "11 aOOOUDlt of the illofs8 of ber III~te r Charlie Warwiok , Mil!! Francee Wilson and Everett Baine!! were bome from sch 001 over t:;ullday. The Instltllte held 8t New Bur. IIngtoIll Mooday and Tue8day wall largely at tend ed and was reported to be a ItUOOOSR. Meetings are still In prog're!!B at \he Frl'llnd's church New Burllngto1l. Ureat Interellt ill beiog taken and aouls are belog Baved. Several frow here "'tended tbe Quarterly mee'ing held at Spring Valley Saturday. Bonae Comptoo and family, !::lam 1I0,her, of Cardington, Ohio Ilnd Ralelgb Bogan wero entertained at the hOlDe or Aliae WlIolton la8t '3 UD.

The cUy papers are ttllkiog parkl now, althougb winter Is on In all Its alory. The olUe!! have seSD the wisdom of making publlo play. Krolnndl tor the ohlldren, and a plaoe where the public can go In the afternoons or evenings and reet and enloy the shade IIfforded them by a publlo gener08l~y. STOPPINO RAT LOSSES The idea i. the bellt tbe Amel'ican people hive ever oonoelved of, Rats and mice cau8e an enormous rake a w"lk In a park th08 dllBlgoed lOIS In orlb. where corn Is Itored for 'he people and Bee for yooreelvea 'over wiater. It Is diftlonl' to keep where the blnefit trom lIuoh • plaoe them trom enterini tbe orib. Often fs derived. The 'irtld mlLn 08n be aD apparllnt rat proof .torago hoOlc .een reading his p.per, wbtle here becomes infested and no traoee can aDd there are gr Jupe of ohlldreh be found or ho'IV 'he rodent. gained day. DndlSr the oare of proper penons, en,·ran'}f' . Variooa m.thod. are _ ••- - dlllporUng thsmllelvea or slttlog on ulled to preveDt en'raoce into the Collds and Croup In Children benohes listening to good rea(Un, orlb. An all metal crib on a oon· II. I I Ch b .nd In varioa. ways you can see o#ete foundation il an eff80Uve _any peep e re y upon am er. laln'l Cough Remtldy Implicitly In ahe Uttle people enjoying 'bem method of keeping the roden.. from of colds a'ld oroup, and it ~lvM a' the pabllo'! expenle. 'he grain. This aor' of a orib t. aI· never disappoints them. Mrs. .II: While al yet the amaller plS088 penllive, bowever. Another plan la Ef. Thoma II, LolI:&n!port, Iod, writes i have Dot taken optbe idea soquiokly, : to elevate 'he orib on poatl some ie!!!'e~~/~u~: ~ea~~r:!::t~~I~of~~ ,.t mllDy Imall town, are making dlltanoe abave the groa.d, wrap oolda tlDd oroup I bave ever usud, preparaUons 'hie year to han looh ping Uo or Iheet metal .boot the and ne Ifer tire of reoommendlng It a park. W.ynesVille hal neve.. had POliti!. If properly done thll method to my nelghbora and friends . I .uoh a tbln~, a .. the woods olO8e by il ollually eftlolent. Anothe.. means have always given it to my ohildrea .re tbeught ,oad enough to oseln 'bd may be reeorted 'o,la to tl88, when sufferlog from oroop, and it bas neTer failed to give the 'n &bl. manner, There never waa a ins~ad of poll"', tbe elevated orlb prompt relief." ""01' }lale by all town that Wal blelled aa we reeted on ordiDary ~wer pipe. dealere, are In bavioe luoh a play ground. Th818 are 88t on the concrete foaa · I'or Instanoe, tbe IOhool I'ooadl daUon wllh the fiangee ead dowa. oonld be otiUzed, al Ihade ID abon. 1'he Inalde of the pipe il refilled dance II to be had. Only a few with ooncrete whioh il re..enforoed beDch. are nooe88a.. y to make thl. with iron rod. or ban that may be ~"""W . . . . . . . . . ... A WINTER COUGH an pla08, Again. Ulo ball toond ablut the farm premi.... If Arui .. 111 be IOlerled under tbl. bea.d for A stobborn, annoying, depr888inl twen'ly·tlve cents tor 'hree luaertlou.; park woold be a goad pla08. A ball large enoqh tile are oled and oougn hangB 00, rack. the body, ,.ben ualllll not more tban live Une• . diamond 000101 be made and the pla0e4 upoo a good, .olld foond.· wea&8DS the lungs, and often leada __ ......~ _____ .... ..............D.tonl,lope of the hlll. With its tion, allno'" an,. wbl,h' of orlb and to 881'1008 l'8Iul&8, The firl!& d08e of WANTED pn8roDl.had., marks anotller ideal oontilll&8 may be carried with ..fe'y 1>1'. King', New Dleoovery glvea relief . Benry D. Saadertl, of Oaven· spot. More plaoea than '1Iell8 two and ..ate aad miae may be kept dl.h, V, , wu 'breatened wl&h con· ANYONJI: thinking of ordering oould be named, bat the qOllltlon is, .WIlY effectively. IInmptton, after havi~ pneumool. hult rreee will do well to aee would the oUy mlintaln luoh a •- • Be write,; "0 ... Kina'o New Die. oorrMpoad w~'h or hive him oali 1& ooght to, and every level FEEL MISERABLE? covery ought to be In every family; and aeo you for fit'at.olaee ,ood•• headed man .hoald vote to bay a Oat of lortl, dflpr..oo, paiD in U I. oerklDly 'he belt of an madl. 1. N . IImer, H.rvey.borg, Ohio, m 11 . the baok-Electrio BUtera renew, cio.. for . OOUI ha, ooldll or f~r pl&oo .nd ave li .. maia*aioed .. a yoar healtb and .•'rengtb A. ROllI" Inna 'roable." Good for obtJdren I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ pubUe park, &II the ooet would be.o enteed Liver and Kidney Hmedy. ooaah., MODe7 back if 00' .. IUlbt to the town. 14one1 baJk It not _".fied. n oom fied Prioe 600 and 11,00. At all FORRKNT • plelely cared Robert Mad.en, of Dnitg18"'. B . E . Bnoklen & Co. Wee' Burlington, Iowa, wbo IUf PhUadelphla or ~t. Loa". UITE of roome a\ a moderate TWO GOOD LAWS fered from viruleot trouble for prloe. Emma Cartwright, eight montha. Arter foor dootoro Harveysburg. mol The .~te agrlonltoral comlilis gllve him up, he tool( Electrlo Bit• • tOD h ... jOlt \ oaolOO to be .. peed "'ra and to now. well man. Ge' a Oar towo had two abow.I ••t WHk HOUSE for rent , lnqulre of B. , f the bee, laws 10 tbe hllltory boUle today; It wUl do tbe same for a1ld tbelr eatert.inmenta ..ere fInt P. lICe,.,. m 4 wo 0 yoa. Keep In 'he houee tor 8Ullver of oommi..ion..-tba, uf ..maR and kidney complain"'. Perfeotly 01.... IIqoor aad pmbllng. safe and dependable. Ua retial&. will The Py~hlan 8111..1'1 .nd K. of P'I FOR SALE The oommi••ion NY' 'hat from 10rpr18e ,.00. 600 and '1 00. S , E. gave a banqoe' tn tbelr Caetle Hall DOW 00 any board in 'he state Baoklea & Co. Philadelphia or St , Wedneeday nlgbt to the momberll stands of bellB, buggy, kltoh. '.und Roilt,. ot perm1&Uo, a game Loula. • _ • and their iDvlted blenda, their 000... en 08 binet, platform 10al68, all10 of ohance or lIqoor to be sold on itll Bellbrook. teOO8 .nd kind 'rea'meo' made .ome white wy~ndoUe hens. In. of Ohio. Will Pine, R. R. 5, m Way pound will forteit the oapi .. "w.rd .(Delayed) many w.• rm frtenda for them an d quire olllvUle, 4 of 1800 ~rap&ed by th. Stale .nd the from the pneent outlook ma,. I'tah', to noeive 'he m.xlmom of 111'8. ~na Bopklno, of Toledo, man7 names on their alread,. well TWO Inoobatorll, one 100 ep:p • '--, J'I' ida,.. BookeYB, one 217Also egg Petaluma '1,500 from the ooon'y. The law vlli&ed lelatlv81 h ere.... Illled rooter. good as new. Cheap. one Wil. .... • he p00lIn, 00 race honlll and Mrs. Elme.. Brebm lpeut two days On Monday altrh& AIIrOD B. Wat. oox aDd White Cabinet Orpn . . . . . . of chance of 8ay delortptlon. with III'S. A, R. Borton at Xenl. kinl L. L. D. Lecturer pve a Tery Inqoire ~:>f Mrl. E. S. Baily. m 4 Conn", f.l ... are 10ppoeed to be I..t week. intel'8l&ln, talk to aa .ppreota&lve DOAT8-ear),.nriety, thresb. plaoee of amo&ement aod edoO&The t:folmee.le w... weU a"~Dded aodience tad wal eoJoyed by all eel I time al wheat, made 68 tlODlll oookn. . 1.., WedDeed.y and f.irly 100d preMnt, , '0 a,o re 1912. loquire of Oren Oouty faiH may be plao... of prlcel reaUzld, GeorRe •. Edwarda one of oOP W1l. K. O. 4, WaYDeavllle, Ohio. am1lMDlont and lOalnly 'hey were Mra. &nb I'oroythe died .t her moat up.toila~ mechanico II decor m 4 oreated for lnstrootl'ln. CaD a pel' home near Washto,toa 11111. 1.. , ating the interior of ht. bome and of 7 rooml. 2 ~a118' '0'00 BOllia to a oonnt,. fall' eod be 10· WedlUl8da, and w ... burled 10 Bell· wheD oompJs&ed will ·be one of the ciBtE!rD, oIty w.ter. larlJe Jot, ..... -h hi b " .I t Sa'orela7 after allO vacant lot ,ain adjoining Inoted by 188m, • ...., • DP &8 roo.. oome_ry .. lateet type. .bove,larile 08ntrallooation IItreet. tbe7 preHn' In the way of amOll&- DOOD, . Leroy Laoy and wife, of WUming. lnquire of M. O. Lldd ' WaynellmID" oow.daYI' Ie l& Inl&rno\lon Poo'mal&er l:Iarr,. II. Tarner ha. ton, will move Into the JODa\han Tille, Ohio, or J, T. l:tiddy, 110 to He ever, twent7 minotee a lot re\uroed from Cbicoro where h. Sorfaoe bOlDe the firet 0 : Ma..ob. GieoooeAve., Da,too, OhtO, f 25 of nondolOtlp' "110101'1" oooalled. 'pen' lu' week OD bUlin... atome lmprovementa are to be mlde a. hondred. oome OD' ia fran' of 'heir ~Dta and Mr. .Dd 111'1. Wm. Webb are to &be property before tbe7 take o",pe paper nap~I 'Q8 liTe. IlUDple of tbelr .bmty? A. nndor the domor'o care. poM8Ulon. lIr. aod Mu. Lr.oy wt11 I ns fio l~r dOzeD, ai "cheap John" I. mooh 1D0re preler. lIarry tty.ra aad f.mll" of Bel. be we loomed Into oar mldH. e abt., and 7 ' ~he manlgen of mODI, lut week with Joeeph The .lok 10 $bie commnnl&,. who conaty fair. think the, mae' have 117er• of . bl. pla08. bavi:been r.ported frOID '1m" ~~t,lhnde orow of 'd'IIPIOY" .bowl to atMr. A hie Pe~non, who Uveo tim ,.tm remlto .boo' 'he Baml\ . ' led I • ~~~~~====-=~~~=~ aorSh orJ town. wu marr u. not provlnR a. their many frieoda FllIJJeral 0 1 ........,."".. = Frlay ., Uilll da&tie Mlohenor of woo{d Uke them to. Deafness Canoot Be Cured New B1irllDgtDa. Mtll8 Bernice Barpl.ter wu 'he Telephone day or by 103&1 applloattoal, as they canoot •- • 81JOO8IJlfnl ,.oon~ Jady tn l800rtng Valle7 phoae No. f. naoh tbe dieeaeed portionl ot 'he Horrible Blotches of Eaema thesl1ver . , glveo aw.,. b~ the OltItance No. 88-31', • _i'. Tllere la ooly one way &0 oore Qotokl,. : onred by 1>1'. BobaoD's MedioiDo Co" who played for. wl'8k - d ..fDeea, and 'baa t~_ by_~'btnual ll:oze•• Oili'meot. O. P. <..Idwell, .Ieo bab,. DorothT DaTi•• u1lllhkr AutomObIle 8el'Y1Oe at remadlea. Deafa...... ~....... yan of ~ew Orl.a .... La, It.tIlI: "117 IDfiamed COD41tlon or &be mooog dootor advtlled me to'r7 'Dr. Bob. of Ur. aod Mn. "oe. o.vt., W.I ,he IIDtDI of &be Euaaobl.n Tabe 100'0 JIloaema Saly• .' I naed 'hrae recipient oUh8lUveueUor babl•• WAYNBSVIUe, • When &bt. tnba' Ie atlfla.necl 1'00 bOXM of Otn'meDt .nd three oalrel There II ao cl18..t18faotlon ID the Brandl 0tBee, 1II~"~QlllIa1lnr, baTe • rnmbllnllOond o~.. mperfl8')1" of Dr. Bobllonl Derma z..... &'p, obolce bn'" 18 perfeotI7B&tI.faosory. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I~~!!!! hearIDK • •od when " .. en, re y 'l'oclay I bave Dot ••pot anTwbere h oloaed, DeafaeM i. 'be reouU, and on my body a:1Il oao lI.y Jam oored. The heavl ..t .now of t e ..~ unleu the IDftammatioD caD be 1& will do tbe IlAme for It. came to o. I'rid.y oi,b&, oauq ~ oat and tbls ~Qbe rnSOred to .oothllll, heallDg, anUHptio action tranlport.tion to be limited • tbe normal ooa41tl-ID, beartD, will wUl rid yoo of all .llIn homoro, Mr. and M.... llarn. Canoil, of be deU-07ed forever ;,niae OIIII8Ib?~bt blaoltheiad_, pimpl.., Eosema blotch· Illlw.oll'88 W". vl.!ted relaUveo 111 • . "11l&,ra~ of teD ,re caGed by C.tarrb, w '" ell. red oDllgh'ly aoree, "ad len. " . la DOthlDB bo'.n InhlDed oool,lltioo 7001' .Iuo ol..n .Dd bealth,. Get. here lut week. of &be mUOOU sorfacel • box toda, Guar&ateecl. All Drag. III'. Frank L. BarN met witll an W. will Ii.,e ODe B~~fOo~. 111'-. or by mat). Pfei1lel' aooiden' whlle , ODl'rytD, III ooal, Jan fol' aDY ~ ·of a-:..!!eobel L'llomloal 00 I P1l~Iade1pbla & ~t. lieD Ie' till. be a ••raml to 701.. (oauecl by oa......u) that OAnuu. Loole oatecl. by Ball'" O.....rh Oon. Send . • _. ' Let \be womeD carry ID &be 00&1. 00.


Caesar's Cree]{

Have had a wonderful Midwinter Sale the past weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains.

Blankets Blankets • Factory Wool Factory Wool Comforts •





J. E. Frazier R~~fing

'0 Walter






,; for ~~~,~~. .< 1'. ~~ C1l. .~ ~ 00., Toledo., Ohio. ,


I v •• .,. of .. or rro.a& rlaIa. tben 11 Do .-a..




~ by ~... 760, . f . . ' - - It ~ ~ tile .4IItrt...u .'1'Ue till', ~Dal" Pilla . 91"0911..: , .. ,;., .-

"''''• • '. ~' ,',. ,



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.. ~ ".~~ .. - : .: " 1'"1 , ' .•





~ 4 .~ ;~_ ..

and Sp~uting



~"--2 1-;3

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Skirts • $3.45 up • • • Waists • 59cup • • • Gowns • • 50 and 79c up • Dressing Sacks 39c up • • Suits and Coats, $25 $13.50 •



Lace Curtains, good ba~gains SOc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all widths and sizes.



50cup $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 • $1.0Q up •

Crex 8xl0 $7.00 • • • Matting Rugs • • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up • Axminster • $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet • • • $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs • • 65e up Matti~s, our own imported Chinese \ and Japanese • • 121c:uP '

OlasslBed Ads




. _.


.,, ~ ~ .,;~. J.o~ •


' Benld-ka...... lila OlDoIooaU ID

aD .otomoblle .hop, he <trW lQOO88CJ .<· Ud 'b.u the _ , wIIIa.- of

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.A.":.".IJ~~~~I~!~"'fa f!Ol"U .....

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SALE BILLSP , Yea, we print ~em. i.

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for ~e Automobii. 'tifta. Phone 71-1



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'.I.; II :'; ' h:\l ;!H' ~ hI' d ~~ lru ~ i 11, H. it l~tli ~ S b UL th e ' ll d 01' till' m ('r l l n~ th e s n"II III' r 1,' 1l1Ilf'ru , Il l" ~ 11 111 1 h 1,,11 0,1 :l ~!. lI r l till lf' f o r a 'lI'~'" t o UL'c Olll e 10uicPli II II' c tf )' a t b illl "ith IlI p I" H d A:, I( th l' gl·.'\\' ,>1· filld~ Ili a : hp hit Li ll ie ;.:n ·;\l ly \\ f·;d(\· u,,, d o r 1' \ ' S Il Ii i1 lp d uy " "'111 :III'. \\'oods plpase r e lll a in fo r ' t o prUll e Il l'\\ 11 "" 1;11" ' '; llo a ! h, ' IllI ..:1I 1 ttl, 11' :1" 1 io n a fe l\' mome n tf" co n ve rsall o n ~ " t o 1"' {{ 111' Itlis Y" II1·. II{' ,' 10 011 1'; hy ,li l H. D. t · I(l' [t ·I, ;:;f1 .\\, h , Profl'HRo r W oods a d \':t l1 e ,'rl to lI11'P. t llwa li A nOI 1o" " i"II" 10 I" '" '' '' Iii I\' IlI Pr. (' 011 , ·c ·· of .\ grt (, IJ IIUi't', " il ia S tu te th e e xho r te r a s th o ;lll Ll lc n co d is · 1'1·l) l.mlJ ly Ih" id";II l i' l1l' rill' It In l" T t ' n : \, (lr's lI y . pf' Ts cd . Ac h l' n ear ed hl ll i he t ra rc d I hI' old fo mi ll a l' Jill f! ultl c nt s or thll t c x· I,r ess l\' c fac e, bu t tOIl ' d do\\ n, SO (· DAIRYMAN BUILDS BUTTER BUSINESS ALONG ORIGINAL l.e ned , t h e e ye s cl ea r, t houg h lful , s lnce r e. " Do you r e mlJlnbe r Dl e~ " s poke T y- , A . r::. 1'{)II I'I' . wh fI " It., a ~I) a /Te ,.,( ' ')'!''illllf'l'), hu ttpl' In t he s a m e m a rle r. oxtC'n dlng- an eagN h a nd. : ::ll'lli. 1\ i ll (' lIl il. S rrtJ IIl ,\ then ' , Ub lO. :, ,' 1. T h., i.1 1·f'l' a~ (' j1 I' Otill (, io n the ye a r " 1 can n ove r fo r ge t yoU ," r e plied t ho li as hll. l· li p a gl1u d u:lsl u.".; ,. n ,..O ll .., · I' fl Uu rt el l!' I II(' la st I'U II I' .\·pars hus be(' n fr l(, lldl y hear te d professor , " lI1 y firs t what (11'1~ i lla l a m i Ilel i(h"I:), pro fi tal )l(' al)" ul :;~ .-, III 'llllll s _ a n d las t ex pe r im e nt in a untom lca \ r et· linl'S. HI.' h il S u h" l'd of ~u Je l' ~ <! )" '1 h.' ~ 1;l11I l11 ilk is l e d 10 h og ~. Abo ut ormatio n e n ded w ith you ." co w s a nd mnl, e. It u : " ' r wh ic h IH' lila I" 25 h ~ a d II I ~ llit l in t hl' rull a nd a 11); 0 " An d cu r ed m e, si r, " pro nou nc ed \i I'! , d lr" (, 1 to l'O Il " ,:ll l I'S ill Ath l' ns . III lmb.'r III I Ill' s p ~in~ . T h es e a r E' l u r n. n o bc r t T yler , g ravely. " Perh a p s not :Ill'. 1'0 \1 0 1' ha s bl'c n ' oga '~,' d in I he d ln'c tl y. b u t th e r es ults, th e erf ecltl 01 (111')' l "I ;; ill '.'~ ~ ful' I~ .",.,.1'" . anti 1"' 1' ma te ri a li zed ." \ t bC Il!;; t ff" II' ha ,; b .,( n ma r " "lill,!; Iii, "You s urprl so and Interest m e:' o w n p rodu ct ~ Ie Il( il i; l ion t" h i ~ 'l IY ll murmured P r ofessor " to ods . ' fa r!!!, Mr , Po ::r o' r l'll l ~ ::0, ,I.';""'; 01 " I w('u t ba ck to my oI d ways, as you p a ~ '. u r e la n d . I!, 1: .1 " UII I' lJ ll : plll en t ._, .". kno w," n a rra t e d T y ler, " but it a val1 pd Iha t is comJo! l .. ~I I d Iii' I)· .lil l,' ill a ll me noth in g, to r 1 cau gbt a se ve r e colr! rC" [1('C IS. :\ ;,: .. , ,'ll':! " I' [ 111' :1.,: . .. ., t he wh e r e t h e ope ration h ad no t b e:tlcd I " \\ er fo r n Jl:' I", I;", n·I'. ;;- :. :']!' !l ilt! up. I lay In hidin g a n d mise r y fo r a .: hul' l1 . \\' al <:;' ,,' III :tt, ,, ,c1 I ' .1 1' ('. " 1" year. Tbat dea r wo ma n ," an d h e m o· vo ir on ant' :\! ;:. h 'll. 11;11 ' in ': r lll ;': II tlon e d t bYo'!Irc1 Dori s , " worked fo r m e , I !:, ·t. I·ro us allll ·.·. 1; ': , " ,I:. ': ::';; :0 ,. t a ll s la ve d t or m e t hrough on a h e lp lesR I r!:,ICS. Th e IIC" , . .',, ' :. i.·. I .:.! ':i re d I ~ y e a r. Then we cam e wes t, a nd th e n i h:lIl lecl f r olll All:,, \! , - I s aw th e tru e I1 gb t and I a m A t f' lIant 11 '; 1' "'' rll l' lI i ~ llf' .. I h' i n ~ cbanged man." I d . qlla r l en; f(ll 11 :' :I'.'tJ il Ia\{ ( t: d his fa m "It Is ~"wond errulf' a glor ous W~~I !I .\' . 1\ )' I -' : '\<, a u k t o gl; n ; II l1 tee e m to report . .s ald Pro essor _Wood s WI 1 'lloY:1t CIII Ih"' II'; hO\l t I~ (' re a r an d . d eep feelin g . "The s ecret or your 'I l !r J!~. !, Jl .lll t~ it l).1:tct l' t o I ,.(. the labo r ! A butter-worker that will handla larger quantitlee of butter. gre at tran s ltlon- " 1> 1'01>1 ,, 111 i, II ' )! I~ i !;i l' l' l l 10 ~o h' e "Was love, Buch love and devotion . . . that came as 0. blessing," ond Tyle r Ttl.' 1!I1, t(' 1' ;.; I j 'I: po] in crocks hold · e d off a t e ight month, of age and cat; t a fond glance at th e smiling lI t- 11Ip; I :'om Oil " III I, d pOlln ds . ac co r Ll" we ig h fr o m 200 to 2GO pound s. tie woman advancing t owards the m . in!'; 10 rh f' !iC , ' I ; of Ih e ·: us lO m e r. De· A lillie c ulc ulation on the a bove " 1':es , It was love-love, and the li vp.r i c~ n re """!,, ';' l' (' '' I ~'_ S o grea t :I \\' 111 s h ow tbat, whlle returns are not h as bee baby!" . n t he tl em ::- ; I f(: ,' Ihl s butle r ea uulo us a t all, yet they average well that tb e re is a lon e; ~\'a i 'lillg li s !. o f : a nd " o int t he way to what can be ( opyrlght. 1914, by W . G . Chapma n.) perso ns who :\ 1" , cl l'~ iI'o u ; o t' U t" Cfl lH ' , do ne o n man y ano tb er farm If one Is ill g r eg ul a ;' ,,:: 11'0 :1 ". By m ;; i;i ll i', :l ~ u · wllll ll g 10 ~t ll d )' mnr llci d emand s alld HOLDS HORSE ' AS SECURITY p'er ic r [J rod uI· t :l ;)d I: y i;;Rll!' inl'. pru lll p i I1 N'd s a mi th e n ~ t r!I' e pe rs is te ntly a nd and r cg ul a r L!!!' I' e" y, Mr. I'ol l e r has Inte lli g e ntly to su ppl y th em . Four-Footed Prowler Feasted on Mrs, bee n ahl e t o ~ N' UI' C a good I'I' ICI' i'o r H. E. ESWI:-'E. Boyle'. Butter, But Her Turn h is butter. H is pr ice k eeps fro m t bree , Coll ege of Ag ri c ulture, Ohio State II to Come. to four ce n t ~ abO\'(' th e retai l I.rice I Unl\' c rs iO' .









.4'-' ," "'''' A;"",fI, .f"lb• . ,4.. " , J'u .J _ 1 Jy.,," "1Jo 11l1 • k


' Professor Woods a pl easIng faced. pleadlng-eyed girl had appeared at his office to announce that she had prevailed upon Robert Tyler to undergo the operation. "I have phone d tho aherllf." an· nounCed the professor, returning to hI s s eat. " I have no doubt that Tyler wll1 be placed In my charge within the hour." "Oh. sir," brenth ed the girl fervent· ly, "do YOU think )'o u ca n cure him'" "I haye made my s ys tem a life study," declared h e r host, with dlgnIt)' and assuran ce . "Liste n. sir," we nt on DorIs. earn· ilSUy, " Mr. Tyler Is not. the Il es pera te criminal the world adjudges him . H o i s r ec kl ess, h e Is tempted, but he has b ee n plunde r ed, cru8):lfijd down, In poverty until b e believes 'a ll mankind his e n e my . bu t I-ah, yos, I know hIm. A t h eart be Is a bero, a martyr !" Th e protessor r egard ed tbe soul ful -ey e s ot thi s' fair young pl e.ader curiously, There wa s no mistaking her s ince r ity. " Yo u are hI s r e lati ve-a s iste r, p e rhaps ?" b e ventured. " No . s ir. I u rn - thllt is, I lo\' e blm!" c o n fess e d Dori s . "Thi e f ag h e Is , unde r a lo ng s ent ence, [ would ma rry him tomorrow were he fr ee. I. like ll i lll sei f. am an orphan , and lIkc him, I h a \'(~ tas te d th e bltl er drogs or pov'!rlY. H e riske d hi s life to saVe me fr o m a hurnlng bu ildi ng. A s mi g ht t hB h igh es t ge ntl e man In th e lan d . Untenable Theory. sec r e tly. nobl y h e sa w t ll a t 1 was lIus ban d - Yo u ar e na turally of an ,c a r ed for wh e n I was 111. lIe lov es unhapp y dl spos ltlo!l, tha t 's all that's m e : J know It, but he would r e fu se th e m atte r . t o l et m e s llare his di sg ru ce, to be Wi fe- Th a t' s you r t heor y , Is It ' ·come th e wifo of a eo n\'ic l ed thief. Hus band-l n ever sn w you h ll Ppy. 'Oh . si r. sa ve him!" plead e d tile girl ' Vlf'l -TlIat's be cause you n e \' er p a th e tically , bursting Into t ears. "If saw m e be fore I m e t yo u.- New York y ou COUld . do that, we would go away We ekly. to some place wb ere we are not known, and I would s lave for ' him, No. Danger. 1:0 makE! him once Ulore a man among "I hope your daughter at b er c om· 'men." Ing out party, Mrs. Comeup, will make ' "My poor child!" "poke the pro· no faux pas." :tel!l!or brokenly, placing a tremblin g "Indeed; then,· ahe'lI make nothing ilI'Dd u1)on the bowed golden head, W e get everything all ready,"



TENDEN CY TOWARD 'SPECIAL CROPS Country life has ma ll Y a tt ra r . tlons for t he mU ll \\'ho lIkes to be Indepe nd ent. anrl In t he8e days of t r a c tion lines, or rura l mall d e 1i H ry and of th e tele. Phon~ he {'a n s ha re th e ad . vanta 8 o f th e c ity . Th ese new Instlt Io ns, t uge th e r wit h tb e chang o o f public se ntim en t and chang'!d condi lio n s, n r e r e \,oll.l ' tl onlz lng a grl c ultllre and rapidl y mald mg It o ne or tb e mos t de. 81 A occupa ti on s as It al ways one ot the most bo noI'. n n g~ d conditions ar e r eSibl e ror th e r eadju s tm e nt Is takin g place 10 agrl c ul· .llse lr . Th e (ree lauds o r the go \' e rnm en t arc no w pra c· lIcll Iy a ll occupi ed, so that th er e Is lo nge r th a t In ce ntf\' e to go And t h e prai ri e s tates as a b ~ n e r a l ,ul e , pro Lln ce g rain cr o ps more c:h eaply r ll n be d on e her e. L a nd is r a s in g In " nllle with t h e In· se in population , COnBe'lUlln tlhlo fllrm!ng mu s t b e o nl e f' int f} tl s lve a nd th e gro wing ' [,cr la l C: l' OpS mus t bp Ihe rule. WE ;..!J) E LL P ADDU C K , O h io

'}"!.,. (1r


" perfe c t Ikm l'lly r orCOIl'i liJlll '

'. ' Il u ll . S o ur S IOnl ilCh , Dl il rrho,'i1 .



"'onns,Convul s ion s . Fe\'cri ~ hS LE E P

For Over Thirty Years

I Iless ilnd Loss O F



I:ac Simile S ; gn il lu r~ o(



l 1




The minute your horse is ail ing , know what th e t roubl e is,and jus t how to rem dy it.


KIND OF TILE TO USE. Cement DrainB Are Stili mental Sta~e.



.r. 7." "

Cure Your Horse Yourself



\" ~ .t

' /; ,,/,.,;rulf

LlN~ .


I.........~.....~.....~......~•.••. ~~


11'. t: I",H~fI'tI~.

('(tI './'., "

C o lle, L u ng F e ve r, Colds, Sore Thro ats , S h ip pi ng F eve r, C ur bs, Splint:>, Spavin, Lam c l1es~ ; K n otte d C o rd s , Cockle J o ints, Sprains , Shoe Boils , when first s tarted, Sw e lling s, Founde r and 01 te m per y ou can quickly and co mp le tely cure \\'ith


The cowpunchers of thfl wild nnd woolly west "have nothing on" M'ts. Mary Doyle ot Patterson avenue, Bal· • timore, when [t comes to the nimble art of throwing a lariat, Mrs. Boyle had spe nt a busy mol'D' Ing In h er kitchen . FInding that she I had ove r four pounds of fresh dairy I butter left ove r sh e placed It on a I platter In th e ynrd to solidity, the h eat : ot the kitch en having reduced 'Its con· \ slstency. Half an bour later Mrs, Boyle went I Into the yard to ge t the butte r, but, like Old Mother Huhba rd In tb e nurse ry le ge nd. "when slle got th e re the ' platte r was bare." I In place ot the butte r, how e ver, was . a largo dappIf' gray horse , whos e color ' scbeme and de s ign sugge sted th e nol\' ulmost e xtin c t rocklug equin e without which no childre n's nursery was ut ann . tim e compl Bte . The nohle s teed was engag ed In POI' j Islling tbe plotte r . But. wb en he chanced to look up and saw lIIrs. Boy lo th e equin e h o bo gav o a succes s lQn 0 1 loud nnd penetrating n eighs a nd turned tall. " Not HO fa s t'" qu oth Mrs . Do yle . 1\ Dlom e nt lator a laDso Improvi sed fro m th e dom es ti c c loth eslin e e ncircl ed the nnck of th e duppl ed st ('(J d , cUllslng him to r ear on hl ~ haun ch es . The unwilling captive Is b ein g h cld as ho stage by Mrs. noy le , wh o dc· clares th a t s h e will no t turn th e ani· mill ov e r to Its own r> r until s h e r eceives r e mun e rati o n for he r s t olcil butter.-New York Sun.

co/ ()M Or.I'A!fl 'l:i:rll'r.'I(,fR



Baars the Signature of

lL'Vt, " J'"J .

d l lTku! t y

:lpp l,' ;,111.1 lH' a c h t l' l' C:i .11' (' I; il "' d ,'acll ) 1' .1' h)' t1 h"C In sl' ~ ls . A/ II.: I l it ,· Im l" ' r, I\.I I·I! III:td ,' Ih.' lr \\ !I:. 11110 II,, · I I' ,'''> Ih .' oll ly r ,' III l' li y Is

The Kind You Have Always Bought

I; ~oT.?-l A n~ ~ Tlc _

I!I .·

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D i~ cs li o n ,l'Ilrf'rfltl ·

! lies:'> owl Hcs l Con I., i ll ~ 111' IIIt,r

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"Lllten, 8Ir." Went on Doria, Earn· eatly.

A\(.\:d abl ... l'1'<'pJ I'.ll iJ II ror As · ~ illll' jil ing I h~ F,J,I iJlld r. l'~1 ita l ing Ihl' S lomut:hs and 1kll\~ I 'i of

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-.) AL CO H O L - .1 P l::Il C C :-J T

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I llt, i ll (i d f ' rl t II f n ll b, . ( t i p , il:-n r l · ... :in r ' ~ J! f"f l.d ('111\ '

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For Infants and Children,

lu !.; in. : if :: I.; : 1 t. I , ) lip , 1' J( l f ' l/) (oI I I . it 1\ i l l l10 t I I l l! I! . IP ' , r11l~ 10 I lll~ s p ri nt! r u :'\h , Eve r y I I!\ "tl " ' 1 I . tit h i ' tll l :l lI : d 11 )1\ :3h o ll ll l i 11 . , t ll). 'I' h.' I . tr i" LO P l'll )1t' is , \. 1 I ',' I i l l ' :) '1\ 1 no IJlll 11(' 1' 11 " O l' t')' I

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tlt('l l!~ n d t' S l p UT i f' lH I' X l4 'r l{Jr' :1 :O:pll\ pt r a r , · \\ (Ir { h . Il S h lll l i l l, u t : 111\\' III Id-'r

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Th ., ~ o lllbr L' Ivo kln }.; , l h\lllJ~ hl fll l ph y "t!i t' iUII \\ ho p r O(, f' \ <i t'U ' II a 1, ,1 , pl! t.') n t • (' to cH~ l n n e! \\tl ~ bU !i Y t!a " ft l f / )f H I n ll! Ul O o . tw o, \1'Bti i'ro f. A I \lh l' ll ~ \\' " I1 , l s. H e ha d tn u d o a na m l' !l il t! l\ r(1 1'I UII I'



t il, I 11Il u~ 1" 11 t!a\ ~ lit l' l N o: \( I.ja y bt Ft!rfo r m ed Sa fely Until Tima fo r Sa p t o Fl ow._ I pro t' ~: I '" ;I ;l II .ll ll " " 11 Ih l' l it ,· t, .<1 1:, .. 1 ' h ,· ·" l'u ll1 ll l, ' ,,J II l1 d T ~ l l" r \I;" II t r,'u Cold Sca~ ·') n Bost Op por t unIty f or Gett i nQ Rid of Borers ll1 :t1\ . P 0 ',' !tl' ll f'\\ 'pa p' r!. WI' H ' fil ii or II,.. I" V,'h'ch Are D e s t r u ctlv o to I\ ppl e and each rch a rds

1I 11 ' 11I

(u r th e I f ' :-, ~ j lf' rl l ll f1 l1 l 'T h.· 111 " 11' ;":-01 \:' p ro\Jl j ~' l 'p rhup s r,· w l H 0l' t ~ll s l l:l\I..' h l", oI l 1 Il I I H I ~ II" I :. II lld ' ) pn~ 1I r. 1~1 ·. 1. I ld l ti Ll ' I h l ' p eL' ul lUr l .\' bt n ulll' d a ud 1I11 l1 a t ll('j\1 \· ,. r 111;.:It ! 111 1' I tt'd l l ' -. r- I'r d t~ I 'II', I " d ~ i ll1 !l U o n 1'1' f}O rJ ti It (''' lI l l lJ g \ I :t~ :..,Ql '·llh:l : ' ''':·It'. I .' 1::1 ,11. ft r l:-' ll " ll lj' I{ ld, '\il ~ o f t 1! p \\ o rld h ., 11 :- \ H I' , ' all , l 11\ 11 1.1 Il' r t T \ I I I. .ul I HII·,·l a r L , -d P: l " I' t I n hit. . . :\fHl t; ca r ' l' ly th t' Ii, 'r o i n OJ' "(" ' \ 1l 1 f'llllll;' l. , :tn d )Ia l\ 111 : :tI ' Pt 3 I", ' d .~" i!' ul i d. 'r :--- t ud y f o r till' 1I I' i" r f' r\ l:-- l rl l 1 \.\01 \1: l t h,., a :1I1 ,\. !-ollla ' I , \.11 101l1:t ot 11 1;Un ' , ' . T il t'! c· \I,.·O H. Ill ,,, ' ·'·L' r. l d'~' I J II(f l aPlt f ' J

r a !1 h t ' l1 W




" lllst 11;ldr r 11nl's " t I' I(ntll I{ ollb.' rt T yl" hiK ('h ntH'I' th eFlt ho h l~ rare . TllC s lI r glr'n l 0l ~ II pp l il ' d



" for yo ur sake I wtll e~ h a u 5 t a ll DIY 311 II II II II IIItmut:muumnuuutmtmuu Sc\f' n C' ll HI t ry ln F: t o MOlI'O th is man '~ bod y a n. l HOUI. "

LOVE AND THE BABY \;~r),A;,n~I:IJI:,ds,.°r


In t:xperl.

Tuttle's Elixir

lJoracmea ovcrywbero .ocommoll4

TIle bes~ l eg aDd body wash ever made.. SenLl today for our f"u boo kl et, Duya bottle of Tuttle's Elixir to" Ve terina ry E xperi ence." T "lIs yo u day. Your dealer h:\!l it-if not, sc ud th iliS' to know :tha ut your horse us his name and60 rcnl sa ndwe will how to know and tr eal a ny eq uine sendy o ua large size bo ttle prepaidillness with Tuttle's Remed ies . alsocopy of" Vel crinary Experience." TUTI'LE'S ELIXIR CO., 19 Beverly Streel. BOSIOO. Mass. It.

Blundered. E; x e--C lga r , old ma u ? WY !"- Tha nll!\ ! ( pu ff. pu ff) . ('aplta l Are n 't you &p lng tu wee d t it Is . Hm o lw . too ? Ex !' ( e '(am lnln g th e r e m a lui ll l; on e ) - :-':0, I think n ot. \\' ye- W h ut's th o mall er ? DId you gi ve mo th o w ro ng one ?- lJ os to n T'·u !l scrlp t.

George Ade o n Ma t r imony. Geo r ge Ad p, lllscu sslllS matrimony In an a ft er·(I! II 11 r ~ p e pc h IlL the CIllcago A thl e Uc Cillb, s a id : " Marr ill go h aB th o e lIuc t o t g lvlrut a IllU II a s we ll ed 11('1111. " Many a tIm e. loo ld ng a t this bUllband. o r t ba t, I sa y 10 m y s i ~. "A b, If t ba t m a ll " Ier e onl y o s wise os h e t hink s Ills I\' lro Ullnk s he Is! '"

Or, P e,. "y·s Ve. rmltuge "Oe'" d S h Ol" k ill s .nd e ~pc l .. Worms In a ye r1 fe w b o urtt.

Platonic 10Y Il n e Yer t e mpt ed a rellow to tr eat he r to l o bste r s a ls cl and fin drinks,


Had the Proof. Stonr mason (In box desc r ibIng a s· sau lt- He walk!! Into m y ya rd and rams Ill e up agen one 0' my own Hton es . Couns I- Old h e hurt you? Ston emas on- Hurt me ! WhY , I've r, ot 'sacred to tb e m e mory of' stamp e d all down m e back.-Tattl e r.

That'. Wh,.



-Ha'l'O No AI'P~'''''.'


They mtop the tickle- Denn's M. ntlto. In ted Cough Drops . to!' cough. by slop. ;lin" Ihe eaull>-5c nt Drll;! Stores.

Th e ti le us ed Cor drainage purpos es M launder.tood . VisItor (at the National GaJlcry ) should be well burn ed and hard enou g h to gl\' e a c lear ring wben Why , them:o the very saml) pictures s tru c k with a s hov e l or a piece 01 I saw hl're the day before yeste rday! Atteadant (dryly) - Qulte likely, metal. They sh o uld be cIrcular In Visitor- Then th a landlord wh e r o sh u pe and uniform In size so u to m a ll e a smooth jo in t. It is not neces· I'm staying Is wrong . H e told m e sa r y t hnt the til e s bould be porous, that the pIctures were change d dally sin ce I he wat er e nt ers tb e s}'lltem I ~ all the lead In' picture houses . t hro ug h the space at th e joints and Red CraM B ..1I Dlao double value for no t thro ugh the walls or the tile. your mOD"Y. goes twice &8 far as uuy uthor, In s ome localities cem e nt 15 bnlng Doo't put your money loto !lny other. Adv. I u sed in th e manU fa(:tll l'e of tile, bu. the gr ea te r part of t ho tile use d In What He Old. the s tat e l R made from c lay and shl\le Grace- I told him he must Cement Ille nre s tili In tile expl)rl· 'D e auy more. mental ~ tag e and have no s upel'iorltl Her Brother-Well, what dId h e do? o ver g ood well-hul'lled clay tile. Un, Grace-Turned out the IIght!-Dart· less th ey are exce ptio nally well made mouth Jack-o'-Lantern. t h ey mn y n ot be nenrly so durabl e 1\5 th ose made trom clay. Ordinar y un· Only One "B~OMO QUININE" gla zed t ile wh en exposed to the weath· Th,,, I. u.xA'rIVI'l nUOMO QUININK. I",o~ for e r are chIpped and Injured by freez· ~ho fIo1iDaturo of U W. GROVa Ca.rvs. ColtllD Uno ing and thawing, be nce t he last few U. ,. Curus Urlp ID Two ua., ... ~ (ee t of t he sys tem should be glazed It's a good plan to mind your own lI le or Iro n s ewer pipe. Tile outlet business. It you don't · Bome one else sho uld be further protected from Ill' will. Ju r y by Imbedding the last joinT. In q ~ eo nrr e te wall or In stone laid In cem e nt mor ta r. A. O. McCALL. Col lege of Ag rI c ulture, Ohio State Univ ersit y .

Ke Jl t he hens workl'1lg during the cold e r cla ys, It you want them to pr~ d uee ('ggs . However, de not give t bem s uc h c oarse feed th a t ·th ey will have I ~ fOtJ d con s is ,g l:lr gel y ot tn · 10 spelld a ll th e ir time a nd en.ergy In ly uf t hose s pecif's whi ch di ges tlng tbllt Instead ot producing I I"ll l' U C tJ\'I~ to ga rden a nd fo r· ('g ~. " . , th e s l< Ull k Is to be co n s id· 11 a n ima l of g reat eco nomic Wh p. n planntng an orchard. cboose vari e ti e s that will insure proper poll~ na t ion . Ev ery ei g hth row set to the plenty ot pro v a riety wi1l Us u~ry be enough Ir Ute s h ee p d r ink from to hsure prope~ pollination. tb e app roac h es ll r;t. A tew dollnrs ' worth Of goo<1 shrub. 'prop'erIy set and cai'El,d foI'~ adds , hUD> drec's of'dol1ars 10 the value and hClm. like alloeai'IlPce 'of propir·t;'.

Your Liver Is Clogged Up

stipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache

SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRlC&. Genuine must bear Signature




from a Bon~ Spavin, RinK' BODe, Splint. Curb, Side Done, or similar trouble and gets horse going aound. Does not blls(Cr or remove the hair and hOrllc can be worked. l'aa!:e 17 in IJamphlet with each bottle ten. how. '2.00 a bOltle delivered. Horse Book 9 K free. ABSORBINE, JR., antiseptic liniment for mankind. Reduces Painful Swellinga, En. larged Glands, Goitre, WeOl, Bruises, Vari. cose VeinsjVahcmitiea,heal1 Old So~. Allaya Pain. Wil tell you more if :you write. and '2 a ball Ie al dealen or delivetelL Book "Evidence" free. Manufactured only by W.F. YOUNG, p, O. F.. atD TIIIIPI. 11.. Sprlnaftold, ..... __________ _



PATENTS ::~-kA!:';:'~f:w....... W •••• IIE.Col ...."'••

~ L~,

.T hat Weak,Bac/l ,

aeeompnnled by palll here or there-extreme Iler'l'oaen_ _ aleeplellllnas&-ma,. be f ..lnt apella-oupaam8-411 are -iJrnala at dUiuou tor a womnn. Sbe may be IITOwlng trom gtrlb60d Into womanbood-paaainll' from womanhood to motherhooo-r later lulrefin" lrom thatcbangelnto middle life wblcb 1.9. eomo.DY J1f:'~"" Wl'cekaohromen. Atanyo'l"lIllottheaoperfoda of. woman'eUfo .b~ .bould take a tonic and net"l'ino prellOribeci for jUlt aucb_ 1>, a pbJQlclaIl 01 9ut uperlenco in thlt diaeaael of wom8llo


Favorite Prescription tballln,. other mown ill ~ \lqald. Sold






TIlI H IIl'Ut:t>I Ij) S(' I'IIl: 1M U 11 <: ....• of KlL gU ~ h I II IU ullJ'uor, J apau." r"w d !l)'~ he fur e Lil. \ o lt:u.uu "two!.: ."olles biH:lq~ r(l IIr,{j "('lJ jlll' d and S Vr( ' luJ dc'alb [we.! tl estruNIolJ 0\'( ' 1' th ,' lillie· Is land ,




sef D

I I.",


Y ,~CH T

II ' ~

adrnittf' d tu th" O lt! f 'r l.\ til ., :\ :n'H i r Shrilll ' 1'1 ' ~ i ll' '1'1>:11 111 .. " .\Ianda. I I I Ill \' \11 111 " look p art ill tll t; ('( ' :'t>'I:O IIl.1I \ \ " r ( ' ~:H \ lI ohlt":" [r1.)111 uJl Il iU' ! :-i I,f th t' \ ' IJltt·d :-;la l~ · H . Tlu"'t:'c l in! L \'IiJ 1 , 1 ::11 1'1": . tlf ' J pi; r;ullilics, ;lrt ' Illill\Il, t; till' g- r,'al"ft Jl ilg t'l l t. a~(· Jil III, · h i:- ln r ,' or l ilt · \ H'rh- r Tllt ·y H:dlt·rl I l ltl l S":t,I ! j- I', \ "1111. -1' .;01 'Ill the (in"ut :1\:ortl l"l"Il ~II a; lJ..: ll; " ., tll1t1 t-1S fll a . a lld ( ' II 'Ij(~ ir' way 110m" l lH' Y \\il l ~I{! p aL I er\'r' ra qri ("nl:d pnn~ d:I.'

;,: ' 11

I dl ', ' ,.;

1I : ( 1!1f!

.:III IP ' ,llc:1 " ~ rt..

11](/ ,01

'.'. tlq

VIew or th e deck or Frede rI c k \\' . Vanderbilt's yacht Warri or ...... h icb wu ~ ..... r 'ek ed on Lho: l'olo mblllU coas t, u ud phot og raph of tb e Cll l>trun ..... ho, w.lUI th crew , r efu s ed to lea ve t he H'-HIe!. Th e J)asseng '~r~, Includi ng Mr. and M r s, Vandm1>IH. the ,du ke IlJI d due'h e88 -Of Mandieste r and Lo rd l~a l c0ner. 'W~re r eH('ued \\'l1h diffic ulty b y t ht' steamers. AllnIrru lte alld Frutcra.


SHE IS "SOME CHICKEN" Ti l!' AI:O('rlcll1l

co n ~ll ln te

at Acal)ulco. Mexico. h as b,'e n conv('rted intu a

IIU r E' d e po~ ltar y

fo r th e

Am erlcall ~


the vicinIty ......'h o t urned o ver to ('.ons ul C. S , E!l\nlrds about $250,000. A~ th !' regl OI! I s Inf(' st E'd by IJ n nd ~ o f lu ll· r Ullders. tbc3 co n sul cablpd to th e stat e de pa rtm ent fGr pro tectIo n a n d H"ar A dm i r al ( ' nv l ('~ ,:( HI " \"",,<1",. ti l " "


IU spBclion r.f nlarill es on hoanI th e

lI nlt e ~'

S tatos bat tleshIp MI.t:hlga n


the barbor of Vem Cr uz, Mex ico . Good BUllnea Realon. " But .... hy," Dsked the observ e r (If men of tile Itine rant musician. "wb)'

do you play an a ccordion 1 Nobody Jlkea ,the accordion any more." "Ah, signor, I have da reason, De peep, who no Ilks da aceord pay me ' Ida big mon to atoppo m& noI8e,"Jud~~.

How He Old IL "How do you always keep the offtc e clock right?" the foreman was. askecL "I Bet it In the morning by the tim e t he boIS arrives and Bet It l1&aln at noon aod ol,ht by the time the help (lulta,"


When Jud gl' B en Lindsey 01 the De nver juvenile court ,took bIs young bride home t he other day , the coupl e were we lcom ed by a great throng of n ews boys and stree t arabs. "What do you think at h er?" the judge a s ked the cheering lads, "She's Bome first term In. congreea' ch1ck~n." WIU! the enthUIII\8t!c reply, tatlve ot Ohio'. Sixth and Qle Judge, looking at tbe pretty. out In lite, as a On the 00, blushIng girl. &ald "1 gvelll you'ra gradUating . from "My husband jsn't home two nl,hts right." ' . to\o e d by Iills alOin mln,e r.a month." , ern unlvenlt ty. 81 . "Y-oo should aet the mlnleter to see . , ~. ' • - American hi.tory. ~" ......... . him: ' ":!' ' , ' -. The Jor:e&t le~tce ~alntafill" _Dine ' levern}. callaIs' 'poelt.tOli. :'J;ie ,~ a mlnJlter.. I Al~J' • .beiD1 8%pe~enl atatlone 'for ' .tudlel '4 ~~ ' P~:e.~id8J!lt ,tla'Ued ~a".1 to. ~~.... . . ~!O~t&tIO~ ,~ Dd 11m~~ 'abJect.. _ ~ ~ , he



, 'f




________________ ____ ~

~ ! .---~---- ~ ~T \ Uf ~ r~e~~~ti n g~

New Car Load of Fence

~~ ~~ lm

tt Persona1M· l hl' clu b all e llj uyeu listening ' to '\ enbon, I ",\.'\'<' I'al ~elcdiolls on the. Vict rula II ' aft,,/, which Mrs. M W, Sllv(- r gave " ," ' . interi'~; 1 inlt Current Even t s. H, S, 11,)\\' ('11 1'; )11 : Im'I I'rl . ,. t l l,, : ~ a :: . Mr J . T. J)" :trdofl' ('~sayi;;l o~ ~hel '

0---------___ .,'


1lI1):i L

' I,' J. , ',, ' I I ' , .. . . . ,Il ln, \ b.1 I ''' I1' \''U ~ \ I lill,

IIl lern,)OIl g-:IVe a ve ry ente rlalll lllg' . ~' I)' p;. jJl'l· IIIl , " 'I'} Ie 11'1 ::I :lIJPCl'l1"Il .1),( ht : I" d" y. .. f I'l' iv:l tl.! l'rllpl.! rty," Dr. Oill ~! i ~::Il rllla IlO u , ,11 11;141 , . " \·i, il in ,' ': ~ I\.' ll ,<I the,disl:uasi on in the place o f " 'J ' " "II', ( J ~ U . L . I ~I , y wh u was Illlublt' to ' Ill , ayt oll . lillo' prl'l'l'lI t un a CCo llllt uf 9il' kne,.~ . : 1,\·arlll.'l1 ' a sm a ll \\"lsiJin .' 1'\' ,,1 '" 'Irld"l "ape " I, ,.,, ufv- hl f~rth qui te a ~, . _ _. " , I 1\'1 ' Y '1"'I; I I ~;. ,I" 11 IU l11 " ev. (; UW l l y , \\ ".\' II' ·~ \'III(' :,0· 1. \I 'rl'';. S, L. l :il'l wl' iKht and uUWl's . ,\ 1r I\'(~y ( ;u~ till \\':t~ a ~ Iri ll T_ ',' :'lllcretc fc<:di n ~ . ~~oors , arc th~y I I g InJul'lOlI~ tolll1lmab ! wa<;theslleclal \ 1)1 )''' \' i$ito r lw t weel, . , tll pit' for di ~c ll ,;, i ul1 a nd lVaH op<'ned I I, I. (' rane has IJel'lI laid ll' P I 11\' :111'. Frank Bluon fo ll uwed by S\ ' \ ' 1'. , ' \hl's wit l ll ' I .\1"';s l·s. I'l'e,, lC'y , Chnndl e r ancl othe rs. , ~ <. 1 , l !t' g rl jl. I TIH'I' re~id ~ llt and Mrs Cart wright Iluy you r Fertili zl'r " f l 'It:l~ . Fr.1 " , : l' IO l'dl :t1 ly Ill.vlleol the ~lu b l c' a flU.'" wh\.l ha ndles Mi l"' JIl ' ~ th l' besl.. , l'l'Ise nH:~l l ng' at the ir hO!lle III ' ,. .. . I ~l arl'lt 1 he h o~ t the n furll1~ hed a h. C:. hltl ge, of h lrlgs t\ltll s, Hpenl : I1 lllllJ, ~ r '.,f l'cl[;ctlOns on t he y l c ~rola I TlI ,'sday night with home fl)lk~. after \VllI ~ h the c l~1t wa~ d l sml ~ed 1 b.v ] { t' \' , t,ll woly , (, uests of the club :'v II'. Fred Swpi nhag-cn, of (),'li:lII C'" wpre I{\!v, <lnd :vIrs. Gowdy. l\lr. and Ohiu, i~ visiti ng h is sb !t:r. 1\1l'S. Will ' l\ 1 1'~ I'r ~s l ey ~n~ ~:~ . _ l{o~ h lai r ' l .


We a re r etting in a new car load of the celebrated

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~

Your Opportunity


Cambria Sleel and Wire CO.'s fence . See our all No.9 Wire Fence. Give it a trial.


The fence




1000 Extra Fine




& Son _e_










THE AUX ILIARY I 8 r necke. If you are goi ng tll h:l\'(! a sale . -_. , , sec A. A, M:-Neil , Ce nt e r vi lil', Ohi" " The .WvnH.'~'s All,x ilia ry n~; t with ' hoth )hone3 'I Mrs. S, L. C" rtw~ l ght on Iu.:sday I . alternoon, and whIl e the attendance l\1rs , Ell z<1 uelh \'\'<1 11", (I f Spring. , \\'a~ nu t as Inrge as usual, du e t o .ill. " b( ,l'o, llpen t Sunday wi th Mr . all11 1 ll'~1\ ami lJ l h~1' caus~s , t he, ses~lOn . ' • I prll\'pd a m ost Inte restmg and prohta· MIS. l . D. hentl ey . · hle one. The meeting opened with Mr, Harry Scar;;, of Creen\'illl', ~ in g !!)g-. "Work fur the night is com · 01' . . , , h' 1 h I Mrs. All en at the organ , a nd . 110 , IS vlsllll1g I ~ ,I'ot l'r 1\ I' d ey()tiona l e ,~ e r c ises, foll owed by roll W duur Sea rs and faIntly , It.all. re~ p(jl1ded to .by '1 uot.alions from Mrs , Edilh H arr i" a llu Mrs , 1 a liI" ,St: rtpture I~ollt me buslh es::I dl~- , , ~ ,I I posed of . the program for the day M()s hl' r have heen .contll1ed til t he was take n up as follows: "Boy hOi lse on accounL of ~e ve r e t:ollis. ~,(:?u t !l in China," Mi ~ ~et!tia McKay , , lh u IIllpeof the Phlhppmes, "Mrs. II. J. • May c r!; left 111e~ day for an Ii:. V Barnhart; and a r ead ing from ex t end ed trIP: 81l'\Ollg' othe r ;;Ig'ht s he l"'l'he Eme rg ency in China ," Mrs. W, ll en . wi ll witness the' fa mou ,; sl ree t fes, 1 If . . ". til'al a t New O rleans , Ih e Emerg<:ncy In Chma . IS the t ext book for 1111 ;;'<;101l stu dy th iS year. A social meeting- Ill' th e W. C, T· T he Chur ch Magazine. of the d iO'1 U . wi ll be he ld at the home of Mrs' ct'se of Main e has this t o say of China: Anna O'Neall , Friday nfternoon, "We who glory in our democ ratic govel'nment , sho uld surely g iv e symf'L'bruary 20th . All ladi es invited . pat hy and our very best h elp to the During the w inte r a ncl spring sister nation, who in her old age and he l' Ret ways is trying to estab'l mo nths Dr. MaC'y will not be in his with \ish a repu bJic, r ealizing that t he Ha rveysburg o tlice ~x('e Jl t firRt week fo undation of civ ilization and democin each month commencing th e first racy is the Christian faith in country Monday . All the oth e r time will he and individual. Bishop Grav es. of China, when spent in his Spring Valley (It\ice. speaking of the lale General Conve n : ._ _..a_________••_____________k:'

The prices are right



: : CUT AUGUST 1913 : :





FOR SALE R of p uwe r lio r se PAIInqnlre o f .J ohn

C hllpers. R . R .2,

8e~ob .

r '. !



How many patrons on the rural routes broke the roads, n; aking it possible for th e carriers to make their trips on time?

.- ....- - -


.W. H. Madden &Co.

3 days Thursday, Friday &: Saturday 500 Coupons Free with each can o f Van Camp's Porl( &: Beans



From home-grown Timber


Everybody knows how good these Beani:! are, so lay in a supply and he lp your hvorite Booster. 500 Coupons free with each can. See our window.



The Xenia Daily Gazette came t o our ~change table Monday resPlend- 1 ent in a new dr~, and all printed at The word contest closes Saturday home. Tbey are having the privi- . night, don't forget to bring in lege of the full leased wires of the your list. United Press. The Gazette has always been up to Come in Saturday with the crowd the minute, and with new machinery, and h ear the good mu sic . and new equipment, it is making rapid advances and has the tendency \ to place Xenia in prominence, All Special low prices on a number luck to the Gazette. of articles for Saturday. There is nothing that will help a town quicker than a newspaper, I Plenty of Oysters, Celery. Orno matter how small it is, But peo· anges, Apples, pIe are slow to grasp the idea that a newspaper can make a town. It is the only mediator the town has, and I Everything good to eat at t he the sooner this is realized the sooner \ rig ht p rices. It pays to trad e at the town will expand and the county round about will \lnjoy this prosperity also. 1 ' ~os


. The Februa~y meetll1~ of th e Wayne TownshlJ..I F~rmerH Cl ub was held on February a t the p lea.s. !l"t homeof ,Dr , and Mrs. H . M: UIII In Lebanon. The attendance Wll~ not a <> la rge as .usua l on acco unt of th e cold and Ulsag-reeahle weather . The morn ing was spent socia ll y and at noon a most exce llent (linne r was en jpyed by all. Presiden t S . L. Cartwri g ht promptly called the mee ting t o o rder and



'The 8

omhinin9' Sam. tim..... we ...,.....d the

1ocaI".DCJ'. ~ the IDcIla.... Silo

eo..paay. w. ha•• found much

pl........ iIIiIIterutla!lourfrirmcla imd nelahbcon In the ....~t.aa... -=-IH. _ _ alth.prufib aDd ~



lWery farmer who owns an Indiana Si1~ has found that it is the best business d eal he ever' made and th e greatest pleasure of his farming experience. It not only adds 60<10 to the net profits of the dairy anll feeding pens but 1t al80 saves all the hard, UJlplellSllnt work of winter feeding_ \ We have an especially attractive prop<>titian to make to you now-one that will enable you to get an Indiana Silo in time for next fall's corn crop and to pay for it as it pays you. Let us t ell you about it.




F.'om Monday, February 9 to and , including Saturday. February 28th

A Once In Six Months Sale. When All furniture In tbe Store is Reduced 10 to 25 Per Cent.

Insu RlIl1C E A. B. Chandler Succ{'ssor


A reduction of from 10 to ~5 per cent at Adair's mean s much more than the same red uctions in a city store, because 0 u r original price is much lower. '


Ohio.. Over PoslofTice,

. .- - - - - - - .


All Kinds of

ehas. D. Gook

. . . . .-


A g ood work and brood mare wi th foal by the "company" horse. 1 David Bradley two·row corn plow, good as new. 1 Jaynesville d isc corn CU ltivato r, nearly new . . 1 longue:ess disc harrow, nea rly new. 1 low' wheeled wagon, with platform, sideboard s and brake. Phone 65 3y' . F. C Sawin.'



Farmers E. v.




Notl·ce to

, ------------------------~--------------~,

er Store





lion said : "We call it the "Eme r'_;e ),(ency in China" hut in t ruth the .. Emerltency" is here, with Ull. for it is OU I' opportunity which may BARNHART, shurtly pal's ," After a social period the meeting Notary Public adjournoEHi to meet the third Friday in March with Mrs. Sarah ZimmerThe \\'aynesville Canning Compaman. ViSItor, Mrs. Hannah Hogers. ny is now ready to contract for corn All kinds or Nl)tary WOJk, PODllllJO , __ _ ____- - Worlr a Mpeollli'y. at t heir offices, at Waynesville and OHIO TEAM IS TIED Corwin, Ohio. In the inlerclub rifle shoot, Kings J. F , Snook, Manager, ' Mills , Olhio, and Stillwater. Minn . , Subscribe tor the Gazette Ro)' Irons, Ass't Mgr. are tied for the leadership of Class B,

WaynesviJIe, 0,

Office Phune 77

H uuse Phone (;, 3 r


100 Gallons

We Deliver Goods Within a Radius of



This sale Includes our entire stock of up-todate Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, with the exception of goods on which there Is a price restriction. 25 Miles of Xenia.


SANITARY PURE MILK per week That's the high water mark we expect to ' reach soon' Almost reached it last week (84 gal.)


See how easy we are making it for you to get all the good . milk you want and whenever you want it from




20-24 North Detroiti:S t. X~NIA,

OH 10.

Fur"iture and Carpet., Stoves, V'ctr~I,.




10 Pag es This We ek ~ixty- Fifth

10 Pag es This We ek


. I For-mer Citize~~ 1 .-_... --. .---...-.~..-.._-------_ . -



·. . . _·-·-··_······__-..-.....-.. . . . ._··r. ·-.r .......·--···-·



Whole Numb er 3252

. ·······_·...····_···· __. .···--._.---.J·1

OBITUARY The Township House story of last • I I : issue has awakened a great deal 01 To John Scrogg y. born F' bruary "'-' intereA t among the voters of the 2:1. 1780, ant.! Sarah. his wife. born I A farmer s institu te was held at township. and while there _.~ AUl{ust 2El. 1779. were given three is nothin g New Vienna last week. and notably to even warran t the buildin L ___ _. -.-. -.-- .--- -..--.......-----_ _.. __ .___ __ -1 SOliS . Wil son. Reuben. and George . Mr . and Mrg. Frank Zell enterg of a on the progra m WliH Miss Helen new tow nship house it has and four daug hters, Hannah . Sarah. tained Sunday the following guests: Huwkins, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. peopl e think a great dealmade the 1!J14 S · R'd ' C" on the Mary and Rachel. Rachel. born on Mrs. Hannah Antram . Mr. and Mrs. now Vlews at I ge s stu d'10 . I!H'1 ",now Vicws at Ridge's tltudi o. Christm Benj Hawkin s. as day . l S20. and J ohn D. J . C. Hawke. Mrs. Florenc proposition. Some ar~ still opposed e Huddle . - -Miss Clara Hawke is visiting frienus to t he projec t. and yet the very ones Har ry Stuk s was in Cin cinnati /toM ern. born Jun e 7. 1815. of Loveland. and Carl Hawke . of were in Morrow . PRISON FARM, LOCATED that mad e such a strong fight against Saturd ay on busine8S. married on July 1:1. 1837 To this Dayton. it before are in favor of it now. union were born (hree sons. Wilson Mrs J . W. White is visiting with The ~el ec tion of the Lonuon. MadBuy your Fertili ze r oiehas . F'rye. S. George Wilson and Edmun It seems t he only fight d . and Miss Flora Berryhill enterta ined ison county . site f or the new peniten · f ormer proposi tion was inagainst the relatives in IJrtyton . who hand l l~;; Milson'S the best . four daught ers. Sarah . Martha , Sunday at a George Washin regard to gton dintiary '\IolS officially ag reed u pon by the amoun t of money that Mary and Hannah . Of these but ner. Thol'le who were present If you want a good Fertiliz er ca ll were the special peniti:!n tiary commission. have been expended on the was to I~ rank Zell ~tle nd (.u the Barret t one rpm ains. Martha Redfern Macy. Misses Celistia Austin, Eva buildin g . Cha.'l. Frye. phone 49 l-L 2·S. and Mary com~osed of Lieu tenant Govern or It look s as though a sa le in Spring Vall ey F'riday. wh o rC!'lides in Col unIbus. Kan . house that Davis. ELhel Hosi er . Anna and Lula ..~ I un. d 0 J A . Le on wourd be adequa tn for the townsh ip W. . ",een Hannah Itedfern .. born in Wa rren Vander voort, $20000 Lena B. Smith, JoseWilber force ran out . of gas last ard. superin tenden t ofr. the. Mansfie Miss Ann ld need not CObt more tha n County Kell ey . . Ohio. of Cincinnati . on Novem ber28. 18-16. phine Smith, Ellen Sherwo to week, and came near freezin g. od. Susan reform atory; Dr A. i" Shephe rd, $25.000 , and even then it . is visiting fr was iends here fur a ff~\V un iter! in m~rria ge to Seth Cook. Wright anu Mrs. might be R. G. Cross. of the state board of admini stration . that this estima te would be days. March 11. 18G8. Tn them were given far to and Dr. Harris R Co ll ey. of Cleve· much . Osborn. Ohio. popula tion. 848. has Mrs. Ol iver Davis. of Corwin. \Vas six childre n . Mary Leah. Amelia E .. lar.d. last wetlk. The re a re some A point that was taken from last just organiz ed a Commercial club. visiting in Wilmington one day last Lillia Maria . Bessie. William Pedrick Mrs. J. Arthur McCoy enterta ined 1600 aC!res in the site and the week's story that seemed nnt.! George Harold . Except Amelia. at a four,co to catch ul'se luncheo n on Tuescommis sion will pay '$170 an acre for the pupula r id ea was that the Martin Gons. of Route 2. was the week. whom death claimed in early child- day in compli ment to her sister, the land. This was the price fixed houEe was not the place for school gu~t of his son near Lebano n last hood, March 17. all of t hese. Miss Flora Allen of Washin gton by the jury in t he conde mna lion 9uit ments; that the town ought amuse· week. Chas. Brown and famil y have with their father .1879. . C. survi ve her. to have H the followinlOr: Mesdames. Geo. brough t by the state for th: acquire a place that could bring someth moved into the Arnold proper ty. a t She manife sted a great desire for W... Hawke ing , E. ' V. Barnhar-t. U. M. Corwi n menta ! the site Fo rmal acceptanc e intn the funds at the townsh learnin g in early life, and prepared White, Fred ip. Born-T o Mr. and Mrs. J. B. B. Hender son and J. O. of the site on the terms fixed by the herself for a teacher while still in her In inter viewing a great many of Chaprnan. Wednesday. Februa ry 18th Mrs. C. T . Hawke spent several t.eens. For several years previou Cartwr ight and Rhea Janet and jury waH mad e by the committee~ our citize~s. we .find that the s Evelyn ,Cartw right. da.vBwi th her daught er at Delawa re to her marria ge. she taught at a mee t ing held at thE' ofllce of the sus of opmlOn IS that. the conse~­ a son. various townshIp thl::! state boara of admini stration . week. schools in War ren Co unty, Ohio, and house ought to be bUilt, and that as Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ' Farr spent It is expecte d that the prisone rs souT! as arr~n~ements could Saturd ay and Sunday y,i lh relative s . to this day her former pupils pay I Miss Oli ve McCollum enterta be made ined will not only furnish foo d enoug h for fa; It. ThiS IS what a few Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson high tribute t o her rare abilities as of them in Dayton . f ew of her young friends with an Edward s . themse lves from the farm produc ts said: Tuesda y. Februa ry ~4 th. a 'a teacher . not olily as an instruc tor I ainform , al dan cing party on ' Friday but will also be able to supply other If you are going to have a sale. daught er. ~' . S. Elbon- .Well we ought ~o of unusual ability, but he r exampl e !ev ening . The Victor-victrola fumstate institut ions. have on~, but It ought to be bUIlt see A. A. M ~Neil, Centerv ille, Ohio. _ __ • _ • ished the music and at the close of a Geo . Beck aocl som. of Spring boro. as a noblE' woma n. within the pocket books of the tax both phones. Soon after he r marria ge she united deli ghtful evening a two course were in tow n Saturd ay attend ing the L1EE CERTI FICAT ES payere of the township. with the Society of Friends . and was lunch was served. Those ' Sides sale. presen t Will White- l am heartily in favor ew r after one of its most faithfu l were Mi sses red and Edytha Lytle Schools have been closed M' M D' d n . alld vai ued memb ers. Her whole Macy, Emma Winnif Lo~ls::hool wi.1I be inte r- of ~~lter Kenrick - Haven' t though t onThe accoun t of the scarlet fever bu t , Ada Michenor. . Isses a~y. aV ls ,,~ ssle life. day by day and hour by hour Hazel Gustin Hawke ~sted In Ii recent ~pm\On g lv~n super- much on th e matter and Martha O'Neal l resume d this week. Smith were vlsitmg m Sprmg Valley was a living tes . Will depend timony to thE'ser ene and Messrs. Raymond Davis, James Intenqe nt of Public InstructIOn Frank on how much the trustee s Saturd ay. want to faith that was her comfor t and McClure. Ernest Rogers , W. MJlle~ by Attorn ey Ge.neral Ho spend. Charles At a fire in the Middletown Jour· Mis':! Martha O'Neal the g ueRt g~ide. gan holdm~ thattht l rep~al~ng clause . . Michenor. Emrnor ~lAily, Bert Hart· Dr. J. T. Ellis- There is no town nal recentl y Frank B. Pauley barely of Miss Edith Cranel was over Sunday . The ar~uou s duties confJ ,:cted WIth sock and Edward Ricks.. of the MorrIS la.w e~tabhs hmg a. new or townsh ip that needs such and Monday. a place escaped with his life. tl~e rearmg ~f her . f~mll:r: never sr8tp.~ of e~ammatlOn and certlfic a as badly !WI we do. dImmed t hat kmdly SPlTlt whIch ever t10n Will go mto effect before ~ex t Geo Witcra ft-The Waynesville Nation al Bank and th e last Mrs. J ohn Davis, of Dayton . was made he r counten ance good to look Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emley, of J.une . . Co.nsequerytly no examm a- week was good and to thearticle postoffice were closed Monday on ac- th e guest of relatives and point. near Utica, celebra ted the 14th an· tlOns for. hfe certific ates can be h~ld friends UpOIi. F. C. Carey -The time is "ripe" count of Washin gton's birthda y. Unselfish devotion to husban J and niversa ry of their marria ge last here Sunday . at that time under the old Hawkm s for the proposition. Hustle Satit. chilt.lren . her life was one of service urday evening . There law. r~pruPed by the new statute . . were a numJ. B. Chapm an- Fine Build it, and Miss to others. Flora Allen, Her though vf Washin gton, ts were never ber of invited guests and a most en· Lebano n citizens are "femin st" Prcslde nts of local :ural ~JJd VII· I will do all [can. lage boards of educat lo, WIll the paving of their princip al streets C. H. is the g uest of her sister. Mrs. of self, he r hand s. so skillful in the joyable evening was spent. Excel· meet ___ - - doing o'i every task. were ever ready lent refresh ments were served. June 13, to elect county boardR of They claim they are taxed "to death" J. A. McCoy . It CLOTHING STORE TO CLOSE to lighten the load f or friend or was near the wee 'sma hours educati on. consist ing of five m em· already . of the Miss Margue rite Thomp30n. of neighb or. Her sweet spirit was btors. aceordinll to t .,e provisions of mornin g before many of the guests Mr. R. S. Kingllbury is making arever in harmon y with Naturt::'s took their departu the new school laws. The county Milson's Fertiliz er, the best on the ~e~~~:~s h:~:.he week· end guest re. . of beauties- she loved all growin g board must organize and elect a rangem ents to close (lut his old store market . For sale by Chas. Frye. Mrs. Elizabe th Milten burger cale· things. tree3. flowers and birds . Her brated her g6th birthda county E perinte ndent before July where he has been in business for y on last Born-T o Mr. 8n6 Mrs . Everet t presenc e was balm to the sufferin g, Thur8(h~y, 00. Tbi! l'e'·dist ricting of the county several yeaT!!. C. G. Williamson WIlS here Mon- Mc. Februa ry 12, at the home E lwee, of Wilmin gton. Monday. her words ever of cheer. Mr. R S. Kingsb ury, the presen t day on a short visit. Charles into Bup,vervision district s and the of her daught er. Mrs. John F. Gra· To all who enj oyed her hospita lity. ham of Ridgeville. Ohio. election of district superin tenden ts proprie tor of the store, has worked pects to IrO South next week forex-a Februa ry 23. a son. the out stretch ed hand, the beamin g a very disagre eable day it Thoulrh by local boards of educati on must in that lucation @ince 1871, first as period of time. did not Rev. and Mrs. C. S Grau~r 8 and face. were a royal welcome. And preven t her dear ones clerk, latl'r as part ownt!r and finalfollow l)efore Septem ber 1. from gather . 80n, Charles. visited Dayton relatives all who knew her. loved ly as full owner of the business. It her. 109 home to spend one Everyb ody who has an ice house Sunday and Monday . happy was in 1877 On the afterno on of Februa ry 16, birthda y with the aged more Mr. Kingsb ury, is now busily eng-aile mother FRANKLIN RETAINING WALL then a lad of that and d in filling it. about fifteen years, The 1914, at the age of 67 years, 2 months venerab le old lady. ice is of a Roy good Irons qualitv attenQe . and d is --the annual and 19 took a position as clerk her tired spirit took Its the store several inches thick. banq uet of the Dunlap club in Col· Hight . days. Judge Kyle handed down his de- of Mr. Al Cranda ll. In ainfew After a mornin g spent in years umbus cislon in this famous case last week. he secured a small interes SaturdliY night. vari ous tasks about the home, seem- On last Monday evening , Februa Miss Bertha Collett , of Wilming- . ry and says there was no legal contrac t business. LaLPr he acquire t in the ing ly in better health than of late. 16, the social commi ttee of the young d a larger ton. who ha.'! been visiting her sister. Master Everet t Sears is vIsiting and with betwee n the commissioners and the interes t and finally in about her usual 1897 cheerfu he ~rs. lness, Sam!. Cook. at Washin gton. D. his :g randpa rents M;-. and Mr~. people 's Sunday School c1asa of which contrac tor; that there wss no pro par bought the entire busines John while pleasan tly chattin g with a Lola Cornell ill ehairm a misSears at Rossbu rg. Ohio. certific ation of the county auditQr that time Mr. Kingsb ury s. Since C.• arrived home last week. kindly neignb or who han st!!pped in, cellaneous shower atan gave has con· her home of funds for the payme nt of the con- ducted one of the most th}'ivln her life on was finilhed. The in honor of Miss Alma Maxwell. Miss Edith Mosher accompanied tract; that the flood fund could not ate clothin g storlill g and Howar d Hopkin s . of Dayton. was tlud was as earth she had desired in Xenia her niece, little Mildred Hartsoc k. in town Sunday . no pain, Music and games ' occupied the be used for that purpose; that the vis;ting his mot her. no prolonged illness, no helplessness, - - ••- - to her home in Morrow , Saturd ay. Mrs. Henrie early part of the evening , after prosecu ting attorne y should have ap tta Hopkin s. bu l a gentle wafting of her kindly which the guests were invited A TERRI FIC SNOW and remain ed over until the first of proved the contrac t; in short the to the spirit back to its Maker. It wa9 but dining room, which, ~,...._ __ the week. as well as the Migs Zilla Githens . of Daylon. the fitting close of a long life court sustain ed practic ally every con · A 45 mile gale from the northea st at table was tastf>fully decora ted in spent Thursd ay and Friday with loving tention urged by the plaintiff, and and a snow storm care for those about her. Montlay, that's Paint Day. Every Mrs. Ralph Lewis, white crepe paper and Sunday . where of Route ordered an entry drawn e joining evening . and continustarled 5. The memor tes of her life, so pure a dainty two course candles lady who thinks of paintin g or ed throug h the luncheo n was the county comm Issione rs and the night Monday saw the storm a.,d good. so true and paperin noble. ll should call and see what abide served. Before leaving the table. unMrs. LeRoy [ron:5 and eon. ROM. county auditor from paying out any abated and it snowed all the day , "Mello tone" has done for our store spent the latter part of last week with us as a benedic tion; the in- Irma Cornell. preside nt of the CI888. money on the alleged contrac t. ftuence of her exampl e of all that preside d over the toasts ,making sn averag e ofatlea st six inch- room. Will White. visi ting friends in Spring Valley. was best in heart and charac ter, is evening . The following for the • ~ • eI of snow tall . Countr y roads were subject s c as a bright star of purest ray to lead were ably discussed. Organi zation R-6-DS LEAYE FOR. ~OUTH A marria ge license was issued in impassible, and there were no rigs in Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred of us to the Horr.e above, the House Class Social Circle. by Miss in town. The rural carrier s did Xenia last week to Jesse W. Carey, CllJlkey, at Mariet ta. Ohio. Tuesday. Anna not maje with hands. of Waynesville. and Miss Mary Februa ry 24th. a daught er. The Cincinna~i Reds started for get throug h Tuesda M. L. C. Nutt. teacher ; How we can Arrang e at all. AI- Hunter Jane. the South Friday to their trai'lin g togethe r it was the y. , of Green County . They will for New Pupils, by Raymond Hartheavies t fall of make their quarter s at Al :xadria , La .. Manag er the year. CARD OF THANKS home near Waynesville. Yes. Sarah Jane. you can gut Pure sock; and Congra tulant Words in Herzog with 11 playprs, Business . Behalf of Light Bearers . by Wilbur Sanitar y Milk at White's Store. All . We . A msn had the nerve to say that WIsh t o express our appreCla- Nutt. after Miss Marie Hall has Manag er Bancro ft. the club's phy · th.e Ilro!lnd hog to do bome trum New Burling ton.returne d you want and at an time you wa nt tI.on of the sym p~thy and m.any the bride a which he present ed to sician and trainer . They will be w1th th1t! weathe r,hadbutnothing recipe book in which the where it. whethe r he she attende d a shower for Miss kll1lln e.'lS~s of our friends and nelgh- prospec tive membe joined by the balan ~e of the team had or not. a great ' fight Sarah rs of the cl888. will be bars durmg our bereav Haydo~k, and visited among her ement . who arA already in the South or will made against the ground numbe ring twenty -eight,h ad written Mrs. Carl Kelsey. ' Philadelphia. hog from friends Seth Cook and FamIly. . join them enroute . has been spendin g a ew daYR with After a f~w words from Miss Maxnow on. - - -- - Two or three Jf the other major Mrs. Alice Alcorn a the Friends well we were led to the parlor where - - - .• - - - - Sf. MARY'S CHUR CH C. A. Smith. of Clarksville, wae Home. league teams are there or about she was shower ed with many beautiRURAL WELF ARE LEAGUE marrie d to Miss Maud Jane Snell, of ready to go. ful and useful gifts. Lebano n ladies are glvmg an enRoute 3, last Thursd av at Lebano n The major league will start about Evenin -. g Prayer , next Saturd ay at The Union Welfar e League of by Justice Jameso n. Mrs Smith tertain ment Saturd ay ~n order to get 3:45 p. m. April 21. Maseie Townsh ip will meet Saturd ay, is the daught er of Mr. and Mrs. funds to buy a new ) town clock . . The first Sunday in Lent March ..LONG ilME AT THAT Februa ry · 28th. at the Wellman Good for the ladies. 1st, Sunday School at g:30 a . m ; CR.UELTY TO ANIMALS School b\1ilding. There will be a Perry Snell. Sermon and Holy CommunilSn good progra n. and corn judgin g, be· ]f ou want a good fum. writeC . 10:30; Service and sermon at 7 p. mat; A strange animal was kille.1 in There have been several compla ints sidcsso me good com talks. All are ~Tilliamson at Xenia He has the subject for evening "Sin." lately, hoth here and at Corwin. r~­ cordiallY invited to attend, as it will Xenia tha other day. which has been G. ~verybody invited to these service s identified as a bassari s. belong ing to Fr8l1k Clar~ farm. and it can be had gardin i cruelty to horf es It IS do eVt:ry one good. at the right ~gures_ - - \ the . raccoon family. It had scientis ts alle&ed that on\! man has allowed hi~ This organiz ation is going to be a WALKING ON CRUTC HES horse to actuall y starve to death, power In the townsh ip. and we will in Greene county guessin g for a Al'bor Day for 1914 Ihas heen Bet and that severa l others are not feed- hear more of its accomp lishmen ts couple of weeks. for April 24 It is that not ing ,their ar.imals as they should later. Harvey Gustin. only the schools very public trunk at the depotwhile carryin g a During the winter ------.~The state presiejent of the Human and spring spirited citizen will t out a few against a truck and last ""eek, ran months Dr. Macy will not be in his society has been notified and in all scraped his leg. DIPHT HERIA CURE treell on this date. Harvey sburg office except flrst week Mr. Gustin has varicose veins and probab ility will: be here to (investiin each month comme ncing first the they immediately began to get sore. gate the cbarge s. The following cure for diphthe ria Monday. All the other Story \yas He is walking on crutche s nQw. but time will be • was given to us by one of onr sub- spent in his Spring Valley ...",..".In" attendm g is hoped that he will soon be able to <'ffice. , OETTINO RID OF DOGS scri/Jers. and is .aid to be a sure cure. me!Elting enlterta lned M s t · thE.e get along withou The recipe is as follows: • _t them. ••_ __ '!'he following relative s from a disXenia i8 killing all the homeless Make a solutio n M lac sulphu . r and W. White. tance at tended the funeral of Hannah MAKES RELATIONS RICH dogs in that city. Thirty eight WAre wa.ter. ·. Use as a gargle, and 8wall~w J. Cook. on Thursd ay: Lillia M. Dyer, Vernon asphyx iated the othE'r day and there a httle. Take Jones. of croton 011. Genoa, Ill .; G. Harold Cook, Kenosha. anon boy, H. are'mo re to fQllow. It would be well 3,aruPs_o.f sweet2 drops has just The estate of the late Diana R0b011 and mix well. Wis; Pearl Macy Lucas, Columbus. with a bronze to take up some of the homeles3do~ ,qiply !hls on the throat, from ear to erts of Xenia. has been admitte d to Kas.; Rowena Zartma n, Anna. Bock· scull,to rs. Mr. probate . By the will the estate is around town and have them mere1 ear. With a feather . let and Jason Redfer n. Xenta. 0.; the transfu sion equally divided betwee n nephews .fully put to. death ,A town can ~ave • - • Robert Redfer n ~d wife. Clarksville, body to save a hm,t.h" 'r and neices. The real estate was vala ~Quous numbe r of eanmes . ~LDA GOOD FARM Mr. Slo-,rw it-!rlise Cora, I~. 0.; Edwin S. MIlls and daugh~r. ued at $108.000. Part of the land is . . • - • . . ' Beulah , West Newton , Ind.; Charit y er-I t can't begin ~ to Lorang er, in Greene . ST~.ICK·e·N WITH PARAt .VSIS and part ip ~gan c?ul,lC. G. Williamson . bas jUll put Barnet t, Bridgt' port, ,lnd'be returne d, and ties. The Robert s V111a 10 Xerua .18 ,.o~bow mach 1-er .. ' Edith i .. . ~rough a delil by whieh ..Al;~er Walton ~s,. Dll1ton. 0.; tnElm,Ja ll kinds of veg- rememb~red by all w~o hav~ boreb Mrs. £Va 'Dal'l(er' .uffere d a ~roke buYs tile H.' .Hi Wl1ke~D .. ~ .t 1401<1. seen tt, -IOTa JOUo . , . ll~lNi,ers that are in as it was a most beautif ul VIlla at the ,SPrlnlr Valley, _0, 'j' Levi .1411__ etali)leli •of ~a' Sunday mornin g. but .Olive Branch . ....Mr. Mill Oauati Shiner Willtal se ,&nil daujbt ers, M~;Mi lund H~ Well, . que. of the east end of Xenia . . "Is p,ported" to be lOme' ~tter at possession of. Dis newl, acqu~ riet 'B ia\t, Wil~~, 0.; , ~ ....e1~o~and taiDl1' bl... beaD • l q. d~ng~I~. with that • _ ... . ', ~t. 'Y'" ·5»ro~ '~.::1Bt·of .JrIarEb. : ' .._Cook. ,~,~bpa. 9· . visit. 8ollsortbe for ~e Miami. Ga~ • ..,.. . :.'. ' - .i'I' .

I L_ : ..........Pers l Men tion Col umn .___.. ona___ _..._.......____ .. .---: _____ ._._..Ji ij

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('orp a, .. rites H , M . ~ult on, of 1I(l lII e' T ill' hu s h aod ou r Inlll o~ t thuught ll s t<'lld , PII " in th e :>:atlo na l Trlbunf ' , Our regi llll'lI t , ur a t lellJl t lilY eOlU ' for" " us 10 a co n s ld ~ r !itlo ll fir our lIudtati' '' I" and o ur 10 n'lngs . \VI' bo w In pany _ \la ti out (JU Ill e Plank mild ou lho ~n'6" I I<'e or Ol\r Maker with II k ef'lI picket on Frlduy nlg hl, anll wh L'n w" tit' li Se ( ,f o tlr lJ ee d. An d w (\ find our, we re I'ellevcl l ne xt mOl'J llng we reo Jollied Ih " brigade o n tb e lin tl 01' but· sl' l\' e~ sc(' ki!lg sa tl s rnc tl on in th e fd· " 1 0"' ~ lo i p u f him \\"bo U1.ughl 111 1' 11 b o w II" alth () lI ~ h th .. re wa s 110 I1 ght ln g go' lug on ye t As we h(lo he e n on vl ek e t to Iii'" Afrt' s h we Hee th ... ~I as te r, girt wi th n il night Wt' s tack ed arm s buck In 8 towe l, b:. tl lillg th .. foe t of hili d is- t he rellr SO Ul e ~OO ya r d .. and r emained (' ll'l pR, til 11 t th€' y mllY be c e r e moniallY Ih e r e all d ur ulltll th e engllge me nt el"an J\ lid we rpall Zt, lbat no servk o begulI , Our br igade fr o nt ed so utllw est. wltll to our r,, 1I 0Wd Is t oo lo wly (or Lh e n o· other memb ers of the family otlr backs loward 1"r (,IIo'rlck s bul'l( , III hi ps t of ma nkinci to oITe r , are happy- -nppetl tes shnrpen , thlnlr.' th e ea rl y u(l~rnoon our ('o lonel, \\' . p , W ay of Forglve nees. brighte n tip general ly, And CnIum d HI(' ha rd s OIl , IIl1d l· ll i. Lre, of th e &r,th \\',, be hu ld th e Chri s t nall ~ d u pon a Ohio, bo th IlIn lng Baking Powdc r Is respons ible for it alL seen se rvi c e In tr" e bN\\ eCII t wo common cr i mi n al s ,' I ex lco, seut o ut three scouts from For Calum et never fuils. Its \\' 0; hav e brotlg,ht t o us Rllf'\\, tit(' Our 1.!0 IllPIUlY , und e r Ab e \I(' ed to see mCllnlng of Cod s will fo r th e 1"' ol' le lIf \\'hat wa s dOin g wonder ful ICllveni ng qoalltie s lnsore In the h eav y timber l'ar th a nd Ul e wa y of (orglvI n c~s . I ~ III fro nt. Tbey came perfect ly shorten ed. faulUes sly raised ba ck and r eported mud e ea~y for us. And III our mpolt l\ I th" e ne lil Y massin bakings _ g on o ur (ront nnd tlon we come to l.lnll e r stan d h nw nllk" rig ht t1a n k. Col. Illchanl son se nt Col. Canno t be compa red with we ar<l , and how pro~ e to bre ak GOII S Lee and Cap t. E. C, Cu lp to III (o rm other baking powder s, which promise In ws, to \' Iolate th e rIght s oC othe r s, to Ge n, De yens of otlr dl\'l s ion lind a sll withou t perform ing, de priY(, ourKl' lvcs of th e best that we pe rm issio n to change fr out so ns t o be ml !; ht hf' . Even 11. beginner in cookin g In shapf' to nWl)t th e ossuil it Iha t th.' y Thp hour of comlllu nion , Hlled us ~ t fel t s urf' would ' co m e. tlu t De v ens gets delight ful results with th is n ever. Is wi th th e co n scious n ess of GOII 6 t ook 110 a ccou nt of what tll ese oq. failing Calume t Baking Powde r. YoOJ' pr psl' n cf', r e mOH' S th e dlstlnct ion s of ee r s sai d . pacer knows. Ask hl!n. m alNI .. I wealtb, e ducat ion au d truinSOlli e lillie latt' r I t ook a s troll up lng, a lt ll mak ('s u s on e, And In lhl p on th tl hi s he r g RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARD S ro un d al o n l; th e COUll ' WooId'a P_ Food Ez-'tloo , Chi_, Dr. uully of wo r s hip come s a great d es ir e try r oad . S lahl's German brlgn de wus Pm. ~. FraDU,MArch. 191Zo L.AlJN CtUNC j A Llft::. :flOAT t o know In n practl~a l way w hat God orr n IIttl !' tu th e ri g ht. Th e ir g un s llI('uns wh t:' 11 he suys thro ug h hi s Son . we r e all s tacke d, exce pt 8W p"ople know tll e wId e rung e I m eans th e Ilfe-savl o n e r eg ime nt, llg s tat ions at (; "I ca me that th ey may h av e life , u1l(1 which \\' 118 stall dln g In line along the a nd syste matic orguuiz atl o n or Disappo intm e nt a nd Poilil Adams. ut a)' 11I\ \'e It abun d a ntl y." roud [a elllg the woods at orde r arms, tbe Unit d St.ates ' life-sav ing The o pcryllo r at North H ead wu s a lso - - --.-. -Ple a sed Cuatom cr, r 'm th e abull danl life Is the r es ult T her w e r e t\\'o ser vice In Its wo rk or savi n g beseec he d to notlly th brass cannons (6 and THOUGHT IT KAiSER'S ORDER e Cap e Dlsap. of 1II'in g In hll rmony with C od's elp!'· "B aa th e lady who~ o portrait YOIl 12·poun d e r s l by lhe r oad , There we re lI'ves along s hore, Sup e rinte nd· polntme lll p eople, Th e t ele pbon e nal law s. T h ese law s hu ve m eanin g DO horses nor artill ery m en near the Expana tlon of MYlter loul Sta r Raised pain led paid you yet? " ent Sumner I. Kimball has b een Its wi r es we re out of order, Th e a gen t to us on ly a s \\"e r('cognl z e our "No; sbe Is suing me fo r d e fama.r e la.. ~ns, I wo nt back to wh e re my regl , Above CroBa on Roof of Church father and fri en d, lias mad e It bl s r e- of the tugboat compan y finally gol n tlon s hlp t o God and ... ach othe r . And tion." m en t WU B, anll Col. Richard son had Hgl o n Cor 40 y ea rs, And h e hu s so far messag e to Po int In Berlin. Adam s , but could th is r e ln.tlolls hlp Is realized onl y as W'! se nt hi s sco ut s out again. That tlm c succee d ed as to hav e place d upon otT r 110 Informa tion us to the sce ne corne into fellowsh Ip wI th hIm who or· tb e e ne my 's caval r y fired on th e:n , In Illuslrat lon ot tbe de fe re nce paid ITCHING TERRIBLE 10,000 mil es ot our coasl nearly 300 of the wreck. LIMB Sioce I he ship h ad not lIalned them . "Por who among m e n Th ey r e ported th e woods full of Con · to the Wser's wishes In even the lIte,sav lng stati ons. fitt e d up witb th e , b pe n ab le to s ee th e beacon thro ugh knowet h th e thin gs of a mun save R. F, D, No , 3, Clarkfie ld, Mlnn,the fed e rates, Col. Richard son sent Col. small es t details, the tollowln g slory most mode rn r esc uing apparat us, a nd ' th e s torm tb e s urfmen, ot CClUMle. spirit of th e lIlan wh ich Is in him , Lee and Ca pt. e u lp to Gen. Dev e ns is told of th e Btar a bOv e the cross on HMy troubl e was of long standin g. It tak en care oC by 2,00 0 men, UDd e r I co uld not hear a sliout rrom th e b reak· Even so th e t h ings o C God n o ne with this Informa tIon, und aga in ask - the spire of th e Em pe ror William Ma- started wltb somo s wall red and yel· seml·m ililary discipli n e, Twen ty·flv e ers of Pea coc k split. know e th , say e th (1 Spirit of Ood ." low spots about tb e size ot a plu h ead ed permis sion 'to change front 10 be morlal church : thou s and vessels have \lee n give n aid I It was nine o'clock, nearly fo ur Heed Savior's Words. In pOSition to m ee t th e e nemy. 1n this tim e and prope rty valu ed at bours aft er the As the kaiser Insisted on revl.lng on my leg and e very morning there stranein g of tb e In o ur confu sion and sen se ot ulJpar· Dev e n s poo-poo h ed and said: "I the plan a of th e church, th e arcbltec t was a dry scale on top coverin g tbe $240.000 ,000 s av ed, wIth far les s loss steamer , th at th e surtmlll l k eeping the a nt d efeat J esus sar s: " All , thln gEI guesH Col. Richard so n Is a little brou3ht the plana to him , and the ka.l· affect ed part and wb e n tbose Beales of lite than In th e sin g le case of tb e watch fro m Cape Disappo intment bave been d ell\'e r d un tu me of my' Hea red, Th e prope r place for n colo, ser scratch ed out what he did not we r e falling 01T th o Itcbing was more ; Titanic , which was sunk In mid ocea n, loo kout tower te lephone d hls chief at Pnther; nnd no one knowet h th e So n, ne l Is with hIs comman d ," like, and made such additlon s ae h e than I could sla1ld at times, Tb e fir st Crews ordInar ily number Ight or the mnln s t a tion , a quart e r of a mile sa\'e lh e Fathe r; ~Ither d oth Ilny [n a few rnluut es I h eard one shot. fancled before be gave them tbe im- year I did not mind It so much nr. it nine , w Ith the k eep e r of th e station in· away, thllt there was . a shIp in the know thl' Fntber sa ve tbe Son , an d he th e n a whol e voll ey trom th e regimen t perial approva l . The church was was only itching ve ry badl y at times. eluded. Though under civil se r vice, break e r E otT McKenz ie h ead. to wbom Ro \' c r th e Son will e th to reo or Stahl's brigad readi ng and writIng are about al l tbat I A furious gal e e thnt was in line, built. The re wu to be a big gi lt but the aecond ye ar II nd"ance d all had rI sen, Tb e cre w, veal him ," Th e n came the t e rribl e on ru sh Is r eqUired , educati onally ; phYs ica l roundiu g th e cape, bad to Ilght both of cross on the spIre, and It appeare d In around my leg anll tb e Itch ing was Tb e m ou ntain wh isp e r s pe nce , Th e Stonew all Jackson Ita lIrop er place, B ut, much to the terrible . I b ad to b e ve ry careful to e nduran ce and e xp e rience of th e life s torm and rIsing 's m en , which gllve tid e, so tbey turn ed luke an d the forest echo th e moun· th e I'es t of Stahl's brigade no cbanee general aston ishment . when the cross bave my clothln ;; uround the affected ' u.long s hore prope rly be ing lhe muin back towa rd a cut-<ltr on a near-by taill's me ssage, Cod hlmHe lf bids Quiet- to get lh e lr guns , whic h w e ro stacked wn.s put up a large, many·p olnted star part very loose . At nIght time I otten require m e nt, Day walch is from Buu- I Island, Here, too, !he tid e met lhem. ude of soul. " Re sllli and know lhat as I saw the m, I was close to Col. was raised above It on a h eavy rod. happene d to serntch the sore In my rise t.o sUl1set, and th e nlgbt patrol Is Then th e keeper spied It tug b e ing I aID God ," And J e sus speaks forth Richard son when De ve ns' adjutan t. The Berline rs did not ondel'B tand the IIleep. Then I h a d to stand uP. get ou, divided Into 'tour watches , tow ed ove r the bllr and a~ked to b e th e way In his Invitati on to fellow· ge n e ral came up 011 a gallop. Strict system, constan t drll Iln g, s lm- take n to t h e wreck, H e atar , Tbey Inquired , nnd the archl· of bed and walk lhQ fioor UII the apell Tbere was .n ship, " C om e \Into me all ye that la· said : ' 'C OI . RI r h. ar d Bon, G en, D e ve ns teet saId tb e kaiser had added the Wn.B over . pie tood and s imple livIng mak e men I s ba rp refusal, bor nnd are h eav)' lad e n, and I will So the cre'\!.' reu e wed "I bought lots of salv es and tried u pon whom It Is a ple asure to ·Iook.. ils eltorts singly sends regards nnd or d e rs you t 0 star to tbe plans. . It was man a.nd giv e you rest· Tok e my yoke upo many n you doubl e.qulck your regI ment luto line dltreren t kinds of medicin e but The plans Only fi s h e rmen born and bred to the man 's humani ty we re exam ined , The n It that gave th e m ontl leu rn at m e; for I a m mee k and lon elin ess of the Ufe can sta nd It, how· atr e n g th to stru and cbeck that sta mp ede,.. was touud thut In revising tbem the without any suceoss , I got a cake of ggle to reacb tb e lo wl y In h e art; und ye shall find r est We doubl&Qulck~d up tb e hill and kal8'Or hnd let fall a drop of Ink from Cutlcur a Soap and a fllty ·cent box of ~v er, and along th e PacJHc, wh e r e sta· wr eck. It was u~eless , Th e crew unto yo ur souls. For my yok e Is ea s y into th e you ng pines, but the smoke bls pen on th e paper just above the Cutlcur a Olntlne nl and wbe n I had tlons are far apart, tb ey n r e mosUy , g r e w e xhau,s t e d , And it was more I1gbt · a nd Ill',' bu rd e n is light. " was 80 thIck we eou Id BcareeI y 6ee, crOSB . Th e nrcb ltecl st udl e.l a long u sed th em I was n e arly ovor t he itchNorw egia n s and Swedes , of thos e o ld In g to get back to the station t.o walt Stabl 's brIgade had no lime to get time over this bJot ot ink_ There Ing. But 1 kept 011 wIth the Cutleur a Viking races Whose hardiho o d alH.! for lo w tid e, Noon bad com e wh.m Speak to Him. tb elr guns, and, of course, could no t could be DO appeal , tlO Inquirie s, He Soap for six wee ks and th e cure was prim al mann e r of livin g h av e nev e r th !'y arrived , dlsbe artene d only as Chri s tian p eo pl e would Il o well to h elp rep e l the e nem (Signed ) S, 0 , Gorden, di ed In th e bloo d of tb elr so n ~, y, and we hnd to finally decid ed that, the blot of Ink complet e," m ~ 1I who s pe nd tbelr li ves III th e busl- mak e It a part of th e ir da lly e ll'ort to gel out. About tbat tim e Not Always P eacefu l. 'oJ. Rich· slgnlf\ ed a star abOve the cro ss, and Nov, 20, 1912. ; ness o f sa ving oth er m en 's lives call ' g r""l pleasa ntly t ho se th ey me" l upon a rd soll was painfull y wOlllld ed In Cullcur a Soap and OIntme n t 80ld That It has bu t 19 IIfe-slIl' ing aLa. I) e wh e n t hey fail. th e ha put tbe star tb or e. ruuklng It corth p. s tr eet. A S llJllln~ face and u pleas· I:~O\llrl E r and was through out ~h e world , Sample of each res pond I1S nearly tion s , to th" Atlantlc 's 181i , Is cv ld r llt 1 Kee pe r Wi c klund a n never possibl wllh e to th e r eg l, th e al Polut ALla m s , an t word 0: momlng gree tin g blesses outline of lh e blot. Th e Ilta r Is s llll tree. with 32·p, Skin flook , Address post.mell t aga in , of th e fnct th a l tht' Pac ifi c COIu;t is afte r r ocI'h, ing the wo rd early in til" t\\'o - ~ th (' g iv e r UR we ll a s th e card "Cullcu ra, Dept. L, lloston."-Adv. r!' cill' there. - - - -- -- no t g e n l' rally co ns ld er'd III 0 rt' d'u n ge r , Illunli ng , hnd comman ded nil hi s mon Ipnt. ()II ~ or t h" c h cp rl os t me n In a ll Satisfac tory to th" Defend ant ous th a n it was ",b(' n Ilaiboa , gazi n g tn get fl'a dy for seu . With th e' t ug Co nn ecticu t Is Dr: Sa mu e l lI urt, Grevlou a Error. Import ant to Mott\e ra d ealt Oe fc ndln g n soldl I' accused of tlrs t \lvon t tt" cl('ar bl ue world o f li s I Tato(Js h a thoroug h searcb over tb e o f th .. IIPr kel ey Dn' tnlty schoo l ut ~lld· Elxnmln e carefull y eve ry bottle of Co unt Emnllu p-'Phe y tell me Lord housebr eoklng , a lawyer sa id : watcr~, nuul,-d it th e 8PII of pt:'aee'l bar WlIS mad CASTO RIA. a safe and sure remedy for nallyro t had a narrow eS l.!a\le III e, but th e vcsse l wns hid· dl e lown., Passing along t he strl'el. ono " Your honor, I submIt th a t m y clle . Th e ",r,'ck or thp rt osc utLns, a bo ut a dCII f ro nl th e ir In!ants and chlldren " and lee that it Amertca . view and nOlth e l rn cp morlli ll {(, h e was s pea kin g pl easantly , did not bre nk luto th e commis sary at yoar al':O, stands o u t., In COIISI'(Jf 'IJCe , o f' Il mas t cO llld Duke S1tIIlttu rf'- Y os, y 'know ; wblle be seeu. Dearsth e ~ n ~ hi s cu~t /~~ om IS, to flrst Oti C a nd then ull. He fonnd th e commis sa ry wlntlow a s th o ush tlt v uc ea u mu('lll' d th e U)elll', I' po n t-b elr re turn j<'ort S te \'e n, t f!l e· an') lhpf. \'Tll(' p !'rect. travelln g ' ln tb e wild nnd wool\y west, Slg nat ure ot~ Ullon th e ,people open, and merely in se rted hi s ri g ht ~ ory of it~ di scov e ry as a pac ln c body . ph nlll' <I that th l) y'know, be beca m e con fu sed 10 his Rosecra ns hnd ground , wu s. IIla rl(~d , ~D Il th e go od deli ll 8 com· arm und remov ed th e biscuits , My In Use For Over 30 Years. Tb .. Ro ~ .. ('rans s t a rl ,d fr OIll MOllt- l'lI 011 Pe!lcoc k te rms and culle d a cowg irl a heife r ,s pit, K eepe r Wl r k · pllnlO JI as k ed . him wllt:'tll e r h e cllen t' s a rm Is not hims elf, and Children Cry for Fletch er's Castona Judge. Po rey , ('aI. , a 2,97G·to n ahip, bOUIHI ror ituHI le tt for Cap I rail e Disappo lntmf'nl k n!'w a \l he peoDl e he had s poll,nn t? to se" b ow you cnn puni sh the wbole Po rtl a.nd, Ore" with IU ,o no bU!'f I'IB of s ta tl o ll, wh e r e h e tri e d aguin to reach 1 n enn lI a t smiled and r e pll l? d "III Its Drawba ck_ hIS Ind ividual for a n olfe nse commit ted c rud c 0 11. Oil th e third ni g ht o ut t.b e t.h .. fi llip who se three sun-i l'o r s co uld hap py W' y t.h at h p did no t , ARE YOU CONST IPATE0 7 Jinks- "You don't mean to say your But I by aile or his Umho," tlt.eanll' l' o rf'W Il" o r t.h .. mo uth of th p. 1I 0W be SP UII hanging Wright'. Io,lInn Vcgotnbl e Pills bani to tb e rlg gi'ng, fill t! ita "ood plan," S~,ld ho, "to s peak wile wanls to sell that prize toy ter" ThaI ar;;um enl." Ra id th e judge, Co lum ilia rlv <' r , 1\ ~ o utb c r ly galt: ' but found It Impossi proved Lhelr worth for 75 years , Test them ble. to th e peopl p I kll OW, Theil b e add· "Is ve ry well pul. F'o llowlng It logl. rie r you bought tor h er?" B1nks- "Yes. 100 1'l\61f D OW. Bend tor &aUlple to 87'03 !'enrl s prun l> up , u lid therp wa s a hen vy rail , t '"ptain Itlm e r w et him as he 1' II 11o 'd 1 ed, ,, " e n mor~ gl! lllall):,: St" Bhedoe Now Yorll, lldv , s," "Why, 1 thought that dog "And to so~e cnlly, I z;en t e ne s t h e def endnnt' s nrm Ing sea. It l.J egan 10 rain , a lJd t.h e , in z;hor e , Desper ate now und dl 't,'r. peo ple • don t know, was said to be the smalles t dog In DOlin Hart s to thre e m onths ir(" tb e Old Capitol IIShlhou H' buaco li s <:() uld 8c llrc" ly bp ' m lll r d 10 sa\'e th ose three Dlen c lill g.1 rll !.-. nu opte d with pro pe r mo(l e ratlon, Seel ng Pari •. pri so n. H e ca n a cc(Jmpa ny It or not, the world I" "That's lho trouble. It', s ee n . l in g to th., mast that sway ed IIkl ' n fi""IIl~ to ue a "This ," said th e guide, "I s Paris BO s mall sbe keeps mIstaki ng It for II. good Oll e ' to spe ak to as he c ho oses," Tb e t' o lullJllia r iver li g li t Hhlp did it s : willow il l Ih e wiud proper," mouse! " , th e tw o e h id~ ' pe nplf' WI.' kn ow. an d ,to some of thoRe Th e defenda nt s mil ed , and wllh hi s b est t o W IIC[J the m e n uf the ir dang r r. I mnnn pd thl'lr boats "We didn 't com e 0.11 this way to see and s tarl "d back , : w (' dO ll' . know , -Zlon 8 Heral<l advoca t e's a ssis tan ce un sc r e wed his It 1I !!I'!' r ]tall burn l' ll 111 0 .. 0 hr lg htl y; th e ga le t"u rln Worm. _lied I'romvLt7 trom tbe buman Pru1s proper, " sllorled th e tourist. r, lik e a fu ry . I gov e rnm e nt but tlJ1' ~UJ1l b<'T rain ;; hu t It out. and cork .,..tem arm a nd, Jeaving It "tlob Dr. Peer,.'. VermUUl '8 Dead "When 110 the didoes commen ce?" Th " Cap t:' DlstlPllo lu tw t:' lIl 8hot..·· Ad.,.. Loal I Continu Ity. on a camp slool , wa lk e d out. t.h e s hip . IIn1lwa r e, k e pt II Pllrin)! th " TI'n iwiClu5 r, 'ac h ed th p wl'e<' k il est, 1:: 1" ' I')' t. h in g see ks continu ity , Thl' P eacoc k ~ lJl j l , o Ill' o f th l' t e rror s n f th e bUl Kot he rsp \f Out. Damned Spot! .NlgbUy eoughtnr, nnd torturmg throntIn to troUbl e b" It an r1 tiecd , drop s Into the earth to conltnu P ur INc UI.tH e " -t . 'I' h 0 r I I' E< I' It True Gratitud e, ti ckle ,:)uickly relieved by Denn'. Mentbo, I It . If'!l S II" , Point He--Ha vo you r ead "Frockl ep?" r IS I , "mp· . , I Ils IUIIIl Cood a lld e Vil In habit and III Adalll s c ro w that. alg· " lated i Coult:h Drops-Cie at nil DrUl!:lIists.. . I to d Ilk ' d Ulll b t" ~ ' nlll Sb e ( qn Ic hI) 1\ ~t ran ge r. In Ha bw a y, 11<. J ., bou gbt I'f' u II ra u, s 0 e ,L l' d to Ihl ' h a lf.d ead m('J\ nlOr l to ' th(Ju g ht t t' lld to continu e y - Oh, no'' Tb a t's my III th e ir a bag - poulld ham vell!-O S U Sun Dial clops, wllo s(: s ingle PYP "'a~ u f 11 0 ' j lllll P, lI y f'o ntinu of potatoe s Ilnd a l o, ' " ed ci r Clin g t h,, ' uoat ctourF"I',I h e hl bo uglhtlB wllo t1blln~. "'t • Betwee n FrIends, II 'C l art l at a J';rocer v sto r e th e oth e r day nnd. - - - - 11\'a 1;(1\ I'J' Ptt y c lose to t b " ruin ed Hose- ' tl ell' Itt ' C "nne n II IeI raID til AlIce--S omehow , Jack cannot seem '" .I I I t l r' o · · I .' t ..,Ut I e ll ~ left t h e m on tlt o back d oorstep of nn .-.'tllllttl Ie • s~'c ran s gro ll n< "u "rall s. T h" 1ll"f1 on th e mas ' ••••• o tllf ~ r g ma l' turn na um Y ilt I1e same t.rl,.B~.r COfftbl ... on. to get up eou rage to propose , t "'l're , I' • rn ' Jn II ll' b Tb d 'd t,I•• _.I." >•• I,.e, ,"., t k 'R ac d . . resld pnt ••, .... , num e d r('u k c ~, Thomps on . . e way we ......,.111 •• , ... . . , -......... Ilf r:lI ,1 t o lea"" It. Th e reBc u ~rs k"pL (. lrectJO:l I a as I t"I Marle- Perh ups he's afraid you'd ~ • d d d . i th , a . .r.lhatl Thorllll , ,rottUdret.lI) . \IIi Ith the suppli es was tbls U , Fl as hea ··s, 0, 5." ye s ter I<Y an to ny s clr.'11 1l1'!" r loRPr, "hen , "Itbout warn lll e way we say "yes." ' on g h II d I I . I t t nct e ' " Thi s Is rrtur1lf~ d to YOU today Th e c r e w tillranl: to l h e dec k a s U ll ' : II spn t!il ed 0\, ('1' their boat. It wn ~ S II () t a mOAdt hUDCOldlSClllOkUS,y ItO. ,I In h ~nor of th e flfty.llr s t m an , "" thr'r e fla s hed up th e "OI1 Ht nVPJ'Turtl pli and a ~nlversary w. Lov e a.n stre , . e ru s four o r th e c r e w alit! ' morro Only One "DROM O QUINlN E" d fl ' slnre you gu ye t.he sume to un old th " dr eud " ~ . O. S." Three lim es th ~ t h .. k el' p ~ r s hol O\\ers h ave th e Ir s ee d iwl l nn To wet the Il!nufne, call lor fun Dame.. ~ into th o watf' I', wh er... lin . I I ' ' I I h hungry , err soldi e r at Valley Springs . Va. TIVE BROMO QUININE , Look for .16D.tore of W IIS re p eated , t !COl se v'!s to perpetu ale ti e r ,growt , T h e n d a rt~d t IH'Y c lun g t o th e 1\ reeknge until tb e TI E. W, GROVB, Cur •• a Co14 ID 061 Dv. ZIe. ' t.hro ugh th t' ( ~a plllin'8 minrl tb e fear of ot he rR, Id 'h I durlug the Civil war, who had sat tigh t while th e . Je r e nrC! persons i n th e wor flr e from fl yi ng "!la rk s ofi th e wire ll' HS, hOll t lII od l) th e be dIV E!, manage d to ge t btharm tl('neh other bfor no Wone Stili, , t·JtEE TO DETROI T. I ;LOJUDA . - cur I th U e r reaSOD t th FlI'C', with 19,0 00 barre ls of 011 on 1\11 bu t. on " back Self Sustain ed Humor. TllUI AD, tI s omeII' appearln " bul OUC... Send wllb lol. ere Hean you Imagine anythin g woMle n k e pas , ey I b an IU d I d t boa rd ' I f 1 r "How I did ~-, Borum t t Be ttpr to pe rish ill th e j a w s l get egan t his D. 0 reputat ng t ion an 80 or or eel> D 00 Th ormat e c r'! w~ of tb e tugs wblch did than marryin g for money '" n a on a_u. re. r p 0 ' ' " trait", Celebrati on, r.bru&17 ' ' 10th ud SIaL.,a a -conteu r? . His IItorlCs ft~e no. Completi of th e ocean . I hfe Or ~uch tendenc . Bu t thl' Astoria, fO much to l~e Jp in tbe dIsaste on Drat ca....1 I ..d rook ies rig ht begln··~ "Oh. yes; having to work tor It." paVed road .~ , r that ~ nln gs ore ~. from Do troll, matter Din. Ore ., opera tor ha d got the c all and h e c laimed mU ot •• grave to BI.c",.,.. Impor8&7. amusin g and h e doesn t tell them very _, 010 fartbe.t th e hves of 33 me n we fl' deep. I _lb a lOWIl, III tba well" !lashed bac k now the m e rcy of a prom· Iyappre clate d by , , t.anee \ M"'I-troptc.. AI,cnt. brtn" bur en, .. ."1,,, LiquId blu. b IOtut1oG. .A~ tbe departm ent, ' au d : ' comml..I"".. 111.... 1 .. DeYel.........' It. Buy Red Crou a _ lile of beJp. The Ro secran s dared re- le tte r s of thanll s "No, ' But l1e can laugb at them In a II Ce" Ball Blae, \he bl1Ie Ib&&" D.trolt, Dad. Co., 80utb..., PI....... were written tb e m by I all blu. AlIT, plying : "Tbe waler Is 1I0W in th e cal>- the 6ecre ta r y or way tbat makes him sound like .. th e tr euury " To Those Who Believe , crowd." his. We can't stay- " bu t th e meso Every member of th e two life-sa vVirglnlaf8rmS8ndBQm~ Hany a mILD hu IrIlfPed I.Il opporj IIray YO'll, with all earnest ness, to WI«e was nev e r flulsbed , ing crews has been awarded the hlg b ' j prove und !know I'RBJlOA.T~LOQIJ1IOI'8PL1IKDlDlUtid.dlt" tuJ1l(y within your hea,1j9 'n the aell'nnl nll. :rho wlroless opernto r al Astoria bad est sign of praise B. IS. cnu.n x a co.-lao.. wehlDql l4. T. haDcUe. that was too hot for bJm :to within th e provluc o that nIl til ' lovely, and . rlgh~eilUs The Doctor' s n.:ugh~er-Fatber'a sent out a general dl slress call, Tb e re of the servlee -a gold medal that Is are pos slbl thoBe who believe in ' ....,1')' proud of b rll akeleton . "9lUI no respons e !'rom ship or staUon. only ,Iven Ip excepUo ' nal cases ot th e ir possl and who .deter,m lne "Why?" .Be becged the Puc\lt Sound Tugboa t heroism In Bavlng lite along the that. tor " ,III m~'o , ,,,. don't know; pefb&pti It 'iDOmP,aD), 'at ,Altort& to nout)' by some shore ~Y81')' day 's to thQ~ ~ ~"'t Dat1e~~I__ --':~ .' I

' I



rook is

happy, the

































"ou'll ",aile up with • your a good taste In

Charming Rives Romance


The Valiants 0/ Virginia Interior of Poultry Houle Showing PI"tform on Which Is Placed All Food and Drinking Venc ill and Rail ed Rooah and Trap Nestll on Wall.



OU'LL agree that it IS one of the best stories of the year. A delightful co mbination of love, adventure, mystery, ac t io n and clever characterization. One of the biggest su:::cesses ever produced by t his popular author.

What Newspapers Say A very charming love siory full of the tenderness and pride of tho Southllllld.-New York SUII.

The If ever there was a pure romance. Miss Riv es gives It ·to us In THE VA1.IANTS OP VIROINIA, -



Beat Selling Is l",doubtedly the author's most significant work .- Drs "Io''''~$ R~gis'c" aud Lracf",.. THO VAl.IANTS OP VIRGINIA

A s lory dramatic. ardent and sympathellc. one to be followed with unflagglnglnlercst. -D"'ro,~ Fre~ PTt':ss.

In America II begins well and ends Detlor. whilebelween Isno pageormoment that drags or "Ictsdown." -CIIKogo


(By II . W . .JA C· ... SU!' . ) I maSh . c ra ckad whe'al or co rn . meat Wh ell henti are ull e u for hatcblng. I Hc rap H or grit . rnay be k pl be fore Il IH deslrabl to keep lhelD In se pa' \ th em aftur th ey ha ve rl'ached six or I'!IIIl rooms, protecte d from dist urb- 1!lgbl w<l e ks or age. wilh perfect nuce . Tbe rooUl s hou ld be rat proof. "afe ly . III addition to tb e fee d In lbe HellS should be moved at night to the , boxoH. It 18 o rl e n d es irable to giv e one Butting room. Iilaced upon nest s cll r e· feed of we t mash a Jay and possibly rully prepared be for ehand . and gl"on a . feed of Horne killd of grain olher a few Infertil e eggll unlll tb ey bave tban that ke pt In the hoppe rs. Ca re shou ld be taken that the beco me accustomeu to lhe surround· Ings. All setting neHtll should be of chicks do not become c rowded In th e same patte rn and conveniently brooders o r coops. an d as they groW place d In setB of two and thr ea . local· large r coops il hould be provided or ed around th e walls of tbe roolIl In the size ot'the flocks ' r ed uced from ti ers. on e tbe other . Um e to time. Many flocks of youog From flfty to one hundred henH may chickens a re delay e d In maturity or bu set In on e room by this method, stunted III grow th from crowding In and If carefully haudled will do a s coops or broode rs at night. With t he well as If t'lere were only n few. exception of leg horns, there is no par· When a conside rabl e number of b ens tlcular gain 10 separating the selleH of are seUlng. th e)' should bo red and th e growing flocks until the male watered In groups of six to tw e lve. birds are to be fattened for mark e l. re turned to th e ir nests afle r 1\ sut· At this time a separati on should be flcl ent time, and an olh er group le t off. mad e as It Is not desirabl e to gi"e Except when he nfl ape ort Cor exe rcis e th e Bllrne mlton to grow ing pu11et.B once a day. Ihe neals are ke pt closed . Ilnd maJ'k ct s tock. The room s hould be darken ed a Dd . In Dy fllr th e most Im portllnt tro ubl e Wll rm ·A·ea th e'r. kept aH coo l as pos- Ilrt'eclhlg young chi cks Is dlal·rho en. sible. Cracked coru . green feed. grit. This is not. stric tl y Mpeaklng. a dis· 11 croc k of wa leI' and a dust ba tb arc elUle bllt a symptom accompanying a ll Ihat fl t'ed bo provid ed. The sitt in g sO \'era l dl sorder ti. In a g e nera l way 11I' u8 s boul .1 be dust,' d wllh Inse allythln!; lhat unfavorably art'ects tile po\\'d e r or lice kill er . \\'he ll se t . and hea lth an d \' Igor of th e chicks will pro· again two or th ree days before hatch· I 'Iu ce It. Ui ijens ed brnedlng stock. 1m· Ing. In co ld weath e r. thlrleen egg~ \ prope r me tuods 0 1 In cubation ' and ar e s uffici e nt ror ev e n a large hell. III bro oding. im prope r fe e din g, too much \O I'Ill wuulher . the' lIumber may b e I 0 1' too littl e he J\l or Insufficient ex' Incre a 6l1d. I e rclse lII ay produ ce It. Th e best pre· \\'h e n chicks art' hatched ill large \'entl\, c it! car ' ful uttentlo n to th ese numb e rs and wlll' r c 1I 0n·sl tling brepd s dNa lls. In cubuto f a •. nes ts , COO pH and a re kc () t, Incuba torR arl' Indi s pe ll sa ble. brootierH Nhould b e Ihoroughly dl sin' Tbere nre many diff e re nt IYJ)es of fe ct pd. Fn' quent ly It 15 possibl e to , r eli e ve the t rouble an d t:h eck Its s pr l'a <i b y feeding boiled rice an d sca ld pti milk . Gap~s Is cause d by the prp.sence 01 /!npe worlllS In th e \\'Indplpe of Ih o c llicken. Infeclion Is from th e g round, a n ll \\'hl'n ally locatio n is known to be In fe('l eci It is un wise to attempt to r:li !;p chickens u po n it. 1.~lt h e r a new locat Ion s hould be s ec ur ed wh e re th e re Is no infl'ctlon, or chicks s hould Nests for Setting Hen.. Showing I be kept Oll Jboartl flo or s until dangl' r Mcthod of Arranging Them In l is PIlSt. I robably more m fectlon Tiers to Economize Room. 1 occurs through th e tlsh ·worm than any oth e r source. To car r ct a ge n· IlI cubalorB 011 th e loarl{et. IIIOst of eral misapp re he ns io n It should bo e ll' which will give excel lc nt res ults und e r plainI'd that fl s bworms do not cause c ertain conditions. but there Is 110 I gap os IInt ll they come frolll Infected way 01 dotel'mlnl ll g which type Is soil. bes t s uit ed 1.41 d ltterl'u t locali ti es aud Il is dps lrahle 10 u se li me an, l othe r inulviduals. It Is d es irable. IC pos· dlslnrectants abo ut COOllS and rUlI S, sible. to buy Inc ubntors e n trlut. The but as far as Is known there Is no way Inslruc tlons \lccompanylllg lucubators or exte rminating the gape \\'orm after ~hould be thoroughly maslere d and the Holl has b ecome Infecled. O>.xce pt Cb.fCfully follow ed. by kee pin g the chi c ks otT oC It en ti rely \\'h II ch icks are ral sell wllh hens. for a year or two . For atTf'ctcd chicks . a brood coop wlll be foulld very con- a twlst E' d hors ehair o r ~OIlH! s imilar \'Cllle nt. Thi s coo p s hou ld be 2 ~~ reel eo ntr ivanC'c ror extricating thp worms by 3 feet and 2 feet hi gh In rront. It is probably most effective. Rubbln~ should bave a hin ged tOil. pl'o \' idlng Ih l' outllide of th e throat with la rd easy a';cess to tbe Int eri or. Th o coop~ un d turpe ntin e und dr opping a Illtle sho n ld have cover ed rUnN. In which cr eolln inlo th e windpipe sometim es Ihe chicks may be k e pt during the effects cures. fir s t few w.eeks. These runs protec t th e ct.lckens from straying and being " • caught In Htorms, and also from their many enemies. Cblcks will do a s well In tbese run s at first as on range. 8rood . coops with bOard floors and runs are specially valua ble where tbere IB danger of gapes. The coop In Purchasing Colonies It Is De~ and run should. bow ever. be shifted I . bl B F N . h to new ground rrequ e ntly. sira e 0 uy rom elg· Young chicks are raised on all kindS bors-Examine the Hives. and comblnatlone of feeds and success III more a matter of care than feed . The best time to begin bee kee pll.g Tbe common practice of using coru · Is In the spring after ffowers begin meal dough, while comparatively suc· to appear. In purchasing colonies. It cesBful sometimes. Is not to be rec· Is desirabl e to buy from some neigh. ommended , and Ill! UBe Is not likelY bor and to look the hives over care· to secure th e hest or most rapid tully. first to see Ihat there are plenty growth and development of the chicks . ot biles and brood, and, second. that Probably the most satisfactory ration the Btore of honey Is good. A beavy for young chicks. tor the first few colony Is bette r t.han a. light one, be· meals, Is bread moistened wltb milk cause It abowB vigor and plenty ot or water and squeezed dry. A small stores, says the NorthelUll HOllie· amount of grit or sharp sand may be stead. Always be willing to pay • mixed with the bread . An ample higher price tor a strong colollY than supply of ehlck grit Is always deslr· tor a weak olle. because .weak ones reable In feeding young chlckB. It may quire great care to make them strong be mixed with ' the reed or apread on again . The bee keeper trorn wh om the floor of the coop or run . After the purcbase Is mad e will give hints the first few days the brood may be as to removal and care at the start. omitted and a mash. somewbat simi· It Is desirable to move the colony with lar to tbe mash fed to the laying h ens. as 1I1110 jar a8 posslhle and to put It may be given morning and evening. at once In the place It Is to occupy for with two or three feds of finely the season . As to the kind of bee to cracked grains or chick feed during keep, the italian Is at present tbe the day. Cracked corn. cracked wheat most popular be~ause of Ita ability and • pln·head oats. mixed In equal to work and ItB comparative mildness proportions. makes a fairly satlsfac· of temper. It Is quieter than the tory grain mixture. black bee. which formerly was the Much care mUBt be exercised In favorite . Several other races of bee8 feeding young cblcks the first few have been Introduced, but have not. doys. At least one·half of tbe raUon hecome lUI well known as these t.wo . sbould be IImaIl grains scattered In Every beginner Bhould at leut na.e straw or chair so that the chicks may one first-eluB book on bee keeping. Becure some exercise. Green feed Bhould be supplied dally. For this purposO'. lettuce. chopped onion tops. 81gnll of Liver Trouble. green clover or graBB are excellent. 'Vhen the comb. wattles and face of IUId when these are pot available towl are pale .It i8 an Indlcatlon that mangleB or potatoe8 will gl've good there III trouble wIth the liver. A pili re/illlte. Arter the chlckB are weaned made out of baking Boda. about the and turned ' out 0'0 the range; hopper size .of a pea. wtll open the bowels. feedlng may be adopted wtt~ good re- Tb~p put a teallp~nfi,Jl of powdered 8ulle. Nothing II pined by ·.tlntlna. cb~oa1lna plnt: o.fl,maBb. and reduce n.'WIIDII: chleu: .. T~ey .lj'oul~h~v~all ~etood '.for.,. day 1)1' 80, A ~,D.graln ·;can ~ ID'd uced ~ ,.qulJ!.~~~ , ,P91 ~ wl~r .:r~I'lr1Wi~ 'a . n~~~~ . · ~:~:~~~tllli)'" :boJ:~, 'cU\otd~ to.p.~,e;:., ~_ 1~2 '~ .~~.~ m~. •

ASasgoodyoua story have



ever read A story with a universal a p pea l---wholesome, inspiring, engrossing. A story for old and y..oung alike. A s tor y for the home.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Our Next SeriC\1. First . InstMbnent

The refreshing digestion aiding mint leaf juice does it.



This c'eall, pure, healthful gum purifies your mouth -sweetens your breath. It'8 a pleasant, inexpensive, beneficial pastime. It brightens teeth besides.

BUY IT BY THE BOX at most dealers for 85 cents Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages .


Chew it after every meal





'I l' 11

if you chew this after every meal.


abel '~'J)U"",.uj ~.tuf!:. .~~ l' w [ •;


'~: ?-l




' ••" .



' •• ,

It stays fresh until used Zero In PromInence.

S2m L,' d er er. tb eatrlcal

Tbe W re t c'he dness

manager, and a rril~ nd '\II'er e disc ussing a third perSOD. "Is h e n man of promln ence~" ask· Can quickly be overcome ed the M ond. CARTER'S LmLE "Well." r e pll elJ Led erer. "he's the UVER PILLS. kind of prominent man who puts Into Purely vegetable bls autobiography in ' Who's Wbo' the -act surely and tnct that b e Is 11 m e mbe r or the Nil· ~entJy -on the UOllll1 Geography society." 1 1i~~r. Cure BIliousness, He ad. ManT S"hool Children A"" Stckl.7. I a c he

of Constipation

on many farma ID WeatemCanad.1D 1913. lOme yleldlJ beillB reported .. hl ..... lIOb""".1o


recorded in 80m" dl8tricta for oah,

50 buobela for barlep and

Childr-en who dellcaLe, fe'Y oe rhlh and CI'Q!I. t • •• will ",et illlD1t'lJinle reBel trom Mother Or&,'11 I DIZZIewee, Powd "r8 ror Chilliren. They cleanse ,b~ ness, and Indigestion. 1'hey do their duty, .'um,..,h.Aet un .hellrer.&ndnrencommended , ., . . . PILL, .,..... DOS" SMALL PRlCL lor co mplnt[lh,1l' c hildren. A pleC."n. remedy I ~ ~... rur WOnD.. U..,d by Kothers 10 M rears. A. uat bear Dr"ll'll'lftt. , !fie. Sample Fit K. Add~ A. 8. Olm.", d. Le R. OT' N. Y. A •. ~ ~ _ ~


Genul'ne m


UncomfortalJle. \ "Is Doozer stili on the ~' ater wag·

on·:~o. "e r________ y restleBB." ( 'i

No thoughtfUl pel'lOll DIM 11'1 01\\ hlue. WI

• 'pln ch of hluo 10 a largo botLl~ of water. A,1.; for I",d. {;"UI& &.11 Wl.le. Ad'i '

:rhe mlln who Is a kno ~~er Isn 't always th e one who makes ti"e &reat. est Imprells lon . "

- - -- ____ ;

no. Rom .. n Kyo Dal.&m for .e,.IJlntr Ren' olL~l .. u 10 <,;rea .od Innamm&Uon (01 "Y.' or oyelld •• Ad', . 1


country 5 yean a&lO frora


Denmark with verY Uttle meaos. He bomeateadcd. worked bard. '- ·now tbIJ owner of 320 IICrea of land. 10 1913 had. crop of 200




from 101020 ...... for flu. J, Ke,. arrived in the

acreo.whichllrillreallzeblm about $4.000. 1IIs wb••t


• •1.b.d68I.... totbe .......1 andavcra~dovera5"""'''


--' .--- - - - - -.- - - - - -




utchewan and Alberta.

Now doing. well 1;>ut wanting ~~~.:":v~~!:~a;.,= larger ea.nnngs WIll ask about Canada. our pr~osition towa'l,0n salesAak fordeocrlpti,",UtuatureUld reduced rail .... y m.... Apply to men. e want a 8 te. a ~. gent1e· SuPerintendent of Immlcratloa. manly representative In every Otta..... Caoada.or county. Hundreds have grown w. II. N~THt!RY. old a.nd prosperous in the '"terurbin Bldo..Colu,.bu..Ohlo service. No experience neces. CanadlanGoTernmentAaeDl uD d te" t -.... - . -- -.-. --- ---sa.ry. own an ou re no CHIWS' GIANT SUMMER COSMOS wanted. Write for partiCulars. , .. 1'0"1 ....111>. __ .....-


It Is mighty seldom that you find hard work and hard luck godllg hond Ward'. In hand. I Dept. E. ----,==-_==-_--11. _ _ _ .. __ . _


ata n PI.hi 0 n Th• I•

ODd ....... 1 Itri.n . . _


Medical Company .


WINONA, MINN. - ----

tf l.atM,hUc.... . . .bl'-t

'.r._.. . ..... Tbrl .... aaywM,....... • .,.. l C" . .w .. II.llod ...




(r...o .,,, .... lupaI . . . 1".....1 ... 1 ....... , !r!trd.~,~bJ4 pet~ Utt


Pr' .. ro.e ...... Olu' 1fl'ltta. Pel".'a, ..UU.. , a.a".

