Miami Gazette April 30, 1913 - October 15, 1913

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~ i xty - FOll l' t h o



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I Former Citizens I




Nea rly;,OO employello f th e Elde r & J ohnston co mpany wil l be bene-

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Personal Mention Column

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I Social Even ts v: e------------

filed by a movement that h as been I --.. .................. . . .... - ••- -................... _ ..... . . . _ . ... .... ... . ............ .. : : l '.'.Ld jlllll r or ;';011111" 1'11 I )hin. fIIad L' I inaugu rat etlby t hat concernt o('loHe ..-... .....-.. .... .. .. .. ...... .......-~ ..... .- . •... .. _ ..... .......... ...... ....... .. .. ItI .~ li,-, t "isilat i,," til St. Man ',; .~I ,- ~ . Fanni(' ("1I '1'." " ' 1"11. an d Fish Day - F r iday at W hiLe 's ~ton' . 1\'Ir~. A. l\ lallil hat! bee n v(.! r.l' ill. ,·!tu rl·!.. last Friday evening. "l~IIt" Mrs . .\ Iury [ lpl' '.\"" ,-, . ,'11 " ' . al t h p the sto re on Saturday evenings in t he future a l 6 o'clock. This pl an chu rc h was lilk.d wilh a ~l'r i () LI ,.; ly i hOI11(, lI f Elias \)~ .,'sl, .. · all, 1 fa nl ,, ; has been discu;;sed by a numb er of Mrs . S. D. Clayton visited fr i e n 'JI~ E. \' . Barnhart was in Ci ncin nati at tl'lIl il'\' ('"ng re"ati"lI. COlli e t,i ul l't-r till :-':u nd ay. ThurHday . t!I L' ,;an il iet' (Ie " raiK(' ant! than k", Dayton merchants in y ears past. but in Cincinnati last week. the Eld er & J ohnston company is the ).," 1 'in).," and III III' a l' lh t' "'ords uf IiI',. ;\1 r'. LiZZI , ' '\ , .• ,:. .! I'n', " 'r,. . ,it Mrs. (;race L. S I~'" I't ll t ransa~t·"' Mrs. C. 'r . ITaw,' k h ' ..., Iay d 11 111"1' I. r'tTI I, ~, 1 :1;'< i I('l' n 'Pllt' >' pohe ll I,,· "lie (I f (;,)11'" ,. hid IlliJU'" I·,"n,. , I' l an d first lo actually adopt the id~a and . .In to e ff ect. uURiJ1es~ in J ayton Wednesday. U I 1\1 r ~ "a" , . I1" . . ".r l).," . Ilt an. I carry It ~ I'ck f •,r ."l!l l' ra I d ay!;. tt'!'>'. :\fl('r a Ill'lei servi n ' Ihe f H IIlIY, The !Jayton N ews ed itori all y sal' s: M )'1 Ilislwp n. 1l11t 'U II ,·,·d hi.; tllL' III": ,J "nat han lI ain.,.; a :"1 f.l!Idl y. essr::!. ~ mer l{o~e rH and W. A Saturday Crack ... r anJ ('ak .. fla y . Thri ~ t iall J D.I' '' a llli c ho ~e the - The management of this store be- Benecke wer e in Ci n~ innat i Th ur~d ay : li t Will Whi te'~ . (·Iosill)..!' ' ·t'I·" · "f t he · g(l!lpel fl,r th o Lil tle LII" I' Lillson c~le b rat . M i ~s Ma ri e Mi ll el', wh o wcnt to I : e ve~ tha l Day t on i" oegi nni nK a new era . and that tbis momen t ill the If you w, ' l nt a ""ood 1~" r l l'I I'ze r c'al l J \" WI ' t . CO" . .I ·IV ~l ~ h rh. · ~ Il'L ," a Ill'" tt,,·t · I I ' I I .ll'l! r ~ary Sat· .... ~ • ·V. "e was In 11 1<'l nnal l "n ' . . . . . , . .", . " ~ ., . , l" ,, ·r .. t I ' lay aJlIl Cleve land in J anuar v, wr itel! to l,usi m'S"; Thursday. " Th,:s(' Ihi l1 j.';~ havl' I " p"kL'll 11111,1 ' 'Irtiay af l" I. Th,' lillie Kids fr iend i:! here that Hhe hlCl bee n in, oppor tunity to put in to c ffec t this · Chas. F rye, phon e tl! I l· L l ·S. \ ' flU tlICIt 1111' J',,,, mi"itl I" l'lllail I l IlC lJ(' (" a :"Hu . n ,.vcr e: , . J,... I 'In \ \ 'lI{J l in J. formed by th e !:!u pe rintendent of the ud vance to larger,city id eas I t is beli eved th at many of th e ot her T . R. Sm ith has been ('u nfi neu toO eh a;; . SlallH he rry tra ll"acl\'u hu ~i· Y"U . and th ut .1' ''"1' j".\' IlI ig-)Il IH! 1·:. ~ lhp r JI \' I ,,J l'r~()1I I ll'· " ' th schoo l!'! th ere tha t her work h a.~ bee n " wI' 11 ad opt the 6 o'c lock cia" th e house several da. v iI with rh e um a · ' 0 'r l ·1 f II " . ' > 1I1"e ,,, mlur., store. ., ~ lH.!H ~ 111 aylon lursuay . U . :"\"vl·lla 1:"lwcl'e. Kath leen Gilmo very sat isfact ory and will go back ing hour for Sa turday . a nd it Is ti~m . ~l' h" l arl.v . . ,·et prad ica l and simply J)(i ri ~ 11 1·11(1.' rson. I(athl"en !l en. nex t yea r al:! a r c!!:, ular teacher a t a C. Carey was a ull sin, ',.s vi sit or 1,,1.1 . III'' U"1' ~ ~'" ur St' ' rece .lvel I I'rl l' r ap t ,.I 'r>'" n. f:hell J an<'l Carlw·riorhl. 1':1"1',, nice in crease of sa lary. He r many mu ch to be hoped th a t th.ey wl'll dl) I. If you wan t reli abl e BU lorgies, Su r , to F. Cincinllati Ian Thu r ~ uay . . f " attt'nt loll 0 all J!rl'~ellt 111 ,, 1 was Huwl,e and I\ l il,!retf 11 .' lrt.~, fri ends in Waynesv ill e are very gl ad ~o rieB and Farm Wagons. see Cross I ., 'c k 1,,1 pful and inspi ring in (,It! ry wI)rd. -- - • Th e step invo lves a co n 8i d e r ab l~ to hear of her good f ur t ur,e . Bros. L. A. Zimml'rman at tenrl etl to shifting of tht> volum e of trad e, bUl At til l' C!wil' "f hi~ Sf:! r m OIl after OI.HT U A~\, bu winess in Cincinnati Thursd ay. with the enfor ced compl iance wi th St. Mary 's Guil d wi ll meet with till' l'xam pl e of tlw 1I1'09tl s hl' laid --Mr. and Mrs. Amos Harnish, of early cl osing which recenl events Mrs. W. A. Benecke Thu rsday after. Mil son' s rert i li ~.e r . the best on the h i~ hand s lI).Jon twell'e calldiJalt-s, Ma rl in Van Buren, son of Jacob market. For sale hy Chas . F rye . p rl'~( 'llled by lh e rec to r. for ('" n, ancl Elle 'l Houg h Zellers. WiIS b"rn Spring field. Ohio , ce lebrated th eir have broug ht about, there ought to noon at 2 o'c loc k. Ar malion. and by that s ig'1l c"rl itil.d nea l' li agarstown , Ma ryland . AUj{u:,lt .Ilolden weddin g ann iversary April be no diffi cnlty on the part of the E. !-:. I::br ig hL of Frankli n was lh t'lil of Cod '" favor anti g'l) orllle~s 2, lX&7 an d di ed Apri l ~ 4 . 1!II ;l . being Miss Marn e Brown is th e g uest of 12th. This' coupl e have s pent nearly people in adjusting themselves to Mr. and Mrs . Lindl ey Mend enh all call ing- li n W ay ne~v ill e fr ieml;; Mon. tuwartls them . Th e elm;:'! rom istt'd ab o ~t 76 y~ars o ~ age . One of a all t heir married life in Sp ringfield, the change. day. , of th e folillw ing: Mr. all d Mrs. J . Ifaml ly of nin e chrl d ren. four sisters From the standpoint of the mer· for a couple of days. with the exception of about fi ve W il ~(m Ed ward~. Herh ' I,t S. Ed. land four brothers. none s urvive chant. th e change is much to be de. I years, when they li ved a t Bellbrook Mrs. L O. Thompson ~n~.children Miss Emma Moouy. of Day ton , ill ward s. I·:t han Cra n.·. Ida J . Hawke , him , and Waynesvil le. Mr. Harnish is sired . It works for a more general a musician and Wa!l through the distribution of business :througb the of Pendl eton. Ind. , a re , ISltmg Rev. th e guest of Mr. a nd Mrs. E, V . Leah M. ~Illith. Adolph in l' Zimlller. 1 Whil e qu ite young the fil lll, Huth H. Hartsock. Emma A. m ved to Ohio. wh ere he has sinc e Barn hart. Civil War with the then famou~ week, and it means better service in P. B. Thompson and family. IJentley, Henr ietta Mc K ill.~ey. Ulie resid etl . Shortly aft er he was beref t every department and a more ecoHawk en's band . Whil e here he was Mr. T . K Cum mings and so n . L. Graham. an ti Lav erna Kell ey. A full li ne of Chas. A. P . Barrett"s lof hI S mother . but the father lived , the leade r of the Waynesv ille Co rnet nomical placing of the organization. Bishop Reese won th e h e art ~ of i for Qui te a num ber of years. It is to the salespeople that the Paints and Varnishes at Rogers' Fl oyd , of Xeni a. spent Sunday with band. They an"! the pa rents of four relat ives he re . a ll who heard and met him . Ilu' : On February 29.1 876, was married children, three of wh om are still g reatest benefit accrues. Saturd ay H ardware Store. mi lilyand Ihe d e~ire to ser ve a re lto Elizabeth C. Smith; t o them were Jiving. The Gaze tte. together with is a hard day, fatiguing at best. but Mr. and Mrs. Lou Vinson and Miss ev id enc ed in his every wo rd and bo rn four children. Wilbur n., Harry Allie Huffman, seal e r of weights many fri ends here . hope they may when continued until late at night, Jean Ferguson. of Dayton, spen t live to celebra te their diam ond wed· it becomes a day to be dreaded'. Ef· Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. J, W. ami measures , was in to wn F riday deE'd, a nd th us he fol lows th e in , \ M.. Es tella and Margaret. Estella juncti on of his Lord : He who woul d dying Octobel' 2, 189-1 and Harry on offic ial business. fi ciellcy suffers as well, and that is a ding. White. be g rfl at alllong you le t him b' the ' Ma rch 8, J898. less that does not by any means fall FORMER .PASTOR GOES SOUTH upon the employer alone. From a e Bell Cream Se pa rato r, th e servant of al l. Corclia lly amI grate. The deceased liv ed in Waynesville Blu Mrs. Clark Cadwallader, of Mor. h est on the market. at Hoger s'. fully d id t he cong regation of St. for a nu mber of years, a nd although humanitarian standpoint alone the row , and Mr. Frank Cadwallader. of Rev . L. O. Th ompson . of Mary's r eeei ve Bishop Reese as the not a member of any church, was a ~ove of this store is worthy of th.e Lebanon. were the guests of Mrs. ton, Ind " form e ll y pastor strictly tem perate man and a peaceWilbur Ze lle~, of Cincinnati, was chief shephe rd of t he fl ock. l:tMt-.~IIWlhMtion, and that 111 Agnes Wright and family, Sunday. Christian church here , has locate~ where - -- - - iul citizen, called to his parental home, Friday its highest vaJue lies. at Loranger, La .. where he hus pur, CORN CO:' H EST After an illn ess of about nine rt is to be hoped that nothing Cross Bros. will be found at the evenmg . by the death of his father. chased an 80 acre farm . This farm shall come up to interfere with the weeks he was Qui etly released from He r eturned to Cin cinnati SUYlday ffi !lelow is li st I) f "nlries rece ived is located near the church, whe:oe he ~u c eess of a plan which is 110 fraught o ce in their large ware r oom whe r'e hit! terribl e lIuffering. 1f>llving a they will be glad to meet you. and evening. bv th e Ohio llepar tment fl f Ag ric ul· - is now pastor, and Mr, Thompson with possibilities for the good of all faithful wife. a Bon and daughter, are in better shape now to help you ture from War ren l',)unly, t u dale. can overRee the work on the farm in concerned in its operation. Cross Eros. request everybod y havbesides one ni ece , four nephews and bargains than ever before. in Many more ent ri es are wanted . connection with his pastoral work. oth er relatives to mourn his death, ing accounts or notes du e to the firm Buys get busy. (; el you r neighbor Pendl eton reluctantly gave him up .. May his ~pirit rest in peace." Hugh Ridge left Sunday for Day , r to com e in and settle. e ithe r by cash uoys Lo enter . I:emem bel' it la l(cs CHINA'S APPEAL TO CHURCHES to become one of a colony formeu ton, where he has secured a good po. or note, as they must have their 10 entries for eac h cou nlY contest . CARD OF THAN KS at that pla.!e. On April 17th an appeal was made sition with the National Cash Regis. busmess all closed up. and 5 fN each tow nship contest. It The farming land around Pendl e· We wi.h to ex tend our sincere ts noth ing to enter, you have ton, Ind., is selling at $1 50 pe r acre, by the Chinese Government to all ter Co. Hugh has been the effi cient Th e MeCo rmick Bind e J'~ and Mow· cos eve rythin g til ga in. e ven if you do tha.llks to th.e friends who so kindly clerk in J. E. Janney 's drug stoY'e and choice locations for $200 per th e christian churches in China, to ers and Re pairs are soltl by Cr oss not win this tim e. you get t he ex. aSSisted us In the death of the hus· for two years and ill a very populalr Sunday, April 27, as a day se t aside acre. Finding that land just as good. Bros. peri ence that will help you for the band ~nd (ath~ r ; also Rev. Grauser young man. Success to him. ' and climate far better, could be for prayer that China may be guided h18 Mrs. Chas Stan ton, of Yuba, Ari. nex t time. Lay yo ur plans now nnd I(or, t l conllsobhn ll wofrds, hMr'ffiM~fHt bought in eastern Louisiana, for to a wise solution of the critical Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye , sho "0 d " b t l ' " al1u le pa earers or tee clent '.0 per acre, a number of the leadin g problems besetting her Prayer was who handles MI'lson's, the b~ t. zona, and Mrs. J ohn Hau cke, of Cin· cornw T a l you cand ea'" 11lm' r" ISlI1g . wh Ie ' h th e f unera I was ~, I manner 111 the appeal for the new requested in cinnati. are g uests of their sister, J un . 1 es your see . Ln l'Ie!l c ose con,J ucled . men of Pendleton , formed a Land Company, went south and investiga· Government, for the National As· Dr. J . T. Ellis. A . Ma ffit . J. O . Mr~. Harvey Gustin . e . Mrs. El izabeth Zellers, Son and ":" rlmll l!. Corud l \V. l\·,,~s,' ilk \ \ '.1\' 11" ted. They were more than pleased, sembly, for the President of the reo Cartwright, J, C. Hawke, C. M. ' dD We wI'11 open our Ice Cream Parlor Alhc'rl (ole l 'k" " ,,'1l P!:till H.,da" Da ught_e_r._ _ and bough't a large tract of land, public, who is yet to be elected, for Ro b nzer an , L Crane attend ed ~2l1Tre tt Tun "" !.,·I ,.,"c.l 1I T",lkcn ... k .. - ••- - came back and formed a colony. and the Constitution of the republic, for inspection of New Burling ton lodge. next Saturday evening for the seaso n, LOlli,; \ ' e rwn 'h' !., ·h.",,,n '1'"" ken·d : ST. MARV 'S CHURCH 'J' lI rt l"Ul"' " , "----ur-e-ntrw on' their farms planting the the maintenanee of peace, and the F & A. M., Thursday evef\1flg. The having closed thp. moving pi cture Arth ur C, ,\\'.[ II 1.,·b.II''' " election of strong and virtuous men affair was a very pleasant one. A show Mond ay evening. We g ive al l ~ I ilbrd 1ll-lId r,·" " .. rr" ", ~''''' " 1 . Thurtlday , Ascension Day, Holy spring crop. to office. The appeal was given a fine chicken supper was served. . old and new patrons a cordia l wei. Th e Ohi o Ul'part ment of AgnClII ' ICo llllllunion at 10 o· clock. Mrs. Thompson ana family are come. Come in and have a dish of ture ha~ r ece ived free Was hin g ton Sunday after ARcension Day, May here visiting at the Rev. P. B. wider scope by being sent lo clergy· Vacuum Cleaners and Carptet cream anu listen t o the mu sic next trip a nnounce ment::! fr om Warren '.1. Sunday Schoo l a t 9:30 a . m. Thompson's home, where a reception men of all denominations throughout county . as ful lo\i,'>l: Sermon and Holy Communion at was given them on Friday evening America to join in the intercession Sweepers at Rogers' Hardware ISaturd ay evening. W. C. Phillip!!, Civic Trutlt. Lebano ll. t hree trips . 10:30. Thc recently confirmed are of last week. All the member!\ of for the new republic. It ill a tribute Store. Prices right. City Nat ional Bank. Leban on. on6 r('quested to be present [at the Sunthe church gave her a hearty wei· to the Christian work in China, that ~~~~~~~~~~""!""_""!""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tri p. day Schoo l hour . Everybody invited come. Especially was this true of this appeal has been made. It is ~ Co nj.'; ressman F es.~ will offe r fr el' to a ll these se rvices. the .. Loyal Daugh tel SOl Sunday said that this is the first time in the - - - . - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""'!'_ _ _-: t. rip frum lI Ji~ c~n! r':S8i on al d ist rict. I l'~e annual m eetin~ of St. Mary's School class Mrs. Thompson was the history of the world that such Ii reo quest has come from Ii non·christian teacher of this class whil e living at TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DAY IParISh will be h~lcl III the church .-,;:....~ 'l"lfI ' ./ " 'L~ nation. nt'xt Monday even mg. May 5, at 7:30. this place. In response to the appeal prayer By A TAXPAYER Beeau se of th e Co unt y Sunu ay [At this ,meeting the. vari ous treas· Mrs. Thompson will leave Tues· day of next week for Toledo. Ohiu, was offered in St. Mary's church, -_ _ _ _'._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _..J ::)('hool Co nvention a t Spri ng- boro, ure rs WIll make theIr re ports, wa r· May 22 - 2:~ . it \Va;; thouM'ht oe:;t to juens and vestryme~ el ected, also where she will visit her brother last Sunday, for China's guidance in S.ems to be the need of the hOllr I weary hands (' ha l1 j.';e Township School Da v to I,delegates to the DIOcesan Conven· before going sou th to join her hus· the choice of a chief magistrate, and for his General Assembly, that all (.n Main <ltreet, If hecould behirl~d l The street!:! will have to be beUer Wedn esday , May 21st. li~n : and any oth er husiness per· band. No lJr izes are off<:' red th i!'l yea r as talllm~ to the parish, that may need Rev, L. O. Thompson and family things may be so ordered and settled by the hour during the rainy periods prepar ed befo re the oil is put on . were held in high esteem by the by their endeavors, upon the best to scrape off the loose soil and du st. \The surface d irt should be more il was thought th at all citi zens had ,a LLe ntlOn .. A .full ~tl endance of the people of Waynesville, and all join and surest foundationa, that peace we would be rid for all t ime, of tha t conscientiou:;ly remuved, th e sand bee n call ed u pon 1\0 much th at it cong regatIOn IS deSIred . with the Gazette in wishin&' them and hapJliness, truth and justice. re much at least. Drawn off with the placed so oil cannot run to waste , w/l ulu not he adv i~a bl e . CHRISTIAN CIVIC UNION prosperity and happiness in their ligion ana piety, may be establishetl hoe to one side, the water would Ichuck holes fill ed up with g ra vel. drain off in the gutters and the IAll this done before oilin g is co m. While the ex hibil may no t be among them for all generations. new home. qu it e so e laborate as last year we A' . cr held Alll' II "9 1913 beaps collected be hauled away at mence d ....- - a re sure it willb(' a ppreciated and th t a meetln . . " ., . - , , BAPTISMAL SERVICE the earliest convenience of the city. Labor can be had now, very reason· each patrun of the rural schools I e Ch.rlstlan CIVIC Unron e lected the L I. O. O. F. ANNIVERSARY No amount of oil would long suffice ably, when it i1\ ra ining every other followlllg officers ' d if pOR.-; ibl e bc present and see I . . Last Saturday was the 94th anni· A beautiful baptismal service was to hold so n1uch loose substance day, and before spring work tak es shoul th e wo rk of the coun t ry sch ools. J . E J anney. P~esld ent Frank Elbon VI 'e P veraary of the founding of the In· held at the "Three Brid&,es" last do wn . It has been tried ,' but for it out of town, "Th~re is a tide in Th e children ' ~ program will be given Lo' I) ' ' S C • res . dependent Order of Odd Fellows, in Sunday afternoon. A large crowd t he IlJIt six months the residents of the affairs oC men"-o mitted, we in the morning followed by an adW'UIS rlnt Z' ecr. .f t a ry Ilbur Sears , Treasurer America. In the evening suitable gathered on both sides of the runninll the two business sections have been can sprinkle the good old summer d ress in the afternoon exercises, in commemoration of the stream, where eleven candidates deluged with dust. Either the all through. The dirt cannot be got off Remember this is fo~ rural sch ools Executive Committee: Rev. C. S. event, were held in the hall of the received tAe ordinance of Christian will have to he put on twice a year, when the street is dry and hard as and pl ease give it as much attention GN~ahuser, Rev. P. B. Thompson, Lafe or the Itreets better prepared to turnpike. Ie olson C M Ro bitzer Geo local branch of the order. Rev. C. Baptism. . Let us take counsel. one with as you would t~e!:a.:mer's Institute. IMill s. ' . . , . S. Grauler was the apeaker of the After this ceremony the crowd conserve the oil that Is put on. Public spirited citizens welcomed another as to best methods and from LOST FIVE GOOD HORSES A IneeLing of the Christian Civic evening and ilave, what all who went to the Claristian church and Union. will be held in the WeBley heard him, say iB the best address of aftllr a brief ceremony three can- the opportunity last season to con- year to year try to improve on past Frank E. Hartsock, of near Ferry, Club Rooms, next Sunday, May 4th, , the kind ever given in the local hall. didates received the ordinance of tribute to the oil fund, when told itle~o:ts, I~!s not the money, pU'blic .' Milllt Lucy Emley sang two J&t.autiful baptism, in the Baptistry of the would keep down the dust. So it spirited CItIzens are after, but reo sold a team of black horses to Mr. 1913, at 2;30 p. m. All members are. did, for a time at least, but for the suIts Clouds of dust are not sani. Schutts, for l440. Mr. Schutts has cordially invited to attend and help '80108 as she alone Un ain&, them. c!lurch. . , ,'Th.·..ere very highly appreciated Both services wt!r~ largely attended lut six months, every passing auto, tary. "Cleanliness is next to God- had bad luck in 103ing five of his iin this good cause.. er ~of wind undid the work of !ineas." valuable horseS. ,L~,N. Prmtz, Sec y, and were very impr_".. . ~·~,;."."." ,~,•.•• ,·.l:;i, • alfpreaent. · . " Paulina llllll l' rw or l h lat ely re, ce ived a Il, tll' r from Il . H. Ander, son . of Lafaye t teo Ind ., wh o inform s he r tha t he h a~ heen q uite ill, bu t that he ti nh;J)(>d hi ~ ti fLy sevpnth shi rt wai st be fore he becam e so ill. It is hoped by his man y fri en d!:! he re, that hi!:! ind ispos il ion wil l son ii pa:;s, and th at many yearH wi ll ~ t i ll be given him




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The Man with the Hoe


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The Miami Gazette


D. L. CRANE. Pub lisher. \Y .\ Y:-\ES \ · ILLE.

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Pupil s or the public schools In a P e nn sy h 'anla town w e r e lak e n In dl· vis ions to see movin!; pi c ture s of the Panama canul as a way of Impressing upon tb e m th e ir geographical studIes. Th e re does no t seem much doubt tbat moving pictures will playa large part In th e conduct of the IIchools In the futur e, Th e ir lIIu stratlonB wlll s upplement books t o a la rge ex t e nt, sInce to tb~ childis h mind , espe cially, things " ee n are mlghtl e r th a n things hcard.


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Use of Smoot hi ng Harrow. Dra g or Some Ot her Pulver izi ng I mplement I m med iately After t he P, ow W ,II Fa cilit ate Seed Bed Prepa rati on Th f' firR~ r!lp or In :h" pr ,·" .I !':lll"" or t hc :-' f 'P t! t.H'd t I d' (' J :. , ... '1 " :-\;) 111, > H ~ ror \l f h, ',- fa :--:J1 • I li P" , I I; !:I, ' : ,\. pluwing

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nn d il i, ot t n th r'lll gh nl ll ll l' Ihill we are . l~llgilt thi',1 ";

A k t l.!' r fr om Dublin sars lil a t Eng· l is ll midul e·c luss pa r e n ts. a r u tak in g to 8f'nil ln,,; th e Ir SOliS to lre land to r oe(' lve. til 'II' e du ca ti o n. ttl o Iri sh. mid · dI e-c lass 5chool s and colleges being leRa c xpc n s lve Ihan their Engll.h <;Qul\,lile llts lind with o ut the vicioull attractions wbl c h often c llviron educll. tJonnl centers in Gre at Drltaln. The result Is th a t the you ng me n usually Becure a betl'! r ed ucall on than H th e ,. w e r e k e pt on th e ir own side ot th~ .. hann e l. ThIs state of thIngs revIve. memories or Ire land's days of glory, " ' ben th e green Isle was the nursery of learnIng for all Europe. A Bclenlltlc expert In Los Angeles 1s expe rimenting to produce a breed of zebra·strlped rats. Wbat r es ult to the human race th o success or this ezperlment would b e is hard to tell, except to rend er the horrors ot a late, lnebrillted homecoming more polgn. ant than ever, It a feasting rodent ~ppened to be disturbed by the late c:omer. M s divorce paradIse R e no Is wiped off the map. A whole year Is now reQuired as residence In the lltate at Nevada for cltizenshlp purposes, and from the lamentatlons oV P , the act of tb.e other and leae complaisant lltate., ~denc88 In Reno lDust be .omethln, aD exile.

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":ln t al l :nl lh:" lJl &. 1'0 . AI'II ' I' I hud pari I'll w it h ,.",·,' ral p ,o (1 fri l'l1 (1 5 a lll'lIl;'; l lil' e l, ' rh. wh o hllll<' s l ly r e o 111" ' 11, ' (1 m" ell' p:trl 11 rf' . I Wit , HUl'prl Hl'd 10 fi n,1 .\ Ii "" \ '('." y at II I), Hielp. JU SI ll 9 I \\1I " 1" I\,ill" Ih l' p h,l'I ' !-' It ,· waR in

Int o th, . :;Ir ,· ,' l. ,·:, m, · h al l, to Uh' sl<lp (11' h i>; (, Ollll,," ,jt' n. I WIlS "fll' r th ai Iq ,ph·· 1 01'1 ' clolll)I(" '111 1('1; T h(' n as I nlllrnl d III thl ' win d o\\'. I " 11I1 ,,," , 'd lin "X, illng la lJl (,lL li In,IIlr . [\,«1 s t nll' (lli l ln' r n ," o,' 1f \Pl'nn 'nll), thp (. II pl'· had found

1 t'i tr ~ .

n o t h i n[! lO suil th .... m nnd HI (lrt f' d to

~ h p pl ~('! ' d fl r l h l . ~ rl y , ufTI'(' l ion ·



any poss ibl e Impulatlon or wrong !lo· Ing that may foll o w me ." You see. I r emember e d 1111 ahout that mIss in g antiqu e rio !;. In fact . I lto pw UI C man who hod s tol en It. At lellst 1 thought T dirt. A ye , I kn e w 111m twic e ! That is a atrnnge thing to .Roy- but eve n thrl cpl I ml'an : dis · ,,;HIRed . I wa H sure , as , renl'cted . that th e s leek thi e f had twice be ror e vis· I ted the store on OCC'Os loll s a fle r which articl e!l of vnlu e had been found ml"slng. I am not much of n story t ('lIer. but , 1.0 look ahead 'u IItlle , my liard think· In g assured une thnt 1 might make a good detectiv e. Thot r e fl e ction led to octlon, 1 dlscovcred my nalural forte , and that Is why I ha" e become a se· cret service man , where I have an ellsy case about once a year. plenty of Ume to work on It, lind good pa y. My flrst step was to go to the Jewelers' Doord of Trad e. Th a t was where they k ept th e records of th e trade, and I knew min e would follow mc. Thc secretary was a bland, brIght· eyed old man. I told my story. I 1l1so recited my sl,1splclons . I could see that he was becoming Interested In me. "You thlnl.{ the man who polmed the missing antlque ' rlng today Is a profeSSional. e h?" he Inquired. '" am certain of It." "And that you would know him again?" ~'I surely ~vould. See here," I cried, "I noticed Elomethlnc peculiar. He did not seem able to raise one hand hIgher than his chest. He tried to neck away a grain of dust on his cheek and I noticed hIm wince as thought It hurt him. It was a peculiar motion. Besides-hIs-. eyes. I am goIng to find tbat man," I continued des. perately. "I want to clear myself at any possible suspicion." "See here," Bald the secretary, "I like your talk. Nobody thlnk8 of SUBpecting you, for th'ese robberies have become an every-day event. I wantto say this. however: It you succeed In running down the ,gang who are pllty of' tbej18 lIystematlc peculatloDs. tlie ,~ew~le~' Board of Tra~e Will pay you .' a reward of ODe thou land dol.

:t il l ~ I S \\: .:t~ h ~~ III !-- Iron~ s onp ~" I II I' tilf l f ' i u a warm plar',\, ic:; a plant Slid , . It WIll 1,(, sPt . :," a ely e' I ~ with I w h ·, ·10 in and BrnlllHI th r. l ilo (' r ~ mo rdant an d:l " tl' OI t: LJI I,:t t' hu lg u/!:(' nt , lit' 110 .. <IOl h. If (lId It IS lI u " os~llJl(> to ~' II I Iw l'I 'IJlJir l'd tu )'1' 111 01' (, II; . wbll e i l'(, ll" " '(' it. Tak pn "'"R e ll"u gh, il calt If l' Ol ll ng w a l"r hud " <'en 1l ~1'l1 In th e III ' " J e.~ I'II t'd o ut bv ;111" of th e III('t b. t.. ('gill ll in/!:. Ih e s tll in nr i"ht ha,'c iJ l!e n ~ , ,,I s 'l IK)(eSled fo J' ; cllw;' ing ink or lJ'on tak (' n Ollt wlIh no dim elll l)'. Of <:Oll l' ~(' " I'li s t . the Ill's t thllll': don e is Ito t alwa),s s ~II " 1 }I" , I gl'PflHY or () i! f;tnln ~ are very ('('"sf ,,1 and dIIT(, J' l'1l1 Slalll S I'e lllllr(' · pa s il y lake./\ Ollt. IIp.r e We mll s t use (IIn'e r e nt mcth o ds o f tr f' atnll'nt, uut I s""If,thin!; wbl c h 11'111 co mbin e with the n ' Ill'(' a few gl'lI e rfll rlll ~:l a nd pre· l tht.' grr as (', a s s oap s lld s. or will dis. c auti oll" which one C lUJ l'aSl ly rentenl · ' 5 011'1' it, a s /!:usoline, tJ e;:zlne, cthe r or bel'. dllo rn form. Th e lat.tE'r should b e us ed N earl)' . all fruit stain s ('u n, be ra- wllh c'a lltl on, either o u t of <loo)'s or In mov e d WIth bo lll u/!: wat N. I'or thI s ~ Ii SI I'Ollg drart whi ch carr ies the VR' rea so n It IS a g oo d pla ll to Hca l<l ali i POl" ollt of the wlnil o <7B. III I' cmov. tabl e IIn r ll durlllJ.: Rea sons wh e ll milch ! ing all .\' Id"d of a greuse HPOt, s tre tch fre s h fnllt IS II sed on t he tabl e. <:ra ss thc' 1'I IIIh O\'er a tl at surfac I t . r " I t', 1110 S en a s tluns, or I'lllt stnl1~s on woo, o r any urtl s h 01' small l: lo th in the gaso line or ~ I ot h on wb l('h !Joll in g waLe I' can not OID I'I' su l\'cnt, anti brus h the "urfnce bo 1lsc d, Cfln 11. uall~ bE' .re mo~ed. with or I hI' " Ioth lightly, O\'cr tb e spot, all(: nlcohoL It n e lth e l Illan \\O~kS, a I arollnd it for Aome d istan ce to I(ee r, bl e nch lIlay b e trI e d, bllt o nly WIth suc' l a rin g from formin g 1' h b h I h' I lb f ' " . (OtJ rus D ('cas 011 w It e r () ; or It mtl st ue r e' ha rd w ward lhe c enter of the s ot Dl e Jllb el'E'd that a bl e '" 'h Will I' 'mov e tls illg fr esb gasoline, Hai'l!! a Piece" of the. co lor of the cloth a s we ll a s the bl nt LIng paper or a folded tow e l under starn . . I th e! doth to absorb th e gasc.line. ~'o l' atIQudl"};Ra nbdl('fl'e ~t l :' e, blcach trhY III I'(lnlo\'ing any kind III '!J.Jln, rOo IS m e l? I: I u . hemon JUi ce Int o t 0 lI!(' rnL pr that water wi!; tal( oJ out a staIn. " pl'ln , e wit common sa il. u nd I grl' llL lIlany fresh stai ns aDd Is les8 hold o~er ~ l~am; the s pout or t!J.~ t ea· harm ru l LO th e c lOlh than othe r meth. kcttl e IS \ e l y ('on venlenL. Rill s (. lin· od s. fi e careful about uAlng blea ching medlale)T In cold waleI' when th e a gcn t:; , for they may have un injurl. ataln be Ings to fade. as th e comlllna· ou :; a c tion, on the cloth, l' nlesB proptlon ot salt. lemon juice and hcat erly u~ed . Use such solvell~ as gaBOo ' tends to wea1l.on the fibers at the cloth, lin e a nd benzine with extreme cauespecially if it be cotton or lIu e n. tlOTl, remembering that they lire high.. Stains left by cocoa, tea or coffee Iy Intfarnmahle. . ea.n US hall.!' be removed, as tl'uit stains KATHERINE ALLIllN are, with boiling water, elcobol or College of' AgrIculture Ohio SUita lemon juice and salt. Ink etalns may Unl"el'8\ty , be femQved with a hleachjn g agent, ,__._ _ _-,-_ luch . as ' the· one dellor.lllod above,' or : Keep th~ I~!I growhlg somo crall. tan" ,. .. ., , with hydggen peroxld~ or with ollalic Avoid :allow8•. Wheo· oll,e crop Is"l1ol" "I'm ,oint to trr. and ~ It,~ I or m'1l'latic acId, alway, remembering vested, Ijtart angther Immedlatel,., II IiaIcl, ud forthwith .wtecJ ' to ma.e alW ..,.. or tIlesl arl Uled; the YOU clOD" atart Wtu. f roll

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aIr' \t R 11 II Oll lil Y u rm III a p ll'ad inJ;. Ir :r\' " Ih t! , 101'1' . Sllcl<l""I~' Ih l' slll" s' s), l1Ipa t h l'l i<' \\'1I)' Iha t SlI fll'll l' d n1(' . II H' Il (' " Iic'<i (0 ill !' noor\\a llll' r and ran " You w ill nol g l'l t.! isr oura grol '" " h e o u t fl'Cl lll tH' h ln tl thf' 1'0 II 111 "I'. l i tl' L: i \ , \ ' . !j" !.' . Ilq ,P :1. ' ,1 - :-; to h f ' 11t; "' d sa lt.! . " Two (li a molJ(l. uro' lO i" 'I!!1; frolIl II I \\u) ' hi l ll: 'Jl ,~ ~ -' o "J ; J " !t U1 11 :--h UI1J d I, . , ':1, \\ (lrk t d ,I " 10 ,jlJ , '~, t l ' t H)'I ~tJ ,ll r " 00 "" iL fII~ll (' r li lli Ch'" 1 jc rh ed tI" , trll Y. 11 (' dl' ph' I'I'd " 0(1 ),011 d ar l' In In "lmlllll' Ih at \\0 111( 11 111 (' H) ! ~ :C, ; ';-lI 1: l U~ 1 \., U'lvl' ia l Ollt. stili wrolir at Ill)' s umm Itr y d is· touk th nm '" hh,,, I, ' rl'd Ill)' ma n. ).:. " "" I II ;1/ 11 1,". :1U..,' · II , II U I po:-- )I hili of lIli ~s al. ' I r~ , l lll ' Tr l al-'; l L,' ,,11 _\ :-- :1:1 1 ( I B l dl· "Th l' I<l "!l ~ " Rn IIT<'<l t h .. woma n . ro)·· " It dol' S t o "' P," ~ h, ' l'I ' pll l'd parn· l i 4Jn s :,ollld ttl' m ad , 1111,' .... lltJU,e. h ~ O "Rt ly. " mol'O th nn yo'.! tI,Jllk. It mat· nlly nt uy,lllfl('p nl In 111' 1' .fI lJ( ·P11 1y f(~ O rn . Iii I' p :l r r l, ' l ·, .. (':In ( O/,j f ' i n to l ' ntlf~I('~ t e r B to m), lJrol h l' r. t oo. M I'. Wlu l hro p. " You mu st 8u bm lt 10 a RI·' urcb ," ~a ld '-.' i l li ":I"l! q t li(':- " nn ":- t Hhll :- ia i,:t pil- You found him II good pus ition , llnd he th .. cl r rlt flrm ly. • l :tr',r , tt ' itO !! , \ !I \\'(,, ' d~ !-t. lr(ill k t o grow tL'1II bl' a lwa ys gratcful. Ir I clln h e lp " YO ll s h ull su rJ'pr fr r Ihls Indi/l'nl · ~11!) 1I1" ilL' " '·~Iroy , ·tl .,: IU 0 '1 11 '), " ·I ·tl S you - " ty! " pried th ~ man . 1\0 , ' x p n:-:f , 1 s o : h f'~' w ill ~ t.) r l ll j ll a ll ) Hil t! Bul. I s llOo k my h ead d pj p.('[edly. Th ey accompn.n led th R:l lps man . Upre I. a b ecom in g model and ooe lip d t' ~ tr " :\I..'cI i I4>j " rf'" th t o lO ril 1:, pla nt"At l east le t m e h Nlr how you get who was Joln('d b y a h1l1 l' f'i prk. to re- if th e ne w es t l' fl' <)c t s of the s e ason. p(j II i :-- " ,i.' ,. I ; ;(1 klH w (' t·d }O. I II th e a long," Kh e add e d . and t hf'r e was a tirin g room H. I glld pd up 10 tho spot Th e drpss CIOS"8 ,t tb e rront and lit Ii .. ld I)I': ()I'" ,, 1"111111),; "tall .1 1'1< I' 'he t r (, JOor In he r voice tha t In s pired m e wh em tb ey h lld s tood at th(' coun te r . mad e with thre e J;ore d s ltlrt and s e pa\\'ith th o idea Uwl I ha d ail e s t e rling I Rlip p.,iI my nngers alon g Ih e un der 'rate gul mp l:'. Any or Ih e popular mnIP rials UlIl )' be e n,ploy t'd In Its con · trlcnd In th e world . e d ,,;e ot the sbow CR Se . Th e two !lu s pects ca mp o ut or t h o "lructl on . S o , prom ised hl'r. urHI wpnt on my Th e pattern (ijI6~) Is c ut In sizes 34 wa y. Th e n my t h o ug ht s uegun to r e tiring ro om s t hre atenlnp: but tri um· s e t phn n\. Thc mI s s in g !;em R lInd not bee n . 0 42 In c h e R tu s t m foaSU r !). Me dium crystallIze to SO nt (> co h(' r pnl'Y · s Ize w ill r cquir o (; ya rds or 36 Inch my tI~ t h h arll . I c le nc he d m y rl s ts found . " I s h nll sturt a suit through In >, m llt (' rlal o r 5 yurfl s of g oods H Inches with d e l e rmln a tlon. ''I'll soo this thin g throll!(h!" I said la wy e r aL ull c e ," Bu ld m y Illan, nn d wId e, wit h '4 at a ynrd of 2 ~ In ch all · mo\'('d tow a r ds th A 'c ounLe r again s t ov e r anrl 'k o r a yard or edgI ng. F o r 10 mys pl(- "If it. Is only to se t at r l'st whi ch bis umbre ll a r es ted . th~ body or the gulmp e. '!'. of n y ard "Wal t." I s aid. and block~d hi s W il Y. of 3G in ch Ii lli ng Is re qu Ire d . "Ex am in e Ihat," I :td dpd. px l e ndlng To pro(' uro t hl~ p l1 tf {' rn p(\nf1 11) r~n", t o -'Pa tt f'r Jl J)cpllrtnlc nt , " ur thl :'l p npt.r. th o II ppl p. corP to th p lls to ul sh pd clp- rk . 'Yrltc fl ame and lIddrCPo!l J,bl nl )' , ut ilI Uft "An d that." and I h a nded a wad at sure In go l\'o ttl 20 a nd Jlum ltu r or p ll ll rn ~ gum to th e floorwlllk pr . "What dol' S thl B menn ?" inq uIred BlZS . • •••.• •• •••••••• NO, 6163. th o sa lesmalt vllgu ply . H.nd t h en hlB cyc r es t ed on a spu rld ing eye ot light NAME ••• • .• •• ••••••• ••••••••••• ••.••••••••• Imb edd ed In th c fruit . At th e same TOWN .. . ... ...... __ ...... .... . ... . _. ____ ._ moment th e noorwalk er d iacovered th e second g em in th e gum, w bich the STREET AND NO. •• _.,. ....... .... _. _•• _ d en woman swindler h ad stuck on th e 9TA Til . ... . ......... _•• __ ._ •.• __._ •• _•• _._. und er dm of tb e co un te l·. w oere f hed found It . The man turn e d r E' d. Ih ('n wbite. CHILDREN'S DRESS. follow tile plow in the sp ring . The 'Woman faill te d . I t('l (' ph o ned t b e J e welN s' Board at Tra de . Its sccre(' f UP i s J.; r o\\ Jt J ~ Th ,,;p sh uu lcl :,sl~o b f' tor y appeared In person , t11" n th e po· a l'unl i lIlI OIl ~ " ,Il J~ h of a c oupl c or lic e. The s hort·a rm man willingly con· lr.c he" '0 as : 0 \'I·dll('" t hc· amo u nt o r fe ssed to th e trille of Ih e antique f'vapor:u ion of rnoi~tlJn-' to n m in imum. rin g. II ' pr ill" pluw in" I~ p rael iced, It Golcl Rt e in & Co . orrere d h nn d som e ~ l1oll1d Iw ea r ly , :111(1 f n llu\\' f' d iJ :l m (~ apolo r- lc B aod an In c r eused salary. d i: I : ~ I " willI liJ (' h a nol\·. dr,I .~. etc. ><0 1-1 0 we\'l; r . with th e one t hou sa nd dol· a ~ t o gl' t a JI I'O IH::Io r S f~(' li lH-d . no IInl tnrs I fo llow e d my na tura l b e nt. b ,,· III n n)' ('05 ( ' ,,110 \\' (it .. soil 10 bl'('o IW! came a Be n c t serv ice mnn . as , have ha rd :lIIt.! <'in<irl r, f or ()IH'I' ill I h i~ l'IIn· a lready t olc!. a nd marrl e (1 tbat pl'e t t y. d ili o ll il . n ·q ui rt'. 81'·... ' ral t illl eti t il l' sy mpathizIn g stenograph er , at cours e. a IIl O\II I' or I"ltor to gl't it Inl o ~h:tj", . ICO r )· rl gh l. 19 1 ~. by W . O . Chapman. ) .'\ li d rlu 1I0t pl anl ll uti l tbo soi l Is 1:1 "I Am Certain of It ."

10PI'IIII'; th .. olhe r, so Ihal bO l it I(l P and Bub· s olls will bf' brough l to Ille _"l' farr logf'lhe r. Th£' d ep l it uf jllowing ~ ilotl l ,1 bc j u s t a IIlt le d""pp r Ihan Ihe lasl plowing u nlll lite dl'plh (I f :t hOIi I ~l!'· PIl ur ('Ighl ill "h £'!> :~ !'t':u·h'·d . !lO 1101 Il l' iug up IOU IlIlI Cll ~u h ·" "iI :11 ;I llY on I' plow ing . It fall plow ill!,: is rral ·l il-pd. it 'h c... · ·d be \\' o rked parly ill lit .. Kpl' inl!. as SUIIII 3 8 the grO UllrI IS (Iry ('l\ough. Till! or· d illar ), ( 1 1 ~c is Ih o tno ~ ( s ati ~ ra c to "~' t oo l 10 Il SC'. It worl, s d (' e lll' l' an d mol''' COlJ di l i O lJ to I' CC" t.'JVP t h f" !'teed . compl l'lP ly Ihan the LOo l h IIIIrmw or Al.lll';llT I I. Hlt'KENBA(,IIErt , =-ow a Chi cago e xpcrlmenter comes s prln g ' loolh harrow. Thl' IIH l llrC' at' ("oll ('!!1' ot Apic ultu re, Oh io St:I~e for ward to d ea l an othe r t e lling blow tlle so il , ho w pvC' r, w ill ;':0\ l~ 1'1l to Ii 1.0 the down·trodd e n sex In hi s conclu· Blon s o n Dnimal obsp r vallon • . that th e REMOVAL OF STAINS. ! (' llIl h 11I11: t b 11.lI r'H I>;; ,:), r !I:~ .. d hi f e male of lh C' s pecies Is morc Inte lll, -- - I ('o !d wa l fi r. I i l~ a g nu d plan ti l ad d R gent thall the m a le. 1-1 0 hints In a Too orl "n II n ~ Ii! II : I )' ~ I::in~ ar E' lert r"", dr o p s 0 : a llll: . 'Il ia III 111 1' 81' l'0 l1d trall o l'ou s w ay t o il iA own se x. tbat In l aj,l " l il\('n 01' J.:;lI'll"'!lI~ ,i lll pl), 1' ;lIc ;ng will" )' ; t hi, " I)I Jrlll' ra l' t s th o 'Whil e th,'se obsenat Io ns may no t ap- l i1rf)lI ~ h (- il rl' I, ~ ~~ n C'~;: or la l'!, (If kl IlIW I. , I l :t l ' t : lrll l a c tioll fit dll ' ,1\ it! . If th~ iIll\. ply to th e hu man ra ~ . ', It lA more lhan I;u s ppr. h·d that th e r lit). Aft p r a whil e 1I1l'ro lII an w ill II .. th :l1l kful thu t b e Is 11110 \' pd t o exiBl.


' , Ii III

·l ll lt,.d t ."


It. \\'i ll The young gi rl wbo kllled h rs e lt throu gh fre n z ied ndorlltlon of a grand ope ra prIma dou na was probahly men· tally derang ed an d would hav e killed h erse lf over any o th e r l1Iatter whlcb I1rrecte d h e r Ima gination . To draw moral s from b t' r falc Is s u pe rfluous, says th e Baltimore Am erican. Tb", u s ual a doration ot th l! av e rnge mati · n ee girl tor stage Idols Is a ve ry harm· less tblng whlcb a ri ses f ro m tbe ca n· fu s ion In an Im matu re mind be twee n th e stage c haracte r and the pCnlon r e prese nting It aod we llrB l!.3e lt nut in tbe co urse of lim e , le avln!; no scars beblnd , be in g a matte r morc of amusem e nt for tb e Idols thcmse lv e s tban anytb lng e ls. Elve n itB Illn ess Is il passing pbase, and beyond ca r e to cb eck Its extravaga nt e xpress ion haa nothin!; fo r alarm, In cases ot really unbal an ced brams, like th e one cited, It Is merely Incid e ntal lind by no m e ans a cause In ItBe lt.


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UR old und 1\5 wl sc a s 1I It'Y "rll now . Tbl.'Y r ea lt ze tbat !\ c hild canno t luoK lhrou g h t be lr own bifoca l le ns s o n llt e's probl illS at Quito th o ~llm {) nn· &lIe o r In e xe ctly t h sarno ligh t. Age with In creasing wI s dom. Ibe "Bour IIAWS " lind the "se ve rit y," oughL to brl!}g an add e d dI s poSition 10 gi ve youth lind Impuls e th e be ue flt or tb e d o ubt. Old age a nd youtb lIla y not al· ,,'ays agree; January a nd May aro tradltlo ua lly at odd s; but tb e y can af· ford to le t e ach othe r li ve, a nd n eith e r <lan alford to be cOlld l'sce nd lng. " We are non e of U8 "i nfallibl e ," said J e w· ett. " 1I 0 t even th e youngpst ot us ."

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Jp-weler's Clerk Discharged Under Cl oud. Tur ns Detect ive. and Tr;1ps Fl e;l l Thi eves.

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CROWNING AN AFRICAN KING Civilized Rulers Would Not Enjoy This Ceremony In Way of Coronation. Th e cnsto m s o f saynge p coll ic malt e up In 'e uri ous plctllr p.s QU e ncs5 what thl'Y laclt in di g nity. Contra s t, for Th is pre tty littl e dress closes a~ Ins tance, th ei r c ' fI!monl ul with Ihe c o rona ti o n of a nrlt.l oh kin g or t be In- th e "roul. It hus a s e llarato !;ulm pe . duclion ot clllctlon of Presi d nl WlI· which C!l n he mad e wllil " ithe.r the long or short s lee ves Linen , lawn or so n Into om ce. lillY of the prelty was h mllterlaJa cau The king \\'os chosen from among the p eo pl e by tho e ld er s, a nd he was be u sed to malte thI s dress. Tb e pattern (6]5 5 ) Is cut In s ize. s e lectcd for his wisd o m . The c c r e· monies of hIs e nthron ement were such 2. 4 alit.! 6 years. M edium s Ize re o 1I11{t h e r e quired not on ly wisdom, but Qulrcs 1 '% Yllrde of 8S ItJcb materia) also courage, physlcsl strength and with 2~!. yards ot Inse rtion and %I a s up erb digestion . Th e man's first yard of 36 Inch linIng for the gulmpe. procure this pa ttern Mnd 10 c@nU Intimation that he had b een chose n by toTn·'Pattern Departme nt," or thl" pnp@r. the e ld e rs was an onru sh ot th e entire WrIte name fi nu Ilddre8.!l plainly, and be aure to I:JV6 81zo and numlJcr DC patter... trlbc-not to do him honor, but to abuse and Insult him In every po ssi ble way, NO. 6155. SIZE ....... --.- •••••• They would hurl opproblous NAME ,._ ••• _••••••••••• _........... . . . ..... epithets at him , curse him. spit upon him, pelt him with mud and beat him, TOWN .•• . .••••.. _.. .. ..... _._._ •• • _•••• _. For, they said, from this limo on he STREET AND NO. -••••• _ ••••••••• _ •• _ could do all these things to them and they wou Id bo powerl ess to retaliate. 8TATE •••• _••••••••••••• __ •• _ ••••••••••••• It was their laat chance! They also reminded hIm of all his fulllngs n graphic and minute partlculars. If the king survIved lhls treatment, he wss then taken to the . former klng's house, where he was solemnly Invested wIth the insIgnia of the kingly otllce In th o shape of a silk hat. No one except tbe king was permitted to ".. ear a oil khat. Following the inauguration ceremony, the people came and bo rved before the new king In humble 8Ubmission, while they praised hIm a. enthusiastically as they had rmIed him, Then he was red and teted for a week. during whIch tlme he wall not permlted to leave bls house, but had to receive guests from all partl of his dominIon and eat with them all. These ceremonies ended, he turned to be comparatively eaey and common' place dutle~ ot hi. Id~,ly omce. -:rhl • cUltom, IIl[e many otben. has palled away under the IDlIuellce of clvlllza-' · tlon.~Robert"" H •.,JlIUI,an'. ".Tbe Fet. lib F'ol_ ' ot,. ,W . '~~." . ...,~. ' l"eell,ll",





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CANYONS of the ~~n~~~~li~!~~~~ I

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Dr:D;;:;:U~~iden D~covery

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wid 'Hllrt,ud thoUI; UI fu l IIH' II. En'rywlwre t hose who lin: III t Oll ch wilh s oc ia l u lld ~ (J lr­ h uu l mU\" 'nl"rlt ~, \\ b ·t her Il t hOllJlI or II ur":ld . f(,p l t h aI th .. Hl tu uli on is c r ili1~1l 1 to a "" pr"nll' d pgrl" ·. ThC'y H.' 111blo' In t l1('i l' Joy. for 118 tllf'Y "ro r"lI~z< · d lit the un iQuo u pportllrl it il's o r th .· Il t · w I'l'a. su the}' lire b"wi ltl e re tl by itll re s (JonH ib il itlt''' a nd d "ng . ·I' ~ . \\'l' Ilr.· IIvlug In an ug. · Wlll ' l1 it /)"'' '11'' t h u t Ull11011 ~ u r .. ho r n III a d ay. or at kaHt wh e ll Lh,'y an' a W:lk,·I1t·d rro m th ci l' s lep p o t n th Oll H:lIIti Y" IUS. 'fh c d all):I' r Is t ha t 111 th e hOllr or tu.' lr


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il E canyons of tbl" southwesl ' ~ho ...· l h" t (' r rlhl .. fur'.'~ :.r.-: pu we r at a r o li ke peopl "e m ay c hance I t h p mi g h ty u pl,, ·:t,·al ttlat bro ug bt to III .. t Wb' l do not Impres s I t h e m IlItv be ing HOCKS o f many UR partic ularl y at Urs t g lan ce I' Btra ngn fo r m alloll s 2 Ill! Gf. gTeat . vaat; t o e ith e r fe atu fl~ (lr llt' r So rl' rlt~ l r of co lor ar e con s tantl} me t \\ ith. allty. Thei r lte au ly ur c ha rade r a nd I It you Br e a mlll Pr a logl s t. yo u will tho ir gr lat h eu!·t it1t e rf~H l urt, hldd f n , b (-> Int er es t ed In t h e va ri o us I1lln c rnlti f rom li S on a lI ullfl rtl c lal vie w . Ev e n I th a l th p roc k ~ and le dges cOll t aln. a nd 'trom a Bbort dl s tan ep a\\' a y mo s t of . ill t h" n() lIt that Indi cates hidd e n the canyous loo k lik e m e re go ug es I vl! lu s o f go ld a nd o tb e r valuablo m inscoope d out of th e mountain s id es. or : c ra ls Auch liS ar t' round In . ne.a rl y all DO gre at d r plh. liar of many pO Slllbll l· , Aect lo ns o r th £' so uthw es t . H an ar~I_D L~ In tb o \v ny ~ or va rl e t'-J . charm. or ! bo ri s \. tlw wonde r f ul varln l }' or tree 'beauty. at s pe cial inle re s t. ye t upon I lIfc w ill a pp l'al s t ro ngl y t o yOli . an lnllmate a CIlu a lntance wi th them No Two Alike . they will r e veal Lh e ract t hat th e y A da }' in a cany o n will give you but !poBsesB nil or th es e attribut es and ! a ta at A at It ~ man y Inter e8ting r e vlV more. To trav e rs e tbe Ic ng th or s ome . luli ~) u s a nd ma n y d ays spent there of th e m i8 U I;ood day' s Journ t! y by w ill lI Ot e xhaust lb (' m . Re membe r. horseba ck or by t e am . Twenty or 1 ho we ve r. th a t th p... are ve ry many 'tlIlrty mil es th oy may pe n utrut e lnto I c unyon B III t h l' g r ea t mountain ranges !the very heart ot til e range . This fact and l hat 11 0 two ar e allk " . What you of tb o l e ngth ot many o r th e cau- : amy ex pec t to find III one canyon yon yons Is a great surprise to th e canyon- ! ma}- 1I0t tlnd . but you will lind It In aoeking novice. and ev e n a t tim 8 to I anoth" r . and. too. th o c:myoD s preseot :One more familiar with tb e m . You : a dOIll €' what dtrre rpnl a s pect at dlffermay enter a canyon with th e aR s ure d I e nt tim es ot thp year. In th e late !intention of penelratlng to Jts e nd. Bumme r t ho stre am may bav e dwln · lIUld you may entertain thi s Id e a ro r , di ed c onsid e rably . b:1\'lng Just passe d ~e time all yon ))100 on d e l e rmlned- through tb e dry summ e r. but the abo :1" clambe11ng over rocks . ledges and s ellce of Its loud voice Is made up by Ilallen trees. anti making your way th e gre ate r volum e or bird song and through brutlb and vines. Arter a Its more readily dlstingulsbabl e notes. time you are sure_ tbat e a ch turn In In th e spring the streams will b e at the canyon will bring you to tbe d e- tbelr best. the wild fiowers th e most .lred goal, but as It does not. you num e rous_ the evergTeens will be ~-p persistently on, knowing that washed clean and the deciduous trees the next corner will be th e IBllt. At· will bave on their spring dres8 of ten'ter keeping up tblu more or le sB pleaa- der green . This Is porbaps tbe best ant illusion for some time you will lim e ot th e ye ar ror a visit. yet du'becln to get somewhat weary. If you ring aU tbe other ~easonl the canlU'8 not In traluing for such climbs, yons have tbolr lure. their fa!clna· and If your time Is 1I0t unlimited YOll tions and their cbarms. Tbe beauty wW tlnd It running sbort . ye t you dls- ot the trOElS and 8brubs, the wild fiowf te b lUte to give uP. aa around the n e xt ers aud the gras8es. t b e j oy a tana you may reach the mountain wall nowlng. talking brook.. with Ita fa.lls .... -t markB tbe end_ To be pe rfeclly and Its clear deep pOO!!I. the rormatlon ..... candid with yourse lf. bowe\'e r . yon by and the stories of tbe rocks and ~hl. time really bave your t!oubtli 88 ledges. tbe songs of tbe birds and per· "" the truth of your tbeory _ So It · chance an Interview with that watet~ iJ'Ou have the usual experience of such loving bird the water·ouzel. the mOllt ·:eecaelolUl. y()U finally turn back with Interesting at the canyon birds. or ft IIOme reluctance. a trine of cbagrln, glimpse of a deer. or some otber denl and a !lUle bewilderment at your lack ze nt of tbe Wild. come to tbe brook to of understanding. You find It a long drink. th e beautiful lights of tbe dywa, back. for you may huve I(one Ing dny_ dazzlingly brilliant as tbey '




,. miles, that seemed but a tew, creep up th e canyon'R sidell leaving all )'our ea.ger quest. below In the purple twlllgbt. all theso Eaay to Get LOlt. things and many more present them Eacb canyon bas a character or Its selves tor your enJoymoDt. aod If own Quite dllferent from that of Its yOU are a true lover or nature you will neighbors. They vary In appearance fan In love wltb the c&llyon and all quite as tbe human physiognomy va- It. varle.1 children. snd you wUl want rle.. ThouSh Bome of tbem may look to r e turn to It wben tbe nrat opporJIlucb like BIlotber. tbere 18 a marked tunlty prese nts itse lf. dUference. Yet It Is extremely ea8Y to get lost among them on a long Need for Oxygen Supply. tramp during wblch you go Into a That then! Is leS6 oxygen lu the number of tbem. unlesB famlUar with rarefied air at celebrated mountain their general topograpby _ Tbe con- health resort8 tban In any room with .tant varlatlonl 10 one's cOUrse cau8ed closed windows. 00 matter how by tbe varIous turnings ot the canyon crowdet! wltb persons. was an unchal· IfIII'e apt to contuse one and cause one Ineged statement made In t'le Times ~ loso bls sense of. direction. by the English expert on ventilation. Some of tbe Inrger canyons contain Dr. Leonard HlIJ. The Brltlsb Royal more or les8 comparatively level society has JUBt published a paper aand, and frequently In sucb you will 8upplementary to the report on thEl ftnd lettlera wbo have tbelr mountain Anglo-American Pike' II Peale expedlbomes here, cultivate lhelr few till a- lion by Miss M_ P . Fitzgerald. wblch b1e acres and make out a living In concludes wltb tbo statement that the heart of the eternal bills. In such '"arterial blood contains considerably places and in tbe lesser canyons the more oxygen at high altitudes tban 'bee rancher finds desirable location at sea level." Tbe lungs are better for hlB husy bees. as quantities of ventlla.ted. for one thing. but It Is cer· t II " It bJ and chap taln. aleo, tbat tbe old theory tbat tbe oom 0 u ower. s·a ge .rrel alford rich pasturage J'l)r the lungs sb60ld be plentltully supplied tireless honey-makers. Dut It 111 tbe wltb chemically pure air must be disnnlnbabtted canyon that tbe nature cardeu_ The little eell-Uke alveOli at lover preten, one giving no evidence the endll ot the lung branches have a r i b dl k I It rI e- special power of extracting oxygen. oman s an wor. one n s p m 't'aJ state, wild and unchanged. Such even while the supply ot extracting a one II a mine of IntereBt. with oxygen In the aIr Is deflclent. Tblll lie· b'euur.- hidden beblnd every turn. to cretory power Is Increased at hlgb aI. . revealed u one advances deeper tltudeB, and tbe Increase doel! not disIDto the beart of tbe range, appear untll a conslde11lhle time after If you are a geologiSt, you wUJ flod descent to sea.level. .. ' great deal to· Interest yoU In thelle Th I -U r tbe . O' ·Courae. ~nB. e ero. fe al? _on , 'k . .t.r*am hal ' revealed man1 a .ecret "Wben I aaked the lauy to clmme lC ,of' roc and led,e ~d ' ~Jl. Small a IItUe dinner abe t!ke dorir OD , ·!WadiUd.ll · have eZpoeed the ·lbner ' me," ·· ' eartb Ia1n "Well, feUer- ' a u what, iou-· ar" bave .a ~ ... ," . of',. ~1Ia:· I!.'!P ' I~ .tarT ~ ac~ . ...a~ lort of ..b'~~~' I

It Is Ih e I,r lmar!, d ll ty o r th " C h ris· t la n c hur c h 10 t' n t!' r in a "tl OCCU ll Y fo r h p r Lo rd wh pll e ",' r a nd wh ereve r SIH' ca ll . r-:e",! r ha ve tb .., ru been s o I\la lly OPl'U doo l'~ a s th e re are no w. e a c h wltb lts e loqup nt a.ppe nl ror th o GO" IH! I o f a bl'll e r nge. Tb e g reat b a rri ~ r to mu c h d (' v ~ l o pm :.n t. ill th o easl hO B b ec n Mo h a mm e da nism. but I' vp n th e re or Intf' ~'ea rs lIav e bee n s igns ot a s bn k iug am on g t h e dry bones . l 1nknow n to th o C hri s ti a n wo rld . con fe r e nces h ave be."n h pld t o "i "C IIS8 th o d eca Jv o f Is la m. :lnd t o pre · .. ve nt iU! dls lnt £'!!, fa t io n . A c ont£' r e ncn \I a!; h e ld on l !lui a t Coiro. th e subje ct o f th e conrere n ce be in g. -'Th e CauseB o r t.b e De cay of IHla m ." Il Is e v id e nt t!tat not e v e n Mohnmmoollnlsm. whi c h hUB long be en r e ga rd od aK pracllcally hope les s by many - Chri stians. can s t and again s t th e p e rva s iv e Inllue nce of th e !libl e and of Bibl e-Inspire d c lv· il17.lItlon . And wbat 18 tb e s ig nifi cance ot tbe prese nt WUl'. and of tbe d etp.a t of the stronghold of Is lam b e for e thEt arms or tbe ChrIstians whom Turk e, had so long oppres sed ? It m e ans not ooly anoth e r op en door. but In God -s prol"iden ce It me an s tbe r e moval of th e last gren t bnrrl e r to Cbrll!tlan e1viIIzatlon In tho east. Our gracious God Is nov e r ah e ad of time nor behind time In his dls poBItiona of tbe affalm or men. \Vb e n the' fullness o'f time bad come b o sent his Son and all things In hili Provid e nce, com'e In the fulln ess of tim e. Ther&rare. If we oro to know God' s will we mUBt observe th e course of e ye nlS and be awak e to thn signs of his ProvIdcnce. Go ethe r e garded tb e unlve rsEI aB "the living garm e nt of God:' and Carlyle coil ed hi s tory a larg e r BIbl e . wh!ch contaluB. for aJl wbo hnv e an ey e and a Boul to reud arlgbt. a cloar rl'cord of God's d ealings with men and a clear Indication or his purposes. No\\·. It Is recognize d. that not only to tbe lands or the oast and to lhl~ Islands of the 80a , but also to our own land comes th e crlslll or the new ora.. Let liS turn our ey es to tb e bomplnnd and we find among ourse lve s groplngsl, !trlvlngs. longings, for things not tull y defined . There Is an undest among our people. a dlssatisraction wltb tbings U

as they are.


menta on foot which we r egard RS )101I11cal or social, hut wbleb at bollom are religious. that Is. tb e y arc the outcome of the Christian conBclou:sness ot rlgbteousn ess and equity . The cause of the churcb Is coming boma to the masse8 or the people . and our thinking m e n are beginning to see that the caURe or Christianity Is th ~ cause of the nation. Perbaps we cannot rurther the SId · vat Ion of tbe world better tbnn by evangelizing this land In which we liv e. Think what a' powor among th e world 's peoples would be a uUlted . Cbrlstlan Am eTica. Am e rica Is known as a ChrlBtlan land. but th e re are thousands of h e ath e n In It. Am e rica bears tbe Christian uame. but unrighteousness. vice and crime are rampant among us. and ofton go unrebuked. Al e xander Duff knew tbe abyssI>g ot vice In the east and espD-' clally lu India. but aftor a visit to tbe slums or Phllude lphla ho left th e tllBtlmony that su c h vileness. de baAe· ment drunk enncss nnd shamelessness he ne've r 8a~' surpassed In an" hoa t b · " J en land . W e comfort ourBelv~! with tlle thought that this was 60 years ago. but tbere are stili slums In our large cities wbleb are a standing sbams to ~n C hristian land. and there IB much work tor this nation In the cities. In the towns Bnd In the country homes_ rheBe things are not r e medied by Illwi nor bv 8oclo\lstic schemes . The only soluU~n lieB In the principles of the Gospel of Je6l1e Christ. lived ond BP. l'iled by tme and earnest men.

"",.1; ' .tV .iiellt~r.u ' ~""Pi iIl . ~e


tbat , ~





There nre great

T h e Beat Veget a b le on a Sm all F arm . ' ) !In:-.; ,> wllhllu l n h (l t iJt'd \\111 fi ll t h e

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111 ' 11! d l!oo · S qlhH t' Hu w y.·r Mays

\\ ." ~.\,.. ,•. t ,at h ot I '~ ha r n t h e n' is ofu-t u a I llot uf r ir' h soi l. j OIny ttl I Jl" e " ldr'ncc' uf a fO rln. r fa r Ql I"aka);,'. ' ~" rrllil1at '·. ~" ,, ·.ll''' 10~11I .~ , p r-y mur ll lho ugh lIlo d e rn 1II) " ""\ "III .. I1't ha~ hUjJ' , 1110 1''' lha " Y'''I ~I"'" IhruuKli "" I'm r )) v all b ut rf'i, d"rpoj obsu l.. tll s uc h pl o)' nwn l I" Ihl s '.'a r " r ,·h.·l\P s~pn " . "'a "t ' •. or loaf mo uld , .' nr lr h,' d " ith j lls i th illk wlial t h O' la l1l1 I. w0 7"Ih . UII d· ' pO: I' f(,tlly d l"'a), (- d s tab l,' Illun u r e wil l Illl-1I r l'''' \\ '' lilat Ih" h" ~1 I~ n" n e lull d f I I' :"H~ it I \\ a~' :i ~0'J."I n f In f e n o, - quaI It )'


!i1 ~H o..

t\ p r v C! t h,' IHlr pu,," wel l



tht1 p a.ce lbnt

ki ilH •• la rKt· l)' ."t II y lIu"" alld frills . T r} :,\ 1,"". Au~li n · .. n"J( P a I1l'a k ... ,:.uro t..1 ph:.. ~· ~ I' U. nIl ': 1'nt ('f1o, :\ dv .



1';"Pf"J llli n". . CO lll eB 10 h im wh o Wi\lt8 . '11 ~ .. t t h i) !'a rth wue n b ~ diet!. -

11. ·' 11 ,. \ "


I'uck til •. s o il tinn l)' In Ill!' boxes Str " e t o) h.I' " 'I ,,· I,,'. ' lonl, O: lth unu fh ~ 1l ~ nrl rlt\.h· Ib n :-;i:'{:,us thi nl y \\" ll i( 'h 10 \\ont'l~ fn {111~ .q.?,I' o( Pl II ':l " upo n t il. ' Hll r fa c" ('OVN wi t h" s prlni( ' a n ei dlk l "I1~ , .. ,, 1.. "" " ('a llll ll i an"n] li llg nf ~tl il a nd ro oi~ l p lI " ILlt t •. pld to "a~ t " Ih •. 1f 111 11', ill :U1 ~ !lIl1k •.>;h lft wa t"r un ti l il I~ q ul t t> dam p, wa}'. E v"n III th ,' !!,ilrd"11 fp r fa llli ly Firm t h l' ,' nr t h tlowu "11 0 11 ii iI" US". m l p 111 :1\_ ral ',' ~u III III 'h Ir.,J rl' Iha ( til' d H, Thl' lI ('xt d ar it ma y U.., stili I Ih ,' " h e,, 1 h",' Will ",,011 plI Y fo r It ." lf. ("rt h.. r pfl'5sed dowl1 an d trion ' parlh It Is pi tifu l 10 M'" th " !!,ar(I.' ll l' r wor k. co\,en 'd ove r - s o t hat t h p ..' ('(I s will l ing ~l u\\' l r altJolI ~ II" . "" "ti s. l h~ la l b e "c o\' ererl to a b oul f ,,) Uf t i m e 8 t h ei r t~ r s t LJ ll t i ll~ lh t'l p\ :1l!t~ 111 t h p bl h l ow n l1 i:l lll e tt> r - u nd p ressed in pla c.. . ro \\ II "'''I'd' 'd . \I h"" ;;, a n hl lur'" ti me Th is "'I II s t ill II"£'". 11) 1' t;eOl(ls covl' re d wllh th " "h(',, 1 1'J'Jls I ii,' I' Ol lff' pi", \\ h ~'n wal e r in,; Is d o n I' la t e r. If coulcl b,' IlIllroligh ly rl"[(II,, 11 (JU t. TI lDe a ll t be e::lI- th Is p la eed a t finn th e r e mu s t bl' ('II lI lI l<' fi by th., 1I,,)d"rn ~arIs a l l'lIr1 pn n -. wh r n th e y a re wate r e d. d pn p r. all .! all la bor ali ll ti Ol I'-Sa\' ing d (' \. IC P A g I \ ' '' 11 a I r .ll. I. 10 \\'agh Ih p.- sl'/, d s bare . I1 ea t OIltn" buttom o r tb p bo)( IK a Il esol v, ' I h is y ••ar '" ad d s o m e IIP. W g reat arlv a lllage fo r Ih e flrsl re w da ys. var le l y to you r 1181 - !l a ' o n ll o r the ye t it Bho uld bp unifM m. Dnd nut SO lIi ", h . pri c~ d no \' plt l,.s . b u!. f;omp.t llill g ~rca l as t o ~cal (1 th g e rm s . Thp . whi c h YO ll hu ve Il>' ," 'r b " ror e g rown . RlI\all p a n or bo x lII H}, be gI Vt\Il. a s ui t. If fro s t H thr el" p" aftN th e plants abl .. pl flc!' aru und t1,p kitc he n ran p:e. ar C' tfDnsp lalltl'd 10 t h .. ~ "rd (' n . m a k e In our own expf'Tlpn ce . t h t' l op of th e co \-"rK ou t .. r u lo! 1I " W " pUp" rR . e lt hl'r In c ulm tor Slarts sl't'd s mor!' quickly by fold inp: a s lH!Pt 11 k,' a fuo l's CA P Ihan a u y othe r pi a'!" . and holl1 111g Ih .. COrlli' rH III place wilh Th e ti n y pl Unll f' t s always t urn to- s mall stO It I'~ . o r . lit t h.., c!lse or ve ry we r/! th e light. Shift th e boxes dally 8m3.11 plants. t il e \lapN may b ~ sll r ea <l 10 c nunte ract thi s and k ep p th e m out 100s ..,ly ol'e r th p s lIrfa ct' . Old g rowing s tra ig ht. \\ '!l P II th l1 Y hav e ltoxes may al so lt P u HP d fo r ,-nver lng. rorm e d t wo or tll fP.e leaves shirt each but tilt. In a u y fo rm _ draw s th p rr ost l o ;, s llIall po l . Th /'! ha.. I\'''S or e gg and rendNs 1111' a t t,' n: p t to prot ec t u' s h e ll s mak., go od 9ubstl tui PR fo r th e r eal Injury . s mall es t s lzetl polt! Ir p.Iacl'd si de by «,olll'r l"h' . 1 ~ ' 3 by ': ~t "c h~I ta. )


WtnAlow ' ,.

~OOlbloa' S)'TliP for ChlldNQ

..,.,.,hlu" . • "fl_.. o th rKllmM.

lanamm ...

IUoO.:\JlIlY~ Po.tU::'I~~~J IU.2:)ca. boLll~.



" ,h "' ••

Ita Weight . : ( ' h ll il y c OIllPl a il.l.etl o f ha v lU ~ s ome · th lllg on hl ~ m ind . " I kllnw wh al il i8. s aW him etri k" 'll" h»a tl Ilg nln at a iot o f co b\V I! U~ III th e co rt,,· r ." ----- ---

Big Return. From Sealing . W ith a c al c h of 36.000 seals, tbe Btaa m c r St ' ph a n o is the first o f the se alin g Il e" t oll orato rtl in Ne wroundla nd wa t E-rll to r e por t. Sh p brouvbt na WK that th e Nall cople ~ bad 2.,000 fi s h. th e F lorlze l 22.000. tb e Sago "a 23.000. thl') 8a gle 12.000. tbe lIallav e nturo 10.000. th e nonave nture 8.00U alltl lhA Adv enture 7,000_ Otber. of th e fl ef't had poor lu c k . Ad vicCR frolU t1lf' rour s hips sealing In th e f;u!t of St. Lawre nce Indicate thnL the pros peds ro r a good season arf' e llcell lJ nt.- St. .lohn s (N . F .) Dillpa t c b to 7' e w York World _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Hairpin. and Other Plnl_ lialrpln s hav e b pe n e laborated aB a IJO'elln s or l1 ec oration since tb e earlJest tilllnS . Parti cularly b enu,ti!ul Is tbe vari e t y nnd de li ca c y of th e ir workmanship. two or th e flnollt specimens be ing tl\l' gold pin s whi c h we r e found at . . ucll HI" vess "j Salami. III Cyprus, ant! are 1I0W In the Th e tact IB It Is n t 80 m . . Il rl ll3b mu se um. Ev en moro handthat the plan t gro w s i ll I.IS It I!I t be ' som e "'<I re th e S a:<o u plna ot a later care It get s th a t c Ollnta . It ~an8 a~e 1 da te. with th e ir s lunk ot braes. head us ed . pun c h hole s In th n uotlom r r " or gold, and e mb !!llIs hm e nt of garnets wa te r to run oft' thron g h . T-,~ollid pre - and Il ~arl •. Th p.r e we re , too. thtl largrer pots. b ecause the y look be tter and r r Bort or Illn M so ('onslllouOuuly and are be lle r tor ge n e ml USB. but th ose frt>Qu e ntly 1ll ,, "l1onctlln the Dible. The who cannot arrord them will lind Ins trum e nt driv e n by JRIlI through tbe that th e y can .. grow , lliants. and grow l'l IllPt.' uf S IMf'fa was proltahly a tentthmn w e ll. in bo xes. cans or an old ,,10 whil e 1l••IIIr,b faste ne d tbe web "arthe n l enpot or pltcb e r. provide d of Samso n 's h n lr wi t h a Illn or batten. drainage Is arra ng e d tor . That's til e In th e mld"l" a s es pins wu r e a great Importan t thl ng. fushI 0 !1 - III(I t!t! d. a gre at lIoc e S8 IlyDon't dis card Iho good old stand- III Frull c .. . alld WI) Ilav e It on r e cord bys for "nov e ltleH" In ma.klng a lol ec- thlll III l :l'li l ~ .O U O Illnij wero re moved lion of n.,w plants tor ·your w i n d ow fro m I h e r oya l wllrdrobe for one of garden . Th e y tel). U8 ge ranlume are tb e Frc nch prlr. cesseil . Th e oonven"common ." Orapt ed ; but a window le n ec w all IJI'(JtJ~ bly [\ IIttl o lut e r In bright with the blosso ms of th es e r.<aching ].;lIgIUllil . uut In 1540 we hear "common " flow e r s Is a thing to dellgbt ~t Q ue t ' lI 1 'allll'rl lll' (Howurd) ImportIn III t.h e midwint e r. whill) the window Ing pill n tr o lll Fra nc e. In 1~60 the In wbich "nov f>ltlo s" abound nino trad" 1IlHlf'rw l' n t con ll id,~ rllul e change . tlmns out of ten Is conspicllous for Its bras " "upI ' rs e tlilig Iron. whil e at tbo absence or bloom more tban o.nythlng sal oe lillII' th e prl r " wall lower ed .


INSECTS IN THE WGARDEN WIN DO Warfare Against Plant Enemies Must

Be Made for termination


II. the " 'InLook O'JI fIor r tb e a Ins ec " aB re trd ounddow garde n . I any be- wage Quite like ly there will and aggressive warfare prcmp t against them _ Probably tbe nph ls will show up most Ilromin e ntly. I use d to dread this pest mor e than all otb era. because of the rr.pldity with wblch be breeds . Now I Illld It an easy matter to k ee p b lm unde r control. I do this by the U60 of the e xtract of tobacco. Tbls

e xtract Its ve ry strong and a little of else.

mOV H·


wi ndows

hlg Illall o,. I:K 1I1ucb ~I'~at~ .. l h a ll t hat l IlHI\t'd \'Illholll ,'li :HurtJir l j.!; 1111 ' rou l ~ lI f of I)II} Ing s .... tl s . ill' '; id f' >!. th"rtl i." I I,,· plalll Th.,}' , h"ul d I,,· r"po ll"rl p h-~tu; u r l' 1ft \\I( II' lo n g' ,-.\' e n In a ~nllLl I Hl 1" OlSf or1(' " Ulnrp, u n d ,hl::lll wh" 11 b it ur ~f) iI uft,,1' ill' ing b h ll ~ fro m IL I llllal1;- ~ l lIfl " Ji 10 Ih·' I( al'd,·II . Iii,' r ool~

A brav e

show of








- --

lt go es a good wuys , flowers is a ~rellt d qo.l more satl.facFRIENDS H~LP_ A pint or rt COBts about $1.50. but It lory than no flow e rs at all. Who careB St_ Paul Park Incident. wIll last the owner ot a good ·sized how "common" a flower IB If It Is window gardClI for yean!. becauso a u('o.utlrul~ "After drinking cortee for breaktast epoonful of It will be suffici e nt for a I always fe lt lu nguld aud dull. bavlng ten 'Quart can of wuter. and this will no nmbltloll to g .. t to my morninG be e nough to spray forty or tltty plauts .. dutie s. Tb en III al.Jout an hour or SO thoroughly. . 0. wea'k. ne rvous tlerangeme nt of · the It i~ sure d e ath to e very aphldc It n _ be art and stomacb would come over COnlPll In contact with . It II! much me with such forc e I would trequently cheaper. in tb e long run , than tobac co hav e to lie down." for fumigati o n. and Is mnch pl eas8l1t e r Columbines. Hollyhocks and OthTea Is just as harmrul, because It to us e. as It gives olf but little Odor. , er Hardy Perennials Re. contalllB carre lne. the same drug found and thlB Is SOOI\ di s sipated, wblle to, , tn coffee. baeco sUlok e le aves Its stale stencb spond Very QUickly. "At otber tim es I had severe beadbe hind it for tlays. and cllng~ to everya c bes; stomach finally became affect. thing In th e bouse . The culling of nowers of any Hort cd nnd digestion so Impaired that I Ev e ry owne r fir a w indow garde u results in incre Blle d bloom. Some llad serious cbronlc dyspe psia. and !bould proyld e hc rlle lf with a good y e ars ago. IIHedlll!; n qualltlty or c ut constipation. A lady, ror many years spraye r . The small bulb atomize rs. 1I0w e r s wh en blossoms wer e ve ry State President of the W. C_ T. U., ope rated hy sqllcczlug. are of IItt! (J Bcarce. I ellt e vc ry stalk or my colum. told me sbo had bo e n greatly benpractlcul use. bin e. To my s url>rl~e It se nt up n e w ell ted by Quitting coft'ee and using Belter luv es t your money In such a I \low.)r IItalks and bloomed a second POBtum; :sbe waf! trouuled for Yflara spraye r!18 the small gard en e r uses. In tim e t hat spring. which It nm-er doe s wltb asthma. She nald It wall no whlcb the atomlzp.r antl r ese rvoir arc It th e seed 18 ullow e d to ripen . Since cross to quit corTe e when sbe found conne cted In such a manne r IlB to makin g this discove ry 1 havo learn e d sbe could havo as deliciOUS an make u comllact IItlle Implem e nt. ve ry that holly bocks respond to th e same article as POBtum. " A tl I d 110 had beon troueaey to o pe rate. and capable or tbrow- trl~atment in tbe s ame way, and it may no ler a y w Ing a small stream or s pray o f any de- b e that the same thing Is true of other bled with chronic dY RPe psl~ tor years: gree ot fineness aB you may e lect. hartly pe r e nnials. Sweet pe as, pansies, foulld Imm edtat e r e ll c r on ce asing cor VI' ltll a sprayer at tbls klnt!' It III an y e rbe nss . etc .• must bav e th e f!ow fl rs rce and using Pos tum. Stili anotber cut olf allowing no seed pods to torm frie nd told me th;Lt Postum was a easy mattor to give your plants a • • G d d h h t troublo having treatme nt once a week. and tbat If one would lInve continuous bloom. .0 s en. e r ear Never n ros e sbould be ali!)we;! to re- been re liev ed afte r le aving off colfee ollght to lte enough to keep them free main on 'the busb until lt drops ItlJ and t.l:.klng on Postum . frolll aphide8. d h d petals or a geranium until It fnd e s , It " So mBny suCh cd:lsdes tos tmbYe In our overheated. ry.-atmosp ere . d' notice tbat I COliC l U e co ee wu living rooms the red spider 18 sure to one would have rOBtlS an garanlumll cause of my trouble and I quit and do more or less damage unlesB some- In abundanee. took Uf) Postum_ I ani more tban thing kl done to keep It In ·eheck. None pleaBed to say tbat my days of trouof tbe emulsIons. tobacco extracts or Prime e.con. ble bave dl811ppeared_ I am well and otber applications advised for use In __ Prime ba.con Is Jeally more credit happy." fighting plant e9C m !ea are of any u.e to . the p~ucer tban Is lard alono_ It Look'Jn pkp_ for the famoue little here_ . ' 1. ·aJio true tbat the belt bacon bOOk, "The ,Road to WellvtUe." . A allblt good brlngl good prtce., cost. les8 to brln. .her .... the ..._ leUH' . .I: . can be tin eanl. · CertalD;lr. to taeu.. and can be , madll! a ana.t. ... .".'yi. ~~.aft Pll1ltll~,-r ~~: stalll. if ......._ for it. - .. ~.t. , _



crowd awhlt'e II de and let by while you get all> .youreeJL-a. J_ ' Sill" , _. .



SI"r( " ,1 .· etr ly. a lld Lhl'

~e~t~ay s~~ ;:eone

(!~e" ~Id

a s 11 r"'T"'dr for [U II COU:! m e mbrane ;dfl'c tl o ns. Hue h a e Ro rt! t hroat. nasal Olr pl' lI' lc c ata r r h . IlIfia mm a t\ on or ul cerat io n , ca used b y fem ul e III B? W o me u wtw h nvt· u "l' n c ure d BIlY " it Is worth it s w"lght III go ld." Ol ~ ..ol vll In wa t er hnll uPllly loc all y. F or t e n y ea rs tbe Ly d ia K P ink ha m ~ l ..dl c ln p. Co. hM n ·eo mm e lld,·d (>axtin t' In tb e lr pr ivate c o r r..,s po n dpn c.! willI wO llie u. Fo r a ll h }'glo'nl c and t o il e t II ses It ba8 no ['Qual. On ly iiOc a large box a t Druggis ts or BI'lI t postpa id o n r eceipt of prirp. T b o) Pa xt on Toile t Co ., !lostou, Mas • .

rJU gan

ll atio nB ur th ~ " a ~ t a I' '' BO r a pidly co m· Ing Int o pow"r and 1l lilu l' nec. T u l" Itl a tim" lh l" 11 wh" 11 1 ' hri s tl a nlt y s hould r f'COg ll i7... ItH o l,por t Hll ity , fo r we h a vo c o me t o 0 " " of 1I". g ro'at \\ aterH he ds or blsLo r y wh '>11 it s e e lllS thal Ih n c o u rse o r h u m anit y Inuy ue lurtH, d In elth " r d ir e ction T h ~ o (J p ortun lt~· lI ~s u£'fore C hri ~­ t lan Il ll t io llH t o mu k. · Cbrl Hti u n Cl d llwLiu ti dO Ul lna n t In th e eas t u 's we ll as III th" W£'Rt. T h,' wb o ln (' rl .. nt Ie 1, " 1 Ir us It n pve r hl1H b"e l• •",rOrt' T im lon g ~' l l'p pln" ea~ t b lI w a k plI" d . M ll plmlt n ll ll o ns whi c h J r "a rs ago sC I'lu ed to t u k £' no purt Gla. (' world 's p rog r ess h ave bl·Ct.1I11 0 '" Th .. r .. Is d ep p Unr ,'s t III ~ . ""1'''' · I " ' -' ' '' , ~. a nd Kore a a n' rus Ill. ng t o wa r d " I h n n e w p rll ; th o " ati l (' hi lH-'s e pnl p irt · it!

you fI' a ll?1' th" fac t tha t th o u sa nd~ of WUl llell ar' uaw u81 ug

A Soluble Antiseptic Powder

lL '-A'akcrdng tll p), ruay b e 1tlr l ll' U ill \ o a wro ll g court;e alld gi\,f'1I wrll ng i OeH lK. r (' Jlaltl~ut1ce

c..u. S ...."" y_

t I






N . 'S ear s

repairi ng roadat A . McC ut ch eo, • t lo n co ur t find s \V i lford Ei' rl Wil1\ s p, emerge noy ownshi t lln k l<·run "' . • In s/tu~ ILnd applicn t iou ordur ed nlll de ', repairi ng Deohan •. . W e t ll 50. L I n PS2 to Day to iH8ioD illadru h for .-................ _ _ ,,,,,, _____ ...,.".., _~~_...., ........ "",~ ....... ~":""_oM""'~~~:""' _ _ r o"ds in Frankl in townsh ip '19 riO. Live Stock and Gene ral Aucti oneer i:l ot:l plta l. t:\&lem roads ng repairi , b eb' W AI"ie Probate Court Es ta t e of Hoger W ., I./)0 E , and p $ lf Ul' . Z. o. W orley, Poste d on pedig rees and values ~of all ' E Art hur, m lnor~ . Fi rAt nnd t o wnshi olon ll ~rove Mill aod Es e of ,J oHe p h 1:> . M03 r e, de w r Io Morro ing ir epa r · r kjnd s of breed ing stock. fiolLl ucco u n t liled fu r Rog ~ r \V . A IIJli o l~II1 ..."l . 50 J . B. I::!Ulit b , lumber plk u .' Whif.e, div o l·ce. U rosll neg IAI'I.. r,eIlM.iJ , "~ 'tlt·(! tLllly 1t I . nr th , , l1 HUlln e E!'t.nte of l:fel"~(" h t1 1 N"n ia Bridge Uo. , Can. Exper ienced III handl ing farm sales sincf I •• ,yn or, .lttorD" Y . III t he ml\Ltor o t f:i et:l t.or g"r,rt,n l, ,(J;I.;W. fl U/II !lUC Ii Gnt IIJl 1L1ll1 Iron t lirN on , or Gali in m 00. . D 50 $' ill'IlLll :!, I W . B. Il " ~ ..-r 0v l1 I U:L111. eO • 1905. d eoolll:lo d , M. A. ,J 'H nO~' 1f\ '1 p)lointe d A t ilm, I'rt"·er l. td lowoo ulllI conn r mnd. W ',r k!4 CIl., ItOlld dmgtl $5 .1. 00 ~· 1'<!I:I(Ilnel n o , II ~ n l~Ulllli s' rllt"r . d $50 ). n Bll r a~ o r . illt in m Bd U:~tnl.o o f Cu ~ht· l . nu MOlln tt! Kio tlullo ll I ro n W orkS Co , r Ollu drags, I , l O cl~ i [IIf'J with in tArDilt Terms Reasonable -:- Satisfaction Guaran teed 10 tho 1U " t.t~ r of t b e oHtrlto of is n Ildmi nll~' f O ·" l"' ugr(\. r\rl'r , " . !l11 . $ 163. riU trlok g " yn or , n t,tornoy . Wi ll i"m U . li&rt fAl t.IH , Ilecell ·ed . l'lI Dtmc ts- Co ot·rac t wa s entered G RADUA TE OF THE Alloe A . Urto nll ncl W ill l"m DrRk e l-e n ·,1 is· ILdmio Wayn esvill e, Ohio nted ppfJl n k !)c Hl'IftH F . C. E.tu !n of Wil l te r R ~qll l r e, ll) l n o r , Drak r ('I- Ill. Il ut lon, o wi t.h the O reg ooia Bridge Co , .ATION AL AUO'l'lO N mt "18. Clifton E $7DU. nd Bo lltor. t,r 1 t Ilppr nve tl , II I Valley Td el'h une 45 ·2. o r tewpor ary BHOOOL Oll' AMERIO A partiti on of n 'n l PH t ll te , DOIl U ,-;" fir ~t fl ll ll lil1111 1l )Cllun e reotion 10 th o m n t to r of t he WIll o f .J ohn f nr th e flrllw,1. n ('() 141111 sou 10 r to t fl tOU tl . Cartwr igh t u l WilUlI0 H . K u nk e r , d econ!!!! !. Wil l ncl mit. br id gell Est!d n of W Ill'1 Ml1 r iti Mo Kny , C hllrl os 8tlhos for atrllig hf II. Nt) neys. p l'lI e Kllllk y Mlir to, li prulJ t ed t o inil:l te r e u . allrll y ll fo re ost.a , or min lllEl m E ~. \" III l, e lllipH oreek ILt V"l11ey li P . P lIolalvln pointed adminl stfli t r ix . Bond :P701), ening c hanDal o f You Get All the News Thro ugh the Miam i Gaze tte E "la lo of Il C . l' unn in~ htlm , m in . g makin road, Monroe 0 0 f&rm w ie Jameso o et a1. l~ ui et. title . Sumil v In the D1f1U er o f t he will of ,l obo o r , ~ec'_ n (1 !looo un! II pp r o " ecl , al . ton & Lang d on . at to rn r'Y !l. hrntlk In oreek ' nnd repairi ng rllil. Dunh :101 , d ecABHed . Will £l lect . . E Needed Mamma s . ,State of Obi o Vd. E e nry Coons lo w('d und cou fir m orl. FIno PoInt. In g!! on O t l'go nia r ond lIt t.ho es tl OB Al'll f o will e b t f o r In t,ft O mntte n , lie . ontll i-'illl r-o ld W II S It " rflln g to h ll four·you Hllon e uf Littl te t8 ~;~ yonrs . een fift fendllnt Of' the . In y t t tha uil g nnrl tbougbt "I Jltj·felld slntfo , I I [' c e A ~(l(l. Will IInm ltled iliA te i Ii I 111. Ylln \ln • O ll lfl bOllutl , ~ I)' RIllRll S o mad She . W l BO a ved a pro p II euld t n o," u nCCll medlcln \ ,i--..l;OOml'Dltted t o r. u ~t od y o f ~ b d rlff until ot>fl ~e( l. H('C 'Dd :-l 0 ~O. Oregon ia Bridg e Co , f or or m y practlce of a Mid, .. : 'IW mnko (Ullm rn . IIlllltl M . Ru nY lm Ap. and e l J.Irollfl atltcb('s I·" ev· pbyslcia n, "I had aOBwere d almost \("","1 Iin u oo nfir m"II. of 1 500 1M g l veo . rf1l ~i n l{ Ri chy hridge on South Le b . 13500 .8. lonK row of t h OR O t i y llll by nd n Bo but . , or Questton oxucnt nt-Hi! i foo\lsh pO possible ry e E , t,lI te ur 'hry \V IJIIII. ' \"WM, h , " lLIe !In· 'Btate of Ohi O VII. l::I enry Co o ns H . Mille r, d e "u on lind Z')ar rond at the e stimate new ooe was aprun, on me reoently . stltch es ." Arte r I\ \\'hl('· t hu IIIa10lIIa 'CI l ll H t " p p r')vo~ , whell '" nd r! li secou tlrod , became ecoased u rs ge by In· ted an eposl d C..l lb bond h ~ r e t.nfo r fl A youog mIlD came In wttb Uf:HlHt'II. IIl Vf'lltll r .v IlOll apprfl ise. ~1 11 ri. G2 . . C RIll O to look Ilga ln, the re were some ntlrmod co !lnU crIbed pres oweu 1 all whIob for . ye, e for , l'lpl\sed r Co flamed e~ HBy Brtdge & iti ' \ BaYeA ;-l' u :u. OreROn as ked why abo linImen t- to be dropped Into tbe eye long ones . On bl'l ng E~tllt" of Ell:lIl lJe th Ann Ha tfi e ld , Ulim t fi lou. " Dillon B . Wi hl<' l1 n . MK nley 0 , tin y she r eo , de relllov ill g low truss stool hridge a& all lli Crnne tha . H made oot William f o had &tIr· Estuto the left three times a day. He ~te r ()11 et a1. ~'Jr R t N alionlll Bank ue oel\~e tl, eS I.a lo loll .v IIdlllllli IIlJprn ise }(lill'e rll o ot of c re~k, repairi ng lind ge ry , but return ed In a tew IIlloutes, piled, ~Why , t he baby aUtch ua veeded nnt! y ntor vo In Gllnl-1C1ll E~ tute of Mariti. Bl gl.{~ , u ecen!!ftd . re pl"o in g' sllme at tlta estiwlI. te pokod hI li bead In tho 10 the doorwa y BOrne mamma s ." JIlI'D t fi I IlII . estate fully admiDi At.f\)"('1 1. and asked : 'Shall 1 drop this In the de , ~ U, '320 AdE\m ltb n ll a lJ f o Es tll te Estate of Andre w I l n tte r y , de. eye before meals or arter?' " for ., (lo Bridge ia 'he ml\ of the te>,JlPor a ry God's Denlgna . 1'lo it. Oregon FirRt no d flnlll ncoo unt c fll\~ed . ed r ~tL1 i llin l d 14 repJ&ce and celLsed; es \ate fully t reoon ~lr u c t io n b,'Il ~ v e thaI HIll crcator cnnnot , .....~-. - ..:':bridge 1 Stell hermao ~ .lemo v in~ . ;0; ' WIll !l D, de. fil ed. e mall to lea ve him In an endless mad r9. aame, g ·.• .n~ .. r'r. of oertll ' n pul.!I ic pro perty uod , ·l!:1rl'Haot -l:h AMt~H erectin "lD, " _:. \Jr· m fro ohn . In t h e p' ntter o f tbe will of J , t:I struggle with th e In t(' lll"ctual ml ~" rle8 Proof. ways o f Warron oo unty.· oellsed , seoo od ILcooa n ' u ppnve d 01 ; posts , eta, at t.he sed. Will tid· ptl.1riar ~ eoea d m, Dnul\n . ~ tbat surroun d U B. I alll 1/>: lI ornnt of tual' Intellec e th saId ." "Do you thInk anthori ?: tJ!:! oo mml ~sionerH to tI.\I o wed lind oonfirm ed ,," p . ' 6. ; estlw4 his d e~ lgn ll , but I CRlllI(l 1 cellao t o b& . trutb lly li pro\}Il.'"" mitteu i f) young Wllman , '""tha t th ore Is Esta te of Prorten ce I'~ Sides ci o. ... - .. - - I tn~o oO ll trli ct i f or neoo!'sa ry \JI g cren lures are lI eve In th f' 1lI b ec nll ~1' I call1l ll t r'ltbom thai theory e tb in tru . 1 lilY Marrla~e License:; Straigh t at It rep:dre , reoonst ruotioo ooa>!ed, el:! tB1-e fully !ld Ul i~l ~ rered . bett er lIatu. .. d th a ll S ill 11 II OIl CS ? " them, a nd I hut! ruth",. II1b Ju ~ tl c".-Do Is h t o thlln tllt.o e~ capacity the ~l of own r mun. maUe young the the In relDlaoolcnentli. The re Is 0 0 use o f oor "beatin g "Yes,'· ans wered Art.bur I . An e l, oorpm t e r of We might u.~ do. Look a t the dl tference bet ween Tocqu evllle. Willian V8. Manley D. Diloi el C. HrR ce. d eoea sed . HIlJp h Lov elancl n.ud Mis!! Fl orence Mprrlll , Aro und the tush ." We the Je rsoJ mosquit o and tbe Jersey t or, we ll o ut: with it firs 8S last William H . N e wpOrt made B. Parks appoin ted ,u.lrninl s trll.t of Twenty . Mile St.and. Rev . Ar· w.lnt y ou t o try Chamb e;lalo's cow."-L 1fe. W . . LyIng Do .... n . Probab '/, Bood SlOOO. thnr Cooper . time you next tht' Geurgo - 'l'bl'l paper 8a;8 that emedy Gritty R u!!h Uo la the wattel of tbo e8ta te o f LeWIS Craw. Cl ovellin u DownDs , secti on hnnd htl V ll n oo ugh or cold . There is no pros pe 1'1t)· 1M a..b a: ICln ' by lea." B an ' Plenty or Room, Wilfred Earl Willi s upon eX l1mi lHI · of rus ters and Milli8 Loui s e I::l wig r eusu n flO fBr a1:l we can see why you bound s. " F'rayed Pblllr.>- "If dat 's so, Ilta rnal ' .., Il.plng ground fa It must sr Juo , ~ cl e8l) over IUB." prepara tion Fame's Thill . see do Ilot hOl)ld ~ gert, of KIDgs Mi lis. by its r markllb lo coref< has gll\Ded never overcro wded. ./!'nnk Cb ltrlton , fumer of Hi.)ge IL world wide repokt loo, Bnd paf)ple vtll e, and Mis8 Eliza beth l::!am H, o f everyw here speak of It In the highest !::louth Lebuno n, Rev . Arthur Coop. t l1rms n.f iJraise, It IS for lIale by Illl del' ' . rs er. - - - -~ --hnrd Harry W. Gustin , maobiD e INSTITUTES IN EACH COUNTY and Reba POllrl Ke mble, both of Mained lle. Rev. Arthur Cooper . Tbe new Agriou ltnro.l Commi s rs Bill, jost passed, provide s five sion Transfe Real Estate Instltn tes in eaola oouoty , farm!!r ~leo'rge W. Brao t, owner of firl't four, all heretof ore. The of inatelLd Deal Directly with the Propr ietors tract and R oy Brant et III own e r s of m eetings increa8 b. these for d ueman RooolJd t~act to John G, Thomp 80n, Nea.rly throe hundre d Indepe nd . No Agen ts Commissions-N~ Middlemen's Profits two traots of land in Washin gton ent illlstitu tes, corn shows tl.od Get the Benefit townsh ip, 11. poultry exhibit s, were held Jut l Mountl C. a Luolou aDd C. Belen winte r , 10 additio n to the 150 regular to Beott and Mary A. . Osborn , 120.43 iost! tutel;. Specia lty Everyt hing in the line of Cemete ry Work. We make a ncres of lund, U . ~'rom Dooew ber I, 1911 to Margb let· work All ers custom our to for orn l Os designs of Individ ual Scott tl.nd Mary A . 1, 11113, over 600 meetln 8s of on Itg. . Tools atic land Pneum of with aerell tiO Shop , own tered in our Belen C. Mounts rionltu ral natnre were cooduc ted in In Til rtleoree k townsh ip, 11. l. Agrioo of The State Board Uhio G eor!!e E. 1::11111 t o Ewen Watkin s, ture hlld more demlln ds to weet lot In F""l\nkl in, $ 775. t·han eV dr before The averag e at DpliI .. ll :::lnydAt' to William J, oe WIIS w nch higher In tenllan ', I It in Lebllno n, Sl . SO I MCCllb! pl Bce~ t·hfl hlllls were' iOlidequ lLte 20-22·2 4 ,"echan lc Street, Lebanon, Ohio Mllry I " "i all Steven s.o MBrgflrl1t. I , " • , • Ilnll the orowd divided l:ieroh "nts ======~==~~~ ------- ==== 1913 Bront, lot I " LAbtlou o, II. Spirited citizen s oon publlo .lnU . ,J rth'l Re \\T. W . ,. ··,,·hi A .lod trilmto d '20,000 to nid these lude. 'u~t· .•IIU, 1,22 uor fl~ Vo urhi !! t u pfluden t Instlto tes Hod sbows, tlnd , '· n~hip , U in Det'lrfle lu payiog of prill:ea, Never was the N eU Ie !lnll G Il(,1 ~e Hnsbtu t to interell t po great or snch thoroug }1 Juhn g. un r\ 1,; ' izllbetb N . Vance, ,md d feetive work done by practic al lo t il) Frllnk lt · , :~ l. 'IOJ. exporle nced in!!trnc~ors. Dem ils (I n,l '," 'vill C. HLlttflr y to .Ill r.espon se to the deman d for 10 . Nr·tl,ie Bu!:', · .4 '·\VO 1 ' )I ~ In L e b .. . I . ;' • .J , ..titnte s for fllormerll the In w makorlO DOn, U . rick Butte smart this wrote intg tbe Dew b,ll that ther~ OR [J oruce In . CIA r k bo uld be five institut e!! In E'aob s very . design we have' the F o nn ~. r ellll'!l I,llte in W " vue town v , to receive stute aid, LIl"~ oount. . material~Jyou'll "want .' ~hil' , '!. some couotie s mf\dtl rl'qu est enr y ,J o hn Ollt\),lD !' t.o Anule (Jibh [, n ~ For exam ple.fy ou · canl, use a' for ten institut es, \Vbl'n only fonr nerr' s of llillU ill Wllyne towush iP: Chine de Crepe or be ghnt·e d silk e CQuld Broch II half million peo ple lue r e Ov silk plain for the Blouse I and a Mill y II Jl'r y e to Jolm F. Weit'en tbese Agriou lturtll meet . by l"d relloh Is thoro ughlY equip ped b d r~ A I, ,I u e ro '" of 1110\1 il) Cl ellroree k or Charm euse for the Skirt, or Places desirioJ ;: IU Stltlll llli for ing!! I ~ , p h' .. lI W o t coma you could select from to do all class es of best II .',XI· !HlIISOn IlllOo.d Duke applioll tiuu Jl,iur y 1\ Fry e to Mnggi e I'l:. Well . ouoe at plete assort mentl of ' othel" suit.: Imh t\ r~, ) r , Ihe uUllivid ed hu,lf int e r eijt --able fabrics. h in lilt. in LHIlIIu on, n Stomac the in Pains . I," Wnl rlroll C. (1iltu fJ llr, Hheriff to [;. YOIl c:Jtlt.iu nully ollmpht ln o f 11,,· P" lI pl,,'s Builil1ue; LOitn ,\>; hUV p .. io~ in the stulllao b , your live r (lr lu ~~ (;., , I"t In Lnhlin o o, $l H;,O . vo n '!" kidney s ure not, of ortler obu N eg lr3c t !Day lead to drop"y , kidney ,I o t Cox MuryAuclrHw 'Hili 'ruuble , rlinbete s or Brlgbt·811i~eu~A $1. Jll, L€'I.Ulllt H"ot.h In t. " i3unll ull,l EIHcI rio reoomm end olltlllllllH Th .1 11 1111'" 1111 11 t\hrgur e t T Ar ry to Bitt-e rt! liS the very best stomu.o b A II H' rt And er flu n Imll l!' rnnk W "Ild Ilidney m edicine mllrle . H . T Clas sified Ads bring the Larg est Al s t ~iD, of R!lle il>(h, N . C, wbo suf HlI l1lhllrcl, I" t. III Le iJlln,m, $ 1 in the :stoml\ oh !lor! Resu lts. One Adve rtise r says : El, z 'I,J Mo Vey, fLdUlini ~ r. mlrix ·, !.o fe red with pain • 'ldy kidney s were : • . wlite bnek, ~ ... . . . . . .\lJIry McV ev, 60 ocres of la lid, *;Jr. Op. ;!I'rung ed 111111 mv liver die! not work "Please don't use my Ad again, as I sold my c Eleotri but on Fridav. The buyer saw the Ad in the horse much d ril{bt- 1 I'olItlre Commissioners' Proceedings Bitttirs W/\8 reoomm ended and 1 im Gazette and came right over and bought. I am proved from the first dose. I DOW going to use your column s frceJy," 81]1s Allowe d-C. W . Ungleli by, feel like a new man ." [6 will 1m. barilll of I::lllmu elB,upe r S7G. J . N, prove you, too. Only 500 and 11 00. Itobbin s, burial of l::!aJlna Bisher Recom mended by J. E , JU'lney , ••• With the Trim ming s. $75. george B , Anders on , bnrlAl of Forgv, P. . F ,faml's Phillips , $75. Joy of NelcrtJborfln~lI. W'lth the aid of the waves of ether, partilll ftll ow"nce onder /:leo . 28 46, waves $34 14 Columb ll8 Blaok Book Mfg, I ra ns muterl or translat ed Into Adve rtiser s are all good firms , CORS ETS Silks, Voiles and Serge s eyes, not have who tbolle for sound of Co. , blankA for Probate 'udge$ 13 30. or into IIgbt for those who have not and you can' t miss It by givin g Nemo, all good sbape s AllO vers W. H . I:!tanng e & C.o ., supplie s for eafS, we may find neighbo rs where them your patro nage . ,ani tor '7 00. William 81ye, oosts tb ere Is greatea t oeed, or wbere our 5c up Gloves, Silk and Kid 5000 yds Laces, Mobil. . fuUlIled $'525. best Is 11264, need CaBe noblest in ed expend are tbey not to Warren (Jounty Tlmell, sheet of De· Ity, transml sslbUlty , 5000 yds Inser tion, 5c up CARP ETS If not Into, tbe nearer, d mankin bring l Samue linquen t Tax Bale, 12.50. tbey brougbt as even ;)m, gl~ kln hlgber RUGS Wide F1oun cings, llaxter , removi ng .1rift from Silver the vegetab le to be an animal, to apstreet bridge, $10. MoGnl nn Bros. ,.and then to enter Its nellt LINO LEUM 15c 25c sewer pipe 15. Ohio Corraga &l!d klog-dom T-John H. FInley. In the At,. lantie. Colver t Co ., culver ' pipe $18.40, on Hamm .IIenry Christi an, repairs Might Well Be Dllpenll ed With. t!)wnllh tp $.0,75. Bert aood, bridge of the moat uleleaH thin.. In One '26,00, ip townsh Deerfie ld fa co!l~J~ Bert Reed, repairi ng · rdads,' UnioD the :world fa a man who fr1enc11 to Deerfie ld &QwJa Sh!p$W ,80, · R. malt1q lt neoeua rr for Jala








W e ha ve So lve d the Hig Jl Co st of Mo nu me nts



Xenia, Ohio.


Le.;~: swer·~;YlI ~never

Charles W. Schwartz & Son

stun nin g or so easy ', to lmake' as righ!



The Miami Gazette


--- -- ...

, . ,/. ,r .",.


Our ,. Butterick1 Pattern ' departm ent is, as,usua l; show:' ing all thei smdrtest; newest designs. ~ThtS 'IS' on~"one!'


The Gazette's

Call and!get>he~May But~· terick Fash ionlS heet Free~"

Su mm er W ash Fa bri cs

The Gazette's

Tak e the Gaz ette a Year


Th e Gr eat Ru g Ho use







~_, II!"~ . t .. . ~ • . ~

~ ~.

· '\.' I ~





MIAMI W ukly

.. I


0~' P1QlIl


W .. ynoevllle.


For Burns, Bruises and Sores Tbe qui Jkellt aDd sur e}! t oure for burDII, bruises, boils, sor e8, tnfillm mlAtioD and all skill d isellses is Buoklen's Arnica ~[Ilve. In fou r day a it oured L . B . Hon in , of Ire. dell , 'fex., of n [lore on his tin k 10 whloh pllined him so h e could hardly walk. Shollld ba in liv ery bouRn. Only 250. R ecommond e!1 by J. r:.



11 2

Mr, lind Mrs. W. 111. D. L. t.:l'ANE, ~uit~)J' uml Mllllager ~~. B. Dl1kln ILnd M ra. ~p o nt Tnesday In )ayton, lIight ~ ee in g and tr nnlaotinGbWlln8sl. Jtntes of Subscription Mrs Bury Unglesootl died - '~-':...o "'_.J Ono Yonr (Htrlclly hi auvunce) ....... . '1. 0 ~ ::I "Ille ( :opy . . ...... . ... . .. .. ..... , ., .0. day, April 218*, belnr slClJt only a nrt time of pneumollia . .' Ii'~ed Uakln returned to Day tOn : Rates of AdvertiainK' .leadlng Loc ...... per Une ... .. ... . . .... &c l'uesda;)' lUornlnl{. . l<e..uJng LouIs. black tace. per line .. . . 1~ Clyde LeVI,.. and hiA 1118~er l>~lsy I.- lauUlod 1.0 •. 1.I0~ \.0 excue<l li ve Iina. I 'I I " . . ;, ~ IllJUIrlJoD8 . .. . . . . . . . ... 211c were n U no ""'t~ Tueday and U lJl~ullrlei, 'i!'Ve lnchOll Ireo . over !I ve Wedneflday buylnK 1q\ll\nery goode InChllll, jler lIu n •• •• • . • • • • • • • •• &c for their well equipped ~orJ! .

,.'.,'::'I:ttl~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~·. : :. : :::: ·.: :: : :: ·.::!~ Mr . and Mel. Pearl St~arl, of . ()(·lnl. etc. where eha e III made . . .. .. . 2&c \"1 limington, were seen . Ob our . Isplay AuvertlslJlg Ill . Inch . .. .. .. . . • . l Oe 8trt'ot., reoently. . V bico Ull tM j!1 vou )1.1 colltrllCt. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weloh anel Mr• . E. B. Dakin spent Friday hI Al'uIL 30, 19ta Xeniu, the gueats of their aunt Mrll G,;orge Coleman. Arter flilling in love many a man The. dedication of ' the Klngmall trlel to orll wI ou t. M. E. ohuroh, took. plaoe Sunday, with an~1J day meeting , all taking Cheap men and chellp automobilcil well filled baske'!!, and the day was make the most noise . s~ent In a way 'hat will long be remembered, Most of UI! try to forget the malln Frank I:Ihu'M hae been buytng II a tlne blaok team Iltter hl1't'lng five things WA know IAbout ourseJv es . head of valuahle horses to die. Truman WHam and R ollie Kaylor Drive Sick Headaches Away our popular re s tl\urau~ men have ~Ick helidBohes, sour gtisay stom aoh, indi gesti on, biliousnes8 dlsap l:eautltled their rooms with pllin t pellr qnlokly after you tllke Dr. and pliper. Klng 's New Life Pills, They purify Peter Corey a trip to Boll. the blood I1nd put new lite Bnd brook Toellday, of last week, and in vigor In t lle lIystem . Try them and you wilt be well Rlltltlfied. Every some way his aotlons wer e not In pill helps; every box l(uarantf>.8d aooordllnoe WIth their olty ways of Price :ollio. Rl ooolmended by J . E . doing buslnel!8 and WIiS on Wednell. Janney. day Invited baok that he ml8h~ ex plain hie dlssatisfaotlon In his hor~ e MOllt m en are like rainbows-they trade. tallow their naturlA! bent. MIIIII Lutle VanDervoort lAnd Mr. AI Merrihew were the goelt. of Anywl\Y, wrinkle!! that are the Mr . and 1111'1. Ed ColleU and UI811 l'61mlt of tlmiles d o not ooont . Bertha. 'of Wllmlngton, FrUay. Dr. 1. N . Beal stUl remaiall quUe Look to Your Plumbing Ilok:. You know what happens in B Our movlnll pl;)turllihow lIMing house in whloh the plumbing Is in well patronized. po!'r oondlti on- everybody in the houss 18 li a ble to aonlnot typhoid or 80me other tever . 'rhs dlgea&ivl' Spring Branch . organs perform the ~me fuuotiontl io ~ he hUlUan body BS the plumbing Misl MaUle Bess was entertatned doef for the house, aud they should .• be kept In first olass oondltl<..n all on Tuellday by Mr. and Mre . J'rank the timll. If you have IIny 'ronblt! Bells and IIUle dll.ughter Cleta. with your dljletltl0n take Ubamber! Mrs J H Chenoweth was enter. lll.ln's Tablets lind you are certain to ... . let ' quiok relief. Yor 8ale by all ''lIned on Wedneed&l by Mrs. dealers I Thoma8 Laoy and f"mlly. • Misa Florenoe lAoy and alster A truthf ... l fishermao always Mrs. Frank Cook tran.acte<1 boal knows whtlre to draw t.he line. nells In Dayton, laRt Monday. • Mr •. Maude Ji)allin and ohlldren It takes the eyes of a milli onaire OIIolled on lire. R. C. Dakin and to 866 tbe blesBln gll of poverty. family, Friday afternoon I. Mrs. Georgia (jordan caHt!d on A woml\n's dres smaker may be Mra, frank Dakio, Sunday after reapenllbls to, the , fi"ure she outs n oon. In ·soclety. Mr. and Mrs. . TboDO\s Ll!o~ and ... family entertained Mr. aDd Mra. Coughs and Cousumption John Orndoff and dlAughtere Berthl\ Coughs and oolds, when negleoted, II.nd Pearl and son Barry at Hunday alwavs lelld tu serious tr ouble Clf dinner. Ihe lungs . The wises t. thing to do Mrs Guy Che noweth and little when you have 1\ oold tht&t troubills you is tu get a bottle of Dr. King's dlHlghter Agu88 and Mr• . J . B. Now DiBcovery You will get rellet Chenoweth and daughter Franoes froQI the first daRe, aDd t nully the were ' entertained bV Mrs . Amull oough will dls~ppoAr . 0 H. Brown, Jl\okllon, at Muutay dlDDer . of Musootllne, A IlL . . writes: "Mv wife WIlS dOWli In bed with Iln abet! Farmers are all very busy plow. Date o~.!!I{!1, nJd I ho.uestly ~elleve Ing and getting ready for plaD&lag had It not beenfor 1:Ir. King s PCew oora. Disoovery . shE' would not, be living There wlll be pre..ohlng "t Middle todllY ·" Known tor forty.three Run, 8aturday. at 2 o'olook and yellrs aE' the hes t rem pcty for OOU6 11s aud ooid!! . Price aUo and 'I 00. Banday at 10 :30 by Elder George Recommended by J . E . Jlmney. A. Bretz, of Indiana ,

____. - .0----



Mr . and Mrs . D. W. Anabee nnd M~ A. U. Mendenhall at-tended the funer",\ @uDd~y c f M T . ZelJ en, lit

Bo:Itwellt6QlD1DatlOD'A~ . ~ ..



Also Agen t for Racine Automobi le Tires.

Whi ch Has the Adv a nta oe ? It took th e Ailldght)' "g"" IIpon

ages to pvulv," "" :II llmnl tha i ,·,.. Ild By, a bird, nmrl 11 hli B lal,,· n ag " " find ages longpr to I'volvo a bU !I\a n being that can fly ; but It lI' e, lparnlng at last to fl y. ha \'(l not lpurtl (' el. nlHo, morc nobl), to IIsltirc' a lld tu II ",·, Ihe hlrds who ha,'p' III I" '1I th .. H!I ')/'I ClIt to aviatio n h ft '-" fh, '

H d \'allt;:".: ~ ·

\lB.-J ohn II.


1,' 1nit ·)' .


, Ph o ne


7 1- I


un 1r

,Dr. J. A


All anllc.


J.~" C


Funeral llirE'ctor \ and Embalmer • (iratluate Wa ynesville, Ohio. ,



Veterinr.~· v

One of t h" 1II0"t wldl1l Hlra l wills of (II .,. ' II I I"iv' .; ever mad!! lu Ihat o f a b,, "'l .. lor 0 1 ~Tan co wbo l o rt n il hl H prop"rty, \ amounting to a ('olls l,I <'l'II blt' Invcon· tory. to thr po ladlp R " ho li n t! rl' fuHe d Cull alls\\, en"! 1"''' lnl'tly day (II' I/i~hl. ()t1 iL" al It . ·id' ·III (' ' I ;.' I: Sher· j' . I ' . I. '1 .. t to mnrry him . Il l' Hlntpd In th(~ doc- Buth ph " I j( '~ III (il IICt· and I lt:'~ \(lel1(·e . I IIn g· .! i" l:l Ij(·L·. :-"Co. i I. 11 " 1l1 l' \I h II Ill.' WIIO, " 1I . 1I~~, •• 11 111 :") r e~ . um enl : "TIH' so b P 'l\l "" l~ I nllL);" to I l ':~r , thesc ladi l'll. fo r to lh elll I 011' 0 a ll my Ch ai rs all.! "Ill' I'" at'" f u rnish,·" (r ['(' \ ca rthly hap Jlines"." w i l h J'ullI'l'a k Ohio IWaynes,B('>'t (I f !'I'\'\'i l'" ~u al' ar, l cc ". Not on th e Map. The olily pl;tf'O' \\' 11 0 '''' " n,- cu n live



T ... llIp hon El dll Y or n ig h t . \' n ll e ~ phone No. (. I..oD" Di ~ t·anoe No . 69-~".

----- ...




Classified Ads

---_0 ---.. Beech Grove.

E. v.

BARNHART, Notary Public




K E. Thompson and M . M . Terry DVERTlSERH ~ To know that were In Dayton, on Tuosday . you can sell your horse~ lind This place WILS welJ represented oows and o tbe r tlling!l b'y Iluverti s~t tbe !:Ih_"!! Bale, at Or£gonla, on ing theml in t,he GS:l:ette It posts but Ittl.le, and brings results . Baturday. Our oolt breaking Company ure hllvlng perteo' suooess. FOR SALE MillS "'arle Iiltarr spent Sunday her home, nell.r BlI.rveysburg. K. E. Thompson spent I:!undoy afternoon with I8aao Linooln nelAr Boles of n ioe, bright, oat s , Btraw Call all Zell & w:.ynellvl11e. Frazier, Waynesv ille, Ohio. m 14 Sunday. seem to be set n pR.rt 1 from all other day!! as filIhlng day NAPKINS-Ne w. g~)Qd oolorll, in Ilt the oreek . Ilny qUllntlty . Uall ut Gtlzette J . W . Taylor's driving h.Jrs. !tot offioll and see ~~ew . m 14 oue of hi. legs broke oa Sunday and UVV-Frellh, with 2.we eks·old had to be killed. calf by h er side. Inquire of McGill & Cleaver, the Oregonl R K . E. Tbomplon, Oregonitt, Uhio . m 14 cow buyers, were bere lust week looking atter fresh oows. OY B E ANB-AmherRt or medium Lon Brannon wa. !!ummoned to yellow variety . Inquire of U. Springfield on Bunday on aooount E. Miohener, Waynesvi ll e, Uhi o, m 14 of the Berlous oondltlon of hll sillter phone 56 2. Mhlfil Lue, who reoelltly underwen UCKS-Indian Runner Duok " oriSl::!al operatlo •. Eg'lls, White Egg struin, best A . L Kiger ahd family, of Ovid, layers. 750 per s sthng of 13 Uh BS Mioh., are now looated Ilt t·helr farm C t:ltrotlse, R. D. 5, Waynesville, m 7 here, wbloh they have recently Ohio. bO\1ght. ORN-A lot of Impr oved YellOW Mesdames Mabel Vaughn Rnd De-nt ~eed Corn, uf the vt' ry Pearl Guthrie spent l:Iunday after. beNt. lnqnire of Carl B. FI,\'e, D1 ,. noon with Mrs. Martha If . Thom p.. Wuvnesville. Ohio. son. rlelightful sub urban pr operty, RnllRell J. Murray, proDrietor of In gO'ld oondit.ion . For IHlrf Ic . Loog View Stook Farm ttttended ulars Inquire of Mr~ . 8 . P. Kinr\Jp, Lbe 8hutta 8alo, at Oregonia, on or::3. Le v . Ca r tw right. 1\ ;)0 Saturday, ~ nd bought t·he sIJlin of young matoh OOUII. Mr . )durny Ulh -Rhode l~ lntl d Hod P l!':; ~. will go ahelld and flni ~ h developlDjil \lure ur Ad. lio a ~ o ttlD g; out rAte!! por 100 Mrs. Clint ROMS, them. W'Ly nes v lltl, Ohi o. 1\ ::0












Found a Cure for Rheumatism OR8E-Uolld geneml purpos ... , 5 yellr!' nle), w()rk tionul" or ., I suffered wi th rheum!lti81l1 for two years I\nd oould not get my ~ ing le. Ilbo)nt. l ~( ) U p·oun d ~ . l'l'! uiro ri~ht hand to my mouth for thttt rlt U rllnt. & )<' rllzi l' r 's till >; hop. II ~ O length of time," wri tes LeA L Chit p. rnun, MlI.pleto n, Iowa . "1 lIuffere(1 terrible pain 110 I could not slee D or WA'VNESV1LLE CHURCHES lie 8 till lit night . Five years 8~1J 1 began using Cbl1mbe loin's Lini. Olent alnd IU two months I was well Met hodist Episcopal ChurQi lind hllve n c t Buffered with rbeumn. nev. C. 8. U rlllJ RC r, Pastor, tiSlD binoe .. For ~ale by Idl dealers. ~uu"' I ,,' S c hu lll. lI , 1 5 ,to 111 . \ l u rlll l1 ~ :i(" f

___ ___ .0- - -New Thought Rare.


": " " lllu K ~ crd ('e , -; : U 1; Mhl",e." 1'r ,yer ..... ttlnll. 7 p . m.

vIne. 11l : :W a . m .


A new thought 18 a very rani thing, St. Augustine's Catholic Church. and It would be a magnlflcellt cr ea· Father LouIs y~u. ture to catch. The only thin gs I can Jl,Ju~~ every !Secun d Sunda y of lb.: moolil a. think of that one would really call 0 :011 a. 1m. "new thoughls" would be ce rtain celeSt. Mary's Episcopal Church. brated Jokes. cerloln sc ientific di sco,', orlea and a few les8 frf'C)uent ease. Re v. J . I". udwallullc r. I'''ctor. SU llday Sch ool. n ::10 a. rn M orn i ng riel of a really original argument used In v I ce. IU ::10 a. 01 . Holy Com m un I on th o II ra t an old controversy.-G. K. Chester- Sunduy ot cacl1 muutb.


Chrlltian Churel-. More Likely.

Rov. P. B. TbomJl8On. P .... toe. Bible Bchool. 9 :30 ... m. &clal mootlnl.

"Now, I want a canary that will 10: 80 B.. m . Chrl8tl .. n End\ll>vor. 7:00 p. m. by pll8tor every nl~nBto Bund ..)' .. IIDg right away and sing what I like; 8ermon 10: 80 a . 10. IWd 1:3 0 p . m. one that won't get the pip or die the Ilrllt week." "You Oon't want a can· ltiicksite Friends ChurQ. ary, my frleod. What you w.nt .. l'irst Da) Meetlr)&{ • . () :00 0.. m. Flra~ Dar Scbool , 11 ;00 a 10 , Founh Day MeellllK a mu.lo bo:l."

..• DENTIST••• GOndllte:88.

Kan... Brag.

1& mao eats a ouaumber that oenta be naturallT W'lUlta to

,,\ UIj;HI\! lUo il.1nf1!1

about Itr-DDporia

Mn. Ruth lIrIurra7, Putor II :80 a. m. Regular cbuNlb IOrvloe, 10 ·qo ... ID . ObrlaUall }1n4eaTor. 7:80 ~_

Natlon ..l B....t<


Waynesville. 0

TI''''1I0 1.1.1 ,. \I •• , I hll l ~ ' \\ Illd, " ' Ill 0 \;1\. " a I ,' " j.( y Ollr I " ,}'. RC! (,lIrt, h ili 11\ t \ .; Inll P ' I I 111111 \\ holt!6ume d ~\' I' I UIlIlh' l l f I )' ",,'il ,1oI: hi m


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Ir at e d, n nr( (""cry l in ,. In lI C1.r mon y w!l h refined: home

1 l'1l1l1 1t ~

~rrnl ••

; l'l1 " v r·w 1l "y


II . ~ O .

all n e ws-,Iuud" ., 1&' ,




'l -,o.r.to4I bO), . I }'cU".

DR. H.E. BATBAWAY' W RyneS ville 'e Leadinll DeDU.' Uffioe in KeY8 Bldg. Main 8'

II,n d th e ir

O n ':l le • •

" ,..110 II~" D,Iro~


Subscribe tor the Gazette !!"

Rex Ledger

[No. 1235]

Standard and Reg ' ;tered Saddle Stallion Regis tered in A llIerican Sadd le Horse Registry under Rules 1 and 2, Vol ;j Hex Ledger is a beautiful b lack with one white bind foot, star in forehead, 15 !tantls 3 ' ~ il/ ciles high (g-e lrl ing measure ) and weighs 1100 pounds, A mode l ill 10 1'111 and fl11 i ~ iI . extra limbs and feet, good wide heels, on~, full 11 1. 1111" a nd tail, !OlIIltl sy mmetrical harre!. a strong back, w ell cOll pk d lI e is a ),! rcat gaited borse. He has taken 105 premo iUlII s-- 0:2 flr"' l rl.n<ll:l scconr! . Rex Lcd >:t:1 was sircd h y I.edger 12358. led ger was sired by Crown Chief 40~fl s ire o f Roland 2 : 2~, by Milford Mambrino; he by old Mal1l iJ riu u l' hicf 11, sir e 0 1 I. ady Thorne, 2: 18.%;' , Woooford Mambrino 2 :2 I ' .; Mambrino I 'a t chen a nd othe rs , Ledger's tTr~-rI1tlt1r-1 J.::ale'Li\'in ·:'... ·t~n, by Fn lC':, t Temple No , I:HI; he by Edwin,Forest '1\), s ire I,y Hi ll )' H(\sk ill ~. :l : 2H',; ; lirst dalll by Madam 1 e mpIe, d::l.llI b y 1.' lo la Telllple.:2 17 '", queen o f t h' tu rf fo r several ye.ars, known a~ the "bob·taikd ' ''arc,'' b y impo '1",1 Spotted A rabIan; seco nd ri a l" b y Corbin's, ' . 10 111 Crowder; Illin:! Jam Q 13ellfoundel" fOUl th r\ :lm b y Illes ."' .. , . . r:cd C"el i~ t he sire of Uv l :.;, . 2 ::2.'-' ' .~ rOlli ' 1, hcat wilh six weeks' h and l i~g, "I ,I I.ed ger E . , ' ho\\'ed II '..' ·.~·l a it in hig tlJree-year, ed quurte rs \. - 6, green, 1(1"1 ;\ li ck), Prin ce (p ) pa~ed o ld fn l'l l' a trial II " 111 2 : 15 \\' ith L e ~easo n ' s ha n 1I 111~ at Hartwell, OhlO. da lll by Steers Denmark; second dam by Gouge's H ex I. Cd gL ' TOIII I la ll ; tllinl dam b y Bo yd's Bruce . In 1 ~! I i' he <I efeat ed Black RC;luty , a il e of the World 's F ir prem t on at ill'" h (J r ~C'o;, at Alexandria, l(y. In ) 002 he de fea ted l' mond: ()ak ley . Ohio . Pres ton had jus t taken a $liQO premium at I· ,l ir. K y . III 1006 h e tlcfeated Kentucky'S Artist at the F loren . Is a rcd sorrel, s tar u .. face, C s nip 011 nose alii I wi ' i te hind fe(·t, (' ) lllill~ th ree years o ld, and 15 ?:.; hands high. R " I' Donald .'i01l5, Lv Star !\1cDonald J 712, by Rex McDonald 'y Re.."< U en11lai'k S·IO, by C rigler' S .li)enmark. Roy McDon st dam Ihchel C 2tJ.1 -I, by Artist Montrose 51, by Artist y King Willia\l1 G7. Fo r further pedigree see stud book.

Description and Pedigree



THE MAMMOTH J AC l(. point s. )5 '" hanJs hig h , weigh s about 1100 pound s , si rec1 by Orphan 130 y (lUG, g rand champion Jack at the W orld 's Fair in 11>04, Dam by Lil1les tone M:.l lllllloth 298, a Jack shown fo r ten yent~ and never defeated.


The above stock will make the season of WI ;) at Z('II 's Tobacco S hed in Corwin, Ohio. $15.00 to insure a live foal. \ IIlney due when fact is known. Marc trans fe rred or bred to ollt(,1 stock or . removed from vicinity where owned when bred, forfeit all insuranc.e and money becomes due. Due care will be taken to prevent accIdents, but not responsible should any occur.

Orthodox Friend. Churdl. !'Iabl,a~b 'Sohool,

omce In

Cnod EI11r r'aln-

m tn l , ,\ r ll\'(' l ~ ~ 01 III ~

10 :00 iL. 10.

pe;et-, 'M~t:=~~t~~I~~: ,

A utomobile Livery Service at Y sonable Rates.

Wllynell" lIl e, Mrs . Hlltuer, who WIlS opentf'd nn I1t the Mc(,jlelllln BOflpitnl, ubout, 3 weeks IlgO, returned home FI idtl.y. t:!he ie gottlng alan@; very nioely . Barry Cook Illld son spenU,nodl1,Y with Ulnyton Sollers ILnd family ch eaply I s l ' l n pln ; and tb, ' coufound· Mrs . RIlY Eagle aud Han '1' isited od atlas mn li er N sti li refw~, to put Wednesday in Xenia wl \. ll Mrll . that happy region on the maps.- Pro v. Id cncu Juurual. James Osborne . Mrs litis Pramer, of Xenia, visaed Thursday with Mrs. Clayton Da lly Spec i" l. You Don.·t Nc ~d u ~I ie rosco pe 'iVll en. tiollers. YQIl Are Seek ing T roulJlt, - Cinc in nati - - -Cough Medicine for Children Enquirer. Too muoh Ol1r", Otl nnot be nsed in lIeleoting a ouugh medicine for ohlldren . It should be pleluaat to mke,oontain no harmful flubstance /Lnd be mos~ effeotual. Chllm ber latn 's Uuugh Remedy meets these ""' .. __ w __ w ....... reqalrement.s and Is u fl\vorite WIth Ads wIll b~ IWler"," un " ~ r thI s be ad f or the mothers at yOU'lg ohildren twe nty -II\'\! ce nts rq r ct: Insertion. _h ell utlilu{ 1I0lworu t h an U n ! lines . everywhere. For !lale bv all deal erB. ......... - ..... --.......,. .... ............ --- .... 0----



Most Ungallent .

Don 't attemot to get the upper New Burlington h'lona ot others ' In an underhanded way. • Mrll . "Ber~" Smith (nee Fletoher) The man wbo paddles hl8 own of Clnolnnatl, epen' a few cayl!J la8' oauot! today may OWD a steam yacht we Ilk wltb relaUv81 and trleods tomorrow. bere. Mill! Berllloe Bawklnll had liS OoolUllonallv f\ tool man robl! hie wesll.snd gnel' Mils Mildred JODep, , family for the purpose of IIpeDllln[l of WUmlDltton. the money on his t ool friend!.'. '£he Mallonlo .odge held a apeolal me ding on Thunday eveniag, having work in she first degree 5100 Reward. $100 The .istrlo& leoturer Will prellen~, The relltders of this paper will be 1Io1!!0 quite II number of brethreo ploosed to learn tbat there ill at from WayneSVille and Wllmlng~on leftet one dreaded disellse that The Ladles Aid lIervod a ohloken solence has beeu f\ ble to ou{e In all ite ,tages, and that Is Catarrh. "opper whloh Will!! bellortlly en BaU's O..tarrh Cure IB the onlY joyed. pollltive oure now known to the Rebecoa Mille died at the home of medioal fraternity Olltarrh being her .ou Stephen, 8a'urday morning a oon~~ltutional dtleue, requirell II cODBtl tutlonal treatment. 81A1I'8 Bad ,he lived natil Monday she Oatarrh Cure is saken lDternally, would bave olmpleted ber ninety· acting diruotly np;)n tbe blood and firat yell.r. Funeral lervl081 and mUOCU8 8urfaoos of tbe lIystem, ourlal 'oak place at Caeallor'. Creek deatroylllg tbe foundatlol! ohuroh, ,,"onday afternoon. dt!lleall,•.ILDQ ,lvlng tbl! patien t. Many penons from this l1eilhbor .tl~elllgt·b r.:l~~~~~:::'u,rt,;;he -", in.onsti. doing hand attended 'he dedication of the , 1~.~.~~·~~ ~~l~rOD~~to~ beveso new Shuon oharoh. Sunday. Mill. l!'\fah Haydook lpent' BeTeral day. 11101' week w1&h frlencbl in Bar· I' v3ysourg. . ~ Grant Pb1lllpll ' Will ODe of Ute three pupils .of Spring Valle,- Tp., oOn'jWhO were Iluooeafnl m

---- -

olose Fri DIlY exer 8aturday,


Office Hours--6 to 11 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m:

of.. trre ~~,~. tile dark1ten; the barldllf or at d ifferent ca ll· t)er. -\ bit of Oyllig I£'ad loro through' l he leather bacJt: ot the coach with an ~ odd rip; another struck ~ho CAsiog oC tbo door, ~ e ndlog tb u wood"11 iiI) 11 II' t l'r6 flylul! llke 'arrows. Iluwl"c ),cr!. Ilamllu fired 1\\'lcl3 mort'. all .. 11\I: at tho ' sparli n, gr iml y c~ rraill thllt • ns1>Olldlnl; 11<Iwl (ro m ti ll' I"f t " ,,1(11'·,( ,'<1 a hit. Th ~ ll. 'IV C]tJ leI, Iy, j II was ~ t ill. lut .. n~p l )' bl.lcl, 0 11 (' " w() r,' Th~ 1" ' rg pf\nl drn w b nc k f rol1l \1 1" ,,, i l1 , h n \. lealling hi ' ~IJ II lIC:c1ln sl tli.· <' 1\ :, 111 .': , I "Thnt "III ho tll l h"ln t. r a IVbli, ',' h l} 1\;] Id ('h ··.· !'1 ti ll)" " 'I' ll" I" HM ''' Il



thPff J, t ff' ,'kon. n u d thl~


\\ IJII ' ,

!to t cn r nlu"H :,,; (1111 r lg bt 1I1\/' Y • '''IT Is Ollr lIll1l' ; ru-e yOU n ' all j7" TIII' rt" no r;'slIonllu. ( hl! sti lln""' so prorulluu h u oould h ~(l r tlJ.n fa lliL lOBI' ~ uur Ijp rv! They 'l) not try to tl ckl :l!: 0 1 I hI! girl's lIa tch, II'!. elose Ihnt I(:lP yet; It's too dnngl'rouR rl 'aeh l'cI /l ll l. a lmo ~ t alurm .·d. u Il~ &fR..l nr 1\\.-1 nnl\l~ . rom 1l\Ilfl d ",,; ., " , rmY with \18 011 /.:ll.Utl nnd nl y on e ai d a of l/lllC'h' lI h .. r dn'~s , , . t "-al ~'ort P",IR ··. >.·.·k. ,. 111 1111 10 IliA ('oac'h I" xJlo~c 'd. T h at fel low WfiS \rr r "S;)1 h i. "'IlU ~h \ l' r M II Il) ,""\'1,,", t. "WIHll I" Ih, · lrall bl, ' ?" ho QUP'" ead t' d f OT the P( ,~\ :\r1 lntll ,'" ~,q tL\r"lI '( trying' U . n Ul 11 ~'nil o a~o. and lhe y've th,,·ntcnNI " Rro ck" II 3 II\U II , ·1 ., 'r· '''"pt '1,,1 ,.1 tJvn r ~Ince J le t drlv \l at Ilon "J :1nxlou,.I) , "Dltlu ' l )Q ~ huur mo.l ~11t \\ L(\ hueS hUH a. r rl v ... d \\'\t h I n " s ~ •. hl li·a lt. '! " R C8 to ~f " f)"n .. I.' , "l>hlntoo!I" rllr th,' him. 111"y know t h o IImltR of Ih " Ilu ,,,,,1' ('1\ bfl ·:t thlr· ~" lJu' ·.h. 'ro · wr~ b'!ljo n nHlI (ltAn s ~lnn" M.,U y fu rh l'!t t>ilf,...u~ 1"' 1) " ~tld wfl1 k.' pp tb e r n un ti l t ~'ort n lplf"),' twu .' r'Y8 nhl)Iu1 1)( M ,· I,,~ " · . Ie. 81 ... 11", '1"" 8 tn IIl1 _1t nn t" 1,0,,1' j\lst .IIdOt·.· rlnyllg ht, That Is wh"n no IIl OV '· II1C II l. 110 su una . '1I1~ 1 h iM lillii'd , odgp b~' ~1 ; lJ.!C III "'l trlll llll Y "" H I, "f:;ut le r tlUl y ' JI try til r. nH' p Up upon Uli. lfO \'tt In·''lhltll /:. In ~ pltl ' of bl» \1'UII u" r ... ·. 'Ull·· M Ol Jill! thlnl.l\,I,':" {\ KI\ITlbl ~ r . 1:1 ~ . ., .. tih.· yra ~ /:ro ;ll' !l Illl way upward a " U fO ... eng ro, I hl m ll n mr.'tN t h ." " t.n !:.' ,1 n l1 ,uor rlu" t l ll1t' . -.nlh _t o rl~. nr ~ pr~ oI""." ,, ,'"mmltl.',1 ShfJ o[1"n l" <1 hpr watcb f!,'I 'lIn g fo r 1~' l n g b ~r l c ag a inst II,,· uflJlU", l •. win , ~y th., Jndlnna.. 11 b 4 h ·rh1 ~· ' t o 1".~ t\.lrn h I I ' • d ow. hpr hrmd b e n l t:' it.l (' \\·~ t yti , Ito Rlpl t!y . T he Il r! "\' r '.l i'flPrt.... chp s l ag p t e l n nl :' ~ It h hf'r (\ug~ rs. wo u d p ring "~ I )' (;o d," htl [houghl, "<II ,! l iJ O~.~ ...,h en I n·1 lnns npPI·ar . Til l' Indr n n !" /Ir e \'[) KUf'ly at h nr O\\' n calmll t'tHL Th e 't ... lf!e repllhu.4.l tl1 tUUwk \'" lh(· ~l: l~ I' h)' I It' ~II" K"I un?" OmBn !\f o\' lnn tlnd O(Ul% . d II Thl' InlU' r cno Tf 'dou r c(' (ulnt' s8 o f l-hunlin waH Sil e 1I!t (' ,1 b l' r sllghl Ilgure liP on ,. • k1JIt, .t ~ifJ) la n I ~ klll .. ,l tn .",·t I nH l\rlL ltk (l :l toni. ' . ndJllliB rell ... , nn,1 HHlll lln 3n11 ~' ,)lI r "nit ' It Il Is 11 IIl(\I' rlrr~r onf' o·(" lo(" k." on e R rrn . all .. I~ o blo tl.·t\ out. a ll ol h t or the next rno",,", ~ - - -, h·, Rllld s lnw ly. "although I flln 1I0t e r memory " lUl l b e d til rOIlj;'h tblM tll stan t tlrl"lld HI .. cbee k stu n g wh"r" CHAPTER VII ,--Co ntln ued , I " tlrf' my \\. lI e h I. Pl llClly r lgilt." C rtaln facts Wl' r e c)r;1r- tll re main " :'\ l· a~ 1" I1'''' /: h . tlw/'f) ar l! Fi gn s of lIylng "pHnlers h ad IIlruck h im. bu t 1\ lUlU. h er 11Tlcanl dea lh, lbrt ur,' for him If the y flay l t~ht a l [fllt r - thr"! hou/," I"'t; lhat ",as nolhlng. She 11'/18 , 'Were lake n nll,'I', a nd wo rRe tbnn thnt oUj;h t to 1\" s ullkle'nl, hul with no rt l'H h wa s warm; lhe n hi d scurchl n 'i 8parl ', \\,111 YO Il 1;" wllh 1I1.lgCf8 f<; ll th e mois t blood trlCk ll tl~ ,dl'at.b for her. Peraplrntlflll bur Rt ont uarkn" ,_ lIpon b!>1 (ace at Ih a thou ght. :'I:o! nt f'? \\'11 1 .'(IU tlo lxac ll y liS I Ha y '! " tl own from 111 0 e d gt.' of lIPr hat r . H G reat God' Dot thut; h ~ wou ld kill :-1 111' tlr" \' a ~ \\' If[ brl'Ulh. h" ldlng It' t OUI hb hrl" ath s lo wly, tb o ,dddel ' her hln1!IIJIf first. Y"l thla wus t he h. 'r u;llId I" !,cor ~Itll', lUI l.I4 d rl"lIf'f a lmos t cllO lilug hillt. I tnIth. the truth to Ile rBred , Tbe " 'III . ) t"," h.'r \' 0 1('11 calchlng. "whl1t I'nough Bur,.)\" but not wb t h ~ ~il/j nearest aYallable trQor ~ "'l' re at ·whut " I ~, ' CTl Il I do? I canno t slIly flrs t r.t'n re~. n,o t ~ealh : She ba!J 'beml atruck h:1f d - .1 n ylng splinte r fit wood , Dodg . a ~ ompBny of Infatllry , I! thpy h r> r" II'I ' h 11 1118" t!(' ~ ll lll c n!" .. tarte d al once th e;- eo ul'l ""I'p r ar· "Hill I "'''!I I yntl 10 go because-- pprl1nps, or a d e flected !>dllet - h'r r lvp In time to pre"!'nt 010 attn~1r at "',," . hl"(,:l "'" )()II tru s t ru e," bn urg('d. h ulr matted wllh" blood. y,lfl. It W :l N 110 day br eak, 'J'b e Indian s IInd('ubtp.d ly U II!'II' tru e., or t"nd e rn tiIlS In his low- mor~\ tban a nl>sh wo~d, If n~th'~Uj;h kn e w ~hls .•ea llz r t! the Itlt N hC'I[llc5B' (' rl"d " /lk n " n pcau e you Illlow I 1~lt""dlngl Itl',.r .. u'b" co n sclp U8'1 l Ill ' l:I~ I, : II• t "liS ut" ror an ns a ' . f1 ellS of th ~ lr ,·lctl ru B. alld we re acllng woulrl Klvc my llr" [0 d"fe nd you, accordingly. Olhl 'r wlHI' t hey would 11 0 waR not surc . but bn th oug ht entire ~ltuu.(lon ~cllrrCdt Ito llilro Il1b II neve r h ave ligb ted lbut fire Dor r a- h e r L ICl' was BU(lLkn ll' uplift ed. her naSh; . h mUst cb ango I S II and. u t roaln ed 00 gua r d. i\1orl'o\' c r It the two PYAS B"~klnr; to se e b lm In lhe dark. dare waslo no tim!!. It lh~ )' W,~ rt, to escape It ~15 t be accurullits tu'd now. ot them sbould su cc.·en In stealing 11"IIS . 'forth rrom tb ~ s helt e r or lh" coach . " I !I o ," ~ hc ans\l'ered 'gravely. "you shadowed., by darkn~ ss. ",hilt') !lavage ebo ul-d sllu lk uus een amid t he d e D s ,~ mus! he.llt! ve I tlo ; but I have never "'"lobe,os" wero sa fpl}' bcyond so un d. 'blackn 811 of th e o\,crhanglng bluft'. bpe n in s uc h pe rl! bero r e. In such n Hie le'an jaws s e t wltb !le rce detl'r· hItc hed hi ~ oel udJng tho 'Watch e rs. what' wf)uld II situatio n or horror. and I am all UD- mlIlaUon,. aud he grimly , -, b I p rofi t In ' tbe I'nd 7 Thl'lr trail would nerved , Th ere does n 't seem to be llIIJ. b~lt fan, ard, one s ine"} and lu go rrn g th e rel'o lve r . li e would bav o to b e clear ; with the fi rst gray or dawn tbinS left me but- lO trust you." thOSe savage trnck ~ r s \\'f)itl d be a t "Tbat [g goo d ; all I C8J1' ask, I know trust to that weapon e ntirely Cor d~ 'Worl{. and tb ey would be trapped in you a re all rlgb t , but r wallt YC!)" to feiflnse ; dhetbCOUllcl I not ca r ry both t h e e open. on foot . utt", ri}' helpless I,ee p your ne r ve, We are g.o lng' !p 'take r e an e g r . Mnvlng slow ly. cautio us ly. fearlul yen '(,0 flght , a big cha II CO; wo'v" gf)t to ao It- a The mn.n ·u hand R 1:lenched and un· s ingle misplay. a RII IJ or tbe' foot. an le5l 80lno crc nld ng of th e old stage c le nch ed nbou[ his r llle-barr,,1 In an incuu tJoud broar'h may co~t' our live s," might b et ray h is motions to those agony 0 lI!deelslou. hl8 ayes pe rcelv. "A n ' you going to trvtO get away! kee n eary be lo w. h e backed tbroug\! Ing th e sllh'luae or lbe girl agai ns l To !'Iude tit .. Inrllans 7:' the o pe n door. Once fee ling the "Yos, nn d t he re ~lbut one posslbll. ~ round fir m beneatb hlB feel, Rnd rna· t h e ligbter a rc o r ~"y. No. not t ha t lIlot tbat! Thd¥ mUIIL hide tbelr trail. Itl' o~ . tiucceHs-to 6reep th e leng-tll ot king !lu re that botb canteell and hay· !eave be blnd no. rQ lntes · U'p.ce of pas8· lhp Kujly tbere, aAd so reac h the riv er , e rs ack were secure, h e reach ed back .~ for these houndS to fO\ lo. Yer 1;ie.,."1:.... Is G on~los ' belt. Don 't be Into th e darkne ss, grasping tbe form Ilbw could the mirac le be neto • ~aJ,g.~ It, f Is not dead men wbo of tb e uncon s cious gIrl: He BtOod ~ca! bur trOm t hli mists or tor- ar e golni'16 urt us , SwIng the st rap er ec t with h e r beld securely In Jill! Ituri)d memory came. as a fa lnl h9"';' ~ver you r' sboulder tbls way. and slip arms. !ltrands of halr blowlng against a d Lm r e colle ction of tha t uarrow.· gul· t he re olver Into the holste r, Tbat's hIs chee k, II sle.nlng Inte ntly, strlvlll; )7 cutting straIg ht rtuwn acrose the rlgb~7 we'll carry' as little as we can, with keen ey£'s to penetrate the black Itrall. o ver whIch th runaway bad and ' ieave our hands tree, " He h esl. curtain. The wind Wall fortunate. h ed In tun ' gallop. ·lJ'hat surely tutea. staring obout In the darkness. dluliJ not b e tar back.. and '!&8 or suf· awtnly decidIng what to take. "00 'flcillpt dept b to lildo t bem iii'. e"dark.J' you bappen to know If e ither of the -nen; He was un certain hoW' "fI!J.' {t passengers car ri e d any gruh?" 'o Ktehded;', but at som e ti m e It'" bad "Grull~" \lpen \wat e r.course uud mus r' have "Plains' t erm for food." Impatie ntly, Tellche the rlvor, ADd tha rivet' "ration!l ; fIOmeth log for luncb e n wou ld 11 ,~e ·, thelr t rail! A ~w bope route ." s prans InW'hls eyes. He felt the sud· "011. )'es. ) Ir, Moylan did; said be de n stralgb~lling up of l his body. n eve r tooll chances on bavlng to go " What-Wtiat 18 It?",t-tIbe qU8et!oned. hun g r y, It was In a flat leather ii tru1.~ed, " Do' you see anything? Ar e pouch." .they comlng~" " Haversa ck. I have It. That will "N.o, DO." ~.lm 'It Impatiently. "It Is bc e nough to carry, with the canteen. stll1 a'S' ."!!~t h Qut there, but I almOMt Now .there Is only one thing more bebellc~o' l hav ~ IIIBcovered a means of for e we le ay o. W e must Impress e sclij)e, Do yo'll r ememller a gully we those f Hows WIth the notion that we 'rlln ' ove r w~ lle 1 was on top or the a re wid e-awake, and on guard yet. See G~ age?" a ny move m ent out there?" ul am nDt lIure: was It wben t hat " 1- [ am not sure," she M8wered -' awful jolt CIUIle!" duubtfully, "There Is a black smudge "'les, 1t flung m e to t h o foot·board beyond that dc ad pony; lean forward jus ~ when I had untangl ed tbe lines, h er e and you can see what I mean't\''9 could not bbve traveled a doze n on the ground. I-I Imagined It moved ':7ardi/ fartber hefore we st ruck thls Just then ," She pointed Into the dark. blulr--could \Ve?" ness, "It 18 the merest shadow, but i 'l: hardly thlllk 110." yet ev idently stiemed to wiggle along, and then 'lJewlldered by his rAIlld C]ueStiolllnp;, stop ; It'8 IIUII now." , Only 1 WIlS so co nfused Dnd fright· Hamlin focu s6ed his keeo eyes 00 / .ened 1 can sCl1rc61y rf'm e lTlber. "'hy tho spot Indloated, shading thom with i' .are you so anxll'us to know? " one hand, How Light 8he 8eemed, aI Though "Becauso," he r e turn ed earn ee Uy. " Slide uncle further on the seat," be ( He Claaped a Child. 'bending toward h er. "I b e liove tbat whispere d sortl y, " llnd let me In nel:t blowing steadily across the !lat from s ash in Ih e earlh ts golog to get us the window," th e river. and tbey were surely Invls· out of h c re. An yhow It Js the only The re WRB R mom e nt's silence. the Ibl e agalllllt the background of the cbanc.· I can figure, '1 we can cree p only Bo und th e wind , The girl gripped ove rhanging blulI. U .. did not even throu ;.:h to tbe rl vl' r . undiscov c re d. I'll th e back of th e lIeat nervously wltb fe ci It nocessary to crouch 10 w to 1lI;ree to lea vc Mlst.e r Indian guessing both ha nds , hold ing h e r h!'ealh; the avoId discovery. He knew that pe ril 8S to wh ero we've gone," Sergeant. the oulllne of bls face sll- would conlront them later, wb en they The new note of aulmatlon In the houette d against the sky, stared mo- ventured out Into the open. man 's voice arous ed her, but sh('l tionl es8 Into the ni ght without. Sud. How light t;ho seemed, as tbough Bl'B8\Jed hi ll a! m ti g hte r , denly, no t making a sound, he IJtted he clas pe d a cblld, Bearing "But - but. oh. can we~ Won't t be y th e rlfte to hts s hould l! r. he r was going to be Balile r Lo hid ing lh cr e too?" than he bad supposed ; th e oXcltomenl " /t 's a chance, lhat 's al l- but b e tter CHAPTER VIII. yielded him n ew m easur e of thao waiting hero fo r n certa In ty strength, ye t h e we nt forward very See h e rJl. MI!s McDo nald ." and he A Way to the River. slowly. feellr.g along, Incb by Incb. <1aught h e r ha nd i n hi s ow n. forgetful She waited In agony n!l he !lIghted planting his fee t with e:tceedlng ~rJ of n il FaVp. hi s own )lUrIl08'l nnd the carefull y. Btrlvlng to gauge the dIs. The earth was hard·packed and would ofI ecesHlt)' of strenglh e nlng h e r to play I,ance. It see mc d a o Interminable leav e little trail; therH Wtlre no leaves. cut lh a gam(>, " tb e trend or thll t gulf tlmo before bla finger presse d the no d ead grass to rustle. Beyond the til to lh e \\' es t; except up ~le r e close trigg er, Then came the r eport, 8 flasb prolectlon atTol'ded by the stage -be to th e bl u rf It runs 1.00 fa r away tor a of fiame , !lnd tbe powder s moke blown felt tbe full sweep of the wind an(t cuard JiO (', Th e tndlnus will be lying back In h e r f:leo. Half·bllnded by the pe rmitted her head to res t lower on out h e r!' on the open praIrie; tbey will discharge . sh e ye t lIaw that black one arm 60 that he could look about '()r6ep 8S close In as th ey dare under smudge le<l{l uprig ht ; agaIn the Henry more clearly, ShIJ had not evet:\ II\!Ovsr o r darkness, I'll bet tb e re aro blazed, and tbe dim figure we nt down, moaned, although be had {elt her ~wlln t)' r ed s nak es now within a bun. There was n cry-a mad yell or rage breath upon hiB face , Once he stum· Gred f ee t of all- ob, dou ·t shiver and -In which scuttered I'olces joined; blod slightly over soml" tallen ' earth,

II ,,"

~ ~







IJIAKE SOMETHING ' OF LIFE !Not Without Reason Should Any Pall Through the Joy. anti Troublea of the World. ~ ,.

Th ousands of ",iucn ~~ea~h!l, moye .!tve; pass ,oil,' th .. $;4lfe ~lJf., are h eard of ft9 more; wlty! ,.dld oot a pa rticle ~f tc~ 11\ . and none were blea1 ' by . could point the~' the

~ poke.

could bo recnlled, and so they pe rished- th eir light went out In darkness and they were ntlt remem· bered more than the Insects of yeetcrday. Will you ,ijlys lIy~ MJl ~~Ie,' o mall tmmortal? Live for sometJUnw. Do good and leaye behind you .. mOD· UJDe,nt ot v' rtqp that the s~pnnl Qf time ean n~vet' destroy. :Wrlte. our ~Y love ,.aIld. m,~Y tb~b8lUidS 'r,ou year

the hearts you leave bnhlnd as ' tb~ stars on the bro~ of evenlog, · Good deeds will sblne as brlgbt on the eartli ,lUI the a ¥ors ot heaven.-Thomll8 mers. ,


and rartlhl'r 810 ftS a foot 11tDpe8 0'11 • treachero us slolle, but the slJght bot. dlpd unno ticed 10 the nlsht.. It wal rllrlh or lo t he g ully than bo had su~ posed ; It I~ beart WaJI In his throal Cour lng h() hud mlHsed It, haH·be.Jlo\"log lhe dt! prtlss ioll raUed to ex tend to tlt e lJ u~(' or Ih (> blut!. Thl' o hl a root, ClC' Illurlng blindly. touclHld tlJo edge of tl,,' ltaltl!. Carorully hl>l laid his bur U"II ,low II. Illur-ing h i:! lmll red cam· paillrl llill !>(lol'alh !Jer Ilflucl. He b en l '.I\,· r III 'r aga in, a8s ur ln~ b lmse lr th~l , r Te lls General Sher' .h ,' iJr l·ltl l,.,tI n·h'Ulnrly. and lh .. n cre pt lill II'll al" n,' tnlu tl1" Sh llllow ruvlne, man ver Heard of \i'1al i n. t,,·rn·t! " .. n· like Sit"" now. hl.l or Minnesota. IllI n.! .. t,' ..l'i)' , h l ~ h "a rl beating willi - /,N cl~1Y Tlldrc " n~;:' 1 Lhe time of tlla v /I 'l t a ll &(';c.' 11 'n'ted lhrob, 1,le Ilnol1l' War a lack :(j r l ufornll~tlon in lho I!I .. ", ' rk. alld r" lo k,," in It. 11.111 WIIP I I Lh """ ~ [h and r eo BO ULt r c /lllv" " .' if \\ Il l' !" , WU:l a ~ Idillr. Silently. ijW t· I h:\- to _-It.1;1 8 Georgu Havpu I Bourc us of l Ie ..!Jr--' , I),. lt ~ uubur:kl lltl hit! be ll. rcfn s l(,l1 ug Putnam 1/1 }I I ' ,1)1' I'. I1nok. " Abruham It ne ro"" t he ~Ira l'" so B.IJ lO h ol'l r.un· J I I" 1.$).\1 Dr fI. cn n ve rsatlon Qp n. IPe n a Ud, u~." urt\aCk nois :' l e~lI, Blld ' :r~~~.; ;:~ tUn hUll II'lth It cou rtly old tI .pn. ret' 01\, r III huod. 11(,1; . \0 c rce p' [\er't\\ h08" IInlj mansion th e gHU I'I Il" rAit ' . 1!I!j UUII"l undt3r C:OI'c r o{ llle Iow I1d "'lin t! or hi" II t urr h ad slollped IJ"n l", li e nlU~t e)C plorp th e-11Mb flrsl 0 [l O P .. on th o mar ch to t.h e sea . The 11, ·/,)1',· lifl ... rn pllng to l1t>ur h'~ r (1 10 d (tlanl l'r ta lke d with ShermUII about II , h i. """U ti ; lIIH Nt b.. !/ urp tho pab ' till" ~ Il\l HeR of t he war, anU. Hnally, "a~ III1 K:I rtll'll .\f ~l"r It swerved I'" r "I I1t1nJ; [0 sOllle of the pas8 l u~ union l h.· ri;.: hl t h.·l'u vou,lI bt' IIt ll ~dapJer, IrOO IJ~. Iltl ked wbat stale Ib e)l .camc tm t whd ,' Jl I'un slrlll,;bt, 80mI ' CIIU' Imm , Shrrmun letl ned over Ib l"IJCTch llou " Havag " II1I;;hl have c'l~a I[ to li nd tOld. th!' Inl'n to throw 'b\~ Lbs lr 5k u! k In, To tl ell l ""ILh' B~ Ilu noe d· Hag, Th ey did !l 0. and Sl1er ma~, turn, , d In b.· !tlono, alld I.r" .. " , I n s to his " t!uernble ,bosl. re marked : It ,· IIHI~ t h.l\'''' c"a,v~ tbus \'~r "ll' "Th e y (ITI' the Thi rtieth W ls(:onsl n ," l ,l' yard~. h"lltl~ and,.KrleeR .Jchfllg h or, " Wlsconslo'" said th o p lanl er " Wis. rlb l I ' "v~t pel"l't ng o,'e l Ihe . . cOII~ln? \\' here Is ",'i9con sll1 ?" y . II ~ ,yt'!I ''' , ~·d r" M Ihe but,lK. bl~ ,·ar .. tln gllr., til "It Is nnl' of th e statl's of lbe north. · , s · £oIBl1 rh,' t iny glllw 01 Wl'sl," sn it! Sherman, lhl) ~ I I .,"l1t ,,, /. .. l h~lr~ r· uwuy to Ih .. left was a lon ~ " vis II) \l n tlw \'Itl' nSf' bItH:kn ess; tbe " \\' h"' l1 I was stud ying geography. , r " II ' 1 soun" 01 ~lIid tb e ~11\ntor . " I kut!w of \"·18con· W i n . !irOl/g ,lt _II 111 110 .. I r ~n ... I 'I'll., s IIIIIH' S8 ~' IlS pro: s in si mpl y Il~ the namo of a tr l1 e 0 mo ~. III 11e p"'lse" Indluna, 11 011' man), men are t here III CQuov a "t ,<.It" lIt'llnn}' . 1\8 ~ \J '"'tl U li.I "I1 '.j I". couttl dlstlugulsb the lhat re!:lme n l7" '7I~rah " I' til" h"nrr.' l ie was acr oss " \V ell . the re were a thousaml wh en lhl' Ir:'11 :o( I.' " t. for h .. '"Il ~ nd trRce') th('}, startod." 8ald She r mnn. t to , ~ :'UIH r l" Ir{". t~ . and Yo'h er e tb~ "Do you mt"an," asked the Illunter . h~ nl; " ha d bel 'n work ed down al "lhat there 18 a stato cu lled WI ~con' I.. :, 1>'1',' 1 with t ho pralrt.!. fit' C SiD tha t bas Sllnl 30.000 men luto you r tlliH u l.lI'lIlnS 11111' " Bllake. und tbeo annie.?" lll'O Sfl to his kn ot's b l'Olld, whe re the " Oh. probably 40.000." answered I' ully dl' 't' 1)cned . il e 're m al n od Ilo lsc(\, SlIl' rmall . l~tO tion l nss. S'~.l rl.'l"ly fl n rinG to bre ath!.. Wit h tho next body or troops lIle Sur(>ly that wa a somc l hJng eI6e- \ h a t qu es tion s snd nnswer8 wer E' ro pDted. s hnpp lesll hln t'll 1'( !lhndow. bnrely Th nag waR thllt o f tbe Thlrty,sl'con4 topping tll 'l 1l :1' of bnnll! \\'oslt lo::r l\llnne.o ta. Thll old pla nl er h ad l1 evl! r feet a':'u 1 Or liv e? !I e could nol h ea rd thal th e ra WIIS s u cb 11 s tal e. te ll. IIp y~t.1.rl'(l ; there was no mo ve: "~ Iy G0 r1 ~ " ho e xdalmed when be had b n J~ dis ' r.lnlred nut tho tbuusandll of m en wbo ment. atHI y ~ t III S Py·s !'gu \',' eru dtml th e outlln S- t1I C hc a4 Ilnd had c(,m e to l he front rrom tbose so .ea] cnllc(1 Int!lul1 Ic> rrltorlel to mnlntaln sc hou Id (\I'>! Y0 r Il man.' T h 0 S e rQ f d I h t I h s th e exlBten 0 or til nution, " If we In crepl O:'Wllr - an nc , wo I1C 0 , I d f Th II d'd t stir No tbe south had known th at you lB oot. ,0 guro I n o , turned Ih oMo !n~lIan tll rrltorl es Into h o was s u ro th e fe lJow '3 ' bead 'l\'a IYlOg flat on th turf, odllly dIstorted gr eat s tates we no~er wou ld have gone by a tanth nred w~Z; bonnet. The In~ThtholSI t,'C"ladre'n" t," remarks tbe a uthor. strnnge poslure . the utter laot of movem e nt. seemed proof tbat the " throws a light IIPOII th e s tate of mind llr ud warrior bad ralle n asl eep on of Dlen, even or well educate d mon In watcb , Like a cat Hamlin . crcpt up th(> south, at the outbreak of lhe war. s low ly toward him. poIsed for'll spring. ' , It was t heir fe e ling that 10 Some sense of tbe wllcl must have tbe coming contest they ~uld have sll rr d the s avage Into Beml.cons cious- to d ea l only with Nllw Enlland and n eSIi. Sudd e n ly h o sat up, gripping tbe th e D1iddh~ states.'" gun l a his hands, Yet even as ' bls o pening eyes ~ow di ml y tbe Sergeant', WHICH WAS THE PRISONER manaclug shndow. h ,C(lUld .. _. scream his alarm. or spring upright, Queer Experience of Federal and Con· the revolv e r butt struck with dull federilte Soldiers While Endeilvor, thud. an d be went tumbling backward Ing to Make •. luto the ditch , hlB cry of alarm endlns 10 a hoarse croalt, From somewhere, In th,e aecond ballle ' for the possel' out of the d ense darknes!l In front a lion, -oi the Weldon raUroad, wblch voice called, sharp and guttural, a.e If was fought on August 19, 18U, a cerIts owne r had bee n startled by the taIn Massachusetts regiment suddenly myste rious sound of th e blo...,. It ~ found the woods In It!l ,re ar' ftlled wltb the language or the Arapahoes, IUId Confederate troops . The wlldcBt con· out of his vague memory of the fusion ensued. Every mM looked out tongue, Ilpurret! to r ecollection by the for himse lf. Among them was a cer· swLtt e mer.;e ncy. Hamlin growled a taln sergeant who started to the rear hoarse nnllwer. hanging breathleSII, toward his batterlel, the situation or above the motionless bady until th a which htl dete rmined tram the 1I11e of " ugh!" of the (1)110W'8 response proved fire. him without suspicion, He waited. He bad gone but a short distance counting tbe seconds, every muscle when he met a Confederate Boldler strained with el: pectancy, IIstenln,. seeking safety In tbe opposite dlrec· He had a feeling that some one was tlon: Both, ot couree. were armed, cra wling over the short grass, wig, "Halt!" commandod tbe lIergeant, gllng along IIlte a Ilnake, but tbe tallli The Co nfederate came to a full sound, If sound It was, grew less dl .. stop, but promptly rolled upn.n the tinot. F i nally h e lined his hend aoo"e Yankee to surrender. th e edge ot the bank. but saw noth" :Sot I!" returned the sergeant. Ing, not even a dim sbadow. " U's no \IS 8 to stand out," said the "They are cioslng In, I reckon," he oUler. "Our troops will 800n be thought sobe rly, "and It Isn't 1Ike11 along lu forc e . aud you'll be taken any· there wUl be any more of these gentl'7 way ." Not be ing anxlou!l to live on as far back a8 thiB; looks aa thoup short rations at a southern prlaon. thIs guilly turned weRt jUlt ' beyond. the sergeant still refused to surren· Anyhow I've got to rlllk It.", der. He returned more rapidly, knowing "I tell you what," he said, at Ialt, the pass,a ge, yet with no lees cautlon, "we'lI setUe It this way, We'll both flndlng t.he unconscious girl lying el: . actly aB he had left her. AB he clasped put our guna on th e ground and lie her rorm In his arms, her lips uttered down be!llde them . If the eonfede!" ates come first, I'll surrender to you . lIome Incoherent words, but otherwise But It the UnIon troops como alonl! she gave no sign of life. flrst. you su,r render to me," " Yea, yes," be wblspered close to , "All right," said the other. he r ear. boplng tbus to hold her sllont Both tbrew theIr guns down and "It Is an right now; only keep lUll.· ' dropped besIde them.. Tbe Union bat· I,TO BE C ONTINUliID.) terles were IItlll playing on the woo(b. and the aIr was ftlled with bu....,tlng QUleen' Elizabeth Opened It. sbells, The two men hugged the In cOIiUlectioIl with Granville Su> ground as close as they could . At ker's production of "Tw~lttb Night" last, arter the flrlng began to nag a It Is Interesting to recall that we baTe little. a squad of Federal 8uldlera AUn s tanding In London one of tho cam e along, balls In which tbe play was performcd "You've got me. Yank!" the Con· during Shakespeare's ItreUme. In thA hall of th e Middle Temple, opened b, fedl'rnte admltttid. And together the Queen Illllzabeth In person \.Ja 1676, s ergea nt and his prisoner rushed to "Twelfth Night" Wall acted at Chrillt. th e rear . away from the thunder of the tmlS, 160 I, and there 18 a Btro'ng prob Union guns ,- Youth's CompanIon.

- -'-----.-.

ablitty tbat Shakespeare himself play· e d' I!. pa rt In that performance. 10 the early days the Inns of court wers patronll of the drama, and the hall of Gray' II Inn can o.lso claim to have wltnessE~d a contemporary Shate. peare production, "A Comedy of Er rors" having baeD glvea there In 15M - -London C~rdnleJe.


On the Picket Line. A ScotchmAn waB accosted plekat. .. Who arc you!" cballenged dler. ''I'm lin e." answered Sandy. yerBel'?"

by a

Not Enough Mutuality. "Old you'alls see dat bpsB de Ca'()o conclude d. Beardsley, who was ooly. nel dun tol' yo' to gil fur him?" uled boy. spoke up~, one regIm ental cook of another. ' :, "Mr. Wilde," be said, "yoo bave rOJ:> "Yes I lIeed hlm. but dIll' 'Wa, .00 gOllen to mention Nero's &reatelt mutuality." ~ , -~ : reUgiolllt'. achlevemenL' HWhat . doe, 70'·.11 mean,,g'p.b'" "~ ~ust cOIlCel1i 1 .do IIO~ \moW' ~ "Dar wati no " motullllty, ' .1U ,jled what·.,~,u are r.e .lerrlllg," ' admlUe4 ernul! o.i· d,8 hosi,' bilt' de' JI~ 'P~D't Wllde;,.; • lIee <ernul! ob me .. ,He " . ,bJlP. ' ID

"I am

>"-+"'''_ ·eYe.~; .;·

...... ~f- "





the time. every month ' __ _ __ _ _- J should bave been and 80 sick that 1 had to go to bed. ··LydiaE. P inkham 's VegetabloCompound hll8 made me w ell and theso trou bles have disappeared lik e magic.. 1 have recommended the Compound t o many wome n who have U!led It success· f ully. "-M rs. JAMES J. STACY, R. F.D. No, 3, North Bangor, N . Y. Another WelL Ann Arbor, Mich.-" Lydia E. Plnkbam'8 Vegetable Compound hll8 done wonders for me. For ye ars I luffered terribly with h emorrhages and bad pains so intense that some times 1 would faint away. I had female w eaknelll so bad that I had to doctor all the time and nev er found relief until I took your remedies 'to please my husband. I rerommend your wonderful medicine to all sufferers as I think it i!l a blessing for all wome n. "-Mrs. L. E. WYCKOFF lL2 S. Ashley St., Ann Arbor, Mich. There n eM be no doubt about u., ability of this grand old remedy, mad..,\ from the root.'i and h erbs of our fields, td· rcmedy woman's diBea!les. W e poll8OSI volumes of proof of this fact, enough , 10 convince the mOttl skepticaL Why' don't you try it?

Your Liver Is Clogged Up Tbat'. Why You're T~rMt-""I~ -Hay. No A~lpe'tit'...


Biliou.snc:ss,Inclige:stiC)D Dnd Sick Hecaaatql_,.;,.

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or 1m ac,,'" (anet anothoru. trft'elllPtiu'O) In lbe n o"er dt,tneta and ,rodaeeet'be.e&.tt"'a'ra1h. The croPi at".,. tIM oUma'.'!III .s~ll"DI..e La aM ch 11 ftl bee .re DODY~ ........... t~~~~ ~DO~~~rtL Ioba, Su-


8 ..1111 for IItern'nro. U10 ''"''''

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Re&ule-te the 8 0 " " e l . SthT1ulate the Llv~r IrnprO'Ue Ol&o.tlo" and. Purify the Blood .

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W. 8. NETHERY. .13 Ga,dn er Bldg .. Tv:odo. Ohio or Bil il ro ....



I nuu l.: l"'u lI H fL. Ut ta" .... C&aaod• •


You Need



LIFE : ~ Pil l!

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\,v ll ho u l Red&(Hl Snould A ny P a ss t ~(. J o y s ..J nd Troubles

-; h i o UQh

of t he W o r ld_ T bl 11,.., nd !-i o · Ol t n t):-. ': , ' 11, ', :n ove and 11'0. p ( ~~~ urr Lllu tit ai4f! o r IIfp-:,

and ar r IHard ( , I no m or':_ Why ' Tb ey din 1I 0t a 1' ," ,11' 1.1 of good In the .. o r lu , nu d no.,, ' \,'c r' bl est by them , nOD e ('ou ld pnln t to tht'1Jl at; t lte IDstrum('nt o f lilt' !r rt·demplion: Dot • lilH ' Illey IH'He , not a word they



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lJo good :I nC! Ica v., behind you a mon ,' irt u e Ihat tlle sto rm s of tlmo can n<:V1:r d e s t roy Wrll e your I H U II" b y kl.rrlrl('H8 , l ovtl Ilnd m e rc y on t h e llenrt ~ of l he th o ll ~n nd s you come in contact with r e a r by year, and you wll l never ' b e for;,:o lten, No , your name, rour d eeds will be l1a legIble on

Ullll' nt of

l hn hr·:l. rt fi Yl' U II"Iu , p urll i n d , t H I h e 01) th e br o\\ or el' 'nil.!; Gooll ,1 .. , 01 3 "III sil ill e a ~ llll t; lH 0:1 ll,,' " ' !'I ll 11~ I h" ~'F" of h e.] ven - Tholn,ls C It Jl~'

c u nl'illd " ll. H,,:tnl s l,' }', spoil " "P ,

[n cr::;,

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Nero 's Claim to DIl:tlnct lon ,

"uL n'y Ileardsley , th o fam ous a rt, 1st, once " u tahan" O scar \Vllrl e, who was lb e ~I'.' at c~ t wIt and con v ersation· al!~t th a t e v e r IIv ec.\, At a d lnll e r at w blcll both wero ~.. e8t:; Wilde lalked I t f1 re stl ng ly on Nero tor neazly two hours, When b.




Ito was o n ly


r \\ tl ele, ' Ill ' ~ ,lltl, "ro u h;n ... [01" tlJ "JI'lItlun Neru'" grl'lllest

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ac lll.! vCUJ CDl.'

' I must cODfcst; I d o not k n ow to wh a t y\)U arc ruterrlng," admitted \ Vi ld e .

" I am I'cterrm g to hla I1ctlon of paul' In g all flD ChrIstians and Be t ti ng fire m them," s aid l3eard slcy, "Wasn't II 1"'Jl~O who lighte d th o firs t fires 01 ChristianIty that llIuuUaated tbrt 'World ?"