."ow ....11 4wb i..),



~~~::~Wl\h ~=I:: :='~~~~~r:.'II~::e~ Oar RI ..

£., ..10• • '" of no. ." w'M ... "-C. __ ', ••," &P&!!, w........

fl&au'lIll rtr. n ... rr",l .. PR.Ck to.ll

tr.' l~;.~~~~. ~abdll\!r~\.~~~":a .h.:;!.a,DU.U... JOHN LEWiS CHILDS. Flooal PaR. N. Y.

. I:

, THE ,




Guy .










p I OVI'll'



Con' mission ers' Pr0C4.' edings

(l';'l} hll ' t,

rl\l1l'Uurl oIlll. ~I r ". II, IIIL r: r H I\~I · ~1. l{trY. n . E,


" '\1' 1;,,11;>. t. .

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B i ll~ All o wed-I . . 11 Prino", ~1I J1' I' II ".~ fur "u\'v eyor ~7 . 0:l 1:1. ~: . i n th t> 1\I nll .'r ,f tI", l)~tu l l' ut War wiok , s npplles f or j ,li l ~I. i'0. .J uo", "~lluUl h,Jul ·UIlHOtl . A ll \h · bt ~ t " rho II \'!c<ll L:· tli tc Tranliic rs Ur. J . " . Vl4nDy ke . sorvi c":j tl) of,\,'r o f t,b tl tls tut ~ . of being pall! OOll r ! ord o r~ dl>;tnIIl 1L'un 1\1 " ,I .'hoe lllllk t·r . ,llleO,, "eu. l'lr~ t of pr nC(,tld~ !lri:o DtlI' ISO,GU. Le hll n on Pll l ri " t, M;dlu ,,1 II ~,jl .Il· , t il ~J I, t. i ILI " l,\tl uks fur fJi~t. As!<oIlR 10 ' .\ >1, " I. ll pI ·r O\I ·t! 1111,1 :-\IIII IU,;1 \':: .: t,'no('!; :J li ll 'I'll" in Ll. H.I t)'. , PXll en "" t o r 'lr '5. Ll "YCI t il th,' P tls tllur tr,·' t . 11l l1tt ll r I)i t lln " ~ l l ll ll (I f 1J'lllI ll t " JI : ,,\ II I"n $:l:, IH'. '1 IIIIt' WI,tl"'I' d Ill .. ~" t " l f' ,I f W . 1.11111 ' s r.1. 1(I<\' v r. ' '''C''''~I ' ' 1. H , K I . 'llk,· , oI"('''''~l'o , Elltl1l f1 f ully CU WII Jl Itu )lfll nt ml mll ut· $~ ;U:jQ. \V . C. IldllJ l ttI ~ lr"t (1r, I-'l ll nk L . .\il ~ I ,· 1' lu I , r. iUIl I.OlJ I', 1,,1' ' Ilurt hIlUH [ :flil.l!1. T u rto n . ,'), 11 l1r1 1t ' I" '~ItHI· . I . 8uem llll lll,.( Utlod 01 t-:!,OOll fllr ni . lwrl EIII >, Il·t HI \\' " YIl···Hl ll r . $J :,() U. .1.: til,;l!ur , Illl oe1!lll lu et c .. f or 111 :,. 1 • ! , ; '''" I", I I , .\ Il .. II I ' 1' " 0-'" rll Jln lll 'rt (. 111 (' 1. Ass "~"'"r .. I ,' ,1,,1 I ~ t"l(l (If \y . \ 'l,p~ I, ,'r ;\111 111" II~ 11 ,IIIIlnIMnl 1£ 1 ,f~" .0!:l. 1N. C . I l it· I E ' " ", ., . .. ' 1111 " . (" ' f ~I , ' I .{ "I . " ~ '" . ~ tlltl' 1' 1lr rof I ll .. t\~I"lt, .. 1 .I,.IIIII· S \I , i\lull tlll. ~l '\' i" ""ll1il l "O II" l ,ur I 11''' " 1'' 1 !lUI I Wl\ ~ b lOb: f o ily tt ,IW II, I!l tur t>d , ur p n tl· $1" \" d d l ~" tls l 'd )1111i1lI'I1' \'~ Il ll nlll ~ :\1 ,' 1 01\\10" , . ~' . ,1 Xo i . ity W li; I th It f I I" ~" r~ f .J . U" • a l l . "r 1\ e m n , er n I l e l '~ I ' 1I10 () Ann M.lll lp ll Ul, II I d d '· I \l IIIItI ~. (~ ().":: ,, .'11i ",:, ·rli, ' In '' ~q I ii I':~II' I III I, Hil n ~'\ ,11~ll u tirv 11I )u r rl for p.r1 ~Ot\ I, rs M 1' f1.,>!" or 1 (\ Ii~' "" I ')(} H"lIl U I\rH\ t:l tlll Klo Bvor, ru e~ I\ull (,COllfH' . ~"tut o I li n III .,f nlld (1sl"t,,, III 11 9111 11 100 (:.,nll . ~11t-.!,,;,·r \; , I, ' ,,,.I" .. !li l >-- It 1.'" ," . -. ' . , v . 1. (ull .v IIdmilll stt'red . I ~' " IIl ' nIi C ~ fur J I ~nu u r y 111 14 $ 1 6~ . ri O. ty ortl " r" ,I , ' 'I' ,. A H II , • tn t h e 1Il ,IUfl r o f tlw o~ ll\to uf . N I ". . urn too . pOM t m o r tem III th., II'IlItt or o f th(' 1' ~llttl\ of I,. 1I111 ~ , I I . • 11 ' . 1I tll , .I,) . Ie , .1'11-0 , ,I xII'', 111iuI1 I\01l uOIlv of J llmes ~)u rd l::illl llley M. ,lU Ill "~O O . ,t oellall ·d . t:l(,o· Au ~ o ~t Auok or. d e,:(,I1';'·( \. (lnlle A" '!I ,] "," '(" ' " II . P ,mrt nooo o ol. •~p ,ro vAd. coo nt n f.J L ... 11 '1'1J"rll r~o n b 'ill !! un . 1;1\111, :-;1'r" ' ·~I .. ~". ~ -;-I 1\ , Il ISLl ll. I' " .. :, I '. U , M'lr vi n . su p plies ' or ,,1 " 1Il t. llU uso tl~ 7u. Earhltr t 's [) r u~ I n t,h e 1 11l\.t.t'r nf t h o o~ tllte of !lbl fl t, ';(11" ' (, ti S npprIl S . I' . .1"It : ." "l'l .11011 " ·,, K \Vr i~ ltr :.-1 01"' ... u ti . tuxi n $2 \\' t1 li!lru N ~ l sull . d eool\Med, Et!tute Mllrri Ho n I~ IIp)J oi ntl'cl H" r ~; . \', .50. K S. (;0' \ 11 . 1,1 11 11 lti ~ lil t :-0; .. . ~Ii 11\ "';'r"I !!~' r " i,'-;-:,. , 1111. I', M .. HtllmpH 15. E. t:l. Co n ldiu fol lv lid m lnlst.ere d. v!l en ney. I ~I ,' j ... O il\' , I ( ,l lIl nh ~ , .. :-;I"pli ''ll I' , ~I "t.l\ l1IpAI1 e n velo pes Dillt.. ,\~ 10 t h e m ,Hor of IliA (I~ttlt.o I)f .Jnhll C . Att 'n k e r "'" uIlr" 11I 1-ll"Ilo l' F, 'I I, I' I:" "" ' (l- III !ll'I'" "I.! 1 '1 1 "1\~!J ; I' . ~ " ""·· "'·I.-';U 'l'r us te tJ8 P olJli n Af . .J nnni e N IC'e l v et. Il l. m iuo rt!. ~l1v o n th de huui ,. nnn "'il.ll t.11 n wi ll "lI n,'x",1 * 1, " " II~ , Will",. 1''''11. Ii mo nt h ! " OnOUll41t li p pl wPll. M, of Aug ust t\nA ltnr dt'c·I',llJ l1il . \11 '111 1. .1:lIlIl·' F: I I •. ' ' " ·· · ·1: . . 11t I ' ;a ;.' : 1. (I "wII II! & ~on . furnitn I n t h o IDl1ttf' r or Ih e e~tRt(' of tiffv!'4 Nfltt,ie C'ulol!' !-'t' rn l' ,lx lI l oI..,fnnd .. nt !", I ' )I~ '" :-> 1·r .Io"I ' :1 ·\",·t.-," "'" (l lliLl L! Ilf1 4.iiG CI .. no ia S lu facll. bo uf . ~Ixtl\eth no. Priv [~te s IIl e of H'MI M. H e~IIItu o r ul' n ';l. J:., .t ''' ' I" .. 1' 1 , lI' , I',. ,1.\\ ,t1, I .I:; ~1l 1J . rn rniluro pOliHh ,2;;0 d oon n t, approv e . " , ' "" ill , . '1111.\' 'l'l' i tlu \t I' n ll Co" r e nt,,. lind Ju th .., 1l111 t t nr Il f tho ('stllto of , '\I 11I C: ' .' 01 1 1'0\, ." . ~ ;' . I ll i\ , () ~ ltult )'., IJrllll,{e In Ih e estatl' of Cl e,) !to d C I"Il e ~llrnh All'll' \li c ltl1tll . UflC U/IIolPl1. (',! IJ · .. n' .. •.. " " I ,. 1. , ... .,· k l ', ,, '" 11 11,1 Tnrt ll'o r!-'ek tolW II . Up;.o n , minor... ~ecourl 1I00 011lJt tnti o n t tl 11" "o rv oll uJ!ou ' 1I1111 1111 ~ 11l"'1 " , .1 ' '; ;" . ". , IIip" "~I I III , app ro ved . r\ . I ) tihnH z rlOuII tr'a tll r , -hlp ~ I ', \' 11 Ii I, l ln ll'lI to 'snlhlp $11 ;, (if,. I o theesta te ofCh n rlplll>. J ll nn HY. "'\ I' "" ,' 1,,·, '1 :':<' 1/ If a r riage license s . ' ·: !lll" lrJ1 heolle. Ftlll r t b llcco o n t hPIHOVlld. \ \' 11, 1111'1''' wo rk on Moll ' ~I 'I" ''' ' '' 1·1 i·l rtj.,,, ,.; i ; I " \· '·lInd~ l oIrr "\V l' ikf" 1 ;15f,0. :-; I n the m o:ter ( f t bll will o t .' o n (~. ( 'hlt rl nA A , R n!ts 'l"lIrl1, pr I" Mll rv 11" 11' 11-1' 11' ,\ , ~\\, " lI k rll ' d Wllrk IIl1 mill Llo t " "'l1· t hEl n ~lIowyf\f, decbEl!le d. Will lid. L . Bur(}ill g. 'loth of ;\1I1"01i . H,,\', ~".~ . _ _ . _._ m itted t o p robate. ~ 'l l " '1'11 '\1. 1\) ~1 M . IC '-' Duok , br hlgt> H Ii In r,h e m",tter of thfl est.llte of 1" ' 1' \ 11':< U It\ " n town sh ip $:,,,!iO . Ilgl'IllUn , A l be rt BtI.hbs , d.'ceoPled . 'IN . 1:1 , I II {; " t il e ' 10 ' 10 Willl 'IUI Leslt e Roott, fllrll1 ~ r . of ! t lo\ . j u ,reI l'!; 1 1; ,I'I)t,'; t\t1il~ I,s ;,:.'tl~~{ I ,::\:r; h ;:~ ~7o. r'~;'~;I:~ l:I"::'~l "'r,u bbs ap ·,'v ~'I'n ted o i Bltml' lll· strstol . I\I"rrow tu Mll h \~ l.l ufLjltl ' . uf ~l l\ ~ n n" " , ' 1 .... ,q;) l · j" 1 \ ''' 11 I ~ \' ~ ' '1 I)fI(!,!t! 1 I h"- lr .., I1,\\ I Bo nd S600 l' u r uI' Q ' t ,JWU ' 1I I p rt'\ Pl 11':t \ ~'1OtLr u r ··'n" Rev . A. J. l{(1stl e c h ecl. I '"11 I I ' II ll ~ Ii ' , .a. :o-vn~ lH. I I,v ..., I )\\' ~ R • A l\' ' I (\1,-\1 I' I (; IH~" D, l to\ p ' ,' r ~ ~ l:.."J In 'he J" .. t le r of I,be e~tate of ..... "... :. I . Clllnlllo e AlvIn ~llIit, b. flHllIl'r o f t~ UH II I 1",,,,,,:< II I it O'S , \'1) 111' "I' P" 1"l l1 oilllH,;J pilte F rnnkl io .N a noy S hu t·IIl, dpceli Peu. Rober t Clurk Rvll lp, to MAUdfl 1.1,\\·u, h'l\ .IAllA H n ~ \I. u f ti :,' \\'I li :, ,'1 0I t1 " "UII I: 11~\li\1 If $ :!\Jl.·IO. Ueo rg ~ Bwit,h , I n ~I 'f .· tor f1hatt" al pointed fldm lD ilitrato r. nnrvey sb u rg. A. JfiIJl 1:l8011 • .'>',)[1 " r,' \l '.i ,·,·1 I .J Lili ,\, ~ '11I :,I'l.,; \.J )r win II ve nlle. Boo d $2,00(' f ro \slwd . F t . A noient· " nd .'-ustloe of POliCP. , tllk n I:, r,' , \11 ,', \,,,,,h, r \!I111 ',; TlIlJl<ll~ ){ i n~'" MI ll s brid ges. $:.!6! .50. (, : A. 1u t h e Jfl attn of lilt> wi ll of Cbll ~. Al bert R , U llu m , fa rme r of Um, ,' II S ~ (h i ! - I ' , 1' "yml't ulw; np l" 'IH L uLl ln D olll n , d p.oeftfled . W ill fi led find g onia, to H elen A . V, Bflrlcra der, of IIDt l I hI> '" I " C [, 1IH1. ' be w Ilrded ufT , l:I" nki U1 . IUU1 hnr ~35 40 , J . o~oo $26.·10 la ter Il dmlt tlld to v robnlp. J . A . rll!l i r , Lebano n . R ev .•Joh n A , MLl Kum:y. ~' o r , ,, 10 h~' 1111 'It ·, d (1l'~ bOUR li nd n ailtl $3 61. W ill iam .

w oww wwo .


w • • • • w. . . .


Probalr Courl ProcC{'di n gs



.~ \



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Stu k' T StoCk ID thl:easl Uedryf" " "I ' 't h' ~ " . " . " " " " .. " " ....... . ,,. c au t1>r z or sa e IS Issue ... ... , .... . , ... , . , ' .... , , Stock to be reserve d in Treasu1"Y for futur e require m ents of t he C('rpOr alilin . . . ,



The Treas ury Stock Has a Lien on edIt E . ompa ny an s armn g s U n t 1' l

::: •:.

, :.~','


.'. ,'.



::: ::: :::



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~~!$ ::: ' .'. ::: . .



:::$ :::





fi:.::~::$ •


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•••• ~$ ~. ~.

~$ .'. ~: ,'. ,'.

~i .1 :::


S T OCK I SSUE D a na OUTS TAND ING ~s pel' an nual repor t of Dec, 5, 1911 60,639 Share s

::: :::: ::: :;: '.'

39361 I

. ...... '

. " :'0'000 shlare.'! , , t:. . 9 ares , 19,361 shares

All the Asset s o f th e ItS D"d l ' P 'd I\,I en( ~ lS


PURPO SES for which this stuck is being flol d a r e to High Gl'ade Shoes. to be sold direct to the cons ume r" from eq ui p a large: i;wtory fo r the man u fact ure of Men's and Women 'S t h e Com panY '!I own H\ 'lred u nd liy ma' l. The Corpor ation owns valuab le Secret Process es of m a king sh oes that have J:..1'el1 d l 'mlli1S~r:tted and found to be money saving, also Trade· Mark that nas been in use and belor e t he pub lic ~ince Januar y 7, 1 ~!J7 •. al:io la r'ge m ailing 500,000 names of men Wld women , each a prospe ct ive custom of about er. about I OUU "f~W r,,'m€'~ a r p bei n ~ a dded each weeklist . The shoe busines s in St . Louis , Mo., is conduc ted on a ba:c\is of TWISN 1'Y PUt l, I~ Nl' N f~T PRO FITS on capitali zation For inRtanc e. a concern turning its capital once during the year would m akl' TWEN Tl PER C ~NT N ET PROFI T, some ' . the older concern s in St. Louis turn their capital as mueh as 0 f TH R~ r; and FOU[~ Limes during the year

SA FE GU AR DS A N 0 I:"'. ~·~S ~. · ' l 'I

IC"'l~ION ,S

1. NO PRI OR LIE NS- N o m o rtg ages exist u pon a n y assets or l hb C"I ;" Id !lll II r· ("m be creat el! wit h out the consen t of THREE ·FIFTH S of the entire stock i9.:lued. 2 NO FLOAT ING DEBT- Th e p roceed s of t his issu e wjll retire tht · l ' In ;:"! ,' ~~ Li ll~ pay a hl e , and f u r ni :-;h a nlpi e workinR '

capi~~1 tEST1M~f~g ~a~r?N°lN~S~~s~~~~~ imatelY s even t im es t he di li d,·, .

Ihi~ i~Sll"

I" :'Ii , 1111'lI t" of 4 MANA GEME NT- Will be continu ed by the p resent fo:xl'l:uti l'l~ <I .. r >: ;11 1<1 oliwr~ w ill ' :.t n' e .'per t Ehoe men of JIlany years ' experie nce in th e I'hoe b U!liness . 5. SINKIN G FUND - Will be crea ted to retire t his issue at th e Il pti')1 u r t hl'! 11,,1114"1' at pa r afi'pr 1"1FTY year s, r egardle ss of how dividen ds have been paid. 6. GUAR ANTEE D STOCK - ·A ppl icalion w ill b e made in " ut:! I ,III ,, ' t .. It a \" ; ! ',i, : ll), 'k g'u;wlIl tecd against loss t o the extent of its purcha se price, by one of the str ong('s t guaran t y cOIDpal iI t ht! )'" . . IIU;" 7. Applica tion will b e made in d ue cou rse to li~t th is stork 0 11 :i",>o lh ,· . Nc\',' Yo r k, Chir:ag o , a nd Saint Loui s stork exchanges. 8. THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in <.liv id

Having pioo'" a

lac,. amoun t of thi' "ook. w. will , eo. i" ""b~ At Par , Ten Dol lars

r Sha re

The subscri ptions will be ope n Saturd ay , N ov . 1, 191:3 . a lld C'o ntinu un ! ii u nsold balance has been s oIA. The right is reserve d t o re j ect any a pplicat ion and to a ll ot a ~ lll u l allluu n t tha n applied for. Payme nts in full to be made upon allotm en t. Stock will be sent with draft attache d if d esired . /I. ppi ion ~ for t hi s uns old balance may be sent direct to the '

p.t!. .... '.' tioned fo r the )~yIDg out Bnd es t tl.blis hl ng of a road beginn ing ~t II ::: point In High street, e x tended from ::: Wayne s v1l1e and jost nor t·hwcst Ol)rpoft1 t.ioulln E' of W'lI.yn e8ville. llnd ::: runnin g thenoe paralle l to and out s ide of sliid oorpum tioD Une, north. e a .. terly t hroug h the landa (If O. J . Ed WlirdB. J . U. Keys Bnd Philip Hopkin s to a POlDt lit the o tion of Frankl in road andinterse North stroot lAud the r e II ndlng, being a di.ttlno e of 1100 feet more or les8 Frank Elbon. Elia8 Og iesbeo and \1aroell us Tbaoka ra were appo\lI ted vi ~wer,. ~l the above propo~ed road, in conJun otion wU.h tbe County Survey or. Slime to be done 00 Feb. rO llry 24, 1914. bef!lnn lng at 10 \10 , Ill . _ - ••- -- The King of All laxativ es

$ $ $

$ $~




2638 -28 Locu st Stre et


Investm en t.s, Morris town, Ten nes"ee.

. :.~~:~~~.~~ .~~~~~~~·~~;~~f·~Y·~~.~~";~· ·~~·~··.~ ·'~~.·~:~~~~~~ ~x~~:~·;~;.·~:··~~;v·:~~::-:x'~.~; ·:·~::~~.·:v·v ·~;~,~~~:~~"~~~v~~:1~:~.~; ~:.~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ·~~~~~~~:·~·~~~:~~~~~~~~~. ~~~, /



Wayn esvil le, Ohio . Call answer ed prompt ly day or night. Both phones in Office and Residen ce. Long distanc e, No. 14 ; .Home phone 14-2r . Chairs and one Coach furnish ed free with funeral s . . Best of se rvice guaran teed.

E. v.

For oonRI!pliti on, u s e Dr. Klng '8 BARN HART , New Life Pill!'. P a ul Jhthnl ka, of BuffKlo, NY, fl ,'Yti they Ilre the Nota ry Pubh c' "klll g o f IlIJ laX!ltl veR They a re a bles~ lD g t o R,ll my f~mlly and I All kinds of Notary W ork . Pen~iOD ,llwl\yS Woh a Hpeol .. !t,:v . k eep ~ hl)x at home " G et " hox aDd get we ll Hgaln . Prloe 250, At Drn gllists or llY mall. B , E Bnokle n & Co. Pbilade l phi a or S t . Louis. Subse ribe tor

the Gazette

...... ..... RA----. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.--Y --... M..-~ Il-. . LS ---


Aut omo bile Live ry Serv ice at Rea sona ble Rate s. Also Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires. ,

Phone 71 - 1 -



• • •

N. Sears

Stock and Gene ral Auctioneer Sain t Loui s, Miss ouri TOBIA S S. MILLE R Special Repres entativ e 2628 Locust Street Sai~t IAlUi8, Mi880u ri

~~...,.v..w~~,.~~~~~~..~~r. r.~...-w...",,~

Poste d on pedigrees and values ·,f a . kinds of breed ing stock. Exper ienced in handH ng farm sales since





\ ' W~yn.~svl 'Ie, . Obl~~






S hoes

Or to the F ollow ing: NORTH WESTE RN BUSIN ESS AGY .• Bank of Comme rce Fuildin g. Minnea polis, Minnes ota.


l4alD 8'

Fune ral Director and Emba lmer,.

$ $ $





"OPt :N EYE BRA DIP Dept ., T. M . C.



Oflloo in Keye Bldg.





(In corpo rated unde r South Dakota Laws. )



P v '$il

! :W·:.~' :';w~:~, P:~iO:'h.".

MONTGOMERY SH Of COMPA NY 0f AMER ICA 100,000 share s, par value of Ten Dolla rs each Full Paid and Non-Assessabl~

Dr. Heb er M. D1'0

$: $:: ::

Issue of the Trea sury. Stoc k of the

::: -.'

1:1$ .:.

.,.DE NTIS T•••

M. Mulfor d, Wayn esvill e, Ohio aodltor tor all papers in the u fe Tuesda ys and Fridays , from .8:30 deposit vault was reoorde d on Com. to 12 o'clock ::; mi ~l:! lon er!!' .Journa l. Office, corner Main and High streets ::: Contffi o t WIiS entered into with Phone No. 100 A . l:l. Conove r for spikes, boUs, et c . a8 orde red u s ed. Valid on'l1 &p.




~fffit'$.:~5 ¥;'t;if~i; ~N~.~tl~O~Da1~o~mll!"~~ ·~'~D~II~ltl~Il~.~~\~v!"a~y~n~c~,~..~.;~I\~e~.~O

$.:. ~ ~ ~~';~~~~e $;:~'es :~e .., :~;i:~ Fr;~:~::;;:a~f$;~~~'

::: ::'

'.~: .:

E Vlln~, lumle r $211 15 W C. 'r ur ton oement $4.3B t;oott Di t lDtlrtl re pl11 rs Htu b11 M Ills roa d $ 104 .~O . A , T R .. ttig,dr ogg groad s FrRnk. !til t,() wlt !! hi p $H' in B P . B1alr,o e.

Brid ge Co., 3d ~ tl n ~ N'l 65 $ 10,000, r~ e­ roy 'u !t ! fll', or ,shlog s tone Dflerfle l d to wu ~hip$;lLU 20. HI.l rl a n Whl taor e Osteopa'chic Physician Imn bor $ \)057 W . H , Irwin, d Rtn 21 Broadw ay Phone 449 I\g e~ to r nurl th rou gh fa rm $15 t-ltate III Obio Vtl James Nol a n. Leba non, Ohio '.' .Jameso n.1, P ., $3. 60 aDd Fr~ser, •••

$20 0,00 0.00

~ .1=1:- iJ


$ Ol'il~Oll ll\ tltltiulII!t· l

We Offer , 'S ubje ct to Prior Sale , t he U ntold Bala nce of





Valley Ttlepbcp,1lt +$;31', . " ~



JlI '.




,. ,


' , ' .,.


- ---




- --

~lI!IBiiill!lllllZli2l!ll!!!lEDill!!!5iii1lll---?' 1



Public Sales




litwiug !laid t.llfl Hotel. 1 will "ell Publi,' Au cti on nil the H"t.el , 1 (~ rO nll'l.". on Houth Mnin Rt rect" \Va "tlo~v i l l c , 0 111 0, on

Ili t I

I Sat urday, h bruary 28, 191 -! 11l cummencmg li t 12::10 o'tllook , th e (,1 follu win g pr<Jpe rl,y towit: 3 h or"ed,

I'l lG b ll "~.p(' ~ .


h o n ~e h o lJ


te rln a,

Xenia, Obio


wllgoO(1 tte, hllrUeS!! , g ,o d~ . See big bills for




Gu ~ tlo

C , 1'. lill.wk e, Anot.


Have had a wonderful Midwinter Sale the past weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains.

I Will olrel' t~t, po blio si~l e Il t my lUile8 ell.>lt of WIlYOtlS, vi lie. 3 mileR west of Bnrveyt< burg, u ll th o () ~Ieshetl pik e, 00 'Wednesday, March 4, 191 -1 n A~ \1)DiL1 g ILt 10 O'oluok the foll owII n~ c hnttAl8: 5 borses, 2 mules ·1 (·u w,; . ~ hrond BO WS 38 sh oots, fllrmio!: illlvle1ll60t.l\ , l::Iee big bills for Ueo r ~ e D. Uglellboe , t .. rms , I A , A . M c ~e i1, Auot . ...... .... - - I




Th e K in g sbury Company,50 and 52 E ast M ain St., XEN IA, OH IO =-' - ----- ----.





r e~ !deo oo , J



Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings

Sacrificed at About Regular Wholesale Cost THE OPENlNG DAY of thi s sale drew the BlGGEST CnOW » S cV<'r ,.;cpn in Xe ni a at a sn le event. We were overwhelm ed and h a d to lock th e doors f OI' a t illl e. i'lll' won dt'r full y low prices for this high quality merchandise, the long record or square ( il'a li lt~ o f th is ~ tore with tho public, all rombined to get the result. Des pite the hea \' y sellin g- th l' r c j " l-:'Clud c hoir c anJ practically unbroken assortments of ncarly all thc adverti sed ba rg-ain ~.

Whatever you need, or can possibly fin d use f o! .!


, I




I T ho I li ves,

Sacrifice Fruitful. Reed dioN, "loll tbo h arvest Su c riflr .. 1M II l wHYN f ruitful, nnd Ih , ,/'I' IH uo lh l ll.g fr uitful else. Out or t h o Hutr"rln g ( 'U OWH th a 8c ~lous ' nllllli ; 011 1 or tbo 8lil\'litl on . th o g r a teI'll I h " :l rt ; ali t of tho I'tHluran ce. the (ortll l.ld, ' : out of th l' d e ll ve rance. the

t ai tiL ·- I·' /,,,d c/,ic

\/y ,

Blankets • Factory Wool Factory Wool Comforts · •

F'lirra r ,

SOc up $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 • $1.00 up

• •

Pre m ature E nterprise.

" W ," " ,"

c ul


g n' a l rU1l11 B OW, "


an C: lIll l ll !'l l a ~ l k \\'P b tP I'Il r a ilroa der t o hb fri ro ut! . " "" " " ll 1(01 it doubletruck e tl cl pa l' l hro ugh t o Chicago," "1I '1ll." ~ a i d lh o fr ~ lIcl . " I don't see wh.nt ,1' 011 lI'a ll t It dO li hi" t rn t: k fo r . You ~ ca n 't i<e, 'p ) o ur I I Uili H 0 11 one "

in Men's or Boys' Clothing or Furnis h in gs of eve ry ~j

Matte r of Se lfishness. m ul u er alld lli e !!:Ir i ~ carry Ln ~ lh u w o ot! or c o a l ? I 're lly hard job I'J for 11 w o man, but th en, 80me men don't like Ii bllci<acb o. -Exchange.

kind, you can find here thisOweek at a b argai n price



I ,

Sale continues only so long as these stocks lad. Judgin ~ from the fi rs t ru"h, the !lnlc may be over sooner than we expected. So you'd BETTER GET TH ERE AS FAST AS EVER YOU CAN. No g oods charged, none laid a s ide. nonc scnt on approval or l'. () . D. dUl;ing this sale.




A scerta in i ng Time Difference. ny l ooki n g Il t n m a p a perSOl> may readily !lscertnto tb e lime ditrereoC6 belwPI'n t wo g i vetl points by counting four mi nu t es t o caeb d egree. ells t or

Crex 8xl0 $7.00 • • • Matting Rugs . · $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up · • Axminster • $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet . . . $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs . . 65c up Mattings, our own imported Chinese and Japanese • • 12tc up

wea t.

Classi&ed Ads

The Kingsbury Company 50 52 E. Main St.

A<ls w il l be In.encd




tbl s bead for

t wcn t y·U\,o ce nts fo r t h r ee tnserltona: .-bun u81ng not more th an !lve lin es ,


--------------------------' to the MoCall'! I 100 subscribtlTII Mllgazine. Send 350 to the

-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .mmmM~~~ UIII'-et,t J onioe, and get one of best magezlnelS on ell rth. Real Value of RlcheL Of cJIIIIIt Rdlea there 18 no real uaa ~ • one ftn~. that he or ahe I except It be In the dlstrlbutlon.-Ba. 11ft with a peraon atter fancy- I COD. Iq th87 Clallld not live without him ;


Complll1 ated •

wrSE 'rOTHt ttAME


thinking of ordering A NYOl'(E }<"ruit. rree!! will do well to Bee, oorrespond wah or hit ve him olll1 a nrt soo you for first ·claBs goods. 1. N , Miller, Barveysburg, Ohio, mIl


or her.

Lace Curtains, good bargains SOc up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all widths and sizes. '



Skirts • $3.45up • • • Waists • 59cup • • • Gowns • . 50 and 79c up • Dressing Sacks 39c up • • Suits and Coats, $25 $13.50 •

FOR RENT 'Of rooms at moderllte SUITE price. Emm!l. Cllrtwright. Il

mol HOU~1E

for r ent , Inquire of H. P. Keys. m-1

Your Opportunity

FOR SALE Clark ferm. Thill r T BEfannlVrank oan be bought a.t the right fig ure". For information . write to C. G. \V!I1iamson, Xenia, O. mll


AIR of power florse Chppers. "Women won' t find campaigning Inq u ire of John Belloh. R. R .2. easy as they expect." "That's so. T h e female cnndida.tes Jas. Oliver Ga. g Plow, good at! won't be ablo to jolly the women DOW, ohell.p. In4~ire of Ernest voters by going around and kiBBing t!artsolk, R. D. 1 Wayne>lvillo, Ohio. f 11 their babies.



1000 Extra Fine




Blobbs-Jnck Potts is a vegeta.He says he h us no use for meat. Sldbbe-p(l~h aps not, but I bavo known his to play poker for stakes.




From home-grown Timber


W. H. Madden &Co. "


24- 2 1-2



wo Inoubators, T Buokeye, ODe 217 good as new. Chell.p.

100 eggB Petaluma one WIl· OrgBn. m 4

Walter McClure I


-'~ j



SALE BILLS? Yes, we print 'em.

oox aDd White "Does Mrs. Gaddons belong to the Inquire of Mrs. E. B. exclusive set?" iety, thresh'Tm af rruu ' .1 t. '""'he'8 never been SEEDOATS-earIY~ no ed sOlme time all made 68 fined for smuggling." bu. to aorll 1912. of Oren Strawn, H. D. 4, AvtnAAv'lle, Ohio. To E x ploit Br;;iiian FC/reata. m4 Funeral Director. The iruru euse fOre b"ls 0{ rosewoo/1 aDd other ba rd and valuable woods HOUSE of 7 halls, good t' olstem, large lot, found In tbo soulhern part or the state Telephone day or night. of Bah In. ilrazll, which have never ' also lal'ge "'A,n ay,t adjoining Valley phone No. i. Long beforo bad a thorougb trial ,In COID- above, oentral J()(J'aill~n street. meree, have tew1lled three AmerIcan Inquire of M. C. WaynesDie.Doe No. 69-2r. companies to begLn exploitation. Con- vllle, OhiO, or 110 oeaalons have beon obtained from tbe Gle'noae An.; Ohio. i 26 Automobile Service at all TIme. BruUlan government 'and operatlona' '-;: , bel\Ul Q- forest land , "blltUng bn a ha'DdJ~ed~ plaiD, while WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ,.mall rIvers' 1l0~IDg Into the A.tIaoC napkins; io de.. • @r :' , 1. : , . :. -: laliJoa ,Go peI" ijailotBoe. Branch 08ic:e, a'rv.e18b..... O. ,


A good work and b Jod mare with by the ··oomplI.n I" horse. ~ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ .__________ .." t Hooslor Corn P ~lI.nt-er, nearly uew. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 .Jayoe6vl110 dleo 0 rn Qultlvator, -= nearly llOW. 1 t ongnolell!l diso brow, nellrly new , t low-wbeeled wag 0 , with plat(a rm, s ideboards and ruko. Phone 65 F C. Sawin.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .!..............iIii

Roofing and Spouting


Cooke-Umsou tells me he bas SUME st!,nds of bees, buggy, kitoh.. . ' 1 OD CBI bIDet.. platfor \ soale!, also been livmg In h1!1 trunk of ate. some white wyandot e hens. InFrye-MaJbl! he has, but he looks quire of Will Pine, RI R, 5, WilY 88 if be had been bunlcing in a suit- neB ville, Ohio. ~ m 4


J. E. Frazier




suo PEl tuI

ROTIL" DItUaa.m. ....OIA....,.., CO.TUMlEi",. TItAN.FIE" OA. "ND .UI 1.ItVIC. OAII NOm

av u ....a 1ft ADVlItTIIIIIO OGWlI. .

SAMPLE, COPY FRE~ . . . . . NIIW YORK OU ...... ,


"'Y~ ' .. .,,, I'~

,- '

; " ' , . :"(.












) tllII:!4 11\II l\~, ~Jl l !' '''!I' r- n nd /o::"ll lld la n of D,. r 1fll d ,.. IllId Il nl.~ ' ·', ~ ·fI' l .• I ' I I:-- !,,'d :--11,IlII W r f'\ C'lLti 'lIlUI' I " '" !I! ~ lI,1n .. . .1 .' ! h·' ~\'I \ ,j ilts

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"\VIlII ' t YOII Rlt 00\l' n7 "

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t ill'" 1I111 1'lIill/o: or I" d"y. tu hUI,· )' dll Ir""t a l"lIh '[ \\,(J lI lfd ~ " "~,, 'h l !lll su ", 'ari ll ug 1"1$ bUPIl('ned tn Ill!'." 110' s uil!. ",\ 1>11 11,,1 WlllI Ud : ,(, lfillKS 1I1 1lS[ b" 1i 1',' I)' al. SlIlll1 )·s id,'." " I dl<l n'[ say I[ was at SlI!lny sld,' . But e s It hnp pt'D s. II was. I[ 1I11~' BIII'h ('nsf' ('OI"I'S III YOII , will It h, ' 100 Illu('b

C U :4r· J

~ 1 t>!'4 IlIrt.' oft (1! h i1 1f11 f1J; h nl' l< t·\ ldt.-l ll' , · li e lInl' rh~nn. ·d nn Itl t r udt> r t~\ un ! ' Tll\Jty r01l 1l1 IJ' hr prl Jl O Tlt~ r (' <" l ' H IwJ \ jl1rt I'\h.1 e w n:t "'II~ ' pe t ' ICJ l l f" f"'UII !i! ("If :'n t n Jurfld fnnl. ILli ·



n o t: WII.9 I,lr rt'~le,l t nr tl ml'i' z7. 1~nlf· nt. a\l) Arm~tr o n~' ~ d e alh WH.!J HI1BI I I1 I1 · CIL a.1 )1t')· ·A finn e " i"', L (1u lrw ArtI18(I' IIfl k" . t l' M aille y thnt w h il e ahe lItlll (l ln ' of 111111 , 141 1U .a ~ h 'l marry (\lIt.lh.)r , It do\ .' \(1l' ed I hnt pr . ' VtlJk,..r wal' l Ilt' I rlll ll , J AlUhi O \\'n~


ll ('l·(1~Sar\' .


j,t ru ro

te,. re UPJlf'nn. and ~:1)'. llit nnd n " II.'y . 'orB r::allod awny by ;L t t"'lt"grnlll , j ·II:-Ild.' r Bnll r'" P u u} Arm :-- t r o ll }.: ·H l .an\.., d" ,

1 w blJ u !(: rel y to

II ( I ('s t hnL"



j , I

truublp rllr YOIl tu l pl II1 L' I{IlO " '!" "(

" [ shlill he o nl y too h:' 11I' ),." h " s&ld . \lnd( ' r ~du n d

~'O Il

h arf' had a flJ' tl up

Every form at cullneo tts <llsease could be cured In Its Incipien cy 1! • jar of Reslno l OlnLme nt wero ke pt at hand. A little of thIs exce ll ent Oint.. mcot applied In tlmo will el'!ec tually wlU'd art n.nd cu re a slarUng troubllJ whlcb, J.t n eg lec ted, may provo a trou, blesome and of Len obstllla to case of Eczb:WU or oth e r dl s Ogurin g skin d Isea so. F or hurn a, s calds. s light wounds . sores, eruptio n of polsoo Ivy, sunburn , Il 18 a quick [lod sure remedy. usual ly curIng th ese t roublee ove r n ight. To tllo lIllrortu n ute , But· ferer with Hemorr h Oids (Itching or In· namod Piles) r esluu l olnlme nt Is l[)o deed a godsend . Tho In Lense pa.i.D and Into lerablo itchI ng of this troublo Is Inst.llntllneously r e lle \'ed and a cure ettccted In a ,'cry short time. The halh r oom or family m ed Icin e case Is Incomp lete It not equippe d w Ith R esl nol Soull and Ointme nt. They nre most valu able accesso ries In every we ll r egulate d hou se bold. IUld ca n be obtalno d at IlIlY drug s tore, Reslnol MedIca ted Shllvlng Stick Ie al80 hIghly apprecI ated by m en who regard a good complex ion and a fnee tre e from pimoles und blotche s . Bookle t on Care of th e Skin and Comple xion se nt Cree on IlPplica tlon. Rea1nol Chemlc aI Co.. Dailimo re, Mil..

th erf'. tuu. .\ !Ire a nd ~h n,,' I II J.: In o nl' All ScalDs AllOII'('d .- Ollr IIln ~ traLl o n n i~ ht Is mlh.'r 1"'f' ly fll r n qu iot place , ho \\' " II " II' Ul' t 1111 1" fro ck !III th !' Moth II~u' lila !." r ound I\t t he b o ttom p ( t h " clrcu \o.r 8lft l r e r ilnullnl' d orde r. It I. IHo vld eli with Oa .lt! , R eco \' t rln g (' ( mld.-' HS lleJa. shn I llh ' "iI. 1M a s Iju lpt 1\8 n bnill'r ·slto p." ' o mllll h t!) .. l.a d br u!lh,..d tty h~r a lHln'HI' yolte. wh lcb eXI "IIII . III f\ IItnil tho 1'(' 1' 111"11. as I l ur ned to go. I tatrWR )! and .h~ ( ulnt ed , Rn ll (lY Is 8U8· !lo luh n rpl\' Ine l\('. h(' lu\\' tb o st raIght P' &CI"'d nf Arme tro ng's "And YOII nr e st lll ,;oin ,:: to s t!ly7" Olu r.ll"' r , ArtPf "I,u· lnw [l aho Rt ," T h o ma:. , th o I.Hi.:·' k l.,t"t" I'dgl' or tit , (,{, Il tcr of th e front. All "I' lltll I urn hllrtll'u ""I ," I r .. ~pon c\ · er. wna f otlnc1 c1 en<1 wi th n ~lI p til h l8 th o pdgllS of the yo lle nre onllllwr l by po.·he t bla ring t ho nanw o f "I.uc\f'o rl "'H I· ('(1. ,\nd th l'll. 0 11 my \I'[ly dow n t he ,. , . ~ •• D r , W n l l«"r '}'flk("d 1IflHI! l !1n r s t o II row of nnrrow 11l",· rli on. Th o s ld rt stl'llR. 1 lurn ed nf'(}ull d RIHld"ll ly . Yf\ C' nt~ tn f a\'or ('I( ~rrl'4 , Arm 3 tro n~ Sh r l" f 1l8ed. A n Ole frnm ) hdl~)· tn l'fertrt1l1oe " Iludor ." [ H ~ lt P d Ill. a V{'llture . of tho df(~B ~ Is gllth{'rtl d at tU e top !lod attnch ed to the yok e. 'rho s ma ll f\r n t.nglng- a. 1"I1 eettn~ at nl~ht \,' !-i" fnu nt! , Globula r Llghtn[ ng. "hn\'(' )' OU 01'" r ht'nrll of a c hild A Indd or ou t of ptace d eepe n . tho mys· s leeves ar e In bIs hop a ly le, l'Ildlng III Yesterd ay tho Inhll ultant s or Lewl.... tery. naml'c\ Luclcn Wa ll ar c ?" a ba nd curt of Insertio n . For very lit· ham we re provide d with (, I" \'l' r a s he was . hi ~ ra e'P r hav8'ed n epeclme D ti e cbl ldren tb e re Is nol hlllg Just as of that curIaliS phenom CHAPT Efl XXI II -Cont in ued . enon known all and ~ lil'fe n "d . H e was on hl H g'lard nice !lS white. bu t thIs ~ol l s so ca~lly "globul ar IIlJhtnln g." It Is wba t III again In It mom ent. Appare ntly only a re.... minute. " L1\(' le n 'Yallac e!" he r cpe1.ted . tUat It makes a great denl ur IIddl- common ly oalled the "Ore ball," and tlonnl work tor th e laundre ss. It Is as It persIsts ror seve ral elapeed , du r lnc whi ch m y eyes were s econds It III ":-.10 , I t bl nk not. Thor o are Ill c u~y ot becomin g nccullto tned to th e darkn ess. \\'llllnrf 'S around, hut I don't know a ny orte n possible to find protty g ing- obvi ously at a t otally dlrte r eot char· hams. 10 lhe palo color ~. IlIld a ls o In Il()ter from any othe r form of light.. Then I noLicoo th at th e wIndow s we re LUI' ion. " plalds and c hecks of dellcute ton e, nlng. It Is much less refl ecting a raint pInkIs h ligh t; Liddy br illiant than I wa s as cer tain a 8 possIble tbat whi ch nre mol's se~v[c(Jnb l c thlw white ordinar y IIg btn lnl;. nnd Its brlghtn not iced It at the same tim e. and I h .. did . Pf' ople do not 11 0 : eadlly to esa and which make very dainty hearll be r jump up. At th at momen t dresses appea r s to be th at ot Iroo at the " rea me. and this man lied b ~ yond a doubt. for every da y wear. Th e pattern hal" stage. Bam'8 deep voice boomed rrom some· nut th e re waB nothing to be ga ined (0095) is c ut In sizes 1, 3 a nd Ii yeurs. where just below. tt Is not. al some a ccounts m igh t now ; h Is de fe nses we rn liP. nnd I le ft. To make the dress or th e :I·year s ize leall on e to I nfer, a lolld "Fire! " he y(l'.Ied. "Th e s table's on [t Went Off, Right Throug h th,e Door. missile. but half Irritated and wh oll y bamed. , will req uire 1 % yards or mate rial 36 It Is always sphorlc al are!" and appears to O ur rec eption wa s c ntlrely dllre rent hlc hell wide. Sbe went up tbe stnlrs nt thnt . two Sa ll e. a nd fall trom a thunder c10lld by Its OWD I could see hIm In th e glare danci ng th e large and e:l pen sl ve at Dr. S te wart ·s. Tuke n Inlo thll up a nd down on th e driv e. nnd a mo- at a ti me. Ev[d eotly s be l'olll rle&1 stable a t Su n nr aid e To procuro tht. pattern send 10 ~e nts gravity, sometim es r ebound log after bosom of the family at once. wns Fllnden a heap of to "Pillt e rtt 0 purtme nL." ot me nt late r Hale!'y Jo in ed him. Alex with tho candl e. for It wc nt out, and s mok ing rarte rM and pUDer. strUdll« tho ground.-Lond on Globe. c barred boards .. tied outs ide and nlbbllns - the grass nt Writ e name nnd address pln lnI.hts ly, and bo was awake anti running down th e I was lett In dar k ness. \Varoe r sw or e tb e fir e was Ince ndi a ry . lhe r oadRldo, Gertrud e an d r drank sure to give tft ze and number of plltl oro.. I was r ea lly asto nishing ly cool. stairs, ' and In Ove minutes rrom th e Slightly Confuse d. Ru d In vi e w or th e attempt to e nt~r ~om e home· made e lde rbe rry wlnn Imc! time the fir e W3S dl scO\'ere d three at r e me mber step ping over the chair and th e hous e. tlt e re tieemed Al't of UII become confuse d and all of told brl e lly or th e I1re. Ot th o to more be no NO. 5095. th e maids we r e IIlttlo g on tb e lr t runks glu in g illY ea r to the door. and I shall doubt of It. UII mix our llUlgung e s ome UmOIS. but SIZE ... .......... .... se rIou s part of the ni g ht',; exper ll'tlCe. In the drIve. althoug h , exce pting a few neve r forge t fe e ll ng It giv e an Ill eh or tbe prepara tion of an old of (' ourso, we s a Id nothing , But wb en negro NAKE . ........ , ........... . .. " ... ........ . .. sparks. the r e W:l<l no fir e nea rer than two th e re In th e darknes s, unde r n preache r'lI sermon was the greates t at last we hart lert th e tamlly on (h, CHAPT ER XXIV. steady press ure rl'om wltbout. Out confus 100 yards. ion of m etaphor s I ever heard . TOWN ...... .. ........... . .. ........... . , .. .. porcb and th" goo d dOI' tor was uuty· s ays a tn,.ele r . Wben the leng thy dis· Ge r t rud e seldQID loses h er presenc e the chair held. allhoug u I co uld heal' Ing oll r s teed. I ask ed hIm the same Flinders . STREET AND NO .......... ......... , .. . course was n earing It s close and he Df mind, and she ran to th e t ele phon e . nn omlooll s crack Ing of one ot tb e It Hnlsey hnd on ly tak e n mo fully 11u ps Lion I hnd put to Dr. Walker . had r ea c hed his "Twell t)··thlrd and But by th e time the Ca~anovn \'olun- legs. Au d the n , without the s lightest into hi s confide nce through th e whole STATJIl . .. .... ...... _ .... . ........ ... .. . .. .. "S hot!" he said. "Bl ess my s oul. lastly. brethre n," he wound up by tb. t oer ftre dopartm ent came tolliog u p wornlog . th e cardroo m window broke affair It would have bee n milc h slm· no. Why, what have )' 011 bee n doln, followIn g elabora t e figure: th e hilI th o stable was a furnac e. wi th With a cras h. I had my fiuger on th e p ier . If he had be en a ltogethe r fraok up n t th e bi g housl', !lfl8s Innes?" SIX-GO RE "TROT TEUR" SKIRT. "Evoryw ha. bredre n. we s ee de a1the Drngon Fly safe but bli s ter ed , t rigger 0( , th e r e \'olv (' r, lind as I abo llt Ja c k Hall ey, aod If the day arter "i3ome one tr ied to e nt er th o house mlllhty- all down de untrodd on patha In the road. Some gasoll ne e xp loded ju mped It we nt orr. right through th e t he fir e hE' had told Ole wh a t he 8 US' dur ing th e fir e . and wns s hot and of tim e, we s ee de footprin ts ot d. just as th e volunte er departm ent got door. Some one out ~ ld e Aware round· pect d, th ere would h [l ve bee n no ha r · s li gh tl y Inju r Pll." I Raid hastily. ,!o.lmlghty hand ."- Haman Life. to work. wbl ch shook tb e lr nerves as Iy . a nd to r the first tim e I could hE'llr rowIng period for all ot us, with tbe "PIllase don't m e nt ion It; we wish to well all th e burnIng building . Tho wbat was s nld . boy Itl dang e r. Dllt young peo ple reo make as IILlle o r It ns poss ibl e." "Only a SC rutcll . • A LikIng tor "Hamle t." stable, being on a hili, was a tor ch to l\I en ar e at flls o to profi t by the experle o ce of, . !rh er e waR one otho r poss ibility. and " D\> YOll like Hamklt 7" asked the attract the populat ion fr om every dl· th e oth or e nd ot the house. t he ir e lde rs, a nd so me times the e lde r s ,,"Ii tried ' that. A t Casanov a !Ration I hostells o.t hc r unl ettered, It gllsh lng, Havo th e whole rat 's nes t 00 us." a r e tll e o nes to surre rectlon. saw th o s tation maRter, and ask ed him r. EUNil. And a lot of profani ty whl h I won 't If n ny trains le ft I Casn was nova mu cb between use d up the day after The s table was oil tfl e wes t wlog. "Indeed I do." was the r e ply. " am hardly kn ow h ow 1 came to tllin k ofI write down. T hc voi ces were at th e th e fire, nnd Ge rtrud e Insisted on my o ne o'clock an d dayligh t. There was c:tce s8lvely fond of It, but I alwaya th e ci rcu lar ntal l'cnse nnd the UII · broke n window now. and a lthough I going out. Th e machln c was t e mpo- none u ntil 6 a. m . The next QlWStion pre fer n silvory to a 8wcet one." wa s tre mbllng viole ntly, I was de- rarily ou t at comlll l s~ l ou , and th car· r oqulrpd 1D0re dlploOlllcy . guarded door at Its foot. Liddy was te l'lu lned that 1 wou Tbere WBS 11 momen tary contusl{1n, ld hol d the m until riagp hors es ha d bee n se nt to a e farm "Old .yo u notk o all tbe six o'clock putting my clothes Into s hee ts. Ilre- ' a.nd he lp {'ame. I mO I'ed III' th e stair s un· tor th e fiUl1lmer. Gert th en th e hoot('ss rea lized tb a t the train an)' pf' rso nany man- who rud e finall got pa rator y to tossing th e m ou t th e wla· til 1 cOII III spe Into adm iration or the guest WI\ 8 of a C'UJ. th e cn nlroo m, or a trap rrom til e CRsanOva III·eryyman . li mp ed ft li tllo~? " I ftsked. "Pleas e dow . wh e n I founu her. nnd I could rath e r through It. Inary, not lite rar y. charact er. to th e wind ow. As and we Wl'lIt o ut. Jus t as wo tllrne ci try to re lll e lllbpr; \\' 0 are trying to hardly lIel'suad e her to s tOll. I looked a sm all man put h is leg OVPl' (r,lm th e dri ve into "I gavo be l' ham wit h nn omelett e tra ce n nlllll who th e W[l road S seen we passeu 10itei1n g ' " j w,lII t you to come wllh me, t he s ill a nd Rt" llJ>ed Into t he room. a woman. lor brenkfa st nex t morning ." sa id the aroun d Sunll)' s Sh id o had put down a smu ll e last night befor !Lldd),." I SIl ~!J, "B ring a candle a nd a T h e cu rta in ('o nfusecJ hostess. wbeu t e llI ng tbe story.h im for n 111 0· vnIIRC', a nd stood ins\1 ec tln g th e house th e tir')." I oC 'I up le of blanke ts ." me nt ; th e n he tllrnpu, nol towar d me, nn d ground ~ minutel Se ralls. H e WaR nil nllt' lllion In a mom ent . I y. 1 Bhou ld h ard· She lagged be hind cons ide ra bl y h ut tOWR l'l1 th !' billiard room door. I Iy have lI oti red hpr ha d It not b('!' n "I was If I) th .. r", 1II)' ~ " l r at th e lire, ' w hc n s he saw lII e m a klll g for th o cast fircd aga in, and som ActIve Possess ion. e thi ng that was f~r lhe ra r t that ~ I H' had beeu borribly h e ~a i (1 I'( II uhlr. 'T .n a memb pr 01 w ing, antI at lhe ta ll of the r;tair ca se glass or c hinn c ra Gllineve rp. nged four , was goi ng oub ~ h !.' d to Ih e g rou nd. disllj:;lIn !d hy s l11 ullpox. th e \'ol ullt ,,' I' ("J rapnny. Vlrs t bi g Ilr'l sh e balked. to walk w\th a youog ludy, or whom: Th en I ra il up th c s tairs and alo ng the "Ugh !" G"rt r lluP , ald, wh e n wc hall w(: " 'e hnd ~ i1 ... (, Ihe summ e r ho uso ~ Iro " I am no t. going d ow~ the r e," s he corrid or to she was very foud. As th ey opcnedi thf' main s laircase . Ge r· pas ~c d . "",hClt a fa('f" bUl'Iwd OH'r La t he l' lu h golf links . I ,),,- . 1 sha ll ,Iream eald firlllly . th e sl rcet door they we re met by a I tn ail! w as s tn ndln g th!'f'P , tryin g to of it lo·n lght.. (;et up , Flinde l·s." wlf,' \\'a~ s arin ' th e o th e r day , " T here Is no one guardi ng th e door I locat o th e shots . a All Seam R Allowl'd .-!': I·"r y one" In s wirl ing cio url of dust. nd r IIlIl ~t hRV e blown up from "Fli ll(\" f',; 7" I 'UaH a ~ k cu. '. ), 0 " 11 Is illig-lI th ill. t ;IS the dow rl tll e re." \V('II 'a ' sa" ed th~ Il w hi l<! wc como nl'l'ORS a I~r ' n ch word I exp lai ned. "WllO bel"li a P€'(' nllnr fl g llre. w llh 111)' h th e· thorou gbfarc, all' horse' s Il tlm ,, ?" mOIl! 'y i n that th !'re hnlin('l and Ablrt.' whi ch lfi I'e ry takl kn ows?- tlii s may Ile a scheme to in c rimps. illY d r(·sslng· ug und w (' do 1I0t "Kee p your lips tightly closo(l . Gwe n, go \\,n lIylng , no " IL Is." She fiirked th e hors e's An ti he re l a~t nig ht. til e)' ('ome 111 lilte to tntnR d raw \'crybod y nw a y from this e nd ~ lippe l's, a nd a r evolv latc It. It Is " VI n 80 wi th or you 'll gilt your lu ngR full er d utth e(\ In s :ubh y man p with t he whi p. " II £' haud y. Ha n:; th nt !Jel ot mI· l so hard I th e word "trutte 1f r." It Is Ih €' Fren ch crobes o f th e house, An d I(' t 50lO e one in il lY hnllu , 1 had 110 lime to tal k. dldo ' t look lik e a II n. ry horse. n n<l ha,~n'[ tim e ~(,!l re(' ." wurned th e youn g lady. l y lo get '''111 un ." I nllm e fo r II s hort wn lkil) g/s kl rt" 11 re. " nnd The re was th e sOll od 01' fo ol s teps In t h e Ih" 'I')' 11111 11 said It Gu lnevQre ponde rod a momen t and '\ IHI - dld )' 011 SI' C a lI1a n \V IIQ Is too quaint to g iv c he had bOllght Th e in s tant I had sa ill' It I wns con· th c lowor hall . Rnd some li p. Th c IlI od,,1 th e n , looltlog up, de manded : on e bound ed hIm fr olll th p Al'tns l rongs wh £' n tlH'y IIm p"d ?" Ge rtn",c Pllt In. "in ced I had lIit on th e ex plan a tioo, liP th e s lnlrs. as h' l illustrat l'" Is we ll 61l 11 (' d 10 walking at I "What are your crobos 7"-Nat lonal pun'ha Rcd a co upl ... of motors and cut s t~.p"('d for ure l1l. ~1. nn d t hnt 1)(, I'hsps [t wns alrenuy t oo ." 11I1C sw lflt' s t kin!!. It has fl fiat Imn el I ;\lonthly. I had gooe Be rse rk. I th ink . do wif tift' s tablt·. ;\ ot at Nice th e Fllndnr tl ,ll n. s-g ood ru a m. h E' s aid . In til " fr ont lind unck nnd t wo ad(ll . lute. It scemeu to 111e liS 1 li sten ed le an u ove r th e ll Rnd flred old bny!" "r.;o slich perso n ,::" t on hl>re tCl. dnY' j n o na l ,::o rrs at "a ch tlwt 1 li ea rtl s lea lth y foo tsteps on th (·, Il s ni n. Halsey, be low. sIde . Tlli ~ In . ! ye lled at me. "NO FRILLS " FlIn drrs WII S c('f'talnl y not a com. Dllt I'll t e ll you where. 1 elld .s,'e !l S1frcs tll o eas t porc h. but t hNe was s o mu c h han g of th e nlll( l'rllll in "Wba t RTO )'011 doi ng up th er e ?" he m a n na il \(' fo r a horse. JUlt Sensibl e Food Cured HIm. man that limpl'd. I and d lun ye t t w.llit tb" :111 t h ft str ulg!lt lin es. ~nt\l l'll ll y a wa lldn;: s it outlu g olf t~i d e tha t it wa s Impos· j'('ll t.' d. " Yoll mi sse d me by an Inch ." youngRt.' r a t lll chlle id had oamed his compnn y lert; tb e r e '~ a fast fr ' lg ht ~ klrL s hould b o m;\(le of hpllvy ",ote. t;ilJ le to tt' li. Liddy wa!; on til t' point :'ud th e n I collapse d an ll fainted . prun d ng. c.l rI Y-hal r Someti mes a rood, b ealtty commc l' ed littl e ho rse goes th rough at 4: ·15. anti I had tn rial s. Th er Rr e mallY which are of I'"tr('at. dOli . clal trav eler Butrers t rom Wh en I ('ame around Liddy was rub- I Fllmlpr s ! It se t m gel down to poorly s& the stati e to o n. thinking r sC'e n . thern bl e-facod "Vc)'y we lL " r sai d. " th en I s hall go bing my t empl es wllh and tll ()l'e nr e nllmbc rs lec te d food and Is luc ky It be learns eatl de qu inine. At III )' I'('~ u es t Ha lsey had already was n't Illuc h more to do llnyhow at of other s whic h are no tiown a lon (' . nun bac l. to ~'I r. H alse y's a nd th e·c h was t. hut whIch In fnll blast. that Orape-~uta food will put hllIl SO li t worrl M th e fir e to tb e agent the fil'(~- w e' d got the !failles lllHi or con· ure bellv y enou gh room and get h is revo lve r. DOll' t to usa ,,'ll.bou t lin . 'Y!.'ll , th e man was gOIlC. The s tabl e frolll wh om IDe had s ec ured th e bOllse, trol"--Gc l'trudc loolted . at 111 e and Ing the m. Tho \lattern ( fi I28) Is Cllt rIght. a hoot down the stai rs If you hen I' a burn ed to th e groun d. w blle tlle crowd Also, Il ll bud called Mr. Jamieso n by smiled- "so I started do wn the hili, In s izes A CIncinn ati travele r says: "About 22 to 32 Inc.hes Wil ist m easllre. noise ; re lll e mb e r-r s hall ll e dow ~ chee red at eve l'y ra ili ng ~atre r, a nd te lppholl e. a Dd somew hat guard e dly Th e ro was fo ll{ he re and th ere gain' To make a year ago my stomach got In a baeS t he skirt tbPre. And hurry." In th e m edium size tbe volu lltee r tire departm e nt s prayed ha d told hi n of t\le previou s night's home. and along .h y the patb to th" will N Qulre 3%, yards or materia l H way. I had a headach e most of the I llu t th e ca ndl e on the 11001' at th e It with a garde n hose. time n.nd Burtered mIsery. For sevQJ'al ' And in the e vents . !III '. jamieso n promlsc d to Count ry club I seon two men. Oue Incbes wide. to p of th e Htalrcase and loo k ol'f my bou se Ale x and Hals ey searrh ed every co me out t hat night, aod to bring a n- was ru s hort fell ow. Fre was s itting 011 months I ran down untll I los ~ abbut b edroom s liPIJern. Tu en 1 c rppt down corn el' of the lowe To procuro thi s pAlI ~ rn se nd 10 ce nts ',0 pounds In weight and r 11 001'. IIndlng no .othe l· ru lln t ltb him . I dId not can. n big r oc l{' his bo c k to me. nnd bll fina.Ily had to the s tnlrn, go ing ver y s lowly, and one. to "Patte rn Departm e nt ." of Ihls pupor. give up a good position aod ,,0 home. s ider It nee !!ssary to notify Mr~ . Arm. had som ething white In bls hand, as It Wrt te name a nd addreaB ll tite nlng with all my ears . .Jus t a t the ptaln ly. an d bo Tbe t ruth of my story wa s shown strong, In the village. No doubt s be he was tying UI> his foot. Afte r rll ~u re to give .In nnd nu;nber 0' pa.ltern. Any toad that I might use seemed to foot of th e s tairs I s tubb ed my toe by th e b" okcn window gone on 1\ Illece nauseat e me. and I looked the ove bo(' r· k. kn ~ nd ew ' he or t~ \ e flre. and In vIew o{ my against Hal sey's big e hail', a nd bad to turned ch air. That the unkno wn had r efusal t.O Ive up the house an Inter. was h nbbllllg on a nd- excu"e me, m1~.• ~-------------"My wUe, hardly knowin g what to stand on on e fo ot lu a so undless agooy go t u ps t;lll's was NO. 5128. SIZE , ......... , ..... . a lmos t Imposs ible. vi e w wou\( probabl y have bee n un. -he wus Mwearlog som etblng s icken· do, one day brought home 0. flackage unUI t ue JllO.lo s ubs ided to n dull ache. He ha d n ot uscd the main ~ta lr c n se . pleaRn nt enough . But as wo pR.Rsed Ing .'· of Grape-N uts food and coaxed me to NAME ...•• .••... .• •.•••• _ •.•• , ••• •••••••••• And thea-I knew I was right. Som e the re was no way (T O HI': rO:'o:TI NVEO.) to th e up per tl oor Dr. \\' ull{cr's v.'hlte and green heus o try It. I told her It WIUl no use but one had put a key Int o th e lock. and In th e cast willg. and Lidd y h ad bee n I thought TOWN . ... ... . ........ . ... , .. .. ....... " .... . finally to humor her I tried a llttle, so mething . was tllmlng It. For s ome )'"ason It ut th e window , In Marvela of Modern Surgery . aDd they Just struck mT' taste. It "Stop h r e, Ge rtrude ." I sardo "I r ei used to 1I'0rk , ao d th e key was where th c servnnt R' tbe WCHt wing, STRE ET AND NO.......... ..... : .. .. , .. J{Q lfe opera ti ons o n th e s tomacl'l s tair wcn t lip . Out am gOi ng 0 ge t out." was the first food I had eaten ID neal' wi thdrawn . Tbe r e was a mutte ri ng of we did not go to bed have glv!.'n a death rate of from O D~ a t nil. Snm RoIy a year that did not cause any 8u!f~ STATE ..... .. .. ..... , ..... ... ...... .. , .... .. "To Rce LouIse?" Ilh6 asked . \ o lccH olftRid e; I hau on ly a seconu . ha noon an ti ,Varn ing, ":\' 0 , 1 w nt to aslr this young Walker to 20 pel' ce nt., nga lnst 20 to ·10 p~t Anoth e r t rial. and th e doo r woul d Rearcll , and not er helped In t hp. c ent. te n yea rs a go. Cutting npell a closet escn p(,d s" 11le thl ng . "Well, to make a long story ohort. I o pe n. T he ca ndle abo ve mRde a faint (\c rutlu y. Eve n the the u ppe r abdom e n, RpllLtlng th. c"lIal's were gil'po began to Improve and stuck to GrapeShe Won Prize for Beat Plan. was ,· f urious. I kn ew , but I did glt' am down th<a we ll ·lIke stall'cns e, a thoroug h over hnullng . wltho llt ['f) . no t WRit t explain. I went up th e stomac h ope n and turning It wronl M[ss Elinor C. Zimm erman, of East Nuts. I went up from 135 pounds In a nti ut tbat mom e nt . with a second, su i I. Th e door In th e llast I' ntl'Y had walk to th e hou se, wbe re a brass sign , side ou t , seur chlng Cor ca ncers a tt!l St. Loui s. Ill.. has won a prize for Decemb er to 194 pounds tho tollowinlll no mo re. to s pare, I thou g ht of a plan . a hO,l e t,brollgh It ~\' ulcers . ha s becom!.' I> not uncomm ol) drawing t be bes t plnn hcre my bu~l et. h[ld at the side announ ced tb e offlfle, of a soven-ro om October. and o perntio 'flt e il ();lI'y oak chair a llll ost flllcd gone . fh c hole slanted n. oft !'n fo llo wed by . great house to cost $2.500. She do\\·n ward, we nt In . 'rh e re ception ronm wns "My braIn Is cisar, blood all bad more lb e gpar'c he t wee n th e ll (,w t'I )los t lind lIud th e bull !> t was e mbedd ed In th e empty, but. from the consult ation cure s and be nefits , and Is largely an than 5,00il competi to rs. right and appetite too mucb tor any the doo r . Wi th a c rasb I had turned ,porc h. Som e reddish stains s howed It room beyond came the sound of two Americ an ~pecl alt )'. man's pocketb ook. In fact, I am thorNe w York ' I'. on i tfi si de. wedgi ng It against had don e e xecutio n. Press. oughly made over, aneS owe It all to voices, Qat ve l'y am Icable. Tellch Obed lence. the dool·. Its l!:!;R agn lns t th e sta irs. r "Someb ody will walk lame." H alse y " It Is an ou trageou s ftgure," 'lome Let, chlldre:'l underst and that dls- Grape·N uts. I talk so much about what . conld bear a fuint scream from Liddy sa id. wh e n he had mark ed th e co urse one wad stormIn g. Then the doctor's ohedlen ce Is sure to be followed by Grape-N uts will do that eome of the at th e crRs h and th en s he came dow n or the bulle t. "It's Phllatel l.m H[II Hobby. too low to ha ve hit quiet ';(;ne. evldunt ly not argul:lg ounlshm e nt. A child seldom disobey s men on the road have nicknam ed me State th e s tairs e ll a I'Ul1, with the revolve r nnyth lng hut a le g Se nator Ernest R. Ackerm alt, or foot." merely ataUng somethL ng, But I had of New J e rs ey. who Nature more than once In toudiln g a 'Grape·N uts,' but [ etand today a b e lel s t r aight out In front of b e l'. Is now enjo~'ln l F rom tha t tim e on 1 watcb ed e very not time to ilsten to SOlDe persoo his annual U'lp abroad. Is one of th. hot ass. It will soon Searn to healthy , ' ros~o(lheeked man-a pretty "Thank God," she said. in a s hnkl ng pe rson 1 me t for a limp. nnd to thl e probabl y dllJputi ng his b1l1, so I'. best known and most enthusI astIc col· obey YOU as well. Never allow It to aood exampl e ot what the right kind ?Olee. " I t.hought It lI' as you." day tbe man who h a l~5 In his walk Is cougbed . The ,'oletl! ceased at onee' lectorfl at postage stamps In this COUll ' ask why. You know; thllt Ie en!lurb or food wlIl do. ·1 p.:)lnled to Ol e door, and shf' UD· an object of suspicIo n to me. nut a door closed somewh ere. and the doc'. try. "You can .pubUsh this if fOU want to. So large Is hIe collecti on tbat ht derstoo d . Casano va ba d no lame me n ; the oear· t or e nte r ed fr o m the It ta a true ltateme Dt 1V1tl1out Not a Bad Idea, Elthlr. hall of tbtl house, bas Be t apart ODe room In his homt " Callou t at the wlndow 8 at tb~ es t approac h to It was The edItor ot the RaleIgh New. anll frllls," oUter end of the house." I wblsper ed. who t ended the safety on old felloll ' H e looke d s umclen tly surprise d at .ee- In PlaInfie ld as a s tamp room, III gates at' t h" Ing me. Read the little book. "Thll Road to .' . . 'whlch are some oi~ the rarest of Oblserv er deClare s that If he enr "R un. T.U Ullim not to walt for any.. railroa d, and h e, I learned on Inquiry ; "Good after~ooll, Loctor," ( eall£ stampEI : 80 dear to o1eh he will e ndow a brlu baDd . and We11V1l1e," In pkp. "There'" a Reaaoo.• . . . .M thg Mart of Uat 'e~d hud tWQ artificIa l lega: Our man had formallT . "1 sliaU ' na4 tile ' Ii,",," .,... ., ',A. . _ It around tho countr~ to dell,bl _ 11:..... not keep YOIl (rom phllateU at. . . . . .ftI bo_ ....... tS~ I . .., the c~UdreD and 014 ' folka. aN _ _ _ to u-.: ... bU ., . . . . . '















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TH E -


GA ZE 'l

____ ::L!!i


As Sh kl!'~ ;J;: a re Caid. "The Best Laxative I Know Of" 1 London U ... Much lalt. A stubbo rn, annoyi ng, depress ing "Whllt II! tb e nh'.llling ot tIM '1I'ord "1 have Bold (Jhamb erla.ln' s Tab. London oonaum N to to.I of . . . a otJgb bangs OD, raolls tbe iJody, adage?" the 8choolm aRLe;- 11~1c8d. "A l'ubllshe<1 Wetll<ly u t tho IInr.oue ( 1IIh'c In 1I10 I lets for several year!!. People who d..,., Rates of Subscr ip t i'· II. weaKen s the lung!!, ",nil place often ·to ~},ut lends cats I II 0," W I;.!' the bey's br~ve used them wUl Allon Uull<lIUI!. ~1l'11l St . . Wnyn"",·llIo . Ilhlo. 11110 Ypur take n othing (R.rlctly I,. U,h·UUl.' \ . ... II . DO to serious rtlaults . The first d ose of answ er. ~ h~~ t ! rii u /.t lr <.;opy .. . .. . ~~Ch ~Jj I~ ea in to ; ol ~o . loan reoomm eu them to my . UJ Dr. King's Horribl e Blotches of Eczema New Disoov ery Klve>! your hoad? \\ ell. ~ .r, dO(,bD t it Eay oo~toDl8rB ae the best laxatl ve and rellet . Ben ry D. Sander s, of Cil ven· In SIll\k~ J)('are. 'Tak e the p~ cat In onre VALI.EY 'I'EU': 1' 1l0 NE- L'ALJ. )';11. II ~ 1---. , for ooneMp aiion thnt 1 know Qulokl y oured by Dr, Boblon s I cll,.. Vt , wile threate ned with oon - tb,e ad;oI!>Q~'" ItatcB of AdveI t :SIlll,; of," writes E'raDk !:;trODtIB, ~rnlt. Eozelll a Ointme nt. C. - - - - - - - - - -- -- - , non.I"'1! Lu , ·~ I • . P<lr 1100. ... Oc lIumpti on, !\ftor h8vin~ pnenm ouia P. Cald~el1, . Itmd Iowa . For sale by ail dealers of New Orlelln s, La, Ulu ....IiIUlJ Ad • • nUL to exceed II \ ,. .' " Be writf\s: ·'Dr. King's New Oit'states: My I.' I' t . d , O. IJ . CraU t' , .:.of M . • I _ _ 'J hrt-e - --~-- il u"ertio n8 . . . . . dootor advised me to ~ry 'Or . BobI or an enager . 1l'"llIII,. ,-\U\·U,·t iRlt' ~~ oovery ought to be In every flim!ly : K. 1"'1' Ine ll . FE EL MISCR son's ABlE? U !t;Cu u nL. &I\'ou 00 CI Jllfrlil'l.. Eozema Bnlve' 1 Deed 'hree it Is Ojrtu.ln ly ~he best of all m ediPlacing the Blame. boxes ot Ointme and three oak\> s (Ju t ot ~ L'r ~ s. (lfll.Ires!;cd, pll il' ill cines 'flit oo ugbR, o()lds or for Vlsltor- -"How doel! the land lie oot of Dr. Bobllon s nt Derma Zema ~p . FEI3I{u ARY 25, 1914. lun~ trouble . " 600d for chlldro n 'R tll " Iol<Gk-i<;k oLl'ic biTHJr::I rell CW6 thlu way?" NaUve-"I~, aln'L the land Today I have not a spot anywh er e 'longhs . Money btlok • not satls your lJ oai ! n ~d ·trvugt h A g unr . - it'll the land agents. -PhUade.!.\lhia on my body and oan say J am oured. onte~d lied. 1''';oe (;00 and LI vur nncl KiuullY 00. rtlll\OlI At nil Y. Record. ) It will do the same tor you . It-s TH E LENTEN SEA SOt-. we " lib III II Il .I uwn in t he dUIlI" to Oruggl~ts. H . E . Buokle n & (Jo. Mou ey b'~Olt If notsatiH fiod. It oorn soothin g, healing , antlsep tio aotlon I ~W~ lt I he ouminl( of the Bl essed Re pletely e ured Robert MRd~en , of Phi lnd elphi" or tit. Lonis . will rid YOIl uf all IIkin humor s, "Almil- (hty lIud i!;vtJlJastin g liod : Otllllel', II rtf I while webtiv e ~he lim E', WEl~t Burlio~ton, Iowflo. who auf Made It Out a Big Job. --bl[lckh eads, pimple s, Eozem a blosoh · wl10 Imtl'lIt u , ng I hnt l'huo htl!!! lei 1111 Christi alls "wlitoh fer ed from v irulout ~rullble for with Him Judo J ohnson rCl'uired SUIl. lInd <\ 0" 1, for~1 VB t.he s illt! of oue hOllr ." eight Ill onths. After tour dootol'H dow pa,lo In his bouse & broken win· eR. red unslgh tly eorel, I\nd l8a"89 I.Ir.llkll M.Jo~lty of Mankind. toda y and then your 8kln olean IlDd he&lsh y. all thUllIl wh J urn IH! lIl tIlO t, ; (Jl' bute The pll\\oHo~er who dillcove red that gRve him up, he tuo k Eleotrlo Bit- downtow n and toM tlle rellorter a box today. Guaral lteed . All 6et a tind IlltLk'j in u~ [Je w t\nd ('ont.rit.t, sweet aro the UBCS or adversi ty prob- tAr ~1 lind IS now a well mnn. Get a be hlld remodel DrugEXPANSION ed hlB heuse.- AtchI· gist8, iOc.. or by mall. Pfeift'e he'art~. tllli! w" worthil y JUIlo/tlut ln a.bly lik ed caviare and ollvOil the fl.rst bottle touay ; it will do th e same for lion Globe. r (Jhemlo al Co, Philade lphia & St. eur sl nl! u.ud It c klluwlecJ glng on yoo . Keep in tho houee for Rlllive r Dtlyton Is trying to ex pand tbeir time be tried them. Louis. wre~cblldne~M. W Hy uutllill of Thee olty ltmit@ . They fIond kiuney oompla iuts. Perfeot ly are trying to ... -the G od of Ilil Ul'Jroy, perfect romis uTinl{ under Illeir Jurisdi ~de and depeDd able . Its .... rellult~ will - s urprise you . [,00 nnd U 00. H E. elon and fnr~ivl\lll'~R; Thrf\ ug h Jesu ~ ~n l)Urblin t. own~Horroull ction 'htl Colds and Croup in Childre n dtng Dtlyton Recognized Advant ages (JhrlBt our LUlU . AlllIiD . " BllokleD & Co. Philade lphill or St . prop er, .\OJ ~t II Ullletin g tie other Manv people reJy upon (Jhamb or. You Will fin .\ thll' Ch3.mb er\aln's Loui s . In all tilt' Anl-( li oBn oh urohes e'lllnin g City Mautlg er Waite luin's Cough Remt1cJ impliol tly in throu" b out the ollUru world. RncJ Bl'l tluid IU part : '·r Bppreo B'poke. Cough Rsmed y has reoogn ized Bod - - - . _ • . _ _ _ CnF tlR of ool(ls 1~ 'J d yoroop, and it iBte ,his vaDtageH over w08t medioi nes in alro t~e Greek HUU Ruman (J"tbol ic ovpurL unlty to BppeBJ' WI.e Pre caution. n e vor dls&ppo in ts 'hem. Mrs . E beron, Vete rinar y ohorohe tl tllitl pmyer i~ u~6d on this lo ver. The efTeut of mUBIO mosio. lls';.a:Jr ooughs and 0 lids. It does It t8 the part ot wisdom for tlle I H. Thom,, ~ , Logans p ort, III peaoe not SUppre8 Ind . writes; day aDd for every snvloe throul( b tol and the reeult Is " H. eougb but 100aen8 lady to lind out befQro rn.• rrylll,l "I have fonnrl Chnmb erlain's Cough Gradua te of .Ohlo Stale Unlven lt \ a m08t won Lent. drouB npl\ ' t . Muslo would 88. ve Ilnd relieve s it . It aids expeot ora- wheltbe r the ~nUerruw alradJ hp • : Remed v to ue the best mediol ne for ti on Today 18 AMh Wl!dnIl8d~y, or lUIlD)' au unh",pp and opens the seoretio n6, whioh wlf~-Omaha Bee. y home :colds !lnd oroup I have ever ue"d, beginn ing of LAu t. rhe term Lent r,,"olnn ting power. sllve and by Its e nables tbe "yst8m to throw off • _ _ _ _ _....,_ land never tire of reoomm endln/i : it the 008t or oold. It. oounte racts anv tenden oy ~~ the .. !:;Bx~n III.n guage mt3lln~ high living thnt more to my neigh hors Rnd friends I Office at residen ce in F. B. Sher· oostly Amose. ;) f a oold to rebolt In pUf:'umonlll . eprlng, and 0:10 be tr 'Lced to vJry mt3llts or6l1te. Even , Them Waa the Day.. wood's house, Fourth Street. ' have always glvon it my ohlldre n phonog raphs It oontaln s Every UUUl llk811 to ..ay tlUlt v.-t.en he when t:lufTerii5g from tooroup. Dear the tim e of .I.he Apostle s . It I.rl have I1lre .. dy shown no opiulU or ot·ber nar this efl' ot by fIond it ootlo, and may be given to a ohlld WIUI younger he wr.s lIull.8 hand)' with , has never failed to give the In OOUlweUI.JratlUn at our . Lord tl I keeping the family togethe Teleph one 28 'u r dorlng bill !Ditta. Allio waL he was a davU ' pr ompt relief." f~t In the wlluorn el8 (\~,d hl8 OOD. the evuniDg@. Am Jfor lIale by all erloBns do not I\! oontldll Jltly as to an Ildult . For IIlDOha the ~rl!l.-A'tehl8OD Globe. fHot with the dllvll. I he vlotory know how '0 II pprecil1 tlnle by all dea 19'I's. def\lers . te mu~lo. WaynesVille. Ohio "'a8 woo, not for hllll"el f but for Whnt pll roenlag e of people who went ~~~~~~~~~~ all mankin d. t o our reoent symph ony ooncer t at~~~~~ The 8plrl~ of t~e seasou is wade tend I'd this, beoltus e plain In Joel 11 . 12, whloh AAV8: ble or rather beO&URo it Wall e~oya. they kllew It Fred' s Store -We GiTe and Redeem Cedar Stamps "Turn ye even Un to me 8alth the waB the thing to do? We do not Lord, witb all y,lur heart, Rnd with know how to relllx in fas\lng , and with weepin g, and with but ram to the Jerky, thlB oountry DerVOU8 rag' moarnl ng, And with aahes, and rend tlmll moving piotore for amo8em ent. yonr heart but not your garmen~~ Wfl take the oheape st and 111\81611' andftur n unto your Lord, your 600. W"Y ~ relax but If we woold a.t In the ROQlan ohuroh tbl. Idea la the ootllillt 'about the oheaplUllls carried out In fa OS, for those wbo thereof . th'fl f-'t ot Itaohe apnMa par"'k e ot the Holy Comm! lnlon would be '~ravely quelltto Qed. uhlIR are 8prlnkl ed on tbelr heaslI In oomme montlo n of thla event. I t · • • • ill a beautH ul oost<lW, as I~ brlnlJs The Ilplrlt of Dayton Is manel . more forcibl y to mind the o008.slon ous-~thing like It exlets In &11 the and ena11188 the weak mortal to world. J. oomlng among JOu all more oonslst en tly "watoh one hoor a swanjte r, oan Bee it beUer than with lam." you. We want eympho llY oonoer$ l The I168son of Lent la one to which that the poor o"n enjoy; we want every man. wom"n and ohild oan spring I elltlval8 , we wllJlt to go out turn to a[1d be pr Iflted Ulereby . h In the ontaktr ta and orca'""te a m U8t . remlnll ll one of the tempta tions that oal awaken ing and work that sentithe Lord pasped throult h In the wll. ment to the dilbter for g . .' rllults , dern88l l; how the devil came and - - -.... ---,, tempte d him , .) turn atones Into bread, aDd otJered him the king Deafne ss Cannot Be Cured doms of the world bnt to no use. by 10 '11.1 appltoa llpnll, all they "Get thee henoe S&tan; for it 18 reaoh the dlsea1e d porUon oannot ll of the written Thou Bhalt worsbl p the Lord ear. Tllere ill only one thy ~od . and him o~y 8h~" tboo deafnea 8, and that III way 10 cure by oontln\l 81 serve." remedl ee. Deafne llsis caused by an Len' to the devout ohurohm lUl Inflame d oonditl on of thll m\l®u s meantt all that 18 Implied In 'he lining of the Eustac name. That he should abataln hl~ When this tube \s hian Tube Hif from All tempt.a 'ions of the have a rumbll n, soundinfia.lDed you or Imperf e'Jt world, the flesh and the devil. To hearing . and when it entirel y a$tend ~ tbe duties of the hour. ~ clo.ed. Oeafn8f!111 Is the resDlt, and aUend the bouse of God, and abslaln unless the Inll"m ma\lon oan be himsel f from all things hurUa l to taken out aDel thi~ tube relltore d to tbe body. ~ give up hie worldly tl¥ normal oondIU ' ID, hearing will pleaaor ell for a b r l e f E and, In be destroy ed foreve r; nine oa.see out faot, give hlJIIseU 1\y to 'he of ten are ca"aed by C"tarrh , whloh teaobln gll of tbe Lent ~Aaaon . In Is nothing but an inflame d oondlti on thdte latter days It Is very hard tl) of the mucou s surfaoe a. give thll8e m~ttere the right klud of = We wll\ gl~ ODe Hundre d Dol aUenV on, bUt the benE!ftts "re 811 lars for any OMe of Deafne a8 80 great to the soul, "Lay Dot up (oaUIIM by catarrh ) that canllot be for you!IIe lvee trllaRur lt! upon f'artb oured hy liall's 'Catarr h Cure. Bend whet'e moth lind rnst doth oJrrup t for oiroula rs, 'Ioe. aDd where thieves brenk throug h If. J . Chen~ & Co .• Toledo . Ohio. .od s'eal ; but lay up for yoursel veR Sold b.'IIil?ruggIRts. 750 treaeur es in heaven , for where your Take . ' s Family PIli" for oon treaenr e 19 there will YOIll beart be s"p,,"o n . also." Let every 11001 rAfleot tb&t he 1'1 abarer 1& homan misery nnd sin Hu.ban dl LIke Chr"tm •• Glfta. :~_ that at bill best h€l "I~ altoget b: I Hus~d8 are like ~rI8t~&8 altta. el'vanl ty." tlo than"tu and'8 siKht you cant CbOOS~ them, yotlV8' got to are Wt P'lOt Indeed, !toni "therd I" Ul) sit down and "alt until ..:I1o1e pluiln - bls b'ldy ." And let and tbeu appear perfectl the:v~'V8 y de'Whte d US all remem ber that in" sbort, time with what you get.

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----_ ..





Dr. J. A . McCoy,







Wi ll beg itl Fri day , Fe bru ary 27t h, 1 p. m., con tin ue Sa tur day , Fe bru ary 28t h. In the old gro cer y roo m on Mu lbe rry S't ree t.

- ...

frank Gallaher and Karl Brown, Auets.



r. Brown, Clerk.

Te rm s of sal e wi ll be aDneuDced at 'he tim e.




--- - - •


Look for This Sigl ABSOLUTE SAFEJY

A .


Ev.-y Dollar of Public Funds deposit. eel must be secured. We give this sa~e . Security to each Individual Depositor.

THE .FARMERS BANK . Sprin gbor o, O. •

n.~ MfI~, ~d~•.





One New Mon arcb Mal leab le Ran ge, left Res ervo ir, 1 New Mal I~able Ran ge left Res ., 1 New Malle,,;. ble Ran ge righ t Res., 1 Mal leab le Ran ge used for dem onstrat ion righ t Res., 1 New Ran ge Eter nal righ t Res. 1 Ran ge Eter nal used for dem onst ratio n, 2 Kin gWo od Hea ters , 1 Bes to Lea ther Cou ch, 1 sma ll Lea ther Cou ch, 2 San itary stee l Couches, 6 f.ull size Iron Beds, 2 i size Iron Beds, 2 Hal l Rac ks, 2 Um brel la Hol ders , 2 Was hing Mac hine s, 3

clot hes wrin gers , 2 Sew iog Tab les, 1 New Sew ing Mac hine , 6 Cur tain Stre tche rs, 2 Mission Hal l Clocks, 1 roun d oak Din ing Tab le. 1 squ are oak Tab le, 25 Din ing Cha irs 2, 3, 4 of a kind , 1 gold en oak Chi na Closet, 1. Axm inst er Roo m siz~Rugf2 Vel vet Roo m siz~ Rugs, 6 Brussels si7e Rugs, 2 oak 6 oak Bre adCab inet s, 8 Vac weepers, 1 larg e Plat form .6 Cen ter Stan ds, Cur tain s, 2 pair s

of a kind , ling le pair . and odd Cur tain s. Lad ies Coa ti &Sk irtl, MiSSel Cloa ks, Lad iea & Misses Hat s, Men 'sSu ita small sizes, Men 's & Boys' Ove rcoa t., odd Pan ts, odd Coa ti, odd Ves ts, odd piec es of Underw ear. Hun dred . of artic les. Disc onti nue d lines from our groc ery dep artm ent Chi na war e, glas s war e, pict ures , mirr ors, odd pair s shoes. rem nan ts of carp ets, mat ting , linoleum, sma ll rug l of all de"' scri ptio n••


FOL LOW ING USE D ART ICL ES One, Clev elan d Cre am _'"'I... _a ator gua rant eed goo d as new , .1 oak Side boa rd, l .larg e Side boa rd, 1 oak Dining Tab le, 1 sq~are Dining Table, 1 oak woo den Bed. Cof fee

be serv ed free to all.



I log clos o !lIege to the h enrt of the UtI! III III IUIIII 11111 III II I II III IUlIII III III lit II ! you ng heires s ,


Practical Fashions

' OF LADDER I hn~I~~c;~~8cO~I~I~:lItlll~l~r:se~h&~h~I;: BOTTOM ~-------- I

waR "orn e Hcnllrnllll l naturull y harmoMISSES' DRESS, nious betwee n t he m. Des pltl' hor ad, m lra tio n or lilt' lit f'ral'y I\bllitles of B y AUGUSTUS GOODRICH SHER. 1ll' lI o'l\' til r t' s{'t' lll pd nlwa}'1l RO UIU WIN. vagul' bllrrl " r bc t w~r ll t h (' OI . " ~ h e Is " e ry l!rf,tty. " ,\I den 1(0l'tl IH"'I'r rorgo t onl we t " F,v !' r y bod y All">! th:lt" l'Ili ll ""Pllin g wh on IIIJ pa 8HI'd ill Cro nt " And -- I'i ch ,' ; of lb,· Trps hll ill homll. hungry nt I.! el~rt " Whi ch I,. t hp main mngn et. I li B' 1 )'l't t nrturl n g h lll,,;(! lt wilh Lhll a rd ent sUlU e. from whllt I kllllw of th o pres. , lollglll,g to catch II gllmlJso of th e be· pnt s t all' o r your tlIHUIC.>H ." lo ve d race or Elida. " You h it th" nail on th o h pild e x· 1 'I'b n bou s" I,·a,. abl ~e wit h Ii"lh l. 1\ ar. tly ." ackn.,wl e dp;p" Duk o B!! lit' w. " i grAnd rI'I'p pll on wlla on An English hu t th !' r f' will bl' nu lack or cDpl t.n l- ' diplomat u nd Iite rate ur, Olll' :-';ornllUI irlll!; yo ur elld o r tit .. propos ition If Ec c it' H. IVa" to bt' pres" nttld b.,· a 10 ' )'0 U are willing to ~" " 1fI ~ tbe 118 e ot ea l Rodl't)' rll lt'r at Ih,~ TrPH i!IlIU h OlOI' yo ur braln R Utllil I malt" my Irnpres· Shlpldlng hi s fuc l! by d raw ing clown ~ I o n ." his h a t alld lllutning It In his coa t col· " You put it hrutally pll1in ." r ('spon d · lar. Alde n gnze d past th ~ lroo gatt'S. of ('d Roy nord ll n with a lill gll tly bitter the ga rd e n . He saw Elida. whirlIn g I " ' "lrl. " lI owe vpr. I III' ed 'he casl.! a nd l in til " gi dd y walt z!! . saw her with 1:1 I. , 1 accept I he cOOl mIKtll on.·· . Ipw, a nd. IIltn a for lom wal r Ghut out 1 1 ";\1ltIUH nny wa)'s lde straylngs In or paradise. ho s tol e away to his lo w· Ihe cllrpct lon of tb ba rroom. r emem. Iy s tudi o . I h r. " warn ed Bell ew c oar~o ly . Ald e n was lIll lo a waro or th A l:rnnd I Ho y Bordl,n flush e d und me ntally reo c llma:l to all th l' hOPll8 o r Delle w that Re nt d th e InsinUAtion . It was a just transpired withi n tbe fo llowing hour. ehall pn ge, how eve r. h o had to admit A stray re ma r k conce rning th e writ· t h at. \lorden was a man of g onlus . l in gs of ~Ir . Eccle s had le d to Elida I Ho bad dra gged bls abilities Into th e r!!fe rrlng wi th somo appreciatio n to mUd. how flve r . Long since bl8 old tit . hom e talent. (jrary brlllhlncy had bE'c ome dimmed . " We h ave a lso a poet and author I li e was now a m er c p enny·a· lIn e r. within our modest circle. Mr. Eccles." 1 an d tbat with littl e reliable work to she rnma r ke d. do. . : " Inti I'd ." s poke Mr. Eccl es. 1 In Eutern Oh-I-o the nepd for lime Is imperative ; Weatern Ohio .011. fl • ." it IIrcitur naturitl supply, " You see." proceeded Dellew, ''I'vo' " I ha ve a 8C I-np boo k wit h his ~11' ==--== = = == "-got In with tbe Trosharn s et. They gilive pieces In th e Ilbmry," u plalne d a r e social le ad ers aud reall y of a high ' Elldn nnd th e y s troll ed thithe r up 80rt. Among them IA Ml'S. TresM r , Eccle s gave a gr eat start of sur· ham a nd h e r daught e r. Elida. The pri se a ,. h e look ed ove r the doz e n or For dau cBs. r ece ptions and otber girl Is h eiress to a n Ind e pendent for- morl' poe ms and articles which E lida tormal occasions thl a frock Is Ideal. It hilS nn under blou se wllb body and tUlle. She Is s mart , brlghl and cui . ha~ proudl y pl'ese r v d . turc d. Art. scic nctl, lite rature-thos e I Sb l! ootl'd bl s e motion and r egarded sleeves 10 ono and an outer drapery arc h e r fads . TbNe ia a sl ruggll n g ' him questio llingly . but h o was too over It. Tub s or the skirt mllte ria! yo un g artis t nam ed Alde n Hope who courteous to ex plain th en and there. are us('d to trim th e waist. The two pl eco s kirt Is sca nt and h as a t unic has Inte rested he r . Th a! was my cu e . . He smll d a~ be sai d : Conclusion Reached After Cllnsiderin g Method of Soil form- I'm going to pose as author a nd po et. " ;\1\ 8:; TTl's hnw. may I have the ov e r It, pointed bac k and fr onL Th is .ee? You a re to fUrtlls h the good!!, I plr::lsurp of 9c nd lng you m y own little and Ibe overblous n mny be of cblr· ation and the Character of Vegetation Found There foo or otber s hee r materi a l with mes· the mOllPY. Here Is a first insta l- vo lu me or d" sultory wrll ln ga?" -How to Make Tests for Land Sourness ment. " " Oh. s ur r ;y :.' s h A r e plied , a nd the salln o for tb e fOllndlltl oll . Votle and Roy Do rd en we nt to his poo r room book arriv ed by m Cl;songe r ne ltt morn· orgllodle run y a lso be used. Th e dress pntt e rn (1)547) Is c ut In wit b a s nee r u pon h is lips. [t was on e I lug . Innsm uc h liB the li se "f lime will I How To Te s t for Acid. or conte mpt for hi msel f. O nce h e At 11 o'c lock Duke Bell ew called to sizes 14. 16, 18 and 20 yonrs. Medillm b e general Olll y on a.c id 601 1s . it Is 1m· : Wh e n th ~ a blll'!' conditi o ns conce rn- hlld kn o wn tbe t hrill or ho nora blo am - ; InClulre aCte r th e lady of bl s cho ice. s ize requIres I yard of 36 Inch chltroll porla nt to know whpn and wher .. suc h l ing sorr!!1 and (' Inl' " r are t rue a ll ac. bilion . \lo w h e had re trog rad e d . I H e was [l nt a dmlttod. rnstead. the {or th e ove rb lo tlse aod G% ya rds of 36 Inch m essallne ror t he bulance of con di tions exis t. Th ere a r .. s ome c ural e IPH s hould be conducted to ~t ronl': drink and Indol en ce bad land. s f'rva n t ba nti"d him th e Eccl es vol· th e d rese. t blngs that give a probable a nswer; I' 8e l tl (> tlE'llllite ly th e qu es ll on as to tlte I I'd him s h ee r at th e bottom of t h e um e . :m d looking it over h e r ea li zed To procure t hl ~ pnn"rn M nd 10 ""nlD oOthe r s ~hat give an e xac t an s we r to n ee d or lime. This ca n be done In tWO ' lad d er . A mom enl.ary Impulse swayed thnt his Imposl ure was euded. to "Pattern Dcpll r tl1lont:' n f th's paper. . .H . () " '. lSb ~' m e~ns 0 f th e J'It mus him to do tb e \\or . k'JUS l a SS·· ny sum o strange cO Itl!'ld nce the ' ''rl l \) name and uddrcss plulnl y. a rid bo tthls question . In lookin g over the m ap I IVa) 19no d I' lim . ' pap!' r whi ch is s o mad e tha t It wilt suve th e mon ey re ceiv ed. giv e up the rool or Roy Ilord"n h nd copl d uls lit· to gh'o 81;::0 nod nu tnbcc ot l,mtturD. <If Oblo and la king In to co u nlderaLioll I turn ~ r" della h tin t \\' I~ c n it comes tn I llrinl[ and s t a r t afresh in llo m e tlew , crary s l'lec tiulIR Crolll a vol u lUe COlD ' 'the m"thod of forlllati on of lhe s oil cO 'llact with nny aci d . It so me or th o co mmunity . WIthin tw en t y.rour hours. parath- ely unknown In An::P.rlcll. Word SIZE . ....••• _ __ • __ NO. 6547. 'One can 1I0t fa ll to be imprp~s ed with 8 u rfn c~ so il Is sc rap e/\ away nnrl lit. ' ho wl' v e r. tbe old te mplutlon ov.,rcame I f~r word th ey talll C,d to th e origina l NAMR ._. _. ... ... _ ••• __ .. _..._ _ •• __ tbo possi bility thal lIwr E' ma y be de· mu s pUll e r'd pre'ije d against th e him. Bord e n beg an one of hIS lon g ,\ork o r th e VI RltllI h for eigne r . :fIcl ency ct lim e In l hf' gre al er par t of mo is t eart h. It s hould l urn red ill Ihe ' bou ts or diSSipat ion an d ll ired c heaply Belie w vnnls ll ed loto o bsc urity . TOW\,; .... ... _........ __ . ... .. _. ___ • _ _ Th r e wf1ro some (1 m barrassed lights ihe Rta to east of a li ne draw n from course o f te n nr Iwp n lY mintHt·s if acid I of s ocl(' ty at th di s 'ov(' ry of th e 1m· STREET AND NO. . _ _ _ ..... _ _ _ Harth to so uth a nd runn ing t hrough cOlldil ioll S ex ist ill Ihe soi l. Th e tes t I post ure. Th en the tho ug hts of E lida Sandusk y and Col u mbus . wi t h lilmu s pa per Is a rair and trt.le STATE . .. __ ... _ •• _ _ _ _ _ • __ ._.. _ _ I we nt b ack to Aldpll . Why had h e not . o n e, bllt fnr the a yera~e person th ere ca ll ed ot' la te ? Sh" fIl ade SO Ul p inClui r · , .---~:::::::::::::::::--_ _~ Vegetation G,v ell Proof. is a bN le r te :' l T "8 tillg Wllh lltmllil Ips . It was to ICllrn t h a t h e wa s iyln ~ The veg etation growing In thi s pari pap e r Is ap t 10 bo mo r e or less co n11\ with t\ f('v(' r . CHILD ' S DRESS. or th e stale serves to Slrf>ngllt en tlt is l fusi ng IInl ess one has sOlli e knowl edge E li da and h er mother visited tb .. c onclusi on . A t rIp in th e eal' ly part of I of ch emistry . hom o of th e young a r UHl. Hi s mar· t he s ummer r e vl'a ls nn ~very side I Th e le~ l wb ich Is heller than lit mils rle d sis te r g rce t pd th e m. Alde n was large patc h es or so rre l in ~o m e 10ca ti. 1 ~."p e r I>; l he a c tll a l lrY lng or Illl le" i d ellrloll s and cou ld see no one. ; . Ih ls ca ll h e co ndllcted on a fe w s l/ua r e " And wbal jo yful Il PWS a waits bim'" I ties t h is he lng so well dl st r lhut ed that rods In s om e part or the tl e ld. or. be t. s pn ke the sister . " A lette r carne to- ' the 11 us tures vie wed from Ii dista nce le r s tili . 11 ij lrlp ('an b e run the wllole I I da y h~ l1ln g tbat his pict ure of ·Sy m · ; take c n It reddi sh hu e. Th e g rowth of len gt h or th e fl l' ld . If on those stri ps I pathy" ha s won the Acade my prize." I .orre l Is not a s ure Ind lon l but whl're 11m !' h as bl'l'11 appli ed t he , Th ey allowed blm t h o letter twO ! acId conditions exist. but Ite contJnued I grqwt h of clo ver Is more vigoro us . t be ' d ays Inte r wh e n bl s feve r had s ub appearance yea r uft er yrar Is a stro n g valu e of lilli e Is shown . On those sld ecl , H e was fumous n ow. but It I one . Added to thi s. the rnc i Ihat over ra rm a, how l' ''er, whpre th e use of rer· was as not hing to him wb en Elida ' a large part of the nrea wh e r e sor re l l tlli1.p.r Is unl\ll o wll, a He co nd s trip came Into the room with glowing ey er: grow s ' a satlsractory c rop o r c lover is s hould b e trea tl! d wi th R. fertill zl' r co n· to COnb'Tatulate blm , secured w ith I n creasln~ dlllkully tni nlng a h ig h percent at phosphor iC II I nm so glad ~" s h e said. h er beau· m akes the indication douhl y strong. aci d lind some . tr t his st r ip tlful eyes close to his own"- ob. AI · Th e c lo ve r may catc b, bu t wil e n t h e brings a g really In crl'ase d y ie ld or d e n. get we ll for my sake! " s mnll g rain c rop Is re moved it b egin s ! c love r Il illlll" a l es F\ lac k of plallt foor! And h er apprecIa tion of his sterlin g to (ti e out. becomin g th lnne l·. until al l ralher than limf'. On many Ohio fanl1H worth ond sure alfectlon showe d In t be unte of, cu tti ng there fire larg e ' th e ~ lol'Pr c ro p is failin g as mu c h be· b er b l us hing fac e . and Ald en Hope patches contain ing ve ry little ('lov e r. eaU Re of lac l, at plant food as beraus\! knew that be was loved. most of the g rowrb b e ing timoth y and of 80 11 acillil y. M. A. BA C HTI':LI.., I (Copyrl!; ht. 191 •. by W . G . Chap man.) weeds, and, a large part of the we eds, Co ll ege of AgrI c ulture, Ohio State I Barrel. U nll' erslly .







-- ---'--'--"=======













, I I





Since It has been rOllnd Ihat the food of the skunk Is largely made up or In· sects. this a n im a l Is declare d at great. ecooomic importanc e by tho United States Department of Agrlcullnrp. Many or the species of insec ts which t.he s kunk dev ours a re t hos e t hat 'n re destructive to gard e n and forHge c rops. Fie ld obse rvation and la bo ratory ex· nml n a tion de mon slrn te I hal t hey d e· stray Immen se numh ers or while ~bs , gras sh oppe rR. c ri c k e ts. c ut· 'Worm s, bornets, wasps. and other nox· IOU8 forms. It Is a matter of common obsllrva.· tlon. where wblte grubs a re partlcu· larly sbundanl In co rn field s, to note little round hol es burrow ed in the ,rollnd nbO IH bills of c orn . Theso :lre made by skullks in their search during t be night for thes e grubs . During the r ecent outbreak In Kan sas It bas been d ete rmined Ulat In many cases a large tlropo r lio n or th e rood of skunks con· si!ll(,(j of t bese grasshoppers. SOIl"-' of the mo s t deslru ct.!ve in sects In ;t!!,l., ulture are su ch ·a s do their wo r k below ground nnd out of r eac h or a ny me thod that tbe farmer ca n a pply. a nd It ie against mlln y o r th ese that the sl<un lt Is an inv etera le e nemy . N otwlt hstall rllng nil or t bls. there Is tlr oiln bly no anima l th at Is so ru t hl ess. ly sln u;:hl ered as Is th is one, whereRs it Is f)Qulllly e ntitled to protection with , If not more so , tllan so m e at our blrdtl wh ich enjoy th is prh' llege , It Is €s U:n;tt e d tha t Lhp presen t num· ber of tarms In th e l ' nlted Sla les is approximate ly 6.6 00,000 ,

Anyway the alarm cloc k do es n't hal'e to run a bai t hoUl' to wak e the milkIng machi ne. Sheep need a good supply or clean water and Bait should · b e a lways with· m Uielr reacb . · . Jo{uh ,I • . beet. ceil t& ~ will ~ '!11ll~le.



How He Had Retrogritded.

a n unscrupulous scribble to do the work h e bad e ngaged to do. Duke Bellew. scbeme r and adventur· .:Jr, proceed ed on his campaIgn . He Perhaps t he mos t de m ora l iz· was a polished man in appearance . a Ing Ilge nry on rural school prop· tasteful dresser and had the attrae· erty Is th e Irnproperly-ea r ed-for live s mattering of the knowle dge or ollt·buildlng. It will pay any a shrewd man of the world. He made communit y to direct Its atlen· large claims ~ valuable western In. lion to the cleanlng·u p a nd plac· vestments an I alluded orten to hIs In g in proper condition at all lite rary Income o f th ese buildings so that those Naturally D lew made an Impresfrom se lf· res pectl ng tamlllc~ slon. particularly on ElIda's mother. may not hav e th eir s~nse8 of Ho wns a specIous rogue and within co m man dec ency an4 propriety II wee k h nd ca;Jtll'ated qutte a coterie o ffended . The coalhou/le or of fashionable :rlends. He met lAlden woodhollSP , whi c h furnish es 0 Hope at soci tfl functions and was place for I h e blll·poster to pra c· friendly towa~IS bim In a politic way. ti ce h is llrl. should be so rnr 1. 'he la ll!'r, bo ever. saw the trend ot bac k fr om Ihe road thllt b e c an affairs. He as poor, all hIs artistic not reach It without m a king an ~ lTo rtB were n their IncipIency. He extra effort. BIII·postlng of lad palnled picture or whtch Elida el'l'Ty kind on school property was a. mode. It was called "Symoug ht to be prohibited . Thi s patby." and as indeed a tribute to building Is driven to but a fe w , ·. he warm h pfu) encouragement ot tim es n year by lhoBe wbo haul r~lIda bl' rself. He had great hopetl of ru el and th e so·called con ve nl· t he pict ure s curing recogliltlon at III. ence tha t co mes from Its bein g ~ n mlll g [lubli arl exhibition. n ea r the roa d Is more than off "J rat her like Mr. Bellew." Mrs. se t by its d etraction from th p rr ('~ h am rt! , arked to her daughter gellf'ral a p pea rance ot the front J ll e ()Vf' lIlng. of tb e house and yard . In t his "11" I~ va gentlemanly and day lh e main pntho from the ; Idp ratl' ," Ra l Elida but she evinced r oad 10 the tront entran ce, to DO arctor In t e reply'. ' the well curb and the o ut· bUild· l~ ' o r a ll I Ita she was tully Interested In g should be mad e of such m n· :Ind quit" pr ud when in one of the teri,,1 that t h ey will al ways be lo ca l PH \I NS n article appeared bearIn cro per condition to b e used Ing tiH' s i.:n ture of Duke BeUew_ as wa lks. A. B. GR A H l\M. It WIl S a fI1a~ t!erly effort, covering the Coll ege of Agriculture. Olt 10 tTl of wa r In Europe. In another pa· State University. pf' r two days l.ter there was ·publillb· d all exqui sl e little poem by the = ==:.":-=====-==-=--===--=:::--: ~ "wm e au t hor. Si}lnnch has great aspe ri e Dt Qual!· EI'rrybody \ \as enchanted except AI· ties and Is hetter than m edic ine for :len Hope. Tl1I,e Increased adulatIon constipation. 'f IIc ll .; ", made! hIm feel humble and Ii seo urage d. H13 lIad loved Eltda from ------be saw ber. Now be Successful dairying Is like rirling II Ihe nrst mo w':' thaL atwheel, if YOU don't keep movillg yuu tnore-td. ~e will fall off. SCHOOL REFLECTS COMMUNITY.

Rigid AntiseptiC Provision. Are Likely t o Be Instituted In the City on the Seine.




Remernbell tbat it Is teed and Cllte. ill a hQPper, where more than breedt ~t make the wlp' 1tIIr 8IP,

I The Paris board of health Is about i to tuko up the problem of compell1ng

This natty track bas a plaIte d skirt Join ed to an underwalst and thul th e one skIrt may be used with several coats and .v lce versa. The coat Is plain. with a wide collar and sleeves that are slightly full at shoulder and wrist and that may be filII length or shorter. The girdle can be of the press material or of leather. Plaid skirts are orten used with plain coats and serge. chsvlot. linen and velveteen are favortte materials. The pattern (6505) Is cut In slzel 4. 6 and 8 yeai'll. Medium size requirea 3% yards of 36 Incb material

' barbel'ls to use sanitary methods. It bave hefore it lhe recommenda· I tlons ruade by Doctor Fouquet. to the Societe de Prophylaxle. Doctor Fou· I quet recomme nds that lumps of alum be abolishe d and that ealolned alum In· powd er and applied wltb cotton batflng bEl substituted as a styptic; tbat powder pulrs be abollsbed and tace powder he applied wllh wads of cotton To procure this po Item IJand 10 een.. to "Pattern Department... "t tht .. paper. which Ishall be thrown away after once Wrtte name and llde!re.. plainly,! be using. sure to ..lve 81zo a.nd nU'f'ber ot patlern. He would have all cutllng inetruments--tlclssors, razors, etc.-washed 8IZB. _ _ _ __ In a one per cent. solution of carbon· NO. 6!105. ate of soda, wiped with dry linen and NAIIK ._ ••• ___._•••• ___ ...,.._. _ _ passed through a flame betore being TOWN __ ._. ______ •• _______ . _ used. .All hrushes, combs and shaving brushes should be kept In an airtight 8TRItKT AND NO' -. ____ _. _. __ _ _ closet containing a reservoir or a 40 BTATK ••• - _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ per cent. solution ot formal. sl10uld be dipped Into boiling water before using and washed every evenIng In ammonia soap. Frighten FI.h Into Net, Doctor Fouquet wOllld forbid barbers A novel way of fishing among to strop razors on lhe' palm of their Chinamen Is with a net and clapper. hands. Ho would also insist upon Indlvldu8,1 utensils of all sorts for each The net Is stretched on a light bamcustomer who has any contagious die· boo frame In the shape of a truncated pyramid. The fisherman either BItB ease. In a boat or wades In the ,hallows, striking the water with the wooden Intereoted. clapper. which frlghtons the fish Into Patlenc~Thi s paper says a ma· the pet. chine has been perfected that brushes bugs from potato vines as It · Ie driven Little to Lose, over a field, and crnshes them to "They tell me." said Mr. Bobbette, death between steel plates . "that the automobile IB absolutely d~ PatrIce-Why couldn't such n mao structlve of humlllty." chine be tried to destroy the microbes "Wa·al. that ain't much of an obJecwhich IBre said to he In kisses?" tion," said the rural ~ge. "They ain't 80 much humility left 10 the land Perhapa He Dletatn. th,ae days that the losj; ot It'U come to BUI--So the boss 11kes baseball, does m~."-Jud,e .

I will


COb- I


.J1ll-You bet be does ,

, "Does ,he let It Interfere with Ida bu.lDeu at all?"


That . How He Knew. ~-:n.!ere are 80 lI1&nY thtnss, ~a~ Illo~"~""; ~ unsaid." ohae"ed taa.

no. He take. ·h1a blOll4e t,ni. proreaor. ' ,writer to lbe ',&me 1ioltli , 1liJi-'" .~ .• . - . :'''':'f" Iiti\ io tn , "Oh


, .

of Uaem ......

THIS WOMAN'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia F. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, Md.. - .. I am more th a n glad to tell whut Lydia E. P inkham's Veg e ta b 10 Compound did for m e. I ~ uff e red dreadful pa in s and was v~ry irregular. I became alarm ed a nd sent for Lydia E. Pinkham'. V e get a b I 0 Com· pound. 1 took It r eg· ula rly until 1 was wiiliout a cramp or pain and fe lt like ...-O..::.;:=r.....&.;..-:;:;..J...J anothe r person, and It hIlS now been six months since I took any medicine at all. I hope my little note will aasist you In he lping other women. J now fe el perfectly well and in the best of h ealth. " - Mrs. AUGUST W, KONDNEIt. 1632 Hollins Stl'ee\, Baltimore, Md.


Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and h erba, e<>ntalllll no narcotic or harmful drugs. and to-day holds the record of being the most 8uccesllful remedy for female Ills we know at. and thou8ll.nds of voluntary t.eatimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at LYTJn, Mass., seem to provo this fact. For thirty years it has b een the standard remedy for femal e ills, and haa r~ stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubl~d with lIuch ailm ents as displacem ents. Infl ammation, ulceration, tum ol'S, irregularities, etc. If you want s pe c ial n(lvlce write to I~ydla l~ . Pluk hllJn Med.

Icine Co., ( c llnfide ntial) Lynn, Mass. Your letter ''I'ill be oJ.elle d. rend nnd nDSWf'J'Cl d hv 1\ woma.n BOd held In strict corittdence. -

Not Interes ted . "Are ~'ou In tor e Sl l'd In the I-Ifltcn H!'t hy at'flll r ?" " No, In de ed . I pr rpr th e tango."

Dr. Pi~rct"B PleDAA nt .Pellets reglllaL~ Ilnd in" ij(ornte . to/llllc h. liver lind bowel•. RUlfl\r·routed, tillY grn Llulc.. Eas)' to !.uka U CIIDdy. Alii' . A OIGcrlml n ntl on. "DO p9 you r h u ~ ba ll d p la y cards for mon ey'! " " I dnn' t lhlnl; so. " re plie d yOllll !; lIIrs . T o rkln s . "n ut th o se who Illa y with him do." Or Baby·lon la n. Th e hAby In t h e little nroadwlIY (n o(' EI'n ll ston a ve nue) hom e was s lo\\' allo llt IC!lrnl llg to talk and ht g all llt W!l~ deplor i" g th a t fact. Four· ) 'on ..·old ~:lIr,u bE' l h li ste ned a nxiousl y. "Oh. mothe r. " s he v l'lltured at I ~ n l: th , "do you th ink b c 'lI grow UD Eng ll s ll ? We co uldll 't uny of liS un· d ers tand him Ir h e tUrlwd ou t to be Fr(> llch ~ .. Women In the W orld . Accordi n g to sta tistics marri ed sc hool teache rs do b elt p. r work th an thOSB who are ullm·nr rl ed . SlI \·a nnah . (1n.. h us more wo men molorcyclls t s th an any otber city of her s ize 111 the llu lt ed Stutes. Mi ss .\Inr)' T . Wilson will j,robably be appoint e d as h{,(Hl of the woman prison bon rd In Indi ann . ' 1\1 rs . Slisan .Ion es of Be nso n , N. C .. has Ju s t ce leb rat e d h er elg b ty-flfth bi r thrl ay by ' cnUl n g a n ew set ot teeth Glaegow, Scotland. Ie to hllve f emale police If th e women's association the re can h nve tbelr way about IL Harriet ebery, a woman lawyer, hil S been engage d by J . S. Kinney. ~ mltllonalre of Menominee. Mich., to de fend blm In a $50,000 breach of promi se s uit aga inst him. Mrs. Frederick W. Lehmann. wife of the form e r solicitor general under President Taft.. Is tbe lateHt addition to the "matron class" at WashingtoD universIty .

Appetite Finds Ready Satisfaction In a bowl of

Post Toasties and Cream. Thin, crisp bits 01 In-




so tha, they have a delicious 8avour-


Wholesome Nourishing Easy to Serve - :Iold ,by ~ ,every~ . .:' " ~ ...',.... .. where.,









. ~~~ha... " ....: ;, ......c•. .~j;~>:



... .

W IIi" " th,· olC:1 I1'(' " :-: UtJ llf cil!! l 01' lhlJ .\le rr llulIl a llu .\lIII .· ,. ~ lI ' li' ran lI,t o lilt ' .\ itlll "" · I.lf 'Ill' Ulu 11(Jllli,do ll li m ' In II <.1"11 8" f og 0 11' til l' \ ' I"jd ulll con Hl ubou t two Hco r e pe rAo ns IO Rt tlH' lr li n ·o. Olfr illlf" l rat l" 1l sl,,,,, :; t l,,· ~1() 1lf'('" li ll ()\· .. . th ,· :-<Rlltlld l"l II vlo \\' . 8 1101. Inse t . I""rclln alld Klf l'h" . ch l.. r wlre l","" Ol' .. rat or " r thl' .\ 1< if II'",·. \\1 .. , ~a ' l' hb 1 1i ~ h(l l t 10 n \\ o m an pn Rs .-tl g t>r IIl1d Wllnt

to U t I' ho tt o m w ltll th (' \' f:O l'4~e J.


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ti lt ' ! 11I11 , I JI ' r (01 I. ,;,,!'-!J-;- too l.. n d \J u ;1,.: +' II lllt ' :r I ' \ ~ ! 1' :t JI( ' !d:-;. ' !'Igllt ... h l d l r gb l f'- r e d . i\ tl1(1 " rd l:, \\1 ' 1'1- .\ 11'. l'Il' ; .\ lrs J) E . H , A bott . 1I;" l 'l' n · J)( ·(·ll\ p ly ~ 1 ' \ I · Il ' .\ ::H'V!:' U Hnd Meveut y. \ ,·l , lnjl ! , II t h .. i r ,'old"11 \\ !'lid illg alJlI >," r~ a r.\' T h pL a:p I H ~ r l' H ' I ' ll l i · kl l1 ~ th. · u :tflJ '\1. 1.

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'1'1,,' ril l ,' or(~lI ill"r111 0 lI i ll ltl): h u .. ~ t. "n~ ~ ld l' nt ur I'"ru . c alli " lu "" " '"\ ,I,,· (,lhpJ' liar wh.. 11 he " H~ s~ lz p d IlI .d :1 , ra lt l;l'llll'nt s for h lH lInll iH htll £' nt mart t' . Th e c o n g n 'S8 ih e rou lw n ll PI'" lllt pd a ul)unl o r gO\'(' rtl u rs. Our i IIIl Klru tio ,' ~ h O W 8 th e na tloDlI 1 pa lncl' In LIm n a nd H lll i ngh u r ~ t.


U II , l ' ~!,- t.1 111 " ~ L I : a tJ. lI · r SU Jl LLH h l' t. " l lIl'll l'o ll i ue t! \\I\b afld ~H l d,. I tiL' U l d I ICJ 11l1t} \lJ ll It ll f ' r ) lonro c. MOHR ' lWQ "." ,.. . 11l' " '>I''' IJ,·I "g ICIB\. a n ' (' llal'l(1'l1 "Ith j\ roMM n (~ J,; lij(" I "" " bl' I h ,: "al'l a tn o r tll.- M llnro" T hr .. e of t Ue u!f\ CCI'S are I,I' I'!: ~ I .' u wt l . I" i ll b . f r"lll Ipft \( , ,·ig ht . Chl"r l~nglll p.e r .\ t . W""d ,,,,,·u. ,'u jJt () ~ It ' Y II t1t'r r) and 1 " lr ~ t Uf!I" l' r J . \\' . WlSdnlan .


I !

Judge flen R Lmds ey of t he Denv e r juvenile court has made his young brldo hi s' "lIs s lstallt Judge ." and th ey are here 8elm sitting tog<'t her on tho bench. bearing the CallCS of d elinqu ent cblldren . Mra. Lindsey loyell cblldren IJnd takes great InlerE-a t In the worlt.


Tho Reaaon , Her Firat Picture . " Old Mr. Cbubbln s SaiS he Is glad Mr. " ayback -Wbat you got the to see the Jlexlcan town of Victoria hired man plowLn' up the rront yard mention ed frequen tly in recent n ews- tor ? 'pape r dI8PD~h e8." Mrs. Wayba ck-Our aarter says the "Has ~e loterflst8. there?" . . ftrat pictur' , IIb~ takes with. ber Dew . ':No~ ·bu.t. be says It's tbe first Me~l. ~mera wlll J,le t~e, .hause, aad ,tbe . , can town he ,v~,)ear!l of:- with a lj~k .ot l!lstruct lo!l8 says sbe mUllt name ,that be w_as lIute · be know b!>w break uP . the , toregf!> ynd. but.. Df · . ~O JII'ODOIl}lCI ClOn'ectly.'" _. ' p~urllellbl ~an.'t dvt.but hene\.t,







.... -.-., .. "

. "



_ . ,.. ~

Charles n. Giles ( In a marv e lous IHght mile upside down and gllde ,1 t o the ground.

iJy I!'l! n<; rovlan c which he lt SI' U r" c (' lItI ~ II '1' 1)(' Itiar ch i o ll cS8 of Durferio . wh O' Jl e ascend ed (J.OOO feet . fl e w a hair . tJl, ru r ~ h"r nmrrlag e was Miss Flora. '. It II. g,lso lllI" gh' illg uu t. ri ghted bi s mac hin E' unu D a \'l s (i f Ne w York. bas at las t r eal.· izeu h (l~ artistic desires and Is aboufl. to mak(' he r debut In opera at tb.. Frank Edward Johnson , the explor· Approp riated tho I Next day Mr8. Spriggs asked Mr. ('ovenl Ga rden th eater, London . Sbe er for tb e !'latlona ] Geogra phic lociMr. Tlmkln a gave IlIIrt) and n Tlmklnl l wh ether ue bnd noti ced the h ilS a soprano voice of rare Quality ety, and the man who dfllcove red. Christm as play tor De· new gOwn worn at tbe party by Miss and dramati c power. Her marrlac e to ,race of ('ave men in a .hltbert o sup- fore the_ curtain th e marqwl I of Du1rerlo took place lD E livlra SpriggS , -a ge d eight. posed uninhab ited portion of Souther n .peech .. "To tell the truth," said Mr. 'Tlw- 1893_ TUDisla , baa jUlt arriVed . In Wasbln g"1.alllel l ~nd .ellU'~~i en - and gr own- kins, "I was so much preoccu pied with • ~. ~ ~ ~ ~. • ~ ~ -- ~ ~ ton to make biB report after' au abo UP folka," he tsk e partleu- the scintilla ting spectac le that J dldn't The Ono O';.ly. lIenllfl of D~rly two year,. Tblll .ra.c.e. l!U' , ul.allel.l lrs l'&:O'o,':,:lIll1g this mill'- notice anythin g, oven Elvira's dresl:" Ne]]-H.~ Bare he has never ' had - . :~r, ~.ohIi~n· saye, Uf O lli .:c."e. baWD .fll!?UI; .cl~ti\U~Ltbl. rl stmns Elvira epeelooked .up acculln gly. . rival In .love. -In flIe .oltd rocll. 0' .u•• r) oaf JJ10UJI; ;*'cI8 ~t.)re ' bandsom e "Why, Uncle Joho," ahe said, "YOU BeUe- l 'lIuPpol e 1I0t. .Ile' hQ 'lilt . ' talnl. · ,:. . , , " . 'V au41emc e. said yoU iUd. In your .l peeWl." ~ ..... ~ . ~ - .....,;.~ .:...--. -~. ,,&JII been In love ·wI'Ufbl mMlt. .. '


,I I " ,," .tI :: I);

'" " I'"I'.'U <.I I'l a ins


- -"""'"




Lo"y Fa res ~WEST


tI- -":' ___ ':"~ __ :'~-- IIPersonal Mention: ! W ('





are N B. HiL'h di lCLi at his Iwm!' Il l'a r to Mm. H.. Harvey shllrg Tuesd ay Ill o rn ing at 6 ~ - --- -------. I C r lJs,'\ for .Iflmple s of gra pe fruit, '1','11 helow 7. " ' 0, 1l~1t! o · clo('k. Th e f un pml will tJ\ kl' pl 'H'c umng-C:'~ , I () m o n ~ and othe r fruits. of , w hll:h ~h e receiv ed Il goodl y ·s lIpply at the ( :l lfIpI' 1 t li p sanw hOllr a s Mrs, (' h ll r!t' I' 1 ~ "I ' .j ~I ill '11 tl;('~ lIlt',,)(,Qt I from · her RiHt.f'r's orange Hogan. M ,'. Hic: h W IIS an \ln ck' of grove in . t I'lIRad " ro"I1l ~. ' n ll, C·,a I '1'11£' f 't ' MrH . H o~~an . .'\1\ ~ :1 / ( "1 al\<1 pl'l. (,l'~ a ' rUI IS pat. ex· ', \' h it ,,'s St\ll' '. cellenr e.

M i,;:-; I :I i~.' l h e l h () hel' di l'· 1 at

h"rn, '

II[ I ':nl)~ TlJc~da\'

1 ~ lIgl'rs II L'ar



H. II· n

n tl'r· yill.·, a f tl'rn(l"11. 'I'll " 1'1111,'L ti II III I", IIl'ld al IiI,' ~ .'rry l'l la rch Friday Ilwrllin g 'l'lI e' ,11,,'C'Il:ll'd wa,.: also an aU1l1 ., f :\11' . 1':11111' 1' I:ltg"l' rs (\

'1" ) Mr . and


i\lrs . Frank




\ nti !' '\\~ . 11 :t ~' ton , Ja llll:ll' Y :.!;; , ,, ~ "n, I "I'PIt 11;llui l "11.

Anot her chan ce to win a 42-p iece dinn er set

Th e setH)!) I will r t:' ''p'!Il Monda y , ~I a rch, 2, , unle~ fur ther .deve loP· 1 m e ntf< In t he ~t arlet fevl'r s ituatio n . Pu pil s frum famili es wh e r(~ the di ~{'a" r hilS bef' n will be allowed t o r(' t Ilrn lIJlll n th e o rd e r of the Health (l l1il"' I' n llil'. . Ily Ilr",' ~ of t ill ' Hoard ,) f Educ at iun , J . O. Cartwr i g ht, C le riC

:\1 r ', . ,\rll1\' ElllI on' and g r :lI l1b.m .. r (.' Illl'inllllti, s ]li'nl thf' w erk -cn d. "it I: h.·,· "',,, \1 ,,1' VI 1'>- . KI'z iah Thlllllp ,


HOW LON e WIL L IT BUR N? T hl' persu n wh o cSl im:lI t " 11,',,1\',1 wi lt k ~iv" " Ih,' .~ - piccc Ilinner Sci a lld Itl,OOO n oos h~ r (11111'1 1115; lIH.: ~" ~otld 11 t,.·;lTl· .... t I l lll' , H,UOO B IJo:-- t(' r LU II & l " I1 ~: ( It Ihl' third li,OO Il H,,,,, I,'r '''''I'''' IS; I" III\' (" " rlh , ~,O()() BUlls(e ,. CO\l ' IH

Ih("liftl1 , :..! ,UOlIl·I' IIl ".II . . . . 111d I II , 111\' " Ill' II 1. 1 ki lt},! ; 111 t ·o.;l i1l1 U Il', 1:11 f l ll lli 11 ,~ 111 , H,l l III }.: I \ \ ' :I I , t ' '" "" ' 1\" \.·IIIII~ 'I1 "" (rN'. H,'n ~ h.· l h, g f'l a ll \,u tll fnl.' lI d~ til III,th' ~ .IIIIII ' "II ' [ HI all l ':-. liul ; lIl' and ~~ CI tllt' ir lifl \' fH.' l' l'UlI PU I·, .;;. .\1 1 est l1 11. 11l· .. 11111'-1 !.t' )lU ! ill :1 ~'HIl'd l' Il\'(' I ~ I Jl~ lItHl h nl1~ ll"'ll ill i ) \' tile 1 }{' r ~l ln l':-.11111ol li l1 ;.! hd\ 'fl t Ill' 1.111111 is li g lltct.l. which " il ll~ ' ,11 II lU 1, 1 HI ,' 11 S-.l u l, la\, \ 1 ,n: il l -t (1Ilt· .h ' lt SUl·l'l·l·di ll ).( Wl·ck d.v it \\\11 Ill' lighll'l l ,II I I :(1(1 .1 11\ :, ;ull ' :d ill ;':' ll i ... ltn l ,It 11 : 31) pill . hili if Ihen' ""1 It · lIl. lill .... lid III 1IIl' 1:11111' 11 11 ~t1\1rt l •.\· . M.II, ·II ~1 , I t \\ill I.t , li ~ ltl('d 011 H: UO : 1 111 . tll d 111. ,\\\," [. , b UIll 1IIIlil it )~U (' ... 1111 1 \\ 11 II . lll ' 1 11, ' I IIL.tI 111l1n llt'f ,, 1 1111 11 1--.. 111111111 \..' ... . 1I 1d "'t ' l· lI l. d ~, 11 •• 11 it "il l h . I ' II ) '1'1 \1' l i;:ltl i ... u ti I ,, 11t'1l t ltt: " i l ' ~ 4,.'\·. 1 ......· ;-. I" 111. 1 /(' ~ l l~CESTI U !\ : H it" "'tl DlI' " I l ilt' " il : llId In:un ' 0\1 \ II.,\\, ilJ! l i~ it \\'il1 11111'11 , ~ l r . O . M I {i d ~,' \\ins II I til" \\ "Id l'(I 111t'~ 'I, \\litillg ! e , lI~O \\tl rd ~, CuUh' ill .IIH r :--l · .... his \\ 01 k I II .... ; ; tlld III

Ill,) 1lI . lll er

Itl l \\


- 'll. Mrs Mar~' I.' . Illlg a ll, wif,· \If Muses illi g-ail, riictl a tllt'r Il o ll ll' n ,'ar Walll ,',J Itll' IH'\\' ~ \JI ' ~I "' ibl ' l ~ f, ' r IT .1USIV e \I un 'y ..:}'u rg, ~a tn l'l lay IIl llr n ing, ~ JI ' t .. t!: . ~ \, 'gil ' li l", 1\ 1'1'1.1' aL t l ,, ~ Th e fune ra l will take pial'\! at till' "I Ii t', .. also I:hapel T hu ~H " : \\' IlWrnill).!, !It 1\:;{1) H. Il l., J: cv. !\ . 1\ . ~: Ir gellt ot li, ·ial ' Ilg'. :>'-1r, :11'.\ :,I I· ~. C t" ', Hamill "I, r, 'i\\ " MWIA L DAY ORATOR ( II rn. " 1"'1111 ' ~;· ltLl l'\ lay night "fl l'r l __ _ _ Il l ' " t,-" .l ",{ 1'1 it wi t h t hcir c llil. lr.'11 1 fI "ll. I . \-" Ifar w it z. a p rtl l1lin e lll Ira A. ::)CUI t, uf EllljllJl' ia. KillI., II I ! 1,l yt , ANO THE R BIC SPE CIAL SAL E :1 OI l tll l' II.,:> \If ;\Jid dlt'l l' wn. haM aCl:Cpfalh ~ r ut Mrs. \Vu lte r tlk 'Iu}'e', , for three uays, Thursd ay, Frida)' allu Saturua y, Feb. 26, 27, tvd all 11l\' ita l ion to make the Mem· L1i ed at hi " iltlnlf' t hcrt' Fl'lll' I l:J I'\' II II!. , ~l l'. ,1 ,1,,, I",,·i 2~ I ASK TI ( K !':T AGENT F OR DETA IL S . ,. ,·tl ;I Ill.I 1\1r. ,I., ,",,,,. l ' 11,·11 I"'l' '1 J! 'V r, . I II l'l l "';"; a t v ayn esvi'1 Ie M1' , Sl:<> tt wiJi Ll' r' III <:1111)(:;'e<l Uy W e wil l plucl' (III ~ a le (i(l(l c al1~ o f the wi'll kn own til a lld ~,.'r ll' ' ;1, . '\" " ~,d, WI'r't' . L!II.e~I~. lJf MI' . lI a r\\'itz is one of th Wah' lI~ e besi. man y citizl'n s , as he ~ P(,llt .'IIm, ' t i:n;' , , P ., \ ., ,[(11 11 ,111 1111, Id ( ."111 11) , Im (I\\'11 IIWlI ill thl~ Miami Salmoll a n d we will g-ive 5ilOCOUPON:' FIlEI': with \, :11.:11 I.:an Vallf'v amI DOlI ' t he r L' l hree YlCars <\g·ll II ,· wa~ a ;I ~ l W" . II. fai l til ,l{ct .vour ~har o (I f this Salmun allti he lp yo ur fal'" rite 11(1()!-I l e r . i. r eno wlled a s a n o r ato r. . ('iv il War " ell' run , lind a ;\1a ..;.oIl, ;tll<l (;('t 1 1l1 ~ I' if you want. you r R"o~te r to win . - --+ - - T h ., I :"" r~l' (1 ;':-11 "I,,·,. .,Ide· 1i:1 " \It','11 at th e Illn, ' "I' h is death \\,aR p "l kl' Wa tcl1 nu r.windo w s and conl(' in wi~h th e crulV(1 Saturd ay and j ud ge .,f that cily ,'hall g ,'"" Ir ''' 11 \ \'I ,d ''' '':IIII)" ~ O\LE POSTPONED !\l :trd l h l'ar th e musil: , ge t t hL' hahit ant i trad .. at . .I'h , t" I tI('~ I! cl l' , ~\:Ir !'1t :( rd , l'l " a st' l I a}.: " t}( l ~ ;\" ' . • '1'1 ", ,;a le dll te o f W . M. (;illam has Marill, Jaug IHl'l' of :'III'. all.1 tl tr:'. Ill'c'" ~h l\ngeJ from Ff'lJr' uary 2.J th to CII ", [loH ll e r, uf I {uute~ , di l'.! S:l' ~II ". \\ .Ilvr !\'Id' hlre r " lll1'l1cd :'I larcli , th, on ac 'uunt uf t h e heavy urd ay, " f t lC !' a ~.h, "· t iJ ln",,-, W hi le '.l: '"'l' :->lI,,, 1 ,y ' \' I'Il:- ' 1! fm ln Er:lJ'or ia, SIl ' 1 I'S. Some timo we HCured the loc.alawency_ for tho Indiana S ilo ,\ l ar ie h a d no t l"'l'lt ill g""d " ':dt h ,'.an. wilt·n ... h" a tknded th e tUlle r a l Company _ Wehave founJmu cb f ' IJ rll u n' Ih'lll aYl',t!', IH\\I I' ~! Il ad tn " l h .' r la lh .·1' pleuW'c io intere.atin ll out' friend. CHUI~CH[S WILL UE OPEN and nai,hbon in the advantag csl Whore Livi ng Is High , r economle •• pl'Ofita and a.U.round quit I H' I I",,", 111'1·C·, a"" Th O::H.: \\ 11 " l:Olllpl:ttll IIf t il '1 '\lrlSf'\ l I'II,jI I' I Ciu -; , 1'1 ill hi gh " . . . . J" "1·' l ' It ·t .i( Up-to· Dat e Germa n City. ' ~q 0 nll ••J..c of tho allt l' tc' I", a~ "" 'I,· ,·a \ t l~ll ;1111 " IIl'}I'" 1lit, cost w." ,I, "I ,d III P Hvton , 1;",1 ' \V ,L" of Ii' i llg \\ ou lt! hav e r ,'I\S" 1I for 'I'll .. ch ll!'r ll e~ wtl l h" " 1','11 Sundlll ', Furth, n lJa va rllln cIty ot 70.000 poptt.'II ,·IIUII II ll t I l' PI 'ri<1"ml" ~11' I t(' n '"1I '; I'1 i"d hl' lI ll' ' 1,1' hp r ni \! ce l a~ tilt' "liard of a mu (, h " "" l' l,rullllnu ced how l ii' they ulatl on , tl subur b of the city hea lth ha.q takl'n ofl' o f Nurem· was a yuung lady l' l'l oyed I,y all \l'h lJ \ Ii s~ 1: 'II !: I h rl'l " ' t he ban. 110 n e w ca.. es of scarlet fever II v cI for u ~ho rt 11m ' ill La Paz In be r g, hllH hal.! In o lJoration for more kncw her, a nd \l'hll ,: alt em l' nl( ~t:l1,),,1 Low !' 1' l'll lltllrula . 11<l\' IIl,: d c l'l!lo]Jed . Iiut t!' }' iN lI e ver tban two yea l'~ ". mu nicipal !:I'rl)ll ';e Iwre ln adelllany~~ l en,bhyher HU ll · sold for I ,' s~ 111:111 (j5 t' e nl H a pound Incll1c rulio n Illnll l thllt ~ l r,a n.J .\lr~ , ; il ~I i i ls" nt!~oll ~ is regartl <!.t :.IS II Y (h ~i'U S lt l\lll. Ill' and du ring t he r;p ""l1 hl:t lurJlIt hs of • It Dloli(1 1 of 11 >1 klntl, Every farmer who owns an Indi:U1aSilo place tvl o nda.I' aft("l'Il" "l1lu m'ra l , t "uk I. ill d :,, \, :,! " " r,d th" fUIII :',11 (If nnd which. Iu ('" n· ilt I lll'ltll'k \lr" :'11 ill ,. (,t lh.'r, ,]" ,i a h Hailey. th ll ),ca, fl"L'~h \'"g,' llIbl, ,, arl' lIot at I nectiOIl with 11 1110<11' CO;\FERRED DEGREES bas found tbat it is the best bllSiJl<'s s dt:a l from Lh7 n'~ lI knl" 1'11 system or garb· a ll o lJtalllul.Jl. leI) wblcb lij lIlan ufac. IIge ('011 .. ,'11 '111. "1, I ', be ~yer ma~e and th~ grcatc'sl pl easure : mall,. tlJII'· latlll)!. " I{c,·, I' ral ,k I ~ " r. , 1ll"lI' N " I' i :' irli lll1 Ltl ll , :\l u nclay r~ tlw dleposa l ot In t e l'lllt' llt\\'a'; llllltil' I Messrs . Lafe Ni tUl'e ch:>lso t.l i n, ll I.,ti Paz se lla for two dollars !::1}' IIIII; " uf \lI b dly not on ly H. H. ofhls farmmg experten ce . It .. a t o~ ly ' Ill l\11 : ~m l CI' Il Il' ll·r t ' ..' Illallt y. I T ill' [r, .• ' hIll ,·OI1lj.J:UI V i>elw," n l';i llJ,.:, Silas W l:IJarclsll n, Manu e l Cop- a bundred . adds 60~ to the net profits of the dairy orr (' n ~ t\'l ' a nll 111 0 ~ l sa nitary I' J~ :i , ble. .. • Lehano n anti Cin l' il l" 'lt i i, C" It 'mpln SL')" ,mil Lb lie S mith attende d En· and feedlng peusbu t It also sltves all the but 1l1 ~ 1l II muller of actual, ll .l11() ugh CVCLL: CAP FACTO "\' bard. unpleas ant work of winter fceding . ' . campm e nt of I. 1" O. F. lodge at "" lIn~ ""\·cr: I 1'.I1<111 ~"~ . t lla will s mall , profit 10 th e munlcip alt ty. as~~re Le b a non Tuesda y O. · 11 ttr t' ---.W e b ave an e SpCCI1l night. , 11:lt I'IIm; "f qU ll' kl'f a nd 1)('Ll I~ r se n 'le ,' The Itoval ya ae propo, Family Pride. , . I· I .ition to make to you now-on eIve ~bat will . Xe n ia has an In;porL <lllt ,'n:'~' n ll,Lln Purple (kg-ret! was co nfe rred on f o u r I" n t 1(' rU<lI , Maud (lo gove rness, after bav lng enable yon to get an 1I1Wana Silo in t ime J In t h e /lat ure uf \"')T l:and id p tes , rec eived Il well deserv ed whIppin g ' for ned faU's corn crop and to pay for it ventio n wa~ malle I I~ (·, tl' . 1111' III I Human ity Much the Same. by a Xen ia n a nd - -J. -", . .1. 11 IllC':)' ; . w hn , a~ l ~'nded~ a from h el' mothe r)-It Isu't the s mack· 88~tpaysyon. Let us tell you about it. rath e r than let There Is not much differen ce b&the manu f acture of Inef'tm g II [ t h e l\ex<l1 1 C, l. a t CIII Ea~y to Make Happ iness. Ing I · mind, It'sIt's- mnmmy maklng tw cell tb o various racea. rill 1 t.he m get away, th ey have o rgani w d ~ lm b ' l s , las L w('ek It you went A pb lloHop he r says that tb e true herself so J·ldiculo us. - Puncb . ..,00 a compan y in that town. The name ~hul"Jav . a mi r , re turn ~d hum E' secret Into a gymnas ium, for Instance , where ep" rLs ot oartbly hn[lplnes!I Is to i\Il. an t'l e~'~nt Harvey sburg, Ohio. of the n ew car will b e "The Hawk. " t ime . I I r. J<lnnf'Y men from a ll tbo civilize d whi te race8 joy pleasur os as they arise; for· tbat gil l ___ _ _ _ "pointe rs " on this : r!jJ .a g- r eat many were dressed a like and none of them man who clIn ke ep his eye on tho spoko IL word, It would be hard to dis· Daily Though t. ARRESTED IN COLUMBUS bright p resen l , whUe It Is bright, Every vo lition and t bou ght ot man tingulsb the men from Illnglan d lind Th e weddin g o f Mr. Clarenc e tasws th e cup of s wcc tn ess prepare d All Kinds of Dr. F, H. Frost was arres ted in Dun ham anu Mi s.q E Lh el :)tok",," was tor hIm; but \\' 6 are prono to look for- ts In sc rlbell on hie brain. Thus 06\ man Americ a (rom tbose fr om Jo~rance, Ger· writes b is lire In his physiqu o, and many or Italy. The clew we have Columb es r ect:ntf y for se lli ng cocaine con;;u IlImat ed at the hOllie ,f th e ward 10 dark objec ts, while \\'0 s ho uld thu s the al1gol~ discov!' r lti ~ uutobl- now to th e diff erent races Is moatly brid e last T hu 1'9day 'fhp. jury returne d a verdict o f n ot even ing , Re v, be on Jo)ing tb o ~o lila t are Ulore agreeOgrallby In bis struclur e.- Emuuue l in the cl oth es ' and manner s a nd lIw· C. S Grausp r, officiati ng, More ex - able. g uil ty, as he had a perfect ri g ht n ~ Sweden borg, g unge, a physici an to write a prescri p tion tended noti ce n e x t week . prescri bing cocai n e .

March 15


April 15



Daily Until April 30


om bin ing





Ple asu re _.0

.-_ .- "-

I '" ..




---- + - - -


rIIlh .., as. D •

--- .- ..


InS UR lIn eE A. B. Cha ndle r

- ---...

Successor . to



- ...- - - -

Vast Dc!, oslts of Potash Salta. have estlmat ecl that th o F. E. SHERWOOD great German de posIts of IJ{Jt.aJh 3alts, practica lly tb e o rlly Impona nt oues In Over PostofIice, Waynesville, O. the world, will last at t.ho prOBent rat o 9 f£icc Phone 77 House Phone (J-3 r I of exp)oi{a tlou 60~O O years. Ge olo ~l s t fJ

PUBLIC SAL E POS TPO NED In stead of hovin" our ~Il l e on Wodnes d!l Y. we bave pOHtpo ned it until


2;; t11,

Wed nesd ay, Mar ch 4th, 191 4 Comm en cin g

at 9 o'olock , the followin ~ ob ,.tt Al~ : 12 hElttd of high oltts!! horses, 1 generfl.l1,lUrI'U~t' ~mv h p rMP, 1 genera l pUq,OS6 brown horse, 1 genera l pnrp()HA b lnok , 1 ~ (' n .• aral purpos e mare, 1 Wllre, Winnie Poro ' ll. 2 :2 J ,Y. in flllli by Sidney Poiuter , 1 horBo, by Purcell . 11 ~ood rn tidsror, I htlr"e by H PUT OEl Il , 1 bOTfie b.v Allen 1> , I hnr sEl by C " II\IlIIl(l l\ rl' Kiston Jr , 1 weliuli ng filly by tiidnf'Y Po ntAr, dum hy Winnie Purcel l,l wel\.nU ng filly by U ~ I.IlU1ocl orA Ki !I t,I) r, ,Ir " ~~ ,head of Jersey Ol1tt)e, 14 hetid of fine lUi Ik COWR, 6 h And ~h 1r t . yearlin g heifers , 11 monthH ol d Jer, ey l)ull, oli gib lfJ t n 1'0g i B'er, 18 month s Jersey bull, 1 .'I"e>lrling steer. A lot of farm IDg Implem ents and some h o usehold ~OOdR.

We honestly believe we have the best remedy in the for indigestion and dyspepsia. We urge you to try it at our If it doesn't relieve you -as we feel sure it will -we' ll gIve back your mone y with out a word.


., I

You know us-y our family druggist. You know we would n't dare recommend anyth ing we didn't know .about , nor dare to break a promise. There fore, when we

recommend any remed y it is because we beheve it to be better than any other to relieve the ailme nt for which it is made , and when we p rov~ our, faith in it a~d our sincer ity .toward you by promising. to give back your mone y if. it doesn t rcheve you and ill every way satisfy you, you have no pOSSIble excuse for doubt or hesita tion.

J. E. & H. L. SHOEMAKER. ~lillaher & Bolling Rworth Au (' t,~.

New Car Load of Fence..



, I


We Know They're Good Delays ArleDangerous You Risk No Money


We are gett ing in a new car load of the cele brat ed

R", al\ Qysprps ia Tablets. i[l addition to other iugrcilil'at.•, contain P,epsin and BislIIuth, t W" l!rl'a t diges ti ve aids used by the clilire lll,·rl icltl prn(,'ssion. They ",,(\the th" intJlllU".t ~ I om ..('h , check the }"'urlhur n nnc! di..;! rt's,'i , NtilnuJut e u. J ··" Ithy s" ·.. eli" ,, of th e gastric juice, ;; id ill rn l'id Ull cl t:omforta ble dig""lion " I I> f,J\'c1 ami h"ill t,) quickly convert it b I() r i,·h I,,'d blood, and thl'Jrcby into 11:-:;" , hulU' fill,1 muscle, They relieve . l,lI l1 orh ,i:<trcss prom()tl y. and, used n· ~ttl . \r! y iu r a F-horl lime t t entl to restllre th e s tomach to a cornrorlabl". ca")',"cting, h.'nllhy stal!.'. 'l'hq nid /l" c:,LI~' lo t>r r. !l.,, ~c r\'glllu.r t;owd nction ,

Cambria Sleel and Wire Co.'sfence See our all No. 9 Wir e Fence. Give it a ·t rial. The fence Th~

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righ t

prices are righ t

are, we hone stly believ e, the best reme dy made for I ndige stion , Dyspepsia and all other Stom ach Ills

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Sold Q:ily lit the mo;o than 7.0QO Hexall Storos- the World's Greatos t Drug Stores.



• Waynesville, W ay~esville




Ohio ul \'

Doo't neglect indigestion. for it frequently lends to aU sorts of ills and complications. The pain and discomfort is not the most unfortunato part, The fact \that when the stomach is Dot acting right., the material needed to repair the wns\.cs that arc constantly taking place in the body i. not being gi ven to the blOod either in the proper <:oDdition or ,fast enough is fnr ruo", serious, Nothing will cause more trouble tbnn an unhealthy stomach . The blucs, debility, lack of strength and energy. constiplLLion. biliousness, headaches and scores of other serious ailments result from the fnilu re of the IItom.. ch to properly do its work.



Our wi llingness to have you use Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets e¥tircly at our risk proves our fa ith in them. 'We always sell them this way, and it is because wo know · that they have greatly ben. efit~oc\ scores of sufferers to whom we have sold them. 1'hcre's 00 red tape about our K\1arantec. It' means just what it says. We'll aak you no questions, You needn't sign anything. Your word is cnough -for us. We know that ",h"11 they help you you will con. sicler it mOllcy well spent even if they h Id ,~"s t F ill t"n times WI much. If they Jon t .help you, the money you paid for them IS yours, and wo want you to have it.

In convenient boxes- threo sizes; 25c, SOc, $1.00

JA N N E Y •





Si xt y- Fi fth Year



r ·--·····_·_··········· ·······_··... ················ ········-

- ---..·--··--1 T h e T o w n sh ip House? Yes





Whole N um be r 3253

r·_·_··_. · _. --_·__·. . . -····· ..·. · ··. "···· . _·_·. I T h e New Century Club

We all do fad e In a lea -_ · ··· - ··- ~· E liza be th Ob er wa R Iy. and oth ers lat or In f, som e ea r· - ·I bo rn in BedIi~ e . AIl un- forti exp ec t~ bl as t oft en Co un ty, .\. Pe nn R ylv ca an me ia s a~ Oc ay tob the e r youn g In the ~~ --, uty and pri me of 27 11138 Th e 1B.'it twu i!!S ues ' life . but sombea ' . e go slowly an d the ha s ha d a g l ea t de alof th e Gaze tte ' of a ne w house . ye t the . . Sh e wa gl{ s Jw the of da the sun set ray s lin ge ug hte r of Benja mi n 1..... _ _ ......... _............ ga rd to the Town ship to say in re. ' the m are an xio us fo r som ma jor ity of aft r lon g an d Sa ra h Ob cr. be ing one e; they hav e passe d ou .. __ ....... ......... _....__ .. __ ha s been a g rea t deal Hou ~e There will be a ben efit to tht: eth ing tha t of the t of ., .... ........ .. __ _ sig ht ch ild ren of a family to gIld th e ,p a t~way Th of e sev Fe on the pro pos itiun, of ditlcu s.'iion 'I h o u ~e t ha t can be . pOinttow n a n~ a wh for en bru . ary lov fou ed me r on eti es ng o SOl of ar IS Th e ed a a " e Ne w I Sco th.nrl nd thr ee da ug hte rs. nd t he dis · pr ide by climb t o WIth be low ." Ce nlu ry Club wa s he ld cussion bri ng:; ou t the tow nshIp He lp us Lord ing a t the ple as- i ··Scutt' s ," foll owed by a pa pe r on ' to t ou ch the 9pring . an t hom tha t ha s bee n lying the sen tim en t Th e ~ru 8lee8 a re In. fa He roines" by e of Mr O.n s. e tha sIs J , Eo J alln ey. 1"ri ' l wh t rev te r s. Mosh er ich wu:! t ho rou g hly enMr severa l ye arfl Th e sen no rman t f or prop OSItIO n. bu t they wo vo r ?f ~e the sec eal ed he r tru e life an d lea rn 187;), she remsu rvIves .. In the . yea r da y , Fe bru ary :.!7lh . Th joy ed . Mr s. e uld ret ov t im pa ed en "w rlo hk e It t of the to . be I,ef t to Wi rs ho th ; m De he we vit ha r vin t , e . Sis Mr g ge ne ral pu blic is tha at ler s. no t rac , I!;vans. Mrs. Ha rri s tive ly ,)eco rate'l the vo te rs we e." Lo wliness of he t see n Mr s. En os Roge r' s familv . to d sho uld be bu ilt. no t the house , sh!p . Wh at WIll be doot the tow,n - no t lov ar t wa s Wayn esvi ll e. nca r Hags and fes to0 ns of pa tri oticwi t h IMr s , F unk ey ga ve intere sti ng an a t po ne a stu ab few reOh re em ou io. she t · ye i !t? po ass ars r ble um L' ! WIll It be b r~u g.h t up ms ed of hence. bu t rig h t away. in for the me a tim mo rec ry en e. t Fe of Geo rge Wash- I the Th e r emainde r of he bu ve ry sp iri t of he r life . So uth west Dis t ric t a tde rat ion of r life was ing ton's bir thd ay, Mi s.~e do ub t in the mind There ~s ,n o e l c:ctl o~, or. Will It be yo cit a sp eCial wast the which sp en t in th i ~ vic Ci nc inn con tin u ouilly ma nif es s Loue lla. ' An oth s of indlvld · prim ari ted .on .at th e ini ty. J ean er e tte ua ls tha t have to pa y the ple tin B.'!in g vocal t rio by ati . g itself and Francis favo red es In AllgustY Th iS Sin ce he r sister 's de ath in he r bt'an n g tow ard the tax IS th es e the M tha i sse lad t i es wi t h a ch a rmi ng ~ f1 u.e sli . wh thi s is the feasib oth vo cal tr io. jOllrn ed .J a'hney and the Cl ub Rd· thillg ~o do . fhl P ouon tha t the .vo terS of. th e t own , healt h '3he wa s act ive in an ers. In cu rred abolll eig hteen ye ars agich oc· Th e subj ect Whil e som e of the le Th o. d g e ht fol ou ~h soc e ' to t ial r ~i' nses to roll ca ll of hu deC ide an d tha t soon the house , and wi th heaviest ta'.' p~y- I ~ho of vll;la. ure which uf cohour wa s ful l . threa ds of t en- Rosgeco nti nu ous ly res ided wi th Mr . wa s Sco t l' s "Ladv uof ers are in do ub t ab ou urse wa rs and fa mil y. th e Lll ke. " hanced b~ t the f.eB.~ l blllty Il L'! prowill bri ng up the q ues tion in de r 10Vl'! she was uncon sciou Mr s. Ha rri :; read an I;lxcep the de lic iou s tw o cos en · sly we av - Sh e un it pe r fo rm ? ing he r wo rth aro un tio urse :'!"!~~~~~ ed na llv wi th lu nc ill:; t he Ch ur ch of h ser ved by th e gr aci tru cti ve pa pe r. on ~~~~~~~ Oh thi s lovely. lov ely d ou r souls Ch r ist at Fe rry . Ohio. ab ous ho st· " Clans of es" . ~~~~~~~ = wo ~~~-~~~ ou ma t n. th ge ne r· year 1892. un de e ou s and affa ble an d HAD FOOT CR US HE r the mi O an d sw eet ness of mahe r ref ine me nt bors of the Re v. U W . n ist eria l la · OBITUARY lik e de w , He r kind acnn er dis tilled She remain ed a me Hal l. DUNHAM- HO K ES A lad giv ing his na ta and ch ee r , ch urc h mb of thi s f me as O. A!IIO P. ELECTIO W b fT · un til ca ll ed t o theer Ch m. u.I h e IP f.u I wor da WI'11 Cl ab ba tz. an d g iving h N ath an Ba rcla~ ,R ich N u rch fJer reet . Pit tsb u rg , cam e ne ar is I eside n::e as Thom as and Ch rls •. son of go tte n, especially by he rne ve r e or· T1umph unt. He r reli gio us . m t eve r y ap po chi li ge m fe Th Rlc ld tti me wa . ~. ng P nt s sh was of ten bro ke t.he ala kill ed bo rn Ju ne 8. 184 wa the e con sta nt and ex emp . at Corwin Th urs da y e rot ecl lve d Dete . A _ la r~ in ~t s in fl~ . pla ma rri ag e cer emo ny which too ks I,sociati bas.te r box of len 5 I~ M8!I~l e Tp .• an mo rni n g . The W arr ctl ve · ce at the beau t if ul co ce. Sh e wa., always on me t Sa tu all d. pour ed It on the ir lad who is only 16 en rda Co un y aft e rnoonnlt ty, mt un Oh try IO e he~ re:. , ho wa .te at d be me s d s mg , 111 ste the It of ali the To th n~ Mr e wn wa wo yo shi s the pe rtu me of saC un ge st or eig h t ch ild a rid e fro m Cin cinna ti and Mr s. Ha rry Sto rk of lh e, chu rch: wh e p Ho use and ele cted the ir l ~ e r Hll e Th urs day e ven ren rifi kes an d had go t· wh om ten off of No .6 wh en i ng . Fe bru ary 19 when, office rs fo r the ens uin g ye ar. Th ere ha ve preceded him, fou r of thr ou gh the ir beings sp rea d."ceWhan d could att en d It s IJu bllc sen 'lce s to the he r lif e's work or wa en the R no a ir go t . od da As ug a a tt hte Wh en he go t on IIllainit sto pp ed he re. Gr p.a t Beyond He de pa em f rie r hnce, an d an en . nd. she was t he em Et hel bec ame t he thu was dra wi ng to a close bride of Mr . Cla re nce sia bodim en t of tru th an bu mpers he sli pp ed be tw een the life Fe bru ary 24, 19 14. ag rte a thiS she sw ee tlv su bm itt ed to Go ti since ri ty an d of Le V. Du nh am , electedsti c meet ing . Th e off ice rs ed an d's d 68 wi tel ye ll l, ard wi an t are ba , h d ~ month s an d ) 6 da !lf d wat ch ed. an d ~~ited non. The hou se was the bea ut iful ch ara as follo ws: the tra in' dr ag lled ys. cte art is· fo r the call. sh e e.n dese E. S. Baily, Pr e!\ irl en Come up hIgh er. 200 f"e t be fore hishim for at lea st . Du rin g his e~tire lif arpd h~ r_d.f to many.ris tics . t.ically decora ted , the color schem cri e e E's he . could be lived ou t of F. S. Elb on. 1st Vict. ne ve r uei ng pink and wh ite Bf' lOg of a q Uie t an He r na me. and me mory he ard and the t rain sto Massie Tp ,an d for e· Pr esi de nt. wit h a prod un asa um mg fll sio is pp a ed com . Ha · the dis rry Mu rra y. 2nd Vice· Pr po fo n rt sit las l)f i on. he r chi ef en j oy me and Will long be tre t 24 ye ars , ha s lived on gr ee n foliage , th e g He wa s pu t on lhe ba asu ift nt gg an red of 'ya ag d s e by ma Mr J co . nIn ach . C he r fam , ne igh bo rs lhe ho me . He re Mhe wa an d Mrs , C. A. 8 Hawk e. Se cre tar y. esi de nt. aged an d tak en to Xe nia ro l \ n, of an d fri en ds . in he r m s un tlr lng Euge ne , Or ere his wound Vle~ the far m known as the "C ed ar De ath isily R. A. Cr oss. Tr eas ure wa s att en dp d to Itwh ini eg fl the t Fa on rat rm " As wa . ga te way thr ou gh which ions o'clock to the str ainP romptl y a t 4 Ch as , Sh ida ke r. Dr . r . . Du ring the lat terof love . he ha d su ffe red a was r ou nd tha t tum tyo f tha t day an ds ~he oppor- many ~f our: l o ~ed ~nes ha s J. T. Ellis of y e~r a s of pre tty ve tim e he reo to their ha the so rt tis sueJ ofco ntu sio n of cei ved a common school ed bIt atIOn In He ave n .pa sse d hfe , she su ffe red !J1~c1i fro m h ~ r wedd ing ma rch pl ayed by Mi ss an d Fr an k Br ad do ck . Tr us tee s. uc ati the III Eig on Ha . hea lth . bu t he r afflict ht ne w me mb ers we re foo t. l Mi tche ll, th e bridal pr Ma ry E. Rich, da ug hte an d was a ve ry mi He w~ ma rri ed De IOn sh e bo re comzeme tak r of Le wis wil h pa tie ce mb er l~ ano..! Ra che nced. Mi ss Louis a. ocession an d several ite ms of int ere st en in Ha d it no t be en for him no r inJulY. 1 8~5 to MISS Sa rah W att n ce an l d Ric for h, tit wa ud a to the e s sis . bo an ca ter d rn tch me to ing ne.a thi mb uf the S r ers t he We . uD He we bri llm lon r bra ke rod the acc ide nt re discussed . de car ryi ng pink an d las t illn ess was of sh.o an. W arr en . Co un ty, we re bo rn three da ug wh rt mi ite du Oh gh hte ra· IO, t rs An ha ca , tlo ve No ass rna n , lin J on the t wenty · v. 18. 1862 , ma rri ed to ess me nt of $1 pe r me tio ns. came rst, ne Hi be en mo re ser iou s t hlrd day mb er xt cam e wa s mad e. the Moses n it was. Th e hon ess tylife has al~ays been one ~f ga n. Fe bru Mr . J oh n Lemon anfiint lad ha d on fel t bootha only assess me nt ma de ary 25 .1884. . T? t his unBo- Fe bru ary , she pas3ed pe acefullof a!l d im u~r ate lgh ts tne fri an ss. e nd d y these un - ml!thods .m an d hIS was b o r~ on for ion or fiv t aw he e ay ye g roo do ub ted ly sav ed his foo ars , su m, . rro unded by the loved on Th e son to orlghte~ Il:n bu sm ess always com es low ed and too k hise bride gr oo m fold of .ho rr.e · bless the Ir home . ,De ba dly cru she d . He ha t fro m be ing mended him as an exemp - - .0- - pla . pa rte lls d s ry thi b~ . S ma n hfe sen n. lar t Fe bru ary 21, 1914, ag on His ge be ll sus pe nd ed froce un de r the She has p ass~d away m~ to Pit t'3 bu rg by th'! railw . ANOTHER BIG SN :e ha s b~en. or.e of co ed m 52 o an the ye arc ay com pa ny hOSP~on ars pre hOW . nti s 3 nu al mo nths. 3 da ys . en way, Mi ss Th elm a Ha italIty. HIS lif e rec ord _ _ __• Sh e leaves te J!lourn le ce of Go d; mto th e lif e of th e of the rtsoc k, a ni ece _ 0 sho uld te he rn be bri r al los a de sou . s.h ye be aring the we dd rce of pri de ' TW O SMALL FI RE S all the pre s- a~d fou usb an d an d son, five sis ter s, me mo ry ; ars ; a wa y, bu t no t fro m ri ng sto od en t an d ~uture generato. a way bu t no t f rom t he at the rig ht of the bri ing • ~ unday wi tne ssed an oth er ~ay. of r bro the rs. an d a .ho . tIO ns. de pe st . rof bll. g ~z.a vas roo rd:,and bro ug ht Ma rch ive nesil of an ab idi ng m. fri en d s. . Th ere IS Wi lm ing ton ca me ne ar bride beau tif ull y a in~u e nce . 1go wn ed Th e hk e A Sis ter . ha vin g tw o ac t rel.atlI.e ft to mour n hiS loss. as ho n; in wh it e messe lai ne All ~ay a ste ad y m fires las t wt"Ck Th V:e s. no rth · on A e Fr wi bro ien th the d. we e r fir st an st po wm d tw int on d o eo ma lac c· ife e, car ryi g bri da l s !"ters.hls~l'Jfe.thre cu rre d in the Pn ba te Co roses o~t . an d fro m .reIt unpl~t .t? .be edaugh aand u.;t bu ild ing . SI.X.grandc and lea nin g up on tnhe po rts thiS Vlclmty an d sta rte d fro m ov prh hi1dr~n- by all . of ter arm of he r d id eat ed pip es hiS me n:o no t suffer like the ea fat he r took he r pl ace ste rn pa rt ry will be ch eri she dwh om Tb e otl ier-w alf st 'thb l I .. • . . - at the lef -- - t of of the co un try . the bri de gro om . Th e as a ! I? the Ea3t. In f f inc , alI o wa s sta rte d fro m ·Col1eg e,. an d 'Sllcre d gi ft. ful l cer em on y s,? me pla ces lud ing the rin g servic • . I Ho we ve r, the dl bi ag e ste am Pipes Gr een be the tu rf ab ov e of the hig h . Th e the dri fts wer~ 15 fee t t Me thodis t Ep will no tam ou nt Fr ien d e the e Pa n isc llp al to mu c h at el'ther pa ch .of urr I ou .h r wa be s tte use d da y an d Tu~sday Ha nd le tra ms Mo n' r da ys ·.' ce . I I . ~e v . ' Cl we re al lla t\ so!l'e Tb eju dg e an d his de are No nc ne e kn S. ew Gr the e t to love the e C1n g th e ha pp y wo rdsau ser pro no un · ~tmt;.emrh~)rsa ~~rtife ho~ hig to sav e the ir pu ty wbile try · None na med the ebu ... bu ... t ':s eh nt tha to ... pra t ~ bo ma ok ise de s . • --,. tw o we re he art s bea t as on e. almOflt ov erc om e by the . - - - - - .. _ . _ Y k C't Af te r the con · a Iso. N sm ok e. ~ If tI _ ••• t ' tl gr J. the a . t y mV B. Ch ap ma n wa s in u a Ions w . I·t d CARD OF THANKS - - - -. - • wasldcu anod Le ba no n e gu est s f rom 1 fe res tor0 f thley wo pa rtook of a leveSIX Fr ida y. _ ' Rev. C. S. Gr au scr wa W AR RE N COUNTIA ' r ry bo t unteolls thre~ s in Da yton co urse din .' th N DEAD coa am me s areB th Mond ay. ne r. We wish to ex pre Oll em 10 . e r tha nk s for ace Ma . ny the kin dn ess an d ouss be Jes au IIe F. W. Ha tha wa y rec tif ul an d useful pre s· • _ ... _ __ Roland. of Be llb roo k, r ap p!' eci ati on of tow eived word the Bymp wa 3 in en ts ~ lu t we ek of Ke wi n Sa tur da y. th which to nn eth Kilbo athy shown the de EF FIC IE NT AG RI CU us du ri :.g ito r las t we ek . n . was a Da yto n vis· ho me we re received.fur nis h the new Di lat ush . of De ca turath of Ge org e the iIInl:t!S an d de ath to LT UR E of . ou Ill. r de ar He has hu sba nd and fat Th e Wi yo n un been liv ing in De ca tur g Sa pe lis op bu le ry de he pa wa r. rte s d in at for 7:30 Da yto n ab ou t 21 Chas. amid st a showe r Jes se Bu rto n was Monday on business . )'e ara . ha vin g mllve rice an d old Sta te AgE. Th om e. dir ec tor of the Th e Family. to Da yto n las t week .a bu sin ess visit~ r shoes for a sho rt h:..of ric ult ura Ex pe rim en - -W arr en Co un ty. On d the re fro m _. _ ne ym 0 oon. ' t Sta tlon believes tha tl the Ray Sm ith , of Broo.kville 1906. Mr. an d Mr s. Se pte mb er 26. .. - 0 KE EP .MOVIN' ALON sta te ha s al· . wa s he Di re lat rea ush cel e· G Fr an k Bran do n, of Le dy be gu Sa tur da y on business. n to bra ted the ir go lde n rea W EA N- HA W ES liz e on the eff ort s banon, was ma de to sec ure mo re in tow n Tu esd ay {In bu Moving tim e is he re. lea ve s a I"r ge co nn we dd ing . He eff sih el!s an ect t ag ricu . d ltu ion ev re. ery in He thi!'l da y witnesses mo vin Miss Ge rtr ud e Ha we s, If you wa nt a go&<! Fe says tha t ic.iItencan co un tv. Mr . Di lat ush be g da wa rti ug go liz hte ns er r wa loa cal of s l ded Chas. Fry e. phon p~o a Iifu- wi th goods.·passi ved Mi lso tha n's Mr t lon g fri en d of Mr . Ha the F'e . and rti re li zer . the ,be st on t.he ne ve r in the Mrs. Na tha n Ha we s e 49 1-L 2·S. ng thr gh the tow n. tha wa y. Ar ma lhu an rke d r We hJJ t. In on e ins tan ce sev en oufam lto an Fo r sal e by Chas. Fr ye rr of . bo th of Sp rin g Valley, ili~s we rt' sta te !J1ore Imp~v~· . . Th e famous Wi . me nt In crothe we re ma rri ed in Xe de pe nd en t upon on e ma p productlO ck ers ha m hotel, ~ t~an.W1thm nia CARD OF THAQ!lKS Th urs n's mo vin g, 0 f J am es t Me da ssr y h s. th~ b C. las t ten yea~. He III Ine Ro bit zer an d Ha rry mo . 9 30 • I k t th h own. as een sold . Mu rra y' we reM. he ho ldi ng the res t ofhned to rnl in Dg Le at ba non Th u rad ey of Mi the m ba ck for a c oc a I de sir e to tha nk the e ome thm k tha t the re IS less ne ed for the Bi sJo p Wi lke rso n, d ss Ma ry: Br ick era l days. pa tro ns of sevTh ett . a of clo Mo the se rro fri Ru ral Ro ute No 4, for bri w, en de WM d back to the far m cry ad Zim me rm an an Chas. Bu rne tt, of Ro reason tha t the far me r now. fo r t h e d fan lily vis itin g rel ati ve s he re las t we ek . an d efficient wo rk of op the pro mp t moved to the The Rev. Hu be r Fe rgu Dayton a co up le of da ule 5. wa s in boys are no t ir en far ing m all son ys we the las , of the leaving the far las t we ek . Second Un st of tow n . W. O. roa ds fro m sn ow dri fts t we Ek m Ra{)Cr sp en t Su nd ay ite as d the Pr . y esb we yte ria n ch urc h or tw offici ate d. an d U. M. W hit e. Ca rri ('r O. W Ha mi lto n sp en en ty >,ears ag o. wh en refif~n F , B. He nd ers on moved Monday in Da yto n wi No . 4. t the far m lif e ~a th we int s rel ekf!1o o ati ve s. en d wi th his his re Iso ed an~ lon!-lly. Th e bri de wh o is a lov ne w pro pe rty on Th ird ~. ch ild ren in Da yton. Mo re ely yo un g IDtelh genc str ee t Ttlesday . gir J . A. K'II pat· l, e w( In ,re for the ser vic e a far mm g IS no w the rtc k ,0 f Le ban on . wa gir lis go h s wn wa F tch of R or wo rd. so ft blu et he re To esd ay loo kin g n - .A 5·room co tt ag Em ers en Mason mo aft er business. Th ird e on no att end an ts, e silk , Th ere we re vin g int o - - -... - "0new pro pe rty on Thisird str ee t. Il'!quire al;' thi an d t heo n1y WI't nessstr ee s office. es we re me mb • • • _ _ ••. _ _ _ -t TuesMiss Ru th Miller. of Da da y. ers _ _ ' of the _. houe ehold. Af ter thfl cer em on y a Mrs . Ho wa rd Hopkintl. the gu es t of rel ati ve s he yto n. was It jU 'ep ort ed tha t N. thr 0T ee Da re L co yto las Bu urs t n we nn , e ell we ek . od was the gu est of rel ati an d ",i f$ ing Mr . Le ste r Iv in. wa s in ll mo ve to Le ba no n ve s h re Mon· an d Mr bre ak fas t was ser ve d. Mr. Richmond, a sh ort timwi in da y. Miss Irm a Ho ug h. wh s. Wean lef t Th urs da y Va .• Iu t we ek , ma kin e. o ha g s mo an be en add re u at ing for Columbus. .-- - - - - vis itin g rel ati ve s at Be F. E Sh erw oo d an d fam the Na tio na l Ed uc ati wh ere the!> honern· lm - - -. on t. is ily ho on mo me al mo ve As d on He soc ag wil ain rbe to ia· l the ir far m.. so uth of be sp en t. On the Ir ret y. . rt Br itt ian wa s In C& tio n, wh ich co~vened cil) urn tow na ti in n Mr las tha the Sa . t y t an tur da y. att en din g the cit y. week. wil d s. Ro be rt Cr ew Th e su bje ct of h\e ad au mobile with thel ma ke the ir home for a tim e tai ne d on Mr ter dre ss was on I!how. Ray Mr . Su nd ay to a su mpen gro om s pa ren ts, Mr . "Obt~ School Su rve ith , of Brookville. sol tuo us y" an d th e" New mo vin gan d Mr s. G. W. Ha~ke are home Sm an d d tur his ke Mr y s. din Na ne tha he r. n re las t Sa tur da y to We an , in rin g Valley. Th int o the School" pk ins Mr s. an d Mrs. Geo. Roebegu est s we re Mr . Born- To Mr . an d Th e bri de groom an d Sp Ida Ho ck ett . on Th ird str ee t Ho • rts on Mr. an d tod ay . bri Mr de s. are pro ba bly builcl on the bo th Mr po s. pu Mo lar youn g people of Sp Ha rry Mu rra y an d ,Ha ran, Th urs da y. Fe br ir lot on rin ua ymond g Fr str r Va an ee l. kli t Co thi n nn er. Pa ck er. of Ne wt ow n, Pa a son . s su mm er. Ear 1 Dau hte ley , an d ha ve nu me rou .. s fri en ds in g is he re on a visit, an rs. son 0 f Mr. an d h '11 d . lir a. Wm . Da ug hte f te. look aft er If yo u W . N Se ars , ha s moved I t e VI ag e to whom th " was sh ot wh are go ing to ha ve his am i y his lan de d ma kln g an a~t rs elr ma rri ag e tn the ~nthony ho use . int ere sts . sale, i~ of mu ch int ere at his .ho me ile ve ry ple asa nt' tim .,,--~~- C· on Fif th in str ee J. S. Ha rts oc k an d fam t. and wh o will ex· SaA e wa s SllCnt see A. A. M:~ Neil. Ce K lUl l... ... Cit J , tend well wis hes . stBo Ity . tur e da nte an y ily rvi sas aft lle wi ern th , ll yo Oh oo are n wh en Miss He nio, of the Yo un g Qu ak ' bo th phones naJ. l8yS: "W arr an ts ur move to tow n ab ou Et ha n Cr an e ha s be me mb ers rie tta Mc Ki h en nse ers we t the y spe re cla en lall nd ss iss ter t. ing of ued of the be r of fri en ds tai d an um · rc sev era d ays wi th til Fri end s Sund ay School. . f or th 4!. in ho no r ofne . f W' an d w.i11 occupy the Caskey proMa th his au nt. Mr s. in which they Moshe Miss Ed ith pe rty Hu ldal" Bu P eo Ger d8Y M r~ck t 0Ha III on Th ird str L r. rne tt and fam ily 11 <arBu Sh are od acy. eo rll e a rsh a. act ee t. rri ' . ive f wo U rke spen rs. atw rSea ntceurdaeyrVO'aond ,0 i 6 I; ~d ,Elijah Go ldm an , for W he n the gu est s we re .. - . . ~ jou inv ite d to wI'th hl·mpa ren ts. • - • !lg 0 rna ls fro m ,th e Mste•81 . Mr " PE . TH an NN E' d VA IW Mr the ., LI lT K. s. "NTS OF VI RG IN IA -M AX W EL L din ing roo m the y f ou d' h Clark Hu tch ins on ya rds . When ~arshl\,l & T . an " d n " mi Mi It ng ss ly 1 r· Em wa de eo s ma Hu tch ins on , of \ rat ed . · ....I .... -arr ee ted . his au tif ul· ca · pin k d' Bu y yo ur Fe rti liz er of sis ter , Mr s. Allee MaTh e ho me of Mr . an d Mrs. Clifford X Owing to a mi su nd ers roses for me d t he cenBe I . the k· :S~ u~h xw . Ch tan ~ ell as. spe din ter wa s the n Ing sev era we e s In .pl ece . pm k g be· he art s we re qu -inter !d wi th a rev olv tween the We ste rn Ne ws ite in eVIde wh o ha nd les Mi lso n's , sti e sho t Ea rl teN er, pr ett y weddin~ on scene of a ve ry pa pe r . Un an d ion pI' the Da ug hte rs. a spe cia nk be can Th st. dle s she d a so ft lignce anclo urselves. the ne l at 6:i.l0 o'c loc k wh ursdllY en ni ng . • ht ov er - . 'pQ,tcer, thr ou gh ~e lef t arm w ser O' en ial N the tha II' ir t the old est tab sta , inflict· ~a hb;r Al le, rts th is we ek was JAaMt.-:-Bejtweecn MIS.'! Cl ara LiI~. of ,,, . a pa inf ur Du t no t ma Kathry~ wa s un ite nia . t da ng ero us m ug A da int v tw o-c ou rse IU ;'TIlf' Tim e Lo ck " toch an ge d fro m d an d'dl Ibi~nket. emw e a s Ncorn~r the we ek ·en d With ,ReXe Wc>Unol. an d ' ,u!Y'p ma rri ag e to Mr . Sw llclteon was . v tha . a:! an JO ed t am d r1~ of loh~ rev olv er Mias Ru s: ab ::: J. F. Ca dw Pe ew lt S8 u he the ser ved . While the " Va lian ts of Vi rgi nia ." · tWice at W. th Maxt\-ell, sis ter nn all ad er. . gu est s we re sti ll PI Th Brawlpy. a Rosedale bri e sto t ry t at of J o the nt B the tab Cmh is a be au tiful one. and le the hostess tos sed de , , MarshaU. Th e fir st ag o. , eas e rep or to o . . Mr . an d Mr ' ap did no t dilJ · conRis played the we dd inl [ music Riv es. Th e story is Is by Ha llie eac h on e a snowball ap ma n. ~e the ca rfr idg e,Bn tin s. g U. of M "H on . wh ich wh en . W ea e hit rts tha , . e an an t d d ap the second an c the "B F op lo en pr.a the w ed ls er gu dis to es pla the s" tso · br ou ah t the' tri ag er ye rellder. . d . a gil t·e dg ed ca rd fre lat ive t rid al Ch oru s" fro m . . dO:Rn on Br aw · gri n. luiu in Vi rginia , Weanhod the scene Is cOlltaining the fol low ing ,1< . le j', ....'pm b. . Monday an d Tu esd aysa Th e bri de an d gro qm Lo be n. ;Xema yo un g ~.!ln Will giv e an oth · an no un cepe . ou r . rea d· ml ~m er 'nt ~r : ers will enjoy it. as it ed mi nst rel ~how m the un att en de d. tak ina the . , -1' " M os he r-H aw ke .• tf'. . I., , is we ir ll ne nla wo ar ces rth fu tur e. . ~e be- Th e sho the read ing for e a ba 'lk of fer ns an Ma rch 18. 1914 HAD A V-ESPER SE RV IC ;. aml Vall!!y Po ult ry d pfn k ros es, of Jam w IS ul}der the ~emel!t cl41tlon M~ Much me rri me nt wa E Th e ma rri ag e Bervice WI ll ho ld tu;l Ea es .- . Ad • aIr • . of • the ste Ad r air Fu ml ' the da y be the su rpr ise ? of the s ca us ed by Sf . ft\ARY'S CH UR CH the Re v Collins, of Sp wa s rea d,b y tur e Co. for e Ea ste,r. gll e& ts. Miss rin . g Mc Va lle Kinsey ha d pla nn ed y. the da te an d giv e· the Th e bri de - wo re a dreBII nv a of for ma l me an s of en ter tai sev era l incre am Friday evening. cre pe wiJ,h a co rsa nin en an y. Pe nit en · we re tho ti al office and ad d rellLit rou gh ly en joy ed . _ Sht wh ich wh ite r086lland IUiI!Bge . S at 7 p. m. Th e assist e wu the ed me for the Fri da even by At 7:80 a ings duro Mlsses.He.lehe r mo tbe r an d he r nie ces ing Le nt. will be Thye Lo wa ll ser ve d. n an d Ru Th,. mVlted lnlest s th ~arris. nex t Fri da y ev en ing nl' s Pr ay er. When We Shall Pr ay, "W hy an d V Barnh~rt. ' Mrs. - 1''.we re: )(n . 'Eo HarlaoCk. Evening Pr ay er atS :45." Sa tur da y. Mrs. C. M. Ro bi t« r.. O. lin ; W p. m. .: Ei O' Ne al. ~Mra; J .. ,Ed~ 1b 8.. 'ondSch Suool ndlat SuSe( nday lY 9: in Le nt, rchn:8.t ~ a. mMa h. Ed lta lph .. Mo ll!!g Il!l Pr ayer and Berman pt ith: '.Mi IIII!"I MO Bbr•. er.MlE ' ~I"". and sermon at 7p . m:10:30•• iJervJ~ "Emma HaWke, lIe I. . ~ HaWke, ~ --l"·'--:"-<.~. . 8UbJ~t lot' WriJrht-. c,,, EadDa U.. ..W ¥. evening. "Repen~~." nv ite d to these aemcaa ~ ~verybodJ ~~ -::rt.2: .~ . ~, _ ,1Cida ' _flt ,. ......UI l Al l

L ___.._ __.... ___ ............................-.-










IrT..'···......._ ...... ·.........._...........··. . . .....-...... " . ·- -_··-·-··· -i

P er so n al Mention Colu I L L: -..---- -.. . . . . ,....... ,...._ - . _ . _ mn ..J . - _.-.... :J




- --




Social Events






~~rJii~~[i~~~~~;~gl ,g~[~~:a~;few


Stel~~on,.~ aara



'J -







lI oo~1


1(10 \

The Cra sh , "Fall pd!" e jnc' lIl a l,' d .I ullil \' a llnot bl unk l!', a nd th e hilt IH \ lIP Id d ro pped to th " c l url'l · ~o l o r e d t·us Il k a bugo wl ll tH epl nich or Budtl t'll frIgh t. "Tho Cor porat l(l ll - fllll cd ! " T it,' ) OIJIl !; m U ll W II S t he g la ss of (a "h")Il , from th o s lll, e n rI bbon on th e B\IU lleS8 l'Rll u Ula 10 It l ~ peurl·gray gall· Ers , an d wc ll fa \'o red- a li t he stu lwart II g un', \\ Il h w Irl O·scl hll ze l e yes and s trong brow ll haIr wa vIng ba ck from o l'alld ld for e hend . I\ e l' er ha d hIs Inn oc uou s and but· t('r·ily e xl s t e nc o kn o wn a s urllrlse m o re s tartlIn g. He had swung Into tb " roo m with all th e non cha lant hab· lis, the Ingrained certItud e at the Ulan born w ith achi evement ready·made ln bls handa, And a BIngle cupt slate· m e nt- Ilke the ruthless blade s of a pair ot shears- had snIppe d across the one splendId scarlet thrend In th e woof that constituted lite as he knew 1t, He bad knotted his lavender scarf that morning a vIce-president ot. til e Valiant Corporatton-one at th e great· est and moSt successful or Ulode rn· day organlzallons; he sat now In the fading afternoon tryIn g to r ealize that th e huge fabric, without wa rnIng, bad toppl ed to Its tall. 1I0 w solid and changeleHs It bad al wa ys Bee me d - that great bus in ess fabr IC woven by th o tatber bo could 10 diml y r ememb erl HIs own Inv es t ed fortun e ha d be en de riv ed fr om t he srea t corpo ratl o u th e e lde r Vulla nt ha d founded and controll ed until h Is d ealh, Wi th a lmost unprece dent ed earnIngs , It ha d s tood a s a ve ry Ulb· raltar of finance, a ty pe and s Ig n o r brilliant orga nI za tIon, Now, o n th e h e e ls 01 a tru s t'n di ssolution whi ch wo uld be a nin e-da ys ' won de r , th e va st til ructul'e had crumbled up lik e a c a rd· boa rd. The raIn s had descend ed and lh e flood s had c om~ a nd It had fa ll en ! The lDon at tho J esk had wh eeled In h is re l'olvin g ChaIr and was loo kln' s at the t.rlm a thl e tic bac k blottin g Ih e dayllg b t , wIth a s l CII II ~ tb a t wa s lillIe short of a co ve rl s nee r, H e was on o of the loca l m a ll a gers 0 1 th e corpora· tlon who so ruIn wa s to be lh a t c1ay's sensation. a colorl ess man who ha d ac· Qulred mIddl e ag e with his firs t loug trous e rs and had bee n de dicated to th e commercIal treadmill b efor e he had bougbt a safet y·razor, lie des pIsed all loIte rers alon s th e primros e paths, and John Vallunt was but a decoratlvo fig· urebead, Valhlnt started a s th e oth e r s poke at hi M elbow. He had com e to Ih e win· dow and WIl S loo king clown at Ih e pa Ve tlH' nt. "How quickl y so me news sp rea ds !" For tbe first tIme th e young ma n noted that th e stree t below was OIling vo'lth a d e ~ultor y crowd . He dl s tln· gul s he d a knot of Hallan laborers lalk· lng with e xc ite d gesLl culation s - a

"It'. Very Good LivIng Abroad, There's a Boat Leaving Tomorrow." tlmud(ed plasterer, tools In hand.clcrka some batless and wIth thin Blpaca coats-all I,e erlng at th e voice· less tront of the, great building, and all, he ImagIn e d, wltb a thrIvIng fear In lbelr fac eH, As he watched, a worn· an, coa rs e ly dressed, rall across the street, he r handk e rchlet pressed to her ey es , "Tile notl co has gon e up on tbe door," s aid the menageI', "I Bent word to thu police , Crowds are ugly 80me· times," Valiant drew B. sudden sbarp breath . The corporation down In the mire, 'With crowds at Ils doors ready to clamor for money entrusted to It, the aggregate savIngs of widow and orphaJ, the piteous hoarded Bums earned by labor over which pinched sickly faces had burne d the midnIght all! The old er man had tllrn ed back to the de sk to draw a narrow typewrlt· ten slip of paper from a pigeonhole, "Here," he salrJ, "Is a list of the bonds of the 8ubs ldiary eompanieo recorde d jn your nam e. These are all. of course. engulted In the larger failure. Vou ha .. e. howeve r , your private for· .4ne. It )'ou take my advice, -by the way." he added sl''Dlflcantly, "you'll mA'.lIe sure ot lieeplng that," . "Wb&t do 'you Ulean?" John Va.liaDt faced blm Quickly. TIl. oUle'r laulbed ahorUy. " 'A. word . . . .... .WIN.'" MCltloted. .. yer;


li vIng Ilbroa d.

'f hero'y a boat

i u g t o mor r o w ."

,\ du ll rC' ct !<prsng Into th e youn ge r la ce, " You m U l\ - " " Look ut t ha t crowd do wn tb er e-you cnn hC' tlr th e m no w. The re'll be a ll'g ls la tl v<, In ves ti ga t ion, of cours e , An d Ibe d e vlI'Il ge t th o hIndmos t ," II A s tru c k th e de s k·top w Ith bIt! hand, " lIl1ve you e ve r Been the bills for this fu r n Iture? 1>0 you know what that ru g und e r your fee t cos t ? Tw e lve Ih ollsand ~ lt's a u o ld P e rs luu. Wh a t do yo u s up pa so th e pa pel' s will d o to that 7 Do you thInk s uch things will see m a mu s Ing to t hut rubbl e down th ere?" H Is band s we pl to ward th e wIndow. "It's been going on for too many yea r s , I t e ll you! And now s omo oo e'll pay th e pipe r, The light· nlng won ' l strike me-I'm not tall e nough, You're a v Ice-presIdent." " Do you ImagIn e that I knew th e se thIngs- that I hav e bee n a party to what you s eem to be li e ve has been a de liberate wreckIng?" Valiant tow· e r ed over hIm, hIs breath coming fa s l, bl s hands clenchod hard , " You?" The msnag er laughe d agaIn - an unpl e asant laugh tbat scrape d th e oth e r' s QuIv erin g nerves like hot sandpUlI Pr , "Oh, lord no ! How IIbould you ? You' vo bee n t oo bu s y pls ylng po lo a nd \\ In ning brld l>e p rIze s , Ilow man y board me etin gs ba ve yo u a t · tendE!d t bl s yea r? Your vo te Is prox· le d f\8 r<,gu la r a s clock wo rk. UU l you're s UIJl>os ed t o know. Th e p ople down th e re III th o s t n 'et wo n't as k qll estl ons a hout pa te n l·leatltH IJUm [JS a nd ponl (, R; t hey 'll want to hea r abou t S II C It thl ngH us rot te n Irri ga llo o loaos Itl th o Sto ny·HI\'(' r Va ll ey- to mllr ke t a n a lknll dese rt thn t Is th e pc rs onal prope rty of lit e p res ide nt of thI s cor· porntl on," " a llan t tu rn ed a ulanl( while fac e. "Sedgw ick 7" " Yes. You know hIs pt'Lnclllle: '!l's a ll r Ig ht to be bones t, If yo u're not too da tlln hon es t.' H e owns th e Stony' Ri ve r Valley bag and bagga ge. It was

~ ymm e t rka l ,

(' x(ju lslt t'ly pe rf(> c l. Tb (' lI ltl e g roup wllh wh o m s he sa tl ookC'd 1I0me what ou t of pl ac c In t hat m ixed ass('m bl a ge. S martl y gToolD ed an ti pa lpa bl y mprnb ers o f a sel to wh om J uhn Vali an t was !\ fa mlll nr , th e y bad hud only fri endly nods a n.l Sill li es for th e you ng lUlln at wh om s o many th pl'e hud ga:Led wIth Jaundiced dyes , To th e gC!le ral public which road li s da ll y ne ws pu per pe rh a lls non o ot th e g ll derl se t wae be tter known th a u " Va nity Va lla.n t." Tho n e w Panhard ho dro ve was the s martest car on tb e a \' nu e , and tho collar on th e w hi te bulldog that pran ced or do zed on Its lea th cr s eut s ported a dlamc;.nd bu c kl e , Ta lhe epace wrlte r s of th e socIal col· umn s , he had bee n a pe rennIal In s plra· tlon , Tile pa tte rns of his wuls tcoats. and tb e spl endors of biB latest bachelors' dInner at Sh e rry's-wlth such

He Had Suddonly Remembered That It Was HIs Twenty·fifth Birthday,

s big ga mbl e a nd htl los t. " Ite lll s th e pubUe had ' bee n kept BUm. Va llanl was starIng a t t he othe r with a s tran go look, EUlotlons to which c le ntl y tamlllar. To It, be stood a per· In all his s elf.lndulgent life be bad fecl symbol at t.h e elder ease and In· been a stran'g e r we re runn Ing through sole nt dIsplay ot Inherited wealth. his mind, and outre pa ssions had him And tb e great IZ'ajorlty ot those who by t he tltroat. Fool and doubly blind! had found place In that roomy cbam· A poor pawn, a. cats paw raking tho bel' to listen to tbe ugly tale of squan· cb estuuLe for un scrupulou s men whose de red millions, looked to hIm wltb a re s entm e nt that was sharpened by his IgnomIny be was now ca lled on, per· apparent nonchalan~ . torce , to II har e! In bls pitiful egotism he had consented t e be 11 Ilgurehead. Long boCore tbe closing sess ion It a nd he had bce n made a tool. A red had bee n clear thl-t, as tar as Indict· rllge surged ov e r him . No 000 had ments were concerne d, the Inve stlga· e ve r seen on John Vallant'u fac e such tlon would be barre n ot re sult. Of Individual crlmlaalily. flIght and s uI· a look a s gre w on ,Il now, H e turn e d and wIthout a word cld a had been eontllsslon, but more o pe ned tho door, The old e r man look s wee ping cbarges could nol be brought a s tep to word hIm- be had a se nse of bOUle. Tbe glided fOllI had not brougbt dange rous e lectrIc Corces III nil' alr~;~~:1~~~~0 the embarrassIng purvIew but th e doo r closed sharply In hl u face.. • • • • • • • lie s mil e d grimly, "Not croaked." be Th e jostling crowd flock ed out Into Hald to hImse lf; " me r ely callow, A we ll·meanlng, manicured young fop th e square, among thQm a fre s h·Caced wholly surrounded by m ell who kn e w girl on the arm or a g~ay · b e arded man wbat th ey wanted! " H o s brugged hIs In black [rock coal lind plcLuresQue shoulde rs and ' we nt back to his chair. broad·brlmmed telt hut, She turn ed Vllliant plunged down In th e eleva· her eyes to his. " So tbat." she said, "Is John Vailant! tor to th o stree t. He pushecl past th e guarded door. and threadIng th e I'd almost rath e r ilave m issed Niagara crowd, made toward the curb. wh e re Falls, I must write Sblrley Dandridge hIs bulldog. with a bark of delight, about It. I'm so sorry I lost that Ic ap ed upon tbe s e al of a burniShed picture at hIm that I cut out of tho car, rumbling and vibrating wltb pent· paper." "I reckon he's not such B. bad lot," up pow (' r , Tbe re were those In tb e sold h er uncle, lI e hailed a cab. s ull en altxloull crowd who kn e w whos o was that throbbing me tal miracle. tbe " Grllnd Central Stallon." he dire cted. c haulTe ur splck and span from shIning wilh a glance at hIs wa tch, "and be ca p·vlsor lo pol!~lt e d browll puttoes , Quick abnut It. Wo've JlI S ~ tIme to ' and recognI zed th e white fac e that make OUI traIn." • '. • • • • • wtmt pa s t. Iw ltt'd It with muttered • Some 'b,ours later, In an Inner office s lI e e rs. Hut h e scarce ly saw or heard ' town Sky.scraper, the newlytlt e m, a s he ste pp ed Into the Sl'at, took of a dOi lha wb ee l Crom th e cba ulTcur 's haud appoInte recoive r of the Valiant Cor! poraUo a heavy, thlck·set man w!tll and thre w on lh e gear. H e drov e m echanically pa s t a hun· narrow 'yes, sal beside a table lID dre d fa mili a r lhlngs atill places , but he which 1. y a small hlack Batchel with salV lIotlilng, till th e ma ss lv~marble (\ padl k all Its handle, ' whose can· ev e ral bundles oC crIsp papers tronts of lba upper purk side C'ensed d been turning over In bls I he ll' rna d dance as lh e car baIted be· ands wIth a look ot Incredu· for e a I nil Iron·grllled doorway with az e menl. A sheet containIng wid e gli ste nIng sl eps, bet wCll n win· of ligures and memoranda lay dows stmngely shuttered and dark. H e epmng out nnd touched th e bell. amon them. The sbock was still on bls face -;"'ben The heavy oak parted slowly; the can· Ild e n tl al secretary ot the man be had a kno k came at the door. and a man The neweomer was gray· com e to face stood In Ole glooml, enter haIre' s lIghtly stooped Wld lean· doorway. Jowle • with a humoraus expresslrlD on "I want to see Mr, Sedgwlc&:,' his s , He glanced In surprlai at "You can't Bee him. Mr. Valiant," terod table, ' "But I will!" Sharp passion leaped the Into the young voIce. "£Ie must speak at the d~sk. to me." Queer abtlut Tho man In the doorway shook his head. "He won't Epeak to anybody trlend grInned,' "No, Buck." he any more," he said, "Mr, Sedgwick dlcla11y. "unless It·s that necks hot hlmselt two bours ago." t would stop a Dutch clock .... ng the baberdasheryl Read tbla CHAPTER II. young Valiant," lIe passed letter, Vanity VII II ant. read. He looked up. "Securi. "The witness Is oltcused," _ In the ripple that stirred acroes the court room at th e e xamIner's abrupt conc lusion , John Valiant, who bad wlthstoorl that plUless hall of ques· tlons, rose, bowed to him and slowl,






130 ;313':}-/';fERR/t.i. C'O/';fPAYY

Wh l'r' t ho d ev il does It o COOle III 0 1 "l1w hll 7" T he rC'c(' lvc r puree d hl ~ lips, " I IHlc w his fa the r," h o saId. "H e bad t he sa me crazy quI xotic streak ." I-I e ga th e re d tho sca tt ered docu· me n ts lind lock ed th e m ca r e fully with th o satch el In a sa te. "Spec tacular yo un g ass !" ho Gald ex plos Iv ely, " I s hould say so!" agreed Fargo. " no ro u kn oll' I us ed to be atrald my Kntharln e ha d a lean ing toward him. But thank God, s he's a s ens ible gI rl! " · • • • • • • • Du s k ha d fall e n that eve ning wh en J o hn Valiant's Panbard turn ed Into a c ross·streo t and cIrcled Into the yawn· Inl~ mouth at hIs garage. A little la t er , the bulldog at hIs heels. he asceoded the ste ps ot bls club, wh e re h e lodged-be bad dIe· posed of hIs bachelor apartments a fOl'tnlght ago. The cavernous seats ot th~l lounge wcre all occupIed. but he did not pause ae he strode through tho hall. He took the little pile ot letters the boy handed hIm at Lbe d es k and went slowly up the staIrway. He wandered Into the deserted libra· ry and sat down, tossIng the le tters on the maga zIne-litte red table. He bad s udd enly r em e mbe red that It " 'n~ e hlB tw e nty·flfth birthday. In til e reaction from th e long s traIn he re lt phys Ically spent, H e thought of Wha t h e ha d dolt e tbat afte rn oo n wit h a sense of satisfaction, A reve r s ul of public Jud g me nt, In hIs own eas r~ , h ad no t e nte r ed his h ead. He kn ew h is world - Its comtortable facul· ty of forg ettin g , and th e multitUde of s in s that wealt h may cov er . To prese rv e at wbate ver pe rsonal cos t tb e ono nobl e m onum ent bl s fath e r' s g eniu s ba d r ea re d, and to rIght the wrong th a t would cast Its gloom y sha.dow on hIs name- that had bee n hI s only thou ght. What h e had don e would have been done no matter what th e outcome ot the Investigation, But now, he told hims elf, no oue could say the act had been wrung from hIm, Thllt, he fan cied. would have been hIs father's way, H e omlle d--n slow omlle at remlnls· cence-for tb e re had come to him nt that moment the dearest ot all those me morI es-a play ot hIs childhood. He saw IlImself seated on a low stool, wa tchIng a funny old clock with a moon·face, whoee Bmlllng lips curved up like military mU8tachl08, and wish· Ing th e lazy long hands would hurry. He saw hlmself stealing down n long corridor to the door ot a bIg room stre wn wIth books and papers, that tbrough some baleful and m,Jsterlous spe ll could not be made to open at a ll hours. When the hands poInted rlgbt, how e ver. there was the "Open Sesl. me"- hls own secret knock, two De ree twIn raps, wIth one little lonesom e one afterward - and this was un· failing . Safe inside. he ilaw hlmselt standIng on a big, polar·beaT-skln, the dooJr tlght·locked against all comers. an expectant baby figure with hie lit. tie !baud clasped In his tather·s. Tho wbl t e rug waB tile magic entrance to th e Neve r·Never Country, known only to th ose two. I-I e could hear his own shrill treble : "WI shlng·House, WIshlng·House, where are you?" Th e n the dee pe r \'olce (quite unreo· ognlzable as his fath e r's) answerIng : "Uere I am, Master; hore 1 am!" And Instantly tile room vanlsbed and they were ta the Never·Never Land, and before them reared the big. gcst house In the world , wIth a row ot whlt.e pilla rs across Its tront a mile hlgb., John Valiant fe lt an odd beating oC the heart and a tIghtenIng of the throat. for he SaW a s ce no that n ev!'r fltded froUl his Ulemory. It WIIS the one husll..ed and horrlhle night, wh en dread thIngs had been happenIng tbat he could nol ur,derstand, when u hI/!:

Though Sickand Suffering; At La.t Found Help in Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound.

Illlln wilh gol d co yc·glassf's, wbo Hll1 l'lI ec! o f 6 011] 0 cu rI ous B l c kl s h ·~ w eet perr u nH', call1 !! ar. d too k him b y lhe han d IlIIlI It' d him Illto B raoUl where his fllt he r Ifl)' In bed , very gra y and (ju le t. TIll' whlt o hand on th e co ve rlflt ha d b ~ c k u n ~ d t o him a nd he hnd go ut> close Ull to tho bed, standin g very s traI g ht, hI s heart beutlng fas t allel hur d, "J ohn !" t ho wo rd had bee n alm os t a ",h ls p(' r, H ry t eus e and unxlous, ve ry c1l stltll' t. "J ohn , you'r e a little boy, and fa th e r Is go Ing away ," " T o-to Wl shln g· llous o·' Tho gray 1I1l~ had s mIl ed tbon, ever so littl e, and sa dl y. "No, John ." "Take me wIth you, fath e r ! Tak. mo wltll you!" His voI ce had tr e mbl ed tll e n, and be had had to gulp hard, "Li sten, John, for what I am s ny· Ing Is very Important. You don't know wbat I mean now, but Borne· Ume you wilL" Tbe whisper had grown straIn e d and tray ed, but It WIl& IIt\II dIstinct, "I can' t go to tb e Nevel' Never Land, But you lIIay Ilometlmo. If you • • • If you do , and If you II" II b tl t nd ..·Ishln g· 01l81l, re me m or 10 th e m en IV h 0 II \ ''',. d In I'. • • • be • fa e yo d 11 0 • • • \,'nrc gen r u on I " tl e men. \\,hal c vl~ r e lse th ey were, th ey we re a lwnys tll n t. li e • • • lik e th £' m, J ohn . .• • • will you 7" " Yos, fat her," The old K ~ ntl (' nt ll n wIth tb e e l' ~ g lasses bad co mo for\\,a rd th II , ha s tl·


- f'

Ri chmond, Pa. - •• Whon I s tarted taking Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vege table Compound I was in a tlrt'adfully wnd own state of health. h ad internal troubl us, amI WIIS so e xtrome ly nervous Wld pros trated that If I had given In to my f ee lings I would have be.m In bed. As it was I had hardly strength at tim es to be on my feet and What I did do WIIS by a great effort. I could not slcep at night and of course l'elt very bad in the momina-. lUld had a s teady headache. "After taking th e se cond bottle I notieed that the beadacbe Wall not so bad, 1 rested better, and my nerves were stronger. 1 continued ita use until It made a new woman of me, and now I can hardly realize that J am able to do wo much 881 do. Wbenever I know any woman in need of a good medicine I highly praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegdnble Coml'0und."-Mra. FluNK CLARK, 3146 N . Tulip St., Richmond.PL 'Women lIa'f8 Deen Telling WOlllea

I I '

Iy .

"G oo d·" lght , fa t it (' r- " H e hnl! want l' ll to kI ss hIm, but a s t ran ge cool hll ~ h ha d se ttl ed on llle roo m und h lH fa t he r see me d a ll at on co to It a \' fa lle n as lee p. A ud he had gone out, so ('are full y, on tIptoe , wo nd rin g , a nd 8udd e nl y af ru ld,

Cor forty years how Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound hIlS restured their healUI wh en suffering with female 11111. This account.q for the enormous demand for it from coast to const. ~ you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vege table Compound 7 It will pay you to do so. Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, MaB8.






The Turn of the Page. John Valiant stirred nnd laughe!1, a littl e self-consciously, for tb e re hnd bee n drop s all his fnce. P r ese ntly he took a c hecl(·l.Jook fro rn bls poc ke t and began to fi gu r e on tb e s tub, lookIng up wltb n wry s mile. "To come dowlI to brass tacks," h e mut· te red, "whe n I've settl ed ev e rythIng (thank heav e n, I don 't owe my tailo r!) th or e will be a littl e matte r at tw e nty· e Ight hundred odd dollars, a passe mo· tor and my clothe. between mo and tbe bread·llne!" EverythIng els e he had dI s posed of -eve rythIng but th e tour· foot ed com· rad e t her e at hIs fee t, " nut I'd not Bell you, old chap," he sllld. sottly ; "not a sIngle lick of your fri e ndly pink tongu e: not for a beas tly hun· dred thousa nd!" He wIthdre w hi s care.sln g hand and look ed again lit th e check·s tub . Twe n· tY· elght hundred ~ H e laugbed bleakly, Why, be had spe nt more tban that a month ago all a ball at Sh errY'II ! Tbls mornIng he had bee n rlcb ; t onlgbt bs was poor! What could ' he do? li e could not r e me mb er a lime when h e had not had all that he wanted , I-Ie had ne \'er bor· rowed from n frI end or bee n dunne/1 by an Importunate Irad ps man . And he, had nover lrled to earn a dollar In his life; as to current m ethods or mak· Ing a living, he was as Ignorant as a Pu eblo IndIan. He rOs e grimly and drngged hIs chaIr facIng the window, The nIght was balmy and he lool(ed down across th e darker Ilea of r ee fs. barfe d like a gl ganLlc che cl(C r-bonrd by the shinIng lin es ot etre ets. 10 wh e re tbe fla shIng elcct rlc si gns of th e th eate r 4I11strlct laid th eIr wid e swath of colored ra. dIane £'. Thrl ma nifold cnll s of the stree t a nd lite buzz of troll pys made a dull tonal bac kground , subdu ed and far·a wny,


, r Q UFo C'01'1'INU Ef),\







, \

$2.150 AND UP



AMBITIOUS MEN N-ow doing well but wanting larger ea.rnings will ask ajJout ourpropositiontowagonsa.le& men. We want a stea.dy, gentlemanly representative in every county. Hundreds grown old and prosperous in the service. No experience necesBary. "Down and outers" not wanted. Write for particulars.

Dr. Ward'. Medical Company Dept. E.


The' Army of Constipation I, Growing Smaller EYe,.,. Da,.


responsible - they not only give relief - they penna· nentlycure COD' .ti,ltioa. lions us them "fen' Bilio_u.

lHI,ea., Sick H...acM, Salow SIda. SMALL PIU.. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PIle&. Genuine mutt be.- Signature

~~~~' ==----:::-- - - --

._-- ---


Removes Bur'" Enlar(remen,-,

DID NOT IMPRESS LANDLORD Inhkeeper Could Serve Excellent Luncheon, But Evidently Wa. Not of LIterary Mind. They are telling In Westchester a stor,' about Richard H,ardlng Davis and Oouvernor Morrla. These t1ll0 wriiel'1l, It appears. were motoring tbe other day. and stopped at &DI IDIl for luncheon., Thl! luncheon W&IJ excellent. and aftc It W8I over

Thickened. SwoUen Tiauw.

his seat In the car, and Mr, Davis remained behind to settle tbe bill, Aa he counted ble chango Mr. Davis In his turn saId to the 1andlord' "Landlord, my friend ther~ Is Gou. verneur MurrIs" Again the landlord looktld ImprelBed and puzzled. "Morris] Morrll!P" he 8ald. "Tha name sounds tamlUar. Meat Une aln't It; sir 7" • Nature'l AdJultment,

Curba. Filled Tendons. So~. n635 from Iny Btulse' or Stnlni StOp. Spuin Lamene .., Allay. pau.. Doe. not Blilter, remo'l'~ , lheJlllir ~ lay up the horae. ~ '2,00 a botdt~ delivered. Book 1 K free. ' ABSORBlNE, .JR., thb Antiaeptic lin).. ment for mankind. For Syopvltta. Stralu. Gouty or Rbeumatlc depo.Cu, SwoUeo." PaInful Varlcoee Vel.... Will tell yoO more if you "rite. and 'Per bottle at · dealen or delivered., Manufaclured i>nJy bj W.F,YOUNo,P.O. F.; S1DT.t:titIt5t••'rlntllet...... .

'1 '2




Uric Acid Is Slow POROD



~hp -·


II I '

CIl ll C:-.s. ir~ltabi l i t y , nt:r vou!:Incss. urow~fu ess . "1.J11lt:!I, " r heumati c a tt acks


uria" r), disorder s.


LU le r .,flee t..


di5Ca.,~ .

I f yotl WO ldt l uvo itl uri c acid trouble:s , kc<! p ),ollr Kidu"ys h.wlt hy. To stim ulate fl u d S l ft!Il~ ( h~ u weak k id nu)'s, use VOUIl'S l,iolll eY Pi lls-the best reCOll-

meuded ' Ike Iii I ki rillcy rt;U1cdy.

4 WI.~c oo S ID (;D5. ~ll 'lJ . Jaue s m ith.

t ' la y St., 1\1". 11 aeb lL. "V , • .• • a y a : ' ,' co u 14 bl1rd Iy get ou t o f bed. AS y (j



Me mbe rs o f th e Thirt ee n th Ma saac hu Ge tt e Ha d to B e F o r ce ~ B ack In Not ed Fight at Ge ttys bu r g.

Geo r ge I I. 1.<: llIlI a l1 . e mp luy ed a H nn lJUf'k ell!nl"i clo.n ut tll e ChllfleHtowlI lIa\"\' acb~d. my tJ ouy b l oated aad y u rd. WIlS a st llro y yo un g mun In)' &nk lea we r o uf .wolle n . I lost 41 l we nt Y'olle yeu r s, 50 y ea I' M ago . AI· po u nd.. tn w e t l' ht . lJ () C l o r a l ho ug h hl' huct seeD har d se r \'il'c l\a u d id U' l kn ow wb at a ll e d prtvato In COln p.ul )' (,;. T hl rt e nt h m " a nd. coul d n' , h e lp me. F in a lly . Maaeac illlsp[f.K Ill fan t r .I·. Mr . Lehlllf\l l J I 0 0 k DOllo n ' . we l!.': hed IHU po un ,l .. whe ll hI! wellt Kt d e y 1>111. and th fl), o ure d m e. All Into lll n valli e o f Getly"h u rl(. M r lh • •• e llln Ka dl,. a ppeare d . Do.n ' . Le hman bad th e ad vu nla ge o f I({JOWI ' J( ldn,. y Pllt • • Ya 4 Ct,ge of h o w t o t a k e cure o r hl rn n.'H. lite," eet at Aa" 5t_ IIOc • a.... and . us he SUys. he uevo!r fall od to Hpl.D~I.~IIT g e t en ollg h to eal. "O n lh o n ig ht of JUI \(\ ~Q we we r e F05TER.-MIUIURN CO~ BU....ALO. No Y. at Emme tsburg. ca mp ed at Mars h (" ree k. 14 miles from Ge tt ysburg. " aa ld Mr. Lehman . " About II a . m . on Jul y Tbl " s uit I. In t b e . correct navy I we go t o rd e r s lo etart for Ge ll), s ' IlYle. wltb a d ee p yoke facing. burg at double Quick. We cov e red t be open nec k with sailor collar. and a It's all rl g b t LO lool!. u ben d. but don't H , miles at a dog·trot an d It was th p. remova ble loner shield. Th e blouae be too prev louM. rouabee t road [ e ver lrave led, up an,l tAn bang loose It preterre d. The tro\t' down hlll. wltb dUllt up to our ankles. ___ open In the tront and have an exP utnam Fadele ss Dyes oolor IDOr. " M, recoll e ction II tbat we re ac h ed tra pocket flat.. The, have a sllaht goodB than othe rs. .A d .. . tho Hne of battle at Gettysb urg about nare at the aokle. These lIulta an! noon . The Twe lfth Massacb uetlttB had made at due Il. 11 0 en.. aerge and f\aIUMlL Ov e r 800,000 womeu .. oted 10 .._ The .wt pattern (8616) Is c~t 10 been abead of us and the, bad bee n t rall a In 191 3. through BOrne hard flghtlng b e rore we WIee •• II, 8 aod 10 y0QJ1l. Medlllm Don't bay ...._ tor Olu'o~. LIqtd4 bin. I[ a r rived. Th e y had lost many o f th e ir airA') Nlqulroa I ,arde of U Inch ma~1J1)a.t &11 BUT Red CraM Ba.U Blue, men an d wh e n we lined Ull In tb e po· terial. 01. b1a.e that'. all bl..... .Ad ... eltlon th e y had been holdi ng th o able · To pn>crure thl. pal~ IIOmd 10 ""nb to "PatlAorn Departm ent." or thte pt!.peT, Bryn Muwr college has 40 K1rll 10 bodied me n ot th e Twelnh staid wIth Write """,. IlJld adel.- plainly. nnd be ...... to III..... at... a.04 number ot pattern.. Us. swImm ing class . "' It wae hot work from tb e nrat. mlnut o. The r ebe ls we r e coming u\) the Con stl patiun CD. U~ &n d se r toua:l, 1C8'f'&. e. many d'. . It i. tho roughly aul'tld road In col u Dln o f fo urs JUBt lUI fa NO. 6515. IIUB-- .------- s t as by Dr . b eree's Pell ets. TIDY aUllar·coa t>ed th e y " ....B __ _ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ _ __ could conle. T he re soom ed to llran uletf. Adv . be a swarm of r e be ls elre t c hl llg out TOWl4 . ______ ____ •• _ __ • ___ ____ _ farther tban "'0 coul d 8ce. Astrolo gy . " The boye all k ne w thal th e re we rc · STaRlIT Al(D NO .• - _____ __ __ __ _ So nny - Pa. wha t is a co me t ? Fathe r - A comet II! an Atlantal z.ed fully nv e ot tbe ,Jobnnle s lo ev e r y Oil " IITATB.____ • _ _ _ _ _ . _ . __ • __ .tar ; tbut is , It consists mos tly of , .... of us. but that 0 01 )' mud e our boys I1ght hard e r . W e \\~r e firin g jus t aB Dean ', Mcnthol alt'd Cougb Drope work tallt aa we cOllld r e load und nlm . a n<1 LADY'S WAIST . ,.o n d~", in overco min~ ""rjoWl couabl our me n we r e railin g fast. wd throat irritatiu ta-6e at ~. "Tbe r e be ls aim ed at the m e n n ea r· est tb e co lors. 8 0 th e m e n wb o we rf! Skeptlc 's Quntlo n. a bo ut tb e colo rs we r e hit first. Our Re v. C. H. S pu r g eo o. the e mln ont com \lan y was a;tall o ne tl to th e le ft of F.n g ll ~ h dh·l" e. sa Id that, 8!J s oon lUI a our colors an d a s ra L)lrllr a8 th e m e n man lOSeR hI s r l' lI l: lon. be wants to nea r th e co lora w ere hit we m O\' ed u (l . know who Cain 'M w ife wlUI.-T be Can· Our ('olor beare r . bra ve Cba rll e Mor· J; n:> ga Ll unallst . 1·ls . was kill e,\. Our r eg imental mon u· m e nt at Ge tty s burg. by tb e w ay. Is ~ The Man Withou t FOlly. soldie r In full u nifo rm . an fl th e tlgur ~ W llll a lU Oeau How e ll s . apropos of was mod e led e rte r Morris. t h A tp r cen te nary or th e bIr th ot La "So m Ully of Ihe ro lur co mll an ~' ho,1 lloch e fo ucauld , quoted at a d inn e r In been kl1l ed and wo ulI .led Iha t our I\oe t o n som e of t he ~'Ilmou s Freoca. compan y. tb e n ext on" to t he co lo r s. man' s m axlws. ha d move d up to th e pos ition abo u t "La R ochefou cau[d." said Mr. Howlh e r egim e ntal ' lIag. [was cl ose to ,,11 M. " was n't t he sorrow ful m lsao· th e colors wh e n a bull e t struf'k my tbrop e s ome people th ink , but a gay left leg. It wa s only a fl esh wound a ud gallan t "gure . Il ls c ba rncte r WI18 b es t portray ed. Ind eed. by on e of bill a nd I kopt on fl g hllll ~. " Abou t ~ : ~ O o r ~ p. m . I wus wound · b est rn 8 x lrl1s: -tro wbo Ie with o u t roil y Is not •• ed agaIn . a nd Ih ls tim e th e b all s ha t· tered a hone In lbe rl g bt leg . That w l~e us h e thlnka,' '' llUt DIe out ot ncllo.n /\I.Ll I wa s o r· d e r e .1 to th l' r e ar to th e fie ld hos pita l. Differen t Colo .... of Claude. \ bali beell abl e to band a g e m y rlg bt III IlD Hwe r to f\ s ub sc rabe r's qu estloD leg w ith a t o wo l lUltl SlOp th e now o f c o n cerni n g th l' colo r or cloud s. th e Nlio bloo d a nd I coul R eally novel features are tound 10 d just bare ly walk . tu n , a nd • cle nce d e partm e nt of SL " Befor e I waa bit a n <I was ord e r e,1 tbl s blouse which Is cut on the Dew Ni c hol aH tia ya: t o t h e r ea r [ kn e w th a t w e would hav '! loos e lin es. with a little fold ed Inn e r "' Whit" cloud s rue th oae w hich are to r e lreu l. Hut th e boys did not wa n~ ,'e st. and a pla10 slee ve e :rt e ndlng at BO thin that sunli ght comes througb to re tl·ea t. Wb e n It was 1m possi bl e to tbe top to tb e edge of the neck . It Is tho rn . or e lse th ey are In s u c h a [10- hold th e posltlon lon ge r an.' the offi· gathere d Into a band at tbe wrlat, sit10 n tbat th e BId e see n by tbe obce r s or,le r ed th o rn to retre at th e bo ys wher e the re Is a trW. There Is also serve r Is II g bted by the sunligh t. had to b o driv en badk be fo r e the y a BOtl frill arouod the opening of the I!lack clouds Ilr e t h os o lbllt are so would Sllr. [n all my e xpf\rl e nce I neck. Silk. crepe. velv e t . volle and tbl e k. or don se. tllut littl e eunllgb t nev e r s aw such b e rolc spirit BS tbe . cotton fobrlcs are used for tbese pas seR tbrou g h t he m. and at the same m e n or the First corps sllowe d that waIsts. time are not IIlumlo oted by sunligh t The pattern (a.IH) Is cnt In slice 34 Hl'!Jt dllY at Gettysb urg. on the sldo seen by th e observe r. It to U Inchett bust measure . Medium " As BOOn lUI Stullrt's cavalry rod e Is tbe se b eavy. large c lo uds that are "se require . 3'" yards ot 27 Inch maaway [ told Kelly t o nrn up the road most lik ely to produce raln .-St. Nlc&tena!. on ,l lotercep t Buford' s cavalry and To procure ttrlll pattern """" 10 _ ola.s. toll tbe gen e ral which way the rebe ls to "Pattern l)epartm ent." or lbla paper. Wrtte name and addree. plrunly. and be bad gone. He did 80 and pretty 800n .uro to I(ln III,.., aDd n umber of paltern. C - SCHOO L TEACH ERS. we heard the UnIon cavalry In pursuit. AllO Have Thlngl to Learn_ attackin g Stuart' II renr." Mr. Lehman on returnin g to MassaIIUB , _. __________ _ NO. 6481. "For many years I bad used colrel cbullett s applied for a ('ommlS 8lon In MAKB __ _• _______ ___ . _•• _ __ _______ _ an~ ' retused to be convinc ed of Its bad the Fltly·nl ntb Massac husetts InfaDeff ct upon the human system. " write. try. but tbe examinI ng surgeon deTOWIC . ____ _____ _ __ • _______ ____ _ a eteran scbool teacher . clared tbat b[s wound mad e furtber • " en yeara ago 1 WIIS obliged to STREET ""0 NO. _______ _______ lIervlce Impossi ble. give up my much-lo ved work In the IITATB.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ public acbools atte r years ot continUo Monum ent to Huen'lI Brigade . oUB:\Jab or. I had de veloped a well de.James P . Waldro n. Rector, Ark .. beflned case of chronic colfee polsonlo g. Peace Too Long Delayed . "Tbe trouble s were coustlpa tlon. longed to the Sixth Ke ntucky and was flutterln gs ot tho heart, a thumpi n. wounde d at Shiloh and agaIn at Stone One bundred yelll'!J ago an English lu tile top ot my h ead. and varioul rive r . On the fi eld o r Stone rIver Is vesllel . the Brambl e. under a flag at parte ot my body. twitchin g ot my a monum e nt to th e old Haze n ~ rl g ade. truce. arrived at Annapo lis. Md .. wIth lImbll. shaking of my h ead aDd. at compos ed of the Ninth [ndlan a, F o rty- ofJers from tbe Brltlsb gov e rnment to t[m e s after e xe rllon. a ge neral "gone" first Obio. Slxtb Kentuck y and One n e gotiate tor peace. As s ubseque nt feeling, wllh a top e r 's desIre tor very Hundre d and Tenth illinois. Th e re events proved, howeve r. many months strong colfee. I was a nervous wreck they fought back tho enemy when were to pass bolore th e wllr was to botb wings were driven bllck. und be end ed by th e tor years. treaty of Ghent . Had "A sbort time ago trlends came to Haze n 's men stood like a stone wall. th e offers brought by the Brumbl e led Altoget h e r they were In 23 battles and to lin Immedi ate cesRatlo n of ho.tll!visIt us and th e y brough t a package of Poetum with tb e m. a nd urge d me skIrmis hes. H e has Bee n bu t on e ot tles tbe result would have been a VlI.8t to try It. I was pre judiced because his old comrad es sInce the muster-out. I savIng ot llte and money . As It was. Moml! years back I had drunk a cup of IUld would lik e to hear trom un)' that the war was to continu o a full year. and many battles we re to be tought weak tasteles s sturt ' called Postum are alive. on land and sea. For another 12 wblch I dId not like at all: Simple Enough , months our norther n frootl e rs and our "Tbls time. boweve r. my !rlend8 "Here 's ILn odd news note. A N e w couts from Maine to FlorIda made the Postum accord In, to dlreowere to tions on the package , and It won me. Jersey trust compan y saved *75.000 be harasBe d and threateo od by the Soon I found myself Improvi ng In a laet year by abolish ing I ts legal de- British. The batUes ot Lnndys Lane, partmen t." Lake Champ[ aln. Plnttsbu rg and New most decided fashion. "That Is odd. 1 wooder how It came Orleans were yet to be fought, "The odor of bolllnB coffee no 10nBand even the _ t of onr ,.natlona l .govern er teinpts me. I 60 greatly bene- to decide to do It '" "Simple enough. It decided to obe)' ment was destined to fall Into ftted by POBtum tbat It I continu e to tbe bandl of tbe enelD)'. lmprove as I am now. I'll begIn to the law," ·thlnk J have found the Fountai n of lin Encoun ter With Thrift. GIving Him Room. Perpetu al Youtb, Tbls Is no fancy "WbAt did the proprte tor ot tlIe -rhe orcbest ra Ie too crowded . N letter but stubbor n tacta which 1 am .wtn6 lay when he found you feedlns "They will haft to lilt tlBht." lind to make known.". on their husb!" 1 "But the trombo ne player baIIit't Name Biven 'by POltum Co•• BatU. "Wbat he laid." replied the prodl,a l room to work b1a allde... · Creek. Mich. Write for a copy or "The IOD. "waa thlll : 'Hey! Come out of "I e&Il't at.e him an), more I'0OIII. Road to Wellvtl le," there. ThOBe bUlu are "Worth mODey laterally , nl cat a bole In thtl 1l00r If . POltum now comel In two forms: th_ dllYs"" be ~.. . .• ReG ular. Poltum -must be waD I ' ,(, ". l:\9Ued. " . ' au", Nbortcan,. 'peak[n g, 'In'''n,~ POI!tum "-ia a ~oluble pow, "Old Mr. Doppe1 doe . 8Jl't seem to Bu'CIII . ' ~n. ~Ih.-What do 1011 It A~ t:~. .~on~l dlllOl... Cl~ckIJ bAL.e a ..nle of h1Dllor..



111 \

11 :': 1t111 ~

f.l llld,l1Jo

'~, I ~


p l.ulI


('o n)·


. The I'rc~rllon whic h Dr. R V. Pierce U' cs mo,t s u cccs.~full y- in di51!..'lSCS of women- walch bas stood the t cst or n c...rly hall a cen tury-Is

"if!'" a.!\ ' a1

1' 111



!\oI l'

'·'nr IItl

Ifl! n ' : ,,1 '

'~rd ' al!lI ~


yjO ~ .


Dr. Pierce's Favorite . Prescription


\l" " ! I, ln u::, I II a l l r ; !l l ' ~, )'( 1\1

Tak e this in liquid or tablet f orm as a tonic and regula torl l>lrs. K.te D. R ichard50n. 01 Benl.". E ..... .. v, ...avo" ", ..teem II • pleasure tCl testi fy to the wond erful cu r atl~ q uatl tlH o t Co Dr.


Pierce's Favon te Pns.crJ pt ion.






Pai n Can not liv e


Tu ttle 's

Fa mi ly Eli xir

'_poI ....

19 13.

Cuti c ura Soap and OIntme nt .hrough out t he wo rld . Sample of fre e .w lth 32·p. Skin Book . Adc:tress eard " Cutlc u ra. De pt. L. Boston ." -

teoUr "daploed t o r bolh IDklnlal and n '-ernat uae. Ouarante ed UDder .. hi puretoodla"o"h.Ualled!!ta~Oo ..... ",m.nL .uk your clriIaUI. Uh. cazuIo, , .. ppl,

Bold each pos t· Adv.


Import ant to Mothe r. ExamIn e ca refully every bottle of CASTO RIA. a safe and Bure remed, for Infun t s I\ nd children . aod .ee that It Denr!! tb e ~ //fY;; -SI gnature of ~~ Tn Use For Over 30 Yean.

Childre n Cry for Fletche r's Castori a

C ar ol in a C or n C ou nt ry The Gulf

S ome peopl e wo ul d cry ove r s pille d milk He n l"f t he y do n' t like milk In n ny fo r m . For 7 5 yC llrs W rlg ht'S Indian Vegetabl e Pills hllv e heen thcir owu r e colD· m e ndaUon In co nd ltlous of up se t s tom ' Il ach. li ve r a nd h o we ls. 1f you buve not t r ied t!J em, a. t es t n ow w \ll prove th eir bene fit to you . S end for fr ee sam ple to 372 P ea rl St. . Ne w Yo rk. Adv. Ho mo m e n t ry to hid e th e ir lI ~ ht un d .. r a bllllh el. whil e so niC othe r s ma k e a tlrcwor ils d is play .

Stre am Lan d of Mild Win ters Thou sand s of Acre s

Rich. Black. Sandy Loam_ Easter n state level Coast Lands or rolling Up-lan ds of Middle State. New virgin farms or lands already under tillage,

Corn , Cotto n, Toba cco, Pean uts, Truck lDQ, Bay and Live Stock •

Only Ono " BROMO QUININ E" ro re t the ~ e ulJ j Q e . call tor full name . L AX Tl V F. BI(OMO QU ININB. Loo k ror . i. nM u, . A· .. 1 R. \V. GROV E. Cure" . Cold lD O u e Z5c.

Ample monthl y rainfall . Sunshi ne every day in the year. Twelv e hours from New York. Low priced lands. Special excursi on rates twice a month. Write for free colored maps and descrip tive booklet . Addre ss


'lun), 1\ man 's pO(lul a rlty beg lIl s an d en ds wlt.h hi m self.

8_ E_ RIC E_ Genera l Industr ial Alieni. Dept. 14

Wn Wr In bluln!:' II ail u lWflltion . Ohu", .nd ""ter llI ak es li q uid blue cos tl y. Bu y lW

" ru.s H. U Hlu",.




S h e ph e rd g i rlij III Sw!t1.ll rl a nd wear m .. n ·R clolh eH.

I I.



.. ' . thlnll.o r .Dl1 ..tamlJi tree? , ~ . DOt. ' He ' CO~lcI .t41Jl • \ . Ml':',)lIIlI~. ,tree ~ be ,a aii·...*"""; ;.III&bI I, tileU."l ollil l .... -atiOld ' 0014 I ew .. day &Ddl"- ODe. ~' JIIh~ bat ~~ ,to .IH ... .lnN""1. ·~~~ .eU bci~ k1D\I&- M&IDdWp III aD, .-t or ~Uf :~ - tbI. . . . ~ a 1aUae:-J1IdfIt. _ ' ~r ~'I a B4IuoD" _~ ~ .~- - -:-. - . .. ..' " . .







aad ". ,,111 MAd ,on prompU, . p..,pald. a1..., •• I.. bo"lAi. Your mOD., baok It u. do. nol 40 "ha, wo ,lal.ra.. Bampl. bottl • ...,1 tor lie. 10 ''->1» to OOYer poe.... .

TUTrL &'S m.IXII l CO.. 17 Bever ly S ...... ...... .. ......

l L doellU' t a lwll Ys ta ke a s wee pIng Rsse rllon to tbro w dus t In tb e othe r re ll ow'!J ,·yeB.


.\IU cup of Jaot,:watel! and,- ~ C~,,' 'Tm afraid



Lumbago-Sciatica Sp ra in s •• The dlrect1o n. aeya, Ib ~ for lumbago too,- Sloaa'l cured mT rbeum~tu.m I I'yo u.ed It and I know." Do JOIl aM SI_', ,

H_·. ..,0


", had III' back burt 10 tho Doer 'Var and two yeat'l I " .. h i t b)' • •treet car. I tried all klut\J ot dope wltbout .U("CrM. I .... your Liniment In a drtJrr .tore and I'ot • bottle to tr, . The "rat applicatio n C:&U8ed iDlltant relier. aDd 110W' ex c e~t tar a little . tltJneu. , am almc.l ...u.. '-ilNdNr 1'1_ ".,..,..... CaUJ. Lbof ,..,... ad.tlc. • f .... krpt In bed with ""iatiea .In". the ncft l of February , but I had almost ID.tBnt relief ""hen I tried your I.Jn1m&AL" - II'. lL a.ooIoW. -ton. Kl'

Sprained A..kl.


D ~' earw,1 ean ••, It of the oot OD

OIl' ank.le a n\1 had to UI8 crotchet:. and frie :ld .rl"j ~d me to try yt?ur Ltaimeat month. 1 could Wblk wlthout • "auo "i;'wui;.;;;"'jj: drp.rtmel 1l. I ha'Yc nOTct bclD .. ~, • .' ~."'" BriM»<. Gonualldi p, N. r.



llRl oommot l

In G irlho od- WOD 'lanho od and Mot herh ood

rears I '1I!f~re...J "re~ll)' w ith wt!aknes.& j'leCU llat to my leI:. J wu t ren ted by J\oxv ury , UlllO. -· II h en my lillie boy ~"'("ra ph ysici ans hut erouiu" Uy,rew WOf'SC. One of my f rie nds t old m e of th e- ilooci Tcsulh of ~O\lr "F'worite P f1:!crl ptlon." "II~ lllo \"" (O k ,; u l!1 h e bl'l;an breakin g 1 to Ule dnl' . to Te and Qot a bottle. imd nfte r tul nQ It.. w it h the 'Plea.un t I1-II t! bw."ent I cllmmem.:r d to a r t ~tt c r. I n\t ver ~ ut un his l·I" , .,k ~ . Thl! (' C ll'lfla b~ !! li n I kn~w whal hAppiness w~ for I w.u ~I ways 6/ck and cl)m p!i.htlnS and llUda othcn as well as Dly,ell unhappy. So you see wlat jll sl __ itll IJIJlIpl .·" ulld t he y ael' lllod to I ~ awt I "we YO ~ r' ,.. itth u O [m.dly llt~ would Hc rll.leb his Dr.Pie Tce'sP tPel'e t. Teguiate atomach,lioer', bowe " fUC A IIl1d CU tlij () Ii HUllt e r to r uu . Wh.· ... · \" <' .. 'Iu u t maller wou lt! lou c h It , _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ i "'o\l ld cu u,;n a ll o th L' r pimple uul ll It Jp r" ad ull over hl ~ body . It cuuse d tJi~II!;lIn · ll\ l' llt whll ,' It I""l o:>d. II ~ ha d Iltl e (' 11 pI. 'S 011 one a r m a nd hl a i bpad had M,·V(·m l. Th e d eepest p la ces In the s a me h o use wilh Tuttl e's F a m ily Elixir, 0 11 h is c h e" ks we r e- US lar ge aB a s ll· The lame ne ss and sore ness r es ulllllg fr olll hard work, . er tJu li ur on each sid e. He wa s 8 0 e x pos urc, or viol e nt e xerc is e o ft e n pa ve the .way for ' cH tl" su at lIig h t we had to put m ltseriou5 tro ub le a Md sh o uld a lways be avoided by ie nll all h im t o ke e p bl m fro m scrutc hrubbing t he limbs and body witll In g th e m wi lh hl a fin ger nall e. [f be got a lIt t l!! lOa warm at nlgb t It eee med to burt bad ly . " W e tri ed a trealme nt and be ~ n't get auy be lte r . H e ba-1 the ecze ma about l brN! ""eeks w b e n we began You are the third generati on which hu known aud using Cuti cu l a So ap and OIntme nt . I me1l Tuttle's Family E lixir as th e most reliable and llUJ'e remedy for ba tb ed Ill m a t ni g ht with th e Cutlcur a rheumat iam, lumbago , backach~. toothach~. cramp&. chill5. apraiDII, Soal! a lld s pre ad th e Cutlcur a Olntbruisea. and the other cornmoo ilh of humanit y. me nt on and tb e ecze ma le ft. " ~_ OomponD de4 pUNly of I""". _ t l a l (Sig n ed ) M ra. John White . JI1 ar. 19. 10n ....eI ... l1000. t. ~ on •• aDd ul.",bl ••• Ir""",-b .ll06 per_ hla .. am ••




W ea k W o nte n!- - - -..

l3ungl.:r .

I~~;E~~"'~PR EAD

- - --- --


:\I! ~K .1 ac;p.:, I 'r!'o :d lllll'HI t

I n Jut",

O l1ll \S

' t'li ,e UHi :-'




:)ome wom en a rc weak bCCluse of llls that A

! wnYF

Douo·. D OA N' S

gf' flP rHIl.v

ul III!;h t.


ne lle ,

an: dro ps),. gravt;1 or heart


Ne ve r Be fore Mid n igh t. J-!p- J)o esj'our IIII .lJa ud dUlY out lutl' a t nig h t ','

Practical Fashions

Excess uric acid leit to the blood by w",,,k kid neys. causes more diseases tb .u. aoy other poison. Among It!< effecls a re backac he. bo,:ui-



The opportun ity of eecuriDir bomeat eads of 168 acro the low priced lands of Manito ba. Saakatc hewan and Alberta , will soon havI paBIllld. Canada off.... a hearty w.leome to thll Settl.r. to the man with a family lookiDir for a home; to the fanner's eoD, to the renter. to 11.1\ who wiah to Ii,.. under better conditio n•• Canada 'lI anln yield In ..13 Ie the talk of the world. Luxuria nt Grassell give Clheap fodder for laril herds; aoat of raisifllr and fatte~ for market i& a trifle, The Bum realized for BMf. Butter. Milk and Cheeae will pay fHty per cent on tb. Investm ent, Write for litaratur e and partie• ulan as to reduced railway rates to Superin tendent • •~~ of Immiira tioD, mt.a.wa. Canada . or to W. S. NETHE RY tn,.ruro .n Bldll'. Columb ua. OhiO canadian O o yemruenl A&t.

Priee 2Sc., SOc. ..... " .00

honea . c.tt1e, poultry and bar. aeDl me. S. SLOAN, IDe., BOSTO N. MASS. W, N, U .. CINCIN NATI, NO. 8-1914.

-.. ----- - ---



wiil and t ~stRwent of BaDna h Alfred R. Compt on to Ida M, • COUNTY COURT NEWS • •11Elst E Rouoh deo8a>!ed. Phintlf J' v~ Robiol! on 96.BO aores In Union town · • • I13e rt.btl R~ac\.J . doflmll ant ~RIQ . of s hip Ii. . . "'.". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-.,........... ........ 'V.... .............. . ... , ... . .leal estate Ilpprov ed. 1 Elijah J . Campb ell Walter A.'arrlaae Llcen .....• Cor; lmon Pleas Court I ordered . " ....... Gny, lot io !larvey ebura, '276. I ' I Y f er to Li"


)j~trlbat lOn


. ,f

l!'Iorlllloe Snicll!f Vtl . " "ph ; 111 'H. oI,vllre!) , Willi !(rt.n I ell " I I tllinl:.t ,('stlll'c n 1-0 h er U1f1H.l un III ", ~' I "re nl' e Whorl-en. Caose, " os~ nA ~I , \ f . 1n Cl>Se F.1itll Rolanr\ VB Ed Ro1111 , th,' pi dntiff WIl8 divoroe d Irom ·t" " oI .. ,,1 1l\1 1!'<1"r' (I~ of extre.Jl e

• I



J (


( - r l it-' I I V

In o .. ~e u~atl A .

ur Luoiau :;( 'pit"r v ~ . owpbe r. divoroe. Ne tlce • , .. o'ion b? publlollf.loo i1:l oruer ed . Hlute of Ohio vs Th e l:Iorvey s. ' ,nrg Ferlilizer Co, Jnd ge A . C H elslOger. of Etlton, pr f'~ tdin{t J'III1I 8 1n bor. Jury fouorl tor plt~in f 1ft' on both ooun'~. CIIse IIRslgned f II be tried vn It.s meritl': Maroh ti, J 914 . New Suits. Nora ~ '·. llIen vs. Chllrles Mollen , I'lalntl ff IJro ' 8 tor divotoe cn ground , () I ext. r~rne oru elty aud graBS ue,,· l AOt of 00 L}' Alimon y Is !lsked for J,e Ddlng ~ettlement of suit. F a-I. Barlan aud J . B . MoKen zlb "'s David We!!t or, if deflrl, his unlnown heIrs. t;eck to qoiet litle ~ ' I IlInd In Warren IlOU Clintou ('00n\.le8. ""'belle fllllderm An vs . U. L . & N H. R. This 8uit III for dAlUllg es 'Vhlob ooourre d in the A ugu~t·. 1D12 nood and, It ill alleged . we re oc. cOlslo ned bt10auss of the Oil releB81y and. neglige utly oonstroot~d t restle liver the Dllrth brH.DOh of Turtle creek, which re ., dered Insuffio ient , .be outurtl.l ohaDnel and waterw ay of Baid Of6f'\(, DII Dltt.geS to tbe ex· of $286 and interee t are Asked. tlet·b W. Brown attorne y for plain· f

'MIl' ~Iff.


In ,the matter ,)f the will of Addl. ",a- uew II oung, aTlll Frank Kellle to F. M, Harlan 12 ~' fil d zie Kirk, hol.h of Lebullo n. Rev . son E. rd Br. W III e. . aorea in Massie towDsh lp 112. J 8. ~j oK(\ \lIV I In tho uUltler of th o gnll"dlhllShIP Indlau ola lIuUer y to M.alvin R 'Swulo l-t . P(lnewi t, farmor of of Will ... rd if Roby, millo1'. lIeorlle Ph\llipi l, ODe-th ird interes t in 132 Bo\lhrool< , to Almll C . MOXW C1 ~I, of F. Roby f\lrnlshe~ new bood whloh aoresl n Salem townsh ip. Waynel<ville Rev. B . 0, Co llins . III nccnpte d by the oourt. Joseph Gilmon r Extr. of B . E. Clareuo e Vlln Dn~hllm. ~leotrloian I, Real Estate Transfe rs Roaoh H3 32 aore8 10 Deerfie ld towuot Lebon.o u, to I!;~h el tltokes. of ,J ohn W. &011 Jl', to Millie ship 13(;9-l.,18. WllYDeS\'llI e. Rev. C):.reooe Urause r Clh-e r l-i!ni!luy l totl ilcres iu Deedle ld Celia J . t:3hawhan to Mella J. Wro. A . AUDktlr, fll rlUer of So I towo~hlp II Elliott 100,10 aores ill Bamilt on oialvl llt', t" Mllry Btl Dthleu . Rev· 1 Adldl B. Cox to Uhllrlel l B ofJ',:lot.s towoSh lql'1. Holmlln . lin MaSOD It. Pbilip GaiDeb to ,villiam B . New · port,. lots ID Springb oro, $1. Probate Court Proceed ings Arlll llu Tihba ls to C. L Duke 17.89 MinDie E. Hill Robert H. ID the mat,ter of tbe esta te of laores io Cleororeek: towulIl. Ji pl:.! 250. Young, 343 aores in Washin l:\ton ~lInllY~ . Molntir e. deoea-e d . .1<'1 ret 1 W. B. Hoppin g t o lIeorge A. towns hip't. and fioal tt.coouot Ilpprov ud, Mel v lot~ in Edgem oot ~ ubdlvlslon Thoma s C Chrls\i e to W . C. Reve . 10 the mlll.I,,·r ot the will of All:l8 IIO Lebano n II. naugb u310t, In Avalou 8ell1ht s, $1. B Cllot')n , deceat'led . Will "dmltW . H. Boppin g to George A. Willlt\m B. Ntlwpo rt to Phillip tod to probnt,('. I Meloy lot in Edgem ont snbdlvi~lon Ualn .. one balf lu'erea t In 111.41 aores W. CheMte l' Maple as adDlr., of ID Lebauo n 11 In I"JRul. lin townah ip It. the estote of JlnDel MoMul len. de. JUtlll E. Conden e' 61 to Alioe oellll~d . Plainti tJ vs . Donnis Mo. Boldeu .041B aores IU Morrow , Ohio MulJeo lit .. I. defendAnt!! ::;ale of I W $850. rOtlI estate io B .. wlltoo County op Klckap oo Worm Killer E xpc 8 orms .lo1m M . Mullor d, auditor to Ed pro ved Court orders uumr to gl ve The oause of yonr obllll's ill ,-t.he " good detld fur same to purolto ~er. A. Long, lot In Avalon Beightl l, foul, futid , offensi ve breath -Tbe ward oentt!. . 1n th e milt t or f t " t startin g up with terror aua grind 0 ue aR!lI ~ nmen of Kate Brooks, doiog 00llin08S a!! iog of teeth while IlsleeiJ F M. Barlan to William lIilltlm . -Tbe sal Dlreot Co 01 Co. Report of IJ I~YlUent lo w oompl exlQn- The durk clroles GO noros In lIassle townsi lip tl. of dividen d I1pprov ed. All IIsset!! aoder t.M.e eyes-A re nil indiollt lons Ed Mo~arlllnd to b'. M. Bllrltt.n, 60 being di!lf·rlb uted Frank V. O 'Nellll of worms. KIOkl'poo Worm Killer aores In Ma89le townah ip $1. I~ dilohar ged II~ assilloo(J lind the is wuat yonr oblld neoos; It expels William M. Pettit t-rost 18 termlnl lted. , the worm!l, the oaose of the ohlld 's Kroene r 4?- aores Int I Eieury C. Clellro reek In the matter of the will of Naph J unheal thy oonditi or'. For the reo townsh Ip tb.ll Uonlitllble decease d. Will ad· moval C seat K Jf. k , BwtomacKhl' e~ al to Oweo Felter . ~ to pro b T " ,worm R.I' 10 flpOO orm . laenrdglvVein!l '-6.Jane lfelteJ Ulltle" ote. uOIDII!! .on. I t uwns hi p, 11 - 00 f Its I t' r.ff t dd u tlOreR In B stable is appoint~d exeollt ar an or 1100.\ I sore r,. Ie a Ilxa Ive . 00 ~ II i.i000 fornlsh ed. William Chaney . I to!le to th o genera l sYllt:tlm , !::Iup CoD'm issione rs' Proceed ings G . as n camiy OQuf tlo t,HJlI-o hlld. \ 1'. IBt ~Odley and Orll rlswold ape Ii phed ren like It.. Safe and suro relief. . Bills Allow ed-G. C. t:;took, road po n e appraIs ers. i ifullflln tdod Buy a box to:!ay, work Hamilt on townsh Ip '11365 ID the matter ()f the wl~l of Rill'S I Prloe 251. All Dru"gi sts or by mall . \ Samne l EKman . I.Jrldge repairs , lbr. B Keenan , de0811l'ed. WIll flled. Kiokf!.p oO Indian Med. Co. PhU..del. Ian townsb ip $64.60 W. T . V ao. Joseph 1Il)mou f, exeouto r of the \ phia or St. Louis. derver. gravel ISO. James V. lilltli'




.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.~o;o:o.. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:••. :.;':.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..•.•;.;. ;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;':':":.':

t ~""""""'''''~~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~~''''~:;. .'.

i'; $;;; ~. ~.

We Offer , Subj ect to Prior Sal" , the Unso ld Bala nce of

i::~.' ~ r.;.l. :::




~~l ~ ::: ~$~~~



S ..








~$ ~.: ~


• .:. • • • ~~ •••



. ;: : I~.:: $:.:~:.~ .....


, ~ •










The foll owing prizes wers ILward ed oonttl stlmts at the t-;pring VOllle), fownsh ip Farmer 'S Instltu t·e:


Dr. J. A. McCoy, . Vete rlnar v


Dr. He ber M ,. D·II Osteopathic


21 Broadw ay

Phone 449

Leba non, Ohio



1 gal. Maple ::;yrup, E C. Hartso ok, 7th prize-O rman t:limlsoD. y. ga •. 10e Cream, Rile.v & Blms, 8'b prize -51bs. He!.'t! Ponl\ry Feed, Aroh! • COPStlY, IlLh prlzo- Earl So Rard, Funer al Dlr.. ctor Pair UverhBIIs, J. T. MArlat ', 10th and Emba lmer, i WI f d M 2 Ib H pr zeD T! worgl~RD, s. on. W '11 etlt Vtt.lue Couee, il eeV68, 1 aynesvi e, Ohl


);j ..

. Call answer e4 prompt ly day or. mght. Both pho!les In Office and Residen ce. Long dl8tanc e,No. 14; Home phone 1~.2r. . Cha~rs and one Coach furnish ed free With fune~alsr Best of service guaran teed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




i ::h~;~;:!;'::::..:'~;lr:,~ ~~:.::;; AIlkl.::~:"P::~cP•••I,.

i~~ _ 1=1 :~~::. 9~~g:;;~~_~~~tlMI~::,y'::':

1. NO PRIOR LIENS - No mortga ges exist upon any assets of this Comp ny and none can be created withou t the consen t of THRE E-FIFf HS of the entire stock isoued. ~~:$ ~~ loe Cream. Riley & Idlme . .': .:. 2 NO FLOAT ING DEBT -The proce~ of this issue will retire the Co pany's bills payable , and furnish ample workin ll ::: ::: ..... l capt 4 MANA GEME NT-Wi ll be continu ed by the seven dividen d t equirem ents ofwho thisare issue presentimes t Execut ive Officer s and others expert shoe men of m a n.•;:.:.::"$ .years' experie nce in the 9hoe bu~iness . y. ' l 5. SINKIN G FUND -Will be created to retire this issue at the option . of the holder at par after FIFTY yean, regardl ess of bow dividen ds have been paid. '.' . ( ::: :': 6. GUAR ANTEE D STOCK -Appli cation will be made in clue to have this stock guaran teed agains t loss to the extent of its purcha se price, by one of the stronge st guaran ty '::::"';'$ : ':;.';. compan ies in ~e busines s. 7. Applica tion will be made in due course to list this stock on the Bqston . New York. Chicag o, and Saint Louis stock exchang es_ . } .. 8. THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in diViden Having placed a large amoun t of this stock. we will receive subscrid~right along, tions for the unsold balance


~: ~.: ~.l:·

Work a i;peoll' lty. _

u.u ___ uuu ....................




RA Y.' MI]-. L8 _________



Automobile Livery Service at ReaIOnable Rates. Also Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires.

er Sha re


The subscri ptions will be open Saturd ay. Nov. 1, 1913, and uneold balance bas been sold. The right is reserve d to reject any applica tion and to allot a smalle amoun t than applied for.

=:r.I!!!'.!l ~1l:'..:t','a~:;;'!l'?r':r.::;.,.

Professional Car ds

DR. J. W.

Cake Conies t, Girls nnder 18. 1~t Ilrizq-R Hzel OKI~sbee, 1 RSDovio Oil tit,)ve. tipriog V ... )tey Mercan tile Co ,2nd prlze-M artba Funk. 261b Ruck Mg,.r, WIll Roeves , Srd prize -Mutt le ~nward. titlt 12 Lloen Nap kln~, Arch lJopsey , 4th prlzaCllnllurl UorD, I:!priDg Valley Paokln g Cu. 5tb prize-E dith Fodge, 41h8 UAndy, J. T. M lrlatt, 6sh prlze:.: ~IIrV tillnders. L ,0Me C01l6tr'aT, .R. .', . urntl~, 7th orlz ~ - ~rgare .rper

.:. '.'


'$ ;:

____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

10 Ear Contes t Gradua te of Obio 5111(. lJniver sii lst pri z..-M o rro w Menden ball. $12 50 by Be .. m Brothet ll, 20d prIze -John Peter!lo n, tlprlng Valley Office at residen ce in F. II Sher · Nallonl~1 BaDk $5 DepoSIt, 3rd prize d' h F th -Fred l:Ieglar, $3 in Repair Work, woo s ouae, our .Stre'' I . Peterso u &, WAllon Gorage , 4th prize -LrlUr eooe EVllns, lOO Pouous Lay. Teleph one 28 Ing Feed, John DeWlo e Co., 5t,h! :lwer COlUpton, 12 In Mon Wayn esvill e. Ohio ey by W f,lter Hilker, 11th prlzeB~rve Compto n, $:1 worth of Cem e n t 'I'll (> , W E Crl tes, 7 th P rl ze-

S: '.


At Par , Ten Dol lars



$); gg;::f:i:¥~;§~~~~l

::: ::: ::::::: • • ::: ::: ::: '::

PURPO SES for which this stock is being sold are to equip a large fac tory for the manufa cture of Men's and Women 's High Gl-ade Shoes. to be eold direct to the consum enl from the Compa • The Corpor ation owns valuabl e Secret Process es of making shoes ny's own stores and by mall. that have been demon strated and found to be money saving, aleo Trade·M ark that nas been in use and before the public since ,Januar y 7. 1897" abo large mailing list of about 500,000 names of men hnd women , each a prospec tive custom er, about 1000 new riartfes are being added The shoe busines s in St. Louis, Mo" conduc ted on a basis of TWEN TY PER CEN t' NET PROFIeach week. TS on capital ization . a tFhOeroillRldetanrccoen'c con~emSttuLorni!lgtits cathpi~1 OJ~ctel durinughthe YTeaHrRwE Eo.UldndmFBokUeRTW.!fTdYurP t !'IE,gRtCheENyeTarNET PROF'I T, eome of ems In • UIS urn elr cap I a as m c as a . I...~

.'. ,'. .:.



The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on AU the Assets of the Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid



i~~ ~ ~j~ ~::~~~', ~~IJ~:i::!~~~~e ':e~~~~!~~. ~~l$lij ~~~:r:'~-~~:_~~:d:l\' !tlo~:::: ==~~~~~~~~==


'$ : :


AppH .. Ion, /., th;, unoold b,h",,,, ,

may"' ....' d'",,' to th,

$.' ~ $*I .... .- ._. ..... - - ~ .'. .:. ..

.:. '.'

Phone 71-1


W. N. Sears


Makers of :::

Live Stock and General Auctioneer,


26315-28 Locu st Stre et


NORTH WESTE RN BUSIN ESS AGY., Bank of Comme rce Buildin g, Minnea polis, Minnes ota.

::: ::: :::


Poste d on pedigrees and values .,f a kinds of breeding stock: Experienced in handling farm sales since .

Sain t Loui s, Miss ouri Or to the Follow ing:





Investm ents, Morris town. Tennes .;ee.


' . . , ~»:('•••'.v '"'-'t·-·'.' ,•.•.•.•.•.•-'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.St.';:.:.:.:.



. ••

:.:.:.:.:.).. ;-;,;!;,;-:.:.:.:.:.:,'"




TOBIA s S. MILLE R Speeial ;}tepre sentati ve 2628 Locust Street Saint !fUis, Mi8S(JIuri

::: ::: :::





::: :::

$::: .

~:: ~ ~~:' ~ . .;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.,.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.z.:.:.:.:. :-:.:rl=, :':"'G IU.DVATB 0r ' T~ ',



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't ...t

. t' !o ':


~ ~;i"'~'

TerDJI Reasonable ~:- ISatJIf.c:tlonlO~ar.~(~4 , \


' .




We the uod er!llgned noting 1111 agent·. for~. 1\1 . 8,.tley will ,,~11 at publlo std o IX Dllle!l eaet of New Borling ton Anti Lumbe rton pike on Friday, Marc~ 6, 1914 at 10 o'olook 'he followi njt propert y ; 2 horees farmin g Implem euttl, I",)" f'ldder ~orn "ats reol Bllt ... te. dell big hili" for'tflrr n's L 1I Bailey & G . D. Mills, Agt!l. ·w· MIII~ Auol w. , .

WAJ lletlviU e'. Leadin v DeD5laS ::: ~ ::: 1 bn titled rotatOtlR. Frllnk Evan., Office In KeY8 Bldg. MalO p,

STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING as per annual report of Dec. 5, 1911 60,639 Shares

~T~MAf~g EaAWNIN~S~A~~~Jdmately



andT Underw ood,3r dprlze -Elmer

Stock in Treasu ry .. .... . ....... . .. .. ..... .... .... . ....... I .. . ... . ... . . .. . . ..... ... .. . . .. . .. .. .. . ...... .. , ~~,~ shares Stock autbori zed for sale..this issue .. .. .. .. ..... .... ....... ...... ... .. .. .. . ....... .. ... .... ....... ... .... ..... ..:., Stock to be reserve d in Treasu ry for future require 8 ares ments of the Curpor ation .... . . , .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,361 shares

~ 'i;


or belter OOWlI ~H B farm .ituate d 4 mllf!l ~. E. of Br. vOY8borK,1 mile t'fl.!\t of fhok ory · vl\le allrl Z }~ mll'H! IjlJuth uf the Jooab'" RUII ,Jbllroh 110 Thursd ay, March 5, 1914 CO!l1mtluolllg Ilt 10 0 'ol'JOk the f,)l. lowing pr< perty: 6 hor"e~, 7 ott.ttlt', 12 head ewo9, ''trmln g ~mplelUe~tfl, hou!ll<lJuld {urnit,u r e ~e'1 ull( \Jl'hl for tArms . W . M. lItll>ow. Laov & Ayere Auots. '

m,.m ~~e::a:ioe~o~~~es~h~ ;lt~J~~:~ Du.H.E.HATBAWA'T :::.;::

(Incorp orated under South Dakota Laws.)


~: ::: ":$::: ~: .:.


MONTGOMI:R ~HOJL: ·COMPANY 0-=I AMJL:RICf\1 L Y d 100,000 shares, par value of Ten Dollars each

Stubbo rn, Annoyi ng Coughs Cured "My hUMbllnd bad 0. cougb for tJft.eo ~ :!,e llr~ IIlld lilY tlon for eight yellrt!. I)r . Klng'l! New Dlsoov ery oomple tely cured the,~' for wblOh 1 am m ost thtlDkf ul: writes Mn. Ol~vld Moor, o f :::ilAgln.. w, AIA'd~~at, Dr. King's New DI~oovery I Dor these Wlln, It. WIll do for you. .c, KiDjl'H New D;soov ery shoul,1 IJe In every hUlne, t;tops hackin g oongil8, rell eve~ la grippe nod 1111 t·hroat lIud lung alltuE'nt.s. Mouey btt.ok if ~it tailll. All dr ul{gi8t~ . Prioe 500 nnd '1.00. H. E. Buokle u &. Co., PhilAdelph~r tit ~~~~



$ .. -. ~~~ $:~:Ilet

Issue of the Trea sury Stoc k of the



ml)Vf'J on" Hwa

oomoell~ t.o 111'11 lOt Pubtl " AIl~tt In at my re~ltllooe on tIJC'h:C~r~'~k~r~~

Feed, A rob Copsey , 16'h prizeFarm & FireSId e 1 yr, I:i. V. Pro BRAN CH OFFIC E du ·'e Co, 17th prlze- Joho Crago, Lippinc ot.t's Roup Romed y, Will Wayn esvill e. Ohio .:. .:. Reevell . Tuesda ys and Fridays , from ::: 8:30 ::: Bin~le E~r Contes t, BOYII under H!. to 12 o'clock prize-D onald Pet.rllo n, FIDe t7 .. :::- Alabam a Mattre ss, value 11tl 50, t:! Main-a nd High-s treets ::: ::: v, Mero Co, 20d prize-B oward 'Offiee, -comer Phone No. 100

$20 0,00 0. 00

'.' :::




'Owlogt)t-h9tuOt thl~t[A Ill\~olul!' lIer f .. rID I


H . ChlirlfB L Evtt.o8 ,ReedG rnoll.e RoaRte by Crllne, !:Itll prize-C ltt.r.r ence JohnsoD , Russet BlIlter, Bprin" ••• DEN TIST••• Valley loIerOllnlile Co .. 9th prizeJohn 8owllrd , $1 00 Driving Glove om"" 10 by r. R ~nrnuA. lOth prize- W . A. NatIonal Bank Dlda· Wayne sville. 0 Sheebtl u, t'hll ~i DK liurse, O. B. Coop, er, 11th ptlzl--,I IiDl flS l:!oward, 21i0 Lel,ter IlAUd,., 8. Vol t:3ims. 12th prize- L t.: Pete r~on, 6 lb. RonsS, I '.' 8ariliD BRdgel y, 13 h prize-B yron

'.' '.'

~: ~:

. Ohio Cor Inollon, Iurn ber 11371 . . ru Ilted Culver t, Co., .onlveTt. pipe .1I: ',U. R. A. MoCut oheo", repairs Ctn'o lnnllti pike, $189.40. Raymo od Bar.shb nrger 8altuy $60. Miami GIl~ He ub' notloe Co. Treasu rer. 11 eEu'J UOllklin po~tal8 for Au. ditor ,I '/dtat" of 'Ohio VI!. Ueoooy Barton ,' RolI .~lI\Yo[ , Fra8er marsha l ,1.65 Iiildeb ruot's Boo Ii: t:!tore, blaD ks tor Dlstrlo t ASSl!S80 r $73.90. t)ueme niog & t:ll"ker, 8upplle s ',or Court Bouse $9 ~5. N . W. Mf" . C? lIupplles f,'r Court house 163 Wester n 8tar, publish log Stt.x notlOil and blaDkR for Uo. Treasu rer $ 16.5(1. Inque!l t Jllme~ E. Ward, 12-l.GO.


'.. '':


' .

.... l~; i

.,l"- •







faller ,


'.. Wayn esvill e, OJi'o1 n . \ . is-ar '. .

l'~eph_ ,.



·t •


.. II




MI AM I GA ZE 1' ..E ~t tho (]~ett.e Onloo the I . Rates of Subaer iptiun. In

Publlabed Weekly Allen Building . MIllu

In 8t .. Wllynll8 \·lIIe . Outo. Oue Yoar (Itrlctly advance) .. . .. .. 11.00 tllngle Copy ... ... . : . .. . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . .Ol




~------------------ ..

~tea of Advert





C--- -- ---·--.-.---- ---===1 The Nei ahb orho od

------ - - - -


New s

- - - - - - . - .-.---- -----.- ..-.. .......-........- ~ -

Ba. "eys burg.

..... New Bur Ii 0 ... 00

BeatTN atment forCon 8t1pati on liMy daugh\ er nsed Cha nberla in', Tablet . for oon.*ipatlon with g->od relnlta and I can reoommt'Dd them bilbly. writes Paul B. Babin, Bruably, La. For sale by all dealere .


l'he weathe r for Februa ry wal

One Good Turn.

"Don't you know, Emily, tbat It .. not prover Cor you to turn around anel look aCter a I1I3DtleruaD '" "But. mamma. 1 was only looklnl' to lell It be waH looking to eee IC I waa 10011:· lJa,."-F 1le.end e BllUltter.

..- ...---

The Ladles Aid Wal enterta ined at ~be home of Mrs . Geo. PhIllips - -SeeT on Thursd ay . JCa candlenl dem&nd h~her wall8ll· D. L. Crane, Editor and Menag er. ThE' W. F . M. S . Illet at the home £.1wa,. lald It would loon coat more Good Advlol. ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ___ Mother.ln.Law- " Tbe doctor .ald __ Oar 001D.lll1llllty hal been very of M1I'8. A. H. Harlan 8dnrd ay nen to look at an ." .-New York m..n\na Te1• .,am. 1 wu all run down and needed lItr)'ob· aftertlo on . muob lfIeved by the death 01 two MARCH 4, 1914. nine aD a tonic. Now. 1 don't want to E. 11 . Patters on baa Rone to of oar very well kn'>WIl and well 8prlnilf take too mucb. How bl, a dOle do YOIl leJd where he haa aooepte d a liked citizen ., .I4r. N. B. Rlob and positio n In recommend T" Son·ln·Law (hopefully) a large dairy. H. RI. '1.1. tam Moet. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ! LIVING LONO bla Dle08 Mra. MIL1'7 Rlob Bogan. Ily Wltl -"I wOllldo' t talle more than a pUoD move R. *here who . also hal Lucas Counly, _ mOllt of btiut In the nellr \ 55 . Th.y had been laaren rs for qui .. a fnture to belln wlth." . IDOIt of lorrow .-Ball. ,. • rank J. Checey makes oath thai he is wbll.. Onr mllDo1'7 of Tbeee rulea tor 1001( Ute have been &he two will senior pertoer of the finn of F . J . Cheney .hine Uke burnln Mrs. F. D. Compton and 80n have publ1.11ed In the Gaze&te before and & ll .tars. Our .y•• returne ,Co., doin& business in the Clty of To· &0 their home nellr Wil. are the m"llim s of Sir J,me8 8aw. ledo, Counly and patby l. use.da d to the bereav ed mlngto nd after Stale aforesaid, aDd a pleasan t vlait with yer. an E~U.b pby.lcl an : that said firm will pay the IUJD of ONB rela" v •. relatl '~e!l here. HU!(DR BD . DOLLA RS for each aDd Danoll ll .. being Saken Dp by 1. Etlht hOlln. IIleep every nlgbt. ever. cue Harry Leaber Is at home again of CalJlrrh that cannot be .ome of our wlddle oIUzene aftllr J. 81eep on your rllCht aide cured by the use of HALL'S CATAR RH aDd from repor. 'bey aged 0. sbort vis I t wi th relative s In all ,rolr ... S Kee., yoor bedroo m window CURE. Bandllsky. ,10. very ol':l81y. In.trllO tloal are open. FRANK J. CHENE Y At a o'olook on WedlUl8day of Sworn to before me aDd subscn'bed in liveD I. all 41ftereD' branoh.. up laat 4.. Bave a mM at yoor bedroo m week Edwin O . Shidak er .od my presence. this 6th day.f December, to abe mOla moderD, even 'be "Dlo. door. Sarah darlan Havdoc k were united for furtber A. lne&ro D. 1886. otton' oaU on or Ii. Keep your bed away from 'be lu marriag e. About 70 "uests were (leal) addr ... danOln'ID&I~. A. W. GLEAS ON, wall. . Notary Public. Mr. CIUloM Bawk and Nora assembled in tbe lamUy home and tI. Ko oold bath In the ' morDlng, Ball'. catarrh eore ie ahD iD. Sell"" were uolsed 10 marriq e at witness ed the oeremo ny perform ed but" bath at the .. mperat ure of the aernall y and ao.. directl y apoD the Wllmin lton, Saturd ay, Febrna r1 by Rev . Killender 01 the M. E body . blood aDd mUCOUs IUrfaoee of 'he 18 and will spent their hODeymooD oburch . Miss l4ary Oolle" sang, T. kerot e before breakfasa. "Ob Promis e Me" and Mendelsohn '8 8. Ea' lUUe meaa, and be .ure 1,.I8m . Send for teI&lmoDlala, free. at thetr foaure bowe 00 the farm. weddltl r. J. Cheney & ('10., The, Toledo have , O. tbe bela wieh81 of their Paul g maroh was played by Mrs. ,haS " Is well oooked. P ..tenon, of Spring , Valley. Raid by all Orlllal •••• 760, . .ny trieDdl . I. Urlnk no milk. (1'h1!1 appllll. Hav e had a won derf ul Mid win The bride wore oream 1&08 over Take Ball'l 'amily PlU. for to adulte ouly.) ooD. 1Ii11 Mar)' . 'fodhu n"r, of Kin,. white lIiI k oarried white rOIl88. 10. Eat plenty of fat to feed the 8tlpltlo n. man ••pen' Sunday with ber lie"r M1IIs V draand Patters on a8 maid at ter Sale the past wee ks, and will con------~.----.---- -cell. whiob d8lltroy dlMaee germ •. 111111 Marla re' who I. 'eaobe r iD hooor wore wbltl .ilk and oarried Su,.I,. 11, A void tDtoxioanta whlob do.. our eohoo!. pink roees. 'I.'he groom and "DId 7011 lYer noUe.. eald lI,., s&roy she Ollis tha~ oomba ' diaeal8 . tinu e the offe ring of man y barg ains Mre. Edwin Smith .peDI several man Mr . ltobert Collett wore best . be. N. Peck, "that about 1~. balf of the pt. clay. In Cinoln na'i recentl y. Allow DO pet anlmal 8 In your oomlng lIults ot blaok. Arter 'be IiviDI rooms. for 'h.y oarry daease tun. In thl photov apb.,.· wlJadO'W. IIr. Jed 8hldak er and Mie. ::Sarab oeremo oy a tbree ooarae dinner Will! are of bridal couple. T I won dar wh,. Kerms. k two YOUDI people wall .ervlld . In the evenin g Mr. and 18 Live in ahe oount.ry It you they alway. na.b olr to a pboto..... Haydoc kDown to mao)' of onr oltlzen . were I4r8. I:!bldaker went for I sbort ,her'1 10 loon?" "I fancy UI. hu. can. weddin g journey . They were tbe H. W.&oh tbe tbree O'8-drIDII: band 1. 'nllpoDlLlble for It." laid Mr. 1lIItted 10 marrla p WedDeeday. r80tplel lti! of _any beautif ul pres. a' tbe brtde'l home tn Peck. "He rlaH... that It i. aboul Februa ry lng water, daQlP aud drains . - 11i. Bave ohange of OOOUpition. ~ lut chance to ever·look pleuan L· New BUlUngton. They will belln ente as tckens of tho hiBb esteem their marrte d life clown on 'htl farm. whloh they enjoy In the neighb or. 16. Talre freque nt and IIhor' holi· The bee, w1lbe. of all f.,l1ows them bood. up day •. Blan kets • • throug h life. OU.a 0,. ..... 17. Lla.l& yoor ambitio n. The ~e orall.e \I a DatI.. of To the Housewife $2.9 5 to 4.00 J. Bar ..r Shid.k er .pen~ Hveral Fac tory 18, Keep your temper . • North A1urtca and Is • •erall,. aH4 daYI here wl'h friends r808n'l y, Mada: m , if yonr hU8band ie like .. a be4p. 10 80_ lnIItaD _ It at. $4.0 0 to 5.00 Fac tory Wo ol IIr. Herald tiarrla made hil par most men he expects you ~o look • taIu a heScbt of eo re.c.. Tb. fnal' eDte a vii" over SUDda,. He III tD after the heaUh of youree lr and EARlV SPRAVINO USEFUL Is not ,ollono u., but 11 se14om. if... the au~moblle bualnf Com fort s • " in Cinoln · ohildre n. Cough_ aDd ooids are the • $1.0 0 up • ar, eaten, "1DC llUe4 ..lUI a woo47 na'l; he hail our bel, ..neb most oommon of the minor allmentB ... Jr.rly sprayiu g tn orohar d. will be Aller and a mUk7 Juice wllSola II fu Itr. Wm. lIoCarroD attende d the and are mOBt likely to lead tOll8rlona found naeful If only a few egll olna. from attrao" n to the tute. aatomo blle show to elDoIoDa~I, re dI8e&888. A ohild I. muoh more lere are pr8l8na . Tbe mOlt efrectl ve h a_-,_ sp.r ay for ~he <llpll), mo'h Is areena te Ultely tlo oontraot dipbth eria or Suraial( ome ... auI'UltY. of lead applied IIOarlet &he foUage a' 'be fever wben It hal a cold. The health of our oommu nlty at It yon illlquire rate of 10 Dannd, ~ 100 "allons ot into the meritll of ahe Ceter ~""""t )'. preHn ' i. 10 very Kood wa&clr. oonditl on 1'"BoIDe m. paiDt Wn.. re4 . . . .wbloh we are proad of. variou l remedlell that are reoom U Is n.oeaa ry that the areatm ent .nr for coughs and ooIds, yllu blu.. Dr. J. G. Iboy af'-r an abtleooe mendfld be aboroll lh aud 'he applioa'loD will find that Ch"mo orlaln 'a Congh of three w~te t. a .. ID wlth 08. Remedy _tand. high lven, if ahe Deet r ..u)'8 are to be the estlma IIr. I'nnk Shtdak er, wbo hu tlon of people who In il80ored. ror emaU opera&lonl the use It. n Is heeo quite .Iok for levera l weeta Is prompt and effectual, pleasant: and ordina ry orcbar d epraye r may be apln ablt ~ be ona . lafe to take, whioh are qualiti es ell 1lI8d witb ODe or more IiDN of bc,t18 ...-............- - - - - ----peoially to be dBfdred when a moo llqllipped wlab noul.. of abe Ver Ada will be Iuer\e4 under "'Ia llea4 . loloe It Intende d for ohlldre n . 1I'or morel or Bordea nx type. In oue twenty. be cenu for "'ree l_rUofor "; ~ecommeads CbambeI'IaIR" COUCh 8ale by aU dealertl. abe tnf.... tioD I. more serloul ,.I68.,. wilen Qlq not more tllaD Ih'a UDea. Remedy ____.....__a--- ODd .ynylD I earl, In June will bl! ............_ _.... .. _ _ _ _........................................,... "1 ta'e pl8&8Ufe tn raoom..endio, foond very ..&laf&otoI1. 10 case Cba..berl"..u'll Cougb Remed y to Caesar's Creek where the inf.-tlo D Ia l18.ere, the WANTED my onatom "rs beoaul e I have oon I8Ir-,oloa&erl, .hoD14 be treased . DOW flcleDOI ln U . 1 flnd 'hat they are J eue Compt on and daught er Mary belOft IpriDg witb aheoreoeote mil:· pl _ _ witb 1$ and call for it when of Dayton , attende d 'he tUDera .man h01ll8 of' or 6 room •• or aure aDd 'ht. treatm eD' .boa)d be A l of Cre x room" with a private famn,.. agalD tn need of suoh a medlol oe," Marie Bluner Mooday. followed by 'boroq b .pnyln g iD • • writee J. W Sexeon Addr ... F. Faris, Qorwlu. Ohio. , MODte.allo, Mi8~88 Olive the sprlol. Tborou ghDeli ll a prime Wilson and Ella 110. ~or lale b, all dealers . Mat ting Rug s • m18 Maud Davll bave been home from ~Dalal if promp t 1'88111&1 are '0 be eobool on aoooun ' of the eoarle\ .0bllOrlbtlr. '0 tbe MoL'all'. Tapestry. ~~-'----.-~----­ fever in WaYDenille. • 100 lIapzl ae. Send 350 ao &he Sprin r Bran ch Belt FamilY Laxative Mr. Luther Baloel haa bee4 on U ..etU omlll. and ,e' one of ahe Axm inst er the slok list. • Beware of 0008,tp a'ion. URe Dr. beet mapslD ee on Blrtb. " IIr. Ed Hanby has been OD the W. E Bogao and lIon8 attende d KtD.·' N.w Life PUl. aDd keep well. 'Vel vet • • • $16 .75 up .Iok lin. Chari.. &. I:Imhb, of Wee' ANYO NJC ahlnkl n. of orderi tor a period of fonr weeta. the double fJlneral of Mn. MOlle n, Bt. frieD.'" hope FraDkltD, lie, Papo to and hear of bts re. ahem "Our fame N. B. Rloh on Thured a)' Bat h Roo m Rug s i'luU l'J88IwUl • • 6Sc up 11)' lnativ a." Nothln . beUer for oorr8lJ)Olld ""h or do well &0 188, oove1'7 IOOl'I. at Corwin . blVe htm call adulae or apel. Get abem today aod 188 you for flteS 01&11 IIr. aDd lire. Mat Albert ti~ lIis. s, our own imp orte d Chi nese Laoy Esther 8hamb anRb ia con150, All Draall... or by mall. H. I . N . lIiller. Ba"ey .bar.,O loodl. two 100. Linde) and Ulaode leU and for fined '0 her home WIth tbe ohioken bio. E. Baokle n & Co. ~bUad.lphla or thetr ba.e lD Mi!llourt Mondav pox. and m 11 1 2 t c up St. Lollil: morDlnR af"r an extend ed Guern(I Y and Dillon Wooten , - - -... witb ht. pareD" and other nlattv .. of WaYDellVille, have beeD vl.talng roRRE NT CIt ........ Reveale d _, Thul'll'" befe. iD onr midi&. Mr. aD4 Mre. BIram lIoraD are A .lIort Ulumb, taperlq at UI. Up, Mr. Rora08 ComptoD aod family Lac e Cur tain s, goo d bar. gain s 50c up dBot.. all iDooDitaAt, DaUITE of rooml a' a moden te the pe.reote of a flne IIOll wblch ar. enter" lned at 8unday dinner Ethel rived 8&tIard .... partlcv.lal'17 In mattera of tIla at· ay . Februa ry H. Compton, RoeaUe Rolltngllhead, aud prtoo. Emma Car,wr ilbt. Lino leum and Oil Clo th, all wid ths teetIODL A IIWl wU!! a taperina Mr. abd lire. Willie Allen are Lawren oe Mltobener. of New Bur. UllImb CIUlDOt oonoeDtrata, aIld ..... maktn l ala exteDded visit with their lington and ooDMCIueotl7. little oontIDalt7. In a441- HOU~ for rena. lnqulre of R. rela'tv e.'" 8ellbroolr' and Dean at W. E. Bogan aDd Ion Ra)etg h.' UOD to "10. uapunetaal.and unabl. to P. Ke),I. • ,h. aime'bf abta wrtuba . t"nded churcb a' Waynesv1lle SUD * k uoijt In spurtl. 8uell a maD Mt.. Lena ConDor, of Da)'~n, day. . tU. up mall,. thlnp, tNt ftnJeh. lpen' abe wllk enJ wiab home The aeries of m ~ ettngl! 010eec1 FOR BALE at DOthtnI properl 7, and oftID mall. ~ folb here. New BurJtn ltoo 80nd.y eveDlng. Skir ts . . . . . from btl tndeoll toL • $3.4 5up • • • A few 01 onr faamer l will deliver lIil8 I'ranoi e ,Villon was unable BIC I'nDk L'lark farm. Tbl. , tobMoo a' Corwin OD Taeada y &0 retum to her BObool duties In Wai sts : 59c u p • • T f.rm caD be bon,ha a' abe rtlha of ,bla week, IIr. S.m1 lIeredi CMap, C....lderl.... th Wtlmin llton last on aoooun t fllnrel . I'or tDformatioD. write ~ betD. the bu,er. of tbe suow .term. ~. 1&7 daat thll lmall pubUO a n d 79c u p A DDmMr of OUl' r.den " Ilave RD4tna ooet ,110.0001 lIa't IW e. G. W111lamllOD, Xenia, O. mll Mre. R. E. ".Dee obaDp d pla,," thts IpriDI .0 ,hat Us,. Dre uing Sac ks aorblta nU" "No. no. It rou D.W 39cup • • AIR "of power Sone Chppe n. nearly aD moviDa la oomple tIM PUC that place4 UI. coatrao* ted tn Zetta Teaoh. of luqDire of John Beaoh. R. R.2. able vloIDl'Y· Btram Moran Suit s a n d ·Coa ts, $25 ,.'4 think it wu ml,bt7 ell..,," and speDdiDg lIevAral $13 e50 famll,. will_o ve aq WaYDMvillelD Compt:JD and family .fJ .....'Ollver Ga" PlOW, 'he near future George BnHOn tbe reYival meeaiDl1 1 new. obeaPo IrRiatre 01 Ern..a and family willand OOO1lpy ,be Oh... llng'oo . Leu Dy.., ... Now. dadeoe k, B. D. '1', WayDN vlll.. Rye farm noated by Moran. .. Hen', The Reaaoo Ohio. - -... - _~t-'; , f 11 Th. ooD,lo ll 01 oold w_th. Sprlolr Blood and e r ~cClure er .am han,. OD and ,0811 to .how The fao' tbat there II 1811 dy.. • A ~ work aDd broed maflt with aha' abelro und hos abl101'7 la a Une DDrlU4r pepita an4 10411.."00 In &bl. oom· foal by 'he ''comp the wlute~ Fune ral Director. any'' bone. on.. .. ' parttt. . IW)Oamula... mont" 'baa tbere ueed to be 18 ·1 Booete r Corn Plaote r, TH. O.IAT UT ~_rlT MeeU q w .. lIeld a' 1I1ddie Ran beol.lmes impure and lar.ely , we bel1eve, due to the U· new. , your 'f'Im l.. t Sa,urd a), aad BDDda,.. loeD 1I1dDey s, teD.t" 1118 of Reull D,.pep ela liver and L_-L'_ fall to Teleph one day or nlgha. f Ja)'DMvlUe dlaooorDoaUlvakJr, Mlee AUoe eth baI been N AI' ~ work. DaUIDI 80 Tabl.. .. bsadrec le 01 peaka. . of nearl, ·n.w, "t!prin l Valle)' phoDe No. f. Lon, n"r..tDla.oo mpaQ7 reoeotl y. I. TN. WO.U» 'ever. " 'You feel wblob we !lave eoId. No wood. weak and 1 'onlael 811 dlllO barrow . o_rly Dlataooa No. GIJ-k. ~ . wanT . MoOO ra lUI we have faith iD 'h.m. No wood.,r. new. lazy. Eleo'ri o I Our "ohe - - D.uociiiii••.,ICtAL.IIn, lit. Kather ine &0010 and we an wlUlu. &0 ofter them to yoa spr ngt 1 low. wheele d ",,00 , ""11 pla'- Drake re.ame drwork OO·iTU'M •••• T.A •• ' ••• GA. 10 01U' lObool YOD Deed ; for VIAl lottrel y a' our nell:. the w::d • Autom obile 8erv1O e at .. Tim.. A.~ .v. 10nD, .tdeboa rda and brake. • ..V.OIl OA.' w.ek after a .hor' lllD811 dar DeYI, 11 var Amon l other ablD,', 'bey.oo nt-In healtby Pbooe 66 J1'/.. F. C. Sawin. n v ••• o 1ft ADV . .T••••a OOIoU• • • ID. whloh 111M CeU•• ADltiD IDled &aUon.8ZJMlI Pe~ and BillDuSb. two of 'b. aDd WA YNes VILLE~. OHIO SAMPLE COPY FREE tlplttv e .tdl knO,. n &0 SOliE ."lId. of beee, bonY, tlklh· abe ..caD.,. reetofl t your h_l&b and lin. IIIwan l Cook &Del cJaqb ten amblti I . CUP., •• oa BJaoU lo' makee Bnada 0Ilee, Barve 78baq . 0. , ...... ..-YOIt • edt.1 IOlenoe. ,1 'bey. 'othe lIle eD ~bln.'. platfor m 10&1.... aleo wen 'he ..... of her pa~" ... Y-' .. .,.• Intlame cl.ktma ob, .nay pel•• chaok eome bere yoa , .. 1 Uke new ' a fOUf white WJ'an do'. I~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ weekI!' 'rea'm en'-lt heartb urn and dll'l'8I I, bel.- to ell· qUi~:f ~n Plul, B. R.ben.. ID. lutl'rtc la,.. I~ I, IIr. and lin. o.rrtD.~n Jellla, of 10 fine ahape for . ., abe food, aDd teDcl &0 qDlok.,. Del e, w~:: o. m W.,.. .. vt1le, .. lied 00 b1e pareate Goaran teeil. AU ....tore 'he atomao b to 1.. natant , TWO IDODba&on, ODI 100 and . . . here ODe day 1.., week. $1.00. B. E. Baolrlen OOIDfonabll, health) ' ...... Phil·, oa.217·' " PMalDma • _ • a4elph taOl'tJ t. Loala. Then .. ao reel aboD' 01U' Ioocl- Dew. Cheap. .1110 OM e_ tile StOIIIICb aad U I, " , 0 ' JWI' what i' oox a .· WJalte · 0a1dllQ 0 Wtl. ""-:va. We'D uk )'on DO qaeetlc .a. Jnqatn or lin. &. B BaII1 • r. ,p'I,I "LN. Bnan. W.' Webatevet • onr word t. eDoallh lor... U r. N. Y • •• wit": "1 .ect (JJIam bu. BeDll ~.Plpata Table.. doo', ,. SICICDOAT8--eu)""U'I""', ~1a. laiD'. Tabl... few cllaorden of ,",a Rore ,.~t1r .aoaaaob to Iaeal&b and' eel ...... tim. _ whet'. • ~ JOUl' clIpI\\ oa e.., aDd GOlD· ba. to &are lIlt.:' IDqlilre mIIde es .~b anelli "r ~ aDd OD few &be J , • of Orea ...t I " yet,., aDd I' dordil me tOda)l e, w.·waD' 10U ~ OOID.' bHk B&ra.... K. D. ... • ., le, Oblo. pIeu ~ ~ ..... that ~_I' haft IODn4 ~ tW 'J'OU .• Phon e TIley 1OId .- '. • ' . ~.. to . be .. J,~ u 1"'~.'&eIU ciil7....... 'I.fIfO BeaD . ..... aD4 ..." . . . TIl., an·.11d ill tbm.a. tGD -and beG ill ...... .. ·oal,.. h~ ' bu4rec l, .P~ wbi" ~.~,ba", · ~ ....~~,.· '* ' '':2 ......Uo•.iOo ~ . tl.oo.,...J. 1:. ,,~. 1~=~~~ . onpe ,.,::.~.r:= ~ !.11-,~ ~. '<::~ ~l~ '''' ! ..,.·;W:.,JIII!Ill"O~. . it ~IO ' ~'~ ~'." "n' ~~. ,, 1 .. ~I.\' ·.j;;:,.I!!!I~. ,....IeIfi,~~ft!!iIe;~ ,.!. , . ; ' ~ -"I'n, ."" ;. ....-.,><..::, .\. .,,", " . "'1:;' ,. .,. . . Loc&III. per Uoa. , .. . . . .... .. . . Ie some&blng terrible , and lIarch I, 01l81li1100 Ad •. DOt t.o exceed II vo lin"" fullowinlJ the eame pace. bn' an ThNe IIutertIobi .. . ... . . .. .. . . Dillplay Adve~l~ perlDcb , . ... . . . . 251: 8Io rl)' .prlDI wtll be ezpeote d and lOe apprec iated. DIICoun"- liven on con Lr""l . Road~


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J. E. Fr az ie r


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INTOTHEOPENFIELD [HONEY .' BEE Should Go the Seeker of Spiritual as Well as of Physical






Welfar e_ ( nfl, III H. '<Ily


A Manitob a Steer Ca rr ie s ON Similu Hon ora to Those Won by il H alf· BI'o ther In 1912.