NothIng Doing, "Are you going abroad?" "No; my meanS are toa Darro'W,"


' It 1'1')I ,f \If th l:-l fl\ I' t l l.' l h.l ugh il,,'" II', ' m\l~t :lh "l'li 'uJ. \ Vby

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Like Magic after taking Lydia I E. Pinkham's Vegetable ':ml lE MA RCHING TO THE SEA I Compound •

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STOR) £~ gr ~4 . CAMP:,\

lh .· 1I1l(UL It WU I t ill ' ~ " lly th :tD h ll h .HI H U~ t.l'''Hf wa x In hi li lhn lJl ( ' t / H! rn t Hk d It. hul l lJt III' \\ I\ I~ In

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WebJ;~r t.Jng~e~by, w~ I . ' First Ball GalTle of 'th~ S~a~~Jl' ~ ."L'. ~~!' 'd~y ll~~ ~\t~;': 'i~' 'lrr/'l~~: e-_--'-.,...,--

lPe;;~'~1 Me~tib~


Margar et ott ,?tl{ "40 •. born WP.oI!!Io_ In Chamb ersburg , Founta in \' , • .. _ • • ... ingQ~r . County • 1'1at,lY schol,ls . Indiana have . Juiy 21st,II1842 and already .Fine lot of books at Janneyl8~ . ' 48y 1:om PIerce · ., d'ed lU1'uicQted that .. tht·y ir, tcnd " . ' ,uu ",.,.,,.. . 1 • JleaOr . HAarv~YI s21b urg W . ' ~ l'913 0 h ;'r~ abr~en +-Mr. an., lUr,. c;o .. le ---.l ...O.bittle Esther Hender son haS had Gounty, h10, prl , . :.---~ ~ --0 ~ part in ~h e cok.sts · '" t st, • emg f~'" their glleS~!\tS~ HUlau ... . . ~' .' . to.l18illitis. 1 ..fU'l' ec " '10 years and iii months old. ujlow thIs wee . ~ 1'le . ~el.1 f s. th e lId ~s O~, The "0 Th .' ~ Now funsl It r ests with you . w h~t lU .....)lShi~ school~ . wiil all aUena , She waS the fifth born of six MiamIS have pl aYt!~ th~lr ~rl . o~p :l t game, kind of . ~ b~11 tetl~ we shn.1l hav.~ ~nt unces. ilav&.b ~en maqe ' from as had Zimme rman haS purcha sed childre n of William and Nancy . of th~ stJason. ],cllbro ok. . ar M)W~. ~as the If t~.e M!amlf$ . gm;:n, th~ pro pe; I fa"uw,a y as Coz~d dale. ~outhf ~Q' ~ j alld flew auto • Darby Webste r. She is survive d by 1 0~P01llllg tea m an~ no declsl\> son n w.s sU.PPOl't and encou~a~mellt, lhey arion 'l'eiiort ( at ~ast one hunar'e d one Bister Miss Jo_eph ine Webste r. : eached: ~ach tea m scored -:=-~.,.... 11 run s i will make .goo~ a~('4wl!l pla~ good : w~iIt '~tt ell(:f'lI the .pi cn'lp frodi' .. tll~t . M r. has been on She wa.~ united in marria ge to 111 III II1nm g fl .• The . gam~ -~" "",~~~ 'YflS :a ha ll. If th;y are knnck ed un'l d thl.:.I' . plAce. After l.h e J1,icni c itl ;'o\l~.l~ bad Harry .Ungles by, Jaooar y 7th, 1869. slam ..ban g' affaIr, Itelther lieam .I,S hec9me dl.scour ag.ea, . you l!an t ,nut 00 one of those \vho· \vlll ~}t':' l • Crac ~and ' Cake 'Day Saturd a. To this unbn was born one son , wor~ llI g as Mr., . ~mooth l y as ~e~ ~III 1el{~ ·t · m Ul: h. All. ~oge~h e l' ,. 1l000V, wi "h r hall )<O at White Storel IlC'. " .It&tter ,be'IJrte' Oakley Rooer~ Of f~iW, . lat e l o~, h~t boll~ show ~l' mls. O(\ lel S ,boost th e Mla~ib Rncl. huve .~\\~ ~hr:ee t'4ou8and !thj.wil~~e She w~ ~onverted i~ ~arly g irl , ~ecommg good t ca ms Tnls :was th,e wI~mng te~ll. . may II ~nt,er c~~~~~. )n , Frazee h"wsy wa,s a Dayton hood and Jomed theChm ban cJlUI'ch. fir~t game for eith e r of tb~m ~nd , lhe score. , ISC.hQOI "Charh ~ i onllltP ,' :contas }'3 arw. • visitor Tuesda \.. She has lived ... true Christi an life ' nelth~r has had VE'ry much " . p~ctJ e~; ~ " • '''; D.'lJLL ~.nOO'K ' . '. ' . bOlla ' fiit\-{~ui)!~ :" irllt£Qct "standi ng. and was afirm believe rin prayer , but It see~s that the ~a~.rl .' AI\c,r -M~~~ii~t@I'f' , \ . al IS. " ;" AI.! ~t ll 't,P A li: _ ~pcsial' eveJl~, ar~,.!Y • Jease Burton hItS been workin g tb~. Though frail i~ body she was strong ther~ ~nd WIll soon show Itl!. lC'lI{~~IJ<.~!OP ~I,~ .. , ;!. ~l:'~ 11k#,i:i : :~: : t f .~~.i " ~ ~ resiuen t. oi ~a'r~\t~~ty whether; and M,rs,' j ?,-. ~ayton t h'ls week. • in spirit and her tr.llst in' God was ·:N1~talnoJ~;~ Playmg Manage r Bergen . , ~~tl.~ ~11l ... &~.;~ ...,..... , ~J ~ .a I ~ ~. an ~limrlaD t f,lf' sl!hoqt :Or;.,~o,t.~ T~ . l&£eV~J. t especially manife st durin'" the time Tl)ented to some extent w~h,. , th~ . 1'0 ' ~II JI~ 1h .... . .. Wa I tel' Klb 2 . L • ~. 'Il .... " d' a 'e lliwitl d into ~ur'parta. of rlOfro~ and ! ' 1 h d . on, 0 f Day t OIl, oiI'. th,.. J' fH. wal~u~.u .... . : .. ,0_ 'her sufferm g. Her ~Illd .6 ~ .., , I gr~~ S I was ma~erla at .an an d Show.'\':' ,. , " . ' . ' fD < tb ' , ' \ ir~J:t)(':'~,p:: : ::.~ "~ ~I , 16 . . :. ~~. r!lJ ds~. here last week~ 1 , ~, .. so efhP,l' WSll bet! ,r1appel 1rng IR,a~1 0 ve ro the last and herfalt h strong he IS determl~~d ay n. r'~~ have ~ =finn. t ~1 ieJlll~wl l, ~l · ~. ~ '~~ • • V fr~n1'.j O o'~lock Mrs. J. in tne Janney and' daught ers and b~autiful. Wh~n nearing death I at mbrntn,~ until ~ ~ any co~t. Cap and hIS t , U!:l To, nb:. ", . ;,,,.. ~.l 'u , I ~ 31 13"", evenin¢ . ~ook • f~r tht> bi.g p:ogra m she SAid, "1 am passrng throug h the b~t were m the R,ame at 1It1Ml~'LlaVl ·.were Dayton vi&it?rs, Saturd ay. . ~ll A~lS 4 which l,S, bemg pnnte,U thiS week!. • valley of the '3badow of Death but I t08, b~heve us: Several all :tl,m~'-l . ~ew faoe~ . ·. ' Ail v( U PO A E . The' schoo\ Elcbring the most poiB,lS M . Ann "" O'Neal l anddau t'lhte, r. fear no evil lor thou art with me, Iwere In the hne·up . whJ\e other!1 uaraCo, Ill. ,. , ... ~ ~ ,. J j' 2 J . CI > "A '10'mbe given a bas!l " 'f MI'ss Marth~. wer"I'n . l lia lls, fl.' ' , . . " " , I Xenl'a TucsUay. Thy rod nd thy staff they comfor t were In new n G. 0 ... r II !. l In ass , ' . POSI Ions. T m solt lh~firllt'f4Id1Der B l'r ..... n.'c:~h. . .., .I.. " .,. GI; . a2 . ~3 . 1~2 II> 12 ball b~" • • j SdlU)et, : S 1 orris. To the :fha. .. , me." "Bless the Lord. " . • • p rr'd~;!rl ml~Jii~1~~~~~~~~m~~~ • 4l~(/'ant The feature.~ of th e Mlam18 . gllme· Bergen. rt . - .... G _ ! . .1 Mr. and Mrs. .fred Elbon heard . i an d Bergen 'h;ft ' Brown . c t , . .. . .. II a ~, If0 . ". . ,10 p' ion' sc~h,101 in CIa:;!! "Bit. Jeh 'Blair I She was a de~oted WIfe ~ ""\}r~'liab~LtiII,Vifiitig'J~!,JlJ: an d a I nuurton , S ch u er s\ ea. J , 1!I<lWo' .11l , . , . , . • , II 0 1 a '"2 I wili golve a leagl,le Madam e , Hannah in Lebano n last loving l anda qI base ball and bat. ...~..: ....,.,.. , tender mother and her 'grand- ihitting , Surfac e's unass isted 'd~ub~e week. ' . ~. ' ' B::lrl~~'r~I:.: . : . .... ,i ,~ ~ II . g March Bros. will glive a nice f\ag to childre n were a constan t joy to her play, a circus ow.lch in left fi,eld ,by ~v~~:~or;-: ~j. : ::::: ~,g g .. ~ :~ I. th(' highe$ score Class '·C" . All . . I Jim~y Dakin, ~idge an~' iPavis' · . OoodPsor~ent of 'jewelry 'atJ,an. heart. 'I'ot<>!s, .. .... . .. r;;; It 18 W 17 '1-0 llpils n~king a, 5.Q.% 'standi ng or. She was a fine citizen. always ad· fieldmg, Burton ~ catchm g art9 ' ,.ey'a. ". 1 · 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 io bTitter in' the scho01 ''IItesl s, w ill be , bers vocatin g educati on, moralit y, relig: Woolle y's pitchin g. , " 1 lIuli bronk -' , g ' I 7 0 I 0 0 I , o~ II prese ~ted with a meriftlb .. adge, . ' d , quet I d . , Be lib 1'00 k' s new star 18" the ·I~' . MIIIUlls, . ·1 0 0 Q. ~ ij 3 M~. Ella Michen er and daught er , on an .ove t 0 a II ma~ k In . 0 0 1'- 11 Th e wJI'fler " • f t h". PO(1, vau'~It '11 1After .UIJV<".,. .o Her life was a credit ·to our co~· catcher , Raym~nd We)le Miss Ada, were Dayton visitor8 Sat . ~wh9 ~UldllA I(V . . be ~veh ' a catter! l by C WIlbe. 1shor~ mon human ity and the worl'" was caught ~ pretty a gjime as firday , . has' been ' 81.011ln ll . llllO!l-Be " llb rook . u; Mltun'"i 7.... I . s . M Kohlha gen will llive a Ahout fift~Y;IIIeV·~~. .,t1~~~~~R~~ . ' . ' 1 n ....o Ul\d- M'lIs .~ I~BllrW richer for her livmg In It. 'She seen on the local field III n ~. ~I.. . \Tin. . " . , -., a long ttmeJ' "!'ItN....\s,.·bul,,1',OI; . · old Eawin Sweney, of Sprinllfie1d. is walked with God. and he took her. medal for wlhner ' 440·yar d ent, II1 U U' n.un C1\l·ti.r. . With propel' coachin g, the boy bids . . ])nuI,lo 1 ' lay.,....,.U" rtrUJI.Ln . surrrfce • to Burton ; dash. . vi,!lltiQ"g his daught er, Mrs Frank T blft!h.member of the fastest and ~ . .. - Surtnce untU;SISL od. She IS mourne d ,by her, Sister, hus· I,faIr ,• ~ I to become ,~tar In thiS , . S ' d.lfficul t '" n."'lI"U /I, tII.tlI olrP owull. II: W c .. ver, l2 ; Gebhart. r~lay team in .the 440-yard re)ay Carman . • band, Bon :and grandc hildren and Iposition if he co'QJ.inue~ ill p~mg ~ thClgam e . .(3 : ~~r':1'~}~~u"l; !2;-l'pwOI!J51W OIl \,OC. ,6 ; Geb· race, M. B. Hyquln will give a SIlk many relative s and friends . Mills. Bellbro oKfs star outfield er, ,h'\j':w;9~ ~~I~ljj" ~r-\\::ver. i; OObh~rt •. ~ , . ie. Other contes~ to''lie . Dr. and Mrs. A. T. W'ri~ht and ,tlrovid ed Af.ter an.! mana .£.d thA ~Voolloy-. 2. So few are ready when the call '" p Iaye d fi rs t base .! f or. ... .,. . '. • ' UIIIIIIro- -J . w. Lowls . son Elliott church SIl1~w~..gnt1![i .~'a.eo!J:~~l' were Dayton visitors , Is wafted -shorew ard from the deep; team. He mad~ good.a t both. , f ,' Tlme~l b ".. , ~~}(~ols gjving - Saturd ay. a ]tfaypo le d~c~ : and The summo ns that must come to all'l ' , furnISh thetr own nobon The ~~ U'l'~l"'''''' '''~ Mr. and Mrs. L.· M. Hender son The tryst that mortal man must ST 'MI\~'8 CnUR, Ctl'« 1 Q'Pl ay ~~ ~al1 hrji Q ;" u~ ~ll '~.r~ded if ...:oti.c ~~ ~Jl.t to ~t~l~attretiIl4~.:dfd_~I)~'~ d 1i1 lot.. n .••• ...,., ,"- ' . .r """r¥.'.~~" ' . . f)' 1\1...~o4l~ Q8 e' ,':a,1 . ~~Jlt~.~ ., "V ~~ttl~f~~'t~~~ . ;. . . " Si'ie 'did he' '!:taak. : and·'11~~d ' e con ~ S~ndllY School a b 9::.30 a o .m.j "ser. 'c hurch ,opens wide. 'tbe a1')d a?t must jtand wlthm a 8ev'en·,f04.1I1U. '. '. T• .I,.1dd'1! prayer; " 'and 'Holy Commu'tuoo at 10:,80. a pIneR, and in name CIrcle ,. ~g)rl8 father, M: C:' Liddy, a couple A weal'1·hill made hard ihe viay- mon . '. . .. on' The me.ll'8 Bible cla..'\S ,will : be-re- of-the LPrd, says: We"Jco.m 8ylllut' week. e. . Any konebedfeslnnt~ to p~~actic~ . Sbe IIIL'" the roeee growin g there. lIumed ne~'Sunday mornin g, knew taught '~ , .' .' ~e trac o~e. , e mee " , . . by the rector. • It" ·El'labe t)l-Law lI(ofCi ncinnat i. And .en the twillgh t hour grew •. . ' gwen a few pomt~rs on s. ~y , The BuslOess Men"--defeated , Mr. Fred Pauley If you WIll'let hIm yard at .. '''-. / ,.u~t ~~ Mr, ~nd .?irs. J ,B. near, OUR OIVlTA' l'lON . Hi 8;11001 Fr ay afterno on, the know_w hat eveniniLYou win be , ~bm.n .; l!St week. : ' there. h~ dillnel~~ She stood beside the silent sea,; -, To!all who mourn 'and neerl cnm. , score bemg 12 t" 11. 'this. . Il ,. m.11k<elf an ~In case 9 f rain "!fie picnic wij.t .~ the y AU, d ih her heart tl\e~ waS ~CI fear . " , enceme.nt pfe!u!nts at Jttnf Jill its dread. imll'iensity. k fort -'-to all who a~e we~ry llYld nt·.. d even b "ea k-. f or a' wee k ago H S h e d .-..:tr.l1Idl lV I, C ,0.0) ostpob one we:.. . . .' a'h If .." '... ,....' " \1Q4!Wr, rest- to ail Ito are- .fnendle~s an,i won , 13 to 12. The o~d -he It " t ,' ' , ' ;., game WIll, She waited there in perfect faith, . . K· C A"sh '-'AtlTIF III SPOT need fdend ship-- to aU who ~re : probab ly be played • off soon~ ey Both M.~ '" ...r . . . , And WhUe the f,adini 'day ..grew homele ss 'and lneed shelter mOle to all ' games w.ere eXcrting. · .Mr. at ,'Mrs. M,artita St ey, of .... blured, for several yea~ the cemete ry they. wflluklr" IIIlII':\tb'E \' '. ,J)ay~; ire SunCla y.ues ta jof Mr. Th~ boatma n's hail, dte voyage of board his ,l;I.e~~ puzzled what to do Th~ . . 'wiU/ the blg.,spring near the super- Mr.. and and' : Ghaa. Stansb erry. . death, . . ~port \Vayhe Tow~sh jp Schools for mon~ of • April, ... 11113 ' .J(' . : ·nteDd~nt:Shouse ••For some ~ime. ' '. Me"apt o~y 'goinJ home to her.. IIOns,lt.~i~.r~~~~~I~=~ · : MIM Mabel Sattert h\¥atte " , at the' board meetin gs, . .,a plan.: • ute·2, ;":.nter taininnl Miss. Mr. and ',I F CARp 9 THANKS . .. N ,. N ' N 'N N N t N :~r':"bill.""of Bellbroo'k7' iliill week.' _ .We wish' " 'b~n diAeussed, anp lately put · express o~' sin~9t'e ., . 1 0. ~t · 8o~ · ~:" , acti~-tha:t d~ utiliefn i . the spring · . '. •. . • thanks .to Q~r neighboraAillnd friends " ~ ",. •Mr'. to b~utify the grollnds~ Mrs, John. FrcSmm/ anci who w re·kin~ d, uring ?~r recent Smith. .I ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ • ~ ' ~ ~ Last week saw tbe C!Ulmination .: . '''bildrJ ... , 0~Dayton , werP. au~ of b . tb e mUDI "':-"erea,:~ •.men", an d ,,~ "". .. !L.e r f or, ~ 0fll UlII'~.... (') ~ ~Ul'CJ~ trl3~!lf '.... ~ ~ GJ S 't he d.l·ffi' cu'J-.., C/J ~, ~edt ' , on the ave.T l.&Ji 'tplatlv •..,. fo• • bow sa~urdaY, ~T .....,; and• Sunday : ' " ...~ and comf ~r l lqg.wo~~. a . ~: I ;:O ' _!:?~~ ~· 'g.1i>-8 . ~~ "', ' ~::! 1....iZ" nue about 200 feet fr'o m the Main , ... t:I:: '~f " ' - , . ' . ~'. ;:jl 0 ' p ~ " : <I '. .' qarry Ung)es~y· artd ~ily. , ~ .[ (!) ... ~ tt1 '< ~ 1'1> !:l§ . In" entranc e in the cemete ry, there will • ..:i_ ta t 'J ' , , . '.J. tWo • ., .. ;::l ,.., ::::E? iil ~I .~~1W1• . c' 1 ~-. II'. '~tI: <:). en ~ ~o ,::r~" ~ co_. T,~ .~:' N be , a beautif ul ' fountai n . of ' SHIP BOADO . ',TS. . Smi~h~, . u ' ~.'.TY ..... '"~ .. "'" " ELEC _ g. ~ ~, R1 Kl_ ..... ~~ , ~ ~ . ~ n , ~.,RAt == . Smith arrtved -home .from ~ sparkli ng water -~ . , . , . ' rWI " ... - ,. - . -- ;:;~rp~l)it, ' MJ~'"f\atew day'sv ieit . 'J)~eWavn~.T0wnsbtp Boar~ . Pipes were laid' flom the ~inglf ' ~;.J~ Be:i'&'4llaUt.lllffi ' . 8 . ' 2"1' .'. .h' . , ta o - d ' ... - Geo ' in J:eJJUlar sat\8lon on· .0n<laY "!e~ . . ' the avenue , and ' e water, turned ,even. ' Enrol1m Berryh . , . , . erit~ .... ~ .... ......... ........ 15 1:7 ",Ie.par en . , r,. an . " 25 ~T ' 14 7 124 on. and throug h an inch pipe ' . h'ef\ were Mr. . Jon~than S~~, . ind!,~ THe fo)l oWIng teac ,, . . . .. ,...,,,,.,,,,..,. .• , U 2 . : .,. ' .I'~......... 4 B ' r ' 3 , ~. ' 5 cb~en for .the ensuing!S¢hoop year. Rank jn 'Eqtol1m~n 7 water-':iB thrown at least t.wenty th ~~ . .... 1<'.ore«l ,~~~=III~ t...... ......... o~e, , . th 'r ' , Rosa DaVIS, ·)frs .. Beln'vlb'ill~ Cornell" MI': .'No.1 Red ~Oak, MlssOn iStraw: l1. Total D~ys of lbseric e ....... : '.. 51 43 70 27 34 ~ 24 6 270 inA l::~~ basin' is being constr uctl Gceg g " , I!iIl~MlrJl··'~'-QIi .Uer." Jlent Satur· No.2 Su r 'Grove, Ml~ Luolle ...O!l'.aIlller An."'''-lD ft!& . . ' .. :agltjrunliliy '72 at the fountai n, ,.,tfMish will hav 'Cornell: ". ;,: .. . . Chenow :;.e.:..,t:.;,:h.;.'-.. ' .........,......,.--'--;,t'''''!.w:.~.ct ' N~:"of PU» ils causjng; .-ailsenc . .. 3 13 ' 10 11 12 10 [j border of green grass around . SANITARY No.·5 Colle~' HiII ;-MissEvaDavis I 7 2 fi 10 ".6 ' 7 Uft. (\ H lIy. Mid'Ma ry.Davi s. Neithe r Absent, nor Tartly. ...... . 1 42 1 Guldg shwill be putint hefou nbfn Nu . ••~ "t ., and benche s will , be place d th e o Spring Branch , M~1li Ethel Per cent of Enrollm ent neither The di.recto rs . r st the weary travele r. Nation al Abgen~ nor Tardy~ ........ ........ . "37 .. ~3 13 35 40 41 4;] 14 This will he made anll of. the pretty in, Tuesda y, .d. ~ilrlej:rr Mias Gasis.o f Tardine as ... . ...... ...........:.. : 18 1 4 3 6 111 spo ts of the cemete ry, a.he boar.d .t ary dMl1dn g' , . ' ,~ is to be congra tulater - on their the b~ ... FO, Alma No. J:?upils .Ta~.d y, . . :: ..... :.. ...... '7 1 4 \ !! 6 27 hypy.t hough t of, using the spring dent . H. , . 81 80 95 90 91 95 in this' JTlanner. Briar :'Mia, La~ra Per Ce!'t-.of Attend ance ....,...... ,.. sity ,of su~h .• SiONE Q ..fOR SHORTE~. throug h T.nn'nal1 lH Yisits of Superi ntende nt ... :..... .. 4 4· 4 4 4 3 4 4 81 . , ' -). . . lS.oard nB'r.~'ne l -;;:1 grocc'ry men, ·o~ . put:in. . . Pupils " ither absent nor tardy ) Spring Bra nch Yal ley have signd a contr~t . ~o , It is a wo~t~ . during A '\, Nola Hill Clara Berryh ill close durfig the summe r mP!'ths drlnkej i of VI.h. Ivl'Iesvllle ~d Oak . Carl 'Dakfn Harmo n Hill every evening . except ,!,uesday 'and ' the.;~ . ' lfenry S'urge ' Harry Ro'\and N4!\sb~Bro~t) Sat urday evening s, at 6~'c1ock , have 'Ol!e&liiQJl to FlrinliJi;'l Esther Guttis Edna Lacy This is surely cQmmend$ble fQI' so. motife ke.~~ : I 1IIII~' Rupert HiD ' .HarJ;'Y, Conner small i fown"as Spring Yalley, for it or ' " ~ugar Orove' .. is c(JItSider~blyr8mallerylau W~es. . . ' ':'" .ville, . TheIr:, t~a4~ ; WIll ' promll.le .to Doro~ Austm ~nez Tb,q,mas stByb tb,' em and''''~n cold wefotber Bum~ Butterw orth .PauT'S tokes '., .~th . • be . . f Thoma s ' 'Harold 'EIl:i:1thart . com_ "''I\~y "-,...... __.."'.... . " thtl Crct~I;ymI~' ~~r'fdce " "'Ii Ea!D.~t ; ,~nha~ " -F '


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" ":Jl,' \ 1', ·1' II I , ' .1>1 1' 11 1' 'I ~ II\ I'' e ''I 'II, h;-I d a~-d' t .r1J1·~ , . I, " . i,<I ·"Il I';Wl'd .• Yil t! "H I, ' I '. , ".. I'·an "I I !):\'·J· · I ·· 'I'll I'" l i ' Ih ( is I . .h wal ~ a n "" "1 I ' l ll l ni " ' t" . l IIt ' .. e . \\ I11' . \ \'~ >n .I, ·.. waH burn 'lIl " 8"11. \\' 11 1' ''1' ,.: :1" .11I"" ' !iI .'· a ~ t hey " il l :l . . Hil Cr ac k 'r ' lwd ' l 'ake I la y ~atlll'du. , . ~ . I le \, • • ' ~i r " ,', _ II I I II. .\ 11 u .got:l it,'l' .. ' ''''''. Ilil ' I .1' 11. ., ,; II I ()akl t'y I\nIWl't . at n lltC ",to re. 1:11" ;"," .1." 111 ,'1, ' hll \'.' prll ,'1' ,('.0111. ~ II f 'j fal• li llY , ;\ 11"s('>\' b ,Lh· r . anll 1'l;I1)'; " ' )li ~'" f 1,·: ' ,1" '11'" I ll< ' .\ l l. lI l'l iS alP I i· , . , a' '~ ' I I ". \ofIIY ' I" I • , 1 ,\ I I' I tI '-r ' He r ryhill and ;'J .- ' :I I.)(, l' t l,lerQ'Qi' Shc waH cllnver ted ill carl.\' "1 1'1 ' I1l" ' '' 1 1I 111 ~ ~tI' , d I, " Il c '1'1 ' ~ l ' II',·· 1" 11 ·a ll' ::. I" \\ I .~. 11'; ' ,·a.· I 1<' \\ Inll lil l.' (" .11 11. a; I. ~ , I" . \ . ," • f razel:' Ifuhull'U Y wu ~ a I)uyton hoou an d joined theC h ri9l . , .1 • \ \ IV. lll :, \' PII: t' 1· (' , <hlo;S ~s •. In.o[ ian cillJr I·h . , llr~ l ).!lln ll· for 1'1 :", ·1' ,) f tb ' I11 a nd < BcnlJ ro" " ", ~ '1'1 1\' s," 'I' ,, : visito r Tll PsduY . . I ,~ I " l' h a l ll l 'I'Ill~hi l' C', ;I},tIil:i I; any ~ . . • . • S he has lived a t ru e Ch ris ti an life neit her has ha ,1 ,'P I'Y '. ' . .1 '• . t<" mu ch prac t irr. I 111, 1.1. 1:\(""" \t" I f~~ /I p IIIJi1 . ill gS;lld ' st~ n" il1~. !lnd wa.~ a fir m bel iever in pr aye r hut it ~rl'IllS l it a l l hl' ~~t:B . All(;.f/· ~ld\.tn! o iev entert mti\i I . ''' . mal eri:l l i \ \J ."1< II I'" 1. '1 . _I'; :i:\1 ~"; ~llt~ :11:'-: d l''td lo t o ;]ny Ihe' :. II ": eeJ-'l'hd Jes~e Rur t on hilS lJeen wo rki n g in Th ou g h f ra il in borly s he was ~lr(JI1g' I there alld t !;rue. tB: ~~ ' •• ~" .. wi ll """ 'I ~htl\\, it ... c l m;~. ::.I\\"I:~·':': ~. ~ Day tu n Ih i9 wc",k. I l't ,' IIJ , It t II f ' arrl'rl' ~n; lnl}IJ \\,J,l:' t,h,'~ and _ l\'l~s~ .1 0 1. Iv K'II1~y in spiri t a nd h ~r tru ll t in G,)( I wa ~ I l 'lay j n ~ :\l alllt " "(' Hl.'l'~e ~d f am ily .. ll eXI)e d · :.:~~. 'I::I,': .,.. ,. I :; tt2 , :I" :1:.1\'11 ,1.11 1: L,f !'I 1' 11l1I); O I' 'h,lt. ... J'h,. \-l'' · IJa,f' '"u l leci'~ ll y nl"n 'l f"~ Ht liliri ng t!I"... li rll l' II l1' nl l'd III ' '' Il l '' PXI"1I1 wit h l h,· I, r;tt~l~Yet'. M~I~Mo lll e W IQ.o~r , ,!I'r I ."' • W al t ~ r Kil b on. 0 f I )tl yloll . ~ II ~ .', :' ''I :"" I !J\ ~Jnd ) :l j , ,1ff\'!'Tlt: 1. \' \" . t1J l.!ll u \l;Uur !lpellt of her ·suffe rill){ . lI er mint! \',IIS mat Prial at 1,:IlId , L. • • • "f .~I'I'''. \\' ' a nd r" " I' N . a, rrls ' parl.:-; ; an d cltllwed tl1'I-t \\ ,,, , ,, ! . I' • . • I ' .. i .. ,,· ' "1 ~even.1 I d ay s h Crt' Ia~ l wee. I k I ' \1 I . I w.·· .. , il ' e t0 th l' la s t. un d h f 'tl ' 11 u f DaYI ' ,II. -! ,t " " " "" ac t I\' <' : 1, . , "1" \" k 1:1 1 \1( 'lIlnl; e r al ) Sl r ill I).:' I" i" , ,'l.·rtllil ,,··1 [ I) have a WlI1nl! r, I"''''" ",I 1O.t J ' I , . . . . ' r .. . f. " " .~ fd'irT if I 1l'('!lld, ill I n(' 11I"l'lltll~ until • M r~ . J . "~ .Ianney ami da ug h ters"~ 11, 1 IJeallll'f u I. Wh cn 11earl' II" dl" lt h a I an :; ," ,:;1 . . '(' ;Ij ' " a nd h I ~ I rll ' [ Y '1,.' I. . . ' ;1" '0' . ."" . 11 I , .·. n I ' • I ., , . I 1 f I I. " · I "I • \1,,-"0'.,.:1 ' • . t hr " a VIS delt iht f l1Uy entetI were IJayton visilor: , ·alurda y . tl IJat wcn h I ' ill I ' ·"·" tit lIl1l ,· l;· ).~ . tn" III a li lillie!:!,. ," '" "I'll " ulg' p l'llg'ra ll l ,. e ~a, . am pa., lling . -:r.~"'~ ' I I \ "'1 . \ DUl{ 1 I~ ' . ' . . ... 1 - kl I:m ll! tile Luyal Dau g h tlll'8 :hl " ' ..... 0"". 1.. III<:h )., . 1"'111).' PI'II t1 t.:j.1 thl~ wce . va II t·y 0 f th e ~ h a d ow II f , I) ea II I b \I t I too , b elle",' u,.:. Sl \'eral new fa (:es ' i' Ch" . h ·M "~ ,. d ' ~. . . of tI e II ' rls .J( lIan' It chu I'" rc Mre., Anna' O'Nea II un d d aug h ter . f ea r no CI'I'1 [ or t h ou ar t ' I on on J hi' s ('ho lJ l.; ~o nng the lllo~l \J" IDt ~ lI'('re ill thl' lilll"-I.! .... whi le <' t lt 'r ,; .. . . I , '~ wltl " tJ' -M jl mf' . ~ 0 " I" I' ; .:, ", M i~ Mart ha, wer (' ir. Xen ia Tuesd aY ' i Th y rud nnu t hy staff t hey cumfor a I, ·1 I (venin" III ( 'Ia ~~ .. ,\."1\,ill he g-i\'l'l\ 'l I,a ~ t .', t 1\'l'l'e in nel\' pos il i''' l ~. "" In Io".n ' r ~. L". ,~' , :-.IS,," . 11 I' I I. , I" T L II h ~'1 c· , . 'r me " " fl less th ~ Lord. " 11'£') ' ' )1 u H l oom \;' pl:!vn, ,~.\ Ifrrl:l their . f Qf II e r ·,teache r. Il' "- I . U • The f ' alures " f 111 ,· ~l i :lI nis' l! :l llW 1." 1 ". rl . i. ", ~I {lI lll.( I/ 1 ;'3l' Mr . and M r~ . Fr ed E lbon heard .' ,,1" III I '·I n. 1'1 a s..:-- " '1 '" 1.11 1' 1' 1'1' F:reglln t re f , es..nmc nte I' t She was a devoted were ' . ' () ) n B,el'vew. .\ , • ,1 I ~ .' Madam e Han na h in Lebano n last lovin" tend cr mot her amlI\'i fe anu a Ilurl " II. ~c hulel' a ll .1 I:" rgen's Iwa vy I.. .. " ·' ',. ,, 'J ," I . . I I I II II' he r "'r and. !til lin g, S1Ir fl\ ,.,,', . 1I Ia,,~i~I,.d dWlI l,\e . :.';:;::."' II alld a very Jl easant, evemog spent , '1 '. ... ~ I . fI \\ 111 g l\'(' a ,·. lgU (· "n' ' ll al I, II ,I .. " II .' week. P" ' : , .." I' I, ,, :\I • a rt·h • E r" " . w ill l~i\'~ a n il'" l \a ~,at. thiltlre nwere a clinstan tjoy to he r Ida ,·. a r ircus l·... [' · 1! il til i ". .-- ~. \_ ' l Idt rlt' I" II)' "i'::;:~::" I; , II" ,I. J\ 1•. hi ~h~"t scMeiIl C la~~ ' ·1· .. . All h ca r 'I~'vV t. esleyO, ~~{t heM , E. ~':iQ.~ J •• ' I im m.\' Ilakin . l :idgL' an d ' ])a \' i ~' Good assortm ent uf j ewel ry at J a n· 1." .•1. II ." I. 1.. )tIll\llil ~ IIl:-lkin ).i a "0",, s ianu ing nr She was a nne ci ti zen . alw uys ad· fi e ld inj{, \-) llrl (l Il ', ('al..Ilir: daYikf ool e ntertam ed til 10 m .\.,,~. .~ n ey·s . . '· arid I ~ I :, ., ; , ., II' Ibll tte r ill the ~choul ~~lPS I ;; .....~ i \l be be rR ana ·ir i~ndii.,.at t he vucatill g ed ucat ion , moral it y. l'el il-!· i WIII,!ley 's pil ch illg . .oniC p,ari11 .. 11 1",1/ I. I " I "I I, " I 11 - II I'n'~"n t (. ct wit'h it 1l1eri~badg-e.. qu e r roo m .. IlUlt Tuesda y evemn ~ M!'il. F:ll a Michen e r and rlaug- h tc r , ion a nd love l 'Jall m ankind. I Ih·l!uro ok '" Ilew 0 a l' is tft ,· ir . ' I.. . ,II ., I " " I' \ ...1 ' , " II , Thi'w~nner '(lf th e p" tr'\'aul t \\Iill Aft ~' r ~ u ppe , a s h0!J rogra,:" ( Il c l'li fe was ac redit to ou r colll " cat.citl·r Mi~ Ad u. wc re Uay tClIl vi~it orri Sat I{ay m nnd Wel le r, whu ,., I II II '''\' li r g i\'cn a camera by C Wilbelj. s hort lalks and rea qlngsw mon hu mani ty and the wur hi wus : l'alll~hl'aJ! pretty a ),!' a lll u rday l' as has l)(~"11 'l. ,·1 . " II, " ,\ 1.11 .1111 '.··1':..U"1, II. 1I 11~'" . 1\'I·rl-...' . .in" . Kulllh,'I,..,"c'n \1'1'11 !l iv e a , Abo ut fifty; seven 5t\Ul8ts lUl,n ~I} 11 ... ,,' I P .•I. _:l'tl i 1U'!~1I. II U ~ H i riche r fo r he r livilll( ill it. !:)Iw seen on th ' fowl fi,· lrl we~ pr... . •• in a IIIng' lillie i\ II,':': i:f,'" "'i~·.. Enwill ::i wene.v. (1r S lJ ri ndielrl . is wa lked wi th God and he lul r] ~l'dol fttr witmer of .J 40·ya rd en l . inclu d ing ~evl .W.yand ~ t ook hl.!L ·tn¥i \tife With prope l· coaching". the boy I,ids . I' " ".;. IL.. , . ".,'""11 (" SlI rln,·c ' .. I'"rl, "' ,da sh. Toelfrh m embor of t h e fmlte~t a nd H..P. visiti rj).! his uau~h t er. M rs "'rank! ::i lle is mourn ed by he KelhsQn, WIfe and son, ot r sis te r. hu ~· fair l u I'ecll nlc ~ s Lar in Ihi s rJi tficul t ~ " ; {, :·,· ·.. ,': ··I~'~:'· . ' I ' t· .. II '. ' .... ,.. I ~ ,,,·I.\ ,n rl . Irday team in the 44 0·yard re lay S ., ringbor ' Id Carmuli . I " I . . I I lla ne\ . Ron .alll I grnn, I Ch I ren a ni Ji"sltltJn .\. o. I. \\ , " ,II ,~ " U\ " ' I ' 1l' cu n~ II1I L'S III I )(' game . . ' ir !' I, i.'lli I, ) 1'" .. . 11 " \ \. '1\" 1'. -- Co . ,:et,. r a.c e . J\[ . H. HYlllan will gi\'c a /I ~ ,. many relatin~3 and f ri e nd s . silk I Mills. TI ellb ro(, k'H :;t a r nutnelrl~r . l "'r,'.,~I, '~II' ''I ;,I ,W''' I'. ;~I\~' ' ,r cl' ! , .. . I,h.,.t. ,, ~'"t i~:. Othe r cll nle6LI;; to ' be IJrov id cd A fter th ervl ~ D r. and Mrs . A. T. Wri ~ht an d :50 few arll r eady whe n the at the Baptist ' call Itl ayed lir~ t kl:;(! alld I l1 all :I~( d lho \\ y:, I, ~' ;i ru~ J . \\ . I .." " " son Ell iott wc rl.! Day tun vi~itu rs. . for . . IHwaf t ed sho r eward f rom t he dE(' P; team. H0. mad e g',o" at I ~ h u rch S.unda y flP~Mr . jacob Sc9t~ , 1,,11 h. Silt u rday. T ", ,,.' -~ I,,". ! SC'hools "il'i ng a May po le dance and famil y an Ile pa,stor r.e~urned " T he slimmo ns lhat mu st CO lll U to a ll . ~_ Jf. . 1 furnish t h'1~' own. ribbo~ . '1'1 t t th t t l T he poles home .. tII t .A;rega t 10If: , Wlt~ ._~.Jel' .~.~ Mr . and M r ~ . L.- M. H I' ll d e rson . lU ry H a ml>l',a man mus !w1'1 1 be jl r OV l led if notlCJ ST. i ' ~ IS \ A sen t to filled. u a RY' S Cri URCli , ' . I"h o p ra y und lv a ll who J v ~~, b UI .( ts fo"oy.:e ~, 8 an d da ua.hJl! r, I~V..~. were in Cirl~n· rLW.lXI . fllY _ . I fP · ro. h d • . ~Rh . .. o,th~-a fter "e~ di~ to11tt $ . . ~ ~" ~ .....". ... , c . -~• . -~- ~, I-"ho ' ) ug}-~'Io ~I wJ~(J a'e'! na t i F' riday . ~an~l ltom.'n:l1 B us t b e wasrea d y ; th u ' th .1 . e " Le- hant • b -' ... r t. ;-r ot,.·!hn t it..u 'Mh! Scott'. :birth , • 'j,. Wh't 'tl a11th r ' lict'da nd euay Illun d ay . l '1'1 tl y · . , Fnr puttmg · towho msoeve r WI - 11"1 e ('on fes..,. ¥-Jl. ,. ~ · 'Id he r task . and II' vI.!' d ll er I Sund Scho II at " "'(' a '11 ' 1"" : . -"'C ' " dtA,P so I' . She d cJta Scott shad jUlit pa.~ ;an!1' ' ay " . , . ;"/ . · 1 • ~ . , ('1" - " Il UIl: h (Ipen,.; whle t 1 . aT) II I:lIlt J . T . Lid dy, of :Jaylon . ..... a~ v is it· mu,;t tltall W i t li n a seven 0 .. tne (oor , . ' d 'l I C' . 1(1" 1 1 prayer '''..also' . h e ir weddin a . "nniv 'f'".'; ." mon r • ,1'\" all ~lrc rOy l (;! . ommUIlIO{1 a Ing his father. M. C. Lidd y, 8 co u plt! :,) . makes fr~c a I'lal: p, an d I II t he nanw I ! -~ . ~ .... r ' . • • ", d .. 'f l . \3 '1 1 A weary h I' ll rnad e h a r d tll e way . 'They -fou nd them awon<f<~i I ' 11 I nO' how' ' " Ie mell , H An I J ,. e c lI!lll .WI of days IlUlt week. une eSlrln g- to practlc c on . Ie reo nf the L(lnl. say)!: \\ el eO lne . She aaw the roses growin g th ere. "umed next Sunday I .0 s " '~_1,,'''._ , , f .."".,...r.~ h t ' 11 b~tH'ey knew it .. was ' their. irth~"y m orni n g. ta ulIht the I. t ra ck I lJe li re . t e mut: , W _. - . - - - - - . -.: ~ -' j" iVf>n a few nllinter s 011 sl.ar1;i ,. .b y The tahle!l ~ ~ Elizahe th Laws, of Cincinn a ti. And W'ft en the twil ight hour gorl:'w uy t Ie rect'lr. . ere sol!ti .sprelld . 1&,' • , h " .T h.' Busin.e,ss.' Men < d d"nled ~ was tl1e guest 9( Mr, and ~ rs . J . R. 1 "' 1 1'. ~ Frt'd Paul ey. if you \... tl i let hi m I yard at '~ h I C h Iorty.n near , ~ne ~DJOY~~ a ·,l . , Itll ll>I \ I'I",\'I'I":-; III ::-,cl ",.u I I' n d ay a f,tel:n'"\ Il. th.\.! kn< 'I~' what evelllJl~You Caphm an , la.,t week . \.1'111. Ill' 1I.le l'~. , heatt! dm,ner: S hl ~ stlooll hhC>4i(tle tt hc ~ i1 en t ~('a;f ~e ,ter:nam der o"f ,.' I ')'1) a ll wll .. III . 'II I' ll !lnd 1I \'l' I l·' ·· . ' 1"IIr(' ~ Ielll j.:· •1 • I ~ I.) I I. rillS mlll(C~ an A 'l( In l er ear In ('ase of r :lin rhc PI CIl IC ,\'IU hc lhe (lay w~ spent, In soCl,IlI h er e was no l'ar r J i()f II ' I I" ..ta~~nd t furt tll a ll \\,1· , a n ' wt:an' :" .01 r. ,j ,'I'(-n )'l'l·f1 k . f(1 r!l wel'!; 11 Ctlnime neemen t. P esent " . 'tb~' d <tj:!" II i ~rhn"l po r eal .lfnmen SI Yr' . I . Ir~ sl pon ,t! on ~ wcek. ~ III an · "' I a. lt A I ' l smg mg. ay passl : rl.~t "p t" l a :1 ... ·h .. :11 '(' f ri :lI d l, 3 a ll ~ \·,' " n. I :~ tIl I:.! ney 6. T h· lIcit! g"anll' will " . ::- : ,~ - ,-. It! wa ltet. t w r e In pef f ecl alt I. , I They dli>arle ~ ~islV,g J,~~m ~t' : n,.,.d f r il lld ,I II " 10 ;tll \\,1 1" a I" , l ' rol ,al> I~' I" . 1,l aYl'd . ,dr SliOll. Uut h MAI ... E A,J .EAU TI F UJ . Sf OT m oce happy b'r~hdaY8t saYing: 1'Jl~ .~e '.~.. A nti u~I;~, the fU"tn~ day g r cIV h lllll elesg a nd ( I, l.,.d Mr. and Mrs. Martin Slaley, of cr to al l ,,:1m"i~ w,"re exciti ng. for ~l.\·('t'al -;, 'ar~ the ceme te ry ' th ey .,ould ·tell · the~.. .ne~~ Dayton , &, ·, re S unday tt u ests 'of Mr. Th ~ boatma n's hail . t ~ e voya ge of !>',lI rd h"" .b l'cn puzz led w ha t to do Those present ,~~ " i:lder Br and Mrs. Chas. Stansbe rry. With "the' Thig.s pri ng near the supe r- M r. an d Mrs. I!'IlIJL "'hy M ea~~:tl~l~ g oing ho~e' to he r. . SrnftK. a n d. ' Rc purt \ \t ay nc Tow ns hip S.: h oo ls for m onth of April, lift J inl l' nJ en t :s ho use . . For some ti Miss Mabel Sattert hwaite , ' of me. t wo sons . Mr. t~ Mhr..litf: ~al':: J:(y'l ' :~ . " . --- -.---- i at the board tlleetinj.,~, a plan ha.s Mr· rand Mrsr CARll OF' THANK S 'Route :l, is enterta ining Miss Esther a t ~ r. ua~. _t! .~ .~. \.~. I I . I 1 I . 1 ! I b ,*!1 discus,;ed . a nd lalely pu t. III uau ~ at • n er, M rtl. Ra.cli e I Thoma s , ,'4l W e WI.' gh t 0 e xpress OUij. SI. ~ r. 'Berryh il l, of lJellbro ok, this week. ;\ u . 1\(1. Nu. N lI .. No. ~u .~No . .'I n. , nC Ar!! I .. . I ., h ii G I 7 . I' gllt' S ]0 ' 13 I ac t iOh - th at (11' . u L tlI'lJn~ .... :Or..... n t e Rprtng thanks to our neighb ors ~nd fri e no ,; (,a u. . e r ' '"Mr' ~d M.'0. , 'r ",,: , .. ~ 2::: ~ ' ?' ' 7 ' : :;;. c..- '7 Ito beau tif y tIl(' .:rountl ~ . Mr. ano Mrs. J ohn Fromm and wh o were !:!o kind during our rece nt fSml th , Mr und n.~. ttQr~,... ..) . ,.... ;-. ::': ;::' Ul· ::,,::r::':' ., ::; .....: Lacl I.' wUl I I/ j ~J .. . ... I VI ., 0 ;, child r ep. of Dayt on , wer e g uests of be r eaveme nt and to the minist e r for v.... .k ."', 11\' th e C: ll ilili nal iun of Mr.• and Mrs. John Evans . I d M, l4: . :' . ~ ,. '. <' ..,~ i' :; ~. I':' - ~ til e ll l' f!lcu l, y for , how on th e a\·e· M ri!. :;. n =1 . :'."'rJ . 'c:: J v , _ ;.)_ ..... - """ -. os relative s h ef e Satllrd ay and Sunday . his kfhd and comfor ling words. . Evan R, Mr. an .~. _ . • • .~.. " ::. J~" ;:;M ~ d '" "'" 2 ~ I'" £ 1< ::; 1;:;"2 . . . F k l'O·.·t\ u.. Illie '1110111 ')110 fl'e t from I)H' Ma in l HA.we~, - . ~ - ",J'; .... - ~ Harry Ung lesby and Family . - '" r. an lJLCII. , ran" I;n 1 -;ror' ;: ~ ~:; ;::::ri'" -j,. ;' f':> c:; ' 2. ~' ,;:;;;~ . ::-::~ . MAd • " Il tran('c ill t lw ce mel 'r\' t it ere w ill • and Bu g gy paints at J 811I1SY·S. .. " - - - , t\v o ,d a'i$hte rs, ". - - .-. .... - ::> rs . . map ::l - ::" '2 rt ::: i I ~ ; . , ::;-' - , f.' :u ! TOWN SHIP BOARD ELECT S I . '\ heauLi I'ul foun la•in, u f cl" ar Sm ith, Mr ~ . Id a Mcams Ad M , fa. ., :-r: ..::: -=- -~ ' r"::';i C .,.. "1 . ~ ~. 'l~~. . 1 1 a C.or\Vl. ~ ••' . ~. ,",!I~,arklin M r. an d M"s J ' l-! w ate r Ralph Smilh arrived h ome fr om -'; ., n , a,. • ". '. ,_ ., I I I' ipps \V cr,' laid fr om the s~l'In g' to Ha rlsnck . M~.!! , J ohn The Wavne Townsh ip Board md i Det~o it, Mich .. for a few day' s vi sit Bergda ll, ~~, 1 II it ' a \'en u (' and Ife watc r turn ed Rosa Berryh Ill . Mrs. with hls,par ents . ·Mr. and Mrs. Geo . in r egular sQssion () n Monday even · En roll III l' 1\ l .. .. .. .. · .. .... Wm. H.~ 1'. ' 1, ''' ,l II .. ... . ... .. . 1"- 1 '..1\t ,,,'_'1 .: - ., Il 17 . and t, u 'hM hr(l ug h an inch pi ~e t he I MI'. J on!lt Il an, .,mlt ing. Th e followi ng teacher s we' re ' 1 Smith . • . r. Ab • " , . ~' . . • .1 " X ," :l ~. ' \\,;J!pr is throw n at least t wenty f'!el lolVdh. Mr . l'or est Glth~ chosen f or tbe ens uing schoo " yeur n ank ill 1':l1rll IImen l .. .. . ., 14fs v .J . I . ,I I~J:-a DaVIS. Flora Berryh ill!;!!ij,Q ~r. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell , Mr. ' EeftOfl Nu. l Ren Oak, Miss Ona St\'a\\,11 T utal ]) ay,; I:' I 1\' air . "f '\ ll!'l'n'·l' .. .. • ,"" I~. ~I' ~,i I. ; ".!i and ' MnI.· Ralpb Miller .."pent Satur· ;l l ~I I; "'!'i(1 .\ larg u ullsill i" b eing ~"n5ll' G reg-I:. Re N il. 2 Sug ar Grove. MIs,'! l.u dk becca crta mer anQ~ ~lce .' ~. -tillY and Sunday with r e lalives near Co rn ell. I f ' _..... ... "' I'l i Il ,..~. v ~ Ch!'now eth . ; II~ ~. ~ i\"'"of 1' 1I11i1 ..; L:aU, illg- ~I I'S,·I II ·(', .. · "t l.le U\l11 alll. wIIio.n • 1 I I I-q ~ I.: " -.. " :-. ., I:! t Lumbe rton. ' . ' ., N o. ;\ Cullc~e I lill ~ iss i-:V,I I );\\' b I' " rde r lI f ~r'!l! n ).(ras" aru u nd I . SA NITAR Y fiRINKING FOUNT AIN' In No. 6 M,t. H olly. Mis!I'Mary Ilav is. N~i th c r A\':llC n lIlUI' Tardy .. .. .. · .. II · l ~ 1: ,.1 " '\'il l he I"i! in 1IH' fou ntain The State G. 'A, It .Encam pm ent No.7 Sprin g Branch . Mi s~ I': lh cl I'c r cen a ll d belwl... ,; will I" , l'i accU the to The directu rs of th~ Wavn~viile t of En rolll ll "I1[ lI (:i tlt,·1' .,. . ~ will be he ld at Washin gton C. H, ::it okes. l" -\ th ' \\' (' :11'\ [r el\' 'itor , 'J Absenl nul' 'j'a\'l l ~", ........ ... Nali onal bank at their regulaJ ;1Ilee • , 10 1 III .1: :r; ~ : I I I ' ,'<",' un'i!l7 • .1.8,19 and ~ O, H1l3. It was . Tlti ; will 1,,:tll<lIk 1J1ll' of [h e prettY\in~Tu e.:da~ . dccitleu No. ~ H.arT'Aony Mis>! .tll r.' lI t a: !ltJ~i':. ,,;~ h~ld at that ti ty eight y eats ago . Ca.,-\ES ,If Ta rdinl·8'; .. ~ .. .. ...... .. .. . El eanor Earnha rt. II ~ 1 ",t .-; "f thc (,(: n1Ne r y.a .the uoa r.' l tary Ih;~nl(ln g . fo un I Ii tam l{l &o~ o.t. .'. \\ j . til i,, · ~" l1 g ral u la ( e. d lin t heIr th e b anK . For No .·10 Lowe ll Hill . .M iSll Al ma , a long- flme P~l!l N . Pu pil:; Ta rdy ....... .. ...... ... .. Mr. and Mrs. Thurm an' C9ppes s Watel'h ous",. :.: ~ I il:I,fII'Y l it() ll gll l "f lI :-ing lhe slJrini' l d cnt W. H . Allen has seen lbe ' " <&f~ three chil<;iren, of D~yton : spent No . 13 Gr ecn Briar , MiS;; La ~ l' a I'er CCllt-of :\tlt ~nllllll'" .. ... .. .. . ill thi,; Inallll'·!'. ~ I sity \11 of ~ u .::h ," a courlle !lnct ~ ,, ~lI.3 • the w/ ek.end · with Miss Susan McKins ey . Slli \E[) -S HORT ER HOUR S th ro ug h )' I .is t hou ghtffrn es3 thu I: " Wrif.~t •. • MrS. COPP~8swas form e rly 4 :~ .~ l \ F . C. Gilmou r Wfllf el ected Su per· ·1 . __ _ . boa rd dec.lded t o h av&1 t he foun lrun , M.iaS Neva H;Jywo od. 'I A il the j:!I'I,Cl'ry men, o f S pring put; in . intende nt. . . '. t P upils fe it her ause nt rll ir lard.l· 't r . ------ ~ - . ~ ---- -~ J> ri lt l! l\ra lH:h \'alley ha\' Hig-n·it a con t rac t to ~. \-'~I~·'' '· It is a wu r t hy obje t , lind t he ' .. du r in g Ap,·il. ...:.. \. . SUMM ER BAND 'ONCE RTS ;':.d" I i ill Clar a I ;erryhil l I c!' hl' d u rif1 ~ Lh e ~umme r mon ths wate r drinke!lil' of Wayn -----:~ . . esv ille wi ll l' ( 'ari I 1 ;t :"~11 . ~cd Oak Ilar mil n Hill .j ,~ \' " r 'v (' '''l'n in btr !':tl:epl Tuesda y a nd ~ ha llt: l he bank oiik \\ ,If weathe r cond itiol1· ..· 'r:; every tim<: right. Anna lI a IT\' 1:,,1:1 11 :1 • 1I 1.' 1l,rY l3 uI')'!" Ne\sllilo il r,1\\' n Bur~e ,S:ll llrdav e\·l' n i ng- ~ . a t fi ~ · ('I oc k. t hey have occ asi oll t o g-et a dnnk. who has lately arrived and nothing else'co mes uPi'·~th,,, .hand i I:: s tlWI' (' 11,' 1 is 1 '~dll a Lac: Heu~r RO fl!O' Thi s is su r ely comme mla blc f or ~o T he motive Id in kee~ing with visited his ' sister, Mrs. will neg-in their concert s, ~:15tb t.he , I:ul"';l't 11:11 . lI ar ry Cunnel' ~!llall lt lown as Sprinc- Valley, fo r it .ba nk' ;. many innov aliOli~ . . Lowell Hill . lut week I Th e band stand will b l.l placed in -"., I is ('(lrlsltl erably sm alle r than Wayne s· F r('d Simkip:-! H" lu n lI arr i~ «.t~~;MU,l. has beenJn the Klondik e position , and it is -' . • - - • ,,! 1~'4 " :~';.' . hoped that every ~ l!~a r Grove dl lu . Thl.!ir trade will promis e t o J I ' I II _n'vi ..K"IiA .. s;veral ,y;~rs, CARD OF THANK S thing will be all right for that ni g ht.. Eth cl Si mk i!l!> [)orn~. "\ u ~t in Inez Th 0111:1s l,~e\J I IU S s lay by t h em and "'hen cold wea t her 1'h e progra m will appear in' next MUI're1 Ti nney \ Bu r n!' l Illl Uerwo rth Pa ll l S t()k~s llar,9ld Sh utts We WI.Rh t tend cu mes . they will be only too glad Ito Mi~ ,Allen, of-the f2mou8 week's Gazette . . • l ~.' .~\ , ~l° MI, \l'~11 HolI) ;h'[lnH\ S Il~arold tI::~.~·nh~ r t hflve t he grocery m en cl6se up early tha~ to the0 CI·.ex A11en orcbest,.~, was in town. Friday . \.l·l#'eIlli aw1~.iVn~p;..;t •. -- ." lY. ane ~Ul' a l e Albert Ma rl att o,arn es .:.arn )[Ir Lena Ma rlall h of Harve~.b\l MI. AIII!n-.ft\I! just comple ted 'a win; t t l1. LEONA RD-FO OLE . . . . . Edna Dill h Be rlhu Marlat t Harmo ny Gro,'c ·L e t t his good wprk go Q~: ':Xeui ll'li -and ~mpQt te~'s · eJlga~meol with the Boston Lola Bernard Effie Bern ard . I M1iliel S tanley A nna Satter thwaile Spr ing Valley. :¥orrow, :~k li d· h Mr, John Leonar d end Mias Annie n, 4.~ his iIln~ , Ph.ilb~onic 9rchestr~, an IS ome Fogle, of Coving ton, Ky., were -mar_ C:iMlnl1 Cook: Georlle, §,atWrt twru te ltr\dJseJ eraf ne.a~by .to~: College Hill 1. ?-ft3.. dQing to Dr. ~nslalt for ~IS: f~i' thfltu.nmer . • . r!.ed May 2: Mr. and -Mrs. Leonar d Carl Squires Rhudes Bunncll Elth el'Satte rthwiiil;e.·· -the ' slu-fie ' thing. and Ma rie Squires ' WlYnis vi!le afld ' unt1rlng-en~rgy In adJ_{j£~~iJj .' .,.C<;;gaie'8:talcu~ pewdeTs shll on·, re at home to their ' friends Clem enVSat ter h waite. •. ~ ' -,•.';. . _sh~'ild , :~a~ ~dopted' ·~t...~~I9" at Qr~() : time to his need~ • . Bria~ ... :~.'" - Qoey's; former ·pri.. 28e~ . iU28 Milla.. Ohio: F Q 'GilfuoUr~ Supt ago .', . ~. , ., ' .\. ('i' , . .,t . . . , _ ., ' .. Eugeni • W, J, &l,ld Po ·B. a Wbitak ~r • • ~~, . ' •. '~ ;. 1'. f.. ... . • I . ~J. "'\ "r' , .....

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Oft Thine- Ploked U.., _ d rt4~. IIYen ~ '"'we..... 1t"U am ·dart of b~ J IIlatl .. ~ CaN In windo w ne.,. raUrQad 80oollraaement. pr'9~ , the lhallow, rleht In a moment" " Your Suit Prell.ed Vetwoen Tllere "II a eand-dune 'Ult 1)e)'e1l11, Uon: DeN of the .tream. Ha turned about. b,llI race .a ciDee Ile &owd .ee her and be seated I1lmaelf and leane41 Traina."' Not otlr lIult. It we Imow It. FrOID a lleW8pap/'r report : "After agaloll It. eyel, Mally ho auller with hacbcbe aDd "I am ba&tnnln, · to breatbe euler tile gambler wu I bot, t wo &CJ'81 werlll _air kldne,. are unnaturally irrilabls "We lhall hue to tl'J It, Mis. Mc:tound concealed 1Il hi. sleeve." Some aod fretful. Bad kidoe,. fail to elimDonald; y OU mUllt permIt mla to carry alr ~ ndy . " htl explalned_ "Sit dOWD inate all the uric acid from the ay. bere. M~II McDonald. W e an tafl s leeve, that! you ," tem, keeping YOIl " 011 edge" 8Dd ~ From tbe South Walell Echo: " MI'1I. enougb now In thl& dartne... " "Tes," iDg rheomatic. ne uralgia paina. Polwarih celebrated he r one hundredth "You al"B a ll wet" .oaklne wet."And whatever bapptloa dB DOL Wben YO<Jf back achmr, and yon IIOdce "That II nothing; the Bllll\! 11 warm blrthduy yeste rduy. Sbe was vls lled Bcream-Just cling ti,bt to me," , igns of bl:l.dder irt'Ogulsritica. ~ by her twIn sla ter, aged nlnety·llve," yet rrom yeste rday's .un, ' Mil my ., Veil." a IItUe catchIng In hur throat, your kidneys and belia usiog Do...,'. SIgn In Vancouver: "This restau· I{id ney . Pills" tbe best recOlllll1elldod "Tell me Jinll. plea.lle, Juat wbat It LII clothes will dry tas t 8noug h. It III b. rant will open ""Q..D w Ith prIvate rooms glnnl nl: to grow light In t be east" special kidney remedy. you fear." LaJlh e fa(:e8 o[ both turned In tbat dl· to r ladles wltb m"ltrble fittIngS," "Quloksnnd principally; It Is In a ll dle& with marble h earts, lake notlM), these weet nrn rivers, lUJd thu two or rf'cUon w he re appeared! first twl· It'rom a woman'lI pllper: "Bhll wore a us (ogethor on one pair or rll twil l ligh t apvroach of dawn. Alread, black velvet hut trtmmed with mole wttr .. risible th e dnrk linea of the op make It huder to pu ll out of the BUCk. featbers ," An agr eoable c h ango lu It 1. tell you {,() gat down. do 80 poslta shore, IlCro~!I the gleam of Will hat trimmings from t he l"omruon fur ter. 11011 t!e;rund appeared t h e dim out Quickly." Ilull or the hIgh e r blulrs, Tho 810pe be ot the pboasant. ··Ye• ." I ,,· r. lind lIfted he r head upon one arm, Card In English shop : "In order tc SYNOPSIS. tween riYer and hili, hO\\'-8"r. ~ "Tben Ihe re ruay be bol es out rhen' nn d using Ihe hllndk lJrc hl e l from about have Ii good supply of tresh lDoat tor mal,,~d In Imp(>netrab l ~ darknella. Tbl Majo r ~l r r"'nRld. rnnt m"nJ ln lf ~n "r,TI \' hl~ ltirolll, wa R wusblng away the In Ihe bottom . I don'~ mind lhoso so minds or both fugItives reverted to th~ m anufacture ot our pies, we kIll p081 n ~ '" Fo rt Do,IIt" . ~e ,·k .• ~ tIIK n ,,' hlond 11.111 Dlatte il h er haIr. Now that much, althougb thElse ca valry boots thtl sawo scene-the w reaked 8tage half a cow Ilvery week." Have they tntt"rC'e pt "\$ o1"'lIrh t (' r , M !\lh \\ 111\ tM hea de<l tor Ih d 00 11. An I",H un "Ulh r ~" I< hlR /luger" le lt. Ihe .... oulld, ,be reall:&ed are no h e lp In ewl mmio, " with Itll d\;\l\d pas sengers wIthin, Ita no S . P. C, A . over there'-l:1oston "I clin sw Im." UI Ih real "". <1 ' 'TIM .. ),'' H ,,,"II n . R. srr · lit o force of Ihe blow stu nnIng h e r, al· savage watclier8 wIthOut. Bhe IIrted Transc ript. pant wt1f''' hrv3 .1118t nrrlv"d w i t h m etl ~ " Hardly In you r clothes; but r aID 'ltoI\'e& 10 ~! l' nonald , .olu n",' r8 fur Iho thOt1~h Its nUl ward manlfesU\.tlon "118 h.!r bead, Il ud lhc sort light r eflected mlnl" n "",I . ,,, ., . ... I""~ , .r"lI y "rrh' ''d~ sligh t. He r figure tre mbled' ID' bls glad to kno\"t It. nevertheless. You on her fflce . HANDS ITCHED AND BURNED et FO rl HII)I (" ), l 'WO tl Ll),_ IlhNU1 o( lK'h c . co uld kee p afloat at ICllSt. and the ulr 811 - <1 e~"'p. 10 p"~h nn to "'ort armll and her llfes open ed, gazing up "1-1 thanK Go d we an not In'el hole. are "ery large_ Are you bod1ft' by . l .. g~ In (·,.,mpnoy wtlh "~\ltl ~ r o ndOrlngly Ilt the black outllnell of thtlre no~•. " ahe Hald falteringly Abbotsford, W ls,- "My lion h ~d II<> Bill" Mo\'JRn [;0" ....1"8. KIlm hl er , Ie I I b d _ r eady now TOO 1l1,,0 .. P" ;"" "~'lT . Hamlin ","0 1. I h e " t RgO • a II II o w, Thnn "he made an euort " Yes," be admitted, "They ,,11\ be Sbe gave him he r hand. and stood crl"e plng In dOller; tb e,. Will DOt wal t sema on hIs hands for about 000 year. .nth .. I ~ rl e. oC Mprodntl (>"K ('olllm\(l cd as. thougb to draw away , Tbe eczema lltaried wIth a rallh. HI. lIy th " Incll"n . . I. I. dec-Ide'l '0 ro lttrn "W !I) Rlp le)'. Tho drIver 4eJOorUl lit(•• 'age e IItll l a while yet. MI•• McDon- lip. The Sergeant drew In a loo g much lon ger. Hard as I ha.e workBd, hand. were sore so he could not, clos. brenth a nd tranBrerred the hs"eraack Whe n rndlsn. 8ppesr Tho II1 (lln,," ..r~ aId ," be sai d I!O()thlnl ly, "until y"u r~ I cao't roallze yet that we are out or them. and wheD htl wet hIe bands they twlr.f't r ep ul sf!(J in o..t\l\r k o n t h r Aia.,: f' b) I gth " to h e r shoulder. tbolle (01,18," iHIlmlln , )Inyla.n ano! f}onznlp" Th .. I[\lttlr ga n you r etren . hurt him so be could h ard ly wash . HI. " We'll try and keep t ha t from ,et· '" klll-", Moy lnn I. kill"" In ",'Xl RUac k , lie heard tb e ll'llck gasp of b e r " You did not e.spect to lucC6o!dr' bandl ltcMd and burned just terrible Indian" r etire anl1 HBmlln amI M"tly walt ttng lIOaked, If we can," h e oxplulned, " No ; rr:luk ly I did not; all I oould and If ba would IIcratch them, they dal pus withi'or Ih o next m ove TIlf'!" pin" tu ," tempt breatb, and fe lt tbe sudden relax ing "Tb e re Is no bote I over In tb ose 8lind · do WIlS hope--iaiLe the one cbanr.- would break out Into sores . He could __ ape In t h e do r kn ••• b)' w .. ,. or .. o f her muacly. out getti ng a e 0 Tt.r1-r!..&' s FAMILY EUX I J.,o' culh', Molly 18 ... "undod " You ." " hl! e xclaimed In undl .. hUls_ Now hol<S on UgbL" letL Tbe ellgblAlst accid e nt m.ant ~ not get any reat or eleep, and hi. Batbe tbe !iJ:D)ji well alter 'H e !'tvung her eully to blR broad trayal. l:lm llaQamsd of b~llC .0 CHAPTER VIlI.-Contlnued. gulsed relt e f at recogn ition of th e bands looked tlUlte ba.d. or violent u .rue. aRd you wi1I be r&He co uld feo her brcalhlng, ILnd voice ; " Is It really you? Wh are s houlde r, clasping her _lender figure wenk jUII ~ no''' . but It wa. t" ·s traln. "We had medIc ine and salve QIld It -.nrded by f/, bealthy, nalural Mulaclosely with one arm. You see," he ezplained carefully, "t' •• kept gettIng worse all tbe time. J got rea li zed the dlUlger or b er return to we ? Wbat haa happene d '" tlon. Y9Q little reallze bow much "'MIat's It I Now get a firm g rIp. 1'1\ been ~coutlng through hOlltll" lndlaa somo Cutlcura Soap anel OIntment, bauer YOIl will feeL consclOUIIDOSS. Jt IIhe 8bould e hight.He told her rapidly, hla face bent carry YOU all right." country mostly day a nd nIght for nur- ond after wasblng hIs hands wltb the ened 8Il d cry out, t heI r fate ould be clolle, realizIng that she wae cUngtng To the &trl. that passage was never lIealed. ' Vet h e muat acce pt the chance, to lLIm IIgaln as lIb.e bad onee before Cutlcura .soap and putting some or the more tban a dim memory. Sti ll parnow that be knew tho wa,- to be clear. back In the stage. As h e end" d, sbe Cutlcura .oIntment on two Um es a day tially daze<S from th e se" ere blow on He hold her tlgbtly 10 both arm s, hIs lifted on e band to b er wound. and tyIng cloths on them Cor about sIx h er head, IIhe closed ber eyes as Ham · revolver t brust back Into its holstEtr. " And J am not rea lly hurt-not serl · months t bey got well and hav e Dot bops the muscles pliabla and ndlable.Bending as low I\B be could with hIs ouely 1" her voice bewUdered. "1-1 lin stepped cautIously down Into tb e produces a quick, lpeed y aad J.....umrtlt broken out s Ince. Cutlcure Soap and stream a nd clung .tD blm d es perately, ..,nd from, Iprall\&, brul!es, bu~den, feeling carefully llirough the never reallaB(! I bnd bee n struck. And Ointment c ured blm e ntirely," (S ignlO re tltro.!} loo!h>cl". expecUng Ilac h moment to be fiung darkn csl! before advancln, a toot, be - and you carri e d rue all that way-" e d) Mra, Lawrence , Klehl. Feb. 1S. lumbago anci many lim\.. moved steadil Y fo rward. W bere t " 1- 1 can bardly comprehend- yet. for w;ard Inth the v.'atllr. But tlf\! Ser· lar dra ...backs .. hleh de191r. geant's mind was upon hIs work. and pd", yo u 01 lood health. gully deepened ' the Ir h eads wero a Please ell pla in agarn; ; tb"J are ba ck Cutlcura. Soap aod Ointment Bold every detail ot the Btru ggl Itl rt Its Guaranteed UJlder tI.. the edge cif the bll'1l k, but mucb ot tbe th~r6, watchIng for us stnt, be lie ving throughout the world, Sn.mple of each pure lood laws. Comway waB exposed, except fo r t h e dark WI' are In t b e coach; they will tollow /,plpr !lss ou hIs memory. He saw the tr ee, wltb S2·p. SkIn Book : Addres8 posed of gums, olt. and IIhadowlI of t h e ~Iope . ~ortu nat('ly our ~rall us soo n us It becomes day· dark sweep or t h e wllter, barely vispollt-card "Cutlcura. Dept. L. Boaton." ""."table ex tmctl. Ible In t h e g leam 01 those rew stars Aak YOut druwat. 11 h. there were clouds to tbe ; wl'lIt, ~ready light. Why- why', the s ky Is brIghte r Adv . c::&Dl\Ot,auppl, you , .end ua obsourl ng lbat hall ot tbe sky, but to o ver In Ihe east already, Isn't It ? unobscured by ('lOUd, nnd fe lt t h e 8lug· 60 ceam-to J tatttpt . toCe-tbH' ~o\v agai nst his leg8 as be moved . g lsb Admiring So\lcltlJdll. with hi. n:lme , and we wUl the eas t notblng was vis Ible against Wbat was It you au ld we must do t " .e.nd you prmDpI1" pre~td. " What do yo u thInk of our new battbe faint lumlnousneljs of tbo sky·llne . "G e t 'acro the riv e r; ouce hIdden The bottom was ' soft, yet his feet did liar", .1,. Ironle. MoooJ t1esh lp!" asked the Daval expert . bock if U.....rlafOlCrory, Once, fnr over thNo to tb e lert. 11 gun In t hose i:\·dunell o ve r there we'll not s luk deeply. a lthough It wall rath· e r difficult wading. However, tbe clay "Wonderful." r e plied t h e Illaln busl· TuttI.'. EIWr Co. was fired , the flame splitting the night be safe e nough," J.I - , 't., _ ac"FlS8 man; "o nl y it does seem~ n ~under. and agaIn t thl' d ls lllut re"AcrosB tbe river," s ho r epeated the gave him more confidence than sand underfoo t. and there Willi less deptb of shame to rlllk nnythlng 80 handsome . tlectlon a black figure rose up be- words ddl\ y, HHtlng u p to slar e out to- - - .-------r-water e.en tban be had antiCIpated, and ex pensive In a flgbt." . t.ween, onl y to be In8tantl y snutrect out ward the wale r. Then ber b ead san He WIlS wet only to the tblghs w ben agaIn . Hamlin pllt down hIs uplif ted into b er hands. "Can w~ be tolled up on to the low s pIt o f sand, Exceptlonl. foot, an d wai ted, lu len lie, motionless ever do that?" Hc - ~rllst stole n g oods a lways be e llence, but nothing happe ed , excellt Hnmlln ben t forwnrd on his knees. a nd put the gIrl down 0. lDoment to res to re d ? the ecbo of a far·away "olc . stri vIng wit h k ee n eyes, Bharpened by catch a fresb breat h and exa mine the Can quIckly be overcome Sb e-Certain Iy. A dozen reet fo.rther, Bome four· his nI ght's ex pe rI ence, to learn more broader stretcb of wa te r a h ea<s. They CARTER'S LmLE li e-A li r Igh t. Will yo u now take (ooted anlm'll Budd e letiped to the at what Ijl.y befo re them. Th e mOVe- could see botb s hores now. th at which UVER PJLLS. they hnd just le ft, a black. lumpIng, bac k the kiss 1 slole la st nIght? edge of the tla nk, sn !fed, and dlsap- llI ent; slight as It WIlS, 8erved to Purely vegetable "Tell Me, Ar. VCS" Hurt?" dim outlIne. E:xcept to r the lapping peared nol lleletlllly. So tau t were hIs frIghten ber, and ebe grasped him by -act surely and _ of t be water at their feet, all was Iy a weal! , nnd tb ..D this thlna: ha~ III.... WlnJllo ... ·• 8oothl"~ faT' CbIlI1... " nerves strung tbat the Sergeant sank the slee ve_ aently on the teeLbloJ(. &one". \o de pm.." retluC'e9 Innamm .... upon hJs knees, retea. g one band \.0 "Do not leave me; do not gp away." deathly s tilI. E ven the IndIan fire bad pene d. No m atter bow tron a man I. uoo,ILIIa,..p&lu.cUHa wlud colle,zo .. botUe..wr. liver_ Cure BiUoumess, g,lp hll revolver, be re he r eallzEld s be Im~lored IIwlttly. "Whate'fer you died out, and It was b ard to ~celve bie ne rv e goes back on him after a tbat savages we re hidd en behind that Headthe caulle of alal:m-llome prowling ,ray Is best, I .. 111 ,do." wbJle." _ T)! wotJd ad.!nlre8 any !{lan wbo ,at· ac,be. bla veil, and that tlley two welle' prairie woH, Then, wltb teeth grim• " [ know." ten~8 to hIs own bU8lne8s - n matter Diuiactually fl eeing for their lives. To tho l y locked, b ending !,ower and lower, "It wasn 't /UYg e lt,~ he went on dog· CHAPTER IX, neaa. and Indigestion. their dutv. girl it was like lIome dreadful deHrlqrn gedly, "but It was the knowledge ot Itow humble It may' be . be orept aeroes the rutted trail, and SHALL PILL. SJrlAlL DOSE. SMAU PlUCL of sleep. but the mlln felt the full .Dalt tbe ~ad body of the IndIan. Not having t,o take care of you. That was Mr... Austin', f"moul peftcakea ,makll a Acrosl the River" struggle. Tbere wal a star we ll down what me worry: that. and know- really deliciot.. wbolesome b~ldlll!t . Ad,;. Genuine mUlt bear Signature II then did he dare to breatbe nat· He dropped hIs hand UllOn hen, In the south he chORe to guide by, but urally or to stand uprlgbt ; but now, clasplug the cllnglng fingers tightly. Ing a IIlngle misste p. the slightest beyond that be mUlt trust to good tor- nols ll, w,ould bring tbase devllll on U8, Politics III a -good game, but • the ,"KUlly, henlling to ' the rlcht. d "Yes. we can make It," he answered t uue. Wltbout a word he lifted he r where I couldn't flgl\t, where thers mlgh ty poor bllsl nels. ~ ~.ny from danpr, e very .tel) gaili'ed ' IIdentiy. "Walt until 1 make sur' agaIn to bls IIhoulder. and pusbed on. adding, to their 8&fety. He WlllI confi- what Is out there." weB Just ·one tblng 1 could do." The water ran deeper, shelVing oft dent now, rull of his old audacIty, yet There was silence. her hand. 1'0 WO. . mnnIIHRIi11lii11IIi11l1nllfIIIllIDIlIDI~1 He had s light recollectton of the rapidly, untU It ~se well abov e hl& awake to every ' Ick of 'plalnscraft, stream at thls jllolnt, although he bad pressed to her face, her eyes IIxed OD Tbe girl's lJead reste d against bls crossed It orte n enougb at the kIlown wnlst. aoel with lIufllelent current 80 him. ".hen she questlonlld him soberly, e bou\der, and he b ent bls cbeek to fords, both above and below . Yet tbat be wu compelled to lean agalnllt " You mean, lQlI me?" U aceompanled with hKbehe. bers, feeUng Its warmth. Tbe toucb these crosslngll had always been ac· It to maintain balance. scarcely ven· " Sure," he answe~ Simply, withd_Iq-<l_ paIa, do aot . ." luring forward a root at a time. On af 1,111 unshaven be llrd prlilke d h er In· compllshed wIth a ~ol1!e under blm. out looki ng aruund; "I would have had toile. Natu.. _lllteacled tbaC _ _ .bould ~. . . . dWt Ito eeml·conlicloul!lnee8, and ehe' spoke and a knowle dge of where the traU he stumbled over some obstruction, to do It-Just as though you were Ii IMDIIU. bare ly averting a fall; be felt the olIO lot,td that It guo blm a tIlrll1 or ap- ran. Bllt be ' knew the IItream. Its pesister 01' mhle." swlrt clutch of her fingel'1l at his Itlr ellenlllon. ~O> ~ ro d not run III t h e Dr. Pierc•• Her h:a ndll reacbed out ond clasped anti throat, the QuIck adjustment of her darknellS for -fear or stumbling, yet hIs, and he glanced aside at ber tace. down a chick'. throat coree FAVPRIT~ PRESCRIPI'ION body, Ibut h e r lips gave no utterance gapeL A few 4ro~ In tile moved with greater IIwlftness, unUl lit clearly. ilrfn .... nc water cures and ot alarm. His gropIng fee t toucbed s eeing For tortJ _ b .. Im>YId _ t he <Seprellslon ende d at th e river. "1-1 Ithougbt you would," sbe sald, pre.entl chole.... diarrhoea tbe e dge of a hole, and be turned, facderfullF etIIeMDt _ • NIDIIb and otbercblck dl.e:uoes. Oue :Sere, und~r . Lb e protection of th e h e r voice trembllng.- "1-1 was golu. IiOc bottle m!llr:es L2 gaUo,,_ 01 l o r _ ' . U U _ b " I Lng the current. tracing his way care'bank, .. allillh put <Sown bill burde n to ask you nnce before I wBf hurt. medicIne At all drull.t.Ia. ruUy unUI he lound a passage on solid Sample 3nd booklet on T'»1&'nnd stood ereot, st~tohlng bls but- but I couldn't. and some how J eue.ot Fowl." leot FlU!lIl. , bottom . • bit of drIftwood swirled r. strained muscles a nd starIng back In · trusted you from the first. when you .ul1ll1u&uIU T_ hurbo. R~J Ce, LuI..-, I,J, down out pf th e n ight; a wate r·soaked ' ,to the dark , ,. got In.'' She besltated, and then 11mb, strlldng aga.lnst him be fore It Wbat now? Which WilY should they .OlIER IUY'S 'WEO asked: "How did you know I Will was even seen, bruised one arm, and turn' He bad accomplished till he had Molly lISf Dpnald? You never .aske d," POWDERS FOB CIILDIE. then dodged past like 0. wild tblng. iJllanned tor hlmsolf hack there In the Tbe Sergeant's eyes smiled. turnllli! ~ Reli~ Pentil,.""" Cool li_ leaving a 'glitter of toam behind. Tbe • tJOD.COld..... dcorrectdllOrdel'lof coach. but now he become aware of a way trom he r face to stare out acrOll1 tbe 1I0mub .... d bowel.. V,M b:7 sand·dunes grew darker, more dIs· other proble ms awaltthg 80lutlon. In MDI"~.flW t2 JI..,.,6. At a\l Dm.. tinct, the wate r b egan to grow shal · the rIver. leHII than an hour It would be day· 2l1c. Sample m.lted "RSB. "Because I bad eeen )''Our picture," • _ _•...... ..tIt. Ad"'A. .. ....... Y. low, the bottom changIng from mud to IIgbt; he almost ImagIned It. was light"My llicturc? , But you told us YOI1 san d. He sll pped QIld staggered In r. r al ready ovcV' yonder tn -'he east, th o uncertain footing, his breath com- we re from Fort Union?" 'Wlth the (\M!t d a wo thosc watcbful "Yes; that Is my station, only 1 had Ing In quicker gasps, yot wIth no cess'ndlans, ('reeplng cuutlously cl08er, been se nt to tbe cantonment on the ation of elrort. Once he fe lt tho dreadwou ld dIscover the stsge deserted, and ~THOMPaON·8,'t~~~~= ed Buck about hIs IInkIes, and broke Clwarron with dispatches. 'Your fllt would bl! on th ei r troll. And they b ad tbe was In command there, lind wor ~E'E !'r...t~r.~,.: Into a reckles8 ,un, splasblng straight l e rt a t,'llll eas il y followed. P e rhaps rl ed halt to death about you. He could ~~~!::=~::=====::::=:::~~J~O~H.N ~~ L. TI'O",N.~, forward, falling at the water's edge. tbe hard , dry .t round mlgbt confusc not ' leave the post, snd the only offieeJ yet not before the girl was res ting tilose savage trackers, but they woul j,. r em'lilnlng there wltb blm was a dis. safely on the BOlt sand. scour th e open co unlry betw"eD blulJ, Tou know what you 8clt or bu,. ,lhrour;1t the, _ale" haa aiMI11t abled cavalry captain. ~ery mall.. l1e Strong as Hamlin was, bls muscl es could ti'Ust wao out on 8coutlng serl'o one chance In flfty to qcllPO BA1.E BTABLID DISTEMPER. an d river, and flnd t h e de ad warrior In · "SPO({N'S" 18 your true orection, your 'iOnlv 8&teiJuard: tor trained by strenuous out-door lire , he !be gully. That would t ell tbe story. Ice . Ho took a chance on me. May.,. ns 8ure . . you treat all ur horses wIth It. YOU will BOOO be rid of the dhreaae. It CUI aa a _ure preventive no matTo go wcst, along tbe edge of the Her Figure Trembled In HI. Arm. lay there for a moment utterly h e lp- 'be IIkecl my looks. I don't know; mOR ter hOW they 0.1'0 "expollt.'()." IiO cena. and ,l • bottle; " less , more exhausted from the n ervous probably. be judged I wouldn't be 1\ river, ,,'adlng In t he wnter, would be and Her Eye. Opened, and '10 do.en bottl... at all good cSrURleU. honl Iloo4II strain Indeed. tban the physical e~~r. scrge8Il t and: entrusted with tbose dht us el ess I'n'cB utlon ; s uch 11 trick would hOU."B, or d"Uvere(l 'by tbe manufacturers. be 8ua p.:,,,,ted ,It onCI), and there wns c ullnrttle s lind dangers. It was not Uon. He had realized fuJly the et\. patcbes I'd just brought In. It I wun" lPOH,! IIE.DIIW. CO. C..... and Baat.,IOIOll't' !101MB, IND.. U. LA. GO llosslbi ll t, of r tscu e from tbat dl· the vol ~e of water, nor Ita deptb b e perate .nature ot that passage, e~pect. conslde:red Irul.'twortby. Anybow l · ha~ redio n- Tb ey might a8 -~ell walk teared, ·r6r wide as It appeared stretch· Ing every step to be engulte<S. and the .pltrely rallen asleep when tbe orderl, o~en-oyed In to a trap. Thero was but Ing from bank to bank. he reallze<S Its reaction, the knowledge that they had ailed 'me, and that waa what wa.:; QQe hope. on ll opportunity-to cross shallow slugglsbness, The pel'll lay actually attaIned tbe ahore Bafoln left wanted--that 1 ride north and heM are olferlng lor oale their fLne Improved. IRlgated farms 10 the PlalnYfew dlatllat OIl eapec1~\l1 attractive lerma. If you aro wanting a bome where you can malro a . full lIle stream before dawn oume and In Quicksand, or the plunging Into him weak all a child, hardly able, to you ofr." crvp eVllry year In the finest oUmata In tha . world, rloh .011 and I!ure WIW, bldr. amonS-.· thos e shifting sand·dunes some unsecn hole, where the Budden comllre hend the tact. Tbe girl was "But you were not obliged to go!" of l he opposi te shore. Handln thor· swIrl of water might pull them under. upon her teet firat, alarmed and so"No; J was not under your father'. ch blm orders. J doubt It J would have corJ <:lugbly understood th'e rlall: ·'Iovolved. Alone be would have rlelled It reck. IIclloulI, bending down to wIth her hand. ' the treacherous nature of the Arksn· lestily, but w1th ber adiled weight In sented '1 1 hadn't bee .aho ..... yO\ll "Sergeant, you are not burtT" abe picture. 1 couldn't Ye" well refuse 8118. t he possIbility tbat bot11 'Ullgflt be hJs arms, he reaJllPled bow a Single "Tell me YOU are not then." (lu ~ ked down by engulfing QulCksllnd, talse step would be fatal,- Tbe farther Questioned. .., YE'l e"en ~ uch ~ londly death was Dr&- shore was Invisible ; he could per, burt 1" (TO Bm co1\f.tnromn.) re ralJle to Indilio tortnre. celve notlling but the slight gleam of "Ob, no," dragging hlmsel! up the Tb e girl at Ms feet sUrred sn<S water lapping tbe sa nd at hIs feet. liS bank, ret panting u he endeavored Dally ThO~lht. mn ane d. In annthl1r moment he bad It flow ed s lowly, noiselessly pallt, and to spOlLk cheerfully. "Only that WII.B We, lby our suft'erlng. learnJto fill ed hili bal with water (rom tbe rlv· boyond, tbe dim outline of ~ narrow a rather bard pull, tbe.,'ast ot It. and I our bllsB.-DrYden.


Does Backache Worry YOU?

l. .



Family Elixir


The Wretchedness of Constipatiqn




, !

,oo --.-ta..







Th, TliaS Land I O.,eloptftenl Camlan,


= ====:============================ uow be expects to be able to do really I. SllccellS. With sue,b a good made. 80 with thIa simple Paslport



Bomo real \\'ork. He has taken up the Youth of ElgMy Yea,.. of Age Hopu "Il tudy of crImInology and hopes. bes aye. wltbl~ the next f,e w yean to to Demonlttata HIli Value Before , the World, ' make some contrlbutlonll worth "We on tbe, JiubJe~t , That Ie thi, 80rt of "plrlt of youtb to make a man envIous, But why not? At Is Jut J}el:~,lD. bit or WJlllIQltn

foundation to build on, why ' houldn't be start In to do somethlng Qt real value? Blealled are the youtlC In beart,KanMs City Star.

be could 'mJJ!fle with anr IOclet7. and enter courta QIld paluu from hi. little cottage on ,tIle banb .~ tN.n You the meantDi OC U. > ""'~ "g~ntl~man. . .Ii;. meana a :ieotie'OoDia, - lit man dOea wltl;

lull",.,. -




"THE, CLIMATE OF WESTERN CANADA." AN IMPORTA NT F ACT OR IN OAN. ADA' S IMMIGRAT ION. A W te r d a t "d Fe brua ry 2, 1913, pub· IIs h ed In a " Pl,op lo's VoIce" colu m n In R Swed l3 h pa lJe r, w bll e deulln g wi th oth · r cond it iODR In Can a ds , suc h a8 g rll in ylr- ld , socia l 'oudltlons, etc .• , ElBY~ : "W f'l h ave h /ul !lll e wcat h er u n· III New Yr'a r 's, w bt:' l1 soma su o w fell , li nd It was cold fur I/. fe w d ays , bu t cl urlnt; Iho pllet ff)w da ys w,' h a~' n lov e ly wcal h e r llgaln ." T ho wril er, I wllo 1I 1" s n car Uavid Ron , Sa sk ., says t h ey go Crom:1 0 to 3[, bush els of wh eut per nrr E', GO bus hl.'ls or onts and a bout ~ (). bu s b el B or f1nx. All h o m es te a ds nr e : t a k e n In the \'\t' iulty , but w il t! lund : c an be bou ght a t r ea so n n ble !lgUrll5 . I Wor d from Al bcrta g lvcs t h e Illlor- 1 m a tl on t bnt U[1 to th e 22 nd o f F e b ru ary I t h ~ re "r' re elr- il t y·four a nd a qU llr ter h il urs of b r igh t sUlls h lne , bu t that d id not co rne u p t o t h e c orres poudlng month or 19 12 , \l'h n th o mc te orolog!cn l d l' pa r l me nt r eg ist e r ed 120 bours for th e 29 dll Ys. F cbrua ry was excepti on a lly fi n e all throug b, b ut 1 9 J ~ w CDt o nn be lte r, nnd wus 1\ g lor io ll S n lOn t h . Howev e r, takI n~ tbe wca th e r ge ne r a ll y tbrou ghout t h nort h e rn h (' m ls ph er e, F e bruary bas b ee n marl\ed b y 8i'rlou s and sever e d ls t urba u C'es f es u ltln g In h e avy storm s , ba d weath e r n nd low t elllpe ratur es In man y o tll er pa rIs . T he e o l d ~s l t e mpe rature lills weA k occurred 0 0 Tues day morn In g , w b e n the t h er mom e t f' r r egis te r d 23 .5 beloW, a nd tb e colllf'l! t Wed n esd a y wns 11 be lo w. Duri ng t b e last fortn lgb t of Fr> brunl' Y Hand 8.7 hours of brigh t suns hine spre all Its g lo r iou s J'ays O\'e r Edmo nto n, llllli t h is ou t of a possl blO tornl 01 11 bOUl tl' n bours Is s om ethin g t o tld k ubo ut .-Ad ve rtls em?!lt..


From 40 to 50 Woman' & Critical Period. Such warn ing "ymptolTl ~ 2~ !-.t ·! l;'<; (.f suffoca tio n , hot £l J.?lle:-, s~ \'e l:e h ead ache'-, 1I1 l~ n choli 21,. dn::td of .impend ing c~, tl,. palpi t atIOn of th e h l!3l't , I rrcgu bn t y, con.-.. tl patlOl1 and d ".ztIl css a re promp tly t reated hy ililt-lltgcn t wumen who a rc approachi ng the peri(1cl of I ifl'. T hi s is the m ost cri tical p 'riud (/ worn . n's life and she who neglec ts th e c are of h t.:r h ea't h ' t th is t ime in vites in. cll l~blt: d isease and p ain. W hy no! be g u id ed by the expCrl en ce of thc rs a nd ta k e L ycl i; E. Pin k ha m '5 V egetable Compound ? It is an in di!, p u talJk Ltct that this g rand old rCI.n cdy. h as hc:lpcd thouS:ln u ' ot WO I1H.:n to pass throu gh th IS try mg pe n ou \\' Ith com for t and !,a fl't\' . Tho u sands of g e n u ine an d h o nes t tc st im o n iaJ ~ ~ lI pport thi s fac t.





11 l(~

ban k s of th

rI ve r

n (;IlI' ou r (".I\ mp wer o g re nt Vl al u", scparate d from t h l' r iv ,. Itst'lf b y a b 'lt of d Oll se bus b m ixed with 10ll g !! rallS, s tolid · ing any h e l!!h t u p to fir· Il''! !! f f'l' L J'ulnts 111 ark· c d t h f' l'ou r Fe lit' I h I! 1'1 I '· 1'1' T h ey W'·r,· of n k lT,d Wh ic h Is of RTt'n lll1' ~.';rlh louH ' "":lY UI> llI all at tb o 'rb ., ~u Vll lmH grow fru it \", (f um . "hlch loo k lik e CO(' I)lln ll ts , Im t a re Tl 'nlly o'er y <I IITl' renl. lJurl l1 !-.' th o UIl · r ip" Nl lI:W tb, n n tl \'l' ~ obtalll the m lor Ih o w/it ... r c'mIUJI !! '~ ,1 In I l1 r l) II t tl I} )InrI;' "n" in t h. I1lltldh' . Ln le r o n, will " 1.1\ 1 rip, ', t hpy I>re~ 'nt Ill' irre· RIRtlbl ,' ftlRcl ll nli o ll fo r th,: f' 11'[lhllll t. wbl) feC! ti s larj;"uly 011 t hn nl, s wallo w· In!; t h '\ln rdrll oRt w h olt', MOllf'R anrl all. T hf' v a r e l hl' n of an o rnll!-.'f' y e l· law wI t hin, th f' Ott tl'l' layc r II In g of n I pul[lY c on81f1 t n ey wi h a On..-nr like pln ollppl e . Th n n tl\'P3 al so li r A v e r r fon ci of b em . Uut t h t.'y nre sa Id Ir) mal C II while nJ/111 sic k . nn d fr o m wb nt I h a ve Sl'A n .. l his a ppea rs to hI'! . tr ue. .Tbis en mp wa f, In u m n!! ll ifi r e n t b " lt of [lnl m I rN'S. Th e vla ln a wh ic h borde r t h e rh'fl r " re ul\ ua ll y we ll sluc ked with gam e. ancl 11llndreds of HulTo n's Kob ~ freq ue nUy be s ee n .. l o ne t ime. TIII ~ is Il ba ndsom e nn ' l elope of a br il lian t red color, CArry In g u IDugiHh coa t ( for Africa). a nd s lro n g. mllch·a nnu late d horn s , gro w. In g Iyro-sbaped , 10 n .len gt h of t wenty inMros . T h p.stl I' l llin ~ li r e rQ vp r d rlur· In g tlte wet 81'a 8011 w It h hl ~ lJ grasb, wh ic h grad unlJy g t a hornl ofT. le a v. Ing Ih o pln in bare, bltlO lt and pa rch· pd. T h e \(ob a r t' mit on th o oP'!O pa rl ~ m os ll y t ill t II o'clod: n nel after three. \\' h C' o " Iarm ('d th,'), nm 10 til I! rn ~~ or t o bUHb olllltry. I li S"" t o eta r'k t !tOOl (or hO\lrn, arm e d w it h a t ele pbo to camer a , lind t ho a n nex.'<1 h e r d of m in e III a fa irl y typi ca l ex· ample o f n s mall h f' rtJ. Tb buck IS !l r'e n s hmd illt; 011 {h e left, th e dOl'S be ing ve ry muc h mor e o n th n nl er t. T he Intl e r h av p n o horn s. T got. t b l!! ph o toJ.!raph w ith n lot or t ro ubl e, 6t.a lkln g bei ng ou t 01' t h e Qile ation . I me r ely walk ed nlo ngglde of t he b ~l rd 9 , e dg In g In ve ry graduall y. As 1h e afternoon a d va nced . th ey seemed 10 gpt mo re acc llPtom ed t o m e , and V\ft;I1t I<l_ s Uwd a n d'>Rlnrn fo r II. 1lt t!c 10ll ger ea c h tim e . 'I'hls rob o tog rapli W IiA taken at nbo n t on e h und re d a nrl ~ f' v e nty yard s , and th e la rge r h e rd ::. t t ",0 h u nd r e d yn rd s . 011 oll e occapio n I nelll'ly got !! pho to g ra p h of a lion. 1 was roHowlng a lo n g t ho edg p, of a Ill t of r a lsell g round , rr om w h le b [ ,.,.o t a goo d Yie w o vpr t h e plaIn, wh en J ca me oc r OS!1 II s Ing le fe m a le kob , h row 81ng cou· l.e nt f' dly be s ide n s mall dit c h co n ta in· ltig wate r. All at once Bh e b came nlll.rmEld. Rnd pre se ntl y m ade o ff . J was at a loss to kn o w What h4ld scar.~ d 11e r. a s It w as Im possIble s b e could hlt " c go t my w ind. How eve r , on lotlt· Ing over th e . e dge a IItUe hi gh e r up, I taw a lioness on ly. one hundred y'uds oft. j u s t b elow m il. s tnlklns 1I1ou g t.he edge of t h e blgh grass. Unfortunately, s he saw mt> as 1 waB try ing to ' take h e r pbotograph. and Te tlred Int o t he lon g gra ss , w h ore shl3 He? harmonize d wIth / the s lIrroundlng , ~olar that J cou ld sec n othin g of her a t all. All J could make out was w llat 'I ooked -I\ke Rome little black blrdll lumping abou t just wb er e the liones s (Jugbt to ha l' e been. 1'aklng !Jie ~laBseiI ; ho'lll~ver, r at oncn sa~ that wbat., t · h a d taken for bird!; we r e 1be bllll''!' 'tl l>S Ul ber ears I,(pd theb ill('k' ' ll.-f~ OJ! ber tall. . So J got II ~ t ... .. f. ~\i 't ·"Ith the .&60 rille at an 11n·IJrl;,Ii;rj( 4iMt it 'foot below the e ar., .a nd ~c(J~~4' f~¥.~., judglllft by t h e s ound, ,but nOW!1S.' ~ove4 for ap me time, un· ,:~-tll .r , ~lit" a ,' -'9n cl'eepl!!~ away ,. Ut..

~ \.~ ~

::" ;-


wry nC I'\'OtL~ a nd t be hot flash es \I ere ve ry b [~d. I had tried otoer r <:' m ed ies and 11 0ct.o l'~, l 'lIt d id lIot inJj ll'OV ' unl il } hcglm taking Ly di&. E . P inkha m's VcgcL'\b lc Compl)u nd . It b aH now h(,I,1t som etime :;inc6 I took the CompOlllld and I h <LV11 had Ill) rrtu l'll of my old com plaintA. I nlwaYR praise y our ]'ell\~di l!'" t il we al, \~ ow e ll. " - ?li rs, H1::!iBY REA nLlN. R. F . D . ~ o . U, Cadil, OlliL•. From lU r s. EDWAHD B. H I LBE R T, F le'e h f oud. Pa. Fleet woml. P a .-" J)u rinir th e' 11, n [~\~ of LiSe I wa.s h a rdly able to be a round a t nIl. I al "';'Irs il ud a lleatl fl(~ b c ; ~ nd I "IL'i liD d iu y alld nervolL'I thn.t I h ad no r !;t :J.t n i:;hl Tho tb s lll;" of heat wrre so bad sometime'S tbat I did Dot lw o w wh; ,t t o do. .. Ono Clay 'a frie nd mh' i:;cll ru n t tl t,..'tko l.y<l i:1 E. Pi nklla m's Veguo t.a ble ('Olll j>O Wlrl and it n mde lu n U Rtro n g-, wt' ll \\ Oll1l1 n. I a.m .. e ry tha nkiul t llll.t I follo werll llY fl' i (' lltl '~ ndvicc,ulI(ll Shlll1 recollme nt.! i t a;; long n,s I li ve. Befo re I tflllk t1w Compou lld I was a t ways sickly and now I h :1YC n ot hau 1l1 <'l1it:i IlC fmrn a d octor for years, Yuu may publish my Icttc r,"-Mrs. E IlWA IW 1:. 1l1 I.lH."TIT, F leet wood, Pa. F rom Ill1'6. F. I' . ~IU LLEN nOH. .~ . l\lull fortl, A l n . Munford, Ab.- " I was so \Y~:J.k and III' r\'Otls w l!i1o passing throug h. the C11 a ugc of Lifo t hat I ('ould hnnlly live. :M y husband had t o mill rubbel' on a ll tile gates for 1 c:onld not sLa w) t o h ave a ga Le slam, II I a lso harl backach e a llrl a. fn ll nt!ilt'l in lily Il t ornllcl! , I noticed tha.t Lydia E. Pinkha m'!! Vege ta h le Co l1l l~ll ll l( l \Va,.. advertised for s u ch cases llm i I Relit and gl.t II bO Ltle. Ii did m e so much good thn t I li Cj.JLon t n.ldll!; it a mL fOWld it to be all you c lu.illl . I rccmn mollLl i t to all wome n afflicted as I \l'a ~ ." - _\l rs. F . J'. 1YI 1JLI. "N-

Po ss ibly T wo Co nflag r ations . " ['u pn , wll:l Is a con !l a g ra tl o n ?" . I jij n !J Ig fir l:', my aOIl."

l ie fu rtb c r on: but It WAS go ne be· I could sboot. It was growing latt! , so we had l o go a t on e and s ee Wbllt had IHl[l penod. Th is wa s by no m eau s 11 pka s nn t j nb , a ~ tb e g ra BS was \, f' r y h igh lind on e coul d no t so;:e a yard allp od. I Be n t a Ul a n u p II t rp c lo look , b ut b tl C!ould 8(' 0 noth In g , so I advan ced wi t h t wo men c lose to me. th rowIn g In alo ll ('S ll lld ~ li c k R. Gell ing no r esponae, I tho ught t ha t t h e 1I0u I h a d scen di sa tlpea rln g wa s 0 10 o n e I b a d s bot at und t h at It b ad got aw a y wound e ll . By thI s ti m e we b ad got to the gl',):la itRe lf. a n d nft e r a trial s ho we r of m l 8 s ll ~ , In we wen t, ho p· ipS t ho b r ute would not bou nce out al 116 f rom t wo ya rd e Bway. On e of t he coa s t po r te rs wbo m r h ad w ith m e s how e d h imse lf a ve r y pl uc ky fe ll o w. Tho ugh unarmed , il e \VIIS a ll fo r ' going In In fro n t o r tnP.. W e cume Quite 6uddenly on th e \i ou· ess o lll y a bo ut s Ix tee t away, luck il y s tone rl enel . Th p. bull e t. h a d caught h e r In t il" n eck , and It mu st h ave bcen h pr lorel a nd mas te r \\'h om we s nw s li nki ng a way. The lIo ne8s w aR u fi ne y ellow o n e In good cond ltlo1l . Th o port.'rs a t o the wh ole o f th e m e at . n ot on ly becalls o tb py believed

I fo re


F r om }I r s. HENRY RE A VJ LIN . Clldlz, Ohi o.

F o rt \\-Ilrt h, T XlUl. - " I h a vo tallL- lI LyJ i,\ }~. Pinkham's V~geta.o ble ('o m pnun rl llntl d e riyed gl'f'nt l H!IIPti t frum it :; lI:e. I t carri ed me safely t h m ug ll t ho Cha ngo of Li fl) wh cu I W itS in bud hpfl.lth. I had that a ll gon(, feeling most o f the li mp, anrl bCl1dal'!w eOIlKttLnLly, I was



- - -Most of Us, It Would Seem, Find a Certain Faacinatlon In Gazing Into Them . !lea elln g lIom o book!! Is lik e loo k ing into peo pl 's hou ses In t h e eve nIn g at te r t h e li g hts ur e turn ed o n nnd befor 'th ~ »had e s a r c pu lled down , d eclares a well·know n writer. 1'0 so m e of us, ' loo kIn g Inl o p eople's ho uses is mo r e in ter e sting a n d even m o r c e x.c lt lng tha n th e t hea te r . Wb en the d arlw ess m alr~s nl1 t hi ngs o llt ~ l d e loneso m e a ud stra nge we like to take o ue lImall, I)ollte lo ok In lo a s ltting' room w b e r e th e r e Is n J1rt'l a nd a Tea;ling ta ble a nd ' a famil y, or In l.O a dini n g -roo m , wh t! re anot lre r famil y Is eali ng suppe r , nnd wh er e we can see the c;u ps a nd pla t e s mar('1I1n g In d usty array around l b e roo m o n a plate rail. USWl.lly we see o uly plain tolk doing the mos t ord Inary thi n gs , and ' stili we like to look at th e m and Ilk t d th b ks that ma k e UB e a tl"! h a b' e 00 looking oug we w e re . fee l u.s Of COUTse, It \s not at all fair to ac· cuse Dicke n s of sncaklng around and peering In at partles and firesid e can· vers ut!ons, and nobod y Is goIng to be· lIe ve that Lon g fellow IIpied upon his n~lghbors. or that WhIttier waB eavesdropping when h e wrote S n owbound. or that Bu r n s was watcblng tbe cot· t er's cottage t1u~t Saturday night or t bat Riley sawall he has told U 6 about by lookIng througb bls t(llkll' parlor or ldtchen windom. But when we read the thlnge theae men ' wrote we feel as thou«l\ we oUnI'3lvOll bad been s tealing gUmpsllB Into otber ~ ple's houlles.

"An,1 "lin l do th e y call a li ttl e lIr e ?" "T here Is IIU special nam e tor a ·lIt· t Ie fi rf' . Oil . t h ey so m e tim es call it a n Inc lpie llt fire und - Iet 's seo-well, II Is sOlll (; t iml't; c a ll e d au Incon s ltl cra· !l Ifo fi r e. \"' by? " " Well , I eee you r eoat· Lail Is o n fire . I ha t it 1I' 0 u id ma k,' th e m "- Pr. ' s lr o n ~ e nd I WIlS wond er In g w h e the r It wa s IlUt a lso bf'(' a uBu th ey liked l b e e. conllll grnli o n or an IncIpie nt fire. " fla ~ o r . In a rEI\' m i nu te s the young mun had There we re a good man y bJpPO& r e hson 10 think it wa s a conflngra · n ('a r t b is ·/l mp . Jr o ne we n t dow n to tl on. t he ri\'e r <luri ng the heat o f tb e da y. one mi !iht w ai t ror ho urs , but no sib'll Scissors f'or MemorIal Wre at hs , or ,In\' I) ul' h C're:llu r ll wo ul d ap pe!).!' Tb e 1J0lice of Berli n ap'p ll ed t h e Rll t t~wnrdll e\,en in g tb py w e re to be c en so rsh ip of t h e sciss or s to a r ecen t see n and b f'a r d all t h e tI m e. I thi nk d emonslra tlon at the ce m e tery whe r e a blppo mu s t be a bl<~ t o stay for hour" are burled th e sociallsls and anarch· un d er wate r . though h e may ge t is ts who {e ll in t he r evol uti on in Be r· b r eath un 8er:n by \lu lling up t b e tip lin Mnrch 18 , 1848. H undr eds or vl s l· o nl y of hI s no se u nde'r cov e r o f s ome· t o f'll brought w reaths, t h e s ocialists r od tbl ng . an d the an a l'Cblsts bla ck , to lay on the T he nativ e!! rllr ely Hu\:c eed In k ill · graves . The polic e, w lt b 8cls sors, i n g tb ~ n; . W hen Ih ey ri o. It Is g ener- Btood at t h e e ntra nc e to the c e me tery. al ly b:.r m o unll ght whcn t lill bi os E ver y w r e nth was s ubmi tte d to the m, conlf' out of tb e wate r a ud r.:>alll aD d l h e sentim e n ts on t b e ri b bo ns had abo ut on lan d. T he ua tl ve h unl l. T to u nde r!>'v the ce n sorsblp o f t he aela· co ncen ls h iDl Re lf b eside on e ot tbe tiors. we ll·worn t ra cks and sh oo ts t be poor a nimal at a r a nge of a bout t wo ya r ds. H er We a pon Gone. It Is lu cky t h at t b e nativ e s h a " e no lJ(-" 'itl- I h l"ar th a t your w ire lias be t1 c r guus. as ill th e d ry Beason t bl' 10l; t ber "o le~ . r Iv er Is 80 Rhallow in parts t bat ""h .. n ,le ",ell --Ye5 ; sh e Is Il. n on-com bat · t h ey (th p hi l>poa) sink o n e ca ll EN Dnl n ow . their e ve r y m ov em c n t u nde r wa ter. Marabollt sto rks an d vull ures we ~ lli. PIt'!'C,·', Plcn.oDt Pellets ft l'1l t r ut UI' In I!r E'ut n um bnrs. an d b e took t be m· 40 yea r s ug'n. TIt ... y r e[{UlllLe Bod lu \' lgurBle Rein's regu lar ly to t be r i'l"e r a t m id· awu,",,,b, \i,'.r .. nd bowel. . 8ul:"r'COft IOO & 5' g nlCulos. All v. da y. It Is very t~u e t hat ma n y o f us pre· fpr r eading 80m tbing th r illing, an o fascinatin g a bout ve ry rrts h iolla blc B(}cie n ' , or 'V"'l r y Bob e mlan artis ts , o r a ve ry wild we ~t, o r so m e th ing ve r y trOU ble some a bou t proble ms , or V"ry sen tl m eutal abou l Haul s o r states .()t min d . T h e ile th in gs a re so ,'ery dlf· fe rent trom an ytb lng tb at anybod y r na.lI ), knows that th ey 6e~ m to be IL Il ea ge r ly r e arl a s eas ily wrtU ... n . BUl t hos e o r \I S wbo r end t h ese things can c ever kn ow th e !TeCullllT, 8a ti ~fie<l a nd C'o mfortablc ('nj oy m e nt t ha t tho books wIiich a r r like lookln ~ Int o pro· p lf"8 w ind ows gi vp th e res t. of U6.

Mu aaulmane of the World .

Aust in ', fn m otl ~ pancak"" make " ftally deliciolls wholCtlome brcu l; fu st . Adv , Anywa y, tb e algn n e \'e r a fo r ge'!.

ot old

ag ~




awa)f from th em Into t he garden. " s ldone'8 throw," tD pray for 8t rength. H e re Jesus came to a_kel:. them thrM times, And h ere amid the fla ilh ot :tDrehe8 was he taken. This rocky v. tilt : ~tood tbere and heard and "'.. thoae but it \8 mute.-Chrl8·

w. L.-D OU,G L AS '3&..Q. S3.60


~ AND $6&.Q . SHOES


' 2.00. ' 2.60 and IIl.CJ(J.

Tho larae at make n of Men'. $3.50 and $4,00 . hoe. in th e 'World, A ak y uur d e ale r to abow you

w. L. Jlou~l aa .a,GO, ".00 a.,,1 114.50 .hoo•. Jult ... 11'0 0.1 In . ',yiCl. lit a nd w e ar '" otho r Ju ak",. j!" atln g .Ii,OO - the oal,. dlf'e r " n "" I ~ .he prh-o . IS h oe.






AVe1tdable Preparation ror As · similaling IheYoodandRegula · I~ S101NlOO5 and Bowels of

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to 87.00 ..II

l e.then, II tY'C8 a lld . " ,,' "'" ' " If )'00 could ,,1 . 11 W. I . n, ri_ .t B rockton, 1\1 . .. .. . n c.l MJu


bow c aftlftdJ,. w. L . Dou~ lnli .. . ,0.,8 1'1'0 'D a da, )'ou 'Would the n nnderatatHI w b y they ar., wur rant od to ftt better, Jook bet te r, h u l tJ t1u!i r . h a llc aDd WOD r 10De8.. than any ut b el' make ' or t h e

Ird~P.cT,=':b: ·f:~';~a~~"!!I~e~'~c '~u13t1rl'~~~,~tI~~:~}'ter ~:r~ \!'~~ne:~.o r~~Ir::~\',: .*':.~'~L~~C:-:d l.Iy (~""'Io.. It w1' 1 abo w yo u how to order 111 tllAU , and wb, Joo ean aaT'e mOM, on , our foc>twe.:u-.

W . L. DUlJaL"' • • • lIrGf'lLlftD ........

Saskac t hewan\ -

d o~19 .:'OlJd"r

~J m

The KInd . ie I!eople iu

" If t he y do , t b l'Y mu s t

b nve


be moon·





1 1U"'::~t!S ~


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Your Opportunity


In the Pro vince ot


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For Infante and Children.

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~S..J ·

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.-14"" s..tI •

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~-"'-I'-"'. ~-' __ Aperfcd Remedy ror<;onstlpa. lion . Sour Stomach,DlarrhOea.


LYDIA LPIN Kn AM MEDICl IruCO. . . . . . (CO NFIDEN'I'1A1;) LY NN, M.AS8. t forad vice • Your lette r will be oJ)(' ued. read IJ.nd answer ed b,. a woman and held in strict c onfl d cucc.

dog s."


T urk ish p e riod icals pub\l Hh ~ taUs · t ics of t h n Muss ulman populaUoll of t tie world , a no! , a ltbough It is d i ffi cult f to fO\l.OW a b solut.ely th'e statist ics .8 cou ntry wh er e r ecords are s o 1m. pe r(e ('Uy k e pt , th e a pproximate r~ 1t tollow s' Sll B lire as , . . . 'r he Ott o man EDl plre coolJlln s 24" 000,000 p ereo c s, of wbom 6,OOO,OOOl\vo In E uropl" a nd 18,000,000 ill AsI a . Bu t ot tb ese no t more than one-bait protesa tb e fa ith of Mahome t . Th e Ru s s ian e mpire bsa quite a p roporti on of th e follo wers of Ms · horn et, numberin g s e veral millions. IlJ India th e r e n re 80me 60,000.000 MU-ll' SUlma rlB, wbile P ernla, Afghanistan . Arabia and othe r Inde p end ent conn· tr ies In As ia ba Vl! about 20,000,000 more. The Dutch colony at Java, with Born eo , the Pblllppines a nd otbe r a djacen t Islands, conlJlin 'everal mil· lion b esides. All th e nortbern an4 c entral part of AfrIca reats firm In the faltb or the prophet.- Harper's Weekly.

~Wrlte to

Tbe old· fashlon ed mo t b er a nt! b e r s lip per hav'9 Qua lltl ed m an y u m \ln to r tbe p r es ide ntial ch a ll'--evon If h e didn 't Ian!!. ~I ,..".

A la.

DOR E, Muuford,

Worfus ,Convulsions .feverishne&'s.and Loss OF SLEEP.

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at! u r e m edy tor mucoult m embran e at. ttJcUons , l uch 8S lIore throat. nasal OJ' ) c J"'ic ca1arrh, Inllam{Qntlon or ulceration, caused by fe male Ills! Women wb o h ave been cured say "It Is wort1a ite weig h t In gold." Dls80lv e In· 'II'&ter and I14>Pl y 10~l y, For ten yean the ~ L yd ia .E . Pinkham Me dlclne ball • reoom m e nd ed In;

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:~<.{UnitedSeparators States Cream II,,~~anl~~~g~~l~~,/:;~~~~'H:;II';I~wl:,lI;~ l!r;I;~~e'i:r~(~~~:;~~~ h";;~~:: \\j) ::;:;:

:;:;:: :::::: ......











they s t ill tell TIl aJlY a sto ry abou t th. · :::;:; pod of the Sim·us. ;:;::: T he re is on, ~ It ry ('O Ill'I'rllin g a :::;:: "p<X'ts' cornrr" that Miller 1"11 11 in thr Hl'g is ter. '.r'tll~ chief c'llntrihllt 'Jr 10 th e> "pod:;' l'ol"lld' Wl\S l\ ),tHIIIg...... girl o f Rixt l',·n. Of r"lIr~ I'. {iii" . '. yOllng girl Iwn'l" ...·cc in·d illl." , h. ·.·"" frolll t il(' rditor I'tlr her vupi' \ 1', ' 1'" •. " on d.:ud (·anal·i.·s UII .! HIH'h like t"p i, ·". O ne tluy M ill e r found ill h i ~ Illail t ill'





i'·. :::• ~~} •..... ::::::

}. ~;.: l~.~



fol.I(~~~,il~~g ;,;~:;;,i)~.': :

$25.00 and up

I 11I1I' l' uXtl,:ntl y fOlilld nut .""11 hal'" h""n prilll i l1 .~ lUI' dIlUghti'I"R pOIl Il''': f rll' 11I' lIlI h" ; 111'\ IlHlJI lh s wililtHiI I'Hyi ll )! 1lt'1' II (',·n1. :-i ,,\\' I klllll\' :l Ih illg 01' Iw() if ~lI ..;il· d OIl't ; Ihl'I'I ' i~ 11 0 g- rl't'll ill Ill y <'.1" '. 111111 if Yilt! d"II'I 1':1,1' tIl' fol' tilt' whl)k I.i t awl ( ' I' ~ \\, of I' U II Il'~ al ll llt'l. I'll hal'(' tli. · llll\" " 11 YIll! I'"I' ~" nll.!bl (torll .\' pi,·ki ll ).:" lht' bl'l\in~ oj' U II in11 0('1' 111 gi r l. \11 I'ri zl: till wutdw:\ nn !" hl'a.';:; rill !!" wa llt ed, ('uHh lI llly, ur iut o jail .1"'11 .~ " . "


Before buying call on

Grant & Frazer


:~.r:~. ;.;:.



:\rI'9. AlI\' u UI'- J \ nlllie, I ' m sure .;..:- Mrs. KIIII'l el' 1I',)u lcl likp to IWlll' .VO ll ~::.~:: sill g" " " '11('1\ the ~\I"nlloll' s II l' III \':::::: \\,urdr-" :.: :-: ~ lrB. Kuwl ' r (h ast ily r ising):::::: Y es, illlh'ru: I should b e uelightC'l1. :::::: I'll l'onw over ~() l ll e day jUl! t on pnr-

--OR-'; •.•~

:> E. R. MILLER, Centerville, Ohio :::::::::: got pose . \\'1,11, I mu st be going . I'v e to l'ollk n meu l for the IlIilliFh'r. :::::: Jf c's corn i ng--c r-tolllorrow aItel'.:..:. ...... UOOIl.

Distributor for Warren, Greene and Montgomery Counties.


:.::.: ::::::

~h:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::i:::::::::/} Man'a Pe"onallty HII Own. "A man'lI personality." writes J. W. Soott of tbe University of Glaagow, ''Is a tbiDg wllicb needs to be made. Re doee not bring It full·edged Into the world with him. Strange as it may leem, pePllOnallty is a thing wbleh a man abaorbB from bls environment u & plant absorbs atl' and light. We are all plagtarllta. In the lallt "10ft everything we or DOW -U borrowecl." ,

HIs PatIence Exhausted. A yeomanry squad was drIlling. and.

being out of practice. most of them were Bullertng from bruises caused by the unsteadiness of one another's movements. "I belIeve you have cut my bead open," shouted a recruit to a nervous comrade. wbo bad given blm a Berlous knock. "Well," safd tbe distracted sergeant·at·charge. "now Is a ,OOd time to put BomethiDg iD ltl"




Rheumatism Quickly Cured "My siqtflr's' bU!lban d hn u au III taok of rheu llat.ISIU In bl s ,n III , .,

writes a well known r .. sider. t vi Newtown. Iowl1 . " 1 g(~Vfl him., bot tle of Cb9mberlnin's Llnim en t wbioh be Ilpplled to his arm find un tbe next morning the rbt!uul'lt. i~t)) WIIS gone." For obronlc Ulu8o nl'H • b e umo.tism you will find better than lJhamberlo.ln·s Liniment. Svld bV all del1lers




One of the oldest lind most sueces$f lll o f hnnters of thr toothsome IUld popula.r "snapper" or loggerh!'ud. tho big a.nd v icious turtl e thllt ~rnrt:'s Ule soup kettle 80 fittingly . is Ill'my Duffiel.1 of Ihi.':! pl a.c.' . UlIflipid, who is a. Civil war \' ptcrun, see ms to have been born with au ir,atinet for di scovering the aggr essive deni zen of the mud. Already thi s H('u son he has landed . two big pri zes, olle wl'ig hing 15 aud the other more thun l K pounds. f)uflie ld's method of capture is lik e that r tnployed by most of tilt' hllnkrs, bllt h e has more 8\ H·t"·~" Illlln most of tlll'lIl. .'\·t thi s R" iI ~O Il t:l'llw Y"ur t he "Rllllppl'rH" 111' l' iIlLlll·dd.·t1 d. ·.·p in {hr mlln of t.he 1J1I1 1""h t'~ .\lIt \ ulollg C1W·!iM. where L1wy hilI'!' hihl' \"Iltll cd JIll winter. In the rurly s pring thl'Y It ·UV\' th ir winter q uurters. ('0111i I\~ out. Cut, most 0 r them. The ((.'Illlli e ~t'e k R Il Band bunk, where she d igs II hole aJl(l rl c p ()~i t R h er e>ggs . ~( lllletinH'8 11 8 nlllJl Y as two (Iow n. Thl'y are white. !len rl y rOllnd, lind us Iilrge us 11 s ll1l1l1 E ngl ish wtllnut. .\ ftc r cn rdul\y cov('l"ing Ih em she kll ves th em , ' /lJ1d the hr llt 0 f th e S Ull hntcheti them out la te in the su mm er. nufficld's m ethod in 10· ealing the " snapper" is to so und the muddy placr8 with a prod abo ut five reet in lengt It, lind he call tell in an in titnnt when ho strikes. The reul wo rk comes wh en he raises the Rle rt and pugnru:·io ll s pr ize out of the !IIud. At present he has about fifty turtl es in hi s cellar, mn ~in g in size fro m five pound" up. At ni,l(ht a st ranger would thin k th e hOll s ' hlluntcd. as they grt. to lig hting and fullin g Q\'er each o: !. Jr.-Cedu rville (N . J .) DisDutch 10 the Phi ladelphia R eco rd.


"What lantern jaws that woman has I" "Yes, but you ought to see how ber NOW YOrK ~'ty urowaea-.- - face cun lig ht up." PtllJoilophlo. In the densest parts of Bombay The 4llhPence botween truth and ~!)lItp III that or,e I~ tme and tlIa ou.. there are 740 perHons to the acre. MATTER OF BUSINESS. ~ew York bas 1.000 In the same &rllllo <.>r mere!J tne to nre.,....-pv,cIt. Conjurel'-Will some one in the audience le nd me $5, please? Voice (far baolr)-At what per cenl?


a roofing is one of the most ~ important matters in ' the erection of any kind of a building. We are trying ' to make everybody roof wise. It is a big job, but we arc gaining every day. We carry in stock at our store all ·k inds of Roofing and Spouting, Furnaces and Ranges.' Estimates given.

Grant & Fraizer TINNERS and SLATERS


Waynesville, Ohio







Enterprise Bldg.,

Presser Waynesville, Ohio.

were. never so . s~ultnlng orso ~asy

to make "as right now!



this smart Butterick design we have the very materials you'll want. For example,· you can use a Broche: silk or Crepe de Chine for the Blouse and a plain silk or Charmeuse for the Skirt, or you could select from a complete assortment of other suitable fabrics.


, II

Our Butteriell Pattern department is, as usual, showing all the smartest, newest designs. ,;' T.~t.s is only one.~ 1 Call and get the May But-:ten"el Fashion" Sheet Free.l ' f

Summer Wash Fabrics With the Trimmings. Silks, Voiles and Serges CORSETS All Overs Nemoandallgoo<ishapes 5000 yds Laees,

5c up

Gloves, Silk and Kid

5000 yds Insertion, 5c up CARPETS RUGS Wide Flouncings, 15c to 25c LINOLEUM

Sh~I always like to have something on han" : H~lIo\\" lIuout B.Il engagement ring?

The Gre'a t Rug House


"Maud is very much stuck up "How do yo u like the boarde rs about that musical machine of hers." "That's nothing. With a musical whe re you live?" "They're too fu ssy. 11[ rR. Bonlenmllchine, you have to put 011 airs." has to cook over oil the scraps EXPLAINED. for them before they'll ellt 'em when I'd just lUI 800n toke 'em aa they "Why do you suppose he has BUch come from the table." a vacant expreBBion?" "Well, he thi.n.hJ of himself a good Paper Making In England. . deal"-J ulfge. PILper ot an excellent quality Is now l!elng made In England from specie. VOLUNTEER AID. of sptnach of large proportions. The "James, there's a burglar down- plant grows IItems five feet high and .uPl~lIe8 a fiber which. It 18 believed. lltairs. I'm going for help." will prove an tmportant factor iD paH "Wait ~ minute, I'll go with you. perlDa\tLQa. GRADUATE OF THE --.lIarpeP-'s Magazine. .A''fJONAL AUCTION




Most Prpmpt and Effectual Cure fo r WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES, Bad Colds When yon have a bad oold yon Methodist Episcopal Chua wllnt a remedy that will not only 0.8. GraWMIr. p.wr. give bnt effeot a prampt "nd Su.nday Re". School. g: li Il. m. Mornln« se. D81~mIIlDflnt oure, a rem9dy that Is vice. 10 :ao a. m. Evening sorvlce. " :0 II take, a remedy that OOn · m. MIdweek PTlyer lleetll1&. 7 p. m. inJurious. (,'hamber-





St. Augustine'. Catholic Churda.

1.~~~~3~~~~:~~~8: "SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE."

I~. S t


.- .


Xenia, Ohio.

...- - -


Take Time, Select the Right Roof




Constipation Cured Dr. King's N Il Vl Life Pills will r eli eve con.!t lplI tiOD promprly I1nd get yonr b()\Vel~ in hlllllty oondltioD again . John onpsie, of t-\lIollbnry. l'u.., 81\ jS : "They I\r6 t·be best pills I ever used, and I advise every one to uee rh " rn tor oODstlpatloD, indigestion and liver complaint." Will help you . Prloe 250 . Reoom mended by .1, E. Janney .


60th YEAR




Father Loufa Yan. MU,,"8 e"elT second !i"nd"y ot the month a

Da'ure's all tbvse ~





9 :00 a. III.


oODditioD. T.hls remedy world \VIde lisle and use, always be depended upon, an dealeri!. ~



IUpon • Swann, at St. Alban. a GC)80 & Bullock was listened to. DO doubt with ~t atatioD aDCl profit. At feut a few '~r . the iDeiDbera of ~e ,An,Ucan n ..,u1.....

fllh; .1IMh





·bllflollll. In'


Live Stock and General ' Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and values lor all kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales s~nCf .~

1905. Terms Reasonable


Satigfaction Ouara'lteei

Waynesville, Ohio


Valley Telephone 45-2,

We have Solved theHigh.'~: Cost of Monuments "


Mary'.,o!. Episcopal


Rev. J. S'. cadwalla4er. Rector.

peal Directly with the Proprie't ors

. ::.. Np Agents Gommissions-No Middlemen's Pro1i~~· . I,f . '. ' .-:.. '. il· yo~ Get the Benefit . ::l J~' I • ,.



ling. whDe at LIncoln


N. Sears


P ....chel'l W1th Odd Nam'o L At canter~W')' a Partridge preachiacl, at Peterborough .. Pheuant, at

1 ·1!IP·~~pa·fe CIIUI. DOt, UI6



• I,','


"~;:J ~'


l:etftetery Work.' We make " ~p.~_lt'Vl tori'mlr customers :All work

'1D."p~1ml~ Pneumatic' Tools: ..,~tl',"',!!>lJ>, \ ' i ; ' '.'~d


._ ,. ', ..



l'ollJlldh uu: . W ookl y

GAZETTE ..- - - - - ,- - WIlYIIOIl Vllle,


O hl<,

- - - - - -- - -


D. L.


TJ.£LI~ I'H UNIl: -CAI,1.



II ~

Ed itor and Manager

Rates of Sub8cription (l n u YOllr (NtrlcLly 10 ,,,lvllllca) . .

.. 11 . 01>

H nK I ~ Ou I' Y, • .• . • • ... • . " . ... . ... . .•

Rates of Adverti8ing ,leading Local., wr Uno . ...... ...... . HOMUng Locals. LJltlck race, per line .. ·. I"",,[ll ed A d •. not to exceed fl." ,I",,. )~.

l or . ...


. O~


• Throo 1ll8ertloll8. .. .. . .... .. . l 6c ·JhltuarlcA. five In"h oM CNIO . over OVti loci",... IlOr lin " ...... . ....... . 6c rtl el f thuuks . . . . . . . . .. . . . , . ... . .. . l6c

. •··olutlnll8 ..... .... . .. ........ . ... ~ol' • 'It .ul. et.e. ... here eba e 1Mmado . . . . . .. l 6c ~ " PIIlY i\,lve.rt.I.IIIK III IIICh . •. .. .... ,. lOt, -___•U fo iscoull .... ~Ivun JU cummeL. ____________________ __ ~

'. 't

MAY 7.

1~1 3

---- ..•;!'\r - - - - - - - - - - - A womao VIII' torgets her fir st l.rve-llor for . ~v. , ~ hanmlf 1t all" U1U utes hi w


1\ rllth~r"

h ... lf 1It1 muoh pllr t, hi III


0 rloeHn't know hiM tnn ha>4 to t!up.

Une half ot the world--doelln', kllow bow the othor halt Iivew-Ilnd winlt ',. m Ole It OOOtlU't ollre.

\ II

The' Neighborhood News

---------.- •



---+----,. -, -, -

Cure for Stomach Disorders

Mr. and Mril . J'rllnk Smi th and f ~mily entor .ained Elder Geo A Brelz and Mr8 l£llll Corwin Ma.tur uay night. Miali Alice Chenoweth and Mrs. Ldl! MoAdams oal1ed on Mrs . l!' ra.nlc Be~", Friday afternoon. Mrs . Adu. Dakin en\ertllined Mrs . .eorgls (Jordon, on We(lnesdIlY. Mr. anrl Mrs . Thoma8 LIloy nnrl family entertalaed Mr , and Mrs . J 08hua Chenoweth and daughter Ethel and Mi88 Violet Killg, Mr and MfS. Clarenoe Thomplion.Mrt! "uy Ohenoweth and IIttl<, daughter Agoetl, Mr8 . J. B , Chenoweth and daug bter France8 Ilt l::!undllY di nner . Yr . lind Mr8 . John Hlu l~ nok en · tertll.lned Mrs. Id" :\foAdamll, Saturuay. night . Mr, lind Mrs, :"rank Cook !lntl d.lOghter Maud were SundllY gnests of Mr, and Mrll . Frank Dakin Mr . Ralph Evans IIpent baturday nlgbt and t:!undllY with MT . and M1.'s. H. C. Dakin and family. 14iM Alice Cheooweth line} AmantI" !Smith and &eooool\ Crllmer on · tertaioe4 Mr8 . J . I:i . Cheooweth at Wed~esday dinnor . Mr. lind Mrs . l'4llthun Au~tiD Ilnd riaughter C.lolI'la attl'lllded a lIur prise on Yor . and Mrll. J aOO b t:!oott, 8uudll.Y ·





Wonderful Skin Salve BnoklllD ''J ArnlO" ti-.lve Is IIDOWD everywhare as the bell' remed~ made for all dl8eallea of the skiD, and also for burn8, bruises aDd hoUI Reduoea Inflammation aDd Is soothlng .. nd healing J, T, tIoIIIamaD. pnblisher ot New., of Cornellu8, N C" write8 'ba' ODe box helperi his serioul! f!klD ailment "ftar other remenle8 f~lIed . Only 150. Reoommended by J . E. Jan • Dey, Stern Duty.

"Do you think Mrs. Muobrleh bleaohel because Bhe'l older than her huaband'" "Give It up," anawered the hairdresser. "Mine not to reason why, min8' but to do and dye."

t· .,

How's This?

W: offer 'One Hundred Dollars lleward for any osee of Caarrh tbat OADDO' be oured by Hall'i lJa$arrb Care. F. J. CHENEV &

We, the undersigned, J . .Chener (01: ' the latt believe him perfectly nOIl/O~.UI

busi~¥f~~!J~~~.t'!~1 carry o,ut.~y


The neatness of the New England housekeeper is a matter of common remark, and husbands in that part ~f the country are supposed to appreclate their advantageB. A bit of dialogue reported as follows Aows that there may be another side to the matter. "Yartha, have you wiped the sink dry yet?" 88ked the fanner, as he mnde final preparations for the .nighl ''Yes, J osiah/' she replied. "Why ,do ::ron ask?" ''Well, I did want & drink, but I ,guess I can get along until I9orning/'-Everybody's Magazine.

- ----.

. V a II ey Spring

Spring Branch

Di~orclBrl of the ~tomtlob way be UV (.trttl ri bv t.he ulle of Chamhe~lain 'M Best Medicine for Colds 1'aulHt8 ' 1I4/lny v .. ry remll.rkll hie oure~ hav <l b ell O ... IYAotpd bv the~e WbeD a draggl8t reoommendll a tabletll . Hold by 1111 uelliers . remedy tor ooldll, throat aDd lang troubles, you oan fee18ure \bat he "now8 what be I. t~lking about . No ElCcltement. C, uower, Drul(gillt, of Marlon, A youn g man w aH compelled by hili Ohio writes of Or. King'lI New fath er to turn farm er against his will . DI8o~ve~'y: "I know Dr . Hlng'lI Not likin g the ,.rofesHlon. he went New Dlsoovery ill the bes' throat. (lnd han ged hlm sp \f. leavin g th Is writ· .. nd lung mediolne I lIell. It onred ten statement: "Farmin g Is a most my wifll of II lIevare brODchlal oald sellHcleli8 I.ursu lt : II mere laboring In after all otber remedies talled. " a circle. You flOW thut you may reap, It will do the same for you if you antI thpn yo u reap thllt yo u \Dny sow! Ilrtl 8uffering with a oold or .. ny Nothing c ver cOlli es of It."-Llfe. bronchial throat or lunr cough, Keep a b~Ule on hand all the time f()r everyone In the tamtJy to nlle Cured of Enthualasm, It. III a bowe dootor. Prloe 500 and A.-''l ou dOIl't see m to have any $100, Uuannteed byJ,. Janney . life In you. Is uH' r e Il olhlll g or no----.~ body over which you can enthuso?" New Burlington B,-"Nothlng at all. I onco became enthusiastic over somebody, aud a short time afterwards sh e became my We wlllh to oorrect a lltatement wlte. That was 1\ sad warning to me made In our item a lad week tn re to avoid enthusiasm." gard to ahe 8uOO8881ul Boxwell 1lPpl1oanA. ba May Compto. and Health a Factor in Success Cllrl Jonea, ot Dillt, Ifo , 3, W3re al80 luooetlsful in JlB88ing . 'l'he largfl tl' faotor oon&rlbuting & man'8 suooe~8 18 undoub&edly Ml88 Nannle Shamhaugb ba. been bAalth . It has been obtoaned 1bat re elected all wiloher of tbe primary a man is ~eldum II10k wbeD bill bowell ~re regular-be III nover well room of our .oboo( a.od Miall Roaa)le No when they are oonllti,ded. !'l,r BolUngsbllad, Intermediate. oonlttipatl(ln you will fiud nothlnJt one has be8n 'llmployed for tbe quite 10 good all Cbamberlain',. High tJohool. T3biet8 They not only .mo'Ve tbe Min Yarle Ball. of WayneSVille, boweJ8 but Improve tho appe'l~ waa tbe guea' of friends here over and 8'rengthen thedi~estlon. Tbey Sunday. ale 801d hy all dealer8. , B. W. Cleaver, 01 Xenia, spent IlLIt week witb her pareDt8, Purifying the Language. The female red deer Is known al a Mr. Ilild Mrs. Wm Dedriok. Oar lIohool8 ololled Friday. The hind and not a doe. The young red deer Ie a1Bo known not &8 a fawn but towDflhlp mlLl8 meeting ,;,a8 held io as a calt. These trifles are very Spring Valley, on - &turday. AD Ilhocklng to sensitive eare.--London excellent program wal rendered Spectator. Two pupils trom tbla 8Obool oom ple'ed tbe two years higb lohool Brotherly. work, Emma AleDde.h~lI and !zilla "Brother Short will now lead ua 10 Sb.mbouih . - prayer." ilald the putor. "No he ~ .... won't, neither." replied Brother Short, "Pray yourself, that'8 what you're paid TOO CLEANLY FOR COMFORT, for,"-Iilxchange.


-- -


Born to Wm . Alexander and wife, April 21th, a little dauaIhter. The B. V. Townllhip held their ma8S meeUu g in the Town HaIl, tiatur<1ay, .Ma.y 3. 'l'here was a go('\u att6udanoe and tbe program Was enjoyed by all, The 8 . V, high Sob oo l CommeJJooment will be hald in 'rown BlIlI, May 23. Thlire are six graduates. 114r , aDd Mrs E. M. Copsey visited Bonday with IIr, aDd Mrs . Pbilip Sawke. Mr. lind Mr8. U. A . Sollers were sbopplng in Dayton, SMurday . Mill8 HtlieD Ball, of Xeniu. wall \Ile ~ue8t of r i'IIlUVElS bere, ove r ~ UDtl fl V'

Me8s rs Cael 8imll, J"mes and Timothy Finl oy, who bl1ve been in the We ·t tur ~h~ p3Ht 3 years relorlled b OllJe 8~turcay. MrtI McElfrQt:!h, of Xenia, vi8ited with Mrtl Donglall, over ~unday. Mother '8 Meeting will be observed Bunjay, May 11th, at the M. P. Ilburoh


...._-- -

For the Weak and Nervous

FARMERS' WIVES AND WORK Government Official Seem. to Ca.t. Hla Vote for Plga' Feot A.e Agalnltt Women.

$3,000 per Is now the daily Pay \{oll of T.ri·state Crea~ Ship· pers-SPOT CASH being . paid every shipment. Becollle a Tri·State Sh ippe r to~ ay, !or . thp T ri· State Butter Company, Cincinnati, OhIO, IS

A gentlemnn of thl' national agricultural depurtm ent co mplnillo beCt~ uBe the wOlll en of tho r1\ rm s do 'nou work 1\ ho rtl as I h('\' us!'.! t.O. This is 0. serious ~lll rge, ina (·n . It may d"vr,lop thll t, aside trum g('lling Ihr!C 0 1' four mcnls 0. tiny, mi lking' I he r.ows, Je('<i iug the chi k~ n , ll!ndiug t he chi hlren, darnin g the Roeks, muking most of tho kid s' clothin/!, and hoping the house in orU pr, tl,," furm wives ha ve nothiug to do. Of luto yelJrs much h as been tlone by the farmers · themsc.JvC8 to make Iffe on the. farm l e~s hu rdc.n Aome to Wll lll cn . The social siue of farm l iyi n ~ hus bt!Cn ctnphURizt..'i i with the di ssP I'('u ring necessi ty of p ion0Cr hardsh i pRo The ngri cultural gentlc mo.n ill Washill fllon now \' iews all this wit.h alarm . "The old home products of pickl ed pigs' feet, sou se, preservc:i aud dri ed fr ui t ore passi ng bccans(! of "thc lure of society" and thc Ullwil lingn ess of "the women of t.he fa nners' fami lies to repent the ITUlUUlul!llJor of lheir grandmothers,'" Betwccn thc women llJl('l t he pigs' f eet, the gcn tl cm en of th e ngricultllrnl department cnsls his UllH llimous gen tlcllIan ly yote for t.he pigs' feel-Kans!ls Ci ty Tim es,

Tired out, weak, nervous men en I W.lfllsn would fetll ambitlOu8,enar~elio, foil .,f lift! .. ud .. I ways h,tve ,. good II pplltlte, if tbey would do the d6n8ible thill~ for b€ IIleotrlo Bitters. Nothing better for OF EQUAL VALUE. the 8tofl' lloh, liver or kidneY8, --1.. ThoUlIII.nd8 81ly they owe their lives "So you ~t tbe opinions of two to tbill wonderful home remedy . Mrs O. RblnevaoH, ot Ve8tal Ceu- lawycrs on the caso. Were their ter, N , Y , II"YII : "I regard Electrio opinions the same?" BI tters all one of tbe gr ~n tellt of "Yca, $25 ellch."-Everybody'S. giUa loaD never forget what it lltlll d"ue for me." (:jet a bottle THE CAUSE. youraelf Bnd @ell wbat & dlfferenoe It will make In yonr health . Only Knicker-George Washington had 500 and fl.OO . Reoommended by J . E J IInney. IUl impedimcnt in h iB speech. ....-----Bocker--Yes, he couldn't tell ft..lie.


Permanent capital Stock $75,000

Ship u ~ tod ay or write fo r Fr ee Trial Can;; Shi pments can be made wheneve r c'lIl.V()IlIl'nl t~ vou. no ice being nt:!c e!:!sary, ail c ream lil uspd fO I 'Hu Ller· Making \l U rpOllCS.

Our price this 'week for Butter Fat is 30.: per Poor Old Elgin 28c.


THE TRI-ST ATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, Ohio ~-----------------------. -~----


Dry Cleaning Received by ;~arcel Post W iJl be returned he sarn e way within a radiu s of 200 miles FREEl OF CHARG E. T his will give all our o llt~o r~tow n pa trons an oppor- , tllnity tu t a k e advant age of ollr DRY CLEANING. We clean succe~sfllll y all Y kind of weari ng apparel, n o matter bow elaborate Of ex pensi ve- fllrs draperies. etc. ID ' ~ . WE DO DYEING of all kind s. WE ALTER, REPA " aou R.ElINE all kinds of men's and women 's garments.

"HAPPY" MELOY Phone 156

Under Town Clock



Flowers From Germany. \ Germany ships U '.OOU.OOO or 15,· • 000.000 "pips" or "cro\\' ns" 01' lilies of I the valley to the Unite,' States every · POSSIBLY. Old Gentleman'. Baptismal Name COl'Wlien these "pips " are planted 'year. rupted as the D.y. of HI. Life P •••ed On. "Why do they coli lawyers' briefB In pots th ey bloom an \I are then Oraduate , '" thrown away. German s(' "II an4 the so ?" German climate aeem espec!. \11)' ta.VOl" One Sunday morning a child was ''BccaU8C tb ey make their dients able to their production. brought to the patltor to be bapt:i~d. .hort." Office at , wood's 'l'hey said they wished the boy chfl8Godt! Reason, Too. Read Story of Her Death. toned Venus, or, a8 they called it, When a blnck!< mlth , named Lyon, "Miss ll'lary," ID<tlLlr~d the e.'eru· "Vanus." dElclared that the body of a drowned man, "have you Beriously consid'ered . "Are you aware," asked the pB8tor, w'oman, r ecentl y exhumed at Creil. the great quesllon or lIro1" "Well, you Waynesville. "that you are a8king something ri-· France, was that of his wIfe, JuHette. soe. IIlr," Mllry 'replied, blushl log, ell as wicked? I can- who deaerted him two years ag:o, a " none or the young men has ask l,'d d · I' ICU OUS as w . IIElath certificate was tqade out In her me yot." Dot give a Christiau ch..ild, a boy, the Illl~me. Juliette, however, was very 'WALTEIt Dame of a woman in heathen my- much alive, and . atter reading the Enemies. UlOlogy. How did the idea of giv- Itory In the Petit ParisIen. she wrote Faaeral Knlcker-"Jones says he Is an 1min our ch..ild such a name occur to an Inllignant letter to the authorities, g Y, . demanding to be "officially I'6susc1- pre88lonlst," Bocllor-"Then I am • you?' tated " suppresalo.ulat." 'TelephQD8 4ay "Plea8e, sir/' replied the father, ' Valleyi'hODe NO... "we are very aru:ious to have him !Dist6n08 fiG, called after his grandfather." One Kind of Declaration. DR. J. W. MILLER, "And do you mean to tell me," .. 'I love you, Estelle,' he continued. W,o\.YNE::SVILLE. B8ked the pllBtor, "that his grandfa- 'lltar of my soul. I loved you through at the opera . . . and I opera·glasses .•• DENTIST••• ther i8 Darned Venus?" Ilhall love no one else.' "- "Women I ''Yes, sir," said the man, ''Ulat is Have Lov~," by Henry Drane. omce In hi8 name." Waynesville, N.tlon&! BU>k BIda'. An old gentlemaD, lookmg very ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unlike Venus, hobbled out of the crowd and came forward. BARNHART, Funera) ''Do you say that you were ch~s- ................................ .. Notary Publi c tened Venus?" asked the pllBtor m- Ada will be Inserted UDder thl. bead for twenty· Ove cents lor three Insertlona dignantly. . All kind8 of Notary Work . PeDsiod wbea using not more thau a ve linea. "Well, no, sir," was the reply, "not Wo~k & Idpeoltdty. Ib:actly that way. I was christened ""'. -...--~ Sylvanu8, but they always called me LOST



o l~===~~==~~~~ii¥:

OlassiHed Ads




E. v.


DR.H.E. H.A,THAWAY antomobile lamp. Finder wUI A N ple '\8e return io B. V. Smith,

•• D. 4, WayneSVille, 0hio. m 21 Casey-Thin yez think that higher id uco tion is a fa iture ? WANTED Murphy-Yez bet, Shure, me darter Ellen hod a domistic science cooking school course in gittiIig JI DVERTIBER8 -1'0 know that meals; an' she ean's git half the Buds .l"'!~ you oan' sell YOllr horse~ and for a nickel OlOt me little sir'year- OOWI! Rnd otbet tbings by advertls. ing them in the Gllzette It 008t8 ould Katy caR.-Puck. bu,t ht1le, and brlngl! resnlts,

Waynesville'. Leadloa DeD$j,el Office in KeY8 Bldg. . Main

Subscribe tor the Gazette 1~~~~~~~~;tJ


"I suppose you are wedded to your FOR SALE· art 1" "Now what is the nBC," inquired. Bales of nice, ' bright, oats Mr. Dobwell, ." of trying to straw. Call OD . ZeJl & that old question, 'Is. matr,DfoD3 , . Fraz14!r, Wayne8viIJe, Ohio. m 14 , failure?''' . UaELESs. · INS-New. !Cood oolora, in ,. Hie ¥fAY•• . Ilny quaptlW. CaJl d Gazette ; "Ha.yen~t found your dog yet, I oftloe and eee ~hem. m 14 .hear!'" uk8d , . Smith of his neighbor ~Fr..b. with . ~week8-old ~ calf. by ber fJide : lnqnlre ,of 1:....-~---~~~~-~-"'r'"':""",..,..-----~-~-~1 K : E. Tbompl'oo; Oregopla, Oh.lo, . t ' m 140 thl!'11[)eJ:1:1--~1 t J ~



BEAN~!Amheri, or.:rpe~UQ·m

yellow variet,;. l1'iq,~te of C, Miohene~; . W~..1l1eav1n~, O\1to,


51) 2.

J~).... m ' It


. .. ~ .

The Miami Gaz ette I D, L. CRAN E. Pub lis her.



"' .\ Y:-\ ES \'ILLE,

liN SIMPLE PRAYER ' Practical Fashions


, MARRI AGE AND DIVORC E . The ques t ion or dlvor(, ll ('ould be OIo"'(' d if lha tllor p Irnl'{)rtllll~ 'lilt'S' tilln of marriag e wpre properly splt ll' d first. 1'h '"0 wOllld be 8 5 r, w ell vorccs In tho Cnit d ~tat t's aE tl "ro a r o In Eu ro pe If th .. sume ~"r"",u .. rtI H w id e ll protect lII11rr la!;u In t hn t,ldH COU ll ' trl E wero Ihro wn ar u nd nl a rr lagl' in til l!! cOllntry . A uniform IIIIlrri'lI; " law I~ 1II0r" nl'!,,j ('d In Ih o l 'nl lL· d St.a.t I'S thull n uniform (II H'r cl' luw. n Is tho essentia l prelimil lary to uny elfeclh' e h au dlln g ut Ilw d irorce pro b· lem . DivorcE'S In th is cOllntry would bo reduced In nIJlllb(' r by two·tbln .ls sr, BII Is tbe law In En!:land , no mar· rlage could take pillce unti l th e ba nns bave been publlsb ed for lhre e wef'k8 - \r no girl could marry wltbout her Jlarenu ' con~ent uHtll s he was twen· t,.-one yoara old. Th e causes allo we d for the grantin g at dlvorc o In illinois lire ull r easonab l e. SB)'S tbe ChIcago Incu rable In sa nIty should TrIbune . ertaln dla· be a cause for dl\'orce . eaUBe, as t 5umclen be sbould "Mes well a8 Incurab le diselll!e s cooceal ed betore marriag e. Tbo E ngllsb divorce commls slou bas r ecomm e nd e d the ree· ognlUo n or these three cau ses . H the }lI1nol8 commIs sIon on uni for m dl· vorce and marrIag e laws w1ll take the Divorce Deaat by the horns nlld not by the tall th e r e will be a much be tte r . chanee or mlllglt llng the d ivorc e ev il.



In C..,.UyO



Quotations From Mathias Clau· dius-" A Letter to My Friend Andrew ."


PDLS Y KIDNEY fOLE Qualltleo .... Rlcheat .LADDE R

Pure Blood

I. Ihe re.ult 01 Pertect NulrUio D wblcb proce.d . IrolD


Do •.'~,: : ~ f\." , \\ h (' D 1 al11 ~~ l\ lI ~ La th lll K f1rHt or my lall' fll lh('r. pra )'.


It" " ,'0; t; 0 (:oo d a nd lu\,(,t! s o weli Iv "I", tu In" . And Ihf'1I I ple llln' 10


Illy iatht·r ::i and all t be IH'OJlI~ " f 1·: lIrllp'·. \ ;04 1;'1. . \ r l~ ka :lnu AllH' ric:a an" ( h .'n , III 11 1,\ l! alll , , itt ~ , Ill y uruth rn; IUld ~ 1~ II ' r F.: I\l td t; \IU i f; t:; itl l ng iu 1t ('nvPil un .\ n' lul'" ,·Iudl'. :lnd has his I'ighl bllllLl · tn'll 111' d l)lJt o ,' cr t.It '. ~wu t u t ilt' ,' uLl "r I It ·· \I IIrld , an d hl 3 Idt filII (,f tJ l (' ~" 1l1gti 'I ntl ~lllld ; a nd a ll n r tlu:al th ~ lIloul,ta ln IU P" !' l) lo kp. - anti 1)" ' 11 I U'"


:-- l'J ( f lH~ " hol e v.orlJ u s

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Assu re Thes e Bene fits


gilt :

Sprout, tl1 ;:l1

devel op

tc th ose g rown

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t h e 6un ;'i re gl"leen, s no rt ii ll d fir m

&is conlpa re~

t h e snacl(' Wh IC I, are W!11t e and slende r .

SPROUT POTATOES IN THE tiGHT TO SECURE AN EARLY CROP With S\Jr. Sprouted Seed Growth is Very Rap Id and Plants are Often Ready to ' Cultivate Within Ten Days of Time of 'r, O Uo 1 (By W . J . Gre <: n. 011.0 EXI" ' r i lllf'1I1 S tll ion, WOClFtt

.It Is natural that a people ns s crupulously regardC ul or th'! l,. attIre as the ParisIan s should b e th e first to set the mselves 'serlous ly to tho eolutlon ot the problem or prevent ing tbe beIIpatter lng or pedestrI ans by, automobiles. F1ylng mud mixed wit h motor 11 makes • statn tbat never comes ott. A series of oxperlm cnts bas been beld at Versaill es to de termine lhe compar ative value of tlltre r e nt devices tntonde ll to act tlB mudgua rds tor tbe ;protecl lon of people walking In the .treets as well as or tbe occupan ts of the lIutomo biles to whlcb the y are "tlllche d, . Tbe world at large Is con· cemed In the resulL of tbese ex perl· ments, for undoub tedly wb en tbe 'most elfectl ve mudgua rd Is discove red and demon6 trafed It wUl come Into tbrougJu ;'ut tbe world at la rle.

" Our " 'ilt l ll'r w ho a n ' III hpu,",' n, ili a! "

10\\\'11 bl' Iit y IInlnt' ." 11.",1' I 11m alreudy at rau ll. T il l' J ews "' 1' ~ai<l tu hll v,' known Hlleclal fI ' 21H'ct lng til(' na lll e 01 OJ ) " \, 'r l .. · \;o d. I'.ul I let all th at Iw . lilt" only wi,h Ih ;l1. Ih o th o ught of (;otl . Iln tl every truce by wbldl we can rt' cull ' holy b l) gl" ' lIt Ulll] II ll,· hll" . mal' abo v... nil th lll~~. to n w a no nil III II . "TI" klll!;dolll c o 111<'. " III'I'~ I Ihillk of lII)'selr, htl\\' It tlriv" H ltithl'l' nnd thith er wIthin Ill ~. a nd 11f)\" Iltl ~ go ve rn s alld now tbat: "lid thal all is sorrow of h p!l rt lind I ('U II Iig hl on no gr(,pl) bflilJ(' h . And I th e n I t ltilll( how g ood It wotllt! be for ' lid to all ' t Id 'r (. I pu 011 ( ru" I " ut wou ,H~ co ril alld g,,,'t' 1'II Ill<' itllll ~t' l r. " 'f it y WI ll L,· dOIi P Itl h ~ s\'l' n >0 00 " [11'1h." ~ n ct II I'f'C P I(' I 1I r" t 0 m)">H' Ir 11"Il" ,nll q . ill ' 11 I II thl' It oly an!!,·'ls \\' I10 ('J ' " WI W d, an tlwllI, uell"" o t rrow so no ) O.i·. and I II r' ~ Iwow 1I 0 t \\'1I:lt t o do fo r love and 1, 1" ",, ',ln" .". 1I11d f ro l it' Ili!(itt UIll] da)' ; and t lwTI I lulllk : if It \\'l' I'" un ly ~I) Ih·I·,· nil ":Ht h ~ " r;in, " " thi s d ay oll r d aily on' ud." }~:\'('ryb0 d y know s what daily br ('u Q Illl' Ufl R , IIl1d th at 01\(1 111 U t;t tin t a~ l ong as


Is in tlu? world.


ah"4o thut it


Clears Uosl,,'iU y Comple xiont;. HI' Hl nol Ointm(' ,I't. wit h RI}9 1noi Sonp . 6111/, S itrh lul\' i:(H la ll tl}' . qul okly Il ud "a~lIv h('n ls till, llI ost dI Hl r(' ~s ltlg caS('B of (' ;'zlI ml1, r;{~ h . ringw orm, h tte r (11' other lurm";,I l lng sk in o r Hellip pru j)tions . and cf .. IIWUY plmph's . hlllck. b rads. r Q(1J) cBS. rOlll(hn ess , and dan. d rllil'. wh('n ot llPr treatm e nt s hll\, (' pru,'(' n only 11 was to at time and morwy. Hut \\'0110 not ask you to accepL our un ~lI"port (' d wurd ror It. You call st'nd todll ), for Il g e llerous trI a l of RE'slnol SOIlJl a nd n ",~l nul OIntm ent, and lefl ' th em to YOllr o\\'n cOlllple te sa tl s fac. 1I011, fit no cost wbate .-e r, whil e thou· snnds who h ave bnt' lI ('ur~ d say. "Wh at n('slnol did fOI' II! it ,,~Il do for '.·ou." PhY Kic-I nns ha"e 1' M:!scrlbed )'tps. Ina I for ,' l g ht c~ n ),(,Rrs 1lind every drug· ~ sci a Rc s ili o l Soap gist In the ('ountry (2 :, c t s.) Rnd n e siliol Olntll,,' nt (I n opal jars. liD eta. und $1) . I,' or frE'E! 6allll' l1's of t'nch. wltb full dlrE-ctlo ns for use. wri te to Dept 9-K. R eM ln ol. Ihlltlm nre. !\ld. ; ... " "'A I.~: _~~I.~:;::;:: - \\. OIlJ{--;....:.~l llOl :-1'.


Thi s very nIfty blou se cOlll es to Ull from th o Il ea l' !'a st. It Is a modlnc a· tlon of th e SPp~l~s of BlUock that Is worn Ih er e. 1 ho tront and back ure both plllln, aud lit!' ve ry RlIght fllll· n ss Is gatb e red Ilt I II" lower e dge and drawn In to n hand . It III said thnt tbl s new m e tbod o f con 1lllla g th e e dge of a bl uuso Is au Indicati on of the aj)pToach of 1111 'Ullnat u rally low waist tlt fo r rn It is very line. but III Its l)r 08,. ' youthfu l nnd prelly . Th o /leek 0' this blou stl Is open. Gnd 1\ ~ma ll ,'o llar and r E' \'crR mnrk til e outllnc . The s leo ves may ba full le nJ;t li o r c ut ort at tho el· bow ancl fini s hed th e ro wllb a turn· bllck c ulT. Faill e. tafttHas, brocade .

\.11 ,1.:_, lHit l \ "lIq.d d t) I)O W,- r

", Ialll, Ot' , ",IV ) II."

sllk. and wool c po ng c . cbevtot, Hnen nnd p Ique are all sui table for a blou so

~I~ ('1:'~1~11::';~,\lr', N:~:.~ ,'h.A~rl\~{~~\~:.\..IJI.:I~~:•.~ :n ~~~~ ;

of thi s charact er, TIle pntte rn (6 1% 1 18 cut In sizes 34


f.urt h'

u , IIi r

,\tll"I.' Urhl&C., ( ' .. .. ,\tll,' ". Inel ,

ta"t'Cb guo d . [ Ih ill k or th at. P t'rhllpti, Charity co·.. .. rs " mullilu d e or sIn Medi um s t 1Il!'ll.s ur o. too. ",), 1'I,llril'P II OCl'ur to lil t', how 'to 42 In ch es bu h t to be CX(lOS ·d. thut'oug Incb ~c of yards 2% ulres rt'Q size nnd ly tIH'Y love 10 pat, a ll d aro so 11\'(' joyful a t I abl e . -'\ nd Ih " l1 I Pi'll), tbat Ulate rlal. ~l l''' . A ll"tin'~ fnmono; pnll cn k('~ milk,. " T o proruro I h1 9 f\:lt tt"rn p;;(\n,I 10 ('cnt! l. :\ J \' . th e U P(U' U o d wo ul d oa ly bi n ) us Ihl n pupt' r. really delll·lou. wi.tole""m " lm.·"kf"s D Cl'llrtln tOIl!," rauern " o t SUIll'" IdHI-; to pal. Wrllo n;lInG " nil uddrE' 8S pla i nly, and he " FOf/; i"" us ou r df-bl S liS \\. (' forgivo 8uro to J:ivo sile unll number of c rlL The bus ie r a man Is the 1I' s6 t"HI) Out· t1r· btor~ . " b l1 has to complaI n at ov e rwork. It I.lIH Ig whf'n on e r PN' ives an af· stZR . ..... . ......... . No.. 6196. Who' s Doing th" Talking ? front: and r e v e n~ e is sweet to man. IUD. and my Inclina· "/I. bu"lm's 8 lIIan s ho uld n eVE' r ta k~ It s ee UlK to NAME ..... . _ .. . _ ....... ... .... .. _ . ..... . hIs stellogr apbe r out to lund)." tton I"a ds that wuy. Hut th e n th e TOWN . ....... .. .......... . . __ . ... .... ..... . " Why not ~" wlck e ,1 sl' n-unt in Ih,! Uosp el passes "Oh, It caUS(>R talk ." before m y eyes lind m)' hCli.rl fall s. STREET AND NO... .... ........ .. ... ___ • "Of cours e It causes tall" bll t If and I r c~o lv that I will ro~gl\'e my . .. .......... STATR .... .... _ _ ••••... _ tb e busin ess man wIll abstaln from fellow servll.nt a nd n ltt say a word to cocktai ls, he won't tallt to h e r bait as him about tbll hundred pe nce. mil h as b e might." A New York botel. on e of tbe prom I· "And lead liS nol Into t e mptatio n." SHIRT LADY'S BOX· PLAITE D Herc I thInk of varluus InslllnC ('S me nt ones at tbaL cIty. has a sebeme WAIST . ",her e peo ple, In s uc h and sucb clr· Nothing to Fear. 'Which It hall just put In operatio n by 'rom tbe IppIng t CUm ~l!UlCf'B , ha,'c s trayed tbe "George , dear," said tho girl, "did sol\'e to ....·hlch It bopes good and lIave failen; and that It you e\'er drink all)'thlll g?" .uelltio n. Tbe manage ment has debetter with lOP. . no be would. "Yes. occasio nally ." George re ltl~ · per 10 of n c:1ded to make a reductio e"II ." 'rom UR r delh'p "But Ildmitte d. tanUy eent. on all cbeeks or more than 60 lIe r'e I stili thlnk of temptat ions "But, dear." she went on anxious ly equlvll' y dl cents. a reductio n suppose and that man Is so casily seduced and "wbat do you suppos e papa would say lent to th e average tip. Tbls act wlll may Btray from th e st ra ig ht path . If he should discove r that tbe tuture relieve guests or tbe n ecessity ot pay. Hut uL tbe same time I think of all husband of bls only dallghte r drnnk!" ~ng twIce tor service. Thl8 probabl y the U'ouble s of Ii fe, and the thousan d· "He dlscm' ere d It this morning ." fold Jnlse ry and h ea rt Borrow tbat Is "Oh, George, and what did be say?" 111 the best scheme yet present ed as a In tbe world to plll.ugue and tortur e "He said: 'Well. George. my boS , eolutlon to tbe tipping evIl. It I. to e nOD Is e r e tb care ' If I do.' " and , don't mortals mao a poor that g &ane, and while assumin And you wIll find. Andrew . It lp. e h request a nt 'rese would &ueats ot jority Alarme d for His Mother. tears ua \'e 1I0t come berort~ , th ey wm not to tip walters lind recognlzln~ that h ere; and oll e ca n Harry, hanging about tha come to LIttle slire be It would be 8n Impossi bility to en· kltcben . Baw a slurred towl Bewed. up feel 8uch Jl heart y yearnin g to be forc e on orde r t9 prevent walters was much 1m· before roasting . away and can be 80 Bad and cast from acce pting tlPB. the manage ment pressed by the sight. A few nlghte down In oneselt. a8 If there we r e later bls moth er, haatlly dresslu g to bas taken tb o dlgnill ed way out of tbe rcully 110 h elp at a ll. Ou t th e n one the lay again, courage go out, found tbat a new troek bad up dIfficult y. lIlust pluck a,'" u :po.ed been sent hom e WIthout tbe proper 01· hand upon th e mouth a lld contlnu e , The potatoe s are let in the Shallow trays, .tem end down, I : lowance of hooks and eyes. Summo n · triumph t. In were, 81U111gh It as partIal to 6146 , Tbe buildIng of "bigges t" steam. twowith made h e r sister basted tbe frock toIs waist pretty Tbls "For tbl~ e Is the kingdom and ."tbe box plaIts at the front. Tho back la Ing ald. flbips b av.lng (Jassed tbe sIze wbere Amen gether up the back. . or pow"r and glury fo r~ v er. pt ('l' <'X I·.-. {'HII : lllUtll i 11:1x 1 Iht· gl,,, " ' ltt' lI it is d "l\ ir~d 10 Bt'Cllre a "ery the docks al Ne w York are too Bmwl plain. It Is made wltb low ceck and "Grand ma," said Hnrry. seeking the ' ·OUI'F'·. "'l lc r,' 1i1 " r(" .,rf' r"a son~ ro r !l madras or mea. lource of perenni al sy.mpat by and com· LInen. tor th nm bus now r each ed the dimen. l'a l'ly <'1'0 1'. ur 10 Wf'S(, I'\' e IIOUllO pS for sleeves. sborL . B·lesslng nto ' Turned ing Everyth e (t ' ~t ol' k " mit e r than (· olt,li · to make tbls walsL prehenS ion, "come and see what aun · .. lOllS wllt're tbe lydlJ Is too s JIlall to pllllltillg , Ih " 8('e,j IIl a y be "S IIII ' I ".I:lll1nl! Nothing thtH Is not God's will can saline can be used o nd " rop ~oll l hl!rn ~rO \\,11 S"" . lion ' IU ~~t are s slzeB tle's doIng to m um ma. I think ah e's ,.,,,Ialoc Th(' ." ~'lultal. d pr 8IJI'Oute Cunard pattern (6146) Is cut In e Tbe trusts Itlullcli 1111' 111 . Th who aile of life tbe Y InLo com" \I M dl 'Illal. <' b h varll'tll·ti. is and ex· ~e .. d, or .( ·arI e urn colng to rOaJIt her. tor she's sewing ala has be ' 1) bc; ld on Ib c s toc ks until E I1nll (.1 \\' Irl1 )" , SU- 1lI e nd do wn, not SII II E'I'lo r, 10 lJlln hP'-ll g row n 8tOI'l<.(\ and .obeys God. ThIs facL Is enough 34 to 42 Inc es ust measure . ; Th e 1)(' I:"f t hll t III'IIIP "rUWll SCt' mao lIer all IIp.'' tJ,ey co uld dce l' '' u tbc r i\'er e uough to r>o~p d to lull or purli n l ~ Ilnli!:ht. rh e life one of cCllsele ss sIze require s 2% yards at 36 Illcb k oUl"• is bO R"" " 1 011... fa cls. ill to mu 0 our "l'llllti Wh ich ludi catc" tbat we sprOUts IIrowill~, will becom e green. terlal. the Is It fl oll t ht' r. cen" For 10 enrl 'oy .. d ' tI Ian k sg Iv Ing an To procure thl e ""Uprn J • t. t lle sa Tll ~ TlIay ort" n ent" ot thIs pn~r or" uPllronc blng th e limit. world; and to "P-tl-rn n-,""rt,n s ho rt a ncl IIflll . inst"",1 uf w h ire un ll . InI1U Y <:a~" ", buI mo st glorious thillg In the I ., r ~n;me a;;dQu ..h'res'; plrtlnly. tLnd~b6 I . Write i ' all . r us n ll for co tile tenee n ' I omllipo In worl,lng SIClll·ll·r. ".5 'I S Ibo. cuse Is It ass Ull U: ' l S(, "ruwn rn f(' DOr1 (, ( .. r or puttern. I , Je S'" .c ,. c. e, with nothnlg to preve nt It It sure to ~Ive 81 ~o und numb ,\ JllClg e In l'\cw York tuld II. DIan I::xpoR Pd tor fOlll' to t('n We l' IH>. Ihe , 11)1)1'/'. Ihan Ol'd lnllt,y ('a re lrl . gl\'e n 10 tho tim One g. "rn . we IIrc s urrend e red and believin ar r:dgn, 'd I)('rore him for senle nc e for Slll'Ou is j;row onl y au Inl')l or le ss I!I !;row lnl-; It ." . Tho t"nn , ·norlb wat e rs I ~ v .. ry ~l llsU r , and f ex· I " '110 W<1.D pass'1 ng through deep eed, s SlZE .. .......... .._. /;1'0"·11 otil u ant live dorm to lll ''lit unlit ro' ~ No.. ;146. wn hE'n t e b and ilal h, l II!;I on ' I(' abducLi I sto(' k arC' 0 te ll I of afflictio n wTote to a fri e nd: "Is It , . I . S 11', or P-I< I"'H' lv(> ('es~ , ~ I'OU. RP ltl'se l . a lln~ pl llllred . In "lnn . and IllI lllP lIiulely "Clil (·/If·..,d him to NAMB .......... .......... .......... ..... _. glorIous thing to know that , no ll ie (;a r e , ('xa('tl' c1. To say t hat all nortber n .. not a be. lIuu lUium t PrIl l or e .. r ~ 1l and a hlilt 11E'('d not h<: brokell off , if ~ li may thing a unjust how nce e r dllTe I gell' safe un n n : I;I'OWtl 51'(,,1 I. gOOl1 IH TOWN . .. .......... ....... .......... ..... _. 7 <'aNl In ~rl8lJlI . In matchin g what Is 1J; I iI k e n hand, all , or how absolute ly It seems tu be from r " otb e Ih On . zntion all f'r i elll s(' d t' iJrout UII·s s nr(' ut I'otatot' s tb Is BTREET AND NO. .......... .......... . _ with whut oUJ;ht to bl' th law SOIDe. I ~ not b< . )11It'1I Sntnn, by the time It reaches us It toto r"IIIin Ihelr full vi tali ty, and wh en I honll' grow n s erd U8 and will work for .ilI d' G ,::rown beeu as h k tim eR mall es )tse lf SUlIlt'lltlng o t a sto(' flotalo 8('('d put (1)(0 Ih e groun d s tart at once Into ! gooll .TATR.......... ... . .......... .......... .. .. thlngl' far ce . (·t)ll(lillo ns hav e 1I0~ g:ul:r ~or good t~ us? For all \,Ij: orolls ~ rowth. In favornb le weath'l :n Ull iJ, and . love' wbo UB to good for r that proper ca r P. work togethe e r , if IJlanled In !.lie summer , th ey I (' ltanllf'd so gr~atly DrIven to Begging . ChrIst l betraya the of In even d And . KI,Ila:rc God g ln Ile "I'e s ~ Lnd)'bll order been taken, sir?" Il llpE' lir IIbove J::t'ollnd and arc ' will Itut. st ill bl'lng rpsult.s. your ufL"n "Hall batb Father my which cup "The ' Eald crOll 'I'll<' satis ia ctory growth of the plant Call fornill to sa\'(: til e c<lutt:'lo upe walter. bead tbe )'('a d)' 10 r:ullll't,t e ~· lthln te n days InquIred We It?" drInk noL I sball me : I by devourI ng the Iusc cl" wlllch prey frolll Ibe lime of pla nting. The grow~tl l depends IOI'gely tI[lon th e mecba.n lcal ·Ye.... replied tbe patlent dIner. "fit. living In are we If JIves rl'ned ~\~~·J~ha rools e th n "'he 5011. aile upon the lutte r. At leMt, this Is Is \'Cry J'llp i,\, an ti ,-, yen n late varl e y : ('o ndllio n of tbe teen mlnuLes ago. It It 18n't too late, tb e s oil freely. <tbo center of God's wlll . All the at. instanc e wh"re ' mu scullne Ing e nuity may b" rlu g; within 0111' hundred days arc abl!' to Ilenetra t e I'd like to cbange It." thougb. .In others' tbrough Satan tbat 1.IItLlt S make the TIIost sat'sfae tory tnclts your order, sIr?" cbange "To bas turned to advanta ge tbe feminIn e frOl1l lime or plalttin g . !'ula toE's growll tll (: pow. are only not us hurl against lIIbeJ'R a.rf' of the best . Thin, cnsp hill of white fl'OI1l ~ IIIH' ,.,rOUI 1',1 seed make e~cell e nt growth, anll the "Ye•• It you don'L mInd I'll cbanc. instinct for d es tructiv eness. Into turned are but us, harm to ~~~8S lOoselative. re the upon Also Jl!'. sh'I as sprout not tlo tile), ." at; slocK, t: ble!lslng s on the way, So leL us praIse to an entreaty Indian Com, cooked to grown In Ih e ortll nary n pss. of ~ho soli depends li s ability _ _ _ _ _ _ __ God for ('very ne\\' testing, knOwin g A woman authorit y o n th o Ques llon early ,'s I I~OS lanl! the If . e mols.tur and arr ['clall! bave s toasttd to a SlI e " se!!'d potatoe man n pr Proof. perfection that It If! only goIng, to reveal his love .ays tbere canoot be un Id eal bU Bbaa d Ihan norther n Is w,,11 drllined . c ultI vati on be be tual ahty t l'i Intellec the lIlorl' said even thInk," "Do you gIve God tull op. delicate brown without 'the 'Witbou t an Ideal wIfe. Thls dictum " ery early. thus hasteni ng th( the more. And let UB I;I'0Wl\ SlOl'k Hill! IIrc co mparab le to gun us good young woman, "tbat there Is any truth !WUJ probabt y go tar toward settllug s"contl cro p s outhem J:;row u seCtI. ~'Ilr m i ng and drying at the soil, bes ide . portunl ty to return through BO lov. In the tbeory tbat big creatur es ~ mechan ical condl· ; for evil. under every attack. the vexed 'quesUo !l. as It makes tba small ones? Seed mar be sproutp. d In Ihl s man· p.Dttln~ It In such thllt the blessing shall not be better natured than a r &l1ment too personn l to be pleasan t. MI' In a wIndow or greenho use, ea rly tlOU tilat serIous 1088 of moIstur e w(\l Ingly You 8et them m the ed the ,.oung man. "J Bnswer "Yea," , be shall but es ourselv to limited of early drough t soon ce betw.ea dltferen tbe at In the scason for tbe early crOJ!. IIle· not 0( ('111' In case Look do, ahout many to fullnesB In pacu8e passed on Bralnles ll people never are Insana, 1Ilum·si zed tubers should be used for aflt'r 1)lanLing time. tti« Jersey mosquIt o and the Jereey .-8 day School Times, Ol'st c ultlvaU on, in tbls case. The a aB Llte, ts c a tbaC t CIOw,"a basI Sunligh the . On t. purpose Iliis aclentls a ..,.8 un with a disk harrow, or us. fungi cIde, and potatoe s thus sproute d sbould be made !Whatever bappen! !, they don't mind. will cut about as deer All Ie Vanity. do not fOlqulre th e !ormaU ti treatme nt. seme tool whicb Boy'. Prayer. g at growers might produc!! at as potatoe s are planted , followIn Oblo pota wouldn 't have mJ -( Madge words clean •. GIve nie clean bande once WIth a spl'fng tooth barrow. 10 CoI~mbu8, 0 .• tar~f)rs are trying w home a very superio r Quality of ' to etand parade for anythin g! me ,help s thought clean anll reo be may d.rag plank aeclJre a law enforcIn g all pede,tr lani potatoe s if this met bod were followe d some eaSGS a le-Nelt her would I. clear: . J Marjor eaay ~e IigatnB!" rlgbt hard the for III.nt. d 'WIth a ' to carry lantern . on tbelr coat taU • .long ..-Ith otber precaut ionary meas· quI red, to be followe front ot tbe.oamera wilel wr9~g; BBove me .froln habib! ~.t WaB right Inapm tooth ~moothjng baiTow. 'artI.~.,. too1c t • after dark . . • revenle against au. .nres. bard' ~ ' the newBP w.o rk to me teach tralrm; ' . ' " i . to oepend "l<:. dOt.-P uck. If u .' :",'1Ita w~ delll&lld tlie aama' of mov. '. Mu,:1i more 'teems . trJ crop. 1I'0r !L ·'!,w'lilg··t",~~ of the seed, ""•.":·; -;·n!:-':-:;-;r.!';::S-:-'T: . when' . 'I N vehlel" . JlakiJ)g Jlght 'o f the .ub. the con.d lUon· thanup rape \ I~!wIU ~o~ ~l'~b~re;tJiat :COrD ') onthe· !i@:ln.r"'floua.l


j) t





Eve rybo dy

From Kid To Gra nda d



Po st To ast ies


touch of human hand. sealed


",·t.j,;(all ' t


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COlndli~\I:Clal lr.l;,e.t1fl8" II .

8Uloorlo r



,l,r1 jftom. ""ature;~~~?~! . grow~. ;~p W~k ,~r~~ ~ :.,~ "~I. . .

"(Ill . elglit to

.and ' lIlJ1

IdY ,

Read y to Eat

j~~~~~~~~~~;~~~ li?~~L.iilibl..r~!8§~~~~~~'lI1~';:')" "~'i.j~ ". "!iO~iO·"'~J





LEGISLATURE PASSED MANY NEW , LAWS license Question Settled At I

last In Buckeye State


Cox'a Lelli alati ve Progr.rm Qut and All But Three Men· 'urea of, mlnl.tratlon Were Palled -Llat of b\'~ Pan ed By the Senate and Hou... " j


' ., . . ..

Lloy(] -- P rc) vldlll~



~~II, tborlzlo.

C.llDI.i1lut-AlltliorlIIIlC charita'" Cl'8anllatlon. to transfer fUnd. to c.ounty comml81lonen. Mooney- Autborlzlng trlllllfer of In· mate. at atate Insti tution., Friebollil- Provlding tor Inv ostlga· tlon of wages of female- employes. Moore- Au l borI7.lng JelTe rson coun' ty commlsslonerll to appropriate ce r · tilin mo ney. Flnnerroc k- Probl b iLing s tudents not resldenls at connty trom voting. Grce ulunll - Llquor lice nse act. Lloyd- Providing ror de plls ltlo ns for s tnte In c ri mina l CIl~e8 . Lloyd · · Authorizin g O. S . U . 10 es tabll sh co lle!:os or metlld ull and dDIIt· Istry. Gn·gorr -· Autltorlzi ng l1\'e·mill levy tor Unlvel'slty of Cinc innat I. Ho wa rd - Am ll nd lug lo\\'n ~ hlp or~an · 17,atlou lalY . Cook - Aul.hnrizlng (,Inc lnn ati to compe ns a le \V . A . Upll ror Injurle.. Jun g _. Alt lho ri 7.ln g CTiil'innntl to com p" nsa to J . A. Fo rb es ro r Injurle... UrN,nlund - Provlding mothers ' pen. iio n a a nd recodifying JUI'en l1 e laws,






Dul!er-.lathortzIDr COll.trllcUOll of Zmull\-A ....orta!aa .........t ... take pl&ee of abunt Commoo Pleu county aeware dl8poaal plants . lurance eompanlel to do IIr. iliaUPJlIQe. Smltb-Autboriline establi shment of ance busin ess ae mutual companlee. Lloyd- Ma'kln, misdemeanor the Br01l'1l (ABhland) 7'Eatabll s blD& Sat· · municipal court In Hamillon . ' urday holf bollday, Black (Hamlltoo)-Authorlzinll ea· tAlki ng of automollile without corutent. DutrQY- Mee~anlce' lien acL labll s bmqn t of municipal court In Cln ' Vol1rner-RsQult Ing e lec tric railroad Ml1Ia - Exe mpUUl; trom Long..... ortb clonatl , e mplo yes to rest eigh t bo urs er limIt municipal bouds Issued Cor purl C larll- Regulatlng sale of s lock8, wo rkin g Hlxtl'lln. chase ot publi c utillties . b onds a Mi otli er stlc urltl e~ (bl ue Fl ehll ~ A band lJ o in g S taLe roael. Black (Wynlldot) --I'rovldlui for , law ). P ell e R e Q ll lrln~ we"d ~ c u t a long new penltfl ntlary In couutry . ' Lowry- Pro"ldin !; for state-"' ! d~ prl · rural hlghway~ . Hlte-- J. egaliz lng Portag.. l'OlllltY , ma ry nomi n Rllon 8 an d .· le(,lloo s . Knnn('d.l' -- H"'l ll ir ll lj'; ;i llrplu8 bp.fore Improve m e nt AS<lo(' latloll p lan . !{ e llnr·dy - Prod,llng tor ~ t H t e SU I," r· dr>elarlll!C of dhid/, IHls . Snyd t'r ~Ha D1lllon) - Provld i ng ce u· vis ion o[ pri\'utl' ba llils I Cnpe ll" - l1ellt ittlnl'( "X~I\ on b ui ld· so r. b lll fnr motion pletur!' films nUrr '~ )'- " Pllro prlntlag $1,800 for tl .. , , i ll g" lIamu K,-·,1 by fl ood . Ove rl~ on - R " Qul r ing postltlll 01 .,. Idow n[ thl' late R e p r~8e n '."I : \'f~ L F . UI"l' I, l! I'qlllrlnJ; ele(, l ion boar4 lI~ts of r "g i~ tPr pti el cc tn no. (' o nYoay . I me",h ... r" III Il1 k" ofl1ce In May Dc tr lek - :-Ip .. ,' Hy ltt /l fQrm nr bullotd \\' Inl l'r nlll l" "':Pro\,111I ng ~u r apPu ln t· ! 0 1',11",, · 1'f'llu l\zing carel t' ds <lulom!>(or constilut io nal amsndl nen t;; ' 11l (' llt u t t urnpike c orullll s ~iul1(> r ll I ll llP. dril'l r ". Black (W yan rlOl) - Autborlzlng \}a y· tlrr i.o ll - l'ru vl,li n g ror inap f'C l ioll ~ m l lh I \1u l lpr) - Prflllerv lng worlla

Probate la48e to

Columbu8, O.-Flnlnclal clerkl general .Metmbly, at the clo.e of the .... Ion. made a com· parllon ot the approprlatlonl ot this .... Ion with thOle mlde by the preceding legiliahlre. Thoee for 1911 · 12 amount to '18,410.697, while those for 191$-14 ar .. $20,070,13&,64, To compare properly. It im laid, there .hould be deducted delayed build ing construction appropriation. ~mounting to $1,003,820. the newi' pilper ildvertlalng of· the Conatltu· tional Convention $62,891.71 and the nood military expenle., Includ· ing liquor tax refunderl, In all ment or l ll ri ti \ Jll l: :' ,~ ' e ~rnlng8 to d,,amounting to $!l60,000. penll ents. The total deduction. are, there· (' I .. ' nr~ - I ' r () hlh l tlng c ontract labo r III fore, $1,033,820. This makes the ex · I I Ja Is Slid v.or !dHlIl 5es CC85 $S2f>,618.27. C· unu>t' r - I ("Pl'nllng s tr eE' t I., Wl '.Uo r Count milde lIhowlI that the gen· la " . erill anembly enact .. d no fewer C'on uv'lc I'ruv idlag f lu' ;; [,ray ing oC than 318 new laws and adopted 48 o rch ard ;;. of the





al1,1 It''' ~Hlf1g u r Ijnd~s tintl



:'l " lI a l l' t,i ll. J)lIHs t'd Grl'pn - I'rovilling min .. r ..s('oe can. 01 (' Olln Me ll " l:flIphe rs l.1 oyrl ·.\ Ulitorl1. illg oXiens loll work , Tp rrpli- I'rovldllll,; for AIl llcIJro e nt o t , a , Stntc lInl\' ~ r " l l )' ~ h:l. re 5 or s tock . I H tHl so n - .\lI(h o r lz lll~ conservation \ Vl lI la lll s - Alltho ril i ng mUl ilc ipal ' in\' PRllga l lo ll a t ::; tll i e IInh' l'r~ ltr i court In Lo rain , I li owarci - Allthnrizlng oxecutors to ~ l or r i a-Pro\'il1 i ng f or c Onlp e n~a l' on

Bla~ : k ( Ha.rui _ l to n ) " SL,>f!ci CYlng duti es I

joint reso lutions, f our of th.m pro-

of n lQ tlllti b tdl tl,' rs .

I n f'u s ur i n g

,I,' \·le".

Felt1llgpr - E:mpuw~n 1l t.:


i n s uranc: c Re11 promissory notp.~ .

'W!I'ftytern N " WSllRll Or U "..,~ N~ ,. . Service. or ftl e ble'mind pd pe l'SOU R posing amendment. to the conati. l or c l" c l1oIJ cl .. rk~ . 61llwr llll l'n den l trJ rh " nlal'l~ " 01 ltl"u r · : I'llllllll!; --.\ uthur iz illl': mnnl l'l llall tlftll ColuruIJu8, () .-·Th e IOUde a u d lien· \V leijer- Auth llr lzltlg adm inis tration tution. Va rroll -- Pro\,id illg r"r rede m ption o f I :1II CA. de parlmpnt " Ill I)" ' )"" , I ltl condNll ll prop .... ty ou(~ldp. II mlt8 tor att> prlol' to adJo urn ll 'fit Sa turday bOll rd to des ign al e IIm iLB for puroled The houle record of new ' .. ws III d era u lted turnplk,' "o n ll ~ . I F p lli llge r- ~:X"l1lpl l n~ 11[1' In ~lI ra nc " ,' wilte r mnil id .Ight mllde a new liquor lJ,,· (or Ohio. pri Kone r>! . 212 a nd the sen" t .. •• 104. Each Hbdt (\V} lllldlll ) ·· Prov idio g for I fro m clalm~ "'{ 1'!'~ ' I "or! Fri(:tlolill ·- r:nluq:ing jur~d i ction of .,& s aloon ca n be malnm ined Ithin 301) I Lloyd l':~tab1l8hlug Btate budgel branch h"l 24 joint reSOlution. to ~ tate Dl "lI l~ (I i I 'r,,~el ' ut" rs to tat!' I ~nl i t h - Pro v idllll; ~llr [' u rr 1t :l.," o r ' t '!f·v .. lllno l!I u lIl ~ I DIlI co urt. feet of a schoo l blllldln[l:, bl' its reo sYBtem . Ita credit. I'ardon Hoard I land It )' agrlcul t urH.l . o(,lplir" ' ' Gr E'ptll ull rl - Auth o riz ing payment of Illrl r. llon does nOl app ly 10 Bll 'IOn s in Moont':-, -- ReQ ll lri ng Ihn t une x pend. t :owall . ';"lI eral appro?riotlo ns aC1. Kllpal r lrk - l! mTto\ lng 1 ~11 " l lmlta ' l cor l\' I ('\~ COllRtruc ting woman'l) rstorlDthe buslne88 or maltt busi ness (1. 'lrlcI c d apllropl'iutlons be r eturn ed 10 s tnt ~ Feilluger - Prn vlding lOr preserva , tl on trom S m itlt I pN " en l u.x Ill '" alOr) of th e munic ipalit y RRpuWlblo httels treasllry . ~I c ( 'ormid Rpgul ating burial of tion n.r II1" fl u tE',1 ballot,; . \l oon l'y - KI(\.PndlnK pow e r of munlo1 Dca an - Au l!t or lllnl{ lax Ie ... , to r r .. · I and clubs nre (ree frOIO t hl~ reSl c· 1 Hold ou - fle flu ing d utl E's o f c hJlrlt. Orrl~on ' Provi dIng ri»' primary ' 1lef of needy b lin d . : Ipnll t les In co ntraclln g for .. Iecttic CUI't ion. ab le tru s t. pBull Ar M no mlnlli ioll or v lllll!l: c and townsblp I Doslct- Provltllll g for "' l!l.hli~hmpnt refll. ' Uuffy - S pP(' lrying rnanner or ap· ffi T urbulent 8("'IH '~ 1It/l'n,l(' d Ihe CIOB" 'eygu'nd t- F'orbldding acce pting of 0 (,f'l' ~ . • l of llubll c 6ll h ool~ ro r UI' i\ :' . hll nd and ! llolli~on - F:x e mptin g bo nd le.les to~ tng sel!slons of l h" ge nprltl asse mblr 1 mon ey fo r si g ni ng of Initia tive a nd poi nt ing mu ulc lpill onkera to flll \·a· Rlack (" yandot ) - Provl dlllg tor a r· , crippled ; Hoo c\ -d e, tr oyl'Cl Be h ool bul hJlnga tram call1'le9. I 0 f p," l'o I" d pr I~onl'r~ . 1 (ll\ the member. l' lId ell VOrl' II to bave ,I rererendum pro positio n s . rE'~ r'ul to n-F. nl.lbl illl: :-';p wo.rk to"' I1 ' :' Smith Inw'" IImltntlo nH . DkI.. 3u n -I >rovi lll l1~ aid rol' ludigent Blac k t W ya nd Ol) - Prllddln g rar I s hi p to co mp el1sa [.J W . L:. Barnf' 1 Oree nlulld -D lvlng liquor lIeen s. pll6sed legls lu tlo n ill whl l:lt the y wor.1l I' l:uII11ghl!r - Aulhol·17.llI g est ablis b· in terested, ment of ex peri me n t farm s . poor. ltatem ent s o f I'ro se eut or s :0 State ,' I{rllwer-A ppro pr illtlng $1.001\ fo r I ~O m!Tl18.lon JUrisdictio n 1n liquor tax All bul thre o meas u re s on tb<, a d· Do ll iso n- Prov iding fllr emf'rg@'ncy T eliow - l.lll b llit.\' suils for d eath s in l'rlso n Boar,l. wldo'\' ot IIlIS nepre~e ll' lll l¥e L . H . ' In s [lc ction . mlnls trnU ve prOlJl'alD W('f!l pa~Bl' d dur o ap proprlatioll ~ . mine~ . ('owa n-- Uf'IlP ral uPMo pr iation s al't. 1 Ku e bl e r. - - - - -- m u nicipal Int; th c 5tlHS loliH of thn se llE'r,,1 assam · \\'(',I'/(Il ndt--He qulrlns notaries to T e rr flll pp r mitt iug s uits for d eaths F'cilingr~ r -- I'rovid lng for pres cnoa · \ DlsE'r- Elllablis h in!: J. STRIKE WON IN MINUTEst bly. Noa rly 1,000 Dropo~ ul s we re In· Ole bonds with IHw rettl r y of tita t e . in ml nc~ . t lull or dI s pu ted b allots . i cour t In Youn /:slowll . trodu ced and or t!jis nUllll"" ~ (;v "ass· Muon ey. Pro \' idlnl'; for re lll Bur uncc T erre ll - I' I'rnti t tlll~ ~ lIlts for inJu · OrrlRon - Pro vidiul!: for primary I ({In g ( F'ra nkllnl -Spl'Clry ! n ~ ,, !'! gh ! ed both houses. ot risk s Ii ), 11 ft) ins uTall co c om panics. ries ur wro ng ful dplLtb s. nomlnatiou of " llIn go a nd t ow lI ~hl \' : fo r mon ~ lIrlll g far m produc r , Union Ie Fo~m.d and Ol.banded Witt... offi, 'e r ~ . I In Short Time After Caus. Apllropriatlon s tJy he g lln "ra I as· Cunningham - Agrir ultttl'lli c ommls. K II Il'u r lt-k - In lJ,lruve mc nt R In iuter· I King ( Frn IIklin )- - Prov idilll( to r reo . e mbl)' to r 19 13 nnd I!.IH aggregate sion lI C-\. urban a l·S. I( p~ slal" - Enall il ng trURtCAi> or mo \' al ur pllbl lc ofti('crs , II Won. ' 0 07 M E' I " ~ \ll) wlI _b l n • Allam! coull t y , t o i I:la r th elrn nn - Ame ll ili ng r,) rrUp l il m p' l A t - f$ ~ , 0, 13 6. 01' $ 1,tifi!I,4 ::4 moru th a n HOl' kett- Pre ve n ti ng obilr union of Dus lflr - Srl llr ifyinM suf.. l.\' al,pl l ·" '" S d t tw o yel\rs ago . Of Ihl .. 41rnount. hol\' . ! Wa ICl'\\'lL."S . an r "~ I'llI' ral lroad_ . tr!l ll Sr" r fu nd s . lices ac l 8 0ry comes rom y ney 0 • , T b llllla~ - En fl !.tllng Per r ysvil1,, ' " I . ~ OO ( 0 un ion thnt wn8 forme d, strike d eclared: eve r. It tuta l of $1.r.46 . 7~ 1 \\'II~ a llll ru 'l Weyltll lldl - ReIlU llllill!; co ns t ru c tion Hl tl' - Allthor i1:l n f{ e m p lo yme n t. of I lo wn s h lp. W uo ,1 ,' oulity. to pay (:rn c'p ' I o wnll ·-.\ppropr at lng ,~.. , I IJ to I and won, t he un ion dissol ved, all InlI rl n t pd ror {'xtmo rdi ullry p urpo~ps, or gr hoolllc us es . 11<'111l nllaf\ p l l~on"rG o n publ ic hlgb 'l 1 A . I f I' " ' c ov er expflndlJuft· s o f O. N O . tor SliP' J sid o or 90 ' illutes $650,000 for nood '\'t' 1i ,,( a nd Il lOrc t bun i lIutlSOIl - I.,, \·yi llJ: antlua l lax of h a lf WUy, . , an.' , 1(lle,, !\u t or tell e ling 8Crl'I Cf'S i p ll l"s . p cr d!em il li rl l ru" " Ourta(Jon dur. ' - n, . I mill ro r p;ood roa ,l ~ . (~l tJ Sf)1l - H"li,,( for InrJlgent ~ oldlprl< ' r~ '~'P' tlo\\'- PrnvHllng pre cau lion s for ! In~ Oood . Tbe strlko wae o f tbenter-goers I" $1.000 ,UOO rO l' IIl'W lillildln!<s I '" 'k ing auan doned Dllno s . I Th I' 0 I b ' ~ Mt. Oumb le r. In Houtb Australia. andi ThOUSA nds of do llars III 1I1XI" Will i \VI')'!;nndl - n p d i~ lri blll lll !; re ve uu e (-'UIPlllUll SlwclrYll1g ltlllle uelon ,; or JlI ~ IIl\ :ln _ J'rl)vlding ad d l( io nal" ~tC ller - [' l('r m 1I 1 11 ~ to "'n. II' was ug lli n at th e mnnagement ot • l l, c ler k~ ( o r f>: lp linn Doardc be r em itte d to ho me owner,; who suf· from lu lwr ltunc'c lUX f' S, I t h eatrica l l' oom s. "Oll llua r e&. barn·stormlng trou pe. fen'll 10MH In Cl ll cl lIlI lltl . . !Il1rn i1toll , .Iu n!; -Cl ncln nali smull !('/iool board AOllllcll- l' ro lectinj!; s l, ullk s. S COtt Allth urlzill lt~ Harr i ' oll WI1 1I ,lnl 3'-1' na llzitl ); 1' 'l rrYl ll!!' of Tbe mUli agem eut Il8ltted twoshllllns_ 1)U\,IO II lind ol lt el' OhIO cl l ies rlllrln ~ Ile!. , . . " . g e ~ !concp. a.11'(1 \\·"apon ~. for admlsslo tt to the show but t~eo t.h . n I TI ' I lb · 1 h at c h er- ,.'\bOII~hlllg exn tnlnRt lo llS , r oo. n t} \ ow :n IH" lOners to pay cerlaln KI g r' III P I ' .. I' OOt ll . 11 8 WR~ nsun'l Y I'Il S' I. loyd EfHablls b lng ~,Iu nlclpal " f Cou ll ty ('cIll lll laqion f' r 's reports. I bil :s, : , n \ 'ro n ( ti l - I' na IZIIIi;' pp rSOfl B I pr08 pectlv e audi e n ce rotu sed to Pll" \lu g,· by lhe sella I," or thn bill by Re p· I ('ourt IU ('olumb us . ' I' I . ,. .• . I J II k f 'l II ) R II I .e l llll!: 8llO rl we l)\ ht o r IIl P:l.8 Ur,· I more thnn onll sltlllln·, aDd after aI , . , . " " " . r h aE1rer - PCllll IZ ~ nll S ur a liu ln~ I at" r am ton -. e pna ng aw r \ \ ' 1 , I' • '. . 1:1 res f . "tlllt l \! Loui s II. ( lIjlc llt' . of Cl n· '· rl e bolln - Estabils hlllg Com mon I 111 k l At t . (. I Cd ' " , Dt €r ij- lJea 1; 1I .l u ng lI'u ve ClIunt) I haat y con6ultatlon ouls lde the tlieater '1 I Itl ' · . II ' . . - l of (rUH8 . I fI n~ urn ta ~ .dn era 0 ( 1)' IOg ' .1 . ' II • C rW lll, prov 1Il~ th ll.t t a!t e ~ on n I I l e a ~ .Iu rlge I II eac'h COll11 1\ . I •.• III • 1 .. I I r C( , 01 111'I3"U ,' In er u <'CI posl lO r lcs. , fonned a tb eater·go era' uni on . . , . . r I'E' n ge r - "u t IOr l7.lng rem RS on n ~1' I. ' I • . . property tl amnge ri l,,· tl uod l it l!; V!lar ( , r ,.,n -· Heq il ir illg ~ur p lus fu nd q : I d b I I n IT A tb I d " ,I arh · - Anthorl7.llI~ <'0'111< ), to II '! Plck els wore lItationed a u d w1thln • abR lI he r .. ba ted _ l)irl'c t fI'ller 'w lll (rom bund iSHUI'S to go luto S inldtt~ I securttl cs rurnl d le y osuranc~ ('O lll '! to lill Y - , " lor 7.lng a mlolst ra'lltO"d l be nd o f country t l'l)URllre r I few minu tes 278 Ilcrsona-pnactlclllly: paille, . I S tl pp. r ,ou a property at IITI<'E' XI' o' p · ·. , . . tbuRN lle nlTa rdcd . , , fun cl _ W els h- !'lloclrrlog dim ens ions of ' I' ~ judg.... I 150 rr OVhllltll 1,; fo r Ila ymc ni of al\ wbo we re tbero-bad agreed uot to 1 p e pres(' ntal!ve 1.II peli In trodu('ed lI aas · l1e'l ulrlllj'; nOIl · r t' ~ ldent bunt · fI bl I Cowan lMakin g a I t' r I costs n attu c OJl'n t (';rspt; pay tlt a two sbllling. the b11l In J an u ar )', fo l!owl n g Ihe IIrst I ers to hI' Ileell scli antI set Illn d o wn· 8 > ll.gtl 0"I1 't8. I ' h I I t t' u I sell 'ool s a"d 1lll lvn rll ltl'lPI:O IJr a IOn ~ o r 'I G u t h e r y- Providin g fIll' d lgg il l!l; of The manag e r ElPpe'ared at tbe door1'\. C Ii 1 • . equ rift ,.: s(' 0 0 U ::) rl1 t 10 :1 .7 ' j In ' i I Clnd llllutl Oood , e rs. " p r m i t . . cOIH'erTIln n(' c lden t" . ! C'oll er - P l'Ov ltl lllg [tlr Jo iot dl'wage ' 0 t counl Y d t('lt ~s. way and retused to make the reQulreti The genera l llssfHllbh' fln nl ly r f'('E'8S ' K' (gF' kll) R . , · 1 r l dis lJOSa l work , ' lI o llntr y W e!s h - Permltltng (, :It('olng or Ge r ' l rcductlon . r (,r efm l u nd ·-' PI' () \'Idln ~ 1'o rre n~ S Y9 " I' rood I ng ru n 11 oq lit rJ ng s a P. 0 t • I . , eel for 10 oays. l ndr'r, lit .. ('rms 0 I tPlD ro r regldterlng land tllIe~. protlll(:tR lIy weight Ilud cOllnt. Bonn e ll - Auth ori zin g governor to is. ! m ll n ca rp . . ''1'11 give you till J count 20," lIal(l. th u joi nt re solution which forced th e Import .. nt S .. nilte Joint Resolut ion . King (F'1'a llk llll) - Sppclfying d illlC'u, s ue d pl' Ils or ~ "r " to Guern .. ev countv S c hnefer- frPllgI I\l!n lll /l pur ~ tood the prealdent of the unIon. "and after abut·down th e bod y wtll ad journ finlLI· > " . ,. land s . . . • law. tqat our price will be sixpence In&tea4 lion A rll 28. !I1 oone y·- [ ro(lo~lng a CIJl\ ij titutional Sl O?S o f dr y nl ell Hllr us . 1 _ . 1 Leldt - Anpropriatlng $7 5,Oc}0 for ot one a hlllln ." He counted Ilowl Y p am e ndm e nt eX(,llIp ti ng "tllt e .chool Krame r- Authorizing esta blis hm ent 1 K ing .( "'~h t:lbula )-Provldlng tax I nit I "'I dl I I I b gh It I t dT' town s h ip. county a mi rnunlc!~ul bOl1d~ ot tood s tandards · by Dair y and I~oo d Ilovy for Bow l ing Greon and Kent nor · weA k llC 10Ao th stir IC 8 _ I r t' toTbnll8'.n.wll ~n t e mdanlagerdcatp u .. e d . I I mal S.!.tOOIA c e r- ' u orzng sae 0 por Ion e a .rlLe wus ecare a an en. <SILLS ACTED UPON BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY (r oOl tRnt lon . Comm s~ .oner . I ' , { ,' . ot csna l to Logan . the uolon dissolved and the IItrikere . BIIIII Vetoed . Lowe ry- ·Appropriation ror reltet of , l\rll e l1 l~ r- T'ro ( ~( \Og pheas sn !e. ' w - T I bll' b t d I t th b Il-N Y k Trt~ flood Huf({'rprs . Gilson - P roviding to r diss olution of h aru E'S ax ng autonlo c , y roope no e a . ew or "'-'{;OlumhUB, O, -Presented berewlth Smith - Requiring munlcipalitiea to Lowe ry -- Primary elect ion s bil l. v ill::tge "c ltool di s lrl c ts _ or."lte.powe r. R t dl I' un e . is a lIel of tb e blUs enac l~d by t he cut woeds . I ' a lint dngb O IIllld or ta x to 1:11ark (\\, yn ndol ) - S pee fyln g rR ee· eatI --Au.'b or IZlllg esta blis hm e nt of I I apmank C.oope r - A men til ug Iaw re Ia tl ng to 17lslatll re ",1'lcl adjourned , yI I00l . le .. "u I h"s u \I 1 ord s ror ofll ce of Cble( Mine rnsp ec LO~. c Ivic nnd soclnl ce nterj; 10 scbo ol bullri· tla \'ooIJn cep eI'rs OUS II I_e f I' WAYS OF INDUCING SLEEP S .. nate BIIII Pa .. ed. enta e ( estate,;. I Mu eller-Providing rOI' lDalntenntlc u In gs . 0 m e ren a z ng v 0 a ors 0 or· Important House Joint Resolutions. l of co ullty riltcb es. B etint>-· ... mpll( }·ing po wers ot boards d e rs uf 8ta te fact ory In~ pec torR . . Many and Curloua Methodl Havel Frlebolln-Authorlzlng ve rdi cts by NYe Proposing constltutionoi A k P 'Id l t tit f t t f bl! rr I Ruhlman - Providing a id for Yo enk Been Resorted to In All . .nlne juror8 In civil cases. amendllll!ul ma king womcn eligible I ' c erro\ IIg or. e m:m8J;e· 0 rus neB 0 pu c a a re o sc hool dl Hlrlc ta . Age, Friebolln- Autborlzlng verd icts by bold cortaln public officos. m e nl or Xenia Orphans HOUle, . R e l ghard - A~t horlzln g mun lci p~lI. Woodworth- Allowin g t v.o () da) . (or MorrIH-- Provldlng for earo of defec· lies to .lppro p rrllte Illnd ror cemetp.flea , nine Jurors In municipal courts, Warne s - Proposing constitutional t ' d d d hlld I n d S I ... .... II' t I I tea rb e rs 'c lCamlnMlon R. Many and curioua have been thel At-I I I' I II'e nn epen ent c ren IY . oar . • C lae n e r- rfov llOg or s usp eno on I Jo'rlebolln-Autltorlzlng verdict» by amendm e nt IU"", ng a~po nt ~e a I of AdmlnlRtratlon , of pharm aaisls' c crllllcates 'I B gclo \\ -Provld. lllS for lla mphlets m ethods e mproyed to Induce sleep IDI jurore III justice r.OUi'ts . state officers • except Om'e rnor and Cowan- R e'l UIr Iug r e po r t s f ro m of TIlau: h E1.r- APIJfOpr Iat Il1g . $883 .8 1 f or ox plaln lng lllll s suum ltted by rcrer' l all a"08 .. . Even trom ' the primitive p~ Greeu- RegulaLing use ot IIlullllnat · Lleute naut Governor. n r t t b d M M' It L b e n rlu llI . low sturred with tbe narcotlc·leaf Warn as - - PropoHllIg con~titu llonal <'K e rlsl °t sl la epoarl}I' fl " of r 8. ,1rgaArE' a ~ml ' -1000 S nyder ( Hllmilton ~ - AUlho rizing the more modern one advocatad b" ..' 1ng oils In mines. ' po r (' , - ro v II IIg or loaruB L owr ypproprl:lt ng ~, fo r . ~ I appointment (,O lllllY " Is It or8. . Id ow 0 flt}~ ! Cln clnnall to Issue bo nd ~ ror ra pid well known Swedish doctol'-Of .. "'st"!' " a ge lim it for benell· al1\l'Iltl. me nts autborl1.ln8 ffi l ,'aa8- 11 a lsln17 Yo' a e . ep resenta t 1 ve S T . . clarles ot rrat'lmnl or b s nellt socie- ot township and county ~ ce rs . Cllwan.- Reqn lrlng duplic at a war. Smi th . . tra n s it loop. , Ung between tbe blankets dripplnCI Blac k ( Hnmilton) - Rnttfylng amend· t . C II' P 'd ' NUllge sBer-A ppl vlng !;rade crossI ng from a cold bath tiel. mpnt to United States c onstitution ran 5. . . 0 IHR:-- ro\'l Illg or co ns t ru c t o n lew to "lIIa ge6 . . But perhaps no' n- 1- 80 e,I_-rd'-' Bernstein- Ampli fying dutie! ot , . Snydpr (Plckawny) - An!.horlzmg and repaIr of publi c r oads. v .. _ ......... ~ .lectlon olnce rs.. prOViding for po[,ular election of commiss ions fo r !Iood r esto ratio n. Heyelr-Ap proprlallng $1 000 fo r I Co11lne- pre vc nlin g food price com· nary &1 tbat recently Invented b, aDl Bemsteln- SpeclfyinS torm ot hal. U nited Slutes Senators. . Vonderhelde- Aulhorlzing de posltof It e lrs 01 late Repres ntatl ve P . HaK' blnallon s. . eminent German doctor end IIclent1It., Car roll - Co ngrstulatlllg Britis h t t f d In building and loan Snyder ( Ha mil lon) - :'hibstituting In· By hla system It Is poealble to .wltch! ' oL .. House of Co mmon~ on Irish b orne 8tt~ I~n s e r lJty. F' Id ' f d ete rmillate perm ils tor pu blic ut ili· ! eleep "off" nnel "on" precisely All oDei Moore-Providing for distribution of I t ea ons. Il'er- rov Ing o r app ell l In eu· I t h's ' orcogrRnh'lcal surve". ru e ae . Kessler Ame nding enumerated (;ntio n of procee din gH _ I es ~anc I e6 . , manlplates the electrlo IIgbt, bulle tins of to '" J }o'rlck- Providing lists ot regis tered Whlte- P e rm lt li llg kil li ng' of fo x es . Tb It I b I tr\ It th-" th Green-AuWorizlng duplicate war. S powe rs o f munl c lllalilles , Me(;ulTcy -- l' roviliing tor cons true. > ,. U8 IS Y e ec c y ... eo lobbyls ls fo r House anll enate memo Hoaglin- Protec ting g am e . . f r Ik . DonaldHo ll- f rov ldlug for hlSlOr1e a l doctor Is able to promlle sleep to tbe! rants, bers, (jon 0 t u np es. In forlu'L! lon Re Id- Probating of will R. Wlntermlll.e- l'fC)vi<llng for racilita. . . ,.. • I most IC'leterate ot In.omnla vlcttms .• Wlese r- Authorizlog iodt,tN lll lnate Lowry- Me morializing Congres s tn Clark- -Roqulrlng transc ripts of pro- li on of ro ad c ons t ru r tiun. ~!lrthe lll1 e h - Pn sc ribing maener Of, By meODS of a small electricallY- I .penitentiary sentences , PIlSS }o'"c1ernl law ror competitive bid· ceeding s r e la tlug to bond I ss lJ (,~. C ollln s-- Exle nrllu ~ lilll~ ron d bond H Isu ln g s:at.>. .. . , . i worked macblne, he applies the cur ~ Green-AuthorlzllJ~ appointment of d lug by us nk s to r gO"erntnent funds , Tetioll' - R egula ti nl!; si7.e alld con. m ny rlll1 . Hunt" r-~' Ixln g st nndard of se€ds . i rent to tbe base of tbe skull, which! Thom as Auth ori z ing S tat e Hoard s trllctl u· n o r rallrond g ".vl" III nm!l - /I. ul.lOflzlng I . . Sonatee hills pn sRed : i' produces a "deadenIng" errect on th&l a duputy IIlllte ba nk superinte nde nt. co mmon G l . d • ('aiJOORC ('IU- -Gregory - R e quirin g printing ot or He a It b 10 Il1" cs t Igate OCCUPIl II unR I 8 11yd ,or (Hllmllto ll ) -- Auth o ri7.ltl~ J . ,.. peas COllrt 10 tl x pay of counly secre t I r etl n- .orn,cllnb gI d elec ls n 10 us· ,' narvell. Tbls stlltn cnn bo kept up tori names on candidates tor presidential d iseases. reading of d oposilio n In damnge caSC K. service om c~r. I tr III commlRslon I I. . . I 08 long 0 period !is desired. Up to, electors on separAte ballots. Vollm e r - Extcndlng sympl\tb y to n E'cd- Pl'nallz lng rel'kl es6 lise o[ Rled /1.11 I I 6 ' Gr ego ry-Allth orl zlng (In(,ln na tl. by ow nl: rna >!s over 1 and , i, tbe prese nt eXllellments haft baeD! . I t a H any 0 . m olor I' c hid es d f a m II y 0 t tbe a A' e s ove r 14 to se ler.t own guu r· r erere ndum vote to u lorngatll. propert> .' practi call y confl'n ed to animals'• but. I Bernste In - Penalizing c mployers b e reave . . (om ... , who discharge e mployes absent l!:l Tbomas. Etlin g- Proyldlng for choosing ot diana , own e rll COllsen t ror e Ktc lHlln g s trec l i lls Il was tound they, could be brought; \'ote, HOUle Bills Palled, publ ic- omee rs 111 n e wly crelllt!tI vl1· KI (A ht b I _ . , the car lin ea. to full consclousn oBlI within a minute. Dolllson- Pennll zinc sollc,itation of Block (W}'andot) - AJttilobby uill. lug(!s. spre~: of t~lb:rC~II~~18.p,e,en lin g W e lse r-EHtab llsh lll g Ju~li c or till' or t:o , It Is b e illlved the lnvenUoa money trom convicts, Co wRn - Sundry apprOIlTllltio ns, Etllng- Pro" illiu g for examlnBtion . p ellet'> (;0Ilr t8. C&Il ave no evil eft ects on bUm&D8.. Suyd e r ( Hamilton) - Allowlo g ~I n · De rtt ste ln - S hort enln g t im ll b et,,'ecn Gregory- Permitting munlclpllJltleos Black (Homllton) - Leglslatlve ref· of R taI110(J~, I I clllnllt! par t of ca nal ror traction loop. e lectio;1 ot co un lY office rs an"d da l c ot Ten·Center. to license electrical contractors. eronce blffea\l. Boggs- I.og u n: ng sale of insecti· Bonne ll- Aulborlzlng paym ent of c ide s S mi t h (Bntler) - Sper.lfy lng lnanner takin!! orneI'. A man wltb a thirst ro~ InformaSeward- Authorizing a stllte school ..' -- 11 I ' f II su'lt h r of d e l>oslllttg Miami unive rs ity runds, Hudso n- Revising stat e highwa y de· tion 88 well a8 his ' other thirst which '_aura McNeil. "ya- equ rlllg u " c c elVs. • .survey, Cowan- Appropriation for scb ools Cownn- Ceding site for P tlrry 's vi c. I\.esB ler-Restorlng franchi se t o Ad· pllrtm (.'nt laws. was equally habitual, entered tbe b,ar f.'rlellolln- Speclrylng s ecurities to and colleges. tor y monument. nms county vole·sclle rs. Haa s-Autborlzlng fl oo t! r elief com· of a downtown hotel and started a b ~ furnished by municipal depolllto· M e l e k - Allb wing . ' C orm Young-Appointment ot Supreme Tbomas- Provlding for reports ot com bl I1tng 0 t ml Rs I'orls . con versaUon with tbe prosortpUolll riss. Court Clerk, occtJpalional diseases. proba to and common pleas courts In Moon ey-Autborlzlng S tate nnlver' clerk, Weygandt - Authorlt.lng \Vlndham Oowan- Emergency appropriations . Hlte- Levylng half a mll1 tor good counties under 60.000. slty alumni to er ect me morial building. "When a man ordara a drink." laid towDsblP. portage county, to transfer Young- Fixing date ot etate and roads. Shanley- ~~trn \ 8 h l ng ribbons to Ca.h lll- Validatlng flood rell et ex· the customer, ordering a drink and funds . county elections. Snyd(.'r (Pl ckawoy) - ReQull'lng elec· stato militiam e n ror flood service, pe lldlture by Preble county commls· pourIng It~, "40 JOIl alk him Oreen-Compul80ry workmen's com· Young-Appointment ot Dairy and trl c road ~ to build fenc e s on rlgbts of Ertel- Pln.cing union cemeteries un· alonen. whether be.....aute 10 or 16 e..t vensatton. Food CommissIoner. \I'ny. der to,wnshlp trusl.ees. Fr1ebolln- Empowe rlng governo~ to goodll?" Haas-EstablishIng II state ,Indus· Blglllow- Approprlation tor ad,'e r' V~n\\s-Speclfyl ng building and J e nkinK- Provldlng for organization corre ct B&lmont county land salc deed, "Never," replied the pharmJlO1at. trial commission. tilling constitutional amendments. loall d epartment fees. and dlslloluUon of school dlslricts. Gregory- Le vylt\g tax on n et pre- , "Why' don't you T" Seward-Reorganlzlns state puhllc Breman-Flxlng Ume for opening Acker- Prohibiting Importation of Tba.tcber- Provldlng for relle t at W . mlums of mutual Insurance companies. i!!'ell.we size a cUI~omer up. w. 'Works department. and closing 1I0lls. diseased callie. B. Osborn treasure r of Jefferson town· Hern er- RequirIng Lake Erie fish· IJI.e blm the Bort that he appean to Wleser-VaUdaling 'proceedlnga for Breman-Maklng election day half Hall- Spec ifying State Bank De· shiP. Cllnton county. ing companle8 to Ille anual reports be ueed to bavlng. .ADd we leldom bolld Issues tor ,road construction. holiday, partment fees , Carroll-Establisblng day school for showing total pounds of fluh ca ught, mils a guesa." Hudson-Requiring payment of Felltnger- ProhlblUng fradulent ad. Cooper-While slave BCt. penltfmUary prisoners, Hc rn er·- Increa.elng lako lis bing ll· "Tbat'lI very tnter_tins· Well. I 'Wages twice a. montb. . vertlslng, Kennedy- ProvIding ror appoLnt· Duffey-Restrlctlng sale of eocalne caDse fee, mUllt be going. Wbat 11.0 lowe 10u '" Hold~m-Creatlng a commlsslou to Kennedy- Autborlzlng sole of lands menl of Inspector of building and and other narcotic drugs. He rner- Sbortening Lnl(e .Erle !l8b· ~Ten cente." - Cleveland PlatA IOTutigate rural.condltlonll. In Delpbos, O. loan companies. Snyder ( Harullton) - Authorlzlng ap- Ing seasoll and Increasing welgbt of Dealer. Cabill- Provlding for inspection of Horwltz- Abolis blng bUnd commis. Th,omas-Provldlng for road reo proprlatlon of property by munlclpaU· fish that mn.y be caught. ,, agricultural lime. slons. paIrs. ties. ' M06 re-Authorlzlng normal school Not • Complaint. Gallag\ler-Authorlzlng trnuster ot Reid- Electing to take under wilt. King (Asbtabula) - ReQulrlng raHlto-Provldlng for dragging of pub- commission tor Sclo. Tbere 11\ a good deal of complaiDt fund. by board of ettucaUon, . London, Bartbelmen-RegulaUng motor ve- porta ot vltlil statlstlcs. ' Ite road•. ' , Hudson-Amending law allowing because people don't walk more. ' bat Madlaon county. _ . hletes, KUpatrlck-ReQulrlng Inspection of KllpatTlck-Amendlng municIpa.l 111- c~untJeB to Issue ship caDal bonds. It, doesn·t come from the bed of '. ~ ~ . Moore-Requlrlnr IOreelia fo~ proCowan- Partial approprlotion, tallrPB4 locomotives and carBo lUallon and. :referendum la1l7, ,lIndson-Autborlzlng Pennsylvao!\ lUKe tamtly wlUl l b . to bUJ......A~ ., tecUon of street car ., . '. , Orrison- RegUlating sale of smalt Vooclerhelde--Establllhing municl· Cla.rk-SpeclfyIIlG tees and du!lelo (\! to - build sblP . canal through Ohio. cOurt hi -Dayl.On. jury commissioners, . ..: Hopple-Amending bulldLng code to t.on Globe. (HlUPllton}-Ameudinc . .JackllOn-Sl/eclfylng I)lethod of dis· ,lfJnI' '' (Aabtabula) - Autho..,dng exempt Cleveland publlo library. ' " .. .. . road tax. coulllty 'dlatrlct tuberdu1ori~ bOilKhrel'-;'Empo:IV 8tit11g atate :medlcal . law.