0 1 til· IIl0!;1 s a lu ,

d l !'jl·, ,\' .' r l t:b fir 1l1"tI"rT l Inc fU c~\I i:i tlJnt \)f t h .. \ ;duf' fr es b nlr aA ::til :tgont or I,:<:lll'rul bod il y t tl;)


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"'h en (01 <'11 <,,, "11 11('1, I., Lh e Abe rd " ",, · AD gU ~ Sl utl r, (>\\ 111· 11 hy ~Ir. Mcnr og or In th ' old d"y~ W... U Sl.! to or !lrun uun. .\1 Hil i ,,, lHl. ,.,. rr i ~ rl 01T the Illu me up nur thr uu l .. to Iw, ' 1' o ut g\\"a" pH t;lkf'~ u l lit" (' hi ~agu I. lve Stoc k bro nchltl • . ~\a (\ ou r c l H' ~t~ fin.d as t call· !:>how In I ~ I ~. It "a ~ coo sldl lr ed to be sUfllpll tll1 a..-tlJ Sll'('ll b<' il lnd I!i <lti" d wlu· I a grent vic to r y fo r burky, onts lIud d u \\" :> 10 "~'" l '" th o co nt ag io n uf lh e I' g"""~ V"r>l U" .:urll, Hai ry wo od pecke r bu sy d igging ins ec t lar vae fr om log, So tbat 'nlgilt a l mos ph e r e. T otl uy nil t h is Is tb urtl Oll!(ht Il l' u o d o ub t o( UIO superio r ity c' hunl',-d Tho ,' lcUm or u bu t! throa t I or burl e)' (celf lnl':. Manlto bu "lImulll, or 11'(,1111 citell! Is tnu ght III ('X IIOSll th e alld JUdj!1I10 1lt In "(,I"c tl llg 1110 Dnlmal, n IY"('t d pa rt s to th e o uter ai r n~ m u c h Mr. M.c UI·,,&o .. pl a <.: ud In compe tition I1 S pos, lble . Th " fr('sh a ll' treatm ont , III 1!113 . anot h" r Ab e l·du l' u ·All g u~, a 'of l ub'.' r cill us i. Is now un iv" l's ill. T be hnif·bro th o r to Uw animal tllat won wl!;e ma n s lce pH In w lnt Pr as we ll as last yoar, ami al'c ur ed 11 second vic· In s umm e r with Bv!' r)" win do w wid e tory In tho s ecollu year . In olh.:r open - or, sull bett er , out of tl oors! To c la8 800 he had oXI'e ll e ut wlnoing K, but k O!" p o ut ID th e ope n a ir I. In ur time tbe bIg victory wall th o sweepsU lktls l hEl first law of h e nlUl. , tor the b tlst s l eer. TWs \' lctOl'y proved very ImpreAs lv o Is it to note l30ys and Girls Especially Can Get a Great Deal of En- thaNtow, tbat Mllnl!ob ll·grown barley and OIlIB , what Is LTue us r e gurd s t he bod)' Rnd prulrl .. hay , hud prollerti es better is no less true as r egards til !' soul. lD joyment Out of Excursions in the Field When than Illl y contaln e tl In co r D, whlcb ID tbn sp Iritua l life a8 wrll 8 8 the physl· tbe vas I ball buon looked upon as Taken With An Object in View cal. we are loom log the vll lue ot fresb bei ng sup erior to otb e r grn it16 In tat · air. No longer do we driv e t he tempt· tenlng and flnl s hlng Qu uJ lti cfJ. Not ed BOll i Into tb e ways of solitude or only tblB, but (;I ,mcarno c k'B 1'letory Many beys and g irls . e s pt'c-In lly I rou nding in fo rm, ly ing h '!re and there. s eparate the elnner from contac t with pl'01'eB that tb e cllln ale of the praIrie those at the rurn i d is t r ict s, h ll " c s uch : In\' esl lga flo n he lps us til dec ide tbal We te llow8. provlnc ea or wes tern Canad a, In com · ~lal . a epleudld o pportun l ly for th e !!lully I th e6tl pe lle la are con{p(,s Hunt lnll the Queen ee.. at small blnaUon wHb rlcb toad. Ihll t nre P08ActIve Life Benefl Dr natural o bjec l8 that It aeems prope r I piece! of bones wrapped ed In f ur . per· eet!!ed by that country , tends to make to remind th e m of this fac \., lest !lo me h il ps In vilr lO U8 colo to~O al:n~:r r~%;: ~~g:l~u~he o~oo~e~ ex' li teYo 1""10' 0' "orlllb';cf(el!Acu~I''tlu re "I a vent UJe a ng er or bfoee than r a. W e have read to s top catO e raising a success at littl e c oat. <10 nO L apprec iate th ei r sup e rb sur· that wh O' T he n owls catc h mic e and atho l dark "lIence or the h e rmit ce ll 118 thR ~ It attar It IB begun . If you mlsmlUl · Ot her wtnnlnlt 6 at the li ve Btock 'roundln gs and 60 rail te a cquire for 811l 1l1 1 a n ill1al~ Ihey meanli ur I\ ddl ng to the Income . hus age a colony of IIrst br eak their c ure of IIplrltua l c orruptio n. WI! been I'ap ldly goin g Oil s ince It was a nge r , It Is Quitebees and a rouso (belr eho .......·b lch placed western CaD ada In ·them sl' lv es m a ny th ings tltat will con· bOIlt's and tben likely Ihat Lhls dill. t he cInes or bill victorie s wore : Three .w a llow them wbole know today that retire ment IB dange r · demo n ,strat~ that bees could be pOIl1llon will r e ma!n w -trlbul e to their happine ss lind e lljoy' After I\, (ew hour8 ltb the m for nratJI, seven Beeonds , a nd five otb er the bones and fur OU8 nn (1 act ive lire In the outer world managed without dlscom rort 10 the n tew dnYII. merit. Bird s are 8uggeste ct for nre Uit'n Cll6t up In the rorm o r pe llets always beneftclaI. prllell Ln Clydesd a leB. If a mnn be over· operato r. lind thAt a profi t or the reason Ihat the y a re u8ually and dropp ed to GO per A bee away (rom home, or ladon the ground . All owl welgbte d with caree or beeet WllJl The winners , Uryee . Tabe r, Suth<.'r' .Urn cli ve, us ua lly net dlrflcult to OLl- I must mak e hill home I d In this tree , and temptat lona or atrlcken with some ~~~'bl~!nd ev en more wae easily pro- I '~~=' b~~~. I:e;,er~.:~Iu:~~~r: :~d : : t~~ Le~~~:o~'D:~~~\~I~~:I~~ I~~g:: lIerv(', are found almosl nnywhe r nn,t pre ac ntly we discove r a bole Bome dis. loathso me moral cancer let him flee Bee c ulturo requires IlO out lay for tabltBhe d by .at any l!eason, even In the coldest tan ce up, app earing apiarist s thut Ir I Wl'lre katchew an arc li ke ,fllmll y nnmes as If It led to II from th e lonely chambe r where he land upon which In to ra is e c rop s, for Dot writi ng maJnly tor beglnn tl rll , ~'eath e r or winter. Tb ey are encoun· natural cavity . 00 owls stay In s uch know s only dull broo dIn g and steril e as ye I SMltatc hewan. ~~ac h onB hnd "the t t here haa bee n no plant d is· wou ld not think of mention ing t.ered In varIous places near the home, places dur ing th 1l. goods" that WOD h o nor to blm Belr and e daytim e and come remorso a nd desert th e tow ering al· COTerA" Iba t pays to plant tor bone y along the road to scbool, and In tbe Ollt At night to procure 'rb u", In order to r ender be611 b arm. combine d made II. name rood? By rap· tara where b e makes conre8s lon uDd I and record tor a onO!. trees and on ' tbe fe nce . or the play' ping actively on lells. It Is only necessa ry to cause S as k a tch ewan . the '; ree trunk ahd do es pennanc e. Let him take his IUlX· TlIe b b I Ii f oney ee a a ene actor to thenl t.o 011 tl:lerosel ves larollnd s . At such times It Is poaslble making a. loud nois I ..00 k t h wltb e th e bird may be le ty or Bin Into th e open air. Lot hln; our rae e . roaming a t 0 recent victori es won by tbe fields at Will, Ilnd Olla la done by fright e ninghoney, .gtte n to m ake observa tions t hllt C8ll driven from his tbe m wost ern Cannda wltbtn Ib e past three h idi ng plac e or, aa go down to the sen, and loo k UDto the gatberln g ha lle y a nd po ll en , wh ich ' Dot be made under other condltlo n8. with s m oke. W,b Fl Il !moke Is drlveD years . 'more often bappens , be re els pretty hlli a. Let him h eed the sky lark, a nd ~ he pays ro r In the fertiliza tio n ot into a hive throngb the e ntrance Wben tim e permits almost every one sec ure wbere he Is , the In Febru ary, 1911 . Hili & Sons or and, th e r e fore, does dance wi th the daltodll i. Let him see k the flowers. -enjoys a trip across Oeld alld wood, not ve nture ou t. bees at once begi n filling tbemsel ves Uo yd ml l1ote r, Saskatc Why Is It that most th o compan y of th e s un , aDd bow to h ewan, s ho"'e d She lakell notblng rro':D th e tertii· wit h hone)' . , &lid such t rlpI a r e more att ractive and people bave tbe a peck of oals nt th e Natlonll l Corn de sire to kill a ll owls the benedic tion of th e stars. Let him , Ity or th,- Holl. but g lv elJ to It oDe d nvlr;ora tlng If th ey aro made with a o at Blgbt on the Hut with them, as with humlln be- Expos ition, held at Columh us, Oblo, plelL that they take ln a wo rd, hold " commun ion w It h N a· o f th e g r eatest rertllize rs know n. the ' • object In vi e w. With a thoroug h In ter· poultry when In Ibis parti cular Mse ture In he r varIable forms," and lo! c love rs, wblcll would become extinct . Ings, It Is tbe most 'experie nced whl cb II.lld carrlnd olt th ~4 Colorad o 1Ill" er • ~t In the animals )Ve expect to meet our In sre, s low est to take fright, so whe n troJ>hy . vn lu EOd at $1,600. vesllgat lon 'shows tljal mice and h is cares will ra il from hi ru Ilk e a H It we ro not ror ber ageucy In rer· , I :anLl "II' lth the proper s ympatb y for rllts only blld been h In ~-t'bruar) ragged ', garmen 1913, the t t be and old same bls bees nlen, sin van s are a ll at home It Is ea ten? t11lzlng the bioolll . No la nd Is rethem tbe desire to carry a gu n no more dlmeull , an d takes more time to fa lh er aod "on , had a sImll"r vlclory Our course leads up acrOBII a piece away as a IIttl o tbl ng. Th e a ir w ll I Qulr!!d e xce pt a 8pot on wblch to place u . Ionger exists, and the Btart Is made of low ground at Co lumbia, N . r ., nnd s bould th e y near a atream, where make him pure. Th e sun w III g IVP- hi m the hiv e s. It Is easy to handle bees compel them to 011 th elllsel\·e s . . wltb the determi nation to ge t Borne· w illows, \'I"lId grass POI' this reaSOD It 18 much safe r to ",In In 1914 at Uallas. T exne, th e y and the like form IIgh~. The shining flrmame nt w 111 11ft when you k now bow , Undoub tedly a . thlng that will Improve tbe mind as a th icket which will own tho trophy . olters ' more or lell! h im to Its own e xpanse of beauty In be ollooller orten g e ts stu ng ; It would ~~n~~: ~:~ ~~rl:~ ~h~I::r:~~~ p~:~ In 1911 , Sea!(er Whee ler of Rosth r rn • .. e ll as tbe body Physica l eXerCis e protecti on from the .evere winds. tha words of Mrs. Dr owni ng : b e usc le li8 to d en y It, and It Is scarc,,· greater pa r l of the old are ill the won $1,000 In gold al the New York Tho IIltln {"IU' U thn t ( r ell c ,1 me Iy COD soli ng to a nov ice to te ll him he tl Id [ losl th e m yeste rday Lan(l Show for th e bcst 100 pou nd s or w ill gel us ed to be ing stung. Bu t art· e . Amoni\' ti l<' field. " ho" o the sea. wh eat . or a tim e II beeltee p e r rea ll y dOCB be. Th :! boos whi ch compos e n swarm Amon" ' h e winds Ilt playIn 19 12 at Ule nry F'nrmln g Con . com e In oculate d, after wh lc b , a l. are uBually till ed with honey for t h e gress at I.... tbbrldge , Albe rla. IIfr. Am I'"" the hURll ln~ or thq .• r orll though th e Illome ntary pain ma" be journe y whlcb . they expect to. take, Holm Wllt'r £' tlro wsy poppl e~ n o u, eR ot Ca rd stO/1 wO,n tile $2,500 J Wh e r p III t h(lll/Cht s die IlI,,1 gon e! l\ri' h or a, sbarp, ther h d e 18 DO dl sllgrceulJle aft e r an d tl ley are h.arm Iess un 1eSB cruB e. Rumley engine (or bes t wbeR t In tho . Out In t he tleld. with God. nlTects. su ch as swe ll lDg, etc. or ver y Dluch Irli ta ted by th e un~er ot world . Getting Rid of Trouble s, The f,~ ar or sti ngs, I think, prevent S others and t he s llle ll of the polson. it ID 191:1, at t h e Dry Farming non. And Ir It is ben efic ia l thus to brinK many from liki ng tbe work; Iln d yet, Is not ab so lu te ly necessa ry. to Kmoke g ro8s , held nt Tulsn , Ok ln. Mr. P. Oer. ou r Ills und ~ r the loflu ence of Nature, w hell properly , nrotecte d \"Ith a bee11 co lo ny of beeB until a ll the b lleB 011 Inck o f All ,' how mu ch more bcn ellclal stl ll is It to veil, anA'" w'o rklrl g 0 111 " III tile " 'arm themse lv es wllh honey .In ,' no S a s k n t c h e,tlln , carried order to off ''-e hono J " d th hi ng rna· WI bring tb e m unde r t h .. InflueDc e or our part of tbe day 8 /1d Ile ve r when handl e them safely, but It Is certainl y c bln .. for t hrR ban t ab I refl ' I f fellows! Wha t unworth y thou ght c Cloud)', or e cnld, es anti us Ie ,,'Itb 0 wbeal Ihe tbe sarcst a lrainy me thod. l'" sh 0 wn In 0 fiourlsb In t h e pres ence of a good m an , use of a goud ~ moke r, one need rar e· <' UtI>(' tltl on w Ith t h e world. An expe rt muy open a hiv e without In 1913 at th I t II 'or ",hat Ign.oble motive s urvive Lh" Iy be 8t.ung. 8moke and without danger. and may Fnrmlll " Can'"' e n e r!lll . ODD I D ry DS tTl In mun v ca ses th e sti ng of a bee handl e the combs, .. '" CD a g racc of a good woman ~ llow shall u s a. Okl &. , and J return them to Canada won tb 'we maintai n our pctty e nvi es an d d t;>- Is att end ed wilh e rna j or Ity 0 f t h e :uc h paIn a nd swell· t b e hiv es without getting a singl e world's h o nors In Indl\'ldu aJ clB8see , c elts In the rnce ot little c hildre n, or lng, whi le In otll <; rs tbe re are no III sting by be l.n g Quiet, steady and fea r· and sevell o ut or th I t El lfect8 keep our selfl s hn ess al\v e amid th f. nrod uc ed whateve r, and 1 less. e sx een swee p.. .. s'akos IDcltldln~ ti, e grnnd s weet influeDc es of comrad eship an d Is no doubt ' . " but tbat t he syste m may pr Ize for It Is a fac t t,liat th e fearless aplar· th e beet busbel of h ard wheal. fam il y lova~ .\v1Iere 18 tbere crue l pas- become Inured to th a IIol80n so that 1st may otien 'be e ntire ly unharm ed , The graud prlz th res hi 'affects a' r e Ilroduce d. slon or s ecret , sin whIch Is s trou g ItO' b~d ng rn a· .w hlle others a rod away mny be stung cbl ne was' wo n e. a ~ by Pa ul G I I f enou gh to resist tbe wholeso me 1m. , Tbe w ri ter r ccoll ects t b e thne w hen by thtl very bees I or which his ma n lpu · b es t busf:tel or hard wheaerl, aewhich pul se s of Lhe crowd~ W h at we Deerl, a b ee s ttng waa very painfuL ~o him. lation s anger. : . welgbed 71 pounds to the bushel, and If we would k ee p our soul s rree of all a nd was always atteDdo d with s ulrerHI8 quiet, determi n ed demean or Is wae o r the Marqllia unh ealthine ss, Is simply th e ope n alr- In g Hnd s we lling. variety. I know tb'~re Is a his safegua rd, while the uninitia ted In the district In whleb the wheat cel'tnln. eurrent Impress ion to t he ef· s trlk,e al ·the angry bees until tbey was grown th at won this prize. there th e open air of rubbin g e lbows, c las p' rect tbal bees will sting "so me peo. nre stung. were tlrous~nd d of acres this year thllt Ing hands, making frie nd s, knowin g pie more t han others. When you wish to open a blve of would have don e as people, "going wltb the multltu des"well. Mr. Oerlack Wblle this Is tru\): It Is not be- b oos, If you wlab to be perfectl y Bafe,. Is to b e congrat ulated, B8 well 88 the : :~T:n:~lip~~f ~e:s~ll~fe,t~~d ~~:rdIS~::~ Cause they are, able to recogni ze any arm yourBel f With · a smokei' . cover provinc e or Saskatc hewan, Influe nce. It Dotblng be tt er , of men and peculiar pbysl.!!a and westj i l cond"tlo~ ir dllrer· your head w"llh a veil. and step be cause on pe rson. Iy to the rront ot the hive; a~ndbold· em Canada as a wbole, ror the grelt women who sre stronge r, braver, eDl:e, nor Is ,"Ir. ' the BuccellB that has been achieve d In ~. ' purer than ourselv h es! To know m e n. s m e lls to t he .' uees h h I f half botb ~nln an d "-tUe. to love m en. to work wltb men, to live oth er . It Is' becnuse<i,ilte.r elJ to an· smoke t roug t e open ns or a 0 I'" ... t hey notice a minute. then stop, and repeat the op· .. lonl .parrow mly lie d Ist Ingu Is h e d b y spot. on ItI brent. with men-to know the g~ce t IeI' prizes ,a t the same pl~ce of differen ce In tbe behavio r or dilleren t eraUon after '" , Imothe r . half minute, or wer e : ·-enroes wltbout much attentio n; conee· Here we u8uaiJoy untIl they make a steady hum , which encoun ter billdl In brother hood 'and tbe jQYth°( felllolwsb P pe1'80n8 . Best p eck of barle y. Nichola s Tet.i flu ently nearly th e who le time Is le ft ab und a nce, belenal Avoid (Iulck motions , do not breathe will sbow that theT ng to at have given up mlg er . Olares bolm, Alberta . l'east 'JIreB -this III the flret law of 0 sp r t. • ..., tor use In training th e powerB Out the In t he de sire olien to , the ftght. rerore Then open the of ob- or four species A sparrow with spots ! Away upon the m , and It there are other Hest peck of oata, E, J . Lanigan , mi. ~J _erv at Ion an d app Iy Ing f acts a Irea d y on It B b r east an. d tI t I from solitude s a Id silences -from w In- bees fly ing about In search "of pI un- hive, s moke gen~ly and you may . 11ft frO BS, SlI.!!lmtchewall . an a t tra<;" no e s , dows b closed and doors ' b e comhll <!l1 e . after another . . ' barre d agaln !!t dl' r , do no t leave tbe Ive open too .earned to obj ec ts that present them· tb e 60ng sparrO'W Best bUHhel or nax. John Plewa. l ; anotb er 'some wh at th e world! Anti lo ! it s hall be see Carn nulT, Sask atc hewan. ' n long. lIelv e 6 tor 8tud y . Many people 't!lave kept bees, but II ght .. r . In ,,gen~ . a l col'Orl14lon, wltb that strenglh 'nd beanty are Dest ,Rh eat or ba rley, A. H. Cross. th e Wi nter Is a s uitab le seaM n 10 begin wblte bars on In caSI3 uf acciden ts, tbe smoker did not succeeil .; .oQ. the study of bI rd s, for thA r ellson that s ppts on Its br~ wings h~t without , should be us cd f ree ly , Ilnd It ougbt to worm·m oth, b"tit ·""rmsaccount or .t he IO A lt , Klnderslf>Y . . Sas katchew an. 'i ~t, Is ~h e t... ~e spar. ; ~I\~ctua ry of t 3 so ul 8S well as 0 f t b 0 bp. very raMlly, It flest sh ouf or fl ax. R. C. West, teln · at hand for any manipu lation In eve.r, d estroy _~ .~Iony or then on ly Il rew kinds a r e 'to be found roW . Jo'inally 141d beeiJ; In ' nor. d e r sley , Saskatc hewan. oc k ot i'EhI'blrd s or ' 0 y , lIle ap la~y . It Is mucb easier to prllmal coDdltlo~ .. ~. In tbls latit ude, Ma n y go south In ca rdlDlll s altrac t ' Bes t shear of oats, Arthur Perry. our atten t~n; these BI II of Truth, ~_.... '. the fall And r e turn In the s pring afte r llre of two kln~tlf Cards ton, Alberta. 1,: ' Ind lvld Is dlfT'cr· In di stric t exh ibits , Swlrt CUrrc nt, T h e re Is 8a Is rucllon wblch accrues t b e c ool weatb er Is over. <!41li · In g In Q. .. b. u Sas katchc wan, won , the Board ot II h ave t knot s or to the Indlvl ual wbo Is tjred Let us s tart on a shor t Ir lp on a c re sts acoll lor, wben d red bl! s. GARBAGE ', ~ I .S I hi . ' h d Trade Awa rd, with Maple Creek scc· rail wit . ' . h the . . • ' t " e veD ~. ng s nows . b ri g h t, r.~ld morning fo r the purpose . By Ihls tim e on d . . bave moved t arth.1'r r lnesH of n houest daY'1i work. ·.,f observi ng some bl rds.a. nd, wba t ( he. Y Ot her ex hibitors an d wlntlers wen! : . . I IIlto .t he woods, o..nA o ur attentio n Is at· I w.ea V·ic e w·o ul losp. its horror fled Fire s pring wbeat, ID. A. ~'red. If we ~ 'Ire doin g . Before l ea~lOg tml hOUl e rracteri . by a .rather s lId den "plic k," wp. rc compel d to do wrong nnd vir· . rick, Maple Cr(\ek . b ulldlll g s, It tho start IS" malie early, "p ll c: k ." We get Other varI ety of ha rd sprl.llg wheat. we are ~ e ry apt to see the ' blu e jay wll ene p. t h e so und· tho direc tion from 1 ture ILM me t If we wer e s lav"s to ~stablishment of Creameries Anything ,the Average Restaurant S . Engleha rt, Abernet ' Caml'. bu!. ma y not do rIght. T Is is wil('re Ind"' lle n de nt t;;. by, Sask. wllh Is hIgh. c r est, blue coat .,~nd Wh l ~~ I be n ble to locate any bird w. hlch conld l manboo d n lJI ack oats, Alex Wooley . Horto n, womanh ood may ex ert c olill r. Obse rve him <'Io se l. l1.nd \\ " 1 run e ]l,.otluc e ' Also Provides the Consumer WO(\'t Jumble Dote Up for for som Custom e tlme . ' IIS e A if. It~ . We e placed upon our me l'" oo n dec id e for o llrselve~ ~\' h e re he [o' ln,.II)' we hear . th t '1: ··U· f't F d ' ' iIB Th e w r lcl will finu YOII out" It . Wp,Mel'D I'ye grass, W . S. Creight on, ,. I ' t u With Good , e ItPII'"/; so un d s Butter . p r oc tlre s llS 00 , an d '.~v II) ' h (' can reo pro ' re(flng from ers . s ' n I 00. Stal":ar t, Sll,sk. som e h el ~ ht In 11 tre e will discove r the kind of ::;,aterla ' . l or ,: Sheat or Hed Fife nwinle lain rs. with liS dUring th e long, cold near at hand n, d cnt. H. H . Cal'I 00 kl I ter, Fort Qu'App elle,wh h . wbleh ' you Sus k . o e I, madC'. on C hri ' ng st up, wOl:lcI a Tile . es t •"Lbllshm e ut ot cream e ries b as . , . .. (By M . M.' BlCU:-IA RD. ) se rv e a hairy \\' oo tl[lQc ker il"lf,w:l)' up have each I Shea! or Marqui s wheat, C. N. Carecowe n:an ly men ancJ 10D e much to put th e dnlry . 1 h e tlrBt bird "e Ree n} I11 V; ove r' Ihe tr unl, bllslly busInes s A poultry journal recomm end s that I' tiey . Dysa rt. Sallk: pngaged ill ch opping woman ly w me n. because this typo 0 11 a ~tllble and profitab le basis, B8 tl p-rtu Is likely t. o be lhe mlst'&le l'ous a hole In'o l he those IIvl~g near hotels should ar· woo (1 f ro m which . no or life yleldB b e larg<"1st r et urns to Oals, auy oth'or variety, Wm. S . th~ well, as 10 , provide consuw ers wIth a ' rango for .c row, H e appea rs to be a n Intare stlng doubt he ex p~ts the garba ge, stating that Simpso n.' Pnmbrn n, 'Saek . 10 ... t I I I ' in d iv idual a d the age. I . ' un . iforul ~, qllallty o [ good butte r . The In. '1n It the r e Is sucb a variety of Ie low n h (; blac k, glossy cont. We a rlng In sec t " e a arv" e 0 1 , ,, .. .. o d food ' T wo·r owed , barley,' , R. H ./, Co:rter, ro r too d. This Mart may sow :, but u must Iroducll on of tbe band scparat or. en· that will .".,oultl respectl .tlm marc perbaps I t b e bird is bl ack nn d . Fort Qu'A ppe Ue . Sask. · be of untold value to hens. white abov e and If give tbe Incr ase . Slx·row ed harley, R_ H. Cartee, .Fort If we have been Ilblln g th tl tarmer to feed skim 't\'ould acquai nt us wlLh more of his 1 a mal e, hus sant m~ . The .fact ·.ls that anythin g tbe avllJ' ·Qu'App elle. Sllsk, e r r d feather~ on thB th e r ec lplen 8 of large glftB they In prime c ondition and minImiz ing age n!6,l llur",nt secre ts. We would like to k no w where back of hls ·h ead will reruse to Jumple . It Is abo t sQould be d IIcatec1 for se rvIce. Tbe transpo r tation expense Wester n r ye grass, Artbur rerry, lie J>assed the n lg bt, wh ere he Is goIng of a robin , "nn d . has also done up .tor theh' ,Culltom ers Is Questio nable Us es its t ut ~e: size bountifu l ~ardtltoJl, Alta. est s . "' ":. hould baBten tile mu ch [or tho busines s . This bas n~t t o get Ills breakra st, and w~Y he Is ao as ItB fe e t In cll;nbln .tOOd tor either fowls or bogs. a a ll as well rule of the AIBlke clovAr. Seager Wheefe r Roa. lIce or Pence In the bee n without a drawbac k" howeve unpopu lar among peopl e In general . r. In' · the summel ' thl .. refuse, g ·'When trpe . r. e · ·t.he'll. Sas k.-Adv ertisem ent. . ' hearts of a teful people. In that the aeparatl !d ' mnk la not ai- m01'ed once a c1ay, Since he Is one of those sb)' Ind ivi duals Ie unspeak ably foul J . S. HINEl, We err 'W n we lIeparat e God's In· ways kept under who are good al kee pin g secrets. we College of Agrlcu! . ~~per: conditio ne. and ~e on~ wbO" remove . ~r. ~~<n,81 lure, Oltlo SI~t. tereat from Meln Hint. activitie s ot the world and that delivery to the creame sr. just curious to know 11.11 about I U nive rsity. ries } t 'oeeds ~~e nOlMl :of ,a sOl1'8n..... . ' . "His wire mad e Mm." which he ·s created . - The R e v . dlfters greatly In Q)1al1ty. When tJ lm ; so we ob8ene him closely and I all Fler~ted' and decayin g refu.e "Oood heave ns! Where did sbe fn'er Frank W. Girt are paid tile aame rate for butter f&t from such · pl&fIe.B make two or three observa tions whlcb . ls danlero~s. even eet the patte rn7" we Clln add to future obse r vatI ons there Is no Incentiv e to oaretUl pre. to ' handle, In nils SA,"" n ty·ftve per cent or a hi ghly "irar~e"' 18 OtIBIl on' so~atlon' In Labor. '-~--'-." \ . ervatlon ot the cream until ftnally \\"e shall have a full Be· I va Iua bl e fill ' . At the o>ypert_ found pi.cldea. . aour cabbace , rO~~ Po ert zing ma teri al In tbe . ' .~~ TIl.. wm In&e.... ilot.b,n . ...... There'l l no Oolng worth " bavlng that ment 8taticID. u~ .... OrA)I'" s ....., Po .. 4era for O1tUtlna qualn tanc e of his habits and under· I torm or tankage Manbat tall, KaD,. 1l B1" tatoes.. talntlld meat and otheralld blood trom the can be lu.d wlL.·.out labor; labor. thereiltulre ..I .... J'nerlali n.... Beadach e,llItod 8t.o';'..,la , tem .tand wby b e II one ot tbe blrde wblch I c ountry slaugl1t of sr.adins cream was adoptec l - lnel.dln e oolree P'OWlda·-1U ~"::f:~~":=~~ ':~-:' er ot tood animals 18 fore. and Impr.ltv e tbe time. If we :D~~P~:':~:' ne. abollt two years 8&'0, the price paid only for the the Dh19 laws do not protect. maDllI'e pUe, heine wasted In the counlry dlstrlctJ I. gleet our Il Prhi gs, Oo14"lal 4 bour.. Tb~ &re1lO. pleaeaDH 'naJre our summe rs Will varying wl1th the QIlallt7 of ~e CtelUD. [n the thickes t part of th e woods w~ , ~ t be careftal abDut ;~~Dl1lk:";:;;'~l.P. be' uselelll and :' colltem ptlble, our har- This haa I~.ultecl ~,;r:"~~r~ ' _e Iln~er II momen t und er a large In .creat Slilp~~ ..".~tt1J ' ~' I feed Olb' BtoQlL ~~) Thebe ltplaee torrnan ureafte rltla' vei!t \VIII be , ch~lIl. , 4~ Olm.~ fAj ''!'" ~.'Y" ~1'. ! and tbe wlnt&t ' ot uient In the cn.'IliD 4eU,.e~ , aII4 ~-Uee, Wblte looldnc, at t he ground our taken from under aJlu~~ .~~ I19'!J!d ~.. ,or. 'I.. reform the 'D.Imae la . ,•• our old ase un~~ ' IiD" desolat..;:. able. the blu Her I JJ I b ~ \ ""11 f . ' tUker to cICS bla _ .' ~WW1 oat .. .. o. t i l . t , 0 pee ull ar objects, 1on tb. lan4. t ~... "l1D4 '._,. __ . betier: Cl'h" n ber .- ...,.~ \ III. h~ . .. . ~. ~- • .l~er- 8, ; . . _ , ". • .' \ .I ,. . . ~ ... mllc a. ." ,,' ' ~.' _ ~: . . U""~ tn'll{m," ; ' ,wan.. Q ..., •.er'. - CO' , , I • b,)llit b .




l I




















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ui"g~b l

Th l schoo l In t h e world ha s just b een o pen ed an rl th e Mcho ln rs hav e t ak ", ,, t o Ihe i r stuJ les n8 a fi sh tal, ,.,, ", ,.'I<' r . Ab unrd e v e r y ~hlp In U ncle Sllm's UIlV, th ero I s now a f u l l .\' I'Qul,' (JI: d school room, nnu LU lh e Kr eal Il l ellsIlrl' o r JO Sl'l' hU H IJlln l els, sc<' r e tnry or the n llv)', ortglnll lor or th e Ill nn, th e r e ha s n' t b epll n hitc h so rnr. I!:v. ' r y ellllstlild man Hilt! ' ·n·ry ofll ('c r I s compell ed 10 nit nd th c {IUMBel. T h e photogr ap h ehow8 th e uClldem lc departn ,c :ll Ll co n \\. '- I ou ilie U"IJ ng

Ito Once l\ yell,1 In WashIn gton an elabora te am~t ~ ur tlhlalrlc al l>4'rrOrmanc9 Is given . This wlntcr It I I d " ('0' lumbla, " and one or ItB reatures Is the "radium dance " by CIl I e , the rour young Indi es he r e photogrnl!h ed. 8F"rom lett to r ight th ey nre : Aut1rey John~on, Frances M Iller, Anne P enne)Jnc \tcr and A nrl{! On rs le.



I . .. ;,.







Prce ld!!nt Wilson s nctlon In II rlln g tb e embnrg ? 011 urms ca used a gOll ral ex o!lll R of A lII e r lcnllH lI'om lIIan • y 1,111("('3 Our pbotog r n ph show8 America n r e rugees and th eir hagg!lf1;e on a l e nd er or I h e l ' oltc,\ Stllt e.. urmy transpo rt Buford fl eeing rrom Mnznnll lo .

In Mexico.

Thi s ph ologTu lll1 ( If Mill<' . i\umha, v.. lro or t il e Ilt'''" ltm buSsa do r from AUtilr ill . Is I I", fir ~ t ~ h e ha s h ad taken ~ i ll "" h ('l" Hr.-Inti i ll \\·ll"hlll gl oll . It w a~ lakr'l l III 11<''' fOoal S a l llle C)ll'

h r.3S Y.

Hue rt a 's rurtlles a bonl'd a Iral " bound sOllth to prote"t the rebele threaten Ing the capltJIJ from t.ha.t dIrectio n.




, '1




Countes s de Bourtle r. wife or tbe military aUacho to the French embas' 8y at \\'nehln gton, 18 one of the recent arrivals In tbe nationa l capital and aUracts mucb attentio n by wearing the latest oreatlon s or tbe Partllia n modi stes .


-1 ,

• _ Modern Tommy Tucke .... The door of one of Lhe mOlt popu-

1ar rcmura nts In BOlI\.on slowly. Open· ad at noon while half If hundred t£nerli ·,,·ere 'eating al:u 0. 'Bmall "Dice pq\ed : "Any Elngln' Y" . . " No," Ii wattre. " aDd vo~ee,. a · boy dOwn .)ie -•.--' -"~ ' r_~t~nn~t-:;:N

Hllral oH , or Icd C'flll lf~(J' I '\ , han· Ll '(, H M ' H( u ut fro ll l .\'I exica Ci t y III la r~(I lIufilbpr:; to IIlL'f'l th e r ... b e l ~, II hu an' ;.dliIIl CIIl!; Oil II ", ('''pit al f rL"ll Ih e £ull tlL H e r o Is n (' Ill' l on t! of tll ' I n ,,' ·atl ... 10 nw,,1 l i l t' 1.' 1I '.' l n)" .



.- - -

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Mr, . M" \' Hu ms

luo;; :

R flf lf lc r

lI ' ir"

, old

Jl14 111th



lh~ h,'q W(' :lfS


II 'll h. "'h" wi ll will Ii,,, It will l H.~ ~ i\'\.· 11 In lilt' iud l . \ iLh,:d 11tH i ., ,·il1 ).. won line. tlr whu is not a f(·!ati \'{" of a wi llner. Whl l l·a s l ~ I h(' 11l u"-t \ ' , if' O; in I he DIII }st.: , Cluh B .IIIHI Hox flCl lI 1 111(~ I n unt Il f ~ 1 0 1 1 ' d ,n, ' I Hl'1 1 :.!. I·, l ilt , I n U1I 1 IIj :\ 11111 tin" , 'd I It II : ~tl T ill 1.1 11I i' ill I'U I ~ , ,, t ' il d +l n "ill l>e li, "l",1 fli I I :IHI .\ ~ I : "" "I.,,', MUf. ' f I L" l' , ',111 ~l' I~ 11 it . I ltd 1i .1 \ · ~ YU II l ' l t hnaI t't! III)\\' I Ull~ It \\111 bUIll ; \" "" lIliKhl \I ill U ,..' t ,,( d i > h~s s..... (\llHII, )

, the full(" r

c,: x IJI.lII alioJl .... . at u U I' ~ torl"


Things 10 Eal This Week Fancv Cele ry, Le ttu ce, Sweet ] '0 ta toe;; , Cablmg c, AI' nles , swed FluriJ a OranR"clI, Navel ()rang. ,!!, Fresh Roasl e<.I 1'eanu tl:! onl v J lIe pound.

! Oysters ,





for 3


ThursdllY, Friday & Saturd ay Sweet Briar Sugar Corn a r eg ular 12Y.c fancy com nt loe a Can

And 500 Cou pons Free with each can. Get lhe hauit a nd trade at


C\ino -,-'0--- --- --- - -,---el. ~---_-



IN !\\[\\OR IAM -----------------. Ilecuuse he wun Ll;!d to see-his papa, I camllJ t say. a nd I will nul say an II year-old .boy, Ray Crainis h, That-he is <.l ead - He is j us t away! started to walk to Dayton , but WI!.B ~ . picked up by u milkma n. He slep l Wtth a cheery sll lll. e, ani] a wave of Mrs . W, H. Allen was In Cincinn ati on a porch the night be fore. He the huno ,. TueHday, Will' a pupil of th e O. S, & S. O. I He has wanoer cd mlo an unknown homo. . I land . Thornt on Cain and wife arrived I And you, 0 you, who the wi ldest here f :r om Hot Spring s, Ark_. TuesGETS PILE OF "'ONE ' ycarn, day even ing and a re again domiciled Fo t' the old·ti rn e step and t he g lad at th e Friends 1Home. _ _ _ __ "Hill y" Sunday tuok $:30.000 out relu rn . of I'i tt,<;burg- as his s hare of thl' OBITUARY taberna cle work jU;:lt ended at t hat Think of him farin g- on , as J ea r ('i ty The pxpens('s of the laherna · III the- Il1v e of Thel'(" as t he I,)ve of . Mlll'e than 11:1 years ago, a preciouS I cle will run 10 about $,10, 000. T hen' OHI O Hpre . baby g irl, J ennie Marie, came to we re clai lT,eJ to havl' IJecn nearly Un May I!Hh , 187·1 a bauy boy Le- gladde n I he h ear t~ and home of 26.000 converilioll!!. Kinsey !': Izwo rth, come to brig hten Charl ey '1', and Halt ie Compt on the hOlll e of Abel '. ami Mary Ell en liarnel" . and on reb. 20, 1914, aged HAD A BIG FEAST Thomp son. noa r Million, Ohio. 1:-> yr>l , ;j mo., III days, God in his • Kin I!reat sey wisdom saw best to take her was th e youn gest of a famTh e childre n of the O. S. & S. O. Shop Next to Sher wood 's Cara ge Main St home had a big fea.~t l a~ t week ily of nine chi ldren, of wh om fg ur hUl llP to himself. We cannot unThirty gallons of map le Ryrull and sisters anrt fa ther and moth er hn,'e derstan d why one so young and prompreceded him to that promised land. i~ ing, just bl ooming into young ~ , 592 buns conlltit u ted thei r feasl, Ever a n affectio nate, kindly nat ure wo manh ood sh oul d be taken, but and th ey a ll did ampl e j ustice to it. we ....~~~~....._ ....._ ....------~.....- - - - - Iwalwa ys staid a boy, making fri e nd ~ humb ly bow in submis -----sion t o his wherev er he went, H is boy hood di vine will remem bering that he has -- .:..-. days \\'('ro 'spent in th (~ \'iciliity of a perl ccL rig ht to pluck the fairest Masl)n and Lc uanon:' after whi ;h he and mo t beautif ul of his flowe rs. mad e his ho me with hill brothe r Th e Lonl gave and th e Lord haH taJohn, near Well man, Obio. About ken away, ll le:l.qed be the name of the five yearil ago he went t o Z :llle~ ville , Lurd. of Ohio, whe re he ("und conge nia l oc· Sho was a birthrig ht membe r of pupat ion. all d many warm friends , Friend!!, and was Ii faithfu l attendIt was th ere Gud ~mil() d u pon hi m ant at both Sabbath school and ( hu rch service s anti it was murnin g. She was conver ted ea rly in life at Beau ti fu l twiligh t at sel of SlIn, a meetin g he ld at New Burling ton I will ~ell at public a uction at , Ilel.\ ut ~!ul ~oa l with condu ct.ed by Ol'land o Tomlinson and ":ell rU Il Peebles ' Livery Ilarn at Wilmin gt on Beau t lfu l rest whell race \\'O/k I ~ done. Howard Cope. Her bri~ht testi· , . Beautif ul I::ro\'(:::1 wh ere wi ld vin es monies and sweet life cO llv in cing that sh'e truly had been redeem ed Whe~~eb~~wn leaves fall a nd drifts all by lilt' preciou s blood of rer Savior li e dee p She was a membe r of the Christi an ~ Comme ncingu t IU o'c lock A,M. sharp: O'e r fo ldl'd ha nJs. A bea utiful ". sleep , End eavor and a l ~u of the W , F. M. S. Think of him still same. I say, wh ere she wil l uc greatly missed " Twenty-eight Head of Iowa He is not dealt- hea..,is the Two years ago she was st rick en just away! . with Ji3Sase and had to abanJo n her Draft Mares and Geldings. . OVERH EA TE; ;TOVE PlrE school work which was a great cross to her, yet she did it cheerfu lly. and Rangin lt in age from three to eigh t He'lry Sattert hwaite , I)f Route 3, t hro all her atllic ti ons she carried years old, weighi ng from twelve to almost dunshin eightee n hundre d pounds , all good Thursd had a fi re at his residen ce last kno w heer wherev er she went . To was t o love her. We feel ay morning The stove pipe , broke. A few well· mated teams. whic runs throug h th Aool' to t he that our loss is her gain, and lhat Some of the best praft Mares I have upperh room, • she is safely ever shipped . They are heavy· boned floor caught got too hot, and the shore, wh ere housed on the other I~ she will fire be anxiou It wa!! i:lly extinand the real Draft Type. If you q uished aft wa iti ng the corning of papa, mama, wan t some real Draft Mare& or young damag e wille r har d w ~rk , and the two brotherR, Horace be about $100. . H., Clemen t Mares and Gelding s that will grow To the n ci ~h bo t·s that so willi ngly M. and sisler, MarybeUe, where partinto good ones, you can lJOt afford respond ed to the ca ll, and to a ll ing will be no more. t o miss this sale. those wh o hellJeu Ull a t this fire, we TERMS : Cash, or six months credit are truly gratef ul. The month of Februa ry is here, will be given with a bankab le note at Henry Satte rthw aile an r] family. The sad dest to us of a ll the year, 6 'per cent interes t from date I'hl'o' all her pain she smiled A smile of heavenly bir th, MASONIC NOTI CE FRAN K HUN NICU IT And when the angels call ed for her, Regul a r comm unicati on of Waync>s She sm il ed farewel l to earth. Cols. AYERS & LACY, Auctioneers ville Lodgf', . F . & A. M , No . 1~3 , Heaven retaine lh now our treasure , "!,uesd.ay evePln[{, Marc~ 10t h . So ~rth the lon ely casket keeps Jo.u~nlll K brethre n cordtfllly Invited . 1And the s unb ea m!! love to linger : VIsitor s malle we~com e , Whe re ou r darling daught er s leep~ , All Kinds of IIJ . T. EI!IS, W. M, But Iittlt~ do they know the sorrow L. A. Zimm erman, SecoY. That lies within our hear ts conc ealed,


Jpersonal"Mentionl ' .............. -- - - ....




WIIO Loady. Small Boy (to charitab le lady)Please , mothe r s By e s he' s much betler. of the oompla lnt wo t you give. 'er ..ulntne for-bu t she's aw(ul III of the al88&ee wot's oured by port wine and 'chicktlD broth.

ombining ,

oJ Ple asu re


BRry farmer whoowna an Indiana Silo as found that It II the best busineSB deal .Ie ever bWle and the greatelt pleasure i his farmiDg experien ce. It Dot only ,·.dd.llO~ to the Det l"'ofi.ta of the di)iry . '.nd feeding penll but ~t also saves all the uard, unpleas ant wor~ of winter feediiJg. We have au especially attractiv e propo- . ·.Iition to make to you lIow-on e that will "nable you to get an Indiana SUo in time :lor next fall'. com crop and to pay for it ..III it pay. you. ~et Ull tell you about it.


Pain ting , Pap er Han ging , Aut o and Car riag e Pain ting .



'--- --- --- --- --0 :--- --- --- --- ---'


New Car Load .of-Fence

I Iow ,a Dra ft Mar es I The Boo ster Stor e I


We are gett ing in a new car load of the cele brat ed

Fri.. Mar ch 6, 191 4

Cambria Sleel and Wire CO.'sfenc s .'

See our all No .9 Wir e Fence. Give it a trial. The fence

righ t

The prices are rig}tt


SOIl ·

Way nesv ille




--- -


Funera l services a t the house Monday , Februa ry 23rd, at 10'cloc t-, Re v. F'r:a nk NOt'man, officiating Interm ent at Miami cemete ry. The pall bear,e rs were: Roy Jones, Law· renee Mitche ner, Amos Compon, of the Christi an Endeav or, and Rolla Bogan , Evan Bogan and Luther Huines membe rs of the Sunday School. Beautif ul floral emblem s were receive d from the Christil ln Endeavo" Sunday School, Waynesvill e Hig h School. Women 's Foreign Missionary Society , Harmo ny Grove School and many relative s and friends . • • •



OPERATION PERFO RMED TOO MANY , BY H-\LF -- The 2·year·childo f Mr and 1Ii!n~. Mrs. L,lU "a V. REed und erwent an I According to !ltaticlt by the Andrew Charlto n, of neat the Buck~tale operati on for a complic ation of , Commission, there areks230,883 eye school house, died Saturd ay dogs stomuch a nd liver trc,ubl e at Mt. ! in th e !ltate flf Ohio For Successor to mornin g. The funeral was held every fc · Carmel Hospita l, Columb u!!, Ohio, : male there are approx imately six Monday mornin g at 10 (,'clock . InF, E. SHERW OOD (,n Thur~d uY t Februa ry ; 6. The OP. I male canines. The tax dn termen t was made in Spring boro the dog!! OhB S. D. Coo k eration wa s s uccessfully perform ed amoun ted to $255,774 last Harvey ebul1f, OhIo. Over PostofIice, Waynesville, O. cemete ry . by Dr. W, D. Hamilt on; a well , There are too Illllny, by half. year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Office Phone 77 known ~urgeon of the city. The pa· 'I House Phone 6·3r CAA1E BACK tlOME TO DIE .. - t ient is doing very well at this time , " , Saml. S. Walton , who went w ~ t • _ • IFROZ EN TO DEATH IN tHAIR several years ago in qu ~t of his Will DOUBL E IN VALUE · - . heat th, got back to his home in William Seldom ridlle, an old reaiSpring Valley Ia.~t week, and died at , ,dent of Xenia, was found dead in his . A s peaker at one of the farmer s . chair la~t week the home of his f a ther, Moseg Walton hom!;, . He;lives Instttute!! near here rec~ntly said I with his brother~t. hi.~ Saturd ay ~ernoon. Th e decease d who found him in Bellb rook. that the farm ·v.alues of was well. thIS ~ountl'Y the chair The knc>wn here, r's verdict - -1 _ _ _ - -.... oul8 double In value during the was death hy acutecorone alrhohu next twenty years. __ ..._ _lism. _ Mrs. Wm (Junnln glam, of GreenMAIL CARRI ERS WILL GET RAISF. ville, hll8ret nrued home after spend. -- AN OLD MUSICIAN The local rural carrier s are ex · io g the pa,st week with Mu, Uhlia. NO SNOW IN KANSAS . . "\ pecting to get a $100 raiAe the 1st of Brelsfo rd, Prof. Griffin , former l10! Lebano n July. Thi ~ will apply to all l'ltll.nda rd ,J 'IIDet! Pepper aod Wiffl, of WByne s H, V. Waiter , who is in Ro!\well and who used routes, and the others will be raised vill e, are "pHodinl1.' tI. few dllY8 frequen tly play with N M , wrote us enroule to that place here for dances, to accordi ngly. Thp rural route men hi~ BOO, T be odore Pepper died at his home in herp ure very thankfu l t9 the senate The bO.f and girls aDd fll~lly trom Welling ton, Kari . • and said Portlan d. Oreg" Februa ry 9th. aged are pUmllll ' tt.ere was no snow there and it was , 90 years. He was buried at PortS for -the raise , in t,he time ooast.lng on the I:;ohool fairly warm laet Wedne sday, \ land, .-- - . B ouse Bill which has been the firs t GRANOE NOTICE for sever"j yeMs -TO GET- . .5 TOfU Hopkin s of Anders on,· Jud. Grange Meetin~ Saturd ay afteroalling on old friends bere last noon, The Lec1iurer will provid e was week , a good program , This is the beginJ . L. Fergns on, of west of town, ning of the ,t endanc e contest . will move to Dayton next Tnes\!u y Come if you ubj ct t o beans. to engage in the real estlltB bmllness. T. Ellis, Master . Jacob CT'e~ger Stile W \8 P'J"tponed cella Cornell. tiec. to March 5th who lives north of NOTEO IVINE DEAD town, on tLCOount of lohe deep anow. F orty now m 1mbers .were tallen Dr. W. G. Mooreh ead, of the I in~, o t, ~e J r . 0 , V. A. M, (Jouncl Xenia Theolo gical Semina ry. died lit ItIll S pl.we ),lst S~turd"y Dlght l of his home Su nd~y evening . He was , ft-'f, nnd Mrp. Ralph . Mount profess or of tl1eol"IrY in r,he semina ry II. fine gIrl. and was a ma.. widel v known for his I • - .....- - - writing s an d ork!l. -

A. 8. Cha ndle r



Your Opportunity



---_. -


100 0 Ext ra Fine


LOCUST POSTS : : CU T AU GU ST 191 3:: ~

---1.- -. - ••- - -



W. H. Madden &Co.



"Did you notice how roughly that A gang of sies campin g: near Wilmin gton,' Bt .. a 4·mont hs·old mnn grabbed those fox fur sets?" baby last week "Yes; bu.t I olio noticed he wore ' pneumo nill. The little thing had aught cold campin g dogskin gloves." out.

Confec tioners cOt;ltemplating

'!~I~~~~'~~~~~ ~~~!!!!~~II.!!II!I~. '''",hat 10 centsthink for aye, ,Atlll....Hiii" ..



«You said you would make papa Saturda y e ening', Februa ry 28, Mr. F. A. Har 'sock gave a most in· come to teJrms." terestin g talk "I did j and they were the vilest Corn at the Rural Welfar e Lea of Massie Tp., anyone ever applied to me," which meel.:; a eliman school house.



A. L. HarveYAburg, "Don't you think Miss Flabkin has bought a fi ne hog in Wapak onetn a beautif ul comple xion?" • last week. T 'e breed is of the lal'ge "Well, to tell you the truth, I type of I'olan ·China, and is 8 good : haven't seen her today," one, CORN 1'ALK

Fro m hom e-gr own Tim ber


--- ---


./ '

........ _ _......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _





..._..- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _




-~~ ------

Sixty -Fifth Year


.. I For mer Citi zens


.~------- -.

............---..-. ......-- .... -.

_ __

Whole Numb er 3254


I ....... -.

A Rem arka ble Fam ily of Boys- The Gar d Fam ily

Frank Long. of Columb us, is reO coverin g from a month' s sic knrss of pneumo nia.



Soc ial Eve nts



By W. H . CAIW

Mr . and Mr~. Franl; Farr ente rtdill Pd at d inner Thu rsd ay Mr . and ,1. Cl int Sp ahr. Hev . and Mrs. C. S. Dear Gazet Le: Dr. R. J Mi cll f> nt>r. of Leban flP, \:01\' let IlIP te ll Y" U how young ( ~ rall l;e r alld :jon, Charl es. arrived home l a~ t week, a ft e r ~ pe n d ­ A re w S lln d ay~ :l !!,11 II" Wt! ~ix f' uc h Oil!.! i ~: S"" llwl C. wa~ 1)·1 vea l's ing a week with reiat iv<'" a l HUl l1e l' , hr(l tlie l'A werc l'IIJngli (dd. Ihl' I'lh Il l' NO\' (,l11 he r I\)l ;i. .J. lK on t.h e ~lIl ln y Ill. Tlll lr,.;. h v a fte rnoon 2 t o 5 1);, 11 l ;a r t! wa , 77 yl' ~ " " ul d on the , id e (I t tlt e h " u~f' ,. \ th(· IHIIII " of O i,'" 1:;I h da y " I' A lI ~U SI 1!11 :1. .Iuhn II. \ lnri R H c tld c r~ l)n. assist ed by Mrs. " I' LIlt' h l'l)l l1<' r ~ I h"1 ,, \, ,' 1' I ' rl'~ 1 '111 Mr. lIIul ~lr~ F I:. Sfli'n\'llIlti , of ill di, i!!'I<t\ . Ihe " Kodak f i\·nll " (,::I n . ' \\';!~ '71i ."ear ~ .. Id O il Jallu ary :30, J\l ll. It. ( ;. C r tJ~s . etlLe rt Rill eu Kathry n Le banfln. have moved fn .m Fiol a- a lol1 il " , ..1 ,. ee in ~ So tmlll.v "w hite I lav irl II lVas 74 y~ar so ld on Novcm · and E'-llhe r H en(lf! rHun, H e rbe r t a nd 10<,1' ~ ~lI h , l ~ ll :L 'I''' l' s istl'r w h .. ~e Ma rg-an' L Lo u ise ~dward s. E:Isie and ville to a Ile w bungalu w nn the hea d·," ill one /(I'CJ up wa n te d to pu t h ll lll !.! i" ill Sa n La Anna w a R 73 0 11 I )(,ri " liawke, Rh ea J ane t Cartwr i g ht Maple Farrr: wround!l. t he lll ",. ('a rrl A fUIure I,{enera · I "~ h r tlary 2ti . I!II-l . W. II. W3 3 69 Luue lla Willi amson . Ka thleen C il · t inntl, ::00 he buncht' d ti ll Ull and I sell d on Fe lt , uar)' :.!:.!. 1!1I ·1. (; eorge H . mour. Novella Bt!neck e . Kathl een you the re" u lLR of hill etforls . (;anl will ue (i l 0 11 Ma n' h " Ih. 1'.11 .' Il cn d e r~!) n a nd Mrs. C. W. He nd erThe Nationa l Clls h ReR'i ~ ter CII. , And th en I r e rnembe rt,d lhe conof Dayton . made their ~e mi annual li l1 ul,d ki nolnc;:s of th e ~ il:le tl e and An a verage of mo rt' t ha n n years <lon . distribu tion of priz('s ror be~ t !" Ul; lh '~ \V /lYII('~v ili e commu nit y t o the fllr t hl' ('nt i l'l ~se\' t'l\ (' tli lct ren . gestlon s in their plant last weel< Card fa mlfy, which I"ad e me wan t ,\ s H fam il y WI' have ac com plished On Saturd ay evenin g Mr. Ronald We notice am ong the name:! that of 10 meet otl r fri l' nd ~ uf sixt y years l.,u L liul(· towa rd th e eleva li on o f Haw ke. whose ma rriage D. Cliff Rldge. alj being one of the all O " li Ce mo rt: in I he old home paper . lI1a nkind. vd !lot 1I1l<' of I! ~ waq eve r Ed it h Mosher tak es place to Miss success ful ones to draw a prize. :lrn ·'>1t·d f il l' any cr imi nal offense ; nf'Hda y eve nin g . en le rtain next WedUsulI lly it is no t. unt il·' aflt·r the f'd a numThe cJl~h prizes range from $5 to c lose .)f me n' s career here that we \\lC hoWl.! lw~ n law abidm~ citizens . her of fr iend s very plea,;a nlly. At a $100 We hope Cliff got the limit. care LO see their nam ~' 3 in prinL J\ ", we ('''me Ilean' r and nea rer to I~ te hour a n uy !!t e r s upper was Ih,· I,:, · tittg' of th e waYR ollr heal' til ~e rved . Th ose pr esent But he re lR a short ske tch of fam tu r n loving ly t oward th e scenes of W. Mille r . Te rrel Macy. J were Dr. J. ily hi~ to l'y so unus ual that it is now ess Thoma s. Dan R. Anders on, the curi ') man. interes lin" to th(lse who knew th em I fiv e ol<.l ~"t have bee (l ur ch ilt lh ood, a nd in the fi nal wind- C. B Bentley , J . W. Edward n for s, Ed several i':'\c h .,n L · \If t il!' b l' Q th(~ I' '; b ~~' I W In u p we wa nt our u odi c~ til mould er l{i ;:ks. Leon in Old People 's buildin g. still. ply s 90 well fifty year.; years ago. yea rs Iivint( ill Ml·nrov ia . and Russel Salisbu ry. the needle. and though 77 years of These s ix brothe rs were all born six th ousand lyi ng on t he a ci ty of g\Jod hea lth . W. H . htivittL; f ilII \' 1'(" hac l< t(l mol her earth with the bodi es I{aym ond Davis. Fred Furnas , Rnb sou t h side ?uvl ' red . Ei t he r one lIf t he u l',,1hel's ' of o ur loved age. he has just comple ted his one· within three mil es of. Wayne sville and cl ose lo oll es in t hat, to us . t:le Furn as, J ohn Le mmon. Ralph Smith t he foot lI f t!H~ San I~ good anv.d ay fo r a tr Im p·o f t1Irl~(, deareBl gpot on hundre dth embroi de red shit·t waist ami for fifty years spent the mos t of .Berna rdi no range cur t h. Miami Cenle-' arr y Pra te r, Emmol' Baily. Jr.: of mo un tams an d or .f uu r mll C'.; over t.he Illl lll tt tc ry . since beginn ing on them about a their lives in this vicinity Within 20 mil es directly Clarenc e Ry e. Hal'vey Rye. Bert east of Los An geles . . it l'<llb a ncl get II ;tck 111 lll11t! fM !iU[lyear ago. It seems rather odd to the last score of yeaB . ' "1 . . Ca I' f . . I ·they have all Th e you ngest, George . [ I I "Unro vlU , 13 10Cjlted at ' pe r Wit I unlla 1 an appctill.! hHart...-Iock, Fred Hawke , E. V. Bam0 a :lC Ino see a man of his extrem e age work· moved to Southe rn Califor nia. The Rialto . · Ul t and Jus. McClur e. , .forty mil es east of Monrov ia . boy. ing at such work as t:mbroi dering, f'eu l'uary 20, 19 14 but his work took first premiu m at _ ___ ___ ___ - - -- - ---- - - - .. - - -- --.-- the Tippec anoe county fair la.')t fall Anoth er ve ry enjoyab le day was -~---·· OBITU ARY against many compet itors. Besides OBITU ARY indulge d in. when Mrs. C. M. Roj making shirt waists. he makes many bitzer gav e a delight ful dinner party . I I " Melissa William son, daught er of ! differe nt kinds of articles , as soul and kitchen shower in honor of the f . On t~e hrst day ?f J~ne 1912 bride-e lect Miss venirs. which are eagerly taken by Elijah and Nancy Clymer William son 1 Mosher. The table 011 0 ! \tttle. EEthe r was. gIven mto the was very artistic ally decora ted the visitors to the home and others, was born near Ridgev ille, 0 .. ancl in L... __ .......... ...... _ ... __ •• _._ ...... -..... ........_ .._......... __ ....... ....... __ . i the:r\I~~n ~~ld ~nn~~b~ua:yn~ E~~4a candles so that his home is a veritab le curio died at her home in Wayne sville. _ . , dainty basket: ' (filled with ~ •• _ __ .......... .... .. _ ... . ....... .......... ...._ _ • ___ .. _ _... _ _ _ shop. Ab:)ut SIX month!! a~o hie March 6. J914. •.....l God saw'fi't to call her hom e ' Only' nuts) and a very unique feature wife fell and broke her arm. since This death, is doubly sadden ed by . every gut'st had to guess what was. J . E Jann ey was in Dayto n F'riJ. O. Cartwr I ig ht was ill Cincinn a t i 1 year. 8 months . and 27 daYB was on the other which time he has nursed and cared the recent death of an elder si'lter , day. of the place card Tu esday. I>he s pa red to thIS famIly, uut the when all had siJe for her, and at the same time, em- Mrs. McSha rry. who passed away guessed and none suc: sorruw lng ones hat al<?ne ca~ kno broider ed on an averag e of one shIrt just 2 months and 2 days previou s, ~ "Y cessful found to the surpris e of all See th e new Spring Hats at Grace n. H. Hock€ t, of Route 2. was in a large place she hlled In theIr lived. to be lythe waist a week. Mr. Anders on is. a leaving an only sister, Miss Ann L. Snrith·s. picture of the bride. Leban( ,n last week. and ~hat a vaca,:! c.y was left wh~n Many interes ting and origina natural mechan lr and can accompli~h William.'lOD, to mourn her depart ure , l feah ~ I' mnocen t SPirit r e turned t o Its tures were planned and about anythin g he undrrta kes. In tog ether with a host of relative s ann Mrs . C. B. Bentl €y was in Sp ringsuccess fully John Smith was in Cincinn ati GIBve: . . k former times he waS a carpen ter. and frielld ll. . carried out by the hostess . Covers field Tuesda y. Thursd ay ami FrIday . . elOg SIC only a short whIle. her were laid for fourtee for many years before coming her e Life is but a brief period, and the n guests death c~me as a shock nO.t only to delight ful five course dinner and a .was a millwri j{ht. He can play a st<lndard by which it is measur ed i iWy Irons was a busines s visitor in was L. A. Zimmt! rman was in Cincin- h e~ family but t o all the f.rlends and served. Those who enjoyed the day good game of check e rs and dellJl htR not years, distinct ion or wealth Springf ield last .Thursd ay·. na ti Friday on bUMiness. neIghb ors .. She ,leaves behind father. were Misses Edith Mosher . May in it. He has been a membe r of the But the good it has accomplishecl; .~ . Jeff Sm'ltll spent thc \veekM' I I' Y home since 1877 and has always been and we "II will miss he'r kind I! smile " t mb otill er, SIX · Sll'lters and an only Wright , Clara Hawke ., ISS "e la oung h as b een VISI . Emma Hawke . rot le r . called the curio man He has a por· and cordial greetin 'S which ch ee red end with relati ves at Belmon t. Martha O'Neal ing relatives in Leban on. What a consola tion to those left to Emma Hei h l' St IIa Le tiere made of coffee nuts nnel Job's and brig htened us as we entered her . ttmmMn • know she died withou t s in and that K' Milson 's Fertilizer, th e best on the Erg ba~, Ch ed1le tears. of dlffflre nt !lhades and colors home . Miss Georgi a Hadden is qu ite ill He whe, said "~uffel c, ' littl e childre n HIJlSkY' M~a etl mal·ket . For sal e by Chas . Fry e. an ~r. With twenty · seven stripes. It took elen at her !home on North street. 1 t.o come un to ~e " has only taken Bawhe 't W.allmflSO'NRaIPllhMtldlerC· EM "Anoth er one from us has gone, him a year and a half to make It and ph h' I' I ' J b k h C arn ar, I ' ea ,an f Ch Anothe r yoke is st.illed, Mrs. Amand a Reed. ot L6bano n, F' • . , IS Itt e une rose ac it is a beauty . Be is always pleaBed to R uy your Fertl'1Izer t e arRobitz er 0 as. ' rye, den of Heaven A place is vacant in the home spent Friday with Roy Irons and who hanclle.s . to have visitors and others call at his Milson 's the best. I We do not 'und e rstand why she Which never can be filled ." family. room and see his curiosi ties and see . .' should be so sudden snatche d away A. M. S. Miss Elizabe th Chandl er at her what an old soldier can do.-L aMrs: Theod :> re Crist. of MII~on, and can only go t o ly "Him who doeth pleasan t country home enterta ined Mr. - - "' - -- " Milton Clark. of Route 5 is fayette (Ind.) Journa l. ' Ind .,' I!I the g uest of Mrs. }1atlld a all things well" f or comfor t in our the Moshe r-Haw ke lyilllt dang~ ro u sly ill at his r~idence EVANG ELISTI C SERVI CES bridal party - -H OSIer Ihours of sorrow and trial, saying. SaLurd ay afterno on from east of Lytle. 2 to 6 at Il;EATHS Ml'~. F itzpatri ck. who is he re with ' "Thy" wil!, 0 God. not mine, Rev . Tillman Hobson . the noteu be a towel shower . . Ed Bergda ll and son, of Dayton, her daught er. Mrs. Cynthia Evan!'. , done. On being invited . . k Miss Melissa William son. aged 65. evange list, who has been in Xenia for we r e the glleR t~ of Mr . and Mrs. the dining ... - room the color schemetowas the last quickly is q UIte SIC . three weeks. conduc tinr: Philip Hopkin s Frid ay. died at her residen ce on Thi rd street. DlSTRI I3UTlN G PARTR IGES noted. purple and white. class colors a revival . will be here at the Orth u Friday evening . The funeral took of '04. The hostess and brld&-e lect Mr d Mrs A H ~ides were in . ehas. Ilett, ~f Indiana polis, Ind, place at hel' late home Monda y after dox Friends church . Sunday . Mal'cll Th e partrid ges for this county having gradua ted in the same c18dS. Doon at 2 o·clock . Rev. C. S. GraUBel' 15th, and will conduc t a campai gn Colul~b~s Thu~sd~y and Friday at- IS thegu estol' hIS unci, Cha.'l . Brown. have arrived in Lebano n and are in At each plate was a small lighted for some tendmg time. the Moline P.low exhibit . If or a fe w days. Rev . Hob'lon comes officiat ing. Interm ent was made in th e care of the preside nt. Dan Bone. candle a]ld mu~h mer~im to this city well recomm end ed as ent was Miami cemete ry. . '. As soon as the weathe r (letties, the caused by watchm a speake r and evange list. and th e g their progres s Mr8. G. J. Sm it h arrived home H om e CO 111 109 of a ll pupil s OJ' lhose partr idR'es will be dis tribute d around for the 'one which burned out first Xenia papers speak very highly of fr om Cincinn ati Thursd 'IY evening . who e ver been enroll ed in the th e county . Wayne townsh ip will his work there He has' several lec - after spendin g a week with relative s M. E.hllye ~)und uy School, Sun,j ny. March get seven pairs out of the 55 allotted indicatE:d.the next bride. Mrs. Martha W. Thomp son, aged tures that are fine there. . A deliCIOUS course luncheo n . 22. tu this county . They will be put in ' was served bythree 74. died at the home of her son. K. Rev . W. E. Wooten will assi,.t him . Miss Ruth Chandl er. the best places. and as near a big The invited guests were. MillBeS -E. ThompsOn at Beech Grove, Fri- Everyb ody is cordial ly invit ed to Forest MrR. Mab el Fitzg~ rald a nd son. bu of q uails as possibl Ridge left Monday for day mornin g. The funeral was held these service s. e. It IS Edith Howar d arrived Dayton hume ::i unday even- huped that the hunte rs will let them EmmaMosher . Henrie tta McKin sey. . where he has acceple d .at the Beech Grove chnrch Monda y Hawke Martha O·Neal l. a pos ition in a shoe sto re , of whi ch ing aft e r an extend id vis it wilh rel- alone . mornin g. Mrs. Ruth Murray , offiHelf'n Hawke . Kathry n Alexan der, ati ves in HAVES Middle Herber ECURE tow t Edwl\rd . D NEW s is PREAC the manage HER Clillton r. county receive d 70 pair~ May Wright , Emma Heighw ay. Clarll ciating . Interm ent was made in las t week which will be distrib uted Hawke . Stella Lemmo Miami. cemete ry. n. Mesdam es. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clint Spahr arMr. W . E . Woote . who has been around the county after the rhe Waynes ville and Ferry Chri st· weathe r Ralph Miller, C. M. Robitze r, J. W ian church es have secured the ser- rived here last Wedne sday from · at New Burling ton ~"ducting a re- se ttles . Edward s, E. V. Xenia, '\ here they were guests Of )vival meelin g, is bac l rt. Fred vices of Rev. D. H, i' hi.' charge n .e riv e r. will be watche d more Hartsoc k and W. E.Barnha , Henry Evans, uged 56. died at has been located in thePalmer . who relative s They left Saturdl Y morn· he re. Mr. Wootan w l~ ve ry RUCCeS,.O'Neal . West. careful Mr ly . thIS year than ever before. ing fo~ their home in SkIdmo re, Mo. ful in his work at N ·w Leballon~ Tuesda y mornin g. after a Palmer preache • - • d here Burli ngtun, The g ame warden s are I(oing after FOOD INSPEC TOR DEAD long illness The funeral will be evening and at FerryWedne sday Ijeine rs·and dynam iters about right Thursd ay held Thursd ay afterno on at 1:30 at evening . and thellco thi" summ e r. so be good, if you don't the home of his brother . Jos Evans. both places were wellngrega tions in Mr. L . R. R.obertson. a state dairy want to pay a good stiff fine for pleased ' with on the Xenia pike. him . Rev. Palmer will move his , catchin g fi sh other than with u hook and food inspect or, died at his home in Xenia early SUnday mornin g. family here at once. and will be weI · and line. Mr. Robert son. who was 43 years comed as citizen~ :of Waynes vftle. of age, was born and reared at ---.. - -\ - WILL SOON REORG ANIZE Mi88 Heltm Kelsey. a (-ormer resi· Clarksvill e, Ohio. For a numbe r of dent of Wa,·n esville. died at th .. GETS 810 FACTO RY years he was a teacher in the high home Qf bel' brothe r in Nqrwoo d. B S . Howell is organi: ling a new school at Lebano n. resigJ1i ng hia Mo~v:attcmoon at 2:46. The fu · br ass band. and Ben says that it position to take charge of On the Walnu theWay nesner$f "will take place today at 2 tunate t Hml'; Cincinn ati, was f(Jr- 1914. theresecond Saturd ay in June, Has it not been said th n' wotl ld he will be a "humm er," t oo. He has ville canning in Il'etting the Ford Motor will be ch osen in W IlTreH r no politi our new 'hool coue? his'eye s on some players out of town, at Yellow factory then operati ng o'clOck • . Interm ent will be made in Co. assemb County th e first county board of ed - Are the ~ chool men of Springs . Three yeard ling plant. Norwo od rr en coun- that will fill the vacancies that arc ago he was Sprhig Grove lJemtJtery_ went after the bia- plant but was ucati [)n. This board will consist of ly to be the firs t t o appoin ted a dairy and t hl' sch ool apt t u occur in a town of this size . food inspect or ul' able to get it. This will be a dis- five membe rs, eleC'ted by the presi· Dian into politirs 7 by Govern or Harmo n ~h 'l ll l d not It is evident that the people of this and was re·appo inted by Govern or • THE NEX.T, AND THE NBXT DAY tributin g station for the middle west dents of the various villages and every pe rson inciudinj:f vicinity will be able to hear some James Cox . For the and south. Theyw ill have no trouble rural dilltrict s. have enough in t erest gooJ music this summe r, as it is years he made his homepast three i'l getting employ ees 8S they all will The new law defines the rural llis· selectio n of good menL It Br.ows. cried bov. how fine, their intentio n to give weekly con· where he had made a widein Xenia. be after that $5 a week bonus. The trlcts as all existin g townsh ip and the county board . circle of As he grabbe d his cap and sled. celts. friends . He was a membe r of the C. L. & N will double traCK to the special district s. Hence Corwin , Now then, when the t ilTll.! comes It snows. criee his father. oh - - . - - K. of P. and Masonic lodges In this factory . which will be a largA build · Walnes ville. nnd Wayne Townsh ip to choose the Superi 4abe ~rabbed his shovel and lied p.nL a ll . 1310 REAl. ESTAT E DEAl. city (includ and both organiz ations will take ing Lytle ing. special) will each who are elegibl e T9 ttj, slde walk L!.e law part in the funeral service s. He ill --be entitled to one vote in the election should be invited To the side walk pear before Hoy Irons sold the Swayn e farm survive d by his wife. one of the county board . LA YINO CORNE R·STO NE brothe r. the board and For the rst time th eir cl aims .south of Harvey sburg last week to Alfred Roberts Greal' care should be exercis ed in and credent ials. on, of Clarksv ille. and For the forty-fi rM time ng thtirH td1llnc re Mes.'lrs. Fred and Quincy Gons . one sis~er! Mrs. William Talm~ge • • The d~te for laying the corner the choice of men for this board. can be no log 1'0 This winter • hno a g, The 'farm is about 206 acres. and of Wllmm gton. Funera l serviCes This winter stone of Xenia's new govern ment Only btoad minded , progles sive citi- and the 'positio n will t e respect - a good one. Mr. Irons has was ~eld at the late home Tuesda y ...- - buildin g has been change d from zens should be elected . for more will ed positio n it should :rllheb ·n the other deals that have not been men. at 1 0 clock and depend upon this board body will then during March the 12th district to March !Ql1Inpr'int:pnt1A1011.'JI WI 19th. This was e ubn. tioned and has several other proper - be placed in the the WArCH THE OIiCHARDS vault at Woodla nd change d on accoun t of the Masons, first year of its existen ce than in pledged and may e ties for sale. and anyon e wantin g cer,netery for a week o! more bef!ll'8 who have the honor of laying the mllny .vears to follow. Person s hav- more sure ·of m an no t II. good farm will do well to give him bemg taken to ClarksV llle for bunal. cotner- stone ·It is though t the ingman y years' experie nce as. mem- recomm p.nded as f or a po· t II hers of t)Jards of educati on should litical debt and • - • :ltone and brick work will be flnished wi!! be a ca • • _ .. - - be the pr"fere nce. the gailoer. by the 1st of IMaS', a candida te ~ the tint act o~ this board shOUld try to LEBANON MAN HONO RED --"--"'~ each . membe r election of a Col,inty- Suthe but surely he pelin1;enl~en It has already been to influen ce J. W_ Lingo was hitlteii. ttlat;, ce'rtain · sChoof · of tbis Ohio Sardw are P"esidlentts of boards Toledo last to\lvaro ,.,"_"'.' II~j~i~'Hc;81t.i(jlr~' 'IIl'''· '-:....- .Coun ty. ~ , a deleP.t e· ~:J , ~1i~:fJ(~d~~~j~~!Pfd~;=a~~'~r~ ~] ct>nven tion A Citizen . iiWtt ·M.t~ · to • be



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iI.-p. rl:'I1, anrl l Ddluo ry (' ,·u n ~I ,,) tH' IU'- "rf' you trunk Ihut Ic y aga ln.t Lhlt wall. Im pa ti e nt (nl rne . Li ke sleel from /l Int " • • " r~ 11 .. I;,X r'-c , : p ~ ,,, .,,. pUI I" '<l i will kn(, ,, ~l) ", II I.) Ihe tllUl' JOu S,·urchiJ.~ In II po rt1ollo. be look ou t It slruck ou t a c r isp oa l h Llla t brougb ( I • J I I , . ....... " .':. r ' , •.• , ! ' . '1 , •. ' ..... UI. 1 r (-a d bl~ " Ill hll l' ,- " " Id"d )IlU to It · a "Illal,! old (Rshloned ph otog r aph. all an.w~ r lllg boyh e snon (rom Lue , r" " d \ " .. ,. I TI .. 1. 1I~ ' r '" r,II'I ... r r"l, .,!I" <I " r: un If 00 . " l'1I (Hid I( ood Th ... n leon; mu ch t.a t ter .. d o ll d o il ed. It ha d been f ' ·uef~rorn" r . I ... 1'" I ! . \' I ~ • • ' l i !,,_ : . \ " ''' 4 I,' . ..•. (" , .... ". I. d . :, ,·1"1"', "n,·,- "llc h "as t h o ld p lnn· to y ou ~ ~on Du( t h~re Is Cllt fr e'lIl II larger grou p and tb e nam,. ; Worming lik e a liza rd t o freffiom . q\ , r 111 • \t r ". I, 1:, fad ' d I Ii 111 , <1 Itl lin uo ra · such a l hlu l' ,,8 ra c l,,1 hhbll, li n d t be l of lh '" photogra ph e r had been erasr,d his .-yes puc ke r ed shu l WIth Lb o . . • I . ~, "--:.~t n I . lI;' .1. .. h ll K. ,1:,111:1.): hand" rltlng. call oC bl n"d An d I k now lh t'r e Is I frol n th. bac k li e set It uprlgb t on Ilrf'lcbl'd pang, J ohn Valiant sat u p C H AP TE R III. - Cont'nueo ! . ' ., I, nUll,,, Til .. "Il'""'"pe co n- B\lch a th:rlg. t oo. aJI fate 'E "er y t be d.-sit . an d ben din g ror ward lookE'd nnd shoo k h la g r lrll Y fi s t In lhl' air. ,"0 I,, ' t . J " · , Ail 1.',1 11~1,' 1... ,1 \" .:.' 11 : c·r· " " ,·d )" ·11<)",, r,a rl' lllnr:nt. LO aD ('tlrr l"s h is fatp on a M- : long at th e (a ce It di sc losed It was " You ~ lIly 100Jlng l dl ot! ~ be c M(' d colo r alld "lil! r"rl al tI pl"">,, r " ,.. ul..! [rum bl ' ·\ ""11 "h ll~'- fo lfl:; the n· bJl n d IIbo u h i" !I ~ ck. · ~o Lh e ' t bp nnly p lctu r b e had ev er posse6se d "Th u mp you r own c razy· bo ne a nd see h um a nti - I.ii chl,· "" Ju,t (I.. '"'II '·. ,I urn)" '" a lld Ilu ("· r'·..! rt', "n ul> 0 n tb l; ~ osl e m put It It \\a s my fa l e t o of hi. ratbe r . how you lI ke It ! YOU-<l!l. lord : " th o uli:h h, · "ab 1.< ' Innger " illlln t lrP I Iinur II IIIIIK H,,;· I. b nUJl'C( "' ra~ p .. d go a way , and I kno w n ow - s loc d i&li e t tll-oed a nel loo ked Int o (he ~11lJj1l 1 Il ls arm d ro ppe d. a nd a lIuslt sp r ead (' irrl" o f !to .. (r ll l~. 1.(". .l u\,lng Iw r· IIU " pa p, r. a 11 " \\ kpnlJ~r c li l' pin " Bnd tllD C" Is not mad o by m ile.!! a l on~ abo " " tfje d rease r. T he t eat ures w en! O\'o r bl s (ace to tb e brow. F or ~ 8 M PR. ill' I h"uj!i;1 '.1 II h a. II l>tPd <,mIlo. u Io-( !I' r ' thlOt I mys If shall n<, ,'e r • . 0 Damo ry l hu sarnp. , (:yes , br o w, lips. B1ld s tro ng I r-y ~ \l.a.d o ppned. H e wa s gcstu rtll& of olllll" tall ul), o('rupatl olJ thn( .all,·d I' uzzl ,-u h I' ullfuld,·d ,I.·, crnc kllll !: Co u rt a l>8in Hu( li re Is a ~ l range I .... avil,g bal r . But (o r Its l tm l'-stalns 1101 ti l tb o b uU bu t a t a gi r l. wllo ror nn np"rl pnc , to pal' fu r a rn "al thl ll l< In hlA I,al,el. "\\ ' 11, ," II" ...a id wh ee l lliat go ·s r ound a nd rouo d anti t h e ph otogra pb ml g b t ha ve bee n on o fr ont e d h im besldo th e roa.d , b a ug llUIn .o m" ;econll r u n r"Slaurnnt alld a li air "Iolld . I t"s --I t ' ~ a d " " d rnad,' OVle r co mes back t o Lb same po ln l agai n ot blmse l(, laken y ea Lerday, ne88 In tll e " e ry h u e ot he r gray· bl'l e II ,,""rran II Awlfll), "Part and a g ain And It may be )' our tale t o lin e n wa lking s u ll an d, In tb e cle n p lll j(, t In ROnll' fi h abby -gpnt(>e l. ball 1(, Il l.' b pd roo m . I1I I hi s (' lollH'8 wp r r ppl a ced u f un uld 'oluny grunt II go back . Tben per baps you wlll cry CHAPTER V. cut ca meo face un d er be r t ell cavalry hat. my rtl ~ b l ue eye s that be ld .. b y f1 1.f:\t t lng ··halld· m<,-do""ns"-t lll hy IJlantatl un III \ ·lrJ;lnln. tw,·I,·p h u o· ,,-r etc hed grndllt !on~ he a rriv ed finallr drl' d od d acre s, g1 ve n und. ·r tit hand On t he Red Road . smold e r o r m Ing le d as toni s hment and Il t Ih e 6 tat u ~ ro ( th" dl m{' FE'a t In t b e o f a 1·lel,·r egn l go v nl o r In t b e six· T he gn! n , m ld.May Vlr gl nlan Indign.a cfon. An Ins tant h e' gazed . all gall e ry lin d On·c en t ciga r s ' en til l·'·ntu ry . J h ad no Idea Utl ea arteroo o n WIl 6 arch ed wltb a sky as t he mu scl es ot h is fa ce tig htened wit h I t lar In t be l :n lted S tat es w n t back 80 (ar hl u e lllI tb e Ules o r th e T emple o r chag r in. T hp ro wa~ 00 " way bac k th rou g h th p h:acknl' ye d ga t e way of a s that ~" HI s eye fi d t o the e nd. H ea ven a nd steepe d In a w a s b of s u n" ' - I b pg your par don," b .. starn' m u r rlage . Yout h . co m eli ness and fin e " It wa s ro y fatb e r 's : Wha l cou ld b e lig ht a s yello w lllI g old . NoLblng In a ll rn e red " I di d n't see you . I r ea ll y linen. In t he wo rld h e k ne w. we r e a ba ve wanted o( a o estate In Vir g ini a ' the s pl'lngy lan d scape bu t look e d dldn' L I was- I was ta lk lo« to tb e fair eJ:cbang (o r wea lth an y da y . It mU Ht ha ve COLOe Int o bls han ds In warm all d opalesce n t a nd In Tltl ng_J:- bu ll." " Cutlet fo r (, utl el" - lhe sati ri c phrase t b e cou r s" o r bu s lo ess." ce p l a taw n y bull tbat trom acro ss a The g irl bud been glnn cmg rrom t be ran t h r oug h his mi nd . \Vh y not? J Ie p ic k ed up th e news pllpe r clipba rrel! renc e-co rn e r s wi tch e d a trueu· fl us h ed fa c e to the th is tly fe n ce-co rn e r , I O t b e rs d id so. And a s for h l msp lf, II ph. g . It wa s worn an d bro k"n In th e le nt ta lll 10 sil c nc e a nd g lo wer ed s u i, whil e tb e su,rtled d lgol ty 0 he r (ea t. p e r haps need be no qu s tl on o( plain Co lds ru; If It had iJ een carr ie d for le nly n l t b e big m ot o r h ailE' d mo lloo ' ure s wn rre d with nn un mlsl a ka ble t e n. and s p ills t e re d ml il ions-tb ro \I'a9 months In a I)oc ke tboo k.. I S 8 at tb e s id e o r th p l wl s tlll g r oa d. d ncr to m irth . H e hnd s tru gg le d t o K a tba r lne Fa r go: " II w ill In t e r es t r eade r s of thi s sec· (' urletl worm-lik e In th e d rl~ e r' s hlrl f ' et. nur~l n g ble bru lsl'd Ibo w, 8C'at. w lt b hI s 'chlo on hIs kn ce s, J o bn ,i Irrit ably conscious of h is r es mbl no c e In bis b pa rl J o hn Valian t was aware . (Ion of \ 'irgin la ( th e paragra pb b ~ by thoHe su bt le .Iglls w hich m eu ao d gan ) t o learn . from a r ceo t t rans fe r Val ian t Ba t with bls eyes u pon th e to a ll e me rglog c h lmo e Y'6WE-C P. " I ""ome n nllke d isti ngu ish. tb a t whi le r pc Iv ed (o r r eco rd a t t b e Co un t y d l~Utnce. For a n h ou r h e bad wh irred ' do n' t babltu ally a WE'a r ," h e f a ld . " bu l K atharlo e F'a rgo loy t' d firs t amI fore- CI~· r k ·E o rnce , th a t Damory Co ur l h as t h ro ugh t ha t won d r ous s blmm e r ot : I" d gOI t o t he polnl whe n somet h in g most b e r o wn wond t' rfu l IJe r on he passe d to ll r . Jobn V allau t . miuor-" colo r with a flippan t lo it e r ing breeze had to e:rplode." bad bee n a n pas)' second In bcr r eli e tu r ne d lh e pape r over an d fo und In hi s I'ace. awe!! l fr om th e c r imso n " Oh ," s he said , " don' t mInd m e! " gard . a dau'; It ha d been p r lnle d In t he r ea r ciov£'r t hat Do u r~d a n d roo ted 0 \ ' r the i Th'! n mirth co nq uc r ed nnd s b e b rok e John Va Ha nt look d down a l th e ot the tr ansfe r to blmse lf, wh n be roa dsidr. f rth ud de nly In to a laugb that "C hum, old msn ," sai d Va lian t , wi t h see m ed to s t t he wh e le placf' a 'l ui ve r b ulldog sq ualled on t he fioo r , bi s eyes was lIil; yea r s old- tb e ye a r h is fa lhe r s hin ing In lb e dimn ess. A Ilttl ~ bOl iHid di e d. hi s a r m abo ul t h e bull do g's neck , "If wl tb a mUSica l contag io n. T ill')' bo t h ri ll pl e bad run o ve r h im. " Nol o n . - Jubr \' a ll a IH, minor, t he son or t bose color·p ho log raph c b a ps ha d Illu g h ed In conce r t , wh ll(' tbe bull yo ur IHe, Chuw !" be said . " :\ 0 ~ h ame- th.., (or mer OW !Je r. s how n u s l hlR. we s imp ly wouldn 't paw<:d the groun d 'a nd senl fo r II a T he re mus t be ol h e r " Tb e r e an.! few Indeed wbo do not b'J. vo be lieved It . woul d we? S uc b rum b li ng b ell ow o r a ffro n t and c ba l. l ess blirter ~ tbln g H bpside" money a ud soc ial pOB i· reca ll 1 il l' trag edy wlt b wb lcb In th e sce ne r y b ats tb e roads we' r e u sed to, lenge . S he Was t he F irat to Rcec\ler. "You tl I hi d dd I Id Id f on n t s 0 e r ng 0 wo r . a ler lJu t. llc mind lbe esta te Is cOll nected . w ba t ?" H e w o uod bls s tro ng fi n ge rs :;he was the fl rs t to reco\"(' r . "Yo u ' . b I bl Old Look So Fun/l )!1" a II .' W ere gOing t o eg n s omet ng T Ir, ' fact , mo reover. tbat t his ol d b om ~ In a cho kin g g rip In l b e scruff o t t h e did look 80 tun n y: " s b e gas ped . for ou rsel ves, I( II'S o ll ly rais ing ca b- ~ t('ad has t. ce u left in Its prese nt st ate (bu t, o h. n o t o n th e o ld wb lt e bear's whit e n cc k, as a c hipmunk cha tt e r e d " I can b ell e n > II ," be a greed , ma kbag es : A od wc' re go lug to stand it I fo r . a s Is well known , t be ho us e has s ki n rug - n I'e r ag ain wit h m e hol d Ing by o n t.h o lo w 6t OllB wall. " No, yo u Ing a "I cio us da h a l b ls smudged 0 1wltbout any bo by·a c h ln g - tb ' lI urse TI' IIlaltl d w ith all Its co nt e nlJl an d fur· your small , sUl all h aud! ),lo n't you cafln i ba l ~ He 's a Jolly lit· bo w. " T h e po ssl b ili tl el! of a motnr ror " ' W ls hlng -H ou se: Wis hl ng. Houas t l ie b eg~:a r, a nd be d OQs n't d es e rv e be · co m ('dy are s impl y s t u pen dou s ." n e ,'e r be ld o u r !J oses wh e n wo w ok I IshmgM uutou c b ed ) to reS l durin g eo o u r cas t.o r-oi l ' " long a t e rm or years unocc u pied. co uld Wh ere ar e you ?' Ing ea t e n: " Sbe cam e close r a nd loo ked c urlou&It was fold ed do wn, lba t o ld b rl gbt no t. of course, Ca il to bc com LD t:nted "A nd t b ls old parcbm en ~ deed will H e fill ed hi s h r la r·wood pipe a n d Ir a t t he Qui e scen t mon s t e J'-a t tb e and biscul ts, too. All dre w In. great breath s ot th e fra g ran t s t e ame r.trunk st r llPP d on th e carr ie r p ag e. FInis ba d bee ~ w ri tt e n to tb e on, and thi s cir c um s tance a lo ne has a D8we rro s e-colore d c hapte r . An d e ve n os h e pe r ha ps t en de d t o k et: 1J II l1 ve II m elan · " 'H e re I am, Ma s tll r ; h er e I am !' In c ense.. " W hat a pity you dn o 't and the bu lging po r tm antea u pee pin g as light, tender told blmselt, he wa s co ns cIou s of a c b o ly ~ t o r}' wh leb m ay w ell be tor"A b. we are o nly ch il dr e n , atte r all, smo ke , Ch um; yo u m lss .such a loti " oye r th e s id e at th e tonn ea u. " Is It and delicious as mother used ne w rugged so me thing tbat h ad beell go tt e n." playing n ut our pl ays . I bave had Aft e r a time h e s book hl ms elt and bro k en ?" to bake. And just as wholeIIlowly da w nin g wl tWn blm , a s e n se o C H e r ead th e ela bo ra t e, rat be r s Uit ed many toys, but 0 J o bn, J ohn ! Th e knoc ke d th e r ed co r e rrom tbe pi pe" Me re ly on strtke. I Imagi ne. AN! aome. Por pnrer BaJdnl[ Powcourage, e ve n or ze s t , an d a (urlous pbraseo log y In th e twenty . yea~·n ld pa- ooes I treas ure most are all to the bo w l ag alnat hlB bo ot -beel. "I bate to we (ar (rom the "llI age ! " der than c.lwnet e&mIOt:_bo hid hatred of th e sel f·plty t hat had pe r with a wo nd e ring Lnte r es t . "An Nev er. ~ever Land!" start." he confessed , halt t.o th e dog "About a mile and a half." at affJ pm. wrench ed him eve n Cor a m o me n t. old h ouse." be mu sed, " w llh a bad and halt t o b lmae lf. ' "To leave any" I'll bave t o ha\"e It t o wed a fte r me . AU: )'DIU groceI'. H e turD ed from tb e w ind o w, picked name . Pro bably be couldn 't se ll It; CHAPTER IV. lblng 80 Shee rly b enutltul as tbls ! The Imm e dia t e po in t Is my traps . IECIIVm IDCBEST AYAIDI up hlB lette I'll, and tollowed by lhe dog , nnd w ay be n o bod y would e vc r live In H o we v(!r , on wltb tb e daDce! By tbe wODd er It tb e r e Is li kely to b e a team w e nt sloVo-ly un a noth e r fli g ht to his d tb III 't b ' • ..w. Pm. F... K..-. a'a A Valiant of Virginia. rna m a p e v ag e ca D e ,ar n o w . 1)899Ing." .. It. That would eJ:pla ln wby It r e~,room. molne d 0 0 lon g u nocc u pled-w by there For a lon g lim e Jnbn Valia nt aat So long, Mr. Bull :" " I'm afraid It's no t too c e rtai n," an• • • H e c lutc be d th e selt-s tart er . But ! th e g irl. an d DOW h e not ed t b e H e t o r e ope n l h e le Ue rs abs tract ed- a r e no reco rd s o r r enta ls . Pro bably motionle ss , th e ope ne d letter i.e his hand. s taMng at n othing. H e had tb b tb e re wall on ly a pr ot e s tant wbe eze: liquid mo dul atio n . wltb , Its sli g htly Iy : lh e u s ua l d inne r-ca rd or tw o, a t h E' lan d was starve d a n d ru n down . " It·s a n o 1'f· ~e t to l be h a ll,bedroo m sensat ion, ap lr lt ua ll y, of a travel e r tb e car d eclin ed to budge , Cll mbln g Qu es tioni ng a ccen t . c ha rm ingly S ou th . tailor's sp r ing a n nounce m e nl, a chron ic serial fr om a n e xc lama t o ry Id e a, al a n y r a t e." be said lo himself awak e n ed wl tb a rud e s ho c k am id do wn , he c ranke d vigorous ly. The ern . "T h e r e Is n o li very. but tber e Is mo t o r t urn e d ov e r witb a s url y g ru o t a n e g ro who mee t s th e train somemarhl e'Qua rry ln g comllacy. a Qua r t e rl y Il u mo r ous ly . " It b old s o ut a o escape wholl y un (a m lliar s urround in gs. H e wa s lryl ng 1.0 r e m e mbe r- to pu t of r e monS lran ce and atte r a te ntatlv e ti m e s. I c an se nd h im I.t you li ke ." Wanted-A New Bueball Rule, state me nt oC a cl u b hou se·co m m lt tee. frolD t h o noble a rmy ot r e nt· payers . Walt e r .J ob ns oo .... a s pitching t or tha "You' re " e ry good." said Valia n t , Ill! W he n my lW But y-elgb t h und r ed Is two a n d tw o t oge t h e r . H is Catber ha d tbr ob-th ro b, coug be d a nd s topped dead. The last t wo mi ss Ives bo r e a nond e- go ri e, I co ul d liv e d0 1l'1J lb e re a laoded OOen Sou t he rn ; yes, he ha d Som et hin g wa s wro ng. Wltb a sigh s h o turn e d away. " Rnd I'll be eno r- Wa s hing ton tearn . a nd Mr. J e nnlogs sc ript loo k . On o wa s s ma ll. w ith l b e nam e ot pr o prie to r . nnd by th some mark an kn o wn tha t. Hut Iw bad k no w n no Lb- h e flun g o rr b ls tw eed jacke t, donn ed a wous ly o blig ed. Oh- a nd tr yOU see a who was try in g t o pump otllllis m Into hono rary c (} l o ll ~l . a nti r ai ae lb e cab- ~g wb a t e ve r of bis (a th e r ' s e a rl y. da ys , s mu dgy " jumper," o pen ed his t oo l-box, whi t e dog, don 't be (rl g hte oed It he b is despnlrlng play e r s . sent u p an am & le ga l flr m In It! co rn e r . T he o lb e r was la r g ish, corp u le nt a nd hea\' y, of bag es I was ta lk ing abo ut-eh , Cbum ? or ot b ls ro r e iJ a r s: s inc e h e had bee n a nd, with a g la oc e at hi s wM s l ·w a t ch lr le s 10 fo ll ow yo u. H e 's p p. rfe cll y biti ou s you ng man tn t ry to make a hit. H e a ct ed brll!t1y . Arter swings toUl Msnll a l>a pe r, a nd bore , d ow n - wh il e r ou s ta lk rab b its. Huw does old e no ugh t o won d er a h out such wb lc h told hIm it was thr ee o'clock, kind." Ing wildl y at lW O at John son's olrel'tbln gs. he bad had no oo e to as k t hre w up t he monster 's hood and we nt Sh e look ed back mome nta ril y. o n e sid e. a g uud y process ion of pos t· th a t s t rik e you ?" li e laug hed whlm . lca ll y. li e . Jobn qu es ti on s of. bitterl y 10 wo r k . " H £'- h e al wa ys foll ows peo ple be Inga. he mo de a t h ir d w ild s win g , at;d , ~e sta rn !):: proc la! mln g lbat Il ha d ent ir ely by accide nt, pop pe d up a Ul· \·"lIan t. o( Npw Yo rk . fir s t·n lg bter a t Pbr a se s ot t be le tt e r r an t hro ugh At h a lf pusl t h re e t h e Inv es tl g a t lo n lik es, you Bec-" bee n r ~ ,:;i ste r e d . It s l h eal e r s . h a ll·fe ll o w·we ll ·rnf· t in It s b ls m ind : " So me tirn', pe rh a ps, you burl g ot as ra r as t he lubMcator. At "Thunk you." ~ h e sa id. Th e to na ti e fl y t o fir st bn se. " ""hat ' ~ in th at . I won de r ?" h e said As be loped d o wn tnward fi I'll t. and t o h i"I~l' l f . anti 'ht' n . wi t h n em ile at plub cO I' rido r s a n d wp.lco rn o d ine r at wil l kn o w wby you a r e J ohn \' ulia nt fo ur o' clock tb e b ulldog bad gi ven It ha d now !l bint- s ma ll. ye t pe rce pt! . uny o ne at Il h un dr ed iJ rili iant glass· o f :\ l' w Yo r k Infi l ell d of J obn Va lia nt UI> a nd go ne nos ing alleld. At half b:e-o( al oo fn ess . ''I' m no t In th e Icas t was calle d oul, h e turn ed to J enning. , B n d · s i "'c r- twlnklln~ RUppF' r tahl e s . e n· of !Jama r y ('o urt • • • I eannOl I pa st fo u r John Va liant la y fl a t o n h is a (ra ld or d og ~ . " A nd with 8 littl e no d. le t out a s tr eam or PlTl l)ha tic and pIaI ol1Jbp d o n th " wre k o r a \'ir,; ln la lP Ii rO il my If." T bl' re w as some bac k . hk . so rne dis r e puta ble s t e vado r e. s h o swung bri s kl y o n u p th e n c d !load . t ur esqu c langun ge , and wound up wllh pl:.nt a t lo n. 11 wo u ld ·l> ... cO ll ~ll ry g CUti 1'-1 trag(; <.I y tli ~ll. Ih a t ha d IJll g hl ed I II ' a lt ern a t e ly tink e ri ng WIth r eCr o ct ory J o hn Va lia nt s to od ~tnr! ng a f te r h r tbi s obse rvati o n : l1lall . I)n 1. 11 u utO l1l o hilr. a nd IIl' ,t t t o plnc p • ,;orne "1I1(:la n c: h o ly slO r y," 88 t h e va lvP8 alld c ursi ng th e obdur a te ti ll s il e had pass ed from vi w a r ound I "I ;un a s on or a gun Ir thero 1I1> (hll ll( a YI' ll r: (' lI lJlJ lnli: Irtlt It. /Il l'cha l"" IJ1 . r\ s h o r p s t o n '! gnaw ed : ~ cu n f' . " Oh . g l o ry ~" h e 1Il1l11,: red . ' ou g htn 't t o be :l ru le ma kl llg tlla t guy II ,· U"l ltr)lI ghl h irns" lf nr Ill .. fall.: n II " b ent o l'e ~ th e d ped s pr e a ll out I fr · ",.ll~ d l y Ir 0 lll l' s llla ll of h is back IH'!;in by s b Ol k l ll g you r fis t a t hc r h ung II g bt s on t h e ba ll !" 1"l\l'r Jl lid IJ(J b~l·s~" f l 11101"(' 1f ct It UP' "1 th l' , :r IJ lc, ' fo ll o\\in g with his ti n · an (1 jll s t rll; h ~ mad e :.t fl nal \' lc i o u ~ ali ll <:'11 11 hy maki ng Ilo r won d e l' If you I Jen ni n gs. wh o got hi s s ta rt In lite qU lc kl)" . It la), with Ih .. s U[l .. r s rr l[l· ~ " r t il" 10'l r; lill e or t ra n s fe r s: " 'T o j IUlI g " . ~OlJll' lI l1n~ g a ve way a nd a ar e n ' t t r yin g to be fr('s h ! Y OII poo r , 1 as a min er, smiled !;r lm ly. " \\' he r e do ~. nu th Ink you'ra work. 11 (, " si d, ' d O . "'n. O n it wn~ wril u ·l1. III , I"illl \ ·:tll u ll te {' ·· h<- Dlutt erul : " what . p r ic k ling I"I 'o· bo l s t a h o f pain s hot z ig· nro ru ne, fl o un d e r in g doll : " In g." be a s k ed softly, "I n a. coal (11 .. ""I II " ita n,l II h kl1 hod a""J" '~ s,· tI ,,,III ' 1' ,11;111(: ' Ro be r t Va lya nt· -- wlth . : zuggill ;t; from his s ml tt e ll c r azy -boo e (TO B E CONTI NUE D.) ml ne ?"-Th e Popula r Maga zin e . t h, · o(I" ' r (11\'(· 101"': 11 111 tit. , ',.' H e r p, In 173 0, th e 'y' ur.- I F o r my so n, J oh n Va li a nt, hill:; " ) I,.. ' i,''' Th e r e was .Eom el h ln g Casu. BellI. . W hen he re a ch es the ag e of twen t y. s tr"nurJUS und ap peali ng 10 th e lon b "Why do they hate each other so!" five . lin'; or da t ·s. "Valiant. Al w ays a Va· "Th ey are rlt>als." "Oh . both trying t.CIJ T b:ll. t hl·n . ha d \) (' 1' 11 wrl t t tlu by h is li a n t . 1I 0w t h e), h e ld on to It ! Tbere's marr y lbe same girl. eh ? Tbal sort of falb e r - an d he ha d di e d " ear ly (W" n t y ne l'e r a br '·'IlIJ." tblng certainly does a rouse thaD's pri. )'l'llrS ag() ~ lI t: broke th e sl.!a l wltb a 1lrlde. ne w·born and self· mal passions." "In this case It I. 8t rang e r.. ,' lI ng as Ir. walld tl g in 80m (' dawning In him. H e wOMle than that. They are both try. (am ll ia r l horou g hfa r e. be hac! StULD tra m a ncesto rs wh o bled 0 11 " lic he ne <l, an r' s Ullk <:1I tomb· Ings. A Vali a nl bat:! REGIMENTAL COLORS IN PAWN d a y . A s l mllar unce rtaint y attnches Ing to marry the same tortune."- ' to a paJr o( old cnlors of th e 2d nor· HoustoD PosL s lOn " a cre s und e r a rnya l " \\"1" .' 11 yo u r ea d Ih ls . OJy w n, you the old (ron ti e r Odd ExperienceD 01 Brltl.h Emblem. d ec reg ime nt. wblcb were r ecovered from a Lond nn pawn broker, who was What Ol.planed Her. will Ir av ~ (' OUl e to Ul a n s eSI.<t t t: . It Is and th e India ns Once Greatly Prized by Those oITe rln g t he m for s al e, by Lord Archl· "So your servant girl lett you cu n ous to 'tblnk th at luis bilie it. bl ack to th e \Ves tward . Who Carried Them. bald Cam pb ell In 1888. again 7" said tha woman at the Bal_ in k m a y he fu de d to g~uy a ud tbl s Th e ~ . "," tbos e who bad bra\'ed "Yes," replied the neighbor. Four ye ars later tour colors whlc) a nd hod bow e d tbe lr wbi te . wl li t" pa ll f' r yp ll o weu . ju , ( from The dis co very ot tbe long lo s t colo r6 "What was the matterY" th e ir s tron g e r b ea rts ot th e old 50 th regime nt Ln th e gard e n had acc orn pa nl e d the Glouc es te r regt: For a Long T ime John Vali a nt Sa t Iy lll g \I allln" So IO ll g. nu l ~ I raugl' H( "She didn't like the way I did the forest s un d t urn th e oC Fu u. tln g ton h o us.e. near, Chl ch eR ter, m e ut In E gypt aDd III th e uA.IllnRuJ.g Mot ionl ess. the Opened Letter In o f all is to th in k Illa t YO .I ~· u ur H·tr ( t> work." es Into gold ml plnDta.. Is a r e mind e r at th e strange fates tha t we r e r ecov e re d trom a York paWl: whltijU IlrOWll h ead h ar d! ), t"ps Ul i, His Ha nd , "taring at NothIng . rI" Hlt , \t ill b " as t u ll ( I hUlw . li S I: 1!01l' hav e he fall e n so m a ny of tb ese g lor· broke r. It app eared thaL haYin g beer. tb e UIlI n a cu li l'l.! s pe c ula tio n . o ll enc d 11 (0'" ! '" (tI1 de r wba t r O.1 will II''' ' II I" . The In.ult. io u s mili tary em bl e ms . Lbndon Tlt- b equ ea th ed by an old colone l ot t he In to h lK mo or] an ee ry til " ~ m ;l ll (' r C' I, " t' lo pe. til l- II' Alld s h a ll l - lIH' n ·a l. fl ' ;" I. I ~ UJ!f:I ' '';!!l l :1 n In t e n tion . Wh y £hould nits re ma rks . Tb e colo rs of th e 8 1st r egim e nt to h is son, they we r e ultl. Ledy (ordering boots tor ber hu. " I ,~ :. r :-> rr." bl.'ga ll t be I(,[t (' r . In th p JJ H all - b l ' J,l tJp nn g u v e r )'Ul, r !:.. t;'II 11g I fll l' cJ:l!1' :t:-:": d lor tba t d eed's de- foot- sin ce dl s ban de d·,- we r e ca pt u r ed m a t e ly secured hy a s'! r vaat, who , tall band) - Do you keep meD's boots! ID08l U!l(·tlflJ p r o m Jr-. j u g l y C'ofl ,oe n :' i u n a l b r tJ!\ 1! ~ 1 !(llI l d "r a s y o u 1'l" ad " \\ ' ho I Ih "1') 11:1 \ ' .. Shopman- No, madam , but we keep th e ver y dil l' all hy Ame rican pl r a t e n during th e WR r In g on evil tim es, pa wn.,,', them for a or tn"'" ritill g ' ){J : I) ws ',' \ \' i Sf' UI U II I1H\'" Un· !!tllt d l"l l c h H Itl l it hI' b;l up t.o nlDea In women's,- London Opln. of Ind'e pend e ncc and hidden a wny In re w s hllllngs. c t e d pov e rty ? H e re "Deur S ic : Ion. a ,l bing p 0 6sil Jic - :.t ll d I a l ll Jj(I! H Ill: \\ :1 " a for " fl rd ti on a s poi nt e d a s tb o Ire land: the colo r s or the 20th r eg i" E ocl ,)!> "d I tI(' a~(' fi nd, wlt b IllIement I\\' e re d e libe rate ly burnt prio r to Wood Is Made Fireproof, \\lSe f ndl' X-HIl l" r I I gu Id e-pos t . "'Every dped . a ffl f' rnllraudllln Of)l \ Il ' U i :l y o u r '.l u lltl , y o u \\ 11 1 lJ ot l l;.t \"f' r llq':II ! I (, t1 I 11 1.iI! C'ar ri, '!'1 Explained, It Is said tt..t th e Me tropo litan rnll, fa te ,' '' b e repeated, tb e su rren d e r at Saratoga to pre ve nt n a m e h y till' lat e .I o h n \ ' a llal tl Ho me ( ha t )OIJ are n \ ' "I ianl, H ll : ~ ltll :I ) 'j ' !" "it) II ribtllJ d "Ma.dame dll Massage wrote a creal th e Ir capture b y tbe e nemy : w ay has' flr"proo(ed nIl Its r olling ut h is neck.' Chum, y a r ij ""[ '_f( ' hi s d',ath !t w us hi s " Iso a \ 'I r;; 1\1 311 Wil l Y JU Ita,, ' d l ~· 1 ,I" )\11 1 1t"I I"r .. A t Eterge n -o~}-Zoom th e Royal Scots. s t oc k without tho e limination 01 book called 'Bow to Become BeauUtate ?" desire t h nt Ih., cl'rylcf' s ludit'u (l '" i n co vered t h l~ lor YO ll r s ", Ir '~ I I, r" I..; 1111 I ' · ,,· ,' IISI" "r I to B av.~ the ir precious colors from fall- w oodwork a nd the structural and de c fill.' 1 bulldog. coclt lng aD COlln cl loll wi t h th is e sta te ~ h o u l d co n· dee d t o the la nd : . lt f! rt; I :11111 II" al'I'1 ,"" ( ' I, III "Did it bave a bll aa1e!" '" mas ter , dIsco ntinue d Ing IDto Fre ncb hoods. Bank the m ora tl ve ad van tages which woodworl ' Jnu e til l l h ls cf ntc \ \ ' to ha nd yo u f a t h er , an d his f a th er , a.Ju.I r n il!J\ . ' '-aLY il,!, (j('''(' !l IlHl j (IL "No, ahe made the fatal milltab con scie ntio us If un· deep ID tbe rIver, though t~e e nemy affords. The m e thod or fir eprOOfing It b e r e wll h ou r c hf·"k fo r $~af\ 20 (t wn nl orf;;: V n ll ant~ b (' f oT e t h em \\1 '.1' hr, :") I ~' )I , . !-'iI rll ;:~ ' tlon of t h e ll a ttls b later lished them out; and whe n the the se-me as tbat now b e ing e mployed or pubn.hlDI her OlI'D picture 011 \he h UfJd r cd a n d th lrty ·slx do lla r s a nil Sorn ti nl C, p cr hap !4, you w ill )~ll"Y ,-\lli : U ' !Iolt h:. (, from th e fold e d second battallon ot the 8th toot was by the admiralty. Thi s con s ists 01 UU. pale," . t w e nty cent ti) , th e bll ion ce In you r ra . yo u ar c John Vnl la nl, o f N .w Y.. r;'; 1:1 'I, oj .,:, d \\1 ,:. soli citous tall- dIsband ed at Por ts mouth In 1816 the the Impregnation of lbe pores and fl. " o r , tor whi<'..h p! easlol se n a r c el pt, slead of J o ll n ': :lll a n l of fh mnry " ".-: .ni( , fJre,u d l: Logleal R•• ult. sodden ' th ing lu colors we re cut In to s mall pIeces and b e rs of t be woGd w ith chemicals sucb "A nd obllg , Cou r t. 1 ca n n ot (ell you III ) 'r lt, hQ, , h,< r"h , t il U:'I! as reDder the ~o()d absolutely flnDl~ "Wbat II to be tile outcome lot tile It Luto the out: distributed among the omcers . "You r s very ·t rul y . ca use It Is too tru e a s lory . nnrl [h~ "p ~Ir" : ~h(" h '!:lel I One 6t the colora ot the tat NorthProOf: "Wood: so treate<l ls.sald to losl roman~)8T" ·, .'. •... ' ", ', , :. '.,.:rf'i ~ " E m e r son a nd Ba ll." for gotten how to t ell all Y hut. ralry H" ma~t ~ r U amptonsblre re~l ll\ en ~1 wbioh ~d been rnone. of It" natural ~haracteristle& .;:'Depea4a _ tII~. te110W'.,f:Ililom.,"· ; <En c los ure ) . ta.les, w):J.~re eve ry thi ng ha pp rns rlDh t ~'lIJ ' t'lCt rl·C3.t ' carried r ight throu g h th.e ·_pe~ular. and has DO harm~uJ e~et upon gl~es. . H .. . - th ~ . el. " e . nlrl/e~ ...... e me moran d am. It I "' h e re the' P riDce marries the beau tiful l'lf,"r'. c~pa:lgn; was. dlsc.o~er'ed. 80m~ naJJB;,y arnlBhea: or metal. Attl~~ ..'~1& , tIIaoW!!12 ,• .a.J7,a ble Inltlal depos It again s t I Princes s and the y I ve hapPUv ro- •. (Jltl'-Ib "hl ago In,," pawn b'r:qk6r'8"I1I.0pr,thci\IB1i' ~icli' ,1t may. be ~~tJt:1D~ OOD~ ~ entered a , aerle. of · ann~ g~ ther ever !l!$'er, .,' . ' . I!,ow I~ lOt , the~ la a Ul7,SU:17 to. t~ . ~_~.)', ~~~._~~ .' ., J, ' " ••. !

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Better cookies. cake



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The p r es e nt de mnnd (o r foods tuffs In nil parts of th e wor l.l. and th A ex· pens e ot prouuclng It on high pr iced land s, wo ul d Illak e it s~enl th a ' we t· p rn ' anati ll cam, Illlu " ';i dc II l'" a t tbe cruc iul pl'!'l ud. Th e r e Is tu ue found tb e ollPor t ull ll y :!Ial will be 11 large ractor In III('dl ll g till s dClll and . \VIlh ' HING In l!1(' I'xc ltlng Its mlll lon~ o f aCTe" or IlInd, e a " lIy arc hll t:()lo);ic a l hi s to ry of cultiva tabl e, hlglliY prod uct l,'!), a CCCH' th e IIl,;t ha lf'(,l'lltll r y h n ~ ~ Ib l e to railw ay", 111111 with uO ll ll:Ce ll l' d 'l so s trlc ken th e Irnagitlll' cl im a ti c c o nd lt iuns , th e o llporlunll.! es t lou lIf me n Il.H th e wo n· t hu t ar c offer.:, 1 un tl afford c d are to u li e rful dl aNn'crlcs In gr M t to bo ovorl(, olil, tl . 1 t're le , Dnd pc-I'h a pt; noth· Th ore ha ve bc·ell boom s In a lmos t InK Is like ly to prov e of eve ry civi li zed cnU lltr y Illld l hey were ' HII Ch Bo ltd service t a th e looked UpOIl 8S BII Ch , anel In the CO UTs e ' ~ LUdollt of hI s tory. Th e of time tb e bublJl e was prl clted and I gha s lly le ge nd of th l' was b u rst . Bu t In DO co untry has l'be I MInotaur proy tnl'l ullon dcvpjopmen t t,PPD os great nor ae th e bodies of tbe tribute rap id, wh e l her III city or In co untry. yo uth s and mald e lls In hi s IDwe ll e· as In we st(!rn Cnlluda . trabl e laby rlllih bn" bee n prov ed to The pro vinces of ~!anltoba, Sas· hav c had It solid found utlon of hi s· katcb ewa n and Alberta have tbe larg' torl ca l fac t. ' est arE'lL or el es lra bl e lands on the Tb e Labyrinth ha s been brought to !l;ortb A m e rl can c ontin ent, and their II gbt, an extrnorJlnary ('ol11ple " of cuTth'lltio n hilS Just b eg un. hull s, stolrwoys , c hamb ers, ce ll a, and Even w ith a t wo hundred million corrlelors, which tborough ly e xp loln s bu sh el wbeat cro p, less tban el,ht how tho unfortunat es who ente re d It p e r cent. o r the loud Is under tbe as captives co m e to be li e ve tbnt 11 0 plou ghs, fou r pe r cent. belug in wheat. strange r could esco pe. Stran ge ulld Less tban flve years ago tbe wbeat terrible mu st the labyrlntbln e palaco t he g reat palac probably slavos' l to r e pres c nt n fe ma le brenst Is 8 crop was only 71.000,000 busb elB. It of Kn08BO!! ha ve uppearoel 10 for(' lgn lIut all as yet await Inte rpr(' tatlon, prom in e nt o ne, nnd It Is a r eu.sonable Is a s imp le cnlculallo n to esUmate b eho hl era , and g rim o nd barbarou s In- ('rele bUll 80 rar y ie lde d no reprc: scn· Inferen ce Ihat It refer s to some sucb that If tour per cent, of the available dee d- th ough hiding th eir c ru e lt y be· tallv e or th e Rose lla Slono. de ity as K ybc b e, tb e Oreat Mother, or cultl vata blo ar ea produc es sometblng n eath a veneer 01 culture- must the Th e s tag es by wblcb th e plctul"e' th e Diana or t::pbesus wltb he r multi· ov er 200 ,0 00 ,000 bushels, w hat will H people that built and Inhnblt e d It h Elve wrltl ug 01 early Cr e te developed Into t ude of breas ls. Such a divinity was pe r cont. produce? And then look at bee n, unles8 a ll th e evid e nce has bee n an e labora te Syst em 01 hl e roglypb s wors hip ed In 1I1InoBn rete and may the Irnmll!:r a ti oLl that Is comIng In to gross ly ml srend Bn d ml s lnte rpreled. and th ence Into the linear sc rip t , with hav e been th e same as Epbes la O the countr y , In 1901 It was 49149 It Is to be fea r ed that th e tribute 01 whlcb th e Kno lls lan tabl ets are fo r Diana, 17,000 b elug trom tbe Uo lted Sta'tes;' youths a nd girls fro m s ubj ec t sl.otes tho moat part cove r ed, are ralrl y well ! Two attempt s bav e be cn mad e tu In 1906 It was 189,06" of w hlcb 67,000 was n ract. To Kn ossoH the y wer e mark ed. Wltb a k ee n and pract ical Inte rpret the disc Inscri ption, one by were Ame ri ca ns, and In 1918 It ~' 81 brought, nnd th er e , conlln eCl In deep, peo pl e th e ' necessity of s lmpllry ln g a Poless o r H em pl ot Slan ford unlver· ahout 400 .000, of whic h about 140,000 a mooth. wa lled pltllke enclos ures, th oy cumb rous ' hi eroglyphic Ryste m tor s lly, Cnllfornla, th e othe r by Miss were Americans. But wby bave they drngged out their li ves until tb e tloy eve r ydny needs wou ld be appare nt. Slnwell of Newham college, KnglnorJ. gone to CELI1aela ? The AmerlclUl farw· wheD th ey we r e brou ght torth , un· Certnlnl Y' the Minoan script appea rs Professo r H e mpl makes It to be a er III a Olan of shrewd buslnesB In· u rm ed and defenseless, to face tl1 e to be much s impler than the c une i· r ecord at lbe r estoration of pluncier to stlncts, JU llt like his Canadian brother, e harge of bulls In th e are na . Their fornl wrltlug of Mesopotnrnlo. Never. u shrIne. Miss Stawell, on tb e other and whe n he IInds that he can sell bl. one faint hope, a s we ma v sp.e bv t b e th eless, the old s ys t em and th o uew ,band, Inte rprets It a s an archaic hymn . own far m at from ,100 to $200 per fresco ed pictures, wa s t~ c atch tbe ap lJear to bave fl o uri sh e d si de hy s ide , Ce r tain ly on the face ot It this loter · acte and move Into Canada aod bom8be as ts' borns nnd vault ov r th em . Ilnd pe rhaps to some e xtent In con · pretatlo n see ms th e more probablo, s tead and pre-empt balf a section for tn nin e cases out of l en, as we may Junction, until Minoan cu lture wus de· an d agrees with Sir Arthur Evans' h lms e\r , a,illl s Imilarly for all bls Ions b e only too s ure, th e fate of t he h ap- strayed or dlsplac eel by tb e new In· view. Tbe s hape of the disc app ea rs who are Ildu lt and o f a g e upon lands less ca ptJve was to bo go red to d eath babltants ot Cre te. to Inellcato tbat tbe Inscription Is not IlB ric h D.nd fertile as those he left, \0 mak e a Minoan hollelay . Perhnps the mo ~ t famou8 ot th o an ordina ry on e , and It may very w e ll and producing Indeed sevel1lI hushels Tn mnny way s , howev er , Minoan Cr etan hl e r oglYl)h lc In s criptions hI hove be en n writte n prayer or pll:1lm. to the acn; In excess of anything he Miss S tawell 's Inte rpre tatlou Ie has eve r known , It will take more e1vlll za tlon was of a ve ry hIgh type. tb nt of th e "Phaestos disc ." Th e tllsc The tow ns were we ll )Jla lln otl nnd woTT Is a rou g hly ci rcu lnr c1ny plate UbOUl based on tb e aS8umption tbat th e Inn· than nn ordinary e llort to prevent him buil t. wit h commod ious Itnrl comfort· 6.67 In c bes hI diam eter, covered on b'llage ot th e InscripUon Is Greek- trom making th e cbnn~e. nb le houses, prodtled - wonel e r of won' botb fnces wltb a bler oglyphlc. Inscr lp· n ecessarily Greek of a prImitive type. !And thllO, too, there is lbe American dor a- with n Ilrope r drn ln ago syatem. 1.1011 which In each cas e coli s rounrl Ha\' ln g d ecided tb e Id entity of 11 pic' capltnl following the capital of brawn, In art nD d nrchit ec ture th e aChieve· from the ce nt er outwards. It Is b y tured oilj ec t s he attaches to It Its name muscle and sinew. follow ing It so as m e nt s ot th o Mino a n s wer o note· fnr the la r gest hl erogly pblc Insc rl(>- In Gre e k , and th en takes tbe first 8), 1· le keep In tou ch with the IndustrloUi worthy. :llos t r('markabl o of n il, tb e y tl on ye t ellsco ver ed In Cr e te. It can· la bl e as tbe sound value. For exa m· farm e r wit h wh ich It baa bad d enllngs PO A 8'~Rse d n we ll -dr l'f'lope,1 Hyst.e m of talns sarn o 241 signs and 61 sign pIe, t h e human bead wllh tbe curious for years back . This capital nnd thtl w ritin g, thu s ('x plodlng th e old th eo· group s . an d It ex hibi ts th e r emarka bl r rown-liko cove ring 16 tak en to s ignify capItal (If farming Is no rl es or Greek nnd pr('·Gre k Ill ite racy. pecuilnrlt)' th a t e \'l!ry s ign hns bef," " man ," Th e Gr ee k wo rel s for man are small wutter In the building up of a So ,ec ure th e), see med he hlnd th e aevo r nl ely Impressed on th o cluy whil e an e r and nntbropos , and Iherefrom the country. g unl'd of Ih ' lr r.hlps Ihat Ih !'y dwe ll eel In a soft s IBIO by 11 stamp or Pllnch . so und vn lu e Is g iven as a n. A race Nothin g Is said or the gT'!at mIneraI fea rl essly tn un fo rtln!',1 rill es, not, as Jt Is, In fact, a printed Ins cription. mark e d on th e c bee k Is Inte rpretod and for e st wealtb, or which but little t.h e lo rd s o r M~'('e nn p n nel TlrYIlS, b('· S o mu c h appea rs certain, that th e a s " branded man ," lherefore "cr imi· has h een touched, Il _ind _ gll:n!1t!c wa ll ·rl ngR. Yet a tim e PIHIf's t os d isc waa not In serll, t' d by n a l.'· From thl R th e m eaning Is d e· No coun1ry In th e world 's history cnmo when Ihe erstw hil e e ve r·vl c' torl· Min oan s. Th e s ign s dl f1'e r g r('a tly \ du c:t'd a s ka kos (bud ) aud th e sound has attrac ted to Its borders a la rger OU9 na vY rRll rd In Its ta s k, a od n fro m t hosl" of tfl e Knos s lnn d "f1os 11 ~ . I va lu e a s ka. a nd so OIl. or cu urso It tl llmber of sett le r s In 8U short a time, cntastrop . " ,' Ident th a t Illdfope nel e nt o hserv e rs d II b (! ocC'" ' urrt' d wh e r co f ~ omf' ",our·!lrtlls of th e m )li r e 1]II 11e diffe re nl l' IS o r has attra c ted so mUflb wea llh In a ~;cor 1'1 n~ ~rC d lo ng In H (' lll'nlc lrndl· I lind th e rp maln in~ jI!l rt no n o t a lways m lg bt Inter pre t many of t h e s igns dlt· period of e Qllal Icngtb . a s bave the 11(\ o('s~w(' rf' Ih ey Ac!J nea ns' cl o ~e l y r l'se mh le Iho ~e of Cr ete. ' fer e ntly. One does not see fo r e xam· Can n dla ll prnlrl es. Neve r ~ efore h as all. -b mrhl t l e rr (gn l e ys. "s ho rf' 0 11 th e Th pr e Is 110 trace in' tb e hll ma n fi1" j pi e , wby sign 20 an Obvl~u8 ju'" Is pi on ee r in g bee n :\('compl1sh ed unde r °rf'l' £' n nd Ihe pnd ('amr. UI'CS of the was p walf;t w e hnv e n. , I l'n e f'I HI 0 I. l· n o t to be inte rpr e ted as o no, Ins,,. t ca 'i conditions so fav orahl e a8 th ose that m~, e r n n \no s ~ o s "\ln l ~ h e d III Ha c k l'E'tldy I(' a rn ed to seek In th e portrait· or acco rdlug to ~t1 s s Stawe ll "lIlcad " exist in 1\'8IIt ern Canada today.r-Ad· ' a n <'on IIg nll o n : hl' r [\('oille w ·' r e : ure s of tlH~ men nnd wom e n wh o II~ n Jug\. vertl s e m e nt. dme<,alt ch t m cnnRur" l edsuou I Ihn '~ I he". hnd. ort e n mov eel Rbout tht' pala('o of Min os. To co nc lude , il would see m that In · Unm ;;,tch ed. ~ II' II . .. III e m e mu rl es of Th e mal e n !(urr' ~ n il st'c m 10 \ h ave t crpr etl' f's hltb e rto hav c ns sumed ong ' :Jllti at I n~. t , art.... 1 S h I1\' CII Il putI S, T IlOs e of f<'IlIl~l e~ arc Illu (' h : and th e r es ult s of th e ir labors "Mitts Oldtln n"jI ~a rs to bo a wOlUn n t, h nos I' lI,:;el'e" f e ,II1RO 0 1110r oE~ thnll th irt y contu . I b r oa d e l rl es Sir Artb , sQua t , Ul II ug y, ver y n!fT(' r e nl thou g h hi gbl y inte r esting and cr l'dl t·' ot unu ~, unl QII Illltl os." ~ v n n' s wr un 0p from I rr om t IlC ~ I'1m 1\11 noan d Ilm s Is with ab l' to th e m are nol ultogpthe r con · "Y e s; the a bsencQ o f s ulloi'll lon e th e.. ,8011 f (' ur t conl' lncln ,:; c"lrlc I I1\ l y "P ar Is Ia n " , assum e lhat- th e Inn ' a go cOll l' lnced h er rllth cr tbat ah e o ot th o migh tr oorc th e 1\11110 . n(' (' l tI Ie Ir (a d rcs~es, dn cl ng. 'ril ey as ye t of on nc tll'l I' bel~i~s If not. Th e r e Is n s b lll unlik e tho~e dl'p ict ecl gua!; , of t he Insc ription Is Gr ee k, and W>lS m a tc hl ess." Minos. . • g nam ed at Kno sso . a nd a bu lldl n,:: a s t oni s hin g· tu ere is no e vid e nc e tha t th e tongu e ......'.. . " ,, From tbl' ru in s of lh e MI I IY lik e t hl' Ly c lull tombs, w he r fir of tho Mlnea n Cre tans was Gr ee k a t hav e bee n rll ~ h t d h 11011 11 (' 1I 1l'5 s pc('lm e ll R arc pres'l rv.' el In th e Ilrlt· 011. 80 fa r as can b e see n th e MI· rrer y t lor . ousa sc rlbp.rl ta ble, l s1 e ve 'f'1ll ds ot III 'I ISII mu ,sp um. noa ns weI';] a tolully diffe rent rn ce would s e e II I g y, DB It Sir Arth ur "~ van s came to th e COil · ' from th e Gr ee ks nnd It see ms ratb er t1~e Rnd (e~ ln g \\' til n-dm luh'trn· I c lu.s lon that th e In s crl.ptio n pro bnl]ly eurly days t o as~u Ol e tllat the y s poke Ih n~ IlReI s om c . re II !; Iou s 5 Ig nl·ft ('ali ce, H e t1w ir t o~guc. lIlu ch less th at the go d· vnst board..s " aofnCIR c ln ' llIatl 0 l's- III'e ' [lmon th I) d C ument~ fo nnd nlso thlnl1 8 t ha t It was th o work not dess or the di s c Is Ath en e Furthe r •Mesopotarni'l g c r p. rnAa ns ofI Ib e cltieH . , .. of of (' r e t nns b u t 0 r s om e para II e I an d It I!; proba-bl e th a t the P hnestos di sc num eration '1; s I r egl: ~ r ,8Ystl' 1ll o f clos('ly·alll ecl c ulture , and BlI gK" ij iS Is Anato lIan , alld not Cre ta n. I ha , Ice II "t(>( t('(\. nnd It 1 thllt thts c ulture WRS th at of Ly c la In Is th 011 1; It t at ('e r tn ln toblets r e lnt e so uthw es tern As I::. Min or As to ItR to charl ot w hee ls RrrOWH nll el oth I' I b '. . . Chlncse Are Thr ifty Farmers. ' " e r r fl II.: OilS oa rin g h e con s ld e r ('d that "I t I ' war IIkt) s to r oB. Oth orA op pl'fl r to b II I ~ b bl' ' I II tI C ullizati o n of e very square ' o . s pr" " ~ a Ivmn 10 a nl1tu r e . \ . foot of 8011 and ever y leaf or root IIate of 1II CII and wom e ll be longin g to go dd ess. A s Ig il nppar(' ntl y inte nd e d th a t Is grown th e r eo n, the palle ut,











rr~~=::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SOME OF' THE HEIROGLVPHS OF THE PHAESTOS DISC, T o k c n In o rd er from the (, Pllte r outwards. S ign. Inte r\ll'e tatlon (Miss Staw e ll ) Rosctte . . . . ...... . . , . . . .. . . , . .... . . Lotus (seen from above) Head with m a rk e d ct·,eek"." •. "., . Cr l mln a l Feathered staff ,., . ," " " . " " . ' . • • Arrow Running figure "" " " ,, ' ., . ... , ... Running man Studd ed staff or bat ,.,." .• ..• .. . " . Club Double comb " . . .. ,." ." . . .. ,. " . . Comb for the loom Flower I, . . ,', . . .. . , . .. , . . .. .. ", .. . SlIphlum .. II, . '.... .. ........ . .......... Plant of lome kind Skin or garment " , " .. " ...... ,,, ... Hide (of ox) Head with frll!ed covering " , .. , • .. ,. Man's head Circle with dots , . . , ... ". , . .... , .. ,. Shield Fork·.haped Instrument ,. ,., ..•... ,. Handle of plough Right-angled Instrument . . ... •..... , .Carpenter'o angle Wavy horn .. . .. " .. . ,', ..••• , ..... , Horn Bird with spread wings. " , . • ••••.• ,. Hawk Double-ended Instrument . .• ",.,. , . , Plane FlguN! In double aklrt ." .,.,., •. , .. , Worn .. n Standing bird .. , ", ..... " ...... : ... Dove Qouble cone object , . .. .. , .. , •.•.• , . , Pair "r wllavlng weights AnImal's hoof .. . . .. . . ........ ,. , ., .. Hoof



~_~-~~V"~ _ ~

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ ______ ~



Actlllitlea of Women,






worltlng farm or s of China co uld give points even to th e tb rl fty rurnl porlll' latlon of Fran ce, " s ays tb e P hll ad e l· phl a Pu,blic Record. "Land 18 n e ver was t ed . The r e a re no suc b pasture and m eadow Innds as we know b ere. If a trav e ler wants to pitcb a tl'nt an~' wb e re III the seltled provi nces of China he m uti t d riv e tbe s takes In a be an patch or a rice neld or amid po· l ato hills , The native would r ece ive with scorntul nmazement 0 su ggestion of a publi c pleasur e gro und. The only 'Pllrks' are th e groves ,about the tern · I pIes. " To t he tops of the bills tb e ter· race s cllmh, balding their tiny plots of wb ent and corn, sometimes Ilt a bouse , roof angl e or 45 degrees, Inhabitants of crnzy huts and cnve dwellers, bare· Iy making room for them selves to sleel' and cook at tbe Intersection s of tbe vast c beck e rboard , climb out of their hol es and bovels at dawn like praIrie dogs or rabbits In a warren. Il'1ld fight th e soli till dl11k for a m ea· ger living," ,




__ __ ~

~-~-~-~-~~ ,··


Artificial Wooo From $traw. Artificial wood, bavlng th, resist· ance ot oalt, Is now lIuccessfully made from straw . The straw I\ttel' be ing '1ut Into small pieces, is redue&d to a 1)118t, by boiling, tCl whlcb c~rtain chemicals are added. When the 'Paste has been reduced to a bomogeJ.eous mass It Is f,ut Into presses, and

<'lCk 0f''''''!l4t -,W ".--91l dAfI,





Reliable evidence is abundant that women are constantly being restored t.o health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound

Th ':! m :my test imon i a l lcttc r s that we are cont i n u a ll y pu~ ~i shi ng in th e new !)apc rs -hundn.:clsof th em-are all &,e num e , true and unso IClted expressi o n s o f lr ea rtf c lt gratltuds for the freed om fr om s uffering that h as c o me t o th ese w o m e n sol e l v t h rough th e u se of Lydia E. Pinkham'.