' ):-:













ti l D.



I l






. ", '.

,- .



'. - ' pal'




an'" ;~.

pltalJlJ ' y 'pcjwe,.. . ,.''f:' 'of .. -,.tate , 'J '> Etn~':""~p\ltJlnl pllbU.(I ~ accounllq.'burft : ,,~ > I' '. '(....


I!cen8~s. . tor,~exl.mli_lon '



, Mentio~,



-- ~~=======::i -



Wilmington vs. ISunday.

Did you ever count the cost.of replacing deeds. mortgages and other valuable papers? If you Ilrc keeping anything of the kind in your homes, remember it is at the mercy of the clements. and certified copies will cost more than the rental of one of our

Miamis at Park

Rev. J. F. Cadwallader was in Xenia today. L. A. Zimmerman was in Cincinnati Tuesday.

~afttp il\epo~it 1SoXt~ ! Ordinary Size, $2.00 the year

Buy your fountain pena of Janney.


Chauncey Bunnell and family were ' Dayton visitors Sunday. I


'Waynesville National Bank

J. M. Multord. of the Star, was in town Friday.

- - ==== =======- - -


Notice of Appointment

Grand Auction Lot ·Sale'

Fish Day- Friday,says Will White.

Wt!stern I

Misses Annie and Marne were in Lebanon. Saturday.

I Brown I



Fine assortment of perfumes at Janney's


The Orthodox Friends wi ll observe ! Children's Day on the second Sunday I in J une.



George Dakin was made town marshal Monday night at t he regular meetinir of the Council.


Satultday m~y 10 I

Commencing at 12:30 p. m.

Watches that are g uaranteed for one year. only 98c at Janney·s.




I ·......~....- . . Percheron Stallion

Jorbert .



. Imported 1911, by Watkins lit Co., and recorded by the Percheron Society ~


.,, ~ COlor,

black; wetght,


Warned by increasing age to guard against fatigue. t he veterans of W. men. R. Hoel Post . G. A. R.. at a regular Delegates to attend the Diocesan meeting on last Saturday afternoon Convention at Columbus, May 21- 22, decided to change their usual cu~ · will be appointed by the rector . tom of strewing flowers on each ... soldiers and sailorJ grave, number· TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION ing about 125. Their ranks are so depleted. and The Warren County Teacher's Association will meet in the National infirmalies so heavy they are not Bank Building. May 10. 1~13. equal to tasks of former years. The At 10:00 a. m., Devotional by Rev . friends are asked to prepare about Katie; Music. Civic Trust Quartette; t~tlnbty btaskets of loosde fttOhwerslwd~ic,h ' ed) WI e s rewn aroun e so ler s Help~.ul S ue-ges ti ons (C ontmu . the name and memory monument· In W arren Coun t y T each ers; Add ress f II d . . 0 a eceased soldIers and saIlors of by Su p 't N .0• 0 • W'lI son. M'ddl I eW d M . to h' ayne a n 88Sle wne Ips.' t own. Oh 10. Th ill b b' f . h At 1:30 p. m., Music by Civic ere w e a d~le sthervlce at ~ e t prece mg e strewing' . Add' b D E monumen, T r uat Q uar t e tte, ress y r. f ft . bl f h . . k S 't f I t't t' f ' 0 owers, sUlta e er .t e oc('aslOn. J • Erne riC, up 0 ns I u Ion or Feeble Minded, Columbus Ohio. S. Lev .•C!,I't:rlght, Com.

--- -----



·Mrs. L. B. Berry, Pres. Miss Elva Drake. Sec'y. Kept at my bam Executive Committee. T. E. Rogers. I C. A. Bruner, . C. W .WilIiams. _ _ _... _ • Wayne.vllie. Ohio. .. Dally Thooght. At whatever value a man set on hlmllelf. at that value he should be esiII__________••. . ..!1 Umated by hlB frlendB.-ClcerQ.




We will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder 50 splendid building lots in this beautiful subdivision, Saturday, May 10, 1913. absolutl·ly without reServe. Every iot a good one, and will be sold at what you think they are worth. YOU MAKE THE PRICE. Don't miss ' it. Ev~rybody is invited. ,

One of the most attractive souvenirs (·f the recent Dayton flood, and by far the most valuable of its kind arriving at this office. is a "S-page affair in hand8Qme cover and containing 46 fine engravings. just issued by a newspaper man, who was in the very heart of the flood and fire zones in that distressed city.

though condensed. recital of the : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - disaster, th n aftermath and the hopes of Gelll City residents. Since the booklet was issueQ by one who knows the full situation and has kept in instant touch with events and conditions, it is undoubtedly the beat collection of pictures obtainable. Agents are wanted. but a mail order, with 10 cents .in money or stamps encloBeft. will take the Bouvenir to y any address. Clarenae B. Greene. Bread _It_i_S_Ver Fin . Editorial Department "HeraId," Dayton, Ohio.

;~·.ave Y ou Tried It·







At Hartsock's Bakery

On Township Day, May 21st. the exercises will be held in the Odd Fellows Hall and the dinner in the Also, DeliCious Cakes and Cookies Made Masonic Hall. with Eggs and Butter. Fine Candies, Come prepared hi spend ' 'the day. CIgars and Tobacco~ Help the children to make this a day •to be remembered. . It is desired -that the Everything Clean Everything Fresh I women act as a comrrtittee to see "-----/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -______..1 I that those of their respective neigh. ~!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~ borhoods are looked after during the - --- - --. -- - - - - - - . - -- day especially at noon. "!""'----------.-----~------Those who a1'e requested to do I this' are: Mrs. Oren Strawn. Red Oak; Mrs. Earnest l3utter.\orth. Sugar Grove; Mrs. V. M. Hoblit, Spring Branch; Mrs. Bert Marlatt, Mt. Holly; Mrs. H. A. Cornell, Col· lege Hill; Mrs. WaIter Wilson, Har· Have You Ever Thougllt About Aluminum Ware for Your mony r Grove; Mrs. J. W. Hisey. ~ltcliil? If You Have'ot, Listen to This:' Lowell Hill; Mrs. Harvey Burnett, Some .Aluminum utensils have been in constant use for 20 years. Green Briar. Jos. W. RIchards. Ph.D., ~rofe,ssor of M~ t a llurgy. Leh~g h University. Bethlehem, .Pa., after un vmg SQ@Ile lliummum utenSIls m daily use JOT 18 years esumates lila t weir-made aluminum ntensils with reasonable Theory. cire will last a generation. 'But suppose tbey last only. one-third as "How do you' Buppose Stegglns ever / long. In 10 years YOll buy 10 enamel pans costing 30c each $3 an came to write me BUch !!on' elaboratelT ahnninum.pan. which will last ·m ore than 10 yea rs. costs sac;. · 'The sarcaBtio letter about sd' Blight a mat..' saving. on ·one ~mall pan equala $2.150. Replace utensils tbat weat; ter?" "Very tKlBBlbly," replied out With utensJis that wear-ever. Cayenne. "he 11-as JUB't emp'~oyed a . 1 They a re not o· cheaper but food will not .bUlll in an alumDew s tenographer and : 18 t1')1Ds. to mum pan as readily as m an enameled one .• show Qtr." 2 Aluminum cannot rust or flue. ' . " Al~um does not contain poisonous subStanCc:9 that are found In till. copper or enamel ware. 4 . ~here' are no joints. seams or solder to leak: and give trouble.

The famous King's Mills Band of fifteen pieces will discourse sweet music throughout the day .

A VALUABLE LOT AND $20.00 IN GOLD Will .be given. away during the sale to some lucky person, thus 'making the day one of interest and pr<.>fit to all.

c~ .





La~ -Classified Ads "~









Will Condq~t 'the sale. Do not fail to come and hear this genial Colonel, who has sold latia"in (-very state in the Union,

He will interest you.

SOUTH PARK Is located at the south end of Lebanon fronting Broadway on one side and the South Lebanon Pike on the other. lying 30 feet higher than the city itself, coJImaJ?ding a spleqdid view of .the country. 1t is just three blocks from the business center of Lebanon, ' close to, school and churehes, theateis, 'stores, and right on the traction line to Cincinnati. ' South Park has been , laid out on modern plans, and np time or expense has b~en spared to make· it the most beautiful home-place in the city.

Remember 50 Lots, Saturday, May ' 10, 1913, CommencIng at 1·2:30 p. m. .



' . TilElVJ~ I

TERMS OF SALE One-fourth cash, 'one-fourth in six montKs, on~fouitIi in twelve months and one-fourth in eighteen months~ Si~ per ·eenf. intereSt ~n deferred payments and three per cent discount for caSh. '. '" .' . ~



'fItluk . this over. Our sale~~ ' will call on'. 4be next two _eeks.




Say, Housekeepersl



IIIJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!~!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!~!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!'!!!'!'!~ Introducing the pictures is a graphic.







Miamis Take Second Game

I Wayn(Js\'ill~



Th e Miam is have pur· lall \". uf base running. chased an outfi t o f nice new blllc ,s('\J I'{' tel1.s the awful :;:ory much uniforms. Th e!;e were dedicated at ·lir·tt('r t.I an w e ran. :-. I ' , Ill' (1\\ I.S Phillip:; I'ark . last Sunday afternoon. , To sla rt Lilt.! ceremoni es, th e uny:-; ,\I I 11 II 1'(1 .\ J:; linerlu\I and had tlwi r f1i clu res ta\((,11 1',\1""" rr " I ~ "/I[) and lh en ennh' lI w " slRu ghter nf Lhe 'l!;::,';~" ; ; " If" : innocenls . "

J P Il .· ..






: Il arilltlllnt':; Big Sceni c Production Personal Mention Old South ern Drama . "Uncle I of LhatCabin." in Waynesvill e. Ohio, Buggy paints at ·s.


. . I'..




By TOM PJ E I{(.' E

·------- ---~- ·

• _____



Th. tho - _ _ e Wayne Tp. Farmer's Cluu met at the rural home of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Fine lot of books at Janney's. Elbon, on Thursday., May 8. A. Maffitt was in Cincinnati. 1t was an ideal spring day and Thursday. altho' it was a very busy time qui te a goodly number were present. In John Stansberry. of Dayton. was the morning the usual soda l time home Sunday. was enjoyed until dinn er was announced. when all wended their Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell were in way to the ten t which was spread on the bt>autiful sloping lawn . Xenia. Saturday.

.------ -



1p~~;~Me~iion 11

........ - - - - - - -41>---------____ +




~--~------------------------~----------------------.----------~--------------------------~~~~~~~ Sixty-Fourth Year WAYNESVILLE, OJ-IlO, W l~DN E ~DAY MAY 14, 1!1l;{ WholelN umber 3211




T' )IIl' ~,

M,'nday eVel,in!5. May l!t. Thiscompally is c nsiu ered the lanrcst and liest company of its kind on the road l<)day. carrying their own concert 1,,1I111; pack uf ' iberian m ood Hounds. am ull g' wh ic h are the famous dOg!;<. I'rince and Keno. All their own ~pe 'i ul !le-c nery from the rise of the curtain un til the close of the performan ce. pl'esentinK life·l ike scenes of I 'h ineas FI , tch er's tavern; the ice g-o rg('d Ohi" riv er by moonlight; t:.:l i~ a's escape, pursued by fierce man· eating Sit..crian blood hounds. Mr St. Clair'ssouthern home, showinK the tro pical gard ens with the oranges and mag nolia:; in full bloom . The ani va l of Miss Ophelia, from Vermont, the woman who tries to enlighten the child that never was born. Topsy, The great levy scene, f' 'howing the bails of cotton; the New .0 Orleans wharf; the sale of Sl. Clair's fl'g-roes, among ,... hich is the faithful old slave. Uncle Tom. Simon Legrt'e'Hplantation on Red Ri ver; the ,vhippi ng and death of Uncle Tom Th e grand transformation scene; lit.L1e Eva in the realms of Heaven.

Jnll1 ~ e\

Fred Hawke was in Dayton. Tu( sday. Mis3 Ann Ph ill ips was in X, lIi::1, Tuesdav. L. A. Zimmerman Monday.


in Dayton,

Kings Mills VI;< . Miamis at Philips' After all had enjoyed the bountiful 1'•. J'j '. ' :lI" I' . . . . .: Mrs. G. Linen!" C;I~ ith is a Dayton A hunc h of fe ll" ",:> from Wilm in~· ,., 10 ,, 111. d ... ~ . . ;, "I sl1pply of good things the meeting park. next ~unday. 11 1/.•llr· l . :HI . ' . ' " :( II II visitor today . ~ was called to order by the president ton, callin g lhcmsl'lves Lip "Nig ht ,J.',, " ' ~ "". I' .: r. . : . ~ "I :1 " , \\ II .I Jll "" .. . . iI • . : . . . . .1 I Mrs. E«ith Harris visited in Mor· S. L. Cartwright. Miss Sybil Hawke O W I::l . gav(> a l!l us t wnli del'ful Pl( ' 1: ... . " Little Ches:.:/, Carey is quite sick :n row one day last wet'k. favored the club with a beautiful hibition of how th e Kreut national ; '1'.. ,,,1, :. 21 ~u 'I with tonsilitis. instrumental solo which was much game shoul d NOT be I)layed. J n i• " I.\ ~I! S ,\ It It 11 1'0 A Messrs. Clarence and Hussell Bent- enjoyed. President Cartwrig ht then their leLlers to thl! manag-emen t of I See our 5c Wall Paper. J. E. JanE ~ "I'r . ,, ·, · II,. ~ ,I Ll ley were in Xenia, SUllday. in a few well chosen remarks spoke the Miamis al'rallg-i ng fu r th e gam l', I 1"-1 ney . 11 111 , ~ I, n ~ u , ~ U" of this old homestead and its former these boys had giv cn rosy lJl'omiscs 1"" " '" . ' , h n k i n If . . 2 ~ '1 0 lJ ~ Watches that are y-uaranteed for owner. After' the minutes were ap· of havlI1g Miss Winifred Macy is spending a g U' HI ~ t rlJng team. and ' II "" .·11, 1'1. . I I I I n ~ f tl'li S reasoll an d III ' I1(,P'S I s,·I" B " ,·I .. " .·,· .. . .. . one year, only 98c at Janney's. the day in Xenia. proved and other bu~ine, 8 attended I' t \vae . .~ 01' ,I,.,· ~ r . . . ., r. ~:, :<:i 1'1~ "2 ~ I..I.r,.,rt ." .. .. .. ~ !!. rr . . . . ,. ;{ \I_, I'Ii 0I ~ Mahlon Ridge wa!! a business to. Miss Sybil Hawke then in place ofal'ranging'lg'lITl C with th eW il. l'Ilt.r....:" SM. Seller!'!, of Sou th Chllrleaton. mington Cl in ton. ' ! (a team o f wel l / I'", "",·,.".1,(. II . . ., ;~U (j(I of Mr. Frank Zell gave the current Hl'q \I.II . I'f . . . _ . .. "" . visitor in Cincinnati, Thursday. " was in town, today. kn')wn ability) that this gaille wail H! ,J~" :./, . . ".j ~, I I events for the month which showed r \\ 0 0 11.,:. . p . . . :1 'I I '1. " hooked . fh e fan s may resl assu1'ed " ,,,(i n . 11 . . 'l I I Mias Marguerite Thompson, of carp-ful research. ~ J. E. Janney was a business visitor T'J'." I,. . :oJ :::. :1. ~1 Dayton, spent Sunday with relatives, As Mr. J. T. Deardoff. essayist for that anoth er sli ch farce will never in Cincinnati, Monday. I 2 ' :: 4 r. II 7 ~ ~ the afternoon could not be present be seen 01, the locjll fi eld again thi s here. o (I-;i ' 'Wi , 'I II ",I I he sent an article from The Country season. .About the .nly thing that "' 1J' Kill Good assortment of jewelry at Jan· . lll\h I; J 1 3 1 J 4 \-~ :, can be said for the "Owls" is that Miss Minnie McKinsey, of Lebanon. Gentleman on "The Lessons of the ney,s. SL' ml.\ H \ . spent Sunday with her mother at F'loods" which was read by Mr. G. they were well behaved and tllo k . Township Day Exercises at 1. O. Corwin. E Riley. In the di'Jcussion follow- their awful . beating like a bunch Clf ~~.. ::(; ::, ~:'\r:~,;:..A.~II~~~::-.: ~~' --'I. blasi ' Il lt s- I' a\i .;, B l l rt llll , II"n! I !II , Hf't\ \\' ll . O. F. Hall. Wednesday, May 21. . . ing Messrs. Elbon. Chandler. Henkl e. g entlemen , Hitl l-{o. \\' U I1)1 I ' \ ST. MARY'S CHURCH Mr. and Mra. BenJ . Hawkms, of Riley, Dukp, Oglesbee. and Rev . lI \t. :.... I\III'I"". ~. · · t 0 LI le fi na I ou t ~ aDll11""" Aft er a II d ou bt as u iJIt. P ill .\" - !i u rfan! \l1I :L~sl~ l t1d . New Vienna, w~re Sunday guests of Grauser participated. F. C. Carey and J . B. Pence were come had be settled, Manager i3et'. 7 . ' f!:.I. i,',',r~~i." \(' n~ur. 17; W,b",u. ",. l·u,lC . Tl'inity .": unday. May 18. Sunday relatives hare. The special topic for the after- gen gave his substitutes a chance to Slr'Jl'i, "."1 b)' - ( ' I "~<'II~.' r. ~ . Wilson. 2. School and Bible Classes at 9:30 a in Cincinnati Tuesday, on business. I 'l.ll)(~ ' ) ' \\ (\ullc ,r , I ; ( , o hllhrt . 10. Morning Prayer and sermon at 0. nly GlIhllar j.,;.", 0 11 HII Ils I.)·- \\"I",'Q. I. l\'uulh·.1'. 1 . m. RtiY. C. S. Grauser and Lee Hawke Amos Cook. of Xenia, was in at- noon "Feeding and Caring for the fatten .their. balting averages. . l . 1. 10:30. Farm Team", was ably discussed by four MiamiS played the entire game JI , t Il t\lsm",,- lJal'; II . Sd",I"... tendance at Quarterly meeting here, . Hawke were Dayton visitors, Tuesand they wpre nearly exhausted h om I !\:;':,',I:.'~:;i',;,,\\" 1." ... 1•• The' sermon for the graduatmg d Chas Cornell and Frank Elbon. Friday and ~aturday. class of the Waynesville High School ay . Dr. Clagett then spoke of their . - .22E: will be delivered by the rector in the The township should be well rep. Colgate's talcum powders still on- winter in Roswell, N. M.• describing C()M I" ENCEMENT WEEK the School Auditorium in the eve- resented at Township Day, May 21. Iy 15c at Janney's; former price 25c; the climate. country and farm pro- ~ONCEln THUR.SDAY EVENING ducts profitably raised there. Mr. ning Jlt 8 o'clock. Special music will at I. 0, O. F. Hall. [ s ushered in on Sunday evening. , be rendered by a ladies' quartet unFollo';"ing is th e prog ram of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johns and Whiteman, a guest of the club, then children, of Dayton., were Sunday gave a very interesting talk. concert to be gi ven Thursday evening' At H 0 '~ I o ck, the baccalaureate ser· del' the direction of Mrs. Linton,: The Auxiliary of St Mary's church ituesls of relatives here. Mrs. J. T. Deardolf hostess for the of this week: mOl! will be preached by the Rev. J . OUR UIVITATION will meet at the rectory. Friday F. Cadwallader, at , chool Hall. afternoon, at 2 o'clock. . June meeting, then asked . that the :;'raternity March. Com mencement exercis:!S will be To all who mourn and neer! com7 Geo. Dakm, Jr., moved back he~t\ time for the next meeting be changed Two-Step, Palatinu:; . held ill the Auditorium Thursday fo rt- to an who are wea'ry and n~d Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Haines. of from Middletown. Monday . He WIll from Thursday June 12 to WednesWal1z, Ove r the Waves . ... . . . ' • .. less an d Dayton, are Vlsltmg reI ahvei In evening. ' A cia:>!:> of ten will g rac e rest- to all who are frlen day June 18, which was granted. open a shop in the Kevs Bldg. March, Nahant. . the occas ion, and th > room will be need friend shipto all who are Waynesville and Bellbrook. Miss Stella Lemmon then favored Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood. decorated with the-. class' colors homeless and need shelter-to all Two·Step. Ameri~an Belle. the club with 8 piano selection which Schottische, Solitude. . who pray and to all wI10 d 0 not b ut Kenneth Kilbon returned to his dilllght~r and son, of L.!banon. were bl ack and crimson . was so well received that an encore March, Philo Senate. . sm . an d home in Dayton Sunday, after a five Sunday gueets of relatives here. T he following mu sical numbers who oughL- to all w h0 are In f()lIowed. Finale, Song Marcil. d d II nee an to whomsoever wi - t h'IS week's visit with relatives here. Iwill be giv n by Bath 's orchestra: The meeting then adjourned to Mr. and Mrs. Ju. Stoops and eon The concerts will he giv en at th e church opens wide the door and Holmes. of Daytl)n. were the ~est.8 meet with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dear'11 March- Minstrel King ......... Norton Fine assortment of perfumes at d d d ban stan, an WI commence at makes free a placp., and in the name Janney's. . of Mr. and ,Mrs. Adam Stoops, Sun- doff, of Merrittstown, in June. Overture- Paragon ... ..... ..... . Missud 7:45. If you want to h ear some Vi olin Solo - HumoreHqu e .. .. . Dvorak of the Lord, says: Welcome. - -da,. ___ ..._ __ good music come to town Thursday A NEW DEMOCRATIC PAPER Harmount's Uncle Tom's Cabin, C()rnet Solo·- Honeysuckle Polka Mrs. Belind~ gers is improving will be at Waynesville, Monday ~~~~~~~.' and you Will not be disa p ..................................... Casey HIGH SCHOOL COMING SOME rapidly in heaith, and her many. The Lebanon Times, a Republican evening, May 19. Watch for tho Mal'ch --Waitjng for the Robt. E. - - - ~. - friends are hoping to see her aruund newspaper since its inception, has Lee .......... ......... : .. .. . .... ..... Mu· The liigh School boys won the band. NOTICE been changed to a Democratic paper, third of a series of three base ball M · I1- 'rh e Winning Fight ..• ___ again BOon. Marc K h' Al d to be run along Progressive lines. games with a team of "Business iss at anne exan er reAn all day meet in g will be held at ................................ Hol tzman Men." The game was played at turned home Tuesday evening, after Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley were and Stanford Klein. late of the Nor.Xenia visitors Saturday. Mr. Bent- wood News, will leave and John P. the Friends Meeting House (While Seats for commencemen t will be Phillip's Park, last Friday afternoon three days visit with relativea in ley pUJ'chased two fine horses at the Cummings. who ran for Surveyor Brick,) First Day, Fifth month. 2Mh, on salc at Janney's drug store Sat- and the score was 4 to 1. Gustin, Ciacinnati. snd made a good race for the same 1913. beginning at 10 a. m. Meeting urday. sale there. . High School's Iliminutive pitcher last fall. and a Wayne Township fat' worship and First Day school in allowed but four hits, while his Henry Woollard went to Washmg. Commencement presents at. Jan- man )Viii have charge of the editorial the morning and Monthly meeting Mrs Fanny Cure, and Mis!:! Mattie team.mates hit Davis' ~hoicest offer- ton, C. H , today. He was called Rey's. and Round Table in the afternoon. Joy. of Dayton, are guc!:!ts of their ing for a total of eight hits. The t~er~ on account of the siekn. . of and business ~nd of the office. Edwin Chandler, Clerk . sister Mrs. Elizabeth Kauffman. We hope that John will succeed in other features were Cleaver's two. hiS sliiter. Mrs. A. T. Wright was called to his new venture, and will look for Blue Ball Sunday on account of the ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~"!"'!!~~~~ base hit and a double play by Frye A fine new line of Wall Paper will from his pen . lerious. illness of her father'. She many bright editorials and Cleaver of H. S. The boys be in the latter part of the week at • • claim that they could easily have was accompanied by her two sons, TOWNSHIP DA \' walloped the Wilmington Night Alfred and Elliott. ,~(" Owls. Well, we hope so. Warren Co. Pomona Grange will The exercises this year will be held - -Messrs. Chas. Cornell. W. E. Cor- at the Odd fellow's Hall, on May 21, meet with Waynesville Grange, SatSOUTHARD-MELOY nell, H. A. Cornell and A. Maffit at- 1913. The scholars and teachers urday, May 31. with the same protended the horse sale in Xenia. Sat- have been working for selleral weeks gram as arranged for the last meetThe wedding of Miss Lucy Meloy, . urday. H.' A. Cornell bought a to make this day one of the best ever Miami Quartel"!v Meeting held a Meeting' which meet;; at Waynes· l S. and Addison Southard, 32, in St. mg. spanking pair of ho.rses. held in Waynesville. pleasant and profitabl e all-day vill e. Oh io, !;;ig hth mon th. 11th. 1913. Louis Sunday night closed a romance Dr. I. N. Seal, formerly of HarA good program has bp-en pre · sion. Fifth montli. 10 th, Hl! 3 - it.s Th e full owing tribute to th e memo the webof which was woven between veysburg, recently removed to Mari~t'I3. Wm. Montgomery aod Mrs. pared, consisting of songs. recita- regular meeting. 0 ry of Elizabeth 13. M.oore was read. Lebanon and the Philippine Island!! on, Ind., passed away at the home Chas. WOOllruff, of Mound City. Ill., tions, solos and dialoguell. Rev. C. Besides the usual routine work he· I approved and directed spread upon for some years. who have been the · guests of Mr. of his son in that city Tuesday momS. Grauser will make the address. longing to the society, a com mit tee \ th e minutes. . Southard, "Nho went to the Philip- ing at 2:35. Funeral and interment Mal,olm and MISS Mollie Bispham, Everybody is cordially invited to at- was appointed to work through th e In the death of Elizabeth B. Moore pines five years ago as a chemist. in at Marion. left for their home Wednesday, after tend. various civic channels for tem perance this l11 e~ ting feel s the loss of a the employ of the government, rea delillhtful vi(lit here. - -and moral uplift. Endeavor tor.arry fai t hful. devoted worker . turned recentlv and found Miss Lucy Black Bass, Friday. Fi!!h Day at BOUOHT SEVERAL LOTS our principles of righteousness into In wha1;ever avenue duty called Meloy, C D. Meloy's daughter. who White's Store. The funniest Tops)'. Lawver Marks and Aunt Ophelia. The meanest Among those who attended the lot all walks of life. nol excluciing pn· she gave her best pfforts, she com. wa'! running around in knee dresses . fO I·ted the aged, sympathized with when Southard left the village, a Among those who attended the Legt'ee. The mO!1t faithful Uncle sale in Lebanon Saturday, Rev. C. liticaland legislative. The committee was directed to tlw alflicleri and s() rrowing in every leader of the younger set in. society. of Iota in Lebanon Saturday Tom. and the most beautiful Eva, S. Grauser was the pur~haser of co· operate with other temperance walk in life. She filled many po~i· They fell in love. but decided to wait Dr. P. D. Clagett. Elias all combine to make Harmount's three fine lots, Miss Alice Cooke Oglesbee, J. P. Cummings, C. G_ Big Production of Uncle Tom's eeven fine lote, and another lady organizations, whether local 0[" stale. tions in various meetings with Ull · a waile before marriage. Cabin. the .Ideal attraction of th,! from here bought two gOl)d lots. - that by united effort more effective tiring devotion. In her call to the So early last week Southard Williamron, Ray Mills, F. C. GiJseason. Watch for the band.' The sale arbounted to over $8.000. uplift may be accomplished. "In hig her life we are reminded of the started for St. LOuis to see an old mour, D. L. Crane, M.r. and Mrs. C. necessity of doing our work to the friend. on his way back to the Philip- S. Grauser and 80n Charles and Mi88 and BOme good land was BOld at union there is strpngth." We contributed our miteto the honor of Him whom'~he served 'while pines. But last Saturday Miss Meloy Alice Cooke. reasonable figu~, $25,000 endowment fund which has it is yet day. received two telegnuns and one I ..........- - now been coml?leted for the benent Her example will be an inspiration long-distance telephone message Harmount'a Grand Production of MASONIC NOTICE the Schofield school for Colored to young and old to do the duty that urging her to hurry to St. Louis. and Unc~e Tom's .Cabln, at Wayneavi~I&, People at Aikeh. lies neal"est. as she did, an'd him. With her brother Monday evenlng, MR 19. Nothing The next regular Quarterly Meet- as <one of our poeta so beautifully exand her mother she left like it ever seen before: The ope will be held at m'een Plain, near pn~s9es the thought: . thaI ight ~nd " they wer~. married. opportuDity of .tbil . ~t.:.. ~ . : Qhio, E,:ighth Mont.h, ' 7th,'tte~ iflstand. alone? ' . and are now on . ~?e ~ay :to the f~~ p]~..)rodu,eed as it with :: . U\ll1A:1I.u af "Eightb ~onth. 9th, I Ws ! ~ with JOY the coml.n~ years, East. "Ad .hlUl many friends in Way- all ~pecial tnE'~~I)Ul~iQ~~ of.the we,ek. . . M ~~ heart shall reap where It has 'sown, ".' scemc ~1~:.lnec:lu!!Di.~;aI..!~~~~:~~~e c:h1mg:e waS made:; because of 'And gamer ul>' its'fruit· of..,1; '"' .'. (licl 'J






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Miami Quarterly IVleeting S('''-I


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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publl.her. OH,\O,



.. _. _. __

THE WALKING FAD. A revlYal of Inte reRt In pt'deat.r1an· illlI 18 r e(lorted trom New York, ....·hf!re. probabl)', thtl "auto lnoblle knee " and oth p.r ailment s new and 014 . due either \.0 the ('I'1\le tOT nulolllobll· 10& or simpl e J)~lllect or ordinary healthtul exerclae. Ilra to be found at theIr wont. In IIny e'l'ent tbe walklog fad bae tak en a !Strons hold on the metropollll and DlIlDY walking cluba &Te beIng tormed. The value ot walll· Ing a8 A pleaaurable and health· pre>motloa exordia cannot be denIed . The trouble with moat poople III tbal they do oot walk enough to reaU&e ite beo· ellts. Automobiles tor thoBe that BAIl al'lard them aod tbe trollies tor the lea.. favored many orrer a tempt· Inc cue ot tfaDlporta.tlOO tbat Ie hard to rellal AI a reBu l~ there are tew meo who eao 'Ioga,e In a brlak long WAlk without becomlog overfAUgued. Tbe I1reaelll revhal ot walkln~. If It doell not ,rove to be ooly a pallllll! fad. may ACcompllllh creat good In ptUng men a",ay trom the dreary monotony of paved .treetA _d tbe dUlt and Imoke·laden At· moaphere at the dtlea. out leta tbe elean. l1ure, levl&OraUnc air of the ClOUDtn'. reCrelhllt/J tbelr IUllge, ton· ID&' up theIr clroulatloo. dr1.vln« away l:DADy of the minor ml that ADOOY aDd ctylng them a cleaner and better out· look on lite.

Supply of Conveniences Removes Drudgery From the Task of Present Day Housewives'-Hot Water Always Essential- Never Use Dish Cloth As Holder


IB y Mab!!1 Mlsklmen, Col1f:gc ot Agri cu\t llrl'.

I!< nn unp leasa llt ta Krl, la~g(' l y bec.Lu ac of poor me thods u ~e t! . Ort en 'Cry IIltle Ibought Is gl\'en tbe IJro(·I'~ ~ . beyond Iba t of geWng It done 10 the Fhort l'st time posslhle. No prac· tIcal d h! hwuber is ou the mark et for home us e, but ~everal coo"enl enl:e roll)' be biUl to r !I small sum wblch wi ll pror !! \' err he ll,f u l. A study of (·OIlVl'lIlclll and efficie nt nw lhods ,,,-(11 rf'8ult In a tlll\'lnl: of tllue. Mo tIm · portlln t ot all. no doubt.., Is 1\ Illentl[1I1 8UllPly at llolllnK hot wat er. In81ead or belo« a tnll )' cl{,1\lIln~ pr(l('Pu. dl8b· ""a"hlng 1M ofl .. u Il must uDsnnll.ll.l')' one. Tbe follow log la a lilt of ntlcl'l5eltle~ and ('oln-enl ences : 1. Two dlBhllaU-1llle for b ot 80UP" wa.ter ror wlIAblng. th~ otber to hold boiling hot water 101' rln6Inr;. 2. Vralnlllg pan. a. 80ap and ~ (~ ourlng material. A .oap wltbout etrong odor Ihould be used . •. Di sh clotb. Clothl! bouGbt for tbe l1url)olle may be used. or material at "arlous kinds may be hemmed to preven t ra\·ello&. Use tw~ne for dlahe R and one tor IIlok. 6. Dllb to'll'flla. Ule towel. D1~. tor the purpose. of material that will abHorb wilter quIckly. Cbeap IInell c raeh ill lIatistactory. 6. Brnah. A amall brusb II nee ded (0 ('lean tbe sellms and 1.0 <'lean arljund the hlndles of pllns. 7. Pan scraper. A Icraper made of wire rlnp or ot ateel wIres talltened to II bandle (resembles paint brus b) U\'t'M time In waablng sticky lIans. fl. Dish mall. Mopl\ may be URed In· 8tead of dlsb c lotba. By using II. mop holllng hot 80npy water eRn be used. 9. Soap box. A Hoap box to hold amall scraps at soap I~ economical. as well AI convenient, It used .properly. Sort ou t aod plio togethe r all dlsbes of one kInd, At tbe same time sc rape orr all particles oC rood wIth a kolte. () b hwn ~ h i nl':


Unforgetable Rid.. of Seventy ·Flve Mlle. ond Attack on Sprlngfleld. Mo .. Early In War.

Ohio State Un h 'er.ily . '

1':1 Q 8

snatu la or plal c 6(·TaJ)l'r. l' hll"~ t he Otll'8 10 lit' wa s het! I1r ~ t. II p:l rl'SI I hp pan . All lefL·over foo'l mo.t!!r lnl ~ h o . llt! be l~ut Into '; 01011 (lI ~ b pS till (I Ihl! s nllilu o lleM wa~betl . )o:IIIlIt1 ant! &url all ul~1\JI1I 8 . Fill tbe ul s hpan A halt rull of bolllnll wlll.. r. Ui gao l,,(' sou p In un e PS!'l t.e mak ll a "''''lIk ~ HlI ~. Ana n!: ' PI\II ~ IIl1d dl 8h{,B conve nl pn[ly ; tlm[ If . r ln~ 11I1; pan lit Lbo left nr \\'aKblng 1'1111. ""d di s h es ill frollt of alld al til" rl g bl 01

.\htJ. :\1011;011 .lo~k ~ u\l. llnltp.d b! a! e ~


Backa c h e makes life a burllcn . Hond · aches. d 1 Z 1. Y spells and 111 8' (roHij lng uri . llilry disord ers ore a const..u.n1. trlul. T a It ,1 wal'l1lng! Su ~· Il llCt kid n e y trouble. Look about for n good kIdney I'omedy. !.earu trOut "Jj",••, Po"."... olle who hall , 1".11. A S'"'Y" tau n 4 rllll .. ~ trom thCl Ra mo RulTerln g. Otlt Doau' s Kidn ey PUb-til ... IIRme Ibut Mr. HarrlB had. An Ohio C •••


IlrUl)', r t! lIre <l. II' ho WIIS II \l l~ Ulll"I' of Golll. Jolln I '. Fre lllUnl'" memorabl e lloun:ullrd cODlmandt'd by Major 7.0 ' guuy l. IlllllI 11 star)' ubout 11 fil et or history eonnectt'd wllh Major Zag on· )'1'8 forcod march or 7ft wiles aDd At· lal' k 011 Sprlngneld. Mo .• pari)' 111 tbe J ':·I~~~~I-rr~~.~~7 ~~~;II:~II;!'3 !'a~ WDr. wlll(·h. 118 Ihe r!!llltor 8aya. ".,ug ht ~~~\ ~~:~ ~~.~h,,;::. ~!t;fl::fr;-Q ~.~~f:l; hot to ~lumbIH' IUl)' 10UK er ." It " ' aM au ~ o<" 'Oni tlllrof1 '.Iled I It••AD Uk'D.1 Ooall" &ldD., \lIlCol'g('Utble rld e-7G mil es In al l"IUL' 'fL.., "uf'tMS we OOUlpl,,,,,,. houl·e. "'111l on8 short feed ror horse Cet Doaa·. at SIG, • • IiOc . . . . alld B d lun'- or salt b eet. w~Illout \ll'1I ~ hlng 1"8 11 . BIDIIEY bread. for mao. 'wrlttlll Lie ut.. Col. J . A. . PILLS Order Clf Wuh ing Ollhe.. tbat WMI·OU8. 10 th~ ChIcago I\p('ord·Jler,OSTnt-MllJlURN CO.. BUnALO. N. Y, 1 . Glauware. 2. Rl h·er. 3. (' II P8 Thll atyle In dresae. reQulrell Ald. 1111 undergannenll! be plain and Ilnd lIa ucen. 4. Plales. 6. VeHc(llbl" well fllted. and tb8 dra\\'erll shown 10 "Whe n a rew mil es trom SPI'tUl!:' di s he s. fl . Platten. 7, Smllil 1I1(·n· tblll Illustration are just what II we ll field ." said ;\Iojor Jacltlon, "the Ulajor 111111. 8. 1'lUI s and keltle~. !l . F rrln~ dre81ed ""0 mil 0 will requIre. Tbe" lellrned th al Ihe Confederates " 'ere 4•• paDI!. 10. l>IRh lo\\'el~ IlIlti c loth , bave abeolutely uo rul1ueB8 arollnd 000 Blrong. HI. torcli ,.' 0 leu Ihlln wasbed alld rIn s ed In !'Ielln "uter. 11. the blpe. where darl8 adJult them to 600. Tllbltl Ilnu .. ink. the !!Igure. nnd there arf! scaIL8 dowo "'''' hllt Ihall ) ou do. maJor !' atikfld lJl~h towelR de~ene more l'are Ihan the (~e nter ot the troot and allo 00 ODe or hili omcen. they u8ually re~p.h·e . Tbey 8\:011111 be the back "' bere !be tutenlng rna)' be "'Charge and capture the ell)', of wallhed well once a lIay ana rinsed, IilTam~&ed . The ' Iower edgeR muy be (;ollrtle,' wa. the re ply. Whole Face Covered, Now Clear. carefully each Um e Ib ey lire used, then trimllled, BI lu&gested. wIth a ' tlat " A wil e from the city we came 10 II Brooklyn . N. Y., Oct. 9, 1912. "1 ... u dried thoroughly In thll lun. wheu (lOS' band at lace or Inse rtion wltbout add · pIece or rond fenced ou both IIIdes. trouhled wltb two or three plmllle ~ Bible. Or It Illay be ('oo\'t'nlent 1.0 dIs· Ing at all 10 the fullocss ot tbe gar· J.)owu that we charged, wIth all Ibe coming Ollt 011 my chili. In A week or card. artl'T UI.lng once or twice. and I rocnt. NaInsook. cambric. muslin l,r tury at a cyclone. until a large rerce IU my whol., raco wall covered with USI'! fresh one.1. 'fbe di s h c lolh. It not f wash Ilik lire the mat erlills generally of the enemy. concealed. opeoed lire. the m. Fripnds advl8ed me to use dlf· cared for. bet'omeH YeT), tlltbY. anll I. I ompl,o )'ed tor tbeee garmentB. pongee Il1lJ1nr; H, aud " 'oundlng 26. 'fhen we terent lotIons and snlves. I tried them a flPhmdld harbor tor germs or various ' be ing also lIervlceable. fell back. took a new posit iOD alld but tb oy dl'd me little good, If any. I Somehow Ule Imprl'lllBklo ,001'1 klnda. W"s b tho dlll h c loth carefully The drawerl pattern (61:18) I e cut ehllrgoo allaln . That Unlc we dro\'e finally wa!lhed lbe plmplt!B with Re. .. broad tbAt BOllton hAl In"eoted a after eac b \IRIng and dry In tbe O(l80 Ir sIzes 22. 26 and ' 30 IlIcbes. wulst t.he Condererillee and capulred tbe Inol Soap und applied Reslool OIDI · roent bClture goIng to bed. 10 the morn all'. measure. Medlute slzo r('Qnlres 2~ l:lty . Dew .lan« won3, and that the !Ame Is Ing I found the sweJllng gone dowlJ Never u ee the dish cloth U Il h oldpr ),arllll or :l7 loch materIal. with 1% ".'l IIlghl. learning tbat Gt'ueral nOlI th e Innammation galle trom Ib .. ·'tUde." BAY' the BOllton Post- Even to IItt pans from the Rtove or oven. ' yard!! of ellgtog. 1 % yards ot besdlnl: Sigel. who WU8 on hIli "'IlY with In· pimples . I Irlp.d tbls treatmen t for tho uRually well Intormed New York Good holders tor th e purpose may b e and 3 yards or ribbon to trim n8 II· fautry nnd artillm'Y l'elnforcemenlH. ahout a \\' ef'k. aud found that mOBt 01 Herald remarks that "tram the raremade tram a cbeap qUILllly or tick In >: lustrl!ted. (:ould not reach there ulItll the nelt Ih e pimples had dl8aplleared. I kept lied air of Boatoo a new bIt or slane tbat will be sort and ells ll y handl ed . ' To P""'u", thl .. flBltern ~"ntl 10 cpnu day, Major Zagollyl fe ll bllck 2& tht' trelltml!nt up for about a month . hu been evolved. a poor, anemIc 'Word. and yet protect th e h ont1s. A bemm ed to "Pattern De" .. rll nt:nt." or thla pap.r. . mllli8 . HIstory ha. 'recounted thill. 'bU I and (he n my f1l'C1l was clear of all WritE. nam e and u<1<lrc8' t,lnlnly. and t>. ·t\Jdgy,' used to lodlcate tbat every· Il lece about the s Ize ot a small dl ~ h aure to _Iv., elze and number or J)nltero. b el'e Is KOlll('tblng about wblch h illtory pimples . I hav e used Reslool Soar thIng II na It .bould be. It will doubtlowel la convenient. Wltb se\'cral o f hall been allou t for Ulore I hon 48 IIlnce IIlId lind thu.t tbe pimples do /JO' come back." (Signed) Walter A lei. prove A cOII~enl ent term In BOilthese at band the soiled ones ca n . he yeara : St 'nRtrum , 54 Willoughby Ave . ton, .. elty In wblcb a VlI.8t number put Into the reRular waahlng with the NO. 6198. SUIt ........... · •. _· I "Amon g the \\'ound pd from th .. t'neIf you are Bulfe rlng from \tchlnlt o~ l1eop1e look upon them witb com· di s h towels, Some preter to use SlIllill NAME ..... ..... . _ ...................... _. my'a 1I1'8t voll ey wnll II. corporal or our burning s kin troubles. pimples, hlnck · R(IUarP,S of material, paddcd antillu lIted trool', \)oclor ~!loan c lit Clnclnllatl. He h e ads, lIandrurr. Rtubboro lIores or placence aud declal'll that the town and fasten ed to tbe IIp ron band With TOWN ............ .... · .... ··· .. · .. ·· .... ••• wus uot bnlllY !:u rl.. Wh en h e could pllf'~. It will cos t you nothIng to tr ~' could not be Improved upon. But It a tape long enough to allow rree u ~ e STREIIT AND NO ....... ................ _ walk. which was soon. he began tbe' Rf'slnol Oilltm nt anli Re slnol Soal l '11'\11 neYer take rOOl In a city like of the holder. pruc tl ce or hie ~rotesl! lOIl 011 .L sur· Jus t s end to Dl'pl. ]().K, ReslDol. Bal · ours. wblch Is alwaYII beIng reformed = . _ _ _ . ___ '" 7..TATK ... . - .... ~ .- ........- ._. ........ Iteon. ('urlnll Cor tile ,,"Ollutiel\. In timo r ... !\Id .. tor a free so mple o r Cll('1i Ev I' f)' rlruggl s t sells Reslno!. find uplUted aod rebuilt and Inveatl· Sprlnl(fle lti IUl round n well s upplied pted." The Herold aod all other hospital th nt Ib e Confederllt es .hnd newilpapera thllt mention the rollller LADY'S WAIST. t1S~AB50RBI1IE.Ja.u= ~udd cn l y le ft. Teums \Verl~ s('cuf,!d to are barking up tbe wroog tree Painful, Knotted, SwoJlen cnn \' 0)' t hl! wound e d of ' bOI h 1I1c'h's to "Fudgy" Is oot Boston 81ang aud never the h os pital. whe l'e wounds wore Veios, Milk Leg, Mam· drellscd and ~"' \' I~ ral umpl .... : lon s "'ero will be. It II unb911rd, sav e p erbaps mitis, Old Sores, Ulcers. Ag rl cult llra l club s lind conte8 t~ at The prizes wtre elml!ar to those 01 mAd e. from the IIpe of a few noodles who varIous I; IIId8 hove beell u sed s llc ces~ · th e Logan co unty contl'st. eXC'l'pt that It is h ea ling, soothill ~ , "Ahout mldlll g ht two ('onft!d e rot~ are said to bave enriched their danc- flllly In II nu mber oC stales DR a means th e third prize IVall a free trip to lhe ~t reng lhening and invig . officeI'll cam e 10 tht' cIty IInde r 1I na!; Ing vocabulary with tbe word. But at geltlng boys Interes ted In aKl'leul· Ohio expcrimt'llt sUnlon st \\'ooster. orating- allays pain and of tru ce. 'rh .. y wc ru ta llen to lht' hos- intl amm:tlion promptly. . Germi· they amouot to notblng; they can ,Dot I ure And thu !> Itee \lln g them on the J-lorsps. beef and daIry cattle Rod lard pital. wh e re th ('~' aake d permiSSion to make lllaog. Slaog comes from other farm. One pbase or thlt! ('ont e~t work, tYPA or hogs werf) the c1aSR"CS of stoph bUI'Y th ell' d ead. Corporal Sioano was cide al\(I Ilnt ise ptic.bowever. Is rather new. and that III the used. 'r!Jl'se were rurnl8hlld by luc al ADd abler quarters. Mr s . R. M. Hemler, R.D. NO.1, III bJe s blrt slec"es and th ey rendll y boys' sto(:k judging conteR!. PerhsplI brl'edl'rs and farmero. bplIeved hi s story that h e WU6 I hI! Federal. Kan •• had enlarged ve in s Ohio Is aile of the /l1·st Btatel! to pre>board In Ohio rnll l!e G ure. .Any fall' Wbat's the matter with tbe girls commanding officer's chief of start. that finally b ro ke, causing COli· theBe days? CAD't they hold the at· 1D0te these contestB at county taln. rrN' IJr c harge. tbe R(lnlces or an In· s iderable l o;{s of blood. U sed unll about to retire tor thf! nIght, s tl'UClor from the College ot Agri c ul· teotloo of anyone? 111 It neCBlllary to " 'Ile seated. gentlemen; I IIhaJl hllv e ABSORBINE, JR. and reported ture tn as~IRt In comilll'lIng a boy,,' keep repeating the word "IiBteo" In an to reter your requellt to general SIgel.' Nov. S. I~IO, veins entirely healed. ~ 1(JC'k Judging ('ontest. '1'bl s In~tru clO r ordinary talk where the "talkee" I. All "It matt ered 1I0t to Corporal·Doc· swellillg and di scoloration gone and will vl~ lt (he ('Ollnly oll('e or twir.e tor Sloan e thnt General SIRel was at has had no tIollhle ,vith them s inre Attention 1 A D1ISI1 of perbaps lIeven' dur ing t be s ummer b efore tbe"falr , and leallt thirty miles away. tor he wa!l teen years asked for a certaIn brood gi.-o th e bOYR, who are to 1'1Itl'r tbe July, 1909. ABSORBINE. JR., 800n buck and Informed tbe Co!1ted· ('{Jnte~t, so me I n ~tru c tlon In UIII prle· ot face powder In A drug store ... is illyall1ablc a s a general boust· erates that Gen eral SIgel complied cl\llE'M ot live Sl.oclt judging. In tbe ceoUy. aa)'1 the New York Suo. ThIll . with their r cquest. Then tbe corporal hold liniment, for the cuts and two (!ountles ",here these I'ontests 18 · a talr accoullt ot what Ihe eald: oomDlandlng went on with his w.ork bruiseR t ha t the c hildren get. croup, have bee n held they bal'e been found "Lllten! I ,,'aot a box at yuh tace deep· seated colds. stiH·neck, sore· or caring for tbe wounded. to be of c O . l l slderahle value In IIrouslng powder, Listeo! Do you keep tbat ·,It 1M true that Major Zagonyl capo throat. Removes fatty bunche!', I Intcrl'Rt In the ralr not only arnong the there kInd that cornell WIth-with a [urp.d the c'llr, but Corporal Sloane an,l goitre, enlarged glands, wens, ,bo Y8, bul among th e older Ilcollie lUi mIrror'! You kllow tbe kind I mean. hili woullded cOIllPunlons held It for cys ts, weepip~ sinews, etc. ,[,00 well. That [bey ean be 1\ lacto'r In 1m· Ulten! What shade 40 JO'u think I i Ilo me hOUri;. I thluk hIstory OUGht to and .'2. 00 per bottle at druggists pro vIng tbe live ~tock Interests of tbe The pretty waist given III thl8 de- te ll that--doll't you? beed' Ie Raychel (RAchel) too dark? community goes without qlle~tloo . or deli,·cred. Book 3 G free. .Ign Is just tbe thinl!: for the comple· Uaten-" 1'bat waa &II much al . I . "O en eral Fremont not only hnd II 'U YOIIng,P D.F.,310TempleSl,:lJIrIqfleld,Mfts. Lots of men w\1l pa y tw o llly.fh·e ner Uon ot a beautltul evening gOWII. and large and attract! VA bodygullrd. eplen· heard. But It wall eoough. It a elr. (!C'lIl extra to hayc 1\ ccrtalll mnker'R ' may be msde Iii any or tbe popular I'Ildl)' mounted," conUnued Major Jae1;· haa a tootbache, or a wart 00 her I IlIlt el put on t he InRI(lc of tbe lr cloth. I fabrIc s. It cloBes at the back. hall son, "but h I; had an nmple Btatt. Inrger finger, or A headache. It III "LIsten, 1180 I Int:. Y(!l tbey're no more fool1 s h than I body. 1I0ing lod the sleeves mny be tb:1II nny othel' major gcnerp.I 's al any teD, IIl1ten," to the patleot or lu mallY , h " h ' long or short. t e fafmCI v. 0 reluses to Illstall a The patte rn \6168) Is CIlt In slEes 34 perIod or tho war, easea Imllatiellt drug clerk. No mias, I '·1 uB e d to aee Ge n eral Frcmon( 't) I. Crowinc Smaller Eger), Day. silo. when be knows t.bnt It. \\'111 In· to 1:~ Inches. bust mS08UrD. MedIum It seems, considers her "ocabularly up crease t he returns from hl ~ fnrage sl7.e will requIre 2~ yards ot 36 Incb two boys IIbnut headquarters. One or CARTER'S LITTLE to date ullleS8 It 18 burdened ",Itb threo or four hundreu per ce nt. mah,rlal. 1'" yards of 221uch all.over them. F. P . Fremont. was . a ma'or ot LIVER PILLS are "Iilten." Glrle, lIlke a tip. Put "liaten" the Flrth .lnrantry. The other. Charlet! ' responoible- they and 1 yard of 36 Inch 1I01ng. What we should b" ""orklng lol' Is Jt'remont. 18 a captaIn In tbe na;vy. notonlygivere1ief 0" the IIhelt. To Ilro(:mre thIs ""tt~n 8enll 10 eenu not tbe Iurges t posRI bill produt'tl oll per to ·'Pallern Department," or tllia pn}X!r. Charles \Va .. :\ lad ot Bevon or eIght st - they· perma· acre , bul the largest pOMslbl c produc- Wrl~" name and nddreBlt ph.lnly. and b" lhat ~Ime. 'fh e general had tbe (IUnr· tion per inan, rl!gardless of lbe num. "uro to elv., a1ze and number or pattern.. termaBler .Ket a PIIUY tor him and he A dispatch trom London states thai us hE' r of ur rcs It takes to do It. I~O tiny collins hAve been tound 10 the ...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , I rode about with the atal1' or body · them for guard. One day bo Bult!: 'Gener:!1 Jl're- Biu.-u, monastic hurlal ground at Peter. BIZE ................. MCI. 6168. Th~ great trOUbl e wllb too mall), mOllt. this pony Is too email for me. r IMiceoti... Sick HeM. ., Sdow SId&. borough and h,ave beeu placed 10 Pe. rarm el's Is lha t they lacl; lhe nggrello MAllIE .•••••• • ••• _ •••••••••••• - • ••••• _ •• I want a horse like the rp.8t or the starr,' SMAll PILL. SMAU. DOSE, SMALL PRICE. terborough Cathedral. Oue Is two feet siv a Rplrll. Sill'sllod Dl t't hot!s or Bnd 11. lal'(l;e-tllzed horse was Ruppl!ed . TOWN .......... ....... _ •.••.•••.. _ ... _ •• must bear Signature .Ix loches In length aDd tbe eth,er two farming will do more to wenl' out a , The youllgster looked llke a monkey feet clght Incbea. They are said to good farm than nnytbing Falhol' Tlms &IItrlde th e great anlmo1. STREET AND NO . ... _ ................ _. has ever In\'ented. be the collieR ot tbe twin chlldreD 01 "'rbere wall much alann In rnmp STAT s., ................•- ................. . Klog Canute 1995·l035). who were Farm boy. judging cattle ilt Logan otlo c Yenlilg. Tbe bodyguard bad reo The tarm c r with Reventy·flvlI acrel 4r~wned In Whlttleley Mere as they Cou"ty FiliI'. turned from 1111 p.x\ledltlou wltbout can·t afford to be . without. 11 manure were crOSSIng to be educated At PeCharley .'I'emont. Mounted men wero Meaning of "Greaay Oomeatlclty." The first el'ent ot lhls k ind in f h e RlJre:uler. Neltber can the "small teraborougb Abbey. E"ery reader 01 sant to search (or him In all dlrec· In Westem Canada's farme r," for haud·~ preadlllg Is a was teTbat day tb e family bad bad al: old· tloos. Be wall tound. live miles ll'Vny, . IIlnglillb history I. familiar with tbe HlIlte waR held two years ago In Logall ful melhod. ~ollnty. Tbe College or Agri c ulture. tashlooed hog killing. It Is very hard riding d ellbel'lltel)· toward bendquar. . I!llecdole or the courtler8 who told Oblo State Unl\,erRlty. furnished all In · ,... --__ - _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., for those unfortunates who have Dever tere. An old rarm ~ r hall Invited him THI! KJng Canute that he Willi the lord ot stru ctor to take c harge or lh e (·ontes l. wltoessed I\. couotry bog killing to renl· to slop for a luncheon an4 he had PItOV,.CK tbe waves 88 well as ot the land, and lind ,;II'e tbe neccs8ary Ins trll ctlon. OLDEST TEACHER IN Ise Just wbat the work ot such n day nccllpted. Lunc)~eon O'l'e r, tllll farmer .O~ wtlJ reoall the dramatic way In wbleb Twe uty·one boys took part. and the means. George Creel must have had had gone with him to the rood and ACTIVE SERVICE .e rebuked their flattery by setUng Judging was done Oil tbe fair ~rollndB that In milld wb eo he coined "gr()ns), told him to hurry !Jack to camp. . It .-InFDIDI. ilIa cbalr on tbe beach while the tldil durllll!: t.wo of I.he. big days or t be rflir. domesticity ." wa~ good a dvIc e. for gnerrlllas lJad al· ~ Oeo. W. l"rye, at Rtchmond Dale. ID the evcnlng A nelghbor's Wife ready begun operaUQns In that pnrt I 'Y,118 rising aDd commanding the wa\'es It IJro\'ed n SII('l'ess, alltl alloll.i{'!' (~ on · Ohio. wbo is teaching sellOol neal' callE,d 11, ove r the "party IIl1e" for her of MissourI. I have alwaYB beHeved ' Dot to eogu lt It. wblch, however. the, test wn H held last. ycar at Ih e s ame Higby's. 10 Rosl! CDunty, has the usus,1 chot wltb tbo lad)' or the hOllse. thllt Ollr marchIng party thllt p.venlng promptly did. But the atlll mor~ 1m· place. Bett er a cc oll1modatlOll~ were dlst(nctioll of belnl; one of th e old· "Well. Mary, I StlPPOIl,\ ,YOU got the sayed some pretty good tlmher tor II presslve clrcumstllDce tbat two ot Clio pro\' lded h), the tair board. tbe judg· est teachers In a(~ tI"e servlco in the hogs, all cut up nnd salted down aud rMr admIral ot the nllv" to which .. tate. At tbe age of nlnetecn. nil [IH' nute'lI children 10l!t th e ir lives by Ing being dOlle In A large tent, which put aWIlY?" she (lsked. waR equipped wIth an ampbltbeater to ron k Captain Charles Fremoot II 6th dllY of lJecemIJ el'. 1857. he WII>l drowning probably will lle news to "Lard, yes. MIDnlel" weIlL tb. reilly, working lip." Bt'at lIevel'al bundred pl!Ollle. The ·granted his flr !>t certificate to ten('b tJae «eneral reader. though It hnppeoed eV('nt attracted considerat'le attentIon ~Oh. lard. yeBI" school. Now, lit the IIge or B(' I' · ulne c:ent~rle!l ago and wu a good ad\,crtisement tor th e enty·five, h e has hull O\'er lifty fair. The flr .. t prize Will!! a Hcholar· Prohibit Klnlng at Depotl. y ears ot experien ce !1 S II tea c lte~'. Newport NC\ys buller mnker Ill... ship 10 agriculture at the Ohio State Genevn. Swltzerlnnd. -Tbe Society He stopped teacbing 1.0 Aerve It tew tbe B'u rgooo's In.trumeots, rose a1ertl, University. the sPt'ond l,rilCc II fre e trip tor Protectlon at YOUUg Girls Travel. years In the Union army, and after 'rom tq,e operatlna slab, nlld rail to Niagara }o'aUII, and the th ird Pl'lze a Ing Alone has Issued an ordor proUm!. was over he again entered the .....,. not allowlDg them to operate for tree trIll to the Ohio Stahl Fair. The hIbIting. ltlslling on the ro.lIrolld plat· s c hoolroOIll. al!pelldlcltls. Now be's rullS recover ooutestlUlts r a nged In ages from twelve form at Sarnem. On B. re cent- visit to hlr sohoOl, ' .s. Quelltloll : Whllt tee 'are the lUll to twell ty-one years . & rp.l~re8elltath· e of the CQllege of Following tbe ellample or Logan soonB entitled to tor worklo« the cure1 .:Agricclture found that he had 9'eV. One 'Verdlct Poaanile.·- - eOllnty, tbe SeneCA County Pslr Roard , ' to', be' ' trled~ o'll ~ral M tbe pu;;ils CRch bring , In .. lost tnll beld a. boys' stocl( judging of ... rew goo([ ·p.a rs· of corn. By _thiS contest, whl h included forty ·lIve con· be has Rbown blmsell to be .. u ,n ,.... testants. Over. eighty. entere", but 0[. the t.lme~, In that hll' hA 111* •• ** opening', or t\i.e publIc s·c hools bl'1bglng some of ' ~l\ltll!~f~C)1'1i.'!,IJ,~p~tt.e4'T" ti Ule week of , 'tlIe talr. . . Into 'the Imfde 'trog';· ~111& part ill











The Army of Consti·pati·on




IaeI a 0anadlan' H'" 0...1 Free ' Homestead Area



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Be auliiul Words of David Shoulc1 Find IEcho in the Hearts 01 All Christians. Any

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I.o r d I~ II l r w o rk Hnd I ny rnr:r t' f: ~ :trlll (/t'lh " l' i' I'," ":\ I y hu c.. : k lp,f it llfl t h .,

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D r . Pl'edl' r lc h rl"mons tra tl ng b ls ' h" govl'rnnH'ntal l~ ry'all , Count von

F . (o'I'I,·,lutanll.· lh o II I'rlili pb yslclan w i", d al m~ to II a\'(' " tie rUIIl w hi c h wi ll c ure llJb r! r culo~tt!, ('un' :11 It c lini c g l\' en In th p C;f>or ge \\t aA blll gtofl l ' u lv "l's!!S hos pll a l In \\·a s lIiJlgIOll . 1\1".11 ), o f

cl pfl rtl< II'l'rp Int (' r ..... [ oet Rpectators . At Ih o riGht ot till' plc· tu r e cnn UP " CP U ~f>l'r l' tl\ry at Slate ne rll~tofT. th o G ~ flnall am b assa do r, an rl Dr. P a lll II ln l' r . mll1i~t C' r til S w lt w rlul1 '!.


11(11' 11 o ( Ill .' ~al l' a ti o l! . u n d II I)' h I));" t OIl" " r," ''1'11'' Lo n] Is Ill }' ~ t n y " "I I• • I,a ll It! !! " IlI l' lit III" p:t\' il lo ll ; in 11, t" tit' CP ' ( "I' hl H 1i\1!,'r Il I: C" : , ~ hall hI' hl(l ·· 1111 ' " "i II' ~ h a ll ~ <'l ru t: UpO Il U J"(' l·k ." "\\ ' It PI! Ill y fat tl! I' a lltl 1II001t!.' r !orliak. · 'Ill'. Ih " I..ol'd \\' 111 luk u III I! IIlJ." "T b o u has t b .... · 1\ a ~ h n l l ~ 1' oud a strnll~ tow · PI' (rnul t l\(' l·oe Ul)' . twill trll st in th,' Brown Leghorn CoekeN!1. COl ert nr t h y wl n ~ s . " " Th .. Lo rd I ~ Illy ,;h .. p\t prd ." \ Vhat wou d e r fu l wonl R Wh c ril onl' haH ~ o ~ lIIa li a 110ck r !l~ allylhlng YOll N . O mak, ' It s holl"l arll tlt l·~P . T h!'y s h ow to u e th llt Go d ev e n wll h larg,' r Ollt's - Ihe Jl;Tf>u tl's t , coo"l " t o t n va rl dy ot ~E'.I' II R ilnd WaM 0 lI\'lug. Ilo t l'll t fa c t o r In tho IIff> proHt Is mnde uy k CI!p lng th e h e ns ~rnin H (' rtl ck .'d 11m' eD ou gu 8 11 th l'y of Da\'ld_ In tiro b OUT of d a rkn ess. la ying Ii ~ mu ch as pOM Mlbl.,. For (bi A ('Il U rl'ud ll y p ick tb e m up . lI e~ ltlp H wh e n sorrow cam e , wh e ll doubLlng s r e a son. (lven w b e re lh e r hlrk ~ are tll l~, tlh'Y ' 11'111 n eed ple nt y of ,,·ut.!r . elWIC'. h e co uld ra.iS 6 his eyes h eavl'lI- hat c hp.d by h(' ns . th e UB (, or th e IIttl fl g rit lind bra n wh e rn th e y c un get t o it ward an C! e ry out : " T h o Lard Is my h e alleR~ brood e rs will b l' found tb e all (h o tim .., . Ml x:t littl e pOllnd !'11 Ilg hl and salvation ; wb om li ball I moat sa t is factory wa y nt ca rlllg for " hnrc n lll wit h th c brull. t o Iwep th " ("nr7" W hat tl1 0 s unll g bt Is to al< t btl littl e (' h icks . Th ey cun U.. tak e n dlg eMlv" nrgu lls R\\ ,·(' t . an ti \lr e v' ~ nt lIatu ra l Ilf .. , God w o s to nal'l d III his tllrectly frOID th e b f' n H or thll In cubn- ft~ rlll (,lIta tion . • p lrllual life. Absolu te ly ( · ~s e ntlal. tor. alld g iv e n o\' e r to th e ca ro at tbe 00 not " fu HH" w ltil Ih" c~ hick H . S (~e Ta); e Runll!;h t OUl o f the worill . a nd brood er . wi th n o fpa r of accident. thul t h ey !tro c lea ll . dr)·. hav o pl e uly a ll na lural IifH \\ 111 s hortly CPI\8" . 'I'h" brood rr s h ollid b e pro vl dl' d of ((>e tl on(1 waleI', a nd !t ·t thl' lII go Tak o n od ou t ot th e s ou l. and a ll ", Ith a run. \\' h ,,,·(' th o c hi c k s ca ll !:,et I/ondlill g I. uad fo r a (o wl a t an y ag l'. s piri t ual life IH at on cE' Bl an eu d . oul III tht"' f rt's h ulr a nd s unsbln e. A but oa pel'lall y fo r lh e t (' net e r babl E'H . )l ut "'1'1' 11 wltb n il th is knowl e d ge I Im n.le throe b y six feet. !tn d tbree Th t' fel'tI s hould b e g lvon In a d ee p tbe P s a lmi s t Wil d no t Ru t l~n<!d . I II~ t hi g h. cove r e d on tup IInti ~ ld e B litte r ot c·hu tT . It IH aR natu ra l for Ku o w kclr ' a lon .. W II S 1I0t ....·hat b p I wl t b pou ltry tH ~ tt l n g. I. " r r y good . as a (' hl c lt to s(' rat c h lid it Is to ell t. " ·!l llt ed . II I" des lro 1'0l1re ll abo\'(' IIIfl r e . It I'A'l tl e ll ~ \l y be mov e d f ro m placo to T h e tlx'l rcl sp. t h e y g ,· t In digging o ut Im ow led g !1 o f God . 1-1 wnnled t o ' "Iarl' . A little door In Oill' f· nd. uguili s t th e gmJnM is worth a s much a >l til!' r]\\' e ll 10 lh!.' hou se of th e Lortl lu i thl' • whi ch t h e do or of lhe bro od l' r CBIl b e (('p d It se lf. days of hi s lite; h o 1I'0nte d to b E'h o ld s c t . a ll owe th o c hi cks to go 1111('k Ilud :'I: e l' e r !;iv!' a n ), mo ist foo d . It II< tb l' wo n dro u ~ b ellul )' o f tli e l..ord ' j tort h as th c )' wl~ h . lik e ly to I ' au ~ u b ow t! 1 tl'Uubl C'. Dry Till . waH h is OUl.' d esir e. I III! c b lc r Th ~ ~rpatllll' rtt IIf th is ~ Im \ll ' ollt llt J.:l'lIllI~ rnakn Ih(· uatural food of a ll Y Ih o (lg h t IIn(1 a Im WIl8 to bf' . ab ov e all Is th ut It pos t s H r y IIll! . I~ quic kly (I'al h!' !'!'d fo \\' l. a nd t h l'Y will take In thln ):~. I> lIlrlllla ll y mi lld. ·d . . J,N me I made. uDd (' nll l'! a ~II ~' b tl 1(I' pt clr'a n . wb nl lIlolslurn til!' HYK te m !l e ll1an"' ~ wa ll< III po vc rty 's ',":1 11'. I ·t m n s u lrp r ,\ fl Y boy c:an m ak .. n il th u br o o d (' r ~ If WI\( I' I' IN Idt \\' npre th ey can !:l!t thc n fll ll! t iollH o f ,Io \) : kl lit e h I'! fol'- ulld ruu ti h I' \\"111 11l,(· tI In 1\ vc ry s ll(1 rt , hI II. (; r lt IH. of l·ourstJ. a n oceH· ::ak E' n b y ,, 11 my fr ie nd ,. If 11 (·"d b,' . • 111lIf', alll i 110 It b ·forc tll n s paHo n \ ~I.I}· (ur .'~ rll"" I1J.: II. nnd DlUHt btuI" t hat 1 , ,, ~y (\w l' lI III th l' )IOU A(" (lr (hI' . 0 11l'OR. III Hh" d rt ):h t fr o m ttl{' Bla rt. Lord fi ll th l' d aYB o f 1I 1~' lif... T bl ~ \ Th e baby c hicl(: (or t h o nrRt fi ve Wh e n tho f{'nt h e r R btlg ln to s tn rt. \\' a ~ th " 0 111' d f's irc o f I ln .- iri . daYH o f It ft lif ... I ~ a vpr y t"fld l' r thin!,:. Ih " c h l c k ~ w ill III 'l'd fI IItll l' ext rn Hu t /l a " id '1'''' 1 hll w that a tl lrr t"r- , It It I!l. t o grow 11110 hnr,ly fOil III ood. 1 ~.nur\ H hnll'nt , a" t! of a dlrr e r e ll t I(ltu!. " " l lot lIad 1)(!1-' 11 appointe d h i 111 . II ll l it rn ll~ t hnl·... t il .. r ight 1, 11Il1 or (('e d I h ,,), I1II1.t ha v.> IlCprlal1l amollllt of kn !'w th at hp wou ld on(' day bit 0 :' th ') lind ('ar e at t l1l' nll lcn i till" '. It do .. s ::1111 111111 0 1' HlI' llt footl. Wh e re t h"y Ul'! ' th ron e of IBro l' l. an d go fort b II ~ tllt' lr I II o r. n ilI' d v" r y muc h fl>p. l . IIIHI 1101 IL III n "l id "l aic; th e y provid e th e m Icad pr a n d caD l a lrl . t v but tl c, . Yl' t h c' . gre a t d oa l of c an'. out" hat It dOE'ij 8,,1I'(' s wit h bu g s ami worm s , but tb n dnn'PA t \c f01l" 1 mU dt havo this fur w o u ld g la dl ), gi ve liD th n roy a l dia- ' get m ust h I' or : h o pro lle r klntl. tl p ill unci st" l:' ptl' r. fo r it wao: not h o no r Tho ohl ck Klt OlJlt1 Ho t bC' ( P !I until ni alli'd and POWN and g lor y that he cl c ~l l' E'd , It is (rnlll th irty to fort)'-I' I/,: :11 h our n 'J'h,' I" 'st thill/-: to gi l"<' for HU PI,l y bu t It Wa g a g r ea t ~ !Ilritu 3 1 li fe. )Id. Th l'I'(' Is n g l'l'al tlitrl ) I' I' II Cl~ III IlIg thi R " I"m" lIt Is milk . It m ay b., NOI\" D av itl Wll>l dt:lerlJllnc·d 10 bap, c hi c ks . a nd tho olll y way to , ,,11 Ju s t g il'f' u ("it l",r s woe t or 60ur. but for this S~l.rlt ual life Ilt allY CO tit. 11 '1 I wh C ' 1I ('1 bcgl ll f" .. dlng Is to watch til e dlllu ll c hi c k8 tl lI1 s wpet milk la s a l'a : "OIlU (hlng h al' c I t.! <:si r, ·et : an d ~ r' " w h e n ( h p}' bC1(1 1I 10 p ick hun· ueAt. tr thl H I ~ not to h u h a d. glvn thnl wi ll I spe k afte r ," I'll lint Quit. I ~rl l r at t hing s. \\'hl'lI th p.y a pp (,nr ell- It Hm ull II JJo wan cfl o f b eef·sc rnl'. h pcaus (' cr d lscourng e rn (·lIts . bu t I'll !wr (ur food. It ~ holll!l be g iv e n to th e m. \\' a t('hlllg th e how o ls to seo that the y sf'ek 011 un ti l I find thot fol' whi c h I but ,·,·e n th e ll very 8Dflrlll g ly at "nlt_ du n ot gf't 100 loose. a m loo k. III !; . Oh, how ott ' n lIl e ll h a\'(' TIIIl r"l1aon for no t fep dlJl g th E' m F ea th el'· m a k lng Is Ii g r ea t draft br co m e dl!O (!ourag e d and go n e !Jack to ~ oOl\('r Is thiN : Th " yo lk 0 1 th e eg g upon th e Byste l1\. and mu st b e m e t, or 'Ill' wor-\d . Ih e n e lt d !I.)' , o r w ~e k. or III th e la!!t p a rt to be nbso rbe d luto tbe chI c ks will IV e al( c n Dod die . mO Dtll. aCt,'r th e y were ('onvE'rte d . b e- th u c hick 's bolly b e foro hatching. and Plenty of tb e righ t. .kInd of food. e x· cn ll se t h ,>,· fail e d to rl'c c lvp. th o wft - It furnl s h el! nourl s hnl e ut e nougb to e rcls e . c ic Ilnlln cs8 and Cresb all' are ness at O~d ' B s pirit ..... lth tI;pl ~~ . tha t for Bomo time. Th o yolk worka tbl! great fa.ctors In success wltb th e y w or e hi s -c hll!ln' u . Wh e n. tr upward tbrough the di gest ive tract. young c blcks. If tb ese principles are th ey had gon e 8tendll r on st1c king and It food Is given that must .... ork k e pt III mind, you should bavo little that ou e t h ing God would ha \' c lIom o downward. mischief Is gure to result. to fear rrom disease. tim e. I. omew h~re. open e d th e v e ry T b e n. too, tb e yolk has In It th e right ( 'o\Jyrlght, 1913. b y C . M . Bhull~.1 doors o f heaven to th e ir 80u l's eye R kind of nutrim e nt to llIlt the system and thoey cou ld have b e h e ld tb o b e a~ty Into rlrop e r . condi tion to dige st other of th e Lord_ food . Nothing e ls& would c leanse and Th e spiritual lire no ve l' callie to r egulate the\ve organs 80 we ll. any Ul au Just a s (UI un e xp!'c te d girt fr om Co d . N e ith e r do m e n s tumbl e upo n It by acc id e n t. ~'or tul ~ 1I1e Is Treatment Should Begin When th o " p(' ar l of g r <:at "rice" w hi c h mUlIt Plants are Inches High \)e so u g ht nfle r dilig e ntly In I, rayel' and medltutl o n. l Ie wh o wo uld Ila,' n and Repeated Often. I hl~ k ind or lifo mU Sl h nvl' . arne rh !slre In hi s I,,'ar t w h ic h David had . (I ' >' W . M . "1.: r.LEY .l li e w ho wou ld ul' spi ritu a ll y milid e d As a ~ I' n e nLi l' ul" 1",(I~'r r es lllt ~ will mu s t "dwell III the ~e!:re l placo:' o r the bo o htnlll !!11 If th (, s pY'aylng IR l,eg uu :\108 t High and abldL' uucl e r tlte wh e n th e po (ato p lUlltN are Crom ~.\gbt shadow uC th e Alm lg hl y. t o t on In c h e!! hlgb Ilnd th o treatme nt No mUll has CVI' 1l It'' 1' 1i g r r rp pc nted at Inl,' r val. of from (c'o to ~ Jllritual w ho lias 1I 0 t bl "' 1t a ,:: rpat lourt l'c n day s In orde r to l!Cep th £' pray er . Th e worlll' u grr'a tl's t s plritplau t s \\'1' 11 """ c r f' ,1 with t h .. bord clIu x un l le ad e r s h ave li er 11 It s ));rl'a ll'st t h ro ug ho llt l it o:! ~<'rl_ on . pray!.'rs: P aul th l' ap(I,,,I<'. ~ 13rtlll Lu - Brooder House With Tar P a per COy. WIH' u t h e hll g ltt Is In I'vlllu ll C,' II . t lll"lr, w h o fa ced lt o n ' an l ~ 1lI a lo ll H; lIl " y lIP llec c HH llr y to "pr ay ofl"n ... r erlng. John \ Vl's ley . who ti r ed Eng land with I:s nnlly from rou r to ~ Ix appll catf on ~ a gr.>at n " ' lval Hplri t: John !{nox. T o give It oth (;r (hln gs to (cat at II "~ will prodll c( ~ th l! b r ~t n ·s ultll. II hos o h ea rt \\'a~ brea kin g for s ::o l· 1 tl m o wou ld ups.!t th l) w h o lo p lan o( II/t· Thl ' ho nl<'l1 II X ~ hflu ld co n ta in ~Ix la nd. and who Ha W h I' brought lo t ll re . and re tl!rd, Inst eud of p,.umole. pounci .. ot C'op p\' r s ulphat e to ea,' h (>11 ('h rI Bt III answe r to h is pra ye r. nntl l t l111 .. hlclt· s growtb J,:ll Il Lln~. Wh !' 11 bng fl tl r., pl e ntiful 1111(1 (; )' )) 6 Y S mith, tIlt' marvel o f thl> t\\'e DTh ... tlrs t tooc) of lli e Il tll" cl tl c k lwo (loU IHl s of pl.l rl ~ gm e n . or tw" tlcth c"lItllry. 1I0rn In a gyp,,;, IClIt Aholii tl h e o nt meal - th,' Mt ... d cut . \I rlltat'tl< of a r s, ·n:tt(· or 50d a stock Bo lu In th e s lu m.; nt ),on(\ oll. anti rnl MNI ill YO II can gP. l It. nu(1 that I s n ot t o 1 li on to tlt o tju u ntlty or th e bo rtl e nu , ahj e l'l Ig ll o ra n ce, )" t t h o n atloll ~ o f hI! h a d . the Il rtllrw r.,· ro . k tl Ol! t s will 'nl xlun' 1'I '('jl llr",1 to spray a n acr C'. Ih o wo r ld PJoc la lm h im tOdll), t h o dll If ", ... 11 c rllI lI"I ,·" In t h,~ halld.. '1'1,. · il l)plll' a lion Rho uld be tho ru:rgll. g r 'at f' f; \. l' ,·,~ ng"Ii" '- (I t mOlle rn tlllI CH Thl" s hou ld bo ): 1" 1' 11 ubout ' · .... ry I WO ! ,'8 "('('111 11 )' III I.Im eR wh e n tb e bll;:;"8 ar. · And Gypsy flmlt b's o n l' d es lro allil . hours for It d ay or tw o, I(r ,"l lI all), nll lll Prou s or w l\l~ 1I th e Ive a th or 1« fa prn yCi' art e r h is co n" ol'" lolI wa s : "all. le ng (heDlng tit !' tlnw be t \I'('\' 1t fl ' L' d s I'ora bl o to hll g ht. AI! n ge n e ral mit · God . I cannot r e ad your Dlul e . but 0 11 until tue}" get It th re. ! tillt h l a ,J llY . ! frnqu e nt ligh t nl .pl\callon s will pm lIle wl l h yo nI' s pirit." Put a s hall o w d! a!! of r lcu n wat e r ! du el! uc ttE' r r esults t b a n h e avi er B ~. . wh e r c tb e y can ge t It. If th oy w:lnt I pll catiollS at 101lf( Int e rval s . to walk through It, turn II t eacup botThose who rl niJl:'lId UDall thrre a l> If the Life Be Right. tom s ide up In the middl e o f tbc IIHcutlonB will obtn lll better r es ult ti It th " life I ~ right with God ana d is h . during most aCtu:0l18 It th e y de ln ) tb , mun, e v e r)' mom e nt s p e nt In true pray· For th e tlrs t tlvo 01' three daYII .tbey ftret spraying until the r e Is daage r 0 1 e r r esult s III tb e g e n e ration oC divine \VIII want to sleep nnd reM mucb of tbe vines bolng Injured by bug~ 0 :' powe r; for prayer III our dynamo tor tbe tim e , and will n e arly live In the Ilea boetle8 and then make athol' approllrlatlng tb e divin e "electricity broode r . Afte r that tbe y will b"e ready ough appllcatibn or the borde au x anci that manifests Itself In Invincible volts to begin active ope rations. Tbey will the polson . of fal1tb, hope, love, peace, joy anti now wllnt to be le t loose In the run The follov;lng Iprny1ng sbould 11111(1 po..... er. "Ye ahall receive power after for most of the day, If It can be sst be thorough and applied at such (!UIC!F tbat the Holy Ghost Is come upon where It la warm. Leave tho brood- as to keep tbe fol\ll8e protected duro you." If ye, then. being eVil, know ~r where tbe y can go Into .It wheD Ing tbo wholo ot the growing season . how til give good gl~s unto 'your ch1l· tlley get chilly. My , oxperlence teacb es me that If 4ren, bow much more ehall your Fa· 'Atter tbe third day begin to give we obtain BaUafactory resolt., WlI tber whlcb Is In ' heaYeD Ii"-. to tbem tb.elp a p~pared cblek feed wIth the ir mUlt not· walt for the' blight to al)- . thal ' a.~ bha ~" ' ~ba_t!,,:eJ"' .t~ere oa~m4!al. . Increase the chick feed- aDeI J)t!ar before we ' begin Ipraying and :: mar. • t,o .u, .orour .w,or~ mUlt be ",t· . tbe oa\pl-.,l, b1 .dellJ'8Q, \In. ·that _I~ doea n!lt to ' ~ 1D1U.~cten' or:,d6Abt~' tlI , . 'fAlD d.,.1 ol!! ther alone for ,bual. · .w~eD' w~ ·~e·'llcItIUIlIli






.. . ~





Kitchen In the senatl' restaurant In Lh e \Jnlted States ('n1>ltol at WaBhlngton. wh e re Inl'al R al'C prepa re d for th~ men mo make hIstory. This kitcben II In tbe old part o! th e Capitol, th o corners tone ot whi c h was lu ld In 179:'










JU8ephus Daniela,' tb e nQw secretary of the lIa\'y, aDd hili family. Ot tbo flour boys J0 8(' llhuti . .II'" Is th e old e st., beIng eighteen; next to him comes Worth Bagley, named after !lira. Daniele' . brother. who wa s th e n r~ t oIDcl'r to be killed In the ·Spanlsh·A m erlcan war; th e next Is ',Jonathan Worth, who Is fourteen, nnd t h e you n gest III F rank A., who la niue, I -. ... w"'..........

. ......



Art . and Auto.. ' Would MI .. Target.. She (making convenll~Uon)-Dad " It·s perfectly disgraceful!" s be eJ! bought a Rubens when We ~were on Claimed. . the~ contl~p.n~ last year." ,. . "What's the matter 1" Inq uired bfl • He (Intel'll8t.ed at' !a8t~-ReaUy! ·lluBband. Whlt hone 1,0"'er?-Sli:etCh (Lon~ l'lii)re~8 ., a descrlpUon of a womal doJi'i _ -, ,... ~p : PU~~I C and -declares


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wm ec»t ~Init a little ~llItt!tD~ll'~~~•

"eblek.,.u.. '~,rdea~s . ,a1l4:

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'.... ..







Anna l. , I:jhn rte 13. F rau J[ Ludlum m ellis :for 'uro rs IS,IIO, G ran viJI T h o rllt orln P ost U. A . R oO a ppropri tl. t lon tOl' Me morial Day, $ !G . Rnn. da ll ,~ Mo nger, oloth inff for JlrifloD. For 15 years we have sold era 750. S. D. B eDk le. feos and ex· pen BB s u rveyor f or Ap ril lIl3. good Shoes to the people of IHlI!.l5. F M . H ntohiflson, 1 elec· Xeuia and viciJlity, Every t rio vaouu m oleaner for court hOUB8 year we have increased our $:10 . W . C. a ilmon r , t Ollrd aud w"t!l! ln ~ for prison e rs during April sales by giving our customers lU .1tl . E . C . T ho_pson , in qu est $ th (' best poss i ble vah.ies for OVltf body of P hilip SlII ith, '(;.80, t heir money. We mak e a specially of fitting our Shoes properl y , No shoe can Oeo&r Ii. Cain, b ridge r epairs In give sa tisfaction unles prope rl y fitt ed . Haml\l;on tow. shlp fG .60. OhIo L'orr llg'a ted Cu lvert Co ,. oul vert 'pri ng amI summer footw ear is llOW in stock and we will take pleasure in vipe $27.10 . U. W , R I,ber tson , showing- you everyth ing th a t 's Jlew in Footw ear , bridge r epulrs Wayn e t.ow Debip $ 11 10 , J ohn Wol fe , brid ge I eoairs Wtty n e and Mat!sletowuM h ipi't1 18 r. :.. CIl 'lrl tl8 ~t i bb~,Con . N G. Jlltti l.l :l • () rpt,:ulJilt Ilridge Co.. Cno . No 3 17 East Main Street XE N I A, OHIO * I fi~ 7\1 (Ir Hjtonill Rrltl~ (1 l '" ., (~ , Nn L2111103 8. G,tl l "" I n .n W(.r k" Ct) ,fI,ad d r lig!' H(l3:;O A '. IJ r· t.:t'r, " xpt1 n .e~ llf Robar t unrl It ,,111 11 1' I n tU(I 1lIl1ttl ' r o f tl lll e~t ' lt" p f , •, •• • • Pb ot'lJtl Ntt;hol~. () eotlll~ .. d :·' ruu k Il"rl!p r whil t:l tnkiD ~: P II ~ I,I' \lr t rp,t Br ld/{e l'u ...........a...a..............................."a_ _ _................_ _............,.._ _ _..,...,""'.........."................,.,_.,,_",a"'."'."._._................................ \V hoi f 11 0 r U A P pot 0 t ell .. pp rn i>II) " 10 flll'Ut t:~5. U regoo iot CO li . : No . 14, $t'l84' Orpi:"n ill , Iak l' t il., p lbt1\l (,r Alfrtl,1 S kl llllor . Real Estate Transfers ~mmon Pleas Proceedings 10 I·btl lU u tt er o f tll tl ('~tllte uf I1 riugll Co. Con N c) . 20 $4 15 52 Ann~ E. S mith VI\, A. Lloco ln D. it . B~oke tt llud Luoy N. Beok : Ueorg" V P tlIl C<', d eoe" ~tld, Co u r t Or egoni a Brid ge Co , C\>O . N" . t l !:Hdea, e t a1. Owen t:; . Hig~los Ilnd et t to W illiAm T . Trllltlf'l , lot 10 Cor· lurd('rtl \1UUllni,.trutor ttl di~ ~rJ lJU t'I' $320 .7·1. B.,rt R ectl , wo r k lit H" uth I • wi n U . ••e ander S, Dun h l\m, as I\d rninist r a . , :t be noteil, mo t g ll~tlll Rod lU OUAY I II Le ba n('u l i v er tirlugt1 $51>. J ohn W . hi . B Ot1ping toE l h el M. Hath Ih tll b nllll M Wulfe, bridge work Mil "ItI It, tuw n toOr s mado d. ft' " dllntl! in this Ilotto n '" I t f all U t l Ie ' E St,f'l 1J b () Il il , ue· .1 ~ hip Ie:; 70 , A. A. Burro o ll bs, r ne! A, I. Boh wu h VI! . Ev a Ire ne Stew Il w8y, lot In LebllnoD, $ l. "'~ ·I~ ·e () E, C, Hear s t u F. lV T hompson. Oltlllie tl , Aououn t of flu llI dlli lnbn , work Irosters Imd Ho p ld nMv ill A lJ ik p art e' al. P eti tlOD of p la i :1'l ff di B $-1 11. R A l\.oC ntobl'o n wo r. "" missed ond d,'fend ants r ecover t h e P roper ty on Molbe rry ~ t, "'l~ t ill LOb_ Ilio n fi led Rnon, $ l. . F runk V U Nen l, Il M'Ii g n'llJof K'ite u pper Fl'lIL:k l1u UO\! Cnrli ll it! rl",, ' oostl!. ,lob o W . Voll e r a nd LIll y WQod .· , Brooktj, dOin g bllsin 6s;l Ii!! Di r ect ~.ul bO. L C NiX'IIl , m ak ing fu r , Ch'lr\ea A, Uorton, trustee VS , I C 0 • • V8, LId " B . .. l' U II An cl .. nt US 8 1. T rll ~ t (' . • The Lu ve hm d E lectr io I oe and Wo . wllrd Harding to Doli" ~j h eedy , lot" ,-,080 wO >. ny, u n t' at ~' t. . in }t'rankli o, 1480. 00. ~ MoKay li nd thll Mi dd lt! ('ruel< W " .\'IH, r own~ h i p . 1I1llk io g tlol r'lIlJll r . ~e r Co, A rth ur E. J on es m a de par ty Sa.m h it . Thompson to ldn M. Cunl Co ASf< ignee oruertld tu ~ ell a r \, o pprollu h t,o bri dg et! Wll y n' defendant 10 an y 80lt ur liuitl p ropert.y- a nd nu t h ori lltJd to empl oy tllwll"hi p $ 1~ . :;0 Ma h od/\ U,O.· . brought for t be for eolos-te of mo r t · Knelln , one-hlllf Ilo re of lt~o d, Lewis M, Rnd Belle Sea r s t o Alva , IiO aoo'l OnOl'lf De;('I1 c1nnts o rde red oom pensatioo l or fl, o\d wuy t hroug h gllgBfl. flirm $4U \'V. E . Deoll/lO t, work " " . (,h orge E . Shields as ad m lnltltra L . K ennedy, lot In 9 arveysbllrg , $1. to fi le IU\8W OI' wittl in 60 dIlY" , , t ,r with the \\'111 anneJ[ed of the e8. E , E . Tao Mate r. t o Mary J. Hen I n t h e m tlttor of t h e est,ate ot I )xfo n l r oad, Jl"r ltu k lill 10WI ,~ h ip. ta ~e of Eltea A. Walker, deoof\sed dflrsoo, "boot 2 Aor es o r land in E'he l B, LIIUA, d ecll ll sud A. C t llt. A. 'r Ret tl K, Wink on Cha n, V3 , Eliza J. Bhlolds et aJ. .&dminill . Way ne towns hip, 117G ,00. 'l nil l pp oin ted Ildmini ~ t rll tor a ' lIIt! Ilarl ul n nnd [) ubolfl r Olid II'r l1 nkl ill t rll.&or Ilrderf'l.1 to 11 0 11 real estate at Mary J, H enderson to Otis F, JUDO. to wns], ' p 1209 60 , Samue l BIlx te l , priva,*, sale tor not less than ap B enden on, about 2 acros of land in I n tbe mntter of t h l' will of 1' 1\[1. hlmll r. , lir ~ uo W etlt ~Il ve r ~ tr ~!'I pralled value, C:>tlrt ordered nn Wayne t owns hIp, $l. . ole A . Wbelltley , dtloen:l fid . Wil l $J7 l.eblll lln Ioe & Coa l Co, ice John A. ThGmpson to Jessl6 0, dn d codl' oll tiled . fo r oo ur' h ou!le tllr ee m on t h!! au 7(J . 1 I • scoura te .surv ey, p a t an d d esor p ~ tlOD of premisO!l made , Thom1)son , lot in Lebanon, $1. Estate o f A. D . t;mit.b, dl'oell~",d A g"n t1 rtd C'-lUt,fIlot was e n ' ered J ess ie () , 'l'hompilon to E t h el B. I o ven to ry Rnd a p .lraise men t fi led i nto with Bur' lf lll \J a r for r e ~, "!rs at New Suits Fnrman, lot in L eb a non, $1. Ih tbe mat ter of the will of E liza- bridges on rOllds .. ro uod ~liin e vil1f' W&ldron C. (:tilmore, sheriff t o Franl' Hioks adminis trator olf tht! bath B. Mool'e, d eoe'o.l!ed, will I lAd a nd where direoted In HamlltoD etlta&8 of Albert O. Bloks, "'-lased L~~la ~8;handler, lot in WaynosBO!l.rd of Eduoation Morru w !:loh ool to wDsh ip Tslid until ~eptember 2», 'VS The P C C & 8t L Ry Co v e, ' Distriot VS, Benl'amln Sparks e' al. 11113. . '. ' "'. Eva Ki bart et al to Katie Biles, Contracts -No . 26 Uharlo j 8tibbs Money only for wrongfully oauslnK 10 . Pf I d '" 1 Ve rdi ct oontirm ed upon the depoalt 1I.0r6S a an,.. f · 1-50 b , h d d eat h ,$18,000 olalmed, J • A , R unAlf d V S ~ t T" T .' 0 ~ .. t e amount 0 t ever iot for PUttiDg il} four oorrugated sew· re . nOaa a ue om "or pllllnti.ff sball be e utitled to take at Bouth Park and unloading an a , .~ ..,mey .Y , . win "Canning CO.,lot In Lebanon, $1 , six road drage Ilt the est imate 190 .• 0. pa!!session, Oharl811 Dahlen VI , Coouty CODlla ml.loDen. AO&iOD. Monev only, GeorKo Blokel to ("'ba.rlell!' , Meyer Harold M. Benham as adminilltra Auditor was direoted to live no I ed "'100 E E lot in Lebanon, 11. tor of Kate M. Benha m , d eceased vs . tice of the in'*'nUon of 'he Commis A mOUD".. 01am . . , , Valeria Bowman as admln Istra I:3tev8DII and Crainer & beadl" atPe ter P . Beaham II.nd J . Els wortb alone to ereo' II. two apan hlgh"trnM trl:E to Oaollr L. Fordyce, 149 Dores Benh ~tl\ . Appraisement II.pproved steel bridge over LUtls Miami River torneY8. of laDd in Barlan township. $5 5~5 , 00 , at Klnl~s Ilillt!. The BaDDer Paoklng CO , VS, C, L. Mary E . Watkins to MalliA E by oourt . Order of sale Issued admini s trator, & N. Ky. Ce. Aotlon. MaDey only. Urlswold, two truots of land in Hara Rheumatism Quickly .Cured 1400olalmed, BlI.mllton& Langdon I n the m a tter of the will of JooaaUorneYI, Ian town s hip, than Gra ham, deceased , Will filed "My eister's hU8baDd had an at The Miami CannlDg Co, va . .the O. Probate Court Es tate of lames Itt, Cook, 4e·. ttlck of rheuonatlsw in hie arm;' writes a. well known resident or L. & N. Ry. Co . Aotlon money! Eatate of W , H , 'D~ke, deoeased, oeased, Inventory and appraille· Newtown, Iowa, "1 gave him a onlY, '221)0.00 oialmed , Flrilt ~coount filed . ment filed bottle of Cbamberlaln 'a Liniment Estate " I [Js s ter (Jerrard, de whioh h e applied to his arm and OD oeased. In vtl ut-ory aDd appraise the ne~' morning the rhenm Rtislll was gome, .. For ohronlo Ulul!'cular ~}~~::~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~:~:~~~t~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~i:::::~~:: ~~~~~~:::~::~~~~::~ m en t filed. ,heuma.tlsm you will flnd not,hlng E Atate of William Hartfelter, de- better thll.n Chamberlain's LiDlment, ceased. Inv" ntory aad a~praise. Sold by all detlolera .-. meat filed , In the m lttc r of the Board of Ac.cordlng to the Sc.r lpturel. Edooation of Morrow VI. Benjamin Charles Hnating!; of Ashburnham, Sparkf et ilL Plaintiff de pOlite with England, left a $60,000 estate to the Lord J EIBU S, ·W lth the ex planation that oourt 11260 and oosts and it is or he Is the rIghtful owner of all lands, dered foh.' plaintiff ~e en'itled to according to the Bible, which Is the possession of the proporty. 1lr"t book of laws, In tile matt er of the esta'e of R --L. Robson, deceased, J , O. RobBon Wonderful Skin Salve administrator. BODd '250. Buoklen's Arnlol\ 8 !\lve ia known In tbe matter of the will of Mary every","'here 8S the beAt remedy Armstrong, deoeasen . Will filed. made ftOr all diseatlea" of the skin, and 811m for burns, brnlses and Marriage LicertJeI boila Reduoes Inflammation lind 'oseph B . Smith, stove tester of is soothmg lind hes.Ung J . T. Hamilton and Mias Elizabeth Babsr, t:!os8aman, publillher of News, at of Frnnklhl , "ev. ;KQrman Sweat. Cornelius, N , C., writes that one box helpen his serlouil l!kln Ililment Commissioners' Proceedings "fter other remente8 t l,lled Only 250 , Recommended by J , E, Js.n· B lis .&.l\owOld-Jamea Moh1ulleD, n8,.V , Idec , expense of ~oldler ReUl'lf 0000 mittee for year ending April 10, ~,~~~~~~~ llll3, SIlO, 0, A. James, repairing WA'iNESVILLE CHURCHES. ohair in Pros. Atty's offioe 11. !t'. C. Anderson, express and oost ()f Before buying call on Methodist Episcopal Chu"* moving furniture . to Pros . office ReT. O. 8, Grauaer, Putor, 1116. Remington Typewriter Co , Sunday School, 0 : 111 a, m. MornlnK a er Co., typewdter table fo~ Pros, v ice, 10 :110 a. m. Evening aervl ce, 7 : 0 II m. Mid week Pr ,yer lItIeeUIlII, 7 p. m. Attv " IG, J. B . .Woodward, ser . vioes on bnrial oommlttee 8'ranklln St. Augustlne'. Catholic Cburda. Father Loula YalUf tOWDllhip, 12 W. D, RobiDSOD, 'Mass everT second Sunday of the mODtb a lerVlces on burial oomml ttel! Fr!l.nk · 9 :00 a. m, lin township S!. Idtate of Ohio vS.



Hut,c hiso,n \ (J ibne-y Xenia, Ohio. ,~ I

I. s ty}lte;s~ .~

Frazier's Shoe Store








. .

United States Cream Separators

With the Trimmings.

Silks, Voiles and Serges CORSETS .- Nemo and all good 8ha~8 AllOvers 5000 yds Laces, 5c up ~Ioves, Silk ~nd Kid 5000 yda Insertion, 5c· up CARPETS RUGS Wide Flouncinga, . 15c to 25c LINOLEUM

The Great Rug House ll!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!:!'!!!!!!"!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!.!!!!


Posted on pe'digrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

1905. Terms Reasonable

Pttic¢s $25.00 and up

Most Prompt and effectual Cure for

13ad Colds


E. R. MILLER, Centerville, Ohio Distributor for Warren. Oreene and Montgomery Countles~

WhOD you have a bad cold YOll waDt a remedy tbat will DO' oDly give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent eure, • rem9dy tha& Is plellsant to take, a remedy that COD. talns Dothlng in'urlon8. Chamber. lalD's COllgh Remedy meets a)) theBe requlremoBta, It aots OD na&ure'B plan, reUevel the lUDge, aid! expeo. aratloD, OpeDS 'he secre&ioDs aDj :reetor88 :tbe ays~ to a luialthy oondition_ This remedy baa a world wIde slle and 1188, aDa ce.

~~:~~~~:~~;~:~-::~::::~:;::~~!::~~::::~::i~;:~~~:::::~:::i~:~::~~::::::::::~~~::;~::::~: , ::::~~::::~~::i::;~::i::;;::.~E::;!:;~ all alwa,s de&lere, be depended . DPOn.



ROil. J . F , Cadwallader. Rector. Sunday Sohool, 0 :30 a, m · Morning ser vice, IO :810 a. m, Holy Oommuulon 'be lint Sunday (It each month , I

N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer

, Are Best, by Test.

St. lKary's Episcopal ChwdJ.


Summer Wash Fabrics





----... ...

Grant & Fr·azer


Our BUt/erieR Pattern "department is, as usual, showing all the smartest" newest designs." T.h is is only . one.: Call and get the M ay fButtencR Fashion. I Sheet' Free~ • . . .




this smart Butterick design we have the very materials you'll want. For example,· you can use a Broche silk or Crepe de Chine for the Blouse and a plain silk or Charmeuse for the Skirt, or you could select from a complete assortment of other suitable fabrics. . ~,: .


, '*


were never so' 'l . stunning orso ~ easy to make j. as right now! I

. .



Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio





Valley Telephone 45-2.

We have Solved the~igh '~ OOBt

of Monuments

Deal Directly with the Proprietors No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits You Get the Benefit


ChrfItJan Chun:h. Re'\'. P . B. ThomJllOll. P..... Bible 8cbon1, . :10 .. m. 8ocSal1llMC1Dl. lo:ao .. m. I 'bmtIaD BndAvor. 1:00 p. Il1o Berm.on b;y p ll.>tor eTfrT at_ _te 8~ 'at 10:.0 .. l1li. 111111 2:.0 p, • • (

Everything in the lili~ of Cemetery Work•• We ~~e a Specialty of- Individual desigDs for ~ur customers AU work tettered' in our own. Shop with Pneumatic' :rools. ,,

Hickalte FrieDdJ Cbu""


I'lrst D,.) lItIeetlnj[. 0 :00 a. m. DIl, School, U ;OO a III. J'Ollnli Da,. Maedn, UI:OO a. JIll.





-.. ...:.._

. Prtllodox PrJ. . CburdJ. · ,

. 'J/IIL BuSh KtD;ftJ':.. . . . . ~ Babba~l .~~. 1 :10 a . . . .~~ar

~; 10 ,10 .. III.

'7 :.OJ, ·....~, -

'., i ;.




Clu1nIU ·;'.l.~IaIi'rw,.-1


. ,,~ ,





Wook ly





VALl.EY 'rE I,EP U UNE- - (JAl. l.

D. L.



Ra t es of S ubscrilltion UIIO Y oa r (.trict ly 11\ n. 1,"u llce) ... . . ... tl . OIl S IliIlo Copy. " " " . . . . .. . . .... . . . . . . . O~

- -- - - - _ . -

Rates o f Ad vertilling .(elldl llg 1.<)(·nIB. por IIno . . . . . . . . . . . . IIr Hew.lng lAlral• . bluck fUl'e. por 11 116 . . I U.. '- 1_11100 Ad•. uot to cxcood II vO IluOl< ,.. , Ttu'oo IlUICrtioDll . . .. . • ...... . 21\(' JbltuarlOll. live irwhe. froo uver Ih'o IlIc h O!!. lIor li n " .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. I\(' . rtI of thlLll k•. . .. , . . .. .... . ........ loc . •. • •. • •..• , . . .


IIdti etc . whtlro chu e IB mtt..t.le . .. •.. . 251: >JlII\Y Ad"ertl.IIl" IJI luci... . . ..... . . I lle JJl8('ountt<i Hinm IU CuUl.l"af't..

' 'M.

~I " y

A 'BOO ft·\ FOR

14 . 1 ~13


Dayloni a nll will be interested in t he opening of a s ummer hotel a t Spri ng Vnllpy, Oh io, by Miss Anna B Shoup, who left Sa turday mornIng to get t he place in orde r. The beautiful Compton homestead owne d by Joel Shoup, of lhis ci ty, and Rilu ated on ' a l 50-foot p rominence overl ooking t he pic tu resq ue litll e vill age , will pro ve a d elig ht f ul ret r eat from th e heated ci ty , Already nea r ly all of the rooms have been spoken for but the re is a mple park land, where portable h ouses and t en ts will be comfortably a rranged . Th e coun t ry inn will alsl' be thtl obj ective 'poin t for many mot o r par tit!s du r ing th e summe r as the 18·mile drive will be an interesting one over pict uresque country . ~ Dayton NI!ws . T he re are several places' around Way nesvil le that could be 'mad!: into com fo r lab le ~u rnm e r homes, if on ly some one wou ld go ah ead and establish the m, a nd a g ·~ in. it would mak( Waynesville a :m u urban l own, only 18 miles fr om D&.y ton .

Cure for Stomach Disorders Oi!!orderB of the stomlloh U1ay be avolrled by the u tte of <.; bomberl dln 'It 'i'able's. Many very r emllrk8bl e ourell have been .. ffRot f'd bV thes!' tablets. ~old by ,,11 dealen . -'

.NepalNeller Widow.. has the earli est murrlagell lD Become

the world. Th ere overy girl Is married In Infancy. Dut. then. the bride'"1(l'OOID-is not ver y terri ble. Sbe II married with elaborute ceremony to a bel fruit, which Is then tbrown luto BOrne sacred str eam, The fate or the fruit being al ways unknown, every girl III thu8 spared the di sgrace of becoming II. widow, while at the lIame time a second husband la allowed her later on.

\ '"


II .

Editor and Manager

hI o t UC.tO llti . . . • . . . . .

New Burlington



Geo. iJeoker. of Dayton, lu" t 8 uD(IIlY with he r w oth er Mrs John Bro wn, of t hlt; plaoe. Mr . IADd Mr s. J ohn W orner, of DllytOD, SpeDt Illst i:!unday with r ell\ ti ve~ ot ' hi ll plao!" Mr Robert K oog h , of Da yt on , Willi t be g Otlst of 1I1SA Ethel LI\n sin ger, I"st Bnn dn y. ,Iohn Weaver viRited fri en dll II.t G r een villF, lli st week . • Mr. Peny Milly a nd daughte r MiRS Mu udo, Ilf Oil Yton, were g uests of reI uti veA her e lbst l:3a tur.lay ..nd ::I u nd ay . Mnl ,Tollnl! Bulr<l, wh o li ves Ro nt,h u f to wn , di e(l Monda y Dlorn ln g of i.J ellf t t r oubl e. Mre E.1it.h ~ h" w, w h o lives e l1 at. of town , on the ISl1ttler fE\rm, wn s adjud gtHJ io :!ane at her h ome InBt Tllunday and Wll 8 taken t n th e Dl1ytou t:!tl1te t:f ospitlll , on Frl,lay. Dr. R etllnour and WIfe wiJI m ove In t o tbe Stak e property, this w81' k Nall oy J a a.e aborbll.ugb, wife of Wm. Rllc rbuogh . died at her home tw o mile!! north o f Bellbrouk, Mond "y from oomplioatioDs The fu nenl Willi held at her late home , on Thuud ay aftr,lnoon. conduo 'e d b .\' Rev. T Il PV, of Alpha, ~180 Rev. EvermY tl r , of Da yton . A large con· course o f fritmds wer" presen t t o pl1y tribute t o the memory of she deoell8o..1 who was knowu and loved throoghout t he .eotl on where !!bb Ii ved . A grea t profusion of fl ower ll ~ urroundel\ tbe casket, wute tokenl or love and elltoew of wanv friendll ~h e leave. to m ouln her loss, her hus band and foor daugh ters Misses Lulu, Qanh anct tiraoe at bome. and Mrll. Thompson Bawker, of nelif Xenll\. Bnrlnl wall made i. Btlllbro')k oem eIny by under\aker James Cl o wl, 'If tbls plaoe. Mrs. Kllte P epper and .t8 . Frank Lamme were Xenia shopper/l, Mon day . Mn, Barry Wellver, of Dayton , visited relatives at thia place, las$ Wedneaday II.nd Thursday .

~ 1>eDt

Mrs, T bos. B aydeok i1l a t b ome fr om II. six wee k 'Ij visit with r elati vell in Wil ming t on . Mr!4. Mllry Lin ton, of t h e Buck Ru n uoighbor houd, fe ll uuu uro ke ller hip, t h e fore pa rt of lust we ok Mrs, JII S . Bu ffmaIi w a s oall ed t o W il mi ngton t h e fore p urt of the week by th e death of h er m ol h er Mrs. Lydi l1 Overh a ul s. Se Tan1 o ld veter a ns uHe nded t h e funer al of Harvey A. Murphy , a fo rm er r esld mt and Bn old s oldier , In I:\pr in f{ " u J1 ey , lA st T hursday . J ail ISh nmun ug h , ou(j of th e oldes t· "Diu .YO U r"tum h is prese nts ILno re.~i de nt s br t bi!:l o,1rum unity, dif'Cl get yllll rs bnck after you quarrel ed r" M o nd ll Y, of IlIlIt w8(jk. Bu r ll\l took " I sholll,1 ~ay II Ot. lI e'<-l hun) all pi llce fit Min mi oem otery on ; lmTI' thc best of that den1." d ilY. I:l (1 WIIS 11 g ood Dliln and un S PICE OF LI FE. j oyed thn ll i ~ h fiJgnrd of nil wh o k n e w him

Tbe Ill r ge , te n uot hou se on tbe "' r m of M r R Al ice Walton fl nd oc oupi ed bv Lyle Morris bnd fam il y was born r,d \ 0 th e ~o o n d 00 Blln· da y a fternoo n. r h e fiame!'! we r e ueyon d cont r ol wh en disco v er ed. Most of I.h tl furn ll ure do wn sia ir ~ wa!! sl1v"d . T he house I1nd oon t en ts were In sured Mrs. Willi s O'Neall , who is III ar. the h om A of her dllught.e r Mrs . Ed. BOKl1n , we3 t of towo , " nff ~r ed a ner vous r e illpse 11lst wee k, but is bette r a ,."in


Health a Factor In Success 'i'he largellt faotor contributing \0 a man's SUCC888 is undoubtedly bllalth. It bas bsen ol>Bernd that II man i8 I!eldom' slok when '1i11l bowels are regular-he 18 nAver well when 'hey are ooustlpated, F c,r oon8tipatlCln you will find nothing quite so good a8 Cbamberlaln'lI l'J.bletll . They not only move the bowel8 but Improve tbo appetite and strengtben tbedigestion. They al e sold by aU dealer8. ----eO!". ... - ......-....:...-


Beech Grove. ( Delayed )

Not muah neW8 this week . EyeryConstipation Cured body Is bUllY planting oorn and flsh · Dr. King's New Life Pills ·will In". relieve oonlJtipatlon promptly and K . E. Thompson Is In Day'on get your bowelll in bealty Qondltlon this week. again. John Hnpslo, of Banbury, .R. J. Murray, ot Long Vie" Stook PII... S&Y8: "They I\re the best plUs I everu8ed, and I advillo every· Farm, was hera on Honday buy Ina one to use tbem for oon8tlpa\lon, YOllng oattle, lndlgestlon Bod liver oomplalnt." This plaoe wall. well reprellentr,d 'W1I1 help you . Price '3 50. Recom · the M. M. Conyention at Jonab mended . C' by _ ,I, _ E . Janney ROD, on Sunday af&erooon: M. M. Terry aisd K . E. Thomplon Loyalty an Ellentlal, spent Hundav anernoon "I'h J. B. Loyalty Ie one of the most Import- Wllls, near Dodde . ant e888ntlals to business success. Mi.. Esther Edward. led ' the We place this ahead of brBlns. ability or experience. While tbese are not young people '[I meeting on Ill.8t only Important, but absolutely necel!- ionday ()veDhlgJ.. nd Mrs. Anna M. sary to secure the greate st succeSIl In BraliDoD will be the leader for nu:t one's chosen work, yet without loyalty Sunday 8Tening, of the nbsolutely dependable kind tbe i\ev. W , B. Balley,ot )Uohlg"n, employe's cbanoe Is greatly mlul· 8pen' Friday with Luolou8 Frazier mtzed. and wife. K . E. l'hompeon and M. II. Terry Hard Worl< Called For. spent hturd,.y with WarreD CoweD One ot th o popular song demonstra- &$ Ft. Ano1en'. tora, was mBklng more racket than Wm Smith hal moved from the UIIual the other da), In one of tbe big James houlle, Into 'be Ed. IItores, hlB voice reaching for beyond Its ullual limits. A sales woman In Jordan house, west of t.he ohuroh another department, seeing one of ber Joe Hurge't and "ife, of Dayton, ou8tomers wince at the terrible vocal ~re ependlllg a few days wllh Mrs noise, explained : "You see he got here a little late tbls morning Bnd has to Burgett's parents, here. J \lmel Oleave\' and nieoe Mrs I10g loud to catch up," Mary Mannon \IIIere In Lebanon, 011 l'hurl'day afternoon . . How's This? Qllarterly Meeting wlll be ,beld a' tbe 9'. W. B . ohuroh -bere qn !jatur We offer One Bondred D0 11 arB " .eward tor any oase of Ca\arrh day and ijuuday, May ,1 7-18 tbll.t cllnno' be oured by BaU 's Everybody come and brt1lg all (Ja$arrh Care . . . your friendll. , B. J. CHENEY &: CO., Toledo, O. A. Kiger haa bougM a new 'VIIork We the undersigned, have known F. b J. .,Chener for t~ last 15 years, and orlle. Now ie " good time to ,aubeorlbe believe hIm perfectly. honorable in 011 business transactions and financiallt ab~ for ,tie Miami Uall8tte 10 all have out any obligations madey his 1004 '0 rea t whtle 1011 ~, NATIONAL BAiNIC OF COMMBR~E, are .''''nt iD 'be Ibade these warm '. -' Tqledo, O. . , Ii taken in . 'he

\ :ir:rry

I ~$_.3-,O-O-O-p_e-r-D-a-y-'I


W"ynoaville. Olll"



~\iml1ms- ~ l r.

Bulky, wh y don' t yo u turk cy-trot with morc varidy? Mr. Hul kv- lI ow so? ',hnt do you rnpall, :1'1iss SlimllUls ? :If iss i-i linlllllls ( s wl'r Uy)-Y ou Illi~ht stl'P on my rig ht foot now; t hc Icft foot hWl hud enoug h !- P uck_

Is now the daily Pay Roll of Tri-slale Cream Ship· pers- -S POT CAS H being paid every shipmen t _ Become a Tri-State S hipper tod ay, for t hp T ri State Bu tter Company. Cin cin nati, Ohio, is


Responsible ~

capital Stock $ 76,000 Sh ip us today or write fo r F r ee Trial Cans . Shipments can be made whenever convenien l to you. nn ic£> bei ng nereiisary, us cream i):! u ):leu fur Outter· Maki ng pu r poscs . O u r price this w~k for Butter Fat is 30e per poun t! . Poor Old Elg in 28c.


-------------_..._- - _.- . LET US PUT YOU ON OUR PAY nO L L Cincinnati, Ohio


.----------------------------------------~~------. --


Take Time, Select the U:ght Roof I



a roofi ng is one of the most im por tant ma tters in the erection of any k ind of a buildi ng. We are try ing to make every body roof wise. It is a big job, b ut we arc gain ing ever y day. We carry in stock at our store all ki nds of Roofing and Spouting, Furnaces and Ranges. E stima tes given. (tC.HOOS ING

J ane-lIfr. T odger s puid mc a g reat com plimcnt. Fl e Bai ll to me liS I. entered the reeepLioll purl or, "You • the the pretties t girl I hayo seen tenigh t." Best Medicine for Colds Mary-Yes, I u n<l crs tand yo n W ben a dru"git!t r eoomme ndll a we re the first to IIrrivu.-Clcycland re medy f or oo l(l~ , t hroa t and lung t.r o ubltl8 . y ou o"n f Ae I sure t ba t he P lain D enier. kno ws wh a t b o is t a lk ing I1b ou t ONE EXCEPTION . C. l,ower , Dru ggiQt, of Ma ri on. Oblo, wri tes of Dr . King's New "Noth in~ comes to him. who [)isoovm'Y : "I know Dr . K ln ~'t! New OI ~cuv e ry Is t be b e~t t hroat· wnit!'," rClfIllrk cll the philoRop hcr. aoo IUllg m edloin e I sell. I t ou red "Ilow ubout tips?" o:lkcd the m y wife of a l evere brOl' cbllll c61d TINNERS and SLATERS II.fter all other re medI es tailed ." fricnd.-- BlIfTalo Exp ress. It will do t he I1l1m e for you if yo u Notice of Appointment are 8utYe rIDg wi t h 0. c old or . n y Waynesville, Ohio Phone 11 3 bronohl"l, t hroat or lun g coug h E81llte " f I£llz~ooth D. Moore, Doce..etI. Keep a bO'tle on band all the ti me -----------------------------------------------~.~--~ Notice ill hereby glvoll t h"~ Aarel1 U for everyone in t he family to ot!e ChnD IUer hIlS ~ II dul y a ppointed nud It is a hOlUe d ootor. t>rloo 500 and quail lied 1M oxec·ut... o f t he est Olo o f E llznboUI Cynic. B . Moore. l al.. of Warren (Jo ullty. Ohio , de$l OO. GUBrllnteed by J . Il .lanne y . ce&><O<l. • Many a girl wo uld go through .lIre Dated l;hl8 8t h day o f Mav . 19 13, ---and water fo r a man! or even through AlLen F. lJrown, Judgu of ~he Prohat.e Court, I hie bank account. Spring Branch Wllrron Cou nty. Uh lo. Veterlnarv May 28-3t Mr. and aba. Thoma8 Laoy and Graduate of Oblo Stol. lJniven' Old-Faahloned Storm. Notice of Appointment fBmily eu \er~ned Messrll. Charlie What's become or the old-fashioned. hllrmles8 Btorm tbat merely cleared L'loy lind Berschel Etter, of Dayton, Ratate rt Thorn"" J . Brown. Dcceuoo . Sunday Notice .. hereby given tha' Annie U. Brown the atm08phere. Office at residence in F. B. Sher. • and Ma ry ~ . Brown have beeD duly appolnt.ed MlII . 010 ' 80n Wh&rton viaited her and IlIlaUflOO as execULers of tlto E. t nte of wood's house, Fourth Street, Thorn .... ". Drown. late of Warren County . grllnddBughter Mrs. Frank DlI.kln Ohln. deceasetl . Telephone 28 '1 U-t d . Dawd thl. 6th day o f May 19 13. II.n d f amI y, DG or a y . ALT ON F. BROWN, MC(lLURE, WALTElt l4ill8 FloNnoe Laoy Bpent the Judge ofWarren tho ProlJut.e Cou rt, Couoty. Ohio. Waynesville. Ohio May H -S t Io.tter part or the week with her Funeral Direr.tof. ----~-------8tster Mrs . Frank Cook. Mr. and Mrs . Guy Chenoweth Telephone day or night, E. BARNHART, and tll.mlly entertained Mr . and Valley phone No.1. Loop: 1 hll.v, e decided to reduce my stl'ok Mrs. Florenoe ' Llloy ane daughter Notary Public on otber good s , t·herefore will offer Distance No. 69-"'". "'Iorenoe and Edna and lion Barry at publlo sale at my placfl of boslI\HIO All kinde of Notary Work. Pen.tuD at dinner, Hunday. ness In Centerville, Ohio, on WAYNESVILLE, • v Work a HpeolaUy . Aun' Bethany Chenoweth i8 visl.t . . &lturday, May 24, 1913 Branm Office, HaJ'VeyabUl'lf. O. inK her niece Bell Beeder, of CorBeginning at 1 o'olock, the folwin. lowing : 2 new boggieR, 2 new sur Mrs. Ada Dakin and daughters r eys, Beoond baod buggies and 08.r. DR. J. W. MILLER, Lois, Bazel and Opal s pent Sun day rlages, fence,sepnator ba xes, 1 oow "od a lot of m iscellaneous artioles Funeral Director In !At. Bolly with rela tives. See bill. for terms . and Embalmer, ••• DENTIST ••• Mr. John Loo8.8 spen' Thuradll.Y E . R. Miller e ..enlng wUh Mr . Guy Chenoweth R. C. Haines, Auot. Waynesville, Ohio. I omce In and family . Waynesville, 0 Na~nal BaDk Bld/l'.


Grant & Fra,z er

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

.. - ..----



Public Sale



----- -


For the Weak and Nervous

OlassiBed Ads

DR. H.E.

Tlred.out, weak, nervous men an 1 hW h h hA. W h. HATHAWAY woweo woold feel ambitio08, ener:l(etlo, foil (If Ufe aud IlIways hl\ve a good appetite, if tbey would do th e sen8ible thln~ for heaUh-take lllleotrlo Bitters. Nothillg bet ter for the etofl1lioh, liver or kidney s . LOST flloullunds say t hey owe their li ve:; Subscribe tor the II to thia wonderful h ow e r em ed y Mrs O. Rhinevaolt, of Veatal CenN Rutomo bil e Illwp. Finder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vl,e Hit) r e t.urn to B V , Smith, . I ter, N. ·Y ., II"Ys: "1 regard Eleotrio Bi tOOrs a8 one of the gr PBtest of .. D. 4,. WayneSVIlle , Oh io_ m 21 I gift. . loan never forget whBt it. Ila!l done fOI me. " liet Ii b ottle vourllelf and !!ee whllt a dlfferenoe WANTED It wlil make In your health . Onl y 500 and '1.00. :Recommended by J. E. Janney. , DVgRTlS E R~ - 'l'O know that ' ------- -~.------y ou oan se ll your borBe ~ and oows and oth e r things by advertisHot Corn eaga. An excellent substitute for the ~. ing ~h tlllD in the Gazette It costs pensive hot water bottle of rubber Is bu$ little , and brings results, .made by heating common field com, shelled, In a pan In the oven. When tborougbly wormed. ponr It IhOO cloth FOR SALE bags. sucb .11 salt and sugar are pack· ed In. These filled bags are IIgbt and pliable, and satls(actorlly answer ev· ORN-Good Beed Vorn for sll.le, ery purpose of the hot water bottla. 25 bu. AIl!o some good f~rm -McCall's Magazine. lD1pleml~n's . F . C. 8a.wln, Phone !l5·SX', Wavnesvllle, Ohio. m IS Mra. Youngbrlde, Bales Qf nloe, bright,oate .~ don't believe the story, do you T" straw. Call on Zen & "Wbat atory?" "About Mrs. Young· Frazter, Waynesville, Ohio. m 14 They say she went Into a bride. butcher'1I sbop the other day, and seeAPIClNS-Ne". good oolore, io In« a Bide of lparerlbs on the counter, an1 quantUy. Call at ~azette ahe remarked : ,'Why, I don't know offioe and Ilea *hem. m 14 you. kept sylopbones bere. '" O W-Fr8llh, with 2-weekll_old , call by ber stde. .Inquire ot K. E . T1bo~ploo, Oregonia. Ohio. H. Couldn'.t Deny IL Also exclaimed .when he Jdu. :~ . ...-" . In 1~














Automobile. Livery Service at P ' aaO~able Ratese Agent ' for Racine Automobile Tires.



BAD .WlTER HOLD-UP It Was Only for Moving Pictures but Passengers Thought It Real Thing.

AR up li n 1Il l' n .. \'th"('~ t con ~ t nf '\I I'P I·!cn. III lh ..


th, ' ~1 ilhll~h t !;UII. I s n "UUlIl r), " hl<-II . tlll dl'O(,1l till' h u rd lp"l Iray· .. If'r : a IlI nd "h.'r" huge m o unt l\ l n~ rili" sh l'l'r OU( from I h,' wn l l' r " ,'dg !) on "n Icc·boull d. ~ tllrll\ ' $ ~' cllt con st : ( he h o m e ot t"8S t I: I.I lI I'T6. un k no w ll lu k !'8 and r l\'er~, Sl· i('nt vnll e ys f1 nrl 'UII I"o plod waSle8. I' nnd " r a momeul on Ih" S\1 Ilues from r h,. aliI " I'IP- n o f one whn has liI'e d lhe l.lI nd


life aDd tramped th e trnlts :wr088 l be I dp-Rn la t!', blH rell was te s. \\'Lt 're ~ 1I0W ' Kreat unknown : and frost s lill hold 11\(' Nulb ueueath their Iron grip. If purt' hall eu ho W": There' s tlte I nil. r lin '." )' 1/ " . . . r. pa681lJ1 thero agaIn wltblu u tew II ') 11'8 fhe cusspdpsl land tloa l 1 kn ow . wee ks' timf'. wit n OIlCO lh l! Sl:U'S F r om lhe , IIlg. ,Ils" y n'UIH llAlm lhnl war m roys ha" e plo yed Ihclr purl, the 8c r .. e n It, fa ce of Nat ure s ee ms 10 ha\"l~ e ntire ly T o lhe d eep. <I"lIt hlll«' \' all r~' ~ 1..' low. cbllnged. 1I 0re. In thl ~ \'a ll"y, whert:· Bome Hay 0 d w.... II r~ tI wI " ·,, lIe l11u.d e It ; . a s hort t lma 81n co nothIng lout Il IlOW 8 m" say Il·. 11 nn e III (HI to . h UII ; la y dOfJ p. fn r f\ ~ thl' f!}' O cou ld reac h, Hn~' I){' : but l hcn"~ ~<" nt· u.s .... tOld Irllrte wbat sf"ht f~ It th llt lll eN « th o /;"nze ? ~t ,.., )-,,, .. no lalld o n ti rl" --~ lttl I on on r. Luxul'lant ~ru~d(' S wll "lng In tho willd I . and coun tl!'!,,!! t10w e rMnil bur~llng Into ::io. In deed. dues th .. wonllerer [l'cl. bloom. TIl(' tender ~rp o n of spring Ollce be hUll fought Nat urA lu b e r I ~ ho", s fOrlh 0 11 61"1Uy hush, whllo birds. " 'erneet moodfl. or T1~n~ l(' d In tit· s ho rt I, und e ven butt l' rnle~ . heMport th e m' bllt glorious summern of Aln alla. Tb e s eln\tl wh l' TI' form e rly no Ih'lllg thing rapid ebanges of climatic (:ohditions i wus RI'O Il . Down lhroug b Ibn s miling tll tile arctic a re COntilan t :lou r l'CS or vo ll ey rUlls n babbling stre am. a nd In " 'ouderment to th o Illan who bus ne ver Ita crys tul \\, a( orl< num erous trou t ure l,ro\'lously experi e nced theul. Toll ay busy feeding . What murr e \' too, h aa he may roam over COIIU I Icss mtle~ of b rou ght to life myria ds of mos qulto os


and ol bor Insec l lite from beneatb tbOKC gr ent st retc hes 01 anow and \ce wblch lar 10r monthe upon the g ro und 7 :-';0 man can Loll nor any pen elescribe lh ~ ij man I fold ID),ster Ies ot the 1rol(, 0 north. Here . In th ose brlof. ~Wl· o t summer m onths . tbe nomad llI n y Huger. gazing hy day or nlghL 011 1\ lI c ynr'lletlin g !lun , loren Lh· fng an nfr th o pures t and mo at Invlg orating LhaL (J "er wns wafLed on lllp br oo~ ('. ('ollling from onow·tlppe d peaks and down tb elr s lopes whic h ILre donRel)" c lad with hard;> moun· ta l., pines. Hut le t tho wnnd Elr er In qu est of 8un s bln n bll wa r e lest he overstnps h is we lcome. s ince onCt! tha t gr ont II1l1glclan. I<lng Froet. iJSl\e rts his SWill'. this is no land for the we ak· lings : St' n('J m"

III(' I."" , nr )"Oll r

0'\ 0 you r I" h osfI' n on"I .

~r h{! m

hreedln);. lend

w i ll] In k !" 10 rny OOt(l nl . l he m will

I cull ni l'

~o n8.

For I hi ~ IR tb e s tc m Itt w of "las kr , :I nll \I 0(' b elld !' him \\ ho scotT:! a~ .~. ~~v e n aUlong t ht' cbosen oues und \lard)' plonper s of today t rrlbl o In· Words b, B~.E MORGAII rudels by C. A. BEATY eed ar a Ie!!. 8 1 gn~ '",rltLe n on many o! . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.d dlb"' lr hod Scarred an d r ugged Vf1 1,







e nU1S s hit". with a Bmilln,; faet'. placol! wh r re o nce finge r s or Loell tldoTll l' ll their hands or feot.. ':.O[ ~' hlch bave ~. t)\V gon fo rov or. 0. toke n of mun 's :ltruggl 'lgalnsL Nalure's crue ll Y. L t t lios ll who si t h I a co m· I'ortublo c hair by the firesi de nt borne, In ~O degrc('s oC froRt. think wha t life Is IIk ll In a te nt with tho tbormometer r eady (;H dtJgrec9 or 60 degreo blow zero. Only those wbo hav o bep.n an d f elt Il call r ealize what this meaDa. Probably no co unLr)' on oarth has lured so muny pe(lple to ruin and destruclion. In proportion to the num· ber s vlslling It. os AlulIka has dono In many of the great gold rushee wblch have taken place In r ecent yearll. Tbe w riter. durIng three eea. s on a spent in that country, and In trlplI extendIng from Its BoutliernmOl'lt portions to the arctic shorell, 1I1U1 pel' Bonally been an eye-wltnon of many pitiful BCenel! tbe re. The time hne al · ready arrive d when fa.t IIteamere make pleallure trIps during summer, and convey tOllrlllts In com tort along tlle Iloutbern COlletll of Alaska. thronlb some of th e finest fjords and scenery on oarth. But probably none ot Lhea", r"ux urlous trave leT1!l bllll any Idea of thl' Jlrlvatlolls s uffere d by many of Lhe old·tlm e "Ioneer s who ' followed t hl e [ roul n on th e ir way to the new Eldorado. Nnr en n tb e y hope to r ea Um what n wl:llc r Is like within the arc· lie cl r c lo. Mr . n. W . Service hall mora accurate ly dl' Bcrlbed this lban ILny ot he r write r In the following s ple ndid Iitl es: .

T h" wlnl er : lhe


brl,;hl nee8 thaI bli ndS tll(ht M 1\ drum. thn t ro llnwo n OlI nnd. VOlt.

'l'h ~ whll.~ hnn loc ked

Th e ,' old r ~ n r Tl", H Il ~ " <" 11" ,1 b lu~gco n 8 you dllml.>,

Th o 8 n owFi lhllt a. r o u lde r than histo r y. Tho woo<ls w h or e tile weird Bhad ow..


T bey laud the mountains o f the west, thos.e \Ieak ~ "Hb whicb th e lend · blessed. bul o'ell PlIle'li sUlumlt seems <1 l1it" nil whpll m eas ured with I ho ~rcut Jim Hill. H is top is snow·capped. someWhat hare. but min es of \'alue n esUe t he re. 1I0t coal or ore o f all~' 1; ln,1. but l od ~ B of vasL financial ruled. \Ie !lUr th e trae lts In "track les! plains" u ntil scarcE' all Y trace relllalns. o( all thO .1; wllrl a nd " 'ooly (lcl!nes e xcerll 011 mO"lng pl clure' screens . . Long [rel ght train s la bor lip tb e he ig hts \vhlt:h once bcheld crn el Illdian figh ts nnct In LhE' \·a.Il C.\'H fnr ntM8 to ll. .1Jl< IUCin g the re lo ctant soli to give forth Wh ea t In wea \l.b IInlolrl wh c rt.o Ollce th e bison '!, s no rt was bold . Tbe "prairi e schoonor" !lOW ~ I ""'II \l lnee 10 nJOtll, cars of dizzy pace and whe rf' s molle signnl B oll ee r\ld roul'l . we hear l he le le pho n!, 'H s weet \lurl. Th " city wh e re thE' Y make tblJ 1I0,lr is whOrl' J,nnea .J. ll()holdR bls towE'r and war08 tIl e ellge r co untrysi d p (0 8tor(' whnt nat u re clolh provide. All tl t lcs huug hty Iloth he sCOI'll. he Uo el'u 't ne ed t IJ blow hIs bum. Tills tac t Is good e nough ror him : T b roughout tbe ~l lJ I (! tbey worshIp "Y IIIl ." I (Co pyright. 1912. by Un lwr3a l PI.., •• S)'n tll cale.l

~t'a \le 's


Hamlct In Japan. We can never hope to aee In Lon· .1 1)11 Shakespearian productlontl 0 0 ' Lhe arne lines as tbo'll) wbtob 1!'nd favor In Japan. Not lont: 'a~o the Kobe H er· aId deacrtbed a pe rforman ce In that towD or "H~el, ' wltb the 8cene laid In iilC)Gern The l Prince otl Den: mark appea", Dr8t In a aUk bat and a .wa l.l~ 'w l .. c.'oat ; then ' on : a blj:ycl~. ,~lll4 z to. a' bright'. blull c,cllng. " ult abd ,.("~. atoCkll1g.;;' .ncf, tlIen; In eve.uIna ~~:- apln: . ~.ltb- a :ftow~f III ti lll' ""tullhole . . t llll up-to-date ,oollec¥


. Ia nt. 911I1n"."9.

moonllghl . tI,., n!YSlc r ~. I ' c bado l' ln gooO-uye- bu l I can l. 'No more awe·lnspirlng scene can bl) wltll cs~ed than that of tho Ico bre ak.


tI. e

ill); \IV on aom e b ig riv e r, s ucb as th~ Yukon. or ulany aLb e rs In Alaska. Ivbe n th o pt:nt,ull wate ra burst the ir ,,,ay III ~ p rl ng- through many miles of Icy fettn8, wf th an accom panim e nt r of apva ll ing noises which be wlld e r .tbe 0 11 loo k er. Or again. lot t he trave le r . gll?P u whil o a t s om e spol w\lere onll .or. t he hu ge glaciers tlnds abrllptl.~· In the sea, lowe ri ng alott nbove th" waLer!'!. Here \"ast masse8 of Ice con· Rta lltl y fnll olT, drift aimless ly about. and form a continual source of m r naCb to un wary marine r s.

has li ttle 1Il0re r t!8emblance to the Hamlet . whom Shakespea re conceIv ed tban a JeW of the mod ern t ype would bear La ·tbe ·Sht locli of ancle!!t Ve n· Ice." Ophelia. tor tbe purpose s of the play. was trans formed Into a fellow stud ent ot Hamlet at tqe Un,ycnrtty or Tokyo.-LOnd~n Chronicle, .

tougu e. He complaIns that mus ica l of all languagee ie baHlJ d b" t he Introduetion sounding s porting termll from England. altb<?ugb for th ese, s uch all "m~tch,:' " trial," there arC) rna e eQulvalent.. O.iie

'In D.te'rlJO of Mother Tongue. ' , . Italy, as weU ae Fran~; nq'yl.. haa ~I!.e. tootba!l crase,! and ·}\l'e~~~C. .'bu

ly l!lngllibodies h namein ;' . athletic and~ Cricket . ZuCoIJ. POlli~ daol of t be old"

~se~J"tg .l-11~I,~a ~Z\lc:col.~t~ raiN aJ

~1\7 .. o~ alarm Oli~.~li~lt ~f~~ mOc~~ I tum... ·

the most being de· ot harst Imported maliy lor and


A Weak Stomach?


GI. Have you Indigelltioo or ely&pepsi a, a torptd liver or any other of the many 11'18 coming from a weak stomach T


Golden Medical Discove!I for forty ye~r:' hll8 ~one. a "lion's eharo" 111 e llmmlltmg these dist.resaing ailm en t.1l. Orcin a BotUe from To1ll' Dr:IaKb' tocl&J'



r()iI ~ .

Oll ly one tra" ..ler romaln e d \Illt"J IhA p llttrorm. It WIl S thc domuro yo ung lady 'fho had bel'n d18C1I6 S1118 Ill' r COII J'Pf\ o f action 111 th o CI'I:lI\t of a r"o l bold·lI ll. Inst oa d of talnl lng 6i!e st m lllJl' d hc r foot vlu ll' lltl y and actua l· Iy s hook hl'l' flsl III tb o Ilus hlly dre sed m an's fac e. " I won 't tlut m)' hands UP and I ..... ou·t giv e yo u a c ,' nl. And I '\'{~ go t ninNY doliars Ins lrl.' lilY wa ist and I d<1fy you to takE' It , yo u cowurlJ. Tllt're!" "!l01l thl' platform th o ope rator wall ' s til l grinding ofT hi s n ln18,

Ily dressed

l nnn

Th o l1a:.Jh· approac htHl th o young

Indy . look orr his hnt, nne! n l Rlh h e r n

(lo,,-n a. chick's th r oa t cu r,."

gapt~~ . A f ew d r.-lllu In t hl'" ddn loi; lng w all' r cur es a ll l' f1r~ \' c: n I H

chnlt- r r..

tliarr lJC~ a

a n d. o l lwr d Jk kdl "il'i\ H tt. (Jue 50\' b()t~ I ·" Ul " kc..·~ t l.: f;,\l hlO tlo f m f"'did,\('! At all • nlt{~ " l t\ . S a m l'!c- and Ito"k lc-t (In '0' 10\e:\.~CH o( l",, \Y I ~ " f:;,' nt :btftfo: E.

Bourbo. Rlmod, Co. tnIDJItItt. IJ

~A(i;;ST~- :'i"1 1 IIl11 kf' r

(, "I H ,. l lIrt .

n ll r

" V, ,"

III)' ,

Ill to!', - .

$JO I,' 1,', 11 \\ • • k ly. q ult'k

~: .,I:~.~ : Ir~I~ :~·.'. (r" p; :~!.;~~ ~~~~:.~' ;~~ :' ~J' ;;"~:~;:"~~:

bow . \' ";\Iadam . you are the o ol y man Nu . · Alon7. t>. )011 c llnno l nl\\,;I)'1-I t pW amon,,; th o lot." 110 Bald. " Pray kcop a bell" hy her rID/:B. YOllr mOD CY Il. a tribute to your (lOll I' - -- nge~1! n~li(' iotl '4 hrown (tah t' :e mnHlt fl'ilfl1 ~ 1 r " \I1 K . T he pa8sengers bad 1111 fl Ie d In t", '~ Ihi: P\l" r"~(l Fln"r A ll \':I'U""..". ,\,Iv. w hen th e ...... h cis of th e train begall Alcohol ic Consumption Large. to move . Tbo nashlly dresse d man The alco holic co ns umptloll n Ilt'ad III caught t h o young lady by t h e arm and this co untr y 19 1\ Illllf' It,~~ thull 2:\ swung h er aboard. Ins ide til e t ravel· /;"l\ lIon8 1\ Hmr, of which ~ I n rll COli era stood huddl od togethe r . buL thore Itulned In ·ul'er . l'ias no bandit to r eceive th ei r cae h. - -- .--

The flash il y dres8ed mnn s looel on FACE ALMOST COVERED WITH rbe step and leered at th em "Sorry to fr lght e ll you all. ladles and PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS gents." h e sai d. "It l'ou'd obliged me as I oske d ot you to do. I 'w ouldn'( Atchison, 1{nn.-"For Q. nllmber of bav e had. to sen ro you . We aln't ban · ),e llr8 I su.lfe red very grently Irom Bkln d lts ; we're JURt moving picture poo eruption. My tace was very red nn d pie; but we had to get Ihe plctnre and Irritated. b eI n g a lmost cov.... cd . with a s you wouldn' t h t!11l us-why. Wll just pl m pleo and blackhand!!. The pimple s had to he lp ourselvel:! . Good bye." were scattered ove r my face. TheY And as lbe train was !lOW l.n motion were a flne rash with the e xcepllon of b e lea pe d to tb e ground and s tood a few large pimples 011 my forehead s milin g at th em. and chin. My fac e burned and looked WhE'n they had r psum c-d th!!lr place~ I'ed ns If elC(\Osed to ('I tllel' heat o r t he re was Quit e a 10ll g sllenc . The n cold. It was not only un sightl y bllt the dru mmer spoke. very uncomfortable. I t rlo1d I!overal '" knew It -;;'u8 n'l r ea l," ho eald . "II remodles but c ouldn't ge t an)' relief. I'd thought It was I'd ha ve a::led dlt· I was recom mended to uso Cu tlcura re r en t." I SOIlP Sll d Cutieura Ointment. He s miled at the e1 0Dlure you ns "I appli ed t he CuUcura. Ointm ent In la dy. Hut IIh o ""a s rending a te xt· t h e e ' ·cnl ng . leavIng It for about tlve boo le on th e Montessori m~,thod 01 minutes. tllen washIng It 01T with teaching the young. and silo nevor Cllllcura Soap and bot wat er. I wash· looked up at him between Bad Wator e d with tho CuUcura Soa» and hol wa.a.ud Sa.n Frnnclsc,o. tel' a lso several Urnes during tbo ~ay . (C()llyrlght. 1913, by W . O . C""tlmnn.) After nbout four months ot thIs applleat lon, my fa ce wae cleared o f the pimplES. I still uso tho Cutlcura RURAL TEACHERS'. PAY C.'MALL .,;) S oa p." (SIgned.) --MIss Elsie N ie ls on, - - -Dec. 29. 1911. Avcrage Pay Is Lcn Than That ReCutlcura. Soap a'n d OIntment Bold throughout tbe world. Sample ot ea.cb c cl ved by Street Labore ra In Cltie·.. free, w ith 32·p. Bldn Book. Ad dress. pOllt..(lard "CuUcura, Dept. L, BOllton." The s tatis ticia ns t el l us tbat Lbe av. Adv. erage salary of the Leachers 01 tbe Atlas ! nation In tile common schools Is less Ellh t'I- After YO\l rofull II .lfI(: l; t1 i<.l tban $-100 a yeur. and Iii th e rural school dlstrlots leso than ,300, tbe he propose again? Maud- Yes, but It WUI! to ollolh er Hon. David Franklin Houston, secretary ot agriculture, writes In l.eslle·s_ glrl. Hllnols r epOl'l.a rural salarlllJl ranging from ,2iiO to $400; I<ansas. a sa lary or l!lxanU~:~r:~e'1!II~ :~~~eb~tt1e p( less tban $260; Mlssonrl, Mississippi CABTOIl.lA, a safe and sure remedy fOI and T e nnessee, one of lesll than U60; IDtants and children. and eee that i& Vermont, MaIne and North Carolhla,I Bear8the ~ .... ooe of leSR than ,200. In urben com. Dlunltle8 It rangee from $500 (0 ,600 Signatureof _. ~ Lo ,1800 or $2000 or more. The an. In U.e For OYer 80 Years. nual ~mpeneation of rural teachers III Obildren Cry for Fletcher'. les8 than that of street laborers In cit. 1 lea less than that or bricklayers, pillSIt somellmes hapP6 ns that 11 deaf ter~r8, carpenlen, plalntere and brake- mute Is not hIghly educated bU: what "Hand. lip, You Silly ·Shaepl" men, and the ouper1ntendent ot Ala.. he kho\Vs be has at bls "users ondlJ. " train began to .Iow down and there baoia 'reports that in that staLe It Is I allpear,ed the irrigation dItch trom les8 than tbe II verage earnings of cou- nel.iciou. brow1I CllI'~. illndr fr(l lll !strs. All ... tm • Hll g PlIlIookc 1<1o"r. All grocCl'@.·Adv. wblch the station took Its name. Tbilll vlctll. the Jltltle tln·roofed shaoty came Into Everywhere lhese teachers! 81'0 And many a honl e ly womau I)"'" Yiew. lind a moment later a. half doz- s~randod In one room b~lIdlngs, tor HIdes ovnr 1\ hllPpy hOlun. en men, wearing eombrero!! and mask- the most part unsightly. devoid of the t. ~ ee. with pistols stuck all around the Ir ordinary comforts, lacking In faclll· wa let lines, leaped forward across the ties. In unattracti ve and illsanitury tracks . One jumped Into the engi ne surroundlng8, tbey tonch all gradoa cab and held his pistol to t be tore- and hold 30 to 36 or 40 recitations a I head or the engIneer. The mall van day for tour, five, silt or seven montbs Generally meADe helping an .ntlrofamll.y. was next attacked. while two m en n year, and do this wltbout advice or Her back acbes 80 sho c:an hum, cIrq made t heir way Into the foremost of assistance tram competent supe rvlsoro around. Her ncves arc on edgo and she Lhe coacbes. or InspecLors. illinOis reports 10,600 Ie nearly wild. Headache and Sleepl_ Upon the platform a. moving pIcture one teacher schools, 1,150 ot Lbom h ..... Detla unBt ber for tho c:areofberfamlly. operator had set up his Instrument Ing less t h'a n 15 pupils ; Kansas, 7,800, Rheumatic Paine and Lumbago rack her nnd wlls bus ily ree ling off tbe fi lm . 425 with less than 16 PUpUli, 300 body. BUt, let hili' take J:' 1 the Il'aesenge rs. Interest ed In tbe with leso tban 10; North Carolina, more than 4.000 out or a total or 6,400; .. Ilcene, galbered around hIm. · "Now. ladles , now. ge ntl e men. " in· Indiana. reports l ,OM5 6cbools with terpose d the fioshlly dressed man In le88 Lban 1 5 pupUs, and 2,000 with less , -~":;"'' toneu of remonstranco, " won·t you than 20; Missouri, i05 with leBII thaa ' and Dl1 ~eao I!ll1mente please go bac k Into the coaches a nd 12. atld 2.000 with less tban 20. ,will disappear. She wiU Whe n the pe ople know tbe fa cts and _ recover bulltrength b o rolb be d? You're interfe ring wllb and healthy.actlvity for the operata!. It spoils the reality of are InLe lllgently led they will face the . Folq Kidney Pilla _ th e plcturos, your standin g round s itua.tioll. provide the mllan8 tlnd will ' h e re all thou gh nothin g had ~appeue d . re gard thll e xpendHure for d evelop' b~lng, curative. strengthening and tonIc:. medicino· for aD K1dney. Bladder aDd Peop~ r.:. will Lhlnk th e plcture:J a fake, me ntal purposes not os a burden, The y must ;'11,1'1.".... Diaea80II aha, ~ and It s going t~ be exhibited In a!1 bul ao an Inveslme nt. the leading cities of America. Won t pal more !llOney Into this business of rural e ducuL,Ion Lo save what they you go back?" T wo OJ' three did turn back toward hav e already pul In-to make good th e co:acbes in a hal f-bearted way. but what th ey have undllrtaken. All pee). Do yoo r ealize the fa.ct that tbOWlBDds women are DOW: 'uslnc . th e re st . remained obdurate, and the pIe of ordinary huslnees senae, ' the, f1ashJl:v dre~lIed man ran here nnd musl re cogn Izo the ileceBl}t)" '01•. th ere among thorn. 1 _lIIonstratlng and Holeocy of productlon. A natlo!l pleadl.lllg. Hla reqn ests, however, fell III opendlng $700,090,000 a y.e ar on on deat ear~. It wns much .pleasantcr WDr. past a nd tuture, $800,000,qoo for outsIde In ~he .Ireah ali- than wltbln, Lobacco, and $l,5110,OOO,OOO {or w&ap and, belll~ea, . all wante~ to sec ' the cannot make the plea r »overt7!aI;all. whole .proceQdtnl'8, At last, in dOli- cannot alford to 8&y -tJlat Il' ~ : I!\OP paIr, tbe llaablb' dreased man threw at an expenditure of ·,sao,obo,oooo.iot up hh. b&ndll" and dllaPpeared Inlllde schools, ' .... :;i-;; .~/ " .• ' one ot: 't he . ---.-:...,.,..-:-~- ' .-





HI. I plog



oley Kidney Pills

- ----.....-- - -


' ~~~~~i~~i§E~~~i~i~li '1:~:~~J ~~~:~

IUIl!ll&l~, llalp" "j

• '-.

TIle jou rne y ncross tbe d p80rt Is 00 1 a d Is tra ct Il1g fin e . and any dIv e r· il loll III g ladl y wo lcom od. 110 thaI . 1\ II pn tbe flashily dr ssml Illall s tood U1l at tho c nd of tht Pu ll mall all ,' \)" . ha n to address the pnstlenge rs, " '·('ry· \lody we nt fo r want and gatll(' r oll a round him. lau ghing and clappIn g. TiI" r tbou ght bll was golnH 10 orrer sU Uletb i n g tor sale. 11 o\\"0"\'0 r. he barl nOlli lu/: to 8('1t. II ~ had n favor to a s k, hc ~ altl. and 110 ",·,' rybodr hl'enmo 6\1 "nt and list e ned all r' ulh'ely. " Cad II('~ aDd gentleme n," bt'gau til!"' ilaHhl ly fir esRt!d man, " I am going .to rt'p pa l to yo u w bal 1 ha ve j us t Knitl to Ihl' pa..·i.'tflIl I;: OrS In tb u nexl conch . Wh ell WI' rl'nch Bad Water. Itl t l'U minut e s or HO. a movin g picture mao will be UllOlI tb o 'pl:t ~rortll to la k(' !'O nt P pklun'R r pr06 "Hlng a hold·up. Som!"' of t be performl!r~, dressed nl! handlt ". will attac k th o mail cur. whll .. oth e r" will go I hrougb the conch .. s . d t'mandinl; your mon oy and \"alu li bl('~ . Dut (II a s do not he alarme d. The w holf) Droclledln g w !ll ' bo tn pan to· mlmo. /lInd It you will mak e a sbow of complla ncE'. a nd s'o nld u s. nobody w ill be atlnoyed. I ask of you. fellow· pas· se nger s, to feig n a larm. and If one or Lwo or the ladl ea will pretend to falnL It will help things a long." Eve r y body began lau ghi ng an d I'a~erl y awaited th o stop at Bad Wa· t .. r. Tbls ""as the fourt h day ot the rrnns·celntlaental Journey: and th e pas· ~t! ug o rs we re on very good terms with one anot her. They. bega n to dlRcus s train ro bberies. "I'd UC\'e r gi ve up a. cen t,' · exclaim· e d a st.ou t. pe rspiring drumm er . wlp· Ing the a lkali dust from his fentur08. "Not CO,I' a ll tb e train robbors In Ca ll· fornla . No, slrree. and don't mistake me. I'd du ck their pietols and h it out once o r twice and tll en-w e ll . there wou ldn "t be any train robbers." "WollI, as for me, I kno w I should just Calnt." answor ed a dcmure younl: la dy. " And botore I fainted I'd JUU[ hand 01~er every thing I b ud." ""ot wlt ll me around, you wOll ldn't Ireed t(]l," ans\\'ere d tile dru m me r g al· I;mtly. The other traveler 8 did not commit UH'mse\ves . for at thal mom ent t he

take them, thf4l. And fhat', enr1 penn)' I bave In the worl d." "It'll Big Ike and bla gang," !lom& body Rcreamed. 'It'. real enough! My God. IL's all real!" Then th IIUllhily dressed man enrne dashlll~ ou t of bl~ cOllch . a s moking pIsto l In his hand . . H e WIUI rollowed lly I wo of th o gang. " Blluds' lip. you Htlly sh oop !" \I e ), ('\ 1· (·d. " Hulld " U]l or I fir e. Now. tb ell . back Into th e Cllr~ . Ono a t a time. plea se. )'011 ' 11 k O<' 1l Ihe lll above your h ,'Ull ij "hll·.- Ik, ' ~ O'~ th roll Kh you." Shel'!), h " hull cn li cll tlH Ill, nlld 111[[1 s hre p tll!'y obl'yed . Tho Orst t.u do IHI "li S tb e cmu me rclal lra vel cr. , ' here \" a " II loolt of te rror on bls red facB. nntl bo buld his aTlu a orect us ra m·

'r>;~.'T~il!\~)d: '~~'~~,jI~;·.jt;i~•. .IIIUt.elt~ .











eIIltIlI.,.I. . RolIt&JI NOlie, aDG ~hat .~t bttt.el'llea Dl 11'- . . . . 'WI I were his ordOnt b1 eYery pIItur. of Bbould enjoy It wblle 1 can," bll arm. T he Sercefun gl'lUlpe4 the Sbe BtlJllped III h er worlr., 'Ittlal g!rl's ' h and , bll own eyes barely abov e, atralght !Joro,"" him. Her eyes wetl the s1llld ri dge, hlI IIpa whispering In dignant" yet she suned t b. tlrat DI,[ bucok. warde th,llt lenped to h er lip.. Hill GOVERNOR SULZER SAYS THAT . OF WESTERN C A):!I ADA. "No, don't move; )'11 te ll you every· BOft hat lay 011 tb e 8and aud the lIua I tblng . 'fhe Btage bu b een ,uUed and revealed bl8 tanned f8CO, brlngtn« out The close ties or fri endshi p exIst· From NervouaneaaCauaed by .....~_L "1&~HL.lLl.lLI IIt!t on li re. Now"U}-ey-are-oomhrg1l· Ibil itrength. al red to "I{'.-:.. _ ,.h tbe ponlell. Most at th em J1I'fI direc t· "You-lIbouldn't I q that." she fo.l · Ing bet wee u the Uulted States alld em e eato lU...-J (.lI ITJC Iy 0Ppollite mtudyln g the marlis we teredo "Sur 'ly you do not be.lltlVe I Canada were dw elt u pon In ndtlrcs8l!M by Prem ie r Hobe rt L . Harden, at Can· I E. M ... I t t un the sund of th e bank. Yeti, 1'0' 111 evor becom fl ungTatefu l. " • 1. -1.cY lll!'), look acroslI h ere, bu t lbe chie f Is "No; and Yilt grutlt ud e 111 not lIl t& a da and Governor Sulzer, at th e • epta. ' r (Jf /I}C; s uru we have gone tlle other way; be ge tiJ<!I' Bal lsfuclory ." Ho beBltnted. n UlI.i dinn e r of tbe l ) nlvorslty ' Iu b at La cT Is wa\' lng his band up tho riv er now , " It Is ha rd to E'l: plnln JU8t 'w hat ) mean Albany. ble Compound. "Canada and th e l ' nlt ed BUltes," and ta lk Ing. Now h e Is gelling on hill to you, tor yo u do not r eull:l.e til e IItll r • C. :lC0f. I ' hone' there are t en 0 1' t welv o of we Ipud O tlt he re- th e lonellnellf! ot It. said Premie r Harde n, " havo n common II/.lII1Wliol¥ W them.' One f ,now lB polmlng ncrolls I::"en Ii man III the mnks WRY posse"e b eritllgo In tbe luugllage tb e litera· I Auburn, N, ~. - "I suft'ered from b ere, but uo one agrees with hIm. [he d1l81n!8 of II human helng. I-well, turE'. tbe la\\,B, Inijt!lu tioflH lind the i nrrvousncsl tor ten wou)d .. No ...· Romo.n NOBe 18 glv lu g ordcofB. I'm hungry for the com1'lUlloolblp o! t rad itions wllich huve come down to 1 H ear tbat ye ll! T h ey're oil' UO"', rid· a lIood woman. Don't mls und enltand. t b!'m from tbe mc n oC bygone ua YI!· I ~P.)'It IU" l t'~ !IV A,C,f1<GLURG a co.. "Perbaps no mor e Instructive object l\e in bed four daY" SVNOPSIS. " rlseo .bowe the borioon;- but tbe gray lIng up Btream, IIlBbing th .. lr ponIes 10' MIIiB MoDonald . I a m no t preaumln«, at a time, could not dllwn ca vo millt)' revealment of the to a run. A ll or tbem ! No ; Quite v. nor taking admntage of the ac:cldent leS80 n ever has been given to the eat or sleep and did lIaJor Mc f>on .. l4 . ..ohlmanlSln. an arm), s lu gg1sh·fto wln« river, the brown &Iope buuob ar e go ing back to th e COIlCh. I wblch hSI placed Ul! In l h lll peculiar wC)r ld tban tbo fo ur tbouBund mll eB at uuderended boundary line from tbe l not want anyontl to t ll~ ,,"on Dod\Ce, le"k l a m'u. In o"poslte, and the darkE!r Bhadow of don 't believe t hey are going to hang position , bllt I have been a trooper<lept hIA a .... gh t .r. M o ll r. who I. talk to me or botiler ded for 'h .. POll . An Indl .. n outl' ..... k bluttll beyond. Tbe popping of tbose llI'Ound b ere loo.c . though , for tll ey are out berE! now a long While, statlone d Atlantic to t he Pacific, w bl cb bear s me at all Some.....d . "Orick" Hamlin, distant gulll b nd ceaseu by tbe ttm e drh' ing In 1111 tbelr ponies." I\t little Isolated frontier postll, rldlng slleut but e loque nt test imony to tbe time I would suffer ......threat nt who JUlt arrtved wllhn mHr~.· _ . to McDonatd, ' ·olun' ...... tor t he tb e y attained -be lr Dew positIon, Bod "But won't those otbers come bac k th e great plaine, doing the IIttlc reut· mutual confidence and r espec t of tbe for lIeveD hounl lilt. alono..haad Molly wben th..ey dl8cover we h8 "o not goue Ine duU{!oII of soldler'lng. 1 haveo't two nations. Time will shortly place mJaalon and aluta time. Difterentdocat Fort RJpte)' two daya of IUTlv.. ached. th ey could d lllllnculsb tb e IndilUUl' ~8h" d ectdee to puah on to I''ort mere black <lotll !t«alu lit the bro wa up tbe rIver!" Ilpohen to a dece[lt woman on te rm. of upon th e brow at euch nation the Iau· to~ did the beIIt by at ••" tn compan)' with "Suu.r 1\10pe-advllnclng In It. I!emlclrcle to· "I wlah 1 could' lUIs'lll'er l.bat," be r er &Oclal eq,u a llt y for two yeara; l'Ye could for me lJI' )(o)''''n. OOllw.a, • Ifambtar, Ie d rei of one huud red yea rs ot peace, It Uto a P&nellll'l!r . Hllmltn m"", th ... ward the IIl1ent £IA«e . Evidently tbey piled earnet!ll ),. "But It all de pends lookf'd at a few trom a distance an mattere n ot 80 much a s to th e Corm until four month. ago J began l[lving With atorles of d. p,..,a"Uone comml"~ were puuled, teutll! of 80m. trickery, all what those de"I" know of lhe taken ordera from tb em. But' lhey of the outward cf' lebraUon, but le t UB LydI. E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Com. , th .. 10411u. It t ~ (I.,.,ldad to I'tturn ( to !Up I..,.. Th .. dnnr deaer ... the for , occaaloDIlUy a cun would crack wbereaboutl or t roopa. They an! North· ba\'e glam'ed throullb me al! thou,b hopo tbat It II full s lgnilicance OIay pound. trial and now 1 am in good Wban InlSl.n. "PIleU. The IndIa ... aN! vlcloully, the brown amoke plainly e rn IndlanB, ond muet have bl'nke n werf' sow <l tblng InanI mate ln8teacl or link dee p In to the h ea rt s or both na- health. " -MrL WILUAII H, GILL, lfi. repu1ae4 III .ttack 00 th .. . tap by ]1 ..A ffi 1" III .... lIn, ".oyllU' .nd Gonul .... The l.ller vhllble, the a4yanclnc .avacetl balUn, tbrough the s couting detallll lIent out a man . !laVuu an 0 ('.e II e once tiona, and tbat, wbether north or BOuth l'1euant Street. AubUl'Do New York. killed. Moyl.n" .. Iliad In ".,.t .u..,.. . to oble" e the effect. Then a brlgbt from Wallace o.nd Dod«e. Some of the down the:re ." IlDd be pointe d Into the at tbe boundary, we may Bland with d th " d bla If eth (!Jana ,..,UftI. and Ha.mlln and Moll y Willt for the ,,"x l mova. They pI .." 10 .ttempt colored blanke t lVall waved !llort 8.11 boy. arc bound to be afte r them, an IIOU eaat, an w a n11-• . . .• . . bow ed and r everent b ead B, ol'fe rlnc .. Doeto~. Dauchtel'Took ] t." ...,ape In the 1S.~kneaa by .IY of .. tbo ugb In slenal, and tbe entl ro body, U1ere lJl more cbance ror th em to I(et u though It lVere a dl . .r;reoable duty, .... te ful thank l tor th e Dh' lne bleu lnc St. Cloud, Mlon,-" I w.. eo run down ",11),. Moll y la woundad and .Hamlin card b th I It d " d ta d "'-l I ot peace, nod carnelt prayers that In by overwork and worry that I could not rte. 11ft', allp»tq put th .. w.tchlnlf In- converg1ng toward the deaertll coae , back sately alon,; tbe mountBlnlt aD nl() on you on. un ers 0, ... the century to come , mutunl couftdence, .tand it to have my chlldren talk aloucJ ••ana In the darlc_. Th .. y cra ... "rlv".. leapt'd forward 1\'lth a wild yell. wblch In tho othe r ' direction. 1 don't .u~ don't like the word gratltuda." :'::~':,~'I~I~,,'r w~:t'!J.'''':nh~~ ec hoed ralnU" OCl'Oll8 t.he water. polle an Indian III lhe buncb wall e/er "But I do ul.:dentand," and ,II. lood·wlll and respect may truly aul. or walk heavy on the floor, One at m y ..... . The girl bId her face In the lIand, soutb ot tile Ark.aDsas. Waltl Thoa. Itretcbed out be r band to him acro .. mate tbe Ideale aD d uplratlons at botb friendJI said, • Try Lydia E. PInkham', with a half'ltllled sob, but the Ber· fellowl! are gOing to move now; 1I0ine tbe ope n,ed baven;ack. "I 'm not 10 nation II." Vegetable Compound, for 1 DOW. dOl... CHAPTER IX,-Contlnued. Referring to tb e n~turlll resourcell tor', daughter here In town who takr!1t geant watched grimly, bla eye. barel)' for ,ood too-they ore tak Ing tbe dull, aDd It mUlt be awful to feel Sbe I18t with banda duped togeth· abo,' e the ridr;o. Wbat would tbey do dead Indians wIth tbem." . alone lIkll thaL 1 lold you 1-1 llked pOBses!ed by tbe Un ite d States a nd it aDd Ibe would not take It If It Were er, h e r I!yea s badowed by lon~ lubea. wben th ey dhicovered the dead bodies ! Tbey we re little more tban bllek you, nn d- I do. Now re momber . tha., Canada, particularly olong tbe St. "\ abould hliwe thou,ht there would - whcn lhey r enll:ed that oth~ra had dOlB at tbat di s tance, )'et the Bun was ' plelUle, Il.n u be lood. J'I'om II.OW all J Lawrence RIver, UIO prem ier urg ed IlOt good.' haYI! bellO Ilome lIoldlen there-hll elude d their v1gllance duriog tb e up by tblll time IUld bill keen vlldon that thoy b e "preserved tlnd developed owu m e n ." nigbt 1 Would tbe y be able to trace cOllld dlltingul llh e very movement. for the people ." "There wore," dryly, "but the army tb e m, or would bls ruse lucceed? Of "Creep np b e re, and you can l ee OO\'e rnor Sul:er predIcted tbat tbe JWlt no w Is re<:rulled out ot pretty course the ir lIavage cunning would nlBo," he 8111d quietly. "Tbey are far "Grent Canadian Northwest III d eslgnod touch material. To be In the rauD Is t rack thom lUI [nr 1!.8 lhe rh'er- th ere e no~h away no w so that It III ute," to become , b efore lo ng , tb e grn nary of almolt It. "onfes.lon ot good.tor-nolh. WIllS no .... l1y In whlcb b e could bave Tbere wall a moment or brea thleS8 Nortb America." tn,nflsa. YOll a re lUI omcer 'l daugh· Hucc611stully concealed the trull made quiet, the !wo tug1UYell peering cau· "Many ot our best c iti zens , I r egre t t er and IJDde l'8 Ulnd this to be t rue." down tbe gully, or tbe marks le ft on tlously ove r tbe sand ri dge. To tb e to sny," Bald l he go\' e rnor, "Il re lellv"Yes," alle a nRwered doubtfully. "I the !landy bank. But ....ould tb ey Imng· gi rl It was a contusion of figures rush· Ing tbe States at th e west llnd going b ave b een brouaht up thinking BO; Ine he bad dared to c r088 tb e broad Illg back and fortb about tbe Bmoklng Into the Canadia n Dcrthwcs t, be cause only, ot cou r~' , the re a r c Ilxce ptlOI1I!." 8trenm, burden ed vdlh the girl, con· r nl11 8 of tbo s t.age; occasionally a taint ot lho t e rtillty or It.s soli, tile lIh· "No doub t, nnd \ hope ) am a lread y [ra nting almost certain dea th In tbe yell eoboed acrolls the river, an d s h e ernllty of tbe Conadlan governmen t coun ted one." quicksand ? Would th(oy not be lieve could d istinguish a savago on h la nnd the II bllity of those pe opl e to b el· "You kno w YOU are. My ratb er rather tba t be had wnd p. d a long th e pony gestic ulating as bp. rode back te l' the ir condItions b e re. trullted you, a nd 110 do I." wa ter'lI edge b ended west, hoplug thlls and rorth. fl ut tbo Sergennt com pre· "We s hould ex tend to tbem a b e lp. "I have wondered sometimes," be to escape to the bluffs. wh e re so me hended tb e ~cent!. HIs eyes ruet hers Ing hand In thei r onward march at lIald mUllln"...y, wa tching Iler fllc e ba r e- hldlng·plnce mlgbt bo fou u d ? Eve n If a nd r ead b el' bewilderment. pl'ogr ess. Instead of closing ou r doors ly visible 1ft 1!1I1 daWn, "wbe the r tbose lI.l1!y sUBpect ed a c r08Alng, wo uld any "Tbey are go ing all rIght, and In n by tariff bllrrl e rs against these coun· or yo ur cl!Uls nctually consider ed us warriors among tllem be reckl es8 hurry. It'8 plain enough th ey aro trieR a nd tbl' lr produc ts, In my oplnloll, all b eing r{'nll)' buman, as anything pno ugb to folio .... ? Would Ih oy not be afraid to stay th ere liny longer. See, wo 8bou ld O1'e n th em w ide I' Ilnd do moro va lli nble tbun ule ro food for pow· marc upt to b elie ve th l\t bo~h fugItives th ey are lash in g bodl cs au to tb o everytblng In our power to fac lillat e der . I cnllle Into th o r egulnr nrOlY at had IICon sucke d down Into th e treac b· pou les. Ah, :hat ia what I wunted to cloBer commercial r elations. W c want the c lose of tho war from tbe \·olun. crout! stream 1 Almost hreathl ess Hl1m· be s u ro ' abo ut- that fellow Is hea din g their products and th ey wanl our prod, teer service. I was accus tom ed to dis . lin watch od, th ese thoughts cours ing weRt au tll tl trall; now lho others arp. ucts, a n d all rClItricti ons to proven t a c lpllne flu d nil th at, and knew my thro ugh hi s mind, r ealizing t)l e dead · moving." faire r and freer excbauge or goods , place. !Jut I nevc r IlUspected th e n Iy trap In which tbey were caugbt, If "'fhen you are Bure Rom an Nose wa.res and merchandise should , In BO {bat a prlv ll te soldie r wall considere d tho Indians lIuspected the truth ond w ill not return ? 'fhat-lhat we are far as possibl e, bo e llmlnated ."-Ad., a dog. Yot that was the tlrst lesson e8sa)'ed tbe passage. Beblnd tb em safe?," I ~.a.tI compe ll p.d to learn. It hD.s bee n " I Would Be a Fool to Hope; I Haye vertlsemen t. WIl8 Band, ridge lifter ridge, as far o.s "Yes; I ,,'ouldn't be sltate to go bacle Been In the Army Too Long," p re tty hard lIometimes to bold In, for the eye could .41.c.ern, and eyery atep liS Boon as tb e IRst. of th e m disa ppear Thoy ar e I>laddenlng 80uls there \'flU! n lime wh en I bad ' some 80tbey took In tllgbt would leave Its over the ridge," pointing up tb e rive r. am not lUajor McDonald's d a ugb ~r. mean \vhat Ihl'Y say and exp{'cl. yo u cl31 Btaodl ng and could r esent nn In- plain trail. ADd now lhe test was nt "Th ey knew they had to go that way; not e ven Mias McDonald- I' m Jus' lO say exactly w h en you ml'.II1 I.--S h e p· Fu lt." pard. ba.nd, RomlUl Nose and b1s ba nd hoped we'd Molly McDonald." , She was looking stralgbt at him, lie 8lL~ them crowd aDout tbe coach, taken that direction, R.Dall1Jrrled on The ~ay eyes lau gbed. l i i r p riBed II I tbe bltterncsI 'n hia leaping and yelling wltb {ury; watcbed ahead to entcil us if h e could. They U ra. W10l"10""'9 SoothluJ,l ~'y r"p for CllUdrf'n "You are I\IIsumlng a great rIsk." voice. tee-thhltr • .wttt'u. \b.-: KnUJ~ . ' 'euuct'''r1 lul\"mml\the m jerk open tho door, and drag are afraid to stay about bere any 10Dg. "I don't believe It," be r'acJ Uon,aJ.lar» paln ...mrtUI .1n4 colk: 02X! ~ 001 1.1~ "They CIIl'ry It altogether too far," forth the two dead bodies , dancing e r . Look how they are lasblnll thotle ht aIIo &ald. "1 have often thought tbat about ' the m, like so man y d'e mo ns . ponies; there, tb e IllJIt at them are wrinkling n little , but ber eyes br4: "You an(1 I CIlII be trlenWl- -eIIn'l :"<0 mlln 18 born --moBtly tho ~'oung otHcer8, the West brandlsblng their guns. A mom ent lea"lng." Tbt Auhlltl!!l<:po"de:r s bik.,..IDt.o as II hired gir l. we!" ~ Poln ter&-:md yet you know tbat t b e they bunched thue, their wild lb • • b<><a-'I1leS.... tt.rd aU.They lay the;r e In the sand, olrelldy "We'll t.ry, out h ere, at lellllL ~\tll) .,.,. lor lite I.,et for" <1".rter lI, nJority of cnllllted m en a re--well, yelling shrill with triumph; th en lIom~ becoming warm und e r lhe rays ot tbe century 30.000 testlmoula"'. SOlol cillll" hrown c!lk~. lha ,l ~ r""1Il M... Au •. dracfted from tbe slumB. 1\Iy futhor among them breke away. be ndlD3 low sun, trying to I!.8sure themselves tbal It the dream doesn't laat long, It w\tl f)eli ~'Yt'I)• • hC're-. 25c. Sam"t~ I t }l lfl"i . tin's IInll I'nncllkc 1,' ll)ur. All K,"O<!er• . ,\ .. ~. be pleasant to r e member." . A11m A. Olmltod, U ROJ:. N Y suy a It has b een Imposslblo to r ecruit as tlley circled In against lhe blua. all danger of discovery had vaDlllhed, .........,E£ . . . . . £ET, "You do not thln k It wUl last 8 ,ood ellulI,1 since the war closed, that The y knew already tbat there bod Tbero was no moveme nt au the oppo· We feel sorr y for t h e b ero \\'110 III ~~=- --.::- =---=~~::.-=--_-­ , tb e right kind had all tb e nrm y they bee n olhers In th e stago, othllrB wbo site' sbore. only the hlue IIplral of then!" out a job. I W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 18- 1913 , He s hook ilia bead . .. - .'il'Anted. " had escaped. They were see kin g th e s moke curling up against tbe bluff, "I woul'd be a tool to hope; 1 han ' ''Which III {rue e nou gh, but tb ere trail. Suddenly one straightened up mllrklng wb e ro tho stage had stood. b een In the army too 10Qg." ant «ODd meu neve rtb e less, and every gestlcu1atlnlr, and the others rllilhed About thlu, ouLllned upon . tho bro wn They were still for a mlnuto, Wfl cotnm:wder k nows IL A little consld· oward him-they had ' found the grass, a1'peared darker patcbes rephaY)' 111 0 t.el"fUr to \bit 11,;.. el"lt.e trca.huOlI t \\'ould mnke tb em be t· " Blgn!" Tho:lY were IIlIont now, thos9 resenting dead ponies and the bodies gIrl's finge rs toying with the lIap or I"" -"It or we old ",!labl ... ............-"'._. . .'11 the have raac)c, her c ye8 gazing across DraW. 0'8'1 •• ,..,. .. ter still." . will or Moylan and Gonzales. whero they . tll e river. l:Ie lhought the,. Will'\) Sbe shoolr. Iler h ead QucsUonlngly, bad been tumbled, scalped and other- mlety '1 do no t know," s h e admitted. "I wise mutilated. Down b'y tbe river a "I am Borry you are so prejudiced," lIuppose thcrA are two vl e wpoLnlll. Vou ":"ounded pony tried to rollow the di s· nho said a t last slowly, "!Qr 1 am pot were In the \'olunteers, you said. Why appearing cavalcade, but te ll, g1vlng like tbat at lIll. I am not going to bo did ~ enlltlt In tb ILreg\l lars 1" vont to one screalIl-ut agony. Then -all a sbamed of a. fri e nd because ho--he "Largery beCnuse J like d soldiering, 'll'as slient, mot\onle8ll, tbe last Btrag- ill In tbe rllnks . 1 s hall bo only the (II' thduglit I did. I knew th e re would «IeI' clubbing hili borse pltlles81y ns h e more proud. What 18 your full name 1" be plenty ot Ilghtlng out here, IUId, I v~nlshcd ove r tbe ridge. Ho pl!.8l1ed bls band over hili ha ir. be lieved, IIdvancemeuL" Hamlin sat up, 'bl s oyeR smilIng. and laughed. "You m oan to a commission!" "We are the lucky ones, Ml aa Mc· "They call mo . 'BrIck' lIamllD' - ~ "Yns. You Hee, 1 did not und entand Donald," he said, Ills manner uncon· subtl e re ference to th Is crown 01 the n the :mpo88lblllty, the great gulf sclously more formnl now that the glory." tilled, 1 dreame d Ihnt goor! fo tune danger bad pa8sed Bnd a sw lrt realiza· "But it Isn 't r ed," !!he Inslilled might a;lVQ mo some thing to do orth tion at wbo bill companion wss recur- swiftly. "Only It IIbows a little brlcht w hile." ring to his mind. "Sometblng must with tho BUn on It, and I am not COin; " And fate bas been unkind '!" ba" e frlgbtened them." He shaded hili to call y ou thllt. I don't like Dlek"In a way, yc.s," and be laughed eye.s, fltarlng at the bluffs .0PPol!lte. names. Wbat dId they call you before rather «rlml y. "I had my chane&"But, there II Rothlng In sight trom you went. Into tbe army! Wbentwice; honol'!l ble mention, and all h er e. W ell, tho best tbin g we CIIn do when you did know good women 7" that, but Ibat cnde d It. There II no Is to eat bre akfast. May I have tb e The Gergeant bent bl. head, anCi brld&~ acros s tbe cha,m. An enllllted hllve rel1ck, and sce wbat It Is Iltocked tben lifted his gray e yes to lho glrl'! IllAIl I. lIot held fit for any b\gher po. with'" taee . Bltlon; It thM was Dof sufficient to "Certalnly DOl. Ther e III 80 IItUe "I had almost forgotten," he con bar me.· the ract tbllt I had tought for I can do, I do not propose yielding fer-sed, "but I'll t ell ~u-Davld Cartel the. South would." any prerogative." And Ace dre w her "You were In tb e Confederate army ? He 6aw the Crowd About the Co."h head througb the strap, le tting the Hamli n; thero, you havo all of· Um" moth'er called me Dave--ilould You mUlt bnvo been very youn,." Leaping ar.d Yelling With Fury, leathe r bag tall to the sand. "I am )'';u, once·r' "Oh, no; Ilttle more tban a boy, of main trail en, two ot lhem on bands IIfrald tbe re Ie no cloth b er e. Would "Could Ir' laughingly, ''Why, 01 eourse, but 110 we re tbe majority .of you dnre light a tire?" will ha•• cou r ~e ; 110\\' , Dil ve, my comrados, 1 was In my senior and kneea, Only back where th e "Hardly, even If we h"d fuel," b e I'reaktnst." bodIes lay some remained yelling and eollege yoal' whon the war broko out. dancing ' furiously. Then they also, In aO!lwe r(\d, ...... atchlng her w llb IlIlerest "And I am quito readY for ttBut, :M188 McDonald, thll! will never re Hpon.o to a sbout and the Wllve or II Sho k l'nn'!e d up Into bls tace , ber Molly." do! See ho w IIgbt It II growing. blanke te d arm, Bcatttered, runnlug c.h eel.s r edd ening. Tho glll'l'a cheeks reddene4, bill are offerlng for sale their '(ne . Improved, h'tlgat~ f i ms iii the Plainview district aD 'I'!lere, tbey 1II1.vo begun ftring alroady, "Why · dou't you "'!lnt me to do their l1yes met. and both laul!b~. especially attractlvo lerms. If you are wanting a home where you c.n a {ull we!l t toward the gully. There was no We must «et baclt out of sight beblnd besltancy 1I0W; somo sll"age instluct tbls?" crop every year tn the floest t:llmato In the world, rich soil and pure water, ' n o B Po CONTINUED.) ,d ie. sll.ud·4uncs." , "How do you kDOW I object? Indeed, seemed to teU them wbore til e fugl· tlves had gone. They dragged the dead It Is quI t" pleasant ,to b e waIted upon. Not Her 'ntention. CHAPTER X, "How ·I ong did yonr new cook 8ta, warrior from the dltcb, Ilcrellm\ng sav- Only, you SBe, It Is ve ry unu s ual for age ly at tho discovery. A dozen an ofilcer's daughter to take Iilucb good "Itb you'" The Ripening of ""qu.lntance, , "Only un bour or so." Tbe!! nE\ed e4 to ~1I1'e bu~ a tow IIcrambled for tho rIve r bank, others I;are ~f 1111 Ilnllsted man," " nut I am · rlo·t· tblnklng of that at "She must havo left 'n a hurry . ~ Ite p& to bo edtlrely (:oncealed, yet 80 ran for the ' pony herd, while ono 01' " She did. Sbe pan r eI! kerosene oa • ttwu.eci lUI t.Q commllnd a view across t wo remained beside the d l'ad warrIor . all, You- thlA Is dlffe rc n t." thQ 'muddy Bt~'in, The Bun had not Even at that' dlsta llco Hatnlln l could \ "For tbe moment. pE! rbaps," just a lhe kltoh'2D fire ."