Money co uld n o t [my nor a ny kind of infl~ e nce obtain


!ruc~ recomm endati ons; y ou m ay d epe nd up' 0 n it that a ny te s tnn o nial we publish is h ones t and tru e-if you have d oubt of this \\'rit e to the women who s e true names addresses are always given, and l ea rn f o r yourself.

Read this one from Mrs. 'Vaters: C~1f1)EN.

N,J,-" I was ~ick for two yenrs with nervous spells, and my kidneys were affected. I bad a d0ctor all the time and used a galvanio battery, but ~othing did me nny good , I waR not able to go to be~ but spent my t ime on a couch or in 0. sleeping. chair and Boon became almost a ske leton. Finally my d octor went awny for hla health, and Illy h\l8band hlla.rd of Lydia. E. Pinkham's v egetabl Com~und and got me some. In two months I ~ot relief and now am like ~ J;lew woma.n and am at my usual weight. I recommcn your medic me to everyone and 80 does my husband.."-Mrs. Tu.r.aa WATItRB, 1135 Knight St., Camden, N,J.

And thls'I()ne from Mrs. Haddock r weak and nervous, not a.ble to do my wm:k my: feet. I had backache, headl\<lhe, palpitatIon of the hel\rt, trouble Wlth my bowels and inflammation. Stno. taking t he Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Compoun<t I am bette, t~an I have been for twenty yeal"8. 1 think it is 0. wonderful medJ.. Cille and I have recommended it to othoI'8."-MI'8, MABy ANI( u.n.. ooOK, Utica, Oklahoma.. UTTOA, OKLA.--" I W1l8

an~ scarcely able to he on

Now ansv.:er thi s question if you can. Why should a wom a n continue to suffer without first giving L~dia ?inkham 's Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that It has s.:\,yed many others-why sho uld it fail in your casel


For 80 yean Lydia E. Plnkbam's Vegetab16 Compound has been tbe standard remedy for femliole lIIs. No ODe sick with woman's aliments does Juattce to herself If she does not try this fAmoull medicine made from roots and herbs, It bal restored 110 many suffering wOlDen to h eal til.


_ _ WrttetoLYDU E.PINJrU,U1 MEDICINE CO. _ _ (CONI'IDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advIce. Your letter will be opened, read and answered

by a ",olnao and held i!;lstrlct con.ft.dcnce. A man who mak es a bluIr at hust· Tlng succeed s In maltin g others tir ed .

Ma ke the Li·ver Do its Duty

Nine times in ten when the liver II Immigration fllfU res show that thl right the stomac h and bowels are right : popula.tion at Canada increased durCARTER'S UTILE ina' 191~, hy the a ddition of 400,000 L ne.,., sottlers from the Un:ted Stak>. g!~Jy~urJ~~ and Euro~8, Most of these have a'0nt pel a lazy liver I on fa rm s to provmces at ManJtoba., do its duty. SaakDtcbewan and Alberta. Cures Con. Lord William Parey, all Itnall.h Nobleman, .tip.tion, In. IIIYO: dilJution. 'Th. possibilities and opportunIties alTered !iick IlJ the Canadl.n W.,t ara so innnilrol, Headache, I g reat~r ","n thoso which ealst In Rnaland, and Diotrell After Eatin.,. I that II absurd to think that SMALL PItt, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. Ihould be Impeded Irom comlni to country ",hore thoy can most eullJ· aorlloll~




must bear Signature

certainly I mprovo pOSlUon, No.. districts aro betnll opened Ull. which will malro ccce. sable a reat number of homast ...d. In O'I.I:rlClt....lR' e Sllechllly .daptod to mIxed I....,,"·~i..r tnr Md a",ln ratalnll'

~~ I\lY O ltl.AIIOl\1.o\. FArUI F onSAt .Y.orl rnrt)

t u r l"'IHt. iSu wk ll. U Ul&ul cu Cr ea w crr. L1n cv ln . Nub.





w. s. NE7HERY

CAST RIA For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought




In terurben Bid • • OOlulTlbu 8. Oh io

Qau4I ... 0. • ..,,,..,-., .i. . .

200 Farms Absolutely Free

We will give away FR EE of cbarge and without re s l rictio ns as to im-

provement or settlement 200 farm trac t s of rrom 5 to 4 0 a c res in Palm Beach County.

:Bears the Signature of '

J I, 000 an acre is often made on si mila r land fr o m winter vegetables a lon e and fortunes in gra pe fruit and ora n ges, This is the la nd of three crops a year, below the frost lin e ; 365 ~ r ow i llg day s, The las t day !or registration is April 30, 1 9/.1.. Low excursi on rates March 3rd, 17 th, April 7th and April 21St. Wr ite for full particular'll to

Secretary, Chamber of Com-

In · AMsiiiowus' ~i~


For Over Thirty Years


Now doing well but wantina larger earnings will ask abou' our proposition to wagon salesmen, We want a steady,gentla. manly representative in every' county. Hundreds have grown Iold and proSp&rOUB in the service, No experience necessary. "Down and outers" no. wanted. Write for particulars.

Dr. Ward'. MedicalCoptPaDl DepL Eo







" lo -


Public Sales

"'n ll e r Wh ituk ur . f'tflU Ur ul 11011 0r611 iu 'l'u rt leoreek towo ship >.- !. *111 711 :l l' : : C lu rll!<v dlt·, Ohio, II) MI~H luult h: ILU e r A Ellmon to C . R. HIlJl(l Th e oo uullil! <! i o n e r~, the n proooe(l · • •••• / ~: id e r of Blllllc h u" r, (I\ liu U .·o rge lot ou ~y oaDlOre steet,. 1.eb anon, $ 1. ed ttl th t1 Couoty 'I 'rl:'a !! ury , a ri 1' (' . -- • - ....-v·""·____ .......•...•...•....·v·""-"""·....·''''''',,·,............................,....""...""-......"-"....,,....,..."".......-.. . . . . ......,"" . ......"'.,.....".".""'""","<J'J', I It 11, 'u . . P lH3b l:' J" ne G Inn y to E lllI. Be. y e r LJll l red h.y !t\y.r, 'Iud oo nnted tbtl L-:lnvlU g (I, ( ' h1 Alj t.1l obnngo olimutll 1undft (J ndin L{ t.h ... rein the t otlll I will ,,011,, 1. 11,,11110 t' 1~"·' lit mv r ~ 1'I1 Proball Co url Proceedings In tho Tll (' r " I' t be w i ll of ~ i1IlS ' H .. , U Lllull nn .ll,pr 1\I ' ll\e ngpnt r\oJ /lII.l:! ta te 10 l...e han onSI. H . I\ Po o l\ l1 , d (', ·.,,,,,o,\. W ,ll I\ ct ... r ( '!JH"i ll l1 lltl , ' )h ill . 10 t\1t ~,; 11... III"h Iltlro ld M . BeDh rulI admr .• too Ilnt(\U~t,.t)f , :U II,Ull. lll , wbi c h hy t h " dOll ctt un t.!t tl I·,,,,,,: fi'r y ,· tUfUI Oil Ih e . n 'ht' li)t" It" ·o f T.h n fl~ t.'lIC' of B. llilt.t odtnpr nb" It'. , /l o wli n", . of ~ · ru ll k illl. ' ))Il " . l' At.e l' B Be nlllllll G4a oresl D 'l'nrtle AuulI or 'II l e u~ e l' I" .titttri uut·pet in to '1' II WIUIlJip rll" d :\.' " ullI .. ~ t'i W . ut variou s fuull'. ·d, · ."'b ll rt H. rl.,C'p" .. ptI E.~ tote Tll t h e ","tt" r 1) 1" I r vio \:: I-'ll wy er. 1 J oh n W . H J.:1l 11. f'II'IlJCII' of (In - Cl'tluk to wn shill~IOGO. W li pI .',wlll, ·.1 IIIll t' N tt; . PI Klloll. , ~. Iltlm i" .s t.' r ",l . ~1. co"1011 uf Lob Bi ll!!' AIl (1 \v f>d - Mj~ml Gllzptt e, II llr '::itltt ioll ' >1, tlt A L) L. & I) . R R o o Apjll iott t.iu n f ,' r II, I 1l 11 i\~l! m to t·tl e ~"O l ". t (I I~.· I ~ !< \ ' \I) III • Vlll ld rOD C Gi lmour. sheriff to ' 1 th. , 1I",ll l'r ut 1·11" cst llt." " f ' ()ulI) I n~ l1t l1 t l" ll fo r fa"hle mimlt',1 lUlL'· ·. Hov A ,I . K ,', Il" 'l'i!DlhO Harton :.10 Ilore s to Wlly n o puulillbi ng EdlVllrc1 s I'!lld nullct' , i'IlolHla.\ , March 16, 191 -1 "G ,IlO ; Ht,Lkttltli Mf g. Co . • suppli e r! ' C" H. :,":':" t11· ClJlI ~I·(\. ~ llItlJ you th III IJI ll d ," . . . ~cal ESlalcTransit' rs towD s llip , 32 40 . CO'lll1lonc in g Ilt lU It . w . Iha fo ll ow 11 1· 1 " Jl I'" I·. ' ' . .\IIUlI ll· M . 11111,'. ,,,"1i1111rx . 01 the . 1 '. Llifn Yf' t Le Robo r~un to Lillie M ' " r; o; B L. Dukw. servl oe!! in iug IJJ I')l,HI .\·: :J hOl'nl'/I, :! o.•Ule . 13 • • 1 .1 l ilt' II\ ;ltl l I i ; f hn 1·.: tutl1 tl r I I A I 1 '1' t t l 1 C \tte u I ( ' I' IJ r ~ l! ~ · 11, ' ,l v ·Q' I.1I lr l ll OV 1 M u8t1 ltl 'l'u wutlllljJ lJlI.-ilLl oummittell. tl~ ( " "" 1 !li n •. I · !I. III O. , . • \\. 'I' l : Vlllil ir" 6:J .20 ItOrus in Wllshlng tl) n il WllI'r eu lJ!l unt.v Appel\l, pub hll"~ Illflning illlpl u ItlOLlt~ , houll 0_ 71 ", Mhx wtl ll tlL III " d : I '. ::ioc- pluiutlft" V" IIh ' r t l" !j"I'htll l,1 !I t. III I \I ~ ..('" l\ " nJ~ 11> "YIII' " \vII ~ " l' b" 00 d UCOoOllt .. ppro VIoll <l e'(' Il(lullt ~ ' ::;;ll tl lit r HILI estll tH I ~ $;-:,(11) OU. tO WlJIit. lp 4 O. . ., ll ~ hing tax notl Ctt , i:l . E lliott Fi s h- h old '~ U UU!l . ::;e u oig b l llH f"r terms .';UlU ue l lr. Bellch I .. 1.lle m utter of I.btl -~t llt" o f .1 . rl PP l'll Yt'" J)1 ~ 1. l' iullllO l1 11.11,1 >,ol ll e I T ho!ld " rn \ ·II~lll .. h\'r~ III ){ ll lph .J L y UlI1 Ii: Kee~7A;I' to Jaonu ~hu · e r Co.. r eplLiring Iypewrlter fur llnH :::iiek ll r . Anot. · 1 1 ( ' , ~ t ( II I ' I "~ I" " " 1 1111111er I)r, Aore. In urtl eor eok t own · Renorder . f4,20 ; W . H . 8taL1!tge, Urokett . ,Ie:ea tle(t. E" tll(.e fully m ll n t 1;1 ,," <' n ', , ~ j I . " " ., .. l' I · $1 IIUppli ll!l , H, ;,ll Mc Manat! l'rot1\l l :0. j/ llil1i 3 t6r.~ . III Th o 11liitLe r of Ih o ,,~ (ul :l o f '1' . IInn- oy K ( -l\l~ t. il1 I II Fran k L. ,; III' . • ~ I f'! l ll Cnnovt'r 118 IIdmrx . (' f th o L. Bro w n, rI [1'Jn,,~ ,'rl . .J o hn \V. tlll llur fI ' nl 08 t.lll·n in \\' " iJ'IRh 1:)'1 l1llrO, Ji;(lwllrct A . Long Ito Jrfnhk ~ . Pllrt \IILyme nt OU tiUng Clluinllt. nest Fll lllily lnxllth'c IIII €' of 'Vlllt ,, 1It R . ('o llo \" or . tl o Nll WI1 11m ll tl 111 T . lil(':l lhlW bo n d wbi oh I \V II .v ll f\:'~l lI e, t-:! 17:.. t-;h odle y ·1 lotI! in AVIl on 8 g ts I. , 200 R B. Smit.h, ooa) Rlr (lo urt· h o u:lo $ :.:l U; . W eHLe·r n St.llr. A S ~ OH~ l-klwnro ur c" nHl1p"tlOn. Ullfl Or. . . ~ r d , pl"ln lill V!! . H,'Y l ''''JLOIi i ~ II N'Ol't ('d . F rf'l l 11. Mu rk t o \ \ ' . I. Htll Wtl rt Con' mlssioners' Proceedings ortl ' blllnks ~ 2 1. J . V . HllokinH on, Ki" !{ '~ f'tlW Life P ili l:! ond ket'pwell. . . I.,' Vtlr , » IlIlD lir Il l. Ill. dnfulldtlul. ~ . In th u ~I"lt ' I 1I~ .Ili a l'Xlllll lllnlt.~n .-11 I 1 lI " rB" of :lInd 111 U ll r l'lll T o wn- I At t.l"" Q1J eotiog of comml"s lonll rfl lumber f 75.6 tl Morrow Lumber M,.~ t 'ltur lcs E . omit.h, of W est lo y O. WIll lllll1 HU n is b Brcohy III ' " It· o f t h e t " 11111 ., lr ~'~Hurt' r, O. h. . ,,}' IP alnnd !1 Y Muoh 2 the follow in g Cu .. tile, !J 3. P e te r H. ::iho\lort. J;' rtloklill Mil cull!! t b Olli "Our fllm, ; "I'ty d e l l ndulll.. BTlJWllllfld .1. tl o ll y I hyl ' " 11 1 I! li p il . J.' \\'i l~')11 t.o A ( ; jt','rLl Yl" J I:, r e"".lllllnu ~lI S JJlIl!tlOd . COlllpen l:!lltion IIUd dAmBgel:! for rO llli Ily IIIXlltlV !J •.' N " lhlll g huttor for I II Ibfllllll l l(!rl1flh UI e;t" lo of 1": lI k Pdllltt'" t u till ti ll ,· w·' rk . ""T\'~ IU ,, ' uyu ,' Lowu .4 h lp ~ I 1 d thr o l1 t~h furlU. 101 5 00 OreKl 1uirL lilt" or fl g et\' <i n t tlt"1lI todAY \V"" I"I '''~ It. I~ r equlre l nn fi r t. h o B"Dholll , J1 C('I'II ~u d E HLlIt o fnll y III tL t> ,,, " (.t e r " f II,, · I.. ~ t ll l : ' ul l l '. :--l . 1{" lI P to l';I IIJo( A EllIIl!1I 1 Mlllillh I II(, L'lW tbllt the diffenml. B..I1Iit:e Co., lJ l) n~rr, ct N o. . u ~ . :I f,c. Al l ()rll g~ "'t s IIr by fllllii. Ii. I d IIlui810rp,'. Jl\o.lI n~ C . Ar'Jwll, . j "l'IJ" :WII r Irri t , 'J'II XIO t/ HUIHd " make I\ppro prll1till u!l 1:1<1 7 UO; sam e ContrA ct N o. :lU:l. E Buck len & CIl l'ul llitle lp hitt. or 1. 1 Ihd matt e r o f I h li uSR ig nmE' n t lind fln l\llI ccllll OI IS Hp prllV P(1. I fr ll lll the tn u us re oelved at the !<8Wl. 14 \16 {i ·I; !llIm tl, Sl\ w i ng beams ot o. :::it. Loui!!. AnDO l ·. Hre w(1r , II~H ig n u r . F'iril t 10 t lt e mlitt " ,. of III R <·"toll l" o f l,ichnpoo \VormKillcr! : "pds\Vorms lI11 0md sf' s m e n t with the 'l'rp.ts. 1 2tl Ga. .l lil1fl/IICCOIlDt is IIppr nV(' I\. Cu 11 1'1. Petl1r Tnlll ,., rl ., eu "';I',I. fi' lr!l t flO " . • nre r () f Wllrren CU!'I oly. Ohio. fo r T h e !l eoount ' of t,he twu {lepoRi d.· 1 s OwelJ ::i . B iggin ll t o 1urn o vor coun t i~ "p p n, VCl \. . . I 1 Ito 0 0 u ~o of yuu r eh I /II t-' III ,-:- 1, l it' 1lto ('orr in g six mnnthstoritlA - Th e LflhllllOIl Nllti"nl~1 Blink --_. - - - - - - - II I· S ~ucceusn r ( . (' 11' 111,,"° Ili l 1 f fll lli fll tl\1 tJ fT( JO ~ IVA urlilltlt - I lt,) o . ~. 0 t·ll lI 1II ,II.t t'r o f t h u ,,!!tuLo II A m'. . III d He it r es olved ' That the Co m An() Ml e lJitize ns Niltional Hl\uk' IId~ ond pape r" in this Oil u se . bt ol:!(J T . i10llr · h . dtl,~eo sod . Hill .. o f " tllr t~t1{ U I~ "'\ ; t.e n;w tln~'l l;rln I m i .... io nt' r s o t Wa~ren Co nnty Obiu f or I,he mOll t h of Fe brullTY wtlrtl ng I I ,. Ihe IJJIltte r llf th o o.. llI t tl of Tllld as tu to In t hi ~ oll.u!!e i~ u(I )lTLl \" ud . . l D ,·,·t I " : II " 'Ir~I" f'f1 ' -k l eo Aill ~h E' IllllUing S I X Dlon\h!l ~ud t ll~ au(1ited nU ll f ound oorreot . j "J!lIst Aurdwr. dl'CPII!'f d . I' nvul e . . II W (,[ltn]J ("X'()D- 10 II Ilr olro tl~ I . . ' Tho flDUDOllll tl tlltemeots of t·lltl .. ~ uf real ,·" tul e o rdor ed . TD til l-' IIl llt tor o t t-h oestul,( ~pf l:SUII ~ !taorh.,. 111.> "Y "Ii - Ar o fi ll ill u ioHtio o ll An g u!:l t .11, 1914, m~ke the fonowu e l ·W UU(IW'Lrd . d ncell ~e d .. I~lllt.h \'.' Il f WU rlll ';. " Irk" pon W'nrm K iller lo ~ flp).J ro prmtlons tr:-:>m the fUl: r1s Aoliitor lind 'frllll s urpr Sh owing • III Ih e JI1/ltt e r of .IU(1o U nnd b' rull . .\lUUIJ ~R , "p]l IJl ul.etl IlllflllD1stru t rtx .! It< w li ,lt yuur "hl l,1 u '" .1,, ; It eX ll ul!! :<0 (\Istrlbntellllt the 1<,ebr ullr y , l.) 1-I bll illnoe in oll oh fund 1I ·~ d Il0(111 11Dt ilL ~ Chenow e lb. AppliotitlUo to lit H Bun<1.tsuU lu rllis h ell. , tilt:! wornl s I h e ('li u ~e ,)f t he uhl lrl'!, 8a ttl emOOl. w Ith the lJou n ty 'lrlllls bu g!unlll~ 1) 1 lII ont it worn pr oll un t e d Veterinarv e .1,10 Intltit.ntl un for fee bl ... mindll u unti p la c.'!! 011 me. ~ \ arrial!eLiccnses j llnbl11llth \" 1·.l\llIliLIIlI . b',j r U, O r H- ur c . .' I ulh8 18 n ludtdn tbese two clluses . .. 111 0nll (If "",,t . _t Il W1I<:l1 Itull pi ll ( :ount.y Fuud , 'ID 5IH 27; P no r, Thll re port u f tile vi e w er s o u (.h e Graduate of ~Ohi() ~'a t . lJniwrli l\ In the millter of tbe gU[lrdilln!lhip J{IlY B _ ~J II ~or, t urlll e r of Dl\vtOD. \\'o rm ~. K ioka puo W n r111 Ki ~II' r l~l v o~ l. :l\l5\l.S :I; Childrfln's tiom .. " .j 5 ~ 2 1l1 ; r ond pel l t,illll en ' or In Wllyne t.Qwn I B oxy Ad" Moore. LlIwre Dce Ohl ?_. t O l'lh _i<Z il llII H"g"e r~ ut Wf\ Y- IH ure r ,. la, - 11 14 Inx nt ivI:I P Il·ec l, lIt \ll s ()rpl1li T1 S 'A~ .v )uw,$214 .1 ..0l;E ' eut:un Ahip hy 1I .I . l£rl wnrd s And ll t. h o l' ~ ;, OOl"e and ,In bn ·LeollA rd l'Iloore, n tls vl lJe, Oltlt). R e v . U . E . Go wd y . I t OIlO t o tlt o gone l'lI.1 RyMf' IIl . t'n]l i!:lqJ6 t:1"O, *4432 15 ;J uctlOla l '36 ~0 :,1 ; w .. !! pn hlioly I'!lud tor WIO fir~t t.illl £' ,i n on. Glpno E Monre ls nppointHllrolc1 lJ. HIlLfi e lll. farmer tO ipli e tl AS 1\ oand y (JO Uf OO I,ill ll - ohilll . aui ld lul!. 1:)20.08 ; Brid Re, '6 2-10 \J/l ; The b ') llrrl thau b egan the e)(" lII i- Ofllee at r C::!io('n ce in F. II :::lh e r · ~ J Bond .150 fUllli ~hl'd . Mil'S lJlu rll M. HAmill,oll . uoth Of . l'fl U Iik (1 it. t:;ll fo !lon ~n ro r tl Ji ef - lindigoot. S o ldiors, '1 5602-1; Bl1url lIllt·io n of tbe Auditor'!! vouch ers, wuod' s house. Fourth St rel:i . In t·be Cllllter ,) f tbe e~ tat e of Lebllnoo. Rev . E . ll . Wlllk . lhllLl'un te eu Buv n Ii nx tOJIlY, Re llar. ~7 0 12; ROlld, StAte & compf\rillg t h em with t.h e "t u h ~ .. rub Alioe Michael . d ecfR sed. Sulu Orval L. Willi:! , fllrm e r of FrAnk I Prl co 2:,). All Drnggi;;t!l0r by m a ll. IlJ ounty. ':H 20.50; A lC rioultllr!ll ::io Q(lok tLnd wurrlluts Il n.1 ulf'() wi\b Tclcl)honc 28 . • r6l11 elltlll·e in th it! clln ~e II! up_ li n , O hio. t o MI ;ll3 Ly la MIlY 8trllw : K!eklipoO In lli ,\n Moll . lJo. Philudel IOiO',v, $:5 ·HI.72; Interest & S_nkln g . thl' Tr e,, ~ ur er'8 Journal of Wllrr'Ln tS I ,ov ed . of !:\prillg lJoro It e v. W . . I Thll:!tle . jphi fl o r I:H. Lo nb. f1l13r. .~5 ; "311ee p,l 116\l 91 3-T tal rerleerned . . • _ __ Wayn esville. Ohio













110 I



Professl·onal Cards


Dr J. A. McCoy,


,-:.:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.:,-.:.:.:-:.:.:-:-:-:-:.:-: . :.:.: . :.:.:.:.:.:« .:-:.:-: . :. :-: -:.: .:.: .:. :.:.:.:-: <. : .: . :.:-: -:' :':':":-:':':' :': ':':':~-:"".•

... .

Stubborn , Annoying Coughs Cured

:.:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:<.:.:-:-:.:-:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.: ...:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:•.•..:-:':':':':':':.:':':':':':-:"':.!: ~""' ~ . .

DR. J. W.



~ ~~~~~~--~I~I~~~~ ~~~TI~_ -$:" . ,-,$,., 0"' .... P",.

~Ii '. .'.


, ·

$200 000 00

;:::: $::::::::: ~

::: :.: :::




~. .:: :: : .:: ;; :::

If r I

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.. ':

::: :::








. PURPOSES for which this s t ock is being sold a re to equip a large factory for t he manufacture of Men's and Women's High Grade Shoes, to be sold direct to t he consum er::) f rom the Company's own stl)res and by m all. The Corporation owns valuable Secret Processes ·4>f makin g shoes that have been demonstrated ' and fOlund to be money saving, also Trade-Mark that nas been in use and before the public s in ce January 7, ISn .. also large mailing list of about 580,000 names of men and women. each a p rospective c ustomer. about 1000 n ew na m es are being' added each week. The shoe business in St. Louis. Mo., is conducted on a basis of TWE NTY PER CE NT NET PROFITS on capitalization . For inRtance. a concern turning its capital once during the year wo uld m a ke TW ENTY PER CENT NET PROFIT, some of the older concerns in St. Louis turn their capi t a l as muc h as and F OUR 'mes during the year

:-.: $·i: :;. $: : :::

~:~.: $I.;::

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-. .


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:.: :::

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• '0


AtPal', Ten Dollars

::1· .:

E~;ck~~i ~~ :~~~ ~i~he d~:~tea~ia~h:Jlift:re~;~,


Makers of Locust Street


pPli cation~


$ $



$ $ $ ,.,


Investments, Morristown, Tennesoee.





. ,- ..



. ".f ..



BARNHART, Notary Public

resnit.8 and IOlin reoommend thAm I All khlds of Notary WOI k. Pe0810D highly. writeI' Paul B. Babin. Brusbly. La . For 881e by all dealers, ork a J:)peotalty. _ _ __ _ _'!' ...... ..,. .......... __ .. _- ................ w - . .......... . . - - w w w w w ...... ww _ .. ...,.,.. ..............






Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates . Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. CORWIN O~IO _



N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and values a ~ds of breeding stock. . '. Experienced in handling fann sales since

1905. '.

~. ~*)>>:~.•"......................~..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:'!':':':':':':':':':~:':';:':"'.':':".' ••••••••••••••••••••••• . .. .. •'''''' .. .................... . ...... - :·;·;·:·:·:·:··:·:·::···:·:·:·:·:·:·::·!.:;~it:·::·:~;.~.~.:.:;:.:.;.:.:.:,:.:~~,:.:.;::~,:~:~~~.,t=~~.~~~~:;~:::::·~~:r·;:~·~~~~,,~ ~~~I "~~.~~~~~-


Phone 71-1

Saln·t LouiS, Missouri TOBIAS S. MILLER ' Special Reprels entative: '2628- LOcust Street · . Saint Louis, Missouri

Best Treatment for Constipation





$ l'~~~~sd~~:h:~~~~~~tfo~a~~:hl~~no'::

Or to the Following: NORTHWESTERN BUSlNESS AGY., ' BanMk of Commerce EuHding. inneapolis, Minnesota.


WlllloD or jllok imlpe and greater aod le~ser yellow le gs mllY be s h ot Funeral Dir.. ctor onl yber between I:)aplember 1 and De. 1 cem 16. andEb m aIme r , W .) od duoks n re proteoted In all , _. seasoo!! of t h e year until 191 8. i Waynesville, OhiO. . Caroliua doves msy this yeu be , shot botwoon Sllp'ember 1 and 00. Call answered promptly day or night. to b er :l0. The legieJllture a year AgO Both phones in Office and Residence. enaoted tL Illw tlxiog a .'losed season Longdistance.No. 14; Home phone fo r theHe birds until 191 5, bat this 14-2r. prOV IRIOII wtt.s repealed by the last Chairs arid one Coach furnished free legl pl"turH ! with funerals . RllnglLriJLn or gray partridges are Best of service guaranteed. prlltAotod by the law from tile huut e r until N o vomber 15 1916 __ • •

$ '

for this unsold balance may bO Bent direcl to the




othor Dooks, t!ho re brant, birdsa lloao wllter nowfowl onlyand be law f ull :v kIll ed fr om S.e ptember lt ~ i(. • • 'ATHAWA"Y DeCllmbol' 15, 'rho former law per mltted tMm to be 8hot In tbe s pri n ~ \\· fl.l !leniUe'8 Leadwil Dell".' .:. fr oto Mnrch 1 to April 20. Office 10 Keys Bldg. Malo S$ ::: 'rhe Oll nn peAB<\D for nil, ooot and llIud hens is Heptember 1 to Novem :.: btlBlaok r 30 hreAst. 'ld and golden pl o ver ,

$:;: $




P~r Share

The will be 01?en Saturday, Nov. 1, ] 913. and continue unsold balance bas been sold. The rlght IS reserved to reject any appl icati on a nu to allut a sm alle r arriIount than applied for.