MOLLY' · ' MCDoNALD A or 'I'IR lRON1lf2 fur






"La d Y r'" Of ."d. .

uU' 1



r. L.Bt!JI7Jt::./J





Health by Lydia P"1Ilkham' V

1Ul.!;' ='= 'I






::: i:s\:.t


- -- ----_._--_ _--. .--- -_._-_.- _._-_.----

II!!~pl:~~a~~fr LOIPOJ.Q~~O 'fit'


~~,~.~~~ .,.==~ , ~====~========~==~====~~==~==~-~~ =======~=======~ o~ lome 200 chUdr~n an!! noted anelena PAID admission old. people. Mr, Vnilderbllt,· :' vl~ president, offere4 one 4ay,

Dr. ' Henry M(lttet, to Slve


TII.-· Taxas.. -tind -' -Uevlloiment Compan,

. ___ _ _______ 5 __. . . . . •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1


'::p:2!- - -



,What One Lady, Said "I get more service out of Chadie Reed's Brooms than any other broom I ever used." ' Sold by



Price, 2Sc, 30c, 3Sc, 40c and SOc Trimmed or Untrimmed


Mrs. Rebecca Mills, who had been ill all winter, died Saturday. Apri Buy your fountain pens of Janney. 26, 1913, at the home of her aon Mills, near New BUrlington , Mra. A , B. SI'd es was in Xenia , Steven . h h h had d h Wit W om s e ma e er home Sat urda . Did you ever count t}te cost of replacing deeds. for several years past. y mortgages and other valuable papers? Ii VOIJ Miss Florence Wilson was in Xenia, Mrs. Mills, who was 93 years of lire keepIn g anything of tlte kind in your Saturday. age, was born ant1 raised lind had borne!!, remember it is at the mercy of the spent her .ong life in the vicinity of elements, and certified copies will cost morc Mrs. Julia Bergan was a week-end New Burlington and t he farm on than the rental of one of our visitor in Dayton which her death occured is located within half a mille of the farm on , Geo. Thompson was a Queen Ci ty which she was born, She was the visitor, Thursday , daughter of Stephen Compton, U Ordinary Size, 52.00 the year II Mr. and Mrs, Ray Smith were in well known pioneer resid£'nt of the · t ' F I'd co unty, whose father purchased a . 1\ C· mcmnal, ray. I ' 0 fl an d w h'Ich he cleaned a r ge sectIOn :1 See our handsome line of Wall Pa- and cultivated. 8he was a birthper in Cut Out Borders. Janney's. right member of the Friends Church II~ and was a true representative of th e Mr. and Mrs. D. L Crane and son old type of Friend whose gentleness J' Ethan, were in Xenia, Saturday and kina liness Wal! a distinguishing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,!"!",!".-",_,,._ _ morning. characteristic. She was beloved ---throug hout the community where ~-------------.-----~-~-. - . -.­ Miss Isabel Gil sun. of Day.ton, has she was affectionately known as been the guest of Mm. Alice Keys "Aunt Be k .. . f f d c y. and family, or a ew ays . She was the widow of Mr. Jobe Harmouri t's big scenic production Mills who preceded her in death a of Uncle Tom's Cabin is deservedl, number of years ago. She is surpopular. It is patronized and en· vived by two SOilS, Stephen, with dorsed by the Clergymen and Relig· whom she made her home, and Wil· With Brush Attachment ious Press, as delightful, instruc- Iiam Mills, the aucticmuer of New Burlin2"ton. tive, and strictly 'moral. At Waynes· ------.~.--,~.-----Will do all any CARPET SWEE p ville, Monday evening, May 19. FAMOUS CORN O~OWER ER will do and still do the VACUUM work the DOM ESTle - - - -~.---is famous for. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. BUY ON LY Mr. J. S. Leamling, of Route 2, has THE OTi'IGINAL SWE EPER TYPE, just shipped two hundred bushels of Card will bring a DOMESTIC to your home on seed corn of the famous Learning short notice. Over 200 now in use variety to New Y ~rk State and will in Wa rren County. The DOMESMiss Edith Mosher and Miss Hen· realize upon it about $2 per bushel TIC is fully guaranteed and if not rietta McKinsey were the week· end wholesale. It is shelled and t:are· satisfa,·tory will refund your mon ey, gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson fully grade.. . Edwarris. Mr. Leamhg is a son of the ol'igiFor sale by nal J. S. Learning who was the oria-iMr. and Mrs. Al Cornell enter· nator of the Learning corn. He tells tained Sunday the following: Mr. an interesting st.~ry of how hill father Monroe, Ohio. and Mrs. Frank Hartsock and family, was do':;n at Cincinnati in 1826 and a rdt load of corn being floated Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinwiddie and down the rivel' to New ' Orleans , family, and Mrs: Aaron Sears. Its quality attracted his attention . and he bought enouKh of it to do .M rs. J . . Wilson Edwards enter· his planting. All he could learn tamed at dmner Thursday, Mrs. G. about the corn was that it came W. Hawke, Mrs. O. J. Edwards, from Portsmouth by raft. Yuu Oet All the News Through tbe Miami Gazette Mrs. C . W. B~rnett, Mrs-. E. V. Thill was the original LeaminaBarDhart and MISS Emma Helghway . com and it has since that time been steadily improved. fIe anel his Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye IIlter- ~rother and sons are devoting them· tained Sunday the following: Mr. selves to perpetuating the pure ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!!"~



~afet!' 11\epOi)it }SOXei) \


Waynesville National Bank

Her Dilemma,

Mrs. Newedd (excitedly) - "Ob, John. dear. pl p.aFc hurry and BAnd olf a telegram for me," Nowedd- "What'B the matter!" 1\lrs. Ncwodd - "Wby, I'm lulling a co rres pondence cou rse In ('ooklng and th o cake I made Is run· nlng all over tho oven, 1 wlint to telegraph them 1I11irl{ to find Ollt what to go."-BoSloIl EvC'n iDIt Transcript.

Late Classified Ads wo Whel'l Push Clirt, Ll1dders'l T Bee Hiv e, Fl'ult tree 8prtlyer, Chioken Coop ... Fepdlng Pens, Potu. toes 8ud Bou ~ eb ) ld Goods. Mame Brown, WIlYllesviJlfI, Ohio . m .81

- --= WI' :


The re'. th e I""d

It T) the ('ut'!C r-t1t" sl land tllR t f know . From Lhe \ hlg, dlzz)' nlU lll1t n l ll '"


8~r~ e n



T" the dee p. dl" td h 1lht- \'ullP ,\'A twlow. Som e " h Y God wnw ttred wile;, U e IJw,d It ;


8 0 mp fm.y It'l' n fln e lnod

ltnybc: bu t llh'r'\" ~


). \JI'

"Ol11 l'


sh un :

H.:5 wou ld trnd

no JaJ ld (tn cl1rth ~-Hnc.l I'ln om",

ZIMMERMAN'S Fancy Tenn Strawberries P ine Apples Sweet Oranges Grape Fruit Lemons Asparagus Radishes Egg Plant Green Onions New Sweet Potatoes Western Apples Texas Onions New Potatoes Cucumbers New Cabba~e --------~>~---,------,

Butter Crust Bread Edgemont Buttel' Crackers Chipped Dried Beef Bologna " New Cheese Honey Dried Fruits Chick and Hen Feed Cracked Corn Creamery Butter Bdng us your Butter and Eggs. Highest pril:es paid, cash or in trade.

It pays to tl'ade at does the wlllJd~ rc r It'a) Ollce he hus fought !l;l\ture 111 h~ ~ll'rnes l Il\ood ~. or r on ·lod III lh e sho hill glorious sUlUmers of Alaska. T if In a hurry call 88-2 rapid changos of cll mntir OOlodltfoq In the arctic nre C0:16tal1l 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ "'onderment to tho mall who blls n ov~ IJrc"loIIsly experi enced th e ul. Tolin: he may ronm o ve r cOlln ll t'88 mll eH d tio, indeed.


~ ollr(' e s


~~"""~~~~_ _ _ _ _...,.". ..

Aa Hlatory Hae Recorded.

lunatics conversed In the Said asy· r------------~' lum'!'wo yard. ,One had megalomania. he: "Had they not locked me up here


I should have been a second Napo-

Domestic Vacuum



.--t Social -.. - -_. . . ----I Events

We have plac~d.on Special Sale 250 Knives of the celebmted brand, Valley Forge. which we are selling at the extremely low price of

3ge These Knives are aU of the best patterns and are guaranteed to be of!the best material. Look at our window display.


Main Street




.get a loaf

of Bread made with •



At Hartsock's Bakery ~~----~---------------_ I

__ __ ~


home in Middletown.

English and American pottery IIhowtn« the Illver depostt work II very pretty. Th14t JS newer than the deposit on «WI. which ball 10llt Its pop. ularlty becau8e of Its trag1llty. An Invalld would apprecIate one of the pot;. tery tea sets, which la 110 Ingeniously fttted together that It takes up only • few Inchea on the tray. 'VIle EngUsh 'W&rfl III either black, wblte or dark brown In color, while IIOme of · thjt American ware Ie beaut1full7 ahaded Sa tonel 'of brown. '


Harmount's Big. Scenic Production

"Uncle Tom's 'Cabin"


AT THE FER.R.Y CHURCH Regular preJlchinl( services next Sunday morning at 10:30, and in the evening at 7:30. Sunday School at ':30. Township Sunday School conven·


o. \

.. Monday Evening, I ~ay 19, 1913

.. - - - - ----------~----..'. aIIsist in the program. M1"'I!. W. Thompson, of Manitou, Special music. Everybody invited. Col., who has been spen<ling the P. B. Thompson, Minister, winter in the south, is again at her •- • FREEZING MAY WEATHER old home in Colorado.

. . bo H. D. KellIson, o~ Sprmg ro, bought two good lots In - HLebanon Iat the lot sale Saturday. e was a 80 fortunate in getting a $2.50 gold . piece. Hallett C. Dakin, son of George Dakin, Jr., was married to Miss Katie Stewart. in Covington, Ky., April l~t: They will make their


Learning strain. "". . . The family have exhibited their com on many occasions and in ad· dition to a harvest of prizes in thill country have taken medals at both the Paris world fairs, in London, Australia and ell!ewhere:

T - ~;~~; Citiz~;;l ~:a~~! ~i1:ni3e Sp~!ni:ro~:;~ , ' noted Sunday School workers Will

Al"lllrttc Pottery.

~ If not,



The wife of Julius T. Baird died suddenly Sunday, May 4, at her home ' near Bellbrook, of acute in· digestion. She leaves a husband and four children. The funeral was held Wednesday, at Bellbrook. - - •



1---__ ._____•

lean!" Thoughtfully, the other con· templated a pea·green devtl on the ~dela by C. A. aUTY 1ooo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uylum wall. then remarked: "The Be()o and Napoleon w8.lln't much shuckS." and Mrs. Ed Hartsock and son, 01 Sp.ring Vail~y. ,Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and son, Carl, Mr. and Mrs. Can a ' Danger "Happen"" F . C. Carey and two daughters, Hudson Maxim considers the poe81- Pearl ani Alice. , blllq- of the earth blowing up, as cUd & Ilmall portion of tts aurfaoe-Knv katoa-and thinks this danger Is un· Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoops had as likely to happen.-London Spectator. their Sunday dinner guellts: Dr· and Mrs. Witham, of Kings Mills Mr. and Mrs. Milo Anderson, and Mr. and Mr l. A. Anderson, of Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs. James Stoops and son. Holmes. of Dayton. •- •

Kni yes! Kni v,es!



'" A great deal of damage was done to the shlail fruit. last week. In f ae t•'It ')8 est)- _at t h ere WI'11 b . Tb I p t e nobero a Ill" 'fries. I erde i may e a sma crop 0 app as an late pears, but almost all of the other were killei, F~r two nights the ~ermometer regilitered at the freEzmg point. and garden stuff also was pretty well frozen out.


----+- -

SUNDAY AMONG THE CHUVCHES 'Sunday/was a big day in Waynesville among the churches. Quarterly Meetings at both the Friends and M.. E.churches~ with St. Augustine's, St, Mary's ' and the Christian churches , open roadIe a day to be rememamonar. the Christian people of Waynesville. ------.--~.------

Not EXllctly Her Opinion, "I'm sotry I ever ~arrled you'"

_hrieked the brldtt, on the occasion of Their F1.l'IIIt Quarrel. "You ought to hel" retorted the groom, really angry aDd bitter for tile ftrst Ume. "You beat 80me nIce girl out of a good hU8baneU "-<Jleveland P1a1n Dealer. Beef ,CI,f 1$8$ atlll Fraah. R. Whymxsor. wrlUn« In Knowledl9. mtiit.tloued ' t.I1l&t a piece of bOElfllt,Wi· l. . hla 'l1ncle, the late' Edward 'r~=~ ,t he "awed In -' In· III ·eWI· In & 're-


or, lIreeer;vir.tlozi. "'"i ..' ~.

.' -



'35-P~ople-35 ,'






!3ixty-Fourth Year


+-----------+ I

~1 ,


Whole Number 0212

rl :'-iE F I ' H PUT IN HII':


I Personal Mention I .----_-..-.-..-....-..--.


I l lI la~t ~:II Il-;:;!!Iy .~l.r". , ·1i

. I D emOrla ay Exercises

1~I\· E R f @ ----------- -


Personal Mention I 1_-------------_

()n Tue!-lday evening. May 20, the il l<' \'f-II high Hc hool room lost its scholarly ~ ~ rllrt " of lh(~ Warrt'J1 CPllllt .,- i-'i .;\t :11 1.1 appearance and looked more lik e a (; :Im l' 1\ ~ 1t'iati ll r1. t h.. :-; tal(' I-'i , h I E. V. Du nrI1 11a rfwa.o" -l n Cincinnati, reception room w hen t he J uni ors and I ;anlo' r'lItllmis, i" " " " 11 1 :t "a rilla.) I 1' . 1'" ,1"11 v 1" " _, 1',, ,'I \ !'/. I/) n tod'IY , . Tu esday . cordially r eceived the Seniors, the of fi sh to W arn~n ".,u nt y . c 'I'II~i"li'Ii. .J. Will Whik Ila-. in l:incinmll i Carl Hopkinl'l, of Dayton, was in High School teac hers and a tew In accord,ance with the proviHinns are requested to re pol't at h('all- c,f black ba -<,; . l' hal1l11· 1 (' a t. al,d \TLl e~day . town, Monday. other guests. lu1 each one arriv ed of the rules and r eg-ulations. Friday qu ar t L'rs f or assembly . I(,<lvin g (; . A. g-nggh· ('Y' ·. ;-.J"I1\ · (I !' l lll' has!:! and they we re presented with a IImali May 30 th, w ill be observed as Ml'nl- Ie rlllJ lII for Schoo l Hall promptl y at ('U L fi~h weighed I,·"" lhal1 .1I,<.: !Hill" c( ~ Ir" . J 1-' ( .... ! \';dbde l' \\" I il ~: <: _ Mrs . Mabel Fitzgerald was in bunch ofto otb p icks tied with the orialDay. With the swift paRSage l :- l~ . At this hour a program will an(Jr rom l hatuII U " 1 1l111l'l'(' JlUII' l d~'lni<ltoua) . Lebanon, Monday_ cl ass colors . and inform ed t hat " yes" of lillie there comes t he inevitabl e h .: l'a !· ri.. rI out. arranged especially The ca r was ill ('h<l1'l,:I ' () f Warden and "no" w ere forbidden wo rds a nd diminution in our ranks , which in- [(,r th ' ()t:cu., ion _ The Waynesville Llluis KUtlrtz, \\'hu lw!- I·h al'j.(l'..r th . Th· ~r 'at ~ tr el'l·("' r . rik· in CillMr. and Mrl!. B. S. Howe ll wcre in if used during the evening would capacitate!:! the Civil War veterans Co rnp t Band has been secured for lI'o rk in this t('rrit\lr~' . a nd \\'1111 is cil1 nati enth'" Mond ay. Ci ncinnati. Munday. cause t he I~ss of a toot.h pick. Thi s of th is community from holding the the af te rn oo n. Dr. Clayton . a vct eran " Il l hll serl o\'e r lh,' \\' or k l,f h. \\'a r. I day up to lhe hi gh water roark of of the war , rt'sil! ing al Yelloll' re ll Coun ly J\ ~ ~( )(' iat i Ol. . \\' h" 11 Ihe Wa r n'll Cn ili. .. !'''\Dono I.range starl ed t h e f un whi ch contlllut'( Miss Evll. Bar ton is \'isi tin ~ h er th ru o ut wi ll mec t ht·I" :-; .. ~ I I .. da v, May !l Ist. t he even ing. ALou t. 9 f ormer years , but th~ few survi ving SfJ rings. wi ll m ake t he addrC'ss. a ca r a rr ivI'd at W:IYIIC's \'ille , ,\ Ir. h P arenLq at Manor, thill wt'pk. o' clock the president of t e Juni or members of th e G A. R. have made quartet of ladi es will olJ'C'r Ii few I'llert z dcci('kd I" libl'ra lt' lhe wh ole :'vlr5 . 1I" III I"lta Hopkins i ~ the Me~ s rs. J. E. Janney a nd D. L. class us to the din ing roo m anothe r effort to pay tribute and pat.riotic songs a nd Miss Edytha ca doad as tlwir condition indicated guest of lwr :-Ion, Mr . Howaru Hop· Crane \.\ e re in Dayton, Friday . Gene ral exclamations of deli g ht were keep a li ve t he memol ies of the heroic Macy will r ende r a military poem . that t Iw ,\' Cfllild IH I! Ill' t aklC n further kin s a nd fa mily, in Dayton. hea rd when the g u ests reached t he defenders that have gon e before us - Immed iately afte r the exerci ses at <lnd b e kCfJt in good : ondition, W. H_ All en and B. S Howl' lI were door fo r t he r oom presented a We ask the citizens of Wayn e and the . hall. the order of t he day will be l onsefjuenlly the fish er man in this Russell l3entl ey has re ~i gned his charming appearance. Streamers Massie Town ships agai n to unite for l he so;d ie rs tv march to Miami l'i r inity a re jubilant uve r th e pros- position in Hawke's g rocery and is in Lebanon. Tuesday afternoon . of the cl ass colors, r ed and bl ack, with u, in celebrating this s acred cemete ry, led by th p. band , tu per- peets of fii le fi shing soon a nti t he I' en),{aged in the lumbe r bu siness. E. R. Miller. of Centerville, made formed a canopy ove r the tabl es fest ival day. Bring yo ur flags and f orm th e last l!ole rnn duties o f th e fa ct thaL all o f these fi !:!h ar I full of a busin es.~ trip to town. Thursday . which were in T shape . decora ted flowers with true patriotism and we day. Th e parade wi ll be f"rm t' d HJI:lWn w hich will I.e d t' pos it pd thi5 MiR.'< Anna Marshall. of Grand with vines, intertwining wit h the will mak e t h e day profitable. Leave arou nd t he Soldi ers I\l onulllent tu ~ prin g and a nl'\\' crup of t ho u(;and s I J unction, Col .. where sh e has been Mr and Mrs_ T had Zimmerman dainty lily of the valley. and r ed you r fiowt! rs early in t he morn ing at participate in a brief m emorial pre- IoItart ed on thei r way to matur it y . . Iivi ng seve ral yea r~ , arrived here and family we re in Dayton, Satu r· carnations. Numerou~ cand les shed th e Tow nship House. We solicit our Ipa red for t.he hour. We invite th e Th l' shipment number ed nnt IC(;:i last week. day . their soft light over a ll and added lady fri ends, as many of them who entire communi ty to join with Uf! , th a n fi v e th ollsaTl(i ti sh a nd it is a I M I' d- I H - I ft T d f f th e can b e spare d f rom t h en ' h ornes. t 0 ma k 'II1g th -IS th II mos l -Impret;:'i lve . ser - Sll f e e~t 'lln H te I h at no wa t er 11) . t I1e ' CI ' rs. ', IIhI ar rihB I' '11ues ay d or I1 t 0 t h e e ff ec t Iveness B t t f K' M-l i t mu c 0 'I' Ph I Ip ra en. 0 II1gsd I s,it a - scene. Covers wt're Ial'd f or t h-Ir t v assist . 10 . preparmg . b s k e ts f 01' vice - t h a t we h ave ever enJ.oye d . ' . 1-~ b eller sloc I{etI I han I, llcago s ed WI I t spenM a te ded th b 11 S the a State o r Oh11) h were -I I By or der of the Post. lit tie Miami and Cacl-;a r'" Creek_ mont W1t 1 her aug 1 er, rs . n e a game. un ay a er- I and when the g uests were all seated the afternoon service. noon . ' a flash li g h t pictUl'c of t he group At 1 o'clock, sharp, all comrades S. Lev . Cart wri gh t , Com. A local warden is to be appointed Frank Taylor . Mr_ and Mrs. Ray Hawke , of Day- Iwas tak en. Dain ty refreshments for whl) wil l work with Miss Agnes Hornick. of Xenia. ton. were guests of relatives here, consist ing of cheese salad, sand· LOT OWNERS MEETING LAST YEAR FOR TEACHING til(' ~ l ate wardens and will have wh o former ly lived in Waynesvi lle. Sunday. wiches and pickl es; f ru _t salad and au t hority to arrest and Jlro~e('ute ali i in comtlany with h er g randfatber, is wafe rs; ice cream, cake and lemonThe annual meeting of the lot It is to be reg retted that t his is to violat_ions of t~e Fish and l; ~n~e laws. : !'lpending several weeks in the South. , Mrs. Emma Da kin, (If tIle C.hild- ade we re served in th ree courses. by owners of MiaMi Cemetery Associa- be the last yea r of Mrs: J . H. Lin - Now IS t he tim e for a\1 C l l1zcn~ to II r en's Home at Le ban on. is viSiting 1Miss Sybil Hawke and Miss Stella <Yet to<l_elher and pu t a s top once Mr . and Mra. R. A. Croa~ left tion will be h eld at the offices of the t on's work in the school here. The" ., a "" Waynesville fri ends. Lemmon The program Illways an Association on Monday. June 2. at schoo ls hav e b i b fi I and for all to the ill egal fi shing and T uesday evenl'ng for an exterlded een great y ene ItC( . d' interesting part of these recepti ons 1:30 o 'clock P. M. At t his meelin g by her work_ Not a lone the schools. hunting t hat has been goi ng 011 in · visit a t t he home of Mr and Mrs. M;s. Alma BIngamon, of Ing lan- was begun when ~i lliam Michener this part of t hu county. 1 11as. Moore. 'In Washl'ngton, D. C. there will he t wo trustees elected fo r I but the whole c om munity . as was uest apo I IS. I n d . • was th e S un daY welcomed us in a few well chosen I Dan P_ Hone. uf Lebanon . who is W I EI the term of three years and a Secre - Ishown by he r trai ning of the quartet d M f M o r. an rs. a ter ' zey. words and then called on Marie sec retary and t reasurer of the As- I A larl"'e crowd is in attendance at tary·Treasurer for one year . Any I for the baccala ureate service. Th e eo ShuttA who r ead an amusing and in ot her business properly coming I citizens of Waynesvi ll e will mi ss her 90ci ation . states that the member· the Township Mass Day at the I. O. terestinir history of the Senior class before the meeting will be considered. I sorely, as her fine voice haa been ship is ~row ing rapidly and much O. F. hall today, a full account of REMARKABLE ENGINEERING I A prophecy of the class, the last will Ih d d d' bl' I inter~st i~ bei~g manifested all u!on g \ wh ich may be expected . in next .FE'&' T 1 and testament of the Seniors to the J. O. Cartwright, i ear an appreciate In pu IC lere thQ 1'1 Ve.M n:;.. Warren County- W,lere week 's issue . . -secretary. I many t imes . Uni6t1Ulnd short speeches by each the people a re determin eu that How would. y ou like to go 2S5 teacher were other features of the • • violaters of t he fir-lh lawR a r e going A marriage license was issued by miles foryourdailv water s upply? program, but perhaps the crown ing 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + ·to be pu nished. 11 .~ lltates that the P robate Judge Brown Tuesday to That is what the city of Los An- number was a toast written by Mr. e Association is working along- the AI LJe rt E. Merrihew and Lutie Vangeles, Cal., haS done. While not Amy at the request of the Juniors lines of the Horse Ra ngers with dervool't. of Harveysburg. They making this trip daily, a gigantic and read by Miss Helen Hawke. It headq ua rters at Le banon. and fro~l were married in Le~anoll ~y Hev. G. aqueduct has just been completed. will be remembered that the presen t By TOM PIERCE where oni cel's ill aut omobiles wil l E. Gowdy and left Immediately for which will bring the water &Gpply Senior alass was Mr. Amy's " B" e- _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ ,_ - - - 0 -·" _.- - - - .. respond at any ho ur of the day or their home in Harveysburg. for the 400.000 mhabitants of Los! g rade and he very appropriately . ni g ht t o in fo rm atio n from a r eli able • _ ••_ __ Angeles across a desert a nd I chose for his subj ect "B's .'" Char.'Tis a sad, sad story we have to base man of last !e~r's t~am. played ~o urce. The memhersh ip fce of th e through a moun tain range from I acteristically. Mr. Amy mingled relate this time. Since our last the fi rst th ree tnnm~s III left .fi~l d At;sociation is $ 1.00 ano no du es co nthe Sierra Nevada mountains. A 11 hum or with splendid advic~. his chief chronicle of t he doings of the Miamis. and then resumed hiS old pmntlOn n ec ted therew ith which mak es it I MEMORIAL SUNDAY story of this remarkabl e en gi neer- message to both classes bemg to put t h ey have played two games and for ~hG balance of the . gam~. _ His possible for nea r ly e very one wh o i:l ing feat may be found on another emphasis on character: "to be. fit-s t have received the short end of the plaYin g has lost none of Its bnlha nce inte rested to UeC(cJlle a member and All Soldiers and Sailors of the page which you will find ve ry a nd then do" Arter the supper a score in each instance. duri~g the off season. " Jimmie " he lp alollg the work . Let's get to- Civil War are requested to report interesting reading. i pleasant social time was spent in the Last Friday afternoon, the boys Da km went lo short st op when gethe r . The Gaze tte, J as. Benham • at G, A. R. headquarters promptly th oom and h the guests Journeyed to Bellbrook t o take part Davis went to the b~x, and gave.a and M. L. Parshall have cards for at 10 o'clock, May 25th, to attend .....1 with m:nye:xpresslons of in the annual Mass Day game_ In- good account of himself . Bobble membership which may be signed service at the Methodist church. Mrs. Mary Caskey arriv~d he re t hanks ~o the Junio~s, they c~rried cidentally. they took the part which Burton never caught a better game and we will f orward th em to Asso- Mr. Grauser has kindlv consented SundliY, after a pleasant visit with awa.y WIth them their souvenir car- most of the inhabi tants of that and we all know what fine work._Bob ciation h eadq uarters a t Lebanon . to prepare a special sermon ap- d them to take , VI'Z ., can do. His work lost nothing in I her chilclren in Marietta. Ohio. natrons an d many, many peasant VI'11 age d eSlre - --- .. - - -.-- -1propriate for t he occasion. memories. the eight half of a 9 to 8 score. The comparison to that of Englert, adFISH E RMEN I~ EWAI?E! By order of the Post. The guests of the evening besides game was a see·saw a ffair, with first mitted by all to be one of t he bes t _ __ _ -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evans and ~ I t hils come to t he ears of some of daughter, (\f Xenia, were the Q:uests the Seniors were Miss Marie Harner. one team and then the other assum' catchers who ever played on the the members of th e Warren County :::iunday of Mr. Win· Salisbury aud the High School teachers and Mr. ing the lead . Bellbrook won in the local field . and Mr=>. Linton _ ninth on a long drive by First-baseNow fans, the time has come for F is h and Game AH.'loda t ion that family. •- • man Powell, with one on th e bases. you to help the Miamis by g iving t he re are bass b eing caug ht from Mr. and Mrs. Mandus Mason, of BENEATH WHEEL OF T~AIN The score by innings: th em a good , s trong, healthy boost. the river. N ow. this, as all know. Cambridlle City , Ind ., were the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R. H _ True, t hey have lost two straight is ill ega l. a nd if reported . as they While Christ Chris~upel, a Greek, . week-end gUp.sts of ' Mr. and Mrs. who has been working near Corwin Miamis .. ---- O 1 3 0 0 0 3 1 0- 1.{ 16 games but they're a good team. su rely will be, will cost thelll a st iff Mr. and Mrs. J_ C. Hawke enterChas, Sherwood. un the railroad, was working on a Bellbrook ... 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 }- 9 6 neverthe less Every t eam haH its fin e and pel'haps impriRonm ·nt. t ained at dinner Monday in honor of h i t h' b i d bad luc k and loses B O .me games. This outrh t to be a. warnincr a<ra in,;t . I t ram, e os 18 lI. ance an SUNDA Y'S GAME h h h D r. H eWI'tt an d WI'fe" an d M'18S grave Mr. alld Mrs. Mandus Mason, of f II b t t th h I Noth ingwill be_ gained by knocking l-Ilegal fishinlY . A local " 'arden has e ~ ee.s h b t . d ... Elmore , of .t he O . S·. & S. O. Home, e _ e ween h~o cars, d crush. 109 h 1S Sunday afternoon t e oysI rIeh Altugether now, boost! boost! boost l been appol'nte(l for thi::! distric t. an d Cambridge City. Ind. f M M b I paRSIng OVfCr 1m an . of X ema, were'dguest.~ 0 rs. a e Ie ft arm ..... an d I eg nearI yo. ff Th e conclusions with Kings Olle from Cae!'lfll':-I Crc'ck ui s t rkt, W ' hMil b s,h t I e KI NO!'; lllLLS FitzgeraId , F rI ay. , man was taken to the Wilson hospital County Champions. It ot t 1e All R 1/ I'U .\ E and the rivers will ue c10sdy '",atched Mr . and Mrs. Adam Stoops enterI - . g' ant I S I1\11) t - tainl'd Su nd ay the following gueets never rallied. and wa!1 Tanner brothers in form and all Mn n(Z . •• .•.. - . . ... ~ 0 I ., 3 0 for seinin g, (ynanntlll Mrs. Hannah Rogers, MJ' sses Mar- in .Xenia, but • their stars in line, the Kings bOYE Knlt lel·l. c.. . . . . . . J :J ;1 14 l o . A d I t b IT' l tha Burnett and Emma Cartwright in s uch condition that rendered use· Drako. 210 . . . . . .. 0 I 0 (, 2 I m~_ wor oUg' l l 0 C SU ,IC ICI1 . at dinner: Mr. and Mrs , Rus Murwere full of confidence and handled J: Tllllllur . ;llJ . .... r. I a I , 0 _ .. _ .. _. · ray , Reo Murray, Miss LidaMurray. and Mr. S. L. Cartwright were ill Iess any a ttemp t t 0 opera t e on h 1m. . II Dunn . 11..... ..... ~ a I 0 · h Id the Miamis rather roughly, especla y M IL" . ct . ...... . .. , 4 1 ;1 0 (/ 0 Th. e f unera I services MI', and Mrs. George Zell, Mr . and Lebanon, Monday. were e I Curra n. Ill. .. _ .. . 6 1 '4 U 0 a HAD EXCE LLENT MEETING Saturday forenoon, conduc'ed by a in the fifth inning. Their new S10 rt x . Tanncr . p . • . •. . GI' 30 01 ij :01 I Mrs. Wm . Zell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ~ M ' t dd ' ti n to Whltunc.:k. rr . .. . 0 0 (0) aag, IS a grea a I 0 ~lt:t..:! cllnlld . rL. . . 4 02 2 0 (J h llll ',II)le to a tt"".d She rwood and Miss Neva Young, Several of our Sunday-school Priest of the Greek Catholic church, stoP. • II . th fi Id ~Imu lltu ll . rf . • . . . . 1 U 0 Those W I) were ~ .~ e e . Grange Saturd ay t:v'nillg' mia<'ed a workers intend to go to Springboro, from Cincinnati. His countrymen the team, y 10 treat. Thursday and Friday to attend the who were working with him went to some of his stops and catches being Total •.... . . -. . 4 3 10 10 21 11 S _ Lev. Cartwl'ight thinks no <vIe to attend the funeral. The on the sensational order. ML\~(I S , k ·'J·a Xe. County Association. A E Broth er ::ihcehun;; rema r 's on need wish tor any more beautiful dead man was 28 years old. and a Each team scored two runs in the SurfllCCl . Ih . ... . . . A~ ~' l~ p~ 0 U " The Proper Time Lu Cu t. Hay" we re bi t 't month than May to celebrate a MJ' aa Mar:guerite Thompson re- natl've of Macedonl'a, where he has a first inning and then came two asl Davis. os. f. " -'" • 0 1 0 a ~ .,., tt less innings as anyone Ed""nl• • I , ah . . . 6 1 2 I~ 0 0 to t hp point, and roug 1t ou · fj UI e birthday anniversary, and his was turned to her home in Dayton, Sun father and wife and family living. pre y score . ' :~rt;w. c li;· " · " ; ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ a disc ussion . day, after a pleasant week's visit •- • could wish for. Kings broke the tie: ~~';;: rL.': ::::: 0 0 1 0 0 ~ The Sisters dcmtons trated the fact rendered most delightful last Thurswith relatives, here. WILL HOLD MEETING with two more tallies on a hit a passl ~~WO. c~_ -' ... -. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a dl f day by the presence 'of two of his and a bunch of rather rag-ged fi eld· D~k'f.'... tt -"'1 :::::' 2 0 ~ 0 I I that they are adt'p bl at nee e era t comrades, whom he always enjoys, The Protective and Detective AsWoolloy. p....... 2 0 0 1 2 00 as well as in othe r lin es of homeMr. and Mrs. Clyde Coleman ana 8Ociation will hold their regular ing in the fourth . Then came that Bowoll. It .. -. .. . . . 2 0 0 0 0 - making, as they had a large d 'ISPIay and tneir estimable wives, Capt. A. Totals . ... . .. . . 39 , 10 n 12 U f d-j·! t S. and Mrs. Fraser, of Xenia, Lieut. son, Francis, of Norwood, were meeting Saturday afternoon at 2 awful fifth . Hits. paRSeS and errors of fancy work 0 many 1 eren A. T. and MM!. Miller, of Dayton. h d 1 2 a , 6 6 7 8 9 d f d 'It' week. end visitors at the home of Mr. o'clock at tHe Township House. came in ajumbled·up mess an wen, the smoke had cltlllred away Kings Klo"8MIIIB 2 0 0 2 11 0 I 1 2-16 styles from the 01 - as hrone qUi 109 and Mrs. J. H. cOleman. Businesl) of importance. . , Millmls_ .• . . 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 - , to the latest style in embroide ry a nd STREET CLEANING NOTICE had hung up eight more large, JUICY crochet work . . E.S.Baily,Pres. II' • SUMMARY .' OWing to Commencement exer· The oil for the streets will soon be 'J . C. Hawke, S!!C'y ta les. took up thel Stolen nlUMl8-ltlDP. 8; MIamis, I I ci8es, there will be no band coneert In the sjxth, Davis Sacrlftce Bits-Drake. Davis. -. here. All residents on oiled aueet8 2 Sue Htl&-J. Tanner. Ourran. MeOlolMAD DOG WAS KILLED '.. 'thii ' 'Watch for the program d everY th mg' lood Surface. Edward•• Dakin' pitcher's burden an, B'(PTISMAL SERVICES are requested' to ~crape toe DllIlIUlftll ~ . . .~, .-.... • 'd ' eel d very creditable' alt. Olr-Woolley 9. Dam f . . '. in weekS!1I issue. ... consl er ,rna ea · struck OI1h-TIIGO~ U.WooIJ~y. 8. Davl.8. Harry Sherwood's dog.-was killed 'I" '~ . u, •...,.,~.~_.i.Q · . LstloVl,lnlll'. -" Four more runs werel D_on BIilla--T_r a, WOOlloy 6.' Da, ,4 .' . ' - . via. II. ' Monday, Sunday t he his dehvery; but his team- Wl.ld.P ltcb..-T,aDnel' J, WooUoy I, D.. • k d "n M C . . .: ''F\I I. . • .' , en SlC an .;:r C oy· IIr(l)o\'Ur\ceu' n~""""L_ , ··:9~~cJcj~.~·w.h·~~·1 n~alles"ll1aa and i;Qe game . ,. Hit. BatGll6n'-T-r ·.1. 'WooUey 2. D.. .... ... ' ' ~. d .• .?I'de:rM ,.'; - bo " vlt"2 ' . j " . . . . . ",', . h, 'a' case 0f . 'rab'·les,



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later ; DOW 1 cD1IIIl out n ere ou tb 6 phlll.. I -I ,,"QUId not aCQua lntaoCfl is alTair," HG ~0 ... e4 r e main at b O Ul O " ' Itb tbat dIsg race stra ig htt' o out th II tltTlr towurd Ham d lilrnl' n,l u . in a ag i " . 0 111 bung lns o ver o unt pd , 11111 ULD.UUOI rn s dl hnd ho \\ lin. .· It " You ItJt I ~ 1 10 11 me all about GOOD FORM FOR LINEN. Budd e nly as IIhe In Rla n l ly e hall!:l n s . l1e Vffi ll Ii s bart, d e lin ,1 hea Hor 111[ ~ un. c l 'lI uly ohave n _ In uilt b l)" h""vi g badln s r, e riv ll n' ross c a out d !:aze (·yes, nnd proml· ber ey s . " \\· 11 )". wh n t are those?" with ~ a rk . :, r r uj;:II:: hin. c nt nl' s ho e xc la ill1 " d ,' n ",~ rl y . " th E- r .l. moving " Yo u arf! a ~ <l f!;r ilDI./l f t ho S,·,·e m h . all Ih e Ll ufl'. op pos it e ?" :<"Irl," h(· l1<'gll!! Ltu"'1 u (' ly . " What au ) . rthward no IIH) to [It w s ce ll la g s (li a ll doing li e .. " ?" r(') Wl' ldior so o tll y a nd he wa s n ~ instantl nt ~·ort GENERAL MEADE AT MINE RUN " ) '1), I rOO I) i ~ II ta l ion t:d ~J;a in . Fil l' aWII Y o n th e u pper platl'aU, I tl s ... po l\ (' r ld 'IU e th M wa r~ .v-..oo_ ....... ~ c lE'a rl), eull irll ·d nb'll ins t th o blu o 01 ' ·n l,,"." t o l)HV l' ro· . .Loll HIII I"y Prr.- ml c\" Q P la n Ruined bv ·" ch, [llll d,·s cl ll' rr cu ot or uumb a ed npp"or NI;)·. Aut 11", dldt Blun r l ~ r s of Su bord;na te s Th . r cby r e llul's l ed by Mlljor darl; I1gu t·C's. Fo r a mo m ent he be- wh ll .. I h" ... · w a ~ t y,bte dau is h I,t "' P r eventi ng Concen t r a tion . ro !' Int 10 nnlil o 11 (, )1 r lie \" d III I' m b ll lTn lou!I, uut In auotb o I 6197 ck " In uta n t dC'c ld, 'd Ins tead th ey we re 1111 .1 III ~ n I,,· .. ha ~'lll j ,.,r ~ Id-; Lln 10 t jec ub s :.·ou I" 1' f-'~POll ~r' i n it qll ('ry aek l n ; rC tr nn t'f' \':" " wo. I l' h wo t ldlll!; r bY ho rso m"1l !/IV${ $flOf $ ~fifl e HUll "' ll llIl Hl1 t~ n ;'l (·CP 1: nl. o r rill:' " " Gel do wn 10 \\'e r, :'IlI slI Mc Donnld, " a ld ' ~ o.l rrh'T'1I! ro .. but ull e mall (, ~ r h n 101 ib r nr. T nl c,rd lon l lin ;'>;n uot Ihp ll a \I t I " h e cOlllmn nd ed . " :\ow w e ('an lIeo, COl'.Y1tI(Vfr m1 !lY .....C.l1<C.lU tG Ii co. lu r. rpp ly ' 11 111 " I. ('S QU be t us m hey T . Reen b t no nud Th .. ~IIJ\ " n u n .-nmpalr. n "'nS nnfl . Oh. ill (h-" d . Q m l! r n pl r os u re e g · ey r l,I f'. but we t' ru pll r, n Lu ' ·e rs (I (' k. a nd s h o t urnt:1! It l'a,·alrYItl "Il . Ih " W il Y th SYNOP SIS. rh r hc R ~ ' f': on t: r'i\' e c1 rnO\' f! nl r n l r n f ." of OIl i ur~ (' care lCtl sly ov(' r. wh e n , It lay besi d e can l n ko 110 c ha n ceR ." way, t ~ b I t ou <l . lurn 1), 1 ( \l' ~ l r . '"'I I Htt Prl l' fa ll pd nn a l',' OunL 1>111' 3R tIll' h " It 'f11l' Y \l'aLl'lw cl t h l~ blac k SII('c ks pass he r 0 11 th e sa nd . " Why, thi s Is nn M ., t.' r lo f ' 1 .r1n a l d. (' o m Ol n n l.Jl n J; a n t\ rm y se "rrH~ d to juntlf, of l it " t1I I6 tI\ H n ~f; l' m (' nt or II1~ f' o r p.' illon!! d on ,r nd a . Rlr too t In II 1\ In cled r R ci lY k~ c-o !5 blu . o J~t· tb }j){ 1 I'l' ll" ort w F to r l t ' IW. ells t p. . ~ t o lel Co nr('dc ra tn s a r.k , I ~ D't It ? I hndn tU \\' l R 6 :~ . ~o \'(' mh e r , ('onl l ll n n ri c r R, lnt,.,- t' P : h Is l1JlIlh'h t c r . Mo ll r . wh o t ~ fr om th o r e tOy 1L<: (i on ." \I a a lI o tlcl'd he fo r o: S N ' . ·C. S. A.' Is on wa rd tb l' r h·t'r. It h M dl"d r ol' t hO Jj ll!ll t. A n I wJl u n Ollt b n~.:'ll .:: e. n r:lll 'h I' tlneo nt d 10 lt .. r9 Ihe otll" y ll r ll ll fo 1.8 drr t "Tha llt e wh ' " H n ml ln . 11 8(' r· Ih e fla p." t hose d lgt nnt I'l d Cf's Il rs l o llsl'f\' e rl b th rt·nte ll l·{l. " Urh: I(" 1:l'l ly" i, ul'r, c:l nl pnl gll . wllh II. E,'· ,\ ho IHl fl JU ti t :trr l \'c ,t w i t h 1I1 ~9~ l'l1 \\. '" I hl' £l llll c le ma d e?" h \\' k en ll l up curling ili st l;o smo 1' 0 l a pir , , s dim "So It Is : IH~ rh nll M ~I oy l a n !<c f\' e d In 118/r.: f":' I t) .M r Uc)lu ll d . y n h lllt PC rR fo r t h o " JII ~t lJ C'(n ro 1l;Jlldn \\' n las t ~ . Q nl "g , t)ul' lne of m nn ll\'er ij I'll I' ll n lld rort h m Ih !' hllr n lng Hla go. fo r Ibe y frr. Mo ll r u.r rl ves at F o rt U lp 1 ~y Ih o Bouth ." m l ~ "I f' n rd or- cuper! o n Ih o f r o nl ..\ If" .:u ull'i ll 10 Onl1 l ~ f' C ot1r: t w o dnpt n l lt'lld o( I!Ic h orl u l o. Sho d c d d u ~ lt t'd, LU tlChln g togrt hpr. [lnd tbe n Th f' lir l''' ' ' r " tiel ,:: un [ QUl 611rt:' tills was ha to p Ulth 0:' t o I '~o l· t D nt l ~ () 11)" IJ U lI.{O I n " I t b lnl< not. " ." " · " (l r ', ' ~. ;u lt l Ih n wu ec lc rs rQn lI o \l Bf' Gr·" .\ I .. ;,,\ e Co lt w Ih a l h n h •• d In ush g . U onn:. w do ly lo\\' s d e r pea sup di ~(l n tpuI!Y w fl h " Su l l,' r H I ll " M oy l a n L(\ (' ha d ne \' !)r hI;; . fo r 110 bo uCh l It lit Uo tl se. I !W co,le b ." 1. ;'1 ':\ n t ft g n 'il l d i.,; afl\'nn h l,p.c' . EAI ... ~. u l:a ll1hh: r. t a a ls o u. p H 9I5e n :; l~ r. t ho sl d ~ o f Ih .· IJi II. I;;rnl' r !: l l1~ on th e a \\ n.' . "1"" ' I, :n " H om ll " n . l.~ l! t.:s tl h) H(n g u with Rl ctr it-Jt or I r C' Ul t' lIIu c r h e tQ ld 10 0 h o wo uld IUL,'e f<~ u r pns£ engen 7" ' ro W,' o n !; B l. r p l' l ·~ \' or \1 ~ In I ': a ~t Tr n · l. rl' t l' n h se T " n o ti c ire d he t n. It! n d l' ndla I urtl t e th Ih,,), d " pr· '(jl .thlrl!i f'o n nrdl l~ J by sn mt,til in g to carry o ur lun cb lo we r nal " Y,'s: II' C fUllg hl t h In o IT until n!' I\A PI' . n nd h', d Ipfl o nly I': w,·II'" n!lel 01'1t " 11,·1\' 1' 1" tJ lJtJ . · rt !ol IIl e !! t u.go wh e n Inll l - lo lin d fi re. s pllr r l ll~ t hr,i1' horses iota Tlli'! lrl u lnllK ar e n.· p ll h;,\(j " a~ lu.' t.1 tb e Ha p ra l'lh e r back. o f th o us fl o Oil S n pr (" ~ r , It " ." 1-: \\ .. 11',< ( 'o q , " !n ('nr l" nft ~ r (hr ll. n ilholl l! h Ib n ~l l' xi c an WILO 111tI'~ r e ng lo no s a w ,·I'(, nd TII li n \. n o yl Ir u M \\'ift ~ :l";O. l a 8 e h t Or) fi,'he In fUl t. " Th e ra rl o?"t knc,w " " t('h i:1 ); t l, .. l1 ' I\; ld ~\Il In Ih .. r,, ·I~ h · I n' li l rs li l] HlunJln nut) M oll :-' th O' n h e ld it UII to th o s un llgu Ih I'r "u ill k nd a , (; ollz;d clJ o r o k illc u . roopprs t lng bp lr H' II . a ny doubl or Vl ., [ l l (' :tc u ptl In lh o J n rk ,lCs~ hy W:l Y u r o somc o th e r k tt er •. bu t Ih ey a r e horh"", 1 or ' u l prp- r ('m:r l 11(1 11 "" f<and Wh N I II II' r,l ll f' r m a ll go t hl~ . h t o n t h' or It ::: ully , M o tl y Iii w ou nd f' ll and I t :uu - ha rdl y deci v" e rall le . I 'a nn o t r oud Hamli n 510011 u pri g .. ~ n.! .I tl:,) l>T \' ('1',· rl 11 a L> H Oti Wil r " (' ey e IIh l l ~ Il ill '6 ('o n ,s Wa R iI d ll y'E 111:1 ... ' h r Th li n I :, r r i ('!) lI(' r . h u mm ock II <L\' lnr, llis h n t. The )' we ne n . . 11' ;.~ d F" h ad RC' Inl. 1 hl,J l n,; , Th u Intl ll1 l1 ~ (] I~c o v (!r th " lr I h" fir ~ t lIn e a t all, bll t t hc I\~ eo ll d I s a h lbh ha ll !;:(11l 8 Q\ H\\:ty l:P t h ," ri':f' r " rI' s I" "(;o.Jm" dis· w e f a , f' r t: l) lit o tb l In nbr.U go d t u b er'l' h l. t "a e"rn tH.· un ci Rl n rt p u r ll u l \\' .t.1 ", ,' 11 I n h ar d , som e w ha t in e r - ·F olirth T",xos In · ~roy l :l n . . r t! !f' 1",'l ' O Ill :J of otl"' r (",. Anu 1' ·\·; 1 1): a llt u ~~ eb . irs bod "AT Oll ;; d-t r ec ti on. d l'a d r. th ' I mo unt ed b (' ~II (an t ry .' " !'l rl , ' ul p<'J) f' r I ll ro a " . ~y l')' \\ r ,) U I ~ ~i !1 i lu Fon i :: III I"r 11111y u: ~ · t 05 l, a Thon fo re b is slg llll i W 1\S obse rv ed. WEre C'c l\'lli 11::\1 I OIl r n l' Wh Il ' , ' \:. II IL Ul li u n m cll c u out Il ia ba nd s wift· CHAPT ER X I. ll· <113 hl 11 tl:; 1111 11·I"(· ll)' !'; r.:a 11<1 [l " li n\\' fl e ld g lOS3 na sh I'd In th e ~ u nIl S !H. a nd I I, m ~' a l'rO ~~ II " Iy , and g 1'll s fl e d t ile h:.L vo rsack. rorse t',' " j !l ' ("o ul d t h r 9 \\' hi s \' ' t lh n dow rouo ty r pa tJ th or our f Ot· t hree ed rI'; (' r 11 11 <1 " " n __ h, 1:11 ~ :\\,f' II 'r, (' n r ps .,11 Kill ha\'o t ing ev or )'l b inS els e In sudde nly ust m ·, It. Rrmem brance of th e Past. w ,,: in h t t Loll .... ..: o( no O . r e riv nk o f tb~ nn Til e gtrl. s urpri s ed . to tb e ba nc!'. th t! r l'ta :w mo lI !; hi rdly a tn h go ~l o y l a n mu s t lta\·c b od til Iss Me Don· a rou sed In l on 'st. wa!\ <1 !L' c'ou! ll x I ~ Ili or , e rorl' flv br ls b t h ('se. th() gluHs eB st ili h pld In aId In mind wh eu b e had s tocke d up st orod up illlo his race, a t: he c los e ly hand , hi s hors es . hoo fs II! tho wn te r. da )'II ;~ h t \\'1 "11 th c ' ~' loft, and I cou lel " \I :lS onl )' 1\ ~li n r t d ll,\" R IlI l1 r (' h to e fllc is h . on hod rlpll ~c Dnd In ed d fa Dod!;". o tb s t ud i d Thi s s trl a t·t lilli e dr c ~ s Ii \, .. 11 suit. ",lth rood a t Fort no t 1f' 1I jll " t "0 9.' l!1~ ny bodi os th e y ~ a eh E \\ell . =\nrl h I' (' l1l1 ld I:a l'" br. pn s h ou te d across Ihe s troa m. z re we ey Th ;es. 10 IIn l' l1 nnd otbe r hrenl tl ;'\ ls h fabOII tb .:r e fore chose u a ll th e delicac lf's to ('x pre fls lns un co ncenl ed aDia ze me nt. rd p " · h t r(> ,L r 011 " d n "n Pile I ~ slr;1 ur... ho l\' o f. n Ih nls llt' tl in " Who !lr yo u o\'e r th e r o?" rlnd· p , "Oood l; o.J d : " ho ejacul a te d bre ath· wh ic h IIr /) " 0 coo l a lld I! lI'cctlVIt lIucks nr, rl('" ll yn Ids of Ir ch d h e found at th a t fronti e r pos t . Tbes e n a h;lIl !;. d f u ll y 1I' 0 rll cci o lll his plall "\\,hlle pc:> ople, " a ns we red Hamlin . m lxl' were not ext e nsive, conolsti ng lar flC ly less ly . " It wa s Ge no·s . Wbat en n tllll:! lI s lns bl s ba nds for 11 tru m pet . "W e pu ll y Ar a ll a ho ( !' . I ~ r! by Iloma u Nose ." o rcl " rs h nd bl'r lt car r i u ,)1, 1 n f{ ""'LI In wa rm w('a th e r. It C IlII n l ~o bo II s(1 d or ca nn ed good s , wb lch. ne vertbele ss. mean '!" T hl' l ud van lageo us ly ror ('f (' JI '~ n n ll broca d e " "' e Dt. " PE t. h " r ?" \' Iclo rr wo" ltl hR"I' I f'3I1 i i ,'r1 escllpnd from the s tn [;O last nlsht. I "Y o u- YOU Imcw tbe s o ld ie r ?" l11 a de a bra \'c sho w . and were clearly of I m.'l t e t'lu,I ~ , and ro r 50 fl s e r-e or lion. n : ,n ir." u , " ;. " Yes. tf!O': ~1~" ll t ."" ' S I~. b e;; i.l1 a s e rb""n t. Sc ve nt h Ca va lry, and Ihe waI s t Is th e p lain sailor " Kn e w h im? Yell," ap ea k lng a l m ost a m pnou gh n ot th e o rdinary tare of th o Th o l ic nt PIL3 11t In rnca 0 18 r,aze e r of ;;hl illl d 0'" . . h. b) I ii " ~Iflh (or l, " r.>lI'1 \\ d n e ls. o 1\ Ih Is 0 111 ith w Ind), e lh bord e r. Hamlin had to smile at t be ull consc iuus ly. hi s Incredu lou s (l ye s Major !\l cDo na ld at Fo rt Dc r c ro ." Ih e r ivN :l ncl t h(:a I'Joke d at W asso n, b.l· Ih l:' r~jrp I Co rp " " r05"ln g tli e H appn· b lou se with jll st a t ri fl e o r rUlin eR" at ne ck h ,,!> the u StIal nrrll~·. but Molly ba ndi ed encb a rUc le still on tbe Ins c ription . 88 tbou gh fear· wh o r(> ru ~ Ir,,' d sp"I",1 in th o s ueldln. lr a n nocll II I (, ,,Ipep pr ~\!n o Fo rti a nd tllo bolt. Th e " Ho w did you get a ('r~ B s?" l collnr f or a Ilnl~h . ta n e rnum o ld o t !l lorgf'. x\Vc ~la Ib(' lot il O Al most wllh rav e re nce. tears dlmmln g fu l It m ight \'anls b. '''rbot mun was atrlC' rp lI Sto he t '!I r bo l' l s ,lrk "~ILl t n:t r c h ln ~ 10 P "Wa d ed In th o dark : Ih c r o Is gQod iv OII NI and may clollll o r ," a Ill U S ves , ee sl Fori. The nee s h pr pye ... In m UYlOry. e ith e r my bes l frl ond. OJ' my wo rst w a o I\' P Pl an l; li o nel . Tbr' S e .-ond (' O t'lJ S bo ttom. Se nd a man o ,'e r w ith a U8 a b oll t up en prc· 1111 Kuid a t lu s t. " li e wi ll be lIl,e ly to 10 ('T O~ S at Gp:' 1I1un na Po rd a nd march bl! of e lbow or rull · Icn !:t h. as "He--b e bougbt th eso (or me." sbe e ll e my; und e r hoav e n. I kno w not coup le of borses." a th rel' ploce d e· Is irt '\"e k s (' Th today. . e tim rerred O ~ SOI:l \\'a ll II m I re lr e b whe t . rl1 cut r fl aid softly; and looking a crOGS r o- whi c h . Wh r , It la III.e a miracle . tho T:" son's (:rt to flob T h e o ffic e r tumed and 8pol, (I to the kn ew Il bUll ch h a d h ead ed south , but to h I' j ol n.' r! IJ:' Ihe Th Ird and S lxlh ~ 11l11. closlug io lhe cr nt e r or tbn pr03cb fully at th e sergean t. "It was fl udin g of Ih ls bag out be r o In tbo des. e rs grouped bes ide him ; tb c n rais'otb b· searc been ve Il8 ve l rE-ature Is round In tb e bu rar I uo as c1 e got h t Is had It er ort. d ldn't s uppose th tb o b e s t he could dO." C or (l ~ rro s~ltI!': a t Jaco b's ~II!I I"ord . ho nt. A no H e ed his ,'oice again . well to i\!!'I:d l' x pecl l'd hi s who lo nl' m y to b ~ orname ntal pe plum wbl c h may be :\Oll1.x lea\'e r lt.t' e Ll udr. alre s till "1 was not laugl1ln g at poor Moylan ; ing nf te r tor Bearly five years." uIck· q no Ie "A r e you lI uro tb e ro wltb run th em In, 1 s up pose? Our orde r s 'lnl l ,I ltc r os ,; th e Rap\(!an :l nd c ut tll C' us,' 1i or o mitt ed . as pr('re r r{1d. on I)' . I rear, h e bad a wroDg concep- Ecc,m e d to vull hlmse lr togetbe r sand 7" '·Ex. e. presenc hor The (1r~~8 pattorn (61 9.1 Is cut In zIng eali r But t, ffor e trail. nil the on r e turn to Dod ge. " tion of a girl's needs na nll ot Lee'R Inlre n chm r nt s on ~lIn e ; c(Jm c stra lg bt over are to t hur to "Nono tills but ld, h\) t s 14, It; nud 18 years. MNllum s llll McDona s bours size s ~Ii o, plan tbree m "Th ey ha\, en 't nun . by noon of l'\o\' . 2,. nnd th e I r e ckon alAr com bine d a p1>ClItes are cus e at s a nd spit, and the n In .8urprI ge, h a d ;>V N )' pros pcc t o f 511('ce55. Tb !:' r e'lulrE's 6 ~' a rd s at 3t; In ch materia l. linmlln l h lng kn oc ite d 1110 silly . I hardly kaow th e e nd or th ntured ve ." rt ta s (,<Juai to It ." swer ve about a dozon feet to tb e ri ght "'a nd co_nnot trav e l fa6 t v. ltb 80 mllnJ coald what 1 was Ba y ing," To " TOoure thl . "afle'Tn s,", n,1 10 centtt " I do not t eel as tllougb (jr s t Itlllnd pr "''IS in th n II! m 'PI11 C'nt o f . to keo[) out of a hole. The wnwr won't your . To ? u yo to mucb means doubl y loaded ." "It , hav ln R a tn. "PlI ll r" " Ik pILTlmen t." or lhl .. pnper ponies lch ir e wh th of ps. r t'o Third e lh II wallo I\' n bloulhru l." sson. a W It, IIml "d dr~ lIS plal ll ly. anrl D" go to a borse's be lly. Try "rite " alne Hlz.o m o 10 d ecide." sta rin g g r l'H tl'r d lstn n e(' 10 m a rch. s hould ha v!.' Duro for Is II u mbf."" or pallorn. "That and e iv g Lo " Un de r ord ra you wUl try. We lire?" you ou g ht to know m o." "Eve ry tiling, It I can only trace it In sole nl;ly, " aod I und erstand my duty s tarted ca rli mlt. but ns a m a l.t el' o f fuct h ave a b a rd day bsrore UB, young lady, " You'r~ ' Orlck' Hamlin . al n' t Y Ou ~ " sent e r p tbe scover di l:! thu I and nfoot. back, without auy odriec. Is t h ere a1l.y dam· was mu c h behInd It s 11m .. a nd dl' llI vC?ci a nd 60me trampin g to do on." comfl "J\. good g ues s, Sam: d on o west of be r e ?" age tht' wb o le arrn~· . The ne xt was thllt SIZE . .. ... .. ...... I .. * isb I knew wbere tbat horse I turn· wh e r eabouts at the original owner." d NO. 6 197. an , Two l roop p.r s le tt th Ir 8addl es H!ng III burn· t9 c er. g! llc ers hod n ot corr c tl y mens. cros o th at tation s The ""Vas tbnt your regimen t. tben- th e " e d loose last nlgbl has dri f ted to; lu· ans~,' e rln g tbe one e h t , man third the . NAM E .. ... .......... . _.. ... ... .. _. _•• _._. cd: tW(I de ad m e n th er e ; I don' t Io[no" u rf'd tho \\' j,lIh or lit e Ra pida n. n~«! to tho bluffs , probabl y. where tbe Fourtb TexlIs In fan try 7" gathe r ed tlt e rei ns in one , ll hn last hort. s looking r ." ' too v nO' o r third wo e th hoad, ges of bls brid came what be He bowed th e pO I,toe l1 graEs' Is gr een. He would be of somo T OWN .... _.... ... . .......... . .. ...... ...... hand. and s purred his horse confid e nt· "Tho n it i8 jnst as I thou ght: ' tb081 The blinks of the Rapidan " 'er e !!IO h elp just now. Try this, 1\1lsa MeDon· frnnkll' a t lI er . g ollowin ' (, . r wate brown e th into Iy STREE T AND NO . ..... .. .. .. .. . _.• _ ...... "\-rould you mind toiling me your hl g b a nd Il re <: lpilOIl S that th ey d elaYl'd a ld. ror lack o f someth ing better . I e S e rg e ant's s bonted directio ns. lbe th valr)' en nn n lIt·tlllery hardly o ?" th but of rank th e march y earn rar ham and ooaee, ST A. TE .......... ....... _••••• _ ........ . . _.. animals plunged forwar ·· and "I b ecame Ca pta in of 'B' Compan y threo so that th ", whol e of Nov . ~7 pn ~ s e d dure blllld Ii fire yet. The smoko bank. nd aa w lo tho up g drillpln ulo ca we ; ille e atte r tho fig ht st Cha nce\lors v wi t h les!! Ihnn half ot th e di stanc would b e seen for mil es away." Massa The rid e r, a sallow·f aced ma n clad In !Ill I'lng bee n tmverse d . Tn th (' m enn · "If we were acros s the riv er we sorved In V Irginia und or color. d an patched uroy, cord rough SOY'S BLOUS E WAIST . Robert. an d lost eve ry commis sioned Willi e Lee 's slJ:Dltl f1mc cro. lookin g c o uln ulle the s taPle tire." out bls He b esltated less. leane d over and held do wn fro m Clnrk'H 1\Iounta in. h ad d e. "Y P.5 . but th ere Is n wIde river now· office r In that alTair.", by a hnn d . t('cl cd till! mov ement. nnl" Hili's Corps in g between . Doo't be afraid of tbat to go on, bnt she llrompte d him "Dern ye r 0' skin," h o said 80 le mn: her of question ion express e 'as s ummoll e r! bac k In h aste to m oot " tr ip." noting tb eyes, bls III Wbat ""as it Iy. but wltll a twinkle "And th en what? In th e m elln t l me th e corpll o mce TR It. fac e . "It will b e easy e nough to cross "ye' re Bure got the luck of It. Ala't mlsl.nki ng th e rosd s and ma kin g re we b ;;ck by day ll gbt, now tbot I know that hap pened? Don·t be atrald to see ye afore te r tw o yea rs ." e." In tell blund cr~ which prev e nt;>d th e are." er oth SpotB danger e h w h ~ re t "That's rlgbt, Sam; down on tbe "Nothin g until the day we fougb t at \ lon. and when th e nrmy I ntl'a conco "r was not so te rribly atrald last over Wbo's It r n Co wskln. wa ~ n't was at la ~ t gotten I.o~ether, I\'ov . 21l . night; I bardly had time to realize F'Ishor's Hili," h o said s lowly. "Tbe I was dismiss ed from tbe service - ther?" It wnH round that lile whole 1'e h el v: bat was be ing don ll, did you?" nant GaskIns . an' some 0' tbe "Lefte Ice." ell8. coward [or bueln risky army wa s In t ront an d ro rU n e d a long was It " Well , yes; 0' Dodge; "Cowar dice! " repeatin g th e word In FO:Irth Cavalry , scoutln ' out the crest of !l range of hills . \\'hlch A weully treache rous bottom and r wa/l an' goln' . q uick protest. "Wb)\, how could tbilt be n plum to tbe r mountin gs. made a nsturnl torllOca tlon In th p.m · tnlRtlng to good luck." ag· ln. Whut the h ell (beggln ' fo r six or eigh t mil e s . Thl! Helve8 'rh o sergea nt a te heartily . speakin g be? Su r e ly your courage bad hee n bome h all bappene d yer pardln, mam) Conre demtp 9 had thrlr arti ll cry so occasIo nally so as to divert her mind, s ufficien tly t ested befo re?" "Cowar dIce. and di sobedi ence of or· yere?" placed as to enfi lade e ve ry lin e of hut !.or the most pnrt, busily tblnking "after I had ''I'll explain when 'lVe ge t across," approac h . 'fha co rpe comma nde rs and endeavo rIng to decide bls ne xt nOrB." he repeate d dully, and ' day and Hamlin swuns the bavorsa ek to elle h examIn ed t h e ir fronts for possl· move . He sat facIng the rIver. con· been unde r fire almost nlghl en frvm hi s shoulde r. a nd turned to tbe gIrl. rIs had I after tbe soan years; to three ead h ror bll' poInts or attack . lind m a de slre n g tinually lifting his regl. "Tbis Is Sam Wasson , Miss McDoll. r econnol os ances, which eo~t II ll'1'eat opposit e shore . There was probabl y Ihe ranks and comman ded the 'J ald. a scou t 1 bave b een out with beman y men's IIve8. As nil the traIns n scoutin g detail somewh ere n ear at ment." ' 'l Into the saddle." you help me fence?" let de ; no fore had he t you from "And hing approac hnd b een le Ct on tbe nortb Bid e of t.h e either h a nd. "No; at least. none I could ulle: Rapidan in anticipa tion or a Quick, ". . ."list , nlarmed by tho r e port of the but CHAPT ER XII . s harp moveme nt. the fi nn y was now fleeing stage crew. or else a de tncb. tbls man mIght have saved me. why." "Wha't thc Hell (Beggln ll Your ~u Ollt of r yt Ions. an" Mende tlnw frus· men t tracking Roman Nose's wnr· he did not, and I never knew Thc Parting . beT' was nding "Who exte plains those trated his hopes of and In ;>: I.h e Get· don, Ma'am) Has Happen ed Here'" r ial'S across Th e y r ec rossed tb e stream care· " My senior captaIn , detail ed on tysburg C:1 mpalg n b)' II deci s ive vIc· Into the north. Th e latte r contin o restless and h ard to tellows will turn north before they gOI tory. H e th e re fore ord'lre ,' t h o army At all ages the 1001h! blouse Ie ~om. gency was th e more probabl e. judg- EarlY'1I statt: he brou ght me the or· tully, t h e horses rds sc- control in th e current , th e me n ri d Ing that tar, Iln d will run straigh t Into to r e turn to Its camps around Cul- fortabl e (or both work an d Illay. an d In g trom the [ndlans ' flight, nnd bls dera verbally I was artorwo g the hit of the Mn.xwei l. 'Whnt do yoU suy, Snmr . H e wanted to move hI s a nn y all boye like It for Its conveni ence, own J{nowled ge ot tbe s mall r eserve cuse d of disobey ing . ( was to mporarl on e ither ~Id e , !;r08pln tho p e per. In ly the of tbe careless Joined, loiled had ut ers thnt sco t Oth Tbo egImen r mount. e tb rl's of gi d as e rid , comman ly In to Ji'redt'rl eksburJ; :. which would hn ve while their mothers approve forc e lert at Dodge. Besldell rs on lh e ba nk, s addl n, hi li eyes on the rive r. hl>l 111;111, be('n an excellen t m anu,·er. nnd facility wltb which It c a a bo made. In they might tbose two fl ee iDg coward s day with rank as major. There was IIttlo squad o r trlJope has no COIlle r a chllor. Tbe hrow n fa co express louless. pl nclld Lee at n tllsadva ntngl'. but b e thIs case the bloust. at yeste rday could hardly Itave yet a mistake s omew hero. and we were and welcom ed h e r with or madr. to be Slip· It don't make no III sight how but s . a At . tnken eekon opening nted r r "I !nbe front dismou nu a not ant n er8 and te 0u or" up, 1I 's cut and Halleck by horribly safety ed of r was prevent r enched tbat sh elte whl(lped 01Y bls bat, great dilT cre nce what I say." he aD to make any chanr,o of oasc wiLhout ped on over the head. Tbe openIng mi ght not confess the truth at their prisone rs. tt wns m y word against t h e girl's race h e III' taken ain't "Yer . rly . sobe of the neck la flr:llshed ,,·!tb a wide forwllrd swered lied." came a nd al:tborl ty from Wasbln .;ton. dese rtion even wb e n they d id arriv e. his , and- and he . h .) said, pl ea sant· advice frum m e ylt, fur as I remell' hIm sailor collar. The low drop sboulde r ld." trom McDona ersack "Miss hav eal r e tb only took tbe Sbo was torce g pursuin A want ter kno,q ant rllailr yer Lieuten It am Dut Is U8 d a ud tbe email sleeve Is "no I " er. Inscripb er. ible h leg ting ee gr 6carcely Iy a the s of ity imal, studyln ecess An n e Lee's Slim ho pe for esca pIng t b bue!!:8 rather them ill ur yo notion met is hed wltb tucks at the wrl!!t. Gaia. illY ha\'e I tlmo, nnd' . this Gnsklns ell. W tion. bard t ram p bac le ove r tbe trail. Presi dent Lin coln on Ju no H, J 863, blulh the It So hide not? e oly h k \I Is t ea. line n. piqua or fiannel will be . ra?" most lotte ~otantry e will tb - of tb e S ixth .. ·E. L. F,' Are tbose th e girl 'Iooked tit. and he glanced ~. wrote Gen. Hook er : know. You till n Igh t. an' t h en sneak pallt Max, found BultabIe tor t ;l!S blol18e nnd alllO you Le lIervice. ne at e b Euge to for lnd g stand ~ hera t they Oll atively. Yes: mako " ('an appreci r we be RS rd wa "So ra r an' dark. II a good glts for many other mate rials dl s playod In rstand; It unde after I his well nt. stage. desce the in French wcre of of Ilt was e.1 e n b nces ; r'evre In epite or the sad experie Iho enemy has Mflroy surrouu just I'd now. tbe shops. outfit my " wus e er y escape. le this marknb e r .'· 1lI0st th.., past nlgbt s h e waB n 'pleaean t bome In New Orlean8 Winche ster and Tyler nt Martins burg. The blouse pattern (6201) ill Ct;t In " lowe It all to Sergean t Hamlin, " natural ly 11gb t on to tbo trail fQlIl. If they c Ollld bold out " few dllYs " You knew hIm well?" "p ~ ctncle. h e r eye s brIght wIth exfllzea 4, 6, 8, 10 and I:! year;!. M ~d lum toward orders e r ItO ord,e rs . I r eckon It'8 In glance to turning toed, pli scbool e r lit she er of were und we head SOi tho It flushed ght m? tbou e I th " cheeks c lteml'nt , her could you help of 36 In ch Dl~. tDe lattor . "H o bore mo away un· jll ns we cum out Ilrte r. an' I don't BUP Lee'8 army is at Martins burg Ilnd the size r e quires 2% yards Ih ll mornIng s un whloh Il eeked b e r gether nnd afterwa rds In th e a rmy." filJd would terlat. I ment epart d Indeed, ""ar arms. the hIe pose agaIn. In · con scloull ShA looke d across at hIm tall ot It on the plank rand bptween d a rk . d iso rd e r e d ball' with odd color. happen ed. Do any fault If w e found a tew." 1!POC Urtl this J)aU<!1'n sen'" In eflnttt Frede ricksbu rg and Chance llorsvill e. toTo"Pattern 11"1'11 was n winsom e face. wltb smll. toucbed by tbe tender echo of hIs scarcely realized what DeoarlmeQ.t." or llfls papor. lIoUtOD the my Into ng surged regardi g blood e anythin Th, placed know and someyou Its 811m illi forward ed very nature lean and bo be good then must voice; tlie animal Ing lips, and frauk Wrlte name and addretl8· pll1lnly. .erve~ only lion oPPoijl t bu faco. 111&& and number of pattern. nnt's glva " to fnther? .ure his. him?" note one band upon where. Could you not break contonr . He was surprise d to "Db . yes. I 'can put your mind at to Increas e hi s ol 3tlnaey. " You lIav e not spoken about tbls for h ow fres b and well sbe looked. (TO Bill CONTIN UED.) eaae so far a ll he III concern ed. I a long wbU e, have you7" " Are YOU tlr e /l~" How Could HI! Stop Him? to orlng ... endea t· 8IZB._ ••••••••• _ _• were you pleallan e Ull presum tbough NO. 6201, lighting as o)'es more hill ms "No." "Not very. It s"e Irlsb recruIt In the mounte d !n, . An Country No Have nate n'ld h ad dream ed ali thi s tban actually Iy, "hardly thought of it. e xcept Borne- reaoh biD post 'II'hen thIs unfortu borse d h'mettle hlg s on meta n got try fan NAMIt .......... . _ .......... .... _••••••_ While at supper one evening passed through the experien ce. Per· times nlone at algbt. The memory affllir occurre d." Whlll It ran away wIth hIm. One ot his com. "Bay. , a51(oo: family the of ber "Yes ." TOWN ... . . . _••• • • • _ •••••••••• •• ••••••••_ haps wh e n I do realtze, the reaction made me savage. nnd all my e ffortll to 1" The dlscltl!lIloD 01 panlons called to him to stop hiDl. " Sherida n has orde red Devere aban· art! I:be Blanks I ,... 111 s ,t In. Out now I nm 8t rong, a nd ascerta in the truth bave prove n use. can "how h". WQ> cried g. now." followin "Arrah. . religion and IlTiutKT AND NO.•••• _ ...... ......... _ doned for the present . and the major's nationa lity less ." - noci n.ot at all trlghten ed ." InQulr IItOP hIm when I hjlven't got rna spura son st younse tbe by up wound No Dodge. to troops are to r eturn "Tbat is why you enlisted ?" "!'or hun g ry ~ " STATS •• ; . _ •••• ••••__• ••••••• _ •• _ •• _ ••••• Ing llarn esl1r : "Papa. what count" alon g?" "Largel y: ' there Is no bfltter plnce doubt we shall be in th e fi eld ,,·lthln " It Is bard to eat . but I am often T" from e com lors bsche the can cultivat e do >. t hilt "'0 y." H e r ba n d straye d to tb .. to .hlde oue's llllst than In the rankll a week or two. But we A· S low

LD NA Do M Ol tY1ALMc fRON I1fl(, I or

Practical Fashions


oi/he -.A;;/h;;;o"'Kcith Y" MeY Lad 0; Dou . MY Llld yof &



., e/c. etc./.

Y.L. Bdrn ef,









/-, t



, i'



JackdaW 'Refund to Go,

HORSES LOVED BY SOLDIERS Animals That Have CarrIed Leade ... Ti,rou'g h Famou. Campai gn. R.. member ed WIth AffectIo n.

ty, a truth, transce ndlnt anythin g UI~l earli! can show, our pll{"l s tent de.Cl tlon to ideals that act\llll lifo III waYli dIsappo lnls, our postul at. of • perfe otion that-- rf!buklls and shab'e, our practice -what cau· tb ese tli!nt ,,11 reCrncu t'j. ·mean. sa\'e that of tho' " 'bite' .lIg~t of 'ltern itY by' IIf"'1I'


jackd.a w tOllowe!1 some children to II Bchool at Wn:rgra ve-on.T hame8, the other cay, and when 'leBsona began . t'rled, go In.lde', When II teaoher at. catQJl It tlie .'JacJtda w-i de, . tempted .


"""~'l"W'"U ,

l'A~nal'ln .. t!


In ·,


"get .out! Get out! ..

"p'latgro und ·, Unt~ let clut;' "!~, .. : .~,l" ;'.~'I ~~




II! a rnoa thIne to mlI FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS I withA go04 brnln bu s lneslI.




Fresh Buppl )' M no . A u"' III ' . Bng lIud ..· wb.u L nOlr 00 ba ud at you,' ~rot:crn. AJr .

Make the Liver Do its Duty

Lifting OL (lt e burd, '" of nooth!)f ' bplLts tra ining In IL 1:)'ll1n a ~ iulD for io· crellijl" g stre ll);t h .

1\'lle Urnes in t e n wl1('n the liver is right til(' :;(o111 ;, .. h find bowels a re right.

)1 r" .



WhIM]H W ' "

t t' ~t.b'u~. hu rt"'" ~

RUBBER ON GATES Wife so Weak and Nervou. Could Not Stand Leaat Noise - How Cured.

RnoTllt l , J!' e y r\lp t or rhl h " "n t lJ ·· J! II IU" , r .~d ' l'· ' · '~ l .. f1nlll ll li~

v... 1u.l.'urt.: t:t ~' lu\J c ud,',!!.),' "



Foolish E!lotism. TIll' tru u t';o tl s t Is til,. man "bo I Munford, Ala.-" I was BO w eak and Imugin cij h e III attro ~ tln g a ll l' rllioll ' o ! n ervoUB while p assi og through tha hili )Ja rli "u lar lin n {)f clJrue uy In a Cha nge of LiCo that .tip;,t.i on, 10' crowll o f baseba ll roo tef B. I could h urd ly live. di"eltion, My husband bad to Si ck Kill the Files Now and Prevent nuil ruLJberon 1111 the Hea dache, ~1 S<'R~e. A I)Al:3Y FLY KILL En will do II. gates f or I could not end Di,tre •• After Eatine. Kill . thou. undo. L lllIt" ILII seswn. AII ,t,·ul.", stand It to bave • SMA I.L I'ILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK. or . Ix BcUL hrp r tlS9 paid rvr ~l. 1/ , lj, I~I E H:!, , gate alam. 150 lJo Kn i t> 1\1" 0" lkuokly u, S . Y. A,l v. "I also bad backGenuine mus t b ear Signature

gently but li nn ly com· pel a lazy Ii vcr to do i: ~ uu!y. Cures Con.


./ . (



To Pass the TIme .

ach e nnd a fu llneslI in my Bto mach_ I nuti cpd that Lydi. E . (1inkhnm's Vcgetable Compound WaJJ IIdvertised forl!U chcas('s and I sentand , root a bottle. It did me BO much good r tllst I kept on taking i t and found it to True Democrat. be 1111 you claim. I r ecomm end your \\' illiarn 1>1'8n 1I 0wpll~ , bei ng ComJlonnd to all wom en affli cted lIS I praisell o n tb o s upprb (I l' m (j ~ rll cy or was. " - Mrs. F. P. M ULLENDORE, MWlIl ls rece nt nOHI. :>/ ('W Leaf lIlllI~, said ford, Alabama. wllb n sw ill!: "My d,octrine of eq uality will n e ver An HODest Dependable Mediclnct SUiL tbe s n ' .. 5 . Til Bhln e, yuu know, Is Lydia E. Pinkham'a \'~ge tnbl e Comolle mu st b o surround ed b y darkn ess. pound. A Root and Hert> m edicin e origOr , to pul It In aooth e r way . tb e inat :!d nearly Corty y eurl ago by Lydia cream of society lij U(lv er to be found E. Pinkham of Lynn, MWl!I.. (or constaodlrlg Ilpon the milk of buman trolling femal e ills. Its wonderful succeSB in this line hu kindn ess ." made it the safest and most dependable medicine at the age {or wom en and nl» Old Shl P Stili Staunch. Said to ue tb e oldesl ship In the woman Buffcring from female ills doell world In active s ervice, th e open· herself justice who docs not give it .. hagen yacht Constance bas bee n solll trial. If yon have the Rligbtest doubt. to a fisherman of Skaw, In Jutland. who will URe tb e ancient craft In bill that I~ydla E. Pinlchalll'~ Vegetatrade. The ConBtance wae built one ble Compound will hel p you. write LydlaF:.Plnlcbam MedielneCo. hundred aDd Dln e ty·lhrc(\ y (' ars ago. to (contidentfal) Lynn,Mass.. for adIlDd In b e r long life sbe bas sail ed vice. Your letterwUl be ope ned, InlO almost every porl In the world. read and answered by" woman.. Her limbe rs are stili staunch, an,1 he ~ aDd beld in strIct con1ideru:e. ne w own e r declares he can Bec no reaHon wby she sbould Dol sail the seas for a century to come.

Pa tron tlo H' ry slow wait ~r) - Ilr1n .; rnt' a steak , pl e a se. Alld you might JU ~l sCllli m e a postc ard eve ry now n nd th pn whil e yo u'fe away, le tllu,; lIl e kUllW bo .... It Is gt'tt1nl,; llll


aown a chi ck 's throa.t cu reR


A few drup. In th e

il f'lllkin g

W..1t f'"r cur es

a nLi

c lh, lt.>r(\., diarrhoea

pre \'~n 18

an d 0 1her c}Jkk l!ls(" .. st:' ~ , lin e bOc h l Jltle Dl ,tKl' S J ~ gall oow of ~ e lll' Inc At tJ 1l Jru g~ ' M l s . !-\amplf" and tJOdl,:lt't ou " 1>1 ..,.

Tllo beautiful slllli ns waltz will aoon be as tbe sta l(lly minu e t of our forefath ers. u ('rale for thl' " turll ey trot " Rnd th e .. tango ," whi c h has he en tak e n up With n \'PlIgellllce by It ti popularity . The pic ture a bow~ soci et y engaged In the lat es l steps of the8 ~ llunce s . The uppe r left picture shows th e " tan go" Th~ up)Jl' r right Is .. turkey trotting " and "one·stepplng." In th e lower iert the "tango" iFl be ing enjoyed by youn!: ~ t c r s In tb elr te a n s . unli In th e 10 we r rlGbt the rb) thwlc st ef.Ja of tb e lutest In dancin g II being enjoyed.


case, o f Jo'uW ls " Henl FHt:F_ Bourbon R9/Mdy Co. LolJ.(IOO, 11

SPECIAL TO WOMEN lJo you re alize the fact that thousands

of women now using

~ A Soluble Antiseptic: Powder

as R n'm e dy for mucoull. membrane at· fp-t'tloIlS, Bu(:l1 as sorll throat, nasal or pd\"lc ca tarrh, Inflammation or ulc erat ion, caused by fe male \lIs? Wom e n who have bee n cured say "It Is wortb Its weight in gold." Dissolve In water and apply locully. Fnr t en yenrs the Lydia E. Pinkham Medlelne Co. bas r ecomm e nd e d Pax tine In their private co r respondenco with women. 1"01' a ll hygie nic and toile t uses It haB no eq ual. Only 50c a large box at Druggielts or s e nt postpaid on r eceipt ot prlice. Tbe Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, lIhlss. Ma Re I Old La- - -y v ve . w. _ An 0ld1 fo~~0..t.t.:!1 !aw, enacted In I:\ an f as at lbe tlmo of great need and ne\" r us ell, Is to be called Illto action after lying dormant In tbe statute books more (llan a third of a cenlury, It 19 the old "warning out"' la\\-. mnde to lIght tb e grasshoppers lift er the di s· astrous raids of the locust s In tbe ea rly 8e"el1tle 8. Tllere n eYe r bas been 0. trmc wh e n It was n eed('t\ h ere tofore, but Gov. George H. HodgeB has bl'e n petitione d to invok e Its use In central



Pneumonia and Ery.ipelas Serum. Not long before his d eath last }o'ebruary Dr. Philip Han son Bliss of Baltlmore dlsco\'e red s erum for th ll tr eat· ment of pne umonia nnd ery sipe las . whleb are now be lnl!: tes ted with much Interest. Dr. Ford of tb e John!! HopkillS medical school, who follow ed Dr. , BIl>lH In bi s work . suys that th e serum for pn eumonia Is not a cur e In any such seuse as th e antitoxin for dlpbtheria, but that It Is helpful In til l' treatment of the dlseasc.




1---=~~~~~~~~~~:~ft ere.. WI

To Moth ... Ih Tbl. TOWD. Chlldr.n who ore cJ.rkOl •. revorl.h and will 1;L'l h n m ~ dl l\t e r +" lI c ( fr om Mhth~r O rn y'••. SWfH Powder. rur C hll~rt n . They cloa"


~;·n~t,.~;n~~~·e~~p~~I~~l~gll~h~ldnrn~Ltlr~ r~i1iii:


nnt r<meely for worm., U.pd b y Moth n tor 2 ~ yenr •. Al ,,11 nru~" I .t •. 2~c . Sn mlll,' FRFJr~ Adrt n' • • , A, ~ , O l m8tl'd. L e R oY , N , y , AdV ,



A good man trios to pleaso his God, While a bad man trle!! to mnk e hiij Gu d ~Jl eaBt' blm .

Free Dome.tead. In the n ew J)1 5 Irl c ~ crt


Kansas to f1gbl tbe cbinch bug s . whl cll threatene li to do grea t damage to ~ ~n' wlnl? ('rOilS thl ~ "par

biaull.4.IIJu., Bnjl)"ut~ lI e~ wac u.l1cJ AlborLI'thp re

&re tbuu ~ lI.m1a lit




:3 002 CaSB St., St. L-ouls, Mo.-"For five years I Bulfered with Itcblng of my .1'0 the left wo see tho grellt ship leav ing the ways at Hamburg. Germany, and on the rlgbt Prince Rupprecht body and 8calp. My trouble began wltb III uniform on tbl' way to perform tbe christening cerelll onles. The "Vaterland" Iii 950 teet lanK. 100 feet beam" a I~~ sh on my lower l1mbs whlcb was • peed 22% knots and will bave lifeboats to aecommodnte 6,000. velry annoying, and my scalp was literally covered with dandruff. My hair U8(~d to come out by tbe bandfuls and GEORGE R. WEBB tho Itcblng or my body and scalp.. was terrible. I had used almost all tbe skin remedies on the market with no refmlla, when I wrote fnr a little Cut!· cura. Soap and Ointment and It gave me Instant r e lief. Wltbln one month 's use of the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment parting, gently rubbing CuUcura Oint· Btrand of my hair comIng out and I have not Inst a minute of sleep Iince u81ng the Cutlcura Soap and Ol:ntment. wbich entirely cured me of Itc:blng of my body and scalp In Its worst torm. I also find the Cutlcura Soap a benefit In shaving." (Signed) Charles Judlln, Dec. 8, 1911 . Cutlcura Soap and Ointment acId tbroughout the world. Sample at tree. with 32 '\1. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura. Dept. L. BOlton." Adv.

Housework Is hard enough for a healtby wom· an. The wife whQ has a bad baCk, wbo Is weak or tired al\ the time, find. her duties a h"avy burden. Thousands of nervous, dis· couraged, sick· Iy women ba ve traced the I r "Ewry 'PiC/1M Ttl" troubles to sIck • Story" kidneys - bave found quick and thorough relief tbrougb using Doan's Kidney PIIIB. The painful. trying times at womnn'a life nre much eallier to bear If the kldneYII are welt


Why a Poet Quit Politics. Explaining why he ga\'e up politics , W . B. Yeats . In a lectu re In Dublin, said: "I saw that wh en you try to speak high nnd since re things and at the same time cnrry on II. political It l'e, sooner or late r you give up tbe sincere and high thin gs and s peak ex· pe dlent tblngs."-London Mall.

~} ~l~~::Olt~~o~1 ~~

Dcre, 'fbcllu laud. are well ad3pw4 to awn u.nd en.ul& fD lilnl. UClLLI!5'1 •• ILW,y ,... CIU,.I'.



All low. C•••

t 'ree

l:::IuBlf'Ht,c udll l e t ... "hleb to 1-1:10 lUnD wakln8'tJnt1'J


ml1111 ~•• oe

tho roll "",. In

Conada ba'fo been built tn ad ...

::~~~ tl!u:fI:~~~~e:hl·:odt


&eLUer wbo n eed be more t.han teo or twclye tulle. from .. n.. of nll"'''/, ltall ..., llut.- ani :f~:::' by (Jo,.u'Dment. Com·

Soolal CoodlUoo. Ttl. A.mertcan Stlu.l.r II at bom. In WottCrD ((11.1.. <1.. llel.Dut.a at.nLD,er III .. "'l"8ll1ellUld. b ..... 1011 nearly .. ull1l1oD of bit o.-a


~llllrn or lb. CaDlldlRI)8eUt.,I.

G~~~:I'r:~~ .-.:.~ ~Dd tor W.8.N.TH£RV ~ Clardn., 8Id.~







),4". J . Bunt.., 108 8. et.b ~t., FWlf'fteld , ta." " For tbirty tn." l . utror04 tJ'O.Dl kldn t'1 ublt·.

!W-tLn" " ~lt ~~':te:-::, ~~t~e.~~tJ~.411:'&f~~I~~~ ~~Ll~ K'dDel PH!" ea.N'd me .. bf't'l f'''N:rt. hlnt': fll . . falle4,


C&DDO\ pratl6 tbf' Q1 IOU lJl lL UJ, .•

c.t 0....'••t Aa., Stone SOc • a..,.





1\(no;NT8-S ~1I oll r Jnltk.-r ( ru m . ta n ; 130 tu

. ,.\' . :

BI"IIt- r ; .ure

D1H': l'lnlty ; m,-m ~ ,. \""('c'I,lr; ,pil e. ~ B}'14 11 11 I)rn ntll :

I ~u

r,' p "a tl! r : d c l3Y

~'.r !I :.. I~'~~~t1 . ~~~~ ~J~,_ ~ . ~r_r ~ nflr. , ...

W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO, 19-191:1

- e C oro PIant In

I .. h~r("--D'8Iemper amonJf tlut may I..e UeU_T ,~I"'J-­ mllred are too.ling -l>lltt'·mller mM.y ta k t' IiO\llf' ur Ui~w-corD plaoting' may be JaWl 1I your hQ~ llave DI~lI~ lJq.wr , .. bOfSt'6


In YUlIr t r u e Otlrt' " CUI' ~~ all well A8 prev~ntlv ~ OOt! ClUe.! fl,f() bott lf'to--.l."l,UO nllli aHllt} clo't-en. \If'liv erltd. I hl morel tbnn twl t!f' In. tlmnllt'r ",h;l' , J)"m 't 1'u.1.1L u tT. GeL ll, VMJggiKt8-01" sen 1_' t o 1Ua.IlUral~tu~ra.

Spoba AtedlcDI Co •• Cbroll ••• &lid lI.cluiotO&!II., GosheD. lad •• U.S. A.

Important to Mothers

Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA. s safe and sure remedy for Infants and cblldroll, n.nd lIee that it


Bearatbe .//~ SIlgDatur80f ~~ I1Il U.e For Over 80 1:8a....

Clbildren Cry for Fletcher's Castona Rainy Spell. Beautiful tbe rain Is, cheering to tlt e crops; umbrella men, golosh m4n. hall those gracIous drops. Blest precipitation, earlr. latter. filII : butkindly pipe and smoke It-you've been ruining baseball! Fre.b cupply M~. Auet,io'. Bsc Buck· ".,beat DOW 00 band at your Irpeera. Adv. E. .y Winner. A frIend of my .lx·yeal'Old brot~er t()ld him that-lall mother had a new 'tani w~lcb 11'118 ·hancl;P&lnted. ,"Pooh";

uda ' my · little

tlnee 'fa;"

bfci~.r. : - '


"our. w!olt\ . ,


BE8T BOYS SHOES I" th. WORLD '2.00. '2.50 and '3.00.

Th. laTe•• t mak.... of M.n'. $3.50aud $4,00 .Js_ iD the _Id.

" ••

!m iss ionor!!:l 01 ,lor llS of I"n,\ 10 i : IFnnklin t~wnshlP, S400. . 1 Geo r!l:e Ii . n orka t o .I ohu H . , I Br ehm "nd Emm .. ,Jllne 'Brt- hm, I (,f, admlniMtrator . , i F 1.1 ' $ 1 i


_¥. . . . . .-. . .. .

. . . .6. . . .. 6 . . .. _ . . .6. . . ._. . . ._. . . ._. . . ._. . . .6. . . ._. . . ._ " ' _ " ' _ " ' _ " ' _ . . . 6.. . . _.. . . . _ " " " " . , . " '_ _• _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 .. ... .. -. . . _ . . .. . . .6_ _ . . . ._. . . .6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Mf'oker ap pol n ll 'd



. . . . "'. __

I- _____________~------------,;...----------,-t - -_


1D ,




I H (lDrv ·N . i\i A. k"r to A. l ;, \i11l~ t. 1 BAnj,lmln Ma x Bond 11000. For I!) \'(':lrs Wl It n v{' sold In the wattl1r of tu e "'8 tute of , hin.J Ar, lilt In Frank)i!.' , $ l ~ r08!1 neg leot. F ~(I()d SII(J\', til 1:1" l)t'oPil: ()f SaDl ue l H . DIlVI ", rlecel\~e d . ElI~ I' 1 t;y lv tl,;Le r N. :': -lIlm " .v M t" A. M. 1\1 C llnnlD ~hllm, a tto rney . . .1 . Davis nppointcd aamiDi stratri x . , Coo k, lot ill Murruw, $GUO Xl'lIia alill \·iclliiLy . Every t.. uoy DODm ynr V8. Chor les Dun ' Bond 12000. Wilhlllli F. oellur.; t u UI1Ul'gu M . year we 11 :1 Vl' illul'usl'U our lIIyer, dlvoroe Arthor BrYllnt, atty 1j;lllato of W illiam H". Dodds, .d e. . oellerd, l ot in ::lpriogboro, $l. sales lJy gi\'illg our customers OI!llSe«. In ventor y lind lip praise Thorn ,"I Gu ruy to Albtl r t R Common Pleas Proceedings the best possibl e va ill es for Im e Dt fi led . . Thompson , lot in ~ or row , Ii. Tbe clerk, audl\or, reoorder, 8her· In the matter of Mary E. Dickey, William B. Boo It to John lind their money. We make a specialty of fitt illg our Shoes properly. No shoe ca n Iff I\nd treli8urer upon nppUoaUon deoeal'ed. Will admitted to prJ . Chri stln n Buohanan , :3 a ores of lund give satisfaction unless properly fitted. elloh allowed Ilddltional money to bl\te . •Iolan P . Diokey appointed in Slllem tow ;.s hip, $1. Spring at;ld summer footw ear is now in stock a nd will take pleasure in )lay deputies and employees for execut or. No bond reqnlred ail r eo William T. Frame to John O. their lervioes f,)r lliS quef!\ed In "1'111. Whittlor", 6\1 17 aores of land in showing you everything that's new in Footwear. State of Ohio VI!. Htephen Ectoo . E&ttlte of ROlOl\nda 1, Poore, 1m · Wayne township, $2400. JUl'y return8 verdlot of not guilty beoile. First aooount filed . Mary A . EvaDs et 11.1 to George E. Ethel MoLeaflter 't'8 James Mo I Barold M. Benham 118 Ildmtnistra ball , lot in .Ifr anklin, 11800, Las8ter . lJivoroe Ifran'ed tor V8 . Peter 1'. Benham and EIIII· Marv MoVey to Eliza J. Mo\ey, Wmtam 81UJODS V8, Laura Stmonl! wortb Benham, tin Ie appro ved and 10 aores of Illnd, $1. 17 East Main Street XENIA, OHIO Divorce grouted. It Is ordered that oonfirmed. Court order8 dilltribu defendant recover her ocets for tlOD of prooeeds made. Marriage Licenses whioh judgment Is rendered aglllDst In the maUer of the wi,l of Eliza.. IIoward Edwarl1 WR iteR , faTnIor plaintiff. CUll ted f of ohild awarded beth B. Moore, deoellslld . Will ad. of Pleasont PlaiD and Zettn Ter. FIRST TRIP OF THE SEASON. defendan'. mhted to probate. wiJleger, of near Lovelll.ld . M. A William I. Lon~ VS. The B. &rO o In the matter of the estaie of JllmelJ."lD, J. P . "Becn fishing, Jimmy?" 8. 'II. Ry. Co Causeoo.promlsed, Elizabeth B. Moore, deoeMed. ,A. "Yep ; pill yed hookey, too.» Roy L . Van Cltluve. R R, mllil Live Stock and General Auctioneer ~e Uled aDd dismissed a' cust!l of de· B. Chandler aPPointod exeontor. " Cnl ch l\llyt. hin ~? " clerk tI 'l d Be len H. Chaney, both of fendant . In the matter of thlJ WIll of Milry Pleasant Plain . Clyde Terry "GU C';:l I will when 1 gct home.Posted on p~digrees and values of all Probate Court Arms'rong, deoeued . Will admit C. Emil Shobert, Iron worker of kinds of breeding stock. THE CONCEIT OF HIMI ted probate. tine Armstrong IIop. Middletown , and hiss Imo Marie [n the m1 t·ter of the .stH.'" of pointed exeoutrlx. Boad $600. t:loholl. ot Frtl nklin . Rev . Fronk Experienced in handling farm sales since Joseph B. Ffllnoh. deoeased. Up09 SlH~Morry you 1 Do you think Meokling, 1905. appUo&tlon of exeoutor to sell oer· I'm crazy? Real Estate Transfers l:itlTry Raymond Brubaker and tain property for lese thao appealeaHI. N0 , but J shall be if you reRlohard E. Minge to Robert ",nd Helen Gilunt , Dr. G, E Gowdy . Terms Reasonable -: Satisfaction Guaranteed men' oonrt. tll:68 prioee at whioh It fuse to. -Boston Tl'lUlScript. Amanda Luce. lot In Franklin, 1800. sbould lIell. Commissioners' Proceedings O'NE BETTER. ORADUATE OF TilE R. Wilda G\lohrlstto a. F . Brown, In 'he IDaUer of the separation uf Waynesville, Ohio BiIlJ All owe d-I. W. Lingo, range .ATIONA.L AUCTION W'lJltam Benry Smith from hla 11 .58,aoree of Illnd in lioutb Park Valley Telephone +S·2. for sheriff's resldenoe and mur. Stel1a- 1 wouldn't marry him if SBOOOL OF AMERICA mother, Loretta Smith. Child above 8ubdivislon, 11. ohandlse for jlinltor 172.711. Xe nia he WfiS the last man on earth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!".!!'!!!'"!!!!""!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~ The Franklin Improvement Co , named tr&nsferred from the infirm City work house , boarding prlsonerfl Bella- l wouldn't marry him i1 to George B. aerke, lot in Frank . Bry to Ohlldren's Bome', You Get All the _News Through the Miami Gazette during April '13.30. Pure Food be was tho middlclllllll.-Puck. In ·tbe matter of the etltate of 110.$l. lirooery Co., 8uppliell for janitor 720 . Barry C. Mount to Ceunty Com· Ralph Ibekor. deoeaaed. A. F, - '- "=' M B. Oswald & Bon, fura..iture Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ polish aud po.. , for obair 13.50. rhe Lebanon Putriot. printin g for Wh fm you have 110 bad oold yoo Soldiers Reli f Com. '9.00. tlnl wllnt ~' remedy tbtlt will not only Htevens Post 6. A R. approprill. give r , Lef, but effeoo a prompt ..nd perDlltl.neot oore, " rem 'ldy that is tion for Memorial Day $25. Re. pleasant to take, a remedy tha.t oon oording and rolell8ing mortgllg~, tains nothing injnrious. <.Jhl\mber. Mount to Comml88ioner8, 12 1i0 C. lain 's Congh Remedy meetd all tht!se \ W. U ngles by, bu rial of Lydia A req~lirements . It Ilots on natur~'s Hetzler $75 Frank Wat' inll, turial, plan. relieves the longs, ald~ expeo. tora,t ion, opens the seoretlons and of PhUlp Hmith 175 Trn8te es of restores 'the system to ~ bet\Uhy Deal Difectly with the Proprietors l'ublfo Affairs. water and ItgM at oonditlon. This remedy h&B a No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits oourt house IiQd j'lll, 151.47. Dan world wld~ ~ale and use, and Cl\n p, Bone. CI~rk, oosh ia oase No olw"ys be depended upon, Sold by all (lealef8, You Get the Benefit 1I301, $4.60. C. G . Marvin, sup plies for j lnitor 16.20. W. W Few Complete Eduoatlon. Mfg . Co, disinfectant for j a il i16. Everything in the line of Cemetery ~ork. We make a Specialty In the- coun.try, as a. whole, lells thaD N . " . Mf~ Co ., liquid lIoap :Jor 'alf the .chlldren · lInlsb tbe first six. of Individual designs for our <;ustomers All WO!K let'· -~ oourt bouBe _ia L6w'ls Bros: & Co. icbool gi'ades. only about ODe In foilr tered in- our own Shop -with Pneumatic Tools . . ooal, cemenf. 11099. Valley 1'ell'. ever ent'er8 high scbool aDd less than live In one hundred go to college. phone Co., 12470. L . C. NixoD, material aDd labor at Fort Anolent '21.02. ide Sherbert; road work. Rheumatism Quickly Cured ,Washington township, 14 50 R "iMy ~i!lter's husband hAd lin at A. MoCutoheon, road repair, Frank . tl1ek of rheu .nliti8w In hl8 ItrW," 20-22-24 Mechanic Street, Lebanon, Ohio • lin. Carlisl e roed t3211 30 A . J . writes a well knowo re~idllnt of 1859 = = = = = = == = == = 1913 , Heltig, repllirs Carlisle & Franklin Ne~v'own, Iowa . "I gllve him a rOlid $1511 ·1 '. W, E . De!Jhau&, reo boUle of Chamberlain's Lini,uent whloh he appUed to his arm alld on ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!'!"~~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~i ptl.lrs OxfurJ road $U, S . E ltzlOth the neIt morning the rhenm ~tlfl 81 fenoe, staple!:! $1 25. Barrv Moun" was gone." For ohronlo U1uqCllllir 2. 09 aores of In od for publlo high. lbenmatlsm you will fiud nothiog WAY, '400 . 8 l u,e of Ohio vs . Earl better than Uhamoorltlin 's Liniment. • Bold by all detllers Allen $44.7,j l'itate of Oblo Vt! Frank ,EaYlllil'l H775. Remarkable Beryl Crystal. Contraot onttlred into wU.h J ,ohl.l R this smart Butterick A crystal at »eryl, a semi·preclous Wolfe for putting in 11 oorrug'lted Btone re lated to the emerald. nearly deSign we have the very sewer and helldwalls (In BarveY8 a yard long and welghlng 220 pounds. ~aterials you'll want. bnrg and Clarksville 1'1 ){u at .the es recEmtly was found in Madagascar, and presented to the French Academy For example,' you elm use a tlmate 161. to. of Bclonces. Plaos, drawings, speolfioaU.ns, Broche silk or Crepe de Chine eto., relating to the building of a for .the Blouse and a plain silk steel beam bridgo over raoe tit Ore. Wonderful Skin Salve or Charmeuse for the Skirt, or gonia were 8ubmltted and approved . Booklen'lJ Arnio~ tls,l ve II! known you could select from a comeverywhere tl.S t.he beRt remedy malie for III disea"es of the skin, ,plete assortment of other suitFor the Weak and Nervous aDd. also for burns, bruiscs and able fabrics. 'fire.d.out, weok, nervous men an 1 boil:s Reduoes Infillmmllt.ion l1nd wom eu would feel ambitiou8, ener, 18 800thmg !'nd hel1l1ng J . T. getio. full <"If life tlud til wllys have a Sossaman, publlsber of NAWS, ,of Pattern Cornellull. N C., write!l thllt On fl good appetite, if tbey would d o box: helpe,i hiB !lerious t'kln .ollUltllJt 8eosible thing for hPlllth-ttI partment is, as usual, show-' Elcotrio Bitters. Nothing better for ·,ftor other remenle!! r· Ilelt Ooly the i1ton'aoh, liver or kidneys. 260. Reoommended by J . E .J flU· all the smartest, .newest Thousands say they owe tbelr lives Dey to thi8 wonderful home remedy . ont.~ Mrs O. RhineVilult, of Vestal Ceu. ~--l Gall lind May ter, N. Y ., s '.ys: "I regard Electric WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES Bitters a~ one of the gr eAtest of f Fret~' gifts. I 011.0 never forget what it hal' done for me." (:let a bottlo Before buyi ng call on . Methodist Episcopal Chu~ t. yonrselr Bnd l!ee what 110 differelJoe Rev. O. 8. Grauaer. Putor. it will make io your health , Only Sunday Scbool, 0 : 111 a, m. Morning ser 500 and '1.00. Recommended by J, vice, 10 :80 a. m. Evenlnl service. 7 :0 II In. IIUdweeJr Pnyer Mee"ng, 7 p .. m. E. J.anney.

Amy Mnxflelr1 fj " lr\ 01 vorcf',




Frazer's Shoe Store


N. Sears






We have Solved the High .. Cost of Monuments





Charles W. Schwartz & Son

were never so stunning orso 'easy to make as right now! '

United States Cream



Are Beat, by Test.


---_. --.---

Our Buttericll



.$25.00 and up


ing designs. , This is only

get the


tencA Fashion Sheet -'

Grant & Frazer





E. R. MILLER, Centerville, OhiQ Distributor- for Warren, Greene ano · Montgo'm ery Counties., ,,

.. - ...- - -

St •. AugustJne" Catholic Cburda.

Uncle Snookl Puzzled. Father LoW. Yaua ' "Wbat puzzles me." said Uncle MI'81 every ~econd Sunday of tbe mODtb a Snooks, aB he looked up from a book 9 :00 a. III. he was consulting, "lB this. It a man St. Mary's Episco-' Cbun:la. Is Btandlng OD the BIde ot a bill or .-. mountain, bow 18 he to settle In hIs Rev, J . ~'. Cadwallader, Rector. mind whether he Is on an acclivity SUDday 'Sobool, 9 :30 a. m Morning aer 1'. , 1O ~ 80 a, m. Hal,. CommunIon 'he llrat or a declivity? According to my dlo- ",'D"'I""'Y of eacb month, tlonti-y here. the former Ie "a slope up,' and the latter 'a Blope down.' I've Chrlltian Chun:b. never yet Beon a slope up that didn't Bev: P. B. ThomJ*lD. Put.GI, .lope down. Bllble' ·School••:.0 .. m. 1!IocIal_'Iq, 10:.0 .. m.· OhrtItlaD ·Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. 8enI10Jl by pcecor ever)' alterDa~ 8UJldq .. 10':'0' a. D. IUI4 1:10' p, m. . .

tlJculte FriedcIJ Cbu~ l'I....t DI.1 J(eettnlt, 0 :00' • . m. Ft~ pal Sobocil, .l1';!! ·j, · m, rou~ Da1 ' Mef&t~ 10:.P.lLa; III. _.. _ _ . __ ;~

Summer Wash Fabrics •

With the Trimmings.

Silks, Voiles and


CORSETS Nemoand ~11 good shapes AllOvers 5000 yds Laees. 5e up Gloves, silk ,a nd Kid .5000 ydslnsertion, 5e up CARP~TS RV(;S ' Wide Flouncings, •L . • tOe to zoe ,. ',LINOLEUM s,o'P'O'''.




, Us::



~~'~oJ ~~~, W~,.~~~!;i~=i~~=t!e~~~~~~{~~~! ~==] ~,L~':;;~~~~~~W:: I===-----O-o-m-e-s-t-ic--V-a-c-u-u-m-. Cleaner

0_F_F_10_E_ _ _ _ _-_M _A_1N_


S_l'R _E_ET



MrM. UIiIT Ih.wke il very Ilok Ind

ber lIIany frienda feel l18r1oully In D. L_ CltAN~ , Editor and Manager terlMted. Mrs. IMmuel Ems ie quite poorlv

Rate8 of Subscription Ooe YOIU' (.~rlcLly In advlUlCel . ... . . . . '1.00 8 ogle Oop,. .... - .... . "..... .. .. . .. . .06

but i8 hoped &0 be Do'hlng serlon •. Our old friend Dr. ~alle" hire Tu8lday, MIY 5tb, for Marlon, Ind ,.

Cure 'or Stomach DlJorderl Dlsorderl of the .'omaoh may be avoifled by t·he tlJIe of ChamberlalD '. Tableu . MaDY very remarkable our" have beeD ~ffooted bv 'beee tablets. MoJd by all eI..lerl.

hie old bome where he thought be woold regaiD bls beaUh boS on TIlUlday, May 12th be pl\8ltMlaway, ohtldre leavlD' a widow, H .... ral Il ,aDd I1'&lulobUdreD to mourD bIB 1 Dr Seal W&I hlahJy H1peoted oel . . t. t. 'hll vtolDny. Be wu a 1fI. BlbJe I'udeo&. WAI alw.YI prtllBllt as HondaY Bohool aDd eholoh wbeD b b18 b_IUl would permit. BII a ' I8DCI8 wllJ be lei' buS ollr 10M 'I hw e&erDal piD. Our aohool 18 over and now 'be bo.rd wlll be ltep' bUlY anlwerIDl oalll for poeUlonll... $a.ober.. The writer ,rUl" ~ba' ,he lohool year JUI$ olOHd h.. MeD one of love, fal Hlpeo' aD4 Die DIM. Berber' Carr II well kDown ibro. .h01l' Warren .. abe hla h ell.,er. BerberS oarried away $h. bonordrom LebaDOIl. Boys to Wear 'hololdeD .paN you moe' win .belD. Itr. and IIrl. Obu. MaddeD Iptn' .....aral ay. t. OiDoinna", lut week. Mr. aDd lin. Bowe en'enalDed Mn. Bowe'. fa'ber, mo,be .. ud .11"n "UDday for dinner. rrtDl.~. ODl' paator who halt

• Irde Utilize 8torm..

Men amDS for ..veral moo&hI II I I d will DO'

habitually make UM of .tonna ~ trs~ .1111. from one part of their ranee to another. It II pointed out that If.. bIN eannot And .belter It mot be mora comfortable on the wIne tban on the pound durtns a .torm, becau.e In the flereelt ,ale It file. In .. monne medium, like .. awlmmer In I etroa.1J tknrine rtyer.-Harper'l Weekl1.

be a1tle for bll wark for 10m• ."me k) oome. OW8D Sarrta 18 ...lBtUllK hi. aOD~ CIa b IJl Cor., of r... e ODr mercbaD" are eDJoyUaC a aood bulnHl. 'he oooo'ry lootl pl'OlperoUl aDd abe beaUh ID c.nenl 18 Ipleodld. ,

Rates of Advertisinr

Iteadlos Locaill. 118' line , ... , ... , .. " . I~ Heading Locals. black face, P8r Une . . .. ... I,;ta.IJled Ada. not to 6l<~ live Un811 ~Tbree w.rtlowo ..• .. , . - .• • .. . JOe Qbltuartee. live IDcheII tree ; over /lve ~ Inch... per UnD ... . .. ,.. . .. ... lie qrd onhanlal ..... " ." ..... .... . .. ~Iie "l'fIOlutlowo ..... .... ... .. .... ........ aOc , ocIali etc. where chat e'" made ... .... ,1ie • lapl., Pt. Inch . . . • . . . . • •. tOe Dlacounta &lVeD )D contrad. MAY 21 . 1911

8he Caught ·It. Sarah the new maid. wu unaled to cit, way.. One day a'oon & her a.rrlnl ber mlltre.a noticed a paU bDling from tbe g .. bracket In the hall. Suspecting tbe country girl. Ihe called Sarah aDd aeked what It aU meant. "Well. you lee. ma'am." .... plled Barab, .. the malter ..Id tbe PI w .. leakln., eo I put up the pall to catcb It."


It had been lu&,61ted that btr4a im{)ro'riDs .... ry I ow y aD


New Burllnlton

"All Fools' day," with It. practi_

'l'be yonngladlea' olS1e of tbe It. E Munday School wal pieaMoUY eutertlAlned the home of MIDDle and Ellther Powell Saturday .fter· Doon . ),fri. Ann Farqubar, who has been oonflned &0 her bed for leveral daYII. tl beUer. MilS FloreoOll Ha,dock, of Da,. 'OD, bas beeD lpenellDI a few daYI a~ home. Mr. aDd Mra. Oba.a. WlllOD and auab&er, of o.y&OD, are 'u. . . of Cbas. aoblniol) and family. Mrl . .JaDe Wood retnrDed 1.., week from a villt wl*h h8l' daogb 'en In DaY&oD. LawreDGe Dlokman b.. "'ken a pOIII"on II. flremu on 'he PeIlD. Railroad . The barlal ot Ed. Plaoelh.., wbo oommlUed sulolde at 'h. home of L , B. Pe&er.oD. Dorth.... , Df &oWD. toot pi we In the oemeklry, Tborld.y. A 'r.diD, quarrel wbloh 'ook place bet weeD Sw~ yOnDl men of 00" aelahborhood hal ended .on I18tlolllly, Ora WilaoD. IOD of Mr. aDd Mrs. Looten WUIOO belD, pro· bably ratally Iho& by GlyndoD II~ Nen IOn ot lb. an4 Mrl. Lee KoNeU' who 18 .1.0 hart, altho' DOt ..rtOUI.Y. The Ihoo"nllr klok plaoe • ,.rdr.y Dllh' aboo' 10 -o'olook, aDd wu lhe reeuU of a quarrel 01 lMlyeral mODSbl l&andln,. dlzilhose wire flred, 'w.o havlnR liraok WIlIon; ODe in the moulder aDd &he o&her " be abdom.D. KeN.ll ·wu atrolk OD 'he bact of abe head aDd olalma~. llao' ID .'''·d.Iaae. PhYlloiaDI a'&eDdIDg WllllOa lay hi halIlt&sl. obaDGe of reoo....ry.


sending the unwary upon fooliab errands or 8urprising them into the doing of more or le88 ridiculoas things, is often said to be sprung from what WI8 OIlce a happelling far indeed from the tri~W-the 88Dding hither and thither of the 8a~, from Annu to Cainphu" from c.i.phu to Pilate, tram PUat.-«n Hera4. 1~hiJ traditioll la, perhapi, ~ ot the fllCt tha, during the middle agel, thil IIOene in Je.u6 litu ~ usua.lly made the lubject ot a mtl'acle play in the Easter IIeUOn. ~ day, however, is more probably . the r'lelic of lOme wholly heatheD Ie.tiTal, for the tl1lveler in Britith I!ldia will tell of the modern Hindua playing tricks entirely limilar to our April. f,ool jests on Man:h SI, when thIy bold each year the :rem"" 01 HulL 'l'he beat explanation of all 1. that the custom hu deeoeDded to lIS bom the old Roman new year'1 ritea, lor, till the calendar wu reformed by J'uliUA Caenr, the initial day of the ci~il year throughout the empire which '"the grandeur that wu llomtt' wu Mareh 16, and April 1. being ita Dctne, witne.ed the otten boisteroUA culmination of its festi~). ties. Whate~er ita origin. trick playing on the opening day ot the fOurth month is general throughout :Europe. In England the rictim iI dlubbed, I. her'le, on April fool; ill li'ranoe he iI I ''fish,'' and Scotland calla him "~wk." It is I fr.yorile jest to lend lOme penon on 1.,bOOtless mission, to penuade him_ to make BOrne h npoeaible Ippoin~t, Oir to diltreu him with the thought that hi. necktie is awry or bia hat knocked in. In Philadelphia one of the commoDelt tricks of the ,day iI to give the unsulpecting one the phDoe Ilumber 01 the Zoological gardeu 1Irith word that. Mr. Wolff or lIk. IJ10n WaDta him to be lure aDd CIIll




I ~ Ray KUlI, Ut.• •ooomodatiDS ••to Conltlpatlon Cured lIYeryman 18 freqolD'ly MB. ID &bll Dr. K.ID," New Life pml wlll vtolaUy. • _ • reUeve ooD.lpa'lon prompUy aDd F III 51 .." bowell! 10 heaUy ooDdlt.lon Health a actorlCcetI One of the ehilf featarea of the up. ..aID. JObD Idopelo, of Hanbory, Thelarllll' factor OOD&ribotl~ EDglilh dog 1ltaliJt« traftle II the, Looke aad. Pa . • • YI: "They are 'be bel, a mu'l 10008II IB oOOoub Y it iii by DO me&Da coo4ned to ttw ~ mllkmao'l hone hu pUle I eger DIed, aDd I advt.e BYery b ..Uh. U h .. beeD o_ned aha' where the d


ODe '0 018 them for OODI,lpa"OD, IDdIK..'loo aDd liver oompllln'." W;lll belp YOIl, Prloe 'cl50. Reoom meDded by J. E. Jaoney. 'kl It A I.. ' MI n8 mp .Joel Ch&ll.dler Harrll. the author 01 UncIa Remul. wu at bl. delk olle - DIIbt 'Wben all old-time reporter look· _A oBer and ..Id: "Joe. how do· 7011 .... IpeU' 'l1'Iphlc'! With . ODe 'f' or two,' ''Well,'' laid the kindly Uncle Remu., wbo wal too pnUe to hurt eYen a cammoD adJectlYII, "It you are coin, to ule lilY, Bill. I IU". 70U IDlcht .. well ao the IImJt." DId 8he'

"Do 70U bow, Ethel," laid Grace. "I enrIlear4 Georee .a7 to Fred that a1.

a maD ta "ldom doll: wben bl. bowell are NI1lw-he .. DeYer well when 'hey are ooDa"pated. "(if OODI&lpa"OD yoo wlU flD4 Do'b~ qol&e 10 100d .. Ob.mberJat.. T bl ...• The" DO' oDI· IDO" tb.t :l v... .. .. appe"te' bowell Impro" abo anel l'reD,'heDdtbedlgaeSioD.. They. I ale IOld by all ea en.


• -


Dlftl....te ........"..

(to barber)-P&rt

my hair in the middle, pleue. Barbel'--YeMir I Shall I lpUt the odd one, lir P LOOKING


Smith-Whateyer became of that thoUCh he lo~.. me and wanta to profriend of youn who D.Ied to han JOII whenever he Ie near me be II too 'nenoul to apeak." "Then, m7 mone to burn P , clear," replted Ethel. "1 a,Jppo" 7CM1 aifting the ubea. YIU be caUine him up OD the te..



Mail. There it a ach~ of .toten do,," a det.eti1'8 clec1~ be


___ , f -the

1. _ .....

DO . . . . . . .


Notiee of ~ -pointment ~





Public Sale

dergraduate. are alway. ftM1y to pay -:'1 h ..... deoi4ecl &0 redooe lDy ~ other Soode, tberefore will offer He-Why it that griDd ..... lOb- high pricel for ft61lywell-bred .clop ~pecially bolldogt and boll to:: pablto 1&1. as my plaol of bUll. ject to coldl P -How'. Thil? She-He'l alftya wnpped _, III rien-od the burly. Iow-voioecl geo- a_ In Oen&ervtU., Ohio, OD We ofter ODe Hundred Dollan try who whilper. -Wmt a l'Nlly Saturday, Mt.Y 24, 1913 Reward lor any oaee "01 Oatarr~ hiJ boob.-Yale B.cord. good dowg, lirP" to likely a' 1 0'010011:, aha foJ. tb.' oaDnot be oored by Bail. :~\ in "K. P." or MIJ'be Hipba.,e alJ""'D.: S DeW bu'..... S Dew aUf. Oaarrh Oal'fl • Outlook "d. d to Nyl "OODd haDd buntes a.d oarble .._,F. J. CHENEV & CO., Toledo, O. ~ ktDd o· worried about that bop a plauei w.. rea '1 as- riaPs, feDce,sel»rator beu., 1 oow We the undersigned. have known F. J. cheDer (or the last 15 ~Iln,. an~ believe' him pe~ectly :f~omb::11 IRahle business tmnsacu°'hltnt' .:ar:de his t!> carry out any ° ga to ~ATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE,


o. ,'1ain.... Iald lI'armer Coru--.J. "Hi. one or thole 10ulle fellow., that'a too .mart to take acl~lce &11.11 Dot quite lmart eoouch to thlnJr. It Q lor tIle_Ine."

a roofing is one of the m~st ~ important matters in the erection of any kind of a building. We are trying to make everybody roof wise. It is a big job. but we arc gaining every day . We carry in stock at our store all kinds of Roofine and Spoutlnc, ~r. naces and RaR«e8. Estimates given.

Grant & . Frazer· Phone

TINNERS and .BLATERa Waynesville, Ohio 113




»ool (1Iq.) CO'tlDl), COIlrt, u U»I'8IIIOIi 01 reeret at



0,.... OrIduate 01

ret1relllelit. Iald that. In to eQedlte "..In... ull Ian tt.... Iae'llWVIIIllAIn troat of tal . . wrt~· .. larp letten allOa a place or ~ ttq paper, tile wol'48: -no DOt taDr. 1)0 DOt mab jalt•."

A. McCoy, 0IIt0 sell. Ualw.ll' J.

Office at reeidenee in F. B SMr· wood'. bOOM. FourthSt...t.

~,' "

T.,..28 WALTBR MC(1LURB~ ,W ayne.vllle. • Funeral Director. TeJepholUl ay a. D1tht. Valle7 pho... No. f. Loq Dl.lance No. 18-~.


E. ..-

BARNHART. Notary Public Wor~ • Idpeolally.

Paul.. •



) DR. J. W. 'MILL-=R.



-\ W :.~~" a,ne.WI..IIIe, Ollie•

••• DENTIST...

+-~8141. ;. '@

WayaeIVUJe. 0 lannrered promptly du or niabt. " phon. in Office and Jt.I~. "

oDcdiatance,N•• 14; Home phone

DB. R.E. HATBA W A T ~:md with

one Ceacb furaiabed free funerals. Beet of service rruannteed.

Ola••lllad Ad.







Permanent " R,.ponaible






or &repala,,, IIlto ....,..

1============= lOR &ALB ,

of IO'iuuI . . UIoM wlMl bttYl Del . . . .

or' lnto ....' ....... 1rbo . . . . DOt

.... Welnar . . . . . . . . wilen ~. . II . DIId.,' or w..... . . .


J" .....kID, alIDOIt

De". . . . . .

- - OOD41U~ • . l8qa1n ~ a. .:_ _ to ...... - • __--an_ Olda

faUl1Ie& . . . .


W_ _ ........ -_ . Ie •



'&1l klDda of Notary WMk.

OHIO '~,

Obi." '.

B 11'. V_'anh (Jure ill 'a keD iD Hard te Undemand. .. ~ terDtll Y, aoting directly - opon 'be . ow . . . . "I load aDd maooul lIurfaON of 'he ",'1 don't lee wbat'makel my wtte Belt Med~ne 'or Cold. ',ltelD Tee&lmoolalll ""Dt free, pia," lolltalre.", "It d~ I"m rather .Ada wm be lIl.erce4 uuder \It 11 head tor WbeD a droille' reoo~meodl. twenty./lTe ceDti for three l_rtIolll Prioe 76 (]tint .. per boS'Je. Mold by trIvial amulement." "Not onl, tha~ but It aJrOrdl her no poellble eXClile remedy 'or 001"', throeS .Dd laDI Wbell ualq Ilot 1II0re thu /lye Una. all DrogRllk. Pilla for OOD to .top the .ame allis ..It 'What'. Take aau·• •'"am tl" • u ::::~e~l!': .:ee~i:::, ':-~:,~ h ., ! trumpeT" ."I*'lon. 0, ~rNtoD. LOST OblOt.ower. wrl_ i;'.'i't'K.t0f of Dr. ng. , ew _._ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ -_ __ ~"el.,.i ,,(' kDOW Dr . •"DII'. New DllOOvery 18 abe bee, *hroe' au'omobtle lamp. I'tnd8l' will aDd IonS medlotpe I ..U. IS oared . ple '~e reSUfD to B. V. 8mitb, 1D1 wife of a ..,ere broachtaloeld •. D. 4, WaynHVlUe, Ohio. m Jl af&er an Q'ber remedl.. failed." " will do ahe .ame for yoa if yon are 81ltrerln, wtah a oold or olDY WANTED I. now the daily Py Boll of Tp-atatil Creaa Ship. braDohlal, Sb1'06' or IDD' Mqh. pen-SPOT CASH heinc paid eYeff 'ahipment. Keep a bo"le OD baDd an abe Ume 'or ."f8l7une .tD 'lie famlJy to lUIe, ' DVBRT18EB8-To kDOW aha& ;.'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. , BecolDe a Tri-State Shipper. tGday. tor thl! TriIt Ie .. home doo&or. Prt08 600 aDd ~01l oaD . . your honel aud S~te Butter COmpany, Cincinnati, Oblo. II 1100, GuaraDteed brl. II laDDe)'. oowa abd ID olher by ad....rtt.. Inc lhe. ahe'hiap G...... bD' bUI., aDd bl'tDP renla.. o.iMtIII ItoCIk WIth J., till ... W'lY88 or ....., I. .. Nolthe .."'..........

83,000 .per Day


)! " .



i I

Take Time, Select tbe Right Roof





Monroe, Ohio.

Wa,rneartU.·a J..ea4ID' DeIdtaI their poIl8IIiOD of a ....loable ... ad a lo~ of mieoellaDeoUl artiole•. 0IIl0e III K.ey. Bids. MaID 8 •.!!!!!!!!!!.!",,!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! animal. 8ee bllli for &er'ml. u'Another method of the q t¥ef E. R. K ..... il to colDe to clop' bomee aDd u,. to E.. O. Haln ••, AQO$. tor the Gazette olaim good dogt tOUlld IDd in by the police.






receuUy tween ..~ 0 Ketat.e of EUaabnh B. . 0 1 .1._ t_ Notice Ia eitiM UJe . • OhaadJer huhenbJ' __ llTeIl duJJ' The exchange ilnot carried on by q1Q.aUftedll~_ ,-~~C;~ =,,::-=-_.~_. b t b th!t. _v __ the thieye. theDllelYeIll,. u '1 .' ~ thla Wl cia, or lIa7 .leU. "faDcim" who boy their capt!.,... A, AHoIi F. Bro... 00-really ".ll-b~ '1 dog ia. 1 too we 'UlOY1l ' JIJdp of W&II'eIl thl Probate OollDtJ', 0810. in ita neighborhood to lell in the lIa,. III-It • _ • tri t It 1 . _ 1.__ 'ume dil C. ~ UOIO'1I:U &eeD Ul of people on the belldUI. Notic:e of Appointment local ahcnr.. So it it aent from z.tate cf Tbomu J. Bro~nl!1:;1 .d. or LiYerpool to London or Notte. IIMrebJ' ctTllll &hat U. BroWll _t'. Bro_ haft ~rd~.!. aR~~ aalMl Qullll/led u .uc:mora 0 _ s.te&I VJlI"bo-h. where DO one will reeog- aalMllIU'J' th;e.traight.-leged, briPt~ Tbomll J. BroWll. Ia&e 01 1'1_ OoUll&,., Ohio d-.ecl. Dated UtIa Rh da,. 01 II~ lItL fox terrier or the he&1'1 wrinkled pu, ALTON P. BROWN, Judie of &be Probate ~._ the long-lOught pm. winDer of the Wan. ClouD,,.. ",...u. other .id. of the coaDtry. • ~I_I._n____.~_~.-----Oxford aDd Cambridp aN ucel· lent markets for the dog thief. UD-



JIHI.... Twa Ru'... "'lip Bau HamUtoD, at. tile BIadIIr

limit. of the t.owDa or iI-.tq arowul a b.7drant. are atolen, the LoD&a Daily • _ •


Will do all any CARPET SWEEPER will do and still do the VACUUM work. the DOMESTIC is famous for. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. BUY ONLY THE ORIGINAL SWEEPER TYPE. A Card will bring a DOMESTIC to your home on short notice. Over 200 now in use in Warren County. The DOMESTIC is fully guaranteed and if not sati.factory will refund your money . For sale by



S..-r lUlNG

With Bru8h Attachment


Automobile Livery Service at R a- . aonable Rat... . ,






The Miami Gazette. D . L . CRANE .

I To Womett Broken Down?

Publ i 5h~r .

()Il\O •

..w.A.YN ~ SV1.LI.E.


Dr. J ohn Bu uh e rg , !t il 1·. lJ ;.;Ii, I. ma n . ball (,lIll' rl' <.i a lh'fl'II ~(, o f I h,' ( · UIU a. man 's pi ~ t a ll . HI) QlJy~ II,,· 1·:",1011 ,,,:v,," It s (lrt~ l ll 10 h Yj:; If' n iL' mu l tvl' s. ACl'ord lll ~ lu our nutll ority . th,' "rr"ct o f Ih " plr;I " ' 1 Is n more nell ",' (' l r(' ut:! Uon o f t ti ,' t." oo " . wb ll-h bcne nt s the brol! III' " r l:.' R· "Til .. o b,p rvntlll ll we h ra r n p ", '1lltl thr n lll:l t ( 'hl " " RI' witlt· o ut nh:l :.t tl s ~h ll w I ,,~" inlt- lIl gl' Il(, ('t I


uvo v r .:- a rH J.UtJUI\..

Your D:uggiat Will Supply Yo¥


. -; " n:,· nl l'll !I!nk for lr ou!Jl c III o )'d f' r th ul th "y Illar be pn'i'" ",'d to d odge.

1',,""now" "1'1u U" .' hUlld ~1 m . :\ 11 <1i n ', nll ~ at s o ll r ~ 1'Ol.·CI·!:Io .

til ri k f'~ 11 1l'" it S ll o t Rl t n g~ t lll\ r lIlIrl: c.!" o n ·

able. as nn act\\l1! clrc uln tl oll o f Ih e blood wlll not fnll 10 In tl u"IWI I hf! DOu r1Bhmeut and d evc lolJlJle n t o r th o bra·ln ." H e s tntes tbat tb l' h .. nrl of (\ lI e wly born baby Is s htl ved. nnd no I , cIIIl. or ,tiori·-lllllolv Is I\lIow c! 10 Intcl'ter e wlt b t hd" elr'oulntlon o r th e IScaiD. Wh ' n [be dhlld grow~ h i)! lw r. t~e ~ n lr i s. ~~~ wl;!l tb ~ r !n lJU II<"i I P S. 60 n8 tu CX llOse th e skin 1'0 th e :Ilr. II ntI thUR Il ~omol e l'er s plJ'Jltl on I.a tt' r Iha haIr Is grci';;n 00 'as to ro r m a pig tail. , and HUl/ fJ rnUous bBlr I ~ ~ h a v e d a wn )'. Tb" e tt ect I ~ a hi g h a n d s moOI h froreh ead Dnd Ii face fr N. rro m wr iukl e s. nnd _he nse C'V en old Cbln esu bave 8mooth faces and a juv e nil e a ppenr, nncp. W·hen rolled up on to p o f the h ead. Ibe pigtail ncts as, a 8ubstltute for a cap and protec ts the h E-ad (rom the glllre or ·t he RUn !lnd tho cold of '1I'lnter. It Is nlso a neckc loth an d a pillow . It Is like wise ev c r at hand to cbeck h e mor rhage sbould a cord be n e6ded ror that purpofle _

18 r'f'ot"fInt m{' n r1 ~u ne rmc h . ba vlu.c b. ~ tl (:om lIIlU nU I.'.t u) u (' t tn b H l fw rt:f w lt b ~.tJlI1n ll '''' pt',:-u l i ul'ly tll.!llcat.o &uuJ 8l!llI'"


Wh l'Il L

A n Exc e ption . "I d on' l wa nl an y bOdy to 1l10ll erS aboll l this hllu so." "U UI . d ~ u~ huw a bout tho Very " A s ,' H· m:!" "

bl' ll'


lIud. · AUv.



.Ilall Is u f no p:\I ~ 1 .. u lJU'

hl ~ ( , · II D W rrll: ll . "

"W"I\ ?" "Hilt Ii fH' lf ' I11Ud t" woman I:;, n lqd· :t·('t UI : "A

" "I

,) r 11I/"",""t lOll ubollt hai r dy ee fae l" Lit-util e" and pa,la a od

thi llg ~ . "

H e lpln!) the Little Fellow. Tho Unite d S hoe Machin ery Com · pli ny Is th e only · real obs tacle to tbe formation ot II. slloe tru st. W o be lv tbu SDJuil manufactu re r to start 111 bu uill C's s and kee p goi ng. H e could not ufrord to buy nnd care for his ma.chi nes. but be ca ll affurd to leBs e them flO the t e rms we Sh'e him ba s ed on EMORIAL DAY this year will \\'11n ut II vl'ry \\ here und ", r Ih e Stan' :Inll StMlI". Cl1~ th o nu mber or shoes be mak es-an lI ess th ... IJe rf.' ctin g or ttH~ nlltio ll 'S ~I e;:nor l a l day [hp re Is 8n oll t pourlng of tb.1SO a ve ruge of I l's ~ t hull 22-3 cent s 11 pair plflllH for bOllo r lng h e r military who pay bOlll a!;tJ to Ihe so ld lt' r ,lend. E \'t'ry· -au d let us kee p tb em up to dntfl. d ead . It w ilt see the flnnl fruiting wbpre Is evld (> nced th e thorou~hneAB nnd elll· Tha t Is a fair nrl'llngc mc ll t. Some ot ' ~J of a lIatlonal , official sympath y ,,1th r le ney of th e uatl on '>! nttcmpt t o tnk e' cure of it s tb e big fe ll ow~ don 't like ou r lIyste m, '. '!..~.., tho bereav od who lun'a lo ~ t ~on s . A dispatch from Part. says that a .' hrotlwrs Ilnd s we ethearts In th e ir IIllnd snd aesur .. till' pe q H'tuutlo n of the nUllle because they think we o ugh t to g ive and ·th o crE'd ll of the murtial he ro. the m special rnt c s. l3ul the IItl10 rolmOTeme nt bas been started In the gny cOllntry's serv ice. It wIll witness th e flnol reHul Lq T Wf' II' e fre ig ht trnlrlt! of 2:. carr. e ncll WO UI II lows stan d with u s because th e:; know city to substitute a less meaningless of th e nat lon's 1I1t'"lIlpt s to do all thll1 gs [loRslbl' bH r p(Julred to halll the monl'Y III 20·dollar gold we tr "!nt nU mallufact urers a li ke no phrase for tho popular salutall~n. for thos e bereav ed Ilnd for th e me mory of th e p\('CP R t hat this nntlon ha H pul" 011\ lIT pe'n aloll H matt er how many mac hln cs th y us~ "How do you doT" In the first plnce, rlend . It 18 Il bi g task . anti til .. mUllll e r of It s to Iho ,,<'tpraoa of th <, ('I\' 1i war. T e ll fre ight If It were not for ou r m e thod s of doing th e French Idiomatic phraso of greet- accomplishment te th e s tory of n trlbul .~ paid to cars wou ld 1.J<l rl'qul r('d to bn ul th " monl ')' In gold bU 61 n ess th e re would be no smull fac · olle of the nobl es t se ntlm etlt!l thnt hns e \'e r Iwe n Ing cannot be rendered Inlo th_ J\:ng· lod ~ed In the brcasts of Ii people. Ihnt th p- nation pays t.o Il lI t'l' t(' runs In a BIII~I (l torl c s a nyw lH're and no pro ~ p c rou8 lIsh " How 10 you do?" but lite r all y l' <'nr. Th amou nt s ptom lAC' to be ~ r ea t1 y an~ · lact orles In smnll towns. . In thut uttcmpt s lnco 1900. fo r InSlan(·" . tbl ' IlI Pnll''' by legis latio n now PClldlll!; before ('Oil· Th e Unltc d Sboe Machine ry Cu" tran efaleli le "How do you carry Y OUr- ll'~l t e d State s R(I ~e rnm l' nt has Hupp lled (n; " Jf gr(,SR. I Boston. Mass.-Adv. 4elf?" "How d,o,you do?" Is not InSipid, cha rge I~O . OOO headstones 10 mark th e graves of Th e \lPll s lon, ofllc l' In \\'a ~ h l ng-I o n IH thl' prl· but graciously 8uggesta r egard for soldi e rs a nd s ailors who ha vo don f' he r st' n'lc u. ma r'Y rnonu mpnt In Iloll or of th p old Bold ler. It Widow'. Way •. one's friend by makin g It the.?rst COD,: To tbe ce me t .. r les of t ho great cltl e ~ . t o thos e .w as built with thl' purtic'ular Ielea In mind 01 ""1 a III rua . w hy d id you (t' 1l :ltr ~ La· f'(Ju lpm cnt. Whon men go Into Ihe neld of a ctive .BldernUon to obtain a ssurance tbat he ot th e 'lu le t haml e t. tLl tho ~ e on th e b.ord e rl alld s furn! shln!: n clearing hou s c for th e ~rutllltl e " JU od t:' th,, ; I \V a " ""Iy c lg btctlu ",lwo 1 Is In good healtl:.. This Is the founda· , of cl\' lIlzalloll, lh ese headstones l,Iave gonp. Ke rvlce pach \I'ears a ho ut hi s o('l·k 11 pie CH of whl ell till ' J;ovNn lllc ut C:.: tt' UdR to him . It la lh ~ alll J'(' n ll y t WCIII y-follr?" Uon Id~~ of forms of greeting In all Thill Memorial day t hey otte r th('m~ el~' es to Ii lalll" anll hung 1I /l01J that tape th e re IR a metal largps! building oye r N €ct ctl by till' (e de ml !;OVWidow - 1I f' caul5o e lghteon Is · s ll[ parts of the world,.lll,cludln&,. such spe- scnUel'l' d Illulti tull ll as tllllll~ pISN' S for th" b. ~ lal'" willt-It co nt ai ns hI!; na mf!. th e brauch o( th e (' rn mpu!. Th ll rnaillt l' nnn cc o f tlt e p" \l s lon s e r vIce yenrs u •. u,,)' I ", <, n ly·four. my t! cllr clal InqUiries as that "How's your lI towol of tlora l wreaths . TlhJ unma rked g rav ('s . xcnice 10 wh.lch hn be longs nnd hi s part icu lar Blon e \ n Ito ha ndlln ~ flf th e sums tlrn t ~o 10 tlll! Daught I-- \' ''S. I know; but sure ly TI'l!:lment n nr! compan y. ThIs tag Is Ill a d n of I:ver ?" which pre Talls alDon g th e Eng· throug h t h t, CiTOI'IH of tbo government .. nre !: rDw , pen s loltPrH cos t th p govl)rnm!'nt $~.650 . 00 0 la s t I dou 't need lh o bene nt of tb ose 81~ ."h In"tliil trying climate of h:dla. The In g fe wil r. a lllmi nu m a nd th e lett ' rl ug Is st amlJl' d .llIto It. year. Th e ne t HUntS paid out In pe nsions ba s years lit my ag e. do I ? In th e nallo.:ol c emete ri es al o u th e ra 'If" t he It IH p.-aclll'ally Ind es tructib le. ' It a man Is killed -probablllty Is that e ve n tb e me rc ur1al Wld ll w- :,\c t ut n il. my child ; I'UL I durin g the las l rpw ),<'(Jrs lllllount cd around re malus of 154,000 uuknown heroes .wbo lJ ay e me t In hatl"" h .. mr.·y alwny~ bp lilcn t lf\ ('(I. dO.-- l.oJl do u Tit -Hi l S. . $160.1)00.000 annually . French .. would not be likely to yi eld dealh In th o dott: usu of thei r country, anti who \\' he n tIl!' Id c n:IIY of th e h l'l lvldunl lias been l'h h~ appropriation \\'011111 menlt a r.ouplo o f readily w an In vitatIon to change In mu st. becllus e or the loss o f th fl lr Id el;tity . b e e~ta bll 8hed Ihe dO(lllrtllle nt will communlcato .Iollars to eve .·l' man , woman and c hil d III th A Not.,lng Doing for HI",. s ~ ·d~'..a. J:41!/.~~ of centurltl . But Pllria lien led Indi vi du a l recog niti on. Yet th e nation has with hl~ r .. llltl v'~s. If the y doslre hl ~ r ema ins, nation . Indirec tl y e vr r y ma n. woman nnll c hild A wl111 kll\)\vn bu t uroken·down D&correspond en ts ofteo are more con· ex hall.l3ted eve r y resource In atterl?l,tin g to find th es G will bo prppnJ'ell for trans portatIon to the contrIbu te s a conplo or dollllra 10 It. tro il n(Jw~PJlp e (' maa, who bad bee n cerned abqut amusing th etr readera th e names of thoso heroic dead. Th e vp. ry (II til· old hom l'!. They will be broug ht hllC l1 to h'" own Tb e govNnm E'nt has ,,"xlle ntl P!l In pemllol1s to a powe r In hI li day, app roache d nn. I. than Instru·c Ung them-and this ,dIS- Il l' of thes o dellth R. from the stal\dpolnt of tb e p op le 10 be lJurled lW they wis h. All expe nses date for all til l' \val' S of th e jJn at 1\ littl e ove;' old fri end tlto o l be r day lind ~a ld ;' C"'!.sI 9P: J1.~ t(v~lter~.g, the tor'1! of sal· credit r ecl! iv" d by lhe me n a s ludl vld uals. ,·olh. w lll bp born e hy the fede ral go\'e ru m ~ l1 t. If tI", $~ . Q!)O.OOO . OO(). Of lhl:) ~:l . OOO . OOO 000 waR r eceiv e d "Wha'\. do yo u think ? 1 hnv e ju s t rf'utatTim may afford an Illustration of ror th a 6 e ntil1i'~ Jltal nppreci'atlon of th e ir service relnt h 'es nf th" deal1 fio ltll e r or ~ ailor pref., ,. by Civil wa r ve t£'r.a n fl. FOllr billi on (lOll a rR Is nn ccl\·" d tb e prlzo Insult of nJ}' li fe . tliilt overs ha do,,;s that accord ed the men w ith th e th at h e bo burled In a Il!lUoual ceme tery they that fact. e nor mo us a mOlln t of mon"y . Th e r!' Is l\~ presen t A paper dO"'n lu Munci e , Ind .. olrer cd ha ndso mest monum ent t!. The un\<nown Ilre beJng may so or.d Ol', Dnd th e orders will bp carri e d Ollt In th e Hnlled State R. IncludlJlg. all th ll 1!1:d . RlIvr.r me n ju ll." "tlo you call th at 11 11 In· ~ re inte rred In sac re d ground . .the lf graves nre to tile lett er. and pape.: money In all t he tTl 'as nl'if' ~ . bank s, uull 7" " :-lot lb ., Job. but th e salnr y. The' bene6tB dorlved by our farm ers being I<e pt green and gres t monum en t s ure helng There are th c lIl e ll ~' I;" ha\'e di ed In th e Philip' wallets II ud o ld socks. but $:1,55(; .000.000. Thl~ 'th y ort<'r"d llI e t weI ve dollars a from the plcas,Ure ot the motor car can erected to th e m. co11 oct! veIl'. !lInes. (or Inata n ee. l'\pnfl of these !lre le ft to res t "\V e il." sa id tb e friend, Is to say. th cre Is not e nongh money In tht'! we e k." hardly be e~i:lniited. ' It Is certainly ~~very effort I~ being made to prevent the r e· in Ihl s (orelgn , troplo land . All are ,~ventu n ll}' Unltrd States tc day to puy . nt a sI n gle tim e. th r "tw'h' e do llars a week Is belter tban currc nce In th e future .or th e traged y of the "unfle nt bllc k to th e B tat ~ s . Re latives are IllrQrmed nothing." "Twel\'e dollars a wee kpert~loll H thnt the Ch II wa:- veteruns hnve r aequal to the happiness give n by ~he kno\\:n" g ra\·c. At the· war cill partme ut llrmy \Jf th Ir COOl ing. They lIlay ord er tbe dls posltlou r.elved . .: So. In the course · of ·drawlng th e ir thund er ! " ('~cl a l lDe d th e oliJ scribe. 'to people In other' walks ' 11fe, r eg ulsllons hav e bee n drafted nnd put Into ex ecuur th c remains a s th ey see tit. In case tb e re Is stipendll"lt Is evld e rtt thaI th e perslon s ba\-e al ul ~un !Jorrow more than th a t right says Lealte·B. It ~n also be claimed tlon that are so rIgid that In th (uturl' It \\; i11 be llO call for th e re ma ins of th e Philippine Vll t on e time or anoth e r had all th e money the re Is h ere In Det roit." tbo.t'ln the purchase of 't be autoniobhe Impossible for th e Holdler who fights for his coun· ro ran. hI s bod y Is Inh,rred In th e naUonal eemeThere -to bllt $1.7GO,OOO,OOO It\ gold coin In the by our countrY friends there 18 an eco- try to fall ot Ide ntlflcntion wh erever he may rail. t ery at San Franc isco and duly marked. To C,Iean Rubber. \lnlt cd Statns. The re Is not half enougb goM .c oln nomic tliture. e~ablcs a daugbter Abo\'e all thi s. Ihe gbvernment bas developed During the CIvil \Vnr ther e were great numbers A rubb e r coat can be Illcely cl~aoed In exilltence to hnve paid th ese pensions had the IIr 8011 of:fll.f~Bf llvlll~ severnl mile. a ~YRtem of careful and generous dis position of of Confederate soldle ro tak ep pris one rs and held call come ' nll at O'lee. Tho government haa paid by the use of automobile soap. a jelfrom the - v11ll\ge to market poultry. th e remains of the ·. dead soldier or 8"3llor that III nurth ern prlsOT!". ~fIlny .,r tbese di e d tn these Ollt altogether 260 carloa dll of gold colu In 'Pen- lylike substance of dark color, whlcb eggtt,.,.bP\te~ , aD4 ,lmllu ptoduetlt. do offers tbe greatest possible recompenlle; to th ~ prisons. nnd man y othen. sutrerlng from wound" sions. All Ita gold might have been uBed two can be procured at any automobll., the buYing • . aDi1. ' retul'o 'hoine In, two aggNeved and the best posslhl e chance far the and dis ease. died In th e hospitals of th e Union ond one;.ljl1\f tim es over In the proces8. If this 8t:apply IItore or at a garage. perpetuation of the memory of th e gloriously forces Two ye ars ago th o federal gove rnm e nt The soap can be used for other twelve t'ialnloa~s of gold were loaded at once It q.r t~ree bQur:a. 10 ..thl' old time. dflad. for th ll remains of any lI\an . who di es In nppropfluted $200 ,000 to 'mark the grave8 of would re Qu) r e but 'nln e addItional trainloads to ,arment. aleo, 8S it does not Injure tIit. would ' requt~ the 1088 ot ' the til e s ervice. wherever his end may come. arii ' theBe Oonfederate aoldlers. That mon ey is now haul the ' balance of th e gold coIn of th e world . the flnest Uwahet! mater!al. but the • enlace /of ,a , lIlan . an.d ~ B team. Of t~ansported .·to any otber spot on"· th e globe Ihat being e xp ended. The tasic Is practically com· Thesp pens ions are paid quIte cheerfully. The're effect seems be'tc:, on rubb erized (!ouree It <lanGoe bo··claimed. trOll! this till designat e d by bill family and th e re g iven burpleted . The Conrederate dead are thllB being Is hu rdly a d(ssentln g volee In Congress when D ,oods, The 6rst step In cleanIng la .tandP~Int alone tbat Its' advarltar;e. Inl with mllUary bonors. All this Is al the ell.honored In thll land trom which came ~helr r ne· proposal to Increase ponslons 18 Introduced . T 'h " to make a strong lather. Clean the ue commensurate with the cost of tbe ' ·pense of 'tbe go\·ernment. for the glory of th e mles !!I the monster conflict. pe ople npprove of the action. 'Th('y worship at coat thoroughly and then apply the lIIiotol" )5&1"- and :: tlte·· upkeep. Another dead aud lhe consolation of his family . At many of tb e prIs ons the deaCl Confederates .t be shrine of the martial hero and are wllllllg at lIoap ol'er a amall portion of tha gar· !fact~r t. 'of mo~e value. The geneTal I FInally. t-be government · Is markin g the ATaves w~.!'jl hurl e d Je parl!~ely. aud their: graves w~re all time!" to be taxeil that he ma y be give n ment.. Carefully wash olr the soap by spongtng with clear water nnd prome ofacatti ;by .tbe f"'rin~rs bas-ilven and placln~ monllments o~ e r th e remains or th ~ . marke d ' with the!. na.mes. 'In these cllses the iurther pittances. eat 0 ularlty to thle methoU. ; Q()nfedNIl.~ s~d1ers wb" 1116<1. tn ,\,lHl lI?rliwn, . graves are be lnJ:: t:\Wm~nentPy marked with headT'J ~ pellslon appropriation III the largest Indl. ceed to next IIpaco to be cleaned Dry r;r . p P . prisons nnd hospitals durIng the Civil war. ston(ls of R deslgu,I.J;lItr&rent , JPQul thos e uBe d for vld",J Item when. each year. congress makes Ull out or doon. :. .. . . I . ' 1 . :. .. W.herel!eT any DIan die!!. (or whqlJ) . It ca n be the UnIon troops . .but In no w.ay less Imposing. the list of governmental expenditures. ,~ Y et '1-larlarll· ls now golnr; In for psychl shown thtlt he ever servell III th e Unit e d Statell Th e re 'Is the ce'fuetl\TY a t ElmIra , N . Y .. for HCllrecly a voice 18 raised In dIsclaim e r. Adl'nlnMORE THAN EVER research . . 1f Harvard keeps on. atter army or nuvy, the F ederal g'overrflent stanlle Instance . The restIng . pltlee or th e Confpderate IstrationH may lay heavy s tress upon the pru- Increued Clpaclty for Mental Labor Since Leaving Off Coffee. training . lovIng pigeons. an'd thlrt'iclrlf, reado/ 't o furnish 'for ' hls"'grav4I a lIi nds.\ qpe of dead at that poInt In bQ 1,;S8 b eantlful nor ';;ell i;rum of economy, bnt ~O suggestIon Is ever m anglew~rms. and knQcklng . IfPOS~.)(· morul e neat ly In sc rlb Hd ydth his D~m e and ·Ind l· ·('ure d for ths!l ore D~y o f th e national cem e· that th e pe ns Ion roll be Cllt. 'When may get n usetul . tblng ~-r. two ·.1n It~ eating· hIs mIHtMy.. Ren'h!8. The gove rnme nt has i.prl es. .I' of pe nsion Inc reases are brought before MallY form e r 'corree drinkers who I I I the course -of tlm'l! 8· lurge ('ontraet ~ Ilh Il firm In lI1 aslla eilU6@tts to Hut In rnos ' In stanceII' It waH fOllllll th r. t th e not eve n th A n e mocrCl!s votP. ngI'Jn iit' th e m. Whe.n havE\ mental work to perform, day aftcurr cu um n . furnish th ese ' h eads ton e s. l lnd e r the I'ontract dend had he E' n burled In tr'en c hes , as wer<' m08t Inye'l Itlgatlng comrullt~es go roo ming throlll!:h er day. have found a better capnclty -:-. ". . ..., "".-- - - - - - - - " " 20.000 s uch headston es we r e de live re d last YfJlr. uf th e dead 011 bOUl Bid eR In Ihat wtlr. ll ere JJ f;0vc rllfll e nt de pal'tm e'nts In sflRrt:ll of "nanc lnl and greater endurance by nslng POIlI' Those ""Ito proph esied that tho ilLu· An av e rage of 1r,.OOO. a year hav e hee n .0 dC1ll v· Ie ImpossIbl e to l<le nUfy th e Indl\'ldutll I'i:rllnln!l , lea k n th e pe ns Ion office 18 clear-llsuid and no um Instead or cotree. An llls. Woman wm6~1(~'.,~o\lld,.);rt,ake tbe,' horae 'nil el[- e red fo r thp last Rcore of year.B. Sl nl'c lill H pol· bllt th p. na m clI or All th e m e n bu )'l(> d ill given 'lU ('StiOIl ~' 3m nskp d The ve teran and his pe n. ",rites: Unct as Ule dodo should r evise tpelr Ic y of morkill g th" gl'l\VPR or th e mlill ary ,lend trenches ar'" to bp found In th e n "ordH nf the ~Ion arc held sacred . "I had drank cotIee tor about twenty Idea:e by a glanee at the ·re port sbow, , waH Iliall gllrntC'd Iii lSn · th er!! ha ve probabl y llrlson . In such "n sps ~ on~ IrnpnHlne: mOllllmont Wb en th A Qltp.stion 19 ralse rl ns to who s hall ~~ar8, and tlnally had what tbe doctor In . that th e av ~raJe valuG of borB~a be ~D ,,00.000 s ton es th al h~\' " gOrt'! fo rt h o nd I ~ rr,icterl OVM th,., RPOt nnd the nBIlII'S of 811 the secure pos itIon und e r Un cle Sam. th e veteran I ~ called 'coffee heart: I was nor"ou. g 83 ' -. tb.1s tb I SL I which lire tnd .. \· "tanding over ti re grave/1 or dead r~s lln g th e re ·/tore In scri bed upon it. Su.~ h oga ln j,(J ve n th e Ad VA nta ge. Tn th" ('Ivll sp.rvlce, nnd el[ lremely despondent; had little 111 $.. more year an a ,.. rn('n who une!' f~\II!"t for their cOlllltr.l·. TIll' n.J ' Jl monurn"nt !l UR bee n e reeted nt Cnmp nIlJl:!Ius. I strength left . . had . In thp flrst pace, 1110 age limit. ts re mov etl rrorn mental or ph"slcal ' lion Is wll!ln g .anrl unxlous to conthlu e th C'l r dl ~· ('Ill cago , nr.rI IIpon It are nam es o f 1.2ifi COIl·re ll· the old soldIe r. Dp hIs Dge what It may. thn kil1ney trouble and constipation, . . . ., . . An ftre"aeolo&-f\5t has}dis~o\lere~ tba' trlhut.l on 'or lIlonllill cnts rr!3f! of ( ·.hllr~" . ""lUI f'Ta.WR . ,\t I;'olnt Loollout are th e r emains of p~s ltlonR nre all open (0 hlm. \ In th~ eXllmlna. '·T.he, tlret notlaeable, beneQt der.lved it was (he practice at Ee,vpUan wive, freight palll to' lIn y point , It Is hn p(' J1 thnt "vent :~ . ?OO pri son e r s who dI ed . li nd thllir rp.stln g tlons that must be tallen IInde r cll il gervkc rul eR from tbe change fl'om cotree to Postum In the ~de G tl;Uti to tlckle lhe .soles pI nail)': e:ve ry gra\· ,, ·o f fI'Ve rY -8l)ldIOJT wlH be m'nrk e d hns bee n lI1n i ked by Il slm!lar 1l1OllUme nl. , 1'18' lit e vetPran need BeCllre an nverngl' of but 61; was the natuml aeUon ot tbe kldneYII thelr.- )iusbai:J(i·s,.· feet." . EVldtintlx · a'n with·,.a s tOll(' that will purvl~'e rorc ~"r · same courRe ts being fonowed at .,j nr.R Point. while th e clvlHn.1t mllKt rate 1It loas t 70. ,. c:nd ' l)owels~ In two weeks my"hoart Egy·p'(fii.n sUbstii.ute for pulling hubTh e gra \'e~ or 011 soldlerR and sailors who nrc N . .J.: at Alton . III. ; at Camp Mort on. Ind .. :1011 at actlon ' was greaUy Improved IUld ID1 '. ' 1: '" bllri ed In tlat lonal ce me t !!r .let! ar!' so markl'd Camp Chase . Columbull. O. All Ruch buryIng nerves Bteady. 'JO'~ b,. ~g J ~ h No Escape. ,.• . when th l'. Id p. lJtlty · of th e.- Indl"ldu nl I» knowlI . . grollud!l wPor e marked by ,an . 1. 191 C. nn.1 t e "Then I became leea despondent. aD • The~ ·are Rome llQ ' sitch Q2m et<;!rleB with Il total ' commIssion afJPolntfld ror that purp08e rl lsbanded . '" got nrrested again on account o~ tbnt. auto- the desire to 'be acUve again showect . . 'nO men \lltr!ed In tilem .. , : . . BIl,t of thl~ .gr eat 1II01llle of min e." r p.markeci Mr. Chli"glns. L a t er 'dl s pa·i c h e s -from the n efgh ' 01 . 300,0 The fp.d eral ~vernment has taken no action ., proof of renewed pbyslcal and mental .,. _. t Ab . " U r.!···· . th{ng... .0 I aggt'l!kate 1 . "F1xcepdlng the speed Itmlt?" borhood 0 fBS4 'fO,,\Ja,y no ·of ass e mbled deat!· or ·th., military theT~ . loward mal'l<lng the graves of Confedetatc 1101· .trengtb . tile ~a~~llt , d!llit~ .~r..~e~~I1.~ -'lIjo.t t~~t sre '154:000 btlrl ed be neath the s lib of the ·'un· · lIlc rs· othe r thun ' tli08~ who di ed in northern prlR' " No. Oil tile contrary. It wouldn't move. ant! "I am' 8tQl\dUy gaining In physical It DlalteB 'a ny ' gr~ IIllfer en<;jl. but~' Jl:nowri." Ther P. o re acrell .and'. - acres of th esn ons and But thronghout th e eonth the II police man overheard what I !iBId about It ." Itrenith and brain power. I formerl1 .ould like W know how many lives h. whit·e·h end~-to~ eB lllat mark the !!rnves of soldlere vorlOlls organlzatlolJJI, such as the Unltcct'. COII- . dId mental wor~ and hlid to· give It up ua:. . . . whose 'Ide ntltywas nt!ver established . At Fred- fed e rate Vete rans nnd the Daughter~ of fbI' Con · Indefinitely Poatp,oned. on accoUut or cOrIee. but since uslq erlcksburg, 'i/1 .. the re III another 12.000 gr~ves of " e deracy, have gl\' en aDl p le recog~ltlon' io {he ·' Pop. what's t.he millennium?" Politum.l am doing hard mental labor :Milllllllchusette has joined '.he ligbt men who"" moth m·t\ neve r knew wh er e they. ,rest· . men who - dIed for tha sonthern cause: T~elr "It's a tlole comillg. my ~Ol\. Wh e n there will with lellll fatl~e than ever before." 1--: the deadly batpln. and It . I. cd. Tltore are 9.000 of thent ot MeDlpl:\ll\ : 12.001) bo'dles have been gathere~l· In specIal cemeterJe:l. be Jobs e nough In every admlnlstrntlorr to co N"mp given by PQtltum Co." ~U.. . \. IIf1ll n8t ot SaUr.bury. N. C. ; 5.000 at Richmond; 4,QOO at '~QuUmcnt9 ha\'e been .bullt In their honor and ' around among)hos.e wl;lo want ·em." creek,IUch, ' I , ... .... • law In that /lute that the plni 'NaehTIlle7 and41lm'llar and smaller number\! scat- . the ir graves hav e been approprIately marked . J?oltum now cometi In naw cOQcen_ I t have tbelr points covered. tV'~m· -tered over the country a8 tl whole. At the great.. In the -llollth on Memorllal day thefe are orten . The Trouble. tra1Cd for,m calledl l(l.stant POlltum. ~, . . wbo realize the PDsslble barm est or the nntlonal ce met e rleB, tli'at at Arlhigtou·. · enacted Bcenos that are el'en more touching than ':What WSt the mnttElr with the old fellow who Is N!guiar POBtUm, 10 p~es8ed . ut ·the ~ . thOle sharp. projecting weapon. IIpposlto Washington . D. C .. there Is a sltl,le gTt!1\t those In . other sections. tor 'there tbe veteran's ot was alwBfB arguing with everYbody?" - , .ac, orY {tliat .0nIY. the 8Ql1ible portioa. d ald , the cn'Usa4e. wltbout w&lUn, DlOflument thnt mllr.kll the burylng·. place of 2.111 both 'CIlu8es. those wbo ' w,o re .the ·,blue a~ll! thoie '~Tbe dootprs aeemed to thI9)&'lt Willi 41'&ICUI!.I'~D'I are " ~tallleCt. d J. ~., ' ..: .y- 1&:'.' lUI,d fine. to 'be torced to unknown soldi ers whose remains ' were gll\hered . who "'ore tbe gray. join ha~ J o bono!1Jlfl;,: thB en thll brain ... • ~.o. < Tram the battleflr:lda or VIrginia. militarY. dead. Ofte!!tlm5\" t~e . ~lforrq8 , · lJt the : , ~.L Hut' tba ,unknown ' population or tbe ' national . ~ 'two causes ~ ' worn . b r~ me.ll In ~.erY· , ·tlIV"n[Jla·e . Charles lAIldau, an ·EngUahman. eemeterlea IB to be prcvented from , largeiy' ID' .,~;~" ot ' lare iiI' ev1de"c;,Il : . ~~t. .~n, W~Dt_ baft. ~ M9 nt , ";leaSing. . \ .' ':'( lIiirl~d 1rt:.1l reIlJfzatt~n: of , ~.U."'l~III.Jr ,cAlCi'; :WOII'.l!&,OOO. ~~j, ~olt the nest Tod~y when a man I.s JnBpec ed for llett'~ dut~· batantB, and llie fact ttl,t "':. ~ ' ~. " ..··~ llJa .c:aa.. t\~ JI1>o.tSI taC o.of. Identlftcatlon Ii ' a ,P~ ~I Q.f hj_~ r ~e- del!Qle"; the' rli~·.: '1 <

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Wl"iter in Universalist Leade; Puts the Subject Before All Oenominationalists.


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Corn Planter In operation on an Ohio Farm.

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CAREFUL STUDY OF ALL DETAILS Ear!y Date Advised-Test Out Planter to Le<!rn Accuracy of Drop - One Inch Deep EnoughGe t Rows Straight ( ny Malo n o

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"llti l ile Ill o is t urc dlllltl'tn l'~ra,



I~ , I.h ; 011('· "urll \\i1 i1'! 1 ,Ii.llds ill tlt t"' \\lIi flf cl lll r c :, ull ily today, 10 '" C, 'ri ,,(t" lll. ,1 tu Ib e word d""IlU:ill uth.l:I ; t h p \I'ord , re l(urc;lesA o f It~ . 'tYlllolllgi~ a l ull'a nill g, '; o ll'f'd lu tb e p rl.' pfl l·atinn oi 801 1. tho , to IIC prc CclTl' U. I whi c h IIl a rll ll t1lf' uIJ.l ll cla rl ('s of Ill ' H ill or Dr ill, Whic ~ ? cluslv n ess 'ulld "x clu ~i;' eul' l1~, ano [or· o"eJ :··,'1 plnnter. un.1 1'1 p' · "ll ln~. As Ih(' lillie l hln ~~, 111 ll ~/! r,' I!;i1t ~ , 11\ 1l1( O ~ Th e Olf' l h,, " of Jll:1l1t ;II ~ , \\'h pIll i' r bill hid s flny union wblch i~ 1I01 hb~orI)"", bl" th lngfl, s n thl" ti,' lall " " ' ll l, "~<: l (!d I o r c r il l, ha~ lilil " inll ll l'lI Pl' uI'on (he tiun, '"iILt "'1 rn grow ing d cl , rn: !llfl tilt' hl1l1; ! ylclcl. W it h oolh 1l\(' lhoo s oC 1l1 :J:ll lng, Alld ye t uo wonl ~ o " ntin'l), nll ~ 0( t~, , · Il ltl ll1 3 t l' Ilr O[1111·t: the )'i ,. ld ur ' III HI wh, ' n th l' Slim " lJ l1mbe l' of grains I'cllr 'senls th e spl .. it whl c b llw pll s corn , are Ilia \lI ed per n c re, 00 ,liff(>flWl' r In wJlll1n tb n churc:h fo r it I; ulhl s th e Co "l pl ~ ntlng rt',[: I~ tlpu !l ~1 1('h im' yie ld In fa .v or or on': or t h e otber i ii wnll which prev e uts Ihal (" d,' r atiu n l l' ort:lf '~ <INIllls, wl: iCIl aI''' , Ilnfo rt ~I' 1 nf ten obt ~ ln r.(1. LJllil c uilY Is exp rl· ot (orces which Is aln'ad), 111 t he nnl p!y , ma ny till : 'S overlouked by l' nce tl w t: 1l weeds wh ell ('Ol'll I ~ (Irlll< ',\. heRrts of the grpallllllJorlty. Till , pn~ Iho~c fa rm e rs who fu ll to s e n thC' d e· (, h pcl( I'OWI' rl C' O l'll call II " cl oIlll'a tcd vailing spirit recogn lzl's Ih ll t tll(' ta ll _ Iha t for m tb , more P" ''l'cl'tlb lo moro t hCl l'ou " hly , and th h fa l't is of Ch ris tian chul'c it f'9 nru alreud y olle lnd la ,ge r thlzlg. s lImc lHl t o (,l1 l'llI g 1.0 O\' C' 1'(,0 111 I h~ p o ~· in purpose allf' nr" Jt r'pl apol'l uy Th I s ible highf'r y l t' ld ~ fro ·1t lil'il lc,1 ('01'11, d e nominatlon n l barr ie r.; . H ow to e T me of Plantlog. du l' to :J lllo re CVl' n dbll rllJu lio Il of I'res e rvo lho go o d !lIlh o d enom irmtiol1' Afore Irnl'ortnnce no o d~ 10 bp. p bced \ 1,11 nl S, ul organlzatluu , t o main lain church 'lIm n I he lil1le of pl a nt ing. Coru n eltCh: , Importance of Stra ight Rows. sclr, r esl.e ct, to OltCOUrl1/;e s p pdO c With ,' hpf' k~d I'IJ wf'd ('orn It is 1m. luyalty, to conserve l'very e xi sti ng n lon g I;rowlng I'ea~'on to do Its hc~ t; I it !lIore ofte n ma t ll r s ial " t h a n oll rlv ' forc e, and yet to b r ing them lu lo a III fae : cnrly maturity fur nny "' h'~ I; II pllrtUtll to manipulate tit l' "hnln s o wo rkiu g whole. Is tb e probl e m. 't • J I ' t' . 0 I that the rows will b e as strnlgllt c rossIOCIl I I l' s rar e. mm!l unn n ll l on Y Anll this prohl e m , WI' be lie\'e, Ilnll" ' decreancs tho yiel d, bul r ~du (' p ~ lhl' wise as le n g tliw!. c, "hf'rp. 8111' h Is no: It.:< s olutio n III U ->lILl r, lc worJ. l1v e ry , qu a li ty of the produ c t , It !. ~aro to : Ibe case, tho rou J\ h c ulth'a ll on Is n l· sect r l'cug u.I Zl'M Ib a l it Is but ooe t Imlloss lbl e and a <:arc!ess drl\-e r ~ 1\ . fiay t Ilt t e farmers Il o n o t ' "Ollt as III' kJ' I I 111 llI nmhcr of I Ill! Chrl s ll an churc h, It early as tb e y rnl~ht. w o,te n II \\' out. ' ) ('C~\S !lllll h s. 1 stre ng tb e nll ItSI'l l' tlH~1 il may coutrl · No rl ollnlte time" can be ee t fo r' th e , lit, Is IlTlPOlt'jlll nll, 11 1lt' rO,olrl" , 10 Jl"I\l't1C~ , bute larger se rvic e to 1110 whol .. cbur<:l1 , l) Itint Ing or c o tn, as mucb lI e ll l' n.!!! 1 lin AI onn lUI I' \0,I S dln s{'U l1 g th e slakc 1 an d t h is rec' og nllloLl n !'e d a but 10 Lt e upon t hc s oil and w ea !llt.r c l'nu l{io 'Ii\. ' wn ys p, IlC~ l reetly hur k of tIle Illud e actua I and practical li nd I he way 1'he s oli ne eus to be warmer! tb or . 1 ce nlC'r 0 I Ie ('o rn plnnt!:'r and 1.l1Q to r e nl unilY Is ope n for u se for we oughl y : and Ihls can ocrll r onl" Wbcn , HalllO dl s llln '0 from th e rence, Wh e re hnv o but to strike out from e e~ l esla~LI' he ,oil Is well drained . Tbe \;' oa ther no fe n ce Is uva il able 08 n gul. le , "lace cal lilerature th e wo rd "d l' oomll>a· stiel! In kearb bole afte r the remova l lion ," a ud sub8t1tute III It s \lIn e!, th e InrllC'atlons sbould pre tl ld n o ftl l 't1lf~r "' B~ a nd cold spells. ~u (' h rondltl o ns 0 th u sIn n , a n,J u s~ tllesc as gulclll:l word "department." 1J!I~fl1t1y are found during tbe middl e I rO.r Imbs e Qll,6 nl seU lIll:s. Nono Ltut How would It look ? ot: May, In the SO tl lh c'rn Illlrt or th r I c look e d rO\\B ca n be expected when The Congregationll5t dcpnrtnHHll. Rtnte planting may be tl one In ear ly a ce rtain Ind e finit o uniform puil Is a t · The E piscopalian dt!pu rtllwnt. ~rny, lind In, north e r n scc tions durin g t~m"l e d when set:i llg. gl'en by the Th c Melhodlst d e pllrlm <' lIl , When tile, Good)'ear TIre and Rubber thelii1ddle or th e m o nth. As n gen. UMe of a scale to d c ll'rmlu e :he RllIOllllt Tb e Baptist de portm e ut. Com pan)" Akron, Ohio, II ns comple ted the Or pull wh e n set! It!" Ibe 8"II' c Irre"u t ... o new fac lory addition" It 18 1I 0 W build· '!rul rule, yloldR va ry In'lgnlflcantly " u ,f , .. ' " 'l'lle Pre" byte rl a rl ,·Ie "arl 'n C"l _ I , l I Ih II .. Ing. 115 workIng force Will be In crl'lUIed from planti ngs during a pe riod of two nI'l y n e p o s t on a th n chain out Th E' Uullarlun d c parlm pnt 10 8,000, und places ,,' 111 be made tor to three weeks du rl ug Ihe middle or over tbe> fi el d 11'111 preve ut s tr alg bt The Un iversalis t c!!'partm e nl of thn 2,000 more ''''orlt ers , The 0"dlllo"8 wilt Ma,. droppIn g. By k e f>plng the stnk{'s lu a Christian cb'lreh, otc" e tc. brh, ~ th., working noo r S I>llCO of the facsingle ijl rnlght lin e nt botb ends o r tbe lory to l,iOO,OOO sQunm ( el'!, field , slralgh( oro ling Is Ins ur ed. Straightway nil art! unit ed In t ht:! TheR e "J:llr~. ar e ueed to ,;-ra phlrall)' Testing the Planter the Firat Thing, PI C I i tI h h d tl I Bummurlzo thtt grn"'lh or Ooodyenr trom I II' U an c urc aLI SllrVltlg lTOU~ 1 nothin g In '1898 to IliA In r",""t .Inglo <0111One of tbe things tbat Is MRTly al· How Thlc,k to Plant, thc departme nt wh ich gin's to th e m plin y In {hu wor ld engaged In rullocr v.ays overlooked in ~orn pla ntl n~ Is Th ll thlc knl' SR o f planting lIIuat ba greaest effici e ncy Th e SU(:(,('SH of o~ l e .nnn u fa ture todD Y. , testing tbe accuracy of Ihe 11lanter. dete rmlllNJ by- i.<.U" h fa<'tor8 us 8011, , IS the success or all. De adly CO ll1l J!' ti , Aleron. 01110 , ,,' Ith Its dozen od<l rubb~r t llt' tortes and otllf' r Indufit rl ea. , .. rCf~ OI; · I',\'en with s('cd that Is ve ry uniform variety of COl'U anti the purpose or thB tion Is m easura bly P\mlnal pd, and nlzed Ih .. counlr~' ovu a. an Indu~. In s l .~o and sbape, planters do nut drop c rop. For forag o ye r y thi c k plantinl{ pven p ersonal r elal.l olls of lllPlllbl'r!' trln l marv,,1. II. popu lntlon hn" !:rown t.he de~lr .. d number of k ern e ls In every may be prnc1.lce d, If tho crop Is 10 be are ntrected for th l' b etter, l or bo to rrom Ie.. thlll\ SO,OOO to nPllr ly 100,000 I h I I j In t .. pnty yea r". More Ihon half ot hili, The trouble ll'l In tho )llntes, !:let It s ed for slln"t', t he corn ma y be b e ong to t e sam e C lI1r c I !Jnl a rl' Akron 's hel1<1. of fnmlll ". nr. homo 0"' '' ' tbe Jllallter in a convenient place, tlnd, planted somewha t Ihlcker than It & simply working In dltre r l' nt <I e part ers, The rubber Inllu.lry 611lnulnled by ')\lcrnll ng by hand, test out th e diffe r, grain c rop Is de alr~>d . L a rge vllrletl e. mo nls, . th e enllrmous d.'IIIu.nd fur Ilres for uulO ut pnlrs or plates unlll the m ost nco muat be planted lit a lowor rale than' Of coursc nil lbw. is tru!' ,tiread y In molll les and other motor ,·chlcl •• , 11M r grown b y leAps and b o unds, and Akron C\trn! e pair for tLe seed to b(l llsed Is smallor growing ones, A rerUle soli the minds of many : Is It trlle enollr, h hll 8 grown with It . buildIng up a bu"y city found. In case th esEl do not drop ec- will grow successfull, B. h ell vier plant. to be proclaimed? And by th e chang OU( o( n vilinge a,.tl tilklng a command ing curol4! ly. tho uotches must be filed un· Ing than one low In fertility . Many Ing of a word ClIn W9 Ilot sel forward "l" ~o In A.m erlcan Industry, I b II h r hi Akron pays (\ mllllo,\ and n hair <1011",.,. til the y do the work as required. lolls of low productiveness Ilre planted mgt y t e supreme purpose 0 I S a month II> wage.. The average monthly Yh,lda ann be Increased by s e eIng to too heavily for tbe best yields of corn, Christian hour?- Unlversall st Lead .. r , wag" earn e d Ill' Goo,IY"8.r employ"", In · It 1li8t tll1!)l'lanter drops nccurn le ly. Experiments 1I110n the rale or plant. Cludl n!: men. wom "n nnd npprentt"e., fo r Depth of Planting. Ing by ,;tate eXI.erhnellt Illations have At Our Best. I~IO, 'W"8 :153,98 ; for 19t1 w". SS1AS ; for 191 2 wnR $615.60. Among th e 6.000 OO'ld )'eu r Corn ie orton planted with little shown t hat the 817.0 or I he plant anti No man Is the mall 1)(' ml!:i1 I hu V6 . mpln yr~ . .nhnut 3fo() am women, I hJught. as to the proper delltb or the cal' and tb(> proportion ca r to been-no lllan will b pco mt' th e lllan 11e Goudy<'nr C(1mpany ofl1cI ...I~ tl~c lD rp thaI planting. Plantlng Is done too deen Glalk IncI'Cllse ItS t he rate of planting may b e-- who do es nol !'umll to kl"'''' th .. 8,'c r"G" 10r 1913 will be .tlit hl).:her. room of len than too ehnllow. DlfrE'r' decrenses, rt hus he en fouud that tiEl Jesus Christ, .. ChdRt Is Ull "pp pal to I How Mr, Seiberling Ilnces or from eleven to thirteen bU8h· 1 total weight of the fodder Increfi scil manhood . HIs 18 tb ll pOII' p. r t o uwal(e n Favors f'actory Worker. els per ncre buYe been rOllor led be· wltb the thl.:kness of planting, th e late nt euergills of OliO'S bNl p.r 'elf. 'r 0 k' now hi m i s a C:l 11 t a tl1(' t Ie I!: ItI S . ,,'or1(ed So rne importAnt prob\~ml Il uve b t"e n W ltb soils nbo\'e the ordinary In pro· tv.'een plnntinss at dellths vnrylng Ollt In th~ Irnn",nse Akron tnc1 from one to three Inc he s , In favor of dllctlvenes8, It Is s ... fe to SRY that eoru Peter camo to know him, and t he rae· lorl es. (;'. A. Seib erl ing. PreS id e nt or {h the shallOW plan ling. The depth or Is not plnnted h eav ily cnollgh. On j'O l'. J llIuting became th e granite of sln htl· Oondypn r COlnpany, be lieveR (h"t .. vory nlan tl n" depe nds l111 0n the moisture tile Bolls tonr grains p e r hilI have' tty. Thomas came to know him , and Mr. tll ndly . hould e na"ted to oIVn It. at home. " ., !'I elbe rlln!:, behas tho repulnllon IIvI~ncl physIcal condltlo1lS of the soli, H given best ylelos of groin aud stover, 'I h esitation yIelded to I\ssu ranc c . Dar· Inl-( liP 10 hi. hett c1~, an/! lu thIS ma ll or planting Is done durIng a drought. It Is This rnte , ls shnilllr to thnt or drilling, I tlmeus came 1.0 know hllll, anr! s ight · he hA S mnuc nn e xce ptI o n. This I. wh :lt Important to plaut Ihe k e rnels into wh e n tbe grains nm droppe d evel'y tcrs ! less eyes began to Sl'e. ZaCChn el\9 MI', SeIberling did : .1 I I I Itt I I h I h me to know hIm and Inju s tice h eTI.e GoorlY6ar I'II11lt Ites I\t Ihe pastern moi s t soil, 80 tbat ucep p But nc B m· 0 we ve nc ell n t e row . Well de. I ea , • etilt" of th e ctty. Mr. SeIberling purchas ed peralive during dry spells, U Ille soli veloped ears nr(' sa,erlflclHl nt such :1 : came Il fourfold pow e r of Imcg rity , 150 neres ot irmd ot rarm prlce~. '!'hls III m e llow and unlrorm In compactness" rate of planting ror 'grenter yield oolh Paul calne to know him , lind t. h n h ~ horl pll1tf nu Inro lot~; lh,¥, streets !II f I d , c t b caine th E npo II.. Bun WH o la.ld Oul; the n tflW, were plnnled ; IIhallow Illanting w 'prove more suc· 0 gra n It.n alove r . perse 11 or e h' ~ , . and " amnii l:lke withIn the all otm ent, YIBld Is wbat every fnrmer I. atter, I ytln came to kno\\' 1m , and th e pr<:.o· he ~n"e "tth 113 Ground. to Iho city... c ossl'ul than If the 8011 III cloddy and unllnlform In texture. rt It can be obtained with a lIacrltlca faner be came th e "pilgrim!" _ The B nnrk nnd p1nYl'rounrt. The deptb of pla nting nlUst be such ot looks or ear, let It be dono; If It call sam e transrormations nre he lnt; Then Mr, SeIbe rling n. l(ed to,' plan. ro r I I thl d I ('I I I hou "".-- flgurlng on groUp8 ot 100 hOO8eB thut t.he plant wlll get a proper start, be obtained with greater care aboul wroug It n s ny. n Irs WE' Fee a t" lime .. Tho plnns 800n t"llJwcd. The Und e r such c<'lndltlons no reduced planting. and It can. let It be done, W, ourselves at our best. "Lookin g In t o first hundred hou~s are to be built nt "'Iold occurs from deep planting, are after greater ylelfls-and they are the f~ce of Jesus, we are tran~form!"rJ once, R, .oon no 8prlnll OD~n •. The homes • I hi" R Ell lb wtll r a ng" up and down In prIce anll In Wber,e the seed hed III uniform In coming. I nto t 0 same magc, e ... , • swor ~I~gan~ e, hut nll o f til em will be mode rn. _ I Higley, D , D. ':>p.nutlful nnd really hom"y. ContractIng tor hOl ',~e:" by the hundred obtains a roel(·


~llrr' eSg o r

uf ,\ ,',ri: nltl1:,' , O !:in ~1:ir 6 Unl,"c rs1t y,)

There Is n 1;Plluln!:' d ?~ lrl!, which 18 apl) oaching lh e ulI"' (' r~ul. In (' :trillUan cbure h cB or e vC'ry nnmp, for 60 me torm or IIlIlly, In which the forc es of tn'; Chrl " tian flli t b held In -:U lllln n n, lUay bu mad e e'1T ecli l'c , lIu t the desire hna In a hugo hi c aSU1' p proved fruill ess, be cuu se of the ,u nw illlnRness on th e parl of auy to sacrlfl<:e lhelr cherlMhl'd luh e rltuncl ' or d e nomlna· tional hl ~ tory, tradiU Iln , I.lractlcell, dogama and aulonomy . This HI,ubborIlllt' sS or Int('l;'rlly has 8u('('r.... 6111l1y wit h8tuod e \' ('r ~' assault and e H'ty appe a l ; And r"u lly, It 10 to th l! cTI' di t of thoso h av ln ); con\·le· lion~, to h olo tlll'lll ~u c I' I ' uly , nl1t1 y.!t b pt':tlls C' of Ih l ~. Ih,' J:IO V,'llH' lIt I'f \\lIrds ullit y I~ olay .. d aL t ld H POi llt And tb"!'<'fc/rp. It D ",,<' aI's I h ... t g O.J.I EO nu m e:;tly ~o ugh t mll ~ l b :! lip' (lroach<,d by o nolh.' r pu th : .. pat h throu g h \I hlc' h 9.11 Ill ay ",a lk II 11iIOUl 'w I... ,' ud,'r u f 'iI:lf·l'I l.; p" .:t , all d yet "I th f.:ll llrc ub~!l d on to Ih ,' ~ plrit or l: ui t \' Il oh o uld Lt c udell lli~t \\'IH)\! 'I'l' l' the d etail of praclic ::1 U!.IPObll iou 10 un il y. r c all y II CO nH'H bac l, I\lI all), to p rid e o f null luya1l), to Ihe u IIO llli l1 :llll1 l1 ; tllat

u pon th e fur. : I un" l 'U lIl1 i linnti an ' r-I:.;ht. p L dltln ~ at t hc dl.' tnl ls 11l.1 :t d 1,lh , f front 0 01 to t ll' O illf'II's h








Beautiful Homes at Cost-Rent Applying on Purchase



Untrained Men and Women Earn Amazing Wages After Few Weeks ,of Service-2,OOO More to Find Employment '














The example of a Clinton counU farmer 18 a gooe.'! illustration tbat tile old ord~ Is changing and that the present.l1a)' farmer haa time for 80m. thing else betdde work. , A glance Ilt the IIs~ of reading matt~r coming to this ' home IIbow", _ho:" fully the demaud ror good rending Is m~t. III all lthlrteen dlJrerent publications are ic~l,ed. The~ are classltled a f follows: one city dally. two ~oun.ty papers, two agrIcultural p.a perl (one general and devoted ....t'o the sll(lelal,.l,\J.Io ' lIl,nrut-rll181In« ' In' whlob .man Is





Notbln;hl~':II~"tl~~'~:r~;~~' eXerlln!:l

great an InHuenc('! on the thoughts On being remInded that an auto show of men tollay B8 the t e Achings of was helng held In a city sixty m:los , Chrtst. They are sllentlv but po wei" away. this farmer remarked tbat he tuJly, changIng th e hab'lts and the bad beard of It, anll It would bo tho thoughtfl or men , TheM tenehlng~ tlrst one be had missed ror ",evera) are more POWOI'hll thlln auy pOlitical YMra, , • or bUill ness creed anll are destined :0 Two chlldlen In the family ",re now make the greatest hilltor), th e world In thel!, Jun'or year at the state unl· bas ever k'n own. Tlm most rospected varsity. the ~on taking tbe agricultural ])ersonalltt of ,Jeslls Cbrlst. He ~me c~ur8e an~ the daugbte.r, the domestlo to give men. lifo abtllldantly, and lIe Is Bclence course. This lnan gives hie it to ~hem. That Is the heart time to worklpc on the tarm and 'su· Gospel ' the "abundant lit. pel'lnt~ding tb_. "ork pf , otbera, , ' H.' ' " of It, history ' Is :;,. has other Int~resls besides. , H~ II • most mnrveloull at lome tlO"OIlei-ttIJl8, ' cq1l'ce~e tbe greatest tii. cPlnru"ull~y, II! , In ,churob ;



t o rl N' w('n t rtg- ht on-1.nd Ak~n b f'came

Who Will Own The.e Homeo? The" "

hous c~



Icno wn the co untr)· o ver 0 1" ··tho city

go to Goo dyear

worlcme n nt n.ctua l r os t; farm la nd CUHl tor the lot-and pro rata cos t fo r h OU5 S c ontracted In J 00 lols. The wo rkman elm·

pi)' moves Into the house or hi .

out n panic," C h a ndle r




Th e slogan ot r omm E' r c o 18

OpI'f' rtllnlty,"




·'AJcron- 'l'h.

A Few Welfare Feature.

ch oke

(Lnd pays th e cqu lvnl cn t ot r en t: the r e n t.

In this CHIlC. np p llc8 on the p urc h n se or hl~ Here orB R. roW' not o,,,orthy f ealurfOfl or ha Rl e . In te n Year" a Ooodvl'ar fam il y modnrll r lu ' tOry maml.~em.,n t a.a worked ma n acr1.t .I~m e d to pay ing r . n't glide. Int ,out by Ih e Goodye!l r aumlnl8t rath'c tore... th e Oii\' n f' rHhlp ot' n \){>auUful mod e rll home n e(rl sc' r n t(Od we ll wat e r piped throagb .. altn o~t without knowing It _ c~ r"'lllly o ut th p rnc t o ry , without t ee llng th o COS l. Think wllnt it An ~(n l~I ["nf hoprn ltn1 . with doctor anI! win m eA n t o th ese fortunat e t aml ll cf' to tI'a tlH~ d nur!"lC ,~. t o 100It a.fter ttle genero.J 6 udd(l nl.v WRite to tho r Ollltznl1 on tlllH h C'il lth o( work t:> rn nnrl sive prompt treat ..

th eir homo Is th eir own. Ill ellt to Inj urle9, however Slight. Of th r I d d A rado ry lunch room uccoDlmodatJnl e nur ,un rc nnd nfty Bcr es of 1,5tlO at one time where good, 8ubstllntlal

purc h nsrd. eve ry n c re til oVllllnhle All th e lund will b e d e "(!If1p ed ll9 til l' drmand


tor t he Goodyea r rumlly nllntm enl. ,:,,~ we_nd

bea utl(ul hills ide. IInil ' Il llc}'o enst or t,he Goou)'eur ~lIlIl t will eo.?n be dOlled .... It h hom"s. r wnnt eve ry Goodyenr workmnn to hnve hI. own h ome, " say" Preslilent F. A, Seiberling, who has pel'llonally mad .. tho enormous Inv estm ent necessary to develop the allotment plnn. "r ~nllzo that It IS , otten an uphill slru\:l>:le tor the worker to obtaIn n home o( hi. own, ~sp@cl""y Ir he hnft re nt to pny nt the "nme time. My pJ~"




c onvert fhe


husln69H, Home oWn€'rn arc ('on t ented I1nl1 mAk e h~ tt(' r wOI'kmen. Tha mnn wllo

and will .ettte IInwn 10 I," :.-I n)( tor"

home ho s rn ore chR r a c t e r anrI abi lity ellln

tho mnn without ambition, So rh e worl,· m:1n nnd Cl1lnpa ny hoth t)roftt b)'


trnntmctton:' "heo plan 8S worlt ed out win mrnn {I. A:l \-Ing for m en who bu r h om es tha t r a nge trom $,>00 to $:!,OOO, O('cardlng to the .I.e

rot the

h a u~" .

regul8.r Ak ro n



Te fl1

All "fOclency and welfare d partment. to Mf.t Sl b OJ; l nn crft; t o

I. bnsed upon

f.!ctll.tu prices.

No "Occupational DIsease," Goodyear fnctory bulldln!:'. ar" mo<1. rn , ,,1th plenty ot II lt"t: pure, ",>Id ,lrlnl<ll1l; w(lt"r, ample ."nltatton lind wl)rklug c(l ndllinn. liS .. gre~"bl e lUI money nn<1 C'lr" enn ma~e them. Th ere nro no "O CCUP!\fl onal d lso!\8~8" In (h e rubber Indu. tr)'. I\f~n of .klll e~rn $3,50 'n $5,01' a d ~ y . Expert tire mak e.,., nre devp. lopL'<I In trum four to .Ix w .. eks, HlInilred~ or men fr<>tn .mall town s, untraIned, unacc us lomed to wages grouter th nn 51.50 per <1ay, have come to the Oondyonr plllnt, and 800n enabled th ,, ", .e lv~. to ~nrn from p,r.o to 1-1.50, All theRe rhlnlf' I1nve cont1"l1111led to Akron's unique Indus (rlal position. In 190'1. when ftnanclal dlfncultles .pr1>nd

b_ot_ to_m_Prl_C_e,_ _ _ _ _ _--:-_oV_ .. ,.._t_he_ c_o u_nt_ry._. tho Aleron nJbber tao-

IJt! ft

that ernen haft

th e ,,'ork for whIch they ar.e best adaptied· to lool( Into grlevllnt·e. Bnd lJee llutt riley nre ndJuste,1 on n busl. of raJr deal/ns tor Ihe men all ",ell .... tor th., mlln,,~ ment. Tilt. Ilcpllrtment. tm<1cr th .. dlrectlon or Mr. C. n. Jnhnson, done wonderll '" building up Goodyear .phit anAl ,.."llllng Good)'enr worlten Into 1\ real fn~I ~ I,v with n loynlty te the Compan, thnt ~thaton(]. "Imolt any crlltIs.


Employment Bureau

Into home

IlB)'mcnt s-n nd to provIde tho homes nt r os\. My pny? II'. n plaIn matl er at ~nn

tood Is Ra id Ilt n 'tunl coat_

In the bu r enll or e mployment. red ttlpe I. ,1I. 1l<llscd with os ror aM 1l0 .R lbl ~, Hon · esty or rwrpo s e Is tho chle! creden tial And nttrlh~tf'd hy g ood ..'nges, good, h f!ld t h (ul \vorl( , and wond~rrut cbnn c"8 tor the ru tun~ , w ("I rk .. rs ever}"Wh e re who want to d o bl.'tlr:1'. tHe l onlt1nl;' townrd AkronII,.. city of npporlunlly. Appllcatl'One, bot h wrltl l!n and tn pe t"!lon-trom expert.

- trom nt> prc nUc •• - from men Ilnd frem

wornt?n·- n re POll ring In-an t8 be Clal'e· tllll y considered by IIIr, .1ohnoon. Yel ao nl R Il l" [1 rc t he s ta tlons to b e fllied aDd 110 m :'l l1 V ure th e kind s of work to be don" that th e l.Josl tlo ns htlY& scarcely begun to

be filled, Th (l1te r ecr nl dev(llopmentlJ havo mad. nl)l)c1y en l" stnnd out as ~ notablo exnrnplo

or lnod'rn mel hod. or rn a nagement. Oil I he' whol e, th" Goody ear Family Is a hal>lJY fam Il y. It ha~ ulrendy uUtp-cted expe rt" nnrt nppre ntlc:cs from all OYer ttlo country a n d n o w th ere ' s roum ror 2,000 more!

L:ont ont me nt


aeo n on every fa.ce- the

strth e. wh \e h oftcC'ted Ooodyenr least or



B o ttl('(l - p enc~

an" .prosper1ty now

pn'vnll o ntong the Goodyellr workers.

And nil. wi th the r esult thol the lIr.. output 0( th" Goodyear rnetory Is the lar~ st In the world. And about thl! Ut. busln (>l!J!I, other tine.


r,ubber manufac-

ture are helng built up to g1ve tile great Akron fa c lory tl balance" produ ct.-Adv.

Metamorpholl.. Protection Against ~.II, Safeguarding L.lre and L.lmb. "Last ml)lltll Jones su,,,eale d my J:()o The F renc h government 18 encourag· German society of elcctrlclans has Ing ex pl1rlmonta with a new device to aUlIeln ,u a costly gMt! medal to be Ing Into a nloney·making Bcheme wllb prote .. t against hail, essentially a very awarded annually lor the b es t devIce him ," "And dltl you embrace the opportulargn IIght.nlng rod of pure copper, or process producl'd In any couDtry which III claimed to affect atmospheric for sareguardlng lit., or 11mb or pro- nity?" "Ycs , and Boon tound that I was hUI' electricity so that hall stoDes cannot moting bealth In the elootrlcal Indu. gll'!; a delusion ." rorm. try. easy, A farmer lIaw a reclpo advertised tur keeping wells and cisterns tram freez. Lng In winter. Ha~lng lIent , a dozen stamps, be received I the follOWing: "Take In your w ell or elstern at night a,nd ',taud It In , tront of the flre ,'"

NIce Scratchers. Ir a calendar SE1eD19 too ,pretty to destroy, paste a pleae of sandpape~ over the c,\l e ndar pad and uso as Po match scratch . One of th'lse will not come "ml§, Ln each rool \ It gna la used. ' Polntln"

0"" the


,',F1nailcle~"To think that a son

. would !ci'lb:




Fate. One bird lilts on a bough and sings gloriously. Another !llrd Sltfl on & nearby bough and chirps. " And yon fanoy you get n plaintive note III th_ ehlrpln.!-not tbe note of, envy, but or }(Inglng,







~ unduy evening , at School Audito-! On Monday of this week, I drove r ium, marked the first step in t he Lo the hOr1)e uf J S. Learning, 6" ~ cxercises fur the forti eth a nnu al m ih~ from Waynesville, in answ er I (·f) Il.mencement of the Waynesville Lo a. letLel" to come and p ut up some lIi).!"h Schoo!. At 7 o'clock the hall fe nce. Having- seen an article in Did you ever count the cost or replacing dl.'eds, /'cl{an to jill a nd by the tim e the last wc(·k' s (;a;: etle about him and mortgages a.nd other valuable papers? If you :-len'ic c bega n, man y were standing . hi s exce llen t corn, of which I huve are kecplng anything of the kind in your A t S o' clock lhe march played by I raised a few cr:>ps m .l·se lf. and found homes, remember it is at the mcrcy of the l\li ~ Svbi l Hawke, Hllllounced the ' il to he O. K. clements, and certified copies wlll cost more A lot of 10 and 12 qU/lr( S co min).!"·uf the g:raduates an d teach - ; It WM t he firs t time I had cver than the rental of one of our C f' S who took tlll' s cats reBern·d 1'(' 1" Mr. Learning, and I m ust say th"m in the fronl. that I never spent a more pleasant A Im.lies qua r tet, con~i ~t inK IIf Iday in my life, although he had I: Also, a 101 of 251: and J;:i . l\1 C~dame s (;ruusl'r, Wright, Crane , tel ephuned me at 6 o'clock that Ordinary Size, $2.00 the year and Linton ''Ing II pleasing quart et . 'I morn ing to wait until Wednesd ay, • .. As ( ;ocl Leads." after th is H, ·\·. 1-' . a ~ he was look ing for company . But B . Thompson read a Scripture h'::!~ ()n I ~()t ahead o f the telephone, having and I{e\,. C. S. Grauser 011\' 1'00 a left at 5:30 o'clock: prayer. Another selection I,y the It was a pretty thro'lged day fo r - -' - - ===--= - - - - - - - - - - VISIT OUR- - q uartet, "Lead Kindly Ligh t ," was Mr. Leaming, but he kept us all rendered. bu sy . Also my nephew. Jimmy Hev . J . F. Cadwallad er, Whl) ~l ' text Woollard, wh o is employeu as farm wa>l "V ri ft ing ," gave one of thc 1hand there and who is makinggood, st ronges t ~crm o n ~ev e r h eard in Way ' as Mrs. Leaming remarkeu to me at n e~ vi ll e. He lIIade one , good !,oillt supper that we think we have the after a nother, and not only the class only boy, bU lthe whole aud ience w er e hene· Mr. Leaming has wonderfully imfited. proved the old farm which he bought Anothe r selecti on bv the qua rtet . of Jose ph Pain te r , an old acquain"I get more service out of Chadie Reed's " Tarr y Wi th Me," and the ut'ned ic- tance of mine. Brooms than any other broom I ever used." tion by the Rev. J. F . Cadwall ader , H. Woollard. 1iI and the services for the evening Sold by e nded . NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS The music by the quarte t of 1 The June, 1913. tax receipts are, (adi e~ , und er th e direct ion of Mrs . WOMAN'S AUXILIARY and ha ve been ready ,' si nce Decem ~ Late Classified Ads Lint.on, wag of the best ever r cnrlered bel' I, 1912, and th:Jse wishing to by 18cal talent, and many were the The regular meeting of the Woavoid the d elays and crowds, ocwo Whf'e l Pu~h Cll rt, Llldderll, ,man's Auxiliary was held at the rec- praises e xt ended to them. Price, 25e, 30e, 35e, 40c and SOc each casi on ed by waiting, should pay Bee !:live , !<'rui, tree Sprayer, ory on Friday aftp.rnoon, May I I', t Trimmed or Untrimmed NO W. S. S. ASSOCIATION Chioken C"OPM. Feedmg Pens, Pottl.. loe!! and B oUf:lf'hoJld Goods. Marne 1913. 2 Remem ber that not;ces will NOT be senl UNLESS REQUESTED, , ______________________________________________ Urown, WUYllesvll1e, Ohio. m In Or gan ization in the Sunday School. After two selediom of music. "All Hail the Power of Jesus Nam e." t he trained teacher, the Sunday and s uch requests MUST be accomand "Holy City," the m eeting was School and modern problem!S, and panied wi th a two cent stamp. ~-----------~ opened with prayer by Rev . J. F. Let ter Sunday Schools f or Warren :1 Wh~n sending for receipts a Cadwallaeer. Scriptural qu otat iun s county are the t hem es on which al"e 5ELF ADDRESSED STAMPED ENwere given in response to roll-cal l. basrd the progMlm for the Warr en VELOPE MUST BE ENCLOSED, After the reading of the minutes County Sunday School Convention to for r(' ttl rn of receipts. 'and other business the regular pr o- be held at Springboro, Thursd ay and 4 'r ,] ~ time of payment w ill be gram for the day was taken u p which Friday, May 22 and 23. extended to SATURDAY, JULY 19, consisted of the following readings: Th e address of we lcome will be 191 3, at. which time the collection "David Livingstone, " Miss McKay; made by Rev . J. R. Wynd, of the M. will POSITIVELY close and the "A New Building for the General E . chu rch , of Springboro. imme· penally will be added, and no further Convention". Mrs. Bentley; "Train- diately foll owing the opening Thurs- notice will be given. ing Hands and Heads in Mexico," day morning. Judge Alex Boxwpll, [) If you wish t o inqu ire about "SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE." Mrs. Crane; "S.uthern Ohio' s Day of pres;dent of the Country Associa- taxes by mail, do so EARLY as it is Need," Mrs. Cadwallader." tion will deliver the response . H, IMPOSSIBLE to ans wer you before After adjournment a number of C. Cridland, of Dayton, secretary of the collectior. closes, if you wait If you have Wool for beautiful selections on the Victrola the Montgomery County Association, until the last. sale, call me up, as I will were rendered. will address the d elegates imme· B. C, HOWELL, JR., Enterprise Bldg., Waynesville, Ohio. -------.~diately precedinll noon . Treasurer. pay you the highest cash DEATHS "The Teacher's Purpose in Teachprice for it. ing," by Rev. E. W, Thornton, of AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sarah Ann Berryhill, aged 83 Cincinnati, will follow the son" and Preaching services at the usual years, died at her late home on the prai se service of the Thursday 'a fterhours next Sunday morning and Bellbrook pike, Thursday afternoon noon seMion. Rev. Mr. Thornton evening. At the morning service a at 1 o'clock, of pneumonia, The and Mr. Cridland have promised to "Bible Reading" will be given by funeral took place at her late home appear Thursday evening. Rev. O. Saturday afternoon. at 2 o'clock . W. Riley, of Lebanon, Supt. Teacher the Pastor. The subject for the Interment was made in Bellbrook. Training Department of the Warren evening sermon will be "SteadfastPhone 135 The deceased was the wKiow of th e Ceunty Sunday School Association ness ." Remember that Sunday School late Matthew Berryhill, who died will conduct the teacher's training WayneSVille, Ohio. will be"in at 9:30, Teachers are exexactly a year ago. commencent'mt ' in which all grad· pected to De in their places 10 minuates in the teachers training deute~1 earlier. Some specials have partment are expected to be present. been provided for' this session. All Geor"e N, Brown , aged 65, died Mrs. J. Frank Smith, of Bucyrus suddenly at his home, one mile north and W. A. Eudaly, of Middletown: are invited to attend . Outwttted the Cabby, P. B. Thompson, Minister. One day It was ruining very heavl1y of Ferry, Saturday morning at 11:45 In Berlin, and a wealthy merchant, Oll o'clock. of pneumonia. The funeral President of the Ohio Sunday School Associationlwill deliver addresses at leaving the exchange, halled R cab UNCLE TOM'S CABtN and asked to be driven to a distant was held at his late home Tuesday the closing session of the convention afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev . P. B. J)art of the city. On the way the merFriday afternoon, Harmount's Unci: Tom's Cabin chant discovered that he bad forgot- Thompson, officiating'. He leaves a Front line and premium honors Company which arrived here Sunday. t~ to put his purse In his pocket.. widow and four children, Edward, V. hat was to be done? On reaching Norman, Henry and Bertha Brown. will be awarded at the roll call of played to a full house Monday evetownships and schools Friday morn- ning. The company was unusually hIs destination he got out of the cab and said to the driver: "Will you ing. A round table discul!8ion will fine .. and the show was clean through:please give me a match? I have be conducted by Rev. C. S. Grauser, out. They can be I1-ssured of a large Preache,.. With Odd """eL oropped &. gold-piece on the tloor of :At Canterbury Il Partrl4ge ~­ aud i ence every time they come to ,' the cabo" Instanter the cabman whip- ed, at Peterborough a Pheasant, at of Waynesville, Is thoroughly equipped Waynesville. ped 'up hie horse and Boon dlsappelU' Rlpoll a Bwana" at St. Albans a OOBST. MARY'S CH URCH - - ed round the next corner. to do all classes of best Ung, . whUe at Lincoln a Bullock was Hot Corn Bagll I lllrtoned to, no doubt wtth great atAn excellent substitute for the ex- i 1st Sunday after Trinity, May 25. tention and profit. At least. few of penllive hot water bottle of rubber Is Called Nerve PoIIOn, the pret!ent member!! of the Anglican Sunday School and Bible Classes at .Frederlck Ni etzsche agreed with episcopate can not Rssert that they 9:30 A. M. Mornill" Prayer and made by heating common field com, ' IIhelled, In a pan in the oven. When ' those who fOlllld no Illsplralion In are "neither fish, flesh nor fow)," for thoroughly warmed, pour It Into cloth mUlde. Indeed, he regarded music as we find among our bIshops In various sermon at 10:80. bag!!, such .as salt and Bugar are pack· , a nerve polson, and declared t h at Borne parts of the world P.. Henn, a Part· OUR INVITATION ed In. These filIed bags are light and ' mUBio-partlcularly that of Wagner ridge, a Peaoock, a Woodcock., .. PolTo all who mourn and neeri com- pliable, and satisfactorily answer ev- I and Tschalkowsy - deranged the lock and a Roach.-<!hurch Family fort- to all who are weary and ne~d ery purpose of the hot water bottle.. mlD4B of many who heard It. Tllch- New.paper. 9.ikowBlry killed himself after completrest- to all who are friendless and -McCall's Magazine. Classified Ads bring the ' Largest Ing his famous "Sixth Symphony," need frienflship- to . all who are ,~~~.~~~~-~~~~~~~ whloh, as senral oth er have died by Results. One Advertiser says: homeless and need shelter- to all thetr own hands atter playing It, has come to be known as the "suIcide who pray and to all who do not but uPlease don't use my Ad again, as I sold my Symphony." who ought- to all who artl in sin and horse on Friday. The buyer saw the Ad in the need and to whomsoever will - this I' OazeUe and came right over and bought, I am opens wide the door and goiog to use your columns freely." ArtI.uo Pottery. Fancy LargeStrawberries church makes free a place, and in the name lllngllsh IlDd American pottery showFresh Berries every day, v.. ·. Welcome, PUl'!luan~ to the provlKloD8 or the IBllt will Ing the silver deposit work Is ' very of the Lord , saJ or Elizllbeth B. Moore. deccasod. the uuderpretq. This Is newctr thltn the designed"" execlltor of the last wlU of o"ld - -- - - • Elizabeth B. Moore. d_asod. will offer tor posit on glass, which hao lost Ita popNew Potatoes, New Cabbage, .ale lit Public Auction on tbe premllllll. 00 NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ularity because or Its fraglll~, An Inthe 1.9th da, of JUDe, 1913, Ilt a o'clock . Pine Apples, Fla. Oran~es, M .. the rol!owlnfdeeCribed reale<ltate to-wlt:valid would apprectate one of the potNew Sweets, Texas Onions. ' • BeIDa part'o lot number four iD President tery tea sets, which is so Ingeniously Owing to a case of rabies having Squllre ot the town or Wayneeville In tbe Warren. State ot Ohio commenc. V ountyor Advertisers are all good firms. fttted togethor that It takeR \ up only Chick and Hen Feed, Cracked been reported to .thls department It Ing lit the comer ot Thlrd and H\«h streets; a few Inches on the tray. The English Corn, Oyster Shell. and you ea~'t . miss It by giving is hereby ordered that all dogs run· ~~~:;~~lt'::~SI~~e<I~~~h~a:~e_:~~n:ti.; ware ta either )lack, white or dark . t I .' th '11 b part of said lot No . • , heretofore sdld by brown In color, while some of the mng a arge In e VI age e muzo Zackllrl.... Andera and w(toto J . F. Kaver; them your patronage. New Mild Cream Cheel'e, Wafer zled for thirty days from this date . thonce the IIno of Kaver teet northAmerican ware Is beautifully ahaded wardly 1I'Ilh two hundred anltsaid fourteen alx Sliced Dried Beef. In tones ot brown. The village marshal is inlltructed to lochee to the dlvlalon liDe between lot No.• Those good Edgemont Crackers, & 8 square ; thence with oallt line take up all dogs founds wIthout muzy seventy one teet, tbree iDchea to Creamery Butter. . street; ' ,ienee with .ald street two hunzles. By order of the Boo.rd of and fOIl , "een teet 81, Inch.. to the beHard Work Carted For. Fishing Tackle of all kinds. One ot the popular song demonstra.Health, Thos, Sherwood, M. D. tors was milking mON! racket than Heilith Officer . • usual the other day In one of the big Bring Uil your Butter and Eggs, J. 0, Cartwright. I!'tores, his voice reaching fllr beyond It pays to trade at ~. President Ex. Officio. ';;:-L'::-.""-_;;;-C'_' III umaJ limits. A lIIIles woman In

A t,.

Rogers~ Store -




Galvanized Buckets . 14 & 1 7c

.Whips, for .









Waynesville National Bank

50 and lOc Counter




One Lady Said'

- - -------

& SO N ••••

















The Miami Gazette (!Commercial


. The Gazette's


I Executor'l Sale of: Real Estate


The Gazette's

Take the Gazette a Year

- - -.........


- ..- - -

another departmellt, _lng one of her cU8tomen rice at the terrible vocal J EnemIes. ,no_ ezvla1ned: "You soo he got here Knlcker-uJones say! he fa an 1m·a Uttl. Jate thiB mornIng and baa to " In a hurry cau 88-2 · P~loDf8t." Boc~er-" T}I,.eIll ~ : .. alJ:I.It leGd to catoh up," . , - - - -_ _ _- ._ _ _ _ _, II1Ippre~,." ,. ..-.~ , -<'>


•.,:.: >I'! ;









Whole Number 3213


fortieth Annual 60mmencemenl



Wayne Township Schools

Joseph L, Phillips, son of Gabrif'1 Jt was t hought advisable to change It and Susan Phillips, after a lingering the band concert th is week to Friday '\ illness, died at a hospital in Dayton, evening inRtead of Thursday evening. Ohio, Saturday, May 17, 1913 in the Thp concert will begin at 8 o'cloc~ Of the Waynesville Higb School is Held in Schooi 65th Have ~ Fine Display of School and Art Work at year of his age, Following is the program. Auditorium Thursday Evenlng--Alumni Their Annual Exhibition- - A Good Program One of a family of eleven children , 1 March - Fraternity only five-three brothers, John, of 2 Wal t z- Sobra Las Olas Association Holds Reception Is Successfully Carried Out. Waynesville, Charles, of Xenia, and 3 Medl ey- War Songs Stephen, of Washington, C. H., and 4 March- Nahant two sisters, Melissa Redfern, of 5 Sch ' ,l tische- Solituds Xenia, and Ann Phillips, of this 6 l\1;.rch- Palatinus • The eig ht schools of Wayne TownRuth Zimmerman perfect. and her execution of difficult place, survi~e him. 7 Song. March- Finale COULDN'T SHUT MAC OUT ship were well represented on Wed· Mary Sherwood passages was without a flaw. Her He was married to Martha Adams, • _. nesday. of last week. in school work, , Lucille Thompson simplicity and perfect music won for who died July 12, 1900 at their home Our Miamis journeyed to the school spirit. and representatives. her a storm of applause. in Xenia, The deceased Jived the SA Y BOYS! HERE'S FUN Warren County Fair Grounds, Sun- The parents and children began to Nina Smith Albert Cleaver on "The U. S. younger years of his life in and near , _ , d a y afternoon. and proceeded to arrive early and by 10:30 a. m .• Odd Elizabeth Mart Weather Bureau" made his hearers Waynesville. later removed to Xenia ~he_ Prot~~l~ve and Dete~t;eIlAs- wi pe up the g round with the Lebanon Fellows Hall was crowded, G1cnna Hoblit think they were in a weather ob. where he resided until his death , soclalJO~ WI ave a game 0 a on team - score 8 to 1. Gebbart, the' The -teachers had worked busily Day at 10 o'clock at M'lamlS - s ta r sou th p a Yo,' Was I-n r are for the two day:! prevIous . . . . obhgmg . - and DecoratlOlI Lawrence Brown Iservatbry,. as he told of the manner IndustriOUS gemal " In ar" PhIllip's park between the Country f d h d th t t b ' . in which the weather men made always cheerful he made and held a · arm all a . e coun y seu oys rangmg the school matenal for exAda Michener their daily observations by means of large/circle of f~iends. ; nd To~n(?) If b YI~U dwa?tt to -~ee ~~~- eating out. of his nand I1t all times, hibit. Each school's work was Ruth HansO(:k instruments a~d charts. His deHis funeral was held in Xenia, essl.ona a on mIss IS Only four of his offerings were hit shown separately and it would be Albert Cleaver scriptions were fine and he received Rev. Hoffman. of Trinity M. E, ' game. • _ • to the outfield and Lebanon s~cure? interesting should space permit to a generous share of applause for his church offic!ating_ \ FELL AND BROKE ARM not the least semblance of a h~ t until tell what each school presented: (b~t effort. The pall bearers were his three a~ter two. men were out In t~e this has been left for Mr. RIdge s The fortieth annual commence- The orchestra renderd another brothers, John, Stephen and Charles, : Oln last Satur~y Mrs. Earl Orn- elR'hth: HIS team mat~ gave hIm camera). All worked out mllny inment was held at School Auditorium, selection, after which Mr. Campbell and three nephewi. Stephen and, dod' had the misfortune to fall and splendId support, both m the field dividual ideas which so much belped Tnursday eveninll', and was a very presented the diplomas. Rev _ P. B. Charlie Phillips and Jason. Redfern. , break her arm, She is getling along and at b~: ' in makin.g the display a success, pretty as well as instructive one. Thompson pronouneed the benedic- Int.erment in Xenia cemetery. I nicely. however, Lebanon ~ only run was a gl~t, Besides the showing of manuThe class of ten - two boys and eight tion after which the audience depIne and SImple, from the umpire scripts, writing: composition, spellgirls-all the cur~ain rolled up ~d parted well pleased with the exerMcClelland, who had done splendid ing and other class work, excellent. diSclosed them seated on a prettily cises. I·-::::"':.~: :::':"~" "_.m I . . . . . . : : : . : : : . - : ; - , work during the rest of the gam~. work in basketry, weaving, sewing, ! 1 Afte~ Thompson. had struck out In bead work, · burn~wood, carving, decorated stall'e, made a handsome setting for a llradualing exercise. The Alumni Reception !I i t the mnth. Noon sm~led and we.nt to coloring. drawing, mounting and The class' returned to the timeI 1second on Alstock s out, DaVIS to designing. was shown. Among the honored custom of essays, with two The thirtieth annual reception of .---1 i Surface. Frazer singled to left and collections were noted: leaves flowexceptions. And with the . bright the Waynesville High School Alumni -_._............. .... ...... ...~._....... ~~ ____.....J Noon started in the general direction ers, woods, seeds, butterflies ' and but short orations, the evening took place at School Auditorium Homer Carey was in Day\;(,n SatWeb Meeks is suffering with rheu- of the home "Iate but was met Indian relics . • passed quickly and profitably. Friday evening. The secretary, Miss urday. matism. about three feet from the base by The crowd lingered around the Over the stage the motto of the Martha O'Neall, by her indefatigable Burton. who touched him with the display room looking over this work '13 class was displayed: , "Tonight work, aided by her cohorts, made C, E. Bratton, of Kings Mills Wall Mrs. Belinda Rogers is rapidly re- ball. McClelland was suddenly of the country cbildren until about we launch, where shall we anchor," this reception . what it was, and in town Monday. gaining her good health. stricken with temporary absolute 10:30 a. m., at which time the exerworked in crimson letters on a black everything PUlled off smoothly. with blirldneas and declared the runner cises of the day began;- The m&rnback ground- tho class colors- and a good crowd of alumni present. For rent-Cottage of 5 rooms on Miss Josephine Oglesbee is home safe. The seore: ing period was turnl!d over -entirely made a handRome appearanee. At 8:30 the vice-president, Seth North Third street. from Oxford for a week. hil A-MiS to the children and their work was After the orchestra had pl~yed a Furnas '08 rappP.Ci fol' silence, when H be t W . k f Col b H. D . Keill-son, of Sprl'ngboro, All n H PO A E highly pleasing and creditable. erdown r for8rw1C, 0 ~ um US\ was in to""' Mondav. . d'inner at -t he MMOine . selectl·on Rev. C. S . Grauser invoked Rev. J. F. Cadwallader I'nvoked the came the Alumni. SurllU!l!. Ib_ , _. -" g _! ~ ~ g 2 Th e piCnIC a blessing, and Mr. Campbell intro· Divine blessinlr. after which the ., .. R~n,r~: : : : : : : :: 0 1 a 13 2 0 Ball, was one of the pleasing features duced the clasS. readiIlg of the-minutes of tat yesr's Mias Anna Thompson, of Dayton. Misses Annie and Marne Brown ~rr.J:r, 2~: '_ :::::: ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ of the day. About 100 cbJldren ate The1i1'8tspeaker on the program meeting and the- roll call wereat. attended Alumni Friday evening. were in Dayton Saturday. R~~~::::::: : :: ; ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ firatandahappier, jollier lotwould ~"las Miss Ruth Zimme.r man, whose ~ended to. 8~r.:r~.crp :: :: :: : : ~ ~ ~ ~ g be hard to find. Thev were followed sweet manner and atmplicity won _ Seth Furnas made a few happy reMr. and Mrs. Allen Haines, of Xe- Dan Hockett bas pure Jersey - by many others her heare~ to her immediately as marks after which Anna ' Sellers nia, attended Alumni Friday evening Sweet Potato plants for sale. Total._, _.,.". 39 8 10 21 II 2 The afternoo~ prBgram COlIBiIlted' .' -f; ~ __ she told in a briel oration of what ~tahl :87 ,r endered a delightful piano - -- - LEBANON of exereises by the children and a "Gills" haa done and what they solo. and had to respond to an encore, Quite a number of base ball fans Mrs. Nathan Hawes, of Spring Bums, 2b __ _. _, _. ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ ~ most excellent address by Hev. C. S. were doipg in the realm of com mer- - 'Welcome to the class of 1913 was went to Lebanon Sunday to see the Valley, attended the Alumni. Thompson. lb . ,. . ! ~ ~ ~ ~ g Grauser. Mr. GrauMr discu8led ciallife... Her effort was well re- •D'ivea by Ma'" Gray '09 and was regame. c.- _ .- -- --:; •• 00 01 ~• .] 11 many problems that confronts the '.z Jesse Lewis and Ray Hartsock ~~~oJ:: F eeived. j _ _ sponded to hy V'Aile Thom ...... n '13. Kr&Zem~p,88cf''',: : : : : S 0 0 1 0 0 teacher and !!Chool-board todaIIv • In ..... rEva Woollard viBited her sister werEl Cincinnati visitars last week. "'" ""i Apianodue(.py theMis<Je8 Mary Both!!peecbeswereheartilyenjoyed. Mrs. S.C. Phillips in WashingtonC. ~,':rrd~'ab:::::: ; g g g ~ ~ teaehing he , would pJaee especial , Sherwood and Lucile Thomp60n Sybil Hllwke '08 offered a voeal H. last week. Born-To Mr_ and Mrs. J. A. Mc- }i~: ll~~::::: :: : ~ g g ~ ~ ~ emphasis on tlte study of the body, brought forth a round of apphlUse, 8010 in a pleasing manner and rECoy, Thursday May 22nd, a daugh· Totru..". ..... 30 a 21 13 U on efficIency and moral training. as they _finlsb~_ Both of _tliese sponded to a hearty encore. . Mrs. Flo Dyke. of Spring Valley. ter. 1 2 a , II 8 7 8 9 The day came to an end all too young ladies plVed their respective 'Justina Hartsock 'It gave a read- spent ~veral days last week with F. MI&mla ... .. O 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 . - 8 quickly, the children scattered' to , part. exceedingly well. inll', which was well received. Miss C. Carey and_family. Miss Edith Crane, of Pekin, was Lebanon_ .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D· 1- 1 their homes feeling . that they bad . "' ,/ "the Flight pf the Class of 1913," Harlsock was at her beat, and the week·end gueal of Miss Martha 8Ul4MAllY accomplished something in being .- , by, _Mia Nina l:)mitll, who, in httr is always welcomed whim she ap. Mrs. Anna Stahl, of Franklin, at- O'N,eall. Stolon Bases-MIamis, 4; Lebanon. 3. able to show so many what they " , . b ~ f 2 Bue HIts-BurtOn, Brown. -own.characteristic and inimita Ie pears before aWavnesville audtence tA!nded Alumni and was the guest 0 Doublo Plays-Gebbart to Surlaco; Noon were able to do even in a little ·' m!Mer. told the trials and t ribula.- Bessie . Cook White '98 played a Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. S J: Cgfi''Iidsey and dRaY Mills wenBt to to:~~·outa-Gebh.rt.1B; EnDls. 6. country school. _, 1tons 'of tHis class from tl1e tim~ of very pretty piano solo and respondedpn~ ~I Satur ay to see ar- ~=l~~~~~'f'lle~~~' 2~• • • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, of num II circus. Tlme-l br .. as mlns. S__T. MARY'S CHURCH . -,. __t he.if entrance Until the close of to an encore _with a medley of oldUmpll'O-McOlel1and, their bigh ,cboo l life, by a time selections. Dayton were week· end guests of Mr. • ... ....., ..." _'" .. f b' and Mrs. George Hamilton. Mlr, and Mrs. Fred Hartsock, of 2nd Sunday after' Trinity, June c---~e ...iIl'$cterlSties 0 eac mHerbert Warwick '02 was called on Morrow, attended Commencement LlOHTSON AVENUE 1st. Sunday School and Bible CIaaaee , _ dividual of th~ c1~,> This W81 a and gave a good talk and incidentall~ mPl!lt. !laPPY ef(or~ on her part, boosted the Ohio State U Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Roi Reis- ThUirsday evening. The .committee who are eanvassing at 9:30 B. , m. Sermon and Holy " was hugely_enjoyed by. her he~rers. for the annual alumni reunion in~er, at the hOMme ofdM;:, Rei~l~g- - See the base ball game Friday the township in regard to placing Communion at 10:30. " Another sel~tlon of musie by the meetina to be held at Col'umbu8 in ~ ~ p:rents, r. an rs. las morning at Phillips' Park. It will ligbts on the avenue report progress, OUR INVITATION . , orcl~.tra, · and Mi88 Elizabeth Mart June. g es ee, a Bon. be all good as a circus. but still they'have not quite enough To all who mourn and need C9m· " toid 'o f : i'Th~' CountrY ~eautiful." ThiS ~nded the evening's prOlrram, M d M J H Linton moved to guarantee the expenditure. Now, · Spe spoke of i,tow-forests were,being and after a luncheon served by the . r. an rs.... Miiss Dora Ellis, of the Wooster as everybody knows, this is a project fort- to all who are weary and need. " ," . cut and burned· down, and flow they claY 01-'14 asocial hour was induli'ed thelr- good~ back to ?lark~vllle Mon- Experiment Station, is spending the that should be attended to at once, rest-to all who are friendl" and ' as it Is positively dangerous to trav- need friendship-to all who ·ought ' to ~ . rebuilt. Her oration in by the alumnI renewing and re- d~y. Their many frle~ds In ~aynes. weel' here with relatives, homeless and rteed shelter-to all · ,!as reple~ ~i~ good things. U only viewing sehool days, and thus passed VIlle deeply regret their leaYlng. _ erse the avenue after dark. -· they were,foUowed out. a-veri pleasant ,evenlnll for all who Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright and M:rs, Mary Upp hJS returned from Now when one of this committee who pray and to all who do not but , Mills Glenna Hoblit in the "Play's attend'ed. _ WilmiQgton where. she ~as cal!ed on approa~hes you, go down in your who ought- to nIl who are in sin and 80ns. Alfred and Elliott are attend- account of the serIOus Illneas of her ':the Thing," tol~ in good dramlltic The officers.eleeted for the cominJr _ ' pocket and let him have a small need and to whomsoever will-this 8tyle,·~Ute, story of three sma.II girls year were: ing the funeral of. Mrs. Wright's SIster, Mrs, J. M. Durkan. amount for such a worthy object. church opens ..wide the door and . , father Mr. James Weir, in Blue Ball makes free a place, and in the name · ~bo_ we~ to have taken - p~t In an C. A. Burnett arrived here lalt Don't forget it. ' ad \yarwick '02 today. ---~... of the Lord" says: Welcome. " ..,. exhibition, and how t h ey ~g9t mIX D . '08 Thursday from Flol'ida. Mr. Bur• I DP in a -funeral and -taken : (or the . Lcrn ,:;IS Judge and Mrs. A. C. Reisinger. nett has decided to return to Ohio to LOT OWNERS MEETINO MAONIFICENT TEAM d~'man's grandchildren. The . ~ mo~ of Eaton. who were recent guests of live ami wllllocate in or near ChilliThe annual meetl' ng of the lot - ,- " d' . , '-e II d r eel d sh · Treaaurer-J, E. Janney, 72 , rea 109 w~ 'Y . elver an e · family, came cothe. ownors of u1"-ml' Cemetery AssociaA. Maffit has just purchued a The WaynesviUe band- furn ished Elias Oglellbeethand '" ~eivea an-ovation. ' _ . d Baby .. ~"K • d over to meet elr gran son, Rev. and Mrs_ C. S. Grauser, G. tion will be held at the offices of the magnificent, team .of blaek match _ (~~ .. ~wrenee B~owrl·, . .whose oration ~he eveninlr's music, ~ it was en· Reisinger ' ' horses to go to his new funeral car. ''''(,!a8'!A'ir?c6ltUr~J CIOO~t8." made a l_oyed frOh)s~~~, t<?fiDl~. Th~_ band' D. Mills, Rev. and Mrs. P.B, Association on Monday, June 2, at ),' big hit -With" pili,'bearers, wbe.n.he ~ generou8 With th~lr ~USIC, .nd .Mrs. Albert Shepherd and Bon son, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Nicholson, 1:30 o'clock P. M. At this meeting He purehased them iii,Green coUnty, . a: many ,fprelg:n thli, progr~IP.W~!:8;6od Olle. ' Lawrence spent several days of last MiBEte8· Eva Davis, Katherine Pren. there wjll betwo trustees elected for ~~~~ ;:=~u:~; ~~~~t }:., ,8(lloplted . tNa plan - -_ .. • ,~ , ' with her Bister Mrs. S. C. Phil. dergallt and Martha Gook attended the term of three years and a Seera:.!j[nOijt':.q'ldc~!lt~iri81t8~~ and~how _ _~~R.~~·~AN ~~~y of Washington C. H. Mrs. the County Sunday-echool Associa· tary-Treasurer for one year. Any Mr. ,.Ma~; ~:wco!::' : e : , : : " ""'.--'C .-~-" :'(010 the -, ( : ! , ' -,~.' - ,- '. Phillips was I\ot so well when they tion at Springboro last week. other business properly coming lo4!ClfIUbliusmlltrr.t .- 4M'e'tSst, ' , '\t~i.dl~I~I~1;A~~~Ht.ji-~i()~::~. ...-to the Billt- " , . before the mlleting will be considered. >, ,. away. '. , Dr. J. T:, Ellis, Chas. a~d Sid Ellfl, , - J. O. Cartwright, NOTICE' ,M ' -.. ·:A T- nt - ht ' as ealled to W~ E. O'Neall-, Mr. and Mrs. ElnJer Sec~etary. , ra. . . ' "rIg W Earnh rt ' M and Ml'I Harry Earn • - • ~w.iil4!iJil1'c;;;~r.or1d'~~.l~',l;,Sihell !tf8l":l;;la~~I!e!~~ 13jlanfl.ea-"4!nGe~~J ·' Ball satu~ayonaccount.of the hart ~~e:t Eamba~t IIr ~ ILL HAV'E "ANOTHER PICNIC A few of ·her _fatber. Mr. - . ' " , , • . _ -._ turned hi tDat;,,,~re paped . awaY ' Mrs:, .Fran~ Elbon, . Mr. , and Mrs. fcloe-k ! Fred ElboI!, · Messrs. 1\~~.. J~~}i~,I:qta,"V:-D.lKbt;:'~t:l!.lO.,/1';.... '; ..' ~ '. man-t ' , Cba8. ,,·tn:lme;~.n,i



.. ! Personal !L L ---_. . ..........

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Mention Column

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8Clll tereel

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a,.",pd. nu 010.' I"tlldd gU CSR wbore lhe ""x t Itltu t: k mig ht oc('ur. \i:\" c ry du y IJro ughl itA rr" . h r t! !'ort or horror " 1 ai n't ~I)III' I r stand fe r l ha t . I"rom nnrlh lind ~O lllh , .. asl aud weM' . CHAPTE R XII . -Continued . Ipfi !' nan l, " hl1 said d etlanl ly. " Re in ' 1",\\"11 of olllrug " <'a me Inlo S h e r i· "[ pr e re r 10 r .. ly Oil m y Oll"n JUllg· , a I nin't no .. nll.l<,d man . an ' Ihl8 c\u n ' ~ hpndqllllrl prM a t I··orl \\'u lla ce. , ment ," h e s aid t arl ly. " From wh a l ' Yl' rl' iH m y hO"8. ' Jlrlck,;,. lIamll n don 't 1),'[(1"1' 1'. al th,· baso or th" mou n Ihls mun r e po r ts thf'Y ar~ In slrnng .. r Rlart a ll no ~ u ~ h riri E> on t hat la me laini!, WII S pra!'li.-a ll), In ~ t ut e or 8leg e. force thall we a re . lI e~l dp8 my In · br ute 0 ' :\1~~ l uSI .. rR·. /I e re, you prov ls loll pd nnly by wogon tnline lIe n l .tru c tlo ns wpre not to provo kA h ORtll· 1 ' f1rlrk,' lakp l h ls crit te r . Ob' s hUI t hro\l gh \Jlld ~ r Mlrong gua r d; lhe lli ee." I li P: I' ll glt In Dodge a ll r Ig ht. Wo n 'l rrln!t'! of He ll le mtl nt a long t h e wa te r Wasso n g r iullod , revt:"ling h is yr.l. , hu rl. 111 0 lI one to wa lk." WAyS u,' J\tj d "~(l' rtpll , nle n a n d w Ollle n Th p ryea of t h e t wo me n m e t u nd e r· neplll !,: t.o Ih .. npa re SI gOn"rn mf' n l low ter t b. "S ure not ; t h ey are so dam ned : sLa ndlllg ly, a nd Ha ml in took t h e rei n I'()~t s ror prolec ll o n and food, Tb e peacea bl e l hp. mse lves ." I In hi!! hand . Gusk lns s tarlet! to RJH'n k. Iroops. f<' w In nlll nb" r and wide ly " I pr"fer leaving Ca l,tnl n Maxwell bU I th oull ht better of Il . A mom e n l ~c ull e r ed In HlIlu JJ dt'tach me nts . mnny to delll w ith ' th e IIlt uatlon," Gask In s h .. siood. Irresolu te, Bnd Ih pn swun g bel n!'; ulIJJ7.ed RlI Sf'Outs alltl gua rds. wp nt on pom llOusl y, Ig n oring l he I up Into sodel l". h is glance Ig noring the wen; un eq ll Rt 10 Ihe glgRntlc tSll k or Mu ee r . "as Ill' oUl rti nk s ili a. an d I am 8"rg ant. rrotpr.tln g 80 wid e a fro n ti er . S klr· un d er stri ct Inslrllcllo ns to ret u rn a t A llen l lon ~ com pa ny ... he co mm ll nd· ml. hpH \Vfl r., fr I' . hill t h e IDdlun s once to th e fo r t . Two of ou r h o rs eR e-d ~ h ar pl y . "lIy co lumn fouT'-- wl'fP. wa r y an d reMOU,... JI. Rnd on ly War Ra ged Unchecked Fro.... u.. are dlsa bl pd a l re ady. a nd Smi ley Is march ~" Platte to the Peco • . o Ill' I' dllrlnl1: Ih .. I'nllr,' "" mm pr wp r<' too s ick to b e ItJtt nlon e . I'll n o t r isk ' The girl gpllrI'pd hAr horse for wa rd . t hey b l'tH' ghl 111 10 re a l dl'cls il' e ba ttl o. ~I j )0' th Ka ll d li mps mo rfl flc ute ly 111 !De mOn TI ' I f i\ It W e ll." he bro ke o f!' s u dde nl y. a nd ! un d h pl" ou' hpr hand 11' aBt , 0 • Ugll st, . a or o ray e , of I he co m rad es h ip o f h E r wbo.. ad dresliing Ii corporal who h nd Jus t "(1oo, l·by." she ~ftid . fa ll Aring ly. (,· IHlJora r. ly co mm a nd ing a co m pan y did b 1 II I III of vollln l"er BCOUtB . wa s tlUdde lll y wo r ~ III . ro ug Il I III a 1'014' II: lIa rl ddp n up a n" sa lu tpd . " hlive you " ),0 " ' - w ill be (·arp ru!." war. or hOlle. Ne ver btl fore lI a d lo ne lln eu burl d t h e bo dlell!" " Of COIl I·St1. " o nd he s miled up In to a l1 ac kf'd b' o vpr a th oihnl nd ). ~e(, l1l ed so co m pl ele, a lld 1I "vpr be roro " Yes, s ir ; foun d thpse pape rs on h er eyes , " I)nn ' t wo rr y n bo ut me- I rlors ,,"t1e r co m mand of Rom a n Nose had h e rea li ze d ho lY wid .. W IlS t h ~ :\n\ an o ld hUlld ." t h e m ." A fOll r d IlY~' "gh l r ps ult ed . with h eavy 1088 on bolh Hid .. s, t he India ns bei ng ch asm ,be tw pp.n lh o old Il r d l h e n ew The lie utena nt t hru s t th esa Into bla "A lld I aUl to Bee you agai n ?" lack et poc ke t , I . I s hUll ne ve r r un away . •m re ly. a nd dr "'!'n from t h e tlpl" by t h e oppo r. life. 1 h la cou8tautl y rec u rre n l memo lu n e arrh' RI of frps h troo 18 ory t'm blt te r fld h ill t, 8 11d Ill a de hi m " Ve ry well. Ho u ~ h . Form t h e Ol pn ' I hn pe for t h e best- " . I rp6Llt'tl8 . Vet ou t or It a ll, th e re gr .. ." IDto colum n . ;\lI ae I\IcDonll ld . yo u I " ~lI sij.~l c [)n nald ." bro ke In Ga skins T h e /:u lll'ra l (:o l1d lllOIl or orcal r8 18 a Orm N de te rmln aLl on to WID ba'c k hi,. ~d ll relaiD t he horse you have. an d : im pil ti e llll y. 'lh e me n are a lready w,.11 Hll own by t h e re port s rellch lll g old pos lt: ion 111 t he world, to s tamp Fll rt Wa ll ace In · Se pte mb er. Gov ernor [ sho uld be ve r y glud to have yo u I mo vlll g ." out th e lie t hro ugp whic h Ih ll Confp.1t ri de wltb me . Oh co rpora l. was e v. 1 " Yes." h er eyes s tili upon tb e ser· Ilun t wrote fro m Den ve r : '\ 1u8,l reo erate co u rt·m a rtla l bad condemned tll rn pd. F earrul co ndl l lo" of things r r yth lng In t b e coac h dt!s troy ed! l 'leo nt's unc ove re d rllce , " I am comIng. him . It La ~'e vr e ~' e re allvp, b e m eant N Ol hlng say ed be lo ng in g to th le I 0011 '1 Imogl ne [ s h a ll evp r ror get," s h e be re . :-.! In e IIp.r~ on 8 mu r dprpd by no w to i~ nd him, face him, and com· I!<d y?" 1 mormured has til y. "or th a t I will Indi a n s yeste rd uy. with in radlu ll of pe l him to s pea k the trulh. The dill,. hl p. lIl lles ." A few da Yb 1011' 1'. nc ting " Onl y th o Iro ll wor k Is 111ft. si r ." no t bA glad to meet yo u any wh er e ." covery of that laaversack gave a point "T h e In· "So I t hou gbt ; f'x c84ldi n gly so rry , l " S,(~ rn e ti me I may pu t you " to the Gov .. rn or ~[ D II ' r ppo rtpd : from wblcb to Bta rt, a nd hlB mind cen· &11 88 MclJo na lll. T il " la d ios at !Jodge 'l lesl. h I! an s wer d SO~ e rl y . If Ilny di an s hav e a-gal n at.ta,' kOld 0111' selll e· tered the rs with a tlxe d p urpollo wh lc b w ill Ht yo u ou t whe ll we ge t III . I Irou bl e co.~ e8 . t ru st '" asson- be III S men l a lu ~t ron g forc e. obt ain lo g POB' obsc ure d all e ille. 8pss lo n o r t h e cou ntr y to within Sill a bac he lor , yo u kn ow ." he a dd ed . rea l man . It was afte r dark wbe n " 1'>1" trooll , la nci ng asi de In to h pJ" face, " but ca n H e stood t h pre . one a rm throwD twe h 'e m il l'S o f Den ve r . The y nre wearied by t h ei r lon g day 's marc!! promise ever y a\tenllon ." nv er th p n eck o f the horse. watc hing mo r e bold. n e r ~e. a nd despera t e [n "cross t llte brown g raS8 . ro de lI lowl y H e r {'yes 80u gh t .H a ml ln wh .. re he t he m ride IIway up the t rail . T he Ih elr II S"B UIt S Ih lt n eve r b eror " . It Is u p th e face of tb e bluff, a nd Into ths ooood st ra igh t a ud molloili ess, r e- Il r ut e nant and th l! girl wp. r e to get h e r Iml108Ml bl e to d r ive th Olm o ut n nd pro· parade Itro unri , t Fort Do,' ·.e. Tbr spectrully wa lli n g a n op!'Ol'llln lty t.O at th e r ear of the short cofumn, and te ct t h" fam ill ps 01 Ihe sam p. Ume . fo r " pe ak. he 1Iee med to be tlllklllS esmelltl,. th ey n r !' be ll " r arm ed. mount ed, dis· lights or t h e gua rd·hou se re\'ellled th. Clpllne d, ' Dllrl hptl p. r am cer ed than ou r lrooJ)(>f8' fa ces , whll l! a ll 'sbout tbe,. " [ ~ - 18 this wha t I o ug hl to do ?" m en . Eac h hour brln gH In telllgpnce g leam ed t h e yellow lamps . aR the cal' .• be '1u es tl ~.!! d . Il1a n lng lo w.a rd him, o r h'f's h bsrb ... ritl,'H. and mo re Rx te n· ris on ea Ille forth to we lcome theIr 8J' "I am 80 conrused 1 h a rdly kn ow what ro hberles. " T his s nm e mo ntb ri m !. G u id ed by u co r poral of th" 81ve is beat." Gov e rnor (, ra wrord . of Ka ns as. tAle· gua rd t b e me n le d t heir horsea to tbr " W b y. or course :' broke III tbe gra ph ed : - " H AVP Jus t recelv fl ll a d11l· stabl es, and , as the y paned thp r (> lIl lIeut e ll81l t bast il y . " You ni ll Y lru st of omce rs ' houses Hamlin caugbt ~ p at~.h rrom HHYS, sta lfn g thal Indians me to a ~vLae ." attac ked. cO lllur"d , Hnd burn e d a tr ain furti ve glimpse In a ra diu s of Ur;hl " !Jut my lIuestion waa addresse d to III P aw ll PA I·'o rk ; klllpd . scalped . Rnd th a t ga ve hl a pulscs a sudd e n throb Sergea n t liamJin :' Bhe Inte rposed, bu r ne d Rlxtef' n m pn ; al so ntt ac k"d an · S h e was he re th ell-be re ! He ball ne ve r glll np ing as ide. " lie und e r· oLh e r t rain a t [,I marro n (' rosRl ng. har dl Y d ar ed hope for Ihill. Tbe, sta nds t h e sItua tion beller t ha n you." whI ch was dMen d" d un lll n mm.unl1lon would m eet a ga in; t.hat could scarcd, Tbe s e rge ant held hl a ha t io hIs was " xh a us tP<l . wh e n th e mpn a ban · be avo id ed In s uc h narrow quart"n band , hlB e yes meeti ng h er own frank. don p. d Ih p t r RIII , Ha ving wh at Nlock Alit how 1 On wha t t e rms ' He "e. IJ'. but with Il It e w lig h t In th em . Sbe Ih ny ('ould . S hn il lll' attac ks are of al· tllre d the on e .w ltt glimp.e at h er·-. had not rorgoll'Hl IlOW l he da nge r waa s lunde r, whlte· robe d fi gure, olle amclrt, most dall y o ccurre llcp.." '· ·:,u : sh e mea nl him 1.0 rellll ze ber S oulh of th e CImarron all WI\ S d t'"o- a group of bot h m e ll nntl wom en bit fl e nd s hlp . • lallon , and wll r ragn d un c heC ked rrom rore a n OpOIl doo r, l hrou gb whi ch Ih. " It Beems to we l be on ly s a fe Ihe Pl a tl e 10 l h e P(,C08 . Sh e rid a n de· li g ht str e am ed- h ea rd be r as k : " Wh~ course for you to la ke . Miss Mc Don· tf'I'm lnrd "!'Oll a wlnt pr ca mpa ign , al. a ro tb E' Y1 W hal cava lry troop Is that" al . ... h e suld II lowl y. end ea vori ng to Lho u gh he und ers tood we ll l he s uITe r· caught tb e res ponse In a mon' s voi ce klle p the Dote o f triump h OUl of hi s IlI l(s ent a il ed upon Iho t roolls by e x· .. 'M' of t h e Se" e ntb, from Fort UnIon.· , oice . " Your fat hor Is !'e rrect ly sate. pORur!' o n th e op !'n p[alns at t hut sea · a nd t hell1 plIs!'<ed by. his eyes lookln, aa d will Joi n you withi n a rew days . ( Ro n. y "t h e kllew Ihe 'habit s or In· stra lgh l nhe ad. his hand gripping hh ,,",ould not dare atte m pt your protec· tll a ns; lh al t hey would e xpect Immu · horse's , fb lt. lio n fll rth e r wes l ." (T O B~: ("O NTINU E D . ) nlty rro m a t ta c k a nd would gatftoe r In " You are not going with us tben 7" I'IllagA8, 6uhJllct to 8urprlse . li e. "he que s tione d In 8 u r llrls ~. I he rdo re. decide d that th e r e8ult Like Ulle Greek Phlloaopher'a Fat. ":IIot If I~h·mte nant Gas kins will The malle r of n ewspap er lIubs crl" woul d JU stify th e ne ceasllry ha rd s blps (UroiBb me wlt b ho rBe and r ifle. "But My Que.tfon WeB Addre.. sd to Inl' ol n d . To t hIs ('nd s malle r postB lions re mInd s a . Ka nsas editor ot t b. must re!,ort a t L Dlon. and. on the Sergeant Hamlin," She InterpoBed. Wer R a ba ndo ned, anll l h e widely Bcat· Grl'ek Jotbilo so ph er whose llOyerty bl wa y, tell your ~a t h e r wb e re YOll are." Ha mlin n e ver mov e d, o r loo k bls e yes IPr ed Holdle rs orde red to ce ntral gan La [llncb hIm. One of bls frlenJI "But t h e dange r ! oh, you mustn 't from her un ti L th ey dis apPt! ure d ove r pol ntH In !,repa r atlon for th e conte m· s ent word to t h e me n of tbe city t) A' 'lltem pt such a r id e aJo ne~ " the ridge . JU8 t as th ey di p ped down pl RI"d move me n t. Devere ha d bee n e ach sb ould ta ke a ce r tain kino 0' "T h at Is oot blog ; th e valle y Is out of s ight s be t urn ed a nd wav pd ( It~ !;p rt .. d ear ll l' r, and Ma jor lIt c Donald wine lin d on a ce rlaln day go to U.. s we pl clellD, an d [ II ha li do m os t of one band . Th e n th e ma ll 's ga l e BlV e pl I;,\d ml\rched hlA me n to Dodge, wb ere phllosopbe r's houae and pour Ihe )Wlu. m y rldln !?: at nig h t. An y plaln.mall o ve r the de bris or l be bUrIIOU stage. 1\lo ll y aw a ited his coming. Re tained Into an omllty vat. And 110 th ey did could do the t.rlck- h ey, Sam ?" and lhe t wo mouods of ea rth. Eve n Ih e re on garrIs on duty. the two occu· but each t hought t hat one bottle 04 Wasson nodd ed. c hew in g sole mnly l h ese mute e vide nces of traged y' J11 " d a o ne-s tory. ye llow stone BtruC' wate r 'v.·ould not b.. noUced 10 BI 011 th l' tobacc o In his ch ee k. scarc e!)' 8ulll ced to make blm rellllze l1Iro rro nLing t.h e pa ra de ground. In mnch win e , II od tbe V'1\t Wal IIl1e. " He'lI ma ke th e t rip all r ight, mI88:' all that hud occune d In thi s lonel y Oc tobe r. orders to march re a ch ed "M" " 'ltb ?,' ater. Thu8 th... pbllolollher he drawl ed la zil y. " Wis h I was goln' s pot , He could n()t see m to se pa rate t roop. Seventh Cavalry. at Fort Union, recelve c:1 no ald . It It somewhat thaI long. I'm Bure tired o· tblll sorter his thought from th e c av a lca de whlcb n nd Lhe r agge d, brotUed troopers . wbo way with Bubscriptlonl . One telloll "coutln ·. I am. Do wn be low the had JUBt de parted. leavIng behind the a ll summer loor; had heen s coutlog tbe tblnkll Ibe owe 1l only Il amall amouD' Ci ma rron III the only place yo'l! bave memory ot that farewe ll wave of ·tbe Ne w Me xican pIll Ins, turn ed their aDd 10 n!lllecta to pay It. The otbe. ter watch out c1oBe. 'Brkk.' Them band. To blm It marked the eDd ot honel' h eads to the norlhe ast In hope- tellow tblnks tbe aam. and tbe edlto. Comanch es a n' Apaches are lhe wont a dream, the return to a lifo dilltaste- fuln e ss of a ction , With them up tbe fares a [molt a. we)! as the phlla. lot. • rul and , lonely. . dese rte d Sa nta F e trail, past burned opber. •





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ilt lt' lIlpl H I



II .., va llo·.'" o r 111" "rkllnsa ... i ll Rlnall bal1d~ ,


\\I\ =-',

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raced thp rael

his o~o: J~t)l l') _ kjl " ' ,\iI~ aloof frclIll ht tl propt'r fi l allon I n lift " 0 UI or htt t p. r ti b a n\" If ba~ t ( I -II ll1u R 1l. ,ro ; I-'. h i ' IInw f e t if II lllou·





hl ,lln~

I« ~ a\' i " g h .. hlud t l "HI I I a u ~Kt ru ' 1I01t O ul y (I(' l' :lf~i oll.illy uld lh ~st;) I ndlall '--"

Ilf. · d

1 111' l l d ..: h IP

I h rutll(h 111, ' \\ 11 '" :-.Irlln;.; l ill f'!i of J', lIHr,1, ;till! ..:O( t-'''I ! ' I ~ a\\uy ugn tn

IIfHl p r -

h~ "nllot",1 Ito , he reg" · n'lI n ll lon h" lt' ~lr' \l a M I .. rs, you wi ll Ill r ""r\' lrp . H e 8a y" t ho h l l\' . ~nlJlr l c WAS It·' 1 him hu\'(" Y0 1lr honn' o, ttUt prnJwn y .) ( onp. (' ant. 1 . pFp \' I'P . \\,h.l , ' h e ' ''Ol,pr tp or 1,,'1"1: r"Ml>o"~ l hlp ror hi. \\" aH~o n ro ll pd oul o r h is sa dd le . cU.J;:"rlU'" llJH1 (or w hn n l 11(0 h"" Itp € 1t j lllu f t f." r i ng ~onlf~ lh l ng Indist inc tl y . r.~et1 t!l!t~n o~\' ..' r IJln l'8 Troop. a ('lft·· .. r on w ht c h H I I~h t hH \ ' P bf\pn flO oath .

r l l.' \


"" I"U "r" 11••11 III" 11'lr" III.,o Irllop. c(,m,'

" 11 ~ ln\ . );lvp ritl p Rlld Am ' '

1' ''' ''11

tHlnl pli brokt'

\ \ Uf

lI,hl-llll ' "

j,u pr(l \r.'

~ ' , ' rl~t111 r : 'I ' I ~ ", 'r. ' , I ld\\' (! "/ ":! I, " j l l l l l,' 1'1 "lIr , n ud 11 11' SI ~ r g l \1I'lIl

~ \'! dt.~Ul Ih AI at Ifl flJ,tl h

I nlo 1n.'lua l 1'~ '"IH (' f , Tht" (orrn t: f ca m ,l ;lnd \\" ' 111 In ~ \\' ,f l rura .\ ':;' now u l."car

I !--I h lld ," allllCI!'I.t s anq.,t,,' l y

ell'A9 or 11,,, lO"ar



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" I ~hall l,r4' ft' r (, 'ul rg('~ •

b adf ll, ', l ili l, '(1 I(J I Jlt'\ "U l cU liliou e d I ll '

n'~n 't. 1 h ,' I ' ,IIIIt'

Oatik ln 8 f ron te d t h e

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"u IIlJ 1'01 lI t' I ' Hi \! th,' b t" 8 l ('Ollrlifl o r ac Ij "l1 11, \ ('oul d olily \\fllt. Q.ud 1h'lnJIi.

,11 ,,1 I h,' 1,>ill lIl( \\ilJ,;(t IlS o f I h, ' I ' r s \'UII I:-. ill ' " rr u tll Ih ~' ( ,'u lhi , I(f'J1Ur t t-: tWi ll ! t )! ou t ra ll , ·S \1,. ' 1' \ ' "Ol1 t l ll \lO U~ . lI n u II

'·i llH' r. Anti ti lla l l fp' Jl nrt Holli ng .'0 011 11 ··f'1" I II tlI HOOf -tJ II ' lll ' " Iv lJl' d t' rs " '" ' ·f-' ,.Y \\ ,' 11. tn l' " , :\1qll." ~ t'r' o\\ u Pyt! 1i Hwro l' t 10 th a 11"U I "IIIlIl !'~ ( U(,fl , hpr r o rm Ntral~ h l ... n

1:, 11 1

~\!~'l~ilnR n~~I: ~tJ 't~~~ ~~ Il~"~"" :~ I "\ l 1 ~:~,~';~I,~gl:~r

d "pr,,' dltllo It8

T r, .· tlrt \','r 61l " aJl IH' .II'


,. ' roO d I' (J:-.I:-- s outh , d ll1" 1-' latt .. . :'COlll i II I-; tI ,'l a ll ~ , ull llO IJg h c' I)Iit:. lltUlly tn th e cI' all



SEAMEN HAVE lITILE JOKE 1I.IlBve Tedium of 8allintJ WIth Ha"",' " Jut ' at the ' Expenae of Keeper of Lighthou,e.


JDlJe a nortb of Vladlvostock lIghthoullI pen:h'e d ' on a :abo ~ e the Ilea, 'And tbl. Illta~"9I1B, or rather Ita aollta p:. k~p· .~. " '.~ · bu.ll 'of an " Intemat!!'nal A.

,.'.'. It ,• •~

~I uM~ .< ...

sea tog otteo Ilea



From Headache, Backache. Dizziness and Nervou.~ Restored to Health by Lydia E. P ink ham'. Vegetable Compound.

\\hl .. 1J


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f " r , 1" , F i.rt H l pl,'y

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pr l'I,I\"- , 1"1 1 ,vl lh DO no II I~ t·Y·'d \\' t" r o UVOIl

t lh > g ll' l, 8t il l I p ooloA' nV'-' f

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6TYLI!lH BLo,)Use

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h ;Hil jJa ~sp li b"I\\ b"U Ih~lIl . tlll C1 .11 1111; 111 . III " h ' " Ill" .tllr ~. h o III)' 1"11 11 Ba ck at F ort Oodge. 10" .,,1 "" II I" H:llldl " . " 11I1""\' lI l ' llI ~ tn d.· T h ti \\ lllIy b lH',-, d IU!; \\Pt· k b or tb~ll "-;' 11 11111' his t1. lI r!'\. tC !t('\ (U II . ut Hh nil \\Ill' a;.UIIl 1I1, · r un \ )\1' Jl luifl~ laud I II 111.' l r p(l ~ ""l l il.· 1I1P ... . J ng' . and \\Il h ;- u tJ r'u u gill . 1Ii1H .' t.'hunA; t' hI tu th ~ baru - ~ar tl 10 Ih t l l u l l t, \\ i ll g ~ I fl'lt:1 (' IUt, or \\ ork .... d I roIJII!i ,· l1giq; t· d tll tll e cam - (' -!'I-d IJ.\' ,h t· hil"I.,~a4'\(. t he tJm n h, 1,,011; 11 or h l "TI",'llIlI ~ Iho \\ id,' ly ,, 'al· h.,,1 hn l"" 1 fur wa H :>1 hll ll ,I, bUl h"



Prac tical Fashions

abo"e tbe lighthouse keeper keep1l OD banglDI around tbe blab a 'It'a, at bIll tiell •• IInnk bl' auns. and 'blowiDC bill' · tosbom. And on the bound to deck1l at· tbe IIb[p. . below weatberbeaten eeamen griD .aDd wink to olle another a. the,. clang , their . shlp'l belli In clear. dajllg~t, Jokee nODe tDo ~mmclll at 'elL~-Ex~:b&II1III1.,



Lawre nce, Kans. - " A y al" ago I WBIJ , aufferin g from a number of ai lm e nts. [ always had pain und 1 Willi irregular. Dtll'o I ,. ' Ing tho rl e lllY I au rfered a grtlat dtlal with headache,backache, dizzine81, t evw f' ris h spe lls, n ervou.ness a lld bloati ng-. I had be",n married. n early three y"ars. 1 took Lyuia E. Pinkham 'lI V e ge t ab l a L_~_ __ --' Co mpo und and now I f, 'cl h et tRr thlln I have for yea~. [ recomm end Lydia E. P inkha m 's Vag&1 table Compound to a ll who 1Iu ffer as 1 did. " - Mrs. M. ZEUNER, 1045 N"w J erfiey ~ lreet.. Lawrence, Kansas. I\(on tana. 'Vomtlo '(I CBlle. nurns. Mont. -" Lydia E. P inkham ' . , V<:gdable Compou nd cured me of awf ul Th o h IOl,"" rllnt 18 Iho la ri t I\ItrU In bao:'kache which I h ad suffered ~ th fo r Ity le. and Ollr Illu Mlrutl o ll s ho ws II III mo ntha. I wMsoweak l couldbanilydo .. fo r m mos t acc~ptubl e 10 yo ullg W II ' " , my work a Dd m y h ead and eyes aebed all e n. Tbo float prope r til plalll III Ihe , t h e t ime. Yoq r Compound h elped mil shoulde rs and hangs In sIralgh t. un · in mll1l1 waYII and I, a great IItrengt.hgored 1i 1" '1\ 10 Ihe hlp. lI ore th e edges ener , I a lway. recommend it fA) m1' ~ are gath ered and nll e r! Int o 1\ ba url fri ends and te ll them wh at agrandmedwb lcb complete ly enclrc lpB th e hl,, 8. \Cjn~ it is for wom en. You may !IN my The nec k of th e <'001 18 Ilul shpd 1111110 : Dame for the good of othefll. " - Mrs. high Rod thl' pdgps or Ih e 0 1" ' 1110 11 Bro , J OHN FRANCIS, Burns, MontanL t rlm m1>d wllh a wid e 8allor rolln r I Thtl mak efll of Lyd ia E. Pinkh am ' s T he s lee"p!! ur o plain III I li n sho ul· I Veg.,tsb le Compound bave th onnnda of de l', bu t s llgbtly galht'rp<l 01 'h e ' .uch letlers as those above- they tell wrl at. T h is ('oa t wil l be handsome III th o truth, else t hey could not have t -o se r ge. ch ev lol. 801.111 , b, orlld o. ro ll " " obtained for love or money. This med~ or woo l epon ge an d li ne n. wl Lh lJ ru ld lcine ill no stranger - It baa l tood the or Ins ertion or t'mbroldt'rot! banding tes t for y ears. for t rim ming . Th e coat lIatte rn ( 6193) Is cut 10 s izes 14.16 li nd 18 yean . To make Il In t he medium Hlze requ ires 2'4 yard . o f H Inc b mate rllli. To pr'Of'u re t hl. PAI I#rtI •• ne! 10 e'nlJll ca u se much annoyance to childrea to " P aller n Dopart""' I" '" or t hla p llp.r I and g rea t an x Iety to parents. W rite n anle allli tllh1reIUJ plalnl )'. utili ti t) Bur6 to 1:1 V6 8"6 and n umbt>r or pIHI,·rn. The prese nc e of wonns is reecwn ized by th ese c ommon s y mptomlll IIZK . .. __ . .. ..•. . •••. I it ching nos e, unsatisfied appetite, NO. 6193. offensive b r ea th and colic pain&.





NAJoII& .... ..... .... . ..... ..... ... . . . ...... ..

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STREET AND NO. ... ... . .. --._ ...... ... .

...II.T.A.T.&• .• •,: ":,,:,: , ,: ,,: , :,,:,,:,:--:,,:,:,,: ,,: ,:-,,. , .. .. .... .. ... . ..



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I For all tailor mllde ItyleB a nd ....0 for :nan,. others, the .klrt with plalt. lomewbere a bout It I. a pronounced favorIte. Tbe illustration sbowl on. of the iateBt Ideas alone theae linea. The four gorea give a ceoter back s eam , and t he Bide fronl seam pro-. vI de s a conv eni e nt place for the clot. Ing. The s mall cluster of 1,lalta 10' lerted at tbe lower edge gIv es a lit· tie we lcom e fre edom hi walkln" and the buttons are Indlapenaable OOWIl' dllYs. Aa an odd ski r t and Bucb material 08 ' 1Ie rge, cb evlot, faill e and tbo like will be round se rviceable. but tblB model IB quite 08 8ultable for part of a cOl tume , when faille. brocade cre pe and th e like can be ut ilized. Tbe 8klrt pattern (6172) 111 cut In SIEeII 22 to 30 Incbell walat me alure. Medium elze requlrel 3% yardll of 36 Inch materIal. ' To procure th'. pattem len4 10 cent. to " P.lle~n Department." of thlll paper. Wt1t. name and a d d~e.. phllnly. a nd be


Unn;lmed Heroine. T h ll an tl lVt~ r8ary Ie r spoDs[ble for t he pu bll ('at Ion o r ma ny remlnlscen cee concernin g th e sinking to r th e Tita nic. Whal l be 8u r vl vora a nd tbe cbroll" Icle ra most like to d well u po n la tbe be rolsm di s pla yed b y paBllbn Ke rs and cr e w aboa rd the vani s hed line r, T he ~ are tales of Majo r Hult. I he Stra u... . Fi rst Om cer Mu rd ock and man y othera. whl) sho wed Oue me ta l In the hour or dl sasl" r . Bllt lh l oes qui te unm entioned. a8 s he went almOlt unluen tloDcd a y ear ago, t h e little B;II~ IIMh wo ma n wh o aald lo the omeel' ' who wo uld have th rllsl he r In to a lit. boa t : ··Oh . no . sir. I'm o n ly a atew· ard ess." Paraphra,lng the Immorta l • . T elln yso n's " Brook" and Scott'. " Loc hl nvar" wpre r41"ently • t para phrasll at Il g irl" Bllhoo\. The conscie ntious 8t ud ent8 aet to 1I'orll with a d lcllo n;o. ry. II p- re follo w Rpecfo mens o r l he res ult s : T o bl r.ker dowlI a vall ey- "To h ave a n undl gnl fte d qu arre l In a lo w' pl ace . mon g t h e bill s ." li e s taid DOt for brake- " K e neve r s topped for a mec ha ni cal COD' trlv a nce to reduc e speed by lIl ean. ot friction ."


Neighborly . Not lon g Rillce a man moved Into a cert ai n villa ge. Aft er a wee k o. 10 a fri e nd call e d 011 hIm and a ll k.,d bow b e lik ed hla Il<lW hom e. " Pretty we ll ." he s ai d . ' "Ha ve yo u call ed on your nelghbOrl yet ~ "

"No." he r l.'l pll ed ; "but I'm going tIS If an y more of my wood Is mlssln c-· CLEARED AWAY Proper Food Put the Troub[e. A~

Our own troubles alwa ys seem more levero than BOY others. But wben a I mao III unable to eat even a IIgbt ' ,ure to alve a ile a nd n ur.ober of ruutf! rn . I breakfast. for y earn. without Sllyere dlstrells , he haa troubla e Dough. It Is sma ll wond er be likes to tell of IIIZ& . . .. . ......... _· NQ.6172. food which cleared away lhe troubles. I "I am glad at the opportunity to N AMIt . ..... .................... .........tell or tbe gob d Grape-Nuts has 1200. TOWN ... . . ..... ....... - • • ••• •••••••• •• • • tor me," wrlt\ls • N. H. man . "For many years I was unabl e to eat ena aTRBItT AND NO.... _ ..... .......... . ... a lI,ht breakfast without great lIuire...


IITATB .... ........ .... ......................

"Arter eating I would Buddenly be eelEed with aD attack 0( colle and 'fomltlng. Tbls would be fOlIow sd b1 beadacbe aDd mLaery tbat would sam. tlm~1 [ut a weelt or more, leavln& me 110.weak I could hardly 1IIt up or waiit. Bloce I be~an 00 eat Grap&-Nuta I bYe beeD tree ~m tbe old troubles. I uauaU, eat Grape-Nuta one or more Guide to 80clal Intafcoura •• If you w lsb to pay a. prettI. ·eompl. tlmea a day, .blklol It at the beglnnlDI fracture .. of the leI' ' ;d mo..... \baD ' . ment &o,· a plalo ancl IgnpraJIt '\\lOman, ot· the meal. Now I call lIat III mOlt anytblng I want . without trouble ' oZen ot the a rm l . Fover alnqe ahe bioi and .t t be , .~e tlm& do , ~ ,"Wbeii'I' IMIpn ·~o u-'e GraPe-Nuta I been ol d e"uou,b to ·walk r,the bOne. 01 be rullty ot uaual · DO"" I her Ie,s and arm. bav. 'Ibe Is . . ··.b.~u!~IC!lll 't~ati I ' tbe alli:hte' t Jir ot- Qlil"'IC.J ta!O:yeizielll& Pb,.slcllana 'lay be l' .i.m eDi;. They ' are '-ottun'lItel" '\he :' mucb p:a lo' ,tIiesEI' fi~ct\il:'a;!"~'"


Action. and Worda. . Actlon1l speak loude r than word.. but the man who neg.leetll to Bay lome. . thing good about himself now aDd theD III likely to get 10lt In the cloud of dUll at tbe rear of the prooell8loa





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CA.ST9RlA is a harmless substituto for

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\\ hll II

Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is plcu.sant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty ycars it has h'en in constant use for the reli f of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles alJd DiaIThrna. It regullltcs the Stomach anu Bowels, assimilates the Fooll , gi\" ing healthy ant! natural sleep. The Chiluren's Pauacra - The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Rave Always Bought, ami which ha.s been in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of Cbas. H. Fletcher, and hls been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to d(~ce ive you in this. hll Counterfeits, Im.itations and" Jlist-as-bood" arc but Expe riments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.

I I'


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Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.

III.l iI ..j1 ~ ' lrll

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I<ah l , of nuffnl o.

N . Y .. 811 Y": "I I r" g :uJ it as

hllve o"ed Castona in an exctl ileut med ici ne

f u r c lll ldr t'I1, " Dr. Gust a..-s A. EleengTB E'bcr, of St Palil. Minn .• sn,s : "I have used you r Ca 6torla r ep"at,,<I ly I II my practi ce wlLh booJ r<'sults . an ,l can recom· mend It as an e ~ t "lIcnt, mild nnd harmless r elUed)" f o r ch IIJren ."


Dr. B. .1. D enols. of St. Louis, Mo" 611 )"S : "1 hav e u"l'd Bud prescribed your tll 610rla l u my sallllnr ium and ou t sl, \e pract ko ( o r a number y earl and tlod It to be an ell ce ll ent r em edy I'or children ."

M ' \(' rJ I HJI1(' IiI ' ~ ul

rt!ull L! ,·h ·d

n ' ~I~1 " I t' d

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my p r aclll'c for th e p :l..i t lti y ~ llJ's.


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nr. S. A. Duchan an. of l'h ll a,leI Dhla. Pa., saYB: "I ha\' e \1"l'd your ea&t orl a I n tho case of my own baLl' nnd tlnd It IJleasant to take, and havi

lI)ilk. , Ih t 'll

o lJ talo ed excell ent r es ults trom Its use." Dr. J . E . S i mpson, of Ch i cago. Ill., snys: "I h ave usp" your Castorla III rases of I'oll e In cblld r en and have foun d It the best rrledici ne of Its kind

Th ,

11 .11 11 ): " "" ,,,In'" ' <lr p" ,l tl m,·"

\\ !tll lH'adq\lurt~r~ til U lll a~ h'l ':" 1 Idl .. !' ,hi ' rClb l'l' f~ to( . 'I I II( h. Ihal ti lt 1;,11 1'1' \\t ·r .' Ih' tllalh llllalJll' tu

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ncS!I mill Loss Of SLUP. l'n£Sintik 'Si~Ulrun' ri

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Rl>medy rorronsftp3·

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on th e marlw t." Dr . R E . E <kllc1son , of Omaha, N eh., snys: "1 fln ll your CaRtorla to lJe I stnndard fami l y retned y. It I s th e b e< t tblllg tor infants and children I

Promot(,sDii('~nonflttrful­ ness and Ilrst.contalns ncittvr



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111 11

I!lt' : "~I': q J I ' '~ U \\ ~ 1I ... t" · !":-O .· f \1I11Ijt'r d" 1\:-' I h ,· l H.). f ' ~ ti,_I: ha\'., pH t·ll.·" h at t l, .!': fi ll\\ :11 \I ~ I ' a n ' !" II In~t ' f liulJ~ l y roo \~ l lh (lIi Z t · II ~ . Hil t! lilt · l ulli ' r I Ji'II 'K IrI\ I -" !hal It 1:-- II .Il'dl.\ IlI l!'-!"IIt1 I ' ' , . : +- 1. lJll Jlr. (, art ·d. a f' 1 ;ql[ I( ) ~ " I lilt , \\oJ'~t ; It· t l l · 1 ~ (ItH (l r Ih"lI l , ~I t hpr with a II ( Il (ruuk . ,tl P I I' ( " Itt "II " . \1( I J.\ I ll ' ,,11 :- \ I Ezact Copy of Wrapper. T H . C .""TAUIII c a ... ~A,..Y. Haw VO"'" CtTY. ~I u: h a J"l) 1,..; ('atiY, IIj ' ar ry ul\\a} t' u. ~ In l l ~ \\ It ll ., ,...ti(k~ dISC or l(l'B.lh.·r ~ ~ll.v tllll'''I I ~ I ~ nlm(l st "lll or lh,' '1"" " 11"" HIC· (· ~_.rlll. and HII Pn llo 'cl U) ,·om l ,a r a· nil lh.· p nd IWlh "r I h, fl' h/·ill", 11I,·lh · TClilt] rubber" h al'e I(r,," il nlUcll lil', ' I) 111l1., rl~k . E " o' n i r a 1)U~lu l!l".· tiel . II IO CII'lIlly ""lplo)·",1. Thl' l' t' rt'· I He May Be a Great Doctor Some Da y . / BellIn With It . \\' l ll ll1m , ag!'d Ova, bad watch ed " ,,'hy nr e J.ltoll pl e 80 mu c h dl sgu lltfld Iwld"r within n 'r,, "t Y t' lLr~ . F u rmerlY rI'uupr I. "II IHurl''' and "(lnl'letf'tl, tb ., llIHin ~, h ll ""I·' ·r. II,, · ,· xpI· clio-ttl uf o pt- n· m",I' pllNI th"lr h lghl)' ~ t lm ulntln g luaxillHIIIl III'IIIlII) IInd l' l' tho' l aw I ~ ho g Ih,· I,ox wilh " ral~e Ii f' J Salt Wat'! r Den iz ens Att ai n Immense wll h much cu rl os lly the famil y phYAI. with nn y OOll wh o Informs uDon !lao YO<:1Ll.loo In r pmo t e uod I so lal e d p arlti nll ly fi \' " .I' ''ar s I n prl "o n A rt' ward A ll or Ihp 1.. I It- r bllll f'S III a n)' ~Ivl' o Age, If Scientific I nvest l gat l ona (' Inn ~ uch day count his grandmotber's otht' r? " uf Ih.· I'uu utry ; lIuwadays th f'Y do lI ut , l ,r $IOU to $~Ull I_ u rr .. rO''' in casl" u r , cltJ hlil' to l oc k M "~Il"lly allk (', alit! I1la )' Are Correct . puis" Wh en Ihe doclor 's ~Islt" cen s · "Wh y sb o ul d n ' t tbey b e! " lh p kInd b)' Ih., go\·!'rn llwnt . IIlld du r o be o loo-llI"d witll 'lllt' kf' ) . Thl • . 1\6 one (" d , \\ i lil a m f ell th e r es p o n s ibility of "Dldn 't eve r)' molh er'a Bon of UI I",sl tat e t o op erH t .. In d .. ,,"!'I), POJlUlul . ·d dl~trlr.I.(O and nf'ar th e InrgN! t dtleb . mg Ib" laSl Yl'ar 3~ ~ lhle l' '''; o f lhls : f'a.II)· l!<-e8. is n(·(·f-ssary . tlili ti tlluch au '''al fl r . p artJl'ull\rl y Bait ...'aler, ~o unlln g bls grandmolher's pul se bAgln life 8~ S(IUal l'J"8'" DOl 10 Dg ago a tralll "as h pld up Ill'nr C IU R~ " p r f' arrf-Hll'd : bUl lllP bUHinPBh I a /llogl e plINlman may hll.\' e to \'Islt se"ms 10 1'0ndu I'e 1.0 10nge l·II}' . Th fl r e ' dllil." . One m o rolog \Vllllam '8 f atb e r I Hpnlcla. I 'aI., lind th E' m a. 1l r itlt'd . A o ff!'r s 811eelal Rilracllon~ 1(1 c rlmlnlll s , lint! mnk.· ('(,IIN'lio n s from 1(\0 or g l gan llc muspels and oys t e r~ ' ('a m e Into th e room alld fouod bl s ~a.n g o r nln u mt' n COll du c t .. d Ihe alTair. 0 1 th.' MOrt h"r e d ",",c ribl'd . and 80 goes I mort' wldt'I~· · 6ralt e red rt><'ppta('l l's. It .. h08e ng ... I~ af'8umed t o b e compar· 1 ~' oun" so n l oo k ing thougbtfully at bl s . h hi RICH IN CURATIVE QUALITl1t9 -1 and all 0 1 Ih r m wl-re ca plllrE'd and nlPrrl l), o n . fullow s tben . lhat a thlflr. I; hI' pos· abll' o nl y ... lIh thBI o r Ih p Cape \" .. rde II ~). "ale, 8 nngen 00 grandrnoth· .0" BAOItAOHE, RHEUMATISM. IIpllt I l' prlpon, riv ., 01 Ih ('m f o r IIff' . H p"!' nll y lh.'rf' hliH b f'f- D a oew and S " HM'~ a cop y or thp k (' ~· . has nil th " baobab tr ee aod lhe b l~ lree of Cait· I er R wrist. IUON.YS ."0 BLADDII" ..nd th e otb e r s fo r lerms o{ nll tof' u ralh"r slarllillg dO'v t> lolJlII pnl o r thlH bn xe~ at hi s m prr \': and thi s Is 1I0t rorn la, wh lcb liv e tor yea r s. In· '· W I' II, son , what 18 It loday?" In· y. ' ar" IU rorly . nv (' ),f' ar s. k in d or Illdustry. Th e pOHtomce rob 1 hArd t tl obtain . h)" Olin~ (I ff Dnd r p deed . Ibe r e apppars 00 parll cular Qulr~d 1I1 p. rath p. r . William l oo k pd Thu8, tbe adopti on of mf'3.SlI r e6 \) pr s ha\'(l lllk.' n 10 practicing their ; movIng onp I'f Ih p pn dl o(' k " Amonl: reason wbv muss p. l s "hnuld ever die, g ra\·e . uul with out h esltallon repli ed ' rho plk po"rt.,.O "" .b ..kenloLQ'"e.b...... Ml l'rn l )' r"prpllRI \'t·. th p 1I06 1o rfi cf' d e' profl'ssion In aU l o m ob ll es. l ' p · stale In i ('rlllllll ll i h Ihflr " li re man y clever lock- thou g h It ·Is al so Irtle th a l . cons ltle r . " Ten dollars. sir." It yo u ".0' •• " aDd oow fo., for <1_, ...,bIDII, ."olleD•• "eallnr t fM"t. UI" A Il~Q t. "OOL- It r~ partm l 'rtl I. enabl .. d to IJr e \'ellt th l' York Ih'· .1 IIrp Kuln~ frOlll lo"'O s miths. tog tbe Bort Or Ilffl a mURBel l padS' Jln't'N Mm. ADa buol Oli t o f all pain &ucl pre.,.e D'rlll,hlnl( of mall train s rr(ltD b pco mlll!; t o 10WO In mul o r CarH I s tol e n , or ~·Hl e .. n y .; ar~ a~1l I hf're wa s mucb Ibere ~"prnR 110 pRrtlcullir l'(' l\"o n " ' by Conaiderate . 'I"'MO.,O", OLDd ",,1100. 'potAl. Jill. , he 'bl~ to, Ut or e po pular liB a rorlll of induslry '·'Hl rSf'I . lind pilla ~llIg )lu"lOllIl'e afl er robbing of I"ll er bllxel' b ), Ihl "H'S wbo I t sh o uld evp r hav p Ilvpd. I "'"olog Partl .. , 1'~1"0 . 1><>...... 0. 8bo .... aod to, 1 " A cubi" t h08 a8 k ed m e t o s uggl'!; t a Hr.·". l nll In N e w Hb~5. It I I th e areac.cst. comfort though " " lin uI·;ora!;<- . h air 1\ d,'z f'n I postoffice, 10 some io s lllncHs several work ",d In KUllg- . • 'ow-rlllg up lhelr Sea a04>n1(10I'S 1Ig'3ln <Ipll('ate anll . Da lll e ro r hlR lal eB t pi ct ure" dl,,,,,.. 'l or tb • • M'" 'r'll. lotl4V . Sold • •• "' .......... In~lall('e8 "r 8u('h oU l lllw r y occ ur 0 1 IlwlII III a nt,.;hl. III lhls w8Y a I tracks \\'I lh rpmarkllbl<l c it· I' P rlW!'S .ensi l ive thouub ' lhev jook whpn "Are )·(\U go log to do Il ?" IIor14. /)on ·, n""I·1 "."'''I»(lr"l .. 1'u.II'RHII'rta& " J p••dag., cu1d ...... AIl.o I!- 01"",1414, lA 110" II. Y. I'vl'ry year. Itul thl'r p Is Illlolh e r killd gllng of )' pgg nw n l'all t'aslly rltl e llIP Th .. i r o pt' ral i unl' \\ EOI"<' BO pXl\' n ~ I\' {' 8ee Ih .. m In the rock pool s. may at · " :-,:" I'd hn l " l O hurt hi s ree l\nJ: s." I.r t' rlmlna l "llff'q,rl St' w h ie\1 111l" 1'0>lal ... f .. H III hair It ,Im... n o r more th a t Ih .. PIl 8Ioni ..., d pparlnlP lIl ma d .. (a in g r eat ag e. S ir Jolln DRI)'e n . n Ahown Il l !'f ldl' lI l'.\' I II IlI c rl ,tIs.' ularm . lll\' n. b .. t \\'<'f' n m l. lni g hl "lid dllY ' I Irial H (If Illllll)' kint1. of lock " . Wtnl' "r &olll.h nalura ll s t . Mlplurl'd In 1 ~28 ' -1il!(ly . ,tm! " Iitl \. hl "h lh O' ullthorlll., ~ , IIn'uk . K I,,>, ' din~ 8 " " ), lh .. rl'llllou to a \\ hi(' h ('(I~ I "" m ll !'!1 a" $:, PRch . nH" ~e a spa aneUtonl' o f l hI" \I\·p r ·l'ol u r {' d nlld It dlm c nlt 10 d .' al Thi" Is th .. rii"lall('" (If 111(1 IUll es or IlInre fr om now in u s. ' COKl only 4n ("'nl!' !lp ipc p . sort 80 com mon af"fllln d our I'hCJrt·s pIUagln g or po slOtl\ ,·.' S tt y l'rofl'KKlo nnl th .. M'p n f' or Opf'rllliull" li nd .ca ller· \\ hol l '~1I 11 · . ft'r Ih,·· IlIllh ori l ll's ha'e li s age WIlS Ib pn f'sllmlllf'd at S"VI'Il lhl{"' 1'8 til l' "X i('nl (l r III!' uU8In l'''" inl; . Th " eRr IH l efl lJ (· ttllld . I t Is mati " Uf! l twir rtlilld~ thn l a b urKlar · "ears. I I Ootlrlsh p d in E<l lnIJu r/( h un · Iwl n g l u dl"lI l f'd It." Ihl ' r'"' 1 Ihat dur·I """). 10 " I pal Itl l .. l h p r 'HIO' "h f! n th ey proo r '''ail box I" all Iml'o~"lhiIiIY . til 18Si. a nd was Ju~t alla l nlll !; II ,·Igor· log labl y"nr n(,lIrly c.(jilll pt'SlolTI(,j' F want II . I OU8 lind Isn hl~ r maturtt y wh pn . fru rn "'''n' "b urgl l" !. " Th ... " l alll P" ~llIlpn uy I h " roLIH'r s Wooed Through the Malia. Rome t1nk nOWD ('a II S f' , it Llif·d - L u n , I Thi s 10 I.... und l ' r Ill'pst' nt con · I I.... · .. a"il), di HIIUH,·d .. f Itlrough a " · (-' o~ · <1 hy 1"lt"r, R yvung woman I n don ~tail. lIown a c hi c k '8 thro at cure. r. ·II(·.. .. In "on.... c ll~· . "h o l'U IlVN l ll I ('lIl r n dU:OIlS, a rai rl )' prnillalli p " I"> c\('~ o r 1·~"."1 ' 1 h"" "on"pnl r d 10 h t>ga/*·A. A ft"w drolJs In Lho c rim p . I 'U!-O lotrlc f's a n · 4' Hj.:i l \, f' 111f? f' ("cl tli t' lI l i nt n m n n4 ' Y tt y ~t'l1ll1~ tht'IIl a1 H ('om p Ih p brill ,. "r R IllAn naillI'll 1-:1I" g dr nk' ng w i1l~ r cure-s aDd Vr.ry PI ."n CritiCIsm . Jlrt' \' enlS cbol~r ~ d.lart'bo~a at nlKht . and tl ll'f( ' i _ u~uail y a SlI f r' discount. It Is a8tuni"hlllg [say lht' I (;ubr i l ' l, nr ~I ' \\' nrUfHH\·; c' k . ':' . .1 . au (l (' lh f't' chic k disea s e s. Ono Gnb ,';p l is 11 ( 1\\ pr t' pilf ll1,c a t lnO I" fr. I ( ' hild n-' n nrp 1I (' l ah' u~· ~ ~ r; lf l ' fu l b('1111 fh p pn" m l!ol I ' N wll l(' h . ( ' () Illatrltn~ 8~ I ot'tt ·C' tl\· f"t" o ( Ih e P\ IHloCil !'it"r \' it't:' 1 h ow hO(' bo ttle makr.- s ll! ~a ll o nu of whl('h tll' \\'111 Khnrr ll' r '~ ('n rl hi" b r illp . I I nl(" . Il r .. 1 qh q ' hro· llll"dol)' ha r rl to ,·n mrdlr l ll~ At all <1nl Kihts. II dot'S ll l<' " tllc k n r II ta mp8 and a I fl'w 1I111'''llnIl 8 IIrt- a"k."d , lind h nw III ' ~ ~amplt' 4l nc1 bo()k.lrl o u " OIRKtilTl o r mnn p\' rppn~ "'l' ntil1 g p us tnl 1'1" it lakh~ tel :o:.a lil" I'y l.J\l l"i n ~ti8 p e opl e .... hn \\' 111 hR\'(' (' nl ~~" 11 I IH' ~' .. dll .'r.l lprla i n A t h i.>irlhday I·ar l y " kiliolly ('LHH' S o f F " w lli " S~ lll FREE. ralll"' nn and Ih fl At1nllt\ c n ntl \, IT n UIII:t nnturf'd :.tdult h n d lt li l h ! hard i ll lhe rUlldR mit)' h .. I'x p!'(' I t:d to )' If'ld 1111)" of Ih.· h l"h f'~ 1 "Iun d ing t h at Il Is prot} Bourbon Remedy Co. LotiD(1<>a, I,J, whprt · (nlll) it (t·" hlll Hl rfld t o st' \ ' pral " 1' I t I 11Il .\ ~ tal n p~ wh k' h H rt· ut If'a s t "' hp n-';l(' IH'~ Ih is rnll nlf\' will n p\'Pf e ffort ttl HI IlIlFiP 1h (' l'I llld n ·n tJr 1J1~u.n s " f pllrl" r 1Il1l>:I C. !tllr IhoLl sn uli dul lars. SO l Inn g Il"U th. · ""lIl " r " " " I,kiOlI of ha vl ll ): 1.. ·., 11 RlOi"l)' hnl'I' 1[1 0 1"'<1 IIJlP Il h l!ll TH. NEW FRI!NCH REMEDY. N . ' . N.2 . N.aU.edin~· ,.o < b 1::l hr h.1 \\' a~ ho rn i n 1l'8 11 11 (' tiatl( ' illg and t ilt · Il kl · . Th f' po, t ollil'P al SlIulh 1:1' 1111 . Int! . \VII S All Sl a li l l'" I,,"k ntill". "lid a rt · c urrrn i 1 111 ;1. H •. !' l! :tra I H O~llal . w,tll lIud had I,,, , ·tt in A",p .. i(· a S ltll '" u tlwr nrlll l l" III ·rt: 1 huq,durh,l ' u, alld $I~,n fl:~ i ll ~tall1p~ nnd I '\ t ' r ~' \\ h( · rt ' il l fan ' \· ;tl ll f' . Th t')" c an Ir~ 71~'.II;,( r~!~'v~l::~:I ~ ~~lIlf~~:~.. :A&sA.r;~lft'I~~~~s~~,' ~: 1!H17 :\ f"\~ Iftllll'h ~ Hl!fl h i ' I' i (' kl " t liP arlill sf' d . a lJd ~nnH' (d t ht' ch il dn) D j ('HJ; h VdlH tnk pil I hlri n g, I!l f! f'BIllP IIp l t)(> Irlf ·l1tifh ·d a s ~ t o ll ' ll ~o{)d~ t n , PIL ItS, . ' 1' IIE M. Nil . 'IJl Ul.e'\!<olS Dr WA I( II. POST 4 arr I PO UQltftA(.,CI ,90 , O r: IVi,. A!'I .. r . ~!l.WY O M,. u r L '· N"rf8Rn. ca tha rtics and Iw ,·II·.. tno nth Ih .. pO,. l nml ·" al \lano lla . Iho ' lIalld " "I' "i LlI .. r Ihid "r 1'1'",,1 ,,'r. •'l trllu~ •' I /i np !ln ti1 l , .ct " "11( ' .'1 \\:s('';;' ,. , •:1.11" • dt-\~ I. t:' d 10 (" hu c k. I f' m:1d ly Th ,' tll<l l h p r bCullohut rur a . arsh, unnet.-lt'ss&J")', I ~~H~~~;:·,I.\~~III~.....r 6~~ lD~:t~W~~~:ATO~ ~'~ N ~r~"7~a:~ )' I r ld pll 1001 I II Ih" "X (P lIl o r Ollt> of til/' llIOSI 1',, " l arkalJi .. rob· 1 ~l(l io's ' ~1:tlZ" zln". " 1' llhl ish",1 i n (·~Ir •• l o t lh.· h""l f"~, h e, ,,. ,. ,.1' f. ·lt lha l full I 1" la 1 'l'R 'f N&W ON A tiI!K \TII 5T F..Lli!;S" O Ml1 u l" P.. AS'f TO TAK. In II hi' J ll ~ II Ct· h~d I ~ "l bO'I ' 1l r' ·l'I(io-r,·rl . ~o up· $ ;I.'1:U, : Itlltl $ ~, .~ ·J n was stolpil (rolll lh (' 111 ' 1'11 ' :-- U(T l lfrl · d (\I II ICIng It~U a t U k' h · t:!':),I" a till I' ri n ll 'd i n Am" ir'

hili ,

:lI l d

1I~ll all ~

It I \1 1111 '

i lT j(.1 tlu ·(I

Use For Over













USE ALLEN'·S. · FO· O·-~.EASE - ·, ~ l·tJ -, ."tI ••


we !

What Ails yOU'?




"P': ll1"


I ..

'~ III ' i~ "\ ~ d, .

Don't Persecute Your Bowels

1· '· llIrl l "'1l1i~tn .

~~' rl"


h i~h ly

rl'rn '~}1nlf' T1tA


CARTER'S LITtLE LIVER PILL I S Purol,. v'Il~I~blc. Act




Ih l~

wbUe paasl~ along the road near Wanora, laW • w ...on, evidently blown up by lome explollve, ¥d tbe rem.lDI of the DlID. Stecker. wbo bad ClmplDI .t tbe spot over.nllbt.


IIlls "ere llcattered over a distance of ..boat 30 yards_ MOlt of tbe body aod much of the other mater1al Nil blown IDto the creek .. about 26 yardl dlluuat. 80 creal 11'11 lae foree of the ~pl~

March bare you may repreaeDt your ltat" In the 8enate." "Tbat 'I II 'little I1rt you are talkln.


"Well, the predlctiOD

.un ltug."

h~ i 9~"

Water Ia bhltDI lall411I,-'uoD. maa. JlQlIId tal. . -u". era. Ball BI_ _U ••



AIId th;-Io-.-.-D-f-ma--.-. .-tJae Nell

• 10& of




1 .

7.~~;t' 1

sn\\' an :-trl l el" " T1,,' nll llPS of ..I " ' " for .. ann c,)I nclll g sl1(' l o o k a t ~allta Cruz . ( ' n !. fllOl l(1. " it ., \\ It, 'n' th t· Ilu ~ l u m ('p "'as ~ I I I I ' Ii I I.· · . I' . d t ntan " !-' ig ll"d Ii\' "ad"J1li-l I\ f'!-' h arn r?n n R () 1,\11 ,f (TIt' r elln e r. a n 0 Iy OD he live- r. Th .., ro b hill h of J1o ~ lnftll '( ' ~ IF! todn y Pll tl'rf3 ci ~(lITII ' t i llli' I .. ·t \\ 1" ' 11 Sat1l rda ,\ cEt.ll t .h " 1I111 'n t iu lI o r tht · yuung s t e rs t o and n ",('II ·IIrgA n iz.,c1 inllll " I I')·. ~nll dll c l .. d PI' ellin /: "lid lh., follo"IIII: M o nday " Thr. wo man \\ ht ) \ \ roff' th at arl1cl p. by t~ ' ll mp - fl lil" ' (~s o ( d f:' ~I I \-'ra tl ' c hnra c · I 1I10rUilll;' . tht · \' Hu lt 1I1n\\ \I UPt""ll. allu , l IP 11' 111 "illl ~, · lr " i" " ""man I ('\lII I ,! hl~. I(l r " . . . !"eml)ral).e,of 111\,<'" III ' " rnt ' . " It ' ll ('r III Iwr lold ~Ir II l a nk Is \(lr) f unny, I.n t h e. bow~l. c. t t' r w ho ('a ll th f ·IlI ~, .. lvf-\t-\ " ~'f' ~glllf'n '" ~}\H . ~~. ;) in ~ta ll l pl" Hnd I1JCIIH-"y Nl oh-· II. , . h ' ll "" I I d d (on.Up.lloo, 8 1e co n(' U P . IUlioutatll, Thl'Mf ' )'Pgg lll f'1 1 h .. \'1 · pra rtit' ally titl p l' r . : Two 8\1~llif'ilIIIS ~ trnl1 .e:t· rf'C ltoft lIH~ rl ty h p r htl\\ li p apprt' (' Lalt .d th l ' a rl ie' t!' , C I ( rr-n . hn no r of 11('1 Fro m th e r p ar or Ih fl room cn m e 1\ ' Sick u•• dHPlIt 'd Ih (' "Id lil1l l' . aft, blow,'rR . For· I with sp",rnl trllnk s soo n afl .. r lilt' und 1" ' 1'1: ... 11 r" r Ih l' II hili .cb•• 0' 10.1,.. 1100, .. kOD ... m rr !)' Ih. , bl owinl( or sar.,s II a" dotH' hurgl llr),. alld h y d l'\" ' r work III<· I(OV frl " u,h, h ip lip al ,o wrnl .. 10 h i, I s l~,a: . S I' '<llro' : ' SMAll PilL, SMAlL DOSE. SMALL PRJCI!.. fal h ",r i l l Arahi n I'r!t' nd shlp r l!>PlIPII / 'lls~um. hut not RO tu nny lUI b e hy 11 f .. ,,· ~ kl ilf ui. <,x lwrt nU"'hllnlcs, f'tnnll' nl cl.'I ".' li\' l-'" tl'lH' I'cl tl! PHP inl" 1111' " antI HI Ih p f' nd of m01l11 . t hiok s DUme must bear SIgnature whn ('arri l'd hi g h · ('IIl ~ R lonl . IIlId itn e w Irullk ~ throug h sev ernl c il ie~ tn r-; .. " 111"1 w h err- 10 drill Inl O II ... l oc k In Y or k . TIII"n· th O'y arn' SlP d J~'ddi p. Fa) (;abr!t ·1 w il l mN't hi s br l de ·t o ·be a l ~~Z£ No Facilltiea. Ilrol f' r lo brPlI k It , m wh .. rp 10 illsfl rt AlIo! HIl'h nn) IIl1rr is. nOlorious ' yegg· , EI1I8 I sIHlI d . NTh ey BOY th at C upid strikes th .. matcb that aetN Ih e world aglow. But The ml'dll'al omcer w ent out to tbe ilion that th e w llgo n wa s blown 10 wb er e does Cupi d strik e the matcb 1Found Body In Fragments. Blowll to plece8. a tr u I·e llllg nrtlst. Bcen e, and r e port ed that the man bad fragml'll l S, only th e front wbeels nnd that 's what I'd like to know ."--Cornell August J . Stecker, lo st hi s life at ~oo· b ee n completely blown 10 pieces , only pole being left, t!\'I' n the ul e belog Wido w . goora. Qu ot! nBland, Au.stralla, a tew a part of Ihe body, small Dleces of the broken. ..... WI_.,.'. """thlnll IIFTUP tar Cbl1d ..... daYB ago. Tb e remar.lul.ble occurrence leg. Bome pieces of 6e8h from dlf· ...~ • .,tIJeoa,b .. ",·ch)(·•• Illftamm .. I" the Limelight. look place about a mile trom Wallora. ferent parts of the body. and a small -.aJ1a7. wlD/l C!OlkI.I&e • _ 1 1 " , "The early robin 18 · belng menUoned townsblp outside of Ip8wlch. The ptlece of the bead being about the IlPOt. Work ml,bt be mol'e to our Uklol Ipswich pollee were advised by a Tbe wbote camp waa wrecked, and frequently In tbe newllpapers." "T ee ; I o.erbeard one telling II If we dldn -t have to do It. man Damed Llnnlng tliat a resident, croctl.ery and pieces of cooking utenpo ~ t tlm(' .~




THERAPION ~:~~'~~'::U.L 'S0"

I h E TIIAT T" " O E ... "N K ItLi W I) NO 'Ttl I:ItArI O N' , .JUT. UUVT.S T A.Wr ""IXI. D TO AJ..L OEl'IUIf'l1. P A Ca&Ta.




pl •••4 •• ywb.r. , .o.

tr. ~ u




IUn . Neat. olean or-

~b:~~t:\IL c:~;.nl:~~



•••• 00 . M.d. of! lIlet.l. aa.o 'hplll o r \1, Oye" , ,,"I O Cl t .011 a. In Jur . aa,.thla • .

I I All d •• 'er. n r'Nbt II ......OLD .0 ....... 1&0 D.-alb A ...... '1'. OIl ft.1"ant&eod e lTf'('lI .....

8:a p rN8 pe..l(I for ILtJ&. !lroo U,.D. If .

PATENTS~Z~~:~~~ \\'.uh·d-A au l " 'IIIIU l II( abitlt)' I n

''' I ~ tolt-;;;

or both our In.l n nt TIre V.lcanlcf'f and ]D ... ' .. ntanoo u. V'r. Rx ttnKul.~u>r 100l)L pronto fn-

Ye.tlpte. Co-opPtrathe SAl .. Co .. Colombaa..O.

- - ---._ - -

Cou nty Cou rts Commo n Pleas Proceed ings

Etitute of Amos Ruuyan , deoeaso li . Invent ory nnd tlJlprai seweut flied . l£ ~tl1te of Nathtln M. Brown, imbaOlII!. Invent ory and "ppr&ltlement, fi led. In I,he mutter of the will of J oh n E. t;Dlith. decellHed, will fil eu . Com miBA " ,Il iSllued to Charles B . Dechan t to take deposit ioll ot witnells 08 , Jo;sLtlio ot Myrt le L , ~townrt, . ml , nor. Estll le fully IldttllOttltore,1. E~tute 01 tlllltlue l Hldus . deoeuso<i. FlrHt accoun t lipprov od, Ililowed lUlU con ti rltlet!, Estnte of Henry Bunt, d eCel\Sfltl. Estllt,e fully ndminl sttlred , r~~tllte o f Edwin Arober Bolm nr, minor. Fi fth And finAl fl.ccoun t fil et\. I£s tll to of Ml\ry \V. Butterw orth, deceuse d . Estate fully IdUliniH torlld . E~t llt e of .A1lt 0~ Runyan , imbec ih. , matale fully oUlJlini llterell,

fortieth-Annual-Reunion of the O. S. u. \ £~



£, ••• _w.w • • • • w.w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


The allowil noe by Judge W , J . Arrang -cnl'nt! ' pn ,oaoly will 0(' I':, Mic111'n e r all of whom Wright to clMlu! of County ofliciul!4 were en! made within t WI) wl·t·k s for War r en rolled in the ag ri cultura l f or balalloo of fisoal year is Aoeh AS ,to ll ege. • •IJiIP_GF-i&CWJUiUU _aaae ,' ount y g'ratiua tes of till' Oh io SLa t l' "m,the l' well knowtl Oh t,Il make thfl 'r !laltHioR the 8RII16 as io Stat · man l ' tli vl' rsit ,l', at l:ollllll l,u>l, to atlellli is Sa ttlil d D. Hellkle . ex. was Rllowe,1 the precedi ng yeRr by '08 . who i8 t he ·IOlh annual l'l'lIl1i()l1 of that in - [Ii,' ('" ul ily s urveyo r . ,Iudge Clllrk . J . A 1\1(' ·oy . ~l ill1li"11 III " b,,,I.I·, "r :I" lI ear l,l' s" , a g'radlla tc Evlt. M . Bllrn~ " S . •JIIHper ~ Burnl' "f thL' l'etl' l'inl\I'Y ('olll'ge a ~ p(\,,-~iL,le. T her,' ar c III Warrell , ill 1 ~ 111. IJlvorce gruntel l. custod y of chil a lJ d ~;e,'rge A Carey . o f the l'''lInt,\' II gnulua tl'8 fruIn that s..:hool. 1~a m e .!1' rHlrln1l'l~ t. l' lass dren given to phlinti n of . 1~ 12. are while a lar;~L' 1I11 til I, ' I' o f residl'n l.s llr I nllll' pracllt'l l1g ttl Waynes Martin A. .IROleson 1\8 Rdmini fvtlle. , tIll' C(llll1ty a lso hal'l' bel' tI forml'r l AtIl"n j..:' th e fonm'r trutor of flsta l,II of ,I .. mell M, Cook, WayneSVille :-<tllde tlt8. ,luc68so d, VI! . J,,~eph H , Cuok . et al. 1111('11 and WOl\1l'll wh? have gam ed I 'l' rh a p~ ,HIt' <If I he hes t kl1oll'n o f prtlllllll l' nn' R O ~lce of th o pou d ency nr t, hi~ cose s lIl ce lL'al'lng cll ll cge are, the Warrell l' ''1I 11I.V men is II. :-i. )0' , ;\, t:a.~k( ~y ,n s.~ i " tal1l or,lflred mAde lIy publlol\t.!tln. :;u l l'~llIai1:lge r. ----Wal'w il' k, rl nss (If ' ()fi . he b "L!crda ry t 11<' Sa fe- Cabi lll'l Co.. On tillturdl lY lAst at Dayt.lI1, Jhlo Mariet ta; • of til(.' ()hiu St atl' \ ' nivl' f' "ity A ,,-~() c ia· i-'n·t1,'ri(-k M . Stalltol in she milnor of tho IIppoin l,llIont of l. of the class tion. and al'l il'ely t'ng'a.rud ill th,' (,f "Ilg- illl'erillg- IHtI·1, Jury COmmiM!! IOUerS for tbtl re~Jl c e is IJrofes~ or in c:() ~pleti<ln of arran!;c rnenl s fur th l' "''''llI ist!''y i,ive oountIO!!, O<lll1polli og thH third at Starlin !{ Medica l l',) Iallll il" 'rsar v e'l'1ciJratioll. l\lr. Waf' - Il·g'l·. CQltlltibus; Hl'n jamin .1. . . . Hobdlv ialon of tbe tleco nd ,J utiioilli Real Estate Transfe rs S. Sil ver. wick g-rad~atl'd !roln th l' WaYlw s- r las.; l~tJO, c:hC llIi "t with Di81,rio t were prolion t the majorit .y f( Ii ['rnc tor & ' "alt~r G , nod Ca ro lyn H . 1l,.,o k_ ~ever. \·ille lIi !!h ::;"hool in l~IU~; h e is th" 1C;: lIl.d.l e , Cin cinnati . of the jndges of Commo n PIAB!I wbo bill to Perry V. Bone, a nd Miss May \ lot in Uni . Hu n of e ha;, . IN . Wanl'lc k alltl Anna I-. . :-it ra wn. a g raduate Appoin ted W . L. Harvey , Thoma s verAit.y lubdivl sion to ~ of the phar- I Lebano n. f l . Sh e rwood Warwi ck. (If WaYlleHvilil', IIlU'·.\' c= .. ll cg'e , III nll:2, t~ Barnha rt, 8 , C . Dllktn And Ella8 IS now ITl I Clint. Hines to Sarah Delma1 'rsltl . On Irrad lIat ion fr om (' oll ege h t' IH_I,. Ill' t ro i t . Oglesb y to llerve a8 suoh oo mmi8 , e r . tract or llt.nd in tla lem townsh ip, ('3m I' secre ta r v and trl' USti r 'r of the !lioners for this coonty . Tlw l1l:L'1 H. Fost e r . of Foster s. '1f '2475 , C. W. H ain Safe t:ollljJllny, of l:ul- the ag ricul t ural ~ 'hool Lydia Pratt vs . W. C. Phillip s. U. F. Brown Bnd Annl\ Belle 190", is secumbus . Mr Warw ick W<l8 in Way- n·tary of th e Warren Defend an' upon applioa tion I{iven Brown to Jolln 1, Bnnnel ('ounty Alumni l. lot in ne'1 \'ille Friuay t n attend the Alumn i A,(,;()cia t io n. Wm , ]1, Vander Hi day!! to file answer . voort. I::iouth Park Bubdi viSion, 1 110. as.'loe iation mc('tin g. Dillon B. Wilion VII , Manly D. g- rad ua t(~ uf the engine ering cla~l:I Andrew and Mary Cox ~o J oh n Wayne svill e is the bes t r e preRent l'd l ~)o(t) . live~ at Morrow , WilBon, J. Leonar d Mounts mllode Bunnel l. lot in Sooth l{C)!<8 Hart1Jebano n, town OR thi s Slllart ilutter ick. of th e cou n ty in th e Ii : t IIi' ",wk. is a for mer uni ve rsity party defend ant and glveu 10 day8 t:lllman tha A. Molntl re to Benj[l. studen l , un iverH ity g'radua teH a nd for me r who liv("s near Harv ey ~ burg. to) plead. desi~n w have the very min Spark8 , lot in Morrow , $ 1500. ~l udent s among whnm are io.:tl1t11 or Warrel l county is. now we ll repr!'Ntw Suits Clin t Hines to Sarah Del mil Tnin mater ial s yo u'll want. Bail ey. of Wayn(' svi ll e , Ohi\), th e I sented at the ulllv William H . Petit VII. Willaru A. er .5l aores of land in e r~l ly . Lyman Sa lem town- o l de~ t f ormer ,>t ud ent For exa mple, ' YO ll can use :1 in the county , :-;ill'er; Kenn eth Ho ugh; Lee I!:arnVoorbe ell and Battie F, Voorhe es. shi" ,2.71).0 0. who expec Br(lch ts to return t' silk or C rt' pc: de Ch ine to the reunion hart and H. N, UunnL'1I, of Wayn{':;Foreolo sure of mortgll ge, 11000 with U . F. and Anna BellI! Brown to of the men of forty years ago; other vi lle are So phomure~. Miss Vivi an f(lr the m ouse and a plain silk inter est olaime d. William M. Pet. George E . White, lot tn Bou'h Park you nge r m en who ha ve attende d th e Stillwe ll, daught e r of l\'Ir'. and Mrs . tit, aUorne y. or Cha rm euse for th e Skirt, or lIubd ivision , $750'. Univen lilv from WAyne sville are S. A. Stilwel l al~o is a MarUn A , Jameso n as admini ssophom ur e, in O . F . and Anna Belle Brown to Sidwell YOll cou ld select from a comE'llis , Fred Elbon and Charles the univers ity. trator al VS . J oseph Ii. Cook, heir H. D. Relliso n, lot in South Park j)lete asso rtme nt of uthe r suitat law of .;Jamel M . Cook, decease d subdivi 8ion $210. and 'he unknow n helr8 of Har'sh orn able fa brics. G. F. and Anna Belle Brown to Commi ssioner s' Proceed ings Wonde rful SI<in Salve , Whl~, deoeale d ue floraoe Htubbll . W. W . BhDr ~, two lo's in Bluth L . B P_ C co leut $1 (l BllokIAn'~ Arnio». 1S,~lve ill kuow n . . Aotloo to authorI ze oomple tion of Park subdIV • eW ls ros Our . c~ 0., 13u/t{'ricl: Pattern deIsion $17'. h' C t d C i rJ t Co• oul.,. eVtlr.v wh Ar e uS tb tl bllRt hremed) d 10 orrnga oontra o' and quiet title. ~obert J. ,. j n ver .. . muue fo G. F, Brown and Anna Bell e dilletl .. e~ of t e tlkill. partm ent is, (]J lISftai, ' "101 . 0 Alfred Swain flod ul~or 1111 • " for bur n!', brui!<os [lod ' ver t pipe. co BhawhlloD, attorne y. ." . , Brown to Jellsle C. Witt, lot In straigh t.aning ohann el of C lea ~creek boils H.f1 duoe!l iollllmm , lltlOn un d CharleB Conden "'11 . Alloe Conden , ~nth Park subdiv ision, ing all tile smartest, newest, 1156 . and other work, $-1(; ,00. H enry 1~ sflotilln g tJbnlfl h h dlvoroe , gross negleot . Arthur elllirn g' .J . T ., G .If. Rnd Anna Belle Brown to J. J designs..~ 'fl"s is 07l/y one,'1 B :-;oll~IHua n. pu II! ar 0 N ew~, 0 r U Klnllw orth five lots In Sot:;th Geihl s, lumbor '.._ usa (l0 .. ' Bryan' , attorne y. Corn elinll, N , C., ,write", . tb~t on t' . y, Imith . lumber , $ ,.,10 , L e wlfl Bros box belpeil hI .. ~erIOUl! "kill "limen ! Call and get tile May Butd. ~, HiKgin ll aDd Leandl !r 8 . Park subdlvl llion It Ilnd Co: COlli for cour t ho use, U :.I 4 " r otber r emerlies Dunha m. admini 8trator l of e8tllote f" ll ed . Only Georgl annA C. Moorm an et al to Ed S. C~nklin, Postmn s! ur , A t llmp~, ' :!f,o. ReoolU Ulended by J . E . Jlln. of Elizabe th R. Sidell, deceas ed VI. Howar d W. Ivlnll, 50.6 aores of land 2 H B rep-I' riu" Dey, , Beller 8mitb, et at Ao"on, judg. In Ulearo reek townllh 15, 0, arvey u rn s, ~ '" lp, It. I ~l2 0 0 Sarret t .....____ .-~~~~~~~~~ Jameso n ment and direo"o n of the oour'. carr a~e c o ' "'Bowar d W . Ivln8 to Wallao e E. ar os. blanks for auditor , '8 l:l0 . Seth W. Brown . Evanll, Lanra E . Harkra der and Eva bl 70 AI RECITE PRAYER OVER HOUNDS . CO), , Iln k s f or autl I·t or $ l"~, . Probate Court E. Willl.m e, 50,5 aorlK of land In len Buflml \n, sl\lary IlS deputy selll. CleAror eell: townlh lp, $1. 1Cau.\e of John Bradbu ry, ers. $100. John A. Blair, supplie!'\ French Monarc h Recpons rble for- C&re· , deWith the Trim ming s. O. P . Krohn to aelen C. Krohn, mony That Seems Rldlculou8S In I' oeaHCl. Third .oooon t filad. "'J 00 for oour t b oUlle . an d l' Rl' l , .,oJ., Modern Days. lot In Morrow , '11. Eatat. of WlorKe Adams Expres s Co " expre.s age, Penoe, de· EnDII and Uoldie Allen to Kate 000. E , C, Thomp son ceased. J'irll& aDd final aoooun t filed. ooroue r 's fetl. Louis Xl. was in the habit of P . Young , lot in Oreion is, II. Silks, Voiles and Serge s III tile matter of the ..$a\e of CORS ETS Peter Brehn to Haral &lld Mary inques t A lexand er liarriso n, $6 1)5, Rtal"Vi llg his h ounds in ordcr to inWIlUam B . Doddl, deoeue d. D. .lohn Wolfe, bridge repairs , Mtl~Rio crra Re 1If/1M an,l iustinct . Oil e he All Overs Nemo andal lgood shape s W. Humph rey. IIoppointed de bonlll Chenow Mh, 4 Aorell of l8.nd, $1. townsh ip '1 5.58 . . Charle s tlhbbR, acciden ta lly hoI',! them too long withMarriage Licenees DOD. Bond $1680. 5000 yds La{'es. oontrao t 25 , I!O 40 . C, M. Hopkin s, nut food, [LIl,l w h"n t11l'Y WL!rc r e5c up Gloves, Silk and I{id ID the mat\er of tlae es'ate of EdWAr d C. French , wheell maker bridge r epairs lD Hamilt on tOWD- jf'llsed t11l'y were so ral'enou s that 5000 yds Inser tion, 5c up CARP ETS W •. B. Dodds, deceue d, $488 al · and lilsR Mugar et A. DolibO a, both skip $(\ ·30, A. 'r. Rettig, work nn th ey sprung upon onl~ of thc ki ug 's lowanc e to widow 118' "lIlde In tn· of Erllonklin. Father Ultrlisl favol'itl e and Chauta uq ua road f,:Wil. !S ilnd tore him Iite rnlly to Nloho lu Boh· Wide Floun cings , RUGS ventor y and appral l8ment . W. E , Dechan t, work on Oxford pieces . LOllis WllR so ove rcome with nelder. 15c to 25c road, $47.50. R. A . MoCut. cheon 1s t grief at t.he tragedy that he puh licly LINO LEUM nnnoll nl.'(!d that estim. he l woulll \te on oontrac neve r hunt t I, '350.00 . ' R. ,;··,-;·:'.~-;·~~~'.~~/","~",~~~".·i·!·!·~"''':·!-!·!':~·~.!~~·~-!.!J!':~ J!J!..!~..!.!~J!.!.!.:.!.~J!.!.~~..!.:-!.!.~~~.!.~..:~~~(.~"'. A. McC1lt cheon, l ilt estima te 00 COD- aga in. SOUIll years late r, howeve r, a traot 1324.40 . Bert Reed . work o n hunt WllS o rgnn i ~l.'rl to ceI£'b rate the Fosters an(l Ki n gs Mills road, $l;l3.. marriag c o f Anne, th e king' s daugh10. Bert Reed. bridge repai rs in ter. Lollis, rCl11 r ltlhcring' the death Deerfie ld townsh ip, :132 76. Ore of his fri ellicl, cll ll C'd ill a (;ardina l uncI gonia Bridge Co., ::!rd estimn te on asked him tn pm\', ThiR wn s done-contrac t 93 , '6000. Oregon ia Bridge tho yrar was 131R-n nd si nce then Co., oontrao t 24, $011.55 . Oregon ia the ceremo ny of ul l' ~sing the hounds Bridge Co" oo ntrfl.ct %2, M7276 , hus been kept up in France , the dogs Lew ili Bros. and Co., sow£ r pip e, !:,'Cncrally bein g taken to the Forest of Compie g nc for the purpose . l\I em$l S. 80 . J. W. Hill and 80ns were employ - bcrs of the chllrch sprinkl e ('ach caned to !lssist the survey or in waking ine, m eanw h ile o/T"ri llg up mis prayplanR and specific ations for proteo, er; "'May Gor! pennit these dO~R by tlon to west abutme nt 01 Frankl in their ardor anrl in stinct to cont r ibll tu ,to t.he suc('css of lhc hU11t, lin d l<l'('p suspen sion bridge in Frankl in. Deal Directly with the Propr ietors COD traot let to P . B. Mance for t hcm from turning f uriousl y 0 11 the No Agen ts Comm ission s-No Middlemen's Profit s oonoret e abutme ot on Morrow ond huntsm en." tltubhs Mills r Ol\d in tSalem towu · You Get the Benefit ship at the estima te ' 11 9,00. Bombay an Island City. Bombay. tbe capi tal or the Bombay Contra ct let to 1', 8 . Monoe for conore te abotme nt on Morrow and presid ency lind the prlnclpal seaport Everyt hing in the line of Cemete ry Work. We m ake a Specia lty 8tubbs Mill rOlief in Salem townsh ip or westeru India, 18 an, Island wblch of Individ ual designs for our custom ers All work let torms a low·lylng plain about 11 % at the esti mate $ l :I:l.HO . miles long by t. hree to four miles tercd in our own Shop with Pneum atic T ools. Contra ot let to J ohn K. Spence r br aud , Tw o parallel rIdges of low for making till ILt Oregon ia bridge: hills f1nnk the Island; the larger ridge repairi ng abutme nts at Or egonill protects tho barbo r. the otber terminates In Ma brl.1ge, oleanin g out cr eek and other the tomous labar hill ; on which stands Befor e buyin g call on . Hindu templo or Wa lkrepairs and work a t the esti lUll te of eshwar . to which pilgrim s resort trom 20-22-2 4 Mechan ic Street, lebano n, Ohio all parts ot India. The city covers 23 1168 63. Contrn ct let to R. A, McCuto heon square miles and has 979.44 5 popula1859 .-,"- --'- = 1913 for concret o repair of abutme nts to tion. Dry Run bridge OB upper F ranklin ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ _~~~~~~ and Carlisl e roau lD Fftlukl in town IIhlp at the e~timate of 1162. ' 5. WAL TElt MCC LUR

Xenia, Ohio.






v~ l~e-s' ,.~ were so, stun nln gor so easy to mak e as righ t now!








terick Fashion S!,eetj Free.< :

Su mm er W ash Fa bri cs


Gr eat Ru g Ho use

United States Cream Separators

W e ha ve So lve d the Hi gh Co st of Mo nu me llts

Are Qest, by Test.

~.. ~i!~

p ttIC . .¢S

$~5 "" .. .vv

an d up ··~f!· ·

Cha rles W. Sch war tz & Son

G ra nt & }-"'razer

--- -- ..--- -



~~1 E. R. MILLER, Cenb~"""lt', Ohio .J~l ......

. !;:;:: ...... •..•.•

Distr ibuto r for Wlllrren. Oree ne and Mon tgom ery Colln tles.


:;:::: .~ .....


Rheum atism Quickly . Cured "My sister's husban d had an at· taok of rheulD atls w in his arm," writett a well known residen t of Newto wn, Iowa . "I gave bim a bottle of Chamb erlain '8 J..tnime Dt whioh he applied to his arm and on the nelft mornIn g the rheuma tism Willi gone." For ohronio musonl ar l'heuma tiRm yon will find nothing better than Chamb erlain's Linime nt. Bold by all dealere ,

.- .

Time Saver. When you undO a parcel fold the pa~ ~ per and Ue the ~ around it-ther e ~ w11l always be string ~~·~;(."n;.t.·~..,.. .,.....,..,....».............~~~...~ ................ \..y#.("'.................. ~.~....~ ............... string to fit a bundle . ; • .;.;.:.,!.:. ,. .•~».·):·:-:·:·:·;:·)jf/....,.N:·:.!.:.!.!.!.!.~~?!}..;.~: !~:.!.!.!.!.!.: !-!.:;X'.~.f...r.f.!.!~-l~!.:.!.!\!.!.!.!.:.!.!•••••••;·••>: ~_u~ ~ooId.Di for



W. N. Sears


Fune ral Direl :tor.

Live Stock and Gene ral Aucti oneer

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-~ - --- --+ --- --- --+ 1 I.-- ---The orho od--_ New s ___ .: ---Nei ---ghb --0 --___ 1 \1,·... . +-- -,



I' 1·' 1,


Beech Grove ,

\ ' 11 . 1.1'\'

'1 1'. 1.1'. 1' 11'"


i • \


:'\ I


I 1<

Bellb rook.

J 41~\

Ollu:': }l' Irty


Take Time, Select the Right Roof

V i:O: l\lO g

r,·I"I I \·"" III 1"'111 Lw k .y .

Sprin J{ Va lley

~ l rH . S"m~hllwi "j nl\v (o ryr r1t, l (' nl

("ln ltitl o " "t tlti" \<ritin ~ . ~ Ir . 'J'rll ll l'L11 (' UHt, o f l ' rl'llnn I M Clli ld n,n·. UIl Y . .. Hn, <Ln:tg-t!r \V T J ' ll·. l olI 111111 wirn ~pll n l, ~ti l III poor h Ol1 lth 111 1 l.\intHr d ied I\t wh ,1 e UI 11th ncr uTf Pcll n"t won k WIL ~ «.Il ( ~ ( I ~ I :\(~ 8 r()l) fill :~ is O ~'l' of the mos t I,, ' r h U1 1I 1I ";"'lIl'd ll ." e Vlll!ing . 1011 1"1 'ti , r til lS p it l"11 IIl Ht ::';uturll n.1' Ur lill.l' IIfWrl1u u n II, Llll"i11 11 U . Il11por t :!. 'lt 111 :1 tt r ~; III th t' I' r c cl i o ll l{al.·s "r S lIhsni ption A h" ut I!lU Iltt" ll U,JU lu O Ullll\IUI Y " Hr ~ HI_~t) 111\ ru ll II c ll , th l ll g- ;;t OJ"( ,I \\" . Ii:LI wll rd ~ wu ~ 10 ~lIutlJ d ILl' "" ,t r \.-. 111 (' 11 ) 111,111, :: 111 ' 1' ) II . 1I 'lullt "f til .. l-i . \ ' . ,01,," . nl 11,11,,, 1i" 1'1 i of :l l, \' ki ~d t)i ~ I :' l1 i ! \ ~ill ', . . . '1!IIfit1~t!l n 1111 SHtul''ti n y . ;"\ lI ~h ' " 'III.' Tuw IIII ,.I1 " "I OI ld "y "V"OIIIII': l',. " I H \ 'c : 11 1' tr ~ III;"; I,. l i l:d ... l · e V" r\'llo d \' ;l 1"~H~ F r a u" ,l lIlI"'" /.l lt tl .10 1111 Pl"tlllk 1' Il.Jn ll ) ",,, ~u d thrtll1l-\ h I",n' I"'ur"" " IIn .1 Ji ll rl It IJl IItt, W'Ht1 to ' ,lh 1I " I,kl n~ Ill' " ollf'b t ho pr') lIu nWIIl' r, III h l~ allr U lt ~' r1 ,lttY tlVelll n ~ . n)(,r \1' 1;;( ' . lL h . l l , i ~ ill h , i ,ut \\'c : 1("0 ' 1',..,,.,,11 1 ,,, " 1 VII VI' '"l "ddrI'H ". ' ,f II n,' l\" Pllnl 1I11101110Inl'l . II1r" . i\,hh Tull1l1l /{1I lind l i l 'l lIl l lI ~ 1 .. 11 ' 11 1.. , 1It ' I' 1111 1' ~; 1Ii1111~ ('Y l' n ' d.I\". MrH \\' 111 . TroJut lIud M i"" ) 1'1'111' I ~ t ' ltd ill t.! 1.111 ';11:- , 111: .. I, 1:11" ', pt' r 11111 ' ~lr . Iln,1 !llr~ /Jr \\' I' >lt l' nl (1 1" I I", 1\1 I~" J "StllO (:l iHn •• r WH r n Hhn1' 1'111 J;l 'i'rololt, Ill" . 1 1\~11l1 '" \ ,1 .. 111 01 I" ,· \ , 't'f'l l II ~ ,. ' 11 11'''' Hprlng litllJ, /tIlU lI1i,,~ I ,' IL 111)1),,,1 J"1I/1diI"O \\ ' l' (,: 11"1"\ ' I II Siock ,ll our s lOI"I ' :I11 H lit t!J o l r IJ[)lI\1I.l m;( in l:l"r "n),.-b' lr K O il ~li l. 11rday afte r . .... ' 1 111'( 1.' 111 .... '·/' 1 10 111•., •• , ' ••• , , . 1 00 0 ", of J)II .VI,," , WIITIJ I.hl' WPI'\; . ::; 11 11. 1 a.l' . kitHl .; ()f J{oo f in~ and Spoutin~, Furn oo n . h lt lll\rl ll... , I \\ f' 11 11'111''' I !', .. , u\'t'r 1\\\ . .-.ntl gl1{1~t. q o f ~lrH . l:illdl£l i\ ' u x ltnII O' r '1'1>, , 111\' 11 , ':-'. pt 'r 1111 ", 1\1I' ll' " ria I s('rJltflt l TuiH )1111 0(1 W,It! we ll r(1pf flRe nt,oll rH' nilC('~ and Rang-('~. 1·: ,, ( int ;1 tl' ''' ~ t\"(, 11. : r d ,.r tha.l l h .. , , , ' IIn (lfllll11 ly. UK" ILt t h o ( 'oIl Dly H . :-i. COllvo nti o n III, t)lle Dr. t:; lIlilli lind fllllJily ontll r tlliu, · 1 :-;"10"") , Ilfl'·I'1\1'£111. ' 1\ ilL 1:-; , ' It:, \\ IlI'ru I !til ~ :". ~pnllg "u ro, UII 'l'hn1 tl olll Y 1I0d :'n I ' I,. 11I ttdn , U\" o r /:';u llilll), [' r of . Illlrll1 <lllll t IiIHI ' ~ 'JI Il Y \d \1 '1' 1 1,.. ,, 11-" r~ 1!If II :l lr ~ . 1':0111" H Ol Jlkl1l~. II f I II, ' tillY. ulot\". 1 l'foLl'l l ll I l h ~ l\l' fI III ('(111 1 rtu: t , \V.r" , ur J I11111 \;<t own IInLl Mr. hl ,' \' 1.- 110·0\ 1< 0 1' IlUllt , ~) r~ . LIII1rlL T!{lIpl'r, Hllrln o n MOll r IInll wife werA in (·I .. l llIn. of \' olln w :-\pri n j!li . II. ~ I "'("IUII .I· . ' I I \ ., I ~ I :t Mi~!I BillI1dH1 C" p,." .V iM ~ pl'n,lin !!" . Allllin YI'\\"l'lJ, w h" hll H 11"'11 TINN ERS and SLA TER S UV(' "llI "; "/1\"l' rlll dll .! ," wit h J\1r. ILlHl Mr~ . ~: . ill " " "1111'1; ), fur ~1I1110 ti ll ll' . "/"11\',·,1 It .1. M1IrTIIV IIn ol w if o we r u :-;un . M. C" p" "y. ito)I I1 " .1 'e~ to'rd'IY r h,n· l t y . P hllne 1) :1 Wayn('~\' ill('. Ohio lIllY gllll ~IH of Wll y n l-\I< v i li o fri e wl ". Til II CIlIlI ll\ I· n rl'!lIlIut . " I.n ,\011 'ilL llh (,x o T " i" l' ~ " \\ 11 , h ll t ' 1l01l,.{h I,o n Brllnnn n i ... 1111 " x p" rt, whull wore II AI II III t il " '[")\\,11 1111 11, l' t o gi ¥, ' IiiI' 1!l~I.t :-. I , r'!" lllt\lilrl ' d Lb o rill l1l' Sp rin g Branc h PJ'fl KIII ', ' l j,· " I I 1I1 .').'!'t 111l 11 " ".)\I 'e! u et- It I·o m " ... t. o .<I· ool ing c r ow!! . H " "\,Anill~ . A pillY H ,tlligor H1Ird y {"I' 11la k l ' I I ~ :: :.," J'1'pllt ' l! tltt, I ;I'~ ' l uu n , i.:llllld 4 IL t 3 Rh ot>l 0 11 FrillllY . W II :< ~I\"l.n by lh e !'III;;" . T h n l" e :'.11"" AI((' () CllA n ro w e lit w ont, I, ' Notic e of Appo intme nt \\,AYf' ESVIL LE CHURC HES. " l ip h-l )! (llng til I ll' !lIarTI I ' U himself hir", . P ll arll~ n t hri tl l1nd RO ll A!\ lJ fl ot. \Vor (1 ~ix L:rtlcl U .. I08 . Ulllur' I! " ~lor FntlllY 11l11lt,I' 1lt! 1111301. next wt'~k . " MllndHY 1I1lI1 'l'u A'IOllt y with relll1l v"" }-: ",III I, " ! I llId l l l '" f. H r"\\ II , 1 1" ' \ ':1'-1.1 Cll rl H ",,~ , Wlftl IIn ll l u.hy WHrl' In~ IIIHI 1", IV . lh "IJ fr i,'nd .. . ~1J1 1' , . I'" I" ' I" 'II ~' L· t \ " /I I hal \ 111111 I 1:.\\ II I ," ctholli st t:pisc()l'al Chura . 'lI, ('()lIdun , Ohi o . :1 1101 \ 1. , r \ 1 1: 1',,\\1\ 1.,I ,, 'IO" l'I. dHI, ;' )' 1" 1, 1, ,01 \vAole e n d ~lln!:!ttl (If C. M. !+' lllker"u Cure for S(olll:u:h [)isord crs fI ~1S.'·. ~'IIII t·" , IIf1U Fl ll To'flC Il l:Jot';< 11 11.1 'Iltlllll ' ,·! I" I " " lll l"f ' ~ ,.r ql l' 1.· , I.' " r .J . C . Hllltlto lJ Ilnu \Vif," of n l'lt T nu, l fnmily. ' I'I LI1 I1 I; I:o...1 I ~J'I ' '''JI, 1.1 1. ' "r \\ IIT I' II l .. \\"'" 1" 11 1~ lI tl'rl'"I1"11 t .l.t.\ ' I .... , .. Ii i ', ..... ('11 .. ,, 1 ~ I I ;"J I hy M T ~ III Frunk I Iii .. " 01 . ,. \' 1"''\ . l tll' lIlllg :-If' r Ih ~ tl r ""I'~ nf l it " ~ 1 " "'I\I 'h HIIIV bl' I.I·h"Il UIl tllld ,J u hn Huloin Al) n Itorl ,~ " ' , II ' ,I " .1 III 1,\ ' II l nl! ":I·rd \ ,t " . ": 0 II A t"llI ll " f h ( ,r~"~ Ilsml hy I'm l::lP/-OH nl dllol l1\' r FridilY II \ "lI dt \ <1 II ,\ ' , lit , 11 :-.11 II I l · hl ll11 1 1l ' ''I.~in 'f'4 l lid . 'd II" ... , t ll '~; ;~'I·,'~,\ l i .'~ I : ; ',;~ . j Ul ,\lIJw('I: k 1' 1' _ 1 .' r ,\Jut' LIII I!, -; I) , III. flll)lIl y, of () r u~' l11 ill, lLt.tHnd ,·d Ih o plOYI'll" of III I' T(11('ph '1',,,,,,' 1" i\1 " ll Y I"' rv o ne C" rllT'II1I Y rlll1l"rk nlllt , 1'. 1n . 111111'.1' I'; . 1:1 .. \\'p~ lind 1\lr.. . , 1 1I ' ~ :'~ I' " f II I' 1',",.1,;11, 1 I IJI: 1'1 • Ch I' Ch .. r\lrl'" It a \', ' 1"'1'1\ ,·11" ', ' 1,'" b v IlI o", .. hllpti z lll l-( lit Hur v " 'y~ hu r~ u n t:;un rn .. IIW1IY Mill,111"11,,), """ " , hfl111klr \\ .. ,.... ·II, ' ,,"" t~· . .. I"". Ii Sf. Augu st in cs at o le ure... l ' \\'" II"r 11"),: 1!1 lint! I'llIlt lnm ~ 1 1\\lIt .\1 a ) ',! I 1 1 11l101' ' I,, :-,.,1<1 Iov " I I 011'" It· I" tI . d .. y . Fa.tlHlr J.,o lll~ Ynll f4 o n n u f II II-] h o r ""~ I,' gs. '1'h o III .r HI' Fr1dll~' 1I lt nrnllon WiLh III 1'''. l:i . C . '] h H \\'llrre ll CU llu ty ThUll" 11I1 ~ 111111 t.o htl kilh'll . 1 ~1 I>II\;:> " 1111 .1 fl1l1.lly. ~OI n o DU1I1 Ccrtl.titl . Mr. Il!lrl Mr r; . 1-1 1111111 lind lit tl u Your Frl~ n d8 . Mr . Edd lo B .. l.'v ~ Pl'llt i-l" l nrdOlv L illi tlrun uo n ,wd wife tlnd Mrs b'l hy, co f Dltyton St. Mary 's Episcop al Churcb . T r pa l YO IlI" fr"' ltll ~ for whn t you , vi .. ito(1 0 , ' 111' DUll . II IHl ~ Ullt.lI .V wllh Mr. ,; url l)ukltl. 1\ 1'\', .1 I ' ', 'O\. ) w;L1 J.\,h'r, H ec tor , k tlll\\ tltl' l lI I n III ', I{q,:. anl no sur- II: E Th nU1Jl8on 8 plmt !:i llntlllY UKY wlLh (~ uo. FI111d urh n rg IIIllI wi f ll 1'.11" t1l1Ll t.1 r~ . (';"orgn 1l(LkiG w e n' ~1I11.l. lV ~ t' II'l! d tl al l a , III ra,·' ·A. (·01l ,, 1'!.-1" 11011 whll\ I h l' Y did, " oo n with Mr~ . Mllrttlf l W . TtIo mp " 'f o rnlllg I"l er pn ' lI l \' l I n' I " Ill'r ... lhr l 't' i ll'" rtl qnM Mr~. \\' Ill . CCl P ~flY WII ... Hhoppm g en l nrt'l l neil \1 ~1' . I tI . IO~ , II I II lI l y (.OIU lll nlll llll t. 11I! lind by Mr. 111111 :\Ir,;. W ILIt.o r bUI whul Ih ,·) illt, ·" ,I, ·d .- TllUreau. . hf'11 Ul"l fll-: I1 l1 t 1l1Il T" th an 1\ \'(' li nc!'. . Ho n . :--' l lw lny ut ea ch IlI l 11lt.h , ::;Iltur (lt,y In D , y l n n. Dttklll lit Sunllu~' rli nn (1 r . 1'h nr e wi ll b(1 prf' ll c hi llg in t h " \II ,,!'! ~ "IrY til\ l i~bnrv , of Wa y Oo r n mg h ho rh o"ll Christi an Church . we l1 r e o lOllslip ation Cured c hnn:h h e re runday Ilrt.e rn OOQ u y 1.1I11<vill ", vi~it ocl WA f' TED OVll r ~ll u dny wit h pre'''1 nt l1 d ai, t·h" 'l'ownHI lIIJ M118~ Rov. J'. J I. ThompooD, I'Wlt.oo, th (1 R l1 v . R oho r , o f Dlly l o n . Dr . 1\lI lg· .. N ..lY. l.ifo Pill!! will !lllolo HI·hool. 9 : ao 1\. m. Rocial mootlDl!, h e T grilDlIl 'ltrents lind al.tende d the ~cb of)l lII ee l i n/l, W e dnesc!I\Y. I O : ~ O fi . Ill . l ' hri!'itlau E'Hlcl\vo r, 7:00 p, m . rillil"'" r', . n ~t i I 1111.11.11 prom)ll Iy lind - - - - .. - - - alnlnni . Hllrmou DVERT I SERS MI' . IlUtl Mrs . E ll rn oRt D"ldn are - T () kn o w t hlLt, I 0.3U oy pWitHr t!vo ry a ILt, S uuda,)" .. ~1l1. 1' ''l1r h " \\" I , I ~ I II tl " "II,\' cu ndi Li rl1l t>. w. !WI.! 7 : 30 II. 01 . yAIl cun Ao ll ~'onr h o r MA;' n nd MiRI' Allnes Nll rri s, of X An iIL, WII~ r ej ol ein~ OYtl r lh e lI t.:tlln .1,1\111 :-;li p ~lI' , u"- Hllnhnr y, l'flosl Prompt and Effedu al Cure for tlrri vH: of Ii hlih.v (lnw~ nnd 01 h I1 r 111 i Il ~H hy Il .l vnrt.i". (.h e gite~t Frid"y . .Jf M iss Lillian ctl\l1ght or , L eli n K Bad Colds Hicksit e Friends Churct... p" ., H'H,,: " Th,·.,· II r " !l. n 1""1 , o n Werl ll l'~ rlll Y ing t.lwm in I.h n (;ll zl'tte It. cost,1:\ )llll ~ ) I' \, .. r I~H"", IInoi l 1I 01\'i~t' lIVllry Fir!t t Jla ) l\lt'\'tIIlL', II 0 0 a . III , 1" \ nu, J) aJ \Vh"n yo n h ll v e ~ bllt! oold you Anllueo. M r . ,Guy Chenow oth I' PAllt. ~UD· hut lIttle, Imd brin f.(1:1 re~u ll !-- ,'I.l tul, I J , O (l;\ UI , !l . l·'u u nll l . ay l\'1cr:\iug Hn l' t il U~ iI rll, In hlr (Ju TH"ri pnt,10 u. ""tlot II r l:l ll ll1d.v t!Ju t will not \Oll ly The MiR~OR BOfl~ ie F itc b , Lo uis" tiu y witb bi s s is 1 0 · UO " . Ul . t or Mr!l . D :Hi.1 llldl !! I· ... 1",1\ Iw d \iv "r (''' "1 plfl Int . ., !,(IV U r .- li e f, h UI, e ITecu £I prompt '1nd fnlk e r t:1o n , Geor g Ia tin ook , Mbry LllaflH lind fllmily . \Vlllllfl ll' .I'O U. Prie,. ·~:,a. H ello m pllrmlll l flT't I! llrfl, 11 r om , dy that Is Walto n tlod P ~ Jlrl Orthod ox Friends Churc" . Colvin w ere 00. lilll/lIlod h.\' .1. I'; . ,llIlI ne), . - -- - .. - - pleli ~ll nt tu 1.11 ke , " r Hm fld.v I.hll l con LOST Mrs. Ruth MU1T1lY, PMtor te r t liined MondllY a t tile h o we of II1i0 8 n o t, hin ~ injnl"lo n:'!. C hllmbe rExtent of Matc h In d ustry. ~a l ) bal.ll !-=-chool , II ::iO a , m , H ' ~\Ilar cburob Th. e mal.t' h IIHlu"l r), (lrodu cc~ s evan !tl ln' B Cu n~h H tl m e t!y lIl uett! 1411 theH P Mr l!. RIlI)Jh COID}lt,OD. in fH ' f\'l c(\ , lO · QO U, w , Cbri1H.ta n l-: U(lc ~ vo r , Xenia . match eR a day for .. nch man , woman W hat Joy. r equire llllmtB p OCk Atboo k, contain inl! 11 Allm 7 <)0 p _ It " nts o n Dlitnre'H Lcgltlfll lllc uc:IOJ"l; Olay Bll o"r, but th e · Ilitln . Tl' h eV~ 1I t h e lung~, -and child in lilo ' world. o{ m o n ey, hel,we.l n Wll y n e!' aid ; expec. RClo r w h t> 1l1;IH to I h I) ': llIovl s" has I I' TI~t.I " n, oJlf'n B th For the Weak and Nervou s ll t!60 rl1tlOns and vj 110 nnd BllrVeVl-I!JuTI!". Finder Oli O prh·It"J;I· wu rl h 1II0r o than gold rl'tlto r etl thfl !<Ylltem t o IL h.-.,, /t.h y plAatie le u v e at Gnz~tte ollioo. Tired. out, weRk , n e r vo u s men an I o r l.rl'cloliH stono- h o can see him· o<lnd ltion . Tbi s r emedy has R W'lm e n would f!le l ItUlbit I OU~, ene rH s olf act. world w Id e ~lIle and u se and clln >,(etlo, full o f lif e Ilu d Itl wny " hli v e a always b e d epe nde d upon: 801d by go od appetit e, if toey would d o th e Health a Faclor in Success >le ntlible tiling f o r 1111 d e ulers. Vete rinar y hf'al th-tllk e FOR SALE Electrio Bil,ters, N othing better f o r Th e I !lr~ ~ ~t. Ill c tor tl() ntrlhuti l1 g t o ---- Gradua te of Obio State Univer"'~ th e tJtoll , ltch, liv e r o r kidn e .v ~' l u 1\1110 ' II !l n cce~ 1l i N un.IIluh l,l'dly rh ou Bllnds Stiy t hey owe th e ir Ii vel; Burli ngton PunlUun L to ' h h nlll!.h . II. b ll ~ 1>1' e n llllp" rv"d I·hllt ll prov l.;OD~ Ilf the "ill • \. . brl\n npw " ~imp)ex e rAIUU of Rll za V . II ul", ·•. "00,.,,,,,,,1. Iho lIu.l ula.t t.o I, ul~ won d er f n I I10mfl r eme rl' ""'1 I~ IDIIII iM ~"ld " l11 s ic k wh t<ll hi ~ J' . Il-' '·.'OCll lor.; of lloo IIISI will of "uid El'·"i~ i::lepKrtlln r, " !lOO· lb. Cll pA.Clty, ,zll F Mrs O. Rhinev uult, of Veslal CenUSID,·S. 01 ...... ·11 .. ·,1. "ill "Ir~r rur Ski,· al I'uhl;, perbtlp Mrs . B . F. Co mpton and dau gh . h o w (1 IH Ilr n regnll tr-h e I ~ n /1ve r wl'll ,-r S tbe betl t mac hine n n the (Hlic e at r esid e n ce in 1". B. SherUlH.: I IVIl UII lliu V I"'l'JnIS{!" . 011 t ill! :l lith duy I,e r , N ' . ' , S'~y B., 1 ' 1 reg ar d E'I ectrl c .IlI of \9 hrm tllllY lirA nO uf'l.iptLt od. F l.r t e r Maril\n nl\ attende d Wurren uo. 191 :( at ~ o ·d ..wk " . III .. tho lul1u'I"lu" nlar"et.. Frnn klin P(],c l[ f' r, 7 13 E. C o. Bitte r", li S one of the wootl ' ~ ho use, Fourth Street. gr ~ atellt of dos(" ri ool real ""t.. ,u. I.u· wit. I1nl1"" . iJl I~t.i n n you will lind II l1thinl! R 8. lJniv e rsi t y , AnD Arbor, Mio h . oonvon t,iun In Hprlngb c>ro, last. g iftll . loan nev e r f orget wbat il .8 lt 1l1l100 III 1100 \, 1 1I.u~o 11111t.9 BO g ood DS C hHmb e rlllin' ~ 11"11)"110"," 111 0 htl~ don e for m e, I ' Teleph one 28 J e 11 w ae k . (jet tl b o ttl e \\ Uf're(l ~'Ull l ll)' . ullin. h,lId Iof' JCIII~ Jlltf! ut 'j'~ bl n t !l TIII·.v nol only m o y e tll (1 , AlluUls ~q ll h r'J , a ll d u tJ UJldoo uuu UdU&': r1hm j yo nrRe lf and ~ee w bllt 1\ dltfereL lae "'\ rol luwo 1 ~~" I.u J1i ll " Mi!ls Berni ce Hawki ns WBII tho ho w !' l!' but i 111 provo tllo 11 pP A tlt~ uL UII In," pin In tI ... OR8E- A farm horse for R!lle, or It, will mllke in vonr h ea lth . Onl y \\ ~' I UIIO of I lurd ti.", ..·, . ... h ... h ,. I. " fI~,. • Ohio !Luil Ht r t' Ilj!l h" ll l,hfHl il!f't<tiLm. ' will t rll dA for IL young driving n ljrLh~r l .v rru m 0.11 11'01 1 p in III t h o C'oul They Il'aef!l t o f fri e nd s in Leesb urg, o ver "Oc u r \') r and 'L . OO. Itecoru mended b y J. ~IiI\ClJi ::tlnwt. II Il' s<l)d hy all dtllll o r ~. or II ' ruut rrom h tho o r ~e. S o uth eas' Inq ni Hundl\Y · re at E Jttnn ev t il is o1lice for in · curllor u f :\ dllms SqU 1U'II . liaitJ lJo~i lllllll ~ POlul, ~. _ . _,_ _ _ _ .... bt!l u~ l\(H'LUt.'ILHL c'urlwr o f 1ho !\l u r t-:ll.rf!t. f o rma t io n . Je 11 Mr~. Wrn . H.. ll g h .lm BUrl dangh Ji U"lIIoS Lot. rUlluin~ lh t.llll'O with Lho r"orL h No E xcit oment. li llo o f tmid t. .. r, o~ NOfWOOI l , ")lImt u few d1lY~ IOL ,,' uslorl y awl fm,rnl lul to BARN HAR T, OT o f g ood millet seed . For :\Iiu mi Sl rL"""t 2U7 f t...·(H.. to au ir o l} pin Blld A YOl1n~ n. a " \1"11" ("0 1111" ' 11 ",) hy hili 111111, w tltl k Ilt, the humo of Mr aDIl :\urLIt~' l'~t;' l.'Orll('-1' t o Lito ~ukl M llrgnrot II QiU fnrt.llOr inform a ti on IDfjnirf ' of 06 fnt h l'r tel tltl'l' r" I"II)(' I' a l! allt~t h i s will. 1 ~l t , t IItLllI 'O ::-:'oll fl tt' r1y I1w l WI I h t.ho \\' 0 ,· \\, Rev. Hurgen t talk ed to the so l· IJllOti u r ~ l uq;an.!L II ames. Publi c \\' i , and AnIl a Drm Rook(1t t, R. D . 2: ' :V llyn f1 s v ill e , 'ot IIlrl n g 1 h ,.. 1'1"Of,·s, lolI . h I' "'I'nl Mrll. Sam Ki se r . 1)'1'<0"1 1. nUl! l\. L . auu C. ItUlI lIUlilOLS, 11 M O hio. di o rt! and fri .mds Je Snnday 11 Mrs lit . Laufil tb e ruet l<) .. poi n t In lho j'; urth IIl1u of ~' Lltc k flY \S the gne!'!l. nnd lIan !!" " h llll S<'If . 1I'a I" I111': . IlIR writ· All kindA of Notary Work , Pensio n lnl1l1 Friend! ! c ll urah , lind rflview "d th (1 StrUCI, ~mid pnillt, llei nK 2u7 ft:l ll. \\'c ~tor l .\ ten Rl nl,.. II)(·nl : " 1" a rrl1ln ~ ' " 1\ m ost ,)f h Ar !Io n WIl)ter "ud wifl'l. W o rk Il l::\peoll lity. rrom lho IIOUlIIOIIS I """" 'r "r Au""", sq uaro' phfl Aton, I\lmo~t nAW, and in sell so'I(' RtI ilur!!lIl1 : Il 111 (> rl' IlIlJorlng In l.h tHI Cl l W est ~dy Wit II l lw :\urt.h liu o 0 f .Mr . IUld lIIr!l . 1<', M . Shane have hllppen in gs from 'jH t o 'GG. 1 ~lIaml S l ro,)! r,. feot 'I ind H ,c. tu IlU Iron p i li a clrclo. You sow Ih ilt yo u IlI ny r enp, g oo t! oon dltion. nquiro of • Mr!\ Liz~ e Le~ b, of 8ablnl' , waR ut LII .. :;oULlluU4 l c" rnur ... r 1:. T. l1 awk,"" and tll pn you r l'np t ll a( yo u may BOW! rn o v e tl from Wilmin gton '0 ttle EVil Lot . thence ~urtlwrl\' and wit lt ll awko 'rt P. K eys . \v n), n csv ille, Ohio. the g u est o f h e r siste WlIltBo r Mrs. n propor ty . He will wor~ Frllnk ~nti L Hue liud IHlnll l,ll to "ILinl SI r(lot. I rc., ~~ Nothin g ever cOllies of It."-Llf e. J e .j ft.!fH. t,1) a po int RBU ('(Jrno r to Jl llwk u, til OIl"I ' Willlon , lust. week. for W C . Smith. East o rly nn d ut f il-;IIL UJ\ l;lt~8 11 f.Jo t, t u It po in t IlIHI I 'tl f lwr ' ,II r i ll \\'1<0 ; Ili u n CI ' 1'.; o r t,la lrD Mrs. Mar g ~r et Tu c k e r, an a ged Iy OR~ - .. GOO(l Seeel Co rn for Bille, Both partiai pants in the bbootin g M.ud a t ri l:! iJt. u.11~h.:t> 37 teut. t o loI. p ni ut. auu hu. Al!lo Rom o goot! flLrm (' tlrO u r t o II n.".I,H j ll tho Bollth Ihlu CI t &11 lady, ~Utt~.(!·t~~--------------------f. i~ quite p oo rl y nt, this writ-iug . affrliY o f B week ago are improv ing. _ How's This? Id lt~Y, nl t no,.,,,, »'LI iron pili in tlw SOll th illlpl Al1lent.A . F . C . Sawin, Phone The lIuo ZIOU tit sHHJ tlllt"y t c hurcll bllplize Ll !'.Ulllfh; \\'u.,;wrlr I I feet N o 11ft eF ts hit va bOf'n IIlllde . tilt'u('o EntiLOrl y u,lId wlI.h I III.J S \ l u th Ji lll, Q5 :I}.; , Wavn osvill " , Ohio. We offor One Hondr e d Dol\llrs In:tS lit ",uld f~tlU )' J,; furl ;l illl' hult tn Ill! Iroll p ill Donn)d and EVil De Haven, Lila in (Jaesllr' B Creek, Sundny . Rewllrd for IIny Cllf.l" of Cl\tnrrh iu siud u ilt.! ,\ , 11 11 I o rJ ~ in :d f ;tlJ' !h'f' o f I.vt!-.:\ o Wayn esvil le, Ohio . ~ Quite 1\ numuu r froln L ll ll1t ll o n. ~ , ;\0, :~, :\u , (; ll.n d :'\ 0 , " t h u ll(,u :'\url tllilt CIlDnot. be cu r ed by Hllll's Inwood and Edit.h Nioker s o n, of ttlt. h nr ly III Silill " III .), 2 4 rl'I,1 til ll('!Jn,' t o ulllrflll pin ill (JntllTr h (Jn rf' . Bllc k Run neigbb orhood , were Dltyton , Wilmin gton Ilnd Cl arks· "iii " li l 'Y ""of ,.,)"LI .." ," , ~Ol""or lCO Fr,wk R. . 1. A'fll A WAY . Ca ll ans w e r c d prompt ly uay or ni~ht. :I.c ll 's Lnt . tlh l llCU EIlSI\, rlv an d With F. J. ell 10::\ ,.: \, III cu .. T " ""d,,, U. ~ald m fl mbers of this year's gradun ting villflllt t,(1 nd (1 d t,ho bl1pt,izi ng. /.0 BuLh ph uncH in O flie e and Residen ce, 11 'tt ~II II Ul IIIIU 2 1 -& I,! ftlt'L t Cl UI) ir o ll J)iu ill \Ve, ti'l' II l1cit-rs i).,! lh tl. ha\'e kllil Wtl F , Mrs. Cliff t:l Kwk" , Mrs . Tho~. thu W,',>\t I1 l1u of Third :O;L f1 'OL, suid pin 11I '11i /tZ Long distanc e, No . 14; H o m e phone 1. ChC III' Y f"r I ht' I . I ~ I I:, y,·a .. s. a ll" a llllls, of King'lI an High Sc h ool. W Ry ueR I~U fHl' I ffOIn t!tfl ~t,lrlhl' lult cOI"IIt'r o t .\ 11 :1111 vi l1e '8 L(,lILd\n~ DeDti8~ :-- ' i lC li ev~ him !,c rfrc ll y hOIl""ab lt' in all I · I-~r . The ml1mo rin I I!ermon WItM d l'l )i V McHuin ll ILnd :'tira. S IL muel Ellil:l s l,i ll Squuru , Uh}I1" C. wil li Ihi ' \\' est. hun o t T ll i l',f r Jffi ce in K oys Bldg, ~ t.NCl Milln 8t Cha ir~ amI one Coac S' l lILi ll.l rl y 12 :~ r, 'vL Itt tbu phu'u o t b usiness t raltsa l' ti tl ll ~ i.l l1 d financia ll y ahle h furnish ed free r e mllill IlCl ri o nsly 1)t.·~!illl1ltlK · ill. ered In the M . E oburch Snnday t eo carry ,,"I allY "blip I iO lls m ade uy his Tho a l,o \'''' d(1!\t'rlhod tra (' ~ hoi ng 31'1\r t o r with funeral s. · Mr R o lla. l{~ y l o r s pent put (I f 1.0ll"i afterno on by Rev. Kil\end er. Deo :'\0 , I. Nu , j!, l\o, :t, ~ t.). ~) li lHI ~ o . ti u f fir m . Best of se rvic e g uaranteed . Adull1~ !4qII 11 rtl, NA TIO NA l. H:\ l'oiK U F CO MM~RCE , orntion OilY service s will be held llist wee k in Bell ofo u tui Do, t· rlln~· SlIit! real nstllt..(1 h u!'oi IIIJI' fI d uly I1pprai~t)d at. Teoledo, O. ItQtin~ bu siness . a ftern o on . 'fhl' Iho SIUH IIfThrt)O T ilull saud Sh nllod r~d Uol addre~B BII1I'~ C utllrrb C urA i!! tuk.,u \lJ FridllY hlrr4 1 ~3 \i U IJ , Utl ), li"d w ill IlI"l Itu ~old (!l r loss We are Boon 1,0 have our strAet,1< tlia t e rlll. lIy, Il n t.llr~ din)()ll y upou the wlll be ' wude by R ev . Liotle, of DIlYn f.,wu -t.hi rJs IIf S81d appnl isHu \'uluo, oiled whICh will make th e m dnst· I lood Ilnd muoo us >lurft,c.-. .. o f tbe tun. T EID I' S ' F SA1.E -ell_h . flys t e m . 'fe"'t lln oll i"l~ .. ent. free . Lelah Bognn, 1<::dnll Coyle and prQof. A :":" .\ ('. 0 ':011'; .\ Lt. . .P r iotl 7r) 0l'nl8 p tl r uottle. i::io ld by "AHI)" II . (" IIA~"I.l"(. Our merollB ots r eport busines~ L"urett lt Hurley w e re Buacess fnl in .. II Drug~i~t'l . r ,\ s O.xC(' ULOI':o! o f tho IlL"'t. will ... r Goodld..., I ~ li za F , II ,dnu."'I , t! Ol'URHlt(j • TRADE MARKS . '1'1~ktl Hllll's FamIly PII!!! f o r OOD. p,, ~tli ng tbe Illst Bo x well-P attert!o D ~o o d, Ilnd when the propoR ncl rllil Goot! t:ol.rlll... DESIGNS mrnl.o\cU •• II •• 01 road IS oomple ted and a blink with ! el:liUliu lltlon. stipat.!o n . HIs Wlb a nd 1115 ibodl COPYRIG HTS &e. T hl'1;" a i'" th .. I hl ll\t!l whi ch A nrnnn f114!tlt11n~ 1\ ... kl"tf'h AI 1I1 t1f\ru'rl lll ll\fl the otller trimmi ngs tblLt go ul o n g, w HI lII , iI,l' ' l JUa li or )'u ur ho)' . I') l1kkl y 1~ 1'('Irlli HI lIur 1'I" I1 I'lU treo " u 'tllI'frlrn" 11 11 R"{'II I' " hl 'l l l\ d y IlI h " I':" rm d w bul c · tll\'I' lI t l.U'J If' IIn1h"hl,! t'ILIC ' ll l uhl u , ( " 'Hlll'UII w e will hlLve Ii t.mvn . Il' " , a:: l:c\,I'I (lllin CII II I) &,:,\'1"..: him 1 '''" 11 fU rlc lly (·" "lhl(' 1111HI.

11 I

1·;YOf.l'IHluy It!

(· B'\ ~ I-: . 1"" i l"l"

~(\t l. l og

r Oll lly fur

Mr>l . L owi ... l;r"n" , who. hils 1'''o' n

Gr aI lt & FI 'u,z er

,\\ '"

---------------------------.1 Cla ssif ied Ads






Exe cuto r's Sale of Rea l Esta te

- ..----



A . McCoy,





E. v.


Nota ry



C 2"

Fune ral

and Emba lmer,



---- ...

$3 ,0 00 pe r Da y Is n ow thl' daily Pay Roll of Tri-sta te Cream Ship. pe r s -SPOT CASH being paid every shipme nt. Beco me a Tri·Sta te Shippe r today, for thp Tri· Stat~ Butter Compa ny, Cin"cin nati, Ohio, is


Perm ane nt

Res pon sibl e

capital 8tock $75,00 0

8hip us today or write for Free Trial Cans. Shipme nts can be made whenev er convell lent to you, no ice being necessa ry, as eream is used f?r Butter· Making purpose s.

THE TRI-STATE BUTTER Cinc inna ti. Ohio




Best Medicine for Colds Wh e n a drngl!; i!lt r .-.r.ollllll ourlR" rem e dy for oolel .. , throllt. Rnd lun g trouble s , you olln f ee l ~ ur e tilllt h e k,now" whllt be i .. hiking n btlu t· C. uow e r, Druggi 'lt , of M.ul nn . Ohio, of Dr. Kiog '!:! Ne": DiRoove L'Y: "1 know Dr. KinS's N e w Di~oovery 1M tbe bes t thront. "ntl lung medici ne 1 sell . . It cured my wife of a severe bronch ial c61d I\{ter all other remedi es (RIled. " It will do t·he snme for yon if yon lire snff(1 ring with a cold or any bronahi lll, throat or lung oough. Keep a boUle on band all the time lor everyo ne in the family to nt:!e it II' a howe dootor. Price [iOo and $1 ~O. Guaran teed byJ. E JAnney . •


Exe cuto r's Sale of Rea l Esta te PtIt""lI nnt tn til l,


o r t 110 In.'''' will

o f l!:.1i1,dh tJll1 H, ,\ 11111 I'll , UU(·t.1 U./'I( ~ 1. th u uwl or~il! lI l!t1 fl."; cXi)(' lIl ur n l I It o l asl, w ill of N:lIid Elizu, l ll't.. h B, '\l on ru . d{wet~>\od . \', ill (lIfer tur

sa lo at. Publil' ,\ Ih·t lO ll 0 11 t 111 1 I'ro lll itlo.". Ull tl ill l :Jl lt ti lL )' uf J tll lt~ , 191 3, a t. :tu 'dud< , ;\1.. U w tullowil1~d wU'rlhod rCBI ~ t n. lO l n , ",It. ;HClfJ)(fpn rL'o f l ot !l umbul' fou r in Pro~i d c llt, :4'1U1\fO o f tho Inwn o f \Vu.Yllos \' iIIe In , 'u llut y ot' WIUTtH l , SLuto of ollio . co mmotho ne i II,.: at \.110 curlH\r 0 1 Third and II igh t;l"rcoWi;

t heDI'" wl1.1o Third SlreHL so ut hward ly 8evonty· f oot. Rud t.h roo lnc hus t..o.t ho curllor ot tho p'"rt of ."i,1 ICIL No .•. horotofor e sold by Zacks rl "" Anllors nnd wlCo to J. lI'. I'a.,·or: thctwo wit h tho Uno o f said J\:avor northwartll y two humlnld n nt! fnUMAJen 81x Inches to t.h e IIi \"1810 /1 IIno UoLWOOll lofoo~ ~ No. , ,\:. t:I in sa OlltJ

id Nqu are; t.he nco 1V lth H80id . lin o north ward ly w \'eu t.y lIDU r OlJt, t hree inches LO UI!:h stroot. : Lhonco wltl••niu .t.roeL two hUll· tl rod !lnt! fou rteen 1001. six Inc hoa t o tho be-ginning. , . Snld real ""late 18 HltUBtc On ThIrd Stroot In l,ho V1l1ugo of Waynes vlllo. Warren County, Ohio. betwoon High Stroot Sout h Stroot in said VUlnge. SaId real aDd ... taw> h 88 been

duly appra,lsed at tile sum of 000 Thousan d Dollars an,1 wiU 1101. be sold for thirds 01 ."ld apprai8ed valuo. less thal1 twoTERMS O:lI' SALE :.- <Jaab. AARON B. OHAND LER

.u executor -or the lut will of


EIlz&bem B, Moore. deceuod . I


1~1a-1ili .,










UANO BOOK .,11 1" ll.' lI l t.t It l!'" fn' (\, ,1I, 1! ' >4lIU/t' l wY r ll f l'lt'C Ufl l ljo{ ,I/I,ll'I,l o! . l 'ul N l1" tUk e ll Ih r"" .; h !\IUIIII &. Cu, I'ccu lv e tptC(, 1l fIIJtict. ,.11 h o uL Cl lllr/.lO. lu ttl O

Sti~ntifi( Jlm~ri\an.

A hnnr1fH'IIl1t' l y 11 11l I'l trn'I",t ""'(~I"lclv, J n r l1(\l;t rlr, cu l u L\(m o r lill Y ,. r l l! llt.lII ~ 1.. urnll.l.'l \· rI !I~. , 'I n yUII.r : ' ''Ill' lll"lIthll, fl. 8uld lJy .lll II.'1iI'P'11 C:lIl"f"' .

MUNN &CO.361BF st.., roadwa y. New York nrowcb 00100. !116

W... hlu ~ l u n. n.t:.


r!~~~ :I I~~" 'II ) ~:~I~~e8n~t;1 J~I\f\'(,,'~ !~~';,~" '~'i;~!~:,'~Ct,~~:~

nrhl Clan"lIt c ~' c lil s.

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~~!\Yi ~lIfl~C~\~~t h~~r:~. S~ II~·::i'R("T:~!r,:I~:~I\::!

I m te d, Ann

f" YC I' Y l tlle In 11:'II'm nny wllh refined h o m o I r,u lling , ,,· n~u r ... CfI tJY 'l!!t). ooo bOY.R.Dd their Vllrrn t., ~t!nd 1 1.00 ru r A. 'wi "ear. On sal. at nlln cwtl-SI:A n d.1l1 10 ceu l",


lOll Mlltt1to 1169., h!no", - .

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w'\,o; ... ~

RA Y MI LL S Aut omo bile Live ry Serv ice at R "'ason able Rat es. Also Agen t for Racine . Automobile 'TIreJiL ,

The Miami Gazette I D. L . CRANE , Pu ll l l sl,er. W .\) :"\.:-;1 11.1,1

lit \ 0 ,

In All Agf'S It Has 8een Demon st rated, but Many Still Are

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,Some Farmers Ra Ise Big Crops On ly To Feed Them To Poor Stock So uthern Ohi o Has Great POSSI1,, 1 bil it ies For Live Stock ,II ·


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( ' orr :I :-o h :'\ II ,,' ltllp 1I11\ I~P " l i ar · lakt ' l lt i PIi I lo lUH' U\ t'r\l! u k~ t h" C' ( lfl I JI ' ( ' l ll ' U( 1 1\' I · r 1I1 td I t,... I : n " ' 11 II t ( l tlll tn1l 1~ Ttll' p r .. ~ i df·llt Iuu; tHll'I OlJ l ldl'cI h l lll H ' l f \\' t lh 1 1Il ' rar ~ Hn d aruI->f ir IIt'!ghhnrri III t-tt· h '(" lirq.,: h l~ t:'1 1!lIl1 l pr lHII III ' T ht-" tnl ' l oIl ' tllr, ' t-hO\' t1 fir" t'lIlI lh (r o nl a n'j th E-" l l (tttl'lll ( l U P ( li p. rHl rth r l'o l l1



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m Oil.....



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Aht ' l .hll.\ tl tr l th. , ( 'ox I'r U prl ~lll J.! I n ('h l lla . 11 v.a~ ( I T! I tH ' tll&.: 11I or Ii hl !o' to !" m a kl! l ~ (,rl:- I ~ , th ,' n l .,:, h ! of rh, ' \\ 'lI' ld '~

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(' ro\\ , ' d , and h l:-; v o l,'\' c all"d I'. : t r (I ' r. ' l lf'l l t :ll l n '. T h t· , ' Ole, ' (.f Ihal J ()n ~! 1 r h a~ 11l'I" rI ht ,:tr! ,,('h oi ng d r1\\l1 Illrrl ll )! 11 Ih, ' <I t!I ' !'\ 1I }o\ 1lI 1'S#W ':C u nd h , t-~II II 1.0 " ('ails Ill "n to n' p " lltll ll f' , ' God '-.1111 ~ I I I , :tk ~ 10 n \t'n ' l l j~ \ ( HI' " is un t1 "n"lwHl T~d ::- ii"' 111 /\ Ii ': " \\h, ' n 'h, ' l i ed\' ~1 1T'l1 approac h" H trlf) O ( ' lid :;!. ult t'r CII \ 1I1 '~' ln~ IIH' ('( 11 1, r or t h l ~ Ia ,l ~\' . a Ft ' l 1I r1" t! f(l h " ; } \ I ' TI ;~ I ltl ~a l

but 4,7 09,047 pound s, ag u l nst 175 ,806" 649 po unds III the ("o rrp . p on dlng m o nth s 01 190 7. That th is sh o rtagl' i n tb e e xportatl onH IK dll t' In \lart At. I pn s t t o an artunl rPrlu c t lo n In th e numb!'r (lr catl l e In th., l ' nlt",1 S t llt~H I. e vld e nepd by thl' fn c t tbat th !' t o l a l num b e r o f ca tll p on rarms . acco rdIng 10 llgur ~ 8 0 1 th e .I p parl m ent 01 agrIcul ture. WaH on Jan u a r y \. 1913. ['(i ,0 27,-

d o wn 111 .011 hn.. throflp , ,\ , th " ~; tlil" t llJl, l I ll .... II clir ~l lril, flit , ( I r ( JI !;HH ' d f '(';ll fnrll ' r , cI( '~~t"l d l If In r h l ' \' 0 1' Itl u lI 'l :" I\t O (I \~ 1\ 111.1011 Ih, ' tl lnH! I' h " rp , il ll d It is tIl!' "1 ~ Jl f ' II~ ; II I PII 1.11\\ , II ,' is 11\ t h , ' f ' f'lIlt>r' uf t ll ... :--l;q:" H e I ~ K t :--l r i tlJ.;

"" llh


1907. A (' II'HIBnd mnn who mak es a prao · tic e of choos i ng hIs words wltb care, a p ractice wblc b be bas endeB vored to In8tlll Int o the famll y cIrcle, made n m e morandum of th e mIsu sed words uttered by bl s son and daughter durtng a rec ent breakfast. Here 18 (he reault : El egant, 19 tImes; awful, 11 times: dandy, 6 times : fierce, • lImel; great, 2 tim es. "-' ben tbe meal wal ove r tbe head or tb e housebold called the family Ilround blm In tb e library Ilnd grR"el y read tb e totals (0 tbem . ~Gee , tbat 's fierce! " Ba ld tb e 80n, "Isn't It a w ful ! " sBltl tb e daughter.

Dal ey Grace DcKoI , world' .. champ i on three ·ye.r old cow . The owner Ihla cow, D"n D i mmick, can take. Ju st pride I n h i s bus i ness. m an)" ,,!'ollie a r(' bl' f' d leg , 0 1 tb ls lact. I n Soutbprn Ohio th ere a r e so m e wh n ~e!' m 10 l ee l tbat Ih e hill}' ' ·o lln · t ies ure un titr ed fo r st oc k rai si ng an d "ali~fy thl'l1l"" l n's w i th tbl s I"ullclosion . Fo r tbe b(,lI('fit 0 1 tb ese w e \I.' ou ld like to (' 011 AttentIon to tb e fn c t . th at muth of tb e IAmoli s stock IlInd In tb l' wor ld Is 10 b e lound I n tbe h ill cOllntry or England and Sco tl a nd . S o utbern Obio. w il b her J(raijHr bltl - ' 8idl'~ ane! fenilp va ll eys , mlgbl be Cam OllS nlpo I I Ihe i,eople tbH e o n ly (' h o~e to mAke b er 60 . Th e raising of good Ih' e sto(' k pla " ~ n o 81llall part I n th e pro~perlty "I an agril'lIltlll'lll ('mnmlln l ty . M o r e IJPo ple 8bo llid U IJ ~'n tb e i r eYf'K to the vossl· bili ties in I h .. productIo n or b .. tt c r SIO(' I<. C'o n si der th e h orae bU 8Inp~s . UeBl oil c all th e lalk abollt a ulo trucks dr l l' i ng hO rSe IU ('n (Cu t of u lI s inesB , Ih .. IIL l"! r .. maln R Ihllt h o r ses of " ize a n d CJ,wlil) w,' re Il P,' er i n j;r eutpr demand



Tb e coat 0 1 (b e nI ck I Is an Inde:a 01 th l' govl'rDmellt'H profit all tbe co lDage of mIn o r coIns . O ut of one pound of II com p oun d 0 1 1,kkf' 1 Bnd cop per , cos t, Ing about 2:1 CC llt S, tbe go vernm e nt coIn. $4 .65 worth 01 fi cp nt pIeces. Tho lI elgnlo rng e on ~ "h 'l r1i;ory Illv er eolnl durIng th £> Y'.'" \\;," $·I .!i GS,OOO , wblla Oil p eo nIes amJ ni ckl f'S was $1 ,849,000,

11 t b e nndln~s 0 1 tb ese marrIage an~ dh' orcp comnli. sl onH no n o t suIt you,



k(,l" "ff' I ll rn i li/: I() I h p >'tllall rarmer8 th p ("lO rn l,p l l " ra l., " for th pir beef "lIppl)·. nnd pri!'''' haH' !.f',· ro h ig h _ A n


i nf ' I'I'fI!'-ecl

po pu latloll

hH ~



1 11I , t" f' ''~f'(1

c1"II"" 1(1 rOt" d Hir)' prod ll <'t8 IInc1 ",h .. r .. p r"I','r tllllrkp r irw ra,·llItie. are t o b e hnd high produ c Ing " ros li re s b owlng pr c,ri tal rl .. r .. lll rn !i . Th e ro lll ,o n lln l t i P' I n the s h p.· p a nd s wln .. \.", ,1 11 ,· .. , ar .. a)~1l n o t. to hp Pl'e r10()k~c1 . W i lh th., s pe<'inl I n dll.'Plll e n t wblch Ib p ~n' R~.\ h iIlR id('!i I1f So ulb f: r n O h Io orr .. r tn Fh .... p bu suo nliry It see m ~ ~Ira lll!" I h at rno rp or th is "I"OR re I Blo(' k i " nOI 10 Ii .. l ou nd t b "re . I ! n lfo rm , \\" pl\ -h" ,o\ an i mal s , c apaIJ I,. o f pr ociu c-i n/( o\, '~ira t >lc. pork o r milt t on , RPlrt o m rail I n 1IIf'p t with n rf'!lcly fTlnrk p\. In fll('1, th p prllclll ("f'r of h lgb(' llI s~ ~ I oc ' k ., 1 any \;lIIcl ma)" I"el sllre Ihnt h I' w ill lJp \\" .. 11 pn ld l o r hi s laIIOr8 I n .. dd itilO il IC! It.. , ti natlcl al si d e, be \\"i ll II(' f llrtlll'r rP tl lll tI!'I"nt&'l by II JUR t " r iel" i ll h i~ \) 1I' i l ll· ".


I1H ' II ,

b ut

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u ' lt h h i m I lkI' .f:It'ot, \\r f ' !' tl i'c! \\ 1i ~1 t h i' anj.! .. 1 n f1l1 Sa ul w Ith 11\1' s p i rit . Th .. 1"01.,(' Ihat COIll '· S fr o lll Ih l' C' x , J) p ri f' I1 (,f" of lh C' rl( ' h man wh fJ 8wu kf ' n t' d tn 10 rnH" nl ('o in t's to 111'4 trO In Ih " p arab l p of C'hr l st. Th e r ich ma ll . Irom hlH o wn P1 lw rlence in h .-Jl whIch rll m !' as th p rPRult 01 "plritu ,1i carl'l eS" llPHB anrt I ndttrerenee- I,I "ad,· o for IlIl oppo rtunit y to go b ac k and speak " warnIng m es sage to hIs n ee dl ess brot:h p r~ . Th e pxp"rl .. n c~ s o( mfTi around u" loda)' RIWa k loud e" ! 01 all n bout tb e awlulTlPss of 81n a lld th " n ppd 01 r p pl'ntance. Thp call 01 th e hours Is : ""n'rar" to m et· t Ih y God." Thl a la th e "ol el' dlrpc t from God's ,<ord (lnd !o Ih (\ splrltulIl InR tinct of self-pr"servatlon . SQulrrp!t, prepare lor wlot er by l ayl nr, In R SlOr" 0 1 wInt er suppli es. Tbe b I rd s fl y south to a warm er c llma( e. Hum a n s hav e a n I nnate In st inct 01 spJt· presf'r\'alion Ihat I('ad s th e m to pro· tpCI Ih ... rnHPlv es n!:"Rl n st tire. agbln st .mRllpox ; th ey u,k e I1r,,-prf' Se n erS wh en t h fO Y go to spa; the y bullel IltpsavIng t; UUlonB on th e s hore; th ey bullel nllvll'R and suppo rt th e m !Ind traIn th pl r gunner~ : th ey drill ,I tnnd· Ing I1rml .. 8 lor tim e or n ee d : and y e t rh ey prPl'llre nol 10 m ef' t t hpir Uod . Th py sIn agaInst Ih p ir hi g h est 3,, " ~eB a nd noblpst d pRl r PH. Th " y r .. sl~t th e


T hl' llbotograph sh ows Gov . IllTfim Jobn so n of Caltrornla a t hl6 des. In th,' (,[Ipltol sIgnI n g Ibe allen lan d l aw In whI c h the admInI stration at Wll shln!;IOn rook" deep I nt e rest on nccount 0 1 th e I>OHHIIJll1tiI:8 of ror ~ I ,," complicHll o n s.




organ l .,e on e 01 rour :"\'1' lind hav e 11 briug in just whllt rOll pr"r e r. Tbey IIrf' m oot of th .. m sc.:l!·rq ,polnted, nod , th l ~ b"lll/( n Ir",· co unt r r , t here Is no r t!a so n whr (>I'PrY on.' ~hou ld not bave flu(Oh a n ·curnmt' ud U1ion ,us plea~es him I ' ut 1I~ to th £' l aws that lire pas sed, you w i ll ha \"o t o l o"k t o th o "- gl~ luturp9 f o r Ih"IIl , nnyhow .

I ndll es t S: I IIIIh POri lUI'Sno0 tI t the ten rpk st spiril ey IIhnel'd h p 1'0 l CPd p01 w h o sa y s : "('o rn e unl O In P. \\,h osot' v t- r will m ay rome . ..

J e~ u H .