and none can be created without the consent


l;~ $~;l



of THREE· FIFTHS of the entire Rtoc k is,med. 2. NO FLOATING DEBT- The procecds of this issu e w illl'etire till! Comp ny 's Lill s payable, a nd furnish amp)eworldnl{ capital to successfully carryon the business . • 3, ESTIMATED EARNINGS- Approximately seven times the divid enrl re uirements of thi~ issue 4 MANAGEMENT- Will be continued by the present Executive Officer and othe rs who are expert shoe men pf many years' experience in the !>hoe b usiness. 5. SINKING FUND-Will Le cr eated to retire tb is is~uc at t he option of e holder at par after FIFTY years. regardless of bow dividends have been paid. 6. GUARANTEED STOC K- A pplication will be made in dtle course t have this stock guaranteed against loss to the extent of its pur~hase ,Price. by o ~ e of t he stron gest . gu ar~nty c o mpanies in the b usin es.'l. . , . . 7. ApphcatlOn will be made IT\ due course t o 11I~t thls st ock on the Bos n, N ew York , Chlcago. and ~lamt LoUIS stock exchanges. I ' 8. STOCK should yield at least EIGI-IT 'PER CENT in dividenus along. Havmg placed a large amount of this stock. w e will receive subsc ri ptio ns for th e unsold balan ce

~~~ :::~ ~

ff.: . ~


1. NO .PRlOR LIENS- No mortgage s exis t. upon a n y assets of this Compa


j$11 $.'.





. . . . . .. . . . .. .. ... . .. . . .. . 39.361 S Ilares . .... . ..... ... .. 20,000 shares . .. .... ... . . ... . ...... 19,361 shares

The Treasury Stock Has a Lien on All the Assets of the Company and Its Earnings Until Its Dividend is Paid

;: $: : ;:

:: $:: ::

AUTHORIZED CAPITA.LIZATION STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING 100, 000 sh ares, par va1ue 0 f Ten D0 11 ars each I r::: 1911 as per anI1Uat repor 0 f]) ec. iJ, Full Paid and Non-Assessable 6Q,639 Shares S tock in Treasury .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ...... . .. . .. . . . . .. . . Stock authorized for sale this issue . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . ..... . ....... ... . ... . ... Stock to be reserved in Treasury for future r e qu irements of the Cc-rporati on . .

Phone 449


f' ::::::

( lncorporate d und e r South Dako ta La ws .)



tock of the


::; ::: " I .::

f"i\ ll . Po II ,i ru ggists. Price 500 tt.nd 21 Broadway S I. 00 .- H. E. Bnoklen & Co.,. Pbil-

Attmtion of hnnte rl! ill bein'l Waynesville, Ohio oll ll ed to soverll l ohlLn g es In the T d F 'd f S'30 hunting law made by the I("lt. le~il!. uesdays an rt ays, rom • ::: turo, th ltt lire DOW In effeot. "l'he to 12 o'clock material oll~Dge madill is the aboll- Office, corner Main and High streets tic-n of the I!pring season for prao P hone No. 100 ::: tically u 11 birdR And water fowl.





Issue of the Treasury

-:. $:::::: :. $::: ;:-;..:$:::,;. ;: :::

W.y .... " ... 0

$II: 'd":::::::i;:~ME LAWS $:..:::;:. $:::1: :

We Offer, Subject to Prior Sale, the Unsold Balance of

:: $:i:i.: :::





couf:lh for

MAK E YOU R M0NEY WO.RK $'.' ~{~~~~};~~i;~~f,~~~:~~ D~st~;~h~:P~:iC~ilI

;: #~ : . i.' i !



O" i . M.oc• •,' S, gin. w. A' •. W . . , " ••



" My husband hRd




I .



-+----------; I,0 :- -- The News ----Neighbolrhood _____ --____. .

E ' ~- ---


- ---- ,-, -

Esk imo s P uzzte Scien ce. Tell ing o t Evil. No sa.tistactory tiolullou or lhe queeNever tell evil ur a mao It you do Uon af th e origin of lhe 1J: ~kl mo has not k now It ror a certainty; then ask ever boen glve ll . Wh eth eT they came yourself: "Why 8hould [ tell IU"Pll h l ishl~1 We" hl)" aL Lh 11111<' 11 0 Ullh", · '11 ,It" \. RutCH of S ubscrir l i .. ·· from ABIa. or t ra m l\;o rtb Am rica, Lava.ler . .A l hm ,Uu HtJ iu ,.; . M nlll ~t ., \\' ar UUK \ .IIt', tn llo , I I I I IL' \'eur IN. lril fl r III at! \(1111 '(' L::~: I Ha rveysburg. ' New Burlington whether th ey nro r"l111 ,'" tn tl .... 1\I0re I :-.i Il K!U COll Y \ South ern AlUerlcali lu ui an s o r la the I Fair Offer. T hl' )"IIU I1 I:( ptl' plo IU I· hi ~ 00111JlI" I' Il ~ H "H V ll!i 'Illtl ftlfnilv, MrH. Tartara ot lb o grollt Aalan contlneot Wo llre wil ii ng lbat women Iha\l Hales of A d \"c rf :.. il'1~ G,' IIlmlit y nr H l1o joy ing t h e w in ter. H.f, clJ,' 1 l\1l1l"r /l1l · 1 ~ n n h llv e JO ov,,, 1 Is still open to de ba te. \'11. \'0 tbe las t word If they will let UI H(.'lulll1g L IIl"UIS. l 'tJ l' 1i110. 'I ll p\' ~"\'A two dllrt Cf1!< IUHt w eA k ou fr " 1lI X,lUi " t t'l 1.1"·l r prn port y uere. c.:l us.... i ll ( ~d .•:\d g. luJl 111 Y \( 't"C(! Jh . " ~ re la ln tb e las t ceut.- Haverhlll Os.I." hrL't' 1I1:. ~ r lll ' ll r. . . . . .;;: Fnd llY n ig ht u t Tow n Bn ll IlD rl on WOl . Cllt1n,)\\,(.t h anll fll m ily ~}Jllll t D• L. Cran e, C:L1 i lor and M2n!lger. 11I.61,II1Y .\ (/ \",., " "ill/' . 1"'1" " ... 1, . zetle. His DIdn't Stick. I J(:;t 'Ullfil -..:- , \ u U ~,11 l:Olll •• ~ •.: 1. ""llirtiIl Y u I~ h t Ilt l{uy Ul uuu Br llok~ ~l'Iv e r 1l1 .tIl Y" l,,~t w" e k wit.h frio ll f\t! "Robert," nsked 1110 teach er, "dlel I' d 1l lll'ln g Plh ' llI qll ~olJcl mllsi o WU,M liI.l re IIl,r"rll J"t' Il1 ')V ID~ t o t h (, lr u ew Pe nnsy tva nla Far In Lead. you th row an y of thUH" " uller wada III I1 l to Uilltlwn lIud t h ev IHe l ooking ll 'JUJO i n III IUIIIH Pe n n ~) In,,, lu'H coal prod uction 11 alsti cking on thu blacll board '! "' ··No," fil l" w"rtl wtt h pleus ure to t h o n ox t 'I'lle 1It:!1V ~ o h t) .. 1 liL r ll r y I S n o w r epli ed Robert. "~lIn e dl dn· t atlcll...mos t as gr eat as thal of the other i- - oDe OpOIi . t w ~ r:; ty ·ae \' e l' producin g states. Judge. WHAT ONE MAN SAYS \VE HAVE FAITH IN Ur . •1. L> . :\l noy le ft Mo wl BY to bll H Annlln nntl ti e l" " Hlfl ir w h o TI1IS STOMACH REME[)'" ~() n l' th fftl' \\" 11" ),,. . li t) will he rnb!led h llVO 1,(111 11 cO llfiu ".l to th olr h o m o l)y i ll t liiM v loi l11 t.y A g e o t le l1llln tulRln g t.o ll" lin e i lln e8H111 0 Il1l p r " \· l o ~. _ ~ ~ _.. _ ~ _ _ A WOIIHln o u ~ t o m o r s!liu to UH tll o day Illl!t week mude tho r e Uiark thllt Milvi ng i~ IWJn g iou<llgeu In t hi~ Mi ;!~ ~1 1l 1I(h\ Hllrl un f' ufTllfed II 80- 1:-_____________________________1 Wayn ellville bllll notillog thllt was other dl~y, "Bay, yo n o nght to te ll v iolDil.y h y 1l1 ~ ll y . ver e Il ttu. c k o r noute in uigetl tio n ev e ry on o 1Il tOWll Ibout ROlx a11 DVM In common with other vill 'lgeR of ppps'llI l'ubl ets 1 wOll ld m Yl!e lf if I flnrr y l:Iul)1l'hr e." of OilY t on, W IIS MO lltl ll)" ni ~ iJl "f b s t. wll'!k . I ItS size. " Th ere Itl l.d)Hll lule ly unth- ooulll. " Thut ~et 11M t o th in k in!!. Rllll klllg h lln tl ~ w ilU mll ny of hIS M il\~ E~ t h e r P " wt, 11 l.I u rl .1 r ". I1cl- 1 ing hOlre t o U,tLlUot t hll YOlln g mllU f r lAI1I1H 11I' ro I.ile fu r op/1ft of III S I win ~l.Jid llk " r ~Il \ ." II p'"cul . 1,oWt' r or womBIl til"t hntlln U\ iuatiuutl LO- ~o IlIlIny p enpltl h 'V" u~ Ol d Ib " 10 ulld bllVII Hll e nth llt!i ll st ic~ )) .V Rnn nli "11 w(,tl k. f' ll' Mi ~ ~ Mll illi e Pu wl' ll. ~iIl r u h ward be iug Ol nt ..~ r( lI lIl (,ll. " Hp. fllr I ' . 1 I j tl ~lr . '1 1HI Mrl; . W IIhnm C Illrk , w h o D!lll W U Il tho r\:Je l)JIOIHu r IUllny ll~..t n ! therulUro ~ "I(IIIl"( whut, " the tOIVU t lUlr [1r ll l ~"s ",t 1 .t.1l lIS 111 1( lOll' tr l"i l)lltl, tllll t w, ' h ll.1 nIl it\ .1\ y o u u.1\ fu r HIJWn tl l'H) li uvo hOll l) liv ing n ell r gif[I:L I n eedpII Wil li tllI Ul lI tllln g t tl Intllroll t kn e w .. buut th e lJl. B n t, i u t h El li e f C' , lJl aveu IH~' H /) mgouia . Oa r MiMI! :'Iio ll io\ 1'0 ,,"011 flod Elm ol I t.he y oungflr Re l Ihllt .. ra g r o win g chanoe tli li t (;II III H 01 yo u Nh o I' o!]'e r In!-ltl i" t lw ir g!l ln Bl\r n o~ W,HII ll lllt el iln m a rria ge by up. Ilnd al.1O the ol de r one~, ~ ~ we ll. fr o m iJl(ltt.:e~ ti rlD. hllllrthurn , d ys ~I r . Ullt! Mr ~ . r'~ llnk t:>hldnk e r !'1.lll 1{.!:Iv. lI er il, ITt Kl li inde r lit hi ll r o~ 1 What the town n eod .. , " he I'lIld, " i8 PflP,;i" . o r ,."III U r ;,tu rllll oh ourn · r e lullin ' [lli t.e pllt) rl y . T h Air lUan y dtl ll OO, M'H " 1a :'t h tit e ig ht o·cl oo k . 11 township hllll , U p\1bl\o pIHk uod plll lnt.. d 'lO't kno w .. bout thullI- we fr in ll ,1,; 1I ,. pl' f'H' the m tL I:Ipeody re- T hey b"gu ll h on- ,· I; ee!,in g a t on ce io pluy groond, IL " .o od b,, ~e bnll teum t>re writiog thl ~ . co ve r y . th li tlmBn!' IIIIU!:ltl o n t.h e futrn of and u good brusM hllotl . " ThflY contllin Bi s mutb Ilod P" ps in. Born- t.n Mr . no(\ Mr R. Clmrl es 1<:11 wi n T . 1I1uKllV We oxt ond oon The man IS ri!(hl·. There is n o tb - two of th e grctl test 11I ~e~ti ve uitl s g r tl tal lltllll1 >1ll lld hAs t w I8h e~. log tbut is 80 badly Deeded I1S !l pluoe known to m ed 0111 soi e n ce. Th e y G o rd on a ~lIn . Mr:; . , ' llel!l un ' II. W C. T . U. M i~" Mit c h!' ll . on e of t h e toflo h ors where the youog IlS weilBI! the old !loo th IlO d oomfort th e stoUltlcb. o&n go Bnd be ollt.ertl>lo ed. n ut ou Iy promoto t II f] secr e t.ioo of g ut! tric in "Ul" l::lij.; b och ool wh o~(' h om e Is w .. r He r "pu nt 8. plUt of l u ~ t w ebk l in a publio ht>ll but 10 u pubJlc Durk juioD, h e lp to qoic kl.v ul geli t th o ill LElelull d , visit.(.d be r ~)Ilr e nt !j Da t- h OI'o. Hn t b Almo, th e litt l.. dllugbtt'lr of as well. toa d und oo nv ert it io to ri oh, r ed urthy re t ur l1 ID I.' h e re · unday . There I@ no do ubt bu t, thtLt WilY· bluod, Bnd Impro ve tho a c tiun uf tbe D u d tIl,( t lJ e luont b of l\I ay th e I! r . UU11 T\l I" A . {t"ym on d Burley. fell nt-svllle will htlve a. gOIHI btll! t eam bO~ fl l s W e beliov B tb e m t.o be· the CO Ullty COOd fl .V ~C l j(h) 1 Co ov81lti l) n .. n' o r II loun ge lu ~ t. w l'ok lind injurod this Bommer, 'LOd ene pro peol.S Ilre btlt4t I"om fldy millie f or indiges tion wi ll co o l'o ll e hor f'l lllltl t,lle h ()~ p i tuhl e h e r h ell11 10 ~ lI c h Il \VIlY 11 1\ to onUhe bright for a good br6ss band . How IlDdd ys pe pshL . W ece rtlliulywouidn't h Olll os ItI thi :; v i ( ~ itli t y will be Ollll fld h or' eylls t o lH,t 0111 0 c r tl~!4el1 . ,. mooh botte r would it, be for tbe town offe r th " 1ll to you e ntir e ly ut onl np m r ep r o n u wh ich 1hey w i II to hllvo weekly llUnn ooo cllrt.~, lind ris k unl es ~ Wll ffllt I!ur!! t bey woul(1 I:{ lnrl ly do t o UJtl.k e It on e af tb e m os t. To the Ho usewife have a olce graR~V pllt oe with ple ot.y do ynu fI lot or g o ·d. [f R exflll DYI'- e n jl),Vllbl e or.ol\ Rion s of t llo y ear at 88alS ILDd benohes ~r o uod, where p"Il!;ltI Tablets {) n ot r e lieve your W e hllVEl !Ulln y i ll t·his vioinit.y th ll t. Mn da ID . if yo ur hUll lJund i ~ lik e the people could 8it aud e nj oy the IDdl g ~ s tion. ohec k the h ettrtbllrn . are lea d e r!l io 111l1 k ill g" th e @traoger w n~t m on tI (1 cx po Is yo u If) look aft. ur t h e h llil ith of y nnr"lllf and oonoer.ta, und wh e re l,he ohllt.reu !lod wa ' e it lloBtlible fo r y ou t o out feel fit. h OIJlO. oould ptay wltllou ' u ~ iog 80 cl osely What, you lik e wb e never YO ll like, Proaobin g III M. E oh urc h !:i undll.Y. obll d r eD. Ooug h s Illld co lds t.h e • • • m OHt OOlllll lO n o f I.h e min o r u.ilme nt1!l wlltobed Ub they h!lve beon io the OUIllO ba c k on d get yonr m one y . reL T odhunter and Mlsf' M'lrgll aotl ure m us t li koly t·o leBd t Otlfj riOIlB paSS, for feur the y would get out Hold o ul v at t.b e m or e Ihl\l1 .7,60(1 Prof . Vo' (1s t w e r e gue~ t" of Mr uo d di Hollses. A child IS IlIlIeh morA • in the IItreet lIud a horse tF8mp Rexl\ll tih'ro~ . tLDd in thi s to wn ooly Mr ~. ~lilt o ll Howe ove r Dund llY . lik e ly t.o c oo tr uot dipbt.h e ria or them down . lit our Ht.u ro. Thre e sizes, 250, fiOc, • ~C II \l' lflt fe v!l r whlln It hil I! 'L oold. All four of the8e pi "cell ment·ioutlll aud II.OO.-J. E. J, ~ney, Wllynesale a neoellility , Ilnd for Ilo l1ttl e ville, Uhlo. Spring Blood and System Cleanser If .ro o iuC]uire in to 111e In erits of th e • • money oooid be furnished tu tbe _ __ _ _ "'__- - va ri olls r em edi ei'l t,h a t are r e co m Duri ng Ih e \vln t.e r m on th!! illl- ulI'udnd f o r coug hs and ooM!>, :VOU oitlzenll ot the town. Aa an e xperiment, tbe supervi80r The8e four tbings lire needed and of I he Bell verllelt{] natl uno I forellt Is purilitJ8 uco nmul .. t e. y our .. bluocl will find tha t Chl1mbe rlt>in '!\ Co ugh b"dly needed, Ilolld for II little time ~tripplol-t the buk fr om the bases bl'o .' m es imoure aud thlok, :your RflIi1elly st·undl! h igh ill t.h e ~8 tim'" and money oould be fUI'nished by .of Il nUDllJer of lou g"ponc pio e troes kidn eys, liv er lin d bo wels filii t o tl OD of pe oplll wb o ll se it. It i", so clllled "t:prio!1 PT uUl pt und eff flel ual, pi mlSllOt· und ~he town. l.'he t o wos blp house, of lit vurious periodR before they ore wn rk, C 1111 !Ii ng oonrse, will OJst 80m t! mooey . but to be cut fOT telephone po le~ . Thl ~ ~'e "e r . " Y OD fee l tired, w eak an,1 I! ILfe t o t.llke, wh icb IHe qUlll iti es €IS we need IS 811 well itS llthftr things girdling chuses th e tree" to exud e la)lY. El eotric Bitters-t.h e spril) g p elliAlly to be d erli re d wh un B m od Don't let'l! "worry" , bout. it bot, r esin, I1ncl it il! dellirfld 1.0 fio 1 etIeot. t·o nic lind t!YR t·e m ol ea n~ e r - i s w iJat ic lo e it intended for c h lluren . For let's get busy aDd go lIft-er I·bem, this way have I\S Il llerservatlve y o n n ello ; th oy f1 tllUulate the kid- s lli e by II 11 dealer~. o ey ~, I1 Vtll" flDd bn wilis t o h eal t hy treatment for the p()les. !lOli on, expel blood im ,mrltios und DR. MOOREHEAD Spring Valley Many of tbe forb 8t fires attributed restllr!l yo ur u e nlth, !ltTength and ( D olnyoo) ambition E leo l·rio Bltte r ~. mllkes Thlt Dayton News of lallt week t·o nil r (lflds are caosed o o t by sparkR has a beautiful sribute In memory from 10 omotive8, bo t by olgaI' Bnd y ou feel lik e n ew. :-itart a four, Frank Peterson returned of Dr. Moorllhead who Wl\t\ burier! oiguel.te butts thro oRn from smok- wee ki! ' tren tme nt-it will put you Frid ay A fter se v eral days vIs it with in fiD e R hl~pe ro r your spring work. at Xenia lllst Wednesday afternoJlI tng oar windows . Gu!tTu,nteed . All Drug p(i!lts . 500 nnd Leslter Pet.flr90n alld family, of near, It says In part : $ 1 00, ll . E. Buokle n & Co. Phil WayneSVille. Be wall une of ~be emiof'lnt tbeoloMra. W. W . Whitaker continues IId elphill or ::-It. Louis . .ans of Amerioll, and t·hrough hili very p')orly . learning h~d gained an Internn.Slonal ...... - - R e vi v .. 1 services OODlme nce Sun. repnt-ation. ........ w • day night in ohargo of the p\8tor, Caesar's Creek The United Preshyt.erian Churob, AdA will be tORrn.e<1'undcr 'his bead (or • Rev. Brubaker t>t the M. P. church . of whioh he WI\S the most cllstlo lwenty.llve oeut" lor 'hrce Insertlt)c.: Mr. ami Mrs. 1'au1 Peterson at Mi S Ellll ~1tlud D" vis is on t·b e gulshed represeot-ative, Is oompllra .bell u81ng uot more lil an Uve lines. tendled ~bo wedding Wednesduy of !lick lis t t his wOHk. tively Bmall, but lie woulQ have been of oommanding iDfin ~ noe in .................. ~ ........ w. Mrs . IVl\ltll~ Wil son find dau~h~e r MI Il~l t-;1I11l Baydock. of New Bur· • any Other denomination. Be wall a WANTED Ulive we r e Xeo iB s hoppers tiatur- IIngton, to Mr. Shid,.ke r. mao of profound 8obo!f\lshlp, of Mrs. (Jlll.ytoo Moilers nnd little dllY. • pheDOmenally keen 10teJleot. I Mrs . R osll Ruddn(k had 118 her ouu{~hter 0 'rothy, have been very It his career he compared with oouple to live on pl tl ce, atteod siok bot Ilre improving. tha ~ of most otber grsllt sohol us ... took for the rent, do truoldn~ g UAMt FridllY Mrs George Pbillips Mr. Joseph Starbuok is not so woll lIf N e w Burlin g lon. Dr, M~rehe " d appears III a lIel'- and milk two oows on sharos; nl~o Rnlpll Le fl min l{S m oved ioto aguin. made m~n, He Wltl! II. graduate of. a otber Hgreeable coodltl ons t o th ~ Arth ur \Vean Bod G e rtrude Ba ~~e~ Ulen obscure Ohio oollege His right party. Address "F,~ro:l" t.hi~ ChaM . BLu'n er's prop erty Frldwv. Mrs. A,IHe S tu.nley nttended a wero murried Tburtl(\ •.lY m orning in theologlOBl training WIlB not dl !ferent offioe. m 25 pnroel sho we r I't Tb omaililiayd ock's Xenia b: Itov. Furguso n. from that of thonsnnds )f medlOore EVBngelis t n ObSOD , of P" sltde l1l1, 8mall house of 4 or 5 rooms, or New Burllo g ton, T1l8Si: IlY afternooo mell, rooms with a privttto faml1y . gl ven in hon " r of Mionie Powell Clll., who has been h olding se rvioes Dr, Moorehead Wt1.8 p081e8sed of a who beoltme th e bride of Elmer in Xenhl will hn,vp. ' sl,rv!oetl herA vast store of kO(Jwledge, bot it. Address F. Faris, (JorwlD. U910. Friday and 8nt-urdav eveoings, ml 8 Bllrnes. Muoh uth. Itlmnlated, instead of handloapping, original t·btuking. He was ~ preaoh. Mr UReal' Cl lrk call ed on Banj. Mllroh {\t,h 8.nd 7th. er of remarkable power; he fuolsobl!cribtlrs to the MoCall'l! BfI wklns at Grussy Ron over Sf! t·Mt·s . Hudie Alexander vil!ites Dawd all who heard hl 'II, A MfI~flzlDe , Senel 350 to the orday und SunnILY. Thulrsd ,y with her riuujo(hter , Mrs lpeakqr with II. Btyle of ort>tory all (Jtlzett~ offioe l Bn(l get ono of the Mrl:!. W. E, Bogt>o Bnd daughter ,John Peterson. bis own, a man of somll eooent.rioity best magllzlnes on earth. tf Samuel Waltou died Ra turd£iyaf Melllll spent ~l1torday Ilod Sonday of 8peech. yet he Wll8 hellrd only with her sister, Mrs. Cha8 . Wllrwlok tern oon of tuberoulosis. Be hilS with keen pleasure. BI8 manner ANYONE thioklng of ordering of Lebanoo. been ~n poor he!&lth {~r !'OIne time. llms were oharnoterlzed only by Froit. frees \VIII do well to see, MI'. ClIleb Huffmall I~ very sIc k: . Zimri Haines had 118 t.helr goet4t grape aDeI oharm. Be ft'jected the oorrtlt!pond w~th or hllve him oull MI'8. Aroh Copeey ntert"llined the flattering offers .of ~reat. · ohurches anrl 8ee you for l1 rtlt olass good!!, Sanday Mist! (Jura McPhereon of Leesburg, Ohio, • Cnsy DO)len Thursd V nf te l"Dooo • • he ~hrruot ambition ~8ide, ann deom~ 1. N . Miller, Barveysburg, Ohio Homoe Compton aud wife Ilt. Mr. aud Mrs. Ray gl e aod two ad saorlfioe- to , devote half hit! m 11 • • tonded TurtlO C reek meeting 8uo- ohildreo vlsittld Sund y with Joho Working UfA to the training of meo dlIY . Pete' r llon and family. for tbe mlnlltry . FOR SALE • • • Mri:l. Ella E:i(line~ u.nd 101:rs. RoslL it 18 given So few meu to hllve 80 MillS Marie Kyne ha Accepted the Rudduok o:4II (1d on Martha Jones positioD li S night opeirntor ut tho many outstanding elementll of pow • • (Jitl)len Excht>nge. · er and yet never to l08e Ilught of OPEN ~pring Wagon, newly 'l'hursdny afl,llrnoon . . th~ 8weetnell8 of dl8position ,.hat painted, In good conr1it.ion. K Born- To Mr . nod Mrs. Henry Mr. Chuence E,.gle i oonfined to made people onivenally to love R. Bentley, at WhUe'" Store. Satterthwaite, a dnughter, M.uoh 8. bis home witb mumps. blm. 'l'be ODe thing he laokt'd wall m 25 - - -_ Warntlr Morris lind wife, of New bodily 8trength, As .. boy lind Burlingtoo, called on Chal!. Bllrner Recommends Chamberl lin's Cough ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B [..0'8 Whitc Enameled Bed YOUDg man phyel31ans blldtl him ,Remedy and Folding Go- )~rt . Ioqnire and famIly Sunday afternoon . prepare for early death . He lived "1 ta~e ploasure in re :>'mm 8nding lODg. an~ to great ourpos<l Be left of 1rI.r", L M . Henderson, Waynes m 25 Chflmbtlrlain's Cougb e medy tu a legaoy of learning and of love . ville, Uhlo. For the Stomach and Liver my custom ~ rs beoause have 00 0 MOl' 1>reoi.)o& of all ib tbe lIlemory Funeral Director. I. N , St.ulIrt-, West W<lbster, N, Y. fidenoe III It . 1 find th Lt they are OUSE of 7 rOJms, 2 hillis, Rood THE OR ....TE.T ~be world holdl! dellr. 'fbe best of oistern, city wllter, lar'~e lot, writ-eH: " 1 lIbve osed Chamber- oleased with it and oull for it when b1m llvee on. lain'lI 1'Ilblets f or disorders of thtl alBo large vaollnt lot adjoining aglli nl in need of soch Ii medicllle," Telephone day or nlgbt. above, oontrallo(lation Main street. stomaoh !lnd liver off and on for the IN THE WORLD ontev!lllo, .Apple wood 18 the fH vorlte ma- Inqolre of M . C. Liddy, WBynes pa~t five vellrs, aud it affords me writfls J. W 8exl:IOn, Yfllley phone No.7. Long .toBlJSl(ED WEEXLY. $U)O I'EJt YUI \erial f\)r ordinary saw hllndJe8. and , illt', Ohio, or J . T. Liddy, 110 pleusurl! to sta te thnt 1 b"ve foond Mo . ~or sale bv ull de l erH . Di8tance No. 69-21', 80me goes ~nto Bo-oalled brier pipeI', (Jlenooe Ave .. OuytoD, Ohio, ROTIELe. DRuocii8Ts. 8PEOI ... LI."" I.h e m to be just a!l represented. U ---'-Automobile ServIce at all Times OO.TU M I: Ita, TR ... N .F ••• OA. Tbey are mild 10 thoir aotion !lod " .. D .ua aERVIC. O"N PROF''':" BE Frank Clark furm. Tbis the result!! hll ve been 8~tisfaohory J . - -U81NO 1T8 ADVEltT181NO oo&.u ..... , fltrm oan be bought at the right I valoe tbem highly." For Bale by The money\ spent by WAYNESYILLE, OHIO • SAMPLE COPY FREE figurel'. For Information. write to all dealers. on his pO!ltoffioe tnclud I ~1'111_ . . . . YORK CLIPP ... (1. G. Williamson, Xenia, O. mIl Branc:h Offic:e. HarvenbUllr. O. est item, the rlll\rollrl.:r'Rnt.""r --- -J N.w YorftI . . . Y. of. mull, $47,393,206. AIR of power Borse Chl)perS, Rich French Pone•• lon. CompeDBatlo'J to Inqalre of John Be~oh. R. R.2, French Guinea 18 regarded . as one mils tare and poatoffioo ot tho richest at the French West $45,7IJu,826.34, Rural 'fAlIv,~ .. v Jail, Oliver Gang Plow, good all African colonies. Konakry, the capl. new, chMp. Inquire of Eflleat tal, 18 the port through which almost a little more 'han .tarteo.le, R. D. 1, Waynesville, tJae whole of the export IUld lmport delivl3ry sOllDe,th:in COi:DPE!DB,~'h)~j Ohio. . f 11 ! passes, nnd Improvements are 000.000; ters, $29, ; ~lug ~ade to facilitate the constantl7 olerkt~, $13,UOO,UOO; A good work and brood mare with lDersaalog trade. . ®O.OOO, and ao on foal by 'he '(ooruP8llY'! horae. . long Ui't of . 1 In.ynellvllle dille corn opltl,ator. nearly new. ' ~_--_ ., ""'






2. / I


Hutchison & Gibney X~nia,


Have had a wonderful Midwinter Sale the past weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains.


. .





------.- --



OlassiBed Ads

--- .-



Crex 8xlO $7.00 • • Matting Rugs . • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry. $10.50 up Axminster $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet . • • $16.75 up . Bath Room Rugs • • 65e up Mattings, our own imported Chinese and Japanese • . 121c up



Lace Curtains, good bargains 50c up Linoleum and Oil Cloth, all widths and sizes.




- -- _e_ ...

. $3.45up Skirts 59cup Waists • • 50 and 7geup Gowns Dressing Sacks 39cup Suits and ·Coats, $25 $13.50 •

Walter McClure



.. _...----





50cup $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 $1.00 up

Blankets Factory Wool ·Factory Wool Comforts





... ..

P 1

J. E. Frazier


. 1



' '0







KNOWI.EDGE OF FOOD COMPONENTS NOTFOR HUMAN EYE ~aC~Cal FashionsJ of NECESSARY IN MAK~NG UP RATION As To Variat ions That Wil l Serve Specif ic Ends In Stock Feed ing. Fr om Produc tion of

Strength and Beauty Come With Dr. Pierce's


Insight Into the Mysteries God's Pl ans Co ncealed From His Children.

Colden Medical Discovery Tb le ilia blood ol".ooer and . I terat lyo that utarts tho liT'" .nd atomacb loto viJroroua action. ' It thUB ..... i. La tho bOOy to mlUlu r""ture r ich red blood • whlcb f ....da the beart-oervea- b!1li n DOd O'l:"Wa ot tho b ody. The orpna work amoothly l iko mlLcblnery ruonlnlr In 'olL You ciMn, etrong and l!Tellnoa. ln at@ad of tired, weak a nd faint. NOWadays you Clln obtain Dr. PI"",,,'. Golden Medi c,,1 Discovery Tablet.. ......eU a. the liquid form from ul ! medicine doaI6r8, or trial box of tabl ot. by mail, on toceipt of 600. Addreu R. V. Pierce. M,D., DufIalo,N.Y.

S u gg es t i o lH

Energy and Heat To Deve loping Fat

T l ll ' rt.' urL\ l Uclll) ~Jalll ~ I tt lil ' d lJ.;h l ,lll l! l ' II ! rl "III "- \\ IIII' ll 11' 01(1 ( "I a li I! 1:-, 11\ , lJ lIl IH.JU l' i ' 1 1t;tp~ \\ 111 \.. 1. 1:'i lIlu l" " fre · 'JI" "ll) tflll',II 'd LII ,," I h,,1. wt t l;. , III

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of 1I14 ' al fro tH a W( ' II '!(l tl li t' Will'. til l ' HUrr l) "', ot' (\ 4'I,l t io - IiOW LO .-\ hd); t irill " r,'d (" ,I'll eXl'tll ~1\' 1 '1l' l l ors n ot ~,' I '~ r: nll~ h lI i I TO/!,' n 'JlIS r"cl) "" i it, t l'" llllnJ l a< · t ~ o ( " 1' 11 w it h lilt! l 'OIH' Pl'l lu n of uo all w I 5e,~ 11 j us t <lll it e /I ~ UlllC'h as fl .Iil'i< ,, ( wllort o r food 10 a<lll th .. prGjl"r llie 9 d :lIId a ll (Jo w Hrrul {l od tll irl I" a qIlCS ' ""un k of I'oal th a i i ~ ,lIlokd t o I h e h' u n flU at \Y h" I1I, O:lIS nll li rorn cO ll t ai n p l'ot ~ln liO)l wlJ il' h '\0' 0 COll 1l0l ':i f' " n l lO aU :lwer , stOl'l' o r fll rnnce to Inilk ., Ilea t 15 R I n II hp:l1 I I Is ra i led An d, fnlll ll l/: to il n S,," I' r, W I! j ll lll jJ at c a rh oh ydrn tl' , Thr h e~ 1' lI1al<ing proc l's :; in t l, ... ~rai n , UnCll to ti ll! ~ w e"' IJ l n g co nc lu s ion I h a t . ~ {)es on In !IIuch th(' ~all1" way; can ' g tu l4!ll . nlld ran hI' ~f'p" r :tI(' u hy chp\\, tlll'S t, thi nA" 1 )('ln~ I r u p, th e r n I .. 110 t;PlIUrnlly tho wo rldng an llllal must b A tn ~ Ih ., II hId, · ~rai l hl il nd re t/li ll ing t b God , " I cann ol un uprs t n od t u e unl givell IJI (' nty or ' 0001 (' nnl.lllling st arcb glul~ 1I In the mout h. Th e fl int y pa rt o f tlt(' for n an d ali t ke rn pi contai n s verso," is lhe III'" ot a r gum ent, " and and fa t. pro l l' ln bllt Ci\.n 1I0 l be s('J)a r a " d f or t h er e f orc I C311110t belit·\,c III 00,1 " Infidelity Not Logic al. examinalll) n : h ow"I'"r, when Ih e grn ln N ow . ~hllt we s ho ul d rind it t1itl1 cu1. I s fcd t o Hlltrna l s tha I pllr lil' u l ar l iar! o f th o k ~ r n<'l Is .'(' llI·o du ced In loa n to uodp. rstau d th e Ilo rid or n u turll Illld n1l'nt , ra s('1 1I of milk alld al b ,: m e n of o r mnll i s not a th in g (,0 be wo uu er ud egll8. T h l' pro t ein o f elm'e r, g r nssp s Ill. TI :e rurth I' \\,p Velwlr lll<3 i n lu th l! and ol h l'r ree d K I R c OIl\' erted In t o l oo n g r eBt worl d o f b elnl: t b e dellp er lie' meat I n ho ~s and catl l e and Into l elln co mes th e m ys t er y in wh ic h w, fl u d m ('n t and woo l In shee p, Ev en th o u!!:'h ourMelves Inl'ol ved . But th a t w e s ho u l d t h e prot ei ll s ca n n ot h(' w ell sepn r a ted I m llll' din t c l y n 86u m e , b ecau se o f tllll and exam i ned, wh en I h ey are In o a- lUllb l llty of o ur lilli e mind s t o fathom cve r y d(' pth and s(' aI El e v er y tH'i gh t. tur ~ ' 9 sho p or laborato r y t h py a r e co n· t h at God Is a sh oer Ug m eut or th e v ert ed Into oth er pro t eins us It by Imnglnatlon Is ce rtai ll ly Ii thlllg to be ma gic , wOlld e r ~ d at t:J l il t! ve r y ond of lim ll. Since not aIJ fonda are rompl e t.ely F or wh ell lo UB fllilu re to under !< talld absorbe d I II th(\ all m ll n tar y tm'C t S 01 (] Vl)r be fo re bre n tuk eu to bo tIOna tid e tb e animal , and si nce In Ihe elahora t· e vid ence that ther e I R nol hln g t o un · Ing pro coss . wat er b as b e<> n Corm ed, It ProteIn feeda are wool produce,.., d erstand ? T h e scb oolbo y l R undo ubt· I s r eas on Abl e to expect th a t nitrogen e dly un abl e to work ou t lh e UIlRwer to These foods Are fOllnd In cer ea l a, rr from p r ot ein, potash. phosilh orous his algebra protJl ern , tJut w ha t right an accumulation of rat Ie d es ired . and som e otb er el em eut s i n t he g rains, has he to throw down h I s IJPn c ll Ilnd .carbohydra.tes must b e f ed grelltly i n l eav es, ro o t s. Alld st ems w i ll b e cnst shout that th e probl em bas no uutl w c r' ,e xcess or what Is n ee d d for beat and Cram t h e body oC the se animals and be I certain l y f atl In miserabl e fashio n tc -energy. Lelln m eat. milk, eg!l;s and r es t or e d to th e soil to m n ln Ln ln In a deciph er th e Inscription on thi s brok e!! wool are materlili s con ta ining nitro· degree th e r ertllity . Th e gro w i ng or tabl e t from the 8 g ypt lau des ert. bUl , g en. The entire CIOSR of album old animals enables the f armer to c onvert t hi s does not pro ve that I h e l ett cn foods c ontain s nitrogen, Man uses the produc ts of the f a ml w i th o ut grei\.t h u v e no m eanlna. both anim al and v egetabl e loods coo· loss at f erti lity. Not Given U s to Understand. A. B , GRAHAM . ' ta inlng albumen. but anim als u sually ror cou n tl es!! agcs m eu saw no tblng ;fle cure the pro t eins from th e gree n or College or Agricultu re, Ohio State but confli ct aod disoruer In th e wor ld c ured grass es and cl o vers ; ' bow e ver , Unl versity. or natural forces, but thl6 d emo nstrat· c d not that th e univer se was chaotic bu t that th e bum an reason was not y et a <:ute ello ug h i n o b servat ion ao d d:lrlng E' no u gh I n Imag ination to b eb old the l a w and o r d r w h i ch has Nearly every tr'u lt grow er realiZeS\ tb e Bcab and the l eaf c urf as we ll as thal som e so r t of a 8prny shou l d b e 1 the sc ale, IIme·s ul fur llIu st b e use d, .I nce b,-en unveiled . Alld SO with th e a ppli ed to his tr ees or b erry can e s I a nel I t will prove more pot ent I f t he r; 1" at ((lIt'lIlIo n of Gu d . It ma)' be true 'Some t Ime during the do rm ll nt per io d , a ppli c a ti on Is d el aye d unlll jl.l st b efo r e thu t i l 'a ll llot see all Y e v i deuce of til · 'There Is still, however, lin uncertainty t h o burl s tJ llgl n to sw el l. When there Vill I' gocdllt' sS a nd ill tbc it among g en eral farnle r s w l tll Is an et xtrem ely rld ,stand It IIwy be t ru e that I cannot I 11 seV E' r e atlitck o f t he \l'o un der I h e pla ce o f Hood and p es·


Thi s apro n I s cut on sucqu e l1nell. p l n l n from sh o ul der t o b c m It IlIny hav e th e necl' b igh . round o r 6Quare, th e full s lf'e l'l's llIay be short en ed as d ebl r l~ d . and th e p oc k et a omlttf'd It prer e rrC' d , Th e c lo sing Is In tb e blick , Gingham . r Rl ico and oth er w as h mn t e· rial s arc use d ro r aprons , but. If worn with out a r\rpss hrlllluntin e Is p erhaps better, as II w\l1 a l ~o w8 sh, Th e a pron pallern ( 6550 ) 10 cut In s tz es sma l l , medium and lar ge. Med l un • • i ze r eq u i r es 4'>i1 yards or 36 l oeb ... terial 'ro pro'-url!

t o "Pau t"rn


.cale I s the most d es truc tll' e. Thi s " pray will pr obabl y h ave som e effect on 11I n nt lice or aph i d s. by desl r oying 150m e of the eg gs 11'11 1<'11 Ilre to be fo ull d on t h e tree a.t !h u t tim e. Th e ~ m ·sulfur do rm anl SPI'll Y Is useful ' n l so In c ontro ll i ng th e :~ppl e an d p eac h j;cab, Iln d Is thoroughly e ffi c i en t . ,goiHs t tu e Il each lea f curl d l Rellse. Th e prln el pal sp ray s n o w I n u sp. t or (lorm ant a ppil culJon ar e I l m e.s ulfur, ker ose n e elllu ls io n allll m iRc lbl e oils, They are n il dpst rn ctil'p. to thl) sca l es. Tree s In good cond l tlon for oorman' b o t o n ly th e OrMI Is c fr ,'c l ll'tj a gain st ( b e d lsellses lIlent iOll l) d, F or t h e win . spray. { er spray, tb e comm er r i al lim e-sulfur i Exppr l mentB a nd e~rerlences ha ve fl h ould be dilut ed wi t h a bout ei g ht I sho \\' II " on l u slvely t!Je 1l0n'R PP )l art~ of wa l er . Th e k c r oHe ll o spr a y c ati o n o r t il e dOI'III:1I1L ~ca~ o ll 8pl':ly 1& shoul d 1111\" rrom I S 10 20 P ' I' c ent of uH4lI lly 11l:p ndan t w i tt>, l\ c1 e(' r p.nsed :( er Olll'II l', HI" I th e I11l s('ih l e oil s, b ei n g , c rop >I nIl IL lC'tlse n erl he~llh and vl/l:or proprl,-;nry pr oliul'15 . w i ll il;lVe d l rec· 1 ill t ht' tree. Sm;tll frvJts w hic h flro Ilrll:S io r tl i l ull n ~ . I >lIIR " ' ptlblt- to th ~ ~ c IlI '!l eUlIc l1 shou ld I f Ih ,' n i l s pra ys ar" II. e,\. Ih e w or l, ~ bo f-O Il ~i'. l erf'lI wlt:1 and tr t'llte d th e mil l' ufo done at nn ), l ime tJ et wee n th e i sa nte as t h e '!rC (, S, of t h e Ip" I' c' s In . th e fa ll a nd ! fl . B. C flUI CI(SH A NK. th .. oP"nlllg o f th e hll u~ til lIw ij v r l n g, (' 0111'/(1' o f l q ; r l cu ltur e, Ohio Statu I n ra S" B wh rre it Is ti t's l n , d t o fi g h t : Un i l'!'l'"il),. . .. . ___.

I i


pall ern ..~ n" 10 cents

Dl'pll rtllle nt" u ( thi s p ape r ~Vr lt & n ame a n(l tl rtc1rt!9~ pla i nl y . 111 1£1 hO Ito "Ivo ,I .. a nd numbe r ,,( DLLl(UC'Q.


55 50.

Falla CIly, N eb. -" My troublo began wh en I 'WIlS about sixt een . My rllce broke out In Httle pimpl es Ilt tlrst. They were rec3 and Bore and tben be· oame like little bolls, I pi c k ed at lilY face continulllly and I t mallu my race red and sora looki ng and then I would wak.e up at o lght and IIcratch I t. It wal a Bource of conttnual Ilunoyance to me. a. my tace vms nlwuys r~d and epl otched and burued all t~ e time. "I tried - - -, - -- and otb ers , but I could fi ud nothing to cure It. I had been troubled Ilbout two yearu before I found Cuttcura Soap ancl Ointment. I sent tor a Ilample of Cuttcura Soap aod Ointment Illld tri ed them Ilnd I then bought some. I woshed m y fs ce"good w l tb the Cu t!· cura :;;OI1P and bot wll.ter at nIght And then applied the Cu tlcura O Int· m ent . In tbe morning I washed It oft w ith the Cutlc ura Soap and hot water. In two days 1 noticed a decided Improvement, wblle In three weeks the cure was complete." (Signed ) Judd Knowl es, Jan . 10, 1913. Cutlcura SQap and Ointment saM throughout the wOT1d. Sample or eacb ' free, with 32-1). Book . Addr oss post· card "Cutloura, Dept. 1., Boston."-Adv,

SIZB ... . __ .. __.......

NAME .. . _. ____ • __ ... ...... - - - • • - •• - .... - .. TOWN . ..- .. . .. .... - .. ..... -- - .. ...... .. - -.-

STATE •• • - • _______ - .. - ... -. - .-- . --- - . -- __


ror eomplalnlnr cb lldrfln ,




I ~II('



It !TI ny he Ih ll l tJw r e nO l hln ;.: ., 1' t t.f! ~ III I, Il il t o n e d oos n ol IIlIut' n"pd to t r u ve l fa r to RI' e bo m e thin g til'l'.' or a t 1" lIs ! n ell' a ppli calion s of t 1r i ll ~s a ! ~ :tlly u tiI' ll (I I' IUl o w l1. On l" mi~ht r Cli li ona b ly " UP llO)Se I h al wh l' n R UI'vOIll h all lI' C)rn il se lf u "0 \\ n t o II mere Sinh th at it hn ll iiI I' ll u u t l l ved iL~ f i N t 'I ' I I. e u n es s . 0 nf!('('ssa rl Y H(I , i hn ll l!;h, a s the w r l l .'1' l ea rn pd on a r ('PlIt vi s it to an Oh i o h ig h schoo l. Tho h a ndl es of Lb e old broo ms h all !'Pen cut. o ff with i n a f ell' I lI elH:s of t he " Ir,,\\'. Lh(,l1 t.h e slu bs W f' \, C Illan t t: (\ , II it It 1ll 0S1 of t hl' bu, h" "nd ou t o f I h e


Ol' \\'



,;:1'\1\111 ,1, lI eflr th e siu e wn lk IN lil l np: t o I h r ~ ('lto(llhou se , Fr equ ent USf' w as mll d C! o f I h"tlI hy th e pupil s, and m ucil m url an d dir t 11' 1' 1' thu s kerl o ft' t.he ' fichool ro o m tloor . T h i s ou g h t to worl, 'll'PJl nl'n r Ih e back door lea tl ill~ to t b e ta rm h ou se . II. E , ES\\,I ~ I~ , Coll ege of Ag r.c u l l ll rc , Uh io Sta t e lTni a 'rslty So ! nr as t opo~ rll ph)'. Ro ll. n nd eli· df'IC l'llIl ne tile l11 a l ler, A l a~ k n 'h as [TI'obabl y 100 ,UO O squ are I.l iles o f ar~ .. vII wh l cb th er e ar o pO! ' lb l lltles for farming IlDd grazing. IfTJ:l~ e

F a rmIng I s -m ank i nd' s g re ate st In dustrl', and the 5 0 tl Its great st pb ys i , cal a.&Sljl.

reU.b th!l . 111 aD t;er!l.

:rhC" );1'(,:11 lI:1 n~I' r "1'1111

r: '''"an

1.\ '


rnllk rrom • hc in" s ..

rr o m th e d i ~f'I1 ~l! ~ c ron8 lh al lI1 a y hI' in l pHrte ,:1 t.O I t. Th e on l y ti i se asp ll f sulll •.:l c ntly fre·

, ' ''U1 I'S

'l4l"1I1. (H '(' UITr lll'€, to. tle o f prac ·

t kal

•• • •

IllIpo rl'llll'C, 1Ii\!e h cuttle t l' n nRlIli t t o lI1Dll, lij tu ber . ,' u losIM, Tbe rJan g ~r to adults m ay

froll1 t hi s SOUI't: fl is l 'I'<lh a bly Of s mall Itnpon:ull'(] , blJ~ It Is Ii se. r in uti rllln ge r to iur"" IS, The ' dl !ic:,,'es whic h ar C' ktrown to b e (':! !Ti ed from on e hl''''13n bp i ng I II 0 1hl' 1'5 thro o g h 11;,! medium of m i lk ar c tynh o id r ... Ter, tub er · r. u lns l s, d i phlil crl a a. rj sc arle t f f' \'e r , No 1,f' r Su li w ll,· 1,8 kn o wll 10 1Je> s lIrf"r ill/( f r o nl ou ~ or th t-so d l~ ":ls e s should bo allow ed to h al lCtic In all )' \\' ay m i lk whlcb I s 10 il l' (,Oll slIl" ,' d by other s, It 15 "ll tl os t u f e'lua; I m po rtun ce t hat per so ns w h o are cari ne for o r r'o nlln g In cOlll net with pa1i (' llI S sufferin g from a conta· g i ou s disease should no t bllndle 1IIi Ik . O . C. CUNNINGHAM, Coll ege at Agr'l eu lture, Ohio State Unlver,s lty. -



...................... .



urge y ou til make the uV!'!rlsle to planl : r s <:I'omlng In w ith 0 est . th e d ea rest bo" k to s m ll amoun t 01 c ap l a l. Land on the ftii l1 ro 11I t'\ S ; not b y compelling them h eacb In tl', e mUl:Ic!pallty of A pIa. !\ , .VOIlr ch i :l ny c haple rs each day. I strip f o ur mll p.s III l eng t h . Is va lued 1 t o j'f'n d :-:(J I'e th e (>ff ect or rna kIng at, $1.000 p er acre. whl (;h wi ll Blbl p., but by r eadIng Its : - -- - - - -th p Tn hlli p I Couldn't Beat That. m , and by you r tlll1de r I' p a l;('~ wit b so showing t b e m the An p. llt e rp~is lng young fl o ri st, In or' " a r ent al l o v drous in cidents , from I del' to ~ lIcrease 1~ l s t r ade. displayed beaut y of Its dum and Eve to the tbils sign in his WlIldow : "We g lvO a the lItory o f d C 6 pad!et or flow er see d s with e very ~tory of ~~tl l a l vary, t at pla,n t ." His competltor ncross tbe \10 hool! In bl e. so d enr to stroot promplly sou gh t to meet the B Ib e , aM t hus \ competition 'b y placing . In his window R u:etJlgt:h e l~1 their m inds thEI rollow lng nn'nouncemimt: , "\Ve . storing t h elf J give the earth with every , p.lant. .. - love, Ilnd sink· , -. • ' '. r • • 01IlM 60lld llrlnclplea ', S·alea. LlJrftn:l!d, diVine stonet I 'l nw-' fhi.t; nT••,,-.,n't. ever n ..i....'


I i



mor.. i. ',' I <',


wo rld, lll U. kt l

~ II


tbe lauadru..

Acl v.

E ven th o h igh cos t o f II vlull doeBo't so el11 to hav e auy effec t on the wacea of " Iu , Dr;I'6 thnt C<l ugh inlm yo ur oy.t ern. D "",,'o Meuth l,lule'! ('augh Dropo ..... ill ourcly help )'ou- 5c al all Orull :::il orea. It I sn't n ecessilr y reI' a mnn to hay. mone y to hurn In order to keep the (l ot b oiling , enf'e

K1 ~'"

prumptly .am .

Oranu)A.U!d Rre liO. and. Ittt . . wltb Rom all K,. 0.1·

be :lltd


Thcy Do, Every Day. "Your sin s 11'111 find you ouL" "They have notblng on my du n •. ~


IF YOU'RE GROUCHY It Ie ltkely tbllt yo ur liver n eeds ettl'r ing up. Wrlght' s Indian VegetablPills w ill set you right Quickly. Ad....

A. plea,,&.ut

r~m e tl1

''''_ 1'8.

for worm.. Used b , )lotb ~ rI for 24 AI all Drnll'trlol •• 15c . Snmple IfREIt. Add ..... 4.. 8. Olmal.d. Le Roy. N . Y . Ad •• '


~II \'I'



wtll "e, lmaaetUaLO reHt"t trum Mothe r Ora7'. lweet Powder. for Ch t hlrcl). The1 clean e e tbe



n ell Cro," n ail Ul ue. • 11 blue , Vl. l u tl

.t.omac b , aa' on the UYer. and e nf!ed

I " " nee and sudden d eath In a wor ld l: l'lIat ed and rul ed by a bp.n eOce n l I)(' i ty . I t may be t rlle that 1 (:all wlirk o ul no all s w er to Ih ls t angled prob l c m o f e ~ is l e nce , Llut wh o am I, pray' l ba t I sh ou l d exp ect to do t hi s thin g? And \V h y sho ul d m y f ailure be t j\k t1 u as i u an y se n s... proof po sitive thllt it Is not to be dll lle at all ? Wh er e Is th o lo g i c of su ch 11 conci 'Jsinu f r om such a pr mi sc'! 16 I t not moro logical to a r gu e that m y f a ilure to lInd ... r~tand i s pernn DE! n r efl ec ti o n upon m y po we r s of u n de r stanr\in g, m t h er thun a r ufi ne, t.lon Ull lJn th e 1I1 1l I e l·~ta lldnbl e 1'11urac · l er or th e l lrobl c m itsel f? I s It o a t a t l east. pOFRlblc th at th e :lns "'e ,; I s th E!r" , live n t h ou g h I cannot see I t, and th a t 60m e da y a mig bU u r underslnndill g thall mine 11'\11 m a l!e it pl a in? So nt 101\ 8t I try 10 think , I t i s my fnl th t ha t God liv es and that li l t; rei gn is at once wl eo and good. ev en thou gh I fail to und em lind, " I h el l eve ; h dp thou mi lle 1II1bell e f ."-Rov, John The n c w sm all pl " !!!l ar c u see ef· Huy n(>s Hollll e~. f ecUvo l y ou th i s w al ot, Th e y are • - - -- - - -- place d lI Pilr til e Ah ou l d p.TH In front and Uplift 'of Crucifixion. th er e ar e a few gllth er s bet w peo them .1"~Il " dre\\' tIl e w o rld t o h i m tJ y b e, and Ih E' n ec k . 111 th e hacl! th e bl ou se In g li ft.e d IlPO:1 t h e ' r OSM, by giv i ng b a~ a ~c e p ~ qua r e sh ou ld pl' yoke and h lmHcl f atJ ~ OI~I: eI Y and Pl1tir p l y . Had ! I s r:::ath er ed b el ow , Th sl ee ves uro \ he UPlll'ld " rl l Imrn ed hlt(· r e8 ultH. ~Ilrl l plain and l oo se wllh un ornamenta l . hI' UPl'o t {',; hi life 10 IlUlc hing th e 1m' cult and th e round n e"k ha s a sim p l e bUI prolly I:ollar In lurnuvp r sty l e, m Edlat(' Ills 'Ith whi ch h e waM SUI" T Ill! wai st patlel'll ( G52 ii ) l~ cut I n I·o ll lr d. II n ' l t a whit jpss than are w e ; ' I n t hiH d a y . ~I s lifp would hav e tJ een I ~ Iz('s :;4 t o 12 Inch es, bu st m easur e, i ll fui lu rll a'nd bi R mi S3 10n a w r <'c k , Y et M edium aiz e requ i r es 3'1.. yards or :16 nf'l'l'r h nR there bc~ p. 1I on c 1U0 r e sell si' Inch IlIl1l p r l n1. l T~'. pm"uro thl. I'M''' ", se nd 10 cent5 tl \'e to Immedlntc Y1{!ed, nol' on e wh e o Pattt.. rn DeprLTtrn o nt, " or thi s pllp~ r, mO I'e ,ch €prful of what he llI1<1 , ! t'Vrl t e nn.m c and ud dn~ fj~ Pl l\ l nl.y and bl) :nl t wi t h I~rge r vi sion h e's ought ita Duro to " Iva ~.!Izo an(l number oC' putteru. I' n'ali:~ atlo n In t h e sa l vation of the w'Jr I,l. H i s chmch must fo llow in bl!1 SlZE __ _.. __.. __ . - ___ _ NO. 6525 , : f oo st " p s, amd g iv e Its elf, be cru cified I r IWl'oI bc .l th p lI a nd th en on l y w tll It NAME .. __ • __ •• , . __• "_ ' " .----... ... .. .. -.fep i Ill n s"'e ep o f th e current of t h e . , '... . TOWN .. _... _. .. . ... _.. ... . _. _ .. _..... .. ... pUr pOHI' o f ' God, and be carri ed on tc In tll nt tlnal I STREET AND NO, ... .. - . - __• .. - •. - __ _.. __ v ctory h p. lp ed to win , Ar e w e S'f AT g .. __•• -. -.- . .. - . ... -••• -••• - ..... - .-.OR 111tO lin e with th e er of gro\vth , whi ch Is calion o f th e nalu ral or , Tenure of Land In Samoa. ourseh 'Els a s .J esus dhl , By la \V u null Yf~ Samo/ln is not al· to Ilw ~P ",·o, .. " to which we a r e ca ll ed ~ ; lowed t o sell hl~ lund , and th e f r ec - I L (ladl"r, holdl! he ld b y wblteR ure seldom [or sal'9. The Ge rm an governm ent Is - -'---


- - - -- - So m e fc llows o,re so clumsy that l h py can ' t eveD tUlk wit h out walfto, u. br e~dl ,

Neighborly 8ltterneaa. Mrs , Murphy- Take In Ulat faoe and put out your pup's. Mrs, Msloney- l did thlll mornln&, nnd e verybody passing by lall'! : "Goo d morning, Mra. Murphy." - Sy d· .ao,. Scbool Cblldren 8Ickl,.. Obtldren who aro d c llc n. le. rOl"crlah and ero.. ney Bul1elln.


f~lI lng


prol' ide our own ell core ,

Two Kind. of a Thing. "Oosb, but tbat tellow I s densB!" "An d a child can see through him!" - Bal tim ore AmerIcan .

STREET AND NO .. ...... _. _. .. ____ ... . .

w l ~rlul1l

h om e orch a r us Ilnd witb townspeople I Bea e. wo apil cations may be m ade, one In th e rail and on e In the spri ng. w h 0 h Ilve a rew b IIc kyurd trees , A . a t e law now comp el s overy o wn er fit frult l r e e to appl y thi s dormant or \I' inter spra y . FruIL tr es ar e spra y ed through . thelr r es tin g period chi efly ror the '.cale InsectB, of wh ich th e San Jose

tht ~





,,'., ca tl r t' ncill y b~ lI e TB tbat mall, D angerous Pastime . Wilk i ns- D i d Jon es break nnythlng DOODle nrc sad d sl II h on they aln , . I wben he threw 11 kiss to the tllll blond' Putnllm F adc l e sl Dy es ,uaraot" Hllklnl- No ; but sh o c r ocked a satisfa ction . Adv . emil e. ----It we 81n g our own vrill •• mUlt




ComlUoft 5.0" Medical Ad.lac r wlU b. '.Dt FR£E. CJoUa Bo....d for lI1 O .. _ _ t Stam,pa,

No F. lr E x change. "She hlle Bu ch a rIch husbaud ," "AD d he su ch a poor Wi'd ," - Aa!t\· more AmerIcan , Red Cross Ball BlII 8 wil l wa. h doubl .. .. man, ()lo~~1 u any other , Duu 't pUl your money 101.0 aOJ otber. PllY.

The oelt-mllde man cred its blm ¥ lI with the boots that hll\'(j b ec n gl') en him by others. Only One "BR.OMO QUININE" To .at ,be .anuloe, c all lor 1011 nama, LA XA , TlVE BROMO OUINn IE. Look t or sl2nalul. " I

It. W. GROVE. Cor .. a Cold


Day. lie.

The only r eason some people want a. fin,er In the pie Is to keep other people tram eatl og It.

Dr: ~;e",e'8 Pleasant Pelleta regulnle and invi gorate atomnc b, liver and bowels, Suga r-<!oatecl, tiny J;l1lnulca, ensy lo tuke liS eandy . Adv.

EnJoymenti "Do you get much eojoyment OU' of the new dll nces',''' th ey asked tha s tout man of m ell ow years . "EnJoyment! " be ecboed . "Watcb me ." Sel7.1n g his vartn er In a grip of Iron. he l!n1bl ed to the r I ght, k I c k ed to tha l e ~t, doutJled his kne el!, kIcked ILl I around , lunged ahead, dipped to the r eu r , kJcI!e d so m e more , took a abort rUII , b eat u r e trea t , nicked a passIng coupl e Ilnd sanle down heavily . "Docs n't tllat 1·1·10011 lik e e ojoy· ment ?" he I!tull1mer e d. Fr enc hwoman'. Col d C"," • . Hllvlng \lee n w l tllOllt a cold tor 21 yellr A, a F'ren cll lad y. wbo holds thla fortunate record. atlrlbutes It to tlllI rollowlng prO CC5 S- E acb morning un· er lllking a wnrll1 bath, sb e Immediately s pon ges h er throat, her fac e, Ilnd th e back o f h er n ec l! and ear s with the very co ld eRt wilter sbo .:an get fo r nbout two minutes, 'n cold weather one may f eel I ncline cl to shirk. sh. says, but the resu l t of steady appll· cation she has round a pl entltu l r .... wa rd .

The Haunted Man. Again that ringin g lu his ears! It Wall the warnIng he bad dreaded. He Give a woman pl enty or rope and knew bis time bad oome. · Yet, al· s be'lI u s e It for u clothosline. tho ugh h e hlld started at the sound. he seemed balf-dazed and wholly carBo l ess of the conaeQuences. n ut still Ule rI nging In his cars! "Dr at I t !" h e flnally aald, and sprInging trom th e b ed the careworn commuter sbut olt the alum clock aod proceeded to drf:lI l1 for the 7 : JO traln .- Puck.

Speaking Of Lunch

The Ha~sh Judge. A judge was r ecently Ilt a privilte dinner de fen ding a harsh sentence. '" believe." ho said. "tbat It 18 bet ter f or law and order that sentences should err on the sid e of harshness rather than on the side or l enity. "Look Ilt nature, tbe great j udge of us all. Wal there ever a harsb er, se· verer judge, than nature, who Ben· tences each and every one or ua to hud Illbor for ute?" And He Old. When Shlmmerpate arrived 1I0me an hour later th= usual he WIlS nIb· bllng a clove. "I Btopped In a concert hall for a tew momentB," he observed, " Tile muslo was intoxicating." , "That's rl;ht!" exclaimed his bel· ter halt. " Blame It on the musIc." U .. for Old Umbrella Roda. The ateel rods tram old umbrellas make tine plant supports. Disconnect them where they join the upper part and also wbere the rIng Slips thu han· dIe and you have ' a douhle rod' to slip Into your flo w er pots. and If they are painted gray they are unnoticeable. Remarkable. "Did your husband have aD), luck 011 hili hut'lng trip '" "Splendid! Didn't ,you Ii~r'" , ~o; what, WIIB It-'" "Be ,ot· baclt alive." ~:..'


the wife ~aid. "Bring It package of


Post Toasties

--Surer' '

T 08sties are wonderfully good at any meal. and somehow seem to match the appetite of both home folk. and guests.

Bits of selected Indian Corn, delicately seasoned, cooked, rolled thin and toasted ~o a rich golden brown·- tha t' I Po It loasties. Fresh: tender and crisp. .ready-to .. eat direct from , th~ ~ckage. With cream

a ~iinJde of ,sugar'.......,. ~e 'M~mory Linl~~:


. '





' -.r~ .'",










la rg~Ht

('UII:lr~t' r6'

At Clyde ba nk , Scot lnnd , the s loUnl s hl1J Aqu e tall lll, of the IK bt!1111! pre lJn r()d for ""II , ltlt lir. g beeu laUDched last Allrll. . Bh " IH n s hl l) 'wlthln n s h ip, hfJ\' lng nbsolutely wate r· th; lIt Inli e r and out !'r Rhel l~ Her dim enelons aho", that s he will be Oil " of tilP larl; ('~ t ~hI Jl~ ullou t. Sb e Is POI ree t 10n l1: , 97 (('e t wi d,', n'h fe N d ee p to UIO boat deck. H e r groMH to nna ge i~ ,1'i ,HOi) Io ns , 8 h <3 will hll v(' II speed o f 23 kll o t s nn ho ur , nll ll u('rontmodall ons ro r 3,520 lJa88en gel'll a nd u c r ~w at a l mo s t 1,000,

'Ii" " I I. I ".-I ne\ ' lun ,.. :Jut:r II


Thla , the largest g un In th e wor ld , hail hOl e n m a do to d efp Il<1 tb e P nc lfl(' e ntranc e to t h e Panama canal. It hus a IG·lnch bore, weighs 190 ton s and throws a project il e weighi ng 2, 400 pOllnd s. Th e weapon ",.. Ill be mouMe d on a dis, appearing carriage on one ot tb e s m u ll Islaod s off t he mouth o f th e connl.




Photograllha ot th e te rribl e volcanic disaster In Japan hav' .l us t I'euch,'u this country, Tbe oue here r e produced s bows the vo lcano Sa kllrtl s hlmn In a.ctlon, pourln« forth the ashes and lava tbat de l'ns t a t ed townB ,!.Del countrr , I






ll lf' Wt':ll t hy :-:e w )'orker, Jus t d n ul' ce d b) II 1' lIrls ('our I f1'U 1I1 his wife , th e to r me r Kath· ti e,," r iding III " 'lItru l Purk " lilt hi s I'hl ld rl.' l1 , .J o hl1 \\' , and KuthEl I'I0 6,

,\lu c kll)',

lti 111'1' 1:



Tu tll~ ba'• • ~ sh l(l Minnes ota belongs 'tbe dis tin c tion o r bei ng th e flrst warship to ti e \l1J lit tb e n e w soverumeul o:!ocks a ( Co lli n , "j 'h, ' \JIIOlOKl'Dph yhows Ihe coaling of lhe M ,!I nssola at Ll", doc k Ilr p. parator y 10 her sailing from the ('"oa l zo n " "it It ti ll il nll'. rll1 11B for dllt'y In Mexican wators,





Jo ti "pll Pl'llnk ,\ 1 ~ul e c , un Austrlar. , rr(J1ll Cront in, ~ llI c e October, 1901, bas 'beC'1I wa lkin g 01' ('1' tit' world, Now be tlo wer!! on th u waters of tho POLomac rlv c r while I s III Wa s hlngtun, ,,'her o he walked " deud h p.Toefi ot Lhe U , S, S, Maill o was be lug h eld from N e \\' York to gE:t the autograpb tb e Arlington natlonnl ce metery, Len to right : of Presi de nt WIl ~o Jl , On Janunry 16, l' 1' 11IId May Borland, Ens ign Frnnlt Sigourne y, 191 J , 11 (' eomplcl e J his IlrBt circuit ot .. rl1~·na,rr. a nd Il l'lva 1.aughlln, I tbe glo be and e tnrt ed 00 a second """......""""''''',..,.'''''''''-......'''''''''1''''''''''''''......._ -.......--.'''''.............,.",.-.........'''''.......'''',..,........'''',."._ I tou r , He hu~ 11'111 kcd th rough 48 or the \ ' nlt ed 8tatt> s through all Euro, pean countries, So uth Atrlca, South Arn ~ric lI anrl Asia , On bls r e turn t o ' bls borne h e will receiv e 250.00Q. crow n~ trorn an Au ~ tr!uu newspaper,


~li8 B ~11lie Hu h 1.':' , daughler uf Dr, l:I'ruok Uakl'l' of Wutihl ll g tOl1, all d noted for her grace ful Il nn<:I ng, Is to be a fcature IIJ Ihe Bufiru!!., pl a y to be glv, e n by th e \\'011 1(' 11 u r rh" ('ont: rC'sslon ' al Unton fo r Sutl' rR Y:c III \\'u 811lngton, ~'\lss l3alH' J' Is tn g l vt' h c r 3010 dunco Of "triumph.ant Joy" n l> a

....... .1 .......

They All Do, An enthllslasltc c itize n, o n lhe ve rge I of a trip to \";urope, was rejoic ing ove r tbe fnct and descanting on the pleas·

Famou9 Revolutionary Soldier. huu d r cd y t:u rs ugo W ilHam I H RLII , :t dl Atin guls hed soldier of the I R cvolut io n, dl o(\ In Hox bur)" ~ laB ~" In whi c h plnee h tl was 'bNIl In 1737, Ge n· · e rn l !leath WIIB Il st ud e nt at military Belc ncp, a ud In 1 no he l'ommandec1. the Am'lent ond Hpll o r a blo Artill ery or Boaton , At th o baltic of Lexington h was th e onl y geocr,iI officer 011 th efi e ld , O n tb e organization or th e Con· tln ental nrmy b e was commission ed: brlglldi er g e neral and a ~' ea r Inler WIIB m a d )) major g e neral. H o watt ordere d d ,:. ~ ur the l\obe l peace medal which has Jus t b een to l\'ew York and after tho disaster at WlIlto Plillns commllllde'd the deII ' Huot oJ' :-; 6 1\' YOI' lL He was awarded tho prize for He bad \\' !l ll til e Ulo\' e D1 ~ nt ro r Inter!latlonal pence. Besides ten~es of the Highlands, oharge of B urgoyne and his army at , carr ied wilh It a oash bonua 0($40,000. Ca mbridge, MasR" where ,tbey were · held as prisoners of war for nearly n , Position. Cblcago In 1900 for work In thfl de- year, 'In 1779, after ArI1old's trenson, \'Is, just appoint· partment of DOIlllcal economy, 'This Ge!1eral ,..ellth commanded ~e, pesta. N ell' \ ' ork Is ' tbought to be the most responsible of the !fud,son , river 'at West ; Polnt" , at a 6Il1· posItion ever given to a woman In ad· , and 8ev~ral UfDe8he tn ' ' , r ecelv,ed ber mlnl.~tive work ' tn ,this COIJllU'Y out,.. colilmana ;, of the elliln , • ! t)lU Un),,erslt)< aide of: ~ . .!!.ald ~ol ~UCII.t!OIl" .~" " ' (lJ'm1, ,.. ,' , (lll e








..... - I • - .... . '




, ' .





_ '

. ." 10



No. 222 0


R"~PORT . ( lI le (:lIn l lil)n nf the Way nesviII .. l':al <l al I ani, . at Wa~' nes ­ vi i I" ill t I ~I:\ II-' IIf Ohi o. }It t he (.' lp ~ l\

()f "

;ill!' ~".

Mar ch ,I. H11 4 .

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WI! will C:a bba~('.

J.l) l t llc(', H a di ~ hes . FlorlLia Cel· e ry . .J l'rse y Swel't~ , ~w ee t Nu· I' c l Onrngf'>t .

Big Sp ec ial for 3 Da vs

To ill crllc\u ce ('lover Farm Oll ts , til(' larg e fa rnil y IIll"k agt' , w ith a Ii i l' pi('('C' uf chi na ill I·ach I'ack a)..(c WI' will lt i"I ' I 000 Cou pon s wi t h each pac kag-t: , I!o ()~ en; get ltu ~y Wat ch lOur ,;peci als each wee k. A fr esh su pply Ilf thes e goo d I' ea nul~ It ti " wee k "Illy at 10,'

apll unt! .

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ZIMMERMAN'S IPersonal" Mention,

~l ar,·1t


II , ',


PIl} .'


t" l rade at

in L!'balll)11 Tue s,


Mrs . F. C. Car ey was in Day ton Tue sday .


C. M. Rob itze r was in Cin cinn ati last wee k.

Il unL.·r I.

Wh item an was in Wil min gI Mye r Hym an, of Leb ano n, was Th u 1)'( ay. in to\'. n Tue sday . I ()lIi lley G (," ~ , of Rou t(· : ~. was in , Spr ingf ield Thul',.dllv. . ' . (,eo rge Wa terh ouse was a , Day ton VI ~ I tor Satu rday . ,I , F ~t u mp , of nea r Har vey sbu rg , W:L~ Ir, ( " II' tI 'I'tJ e3da y . W. H. Alle n was in Leb ano n I Mon · ci~y o n busi n ess , I !'I Ii,;,'; Mar y Sali::luu ry ~ perc L Sun day I with friL' in Xen ia . b 'ery Method ist at Sun day Sch ool Sun day . Mar ch 22. 1\1 iss ~hrie Mill e r.. has r e lu rnel ! hOllw f fi lin CinC inna ti. Mr . and Mrs . Wa lter McC lure wer e Day ton vi~itors Tue sday . I{or 11'Cl1l ~ is confi ned to hi s bed with 'ano ther alta ck of ~rip , St. Mar y's Gui ld will mee t with Mrs . Will llen eck e, Thu rsda y afte rIf you wan t a g oorl Fer ti lize r ca noo n l! I eha; .. Fry e. pho ne 4!.J l·L 2-S. 1\1 1'. }JIll I Mrs . Art hur W(' an, of Mrs . II. ~. Hath~way. i!'l sDc noin ~ p r in )..( Vall ey , a re visi ting rela tive s g Ilh is wee k With rela llve s In Colu Ill'!" '. mbu ~.

Pa in tin g, Pa pe r Ha ng in g, A ut o an d. Ca rr ia ge Pa in tin g.



O H IO I) ,

Sh op Ne xt to Sh erw oo d's Ca rag e Ma in St



Bor n - To Mr . ami Mrs . lI enry IIdau Satt er lh wai te, S und ay. Mar ch 8. a ght e r.



w a,Q


-- -- -.


Ear l Con ner was in Day ton Sat ur.


1\1 r. and Mrs How ard Hop kins

Day tun, are s pendin}(' the day . of with l'e

lativ es he re.

If you are goin g to hav e 11 Mis.'! Eva Fun key , of Chic ago sul e . , is ~ ee A. A . M ' Nei l, Cen terv ille . Ohio, t.he gue!:\t o f her pare nts. Mr. and Mrs . J . A. Fun key . , hoth "hon e,..

Th e Booster St or e I



New Car Load of Fence

8 . T. Be and atte nd th e Mill iner y he re Tu Edw ards . of Day ton, was esda y callil1J:C on his old ope ning dale Man :h 21::!l . Gra ce n p.ig hbo rs and fri end g, . Linc uln Wi Smi th . -,c ut lon. 1'TL e gi r l ~ ays n head Mrs, Bess ie Wh ite has sold her Mrs con , Ver na Kell y and Ml~ . Hun t er . " .. ""unceul I , " A "err II'lse I fect "AW ione ry stor e to J . V. Har tsoc AY UOW N SOUTH I ()f Spring-ficld . wer e in tow n k. ";t \l t j"n, C ',,, 1111' nntu ro ot I Frid ay Nho 'too k poss essi on Mon day . viRi tlrlg fri e nds. . 1\1" nr thf" c l~ nloSt talk ed C. (;. WiHiam sun, Ul. -. Roe h ,r Cha rl es W. ::;('hwartz & Son D ~mocrat Rod a cr owd of Ohi an dow n who took Bor n - To Mr . and Mrs. Geo . of 10 Geo rgi a " rolll cle_ A, Leb ano n, hav e purc hase d a fin e new las t wee k, wri t ell us tha t they Rea, of nea r Fe rry, Thu rsda y, are Mar ch tea m for th e ir heav y hau hav ing a grea t. tim e Ullrl enjo ling . ~~~~~~~~~~~_ ying 5th, a daug-ill e r. ~~~ I t hem selv es . Mes s rs , H. V. Th :5m e ith Cho ir Gui ld of St. Mar y's - , and Lou St J oh n are aml> I::ve r v one invi ted to atle; ld ng thos e chu rch will mee t Satu rday afte Hom e·co min g day of th e M. E. the rno on whll are on this..:~u~s~n_._ _ the hom e of Miss Hen riet day Sch oo l, . ' ullclay. Mar ch 22. Sun - at ta McK inse y. His Prog ram Arra nged . The limit of coo IH,'"s wa s Miss Lizzie Ste war t arri ved hom A case of sma ll pox hIlS dev elop e reachoed by a. YOl'k bhlr f! (En sure ly Satu rday e veni ng from Day ton, ed Bl Id I chur ih J a mes tow n. All due prec auti gland) acc on ons oun t of the geri ous illne ss of Mi chgo er, wbo r cq u l!sl~ d the vo rgor hav e bee n take n to avu id the ss spre ad Geo rgia Ha dde n . to ope u lhe windo ws h,,(ol" the of t he di ~ ease. mon, as it wall unh ealt hy 10 slel' ser· p In a Mr. and Mrs . Sam I BE'a ch are Som e time IllIO we >d tho hot room , con · \ Sf. MARY'S CHURCH local agCDCJ'Jor the oecur<... t emp lali ng rem ovin g to New Mex Silo Com pan" W C hu. IDeIk ic~ . foun much »lou W'o in into,t et lind ourdmen Mr . B.'a ch wi ll hav e cha rge of a bIg and nei" hhon in tho ad.~"tol U F rida y, Lita ny. Pcn iten tia' r a nch 0 11 the Min e trai l. l~ eco.· "ml •• , I"'fiIa and Nkow >cI Mr. Tw iel' , ",.bury. and add ress at 7 p. m. Sat Offi ce .alUd of rbe urd ay. Hertl's a l'eal T\\'i 'kl 'l1Ihury, hear Eve ning Pra yer at i::45. Cha s. Tho mps on and dau ght In a pari sh call : "'I h ~ .Ioet or ma.d d er, Thi rd Sun Dlog eoes of the e;.,o a nd deci e a Carr il~ . of Ver sa ill e~, Ohi o, wer e Sun day Sch day in Len t Mar ch 15. ded ool was tYOhold."- Chl l';tlon Reg ister It call.)d here on acco unt of the dea th and Hol y Com at 9:30 a . m.; serm .on mun ion at 10:30; . of MrS'. Mar tha Thomp~ lln _ ning Pra yer and serm on at 7 o'clEve The pub lic ;s cord ially invi ock . New Spr ing Mill inf!r y com mg avery farmer who owns an InoJiaua SiI() ted to in 1hese serv ices . (19 foun d that it is eve ry few day s, haj:..'1 on disp the best busm lay Ie !!ver mad!! and th!! grea test ess deal Mar + . ch 14th , ope ning dat l ' Mar ch 21st , ...- - - All Kin ds of f his fann ing experience. It plea sure AN ENTERPRISINO FIRM not Gra ce Lil',c'oln Smi th. ds 60% to the net prof its of the. only '.itd feed ing pens but 1t also save dair y I\l 1·S . P ~alie Ada n ·.' , of Cha rl es W. Sch war tz & Son Brd , unpIcl1SIlnt wor k of win ter s all the Kan sas Palm a Grow '"'Ov er Burl ed City . the feeding. Cilv Mo , ' was the guc ·'.t of Mr . and L eb:.,non rpon ume nt peo ple, hav e Ove We h ave an especinlly attractive prop r the site or the anci ent city ot Mrs : W. oL[. Alle ju:·t n. r'1rs com . plet ed the erec tion of a Mem ph is, once the fair city Ada " lion to mak e to you nOW-<loe tha.t has al~o beell visi ting wilh rela ms $ 150[' mon or wiU ::lable YOltto get an I ndia na Silo ume nt in the cem eter y at world, npw burl ed by a tl1lc k depotbe I tive s ill tim.e sit ' in Xen ia . '.,r llext faU's corn crop Bnd to pay Mas on The y al of so Nile hav e a con trac t mud, stan d state ly pulm tl, ! for .It S U Cc('S SI )r to L!> it pays you. Let us t ell for a $500 0 mlj. you abou t It. usoleum to be plac ed which yield a lusc ious trult . Ov er the I Los t- Bet wee n O'N eall 's cor F. E. SHERWOOD ner in the sam e cem eter y.... this sum mer . city tbe l,eas ant Egy ptia ns cnrr y on and Mia mi Cem eter y. a Nav tl1el r agri ajo cult ural purs uits . nnd 1 tiarveYSi)"" Ii , Ohi o. palm s yield the enti re food ot the the Over Postoffice, Waynesville, O. sadd le blan ket. Was lost abo ut a 5UNDA' SCHOOL CON peas· VEN mon th ago , Please r epo rt to TIO N ants duri ng larg e part s of the year J. B. Offi ce Phone 77 . House Phone (;-3r Cha pma n . The Way ne Tow nsh ip Sun day Sch ool con ven tion will be held Sun Miss Sara h Gal lahe r. dau ght er day of afte rno on. Bur ial Plac e of Mark "(wa in. Mr. and Mrs . Fra nk Gal lahe r, Mar ch 22n d. The prowho Sam u el L. Clernen!! (Ma rk Twa gra m will be ann oun ced in is in the aud itor 's office, was sele in) nex t Is burl ed In a beau tiful cem ettl l'Y In b}' the Sta te Ind ustr ial Com miscted w eek 's issu e, Elm sion ira, wb er e he live d wllh his as a sten ogr aph er, afte r pass ~~.------lIy whil e he was writ ing many I'ama cr(! dita blee xam inat ion for the ing of bls Mea ning of Irrig atio n Term . books. The mem bers bls trunlly. tion . ShE' will not acc ept. how pos! · "An acre toot " of wat er. a term eve his r, wlte comnnd two dau ghte rs. are as the com pem ;3tio n is very littl mon ly used In Irrig atio adv anc e of wr a t she is rece ivine in cub ic feet, or the amo n, Is .8,6 60 burl ed In the sam e plot. unt need ed to g in her pres ent p r->li tion . cov er an aCfe one tool.

O U R N E W .C A R L O A D of th e ce le br at ed


om bi ni ng

Cambria Steel and Wire CO.'sfence

Se e ou r al l N o. 9 W ire Fence. Give it a tri al .


Uu .S me S3 .

Th e fe nc e

------ -- --

W ay ne sv ill e

"n S U R lI n eE ~.

Ch an dl er







Your Opportunity

Ani mal . In the Fam ily.

REP OR l WAYNE TOWNSH IP ';CHOOLS FOJ;t FEBRUARY, 191 4' N o . No. 1 2 ~ ~'

- TO GE T-


"Ev eryb ody In our fam ily's klnd of an anim al," eald Bobby som e to the ama zEld lady vlsl to., "Wh at nOllsenl Ihe · xtla lme d. "We ll," replied Doble!" "mo ther 's IL dear , my bahy Sist by, er 18 mot her' s littl e lamb, I'm the kid and I' dad' s the goa t."



::r:: o



LOCUST .POSTS : : ( \1

Enr dlm ent. ... ..•. ...... ... ...... ...... 10 Rar, l-: in enro Um ent ..... ..... ..... .. .

nor tard y.. ...... ...

i f AUGUST 19 13 ::

Fr om ho m e- gr ow n Ti m be r

















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Te lal <.lav s of (abs enc e .....- ...... ... 60 No. of )J upi cau sing abse nce ,.. 10

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Ore en Bria r Non e


Non e

W. H. Madden &Co.


rov e I.mlV tI.• " "

Elli!" Smi th Gay h Eva ns EdC ll




Oh io


pEN~~nxANIA L o w F a re s

Low eli Hill Ear nes t Shu tts Jroseph Shu tts Irm a Shu tts Cly de Shu tts


Alb ert Wil son, Sug ar Grove Alic e Gon s . • . . . Car lton Coo k II Ann a Tho mas AlIc e Wm ston Har .old Sur face Bur net But terw orth Inez Tho mas " Pau l Stok es Har old Ear nha rt . Eve rett Tho maq ,, /1 Mar gare t; Cra ne Car men Cr~ e' Low ell Tho mas Mar ie Sur iac. ; . P.tG".~

F. 'C.,Gilmour, ' .:- '.. " '


$uperln~deDt :""






April 15




WINTER TO UR IS tT IC KE TS Daily Until April 30



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10 00 Ex tra Fi ne

S O Il



O ha s. D. Co ok

rig ht

Th e pr ic es ar e rig ht





Sixty-Fifth Year


Wayne TOWi!!:.:lip Farmers' Club


The Wayne Township Fal mer' s evolution a mi that it consists mainClub met at the hom e of Mr. !:i. L. Iy of ·'environment." Ai:I each nut Cal'twright last Thur~ay, and a9 un was crackcd and the taken out, 11.11 former occll-"ions, the genial hus- , th e whule plan of hfe was seen pitality of the host and hustess made plainly ?y each o~ e that listened to everyone feel perfectly at home. ; hlln. 1 he talk g iven by Rev. Ca~pAt noon the usual sumptuous din- rbell W8i:l a plain one full of mea~mg ner was served . I and Will! a deep se rmon bu t was gIVen After dinner Pre!:lidenL Cartwright ' so that all cuult! underst'lnd the ~ called the meetina& to order and all : meaning. but three families responded . After Rev. J F. Cadwallader followerl all repealing tile Lord'i:I Pray er, Miss him in a ~ hort talk. takinlt up ~he Anna May DeardoA' i:lang "Corn ifl same thcme, and elided by i:laymg King in Ohio." Current Events I there waH only the one life, the life were read by Mrs. Laura Zdl. Mrs. of the Christian. C. T . Han, ke, as essayist, read a paper .BOlh of these talk~ were well reon "Irish Schools." The special celved, a nd both received congratutopic, "Spraying," was brought up latl?ns. . in an informal way, Il..'! the leaders I Llnd.ley Mendenha!1 and Wife w~re were both absent Lindley Menden' l takep Into t he c!ub s membership. hall. Edwin Chandler and others en- T~e club.t~cn adj ourned. tered into the subJect informally, . fhe VIsitors were: Kev . W. S . and good talks resulted. ., Campbell, of Centerville; Mr . and The meeting W8!:l announced as Mri:I. A. D. Haney, of Lebanon; a surprise meellng. and the surprise Rev . and Mr~ J . F. Cadwallaaer, came in the form of the Rev. W. S Mrs, Hannah. Roger;!, Mr. ~nd M~s . Campbell, of Centerville, w~o. w~~ J. 0 .. CartwrlJ.!.h t and family, MISS introducedandgaveatalk 011 ·Llfe. Henrietta McKlOsey, Mr . and Mrs Rev. Campbelll8id that all life is an D. L. Crane and SOli, Ethan.


- -- ....-. I Former Citizens:




ECLIPSE OF THE MOON The eclipse of the moon



-----~----.-.+ on the dot last Wednesday evening,

and at ~:42 she began to hide her face. The sight W8!:l a beau liful one, and those who had the temerity to go out in the night. were repaid . As the shadow passed over her face, the moon looked I!O Illlhamed that her glory was being taken away from her. but as it darkened, the stars came out and the street lights were Friends here received word Satur· lit. As the shadow began to recede, day that Mr. Coddington. husband the moon again beamed upon the of Mrs. Dora Coadington, formerly the earth and all was Aerene. .... Miaa Dora Coffeen, had died at his home in Lebanon,Ind ., Friday after"THEM AWFUL \VORDS" noon. The body will be taken to Covington, Ind., for burial. Of ail sad words of tongue or pe'n , The saddest are these: "It might have been In a letter to friend s here, Mr. But a sadder thought with these Cliff S. Ridge, of Cincinnati, says words fit: that their son, Jack, was attacked "We havn't the penite'ltiary yit." with spinal meningitis Tueeday, - London Democrat. March 10th. The doctor was called immedIately, and by prompt action But the saddest of all man's ears can the little fellow' was relieved and is • greet: "We ' re ready now to pave the now on the lOad to recovery. street. "- Wilmington Journal. Not only these, jUflt remember it, Mias Kizzie Henley, of Washing- "We hain't got our township house tGn,-lJ. C:. who bas been sick for yit." some time, died at her . home there Tuesday, 1'bt! bOdy will be shipped LOOTED CHAUTAlQUA to Wayn.ville today, and will arrive here tomorrow. Funeral I*-rvices A number of the cottages at the will be held at the Chapel Thursday Miami Valley Chautauqua grounds morning, at 8:40, Rev. J. F. Cad- were broken into and robbed Sunday wallader officiating. night. Marshal Graham located the alleged thief and has him now under arrest in the Franklin jail. He gave ~rs. P. S. Compton. formerly Miss his name as Harry Straucerr and h8!:l Pr18eilla Satterthwaite, of Dayton, been there working for some time writes us as fullows: "My daugh- with a gang of men at the hydraulic ter, Mary Anna, was oneof the prize north of that city, near the Chautau· Winners in the late Cash Register qua ground~. He will be turned contest, and received a cash prize, over to the authorities of Miamisbesides a handsome bronze medal, burg, as the theft was committed in beautifu!ly engraved with her n!lme Mont~omery county. on It. The prizes winners were treated to a banquet, speeches and HAD A CAN OF CRUDE OIL moving picture! in the evening at the new industrial hall just eofl'A. A. Linton came up from Cl'a rkspletecl." -Miaa Compton's a sten· ville Friday witb a can of crude oil ographer at the Cash Register. --which he had taken from a well he drilled six years ago. The well is TIME TO WAKE UP nearly one thousand fect deep. but how much water and how much oil John Bach' aays the time for there is in it, he doesn't know, alfanners' late naps is about P8l!t, for though it stands full with the oil on awhile, as the frogs in their locality top. Much oil and gas have been commended their first concert last found in that vicinity in recent Sunday evening about 8 o'clock. years, but never in paying quantities. - - -.... ~. -Wilmington Journal. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Miss Jennie Hardin, formerly of this place, has opened a millinery .tore in Washington, C. H. The fixtures in her new stort! are all of the early miaaion kind, and are said to be very beautiful.

---_._ - - IJ



..__ ...---

Whole Number 3255


I wish to announce that after Thelre was delivered at Wayn es April 1st, I will open in the Keys ville railroad station on March the building the room formerly occupied 3rd, about 3·10 calles of tobacco. and by Mrs. l3ei:lS White, a first· class ice at Lytl e on th e 4Lh, about 140 cas e~ cream parlor, handling the best grade Th i~ tobacco brulI ;.: ht in rOllnd fig of cream" outainable selling at retail ures abnut $ l !1 ,OOO . Th,· lai;t meetin~ of the Hermana Mrs, Walter Elzey entertained a and whole~ale by pint or gallon. Thf' tnbac('" w a.~ I, ought hy Sa m l' lulJ filet at th · home of Mi>l!l Ethel f ew fr iends Sunrlay evening with a Orders for cream received for par- Meredith f.,r a U,hal'(,ll fi rm that he /-Io;;ier Friday e ven il~g. Afler t he luncheon. Th o~e present were Misses ties and all social events . In con- is cmployed witt " a nd m,.3!1" a whol e prugram a delightful soc ial hour Eva Davis . Lu cy Eml ey, Katherine nec! IOn Ii new line and stock fresh lot to t he ClIllIm lln ily . Thi s ~rpa t wa.'; pn juyed. 1\ lwo, co llr~ e luncheon Prende rgast and Marlha Cook. and most co mplete of candies and Burn no e;, J!' " rep: '!He!l1 lilt' fUll was:;, ·r vl'd . all confectionary goods, ciga~, to · amoun t of t he tobaCCO thn t i" rais"d bacco and soft drinks will be kept at in thi8 cmnmllnitv, a ~ olher buyers ' k :: en· The H usllers of the Lytle Sunday " 1 Mr . and MrH. A. L. II em IriC all timei:l Head(IUarters for post a re co m t an tl Y 1.uY lng sma, <Illlnu nts, ! l ' rtail1'.'d Sunday at dinne r the fol- School he ld the ir regular monthly card views and stationary articles. and at dilf l'rt'nllirnes . 1II')WII!g' g' lI cHL~: Mr. Clark DaviAand meeting at the home of Miss Lucille Beginning this week I will receive The rai ~ inl' uf tobacco ha.~ Rure ly fanlily. "f Xenia, Mr . FI "yd Ander- Thompson Saturday, March a. 1914 . twice weE'k ly a complete line of bel'om(! a ~re: < thing-in lhi~ v icillity RO il alld family . o f Xenia . Mr. and The afternoon Wa.<l passed very wrapped cakeR. fresh and prices right .. :\1rH . ArnU;i Ellis and Mr . an,1 Mrs. ple8!:lantly in conversation and music, selling at from lO t lo 25c each . These and at 4 o'clock a four course lunch· WIll. DELI\ ER A[)[)\~E SS AlucrL :\1 e rritt, uf Harveysburg. are baked and prepared by The B. & eon was se rved. The decorations C. Baking Co., of Dayton, and Stones were in pink and green in honor of Bakery, of Cincinnati, two well Elbert ){u",<;ell hai:l been >nga)(ecl to Mr . a nd Mr,;. Chauncey BU1mell St. Patri ck. At lhe close of the know n baking companies. Fresh dEli ver lh e Commenc ement address entertained at a chicken roast Mon. luncheon the following announceMuth 's bread of Cincinnati, receiv ed Jun e 1Uh . He iHone of the leading day evenin~ at thei r sugar camp. ment was made: regularly. Will kE'ep open on Sun- Friend ::! uf PI me rica. and hH, bee II ThoRe who enjoyed the evening were Lucille E. Thompson days with a complete line of Sunday the head of the Biblical IJepartmelll Mr anrl Mrs. 1. Satterthwaite, Missto papers from CinCinnati, Dayton, CoI- of Earlham College for a lIumbe r of es Edna and Margaret Satterthwaite, Raymond S. Hartsock umbus and Cleveland. I thank one years . He iS llot only a teacher, but Eleanor Earnhart, Mr. Keller Hoak March 25 , J914. 7 p. m. one and all for a libera l s hare of bl'lievcs in put t ing' into practice those and Mr. Dover. patronage. Give us a call. principles whi ch he sels forth in his ThoS(> present were: Misses Stella J . V. Hartsock. . teachings. I'ro fe!l ~or Ru ~~ell i~ Git~ens, Mary Lee, Blanche COrnell, - - .. - .. a deep t.hink f' r a nd an enthusial:ltic A family dinner was given Sunday Esta Stacy, Nettie Earnhart, Reba SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION worke r along reii,g-io us and sociulog at the homp. ot Mr . and Mrs. J. C. Earnhart, Bertha Coon, Beulah Coon, __ ical lines and has written severa l Hawke. in honor of Mr. Hawke's Lucille Thompson. Mrs. Blanche Gra· The Wayne Town~hip Sunday bouks on rl'ligiou!l Huu j ec l ~. He is natal d ay. Tho:.e who enj oyed the ham and Mrs. Margaret Johns. The School conventi on will meet Sunday on.e of th e leading educa t o r ~ of t~ l! rlinner were. Mr and Mrs. John invited guests were Misses Lola and afternoon, March 22nd, at the Chris- ) MHldl~ WeSl and ~ery Jll'llll1l ll ent 111 Fnmm and famil y. Mr. and Mrs. Irma Cornell, Nina Smi,h and Mary church at 2:30 p. m. Following is Chautaullu.a .work throug-h"ut In Hav Haw ke and family and Karl Sherwood, of Waynesville. The next the prOllram: dlana .- - Wilrntng-lon J ournal. Hawke. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. c18!:l~ meetina- will be at the home of the Misses Coon, April 1Ith_ Hymn - -- - - .. - .- Lee l-Itlwke and family. Prayer .... ....... .. .. Rev. D. H. Palmer M. E. SUNDA Y SCHOOL Scriptur~ Reading . Rev . C. S. Grauser Reading of Minutes Th e M . E. Su r,<\ ay School will have DUVALL-SNIDER DEATH OF ABNER DILL Hymn a Horne-Coming Day, on March 22 , Address ·.......... Rev. Tillman HObSOn! 19 14 . This wi ll be the last oppor· Beautiful and simple Wa.<l the wed· Alme r Dill, died at his home in Election of Delegates to County tunity to attend Sunday School in Mt H ollv, Sunday night about 12 ding solemnized I<'riday evening Convention the old church. All perHons present o'clock. 'after an illness of about March 13th at 7 o'clock, near Lytle, Ten Minute Talks by County Offi cers are as ked to register th eir names. a year. The caus£: of his death was Ohio, when Miss Fern Snider became Hymn Sunday School at 9:1 5 to 10:15. organic liver and kidney trouble. the bride ,.f Mr, Earl DuVall. Benediction ... Rev. J. F. Carlwallader Everybody come. Mr. Uill was the son of the late The ceremony was performed by Dani I and Anna Dill and was born Rev. Walter Cooley, of Dayton. the in Mount tIolly in 1142, he was raised ring service used being both pretty , anu spent practically all of his life in and impressive. The bride's cousin the village of his birth. In 1863 he Kathryn Stewart was rang bearer, I ~ enlisted in the Ohio volunteers and I carrying it in a little glass basket was Il..'lsigned a,~ blacksmith with the filled with lilies. Mrs. Carrie Dawheavy artillery. He was married son, of Mason, played the wedding ---1 J in the fall of 1864 to Miss Rebecca march, "Heavenward," being the -~------......l Pritchard, of Burlington, to which same one that was played at the union six children were born. wt'dding of the bride's parenti!. He is survived by his widow and The bride was attired in a beauA. W. Evans-School hall, Friday . A. W. Evans - SchoolhalJ. Friday. five children. Bernard, Jessie, and tiful gown of white silk crepe-deO. W. Hamilton Wa,9 in Dayton Mrs. Mary Caskey has been on the Mrs. Clem. Zimmerman, of Dayton, chene, and carried a shower boquet Mrs. Lizz ie Jones, of Lytle, and of lilies-of-the-valley and blue-forSunaay, Isick list. Thomas, at home. He also leaves get-me-nots, and was attended by Raymond Davis is riding a :new : Ronuid Hawke was in Lebanon three brothers and one sister, An· ber sister, Miss Beulah, in a gown of drew, of Dayton, Charles. of Xenia, light blue silk, also carrying flowers. motorcycle. \ lai:lt week, Mrs. Mary Braddock and Daniel of The groom was attended by his cousin, Mr. Will Thompson, of Allen Haines of Xenia WII8 in H. Blritain spent Sunday ill Dayton Mt. Holly. The funeral will he held this after- Silverton, Ohio. , town Sunday. ' , I with relatives. ' noon at the M. E. church in Mt. Following the congratulations, raElmer Rogers has a new Hender· . 1~ev. C. S. Grauser was a Uayton Hol ly. Interment will be made in freshments were servoo to about VISitor Monday. son automobile. Spring Valley. thirty guests. . -- -- - . . The bridal couple left Saturday Mr. and Mrs. F_ B. Henderson S. L. Cartwright was in Cincinnat RURAL WELFARE LEAGUE morning for a short wedding trip were in Lebanon Monday. Monday on business. through Ohio and Indiana, amidst The Rural Welfare League of congratulations and a shower of rice. Mrs. Ch8!:l: Rye i8 quite sick at het MassiE' Township met March 14 at The presents were many and beauClarence Fulkerson, of Spring Valley, was in town Monday. home on Mam street. Wellman School h()use wht\re a large tiful. '1' f Ch crowd participated in an AgriculB uy your F erb Izer 0 If you want a good Fertilizer call a.'l. Frye, tural Spelling Bee, Mr. Geo. Beach BROUGHT TO XENIA Chas. Frye, phone 491·L 2-8. who handles Milson'S the best. pronounced, after which a splendid George W. Dsgoodby, the alleged Mr. Wm. Snook, of South Lebanon, Miss Georgia Hadden , who has social and musical program was en· spt'nt Sunday with his relatives here. been quite ill, is rapidly improving joyed . This League meets the 2nd wrecker or the O!born, Ohio bank, and 4th Saturdays in each month. W8!:l brought to Xenia Tuesday, aDa I can please you try J. L. Brown, Blatchford's calf meal - a splendid March 28 a fine pro~ram is arranged will have to stand trial on the above soft water Laundry. Lee Hawke, article for young calves. White's for. Every lady invited to bring charge. Osgood by has been in very Agent. Store. "My Favorite Receipe." Everybody poor health since he was discovered, invited. and physicians would not allow him to be brought to this state until now Mr. and Mrs. John Leonard, 0 f Cora A. Thompson, Director Will White says. "Buy your onion He has been in a sanitorium at Bal· sets early-not enough to go round Kings J\fills. spent Sunday here with - - .. this season. friends. ROLLCALLATFRIENDSCHURCH timore,

Social Events During Past Week


,r-"-""'-" ..................._..... __ .. - ...........-_.... ... .... __ .. _._. .......... .. . ,. -.-.. . . . -.-. . . IL-L : -_..._-. Personal Mention Column· ! I t "'" I •••• ,








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Sunday. March 22nd,will be a grand Misses Trillena and Margaret Ed. Mrs. Huffman, sisler of Mrs. J ohn wards, of Dayton, were the week-end Beach, is 4 uitc ill )Vilh rh eumatism rally Jay for Friellds (Orthodox) in Waynei:lville. Every member of Mi· guests of relatives here. and grip. :lmi Monthly Meeting urged to be Chas, W. Schwartz & Son are Miss Mary Hav.kc, of Lcuano'n, »I'e!>e n'.. New Burlington, Spring erecting a fine monument on the spent SunJay with her mother, Mrs Valley, Caesars Creek invited and Douglas~Berryhil\ lot this week. Alice Hawke. urged to be present. Come and hear an old time sermon by EvangelC. Q. Hildebrant. of Wilmington, Try sending your family washing ist HolHon, one that moves your was the main speaker at the Elks to the.1. L. Brown Laundry. Lee soul. annual banquet at Lebanon last night. Hawke, Agent. Bring your lunch and all will be served dinner at the chur~h. NEW DRY GOODS STORE Services for March 22. A. E. Wooten, Pastor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Kerrick, of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Haney, of the Bible Schoul 9:30. Preaching by Mver Hyman, of lkaanon, bas Children's Home at Lebanon, spent Eldorado, vi8ited theil' son, James the pastor Rev. D. H . Palmer at M. E. CHU~CH SERVICES 10:30. Christian Endeavor 6:45. rented the Sherwood store room, Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kerrick Saturday and Sunday. and will upen a new store ot. dry Cartwright, Preaching at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Clyd e Haney and The M. E. church has issued the Every member is especially urged goods, metis' and women's fUl'nish· Arthur Evans is one of the most daughter, of. MorrolV, we're the f:Jl1owing invitation: "All thememto be present at all of these services; ings. Mr. Hyman does not come bers and friends of the Methodist also the public is cordially invited as a stranger tu UB, U he has for eloquent lecturerB on the plRtform guests of relatIves here last week. years driven a wagon through thi~ of today . He will appear at School f Episcopal church are requested to territory. He will atock his store in hall Friday evening, March 20th. Arth)lr Walw~n Ev"ns, at Sch?ol be present at the last mornin~ serWILL FIGHT FLOOD PLAN hall Friday evening. po hear 111m, vice, Sunday, March 22, 1914 A all the latest goods that can be pur· . .. chased, and will endavet to do the ~ roll call of all the church memberRelatives of Mr. lsaac Cartwright, as he is fine. Farmers m. Sh",lby. Miami and . right thing by all: He will open up who went from here to New York . ship will be a special feature. Names Greene ('o}1nties met. last", ~t some time in early April. City to reside with his daughter, Several Masons fro. 1 here Will at- of all persons present will be placed Bellefontame to raise a kIck m have received word of his serious tend: t.he c~~ner-sf I~e. laYing of in the cornerstone of the new church. reaard to the flood prevention plan. illness, Xema's mUniCipal ulldrng tomorThe pastor's sermon will be, "A WAYNESVILLE GRANGE Tbey claim that tlIe present plan row. Resume of the P8!:It." will ruin thousands of a::res of tillable The Miami Valley Chautauqua at • - ...- -Lowell Roudebush, of New Richand valuable laud ih that territory. a the Waynes Franklin will open July 17th and A Lima paper say~ "that as a lecCENTRALIZATION STEPS A pennaner.t log anization was mond, Ohio, WI'I! addr.... close on August 10th. The booking!! turer, Mr. Arthu~} ",,!. Evans, is fanned and funds rwere pledged to ville Grange Saturday--evening. Mr. are all made and there are several a. live wire in the }D~~~\ sense of the fight the proposition. Roudebush has a wide reputation 81 new things on the program. ~ord'" At school ~a\l Friday even. The Waynesville School board at --an institute Bpeaker. He was trans· mg. their meeting Monday evening took ferred last year to the East by the The Centerville schoolS, which ' " the fi1 st step toward centralization. HOME-TALENT PLAY Nationa. Agricultural Commiasion, have been under quarantine for Mr, and Mrs. ...ohn Pence, of A resolution was passed asking all . (,I. . No. 2 of Lytle M. E. Sun- and has been ~?ing institute work in scarlet fever, resumed their work X~ma, took d}nl]~1 her old home, boards of the township to meet with day School wiU8'ive a play on Satur. the F..aster~ CI~les. All grangers are Tuesday, the quarantine being raised. With Mr. ~-~~. Mfs : John Bea~h, of them on Monday, April 6th to discuss day evening March 21st at Lytle e~rnestl:r I':1 Vlted to come and ht;ar Several cases of the fever made this Route 2, :sundB~.1 Mr. Pe.nce IS .off the feasibility of township centraIiHall .• tltled "Aunt Dinah's Quilt. him, as It will be. your whIle. quarantine imperative, but no new duty> OIn A\;,,;vuutjofa spramed wrist, zation. It is thought the majority • ~:~ . .J, L"I.... bod Ad c have been reported for the last at the w . , .. ~ ' " where he has of these boards are heartily' ib favor IJll(. ~nr.~ ..·t)r .,"pc •i'.l'' . vume eV!'!lf y. - Subsoribe for \be Miaml GaseUe three ........ weeks, been -. ~ some . years. ndIBi .... of the scheme.


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ST. MA~Y'S CHURCH Litany, Penitential office and address Friday evening at 7 p. m. Saturday, Evening Prayer at 3:.5, Fourth Sunday in Lent March 22. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Service and aermon at 7 p. m. Everybody invited to these ser· vices.

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DA Y WAS OBSERVED St Patrick's day was observed in the larger places Tuesday, In Xenia a special program was given. Miss Agnes Hornick, formerly of Waynesville, was one of the soloists. .~.

THE AVERAGE MAN The average man will die for want of air in five minutes; for want of water in a week; for want of sleen in ten days; for want of food i thirty days.

----- ..---

FIRM HAS DISSOLVED The grocery firm of Henderson BroB., at Corwin, has di880lved, C. W. Henderson having bought out his brother's, L, M. Henderson interests.



PENNSYLVANIA LINES Change in time. effective March 22. Train No. 48 will arrive at 6:11 P. . th e 0 ther ..W'cwns. _I m. N 0 ch ange In



FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Tboua andaH aveQe enHel ped By Comm on Sense Sugge stions .


" Yj '!o<


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Wome n 8uffe ring from any form of femal tl ills Ilre invited to commun icate promptl y with the W 0 ma n's prlvaw corresponde nce dopartme ntof th e Lydia E .Pi nkharn Medic ine Co., Lynn, MMS. Your letter will be opened, read and ans wered by a womnn an d b e ld In stri ct confid ence. A w oman can freely tul k of hor priva te illness to n woman ; thu s has been es tahlishe d a confiden tial corres ponde nco which has ex te nded ove r many years IUld which has nev er been brok e n. Never h a ve th ey publishe d a tes timonial or used a letter wiU10Ut the written conaent of the WTiter.a nd never has the Compan y n !lowed these confidential le tters to get out ot their poeee As ion, as the hundred s ot thousan da of them In their files will attest. Ont of the vast vmume ot experie ne. which they have to draw from,lt Is mar. than poIIIIible that tlley J:08Be88 the very knowled ge needed In your ease. Nothing is asked in "'tnm except your good will. and their advice has hel ped thoulanda. Surely any woman , rich or poor, Ihould be glad to tak e advanta ge of thill generou s offel" of 8.88istan cc. Addre.. Lydia E. Pinkham Medicin e Co., (coofidentiaJ ) Lyon, Maas.

l ba l·

lIt1a\"cr ltll:' 10 1 " '~ o( I!.~lr() ltll ' a~~ . " YO ~ 'I CHAPT ER VII. "' I'I'O S all wh ab yo' g w in c t o r." MH rs p. 1( f-. ' J) YU' :H,' r COIl! " f'um J'll' r n \,{, rlt."\. , ' Oil. of p()ur~f' swen'd l1 nt'l u .I erTerijo n sapien tl y. Il Ptl,Y Pn r~(I t ~ \' i~ lt cl'ntllh oh ,II' ~ ,' rt. clat IntuIt. Jo~ n d a ~ ·. .-tH1 1'I~ n l y dl !'i \" '\~ n~ Ih it( tl le \lnll ll n t fq'· in", tilt tn , 15 11 ' t " !1C?" Uncle Jefferso n. " l'm gO ill g tu Uam o r y' Court. " p , l l " l l.o n . H' ,t h 1 1.. (LI I1 , ' !' r,nll\ll. " l to l k~ ~ a )' cI ~ ""lIlall lit rio y e rr Is 1111 Ulld t . ' .. :""'I "" h I. h \\ '" I h .-. l ,r \ t; " 1':1 1 " nu r .'., I , r A rt' d ro ~ ". while (' ver a tb ln g o f 1\ 1.. Sll1 rh ' Y lI () JI I ~d A kin d of Il hoc kod Hurpr lsu thll t was ~ht) Catnf' }"C'!:; t c r - fl a l! )" 0 ' ... ·e1' ·11 ,ky's rlg bt.. Ma rH' ..' tll lll . h n !'" ( III!. Ii 11 1' \ C,lllhl!lrll r I lIrn !'< I da) bel!\:.t.y . Is lI lll Invu rl n bi y a joy forr ~l h ll\' l l 10 hu r ry , for 1 sa w U lI ' nl a llll o ij t ij {L1Lle fac tl o n Hv rl' a d OVll r t he ()\. 'r I.j" ! 1r!\III. ' (' 111 11 11" t .l I II .' r f"(' t \ ! r (' h uh n", II ~?" ever. 1f'1r Ihfl /·"I' t' ,) rKtl n:l . I n .. (lo l1!lrf' ~he wh lt c bulld og. a8 b£' ol1l l' r 's fuc e, IIk l~ 011 r('lI \ltl ll l !l..! fTUI1I lilY window turning In t u t h o ve r a pool. e H ed " :'\ 0 \\ . h o w th .. d" \"il do yo u kn ow ~ \~~/·!'. II'It:-, ,"" "" ! I.t or Hfl p l.l n ltH"r ' , I f 1,lofl, I,·" a long th " "Ulin y hl gh wuy. waa "[lam ' ry ('o 'o t ! Silt' WH\' (' d h ' r h alJd u.nd r nn ,",,' I,,: ., h1l:1 .1"1( alld I' :llll o r\" ,',"I \lrl. H I I ' , £:II. Ullfid .'· Da t' e d £' o lrl Va li a nl whu I Am. Alllh ulIy7" 'I'll!' juu gl' se t sunk III d <' p r ess lou. ;Selng t ram me le d lilllc )'''"'; , .1 "-'!-l!1Hc In \ ' !rj.: 1111 'f) 11 tho \ \ 1\)' In li~ h l1 y cl own lh p ~ t. n tr uud llcruSt:i th " ~. Ai ll ' Ho body II vc8 dar. Ah d owll lil ~ (' u p lin th." w i.. II -t.:u rb . Do m n r y ("'(lurf tH," ", "' (H I! " 1 by t. 1t " Iltnlt n tlu ns or II canill e ho r izo n . ~) drtf" )' l llln · t - lu \\ n t o lilt) o r r hard . n 'c k 'u a ln ' no lJuuy li ve dar ter mos' t! r r l /lJ.: ' , t\'l C#oH lI unl hILl r ~.1 lH' Hl lh' , R u. 1 d 1hnvpu ' l lJ ," 'U IJ)' h,' r l' fo r a y ·a r ." Sb b o cou ell" !o Ihll t h . 1. Kv1nN to 11k, . \' j ndlllO 101 ld no t Ilnd e rs taud tb b ~utms o f b uu 'e rd y cahs!" 0 IH.l ll f'o u gree n n p pl n rJ'o rn n. T It (· cb ollY Ii .' nd Ilt o ved . sl o wly fr o m Adurabl £' One:! m et In "n,,,,1 '. by the waJ . who bo ug h t hat Itu Ill: ov e r Il s t Oll<: wn ll and " Th e o ld hou se has a grea t Il ur prisn ~ Id t) t o s id .. . " 0 1 ' A n(' ny Li o n' rH! (' \! Sf' IIlPd so g lall to sce h im thllt th e y w ith t h lM In h e r bau d s h e come c l o ~ e colll ing to It," Bald \ 'Illla n l g ra vc ly . CHA P TER V. -Cont lnued . lI 0 e yps." h o ~fll d . touc b lng II IH h a nd throw u<) th !l rm s about b lm. and th e n " ll e ll cdo rlh Bom e one La golo Th e girl wu lkl'o o n u p tllo h ij! h way to the P:'.!;{ llr 0 fe nc alld whls tl pti a t o hi s b ro\\' . " I I., se ll OY'yt hl ug g to ochea h ." ti e d t o hl ~ n eck Irks ome colore d w e d s ClI VY It. H u w Is It an y ..... ay ? .. wI th n li lt ing s t ri d e. no w und t hl' n pe cu li ar .-al l. It WILS aIl8 w "f\'d b y a T h p julll( " b ~c k one d t o th e oth e r s tbat prl c kl {'d aDd scratl' hed nn d would " Mens ur ln' by de coo11s kln e u th ·o w· la up;h lng to h ersl·l f. or ru n n in g u rew low whlnuy all U a 60ft t b ud u t h oofe . Iln d Ih ry troollt' d ins id e th e llll lln g. not b o di sl odg e d. S o It WBS a ehas· I!)' In d e tull. e t· s e rb out two lillie. ., pps. occa~lonally s t opp Ing b y so m o a lld n gu ld e n ·c hestn ul ltul1 l<' r thru s t ·Tv .. br ough t HUlOn oth e r tolks t with e n p n urld s h a me d Cbum a who lo n at le ng t h Aln' gwlll ~ «> r live dar yo·se·f. r; Dos e o ve r th e ba r s. flarin g 2\ (' d gll t o pu ll a lea f whic h s h e n lbhe d Il uh . IB me. An t hon y : e nn )'o u t e ll w ho th cy wri gg led s te n Itblly IDtO th e Bea t or th e yo' ?" II n m!>-lI nl'd nos trils t o th p to uch of her ~ al n st h (' r e h ck . nm (' llin g ItA keen are?" s trand e d automo bile bes hllnd. ide hi s Sit ma ? s te lai r d he r ch ec k nga lu s l the lIe w s c e nt. or ot o p plng to ga ze out " I am tor th e pres e nt." w a s tile Tb e sl gi.. ll ess look wa ver e d ove r a nd Ibrust II dirty pInk nos c Inlo his c ri s p a n s we r . acrOBS th o o rn n g"'g r ee n b olta ot sun· wh it e tho ro ug h bre d (o r e h ea d lln d he ld the m and tho white palm h ead . s h ook .Iow· SlY wInd-dim pl e d Ile ld s . one h a nl! pu s h · tbe ap p le t o th e la r g e r rea ching lip. Iy. l' uc lu J e lTcrso n s tare d at him a rn a"Don' ko o w yo un g mars: " said J ohn Valiant lifte d hi s band to Ing hac k h e r mutinou s halr from h e r w ith se ve rol t£oaaln g wlt hdrll wlngs be· th e g e ntl o vo ice. " H o w ma ny yuddah s s tro ke the s hap ely be ad. th e n dre w It mellt with bls Dlouth ollen. Th e n eJacfo r e sh e ga ve It t o Its juicy c run c hin g . brow. tb e oth e r s hieldIng h e r e y es. ulating unu e r hie Ilr eatb. "Fo' de Sbe let down th e top bnr of th e wid yo' ? One. t wo? No. I don' know bar k with an e xcillmat ion . A th o rn Farther on the hi g hroad loopnd arou n d Lawd' Wbut tolks gwln et e r say tcr young mlstl s . e lda h ." had pric k e d hi s thumb. He loo ked a strip of young to r est. IUld she s t ru c k fe nce nn" vnultlng ov e r. ran to a dat !" be 8h n mble d to tb e r ear o r t bo "t r eck o n yo u don down ' t .n ee d and any e yes." saw the draggle d flow e r into thi s for a s bort cul In the d e ptb s tabl e nntt pr es e ntly " Dlerglng wltb a Judge Cha lm e r s lau g h e d. as he passed thrus t tbrouih the twi s t ot gross. "Oh. motor nnLi beg a n to u11shlp tb e ste amsaddle on lIf'r arm. whistled the borse Ih e sa t down to r e st on Ib e sun· the sw ce t co lt! wa t e r to th o reB t. "On e pup of wo nders! " he .nclalm ed. e r -truuk.. " Wbul yo' gwlnete r do wid Ipla s h ed roole o f a tre e. Lean ing bac k to b e r Ilntl s addle d him . The n ope n- ot dllt'ar?" h e a ske d. po !ntln g to t he cnr. tb ese you ng la dl es Wll11t8 you t o t e ll " Wh e r e did yo u get that roee?" a~1\lnst the s eam e d trunk. b e r t e lt bat Ing th e g n.t e . ah e mounte d and canher t o rtull e." 'bum sa t up and wagged bls taU. for " Ah kl u come wid ole Suk ey- dat's rall en to the ground. sh e looke d lik e te r e d do wu lh e lan e to meet th e onTh e old n('g ro dro pp e d his bead. hi s mas t e r 's to n e. Instead ot ridicule . ma ll mul e-e n tolc h It In de mawaIIOm e sea·wo man e merging tra m an coming rldors- n klndly ·fac e d. middl ewavin g hi s gaun t bands r estlessl y . he ld a daw n ing d e light. P e rhaps th e 10 '. Aln 't gwln e t e r rain ter·nlgh l naearth ·hued pool t o com b hor hair a g ed man. a YOllnll; e r one "'\lh dark Th e judge bec kon )d to n e tty Page. thi ng h il t! nut bee n Inte nde d as a dis· bo l\'."fe ature s a n1 coal ·black ha ir. and two ..galnst a d n pple d roc k.. Ev(!lry woma n onght to have T his ma t te r bavln g bee n arrange d . but she s hook b er bead with a, lIU1 e g race . aCt c r a ll ! Lydia Sh o dre w bac k again s t tb e tr ee and g irls . E. Plnkh am'8 SO-pag e · th ey s ta rt e d grlmnce and dre w bac k. ging d ow n th e gr een · With th e nrst s ig ht of th e d ecora· bo rde red r uadJog C blsbolm I.u a k s purre d In ad van ce caught be r breat h u.s a bulld og fl'la ke d . Hte bulldog pros pe cting Text Book. It Is not a book for " You go. Sblrl e y." s tlon h e whi Valiant s pe r ed. h a d bad a SUdd e n me mory a lo ngs id e . genera l distrib ution, ns It Is too ove r a m ossy bould e r just In froot ot and 11ft I' d 'Jl s bat. " ( h e ld up th e a nd with a lau g hin g g la nce at tb e ot a BlIl otc h or vivid r d agnln s t the j ud ge. Sh l rt~y." he s aill. " nul' m a d e h e r_ "S ' pose' n d e o 'ot 40n e ben so ld e n eIpe.nA lve. It ill free I\nd only oth ers. Shirle y cam e and sn t down on be lt e d g r a y· blu e ot a gown. ' He yo ' g Win e t e r fix It up to' de A mom £' nt more and s h e h nd thrown him brln r: m e .alo ng . H e tCllI s m e n e w obtain able by milO. Write for tb £' lo wes t s t e ll. gr inne d BJ1 prec lativ e ly. "ADd I warned 0\\ ush ." h aza rd her seH on h e r k ne e s with bo th a r m s t be r e'B a fo:lt hunt on to morrow : Dlny 1 ed Uncle J e Uerso n it today. Ma d Anth o n y put out a waverin g b e r ." h e c bu c kl e d . "Told he r not to be tl outs tr t c h e d. " Oh. you s pl e ndid c r ea · co m e?" hnnd and touch e d th o YOltng body. afrnl d!" 11 0 (IUSled t he blossom pa ins- pre.s r n y. ture ' " s be cried . "you b ig. lo vely " P Hhaw! C hill y." s aid th e j u,l ge. " I takln g ly with hi s handk er c hl e r and ' .. " a llan t dId not an s':'er dir Hi s fi nge r s s tra ye d ove r tlt e ha bit sud e clly . wh ite da rli ng! " don ' t be ll e v":l you eve r got up a t five went up t o lit e curl in g bron ic und e r h e ld It to . h i. ta oo-a liv e brillia n t Yo u say th e plnce h a.~u t bee n occ u· T he dog see med In no way averse t o o'clock In yo ur bo rn day s . You 've th e hat·brlm . " Di s d e 11'1 ml s tlt!." b e thIn g . br'l'a t hlng mu s k .o dors ot the ~ Ipd for mllllY y ears. Ilo (Ibsf! rve d. tb ls se nsationa l proceed in g . li e r a- learn ed b3(\ l1 a llit s a broad." mu tt e r er! . "al n' a tca h d oh 01' Ant·ny. mid-m oo!! of naradle e . . Old )"~u e ver h e ar wh y. Unc le J ef· ~p()nded InstA ntl y not m er e ly with ta ll· " You 'll s~e," b e ans wer e d . ~It my >' terso n ? . DI,h's !lah e n s lt o nl n' afcll hd . en dah'B A long Um e he s at. wb lle tb e dog w:lI;glng . bu t wit h ecs ta ti c grun ts an d man FrId a r d oes n' t r out m e ou t t a" Ah d ouo he rd " Id th o o th e r wutah e n s h e a ln ' a f!' ah d. \Vo nda h d ozed and yaw n e d on Ih o Rhlny cushe • sa gruw ls. "Wh e r e di d you come rro m?" m orro w. 111 be u p fo r m u rd e r ." AU parte of the Provinces of wh ut Ah gw ln e te ll Ilub? \Vbut d e Ion ld e him . or a s utld e n t:bum Bat ~agtl e.? . d "b~l M.o.itoba . S ... katchewa a and A b d dbiSf·r~ m l'bmbnhs. sh q uesllon ed. a s hi s pink t o ngu e T h ey r od e an h our. n lon g s tr~tc h es up ~'h d Ilarl,ed In earnes t . colo h o b yo' h al h. hon ey ?" . ump ~ a t ~P Jlell l' AI ..." •• have produced won. e a A c um e s t rugg l d d ()s pe rnte ly t.o find a ctlPel, 0; su un y hfe hw ay 8 o r o n s bad e d [I r idi c· Tu r nin g his he ad . his m us t e r RaW ap- h e a h . f 0111 . 01 P derful yield. ot Wh .... 0 .... " £\l ac k ," p u t In (,hill y Lu s k. with n ost ·Oa k Phllltal io n. tbrougb th e who rl of coppe ry hair. path s wh " rll th (' ho r ses' hoo fs fc ll mut· B.rl.,. a nd Pie,.. Wh eat graded wlilk a t Ih ,' oth e rs . "nla r.k as a c row ." pro uc h ing a dilapIda t e d hac k wltb H ~c k n ~I :'Ja h £lr ls t o w. h e k no w e rbo ut Conrract to No. 1 Hard. "W hy. you mu s t b e tbe on e I was to ld ne d In b r ow n r,(n c- lI e l' dles a n d llro u[>Ol d Anth o n y'~ h{lud fe ll bacll to bi B 81c1 e la nt e rn s lIIt a great gogg les and It. e r 1\11 8 J udl tll - tla t s Miss ~ h~rl ey'~ weighed h eavy and ,.1.ld.d from 20 jDot to be atrald of." In g brunc h es ni c k e d tb e lr races . Th e n. kn to 45 buoheb pcr Hcrr: 22 bushel. was ('e . " Yo u ng ma r s' la ugh at d e 0 1' dec rf'~ lt a n d rlld s ie,! c urtains. It was m o th a h. li e r Ca l hub wu s G.on I l'awm Sll e pet t ed and fondl e d th e smo? t h by a m u r k y wny gou ge d wl l h brus k about Uleto1ala veraRe. Mi.od Filialmu n," h e sa id . "bu t h e d on' k now . Da t urall"n 1iy a le an mu s ta rd .tlnte d Dlul e. Dalldrld ge. ell h e di ed to sbtl wa~ ina may be red full y ~. p rofi t. Intel li gent mU 2zle. " As It a nyon e g ulli es . a c ro ss s h elvin g fl e lds and do coloh dat huhn ma h h nn 's-de co lo h ~lDd a ll Its Cront sat u c o lore d man of baw lI ." able a n in dustry as grain rai"in~. The could b e arral d ot you! W e' ll ~e t your " tur n-rows" In n lo n g d e tour nroulld exccllent lTass~ iull of n utri t ion, are S hirl ey D',mdrl d ge ! A hI g h-so und . ob ga l'. e n nycs blu e lik e er c at · b lrd· s un c e rlain age. whose hun c h ed ve rt ethe only food requ ired either for bee.! master ri g h t o u tha I point." Smili ng Pow ha tta n Mou ntain . a r o ug h ~p ur lri alg. Da h 'o e r man g wln e loo k In d e m b rae an d ou t ward·c rook e d arm B g ave in g na m e . with so m et bl n g a t long· or daio' pUf1)Oset\. In 19t2. and Hf{uin In to h e rselt. s h o pull e d OD e of t h e r oses the s b rlpe of an Inrllan '3 h ~ ll d that 1913. at Chicago. M.nito'" carried olf ey es. honey . e n g ..... lne mak e 'em c ry bi m a cur iou s ('x pression ot replet e lIu k c d c ulture. ot arrogan t herit age. from h e r be lt , aDd t w is ti n g a ' wlsp o f we d ge d Itselt forbIdd ingly b e tw een t h e the ruhip low b..f .te ..r, Good e n c ry ." H e rai sed his head s hurply. and bul bou s Inqu iry. Abrea s t ot th e In so me s ubtl e way It seemed to ecbools, mark et. convenien t. cl inl Bte u~ lon g grass. wound It round a nd round t1 l' ld s of s pri ng corn a nd tob acco. c lo t he tb e pe rsonalit y of whlcll Vahi s lids sllut ti ght . and s wung hi t! arm ca r b o r emo " ed a m Olh-ea ten cap. c~lIeat. For the bom""tead~r. t he man the d og's n e ck n nd thru s t the ragge d " Do le t U 8 g e t a drink! " s aid Ch1l1y toward who wi9h ~. to fann ext~Ml v el y. or tbe th o North . "Dah 's whah he " Ev e nln·. s uh: ' h e Hal d.-"eve nln·. li an t ha d b a d th a t ll ee tin g roads ide rose-ste m ftr m ly through It. "Now." Lu ~ lc. 'Tm as tblrs ty as n cotton· !nv~otor. Canada olf. ", the b lgKl'llt opo g llm Jlse. com e ('ODl." be said. " e n heah"- hI8 e \'£'n lu ·." ""nunlty of any place on tb~ C<lnUnent. Bhe said . and pushed him gently trom b a tting came i." "Il oc k 'n yo··all come t'om New arm ve e re d and h e pointe d s traight .. H o wd y do ," re turn e d the otb e r Apply for deocriptlve literature ID4 lIer. "go ba ck. s ir!" "All rIght. we'lI stoP." agre e d tile York ?" Inquire toward the mllge d bill behind tbe m- amlahly . d Uncl e J e lfe rso n. atter ....suced railway QlIeS to He whin e d and licked her band. but Judge. "and you'lI have a chance to "be stay." " Ah r eck' n yo··11 dOD e had e r breck· a Jlttle sile nce. " So! Dey Bay dat's Su~rintendent of ~b e n sbe repeate d the comman d. b e see a local' lion. Betty. ThIs IB Immigrat ion. Lusk laoghed no lseles8ly. " H e 's d o wn wid dat machine -thing dar. Yo ' er pow·tul big place. Dut Ab r e ck'n turn ed oh a di e n lly and le rt her. A lit· wh e re Mad Anthon y li ves. You must Ott--. Canada, or to 01 ' Rl c hmon's big ernuf fo' me ." He pointing to Damory Court." h e whl s· bee n h)'ub ' hout e r hour. nln' YO'1" tle way trom be r he halted. with a hav e h eard of him when you we re b e re "Neare r threp," said VAliant cbeer· clucke d to tbe leISUre ly ' mule and W. 8. NETHE RY sudden pe rception or my s t e rious pun- before. ' H e 's almo s t as c ele brated as pered to Nancy Cha lm e rs. "tbe only add ed . "Ab bin t a r Rlchmo n' onct. unlnbab rull y. "but th e vle w's worth It." lt e d place Int.rurb .n Bid •• within ten miles. Ishm e nt. s hrugged . sat down. and tried th e R e ve rend Jobn Jasper ot RIch· COlumb u •• Ohio That's as n e ar as he orte n hits It. I A hoara(~ tiller cam e ' from tbe con· Yas . s uh! Ah nevah see sech houseB to r each tb e Irksome grass· wi s p w.ltb mond ." 0 flUlcy.'· veyance . wblch gav e forth Bundry - InOS' all blgge r 'n d e county co'otCanadia n hIs t ee th . Tbls failing. ho roll ed laBetty tapp ed her templ e. "Wbere creakln "Heah's gs of leather. "Huyh! Huyh! house." Governm ent Agent wbah be stay." repe ated the bor!ous ly In tb 03 dirt. havo Ah h e ard or JOM Jasper? " John Valiant expret!B ed a so mew bat Dat's so! Hm·m. Then b e rose . cast a r e proachf ul "He waB the author or the famoul old man. "He ap ob troubls walt heab Dat's 80. Bub. ab sent Interest . He was looking "lance b e b lnd him, and trotted oft. Bermon on 'Th e Bun do Move.' He fa' him too. honay. -he ap ob trouble. Re ck'n Au·.1 be gltlln' erlong back." thought fully at the blossom In hi. He .clucked to the mule and proceed ed hee.h whah 11'1 ml8t1s tin' blm ." used to pro ve It by a bucket of water hand. In an absorptJ on tbrough whleb "Come. Antbon y." saId Judge Cbal- to turn the vehicle round . that be s e t beside his pulpit Saturda y CHAPT ER VI. "Hold 011." crie d John Valiant . "I Uncle Jefferso n's reminis cences oO'l.ed mers. laying bls band on the old man's Will reduce InOame d Straine d, nighl As It hadn't spilled In the on. J Swolle n Tendon a, Lllfl'me morning h e' kn e w It was th e enrth tbat sboulde r. " Tbat's much too mourn- thought you were bound In the other n .... Mild Anthony . (TO BE CONTIN UED.) directio ful! n." Give her MuacJea someth or ing Brulaea nice to . top Stop. thl Be yond tbe selvage of tb e sle epy stood stl11 ." lamene "No. art with. suh. .. and at Ab'm pain leaat!" from. gwlne spUnt, back whab i l e af·s h e lt e red "lIlage 1\ che rTY bor· Be tty nodd e d Inu g hlngly. .. Ah reOllillnoe le by ElectriC ity. Side Bone or Bone Sp:lvln. No But Anthon y (laid no heod. "Gr'et come f·om . Ah jus' druv out byuh d e r l' d lan e m e t the Red Road . On Its m e mbe r now. Is Mad Anthon y really For the be neflt or tbe n e rvous caa. blister, no hair gdne. Horae can be trouble. Dab's flah en 8be aln' ateahd-. '(;ase Mi ss Shi r l ey done met me. en one s ide was a clovere d pa8tun~ and mad ?" that come to the doctor It ~ bees used. bottle delivered. Dtlcn'be sbe say. ' Unc' JeUe·so n. yo' go 'treckly beyo nd thi s an orebard . bound e d by a "Only harml es sly." said Shirley . en da.h·s watah en sh e aln ' Bfe ahd. En a s s e rted by Scriptu re that It Is just aa your case for Ipecial in.tructio Di tall h e d ge o f close-cl ippe d box wbl c h "He's s ton e blind. Tbe n e gro es all Ah sees yo' gwlne t e r ~llm, hon e y. Ah out d e Red Road. 'case er gemman n e c essary to know bow emotion al they Illd Book 1 K Free. s e parnteq It tram 1\ broad yard wh e r e be ll c ye he conjure s- that' s voodoo. heah's d e co·ot·bo use clock a ·slrlkln· In dOlle got stalled·e d.' " ar e a8 It Is to know bow hi g h ~bl! ABSOnBINE, JR., the antilepti c linimtnt fo. "Oil- Mis s Sblrley. Sbe told you. l e mpe manki.lId. ' Reduceo Straine d, Torn LlIfl'th o gray· weathe re d roof of Ilose wood yo u \rno",. Th e y put n lot of Btock ue night- e n yo' gwlne. Don' walt. rature Is In a caso 0: fever !nenta. EDlarved ~Iand •• Voln. don' walt. WI mlstl s . er d e trouble· d id s h e ? What did yo u Bay b er \lrst MUKlee, sho wed ubove a group of tulip anu Moreov er. In many cas es It Is n e ces- Heal. Cut •• Sore.. Ulcera. I\.U., cloud gwln e kYah blm e rway (' o m yo' name was?" cat a lpa trt'es. On th e s unn y Bt e ps a s ary to find out what expe rie n ces In Il.OO. bottleac dealtr. or d~lI.,.ered.. Bnalc: · · £"ld~nee·~Jf'ft!., •• F. YOUNG, P. D. F, 810 rll\lPll Stre.~ 1p11llfte1d, ..... "Dat·s bub fu s t name. Mls8 Shirley . th e • • Whe n d e c lo c k s trik e thuh· lop·r ar e d PUPil Y was pl a yin g with a (las t or pre scnt lite ot th e patl en' t ee n-wll l' ll d e c lock s trike tlluh- Yas. suh! MlsB Shirl e y done said C' produ ce e motions mottl " d ca :. . For thle llurp06~ t een- " me ter come e n glt de gem man whut th e I,ati Th o f ront t! oo r was ope n. s howIng a e :ll s its nt ease 'wltb hands l'n Th e droni ng 'Iolce c e a ~c d . Th e - whut kinder dawg Is yo' got dar?" hall wbero stood fl grandfa t h e r 's c loc k th e e lpctrode s . which may bol 80 COl! ' g a unt fo rm hecame rIgid. Th e n be " It' s a bu.lldog . Can you give me and II ~ Jl in rl l e · l cg g e d tabl e h o lding a ceal e d 111 th l! arm:; of his chair t bat h'l If you have not decided upon what fHu n e d a nd turn-ed hla 03YtlS 810 w ly 11ft ? I've g ot that small trunk und-" bow l of IJO I rO llr rl. Th e lim p pl ecc h a d Is unawar e th n t th e most Intimat e a bout hi ll l. a " a gu e look of an:ltl ety o n " Dat's tl r'lgh t /loe dawg. Mis s Shir- proce sses la nd e(! frolll a sa lli n!!: v ~ H " 1 a t J a m ('s· of hi s s oul are be ing reg h is rll(,". For 14 Dlomc nt no oll e le y s he mog bty fond ob dnwgs . too." to take, trr t OW I1 \I h nr r w ith th .· hOll Rr ho ld go otl ~ Is re re d BS variou s word s nre spoken at m Ol·rd . II'h ~ n b ~ spoke again !t WIlS "Fon d o r dog s . Is she?" said Valiant. varIou s lovi of Ihat I':n r ll~ h Ga r la nd wh o h il t! es 'ot conv e rsatioll nrt' 41eo n c(' tH o ro In lU s gentle QUI>l' e rlng " I might h lw e known It. It was nIce n(\ o pl .. i\ th e o ld 1\11(1.111' I'l a nt a tl o n c u sse d . th o galvanom e t r.' ~ 8bow,nl l or h e r t.o Be nd you here. Uncle Jelfe r · wh e n a sen " o lr e: I v.1 : r· l1 Dunmo r'! w a ~ ruya l g o ver n or Ull · s itive subje ct has h..1en " \\'Il ta h '! )" as Mars' . good ~' atab . son. You can take me and my trap8. tou c h c t! . - Fre <1 r r (;('orgp Ill. Jo'rilm e d po rtrait s 8 ll ,1 d W . Eas tmnn. In Har· H e 'p yo 'S!)' ( " ~(Pu.:LSJ~ I su DIlOSe?" f e n l! ra ,' IIl [;s Ip. nt tint s of tn rnl ij h e u 51 1per's Maga zine. Tile judgo .... r . o l<l · roRe n nd s lln ~et · g o ld s -co l o r ~ a dollar bill on the By arousin g the liver t! tep a n li wC! ig hted It with n s tolle. a s t i n l ,~ · to tJ (·d ar !J t Pm i nt sce nl , ca rrying a They cloant. the Bystem of IlA:CUmulated th p rPHt fI ·mo u,o t c d . " W e ll. go.,d·by . c h ar min g Sf' llS e o f p'lllce flil co nt e nt . o f Impuriti es and Anthony ,' g r ntl , · t "· ~s a n,! Jo ng trad iti o n . be !laid . " We' re rnlllhtlly 'I' h p PUR l" THf: BLOOD obllgcd ." dar k \l oli: h c d s ta irway h a d at Its turn • f\ 5 '1 \tO r ~ rl or llll' r·wlnu o w wh iC h looke d H e s prang Idto th e saddl e and lh e ou t u;JO n on e of the rosl'·arb o r R. Quarl fl tt o cante ted away. "My e xperi· Do w n th is sta Ir. some wha t la t e r tilat m'mt was ll' t Ii great StlCCIlSS . I'm a.rU>rn fJo n . c a lr_1l S hirl ey Ua nLir ld gp. af ra id. S hlrl ey. 'i· h e said ru efully. Now doing well but wanti n8 bo(· tc d tln rl ~J1 ttrr e d . t.h" r .. b,'llIo ,, " " Oh. I Iblllk It W I\B Bple ndld!" crie d WRONG NUMBER I jack·ln:office tbat ever epollt bla larger eal'D:ings ~borl H o f lle r ru s oot hair no w a s c losewill ask about Nun rl' . "no yoJ SUI' pose h e r e ',lIy b e· VERY MUCH ma s ter's buslnea. s. (]o Qway and tell our propo sition ly I.l1 f'1r·d a s a a r ~~ k boy ·s . In a s hort to wago n salea. lI evc~ ~ hOH~ ~poq kY I l.l ngR? I d e clare. so m p. o ne wbo knows more About UHl men. Wewa ntaste Expc rlence Probabl y Taught Testy dl"l d" r! , I;ir l l/'r y,' w·,:: r N,n a n n a ('uol ady,g ent1& a t th e lI Gle I a ll1lfst did ll'ys e lt. What bUMln css of the hot e l to come and manly repre. Old Gentlem an to Be More C.arewl,ll c u l" \l ~ " ~n d swin g ing by It s rlu · s entati ve in every an odr! Id f'e - 'w"en tb e cloc k ~trlkeB " H owdy Do. Anthon Bpe al, to y." m He ful e." S3 Whom 1d . He Rang Up. bOtl a g p ·,· tI h a t wb oa p ro ll I ng brl m oount y. H.und rede haveg roWD thlrt"~e n,' \\"hi::h • . of course. It never There was a chuckle at til e otb ~ r old and _pros w as e" , ~ lc t LI P al onr s ldf' IJY (1 c r isp In hi s ·p rop h pris tn s." I perou s in the li e tells (:Jr· (l o Ps ." A g e nt\Clllan was staying In an enel of the wir e. b lu"· lJ b "· k hll", I, 'R f,, ·Bth er. S it" slo pp r'd tunes. too . s .. ,h '" 51", wa servio e. No exper ience nooee"J)OIl ' t mind. Shirl ey ." baute red meLi . " II~ ' s English pro'vlnc lal town. when be to J1 I ' [ 011 1 of t h'~ do rm e r·w tnd ow t o ~i tttn g Oil th e d o o r,sIP "ThIB Isn ' t n h otel; It 's the town sary. "Dow n Il. H e'~ bearLi L u bit. "Whc n yt!lu s ec all 'de m trou· he ard thllt 1\11 and outers " no1 r. 1\I0ne yboy. his partner jail:" Ruld th e voice. wh p r-e . u nd l1 r (hr' l al l iC' l'd 1\,' p.n\'8 o j' U S, " ·want ed. Write forpa rticul am. bl l's' comiq:. s O'lIld th e alarm and In bU Bin es lJ. w'a !! at another tOWIl clos e blou m b" ~i \Jf' a rUllnd Iro n t abl e hol e]. 'lbe con fused g c ntlemAn rang oft Th " ul d nep: ru h a d I h" torF.1l ot II w (" 11 ny In :l ho clY\ to your r escue. " by. so h e nlng up hIs hotel on the s barp. • ln g a hoop of " m lJrol d ,' r y a nrl n bouk blacl! pat ri n rch • ar I lea mpan J . li e ~ a t bo lt up rl g hl Th o)' lel th e ir I horscs n ut for a telepho or tw o n I ~d.\' f a t r <'aditl/! . ne . Dept: Eo w it h lu ng s lr:tl l;ht a r ms r" ~ lIl! !l un pOll nding /: ull o p WINON A.' MINN. hieh pulle d down "Ill Mr. Moneyb oy there?" be InTh " I"d y', h ai r was ,lilve r. b Ul tlot h is 1' 110' ,'" . Why He Left Scotlan d. an d hi s fn ee had tll ,.t jl P . Hu d{lr lily n t ;t rn tl Bhrle l< from Det· Quired. with ngp . i l. hu 'J bee n ror tl l:!O.'" (,lI li~r "X f!r (' ~ s i(lnl imm o bilit y s"('n ty fOag( ·. as h er h At a Calt·.don ian t In Lon IOTHER BRAY'S SWEET tbe "No he Is not." came th e respons e. don a S co ts man who y ca r s . r e lu l!'d b y t h e t ran sp"r{ nl , Iein in E 'i ~' p t l nll ca rv io!;s. Il ls 11 ;':1) w ig ht air II I Hig ht of all \,L""U,UIU had eettled in So Rn d H (" o lor a~ soft as t h ~ clwf' k o t u n 11 1\\' " POWDlBS FOB CHILDREN "w~rl, bas he engaged rooms? " tbe metro!1O lls mad e! a speEl ch. In b ~p. n an yth ing . j ungin g from hl 8 r onthI cfc.. Rdl~ P~~riShD"". Coa.tlpa. . Ilprl eot. II W 3 '1 &o!(! ly in h e r \J arl, fac "No. W~ don't rese rve rooms whll'h Scotlan d and all tblngs Scot· p whi c h wa s so "('u me t! a nd c r c vtioa .Coldl ....d COrtect or e y eH. d pf' fl n " d s tran gp ly lu m inous . icpu 18 h e re; first come. ftJ'st tbe served otolDllcb and bowels. Olld b tls h wer Is our e ijO rul som ely praIsed that an w it h .inn ume rabl e tin y w r l nkl ~" Mo/lUrs/'tW2-#>-_,. At all Druethat o tl e ml ;d' l SPI! lur kin g l it e Gu nl' t hat rule. ~ came the sbarp and somewb at Engllsh mnn. who sat. next him, said It m o~ t r esfo mbl ed th e t()J'tu r" d .clttl 2$<!, Sample lIIalled FRUit. . "I al ry reply. b e l' s pi rit or }.Hla5 lo n l.l!ld o f pa lli. Hut g lll a.... .... ~ A. •• ~...tMI.L when he bud finished : e .... lLy. zP of no nl P atl c l ~~ J)t bHunH!, t p u t . the th e y w p rr ~a g e r a nd b r ill ian t wlt h n l. He was ra.ther t/tken back at the "If Scotlan d Is all tbac you Scot. DlPORT lI:D t en' u n" a r t bc d f ro m a tomb of I< or. FlJUCR BROOMS olltlut t/>Iv lng ' h e III' to Ib e can e wh ose c roul; lorty Indepen dence they seemed to men say It Js. why dou't oorn brooma. an.<ido better 1fork. 'Tbouaanlin T h r} j ud ge dl ~ ruount e d. an.d lossin g yoU st., 1014 cll one pille d e Jl cate hand h eld ..... lth a hi 4&.111. ACODIa, male and . , ...&1 •• ,etUn, revel In In thtat tp"'o. there ::;"'l'lad ot coming here 1" s brid1e ove r a fe nce-p!ck et. too lt rlell •• lIInc 15 to 40 • lIa,.. Taka a ••n..,. I. .clas p tha t fome huw COl1\' I')' pd a sense fr "Cnn you tell me." · he aeked, "It "Wep.!." answere d the Scotsm an. o m hi s fJ OC ll e t a coll a ps ibl e IIrlnk ing " I \Von du r who :f:~:~ ~~:':-II1.i'Ar~~~ at xas peralll " s c ml-humu l'Uus re- CUD. " Howdy ~'Ci~ be will stay with :rou when he "Ah'U lell ye hoo 1t wls wi' me. 110. An l hony. " h(' sa id. Nan cy. "I've never WheD (lV. lit (l 8'1'... ". W " WABRIN GTO".. ~ 0. 1M!lUon. reaches thetown Ah-wis r' "We JURI stoppe d fo r a dri n k or your fore. " In busines s In Fife .Ab fand a Sbe looke d 1! p at Sbl r le y's vo ic e . und go od wa "It's posBlbl e h8 may. But we eafi't th e fowk ""18 just as' cliver ail melel' ter .". " Why." s aid Betty ~lIecl br1&lIUI . "orr tor ~our ride. say." aD' Ah cudna gU the two eo's meat. Tile o ld n e gro Il<ldde"l hIe bead. It·s Mad Anthon y 's lieu,.. "Look bere:: roared tbe' Irate Sae ·Ah cam' ~w~' So.oth~ an' sln' . , . . " <;lood watah." he saId Irs the ientle course, OOIDe for ShIrley. Ueman; •"}rou're tbe , moel' impude nt man,· A b,'ve ,b~eo ' daeIa' Ale - " " . , ". ... ', 'J. I.. __

l n hn

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Sprin g Medi cine

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Jud ge Jeremia h ·Neterer . ot the United States district court. tD-day granted a perman ent InJllJIctlon In ~e­ half of the Ce ntaur Compan y of New York. the manufa cturer. of Fletche r'l Caatori: i. against the Stewart • Hqimes Drug Compan y or thl. city. The controv enry arose from the slmIllallng of the labels of thl. well-kn own prepara tion. aDd from tbe e"ldenc e tiled In the cllBe It was lI\.Iown that the Infringi ng label WIUI I1nrt dilcove red on sale In Honolul u. &lid wa. tl'aced to Ita ori&1n here In SeatUe. The ' defenda nt comp&llY II one of the olde&t and largest concern s of III kind In the' Northw ('.. tThe d ecree carrie. wIth It an order that (110 Stewar t • Holtoel Compe ,. recall tbe gooda wblch fJe on the market under tho Infrinp ng label. &lid to pay all costs In the IUIt and ~g.. ulesae d at UOO.-8 eatUe. W'leb .• -'I'1mos_"- Ad".




Feel All Used Up?








"Outpou ring" W .. Jult Had Been Stated In HIB of R.c:ommBndaUon.


A lecturer went to Yonker , with a letter to a Yon ken! eltls on tram a man In Ne w Rochell e and succeed ed In 8ettlng &II engacem ent. HII thre&bour lecture pro"ed dull. dry and unInterelU ng. Next dt.Y Mr. Yonken r met Mr. New Rochell e . "What did you IlI8&D r" .. ked Yon 11· erl. "by recolllm endlns that lemoa lecture r?" "I d1do't recomm e nd blm. " "Well. I JUBt l8\Ie88 you did . I've KOt your letter right he re In m., Jloe ket." "Botter read It ov e r again - car&f u II y." Mr. Yonker s did. It "'1!.8 purpose l, tJoncorn mlttal : "1 have heard Mr. n : 8 lecture. It Is n8 Interest ing a8 It IB InstrucU ye ." " And It wasn't' eltber." said Yonk· erl. "Then tbe comparl Bon balds." said :-;ew Rocbell e.- New York World.


KIn,~"me. Mo.-"M y trouble belu . ~Ihteen year. &&0. Nearly halt of the Ume there were runnlnl lorea around MY ankle; IOmetim e. It would be two yean at a time before the,. were healed. There were many nlshtl I clld not .Ieep becaole of the I(Te&t ao1flr1n ,. The lorel were' deop runnlDe onel and ao lore that) could Dot bear' tor &IIythln , to touch them. Tbey ....ould burn all the time and aUDI Ulle & lot or beea were confined around m,. ankle. I could Dot bear to Icratch It, It wall alwaya so lensltlv e to the touch. I could not let my clothos touch It. The akIn wal "e", re4. I made what I called a cap out of white rell. blotting paper and 10tt ,.hlte cloth to hold It In shape. Thll 1 wore night &lid day. _ ") tried many remedie l for mOBt of the eightee n sears with no elfect. Lalit lumme r ) sent for lome Cutlcur a 80ap and Ointme nt. Tbe very first time I uled Cutlcur a Soap and Oint· m~nt I pined relief; tbey relieved the pain right then. It was three monthl from the Ume I commen ced uslnl Cutlcur a Soap and Ointme nt until the Bores wero entirely hoaled_ I ha"a not been troubled since and Ulf ankle lIeems pertectl y well ." (Signed ) MrL Cbarlee E . Brooke. Oct. 22. 1912. Cutlcur a Soap and Ointme nt solei throurb out ,tbe world. Sample or eacb tree. wltb 32-p. Skin Book. Address POIlt. carcI"C ullcura, Dept. L, Boston ."-Ad" . , Rebutti ng a Libel. J o hn D. Rockefe ller. talking to a Oleve land clergym an. said one day, with a wblmslc al but rather B8d emile : . ,,- "~~rom " the storIes that are told about my love of money and my disregard for humilnl ty you'd think I WII some sucb monste r as tbe crimina l of the anecdot e. "A judge once Bald to a terrible crimina l: ... 'And you actually had the beart to murder thle poor man tor a matter of &0 centa!' .. 'Well. your bonor: said the crim· Inal, with an Injured- Innocen ce air, ·well. your hODor. what 40 you expect! Fltty centa here and fifty cente ther_l t · lOOn mounta up.'''

Import ant to Mothe rJlballlln e carefull y eYe", bolOe at QABTO RlA, a we and lure remedy for lRt&llta and ClbJ14reD. ancl ... tlaat It

Bearst~i h.~

Sipatu reot In U.e For OYer SO

Un. milldren Cry for Fletcber'. Cutorbl In DI" DIIIII'1IOI.

-What' . the matterY " "I'm In dllgrac e with m,. wUe." "What abouU" "She aent me down toWll to matnb lome halr. 1 cot lOme Uke tile Al_ lady'l. J thou,ht It wu prettJe r."Wasbln gton Herald. Let Dean', Mmtbol ated Couab Drape line

yoo of tbat cou~ and .top tb. tbroat irritatio n-tio at lJrUi Storea. A critic, Cordeli a. Is a person who II unable to do a thin, ID the wa,. he thInks It ought to be done. .,. cIIrtf"


rlUle cilia.. llke ·blula,.

Doa't aooept waWlr tor bluing. A.aIr. for RIid enBall Bl_ .....

Kany a marl haa real money In ht.

pocket beCau, . be doeal!-·t automo bile:



1!IYer feel th&t you CAn go uo rul'tiler-tb at yoo must IInve r es t for that a nd ach ing back- r elief from tllat coutan t. dead-tir ed fouling? Have yo u suspect ed your kidneys ! Kidney dlse8.lle showy Itsclf In baclla c be. ner vo us trou bles and disord ers of the kidney scc re tlons . It Ured. worrlod. lame. rheuma Uc. dizzy and IItlrVo us don't lilt a possIble weaknes ll of th e kIdn eys es cape at t entlon until It turns Into a case of !lrllv"l . dropsy o r Brlght's dlsBlLse . Sick kidn e ys go from bad to worse. TlIlelr usefu l work of flilering th e blood Is only partll' doue. Poisons t hat sbould be pas se d out with tbe kidney secretio ns are beld In the blood. circulating freely. attacllin g muscl es . nerves and vltsl oraans . The kldn eya In·name . 8well and throb. and tbllt 18 tb e cause ot sharp paIn. In tbe back. or tlJal dull . constan t heavy acbe. ·For quick help uae Doan·. KldnelY P ll l8. No oth e r kidney remedy Ss uaed and recomm ended BO ge nerally . Take tht m when you feel the tlrst bad ba.c kach e. or aee the firet disturba nce ot the kidney aecretio ns. Doan'I ba"e

brought new life &lid 1Itren.ut to th~ lands of despair ing men and wome ... ILDd thelre 18 nothing In the remedy to cause an y harm or start II. plll·tak in. hab ll. He re 's th o best at proof-t estimo ny fr ow a !lral ef ul U5pr .


The old man will not march today -he meant to be in line' Y?U mind. last yea~ he stel?pe d along so jaunty and so fine'--, W HIS ha~ atilt so ~oYlshly, hiS should ers straigh t a nd . square , X ,And him near elg~ty, but as young as ~ny march ing there? : ~ Twas yesterd ay his ock c ome; Twas C1an~ey ~n iRim And when he saw the httle leaves hIS eyes grew soft dl And down and p a tt e d it like 'twas a baby's lia·~.J .J . ' : The that far off Coun~y .e..; :



THIN , WOR N.OU T AND NERV OUS L aid Up in Bed (o r Wedut at. .. Ti",.. C.


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tim e RInd t wu lalet u p U e lL l ed. by uro UhYIIIII.

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In bllld .h a p ..

I . thin , wo rn ou t a nd nrrvo ua .n 4 .... ,..p edc d t o {1I e at an), time , The k id ne y ae c Nl tl o n. po.•• " d t oo fr e Qu e nt l, and 1 w ... In eon. tant rai n. I _&AI c e llin. w: o rae .. & friend to \ (I me to t r ,. 00&0 " Kldne,.. "tu PUla. 1 noti c ed Impro veau nt •• .000 a. I too .. t h 4:m and beture Ion. I p .... ed •••• raJ IIIravtll .t onGa. t .... loflt1 tD .... 'cht an4 ", . . (· ur ed . 1 C'&.n DOW' work ••..,.., ••y wttbou' lb. loaat trouble.. "

bad r'




i Mattor "" ~

And long into the.....night sat otl. d . . .. . . Her ays, -~ He whispe red of the boyho od paths, as one whose fancy strays Back over long forgot ten fields - and then with eyes aflame He looked and looked into the past and whispe red mothe r's name! " Acush1 a! N<;>rah!" ••• Sure 'twas joy th:at held him when he Sighed ' He droppe a his hood upon drea so, he died . And in his hand, hair Was crushe d the of green Clare.

of Relatlon Bhlp That Requlre o Quite a LIttle Skillful FIIIU,.. 1"11 to Get. Rlllht.

C"r.. the .Jell aDd acta; . t • ." . . . aU •• (Of' other... Llqu14 .....0 eo. the lonp .. 8al. £Or brood. m .... c • •o4 all otber-.. B. at Iddl'1ey nmcdr. SOc.a.I 11 .. bottl.; alld 110 .. doun.. Bold b" .11 d,uo:cltto ond bo . . . .OCNM hou~. or •• n~ r ..prr .. paid.. by the maDufac turer ..


"Look III;r a. nJnk ~ . " saId J in ks . SPOHIY MrDIC AL CO., Chemla f!l. GOSH~N. INDlAN "what I ... a nt to I< no \\ Is- wh o am l' A - - - - - -- A sh ort lim e tt!; O I propose d to & girl Had the Rudime nt • . wh o. ho\\ p' \·l· r. ~alll s he would prefe r Youthfu l human nature 18 m\l ch the to be p. ml ~c d. I, U1 e r efore . exc used same the world ove r. Hero Is the her. but a year late r msrrled he r story told ot the eleve n·year ·old Bon of i Dl~.~~e:~ ~~~~ ~y ,~::aUb~a~~~e~~' my a PhilippI ne hend ·bunter, recenUy Cut out albaniCJ I and pu,·pltivo ". fa th e r married the girl who bad re- brougbt to San Francis co by a returu- brutal. hanb. UIUleuu8 ry. filS mlsslon nry. The boy . beIng Intro- CARTER'S UnLE tused m In other words. my daugh· duced to Borne friend s of bls guardia n. UVER PILLS ter. At leut, up to tbat time abe bad remarlle d that he knew much about uee n my daughte r. but of course wben sbe alarmed my fatb e r sbe be- tbe UnIted 'Stat6l, and underst ood I came my mother. But tblB la not the base ball- althoug h he called It "mlkl j wonn. u you will ,realize when I tell rula." " So you know ba.aebal l!" one Quesyou that by marryin g my daughte r my fath e r. naturall y. beeame my son. tioner re marked . "\Vbat ' do you call "Itt would seem. theretor e. that my the umpire? " Tbe boy heBltate d, and the mlsllon · SllALL PILL. SHAU. DOSE, SMAIL PIlICL fntber Is my son and my daugbte r II Genuine must bear Signature my :motlte r ; In whlcb case I ask YOIl ary encoura ged him. "Tell tbe gentlem an wbat you call once more--" ' ho &Ill [!" "SO far as I can make out," replied the umpire. my boy!" "Thief. sometim es. but robber mOlt.. Blnks. "your father'S mothe~1. e .• your . wife- must be your grand- 1,.," was the unexpec ted reply. moUler, and therefo re. as you are Familia rity. your grandm other's huaband . you ap"Does he k'now her ver,. well!" pear to be your own grandfa therl "He must. I overhea rd him telllns But. of course. I mllY be wrong ." her that ebe III settlng fat." ·Tak. Your Choice of MoralB. THE change may be-erlU car-an4" 'CIIQM untold E s cape or a student wbo fell down . . .Iufferln g In alter·llf e. 'l1te modem -J'oaDl l tbe lL utscblne gorge In the Alps but ·woman II often a "bandle of nervea ":-"hlp Itnlnl'~ was caugbt on a rock and remaine d ~~:~~I!t pella-em OtlOn& l- freqaen tly hJn aiJd Bus pended for two days and nights. III \7ith life. Such rtIrla Ihowd be helped . recalls to the London Cbronlc le anltap in lit_by a woman '. tonic and nl!nlne -t.haL_b u. PfOven auceeu futfaf otbt'r Grund elwald e8cape of wblcb over~ , ye ..... : L ealia Stepben t ells. Returni ng from th e c halet above the Eismee r. one of Stepheu 's guides. Michel, reached tlJe Edge of a clift wh ore a wooden rail guarde d th e patb. Unfortu uately the rall left orT prematu rely . and Mlcbel bad been drinkin g. So be stepped ov er and fell on hard roclt ::t early 100 feet below . He la y thero all nlgbt and next ruornlng got up and walked hom e . ~o be r and whole. Stepben s ubmits two morals for choice : "Don' t get drunk wbe n you bave to walk alon lt t:l e e dge of an Alpin e clllf." and "Get drunk If you a re likely to fall "". ,.,EReE ·S ,.LEASA NT ,.ELLET S '.r.I",. over .nn Alpine clift." .rIII ........ .... , ..... cA, /' •• r .nJ S . .v _ I I , tlllJ' •••".1.. _IJO c. 1.11 • .. era.,. Needed Every One. Asker- Could yo u le nd me a V, T elillt- No. I eouldn· t. Askel'- HavQ you a frl ell d that "'ould Ipnd me a V? T elllt--No. I baY A not 0. fri e nd to Learn to know hi s ailmen ts and treat them spare.- Kansns City Slar. yourse lf. Our free bookle t, "Vete rinary


Don 't Pers ecut e Your Bowels





_______~~_~_~_~~~_~~_"",_~_~_" .....,. ...


cu lt to ge t out. To atte mpt to crOBB th e bog would be serious. and 80 the traveler comes to underst and why the peasant s do not clear these fields and plant crops. Among tb e peasant s tbere are many good Irlsb sooga sUIlg an d Dlany talel Traveler Must Leave City of Dub- told of th e "auld days" wben "dis· cuss lons wltb s ticks" were the fash · lin if He Would Really Ion . In a. few old homes tbe big. stout Know Country. shill ela bs wh ic h haye eltbe r lost or wou bntt les havo been prE'se rved tor ge ne ra ti o ns. desce nding with th ei r his· There the AttractI ve Charact erlstlcs ton es from oldest son to oldast son . Fe w tou ris ts re turn tram Ire lan d with· of the People Are Portray ed-Son gs out IL stout. bludgeo n. but tbat Is a and Tale. of the Days When Fac1I0 uven ir made ollly for tbe trav eler; tion FIghtIn g Waa the Fashion . Its le ngtb Is only about on e-balf that D hns mnny surprise s for tbe I RELAN traveler whose opinion tb e Irlsb o~

has been form ed from bls visits to the theater. whe re" Pal" Is always dresse d in some im possible sty le. spea l,Ing a barsh snd dlsug reeable long ue. a nd al w;!YS r ead y to obtrude his 1111portanc e up on th e au di e nce. If suc h a t ype e ver exis ted . It ha s left Ire la nd. tor th e brog ue of lh e Iris h is a pleas. · j ant dlv ersion to those wbo visit th e la nd . There It Is recogni zed us th e accomp lis hme nt ot tllose wbo hav c preserv ed th eir ow n nuth.-e Gae lic tongu e. and who s pea k it In soft. pl easIng voices. Pe rhups It Is bec au se th e otber rac c ~ hnve generall y fail ed to und erstund the peopl e of Iroland tbat tllo Inhab itants ot th o lan d. nl thougb cordIal. a ss um e a re" ~n' e wlth strange rs. it. howeve r. a. tourist 1I0asts of 0. re l a~lonshlJl wltll on e of NO GUSH~ R their country m en he Is at once take n Bull Tells FactB Ab.)ut Po.tum . Into the hea rts of the people. wbo lave to feci IL fellowsh ip with tbelr A Wis. lady round lUI. easy and sMe g\lests. way o'u l or lbe 1IIs ca.r Bed by corree. Tbe trav eler who select s th e city Sbe says : ' of J)ublln for his slgbtsee ing in Ire"We quit coftee and have used Pos· land will lie vc r feel that he lIus seen tum for the past eig ht years, and the land . Excepti ng tbe fact that olle drink it nearly every m e-al. We nev~r hears tb cr e the soft. musica.l voices of tire ot Il the people and sees a t the bot els nris"For several years previou s to Qulttocratlc old ladles orten wearing loug ling cottee I oould scnrl: el y eat o.nywhUe ve ils E\lttendl ng trom th e backs thing on accoun t of bloat· or th e ir h eads to the tra.lIs of th eir Ing atte r meals , pal dresses In the style worn by Qu eeu ache-I n tact was In Victoria , and excepti ng the fac t that Happy Chlldr-e n In Front of Plcture aqu. distress ono eats corn ed beef and ca bbage d to t1 tried living &II 115 • served at good closs botel in th e Cottage , County Kerry. "Hearin g ot POltum I middl e of a very hot summe r and yet of tha old tbree·fo ot flghtlng stick tng It lind found It enjoys It. one would hardly r ealize wblch was used by a lrlend to crack I ments disappe ared. and tbat be Is In Erln's Isle. bls ne lghbor's skull. In the days ot anythl~lg] want wltbout Happily for tbe tourist, St. Patrlck 's faction I1gbtlng thll followe rs or both "My parenta a.nd UW!OIl'LD Q land Is mostly peaslUlt Ire land. In the sides weleom cd the opportu nity to get tbe saJne ",.n"'~ ..n,.,.. rural dis tricts one finds ge ms 01' "cl ean 1< llt." as they called It, It tb ey I often IlUlfer after scenery . and It Is there. too. thAt th e we re beaten 01' to murder. wblch meant drinkin g coffee. M attracti ve charact e rlstlcs of th(, pea- beat. another . Des pite the tact tllat great coUee drinker pie are ·portray ed. Soutller n Ire land I' the law WaB opposed to this form of . Indll:esilion and nel~dalc~ Is so poor In farm lands that tile trav- amusem e nt. It was powerl ess III the "Arter b(' stopped ele r wonder s how the peasu n ts liv e, hands of jud}ea and Juries 'who th e m- Postum botb allm surroun ded In many places by rocks,! Belves took part In this favorite sporl will not drink heather fields and pent bogs. with we ~&ve It three be re and there OIlly IL little Ilatcll of St. Patrlck' lI Unsolfl shne... write more but am 'eclulm ed IUlld, where IL few potatoe s Like' St. Pnul. 8 0. too. St- Patrick state plain tacts.'· ,r some greens may be grown. see ms to have practice d the New Tes . Name given by E ven pigs are 8carce. Unless these tament inJuncti on : "Freely hav e you Creek, Mich. little grunter s ar e r eally kept In Ul e r eceiYeli. fr ee:y giv e." (Matt. 10. 8), ramous IItUe book. parlors of tb e on e or two toomed tor he sa ys : "'}:boug h [ have baptize d ' ville." eablne. tb ey are noted more for their so man y th ousa nd peo ple. did I ask Postum now In two form s: absence tllan by th eir presenc e. The a halfpenn'Y (rllmi dLu m 8crlptul ae) Rogular PO:Bt~II1'1·-[nUI5 t be well beau t iful . beatber fi elds ot tbe Island from anyon e p'C tllem? Mc nuon It bC?lled. 15e package s. a snare .ror th~' 8tranger wllo'sta rts and I will give it back to you .And In.tant ...n •••• _<-., .. a soluble powto gather, a. bunch.. oC· t~e pretty weeds, when the l.ord -O.Pdaln ea · cleilcll. f der. A di ssolves Quickly as the re Is .aPt to . be' 8: parttc~~IY t hrough my uitwqrth lne68 (modl(flto.' II). a cup and. wltb cream bea~t.'llUI sp.r~y .~ ,~lttle way. off ' f,:om tilll~) and mlnlstr y . l gave or41natiOIlS and s~g:a.r, deliciou s beverag e the roa~ . But · wOI} uot9 b4n who freely . If I asked . 60c tins. _t~ kes his that It~P, .f'roDi the .t:tgbwa,y.; 'ey&n tlle !ir.rce ~ qt ·m:f of. oqe ·of them 1I:!.tan~'y. '8li.ildal. tel\ me, ,,:'rhe. cup o.f botlI 'k~ndB tl H~. foet Blnle tQ-' blll. Ih~e.toPBAnto tije '9harge e wttll it, and.;l ·: win 'restore ''! tunh, l ·~ o~4ir. ~teJ), nil it . t~ _dl~. ,It to 1,):0 ... . , .... . ." ~. '












Keep Your Horse Sound and Well

Ex.perience," telrs clearly how to correc tly with

diagno se and curey our horse' ssickn es s

Tu ttle 's Eli xir 'It Never Falla

Tuttle 'S Elixir, Tuttle's Roof Ointme nt. Tuttle's Conditi on Powder s, ~d other Tuttle Remedi es are used by horse owners everywh ere. Don't risk the value and life of your horse--a Jways lave Tuttle" Elixir in the stable, . Bu, a bollie of


EILsI. today.


Yonr d ...... by

Dot. MlId ua hi. name aud OO CCDta and we wlllll«l'nd


you a lar.e .In bonte prep&1d., a.J.o • COPT O•• , Vet.erlnar y EIperieno e.. ..


Bever ly Street . Bostoa . ......

C ar ol in a C or n C ou nt ry The Gulf Stre am Lan d of Mild Win ters Thou sand s of Acre s Rich, Black, Sandy Loam. Easter n state level Coast Lands or roDing Up-lan ds of Middle State, New vqin ranns or lands already under tillage.

Corn . Cotto n. Toba cco. Pean uts. Truc kina. Bay and Live Stock

Ample mooth ly rainfal l Sunshi ne every day in the year. Twelv e hours lrQ1ll New York. Low priced lands. Special excurs ion rates twice a month. Write for free colored maps and deaaip tive bookle t. Addres s .

B. E. RICE, Ge~eral ladust rl.l Alle.t. De.,.. •• '


' RAl~LROAD \' .1.







Mllry A. l:!u\llln; to Wlllhlw H. der on !lod Mr . L . K. Ltlnido n, the : NdlV pun 16 ~ores 10 Chiliror eek Jud ge t!-xed the lI~ouOt to be po hl t.uwusb ip fl!l fi O ... . ...................... ...... ........ .... ... .......... the nt.toflleYB lit tho 8UO' of tMO<'. Fr"u k ( '. l\:ln(lilr III lI eun' Bil'lhop III hand ing down thiS declslo u tl e P robateL :ourt Proceed ings 20 tH'rell in Frlln k Ii 11 town~hlp $ 1, Marrla gc LIcense s J UUg'EI rllpped the I1Uoroe ys \Vh I h '"A n .·. t! t>r of th'l el! tuttl of ' l.em on Robln Roo, A. P. (l rllhy to (' , 1.. luku 70 Jllirtiol pated In the Jaok firemlln nf Cln case \ly .1 ,,, , .,. C. I ',·nw " . rl poflo!lfld . Flr~t. olnn .. ti. to Carri(, Cllrlstl ull, of Leu- "er e;! In \JI"nwrol llk t" wlI .. "I " tol . th"t it gllve Warren Con'IIy I ti ll ,,1 nOt·, unl IIPl' ro"llll ('Iurenr o ,-;. Burl' y blll tIl ("oorge 1\ rflptltlltlOn for big fees. , lIuon . !\1flrt.1u A .lame6ou. Mr. Au(~ i ll ill\uu I ;,:! I\("r ,,~ i ll Warrj'l n .. nd dursoIl l't.utf.d thar.t " I the m 'Ill-,· r u l lilu o" tnt.(' I)f he appear ed, n nt Real Estatc Transfe rs u r oou Ollu ntie~ " '1 20. I • ". '('\llh ,'. d' ·Ut", ~tll l. ~' I nt neas Iln nttorne y for tile county , b ,lt i " III tt ppr u\,o,' d . I1S n tlllxpllyer, whiob BenjnlUlII JIIOlAS t·o C. \V . M . ~'i t ll llli ~ . t5milh t d {tlu M. Book- the retort. from Mr. brough t forLh Langdo n thut ti l Ih., Intltl.d f •• , f1 !I'I I, t.HtO of Arll Mills 1 1\/ nor es in C laaroruek townett I'U .} U.. tllto ill Wtly netlville, ~l. it "ml"ra ther u late nppearl ln 10. " h r M, ' ' .1>.",' Ih . ""' '',,~,' 'I ' ule of Mh ip II, ~l\llnl " M . 'l'lftltl r o Etl rl If.Du- Mr. Ander ~ "n IIlso olllled ar.ttention .r ' d e:"t h ttl IJ\,p r (lved EI\Il 1. CIUflJlln t" 1:'1~.volOu r B . VillI :,:: 7" l\cr ...~ 111 CI 1ln.!l'ue k I·owu. of the oo nrt to the (not tbllt h e III th e 1Il .,tt.a r of Iiltl es tll te nf Kel ly ~;- flOro/ol 111 Wllrron und Llreeo ship ~a7 1 ; () Illude 'tIO defeuss in the Oll8e, wb oa :-;'1 III lI tl l Wo .dward , decEIIl"ed . Edith !)o untiet! f l. Commo n Pleas Courl= it Wilt! hUlIrd neitber hnd he /lU,,' i\Iuunts It< nppoiu ted lIulllinl stral:iey'"o ur B. Kall 'l to Albert Mil.1 u,I£<I' tr ,x. 130nd ~ K(lt) . lion '7 1l,' rel' III Wlirrnn IIn(\ Green W righ t I': V)I'. o f \.;lrot'll Cu unty , nnd .,r oved th o l~lIeged oontra ot-bot,h lit "I' \\'nrrllu . Hxcll ilnglld wb ll1 h wo uld go to show that in Ill S 10, t ile Ulli . tM of t,IlA will of A<loi- couot·ie s CIlurt:< " u Tn .liUl/l,Y . ,JllU..:O Kylu miod t.ber t' bud been grave doubt if PIlII E , l:!OUI.har rl :-;r ,t1 (1ce a~ed. \VIII We lliu gto n ·C. CoruAll t.o W . F . ("limn O\' (' r to lix tI ll' ('n Ulpeusu tion Ihl ' oUiltrnr .t, wasleg lll. Jndge Kyle 11I 1,," tted 1" pr ul)llle Bllr,y E . Groh.",,, rd.~:l ltc re~ in WnYllu to wn .1 f huld tll ... t whon the proseou ting .. tIltturUI1Vtl whu IlPllllllre u Il r Am ~II I1 I. h"t'l1 " i'l"li nt ed (' xeollt,o r . Bnntl .. hlp tol. f 1t b ' OWtl" ,'jOWllr - ltlXlJuy or- 11I t he ill. l urm'.'> r o Olle! . 0 rlOg prooesel'IO ~~ • 1:11'11. 10vl 'IItury lIullnpp rllil!!' lll ellt . , Wulltn gt')ll \' . Co rnl, 11 t·u l:!lIru n . Junt:l luu ~ll i t. IurUIl~u . '·t II g .. l' O"t tb i K"eklUg the payme nt of ~ . , tl ' tu I ellJolll 'I. Henkl o I ;- . ; ·~ /l C"t'S in WIl,· UO t OWll. \ J•llUlIlII.:' ~IO . Ullr :; 10 . til e 11\ ntt" aut 1\ mxp:!y . ~ r of t"U O IIl.UUAV ' h er wa~ 00111· III t,b I Ill ' " :n r Il f thu will uf De ship '1. ~'rnnk l il l r (ltldlliu~ w'lli. After heuT. lJelln<l III ~ Ilourll . o~ er attorne ys, 111,,11 :-\OY "·Jr. deoe .. ~ed io g fr lllll l'r u~(,C Ul1ng' AlltJrou y An th ,m Ih"",, IIUorne ys were eotltl ~Vlll ad Annu K H II I!(Il ell I·" A hUll B. Mo . tld 1o, II teu to (J1'I< ,otr. Wil\iulU K Soy- Colm real e"tate It) ;o tlli r Ilnd r dasoDllble oompeD ~1l in L olltlnon ':IOIJO. ,loll IS Ilpp"in lod e xecutol'. N o bund Li o n IItlll tlXIlU the umoun t lu thlt! Eva B 7 '" Illi red. III "on tory Illld Ilpprnis e berltn a rt z,,1 1 tn K enn eth Cb"lIlO"~11 at. $ ~O () The ·,ttorne y" W f'r rea ll~ " tnte ill !!'ruukl iu Kich:apoo Worm Killer Expels \\iorms Eltzrot. ll & Mnple, Hallliit " I' lO t o mitted. on & L.ltDl!(Mary E. Hu~ne t o I . C . Pat ten.on dnn. In thA matter of tb e !!UllTdlansblp Th o on use of y eLlr chil.i ·s ill ,-tho relll estate ou Maio !!troet, Leban on r.t .1 u"u\t.1t. Beatric e l:!outhllrd, OliolJr . Emm.l M. Wills VA . JOIDetI L. Wi .Is foul. fu Ot! . oClllD!< i \'e lJreRlh -Th e W. Cbeste r .!aple appol n ted. dond II. (Hurtin g up wil·h tl'rro r IInll grind Oi vorce graut,ea . Georgn WII~hin g t,oo to Nllthan iel ing of toeth whi lt! as ltlel)-l' I . U ), 1. W . F. Eltzrot b V~ . Jennie B. HunLJ e sa l ." r.lle matter of tbe a8higlJlAnt of Pendla tou 1GOO /lore!! in Ma!!sie t,OW D- low oOlllplt 'xirll1- 'rue lInr k circle s ter, slli e oonfirm ed and distrib ution s hipV. f:!. . patllnt . unde r tb o eyes-A re a ll iotiiollt lons ordere i. .J"'IJIi>l V. B l. o ' iIl800. ASH ig umeot J. A. Rnnyan to D. D. nuel M. uf wor mN. Kick"p oo Worm IJI Ille 10 tflv!'r of P. H . Rne. Deed RunYll IV. H. Tyler V8 . Anna A. Tyl er. Killer o 1 6 aore8 in Lobnno n, $1. 1 · tlleo . P. 1:1. RuenJ: pointed 118sll':' Is WhH yonI' chi ltl u ou(llI; It expels Oi vorco gran.ted Chllrle s Cleveul i;er tu Freder ick tho wo rmH , tbe can tlo of ,t.he n"... Bond "6 ,°0(1. R K Bovls, B. ohll d '8 Je!'Hi e H C!lDlpbell V8. Byron D. ~. Conove r IIud A. C Vnil a.PlJointed W.¥' rfllil 6l\ tate io Fmnkl in, Sl.jUnb fln.ltb y oond it-Illl'. ~or the r e- CnmJll.lell. Divoro e gr&nte d Imd ••. . movlll II f R'lIt, Ht·01l1l,(, h 1\0(1 pin apprll\s ers . J W" • 0 b 11 .. Iller to. Wilham worlll~ . Ki ckn'loo Worm Ki'ler gfVfl!< plaintif f restore d to maiden nallle . 10 the mal te r of the Io'xllmio Uon Murray 6a.60 nores In Frankh~. n , l' I - . . I" t d· 1 J ess ie .B elen Siuks . nf the County Treasn ry. O. K. townsh ip 11 tl ure relie ts nXI\t.lve e ,ec ~ u S lIi1l on B WIISOD Manly D. tone to th o gen llml Hy stRlll. t-iup Wllsoo o t til l:!ale or VB. flrowu and .I B Jlly '1'nylor tbe oomClara M . Beoket t to COlli, Mary plied real estat.e or . I\S II. oand y ooufe~i o ll - child . I d It.II.teA appoin ted filed their repor'. Ilnd Adl~h MoKiu noy. I . 178 nores io ren lik e it . l::!nfe II lld ,.ore relief- I e rs(.. • ' In tile matt~r of tbe e~tute of l::!alem ~ownl:!hip. '1. GUI~ruutfl6d . BuV n b OK tojay, I Coll'ml ssioner s Procee dings Ell r.'lheth R :::;Idtl~, d!'ouftsed. First Rlllph l::! . MI 'hel to A, O. aud A. \ Pri ce 251. All Dl'll!{gi Mts Or by /I' ' I final lIoconll t lippro . "d. !lis- Hurba ugh, 5li.3;:; lI·ores in Clearcr eek Kiokup oo lnuiltn Med. Co. Phi maiL I Bills Allowe d- Steven s .. nd .l:ielld· l.. del. \ l ey, Ilt·t,orne ys for Ella Eokles, bIll · t Ii hnllOn ord e, ed . townsh Ip, $5,000. phia or St. L ouio. ance dne in compro mise of Eo k l'lfl










March 15



Professional Car ds

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Vete rinar y Gradua te of

~Obil) ~tnt _

tJnivers ll

Office at fe.1idence in F, U t..;h ... r· wood' s house, Fourth :;lret:l. \

Teleph one 28

Wayn esvill e.

:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.~.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;,.-:~ :.;.: -:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,..:,,:.:,:,:.:.:,:.:.:.:,:.:......:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..

~~"""""""'" ~~ ' " """""''''~ ~"'~'""""~

April 15

i:uc:.Jusi ve


. .1" " ,




DR. J. W. MILL ER, ••• DEN TIST••• . OIDco'lD N.&lODU Baak Bldll.

. Wayne tvllle. 0

Dr Heber MD .-II

'.~.; '-l.·;.'~,'

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Off S I th U S b " t t P" Id B I f er. U Jec 0 rlor a e, e nso a ance 0


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Un motton of Mr. Ir,lnl, second ed by ·~lr. Baker, II. contuo t was 60



STOCK ISSUED and OUTSTANDING as per annua l repor t of nee, 5, 1911

Full Paid and Non- Asse =ble

60, &39 Shares

~:~ ~~l:=~f~r ;w.i~ thi~ 'i~~e: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~g:~ :~:~: Stock to be reserve d in Treasu ry for future require ments of the C(,·rpor ation .. . .... . . . . .. . . . . ... ..


The Treas ury Stock Has a Lien on All the Asset s of the Company and Its Earni ngs Until Its Dividend is Paid

' ,

PURPO SES for which this stock is being Bold are to equip a large factory for the mannfa cture of Men's and Women 's High Grade Shoes, to be sold direct to the consum erll from the Compa ny's own stores and by mall. The Corpor ation owns valuabl e Secret Process es of making . shoes that have been dem onstrat ed and found to be money saving, also Trade- Mark that nas been in use and before the public since Januar y 7, 1897" I1lso large mailing list of about 500,000 names of men and women , each a prospec tive custom er, The shoe busines s in St. Louis, Mo., is conduc ted on a basis about 1.000 new n a mes are being added each week. of TWEN TY PER CENT NET PROFI TS on capital ization . Fhor inldRtance. a concern turning its capital once 'during the year woulddmFaOke TWENTdY ~ER ChENT NET PROFI T, some of teo er concern s in St. Louis turn their capital as much as THRE E an UR times urmg t e year .


1. NO PRIOR LIENS -No mortga ges exist upon any assets of thi s Compa ny an lIone C'in be created withou t the consen t of THREE -FIFTH S of the entire stock i8.3ued. : 2 NO FLOAT ING DEBT -The proceed s of this issue will retire th!;! Company'~ bills payable , and furnish ample workin g capital to success fully carry on the busines s. 3. ESTIM ATED EARN INGS- Approx imately seven times the dividen d r equire . enls of this is.'lue 4. MANA GEME NT-Wi ll be continu ed by the present Execut ive Omcers an oth ers who are expert shoe men of many years I experie nce in the !Ohoe busines s. ' . 5. SINKIN G FUND -Will be created to retire this is.'me at th e option of the hid er at par after FIFTY years, regardl ess of how dividen ds have been paid, i 6, GUAR ANTEE D STOCK- Applic ation will be made in due cou r~e to huvle thi s st ock guaran teed agains t loss to the extent of its purcha se price, by one of the stronge st guaran ty compan ies 7. Applic ation will be made in due course to lillt this stock on the in th e uusirtes s . Bo~ton, New York, Chicag o, and Saint Louis stock exchan ges . 8. THIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PER CENT in diviolem ls riJ<ht


Ha,;ng pl&Oed a I.,", amount of th;, ,took,

w, wHi ,,,,d,, "b",;, l;,",

.nwld b,lan" ,

The SUbscr iptions will be open Saturd ay, Nov. 1, 1913, and continu e until un The right is reserve d to reject any applica tion and to allot a smaller amount Payme nts in full to be made upon allotme nt. Stock will be sent with draft attache d if desired . A pplieati ons for

2636 -28 Locu st Stree t"

Dept ., T. M. C. Or to t/le Follow ing;

NORTH WESTE RN BUSIN ESS AGY" Bank of Comme rce Euildin g, Minnea polis, Minnes ota.


Investm ents, Morris town, Tenpe& ee.

~;:~ ~ :::



W",Y neavill e's Le~ DeDtid _ Stubbo rn, Annoyi ng Coughs Cured Office in Keys BldR. MaID 8' '"My bURbtlnd bad II. eougb for

$II ~}~~~;';~;~;~;1.5~tg~i FUne!· Ili"!e~FIT $: : I

Da vllt Moor, of Silgina W I AII&. What ::: Dr. Kiog's New Discov ery did for ':: thes6 meD, it Will do for yoo. Dr, .:: Kloll'R New 'Disoov ery t hooM be in

and Embalmer,

Wayn esvil le Ohio

~ li ~:~~~!o:~ri~~~P:n~Il~~i::r:~~~':i ~

' •. Call prompt ly or night. ::: lung ailmen ti'. Money baok if :It Both pho!les In Office u?d Residen ce. ".=:i:i f"ilB A 11 'Irnllgls tll Prioo 500 and Long dlstanc 8,No. 14, Home phone '100. H. Bookle~ & Co., Pbll. Ch1~-2r . d Co h f ished f ., Bdelllb ia or I:!t I,ouls ~rs an one ac urn ree :.:.. With funeral s Best of service guaran teed, ::: War and Moral.. ~~~~~~~~~.~~~!!!!!!!!!! ::: "Every war, even the brIefest, win, 1-" Inblooe year, dhemorthallze mdeo IntC~Pfatsl'- 1 B. V. BARN HART , . . a y more t an ousan s 0 \,Ue • ::: areons and murdl\f8 commit ted In the ; Nota ry Publi c course otcentu rlesbyl odlvld ualmen '.: under the Intluence of passloo ,"-Tole - ; ::' tol. . Allltin ds Of Notary Work. Pen.loD


$: :



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$: : $



$!f ::::

. ".'

A.t Par , TaD Dol lars Per


bimata The of$492 nmtter . r)f the Frankl . in Re. taining W,,11 w ill be op before tbe .~ ::: board 0 tl next Monda y io the form ~ ;~l of a r ello lulion .t~o.mp1etetbe wall

.. ::!

(Incorp orated under South Dakota Laws.)

AUTH ORIZ ED CAPI TALI ZATI ON 100,000 share s, par value ofTen Dolla rs each


::: tered Int.o with Ber' .!teed to mllke Wayn esvill e, Ohio out and fill on Hamilt on road by Tuesda ys and Fridays , from 8:30 ::: 8bu.ker BlI! Bo.hool BOD8e, Blso to 12 o'clock e r eol.lOg liuJing Bod gravell ing , . . Shaker Bill on Lebano n & Monroe Office, corner Mam and High 8treets ::: pike in Tnrtleo reek townsh ip a' e8. Phone No. 100

Issue of the Trea sury Stoc k of the

::: ~~~~

:. ~.'l. ~~:nT~:I~er~Sa~f


$20 0 000 00





The r eport of the viewer s of the road Pfltilil'l led for by 0 J , Edw ardrl · , • WIlS road the ilrd Ume, aod accepte d Osteopathic P~~8ician lIod dlHIlIl~es amonn ting to $125 were ord e red paid Philip Bopk1D!I, 21 Broadw ay Phone 449 The Audito r WIlS direote d to not,tfy Leba non. 'Ohio Wayne Towns hip to



I::\pecililt:v. ___ _'!".

.......... .......... .......... ...... ..:..- ......... ...... " n _



Automobile Livery Service at Rea.sonahle Rates. Also Agent for


Automobile · Tires.

Phone 71-1

COR WIN OHI O ft."," • • •

ERICA; loc. Sain t Loui s, Miss ouri TOBIA S S. MILLE R Special Repres entativ e .2628 Locust Street Saint LouiB~ Mi9lJOuri


N. Sears

Live Stock and . General Auctioneer Poste d on pedigrees and values If a kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handlirig farm s81~ since








R~.n~~,'''' ·~~I jSatllfac:tJonlOal!lntee~ ,



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j '\lIIII. h OO Wo"'<ly II I t h o ( h . l.u ll<t !llll.·" A llull Uull d lll lot. Mu ll! S t . . \""Y ',,"H\ .11 .." f


"A I .I.EY

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Ra t es of Subs crip tio il .


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i -...-.The .-.-.. .. _. Nei _:-.. ghborhood News ~-"'-~-~~""-

Har veysb urg.


I I~

. ~..-.. ~ --- ~



_.- -e-------- --- --eI Caesa r's Creek

Best Treatm ent for Constipa tion T oo k Pastor's Worda Persona lly. " My dll.ugh tpr used Chilo n berlnin 's Tho chll n:h choi r hnd res igned. In d Tn ulets for ooustllm tion With g l od the prenche r as ked what WIl8 the! re8u lts and I clln r eoomm t'nd t h f' m cause of lh e t rDuu lc. " W olI," re plied h ighl y . writ eR Paul B. BILbin, OM of the om cl'r s. "you hav e yourself Brnshl y , Ln . ~'or SO iA bv .LlI d Hlllur l:! . to blamo. You know yo u 8a ll1, Provl____ dence hav ing ACI' Il fit to amlct all our Cha nging One '. Name, cha ir with bRd rolds, let us Join Iq It Is not un lawful to take another I1n glng 'Prni Be God From Whom All name tha n you r own. bu t unlesB you Blessings Flow." comply with the requ irement s In the ltatulea th e name you ha ve takeu w\ll be ooly an altaI!. The ro i8 a legal meth. 1 Pa per Pulp From Grass, od of cbangJng your na me, and In Ohab flI g rfl MM grows lU great Quanti. regard to t he b es t way to go about I ties llJrough out ludla /Uld extendin g this ODe wou ld bplt er cO ll sul t a lawyer Intn Afghan istan. It Is extremely tbor Ihe couoly lud ge or some attache j roue a nd strong. a ud as n paller pili p of hi s court . mlltar lal now hold s tlrBt place In India..

Our soh ool gOBS out of oomm lssion Ha tes of Ad ver tis lIIg Rev'. R obert Dyml'ot! preaoh ed ILl tttlu(IIU t; Lm'ul!l, per lI uo . ...... . , . . . . • . 6c l'4ay 1s t a e. var y lmooess ful t erm l.:ltl",.itl I AUs. no~ to o xcood 11\0 lillc,; t,h is p lace ::;uuuII Y. whioh fl pBllks w e ll fo r Mr. West and O . L . Cra ne , Ed itor IIr,"U fVI'<'n,',ge r • j Tltroel" .urtlon. . . . .. .,.. . .. , .. 2 ~ iliA a Sslsta n tf' , if p ossib le s Mr. Ever e t t l'!u ines Is h ome fr llm Dls ph.), AuvcrL lslng. Ptlr l, uch h ould . . . . . l Oe U lbCOUlIlli g i \'Ull u n COllI r:~c t. be reta ined foe anoth er t er " . t:;') oolt e!{l.l uVM Htltunl ny nnd S undllY . ma n Y' obange s a r e not the bes t for Mi st< Ella Ma nu Davis w t.. ~ t aken the p a pi ls . M AI{CII 18 , 1!:I 14. to tb e MolJlell an B os pi ta l 1.' rid!lY Th e Airl sooie t y m e t at th e home e ven in g. An operuti on Wlt8 per · of MrEl . Chtlt'l . T uc ker on T hur sday form f\ (t l:l \lllrnuy for np pe ndioi ..i8 IMPRUV EM EN T A :;S()~ I A j h/ i'~ THI S ~ ru MACH REMEU Y of )BH t wl:IBk . A dll iuty tlVO oou rsl:! wh lah prol ve(\ to be vllr y ~a aoe8N f o l. H E LPS YOUR FRIENDS lun ch \V II S ser voll . Mr", . H.')'!n RlIdlloo !t hnd nil h ar T be Y O ll &h ' ~ CU'"V uUWll "'''y e Mr ~ . I ra I\. Fiul't sook. of Day t on, gu ests 'fhurAu wv M r tl. Ueor ge P h ll"1'u o Il Vtlr 14gu Nur Lli I'ukuhl 1111'11' 1:11 Aimo!< t " very !lItY Mome gratefu l pe r S"D OlIJnet! iut.u onr sto re Ilnd teUt! >pen t. l:l uturd ny IInu S unday here tile IIpR, Mr R. Will . It eeveM, of New Burrnl ~e tl lUll!! 1,lJuu Ill lt Iy uu. li e l... 01 U!! o f lJIIl\ e llLs r e oeiv eu from the nse g u es t,s of re!tl!l vNI, li ngt.on ll nd Jaun lta Bier . of Duytou . ~----------oor o tu tlle Ual'll hl ~l, fil ii , bu t ----~-------------i u ry 01 H 1:1 X III I D :v .. pe p~ la 'l'ub lets. K n o wSteph en Mi lls iN very poorly at U r un luu rl . Il tlUy t:I,Wl'U YI Htrtll:lll uld Th ose ou th e slOk lis t at th is wri th o w m uah good t he y h l'v ~ do ne 10 9 un: ''/l l sA El plt'UI ~ d lJ uli u"r~ d l UI LlU nCrt; t ll tL t, "lol gh ~rlS iz!lheth R tmda ll, Mre. this w ri t.lng. uOll kUllwl ug what t h ey I1re yll:!ld . l1 l Ull ll n ~ HI.. Frlln , oo~ Wi lNon a n d Ii t,t·lt. brett,b or , d ur iet A ~ I.lIn ur H !\Od Mr . and Mrs ti e ooL u lll y I h I WuLl t h., llnlt lJ' I ~,.j t hut til t! HuLl e r IlI,HIIl uf. we feel ri Urd Robart li r e on thl1!1 i ' k Ii Ht thi N wel' k. t,h ey wII e p ~ ' rn o k bh icla kel' . .&!'a rmlu g A!!.;oo'rlU UII ut N "nu U ll. y( 11 . til) jo!rl:!lI t, iii uur flli t h in t h e m Mr . IlIUU Mr" Ray m ond Nil l!on Mr , !lnd Mr>l. A. ll. Anson I\nd l ow. ol}'"r." I. IJU t t,t' "lt d th t! Ol h l'r I,b llt WIl urge y uu to t r y them e n- da u g hte r. Miso ORse a r e guellts of a ud dBugb t,Hr Mllr.V Kllt,h r y n lipan !· t ll'uly 111, our rlll k, with o ur per l'onal !Joy!! w lw tuu " pur t III LIlIl UO Utedt prulIl isll th at It t h ey u on't Mr . a nd Mrs , Robt F!lber, of Da y'oa , t3undflY wi t h ~rIl l.lB t [1 u rl ey Ilud bavt! det ltD t' XILIIIIlI I:! t llu t uu g h t t u eX pl'Ol t h e Ui t o du L1ud 11 0 11.11 Y ' U fo r t wo wef'ks , fam ily . make you r do a Kreat denl t ur t he {uture uf ~t() [Uu e b oClm fortnul e Ro bert 8tllu ley lin (I fa m ily culled Con ~ta hl e H nms t on, of Xeni a, nnd helll t by their Ht.ule . " on R. E . •Ion e ~ d uu dflY ufteruo on . was h ere t-'uturdl lY s and ubpoen y uur i ng u lgesti oll etlsy, we 'll hand NOI t h DlI.kotB is onl y one u f bU Ck y our m oney . witness to ~pp tllt r be ior e the oou rt Wilbur Bn r umll n wa H h om e from many Mtates that b a ve le .. rned thia We cl)uldn 't endorse anythin g tbis weetr. Duy ton over l:l uuday . Import ant lesMon . 'rhs !Jnys ln Ub io more stron g ly tb a n we do A n ew rosta u ran t- Is bein g Install ed have taugh t their ruthert! that by UYHpeps11l Tllblet ~ . Contain Rexall ing Pep- In tll e cor ner s tore, i n oonneo t lon Best Family La xa t ive oonstan t and Im p,.oved Ul e thod s the IIlu and Bi s muth . t wo I g rollud OBD be ind noed t o bring out d l ge ~ti ve ," d s knownof the g r eates t will be t b e t' oli owinlC ns eful oon Be wu re of oouSLiputi ou . U"o Dr. 1 to m e Hoal v enienoa s : 1:I 1IoB r e pa ir i ng boo t !l nd the best there It! In It, if It Is g i ven tloitmoe , they Boothe the ~tomuoh, 8h oe s hlDer, rn anic urine and tb e Kin g'''' l" ew Li fe Pil ls IIIHi k eep w e ll I t he proper OBre Ilnd at t be rtg ht ti mll ch eok h el1rtbu rn and dl s tre ps, p r o last but n ot t h e leall t a tonsori a l Mrs . Char lea Eo l::lm i th, of Wes t 'fh ere II! an other Itl8S0n In thlll mots 11 nllt,ora l flow of F m ukll n , Mtl , ca llI! thtl m " O ur fum matter , l'he ftirmer hus long sl Doe juloe , a nd h e lp r egulate t be g ustrlo artis t . At thiR plnce you oan b e f tld, i1y lllxa t ive. " N ot lli ng better for I the sha ved, b o wele h ave y our hldr cut aud y our learned that he has to d o 1I0m ethiojo! Rem emhar , if th ey don 't make sh oes r e paired a nd s h ined while y on ud ul t~ ur ag!'<l. (l et th em today keep the boy on tbe farm, and dlges tiou so easy lind oomfor your :.!uo. Al l Dru @gis t N ur by mn i\. H . wa it . table method after method has been tried t bat you OBn eat wha tev E Buck leD & Co . Phii au Blp hia or i er you li ke Mre . Ibbie Collett nod her niece tit . Loul !!. wah out &fl'oot. He I1lls oome to wh en e ver y ou like, we a very wlse oon oluslon : Ltlt the O.lm e buok an d t ell ntl wa nt y e u ,to Miss N ettie Evans returne d home and get your from Wilmin g ton af t er a n abeenoe boV hav 4il & ahBrl:! In hIS bU8Ines ! , mon ey . ~old unly at t h e mure than of Borne tim e . New Burli ngton and treat bim tiS a bUlllnes s partne r , 7. 000 Re:ull l:lt.ore8, and in this town Unole William Nedry who is Time was when the boy on the farm ou ly at our Il t ote. rhree sizes , 25~, 87 yeltrs Mies Bernioe Bawki ns . of Amhad but very little ' money to s pe nd . 500 a nd $ l.OO.-J of aKe waR the guest or hi t! and th ~ t wu glveu t o him in "dribs," nellvill e, Ubio. . E . J a nney, Way- ~ randohil d r e o , Mr . a nd Mr~. Fra nk her ~t, O h io, spen t t be week-e nd at tll fl h am El of h er pllren l s 110 Imllll that the boy hardly reali zed • • • rtudduo k Satnrd ay , _ _ _ ... _ ••_ _ _ ~hat he could buy bnyt,bi ng worth '.rhe leot'u lH Wedne sday .a nd Severa l of our clt.i zens ga ve while . Todll.Y, the 'hln l( b plac ed • To the Housew ife a dance at Firemr lns Hall Thursd ay rhurdd ay evenin g by Rev. TIll mll n on 'he busi :.es8 sid e of the ledg ;l r. Madam , If YOUT husbll.n d Is li ke nlgbt"a nd it wai very mnoh enjoye d . B obsO D were woll nttende d . 'l' he boy has hie legultir wage, !lnd most men • !:) w phelu Millt! Is serious ly ill ut he Mess18. Wlllter Bilven and Alva Uil! of euoh loneeq nence 'hot he " f t.or the hea expects you to look lth or yourse lf aud Kenn edy twu of our busless men his h om e west of tow n . teell t.hat he Is of sume Import anoe oh lldren , Coughs • • und colds are the transao ted !Jus iness in Dayton Frl Mrs . E . M . P a t te rson Ilnd ch lJ '!'he tatmer found that this wal most oommo n of the mlnora ilment a day . dreu joined h er husbll nd lu i::\prin g DeoetI8a ry, Why ? Beouus e he a nd are most Ilke)y Our p aper ban geTs are beg i nning Held las t week . oould nos let help, that all the boys d lsease~. A ohild to lead to serlons IS muoh more their sprini Mrs. Lee M O ~llil s pent u. pllTt of work and wllJ euon be were going to the olt y, a nd that hh. li kely to las t week Ilt t he home uf h er d a .) ~h . own boys bad made up their min ds !loarl et fev oontrao t dlpbth erla or bUlller than the bu, leet , e r when It hai IL oold. to \ake thl\t IItep Illeo. Phillip Ward a pion eer colored ter, In X!'niu.. It you Inquire into the m erits of the Rev. W y ud, o f I::iprln gbor o iR tJ R_ man of thie v ioinity ie in a very variou!! remedi es that a ce r eoom OHIO TAK I!.8 J'lR!IT 8T EPS slsting the paator of h e M. E , lDend fld foc coughs alld ooids, Y(lU ori tioal oonditi on at this time. Today, all over this broad land is will flnd Mrs , Floy d Anderl! on and son ohuroh In r e vi va l sel vioes. t h at UhlllDb erlaln's Cough Iweepl ng a wa ve thllt will ultima te Remed Mrs, R. E. J onea wh o h ilS bee n Car Iton, of Xenia, epent Saturd ay y st.unde hi~h in tho es t ima Iy reeult to the gc·od of the farmer \ Ion q uit.e 111 ill mach Impro ved . with Mr. of people al\d Mrs. who Amos use it. Elli e U II.lld is and their farm lands. Thill Is the prompt - -and effecl ual, plea8&nt. and on !;untlay with Mr. and MTto . - --Improv ement a ssoolatl on.1 that are safe to take~ whloh are qualitie s 08 Lincoln Hendrl ok. Recom mends Chamb erlain's Cough IIpring ing up In almoet every . stat-e p eoially to be de~ired when a med· From the presen t 5utlooli: onr Remed y of the UDion. Ohio, (II usual, took lolne "I till! e p leasure in recomm endltlg the Initiati ve of thiS won·\er rullm s ale It intende d for ohlldre n. For town will have eevera 1 automo biles by all deillerfl. more In It by 1915 than the begin. Chamb erlain 'l:I Coogh provem ent. And right here It may Remed y to ning of 1914. my oustolll ors b eonuse I h a ve can be Mid tbat at Columb us, som e time MT. and Mrs . Amo@Ellis were the fldenoe 1n It. 1 fi nd t hat they are " ago, wben this matter wils 'beln g guest·s Runday of Mr, and Mrs. L ' Dleased wit h it !\nd ca ll for It wben disoUll led by emi nent men and B . Hendri ck, of WayneS Ville. a gain in n eed of s uoh a m edicine ," women , Mra, Cora A . Thomp son, of Rou~ S. wu In.trnm en,.1 in bring Mrs. Jobn B . V a ndervo ort was writes J. W Bex!:!on , Montev llll o, Mo. :.ror 8111 e b t an deale r8. Ina torch man, Dew ideas that have Ada will be InIler t.ecl under ~bl. bead for the gueet of h er. brothe r, Qu ,noy --been adop$e d by the improv ement ..... - -twe nty ·llve ccn la for ~brec lnaerUoua; King t:;unday . "bOIl u.alnll 1I0t more titan Itve linea. Ullooia tione. It is t o b e hoped that the direot. Mrs. Thomp tlon has organiz ed an ors of our sohool will see that it is improv ement :l88oola tion In Ma.t!sle • to the b est interes t 'o f all tb"t oor WANT ED tc oship and the relolta BO far have \lohool yard be beautlf led with The followi n g proper ty be be ... . very gratify ing, We will he&r flowels ln&tea d of making a pastore 8cld on t h e N . B . Rloh farm, 2 miles 'Dore of this later. oouple to Jlve on pl"ce, attend of it this summe r. We have many so uthwes t of lia rveysb urg on th e Greene oounty haa aD Improv e • • • s'ook for the rent, do trucldn g places that could be improv ed by H a rveysb urg and Lll banon (Jlke on ment alaooia t ion in every ooe of ber put'\lng out flowers Rnd would add and milk two . OQws Saturd on sbares ; also ay, March 28. 191 4 \Ownsh ill8, !lnd they have ILlret> dy other agreeab le conditi ons to the to the beaa ty of our v11lage . Let's Beginn in g at 10 :00 o·clock . 2 l\arted on the work of the year get busy and 8SS\8t to ml1ke It one horses, 7 hO'KS, mis oellane oos ar'icles Tbe objeets of the88 aB8ooillti8Ds ri!1,'ht party. Addres s "Farm " thll' of the most attraot i ve towns in our hous ehold goods. m 25 are tor the betterm ent of ' tbe oom· offioe. l:Iee big bllls for oounty . terms. munUy , both ooantr y and village Buperl ntende nt Wes t of our High amll.ll house ot "or 5 rooms, or rho hei r s of N . B . Bloll Es&a tell Prlz08 are offered tor a bundre d room I with a private family. 8ohool re !nembe red severa l of hl8 Walter Laoy , Auot-. differe nt thiDgS. The one big im friende with Ice oream and cake '~at­ Frank HlI.r tsook provem ent tba' will be mOlll notioe- Addres s F. Fari8, Corwin . Ohio. , Clerk . urday night and was "ppreo iated to mlS ably . howeve r, il tbat 'hs boy on -------.--~.-----euoh an extent' that he wa s Invited the rarm be II.t hom .. , and thd sobscrl bllrs to the MoCall'l! baok. Notice of Appo intme nt III the blggeat .. nd. be8t thing. Magazi ne. Send 350 to the Mn. Mary Smith, of Dayton . was U"ze tt ~ offioe, Bnd ge t one of the called bere Sunday on aocoon Eata~ of N n~h a n HlU'kley Ri ch. u ecease<l . IMPROV E T H E HOUSE ORO U.DB t of Notice I. h ero t hnt Walter F. Jorbes t magllzi nes on earth. ~he UlneS8 of her motber and son. d an IUId Chari.,.by(,fllven tf r ay ha ve been oJ ul y " p ' The farm wlU, not. only be 1m (lOlnted and Q ""IIOod .... execu Jonft than Morrl!!, of Tiffin, trans · t ate of N Mltun Barkloy Weh t.o ... 01 the Esproved , hut the hom ~ lot, the m oth la le Of Warron Count y. Obio, oJeceased . aMe'! busines s here this week. er's delight , wlll be bletlsed , fr r th!' FOR SALE Da ted ~b l!t' I O~h dny o f Mnrch 1914. lawn will be kApt In Rood order, th e Fred Robers on of Oregon ia oll.Jled Alton 1' . B ro " n , \ Judge of ~he Prob ~ Oourt .Y. plllnte w11l be p}J1Dted and the on friends here Snnd llY. Warron 00 lIlt y, Ohio. flowers will bloom, Indloat lve of ALED hay and etraw for sale. March l B-• __ 3t_ _ _ ••_ _ _1 • • -• the faot that the best people on earth Inquire of Georlle Zell, phone Spring Blood and Sy!Ste m Cleans er re3lde there . Former ly the home- 126. • a1 For the Stomac h and r,h er • During the ",inter months imlot hail been sadly neldeot ed on acI. N. Stua r t , Wes t W e bst h , N, Y. puritie s oount of 'he orope, bot tbls new or aceumu l.. te. • OTAT OES-U reen MountA in lIeed yoor bloo<1 writes: "I have u sed • • der of thing. will be brough ' to bear and eating POtatce 9. Inqoire of beo<>mes imvore and thiok, yonr lain'tj l'abletos for di sorderc'nnmb er~ of the 'hey will be brougb t ou, of cha08 W . H. Janney ,R D, G, WaYlle av.lle, kidney e, liver and bowels fall to stomao h an d • liver off and On for the work, caueing so oalled "I::!pring and tbe farm home wUl be a de.. Ohio. a 1 past flve y ears, and It all. rds me Fever. " You feel tired, weak and pleasur Jilbt inllt.ead of a bugbea r to e to state that I havll found lazy. Eleotri o Bltterl l-the ' spring olalldre n FEW • genera l purpos e horses them to be jus t as represe nted. 'I.--------tonio and AD improv ement anooia tion OIIon system oleaose ---------------~---ris what They for sale; 1 flrs'-cla llll milk oow, you need; they stimul ate the kid- the are mild iD th eir acti on and do moob toward the develop ment ft:esh for 2 months . Addree s Dr. results bave been lIatisfn E. neys, 11 ver and bowels of the farm, a .aklng it 1D0re attrao- P. Kriegh off, Oregon ia, 0 . to he&lthy I VAlue t,heDlt hlgbly ." For ct ory 1101 Bula by aoHon, expel blood imtJuri ties and all dealers 'lve and when a farm beoome s at . restore YODr health, strengt h aod tjoaohvl!, it double s in value. And Rubber tire Buggy, of good ambitio n Electri when $he boy w6nt14 to quit and go o Fune ral Direc tor. millis and date; used only you feel like new Bltterll makes to the olty, be ought to reme mber . Start a four ReJeClted Manulc rlpt. ' .. sbort time. See Franic TNa OR.AT. aT Miller, weeb ' t.reatm ent-It wHl put you 'bat "the s"w.ho rse \s tlot atl easyAnswer to al in flne Ilhllpe for your spring work . have no spac:e gat&ed animal , but it has given many Wayne sville, Ohio. for your Teleph one d a y or nigbt. Guaran teed . All Drog~ists . GOo • boY, a Ji,f t toward suooe8 s," Valley pbone No. i . Long IN TH. WOItLD EED U ATS-ea rly variety , threeb $1 00. II. E. Bookle n & Co, and W. ; " It reminds us cf the Phil try bill posting candida te Distanc e No. 69-2r. l'OBIlSHED WEEnY. $4.00 PEl TEAl ed s"me time as wheat, made .8 adelph ia or I:)t.. Louil! . plored the lo~~al public to 8t1 bn . to' aore linD Inquire of Oren IIOTaLB , DItUOCI BPKcIA Llan. --him because be had stuck up State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ! ss 8 t-rawn, R. D. 4, Wayne svUle, Ohio. Autom obile 8ervlce at atl Times cos TUM Kit S, TSTS, It A N a Fait, CA. Lucas County, -Londo n Globe. \ . AND . . us SEItVIC E CAN PRO ..I':' Humlne Enterpr l.e. 11 1 Frank J . ebeca y makes oath that he is BY ualNC ITa ADVI:ItT ISING COLUM Na A moving picture theater In Newsenior ~rtner of tbe fino of F . J. Cheney WAVN ESVILL E, B [~D'8 White EnBme led £Sed burg ls humane ly enterpri sing. OHIO SAMPLE COpy FREE &: Co doinl businoss in the City of ToJUlt Like ".,••• and Foldlnj!; Go- )art. Inquire a small child Is Injured while When Branch Office, HarveJ 'Bbure , O. ledo "County nnd Stille aforesaid" and playing IlIEW YORK OLIPPK R When II. man ls that'sai d firm will pay the sum of ONE of I\4rt<. L M. Senden oD, Wayne e alone In the street the news Is flasbed N.w York . . . 't. It Is a common thing Ville, to Ohio HUNDR ED DOLLA RS for each ILnd m 26 00 the screen, so that the child's lOUsed." The term was every case of Catarrh th&t cannot ~ mother may, If she desirell, go out an4 Jar by Shakes peare In U cured by the uSc of HA~L'S CATAR RH OUSE of 7 ro Jms, 2 b"UI, Ko<Mi lnvBltlg ate.-Ne w York PreIS. wbe ... he mal[es Falstarr CURE, olsiern , city wllte!', large lot. FRANK J. CHENE Y am not aBham'e d of my a110 lar~ noan' 10' adjoini ng Sworn to before me and subscribed JQ louBed gurnet,, " The \ my presence , this 6th day of -Deeember, Ilbove, oonttall<X'A&ion Main Itreet. Wrong Imp ..... lon Co.....ct.d. cheap O*h, and . Inquire of M U. Liddy, W.Jne e A. D. 1886. Borne people think an owlilh pickled was a vnlgar ,me, Ohio, er J . . T. Lldc\y, 110 the Ilgn of wisdom . Huh·uh lUana. A, W. GLEASON, (leal) . lAD- ~Uled JUmet" wall .' Notary Public. Glenco e Ave., O"yton , Ohio. ' U ~e II intende d to conceal tholllht . tempt. Ball'l Catarr h (Jare l8 'alren illTh'e without a thoupt needl DO semaU; y ~d ·.OU dlreotl y _upon tbe 1 JaYDOIIvllle di8.0 corll oalUva tor, .e :.wltb wbJch U) conceal It, 10 new . ,. , atld · maoou ' lurfa08 l the ~Ult doeen't ule It. ' ~ ._


----- ----- ----- ----- ------



Hutchison & Gibney X~nia~

----. - --- -


---- --- ---


Hav e had a won derf ul Midwi'1ter Sale the past weeks, and will conI tinu e the offering of man y barg ains .

Bl an ke ts

Blan kets Fac tory Wo ol Fac tory Wo ol Comforts

SOc up


$2.9 5 to 4.00 $4.0 0 to 5.00 $1.0 0 up


... ...

Ru gs

Ola salH ad Ada '

.. -

Public Sale





Cre x 8xl 0 $7.0 0 • • • Mat ting Rugs • .' $3.0 0 to 3.50 Tap estr y. $10 .50 up Axm inst er • $21 .00 to $25 .00 Vel vet $16 .75 up Bat h Room Rugs • • 6Se up Mattings, our own imp orte d Chinese and Jap ane se • • 12t c up

Lac e Curtains, good barg ains 50c up LinoleQm and Oil Cloth, all wid ths and sizes.


Skir ts $3.4 Sup • Wai sts Sge up • • Gowns 50 and 7ge up Dressing Sac ks 3ge up • Suits and ,Coats, $25 $13 .50 •







Wa lter McClure




----... ..•






J. E. Fr az ie r

ROQfing an d SpQutil1g




. "





Phon e


~4·-2 I·~




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'. f.

, ..~::~~~~~i~:~' .l.


of "Every' Man for Himself" Denies Great Truth of Broth· erhood of Man.


" ,v •

:,~j.~Jj . ; .


...... A con trast of b,, ;orc and after prunln!l showing how young apple trccs should

be made ready for planting ,

======== ============~===


SELECTION OF NURSERY STOCK IS FIRST STEP TOWARD BETTER FRUIT Much to lie Gained by Patronizing Home Nurseryman Who is Apt to G;ve Orders Personal Attention - Large Trees Do Not Insure Earlie r Fruit




Th",p two aplrllll pervadl og uuma ll Ilf.: , tu e ae lf ... oeklU&' and tb e ael!· 8u crlflclug . Til",·,· h. a v"ry old and very plnua· Ibl,· max im wh l"b sa )'s : " Every umn rur hilU s t,]r ." Tb ls el:pre8ll eB ver y fu rcl bl y U.e re ligion, It we may 80 Ul!8 Lb e term, ot th e Helr·see klng splnL It Is bad onough wb e n this epirlt IDa wfpijt8 IUls it iJl tbe tJOclai and bUll!' ness affnirs at life , but worso whoa It UlanltpH ta it Hf'l t Iu lite cburch . it denies tt", x ,,'ut lruth ot the IIrother hood ot waD It tUI""IllCR that mall kI not b ls broule r 's ke('per. Th e practlcu l ou~· work iu g oC "every maD tor hlms elt" ",'onld eve.ry man a ph·1t.t.e or a Wghwa) ,mau. Tbe rlgblll at othenl bave DO Ilgnl· /leane o or Inftuenc 8 to the man who Ol)plles tbe role at "cV1! ry man tor hlmse lt." Ii 16 ('nocept loo of tbe relation sblp be bea rs to olhera Is dellned In the tbougbl that It does Dot matter wbat ev il happe ns 80 It does 1I0t happen tA~ bim. Self.See king Spirit Evil. l ' nhappll )' tbe self'8ee klug a plrlL ItS not con fin ed to the soclsl and busines il IIf~ . It OtteD manifes ts Itself In tbe c hurch . Me n see k promine nt plaeell In (' hurch oTgn.nlz atious for seillsh , pnri6 thp.) alrh'e for blgh L)laces and position s of honor on tlle pr inCiple or ' eV('ry man for bimse lt " This stylish one pi ece dress 11011 the Tb ' goOl1 of til I I I d I l><>pUlar shoulde r and tb e vest .' . e c lurc I or t.e goo I whlcb Is long nov elty. The sleeve Is of othpr me n Is noL the actuatin g mo· plaIn a d a th II Ilvp or n il who ntllil n hIgh office In the near the[J n eck e re R re sma reven In tront. Tbe three l""' 1.01'0 I kingdom at Ood. Jud1l.8 was I gore ski rt bas a panel tront conllnu · all!' or th tl twelve. He stands as a Ing the lin es at the vest. S'J rg e, ch e v· mar ked ropres olllaU\'e ot Lh e self·see k· lot, eponge and novelty weaves are Ing spirit In the churcb. His thought us ed for th ese suits. with \' ests or was for no nULD other than hlmselt . the dress mllte'rla l or contras Ung All th e boundle ss graco and lov e of his with It master had no ""elght against tbe de· The 'dress pattern (6023) Is cut In fil res tor s e lt sizes 34 to 44 Inches bust measure. The saddest at all th e sins and Medium si ze require s 4'4 yards at H weakne ss of human nature 18 the selt· Incb materia l. sP"k lng spirit In tbe chureb. It comes To procu", from carrying the tbeory ot "every to "Pattern thtll PlOtt ern 8"n<l 10 cnnUl ent," or thl . paper. man tor hlDlflelt " from the things of Write name Departm and addrelJll pllllnh' , "nd be aurct to .rlvo 81&8 and Dumber at l)1dleru.. t he lI es h to the things at tbe spirit. ' I( the selt·see klng spirit trle8 to ((al n pasl Uous of power and Inlluenc e NO. 6523. lIlZE ......... ........ in the church mllitan t why Dot extend NAME .... . .......... _ ..... . .......... ..... tbe principl e Into the church trlumpb . ant-Inw the world beyond. It It Is TOWN .. ... ... __ .......... . ......... __ , ••••• good h ere It Is good theve. It "every 8TREET AND NO. •• _ . __ ..... __ h _ _ _• lDan for himself" Is rlgbt anywhe re Is right e ve rywhe re. So It tbe selt. IITATE .•• • •• _ _ _ _ •• _ .. _ ...... __ •• _. seeking s pirit Is right In the social and ....----::== ==~~~~--busines s lite It Is ngbt In the ehureb, LAOY'S SHIRT WAIST , nnd Lh e questio n at success would dep<'nd upon the s hrewdn ess and artful. n(>ss Ot man~ement and maneuv ering I n thA one as It does In the othe r .







Practical Fashions


W . E . I..ewls form erly liv ed near Daytoa. Ohio. He went to Saskatc hewan seven years ago with U.800 In monoy , a t:arload ot househo ld effects MAN CAPTURES HIS CAPTOR and tarm Implem e ntB. Includin g four borses and three cows. or course, the Orst year he only got teed from the Colonel Paine. Commil nder of Confed · crops, but the s eco nd year had 100 erate Brigade , Taken Prisone r acres In wheat whlcb made ove r 2,801) Whon Thrown Into Vat. bush els . He has not had Il follure In crop, and at presen t has 22 h ead at Am ong tile Cont!'de rat e j)rl ~o l)ers borses, 15 head of cattle and 35 bogs. take II a t th e baltle or O"tlysbU l'g waa und owns 1,120 acres at land, all un· ('uloll et PIlIOl' , whu r: amlllunr i ed u bl'l· de r culti vatio n . He has been offered gad o und \\'II.S callture d by Privat n '35 an acre tor hie land, and should Abram ~'o l ge r of C'bl1lpany II, Ftrt h be care to dispose at his holdlng a be New York cll\·alry . Th e fa(~ IB or tho could pay 1111 his de bts and bave 130.· t:apture. as told by Folger, are u ~ 101· 000 to the good ; but, as be aaya • . lo ws : ' "Wbere could I go to In ves t my money " Whlle <"Ilarging In th e e dg (> of Gel· and get 88 cood returns ." He can· tys burg an d getting sellurut ed from t1nues in bls letter to the Immlgra UoD Illy regimen t I was mad e a prisoll er departm ent, August, 1912 : by Co lo ue l Palnll n.nd was being tu kell "We Ilave e qually a& good If Dot to t he rear . On tbe main road, Just beUer prospec tll tor crop. thla ywu- u out Ride or t he town. was situated a I we bad tbree yeara alO, wbeD onr tann e ry. th e vats of wbl c b were und"r wbeat ranged from 3C to 48 bullhela cove r an. d we re fery clos e to the per acre. I never believed auch crop. street. could be raised unUI I lIaw them my· '" was walkl9g along beside tbe selr. I had 16 acrN that year thllt co lonel'S ord e rly anti as we came n ca l' I made 60 bushel. to thll acre. Our th es\! tannery vals , tIllW a carblno harvest will be ready by the ·12th. lying on th e grOllud . Wilen I caine I We have tbls s ooson In crop 400 acrel up to It I ([ul ck ly look It. S e~lng It or wheat, 125 of oats, 90 ot lIax and wos londed, I flr t' d and kill er! Pnln e'H run three blnden with tour men to h urse, wblch , III Its dealh struggle, fell do tbe stookln g. We certainl Y ~ OVl)r toward th e \,ots. thr ow in g tho! this counlry and tbo winters , aithouc b colon e l COIlI l,l e l ply tinder the tanning the winters are cold at times, but we liQuid . do DOt flutter as 000 would tblnlt. " S e",lng thut lh " co loll e l was sa [e What we have a,-comp llsbed here can e nough ror Ih o JIIom e nt I turn ed my ~e duplica ted In almoat any ot tbe atte n t 1011 to b Is oro ll'rly, who. finding nllw dI Rtr lct~ . " Advertisement. h t ~ pisto l had roul ed anol was u~ A l ess , WII S ubo ut to Jump his hora e over th e I, Satisfac tory. (!' nr ,' 10 th .. r ig ht lInoi f'~ CllIW Ihut " Su yuu WlIUl to IllllTry my da.ugb\\'8y It i1,. co ul~ , bllt 1I0t holng ubl e t e r. What Is your ttn allclal slandln g?" (0 cln so. ("on " llIoI eol Ir e had ilAlle r s ur· " W e ll , s ir, I'v tl figured out every ex· r c nd.'r. Tht' reas!.) 11 I d id not til''' upon e lullllon pO~8Ibl.. . I'v e bad the beet blm WIIH t hlll tlr .. laKt s hOI In th e cap· legal advlco tbllt muney would secur&, til red ('urbh.I' WII S /Ir ed L\t th e colo · I'vo dOlle everyth ing I could to dodce ne l' s horll "'. As th e ord e rly did not It- a.nd I stili Oud that 1 can 'l enUrely know this, It was my pia ), 10 mnk o escape paying an iDcome t.a..J: ." hl ni thlrll' Instant .Ie nth uwalt ed him "Sbe's your ..... -Cleve laud PlaiD If h e attempt prt 10 eS('L\jJe. Dealer . " His I{ray unitorm . with Its white velv e t faclu g , hl H whit e gauntle t Oaly ODe "BI{OM QUININ E" gloves, tac e anr! hiliI'. had all b ecom" r. r.1 th. ,.".. Iu ....11 forO f'tlU , , _ LAX"c complet ely staln2d AO t bat h e [Jr es (,lIt· rlVI BROMO QUJ,dNB . Look fOl' 01(... 01 L W, GIlO\'a, eo.-.. a CoW ill 0 ... I>a:r. IS"" ed a most lallghnh le sight. I thell mounte d the orderly 's horso, aDd Bad En04lgh , march ed th e m b etor e m e to the mar· "Here'l a tellow offeJ'8 to teach you ke t place, wbere I turned tbom over to talk and drink at the same time. ~ to the authori ties , who laugh ed h e arti · "For pity 's sake don't let my wit• Iy at the comical predica ment or the Ond out aHout blm ." colonel. I had bee n ca plured by Colo· lIel Pain e 's commcw d th e winter bl'Dr. Pierce'l P~nt Pellet. eure ron· tore. and you can Just believil that I ltipation . Constipa tion i. the COWIe 01 man, di.euea. Cure the caUIMI aDd you was glad to return the cOlllllllm e nt cure til" diM..,.. Eaey \0 take, Adv . with Interest ."





!'; urse ry trees are Quite diff e re nt I of a stale In spce lor a t u s llgbt ~ X I IC'll s" . 1h'om farm c rOI's whi c h are propaga ted ' This will always pay as It Is t llp. h (> i~hl 6rom seeds. Certain varieti es ot OUI" of tally 10 plant tr ees or plants Wh ic h -eommo n trults are adapted to varlou. ' have traces at pe sts upon th e JJ1. -.ection s at our stste, For Instance , The conditio n at tlle trees should be • 'the Rome Beauty apple Is particul arly caretull y consid e red when r ece iv ed by :adapte d to the souther n part of Ohio . the grower . If much wltbere d, Ibe I t bas been cultivat ed tor a number ot c hanr es are tha t tb ey will make nn . years and has not hanged any ot it.P. unsatisf actory growth Bnd many at , ~baract.erlsti c s. Any tree ot this va· tbern will lJe Injure d BO that It will be ' rlefy may be conside red simply as a difficult to prot :rc a d e sirable h ead . ••1IvlsloD at the parent trees. When This is true particul arly of Bmnll fruit. -crown tarUter south, the variety may It too often happen s that a tree will .become a fall apple, but this or any seud out only one or two shoots . a nd -ether charact er dUEl to climate does these may be at poin ts where they are .mot perman ently dfect the variety. not deSired . In the case at c herry . Sclons taken from a tree growing In trees. that have started to grow betor6 lltbe Soulh and brought to Ohio will they are Illanted , one may be sure thllt behave exactly aB all other Rome SO III O of them at least will' die and Ileauty trees. Each year th e re are a many others .... 1\1 make an unsatlsf ao:.creat many Souther n grown trees tory growth. .IIlanted In the North and th ey have , Difficul t to Oe.crlb e Good Tree. .;l/roven satisfac tory as Norther n grown I bees, provide d tbey are equally well Just what a good nursery tree Is, Is Word. Fall on an Occaalo n LIKe Thl.! handled , Howeve r, trees shlllPed long rather diffi cult to describe . Stnrtln! t BIBLE FOUND~N WAR FIELD "Why dId you ca.1I your ben Mac-dIstanc es are liable to hecome dam . wilh a yearling spple tree, It should duff, at all names? " .:aged In transit. as they may becom e be at least tour fe e t tall. stalky , well ','Becau8 e sbe lays aD," Baltimo rean Holda the Flfty·Ye ar·Old ..c)verh eated, trozen or dried. On the roo led and absolut ely free rrom dis· Relic Subject 10 Call of Relativ e. ~tber hand, trees Ihlpped short dis· 1 eases !\nd TURN Insects . It aeed not neces· JW emu Bell Blnew!TfIII dooble nlln. tar THE BIBLE of Ita Owner. 'lanCeS are 8.1I~Jecled to the same In" sarlly be perfectl Jour mODey, goel ~"Ice lUI tar .. any oUler, y straight all lome Doo'l put your rnolleyiD tn aDY oUler. Ad •• jnrlea. since the sblpper may no t can · varietie s make a c rook ed growth Where Comfor t Stili I. Found in Pic ked up more than fiO years ago • Ider il a necessit y to pack t he m as while young. A Ptenty, "I In tlte Day • on th e battlefie ld of Jam es' 1\lIl1s by two·yea r·old tree will Lite Is tull ot paradox es. Many a -well as he would If th ey wel'e to be , be all Ihe bette Long Past. r It it makes a g rowth hi s brother , W, T . I:Ilaklsto n, wbo waR dark secret comes to light. .... ent to some distant point. of on ly I hree feel during t he first sea· la t e r killed In Lh e baLtie of Gettys· Cf' rLaln ot our wise m en of today SOli , Ilrovldln g It Is heal t hy . Th e te l" burg, a !llble which original ly be· Patroni ze Home Nur.ery men. mln a l bud will de\'e loll into a vigorouB ba\' e shad ed away SiD till It beco m es longed to Capt. W . M. Hathwa y at It Is better to patroni ze the born e branch tlul'lng th o lIecond season and an e xpressio n of temp eramen t, says Co mpany C, Anderso n's Lance rs, Is llI urserym an tor various rea sons. His ) also a number at side branche s will (,oili e r's. The y tell us that w e Sin li e· now In tbe possess ion of G eo rg~ ;trees will be as goocl as any and h e be jll'odu ced. Ten or more at these cau se our grandfa ther sinned and b eIJlackls ton. presi de nt ot lh(~ Hotpl Bel , !s hould take a grentol' Interest In tillin g cau ~r· 0 111' home Is situr.ted III videre compan y at Raltlmo re. the j ' t be order since his reputati on ma y be '. wrou g IIl0ck . Tb cse are cleve r words . . " ...:.. .. It Is be ing Ileld by 1111'. Diaklsto n In more or less easil y InJul'e d near at r c le ver comfort ers, and surely tb e y t he hop e that he may so me <lilY be home than In some di sta nt state . It oll g ht to wipe away torever thc t ellrs nble to fullIIl a r equ es t mnd o by hi s Is often p08sible 1'01' n gl"Owe r 10 have fr o l11 o ~r eyes, But th ey do not broth e r - a dying wlsll tbllt hus a pe rsonal acquain tan ce wit h the home sileak to hum a n ne ed . Tb ey It'av\l lIev e r bee n carried out. n urse ryman. and tb e lI l' al e rs will bave til e iif~ blighted an d the h eart Whun til e Hibl " was (ound by Mr. a greater In terest in Kue h cU8tom ers. as halJlI-' d They leave tb e Si nnin g one Hlakl s ton' s brothe r the lalle r wrot e . Or te n, too, It Is poss ibl e fo r a grower 10 co ntinu e in despa ir. H e d oes not T.hl~ a11o\\'s a Simple style tor the ' III it th e r cqu e st that. whoeve r round ~ o go to the nursery , huy his tree s dl · a s k tha t his sin shall be e Xlllalne d tailored effects , worn so mucb wilb s hould return It to relatl\,I'B ot Capt . rel·t a nd hn ve the priYil ege of making away. li e wishes forgiven ess and a lI,eparat e skirts. Tho tu c ks aro In Hal.h\\,a y. ' ft u c h selecllo ns as m f'e l his fan cy. It I'reB Il st",rt. In tb e book, which la fronl only, and the closing Is - -- - -- is best, as a rul e , La buy dlrcc l from not read as once It was, the r e are no wltb the usual box plait. The made collar Prompt Settlem ent of a Claim. t he nurserym <lo. since Hot a ll tree sorl worJij about sin. Uut tb e way can be detacha bl e or torm part at Old Lad y - Do Capllng Brag!; live agents hav e proveD to be reli<lbl e. out Is ~hOWD . And not only Is forgiv e- the waist. The sleeve is plain with he r o, mi s ter ? Howeve r, the loc al a gent or n ea ler n ess offered I this book, but man 's tucks near the culr. Col. Brent- Yes, madame . Ca n I do French flannel, n as his placl' , p:trilr' \Ilarly In solicitin g n ced at Is met. The re Is cashme re, satin and RlmlJar tabrlcs are anythin g t.or you? yield immedia tely- to SI08D'. Unof s mall ord e r s. H e lias a r e puta li on Imenlo It NUeva edWIr aDd .' These wrllers kn e w used for waists In this style. Old Lndy-·\V e ll, you see, mister, 1 t o k ee p. ii' h e Is to do bu ~ il iess yellr ~"ollen pait:a lnatautly , Bed_ The waist pottern (6612) is cut In liv es O\'e r whar th e fllIJl' was, t and rt. Th eY saw JOan :t r tp r year. It Is th e unpl'inc iplpcl tran· : inflamm ation and qutetetha tAIfODton and hi s gri e f. An" IIlzes 34 to 44 Inches bUBt measure . wh e n Cn pling Brngg's compan y kine paln. Don't hbr-tt peDeC if~ IIL l hat is to be fe ared. I tb ey bad th e answer Medium size reQuire s a'l!. yards at 21 ske p.r cd the Yank ees the y ran tlateL rite Th e average pt rson, who has plant . , Nursery stock heeled Being ot lov e, hidd e n Inch materia l. in until planting pee rs t my house-- rlto p eerst - an ' *,d n re w trecR, Is apt t o think i[ hc I is rud e and tempor ary To p-rocure this p"ttem aond 10 centB th e n lip comes Captlng Forre st with time, to IIPattern D e partmen t:' or this pnper. plants lar!;e Lroes, lhrec 01' fou.· y"ars : . Is love . they said, Is con. Write . namo and nl1dreas plaJnty. and 110 bls crlttur compan y \lnd makes a Qf a~ e, he will ge l fruit qu lckc r than brun c hf' s s hould be on a. tre e when II tbe littlest child and the DUru to givo size nnd number or puuero. lIu e of figh t rit e througb my yeard, If younge r tr ees arc used. Howeve r, reaches Ihe planter so that h e mn, sick at heart tor one to and overset s my ash hopper, and this Is 1101 the cose an d a grea l lllallY have an ~P\lortu nlty to select suitable their lonelinc ss. When trollcls- -" NO. 6512, SlZB .• __ ....... __ • (lr our mo st succcss ful on' hard men ' scaffold limbs. No matier compan y ot wrlLera i how vigor· Gen Bragg (sitting In the tent) refuse to pl a nt tree s of flny d CRCriP. i ous :1 tree may be nor what Its IlIam e· Col. Bre nt, see t hat the lady's claim I~~~t~~wo:~:~~~l \~~~ ! NAMR .......- ..- . -.... - .......... .- •• tion that are ov e r one year old. This Ler,.f IL hilS only fOllr or flv u bran c h p9 Idvee quick reBel from c:JM.t and Is settled Immed iat ely. s hould IIlwllYS be th e case with !:Itone ! and these close away from the taces at TOWN ... .......... .......... . . ... .... ..... . throa' 8lt'ecti01ll. Haft JOG bled LOge th(')', from tb e or· fruils, particul arly with the pea c h. A I r hardlsl' s standpo SI08D'. , Here', what othen . , . far gone 'to sbame- -sucll i STREET AND NO.......... .......... int, it is nol fir st· ThOBe Army Shoe., ..... Jarge two or three-ye ar·old pos('h tree : class. R.W r - IUoMJIIIAlIIa of iowiy deVotio n break. ! A young recruit wllo enlisted with -Up moth_ .... 1I£eCI Doe 1Oe. lIottIe is dlflt c ul t. to transpln nt lind will In· I A flr st,c lass pea Into beauty? 1I1uch Is STATE ... : .......... ......... __ .... ____ ••••• 01 Sloen'a UDlIUDt , and allhoap abe c h Irce will alwaY8 Capt. Sinclair was trying on his first t. DYer _ ,.... .arlably be headed too high to mak e : be a YI'arllng , and ...... lb. tau • between us and tbem. from lhree to to ur army shOes. They were ve1y broad 11 satisfac tory co mlll ('f('11l1 tree. Yea r · I te€1 high . It wtll ha\' e but fc w =.~ at NaomI's voice la ..n ~~~ and much too large for him. He got HARRO WING EXPER IENCE, II n~ apple and pe nr trc' es, Ir well brun e lll:s , but eow Rtlll 'the "Turn again, the hurls wi ll hp p lump tbem on, rose trom his seat. and , :o:rOW ll, ),,,\'e a d l'cl lI e <i ado;a llta l(c a s : :t.lIl alb'e along Is all wlsttul as when lh!' Irllnk . In orll l' r " Good morning looking . at Wigger th e m. s." very soberly said: ! he Bc an-old limb s r an he selerl e d a t I to PI'OlJlIce sudl through Lhe a!len corn. troes th.' y mu sl I", "Good morning , Dobbs. "[>oys, It -1 get shot 1 want some ot , . How are u n y point upon th u trunk tltal th e I grown CIOKC to ~,.• t1 e r consola Uon aro we hun· you?" . ~ 1 , eO ll s(' 'lu l' nt Iy, W h,lt rldl you to pus h me over. I can never >: r,,\\'(' " mny d esire. Wllh two' )'f'llr-ol rl . lhey will not hav turn tram Judea? Has c so I(rp. at n di anw ll'r. I g~~ for that ''I'ID not feeling well. r Itad a night· fall down with these shoes on. " ' I"> '''S lir e sr:aITold limbs Il r c all·e ad)· ' BUl a li t' lIlay be SUI'(' lhal a brl;P pp. r I .: . hu:nun changed 'Jnder tho marll last night." form ed , alld OUt or a hundred trees It : cc'nt of Ih " wh ntunes, so that sin lp·lik e trees \\'111 gr(1 1V \\. "Tell me about It." The Wander ing Boys, Of. wi ll u s ually be diffi cult Ihat han' ;lDY " 3~~ th a t, ~ ali sra forgiven ess tlnd grier , "I dreame d I was riding In my r: t O? t_O "This Is old·hom e week In Plunk· I~S llI ay b" IH'o' l ~::~ ~:~g;l: own ed " ' h'JI'c lI eu r a u Ideally ,hll ]1" II top. cl l e d . I I", top 1lI,1) ,II sn he ('111 h:t ck I b ' . ' , a comfort er? Hav e our j su t omobll e." vill e, but I don't think tho district at· to any rJt"S ll'cd hc: il' lll \\' llh t he ' ":<111" 1s II" s ailed tar that they have " That Illn 't so bad ." torney Is entering Into the spirit ot the Watch For Disease s. anl:e tllflt Ih e dorl11;nt l IlUlls 11'11 1 pro . rt' I''' a lt !d 10 a braver contine ut "But this blamed machlu e wouldn· t thing." :\ursl'r.v stoc k is subj ec t 10 a tew ' d ur. e Hatls f"elol'Y h l·a u"',"s. here pain once r e ign· I stay all the ground and wben It turned : th;~" tl1I' fi e ld "Whal makes you think that 1" ,)Nni c iou" ,1I"<'asl's alld iu sp. ,t s . S omp WI,:-:IJ ELL \'1\111)0 (' 1, so acute ~hat It ) tUl'ti (' a mile up In the air I woke I I·d . Is .ollr "T just found him overhau ling hie ·()f thl's(' IIE'st6 are Ilr(>Rc nt in mo s t nur.: Coll ege ur A~rlcullure. Ohio S late h,, :; ha~l s h cd i1ure from man's m e ? bat.h ed In a cold perspira tion ." old Indlctm enls. " sc r ies. Th .. Irer> I11USI hI'!. <:xD mineri 18 m~n s h llu iV{! I'"ity . ILt least Relt·suff iclent 1 ~ lIreru ll)', alill tll' (urp pl a u tl ng :t il In. nlln ,III ,slImc l Her Wanta. :les ted I rN' S s h oll id be Letting Him Down Easy, l·eJectcd . See tllat the kitc h en Is al'l'anl;,' d s(" . - -- \ - - - - - "Does your wife wallt tbe \'ote1" Among Iht, mu s t (' UIlII11011 di s 'uses lIrc , t ha t it wi ll 81l\' Irish Boatma n (survey ing the soli· C th e hOURP\\' jf p III" ' " I Abunda nce, " ;':0. She wants a larger town house, tary result crown gall, hairy rOO l nlll! h light. Th p ste ll" . H(' lllt' mbe of the day)-l t's a folne l' t hat Ihi s is 1I ,:r T hl) WlI )' t o the Id eal tbe real a " lila on the seaooas t, and a lICW 1ns t'c l!; mos t orte n tOUllti ".r c t he S n n " wo r k~ h" p " in flah for the,lIlz e av ut. Th em'lI run whi c h s he \\, ill droua t~ p"~"i !itc ~t!y d the thought ot limousi ne car B\' ery six moulhs . I'd ::Jose scal p, bor ... rr, of "a' It Ht S k in.l s , 1)ly \\ 0 1'11 all bel' about three to the pound. lite. t!1 ('lr "I Pli llty . to de monstra te be pl ea sed most to death If she could w l)oly aph is al:d t.he eg;:s or the j:1't:e ll Angler -Hardly tbal T should say . abuncia nce 18 to d it constan tly ID fix her attentio n on II. sUlall matter • .phis. Iloatma n-WeJl , mayb e the other Wily 110 r IIut up som e icc Ih is \\'i ll' I h (, mind , freQ u lik EI the vote. " -New Orle ans' Pica· two' d be II bit bIgger to say to your-Londo n Punch :\los t 5tates .bfi\" e a sHtP '" n r nul" ter . 11 you do nO .' L gl'l at it ~erC)l'o "t' lf : " AI! that . Father hath LI yu ne. ;eery null on:htlrd In"pc r:lIoll , but orten l ia ng, th,'r e will , be tew t'hn u o:(!~ I ft. mi n('." my shepher d: I ;tn c la \\' s ur e not ell rorced a ~ we ll a s Compar ative Mannen . Po hall no want~" all tbls ' III true . ~alse ~Iack Foxes In Captivi ty , ~e )' s ho uld he If o ll e Is in do ubt In _ Mrs. Jones- So Li lli" m o re"lhan hslt or lhl' ral'Jne in nu you 11110\" seatl .tJ ==:.:.;:: f.;;..,....: -.....;..--- -'+--''--= --'--'',-:-- iIt is) any want 'Ihe skit'. of a black fox Is wortb I BlankS' thea[el" ! r ega.rd to t.h e condit ion of Ili" trlle, it , ill Ihi s countrv you are o p e ra ted by th'.,I , lOT flnct I ' lock :71 your . III ~bnorma1.- (rom $5 to pO, and the animals are N t!}elr , JIlay 'bl' pousl bl to sec u re ~b.e ser , Ices ' n ,,"n p r~ In·day,J 'now being raIse d In c \lpUvlty to JOJles-" ];{e' nut l1u ~ . ply the deJ01lWd .tor tllell pelts. . a~ctl8!tlte:tt1I~~I!.;..JiU'lI~e-•. .' \ . "'"' J, •. . .~ ~"T.,, .: me'











Rheumadc Twinges







LOKills OMPain EKT







aUP'I' (











Since th e be gllln hl!/. .or Ih e Wllr 0lI Huerla. Q U1I.y mlUl h ils b eAn o n e of Ul e s trategic ~l nt8 In .Ih " M ~ x lcalllll' e llUlJlI c. "rhe rebels ,bavo BurrolWm l ed and r l)eatedl y Iltta.oke d It. but ba_ fllll~d t e!' dtglorlge tb€. i e dcrn.1 gll rr is on IUldl'r eraJ 0 1e4a. Uf'D>




Ttl>' IIr ~ 1 ~ I'''·. lr l<! bll'c"t !'Hil wa ) III \' oll stallUIIOIJ IU " a ~ lI lJ l'II ,,1 It·t,.,nl ly with th o aud ellt eer" llIon), llf t h " SilOri ll ee " I' lam bs. _ .IJlJ WIl ciu ,th e I,h o tograph . A ~8 th " tru clis 1""0 lamb . were phLco d . and art" th e custowa rJ I' ra ypr~, .,r II I<' "'I"ha l nlll " dall~ lit 'y we r p killed on tlJe s pot, th o Invoil"ll g th, ' LI '~ l" l lIgs or A llah nn t h e n ew line '<r/IO!'O oll'ered nllllil \\''' 1' 0 ~ r near ed willi the war m ul ood, lind prayen . ,





• 'fl,l~", !~ 111", lll t·d,". \Jr~'~,n ~(~~ to CO~: Georg. <.,o('t h uls , lhl r ' "gl l., ( I of t il Pa nama l'llnuJ , by t h H t;h J c I-'oru111 at New Yor1< at Ca rll !'!';le hall III th e jJl'co;e nce of II grea t g:Hh"ri us ,of dIu· Ilugu lsbcd ·mt"-11.

Rath e l' thun glvp up th e prlndpl ea 'wbteh h e prIzes more than f' ve ry t hlng .else, '\VlIllam OIbson, (fh e second baron Johu W. Garrell , tho Aruorl cR n mInIs ter t o Jlorge ntlnll (rlghl). '11111 Or. Asbbou rn e , wh o tak es Ills 8 II I In the Ilomulo .S . Naoo , tho Argenti ne Jlllnis t er to the U nlled Stales I lett ), arc to b(· lEnglhlh hou se o f 10N\s, .dressed In the raised ,to .th e runk ·of IlwbnsB adur :b y th eir ,resp ective go,'unlm e n!s. The ad- Jrlah ,costuUl e whi ch 'h p ,loves so well, IIllnlstr ation bill to l'lll stl th e t jllU ed RtRtt~8 Irga tlon at Buenos AYTes to th " 'bas lost an Inh e rltanco ,or $450.000 . rank of .an ·embass y has been Intlrol1 uced the se uatE' by .S enn to r Shively HIs faUl er , th e Inte tllll'on Ashbou rne, Indiana. .Borne time a go tho ~Ilntln e governm e nt Intimat e d Ibnt It was Itl II. nOl e d t ' nlonlst -1 l'ad e r , lett this desl,rert o .elevate 11.3 Own diploma ti c l'1' )lrclW'lntn tl vc ill thnt. ' W a)' , In Mr. Gar, prln celY' fo rtune to th o bro th e r or t h e ,rett B C68e It ' hall been urged that th e CO Kt of ' lIv1ng In the ,Sou th Americ an preso nt ilord because Qf t lje 'old " T so n's call1lal ,ls ,80 ,great 118 to make the 's !1lary of /I :mlnlstl'l r quite Inad oQllate .• Be. " ,r e ruslIl to give up tbe N at ion a lis t prln . sIdes bls Be l'vJco has :been or sUCl! Quality as ,to r eceive ;tho (wmme ndutlon ': clples. l ~ rd Ash bo urn e wears tb e an. lOt the state .de IlIlrtmeo L I c! ent If ls h c1ro.s SPOll'kS t be ·trlsb lan~~~~~~~~~~....-.~~~~ I ' , -......~~~-~~~~~-~~ -~ I.guage .nod Is a con vert to Catb o llcls m ,



Tho l'. K :- , I 'o lllllpllul iO Il , th e seco ud Hlilp built uy th e t'nit cd States nav y , will prolmLJI,. b e tak en to Washin gton und un chol'ell In th e tl d ul bus ln l in Potoma c park nt'ur th o HtJlLU tl o f Admira l J o hn Pa u I Jo n es . where It will be see n by tllf' th o u snn d~ ot to ul'l ,; t s who uw a r m 10 t h e 11111 la nai capltnl. Hear Admira l Vl c'UJ r Illuo ij tart c> d Lh (l r,llo\'em e nt to 1l 1'lnJ: th o craft from :-': (' wpo rt. lind 11 11' ha ll S nUI'a l n lTalrs co m mithi s toric old f1gbtlng tee r e ported on It fll vorabl y. Th e white oak sl tl l'~ (I f the old \' ~"sel hold th e le ad of th e French. wHh wh om shc grappl ed in JI9~; of th e pirHt pM ' s lt ,. fOllght in th e Tr ipolllun war, of th e BritIsh gU IIIJoatt< In 1); 12 Hlld or t h l~ fl ghllng c r uft of lhe Confed e m cy ,