Lack of Fa i th , " Thpr" I s no j!rl'utp.r ullbf'li pr th an dp s pond"n"y ." 8")"b ~I u l\ er That aI I ltu d,' o f mInd can 1H' paRlly tra cl'd to lack o f ru l lh . Th,' Bible somE: whrr e sayR "1'f'jo1c-lnJ! In h opl'." It nH'otlOIlB It s~ o n p. 01 Ih e ('hr lR tiau I'lrt.u es . SOtn P pt'opl., go HlIuut wifh a frown o r scowl o u Ih p ir rll"~ s In ord pr p OR~i hl y 10 IIpp par i\R n ~ tnndlllg prot eHt agalnsl Ihf' ~I II o f Ih e world Hut It worl," I h r' "t'll ... !" WAY . Th e r e I" nolbIn /( I hat l ick l, ' ~ IllP e1f'1"11 so mil c h a8 to h a 1'(' a ( -hrl ,llnn l(Coklng m u d : for Ih F' n hI' IH ' 0\\"8 h I' haB hIm woundE'd nn.' III th e hos p i t al. Thpre I s a man In th lR lo wn "h o h llR a fl g hl on hit! han d" a ll tl'" t in!.,. II .. Is kl ck ... d and PPJt r-o ann ('ulT,' d about cons tantly, but h " alway s (' nrrip~ a cllpp.ry s mllp. nnel ~ ,, ('ak8 In a hop!' ful voIce He sep m ~ 10 han' th e (wplrth c hapt er or ROl1lall R laek ed away In his hpo rt, ellbaling a fra gran(' e p"cry hOllr of the day . It I s a r eal tonIc to m eet ·blm .Oblo S t a t e Journal ,

T li., m an wbo gavp Ihe Ilrs t contr l IHl I ,n n o j a C'-lit t ownrd tb,~ o ld -age 1" ' II ,; i"" lund ,·\"l d .. nLlr was nn advo('Itt" of th l.' anl l·Oslprlon tb eory tbat I 'H 'pl.· who !;"t ol d I n tlH' se day s 01 ro n tlllll,,1 ) o lllh w o n ' t d ~ ~" r"e (0 b e h" l iJf'c . An f'dilOr in llil' sIOu lh ,ss u ed n .perlnl ed i t loll 01 hi ~ IH'I ,r- r In wblcb wer e },ublisbed all t h E' original pn .. try whIch t".d b,'(> n Iiccu mulnUn !l ror yenrs . ThIs procedure mny 11I1\'e b(,f'n kInd to the Jlof'\l'. but It II'ns ce rta I nly hard o n the public . P f'ople werE! lIi-andaltz ed towards the cloBe of the old regIme In France be(:aUBe tbe flying ('arrlage. of the noblea crusbed a mlUl almost every da7

"..-b er p s('ab or otber skIn dlsaales In tb . . .tr@eta ct Paris. Yet we ac- of tbe potalo are prevalent, treatment eept the dally llau«hler OCCAsioned by or the tubere before plantIng Is e •• en- I J'eClUeaa ..atom~~l1e . drivel'll with Ual. , Tbe potatoes are u8ually sterll- I ~ly a mll~ _ liled wltb form&ltn, eltber by Boaklng / ~ . 4Er fumIgating. Soaking the leed In a 11 the turtl.j, d~ - &11 that II elatm- formalin solution is tht! u8ual meth- -- - ---.wrlror:tliiiiiDliIUiieFr1eiifiiiiaIlID aeru -;- A Ilolutlon 01 one pInt of forma: m, 'lin to fifteen gallpns of ... ater 18 uled ttl.y ....U1 redeem their repu.UoD and the potatoes are loaked lD th!s IMtlu. . ... low · for UiJI rap!' .... lor two bo~rs and thell 'rled, APpa- ,



( 'II

fllrl o ( ~ ( ,t lllHII

!'o 1"' I ' Iii !II I .l l ~ I I IIl !' II'''' "; /11. 111 .\ r . l \ '( . r · ' fI~ I hi' I: ~lrt.,! ai ll t 111,, 1 11 11\ w~\i J.:.trt :'. I I IIHII

111 1',"


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t hI.... :--. III I t! n.lU ' I' wh it' h :--loPI', 'd

:11 1' 111.';'1\ ,\ ' \ \ n li I I",

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ures just ('o mpl1 .. d by Lb e statistical dIvI sIo n of tb f' bu r eau 01 fo r eIgn Bnrl dompstlc c o mnl Pf('e . Th ey show th e n u mber of c a ttl e f"x po r t ed In th e ('lglll monlhH pnd"d wI th F ebruary, 1913, but I ~,6[jG bl'ad, a gaInst 27 0, 219 h ead In Ihe co rrp~ [londlnl! month s of 19'07 , nnel the ~!llln t l tl' of fr l';. h bod expo rted,

000, agaIn s t 72, & ;I ~ ,O \lO on Jalluury


I II, '

ar ,eI ' I \I '~ I \iu~


11 1I "

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1 ' 1Jl'-:-- 1l}\11!~

' 1 r ,lI l d 111 1, \ " 10 l!al l la~I'Uri , \\ /I. ' 1t

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I I I :';1\. 01 ' \\ .11i t h, ' l11.aj ;oj 11.\ H cl rf.'alt) ,1; l lIllI'd r h .ti : 11. ",tt h 1'lllit Hf cn p r l' ~al J1lI ~ I . ..... hll p In tht· ( ' Il"" (tlr ,.,a r. ' l\ , 1. 11111 ;t dd, ' d , h i ' \\ f ·~/-!t lt cil a hor :o:e . "' /' n! \\ Irl · I, ' !'!" t ll God for h (·a ", · n t~ If ' I h i ' \ al ll ' ... . I H 1 " ; I~l'd :2 :, , ' (1 l1t "' , TI II~ ! i ufofl't ' U I I ' llt8 . J ohn HllnYlill I II I h ' d I 1!'Io II Ii I Ch ,·, I" II l' !l\ f ga i n i n w (" l gtal I rord Ja i l ~a\"t;> t h, · "orld th .., f mlllll r fi l l t l l l ~I'tI~\ , J ' IPI ' " I Hi! .... 111;t I I ' . , \\H ltI ! hu H , ' ;, 11 114"' I ,Llll llil (j In :loy (ltht' r tal !-1 {or~· . " l' il~r ll u ' ~ Progrt ·!-\ t-! ·· Yf '~. fli ! ' 111'1 1 1., 1111,' II l~ IIH ' h I,.: II 1 ], 1:0""' , 11 : 1"'c.. 'd ... t ~ '\' k . (.o l1 's "(lj (' " h a~ ('O m i' t o U ~ from th, ' r :q l l d g," \\ II Ij.,': , gl '( H\ I(,, 'd l ll ~ , ,arh \\ "I h I a il I . , J,:t ",d I1p p orfll n i t i,'s a fC ("a \"I ' ~ . (rOlll }lrt t'o n (',,, 11 :1 , th .... O1n rt .I.' n.t llJ a f ll ll l l~ al ll lllal tlla r 11 11 1111 .11,1 \ PlIts nbu lu hi ' I 11 11 IHt \\ ' '' 11 a df' t fl?asi n g Htihf't-: , Ilorn l il t' tlm l' wht'lI (' ain k 'l lt~ d

The dp(' r (l ns e I n thp meat supply 18 lndlclCl ed by Ih e F'ebruBry erpo r( fig -




III ' "

10 .""r('hlng t h .. firrlplure tJlI yo u flnd thIs /:ood prllctlc a l IHhl ce In Iwo Hlm l · I"r , ' !'fIl"M ur tb e l ony ·sI'con d I 's l llm: "Wby IIr ... thou ras t down . 0 my s o ul. thou In U(Jd : "

j qllh


lo t i II,


..:' ,\ 't'

'\ .' I "

'1 ht ' ... ll l'll rl", lfig ' ' ' Jftg !~ I ha l L I I' III('I t; 1\1 111 1l~ 1(, l:ok " • •, 1111 11' I II I' ,'1' 101" d l~ lh '~ t'rt (If l it Il lh \\:t .\ , I I I I . th"r ", ,,,, db, tlle l u :Lr c 11 1,, 11,\ fa r ll" '!' :-- \\b o ti \: \.' 1Il " l ll llIb lU \-' XI..- III.1 !"I Jlt;"l t ' l l i "f ' ", I " I " ,\ ~" , .. .d Itp . l, tH \ li n t 'll . 1 11 ,, :, 1.1 " I t l ' I ' tl lll J,-: I h I '" ' I lip I i i

Hatb er t.ake

find wh y di l'qut e t e d wlth!n me ?


of ~w II a ::-.~ ... J j ' lIl

s o m e HPl,J 11 f?8 t e d

Ilook nnd kI ck h l lus (' tr .


.... 1\

Ihp ril'p r ~om(' t llJll'H o n e 18 111 \\ Il i.' h;t ~81d 10 rnak p n rool ,, ( hl mselr. :-':0 " , r"' II ,, 1 I II I II "

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Let Thie MInd Se In You, "I ..e t lhl 8 rn I n d be In y o u ,11' bl Ch was ralU S for rapid soakIng and dryIng can easily he constrll c ted where a con- alBa In ChrIst J esu8 ," The mind o! a~erable Quantity of seed 18 to be meekne~8, of lov e, of esteeming others treated , Treatment 18 g~nerally gJveD better than ourselves-all will be gathjU8t before planting time . ered up In this. Let us seek to bave The pIcture shows a wIre basket. much of t lbe mind of Christ, and may whIch Is IIlled wltb potatoes alld low. we also be careful to carry with ua ~ ered Into a barn'l containing tbe fol' loving 8pllr1t, lov.fng words, lOVing malIn solution, A rope and pulley are tlOnl, a Icwlng atmosphere. Dot to • used to lower tbe potatoes Into fe"" but (.0 the wbole of tlte banel and to . lift them out. faDllly. .



FrHn c ls .Ioseph, "II" tor sIxty-lin, y ears bab gUIded the destinIes of .Austro-Hungary, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand , belr to (be throDe of Aui· trIa, and his wIfe, tbe CouDte.. Sophia Chotek.

WISDOM IN PARAGRAPHS. .Luck conllst8 of getllD~ wbat aom8 other tellowa want.. _ ' A wOIl"m never feela any older thaD abe ·I h !r:~ . ' ,:"he looka . . '


A .WOlDaD mILY be aD angel In otllW reapeelll, but IIhe bas two faultl If abe "Weara t1Kht 8hoea, . PolltlCl makea Itnult!e bedfellowe r- 4. the "a180 r&n." are len t~ sleep, out III tbe · cold ~-



Tact; Elon Oet. Down to TackL H eery. ,a ,e Dve, bad two youn&e r brothe rs . He nry 's fat ber ba d Ju ~ t mov ed, aed wl4e buey laying tbe kltcb - I en lIe ole um . In orde r t o racllllll te tb o wo rk he ga ve H enry l b e t aelt of fur· I oill bin g him w ltb lIiC k. S. T h e little fe llow wu rk ed fu lthrully ror hair lin ho u r. Sudd " ul y, bow .. ver, be turll ed ! to h ie rat bllr lin d s aid : I " Papa, you IIk t! til e best. don' t you ?" ~Oh , I IIko a ll wy boys," said t h e ra l be r. "lIut d o n't you III, .. ru e a li ll ie b it belt" r t han the o lhers '! " Que ri e d I~ :lltr y " I like all m y boys eq ua ll y well," Bn dwt'r('d t be rathe r , "We ll . pa pa ," ~a l d the la d , a ft e r 1\ ru olll e u t o r re n l'c tlon " what's t bo U"" 0' Ill Y bU lld lllg yuu t l'l oAe luc ks t he ll ':" I

11'. tortu re tu wo r k widl a la..m e , Il c hing


b:\ck Gel nd 01 It Allack tho causc. I' rubab ly il's weak kiducys. H eav y or cOlltiuing wu,k is hard 0<1 the kiuu evs , all'yway. a n d once the kld-


HATCHING OF BROWN'S PLOT Old Frame House S tili Stand s Where the Ptan to Raid Ha rper 's Ferry W • • Flrlt Bro ac he d.

-- '.




o (: ys b "l u tn 6 IU ftam e: d 8ud cUIl~es ltHj.

the Ir ouule kee p!! gelllf ~ wo"e Th .. cL.llg.". 01 ru tl UlUg inlo grave l. dropsy or llngh !'. d,"~ase 15 aen ous. C ... Ooan', KidDe l' Pdl .. a liD" remedy for bllckac be o r bad kidneye. ''t>«r PId",



An IIlinou I Cue Jame.

1': .


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a Dd lb _ .h f' D p lace t.o the

1tl ll,

~~~~::e°bll.'! ·c!':~~"~.n1-,';:;;;;,;'';;i; ~r"fn':." ~~~it·tiy .·"~~It~t Lo~.,.


rrt'aeed lbtl pr lc. o f UY fllIltlC a . At :\0. t~5 t ' oUlln.> ~" ij! r ef' l eaa t, UaIll;~~: 1J~~~:~\' ll~~t T here til 'tJ le D414 o ppo r\uo l\7 t ro lt, :'I lc h . ju ot u~Ylllld ~l , Ant oi n e Do ,,, to . " .. .. WIlS l ito '" up Kln:et, 1M It 1T1 0<l1 ' ~ 1 !y,u~ ! ur y tr aw .. w!l h k I <I n ~ y I r OU b I" :l't y ho uH a. T h" r" Is Il ot h ln , 111 liB o ut ward h lH ' k pHlu p d NO Il I' \Jp a I'll IH'" to d ls tl nKu ls h It from r '· (J IlI .1I1' 1 1IHH' I" '(' la' kil111~)' ~ (l. ot h l:rs In !II/' Ifl(',,\lI), U f lit e th ou· THE RIGHT SOAP FOR BABY'S j ' r"'flon~ \\I 'rt' In s and. wll o IlItl l)' t ral'e r" '" Ihnt th o r· t f'o rrlbl f1 "on dl SKIN (Io n . IJo u u 's o Ug hfar e f .. ", "H"! 1' 1' .. \1 It ~Iltn ce In Ita l{ Ir' nt")' ... 1 1 1 g d ir ectio n. Th ey knllw nu!hlng ot wh st t' un-Ii nw In I n l il e ca r e of b aby's s kin and ba lr, ~li llr t on l " 1 ,. nil hIlIl P," " E' tI 11,, 'r .. f o r (~ "I r ,, · ft r ~ Jo hn Cut i<'llra. Soa p Is t he m o ther's faE I'I' r y Kf' houlLJuy kllOW8 of t h e trHuh l ... l l lll't Not on ly Is It IInr lvlt lod In n tH' f' r rcturn"d , " W _ 11_ NETH E RY, Hnl\\' 11 HI1 r1 tht-t H 'jI~ (,lacu I Hr rn td b b l dd vorl!... an d rpfre sh lng fra g rnll r A, b ut pu rll > ' Cet Doan', at AD)' Stor •• so. • Boa 41 3 Gordn. , Bl dO., rol. do, OhIo UpOl1 11 11f1le r ', ~'''rry Th" atf" lr ",as o r &d"l'en fil nV ft r ln l ..)O ct ~ bt of 1) 1'" or Ihp . t lrrlllK ""' Ilt. Wl'cndlllg Its g(,rl tI E' emolll .. n t pro pe r tle8 a r e KplJDLNLEsY t nlJ1.I1irra t l o u , Cl t t awa . C....... lh e 10111< II'lirfur .. 10 up ha lr o f II un ited USllfilly 8l1m .. lent to all ay m inor Ir rlFOSTER·MILBURN CO .• BU F FALO, N, Y. tat lo ll s. I' .. mo\,e r (>doe6s. r Ollg hn ess · l'oU\1lry .I ohn 11 10 1'. 11 IIUH e ulugI1.t: d 10 Hong a nd s t o r y. and c h n Ong, 800 the se nsiti ve co nd.l. hfil r , 1\1 1 ! h la 18 fa mili ar to "vc; ry Uo lrolt- tlo03. Ill1 d pro m o te s ki n and '-Jr. ye t t .. 1I' kn ow ! hll l In l hl s cll y we re he a lt h g " nerall), . Assi s led b y (;ut l : Un yo u r('all Ee th e ract tbat t h ousa nd. cu rn Oln t rn .. nt, It Is m os t valuabl e In of wo m e n a re n ow us ing rorm ul at ~ d t he pill ns whi c h reMul te d • W ill red uc e Illfla m ed, Strained, In th la rn ld , and th at tho Cll lllpal g ll the t r(,llt men t o f eCze m as, ra s he;; an d I ~ oth e r It~b i ng . b urning Infa ntile erul" 1 ~ I S woll e n Tend o ns , Lllf1\me nta, WaH ou tlll1 ed In all u lJl,e r r oont of th e tlon s . C ut I ~u ra Soap wean to a wafe r , Muscle s or Bru la". 5",1" tho Iilll .. fTRm o hou s e In ( 'o n g r p9s etree t. Inrnent'58 a nd pain fr" ", a SpliDt. CRO~ ~lNG MtADMAN CANYON orten o utlas t ing se veral cakee of ordl· . , Side Bone or Bone Spavin . No II wu s !Jil e k In 18b !) lh a t Ucl rolt renllry 80 al> and m a iling 118 use most I bli.ler, no hai r Ir 0"e. Horse ("3n t.. ce l ved a vlKIt frolll Joll 11 !:l rown . He :-.llll of tbe larle.t , and In good Id e a af tbe rormldabl e nature e co no rn kal. . A Soluble Aatiaeplic Powder u s~ d _ "z. bo lli. rldi.ered_ Dtlcribe mllny rellpects th e most won- ot tb e (' nterprlse. and tha Immen.. WD S tb l' n fum OUR Ih e cotllln y ov e r 11011 ( ' " tlt- u n , Soap and Olntme ot eold I yo ur c •• e for ,peei.1 inotructiolll de rrul, wat e rwork~ Iyslom In Bcal e 0 0 which the work. baa been cal" th e mo vlnll spirit In t he L{>~g ue of th ro ugb ol1 t th e 1\' orld . Sa m ple of ench a8 a r em ed y for mu co u1\. me mb ra no af· .II d Book 1 K Free. t ec tlons , Bu c h ao 80 r ll t h roa l, nana l o r lBSOIlBINE, JR" th. anti ••stlc liniment for tb e world will be comple t e d rl e d out. It abows bow tb.. bUle Gll eadlte8, a bod y s wo rn In gtand t o. d. ket.l" ... , Stralne ,Torn Lljfaand place d In ope ration lu tbe pipe bas bee n carri e d do wn on e side g e th pr In th plr labor of (r e .. ln g slav e s . fT ee . vdth n -p. S kin Rook . BAddretl .s p elvi c catarrh, Inllalnnla!lo ll o r ul ce r ll- man km poe l·card " Cut-'c ura, DePL L , oeton.' I li o n , ca used by te lUal ~ 11I 8~ Wom e n mento, Kol.raed Gland., Vetoa or Muecl_ course Of this month by the ' Il y of 01 tlt 1 arid ,Iowbon e canyon, ac rose Ibe I His work In Kall Sa !! /I S 1\ lead e r Adv. , 'Who ha ve bee n c u re d ~a y " It 18 worth Hut, Cut., Sur•• , VIce .., AUa,., p.ln. Price Los A lig e lell, Cal. Th e Aqu educt. boltom or th e va lley ant! high liP On agl\ ln8t. Ih u bo rd " r r"tl1Il Il~ WI\I rre sb , Its weig ht In gold ." \)18 801ve In wat e r II.OO. boll l... d .. t. .. . rd.U ...<d. Book " arid • ...,"I_ wl t b Ita lIy s t e m or liv e !!to rllg" r ese r· th e OIJVQ s lt e 81<1e to th e po lm "' h e re It In mind , !lR WAr e th A ulU r de r of Uv n An~r a woma n ma kes u L) h pr min d and appl y lo ca ll y 1"0 1' t ll n yp ars tbe W.f.YOUND,'.D. F, 310'_.SIr1t~Sfr111ft1ld,1Iu&. 'Yolrs. 18 23 r. mll e8 h le n gth , IIl1d Is div e!! be lo"" th e s urrace or th e 0011 , Ilro-HIBvery ", pn a t Poll n "' ato ml e , tb e 8h e (\ "",8 ij o nwt h i"u e lij,,,, Lydia E P lnkl! " 'I dl I " h " . pm ,. t' C ne ,- 0 . ao 8TH~M.80.'I" Qul loll rap l ur e o f Ge npra l I' nte at Ri nck Jac k d es ig n e d to car ry a dall y s upp ly of \lnd Is contin ued lIod e rgroulid . .----- rt'co m lO en d ed l'"x t ln 8 In th ~ lr pr ivate r - . . u . . a l!_'!,I1.~~;:: Tb e j awb o ne s iph o n al o ll e Is 8.000 a lld tb e de fe ns e o r 008 a wa lornl~ . 80 2011,000,000 gall o ns rro m th e 8 1erra Doc ' , buy ... ate r ror bt uln g. Llq ultJ Iltu. ls corrps pond e nce wllh wo m e n. EY WATE ~k'~:'~;!::" "'or nil hyg lpnl c a nd t oll" t uees It ha e .JOHN L . ..·UUMt'1l0:-l8UN9ACO_TruJ.N.L N e vada mountain s south ward ac ros s f'lt'l III l ~ nKtb -o r ov .. , O O B aDd a half wh e n lim wn orrlv p. d In De tro it. March alm ool all W. " ·r. Hu y Ke.t ('ro. . &It 11\1le. , no equal. Only 50c a la r ge box a t Oru g- ""I"rllu4I". h"lr I. "DD0110a a nd hum ll l" tlna. • the «reat MoJa vt! d ese rt , und e r the Ulil e6- lneasures rrom Be ve n ree t all: 12. 1809. 8 c('o mpanl~d by fiv e lII e n and t be bl ufl lim", .. II bl u. Ad. . gis t a or s e nt poe t pa id On r eceipt oC I \1. 1 'hJ or " al .nc•. \· . .. et 81L1a O.1>I!"IO~ 81e rra Madre range !lnd Into th e S an In c hes to t e n reet In diam e t e r, and (' o nvo r ln/( a Vllrt y of 19 nCK ro r .. hlge es An os t r 'le h call ell t tac ks . hu t It can 't price The Paxton Toile t " B ,~_ ' ..... 0 ' •• 11 Ilk . moslc Pr . . . . mpl. a n I . ,-,0 0, 08WH1. I t ul l PA r 11f' lIlar. . I.1tO'!"liARO ilOilO,.... Fernando va ll e y, twenty ·llv e 0111 ij hati a t ota l wei g h t o r 3,300 t on i . Tile bo und ro r Canada via th e " lInd e r· lay a 1dA.Ba. ('0 .. O. "! U .. la"",,.. A"e., 8t . ranI. MinD . nortbw est ot th e c ity . il'ro m here the pi ct u re Is tak e ll looking lI o rth . from g round rnn,,·sy ." It wa s a grll a l occa · wat .. r need e d for do m; s tlc cons ump· t/:le 80lllh rllll of til e cun yo n and 800 slon ror th e a ho lll lonl 8t8 , wllh wb o m tlon will be carried In a six-foot s t eel reet abov e Lh e vall ev 11001' nlld be- De tro it te e rn l'd Eithe r throu g h coIn c id e nce o r as pipe ioto th e clty '8 pres e nt dlstrl bu · twee n the bOltom Of ' th e cll'n yon and prearrang ed plsn , tlOI! mil Ins. Tb e Ayste m co mprlsell Ule the volnt on It I 81d e w be re lhe pipe Ib e rp 8ull o f a plung e8 und e rground th e differen ce In Fred l' rl c k Ilo ugl1l88. a noted n(' gro oralongest IIQu educt In tbe world. Tb e project was Inaugurated In lev e l Ie 860, t eet. AI tb e lowest point tor, ",ri ve d In Ue trolt th e 118mB day 1 90r., Bnd alnce 1908 au Ilrmy of 5,000 tb e wat e r pre8aure Is enormoue- 350 a8 IIro wn . s ddr E>l s lng a ma88 m p.t't1nK m e n baye b~ e o steadily employ ed pound I to th e square Inch, wbicb la tbet eve n lng_ Art " r th e 111 ,,(> IIIlg Hro w n, I)ouglalll, nlgbt and day In Its con s truction . On bqllival e ol 10 t we llty-four atmoBllberee the de s,o lllt e I4nd lun-Beorcll ed desert - Ilnd to r es is t this Int e rllal prellIure George de Baptiste , Dr. J . . F l' rgu !lon . tb a summer t e illperatures bave 0 11 th e pipe th o Alee l he r e 18 on e and Wl1l1am Webb alld olbera went to tb e ranged \lB hIgh as I ~O degrees ~' . In on".quart e r In c bes In tblckness, tb. Webb born e Itt So. 185 ('oogr(,88 8trept , 'act, one of tbe Kreat proble lUs bill nvelM us ed In rl48t e n!ng Ih e se cllona wli pre a mee ting wa, he ld , He r e, behind closed doo rs and with b een to pr ovide the mee and anlmala toge t ber beln, leYen inches 100«. e \' p. r y man prese nt Bworn to se crp.c y . wltb food and wa:c r and proper acIlro wn d lv ulKed hts plan to raid th e ar· c ommodallons to wltbet.and t be clima'MANY CLIMATES IN ALASKA s enal at Harpe r's F e rry Tha t t b e HUgti c conditions . g eetlon lIl e t wHh t1w IlI.proval 01 8. rna· Of Varlou. Forme, But Ther. I. On. 1,land Where Cold jorlty or thoBe present Is certain . The Loll Au,elell Aqueduct, III It Is Weath.r - 'a Ab.olutely UnIt "'"8 we ll LOward daybreak when ca.lled , ·11- ot .&rloull forma aDd d o-known, tbe me ptlnll broke liP, snd Ihe partIci / a{,nll. The Ont twenty·two mllea III I pants IIcatt e red tn th ei r homes. Orown unlined open canal, the followin& f "1'he r. lan't a .ectlon of the Unlt~ anatched 8 tew houri ' al AB II, and with tblrty-eilht mUe. I. an open ditch, and ST~ARD ROUTE OF THE WEST Statel, I nnture to eay , wbere at lOme hIs tollowArll le tt Oet 1'01 t. The !lext tbe remainder II IJl covered cOncrete time troat ball not been known," r. the public' b eard- rrom _him_ waa '-- co.wlt, tUDDelll, and cOllcrete ancl marlted Hugh C. Todd ot SeatUe, wb e n, with a bandful of follo wer8, be rivetod .teel IlpboDl, tbs latter beln, c balrman of the Democratic IItate attaclled the arsenal at Harper'a Fpr· lIaecl to carry tbe wat er acrosl deep committe. ot Waablnllton, al the Wil- fT. How be was captured af ier' being ()f.nyoDI, or valley.. Moro than fltlylard, accordln, to the Walhln,too serlonsly wounded, with two de ad Monll 'three mUell of the aqueduct II comPost. "But In Alaska, wblch i. looked !It hIli aide, trIed. convicted and poled ot tunnel a driven tbrou,h ·.olld. upon u tbe colde&t country on earth, bangp.d 18 n matt e r or common knowl cradle,. tbe lonselt belu, tbe Ellza'!)ar Gre enland a~ tbe arctic region, e dKe , , beth unne l, under tbe SIerra Madre there 18 ae wbere trolt bill .lust what took place In th e house JIlountalns, with a len,tb of live mlle._ never been beard of, Tbill II Mlddl& bill! ne ve r been s e t fortb Bave III a '1'he ",.lItem of four atora,e relervolra lon ialand, one ot tbe Aleutian Iroup fragm e ntary mann e r. There are dll.provides tor tbe Impoundlo" of IlIt, of Islands close to tbe Japan eurrenL fe ren ces of opinion as to tbe lonuence btlllon ,a\lon8, whlcb, at tbe rate of There tbe temperature Is alwaYII mllt1 . this raid e xerted upon subsequent thll clty'l IIrelent dally cODlumptlon. Twenty miles away on the other .Id. happenings. Rut what eyer the conclu . would be lutllcient 10 supply tbe m_unlof the IBlands, It II nearly alwaYII slonll, the tact remain. that De troit clpallty for three yeara. treezln&- In tact, I. a country of lucb boa" the distin c tion ot having b<!en - Much of tbe work bill been done trom 6'1'8 to tbJrty-fl'1'8 mUeB trom any varied climate tbat almollt .oythln, the p111ee where ths plan received Its railroad. Preliminary to tbe conatrue- can be produced. It I. PDlllbl. to flral Impetua. Par~ Pea~ Pea~ tloa or the Ilqueduct It wall necea: grow strawberrle., blackberrlea and Stopped THeIr Chatrlnll' cary to , bu lid 390 mllell of road. and otber early .ummer fruIt tor tbe wIn· At }o'I-ederlck, In the Ilrllt MarylaQ<1 trall., tour water' IIYlltem. wltb 191) ter market. In lbe SUIltna "alley, whlcb Is the yalley lbat dl.trlbute. campaign, a Jol1)" fat cltlzetJ stood mllu ot malnl, three bydro·electrlc the waterll of tbe soutbern Ilope of on hili doorste p watcblng " 'HIJutULIUL- t_ _ ~r planll, ~ pbone Iyatem 361> - mlrel Icn" • ltandard gauge Iteam the coast range, the weatber, I ven- Jac Kson 's men paS8 through . "HoR·klllln, time , bO)'8." yell ed one railroad. laO mllea Into the Mojave ture, Is now warmer and tiner thaD .. . d~lert, ancl a cemeat 01111 cOltlng In any part or lbe United State • . That or the boye, opening up a rapid fI~ $875,000_ WIth tbe exception of one la brought about, or couree, by the of ,ood-natured r.barr. "Ain't he sw e lle d powerrul7" , amall contract for nine mllea or con- Japall current." with Mr. -food la the youngelt cbalrman "Mullt havtl swallowed a bu. dulta and tunoels, the entire work In tue couutry, It III lIald . He wal a drum." baa beeo done by the city . "I lIay, Btr1\lIgpr, butte rmilk. or corn· The ' Yltem I. & ,ravlty one tbrou,b- candIdate tor lIovernor of Wallhln.oul, the Intake beln, at an ,elevation lon In tbe primaries and wal deteated ted?" "Doe. It hUrl much!" of :1,812 feet above sea-level, aad tbe by Governor Lllten by only 300 voles. tRt th l! "What burt!" ve ntured ele'vatioD of Loll Angelos beln, on an Tben be turned In and managed Gov.verale only 276 feet . The coat of ernor - Lister'. camplll,n and won a mlln. "Why, totin ' them rations tI!'Ound tbe work bas been $20,000,000, exc\u- vIctory. .. ' .... a.hlngton .tate II a commoo- with yer all the time." elve of any . power development. By In a minute or two the old g~ntle­ tmpoUDdlnl the flow of the aqueduct wealtb tbat II JURt a. widely dlverilat Ita outlet dUl'ln~ : be rainy .eaAon Oed In her politics a8 her resourcell," mao. very red I" the tace , went tnto reappeared it will -b e po•• lble to deliver more lIald]>!.r. Todd. "We can produoe near- the bOUle. but qllickly than 300,000,000 ,allons dally durln8 ly everything, and we ralle all klnda wltb a demijohn In each hand . "Here, boys," he exclaimed; "wasb the dry _aon-Aprll 16 to October 16 of politician.. In the recent ell'ctlon. :""'In wblcb 'no rain fall8. Tbll II, Includln, tbe woman lIuf· your mouth. out with Borne appl emucb more than lumclent to meet tbe traglat., Problbltlonlstll and Soclall.t., Jllck, and hay. a bit of merc y on",. fat man." . dailY requlrementll or the CIty of got some omce." I t Iii need len to lIay that tbo boys LOndoD. A. the ()Ity ot Lo, Angelel gave hIm a vote of than ks . Hav. to Watoh Crop•. baa a p!'Hent population of on Iy - 400,Unwelcome vlsila or predatory 000, and requlrea but 50,OOO,ooo"allons providc an opportunity to go at comparatively litt1c exHe Fixed It. dally, the lurplul aqu.educt flow. for a bands durln& the baneat aeason In pense. In effect June 1st to September 30th. Liberal return lon& period ot Yea.ra will be devoted China haVe led to profellllional "crop Tho regiment hat! halt ed and wna watcher." being biNd to cuard N.tlng In tbe abade. A German pullto ·the lrrt,atioD of 136,000 aCNa limits and stop-over privileges. oran,e and 14!mC!D landA adjacent to . . . Inlt the larcelliat. e . .er to ply ed oft bla IIhoes, alld. turnIng bla socka We. have prepared U1uatratfld booklets that ;explain in th e h' trade , In orchard or' neld. III tnlllde out, put tbem on agalll, wltb a tbe' city, IQme dllltrlctll aocletle. exl,t whOle sigh of relief. Chler , Featur.., detail thc' advantages of the ' _ 10\18 and citieS;. 00w "Why dId you do lhat 1" ... ked a , Olle ' of cblef, featuN. ot the bUlLlneaa Il I. to . furnlab watchen much it will cost to makc l;C trip; the probable · ~ ealerpr1le D 10' tb~: leDeration . ot' wheneyer required . AJmollt ever} chum. at hotels or camps; and very n 'uncrous side trips. "Pecause dere vaa a bole on der bydro-electl1c eJlerlY , There I. a fall Deld haa Itl watcb tower, and theH '-of 1,500 ' feet In t"e aQueduct forty· trail tenement! are ne'l'9r de.erted olldAlde dot rupped a plliter mIt my Write for booklets now, 90 that}"OU can plan your ...yen IIDlle8;"from O1'iI: clt71 with · the nllbt :01' " day, until tbe crop ' I. ,atb: heel." trip wisely. cannot Befl aU the West this , '~.lbAlltl, ~e"'lophfl nO,OOa,OOO ~Nd . ~owen are Decelllary, . . ' slant He Knew_ to a Ibel,bt ·of teD feet, Of lbt. , 8IIl6unt, 37,600 millet ' This' literature will help you make up mind what At the court-martial: bOI~.PD1".er aN .,.ID(' da.,.lbped uaually, and otten re.cbe. arteen feet.. you Will most Uke' to 1Iee. ' W~te ' ' "Do . you know tbe DatuN of aD The ~PD-wer­ Arm!!4 ~tb I~VP ~I.,e~. the -thl..,ea Ollth~ tIncle ,Ruiu.'" o,....UOI! enter, tb~ ft4ld. and c:ut Q~ tile · • , "Ah " ~flCltOti - ah doe., 'colonel, yo' GERRlT FORT, ~ N.b., Traffic till! ' aQue- millet ' b9lld~. . their' hoiuih,', I~ne ·· drobe' all ,· mule 'team 8e~D' ~Oo'e'l eiirlurlll " 'dll ' fUlt year . ... ,.' twah ..'· ', ..,


Free Homestead







Plan Your Vacation Trip Now via the lines of

Union Pacific System


Pacific Northwe8t holds a charm for all easterners. There is so much that is undisturbed. Tho rugged grandeur delights even seasoned travelers. California, with its wonderful seaside and in-

land resorts, rivals the world for varied attractions, Del Monte, Santa Barbara, Pasadena, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park and hundreds more.

Colorado, the state of wonderful mountains

and a glorious climate. Colorado Springs, Estes Pike's Long's Manitou and other numerous points of interest

Yellowstone National Park, America's play..

ground. Two weeks spent in touring this wonderland is an education in itsel(

We suggest to those the city as an objective-Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, San Francisco or Los Angeles, from which wonderful side trips are allowed.

Low Summer Tourist and Convention Fares








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,YDii;llt~PaciJic~ystem, ,.1. , - . D!f*I .... ", ~ . ~


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1= == 'Va cat ion



'- ;

a:eB::~::: who die in rp;~~;;~ M---e--~""t-i-o-n-+i .----~----------------------------j the Lord." . - - - - - - - - - - ,. - • Wh at On e La dy Sa id: George Nelson Brown, old est child . . "Blesse d

of Gideon and Nancy Thoma e Brown, Hay SmIth was In Cincinn ati Mon· was born near Bell brook, Ohio, Oc- day . "I get more service out of Charl ie Reed 's tobe~ 23, 1.847, and died of pneuMrs. Pe rry Pence has been visitin g Brooms than any other broom I ever used. " moma , at hIs home. near Ferry, May in Sidney, Ohio. 17th, 191 3, after an Illness of less One of our boxes will afford the protec tion Sold by than one week, aged 65 years , !l Mi ss Mabel Sattert hwaite has months and 24 dll Ys . which yo u can not give and at t he reason able l.ICcn \' is itin~ in Lebano n. He was married to J ulia A. Rowprice of zer, March 8, J 7,(. To them were Albert Cleaver and Alfred Wright born jive childre n: Henry A. Cla ra lure workin g ill Hawke 's g rocery. Bertha, Lclw a rd B., Willie G. , who Price , 2Sc, 30c, 3Sc, 40c and SOc each died in infan cy, and Norma n H. Mi ~s i{uth Zimme rman won a fo urTrim med or Untr imm ed When he \Va.'! four years old, he yea r scholarship at Oxfo rd in the wa3 brough t, l>y hi ~ parents , to lhe 191:\ class. farm, upon which he died, and whe re Mi88L sia Dines, of Wes t Elkton, ~-~~~"'!!'!'~~~~~~-~~~ the rest of his life was lived, except ~~-~~~~-~-~~ a few years of his early marrie d life, Ohio, is Ule guest of Mr. J eff Smith which were !<pent in Montgo mery and family . Count.y . Miss Mar ie Miller arrived home He was baptized and united, with the Chu rch of Christ , at New Salem , Mond ay e veni ng fro m Clevela nd. in early manhood . and ever lived a She wi ll spend the summe r vacatio n wit h her moLher here consist ent Christ ian life. Of a quiet, retiring disposi tion, he Mr. and Mrs. W H. Allen and wa.'I firm in his convict ions of right, Mis!! Olive McColl um left today for and consc ientious and loyal in every Gambie r, Ohio, f or a three.d aY's Boy Scout Watches, regul ar .$1.00 and $1.25 of life, and a lways ready t o visit in that famou s college town. Made of good, sweet and And Cookies made 'of good relation throw the mantle of chari ty over Stock, for --pure Milk_ the ahort-c omings of olhers. fresh Butte r and Eggs He was a kind and obedie nt 80n, II .................. , w.,..'wow w • • • devoted husban d and father, a tru e and loyal brothe r and friend. And, while we know his spirit has gone to be with God and t he loved ones, Mr. and Mrs. ,T. L. Hartso ck pnWall Paper Cleaner, 3 cans for Just like "mothe r makes. " We alllO have a new supply of "who have gone on before. " yet we tertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and feel, that the r e is a vacancy, in our Mrfl. Fired Hartsoc k and little daugh· midst, which can never be filled, 'till ter of Morrow , Miss Helen Marlat t we are re- uni ted, over on the " other and Ethan Crane . shore." The B~t Ice Cream made served every day at Large IS-ounce Mops, each sellin g for on1y But we bow, to the will of Him, who maketh "all thinll8 work t o· Mr. and Mrs. IRrael Sattp.rt hwaite gether for good." believi ng our ente rtained the f ollowin g guests at Every Savior, when He says. "1 am t he dinner Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. EmEvery Thing Resurr e.tion and the Life; he that mor Baily, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chap· Thing Fresh believe th in me, though he were man, Mr. and Mrs. Chaunc ey Bunnell Clean dead, yet shall he live; and he, that Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sattert hwaite . Jjyeth and believe th in me, shall Mr . and Mrs. Seth Furnas , Mr. and Mrs. Hlirry Smith, Mrs, Lina Devitt, never die ." Misses Monimia Bunnel l and Anna ',...".re nt Youth. Smooth Glue. Furnas and Emmor Baily, Jr. Tbe ourate 11'&1 learning to ride _ When Dsln. ,Iue place a IIman QuanCARD OF THA NKS btc:role. II.Dd ID • ml.plaeed 8t of leal tity In a cup or a butter plate and sUr We wish to extend our sincere let otr on hll own. He thought he It well unU! It turns pale yellow and -. _olt! manace by himself, 80 started Iotlet ItI etr1nslne8s. In this condi- thanks to all those who 80 kindlv downhUl 111 a somewhat wobbly man- tion It may be used on aDY materta l gave assistan ce to us or hI any way Del'. Tile road was wet aDd muddy. without danger that threads ot glue IUId It wu not 10Dg before the ma- may llpoll the tabr1c to which It Is exprell8ed their sympat hy during chine had skidded and tlle curate 11''' applle4. Use a paper chip or a s pring the illneas and death of the husban d ftoaIId...m. In tbe mud. A youthful clothespin to bold the slued parte to- and father. a membw of the Sunday school watcbed sether while dryin,. -Ladle l' Bome FEAT Mrs, Jujia A. Brown and Family , full· fledged M D. at Starlin g Med· the catutro pbe with evident pIau- Joumal . Fancy Large Straw berrie ical college s this evening . The exerUN. "HeN endeth the ftl'lt leuoa." How would you like to go 285 WORK FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE ciSeS will be held at the O. S. U. he ohortle 4.-Lond on ·Tlt-BUa. Fresh Berries every day. miles for your daily water supply? chapel at 8 (I'clock. Walter did Prayer for Strenot h. At a meetin g of the Fair Board noble That is what the city of Los An- i New Potatoe s, New Cabbag e, work .j n the late flood at Co· o Lord. give us all, we beseecb geles, Cal., has....done. While not Pine Apples , l<'la. Oran&,es, thee, grace and strenet h to ove'rcome Friday, they decided to have "orne lumbus , going from house to house 8h'e 'l a Be.r. New Sweets , Texas Onions. making this trip daih, a giganti c every sin; 81ns besetment, delibera- work for DOYs and girls, whereb y in a boat, and alltwia ting t he Buffer· JDm1l:r (at prom)- "I wonder If Phil tion. surprIse, 6f they can compet e neglige with aquedu ct has just been comple ted, : each nce, other, omissio n; ing o(man y maroon ed persons . apeota me to dnnce the 'turkey tro\ IIlnl against tbee, ourself, Chick and Hen Fe.ed, Cracke d our neigh· and still mak e the fair a greate r which wlll bring' the water bt'pply 1rltll him 1" Dorrltt -"l don't see why. bor; sins --...- - Corn, Oyste r Shell. great. small. remembered, 8UCCe!'l8. Follow ing is a list for the 400.000 mhabit ants of Los ; I lleard him call )'Ou a bear & mlnut. torlOtt en-Am eu.-Ch of the r1stian O. Ro&- prizes MEMORIAL DAY -.o."-W IIooIllI n Sphinx. offered : Angele s across a desert and i oW. New Mild Cream Cheetle, Wafer . throug h a mounta in range from f 80 8 under 16 best dipplay . Sliced Dried Beef. Friday aftern~on a~ 2 o'clock , thll the Sierra Nevada mounta ins. A f y Those good Edgem ont Cracke rs, progra m as outhne d In last week's 18t-10 ears of corn ........ ..... .. ....$16 issue will be carried out. Creame ry Butter story . of this remark able engine erA i'00:d 2nd-l0 eara of sweet corn ... . ·· .. . 10 progra m has been arrange ing feat may be fou'ld on anothe r I d. and Fiehing Tackle of aU kinds. 3rd- y. peck ot tomato es.... .... ..... 5 everybo dy should be patriot page which. you will find very ic enou/ith 4th-Y. peck of potatoe s .......... .... 3 to attend these exercis es. interes ting reading . • Bring us your Butter and Eggs. 6th-y' peck of beets.. . .. ... .... ...... 2 All comrad es are reques ted to be ''''"111 II' ~. • ••••• It pays to trade at Boy- IO best ears of any corn at their hall at 1 o'clock in order to be at the school hall on tim e · Firllt .. .. ...... .... ... ....... ........ ... . ...... $5 Bring flowers to the Townphip ChildIsh Constan cy. Second ......... ......... ......... .. .... . .. ... 3 hOllse a~1 parly in the mornin It only we realized It. It only we cui· g as " In a hurry call 66-2 Third ...... .. .... ... ... ... ...... ... ...... .. ... 2 possible. ttvated It more, we could see wl~h clear-ey ed vision that all of a child's orlelnnl nature breathe s consta.ncy. It everyb ody come, and the day ""!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boy under 16 yeara gld who ex- '1Let 1 b ~ II t f 16 an essential strength of the IInde. WI e we s pen or you. h I'b't I S b est pen 0 f 5 or more pIgs tiled child's nature to be constant. Not under 6 months of age. 1st, 110. Hardly What H. Wanted . until our own talse examples have atlIe approac hed Is thoro ughl y ' equip ped the MEMO clerk RIAL SERVICES In a pawn· tacked the natural purity of the 2nd, $5. child shop and. lookIng all about hIm, . In· does It becom e Inconst ant-unr ellable. to do all class es of best !Juked: "Keep telescopes here?" "Yee, -Harri et Beecher Girl under 16 years of age her own ftt the M. E. church Sunday Stowe. lJIorn- sir," replied the cl erk , "want to Bee make ing ninetee n of the G. A. R. post sOlll{ll" The mlln nodded and tbe . to an exceed ingly fine mem- salesman soon returned with a spy1st-Best cake . .......... .. .. ... .......... $6 listened AccordI ng to the 8crlptu rel. . I dd' b R C S G 2 d glasll. " "Here's " the beet one we bave a ress y ev. . • rauser. Charles n - " HaBtingr. of Ashburnham, .......... .... ... ..... ...... 3 orla is the b.-st turnou t of the old In thelPlace." The strange r lo.oked 3rdat En,land , left a $60,000 estate to the .. .. .......... .. .... .. .. .... 2 t b e 8 aas In dlBgust a moment and Lord Jesus, with' the explanation that I BUtUt"" " for many years. then he blurted: "That's a. tine thing Best 2 loaves of Bread he is the rightful owner of all lands, In the afterno on several of the to put clothes In, Isn't It '-, Do . you accordIng to the Bible, wbich 18 the First ........... ..... .. .... .. ....... ... .... .... $5 Post went to Harvey sburg, where take me for a burlesque actres8?" ftrst book of laws. Second ...... .......... ..... ......... .... ... .. 8 they listened to a eermbon I by the ""!!' !~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!!'!!~~~'!'!!!~~~~~~~~ . Rev. Sargen t. The "oys" were c:;o Third ........... .......... .. ...•.••... ........ 2 well Clas sified Ads bring the Larg est pleased with both service s, and Best display of flowere ' Resu lts. One Adve rtise r says: they will all be in line Memor ial Day. First ........... ........... ...... .. ........... ... $8 • • • "Pleas e don't use my Ad again, as I sold my Second .......... .......... . .......... ...... 6 HOUR.S OF P O. MEMORIAL horse on Friday. The buyer !laW the Ad In the DAY Third ...... .......... .. ........... ..... ....... " Gazette aad came right over and bought . I am Fourth. ~ ...... .. .. ......... ... .......... ..... 2 Lobby open from 7 a. m. to 8 p . m. going iG lise your column s freely." All departm errts open from 9 to 10 Now, boys and girls. get down to a. m. bUlliness and Bee if Wayne Townsh ip Rural currier s will not make their can't carry off all these honors. It trips on this day. can be done, if you do your part. All mails will be dispatc hed and • - • receive d as usual. Adve rtiser s are all good firms . "SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE." NOTICE TO DOO OWNERS Do not (!all when the window s are , closed, you will not be aDswered if and you ean' t miss It by givin g Owing to a case of rabies having you do. them your patro nage . been reporte d to this depart ment it Frank H. Farr, Postma ster. is hereby ordered that all dogs run• _ _ Ente rpris e Bldg •• Wayn esvil le. 9hlo . ning at I~rge in the village be muzo CORWIN CHOOSeS PRINC IPAL zled for thirty days from this date_ The village marsha l is instruc~ to At a special meetin a. the Corwin take up all dogs founda withou t muz- Board of Educat ion unanim ously zlell. By order of the B,o ard of . Mr. Frank Nichols. of UrHealth , Th08. Sherwo od, M. D. ' bana, Ohio, SI!- princi~al for the enH~th Offieer;- suing yea.... -Mr. Niebola comea to ~. , O. Cartwr ight, . Cotwin hiahly reCo.~ended alter Preaident~. '" ~earll eJtP8rien~ in Champ aign hu, dQne'I~ia1 work as

Takes you from home more, and leaves your vn luablr s wi thou t protec tion more often .

== =W ILL

WH ITE == =

$2.00 a Yea r


!== Wa yne svil le Nat iona l Ban k== 1


. . - - -...--


A t Rogers~


..-- ._---



89 ce nt s



25 ce nt s

Hartsock's .Bakery

29 ce nt s

-------------------------------Don 't fail to look ove r our 5e, tOe and 15c Chi naw are

..-----.._- --_. - ....--------- ........-_.-..-. --'- -RO GE RS & SONiiBU~~



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_I ·

! 1

I ,

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The Miami Gazette


,---._-- ..---

C!ommtrtial .rin tin g. The Gaz ette 's

The Gaz ette 's

Pie rce 'the Pre sse r

Tak e the Gaz ette a Yea r



are~'rl~m~1'"i~r ~~'i~C:I.'t:!IIt /DenniaGrt·UJiiveraity. . ~ /' ' '~:~);' --: .

~ j .. ty-J"oul't h

'( L':Lr


Whole Number 3214


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Former C·Ihzens . tt I

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. 1-

POMO NA G RA l" u[ [ - - - - - - - - - - .


+ .. MrR Cliff Hawke di ed at he r hon1(' • • or a l : i WaY lle,;v ill e was t he j near Ila rv e.v~ h url!, Th ursday mo rn · ga l;l uay a llllJng- till' farmers or - - - - - - - - - - - . ,I" lIllil'. th l' r1 a ug- ht e r r\ f :\1r. a nd ing- , a f Le r a 1 \)Jl ~ ill ne&: , T he fun ' I'al 1. . . . .... . .. . . ....... .... . ...... ... ....... ....-. ... ... .. ... ... _ _ •••• _ •• _ . .. .. . ................__ ._..J War re n COUllt y, May 31, whe n Wa yMr . a nd Mrfl . ll. M. Whi te ent er: M r~ . ,1.,llII I) a\' i ~ , w a~ l1l;lI' ri l'd 1(1l\1r' l \~"" h l' ~ d a t till' 1.1Omp o f I,ev i ~ ~ss: )1J •• •••. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . ... . .... . . .......... ...... ... ..-••• - - ......... ••.... ··_········· ·· • •-•• · . .•• •••• • .•• _ ..1. nesville C ra ng-t' en ter tai ned t he taineu Miss Ma ry S rlisb ury and Mr. I{ohe r t l-I u d ~t) n , in Ila)' tvll , May S,lturd ay m,ornlll g" at.:O. 0 cloc k, J am es Ker rick and Cha!'l . J oy were P. C. C'arcy was in Cinci-lnati Warren Cu unty I'omon '!. Ab ou t 175 James McClure a t s upper Tuesday ~O. 1!11 :1. , !{e v. A. K. Sargen t ofil Clllt lll g . Ingath e r ed fo r t he evenls of lhe d ay. in Dayto n Mond ay . T uesday on businesH. t ermen t w as maue in Miam i cem eevening·1 a nd al l see med fill ed with one li es ire; t e ry . H . H . Wa dswor t h, of La g r:lI1 g c , ' . C; Willia mson i!-< th e PO>lsc::;so r IL !S. Howe ll wa" 111 Cinc innati t o le t t heir a c ti() n~ anrl de libe rati uns Mr~ . l. E. Keys , Mr. and Mrs (;a., sC lld ~ u ~ a n an nO\ln Cl'm ent of of a n ew Ford run a bo ut. 'I\ Il:sday Oil bus iness. "Ed uca tt' a nti e leva te t he Am er ican S. Le v Ca r tw rig ht we re pl ea!!antly Mrs Marg aret T ucl<e r, a geLl RS . tlw Troup Co u il l y Fai r , No\"e m oe r f) Farm c r .. d ied at th e h'! lll e of her >lun , Th os. enterta ine,l on Sunnay by Misses Wa lte r Burnt'Lt a nd Ral p h Dyke Ill' . ancl II1I·s . H. B. Hathaway to t) . T h is fa ir (Jug- ht to oe a SU(; ·css, Ma!'CJ n, Ll'hano n, Mo r r ow an d Martha Burne t t and Emma CartT uc ke r , Thursday m orni ng. The Wl're ill Lel!uno n Sa t urd ay . w ere ill Ci nci nnati Monday . as Mr . WHd"wt )r th is secre ta ry li t Cl a rks ville werl' well r epresented w r igh t. fUll e r al took place MonLl ay afternoo n t he fa ir board , an d as a hll st l ' I' MI' . at th e F riend "! c bu reh in Ha r veysDan Hock e tt has pu re J e r!'ey Hom to !l1 r. an d Mrs . Thus. Ad a ms, an d r epor ted the i rh ome g-ranKe in Wadswo r th is su rely a !l uc(;(,ss . A 1 condition . A v i ~iting dcleg-ati on Mr . and Mrs . .J oshua Foster ent.e rburg , Rev , A. T , Cu wg ill, of Wi l- Swee t I' uta tu pl a nts fur sa le . Thllr ~ day' May 9th , a Llau g h t e r , ( rfl m Xe nia Grange, Grl'cn ou nty . tai ned t he foll ow ing g uests at dinner ming ton. ufll ciating. Inte rmen t was Mr!'l. Cynthi a Eva ns i ~ th e g uesL tl f 1I "n ry Wa ld r o n, of Dayton . s pe nt auJed to the' pleasu res of t he da y . Sun day : Mr. Emme t Charlto n and T he Det rtl i t FrN: I'ress says of a made in Mi am i cem ete ry, A cla!'s of 14 canrJiliates were ini- fa m ily . Mr. Doan Brackney. wife and her m othe r at Ne w Wchm ond , Oh iu. ~l e Ul {fr i al lJ ay w ith fri ends her e. f Ol'me r n 's idc ll t : "C, 1\1 . Ca rtFl'ank Prall, aged 52 yea rs . di ed tiated into t he my ·t cries of t he son, Mr William Win ne t and family, ·,..-right. m a nag-i llg" edilur of the Mrs. S. D. Eve r ly , of DayMrs . Ella P r intz , of Day ton , was Mr. and at th e S ta t e Hospita l Satunlay, aft er Pomuna a t the Illurning" sessiu n. a nd Mrs. Lyd ia 8mith, of Lebanon. Weste rn Un derw ri te r of Chi cago, ton, were he re for De" oratio n Day the week·end g-u('s t of Mr. an d Mrs . a n illn ess of a lmost t wo yea rs . Th e !' \ wa;; fol lowed by one of the m ost 1:hi w ill deliv er a lect ure ue fo rc th e ser vices. J ohn Ta ylur. cunspi cuo us e ve nts of th e day, the u p per c l ils~es of the ce ntra l hig h fu neral tuo k place Mo m1ay aft ernoon Mr. and Mrll, C . E. Werntz ente rd inne r . lI ere a r oun d thi s f estal school in t his city Thu nltl ay m orning , fr om his late horn e on Main street. Mr . an d Mrs . J . T . Liddy , of DayMiss C: oldie Sm ith , of U rba na , tained at dinner last Friday , Mrs. D. Jun e 5 und er t he a uslJices of the He v. J. F . Cadw a ll a der. ofliciat ilJg ton , attend ed the fun e ral of Tay lor Ohiu , att en d l~d t he f une ra l of Mr. board th e unsu ll ied sh ine of yo uth Helmstetle r, of Lima, Master Leroy came back t o all of u s , and Bo me J)e t ro i t Li ( !:' U nde r wri le I'S Ass()l: ia· In te rme nt was made in Miami ce me · Done her e Monday . Frank P ra t t Mo nday. J uhns, of Dayto n, Mrs. Mary Anson. ter y. how , u ut of a ll th e ca re a nd pain and t ion In a numhe r uf t it ies th e life Mrs . Jessie Wil son and daughter, The Christ ia n church w ill hold l\1rg w. A. Benecke a nd lit t le wony . dom ina n t ove r a ll t he s hado ws Do rothy, of Xe nia, Mr. and Mrs. i n~ urance me ll ha ve a r ran ged f OI' 1 T he infa nt child of Mr. and Mr~ life h ad l:as t , we saw, we felt, we s pea ke rs uf nule t o a Ll dre8.'! t.he hIg h , R . U . • d' I <' d . . . I UI n. e l ~ lIl ge r le( ..,un ay mo rl1lnR" th eir Children's Day e xerc ises Sun- daughte r, Nove ll a , ar e visitin g r el- surrend e rerl t o na tur'e. wh o does not Walter Smith and two children, of . day e vening, Ju ne 22 . atives a t Na poll'Oll , Ohi o. 8chool pupil s on th e r elal lOn of Irfe : t I· h f 1' 1' 0 I I In Waynesville and Mr. Idd Clark, of . . . a tI e ome 0 ~ las g es Jee . age , but i ~ beautifu l today as at its III uran t e t(l .'locle ty and aCCJu a mt t t d ' M' . Corwin. laml ceme. . . crmen w as rna e III Mr. and Mrs . J ohn Dav is and son The fas l Pan hand les uf in ci nn a ti Bden -b ir t h . t. hem WIt h th e l' le llle nlal'Y pri nC iples I ' .g" I1t wr y . Aft e r t he bu sin ess of the afterForest. of Dayton. visited r e lati ves will be t he opposing t.ea m a t I'hil~ OBITUARY o f t. IIe b r1 S II· IC:i.-I. M r . CartwTl noon session l:ome a most e xcellent he re from F rid ay until Mond ay . lips' Pa r k next Su nd ay . has a num be r of rri ends among" t he , Mrs . Lydia Cr ew , ag-ed 80. di ed a t William Franklin Pratt, son of program . We d iscussed th e bu sin es!! ins ura nce men uf De lroit who will the hume of her dau g ht er. Mrs . Mr. and Mr:;. Ed Ha n by and Bon, of gettin g a living. not fmm our John and Catherine (Spenny) Pratt, Misses Ed ith Moshe r a nd H enrietta a t tenu t he le('ture .. Levi , nca r Mt. Holly, Wednesday McKin sey we re g uests of Mr. and Al fred . of Dayton. we re g uests of fellow men, but wrest in g it from the was born at Claysville, now Roxanna, -- - - _ . mor ning , Th e fun e ral was he ld Mrs. Fred Hartsoc k in Morrow Tues- Mr . and Mrs . Ed Mac v Deco ra ti on so il; al ~o q uestions of state and Green County. Ohio, December 3lat. PLA YeO INTERESTINO GAME Sat urday afternoo n at 2 o 'clock, Day . . day, national impurt were bro ught before 1861, died at ' the State Hospital. from he r late ho me, Mrs De borah Afte r the S Ull had etl"acecl the ou r th oug ht. A tri p to WashinlZton Dayton, Ohio, May 30th, 1913, in the Mr. J ohn Fran ~y and Miss Mary Lloyd offi ciating. Interment was Miss Eliza ' Ml:Co mas and Mrs. wurs t e ffects of the r a in, t 11e So uth was arranged for the s uccessful con- 52nd year of hiB age. made in Miami ce metery . MaR'gie Armstrong , of Day to n, we re F raney , of Columbu s. we re gue~l8 es tant. boy o r g irl in Warren ' Of a family of four children, he is Le ba non team and th e WaoY nesville ' d h g uests of Thad Zimm erman and of Mrs. Anna B, Cook and famil} Co unty, in the sta te contests, ac- survived by but one. a sillter , Mrs. Miami s m et in a d ('id ed ly hea ted T ay Ior Rone. a ge d I"4) , d Ie at t e f '1 I t k last wee k . contest at Phitli pil Park , S unday Mia mi Valley hospital, Dayton. Fri- t amI y as wee . cordin g to th e rules gov erning said Marlatt, of Mt. Holly, a fternu on. The game was a th ir- day , of pneumonia. He was a s t epr,: rs . F. C. Gi lmour and two chil- con tes t s, to be paid for by Warren I On May 30th, 1892 he was united The Christian church will have a teen innin g a fi'air lind was close and son of Mr . M. C. Lidd y. and forme rly lin marriage to Lydia Cottrell who r en ret urn ed hom e Mond ay evenin g County P om ona Grange . exciting at a ll t im es The sco re was li ved here. Th e funer al t ook place mark e t at the Town ship House Sat· f rom a week' s v isit with r elatives in At a lat e hom e. we bade r elu ctant ' survives him. urday m orning June 7th , at 10 Miami ~ , 6; Sou th Lebanon, 5 f arewe ll t o th e pleasures of th e day, l The deceased lived almost his Mon day m orning a t the Chapel, o'clock. Everything g ood t o eat . Sou lh Lebanon . Gebha r t piLt'hed sp le ndid ba ll for Re v, 'J . F. Cad walll\de r o fIici al in~ . f eeling t hat as an aR"ency for pro- enti re life in Warren County, and seven i nn iu g~ ullt weuke l,ed in th ~ Inte rment waR made in Miami ce me- Your patronage solici ted. Mr. T .•1. Rape r, of Burl ingto n , m fJl ing pr-ogr essiv e thinking, be tter held the respect and confidence of e ig h th, du c to a n i njury to hi ", sid e te ry Mr. and Mrs. J. E J a nney a nd ' Iowa , IVlr. and Mrs. J ohn Werner , liv ing and rural fell owship of a per- his fellow men. A atone mallon by sus taineLl wh'ile 'lJi tch ing tb e game at ma nent nature, th er e is nothing in trade, he faithfully executed the . -. - family, Mrs Eva Jones. Mr. and of Day to n, Ohio , Mr. and Mrs. M the rura l educational ~phere lihly work entrusted to him, his workLe ba non th e preceeding Sunday- .. and Mrs. Frank Zeu, and lhe Mi ssell D. SIPith, of Be llbrook, were Sunday Davis reli eved him after two were had gath ered in DeBoard's g rounder Doru Uis and Ethelyn Hosier epent visito rs o f Mrs. S . J . J{ape r. to b ear so rich a fru it a a- The manship invariably bearing the out fn the nin t h and again mad e a in front of the plate allowed bo th Sunday in Oxford, Ohio. Grang e. Cora A. Th ompson . 1110sest inspection. For several years spl endid r eco rd as a r e li e f pi tche r. runners to r each base safely . The he served Wayne township as TrusMr. and Mr>l. William Sheph erd, BAND CONCERT H e kept t he vi sitors fr o m furth e r runne rs attempted a double steal t ee and ever proved himself an Quite a number of ou r local fish er- Mr. and Mrs. Ri le Sh epherd and scoring and all ulVed the m but one and bo th were safe on anothe r bum men went to the Reservoir Monday. d a ug hte r , Mabel. of Hamil ton, The first band con cert was given honest, conecientiou9 and painstakin~ hit, two p a~ es and hit one batter pel!' by Bobby . De Board scored the Mrs. F. C. Carey and dauR"hters, a utoed to Waynesville and spent Friday evening . A large crowd was ofIiciaL On the ll ifensive he secuI'ed three visitors ' last run whim Woodley sin- Pearl and Alice, Mrs , Walte r McClure . Sunday with their cousin, Albert in town, and the concert was of the A kind husband , true friend and hits, stu le three base~ a nd scored g led to right . Erte l out, Be rgen to ancl s on, Carl, go for a two wee k's IShephe rd. good citizen has gone from us. May hI' ghe~ t character. The people are light perpetual shine upon him and two runs , th e l as~ of which was the Surface, Dougherty out, Gebhart t o vi'lit; Mr. and Mrs , C. M. Robitzer I now looking forward to the weekly one needed to win. Surface, and C. Sear!'; flie d to Jimmie and son Frederick, Mrs. J. D. Mar- I Miss Ruth Chandler is hom e from his end be peace. I concerts. Dakin in cente r, latt .and daughter Helen: and Miss iS.elma. Ohio, for. ~er s ummer vaca· Following' is the program for How R UN~ WI,atE SCORE!). CARD OF THANKS Ollr boys tied it up in the ninth . MarIanna Allen, of Sprll1gboro, go taon .. In r ecogmtlon of her services Thurllday evening: I desire to express my gratitude to The Miamis SCt)red the ir first run Davii1 singled and stole second and for a week's fishing. These n otabl e:! for 'he past school. year, sh e has been neighbors and friends for their in the initial inning . McCarty hit BurLon g ot free transportation to ought to furnish Waynesville with ' re-engaged at a handllome increase 1 March - Show Boy. kindness and sympathy in the time Surface and E rte l threw wild t o first. Bergen 's single scored Davis fish for at least a week's eatinR". J in salary. 2 Overture- Mignonette. of my trouble. Also to Rev. J. F. catch Davi s Il t fl~t. Th e runners and Schuler forced Burton at third, 3 March - Fillmore National. Cadwallader, to the singers, to Mr. w orked a clou ble steal while Bur to n De Board t.o Ertel. Dakin singled A Medley Waltz-"Billy, EiIly, Maffit, and for the beautiful flowers. was securing th e fit's t of his t our and took second on a wild pitch . Bounce Your Baby 0011. " Mrs. Lydia Pratt. passes. Schul ' r sco r~d Surface with Woodley and Greeley caught Bergen 5 March - Salute to U. S. - - - -.- ....- - ~~ a sing.le afl-er Berg en had grounded on Ridge's grounder to the former . 6 Rag- Creole Queen. WILL HAVE INSPECTION I~xercises out, McCarty t o Woodley. Brown Schuler scured on a wild pitch, but 8 Waltz - Flowers of the Wildfanned and Ridge furced Davis at the umpire said Dakin was caught M'lam I. Ch ap t er, N o. 107, 0. E S ., wood , the plate . DeBoard to Grlleley. at the plate, Greeley to Hopkins, o March - Gardes Du Corps. will have their annual inspection South Lebanon took R t emporary when he attemnted to follow suit. Monday evenl'ng, June 9. urs. Cad. ... M . ID f 9 3 d In case of rain Thursday evening. JR lead in the fourth. Surface tool< Both tea ms played air-tight ball e morra ay or 1 l' olJene a conn ec ted with th e war. and Dr, wallader, of New VI-enna. DI'strl'ct I, I th e concert will b e held Friday e ve· bId f care of Greeley, but DeHoard singled untl'l the last of tl1e tbl' rteenth , air ut su try ay. Auout noon a C a ~ ton was no exception to the rule . i Deputy Grand M atron, WI'11'anspec t even' g and was safe at second when Ber· Davis singled and stole second . threatened thunder shower biel fair H ~ told t he Rtory in a brillant way, n ~g -.!~....:-. - - - - - the lodge. Sojourning brothers and g en's as:list on Woodley 's grounder Burton produced the h it needed to to spoil the afternoon exe rcises, but and g r eatly impressed his hearers. CHILDREN'S OA \' EXERCISESI sisters are cordially invited_ got past Riuge, E:rtel sco red both score Davis with the winning run, it passed to the east. Afte r the The banu, as usual play ed some Ruth Jannev, Matron, runners with a double to ri g ht. The score: shower the air cool ed aud altogeth er e xcell e nt mURi c. and the ir se tting: of Com e to the Orthodox Friends Christie McKinsey, Sec'y. Dougherty ancl McCarty did the it gave us one of the finest days e x- ! " Tenting Tonight" was g ood and church Sunday evening. June 8,1913, ___ - - SU IJ TH LI£UANON same afte r C . Stlars had walked. E periencecl f or several years. I ma de a bi g hit. at 7: ~0 o'clock to the Children's Day LITTLE TOT CUTS TWO FINGERS All H II A The Miamis lied it up in their half D. Sears. cf . . . . . . . lj 0 0 1'0 0 At 1:30 the Post asse mbled at their Miss Edytha Mary, as usual, r ead exe rcises. Mrs. Ward, our new pas0 0 IIOIJkju ~. 7 ~ b . . . . . . u 0 I 1 Schuler doubled und Brown struck Cirooluy. c .• . . . .. 0 hall, and preceded by the band in heir inimi t abl e m ann er . the tor. will be with us at this time. The four-year-old daughter of Mr. I I 11 2 o 3 out. McCarLy got Ridge's grounder lJu Hual'd. By . . . ... G 2 t 1 2 I marched to the school house. School "Whistling Reg ime nt" and her offer- Mrs. Ward comes from Cleveland. and Mrs. A . C. Tomlinson recently, Wuudtay. Ib, p . . . . 6 I t 8 2 3 but made a wild heave to f"irst. and Erl.,l. ,l b . . ..... . . ti 0 1 3 'I 2 hall was comfortably filled, and the ing was we ll r eceived . Ohi o. She co mes very highly rec- while playing in the barn with a I 0 UO\JKllOr~~ . rl . . , .. 6 0 0 Woodley's un t amed loss to third l · . 8eurs, r. .. .. ... ~ audience sat for over an hour and The ladies q uartet, composed of ommended as a pastor and Chrie. neighbor's child, caught her fin. I l l 0 allowed Schul e r to score. Howell ,\lcC"rLy. p , lb ... . -5 -0 -I -:l -6 .! listened to the speaker of the day the Misses Lu cy Eml ey, Ru t h Zim- tian w orker. Encourage the child- gers in an alfalfa cutter, and had to Tot"I.. . .. .. . .. 47 5 7 36· 16 U with rapt attention. strolled, but Gebhart forced Ridge me rma n and Mesdames 0, L, Crane ren and young people with your have two of them amputated. The run M:unuJ. at third, Ertel unassisted . After music by the band, Com- and J W. White. sang two selec- presence. little girl iEl getting along nicely un" Nouu out. wholl willuing MIAMIS In the fifth with Davis out. Mcmander ' Cartwright in his usual tions th a t, judging from the gener· GOES TO BROOKVILLE der the circumstances. Carty to Woodley, Burton walked SurffLCO. Ih . . .. .. . AI;' ~ I~ ~ ~ happy manner introduced the aftR r · applanse. wel'e well rendered - - ...- - - and stole second. Bergen was out , U~~t~i/~. ~J: : : : : : : J ~ ~. ~ g noon program which was as follows : and very appropriate to the occa- T. R. Smith was transferred as ST. MARY'S CHURCH McCarty to Woodl ey, but the latter ~IUr"~IJ , a~ " ' " g g ~ ~ ~ I sion. station agent:to Brookville Sunday. The 3rd ':;unday after Trinity June heaved wildly to catch Burton at t\~'+n~~~fi3b.':: ::: ij J U 1 0 ~ Music After the exercises at the hall the Ray has been in charge of the Way- 8. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. third and Ertel repeated in an effort Itt:I~O: 1JIj' • • • : : : : : : ~ g ~ g ~ ~ Invocation, Rev, J. F. Cadwallader post p t'oceeded t o the cemetery to J1esvil.le station for seve. ral. y.ears. The Sunday School is making RUbto catch him at home. Bob came SlIIlth. IInwoU, rl, rl. cf 11... . .. 2 0 0 1 0 0 Music complE'tc the day's exercises . ...... J .0 0 1 0 0 ' and h IS c h ange to B roo k "! II e Is.m t h e stantial ' and encoul'llging growth. through safely. Schuler fli ed to Uoultl>rt. p . rl. .. .. ~ ~ .!. .!. .!. _0 Reading, Miss Edytha Macy The service at the cemetery was way of advancement an raalroad . Morning Prayer and sennonat 10:30. Dougherty in right. Totals . ... . .. . . ~o 0 11 39 14 Ii Song, Ladies Quartet unusually impressive. The soldier'll work. In the seventh, C. Sears stepped 1 2 3 4 5 G 1 6 1/ 10 11 12 I a Address, Dr. Clayton stood around the soldiers monument Mr. Smith will remove his family OUR INVITATION . f ront a f II sto Ie sec- SMiamis . Lehnnon . • o 0 0 200120 0 0 0 0-5 M USIC . . To all who' mourn and need CQI'Il an a' Pltc h e d ba, . . . .. 1 0 0 t 1 0 d 0 2 0 0 0 1-6 an d tl11' f 0 II owmg program was there as soon as arrangements can ond and scored when Brown made a Song, Ladies Quartet carried out: Prayer by Rev. A. K. be satisfactorily made. fort-to all who are weary and need wild throw on his return of Mc'" SUM.&IARY Benediction, Rev. P. B. Thompson Sargent. memorial address, Mr. L. rest-to all Who are friendle81 and Stolen D\UKl8-S. Lobanon, 6; al1amls, 8. • - • Carty's single. -McCarty tried to 2 UI\8O Rite-Ertel, S<>I,uler, Dakin. Whiteman, song Tenting on the Old FLOWER MISSION MEETING need friendship-to aU who are Plny- IUdge, unassisted. D r. CIaylon, w h '" I ·C·amp G roun, d by I'" ' h __ ..l 8h e Iter--to all score while D . Sears was fanning Double Hits-MeUmy, 6; Woodley . .~; Gebhart., 0 lEI a JOVla man, a.des quartet. orne i ess d an Doet:U but Gebhart covered the piate and 6: fa:;!8J'Baua-McOarty, 6; O~bhart, 2: made an address that will long be The soldiers then strewed flowers The annual Flower Mission meet- who pray and to all who do not but malie the put-out on Burton's assist D~~~k~'outA-!IIcOarty, 10; Woodley, 4; remembered by those who heard around the monument In memory of ing of the W. C. T. U. wH~ be held who ought-to all who are In ain aDd . " , Gebhart. 9 ; Davia. ~. him. For over forty years this Bt~ry their fellow' comrades. This beau' at the White Brick church, on Fri- need and to whomsoever }Will-this' ,Hopkl'ns ' -struck out. ' . Wild Pitch_Woodley, 2 ; "Gebhart. I, • , ,Greeley Bi~gled, ill the ~ighth. and Hit Salamen-McCarty. 2; Oebbtlrt. 4; hliil been, told and retold by various tiful ceremony concluded the service day afternoolJ, June 6, at-2 o'clock. church opens ~ 'wid. the door and ;. aecond on a wild pi~h.Bur- D~~ B~reeleYd 2; Burton. J. " . Speakers; but still each one Borne and another Memorial Day has gone A cordial invitatioft is extended to makes, free ~. and in the name . bad throw ·'.to thir4:. after he i!~~, ~m::. A . D~ . ne,,' thoughts !Ul~ . •d~ and 8~ri~ ddwn into the past. . _ all 'to come,. bring flowers and help. of the Lord, says: Wel~me, <-


Personal MentioJ[l Column


Social Events :







Memorial Day



I;? 19





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The Miami Gazette 1I O. l . CRA N E. Pu blisher.

SOCIETY AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL HORSE SHOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-~~~~~~~~


Form er



Practical Fashions l~~~~~~~~~~




Ideas Tha t Cail for Most MORAL INFLUENCE OF CLOTHES. I." t nu t th,' n ip Pltnt ~ Ill';th II!:II t l)'


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I I T\'(' liS " of ellltJ ro ld erl es anll or bUI <l"n',1 fu br"' s Is a f en tll r .. " r tile pr (JB~ nt flr>n"u n . (Jur moll,,1 ho ... " h o w a li t! ur t lt I'S" llolJular gown~ 111 11)' b .. IIIUd,' . Uk 111!:I .. I), a ll th e \)". t mod · .· IM or thi s season I hn l1 re8~ (' 1 t)~I'" In froll t til Ih o Ri ri e ur Ihe IItt ' " ,'est and Rklrt v aud. The .lre s~ \lal "! rn (GI92) I~ ,'\It In el zps 34 to 42 Inl'h('s bust " "·:\ 'UI·... M l'dlUIll size r rC]ul r cs 41,6 ya rd. " r 4~ In c h borel Nl'd II1l1t ('rl a l or 5 l !\rol~ or JG In ch ra brlc without bord er


To I'rO" "r8 thl. rnlt t'm .ent1 III r .. nw to "Patt e rn Vt'pnrtm c nt ," o t t t":l."i ,",U pc' f , \\rTlte n U UlI) u'hl Hctc1reli8 plainly, lind be .ur ~


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TOWN STREE,. AND NO . ........ .. .. ....... . .. . STATlt . ... ........ ..... . . _ •• _ . ........ ... .




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jo'irst photograph from Pekin or th e fuo eral nt th e do wugu empr" .. ~ , Th e Irnperlal bi er (cent!>r) (!untalnlu,:: the body was borne by 12~ henrers aD liB way to th e Han krJW t"lillway Btallon, from whldl place It wnll shiPlled tu the Imperial wl1stern tomb n ear Hsl Ling. Thp bl el' waH rI chly em.broldered with til e tmpE'rlnl Ilboenl" and guardE'd by palace ser vants beRrlng th e old Mllnchurlan hallhnnd ~ IloflK polp~ on right) p.fI~ ort "d by inflltJl.ry of th e . tl C' w republiC' arm <! d with mod em rIfles,



That wo:nall wh6 disliked ber hamel MrR. •ln~e.6.. A . O'G~;la n I s tile wife til PbUadelphta 80 much that ahe of til\> Oe!JlI)~rIl,U c senatol' trom ~ew


11'I t.1



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f p ll th .. Il ltH'1I II r po\,,' rt )· nh"l' Ih an I h:\\,(' Y ou h an' don " nolll .'" 111 lilian · c ln l( aliI' 1"I1t1rl'h , Ull tl II n l'l' pn ll! 1111' lIb, pra lly , M y ,'Otnl' lallH I ~ nf.;l1in"1 Ihe a),Btem whh'h !I\nk p~ Ib n 1lI l ul t<lpr, wh l' ll puhllely Kl'lIk, ' u of . a ~lll' , ' rlllnn : The top picture I s a scene In th e ring at th e l'atlonaICu[.ltal HOI'se Show I n V'ushlllgton, showing tho grand· wh p ll prlvllt"I )' ~"o k\' n of, n w enkllng. staud In th e ba c k grunn d . Th e IIlctuTO.l wn~ tnlt en whllA " M ddl c "Ins" wa ~ bp in K j udged . Tht! low l' r left ~ho\\"s [ha v(' tri "d h I III' Ii ('\"\\ Ihat tltl ,; I , n 't Mrs. Will ia m .J ennings B rya n with Mrs. Burlon lI orri son on hpr right atld ~Ir R . ThlllnaA I·'. Wulsh 00 her ~o , btl! It i ~, IItH[ " " p n In thl t< "jllt, !!(' The low e r rlgbt Is Nan cy Pan sy, one of th " thoro ll g hllredrl at Ihe show. and III thl H \ h Url·1t 111'0 [l lo> b~' tlt " lr ~~~~'""'~"""~_~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~'""'~'""'~"""~~~~~~~~, CO IH'('I)ti o n of Ih,' ",inl "try ha ,'(' 1111111" th l' !I\illl ~ l .. r a ~ I ·nll ","n . II ,' tlfl" b pl.\ ~": IJnll<ll1 (' tf\ (' :tllrf ff':1:-, t,... ,1. unt! p pn· 1,10 ' bu,·,' IJra~· , ' e! tlt at hI"! rnl/.:ht lin r::ltl d~<1 arl;;It: . hut s,>I<lom has h I' 1,1'('n ron sld Prl'fI ..'" Ih,' n "t "rpa ll o!l or r:nd, :1 lIlan . " I (11" l1 ' t tl tinl, of 11\,,::1-' tllin~' al tl n\l . I I hont:ht th at th., I.-m l lll ,' wus In th " lu l!l I. I"'rH th .. m ~l' l\"t e. a ,,,I Ihut tlt f' CO lllto f' nls \\ Itl d l rauIO' III til)" ho), · Iph c ar ~ W"r l' j u ~ I I IIt · <I . Itul I ha\"!' . " ~'~ 1 ('On ll' t c, s,'(' th;!t trJil ny hl ~ IllIJJ1 5 t er~ ha \'t~ ul,,'on~ " I,," " I)' fal1 .. n \'lr-tIlllR tn th ,' s y st"tn . A tllilli " trr ow.>~ hlp pl" sit l nn to 1\('IJll l nrl t y . 1.,, 01 popularity wltb tit .. H" ~fll~:" rnnl!T"/:IIt i(llJ r ,llI h .. bou %;h l on l), a t til " prlc,' "f ron ·


Out In San Francisco th ey are goio!; to teacu the high scbool girls how to do odd plumbing jobs about tbe 'house, Any education tbat will maks Ilfe easIer for the husbllnd ought to be pretty popular with the men fOlk", anyhow.


81 r'nll~


r' 1:11111t' ral iun o f Ill )' pror(l~ I'! I(ln 1 \\01 11 I":l\'p Ch a t (, '" Clthl' r~ who h3\' P

llCCording to th n r ~1 and penlonal , valu ati ons. $1 TIle otI'Iela~ "aluatlon<t <1 0' not exceed IIne-ha'r of' real valueR . To bp. exa ct. the offlclnl w ealth or Ihe s tate in 1912 ...·as $11.131.600,121.




I~ n

i", will tll! ll! In " Hln . If .II" OI! II IS at all . f o r ~r fll..:' d Ll"1 Anf1 th r· v .. r ~' '" ' lIpl~ wh u ('OIHlpIl I O lh p rll t nt~t("r (or h\ 9 narrow Ilrp a r p rh l' oU" R who p" r~~\ · un r .... th p s)'~ tt·m . "'[ nm not l'o tuV lll l llllll! "\)Ol1t t h'!

~c eeda, .

. . . : ';;:.'"


th at Ih "r O'

t · ll co n .ciotu " l\" It wnll" hi m In : hi", \"1,1011 . ;\" 111(' 11' Wa" Ittr~" . , . ~ 1 111o·,t. an <1



I "·, HI


~I(,w l y

fo r ("t' ~

'1'be w ealth or :--lew York st .t E' no,,,

. 7 abOut PhliadelpiilL .

\\ ' "

t r" ,l llIo llnl wa ll. and rar 111(1 rp (nrtlll,lalJ)(' rh ~,,' the ~"· th"d ls l nr/.:nlll alll , \\ III('h I(Ta ,h lllll y

Tr eas ury ngents. though lim i t ed to an expenditure of $6.50 n day for board and lodging In Chicago and l'ew York. will not tltrn1o'e . au e can get a tilling ord er or b ee r s tew for 15 centH and a big Ill at c o f succ ul ent 'I h eat cal,8s ft-r 10 ren ts more.

• mm.u,;~84 84lC~de' m.ay pot havo been. ~ traane. ~o11i. fow pecple feel that

" ~~()JI'('

IiYH f ('lll ,

the nlecc or Macaulay died a vauper.


' ·" Tlt' tl


Fronl London comes tb e sad n ewa that Mrtl. P ell. n ni ece of Lord Moe· oulny. th e historian. ha s died In a workhou se hospItal at Manchester. agl'd elghty· flv e. Mrs. Fell, who ..... all We wIdow of a clergyman. r eceived an allowanc:e from r elativeB, but whon !lhe hecame III and two nurses were necessary to attend her Bhe w!'S taken to thE! hos;>ltnl. Why It I1hould bave been nece.. sary to take tier to th e has.,Ital or a workhouse do ea not appear, and the explanation In the conclusion of the dl!lpatcb Bcems to cancel the 1m. plication of the opening sentence that

.1, 1

,,!l l,oll

:\ (; d ::Jp t-" n iu.'"IJ II 'nf.

Wben Hannibal was b esleglllg Home th e l"il wer.:! those anlong the Inhahl · tants who bougbt nn'a paId good prices for the lund on whlcb bls IIrmy was f'ncamped. That was th e spirit that made th e ancient Romans rulers of the world. A merlcuns aD IIi,).DY o cca sions bave displayed the sumo splendid cour· age and confidenc e In the face or danger . They ahowed It In Chicago In ]871 by planning to rebuild b e for e the ash es w e re cold utter th e great tire. Th ey Rhowcd It at San Frsn c l sco. aCter t'arthqllak e aud conflagration had don e their wors t . and tb E'Y are showing It at Omaba amid the I'uln and d es ola· tlon followlug the ouslaught of tha tornado.


or 1;, \\

('1/"1 .. . · th, '~" Ih:'l t I IIIH:l;t h, ' all a ll · :lI'Ollnlt. ~(hh l 1I"nbr"I , ltt'in t.:. HIlma r · rlt-d. I ",,,Ji d 11\ ,> wit II ttl) · w llrk . allrt Ihnt 1 tr u!\ did , aud 111 1 (lilt ' ,-vP' r ~ U t,:-o~ ,l cf tll.iI I !1Jiny lill\"~ I ~ lnil!'( 1 wtth

A ~ l ll rg)'muu who prpacb ed to a ca n· gregaUlln of young peop l e recen lly Bl>l ected as th e subject of his ella· cour se. " Art er Marrlage- Wbat ?" and gavo se" ernl excellent practical BUll' One WitS that every mal'geRUon8. ri ed coupl e should recognize as a paramounl duty tl!elr duty to?o' ard I'ach otber. Anotber was tbat they .houM keep Up a honeymoon courtesy. and still another that they sbould establlsb a bome of tb elr own. "Be It ever 110 humble," he InsIsted. ". home of tbelr own sbould be tbe tbeQ purpose of every young couple after It Is a sllfe assertion l.:arrlage." tbat no connubial venture cond\lcted on tbese prlnclpleB will come to wreck upon the rock of dIvorce.

Anel now th e town or Ess(·II . Ger · many. has been robb ed hy a s windler

I"u:' 't ill:III I, : l h,l Ir' I I1I~:H r:.


" se ns e uf sp l f ·rCB)) ' (' 1 to J!ro\\ . The nopplng of tlt e hllir lind the l ocks t E' \) ha \'I, b epn n boll sh ed trom af'l'cra l prle· ona to ave rt the p syc bol oglcal {,!Tect of " p('rson al n Jlpearance tbat Is Incom· plllib l fl wllh 8p l t·respecL Th er e III more In thI s Id('a or gIving ""omen Jlri so!H'rs cora<lts and pre tty cloth es tban 8001(' a t th e pe nolog I st s. lIoc l a l reform flnl and pbys l cill n s Inter\'lewed I b preo n J'('cogn l 7.e.

r \


Ill \' I l it;!IIt" ,,) t as k:-\ ,' :UIH.I : natura l It) lilt> I \\a~ :tt ' n~' 1I'·sf I n t lt Ptl l. {lIltl " :, w , ' rt ' atlYlhi;lg h ' It natlJrnl. il ll(l ~ tl w d, ' It Ill\" ta ~ k In f'~.

t iotl" nr,' plltting on th o eutl\"i<' t s 1 \ I~i n ('Iof!,,'!! unel pr whlcb It I ~ pos Hlhh' for

who. representing himself to be an auditor Ilnd pretendIng to dI scove r l'Ievernl thoutlands of a tlurplu8. C;I~' rled It. oft to tbe minister or flnunce at B erlin. wbo , needles lI to say, oever received It. t:lly government in Gllr , nlany may be on a model ba81~ . but tbere Is at l enst one [1olot on which Bny American villago could gh'e It ad. vice. .

P I li , I L:.!ll ::- " ~



rlll:! 1 i ~

\1 1'1 'ludl~1 1" ·· ':tl ' ll.'r ..: :, 1 11 1I \~ l ifilu rn i '") put H u u1d hi\ \'f"" h' ·4' n 1,1\\ :11 ,1 I ha l llllcl , tll1l ht ' :"t111:, d . tlllIll l \.! liiol ~PHI · l pln d .I.I S tilat 114' :\l ,':I1II(II :l t ··org;tll l/ al lpll' h;tJllIlI'rc · d f tl .. rn " ' llon , "u!I ' I: h ,· ~· P II L.:h t ulld ~ " I' ltll'l1 t i l nllrt til th l ' d l l l (I UliIl Ht:PII ht, lal l'r ~ClII1 t'c1 Hut h,' :',· a1. l u lit, ' :I~ ~1" 1 1l · in' . . . r






t o f n',

1\\ ·'r· ' II

c I l r ~ .. l Is l al\t'n on' h p r and no lwup r \\ ht'"11 n iH' iH JIHl 011. Pf ' rlHlJ' ~ ( IIrgf' t s Ihllt In his own prison th t' eUII,ict. (10 "lit \,>,,' or Ht rqJl' d r lotlws. and til., \\a rdC I1 8 or ~OlnH olhpr l Jt'lwl In!-' t i tu


I- ~ ~ I t



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l1u l ~ lrOIl"; " II ' H I;,..:. l,

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fn,1' t ll p 11" , l'hrl ~ l t:l n \ \ ·() rk 1 :\. , \\ Y I lf'k) I J "h ~ !!-\tl l" l.: II! s I (;lt h · ' 1' a nd ;.:.r;111l1 ~1l1 1:,' f' lit 1· ,11 1-1 11 ':.

whkh n O I ,'\"' 11 11 10 cOll .... t,lla t ;. l il t-< {.r n·· Ill:iol1 ('Ilull!

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!'!.!r rt ' F.fh't; I. nud 111, ' r . 'l.ltl o n twlf r f'l~ Jlf·c.: l und ht '\ I1~ \\( ·11 Is 1I1t!!llille, P5 n) s Ih41 l' hl!;llh ·1

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York . .'::111'> i'l'., n "II.', , ,\ (,men, n



:\' ~. "

11](l n.'0!!l prolnl· adr.lnlstrn·

III Ihe ceuter Is a marcel·waved tlgbt coUfure with a broad band beld ~ ogetb e r by a p eal'l huckle which lJold~ to place a black aigrette. On the l ett Is a mnrce lled colfture that Is parted 011 the l eft with a knot In the back lind an ornament of white beads and an a!grette, On the rIght Is n ' very loo\lti nnd full coltrure w!th · bang(! and a low ~not twisted, with a str!ng tor b etl d~ used no nn ornamenL . . . , ',

intprp.s t l'd In th p practirp or nw,ll cln !'. Bur :J mInist e r IIIUttt ('hO(lf~P n~ a wlf£' anI' whn I s not only Intpr c "tt' d In th e worl, or 1111. ('hurch . but Olll! who IR wlllln~ to tllnk p t ill' sHt'rlll"f! or 1\ hom e thaI th p "hurch mnv Ita\"" Orst place. P..,rhap~ thl>: Isn 'l IIt) jmlt. Therl; tlIay Ittl .... oll1 .. n whu art.' pqulPW·rt ror Hurlt work and 1\ hn would willingly Inlw It liP , bllt thA ~:lc:rlfte B or [",rsollallt)' de mand ed b r Ih e ' sYPtern or tho tlIlnlR tor's wIfe 18 (.0 great that I ('OIlld tl ot !INk nny WOlnUtl , particularl y till' OliO [ hRl'P In mind . 10 lllukfJ It, All [ Itn"e :I tl~ht to a ~ k or uny woman Is to h .. lp 111£' to muke> a homt'o "The Inst renson I ~ u ,.., gt\s t 10 you for l ellvlng )'our C'hllTl'h 1. a . [IlrltulIl onl'. Th(' thought of tlll'se other Ihln/.:1I Ill entlonpd ha,' " . tmnglrd th,' s plritunl fr e('IlE'Ps which I u snd to (,Il ' j'l)' . Tn my splf lilY ~p.rm(lnR 11 0 l ont;· er BOUtle! liS ~f'rmons hnvlng anthor· It)· . Th ey nrp "rowel(' ,1 nnd pln ch ee! to pl .. a ~'? ntHl .. nmprOmi 6(' rather Ihan "OIHI<'tntl o lld Inspire>. I hn\'p' rompromlsf'C1 with m}" ro n~ c i " n('{' lind [ havt' t:ompt'o tnl sc d with Ill}' Int el· 1.. ,,1. Thl're I~ alwaYIl n wltl<~ chasm bl'lw een m.l· g<,nltlnp tboughts and my wonlR . Th(' vIrtu!' or nn (~Io~u · Ilnnlst may derf'l\'p tho "ongrpgatlon, hilt II <:allllot d"celve on e>lp l f . " 1 b .. li,'vI' r1 Ihn t I wa s cn ll pd to pre a~h . Pf'rhap ~ (;011 calle d me to pr!'tlch for a f ew ),('arH !lnd lhpn to go ,! IRP wh f' r c' . AnywlI)' . I am go ing. I want a rrf"' r cn tl ~ ('\pn ctl and tl tre(' r IIrp. [h On f'R tl y h('lI Hvp thllt ml' IIfll will be em,' l!'n I.. " I 11m \\'fltin~ at lrnt:tlt Ihal yon ma~' 8e(' 111Y a I lit ne!1' nne! that It mny be. as Ita vl' nil m)' a('t~ Itl your com· munlty bl' f'n , (J IIPn and franle" - Pro m ' 1", LI t ('nl ry nl geat. Growth In Grace. Th e ( 'hrl " t1l1n I\(e III and mu"t be R growing Ilfp, au eve r· Increasing grolVth In grllcil alld In th e knowledge of .l e/luR ChrlH t. our Lel·d . Only as wo 1\"e In hlrn lind oeek to know IIn(1 do his lovIng will (:a n we mnrk r oal prog· ress In chnracter nnd life. "Not any kind of life, " s'ars one. "Hhould bu our aim; not just breathing and \Vorlang, but to so Ih'e that God Is pl eaBed wltb U!l; IO ' lIo ' lIve , ss to fit Into hili plan for m en ; t<; ,I\'orl : togotb~r wltb \Ji ...

:that" I~ 1.Ii_e." '



Tile 1'; orfolk mod el Is liu " VI bleb n vcr goes out or Sly I". but WIlI t: h return» 10 Ui wit h ~!\ght Vilria tlo 'is. It 111 the lea<llng styl e for neg ll~"e for mell ot prI'Re nt". and . or cour'se, the boys nlUat hav e It. too. Th e "lit 11IU9Irat ·. d h erewltb lias a rath er lonr: coat, l.1ade with a dee p square yoke nlld with I\\'o tu c k s on each side oj;' tho back aud al80 of th .! rronl 1'11 ,· neck; Is slmVI)' fluillh f.'d with tbe lt su u l no tch collar and smull sharp rev~ r a. S; nick. crbock('r Irousers are provider! wltb tbls Bult. which 1M very manl y an <l up tv dat.,. Any good woo/en !lI:1tl'rJa' can be used for a Norrolk BUlt tlnd kbak! Is also like d by IItlle bU~'8 In warm \\'I'athe r . The Bult psttern (0190) t" ",t III sIzeR 6, 8. 10 and 12 years. 'I' lo :flake It In the m edium BIz., requ lr ," ::% yards or 36 Inch g oods. T~. I'rO<'Uf" this JlIlUern •• n.1 10 c ~nt" to Patt e rn OC"pLlrtlllt'I1l ,' · o r lbl ~ 1'1L1JCr.

Write nume lUll) nt1 l l reKS plainl y sure to ,..Ivc ftl~e H n(l n llmlh.!r or'


" 1'0.

1 U


SIZE . ... ... ... . .. ... .

NAME ••••• ___ • • __ . _ ......... . . .. ..... .. . TOWN . ... ...... .. __ • • • _ . . .. .. ... . . S T Rt£ET AND NO. .. .... . ....... ......._ STAT It .... .... ..... _........ _ ••• _ _ .. . . ..

Del iohtfully Dangerous. " Yml shutild have b een I n lli l' sur, frngette parade, my dear."

"S01" "It WllS delightfully lInn g ~roulI­ .Many or the gIrls were annoy ed by horrId m en." "Ind eed ?" "For we tll'I!t time In th eIr lives."

' aulde the M.rk.

E~:c lte d remarks or opera ·manage ... to the contrary potwlthstlln<iltiK. tb,, ;' , pro,,' of .!in opera, sInger 18 III. b1lI '-~ ' .,.",. "Ollie. ' 7.,' ,



Backache Is aWarning 'l'hot:sa nds su ff er I,idu,·y in s una .\" :tr i· ~ -

n ot

k Ut)\!i




II:" i·,ebel"" h,·.,<I· a, heO\.:t nrl d lll 1, I1 ""n··

n us. d i7Z\" al l l lrpd

Abundance of Well Rotted Manure the Best Fertilizer For the Home Garden - Wood Ashes Enlarge Plant - Each FIGHT AT



Its Own Special Requirements

<'clory plan ~ i~ 11 I\"O~S r.. eLl I'!' qu i kly reMp,md l; 10 r~rtlllz c r~ . 111'011 III" a muunt o f antl llllll, · fooli !I,' l ,rll ,l ~ ~lICr('8S 11'11 11 IIll' ,· rop . Per hap s no Oll,,' r cro p will s l10w so prom ~t Iy " IJ l' u1i1 Ir"l11 th o Il S\l of rl:rtl1l7, ors, COD! ' ", nllln i or unrn)ard. ' :~ \l "Iull), If up· UIIf'oI in libe ral Qu n llllllt· s. b ums garU E' n I II re Is II I' Fr>r I h br il l" anLl SUfer fer Lll ize r [tor ('ole r)' Ihlln wr-ll rotlf'ti stable munure BlIo! lihH'oI 1'i' plicaLlollK ~ h"ulol bE' gl\'c n ,.,11I·IJl' \·pr po ss lulp. 11 0 11 11 1111 s !1PPP

d:a~ t u



l a " :;


. The principal objlcte of cultivation I wben the 11011 lIa8 been .t!rred to n dell~b, oC tbree IlIelles than when I hilS been stirred to a shallower deptb 11) To CODserve moi s ture. On the other bond, CIIIll"atloD deep 12) To kill weeds. I CI' tMn tinea lnelle6 not only causel 13) To supply air to tbe Boll nnd e\'nporotlo n but alAo cntt; olt frolll th E root ~. Jllant a part of Its food supply. In ( 4) To mako pl"nl (ood :\\'"II"ule. 1tact, the rootll In tbe zone extendln~ I'rrslslent, ll\Prollgh, silllllow cult I- from Ihree to six Inebes below Lbe BU\" .atlon pay.. Tbe prime object of cul- rnc e ha\'8 Ii larger SUl,pl y or plant U\'ntlon Is the conserving oC molst ul'c; foc-d whi ch Is readily a\'allable tbnn If this be accomplished, weeds will hav e the roota deeJler In tho eoll. By CIIU61l little trouble . Shllllow cultJya- cultivation, air Is appliell to the 8011; lion mennll sUrrlng tbe 8011 to a depth oxidation takes Jllace rapidly Ilnd bacoC t1\'O or lhree inches_ A dr, mulch terln are Induced to grow and multi, mu ~: be elltabllshed or molature will ply, consequently food IH made avail· e,;ctlpn Crom the surface. Too shallow n ble ror tb e growing piliut. (. ttttl~o.ILI!h.Duld be- guarded aga inst . The conclusion from Ihe for('fgoill!! Wh~n a Ihre&-Inch mulc h Is complued fa c ts III Ihllt lhe rootH Imme diately with n ne oC an Inch And 1\ half, the below the zone of shallow cultivation rorm or JlrOV(, B to be much morc etT£.'ct· sbould not be InjllrE'd or dplltroyed. " 'Il 1 1I ~ 1\ lhe Ilitter 110 tar Il.S the can· Corn should l'e (,l'lvl' lm1llvulion tin· lenh'g of Doll moisture i~ coneerne(\. til Ihe {'[Irs lifO well dC'H)lo lled. Lntf'1 Prof. F. H. King Cound, by exlend!'d clIltlnlllon should be !l: 1" pn to ilswh· and r!'peoted field t.rlals, lllllt there Is llSh a dust mlli c h . Th" onc-borsEI Invorlably left In the iSoll lit th o e n(1 1spike-toothed cultivator Is genortllly of tile sellson a larger nmount or wnter uaed for this purpos('.

U P:



.-.1,)"(" r

f t" 1'0.: t """"L 'I" ' \" { I " Il l t l .1 d~,\ I H~ ' h. " ; Irl ' II ..... P"C ( ~ ' , C l.i d n r\", SI.ft1 1.! i n, ·~ tlla r lly o f t b, ' "; f'( I'" I ' , II ' 1'1 ,1 Y I, H(! j l15 t lhl IH,:..;t1c.l I'r opf J )l)aI 1' ''' Kid n('y P i ll s l! ; t\'C IH'~ f~n t lIt' a i nK h" c k'oLl... Sil k kidn '~\"'i. flH (H er fdt ), yrar!\ '



ll'{I' lI

kll i ncy \\t'.Lk ·

An . I",.\ ',' wbr .. uf.

Thirteenth Corps Rescued Aft er O r der Had Been Given for Every Man to SallO Hlrnaelf.

hf'ad watl' rl nl( ig UKl' d. 111 "onll (' cLion WILh IlInlllll'" \1 IH ntll'l s lIhlo to up>:!!' I \\'I\ ~ Hc r" ing In IIR I I.~ r .' ,: 2(/0 10 :WO I'0llnus o i 1\1'\<1 phl ," "hnl.(· to th o 'ncrt' , and almul oue·rourth tbat rl.'glllar~. !l nl! \\'118 lI lis lgned 10 I"lfth brl .~ "d , ('" " Idry cor ll ~ . n uu WIIH qunntlty 0 1' l11urhlt u or ~ lIll'hatt' . , As to cOLl1 me n :lu l fel'llll'l c rs . Ihe r e · on th o adl'llUe ~ t n llll' ll l' d It"',, !, I'X· qulre nH'lll l! of dill, 'rl'n t 801111 "Ilr), so Il tl dltlnn, "'I' ll nH II pnry 1< . ~1l'ya<\dp.l1 ,,' lll C' ly Ihal It ~u tl H r:(I ' tory forlllll!!t fo r or (' edar ':ro\','. )\ Ie .. in t be :\utlOllal Trlbun.. . \\." hu,1 LJ l'e n follo\\ 1111': lhn rl llY partll' ulnr !:urd e n '1\ 11- b<' de t"r· Co nfclll'l '111!'~ LL ~ \ fU SI a H \\'1' I'o uld to pre vE'IlL th r ill I'roll1 bu r!! tu!;, cO ttOIl . ,\1\ Ih o lim p It wa ~ drawing ' IB frul11 Ih e Nln e t p'p:l lh 'o r~ s. \\", Iw(1 b Olt ah~uu of thc ThIrd uud F'ollrth 011\' 1' Ill llll llro alwll}:s v e r y ~rrecth' C' • I'JUS or infan t r y . T lwy hllrrl" rI th'~ .t;, " lluntlance or lUanUrl~ SllllU ld he Fo urth iliong- . a nd SP lit for Iii" 'l'hird U H d lI el'ause It s ll vpllel! th o lI oNlcd IllvlKlon ,but Ihe COl1fe'dc ra t c'K III a~ · 1,111 11 : foo d und II! ta \'orab le to bnc lc rllli hill" ('rllRK""ld H ra il1/' a rllund Lhroll g h II f,. I ~ adds the ne c c ~3 111'y humus anll tht' y,ood ~ on nltr ri glll Onlll; to c ut . Im r·nw,·s the wnte r holding ell poelt)·. off 0111' rlll l'ral . a ~ \\ "1\ as th me ch a nlc-al ('audition "f Th e \\a",111 II 'nll1 h~d h"'," lo ll uw , Ih e ~('! Il. When rrf's h mllllur e mus bf' In g rl~hl 1l10llg. day I1fl rr (1,1)' . Th~y u ~ <'(1 It sho u Id bp wo uld 8 1"11 f(H' nn hOllr 01' ';0, \\ hl1 01 WI' hnd II duel wllh II", (·onf p<\p.1'1I1 e ' ; tht'li tltf')' wlI ul el C G m ~ right II lonS · "llI'Y (; rosst' d I'nrlrp'o bnyou . RUrJ \\'h(,11 I. hey lurn ed tit,' ('Orlwr lIod we rp r c ' I rf'al IlIg un all oth e r r on,1 I h .) Confl'd· ,' ralf's begun to flre . Th t' t pR mst e-1'1I oblll1U[',I to tIll' 811\e of th e road aud rail. anl! a ,'nl sHo ll of ilallf' r y U wellt to go betw p.e n 1\\'0 WOKons. wh e ll the wheel or th e ca l8so11 loell ed InLo the wh eel ot a "'ogon . Just th en Gen. Thl. Ihow. the method of blanching Stone man 1'0 el(' nlonl'! IUld I;'ave th e or· with board •• der rOI' e",~~ lIl a n 10 luok out for him· mined only by trlili. ~' rom tbl! nntllre self. I ~telll.pd out it pl w~e[J th ll wh ee ls. of It. growth celery r es Jlond s reudily Ilud Comrad u Ilrlggs . a drl\'t'r. WAS to appli catio ns ot nllrogen. Nitrat e shot In tbp. neck, laken IlrIAOI1 l'r nnd of soda supplies this e lement In tho died or hl8 wounds. I met somo savmost available torm. Most Oblo -s(,lIs airy. They e ngagpd wllb tb e Conre1 · are deficient In pbo~phorous li nd Ibe e raLes. Dad I cam', to an opening addition of this elemenl II essential. wbere th e Nlnpt.,'enth corps WOB Potallh In SOlDO form . is needed to formillg . Ge n f' ral t\a nk s was riding make a billa need (>rtlll 7.el'. \'\ood alonl!> bpt wee n the two IIn lls, telling Rshes are lood for celery. Muck s(llIy th em the Thlrtel'uth corps wali usull\ly r e quire considerable potash, wblpped, alltl It thpy were de real ed all Tbe ellect of lime Ullon cele.ry Is bene· would be lost. Ueneral Stone wae on flclal and Itll judlr.lous USB Is generallY his borse, tel\lng every man to fall In recommended . Salt ill recommended the rear of the Nlueteentb corps. by some g rowers, but It Is of doubtflll In abo lit balr Sll hour er IC8s the Wate'rl"D celery planted 'In lolld beft, utility. A high grade fertilizer tor veg. Confederates came out of the woud~ ·wlth ho_ etablea III otlen fairly satillfactory, but In a good line 0: battle, Ilnd when th e y Ilble, Lbe preceding fall, or ,ilL lea!'t 10 make a spechtl fertiliz e r to meet got up LO wltllin 300 yards Banks of' cOlUlderat,lo time ' before t.he vllllltH particular need a, lends a d egree of In· dered th e Xlnpt('nt~ corps to fire by arD act. Well rotted manure ml\Y b ll terelt to this phnse of celery. culture. \'olley. ThllY lond ed und fire d agRln. appllcd eitber In rowe 01' brol\dcast . The quantity of ferLllizer to . apply t'1 tben loaded and lay dOWI1, and let tho Often It II we11 to eomblue lUG two 1\ gh'en space muSL be delermlned Tblrteenth eorl'e nre ov er tb p 1I1 . me t hods. A gool1 WRY to apply rn a· largely by tlie grower. The huge r lh. The Confederalell charged our right nure 18 after . tbe pllmt.1I are eel, using amount thc more rare and IItndy are fiank, but were driven back, and 118 It II I! a mulch, A covering of six Inche s nflede d for max im um result s. A tal! near u 1 can r emEllllbel' we IlI'ed live between tbe rows, lipread 60 al not to De r ncre, at a complete fertilizer, Is or IIlx times. After d .Lrk Hanks postE'1i Itouch the plants, If Lbe manllre Is often ns ed on celcry. Jllckete. All honor to t.he Nlneteenlh ( tresb, hi Lbe usual method. · Thill plllll W . J, GR}O;EN, corp!!. thllt ~B\'ed th e Thlrtf'pnt h I, especially good It some form or over Ohio Experiment Station, Woollter, O. corpl. " .. It~


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Porcl1 Covered Wilh Clem a tis-One cf the Moat Beautiful Flowering We Have.

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Th., Oe M; lI'anll l!I\Y " lun ' 1111 ' ,' nlhu Mi · I LJ c r rl IIJlil 'nf>k'" ~ nu, ), b .· ~ I "nl'" 111 tlst tlltn ga rd"lIlng, I hough t h" IIn e x- ' lhe hnu se f' IIIH' r In in "t' rt l' d .u <I~. o r THE LATEST FASHION NOTE p .. ri fU:I'U r: ard, ' nf>1' "III ~ay tb.:r o !s J ill Imlle r po l •. Th,·,." aro! 1I . "a lly I p.~ 110 U"" flll" ' ing lhlnr:~ ill lll'i (j Ilt''' prOlific Ih a ll II,,' lall,'r nn<! s I'h. nt,· d ~·t1"' : " It I~ l\. wi ." " vr","l\uUo n B,tl loI'I" ,.elon, th ll t'l In d rlkA l a b l ... I,·ry I U pu wlh' r tile "h o~ . grnll nl! " IIIi! it i. \t a rlll a 1l11 t1r ), In lh n Kroll nd : t.1I1I Ih p), "lIm~ lo" <I.. · [JPt ll fu p lll ~l nll llw m \.111 . " tunny r~· t1vtd ~ pr1nkI8 "nol1o:h . ~l! that Ih " " art h wil l .c rumbl e I d,h' dl)' 1111'11 (, 1', l1..l tJ t,IIIHHI " anll .. ,. vU c- ,,,, wlh Jr. A lIt' n '14 ,.·uOt. Ka..'". whe ll' I h " plow "r " pad .. t UI'Il M it ov er . ! It d Cri lrC' d . a ",,,11,1 (' of ~C·Pd d ma y un tr ' l th JI It 10 1'.1\ , ILnd flDd t.h._l lL ~; "'f t'!'t 1t8 CI,l.l. L(ot\ \lUI p" "". o ni o ns. kLlucC'. :lIl<1 rad· plant pd 111 "" t' h hil i \\ h"n till' plan t s t l .J h"' " 1'('r In ."I"I"lnll lIull'" f rom 1I' ,5k r1 0" ,,. .. 11 " iiI tr l.- llun ond l.!OUA('qU 8 ta limnrUna lri h e n \I III . Iand 'lull .., all am ounl o t : are s et In till' I(1·o llnll . Tb l' II , >< a fh,' ..••nd 1~....«:t.f·n l.t l n_ OJ t bu t.: ~ " cold w' ·:ll h"". a nd II fe w of eac h s hould I pnrly orws pro " (' th at tlle lr \' it~lity IH ,, ~ pl "I1I<'<1 ,," rr (!nrly. with th" 1l!;~lIr · , "Purly ('x hau s t .. d, Ihe YOUl ' !: pla ut d a nco Lha l whll ,~ tbl'Y lIlay not IJro,'e ; \\11\ 111); (' ' h ell' phlCP~. Rnd fU I'fj !~ h ID" UNIQUE CASE OF FILIAL LOVE lnora thlln 1\ \\',' " k or lll'O lu ad van ce ! pi c kl e sUPDly for t il .. \\llI tn r. Pisn lIw garll'!11 In advanco o n PR o To Help Hil Mother a Penn,len Nt>or tiln m"l" 1.lanting, IInl esH th e wellth · blcman "Trle," a Clown Acl in Olr is II11USII<lIl)' Jl ~ n·t! r3 ('. lhn}, per. st'pnra ll ng Pllrl~' >tnll lat e ('o rn , 1\ 8 Pan, Theater. will be T( 'H dy f, I' the ta ble while Ih" we ll 88 hodn g t: u (' Utll LJ e r R. m elons find rnn!n crUJI I~ s tili in Ih o "rat stage or 1 6qlll~8 h" S rur e n.o ugh Itpa rt thnt pol· \'I HtloI'S 10 1'lHis who ha\' e r cr£! lllly /(ro",l h . 1 Ifm frOID Ulle \\ 111 nol r ellC' h anoth er It Is a ('~rlOI1S ~:tC('lJtlOl1 wand " ,, ·,1 by £'liancc inlo ODe of the A few 1011'1:" onloll8 plulltc, d early I r'~ udlly . will pro "ltl f' fr eRh onlo ll ~ e ven :loon · to tb " rill e t hilt \\'Ille rrn elon a ud "cafc cnll "rts," wldeh are mostly Iree r tban tilt')' can btl obtain ed from muskmelon CRn he grow n s ld o b y side QU l! llr cd by thnl C hlH8 who neith er toll I16ts. though th e ~lIrll'J~ om' 8l1rl' grown wl t bout a Jlp:u· .... nt injury. th e twu VII· Dor spin, ml! ~ t !Jave lIef' n ama zt:d unll from eels of the Tal) onion, Il l anted rl etl~~ at IllU>lkllll·l nn o r wal£'rm p loD sadd cnp(1 by a "ery unuKual lOuslo In tbo nclumn. on II !Joining pluts re sul L 111 a worlh· hall t u rn. wrltl)R th e Paris corre,pond· Cllt or I he BrooklYIL Eagle. Ev e ry In Jllnn llng th t) gllrd t n. IL Ila} II to les& mongrel lay otT II r,' c lungular "lot, planling In planning ror hor s~ · . ' ultl\ati o ll . nighl. bel\l'e!'n the "Hl' ntlmeutal Ll:n· e\'e l'yth ing In rO\\,II . Th<'n then 110S' tbree feet npart IH uS m'or a 8 tilt! rOWA or" and tlt e "c hnnt(:use Illge r e ." a 8lb~y can be worked during tho early CRn be workell 10 ud\'l\lltllgt'. If tblI mournrul luoktllg younl\' man all!,el1ra. stages or growtb with th e 0110 hOl'1le wbeel (onl " ar e IIsed, onlon8, radlsh os. 'tle 1M Ilr~" led wltb de ri sive yella. lie !I u g~, or tri es to sing, a scn tlcultivaLor, if you hnv e uot he wheel ' lettuce, s pinach . b" e t ~, ear rot A. pars· tools. I1I;>s and tllrnlps rna>' be bO WII III row~ menLal ba llad and a comic song. He also Imitat es nnllllals, the nolse ll or The lallf'r. how e ver, will provOl a rrom t2 tl' IR Inchos 111.00rl. splendid Invl.'stmenl., even Lbough th e lIush bea ns, .~ arly cabbage and P 'l US tool s alld the wbls Lllng of locomotives. Tho E'ffect 18 110 deplorable that tlto garden 18 only large enough' for ram· \ nCCd Hbout two ree t; Int o ca bbage lIy u se. They work up close to tbe need about th:-c,\ tl'et. Ilnd the various Budlf'llct! rpcf'ntl y Insisted on th e "!lo, rows. nud .. nable ono to get much vines Cram rour Lo six t'! ot apurt. For ble clown" allologlzlng for hili lack or He humbl), ad"anced to th~ more from th e !lame aUiount of grollnd convenience In c ulrlvatlng, tt Is essen· tik l11. by hllvlnl~ the rows c1o~ e l' togetber tlal to BO phnl that th e IIneM may footli ghts and bowed to rlgbt, left lind than It I~ pnBslble with horKe culUva- be of IInirorru width, UlCugh IL Is not berore him. '1'beu III a voice cboked lion. Even tho best trained borse Is necessary to brealt In ordp.r to sep- wltb sobs, he bl'gan to cx pre811 bis reliable \0 make a nllsste p Lo thl! IInni· arate cert.nln varletlo!8. Onn lIlay com· gret. With path etic r esl&llatlon be hllaLion of Bailie Lender plant. blne b)' doubl ing lh e' l! In some WE'nt do \I\' n OIL bls Imee s, olref(~ d profll se apologlos for his lack of IIklll nD11 Thf' wheel.Lools, at vari ed form and points. mOlhods of work. reduce the 8011 mu ch Th~6 bu~h Dea ns or '1 arly I:a bhagl' promised 10 du his best to Jll ease I hem mo re completel)' than the cultivator; work In nicely to brea k the row" be· In the future . \<'ew who have sceu tbls lamentable soli so thorollghly worked 19 able to tween th A clI .:umbe;-s and me lons, th o r os lst drlJllght. rows be ln.; doubll'. T!le ~trnlght lin e exblbltlon kllow Itll orlglll and ex· Resen t!' on e of the two row s at the Is In th e aile row unbrok en ; Ln th e CURIl. '1'bls abj ect buffoonery 18 Inside fOT perenulalll IIkf! rb u barb, and uext il Is ~ Implr III part left blank. spiro'd by one at the lIoblest Olotlve_ tor the bprrles. And IL Is com' enlPlan to ha,'c no VA cant Sllllce. flllal lo\'e. Tblll descendant of one of enl to RCI: 8slde anotb er for ve ry early W eeds will 80011 strive to till It If tbo (.Id cs t nnd noblest families In Ven· GEN. U , S. GRANT . plAnting, Theil Ihe rullin part ot the, there Is one. With plenty of ground, Ice v.·as lett alooe, when very YOUDg, farDlPrs ure apt to be wasteful to un with hl~ iufil'm and penniless motber. Born April 27, 1822, Died July 22, l'xte nt "hch makuH th e city ma u opun I"or 1IIany years th ey lived on the 1885. charity or fri end", but th o old worolUl hili e)'e8 In Iltitonishment. al' '·upl. navld ~lurl' lo)'. Is 1l0W In ~ ucb llealth tltat admission Your gllrrlen 8J~t Is- ol' Hhould bp. I. exC'eedlngl)' ri c h ground, nnd one can· Inlo all al1nshouHo wonld be the only Hlltni,ltl In btrllJ . r egal In worth, I not alford 10 let a pa rt ot It lie lIleans or 8avlng h er lifo. But tbl" nrr-ont c'8ptl:tt n lit w a r hfUlt ,,: Mtght)' In wtll, n1 lt l elolp.. In ol<tl i. can n ot t.c obtained v.. lthollt tbe payIdle. Not gh~ cn tn It110 ba nst • . As the early rndl6h l'I! 111'0 used, bUck Dlent of a ce rtain sum, and her 1I0U In God-like !;IrtH ilia In "k "'0, •. ·:II,t. 10 h e re and th er e a ~ecd of SUullne r Is now em lllo):lng the onlT mcans of H e ro ur herot'!i. t'. B. (:ruht ! and wint er varieties. 111 lhls way procllrlng It ope n to him. I!. th ere Is 1\ "OIJ:ltallt 6uce esslon . ,'h (' .\. 'J~fr l (',.3" knllifhl. ret\rlf'~d til HI/; II t. :t. Dally Thought, tend'er jll'pper and egg plllnt II1UY he And klngl)' frnm hi. ulrlll : tilled Inlo I he tipllce s rende red vacant Wh cthe r ~' Otl l'e mall or woman yon norn to ("omlnnn,1 , tn H.e-I ton 'gran t' , L1kf'c'I not mu,..l c o r n. lr lh . gat'den need unl be pl owt'/I un III dry, by the removal of early onions; and will Il eve r do anything In tile world IIiK It-ya lty no "I~kll' pl":1I . -without cou rage. It III tbe greateet , Rud atl1\. neltller dh' IRlon Interfere celery can relllllce peaR, HH'l or I'eroe!!, I' . fl . Or"nt! with the otber. f'crtl1lze without stint. Clean out the qunllty or lbe mind noxt to bonor,HI. The small t'lrnill-rooted radi~hllR are poultry bouse, Ilnd use the retuse tor Jam es Lnrte All en . H,dlrd 89 I·ll-rn. no l 1\ N~ro the best tor I.'arly us e, preference be· f'! rtlllzing cabbage, tomaloes. cllcum· L<!;'s nrmy. "'hl~p"d, \\',,~ r",I : Inl!> glvelll lo ellher red or white; tbe be rt! and melons In the bill. Manyaro Stili • Chance, nor~C8 ,,~ II",·., g" "p.ponce," "... n· "~ I" I . to ,,"'. . II I d ones IIro U8Ul1 II y Ie ss cr i l!P .~frald ot thl uu condensnd food, ~~'et, It Mid 0 ,·c·co (Ire " ~ ·""'hM's the matter ?" "She ball re' "I..,t II. 'fl,s HIl1~ .. n<1 Grny hb p r" I.'.. \ ,," "t .T I n dt enlier, a s \1\ 011 a s 11'89 inviting a quart Is Ihorou ghly blended with jecLe d me IlSILIII . Sbe lIaya I~I. t. I r,' ro or heroo• . 1'. S r: rll "" 111 Ilppearance. t!le soli III en' ,ll hili. It wl\l do 110 dam· fin a l." " Did aho. say how~I?" 'InAmonl: 'tb,) IIf'a,. we lmv p tound no age , but will sll ntulate thrifty growth . (Iulrl' d lite old p\, and more experienced - - - - --- - - Hooller Straightforwardnelll. nthe r flarly OIl CS so gO<Jd or MO protlue· I ~'ertilizf'r rrom th e burll Is prere r· mn1l . · ' \VII~hlngton lI e rald . All Indiana r ha pl a ln lit on e of the live as 'the G!·udlls. So mUllY of the I aull.- to comml'reilll f"rtlll7.(>rs . Wood 1·lt lltJl~ 1ll'1l1' r.ol llltl1 ""l ecIPtI for ~ !Il - ' .. arl}' varletl os are c:Lceedlngly d·...·arf ashell Iw l" 10 1IIlhl O! " a h envy, clu)' , Ing tbe hYllln ('omm ll l1clu g: In K I~ e nn:! In habit or thf' pCRS. 8011, and nrl' es pc('h.dly "alllable in ' "Sbow pity, Lord : olt. Lonl . roq:i\' o : F'o~ starting see d In th e kltch e u win· etlmulllt!lIg the Srowth o f corn . I.N a r e pe ntlillt rehel lin ." dow. ve:ry cOII\'enlcnt little I.ots may He hnd sCQn:ely littered Ihf' IR~L b ll made froUl Hour Jac ks or any tough

I i






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------- - -



~~0:'~e8~1~ I~~\~d\l~~; : w~.~:, \o.~~,ld~l~,r Pl\~:~.



I S,veet Bits I of Corn I

n piece eight Inches aud oIl these pillns me r.llrrled out the IBllH be lays dOI\'n hi s ar!l1 9. " fold through the ruld<1lo dlagounJ\y I' township will hava olle oC the moal 'SENTIMENT GROWS Whll p. Ibn cl cl'gy mall wal< olterlng ( Fig. l l. Foltl C on aide of An, milking modern and complete sl'hool equip the concluding prayer II rifle IOhot WU~ th e angle 0 It right angle (Fig. 21. DlE'nts In Ohio. ea rd I1S If from OUI' pickets II ml1 ~ 'fo'old Iloint A (lYE'r 10 D (Fig. :~l. Se~l' Begin to Mow Grass as Soon as I h lu 1906-, tbe scbools at Warne townH. E . ES:'l\' INI~ , Iblp, Clinton county, were cen tralized College of Agriculture, Ohio State bovon!'! . Th(' r e port or the gun Wl!." IIrnte the points a.t II, foldluF: t~e one IUI~lledlatelY follo wed by 1111 oxt:JR ltm · aloug tile dotted line CA, IlS Hho\:'n III It Begins to Grow·-Use nt. Centerville or l,ee's Creel" The University . tlon from tll A eam ll Hoosier. Cllt, 1I1l~1 the other down 011 th e oppoClippings as Mulch. first time the proposition to central"Lord, IC t hnl'lI n Union sho t . ~p'r l Rite !llde III 1\ s imilar ml\nuer. l7.e was put betore the voter!! oC the It nov.- OJle ns at CA In a box . Rt! V '\ -I"armlng, like e"erylhll1g else, glvl'8 th e bull et ~Iralght: an' if It ain't, Tlil t()",n ll hlp It lost. ')' he second. time It wllh It. oh, I,ord ." eml of Ih E'se mllY bp Illlc d II'l lh rich To I,,(\·c 0 good lawn, lIS th u grlts8 WIIS submitted It cru'rlerl by eight returns fur whnt wc jluL Into It. Tbe 1\ tr ~o 8011 and Ill a cl!d side by bi lle In a b eg lus to grow mow It orten . A band~n , ·otl'8. A baud ISHlle for $20,000 was IIlsn who studlt1~ ImJlroved llIe thodi - - - -.- - - - - -- . window box. and th e rtlrr~rent vurt- lhe notion thnt mowing grass will klH will in tbe end cOllle out allllad. llulhorlzed and a commodious and 811b· HI. Work Flnl.hed. or I kl n d . etles of Hc'd "lllIIte d IlluB, ke pI sep- It; It will do 1J0thing of tie IImnUal building was orectel\. Tnts t'htll'tet arate. FrOCIUf'nt mowl.n g , two or three I f1urlng th o opl'n i11 f: stageH bnlldlng hili! eight 8c bool .t ooms, lab~ Ihl c k I Whore nIratrll hall been s mothered "far A Now York f.ohlh\T was told \\,' h oo the '" Iante u!'ed r e pottln'·. times n wep. Ii·. WI II . k. eO ll "own orntorles, and all IIp·to-<:lllte scbool by tbe flood try agllin . wpr(" thr P. r eh!! 10 A" e ry l'llloll lIIake Indh' ldllnl pots tor each In the " pillce8 nneI a II ow I h 'II l' I3l'rs I 0 nebe r t el1ulpment. 'fhe s c hool has been sucsoldier th un In Virginln . li e wt'nt lallle maull e r. 'rhlR m ethod not only t1letulle ly ps. ce8s(ul beyond the expectation of Its Into nctlou at. Bull Uun with great &a\'es buying po ts, bllt whon tranllDo nol ruk p th e 11Iwn clippings UIl · moat nrdent supporters, as Lhe fol\'Igor, bu~ llllf'r hili compl\ny st-'·gpl.1u t planted again the pup E' r call be torn lellN your lawn Ru ll Iii cxccedlngly lowing will help to show: T en teacb· If one wero to toke two thor· WIl!l horrifi ed to see him ahollid pr hi s olf and the roots r£'l11l1iu lIndls. terUlo. Save tlle l'xt ra .work, and allow ert! are now emplo)-ed. No teacher mometel's nnd Insert th e bulb of "Iflo and calml)' mar~ :1t to th c Tflnr. tllrbed . the cllpplBgt! tu lie on th e g round fOI teaches more than two grades, ond In one In a vcsscl of d"~' sand and tho "'Wharf' nre you orr to~" ho roarec\ Tf yotl ar" rUBnlng nn InC' al a tnuldl nnd fe rtiliz e r. most cases but one grade, a first gradc other In Il vessel or Willer und to "Me~" hp r epll ... rl . Oh . 1'\'" Idll .. lI the lIame 11111 wh en starting tho seed. Lawn clippings ure 1I 111 f' nllld groen blgh scbool 18 maintained. A 8 I)( I allow the 81111 to shine IIpon both three of .the ellein),: I' \'I? ,lon e m~' IIngB, the box may be plaeod on top fp eil for JloUILry conlllled In pe llA, but !encber Is employeu (or II1l1slc and sand and wuto r until ea~h became ohare. 80 . I'm orr b:wk to \\'a ~ h ln.eton IIlId th e ulIHorm warmth Ilay and wh e n th ey arc taken [.rom th ,' lu\\'n all drM Ing and sbe gives her entire time 4 degrees warmer, If wClul<1 bo ob· to get my pay ." night will tnduce s peedy ge rmillation equlvalc nt fe rtilizer shoulol bl! r e o 'lo Ulis one school. Adequato as this served thllt It takes many tlmos of the seoda. It Lhls Is not a,'allable turned-at fame time. scbool equIpment was tiuppose(1 to be longer for the water til allolv the Conciliatory Mesmerism . a plaCE! near the .... nge moy be tound, When th e IlIwn mower gets dull do at tho lime of Its establishment It has snme rlae III temperatu!1j . 'rhe Bun General Oar6Ald once aptly i1Illf; ' where tbe temperature 18 warm and take It to the shop to bo sharp· now been outgrown. must spend mucil or [til heat on tnted, byquoUl.lg thl' following qU(J' Dearly uniform. enod. bllt adjust and lIgllten tha boitll, Accordlllgly a propolltlon to I.euo the tree water beforo tile soli Ie tatloll rrom an old l~ng\lsh IlII!'IIery Artelr . the plant8 are UJl, remo.. or tentilou at the bottom 011 either en,d bondll tor '15,000 tor the erection or a warm ell very mUCh, 1f ·the free rhyme, tho pollCY ot tbolle extra· them 10 a cooler, but Crollt'proof o( the bllr, so t1Hlt the re\'olvlng blndes .econd bundlng to be ullcd oxoluslvely wat-er were taken awaY" by drlllnll, bleached and super-lluperiot patriots ' plaee: Hl,3at CIlUSOII them to dwindle. rlng , lIharply against tb? ' hoM· (oj, hlgb scbool :purpoJes wal "rcenUy the 8un could spend .more . or 'It, . Who ~'llI!ht to put down tM rebellion Ol"e 'thorn plent, of sunshine,. cutting blade. 1 hili ', ""y~nV'bete.. II'u bmltMd to Ule . "otere . . Tbls carrle4 (orce In warmlnll! the solI, A 8,.11' : 'lYltb . concUiatpry mellmerlem: keep tJile,lOlI. molat. · sharpen ltaclt In. ·tult1il!l't ;f~ll ~ .. twp ' .. The , pl~ns , ' unde~dralai : ~a~' an old man .wltn said, come '(1;1', give It .. ehoek al1 lawn aU'flnon.UUI.I'. !nlti loU"tO ' be .,.,orkl!il' , . ~anct.' ,I" ~orrl~~e "t>e' ~~, le " ~o.'•• reall&,\~ . ... . eow' .mal ' !lI~:eoyeri' , UDJe, en 8 ·W.rri'lrrnll!'~ Aea. , .';1, lteam lItlU~U~ priMMlt, In- t~e 'Itchll'll' i 1iij."i~1f , . ,:.. 'lJ)l'Oaiotee ·r\:)bu.t,· rro~~b. ' . ". IP! .' of' ~}I~~( :bt \e.~ll t;.C,,(eU! I ;r~"~~Ilf)!1~,\Y~i.


Skilfully cooked-

Post I Toasties -At Your Service.



'''!be.r i-


II1'OW~b ,{h',.:" li1l!' ,




,. -


United States Cream · Separators

'Wheat Field. Peraplr e Heavily , At> cording to Brltl.h Si;le ntlat-l nten.e H cat of the T ropic • .

Men That WI n. Some ~en are lust halldy en ouCh When you BTO perspir ing fu rioll~' to tuko the sting or dofeat nnd tashlon ly in the dog d ays of t.his },l,ar i1 It Into a spur that drives them Oil to mu y or Dlay not conso le you t o think 8uccess. thot nn oruinllr y fi eld of wh eat is giving oll' moistu re quito as f ur i· Too Fond of Givi ng Advice. ously. J ill g a "0 li t! dco lIll d llllV o r ·Qult. He Hetwe(' n the months of April und t08>1ed Il I'O U lid bOlh fur llll d ullin, July, accordi ng t o Prof. S ir Jall1(·g and was an noy ed when some of it D ewar, a fi eld ot wheat transpi res 1lllw buck llud hll him in the e.t:e. sufficie nt m oisture to cover the SUT· fa ce of it s g ronnd to II depth of n itll' Beef of 1889 Stili Fresh. in ches. Anothe r interes ti ng fil et i, R.. Wllymp or. wl'ltl ng In Knowl edge. tha t it reqllin,s t hree and oll('·h n1f mculloned that a plcce or beofstea k pounds of wnt er to produc e sixteen wh ich his ullcl e, the late Edward Wbymper. the Alplnlij t, sealed up In groin s of co rn. s Vacuum In 1889, Is still In a reThese unil other wonder s of h eat mtll'kab ly good slalo or proservatlon. Rnd !!loistur o were discussed I,), S ir JomcM iu a lecl uro to young fu lk Proof. at the 110yol Jn ~titution. He ml'n"Do yo u tlllllll." Hul ,I tll o Inl l'lloctllR I tioncJ thn t t he fam ous vi ne at yull II!; \\,OI IUlll . "Ihu t tlll' Ham pton Conr t, which has tl Icnr In th o tll!'ory tliu t big ro Is IU I Y t rulh creatur os are surface of 1, 8 ~O Rf)uore inches, gnn' beU!'1' IHllu\l1;ld than R IllU Ii Oli OS ?" off In !wl·h·e hours twO-fifths of n "Y es ," nn ~ w e red t ho yonng man . "I do. Look at th e dlfleren Pll bel woon pound of wntcr. tb e J e r ~tl )' 1lI0SQUit O lind tbe J ersey I Speakin g of the Bolar radiation in cow ....- Llto tropical places, Sir J nmes sRid t hnt In six hours about four-te nths of 11 Open to QuestIo n. square mil e f'('teived hent cqui vul ' nt The hend of a certain ll o uB ebol~ Ie to the combll stion of 1,000 tons of one of tliose ChrlslI'<ll 8 wb ose IJreacbcoal ; while an orca of 1,300 sqllflm mg alwlIYs. Is In adv anc e of his III'UCmiles got in ono year hea t equ iva· tlee. On" dRY h tl uHketi a beoull ful lent to one billion tons of coal- thl:' gmcfl bofore beg inning a meal, th en whole estiDlat ed coal output of Eu· found fault with oycryth lng on the ro pe ond Amcric a.-Lon don Daily table. The meal conclud ed. he r eturn ed thnnks with charact erl stlo News. ullction . The youn gest daughte r of th o famil y lJU lled at her motb er's sleeve. "Which does be believe, Take Plenty of Time to Eat mamma. what he tells us err what he There is 0. lIaylng thllt 1 'rllpld teIla 004'" Bating is sl ow s uioide ." If you bave formed th e bnbit of ~ting too rapidly you are most likely 8uffer ing from Indiges tian or oonstip a tio n whioh wi ll resnlt even'ul lJly in serious ilInellll unless eorreot ed. Digesti un begins in the mouth . Feotl IIhould be thorou ghly Wilt!· "oated and in salivate d. TheD whtln you have a fnllneBlI of the S'OlDIlOh I'u rsuant to tbe s ot th o last \\'111 or feel d ull tlnd st.upid after eating, "r El l.m F . 11 .. 1".,.,. provision docelu;e, 1. the 1l1}<lOI'l<igll t'll "" OXtlC ut01'll ot the III" L wi ll or 63 ld Ellz .. F . tako one ot Chamb erlain 'lI 'l'o.bletM . 11 01"",,. d ""I·II8\,<.I . will oller ror s ale aL public Many Bevere cases of stomac h l\lIetlon on the premlB<ls . o n thu 2Gth oJU1 at . 191 3. at ~ o 'clock p . m .. tbe lollowlug trouble Bnd oonstivution have beeD dJlIIlO ll8crlllo<l roIL! estato. to-wit: oured by the IlBe of these tablet.!! Situated In the Village or WayullllvlUe. Tbev are easy to take nnd m os t, WnlTtlD Couuty. Ohio. ami bolng II part 01 a reeable in effeot. 80ld by nil Allan ,. SqUIlN. ami boundoo uud dOllCribed lUi lollo ws : ll"lllnn lJlg ut IU' iron I'ln tho dealers . Wost Une 01 Thlrtl tltl'OOL. whlcb 8 UIn~ loot

Are Bes t, by Tes t.


Never s=~7':: f~:~~e~!e~ fool'S errand. Go yoursel f. .

$2 5.0 0 an d up

Before buyin g call on

G ra nt & Fr az er WAY NES VILL E, OHIO ,

--O R- -

E. R. MILLER, Centerville, Ohio Distr ibuto r for Warr en. Green e and Mont gome ry Coun ties.


42Z& -

Modern Road.. They were spl.nnlDK aJong the broad Voung Man'I Anoutr y, •• he I!x., hlfhway , whloh wall lumpy: but by and by tbe;" came to a !Ieotlon that plaiMCI It, Sur.l)' Enoullh to 8a~ wal w~1 oiled. the JOY of all autoleta . III)' the Moat Futldlo.... "Well," remark ed the lIenllltlve perIon the rear Ileal, "they may say They were talking about ancestr y: whatIntbey Seleotlon of ..ood Importa nt. please about the perfecThe surest way to keep and r. in the oozy comer of Ito clubroo m" tion of the anolent Roman roads. but when Congre ssman Good of Iowa. 1 am here to teat\ty that tbey are not ltore hsalth 18 to supply the normal oondltlo of life. whIch Implies a smiling ly observe d that he was reo. In It wltb tbe roads ot modern natural ns dIet containing nil the elepoeue." -Judge . minded of one along that line. mentll of nutrition In true proportion, and based on tbe proper selection of "In a certain eastern towu," said food for each meal. For It will not he, ""there is a lady who is very Chamb erlain's Colic, Cholera and do to mix 0.11 kinds or otberwi se prop· 8trong on ancestr y and all that BOrt. Diarrho ea Remedy er food In one meal, but we must of thing, and doesn't 1080 any t~ B:very family witheu t exoepS ion made a meal or Buch foods as are in ailing up your family tree. . should ke.p thtl prepar ation at compatible. OtherwIse we will turn our stomach s Into an acid and gas fao"Not long ago she met a }'QDDIf; hand during the hot weathe r of the tory.-T he Naturop man at a soclal functio n, and im~ snmme r mon~h8. Chamb atb. erlain's diatel.. '--~ to wonder if his fore- Collo, Choler a and Diarlho ea. RelD· oJ ""6.... is worth maay times Ita OOl!t tatbere :were perfora ted in George- edy . When Antelop e Was Plentifu l. when needed and ilt almost oertain iWuhiJ lstoD'8 Revolu tion. To thill to be neede:! before the Transco ntinenta l traveler s. wbo eud abe began to qnestion him at the/ over. It haa no superiosumme r Is 1I0wadays In their journey through the r for the euUMt opportn nlty purpos es for whioh U Is intende d. wellt seldom see any game larger than Ii. praIrie dog or I .. f()f 'U' " Bl._~'~' rabbit, wUl be , ~ course, mr. ............-..1' Buy it now. For sale by all de&lers. Interested In this Jack Item reprinte d from rem&r bd the lady, "there muat haTe' the Rocky MountaIn Herald or some IIfty years ago: "Passen lers report been JD8D of great note among yOUl' NIVer Beoom. WldoWi. ~' ltepal hall tbe earllellt marriag es In that antelop e have never been seen .n1. , L_ au. TbBre every girl III mill'- 80 numero us as now . Herds of ante)· . .. -.. yea, wu tuu re8llllUrlng reo- rla4 world. In InfanCY. But. theD, the brtd. ope larger than aoy . flock ot sheep IIi ply. 'owl of my anoeatore Wall the poom '11 not very terrible. She Is the world are frequen tly spoken of,'" IIMIIIt famoua admira l of his day, andl maniec l with elabora te oeremo ny to a poInIMD c\ed· the 1l8Ta1 forces of the bel frult, which Ie tben thrown Into ......w.. ' Shake Off Your Rheumatism lOme aaored IItream. Tbe fate of the d ~ l'8a1l . t I' fruit being always unknown, every Now is the &ime to get rid of your , oa on y m.eGI. 1 a. ctrl lJI thus spared the e of be- rhenma tism . 'fry Ii twenty ·five claimed the lady delight edly. 'Would.t oomlng a widow, whiledlsgrao at the aame cent boUle of Cha.mb erlaln's Lini mIDd WHng me his name P' time a IIeCOnd husband Ia allowed her ment and see how quiokly your . --Not ~ all,' glibly anawered th& later/OI l. rheuma Slo paiD!! disappe ar. Mold by .ioug ~ "biB name was N;oab.''' all dealers .


X"e nia, Ohi o.


I--~ . S ~ y~l~eJ ( were nev.e r"soj ;.1. stun ning ors o, easy to mak e

as righ t now!



this smart Butte rick design we have the very mater ials you'll want.

For exalnp le,~you can use a Broch e silk or C repe de Chine for the BlOllse and a plain silk or Charm euse for the Skirt, or you could select from a complete assort ment of other suitable fabrics. -

Exe cuto r's Sale of Rea l Esta te






Our B uttericR Pattern departm ent is, as usual, showing all the smartest, newest .designs. Thts is only one.~ Call and get the 'May But-' tericll Fashion ~ Sheet ! FreeJ '



r -;,-;y,



E..entlal Thing. "'De wust tblng about arltbme tlo,"

I&ld Unole Eben, "Ia dat a wbole 10& folu glta de tdsa dat any kInd 0' flaerln ' Is all rlgbt It dey kin ftnlah "if a number . dill has a dollar mark III front of It." 0'


Method In HII Extrava ganc.. • "Haven 't you a band somer cbdng· NATURAL. dish tban that 1" asked tbe cuatom er. "You want aometb lng even more or""My twenty- ye8M)l d 8<m fU88e8 80 nament al than this?" "Yes. I want labout hiB clothes ." one BO beautifu l and expensi ve that dlifS it is natmy wife wouldn 't think ot trying to . r,,!ell, in their !ural for young men to hit particu lar oook anytbln l In It." about their dressin g."




"The farmer you told me of writes that be has the finest kind of butter

!DB his farm!' -non't go by thal It"I hia goal" NARROW 1l8CAH .

"I am glad, after all, I did DOt


Pie rce


~nterprise Bldg ••

Iring that belle!' '"Why are you glad jI'"

a:Because she was a fal. alarm.II AND YAWNI NG, TOO• .

Pre sse r Wayn esvil le, Qhlo .

"Dr. Plumm er has been known

to preach two hours at a stretch ."

"1 guess his congregaticm did most of the stretch ing."


. AI It Talked In Boyvllle. Two Fort Beott bOYB were quarrel· ing. "1'1) knock your block off if you bother me," one of tbem said. "Nt 70n won't," replied the other" "YOU ~'t do It. You ain't ml.l\ enolllh." ''Well; ma7be not," answer ed the ... bell"er ent, "but I'm just ' teum' j





tf" ,


.... ... "

With the Trim ming s.


Silks, Voiles and Serge s CORSETS Nemo and all-good shape s All Overs 5000 yds Laces , 5c up Glove s, Silk and Kid 5000 yds Inser tion, 5c up CARP ETS Wide Flonn cings , RUG S 15c to 25c LINO LEUM

Gr eat Ru g Ho use

---- 0.. - ••- - -

Executor's Sale of Rea l Esta te

W e hav e So lve d the Hi gh Co st of Mo nu me nts

Cha rles W. Sch war tz & Son


W. N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer

Posted on pedigrees and

kinds of breed ing stock.



Fune ral Dinw:tor• Teloph one day OW ul,bt. V.Uey pho.n e No, t . Lolli Dlaw.noe No; 69-"".

. .. -

Deal Directly with the Proprietors No Agen ts Comm ission s-No Middlemen's Profits YOil Get the Benefit

PunilllW t to tho p ro vl.lous at the IOBt will or Elizabet h D. Moore. docoasetl . t ile undersigned as executor of t ile laat wlU· of said E llzallel~h D. Moore. deceased . will offer Everyt hing in tbe line of Cemete ry Work. We make a Specia ."),, lOt Publi c Auction o n tho premls08 . tor lty on ~lte 19th day or June. I9ta, at 3 o 'clock . of Ind iv idual designs for our custom ers All work let· M.,.,the rolla wing described real ostatoto-wlt: Llolng part'or lot number lour In Pret!lden tered in our own Shop 'Yith Pneum atic Tools . . SqnlLl'll 01 the town 01 WaYllosvllie In t t COullty 01 Warrell. State or Oilioi commenhe cIng n~ t he corner or Thlrtl and 1 Igh streets; Lh6llCe with 'I'blrd Street tIOuthwa rdly II&venty· ope root and tllreo luch08 e corner 01 tbe p .... t of 8Illd lot No.4. h eretofore 80ld by ZackarllllB Antlers and wife to J. F . Kavor; tbenco with the Ulle or tiold Kavor northw"rdly two lJ1lndred and fourteen loot Inch ... to tho dIvi sion line botwoon lot Nosix .• &; 8 In solll S'IUllre; thence with 8IIld line 20·22· 24 Mechanic Street, lebano n, Ohio northward ly seventy ono foot. three Incboa to Hlllh .treat; ~hence wlloh s&ld stroot t wo hWl====~==================1913 dnid and fourteen root six Inchoa to tbe beginning. SllId roal ostate 18 sitUate on '1'Wrd Stroot ~~!!!!!!~'!!!!!! !!''!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!'''''!'!~~~~~''''!'!~''''!'!''''! 10 tbe Village of Waynll8v llle. WlLIT6n County. '!~~~~!!!!!!!~ Oblo. bel,ween Blgh Street aDd South Street In .aId 1~lIlage. Said real estaw, hM been duly app:ralaed at the sum or ODe Thousan d Dollars and 11'111 not be sold for IC88 than &wotWrd. of saJd appra~ vlL!ue. TERMS Ol!' SALE:-C Il8lI. AARON B. OHAND LER JU executor or the laat wlU ot Elizabeth B. Moore, doceued. JUDe 18-11-0 $ ~-

• !!!!~~!IJI~...~... ... ... ... ...iiI.ll iijl..t ~t r~ dern fool 8nou,h . to ~, ~~:?~.•B~~ell :. _ Ill! ~.aIIl; ~ ,pJ,,~ ..9Ilc~,1I~.,.~...~ ~ ·~ .;·:',;'F~ -~ft~__ 9j -1~

Su mm er W ash Fa bri cs

uorthurly trom lin Iron pin In tho contor o r Miam i St.root. or li S loot Irom thu Southeas co ruel' or AdlUlUJ Slluuro .• nid beginnin g pointt Uulllg the Northeas t .corller ot the JIlllrg"r~t Hulna. IAlt. running t hen co with the Nert h lluu o r suld lot Westerly lWd parallel to ! ~l1umll Stroot 301 loot to an Iron pin llnd Norlohwost corner to t tles!lid Margare t H.Jnel Lot; thence l!outhorl y nnd. wit b tho West IIll ... o r Margaret lI11lu .... W. E . a lld Annn O ·Neall. IUld N. L. and C. Dunnell Iota. 11M lee~ W ~ poln~ III the Nortb IIno or MllIJUl S~root . auld POint bein g 207 lee~ Westerly lrom tbe 8Out.1'Oas t corner or Adallls S'luare; tb"n~..' W.... Lerly with tbo North line 01 Miami Street Ot loo t 2 incbes to 11[( Iron pin at UlI) So utheast corner or o. 'J ' . Hawke 's Lot; tbonce Northorl y Ant! with Hnwke's J£n8~ 1"0 llDd parall al to 'I'Wrd Stroot 17 8~ loet to a pOint lind corner to Hawke, thence Easterly and a~ right angles II loot to a point ,,"d corner to Hllwke; t houce Nortborn Iy" "ut! "t rjght BlIllles 87 leet to " point ant!· corner to Hawke In the South line or lW 11110)' , wltn088 "n Iron pin' In tho Sou t h 1100 0:1 8IIld alloy stands W ... torly : 11 roet thonoo EMterly ami with tho South IIno 01 8ald aUey ali !oo~ a Inchoe to IW Iron pin In said nlley, nO '1 original corner or Lu~8 No. 1. No.8. No . G and No. ·7; thon<..'O Northorl y lu .ald IIlIey It leet 6 Inch"" to an Iron In 8ald IIl1ey nml So uthwOllt corner to pin .'rank ZoIl'8 Lot ·\ thence Easterly ant! with said Zell·. Sou t I lIue 214 ~ root to no IroO In the W'!8~ IIno or'1'binl Street. said pin pin bel nll 190 too,t lrom tho Northelli Jt corller 01 Adamo Square; thenco wltb tbe West line or Thlrtl Street Southerl y In 'foot to tbo place 01 begInnin g. . '1'ho abovo described trnct being IL part 01 LotaNo . I. Nn ; 1. No. a. No. ~ lWd No.6 01 " - - - ---------------------Adums S(Juaro. ----" Said roal 68t(1to haa boon duly appraised ILt tho 01 '1'hroo '1' d Six Inl"8 SUIll (1 11600.00 ). and wlU not beBundrod sold lor Dol- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - thllll two-thlrt l. of said apprnl.od value. leas T ER~S OF SALE-C....h . ANNA O. O'NEAL L. AARON U. OHAND LER. r A. oxecuton \ of tho IOBt will or Eliza I' . HlL!ntlS. doceaaoo . Juno 16- 6t I


of all

Experienced in handling farm sales since



Terms R~nable


Satisfaction OuarantOcct !

Wayn esvii le, Ohio . . •v..ney T~~h~nc 15~ar , .

. ~ :'"





., ,

.. '



l'lIbll"llO. t. W,,"II I)

GAZE1vfE l+ - - - - - - - - ,- -

al WaYII,·" "


Uhlo ,

I ·..-... . .

I ~I.\I.\ :-;TI( ~I£T

-+ --- --- --- -+

The Neighborhood News ~~ . .

r --. tlarve ysbur g.

Sprin g Valle y

. -.-..-~----o....-.-----

Take Time, Select the Right Roof

Mernor illl Day W ILS :ob8er veu here in t lt e nfter n ooll by t ~e tbree order !!, li . A. B., 1. o . O. If ., !lnd Jr. O . Il. V A 1.1.1'. Y '1'1,: 1.10: ('1 1" :>: 1':- / ' ,\ J.J. \I 'i _ __ " Dtloa mtion OilY was vl !!ilor't; rluy Mrs . \'u ll tiu. 8 lnvk , quite I/. A. M. uHrohi ng to the oeruete r y. fU I ' Cvrw O. L. e RA!'E . Edi lO r an d Manag er iu Iltl tllaro were qulttl a S tl Ve r tl 'Lnu lengthy s ulIe rinS, "'.IS t h en to tho ri ver and baok to the (!CI1 00SIN G a roofin g is one of the most numbo r of uu t o f t a ..... n peolli a in rl'!iov eLllJy deu t h. ~ hu hllu su Ilvud hall , where~ p r ugrllUl was render od l~pri n g Valloy bllnu furn lslletl t he ali t· Ullt.l ~ t . tlt liL h ur I1fu Wit S ti llud with d Ulldt' Rat es of S u!.snilJ lion impor tant matte rs in th e erecti on III uMio. Mr ~. Dr. ClaguL t SpOilt tllu Juy (It II !I\lu e,... I IU" "lIl'11" (:-. II Io 'I ly III l.!.. I \ dh l " , :->LI U Wll;; from ell iid . i 1. 11 1 o f allY kil\(j of :l. bui ldillg. Mrs . gli ~l bo l, h Pe rr y , of S pr ill g oS alg i" t'I I I I)', , . . . . . .. . . u(,. 1 wlrl l Mrs. AlllJtl MdGut lllY !lull It " uli "tl lU ln'; lllI lI ll rU~lJtJu t.ed by Itli . .. . . .. • . .. \ \'c an~ tr y ill~ t il III !lkl' ( ' VI: I y lJody tiull1 , s)leot ~ evornl days With relu Il" ug hle r. 'i ll " lou \' U8 It hu~ lJ tlnU , S UU, pul' o nl~ roof \\')SC. It IS a hi g joh, llu t wt' arc Mr . Bon Hti lO1l nnll MiM!! 8t e llll . o f 'lO ll 1111 0 si~ t . 6 r to mour n the lOll::! uf ti \' IJ:I hO ttJ. Rntl's of Ad vt'rlisi ng Lin coln Bid ell. wife ami two 1:t.HldIIl K l...(wu IN, pur 11 1111 .. . r~ ' tllJringf i LJ ltI . wore 15 1l 0~ t M of 1'111'1:1 (lUO thllt. Wilt! 1l 0llr und (lear to g,lill ill g' l'\,cry u ay. th l' lll. Ut'atll ll ~ 1..HI': d l'l , hlu d .. f lll ' P , p,'r I II"' ,. , daught~ r!!, of n onr : Wll ynBH vlll e, IU,· Hopo l:ililtlH tlDll fU llllly. Mnny f rom II Ili stllnoe IItt endeLl L III.81d t\tstJ :\ d ~ . 1I1t t, tu 4'1'1"1'('1 1 Ih'l' IIlUON \Vc c:lrry Itl s tock at otl r sl orc a ll Mrs. C hr i~ I. 1 1l MoK iusey hau for i lia flluur,,1 "f 111 .. ,; . VUHtill l:1u wk . WII" in ollr viIIllge Friday . .... 'l'hrue 11U·~· rl iu l hl . ... 2:1<' Mr . und Mrs. Ray Etl.t;l e enter_ ki nd s of Roofin~ and Spoutin~, FurU biLunriue, Ihe illdlt':-o (r'\ 't ' , u\ur U ..'o h or goetl l.!'I Mr M. Bortbll Hurley lint! which I.ou k plnco ::;lIt~ ruay from bo r Illclw • . Ill'r lill " . .. .. . ....... . . 1\(' Mr!!. t uined over Sunday Mr . aull Mrll Evn , t:ltiu naces loy , ot and }{anges. Du ytoll . J)llruutH h OIl1!. Mr . a n d Mrs . LI'\' i Estim ates given. ' rUn! thllllk... . ... . . ... .. . . . . .... : ;~ Mn. Raob el Robertt l, uf Murrow . •re!-lS ll)l . 1{1;l \·. A . K . liillrgen t, olli Henry Engle, of Dayton , Mr and • t·s(} l\i tio n ~ .. , ... , . . odu ts I l.e. wlU..'rI · dIU u I~ IIIUJ O •. • •.•. l r.c Hpent the Mrtl Thomll s Dillion aDd li tt le duy witb ller relutlve tl u illtiu~ . • Ut "lil)' I\LI\I' r t isilig IJt iw.: h . ... .. .. . f'll1ught er. Mr . and MrA. Clareno e 10e Mr tlud Mrtl J 'Jllu Zell . HI8( 'Olllll..., I{h; cn III ('O IH rtu't. W. A. Morfltt b 11l! l.Jeen appoio t l' L1 Ell gl e nnd dlloght er . Mrs . MoGre w MrR Miller find IIOU , of Dtlyton , I'I)~ I. 1I111!< t PI' at Ihi ll pltl"l' . 8 e hnH n nll Mf'RSrs. R ob and P~ rry ·Mo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vi!'ll\;f'ri Mr. Itml MrH. 11'. Wh Ht!lol. 11t · 1t! tltl ~ "ppillu lm,·nt. bofor e /In I G rew . J L " I': 4. I ~ 1:1 TINN ERS and SLA TER S 1'.I1r. 1111 11 Mrll. Cllr ll:l pnll ertion hlill 1'l' ,hJ tlr Pt! gu')U stlr vil:o. Mr . Morn ll Mrs Newtun Moor e and MrA. far t h oir t; U l\~t~ Mr. Lee Homlor M''' 1 I~ tho htlMil'Mt IIIILn In till !:! vlolnltv . Vett erA IlHoodod th o fnneral t;at nr_ M;on's P"eso nallt y His Own. Phon e 11:\ Wayn esvill e, Ohio nntI fnm ll y IlOd Konllot b l{illJon , uf b" in)! lI og/ I:,:,)cl il) tho f..:rucery lJusi HA JIlHI1 ' H pl , ,. ~nt1i1l lt)' .'· wr ltf 'H J . W. dll y in Mot Ho \l y of Mrs. Crew. Duyt,on . nos!'! for Ao vor,ll V (\lH ~ u nil I III v in g " 8 cott or tit" 1· lIl1·, ·r " ity or (;IRRgow. Orvill e l:I ood , wife II nti dlluA'llter tlr!!. llehnll IJ nI1tl Htllth,r , of Lillln . \\,101 0 ILC' lt1Iti n til nCI c a u ~IlS him I,. "Is n thi n/! II' hll'll 1"' " rI ~ to Itll mndo. visi t od over t:; uu day with C . A . If " <lo P " 11 0 1 10 1'1111( It .rull·od!,:od Into unci Mr tl. WII.l te r timit b ulIll ob ild ren u~l:Ii~ 1 i U IllllD}' ut hor tllings. U a th8' world wit h him . Strun gn aM It we r e ~1) \I 0 1' !I Ilnd fami ly. WAYN ESVIL LE CHUR CHES. ~uest8 o f their purente Mr . oouc1u ctt! furwin g, n otur), pubh r', may ~l' .. tn . P"I'Hol1l1llty ts a thi ng .Tohn Hood, wi fe and baby, of uncl,n·tllk e rs IIgoll ey , is un ullicer ill whi ch a mOil 1I!>"" rh" from his envir- ll wl Mrs eha>! . ' Verut. ... PIt. lsbl1r~, s pent tleve rul days las t t\J.':i w ill ht InHt'ru-' d um h ' r LI II .1i heali Method ist Episco pal Churda Mr ~. Mltry AnHon . of XloInlll . Bllont ~evurnl HIlOrtl t orll er ~, lind fO T onment as 11 pllll1t IlhHorhs nlr and by cow woek tW ent y · llv e ft: l ltS (!lr ~hn't,> i n ~~'rtl illl il with hi s )JllreDt nov. c. 8 . G r~uoor. PasLor . s . lI ~ ht . \\ U IIrn nIl pl uglurlstfl. In tbo the !IllY ~i'h Mrs . JiIlOOlI Hllrlnu binlllJ,!; t.11 01l1 IIlIIl\tll:l hinl. useful and Wh Cll UKIIlI!: IIOl ruoru th;\u tl\'~ 'uncs. j' S ch ool. U : l :i a , Ill . .\1orn l nR' ser Miss Kl4te 8 ims eotert,l inlld the la ~ t rl' ~o rt I'\'<,ryth lng we bave or Mrs \!:ph t;mit·h uDd littl e sou, o f hll ~Y . 1:1 0 hil S th e blls t wialles of \ tc c , u l. ao a . In, I':"cnlng tu!r vlcc, 7 : 0 p know Is borrowe d." puat two weeks on e of the ir o ld Ill. Ml ilweuk: Pr ' yef Mee t.l o K. 7 p . m . Lo vela nd, 8(:ont the UtlY with r elu - hi!'! IJIl Lrol1s . WANT ED coll t'ge cbum s Mrs. Clay ton . tives I'll r ... ll . Ii: 'ull'lt.t , of Wilmln gtou, St. August ine's Catholi c Chureb , Mitis Clam IlDd Brooe Smith. of Best Laxativ e for the Aged Mr . !lDlI Mrs . Horaoe Willlon wer l' lind fnr III/lilY yelHR 11 r esid ent uf Jo' athor Loula Y BU. MIU"K every sccuoJ Suoduy of tb e mODtb a DVE RTi8E IlS - To kn ow that Old lU en unrl wOlll,m fo!'1 the need eH\Ii n g on friends here, Deooru tiolJ thi!! <lity, I::! in ve ry I'oor llea lth Ilnu Du.yf,on, ~ Jlon ~ Deoo ration at h om e v :00 a . m . you can Roll y our h o rse ~ and A c rowd r f yoo n g folk!! fr om here Ilf 11 IUXt1ti ve m ore thllu y oung fo lkf'. Dny. ha s gUll u to ML. Clo mentH, Mioh ., COWII and oth e r t hin ~s by tldvort i ~­ but It luu~t ' e ~9 f l;l und hllrl.lIl e~1! wont to Duytoo last Friday IlfterMr . and Mrfl. J<'. O r l1ef, of Mor. for treu trn ent. Her many frienc:l t! St. Mary's E piscopa l Churda . uud O li O whioh wirl1l ot· OUUBe pllin ooon t il king thei r lu noh and having ing t,htlm in the Utl'-'Iltte It Oost8 Hcv. J . [0' , Ctulwalla dt!r, Re ctor . but Iltrle, and brings res uItA . Dr. King'" New Life PIlIli lire OH ro w, w ore r ocel\t g u estl! of Mrs . whil.l f ur h or I:Ipeedy r eoovory . II j ollY good t ime . ' u ud ay S~h o n l , n : ~O 11 , ttl M ornlu g se r Ali ce McKln lltly und dau g hter . Pl10ill tl y g01l11 for th n '1~(1d. fo r th flY Oil Frid IY , MILY 30, o nr nttenti' iO lI vlcc:. IU ::10 ~ . lll . Hoi), Cowmun lo D llie IIrat IH 't, prum pt ly tlU'\ t'tlRily SUIlt1uy ut eac h m o nLh , Mr . Wm .Nedry, of HarveY ll bur~ . lVere ILttruct ed to tho ~rr1Vef of ol1r Pri ce 2:,c ReooUlUl"lH1 nu h.V .J. E . •JrlllllllY. Most Childre n Have Worms l\pen t one dlLY r eoently with his loved on ea . "nd tb e !lora l o ffe rJn g ~ LOST Chrlatl an Church . r eilltive s here . \ [Ilny mot.h e rs think their ohildr eD were lJ en n tifu l unll Dlu.n ero u ~ . Rev. r. IJ . 'l'bomf)8 0n , Pastot. 11 m !i uffering from indiges tio n, bead Mi ss Alma Waterh oul!ll WIlS in Mr. Ira Hartso c k, of DfIoyton, Cowboy s. School. 9 :30 ... m. !IocIa1 moetllta. pooke tbook. co ntainin ll a 8nm lo DIble nol)l", ne rV OUfl nt>SS, wellkDe ss, oost :a o a. m. Chrllltl&l I En<1 ..... vor. 7: 011 p. m. "I 8 00 Portu " lI "''') cow boys bavo Da:y tall s h oppi n g Thursd llY. !!pent Mem orlul DIlY In Indhmn pQli !:!. I V8'ne88, Sormon by pB8Lor every &lloOrDate Sund., at of money . he t.weeD Wa yneR when they !Lre vlct.ims of booll ftghr.l ll g wi t h smugglors." 10 : 30 ... W. &Ill! 7:80 l). m. "I M.i~s Ruth Zlrn n ermun WII A are · attendi ng Ih e r "r.f\~ , r eturnin g Ill' thliit v ille and BlIrveY Abo rll; m ost Fin oomm der on of a ll childre n 'Ij thought nil the cowboy s III tho world were working fo r moving picture out- oont guest of Miss H enriott a Mo. Ollllle and mnd e hi a parents /I, v isit "ilme nts-wo rms Peevish . III tem plelll.lo leu ve ILt Guzett e offioe . Hickslte Friends Chur~ .le 11 Kinsey . and on ::;nndn y he and M f8 . Bart [Je' Ilt!, fretful ohildre n, w'ho tOSH F'irij l UOl) M ee tlnK. 0 :00 B. w. FlnL Da, fits." IlUd ~ rinu SchOOl. II :0 0 a Dl . Founll !Ja y Mcc ue, their teot h, with bad 1\1rll. W . Biggs Witt! 110 Morrow sook r et·urol'd to tholr hom e, 10 :0 0 a. m . bre'uth and oo lloky pains, h a ve 0.11 vi sitor Friday. Tbe out !,oinr: postmn ster b lid h ~ thf\l sympto ms of h!lving Ulcers and Skin Trouble s worms , FOR SALE Mi s!! Lltum McK insey wns ill 1l~8i 8 t' lln t , Miss Annll, hn ve sf\rved IInlhhJ uld be given KlOkap oo Worm Orthodox Friends Chur,* . If yo u li re MuffAri n:,( wit. h tiny o lel, LebllDo n t;"t urduy Mrs. Rutb MllITIt.y. P8IILor the publio hitufu l and aooul'a te lind Killer 1\ ple.lslln t candy lozetl ~e , . rnuolu g or fuver ~OH'8 , ulc,'r", boll !!, Sabb:Hh Sch ool. 9 :30 a . m. H e~ uJar cbureb wllloh ex pe ls worms, r egnlnte s the Minerv ll and It i:j with J ose phine r ogr et t bat Barilln we gi vo them bowe ls ccze Ul t), o r ot.b .n tlkln t roubl etl, ge t I~ EMEN T BRI CK for 81l1A . For 8crvlcc. 10 ·QO u . Dl . Cbrls Llan I!:Ddeayor. , tones up the system , and p _ box of Bnok len 's Arnln!l H"lve and spent last wee k with ~l1elr aunt in IlP, but wish them God 'lI speed in mu.kes ohildre n further mform atin o. Inquire 7 well and happy y oo will ~et reli ef prolllpt l.V. Mrfl Dtlyton . of F . M. Ch >:lnowe, h, Wllyne svillt, Ilny uf their undertn king8. Kic kapoo Worm KUler is guaran Hruoe J noes, ot Birlll j n ~ h l lm, Alu ., M -s. Alvin 8 01lar:l, of Day taD, J 18 Mr. anI. Mrs. Chas . Barbea u, of teed. All druggis ts, or by mall Ohio. s ntl'ereu frum Itn ul!l y uloer t 5r visi ted h or Price dll_ght ::;~. 250. Henry, er Klokap Mrs. Ohio, passed throug h flO In diaD Med_ Charles brau n ew "Slmpl ex Cream nlDe mont,hB a nd l' nOk leu'1i Arnicu here in their automo bile Thur@dllY icine Co ., Philade lphia and St Separa tor, " \ capaolt y, t:;...lve oured bel In two we(~ k l\ . Reynol ds, reoentl y. Louis. Mr . 811.rdln and falDily speDt last enroute to Jltokso n, Ohio, to vllilt WlIl hel() you Only t ilo. Rooom perhap s the best maohln e aD the Vete rinar y mend ..d by ,I. E . JlI.oney . marke t. Frankl in Pack'>r , ?IS E . ~und!lY with Mr. TiDney ODd fllmily hi8 brot.he r Barry and family . Mr . THE OTHER APOST LES. U niver8l ty , Ann Arbor, DelLr here. Mioh. Barbea u for malJ,Y years was In ' Gradua te of Oblo Slat.. Un ivefli I -Je 11 HIli Secret. Wayne sville. An English comme rcial traveler The secrot of II co rw lu grent mlUl's ORilE -A farm horse for B'll o, or Dnid Compt. Jn spent at!.emorlal was one day driving past power, It Is sn ill. 1"11 6 that If !t il gave the genwill trade for Ii yC1ung drivlDg Guaran teed Eczema ~emcdy UllY in Ha rveysb urg, Ollio . any ouo h ts tlm.o at nil he gave him Office at r esid ence in F. 1.1 Sher era I post omeo in Dublin , Ireland horse. Inq uire at this offioe for in · tor ' th e mom on t tlllt whole ot It- all Aun~ Millie Rogers , the oldost Over t he front entranc The CODst,an t Itohlng , burnin~, wood's house, Fourth Street. e ornie build- format ion. Je 11 hIli Rtt entlon . Intorost and best redness , rash !Lnll di silgre en ble e f- clti:l:en in tbis vicini ty, if! enJ oying ing stand three lurge stone figures, thought while tho Intervie w Insted. It fectH of eczema , totter, salt rheuDl, Teleph one 28 OT of good millet 8eed. For rcp resentin g three of the apostles. Is thllt sort ot giving of one's whole itch, Jliles nnd irrit Itlng 8kin ernp rerullrk able good heaJt,h. further inform atioD Inquire of Mrs. Mary Seul arrived home Fri · The inquisit ive trnvesty asked the Dan Rooket eelt to the matter In hund that con- tioDs oan be readily cnred Rnd th A t, R. D . 2: Wayn e8ville, Wayn esvil le. Ohio stitutes power. The divIded mInd Ilk in lDadl' olen r Ilnd sDlooth witll day frOill Marion , Ind. jarvey who was driving the outside Ohio. Je II laaks force. th e strnylng tbought D,· Hob ~ OD'!! E czema Ointm ent Ralph Brooks Is having his car whom these figures denoted , to weaken s all mental prooeBsos. The Mr. J. C. Evel!lD d, of Bath, Ill, flaYI : Lhreshe r phaeto n. alm08t Dew, and in painted up, and with hi~ which the answer quickly came: habit of concent ration Is strength . "1 had eozowa twenty live 'yellrll aDd good oondlti on. Inquire of H . new Buber he will mllke a iood " The three apostles , ye r houor." hltd tried everytbiDI:{. All f.dled BARN HAR T. P. Keys. Wayn0 8vllle, Ohio. display . : When I found Dr. Boh80n 's Eozemn . " But," said the travcler , ,," 1 Je .J Deafness Cannot Be Cured Nota ry Publi c Ointme nt 1 found ~ cure." Tbill .1. 'Barter Shidak er, er nMr here, t hought there were twel ve of them. by looal applioa 'ion8 , at! they cannot· ointme nt is the formul a of a phy- bas been qulkl ,oorly reoentl y, but Whe re All klnd8 of Notary Work. P~8ioD are th e other nine ?" renob t he disea8e d portion of the slolall and h all been In nile for year ~ Ilt thiil writing is though t to be bet.Work a tlpeoia lty. "1nside , yer honor, sorting the letDR. Mr. 'l'here ill only one wa jto oure -Dot aD expe rllDeDt. That 18 why J. W. MILL ER. deafne ss, pnd that III by oonlltlt u. we ou.n guann tee it. Allllru ggls ts, tor. tors."-J ndge. Mrs . Margar et Tuoker , widow of tlonal rem edie8. Deafne ss ill ollused or by mail . Prioe 1100 Pfeiffe r -------••• DEN TIST•• ~ · by an inflame d oonditi on of the Chomio al Co. , l}lhla aDd Rt. the late Natban Tu.ker , died lit the PROFIT IN TIPS. muoou s linin g of the Eustao hill.D Loois . home of her lion 'l'hos. Tuoker , omce fn 'I'obe. When tbl8 tubtJ is lllfillme d Wayne sville, 0 Thursd ay mornin g. Mrs. Tuok er . "I mako quite an item on my ex- National BaAk BtdJr. yon bave a rumbli ng sound or 1m pense account Funer al Dinc tor Distl ," the nctlon. old comme rcial was 1n her 15th year Rnd was surely perfect hearin g, and when it is en Cora was fond of nlJ.lnC\usive pray- remllrk traveler said. t::- tirely-1 jl08ed. Doofus':!s Is the result., able and Embalmer, . ~he had met the loss, . " Mine doesn't see me through ," DR.H .E.H ATH AWA IiDd unless the inflllrun ' atioD OliO be ers. and on e nIght Rhe offered th e tol· in her old days, of a husban tl, Y dllUgh'aken out Ilnd thts tube reslore d to lowing dlocrlmlnllUng petition : "Lord. ter Way nesv ille, Ohio . and 800, leavin~ to mourn bor the yo unger ono replied. "How do Its normllo! o<.. ndlt.!/\n, helirlng will please bless moth er and rather aDd Wayne sville'8 Leadin you do j( Den"I it?" ' all of ua. and give us los!! eve rything good; two sons and leveral grand be destroy ed foreve r; nino oalles out Call answer ed prompt ly day or nillht. and please bless our (rl clllls. and glv8' ohildre n. She waSil "Th e firm allow8 me tips that aro Office in Keys Bldg. }lain of teD are ruQsed by Catnrrh , whloh membe r of I.he Both phones in Office and Residen ce. them what Is good tal thcm!" -Har· c urr ntly suppose d to be fair and il nothin g bu~ an Inll.lUle d oonditl on M. E. oh uroh and attende d Ihl }JuneLong distanc e, No. 14; Home phone per's J\{agn.zlne. of tbe mooou s sorfnee s . 14-2r. tUlll al her oonditl on would allow necellSllry. but I g ive only the tips We will give One 8undre d Dollnrs Chairs and one Coach furnish ed free tier luneral took place Monday thnt the wait~rs expect and SAVO 110 for any oase of Dellfnestl (ollose I by with funeral s. per cent." Hard afterno to Underst and. on from the FriElOd!\ ohurch Oatarr h) t,hll.~ o~n o ot bo cured by Best of service guaran teed. "I don't sen whlLt malws my wIfe int erment Ilt KIIlIni oemet ery. Ball's Oatll.rr h Curt). l:iund fur o ,r HIS JUDGM OIT. play solitair e." "It does seem rathe r oul .. rs fr ee . Mr . llnd Mrs. Albo~t Merryh ue. ' ~. J . Cheney &- Co , 'I'oledo, Ohio. I rtvlnl am usemen l." "Not only tbat. flel,idC's si ngi ng for thc expert, she but It affords ber no possible excuse after a 8hort honeym oon in Goving Sold by Druggi sts. 7[;0. for COD . to stop the gaDle nnd ask ·Whnt'.11 t·on, Kv., vi8itlng relative s. return ed hnd gi vC' n him t he entire story of Take BIlII'~ FlI.mily l:'i11s TRADE M"RKe to their beu.utif ul suburb an hOIUf' , her life fwd BulTer ings. I trumps ?'" DE!lIeNS pa 'Ion. COPYRIG HTS <lC. aDd Immed iately b egaD beautif ying flondlnl a Ikctc-t\ andi d elCrll'l1nt1 DIll' "M.m ," he sa id, after sho had QuIAnyone Get<l1.,. ., ck ', aa cortAln (lnr (l l ,III I U Il tree!, Ildh ur a n IlDd remode ling ODe of the lund ftni8hc~, "you have a InvontIon Is probAbl1 fllHolltnblo . ( . 01110111111 01\· CoNEDI«. . . voiee of magUon.l!trlc Ll, oonUdonth~l . HANDBOOK on PAt e nt. mmt.ktlo e UIU' m'ark~ well known for Its h o!!pltall t.y :ui flecut promise --" ••mt free. Oldeet Daeu e, t or BocurlfiK pate n ... DII WIl .... d ilia Buell P llt enta tallon through Munn a:. Co. recal"e ThOle are the tb lnp whleb IPtc,"' norUf. wll hout CharA'8, tn tho and 800iabi lity. Tbey ILre contem ; "0, thank yo u so much!" will make 11 man of ~our bo,. S.cure hl !ll lively Intere •• a nd whol... 10m. dev elopmen t by "lvina him pIli tlng a beautif ul tenD is oourt, f "A voico of magnifi ccnt p'romis e, !lowt>lf8, aDd nature 's 8'lener y malIes :mllda m-for ' convers ational The AME RICA N BOY A. band.ome l, IIIn"trated w8ekl,. J.flrM'eet elr· pUl'- culataon of nn, IIclent.tdo jO\lnlal. 1'ermo.l a. ~e~~l:~~Ib,:!~~.reC:rdl:Xve~rl:~. f;::~~~!,.~~ i~ a very dtrtlot lve home. They poses." and current event•• PhotollraP b"'r.tampa , elecNo other test is 80 certain - so tricity. ca rpentry, aporl s. have f·he best wishes of t he writer ells bo,.. what to du and now to do U. DeauUhlll, . U\uat !late and withou t cost or loss. .. ~ B ......b I' 8t.. Wubl"alon. D. Co h ·.te d. and evurJ' line In hlrm~ with nfLDe4 GOOD. L09ER . and mILy they livelon g and be happy. No otht'r test is ~o severe and !:~~~~W ::J ~r.g:~~d :lw~ year~~O: -!l:'~ Onr honora ble lIohool board met require s such stabilit y as does IU Ilew ..... nd. a t 10 cent•. "What was the worst thing that Subsc ribe tor the Gazet te TIlE IPUGUt PlIUIllIIIC eG. 101 INt., In regular sellSion with preside nt in the ohair. Roll 0!111 ehowe,t all of ~vcr bappened to you P" fl.t>ors pre8en t, minute s of la8t meet ~ "Aw, go on I I ain't one of these Ing were read aDd approv ed, new 'guys that knoeks matrim ony." The Tri-Sta te Butter Compa ny, Ohio, has stood this Tim~ and more than 5,000 Cream Shippe rs have not ~mly found. shlppm bU8iD8aa was In order. MillS Mltoh · g NO TROUB Le. their Cream to the fri·Sta te profitab le but also ha~e enjoye ell, of Leeian , was the only one of d the securit y and reliabil ity whieh .e~aracterizes. the Trl<Sta te .marlre t. the four that was offered thE' prlvFai:r Visito r-Oh, don't trouble to The Trl-Sta te does not sohelt your bUSiness on prollll8 eS but liege to re~nrn. lltee me to the door. Teaohe r8 that oome PRO.O F is our slogan, here do not stay long enough for Hostes& --No trouble at aU, deal'. Ship your Cream, to-day, or write for Free Trial ' Can&--Spot the lIoholar s and parent s to get ao ~t'8 a pleasure. Cash 1& paid for every shipme nt. quaiDk ld. (lb'F) f!~:



Corw in.

G ra nt & Fr a,z er


Cla ssif ied Ads




: ~ O



Dr. J. A. McCoy,




E. v.






Th e Te st . of

$titntlflt Jlmtritan.

MII"ff1m.mOCO~i~ ,., a ~8~~~~New'lfo'k






Co., .Cincinna- ti~o. i-.


.~ -





--- ---

Can't Keep It Secret spleDd ld W9rk .at. Vb.mll e.·... ' . Tablet! ! I. dail,. :t.~:J~I~ IlI"t5L~I~a.. o~lIll!l~~;


Automobile Livery Service at R ··a-· IOnable Rat es.


~~~~~===== ~~~~ ~~~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ flI'IiI ~ !balo' ... ~ lI~meCl ~ l!1an II _ ~ Hnmlln" . rul for t'· ·"'c~. ~lldl'f'OI'd, bu~ It mnllt





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All Indh l t nuttlrC' ...rI{· ud,' .' ro r t ht-' 1'0 :0: ( ~p " H,-Il' k " 1\11 1111111, l lsr e ntc 11t- d ,

wh " Ill" Ju nl arrll',,,1 "\.,, m U3' ~ t r I Hl'll\ lf1 . \ "OIUlll t 't' r .. lor (I u~ • t'~('I!" Ir> M ,l ll y llrrh'C')l U l I'""rl HI " lt"Y n\ lIu~lon . ~1Ip\ , I f· ,' I, lt'9 tw ,) ,lrl\"!IIi aheaJ o( !wh • •l l:lc ( 0 p".h on 10 Fort Jl, .. I~ , 10)' RIo." 10, C'nnq"" trwl l h"Sntl{ ·rIal l " :\ld) l. , n ".,nr,

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re pul.od Th,' Il1dlo .... or" M oylan nn\J n l lnc' lta 011 t ilt" Slal'\p, In Il hf,lIl" lH\ ll ~l'1l1 y GOI 17 1\ 1t! ~ Are klllc--1

·1" ..: II 11 0 \\ . \ 1,',, '11 hl\v ' l e r Oll[ 0 Ul·"\ ,\l·H ~Iolly :Oil" 'r >' ill " "l iUIII,', Ll e ul .' lIltn\' W!llli III /III''':' ,·,1 .1!'iil , 1II"mor! s Ill ,nrl .. 1l" "'II'I PP"II ,'r1 . R,r ·.' \\ ho .hol yc r ?" hll y.'urs. III IBIINI .. nor l 'lt h '01\ h" " ... h,> '" 10111 , dull" '1 ,'yes Btra ye d (roil t; ll I,."l 'I1 nl/ I I II " u;.: 11 , \l olli rl 11'" ,'n ''''' IInlll h ~ suw lI an, Ih",·p. :1,,01 Ih"'r., " I'O~P ll" fnro' hIm . a R , 11 " ~ I " a :; . I"R 1:11',' hy lh ,' RPlliry i'Il",1 ri gly '" nt III 1111.' lt '':l1 UIr' C: LI o( fll"" h,' Iny til"It,. Ih p t ee th C:",I<1I1~.

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R:I I1\ 1' l' .q ll'''S!'' I O Il .- tlpl' r i orily H~ \\11 "' 0 thtiY

<lollO iI , IhOIlf;h thd IIRs n' t prlod h ~ r b ... r

loose f rO l f1 Ga ", ld!18. H e31' s Il1.untin ' t:\ l k & HrT'ison It '" l i ke a .,; h " do ',\',

Ih~y'r<' l' lIgn gl' d , but I UllI't RO

no In,'lle to o/ll ('(' rR' row ,·Il. " . I ·.... I n:i I{ f '( lnt' A. ot IJOut you ,

S he 's

pill e: th c wI II ,I II II' f r'tlnA. ' h,,\. to


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TI,e larg makero of Men'. $3,50an d $4.00 .ho". in the world •


i,' lI ,1\'(O r .


" Tw o

~ hut t{ ~Ilnc . ~pl'J,:; ea tl'





O'oa.rIF;;':.~'<" '#. to fttll()(Lt'r , l ilUll bllllrr. hold lh.,lr ",h"I'e Dud lonKer t1uUl R ll y ulhl.·r ..Jake for t b D llrlno ..

nt,~::rf';~~t~.~~;.~~~~r It,~"r.~li· ,rf~I~JI811h: 'i~~~~ft,S,~L !i!:~~~I~ r"mll" aL a ll ..,rIM_. ny fi\hOl't t tlr eye,., me,uherot f,hfl 1",u ,,.l ft" L. pn-,.~ frto. '''rll cih r " ".. ' r •• ,,-,..

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" ....."._::....,. "c;:::;~,.

MD ••

Th ~ leMB 1\ lII:ln SIl)" tlt ~ ,uor ' gu c . .. Man'S Prefere nce . ill YOUlh , or ag e. or middl e IlI g h iR wlfo ha ~ to ,1u. -- -- ---IIge, wil l ~(lo nrr k iss a pre' lly 1IIoulh , hn,[ 1,llIln, " ~I c ll

\H \O lJ!' glln. 114n) n . · In ll ' l t)t~


Ad, yo u r c1 .. n lo r U, Lhnw ~n l1 " , 1,. JI()tlg- lu_ 83.60..... 00 IInl1 ......:.:a!!§~..,. &4.60 " ho(' " , JUI • • I ,noftln I'll 1.-. on (1 ,.ern fU4 uU. n r .. " Cu8f{"~ &,-, ,00 to.7 00

nil -tho only clUrlJ rt'HCf" till th o IJrh' o. tSho" . In l,. ut laaLhor •• a' y h -. nnd " llnp"" tft _\Itt nn~ r" ,.b aN.-._ l r:~o If ,o n (lou lct l'hlt ,V. L. ])oll~lu lJ. 1I\. olld "~fJ for ) ' oUNLf'lf UrClck t n n. r'fli IHHY (' aJ"('fu ll y 'V . " , )lour1 n. • • 'utt" .~ lnK. I.-. f h t!y ore", urr"nlcd ",1., a041 t .. r o nnd Jon '\Vu nld f h~n



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It It1n lH' cI OUt or thf''- blf'cl\. I!I~ h t-- ~OU . ","'... Rllon'l. p II" " U ,' ck"'1 " t-" 0 ',.," " .\ , 11 AI" III " Y .-,01 t Itrt·,.. II 1\ 0 I]I'!-l , f (1 II (lW~ ' ( I t u n : LJ ,h,. ):1.rnl~l tight. .. Ih 1o i, 1I~loI n" III .. @hurt' r,' pOri R. TII"n a fourth - .. ~ "". lh ' rlJ r l" m I"knt n . I . bl II I I' roW .

BEsr BOYS SHOES'" th o WORLO $ 2.00. :2.60 and t:J .OO.

" ",,""':;ltll

11:1.: 1, 1', n,1' on II ,.

" I ,lmpl", ,1 II ·.\ !r 'JII Sh l'8 '00 p(, lI s lhlt , ,"' N 1 ' 1 '" II• f' U(nl an l .~ 1.v t HI y. I t I t(lorl r.O( - \ \ lill 8 1 lnt .

Y Jrll, 1 11(11111 8 n lHl I R h:trk r- d Irom Lp hi ll t1 offi ce rp- '



II i.: II" ~; dr,'w l]d ('li n ' \,lmll rl),; hi s hi:, 4' ,' 41::' 11:lI'IU Voing ,

" II wil l re· ~p r y."""1 h id

h is mOl j1'y (0 brlll g 11"1' ha[lp l ll '~ fI\P. AIlf1 ) ' 11 a'l \~ ' r Rt l\ll ti f(lf


$3.00 '3· 60 $4&Q :'......,,"'- .60 AND $5·.9.2.


. '1'. -1111' ,": " tiu lp r i ~(l d ~ " \ \ ' h y , . ,) uly or' III!-l o l " l1l 1/l IIl tl y " TIII\I ' ~ Ih,.. ......' . ' h,· ~;'~rI \o ' ,1 Oll t )1>,,11,,1' nil Ih, ' S t. nln a dl· i~.' ,1 h . r 10 h " ,,~ (,lose to you Ir h ud IUII' ' ' Yn ll 'v ,' I;"" him : frat! t i"t f'XHCtiy l1o't (],t 1 ;lnY lhitl A h a ppf' 1l fl. t;idt' III I bt~ \ \t'lll lu OtH') h Ull d " rhra ( o \ \ u ntly III!!, · rool, " be nlUI · likft- th u s t y!t, 01 th e Lh~ 1I1~11i1nt." d , T IH tc' fOln he untl . l tlll P or l n Ili\~ ~ ~rll.' rruth. " ,h • ), Undf' r hi R "1'11"1 -5 \\:1 t 1 tho u~ hl. \\' l-li . S h f"~ 1, rt ' d b ll tprl

SUrt' ,. . • to ul" got ," h.' I all rSh hcl. I 'bout ,!l'~,"ntt" i ll t 1\ 10:. mbl tlr, Ie al :q~ . tah'1-I , j (;OUI~(I', ' o though s, friC'ud l gnOl tty pre r ('I !! ~turl~' )1 um: l H nt f '\.·tfl the ftl lu':'t: "JIll I ' on 1 I", 'Ill I(' t . I n I't ";0 t n n s ' l lt ' fI Rt r ICl} luH1\ t,y C"\: .\0,0 !tf'IIHl c·t .m 1I II d f' I'l'I' .dullllll"t R tl..--. sl.l~ r t ml'.lt"d t1r'\'C~r d t!!lf' Th

.. no " 1'1'"a r.



elc , etc .

w. L.

h' a Ihroa t. und choke bl m; ror lin 10 I (" It I'a illt, dnzr d, s taring dow~ "'1I n t blo tI,,· ~ III I ruce ghO Hlly UU,1 ll l' th, rays or , I,p lu nl Ortl . G aK I\in ~ ! TheD '", ,'''" ('(,rrl(' d In Ih !' uJ'[ulr; h, hh" W n 'lllI.,· hlt,1 ~"" II Ill' r h lrll llg l h t'rf IIp,I,,,.1 Ih .. " .. II. A 1111 Ih \! m:,n'@r'),(,1 1I' , ' fl' <t1"'It. I'l'n' sl>trlug 11\ be w l ld ~r II lt'n l III Ih " (ncP iI . Th ,.. !i ,'rg" ""1 0'

III I' (:II i1 rd Ihru ~ l "h r· l.J IH.-:rn close r o· ye r, tli, "\.if I IIi~ h ,..HII, " "" "11'.,',, 11 " Ii ,' \\'OUI~r'("ln·l · l 'Op l, ''1 . &,,,, .'(1 me walf' r mnll''': ali ",· F t· \' n'·s... ' h n " ,, ' '" " of y .. r rUII ""I' t!,.. strl'lr' II, " 11I1 " C! '"13 In

ti('ll\'Or In

Y.l.B drne S



n1 'I"H" . l 'h Major 'l\'oull2 see tbat II did, "'''11111 r ,ont blli e ny lillY pro· lIun'PliO Il . :>;0, t hftrtl w a~ nothI ng plac f'OM, bll'. I' IIH'y ml!I - nll meet they ,r.1I.1 In ' hilI "onl~ lIc I l' d POtlt~ t wou ld II., mO"L :or lll ul, a Int'I'O f':!c hnn ge of I"·mi lll",· ""r·,'. /!l'nlltu .It, "" IH'PRl;ed by " " " til .. :111:1 Il l t',,~,all l lI ort! Il l' ('ou ld I' ~"PC' 110 Ut o ,',' ; rn l~hL ,.~t"" 1II himself fortun u " '. ;lId. ",1. (('I r"('I ·hl' ('\' pn rh a l


.- r .. J{' " l\J.-.-l JOrO I



I . ID T'" .... o rfD M


lhnl1 n c l l-' YP I" urow nllr da r, o r c\'t~ r)' dlly," - ·' \ \·il lia m. " by S , C . :\ C't h t' r sn) p .

Life's Tearfu tn eu. "O ld you eVl'r (' 0".0 ) Oil I' wlte any "'lIrs ?" " I d un't th ink ~O. ('e nulnl y IIOl II ~ lIlan}, U8 I,'ud lug R~lor~ nile! 3c trl'R,r," III mntl necs lta Vi) ::111 8('(1 he r."