JOHN D. GOES TO POCANTICO HILLS '~'>:;"'>!:2i'Il''''t\

'~ '




Ti lt· bl'aut lful Mrs, Hoben 1\:III'U UI' I grall uLl au ghtc r or the lat e !:" or CHrnu riuge IInu co us in to Q ',llI r;·. .r oh n IJ, n o(' k ef~ II"r lI\.Jout to l' nl e r Ills a ut omo bil, ' :I t :'iI' ''' YOI' I-: Oil bi t< Is tb e m o th er or th e lu cky), 1I~" t,'r ' wo y tu his ho mo III I'o c'll nt.i<-o Hill s 1O' ltll hi s InvlIlld wif e, Wb et he r or not lit II'h o.o c hr is t ening a. rew a~ o , h o wi ll (,SC ll l" ), th a ~n c Oll1 e ta x l e l'lt~d Ilgalnst him i ll , ( ' len' land by c la iming In lhe ('b a .... 1 Roy al, Savoy, 1I .' Quee n i r," sld 0 n,· u In ~ e\\' ) o rk sl u te is " ljllcs tl on or inte res t t u WilOY othe r mll arted as godmot h er , T h e!l( d 1;(l Ii(' rs 11 1I llal r cs. WI'rp Admira l S ir Adolllhu s F 'I/. : ' ·III'!; ( ' and (;01. Au~stus F ltzg eorg, ' S o mewhat Peeved at Defeat , I Radium In Treatm <!nt for Cancer, I"r ell l' h ell)/: Io rs occa s iona ll y Ita vtl I Sir A l frt,,, Pea rcil Gould, rofe rrlng How IH e Propos S01110 hOlll o truth s t hrown at th elLl Ill' I to t he 1I8 ~! o f rau ium In th e trea tme n t It "'u s rainy nnd h ardly c,," ' litlat "~ who fall t o sec ure e nough I' 0 1' cancer, I" pro p c.'r O b ~P I'I' CA : " In radIum W<I S unda y urt ernoon for a :111;, hilt votcs. A t th e laa t gene ral e lE' ctloll M , hll vo 8 n IISPut t ll llt In many ca ses can I h!')' wr r e (\ I"lc rlllln ed, for I ii. \ l\'l're A ILJ ~ r L ,",orlllau , a chem lHt u nd clru g· be u se d for treatme nt of cance r with young and uumulT l eu n li l: •.•1 lid , I gis t, who was a candida t e for dalluty groat hop e o r s uccesa. The selectlv Eh venture . All wen t w !'1 ''' 'I tl till' )' rro, lI1 ~Iontagu e, r ece iv ed ly Hlx action of racl lulll UPOn cancer celiB ' approac hed a n ow addl tlo ',I;,I (' h had yot es and Iss ued an address , un th a nkIn g marks It o ut from nil other known Just bee n laId llUl. ' " th e s ix e leetons wbo show e d th <"i r rl! nH~ dl es. bu t px pe rleD ce also showa. While they walk ed s lo h ' "Ioltg nit 1 "o nllcl CIt Cf< In me. Th ey are th e only tbat It would b e gross exauer atlon, e nterprI s ing real es tute '11' ':tllle to, Ho lv ent clUzen. In th e constitu e ncy. to s peak glibly of radium a8 a ,cure, ward them with the I " I)on't and I beg to assure the m of my es- for cance r In the Bense that It win you want to buy a tee m. As for tbe othe rs, I hereby deal with any and every case of tbla. "Why. what would It ?" g Ive them notice that In future all dls ca se." she Innocen tly Bsked,. attempt s to obtain credlt . ~t m y estab· "BuDd a housla, of " said tbe II shm ent wlU b e relentle ssly refused . M.kea a Dlfferen ae. real .estate man, DurIng the last nine years Lbey have It . took a lawyer In a ,New Jer"7" ~ 'Y e8, .b ut wc're ·nt'.'_D robb ed we of about 3,000 francs In bad court the other day 8,000 worela to uk • ·'No, · but .we D:11lglltllJe debts wllieb I have tak-en no stepe to II Questio n, and II 4octor needed oalT', youth, as be made \ recov~er, j 'et when an opportu nity the mo.nosy llab1a ''No'' to IUUIwV IL, toel 11! the _mUd'. . Ie aftorded ot Bhow1ng their apprecl aBut_the Questio n" may boya t&.ltell- lID, ' . Anih that 'WU,O!Klsal. ' tiOD ' of my leniency 1 meet wIth · the bour tp pre&\1tJ'6 !lii4 the lUUlWer teD. hueat Insrat'U ude," .... . ~! ~qt yea.ra.-- ..;sprinl1 lel4, Relllib U., ' "



Kiss Murdoc k Is th e de LJutante at. Margar et's church at Staatsb urg, N. Y .• wbere Vin cent A:it.or, the 4au.ghte r ot Congre8 sman und Mrs, VIctor Murdoc k ot K u nsas. . She bas mulU·m llllonalr e of New York city. will marry tbe beautifu l Miss Helen ber father' s auburn h al I' and Is genHunt1ng ton some Ume this prln" Tho inset ,hows Rev. Dr. DUncan . who erally wnced ed to be one will olliciate at tha weddJng , ot th e pret, • tlest glriB in WashIn gton.


Inareal e In Concret e Archei. ·-Not over 1'00 concret e arches Were lD' UBe ,eAte alo, Today' there are .ppward of 10,000, The coD,cr,lte arch "lid the coacret e .le.b anel. girder bridge. , !ife ~'DUed ' &II ,Id~' Bolu.ti!>ila ~r 'the 'pel'JDlUllint · lwt~,e '.1'r<l~.



When E"". Were High In. .Ilab)tlon, " And Yuu'r.e eating graslll" Illlld the IIYDJi>athetlo by.tandftt:· " , " S&,b·hf " retul'lle d Nebuc~dnelZ8J', "TIl!Lt'~tho a.tol')' 1 ,~ave but. But, the trulli III that - J ' think there III a ' hen'lI' Delt JODWwllere out ~er'e JII , ~e weedl." •. .

'n.urmo ulltable , " Thera 18 one great 4rawba ck,whlo b will . at waye exist to tbe BerYl~e · ti, wonlen on juries," ' .; '!Wbat Is tbaU" '' 'They can't pIal' pokBl' ,,!tUB Will. lJIl · for the one o&itilla te milmbe r tM com~' oyer ,to ' mIlJolit1.!' ~ r







~~d'~ ~,~~~,~~::


I lI :: 1'

l I'ilJ.:S a l t ite Cl ub SI nn~?

il l!

1\ I'


Barbar<' Was Chosen- for Honor BoCiIUS~ LIgh tning Killed Her Execut ioner.

i I.

;;;;;~I'M;nti;,;j I T~U':;.,..Wh;te . w..

.Vli s.'! Anna Mn r~hall is on t.he sick


- - --in Cindnn."



Roy Innis, of Lebanon, was in town

Tue~day on bUKiness.


I' Baled huy . and straw for sale . i" Imown I t . . I G('org~ Zell, phone 1211, ." ~I 1• .t \\ 1 1'\ 11 d l'l tt'l '1'1. , Stan:, iJ("r r\' 11':lR In I la\'ton. '1' I b th I :1' "I!" I'," "" II .:' ~I .,1' C,'1I1:I,\I',I, II'r,.. T ('"luL, I I It' ""! \, \" ~ I' " : . , , d' y . Mlbl)n 'll "ertllzer , t1e est on e ! , ... ' !~ ! '! \, II l.d l h'II!gli ,I,,· !" ... I 11 1"1'" 111.1Il a Iholl' I ,~" d . m ark~t. For sa le by Chas. Frye , "r 11 r l ll llt " I . I" , ... . 'I I ' ) ' I. t I ,\1101 .1,:11'., 1"il, I',' II .. · 11 11"1 ,11"11 of I. \1 r~ . Ed Mar\' Ila~ in Sl'rin ll Va l : G' II '111 t·th I I,~ r" • 1 \". 1 '-;~ , ,l , i"r iti Gl .\' . St. MarY 'E\ ,UII WI mee WI , I t .' I , . 1:11 "\1'1'''1 1''. \\ 1,,' 11 l':II III ' " \\, ,1'1' ,I ' Mrs. E. V . Barn hart Thursday after· ., , ., , " :, 1 " '! 11' .:'!!1,,01 II", "1I !" il 1,I'IIi lld llil! i .'1'. A . T. Wri J.:1 1l \~a" . m king.s ' noon . I ~ I !J.'\ t , OHIO ~1I;1 -, ', 1', ,11 , 01 thr' )lI~ 1t Iii,· , ,:11,' 1101 ,, 1' , V ': I, :\\ nnday (In pr"I" ""lOnul \1usI. 1 .'· 1 \ .' _:\1 I', 1.. 1' II pn tl'lIl1 . :lIhl PII·!!I .,· ' n .;:;. M r~. W . )1. Cleaver, of Xenia, " I"" I ,,1",1 1:1 .. ;!"I1I I(,ll llIl' ll l', :O; I. lbrl .. . ! \1" 1 \1 " (' llpentM onliaywith her sister,MrR. ',1 " I I , : 1" ,I ''. · 1. .1111 • I ~ . B. Bl'l1tlL'v 11·l.! re IC. B. IIt ,nUt-y. I I I II ,', 11'1, I ,d 1( , r I .., \ 11'\ ! ';j " I ) /"i I ~\j ' q't l ll ~l n \ TI to I II 0:l'\ \ ' l ! ~jf· i1rl}.!l tl ll Su nda y afll. r- l • IJ I I I • till S I ' l l ' ; I , . \ , : i ... , ' II!.I !I: .' I:,· L· ""i,·c. 1'11 11 Ih,' 1I 1"~ 1 1'1'1 '1"1" " II . Laundrv work that will please you. J I ! ,. 0'" 1 , :11 \\ 11 I" :, \ ".! I : I,:,. " " " tlint 1\ :l r l ':l I':l' ~ ,' \1','11· 1./ . L Ilrown su'tt water Laundry. , .. ]I ,\ \ :\ H , k Shop Next to Sherwood's Carage Main St I I ,,: ,r t, IIVI' , 1.1'1' 01"11 1'111 111'1', was illll lll', \J. I . :'Ir . and~II'''. F r: lIlk Marsh ,; pcnt ILee Hawk e , Agent. \' til t., lt11\ 1 · . 1 :) " Jay \\,Ith Mr . HIllI Mrs . .J"hn I, Ir -. I I I \ I ·,1 r I :lll'\ "1':"" ,'11 I,r II I,0 It 0 f hL!IIIIII I\~ , P":leh. W. N . Sears has been visiting r el- 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• ~ 1 I I,,,,,, - :1> '("' "': "111 1"1\ 1,.1' fI tl', III ' "'1 ati\t·~ ill \lar~e c.ou ntysince Sund~y. I.,I!, II .11:, 11 ... .1 I, II , 1\ , I 11 11 I -I " 111 • 1":1 \ '1 1: ( '\ • '."' .• ".1" "I' 111 111,,1, ,1'. '1'1 11" ,111 11 "1 1\11'. alld\1. II . !lymall ami li e brO ll..dlt hi!) littl e son home wlthl I, II ,; I! ,Ill I II 1. , "' 1 ...;, ,III ,! '. ',I', Il h 111·,1 11 ,,' 11 11 111,1.'1', II'h i,·" .1(·. 1.\ '" a ,~ dM n,. Myt!r lIymanw/.' l'e in him. Mrs.KV Barnhart was in Cin-I Osborn, Ohio, will. vote next " ,1 ill 111 11111:" ," Ilr I . I I I' I ' r t ".I· II~un d ay . I cinnati Tuesday Tu esday on a propositIOn to erect t" " d ill " I -\, 11 b l! rl I I :, ~ " ' " 111 1':1111', 1 1(' 1101 IL' 1,)11 " 1' ,·II:.:,·:llll't' , It \\'ill l10t be lonO' before the ev· . - 1Z! 10 00( t I II f or th a t " • 6 • a nl'W ojI " , ' uwn 1a ':01 Iii I I',,,, "<>. , 111'" 11 1':lr l'lIl'lI ~ sl a\' l' r {II Ihl' 1 !lIll1d( ~r I .\)1'. Illld l\Irs. ,J (.hn Frllmm and er·p e rs i ~ I,,"l candidate will g Ive you M Sh D k f R t r. tow nship "II " . " "' 11Ii,,'1>, '" ,. II ", .01,11 I .; Jl I r " illY. ' I I) f. I) ayo t n,w eretle/-rue:; i t!'< aca II . 'j'h e prlmarresln . .. A t 'i lI rs. n y e , 0 ' ou eiJ, \\'"1 :' ,,,I ' "' ,1, ', '' 1"'111 ,,1. IJa ll"llnllso a r Jar!tIl':I>! ugusw . LbermanTuesday ".,,01,\. \ ",',:JIi I I·hL,si 'li a;; ti H'il' I'lItrOI\l'~s. · u i rclali vc" h.. re l'L"l lw<'ek. l' givCllw lll a long time tog-et ready was In e ano , Dr. and Mrs J W. Waro. who I) ' b '. I'· I ' tl th O I , f or tlw fray. M d M Le' Alk ' ' on of have been spl'nJin ..u the winter ill tht' .'1r" f . O. "\a."Il I' an" " a u"l, te r , r . an rs. WI!! inS. I ,,1. ' .Lr a Ll I\ Cl In Ie Irl eP Ii · B ig Co ffee Sale .) " lY ~ . u u h ' D dI tS I it! Snuth, are un their roarl h('me, ann I ' [ UI'I·. 11(" 1' f"lliP I', ])iu:;cofll s. wn ~ 1\ \I: Xe nia. ~pe nt Tu esr!ay with Mr . Th e pupi ls of t he Hig h School will nea r 0 (s. spen um ay w 1 WI' II arrl've he re about April 1st. I'h" l\t· ... k l\'l" \\' 111 plan ' tI!1 .,,:d, ' I 1 Ed M I f '1 d h d d Hom er Carey a nd family . :!:,i1 I'"lt lld s (; "Ir!t' iI :'1I1l ('(\ 11"'1' 1 ty r:tllll i":d l'a n ' llt, a nd kept th.· )!irl , il l I 1\ r!l. , /lcyall( am i y. hnve pup co rn an om~ · ma e can y Harry Sherwood, of the Waynos· 500 Coupons Ft'ec illl lnlll'L'oi III a l(ltll'lv to\\'~r Ilnn " ", ! '. . . for sail' al th e Township hou~e Sat· M' N' S ' th R ' S f "il h I'aeh IHlUll iI II I;; tl,, · I , I . . f " l 'J ' : .\. t · C! .·. ·. I. rh e '" omalJ " . A uxll imry. of St. urday afft-rnoon pnd evening . . The ISSes Slna . mid . .,oxMle uOr ace ville Auto and Machinery lAl " was in 1.1.( 11 1,1 1," t " 1111 I C~ ,t U .1I 1'll,tn- 1,,1 (ry '" chllr ~'h,\I,' 1I1 mpel With Mr:-; p r oceeds wi ll be used for the benefit and. Mary h.!rw.oo SlIu r. scar Indianapolis Monday . He brought III,,, t ('om f ' ""Id :, 11.1'11,'1 11"'" It) , l olld,·I1II1, ·t\ 10 so ld,u ll.!, she I Z ' I1m erm all 1' l'1day afternoon at 2 of th e sch,)o\. Go and see them . Smith we re In Dayton Sunday . hack a new auto for the Oregonill 1 hi" I\'(·~k I. ,. wi l l ' I~I ~. "1"' 11 \ lll' f t ilil" ill p ra ye r nnel study ; II· ,'lock. IllIi oll~ . ' : : l u i~ I ,,< h,, !, · \: ell Notice - Our patrons will please Fred Hawke resig ned as ma na ger Urid ge Co. I ·a l,hag !'. :~ \\' l' t:' I'" :<""'.'. '\ 1" d 11"1' nl '\\' {:Iil h. al ,t! by ~t('nlt.ill'(\ n. ' ( 'has. Mi c'llI'lI p.r, u f Route 4, left returualliemptymilkbottle~prompt. of the G. W . HawkE.' g rocery store pi t' s . Or: ., ",.~ t n i'll III !'l'C 'I'I I'l' 11I>lr udlO n 11'('\11 [I T.I ("l-Itiay fnr Pl ain Citv , Ohio, whe re Iy to White's store. In order to su p· Saturday evening, and will aceePt All Kinds of Ne ...: C:m l, ~~; ; :- ;-;--:,-",:-:. pri ('" !. Tli c 1.11 hI'!' . IlpOLl d lsL'o\( ' I' mg 11 " will al tend the' wedding' of a ply you with good clean milk the a position as traveling salesman for Bulk ~ \\ "I •. 1 :;",01 . :"'1·0\ ) LhiH, (](. IIl lun, .,.d hi~ duu .c: htcr IJI· ro rc r I'nrl l,"la::. bottles mU ll be thoroughly sterilized t he Ball Candy Co., of Dayton. Thei l n~E I' ll (" . ,pI " lal (:JI " '", \ \ hit" I l lhe jllC,lges. jl io "'(l rll s declureu. 11IInbefore being used . , Gazette wishes Fred the best luck in ..., "1 " I'\ I.ISSLni l 13 <n ~ tl ey wa~" c a lled t o Wayr;e!Jville Ca nnin<7 patin )! 1" :l llo" ". !tilt I111rt 1'~' , sclf willing to uc{ as the executi one r IY r~. .. Co. , t he world in his new work . tr"'lt ~ p ,,:· I '.1! 0I1 '1 ~ )() , II I~h rl I l of his dUll"'htcr, und /I[tt' r putti.nrr I ,·d Lion Monda\' on accollnt of the . N",v I,; I I e ! 111 1(" ' ' ' ' i I ' I ' ': '. co, II ath of her SiSI('I's hu sband, who Chao, W, Sch w~rtz & Son, o.f Leb· H. V. Walter writes l!~ from R~. . he r 1.0 terrible 100011lfCS Ill. au (" [ort "; ed at IIi" hOl1l u uf IJllenmon ia. anon have receIved a notI ce of ' well, N. M., and say,,: weather IS, SUCl'essor {u It pa}'~ I,· I I'. I ;ot ! I lo fon'c n rC'c IIIII :t1 i"il, ill' l'ut oIl' h("r ship ~ent , on the steamship Pretorian I id eal, no clot1ds o.r winp ; nig~tsQuite , TheBoos ~e:tStore t hrad, A("('ordillg 10 Ira d ition, th e The ,J. n. U. A. M. will meet at from Aberdeen, Scotland, of an in· l cool but days brIght; no Wind very F. E. SHERWOOD :, ky was ch'n r alld ,·I(llId lp,,;. but a { "i r Ill'\\' hal l i n the Odd fellows voice of the Red Scotch Granite. joflen. This is a good live city, but - - - -.. _ . fl ' I !il d ing Jo'r.irlay evenin~. anti will Thesepeoll iebuyall of theirma.terials i mil esfrom any place. Our~leof _ . W ')1 0 ~ 1'1l8h o . [lund, ,!' lhal Bh,)nk tho carth ':. nfc!' th e Ilrst deg ree All brothers direc lly from the producers, In both lots come off Thursday and FrJday. l Ov"r rOSloITICt', aynesvl ~, . ---~,~!!'""~~~~ folJo\\' ed UIO In:l l'l ndoltl of I:a rbara, "re relju estt'ri to be present, the American a nd foreign Granites. j Prin ti ng bill is pretty s tiff, too." Office Phune 77 House Phonl' 11·3, : and hcr fath e r, Hlr'ick"11 by lig htning, Wi 2 ~ . :cc,,~t l o n . I fell dead. l) I!lI !< l


I !

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,' \. Itl r l " 1': 1.


I !

.Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.




I, \










, I I'

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A. R. Chandler



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I' Th e> g i rl I : " t l)llc cnl :-; '; 11\1 i Oll,

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I)r the It. - . Roe h ,

;;il ranlele.

a head· I A \" ry wise thc n a tu re of ~ny;.)




'ls ,1

llIos t


talked !

DC lllOCI'a.t

. --

- .-


:~ DILVi~ ~

and - - - - - - - - -- - - - C OW- freHh Co w . (j uod. FurunE'. R. ~ . WarneRvi ll e . ! Olli( :.

Twlc knT1u ur y. Hertl's a r,~ 1 or" I 1(I' Hlbury. heard In a parish cull . "' I I,l! rlO ClOI' qlade a Dlogenee of th,' co,.,' a nd dec ided it






was typhoid ."-C hr isll un H"bis ler .

••"""""""""""""I""""""""""""""''''''' ....~mrwelM....Ia....~......IL.~'




MY t·'"ATHER'S AD'VICE TO ME Furnish your borne with Adair's Furniture as I did our home ~he years to come. Just such advice hundreds of fathers in this city have given their sons who are a.bout to start housekeeping. 28 years ago, and you .will have no regrets in

.:ffl Uti net!,

omhining' DUoSm.eSs anJ I

Let Us figure the · Cost of Your Com~ete Home Outfit Just to Sbow What We Can Save You

Pleasure I Smart

: \

Some tim .. &110 .... oec:ured the locala.ebcyJor the Indjana Silo Company. We hawe found much pleawre in interestinll our friend. and neighbors in the .d...n t&au.:

ec.o.-~mio•• profib, and NJ..roUJul yalue ol th ..

Street, Dress Mourning Hats~ I andChildren's and I I Misses' Hats

[NDIANA : al~~SILO ~~ I

Jtvery farmer who owns an Indiona Sile> as found that it is the best business d eal I " e ever m ad e and the greates~ pleasure i , f his fannin g experience. It not only ,: ; 5 50% to th e n et profits of the dairy .. 1 feedin g pens but it a lso saves all the 'Jd, unpleasant work of winter feeding . . ','le have all especinll y attractive propo- I ", ott to make to you n ow- one tllat will ., ,ble you to get an Indiana S ilo in time . next faU's cor n crop an<J,.to pay lor it t pays you. Let n s t ell you about it.

Cbas. D. Cook Harveysb.. fg,


. ,-:~-------.

Special Display


:i\ If



'march the 21st


do quite a large business with young couples, especial1y thOSe who are accustomed to think of Furnitur~ as something to last, and to. be handed down from one generation to another.

'Yo u elln

Grace Lincoln Smith

kcep within the amount you have to

'(he enormous expense of the city stores compel tpem to charge one fifth to one third more for goods than we charge for the same or better quality. Our rents are so low compared to theirs, that we can. save you from 20 to 30 per cent on the dollar, For instance, you can save enough on the dining room, bed room and kitchen outfit to furnish the parlor ?eautifully. '

l~ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~

n I'

New CarLoad of Fence OUR

rts .... .. .. .... $16.75

to $80 6.50to 30 7.50to 60 · IQ.50 tlO ) 40

NEW CAR LOAD of the celebrated

. See our all No. 9 Wire Fence. ;! ~ ~1 Give it a trial. lJ i~ :1 The fence JS right Ui!~ :

I' !i

Rogers & Son -:-






6.00to I 0.50 tiD



'ou Never Had Prettier

RUGS To Pick from Than We Are ~howinK this Spring. No matter what the size of your room we have the rug in stock to fit it. Select your rug now while our stock is at it:'! best.

111.00 to sao Dining Tables ...• , ..•.. 9.lIOto 80 China Closets ..... . ... , . I 0.110 to 110 6 Leather Seat Chairs •. 16. to as Steel Ranges" ... , . . ,.. 30. to 711 lOO-piece Dinner Sets ... · 9.110 to 38 Buffets .... . ....... , ... $

Victor-Victrolas, ...... .


to ~oo

See Our LiQe ' of Quick Meal Ranges


The prices are right


Dressers ... '"


"''''_.... -x

North Detroit St.

Xenia; Ohio

Furniture-Carpets . Stoves


. Ie





Sixty-Fifth Year

HAWKE--·MOSHEI{ r fortune of fin din g- lhe rillg secreted I OBITUAI{Y --in the weddillg cake; Mis); Hen rietta Th e Ha rriil homestead on Main McKinst'y found her~clf theposseli.'lor Un :March 17. HJJ4. al he r a nd street was the scene of a very pretty of the thimble; MI'~ Charles Robit· her si~ t er'~ homc in W h t wedding on Wed nesday evening ze r of the sixJlf'nce and Miss Evalyn D, C .. the re )la,;.~ed into ~~;nti~~ I. tern al (>tIe f tI . • db ' Ernest Roge rs waB in Dayto n Fri , wlwn Mi ~ Edith MOllh er, the last I' ullk cy of tIlt' button , dau g-ht er of the family. became the After the wecldillj! suppc r, Mr. f~1 soul" of ~h' Ie, rat, uMD, , le('uu,t!day. 'f f M I' It! 11 k l'h and Mrs ~h k " d ' I' , e .,\\ur ( . I"" Izz le WI 4~ r , \una . awe, e . . IV e >;ucc 'eue In Sip' Henley . III the 7_lld year of Iter aKe , Ea'lter booklets und pust-::ards ut marriag' of these young people ping away without the knowledge of The deceased was bu rn ill Wayne5 ' Phillips' . unites two fami lie:; who have been any of th · guests and after a short ville. U ,. DCI!C lllh t) 1' 1 I I'i-lG ora hiRh assoliated, for several generations, t rip, ~ill be a~ home to thlli r fri ends Iy respected and infl~ellti~1 parentRev. and Mrs C. S. Gra ll ser wer e in ties of friendship and business, a~ thell' co untry place near Waynes· age , 1111 ootlt lht) pate rt ml ano rna. in Dayton Mnnday. At th e uppointed ho ur. \0 the VIlle. ' te rnal sides, 11.!r fath er Mus\c!s music of the Lohengrin wedd in g Mrs. Hu wke has a lways lived in Hen ley a lltl lI e th ' .1 · 1" r 1lI 0 ller ' a In' C~, hUlr' e J esse HawkillB, of Ne w Burlington, march, played by MIS Wilfred P~rry W ay ; , e~v I'II e an d' h e r many attractive gave' er nn was In t own Saturday . a furm e r school·mate of th e bride'!! and lovable trail~ of character have ' .1 am:esL~y JUt III t elr ,I h 1.1 f h I day 111 ou r t'o mm un lty stood for a ll at Harcourt place. the ri bbon· bear- wun anu (! u ur er a arge and tl t ' IH!!it ani I e Ienitmg' ' , ' I I f f ' d b I 1a was 111 soc ia , Mrs. A, Maffit spent Tuesd ay with er:!. M iss Emma Hawke and Mis.; Ioya I clrc e 0 nen s. ot 1 young l)rofes~io l1al and 'om .' .. I I' r friends in Harveys burg. I.' hie ' I. L.·h e IS ' tl Ie th Ir Od:l(aug It , , mer(la I e. t!..t e rlsenue rryenter ed th e room ""n(l old . '" 1 er :::;he was educated c III prrvate and and opened the way for the brid al of this houolcholc.1 who has been bap- public school:, an If ' ,I h' ld. Born - To Mr, Rnd Mra, Ea rl party, 19 the large bow-window, tiz~ d., recc ived into the church and h d . f d ~ 10m e al y c I Pickering, March ~3 , a son , banked with fe rns and palms, where married by the Rev, Cadwallad er , 00 was ,"11 o[ the study and becarne prU ~It: II~l1t III musIc. At 011(' und er a n arch of g.·een, stood the the oth ers ueing Mildred Harris, Lime a stud ('11 L ' 11 TI F . I C 1_ - Postma&ter Farr was quite sick improvised a ltar, draped with white now Mr, Frank Taylur, and Carolyn I X ' I It:! e rn ,l e () Saturday, but is at work again. and festooned with sm il ax and sweet Mosher. now Mrs . Fred Hartsock. ege at ema . she w,l)uld ~avc gorat! peas. The wedding procession was Mr. Hawke is a young man of uated had not a SerlU U:l 11I1tl',,:~ p reMilson's F ertilizer. the best on the led by the Rev. J. F Cadwa llader, sterling worth. whose quie t and un. VC'1lteti, compel"~~. III' r 1.0 g'lVe Ujl .market. For sale by Chas. Frye. rector of St. Mary's church in his assummg man ners hav e marie him her schoul "f~ , [,~510eg b~tng a mu!<l white vestments; next came the many fr iends ano whose real love su cce8~ lu l t,eacher uf /ll~l>IC , she W~'1 Mra. Howard Hopkin!:!. of Dayton. groom attended by his brother Fred; for his cho~en vocation pro mises fl!r a long tlln,,! much IIlt eresl l'd In was visiting relatives here Sunday . then th e matron-of,hoMr Mrs, Fred success for his future , kllldt!rgart~l~ 1I1 Wabash. Ind la lla. The wedding-'j,dfl'! were many. use . Afte r leav lIlg \Vu~' Il t)sv"II-!, ; lre reTry Henderson' s for yo ur new Hartsock; and the brid e upon the ~d 111 Silt.! InJ I:i llu polls and WaLa->h. made to measure suit. $11 50 to $32, arm of her mother who gave her ful and bea utiful, including several sld Ind iana. away When the bridal party had very substantial checks. 0 WIsev ' era l year~ C a)!oI rt assembled before the alter, Mr. Those present were Mrs , Laura H, move to as ltn~t~, n U. "Vol lere Editor J. p , Cummings. of the LeblUlon Times, was in town Mon- Hawke aud Miss Moaher were made Mosher, Mrs . Ed ith M. Ha rris , Mr, she spen t the ~echnl~g .and c!oslIlg man aull wife by the solemn serv iBe an.d Mrs. Fred Hartsock an d Miss yOJ~ra of her hft', .~ ,onfjrm,et.l III t~ e day . of the Protestant Episcopal church , MIld red Hartsoc k, of Morrow; Mr. EpIscopal chu!,c1~ In . ,I n (lranapolls, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Elbon were beautifully and impressively read by and MI·s. Frank Taylor, of Chicago; she contll1ued Chn:; t~ f~ILhful :,ulcll er . guests of Lebanon re lativeit"' la8t the Rev. Cadwallader, and God's Mr . Ha rris Moshe r , Mr_ and Mrs. and ,der'vant to he r life send, blessing invoked upon t hem for George Hawke, Mr, and Mra . Wilson ' ~tllS l.J enl~y \.vas ,the first orga~lIst week. ther . Edwards. Mr. Fred Hawke, Miss 111 St. Mary H cl:: uI ch , WayneHvllle, th eir life tocre 1& and a8 a l'!!ach,e r In the Sunday School Cad Irons. of St. Louis, has been The bride loo ked very sweet and Emma Hawke , Mr. Robert Mosher, she went q uietly about her w ,rk visiting his brother, Roy Irons. for girlish in a g own of embroidered of C!lrd.ingt~n; Mr. Charl es Mosher, week hy wep.k, g ladly giving' hE'r Rera few days. crepe a ne! lace and carried a large of Cmcmnatl; Rev. and Mrs , J . F , vices. happy in the consciousness of bouquet of roses; the matron· of-hon- Cadwallade r. ,Mrs. Wilferd, Perry , of bei ng useful in th c Master's vineyard , Try sending your family washing or Mrs. Hartsock. sister of the Cleveland. MISS Ethel Crlsenberry, D" ' d M d M J h Isappomtment, dItlco uragement8. to the J, L. Brown Laundry. Lee bride, wore he r we dd lng g own of 0 f Mt , G I'I ea; r an . rs 0 n failing health.. years of suffering, Hawke, Agent. white mull and lace and carried pinkl Hawke, Mr, and M~. Willian,t Frame, were met by a Rweetness a nd bl'ave roses , The ribbon-bearera, Miss Mra. Gord on Wright, MISS May cheer, that on ly deepened as the Mrs. Stanley ' Sellers. of South Emma Hawke. sister of the groom, Wright. Miss My ra Baird. Mis..~ Em- years went on . Interment was made Charleston, was the guest of relatives in pink silk, and '~iss Ethel Crisen· rna Heighway , Mr. and Mrs. E. V. in Miami cemetery on the morning of here over Sunday.· bury, cousin of the bride. in pale Barllhart, Mr. a nd Mrs. William March 19th attended by her long tim e Mh, Ethel Cooper and son, g ref'n crepe, also carried armfuls of 0: Neall . Mr_ IlIld Mrs. Charles Ro· fr ie nds who gt~lJtly laid her r emains of Dayton. was the guest of her pink fl owers , Mrs. Mosher wore blt~er, Mr . ~arvey Rye. Mr. Russ.ell t? rest amid t he scenes and 1IS80ciag reen silk with lace. Mra, Perry Sahsburv. MISS Stella Lemmon. MISS tlOns of othel' days. parents here Sunday. wo~e her wedding· gown of ivory E-:alyn ~unkey. Miss Martha ~'N~all, FOI' her t he fe ver of life is over, , ~ISS Ehzabe~h Chandler , . MISS Her: ' so he giveth His beloved sleep Tbe price of electricity was low- satm. The color scheme of the weddmg rltttta McKm~ey and MISses SybIl , . ered in Lebanon last week, from 5Y. was pink throughout and the lar~e and Helen Hawke. , - - -- -_to 6 cents ~r kilowntt. old ' rooms, softly lighted- by pink ' The young misses who served were ORTHODOX FRIENDS CHURCH shaded lillhts and deCorated with 'Belen Marlatt . Luella and J eanette Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Ridge, of DIlY' C EI ' G' E''Vange]-IS t T 'III man H 0 Lson d e I'IVsle ustm. ton, were ~he guests of Mr. and masses of pink carnations and ferns J anney. AI Ice urey, made a pretty and effective backAdra Cornell, Edna Cornell anu ered a lectu re at this church Monday Mrs: Mat,lon Ridge Sunci~. ground fo r t.g e scene. Edytha Macy evening to a large congregation. After receiv ing the copgratuIa- -. Th~ lecture. "White Sl ave ry" was 600 Samples to choose from, for AID SOCIETY NOTICE the best that was ever given here. your new mBdfl to measure suit tiom of their fri ends, during which Mrs , Perry played so flly and sweetly, a nd many people were impressed-, 111.00 to $32 at Henderson's. Mr. a!l~ Mrs. Hawke led the way to . The LacHes Aid Society of the M: Re v. Hobson Idt Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Steve Phillips. of the dmmg room, where 9: party of E, church will hold a market in the. for Clinton county, where he will Waahin~n C. H. are visiting with twelvt; sat down at the Im?al.ta~le, Township Ho usf', on Saturday. the lecture in di fferent places. charmingly decorated wl~h pmk 4th of April. Everything good to The revi val meetings at t.his ehu rch relatives here for a few days . s.weet peas and, ropes of smrlax and eat. We will also have a qu il t . and wi ll be, continued all this week by Some lady lost her pocketbook on hghtt!d by pmk shadEd candles. sun bonnets and ap rons f or sale, Rev. Wooten. Interest has b een Main Btreet Saturday. Owner call The, est of the.compan~ ~«:re seated Your patronage is desired . manifested and good wi ll come of have by callini' at this office. at small ta~l~ m the adJommg rooms Lizzie S tewart Sec'y th ese ser vices. Everybudy is corand a dehclOu!l course-supper was • . dially invit ed. Mr•.and Mrs. Ruseell Bentley at- served by an attractive group of • - • - - -.- - ...- - tended the funeral of Mrs. Ber,Uey's young girls dressed in white. To Buy your Fertilizer ofChas, Frye, Mrs. Enos Hill, of Ceda r vi lle, WM brother-in-law. n ear Red Lion. Fri- Miss Emma Hawke fell the good- who handles Milson'S the best. the g uest of rel~atives here last we~k . d~. Mrs , ~ Smith and two daughters, of Brookville. were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnett and family. '



Whole Number 3256

P. B . Thompson, of the Lytle School will make an addrell8 at the at Lebanon










OBITUARY ., - - - - - - - - - - - , AI, \" -,- -. ' ",nel , 'v , Dill, son of Dante l an,d JAnllcrl~1I 11'R4":';as Iborn ta.~ 0thr,egolnfla . - - - - _. ' ------I un' OJ , , ... , t ('par eu IS I e . , MalTh Iii, 1:114 , ag-l'd 70 yea rs and \) ,LUUIS I'Tlnt:.: took SlInday dinne r Illonths. wllh Ilurtun Farnhart a nd family . II W' s th' II t f f. ' I f .. C a. ,e u I es u u am I yo . - -- thlll~e n ~ ltllldrenl.'11 tlhr:-ee Lrothers W, H , Dinw iddie and family were un;r \\'u SIS ers, S,l l 11~1l11g. I" I the gue;,ls of Mrs. arah Haines at ,I e Io\r' aN~rnarrl!cu l ' 0 l\.e)'c!('A,·a nll.: Sunday dillner, aru,o ew , ur 1111{ Oil, t,l gU S~ .. , _ __ I ~M. The re were burn of lhu; ullIon th reI' > C • d f our (aug 1 h ters. 'r wo The MisscH Emma Cart wright and . ons <In daug hters have preceded their fal'lcr Ma r tha Burnett had as their g uests to the I ' t R d L .h urea eyon a urad'Aw .0 on Sunday , Mrs, Rachel Keys, MrJ . 1' . , 1 ' . • h' I· ul eu In y ou n ~ w?m,\Il oat an nna George W. Ebright, Mr. and Mra. S, L . Cartwright. Mabel who (lI. ed, III ,Infanc M 1)'11 . y h " 1 r, I . wa.'!. a vdcr.lIl of t c CIVI War , SE' rVllll{ 111 Cu . 8. 4th Indp't l\1iss Marie Lippi ncott entert ained Baltalion Vo l. Calvary For 46 years the Junior Loyal Daughters Sunday h .1 I I f" .. . ' flu !een t l~ arlhful blacksmith of Schoo l clas.q of th e Ch r istian chu rc h the Itttl e VI llage of Mt Holly A in honor of Miss Marie Burge whose mall who stood at the t~p rou~d of m arriage occurred to Mr, L. V, his profession with very few eq ua ls Thompson Tu esday, Marc h 24. The He wa.'! a lways ready to accommo: you ng ladies pre s~ n terl her with date hiR host of pacrons . a man open several nice presents, and generous·hea rted . ready at a moments notice to do his best to pleast! you , There are very few The members of the Wesley class men. in a r atlius of many miles of the M , E , Sunday School held ;.r" und hut whu can testi fy to the a very pleMa'1t social dession at the II'U I,h f' u Iness 0. f tll iS ' a b't I uary. home of F " H . Farr last Thursday There will be the vacant chair in evening . Afte r a shl'rt business Lhe hllme, the place that knows him session , an oyste r supper was served be ' t and best loved no more will we by Mesda meil Grauser and Farr. hear father's voice to greet us and Mr. J ohn Williams furnished beautiuask in hi,~ smi les of welcome home. ful music t hroughout the evening. The sad part will come alike to which was thoroughly enjoyed by wife, ch ild ren and grandchildren, all. fri ends and aEmoeiates all that is left " " ~.s , IS wrlltfm on mem,o~y A page ~o L ast Tuesday e vening Misses Janie call up t~~ past , 'lhlS, we WIll Jones and Opal Gray ente rtained a treasurde whd e me mory hl~Sts. tOtbhe !number of their friends at the counretn ev: e as we greet lin on e try home of the latter, The rooms h a l1'h lei sore ' I f't to h' I were, d ecora ted' · m k eepmg . WI'th St • ' ~se e. mou rn IS oss are Patrick's Day. The evemng was hlg WIfe, thlee S~)JlS, two daughters, spent in contests and games and at a ~1 ~veJ h~~andch llddrenh' t tW 0 I gt~eat late hour a two courae luncheon was g l ~nf: I d ren an a as 0 f re a IVes served , Those present were: Misses an lIen s, E rll!a Hough. Edytha Macv, Frances CAltD OF THANKS Sq uIres, Anna Furnas. Edna Cornell, We wish t o thank our friends and Rac~~1 Sheehan. Louisa Stok~. neighuurs, for the kindness and Ceclha Snook, Irene Mcqlure, LUCile sympathv shown us during the ill- Cornell. Mary Gray, Jame Jonfl!J and hess and death of hu;band and father, Opal Gray. .Messra. Guy also to Rev. Deborah Lloyd and Rev. : Harry MeredIth,. Lampto.n SmIth, Coll 'lns fl)r thel' r comfo rtl'ng words. j Russell S~tterthwalte, Mad180n Earn' h t Al E h t J h Le and Mr , McClure for the able man- I ar, vm . arn ar. 0 n mm'.>D, nerinwhichheconductedthefuneral. , Kenneth ~llbon. Howard GUBtin, and for all t he beautiful floral offer- Russell Salisbury, Emerson Earnhart, I'n"'s Frank Smeade and Robert Jonel!. .. Mrs . Rebecca Dill and Children. Last Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. • - ...- - Carl Sherwood gave a miscellaneous MIDDLE RU N CHURCH shower in honor of Raymond Hart. sock and Lucille Thompson. A vel')' Eld~ra H. Dally ~nd 8. W. Har- pleasant evening was spent DY all I,!-n Will preach at Middle Run Bap- there. At a late hour a light lunch h st chu ~ch next S~turday and Sun- was served. They all wi.hed . Rayday )0:30 a nd 7 0 clock each day. mond and Lucille prost}erity and hap• - • piness, The presents were beautiful TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION and numerous. The invited guests we re: Messrs. and Mesdames. A. C. The Warren County Teachers' AIl- Mullen , James Mullen, Albert Cornell sociation will meet at the Lebanon J<'rank Hartsock, Jacob Strouse. National Bank Building, Lebanon . 0. Floyd Savage and children, Walter Janney, Ed. Brown, and little daughSaturday, March 28, 191(. ter Jeanette, Wm. Dinwiddie, P. B. Thompson, Misses Lola and Irmll Cornell. Lelia Thompson, Janie Jones. Murie . Hartsock, Olive Dinwiddie, Edna Mullen and Lucille Thomp!lOn, Messra. Jeromfl, Cummins and Alfred Jones, Cannan Cornell. Nelson Brown and Raymond Hartsock. ______________________________-J -.

Social Events






Saturday• . Charlf1s Cross, of Lebanon, was in town Jut week. and received about two carloads of tobacco at the railroad station. Walter Kenrick, of Lytle, . has been called to tlerve on ttie grand jury for the April term of the U. S. Court at Cincinnati Kenneth Ridge. of Kings Mills. and Hugh and Forest Ridge, of Dayton, were ll'uestsof Mr_and Mrs. O. 14. Ridge Sunday.

I have a car in of the best fertilizer mrde, ju.t the thinK for oals and early potatoes Get your order in early. as this t~ar will not last Inng. Can phone 49 l-LI2-~. Chas. Frye.

Mr. and Mrs. Saml. Beach left Satbrday tor their ', home in New Mexico. They have the best willhes of their many friends here for their future proe~rity and health.

O'le of the landmarks of Waynes· cuit. In 1808 Mad River circuit was two miles east of RV.' P" ...., ville. and cne that is revered and be · established and had twenty-six Harveysburg pike, loved by hundreds of people in the preaching places. Waynesville be afterward the !two elm neighborhood and by hundreds of ing includ ed in t hat circuit. The and formed the church of people that have gone out nf the meeting house was at widow Smith's [ ville. town, will be razed to the ground place (on the farm whe re Harvey T hese wel'e days of chu this week. In its stead will rise an· 1Burnett now lives) There was a log and some of t hem were other buildinl( that will be a cred- cabin built ut that place in 1808. and crous. One was f or shoo it to the town aJ)d to the people from then until 1820 the people with stones; one for u 10 that will worship in their new church. . This old land mark is the Metho- til - "' , . ":',~ ,: .-. -I) di!!t Episcopal church. Hundreds of people have gone to this church antI the SunJay School, and as. with all churches, they have learned to love it, Not so long ago the church was consid. ·red to be unsafe for wor ship. I and the congl egation deemed it ad- I visable to erect a new one, and steps were taken toward that end. 'The committee in charge were wiirrented by tbe subscriptions to go ahead with thd new building. and this week or next will see the old church torn down.

The church has ~njoyed a remarkable prosp ~rity in it' exi~tence. Mill8 Lou. Henley. of WuhinKton. It has always been the largest church D. C" accompanied the remains of in the community. in point of numher sister Miss Kizzle. here lut bers, and froql year to year the Thunday. She waB joined at Xenia church has added new members to bJ her nephew; 14... Frank Henley. its congregation. ~ Inll. . , ' The plan is to ereet a church that will cost about $18,000, one that will , • Mr•. Yrs. j. E Janney atld be a satisfaction to the members. gathered there for worship. The J . .T . Ellis were the a~d an ornament to the town. Work '3IIlary of the preachers at this time will be begun just as ,soon aa possi- W8S about $100 a year. lut Thurs· Farmers' ' ' The firat camp meeting in this see. of Mr. and ble. A brief sketch of the " ......ur:t~.1 1 tion was held in 1810, on Phillip nea~ Spring~ the history of the church is GOOde's land, about 2U miles east of given: . In 1797 Rev. J;!rancis McCormick moved from Kentucky tQ the northweSt territory and :eettled.on Lit~!)~~~ .tIe Miami ' 'river Jat' What' iii now : " ·! n~~fl~;:bItr.~ilent AsburY ~own as ~ Milford. ' In/ l'7JJ8 Bishop " .llJ.l ':"'IrW' ue. 'two rmn~~Y~~r~ _ :weeka"' e trc , ,-ul· own' . "'Al~le ~ .., _lila " I

\vith the hope that these fragments


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--------. Citizens 1 r.-Former -- ------.--Charles Wolcott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm ..Wolcott. of Lena. O?io, was married Saturday everung, March 14t,h, t~ Miss Gertrude Bpdey, of ~ t. ParIs. rhey w~re marrIed m theI r own newly furmshed home by S, E. VanZant. Mr: .and Mrs. Wolcolt were recent Vlsltora here, and were ~he g uests of Mr. al!d Mrs. W. S. Hamel! and other relatIVes. Otto Hornick, who formerly operated a pool room here. was defeated in a match game of pool Thursday evening at Xenia, by the Canadian champion. Edward Dowd .· Dowd played Hornick 20 or no count. and h N . h t e ~ore was 200 ~o 8!t. OtWltstanding the one-SIdedness of t~e g .. me, the performance surely paId the 300 spectators present, as the champion made some very brilliant shots.

- - --. - ...

may aid in furnishing the connecting WILL HAVE A NEW PARK linkR between th e past and the preae nt for a n inct!n tivc t o g reater care The Miami base ball team have in· preserving records for t he future_ rented grounds belonging to Ed The last service and Sundav- Macy , on the Lebanon pike. for school was hc.ld in the old church a base ball park. The grounds will last Sunday, and was in the form of be enclosed and the management a Home.Coming day . Many of the will fit up the park in the ~t possimembera attended this service, and pIe m~nner. The grounds will be 156 answered to the roll-call of the ImmedIately fitted up, and by the Sunday-school. Pastor Grauser gave time of "play ball" comes will be in a resume of the church's history at the ~t of condition. The team 81the morning service. a~d it was very ready haa several "good teams that . interesting. A large congregation h~ve written for dates. and by the was present at bot/l8erviees~ mIddle o! Aptil the datea fo~ the The~UI8r.' Sy,ndai ser.vices ill season wJll .~ mOBtly.t~ken' uP.. Broad- be held in the 'banquet room. of the . • '!" • aenry Mas~mic ';iilll1. , , Sul\d.ay.~bOoI' '9i1G ~[~~~.~=;~~la~~rr~ d the pulpit a. tb ....·.)Prea6 .,'. se,~-<:uUO.l 3O,a.t¥n.



Ie on t he : In 1840 the presen t church was years I bu~lt by Reeve Holland for $1.,400. united -ThiS was a yeur of general revival. Waynes- , In 1'355 Waynesv ille was made a station. The official board at this h trials, I time we re Saml Scott. John Hawke , er ludi ·I Ste wards, John Haddon Moses a horse ISisco and Moses Hpnley,' and the preach, membe rship was 141. I In 18li9 the church was remodeled 1 : and enlar~ed by adding s ixteen feet 1 .tu the rear. thret! feet in height, a i ISPi re together with a change of win!lo w! of stained ~Iass, with a cost of labou t $2,200. The membership at ,' thiS time was 232. Fro m time 10 tim e the church has Ibeen added tl> for the we lfar e of its ' congrega tion. The,building of a par- ~o na~e. new circu la r seat8, electric 1\i).Jhts and other things. I In con cluding their report the committee says: "This ske tch of hi ~to ry has bef:l! gathered after a g reat to il of searching the old recorrl~ We have broullht together the several pastorates and services.


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CHAPTER VII I. What Happened Thirty Ye"rs Ago. \Vh e n S h irley ca me acroSH UI C lawn at Ro se wood, Major Mo ntagu" It rl ~ t o w atlt undN th e nrbo r tnlklng to her m otbe r. Tho major wall mass lve·rramp d, wt t h a st rong Jn w Md a rubi cund compl l'xlon - the 80rt tb a t mlgb t be .upposed to have attaine d t h e 11tmosl ben e fit to b e conrerre d by n consis t· en t lodulge nce In mlnt·jul eps . \I is blue eyes wer e ' piercing and a rc he tl w ith brows like liable rainbows. at variance wltb bls h envy lron·guy hnlr and Imperia!. His head wall leonine and he looked lik e a king who bas bumbled his en emy .. It may b" added tbat his line n was fin and Immacu· late. his black strlng·tl e pre cl8ely ti e d and a pair of Bold·rl mmed eYl'-glaflseB swung by a nat bltul k cor ,1 agnlns t his .. hlte wallltcoaL "Shirl ey." 8ald h er moth ur, "th " rna· ' or's brutal. and h e shan't hav e bls mlnt·julep," " What ball b e been doIng?" nske d t he other. h e r brows wrInkling tn a delightful way s h e had . "He has r e mInded m e that I' m g row· i ng old," Shirley looke d at th e major s k ep· t lcal\ y. for his cb lvalry was un · doubted, During a long car ee r In law anf! legislature It had b een said or 111m tbat b e could n elthor s peak on t he tarll! Question nor defend a man tor murder. without first payi n g a tTlbute to "the wom e n of the Soutb. lah." "Nothlog of Ibe 80rt." be rumbl e d . Mrs. Dandridge's fac e sotte ne d to wIs tfulness, "Shirl ey. am 11" s he as ke d. with a qui zzica l. almost a droll (m ca SlnesB, "Why. I've got e very e mo· '( \on I' ve e ve r had , I r ead all th e new • Fre nch novels. and I'm even tbink lng o f gOing In for the mllltnnt sul!rng elle move ment." Tbe girl bad tOBsed her hnt and -(lrop on the tabl e and seated h e r selr by h e r motber's chn lr . "Wbat was It he 801d. dearest?" "He tblnks I ought to wear awol" IIted shawl and arctics." H e r mother thrust out one lilli e thln'sllJ) per ed root, with Its s lender ankl e gleam Ing tbrough Its open·work Btocklng like motber·of·peorl. " Imagine ! In May , .And he knows I'm vain of my feet! .Major, If you h a d eve r bad a wire. ~ou would have learned wisdom , But you mean well. nnd I'll take back what I said ' about tbe julep. You mix It. Shirley. Yours Is e ven better than Ran aton·s." "She makes me one every day. Mon· ty," IIbe contlnutld, as Sblrley went toto the house. " And when she Isn't Jooklng. I pour It Into the 'busb there. " Major Bristow laugh ed all be bit the end off a cigar. "All the same." be lIaid In big rumbling voice. "you need ' e m, r r eckon, You n eed more than mlnt·Juleps. too You leave


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" n f ,',II ln!' " " l " ~ " tl On'1 ta lk to Ill!' abn ut worst !'rI 11 '1' ~ l iJ·s J)lIl1dr idl; 'H placl' fl'!' ,'r t l'll"l to 1111.' "rd "rly tlill ill :;;' roolll IIH'rl' " It 's IlI sl ;1111011 1' II " Ih r ,, ·. D,"' II) r ohll \\ l .. a n d h orrl hl " a rcll c~ . I,'or I <'rm',lmh La,\( I: " I" . ad,IPd , " p( IJC Wu K nbo ll t th is !' ha m b .. r a ~ t' II S " 0 1 I S "LJlhal : <lnd you fl ull Ill" . \ \ ', . Iilr.,.· " "Il 't \\,, ' ,,1' ·,' m. "c,t If I kil O'" my · ai n' J;:01 ,Ip kp ), : \\ 'hul ),0' Ihillk u b unl o ll r h,'d dl .. o rd l' r-- fI d "S K·d l' :Iwpr lI .t'" h a ,1 I'Ilir ",'r r"ls 1,, '1,,1''' " \1 \I n n I ~" II' II " r" (' o nW H ShlrlllY . Sh e' H ,Ia l 1I0W '! " j (' rk ('(1 hu lr·op.-n, a p ·l lo\ll' !! new"· 1 Ili ad .. IW" lul"p8, nnl l Ir ) ou 'r l' It. 1(1'11 , I .IU h11 \ ' lIlltln l \\Il R looiling l' lo ,; (' I)' al pa l',' r lorll IIc r URS and nnllg Inlo " eo I" Iy ·.·.. '. y " ... ,1 udll l, . "" ha\'C'" 1t.' tII, llI, ) 011 '11 di ~ lru !'t h pr Cl l t"lItlon '\ th " bIg k .. y : for th.' rt' \\' (>1' .. \o\ lH,I ... . nl ' r, I>o"lts 10S ~ ('tl ()11 .I ~ s ll :til ,I In ull lt <' · S Il<' ht' t1t I,,\\,; .r" him. I,,"r !ialld _ 11 11 I'Vl' 1;01 r id or min I' In In" lI ~ uu l wld r: h h e' hacl 1I0 t oOl r d b p r()r ~ l' U' " "tI ill 1111' 111'1'1'1[1('(' a 1I1l1l' h ('ap o t tildll l' nll,,; o n Ih l' ,,[1 n<' ",\f ll' r 1111. "ay" " ra v"11 ill t h(' 11I3R"" '1' lIal1!:" ' 1" r l " lId ~ Whlt"lIl'" l1~ h"" In w hi cll ch a rr,'d 1m I" It ' d trn" . T oday I am ~ I' t t i llt: o ld I· • • • a ll hours" ti e SlIIlh 'd . TIl!' st' nLiItIl'lIt ml' nl " IO't! o f lett e r : ulld 1)3 I'l' r s rn ny loo k II nl .' · I1II Y, hil I 1 f. 'I·1 six l.'" T il" Ill:t Jo r . al th " fnnl o f th t' ('h ~ rry · ~f'nt 11 warm e urr Pllt o r 1, I.. nHul'f: In hllnwd III IIn Hte. , li nd I'll .\11 nil t to ~!" · (' nt~·· l h,' II'" lI" rtl " r, 'd IlInl' . loo ke,1 hack nl'TORH t h e bi s flllg (' r. tlJI~ . 11 ,, 1'11 \\'118 th e \'<'1'." SlI llrl C' ltI,I' li n lIf1ptI hi' .. y e ~ .'\huve I jor thaI l\. ' t'P ~ IIA youn g, a nd I rl lri,, 't l)IOx · h ,. d ~ ,· to wll !' r!' th e two figu res t E' xt o r h os Jllta lit y ~ lit l' d" 6k hun g It lifl)·.I", portrait of a I('"t my fa ll ~llnr (' or thnl . ~I nul .'· ~ at un d\' r t l1(' rosl" nrbo r, th o moth e r's A L lili puti un s pld l' r'''' !'!> wus 1111111 In til .. hi,.:h s ott stoel, nn,1 \'e l For ju s l O ll.~ lilli e w('C' k m )' il ", art. h"'1 far e turn e d 10\, III Sly !!own to Sh irl ey's Btr l'lc h e d o \'cr th o pre r'lIIpted kr'r holl- , vd '('olla r or hal! a centur y b eror l'. ' It all--all - nn,1 1:!,'t' - wp. l1 . til (, l1 it III hpr 1.0"". He stood a momout n nd lIP It' te lled a grass.sle m an d pok ud Th " rl,.:ht "), 0 , 5 t ru n !;~ l y. had h t' l'1I cut ! WIIN flnl s llPd . It WI1 H '~ nI R hp" l on~ he>out Its Li ny grUY ' Hlrl ped d en lzell hc · fr olll Ih e .'an\'as . 1\ 0 btood stralgb l forI' I mnrrlpd Tom n andrld,.:<, It to re' ho InsC'rtPd th e kcy in th \! ru ste d nlld t a ll, on e h a nd h oldlllg an I'agee lock: . Il u turne d It wl l h Il c uri ous ho un d In Il'n8 h, hi s fllCf' prou d Il U ti ISII' t that I'm 1'00 pt y·h l'ad .. d . It·s IhILt \'\' 0 h ('clI Uti (' mpl y·hpnrled wo man, 8eCIle of timidity . All tb e str ... nglh of fl oriel. hl H sin g le, c old. s t~ (' I· hlu .' e yC' Mont y- ns I'lIl pt)· anti dus l y nnd doso· hla fin ge rs was o cceNsnr), hE- fore th o 9tarluI( down through Its dU ilty curtaIn lato as thl' old h Olls(1 over yon rl e r on mass ive door 811'ung o pe n and the lev. wllh It ('e rlalu malicious arrogau(,e . e llng s un sent Ita late red rays IIIl0 Ilnd hl ~ IIP H 8CI. In a sa rdon ic cun o t h" rld gp." tb o g loom y Int e rior. that see ml'd abo ut to .n e .. r. It waH " I know . .JUdith, I know" " Y01I',·C bftc n e• mpt"J In , • .K'ay t oo , " as It tb e Illctur rd tl g ure , ", li e stood lu a s paci ous ball, hi s n os' r•• a-'~ Ins'''nt .... s h o salrl . "Rut It's bee n a dln'prr nt tril u fi lle d wllh a curio us but not un. I'o nrron{ed Ihe yot:Qf; lUan who s tood way. You " 'ere n ever In lov ~r('al l )' 1'1f'~l sa nt aromatic odor wllh whi ch tb e tlH'rc, mu te ly challens;lr1g hi s e n t raace n In 10" e , t mP.nn n ot wil h .. . "ertalnly ' pl aco was s tron g ly Impre gllated. Th e 11"0 ... ttlnt 10lnb·ll k ,. alu1 spcre t.l! ceplng ha ll ran th o full 'le ngth ot th o build . Cl u lel: lind h o gil zed Lack us flx cdl y. m e, Monty . tho ugh yo u tr ied to milk !' n lpe l1 r d by tho c rart or th e f:loce, yot m e think 80 onl'o lipan a tim e , h p r or~ lug. and in lis ce nle r a wld C', balu s· b Sassooo camp alon g. a nd - fl E'auty Vn · trllci pd double s tul r case Icd to upp er s llbtly attm e t c l\. " I ""onder \I' 0 yo u II n nt. " were," be so lei . " You. wcrt, e rll t' \. da r knps H. The floor, whero hi s root· Th e major hlinkl'<l , BUlldeol)' prinl s bad di sturb ed th e ev ' lt gra y P erh8ps you we rt:' wlck ,'d . But you s la rtl ed , It was OUI, thE' onE' nRm e w r e strong, loa," 111m of du ~ t. was of tloo c losl' par· "I ,t ' C \ tile oute r bll il 10 II Dd n e ith e r ha<l SllOkE' n to Ihe othpr for Qu ot ry ulld ba d beou ge nerous ly - e rc uru~ 0 , d I hIs thi rt y years~ H(' looked 01 h f'r a lit, st re wn ev erywh e re with " rulca.lIk e that th o IIl'gro hnd ('n rr l,' 0 tl e gu il tily : bu t h er eyes hud tllrnprt powde r He s l ooped and took up a trunk , nud he bade him placo It, wll h away. " E" e rytblnJ: change d t h e n. " inc h in bls flng el'll noting that It t h e port ma n t Pllu, In the 1'00111 h " had s b e co ntlnu l'd dr t'um ll y, "e n'r rthln g." Jl e forth Ihe curiou ! , . ga\' s SPICY ScenL JU s t le ft . nu s k WILS failing ,. The majo r' s fln gE'rR st raye d across Dim Ilalntings In tarulsh ed fram es "Uncle .I e tr er80tl ," scud ~: ~lI a nt a bo hi s waistcoat. rumbl ing uncertainl y hU llg 011 lhe Wil li s . From n nich e on ruptly , " hn" YOU , a fumlly . rOI' his eye·gl nss es. foor I\n In stn nt the brea k of t1J e s talr "' ll), looke'd down " r\ o, s u ll . l es m l' en mah 01' h e. too, was back In the l ong·ago the tace or a tall DU lCh .1!10c k, a ud on 'oomlln ." pa st. wh .. n h e lind Valiant had bec n ''('a n sh e coo k ~" on e' side protrud ,>d II hug!:: bulg ing comra d ('~ . It hu el been a curious 80m ethin g d raped \l'llh a y('\low ed " Co ok ~" The ge nial tllt er tl!,:nl u three s l,1 cJ a rral r- h <" and Vallanl a nd IUJ Eln Shect. Fro u1 ita s hapo .h e cnp t ure d hi!! du s ky ,,"s(' orf. " Whe n Sassoon . S a ~8 00 n wit h h is d lssl palE'd gu essed thl8 to be a n e lk's h ead. Dust, sh e gol el f' flx I' ns, Ah re ck 'n s lw d e flll ir fil1d IIn go\'crnahlo tem pe r and He In serted the Key In the Ru ste d undisturb ed . lay thl Cltly on eve rytblng, b eateu'ps coq k In hi s llt'ah couaty." strange fit R or r e l'kl cs s n ess : c1 enn , Lock. gbostly floating co bwe bs c ra wled "lI ow wou' d you bot II 1I 1l(! 10 II vo h lgh· lde aled, Rtra lg hl ·l\ way \' lIl1a nt : a c ross his raC (!, and a ba t fl itted out b cr e wllh me for n while? S h e> coulel and he-a Bristow . Iw lth e r be tl e r no r II alching t h em rro m un dt' r bls or 1\ firep lace Ilnd \'anl s h" d s qu ea k. cook and you cou ld lak' Cllr at me." wo rse thun t h o rest of hi s nnm e. II I' s louc hed hal·brlm . In /!: OVl' r hi s b oad . With Uncle J ef. Uncls J errc rs~n '8 cyet! ljee med to re memb r E'd Ihal Jn a d stra ined "eason " You nP' ,' cr 100kod ut me Ibat way, fel' HOn 'S be lp be open ed Ihe rellr doors turn Inwnr d II' It I1 Clung ' le d s urlJrise •and whe n h e had grimly recog nl 7.e d hi s Judith , did you !" b e sigh ed to him· an d ",I ud ows. kn oc k ed up tb e ru s ted Intros pe ction . He s hine d rrom on p ow n ca use a s hope leRs, and II'llh burn· se lr. " It' s bee n a long tim e , too. ol nc e be l'tij o f Ih e s hutters a nd fluug tb e m root to 'the oth er , s wallow e d difficultly Ing eycs hlLd w:l t c hed Sa s ~oon and I bOl:8 n to want you t o--'mos t forty wi de , se ve rnl tlm os. und s aid, " Ab a ln' nob· \'lIllan t racln/l: ubr('ll s t. He rem e m· yea rs . Wh e n It came to th e Bhow· Hut ro r Ihe dust a nd cobw e bs and bah ~ced yo' b ero '. Bub." b pr ed that gli tte r ing prodiga l el a nce down, I wa sn 't e ven as fit a8 T o m th c' stra ng( odor, mingled w ith th e " "\ e II . [h U\'eu 't spc n J,·ou el thp.r ' , \\' h en lit' bad come UJlo n Va li a nt a nd lJundrl'l g .·~" faint must y ~ m ell that p ervades a s un· b avo I '" Judith s tanding In Ill,· s hrubb e ry , th e " n at'~ dl' trufe. ~ uh, 'deed et III! Illsl! Inte rior. the form e r owne r of the CHAPTER IX. cllne!le·!lJ:ht rrom sOllie 'o pe n door en· bouse mi ght have dese rt e d It a wee k Hyuh , hyuh ~ Whu t Ah mea n8 ter golde nln g their tac es : h e rs s miling . II ago. On a wall·rack la)' two walkin g· sny Is <lat d o 01 ' 'oo man kaln' cook little fil p pa nt pe rhaps , and co nsc ious Damo!'y Co~rt. stic ks and a gold·mounted hunting· no ran cy didoes IIko wh at de y eats u:;J of h e l' spe ll : hi s grnv(' nnd earn est, " Oar's Oam'ry Co·o.t emack ·dab crop, and on a g reat carve d che st No r r. S h e ltin jes ' cook de F orglney ye t "Is ltul ahuld, 8u h." btll ow It hnd bee n flung a n ope ned style ." " You Ilromlse, .John ?" .John Valiant looked up. Facing book bound In tool ed l eath e r, John "T hat sou nd s good to me," Quot h " I glv m y aacrpd word. What· th e m at a n e lbow or the broad road. Vallaut plrkf\ d t hi ~ Ull curiously. It Va lia nt. " )'11 rlBk It . Now ns to vcr tb e pro\'ol'allon , I "' 111 not 11 ft wae an o ld gateway of tlm e- nlck ert was " Lucil e ." He note d that h ere wages- " my hand again s t him . Ne ver. n e\'e r !" s ton e. ' Issplng an Iron gat e that wa. and th e~e )lassages were Illurkl'd with " Ah aln ' Hpectl culr u~ as te r de Then the same voice, vibrant. app e al. quaint and heavy and re d wltb rust. pencl h'd lines-some light and teml· wagp.s." s aid Unc i ... J elferso n. " Ah Ing. "Judith ~ It I. n't b ecause ·-b e· ti e pul. out his hand. nlu e ly de licate . some heavie r, as know s er gemman when Ah BeeR one .•" cause- you cnr e for him?" "Walt a moment." he' eal4 In a low tbough two bad been readin g It to· "Tl1 e ll It's n bargain," r esponded Va· He had plunged uway In the dark· voice, and all the creaking conyeyance get.her. noting th e Ir Indl\'ldual prefer · lllant wltb nlacrlty , "Can you come al noss b efor e h E' r answl'r camp.. What s topped , h e turned and looked nboul e nees. once!" had It matte red then to him what sbe him . H e laid It back musingly , and open· "Yns. s uh , me e O Daph gwln et e r had re pll ed 7 And tha t very night had FacIng th e entrance tbe land fflll Ing a door entere d ilie large room It come ovah fus' thing In do mawnln· . befalle n Ih e ratal cluorre l : away sharply to a miniature valley dl 8closed . ' Thla had been the dining· Whut yo-'.all g\\'lneter do fa' yo' SUI" The major starte d . How t hat nam e through which ramble d a willow· bar, room . . At one c m! stood a crystal· pab ?" had blown· awny the du st ~ " Thnt's el e r ed brook. In wbos e shaIlows Short· knobb ed mnhoga ny s id eboard, holding "I'll ge t nlong ," Valiant nssured hIm a long time ago • .Judith ." horne d COW8 stood lazily . Reyond, /l:laHB candl esticks 10 the sbape of chee rrull y, " Ttere Is fiv e dollllrs. You " Thirty years ago tomorrow th e y whIth er wound the Rod Road. b e lo u lc columns- abovp It a quaint por- CILO buy Romo tood and th ings to fOllght," shl' saId .sortly . "Valiant and could slle 1\ drowsy vlliagp. with a trait 'or a lady In boops a nd love· coo k wltb . nnd bring Ihe m wIth yotl. Sa ssoon. Eve ry woman has h er one spire and n cupolaed court ·house: and cuds- and at t he other end wa s a Do you think th e re's' a s tove in the anniversar y. I SUPPOS'" , nnd l omor- fa rth er yot a yellow J;org" with a hUI~e fir e place with ruRt·red Ore·dogs I kltchpn?" row's min e . 00 you llnow what I wi s p o r white smoke cu rlin g abov e a nl1 tarnis hed bl'asB re nder. All th eHe' "Ah re ck'n ," repli e d Uncle ,Telteraor: do , e vpr y rourt ee nth of May, Monty? it marll Pc't th e course ot R craw lin g wi t h th e round cpntlp edp. Inbl e lind "En ef dnr aln' Dnph kin ('ook , er I kee p n il' roo m n nd !l pp-nd Ih o cla y rn r·awn,· railway. th" (,h IPI)Cndal e c hulrs s et In ordor , Chrl.r nnu• .dlnn Rh wId ro' stones e n er a lw ny~ th" s nm p way . There's a IIttlo " l~ r s ' Ill( 'P0ughty flu e 0 1' pln,,(' , s uh , ngalnst th(' wa lls. '\Vere dimm e d and tIn MI;lll el. Yas . suh!" bool; I r pn,1. And t1H'rt~ 'R a n old hai r· l1l ld dnt /bIg reVE'nll e ob tr f'l' ~. " snid " raype! with n thi ck powde ring of du s t. I (T O BF: r:O NT1 Nl·F.D .' clol h trunk Ihn l I'vp ha d sIn ce r WIl S l ' IH'l n .I1er 501l , "Ullt Ah r ,,('k'n e t :J 1';11'1. . n ow n in til<' bollo m of It nr" l a in' . )(n t one ob de mod e rn co nnlv · Ho me- t'lln gR, t.hat I t nk p. out alHl sp! lIllI'!'H." r"un d til " room • • • ~nd th e rp -\9 ' la nt jum j.led down he wa F b~' an odel Sp. n81L110n of o ld Is 11 ha'n <lful o f o ld 1.. 1 tNS I go OV, 'I' I jlO,"" "56 Ir h e had rl' r n t hOHe frol n nl'S !. In Ill s t. T hpy'r" II Im os t , a (''I 11 " \ II wo rn oul tl Ow. but I cnuld r"p"at th e m lall wh columns boror e- - an 11111· nil with m y e YPH Rhul. Th "n l hprl)'B a I ~ oT\' ha vision Into 80 m n ~ hnd owy, tiny o ld Ht m\l' hll s lert witlt II )'~l low fO\l·rth·d en~ lon a l lands (' apf' thot he· \I Is p in It tlntt 01l!'1'! was a hun c h of long I'd his subconsciou s He ir. or t:Il Pf' jrssnminl'H. I W OI'" Ih ~ m 10 Ihat thaI, psed In s ome Immal.e rlal wh it'h Il lus tr ate be tter tbOln anythIng last bllll th t: ni ght be rore It hap· d ft' lt re, had lett a rnlnt·etch ed WOOD OF 1MMENSE el8p I his durabl e Quality. The y arf\ Then. on a sudden. the vIsta ppnr·d . Th" fOllrt pe ntt. of ~1ay u ~e tl to \ b oth from It wreclt which was sub' bp s ad , hut now, d o you kn ow, I loo k and Widen ed. the while col· Greenheart. 8o~th American Product. m e rged ei ght een yenrs of! th e wes' rorwa rd to It: I a lwlI ),s h av(' a lot or and shot up Iota the Has MOlt Wonderfol Qualltle:l for coa st or Scotl a nd . The on e speclmel J('ss amin es th at parti c ular (l ay - I'll e very bush seeme d the Shipbuilder. -gree nh ea rt -- Is m erely sllglitly pit. 1111v e S hlrl py gC't oI l' Ho m (' tomo rrow black savage with ted on th e s urfa ce, tbe body of thl - a nd In Ih o ,' vening . wh e n I /\0 down · G r e ellhenrt, the wood " h~b the wood b..,11I1: perre ctly sound and ur. .. ~talr~ , Ih " house Is rull or tb (' sce nt be \\'hI8pered. Is t hmian caha l commiss ion Is deslrou8 touch c d. wh 110 th e othe r--ten k - Is al· of th pIII . All summ pr lo ng It's roses, ntry wblch his rat her's of ~ecurlng for use In th e condtruetlon most cntlre ly eaten away. recurrIng. had p&olnted hut on th e fo urt ee nth or May It hil S of docka and sImilar works In the It Is e xte nsiv ely us ed In shipbuild, child tbat once he waB, P ~tnaml\ canal. becaU'le It Is 8ald by to be j essamln cs. Shlrl e)' must tblnk Ing rnr keelsons, beams. engine be.u-\11 0 a whimsical old "'omnn . lo ut 1 10 ' of an endless wonder· e x perls to resist mor'J tban any other Inga and plankin g, a nd It Is also use d misted over. and It wc>od the attacks of marine borers s lRt on be ing humor pd." tbat moment Ihot bill wblch rapidly destroy piles and other In the general arts . but Its excessIve lie !!mlll'd, a little blp-Ilkl y, and we ight unfits It ror many )lurposes for clearp.d his throat. su.bmarlne structures, Is one of tbl) which Its other prope rti es would rp.n· " Is n 't It s trang e for mp In h I' talk · unload hts b&- most valuable of timbers, It Is native d e r It eminently Rultable.-B"low the Ing thl ~ wuy now ; ' . shc s aid pres!' nt · of South AmerIca .und the W e st tn· Rio OrandI' . Iy. "Anolh e r proof tha t I'm gpttlng di es, nne! from Its bark and rrult8 \8 old. Ru t th e dato bring s It very clos(': rows obtalnerl blblrlDe, whIch III otten 'lsed Legend of Aconite, It sce ms, so mehow. cloMer than e vor go ne mad a8 a febrifuge tnstead of QuInIne. Aconite Is classed by bomeopatbl. this year.- Monty , wl' re n 't you tr e· cu mul ation Thp. wood t. of a dark green color. a.uthorlties as th e potrlarcb of drugs ml' ndou s ly surprised wb l' n I ma rri ed ot rotting >u'" • .,-' 80~P '\\'Ood and heart wood belug so as rar ns lite rature Is con cerlled, I' Tom Dandridge?" bulldog at much alike til\£ t~Ut" ~an wIth dlffi· Is told how He rcnl es went down tt " T c e rtainly was." In tll e rear or culty bo dI8t111gulsbed from eae~ otb· the lower regions and carrlod tht " I'll tell you n secr f! t. I WaR, too. "Mine!" bo er', The hellrt wood Is one of tbe tbree·head ed hound Cerberus to tb( s uppos e I did It b eca us'~ ot a sneak· pride. " And advertillement." mOllt dp.slrable of all timbers, partlcu. upper world, Tbat ferocious beast wat ing feel.fng tbat aome people were feel· ne sH. It's up at the piteous larly In t.he sblpbulldlng Industry, In· raging at this treatment, and ' tbe frotb Ing so rry ror me. wMch r neve r could He looked gI\E.· sweeping i dllputable records show that tbe best that fen to the ground WBS the orlgll\ sta nd~ , W ell, be was a man anyone t · of aconite, tor It grew up from the .flelilll and , un· gJ~adeB surpaBs ,Iron ~d lIteel in might honor., I've alway~ t hought a froth as from leeds. It wail OD a I" be repeated: lng · qualltles. ln salt water, sublJle~ed. woman ought ' to have t wo husbands : for It h" '~th. 1011 having ·remaw.e4 ' ~Iltact for. one blenk, windswept ~1\1 or, mO!1n~ln. anl! one to love and cberlsh, and the other it,. iii In "ueh reg~on. diat the p1aJd , ,B9t1l\_ ;bundred yeats. ~ " ,,{ "~; , to honor and obey, J bed the latter, 10P1rI.,fU'.':' ," in the KelvtngrOy~ , mU.~ll~[;:Glaa- grows today : 'rhis hW,.lD P~lltl(la. 11k at any rate." .........., " . ~ta, '&o.;. ~eie . are ,t1!o . ~'~ ~ . ~}~~, ~ in .olden, ~ U;1i'~_'": ,. , < .j'And, !Jl>u.'n l!ved. JU41lb:: he IBId, ly






poVl t ·on QUes Id


For dally use In mlll ion~ of k itchclls lt fLJ proved that Cnlilmct is h lghc..t li nt nnly 10 qualify but in I M'1'fnln."< " "l l 'U os \I' II- unf'aillll~ In resul l5- l'Hre t" the .. xlreme-und wonderfully e<'o"oni lc-tll ill uae, Ad, your grocer, And try Lall!md n"xt h·,lw dRY_

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....... Pil.

, }.

jllONEERS OF THE FRONTIER Reb-Blooded Men a nd Wom en Were Thoae Who Cal'V~d an Emp ire. From Wildernesl. ~o doubt tb e " run of tb{o cunti ne nt" has Improv .. d th e Ilbcr or I he Amor l, ca.n [Jeolli c . Of ~' ou rso, the wP It ~' 5tah · IIs he d and Ihe Intellec tuals hud no mo· tlv e to s eek the we st : but In en ergy and \'t'nt Ul'e HO Il1(meS~ tbose who Bought tbo fronti er were ' slI[J(' r lo to th e ",verago ()f tll08 0 In th 'llr class \\'ho 8l1\yed b e hind . It waa the pike rath e r than the cn rp Ibal. found lhe lr WILY out or tb e ))00 1. Now, III th e ma in. th08e who IJUsh cd th rous h tb e op en door or o pportunIty I" fl man! cblldrl'll than Ui e ll' ftl ll o\l'R wht: d id llll!. Orte n tb e mse lv- s Itl (! mue rt; o. lurge .farnllh!R, l he y ha d rf' cuudit )' . aN It wll re. lu lito hlood. W ith la nd u lJu n·.\allt und tit" outlook t' n co ura glng, I hey mnnl"d 1:lt.rll e r. In th e narrow IIro 01 til .. YOll ng West, 10VI' li nd rUlllll y Wl'ro s tronge r IntereHt thall In Ih e olde r SQc lety : h e nce 11 11 lIu,rrl .. d . Thanka I ~ c he ap living and to th,' ne ed at .wl pe l's. th o big fll1llily \Vas wu lcolIIPd. I,i vlng by agri culture, th e \VII!;t kn ew II tt ie of cltl e:!, manufac tn res, social rl 'V alry , luxury and n Hp.rvlu g dUBS, all foc s at I'apld multlllllclltioll. -Froru "Origins of the A rn c l'lcRn People." by Pror, Edward A .. RoRB. In Ih e Ct' ntury.

l i




Said Her Mother. Major'. Brutal."


th e ,,' blakey to me aDd the doct.or . and 70U take Shirley and pull out for Italy. Wh y ncot' A year there would -do you a b ea p or good." S h e shook he r h ene! . "No, Monty . It Isn't w bat yo u thlnk . It'a- h e re." Sh e lift ed be r hand and t oucb ed h e r beart. " It's bee n s o for a long time, But It mlly - It cm1't go on rore ver , you s ee. Nothing ca n." The major had lean d fo rward in bIll chair. " Judltb !" b e s aid. and his banrl twltcb ed. " It Isn't true! '. And th e n, "How do you lmow?" I Sbe smiled at blm. "You re me mber _"hen tbat big Burgeon froJn Vienna CAme to Bee tbe doctor last y ear? Well the doctor brought hill" to me. reS ' ' ~own It b efore In a way, but It Ilad pe farther t.han 1 thought. No tell just bow long It mal' be, feal'll, of course, but I'm 'DOt .41I111t.. r ...~: I... ..~., MOfit,r. ;' •


W.rId', p.r•














A Clue, Thornton had boen taught nev er to tell talM, and he Intended to live up to hill teachlli/;, but so me ttm o!! It was hard work, "Thornton." said his moth or one eyenlng . "I l e t t a dish of chocolate pep· permlnts on my lablo this afternooll a nd tb e re Isn 't ono the re now. Hav!' you and Gerald eat e n them?" "I hn\'en 't en ten on e," replied th ~ boy stoutly. " but" - then he remem · b ere d he mUBt not be a talebearer. "\Ve ll . moth e r." ll e continued. "per· haps. If-you'd better Just smell Ger· ald. and I gues s then you'lI know nil about 1t1"-llIuetrated Stlndny Maga· zlne,

CorrectIon, "My poor hUBb'llnd got mixed ap In' nocently In th&t sIJootlnc all'ray; 'and the brbugb't ' blm hoine ' to me balt I dead," ' .: "~Io, lJ1adalJl;' oDl), '!laIf shot ,"


( .

\ ".

. Many a ' proverb' Is . merelY .. ... JiD&ltt;)))l

'I ::::'1nC 1?"'UiC:.Uiat' 1& ~





(\;l;'..",,: •



THE mmtUU USmtn mmmm mmtllll SlllllllJ are [nlllug over I!acb e t her :n Ih e lr euge rn es6 to get u sb'lre. I t e ll you . ~llIrcl ll. It' ij solng to be worth a wllllon to me I.Jpfore I get througb :' Sudden ly Murc ia rou nd new slreDg l h . As h e be Dt to kI ss h e r Kh,· apra n!; fro lll hl ," a nd fac ... :! him. wblte with un!, c r . By FRANK FILSON . " Do yuu til llll, I ani golnl'; tu btl " \\'ldl. I'll Ita\'(' to lre !;ol ng hom e. " fnb" til tIll' lIIu n wbulll I am c ll glll.l'·ll Hu)d .1,,11lI W,' J I~ to .\ Iurdn Fannin g . to. III onh ·r tu IIw r ry yo u ')" ti ll' - criC'd . hi H H W t?!! t1U· urt. a ij th e t lock Hlrtl e ll " I h at'· ),(lII! " 1 IIB lIl ll,,"y Hlnn·d al Ii ..,' In ili ~ .. nay. ! T h ey a toou sLil l.ul'\th ,· r s pl'ul< i lll: ror ""lIlld" lIl wuy . .hl' had r ' 11 nun, of h"r a while. (C""h lwe\\' "hut Wa S In Ih o II ,· li id nol un d ' · I' ~lal1 ( t. "Si.I)'. " Iw s nnrl, "1, "Ina> t,.. ) ou d on't o th ' r's t ilou llhts. John . waH " rising yo uug hlwy e r in Ih i lll, I'm 1';"' l rll~ i~ t o you ~t l'ai!:ht' l Ih u town. uud III; had lu\'ed ~1arciu for .. h ': \\, ~ II. Ildl L' roy tIp. ,I'ou' l! Le om· lI ell r ly th n~ .. ye ar. . Arter a court~ hlp klll !( lil,' m b tuk, ' of .I'" UI' lif,· If y uu w hi c h hUll sf' !l ml' d destin e d 10 be frull · dOIl' t LJ.·li p HI Ill " . 1- " " \\,lil yo u IlO . or do yo u \I Ull t lIl O to , It!sa .John hud 11t le ngth gained MaJ" C'i11H COII S(' II!. T bey we r e t o lio mar· t (' I('llilo,l p for h"lp?" c r i" d tlil' gir l. "OIL I'll "" all rIg h t." ~11l":red til .. rled In IL month 's time. A good. s e u· ,lib le ma lc h . peo ple call e d it. for me n " A 1111 11 01" I dun 'l riliud l e lling ne ith er IVU S young. Juhn was tilil'ly· you I'I" ~ got allother wOlllan in wind . YOII aln't no sprlliS d dcllU lI. ~lurc lil live li nd Marcin tbl rt)' . ··Murcla ." Hal d John. befo r e open lu g I'll go !ill rlghl . bul nr ~ 1 I' m going to \\, .., l1 s· 1 "~ !I ( 1. till" d oUl·. " th e re's so m e th ing 1 Wlllit 10 bUr"l in thal fellow tlay to you . Are· you su r e you care for 1.11\\,)'. ' 1'. aln ' t li t· ? r" e IIUl no lIS I:l fu t· lawy ers ." m e e llou gh to marry me?" lI e \\ us f(onc a l la~t alill ~1 un 'la IllY "John , d ear. bow Coolish yo u are ." . al d Marclu . " You hav e becu th in k· a imosl uncollseiUUH In h l:' r c hair. S ho fe lt nu mb ed by th u u n lt' ul ; thu mllll'K Ing ot Charl es Hamblc y ngalu ,''' brutalit " I admit that. Marcia, " oa lll John . COWl' y . hl ~ lW QH' r l' - h ow bad s he to lo\'o suc h a creatur e a a that? " Uut I urn not j ealous o r hIm . I am Ye t. If h e had not come . h is imagl.! >ure I can w[n ull )'our love. Ir not btl· I\'ou ld hll " e s ta ye d In h oI' heart for· fo re marriag e. a t IIny rate afte r wltrd . f~ '· fi r . Oldy . d eur . unless yo u are sure tbat S h e kn ~ 1\' t h e Hec r el. II wall bl s YOll lov o OIC- " vi rit e cuu ru!;(·). H e waN" man uft "r \ '''Liste n . John." sa Id .\1i1 l'cilt. placllll' a ll. John wo uld n ove r IULv c COtllO t o liur band s on hi s s hould e r s . " I loved It ... r In that bold way . .Iohn woulLi ~ 'Iulrl es tor fiv e yeurs lind /i ll II1Y lov e ha" " writte n h umb ly and w!llpd ror was bound up In him . Then I dlscov. h l' r rI·rlly . " mome uta r y 'un t t!lIlpt " rE'd that h,,- ho wn s n't Hlrul gh t . (',uno U" PT IIPr. Puo r John was 110t a John. He ..... aRn· t u man of hlgb Idp.a I8. h e ro . Aull thl ll b ru te m uaot to IIrtlL(' I< ' I ccaHed to lov e blm. Hu t be was my a nd perhaps injure' hi m . Il rst 101'0 a nd 1 ('nn nev e r give quit e ~h t· ran to Ih e t e lephon t' (lntl tricd Ibe Bu mo lu \'e to auyon t< ogal n. You Lu !;·t him . Johu Wa R nOl at born e ha.v e all UJ(~ love t hat I UIII cupll bl e or S h p. t r i.!d a~ain :l nd again till a ft "! r r~ ellng. d e ur. I ~ n't thaI e nou gh ?. mlfln lghl. Al IUBt . d eS isting. s he fiun !'; " Ye s. m y d Oll r ," ans we r cd Job n. anLi h crHI·1f upon h" r bl'd , undrellRed. 10 kissed ber tlUd wenl. s nat c h a reI\' hn u r s ' Ht('Up . S hp must First lo yp runa strtmg a nd d..,e \l. :\larc la kn e w thut thollg h nh e 1]0 tOllger call u(> .John Ih e j\r ~ t thing In Ih u m U l'nln~ . LO \lUI him on h iH gua r d . ca re d ror Charl es. If ,weI' he sbou ld V l' t it "'as J ohn who KU rpr ised h er come back he would possess t he sUll1 e II " W :It; Wal l llll: III Ih e parlor ",'h(,n (lower un'r lI e r . the s um e Il tre ng th gIJ e ('allie In . hu ggurd·e yed IIl1d Iright· .whlch had ~wGi' e d h e r . F or t bat r e a· ened. Hon sbe tn panl. to Induce Joh n 10 s e ll . " .'Ill1reiu. I mu s t le il you SO Ill CUl ill ll .,,\ his practle" and go to a notb er t ltl' he b e gun . Iwlure tilw c ould ~ (l .. uk . '' It· ~ utter they we r c mnrrl e d . She re lt thut about I lambley . I'ID ~or r y to BIL~ b ~ abe could n ever sce I [umbley a gal n ' l lla ~ ('l!me back ." And IIhe reared Il lwu)'s .Ihut HO.lDb day "I know . J oitu. " cri ed the lIirl. " [- " he would re turn to Wayn es \ llI e. " II ,,'~ und er arrest. :\Iarclu. Co:' ~e ll· I The boll r a ng . Murcia sla rt e d 10 i n(; luk e mining s tock . You 10U s t t, ~ . h er feeL John muat hu," rorgotte n IIrn\'c . The t hin g had t~l be don€.' . I I somethi n g . H e Willi su ubs orbe d In hi ~ wos wurki ll g upo n Lb o ellse 'and h eard I h e wu s in 10W Ii. I h ll d to IIrr esl








is now elec tric ally sea led wit h a "SE AL OF .PU RIT Y" so

ab sol ute tha t it is dam p-p roo f, dus t pro of, imp uri ty. pro of- ev en air -pro of!

regu lar aid to teeth , brea th, appe tite and dige stion . It's the sale besi des delic ious and bene ficia l conf ectio n!




BUY IT BY TH E BOX for 85 cen

ts-a t mos t deal ers. Each box cont ains twen ty 5 cent pack ages . They stay fres h unti l used .




him "Y."ou . .Joh n ?" I "Oh. It wu su' t bu r d." a nsw p. r eti Jo hn W e ll s . " I had to kn O<'k h im down und luke h is plstul awuy . hUI - d o n't s trun· gill m..,. ~hl.rcla . " "Oh . J oh n ." she Hll bb ed. " 1_ [_1_ O h . you'lI n c ,'er know . But listen! 1 100'e you b('lte r tban 1 e \' er- Jo\'eduny body- befort>."

«(·"Il)'ri~ _III_. I~H .


It's .:,.",, _ pure_ hea"' lrfu' if it's WRIGLEY'S.

Look fo r th e sp ea r






- - -


Talking Mach in es . He Had Experie nce. " 1':qJU. ditl EdlSOli llIak e lli e Ilr~t Once upon u lilli e :I sma li boy ta:klug mach in e?" l a\)ou t three ~ ('ars old "as laken t o th e "]\;0. Bo n . thf' Cord make th e first I c hurch to be baIJtizl't l. A« !;oo n as talking mu c hln ... b u t Edison mild" th e i h e ~ aughl s lgll L of I Il l' IJuw l or wu t e r flrs t ouellm t (' oult! b" gllllt o ff ut ,,111" · III the mlniste r's h nlllll .., rr' lIH'mb e r pd Ills Il nt lpa til " ror Ihe LJutht ub and


w_ G. . (, hu\lJJ\!ln . '


BLISTERS ON FACE ~ Irnight e npd



So Obedien t. St"a ll hl ly Llght ·Fin gere u Sam Rllppe d UII b{·hiud t he al rolliug pe des· trllln. " ~I ) doc tor auld I II p.(' fl ed a Iitllf' c han cf' . d ld n't h e?" he 1II11I'II1U/'l'(\ 1(> birn se IC. A nd l he n h e took It.

Su fficlent Proof. Prls oner-A 11 1 want Is Justice I Lawyer - Th e n 1 can save you f roDl It on t h o groun ds ot Insanity !


C · ·oD onstipati . hes core r I Vanls ver

hllflHe lf III' fur t he at· tllck . Smlth\'l II e. Ind .- · S ix months ago \\,llI'n til!' mini s te r u(lPI'OI).{·llfld him . THINK OF THE MILLIO NS ____ Prompt Relief-PenDUlent Cu .... our baby girl. a ile year o ld . had a fe w r e \' e r e ntl ), d i ppin g h is h a nd In t he "'a· lhut h a \' e bl'"n r (lllflve d In th e past 1 75 CARTER'S L1TILE Afterwa rd Poker Players Were Sorry red l,it11(lles com t p. r, th., II It 1 (, r" lIo\\' s lIid : e all h er race which ] '11 yf!IH R by Wri ght 's Ind ia n \ ege tablc LIVER PILLS ! gradual l"J aprna They Had Not Left Whiske red never " Ir ) 011 pu t•• t 01l11 In tIl y ey eR ,~ d causIng her face t o . • " Liar Out of the Game. . I TI Pills an d d ec ide wh eth er th ey nre not · ~' I become v e ry ir ritat ed and a fiery red Iuli ,at I . P ure Iy vegetaS )' ''lI o IH'n . - . ,uIiOlm ~' on t I y. . ' color. The pilnples on the child's face . I ble - act surely - - - - -.-. worth n tll al. fIH:Y rpgu la t e th e but gently OD ";0.; 0. gent lpme n ." r ep li e d th e man we re at first small wal e ry bliste rs . just Import ant to Mothe r. t h ho\\,(·ls. s t imul ato th e 11,·(,1' ~lI1d purify 1 the liver. Examin e (:lLrelully eve ry bottle of with th ll ya ll er \\' II Bk e r ~ . 1.18 e was a ~ Illall blotch on . th e s kin . She k ept CASTO fllA, 1II flafe and I Stop after aure r&medy for th e ili on.\' Ad, . a s ked 10 take IL b and In a game at I scratch ing at thi : dinner dis. s unlll In a few day s infants a nd c blldre n, and see that It Iloker. " I beg you to excuse me. I'm I h e r whole cbpeks tress-cu re we re fi ery r ed color Beara the ~ HOt agulll~t curd playing e ll princl. \ and [n s l pad or Nice Woman . This. indigesti on. Ib e little blis t e rs th e Signatu re ot ' . ~/?~ _ Su nl,p- \\·c ll. 1111 th e fool8 ar B lI ul improve the complel piC. but ~\'O )'eal's ~~o I II ltil'''' a vow I skin WIlS cracked doo, brighten tbe eyes. and scaly lookin g In Use For Ove r 30 Years~ n ever t o ,.Iay again . d ea d ye l. I and seemed to It ch lind hurn " e r y I SMALL PII.1.. SMAU DOSE. SHAlL PRI~ " For your mothe r 's slL ke': ' '1ue rl e d mucb . Mr~ . S napp - rill gln t! or II . lI e,"'r must bear Signature Children Cry for Fletche r's Castoria did look we ll III hlack . . tbe g lu e factory traveler . "We u sed Ii numb er of remedi es , " Oh. 110 . ~Iy mother CIt e d man l which seemed to give ~ r e ller ror a short Made a Good Bargain . , yea r s ag o. I was on a lmln on& day . tim e th ell le av e Y"ur fami ly J)nelor .Rn ·t d o more for he r face worse than ~~ A miru ·. 1I 0\\' said to bl! exc('cdi ngl y you r rou gh thau n rn a nd we mado up It ga m p. Of poker. ever . Finally we . I u'& Menth"I .. ll·, 1 Cough Drop.; " tbey curc"-5 c lit Druggi,t --got a caitO ot C ull. ri c I. wag s u I d by its Dalll" ~ Af ri e. cll ll Th,cr e werf' 1\\'", of u s nnd I had n e ver cura Soap und a box or C ullcura Olut. ow n e r for It pa ir of troUHfoI'S "0, I'll Go All RIght." and n had slic h tuck In my liCe. Oll e or the ment. [wa s h e Mean. d t h e chlld's fa ce wltb ( ' li p . work. allll orten absent·m [nded. S he 1!lay e r s waH frottl " I hllv" a \, f':.~. liliek he ll <l or h air." ~! o n talla . an d h o very wa rm water · tlnd Cutic ura Soap, loo ke d round to Bee whethe r It waH b ls IInall y (lut \tIl "I gU('~S Il' ~ tho rf'~ u lt or """iroll ' j 200 ac r e!' "I lu ud then appll ~d th ~ ('uttcur a Ointme No thuu g b t rul p~t-.on alee 1I,!,, "l bl uti. It'. nt cBne or bls gloves. Then tb ll b e ll rung agllitwl $200 ill TIl f' Il t ca s h ." I. plll L' t " f "Iuu ill Il JarU'" Lollie ut walur. ve ry lightly . Afler doin g tbls about .A.I< r.. r RuJ ugalll and MarcIa hurrie d to th e door . Crus. 11. 11 ItIU6. A flY. I " And YOll won 7" th re e limes a day the on _fanD llII Qn..1h". !J:lnlshc ld st.ood Hamble y. "He ha d a fu ll ho lt se II IHI yut I burning Beemed entirely Itcblng and Watem An ybo dy ca n dye suc cess full y with III lSl3, _ Cauda gon e In two ,.Idd<t :\Inrclu recoiled at the sight or him . bluffe.1 him 011 a Out of Date . Putnam pa il' of ItHIH. ~'ud e l p8R ny e" . Ad" It day bdq s' time. reported Insid .. e at two weeks' lim e H e WIU! th e s ame as ever In aspect ; a turned o ut th ut " Isu 't ah e grac"ru l ·.''' Jala ... ~ 5O _ ......... _ th e la nd was a nllr· h er face sepmed well. That was I e ight lillie coarscn ed. J)O rhu ps, a nd s toutcr. r ow s trip of hl " Yes, bu t horribl y o[ ,; h rnolilitu ill . alld no t mo nLhs ago and t h e r e bas bee n r,,"h iOlll'd. SOllie m e n r Pll c h I he _IOOt.u. tall IIl1d bdowere tht'n no reo Th e " Iouch Is a ll but In 110 esscn ti a l cbanged . H e wo rth a cf' n!. Lbe reconIed ill 80m.. nowada ys bE'eo mn lIlz,.)·. Il WU R ILl I a lii mlnln );; turll ur the trOUbl e ." (S ign ed) Mrs . (Jushed Ilngt he r . turne d. laugb ln g und , (· Ia lm . I be lif"·c." dlItricb fOt - - . 110 I A. buohool. K . ,,"ood foe buieJo aDd en, No\' . 4. 1912. <'Iaspln " h At· hands In hi s. le d her Ull ' from 101020 ..... ,.0... I " HilI wh,'l'!' d,les Ih p ,' uw ('001 ,1 111 ?. (·ulif'urn . &ln ll nnd Otntme nt sold 1'l!~iRt1ng back Inlo the \larlol'. J. Keys .J'l'tftd' the "1 \\'111 tpll yo u . Aft ('r hfJldln l{ tJl:tt ' brout;ho llt lh o \v country 6 YUIW _ illfrom ol·ld . Sample or ellcb " It's late, I know." h e sai d. "But I l an d lI lr!'f' y'!ar ~ Denmark with ftry Jlnle I Ho itl It to a Chi· fre e. wilh a t·p . Sk in 11001<. A ddre ~8 pos t· ollty struck Wayncs vllla thlB evelling . ('ago stolle K),lIdl mean.. He bo_eood ed. If yon have thnt d~re8Sed feeling It's more than likely that your c ul.('. anti tlt e tll e n co rel "Cullcll rll . Dl'p t . L,lllJsto n ." -Adv. worked hanl. 110 DOW the blood is out of order li nd th ey told me you we r e e nga ged lu "'eru VIII 10 work mpove rished or poisoned . own~r of 320 ..,...,. of land. « 1I:trying s l Olle. ,0\ be lIJarrl e d. So I cume to see." In 1913 had • crop of 200 There is only one thing that will alter your preBent oondIU bln s t 8tartod an a \'ala nc he . uud n u l onacrea...hid , wiD reauze hlm Brillian t Idea . that's to restore your t.omach to normnl health and strength ~l arcin s tood pe rfec tl y s ll e n t. 1'11' onl.\' t (' n wOl'I, n1(> n J051 .bout . For ....000. Hill w ....t th e ir 1I\' f)~. btll You It!: Jl lutlf e l" I I'('ull )' ullu 'l kllow a . we~k or diseaeed .omach ,cannot make good blood. l"'oxim[ ty o f th e man s h e loved I·r.· n party or ~ r. of ...i.hod 8111bo. to tM ........1 m y fe ll ow l're aturps. w h y III' ('t'i ~ s s o. dlgesllo n Is bad your food WIll not make the good bloodIf your and av.rale d_IIi ....... c ull ed poi gna ntly tu he r th ose ye ars u r Il tdl I not wall which lolb._ th a t land It \\'(>.111 11 [lo t nounshe ll body, brain heart and nerve. Iln t h .. l"r Frl.· nd (" 'I' hlll'" It IR hi s tbelr e ngagem e nt, tbe transpo rts of ha ve bt·cu ~(J I.I Thousands of IImIIu Ia· rOt' II Qll a rl'~· . , l (l,>th ('omln t; th l' o ugh. otances ml,bt be rdakd of the lo ve. the angljiijh which he bad mude " Yes. we aN· ... Aul d th e ;.:\110 llI all . I )' ()l I III': ~'I oth l' r homestea ders In Manitoba . s..~ll1v b r. iI', his huir b e r fe e l. Ohihone st tbougb he \\'a~ . "Th e o th (' )' t'1, ti It.tehewan and Alberta. O\\' wl) Uld pl'oblLbly I "Illlfilll,'; ' thro ugh thaI 'hu rt~ bi<lJ~ nnd partly bruta l. he h a d aroused (,m o- buve I1 Gecl II for Tho croP of 1913 .......ban· a tnuo/-:ga n Hli" ,,'" dant one eVuywb en ID WClICem tions In h e r whlcb tb e Quie t J o hn "I hl' lI" ve t hat waf' hi s pl:!tI . s ir." Canada. Only One" BROMO QUININ E" belps the ita work naturall y and 'properl y. Stimula tes \\'ells WIl8 powerle slI to evok e. A.1t for detlCrlptly e Dttentvre ItIId "A nd If did . th o ~ li d e the liver. The might Tn ... t t.. ""'''1;'' ''. ",,11 t n r 1,,11 i8 treed from poiaon. The blood 18 purified . reduced rail "'a), _ " By George. Marcia. 1 urn r:lad to hnv o bu Rl t'!\110fiom • . I.AX " . AppIJ' to e du~' Rnd GO peolllo I .I'I\,~: B I{f) ~IU\JL · t=- I Nt: . 1 00 0 ' or"'''" Every or~ran III Instead of the "Bluell ," you feel fit tlDd Super\nte udeut of Immi8nrtloG. 01 e . \V , (. 10:.0\" ... . C ures .t t;old III Une"goa"",· see you," said Hamble y. In th e old . be e n hurl ed In l h ., . :Zk . atrang, equal to any t o e tPrnlty ." Ottawa. c-da. 01' or up to any 'plell8ur e. b rlt Hqu e . captiva ting manu e r . " Wb e n "no YOU t hink It (J o~s lhl e ·." · W. 8. NaT1fEA Y. , S lalldl llJ; 011 oll e's m eri t s lij I;oud . This Irreat remedY ibll8 proved Ita worth year after year for over yo u broke our ellgag.,m ent b e cause "~Il t only posl!l ble . b ut ,'~ trel1lel)' but IlJU"ing IlIterurban Bldg.• CeIaJd- . Oblo ~:y ye1U11. . Let prove 118 worth to you. Sold by meclicin e dealers 011 till'llI IH Iwll c r . -,"ou fo und out about lh e bank. I s wore prl) bnblf'. III tablet or liquid VIlS. a hundred pouplo or aend 60c for trial box by maiL Canadlnn Goftnune Dt Aaeat . Ihnl J would straight en things out a nd might hill' ,· IJIl(\ U hl\' (} I Y(~ d In Ih e aw· :\1 a ll )' nu opportu nity Is mi", .. f1 Lf.>· Ihe ll c ome bael[ Rnd claim you . W(J iJ , rul llltla".I" r . I fi g ure Itlh nt yo u hav E' r au s " it iRn 't t'(,l'o glll~ed . ('I' ll won out. Marcia. \'VI~ Ileo n In Favl'd Ihe lives of Ul!oll t firly peoplo ~~ e "ada, making II. mIn t or mo ney . and ure elJ llt1 ('<\ to great' c r e dit." An d I've paid the bank in rulI. HO thlll "no .1'Otl t·p.lIlIY ' as sure 111 (, '" th ey' ,'e agreed to drop the prQ(;(~e dlng s ': \\' e all do ." against me. And I'm just In time. It " Th e n . gen tl e men. I wil l , <'ancel ILlY seeWH. Wh e n afl~ wo going to be m a r · ,'ow a nff take II ha ud Ill! " rl e d. Marcia? " And Ht the e nd of li n hour ev",ry \ ' r !' He hM filing his arm ltround h &r. mun hi th e gnltlt! agai n s t him was ~ ~arclu grew ralnt w ith fear . She d end !.\ rok t· und cuss in g Ifle wln ne r 'R kn ow that s b e wall n~ wax In the llIall' u 1:J ('k. - (' h lea~o !\ews. hunds. is manufac tured of a combinl ltio[l ef Rt[:llh,eat Irrade(l of Connect " I don 't be ar that oth'er re ll o w allY icut, Pennsyl vania and Ken· Clear the 'track . tucky tobaccos , and prepare d by uwn original and exclusiv e process, neutrali zing the g rudge, " Ha m bl ey went on . " I guess An old fUrIner who bad d rive n In to nicotin e without chemicaJ~. gua rantees to the consum er a standar d of unequaled h e knew a good th ing whell he 8aw it. the ne igh boring e'lcellen ce, and the only \' lIIage to make a few antl-dy speptlc tobacco in the markeL But I'm .Tohnny· ou·the·S pot. And . suy. \llJr('hns e!'! t ook MIllI Pouch Tobacc o is bacle wltb him rather reliable and uniform in quality, does not cause heart. kid. do you kllow how much I'v e got'? m arc h u rd ('ldE'r bum or indigest ion. is free fr9m noxious fla vorings, and adultera tions, making tl)e.n was consis t e nt ~ 1 Can .arn$&1o$8a da,an d more )llnoty thou sand dollar8. Yes. s\!. w ith careful driving. While going down In l've got an office 111' Ohtcago , and all- a steep hllJ hill Our pt'04aotll OIIdoned by '-41... DIl,._ .... hO\'80 Etumble d, fell .<.>thcr In Philade l phia. They eay Phlla- f1at!n th() rand entl refused to get tip. • 'terri tory reeo." 04 tor UTO .. lrea. lDeI"-a. Cf'lll .... d e lphia's IIlow, bt.l' you . ought t o see The rorm er looked ._. _ _ ._ _ _. __ . --.... I: f or .. tupte and fall at ' him a lIIomf,n t Jlartl."la... 8aAI~ Milk oCthl . paverd~'l r· I BotU.To pCU .. _ _ th o suckers troopin g In to 1!uy ou,r over the dos bboard _..... I.!ool t h en ,excla lmed : In,t o buS ~' lb l n, .,;old. plllte d m'~lng·l ptock. Wi; t\. great . . "Oft uP. ):ou old ' ~OPII qlt "11 o.r I'll· ..dvcrl l. ed In Its 'P'OD ty£ • columuIUbou1Il Inelft' upon ha\'hlll ",ho, thty I " \l~t' hele'l n thfl gr0l!lt~ 1 a,~~ ' the pe.ople drive ' right over.. Y~U.!\;~:":'Ev" t1lJody·", · -Di.I;;t.... E.;. ' .' 8l'1< ' or, ",'u_ID, .U ,"uba'Utnt u or lrolt ..tlo.... " .\ -.. ,• ... '.' .' f.::: ",!. ".,' .' • -, 'i ,'r., . ";:..




I Genuine






the "Bl ues !"

' ..



Reform in Tobacco,







Mysterious Compounds to Chew


I' :1

A Clea n, Last.

A Cool Swee t Smo ke




Any Man or Wom-an

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.·'W.:,~~; t, ~1~eIN~;\TI,'~p: 11~1I1~: . ~~RJ.~.~~~~_( ··c.,,"',"'''",.....

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• ,> ,ln t Il Tv Itlll H. I!l. Lewlli t,o W R. Lewi8. -! i,Y. til l. :Jh ll ~ I IH' re!! in FrIIJlkUn t o ,vn.hip H'd'!' " C , ~" ' lI l h : q'd II - "X ,' utor of E milio. l:ltlD sel to .)"m lls A . Beel, -",-",-..,.-..,.*..,..-~ .... .......*-*....-....*"'.....".-""'.""'*....-....*""*...-"'. . . . .*. .....*,.......".*"".""'*.......""."'-,........-.........-...._-""'.....-.....,.'"'......"'.-,..,.."..,.."..,...-,....,- t il U p~ h~" I • 11 :\.id I .... In it! ~(1 n t Itu Trl , IIll " CI' O of land in Rell Lion. U ll io . T n " GrIL ' ,111 ,,, 1 1",tit, ,Iuror s hav e 1n Ih [l JltlHt(·l' l1 f 1111' "~ I'lI l e f :-i r" ,j, ' l"' "~t" ' " 1,1 ',t,' ll' \' ~ .I .. uui l o ~Gn n. '1, . " ... 110'" n I" .. t,h " April t Ar m , Alfrp.<l W. C " " k . d r{, I' '' ~ l· ''. fir-I 1I1'lItr ll'" ~ IIl.I lt ,II": (:' Ill. ,I\,t >'l .ril1llls, M. E Willi u, n s t.o EVIL t:/u r l lf,p ll r' , t' urn» .. fl ,ll ll\\'~: l a., dliuul. ll t : f) lI '. tapp r () V f~( l 1J1st r l :': ~ It)()t I'll Ii 1 11:- 1 l t t' III' df-'I' .d , '! ... I h '", P 'l l't ~ or 1018 No. ('>'0 tlud U ~ ID uUli o n Ilnd Mott. I" n"'llt c)r<lf'lro,j, ~;, l\l "lI r ," ', t·;oi 11. .1" llU" t Nl II L d l'mnklln, O hio, Gran .! Jurors II ,n I' Wtl l . 1/ ,J; • In th o III Ilte l' "f Ih ;' (l~ tnl o I)f J'. rn n 11 (I ' I, IIp p rl II' rJo r4 Cll nT I 9 F C\ltrk nn u wife t o 13 ('0 , , Il . ;.\ lxIIII ...... " .. ,,'\'unl eol('t'k t p : n, . hllOC,1 l ill I I'll /', 14 ou'; ll~od . (:; ctllh' ill lu I' /fl " "" ,f (11 ., . ,,1 11 1" 'I f A HI''' ] (\O.GOacres 01 land io lJre[,ll fj ,h,"1 ,' , 1111 1". " " , "" .. ~' I'nukli ll Ir. , fu lly " ,I:lI l nlo;(," I ("1. ~ 11 " 1, i ~I !J ,.• , , ', 11 1""' ''1' ' ''1. E",. (\ (\'\ Wllr r e n co nnti es , &12,000. ' . I" ,, ! '\I 1iIr<'.'.' ~ .. , .. \\'II ",hIUJ{LOIl 10 Iu Ih o lllu ttli r of the (' sl,llt,e TIi,,~ , t. tlil ( ,11 1\' "oI l lIl!II - ( II', !.







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.J ,'hn Lnng amI wife to Mllmie W est Wood v ille • I { ' , I "' I JI, II" , t q~h •• l , 1)\lIIJ . H . ,. Ii, " '" II I d · III ,





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. ,; r,, <, k Ip· 1 I tl I' II .. I (' I ,' " 1(' '( ~ II· ' ' I Ip, . I n I l q \\. Tll ' l ~ . l:Ju d~o n unel wife to r.1r s I"V I,' L . h "tl l clll'l .. , .. .... r IlItlrt",,( Ik" ,. .. IItl t':'l~U.' l ' ! ,., 1,·n,J,,: ". ~, tl,·, t 1'",, 1 .. .tllll) lI)I' '. J . • , It n htll' t A , Cook .... , .... ",~' rtlnklin ill, h i !;'." A " ',·r. , , ~' · .1~ I'(, 'II~ " 1''' 1',.1 ' , I "III 1' 1 . , ," 1" ',i ' ~ h r ~ll r e l, U,'rgt'II, 1'1I8 No . 7110rt 8 II . L Bllr,ll o g " ' '''', .. " ", 111)1,111 III " C,''' Ullt IIppr', \' " I. " 1 ' " , 1\ 111 11 1(1 1'Il r k subdlvl:;lon to Krn gs l 'ltllf lo.. C 1,'~~t l1 l1 FI'II Ilk Iltl 11' 10 I.It" I,wl,t,' f IIf tit " p:, tlll " Il f .1 ,1... " ~I I, ' "'. 1,J .,\\; 1'10 h lt nj',A ~lll l ~, Ohio. 1 140, A \.' .. .... ' " Lh"'1 I', ,,ltl II," .1(t n tl1 ~ l". l:"It (;r I), d " Ct"I"';I\. I·;, t ul I, II I , I ',II" ,:!" :,. 1"1 n" 11111 1,1 11'" \ '\11 " " H ('t'OIJu r tn L M. B Ail . ~ V n' ,I:I,·I'... ... ..... .... I ~ \' H r : " ,,"' t\j l": ('11 11 II I t I l l \,!'\ 1 f' \ ' , ••• . , ft '-' " • I " lv ,le '. ." :Clll,lill /"• ', 1I . . ....... . . ~"lt ' "1 ti' , " f u lly I l dlttll )I~ ("f\'t.l. .'1S' ~, \\" '"Ilr ,. \ ' I' I I ',' I ' ' ... If"., lll! TI'>I in l:Ium l . \,on toww:l h lp, t t. f" . II , 1 , \ t'HI l ll:-1 . •--..1\ 1': IV . \V. 11, •.v \, ur ." ." .. " .. ~ .. llnllm ! I'. III 110" ,'1 11" ' ,. 1' ," rh. \ ,':1.1 1\\ " I 'ul l ",il ' '''( . 1, ' 'I ."""" pt! , l""tt ICIlI EJl\ t , '1'1. ~1 ·,t\O~ Re, · ,,, .,, " . . " ..... li I'IIn k 111t I:>, t ' l lI, r i.,~ '\ " UI'·. m: ltllr r If l it hI ', >r ,I" f " ' I. · : K A , ~:.lrn n n to Th e Y . M. C . A , ,I"I ID MIt;I' I , ,, ,, .. ,, ," .... ,,[) (!lI rll ~ l llljl , c.)ll !ll " \l II IU \ , ,1 . I' \. f ' l 1" fIIH VIIJ II \.)hi o 6~ aoreso fl ll n ,l n t • ( f '"\,l n: e '" • t IJ.~. tldl l) r .• r , to ... . " .. ' : Petit Jurors 1u th u 111 '1 (p r IJf th o .1'~ tl\ ' ''!l t , ''" t "tH"f P (''trli,,{' (iu lltrio, \lllIi ll l llrl l'orl . \ II C II~ ot',I :)OO,




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dpO ~ tLt-l'd .

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.. llI'ut iu ll t lill ru ll r l LP '"" ~ 1"" "H \'~ , 'I f' I I I I' IL'l ,' larnal(e Licenses ' " !--\'1 e ( I I I 'l l l':- I t' '~. l l J I t'IHt'. n OIII w hil' h UX C "ljH d l\~ III' \' \)u "I '·LI. (I I I I }' 1 ' 1 II \ T II f f"1 n . PlllI ' ! l I.r . Cl'fl I '.. u r r . u tl tlrmer 0 L'" . 1n th o 1I11111 1'r " f I,h o os rnt,p of Po Idl' l ~"U , \ \'v u minl! to Mi ss F ern ~ ui , M Ii hi It II~LI.v' ",' ! I Pea l [Si dl e T an ste r s 'Id!>r, o f WUYIlo8\'i lle , Ohi o. n ,~ v. 0 B h' I' . \\:I"('p"sI'd, I I UwUIlrl Ii ' ~ w" ('I ce II I' (>.'1' 11111 . I' ll . I I' W 1' , Conley . l:Ii ~g i!l ~ 'ljJ l"' lnt"' ill p pr ll IQe l':! I l: l lII r l1fJ ~ ,:3 ( ""' "I v,, r /l1t.'1 , I... i fA 1.11 Wi lli ' 1I11:f. 'l'ylor,luborer o f , ' IIl . \ In lit" 1t 1" llor nf . h e ,.... 111 " t:'\11 11", w ':r( ~ 1\ 1 1I 1"11_~.:t !i! , "'"I)IIJI'I', o i nn" tl, ()h i u , ~o Miss Eudora 1\1 0 1', t.hllll Bnrltl f'Y Itlf'h, rl" (! t' '' ~t·' I . \\I\ \ , lIl r lll:l, o l li >o .l , . " . I t ll ll " [ 1.1'11liII OU. Ohi O, Rev 11 C . "dUlin,',1 r " I 1'lI b'l IC'. W ltll ," r T, '" r'\l' llil \. 11, '11 ." " I,> (.;. i,', \. ' r " " · ' H , ',~ , ,I or don Ult! ( ,1t 1l 1' 108 C,l'uy Ilro lip. '·" "' '''·' ,, ( \' l l :-':u I;:!'i lit F ru u klin, ! W illi a m Wl1lte r Bru nd es , no n. pOIn.t nd eX · 'I 'ut ll t ~ . Nu 1,,'n ,1 11.1 , I ' hi ll f. III II. Ilrll Pt " r o f Uhi oll ~o. lIhuoi1'. III II Ii f'Q H ' u t OI'Y a:l llll pl'rlll ~(Hll ent 'Jl llltt ()(L A nn n C ~ l ' ~ >'q t,~ l:!u rry IIml 10111 \\'Il li ollllinrt Bf'rtha ::lch o l!. of M u r . 10 Iii .' 1I1111,1,'r o f the e~ f.llt P nl ' I' 'll\! II'r I,r " , "', I 11\ Fnfukllu. d l)ck, O bic', Rev, White . l5i lll~ 11 l{ IIC II III' . Il oceUSl'11 1 '111 \,111 ,( H I I" , l ~rtO lilllrl 1\1 , l:lawke , fl\rmllr of n nt' ntlll tlp p"i !ltetl ('. xooul lJ r. >;" l 'I>, r l' I)(, ' \V . Itl1T11f "rfl t il ~'''''In \c . oyuHs vi lle> ()bio t o Mil!3 EliH ll S . bn n d l u ve ntol' ,r 1\t1rl l l pp ml~ C I1l " "t J: , Ilt n~- ! I" ,1\ I , • ,'I l' ", In l : n IO D' oshe r 81so o f VvaynBsvUle , He" o mittell. t , 'wlI~ I I . )I . 1. ,I. F , Clldw.Ll lader . L('I ' . ' \\, n) In ~hfl -nl1lt,er u f Ih o As tllt e rt f HIII'I'\' ( . l'I,' ,' r t o III v rtl , Con ' missloners' Proceedings Eorn ee U 'I,\' ilk e n '(ln . (\ ecHII" 1'11 ; 1.1 IH'r; '" ,I I ' I, t! '. I. ProbateCourt Proceedings W ILlt e l' S Wtlk Ar l:lo u I\p po int ~"" II I , ,I, ~ 1 ( 'lu rk In hi,. Wife rf' a l e", \ Billl' Allo ""IJI'l - W. fl . MoUrnth', In the matter of the HSS .te of w i nistrator, Bond ,aGOo . Invl'lI. t 11 11 III \\' ,,\'IlI' r l\v u " h I Jl ! lumbe r. $ 126 .UII . Charles E . E ili El, EI ,Zll h (lt h R. Sicll'~ , d';OflB !IOil . Fi r~ t, tOry Ilnd uP llr tli sem enr. om itt ed , r. It ), ,·1: ' ,'I ol t " I' K n~'e ' rrmlOviog ~ now 10 Mnsei e town " hip ',od final IlOO ) UIH Ilppl'over\ , Ult; Lu t.b tl mut.t e r t1f 11" es ill tll ,) f '1 ~. 1:\ !I ('('I' ~ of I'ln ll iu W uvne t.o wo. ' 1l1.75, C M. MoUlnng. in \.rlbu ~ ion ordered. t;IILDlH,1 W OO UWUl I. tll'UHIL"O(\ , Ill , .. 11 1)1 * 1. 'fo rt jAc "oe k towDship '4670. JUnles ,\ q/\ \Vhit1l.cre .... ..... " ".".Wl1yue tp , I. . · k.. ... 1'' ' 1: 1 t 'm e 'I" ux , "I " .. " "" ""l:l rtLU It' In t p. I (1 '. , .11no "" .... " .. " nml o n .p, , I " ~Elph U Pelln e wit.. .. .. WIl j' l\ e tp , ' '101118 tlwit . h "''' '',." .. " .. ::-\" . IIlI Ii I p, .\ ' 1III 1I m C. DU:.ln " , \'Vl\ ~hin gt\ln I p I' \-" 'I. Daklu .. " ..... " .... ,, " , 'l}.llsHHl lp. ·1·ll ' JU11I1'r:;berod ... ...... "" "MIl ~,.ilJ tp I': . R. Ro g l·rs .... .... .... C II! .ror>',' klp ,l • ' IImo r ~. Baily .. .. ....... " .\VIl VOf' II' . :"tl fIf.Kirby, .. ...... ,.. .. l'lehrt:ruo klp , I;b Hrles Jo •.les .. .... " , .. .. . .. Hnrl"" til. .I,o hn LoWA " ... " ", .... " ..... I:IIHI UIl Ip rred Adamtl" .. " ... " .... F' rnlt k li u II'. D. D Run " an .. ,,, .. .. T\lrl le~ rpA k t.1l I .Iobn K e lttlr .... .... , .. , .... .... Huf h.n I,p I:Illrry t;tok,·s ... .. .. .. "" .. ~ W ayu e tp , Frllnk S Tl ·O lU\l~OIJ..: : .. ~ rllnk lln tp . P Fo},-y ...... "" .. 1 urtl ucroek tp, C li ff Tbompson ... ,,, .. Turt,lecreek tp ,







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relievElF: Iii grippe and all tbroat /lnd ::: laog nilrnent,., Money baok If ~it faill:l AIl .!rn~giHts. \ric~ 50ollod ::: II 00. H . E. Buoklen & Co., Phll , d I hi t;t L t


The Treasury Stock Has a Li t n on All t he Assets of the Company and Its Earnings Until IL~ Dividend is Paid



PURPOSES for which this stock is b eing sold are to e<1u ip a la rgf' f Hd ,o r y fo r the manufacture of Men's and Women's High Gl'ade Shoes, to be sold direct to the consumer~ from t he Compan y '~ . )\\ 1 :' t .)t'(;!S and bv 111:111. The Corporation owns valuable Secret Processes of mak ing :;boes t hal h ave bt' e n d emon st r a t (lJ a nd found to b e money saving. also Trade-Mark that nas been in use and before th e publi c ,.iTll''' J ,!r.\: G!~Y 7, 1~\!7" al~o larg e mailing list o f about 500,000 names of men linu women, each a IJl'ospective custom e r , a ho ut IO()O ' ,{' \\, l'] 'IOI C!S a l'e l>e ing- a dd ed each week . The shoe business in St. Louis, Mo., i;l conducted on a 11a~is o f T WI': NTY !,1,'!I. C ENT NET PTWFITS on capitalization . For inlltance. a concern turning its capital once during the .v~nr wo ul d m nkr· T Wl::N T Y PER CE N1' NET PROFIT. s ome of the older concerns in St. Louis turn their capital as much a s TlI n l~ r'; a nd 1"0 U It Limes during the yeur


$ ~





foe Ih. ,,",,Id






At Par, Ten Dollars Per The subscriptions will be open Saturday. Nov. I, 19 13 , a nd con ti n ue un t il u balance has been sold. The right is reserved to reject any application and to all .. t a o;ll1 :>I I" r <l I' H ' lIl1 , than applied for. Payments in full to be made upon allotme nt. Stock will be sent with draft attached if desired . Appl kat ion,; ' or unsold balance may he sent direct to the

~,~~~t::~;~~eglrl~o~1~f ~~~~~:}; I JEW' JOBK GUPPEB

r:i <1el. t h III btly ' a rm, Aho would be I Il r ron t booD, S h e 18 very muob uta tnclwd t o b Hr home tI t pre~ !:' nt by , TIlI\'l "~ !If Ii t'1\ 1e obllio. bu~ Rhe will t)i'! ~0 ' .1 10 'my " n ~ WilD will tl.gree to t l'l),.t h l r rigb t. She is one , f ourth "ihllrth ' l.n ·.nd t hree.f ourtbs byellA. ' [will f\l ~o throw in II. don bJe.bnnel ed "b ot g uu t bflt gOM with her. In lay Mhe generally gues away !lome wh ere for Il week or two and re turns with Il tllll red clL lf with wob Illy l eg~ . H er name i8 R081l aod I prefer to sell her toa. non.rtlsillent,"

* •• * * ............




• w w't....... ..."."..",.,



Phone 7'-1


- SairtH:;ouis, Missouri .. , ......


Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.

J. E. Frazier


and Sp~l:Iti"g"

2628 Locust Street ,,'.)0,

...... Yo"'.

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

'TOBIAS S. MILLER , Special Representativt! ,


... - .... -.--tI!: ..........


Saint Louis. Missouri





Or to the Fo ]) ow ill jS: Investm ent.s, Morristown, Tenne& e e,


--"" ...



Bill Nyo Ild ve rtislld his cow for! Call answered promptly day or night, su Ie onco uJlon II. time llS folloWI4: Both phones in Office and Residence. " Owing to ill b6ll1th J will sell at Long distance, No. 14; Home phone my r e!l idellt In lown 29, IIIoge 18, 14.2r. wes t , ucoordiug to gove rnment sur I Chairs and one Coach furnished free Vl'l y, oue orullh"d ruspberry colored I with funerals. COIV, uged e i~bt: yearll ::ihe is (\ good Best of service guaranteed, Dlllktlhn', not afrait1 o.f Cars-or Bny· 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

$ -*. *



Funeral Dir6"ctor

_ . •





... , . . .... , ' : : ~09.'036001 s9Ih,~~ese~ '..' ,.' .' ,~ . , .. , . , . , , . , 19,361 shares

Stock in Treasury . . , . , , , . , , . .. , " Stock authorized for sale this iss ue , ' , , , , , ,, Stock to be reserved in Treasury for future requirements of the C, r l ,lI rati, n

NORTHWESTERN BUSINESS AGY., Bank of Commerce Ruilding, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Phone 449

~;:t~Rb~~\:, D~~~~:e~~t: ~~nO:~~:;~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

$ : : " · ~::LL ~~.~ cow $

GO, 63V Shares

Makers of "OPEN EVE BRAND" 2835-28 Locust Street Dept •• T. M. C.


Lebano~. Ohio


exch:.ngTHIS STOCK should yield at least EIGHT PEl{ CENT in u ivitlc nd', r igl'l \:t IOTlg,

• :::


towus hip Ilt e 5ti m " t.1l of

$: : ,



Dr. Heber M. Dill

Ohio .. CO n'll leLe ly curp.d t,lletll, f o r whi ch I 11111 most thankful," writes Mrs. Tuesdays nnd Fridays, from 8:30 [)a.v icl Moor, of Sagtnllw, AlII., Whll.t to 12 o'clock ::: 01', King'8 New Dlacovt! r y did, for ::: I,h ese Dl P n, it Wil l do fc'r y ou. Dr. Office, corner Main ·and High streets Phone No. 100

S~~~~ ~~~~.Y~e~~~; ~PJ~~t~~~rG

,,,,.h·e " ,Im",;"ti •• ,

Branch Office, HarveJshurl(. 0 ,


(Incorpo r a t ed und er So uth Dai<ot,. Laws.)

Haviog plaooo a I..g. amount of thi' "ook, w. will





','$: : 'i $

AutomoDlle Service at all Times

2 1 Broadway


,;. .:. :: . . ::: • ~ :.: ' • :::

111\(1 driving lifttle n20

~~t ~,\~i{J;~~v~f:~:~~~~€~

• Cured Stubborn, Annoying Coughs



'I'nlflphone .tRY or nh'bt.. Vfllley ph o ne No. ' . lAog DI~t.lm ce No 69-2r •

$.j~', $H[i.~7 $: j ;:~:;:~ :i~~~:i.~~:t:!nd~!:;f~; Waynesville..

~ Issue of the Treasury St oc l~ o f the

Full Paid and Non-Assessabl.

Funeral Director.

C rmtrrt .'t 20G. \\'11 8 Ant,lIre!: In lO w ltb tbt! Uregonia Brirlgtl Co ,. fo r

in, UIlI ' III


Walter, McClure

Contmot 177. WAR e nte rl'd iot,o witb R A McC utoheon tor oorru gl\l,ert Rewer nnd headwllliR by Frnnk Ki nLi e r 'l4 fJ\rm lind ssm .l by Morgan fllrm in Frllnklin t o wnship ut t'sti. m h t e of $G().

$ ::.1;.



$ ' : , . " : : ,.: :"',~ .


<.>:,.:<: :::

1. NO PRIOR LIENS- No mortgages ex ist upon any a sse ts of thi s CO JllP:ml a nd n one C'lll b e create d without the consent of THREE· FIFTHS of the entire s tock is.,u ed. ' . 2 NO FLOATING DEBT· - The proceeds of this issu e will r etire th l' ( 'omp ny's bill s paya bl e, unll furnish ample capital to s uccessfully carryon the business. 3, ESTIMATED EARNINGS- Approximately se ven tim es the d h Iden d 1'C'll' .irements of thiR iss u e 4. MANAGEMENT- Will b e continued by the prese n t EXC"cli tive Ulli cc r~ r nd others who are expe rt ~hoe m en o f man y years' experience in the ~hoe bu siness. 5 , SINKING FUND- Will be c reated t o I'e t ire tltis issu e a t Ihe opt ion of t li J10lder at par after FIFTY years, reg ardless · of how dividends have been paid. 6. GUARANTEED STOCK - Application will be mach: ill dtl e C'. ' tIr.· E' til h ve thi" stock guaranteed against 10SB to the extent of its purchase price, by one of the stronges l guaranty ('lJ ld pani {';; iu th" I., s in ess. 7. Application will be made in du e course to liRt this slrlcl,: nn ti ll' Bust e, n 'I' N e w York, Chi cago , and Saint Louis stock


Professional Cards

0RK .$.:.~~i~~;\~~i~;:~~I:~iJ: northfilltlt~tllhhRMlllsrlvf,~!\r:~~~~~ hriilgl'


~ $~: ·100. ~~~~!~~v~~;~lt.~\~~~~?~~lCh

': ::1




~~ ~~~"''''' 1l~d IOrIli~hlng

· ' .......... ....... '. '.' ........ :.............. .. . :.:: : ...... : : ::.:

We Offer. SubJ"ect to Pl'ior S Ie, the U nsold Balance of


ASK FOR INSTITLJTE Fire!!. sli m e tn l'urtloQreek town ~ btp '27. W. F . Ellzl',)I,h. com e nt. uLd l;Uwe r, . 8.53 . J . K l5pe uoe f , lu m • ApjJllOI11I()U~ IlII' ["rmer", ' i0811. ber. $ '2l0 U. C. W , 13p,uk s, ll n Cu n. tlll ~~, in Il l"'" pltl(" ~ , shuUld ut Oll ce t mo t 11'{ i' . $ , , W. 14. Buker. he f'l'ut to 'h s Ag rinullurlll Co • • Uuutru ot, I till, $3\1[;0 :-;' In U COl • •• ];'SIC , n, I' LJI\J nll ' ll ~ , -'Ill y t "wn~ 01' t l'll()t I II l. $ 7:!.:!fl. ~' . M U" i1i n " u" "'IIl11nll, It· ~ lI OI, lJ , )II ~ ln " u tfl4ul"r U,Jllt,r lwt In. $ l1 :!. n ,1 .. h n T . 1J1I"'l lfi ~ IHld. r " I ~ t ·, IIHI Ilu ri n g p ll~t l ' rt " u. Co etro c t 11).1, $ 1:> .51) , W . :-', w , ul £' r "b ,' nlil ,, ~ I c !/I ' prln",.1 rUh!M All Urllhtlm. t:ou trll ut 1% , $ 10-;- HO, u lld ttp'plit"!j,,,.t bhnl(~ t II I,efl E .J , Tamplin , Contract 1\)\', $5 4 \1 0 /' ... qIUl~ I,~ .lt uulcl be lII i\l10 HOllO, fl Ud Bel't Itflod, lu mbe ", $o! tlO. lloy !l ilt lut e r t ll III ,1" 11 ,, 1!1t. ::;uiUE'r, oru !!hl ui( !!Io u e 1D J) t' I'rfJ elrl PUIIl!1 llr \} bei n~ m lll'l" t,·) OI"ke towuHldp, ~ Gl ,10 , t. M b h e r b! t, Ih l'~n IU ~ H' t1 l p" ilIo n' p"pu lAr I\UO rppair lng wu ~ h lHl ok o f Uene H flrp. pr l'{ilubI H thllu j!vur b",fu r e New e " '", S,I !l() , Pbl lip H opkins , oom ft~ tI!. lI' l'S Will un Introuuol'u 'p1~u "lI li () n fn r lllnd f or Edward'! f Olld tlll fu r Ih e 10 11 0 ""101( pin ' t'lll In \V"y n e 11 \\ 118 hip f, 1:.!iL VltlW l-! r ol ou \V"rr,H) ( 'nullly "1111 hlL Vfl mllde op E ll WII r<l ~ r Ollu- --. r. E Ibon, 112 uO. pl l"'" (1It1l fo r 11l " lil ut,,~ \l!l\l e r (:\f",IB I£liu H ()1'{ 1t'tlbtle . $300, F. \Y . Ulllh ll 11111 nl' u I:\ ll tl" l' vll l, ', 'iVIIVll f'AV \tlu, WII ,V , $:!. L'!t' 11; u { th e U , t>, CIIU I' I • L' II r! hd I' , l\Iu ~un, 11 I1 fv e y~ bul!{ . Le b. C ll ciunnti, "" ,. t ~ ill cllse 01' E kl ell til 11111 . \ 'R Wrll'nm Coun t y $128 ,2:) I"tnt,e o f A l'o nf c r(l nl'o will be ollllolilit. tho Ohio V", 0 , C. l{ o~ >!,Janll,,'n n.jn .. ti oo " "11I'1, h o nN" o f 1I1I rll r/ll Hr 11I 8tltuie $:1.20 , Br o wn /:i , ADller8'1n, !Ju ri ,,) IJl O'1 r~. LJ " 1\·I'I~ n"r. )e l'uty o r CutiuHi ll o \\ hitlLcre ti'f), .1 , ,..:, Dlrec l',lr of In .. l itut ('~ , will hA Pf"M '~ lI rrls . Il uppli es fo r .oor o n e r , t J.7;,. " II t.. Jm por l,nu t II ll1tl l:' rtl will bu Bn rr oll!; h s Ad!lIn g Mllobie e Co , I ~ t d, sc u,, <eu, Not,I':!) will he ~iven of p ll y m on.t, on 'l're,lI.urer'>i 1U8 c hlU e, tb" ,llIl e of tliiH nt re tln!.", .It wlill' lI $ I :!~' . F'rIlnltlin Ne.vEI, pu blisliing !III furmor in ,.lil ,lI fl " lIl uof l! wi ll htl t,ll11 II J ti(l n 1'0: tr e u ~ llr tl r, f,2 , ,J ~ oxueoted . A , p , t'lInrlleR, \Iofri" . .. 1,tIIII p . f or Auditor 'l! o moe $19 , 2;,. ~ \Ipph et! f o r Pro -. AHy Pr e"idont. A~ri c ultuflll Commission (,m ue. f l J ;,;,; ~\lpplies for PrnbHt t' ,I Illl ge '", olUce '70 1'0, Ltl wis tlr ot! No Compulsion. & t '0 , I'nli l5 bt l1n(\ dnl), 'lge, 1J. 1 J:l First Orlld-" l\Iy wltc' S gone to the Dlln p , Bo nt', UIElrk, ous ts Ilu ,1 "I. turnElV'f' fpes III C " ~f! Bow e r v~ W est IndI es," Sl'coud Orad-"Jama· LJ ') OlI;II ~ " I OU(1r!4 t~:l7 \Vestt-ro ~t." I' lea ," 1"lrHl Or;..1- " No , She wanted to '! Ilppli fl~ f o r !lIlrveynr *'13 :; 0; pub. go."-Orange P eel, Ii t\ bin g Auditor' t:\ tlx bi bit $ 13 ; pu b. l1~ h ' >1g l \ru n;; Court of '\PlJl1 t1l ,., $ 1:1 " l', Lnb'DII Il t'li lri ot,. 1'1l111 iti h. ing !fl X Il ot,il'e $2. CnllllllbOA BI ,wk B o ok Mfl{ LJIl., hl'lUk ~ f " l Prn h" t" .1udge $~ 7 211. V It,lla.l' Tel e pllOue Co • rllnts llnd t olls 137.90 ,

. Ph(me ,


24-~2 1-;1 ~

\ ~








vOli l

Francl" 1 Practit ioner Makea V ury h k,:l.,· : '11\, ,1',' va 'Hl v i ~uLl I Putlllc : lC RClI1Jlt of His ~'i\ U I n 1l ~ 1 \ H p:-,,1l1 DY-' Pf'\lAi ll 'I'll )'Iflt ~ . ' I r Jestlgat lons. ll e c " \1 ~ o ~ ro ' l''' "I ' p " "plu in till,; I onTJlmo oit.v I":o lw vtl t,h em f,. hI' t ill' I nr, Hn';t:Ol A, 1)IlY of ~l1 n Fran- I"e<lt r tJ l ueu .~ II V, ·1' IIHule fO J' I Jys jlup~i a I Tllu t is whllt W fl I C l () W·' .' "lillo ," to I·XII IlI in,· til!' ll'(.' th nnd fncli ,t, I '~ LIt \ 1I 11 I h,' i ll llll l lt 'S 01' th r' ( 'n lifol'Oiu l11in l(, 1."1), 1 )"ulJ. n ~, · WI' Un ll w w bll t , tb llY h itI" tI , IO" f il l' nthl' r ~ u n ,l wlll1 t I , , " 11-. II " '·,Hlll lnl·d I. I I ;. IIlcn tbuy IIru I!l ade lJt. \V,· h"v ~() ' ; 11, , \ " 11 111" '1 \I:l y (,,",,·jlll"'.! fh at the UlUP. U fu a h IU tllt: lII Ihnl W(1 lU g .. . ,VOIl ~tlll . l j l lll il t tl Ir y Ib ll lll ut o u r T1 " 1t II;, ·i·' fr ,II , w os la rgely H fh (·.\' d Ol1 I hf' 11' ~'( 'U , Ibe y wII1I '1 c ,wt, I n" ;)(, ", .1.1 " 1' .,. II , '1I11i ll 1: lv. In .V" ll " cc nl I f tllt Y U"" ' " dOllt l I h ·, I t l" Iill ),( f 11(' 0. lI f iOllal I ;" 1,1. a ,;.~oc: iu­ ,Vou wanf rh"ul ro &an


ulOB e y wllllll llt " w o r t! o r qll e ~ l i \l 1l .!. :l.JJ ,llIilliI H: P f' )J,; 11\ lin d Hlt!lllul h, t wo Il l' I ll " j! ro-u 1" li t, dil!lI!<l,IV, · lI i ' l~ kO tJW D t .l l 11I ... ,J IL' td Hoinll C" th uv fl,)otb fl 11ll,\ it 11 ", II,t! H l u:J l.l \· h· ltnin ~, h e lp in TlI,· ~ l, j ' r l "1I 1 f1 1,1 1! 1 . ~ rri l · lUH, / , 1 f' lw uk D( 'tll' l h ll l'!1 11",1 ,1l >< III '-- . pt ,. I m ote r C ~ : l Jl t 1)1)\' n ) .1 1-" j ' ), Id <l Ul "KIJ It. 1U ,...... lU! A ftlr V 1IH tl) " . 11 whrLi(!v o t'

\ nu

J il":H

'" II

111'Vt:1 r


lik ,•• w lt h ' t,lt ,. (1Cllllflll'tl llj! 1l ~~tIl'Ol " e t h llt. t LJ ern w ill II.., till U'Lti llfr " , o lf oct~ . ~V ll ufl li evo "u e ID 10 116 l it " b e~ t

l'Il m t"]Y

Illu do

!lnd iudil{e"Ti 'Jn .


~o l u

I) iL


u tHl t r

Ul1 i"i' al

...,.,.. ...,.,. ..... w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



I lniv('rKi '

,,;lilh'ne c in F. I:


Fo urLh SlrL.oet .

Teleph one 28

. WayneSVille.


~to tk


N. Sears :and Gf'neral Aucti oneer

Posle u Oil p ed i.~ r('l's and va lu l's of a kinds of b rC'cdin g stock. Exper ienced in lI audling farm sales sll1ce , 1905. Terms Reason able


Satisfa ction Guaran teed

Wa'y nesvi lle, Ohio V31 1r y Telepho uc 4 5-2,

.t •

tbls bead fur

tw cn t y· U,"c ceOl9 for t.hre e InHe r ll ouI" w hon using DOL mortJ t h an five ll ncs

of Ohi (1

(ira,I II :l ll'

w,, "d' ~ i!(lu se .



Vete rinar Y


Peculi a r Cho ice of a Pet. The old·fushlou ect boy w ho broug ht mfc e. toudH nlld s nu ltf'A to sl'llOo l In hln pocklll. is nuw bn c lw d CUrti [,1,,1 " Iy off the b oard by a \\,khiul m a ll. 11(' a11peared a t [b e ge n e ra l d e liv e ry window In the post o ffi c e th e o \l",r da y for hla mail and In his urll'" wa S reaUng a. docile pet skunk.

w ...

1-------------------------[)... J. A. McCoy,

Daily Until April 30

The Bitte r Pa th . more t,u no 7 ,(1 (:) 0 Rex u ll Ht(irf''; , M id It Is d e rea t v. 11k" l·d uciltes thi s I.II WII only Il t, onl" ,,( \l f P , Three ~ '-;0 8 , :! .)C , 50u !lnd * 1. 00 ,- .J. E rre r son , E. Jano py. Wnyn fJ"ville. (Jil li'

Ads w ill be tnfll e n ,ed


.' ·' .l·IUIl Vi llo·s Leadi lill Dontl,, ' in KnYIl Bl<lg, M~tn St


- - ---+ - - - -

_ _ _. . . ._

( !lli .·.,

dY8plJjlH ia onlv ht, l ilt '

Ola ssif ied Ads

Waynesville, O.

r 1'1 '''. 1I dT U't "

)11i"I ' J' I I' '''' ' -: 7



Subscribe for the Miami Gaz ette and You will get all the News




w ... . .



oon ple t o Ji vc on plt1CfJ. nt,toDd titook for th e reot. do trubklu g tLnd milk two cows 0 11 s hareH; a l80 other agreenb le oonditi ons to the righ t party. Adures8 .. Fl}rm" 'thii:! offioe. m 25

Furnish your borne with Adair 's Furni ture as I did our home 28 years ago, and you will have no regre ts in the Yl:ars to come . Just such advi.ce hundr eds of fathe rs in this city have ginn their sons who are about to start house keepi ng.

b ers to t he MoCall's 100 subscri Mag!lziuf'. Send 350 to t ile

linzett~ office, aun ge t ODe of t he best magllzl n es on ear t h. tf

Let Us figure the Cost of Your Complete Home Outfit Just to Sbow What We' Can Save You



spbn of young mule>! , (; and 6 years ole!.. tboroug 41y broken , The old woman brough t it in.. both Ringle and double. L. 111 Hen· uH White ooffee, it developed, was co1l'ee derson , \Vayne sville. Ohio . with cream in it. OOD all round work horses, weigh~ a.bout 1400 lbs. Inquire Klckapoo Worm KllIer Expels Worms of Wm. Cummi ngs, Wayne svill e, R. R. 3. B • The canse of your ohlld'8 iUJ-th e foul, futid, ojfensi ve brea~h-The good young horses broke i also IItartin g up vJrth terror and grind · one registe red Jersev oow, fresh 1 ng of teeth while asleep -The sal· a good one, B heifers and 2 males, ~.ow oomple:l:len-~h8 dark olrcles W. C. Weloh, Harvey sburg. Ohio. under the eyea-A re all Indioat lon9 " as ',f worms. Kiokap oo Worm Killer .!A..what your...ohild needs i It expels UMBE R one mixed hay for snJe . "tbe WOl'Dls, the cause of the ohild's Call phone 37-4, Wuyne sville, unheal ihy oonditi on. For the re- OhiO. uH moval of eeat, stomac h and ptn 'Horme. KiOkapoo Worm Killer glvefl OW-fr esh (jaw. Good. Davis . tlure reHef. Ita laxativ e eft'oot adds Furnas . R. 2, Wayne sv il]f'. tone to tbe geuera l system , 8up Ohio. III plied as a oandy ooufeo tlon-oh lld . ALED hay ·and straw for sale, T8D like It. &fe and lure re11efGuaran teed. Buy a box today. IDquire of Goor!:(e Zell, phono Prloe 26::1. All Druggi sts or by mail. 126. nl Ktokap oo Indian Med. Co. Phillld el· phia or St. Louis, O'rAT OE8-G reen Mounta in seed and eating pot.atoe9. Inquire of W. H. Janney , R , D. 6, Wayne sv.lle, Ohio. GIn THAT ERRED. a 1


t, ) \ , '

1 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

inclu sive



S lIl'Cl'sso r (('


March 15 :.0 April I 5

Korean Poatage Stamps . Korea disp lays Ihe p l um blosso m SOMETHING NEW TO ACTOR on b el' stamps. Il Is the ro1'nl flower of h er lust d)'Ilaaty - a dynaRty whtca Little Inciden t Proved That Sophillt l- reigne d f or 600 yen re. nntll th e Jap· G RADUAT K Oir Tim cllted Travele r Didn't by Any a.nelle wrested It away . . AT lON AL AUCTJU N Mean. Know It All.

Frank P. Morse, who claims he has visited every Arollric an town that i'\tbig enough 10 have a theater in it, o.rriveU one a He moon in a wellgrown village whose one street had a straggly, dreary, discour aging appearance. li e went to get hi s dinDllr at the only hotel in tho place. Everyth ing progressod unappe tizingly and smooth ly until the old woman who waited on tho table crept st ealthily behind Morse and asked Itim in a liwguid , lonely voioe: "Will you have black cotfeo or white" Morse flinched. "What' s that P" he askedHe had head of blue pearls, brown - rOBeS, green carnati ons and other vi0lent color schemes, but here ..,88 a new one. He was seized by the thirst for disoovery. "White , if you please," he said ur-

A. '1 Chandler


lin \'



Lo w Fa res

tl o- If til t'.\' d ou ' r, I r OtHOT!' \ " UI' " LOlll ' If'l1 t, . htl,dll l 01 d [J ill It " yonr 111 ",' ,.<110 11 I1 "s,v - jU>tL t,'l l l us It nl! w .. WIll gI V(: ba ck ,y o ur


All Kinds of




t inn aho1l t it he Huid : " I \\'II ~ ('Oll \'ill l'f'd tha.t mlliform ati oll s un d im'g lllal' ili !'H ()f thc teeth hlld t1 g l'l 'lIl d",1i In do with Ihe IIl cnttll " I nk " I' I Ill;!', · Jll'll pl c. One mun hil d kI'll ""I dl 'lI1 n"d to u ie nud had LcCII !'I'pril" ,·d a llumLer o[ timet!, ulid j Urlt 1)1'1 ':·c I Idt I recl! iveu two or titrrc il l' i' f\ ti ons to hiH hanging . Th is man 11' 11 " Rf'nt 10 priHon for life und wh il l' I h, . e he ki LIed I h ree other p l' i ~" n \' rs ; il lln he hus a Ilial oeclusio ll of (' lll nH II J" the worRL case I ever BII II'. lI is upper jaw is entirely in<;\ 'o:('d within the mandib l e, with not 0 11 1' t'Xlth in occlusio n. Now, no ODe (' ;111 ~ onvinee me that this co nditi on h a~ not had i ts influence in the developlllent of the man's brain and face. J SU IV many other cases of t he worst types of malncclusion and I am convi nced that these conditi ons huve their effect IIpon the mental de veloprnellt." It mny be well to explain that "oc(·Iu~ion " m eu lls the meeting or closing together of the tc'eUl; "maloc cluRion" is a. blld fit of the upper and lower teeth.









--"'' '----


George Cohan, di8CUI8iDg.....ohrist-




m::ty bora&-

OA 'l'S-ea rly variety , thresh· SEED ed same time as wheat, made Q8

" 'Aren't you surpriaed?' the wom- bu. to oore 11112. Inqnlre of Oren an's mother said, 'to get such an un- St-rawn , R. D . 4, Wayne sville. Ohio, al U811&lly fine rememb rance out of James? ' HILD'S White Eoame led Bed II ~ot surpris ed, mother dear,' thlf and lfoldln r Go-JIU'* . Inquire woman • answere d. ~ot surpris ed. of L. M. Hender son, Wayne s. ville, Oblo. m 25 Sarpicioua.' "



." WAn , , ... WEA.. THB"·aTON EL

'ou Never Had Pretticr

Buffets ... .. ...... ..... $15. 00


Dining Tables . . ... ,....

To Pick from Than We Are l:howinZ this Spring.

China Closets . .... . . , .. .


No matter what the size of your room we have the rug in stock to fit it, Select your rug now whIle our stock is at its best.

6 Leathe r Seat Chairs .. Steel Ranges . . . . .... . . . lOO-piece Dinner Sets ... Victor-Victrolas , .... . ..

to $60 9.60 to 60 10.50 to 50 15. to 36 30. to 71S 9.50 to 36 16. to 200

, See

eeem tather hoarse

. lin. ~Well, my h11lbuu1 eame . ht. " ._home rather_ li.te lad JUS '\

The enorm ous expen se of the city stores compe l them to charg e one fi th to one third more for goods than we charge for the same or better q lity. Our rents are so low compa red to theirs , that we can save you fro~ 20 to 30 per cent on the dollar , For instan ce, you can save enoug h on the dining room, bed room and kitche n outfit to furnis h the parlor be utifull y.

D~Vellpo~ts .... .... . , .. $16. 75 to $60 f Library fahles. . . . .. . . . 6.501to 30 . Dresse rs . .. , . . . . . , ,. . . . 7.50 to 50 ! Brass Beds. , , .. . , , ... , . 10.5 0 to Iron Beds, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 to Cbiffon eers ... , . , . . . . . . . 6.00 to Prineesss Dresse rs . . .. . . 10.6 0 to


Kra. :A.-Yo u

who are accustome.d to think of Furni ture as somet hing to st, and to be hande d down from one gener ation to anoth er.

the amoun t you havc planned to spend 0\1 home furn iture if you buy il at Adair's


FEW genera l purpos e horses . . for sale; 1 firs~olasll milk cow, IDU .testimo nial for navicl :BeI&aoo. fresh for 2 months . Addres s Dr. E. said In New York: P. Kriegh off, Oregon ia, O. nl "Christ m88 gifts ahould no more err on the overrich than on the merRubbe r ·tire BoggV, of good parBimonions side. mllke and up-to date i used only See Frank Miller, II A Cohoes woman got au OTerricll a short time. Wayne sville, Ohio. 01 present from her bettm hal!

)'~ limousi ne of

E do quite a large business with young couples, especially thOSe

You can keep within

~ 22-24

North Detro it St. XeD~ , . Ohio

Line of Qui ck Mea l Ran ges Furniture-Carpets Stoves




,..QL-:::tI~~~~~IIII~~~~~1~r~ r Practical Fash ions ' .....:r- -. - 0 ~J

M on da y' s Ch ild



l:H I ~I, !',a o~ :

<1:1 .1"


Jlu lthcr had so ill : "~ ht-' l!-i .\1 . ,!) ~ I u l d.

IIml rni r (l r rn~(! " If i"" I ' JH!'I I5.S if t hn t !-, l fuc k t h e h( '~ 1t Ofll \It (;ra l'l":-; (':\I !=; ! r;w(' It er lu l r · 1I1 '~ ~, \ \ h il II tho ." ol' lop ,·tl U ~ ... he gr , \ \ 0



:\run.v0 n has cng ag'('d a sto rr of ~pt,l· in!is l !! fhul are in Lll('ir Jine. Tlt l' r,1 i ~ 110 qt1 <' ~l i ('lTl nU('Illt Iheir ni, i!i!." they al'~ tho 1111e~ r. phyBi( ' ilJ lt g t l llli. ('nll" gl':; nud hllsl'ilu ls hu'i'o fUT"n (',l OJt ami r''\'(' il'o the hig hcMt sa l:! r i,~ S . f, H.1 ofT.'r$ their s!'H ir o 1('1 YOll absolul t'l.v !reo of rost. No.) mal~er whaL }'(lur di •• 'a~.· , 0 1' h o w mouy uoc tors you h ilY!) tr ied , writ e to Pro(c~­ SOl' )1 t1nyo n'~ plll' ~ i " iIU1" alld tlt!'y will gil"C yuur ca~e ct\T('ful lUlu pronlpt f('llOW Ill,d l l'u ti e rM

a n,' c{ ' n l hullf·tln or tho ;..;'a·


st .lt! ' I lIe nt.

~h ·

" 1.)(, <1 II)) d l~c, " , so l a t e ly . "I SCt 1 , " I-;}l(. f'ah l HOlll e wb a t t i mid l y. "I "I hll thn t 1111' f!' wa s so m e t h lug I ('ou lll Il ll c1 , ~ t \\ :lH w urth wbl le. " tddt ' r illfo r n tl : nnt b t' all l ~', \\ n~ l ht.' F u ,· 1111: fi r s t lIm e he tllrn ('d and , 1 ). t'\J~(~ I t lr (I \'f"I l'.n llillgo Itl l\l t( ' ujJlt'r, IlIll k " d a t hN w it h l ut ~re st. " There 11lduit ' t ll'c', \\ f' I"(I o\"(' ri u o l{ I ' ti lH ' ('allS '~ :lrn l utR or Ihl llgH." Iw salu, br lRld y . (: r:h' O had gu ld.' n h it If and o ro\\, n ' Y Il U /l 1I/:ht III ho ubi ,' t o tllke up ey eR. 1II11 "/(' "r si ngI n g . I t ~ e(' lll s tu m L' tllflt A..; S11f' gn ' w tt) ", ,,m a n hood, IJ\PIl ~ 11\1 h n \' (' Sll lI ltJ til lt.: nl in t h a t Itne ," and \\ nluetl ) 111\\ N t 1>("11 nr t~ IH' I" . .\ t '" b" I '" I" ' I" ilO Sllllnl H nnll HUn Gtur In • So m e t al" n! t,;rnee ha d prl u ed 6(' 111'01 h())'~ Ollll " ,·(·t! a tt e r h er lIk , · h ('rH' i ll I h ,' I;tS I I II " Y" ;] I' < will ngg-n ·j!a t.· B ig Mall W,th tF o n hpJ" lIi ro voit' e . It w a s n u t Good · N~tured Face Sub· I b Ull pr f!I .... ~ nit(J!! t a n) ~t' , Th~ ~lr l s 1 1IlIly ~~ .:. " I!," .'" 1, 1'ln " lnl{ Ih e to tnl • iJ i.: r nlre. h ilt sh ,. h!lel hr" 11 .. Iil e t o mi l s Reasons Why - Blillt ' "d " l'\'d ll<' r ,, 111 1(· Ih .. y ' ·n , I."d IIl' r. a lld 1'!I : l rlH l o r otll· \:11 Hpp r j1 l'd :d ill rl ~ fo r tllllt ' n o'u it (' r !l d Jo w (· r }! . "tid ti l ILL \\ : , ~ all That Way. t. so (; I' a t.'o w e nt (Ill. H li l l i e qU l' 0 t;llr ' !u ... l .... hI! :, f t:d :-: l i P to U " ('I' Sli, UIl O,U (l l) ~ Iif' I II " I ,d , r Olln d ('.l lJy he r ~tl lI J(l "I H, -...;.:: I "' l it., I'" ' ' I \\ (I ." · lI l' '' , \:nl t1 11 '\ ma ll d l'lll antlcd RO Ill ( ' Lhing ' I " " 11 ' 1 "a li i I I> 1,1<",· lil Y 1111'11 hor n ," 1\'0 m a lt .-' !' \' )U lI I hl ' rHll lL lll ' r or ~ III" ';> S fl W!I S 1111 1 Ull lil Rh p 111,,( .1 tlf' h :\ l ltr \ 11 ~' 11I1 1 1111\\( ' \ 1'1", of l hl .:-o hnod sho w · ~~ :I id (I f 11 ('> 1'. t ill' hi t:. Jua n w ith Iho good . S Ilt' ll J,! lIntl llf , alld tUI' ~ Id(' t t odu y n d Jt; l l 011 I ; l fi t Rh(' I jt 'J.: lI tl t tl r£' nl i;:t' I l ia lh ' l lll ll' ~nn1p no\' · I f ill::., l it ' ~nl! IlI lI .) ..\ s~ rl(' !a ti l l n f UI' r h t, u ;,t l l r \ ' d f :Il'\' , ' LI ll I I Ihlllk I (' tH lld :' wa y t-: l ow ly, 1IIla\\ :l n~ UU t h;11 b l9 ,'JUt '!-j t u, h e :t(' (' t.·p l a t. ll ', h (' u 1It y L... 11 t H (' \ l 'r Yl htllb". Jt t O l lt\" hpj" \ \'4 ' I JlII~ tra[rt :-;1 u!! \0 :IH d 1' !'t ' \I'I i1ill ll o f 'I' 11 111·I"(·u lo :-1 l:. 1 I dl 'l' t ht· iI , 'lI d o r ~ ll1) arl' Il li ' II." "Y I'~ f, d lO\, .,.1 I,PI'. anu that a lill i e ( 'fl, ' of t Ill' n p \\' an d IJ I'at'l 1t::t1 d( ' i°;\ gtl a 10 llg t l tU (· 10 " /)1 1'" tu lhls <I'·I' i.- I,," . ~ , ... Iai. . '.., t !l al /1 111 Hn , " !f 'lllh (If t ilt· plIll ' ' °l)ld \ 11 11 !llld a IIl :-;l PUn-H' uthl r e" 111 11 " <1 a ,,'lIl' d in 11 "' 111 , Thi s l:i klrf lias a fln t pHIII ' ! ill lbt:' iront 1 1k 1"" Sl le lI'olld ere d " li y ~ h ~ ('u l li t! 110 1 "' lb · \ I t-: i llll f u r lIl! h ' I'I ' ulo~l ~ lilar I ii ~ t(lrt' I I l u 'r h.· II l 'Xl day s Ill' sU II " l< L OUI I ,HilI' 0 1' rht · t;J{lrl Bnll tl.J l ~ Is ~lit t.( l tt · tl ~~Jl U t.! 11t1I1I' l llall't"!" WI\..' jugat e .I l1 ,' k tlnwll I !I',,'d, 'd I \'I ~ h " 1' 1i ma d. ' , II .· \I !'lS lH' ,' er II IIIU Il /; .\1t.lI'('I th u ll I ;\:-I I\I 'd J Hl fU' o II ~ l' IILlI'(' Il ' lI g th , th .. c'II'dr (If 111'1' ~ rll ll i rcrs ,\ t .·ad. ~ Id e th, ·r.- ~ ...tI ." "I' 11I 1" ' I" ' lIlt, ~b Jla ll"IlI~ 111" 1 I'on I ". \ IItll ., 1,..l t" I· I lI tl ll thllt. I thlllk.. '°l. i ll l f' ," sh e :-. aitl, "yna 1= " f' tn I I) I. . u ('i n.: llla r gorp. wIt h H ",m all d urt I to / Hli l l y "dl 11l)lI t pro p t' r ill s titll Tll t"" c' ltl11 t1 X (' ''tI IIP at u UatH' e a t the tl lJllul I!lak,. li fe "nnh Ilvl ng - t c ll lI ,e wha t tt> lit l UI' ~ kl r t at Ih,' h lp ", I ' ("' ll d:lY~ I H' ! Hl"t lil t"' ~ tHl u t' l ecUu n a I )) ("oun tr y clld J, J uC'11 ~ Ial' tln Wll S t h r th l' 1 11'>' :1 (11)1 '111. ' ! ('u n .10 ." •.•. " ' .. '. o r I Ill' IJllek t ll l'ft' I s l h .· cus· lll a ll C' :l II } l' to Illtj a nd a..r;k(\d : Old y II1MII with n n aut o l1loll ll e I n Ihe j " ·.I o llll. h Ull tI" yotl 1.1111,· W U g e nlhll sl a ~ tlc. amI wh ile tu m a ry r(· \' \' r~l·c.1 lJl1x pla it w hle h thlnll thIngs Ilr A littl e &llb ur b wh rr e th " y bn th r e.· ld· ,h e t a lk l'd ()f 11<' 1' Jlllillting Ura co II' I'S "p al s 111, · t'l1.l~ ln g , At about klt ee " " Illh ~o i ll ~ f e, ~ U ·: · ed , Gra ct' . li S t b e Bf'k n llw l eu g ed lw ll e f or ell to s Llmlt thnt I h o d ar k little fl u' n ' is u folll alld ~ 1 vtH\ th f' hIlJlr t '~ ' t "' .\11 lily 11' :1 ), .' I l'eplll'tI, of tlJ e (,()lllnltI llI I Y. f e l t tbat It w as be· gir l had Dlu c h of (' h lll' OI In manner , lUll ()f II II OIIII C" , Tbl~ skIr t "ffr r s "' \\' 111 I t h " :l Il\ntl ~ lltl () '!, n eat h dl g nlly t o go In a hlretl all "l el·ll e ll l m ud " 1 rOr ~ Udl mal('rlll l:; cab or earrla g ., whell she Ill lgbl I,,\\,e :l lld rn('e. ";-;(, wonu r t .l ac k M ar tin l o v ,,~ her." as \'kulla, (' h ('\' iot, seq; ~ nud th~' like; "' \l lI t 1' 111 tlll ,1 thaI I t will go th c the e lcgll tl (' c nr Marll n 's n lu t ol·. 'he f olt! n HlY be or til , u latl' I'l a l 0 1' of 011 ](' 1' WII ), .' Tt. ... r efore sh e ~1TIiI"d Iwr sw el'lcsl lit Ehe thought . " Sh e Is ju st Rwcet. " Lilli e wu s n grent hl'lp t o Gra c e. " II k u f I b e SlIlUe c o l oI'. "' !l0 1l' 1 lO ti IIf·lI,' ,·o it. 1'111 " (>{lIng J nclt !'rt.'lrtln v e ry timp slJ e m et hIm . T h ~ pa t t ent t52~ G I I s (' ut In sl z.' . ~~ t h e sl,::n s In til \ ~ k)' . nt· t my wnr . Det lind WBS r ewartlr. 1 by havI ng him Sh e showed til e ~ llOlietl lJ eau t y t h a l tn :1·1 In (: h e~ wlLls t m easurE'. ~l e tlIIlLll : ""('I! UI.. lnke littl e Ll lli o L ane. who se R ra l ~ht therll were nth e r things In t th e w o rld H e t all you'\,() got . You'lI RIZf\ r equIres 3% yard >! or H Inc b l, alr nnd sall ow skIn gnve bCI' no besld oB udmlra tlon and adu lall oo , UP u sun" win n e r .' • "It WDS J ack Marllll wbo bas lIlade 111:1 t(·rlal. c l aims to l o Yc lll}(,ss. "A nd h e took y o ur nd\'lce. ,lid 111"" As th e da ys weut o n ./n('k !.Inrt In m e see Iho bea uty of doIng my b es t. " " I'k die\. \\' e l1l rl/:ht otr aud m ad e a T o prc)('ll rc t h Is pnU('rn ~f'nc1 JO I ' ~nt s was scen oft c n wI th LillIe L a ne. LIllie c() nfld ed t o ber frIend 0 0 one t l) ".'.Hl er ll Depart me n t," o f t hts pup~r . b,' l withIn on hour." occ asion. " I c au n ever tb an k hIm Y,' rltf! flum e o nd a.ddress pio.ln!}', nr.d bo Grace cou ld not ulld er stan d I t. " An,1 about th e l andslid e?" She 8u r e t o 1:" ' 0 e lze and Dumber of pal tern. nOllgll ." wore pale blu e gowns. and In vender " It landslld c tl th e oth er way . Y 0 8. " It was Jllck l\lnrtlu " ' bo mOll .. me gown~ . nnd pInk ones. and wa s I·om· m y p Rrt y gal hurled t eu f ee t d el' p." pl uccn tly nw.are tlmt her beauty eee It ." Gra ce falt e red . "but u e Isn ·t NO. 5226. "But wh e l' c ,.Id th e sQullre d eal SIZE ..... . .. .. ' .; •..• my fri end ns he Is yours. Lilli e." cOllie In ?" "Why. he I s." NAME , ... , ..... ...... ... .. ... ... .. ......... . UIlle sa ltl. "lie "Oil . I s aw him arllr off on Ihe RtreN thinks yo u are perfec tly 10 I' ely.'· n ext day altd ran t o hIm and han ue,1 TOWN ... . .... . . .......... .. ... . .. . ........ .. o rn ce look ed at bor. be w lld er ell. him 50 ce n ts .'· "Yes, Henry. \,\, p tra " " J d un ' t beli eve he eve r thinks o f Into eTSTREl;:T AND NO ..... ..... . . ..... . ... .. -from over-ea ting. drin)dn~_ " But - hut- " 'ery c orner at th e g l obe ," m e ," " H c·.1 b et that an ,l l os t. It WaR hI s bad liver and const ipatio n I!TATE ..... .......... .. . .. ........ . ........ . " Th e globe Is a Rph erl cal body. " W ell. Ite talk s about you a lot ." uncl e. Th er efore It bas n o ('omers l" n il. 1 r es tored I t to hIm , S 'lUIlrO ,IOlli. many a one, but there's a way c')ut Lilli e s t a t ed . bllt Orace wou ldn't be !illd h e III n happy mnn. :-<0 co mpll . -----~ relieve and cure -ChIp\; . convluc etl , !-'o r so mnn y months she m ents. geu lleme n . I tim built thut quJckly . Take one to-nigh t a.nd CHILD ' S INDIAN SUIT. bad s uffer ed trom his Indltrel' elJce way!" A Tripe Famine . feel ever so much better in the and c rHill'sm that she h ad no van ity " I wont to get two pounds of t.ripe," l eft. nnd- I t was Lillie h e care d fo r . ~ "a id Ihe l ady. enterin g tbe shop. Doling Out KnOWle dge . Tb er eforo . wuen Ulll e cam e to he r :'trs. Chugwa ter- Jos i a h. What \s the " Sorry. m a' a m," r e pli ed th e kl'eper. CuclU'flt a-10a b<>~' . treet· with a rlll g on h e r third finger and ment. All druavlotK . DIIlIl.stA eUer o~lgln of tb o name of M ilwauke e and " but we ha\'(' Il't any tripe today ." III Ibo worid-m Wioo bouu .. moall1. pai d . "I hav e a secr et to t e ll you." wbat does It mean '1 " 1'\0 tri pe? 'Vhy. It's In season. " Crac e fe lt h er b eart grow cold within Mr. C"hugwa t e r - lL ('Qllljls Jrom the :· No. ma·am . the r e'" no tripe .beJng h er. btlt she Ilnswere d ct\l m ly: LntlD word m\1le. mE'anln g a thousan d, sllot just now." " I think I know y o ur sec r et; y ou' re "No tripe b eing shot! Why, wltat· nnd Wau K ee. a C hinama n; ~ lIlwau. goi n g t o bo marrIed ," kee, n tbou su n d C hiname n . 1·bluk yeu It r " you talkIn g about ?" ' ''Uut h ow diu you Know?" LillIe " 1- 1 should say, ma·am. that til e call I'emem ber that? aske d . " I thought no OD e bnd h eard fleh () rie~ comm l sR l on won.·t nlloy.> tripe of It but Ja'c k Marlin." to be:' ca ught now," The Happy Man. "or COllrf\e h e 1mI' ll' It." 6a id Grnce. "I h ea r sb e Is to b e marrIed , Who "Are yo u crazy. m all? I don't wnnt " Y es. " sa Id Ulli e. " I tolu him flr st. Is tho hnppy man?" nab! I wnnt trIpe." b .:: was n. c h u m uf Hob's nt co ll ege. " " Her father. "-Ll pplncot t·s. "We ll. what In tlt under Is tripe. "Bob ?" Grucu's ynl ce ex pressed m a'aLII ?" asto nlsbm ent. "Why- I thought yun "V,' hy- why, I dnn' t know just what Th e most valuabl e f e nture of sucwtwe c nga gE'<1 to Jnc k! " It Is . but If you hav e n't got any I'll try cess Is th e Rtruggle that prel'ede s It. "Oh! you si ll y, Jaclt wns nI c e to Bome otb ('! 1' place." me b ec au se of Dob. anti bpcllu se lI' e bo th p a int. t har's all. '' RIlslnol Ointme nt Cured When Nothing It seemed to Grac e thnt Ib e world KNOWN nIE WORLD OVEa Else Would. t ook all a It ew radIan ce. Perh a ps. oh. pl'rhaps . If Rhe tri ed she migh t ro oko lIla \'e ha<1 a br ealdng out on my hIm like her a littl e. nf!ck every summer with someth ing Tlie n ext morlling sb e s aw him at like Eczema . and nothing e \'er c ured CARTER'S UTTLE UVER PIu.5 tlhe Was OJ Spirit of the Dawn Per· dawn . HIs pi c ture wus almo st fin i sh· I b..,e diocov~ .. great MCmIt untn I U!;ctl Resina! . bow' to wake 100 ba ... la, 10 ..... fail. P....),...,..... c d. a mi 1\8 she callle up t o h im . he sonlfled . W e all Im ow h ow ch lluren l ove to .Bnrbara CIIJ'pl'n ter. Ogden. S . C. .. da)1 In winter; tallu.. bnpo88lb l,,_ ah1..-.ct larel, saiu: "lir f"S :JP" wh (' n playing . For thIs pur· I pro"e It by ....dlng my Bo.,.,.,..f ul wuthod Oil but aad,oo p()s " e L E't n o m FREE co e stum show Of TRIAL Course e It to you," Is more 111,ed than , JOU don" ban to pal UU hloomet l d elicate ly In nil of l hem . y e t She Must. the Imr. 7'>ur bene la,. Send foJ' It 'PO DAY t.o It was jtl~t. a n ex pall se or sea light· th e lutll a!1 costum e , "W h nt tim e doe s t ue tlanc() begin?" Jaclt Martin paid no 1II0re IIttentlo n Illuslra t e de· Stop ...... L. Aile)'. Dcpt 6. New Nildrid . No. "Nin e o·c lock ." to h er Ih an 10 tb e go ld enro d wh Ich c d liP hy the r os lll ess of th e rising sig n \\'hl ch may b ... m ad e a t home of tlllY lI~bt "rown mlltp.l'la l. Buch ns lin · "Tben we mu st be t here at S: 30." grew at tll O modRld e. Site con dud · ~u n. CW<I iodi. "What f or?" " Il ow l ove·l )' It IR." Gra ce sa id. l llg goous, d c nim th e IlkC', Of courso that sh e I1lIl~t mak l' Rome ptlort to pliOD- imp"''''' the cOlDplesioo - briahteD " I musl h ave at l east an hour In suft l y a b o ntl su m e S lllt~llll g bt be mnd e of " Huw b ea utiful ." ~ lV lng him aw n y f l'() 111 h l~ InditTr l·" Il('e. the eJ'll. s...n Pill, s-JI D_, Saa\I,nc., She studl"d his h ahll s. a nd rountl t il n t T he n sh ., looln ' d u p at him . "Y pl " ~lf sldn . uut few chllliren cnn "x p ect tho dress In g room to rearran ge my Tho IJ lo us I s a plain shIrt. 8S unlr.'· 1'0 took I o n,:: 1I'f1 11( R 111 tlt e enl'ly 1lI orn · you Raid th u t b ea uty dl (l n ' t c ount t h I ~ . auatb.l Hho wn In I h e nOla I dl ag mm a nd uuder ing. T h(' IIIJj(·ct. "r Ihp: ,. wltlk s. Lilli e Illudl." It : 11'" lI'orn l ong t.roll se r s. JI~ caRe of pll lll on the lung. TIumlinl Llln .., snili. "' H" Ih " ~Ij( ht " r I IH' S N l Tb e blouHo " I sa Id i ll a \\' um an. " Jnck e()tr ec!' nnd tr o u S '~ " !I Rhould b e trlmm etl with " "' izard O il Ilrt ~ lik~ a lllUl'ltant plu8ter, nt d aw n. II " \\' a ~ p~ I ' " lnl': ,\ p lf'lurf'. ed . (,:( ( 'f'pt 1I1at it iii 1Iia r p. rffect i,-e nnd i9 60 and 11 0 c arr ied II i!' .·aTn f1 ~; t qo l alld 'l'I1N' fl S h e !(J\ ,k etl down nt llcr lIo I'rill/;" o f ~Ilme sort . o r with f eather" I\' Jr1 \ h : iI ui ('pr and clean er to l1!o'C . p 05~ i ble, Hrlght, col ors sh o uld b e u se d "a,,, 1 t o a hl urr that " I" ' I'lollk el! th e 5 pul(.~ with ~G [I\ (' h es itall o n . "Uu t 10 Itlll h ('ac h . n HtrlJt);ng t:ontras t with the Seve~e. yuu l' b('auty du .s l'otlnt. Gr nc e." A rlcp 'Je ael d esign on th e "I d on't Ullnk tlwre Is un bOll est It was no t P :1S. ,. ( 0 1' Gr ace til Re t lip " Oh!" ~ 1 1I! ~ a ld breat.hl essly. ·· tlo m a t·: 1..11. bnlr In his I\ead ." l'il .·>;[ w ill also~e e ffec llve. "' tHl y. b llt fJfl" Ort o b (' r n'lol' tliitg s h(- yOU I'ca lly ·t III Ilk so ' " Than you ever .dreamed possible decorati nll • COSTLY FURS come tram YOUR PART Th l' pattern ( 2~O) Is Cllt In 4 "That's ri g ht. I be li eve h O' d e ven china, burnt·wo od. melal. pillow· tops. etc., h:Ll IIC'u 1'111'1 h ill th ., gray li g h t. Sh" OFTllE COUNTRY . Sblp Ihem tolb. " I kn ow It. " I. e sn ltl . "but IIINO Is to 12 y c ars, M in color~ from photogra phs. Men 6UCCe&'\· lum sI ze r e quires 2 t,(, cheat at cbeck e r s!" \\'o n ' a g-l':IY .' \\,"'I~ I <: r unfl a gr a y Rldl"l , a I.e II' q u ull!)' BEST FUR MARKET IUld RIGHT FUR t n i t of late: )'u u :.c e m yards ful as women . Lcarn.!d at once;, no tale!)l of <H luc lI OUSE. Dy IhlpplnK direct to CS, }IOU m at erhd. wIth 61'aIld arm l n d IJ4'r h f' nd \\.'tl H a " e ll or ~ wC (: l e r n nu l1 eare r t o IO C, " r=celye far brltn PRICES than you hAVCI requircd , Tak es liko wildfire ·everywh cnr. yu rds o f frlug c. rosy chltTnn Worth Its 'Welght In Gold. Rhe \Vos n spirit o r t il ... Sh p. b ad no t h i n g to all s wer 10 Ih u t. Ob1.nIDe'd els ewhere. bccautcWe lell DJRECT Senr1 stamp qui ck foc pralicul nl'9. dawn personi lled. l'ETl'n ":-: io EYI>: MANUFA Sbe came u pon and 11(' w ent Oil 81(1\\'1 .1' . "rol' Il l o ng f' A LVii: crtJIU!KS BtrenRlh~ of IlIOll GRAD& ll " 01<1 C. M..VALlA.NtJ~COl\rPANY. Elkbart,.IDCl. To procu ro this p atte rn ne r.CI 10 {:ents FURS. •I ;" ' k M anlJl silell t ly . I1 IHI a~ Ill' tUlle you f: 1 .' ("· tn ' · ... a ct el'lI U e pa ~ n\t~ nl ." o f thtH paper, eyeR , tunic f~~n' eye !o'lrni n , weak autI wate ry lu~d so far o.\\'uy, y ou c.,·e". D"UItKISLs or 110'"'11 ",1 lIms,. BuJfKlo, WB NERn YOUK FURS. MAKR US " Write nnme Rnd tllrn ed :11,,1 saw h er h e gal''' " s tart ddr o"" platnl y. nncl bo :-<. Y. '~ ""U1erl to think ot' n o th ing but hay· SHIPM ENT. Our PRICR LIST to Otrr • sure t c ~t\'e sJz~ d nUJubcr of p attern. "I' ~lII'Jlrl s p., ASK FOR IT. OurPRICE Sar<NETt o YOU, Il:g a g Oll d t illie. a nti IlYe 10 me ha s " I w n nl, ·d t o ' el' you I' plt- tll r, ·," Rhe u ~c n a se rlotlS thin Cause and Effect. LEOPO LD GASSN ER FUR CO. g. bllt 110 \\' , p ~ lH e ' ' nlet hl ill ""J: nrle!ltly , "He's a poet or passion . Isn't !Ie?" ho w. I fe e l that we havo mure In t:O. 52 40. SIZE .. ...... ... .. "._ UE •• &1I1 .... ~'. ltll' S250 ' M• • York UUJ' car bed at " I l o w did YOll k n ow ] wa H IJrliIlttng c Olll lllun." I "'fes; I've seen hllll fly into one II '.'" 1)(' a~ k e (\ NAME .... ......... . wben hIs verses were returne d." 'l'h " y hud n l ong talk uftel' t h a l , and " I.IlII " I.Hf' ,· t n ld !Il(' , " w l d l !) .I al'l' sa i d lIu thlng of 111 H ' . th C'r ~ TOwN . •.•. ••. ••. •••• EVERY FAMILY INDlvm """"," III .... Wln.lo ... ·w Soothtng ll1ruP. our bDIII ..m. UAILY ana Il is f all ' /11' 11;"1"111.' <1, "Olt . I. il lil ! ~ " II':l lUC()()RU. lIonll 1jtL . A,Ool. S 111111'11 III Ills manne l' of d e fer ence };'Ol" c hlhln-o tcelblnK, 8Oftt' 08 HI e tcUR1 ", r.--ducne. "."Dtl.'<I for ol>4!ola.JUeo. JlWINQ CO.. DI., 0010. he Ru id l 'O I~t' l' ! }' o tlllDlU1U\,on .ull", 8 J)llin. enrull wind wile, :.!bctll""ttJ6, "She paintl-4 hr a utl STREET AND N \lJIIJ of J L·votion. IlI lI'y JI I r- , Jr, L:l Vll rOll se~ll l!(11' ru in Anu 6U il came abollt th a t In lho It's ns easy to pIck up experIe nce u :,';'~~t;t.,",!~ l allJrl't;~ O' o~ THE Ba8T MEO,C I,... ("II IIJer e w erc \1\'0 weddlllg s In ~ t e atl aB It Is to drop money. fo< COUc . .... Co COLD S "~o." r; r ac o answ ("re d col.lly . u f " " " . an d th e .1:.I·k heau t y of Lillie. N. U., CINCiN NATI, NO. 52-1910 . "f'll e Is II \I on et el'." Jack Htated . . ~ 11'1'; <: 11 batl hln SH OIll(.'d and bl oomed In "Som e d ay ~lJe Is ~':Oing 10 h e great. Dlffide~ ce . thu s!.' d ay. ' of lu\'l "s f ulJlllm Pllt. w a s " flow do you like Jour litll'CI son·ln· IIntl w e' lI b,· pro ud I n kn o w hcr," It f l) lI t il t il ., I airn cs s of M () n tlay's law?" "I U(1Jl'l ~ " " fl n)'lhlng vel'Y wonder . C hil d . l ll lt C I·nC' I·'. I'11dla nt 0 11 (1 I'uppy. " I c an't say," relJ ll e~ 1\11'. Cu m ro x, "I ~,ul ab llu t L illi "." Gmco l' e u l~ "k cd , b n d n o tho ll l ;ht of ~ n vy, She was alii DOt e, 'en sufficlen ly woU acquain t· /t ntl 1' 1 () C(·rt:tl n l y 15n ' t Il r r.lty ," g l ad In h <l l ' p all t l i e world lo v e aud I' d wI t h him to proD IUncs hIs name "Ob. bl'a ut y. " J :... lt s hl' lI ~g,: d hl ~ " d lllire l.i II it'. h "t: :J u,e Sb A her self had corrl'c tl y." fihoultl N H. "d oesu ' t CO ll nt 111 11<'1\ In I I", J.; J'(·a[ gift uf tll e l o ve of .Jnck Lhese d ay s. " ;\1 a rt l 11. Grace Iuel k" cl at h im stn rtl ,· t! , That ' \ as n nf.'w j1.( l l1 l t or \' je w. "WllIll dol'" ('ollnt , " s hl' el c nl un d('tI, L aw M .l ke6 Trouble . "Oh. hr " IIl ~ . pr r Sl'ualiiy . c!Ja I'lU ." l\T a r s a ~h llsp lt.s ·p llOW In w ilga itis t ' b e said. I,le ldo g up hIs bru sh !'>!. " 1.11. til(! lI ~e at' gl~ ncrul dl'lnll lng CUllS In lie Lan a has all or theRe. 1 thlllk she publi c p\1,eea h as made a l ot of troul8 oat apprecIa ted lu ou r town, how. i:lle In Dostoo '£ scbools. The school" board hus (ollnd tbat to IlIBtal new "Perbap s n ot." Grace odmltte d, drlokln g devIces to ~ke the place ot relt u Merably . Sue did tbe old cups will ' COlt $11,000, Ilnd It whnt wall the mntter with 8eeB no prospec t of comple. ting .. tl!.e t h at her w~irld wu upside. chlluge before 1. the . . time pupllll ' ' .


I I ::;~'\::~': ::'i''':;~ '::·;r.\·u:l~lt~~·:"~':II,li



\ S3"";111 In n for th e St udy anti I I t !"i l \ ' (' ll t lon Ilr Tllh en'ulos hi. W it hin 1111' I n ~ t t\l'U rellr s th,. nl1l1l · h C'r o r ~ taf e In stitutio n s for tulJerc u· It ''l ,, d ,,,"oI r· d . nnd th tl 1111mb.·,. or "PIII " ), 1111 11 1Il1ll1kl p,, 1 lu s tlt \II IIln ~ hll R I II It 'n 'Il ·'. ' <I IrOll 1 nllo ,,' :lll to SUo T it ,· I Iltt"nti ll l; anti nl ll' i ~r' \'Otl ",ltul t o ,10. 1011 are ltlll l (' r ]10 obligat ions to 1" :\II!'tldlf \ Jr,' ~ llf pUblic lIi01H' Y fo l' t li C' 1111'11 1. It \yiJl n ol l'os t )'Otl n 1'('un;·, only t ho postage stamp you put all l 'I"· :lIII I.' n l o r lulJ"I'Cl llosIH 111M!) tw s , H l ur It·t t e l'. I I""I' \' 111: 111 L1 o "IJl c·<l . ~ot I /'s ~ Ihan I . All 1'0 ll H Iltat ions ore held ~tric tly co n fl J cll1 inl. S;I."" n,nl'" or ", at P 111011l' Y wa u nppro 1 :\ tl d n'~~ ~1 t1!W OII 's ])0 · t or~. MUIJ yon'lI Labomf o ri ('~ , f>3J & J,~lJ rsoll 1" " " 1.' <1 r,", lllh" l'c "I"Rl s In ~ tI ( \lt In ~ . . . t . 1'1 T ! 'I ,i' P ,)\" " . $'; 1111 ,011 11 III 19 1U. II'lll'n ullJn" nly II • 11t \ '. II I IIU, 11.

nllu I'rps('II t1y Gri ll " sul d : " Pe r b " plI I ll lld ", ·It er 1' 0 awa y ; y ou 're llll sy." ·· p .. ,-i1 ups ~' lli l lUll!, " w ns I ll~ dis l.'III I I': \gl ll g


st a l ., ~t\ nutorla. 2S "ol1n t y " OI,p ll:d ~ lind 2 1 ltlunklp a l h o~p l Ul l s 1(11' ( u bi rn d n s ht h av e lH\t:~ n ,' r ee te d alld P I''' ' 1(\ , ' <1 ru r ti ln r ' Jnnullr y 1.

" " lIid

II t1 I"


"''' '''''11

By TEM PLE BAIL EY ,,~ \ ,' r y hl .UY had s l loi h 'd G r rl('(l. I,ad ll.·.·u s li c h II Ilrp t , y II tl l e o' n llf \\ hat c Old d y ou p , I'(\( ' \ ," II, ')"


NUmber of State Instltut, on . Dou b le During the Pa st Two Years.

d~I~"~ ~I.',',: : CLAI MS

.tI ,


T - h-e--F-a-r-m-e-r-'-s-S-on--'-sGreat 0....,.......,.•








Do vv n

in the dUD lPS


- Cascarets


SeIf·reliant men shave with the

Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief-.PermueDl



' ' 'e










Rich and Costly Furs




'n .

e l~T~A~~

I tbompl.n'. EJ' W.tlr








PUblished WIKlkl,. at the Ouett.e Onlceln the Rates of Subscription. Allen BuJldlll8, Main St., Wayne-ville, Ublo. One Year (Itrldly In advance), . .. .. . . " . 00 . !:lIngle Oopy ... . .... .. • . . .•..... , . . . . .Ol

- - --


Rate8 of Advertising Readtng Local•. Jl8r line .... . .. .. . .... .



D, L. Crane, Editor and Manager.

Cl&.IIftI1led A.... no' to live lIoell Three lo..,rtlonl . . .. . .. .... . . . 31!c ])llpla, Advertlallllr, per incb ....... .. . IOC DLIIcounti IIvlJI 011 conlra.ct.

MARCH 25, 1914.



1. Do no' d .. troy local boarde of In 'hill prodlpllan4, ..wdnlt bal education or &a"e away from 'hem for a 100& time bE.n raearde4 .. • liogle .1u'y 01 PUWBr. wel$e. IS . .laUowed ~ floatdo"n 2. Do not oompel oen traUz", &lon ~ Sbe rlverl, or to pUe up In unltah'ly or OODIOlld.'ion. mound. A' found a 8.1d of Ul8f .lIDe.. In loe hoaael and 3, Do nJ' tnoreaae ahe 0011' of I'ables. Tbe reoea' IUODeH of a maintain In, 80hool. Dammor. chlml,' tn perfeo&lnl" -&. Do not give 'he ltat. depar'- prOO8lll by wblob Ilhlmllla"nK P. meD' aby added over ooooty Clan be macle obeaply from IftwdUll and local ao'borttiee. II, however, oaly olle reaBOD why 5. Do not oompel medical In lOieaoe II be,taniag to hold Iftwdalt SlJ8O'iOD. In more reepee.. la AnlCrta 'Jaey mix tar .Un U, aad make fael THII:8E LAW~ brtqaettll of n. Oae AU8srtln fac'ory precia08. levea mUlloD bll. 1. Do provide for .tate aid for qoe'tes a year. 10 GermaDY Uley eupervllton amouo'io, to '35~.000 mix rye floor wUb is. and out of 'be per year, oomblnl'ion bake a kind of bread 2, Do aule' tbe Uttle red lohool thl' human beings as well as honea booae to regain U. powflr by .nnnal ea~. Oae German bakery 'nrn8 00' paymenu '0 eaoh of 825, In addition twen'y 'hoDlaad loaV88 a day. In to all :J'her payman". on ooOOI\lon i'ranoe they edrlo' d,el from U. that 'be bulldiogl 1041 preml. . are -Youth'. CompaoioD, kept ID saolear, oondl&loD .od tbaa • an emoteo' te.oher II employed. BOOZE BUSINESS IN A PANIC S. Do encourage oonlOl1da'lon where 'bll II praoSloable and de AooordlDII , I 'he In'eroal rennae Irable, by Ita\e Iud ~moua"n~ Bpo ooUeotor of 'he Clnolnnatt dl.&not '25 per teaoher. la ,be produotioD of beer fell off 37,000 prOximately addUioQ &0 an oCher paymen'l, barrell in JanDary 'bll year oom ,. Do provide for tbe 'rainiol of pare:! .itb Jaao.ry 1915, whUe lor rural aad villl'Ke teaobeJ"l in raral 'he lame period 'here W.. I a deoreue aDd village 'r.lalng oourl8l In nery of 100,000 plloal of .blaky. Now oouncy~ 'he Is.te a' an aDDaal ex.. 000181 th. ooUec&or'l report for peue 'o'be ... te ·of .. &lea.U1711,000 I'ebru.ry Ibowlnr a decrea.. of 5. Do Inoreaee .remeadouilly '0.000 harrell of beer compared with lI . .te aid &0 weak IOhflOI III.ulota by tbe produo'ien for tbe oorrelpond allowlog 'hem .ISboot fodel'ia, Ing moo,b 1.., y.r, and. famaS s .... aid pay elementarJ tMoherl off of 7C1,OOO lall on. of wblaty. al muob .. '50 per montb aod hlgb Doell ta not In.d loat. 'baa now tl sohool seach)fl $70 per monCh. a ml,hay .ood tim. to ,et oa'.f Ule boQze bOllneul' II. Do .nRrantee a ...vlnjf to sohool diltrlota of a bon' f480, 000 '!'!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ per ,ear bJ reqatring the payment of laterel' oa depoeltl of aU IOhool State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ! ss funda aad aboll,hlDIr th! oftloe of Lucu County, \. treunre of boardl of edWlltloa . ~rank }. Checey maw oath that he is • senIor partner of the finnof F. J. Cheney 7. Po&. "Areraiom on atsendaDOI lit Co., doinl businll8 in the City of To. a' I.~bool by Plying eaob dill' rio' lecIo, County and State aforesaid, aod from the H..te Com.on HebooJ that said firm will pay the sum of ONE Fund Iso per teacher aDd dhiding HUNDRED I DOLLARS ror each and 'be of tbe fond aooordlni to everv case of Catarrh that cannot be ,be nen,. a,seadaaOl and TlOC cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH , CURE· aooordiag to the nomber of ohildrea . FRANK J. CHEN BY beCW88D CI .od 21 wbetber 'bey a' Swomitolbefore me aDd aubscribed in ..Dd 101&901 or not.-i'rom 'be omoe my pl1!SeDCe, this 6th day of December, of tbe B&ate SoperlDtendeat of Pub A. D. 1886. 110 Jnl'ruc'lon, Colombal, Ohio. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. • Ball'rea.. rrb Care Ia &aken In.






[===!~~~~b~:~~~~~===I Hutcbl'SO'fl II Gibney ,



A free for r~ll daaGe w... al vea here Saturday night. The a"eudanoe w.. larR8 and a Iplendld ,ood 'lme was had. The oae behind 'he ,un tnows how to oondoo' an enter"ln.ent 10 every one presea' will hu. An enjoyable 'Ime. Onr roadl are getUog In ,ood .bape ,nd Ule tranl Is alm08' doubled and bulne.. II ImprovlnK and we are aU leeltnl muah beD&· 1h&a;cl b, Ule few nioe daYI . BeY. Gina 81led the piliP" at the M. Iil obnroh here Hunday . The old An'nm l&ore room II lOon be beauUtled with paint. TWI t. an old land mart, back ia 'he 881'8n'iee It w.. Jaeadqu.rsers for .n klnd8 of merohandlae, borl, oa"le and honea were bougb' and .old. Anule,n Antrem, 01 Findley t. only oae of 'be firm that Is IIvlnl, hll fa'ber and bro.her bav· In, been oallrd home leveral yearl a,o. Mre. Charles Baines and dangh· ter, of Wilmington, v181ted Mr. and Mrs. Adllm Campbell Sunday. Tbe .iok In thte vlolnity ate no' Improving al fait a. tbeir friendl wo Jld ute to bave tbem. Mr. A. T. Meier, one of our en $erprlelag botcbers, 18 running his wagon .nd bl8 trade ie larger ,haD a' aay Slme in the put durlnlJ thll &l me in the year. Tboe. Romine, a weU known InlB. ber buyer Ie frequeotly MeO In thle oommunUy and Dever falb leeve a roodly amount ot money IDd he II .elooma. hom tbe report. from off abe Wirel... we are loon &0 be on a 'runt Une .here all thron,h tralnl from CinolDaa'l to ColumbOll will tnvel o~er 'bla roote and thle wlll be 'be oDly place Uley ",m stop betw.... the two oUl... We hue Men a lood ,. hU. reUlng " but U will be ,ood wbea " doel oome.

'l'be tntan' Ion of IIr. and "rl. Elmer Boyle, loutb )f town, WIUI. burled ", I4t. Zion lal' MODda,. Mn, Varollne Barne" hal moved to 8prtnll Valley. J , p. RaaaeT hal purohased tbe Duffy farm louth of town. rbs Sunday Bohool olaal of 'he II. E. ohuroh wall entertained at tbe bome of lIisl Jessie Gibbon. I.. , '!'huraday evealng, Mra. Wm. Glu ...r ia very til. Wm. t!~lr.lth Dlovtld (rom Spr;plI: Valley t() Mre. aayoee property oa W. J'raDkUu ItT" .. ~ t , II",. H"rry TurDer hill' beol)me poe'·mtst reee for a term )f four 1ean. IIrl. Chall. Brl"1810rd vlelted her brother H.rry Weaver and wife • 01 Day&Oa, 11UI' Thursday. Elmer Brebm and brother8, of D&7too, vllliled in W.YD88vllle I ..t Handay. A box lIoolsl was given at Olem mer IObo <>1 hOlllle la8t Friday nigh"





Sprin, Blood and Syltem Cleanser Durin, the wln..r mon'ha Im_ parUI. lOOalOol.te, your blood beoilm.. Impure and 'hiok, your kidne,.., liver Ind bowela fall to wort, caDllDI 10 called "I:!prtng fever." You feel Ured • •eak and "zy. Elecs,lo Bi'&ere-&be eprlng &onlo .ad Iyl"m ol.naer-II wh.t 'l oa niled i 'bey e'lmal.te 'hI kldDeYI, 11 ver .Dd bowell heal&hy actloD, expel blood Im~urm.. and , ..'ore yoar baal'h. a&reD"h and ambttton. Electrto Btaten mail.. lOU r.el Jlke ..... ~. foar weab' 'rea'm.nt-It will put you to 8ae abape for your Ipring .ort. Gur..."". All Drllllrl8ta. 500 and .1.00. U. E. Bucklen & Co. Phil adelpbta or H&. Loula.


Your Opportunity


1000 Extra Fine


Inll.nloul Excu ... Rather Celebrated Author (to boo)" HU.r'S IILleBmao)-"Look here I I ...,o't see my book dt.played on your .lbelvel." Saleeman-"No. sir. We ha4 a pile of them ),esterday, Ilr. but th.y drew ncll a mob we ha4 to call 111 the police,. air, and the bull diD' taIpector h&& notlned UI to take DO more ehaIlcel. Borr)" IIr."-Life.

Beware of oonstlpatlon. Use Dr. Klag's New Life P1lI8 and keep well . Mn. Cbl,r lee.E. Hmhh, of Wee Franklin, Me , caUl 'hem "Our fam. Ily laxative." Nothing better for adul$8 or aged . Ge' 'bem today 250, All Druggists or by mall. H, E Booklen & Co. Pblladelpbia St. Louis.

.- .

"ull. for AvoidinG Indlll.ation.

CheW' your food, Quit overeatl~, quit wasblng the food Into the ltomaoh with lIQuills, (Jult eatio, the wran. comblJmtlooll of food. Fermentation III Dot d"ellt'ion, fermentaUon caUl.. Wh~lDlIYer


you hav. ,.. Y01&

Imow that )'our dle_Uon la not aoocL -Dr. Oavlli1 H. Ree4er, Chicqo.


RecommelluJa ChlmberlaJll'. COUlb R.emedy

"I take pleuore In recommending Ohamberll"tn's Cough Remedy '0 my O1I8'om c re beoaul8 1 have oon fideDoe.l0 U. 1 8Dd aha' cheyare pleased wl,tb It aDd can for it wben apln tn Deed of laoh a medlolne, I f wrt... J. W . 8e:uon. MonteYanO, Mo. ~or lIIale by .n dealen,

. . ~

: : ( lJ r

AUGUST 1913 •• ••

Public Salea 1 ,nil o~er for _Ie ., my reel. 1Y. 0111.1 Dortb of Waym8lo vme on O«,Ubrook .nd W.yneaviUe road on ~enc~


March 31, 1914

OOlOmelliolDI at 10 :00 o'oloolt &bt'l following proper'y: 3 hor8ell, 10 oanle,.8' bOP. f.rming Implemeny, haroNl. bl, btUl for terml. N, S, A1lI&tD Tom Dllll Anet, KOD' 1I0DI1&, Clerk.


The followln, property will be .old oa Ule N. 8 Rloh farDa, :. mUee southw(,lIt of h.,...e18bnrl OD the Barveyebarl aDd Lebtuloo pike 00

Saturday, Man:b


From home-grown Timber

W;H. ,Maddon &CO~,

•• •

ter Sale the put weeks, and will continue the offering of many bargains~

Blankets Blanket. • Factory Wool Factory Wool Comforts •

SOc up $2.95 to 4.00 $4.00 to 5.00 • $1.00 up

• •

Rugs Crex 8xlO' • $7.00 • • Matting•• • $3.00 to 3.50 Tapestry • $10.50 up • • Axminster • $21.00 to $25.00 Velvet • • • $16.75 up Bath Room Rugs . . • 65e up M~tt~., our own imported Chinese .and Japanese • • 121c up Lace Curtaina, lood bargaina SOc up Linoleum and Oil Clotli, all widths

.and aizes.




• $3.45up

• •

Dieuing Sac," Suits and ,Coat., $25




S9cup • SO and 7ge up 39cup • •




Notary Public:

.' ••• DENTIST••• ~W.YDesvllle.




AU tladttt of Notary Work, PeDaloD Work a tJpeot.lty,


""'!!!!!I!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!I!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~

New Car Load of Fence •. :::;;>

OUR NEW CAR LOAD of the celebrated

Cambria Steel and Wire CO.'sfence See our all No.9 Wire Fence. Give it a trial The fence ia right



Have had a wondeJful Midwill-

BetrillnlDK.t 10:00 o'olock. 2 Olftee·.. hora.,7 hop. mtioellan . nil "r&i~lel N...... BIIIk BJq•

Ir billi for hotll8hold IOoda. dee &erma. To tbe HOUIewlfe !'be hetH of N, B. R lIadam, if your hOllband Ia Uke Wal,*,lAcy, Aaot. moat men he Upeotl yoo to look I'raoJl..Barkoot, Cluk. after abe health of youJ"l8U and ohlldreD. Coa,bl aDd colda are the AII"poe. IDOl' oommOn of the minor .UmeDt. TIle millonary ha4 ju.t I duced tll. and are moe' likely '0 lead &0 eerlona 1'IJillJand iJltdlea to dleeard thon cit....... A obild 18 muoh more ful rillS. Ule,. wear In t elr 00. . . . ~ oontrao' dtphUlerta or ''We"to linK IOmethl appropri1.lIOarl~a' fe'., when It hu a oold, ate:' ... 1~liI to hla aul8 t. "Ho" 10U Inqnlre ID'O the merlte of the about 'Rlol: Out, Wild t' anvarloOll remediea ,hat are reoom 1wwe4 the laUer. mendlld for ooqh. aDd oo1dl, y(\U .111 ODd that'l OOQlh Remedy I&liDda blgb 10 Ule 8II&1ma &lOD of people who 0118 It. 11 II prompt and effeclual, pl....n$ aad .ate to take••blob are qualltl.. 81 peoi.ny &0 be deelred .hen • mad· tolne " Inteade4 for ohUdren, I'or _Ie by all dealel'll.

Tbe mea who 'btnb he OlD make hill fum p.y atmply by dotDI .. bil f.'ller .... bIa.nlldf.'berc1id before him, . . . . . . to wake ap to the 1..." of sbe "baa beeu" bOQluJal b7 til. black of mlMed oppottualttee .bence ,ben II DO mum. Be,.... $QID toward the 11m 01 pqr_ befon I, " '00 late. Bowc1o ycna . . .an;rou .hare u oompare.s .i.. ·• feu &lOr t1ie as.. of ,oar IIaDJr the .DID.... J01I ba. . WOO. wIdIi .w)edp :=:l~5~~ . ..... 1deaII ~






---_....--Best Family Laxative


Best Treatment for CooltlpaUon ~~=ll:"~O~':aC:u:I=:!o.!~~ ::: Corwin. "-l IydaagbwrUBed Cha aberl.ta'i a,ltam. Send for tel'tmonlall; free. Tabl." for oonl'lpa'toh .Ub KJOd i'. J. Cheney & ('.0., Toledo, O. relalt. .Dd loaD recommend thflm Rold by.1I Drqgil's, 750. MI.. Dora 8t1... and D1aoe .ere blably. writ811 Paul B. Babin, Take a.ll'. '.I011y PUll for 000. 10 Xlnta abopplDll .., Thunday. Bruehly, La. I'or ...le by aU d_larl. s"PlSlon. Rev. .rput, of Ban.,lbur.. , " . . . . peR of Joh. Zell ...d wife I Sa'urday. Ki..'b Chandler wu • reoea,;'p eelof BeDrle".IIeItuey. Mn~' Viola Harlan . . . called to Dayklll lIeDd.rOD &OOODD' of 'be 1I)D. . 'of one·.f b.r relattv... lin. L. lIendenball . . . vilUIn, ID DaJ$On 0 •• ~y 1.., .eek, . lin:' <'-'brietl. lIoKillM;r lpeat a fe. __ .... week wltb her daugh. Mr ..... liarl BwaID DIU Ridge. vUle. II"'· ID"" Vavt •• of 1'1.. Point, lpeD' ... week eod wlab her mother. Kill Ret.. Wlle&l81 aDd Mre. lIaDde. . . .: of 8prlD, Valley.L..were hndayaa.,." of Kn. U . H. whet. • eI .nd famll;r. -TO GET-



Nntq. PlII'bpe if til. latter 1nnII4a'L

The prices are right I:ItCiIDIIJqb

and Uver

WebRer, N. Y. ued Chamberdieorden of 'he .'101I1lAC1II .,..... "u,.,.... off and ou lor 'he It dorde me I baTe found


Rogers &; Son




TO CHRiSTIAN LIfE [ FARMERS GAIN MUCH BY USING CONCRETE} WHAT SID DID , - - - - - - -- FOR THIS WOMAN Words of the Savior Were " Follow Thou Me;" No Thought of Creed or Preparation.

The Prlct) She Paid for Lydia LPinkham'sV cgetableCr>m. pound Which Broug~t Good Health.

N o\\' . w h"11 wo aa), lb il l (' hr itillilll lly I 16


thnt .

..... :


wh o lit(lr

An ~bu"dance of good vegelables throu gho ut Ihe seas on results from garden


Will Mean Economy of Time, Labor and Money When Act· ual Work Be~#ns - Large Number of Varieties of Vegetabl&s Require Drawing Plans for Profitable Crop


(' rll l ~ ll.

pt ' r ~on

W t'


1!I(' au ;




w .



I 1

I i



ing good health




y ourrcm ediu3. ple8.3uremwll'" fine milk hou • ., made of cOllc r ete- mrrs , w ho tl eve not st ud.ed the l ing t:'Iy fri ends nnd neighbors about sul)ject of co n crele con struct,on will 00 well to 13ke ,t up . th cm."- Mr.<. MATT ! I : H .\.LEY, 50 1 Col. I, 'P hon" Strcot. Danv ille, Va. 1·1t.· , ,· ar .· '''"11) ;.(ou d r ,'.IM.II " rul' 1 1... 1' " dl "". ,,,I':t' .·d tn ~ ' J\' 1':"""11: No woman Buffering from sny f urm I ll., li S . ' lit ,'011" 11'1.. " " II", fU 1'1l! Th" [t " ' " of r" nlsle houbles should loso bopll uo.l esl ru PIIOII of ~l l oB b.\ Iwul'Y \ Inu ~ 1'''l'ltI .·.., 11 1'1' Ita l" > 110' ,,,,,IIt ·d Ilw ' til uh s bas given Lydia E. Pinkham'. ' JlIiJ uP"n u .o ur(',· 01 cO Il :il d el abl p losil 1.'UI1 J" (' 1 IIr ,·UllcrN. · "oll s' ru \' III ," , will Veget{lblo Compound a fair trial :11 th e hlHt m Olll h ~ Th.> WIJO d ,, " ti l) \1' ,·11 l u la l,,' il liP III 11I(I ~t 1':t~"H Th is famous remedy, the m edicinal d ll" cu nn ol l it 111\ ,,"1I1r.· uf t1 till(,; ti hu lit,· Ill al"r !:o! lIi ll lit' ('h'.'il P I' I' a~l(II::lU(: , I :,gr c dients ot which aru derived a M ~a f., ~" . II'"1 hu ll l \\', I h (·o l\l·r. 'l e I I,.,. Ihun IIlIlIl)l'l' II I ~ tlr hl\!h I,~I~_ frort:! n&tive r oots and herbs. hu~ tor Fa r lllt'rR UI'< ' In II H"II." COIIII)l' II . ·(] to I l llr "a il'''. " all') tlllnr,. 1I. ll k ho u ..• R . f orty years prol'ed to b\J 11 most valull1I11" '8tlgal " lh\'; tl lllljl·cl. I rO Il!\ h. al,d "1t' 1"' , a s \\, (· 11 u,. lur g"11 ble tonic and invigorator of the fe:-i:"rel y. 1"' on')IIl ) ulld u ill il) nr. · lIlt' " I'al :lI" " III,'('IlI ln l lI ork_ I male organism. W om cn everywhPr8 jl rin ll' (·(JII~I,!t- r:l1 io ll ~. ~:HI 1>11 all ur \\·h." r •. .'1,, · r~'rl~I',r I" "I,t. · 10 HlIl ~).~ It?uTwillingt('.st:mon:,:tothll ,wondc':'ul I hl''' ' I",IIII ~ Ih,.), a "" tl nrllll ~ Ih"1I1 '" •. ' .II 'U ,tI ,,1 ~ r.l ' flllllh llll l IIIIIC It . 1 I'lrlue oC Lydltl E. £'m!,hllm sVcg l l.a!1f'1 ' f'S f; altll'r. frolll lh " U' " <If ('011 , P" ''''. a·,,1 I". ~. '.1'11" III .1.~ · rlll.'. It~ lhe b.'e Compo und. (' 1'''1 " ill ~i lo'l'OIl ~tru l' ll u !t 1~ lhl r III ' OIlH II IJ(lto n , III .It 1 11 . 1 to If '0 h[l.\·e t he s1ig-htest doubt "\\'ill b(' "' :dlll' rI ' ill t rl! lh Ihat 1101 I , UI"' t'I' " " I I . 'h ,' (lullay fur nn ,\' gln'l: I lb t~I 1,1 , 10' Pini ' IHtlll'~ Vo'''cta.11 •• , . , . ·(·,' III. \\\11 'k " .ill Ire lllliT U. JlI"ollllil\\'llIlu'lpvnu .. all w()"d"n s il,,~ aI'" bl(lll ll dOIl'II . I)tlt , pl. ' J .l'' bl ' I.. ~t\ bl'C writ.e I I II lall I, IIU II I(J III ' , i' IUIItIJf'r II ,' r l'.1I'~ I'd t . CLy(tlaE OIU • , SII '"lllly III' l iT"llI 111'1 ' I I IU ~ l/'''tJ'O)l'l Plnldnm:\letllcineCo, . t . t! •• tl't «'onfld"ntlal)l.)'nll,!\lass.,forad0 . • thHI farllw r s a 1'1' fl UI II, g ... ·al 1I11110Y' Tt , .. IJlllltt. ,-11•." I II r ('Pllt l ' nl "!". -qulI' . ~ II C(' ~lI t.I IIl,H, I 'tHl cr "tt' ~ll'lI(·tltre" ' Hll:t 1. :1'.1'1' I' .. m of l'~IJ/' Io ~'. Ih')ug t , 'icc. Yourltlttt'rwillbeopentltl, :\1',' tl, ll Ch " "[I'r , 1111 1\ ill Ih(' Ion!; r un ! r, :l II j' ".'r ll' 10 th l lll< o. r{,IUlltllfl f\lI!qvp.r~(l by Il WORlan an' IIJIlI' . ' <'< 'unomleul 'Ih r- ~"t'tI\" 1' al , o ~alll s 111 dtt , 11111.1 nUll hot(l iD f'tri{'t cODfidence. T he uri~ll\n: Po,1 i ~ ahuul lilt' "allll~ I II'" tit Illsurall t'I' IlS Ill' ~I" ' ~ Inl' \\[l J(1 _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"!! u~ for \l uull. If till; fn r ll l,' r .1_ ahl. 10 II ,,·it :, hi , I'Xp"rlt,H' nlti III ' ·llt<rl' t <· Call T!l e ~"(' rl'l or gelli ng u b " 'lr !ng I. do II". wo r k with hi s !'I'gular force. ' 11'\J<·t ill ll . T hi K i~ al'l il , .;J' . ~I :'lIt (,OI~ . ~ h a l -in ll l illl .. t o 80';'. Wh (' 11 Ih, ' d u rability alltl II'Hijpn t: d , Hi J\"rillloli , :t:1l1 .11t, ,,,litK lWl h ,·()~lt f'lIl rl . l,s an' 1'0Il sl tl"r "(1, it i, ~t'n , t hat lill' : allil ~1I1' .'I ), I" S' U I' :; all llg !IlU Il") . 1.1'1 111 ,1 hJl' ~ I> . . . . on .. 5OIULI.) IJ . _\f (1I.11 ('oll (' rf'\(' clI lI, t r u cll oll .IS " "o nUlIl I 1';\ I I II I' e It"<1.11 T l J" ' I ' 'cr"IJJ.' ' or I hl' l u n" b(' r \l' \Ip lv. I .il It IJlli Bu)' tl. ( cu", 6 ..11 UI". , LUI! IJl u. 11101. ~IIl\ OE I all r lr(, 1 ' lIII1 RtullCPR. It·(~ l " ' ~l l\l l'd '1 11 1I ad v:' ncf' 01 . v. .\ 8 for IIii' I;.'n ll ~al ulillty, :lfl t'I' Ih.. p~il" '"' ~ ( l ,ha l IIII' !,:l'U \I '"g ':OHt U His Way . > uullllll'"~ h", s. I,<'('U111' ('O nfi trU l' lll'll I~ III'. t Il .' r .. I H 110 ('g" 1'c· . . , a s<'I'II) ">' l.roL " Thai ! ul'ld' } hea t lhe racor<1 .. (' iul dlrfco l·enc". Th e "9ncl"tl' si lo I ~ I, IJI 0 11 Ih ,' ra nu " I It I;; 411" ,1 lin [1\\11 ) "\.Il tJ he 110 \I with n whlp ? " - lIai!~ ' r ,III U(' .. L'('I",ltI.\' ' " 11(11111' I! [,1. " " I \( sanl.l,ary. nll. 1 prt'uen ." " ...II I.e f II (II ( e moru AIIJ{' rican . c. !ln t\sfacln r~ 11':1)' . I hl~ fuct h :l~ U,.' uf CP'H'I',-' I " ~~ ~~, ( '1''''' '1''''' 011 ,'fi ll ' PO ltIony ."n'll" .Ii ... <: ,.-I"", II1. 1t',,"u .. 'h""(HI~hl.v t)o<: 'or . I'••i"'nl P"llol • . 1'lIrell One ..uybUlla, tllll'" 1'''1 I'ill h'lI'l h' . ,\t!\,.











m en who, as .J osus thought

I '


SAVES MUCo. TIME , · . . , n


<.',. ____

Surprised by God's Fallhfulnese, AmAzement and shanw are ofI en among the t'motlo n ·e xperl~nees of eVC'D th e mature Chrlst lall- ama7.0melll be(;IlUSO or wonderfully answ ered pray er

'. \

untllhc kept promlscs or ollr Heal'lmly Father, nntl ~ hnm e b eCllUSQ of thIn h I amaze m ent. Aga in and again t c g 0 rlous surprlNes come. th at ought not . to l!urprl8P tiS as reveallngs ot God 's lov e. and ug!Jin and again the sham's G d h t h i becau6 e of thc doubt ot 0 t a e Ped to mn k Ihe blessing somew hat un· " < expected . Some of us nrc fur . more ready to I\co ept, . w l lhout wonder. a sending Ihat W e ('all a trial . than we . a nre to r eC('II!e, w Ithout arnnzemp.nt ." gift that more Ihan fulfill!! .a. long






dlf·rl shf'lI dculre. nul God would haY6 o s cuunt upc.n him to do more th lw we ('all asl; or t blnk . Our eu~rlse wh cn w {' get pers()nal evidence ll1l\t God is :IS 1""1(1 liS h i s wo rd cornea ~rqm.doubl.ll Ihat r eallv make It hard er th~n It 10 1;(' Cor God to f ulfill pur· "OH"'~ fur us and through UH '.,\\ ~,a! c.v('I';' n ltl' or I!S b e set free from tho , sh nmc of sl~rprise at God's : ralthful· I I,, 'sa: - ~lIndllY School Times.




or Ill<' /o:uruen shou ld be ·consld· : .,red . Tbe so il Is proh.u bly Ib e most · Important of Ih ese POIt/cs and ' abQuld be given tlrsl Ihought. 'I'he ' Ideal garden soli is a Handy loani and I und erlaid wllh 1\ poreU8 SUbsoil. Th l. · bl I f I ('om nat on urn I S IleB tie proper ph y • Ical make·up and Ihe nec£' ssllry drain · age. Home crops urI' 1I10re parti c ular ! In th el!' Boll requiremen t. tbun .others, ; bul a sandy loalll . or. III some caRC S. a duy luam. intelligenlly managed. will i produ ce s<l Ilsfaclory rcsults. I When po ss ilJle. a south en\ or south- I f'aBI Prn Rlope should be chosen. Thi s . will p..r llli t eurller planllng lind give ear II er c rojJs . ,St Poe/> I 110 d I S nD t .t 0 be




Rdl' ls ed garden er01)8. as the cost or producUon Is 100 L r ea t. A location conl'elJl E' nt to II water Bupp ly Is an adl'iln lage" ' The slle c hosen will also dppend on th tl Size Slid sb"pe ot th,e.ogarden. The IIlze w i ll \'nr)', of cou"e. ivtth Ihe num· ber of MOpie fo b'e (tid. tbelr Indl· "ldulll tastes. the amount and variety produce, the tlUle that can be spent


Seeking a Religion? I In Ihi! l\' evr Patriotism we are heing. a nd sucb wnrm weath er cro ps ". glnnllll'; tn rer.ognlze at last that "ma.n need. I' ll for devp lopmen l a 10ngE'r ('nnllot \iI' " b, · bread alone. but by e vI .. procee d e th out oC the perlo d of h at weUI h er Ihun SUlllm er ery worll~ Ita., Huppl ie5_ Th e torm er are Blarted' ond m oulh M (;Otl." We realize that It tran.planl ed as early In the ~prillg a s , 'Would nOI be : mftlclent to give, .by Ie· posHible; Ih e Inlter ure Iteld undel I gal d p~ re .. , fO~ alld warmth and cer· . g I :rs" unl II weal h er .u mICIPntiy WRrln ta I n mal pl' I II I I l xurI os t a our cold and



I's at hand . starving hl';)1 ers; that dl:scontent Pracli cally all I'egetahl(> are and are not to 1.'e. oversomewtHlt different ant'! ma~' bf' mOTe POIll P. h)' tl i" Of what slgnlo r less in.lstent In tb"ir lI (, tnand" fOI were th e yearning warmlh ;;nd rnolRtlire . so Ihat wh plI elements of'tbe Tt a• t\\' ell.IJ or Ihirty k lnlls are groWing ill literature. scIence. a singl e ga rden, It IB not 10 bl' WOII· ha'fe tbelr place der ed at Ihal some do not tlo liS w('1 1 we bot SeeK' 8S oll>ers. Experience ulan .. ca n l ell "The Mod· the fa rm er , jUst WillI t \\'ould bp I n· ern l2uI' NI ror u ," by Winston clu(t~d In hiS planting nnd what l'll ch Chur"' l lil III Ih e in the way lit cultivation . tlli t nlioll and othpr care. ... 'ulo n Sch POl'll.. B . B. C RUf CI'SHA:-IK . I "\1\111" mlslloDllry ('o llege. of Agriculture. Ohio Sl ate l in l'" r RIII . •·.LI there are Unlverslly. • lin\\, lit " ' nut 1.000 • bOYB and --gi rl s allpIldlns: the ' 'ml& 'Phe garden needs- plenty ot m lllture< ' slon BC1100{s In Persia. as ~egetabl('s grow Quickl y lind neel Is twice Il!t many a8 plent} (Ii' plant. tood' lhat 15 eoslly II.vaU I these schools nve . able. . ' . _ r numblir i Jven , 700 •• ~ •





r~r I




.- - ....{.----



_.___ _ ___

~'II ': "



Keep the House Rid of Mite s

Where Fertiliier Is Scattered th e)' were ,m AII of actloll for Ihe p.Iner. , Thinly Fertility Js Take!) U'p !:e~~~ th e Muster Is willing that hi~ I Readily by . Plants~· ·

chllr .. h .. halt sta nd thp lest to which h e l e av c~ fimlerman, apostle. y ounl\ n o bl emnn onll 1'I' I,,'ntallt ~I lln er. It Is tbe same t esl for klngR aile! cmp('rors Rnd fish ermen. for pr.ea('hers llnd bluck Rml lh R. for arti sts ant! dr('ss· mak er s- Ihat simple test of thl A Ile~ and vIn es and fig·trees·. All of Ihem. tbe emper or lik e litE' blacksmith. shall be judged hy Ih .. lr rrults. Thp flshlng n et and the church wtll be judged hy what they do. The j d I rr I I I.doctrin e will be u gel )y I I e I A. The life will "ot be jllllgpti by the • d doctrlne. - Frolll a sermon by Ehwar Everott 11 ale.

, '. ,.It·","·



had pluck and energy enough for t h e posilion 10 whleh h e wa s to appo lnl th em : w ho had rollowed SO !'ar that h ('

beca me _1}l!) lItbl e for pla ... \i



kn ew tlom elhlng nboul th em . llnd whom he th ere fore appolnl oll, b ecause



th ll t I hal' O nb"y .,tI l ite I wrltt"" lu\\' " from Ill )' .1 nuth III" : J e" " S I ... him II hnl Ih" Oil" Ihlll t; ' wblch ho ne(' d B, • Tlip On e Ihln ).: he n('('u~. II seenl ~ , Is acllon . ",·' 0 11 0 \\ me: do I\S I do . 11ft till tt,M which lias fnllC'n down , bring comforl wher~ th er e III no eomlorl. ! mlLk (' lIlell sce and ~IlOW that Ih l! klll gdom of God IR al hanll " Modern Churches Dlffere'!t. I All th o (·stabllshecl churclw~. when I youn/: lIwn come to Ihl' m w ho wi sh Ill . I bp. mlnlsler o f th" Gospel. ~ily . "Yes. ir you wi ll go Into 8ueh unu s ~ eh a sch oo l aud siudy Iluch . anll such Ian· guU!!"S anti rt'a, 1 Muc h and KliCh book s. I nnd Jla s~ fill ex a millallon III Ihose ! boo k. al (h .. enr1 of slIch Ilnd such n tim e. . If you h(l ll t!v <J what w wIsh . we will 1;1 I' tl )()u n IIc(,II ~1' which ilhn II I ('nubl e YOII to t;0 out ultd sa!' lo u 11 ! Ih e world thut th e kln g uorn o f (lod I s ! al hand." I Hut .J C'!lU ~ Cllrisl took no such pre- \ ('nullon R ror good grnntlllur or for COD - I sen'nllv(· utt<lrance _ H e found sorne , fi slwrlll.m wu>;hlng their nUls . Hf.' did ! not sny to them "l ea rn anylhlng ." bllt he 8uld "Follow m e." He fOllnd a mall chan gIn g mon <, y at ' tb e tax bro l{el" s slull . all'I h e did nn I SI1\' 10 him ' '' It' arn anythi ng." bllt . Fol · 10 .... m e." Men Worthy of SelectIon . Th er e i" 1I0t the slightest Ind I (' uIlon t!lut on H ot th e 12 apuHUes hat! nmull an" lIludy v:hatAver In the rormula~ 01 th e" JewiSh ('hurch. or of Ih e ChrIstian ch.u rc h that was to be. They w ere


Danyi l! ." . Va.-"l huvc only spe nt t en dollars un your mcu ic ine I1nu 1 ~I "I ~o 1 nH!ch but U'l' II , ,n I did w lwn th u ,1v(' tA:l r \\,11.; treating n1i'. I J Ol1 't ~u ffl'19 nn y bOil ring duw n :' ojna ntllllnow andl> :('e p w ell. I clInno : say enough f.or Ly lii:: E. Pinllhnm's V I1I:" W bl o Compound nnti Liv e r Pills 8B t~)(' y 11II vo dmlu so ITlllc h



. T o I h e p"r:' oll Ill:llln l nl', th e gard c n 'll n gard pll wo r k, " I ~' ~ "O'~' ~.l i nlt'~ wit', a wle! e " holc'e of ~u) IIIl fr Uits alld VPP;£" avntla ull' ' pa cC'. Ih e ~ It~p£' of tt.f labl es IIdap l!'d to Ohio climate Is otrl-'r· gJ\rd~n Hholiid bc, 01 .. our se . If POSS Ied. Tlt .. ~.' lecllo lI , -{) ~ course. will be l ule. ob Ion/; . \\ II h I IH' ro \\ ~ 1'1I1lnlll ~ th6 bHSf'd nn Ihe l'l'r~onnl IUH l e8 of Ih r lon g \\'ay . Th is I(, SSPIlR 11,1' labur or . , . :lR l Ii en ' ar .. a;nru enc r nud bl s family . pl alllln" al1d ('1I111\·UI'\lII L crolls I II fl ' w lurll S 10 mak e. Th e urru :'Aem t' nl s o'f Ihe -... the gartlE'1I il' of 'prima r y ImlJO rtall c e. lJ ~ro J''' nltl' flro ro r tin d d (' nII Ite a. Tlm o (' atl tH' apenl ' proftlably ill llgur· rnnl;(>nwllt or c rops In Ihe I;arilpn Cll" In g 11t(' prop er place :·. pd spli ce 10 gl l'e hI' d(' l (' rmill e!l. Ii is eSHt't1I:al to kllOw " Rc h k i nd of frll it nntl veg ,nIb"'. Th eRe ill \l'h~1 IlnH' ",,('e! or pl nll l H I'hn uill bit tihoulu be urrall !!cd in Ih e gal'll n 10 111:UII.·,\. Som e v e/;ctllhl" ~ \\ 111 g row mu ch th e ~a IUf' orti or li S 1M·)' arp /tlld <1 1- 1'pln l) be llP r In llt P pa r i ), sllrl n, Il l ann e(\. Thi s 6)'stt' m mu le('fi I he. til· Ihan lh e h" 'll alld drought of sum laJ;e eusler nll d dl cu per, nnd It Illlo\\'8 m(, r ; others r pqllire Ihe heat !lnA th e unocc up ied pori 1011 10 be worked would nOl ~ lIl'\' II'o i f plulII l'd curllp', . with ' wlu e Impl{'ntt'IlI R. and just of len psp " l!<llIy if BIILjecl ed 10 fr osls . SOO\'6 ('nough 10 I,eell 1\ m u lurl! cnmparal I ve I Y CIlU . III a loose. mellow 11',11 , .In ('olldlt[On . Cro ps r ;'>f'julrlng PfllCllr.ully wl' pks . whlh' others will need 0 longf~ the same :Llnouut or cllltll'ation penod. a fo w exte nding tlt elr seaSOlt and care nad ha.ving Ihe sam e l eng th ultlil fa ll. Some l' e~eta bl e6 ar e obligQl of Beason rna)' a.ISO be grown In t h ~ I1 III "pen l! Ih e !'u rly par,t of the i r 1I1'~' same or adj-olnlpg rows . Crop" Ihul un,I ,' r g la ss. Th ese Include such Co\ will remain In the ssme spa.ce for more our ('oot WCRIller crops, hJeh ha\, e . than one year are usually Illllnled In g ro wing M!'Ii son so long th ll l It wau l ..; one end of th e gartlen . l'x l end ol'pr !nto summer unless !lu On selecting Ib e s ite tor th e h~mp plnnt s werp s tnned berore outdO( I



--=- '1 ~i'~l!l):.(~lt l~~.p~t1nl;lt~aY;:I'I','lm::~ltlI~~:~:~: m(lnl~'" Ie .


aarden. tho 8011, lLS:>ect. •. shape lind size


Cft'l'U ,II 1101, wh Hlher hI Im,1 IJI''' II 1I1l1 !; h , It ill \', unl s or IIlIl, If h. ' ~i 'l':: tI, t' ( ' h r l . 11 1l1I IIr .. . b ' (;1l 1l I' lIt. ·1' 1I,Iu I t a nt! r" lI ol1 II W e n,('an Jlt Hl \\'hll t lhp :-iul'lOllf 1l11 ':lll l \\'I I( ' J! I,., IIt ~b tt'd UPOli ltt 'lion 11111 [,':1\1 of I'xp n·~Hio n . Ane! il I,: \" 'r :: Inl .. r"sl l ll~ 10 K. · . , . III hi~ OWII l' I'I·~ u n · III hl At ol'Y, ho w (' In"'' l y h p 1"'leI h !It" self t o hili 01111 RlulC' lI\ l' ll t. Tnll .. thai mO~ 1 pat h f't i,· (·O\)\·,·r"a· ll obl l'm>!11 of I inll \\ \I h (hp ,1' 0 11 rtl': Ed (1I 1I ~lJ fa r as ' 'I ' rhal exprt 't3~i'-H' w"III, h., and ( h,' Htl\'loul' \\'('r C' al O ll l'

,, '


IIf .... aud

. ____ _

tlnl sh ical Europtl An Econom Man..' t;IllJ ' t :'o~ t .·Itt'n·l y lo u Inuell... . " \\'1,)


" '111

\' " \\' e gutln n;,iHh it. I -' & in ' ~ j.; l) llI~ t o I.· t thl ~ $J gt;i (j e uook go t o W .,, : ~ .


Use of Kel'osene ~- Oispose of All Young Cockerels.

[luI He Didn't Hit H im.

'11 " . .1 11 ,1 ' .· W hot uid you b it l!tlll II IlII , 1\ 111I " VItI'IIII ' (' ~' 1I11 11 t' Ii ll ;o!;~ of Ill " tI (' (I :'~I · Prl ~ un"(' - I dldil ' l bll him \\'It h .iI J ' dh I( Po. Ht ;!-':;!.-;t,;) ", ,," 1 of a~'l' i (' I\ I I lI r" "tl"I, Ih e fo llow · Ihh,/o; . lhillk 1I goO(! plun iH 10 5\ IItl"r illl!, HUI-;;;I'SlInIl S 10 ,"( ' Wb l 'IS or Ib e The JUII!;fl-Hut look at hUll . 1: ,,'8 :tlIUIIJrt' uft"n : lid (hlnly alit! l l lo poultn ( 1111.,. alt,1 to l.o " l ~ r )' pl'odll C' III a hOl'rlb l e (' ondltlon. · Surc ly JOU ma l.IJr" s \Jr,!l\ rlpr will jlut till' .. I,·rut' nt t'I'P : dld,, '1 ,I" thn't \l'lth your titlt~. I I " I II ","'IIt'I'al . on Ihinll !' \, alld mor.' <'ve!ll) tl:1l1!1 To 1'111 II", 1'(lI il lr) h'l U>p or II l llt' ~ I'rl!lo ll c\', )'Ill' b u nor, I ke lc he(l pos sibl e in tt,t! ,~ltI WilY · :-;o t Io n" a ~o . 8 pl'a ~' tit " Ill''' . II,, · roosl", lU, I Ih . '''". by till' heel s ami blllllpe<! 'jUl age!} I h ~1l1'l1 It fannPI' 8:\y : I d l'lIl'l'ill l': huanl s 11'11 It k ~ rnRC' : It · \II II brkk wall a few lim es. Hut I di dn·t "nIl1or" I It ~e d II sfl read"r I ('(lul u ,·ftU'" ' 1" ' 1roll'lttll II! 1t'IlAI 11 11(' <: a \I ~I'k hll !tIm wil il :lllythlI.l l; W:tll ~l. h"rtll~ g.,l rn r' n .u halll mall" -" . bu t from Ill c 111111 ' wa l'm \\·"ulh .. r· , .. IR · h, _____ _ now I haye i \lo troubl e :1I"all. II !~ III the s prill !; \llItli ,'olt! WAIl(hrr eom('fl Griffo Get. Religion . only hulf th e wortl II uSl'd lo lJ e. I III lit" fall ' Thos .. hllVlllg 1I1l1 ', and " 00\\'11111;'8" burnc ll out. 011 T ,l lIl es " 1"0 ' I lId 1'1 uNill" th .. ftprflnd<'thlltlll<'".I'IIJllllr r'() Ulll(l'lnd"o·l ll" II"A. It t o "(10' d th I u 0 • h " ~ \I "" " u E'I t! aTl' Ihl' oth er night. an OSf' \1'10 mall\lrc 1'01'" twlc ll , <II' . far . 01 ' 1001'1'. U(II" ll1lao" (01' ,I (,blrol' i "" 11 (' " a nI! rol' '.· ('III'S had OCClII,I,'d room" lI11ul'l! , ' ~'. " , 11111 "" ill tit (' I'uu it n.· hOll>;p. Ib e ra IlH.tI ~ old blillart! hall "'('re and ·"~I\I\.'!;H!tler rt~"Iull s . "_tI " \\' !tCII mUl lllro l a spr<'11 , en ' l", y .t n II IIlarlo. t itll ('(.d(p,t' ls. ('~" " p l Iho"~ forced 10 run for th eir I11'c8 in \\ it a t thin c'H1tiI rig Ih ls I '~l 'lkr Plldlll' E' tl Ull in tp ud pII lur brl' 'dil)}; IJUI'VU~t;,;. as I'3lnll>nl. Ihp. y Itnppem ,d 10 be .... e"rl lIl Ilfe fprlitlt rI1 h Y" mc b,' t hc' I' nllt I " UC'· I }Ill' ' (','. d 111 . SOOtl a R th ,,,' AIIIOn!! ' :1llnlll l>l'Oilt'r Ri z\!. for III Ihat 1t 00' lurllal mom ent. \tllin ... I,ell I t I11' mallure th e" \\ III pay II larg" :- "rotH al Ihlll I hl'lIl 11':1:< Klu tlrllTo , \\'ho was at UDt' I lies ' s a . largp 'luant I ' HS I no " l' .d nUT.' tlrnp Iltall if 11I'ld uillil rail. wh.>n tl,e 1! IlIP 11 11(,; '1 1,,1' belw('(' n mldnlghl :lI\d Pl'l'sonnlly, . I lave use ~ III (!u Ilia 01\(1 o '('I(Jt' k Itl nn uplown mu~lc hall. n ~lder rnarkr'l 11t' <,om •., ol"'rcl·ow(h'd. sprHud .. r for UIII Il !' y ears- a u l . It Is Itr~ I'(1 Ihat l' llIb 1!1 CmUers ~lrkt. " I !lId a 11111 trlcl:. " (;rlfro III ll uot ed It one of Ih e ('s8Gnlhi l tp,ol a 011 ,th e Iy :ulh"!r,' to the followIng rul'PH . In IUl BUY In/:. "I took 1wo Ul gb,tM o C'slIllrM fA"1"' . II ,' ." .~n clearh.· shown rt)l\l th e h II I I I~ d ;. I 'C jUlllo II'i' th e 111'e bltln' I IDA ~ and ng 111' r pou r y lin ' et,:g ~ : In \1 , IL .. Rpreac1er SIlV CS mu ch time a nd \\'ork . " r r I h I IJ~.rt' t th ·t 0 his I I d I : K, Pi' lhe I1t'Bts CINI II : . I,i'uviu o • ( ,.""... a e pns you t: u In gelling tilt' mllllUrp. uPQn ' l l~ an . , ) bur i .. d 111 0 In II fryln' pan." Il;, d adtl~ so IIIlI ch tQ ItR vtlll!e - III t\lo one "" st (,," PYI?I'Y rOll ,' l ell " .. lid ?" I wa" of handl'ng th" . 1ll.110 m'l! ~o 1\ 'Is ~ r:al hl'r t he (':.\g~ I \l'kl' tJllil)' ( And lI'I1al ( YOll !,;,'I. ILtIkr'd Itl J \ a K I . I ' \ ')0 1 . rl t' II.1 avullabl e rol' all kinds o r 1,Inut growlh. . . I loe ll I.'t! e~g~ I" n ('OJ) . I.r , 1\ n " On til e !tt ~ 1 !'.lr8." suit! IIIr GrIIT0. " 1 . ' b "I blp. or CP al' , , that it 8e"I1.< It IUlght e n prclI\ u . 4 ~I I II I I I t I ' II 1;(' 15 II valt· of slDged hand" an d reo Inv(' sl.lIII'nl rur a number of "mall . III' .Pt '" " ggs II •. ; ~ II I('e IIi ;.!,illll " farml'r" 01' gardf>nel's to own a multure we,'" sprpu d f!r III Jlnrtll ('r~hlp ultd !ltll ~ ha v.' .~ ~"" . kIll , or' Ollftll. , :tIl mal l' blrd ~ - ~I-;E'S R-;A~ the b plwfl[ of I t.~ 11 M" lI~ 1I 0(', t l 1<' I .tI .SOO Il al< l h,' hU lChl"); ,.~. (' a!\o n i~ Smoothed by Change of Food. farmer who hus ,1 lal'g" lIm()\lut of ovel'





'lIllDIII'll at hi~ 11 I s pO~II I _ On many larg l' r:lrm~ Ih '" IIHLl1il re ~prpllder I!I 11 8,,<1 almo>'t ('OIl"IUll tiy . I, fInd that th " «mOtInl ill\'f~stcd In n muntire spr ea der w ill brln!!; In n much to ett ('r rail' o J' i ntl'r<'~ t In ndd e,l c rops. to suy nolhill g of the saving in cost of Harvest Full , Feeding 01 labor , than \\'IIPn l ho Illlluunt of lIIoney , Is plnc ed 11 " 1111 !J1\',~~tnli'nl III ROlne l:lstead of . securi t ies . d 1 am I"d 10 t. ell el'e thaI th e tlmn Thirds Formerly Obtail'le . Iii getting near whon every t.hat ;8 up to datA will have onf' or t hese Silos arE' Iwl ll !; buil t :l ll ttl rnllgll 1\11' machines upon his forlll find will usc <:OUllll'Y III u rale Ulat nl' l'c r waH It evel'}' llttl" while RIIII cOII Hlder It eQulll"d bpforp , for tbE' high ff,edlng Just a'lI np.('e>lSIHY all his farm !'Ulu e of " ilag') Is bt'AIIIIlIIJy, 10 b e r cwblcll. · at ' course. h e \\'0 U1<;1 not think allz!!.d by tarm( !!'\; , '1'111' old fl1l1acy of beIng wlt!tout. . thai a tlalry I'am",!' \I'll'; Ihe only mau Then lhey will not he looked upon who ('ould 11ITorll to own n t\1I0 bas as MOlll elhlng out of the ortllnnr y. but been [,[nee d in lbe dlMcard along with ~ . a necessa!'v t~rm In.plement. ~, olher 11I1~lakp.n Idel18. A'11 t IIl'1ners who hilI'" 1" 11 head or lIIure or fnrm Spread Manure In WInter. uulmals ca ll IIlTord 10 own a Silo. A b Ig advanlage_ or !lvreadlng ma· Uel a Hil o Ilnd har\' est lh fl full reeu· nure In tb e winter: Is th e Ume suve d iug vlllu,' of Ih e corn crop In8t~ad 01 In the spring . The e:Jrlter. It Call be the I wO.lhirds you bave h e"",, hdl'l'est. plowed under thf. htlt~el·. In fact. It lug III Ihe · \la~l. Fully on e·thlrd th!! 18 lIometimes bet. ter to· keel' cosrsp feeding vulue of th e conl plant Is manure straw olt of t lle land than to the stalks and l el1ves: ".lId under the plo~ ,' 1t under late. If the . weather mtltbodR tbat IIOW are uSe'd Oil maoy comes boir b);ot. and dry Ihe .result I s tllrm~ most of this 18 v;a~ted. d ropil I apt to e urne c . The tyfle of 810 Is unt. 80 Impor· All of the standlll'd makes, Will Tr.eatment for ·Roup. ·· keep allag!! cQually well It they are Roup may be I1pparflntly 'cured, but' 'put up I.roperly. Some u,' the more It' cannot he entirely qradlcnted from perman ent kind8 like th e solld·wall the BY!ltem. It It' lipt. to break Ollt concret e silos IIrc the ~heap"st In the &gaJ,n, IIDd also be lrauslhltted to the long run, (or Ihey will not tot down I ·Under nOc.lrcumela.ncl!s should after they nre 'the expense tor rowls ' ev,er be used In' tite <breedlpg. ~D repairs Is small, 'I'IIe maIn thin, is tbat ever suffered ' frOrn"centag:fon ',In ' .to a SilO, aDd do It In l'me tor a~J >(orm.. ~' , .t...: ' " :':.;:, ' : 'tli cro}>. .


Corn Crop



~vagon .









\\'o ;'I'y Is a blS load to (,JUTY and a.n IInnece:;Bl1ry one. When accompanied by Jndl gosl1on It certainly I.s cause for Ihe blu es. Bu t lhtl whole trouble may be oaslly thrown orr lind IICe's road be nll.lde easy and comf ortable by proper eating and the cultJvatlon or good chee r. K ead what a Troy woman says : " Two years ago I made theacqua lnl. nnee ot Grape-Nuts and bave used the food once a day and sometImes twice. el'er since. "At the time I began to lise It IIle wnB a burden . I was for years affllcl • ed with hlllous sick headacbe, caused by Indigestion, and notbing seemed to relieve "The trouble became 80 severe I had to ,leave my "work for days at a time . "IIiy nerves were In such. stnte I could not sleep and the doctor said I was 011 the verBe of nervous prOlltra, tlon .. I saw an ' adv. cPncernlng GrapeNuts and bought a package tor trial. "'Vbat Grape-Nuts has dOne tor me Is r.ertalnly marvelous. I ' can now sleep IIkfl a child. am entlrely free trom the. \lId troubl!illlnd bav~ not had headaclte. In over a year. I teel illio s new pel'1loa. I bave recommended It. to others. One man I Iqlew ate clpally Grape-Nuts wlilllt working oq the leo all winter and ..sIS he never felt beUer'ln bl8 'life," ,.,;, Name glv'e n by Po.tiu~ Co;; Battle Creek• . Mich ...... Read ''th·. vi tRoaa Wellvfl1e," In . pit.., '






." ~






lIull flghllnl( hn ~ UI" ' " 1"'vll"<1 III 1'lIlinrnn nfipr a IIlV ~" or H(' \"'IIII YCllrH, and f),nOn 1>.' r ~()n 6 lil r uns, '" litp great ROII,blthentl'l' III Vit!! ll .\1"1>(1''' Ih " 'Hill!1' u n.I' lin d ro ~e I' ll rn " .. ~ .. 10 /lCl1I.'l th. , CI'lurn"rj tor"ad')rH In tll li upJlI' r 1'; .. ll c rll'~ " pr o many Americall llH ' 1l Hud W0 11l1'tl .



Till' \ \ ' h lll' StUI' Iln."s 110'''' ~ O,lI UO ton trllJlu HCr l!W Hteumer 11!" ltannl c was luuu c hed u few dllYs agn at BelrRs t ,


Id th o la r!;" , t Bt eu m.'r e \'(' r Uli ilt lu II Hrltlsh Yllrd, be illg 900 fe Pl lo ng and having accommodlltiulIR fur 2.600 pa8seoIII , h .. . 'o ns trll"t iull Hu fely has had thl! fIrst ('on s ld ern tloll, nnd In \loi nt of co mfort and luxur )' 110 .. Br ltalln il' will , ,tr,' r :11 1 th e mos t t.J xacling could dellllln,l.

f! erM "lid" "CI'W 0" !'!,tI



I }

~peclally posed photograllllf; of Mnrshal HprmcH da FOtl 6(lC-a , prpsldc'nt of Brazil, wboso rul e 113 threatelled by revolutlon ls tH, Ilnd hi s bonutlful bride. t he former Senorita 1I:ulr de T e tro, who Is but tw e ntY 'Ho ve n years old . whilp h tl r husband Is slxty ·three. Jlrazilian so('let)' WfiS lIomewhat s hocked by the mar· rlage , ,as the Ilrellid e nt had b e ll widow ed only a few months .

'i he t!url lind c' ount ,,"~ of Il u tltlior c UPI muk lllK 1\ montu'l! tour of the 1; lIlte d Stat .. lI, Including tit \\" P~ t. Th ey, po sed for lllitl Ilhotogrllpb on tbelr nrrh'nl hI :\' e w York . Th p elll'l ha ~ hnd a d l~ lIng\J18hed 1lI1IItary career, Will' nlng th e \"I(,torla (' rO~R In t h o Afgllo.nlslan camlmlgn of 1891.



... ::\

L1eut. .I . C , 1'01'1 " or tit e British nRVY, who 1M nOw III thlll country , has been 8!1 lectod as one of thl! two p\lots for the ntt e mpted crossing of tbo At· I Inn tic In tbe Hodmnll \\"nnnmaker b y· dro·neropl",,,!. Ho hus gRl ned faill e os un avlalor.




HARBOR OF RIO DE JA NEIRO, BRAZil Miss H e rmall Is Ih e l)l! a~llftt l g irl from Ruth e rro rd , !I: . .J.. wlto was ar· reste d In Sweden with "L\mnily" Enrl, tb e ecce ntric Alllnlcun pnlnl('l' . bolll of th e m b e lr, ~ cha n ;cd wllh ktdnupit,<.; 1';urI'8 ~on fro nt a I'rell c h ~(' lt o(l L


il l" <.1" .IulI"i!'u ",HI olh <> r l\ru7.II1O'" c ll i(· ~ h ·t\·c 1"'(, 11 procilt im ed tn " " La l e 'Jf HI,,~ .. by III .. "atl onal n \ltllurlll"H, owin~ to th e outbrenk or l''' Vohl '

T he Un ited ~llltcu Gunbont SIJCTUlIIe nto, whl('h was laun ched "ecellt ly tl: e Cramp BhlpYllrd III Phllnd!'lphlll. It will be one of the larg.,s t Ilnd best· equipped vessels of Ita IYI)C ill Ib e nil"), . The '10mlileme nt or olllce rs and crew ! Is JUO . I

l in nnr), lrouhl f'8. III thi s Illwlo;; rallh of th e harbor of HIli thp. 1I" .!",,, ,,!! t ·,, :, Iat (' hurgl' I ~ H"I'II III tile foreground .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l



I ..)~



th C' m.



, 1m ow , ,Ja('k and Fred , It Is only th tl hody tllat li es herll , :-low, what part I


Little Daughter of Clergyman Caulu of hlm ' gops to h OIlI'o n?" " HIs bend, ; Her Aunt' Embllrr ... ment by I suppose, " Outburst In ,C hurCh. There are probably many mothe rs who havo hntl caURe to smile at tbc On~ of tbo moBt embarrll8§lng sltua· tions In which 1 wns e yel' place d was qualut nddltlons which tbelr childre n 'I nt times have made to th eir praye rs . , caused by /l nie ce of mine, whose fa · A little girl frltlDd or mine was once ther was a. clergyman, and whom I take n to 11 ventl'lIoQu cs t entert ainm ent, took to churcb fo'!" the first tim e. She whi c h Impressed her very muoh 'l did not In the lonat know what her Wh ile saying h e l' prayers that night fath er did. and for a long t im e did not she Bsked God to look after all her observe him, But, nfter sitting quietly brothers and slstenl Bud make her a beside me for some time , hardly dal'- good girl. '1'hen there waB a puuse, In'g to raise her e)'es, because I told and one b onrd, Botto voce : " All right." her abe ' must De quiet or she wouLd ' not g,o to church again, she Buddenly, - London Straud.

I Paquin E"{1ry

to the iiilildle Of the sermon, looked BC{ilamed : "Auntie, :Jook! " There's daddy up 'A'IId. . wbate~er Is' hl!, yelling

up and· saw . him and

. :"




l o rr Ill lt,, :h ps to " !.llIle .la c k Ho rller ," wl,o \\'a" sl,"va ru 10 th e abbot of COla ... · w n bur), . I Jack Horner Slole a Title OeedThe lattl!" wl s l,,:d to ajJjlp.llse King "Little Bo·Peep Wa s a Holy Il ll llry Vl tt . who W!i H indig nant b&Friar and r-; ot a Malden, cause the mUllkH bad lIulll a kitchen " .1 ' 1("\< and Jill " I ~ tinpI:os p<l 10 r ll fe r whi(' it 1", could not burn down . 'l'he to Ihe C'omp! ('te nmulgllllltlti tl ll hetw p. II "bboll ac('ord lug dispatched Jack I '. ' I '>ortlans whilt. " lI umpty Ilorn er with u epflclally tempting look· , ."n .. on~ nll( . , .. I I II I fill ed Inside with Dumpty" Is sRld to hal'" b N' n n bold, ng ~ e, WI C I was bad b aron In t llp tlmo of Kin g Jtlh,1. I the tlll e deeds or tw elve monasteries Th .. " Il ub es In th n Wood " h ad tlt e lr l' S a prese nt to the ldng. orlKln In nn nctuul ('rlmc cOlllmltted Jn el; ~tl~~ner t;lyly abstracted one In the fHt ('c nth ce trtury , Illld tlw sto ry d eed . whk " . watl thnt r e ferring to the may III' see n ,::>rl"<'(1 on a I1In nll oplec e /Il llno r of \1' e lls, aJld on bls return to 'I t hOIl~e ill !'Iorrol~ . Glaslonbur y he Inform e d the abbott o f lin :IIIC e n · that th e deed had b ee n given to him " Llltl" Be-Pee p" wBIi not Il !Halden, b I kl . ' , I A 1 .8 Y t Ie ng. Th e r h rme wall f oun'4 e d but a hol~ fnar \1· 110 n ns a axon on Ibis In c id en t, the "plum" whlcb he day s we nt rOllnt! ..collec~~n~ for th e nb~trncted being the title deed or m u n'lsterlo!l. The s h eep t efe rred to W II the congregation, "ml their .. tnll s " to e s. tbe contributions they would IIrlng UIIU.' Re.~It. pOSition. Hfl In v;:lth them. .. JohnBon-l read In the of parliament for " The Hous That JMIi Built was an hal! beld the places ada(ltatlon of a Cbaldeo bymn, sym· an undertllker In T~rk&na general, presIdent 9t bQIIi.m,g eventa in the Ii Istory of the hlll c8ttlb'Ushment . for ',,~a.cik trade Ilnd under lecre-I He.,re-w ,Dation; Whlle, accordIng ,to colonies: ., ' ' " _,.'~ -'. the . ' Obae:;,er. , a ·roDl an 1:-lc . ~I'


womall knows who Mm e. Is, but th e raca or the famous

Parisian costume desig ner, h e re 111'0' sented, I. not so familiar as her Dame. Sbe 18 about to hold her an1lual exhl· blttou of spring models In America and says she will sbo,,' this country Borne really good Btyles, ,Killing Time Ind FIIel. Bncon-I Bee un IIUtlols man baa In· 'v,nted a slmpl!} electrIcal device tor ktlllhg tUes. ' king c\ll'rcnt from a socket, '






ZIMMERMAN'S l" II11l' 1, 1 ,

11 .:. l lIll' ~ l1 \1 rd: l y .

':11 , :11 101 I ll, rk lk, \\ ill \\' 11 I t" "" ' r ,;

,11,," 101


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-_.-_ ..---------------------.---.



Litany . Penitential 4iW1ce aud adItll'I'59 F r iday e vening at 7:30 pm , Sa t u rd ay , Evening P rayer at 3:45 , Fi ft h S unday in Len t, March 29. IThe F if t h Suntlayin Len t is often called Pn..'lSion Sunda v beca use t he

Ma nh a Th omp;;fl ll , dnug hLeI' of A r(' ],al,I. · }lIltl ){,>I, eccu Wa tso n, \l' a~ It ,I n All rt l7 lh , I, ·Wand depa r teu W. H . AII!'11 was in ('il1 t'i nn:1 ti t Ili>l li ,', :\'1a 1'\'1 11•. I!l( 1. :l g' l 'd 7:l y III'S. TU!'!'.day . 1U IllI'11' h-;. :!~) day~ . In ,· 'lil ul "·,,,1 "11\' \\' a: hap Li<'.('t\ and O. M. I{itkrl' WII~ a Cin 'i nns t i visitor Tllc"day. r,>\'c i\,1 i,i IIll" ll,,'r~ hil' \\'ith F rce\' '1 Ib pt I"t dlllfl'lI a t I;eec h EIllle r Kee l·.:r a rr i\'~d hume f ru lll l; I'O\', shL' !''' ,.11<' \\ ." rai t hflll ill ilL-I th e Sout h l\l onii ay cI'ening . t l' ntl : '1\', ' :1~ l!On~ il~ 5h,: W et:; a ble to


I I j, ·I IlI ....



J . W . Whi/., is in Cincmna ti today.

Ornh Hag. Whit l' s a Grab Ba~?



for tho day i:mticipates t he Sa vior' !,! PasBion, ~ullday ::lehool at 9:30 a. nl. Los,." n, "O u r Lord Raises Lazarus Lu r-". 1.11'.:. " Semlon a r,d Holy Commun · If yo u wa nt a j.!uod i-'t'l't i:iz l'r I'all III ,' "rI ''': and d"I' ti!4 " r ](ind np.;:t.'l I inn fit 10:30 , ~l' r v i ce a nd ~erm on a t e has . Fryc, phone ,I!) 1 1. :.',:-:. ill th ' 1,,'1 rld" 'r'" II w ill Ill' I'l'Il 'C'11l ' 7:::,, : ~ uhj ce t. " Chan nels of Bless-


I H.'n ·


i tl h ll l }.f!t .., hl·l·~'~ lln(l .

~ h t' \\'a~





"Oll ..


Dr. and Mr ~ , J . W. Wa rd a r rived a pp r, -!: ,Ii\"!, lOr th ,· l( j,,, lness " f her I a rc invi led to th ese services. home f rll ill F ln riuu S:1tu rday l' vl'nin g Ilt-ig "" f ~ \\' h ll .L:ia dl~ It ' Ip ,Ii in hL'r _ _ _ ~ ~ __ _ BigSpecial this week l illl!" : 1\I'I 'd , We I!I\'III inn 1 '~J)el'iall ,\' ' IJ ~I D ' Y St. Ma n ' " (;u ild wi ll meN wilh h ,' \' 3 I hw s (; l'nt Ca li r,ll'l lia 'an ned lI L,h l"r'ln Ia \' \1 1'0; 1\, E ' ~ " ... SCHOOL CONVENTI ON M r!l , J . ll : ~ '<! I l'l ll a n T h u r~day af ter- TIIlJl :'1 ,-;, HI ",ilu , r, 'I'I-( l't ful \If her O W I1 Fruit e -- ('ar'l uinl'z; l{am's nuun . 110m Sll'lh. Yellow FretS Ilnd l\I'e' : . did all il1 1. c" 1", w>r til alk Till' WaYl1l' Tuwnshi p Con vention Le lll ,)!l l :li ng' I " udle ~ a nd Ap· \· ia t. 1",..lIrl!rin),(,,{ :llllthl!rTh ,mi" '.I'll.' Ilc'lt! a l thl' Ch ristian ch ur ch ::l t y l~. q ualit y "lid luI\' pril'l'~ foil' ricot;:! , A II regu la r 25c goods, ~, orl , <-u ring t: ': liI ~ L lI'e'( k !I f h ~ l' lift- 1: ,.< 1 ~ u n d llY af ter noun. A la r ge Illadl' t,1 1 1 1l'a ~t lT l' s uil ~ ut Il l'ntl(' I'We wi l I ~ e ll fo r ~\ J ays H t :!Oc ~ l ' ,Th" mp"llll II " tlill t l'.! in 1:lar - (" ' 11)'1" l!"H ri(ln Wru! prese nt, and m uch son 's a ca n a nd j.!',ive ri av ' " il:tl'id II. ThulI1 p .... }ll J ll fll ' I illl,'!" ~ t \\'a~ l11an i f~sted. Rev. H ob - I ;, t h, -.-,\:. 'I' " t 111'11 1 \\','1'/> IH' I'll t \\ , -" II II : ! ' I!H ' ~I' !'a l; e r of t he afr ernoon, ' 5 0 0 Coupons Fre e MiSll Ca d t:l a rk. !I f ("\I'wi 1.1 , ha ~ l' III ('n I-:! \'.' " ';11 a lld Wdli:l lll " Iul lh ' ''.l' wll o h'iUd him we re imwith each can been v i ~ i t i n .l! he r s i ~ tcl' Mr-; , .1:1 111' ''' ""II' :'. 101. ' 1'1111 '111'""1 1 :11,01 1I 1H' d;t uJ,.:" h t, I' I' I'L·"" '.1 wi llt hi:; tall<. McCorlJl ick , of Xenia , I L pay" to tratlc at :-;1I~ , ',:1 '1':11' 1111'. ' j hl sl' II it ll 'lim' A f il i i :tl:(·(t ll n t o f th i;\ conven ti on ): !'a, " II,Jr;'I 1. ~i\ 1..:'1·('at g-rumll-hil · 111 11 Ll' fo ullII ill O(,)(t week 's i~gue . Mrs . Anna J unes an d da ul! hte r. lI f drci ,' Id til !'!'!: ~i" Il' I',; :i ul' l'i\"l' h('I' , --Xen ia , vi>;it ·d her ll1o t hC'r MI'~ I'aland "l'pl.'.. (\ T I Ih" 10'''' IIf n lll' Sfl TliO," PSON- BURGE r ick Clark , IIf Curwin, Ia::; l w('!) k. wort hv of Llw ir 1/ "e. AII' t I\la r tld 11l ... ,ll' a ll anang-e 1\1 ' I \' Th f K k ' Mrs, Auam ~ t ' )ll PH , wh u has il':l>n lH e l~' '; fnr 111 '1' flll :,' r :d s l ' r \' i ('(:~, sC" I I I, . r 2tlll Psond' 0 M 0 0Jrnho . , I I ' " I " , lilY • '1 ! m in II< , S' lI l 0 1V r. an r:!. 0 11 the g u e~ t of Klll g"S Mills r pl a Lilic ', New Burling ton •'e , P:l" Il',II ' 'r ",,. j!l'l ~ ,\ 'I . ,'l'hnm pson an I M i ~s M!lr ie Hur lTe re t urn ed t o her homL' her e Fritl ay , tstl I 1111::111.: he r I",L rlI IIl'S,,,, h i ' ' , . .... , Frel .... ni l\' sl,,,I,e en !ll':Irrnglv o f her \~au ~ h le l' of Mr. an ~i M!'s. Wll ham M 188 Fl nr l! Bltrl a.n i ~ t,h tl gues t 01 I can IJl puse you t ry J . L , BrowlI , {l' 1':t Il ,',!) n '()r '"II , who li .....d lI;ith her, 11,I lI l\'tl'. weflt'e ma r ri ed III Lebanon , rolatives i n Utty ton fluJ M if\ m i ~ ­ ~ I Il t'~ l 'Iv a Cl'lIoon soft wa lcr La undry . Lee Il a wk e, and ilad .be, '" ~( ' fuit il fl rl a lltl I r uc t'J I lJurg . Agent, :illd "I: e of L' Il ,., . " I wa n t tu J her, [l o\varu C::lrr Bnd Will Rl3eves :{() l it till' t il !"l'st. " " I am I'('nuy t o I I\re e njoyiD I< fl t riP to L OUl st " fI !} . C, M, i{obilze r a mi Sitl Pope went . . . MW. II Mr. and :'111'1:' rh o ~ . t ·, Haydock to F rank li n today. Th ey will bri ll ~ go." Th en ,-hr' 1I',) lll d p m y Gu I 10 w,ue oall ell til Wi lm illg to n \ .. st back wiLh th em one of th e fin est ~I )Illl' a nd la l-, ' h"I' - It (',)rnfo rls our i he,!' , (" I'c'li l'\' I' h ;,; :1 h(· i ~ w it h Hm l \~ .. "k by thf' He rio u '! illrw ss uf E U. pair of horses t \'e r broug ht to Wav'~h o ai d, " (<j IllL' t"" U Ill lJ and I will IiBrlun . nesvill e. g in ' . " ' \1 I'c's l.' · Spring is He rp. , No w is th e time ThA W_ C. T . l . w u" e nt er ta in ed 1'\ 1(1' I ll ' Ti t.\ :'i IV to buy your At the b orn e o f Mrs . h: IUler Le MfI,f T he re will be no preaching a t the ' Th ur sd~ y /I ft eru ""n Ferry Christian c']lU rch or at Way W" wi:.h t" 11\"I" \·";i our h ~art fe lt S eed Potatoes Mi PII COI Il MoPhe rson , who h ll' nesvill e Chris tian church Sunday, a s t ha T: I, ~ ti l n:l , ltiv I' ~. f ri c l1 d ~ a nd ()nion Sets heen visitIng .. t tun h om e o f Mr s. Rev. P almer wi ll be in Columbus n e i g ·l l }( lI·~ . i' ''I Il'ci all .v th e Ed wards (~ a rden Seeds Alice Wa ltnn for '1 e \'el'al weeks. has prepa r a tory to moving his f ami ly fam i;\' fl1l' I tw ir ~.\' ll1pat h y and kindreturned to h e r h ome In Hig hla nd he re , BULK OR P ACKAGE ness dur in g the ill n8iid and death of , Co. ' l9,u" l'l'II) \'"d rnot her Mflrt ha W, Ea rly Ohio, Red ROl-\e, Irish Cob- ,I Mrs . Whi te, after spel1llillg t he Th o tl, p~lIJi an d Lo th ose whf) con, About 10 o 'cloJk on Mondt1.Y of lI ler:!, Srr a wber ry Trium phs, llist week. the r esiden ce Jf Geo. winte r a t the Frien d ~ Home. re- ,tr ilt " Ted t o Ih .' beautiful fl ora l all nor the rn g rown. g ua ran- I turned to St. P a ris last ::lunday. t ri bll ~ l'. To I:.:v. Huth Mll rt'y f or ROAIer WII S dlsoover erl to be on fir \). teed pure and f ree from fro st . The flam es we re Iwon Rxtingu Isbell Mr s , Whi te wh ile here made many he r : in d word <.; of ~ympathv a nd warm frie nds who hope f or he r COli ' lat ion: to the singe rs and or· ' w ith little Ilamagl', Ye ll ow , Whi te and Red Sets. g-un i .t fur thei r appr",pri Rt e songs. Now is t he time to buy for i A lette r reoei ved from Mrs. A. V . re turn n ext fall . (( Iso t(, L hl? pal llJea renl , an d Wal ter they are sure to be hig her. I Foland wh o with he r' h us 1s M W E ' II f , I 'llf I rs. . , Co rne , 0 R . 1 , as Mcl 'j,j re fo r t hl! et lk i" nl man ne r in SpeD dl Dg t h d W I D t 81' In l)tL orD a passing from one room to anoth er wh k ll hl' cunrlucted t he f un era l. Fa ncy Wh ite eating Potat.o~s, i A' d od that, on tbe day the letter F rid ay evening , stepPEd olf t he T he Child ren fr ee from frost. good cooke rs. , was written the t hermoml' ter regis: land ing a t the h ead of t he stairs and 0 to red 110 111 t,he shad e Sh e says fell to t he bot tom. She was picked Don' t forge t our Sale of Califor· A. W Enlll'i who aplJea retl a l School they ore well ~~h:PPY. up unconscious. At last repo r ts :she hall I· richlY e ven in,lr 111 t.lw la~ t nu rn , ni a f rui t t hiA week. Wa tch our window. was g etting along as w ell as can be ber n f t he lect ure w u ~ wl,d! liked by SITE FOR FISH HATCHERIES expected . all 1\ hll hca rll him Ill! i" it Cong reg al ionalist pr<~a:h er fro m SJ,Jring li eld Four me mbers of th e state hatCh-I Charles W. Sch~artz & Son , of Ohi o)_ ery commission we re in Morrow last ~banon. a re en.ctmg a mo~um en t week looking for a location of a fish 10 the Murd ock Cemetery t hIS week hatchery, The site visited was t he at the g raves of Mr . and Mrs. Samuel old brewery. and the men were well B, Walke r . Mr, Wa lke r was ~ vet · impresge\i with it. The site is an e ran ~ f U·.8 Wa t: o,f ~8 1 2 , 8erv mg 111 ideal one, situated above flood con- C!,-ptam S!monton s.Comp!l!,}Y, of t he df t ions, well drained anti with ex. First Reglm ent ; OhIO Mlhtl ll. cellent water faciliti ~s, ---- • YEGGS LOOT SAFE


- ---

The BoosterStore


I " ."





Friday nig ht. between th e hours uf 12 and 1, thieves ente red t he butcher shop of Jeff Smit.h, blew the safe and made t heir get-a way with a nea t littl e pil e of loot. Entrance was made bv the ~id e wind ow, the wire I have dedded to rc-enter the screen being torn away, and the Cleaning aDd Pressing business, window raised . Afte r gaining admittance t he me n t urned t he safe to and am now a t your service. one sid e, loaded it wi tll nitro g lyMyoId rule--"Satisfaction or cerine and blew lhe doo r ope n. No Charge"-stiU holds good. There must ha ve been a good·sized charge as t he dour was damaged Leave orders at Hawke & Dakin beyond repair. Afte r looting the barber shop or call phone 8-2r. safe they op~n ed the front door and made their e~ cape . Mr. Smith opened the shop at 5:30 Saturday morning , and after he dis· covered what had happened he e closed the door and did not permi t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _""" anyone to enter t he p'ace, At

COrWI"n" O.

Thl'se Pre m iu ms w ill l:ol1!'. ist of ~i l v el' l<niveH a.n tl for ks. tc':! ' spoons, LR hl l'~lJ oons , fa ncy dishes , vas!'>; .. r ll ~S . e Lc. . E Vf'r y Pre mium will he a ~tundll l d III Its cluss, a use ful artl cl!' in everv hougeho ltl ami one that will give -. he same s('fv ice as if yo u paid Ult! cru!h for it. We invite you to tomo in and see th e differe nt articlcH, Lea rin\< in mind that t hey c u .~ t yo u not a flc nny . Ou r Jl rh-e!l 11I'e as low as a ny , Our qualit y a!l hi gh as the b e.~ t., ' P re miu ms ap ply to p u rc hases Df Dry G oou~ , G rocerIes , Shoel:l, Ha rdware, in fact . to ever y lin e we ha ndle . Co unt ry prod uce conside red t he same as cash,

A few Specials for Saturday 25 Ibs Franklin extra fine Oran. sugar $1.1 9 25 Ibs Standard Oranulated sugar 1.1 5 .25 4 Cans Sweet Corn .25 2 Ibs Extra fancy Dried Peaches · I Ibs Sea Shell Macaroni . .06 Look for next week's ad •


1-I ----------~------~~-----~--~~~~ -




Beginning with Saturday., March 28, 1914, we will 9ffer ha series d of Premiums for cas tra e.

tlH' 1Ep i$t le

Ih 1!1~ ~



Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting. WAYNE!iVILLE,


Shop Next:to Sherwood's Carage Main St



the patient al mo.'t in variably is, "Are our bowel.$ regular?" Yet there's not one person in fifty who takes proPPI' ca re of t he bowels. And the result of this foolish neglect is nine-tent hs .0£ all ilI-heuItll. If t oday you me unable to free y our body of waste matter at the usual time, or if the act causes struinin!?, pains and d isculilfor t, ({(m't let that condit'ion occur again tomar-row, Unless your bowels can carry away the waste m ntcrials left ufl( 'r food is digested, d ecay sets in, the' poisons of which, taken up by the blood, increase th e risk of Ty p~oid Fever, Appendicitis. and many otllCI' serious diseases. In it'cat ing ('o n ~t' p <l tion. t here is lL right way a nd a wrong way. The wrong way is to tnke harsh purgat iv es wl :ieh ('vc n though t hey do clear the bowel<-, ca use griping and nausea, injure the delicate tissues, and so dist urb t he lJorlll ul t'unctions UB to cause the return of constipation. The right way is to help Nature to produce natural movement, wilhout pain or discomfort, by using .

Pierce t Presser