1:,·,1 ( ' ro!'s lhdl Blue, n :1 hlllt' \-Il lu o ~n th o ,,'uIlli, 1It1lk.t"~ tblJ

.. milo_


l!luud rttAI

Logica l. . W'I ;; rJ ill Ihe ur itlu pl(1pe \\' iLh 110& ?" " lIc cnuse ho was tlt e h". t man ."

gn)(l m~tnnn

. \\.(' hpanl IlIr ~,,·, likl' II.· th~ ~'~' \e u h I' ~ aw IWO Iln'I,lln Il'nughl I . " \\' I 'II. I rt 't'i'\,. On HR IlO W 8 II t' tl 111\ k B It 111 [' nal·~. ,,"I !>ol III on" of t h,! m. !';" lIlry ,,,,, "d .I·pll lrl' "o A lng. rllnn R ~h,,,lo\\' ldllrk !JIC' d l' p hI' ,, ~ k Inln hldln!:. Th p tn<l h, ,,. ,\I" 'o t'Cr tl",lr I, . " ny huw . y ",<\ ,., ,.day ." I .r hod ,down f'xclt dl~': "Pos' Six! l'O:-\ l ' Jx!" whHt d o you kno·.\, n },o ut thl!\!" 'bOlit t h t' t fll'ri til 11l:q:;, slarL l)ur~ uH. b Ul g-n I ~n f ~ tt l)(' • • l·,ql~ ,. .J RICH IN CURATIV K QUALITI ES ~1"j)I'I~ f(' rat "h oll hi s hearl, Ih(' fi n· trec lln n J _Llll l l n 18 :1111'h 1t II'ns _ro n:: ..1IHllt WIse Man , :i 1i ,,',1 hL'.'rrl · 'bouLII I\'llh a ,r l1gt." lcllli t ho S!'I'!:>:lI .0" IIACKAC H . . . . HEUM ATI.", a l 1101111" " n ""Yl'rSIl "1: ma,'k>,1 ,'. fl. ;\. Inll Ih l ·a:lll r1 ill n. to gprs o r Iol~ ulh ( r 1t'1I:<I gr ipping Lhe P"II), "II droppetl ntl Ol III, ~ , I Ih. g" il!tsbiltH ',,:ru story d.'clm. Ob, the (>l! '(\ Exc nnl, II ~I r ~ . 1111 K'DNIrY 8 ANO DLADDE R I\I (· ho\l. H .. p'plni"" Ie ~1 .. lh· '"~ t he. w., . I" " ,.' i "" . "r. Cf'l l1 rnti ernl e :;i t ' r \ Il' f" nl1f i l1i s " l1~!il.·1 1 111 .1':" t aH Ii ,' I; OCS LO Jus IF""" '!. Still hltnd" cl lo y Ih" Ii~ h t I,rls (l""r's ~ hlllllcl lh,' !t \\,(11 I wny . ud. un kllow In ) all h"r ohl ' I DO r. b ~ "lrr,, d. I 1;;\· 0\" '1> \lrl t' V . ,,11 11hl on ' Tn. Jl t"lr.ilJ ll" I ·1'1l1!. 1 -AGENTS 11111 ";o;ot ~o 11\1 rul Il llIcli ." ):(1 ~ra ~" und er ct"'rt;,,, "r e ll , ':1 "lice. A' lin" lul l f'1 Il ft'Vttta l h ,n ,. nml "ppIIBnl · .~ no ,I " rll n [0' \I Art!, Je rkin g his rC"o lv or ~I!: n my ch('('ks htl faints ~way . roW~u'~ II"· ' :I '" \' r ott:;h"'! ' Ilt,nll h I', " , I'yes shl ... II III ,l h' ul l1s 'bo •• en he :\/!!: "n (' " ...... I... ' ·~'•• I , U.a"_, !I~ . Ihlok r"r I,'r tho WitI' H.I(1a, Il1() or t:O V,ll~ I ' ,'10"" "now ingl)', hall · rrolll th o h ~ l t. A H he IH1 Bsrri Ih,.. ('0" t ar IJl'rY\co. li e suy" th l! h lt\ "1'''I' ' '' [)oclor- - Whnt a Itt I to do? \I II " HOI·It' r palnl,n II up. I o whll I who an' . nlglll, I.d,'e,-re 'r. (Iarl; 1·~I 0"" mighty or a waR the properly 9 tb e sf' lll r y li rcd I\, 'T Pen4 'ot fr ... Chfolco W ""o m FArm'. ~ lr s . Excllf'- Gf'l him HO th Rt Ill' th ~ "Oh h~ll; h, t ·~ lIrop It," cll"KU91l'd ly. 11 ('1' I or bth o unrl':H'k hi. I ' II g ht IWY,!r s al\' . II " " Ilenr tI . nut II : n ' IIII I f1 n ~!I• (! Ipt\\' Ing ll(' h~ ""~pee '. or 1"1 1" " '·~' L'nn . lt.l~ forlI(' U.. h on(J " ~cr lbe brll"Hr "bOl Joa FOR SALE h ll aig nR th ~ m . a.fter C till ri.' e ( ' " 'L! i) UI('n :11I 1 hl' re >,1' 1 ..: .. I fulul t n, tkl lecJad, cal. ' II, ;.;a d won !In.. J)cpt. IH~ II.b. A t-Bit,. n MUlUal and for whnm , d !Jlgt'fl c- eve e uli . 1"," " ba els. 0' OmC('r" r alnce. TrOll". "pr"B r un "Th " n lll1S R /}' ,·ll'Idnfl lll! . Itt s hooli n'' beg . A I ' I " SlI rr ; h ia ('''ntlllln y ifi flown onI in nnI InMant' ~1" . GIL" h . k' n ycr UII d ..... \lOpp S h~ , ,'t'ne. t; ,u1er ~.cort nf 1.1 Ill '~ ,, m ~ I t '",port ant to Pl\oths ra rnv ,,"" I' a " 'oman 1I nn ' ng llgulns roll', a n 10" M n lly start" to JOin hll-r f:t fh(o f , ~l o llnm (' ''I . bU l he got ~p('r.11I 1 rt e la l Ih e tm~ r ncks . I ln I ~ Q'·". 1(' reJl'l ln h" r ol)1""" 1. EX~D\lne c.aretull y e very bottle of Iho yellow stone wnll, li gh: .. !! liP bpI' hy Ih o ('or ll l' l' o· haa." (;1Iskln~ . II JIll a go, 's e lI - --Ib\lught I b ocrd CASTO RIA, a safe and Bure remedy for fac r , l\wn J11"ng,..d Illl r again Inlo ob· jum\lrtl ",,' ) 11"d; "How I ~ thaI 7" II'L tlrl vll. Th e n Inraut& aod children , a.nd Bee that It ' n a ' ll nlll,li CHAPT ER XIII - Continu ed. uolly e >om "His ol d m:ln Is Sen a tor, o r 50me· ,... urllr · thl ' fell ~ r come Yf're, up 1 0 1; '1'h'l rty mln ul (l(l \all' r In th p p,rl'nt I as I'''~ Dears the 'fh c 8ergo,\n l r:anghl I:, e ~II Ul"gc, Just h us Mcads 0' y gr lt b h e~ natnrnll I ' nn g, bnrn·lIk e barrack s, he hunJ; his nco Ihlng, all ' fh p), 18)" 'lolI n' al·l t.' tl\sy n Ilhu u vl"lon e th g tuceot ~~ b,'Hevln Signo 1t"lf e Ib nods I,it! Ihl' ur. Eny\\ . ey mon n('d r: r.oulrem ents over th e be d 1I~~I him . Th:lt's tltA who le of it." In Gss For Over SO Ylan. 1,' lr8t sco ntlu ' de· o( Ihe brul ll ; ho hrid 6eOll her rnce, hIm In tbe far corne r , and, rc "olvl.'r nrm ), a sort snap. " \\' hut hl1l'p yo u gOL 10 sny, lIam It yet tl. ugoulze d, ne le frlgh whiLe. him. Illet you n Cry for Fletchp~1I Outoli a whon Ohildre hal'! f'ver " II 1,,11 Rlood . WAIII! is h ahout d buckle stili bPlt lin .~" 110 fur ns I cOll ld not lIa" e been r eal. Jle t ripped t.hen, rlullger no t hun n'l Ulll dn10 ing stdv , at I he o pen wludow "!'.:othln g." t Did Not Live Up to It. lillie dude, with a Olel' th e s lOll o lI'u ll li nd hair f('\l, bu le rmlne wblcb of thoee winkIng 1\:(hl8 ('a uld see. N I('A "\\,p lI. ye r better. Yl'r In It ml gb t.} , bUL eor· tunnull a In mInd hIM on, ran e th high IIjJprecltlLlonll aod even with Our ar ul pop b\lt . box, lot me tell ye r," linge red by aho ne from the bou£e whor e ho lU!!jSl\' PlI l'd heud ld nln 't ob- lain 80UIO Olle \\'ae mclng before blm btl,1 0)111' ('x~rE'ased desi r es are Ill)t always McDona recl;?11 I . IlIdl,," g hln i't sOI1l n bee as ... had What " There aeen he r. Ihe other'" Indlrte ron ce. Iud Ices o! our cha racte r. "Le t me die cllltsi n ' artor Mls~ do wn the du r k mvlnc. Thero had bee n In th e e agernes lI ot It e r " oleo wh ich Jeol/ n' non o to hIs He co uld not ' Quite tI,e row a bout?" ! Ihprt' n woma n In Y ill s Iho d,'ul h of the rlgllt eou s," wos the r he let ho's why t's e th he could oot forge l. nor esca pe froul Molly; Til l' (~u"ulrrrnnll Mood strulgbt , hll prllye r or DallllllU . And th e n he wen I y !\toll not ehe; not L bu toll lbnt blot W<?II, ng. lo so nce pl She bad 8eemed to care, to teel an In · : h18 God·for sake n fnCA s howIng whi te 10 Ih. glow of th e ri ght uII'ay aud joIned hlm se lr to the lold all the neW8, !\IeDona ltl. If- If It were !ih e; It he n lt' rTl . I ... resl d ec pcl' tbsn mpte curIosit y. The ' UrI ck ,' I reckon I've la nnre, tbe In fllce r hll seen elllly r bad he at he n a 'ld \Vas s laIn b)' a rIghteou s 'ICons." tlergcan t'8 b en rt beat rapIdly, e vnn a llrl bed bette r move ") la Id YOll bf' foro I ha!! nothIn g to man Wby, what? en th m, drea no wn8 It If Hum· lIud m," Sa , mInute n "Holll on 1'& " 'hllt! be stel'nly told hlmeelf he wae ber from dIscove ry, 811Y . I \\' 111 tal k tomorro w," he Itn, Bllddenl y r ecalled wearth , reached h e must Bcr eeo " I lIublillt to arresL" Quletl,l'. II fo ol, ' A !Ia n!! touched hi li .houlde r , rued u l away. Blip !-O nlty op(lOl'tu r Sound Reaaonlntil. he hangIng on tbe Iron gh'e !lnd b e "'heeled lihout LO IIrill Wnll, for th e ha \'orsllck "1 rill 'kon ver will talk tomurro w. saId the owner of a coun' uo," "!.:lIm "\'Il S Lhe one "lIgUO, ,lim tbought ThIs was who llow fe tbe lan, "Moy . t he d(lOs I.<On8' band. It an d be dnmn' g lad 0 ' Lho cbance. Col" try place to bls gardene r, "concer Dln! man. the of lon (lOs!ess k too which bls t bad us, wllb I "Well, 'Brick,' old boy," Bald lhe killed In Ihe coach paro l. ta ke this fellow tn the «",ud. thnt tree I wonted yOU w c ut down, MIRS McDona ld, he obscure d fi ll elllll; It se nt hIm blindly acout genIally , althoug h hI s t hin fnce bag. Accordi ng to 011' Btay there w ith him . Here al· houso, ba I'Ilvlno. better the had or It ge ed e thll1l1s th ",de o\'cr my hefore starting crushIn g " IIOIJRION POIIlTRY waf " ' al oa sol('mn ft. eyer; "po you fel· bought II h f.' re JU!t comes the streLcht'r, an' the doctor," lo" .. d to stond," down a chIck'. throat curee thl. InClcrlp1l6n; He It l'lt rd the 80u lry nt hi s rIght ery throulb IIlIently off d Iowa have 90me ba ck to be In the on t be 1l·lp. See ma\'ebe gapes. A r~'I\' dr-ope tn tbe Hanllin "Well, Ah think It ough t t er corr.e acqualn l· hOllrs Iy, he heard I'xci~ed sbouts from old an of l ,.,~tr: .. cur... and Inlials Ihe ilrfnkln are those dll a by d rrounde lIu !lIght, ui,k bl r11111dy! " tho ply. e r ks; tbe barrac was ' e th ot Browu: s a Mass , \Vindow lI dOW open ~en '" cbolera, dlurbM a . to trace. An, th e d occurre ull bad It ck t1IRea8ea. On. gUArd. " We' ve be CD JD It uJl lummtlr , Sanl." nnce 'at mIn e I'd like , tho olhercbl of aud tntl tltlnkln ror nud body, re860ns you man's II al'e "What t be o hlB reet IIl ruck found It ?" IOC bolU .. make. 12 ,aUons of wn~ the r e ply. "It'll be en live ly e nougb Idea where Moylan !O 8uddenl )' l ha t he Wbll bewtldllr1!d so, Snmbo ?" g, headlon all drul8taUl. ,Iown AI went he medicine light tbe to bag WILlison held the lumclen t cOu. ROlll h of tbe Clmsrro n, th e Lord Sample and bootte l on "DI .. "We-\l, Bnh, de nut reason am dat Almost nt the Instan t the !len try wall yet, merely retnl nlng lettere, 8~ nt li'RE& tho " FOWlS" of l'tudyln euu Cor to patrol rldlolf tancell know!!, I've been prellsln g blm 8clollsD eB8 of tho clrcums de l ree don e kee p de light orr de lt1'een' lllarllvn It...., Co, Lnl ...... II. " Fo urt h Texas -hey " ThaL your tl l'OU htm, a gllll ·muzzle h. allsured wel'e ey th It 1111111. ' It', mo nthll now, But \V hat'. up? No one dat keel' am rellllOO rise, to secon' bouae; d e bnck as b e attempt ed . e ffort would bi! g('LlID' 0111, and de third r oallon .m dd 8!'e ms to know why ws 1\'ere ord e red roglmen t?" "n e stili, i'e bell hound, " WRR the wus g uilty, then no r. d, his IIPII tl gbt· oodd t n ergea S The d ~ctll eOD others nn), In," I cut It down 10..' nIght," gr ulT order, "or I'll blow ye r to king. mad e to tra co s ltculcl " It'll 811 guess·\V ork here ," nnd Was· Iy prcssed togethf' r. SC l geuu t ot th e gua.rd, with the affill r. Wby Ouklns m,J! co 110m Dutcb trom come ey h "Mult . on MS t down on the narrow bed and hll ve Idt'nUne d him a8 lhe 8118a6sln HI. QuIck Flop. th e Bcout wont on Qllick ber(! ~ Post. Number SIx ~" 111 Ill s plJ)6, ' ''But tlui 'old m~' 18 lIe t· Charlie 's outlH," my atery -- probabl y It was m e r~ n was the by of le tters are r eceived ey, e!! ds unn st hnlt HUlldrl' I, til a h,y Hllntllu rter so up all that a sore ly wounde~ ery month by John E, Ounkle, who 18 Prompt Relief-Pel'DUlDent C~ of dolirlum li ng somethIn g under way, cOllsolld at· slowl y. " II picltll Iho Iy thnt l!l conllclou yt't fall, ill h of shock fsllow m a y hay .. known through out tbe c ountry a. tbe CARTER'S UITLE lng (roops, Your regimen t Is goIng to truck. " Ihe delay, t bls mIstak e of the Me lltry, mlln; nlthoug h tbo " Wh e re Is tha t~" ly for that kIn" boy's fri e nd, nud I. familiar ly ad· LIVER PILLS never ufficient b e tlsed, that'R certahL I've bee n c ars hlol ed chance ror es· dlsllll "In town lbar, IInde r t he blurt. We'll would afl'ord her nmple I'yln ' orders between here an' Wallace He nll'l'aY8 bas fall Purely vegetato· or revenge , or ha ve mlstakl'n hIm for dr es~E'd as "G unk," Ing runn on m ar he cOIII<l He cap(>. At any ratr hlB eye open ror th e bad boy, tbe ble - act surely t. Hgh poor the In r e for three weeKs now , au' I've hcard look It up ro mor row." th ,\\lo the caught eyell s hi nnd ward them. ation b elped to ugh kId of the nelghbo rbood. Tbls but gently on Sherida n ell plode once or twkc. He'. yel!o1\', bobbing light o( a Inntc rn. His tho unexpec ted Identific CHAPT ER XIV. If the Li e u. Is th e kind of boy tbat be likes to en· the liver, nd, a put, shI Ured of tllia gue rilla bu sl n ~ss, all' play to ha nd reached 0111 i\ll d touch('d th e hIm fight." r acllDow l. roll In hIs league and decorat e ",Ith Stop after good late !llle wants to have dinner disbody ove r which h I' bad fall en, feeling te nan t !i"ed . he would Arrelt. Under "It Is ~elllrig late," lld Iho clasil at II edge 1t1~ mistake . There was 110 OCCII' o no of his badges. tress-cu Te a bullon, militAry a weot lI;;htll bRrrack ho i ono by e On "Thnt's 'tb e way he rigure8 It out, ,,10 0 to wo rry ; h e co uld clear blmllelf the masterp l oces thnt Ite rO!- indigest ion, bad of who Olle n e tb pr tioldl a ,','as -\t M/tIr e th ougbt s rs " "cordln ' to my notion. We 've always out all tho lIre d troope th,e c hurge whenev er tilt} ttruo r)e lved tbrough tlte mall (rom one of improve the comJllexion. brighten tbeeyes. l8h ed hIs also, beC' 11 sho!. Could "'he h a ve done It! ot lot Lhoso tellows alone dUl'lng the ba d bf.'(ls, Hnmlln extlngu e ; halt !t is compan y would know th(!se boys says: ~ALL PILL. SMMJ. DOSE. SMALL PRICE. cnOl er Whllley dId? who know d burnIng . le tt Or d lrl she e b Orlng e Lh would I when s ght wellther , aD ' th cy've got .0 the\' ~x· lind only ono n lmaloc barrack tbou I In WUII lit'l Guuk: ! hi "Dear holrl Genuine must bear Signature the door, " 'hlch the trllth mIght be, he would llPct It. The 'old rolin' fig u res' he 'll for e me rgency near '1'he l'o were women out 011 the v.... 1l0 to YOli alld lIee If I couldn' t got gan. room. big fiung a tnhlt glow ove r the give :em a surprIse ," walk, tbo ir s!drts ftutterll l g 118 the, ono of them badge., I bare eeveral But the Sergelln t'll reftoollo ns ke pt .. A winter cnmpnlgll 1" waited anxious ly to 1p.8en tb e ne", bad habits. I swear, chew, smoke clgt o nat on the foot at " Wby not? We can r;tnnd It If t.hey him I\wake, ns but he could 1I0t d e te rmine If 8b" wa, art'lles, sud 5ay my prayers every n ope the ot out t bem. Volcos a8kEld qUestIo n, night, but It you'll send m e a badge nln. 0' course. I'm just g ll essln'; hIs bell, lind stal'ed among was ells. There . cOI'pors l hurn ed him ilIon. I'll cut them all out aod be good," th e ro's no leak aL hend\IU arters. But window Into t be dsrkn t.he but to (ocus his e yell, n Do )'ou reallzo the fact tbat thol1ll6n d, ma ilIng nny ceply. Then .ht Custe r's up the re," wlLb n wavo of t be !tWe upon which wlthoUl along oftlcers ' row, HER "BEST FRIEND " of women are now usl-11 nea h nnrl to tho ncrth. "and th ey've got IIJW )'lI lIow gh,nms \V a 1:1 thrust roughly Into a etono.ll a nd tb e , gol'od, POltum IIl\ of ili st rs Speak. calla Thus ere wh Woman It. e th 10 Oulslde out." I h" Ul nps cell , I\ nd left 'Ilone. g low of a lire in rront or th e distan t " Wbat m:lps? " cO l'rl d or 1" 0 ~lIarlis ,,'ere s tatione r!, nnlly occaslo g rel'eal1n oude, ;::uard·b of We u~unlly consIde r our best frlendll " I ollly go t n gllmpr;!! o f Ihum OUI Hamlin ~al d01l'1l o n tb o Iron bE'd e oC R pass ing se nti · KI I,' nce. endeavo ring to those who treat UII best. Itw IIH I~II or my cye , bu t I reckon they Ih p. blnck ~ lIl1ouett hy r.ed ·,Ia lle the !llIe uce, ell· Some persoos think coffee a r eal wns of the klntry sO llth of Ih e Arkn n· nl'1.· ["0'" noi,ws bro coll o.:L hl~ thought s. The 'H!a l'l'lIl SODlIl ,\Is ta ut DIU· f o ns rai st (t Lh ~t l\e frlond, but wstch II cal'efull y awhile ." "AI', a long the Ca nadltllt IoI UlUIll, IAa nln g 011 hIs gun. watch"" A Soluble Antiseptic Powder It "o lcI' far a"'n~' alld observe tbat It Is one of tbe Hamlin sat clow n btlHld e hln" ~tnrl(Jg Rlc:.1 IlIstrmn f' nt . And carl't:ull y. remedy for mucou\ m Embran e 'at· a all awoke e h Once lgbt. stabs It good·n sayIn g meaoes t of all ene mies, tor ITO DE ~ON~XNUED. ) across tbe big !'Oom. , lIuch as sore thrDat, nasal 01 fectlons of call tho W n one while professi ng frIendsh ip. "Then It'a Bluck K e tt le; his bAlid Is from rever y to li s te , InOamm at\on or ulcera, catarrh pelvlo to t pos rrom Cotfee contaIns a polsono ul drug- tlon, caused hy female 1Il11? WomeD 81 an Animal. ,Iown on the W us hl ta," lo t! a unou nced. th e guards, 06 It echoed Sponge post, cPD..!InJ; ....·ltb "A ll \'l' c ll, Number " I hope II's tru e." N'll Lh ing l!i lesB Ilks a IIvlug crrroa ca rrelne-w hlch Injures tbe dtlllcate wbo have been curell say "It III wortb th o s~ble.,. "They'r e arrallgl n ' a u~ply depo ts, Nloe," far out beyond ture Iha ll tbe common bnlh BPOD§" nervous tiyetom and frequ e ntly sots Ita weight In gold ," Dissolv e In watol years the 1'he fam lll:lr £otmd served to reeall anyh ow; six com"anl ~s of Infa ntry lIrB yet the fuct r emaIns Ihat BlloDgea do up dlsea8e In anI) or more org ana of and IIpply locally, For ten e Co, h81 ition. biB pos LydIa E, Plnkbam Medloln I\lonum ent Cre ek, nnd li ve U'OOIIS hIm to tb e reality of I mpo rtnnt species of tb, Lbe body, It Its use Is porsl ll te d In, ( 1) very a form theIr private "'\aat bus iness 'T bad beart palpitat ion nnd nerv- l'eQomm eruled Pu.tlne In or cavalry OD tlt e Korth ('ull/ldla n \Vbllt WIlS tho use? animal k Ingdom, eating their food For montll R now corresp ondence with women, doctor the all, and .. years mueh four tor lives theIr ousness ,,'Toady . Wagon train s bn vo ·bee n ha d he to dn'lI m? living anti For all bygle lllo and toilet uBe.1t hal gIrl's fa ce be rorr haulln' supplies . Th (: r e'~ some etHt be hUll kept th nt told mo tbe trouble was cnuBed by no eQulIl, Only 60c Ii larce box at Drull' other uollDlll would do. It hal" of hours ng fow a of ' ShrInki memm':In Woman a him, d I or orr, It es, Reveale nl leave spong. uno\\, to worl. a b l.'ad wh e n the corree, He ad\'laed me . Tbe actual e xlstoDce of a ,llIta or lIent potltpal d 011 receipt of plnes8 1\' h ~ lI he had lookod Into her ADalnet the Yo:llow Stone Wall, iniss my guess," commen ce8 wilh tbe separat ion frolll but I thought J could not," wcltes a lIrice. The Puton Tolle' Co" Bo&ton, uOI pleus r e b E'ud h lind IIl1mlln Eat s llell\., thinking , aud tho darll eycs parent or n tloy partiele . Tbil Wis. Indy. MML Lhe fi rst he had tOl1g:,,..; t ,t lI,em 6 U(l~ 80 h im gullLY the h:ont smoked qui e tly, ~cc a !; lon n lly BPE' rc h, YI'L ('rom , whirling tbrough space, event "On the advice of & rrl e nd J trIed part.lc1e blleb ests could he ng; pl b He lilt' t Imc nil. It ror or llshlless o fo e Ih known l, a Fin , on 01 lluui not COnl dId I';I01nclllg towllrd his PostUIJI and It s o saUsfted me I ually attachc s Itself to II piece r, a nd coulu U(! \'('f innocen ce ens ily " nough wh e n It came I" he spolle ngH ln, hlH voice bore ly wa s nothIng to he !lashed Toelt, and trom Ibat time It Bileu Itl care tor cbftee atter II few days' trIal s tbought beRo T 11'1:11. tt) cleared be If \'en ~ ' g. becomo <lnylhin ",((lIble. liveliho od. ot Postum , I>te ppod out or til(' l hrous h hI s mind flwtrtly; th E'n the own, the very com mencem ent, ",'t.ll "Tbat little g Irl you 8"ut In .... Ith us hIs pasl r~cord and At "As weeks ",'ent b y Ilnd I continu ed hIs In glellmed lantern tllIl of ranks Inlo hIs old socl... 1 11081110n, thn II g l,l family Bponge the of Is h pr yet.," I!lleclea some use P08tUln my weight Increase d '.0 rell tc c1us s ~ c ta never O\'I! I·' r'Y05 , !lud he !!aw tb e tile baby sponges feed upon yolk cell. from 98 to 118 pounds, and the beart The Scrgean t \\'I\t; cOllsclo us th lll hIli chances we re she would !lolll. n ratitude g r He n. bee d tored rood supplies . By trouble left me. I bave used It a year t h e k8 flamed, bUL bo uevpr looked look what he ba "All rig hI, i\Japrs," con,mon tle d the In whIch are s meanl little , nor he r \las sIng Int eres l the youngs ter develop ., thl now and am strouge r than I ever wal, as and-by, u 1'. fellow e Ih t "Le 11;;1It. tbl! wilb In bls nrnw r.d ree r, All tbat wae th e Illan cu rren ts In tho water sweep Into I t can hURtle up stairs wltbout any " Yes, I Eaw h e r ns we cume in ." hnvln g 8a\'ed hc! r nI' unl II I ge t a 'Iook ut him. Who the kInd ot bag the minute parHcle l 01 h eart palpItat ion, and I am free from " Slte's nsked \D O nboul you o noe or nalural rell:llt of his no egotislU whIch holl a,.c you~" and the samE> current ! nervous ness . twice; do n't seem lo forg~t whaL you life. He (lOsse8sell "SOl' gl'll nL Htlmlln , Sev e nth Cay· food reqUire d, 1Jc rm ltle d '111m w lblnk otherwi se. undiges ted malter. ott carry did ror her." "My ch ildren are very fond ot Postiry." a to Yoa rs or discipli ne had drilled lo varietie s of 8ponge. um and It agrees \\'lth th em, My sister "Sor l'Y to h es r tllll l." d If it a In't. Say, what dohs' . 1'her e are many "I)sn.f' ble Impassn e th at lSll1'8S consCiOl a blm bl! " No, yer not; couldn ' l 110 UUlD IIhot! round at tlllforen t le ve ls of tbe ocea", liked It when ehe drnnk It lit my honee ; prIvate and Lhe om· all l his Ul f'an. a nyhollo'? Wlto's othe!"ll t.t fiorry to have a girl like l hat Luke on g ull lJe twce l~ tba ~y somo cllllglng to rocb, obody. som ovel', 'Jody no\\' s h e bas Poslum at hom e and has lho urD T be might latter In terest In bhn. "!'::tln't in bu,nan .D(l· C('r'R daughte r, Tbe mud. s!" Ga!!klll ulellunL It's beco me " e l'yfoocl ot It. You may USD Ood! grated, c\'en lure. Wbat did yer t,,11 he r nbuut me?" ~ourt(ous, kiridl y illsPOR(t my name It ,. you wish, as I am not d of praIsIng my b cst trlen\!ashame ,1b, ' . nothing and t1l1ngtl 18 do ubtless to be m eant all 8lones tbese or ." Name given hy Pustum Co" Poatum single A tbe word "se!t .STONES THAT SEEK COMPANY Dest, found' III lbe mttteria l ot whlc b tl:!I'Y punste r IIbould watcb Battle Creek, Mlell, dlstaoce ot 3% sevent~ ·nenrly d achlsve hne , whIch are com poaed , which appear8 1.0 be Pos tnm now comes In new concencol umn. ' In tbe new ED.gUsh dlctlQD pec:ull~rlty of Small Rock. of Nevld~ loadston e' or magnet lo Iron O:" caUed In.tant ~o.tum • .' trated ary. . It 18 a BIDB;1l word; bu~ ItII meaJlo DraWl Them Togcth er •• lug" arc ,!Im08t unl ~OlItetl . . You IlhOu\~ ,. .-bleh yO\ on . the ' to

pla n


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,· tnIP r f' ti lolng


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Constipation Vanislies Forever




an Saskatchew Your







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a's eftoilgb to c!ls('ouragr. tl"fTlpe raDCe uuvocat os ",hen m one y ge ts tl ghl.




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~~I.A1f ~.iT"AB~~ ~(;P..II:£S \.~

KNl CTos. 110.11 lillie wl1: '''1, h ,j"u iJlo'" ciu llo •• e • • ny o l ll..,. . Duu ' , !JUl yuur UlUntly IULO otber. Allv .


S tll ' ra from th e l ; nlt e d Kingdom Al1 r\\'aY~ II: r;;-;~;~;'J-:-ll c vc r \\ :1" lIud o th e r count ri es or I';urope lande d Inten'H t'~d In lh e 1Il0 ~B t r uRl. SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, In Wlnlllp<-g la ,;l Wc,· k at Ih " rat e or I POOR APPETITK. CONSTIPATION, one thou6uud a da y . Tb e prc d lctl' d I Mr•. WI". I" .. ·• Soolb ' n.c S,-rup for CbUd..- LIV ER COMPLAlNT, BILIOUS NESS


~TRr.NGTl1 o.f ARllI

bOOtH tn th e po pulatlll g o r tb e prairlo


"relh lull ,

ft(J tt,f'nM

t he gunJ" , r .-. lu,.". l DUaIlHU. - I


pro\'ln(' '' ~

Ihl H s pr lll!; has III llt(' r lal 'l tJuu.uJ l"Y ·II·I".cur"" wtu,jr.ollc.llb<> .. b,.. ~ WAR rOOTING Iz ed. IlII It did las t ),(·ar. and todny thp. . . I bu pl" Hl ..II~· III Am,-rka I ~ probablr \"' hnl ~( "" n 10ikH nee d Is a rooll'r(w r tb e ~11I1I11,.,ba IIl l' U·opolili. I \lilY elln·lo \l o th at cau 't UIJcneo.l FOR S~ALDING SENSATION PEACt rO OTiNG IN EYES AND ALL FORMS OF' IN ' 1 111 ltl ' )' ge l horue TL I' ~ Iurd y lIa l IOll~ or J·. urope ore ' . FLAMMATIONOF EYESOR EYELID8 all " o ntr lh \lli ng t o the rapid g rowIh 1 - -- -- -or ('allaua \\', ·s t. Two or t h o Inr ~ps t r O ll lill!; (' nt ~1 « 'ac h ing Wlnnlpp.g la s t , w f'K \l1' n' rro m U"rmany Ilnd :3CIIIl' d illil \'la Tllfl Hr lliF h l air s are sendi ng out lar~(' r COO tl ll ~ (, lItl! than el'l'r b ...ror Th n old la nu neWR IJIlpe r S arc fill ed wil lt ~ " C( ' l l\ il H of B~n cl ·o 1T s a nd t'arow " lJ ~ be ll! g "Iven to popular towns· rolk 0 11 I he cn, o r d e part ur e f or Call' ad a . !\lI1n c rou!4 1',lItorls ls r ecord thl' s ('n· Ilii llJ( s l1ul HI all lJI i lil an i ll tlu·lr IlU ' I NC REA SE FOR ARMIE S A ND NAVI ES C O MBINEO. tlna·nt s. hor(lr' du g n n de"pn lr. of lh o III ...... hll UI;I , 11 1101, ·1' tht· Jllri ~ 'l ktloli or 1>'; l i' " " '1',1 'R r l l(l1I ~ wh o ~ .. P th" lr town s 8THI vII· 1,·1\ I·: ,. " ~ H 1:11 1 T lOl l.! I,,' Ih nt d t'pH r lll ll ' Jlt :al(f'~ d"Nolnt"1I by tT lt' d" sl' rtl o l1 o r I I \' j ' r : ",\1. ,I,., Y " ilr~ Thj: .- UUh (.'UI T I'(" Ion IIIU ~ t lJt:.' tJ o r u e "'WH r lrl Jl u n~ . l f· ) , .:,; l ' :: ," ht ,.1. 11": 1. " 51:," C L nl ~ 1 J2,(,.. , ,:. Ih ,t._ 1 $ ... : :.: II J"I{I In''orl l,, SO li N and Iiallghters . \\' e csn $ '.:l.h('~. '''1(J F r :.rlt t' :". , . . . , t il 11111,,1 \\ h"11 ,·u l" ic.lerl " l: III .. fu lluw . :U .~ 'I" 111- 1 ' ''", 401 ' I... 1 1. 7 ' ; ~ ,lA.lfJ f:, ·';l~. '; 4 d.')I . , lIyml"tt hlzo wllh th o~e le tt beblnd I i ,... r Il IJl II\' 1 H . ~ : ! 4 HI • • _" :, , : " I ,' " - I :.' t;,.:":;; .!K I ' ~. I~~; . ~4:' . UI•• ) : ~ I" H'~ , I,II " IlIg tal.>I (·. ", h il 'lI ~ h o w ~ 1111' prupo l'Il OI1 wbll ,· rpll('ilaling th ~ young JlPople Crl'H t 1;l'It :&l" .. I." , :.'~,,, l o w. I :,; .~: :J I", H :" 11.1 . '~ "1 34 1. \ :'-1 ' \ ~ Itl I;.: ~U.. :'-SIJ,UI.I :!'I :,,:";·I ,U. ' " r 1I II1 IIa.·)' {' h :t TJ; " ~ 10 total !;u\,l'rn· "'ho h ll l' e th !'lr own way to mak e In lt llj ,. ~ \ : 'l. + . ·~ IH " I .:-;~ ," " 1 ~ " , l i: ' i.(luu _', H [" rd:,. I~~ ;I.~" . pw Hu ..... !u . . .. 1I\{'1\l (·x pt·l\ d ltuT(·ij . Fur II "~ )',·u r. rur th e world . o n Ihl'l r n e w oppo rtuniti es J" l, "" I .• ~, l l:, .:!t ,l!j ••, !\} ~"' I~. , " II . •,. .) :U!·, ~:\ ',V l\ ' :': 1&. · !4.\~.1 .+.ti.:d ,C,:, .\ -)1 l ' , n h· ,1 ~ L'\(' " :, I.t~ .t 11\1 ' \#I; :.,,~ . ( . tll I~ , : :;-"I .' I :! Itro.:l l'MI .'OJ :t, ' 1~l ti . ... : U,'. ~ I :::;I, .:I::u."J ' ·XUII ,!" " . ,,1"' 1l tl ,,· \'I.! WUti ulluthel' lJlI In I hI' ('o ll n try o r mnmmoth crope. li o n <\u ll ar ' · Ol\lI r "~h. thp 10 Iai appr oT u l ul!'l S(·" tlHlld: lost 6.000 ot hAr b est 1\ vVorth mountains of gold," says one woman. Another prlRIlons pro p!! l'l y ..,hllr",·abll' In Ihn hloo d unn bmwlI In a Bingle wee k thl R t · '( r I II oj t n ~ t h(> JIlatnt e n U IH · t~ of urll ll' u I ll' ac ~. ;lr IC says, "I would not give Lydia E_ Pinkham's Vegetable mO ll lh :"io wnnller th e young. a~Jllr· l ' n1\,~ d ~thl l ' aJl~ $~~ 1,3S:l .0vu. OUl of IUl u\ uppropr in.' Ing R(' ots take 80 Quickly to CanudR. Compound for all the other f!1edicines for women in the ,Jreut Hr ll :il n '4 ~i, I " I , .j( _ 1 ~~'(\ . I\ :':.'II () ' : 'il~ , ·' n ·, . I ~"J I I r l :, n!A. \ ~"" Slj:I"...... "':! ,O'..A~ f,::I ," J,()t;..:,, 'JOL) $ 1.0\IH.li4 j .UOH. Tb ey ha \'(~ bee n r e adl UK of tbo triti o II >I alll o un \I ng t o world." Still another writes. "I should like to have the i.i... _ 11 F. <:0"1 ul 1\ ~I ltill e " 111' I~ I l o ~ho w jltHt "Itat till s "I1~ l R ll in r "p re' Thu ~ Ih e 101,,1 " xV"1\,1I1 111'e t! fur 1Il11l - umph s nnd wond e r working of Scotmerits of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound thrown iP"'" ~ o lll y I' lJlI:th'd lt y Ihe HI' IlI ... ti ufll(' c It to say lhat II I ~ a bll· t lt r)' IJu rp" ~"8 ar .. otll), ulJuu t ~I pe r ti s h pion eers In th t' Dominion eve r pr l,·(' lit " wor ld I'u )'~ ror 11 0 11 " o ll :lr~ Ili a I'(' thtm 11ll' (, lit Ire l'('1\ I. U\'(!II I houg h llw tlu ('IPl'USl'l! sIJl ~" th ey were " bairn s ." A g rl'at on the sky with a searchl ight so that all suffering women could po·.. e(·. Wltll e Ih e ,vorld I " IO II P), wea llh at th e t'lli l ed Su.tes hili' '' IIICfpa .. ,,<I III Ihp fe w )"'arK .. Ince parI nr C'nnadll's su('ce ss wus wrought read and be convinced that there a remedy for their ills." I. Y I U"~"I' ('(I l)y Iltp mI l gov I· rlllll .. III, re~l : r Yc. yec urlllc8 and till' IH' ,, ~e tiO(·\o' I." IIg ll r " ~ W " rOj cow · by ('ans(lIans rrom ('aJ pdonla . and tbe We could fill a newspaper ten times the sizo of this with such lIUO. lI unK puuro~ d 111 10 Ru(' h a ll . wh lc: h It i ~ go in g to lak e t we lll)' I\" ed : y Oll ll)!: (,ul e d o nlans of todny nre eager tations taken from the letters we haye received from g'mteful women "lruJ:"l e a~ IllI' pr pij~ 1I 1 or thlrl ." lIl e n III th e tj'(>a ~ lIr y de parl' to d emo n ~ tr a t e that th ey CRn do aa " ' t1 t'J" I )1" Il l--" Tn T ... ' . )l1LITAHY wbose health bas been restored ar;u sulfaring banished by Lyditl E. ('o lllilci III Ih ,· Ila lkan s . mcUl lhree o r ruul' w eek li 10 COUllt a~ }'H" well o ut wp. ~ t IlR th l'lr for ebears. , ' \1 A \t tl E": 'I'll '1'(,'1' ,\ t. 1'; :-; 1'1';:--; L) I· Pinkham's Ve~e table Comp01md. th u co»t or Iil lI ILrIll Pd a n hl ('ld"lI t o r th e cbung" of .. dlll iu· T I· HI·:S. In addition to tho Re from the old Why bas Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound accomplished pelll' 1) III a lllla lll" d lJy t h" ISIratloll . COllntl'leR. th e U nit ed States Rtlll such a universal success? Wby hl\s it lived and t.hrived and kept on Illtllo1l8 uot no w I'lIgu g( 'd In \\l1 r Is lI ol .\Ion' thuu t wo·lhlnb o f Ihls b 'IlI' IR "'lilY kl'eps up In a strenuous mQnn <l~. and doing its glorioU4 work among the sick women of the world for more 1.. · .. Rtup <" lld oU 8, (' xpe n de d by Gr cut 1Jrllaiu and th e ' ·oun t ry . " "I'''lIdi ~url ' \OI Itlll l l la \ ' Y I' d .• Is s('D(l ln g Ita thoulJI\n (ls Into that new AlI ~ lr' u ' than 30 years? :\I' ,'(' r b .. r" n - dill .h l: It · ttll< ' r ~ at lIalion s u r th c Europ !'U II conllnpnt. Il uno:al')' . S b9~. r.;.'i. ()'I '.~H .()(" ~ 8 counlry 01' tho north . Th ey tak e up Simply and 8urely because of its 8t~rling worth. The reason no I" 'UCI' H() c i " tl,' ~ III a ll ~o untrl, ' s hUl' e ':'I1 " xi co :lull th e ellli cs o f South Am e rl . Fm ll ' " .. .. . " . ~;;. ~~'~."'J ~;".H I ,.(JOIJ J0 9 the free homp.8 teads of 160 ncrt>s on other medicine bas ever approached ilK success is pln.in1~ and simti ll c h II 11111 ' l'Iu l ttr gu me nt ll t o dlJ'pc l ,·s lUak(' up 11 ijcanl $I0&. OO(l.OOO. while G," " ,un y ;a l. ::,~.(· \(1 ~ I >.H6.0\··' 435 which they IInl for nh: montbs or I b t l '" S L;' •· .. l Hrl l"I" . ....; " " (,.1 ~1.K2U. O<k\ 3-1 .3 ply because there is no other medicine 80 good for women 8 ills. "R" ns t L· fI 1(0" ' flllIlCnt tl n, ~ " o n ~l bl c 1 lC v nlt ",d tates. Japan and Briti s h It hl)' ...... '... [.;~I: &!I(. : ('I() 1:tO.G'iG.OOu ~ Il eneh y ear tor three yeRra. I/.nd then Here are two letters that just to the writer's desk-only two fur Ih e arlll ed cum l'lI o r t ho 11'0 rid . India tl pc lld th e r esl. On th e olhe r .Ia " "n ......... ~M .(i;~ .I ...J 9~.(j() I . I\I () :J:lr. ge t a d e!! /! or pate nt for a rarm that of thousands, but both tell a comforting story to every suffering wo'I'h .. lIallun t! for(,lllo~ t In th e ir pre llura. ! hand. laklnl( Ih(' t e n lead illg' nutlons H ... . I" ........ 1. :\6(,'.O;~ .( .l() 31 9.i7U.OOO:."J & Is worth anywhere rrom $15 to 120 man who will reoo them-and be guided by them. Ilull l! for lI' a r huv f' recei ve d nl' w Iw ' , o r th e wurld. th c lr expe nditure!! for ~'p" ln .. .. . ... . ~~ .r,~li. <>"VJ ".M;.OOO 22.9 per a c re. ()r. tb ey may purchase landS FROM MRS, D. H. BR0:WN. MRS. WILLIAMS 8AYS t petuB [rOIl I tht! Balkan cO llnl c t. and nrml (!s uud IlBvl e s and In('ldt'nlals ot I t·~r~.n: .: :: : : :: : :~: :~~:: ~;:~= !~:: at from U6 to $1 8 per ncre that wtll urI' In c r eltsln g th e u lready hu ~p eI · mllltllry p r~ pllratlon R equul alUlolIl lb e I ---- - --Elkhart, Iud. -" I su1!ered for a l ola, R&n811.L-"During theCbango yield v:lth proper care In eulttvatlon. ""lldlture!! fur ualll cM hlps. armlell a ud grand total. Au s lrla. Hungn ry. ~~ran ce. 'I'.,'nlo $j;.ti ; 4.4e . Of'o 'I.~~I . ~ . OOO :ro.O excellent :retnrns for the tim e. work :'Venrs from organlclDfiammaUon. fe· of Life I waa sick for t.wo years. Bemt>le weakne.s. pain and irregularifON! I your medicine I coold lll uoltlOI\ ~ or war t; " rmuuy, Un' nl Britain . Italy. JlIPUIi . Son . mllitar~· appropr lali o nR slld pe n· and monelr expended.-A dvertlee ment. ties. 'l'he palns In my aide. were not ooar the weigbt of my clothes NI" '('r h..rur t' h"" th e wurld 6cen ftu Hs la. 81,aln. Turke ), aud Ih e l Julted 8~o n aIJprOprlall o ll s ha " C' lncr e a~ed increased h y walking or standing on and ""lUI bloated very badly. 1 doc· Its Origin. ahylhlng Ilk ,· Ih,· ~n' s .. nl Rltuallon . Slaley s pe nd tugelh e r ea c h )' I'a r Ilt more rapldl) thltn tb,' mllllnry bllis. my fe et and I had such awful bearing tored with ' three doctors but they Mi ss E It, le Oe Wolre. Is une of the ";x tra IR xllI 'on ill t ;<!rrll lt ny . h lcr cabe leosl $1 .9 110.000.000. or I\ PlL rly tll'O IJII · I t'on s equ e nlly III th e labl \' nlJovo the down feelings, was depreued In did me no good. Tbey Mid nature "plrits and became thin and pnle II f th t' l'I 'b"rve" nlld le ngtb or IIIl1 itl1 ry I li or~8 or ,ll)lIl1rs . I pe r ce nta ge UCCJ't'dltt'd to tb e t lnit ed rl!c!! IJtl o u·room a or lh e l'o lony c lub. mllllt have ita wily. lIf~ sister ail· \'Vith dull, heny eyes. I bad aix vised me to tak e Lydia. E. Pinkham's ",·n k ... ill Fran et'. llIore Ihlln a qllar· I ~or th l'se t pli natl o ll8. whkh an' , ::>Iat('o iri lIIu ch l a o high . a~ Ih e fi gureH was lalklng about llJ e u p\\, BPfI' tl lll I ru 81. doctors from whom 1 received only V('getable C.ompound a nd I pu rchased ' t' r ? r " lJ Ull on Ilo ll ars for lJ a tll e" hlp ~ I!'adlng III til e race ror !(reall' r urllla · I will s hull' . temporary r ..lIef. I dechled to gil''' a boltle. Before it wu.s g o no tl", " It orlglnsl ed In Ih e Philippines." III ~_lIg l u llc.l . 10I:I' lh<!r ",lth a lJi g a lit · me llt s. ligures or {Jll e )'('ar nre ('c llp H(> u I l,ydia E. Pi"kllnm's Vegetable Combloating left me and I was· not 60 lay fu.' "lrRh lp" - Ih ".,,] ar!! l h e "f IllP' by thoop or we ' .'e dln g Ye ar s . so thot I H o\\' lh psp wnr l'xpen dlturPH . or shp s aid. " amollg Ih e army senu nlS nth .. r px pt' lId lt lI r ..s to prel'l' Ul war llll lh ' r o. It trav ele d wen 10 HOllolul,u . pound a fuir trinl and also the Sanir.ore. 1 continued f,IIldng it until 1 • oms o r th .. wa r r"\'I' r Ihu l ho ld y Ell ' t 11'0 blill u nH 0 r d o ll a r!; prolJulJl~' by • . . I tive WI1:lh. I ll ave now need the had taken 12 boltles. Now 1 am ru l' '' 10 Its g rIp Ihltl time rp"reee nt H th !' Hu m tOlul o r 1 th (' y a,'p tl.'rn H'd by those rt!S I,oll ~lb e It Is now BlJreadlng. th e y Hay, on 10 rpmedies for four months and cannot stronger than I b een for yearm th' .I III . 1 ror lb e m . hal' e mouul~ d 10 s u ch Ire· Sa n Frall c: ls eo. . h.v e ll th .. IIIO Ht " nthu s laNIi(' u<, lI e \' c r • a tlllua III tUr) uills which th e b e xpress my thanks for what thry nnd ('an do all mv worle. even the . 'I ' r I ' w"lIdoU H tlgur ps. Is ~ lIo w n b\' t e "This coming IruulJl e r <' lI1intl s rue ha..e done for mo.-Mrs. SA.DrE Wit .· w3.lihinl!'_ Your medicin e is worth 1\ , III"UrOIl" " hej!rudgcs Ih l' mon ey PlOP ( 0 t lOSt' co nntrl es mU ll l JlUY· I lalJl e gl\'h,g Ill e ('os t of I IJe \\'0 - 1' Id ' " oC " sto/'),. LU, '!I!,.~~ ,J amc a II " r<, Is tie I Its weight in gold . 1 cltnnot prni "o \laid out 1\' pn'lIIlum B ro r whIch he Itl bl e ro r th e ~O li t o f ' '1 arlllipti IIlId na vie s ror Ipil )'eurK . .. I Street, Elkhart., " ' Who o rlgln a led th e pro\' I' rlJ a bo ll t it enough. If more w o me n wo uld g .. t ~ IJra{' l io'ulll' 11\1 relurn .;0 10llg as ILrtllll H all ( lIa\ (' ~ to Ih l'Be' 11' 11 lJ:idialla, take your m euicine tb<'re would be 1111 I(U I!' w o> lI . lti Il r.nT ,,- oll de r IlI l' lI tlO n6. C' Otllp ll l.' d f. oll1 Ih ,' lalo 'st Iigltrt'S In lh o> la Hl g,·n"I·(lIlon . -I h e l o tul ~ fo r a roiling s ton e gntllprlllg ItU m OS8 .~ . more he althy women. Yo u mny use I 1111 r h ' I "I'ulhbl.· · 1'3(' h nulio ll mOllnl 11110 th e ~IJllolI s onl3 JIl ll n a s ked allOI hpr. t I~n III!,!' '' I • go·.... nt'd a I OV .'I· , . s in c e I S8 1. this letter for tho g ood of othpr~. ""The oth e r nlan quit·tly rl'pll ed : th,' world :11', ' fJrol" ~U llg a ga ill s t Ih p 1 Mrs. D.Il_ BUOWN, BOD North Walnut. " ·Thal . my de ar rell o \\,. Itl Il Qu ola · tr~ m etl \lt' u ~ Il.S SeB~ml' nt H m a d!' llj'OIl ,"'."rI' I"" ,\ lI M IJ :,.. .\:"1' "\\'1' :"; I Thou g h l "'~ CnltptJ SIall's h o ld ~ Street, loIn., Ran. tlon from an c lotluc' nt bUl "aln apPf'al \I\{.' m lJy II1l'i r gO "C'rn m l'n tH lo pa y Lh " 1 J.: xp"n,I.',j 1-:,,,,.,,, •.,, 1 n,/;;;:::.Iv fau n h plu c'>. a('co nJ IIII( to th eRe tlg · WritctOLYDIA E.PISKJJAM HEDlCI'NL'CO. t ' o~ t o f In NUraUl"f ' al!'att~s t wur ? t ' Ol1 u t f' r",.. urll)' ttJr f a , ) - I h llf),,:l'. UI'e8, In Unl OUlit at l.' xp endHur ('s for 10 a 8uburbau coo k 10 slay ('11 one (CON.'IDENTIAL) I.YNN, MASS·iforadVI..~ monlh more." Tll oBC II'h o a !.l'· o (~nI C Ih e 1)\,es('I1I I ·,,,· trI3 . _, , _ . lI'ur pl'l'paralloll>l. It Is I'"all ), fll r beour letter will b(~ opllne-d, )'C'ucl on( Bnllwered • 1I 1J1I ,,",ul' \' .S, .. ,.'1:l .((iI 1 11 3 -"11'0 \ $.'1 , '''H {)(\) 1 1 d it ' 1 Ige d b ' ' u lt '1'1, United by 0, womo,n and held in 8tn'(!t confidence. "lIo rmou s II ltd o nlluaJl I' 111 "1' '/lal n /( ,'x ", ,,,,,, ,. ~ .. l ~-; 6:r~ . '''''J ~3: ~~r.:0<" ~;u: ~'< uoJJ II . J " .. ) r t! s ~. IC .. ---RASH SPREAD TO ARMS p"nd IUI\"'" fo r armlllll (' ot :In s lI' e l' thltt l ' ~"ron " ")' . ~'.(:.9.IS .' '''' ' 111 .r.,-,,-,, .. ~ 1~. 4~U.OO<) ::;Iul eH. go,e'"I1l(>nt . pa) 8 . hlgh.e r f~r IPink Eye. Eptaootlo Ih l' Y I1rf' full y jUH lll ' (1 Ir Ih ev He n e ', ro ·,,1 B r it n . I31'.".'.' ..... ~i\3 ."~(). 00() .,11 .. ~n. OOO pt p. plltallon rOr \\ liI IItIlIl no ) oth e r I CCl'<,t.l!...!.!.l~ .~, Shlpplnll Fever For ' 1 I I I' IJ tt 11 ,, 1\, .. . .. .. . ~ t. 1I3.1 .. 'v\ :tJ .•rI:l.o);1 1 ~., . ~~r.. t(l<' 1 [(ntl ol1 III th e world . It pays Its 1101· 759 Roach Ave., Ind lnnapol!e. Ind.- , & Catarrhal Fever to k' t' t- p tl I . ! D. 'ace . \\ 1 (' 1 t3 ~ £l r . , .f a p u" . 4:J . Htr. .l .... 4a , -I ltf.. IIOI) ~ 1 :!.(jnt.I "'(l I . '"" . • • Ih )' ask of Ihl' "i8arll"\CIl!~ lIl lu.II'o. I ItIl ""I" .... . ~.;;•.q~ .t'~' 5ll ~' .(lI'o ' Wl. ; ;'I.Oo" di e t s .nnd Nullors hl g h pr \\Ages. Ihl'lr "At first I noticed omall eruptIons cn I {'aleD . ta,l; eB for ul'nHlm e nl o r Ih(-' I \Jnln . " .. 3~ "! I. OO" I:' G~'i.\~'\ 51.31;; 0,1/\ I rood IS be lt e r. a nd ('oRls much more my face_ 'fh~ trouble began as a I"I\sh. : t t1\ . lIot ' R 1 \'06 1 <' It ,. ul d T,,,·kpy. 4 ~.U;I . ' ''' ' ~ ~:·:I.I'X' 1' ,:!,t.I. " " I lha ll Ihut o r rorel g n so ld l,' rt! nnd IJlu ,,· It looked like red pimples. In a tew I k ~~ , 0 > .c . nil I . . ',. ~ r. ' I II . S ... . ... .. lG~ .3r.7. U\l1l I ~U. 7~~1. lMI !';.iluv Ja('k"t ~ : Ilwlr (lathing Is more e I ' 4ays they spread to my arms and back. I t', II II H • xbt c ll c r>. tJ~ f) .• IIOSII,!' C to at· 1 - - -- . - . - - IU (' k t hrou g h unprr' plt l'c dlIf' 6~ fo r wIII' 7 T., ,,,,. 1.241 ."'3.'(10) 6!l~. J"'. '''''' I.D:t~ .~~;.OuI' PPll s l" c: , Ih .. Am c r lc~n gOl'ernment They Itc hed and bttrned so bndTy that I Wh lc lt I ~ prd,' robll'. It di\' ,]fsIO Il or I . , ; Illus t PU) mu c h highI'I prices for bal · I scratched them and or course the r&- I . _ purt of till! nallo nnl r (' l' t'lI lI (' tI I" pay I I hOllgh t1,,·s ,· ligures III'I' Illitloubt· tl eshlp s . guns and all munitions lind Bult was b l ood and matter. Tbe eruP- 1 for arml pH and wnr s hlpR. or th e d l'. I c tll )' PI'CS,,"tfOd by th e lienee IId 'w cntc " Ulat e rlal~ or \\'ar. COlJseQuen ti y . with tlons festered, broke, opened aDd c2rled ti tru ctto n (If prop(' rtr alld Ih" toij S of ' III nil good ralth th e)' arc. a little III Is· ou e at th e blggp ~t military bills to up, leavlns; the akin dry and scaly. I life Ine"ltabl c It \;'ur s ho llin cOlli e ' I"ndlng I1B far at! th e l'nll ed .Stales toot. th e Unlled States r eslly haR lese spent many sleepless nights. my back. UPOll the UIlIJrc pur ed '! (· c l'l 'lll1ly. th e (,x l)en dll l:r.~.s arc co n(' e rn ed . '1 he 10' to s how thllu thlH ot IIny counlry pe r arml and face burning and Itcbln,; fllct tba t within IItU Il tII O" , thun a I tul o r $2S. ,.000.000 cha rge.1 lO the doll ar e xpended. sleep wna purely and simply out ot ~h e graphic c harts abo" e ahow lhe the quelltlon_ The trouble allO caused )'!' Ilr th e W rId ha s Ree.Jl t 1\'(\ wurs In I \JIII.l e d ~:Hatcs (or the upk ee p or itK tht! M(>dl~r:iill!ai\"oes ttlr to re rul e , m llttar y I'sta blh;hm c nt. o n laud anti I mllttar y preparedu ess of nin e co un· dlsfigurem(!Dt. My olothlng irritated llie asserti o n of th,~ LJ eace !.\dl'ocates I ties IR too large by nhout $50.0011.000 trlt's : ~I e xl co. United States, roreat the breaking out. tho! war 18 at alo e nd uud :.rUllunent j lr e xpclIIll ture s ror ~ctu"l war pre pn· i llrilaill . .Inpan . Italy. AUBtrltl. France. "By this time I had Ulled Mveral th e retore u nnp.ceU9ury . rllll o n art' IIIl;atlt . '1 h e ~\l1II gll'('n In· , Germany and !lu lls la. As Is r eadily well-known remedies without succeu. "" onlj Id e r I til; I I10' rAI' t th UI r-h ey hold ('Iud es pxpPlldlttlre N ror ril'l' r Itnd hsr' I' s ee n . deNpite lht! millions It "pf>. ndK. o n The troubl'e continued. Then I began Low round-tnp summer excursion I\ ' ''rle f fo'r IhoRe in ra\'or or ~he aboll . ; bo r wurks . II'hl~h ure carrll'd on by the urmy. tb e lj nJtl'd StateI' Is 0 d "art to UBe tbe, slImpJe at Cutlcura Soap fares are in effect on certain dates lion of war prclJorutions. It Is not. thl! war tl " pRrIUlent. and for othl' r am on g military lIatlon ~. Bnd Ointment. Within seven or eight via Chicago and North Western utte r till. ~o s trang(~ thut IIlJurf!s of ~ day. I noUced grn.tlr)rlng reBult.. I Ry. to all important points West, purchased a tull-sh:ed oake ot Cut!· the cost or armed pI'a l'(: l)..· C IIlOSl North and Northwest. cura Soap and a bolt or Cutlcura Oint- : n"alln6Ie {H the I.H' adQIIIlrt Prtt of the mont and I:n about eighteen or twenty I pea ce 80cJ c 11CH. :-;ot thnl I he ,,'ur nnd . Splendidly equipped daily trains nll\,~' d e pllrtJJl"lIt~ at WlIshlllll t oll do ,1.,- .. -- --- daYI my cllre was complete." (Signed) I providing through service leave the not keep "are ful r('<'ord or 1l1!!lr own Scientlatl Have Arrived at the Con · to co-ollf'ru l,> bv a cti\' e ly rt'lax lng Ih ~ Miss Katherine McCalllllter. Apr. 12, new and palatial Passenger Ter\' ~ p e tldltlireH . nnd IIl slI keep la to uch elusion That Caresalng Stroke. whol .. part. ' 1912. minal,Chicago, at convenient hours. with what otlw l' n"lI(tn~ arc tlolng : . Will Co Much for Recovery . Th e Medical ItN'ord ri'mark s thot Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment Bold For rstes, reservation" Bnd full particulars hUI I h" nll' II In trlt s t,' d II'IIh t.h e re o I Ih t! underlyiug principi I.! of lh e tr eat· throughout. the world . Sample ot each . spply 10 you r nearest l;eke! agent or address "lJonsibllity o f \lr~pllrlng th e ~'nilQd Sun;t'O U6 are no\\' . e mploying map · lII e nt 18 that " movt'm e nl I~ Iit c." This free, with 32-p. Skin BoolI, Adc2rosl ! C. A. CAIRNS. Gen' P........ TI~IA,.. Ktal Cl! a~ul\lHI 11' 01' are m oro ('011' I .e ltrs I.~ aid th e m lJl h ealing 'rn ~ · , form or mll ~f;:Ig .. clltr(' r s fmm tll p. ordi poet-card "Cutlcura. De~ L, BOlton." CI.' J'llt.<.\ with what othtH' arm ed un ' lur~N . 1111' flr ~ 1 dl s tlu~IIIRlwd Hllr!;: 011 : lIary In tlmt the Intl e r n.i",~ III co m . A~ I 110118 ha l' '' th:lll wIth wh a t Il co s t ~ . 10 pracll ce III:lssng e 1\1 sitch Ctlse~ : puls loll. whl~ th l! r u t th.- bloun in ~I I To Strengthen Glassware . tb pol • 1'IH'r~to rc . II hu"' renlltln e lJ I: was t he (alllou :; Fre llrhtnan , !.lI ea , · . "I"un ·' II·r l·tlon ur 0 f HOln e tn OY P lnen t . • I'!<o ~. U Bo iling Il p iece of gla~ s \\'ar l' In a laTi;U l. y for til " pellc e ad \'ocn tp~ 10 1 (, hulIlp lo lllll e l'u. IIl1d his 1l1 ~clpl ".1 ha\" ~ . whil e tb t· Ill USK.a !:c ad,'o('al ,,<I b,· I.u· 126 W. JG<~."n 51.. Chic.,•• IlL " (1 l1atl~ lh" IIguf(·ti IIlId dl'l'" " lh e rn up de\,l' loJled Its liS" III IJlltll y IVII)' A. : (,1I8· (,hIlIllPi o llnit'rc att'~ I1IJlttl II F wl'llk ~olutloll of sail in wllter. Ilnd a~ IltIprest:! ve l y UH Ilos8ibll'. I .Inm es 'l c l~n C Il : ·p nrl. II PIlP;r.on th ~ . r e ll e x a c tion Ihro u g h tbl' n <, no\J' allowing it to cool graduall), will llIak e IIgurp.s nrc llllpre"HI\'p e nllu g h i s ubJ pct brIo.!' th e ;\hdll'lIl SotJP.ty C'r : s ysl e n, ollly 10 re~ I o re Ih t' lou e of th e It II' HS brittle. w!thollt any Illnoceni l y lut PIHlc,1 pud· 1,011(1011 11 fe l\' WI' pks ago. ttl .whl c h h'~ i l'as o' lIlotor ey,; terll . pi .... ··r .. ••... . ,~ DAISY FLY KIL LER t.rac\..e auc1 ~1I1. all dln l~ . To be~ ill wllh th ,:y pl' ('~ "nl th e d,' sr:rllJ ed Ihl' rnll :;:; a~<, os c:onslstil''' , ____ ._ __ _ I tu.. Neat, c ln,1I o r 4 Hlnp l!ndouB. Iu(~o mpr e h e n g lhlp SIIIlI or or s l",,·. light . rhythml !'al ""'o ltlng In Many Such Doves. nalnenwl. (""0 0' lolf!'O' chGAP L a.t a .11 $~ .% lI.\lO(\.tJ(lO a s Ih r> co mlJ in ('d Ullnual lh.' 1I<'lg hlJnJ'lI ooci or th e Ilijury . Ih ~ , " Lik,' Ih e <10"" III :--Iollh '~ Ark . which •••• oa . Made 0 1 "XI)O~nditur e of lilt Ilt P (' i"llI ze d nullons mov e me nt "<,iIlK ml'fI,l), /I " curUH"'" \l' I\S ollu'.I'l' d out a 1I111111>er ur Ilm e~ met.&l . ea.n ' t Ilplll o r tip OYer, will Dot loll o w OR fUI' ltl'l!lalll"'H~ in tllll " or pcac'·. Thi~ and alnll,"1 rell" mblln s a IIl l'slIle rl C . ilnd al\\'a~' H r l' turn('d. e xcepl a ll th(~ lDJure an1t b tDI(. "UlII IIlIm tllk f's 11 0 :Il'collnl of II... cost I'llss." lilt' a ctultl sit .. ()f th e injury ; "' 3. {lc·(' nKion. " \\' lIg th ' 1'\ o rth Loudoll I Outlr.o\eed a1f..,~t.l " • • All d ... lera orGI'I~m' of jluttlll (l: l<;lt'I'ol'" lilt It~ prf'N"lIl Will' I b ('ln~ "c:rUPUIOU Rly a\·oldc>d . It CC-l ' : tll ag IHII'<1 t l" H tl ll1Iil ... for nn I s lin~toll .~P"'" p,atd tor ' 1.00. 1 , aaaOLD 101l581. 110 Do£aIa. ..........Un. II . T. tootlnA' nr or thl' CO~ l or th l! r ecf' nl ~I Ht~ or Iwo e l e Il H'nt~ - l'a ~fi l\' c mo\'f'· . lIIall who d ese rl ed 111~ ft:utl ly. "W .. that it freed them from pam'ful'co.ltnll all or tlt t> !lreso> nt Turco· I ment nlld nc lll'e mOYt' llIe n l. \\: h cn \]a " " R 101 of III (llIr 1l1'1",:' said helped them over painful periods in llalkllll "",H. ' th e dost' of pasO " 'e 1ll0V<'ltll'lIt I~ h,·.. 111 0 C;lIardlon s' l'Ullr ' '·Jllalin:>. . Lon· Auld Natare ' their life-and saved them many a day One colild mak .. m all)' ('omparlsolJ S 1 ing 1;1\'I' n the Jlutl e nl IlIlIot h., llIall,· . 0\11" Til- Illt ~. MID and then, of anguish and m~ery. This tonic, in tuitll a gentlIJ liquid fonn, was devised over 40 :rears folf Hunt In Boston. wood c n Utile us lb ~' II'ttln dl't;w In ~u lound ell u l some or th e prices I''' Cl~ I1I ' cat.M:lrtic Dr. ago for the wonlanJy 8ystem, by R. V. The 'firs t wolf hunt Bos t on h n~ spell t h e so ulh sl ll ti OH. I If' wnO! Ih ~ firm Iy brou g ht nl Sothe bY·s. Londun. fo r Pierce'. Pl_ Pierce, M. D" and has been sold ever - " -- ---- . - -- - ---Iluce tb'~ Indians Ipfl town look place oDe 01T the train . Uas hln/O: Ihrough e:~rly manullcrlpts Alld rare prin t(·'d • b d . SL' RI,: DK.-\TII T() D1:DDLIOSI Se nd 10e to d tIl<' ~ tathon h e stampe ded a thorusan1 andPe1lee. tofte Since y ealers Jn medicine to the Conow lnlf add .... and will mnll yo .. ;\ 'or· books. In o ne o( th es e Ma lt's a \'tll· d' . be fit f th d mul .. NUIl,nn t • •1 '0 u'.rmlnl1t o b.d bu ... a reI" days a·g o along th e ral I rou banks of the Soutb Cove. Police re- hom e-going commuters. A cull to two gate Latin 1I1blo brought $0.000. It "p a71 .nvagorne 0 many ousan women. Thl. Co,mul .. Oo n bp nil"') "' Any drulf .'n.. serves and a score of rnllroad em · Ilollce slatlons brought It sQu,ad of was of the thirteenth century . lIIuml. ale liver Gild NOID-Ul/OGprt!kr-1/OG call obtain Dr. ~ '~D.e ~.>rmul~ cu:. B. 300. 8prtD.n.ld.O. lllo)'cs tool; part .1LI,d captured thl' 1 h navlly·nrrn e d . om.c ers . wbo, rl'lu· nfited manuscript 011 ve llum. III Gothic bowel<!I.. & "'"' Pin:Ite'. FtJDOrit. Prncrlp'wn tab/eta_at to . tamp tor C"""'ln~ln ofn . . r ItI..'O Qual'fY only atter he had become help· rorce d by ral!rond m e n. mad e .'l _prlr, le tters. -o\\.lth 140 fino small Inltlnl PI" Iflst whoe._ piOMrdnwgtal$l perboJi:. aJ.o I .. /iOe ...~ C .. 'ti'lb"tUlb~ut ~Iledilt:~ Jessly .confused III "hH . 1It't'\\'ork of on pr of th e lJeali! atter an hour s miniatures. The samc price was paid IFV for. Pto. trPCI~8 and switching wires III Ihe tul maneuvering. for . a I<~!'.en~h R1h1e~ flfteenth cehlury . • . . • •~ - '"-_.. _ •.tra.ln yard. .. ' . . . l\lallUBcrlptl.1l vc' -Ium. tIIumlnated wltb ' . . . _~. • , W • . N, U., .CINCINNATI, NO. 21-191;10





UI)' I


Women Are Constantly Beings_Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound.


a: I


, ,

e"",,· ..

ntl. ,









Spend! Your Summer

In The West t]!

H e Ip I n H eaI"log Fractures



--.- -








Chicago and North Western Railway


-_._------- --- -- - - - --




The women who have used Dr. PiercePs Favorite Prescription will tell you





· '· \ii·r~~.J ~·~~'i::~g~~~~;,,~~~~:"~. :X:~IJ: . l "1\:'" ) nn ' Ii "" . :;:j";:'!,', t " ;.fr '. .y~.


.~!~I~::.I~t~~e~~:~~~~:r!t · ~~o~~;:nl~~1

.Ev 11 t'hllt puthorllY ' 1:1" .,war ~. J . ~~ ..J? Is:. C:; r. Is Ii.· . I f}r~ In; gol.q ~ Ilne! ·t!010r8 .

(l ltl >\ \\'a,' (lUI , of :(\ .IJ!' lip , " ", . } .






. _,

~v.0~/i~oeN.' 1.1ampe"":; t::;;,


I '.p U T .N AM. F A ·D E L E 'S S


CoIor_,..-s.bristIter"'faIt.r~thaii_Gtbn'in." oMlOe ~c:oIona1itlllen. Tl\ft.d7-lBeaIa""'...r6.-".,tbe. 'Y_ e,uny CllJ1llCltt _~ rippiilc ~ Wn,U.Jrwltoclldlt..,-HoWloD1!t.bIea'lllldMlxCelcri. MONROe INtUG COM~ANY, o.s-.., ,



, .'










we· :.f"



'-.- --=-----',,:J Hen tion

\·:11 11<1 , ,.~

1\' I L I!OII I



~il'i•t P-;;;~~1 Me-;}tion . 1 _ ___________


}lIot ,·cti un !lh , ~


, ( · . l l il.


1'. 11l

Il o l g i\'c and co. t




rl~L\J: : ~;I l Jc

pri cl of




Splendid values in Brooms for




19 cents

Stone'sW rapped




Adds t he finish ing, satisfying touch to every meal.

, is l h ' g'II(',;t uf I'l'ia t il' es h l' re .

1'1 1 .\ 11' . and ~l r s , J . O . Cart ,

II'l' t ~ h t , Mond ay , J une ;! , a d a ug hter.

Ta vl or Bone w as ho i'll a t 'hel l,," vil k : India na, Fporua r y ~;)rd. IX4il. and moved wilh his pal'untd tu OhiO wh ile q u it e YO lln ll. lie d ied at l\li ilm i Vallf'.v 1f1,1\pita l. Dayton, Oh io, IIh lY :Wth . 1 ~1j:~ , af t"r fo ur days illness " f rJl1!'lIllJUlli a . lie had not been in th e best o f !tenlt h for some tim e , and his de<lt h w a" due to e xp us ur e during the fl ood at Day ton . He was a SO il of Mrs . Micha e l Liddy. uy f orm er rriagc t o J,! hn Bone. h iS co uwho ntry .dted I tlG2 whtle ;le r vl!1g'1

A nc·w st ock of Granite Ware just in. and see it-


Ho r n



19 cents

I~' ! ;:Ii~~ Zill .. (;,tht'fl~. of [J ay lon . iS I BOXWEL L ZOh l ;ENC-EMENT vi-<Illng f r ic'nd:l aruund Lytle . I 'I'll!' Ho:xwe ll comm encemen t will I Bank" i\1 1 ~'; h:a tIH~' n \la k in, of l [a nn ibal,' llt!l\l .. ld li t th e School Aud itorium , Nationa l !Ij'===Waynesville ',' .


Lot of Sixteen-ounce Mops for


$2.00 a Year





·SPECI J\ LS....

At Rogers~ Store


OIJt' o f om 1 <lXI':-- w:1I affonl whi ch

A SEVERE STORM . .Sunday at noon oecurre.1 a ter ri fic wm. Ilnd t hu nder stor m . T he stor m FI'I UIt.' , Fish nay. Wh ite'~ Sto r e' came up ~ud d enly, a nd fo r ha lf a n r.I' hou r the ra in came down. I ~ I.I mnt C'l'In u l' \\'~~ ill Cincin Lightni ng ran in tbe elCchange I 1n:.l j r ue. ,h y. ov c r a wi re and ~Qt fir e to the bui ld( I ing- but hy prompt wor k it wao; e xn; ~ (.11' ,r., ., . Wlllc' II:I~ :I !layton ti ng ui ~ h e d . i I·:,: .',j· .', ·. , c', ·" I I,ig h tnin g ~ truck t he barn of ~ ,. 'I f I 1 t - I ~ .~\ t'. ",'C ' .I·. al·l pll . ~ I)cn Oth o Hende rHon, south of tow n ' a nd , \ ' l' ... 1'1" '11"" " 1c! ('Hl ruycr! Iii,! ha rn a nd content>!. I.. . .J . . .C, . " • l'\H'rt! w as abu u t :!:, tuns ()f huy , b n'I !~n 'j't) .\ 11. and Mrs . Ed Cuo k. , II)ns I,a l.·d st ra w, cu lti vators , bind e r , ~b.y ::Oth , a J :t llghter. 1,'1 1'" ill th e barn , a ll of wh ic h we re ~ urnt'l i. T he lo&; wil l, be close to M r~ l. lna De-I' ll l v Isited fn ends ~4(1U, but th e co ntents we re fu lly in!,;ur Pd. In ~: pl' .llJ; tipld l :l"t week , +1 1

l\1 r;-;. Carnl inl' 1: ·,J.,;C' !'s and Mrs. l:ac hel I ,anc wur l' In town Thursd ay .. (':lr :oacl At la5 l '., r tlaml Cement a t \\'l:itl" _,

Way nesv ille , Ohio, Thu rsday evening , J Ull ' l ~ . Th erl,) will be t en ~radua te6. Come and help encourage t hese vo ung fo lks , hear a good ~ peec h and good m usic . Music by Springfi eld Ur checi t ra. ~ea l s on sal e on and after Satu rday , Ju ne 7th. Adm ission 25 cen ts. -


.. -

+- - -

Ca ll

Bluebell Cream Harvester a nd Engine.


lilt's . !) J) 1! 1'lms te tl (' r, of Lima , POULT RY ASSOCIATION EL ECT is ti ll' ~lIe ~t o f h pr pa r ents . Mr . and The Miami Val ley Pou lt r y AssociaMr,;. Chas . W,'rn tz. t ion me t Wednesday and held t he ir IIlr!';. Anna HradsLr ee t and tla ug h- clnn unl election. T he fo ll OWi ng offi cers we re el ec ted : t· er. ", ~Ie-II'It, , c) f AIe, ll a nd ri a , !l'p e nt Il(" 'ora ll o" I l ;IY here. A. C. Tom linson . Pres . R. E . Simkin s, Vice-P r es. Mr. a llti ;\'1r,.;. Ho race Wil son , of l.Il U S t. J ohn, Sec 'y. Sp ra ngliu r o, we rf' he r e Friday to at· C. W . Hender son, Aast. Sec'y, t(;ntl Memo r ial 'prv ice:> . 1\I rs. H. V. Smith, Treas.

He Wa:! highly esteemed by nIl who kn ew hilll . " Si lver Sli ce" - isn 't it nice? A loy al rnt'm bel' of tHe SOil S of Vcterm s and fai thf ul t o all th eil' Yon eat it once, you w an t it principuls a nd objec ts. t wice. At t he lime o f hi s <.l en th lit' WH:I an - - - .... - -em ploYl'l' of t he Merdlllltts Poli c I:uad th e l' uI.lic Aucti on no tice of at Day t (II 1. TOWN VS. COUNTR Y SOld b y , Wh ile n.)t fl llIr m')C r ': f nn v rh ll rc 1. r. 'lI1d Sale on page 8, C. G. Wi lli am· he was :t ('"di t'I" '!' t o( th .. l'rot<::. tu!ll , 0: 1 has the sale in hand . T he gam.e between the Town and Epi s c op ~.! ('lll, rl'i)' r-.1r :1m] i'.L·.i . Chns. Cornell a nd Country last F rid ay m orning was He leuI', fI hl'I) d:O ' I i!'!l l r~'''' lIIr ~. Gertrud e LIl ' h,"\' 'lr',l J " ~ ~t t' r: I,rw , ,. rathe r disa ppoin t ing to the fe w w ho 1 "11 · I" Ir . all tl i\lrs. L . A. Zim mer man er • Mr....' 1,"1 ..., JI " LI,tUl .. ,'\'1, ,1....' qn ..l ,,lt 1 one "ist -law it. T he g a me was much too two uro t h, rs , J,) IIII T . a l1 d E,l:l ll'o r tb Tt'\! ti l C in~lIIr.a ti T h uJ'!lday. pr ofessional to be good and it is t o Liddy to m ou ~n hi.oj ![)~S . Mr . :11,,1 1\:1'9 fll ilton Sheeh an , of be hop ed that the next game will be New Burlington t tl k n 11 rn~' f rl' l' nlJ~ Cenr en' ;U e . ~;'I en~ Ih!c'lration Day played wit h the original plavers , · I d eSlre 0 Hill . • , when ther e will be a great g ame. who assist ed rilE' Ju r; ll ~ my I;\[t'l Wi th :\. !' . a lJd .,'1 1':3. El mer Roger s . Russell Bollana and famil y, ebas. The score was 11 to 4 in favor of affl iction. .. I j ,l i.: s l-i:.aLher i nc Alc':..: and e r re- Town. P t erson and fa mily, We e Morrit! Mrs . ClI::abel h_ Mason . - -_-_ _ _ __ a .. _ _ _ a nd famil y , all af Dayton . s pent t u rn ed h '1m ~ 1\1011' lay t'vc!n ing- , a ft er MONEY RAISED FOR LIGHTS a few U,lY 'S vigit wit h r el a t ives in Decoration Da y with relat ives h ere OBlTU ;U~ Y Fra.nk Lesh er h 'lB been Blltfe r i n !; Da y ton, Dr . Isaac N . Seal was born in Clin , T he nec essary amount has b een w Ith rheumatism in his k nee. Miss Ol g a Tr m linson of Pendle ton. ra ised to ligh t Corwin avenue . The Several m embers of tho C. E. at, ton Cou nty, Ohio, October <!8, 1832 tond"d 'ho Yearl y Moetin g Rnll s In Departed t his life Ma y 13, 1913 aged Ind .• whl) has been the guest of Mr . commi ttee wish to thank those who 80 years 6 m onths a nd 15 days. W as A. C. Tumli nson and f ami ly left for donated and requ ~ t them to call on Wlhuingto D !:iu t u rl1IlY, Deoora fion D f\Y servi ceI' !leld t n uni ted in m a rriage t o Rebecca Lind· he r home Monday . :". C_ Care y , who will recei ve the mo ney do nated . As 800n as all the t he M. E. cb o l'oh J.' riutl y ••He l'n oon , say Aug ust 27 , 1857. To t his un ion Miss Rosie Davis en tert ained her m.oney is in t he ligh ts will be pla ced was hll'lhly appreoitltnd by rho Itnd · w ere horn six child ren , two of whom ienoe, ea!peoi tl ]J y tho pxocll nnt ad - Ida May a nd J a mes R. also t he moth· ne phews, Masters Cla r e nce and Ervin in posit ion - - --+-.- ---er have preceded him t o t he better Sm it h. of near Midd le Ru n , from d r aBS by R ev . 'I'lt.t!e. "r Day ton . Thursday u n ti l Sat urd ay, AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH BOltwl' U oOD'l m el1 CIDllnt of 8 prtnll worlJ , Those who survive him are Va lley 'rowut> hlp w ill uo h ~ l rI n ext Th om as A . o f Califo rn ia, Well s J . Ca r load of e xtra qu a lity Sa lt , Preaching next Sunday at 10:30, 8 1lot urdn y a fternuou In t he h a ll tlt an d Bra nson of Ma rion. John N. of jus t urrived. Will White, friends with subject "M~king I:3pring V l111ey . T hor a wi ll btl ele ven the N ational Sold iers H ome. He was ulI ite, l ag" i<1 in marriagf Ma mmon." In the evening at 7: 30, gr ad o nt.ell Mr E lijah Compton and Mrs . s ubj ect " What God hath wroug ht. " Miss K iUend er , of Claisti ans bllrg, J a nuary 1. l UOS to l\h ry L . Sto ut of Har vesb u r g- , Oh io . wl l" f ait h full v ~1 11be l lc F itzgerald a nd SOli Howard . is s pending he r VIJ C!lt.iO ll w ith h er and tende r l.l· cared fo r him thro u~h f\ ~) e ll t. Saturday and Sunday with SpeCial mus ic at each service. All are cordially invited. b r othe r, Ilev. B , R illende r ." o ri his long sickn ess llIl d su ffer ing. 11 f- re lalil'c3 in Spl'i ngfield . was clIn lie r tcd to t he Lord in Iti s P. B, Thompson , Minister. fa m ily , I The ilIU1strated lecture on Yellow. early boyhood d ll Y ~ ; Hi' was a li fe ~ l r , a nd Mrs. W. H . Allen, Miss ()f v ictory, f or be lin!d out in pr(l C" t one Pnrk by Rev . Cl1mpbelJ, of t ical life th e pr e ce pt~ la id dow n hy Olive !\.TeC(,lI um. Mil'S Georg ia HadLat,e Classified Ads Vayton, Tuesday nig ht of last week the lowly Na~" re n e . H e num ben'r1 den lind l\'1 i~ s Letitia McKay wllre delighted a large audienoe. Re v. his frie nds by his a cquain tance!:' . T o s boppin g- in D'ay ton Tuesday. Campbell is an exceptionally enter- kno w h im wad to luve him . W h f.' 11 hocolate l3et, cut gIll S!! berry dish, coun t ry wa!'! in volved in that faouy l>la t es, oups aDd sauoers, taining and iDstructive s peaker , Rud gour ,J a mes W . White a nd son, Howard , reat. strife o f '6 1 tn '6~) , he volu nt he stereopttoon vie ws w ith w hich t eere d in Co mpany B 63 R ~g imt' n t of DJytoll . Mrs. El i G ray , of Cla r ks, go: d b o wl,~ d s ugar spouns, silver cr eam ana bonbon s puons, jelly he illustrates this jeotore, Wus ver y of Oh io. Il tld ~er \' ed Lii CO!mLr y viiI'.' , and l\1r" . Sarah Lippi nco l t S l}OO DS and piotores, willow rooker , l olear and fine , faithfu 11-... "I' ore S und ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~nd " list. of othtlr Rrtioles, very . Oliver t 'rauols Coll ett, a life lon g Aft e r ihi ~ hr look up t he- s t u th ' () f ob eop. Mrs, T. P. Unin, Frit:Dds resident of this netp;hborhood , died medici lie, IlTudu a ti r:g I I"Hn t ht! C in ' \'v,liter 8 :zcy. Home , Je 18 1II0ndav morn iug of OllUcer of the cinnati Co ll !',!'e of ::lu IV('ry and C ~'I) ~;.: e Og le-sb ee , J esse Thom as , stomllch . Jj oDaral silrvices will ue Medicine . H e pr;,cti ceri in O hio f .'r h eld Wedneeday afternoon at tho a few year;;, 'h e n mo ve,1 tu Hack :p Ilar ry ::ihe r wood , Carl Ser vis, F r ed M, E. churoh. Burial 80t ,Spring man , Gran t C\l lI 'lty, I/I ~: i.lI1a. whe r e Haw ke , Dr. Mille r and alarvey R ye ANNUAL REPO itT V.lley. he p racticed fo r :rj j'C:.J!'~ . Then he went t o I ndiana polis Thursday and -------.~-. ----- -moved back to Onio whe r e he liv ed Of the Secrctary-Treasurer of Miami saw the big a u to r aces F riday . a r etired life. ' MIGHTY FINE BERRIES C(~ mct c ry Association When he realized ~ th e end wa s S t. Mu ry ' > ! Gu ild w ill mee t wi th RECEI PTS The Gazette family is indebted t o near he expressed a desire to be brought back to his h ome state . On M i~::l Em m a H eig h way Thursday l. 01S . . ., . . . " ,- . . . .. .. . . . ~5!J 2 50 Henry Satterthwaite for n basket of Tuesday, May 6th , W _ J . and Bra n40 UO a f t ern oon . Arrang-ements for the Gra ve righ ts the finest strawberries Been in this s"n Seal broug ht him home whe re H 6U UO B is hop' ~ p icnic on June 26th will be ~_~ ~~II;ll~~tio;l~I : " ', ', ', ~. """'."" 162 40 he could spe nd hi s las t few days mal'ket this year. s urrounded hy h i ~ wiff' , childr~n discussed a t ·the meeting, so a full Vases a nd plants .. . .. .. . . . .. . . !liO 4U a l lt..:l1 d ance is d esired . ~otcs. a nd il1 terest . . . . . .. . .. . . 1>4807 and grandchild ren und fri end s . ClcullIlIg monumcnls ... . .... . 5 75 Even in his m o~ t , intense ~ltItfe ri ng. 17 113 A " • • Ii d" B ' S Id OYer chargc fre ight . . .- .. . . ... . . he manifested u t l'illmphant fai t h, :' \; I ", I Il ~ ,('e :; l ooms. 0 at Carpet .... . ... .. .. ...... . .. . ~ UO often his li ps moved ill prayer and to \ \ h it · ,; ~ tClre. Ren r ul pastu re , . . , . . ..... .. . . I S 50 everyone who cam e in , he had II word of g ood ch eer , t elling t helll he Tu t',1 S upt . C. W. Cookson, of T roy , . . . . .,·3026 "15 . was happy in a Savior' s love , aski ng I FancyLargeStrawberries them to m eet him iTt Heav en. Ohio. wil l d eli ve r th E Boxwell ComEX PE NDIT URES ' F ather is gone ; t he place that once mencemen t add r ess on Thursday , Labor . ... . . .... _. " , . , . . , . .. . $404 I at Fresh Berries every day. knew him w ill kn ow him no mo re J 1') S t C k ' I SIl Jlrl ic~ . . . . . 817 2U f orever. Our g reat l o~s is his etet'- , UTl e - . uP. ' 00 sun . IS one 0 I ~1Ii'e rinl e lldcn t sala ry .... .. .. . . 720 00 1 N ew Pota toes, New Cabbage, nal g ain. His swe~t Ch r iRtian influ- th e most prom ment m en m the edu- Treasurer s s;,IIHY · · . · flU 00 Pine Ap ples, "'Ia . Oranges, , " 72 :12 ence will ever rpmain a benerli ctinn ca ti ona l field and a very noted lec- ~l a ~l t s 110 59 }, rClght and " sprcs., New Sweets . Tex as Oni ons. t o his ch ild ren and all who knew hi m . t u rel·. Car toad vau lts .... . .... .. . .. .. 81 8 50 Mortl nge loan . . .. . .... , . . . . 1800 00 Chick and Hen Feed , Cracked " CEA-I ETERY" -CA-TALOGU ES Th e g uests o f Mr. and Mrs _ S. ,~ uildillg and loan . . . .. .. " , 1000 00 Com, Oyst er She ll. . d I lelcPhone . .. .. .. .. .. . . 17 15 Lev, C ur t w n.g ht on 0 ecorat lOn . . ay, Recording mortgage . , . . , . . 1 25 . Th~ n oQ.1V ca talogu ea are r ead y f c)t· we r e Or . Clay ton and Miss Hopping, Postage . . . . . .. , . . .. . 2 00 New Mild Cream Cheelle , Wafer distribu tIOn :mn fl!1Y I,'~'" o ...... ner m~ y : of Ye llu w Springs, )dr. and Mrs. G. Safety de posit box . .. , . . . . , ' :I 00 Sliced Dried Beef. Those good Edg emont Cr ackers, have ~ copy by c:lJ!lng upu n. tile W. Eb rig h t, Misses Emma Ebright Total . ... . .... .. .. , .. .. .. .. 14825 2H Creamery But ter. underslg'r.e.1 a nd Em ma Hutchison of Xenia and . ' ,.," I)t , I" ' "I ' ' ' Balance " rl'vr'I \. IZZ IC 1\ cr ntt. R . JUIlE~ I , J9 12 . ....... .. SII058 ().j ,1. 0 . C... , Fishing Tackle of all kinds. Sec'y-Treaa. Miami Cem eter y A.,3sn, ecclpts . . . , . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . 3026 95

Th e Best on the market . Call and sr e demonstration of this machine a t

- ..

Katberine Alexander

IROGERS & SON-.----------2A ~,--------------------~--.-r--------

Ma . -.; of

~' ()od ,

And Cookies marIe of g ood fresh I3 tJ t t er rlnt! E g g s ... - . . . . . ...

sw,eet and · p u~e Milk .

.. - ....






P IES JUlit like "mother makes."

We also have a new supply of

CHOCOLATES The Best Ice Cream made served every day at Every Thing Fresh

, Hartsock's Bakery

Every Thing Clean

Q ,


• t .)



AUCTION SALE June 11, 1913

3 FINE FARMS 3 FARM NO.1 Known as the old Levi Lukens farm, located on Flat Fork, near Spring Hill, containing 263 acres.



FARM NO.2. Which adjoins Farm No.1, and known all the Dr . Clagett farm containing 100 acres. ' Th&e farms are improved in a hig h state of cultivation and will be sold at auction at 10 o ' clock, JUlie 11, 1913. '





your Butter and Eggs. It pays to trade at


ZIMMERMAN'S If In • hurry oatl 68·2

- - --- - • '':\ I " L Sr. f) V I ~ r. ...: BAPT '' -oJ. " ~l\. ~ c"

M r. IIof:1ce Zd l a nd family, of l\ J Z II d t'nh. 1r . a mes e an family, . . ' l of Yt!ll ow S~ ri n gs . Mr. and Mrs. Baptl~mal . fler ':lces 'tV,,!! ob/served i 1-1 ill ie E ,,· an ~ . Cit' Spr ingfield, Mr. and at the Chr Is t Inn Ch lHt!h irl'lt 'A p.dneR- I ' . , .. day night. '1' 0..'1) }'I)u ng men. (J er m a n , Mrs ,v eorge . !Ia mll ton, ft f Dayton, Conne r and La.w rence ~hepard · H t. w ere Memoraa l. D ay g u es ts pf Mr. ceived the ordinar.ce. '



: I aIld Mrs. Fl ank Zell. .


0084 99

Expenditures ... .. .... . . .. ..... 4825 26 Balance June I , 1918 ....... , .. 125971 r

FARM NO.3 Which belongs to Oscar Edwards, 'located on the Wavnesville and Springboro Pike, IX miles from Lytle, and ~ mile from the Edg ewood Station on the D. L . & C. R. R. This farm will be sold at 2:30 p. m., June 11, 1913.

TERMS OF SALE Farms No. ) and 2, one-third cash_ The balance in five or ten year payments, as the bUyer wishes it. Farm No.3, one-third cash. one-third in one and two years • For further particulars address


c. o.


Cash ., : . . , . . .. . .. , , ... ' 1259, 73 Secuntles .. . , .. ,~ , .., .. ,. 5565 00 Accoun ~s .. .. . . ... , . . . . 268 00

Phone No.4




.1,Total a~t!l . . '.' . ~ :: •.•••••• _.tlOO2 1', "'1!!~~~~"!111"""."._'"


, ~ixty- Fou rth Ycar


+--------------------0 --------~~::~------T:~~--------------~~-~~------~~=-~~~=--------------------a- ______VV~h-O_Ie--N-u-l-nb-e-r--3-~-15


, Former Cl"tl"zens f .


-- . --

.:.::::~---" "':-"-'-" . . . ......... ··......···...... ····1..·1. FURNAS REU :'-J ION ·_·_ Personal Menti,oD Column 1 !' The annu al r( 'uni on <or til,· I-'lIrll:t; famil y was lI eld J lI ne ·Ith in th(, ()r. ..........,.. ~.--:- ...... , .. .J JI thodox church . l'c'ople I ,t'~an to a r.





0 - _ _ _ _ _ ..........-. _ _ •

:. Socia I Events : e--------____

and sweet, the entl that L! f'. B. Sherwood, of Lebanon, will AftE'r a busy life; CI take the leading role in a romantic Faithful to every duty done, .,.'_.~_ ~lr. an I .\'Irs. I ~ nl e l :-ia tterthwa ite rive ab out 10 (\'clock alltl am"lIl! drama writtell and put on by Roy As daughter, mo ther and wife. ""I daug-hte!" we!"' I(UelltK of Mr. Innes. at that place June 20th . Mrs. C. A. Bentley was in Xen ia . Mrs. O. M. Ridge was in Dayton th us!:! from a dis tance w[ 'rco I{ ,\. () Peaceful and sweet, her eyelids closed Monday. j,u esJay. P. Furnas, '1' . I\. Furnas and wifo 1111 1 Mr:<. ChUllnl:coy I:unllell at dinner ·unday . Sorrow.and pain forgot; with their S ')l1 alld hi ~ uri dt: 1'1'11111 Glad for the rest so truly earned Rev. J . F. Cadwallader in was Chas. Stansberry is in Dayt on West Miltlln , 'a/llu ,I Math er and Word received here by friends Xe nia Friday. 1n a quiet, humble spot. this week. :111'. ali t! ~ l rs . 11 "llrv SalLerthw ait e from Mrs. Chas. Clementq,. Los An. Prank .Jay, from l{ichl1lllnd I' I and family " ntl'rtain ~d Sun day Mr. geles, Cal., was to the effect that Peaceful and sweet, a memory now, I':sthe r Sletltlolll and son. fr,,;n [,('1;: Thad Zimmerman and family are Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Thompson, of · tllI l :\1r~ Ill'!"t Hake r, \1 rand MI"!i. Mrs. nettie Clements is seriously anun. Mis~ H I)~a Johnso n. 1'),( "11 Her kind and ready aid in Morrow today. NOTWOOU, spent Sunday with rela. ill. :)pring Valley an d Mrs. l\l cp h er~ on. lIarry lI'lush . all tl f Dayton. To all who needed a helping hand. tiv es here. Dan Hockett has pure J ersey frllm New Hurling- tun. Or a service over paid. Sweet Potato pl ants for sale. J ohn Cheno weth, of Kalamazoo. About 1 o'clock a sp lendid din ner Mess rs Thad Zimmerman, R. C. :\1 1'. anoi :'I1 r" . .h,,,h uOl Foster, Mr. Mich .• son of Mr . and Mrs. A. E. Peaceful and sweet, the summer was :e rv ed t o which all di d juslice Mrs. T. J eff Smith has been visit. CraM and W. H. Drake were Dayton a r~d Mr~ Meh- in Winnell and daugh. blooms Chenoweth, who works in a rollina' At:3 o'c lock the mef' tin!! was cal led ing relatives in West Elkton, Ohio. visitors Saturday. Shall shower upon her grave; mill. had the misfortune to ma.'lh to ord er uy th e pre~ id ent and oflicers leI' l\lary and son Itl)uert, Mr. Frank Il arian and MiHs Ada Will~ were di n. But she is afar in the world of light three fingers while at work on his Ethan Crane is spending a few Edward Ricks and Herbert Ed- elec ted for next 'yea r and th e plact' ner guests of J\1 r. I) oan Brackn ey Where unfadi ng flowers wave. machine recently, The fingers WE're days with relati ves in Lebanon this wards, of Dayton. IIpent Sunday of me eting La ue Richmond, In d. and fam ily. of th e Day ton pike . L. v. R. amputated. Mr. Chenoweth · is still All pre~en t dec lared Lhey had had a week. here wi th home fol ks. in the hospital, hu t is getting along most enjoyaule tim e. Lydia Rich was born in Randolph a.'l well as can be ex pected. Owing to the Township commence· Mrs. N. M. Kindle was the guest Th e foll owin g re!';o luli ons \\' ~ r e Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Ni cholson very County. Indiana. Marah 14,1838. and adopted: no band concert (of Mrs. J T. Brown. at Centerville, ment there will be plca~a ntl y enter tai ned the Loyal Be• died at. her home in War ren County. several days last week. Resolved. That we the Furn as rean Clas.q of the C ~ri st i a n Church Ohio. May 28. 1913. aged 75 years. 2 thill week. fsmi ly extend uu r thanks and ap- Tu(!stiay evenin g, J un e 10th. There Mahlon Ridge. received a special months and 14 days. 1\1 r. and Mrs, Binkley and chil dren , Harrison Sears. of Dayton, was the delivery letter Wednesday to the She was united in marriage Mareb guest of his brother. W. N. Sears of Cincinnati, spent Sunday with preciation to the members of th e were '1.7 present. Aft er the businellS Orthod ox chu rch for (:ourtc~i >8 ex. ses~i() n of the class. a two-course effect that his brother Rev. Joel 27, 1859. to John H. Crew. To this and family Sunday, Mri3. Kizz ie Thompson . ten(leci. Ridge, aged ~2, of In:dianapolis. Ind., union were born eight children, six tluppe l' was served, and was R"reatiy died at his home there at 10 o'clock, of whom, five sons and one daughter We also wigh to thank lhe fri ends enj yed by a ll present. Mr . and Mrs. Miss Mary Carstensen, of Cleve· A. Maffit and Orange Raper at. after a seven·weeks illness. He will survive the mother. Two children land . Ohio, is the guest of her siRter, tended K. of P. decoration in Be ll. wh o preJ)ared such a bouniful din· Nichol so n .are certain ly fi ne enter. nero We are also ve ry g rateful that tain er!l. be buritlfi at Ladoga. Ind .• Thursday and the father having preaeded the Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. brook Sund ay afternoon, the two aged ladies E5ther Steddom , afternoon. He had been in the min. mqther into the Great Beyond. . • . istry over sixty years. Besides these three brothers two MISS Rachel FerrIS. of Lebanon, IS Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Corne:l. Mr . and Bethiah Furnas we re present. Mr. and Thomas Lacy a nd family sisters, three' grand.ehildren 'and a spending a few days at the homtl of nd Mrs. J. H. Coleman and F. C. ed on Sun day Mr. and Ml'l:!. entertain COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY number of relatives 'and friends Mr. Henry Satterthwaite. arey autoed to Dayton this mornFrar.k Cook a,Id da '~ ghte r, Mr. and ing. John W, Strawn of Lebanon. and mourn the loss of one who has finished The Warren Cou nty Med ical So. Mrs. Guy Chenoweth and daughter, Ed Chandler and wife and A. B. Miss Lucile Mason of Oregonia, were this earth life and entered into life , will mee t in Lt'banon Tuesday Mr . Will Chenoweth and sister. Mrs ciety A, B. Chandler, Ed. Chandler, Chandler and wife attended the fu· married May 31. by Rev. Arthur eternal. next. Jun e 10, at 1 o'c lock p. m., Cli ff Evans and daughtel·. of near neral of Ellis Good. in New Vienna Mi::!Ses Elizabeth Chandler and Orpha Cooper at his home on Main Street CARD OF THANKS last week. Hockett autoed to Richmond. Ind ., either in the Lebanon Nation al Xeni a, Miss Frances Chenoweth. in Lebanon. The couple left imWe ?esire to tha~k our neighbors I Saturday. Bank or in the Grano Theatre. Ur. Messrs. Warren Lacy and Frank mediately after the ceremony for and frIends for theIr sympathy and L. A. Zimmerman is attendi ng the I Ch arles A, Rockhi ll superintendent Stachler. of Dayton. W. Z. Cheno· Huntington, West Virginia. where aid extended us during the sickne8ll Grand lodge K. of p, at Colum"us Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cross arrived of the Branch Hospital for Tubercu- weth, and Cla:ence Thompson . and they will spend several weeks. The and death of our mother. this week. Mr. Zimmerman repre- home last week after a pleasant losis. Cincinnati, will lecture on "AI" J ohn Chenoweth. of near Vlllafli many (riends of Mr. Strawn in three week's visit with relatives in tificial Pneumothorax ." Dr , Dun. Chapel. --- .... The Family. sents crown lodge. Waynesville are glad to hear of his Washington. D. C. ham. radiopather of the Hospital marriage. OETTYSBURG SURVIVOR Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mr. Misses Etli th and Rachel Sheehan will illustrate the lecture with pic. en tertained on Tuesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Eli King and family tures made bv theX·ray machine. U C Lid . a~d Mrs. D. L. Crane. Mi88 Olive (JR.EAT DAY FOR FRIENDS .,.: . - dy, who 18 one of the McCollum and Master Ethan Crane f eturned to their home in Acton, at a 1 o'clock dinner in honor of survIvors of the famous. battle of went to Lebanon Sunday evening and Ind., Monday after spending a CONGREGATIONAL MEETING their cousin,' Miss Blanche Sheehan. Sabbath Day, June 8th, was a red· Gettysburg. together WIth Henry heard the famous Shaker Ladies couple of weeks here with relatives. who is to become the bride of Mr. let day for Orthodo;x: Friends Reid, o~ Leban~n. ~ilI probably visit Quartet at the Presbyterian church. There will be a congregational ·Ben ~mith, The room was Sal) lith school. At 9:30 the school the fiftIeth anmveraary of the battle Mr. and Mrs. S. L. ~ Cartwright en- meeting in St. Ma ry's church. Mon- be~utlfully decorated :n green an was well attended and much interest July 3- 4. A big time is expected, W. L . P. Carman. of Santa Bar· joyed hearing an excellent sermon day evening. June 16. to arrange for white. Cove r~ were laId .for twentymanifested. as thE' Blue and the Gray are both bara. California. was the guest of on Sunday. delivered by Dr. Clayton the Bishop 's picnic. A full attend. tw o near relatIVes and frIends. Each At 10:30 a. m .• Mrs. Ward our new invited to be present on that ocMisses Anhie U. and Mame Brown, at Owens' church, of which he is ance is desi r ed . one received a· place card with date pastor preached an excellent sermon casion. _ __ of wedding. After the three·course Frank Carman and Mrs. N. M. Kin· minister. After service tht<y drove to an appreciative audience. Mrs. dIe over the week·end. Mr. Carman to the pleasant and hospitable home dinner was served and toasts were STREETS ARE OILED Ward is an able speaker and well FAMILY .HORSE DEAD given, t hey amused th emselves by CGme on the as4 bury of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hoblit. where had liked by aii who heard her. At the and a social time, music for the streets arrived his wife. at West Alexandersville. a superior dinner was served. Dr. The oil horse. Dav ie, The faithful brown close of this service three came forlast week, and is now being put on. June 6. and came over here to re-] Cl8~yton, Mr. Ri~hard Murray and owned by Mr. Doan Brackney , di ed ward' and were given the righ t hand new old acquaintances. family were guests, also. last week at the age of 27 years. of fellowship, and made fu ll memo No more dust for thilJ summer. ' A pleasent surprise was planned ben. Mrs. Ward addressed these by ttie mother and sister of Miss Hanew members in a very cordial way zel Gustin for her l ighteenth birthThe closing exercises of the day was day. which occured Monday. She the observance of Children's Dav. was completely surprised when about An appropriate pro2ram was re~­ twenty of her friends walked in dered. before a full house of inwithout knocking. The evening was By Tom P ierce ,=- terested arul attentive I listeners. plpasantly spent with music and conMrs. Ward will preach each Sabversation. Dainty refreshments wer..... e _ __ _ bath morning at 10:30 a. m., also se rved at a seasonable hour after each Sabbath evening at 7:30 p. m. The Pan·Handles, a fast. snappv faced Gebhart, three of whom struck ' Burton with a single. Bera-en was pitcher to Waltz, Bergen and Schuler which ;lJl departed wishing her many You are invited to all of these aer- amateur ball team of Cincinnati. out while the other singled . . : caUight at third, Ehrman to Hilge. walked and advanced on a pa.qsetl happy returns of the day. Those vices, present were Misses Mabel and Edith came to town last Sunday morning For the Miamis, Edwards was safe man, when R. Davis hit to former, ball. but our Davis fanned, --with the expressed intention of on Ehrman's error but was caught ' Fourth Inning: Hilgeman singled. Ninth Inning: Smith uut, R. Hadley. Springboro; Winifred and NOTEWORTHY LABOR wiping up the ground with our noble trying to steal, Brill to Waltz . Sur. Roeme fanned and Furlong grounded Davis to Surface. Brill singled and t-:tlytha Macy. Ruth Hartsock, Ruth Sev.eral public.spirited citizens Miamis in a game at Phillips Park in face walked and stole second. Bur· ' out:. Surface to Gebhart. Smith he and Waltz were safe when Ceb. Zimmerman. Emma Hawke. Olive who use Corwin avenue eve I y day, the afternoon, They departed for ton was safe on another error by doubled. Bcoring Hilgeman. Brill hart's assist on the la tter's grounde r McCollum. Lucille and Lelia Thomp. assembled Monday with picks, hoes, their homes on the even ina' train, a Ehrman. Surface going to third. walked and the runners worked a got past Hidge. Ehrman fl ied out son. Mary Salisbury. Hazel and Elsie shovels and rakes, and fixed up the sadder but much wiser bunch of Burton stoIc and Bergen was sllfe on double steal and Bcored when Waltz's to Dakin and Pitcher Davis singled. Gustin. Me!!srs Terrel Macy, Fred Avenue until it is like a boulevard . young men. They had succeelied in Ehrman's third error, Surface scor· fly to center got away from Brown Rogera walked, forcing in a run. Hawke. Jameil McClure. Ernest RogThe stones were all placed to the scoring but seven runs while our ing and Eurton going to thirfi. Ber· Ehrman out. Edwards to Surface, . Hilgeman ended the game when he ers. Raymond ~avis, Raymond Hartsock. Bert Hartsock and Howard side of the road, gravel ahoveled in bOYB were piling up a bunch of gen pilfered, Schuler fanned and R. , Fifth Inning: Surface smgled, fli ed ou t to Dakin. Gustin. the ruts, sand hills were leveled and eleven.tallies. Davis grounded out, Waltz to Rogers. su.le second, went to third on a PAN H ANDLES Gebhart has sufficiently recovered the road put into shape again. Second inning: Pitcher Davis Ipassed ball and scored on Burton's All I' II PO A E ST. MARY'S CHURCH Those who participated in this from the injury to his side to be singled, Rogers popped out to Ridge silllgle, Bergen out,' Waltz to Rog. Smith . d , . .. . . ... 5 I 2 0 (I I) good work were: Robt. Crew, Har- back in splendid form Burton reo and Hilgeman fanned. Roeme and ern. but Schuler's double scored ~v'!lli/' zi)·.··.·. : : '. . ~ ~, ~ t; ~ ~ 4th Sunday after Trinity June 15. vey Gustin, Frank Zell, C. T. Hawke, a'ained his stride and with their Furlong walked and Smith scored Burton. R, Davis was safe at first B~~·'~"~; ;I b:~: : : : ~ : ~ i ~ 1 Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morn. Chas. Cornell, Dr. Clagett, Chas team·mates according them eX&ellent Davis and Roeme with a doublc, when Rogers muffed Kelley's' assist. nYl~~'~nl\~ '''B: ' 31 '): : ~ ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ing Prayer and sermon at 10:30, sub . . ., .. . . .. ,. 3I 00 ' Schuler scored when Hilgeman made Furlong. n(... ",~. Ifrl. Reynolds, Jason Sheehan and several support it was "Good-night" for the Brill breezed. .. .. 0I u~ 0u 00 J' ect for the morning, "The Gift and Brown got to firat when Brill a bad throw after gathering in Da· I{ell ey. rr . . . .. . . .. ..: .!. -'!. 0 I 2 Its Return." little boys. All praise to these men Pan HlUldles. "Geppy" allowed but OUIt INVITATION is given by those who use the Avenue. eight hits and four paase8 while dropped his third Itrike and Ridge kin's grounder. Ridge fanned. Geb· Totals. .. . .. . .. 39 7 8 n · 17 11 _____•• 4_-.._____ thirteen of his opponents retired to was safe Jt first on l{ogera' error. hart walked and Edwards flied out • Brown out, hIt by hatt.o<J 1) ..11 . To all who mourn and need com· Gebba\'t dumped the ball in front of to Roeme. ;::,::.. lIIIAMIS the bench via the strike out route. FLOWER. MISSION MEETINO AB rt J[ PO A E fort-to all who are weary and net'd One.very pleasing feature was the the plate and the visitors worked a Sixth Inning: Surface singled and E<lwurds. 3b ... . ,. ~ J 3 0 2 g rest-to al\ who are friendless and The annual Flower Mission meet- return of JeSse Lewis to the umpire's triple play, Brill to Ehrman to Waltz stole second. Burton flied out to ~\',1i!;~:c ll.'::::::: ~ ~ ~ I~ J are oU need friendship- to all who . Roeme. Bergen singled and played Schuler. Borgen. It, rf ..... , .. 3 I 1 0 0 ing of the W. C. T. U. was he'd at job. After the absolutely rotten to Rogers. cf . . . . . . • 2 3 I 0 o homeless and need sheller-to all Third Inning: Waltz fanned, but the thief. Schuler's single scored DavIs. 8/1 .. .. . .. .. 5 1 0 I 1 the Friends White Brick church, work that haa been done iii this posi· t who pray and to all· who do not but . ad and scored on two Surf ace an~.1 th e runners worked a DakIn. Brown. cf.. . .. . .. 2 Frid~ afternoon. June 6th. A tion during his abeence, it Was cer- Ehrman smgl It ... . . .. . . a un 00 02 0() i who ought- to al\ who are in sin and ___ .1 baJI d 'Id PI'tch • DaVIs . dou bl e s teal ' R Gebhart, Rtdge. 2bp..• . • • •• , 6 0 0 2 2 number of beautiful boquets were tainly gratifylng to. see an umpire p~ S an a WI , B ergen scormg .. .. , . . . 3 0 0 3 0 ~ need and to whomsoever will-this made and distributed and the fol- who understood his job and bad the fanned 'and RogerS grounded out D(lvis safe on Kelley's 'error, Schule~ 'l'otahl. . . ... ... 38 It II 31 9 6 church opens wide the door and lowing ' program was rendered . nerve to give each deciSion as he Edwards to Surface; scoring. Davis pilfered and scored I 2 3 ~ 6 G 7 8 9 makes free a place, and in the name SCriptural reading, Mrs , BuiIDe)); saw it. The ' writer haa had the Hilgeman went to third and Ehr· whe? an~ther mu~ by , Kelley gave ~::I~~~~~. ~ ~ f g ~ ~ ~ g .~=11 of the Lord, says: Welcome. Blo980ma •. ; Mias chan.ce to obserte the 'w ork of several 'The to ahort when the vieitors took Dnkm a hfe. Dakm out, trying to SUMMARY Beld. Singled but Sur- steal, Brill t~ Waltz. Ridge out. "C)~II,; J,.on'rfell~"'r'.s ll~elrn. Flowen; of the beat amateur . and.. semi.proWILL OWN GAS PLANT 14',,,._.._' te.ional . but . ' of ' .. t'n.ottlVl ' hlm at second, Hilsemim W:a ltz to Rogern. HDI~lo'~11 'forced SW'face, Seventh Inning: Gebhart flied At!UV:: i' ,tlo,J!Qql!ll!J'. ''{1a'llT.nII·1 has ati'vthmli! • Walti!' went to out to ;Ehrman,: , EdwardS singled, the' 'pitcher SUidaee hit by" a l) ' ji. tCh~iId



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Miami. Win from Pan Handle$ in Fast Game




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cotl ld ha\'l' "KClIl'"d Tbl' IUnb le I< lI l1 rd co u l l h ll. ,· R",," 1\ ('1111 11 1< frol/I hi>! 8In, Dr. Pierce's l io n . II lI d JII~ ( b,' low waR I hll h nrri . 1:1\ Uflt' "," par k ,'c1 1'0 III l ... lI ·J ln" t" th p. rh"'r UJod ~Iden "H la,' I; - m ll dJ.; ' ~ n1l' r l' lr , Major. n p- l it, · s lru"" IIII!,: tnw n , T h (' r" wal' 11I)lh pan lill y rU l l't i n~ Illwa n.l l ht' rnv llll ' , illit 10 I r" ,'p . allt l III/mlin cllm br-ti lJac k fH'1\dl~ \be pelN'D. ' rom ttte bl ot'''' ' h, ""I lftllt tl "'. l l ..... r 11Il. ' 'l" la ' l r l 'IIN M tl n n - r' Gr1. ti l' t h ., blufl "II 'II J1l l'tl 'l y ham, ·" bUI 11t- ~ SOLDIER ADMITS WAS SCARED ~I r 1')"0 \\ ,'n' ll lill d t: d , I"np ln g from II f, l n ll and N l rlf' hln " Ihft h lHl xi . aml theJ"'9b,. II", h It'd I'tlOIn ," pt;·rul"I .\· ~"> H ( ll vt · tI lo 1l1l1pC"k t h .' m yaInY ltl1u'1I. U n 61 U ,tt w h Dtu gy"fom . S kIll arl,t "~ t"Iltl rluu.·" d l_oem'!. ,.,.._dLl, dJlMt,p....."a1Wr I,' r y T it.. hartll'r IIII' "ol,,\lull till No P0 8si bl ~ E s c ape Fro m IJ ea th ;rt ~t.-Il'" I ,l ld It'/ln " 'l f, ,,,,,. rri ea l("rl)" 'QIIlIW U;.,ta) o ld·Uw" rocoe d l. K .. ne "a w Mo u llta ln b y Ord e l' , At\ o:-n:d , th ~ Utllrtl ,Id" rm lll l'd IH' b ,'· IIl h ' h an d l H I'"lllj.; th,' la id, '. H .... b ....n cold by dnl!Pd_ts ror .... _ te rw arda R~ selnded . An h, ' "It In" Ollt. all " \\' a :-; ,. 111' o f 111 " 111 it \\ n m H n '~ " lp· en ... .. to Hili, .. il. 40 )'CCU'D-....d ulWA.)'1I ."U",'actorilJ po:u t p lb l' barr ac k t ' lltral U ' t' , n. l ·n r · q UI':-" lonl'" .... h:r r l' J.r . I ;r <way " f 11 1111<1111( h Un tallt, f,1I' ~ .... 11,,1011" ' (1 1:"'11' 1 I, ' nppd 1111 0 hi " rill 1( " tlrov .. 11\ " O~I lh ,' ~It,trtl lIotl ~ ". \V"" .•rral ,1 or th " l'I!n IiJll s (' \n!\ Illlhl! I hr'o ll! . b il l b. · h,'ld III1\HH. l r nl oliunl .. ~~. t h,· guard un ' th' Jll ing H r tt l :"l ilnn "lr ' Tilt , \ " I T r' Ilidb l ing Ht :-l h l1 bh~ . f'lr: ,·I ... d Ih" p/, rad ,' III Ih ,' 01 .... ·': 11011 "I " f el f ~! lldl ~' l' x ,:lII 't \..1, \\ :t~ IIt ' Ul' t y t ll q )O SIn Western C anada"s llc\"nt' r n" . l~ ('(J\ Ilal lll ·d :l 1''-.): 1111 I . Ihl" I" /-:,'1 h iIII' tn ~p, ' alt nl Ill.:.l .. x· Inl'r.-" ~hH d ll\\~ Il a \ l ' yon r r·aaon 1(1

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Get a Canadian Hom.


ElV .... C .l'f«.l URc:. .& Co.

COPY1tX!tfT 1"2

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' il whltf' . I l1 e \'''I· Ill! \'t' ~t'f' l1 ~o Kl ..:)( u t.Jo k in~ IOl or 1111' 0 , A r <la '.\ II " I ' \, , ' r p, lo ll1.a l't·h hll'1\IK h l u p

I lI il l1 , ' \ 'f' n ' rat v Lurn

!~::u';.i~t.~M~:, ~;~: ' ~;~f,!td,~7~~;~~

1un,h. , l~ill " WQ.: h;. Got. raao{jn ~ ?" r.JJ 1·· fH· ln.... I u t.'t.. l'laiu dl fl l h . alln \\'1 1 h u( I It II II I~ II t l)"w(lortbtJr partJ cu l,;l,lllDwnOD1.0 " I p r"" tl!lI" d h ,· I\':l ~ I II!l tl " Il{~ pd by the prnpr rl ), or (lllfo '~ rtJl t. I.t ' f·~('\ \· I·'· ' w ll" I ' 1I,li lll, nltutl t ;1 ' i' h,' ,-" wo u ld bll un h e IH' '' P c l'I~ o r " ping rmI JHll1!'( i l,I,' ( . ,r "I R lI anllll l :t rr"~K II) 11 111 ,'o ll1l11 u nel a nl' s Iny " r res l, Rlr ; Ihll l I h,· ~ ho l! k h a d af W. 6. IIEnIERY. 41 1~~" co tlnc1 fn r whom II" hll~ ' ''''''0 olll~ «. II .. hac i "('e ll "IIrJlrlr' pd II I Ih l' f,, (' t .. ,1 ll l~ hra l l1 ." 1·<l SHi " " , l' ''' '' P'' fur llU~ Olll ' of UH. L 413 GAr~ner BI~g., TOIed.. Ohio h llnt\n~ "'v ("r ,.tn("~ . ''' r(loi'~ n PP""n r o n knr- " Ill )' comrnd "ti, Th e re \\'O ULfl b e Cn n aAJ !1UI o"v.-rnrul"ot'AMf}UtJ\. 0' " T h aI Stip p, HII iOIl w ill h a rdl y a n· tho t\Cf'no . l Tn.l pr "' ~r"nr l II! l .i ,·lT t . n nR - 11 ~ l n~' . h \1 1 had I' IIJoY" ,1 a rnJl lo rtl'Po r · nu ti """ l'rt . · r~ l'ner!? would lJ l : oub: rl '\llrr ,•• M,,,.ttrlnt4"ndfmt of ki n n ;\{ o l1.y AlAnR I II j oin h .or (o lh ,..r . 1IIIl Ity ' 0 )1 l:l n f\ (J u r~ " o f acl lo n , a llli t; W t·'r T h(1 l.,I P\Jf(l ri u n t i!=l no t s(' \' t' r l" ,.Y lwn~I",""t.LuP, ou... J-tn. mltn l4lh\' e~ to n't"ln h l~ r.'~ i I1l 6 n t , c orp S(oN, Dn d I w Oll l (L 1)1' o nl ' (Jr t llt' ll l. dpel d p h o \\ bps ! 10 nl (,l'l t h e 11 1II'StlOfl H WO IIIIII ,'d . IlIIII Ihis 1" " rlllnK a p[Jf' ar.. II) 1-IRrntln 1"'1!'t lll'ns t (l F\ lr-t n O(' ~n ilrt" r a e u mmer o r t1J:; h tl n ~ I n llllln,. . un fl f\nd .. I "tI!I '1 k ilO\\, if I W A.S t1H' w hll est UlJ.\ Uo whi,' h " o llid b(' a s ke d . H e co uld ,'I<:a r Lon perfN ' tl l' I·a tin nili. Y e l h fl lu ~ I H 1 8 )'foll v t.h () Tt". F:I)0 1" n r l" h~HI', 1 I n Ihf" ,III Ih f' lot. t Jl Il I k ll nU' h I' w(l ul d hay r hl lll StoJf w lt houl Involvin g h"r. wit h · ~' Oll <'O l1llllltt (' ri III\' 1I ~~ nllll : e n ' n r{'· n11{ht t1.("('omrmnln,i I", 1 11(.\ "nll t,r 11\ (0 . entry. HCU'tlll n rlJ :,oI h~s out. ,...·I·!" what h .· 0111 ('veil a 111" 111 1011 of ll fl r pr<'~PIICf'. [p rR !o rO ll hy 1I1I1l1 {,. " LJ" CII IHl rll 10 pit''' Oll l. l n .. n ' r h aYIt h e Jt.v~~ I,. thf' ng ll l 'fl " r M ull), hhUn", I n \.t,'p n " Hha Ill l'(1 I bat L W IUI seared th tn • •n cU ..... ..\lltrOI'u . ..\ r ,· ) ,..\1 lrl"lu~ I ~(t ,wIth Th e a cc use d l1Ian J)rf\ ~~.'d on p. h a nd tht" d n rknft8. f\ nrl fn ll., O \ ' \" r t tl .; b·\,tr o f lind Ibi s kn o wl l' d gl) Ic rt him confld c nt n igh t." 1..l e nt e l1l\nt (;ntl!ltln,.. w hll hnft l .~f'n v .' r.1Hr"l l flll ·~ 'r~ . .1 " .. " I I ... . (r."' )I' p *"'" p trln8 Il nd a t e as l', 10 h l~ fo r p l\ I'ad In bt:w lld e rnl e nl. " · ,,,, 1, . .. "l r, ' I Il' l.f d l "~\U· llnlC . FlU ( II r'·fI.ho ~ .0\ln"I'I'1 , The n (A,"('r n ('I ' \I~Pft 'I ", m ll n of '· HIII ." 0 11 h pre H <lw did yo u es- 1(lI Th E' r l' W (' fl' halt a doze n ofll cl' r~ " li e 51111 In!' lsls I s hol him ?" t! Y" ur•. If II( t tdlt tl t. 1 dol o 1I\JdSl}t ,,11 101" 1. , e hon tlnt: him nn d th e I'er g" o n l I~ nr 1,\' u . ln" l..Jh·whft" O.IHrit' u"e ( ·r ....ll.. P.h.M " . cap e? · r ".I N! ga th r r e d In Ih o si nall roo m. tll c gra y· " r l's: to bf' frullk . h o 's rath or bitte r t.:hJ y . ",,, r· t it. rul \it h ('.I ".11I1U· 11' 1" . ,.I, r t 1,' " 1st r ll. ' \\''' 11 . '~') ll1 ft o u o hall bl ll ndc rE'd .' ( ,If,. ",hilt' .\ICa. ('n _, t'! ~ ,,, .. It» 81 .• G..,.Jl fIIO , In hea rd I' d Colon p! In t'o m m an,l . Rillin g a bollt It . n nol no fnc ts w e h u v p bro u Kht CHAP1'ER XIV .-Contlnued . Th e o rel p r h a d b ee ll Itl VCII. bll t ) t wns bphlnd n t a hl l', witb Ma jo r ~ l c Don a ld 10 h nar linn'! IIny oJlparont weight. He VOICA9 r e nch e d him Iro m oul sic l'. al hi s ri g ht , nll d Ih e otl1l'rs wh e r e v e r HW.'u rs li t' r ecog nl zp d your fa ce In Ih p n (00 1 OIH'. 11M fort u nat c ly it" fall)' ClI'POrlunlt)· prubu i>ly kn ockHd HI I'! cholng ill throu g h th e high . Iron· th,'y co uld lind s t a ndin g rou m. W OR s e(, 11 be fo n' we had all AI1l f' rlclln Hare o r th e fi r st discharge ." YO llr clo u!' ",bill! yuu worA oul g o s.l ~ bllrrl'd w lndol\', but th e y w e r t) dlsta ll t. Hn laklav3, Th " o rde r was r er all ed.. tn!! w ith t h o l:Ie lgh bo r s. "Se rgea n t ." Ih e Colon e l s aid rath e r TIlt> R e " ~"lI nt Hlood s ile nt, mollon · tile word s Indlstln g ui s habl o, All hi e brusqu e ly, " you c ame III Ins l nigb l 18ijH , h is gaze on th e Col o n e l's fll cn. IlIld III It s pl ace w e r E'ceh e d th e sau e braIn cleare d h e gav e no furt he r with 'M' troop . did you not?" o rd ~ r III mo vp. und " r cov e r of darkness H..<l t'rO!l& BaIt Rlup g l ve~ douhl ...nltl~ fo,. " J do not know wh a t 10 Ray . Blr:' he ! hou g ht t o hi s own pre dicament. only 10 a pos ili o n whe r p our work. would ,. o ur tII (l Il l',\' , g u.._l'o L \Y\CU 110" f tlr I\." .. n ,V n t.b e r .. " Yes. sir," IIn"wc r pd IInall:; . " I WUJ! not tho r e. conald Mng how h e could b os t cliv e rt hllv e Ho m e v ulu ~. A wau do es u ' t mind lh,lU ' t. ,",UL JOur 1IWIl l!1 iULO any o Lh6l'. Ad... "Hlld you ev c r m e l U Plltenall t Gas· nnd you a ll kno w It from th e m l' n o f RII8pl cion from he r . It wa s all a c~on' klns be foro?" lightin g . AU h e ",·aula is to keow that my troop . Th l' r, ' lia s been no tmuhl •• Cynicism. /' rUBc d mazo, Into th e myst e ry or which bp h as u worthy Ca\lH I! and I. n o t "Once ; b e Jllllle Cl me out of a bad be tw ee ll LI ~ ut e n a n l Gas ktn fl and my · " " a y , m a , wh ll t IH u c ynl c~" he was unable to IJe n e trate , That It " crape willI a bun c h of Ind ianll out on s e lf. and I CUll co nc e iv e or no r enso n "t Do Not Know What t~ Gay. Sir." M n c t In~ I he ro ol." "" cyni c, m y so n, Is n mati wbo Anawered Finally. WIlS Molly l\!cDonald s hrinking th e r e thl' trail a fo w mOllth~ ago." v.. hy 1I f' ahould d ps lre to Involv e m ft In d o's n ' l b e ll e vo th a t aln gers alwaya 10 the dark corn e r of th e barra c ks " Th e !lllnt E' alTair I Rpokp 10 you :hls a lTalr-unl fls~," h n paused d o ullt · Iy nOl t'd il l' r companion, YPl as h e lin· PETERSBURG FORT BLOWN UP bn \' 0 cold s ." wall h I' had no c1oubt. Sh e might not about," co mlll e ntpd McDon a ld Qltle tl y. [ully: " uol e58. Hlr, h ft rc all y kno\';s ~E're d_ wh ll Ih r' I'arrl a ll: o drf.> '" up be· have r e co Jtolzed him . or Imagin e d "The atta c k on th o stag e ." who s ho t him. and Ig a nxious to s hirl ro r co t h e Mn Jo r 's qu a rl e rR . h e see med Lass an IIlulllon. Instance Related of the Efficlenc), of cha t he Sa W h er, but thnt spe ar of Tbe C:olon ('1 n o d ded. with ou t. r e mov · Ihe hl ll m p ,' Iti",w h e r(' 10 d lVflrL MUS' to I'I ' JlI Pl1Ili l' r \'a ~u e ly thaL Ah r. wos a J a ni e" l ', i\l c He YlIDlds. who In TOS-the Engineering S~rvlce In th~ IIKht had cNtalnly r e v eal e d a fane not Ing his e y ps tram th e S e r gea nt's racn. plc lo u ," ~ tr i l;; lnsl )' bea uti ful blond e , wltll fa ce Li g at ed th e toba c~o lr-uat fo r th e gOT· Northern Army. to be mis take n . White as It was , h ag"Y ea. I know a bo ut th a t ." h A auld . " Yo u m Aa n h .. mny be se l, k ing to s h a d o wed by a \.trolld h a t. Altbou g h e l'llm e nt, tlle re b.}' llrll/gln g on a lo t gard wIth t e rror. I hal f conce al e d br "And Iha t waR t he o nl y o ccasion o f s h l,'ld Ih e rl'al c u lprit ?" l a r gl~ r. Illld w ltb ligh t nurry hair alld IIlowln g up ot th e P e t e r s burg rorl oC th lngll, s aYH that ju s t arl e r be strag gling hair. th e Id eD tlfication waR your m e(1 t1n g? " " That ia th e only e XphtO ll lloll 'b tl l blue e y flH. th e la dy 's fe atures W PoTto III a s mall Wll~ Ii. d C" PHll t .. a tte mpt 10 p ud th .. sta rted practicing law nev e rtb e less comple t e. Th e VN Y pit· "Yes, sir." occu rs to me . s Ir." s tran ge ly Iik n Ihot;e o f h e r Hlig hlly Rlp l( p that ha d bee n going OD for 1\('\'· town dOWD In T e n nessee. a few y eaMl eousnees or ex prl's slon a pD ed to "'Ve il. S e r~l'a n l H u m lin. I pnqJO so Th " (' o lnll cl s troklHI hl H Iw nrd lIe rv · rO" Il l< e ~ "O I1l1",n lo n. Th e m e mory 0: llrul wee ks and wn~ destined to con· ago. stout bllls man COITIO Iota bls him , Sbe was not n g irl pas ily frl g bt . he lng pe rr'lc tl y frnnk wi t h yOIl . The r t:' o u ~ l y . hl ~ gllln cfl w a nd ,' rlng to (h e Ih e ~ 'l gre w d [lrfO r b pforo th " Set' tinu e fo r many montb s lon ge r . ' In ad · o m ce one day and annoull ced thal he ,{' n e d ; 110 m e r e promi s cuou s s hooting. are 1.11'0 or I hr ec m a tt e rs no t p!l!l il y f!lc,'s o f Ill<' ot h e r Offi tll r R. g"nnl - th .. w hite n ess of tb o fn ctt. the v a nclll ll on l.('e·s army Grant h ad b ee n d e BI~d lo S il O a n elr;h bor for '10.000 how e v e r s t a rtling. would hav e brougbt flx lllalll ed a bollt thl e nlt a lr. I am sal· "That might bp pOKf; ibl l'." h(\ ac· s udol"" lu w('rin !( o f Ih e h e ad; th e n he ba dly d efeated I\t Cold Harbor JUli e ~ . dumngos. I hat look to b e r fnc e, H o had seo ll la ll e d or yo ur Innocon ce ; that you kil Owle d l\"d r l'g r clfull~· . "al I ho u gh kn .. w h e r : uc ross th e ehaAm at y p. arll 1 S G~: nntl h a ll also b ee n un s ll cc l'SM ful "Two y ears ogo." bo s tate d . " he h er In dange r b e for e. had t es t e d h e r we r e 1I0t cllroctl )' c once rn (ld In fi ho ulc1 d lH lik p to h p1l l'vl' any ofllce r 1«'1' Ide ntlt v t; mo te him a s a blow; III Cllllln g orr commun lcal lon b e tw een calle d m e D hippopOta mus." coolne s s und e r fire . Til Is Ull'nnl 80mI" Hhooting o f 1~ leu l() n a nt Ga Hkln s. ~I e n o f my r Olllntal1<1 would be d e llb!' rllt e ly his brenl h 'eam !! Quickly and hi s !In"Two y earR ago! " echoe d McRp.y· Richm o nd and th e south . A fo r ce was lhing alto ge th e r <lli'fe re nI. Whllt? of your troop atnte Ihat )'OU we r ll In g uil ty o f s n dNl pl ca bl e an nc t. 1·low· noldfi, "Why didu ' t you Rue blm gt1 rN c ll' llch ed . Ipft to I!\~ Sie ge to th l! rortill e d cll y ('ould It b e that Gaskln~ IHld wron ged lJalTlJck s wh e n th e sho t s wcore !Ire d. e ve r. all W P c li n do no w IK p odp,,"or 8000pr'! " "~I y Uod!" h e mlltl ~ re d . unron· th e gIrl. had irlRulte d IlC r, and thal aod tll A wound wa s not mall e by a to un coy ,.. r till' I ru t h . YOII arA dis· aclollHl y. "Th a I WIUI Vllra ! S b e !l1.\1I or P e t Ar MlllIJ'g "' bll e Gruot c ontinue cl " W e ll. Huh. " sa id th e Injur e d party. ope r a tion s In oth e r part s or Virgini a. ~hc . In r e sponse. bad shot him d o wn? ~e rvlC(: r p vol\·Pr. but by n much ~ mall · c harged fro ll1 a rrl".6t. ti e rgl"ant Hnm· c h a n ge d. wUlld p rfully cban~e d , \.tut"until that th ON! c irc u s com e lbrougb Til e fort tl estro ye d by the exploelon In the darknees or conj ec ture lil f' r e e r w(' apoll . Ye t th 1'0 ar e . c ir c um· lin , and will r pllll'n to your troop ." hut l. h e 100e \\' III !! . \Vhn t. In Hildl\· un·. b e r e lust wee k I thougbt all l he time R" e m e <l no other adeqllflt ll !'xplullntlon, s t,onc es whi c h Pt1 7.zl e UB, \.tut which. Humllll Ilns RI' d Oll t lh t' door Into n a lllt', (. all ~ill! b(' dol" g h e r e , nnd- wu s tln e or litany In th e Hn e Of e artb · b l) WR S 11Dy ing me a compliment." " 'orks, thaI, with th p. Appomattox rl\'· TIl p. two were Intima t e: th o rum o r or no d01lbt. vou r ail e xplain . Two s hot s Ib e s un s hhlf' . dimly CO II HC loll S thal his Sstardll1 lEYc nlng Post. wIth ~Ioll y' " .. r s urrouud !'d P e te r s burg. To break a~ e ngag e ment wa s nlre lld)' c irculat- had b ef' n nre d from rour r e VOlver." g Ullr<l ", ri answe rs had IIOt be ... n e ntire· \VIth s trainin g e yps h p Rtarc d arte r th ~ough th ~ d e re ns es In on e pla ce anll Ing about the g urrl son , Ant! th e sl rkk · Iy si\tl lifuc lory 10 tho s l' Idt b e hind . th e m uutll t h, ' y hath di sa pp eare d tOo Ea.y Barg3ln. no man had e nd e a \'ore d to s hirt t he Ye t b l' It n d s a id all b e ('ould oar. nil g e thpr within th e bou ~" , Miss ~Ic­ pS labll s h a s tronK pos ition woul<l hav e Havin g trll!d unsuccessfully vllrlou, hhime on blm. Hamlin could ,not behe dared s ay . l\Ior e and more IIrmly !Jonllid gl a ll cl' c1 lla c k loward him ooc t! brought abollt a Ilulck ~nd or til<' highly r e commend ed reclpeH for die · s Ie ge und p e rhup s hav e hllstc lI (' d by a \l e ve thle was clonc througb any d e lh (' r,~ I.a s \.t p(' n il1lpl a llt ~ d III h i" m ind atmos t Hh y ly, \.tul th e o th" r n e ve r lodging Ile ltlsh pas s engers (rom covel· Df Lee's ed seata, the woman who !twung from !'Ire to lnjur e ; t h e Ll e u te llltnt had 110 a b e ll p f t.hat .\ Inll y ;\l c Do nalti wa s turn41d h e r h '; ll d , Th e currlago drove lIItll' whil e th e s urrend e r cause for pe rs onal dl s llico whl c b eo m nhow In\'ol\' e<l In this unfo rlunat e awa y towHrd I! Hl s lllbi es. F ee ling a~ :trmy. Th e SUCC "S!1 of th e I'~llloslon . a strap III front of the s undy man woulll account for s u c h a ll ac cusation, affu ir, and t h at' hm IIlIm .. mU Sl be thou gh h (' hall look e d up o n a g1l08t, thou g h not tak e n lIt1van t llge uf. wnH tri ed talking nt blm to her hus band. T~ e y had only llI e t o ll ce. a nd th!' n prote cte d at all lIa zI/r cl. This the ory ~iI.IInlin t 1Ir111·1I \.0 e n ter tb o barracks. :In In s tlln ce of th n flfficl e ncy of the As IL p e roration to her harungue . sbe brie fly. Th e r e was n o ri\' nlr y he l wee n a lone wo u ld s e e m 10 a c(' ollot for Gas· An InCun t ry Hoilli u r le lln e d n egliget)tly ('ngln pe r in g se rvi ce of the n orth e rn said imJ)f'Ceelv ely : I h e m, no animo s ity . To b p Hllrco. Oas· arm y . kinA ' p fl o l'll! to till'll ~ lI s J . l ci o n. nnd ill th e d oorwa y amollin g. "It you. Jalllp.s, should ever be pis:Idns had bee n domlll('p rin g . Un ca t e n · wh l'n thi R " a~ c on ll'c t" d wllh Ih e [II· "You' r e ti lt' se rge ant who s av ed tbat giRh e lla ugh to sit down while therlt ing to r e port a ti m a ll bre ach 01' di sc ipEqual for Him, n 'ad y kn o wn l ) r ('~f'lI(' p o r a w oman all g irl clow n th e trull, ain't ye!'?" he wa s a womRII In th e c ar lett standing line. but In t bls hI s \\' 0 J'c! ~ a nd uc Lion s All \ lIw ri cnn n il ,,;11 o ffi c e, r hroll!,:ht I would IH!Vc r sJle ak to you again aa ; h e ficl' n r, a nll Ihl) ~ lIlall llt'S S or th r, aRllI,,1 Ind o lf' IIl\)·. "Thought 80; I 'Jo' U had b .. e n no more on-(~ II R h' " than wa s D ('h l ll p~(O s ervant name d Quong lon g aa I IIv ," \\' , ' apo ll 1I ~(O rl , t h p 1' \' jd f' : H 'C'! I:\pt.: nl e d ullP 0 ' (hntld nti' m e n ." ,'o mmon a mon g YOUIl J; o fti ee J' s o f hie ('OI Wlll ti i ....-; · lIalllli :1 ,, ('cI' )l t<, d lhe hnnd ' ~brll!t hOIll " willi hi III ' from th o rn r f'aHt. Th e Randy mall look ed up the ll. '1 l1ullly . Th e S e r "" unt lI'a d Ilass e d all 011 1' dn " Ihn Orl l' utal a ~ I, ,' cI ,,('rml,,· ,\ H (a r a6 h ig o wn riuty was COn· rO I·th. btl!. willi 111111(\ .. 15e wh e lo . " Lu c kr lIe vl!." b e s llid. "Not lUanym e mor y or t.hat lon g 11 £ 0. It n e v'P. r c"ru t" !. Ilt tl SI'I· ~(' a l~ 1 [(' II no doubt. " 1'10 \ ,"I lI u l'jJ' )tI 10 kn o \\' who thut , Ion til '1\11"11<1 n fu ne ral. or us cou I d purchase pe a c., al LIla. occurre d to him no w a s of th o s light. "G o II lwn d. Qu on !; ," c'on se l1 I ed th l! pri l!e," " ' hal f',,, ' r 1 11 1~ h l It t' II". ": I\ U~p' . Ih e r e was wli" ~'ii s~ ~1 (' lJollald ?" h e a s kl' d. "5~ Importauee . Far 1110 1'1' \I[ollabl e "I wa R II Cl 1l1l 1'~ tiu!I in Itl ~ IIlilld but that " Didll'l Sl; U ·t) IIt. onl y th e ir ba c ks as o mce r , Th e n h e RUPlllenwnl e<l : ril(\ It apW" lr lha t f1a s kln s' o nl y mo· RUPP OHf' y o u will place dllT(' J'e nt I;l nds ,h c' W ;l~ !lIll y jll ~ lil i .. <i In h o r ac tion . Ih ey wl' ntln -- nl ef\ loo kln' blollde?" nT e WII S 10 s hl p ld t h e girl f ro m 1)05' Dis llld n !,: th t~ 1,\I' ul ,'nant frOIll the "YelS; ra llll' r tull . with ve ry light of rooel on your d ead rrlpn(\' s g rave , ht hl p. ~1t~ pi "' 1( 1J1 \\' 1; 1' 11 h " hnt! r ealiz e d as I.h .. y do In your nailvo countl·.I' ?" firRl . alld as RtrOllgly al.trllct " c1 by t.h e h a Ir." Ih. t liam lln was a l ,r l sO !l ~ r, that for " SlIm o a~ In C hitin ." gald Qllon g. gi rl. h l~ ~Yll1p llthit ' R 1I0W .. ntlre· "O h th a l 's :-Irs. Dupont.'· A!l Il1 C' 1'(' :1S0 11 Ill' ha d h('<, u se lw d for "Now . Qllong." contlnu c ll th e om· I)' w ith h t'!'. If R I If~ hall s hot him. " "Ir~ , DU J)ont'!" tb e nllmo evldentl] :he crlm • h o h a d g ra B11 ('(1 th ll oppor· YOU tllPlI 11 was i'01' ~ om, ' Ill s ul t, HOII'" out· a s urpr ise ; " wife ot on e ot I,h o oll}' " H I', gn nd . natllro dly , " whe n <10 tlthlty to point him OUI as th e ass a~ · think YOUI' fri e nd will ,'om n up to c at r a il: ' . a ncl h .. \,' a 8 J't' ncl y 10 pro tl' ~ ~ h e r (, Pl11 ?" ~ I r.. nnd Ihus cl f' la y \llIr sui t. Th (' with h is IHr' . 11<' atopped . I:hlllClllg "No Rh o'" no army d a m e. "U. what rOil hav e plae(ld on hlR p;rave?" when you have chances w e re !h A \\' olllld l'(1 Illall d id back :II UII' close d d oor. lI'mllt"11 to \.tnnt! 's' :t catt le man. Got a rang\! OD. "AIl p.1l s am e (' tim e lhat 'Mpli el111 not (lven r f'c o g n iz(! who th e vi cti m re turn :llId fI~ l{ pnr lllis" in n If) int e r · th e Cow ~ lIill. Routb o · h e r e . hut r r e o- mRII ('om eg up to sm !'lIn now ers you w:l!I- h e had hllndl y ~ raslJ e d at t.b e \'ll-1 w ",, " IIills Iw r~ onall y. TIl"1I Ih e kon lh.) 11I 18R\IS don't lik e that Rorte, bllt on hi s," I'e torl e d Quong In th e "You Better Go to Bed an' Forget It nrs t fitraW . pro" c llun' r fl· thin g lil liC h , L!\'es In St. LollIs most- sam e ~ 1) lr i l. usele s s n ess 0 1' Auc h . Till Mornln· ... Rllt 6U ppos e h p Ilad ll ('e n llIi s t u kpn ? curred 10 h im: tlll~ fact Ihat nOlhlng ly, b lJI ha ~ be .. n stoPl1ln' with til e M6Huppose that wOlll a n hiding Ih e r n wa ~ IIl1d IHl IJu s b ed til t' weap o ll Ilcro"s tb o could r psult f:·oll1 their m e etin g hut Uona ld s ff' r a mOllth e r two DOW. Her ·Only Imperf~ctlon. "J m £> on e e iRe ? SUPPoRe h e had Imag· l a bl n. dl s nPllo inltll [' nt and rpc rlmlnutlon. Th e !1 p .. rd 81111 was Il ni e ce o · th n hlajor'r, . At on e Um o R ccortaln Major HI1I inpcl II. r es!' rnblanc e In thnt s udde n "i rocl f' nhpa d of th p troop In march m a ll t' vill l' lI11y di ~l ik c d him. and 'Jo'ould an' J'I-,c \{on RIll! mu et h e. o r lhar 'd b pe .. chargl'<l 1.111c oln wltb making d e fama · tl ns h of r e \' c alm t: nl? \Vhat then? YI.'Hte rday ," II amlin f' xpl:dned, " and r rse nt UII Y InL" rfe l'cn c('; h t:' hnd Rome· a IInre up IUII~ ng o, Sh n's 1\ hlgll fly, tory · re marll s ' re garriing Mrs , HilI. Would she ca rP. e nough to come to fir e d twlc.~ at :t jnck· rnbblt. I must thing to 'on <Y! ul . s omNh lng lit Rtak e (' I' , s,he ie. nil' ~ b e ' s got Ih e Lertenan.t Hili was inllulling in hln languago cream. 101m wh pn s h o If' arn e d of lh e arr e 8l~ hav e n e glected to replace lhe cart· for whi c h h e wOllld battle strc llu ous · goln' !III rll; :: I." t o Lin coln, who IlOI'"r loat his tcm· II,' la u g lll'cl at th o Ih o u g ht. yet It was ridge s , Privat e Ston e was wall me ," Iv. It would b e be tte r to le t him " n a s klns ?" por , a blli r r la ugh. for It brou g ht bllck a A food SDap and " Wby d id you s ubmit to arrest s o ~Ione nt jlr~.s,mt. and try 10 un cov e r II " S ur e>: h ~ ' 8 a Inriy ·klll e l, but thot·. n ' h e n h e ~ aw hi s cbonce to e dge 8 ttP W r(' nll za tlnlt o f III I' "haRJII b ot ween easily, wIthout aoy attempt to cle ar c lu ~ e lee wh ,'re. Late r . with more facts ' bou t all th e llind 0' IlIlIe r h e 18. fer :u zest that wakes up the worCl In l~lncoln d e nied emphntlcally ,h"11'" lII ;:: jor Md)ou a l ll'~ clau ght e r In, }'ourse lr ?" lu hi e pO!'seBH ion, h o:l could facp th r. I ('\' e r 1I0tirNI--olle 0' y er h e- f1lrt~ lIRlnl( tbp lunguag e or anything like appetite. I " ree llng h ~ r 8e lr In II guurd·hollllP Th e S e rge an l' s gray ey ~a s mil e d, Ll e u te llant nnd c ompe l hie IIcknowl- Thai' alll 't h a rrlly lin ofHcel tn tbll priIlOl1 t'r! Mor u I It lin IIkply sh e would but bls rellpon se \'f a s QuIe tly re SIlecl· rdgm e nt. Th cRc con s ld e ratlone cause d garr;ls olI Ih e t nlll't just aehln' fer to! that attrIbute d to him. He e nt e rtained, he Inlliste d. a blgb Sprinkle cusp Post 1,ro llll'll y forg', l Ilt a l sh e had e vc r be· ful , him to lurn s barpl y find walk s traight kick tltat Hqu lrt. but tber womt.>flt·....,1l fo re h"ard hi s !t a IIl C. T oaaties over a saucer of "I was cond e mn e d b e forll I r eally towa r d th " radlH'. Ye t hl ~ Inv pstlga- L-ordl; lh py I.hll111 h e 's a lttt! e lin g06 re~ard ror Mrs. HilI. and the only Hc go t lip and pDcl' d lh n c(oll. not· kne w what had occurred. air, The 1I01l ~ th ere broll!;hl fe w r es ult tl , au on wh oe):;. n eats h ell. don't It. wlal thlnJ!; h e klH~ ~" to h e r dIscre dit waft fresh atrawberries. add lh e fa c l I hal IIhe was Majo!' HIII'n tng as b e d id so Itow t'lo~CO Il' h e! was s IItry. the Serge ant of the guard, th p. 1I1.!oltlr bonk WCT fo} t h ') marks or a mOll o y will 0;\ 0 fe r a domn fool?" some cream wife , and a little watc he " ' by Lb e guard . ancl th e Lle ute naut all Insiste d that I woma n 's sbo e , a sIend ~ r footprInt (TO BE CONTINUED,)

c l ost· nr tho· w n r h ('

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Breakfast A Pleasure


Post Toasties with





rlanople and throw down handbllla In lho Turklf;h language. In which tbe Aviator'. Machine Hit Frequently. but llulgariane clllled on the population or Efficiency Waa Not Impaired Adrianollie to Burrender. He WIUI st"at Any TIme. en only an old apparatul. but he threw down the bllls, "At Fort Karagacb I ' --rli&lJiJ1lan campn gn h ils proved saw a consldernble number of Inran."luable to the scIence at avlaUoD. trymen ,hooting i.o",'arda the' lIky with It h[ls IIbowll by one concrote example the ir rifle •• " be laid. "1 did ' not bear tbat'tbe mere tact of be.log Btruck by the shOtB. but when_J ,noUced·tbat four tMllleta and Perforated does not IIlg- buJlele had IItruck .rrt'·;- 'apparatua : I lillY In-etr.\o,,able' dlslUlter, for ' the air- . knew for ' whom the dots · were '.b.lp. 'The R.aalanavlator. lIlftmofr, · mean.. I dIll not )o!le 'my~J,r,.eDoe or· ... '~IIPa~' 11)' .hul,arla to 1Iy. to Ail- mtlld"l/llt a~lV. 0Il. When' t~~ ~ ~, . iL t ~ \ ~'. •


.' _,-

th o forts fired shrll'Jlnel at me and daft and Dinas Powls (Wales) rurnJ whea the apparatus had been struck district councIl, The gentleman who ~everul times by fragments or projoc' oall!'>d atlen.Uon. to tbe matter. said tiles tbe . situation became critical. the wood was sItuated Dcn.r Llan-.Fortunate ly only thu wings were hit '{l.thyn, It "as about rour bundred and not the motor. and so 1 could yards long, and consisted of large elm keep on and In twenty mInutes 'I WIUI trees. It had left ita moorlngs on a oo<.:e more In the Dying field a ~ Mu. steep slo~e and WIUI mov.lngJ bodllJ tah\ Pasba. Tho apparatua 'WIUI' ~. towardB the roadway, :A cut bad be.. paired and uaed apjll.... feit at , Ute to'P .Whlcia )1''' fllll Of ~ ." t~.r~ · The w9CS4 lieen moyiDg. . . WooCt Th.t Ch.nged Loc.tlori: ...,.: !ll8b't or ' ~e ctay.~ Tr... · leu All e.traordllW')' 1ncldelit of a ' Jr, l q In::au dlree",ona. .• reaort04 to ~e LIAIl~.1 Co~c. ~dli.r do~ t·,'



How He VV.e Done, An IrIshman went to the sutter, lin old eklnfllnt. alfl askM the prIce of Ii quart of cider. " Twenty c ents" replied the Butlel. - "Then givo ~ a quart In pints," saId Pat. , Pat, upon drInking i;I~e "How do we atand'" t . ., owe ' you · & plJi~" · antl1li"i'flil . • 1lt,l er.

Appetizing NourisbiDg ec.yenient

"Th~ 'Me.ol1'>Lialferl" ~ 'v~' '10:'~~' I ; ' S~")t~'" "

': .'



Albanians Perform Remarkable Feats With Odd Weapons.

uv-- --

E V A R Y M A N-G A ILL A R D 1 ,lrulllugl" 11l1l!"I· 1111'1'" IlIclies of Holi. lllake Iltl" lw<l t; ro r [It" till Y r;e "o ll ngs whl' n lIr>t trall ~ r,llllltl'(1. The!:>!! dee p· I e I' OJlI ' b a lo;o Il la lt" goud truys in whlcll tu "let t b ulllu pots, ir Ul es ' IL I'e used . ILH tb ,· soil . saut! . or wbatl'""r Is used IU'O Ul lI1 t h"11I lila), be k, ' pt mo lAL, lind "OJ kr"l' tit, · HOi! In tllf' tJot ~ (rO lll dry· In/:: uut by l·\·uporalio ll . Fill t h l1at : UIUIlPt'U till' ~ol l : "r clis





Hru l


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,," 101 ,· 1111111 til,· 11""1 da y uefore ~uwl ng

FI'e.lh Vegetables , Fragrant Flowers. the Glorlea of the Ga rden .


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I\illl' r eall) vruti tHlJl .. v,,~e tl\b l e SlI r· j ar,' no t nll1lecl lit. tlt c',,,, Illa y be ~o wn d"n ~ o ut ur t'·11 ure Iliade und e r tbe 1111 th e open afI Aoo n as t be scagOIl of HUIJI'rYI ~ I OII o r Ii wuma n . If ~h,· d oe~ rrollts I ~ O\'er, or a li t tl e bdo r ..,. If flot ,10 Uu, adult I work , and th e bl'6t care Is taken to protec t t l.t~1Il au 6UIIglu'de ll Y th o writ e r ever has S{'l'n pl clo usly cool ulghts. w"rc both mlid e an Ll care d for . from Th e tlllI o wh c n o llt l!l d o so wing. o r Dlarl tn fh llslt . by wom e ll. and for thnl trunyplantlug . lIlay be don e w ith reason tbu hints to follow are g lv e a sa fe ty ca nnot be g iv e n h ert·. for leav· with a WOUlollU 'S ga rden In mlnd . In g th e Jlrt l'rence Iii s ..aRon out of tb e It WQulll b u Inr possr !>le to urge tb e qu esti o n. th e Aouther llm os t gard e ners llmal: gard,lD and a close au cceysloo mlgbt b(l nbl e to BOW and Illanl w ee kS of c rops too stronR ly, und tt Is b eing (' arll er tban those fartb "r nortb, but IIrged from a rull knowledge o! whal thpre 18 ail e thing that nil, regardle8R brul beeu dOll e. und not from a me re or luca tlou. shoul d do, and that Is the ory . Make tb o sold r lc b eno ugb : to tako .. " c r y IJrccautlol1 to secu r ' fWd the I'OW S ut vclt; tl tables may b e good s eeds . 10 close tOK<'tbtlr t hat u ~ lng wh eel culIt r eally Inten!tlt ed In ha\' lng a tlvatorB and similar to o lo will not be good gard e n . do not [all to get at possible; tbe tap a \\' 111 quickly coyer leati t on e g oo d catal ogue each year: tb e s ull. nnd by Bhadlng it and pre · ror knowIng what's wbat In th" way venUng · e vaporation, keep It coo l and of improv ed varieti es or new pro du c· ulolst; the usp.ful plunt H will crowd tion s meatHI plulll dollanl and ce nts out weeds. or s moth e r th em. a nd th e to the gard e n e r. 118 w e ll a s add e d In · rlch sol\ nul onl y provlclce for quick. t er est In th e wurk. lende r growthll as 11 fir s t crop, bllt Ill ' Wh e n making out your ord er. r eo IIlIr08 tbe lIame ple ntirul Hupply of mem be r that wblle ce r tul n varieties vlant food for th e latcr plantings . or lhe diffe rent vegetabl e s were the lJecaulie a pin In d osc rlptl on of work bes t pOl!slbl e to grow a few years ago. don o is th e best way of giving h elp. th ey ha ve bee n Impro ve d In many no apology Is mad e tor telling bow a ways. and search the catalogu e for near ne lgbbo r ge ta more, aDd Ilner,' tb e last word fO!'I:e rnlng such Imvegetabl es from a garden not large r prov e d varl e ti oN. A fl an Illustration : than twent y- llv o by fifty fe o t lban A few years ago littl e was b eard of mos t gnrdenorH gct rrom thr ee times c hlcor}' (o rt e n eall e d ,lUccory) , exthat space. Her tlrst work Is the c{' pt as th e r oo t8 we r e use d S 8 a s ub · pre paratio n of th e sail. stltute for colfee : a little Inte r an ImUsing a spading fork, sb fl digs a provl'd type appeared. which was val· d ee p tt'lm cb th e leng th of tbe gurden ue d tor th e tin e leavf>s. to be used and fllls 11.1 old, tboroughly rott ed ma· as a s alad plant. undcr th e u nme of nure I bri nging from the barnyard In e ndh' e . nnd now we ha\'e It wltll wh eelbarrow or cart) (0 a deptb .of lea ves beauttrully ma rked with pink. ~flv o rnl lo ch ·S. This don e, she di gs and call ed " ros e·strlped chicory," or anoth e r tre nc h lind throwH th e s oli "orc hid Mala d vianI." Again, th e green uv e r trom olher rows. and wbat Is kal e has beu Improved t o th e Ilolnt tbrown from th e first ono IN u sed where we can have It with the le a veil wh pr e ver n(ledud around the place. marked wllh w Ite, pink and crimson. Shoulft n list at v~ge tabl es grown ror u se all a garnish . - In t11111 IItU e garden b e given, It would Another thing t!'l e catalogu e does Burely be called an exagg e ration. If for th e gardener Is to call atten tion nothing worse. by tllose who hn,ve t o absolutely new things . The denever tested close-cropping on soli parlm c ut of agriculture ex pe rimente d well suppli ed with the elements nee d· with th e Javanese Udo ror 1\ long ed for Quick production. and mnde lime. but the gell e ml public knew available by th e underteed method . nothing of It until It was list ed in tb e Sucb soil· pre paration wust b e IIUp· catalogu e. with botb cultural dlrec· plemente d by a good sclectlon or ti o ns and recipes for serving. whatever veg e tabl e s ar('! to be grown. Improve ment8 nre not In unusual nnd a suggestion or two mny b e ll) In varieties nlone, but are constantly bec hoosing lh e m . log mad e In the common est sorts . F'or example : Le l the firs t viantlllg The \leppers of a generation ago or peas Include botb early and lato were few In vari e ti es. whil e today IIOrta, and us Boon a s tho early ali ef! th ey rsnge trom the tiny bot onl's to are done producing freely . plant more those of giant size . that are so meaty of th e lIallle ~ort. and tbey wUl be th ey may be sliced and fried, and 80 ready for UB e by th e time th e latcr sweet th ey are deliciOUS when eaten variety Is gone. Th e successIon Is raw, or lUore delicious In a pe pper more belpful to the cook, wbo Is prob- s andwich . The solid. meaty. few· ably tbe gardner as well. tban more seeded tomato es of today are' little than Bho knowa wbat to do with at like the wate ry ones ' of a few yeara c- ~rlorrand nnllo later In the sea· ago. lind so tb tl Improvements riilKD liOn. be follow ed through evory class of Lettuce may be sown eve r y month vegfllables. and show either better from early Bprlng until August, and quality, earlier or late r b!,&l'lngs or the product of dlffe r e'nt sowltlgs will some other Improved reature to In. supply yo ling and t e nder lea\'es all fluence th e garden!'r's selection. the seMon. S owitlg le8/1 at a time F e w wOlll e n tak{' time and troubl e and oftener i ~ th e b es t plan for the 10 prepare a hotbed. tbough It will home gardetl . serve II doubll' purpose by be lllg late r Radishes, loa, arl! good r e peaters. on . usoble as a cold fraDle. It Is we ll but. rarely do well during mlt!sum- worth whll ", to mak e one . (' \'en t hough mer. Earl lind latEl crops are more small and at the crudest description, enjoyed. bCl'aul!o of the lute n·e nlng I but It none Is provided for. be sure tlm c when \ he y do lIot appear on the thllt a good supply of tb e s hallOW tabl e. A fe w hills at cucumbe rs will boxes . known a s "flats," are r eady for ,furnis h th e tabl e with early ones , and use In the hous e during tb e tH?l'd.start. • the main crop for plcliles can be sown Ing Heuson . Th e boxes may b e at any later. le ngth Ilnd width convenient to In my own gardon. I make the hills haudl t , or suited to the space that can among tho I'nrly potatoes. and plant be giv e n th e m , but a 'numb e r of small -the seed b efore th e potatoes are dug, once are casler to manage 'ball a fe w wblcb gives th p. m tlmo to get started large ones. and be ready to vine as soon as tbe Some s eed~ ure slower to g H 'uinate apace Is ch>are d for tbem. TurnIps thau others . and no e d diffe re nt condl . may follow an earli e r crop. and tbe tlous of IIgbt and warmLh, and It Ill.\t might be continued Indefinitely. but one or two Similar varletl eti are In but the one genE'ral rule that Qulck- a flat. they call be moyet! to stronger growing, enrly maturtng varletlea Ilght and a cooler place. wben th t may be mado to furnish a sllccesslon, change would ruin the advanced olle r. . will help oad) to select for double To move theBe where It was tou warm cropping the vl'getablea best liked by nnd not light enough. would be to the family. make them 80 slllndllng that no atter Some kinds or r;eed mURt b e started care could overcome tbe defect. to a hot-bed, or In Ihe house, and be The tlats fleed not be over two I.ransplanted ollce or twice to get Inche~. or they may be three or four. aturdy plants ready ror the open gar- In the Orst CllBe, half atl Inch or den , an.d among tbese we have cab- drainage material under an Incb of thac e . cauliflower. tomato. pepper and very flne soli gives Il fine seed bed . many others. (t. how e ver. early crops The de per boxes, With an Inch at

till ' Hel'" \ \ ' l1l'1l1tlt I pn'r, rab ly bot· lU11I lt l'lIll "lid u ~lIg lill y wai s t be d IIfI, tl,,· Old y " ss "1I1Ia ls ror Need ger m· illuti on, I, "t a , ~uO Il a s t he little Jll all v IP IH ILl' '' t! p\·,' lu pl'cJ. th t,), need plenty or li g ht . th oug" IIc t a \\ lit lug·h ut s ll n· light . ulIlll t it,,}, g,·t s t rong"I·. If thl' plal1t l l, t~ CO tll.' up ba dl y c rowd l' d, puli lI " u f"w . U A (·w\\'dtul(. next to over· \\'utl'rlnJ; . is lI,,' rnOSL co nllnOIl caus e of . t1ullIlllng orr." Transp lnllt a s of· t e ll as is nl'l'{'"Sary III kf''' P th e IllantH Rtrons; un t! Htock..\'. lll1tll th {'y c:au be IJluli t t' d out. Us uall y. a co uVl c or limes Ir; Humelen t , but If th e secds WeT" ~O WIi v .. ry ea rly , or th e season ~rOV"H co ld Bud bllcltward. a third s hirt my be nl'('Lled : but . my word for It, th e tllllll Te ~ ultH w1l1 puy w ell for tbe troubl e. \Vlr en tb e time t:oml'~ to put the plants In th e beda . be Bure that tb e so li Is we ll raked. free of IUlllJls Illl d s tone s; make tb e ho les or treacll8l; fill wate r Into tb e m, and then set tbe plants with aM lillie di s turb llllce of tb e roots «8 pO Bs lbl e . !Iring th e wet earth aro und th,' bailor root s , and tlt en draw n mul c h of clry Hall Ol'e r It. Th !! <1ry soIl bolds th e lII o ls lure und e r It , and wben treated In this way. the plants rurely need s badl ng. e speCi ally If t be transplanting cun be don e lO , wards e v en ing. 1Iy th c tim e It Is safe to se t the plants out th e tlrst c rop of hugs "Ill be found r eady and waiting for th em. Tbe experience d gardener Is ex pect· Ing th e m . and bn.s put In a supply of ammunition, and has' the guns loaded r eady for the flgbt . real1zlng that tbe o unce of pr{' \·.. ntlo n Is worth 1l0UIlds of cure. Order II s Ullpl y of Insectl· c ldes with th e s C'c ds. for th e r e Is a bsolut e ly no c h ance of thc lr not being uee Ll ·d . If stri ped bee tl es :llta c k tb e cucum· bpr anti otlt er vin es, an d no o tber r<'Dledy Is at hand. sprinkl e tb e plants t\lld th e 801 1 a ll around with p ellper mixed with flollt· or tin e dust. It Is II wiser plan to u se the r e medy be tore tho e n e my a p pear s. Wh e n plants wilt down without app aren t (!a use. e xam· Ine th e root s o r- a few alld r;ee if blue or blac k ap h is can be found . Ir so. mllke a s trollg tobac('o t ea lind pour around th e plants until th e Boll i8 "1IOllklllg we t to th e de pth at the long· er; t root. Aft er a da)' or two make anoth e r examllllltlon. and If found necessa ry . gl ve anot her dose of tbe tea. Cut·worllls arc qui ckly located by the work the y do, flnd arc easily found by digging arouud th e s talk ot thtl IIiJured plants. Tbe big. grellB7 things are about the color of th e Boll. bul one looking for them will not mlSR th e m . It hunting and I, ll ling Is too tedious. th e n soa k thc ground with k e rosen e emulsion. Early morning Is th e be st time to hunt tb e m . as tb ey go deeper Into tho soli during th e day. Wben weeds have bpen fought all summer, It Is poor policy to stop and let them run riot to fill the so\1 with seeds to be rought th o n ex t year. en the last table c.r.op has matured and been UtiI'd. ruke the soil le vel and sow cow p eas, turnips , ry e or any· tbtng that can be turned under In tbe spring and be a help to the Boll- any· thing to crowd out ,,:eeds . :o.Iolsture Is another conillde ratlon with the gard e ne r. but the Boil that Is well IlnLl e rlaid wl!.h fertili zer will wltbsta nd a " (Iry s plll" tbat would I'ulu a poor. dry one ; for plants grow· ing In It strlko th e ir r oot s deeply , and s o draw tb e lr supply (rom dee pf.'r down . Wh!'n th e hot. dry days of midsumlDH co ml'. stirring tb e aurface so il fr eque ntl y pr .. vents e vaporation, and snn's thl' mo isture In the soli for th e plants. Grasl! ~Ilpplng or similar ~turr li pread a s a mulch will Re rve the &ame pUrpOB I'. but If the limo comes whe n th p applyin g of water Is pONltlvely n ecCHsary. dou·t. as you valu e tbe gar· dl'n . do any sballow waterlng. Olve e scb ro\\' a 8oaillng, or let It alone , for the surfac~ watering tbat calls the roots u ea r to th e top of th e Boll Is worse than nonl' at all . ~Inv e pl e nty of tools and kl'e p them till togetber. If regulation tools are IIOt en~y to work with, tblnk out something that will be more so. ' ' Copy rtght . 11113. Shu1t a Syn<1tc'''e P ....... , Important Newa. "'rom well authenticated Bources. S8.yw a writer In 1_lpplncott'b, we learn that tbe ~ultaD of Turkey doe6 not care for tbe tllne. "Onward. Cbrlstlan Soldlerl!." before Mr. Nut· In a

Hi t Target About S iz e of Dime at Hundl'ed Yal'd _ Men Who Miss Are Ridiculed by Crowd and Puni s hed.

",Do you know, alt," bepn the comW9)lld rather .lbell ,_&T8l1n ~ ··'UWi dO :.' 8lmolll aDYthln. 'elle! liT. wu'e ~c· 1t lse~o~tsel ·tbe *!.... to -beie me do It, bd hn not

u ...


(hJ'jI~ j lJoy~ \A,

hl't1 lll ,'y

S l'f 1I1 1 d

She Was So Ill- Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pink· bam'. Vegetable Compound.

on Ituflle· ,




court ot 81leclal sl'sslon8 t ells how he went to th e clt.y ball to call on tb e mavor on a rainy day, alld a s he was l ea~l ng th e bulldlng he slipped lIud SOUR STOMllCH. SLUGGISH LlV~R bumped 1111 tb e way down the stone AND ALL DILIOUS COMPLAINTS 6t{'pS. A man rushed up , belped him to his feet aod asked : "Is your honor hurt?" "N o. " replied th e Judge! " my bonor t elllilins Inlact, but my spin e seelllR to be jarred."-N ew York Sun .


Albanian Soldier. forward and shot. Immediately tbe men sbot at were covered wltb tbe colored water. which trickled o ver tbe lr fac es flnd clothing, while frag· men.ts ot th e jugs IllY all about them . Some at tbe marksm e n were bO certain of aim that tbe m e mb ers of tbell' fnmlll us stood like stoics and permit. ted tb e m t o lIhoot at eggs. apple s and 80 Corth plllc(' d upon th eir h eads .





Asked to Stop Eating Plea. Cheap Candy and Crullers In New York City.

New York.-l"ew York schoolboys hI! \, .e beeu ask ed to start, and continuo at I,east 0. month. 0. t est In soir·d e nlal, In which they will abstain froIn using cheap candles. unwholesome pies, crul· le rs and greusy pastry. and soda water flavored wltb hlghly ·colored sirups. The pubic schools athletic leaguo maltes the r equ est . and promises the boys who keep th eir vledge that they will excel In all athletic contests to be helel In Central Park wh e n 10.000 young athl e tes will partlclpate in a festival of sports. The league also haa obtained pledge. from the boys not to use alcoholic bev. eral~es or 8Dloke cigarettes. Run • Poker Game; Expelle". Philadelphia, Pa.-Cyrus Cummlnga Jones or Brooklyn and Jaffry Byrou DaVidson or Red Bank. N . J .• were ex· pell,e d as students In the .dental school of the University of P e nnsylvania aft· er It was discovered they had opened a poker room for student8. The "game" wa. run In an exclullve apartmeDlt houl" acrols from the college.

IBon_. 2,100 Ye .... Old Found. Geneva, 8wluerland.-Pror. Pels· Old Mald'a Id... Hrril, the ·1Ol'ernment archeoloillt, In _':'00 YPI.I." .he alked. "believe ta escll.vaUn, at BI...en•• near. Frlbourl, 11.. ':follad Imbedded In Qlla~ lbe

~~ m~~rl~ft..

Clt-y·bretl in tll,' world '" I;Trau' st n,Hro poli~ :In,1 \Illtrllln"d ,, ~ t o tlllngs agr lc ult um l, '\I ' I'l' .J. L' lIill tlntl his


tiwtld!l lit L10y ll 1111 tl st ' 'I' . Itl til<' l'I'Uv, IlIe,· or f;".iUltdl, ·\\:l 1l t \\"fil"ln (·;In · P e ntwnt f' r, Mich. - "A yenr ngo I ~a.s acla). eibht y,' um 011;0 . Toda y \ It,·), very w eak and tho doctor enid I hlUl a SCUlari - Tut! Aiba uilln rlfle nll'u a rr s e ri o u s di ~placl'­ ~ai d to IJI' IIIllODI( th l! ITIU~t' sld llrul i ll ar" t h ' r e!'oJ;lIlz,' o dWlIJpitJlI tKd bru w· " rij of th ,' :\ urt h Aill t' ricall contltlt' ut . m{'nt. I had backt h, · wor ld . I nclecd. lh"lr featB or IHiri n g w o n twlet' 111 !:! lI (,cl'~.,;llI u UI\"l ache aud b e a rI n g IIlar\(UlJlall~ hIIJ , V (, 1l In boy boud, IIr c sllv l' r cha il"n!!" ( ' \lp . \·a lu,·d til $ t ':'lhl dow n pains 80 bad bO ~!l:l ra o nllnary liB to st'(' ttl Uncllnn ) . n t I tlp F, (th :\'allull ai l ' Ol'll t-·.xP t' ~llioI~ that I cou ld not s i t U[l all" occsslo ll a C:llri(J u ~ ,'x bill tin B chair or walk t iOIt or thei r I!ktl l \\'Il~ >!how n wh ell a Coluill bia. ~ . C. Tlte Plut f' . utn"I:" I)' l\llllwlI a s t h" Co lorlldo Oa t t rOI,h). i ~ across tho fl oor and t llrg" t abo ut tho slz" or a dillle \\' a ~ em bl ema ti c of 1111' gl'i1l1d ('lIalll lll llll I WIUJ in SC,' c re pain Vllll "' O on a tree. t o be shOl ut frulIl a. all th e tim e. 1 f e lt cl lsl!l.lICU o r a hU Ollred yarcJ s 1> ), Ii body 611il' Pi'll" for th, ' IJ," [ IJlI8 hl'l uf oa t >! ox LJib lt.., Ll lJ y 11I ,lh' ldual farm ,·I' " o r ex· discourag· d as I had ot ttl I' ll ll1 ~ rc hlll !: Itl ij inKl e OI L' . AI! p eri nll ' lIl rurllts 4Il th t.·:) p t.'x p o~itioJls . t ake n evcryt.hing I e ad l o r th e l en men J) lissl'd th e targe t q'bo Hill entry WOII t hi s ), ""1' in \b e could th ink of and h f' Iin' d. so (Jul elt ly thut It sel'nHl d h o 1 fact> of the k p"'I II' ~t (· UIII,,~tl l i,,". hUll · 1-_..:-....:..____. was no b ~ tte r. 8cnn'ely lIitllL' d Ul ul l. !\:ol u W' Dlall dr eds o f I'x hlblt. lJ e i n~ ~ " l1t U)' "xp" , h cgnn lnking Lydia E. P inl, harn's Vegm ls" cd . Tb e ~ lIm u l PIl ml'u march'ld rleu ce d fnrm e rs iro tn all parts or t h .. clab le Compound nnd no w r am strong d nu lJ lt··q uick. Oring without th e 8light· l ' nlted !3 tutt'S a nd ·auada.. Th e oa ts Ilnd h ealthy. "-Mrs, Aue!!: DAltLtNU, "ht i1" Hl tatioli and but on e marl,small were grown OIL laud whi ch was w ild R.F.D. No.2, Box 'n, Pentwater, Mich. ;lI l'tic d t.h " IU~gel. The weapons Ils ed ReaclWhatAnotherWoman 80.yS: " " f(' th,' u6ua l Albanian 1':\\1l--a long. pralrlfJ I t'As than fu ur y,'a rlj ago. Whe n "r. 11111 and hi s tbretJ SOliS. k h orlillt e tllTair, 'urrylng a uall abollt Lbe wh o Ilroba ul), II l''' '' 1' !j UW a wid, ' r uc r e· P eoria, 111. - "1 had lIuch bac ae es 1$1, .. of a baze l nu l. \ age thull thp. bill s or Il allllll!tl':1d ' that 1 could hardly stand on my Ce,d. 1 Oll e young Albnnlan 8 tl' pp('d forH e Mh o r the va rk~ of Lond on. ('atllc would feel like crying ou~ lo~?f ti~~. wurtl and tbrew a bll of stone Into to 8asllat ch e wan l:ight rearlj U"O. th l'y and had 6uch a h eavy f eelrngmmy nght till' li ir with on e band and s hot 11 luto bud littl e more ca plt nl tban ~\' a ~ re· ' side. 1 had suc~ terrible dull headaches \l1 E'cCS with th e oth !'r. This feat was «ulred for bome Mtead e at ry r l'e~. TllPY every day and they wou:~m~ me r~ei dupll cal ed by tie\' eral othel' IDllrks· fli ed on four bOIll"s t t!a ds, lu tb e Ll oy d. 1 so drowsy and slee~y aI e e, ye lU e n . minst er di s tric t. which I!t raddl er; the could not slee p at mght. A gold ring was vl nced up on a tree boundary of Alberta and Saskatc he· ' "After 1 had taken Lydia E.Plnkham'. and near ly e vt'ry Albanlall put a ball wan . They we nt to work with a will, Vegetabl e Compound aweek 1 began to throu gh It without tou ching It. Tben ripping th e rich browll sa d wltlJ break· improve. My b~cka~e was. less and elgb L li t tl e boys . from the ages or Ing plows and I,ut In tl crop. which th!lt heavy f:ehng 10 my Side went elgbt tu t Pll, p ut ball s tbrougb th e yi eld ed fair r e turns . I !Sway. 1 continued to take libe ComsallJ e ring. They laborf' d e arly and lat e and de- . pound and .a m cured. :5uch l1I e n as ml s tled th e mark were. nled themse lves pa ltry pl easun's, glad : .. You may publish this If yOll wish. ,. amid tbe laugbt el' of th e crowd . can· to stand th u gaff ror a whil e In rl slqg I -Misl CURl. L. GAUWlTZ, R.R, No, .. , d(' lnn ed to stand wlUl an e arthe n 10 th e ir poss ibilities. They t a lk ed wltb • Box 62, Peoria, III, c ru se or colored water on the ir heads Such letters prove the value of Lydia to b(, ah ot at by th o others. So t"'O BucceBsful farmers and s tudied c rops coudltlonH a nd profiled by both . ' E. Plnkham's V egetable Compound for 01,," Ilte pved forwal·d. and littl e cruse" and Wl'rj' 'caref ull y s et 00 tilelr heads. Tbe n e w life on tbe'rarm was r;lrange I woman's i1l8. Wby don't you try itt _ but tb ey never lotl t be art. bandl capp ed - _. -while two other mark sme n, each a ~SORBIKE,.JlLU::~ broth e r to th e man he aimed ai , came as they were by la ck of ex pe rience and capital. The farm hr us e, mod e rn In every j Corns, Bunions, Cal· r espect, compares fav o rably with nuy lous Bunches, Tired, r es idence In th e city. Th e HlIIs have Aching, SwoUen Feet. lubstantlal bank accounts and their It allay s pain and lak s credit Is gllt·pdg e from Edmonton to out sorenr:ss and infbmWinnipeg and b eyo nd . mationpromptly. Healing "There Is nothing Becret about our and soo lhin g - cau ses a . m e tbods nor Is our plan copyrighted. better c ir c ulation o( the blood We first ma de a thorough s tudy o,~ throu 'h the art as~i s ting natllr e cllmstic conditions, soli and seed,. ~ . p, . J Bald Mr. HlIl. "Wo tended pur crolls i m . bl.11 Id lUg' new, h e althy tiss u e am carefully and gradllally added live ~lrm~natlll':- the old,. Alex Ahl, /ltock, r ea lizing from the b eg inning I foblO SRor t, Ind., write s Nov. I ~ , tbat mixed fa rmi n g would puy larger 1190 5, N o d o ubt you rem emher and more ce rtain r e turns tban straight my g E't ting two b o ttl es of y OI.r grain growing. We hav e de monstrated ABSORBINE. JR., {or a bunion tbat fac t to our sntls factlon Rnd the on my (oot. My (o ot is well ." Al s o r es ult Is tbat many at th e farm ere tn valuabl e fo r anv swelling or p a inrul th e district are following our exam- affli 'c tion Goitre Enlarged pie." Glands, V'aricose Veins, Milk Th e la nd ,thnt th e Hills 'Work Is at Leg, Strains, Sprains. J:leaJs tb o same class as may be found any· Cuts Bruises Lacerations. wh e r e In Manitoba. Saskalchewan or p ' '" d : t Il d g Albe rta-Advertlsem e nl fle e .,1 .00 an .,2,00 a a ru. gists or d e li v e r ed . Book 4 G Free. HI. Honol' Was Safe. W.F,Youni,P,D.r.,31OTemple~l.Sprlnafl8Id,Maa. (,hlef Justice l aM e Husse ll at t be _ __ . ___ . __ . . ___ __ _ _ . _. __


lIiu\ ..r. '.'1


,bones ,of ~ "'ODWI; to,ether ·...IUi aplOa ~ .elr; .za~ ,.reJ'lIed, r ~H4I to, but JewelrJ at. 'eJallle-HelveUo periOd, I a~ fw~Ung t~ .a, . that at p ....el\t I ' B. '0 1110' to JOO. :tbe o"r namehtS wire ~" •• bet:te¥ late tIwI 'Dlt~el" rua1 t.· ~ Il~ ed .a bfaceiet Ht .,. a~pJred 10 m~ .. . "el~ u let ~.Ua . __ ot blue • • . . . . . . Cltber Utln . i, . ."\.~ _ " ' _..:.. • . , .. , .., " .


906 Lowell Place. Chicago, Ill."The trouble began by my hands burn· I~ and Itching and 1 rubb ed and .cratched them till one day 1 saw lit· tie red sorel coming oul My handS were dlstlgure<l and swollen, and trou· bled me 80 that I could not sleep. They ""ere cracked and wben the IImnll sores broke 0. white matter ",'auld come out. t (' auld not do any hard work; It J dId the sores ')I'ould come out wors e. For two years no· body could cure my eczema, nntll one day I thought I wonld try th e CuUcura Soap and Ointm ent. I UN E'd warm wa· tel' with Ibe CuticliTa Soap and after that I put the Cutlrllra Ointment on my bands twice a day for about five or six months when I wus cured." (Signed) Sam Marcus , Nov. 28. 1911. CuUcura Soap and Ointment 'sold e throughout th.e worlrl . ::o~~le ;!d : : free. with !2 'D - Skin post-cu.rd llCuUcure., Dept. L. Boeton."



--- --'--==-'=--~~-­ ~~=-,.,



of BOURBON POULTlIV tURr down a cblck·. throat cure. gave.. A few drop" In the drinking water cUI·e. anti prevents cbolera, dt arrhoea and olbercbl ck at, ca ses. One IiOc bOILle m :lI,e.12 gall on. of medt ctlle At all druKg-ls t., Sample and book let on " Dt oeases ot F'ow l." se nt }'REE.


Bourbon Remedy Co.luiog1o •. 1y. 1


.. _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._.

FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS. I DISIlA:lIS. ::I~:~~~ ~~"' ...;~:a~~~~~i~:':~:~,,;r,:~::u~I;,~. I

U,oufe-.J' OUTo'SOtnS"KL"NbnWN'O f ' UOTTHaILua.-

I a u r.KJI from KlmU; Y, flLAUOUt. N~. VOU5

MCDICAL 1 001. aVilA WIII TTCN, I -r TaLLS ALL about tbete

Atlnnlir 11r Il' r lIa ~ II d (·c k ~. This IH /llttlo s t I\ ~ ua" I\~ Il s ll )" scrllper I·!'"erst.od . The

I1 f' W t'~ t

He tbrlflY un little Ihl ll!:" Ilk . bluing. Duu't liCf.'('Vt WKler fur ululn". A :!k ! tl f C rou &11 lUue. Adv.