~~~~~~======== about 9 o'clock the blood hound s arrived here from Cedarville, and took up a scent, which they followed to Roxanna, where they seemed to lose it at the railroad. The dogs worked nice all the way, find it is presumed the thieves boarded the morning freight at Roxann a , Mr. Smith's l oa~ will b e considerable . as their was ove r $200 in cash SoIJJ Alamimvn-EJucatiorud and checks aggregating a nother hundred dollars in the safe . ENTERTAINMENT FOR A YEAR There was a suspect arrested at TWENTY.FIVE CENTS South Charleston Saturday m orning , $l/JMr. Sta"",. or Mo~ Onlu having been taken off a freigh t a t that place, but he waR relea.qed as Pittalmrgla Sale. Co. nothing of value was f ound on hi m. ,. 0. S- 1040 Pitt.ehar"h. Pa. C. M. Reynolds' blacksmi t h shop at Corwin was broken into and a ll the necessary tools wer e taken from the re to d o the joh. Geo . Th ompson' s ah op was a lso entered bu t n othing was taken from th e re. T


Mo re

180 DiFFerent Puzzles



PU$1lI4eSS_ D. '

,.r~easure oecured th

..!'r:tm..r:::h:lncliana sO:: ........... Inlnt...-m.ourfric... .... Del.bbonIDth ••dnntac-. c::o-..~.ha...

_ -..mle.. profita .... rJkouD4 ribaeofth.

JWery farmer who owns an Inuiana Silo .... fonnd'that it ia the best business deal \e ever blade and the greatest pleasure ,f his farming experience_ It not only Idda fiO% to the ilet profits of the dairy Ind feeding pens but 1t also saves all the l&1'd, upleasant work of winter feeding_ We have an especially attractive propotition to make to you now-one that will .:Dable to get an IncUana Silo ill time corn crop and to pay for it Let Da t ell ~o~ about it.

'D.Oook • . "


- --


T i' a n O rH t1 undred


You Risk No Money

your bowels act right; tell us BO and wi,) ,-:l\Jered from constipation , due treatment for a long time. bewe'll give back your money without caUlle, instead oj driving to 1:, ( k of e xercise. or indigestion N ature, they simply help asking a single question. There is no cnth(,d ):v oV('l'w(ll'k- by children whose Iter to help herself. red tape to this guarantee. It means pal', " i, t ize t he har mful 'cffect of comjust what it says. You sign nothi~g. I.i\'l's - by old people whose sysWe wQn't hesitate, or ask you ~ny quesnot stnnd ~nythillg harsh-~y tions. Your word is enough. If. Rexall pregna ncy, . and after chIldOrderlies do not do all you expect them to a ny medicine wi th a violent -if you don 't feel better after using them and be particularly dangcroull' Many find that they are the pleasantest-acting and best Ie tu'e your neighbors anCl friends. laxative you have ever used. we want you to who has ever used them- they'll tell us and get your money blick. Orderlies satisfied and helped them.



Late Classified Ads and pigs for s&1e. For fur. 3 sows ther information call phone ilf

Is Our

M Lro n , W e re S ol Las t Year

The loca l Odd Fell ows and tht:! lr fri end " cele bratcd the sixtY-Hix a nniversary of tlw in stitution uf Wy. L 0 rJ g e N 0 , 102 at th elr ' h a II omll1g Ifl~t Tuestlay evening, Afte r a short program of mu sic and r ecitations , Bru. F . C. (~arl'et t. of Day ton, Grand Scribe of the Ohio Grand Encampment, WllS introdu('ed and g ave one of the finest addresses, espou ndiog the teachings and principles of Oddfellowship, ever heard in t h e local hall. After the exercises a bounteou s banquet was se rved, A g oodly number of Odd FellowHa nti their fri ends were preaent.



- a ge ntle laxative in the form of a chocolate--ta.'lting tablet. One ¢ these t..1,blets enten just hefore going to bcd will help torcstorc ' you r bowels to normal n eliv i ty at a timo when. your body being at Tcst, the med-icine can do its best work. As a result of taking that t ablet (or say t wo, if your ease i!t obGuarant~e­ stinate), your bowels will move easily awl naturally in the moming. The use of Rexall Orde rlies for a few d ays afterward will restore norIllal rcgularity. Even chronic constiT !ti ,~ enormOllS q Ul1.ntity was pation is benefited by them, and it If Rexall Orderlies do ilOt make lIs('d \y i th good r esults by busy men is not nece3sary to continuo tile

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HIS simpl e r ule of bealth is daily calleclattention to by every doctor in the land, whose first question to


3}{ or address B , V,·Smith. Wa.y., , . as ·" ni!8Ville,-Ohio; ' .

E. JANNEY '. - - -

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