- --- ..--

1I151l.!UU~ and the RJ[ "" AR KA1H.1I CUlt." E'PECTI!.U


TH. N.W "".NOH RI!M.DV. N,1. N.2. Hid;

TH E RAPIO N ~l:u<.~·u~~,- p Mta '.tbe remedr ror YQt: III OW1\1 aUment. Ooo'rMOd _ cenf .

~~~~~~~::..~;~o~'~~~Ht~~~~~ ~~~:;.~a"~

J "Ill ... nd OD~ II10t or th e beat hair

." ,,1.

!n :hl ,. I1llt\ Ihl! f o rmu ln for rnu.klna It · t t,) I' IlIle:: ,


( ·ur .... tlultlrurr.

falllDI( hair. Mak,-..


t:~~'.~· l~ t r.~ ~'u~~l l.~II,?t~:Y O.n~, .b~n~W~~·.I ..l\~)~;i~

New York Is flOW plaunlng po pular lA, 8'0 ~lulrh~.. ,1 Bid"., Sao FraD I•• u. c·,,1. OllCra. It will probably be rugtlme In - -. --.-- -= ,==-;::-.three re els. W, N. U" CINCINNATI, NO, 22-1913.

The Effects of Opiates.

HAT INFANTS are peoullarl,. InIIOeJ?tlble to opium aDd 'tt ~OWI preparatiODS, all of which are DaroOtiC, is well mown; Even lD the im&lIest dOllC8, it continued, ~_ opiates C&UM changes fa the tuDotiOII8 8DCl growth of the oelI8 whioh are become permaaem, cauaiIIc ImbeoWtr perversion, .. for hal or naroo~ fa later Bfe. Nerroue • sueb .. fatneW.ble DenOU d~ aacl Jack or IttJlu poweJ'l are a remlt of da.Iag with oplatal or aarootiOi to keep chlldna quid III their Infanoy. !'be rule among ph~ is that childreD Ihoa1clIl8Yel" neelve oplaUw fa the .1IUI11eIt doaee foe more . than ~ day at .. time, aad 0017. then it unavoldable. . The admlUtration of ADodJ'llA!ll, Drape, 0tmI1ab, Soothing I'Jrupl, ud .o&ber DaI'OOtice to cbi1dnID by au,. bu~ .. -ph}'licJaa oaanot be too dI'OII,l.r daoriecl. aad the ·druaiat aboald DOt be .. PMV to it. Cbll4I'8Il wbo ·.... m : : : : .~ritloa ..fJ'~, u4 Ii II -1lOdWag. ~ .. orIaw ·~




DO.IIaftlOUaIU It bean ,*be ~ . . rl , . OMtIoIIa~"'· ewe 01 CJuia. '~ ~. . ".:. ' .' .





Ciaitvl&Al••,. ..... De 1Ipa&ue .• ' .






, .~ , (.

.Proof 'J f publioa tion flied in the PHYSIC AL IMPOS SIBILIT Y. f's t"te o f A . T . 1)oll rth, duot'ut'u d 1 0 the m" Iter of tbo N tat e of "That .fellow certainl y d id throw 1£1 1\1\1 B L(m e. deC'!) I!'Arl . P ro nf at me dl1wn." pnl ,lu18ti on IIf n ot·i(·a of app(li n t " Well, did .rou expect a squliro Holds th e Worl d's Recor d for Close Skim ming . lIlell t. fi It·ll . Jeal from I! rouQdc.r ?" I u thll I11M.t or o f tho eatMo of : ltalvll Metl kor, deceul!o d . Proof of NO WONDE R. publloa tio!l of n otioe o f appoin t.IlI Allt " There w-erl! so me startlin g develti h·d Mech anica l Wash er -:- Nickl e S iJ v ~ r Secti ons opnll'u'u; in I hat casc ." E~tat e of it a H llb~on, d"('ell~e( l <What I\'n~ it?" Inv e n lor y Illld uppra il'llmen t, lill'(l. l)u s t ~ p ro of Gear Case, "An uDlut('ur p hot ogTllph cr·'s." E ~ t. ll t6 of Heorge Miller, d ,· (; u a~e , l. 8 , 1() bill flI11d . HIS RETICE NCE. Frllnk W . : ou'hnrd , udlJ' p ;"II'I' t,')r of es ta te of .J tlw e~ F, Southa rd, "Did the bride's rather giTC her uecunsoll VS . !\1t\fy A . lSootlln r d et Ilwny i''' I al . C bllrl ea l:oborn , Jumes (Jon8 ":\ 01 lllllC·h he cli d n't. TIe wa s too i Before Buy ing \VA YNES VlllE, and Gf'or~e W. LRrric k nppoin ted ~.n xill ll s til !!,,! h('J' niT h i~ hnndll." • j Call on t u Ilppraitlll preDiis es . OHIO . - - -I In tbe m atter of Denui s Lee , Chamb erlain 's Colic, Choler a and I Cour' finds tha t Dennis Lee is not Diarrho ea Remed y \ , in san e and ord er ed dl s cht1rge d frow ' Evo r y fnmily witbo E. R. MILL ER, Cent ervil le, Ohio , ut. e x cflptlon Detenti on ho spihl. ..b (lUld kl'lt'p tlil!! pr tl~"lr lltion at I Distrib utor for \Varren , Greene and Montg omery Ceunti es. bflllll.l t he b ot wfluthf lr of the l In tbe m atter of th e estllte of ~ U U1 Il1 "nr r tngmo n t b ll . Ch .. mberlf lin' s ' t:llllO oe l Sides. d eceased . ' Cou r t or Coll o, Chol e ru. Imd Dian h ool\ R e m · \ dera amoon t of bond of J . W . Ward tidy ill w orth man y time8 Its OOR t 8S Rdmini at rat or bo r eelllced to whon n eed lld nod i!l a lm os t certain ' •• •• '3000. to 100 ,,"octe I befm'e tb .. ,", umn ,,'r 1M •• over. It lias no supel'i( ,r fol' t h n - ..... ...... ""ESHlote of Mory M. Co rwin, ele purpo" es for whioh it It! in ttln d ed Nl!w Suits to prefer .JhllrgllH of oontem pi against oeased . In v ~ n t, o r y nnd o.ppruis e ~ u y it now . Fur 81\Ie by 1.1 11 delliers . m e n t flIen. Eari Miller Vl' . Floreno e Mill er, ~efendant . In the lIlatt·or of tbe w ill of M[lry BOOK OF THE HOUR. 8usle Madl ener V8. George Mad . divoroe . Neglea t ,)f duty . C . B E . Dill, c1 ecel1~ tl r1. Will filed . lener . Writ of attaohm ent for the Deohan t., attorne y . OR this smart Butte rick "H is the novel of the hour." Marriag e Llcen~ Noll VB . J oh n'T . B ouok snd arrest of lieorge Madlen ar issued. ~ "Thi nk so?" design we have the very I Anna E . !5ml t h VB. A. Linooln Minnie Boook Mone y only . $ 169, E&rl V . Co ll'man. gfull gemau of "Y cs ; there hasn't been Ii better i mat e rial s you'll want. with Intere! t alai ned . l: B Dl!oh Sides. Defend ant has leave to file West Al ex "ndrla, Ohio a nd Miss nOl'el written since 11 :30 IMt night." answer and oross petUio n . aot, attorne y . For examp Luella Mar 'hall of Frankli n. Rev, le, you can use a Barry Laokey vs . Horaoe M, Clere. Sarah J. Holder fi .. ld v s . J !lcob E IRRES ISTIBL E INDUC EMENT . Broch e silk or Crepe deCh ine Holder field, d ivorol'. g l'OI'~ n egleot Clark et a!. Motion to require R oy Btiiley, omplo y(lc1 .. t Bridge for the Blouse and a plain silk TIe r Friend - If yo u don't like the . 'lnd aMeDo e. Geo rge E. Y uung , at 01alo'111' to give seourit y tor oosts Works and Miss R u t h Aohor of or Charm euse for the Skirt, or bot el s('rvice, why do you stay there? ' overrul ed. Plaintif f siven lli days Lyohbu l' lt, lIbi o . Rev to~ney. L. Taylor R erRcl f-My den, E. C. Donha m, exeout or VB lul\" to amend potltio n they have su,ch YOll could select from a comJohn W ~tr"wn. tllqchA r of Leb 11 Frenoh . l:oDstr uotion of will. anoD I\nd M i ,,~ Lucil A Mll to nn of Ore P!!rfect ly exquisi te statione ry. Real Estate Tranafers . plete assortment of other suitWm, MoDou ald, attorne y. go ni a. R e v, Arthur Cooper . ITS KIND. Cbarle s Medloo k by Willi&m H . able fabrics. I::J. Woodw ard -.S. N a tional Sorety George W . T~lt, paller hl\nger of Co., money ,l\mou ntclulm ed $4S1 92 Newpo n , admlD~'rator to Philip Nowata , Okla. , lind Mr". " The member of the society with . Ella Mo· Galnell , lot No . 19 'LDd 13 in Spring · Wm. MoDon ald, attorne y . URndles ~ of Ridge vill e. the very deep voice snng me 8 Bong : Rev. Arboro, 1275 . Sallie Monfo rt vs Baraph ina thur Coope r of welcom e on m y r eturn." Jame8 B. H a1Des. goardla n of Sunnel l et a1. Aotion to set ll8ide LeoDar d L . Wl\rdl ow. farrner of " J I1deed I What I would call a Anna B, Fox to John A. Flsoo, OODvevanoe. Eltz,"ot h & Maple and newes~ Harvey sburg and Miss Alta L . Van hll88 Jrreeoti on." trlrOta or lll.nd In Clellro reek town· E. J , Crensh aw. lSt:torneye. Doren of Clarksv ille. Rev, ::iargen t. I one.~ R. M , Gttllah er vs. the Lebano n ship S225. No Test. ~:barIB' Franz to Edwar Commi d and ssioners' Proceedings Untver eity and the Bouthe rn Ohio Never jud ge a womon' s tem per by Loan aDd Trost Co . Action money Frank Hoffma n 867 uores of land Bills All owerl- J, W. McCray . her "t ele phone voice." nor a mlUl's In· come by tbe noncba lanoo with which and fereolo Bure of mortga ge. S ~ 8IiO "90. bUTiai of Ml\rk Clark lTU . The be toots the wine bill. Jerry Parkhi ll and Anneta Blong Frankl in Ne ws, n o\ioe olaime d with interes~ , Brando n & to taxpa'y ers to O. 8 . Bragg 11 11 aores of land in 12. George E . Young, BBsistin IvlDs, aUorne YB . g ~~~~~~'!'!!!!~~~~~~~ Deerfie ld 'OWDS hlp, 11 Proseou tioff attorne y in Hen~y Common Pleu Proceedings Henry W. Meeker . admln idra\or Coons oaso 150. H . C, Daktn, ser. of ('''harle s Ii. Lee, deoease d to Clara vioe!! as Jnry Uomml ssion 16. W, Vlllagt l of Frankl in vs. 1he Ohio M. Lee. The undivid ed half Interes t L Harvey servioe s as Jury Com With the Trim ming s. Fael aDd ~apply Co . Motion for in Lot S80 in b'rankl ln $500 . mission 16. T. E. HarDh att. ser. new Vial hearlla nd refused . Jodgs . William !Iond Franoe s Maher to J . vio"" as Jury l:ommi lslon III Elias ". I i ·Iff W men t· i s ren d ere d Bga InB.• pan. ""' .., .' Ply mire and E J . Ply mire, 110 OgleBb P llrauan~ J,o tho provtalons of tbo lut wlU ee serVIOe8 f ,.Aa8 00II" Jury Commt s"' ul Eliza F. n alnos. dec ....ed, tbo uodo1'lllgooo Silks, Voiles and Serge s f hi • " . or CORSETS . , aor88 0 1an d I n \,t ~ O!{ecutOI'8 of WO ll18t wll) ol- .ai~ Eliza F. • as ng.0D.::: own·,' slon Elten J. ~wink , refund er' Ii ala., deccMed : lI'lll offer for salo at publJe TIle GraDd .huy of 'he April te~m eblp II - . . . ' .. Nemo and all-good shapes of tax (or 1111 0'0- '900. /!'rank} tn ~~~~~~9101~.t~r f~'~l~~~' ;.nmt,~eu~ All O~rs "'&1 notified to oonven e at the Coar' :t1~u'!,a!ig~ R. Wilds liilohri st to Margar e* townsh ip 112 0 • . • R, W. • GilCh~l st, .~C8cribe. J re.u tlIltale, to·wlt: Bon-e OD 'une16 l'lS for the tranl Fo Ion "'on e 1. I 5000 yds Laces. ... .., 5c up Gloves, Silk anel Kid , r g n i 1', 0 n Lehanon on refund sr of tax for 1911 Lebano 8itualied In tbe Vlll of Wayneav illo. n Warren County, Ohio, iWII being a part. of ao"OD of sooh buaiDe88 88 may oome Broad way and Oroh ud avenue , $1 . Corpor ation IS 48. George W. La r :adro:l~w~~IUI~I:;' 5000 yds Inser tion, 5c up CARPETS I~t bo~~~ I~: ~:"':~ heldre U. (''barl811 8. Tooker et 1.11 to Eva riok BiloW dust for court '" Idi '''''b C I houBe J 1.1 Wost Un", 01 'l'fdrd 1ftroot. wbleh Po U ",,0 8 feet e VII orn t 0 grove ve. 'MaoD onald and Milton kaoDo nald, U B l from piu In the cent~r or Wide Flouncings, . Dodge & Co . 8upplie s for Ilortherl) RUGS )lIamll:llireet, oraull iron L ~ t er C 0 1gro'Ye Di 8 foot from tho Soutbell8t "corn . vorce gran ted '1 45 square poles in HarveY l!burg, SI. Coort er 01 AdlWls 8quare. said be.onnln g poin~ House 11375. P . W ··tntUf Bolmer restore bolog tht' Northoast contor of t be Margl\l'e ~ P~ d m Iden name 15c 25c J a_es H LINOLEUM ! l . itesma n et.1 to F r eel W HllInea Lot. runnlngt bence with the North 'InBtal ling ' drinkin g fonntai n at Une of .,.ud lot Westerly and parallel to Aker VS, L II. 8aylor at 1101'1 Balede rD 50 acre. of land in Salem Court House 1154. F.raDk Ztlll as ~~~r~w~n:r~~~ ~te t;:'a13ir!~ ~urrer to pe~l&lon overru led anel towneh lp .'610. ' ~....'llfIa~~ Lot ; tbeuoe Soutberly and with the Weat ~ lIistant aSSellf!Or, W "yne townllh ip, Unes defend ants given 16 days &0 plead. of Margare t lIa1.nea . W. Sarah E . and Ann ;' E. Riohar dson to Alfred 1l87, Perry B Monoe, Con . 27 '-86. O·Neall .•• nd .. I Madl Gild N. L. and C. llunnelllo~, . 11 8 .., ener vs. eorge a - Beam, lot in Frankl in, $1, ~ feet to a point In tho roortb IIno 01 llUaml R . A. MoCut cheon Uon. 31, $1 62.15 Street. said point boing 1ener•. . -....ahloD Gebha r· a 207 foot Westerly B • ppointed I G. F . rown and Anna Belle John K ~penoer l:on SO .168 from the southoll8t coruor 01 AdlUTl8 8qu&l'e; 63 thenco Westerly with the North line of Brewn to .W . R . .Randal l Lolli Ro. Frank 8totes . , . ,"50 . W. at Miami 54 toot 21nchea to an Iron pin , Con 132,121 ~ho 8tlroot Southea st coruor of O. T. Hawko's :..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--' 63 and 6• in "'oDth P r~ SDbdtv tai n .. a.. B . Hayne r,Oon .. J41. ,88 '40 John Lot ; thenco Northerl y IUld Hawke'. E1I8tlll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!~~~~~~~! leandpa rallolto' fhlrd with 8treet l18li = !!!!!~~ TB A WAY $161.40. Pro Kell Post G . • • ' R. Memor ial Day ~te~l: ~~t a~U~lg'fi'i'::'~g~ Hl~w¥:tth~C: _. bate Court approp riation A<1'116. A . T . Rettig, llQlnt -------------to Hawke ; tbence Nortbern.., Ii IUld,and corner Waynea ville's 'L eadinJl' Den", ' right angloa a7 leet to a point IUId Frank V. O'Neal l, ~8Blgnee of wort on Frankl in ilnd PossttOWD CIlrner a~ to Hawko In lbe Bouth IIno 01 an OMoo in Keys Bldg. aUey. WIl.OO88 an Main 8t Kate Broob eta., VS. Xa'e' pin 10 tbo South Brooks road '266 . W. , E Dechan t, work Une of s,-atd alley Iron .tands Weaterly: II fOllt ~I\onco ElLflterly and with tho Boutb line a1. order of sale issued So as. on Oxforrl Road, $79. R. A . Mo- ots ..ld alley 36 loot 3 IncJies to an Iron pin said IIUey, IIn.l original -corner !!lgnee. Vlstl'ib utlon of proceed s Cutche on, work on Lower Carlisle I2;d l'Io. Lute No. a. No . Gaud No.7 ; thence01Northerl y road $418 . William reserve H . Pfister, d for S"p. fotore in sliid order IIlIoy 24 of the 6lncba. to lin Iron pin In WAL TEIt MC(l LUR E, .. .Kld alley lind teet Southwll 8t corner to Frank court. P liell for survey or $810. Bett Reed, )IeU's LOt'h~benco Easterly and with said )IoU's Bout line 214 ~ foot to an Iron pin In Bowar d P . Mlohae l admini strator work on ford ~nd roads I\t Fosters ti,,, Wost Hue of Thin! Stroot, said pin beiD!I Fune ral Direr.tor. Deal Directly with the Proprietors 190 foot fro Ul the Nortbellllt corDcr of Adam. e$o., vs Paul B . Miohae l et 1.11. Ad. $811 . S'IU"""; thence with . the West line 01 Thl.rd _____ • Stroot Southerl y 123 foo~ to the place 01 ministr ator orrlerad to soll. real III! No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits boglnnlng. Teleph one day or nigbt, 'l'he a!Jove deacrl\>Qd tract being. part of tate at aDotion , Take Plenty of Time to Eat Lots No. l . No . ~. NrY. a. No. ~ and No.6 of Valley phone N o. '1. 'LoDIf You Get the Benefit Estate of Olaud DeWee se, deThere is a saying that "rapid Adams 8quare. Distan ce No, 69-11:'. oeased, Invent ory and apprall e. eating is 810w snioid e" ·If yon .aaid ronl estate hl\8 boon duly appraised at t111l sum 'l'IU'OO Thouaand SL" Hundred Dolhave formed the habit of toating too Inn (laGOotO.OO), and will not be sold for 1_ WAYNESV.ILLE. OHIO ment filed. tl'jW two-third s of &aId appraiBed value. Everyt hing in the line of Cemet ery Work. We make a Specia rapidly you are most \ikely suffer Estate of 4. T. Dearth , deoeal!e d. lty r ERMS OF SALE-O asb. ing from indiges tion or consUp atlon of Individ ual designs for our custom ers All work letBranch'Office, BarVe78b1ll1r; &10 bll111led. whioh will remIt eventlfl l.l1y in ANNA O. O'NEALL, tered in our own Shop with Pneum atic Tools , AARON 8. OHAN DLER. serious iline~s nnless correct ed. ! As oxecuto,.,. of tbe last will 01 Digesti on begins in the mouth. )Eliza 1.1. H aluee, decealed . Feod shonld be thorou ghly mas. lune 20 - ~_t___• _ ..._ __ tiou.ted and insaliv ated. Then when you have a fullnes! l of tbe stomac h or feel dnll lind stupid after eating, tako one of Chamb erlaln'B Tablet .. . 20-22-24 Mechanic Street, Lebanon. Ohi~ MaDY I!evere oa@es of stomao h trouble and oonstip ation have been 1889 oured by tbe 11se of these tablet" . Thev are eILsy to take and most PJll8uant 1;0 the provl.loDB of tbe last will "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ (!CHO OSING a roofing is one of the most ~~~~~'!'!!!!'!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a, .reeable in effeot . Sold by all 01 Ellzabetb 11. Moore, dectlasod the 'unde1'- ~~ signed IL8 exocutor of the lut, wlU of Aid dealors impor tant matte rs in the erection Ellzabetlt B . Moore, doceaaod, will. oll'sr for Bal, &t Public Auction on the promlles, on tho 1Uth day 01 Juno, 191a, at ao'c1ock , of any kind of a building. ~1]'he following described real estate to-wlt:She Cllug l,t It. elng part'ot lot number four In President We are trying to make every body Sarab, the new maid, was \ ....ed to Sq are of the town of W l>ynesvtU e In the County 01 Warren. State of Ohio commenecity ways. ODe day soon after her ID~ a't · til\) roof wise. It is a big job, but we arc Live Stock and Gene ral Aucti oneer conter of Third and Hlgb etreet.ll; . arrival her mistres s noticed a pall theDe" with 1'hird 8treet lOutbwardly IOventy· f 1eet and three Inchoo gaining every day_ corner of tlie hanging t:om tho gaB bracket In the one I!art of '!lald lot No. ( , to,the heretofore sold by Poste d on pedigrees and values of all hall. Suspect in g the country girl, she Zacl'tarlas Anders and wife to J. F. Kaver; We carry in stock at our store all tbc&lll8 wltb abo IIno 01 said Kaver north~ called Barah aDd asked what It all .aMly kinds of breeding stock. two hundred and fourteen feet sI.x kinds of Roofing and Spou ting, Furmeant. "Well. YOU Bee, ma'am," re- iIlcMOII t6I the dJvlllon Uno between lot No. 4 & 8 ill said nqu....., : tb6l;lCO wltb said line plied Barah, "the master said the gaB nortbwar Exper ienced in handl ing farm sales since dly 8e~enty ono lile~, th.nte Inches to naces and Rang es. Estim ates given. was leaktDg. BO I put up the pail to High street; tbence with laid street two bunI 1905, d~d fourteen teet .Ix lnches to tbe becatch it." g , B 1'I)a1 estate 11 altullte on Third 8 treM In t ~ VlUqe of Wa)'llesvllle, Warren CoUnty. Terms Reaso~1e SatfafactJon GUaranteed Ohl between HiJrb Street anl1 South Street In~ ~VIllIg1~, . Bald roal eetate hu __ n &ee' of 1889 SUit Frillh. dul. ~ lit of ODt\ ' Tbciuaand GRADUATE OF TUB R. Whymp er. writing in Knowle dge, D iii Wayn esvill e, Ohio an~ wID not be IOld for 1_ than two- • ATIONAL AUOTION ~.Of ~d IIP~ value. TINN ERS and S~TERS ., m¥tlon e.!l that a.- piece. of 'blltifstealt ., .~ aile ... et h "s 2 TERHS OF 8ALE(-o ub. ~ 000" OJ';AKBSIOA 'Whlch hill. uncle. the ' late Edward V y .. , 4!P one .. . - r Whrmp er, the Alpinist , 8eaJe4. up lD otU~D~~ ..: ~~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!:.~~!!!·~~!!!!!!!'!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~'I~!'!!!!'! ~ !!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!I!.. . • 'VaCuum in 1889, 11 lUll 'bi a roe. ....---~-_------------....;.--~ ~~~ . ........ ,; ~~b11,'COOd state ~f ft·-........,.;;.illftn. \'-- r ~ '--.. ~ "t:>.' ''[ ..,t ....~-..,.·:-

I United

States Cream Separators



H ut ch is on \ Gi bn 'e y


'Xenia, Ohio.



S t ~·l\,. ·es' ~ ~; . ~

wer e nev, , stun nin g ors o easy to mak e as righ t now!






Our Butterick Pattern department is, as usual, sho'i.cIing al/ the smartest, designs. T;'is is only Call and get the May Buttedck Fashion Sheet Free.~ ·


Su mm er W ash Fa bri cs

Exe cuto r's Sale Rea l Esta te






Th e Gr eat ' Ru g Ho use




W e ha ve So lve d the Hi gh Co st of Mo nu me nts




Take Time, Select the Right Roof

Exe cuto r's Sale of R.eal Esta te ,

-------- --

======== ==== ======== ==== 1913


G ra nt & Fr az er

,", .>, ' ..

' . ' .<·----:~'*i'!r.IL!:~

Cha rles. W. Sch war tz & Son




N. Sears


oJ, .


Most Cblldren Hav e Wo rms ... M8ny mo' ber e tbln k the ir ohll dreD o [·' FIOI£ are Ide rln g trom lnd iIM "on • MA I N S'l' UEE T • oobe, nUVOU8nNII. wea kae u.. bea d • OOIt· Be ech Grove. lven llU, whe o 'b.y .. re vIc tlm VAL I.Ii:Y 'n: J.g I' II UN E - - <:A New Bu rli nlt on . 01 1.1 , NO 113 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ tha ' oem mon of all oIalldrea '. Uon 't forg et nex t t!un day .Ue r Bor n-T o Rev . ud lin . B. Kil- alJ. men te-w orm a .. p , lll·a em· D. L. CI\A NE, Edi tor and Man pele d, freS tul ohll dren . who age r noo n I. UhHdreD'lI U... y ILt she lend er. JUDe 'th •• daUChM _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ohu roh ber • ud grin d thei r teet h, wis h toN r. e Eve ryb ody oome. bad Bor n-T o Mr. and Mn . G. Id. br'~ath ud ooUoky ~i.... han aU O. Y Bar n ells IIpent Sat urd ay Rate8 of Sub 8cri l,tio n In Relive •• Jun e I'h; a lion. IJm p'om s or h.v lDl m., Unll Your (stri ctly In ,,,JvIUlC<l Leb ano n. 8ed ahl uld be give n Klo kap oowor ) • . . ..... 11 ,00 l:j uglo OOpy . . . ..... J M.r W ried T by Wo rm 1 ~v .. . .. ...• ,.. .. .. •. .. . 06 A. K t'. E Th eow llll .i Kill . ay or .D.. er. a pl., ....n t . . am peo n ale rellldenOB In 7 IH8Dlle, WUllllnl'OD, Tbu re· wbl ob 8zp el. wor m.,~nd spe nt ~rlday in the wed ern par Also Ag'ent for Ru ine Autom 1'.,. ,.1.' 81 the ' of n.y , x..w obile Tires. renc e Ale und er, 018 prln l bow eb. "'nu a up ..e .yaH . Rat es of Adv crti sin« the oOllnty. ID. ud Val ley .nd ltead lug Locals. per 1100 .... .... DeS ma, •• k en, e8 lie obl only ldr. Oth o Bml&h of Mld dle" 'wD ha, a w.n , .. , . • hap py. Klokapoo IleadJug Loca l8. black fa.ce. per dao lhte r of Ill'. aDd lin . .... rm Kill..uad I. gua ran line .... IDe retu rne d to hiB W . te&i. All Wo Pho n. 71 - I hOl c l .....LOed Ad•. Dot t<l exe~ OH IO . pe aUe r lpe dro ndl glfl nl .... DeH ave n. or by mai l. 0 ve fln ... \iQ J ~ PriM 250. K.tokapoo ~ Iad -.=T hroo inler tlolL 8 .•• . • . .••.• • few iau day lIed . at thlB plac e wit h hi. ......... ......... .. "' ......... , . • llle _ ............ ............ i _ . ........... Ill'. ...."..".•.,..". and Mr•. J . II. SlIl a'ta nde d 1000e Co.. Phi .....-.". ObltuariCII. Ovo Inch... lruo. over ....................................,.....................................i<j.......~~.-,......... , . IOn Fre 4 and fam ily. ' live lade lpb ia aDd 8t. - ....................."""'·A"' Ineh Oll. per Unn ... • ••.. .•. . • 'he tUD Lou aral ta. of a rala .• U .. lie In Jnel R. J. Mo rray has bou ght a new lana . bro 0 1 the.n ka . . . . . . . . ... ..• .... . . .. I••, wee k. --~.-----•. clIO lutloD8 .... .... . .. .... .... , .... .. !~ drl ving hor se. · Bane),sbUrIr• Boz weU oom men aem .lla of Ipr lnl ocllilit eLe. whem eba· e \s mad WAVNESVILLE CH UR CH ES .. . .. . . . . lie Bar ry . ... . Mu rray . one 01 Wa y._ · T.ll . J8play Adve rtWn g pt . Inch . ... ey Tow .. Deh lp l5ai oria y p. . .. 10e ville '" bes t b \l8I ne.s 1>1lIcounL8 give n JD CODtrac'. Mr. E. B. Dak ln rep orta qui te men , was ller e dre w qui te a orow a A4I will be Il1.Oer~cl unde r lbl. bead tor d from her .. In • Methodist ~pal Chu rA on Sat uld ay .Ue rno on. twen ty·ll n cent . lor Bre e orop of lI'ra wbe rrie s I. bl. patc h. In08 rtlon . May OomptoD w.)n the hon or. J!!Y. (J. r . hUMr. Puto r. wilen ualll l not man tor tll&n live IInc • . Mr8 , J. W. Ed war da and dal llh. .lto pro ep.o u for blao kbe nl.. J UNE 11 . !aU S uDda j.!kbOOI. .(1' a. m . .\lorn .........................._ _ _ _•_ _ bel t .pea kin I and will rep reae .i he ____ ln • • er • vice. 10 :&0 a . m. ftvlt tllnr abe 'hlll lki .re mO li ,z08 tel' MIs8 (jar net ."en ded the serv . . . . •• 11ln t. m. IIIld .....1l Pr ,yer ~\III/I. Ice. 7; 0 p ner al of Mn . Edw ard s uno ru· "'WlUlhlp at 'he 00u .'7 oom m.n oe 7 p . m. Ulb lldr eo'l Day , l:Iooday Jan e WA NTE D 'e at men '. Mo mil.o hI so flU from ma rke t 8, a. Sou th Ubl lrle ston on Mon day St. AUI'JBtlne'. Cat holi c ChurcIL obe ene . 4 he who hu oot hln g t. tlell . J Oil •• ~1Ul Ba p". ' J:dw ard Hof fma a, on. 01 ahe oldMrl , .08 8 of Leb ano n 1. lpendlD "a~ber LoW . YaWl ohu roh . DV ERT l8E RS -1' 0 kno w ib. R Nt r ..ldeD '. of • , Mu. ner f oeoood Sund ar of Ille mOD our oom mun li1 .ied a few daY8 wll h her daugh&er IllB ,eu lb a l AD Dan n. lin ltoo pe Ti.I Md Dr, anll you r hor aet .nd v:00 a. m. 141'8 . ~ednl!lday aU. A boy and ala rm mll ke. Roo rno on. B. h.d Mrl . Wll h.m oow . and d B're oth d er 8mU tblo h . ge a' by ~In ad .. MUll 1.., .... ham - try aod kee p them ht&ohed been In a IlIlb le oon dlU on lor Inll ihe m In ihe G.z e,ta It rtl .. St. Mary's Epilcopal Cburda. . . wee k. Hls8 e! My rtle Bar ne8 8 ud Rut h loug "m e ..Dd ble dea th bui • hUl ae'r. J . P' . Cadw aUac ler, Reel e. and brin K. .... 110' Edw ardt l at&eaded tbe . teao hen reeu l ... ", Jim .. Polin&, and wif e er Va . e:J: UDIlI'PfIOted. Sunc lay Sabo ol. II ;30 • . m Mor lie amI D.U nlD, a wlelow We rt Coo n'y. Bam on at Leb ano n on Sat ord .y . 'rIc 80m e of the swe Ate st trot ", and ... JU :80 a. m . HOi, Com muD loD ,be . e. u.l Tu obr a.d who wa. form .rly .ElI _be U. lint Mi88 LueUe Nor ton of Or8&,onl. aUlld ay 0' eacl l mon~lI . Mo two soa ., On !lle and ta Com notl l al'l eno lose d In the rau l Alb ert. 01 bee ' the goe st of Mr. and Mn u of .Wa rren 00 ...nd iwo LOS . WUl T X.o I., of X.n la. atta ade cl ill. fUD IIhelltl. . eral Chr lltla n Cbu rch. dau&,hter. lira . Wm . .ICllabel'f1 Mo on.y . of of lin . Tuo ker. a.or.P.B.Tbompm•• P~. .', X.n la .nd Mn . .I ... ~m"b. of Mrl . Ida M.n non •• d d.q hta BI~ kbo ol • • :10 MI'. 80.4 lire . L. T. Cou r'ri gh' poo k.ab ook . oo....lnln .: .. .um m. 8od &l.. -UQ . Can 't Keep It Secret " :10 II.. m. Olu iAtu II.. MI88 Eth el of Tip pec aoo e .re tlpe r Hpr ing V _lI. y . _yor . 1:'0 Po IIlo of .00 11'. 8erm betw oa by ~r .....,.J:nd nd· In een O.y The sple ndid wor k of Cha mbe W8 "'o JDM oYe "WD r ' 8u aM 81lJU1ar .. de, . Rn . It:, K1I , 1end .... r. . ll' aDd illg &lid ml thel 7:10 ' •• .. P. r ney 1&11 m. vaca .bu qui tioD her e wl' h 111'8. t•• r.. nnd er Dr. ad Mr. . Wa rd tJuMed lain '8 Tab let8 Is dall y b60 0ml dlM pi to ... ppo . 1 ng . ln'm . . Man ent We da. da, . 01 1.., ~yU" IUD .a O ... uon'lI lao i:..ru8 It ..nd f.m Uy . mor e wid ely kno wn. No . em... da, to .pe nd the .day . lIuoh Hkk lite FrieodJ Clwrca. gra nd rem edy for IIto wee k. H. w.n ' w Xen ia "JM Ottn leU maoh lind lIvl 'r D. 8 I'lro l DaJ lleeU nt. 0 :00 a, 1IIL ll . Cad Sha nab an III ha. lng a new to Cl_ nr of the N. FIn , Da, C trou ble! hall eve r bee n kno wn. . • . et rl'u rn .. D.ia rall zed olli ze. 01 80bo ol. 1I;t o a iii. FOll nll ~or met al roof po' '¥I bl. Day IUIU lllg 0.'' '00 , 8pe nt Yun day tbe IU -' hou 'l. &I ;OOa sale bv all dealerll . . . . 'he of UDI\ed .'8H ., boi ,he I'ed .n! J. W . Tay lor aud wife wer e aho hl. mot ber nea r here . p Judjte &old him FOR BALE .. he woo ld ba... pin , tn Han eYl lbur lJ on Sa' urd Ort hod ox Frie nd. Cburea. IIr , ani Ml'I . Hor aoa wn lon ,ol .y '" Ctnolnna&l a. The plow wou nds the eart h. The he (IO lIen der) .1U I lipr lnlb oro , .re lin. J:Ua ebeth Ww d. Puk lr. afte rno on. '11. ,UM ta ' of Mn . growln&, gra in tha t 101l0R8 bea ou, of bll jurl.410atGD 1\.i nl( flabb a&lI Scllool. V:IIO a . ... Hep ar allur e .. ll 10 Mrs Wll . Ida lOn Bow e .nd Ion lIar ryo f 011 'l lath er, I. N. 1I111.r~ . nloe 8pr lnl PI, .. ~ . E. 18: 10 e. m.. lad 1:10 p. Ill. the wou ed . 8ton Co. The DOon'y line ru... Bar veY lbur g 8pe nt sev eral l'ho mpe Tu on, .. p Hm .rttl "b who i. a' tbe If. C. lODla, Obl o, daYI 'hro olll th. yar • Val le7 d jlUl' lIor th '01 ,be B . 10 Day ton. lut week wit h her lpe ni lon da7 . wit h 1'101. PbODe 11 IX Ba rny .bu l" , A. pan ona ee an~ th. Som e peo ple' 8 mor als are Uke . dlfr eren oe of a hli lam ily. I. Iii 8; Alle n aDd wlf l. thei r clo the s-w orn on ell'r aor r.w lee ' will Gao. II Rev IOU end , \ di. Tbe Bel pmy er farm has er. ....l1 y Jao keo n .tlll r.m .b.a ,qu ita oha nge d ,rip AT TLE -A. .ur e·br ed J.ra ay nar y OOOIllIl l1ns on Iy . t.'lDolnu&l. han ds apl n ; ano ther UaJ 'on Ie poo rly. "'ne ly 1• •ot I."l nil lon 00 ... Ina ' frea h, ..nd a man EO llllh man . 'ya il old J.ra hu booghS is. a7 heif er. Bo' b 100 4 ar .. hill m" .7 Irl••cbI ..oul d like Ve ter ina ry to Dr. II. O . Wb W. l.kl Not ml\n y app!~ bar rels wUl B. l' J.n lpe p ney , J. Moo re of Ban ey. bur gm ade n' ... , . . . . , R. D. " W.aYD.,. be c JI·rld.y 10 Col umb na. Obl o. Onaduate 01 OllIla nee ded thl8 yea r. bn~ &ave ..II ~ ~ IIr. and lin. t.'b... Tuo ker .... Unl yen l· · the a bWilnese 'rip her e on ,B and ay 41 Mlu lI.r le lIaU of Wa 1n. nU \e fam il,. .pe at Bun app lea ther e are. eve ning . day In 'he ooa a'l'7 lata Bea, oua 11... bel' f1 d;leb H.r ald Sar ri. and B. O. a.... . Cho oo Ray liar rilo n and wif e .nd (JIll IJpeni ...eral day . I.., ..eek wlt b er ' frl e.a her e . 'anuYIl1&. ., on.. a.d -q• •., Office. at reBidenee in F. n She r. ene e Alle o of Leb ano n and Cb gold bow led .up r .po on. , *'1'9 'ran u.oa ed blUlID. . I. Da 1"'D u. Best Laxative for the A,e d .1' ' wood', hoUle, Fou rth Stn et. The yon nl( lad l_ claN or "" orea lll and bo. bo. Allen and famll.y, of Oliv e Bnn .po onl , ~elly wee k. ob. i:. 8UDda7 Bob IPO Old mea and wom en feel 'he nee wer e .nn OU and plct lll'_ . will ow rde r. ool ud th.l r friU ad. Thu nda y I. tile day Na apa rt ror day lue8 ta of A. 8. Alleo Tel eph one Z8 of a lax dlv e mor e than you ng folk d .n4 • Ita' of o'h lr aral o....1. •• eDJoyed • boa aoolal a' ibe boa a, oI_ " aDd nlll ll wife l~ up . 01 a.d bea bu 'it mue t 1'41 illite and har mle uU I,ln l our oh. p. lin . T. P. Qata, nt. .4. II&rlon S.m llto n aad lam U,., Lon Er n.' Hur le7 and 'am U, I'ri a,. toWD. W. ba.. on. or aha Wa yn e.v llle . and one wbi oh will not oau ae painll Jel l pnt ti..t Bom e. • 01110 enn lDI f· Dr. Kln g'lI New Life Pill a lue . SpenDer ....d wit e of Wll , .. tow ua II. abi. HOl mln el l . gwn . . EII EN peo lally good fur tbe a~ed. for 'hey lin . Del la Bow T BRl TIle C~ "o lor .e. '. .... l'or . allD ror lIil lloa..ry Ill'. aDd lin . Wa lter Lao 7 aato ser and two ohll dren fan ber mfo nae Uno . IDqul~ ao& pro mpt ly and eftllily Prlo ecl "'D:J:111ar7, of I'rl eDa ohul'Oh ~~ 1.., week. of r. II. Reo omm end ed by J. it .Ian neye. 260 of Mor row . Ma n Ron .h ..nd wif e ot bnH d ,h.l Ch .. now '. eab , Wa ynl nllr " r aDD•••rar ,. a' tbe .arv eya bur g and I'ra nk Bh8nit 01Uo The ,_ Ie of prO Ten der u.c Je. BA~NHART, J 18.: " ". obu rob rrid a7 e..nlD I. r..mll ,. of tbil pl.0 8 ape n' 8UIDd.~.1 ma Da .e.e ll' 01 'h. lUl _ or tbe No tar y Pu bli c'a alw ay. roo m at tbe wp wltl l Luoi01l8 Fr..ler bra . naW "8I mp lu Cr~ Me' hoc U.' obu rob w.. qai .. a .nd wile . Uk en and SkIn Troubles •• Sep . -';Dd gen eral ly muo b mor e araa or," 110.· lb. cap ... - - aotsJ, AU kln da or No .l'7 Wo rk. P ....ion oeH . prOMlCl. 101 .., .. thl! 'hu beau&.-! perh ape the . . . mao~lne o. abe If you are Id. rin " wlt b any 1 ber e I. at tbe .bot som . Wo rk a Hpeolalay. Sha ke Off You r Rhe uma tJsm olel f7ln l aDd deo ont lnlr of 'he Ob ma rhl . J'na DkU run niD g ~ fe ••r 101'_, aloe r., a Pao ker, 11. um._ boll e Unt .en1 &y, Now UI tbe tim e'" pt rid of you eos ema or o'bo tr .kin on ...1'.... lI1oh. , 'rou bl_ r Ou ran.... . Eczema Remedy rhe uma ti.m . 'fry a twe nty bOlt of Buo klen ·. "'r. loa Salv, eIe' a Wh .' • mODotonoUIi wor lt! Je U ~ dve aod 1& oen ' bo" le 01 Uha mbe ,l.ln ·1 you wU l,et rell el pro mp "y. lin . HO U& -A rarm hon e ror Lln wou l\l be if IU our tho ugh ta The con atan t Itch l." .Dd men ' and lee bow qolo kly yonlr Bru oe lon ft, or Bir mlo lbam , Al will arad e for a 10a nl •. , redD ell. rMb i"a t" wer e .1II ta-I f we all aDd dUla rbeu lPlr..AbllA mat lo pain l diaa ppe .r. Bold by lIufrered from an uld y uloe pre· r fer lee 'of 8M8 R1a, ""ta r, wi ;,~:,;;;~~.,cltllll&tI IDq ulr. a' aJ&la oflloe for Dine mo nth . and VookleD'• .Al'I fen H blue dow era or gra y eUe all dea lers . iOiIl. lloa •. ,Itcb , pll . ad Irrl hU nl .kln .mp Di nd or Je 11 SalV I cur ad bel In two wee ------~.~-~.------D. &lon a OlIn be read il7 can WU c1 l b.lp 100 . 001,. '50. Bea om and abe Deafness Can not Be Cur ed and Embalmer. OT .r roo t IIltlle. .... . akin mad e 0,1.1' aD4 ••oo, b Sp rin g Br anc h men ded b- J. E. Jan ney . wI'b furt her ,.." 'Dr oo 8~b taq aon nln I 01 EoI8 ID& tKD by looa lapp lica slon s. a8 they oan W a,n ••vllle. Oh io. ni. tlr .J. C. l:v Boo ke" R D I Wa7 D.-. 11Ie slu d.o IBame reao b 'he dillelaoo por tlon of not · lIin Alioe Ohe now eth ent .rta lne d ath ,D I,_ ya :' . the . , had leU .lDU ea~ 'l'be re 1. ooly one • ma 'we n'7 8 . . yea n and Sp r'n c Valley way to our QlII ans wer ed pro mpt ly daY or niJrht. ad triM 8nr ytb lal. d.f n_ . and 'bM la by oon .tHue .t Buo day din ner Mr. and lin . raUe cl. Bot h pho n. In Office and n.W ene · Oan lel Olln e, 01 .pri Dg VaU e" .-h en I fou nd Dr. Bob eon ·.llo Mm a tlon al rem edl8 8. De.fn68Bi~. oaU8 e. Ill'. Mr. aa4 lin . lfe.. 'on 1I00 re 811 Oln ame lllt I fou LoD~ dist anc: e,N e. I'; Hom 6d iad Mn . Roy Che oow d a ' our e... Tbt a e pho ne e'h ud lb. tar. lnte b,. .n Infl ame d oond1tlon of 1~2r . l OUa lun saa.I the da, II' . 4d Mu . Tim o'by 8mU b aad i. 'lie form ula Mr. and lin . muo oul hni ng of the Eus taoh ph, IOna. Cha lan , atot a. llI1d hat bie n t ... ..01lor• 7. and on. <Aaeb fum iahe ll free 'I'obe. Wh en thi8 tub t. "'te r'hw aita , e Is IDft ... med ~ Mr. with and fun eral s. 111'8. Fra nk o..k ln ••d -lle t all upe ri.e you hav e a rum blio g 800Dd or Dt. Th.., i... by lin . lob n Bee ne 1f8 D' ..nn ' 1m fam ily b ..d for tbe lr IJU88W Beet of I6rviee par ant eed . we can lln ara n* n. Alll 1ru .... ~rl80t helAl!ng. and wha .. '8n n· d", .. ... . . , week wit h h.r .on in or b1 mai n It iB en day din ner Ill'. Wil U.m l. Prlo e 100. GOrdOD and Jam .ao '\Ire ly ol08ed. Deafne'Jl! is tbe re8u ttr. r wn . UbemtOill Co., Pbi "'el phl a Pre il. wif e .nd Mr8 . lIin nle Ma rla' " and unle88 the Inft am" ,atlo n oan and R'. Lou III .. la. LU lia. M Ana take n 00' Rod ,his 'obe rest ored be d II bee I. .pen din g B 0 Dak in and 1'. aD rI. ------~.~-~.-----lts nor mal ovo dltl on. hea ring to • . .eral day . In Ian l.., th. IU will familY eote rtal ned at • 80n .' of d.y diD· bel' .1• • 111'•. 180 ._ OIb be de8 'roy 9ll fore ver ; olnA O&8 Bellbrook. el out, ner Ill' .• nd Mre. Fra nK or.e . Man lO. of of 'eo are oas aed by Cat arrh . whl 111" . 1:. M. Copee7. Mre. Ma ri ob '3pr inl Val ley aDd Mr. Ill' .•n,d lire . BG7 Wb llao pe a.d ls no'b ing but an InJ1l&med ooo dl\l on ~b8alom Eva n. and fam and Ura . Mlm. and Mr8. Phl llp Haw ke at dau 01 the mUOOU8 sort acel l. ll1 t. I he lbta ll' of Day ion .t.iM d bl. tend ed 'he Bi, ll 8oh ool Com men We wlll give One Buo dre d Dol lar. aUe rno on. oe I*re nw ber e Ba mr "y .nd Ban d.y men a a' IIla mls bur r Frld a7 eve for any Oa8e of Deato688 (oa ole nl.l . '14 '" J:at a H.k e ...0 Mr. and -Mr•. CI"1'8n08 TbomplOD Ca\ arrh ) th. ' oan not be oor edl by luae bee n Ill'. and Mr•. Wm . Or. llhw n of ftf7 low I• •rad....U,. lrow lllg Bal l'l Oat arrh Unr e. Sen d for by and Me8sere. Joh n Cbe now e$b and nea r Ly' 011' W. Z. Che le ape aa MUD4ay wit h Ill' wea ker. oul .. ra tree . Dow etb wer e BUI IIY of .nd Mn:' The ma. Ba710r. 1'. J. Che ney & Co, 'I'oJedo, Ohi Mr. and Mr. lIod lin . .ar r,. Ws••er, Mr •. G01 Che now eth Ii o. of Ill'. Lau ran ce Ale zan der anel En Sol d by Dru jtgl stl. 750. Mo nd.y din ner . D", ioD 'pe n' .Gn da7 ..itb ble Tak e Bal l'l Fam ily Pill a lor oon Deh aV1 lll wer e mar ried 1 .. , · Thu ra .. , thl. plaoe. et1p~'lon. day . !,fb e Oas e'M la a gre a' f ..mll 7 Ber ber 'Ta te Don ll of "'..n baa Sublcribe tor the pap er Tbe Bo][weU oom m••oem en' w.. Gu ett t' MU Ch' tbe 'o ld K.n t '.rm on '11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hlld In Tow n Bal l &io rda , btU. !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' arle rnoo D. The re we n 1• .,.4 na. ... ~be Day toll "St1 oke N" orO Uld Ina Ma7 Com l"'D reee ived tb. 1Ma. wi'l l .ll" roo k ..., "'u da 7 bODon or thJ o1U11. afle nao on. The soa re ..a. e '0 0 In Iii.. I:n Wlr obin IJ or DaY "'n lav or or "l1 "re ok • .... 'be ~on4"7 IUN ' of Ill•• Rut h No oth er test is lID cer tain -so 111'8. Nel le 8o....rda )'ol ker..n. • ale and wit hou t cce t or 1088. Mr. Rul leli itep hen e of Xa 1a la" Mr. aD4 lin . Wb lta aDd t .. No oth..r test is eo aev ere and o requ ires suc h stab ility as doe s oIa1l4reo 01 XeDIa ..ere lne•• UTe I' lin . 01'1.,. Pe& eno n ... ..lalDad 8nl lda7 Df Mr. aad lin . Qeo , 'ea . 'he W. C. A ••t hft llo a... .. lIoa · Hn . da, na ml . II. . . .the r Tho mM I. .pa ndl n. lin . Oh. .. .y o w.. aD a,. The Tn. Sta te But ter Com pan y, . 'be wtMIk "U b her bro&hen. Ohi o. has 8too d this "SATISFACTION OR . NO CHARGE Tim and mor e than 5 000 Cre am Shi ppe e Tes t aIlo ppe r toda y. re hav Ohl e not ." ldre only n·. fou nd ahippin~ Da , Hr'r ioee will be thei r Cre am to the fri· Sta te prof '. ~~ . 11111 Mar te We ller or Od ord 001. itab le but alllO hav e enjo yed the held a' ,bt. M. 11:. oha rob 81lD secu rity and reli abil ity whi eh cha 4a,. I.,e Ie bOll8e on ••1.... eriz es the Tri· Sta te mar ket. The Tri- Stat e doe s not soli cit ract mo mln l a' the np iar pna oht you r buain618 on prom ises but Dl • - • PROOF is our slo pn. Ilou r. CIa... Dell. . . . . . • -. En ter prl•• Bi d••• Sblp your Cream to-d .y, or writ n ..",. .uW M . . . . ... .. W a,n••vllle, Oh io. e for I7ree Trial Cu t-S pot ... ... MN a4a' " . . . , . . , ... . . .' CUb II paIcI f~ ever)' shipment.



A ut om ob ile Livery Service at Re asonable Rates.


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C -.-a:. , \ w .ait.>. .



O I.a al Sa d A d.





A .111.



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Dr. J. A. McCoy,





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T h e T e s t of 'r im e



P ie rc e

Jd·Stute Botter Co., Cincinnati, O. , .





afock 178 ,00 0




~41. JIIUb""""""" -'-



,J.W. ·MILLER .,.

th e' P re ss er



DEFENSELESS MICROBES. Humann 80cl(' 1I ~1\ aro I<UI' PO",' <I t o ll ro t ('c t dumb an l mlll ~. willi II " 1IIIIIIn ng I n l ~rrp r i ll g . whic h Bid" I .. " ur ll a. so· clL·ty to lu k!'? WI\c II 0. hU tUll n ll 6U - . ,",e l Y ta l;t>~ tb e par t ot a dum b bea st 1ll;alnst mnnk lnd . It pu ts Its c lt on r runl :18 do'f"\llllng 0 . Iowl·r form of II(" ngaln st n hl g bol'. Su n,u c ll Ie slm pl l·. b ut eompllCfl lI ons lil a )' 1I01l1 & 1IU1 ~s nr lse. For l ustan ce. tnlw t ll tl IJru bl e m at th e g ulb upon th e :\I IIS8l1c huselts coas t. J.'ish ~ rtUe n Insis t thal oi;;",a .gu 11 a am a t1 11 ls BnCf'. Since til Py lRk e u lut ot ti RlJ wh icb bu mu o tl s bl'r uH' n s hou ld CA tc h T h e g ull s nre so d ia bo li call y ex pe rt. In fact. t l1l1l a Il III W Il S Inl rudllcod In t b e lIIass ncb uHe t LB IIP g IKlatill'll tor ' h I' be n e tlt at Lb", fi s!l e rm .' o . It was t o a llow fi s h " rm e n to s hoo t gull s . And tb e bill wa s der"n l o' d by T h o Audubon lh e Audubo n socl pty.

Your Liver Is Clogged Up rnt 11i \\ I'a l lh 111 1;.


1 · " I\1 I ~y l'· :1 tl l f\ .

pn 'sl ll ·

alld IInrlil- l l,,,II'd 111 b y t hl!

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Tha t'. Why Y ou'r.. - HAY" No AI'



~ l' rt ' ra l 8 1 n t f ·~ . O rlLtt olll!t.

wil l put YOll ri!;ht 1Il\l ~ic . III :t flow da"s.. .lu i)· 4 - :-;aUo llu l Dn)" : T Ilt' rhl o t Th cy ri o Jll s tk" ot III" 1· lIl t.,,1 Stn l eR l)rI·"I <.IID ~. t1wi r till !}'. F ..... ·,.IO"n. ork t l" ll h y tb., ,; rrR lll pll t of l' lI r~C,," ~ ~~,U~~~=J II", 1: 1l1t"d ~Iatl · " . I Jlf:il 11(,on . h l' t o ~t ipal l o \l. JiI . &ta te o( Penn s yl van ia E)ltend s In lll t a· Ill.\' Ih ,' '·( lnl,' r"I Ul1r of " ~ ""al ("'flc e lI d lt , u snt's:;, l nd i ~~s t itl tl and Sic k Head ache t lo n to All So ldiers Who Fought In OII' lllo r ia l I-: \" t',d ll ~ . IIr ' wI)rl,,, SMA' I 1'11.1 .• :,MAI.L DO:;Io:. 5,IolJO.LL PilleR.. G o n fll ~ t Fifty Y"e a ~a AgoTo Ho ld R e un ion In Great T ent . Genuine m us t bea r Sit,'n atu l'C Good T im e AG6 Ur e cJ All. A ,R:rt' a t " -li t . s t1:t111lJ:' bt' t\\f' ~ \ JI lI'n t hous and ( IO.unti l Ulld lif ll' o <I Ihou i tnl'rI, uurg. I'a .- \ ' f'l e ra ll s or 'h e Civil \\·ar. lWl h lIlu e a nd Uray . w ill ~\llI d ( 15 ,{IIItII · \, · t "r;lI1 ~ . "Ill b,' c red· u~aln' 1111'('1 . a fl,>r tlt t y Y" >lr8 . o u rh e I'd lr,f11l1, .l1at ,·ly Ilcljo ltd ng ti l" '·lIm p. ba Lt le tl !l ld Ul ( ; " Il)~ lJlIr g . I 'u .. a u Jul r utili th ~ r , ' 11l wl il o(,(' lIr th (' "llIlI'l' ('x,' rciSI'll. ,' x('l'plllI~ Ih ,' nili ll a l')' I'anlll .' 1. T hl e t lrlll ' it w ill b e 11 !'I ' u ul o u a nd nn d n rfl\\' ()rl\~ , : t l H I I hl'rpi n , KH \ 'n f ur Do rO\l r p.III I:I:e th £' filet t h at tbousaud. l , a ~1 dllT ... r"ncl' tI will be but a m c mIh o' h lmrs Sl' l apa rt ro r t hl' :lllu \'" <! .( . ot wo m eo a r e now using o ry . ~ r (· I~ ('~ . t il!' H'to ra li K mny h u loJ ni l T b e Sla t E' o r l 'cnsy l\'llnlll 0 11 ~Iay r" u<ll o ll s t h r·y mllY d o·si r e. t h .. t en L I :!. I ~l) 9. c r e nl (' d II co mmissio n t o co nli ocle ly pro pe rly co nce r ns Itseit w ith brlt l/; nrru lI L:('(j to b. ' Hllbc1h' iri ·d In t o 8ld e'r aud arrulIgr for u pro pe r a nd th e Int e r ests ot Wu bird s . C nfortu- Iltiln g r ecogultl Ot·1 1UI d. obsc rv a}lc,' , al nUIl H'rou R sl' para l f' I'nC IOHllrt ·'i. A ll At the market It Is only the flrlt cia . . . prayed trult t hat I. in derlliind. nate ly. th e r e Is 110 "Society to r . tbe l1e it'ys bur~ .. o~ \h~, ~!tI~ th Il.nul\, e r llary vl'l,' run s o f Ih (' (' 11' 11 war. Iln r lh lind - --= so uth, nr c' \I rg('(j t o Wfl ar th l'lr UrJ)l,V'. W elfare of tb e Flnl)Y , Tribe. SQle n- ot lh e bnll1e ot Ge ttysburg: t o In"lle A Soillble Antiseptic Powder ('or PH . dh·I~ l o n . b rl~~ cl e and 30(' 1"1)" lists t e ll one th a t th e flsh 'came ,just tb e .dl~ ve-T.IlUun :o r. th'e _. oongrtffis of all a r pm edy tor W\lCOU ~ me mbmu e afba dg As. a~ " t11 ('l} Il S at IdE'ntl fkntl Cl n be tore tb e bird. In th e process ot e vo- 'th e \ lnlt ed States. und of o lllt'r ~ tat eij t e ctlons . Buch as sure thro:\t. uas a l 01' 10 th e ir eO lj lrutl eH In Ilk (' rO ltlt11anct ~. p .. lvl c catarrh, inflammation or ulceralution, wl~b maybe a r~plll e or s o be - Slid cornmonw ealth N." d e lhI d lh l! com· In · tb ".I(pN' latlOtl that It w ill a ~~I ~ t tion. caused hJ fe male Ills? WO lDen tween . Mammals:' Cam~ 'n eXL )[ one mission 's dutie s unrl vrerogllllv es nnd In Impartin g InfClrtllllll o n as lo wh (' 11 • " , ''', 4 " '\Vbo bnve bE' en cured s ay "It Is worth appropriatio n (or prellmln . protec,ts . the ',d0 !7!~sU~ I ~ru~ll , ~a!n8t mid e and wh l! r., t hei r dlrrr>r e nt or!(anlza · Ita weight In gnld ." DIssolve In ""atH the domesllcate tt 'brute: the ' ,vlld be rult .ur)' J!:lponaes. and a pply locally . For ten years lhe tlons · meet. and in b ri ngin !: t o.lll' th Pr -Tex·t Inv itation to Veteran.. ~o mro.d e s wb o would uth !' r",IBI'. by &&'&lrist . the ' -t a ine. · . lhe·' · · ~·mx.iblblab Lydia m. Pinkham Medlctn e Co. haa -rite 1~'Vlto.t1on ,I~ ~.s fol! qw.s : ·:·P~nI!'· rf!ason of In llsI! o t· t Iwe . fnll t o rr['o~ · Stomach Poison Kills Those Which Chew Food Only- n!commended Ptutlbe In their pri vate against the land dw eller !lnd BO on corresponde nce with ,.' 0 m'll n . .dowo tbB , scale. surely 'lhe ilAti" should sylvaola. . by I1s commission formall y nlze eacb oth e r . For all bygle nlc a nd toilet UBes II bas Used For the Sucking Body Poison Type Invltelf th e congress of tlle U nited . 'to,COO Veterans Ellpected . be ·protect~ il&alua.t Its. d~~~<eJUJant. no eQuu\' Only 50c s la rge box at Jru.~tat~s and ber Sisle r SU\tg~_ 1l0d : (;OnL It Is (> xp~ c tl' d that 40. 0U U v et e rl/.t1 ~ the 1ili-d: , ., . I Hit Each Individual slsts or sent postpaId on re t'u lpt or monweulthB to acce pt · this Invltatiou or til e war. not ' a ll of tb e m'; ' hOWl- ve t·. price. Tbe Pax tall Toil e t Co ., BOltou. Mu.. · . f rom tbe comnrWl.woolth upon wbose 8urvll'orB of th .· O.' tly s burg ba ttl e, will Man y trnl l and \'O!;e lu ble g row e rs In 1 tll' pn .,,. at Ih e rnl, ot ~ or 3 pound " "Tbe destruction of the pObr 18 tlielr sol\ the ballle ot Ge ttysburg was bo (ound . .f' nClll1lpftd 1uppn tbe \le ld ,poverty." wrote tbe sa~e ·: ot o.ld. He., tought. to share In this Importllnt an · wh e ll :T\, e lil e ,8()\1p~ B on ,.th e morning Oblo s lill s eem to be Ig norant ('onc,erll' I III .ntt y gall u ll s of WAter. Thes" will DAISY FLY KILLER ::r':~r,:' :~ I I ... fi! .. t . I.:I ".D .rwaB referring, doubtiesB. to .J)O"verty' In ~IVer8ar)' . and. . 10 he lp m~k e _ I~ . an , -of .July 1. !t will ho a dll'tere nl r e- Ing th e fUlldam e lltals of spraylu y. IIII'\ud .. III~ \'arl o ll " wurm s unt! ,·ater · This tac t Is Bhnrpl y re a liz ed by tb" , ~ i ll!lr~ . curc ullOB. ~ Iug ~ a nd th .. like. ~~:~ • .J Le.lD ~t ;. uJ :~~ cbaracter. Mary AoUn bM elaborated e\' eft\Y'·ohh Y, Of .ItA hl ~ lo.~lca~ stgnlfl - ve llle thnn that wh ic h th e IH~ and ....... . or ,on thaJ. lhought In bel' book; ' Tbe .~nIlC(), .. n,!d hn 0'Cc8slon cre ditatil e and drUIII e-orps o f two great armIe s Coll ege ot Agrll:ulture , hee- Buse In·. Th p ~ u c klllg In8 e c ' ~ r " "ulre Ii dinerm .tal. eaD ' tliJ ll 1or up u ' . r; -III Q" , .011 or Promised Land. "The poor are poor .Imprertirl~~ to ' our great aruf re. unlt e ~ souoded Ofl y Y"are ago. The call to (tul r ies receive d mak" It "vldent thu l I ('n t ItI lc hod o r tr .. atm eo!. The B'" h u v., I nJ u r _ • t .. I •• . In a large uumber of cases there iN a lOll!,; l ube· like mourh whi c h the y are ln spirit," sbe says. "Those wbo "re nation." li nd lik e wis e Invlt ps th e co- awak e nIng will be n cnll to a vc ace ful Ouu.."tftWi . " ... , (1 .. ... ao utt e r la c k of und e ~ tuodluK r e go. ... l· I lI bl " 10 IU 80H I into lIlt' tis su es ot l e a" e ~ All d •• It a1 d t I' l l 'operatl!'n and pa rticipation of th e ·ce l .. bratioll whil e th e cnll to the awak. I , .r1 ch n sp I' u en owmen w neyer G ' . . • 't >: • . . . u pr ... pal l1 rut 11. _ ranI! ' 6f the "Re publi c ulld 0 .m lng· In July IIlS:l wa s 0 call ot log Ius ec t and di seas e (' onlro\. The or bark a nol lh.l8 SUl·k th e lUlc e s trom ."OL» .ou .... II' D.& ..n~ An.• aro.llJe. •. 'I. que s tion e r s see m to be at a 10SI to I the Ins ide. As I II l'H' Inaec ts do nOI IIllI be found bankrupt::. A~d . what Is Ihe l jlilt ed Coof!'de rfl.te Ve t e rans . armIes to co ntl'ret a ll~ lO tholl s and9 or kn o w wha t kind ot s prIl.ys to lis e and I 80 ll d roo ti and liS we can uo t rellc" IIplrHual endowment but character? : . St'iatii Will Act ~~. Hoa\, . me n , Il call to dea lll . . 1'1I1 ., ~s YOll kllo w your dU ly hu w What Is It but tb~ . ~ar~~g a~!1, en- . P~~~Ylvn.nla-sh e proyldlng all -en -_ For ye ars IlI P ,· " t" rOtlA h u vp brlU n whe n to USl' the lll. Otle n III £' y th lok , Ih(' lr 8 to1t 1lH~ hR \\Itll a polso u. w(' D1I1S\ w ill you UP ubi.! lO dud ge It! rlcblng oC what we know as tbe spl1'- letLBlnm &nt at Ge ttysburg during .July lookin~ fo.rwnrd to this r e uul c n . It I:. that lin y one mUl e rial .... 111 do fo r ~v ' l kill th e m In soul e otber way . A conI tac t InseC-l kid.· lti us",d, uu " tblll Is ca· M..... Wtb.low·. 800thlne ayn.p fOt C'L lld..\tual Side of human nature? Tbose I, 2, S ana 4. I ~p, !Qr forty tflopsand ·probable that .Ul e r~ \\'111 b.~ pr ese nt e rYlhing. . P e r sons ",;ho expect to hAv .. Bucce lS i lJl1ble of klllln ); through Ih .. boe r coy · kcLblllv . sotlof'ne tb~ 8'umM. reduC" bt tu'\& rnw ... wbo bave been rightly lostructed when (40.1)1)0). ')puo.r\l~I?: dlsl!h¥.g!!d . vp, e- many . thou s nnd R ot s urvlvors...i of til" 1»D ... pala,cu_ .. ludcO llc .-:.o .. """1~ with 8llntY~ mUlt unrl Rrstund t.he lIu·1 a rln g. Tb~84i i nclude s ueh I\1llterllllH young ·.and hav? 'heeded anil profited ran/! . of th e ; C lyll , wqr;~ . lV1d~ .3J1e and battl e. . . by that IIl8tJ:ucUoo have a. strength of the natlon!,1 govllrnr;neo.t toge th e r . <118 . ' Many of I hI' s latcs ot tbe llnl d n. ' lul'!~ of tb e' Inseelll a ud th e dl!lea~et\ I a. lillie, '1IIIfur. keroaen e cmuls iull. Literal. I!plrlt- sometlmes supe rl1clally doml- provlt,led hy 'the .nct... ot · co~gre8s . of north a s WI ' II li S ROllth. hav e mnd e al' - lhe y ll r e II tt e mpti ng tn o\·e rcome . e er.' wbole 011 · UOa ll. lobacco leat e xtrarta "WIlII ~ li n v.' <:a r ~ . " tnlrt PCSIS r equire Ih e use of one clas8 1 and a re w olh e rs . . With the biting lu ..- whi c h eoa bl es Auvllst 26 '912• .by ellcb paying $1 f>O •. prollrlal)oTl to 9t' ud . tbe lr v e l ., l'I\n~ to ,,( Hho uid ~I! Y tiO with 1111 : 11"> ,, <11 ['na t e d "III w power or '" . . .. II at spray s . wblle oth e rs mus t be t ou g h I I Rt'Ct S t he polso n may bl' pia cl!d ul.lUn 00 0.00 for _th e war d e partment . with th .. (l e tt ys h urg re u!! lotl lind to pay " tagral>h .. hunglng on th em " with other kind s . It Is II u seless e rro r l ! t he plunt betore th e Inst?c t IIppeara, them tq CQnQuer obstacles, . 01'. .\.a\ ' le~st .ue ,... . " $'00 ,"" ""0 .0<", t i t 0 c r ellte liD d othe r . ·U I, e ns... . 1110 battle otll, , . of Gelt\'K' . til realst, tbelr tendency to DU I them malntnln a great camp around th e bat- burg ·lsrecog nl7.r d a s th e turnin g po int to spray tor · the c od\ln~ muth Wilh ' but wllh tho suc k ing Insecl s. lbe Be Happy Today . down. Those who lack that power .t~e ll eld. I ot the wllr be tw eEo n rh o Btat es. It hR ~ lim e-sulfur or for apple s cab w ith lolr- I s"ra ypr mWi t wait until ,he y nre prlJ IIH" Ihlll hnth 60 Jllany c au 5e~ or Jo ... . may -fare ' fortQnately or Ill, but tbe Camp Accommodation• . • " bee n caJI!,!d tlm l' n nd IIg llln on o or Ih u s enate · ot lead : The [, h a rac te r ot the l e nt d Q t hat h" c an R[' tu o lly h it th e m ' and 8 0 g rl'llt. Iii w' r y much In luv ., w it h point Is that no m e r e Increase or the The camp 'COtilprlsoB some two .bun: d ee ls l"" ha tll,'" or th .. worl d . f1 e n pr- Ins e ct or disease mu s t be known and wi t h Ih£' sIJray mut~rllll. Sur b lus ects sorrow lIud peevls bn ess, wh o IORI'8 11.11 money paid w\1l save them from their ' dred and I'lghty contiguou s UCrI'B. oily It Is recognized lhlll f1 ('tlr s burg th e proper sproy applie d at the \fro pe r " as th e m u uy kinds of apbldes or planl tlJ e ~o pl eas ureu, und c hoose s to sit obvious destruction. starting nbout two hundred yards de r:ldetl t<J E' grpnt C O li "11..0( . he iped in t im e a ud In the provoI' way be tore IIny li ce li nd t.b (\ varloUII sC'al es u re tha dowu Ullon hl !!.Jlttl handful of t horus. . the deci s ion probably by th fl fall or gaili. will r esult . . Spraying Is a hlghl)~.1 c h lt'f Ol"1" K whlt-h lire ke pi down will! Enjoy th o bl j>sslngs of tblB dll)·. It from tll.e hlgbfjwater <murlk" 1T!0nt=.Utllnt Vlcksb~rg on thl' MISq lss IJJIJi. whlrh "rofitable Inve Olmeot when t bol'oll;;l1 contacl II prny @. A plo broke the other: when ,high tm the battl e eld. Rnrl ylnl!( 0 : Ie took plncl' \"Irlllal)v al th Q 11)0DlPnt wOI-k Is done. 'rhe cOJltest with oP- J Dispo.ii C!B of u local naluro lik e bln r k God 81'nds t h"ol ; and the Il vllR or 1\ bear patiently lind sw ee tly; for th is omcer In a big corporaUon · was try- south ~est of. th e town. &nd ~JUy- ,up', ,tlio.t th e· conn ie t on' th e ~e nn " yln1tlla c hard alld gard e n pests In a gene ral knol found on ·th e snur c hl'rr )" and (h ~ dar ollly iH ours. We are de ad to y t'tIIng to put several po.pers together. He on th e Scene of. th e lirst do)' II ognl. .. ~eld wlut· df'c iri ,'ct In favor tlt th e lI urt h. way Is not ns co mple x us It may se em . plulll Urp. liCIt conlrolluble hy s pr" y bu ~ t fJ rdny and w e a~ not y ot burn t ll 'PIcked the little sticker up, foun.d that consists of F,.OOO t e nts. r egularly HQI·cjtt , !'rn arms. 1t es n be s lmIJl llled 10 a IRrge degr el' by the IlrUoll1~ tool s. Di seases like the lomorrow. lIut If we look S hroud Ing twelve.m e n ea ch. but now to hold "., , : . Jt served · 'his purpose just as well, but eight veta mnn, e ach veteran b.eby dividing the m Into various classes . pea r blight, and Ibe clI llkers ara bac" and brinK Into on e day's thougbt >! the : Large -gbm for Entertainment . allhough an elghtb. of an".lncb IIf It Ing "up(tlled with ·n lIepnrate cot. 'th e . ThQ Rattle or. ll e lt ysb,l"rg 'col'nmll1 All m e mbers of one Group are u s ually te rlal and live on Ibe Inn er tissu es e vil of lDllnr, ce rtAin ' and uact'rtaln, was gone. A . lItl1~ rapid - ft~rlng;;- '~ PeDlt.ll,h·anhi' . comm1s810n · hBving slon ot th o stat e ot Pe nn8ylvRnia hap combatted with . tbe Burn e or similar wh er p th ~ y can not be reacb ed wltb what will be linll what w!l1 n e v .. r bu. call to the pin manut~cturers, ~ <l~arge Qf tbe orde r" at e xe rcIs es dy: a .Iarge sum of· mo ney lit Its di s posal sprays . Tbe ability to plare the 10 ' spruYII_ Here again tbe pruning tools our load will be as Intole rabl c a» It sect or dlselise In the prope r group pre- are UKl' d to remove Ihe Intecllon. ~lil · III unrea softable.- Je.r e my Taylo r. lIOon It was found I tb~t eove'ral ' hlP- Ing th e celebration : th e physical ct;!.n- tor th e e nte rtainm ", nt o t th e vi s iting e1udeB any mlstllkes In ~el ec tlng the dews which d e vI' loL' on Ihe ,,:nerlor ot tro l of the camp and grounds lind l'1ie ve t e rans. and rhe 1hmts >lnd" of pe r80n~ dred doUai'S a ,year would be saved' If klod ot mnterlal to use . the pl u nt may bu enslly killed by JUlt Like a Maft_ moveml:!nts·. bt' t;'OOI)S alld march.g who 'wlll occompany th e m . Hospitaltbat concern uaed pln8 a .lIttle .. ~It Inse d8 nre divid e d Into Iwo ['Inases . SI)TUYS. Tbe vll.rious rots. rust s, s cahs. A man Hutrl'red from Int1amruatolY bodIes tlierell\· to. b~. l~ ,.char!l~ .of Jhe Ity Is to mark the daYR . Fifty yearn sborter tlian those 'I t ha'd be~o U&lng. 8Pcretary 'dr war; tmdet such Om~f8 ago Pennsylvania aid ed III the ,vork:of tbose that chew their faa <I and those lear:SIJots can a lso be· controlled to !\ rhenmlltisID, ond hIs wife nurs,..d hllll The rollowlng week tbe sborter »Ins lUI he may detail tor that pUrp081' . rl'pelling · the vl!ll tors· fronl ll1 e Hauth . th81t Slick th eir food . Eacb segrega- large extent with sllrays. They should palle ntly . He had a ye ry fault ·llndlng began to arrive, and , tho ' ec6nOmfca.1 t101~ Is controlled by R separate c lass he all"ll ect betore tbe dleeau e nppears , dlspoHltlon . but IIhe was very )) IIIie'1Jt oMcer 'felt be was doing a great favor Free Tranlportlltlon To and From :11~\~ea~I(.... JaUrl~8n~:I~:~p:nnm~n !~~~ct~l~ or IIlprays. 'I:he ftrst nllme d huvc hard • . an e rrort helug made to coye r the ~ur· and al>:lO ve ry fond of him. ACter nn especially severe attll c k. a Gettysburg. to tlw m e n wearing th e gray. "nter- horoy. manllibies 01' Jaws which e1\able ; "fnce of lhe plant complete ly . 'hila til tbe -llhare holders by k;epl~g · do~ Wltll e&eh _commonwealth . state talnmentH at vRriouH klnda- will be uf- them to..blte orr piece s ot tollage, bark will de·s troy any spores I hat a re prilS· friend cBlle d to InQuire ntt'l r him . expenses. 'and termtOl:), .r ests absolutely the de- fe red -th e vi o illng vete ran s . hut It Is or' blossoms, chew lhem up and LBke eDt lind will prl'vent g e rmination of The patiellt wor .. IL mournful " IJ)1~ alon. termination. a s each de e ms b est , to pre tty weH understood -that th e ir dl1ep them loto t heir stomac hs. mucb the un" which mlty find lod g ment later. Expert8 from the Ullitod Stat" to "Well." said the friend. cbee rfully . what v e terans ot th e Civil war It will Int e r est 10 .r e vlsltlng th e 8Ce m!s' whe re same as do the higher anltnals. The Fuoglcldes are IIlIually of two l~atln - Amerlcu wlll approxImate on,e ISBue free trausportatlon. P e nnRyl - 'th e y rought. Lillie flound Top. Oak biting or che wing Insecls lire · fought cIneses. the l:opper sprays and tbe au I· "how Bre yo n today?" ml\1lon dollars for each business day "anla's Invitation be ing that to BUell .Rluge . Cemele ry Hill. Culp's HilI. by what nre known as stomach pol- tur aprnys. Hordeaux mixture Bnd "Very bl}dl), ." replied th e rb lll! t1Iflt oC th~ . cuo-eot fiscal yeax:. 01' .practlcal- uhonorably discharged v e t e rans o r Ilo cl\ Creek. the Stone Wull und oth e r Bons. These Include arsenate of lesd, lime-sulfur are the most common rell' Ic snrrerpr, "and It's all my \\' 1te's ~y thr~e times B8 much ' aa. a decad,e th'e Civil war" a8 come to Ge ttYllbulll'; plac ps will hold lllfl m largely to the Pawls green: London purpl", hellijlOrl' resentutlve~, Tile former i~ a more ran It." "Why ." cried tbe rrlend In IIs lonlsh · ago. Uncie Sam has be~n ,dolng,lIomo for th e ab<'ve ce le bration. e lth!'_'- ulJo'n 1I1eaHuI'es ond to the sndn esses of pnr - and pyrethrum ;' t!le 6rst me nUone.<\. be- effective tungiclde. but otten causes a running preparatory to- lbo. ju~p h-, (fr e transportation or at their OWII sona l rPrnlnlscences . Arm in arm with Ing: held In·· most "favor. The se poIsons lo~& by burning tollag(l and nlssetlng mt'nt. "Is It possible? " "Y('s," moanpd th e Invalid . ·· ~· O\l ' and rorese llt prolle r creden - tht> Lnlon soldiers Ill e CQllre df'mte Bol· 'ure placed on ·the plant and '''hen the frull. In practice, ·the IIme·sulfur genollpects . to make In . <i(ionectlo·o · Vo'lth. e;;penee, know . th l.l doctor told lIIe al wayc to f'~IB proving ' Ul e lO to be. B~h yet:di e rs \vill r e tramp th e battlHground . ·Insect takes tbe toad Into Its stomac b. ~rally Is used except when the midthe opening of tbe c,.nal. eikHs. ·she , wllJ vrovld e. food,- ~helt ~'r Th e y will look O\' e r tlie fi e ld ot Pick· tbe polson Is swallowed too, und tb(~ summer rots are to be combllted . Ar- avoid damp plael's : and there my wife o. .nni! enle·rtnlnm~t dur·'n g thot p~rlo.~ . el fs de sperute c harge .' Th t,y will r (\- Insect Is conseQueutly killed. InBect s senate of Iplld may be mixed and IIled liltS and ('rl l's JUMt to mn..ko t b n all' Some ' people are ·boni. lucky . )'I/ote h"t she fllr,nl s h.eA (re'if tran~por_totlon traco ~lh o . marching Bte p'!; ot Loug· lhat can be seen to actually ellt holeH at the samo time wllb eIJher. wltbou t moist IIroulld m e ." the famJ.1y In Omaha wbose . 1I~red .,gtl'l to ·-JlO one. ~av e on ly to h e r own Vf' ! ' s tree t 's corps . Tbe y will go to ·. the Ill' leaves, and fruit or th e margins or decronslng tile etflclen cy . ThuB In· wac blof.:{J Q.llt of tbe window Bnd waif erans or· vr,te rllnB I1()W res id e nt.. i\ointiil pla['e · wh e r e Mf' ad e It a d hi s h ead'luar· surracc s · of ieaves ca n ge nera lly be ·s cc t.s anti di sease s can otten be Cought "LIKE MAGIC" t!carcd 'I{b : b,adiy' ehe kept on · ~n~, 'h e~ borll~, on.<I to th e m oill1' ~ I',(l"r 'terg and to th e p lace from whi ch L~e held 10 c heck with arsC' lIl1te of lead, at tile s ame spraying. New Food Make. Wonderful Change•• only to.ltv. ve h er Illuce taken; nu: le!!ilala.~~ \H~e'cUOTl :· which : ~!\;. nb\~ d'irecled hili 8tlltthirn fur ces In battle. ·'Pe ndlng 111 her genetat' .issembl}),. 'th'c It lij 2la1d ,that thi s c ontelriplat~' rp· olher " gli" Why . ble w Into .thO·: house thl'o1Jgh anoth e r. w.ndow:."':and oaUona] government furllishtn"f: ' 'no llnl o n ha s indllcf'd more Itltllrllst . ~, ~..:,.'" tree tr!\nsport a tlon at all. .": . , ,~, among t h e old aoldi !! rs ot . tll e ·· f/ri~th was In,c.t:u:t:!!t! . (.0 stay afler : .th4 I>torlll ' 1-li e ''l'ru'll~ ·, ,lne l>llsl:!eng pr a~·8·ocla"- a nd thi\" smith Ihnn any e vr'nt .whi ..J1 was ovcr. ' Th e rust wblch atta c ltR I(rowlng oats tbut doe R e great harm by 8app~g I,,! lion In wl\Ose .te rrltol·Y G e ttYS blJrK ~~. ha s h·a ppe nf;,/l sincie ~the dllY thllt lIie has A-ran·l ed a on t-l alld thr ce·fl,. war c lONe d . Th e r e Is t oda)' nt Oe ttrll- aro of 'two kinds. Oue of these II tbe lite froll1 the stf>Dl lind I>re,·ent,i}.lg A \\· l~'it' · or. ninety In N e w York." ". round,trip e xcurs ion rat e. ,:;oo d goin g burg a gFe nt naUonal :Ilark. In wbi'rh lhEI "crown" or " orallge leur" rust. tbe fllling ot tbl! grnlns. It mo.y cause 8ulng for back alimony dating back .Jun e 25 and rm urnlng to o rl~inal is Includ e d a . e-" me t e ry wh e r e th oll· It atTe['tH only the leaves of Ihe \llnnt. " total failure of the c rop _ Low land s and moist seasons are to 1867. In conse quence of b e r taking startIng point Ity July IG. II tWI' ll ty · ~lInd A or . ciidlei- dead nre burl pd . Th" The otber Is known as the '.'blac k stem" du e time to think about asserting her day tick e t. good only Olt Rllm A r n ut'! l'nltfllj" Slate R Kov e rnin f' nt And the leg- rUBt, and th is is tbe ooe which doe s se- especially favllrable for tbe growth rights. sh e Will . tr bel' suit Is success- going and coming and c o~tin g two l~hHllrt' uf Pe nnsylvan i!l work ed 10, rrciUB damal(e to the growing vlant. aod development or the ruat sporos. About the only way to prevent rUBt ful, ge t quite a tidy little fortune. r. e ntp per mile. hut each s tale mll Rt g l' tb e ~ to ~lHlk(' a park at I.h e· battl e· !rho ru~t HPor~iI ohtll in 'lodgment on make Its 0\\' 11 arrangem e nts wilh th e fi e ld and tl> . m a rk . IIceurat~ly every th& · teml e r steml o t tbe young plants, Is Ill' growing varieties of oat8 whlcb wblch Is o.nother illustration of the mlmllar assoclatlolia covering th r l e r- Iloint It'lt which has historic Intl'rCRI. t~~ln penetrate to tbe Interior and are "rust-resistant" or which mature beuefi~ at not acllug too hastily In rltory from thnt state to P e nn syl Jt IA expecte d t hat much go od w!ll thNe "ro.luce new 8porell In (\uanli- so ellrly tbat the grain tllIa before tbe a1falrs. ~ van ia. Th e rsllroadR at Gett.v sburg come frbm ·Ihe· 'rennlon of th e Blue and tie1l 80 gr eat as to burst the 8tem' destro)'lng ot the rUBt r efuse. because of lack of room. to the Gray mr th e battlelleld of Gettys: wa\l~ nud appear ID black lines on the Varltles of onts wblch are almolt Down·trodden man wlll give a smile park or accommodate there sny ['are burg. Time has healed many wQunds. sl:u·tace. Eacb or the t\\·o kinds of "ruBt "root" can no'tll" be obtained.. more In sorrow than In ange r at tbe on side tracks. The old ..6oltilerR have for~otlen tlielr rus ts has both n _red Bnd black ·stage, Thes e vllrletlell, mature early enoulh '. I \ . ~G"am for 'Four anlmosltl ei ' more ';l)adlly than have IfJ U Is hard' to dlst\llgulsb between to escnpe se rious damage by rUBt : tbe assertion of a. pro~t\ent. nr~eBslon~ . Slxty·Day, the Ear\)' Burt and tbe The program for the four day s ' '~x- the- civilians. It is thought that this th e two. al woman that women can no longer Neither In the red or bla('k stagel Kher~on (Jlltll. While none of then /lrcl8es and entertainment. Is not ,'et great CO'nllng togeth· e r In J)eo.ce of' ~"· o· ,be lreated aft a slav!!': ; He will won-· dool llle "Crown" rust do Bel'!OUH dam · Is a8 s atlRfactory as some of tb • . del' with a sickly feeling OC-,uUeT<belp- Ilert~c,te:d ' In d.efall ~ Mit die'·· tentntive once c.o nOlctlng \Iosts ' will mark the ' s1lgg'elltlons are: pa8slng ot the last trace of the bitter, age, n9r doee tbe red sLBge of tbe later \'arietle8 wbere the latter wlli lenness, wbere hlB c'"ha~ce or escapJuly I- Veterans' Day: Approprl· ness of t·h e war b e tween the Btates "black s tem" rust. It 111 the lsu;t or mature, the y will undo'Jbtllt1lY ,1111411 hi slavery will: com·e In.' black s t a Ke of tbe "blach tilem" r!lS1 I colld Cl'OIIS .. very y ..,r. .te exercises under ~ joint· dlrec- of this grt;lut 1)nio.1. . _.


!i 1) rJr, O !l fll\d











It, '.r.,'r ... . D.









A Pat'11I doctor contendl tbat he can read chit.rac:ter by the hall'. SUll. ott.ell the',:occupaot of the bald-headed Iro'tll" m&7 be a Judi:e or a colleae protteuer_ Before the end of tbe 8easOO, po.... ibl)' • . 1ODl.ebody wlU pl.n well-i!arned fam~ bl lI.dlna somethlo. Dew to call






The boy looked up pleasantly. Expected. a "Rlpplng" Time. He .badowne·d the' dlsg- about - BIll "I'm 'most tbrouch," be aDnOlinced, J~ mib'l'1 .choolboy. wa-II. about' til montbs wben he heard strang~ "'aiouncr~ .wlth a depre'c atoJ'y Jran ,ot the hand. In tbe dead ot night, an.d, selzlbc bls ap.~d , 'vacaUoD 90 :. bls Ir~dta. etpeeted to enjo1 a Then atter another moment or so ot lun, he sotUy -cre'p t downatalMl: . The thul"I' just settlni: · my prayeri day -11l,toOe,", burglarli we~~ .thertj ".)1 r!r;ht-'~bere saUl UP betore 1'10 to "ari.Ddpa,. ;ln th• . waa the dog? Impatleotly broke In ·C"ouDlry. I '.poet I'll be too billY to one of the governor's au4lence. lay 'eJD ,tbere;;· 1le ,•.xPIa~ed, • 'Didn't be bll.f.k!' 'The dor; wu-there: replied ·O le· governor, ·'but he wu .tou bue, to ba.r k: 'Busy!' ;tlle :' Wliat'wa8 be dolllR·r ·f. •.mllmr-..I· th~l;~aOo~~L lolllle ItiDtlim. for . the











God's Purpose Always Best, Though It IsH ard Some Should Be in Every Garden, Even it No t ro r Commercial Purtimes to Understand It. poses- Demands Cool Weather and Soil That Is Fairly Strong in Nitrogen and Supplied With Phosphorus. Cy(' I' JII " and I)!lnard , firp. IIn.1 flood h avc! JUl<'ly o]~' V UM tut. '<I l'l t lt''; ano] vii · l aJ~ ' " "li d I" rt la rgl' pllrtl o n s or pro,,· p "ru 'J3 <,"u lllry Iltp In rl1ln8 . jlollnll il IIr" hall Ilf'pn J\oooi" d a \\' 11 ) ' alld t h .. fa i r"sl uUllli'slic t'L,,'> 'II' S lll·so lat p d . Tit, · ~\Irr('ri ll~ and \I)SH 1101\1' c.a n ode-Qu ntp ly

I1l1' llSUre

Sit c h

!lI 'll t t pll1 cl bw:-,t l'rs ral Re fl U(·s.. t ilJlI~ III tl\l· [lI i fld ahtlut C;otJ ' s rro}a · , JOlt tn , I, •• ur d\'l'rs t' un tl hi ~ tnlt.'n'!-1 t

ill It II 111:111 Ilfl' . Ttl. ' old, uld dlflku lty I Jrt' ,\ ,"lflI S I t !~ .. 1f to n ur tho ug h t, «"FIn C " d IJr ' 1~(J() d an d V"l'Ill lt s u c b ( 'r u ~ hlll ~ ~ "r ro' .. ~

rill )

Ill ;

alld In! purnlJl. · I n~KPS to h\·· I.,. I f

l il1lllt' d



his ltOw l'r

llrl ' rr'nl th"H" II IS .. a s )" to . illt.:, fit and pl'i:l i", , ' hin) fo r Ih ·., I'all llul

(,.da :-d n' IJ!.I!'!'\ '" ( ;(\ cI 'l'"


rH '

I I I'

S it

I.! I H.dl1 t 'SR

III-'hl and t il " " llIl1rlJld ,'ry nf "prllll: Hud ;-;tlT'llllf'r an d Ih. , hitl'n. 'sts or t t1(~ nutt ~ lllI l


Qu :tkl ·....

ii! l l d

Bitt \\ hal i.lhuut f' arlh "dl (·; \Il{lI·~ .

, ·\o lldhl1f"!1 I~ .

torll t\ d,, ~,;

a nd 1 1~;III[1l l1 g I (,I I A, IIn.1 (lv"n,lIl'llI1ing (lllud ...;" \ \ ' h,'n' l~ ( ; \I t! a tld \\ 1I~1 b hl H r.-\at 11,11 10 BOlC h or· PUr r "IH' '' :'; '" 1', ' n,,1 1 " ,.. If I o ff l\ r a I' ("I \\' 11 :l~~ 0 1 11!' ,ug h l wlli, ' 11 lIa,' 1' IJf(Hq:; ht Till' !'I ' !if r :I!\ d l i t up IlI i:.1UY u (iarl< 110u:", and h('ll' " d nw to r .. ",.o n \\ h)' r. :)o €I ()P~


~ h n (' k lt l g


u Hr t l'(l(' h"r

Tht:' Car l Schllrz lU OIl U'W!l I\ 0 11 ~lorlllll /( ~ ld.' 1I t' lghI H, :-. .' 1" Yo r le , ' wt\s dl'dlclll"u ill th o \Ir"H(, lIce of Civi l Wul • "t('rnIl6 who ~t'J'\'\''' him III lit., 'HillY, 1 1I('It : d i ll~ 1.1 (, UI (; "11 , f',;,.IRO I' 1\ . ~ [lI c~ and (.;"11 . H o ra cl' l ' o r t N , local l;('rmal, ~f)l' I.'lIpp . rcglml'nlH fro ll l II". 10,..,.1 NUlionnl I'( ">lr<l and r..,.,:ulllr9 frolO ", 'a l'iJY rort" , Count vall Ilernstort , Ih .. U~rman fltHbtl ~~ ador, r epre scllt "d (;"rllluny at th e d.' dlLutloll . Th .. Illonum.'ni . ,,' hil'll was dcslgn,·u by I, u rl Hllll'r, stand_ on a ~ raDl t e VE'lj f' NIII I In It (:I r c ular c l r'n rln g aho lll r, (1 f" Pl in dla lll Pt(,L Th .. lJPd esta l b"urs l hlR ill serlll tlu ll : " ( 'arl S ch urz, D efend er or !.Iltl' rt)' nnd Frl('nd of IIII lIIall II lght." Th~ fi talu " till r Tll o unl ln !: th e peue sta l III IIln e fept hi gh, aud two Inrlln !;t'Dlllt e H"ats ('~tpncl on each sicl p of IL At thc end IllI'r .. I. a haH r el i !' f depi c tl ll g I n ali.' gory tho a c: tl~ III"8 and lute r cs tN o r ~d l urz' lire,


Th is shows all tllllt wa s l eft of th e r es ltl.'nee T he ho use wae th e old eH t In t h e towu .


C. itol fs lll elf'l' hy th e t e rri bl e storm Lh at s w e p t Spw anl.


~ .. ' ,





,,', . an ' I .. fl


to work out

ulIllE'ria l ~ all'ali()11 as th'l DU· I" work alit t lt l' probl "' m In lTlalh~mllllr~ , 01 s3 , t " I' ha ~ nftl'1I gil" "n IHrlh In In I' ''' n11 UIlS tor public Moarl,ty Our di ~('() \·p rlt.l~ Hrt' It'ndlng 1I~ In do minion ov e r na t ur(> a nu I.>rln g lng I tR 1I11!: h ty f Orl' ('s witlt l n our co n tro\. \\'Itlt t h e ~t"a l1l ('nKi,,,', te l pgraph, t. 'I "p hon. , aud Wlrt' If'Hs w" IUf' a nn lh ll · atlr: l; t irne an <1 Hpa"", with t hA swir t ocp.all lil/prs tlH' sea 18 110 11I0r(> 1:8 th ' ra hprs kn l' w It, a n d ,,!f'c lrl c light IR al most don l g away wit h th e nlKht. RlatlRtlcs hal'Po hePII gathp r ed whi c h pollil to m uc h prOgrl'Hs towa rd p ro· t l'~ ll o n from II Khlnlnl( It Is shown thal th .. bolt s'trik p8 mor e frequen tly In th u cou n try th an III Ibn city , tbat It M r lk pH barnR o rtp ne r t han hl1man dWI> lI ln;; ~, atl d that w hit e ('olo r a Heem to be morn atlru cl1 l' P lo It that the dlH kl'r hu e3, nod th at It w ill n el'er I'ntr'r a ba d cond urtor It th ,'r e Is a ;;00<1 o ne to h l' round , M o(IO'rll sc iPDc e has c ut In tw o th' d.'alh rat" from su c h dlgc ases as con· sum llllon, small pox and t yp hoid , Seo how llna( 'R thPl I Cij ha\'p n'!iPI"!« pa in Bnd l\'itn o~ B th e tri u lIlphg of m od ern ,; urglra l s ki ll . Bo Wll are wor king nllt Our own sal· vRtioll , That God c OIlIo! inte rfnre I do uot doubll , bul for r .. "H (1I1S Itood and wiHP li B tlO A" not. Ill' mun)' a f all n c hild l ear'n" to risl' "lid r ealiz e ItseU on It s f ee t fi nU aftcr that f eat It soo n Ood could In lt'rfe re I!'arns to ~' a lk , w ith t h e matf' rlal forc.,,, Ullel IJrl' vpnt ditms t er , but Ir h p did mall would ne v er com e to maA t c r y fl lH I dominion In natt,re. n or to 111<' fu l l <'xcr" lse of his Inl' /l l1 l lv u ,;cIl I11 8, They Educe Our Sympathies. Th" w o rd s ym pathy Is th " Gr eek word for "sufY.' rlllg with ." Th p ro o t Idea III s,y mvathy Is to s utrer wI! 11 o th er s, to s harA UHlir l osse~ and Bor· rows , It RnlTI'rlng Iln cl sorro w w er e unknown t h "ro wou l d 01 01 b e a n y thin g 10 call 0 11:t o ur sy mpath lps and so a l a r gB a r ea, of hllman lIalu n ' would r eo main un c ul liv:lt ,> d , T h ' ,;u n m elts away Iho ie" unci tn gA at t h e rools uf IreeR u nd erlu c,," th " ~ prlng hud ll, ~u eo r row~ thnw out huu:n n nature an d tOlK nt lilt, root s of ou r life alld bring ollr "ympa thi l'" to fruitio n , V,re l earn 10 \\, ~"I.l w ith thosf) t hat WPf' P an<1 tha i I s a trait of ( ' hrl ' lllIn charuct f' r inc iud eu In l h .. IIpoll t o l \(' conlls" I ~ . .l o b . al(1 , " \lId n ot I 11'''1.' 11 for him I hat WaR In troubl., ~ \\'a,; n ot m y SO llr ~ric ved ro r til<! poor ':" Sympa thy IA I a wotlr) cr f1Jl ROIlI -J,>owt1r an d t h el" P R: l'J rltlallllt.le~ ca ll It in t" " "bl l's l .'xnr·


('\ SI' ,

Th f' r,,"poll sI' Ilt " ll< ' h tl llll!R baH 1\! ' ways bl'u n fll pC lrl rl.l 1. Faml n cs 1Il n ussia a lld Indi a, tlrp.s Illld lI oods In nn y lan<1 stir huma n SO UI H 1' I' ''~y ' w h f' r " and fan Into II fl am " lh e flr " ~ of s ytnlJlILh)' hllrnlng 011 th " al. Illrs of hllman Iwar l . In " II l an ds. Th" hro th erh oo<1 of 11\1' raef' and the kin ship of hum ankind IR quickly p.vl ncl'd I n t h (' h our of horriblr dl ~ · ll.Ht"r . It :Is a /:TI' ut ~Ift to be ab l " t ,) "" cP l l - not for hut with th p Ro rr o w· tn /::, Thcre I s Inllnlt " h pallng I n It . ,;"8 0 8 Wf' l't with thl' lIIuurnhlg IsI l' r s, Such t ears h a v o oftl'n r eli"I'pd t h o h l'n rtllc h c a nd brou ght Iran q uil ill y to tho Lroubled so ul. J\ f'a l lo u ,;·h I'Rrlp.d huabund w ho had Il CVl' r ~"(>Il Rn yo nfl twu r to him RU rr" r , \\'nlc h ed hll; WlrA BUrr!'r lik e n mnrl y r f o r WE'('k s a nd hi s ~y rnp'athle " "' 1'1'1' Ktirred aR n e l'pr b e· ror ... , nnd th" ~ urr .. r l llg wlf,.. sa id, "It. was w orth I t all b eclI u se It. mad e n n llW mall of my hu shand ." In th o mid st of the s trCGK (If IIf,~ th !' re I s a t e nd " n c)' to IIplfl lS hn "~R , but multi pip dit;a~ter s 11101' (' 11 ~ . l o compassion Dllel keo p th e h eart symp athpllc and klntl rlOd thi s warmln!: mal, es thlnp; s ~o I;lo r n VII',I BUlllly In mDIIY a hom e, or fico, and workshop In the dati}' rOIl:!.\ of lire, E\,ery Burterer throu g h flood or fire or whatever e1ee ",til be richer In sympathy In all tbe years to comA, Perfection In sympathy eomoa throUCh Buffering.


I.ord \\'. 'ard u l e Is on(' of tlw tw el, ,, r eprf'e,'llt,ati v ('loI or Grpat Ilrltuin t o 1.1,,' ro nferr,nc e wh ic h will aITRn!:'C' r"r II co los ><al c t, kbrallon by all Allglll,Saxu II countri es of tit " I:lm t f'I:llry uf th ,' ~ i!; rl Ilnl;: of t.hp tr" aty of GhC'nt,



---.. .- - -- _._-- --

ThlIIll George .L Newett, editor or Irop Ore, 18hpemlng, Mlch" whOle trial on a charge ot libel preferred b)' Colonel Roos e v el t Is taking p1acethlll ~eek,


.. t

... ...


Step by Step, From

/I I )'



that , tbe da,


j l.:l'l' lIlinallfln, I1rol· ldllll.: th O' 1-'1'0111111 IS


and ('\lmaj(' , III l b.' . 'as t , w h o r c It I s growlI for lIlarllN I>UrpO ~f'8, It Is thoug h t to I.>.~ d oi n~ we ll If olH'· hatr of tit" plants luaku bl'ud ~ lhut w e igh froll1 O il " t o t 11'0 poull d 8. Cau li tl o w(' r de man ds l'oo l wI' atlll'r lw d Ij, Holl lhat Is fa lrll' Htrong ill IIl lrog!' n II nli a l so \\'ell ~~ 11 1' (\ with h h ' d '1 pp IJ OSI> OI U S au pnta sH urn . Thp cuI< ure of t hi ll vt>g .. t a bl o Is th'e sum" liS that for cub hage, wlLh tb o additlolllll worl( of goin g througb tb e fi el d .' very day or t\\'o after th e h ea ds b egin to fo r m and tying tog e th.~ r th e l eav oH t o pre v ent Lh,. s mali whit e beads from co l oring. If thi s 1M neg· l ec t ed , the vege t abl e Is r uined lor both mark!' t a nd f am i l y US". Do !lot allow tb e gard en to Krow up to lI'ee<1s aftf' r th fl flrs t early crop s, but k ee p tll P. ~l1r1ace cl ean unel In , cultivation during ali tho growi n g monlh s. /l om(' mix ed f " rl i liz{'r!l are th A m ost desirabl e ror Ih e mark et gar d en er . ~ earl}' el'ery gard r n er grow~ u diver· sltl pd list of vegetab l es, whi ch va r y more or l ess in food r ell ulrE'm ollt s, and tb e f eedi ng prol.>l em i s e lltlrE' l y ll n der hi s c ontrol wh en th e ratlou~ ure mix ed at hom .. A firm n nd compuct set!d bed, I.> r ln,.,· Ing th" H('I' d [n to IntlmulI' con taet wit h moi s t soli , Is Ih,' secre t o f Quick

l .'ar l y

In II,,' 5(':1.80 11 whl' n LlJ(' Il r loE'lt are h i !.:lt , lind larg" pU('kagl'H ror t h " lIlalll CI·Op. 1 '~'1 stunda rd slZte d puck . II~(, B anll gi l' '' full m l' a.~lIr{' , :-.Iot hln g IH guln('" ir. lh " ()lIel I.>r shor t 1II.' aBur~, \\,h l' 11 po "~lb l C' It Is bE's t to !:row t hi I hI ' t II to I' ItC a ('d on a Ilr;;e 5C n 0 51' Iht) w ho l poa le trad ,~ In Hl cad of r e tail · in g , Thp Hltc ces81'u l gll rd (, 11 er flndR hl ~ timp tou valuabl e 10 Ill'fldl e hl~ \ ['geta bl E's, Crop s must I.> e v,utllPrecl In proppr ('olluilion and Re lit to t b e markp t r r es h allrl cleu n . Care ful grading Is esse n tial. A f ew Inferior s pec.l m ena In a pad, ulto a r p. the tlr st to attract attention , F.:vp n a f ew specimens will kn ocl. off m om from the l)riCtJ of t b e pu.:kagr thnn Ih !'y aI''' worlh . H omo\' (' quick OIfllurlng crop" U8 soo n 1t6 th E'Y an' dOll e b eR rlng flO d I d ant to oth ers. t.: ultlvatlun sh ou l d begin ('arly, Cui· t i vato r H with not I ' RR tuuo twe lve ~ 'nall t(,Pl h or shm'e l s ure best ror s mull t ru ck ('rops, b pca ll sc th ey l eave I h e s oi l 111 Ido'lll con ditio n and a r t! t.h .. b",,1, ('on se r v!' r s of 11011 molsturc, !I. 10UH" anrJ frlahl e Koi l sli mul il ll'S a SI.· u(])' a n d rn plu growth . I' eep olll th e w ee ds nn d i<ef' l) t h ft Murfuce soli Htirrc-d a nd t h e plant s 11' 111 g r uIV throu g h dry a lld w e t w eu t h er .

HEAVY SEED DOES WILD FLOWERS MAY NOT INCREASE YIELD BE TRANSPLANTED Tests Made at Nebraska Experi- Some Bulbous Plants Bear Rement Station on Different moval Without Complaint Sized Kernels of Interest. if Given Good Site, I', M :\I(S II A LI " ,'ulunulo Ar; I'il' ul ,urnl • ' ul l ~l<" . ) During the past t cn year~ u great mOllY t'xp"rlnll:n ta hnve b ee n c ondu ct· ed by vurio u ~ ('x pe rim c lIl Klutions t o d e t " rmill e t h ., n'l ativl' cffect of dlt· fer ellt'lIizc u k l ' ruels 011 th e quantity a lld Ilualit y of brai n produ cI'u per ncr e, Tho w ork at tho N ebras lm e x · lJe rim e nt s ta tio ll , is worthy o f Ilo t o Oil th i s IlarLi cul ar Hubj C'c t. T es t!! hcre w er e mad .. \\'llh II' lwal , th ... f HlIlllng, lUill , bp i ll g lI ~€'d to 1110 11 " Lh e ~I'{' d u rU11 0 n s III th e tt ,,. t" Turkl'Y r ed, a hanl II'l lI ll' r IIh " "t , alld I lIg f'ralll .. , U sort winter wheal, 1I"'rl! UBe e! A lot o f HflP d frotJl (·udl or tIlt· Ilbov(' vari ·1ti f'S \\AB sClJa rate d i llto tw o parts, Ih e 1' <':'ll'll'r alld Lil " li gh t er Ilal v "8, 'i'heso w er c ugaln 8" l lIlra ted Into the " h ea vil's t h,'a,' Y" a llri Ih o " I ightl' st t ight " b l' lnt; sow n , To c hE't' l, 1'(, ~ lIlls o r dlnury spe d as It cam .. rrom th e s"pa ralu r wa H plantt! d . Th" sau l (' Illl't ho<1 Wa R follo", "' d eac h y al' f .. r H Iwri.1I1 or eight yenrs, TllP Eepd f r oll) .,;o c ll <:r0l' of th e " h ca vll 'sl h eH"Y alld til .. " li ghte~t lig h t" was snparal " d a nd II n ly I b,' h ... avlc st 'luIlr· t e r of til\' " h"al'i c st heuvy" a nd th e IIg htcs t quartp r o f th e " l lsh l CK t li ght" lI'''n ' used f or M<'C'l1. At t h e e n.1 o r th !' ex pE- rim(,lI t t.hc (l v;) r ag(' yi eld s fo r t!t o t hree killds of He ds were prac ti cal1 y t h fl same wltll e th (l uvcragl' wl'i ghts per bu sh l' 1 from th e cro pl! barv es t ed showed h a rdl y any dltrere ll cc in fa l' o r of an r on e S 'l ' l ectl o ll of th e h c avl<>st su('cI for par· ticul ar kind of sl'cd . From ~h " llbo\'c re~ ultH I t 1M f>vi dent tbal th e se lec· ti o n o f t h e h eavi es t Beed for Bowi ng purpo ses w ill not materially Incrense th e rleld per ncre or th o w eig h t per bu sh el of till' cro/l h a rves t ed , (Uy


It i~ II f'fHlIIllOII rul l' Hmoll g fl owe r gl'Owers tba t u 1)lllnl " houlu 110 l be <1lsturbed II'h e ll I n bloom . Yet III thlt cn s " o r Illi! hulhous wild tlowers, which dl " 10 th o ground Boon after bloom III/: an d are wll b difficulty 10catt.'d, II", r e IH a co nv t.l niellt e xceI)ti o ll; mont of llt C' 1J1 bear r emoval wllb. out t'O Ill I' IUltl l If acco rd d a s it,. .. Iml. l ar 10 I II(' naliY (' hOIllC', and no t a few r"ad ll ,' u dapt th ems('lv o.: a to lho clli. lUI'< ' of gunl"n or l llwn . A 1I0 t alll" Illu stra ti on I ~ thn t or tho "pd II g b"uul . I h r· ('arml o(" /le ;rclled " p"lulH or wltieh IlPIll'u r In tht' tl rst >prilll< oJ;o ys . 'A l i llh' [a tpr th l) Yf' llow :l<Jd , ' I" ~ I Olrl(ue j~ ill il R g l o ry. Hoth m ay I,I" ,g r ow l! ill gn t ~R o r gnrrl e-n , and '" Ih l' )' dl .. to I I" , gro u"fl !!arl y 11(1 ob~, lr"(, I l o" i>! ofr .. r,'11 10 t h e lawn wom e r . 'I'll ,! h ll ili s g row about all much b f' l ow t h .: tlll r f ac (> 1\8 th e I par ex t end s n hov e _. a IU (,1 10 L,' r pmf' mul' r ed I II I.ran". p la lltJnj; , .I:'LI '11·i n ·I!t ",· I'll [pit, a ll r nctlvo In its gloSRY ~ ur p\ic' .. of wh it e !l nd purpl e or p:tl l) ~r' >I' I1 , iR ti nt fl\'('r~(' 1.0 ('xc hang. IIIK i l s lI u llv" bug for a ga rd e ll bOll) n , TIlt' ~lto wy r l oa l( i s but an en l'!! lopf~ f o r th l! trll e fltlwe l's, which are dus. Lp r ed HI. til l' u;u;p of tho spa dix w\thln . RO III I) "l lI nt " 1I" "r olily stamina!'. f1 oll'e r ~, i n wh lcl l cass th e pln nts dl a 10 thl' groulld aflr!' hloomlng, to b ~ H(' ~ II 110 Ilion' unlll Ih (' co ming E! pring, If th er;' Ill'll fNUI " n ower~, Il globe of t\ a ntllll; BCllrl l' t fruit lll'p f'a l'll In mill ~ lI ll lnt l:r to IIl llr l. th e Hput w h en. th .. " .. rnal oratol' HPPc llrl'd .


s,' p' l


Value Qf Sunflower Seed . !-'untlower seed acts b o th as a roo<1 an d lIl ed lc ln e, It Is a gculn rich itt oil, which p r oduces a r ed nells to tb e ('ornb a n<1 a lu&ter to th e f eath er !' . T h e seeds should n eve r b e dri ed Ir. the h euds, but always sh elled as BOOIJ F u rnish Pure Seed. as riVe and aprencl out on a dry !loor \\" Ilh a v i ew of furnl sblng lbe f urm· whe r e air and light wm reach It, thus enl of th e state with Jlure seed, th e allowillg It to dry b efo r e b ec oming governor of Massacbusett!l has an· ruusty . nounced that tbe farms connected with the various state Institutions S owing 8pln;tch. would raise seed and sell them at a in Virginia the spinach Is lIown III fair murket price. This will not onlY' rows, four to each narrow bed, roWIi be of great b en efit to the state. but ab(lut nine Inches apart, and In the also a source of revenue to the InsU· edge of each bed , is cenerally a row tutlons, Particular attel:ltlon will be of eab~e set !lut In Pc,c ember, and given to tJle ""lslDg o! .graaa aeed, . atte~, the, splpacb ils "iblppe4, .• ay ..bout

bnl&kl afi[1 the Bun ' of R!ahteouan~. d ....ns the Ucht a. ,HrewJi~ , upon Ille's way'; ' .o th..t the rtP,teona,


I<I :SSIE I .. I'L' T;\' \ \ 1

('alllitlo\,,; 1' 18 nil i' or th, ' rfo p K Ihat \\arm and tilt' dr ' l llh of C(IVl' ring rlol ShOlll.1 b.· III <'n' ry ;;a rrl" II, 1'1'0> 11 It not til" ~rl'ut fill' C~1I1111""cin l IJUr."oHl's. ThlH vc/:e' l' rt( ' kaJ;" ~ sh ou l d h, ' 11 ( ' 11' alld 1·I, 'all. tabl " I,; 1"'('u ll:1r III ItK u o.: ln!luus or Ro il As 1I rill " sma l l pal'llug .. H u n' bt'~t

"\·o'''I ot R.

Vl t a l iz" Our I nventiv e Facult i es. \ \ · f· ar<' t'\' ("Ir at £; ' hl ;o l utld C; od Ollt'

Caul.fiower---Easy of Cu l tivation and a Del Icious Vellctab l" ,

prftvc n L nnC' u

I i)

,..' ,




, ,"


' <MIll'~h ,1;- ~le ca~~ea ~ , Cft1.I~~tedI ~ ' ror~ bl&rkeUq ill <4WU


mall . alIv:a!llc. etep ' J)y atep In ~'r r~'" --:Jth practl~ ,~ult~ , , u. .~ ear~ :) u e. ., lo~i" oe ~,II"" 'Dalat, PJ:cI~,'p " the law 01 ",bt.n· . .t: wuU!d· "" ~h. {Ii)~tr," . .tit liaYe __ -.0 • • J~ .... QliUllll .~wtIaI-l. W., lIiId.le)', ..~ . : SlltueJl~, ~ , .. ...

~,. \




• • • • •








Report \.\-syne Township Schools for month of J\tsy, 1913





l-~~lm-;~::-~-~-g-~-~-}-;~--~~;~-:~~~~.~ ~

a ~

. . . .I. . . . . . . .n............I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


on business. Mrs. Mary Caskey was a Lebanon vi sitor Monday. Mr R. Sarah Lippincott relatives in Dayton.




Harrv Williamson wa<i in t;pringfield on business Friday . Total Days of Absence.. ........ .. ...




No. of Pupils causing absence.. ..













25 \ 48




Walt ·.!r McClure w~ in LebanOll 339 this morning on business.


25, 33, 35 and 40 Cents. Try Old Master, 40 Cents,

J . M. Cook and Fred Gons were 40 Cincinnati visitors Thursday.






Per cent of Enrollment neither Absent nor Tardy.. ....... .... .. .. .









C88€S of Tardiness ......... ...... .....












Mrs. F. C. Schwartz, of Columbus . . . .-. 18 was the guest of Mrs. Ohmer Lewis Friday.



Per Cent of Attendance...... ..... . 91 Visits of Superintendent....... ....


__3 __3 .~













Another large crowd greeted the weekly band concert Thursday even ing.



Neither absent nor tardy during ! Lowell Hill May, 1913, (three weeks). Fred Simkins Helen Harris 'JosePh Shutts Ethel Simkins Green Briar Sugar Grove None Dorothy Austin Harold Surface College Hill Inez Thomas Paul Stokes Mabel Salisbury . Adria Cornell Harold Earnhart Earnest Earnhart Marle Squires Herschel Rosell Earnest Shutts Clyde Shutts Olive Evens Clark Salisbury Burnett Butter'Notth Marie Surfact' Carl :'quires Edmund Evens I I Harm,ony Grove Mt. Holly Russel Stanley Anna Satterthwaite Martin Marlatt Lena Marlatt Mabel Stanley Ethel Satterthwaite Hertha Marlatt Lola Bernard Alice Gons George Satterthwaite Jacob Marlatt Edna Dill Effie Bernard The following pupils were perfect Spring Brancb in attendanl'e during the past school Laura Hill Edna Lacy year: Esther Curtis Mary Roland Nelson Brown, Spring Branc~; William Drake Rupert Hill Paul Stokes, Sugar Grove; Fred Nelson Brown G1adYI!I Roland Simkins, Helen Harris and Joseph Frances Chenoweth Lulu Roland ShUtts, Lowell Hill; Lena Marlatt, Red Oak Bertha Marlatt and Edna Dill, Mt. None Holly.






Takes you from home more, and leaves your valuables without protection more often. One of our boxes will afford the protection which you can not give and at the reasonable price of



Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell were Cincinnati visitors Wednesday and Thursday.


National Bank==I!





Miss Martha O'Neall joined the fisher folks at the reservoir Friday. Monday evening', at the regular and came home Sunday. meeting of Miami Chapter, O. E. S. Rev. C. S. Grauser officiated at the No. 167, the district deputy grana fun eral of a former parishioner at Matron, Mrs. Cadwallader, of New Vienna, inspected the lodge. She New Paris, Ohio, Sunday. found everything in good shape, and Mrs. F . C, Schwartz and eon Leroy. her report WI18 fine. One candidate waa initiated. after of Columbus, have been the guests which an e\.aborate luncheon was of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cross. served by thE! ladies Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft and Mi!,JS Visitors to the number of 40 were Jean Ferguson, of Dayton, have been present from Lebanon, Mason, Morvisiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White. row, Harveysburg and Sprinllboro.



Found-A ladies plush purse. Same was picked up at the cemetery on Decoration Day, Call on Walter Cast.

Executors' Public Sale THE HOUSE AND LOT Beh ·nl{ing to the late Eliza F. Haines. deceased, will be offered at public sale on

TtlURSDAY, 'JUNE 26; 1913, Commencing at 2 o'clock p. m •• on the premises.

Regular communication of ' Waynes\'ille Lodg:e No. 163, F. & A. M., Miss Rosamond Dakin arrived Tuesday evening, June 17. Sohere Friday from the East, and jouming brethren invited Work will spend her summer vacation with in F. C. degree. . relatives J . T . Elhs. W. M L. A. Zimmerman, Suc'y Mrs. W. A. Benecke and daughter returned home Sunday evening from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a pleasant visit with relatives in DeNo. 2220 fiance County.



This house and lot is Aituated In the heart of Wwnesville . and is a m l'lst desirable place to live A large brick house. commodious rooms, large lawn, big barn and barn lot. plr.nly of good water at house and barn; and plenty of shade. See . de>lCrlption of lot on another page. OF SALE-Cash. ~aid r2al Estate has been duly appraised at the sum (Of Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars (1036,00.00), and will not be sold for less than two· thirds of said appraised value.


Anna C~ O'Neall Aaron B. Chandler

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell are at- Of the Conciltion of the WaynesAs executors of the last will of Eliza F. Haines, deceased. ville Natiional Bank. at Waynes · \ending the funeral of Mrs. S. O. Hale at Xenia this morning. Mrs. ville in the State of Ohio, at the I" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -___-.J close of ~usiness, June 4. 1913. Hale was killed in an auto wreck at RESOUROES. Escondido, Cal., and was formerly a Lo&ll8 and Dl8counte ...... : .... 13 .... 0 ' . 1 1 1 1 . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Overdr&Jta, eecured and 11IUIeCUred 1.0'5.88 Bellbrook and Xenia citizen. U. S. Bonds to aecure c1n:u1a\lon, , 50.000.00 O\her bouds to secure Poe\i>I S6VIn&s. . . .. . . ... . . •..... .. .. Subscriptions for the lights will Banda, 16CUri\les. oW .. . .......... 1 n. 7'1.26 B6DIdng bouse.. . . ... .. . .. .... . 8. 000.00 be received by the TOWTlllhip Clerk, Due from approved reeerve agonte 16•• 86.31 or o\lier NatJoni>l BanJui . . . 600.00 F. C, Carey, at his place of business Notes FracUonal paper currency, nJckels at any time. The money ought to Law~d1d::e~~Fiee'ei-Ve' Iii BaDk:':ta: 10o.eS Made of good, sweet and And COokies made of good .. · .. . .......... 17..!~_9.60 17.IU.60 be forthcoming, 80 that the lights SoocIe, Ifedemptlon lund with U .8. ·.......118 pure Milk. fresh Butter and Eggs Ul'IlI'(6% oJ circulation).,... 2.600.00 can be placed in position.




MaIntaIned Belief In Ignorance.


Total ...... ... .. ... ......... 68.008.17 1.lABILITIE8 ......- - _....................................................................,."..............................._"'._.........,.._.,......,.-.,.-.,......,......,...........-.............-..........



C6pltal.tock paid 60.000.00 Committees fro~ the Knights of t~~!:r~roilt.i: ~ 80,000.00 Pythlas, I. O. ~. F. and Juniors met Nat1o~ ~-=Pn~~' out.iiaiidiDg :g:m:g~ Juat like "mother rnakes." We allO have a new supply of Saturday evemng to arrange for Dividend. unDllild . . : ... . .. .. ... 100.00 . , lnd1vldual delooalte IIIlbJect to decoratmg their comrades graves, check ••... • ... • •. 268,"6.60 Oemand certlftc:ates . . . 6 .• 661,06 S un d ay, J une 15th . Poe\a1 SavlnpDepoelte .. 1.U2.8' 266.610.00 There will be speaking, mU8ic and Rellen-ed'Jor tUeII .... . . . ... .. . . Dtis.a a general good program has been Total . •.•... • , ••.•.•• , •••• .s8.00817 The Best Ice Cream made served every day at arranged for. STATE OF OHIO. WARREN OOUNTY.SS: I h . . I. J. o. Cart..·rtght, Ouhler of the above 'II Lod gas WI meet at t elr respective I nUlled bank. do 10 ear \bat the I-___..,~------------_-----"":"---halls at 2 o'clock sharp and bring =;\eds;:=el~J!t~rue the ~t or my I flowers with them. Every body is I J. O. CARTWRIGHT. Ouhiar. Every Every I sublcrlbed r.nd aworn before me ihi. 1Uh I · II . . ted cord la y mVI • day oJ June. 1918. E . .y. Barnhart. Thing Thing

'1_ .

When Antelope Wa. PlentIful.


. . .I. . . . . . . . . . . .W.B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mr. and Mrs. W . H , Allen and Miss Olive McCollum were in Cincinnati Thursday.


$2.00 a Year

· r~


Neither Absent nor Tardy....... ..

No. Pupils Tardy .... , ....... .. ...... .




OppoeWon to state education In the a belief that not good for the masBU. The worthy Hannah More even, who was one of the most earnest lIupportel'll of the movement for the establishment of scboolll for the poor In England, had very definite Idaaa u to how far the ' children should be educated. The curriculum. she declared, should comprIse only readIng the BIble and tbe catechism. _ _ _•• _ • Oorrect AUee': Not&rs Public and "Buch COIU'IIe worke as may tit the Clean Fresh J; W. WHITB""IOHT, Hard to Unde ... tand, ehUdren for servants," adding decl· L . OARTWI5 S. . AT THE M. E. CHURCH w. H. ALLEN D~N. -__________~__________________________________~________~ "I don't lIee what makes my wife alnly, '"I allow of no writing for the llla7 adlltalre. -. "It does seem ratber poor." Miss Bell, of Cincinnati, gave an trtvtal amu,..,ment." "Not only that, interesting talk at the M. E. church I . but It daMS her no possible excuae to stop the game and uk 'What'. Sunday morning. Miss Bell is a l ~"'~~~""~"''''''''''~~'''''''''~ ~lJer" deaconness, and gave many instances I '. . of her work in Cincinnati. A large ' ' . The exeoutors of ~he estate of audience was pr:s::to hear her. Sarah Berryhill, deoealed, will llell at publio 118.18 at her' Ide residenoe LARGE BERRIES ~ IX' miles louth of Bellbrook on the Waynesville and Bellbrook pike, on Clayton Foster brought to the ~ ~ FancyLargeStrawberries Friday, June 20, 1913 Gazette office Tuesday, three branFresh Berries every day. CommenoinlJ at; 10 o'oleok the ches of Chesapeake strawberries that folio_inK: 1 horae, 5 head oatt;la, fi had twenty berries on them all·of h fad hOR', 10' of houaehold arttolfltl, I~Jlte farmtnK implement. and soma :::y. very antique famitare, Bee bills good for ierml. BUllie G. Woods Laura A. Binkle, Dr. John W. Shockey, formerly of Elteouiorll. e • A. A MoNetl, Auot. Morrow, and well known throughout Warren County, died recentlyin Columbus at the home of his dau&'hThe ueoawr of me wUl of Eilza· tel'. B. ·lIoore. deoeaeed, wlli AU at; ..Ie at; he.. lit.., relidenoe In Wle:0I~I .ld~4I'~~~/.t:lmtf.~~.!'1l ~ 8iIIIVIllle. OhIo, CD .

TranIOODUnental travelel1l. who Dowacla78 In tbelr Journey through the . . .t Beldam lee any game lareer thaD a pralrle dar or Jack rabbIt, wlll be mtenleted In this item reprinted from tha Rocky Mountain Herald of llama an, yeara alO: "Passenrel'll report that antelope haYe never been aeen 110 numerous as now. Herds of ante). ope larger than any flock of IIheep In the world are frequently spoken of."

JlUt wee due largely to too much learning was


emnlre ...

Hartsock"s Bakery

Public Sales












J ..~ 19,' 19.3



S $$;

~i xty-Fourth



Whole Number 3216

--------------------.'--~~-~~~~-~-~--~----------~-.~-----~--~~-~~~~------------------------------------.----------------~ ·1'----------+ [0-----------_ Personal Mention 1 J~e_Hammer. IPersonal Mention I Fraternal Decoration Day .- ... ... BOXWELL COM,MENCEMENT

KILLED IN RU NA WAY The Wayne Township Schools held aged 33. who work s . ~~-----~ their Boxwell-Patterson commencefor .!; E:, St um p. near Ha rveysburg . e -- - - - - ---. By Torn Pi 4~ rce Henderson Bros. - Standard Binder ment Thursdav evening at School met w~h an accident Saturday mornMJ:S. J . B Chapman has been q uite Auditorium. were ten dUates, and as There the curtain wentgraup •___..a._ __ _ __ __ __ -:--__________......_ _- : ing which resulted in his death Sat- ill, Twine. urday aftel'noon at 2 o'clock. C. E. Bentl ey was In Dayton at 8:15 It displayed a pretty stage Last Sunday afternoon was ob- voked by Bro. P. B. Thompson. of Mr!l. Ali ce lI awke was Il Dayton Mr . Hamm er was hau li ng rai ls at setting. The class arranged in a served as Fraternal Memorial Da>' the K. of P . Lodge. After another Thursd ay. t he ti me of the accident , and the visitor Tuesday. semi-circle, sitting amid ftowerll and by Crown Lodge No. 538 K. of P ., selection by the quartett e. Master of lines being crosseJ in some manner Lindley Mills is visiting relatives decoratior.s of the class colors- pink Miami Valley Council No. 103. J. O. Ceremoni es Nicholson. in a few well R. S. How ell i!! t he possessor of a he stepped out on th e tongue to In Spring Valley. and green- made a very pretty U . A. M .• 8lld Wyoming Lodge No. chospn remarks, in t roduced th e straight en t hem . One of t he horses new Mitchell auto. scene. 10! , I. O. O. F. Although th~ speaker of the day, Bro. J. C. L. ju mped amI threw hi m La the ground , Dr. C. A. Houa-h. of Lebanon. was After music, Rev. C. S. Grauser weather was exceedinilly warm and PUll h. of Columbus. Bro. Pug h wil l The horses becamp fri ghtened . and Mr. and Mrs_ A. B Chand ler wera in town Saturday. invoked the DiviDe blessing upon the sul t ry, a goodlv number of the memo be installed as Grand Chief Pat riarch started to run, the wagon runnina- in Blanchester Tuesday . Mi88 Edith Crane. of Pekin. was ceremonies; another selection and bers and friends of these orden at t he next annual session of Ohio over t he man. the inj uries resulting the followin&, program was rendered : turned out tit pay their respects to Grand Encampment, I. O. O. F . Mrs. C. S. Gra user and SOil . Chill:in death . in town Sat urday. the memory of their deceased broth. Brother Pug h is a splendid speaker The funeral was held at t he home les. were in Day ton T uesday . Lafe Nicholson was a businetlll "Joan of Arc" ... .... .. Olive E. Wilson ers. ' and! gave an ex('ellent add ress. He of Mrs. Clark Star r Tuesday morn. Henderson BrOS.- Auto fi lling visitor in Xenia Saturday. The music for the exercises waS dW4~l t especially on the princi ples of ing at 10:30 o·c loc k. Ill term ent was " Banford's Burglar Alarm" ..... .... station. quick and conv enient . .............. .... .. ... Eugenia Whitaker furnished by a mixed quartette corn,- Friendshi p. Love and Tru th. as ex· made in Miami cemete ry . Ray Mills and Emmor Baily - were "The IDdustries of Switzerland" ... · posed of Mesdames A. T. Wrightar:~ emplified by the stories of Damon A. Maffit and ChaR. Cornell were in Lebanon Thursday evenina-. ... ... .. .. ... .. ...... .. ..... Harry H. Lacy D. L. Crane and Measrs. F. B. Hen; and Pythias, and David and J onathan. NOTICE in Dsyton Saturday on business. Music derson and D. L. Crane. Their s~ He also paid a glowing -tri bute to Mrs. Luther Sellers. of Dayton, "The Bald-headed Man··........... ... lections were very appropriate and the work of the Junior Ord er in the Mr. J, R. Schmid t . form er state Miss Mame Brown spent Friday visited relat ivee here last week. ain""" were ren d ered m ' f au Itess I I tn ' advancement of Patriotism and rev· chairme n of the P rohibi tion State at the O. S. & '3. U. Home I'n Xenl·a. ........ ... .... ........ Kathleen S. H....... stye. Executive Commi ttee will be at Raymond Williamson, of Davton. "Thanatopsis" ...... Jeannette Janney fact, the sing;el'll were at their best erence for the fiag. "Music in Battle" ... ... ......... ......... and our readers know how splendid At the close of the address, aunanHarveysburg on Wednesday evening , Mrs. Requarth. of Dayton, is spent Sunday with relatives here. . ............... ...... Helen M. Salisbury that "best" is . imous vote of thanks was tend ered J une 25th. at the F riends church at visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ch •• Mr. W. N. Sears and family spent "Independence Hall .. ... . ..: .....:...... : The lodges left their respective I to the speaker and t o the quartette. :.:~ ~ · ~Ioc~. t~ d~liver un a~r~~ on Stansberry. Sunday with relatives in Centerville. ... .. ... ...... .. MH. F~ederlck Slmkms halls atSo'clock and silently marched on motion of Bro. Allen W. Haines. W'dgltGma fet .. usMmess Scvsh' 'dat lonM M b II F 't Id d M I e ra r ml as rs. a e e l zgera an son, USIC to the moond in beautiful Miami of the Odd Fellows. seconded by . .. . h H Id . 'ted th 0 S & S 0 Henderson Bros.- Fruit Jars. Atlas .. Unawares ... .... .. .... ..... Elsie Gustin Cemetery where the exercises of th6 Bro. Dan Hockett. of the K. of P's, g iven the probdlem.llclbose sbtlUdtY df?r aro • VISI e . . ., and Ball. e a 'teh 0 ~~ home Sunday. "Do Right, Boys" ... ... Roscoe Furnas day were held. There WaR no band After another selection by the some. years an . . wI ........ EvaL. Smith and no ostentation the brothers of quartette and the benedict ion by cuss It entertammg Iy an d WI pro The Women's Auxiliary will meet Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey and "A Spoiled World to all voters who hear. He is now M . , . UBtC the ,-arious orders seeming to feel Bro. Thompson . the varIOus lodges . ed 't f f Ch' • with Mrs. S L. Cartwright Friday son. Kenneth. were in Lebanon TuesPresentation of Certificatetl. .. ..... .. deeply the · solemnity of the oceaceded to t fl th manag mg I 0:' 0 one a Icago s afternoon of this week. day. pr04! ~ rew owers on e rt!form a ers. F C G'I . ........ ... ... ... ...... .. .. - . . I mour sion. graves of their deceaseti brothers. p P .. _ _ - -Music T h ' ed . h Lost- A baby's barefoot sandal. Vaughn English. of Bad Axe. Wit a The procession was then l'eformed AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH e exercises were open Finder please return to F. E. Sher- , Benediction- Rev. C. S. Grauser selection by the quartette after and IIOlemnly wended its way back to Mich .• was the guest of Mr. and wood. Music which the Divine blessing was in- town. P reachinll next 8unday morning Mrs. A. B. Sides last week. The class acquited themselves ~~~!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!~!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!~!!'!!'!~!!!"!!"!~~~~!!'!!!'!~!!'!!!'!~~~~~~ at 10:30. Messrs. O. J. Edwards and Frank Children's Day exercises in the Grange Saturday evenin&" when Zell are working on the grand jury creditably, and their efforts were Flora wiII take charge. It is rewell received. ST, JOHN'S SERVICES BAND CONCERT evening at 8 o'clock. at Lebanon. that all bri~g ftowers. quested A great disappointment of the All are cordially invited to attend MilS Grace Carman arrived home eveninjf waa the speaker, Supt. C. Waynesville Lodge No. 163. F. & The band will have their concert any or all of these services. Mrs. Cynthia Evans was called to Monday evening fr~m a visit wi th W. Cookson, of Troy. Ohio. After A. M.• will hold a special communlca- F ridlay evening of this week . FolP. B. Th~mpson. Minister . New Richmo~d. Ohio, on Tuesciy, on -. relatives In Morrow county. the exercises had commenced, Supt. tion Tuesday evening, June 24, at 7 lowing is the program: aceount of the serious illness of her ANCIENT LAND TURTLE Gilmour received a telerram that o'clock. Work in the E. A. degree. I 1 The Amftican Belle-·March. Mi. and Mrs. John Stanton. of mother. 2 Tbat Old Girl of Mine----Song. Frank Cook, of Route 4. found a Franklin, were guests of·M·r . £I1d Mr. Cookson had been. iIUw'.ed uu At I o'clock a memorial service Wi ll an accident and was unable to a-et be held, at which all Masons and 3 Veni Vidi Vici-Two·Step. land turtle the other day. On ita C. G. Williamson left Tuesday for Mrs. D. W. Meeks. last week 4 Sweet Isabella- Intermezzo. back was engraved the name of "A. Georgia, where he will take a big here. At the proper time; however, their families are cordially invited to Mr. and ~. H. V. Walter and Mr. Gilmour made thia announce- attend. Rev, C. S. Grauser will 5 Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet C. Haines. AlUtust 24,1883." crowd to attend a land sale, in which -March. • - • he is interested. son. Dan, spent Sunday with Mr ment, but Rev. Grauaer kindly filled give a twentv-minute talk, and in a half hour apace with BOme ac· there will be several selectioDB of 6 Carnation- Schottische. DEA THS . and Mrs. D. L. Craue and family. ceptable remarks. He .poke of the music by a quartet. 7 Extempore-Overture. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dakin, and Mr. Messrl. Lee Hawke, Earl Conner, duty uf the parent to the child and J. T. Elite, W. M. 8 Phi1(\ Senate-March. - Batl Randall. aged U, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin. of Harvey. Chas. Zimmerman, Bert Grant and the child to the parent. in reprd to and Mr!l. J. E, Randall, of Dayton, burg. were Sunday guests of Mr. Bryan Prendel'a'8St I18W the Boston- their education, and at the close of died Saturday afternoon. The fu- and Mrs. Wm. Zell. Cincinnati game Sunday. hisremarks was loudly applauded . • - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - • neralservices were held athislate Supt. Gilmour rude several neat home in Dayton Monday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Roaenthal and daugh. Measrs. J . C. Hisey, Ray Mills, speeches during .the exerciaes. and I 0 7 o'clock. and the b.odY w~ brought ter, of Sidney, Ohio, were Sunday Orange Raper and Mrs. Alethia in a fitting manner preaented the W IC' here Tuesday mornmg for mterment guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers. Alexander and Miss Katherine, class with their order for diplomas. By G. ,JI:o. in Miami cemetery. Mi88 Sadie will spend several weeks autoed to CincinnatilFriday. here. which will be presented at Lebanon. - - - - - - - - - A pleaaini feature of the evenint . - . . , h If th . . MesarB. F. C. Carey and Walter ' hed Dunag the wmter of 63--4f t he I or e JOyous mornm&, Thto come. Mrs . Bettie Clements , whose s~ Mrs. J 0 h n Sega Ie a dn daughter . wh'JCh was f wu the mustc umls . . . . . I . McClure left here Saturday to join by the Cadet 'orchestra, of Sprinjf- 3rd bng;ade, thud dlvlll.lOn, 0 . t e ~ lell we were t~ start. e . morn· rious illness was mentioned in last of Cozaddale, who have been the their families at the Reservoir, until field The mullic was of the hl&'hest 8th army corps, went lDto wmter lD~ finally came, we were. all up week's isaue. died Saturday at the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. SherMonday, when they all arrived hom. quality and they responded several quartel'll at Charleston: West va · bright anlld fearly ; fthat smile . thalt borne of her son. Mr. Chas Clements, wood, returned to their home lut . ' Gen. A. N. Duffie was m command was ,on a 0 our aces was simp y at Los Angeles Cal The body will k f b rtg . ad H f 11 h . W Id h dl . t to • .. wee . W. S. Campbell, of Bentonville. tImes to eneorel. he. e ~as a u c ~rmlDg. e co~ ~r ~a~h t arrive here this evenini'. and t he . . The orchestra under the leadel'llhip ~I~'::s F Ohio, stopped off here Thursday entak re~: m~~, an' ap.pea~h pu l~W~ h o~r por e:~ ~ funeral will be held at t he M. E. LIttle Carolyn Smith,. daughter of route to Columbus. Mr. Campbell of Clarence Lafferty are all IIOloiau, the cream of Sprinl(field's musi- to e cOJUn erabade prJd e tm e °furt.coo t a prepar bor ouhredrea . church. Thursday afternoon, at 2 Mr. and .Mrs. T . .1t. Smith, fell Sunwill take an ei&'ht-week's course at and .• . .. numerous anny ges t ha were as, th a over. we rus our, I k day while playmg and broke her O. S. U. this summer. clanl•• Earl ~awkt~~, cornetist IS well pinned over hiB breaat. He took quite c1ethes, parted our hair in the middle, 0 c oc . -right arm. The little girl 'il gettlni k.nown, bavmg VISIted here many a fancy to the 34th Ohio band, and and fltarted for the boat, ~Iaying as ST. MARY'S CHURCH along nicely. Henderson Broe.-PariaGreen, the times ~hen a youngster Th. Ca· not only had them detailed as brigade we went, "I'm bound to run all kind that kills. deta WIll alwaysM welcomed here, band but had them mounted on the night, I'm bound to run all day. " 5th Sunday after (T~inity. June 22. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke, Mr. Thornton Cain and wife lefthere aathey play -a class of .muBicthat beet;"hitehoraesthatcouldbefound NevElr did a band play with such SundaySchoolat9: ...0a.m. Morn- and Mrs. J. M. Key., ane Miasea Saturday for Indiana. w)1ere they appeals to lovel'll of musIc in Way - in the hrigade. He alwaYI called us spirit! Never did a band march wit,h ing Praver and sermon at 10:30. Sybil a':ld Helen Hawke spent Tueswill visit relatives tor awhile, then nl'8ville. "Hil band boYI," and granted us such perfect g race! . Why shouldn t Everybody invited to these ser- day lrUeats of Mr. and Mrs. go south to Hot SprioiS, Ark., where ~ larie crowd. was present and many privil8i(es that he woulfii not they'! They were gomg home! vices. . ,. . AlberL Terrill. of New Vienna. Ohio. enjoyed the exe::.!.ae:. grant to anyone else in the bri~e. . But just as we arriv~ ~t the land- The BIsho.p s PIClllC, on the School they will make their future home. During our ltay here, he applied lDi, lin orderly came rldmg uP. and Grounds. WIll be held o~ Thursday, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Andrus ani , Leslie E. Carey arrived here MonCUPID S DOINGS for a leave of abtence to g;o to Ohio. \ handed me a not,e . I opened it. and June 26th. All com~ulllcant8, ~em- Mr. and Ml'II. E. E. Andrus. of Covdoy morning from Chica&,o on his ri C G Ra dall of Harveysburg He came to me one day and told me this is what it said, "Gen. Duffle is bers of the congreg atl.on •. and friends ington, Inli., autoed here and were motor crela Clnroute to his mother's r . • . ~ 1n t dnesdayevenin~ he was ioing to Ohio in a few days, not going to Ohio, you will please o~ the church are mVlted. Come the guests -of Mr. and Mrs. C, T. home in . New Vienna, He stopped ~~'."arrt ~ e t the h m of arui he was going to take his "Band march back to your quarters." With baskets and. together let us Hawke and family Sunday and Monin town and shook hands with many I~ nnaparenta. ps, a Bothoe. with ' him He told me the It. is said that when the Bible was day. day • the bnde's partiel bovs" . . . ' have a happy and • _JOyous • of his friends. He was accompanied are well known in HarveYlbuI'lr. day that he was ~ start, to have the wrltt:en. they recOrdedththl~ga Just COUNTY BONDS sOLO by his cousin. Th G tte t ds'ts n rat I _ boyl clean up their clothes, and have at! they happened, but e BIble was Mrs. Chas. Gray, who waa operated . e aze e~ en I eo g u a them look a8 nice as pol8ible, and writt:en by men that were inspired. The bonds issued by tile county on last Wednesday at her home,le '.Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Allen. and tiona. report at the boat landing and on a but I not being inspired. think it not commissioners for the repair and reo getting along as · the Mi88e8 Olive McCollum, Cather· E M Ca f certain mornh1g and we would take beat. or a't leaat very helpful to the placement of bridges and highways expected. Her many frtends are Nine and Rosamond Dakin autoecl to Mr. mmett c rren, 0 near . .'. II I f th . . 1"f I .. i th fact tbat the OJHsr Oxford Sunday. Miss ·· McCollum Harveysburjf, wal married to Mia ~ bo~t for Cmcmnatt. We 1Ver~ a :o~: 0 ~ rl~ng t:en?ra ton'b; destroyed by the great ftood were J~~C ng over e emf I (~ Gertrude BerwanO'er, at St. Patrick'. tn high &'lee. and voted our Itttle ou . recolr hW Yd ede faIr was ude old last Monday noon, pursuant to a ton was very suce ." , h II h F '-11 Sa rd J Freneh leneral a regular trump. for severa un r eet aroun advertisement to the Provident will spend this week at t e co ep Wt· th her eister, who I'S a member of cbure, ayettevl e, tu &7, une I h d t Id h th t b nd as standt' n In' Mr and Mrs. T ___1 a_.terthw 14th t 7 'lock M d M -We wrote etters ome, an 0 w ere a a w g. SavingB and Trust Company of C i n . · &lJH.~I , ~.. ; ..... . the iraduatlng class. aren ~~ a .bort ~ed~~n ~~ them to look out for the Srd brigade oor solemn march back to our quar· cinnati. The i88ue is t240,OOO, '6% aad Mr. and Mn. iH~ry &att.erth. The Troy, Ohio MiamiUnionBliYs: ~ to Th ' f~ d band,ofthethirddiviaion,ofthe8th ters, some one suggested that we semi-annual ahdbroughtapremium walteleavet,Om9,r_~wJol'Spr,lqfteld D H kl t a~. th ~Ir.:~y. h en I army corps, for we were going, play "Webster's funeral march." of $4848 and accrued interest. The ~ attend·· ~mUt~~t /Of til. County. Enaineer Samuel .' e~ De exten to em.:! Wl8 88. goini In Ityle, with ftap waving, Anothe~ thoug~~ that the "Dead bonds will be retired $8,000 a year, hIgh ~1;t,O!, -' ~' ; Sattertb.. NEW pin&,. , . going to the IrI'aDd old marcih tn Saul, would be better, half in March and balf in September, ' Will . : and (A,unty COmmiBBioner Fran.


.. -..

1 Why t he Band D-dn ' t G Home 1 --e-----------:






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o~;' ~f· the. '~~.

State of Ohio. with Gen. A. N. ~ commander in chief of the 1Ird bripde third dlviaion. of the • 8tb U1D1 eorpe, at the 1Iead?f the eral .It la one of the n.....t ad mOlt eolumn. we would enter CinclDnati oomplete clothlq' and . haberduby on' a certain da7, "Be .ure and be

MillerWednesday of Warren county the werecoa· in" 11\.1'1 Trov to lnspeet b n'd es reeentl construeted The Criterion, Xenia. is .comparaerete Th -i W Y oIIIIlcl-'- .: _'y al1!-cobcem -.bk9lhutaken e arren COUDt)' Om aut ""v.. "!"'"-, , , bere. . nainerin . ttina' in limc"'r 'the eitizena around . there by .torm.

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but bCartwright . .-'--~ said. Q ak although d d'd he ' hat! een rat"":'" a u er an tnt FLOOD P~EVENTlON , bebeve much ID war, that be would like to ~nd a f ew m i nu tea'lQ a d_ark Ae Warren Co u...... '" IIteDilbel!'l,~CU~fJ) room., WIth the general that . wrote Flood .Prevel;ltiOOln~=~~~~l~~ that J10te. But befon We arnved at organized at D



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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Pub lisher. O I L\O,

WAY "ES\· ILI.Jo:,


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C'O lllll l o n

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Nealrly Every County In State Rcpre. .en led-Southern Ohio W ill Have Bill Delegation .

pwpe r ly rell llz('d, we a rt' lJll t JUH t b eg lllil in s to u n d ,' r:; tll nri Ih e I n l t' n ~l\" e allli r ,'slLl u a l (u r c e Hturnl III' In tho rn ulI·rl ul hu.udl ed . In furlll " r 1110 68, b t'Y tln d

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\" II Yt lUI are our Aml'rl Cl ln CI'O I'N. !.bel Irn Olo' lI BP b u lk ga lil.' r pd frlllll I h"l r e x· t pns lun can b ' /l 1 1Jl,, ~ t lucl ,·l1 u lll· ly e n· l ar l;<' d by ra r ,f,, 1 ~,·· l l' ~ I I,," of the s l't'd" IIC'Spl lt:! Ih ,' rUC I lhal t1 gurps HIlH u a l y h:' ld




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.' rul s urvey . IIl1l u all e ll1l on \I as llaltl t o Ih" CO lldlli OIl o r tl\t· s ced. ltough · and ·rl'll,ly m e th ods were Auftl c lenl. Toda r . w ith nl e " " t f' xactltud ll, IhiB mat~rlnl 11\ b .. lnK 'lxamln '1 d . ('ar by ear, and IIIfJ flll e st on ly se lected . Cros s ·fe rtllizatiun and 6ee d selec t ion ha\'e becom e factors of great moment In th e modern agrjculturlst's vocation. aLld app li ed s c ie nce Is working won· d ers w ith c e rea ls n n d oth4'!r food cro ps, adding more bus h e ls to the acre, more load on the harvest cart and millions ot dollars to th e market. \\oneaL for Instance, can b e c ultivated to m eet local conditions at .011 and climate, &Ild It haa b ee n estimated that tallow· ~ out this ".elective" hint, our annual yield might be twice the amount now Quoted. A lerles or tests made by the Unlted States depa.rtmlmt of qT1culture n!ewted In the statement that reJecUns !.be sralns ot low "I· t&lIty when sorting out seed mean .. a pin at 14 per cent. on the crop. OD the bull at lut year's total gT&\n production thle means 437,000,000 more bUBhels, or more than f200,ooo,000 valuaUon on the farm •. All the outdoor sporta 10 dear to A.mericana are now In full awing. Wet daya are IrlYlns place to sunshine oneil, lDcreaalns the enjoyment for t1!e ,oung and old who delight In be!ng In the open air. The athletically IneUned who have been exercising In Qmnaalums ill winler are now able to get the needed practice In the open aIr. GymnlUllum work I. excellent, but all lostructortl are pleased when they can send their charges outdDors to get Into real action In some fae · dnaUng sport. Tbe athlete Is never It. the best possible condition unUl he has outdoor training. The plln! fresh alr Is also Invigorating tor those who do not Indulge LD physical stunts. The Indoor worker should try to get all the tresh aIr he can at some period ot the day. Then he will be able to malotaln hi" physical strength at DOl' DIal aDd can enjoy lite.

The aecretary at tht. navy ha.e abol· "bed "port" and ".t.a.rboard" lUI naval t4lMD8 tor plain IlLDd lubbery "right" and "letL" But It the , ruler of the iaDd'. Davee thlnkll tbat be can ret «lae salt-crusted Gloucester fillbermen to abandoD the sea·golng terms of theIr ancestory on his say-so, he hae ae't'ernl other tblnks due blm. A woman physician says that bru· nettes a8 a rule are ateady. " They ()bange ;eaB orten and become apeclal· 1Bt.. They stick to one thlDg rather thc.n tbe variety." However, tbe bru. &ette who becomea a blond shows In an unmlBtaklIble manner a tendenoy to seek variety. A man who tell In love with a Chi· -so widow on account of her teet, Is DOW being aUI'd by her tor breacb of promise. Probably ehe bad refu8e4 to serve aa a lIubstitute tor tbo roller be usea on biB lawD.

. ~ · · ': I f ·

T h e re Is some conRolation for those p eop le In Chicago whose Bervanl girls are d e manding the use at the parlor at lens t one even ing a week.. Tbe gas bill will b e c ut down. Tb e meanest way yet suggested of raising revenue corn\.ls from a Frencb municipality, wbere they have been try Ing to collect a tax all baby car. rl ages. Grafting Is now traced bac k to the tlnle oC the early Egyptla.ns. It I. more tban like ly that the 80clal philosophers among the early EgypUaaB found It Quite an IiDcl e nt practice In their time. Crossing the oceaD In a day Is DOW being cODsld~red. A tolerant smile :would one day bavo been the only ·.awiir to thIs mad suggestion, . but JD thelia tlma the Quick replr 11 ~lIf II.Ott" . ;

:h, '


An Ohio Farmer'. cOl/ered ."'-=-.:=c....:..____ _

feed lot for use of etock.

_ __ __ _ _ _


__ _ _ __

FULL VALUE OF FARM MANURE IS SELDOM FULLY APPRECIATED The Covered Shed. Phosphorus, and the Use of the Spreader. I ncrease the Benefits from this "LI"iversal Home Remedy"


I~xp .. rienc e bus 1\ I10ll'n that farmerlll s b ow tbls to be a lJla ce for !.be In are cODlpa ratl vely few Who reali ze the m e nt o f spa re ,·ltlJlta!. tull c rop producing power o f th e ma· ADDING 1'1I0SI'HOHIlS : The w pal( nure on tbelr farm;;. To thE' great mas s point III manure Ig Its lack of phus. of tarm e r~ . manure i ~ 5t ill a wilste Il h oru _. A ton of Hl unure IlsIHllly,'on · produN , thrown out in th e upe n ynrd, tainH ahollt four t lm e~ as mu d l of exposed t o t b E' weatber fr om three to el th.'r nltrogf' n or potas ,lum as It L10ea nin e monthR a nd 100 often n eve r phos phort1R . Al s o It s e e lll R to be I'8th· bouled to t1.lI! field . er genprally eSUlb lls hed that most of Th p re ar.. 80mI' 8e (' t lon 8 In tbe Boils In 'he United ~tates url!l which th e ~buve st :~ tement. would so m ew hat detlclent ill this e le m ent. be g r08s ly unlusl, hut In many PhosphurtlS plays 1\ \'er y IDlportant Qtbers such treatment Is s till a Ilarl In tbe prollu('tlou o f gl'nln an ll ( im e bon orE'd (" ustom In gootl Rtnnd- apparently haA some thin g to d o wltll Ing. It Is t h e purpose of thl H article mak ing t ht, k l' rnel~ oC grains more 10 disctJa! the practicnl means of Be- plum". Sin,'/' mSllure is weak ID p hus· c ur in g the greates t po>;slhle retllrn phorus RUti thE' a l'emge so ll R are lo w frolll thlM "nil'eraal "home re m edy ." !n this ele11ll'nt It would s eem th1lt th e Three things Rusges t them s e ll'es In ado:~lon of som e form o f 11hosp hu ruH tbl H {'onn e l'tlon an th ese will be con- to t b e n;~ n u r e would increas e Its crop aldered. . producing power. LonK conti nu ed ex· TIIl~ COV I':REIJ SHF:D : Manllre I per'lmenls at t h e Ohio S tntlou hal'c c onsl s t R of t h e dung , an d urine of anl. j s h ow n thRt manure thus re'('nfon:l'd I" mnls, tog e lber with the mate ri a ls u sed a mnl'h more .. tre cllve ~ r tll l zt'r . I.S beddlug. Th e nlnnt food contained (!SI;o.IU TH~; SPflEADE H : Leaving ... ill these e"('re meut s is that contained Ollt uf c o n s id rration l h e l'altH' of the In the recdln" sturr less that removed manure ~ pr !, lI\l e r a s a Ilibor saving dO'· .. lly tbe IIntmnl~ . Cnder a\'ora~c ('o n- vice Is th ~ machine worlh whil e ? It dltlons 80 I,er ('eut of tb e fertili zing c an e .', s ll y be s h~wn that a s a n uver· valu e of tb e feeds remalm! In the mao nge lJroposiLion t<!w rarm H prudu,:e nure when vo lrt ed by the animals. Can· enough manure to cover all t h e ground ce ntrated fee.dlng stuffs s uch as cot · d esired . Take for e xumjJle th e or dl . lon seed m ea l, tankage lind bran sUIl nar y corn, wh e al, c lover r otati on bave a blgll fertilIzing valu e afte r th e where usua ll y th manure is n ppl II'd animal has re mov ed whnt It neetlH . to the clo ver sad. to be plowed Cor How e ver, about two·thlrds or tbe ni· corn , It I ~ ~e ld olll Ihut e nou g h mRuure trogeD, a t race at the phos ph o ru s and Is 10 b e had to cover the e n tire c lov er tbree·fourth s o f th e llOtasR llint ar e fi e ld . Mu rh of the value of the mao gll'e n off In tb e urin e. In ord e r, then, uure s prcad l'r li es ilt its allil1ty to to pre\'ent loss of the mo s t nvallabl e sca li e r th e manure farth er than it c an plant food cD ntliln ed In th e m anure tJ e d one br hand . Spreaders are mad e sOOle for m of tlgbt tloor 18 n ecessary. wbl c b ((('a u .. r as little as fiv e ton s to Too often the ope n ya rd Is tbe Btore the acre. It Is al mo st ImpossltJle to hou se for the manure and tbe l)cnr by . get over an a cre b y hand with less s tr ea ms bear evidence at serluus hollis. than 10 to 12 Ion. s of manurl! . Having Wh e r e It Is ImposHlble or not ad\'18a· it. spreader m e MS spreodlng farther bl (' to haul the malture dally to Ih e I and s prendlng fnrther m ell 115 In c reas· field, some tOl'm of shed mu st be pro- I in g the value por ton . vld e d to protect the manure from ' F. E . DEA R, leachlllK lIy min and from le akuge be· I Co ll ege of Agriculture, Obio Stato n ea th. A s imple ca lc ulation will Un lv e rslt}'.



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1' nl (,i n

=' I' W ~

::) t rvil'e

vI' Ih t , !T1I1 S I s ltllJ.!1I1l1 a ry loO trll g gl ~ ;\llh ' l' kil n

" 0 (1 [1 11 (' 11 1 ill

HIl( lI llI'r

1<l utt' ll. F ill )' H'n r s "I(U Ohio had IhulI · " " I1"~ or 1<It '1i 011 Ill,· baltll' field I,t U t· tys ou rto!, Pn . 'rhp 6 UlI <:; h as ,' uln jlll',,', 1 IIrra1< );'C' 11I P II I~ for th e r turu of a Sllnl ll rC' 1Il 11 11 II I of tbal "rea t ho ~ t wh it'h ~hl' ulTe l'p tl on Il\ n >I:l t' rllk l:1I all a r . Th e II KI of men e ntill l'd to go hila ue'l' n mad,· lip b)' AIIJt. Ge n. t; " or ~ (' II . \ro od . !llth ou.L: h 11 0 l'xjJe n s II lIumtJer uf add itions 10 till' list. The ::>0111 hE'1'll ()lIi o Gonllut;/,ut \\ ill b .. ,' urrl ,- d o\'('r " p" ('ia l Bn ll i1l10re & 01110 Iralus 111l'1 I ho.(' of til l' northern part 0\'1'1' I'"u n· ~y ll,' a n i a trains. In tlw li 6t of veteran~ will he me n \\ho hHI' e attllined to high rank And s l~ t iG n In 11ft?, bu t 100ft' whosP. ,·al l· lll!: ~ hav!' bee n a lo ng more quiet Willits. Dh;(lnctlonB oC wealth and position will b e for~ottll n as the co mnlCl pll of olb N d ll)"S BI .. ep together III pe ace and S8" urlt)' in Ihe 8arne place where they slt'PI un blood ·sooked grounds halt a I'p ntnn' ago In bourly danller at night altac k . AI forlller g.:>vernor, Androw I.. Har· ria, I, anI' of tb e men wbo will go from Preble euunty . The Hamilton county list Inc ludes Postmaste r E. R . ;lIon· fori. of Ci ll c illuati. \I Is notable that Lhe re will b e ('omparallvely f('w am · eers In th e IIsr. Almosl a ll ot those who comrnllndl'd h ave joined tbe lilent army . The \let of tbose w ho have b een awa rtled proper c r e dentials Includo numes frOID prac ti ca lly every ('o unly In tbe state. The follo .... lnK w ill attend from tbe southem part of Ohio :

Canna and SalVIa Form j U)

]·: I : ..: =" E . nl ~ X "'fd{[ t I

I::H' ry ~ tl a so ll I Ill' l l e tt('r ~ 11'0 1<1 \Iorn!' n who 1" ,,1' 110wt' rs. lLud t u lLl' KreUl prid!' In lheir gar d en . aHkLng If J cau't te ll th<!1U ullout " somel blng lI e w" in tb e Will' of beds , or ur some II ~W nud tl eslmb le p lant s . T l.... y \\,Ilut t!om('IhluI: " ll littl e dIlT,' r e llt " frolU what Ih e lr n e lgbbor~ h a v t'. :O;uw there urf] a lwu ys n('w vhLn t u, " no vc ltlt!S," th e He e d s lile n ca ll th e Ul lin d 1I1D10Ht Inva r ia bly th es e plunts ure In tro dl1 co>d with a gre ot l1 0uri Hh u1 ,·er bul trumpets . \\' hat l" 'e r adj c c tlY ell are u~ e d In dt'sc r lbi1lg ·th e lll u r ~ quit e a ure 10 bl! In th e Bupe rlallv e d f'grre, aud 11 1M not to hI; wuudt'rpd al that !lUY flowHr· lo\·illg Ill' r sOlI's c uri osity Is excltcu by wlHlt th e <I('lIl e u ha vo t o Hay aIJ u ut th'-IIl, liar I. it lit nll stl'ulige thnt Illan), pl'rSOnA ar" I"lll ilt e d to lu· " elJlInl( ill t h e Ill . Of coursl' ail e t:JlIIIIOt lia}' uny th ln g 1111 to the IIwrltl! o r de · merilB of th es e plllnt~ until Ih l'}, h al' e betJn test e d . So ml! oC th p l1I prove 10 1)(0 1' " lu ub le : but, as fl ge u Pru l thing, th.,y u ru or 60 IItll" Ilwrlt lhllt W (1 nel'er b pa r any · thlllK abollt I ht' m lifter th e tlet'ond 61'a · Ilon . 'I'hen, rol'f' . I ha\· ... to any to thOHt' who ask ud\' ie,' ubout pUllin g th !' ir money Into " lIov e ltl e s ," d on't do It. un' I {' s~ you lI u I'I:! HO Illll c h thut you woultl 1I0t IIllnd thf' los s or what you in.eMt. lI e r e Is a 6 u ~g eli liull for a IlI'd th at ought to " work np" w", l1 : ~'I11 th e cen · t e l' with "C r im s o n Feat h e r " (;e l08 Ia .

.\ ol~m. Counly---lobD


Brill ia nt B it of Cotor .


An y Hoil or ('ll l1lutl\ llud HI:l.r



Il'ft nlolu, ror ~ ( I" 'rul ),t' an; art ... r b(' llIg 1,lallll·d . A ratlwr d "I'jl lind 6UIU tl what ~llrr ~0 1l I ~ pre fa rrl't! - lhal In which th e bulb. UU('(~ ~ e d bl!st ; an tl It th~ II\)" Ltloll is on e I,artl"ulllrly Kha lltJd rro lll lots of ""u ~ h lnp i n tb" " 1'f lu l( th e Itow prs o f How e or tilt' "Pt"cl el! retain tb e lr bl'auly (or a mu d l lung e r pprlud thon th,')' wou ld If I 'X, \Xl ~ ed tl> All th t' light and s ·lu ~ hin., pOIIHlbl ... Tlt l' UHUlti mod(' of pr0l'u g:. tiOli I ~ b~' olf·s,~ ts , w hi c h tihoultl tJ c COll N· I ... ,l from til<' parent builis .lII d pluntl'd I>ut sl'paru t l' ly ror n ),oar In o rtk ,. th ul th e y Ill "y J(royo' Kufficl c ntl r IlLrl; " for floworlng. Th (' mnJ orlt)' uf lhe s p .... I... ., illc r pa s ll somew hat frp e ly hy this m e thod and p(' rman ('lIt "lulUps mil) bH lifte d, u nl1 t h plr offsets r COIOI:I·o.1 , .hould t11 f) r (> b.> 1\ dan !;c r t)C illJur~ ellusell by Ihl! flow!'rlng bulb ~ hl' lng overcrowd.-d . E' llsuing fro m t h f'ir lIlultlpl ylng. The JlrnC e~H of rulllln!; pluntR frol11 IIcl'ds i~ a s low one. but IH PI'Il C' tiCI'd for rai s ing tl e w varle li!ls. 8 '('<1 .. s hou ld b e IIOWII ~ OOll art e r hci uj; (~ ol . II1ct f' d . In pnlls of salll!), autl ra ll, e r loa m y 8011. Youn g bulbs s ho u ltl II" planted III a prl'parpd h ortl e r , /ln d dt> lnl'h of t require murl' I!mn a ll l ~lIo J1 I1CI- , • " ·" p), rl.,Io, . t913 \ j ' - - - - -------

B. autlv. Wln Laurr, Hl cphe" ... . /l uoper . FranctR 8 . Wotre! Alh r nR: WIl 80n F . Celtare, Am.avt Ie ; .I"m e. F. i'''rnpton • . )i\ t.' k ~o n\'·IIl .. : Willard l:Ia.k e r . I.lil.robe: Andr ew .In c kson. :lttItJl elol : Il en . ry lIuker. fl'rnnd s W . Wh,,' ey. H~nry A . ' Ill e kson, Alban}, : A . C. Anderson, ur NeI~llnvlll e: J l1me • . Iun ••. :\:PW lUu.r.hncltl; Jo:dg o it with r a dom!! Ha l\ C'ro o(' rll" 1'100"''' " Buwdo n. ClJlIunce)' . Aug illhe- ~'I'lln cl " M. Wl11 lamo, 81. ulum'. T he grt.> e n and wblte foliage or Mun's . the lat ler ought to bring OUI th o brll· ___ _ C hnmIlUltrn-B. F . Gmman . O . W . RanIInnl I:olorillg or th e Celos ia wltb t p11 · S' 0 f Strongholds of dol llh, .Iohn E. Mu rph),. J ohn Bowe. John L . Duvl., .Iohn A. Sharrer. "'lIlIum In g ell' ct. Suc h II b ed as th lR 18 p.n~lly Ize Is ne 0 Ilt llke~ , NonlJ ~11nnl c h. I rbana; (Jeorg. Breed, But not Satisfactory B. Rluel" ~tlngu ; Om I~Qlrc hlld, J ohn W . llIadt', a nd 18 a liltl/' out of th e <:lito· ( Owen, Woodstol' k: Henry Hurrm1ln, SI. 1Il0U . y PUI·ts; Dunl el .\I . lhnl1rl", Mec hantcsH(l1'<\ Is anolh fO r Hl1gg('st ill ll that will. to Market oung ou rl · C lark - Sa muel G , Wolf, l.uke Dea.y, ir fu llo wed out, gh'e YO II II wo nd lJ rrull), Spr'Lng\lpltJ. brllllant lied. III order to HPcu re th " (II) II . G . lJAWSl1:\ , Cllnlon-H pnry Collen., Mtdland City : b es t otTects f rom It. It silou ld be g i\'en We hul·... In t h o Mu s (~o\' Y OllC o f th,. S. A . Holloctu;" Wllmtng ton . Fah·u eltJ- J.unc II . Marka, Sloutsvi lle; II pro min e nt lo cation. I m o~t "roIlH e of nil the varletll'~ 0 1 ~;~~~~'! . Burge .. ~, L .. ne .... ter ; Wm. H e!:_ , Centp.r of bc d sca rl et salviu. !lu Ckll, I'~pecl all y for the furUlel ' Frlln kUn- E. H . Sea.nan, John M Surronnd thl~ with ca ll 1ops l~ . r ic h Yuun g L1uckH marke t e d before ( ' hrl!<tRhodes , t. A . Guren, B. .... ne .. t, Jacob golden ye llo w and brown . . mas tim brought $1 .60 eucb un ,1 ~ 1'/1 r.. I:Irund.Usch, Rub e rt S . MeW,,!ne. :\1 . H . Wtnl,,,"., J . H . Curllin. Hen ry l :lemona, Ilorde r the be d with Hcari t!t ;11111 )'t'l · lings $2 ellch . WLlItllnt Gu)', Cul umbu.; Edwanl Wade. low co le us. setting the c olo rr. alt"rnlltc' Tho s ize Is aile at the strongh li oldil I.L m'.ndu p neLl:hls; J. W. Hurliln • . Gabfon- Iy . or us ing a row of e ach . A hed of at this breed, but th ey are nO I FallA' ~allla,-lra W . Boolen, Gu illpoll s. tbl s kind 11'11\ fai rl y blaze wltb c olo r j fn c tory If you wislt to market t bf'Ol nt tlel(r,ea ,d . ulfu- Hllrvey L . Wrtght, Middle- at midsumm e r . tfoll or tWl'll' e weeks, as they Will oOl '''uern•• y-Jllmee :.I. Baker, CllmTh e :lnnual Ilhlox adapt!! itKI!1f to llIalul'e Fa rapidl y as th e P ek in . How brl,O &,e. H"mlllon-Hermun C 1Qu~I ... , Pat"l ck som!' lov e ly combination s . UHe th e e ver, th ey can liE' raised all about half COllway, WllIt ..m UQwman, George H . Ilale pink, ih e d c llcnte yellow and tile the feed whic h the other duck~ reIo'Oll, E . n . Monfor l, Wl11lam Dumonl, j{oluut Wullace, )';d H. Anthony, Herman pure white varieties toge th e r . and Quire lind th oy are \'or)" hardy lind Belm"r., Georlr" BS8co m, Slephen Cod- ha\' o a verlta.ble poem of bannonlous I ~ llhm dld forag a rll. dlnClon. CharItA Cobb, John Curr, Sltmuel Crallr, William J':nyart, Jo'erdtnond colol"l!. 'fhese can b e a.rrullg<.: d III I We Ita ve r aised large broods In the Fool, Berna"d I'ledderman, ' "'red Farmer, rows , In circles, or planted In mass es. III,ell Ilelds, neV(lr fee ding tb e m, and J08:eph L . Gaul, John Geyer, Wllll.u" lind th ey are ve ry much like the turHIn ch. Ad.tI.m Hent", Dert Gellert, RolJerl to suit Indlyldual taste. KLI'kuII, CrlMt Knuun, John Meyer, AuIt will be readily understood, I tblnk . key in thi8 r esp ect. Thos e wishing au ... t Auerner, Jobn 8ulUvon, Henry Slotl'r'atin, John Slevells, Herberl 1.. Sbepu.rd, that I am fonder of bllrmonlous color an ornam e ntal a8 we ll 8.8 the 1lI0Sl Da:nl el Salmnn, Henry WelamlllerJ. .Iohu effects tban I am ot a wide variety at profitable or all the ducks will fi nd Ihe W. Wright, Henry WellmRn, ti .. muel WI1OI(, Ctnclnnntl; Isane N . Sklthnac, MI. color. A pllckage at mixed sweet lien , Muscovy slltlstactory. Ho:a lthy : Adam FrIend, Hartwell;, seed will g iv e you red, scarlet, purpl e . They make scarcely any noi s e unReid. Glelldale; J. J . HandJohaw, NorcOI'mlne, ' pink, 1I11l c, yellow, lavende r lest; mol eRted, and arc le ss of a Pllel WOIIXI.. Htancock-Lye ur.ull, McComb ; C. II . nnd wbito flow e rs. !lut It you prefOr'j' dler than an)' o( tho otlter varieties. Slockton, Htram L . Ra thburn, F'lnl1lay. Hardln---l. S . Ri ce, Jllhn ltIee, Eman- Instead, exquIsIte chords of co lor, you !llld they E:l\n b e kept where lIay otbe r uel Hu.ttldd, I. DLcher, P . A. Carr, John wl1\ huve to get Jlackage a of seed In \'al'iet y would make anythIng filthy . B!"pUB, John W . Born, Kc nlon ~ P. D . They mak e a lin e cr0811 with allY K.le, Enoa Shannon, Dunkirk ; John lJ. whkh e ach color Is by Itse lf, and seDs"kleman, Amolt D. Brtggs, John B . lect from tb e s e th e colors which com· variety of du c k and make a grand taDeam Va,lentJne Gilliland und John WIUt:ble f~wl wh en croBsed with th e P e kin . ler, Jo~ore.l ; Thomas J. Spencer, Round. blne moat sa tl sf.: ctorlly. hea d : William S . T!ak~r, AntJrew J . Bo,'An E'xtrt'rnely brl1llllnt. b ud ca ll be We ar!! breeding all varlelle); oC den, John Burdette, Alln. Henry-.]ohn KLr"chner Perry Stoner, mud e with th" petunia. But don 't \lBe duckR and find e ithe r the pure bre d or LLbert )· Ce nt er; H enry k olbe, .Iolm C . IIp.ed of mix e d colors If you waut the the C'roR~cd blrd8 profit· producers. Urall. Cr l. l I.lndan. Napoleon . Th e l>ro/( eny of the cross·brnd b ini ... Highiand- WLtllllm K . Dunlllp, Wtlllam best r(l8 ults . F1I1 the ce nt er with t.he A . Shock, Or ..' ntl eld; Da vtd Gnll!;h. Jo· crimson or vio lel s urta, lind e dge the will not breed and are like t h" ! 'u nllse llh F . Van I ',·It . Le ealJUrg. Ho"Lttng-tJ~o rg~ W . HI:! sl c y, Hiram be d with white varieties. In this way dian geese In tblB respect. Kan udi , .Iume. Ml!Cun nelJ, Jo:l L Boy],,.. YOIl heighte n th e e ffe ct of tlach color Th e M US"O\' y Is found wild ill f'o utb L,ojf(u n ; ~s\l nuel Snll th, \\'llllurn Brook !'i, by controst. 1C tho two colors al'e scat· Am e rIca a nd 'R razll and Liley urll foX' Cubon HilI. •J H( ' k!lOn - C harJ es Yu.ncy. Ber'Un Cro ~1 t e r e d ovp.r the be d. In haphazard lash· t enslve ly domesticat ed I'n Europe • Ho"ds . lon , th e el'fect 1\'111 be too bi zar re to be wb ere tiJ(>y are bre d In gre~L t nUIll. 1P.rr~nmn - F.nnch Pr.nrcp. St r uhe n ville . I be rs. Luwrellc e--John H. McC!'I 'e, AUG'uaHul pleasi ng. Or.·four. Iro nt on . Th e foLll\ t:e Hhould not h,' ('ul off TlJ ey liV fl 10 a good old age , ;It! w .. I.,icki n~- l\I ' lrlon t:. CrD~t, Orton; Da~ vt<.l Lt ) \\"<' . :"-le w aJ'k ; \\'1111u l11 \"' hl t~. Pa ~ when grpen. buL allowed to withe r and I ha v.e one f ~ lIlal e 10 a flo c k night yearts h\sknlu . J.oga n- \\·l lIl"m .\ .' lI ~ n (' cr a hott, Joh " the n 1)(' r e mov ed. Transplllntlng o r old lind hOIl won mnny tlr st pre;\td~t e rh a n. Hell e C "nl~I' ; WilliAm Bo~­ any di visio n or the bul bH Is best per· mlumll. w e ll , 4; eorge M.· Hove r, le u-nc Y oh n, Isaao form ed in .luly o r August. l! t hi s a l>" J( t.h('}' nre not allowed to hllt cD H . Butl er, HeU.ronlntne; Perr y Gr ubbs, .I nme. F. Otcus, Wes t Liberty ; BenJa- cratloll It! dl'lay ed until th .:, lall 100r(' the ir eggs they will lay m ore o r I f'S . min Lisby. Zanesfield : J. W . H"l1tler- or leHH InJur)' 01' clleck to Ih" ll e w from April to Novembe r . Th e y 1I10lt shott, Dc IJ t' atT. but Ollc e during the yenr. lIad it rt.. Mtam l-.llOhn 1' . HIlliard, CO\'lnglon; growth!; mu st luke place . Joseph Y1ng Nt. T ro y . :>1nrclstil a re hardy. Th e)' Quires f1v e weeks to hatch t il· l' gl::~ . Monro <-ItIPI",rd l'lnn ey. (; rnYRv Ul e. Montgom ery- Joseph;" . .)olon Bie. ler, fJontlld M cL~otl . Al bpn lJI ~ h lJP ,

"h1~~e;n O ~~·t er







After bill spouse bsd hIt him fn. numerable Umes with a frying pan. broken hlB arm. poured hot water on blm, scratched hla face, pulled hie balr and left him seven tlmSll, a Georgia man has come to the conclullion that ahe does Dot lov e him any more. Quick perception, certaInlY. A Philadelphia suggestion tbat tho navy departmeDt further amend that substitution of right and lett for star. board and port by making It "haw" and " gee" would mak e It oven more familiar to naval "rookies" from the agrtcultural belt.

' P " : ' t>I '

1',>1 11 1111.,, ". o . ~I(O re I h:\ 11 :'\)() vl' ler' :Hl ~ o f Ohio 1'I'l;l", e ll ls w il l rt' \'lsi l Ih "

Alf fornl S s hould have name s . Joe have It de scri b e d something lik e lhls; W ing, o r C hllmpa ign coun!.y, report s " The so ulhwl'st Quarter of the north· an II" e res ting I'x Jl!! riellc e In call nee· "I'st quarter of Seclloll 11. Town 1, tlon with Ihc II lI mlng of hi s honlP Ha n ge 3." ,\ 1I :l lll e gIveR Indl\'ldnullty place. " WOOdl a nd Farm." !l YUlln>l 10 a farm : it make!! It mo r e than a man who was hire" by Ih e mo nth had m .. re I, ieee of land . A fa r lll with B s ho wn ll t tl e 11I1 " r,·s t In hi s work. En· name Is nn in splral lon ; II Jtccumulales coura ged from time to tim e by hi s (·m· a reputati01l . Evuryth lng that co mes plorer, he .al. le n glh e:.·lle to lak e cal'll i from that farm bearll th e n a m e Ilnd of Ih e Ht.ock and buildings itS If they rl'ficcts c r e di t on th e produ ce r and we re r e ally hi s own . Th e Ilrst pl'oof owner. Some p eop le r (! Jld e r a farm which th e v e teran alfalfa raiser had o f rl(\l culoll s by gIving it nn nnsuit,able lQls n e w int('resl wa.a one day wh l' 1I I name or 0111.' t hut Is 1')0 frequeatly Ilia farm hantl was found milk ill >I used . It ~ho uld always be tho endeavo r to m ark s a ll on e of the buildings. A poorer 8tndent o C human nalure wOllld . ch oos e II narnc that h a R Rome sulto· at on c e ha v e r e primand e d the boy for 11Ii1I IY Once d ecided upon, the d efacing prope rt y, but ~r. Win g le t i sh ould n.lwaYR ap pear upon Ihe printed ~im fini s h and Jat C'r went. a round tu I letterhead of the owlter nnd neatly see w bat tie had written. This is what pai n ted In S0 1l1 0 co n spIc uous place on he found . "Ja m es H!mry, of , Wood 1t1O d th o · prop e rty. The accompanying 1J!UB' Farm ." " Tll is boy," 811YS Mr. '''illg, na tio n s s how how the nam e m".y be "had come to tuke a real pri de In my painted on thp. windmill or the gable pl ace. Thos~ few words scrawled on eDd of the barn, A. B. _GRAf1AM. a board was th'e first evidence ' or hIs College of Agriculture. Ohio Stllte 8enuln<! Interes t In the pluce al1d the University, l\'ork." The owner himself cOI;lle a to think . Ever:v r ural pWel1 er should look hit, DlOrEl or his proper ty it It baa" a n ame. the Question of tbe water use d for ,do MO\lt anyo n e would r~ther have his r mestl c purposes, Ilnd ,cast · abollt -fol place of r esfdence designated al5 ";-'la' l m eans ot sate-guardlal It lD ClIlSO \t' II than to I iil tt nv· WAY slispl~loua. .. , 1I'le Grove S·,w...,c,·"' Farm" rather , ~ :, . .




Jutnea Kelley, .fohn Ila rd y, L e wis C U)'-

lor, I:I nmu el l·:vu nR. O"yton; Albert nl s hJ o~ e ph Murr:l~' , U . K. Phillip. Ale:.ancier l\luIIP, J ohn ~"':'lcIUN. Jume. HarllU ugh , .JRmes WIIUams, ;o.;ntLonal ::;0 10 1'.

dj P f' !4' Home.

Mo rga n-.John

Mn.ul'tce D UJllltlU e.


K ell y.


l\I cCunnell ~ vlnF!.

Muskln llu m- Wllvu ll Li . Colby, \\'oodwllrol, ZlIn esvllle ; ' C. \Y. H(lRev Llle. Pa UldIng- G. C. 0 1<18, rnnry E . 8prlhtr. S. H. Ctth·tn. Paulding. Pe l'ry- Wlll lufI) 'h,ltlw lck, Com ing ; B. F. ErwIn, McCunevllle; M. 1,. Ca rney, ~ew Lc"lnglon. Plek"wlly-WI:ll nm B. Davts, Georgo ·W. Uep h o rt, WIIII"'nHport; Thos. Goml· m lll n. Jenne Fow le r, Irel e. til e: Davit! Po'Llng, Whtsler; .I oh n ~ l der. John HeIT" 80 n . J eS8e Po hee. :O/"W HolI ...,o1. Ptke-J\ ]Ob hn Oownlng, T~ r w4l! Wets,". n. W. Vincent, " -Bverly: Joseph 1'. Tal, bollt. ~Ilr~t"'ts. . Preble- .Toh .. ;r. S.. hlnfly. A, T•. ~Jnrrlll,

~~J~~; ~~~~h,BIC~~:reIl;Jo{!;.I\I~~WI'i: 9Uvct·, :'Fnl rhavcn. ' -

. "



JS~eS:~I~b~tin,Bmg~lil~~~~ ~~~~~~,



MIdI., lJourJ!cvlII e; Mnrtln gn~e. John 1:1, I err.. COnrAd 7Rull, ~al~plll: W. KJIllbtoQ, enry. ,Wllt.blre, GtUeaplevUJ,. '1." ..11 oot_flo, KJnlPtoJa. ~ . . •




CO~tENANT IN COO I Real Significance of FClct That Is Conveyed in Stone Pointing Upward.

Writing o n tbe CanadIan West. aD eastern tl xchange trutbfully snye : "The W est Btlll calls with Imperative voice, 'ro pralrle and mount&lu. and (or tbe Pac lOo Cout, Oatarlo'.youn g men aDd women are attracted by te ns of thousands yearly. Tb. great mlgl'lltlon bas put an end to th. tear. fr eely e xpressed not many yeana ago by th ose who kne w the West tram th e la ke s t o tbe rarther CO:lst or Van· cou'l'er [sland, tbat Canad a would lome day break In two becaus o of tbe predominance at Continental European and Am e ric a n aettle rs In the WesL" Tbls Is l ru e. While tbe Immlgratlo o from the United States Is larKe. runnIn g cloBe to 150,000 a year, that ot the DrlUeh Isl es and Co ntinental Europe ne arl y twi ce that number, mak. Ing a to ta l ot 400,000 per year, tbere la a st ro ng Inftnx tram Eastern Can. ada , It Is no t ollly Into the praln. provln cee t bat tb e Be people go, but many of tb em co ntinue west ward, tb" Klory of Brilish Co lumhla's great tree. and great mountalnB, the excellent a g ricultural vall eys, wh ere cnn be grown almost all klndll of egrlculture and " 'h ere rrult has already acblev ed prominence . Th en the vast expanse of tbe plains attract hundreds or thou. lands, who at once 8e t to work to cultivate th eir vaet holdlnga, There la 8tll1 room, and great oPDOrtunlty In the WeBL The work ot man'. banda. even In the clUe. with their recordbreaking bulhflng ruah, I. the email. ellt part of the creat l1anorama that Is 8pread berore tbe eye on a journe, througb the country. Nature Ie aWl aupreme, and man III .UlI the dlvtne' pigmy aUdacloualy lIeeklng to tmpo.. his will and stamp hi. mark upon _ unconquered balf continent. The feature that moat commeDcta ltaelf In Weltem de-...eIopment tod&)" I. the "hom&-maldnK Iplnt," Th" Weet will find happlneaa In planUnc treee and makIn« gardsna and build· Ing acbool. and college. and UDlvs",l· tlell, and productng a home environment so that there will be no dllposl· lion to regard the country aa a temporary place of abode In wblch eTeryone I. trying to make bl. pile prep&!'atory to going bsck East or becomlnl a lotua-eater bellide the Pacific. The lure of the We lit III strong, It will be stm stronger when the erude new to'«'nB and vllIagel ot tbe plalna are embowered In treee and vocal with the lIong ot blrds,-AdTertilJement.

Jat'D h I.,ft suc h II ~ t ono In Lle lhel. STIRRING SIGHT ON POTOMAC IV U " a wi llHlHH to th l! fac t lh a~ a ~ o ul ha ll heeu dl'e ply con s lo us .> f t h" Pen Plctore by Private of 0",11 OilY. 1 1l' e~ " I h'p , th o fo rg lv cll cHM , th e CUll , a nd Before Early Woke Up Wallh inQ' till! p rot l' ('tion of Gocl . und ha d e nLe red ton in Jul ,v, 1864 , Into II, co \, enunt with him . In tb llt titon c poin llng up wurd J ueo b hud uJ · r ead y bf.!!; u n to be a bl ulUllug to ull Hom " tilll ., in .I u nt! lS I:\' ,\<. "11 1111> t.h e- falllill\'H at th e carth , Jt nil tb ~ Ul) f ran . :'oj " w O rlt: u lI ~ , an d WC' lt i nt o ~ h ure ll to\\ e ra and J; lli ros in Chr is t 'n. II fur t 0 11 a h ili ha('k of ,'k x-lI ltl ria, d OIll \A pro galh er<! d loto a s ll t) , \' a, Th prl' Is II Il)w m il K ' ef hill s wh at a rpat' h ll.~ hca,,('n wuI'd of hUlllan t ll ....!.' tb ~l "xten d ~ u p /l 1Ic! duwn, "\'t'I" h8~i r atlo n Ih,'y wcult.! roveal. Tba t I~ loo kiuK th e l'o to lllac rl v... .. U ll t l "~ wh al tlwy ' il r~ : 6loo,,8 Ilo ln li ng up. ~ I l"' al l o n u chaill of J'Or l ~ hu rl bo.' u "art.! , all d b ('~'\ rlll g wltll e llll to th e up- hui lt so me Ilru C' bl'fo r" , a lioll l t wo \l u rtl r ('ac b of the 80 ul of man , 111 111.'8 Or fl O UIJllrt . bIll lit tl11H lill in lu rna ll Y lllacps tbrollglwut l li t) la ud Ih ,· .." w.' r~ oo ly " r"w so ldJI'r H III Ih C' rl' a r.' llo iu ts wh (:)'e hum a n it y ga t h. t h l" ul. For tiOfllP mi l ('~ tll wurd Mllo as· ers au t! Ivuks o lll to ward th e grea t1!>ll Has th a cuunlr y I ~ 1'0111 1111 , wi lll hl'f" natu ra l lll'a ul y tha l a ppellrs In the dis. a lld th pl'(! 1\ (\ £'llV ravl s o an d IIn o w"," I· tall e,' TII !'re 18 ( ' illY Hou se at S an la nds a nd ni ce s tre alJl H or wall' r. Ale xll udr ia was nn 0 11'\ , ti ll'llPY lOW lI , 1"rallr ibCIJ ; t hom a 1'0 obNe r va lioll Il vl ut ~ a t ~ ia ga ra; t bere arc " In spi ra ' tb e wh "e ls of prog r ess wpre sto pped, tl oll PUIIl IH" lu th e g NaL mountaill ru- a nd OIl(' wou ld th ink th e war was Klollli ; t hore ar e th o ocean pla rH a t o vor to Bee tlw fa rm ers ('o ml nl;' In ~t'aR id f.! reyo rls; places lbat slD.nd as wl tb th e tr butt er and IlggR to e xc ha llgl' wltn e~, HI!S to tb e impulse tuat human. fo r goods , Tll e re 18 a vall p,y and Qultn Ity lI::..s to admire and ge t a M near as a larg Q lirook running lhrough It tllat ') 08slble \0 th e beautirul, So nro tbe e mpties Into th o rh'er on on e side ot ~ h u r(' h s pi res witn ess to th e rnet that the town , A little way up wa~ an 80uls or me n are athlrSl for God . o ld gristmill wIth a large ove rabot Th e)' nll~r k th e VIaC p.s wh e re , men wh eel, wrlles Os car Pelton, or gather to give th e ir 80ul 8 a c hance Portland , Ore" lu the National Trlb· til look heavenward , un e, Some blockhous es were be· H,lve Spec ial Drawlnll Power. Illg built along the roads going up And th ese points ha\'t~ a drllowlnll: the valle y, Ov er In Wasblngton e ve ry, powe r , Th ey draw people to th e m. thing was Quiet. Tho side walks would lIotli towns and cities and busine8s be crowded some daye with one-le gged and c:ornmerce have been bullt up a nd one·armed soldiers bobbllng along about them. They draw untll high. wIth a sprlnkllng of oIDcers and mell waYIl or trav el are opene d to tbem with tann ed faces and sbabby unlas cen ters , They multiply the value forms that would te ll you at a glance Of real estate, Travelera are glad to I tbat the), had seen hard service &t I,ay s t'eclal prIces ror tho prIvilege of the front. Everyone felt lIare, no lielng near the80 drawing polnta, The danger, aod many were going to the ~lon e 8 pointing upward bavo tho same theate r and having a good time. iL IlOwer, Churcb splre8 draw bulldlnga was the calm before tho storm . up In tbe air, SkY'scrapers are not On July 1 we had bee n drlltlng on to be found e xcept wh ere cb~' ~ cl1 the big guns and having targe t prac' spires point downward. Where these llco for some days. At nlgbt a great are lacking men 1I\' e In hUt3, and the squad would be De nt out over different comforts of mod e rn Cbrlstlan clvUlza· roads leading out of Al e xandria, and Uon not to b.e found. If men men we re lIent with dispatch es at could know toda)' tb e place~ out on mldnigbt rrom one fort to th e other thl.! 1,lalns, where church spires would all along Arlin gton Heights. poin t heavenward In twenty ·fiv e years It was thought that 'losby mlgbt from :now, tbey would rush th e r~ to- make us a visit, 1 think It was about dllY to buy land, The poInts ill July 10 or l l , A lot o r U8 had been heathl)n landli where missionaries go out on the road leading bac k tuward to pre,ach the everlasting gospel, are Manassas all night and "" e r e coming th e plllcp.s tbat w1ll be tho great ceu- In In th e morning, It Will! ve ry bot Where He Might Have Been, t ers at Influe nce In th e years to corn e. wealher. We got In the rort at 9 or On e at the Incidents at Father Ber· Dusin es8, comrue rc e, manufactures, all 10 a, m . W e had coffee nnd a lunch . nard Vaughan's tour In th<l states WIUI thlng~, f1 OUrlSh in the light or the It waH so hot thal a rew or U8 weut an e n counte r with a suffragette. Th" gOHpe , 0 r peace. uut und er Hom e tre es, Vl'o had a Hna haughty lady approacbed the English It 1,8 III tb e consciousness or God vi e w of til e rive r tor le n mil e ,; . visitor and said : "And where wouid tbat the ~oul ot m~n develoV!l, It 18 " What's uJJ ~" we asked . "There you be , pray, but for a womanr' In t~ c IIgbt of God s truth that man 18u,t a boat to he seen on th e riv er "Madame," came the reply, "on a gro"'a a conscience and a cbaracter. lhls morning," \\; e all looke d. " It sultry evenIng like this I sbould be And wnere th ese develoll everything nev e r has ilee n thaL ""II' sl v ' eating Ice cream under an apple-true else prospe rs, ChrIstianity Is tile h hi" Y . nce \ e In the Oarden or Eden ." moat prac tical thing In th e world toav e ceu ere, . day, It ble sses everytblng that It Uelow Al e xnndna th e riv e r bendR Entertaining Literature. tOUChE~ 8 , ' around, s o boats coming up wonld "[ wlsb I had a faIry tale to read." It hi a great thing to go out Into s eem to corn e out frolll beJllnd the "H ,'re's the seed ca.lD.logue:' a land thal Jl es In darkn estl of ignor- tImb e r to us , As we \V 'l I'a sitting un · Anc e and 8upe rstltlon, and plant even de r the trees late r we havpe ll e d to YOII can 't Judge the Quali t y ot tha a sing le stone tbal shall direct lhe look down, and saw a grent fl eet or gaz p. and th e thought or the p eople t ransports coming out from be hind dinn e r b y tbe tone of the bell. to God , Uow lluJ o dId Jacob r eali ze th e limber, how much th e world would hoar of It wa s 11 0 tim e befor e th ey we re the stouo that ho set up al Ue tb e l. ne arly up to Al l:'xa ndrla, and s tili tlley Le t UII cla im God's promise loa, and ke pt comlll g out from beblnt! the s et th e ston es th a t yo ice the asplra . timb e r, W e all Jumped to ou r feet. tions of th e s oul of ma n, until all th e and onp. said : " What 's up?" famili es ot tho eartb shall Ill' bl ess ed All th e gu ni son ca mo out to waL('b, In us,-Uulted P reH byte rluD . It ~e" nH' d that e ve r y boat w as tryllig to s ee whi ch would r e ac h Was hin g ton Clod's Promll>e to Mankind, first. They wero now pass In g Al ex· Would not give Lydia E.Pink.' "Fat' Ih e Lot'd (:od IB a s un and D andria, \\' 11 would see ,by th e foa m ham's Vegetable Compound shi eld ; th e Lord will give grace and da~ hlllg out. fro m behind th e great for All Rest of Medicine glory ; no Bood th ing will b e withhold sld e wh IJel triLli sports that e \,el'Y peUnu froll1 t.h e m thnt wall( ullri g hlly,"-PK, of steam was c rowd ed OIl. Th n las t. in the World. B4: II , boa t.H \\'~ r(' pa ssing u s, a!ld tb ey tlll ~ d This Is th e Chris tia n's great prom. up th e !'Iv ur for neariy to)JI mileK, lind Utica, Ohio.-"I Buffered everythIng Ise In tilt' uay o f t!l sap~o j'nllll e nt ; ror I Iht'l r (I pc ks \\' eI'l~ c rowd ed with ~,o l· from a f e mala wcakness after baby dl RaPl'o iJltlll£' ut \l'1II como in greate r I lll.' r ~ Til. , lIlu Rlc stnl('k lip o n SOIllI' came, I had numb Ill' l"sOl II l'l'\ r"" , to e vpry an I' lI' ilO Iw a I of t h" I ra ll s po rt s. und th l' rl! /l ever s pells and was dizzy, to j;;0 (il ro ll ~ h God 's di s ciplin o o n th e I will hI ' such a ~ra n.1 sll'\ hl 0 11 n,,' old h ad black spots beway to t: od's l\inl':d o w o{ <:tor y. Muu:; I P OIO rna (' al(ain , A d ispu tch bpa n ' r fore my eyes, my thin gs \dl .iCh t!(\() J11 gooti will (:o c! wltb' l call1 '- In t.l1<' fort, and re port pd . t ha l ' back aeh ed and I hold - - cvC' a all a fath or withh old s pe ri, I !lp n' waH a la rl':" Co nf C' U(' rule unll )' was so weak I could lo u>! I hlng s from hi s Jittl " child's ae fon ' \\' as h lngto n, lIlId 40 ,OO() wer e bardly stand up. My grn8p, i\'1uch s.~ e m s to us sood that : be ing bro ug ht. fr om Ih ,., A I'IIl Y or' th e fa c 0 was yellow. is nut good, or Ilt le as t, not good for l'o ~oma e to re inforce Il,, ~ fo rI ~ north even my flngernails Mun y things sec m to U6 to be of t be c it y, were colorleas and I of e vil whi ch a re good, and ure th ore' \'8 hnd hl!lIrd " Hnn oli lldin g, lilll had'displacement. I for n sent to li S, I..e t u ~ place tuJl Irust (holl g h( il targpt practl('n. litH th i' old took Lydia E. Pinklu hi s WIRdoll1, al ld in hi s lov" , WIIO, prlv atll '1'11 8 not S IIPl'lI s , '1I 10 kuow '------''---.Jbam's Ve get able whate ....)!· he wltbholus does tlot with, 'll1 ythill g, anyw a )' , Compound and now I am stout, well and healthy: I can do all my own work and hold t he b!'H t tblngs , ('ve n "g rac e a nd CBn walk to town a.nd back and not get glory ." Wh lJ lI [lI ' lIees III to ,j is ap, On Quarterdeck of Mule. tired, I would not give your Vegetab]a point our hop es and to de llY liS 80m e· On Ihe capture of ~lorrl B Is land (ill' tbing n il whl cb o ut a fTectlolls hllve b'Oe n iI' bol e ma RS of me n was th o roll ghl y Compound for all the rcst of the mediearlles tly set, le t 1111 ask him to give pe rvad ed Ill' that feeling of hila rlLY cines in the world. I tried doctor's medus suc,h n sight or those hi gh e r blC'ss ' that follow s IL quiCkly s lJ(!c css ful en- icines and they did me no gQOd. "-Mra. MARY EARLEWlNE, R.F.D. No.8, Utica. IngR which h e has nol wlthh pl!l lhat Kag e ll\t ' nt -~o ldi e r s and sailor~ shoutOhio. our m ill(\ 5 lD a y r ise in faith nnd ing, 6illgl ng, h2. lIPY . Another lov e to th e full beli ef Ihat It Ih o good A 1.11'0 11'''<.1 hlujack et had cup t nrl'd Wfl de gir pu had 1" ] 11 11 ), been good for us Nebo, 111.-" I was bothered for tea It mul l~ , 01111 without dlfllcull y moullt('d h c would hnvt! b(' glowed It Uj'oll ns, 11. li p pere hl'd hlmso!'f 11 1'11 1' till' ani· years with female troubles and tbe docsIn ce \'" bes tows be tte r thlll gs , mal's (ail. I.h E' mul o o bj e cting In ever y tors did not help me. I was so we'ak and kn ow n Wil Y o ( II lIIull' aud in RO lli I' nervous that I could not do my work Morning With God. lind every month I had to rpend a few Ari se vory eorl y III t hp. morning Il nd \I!lY S 1I1l11l th'~ 1l IIIl Pxhlblted. days in bed. I read t'l0 many letters about ".Ja('I" ~ I t more amidships," "aid ~p e lld nil hour In Lh u Blud y and a mr· Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetablo ComlIard y , th (' lirs t enginee r of th o WA£, ' mation of lI o blo uud flx ult cd thoughl.M pound curing female troubles that I got hnwk'~ II , "and you will rid e ea s ier." tha t fI~ ll\t(' your soul to divinity , Th en abottleofil ltdidmemoregoodthan' " Cll pl a ili . Ihls Is th H tlrst c rurt I pray to tl1·, radla Ll t Ellll of wl adom lUlything else I ever took and now it haa for th.! ligh t of 10 \,/) dl\'lne and you WaH I','pr In command of, " sa id hf', cured me. I feel better than I have " 1\)) (\ It Is II pity It T can'l Hlu), o n th o ",III f(' ~ l th a t your mlllrl Is lifte d up for years and tell everybody what the and exa lterl Into a hl gi.l or stale of COll' (juart errl ed\." Compound has done for me. I believe I Bclous ness , As you thus abIde In w(luld not be Jiving to-day but for ' Bees and All , ('omm ul\lon with the tatber-motb~~ that." - Mrs. HETTlJil GIUilENS~. Whil e th e Army of th e Cumb{' rland Nebo, Illinois. tho poslt.lve beart of the IInlversal mind--y\lU "Ill realize that your pray· was on thn march from Brldge pol't.. ers and asplraUons have opened an In· Ala., to 1_oulsvllle, Ky .. on e brlgad'3 terior door IUld your 80ul Is being ted was commanded by Colonel Wlllicb had on th'e manna ot heaven BO that ItrJ or tIl e Thirty·se cond Indiana. potential life 18 madts substantial and been nn oIDcer In the German anny . "'ital, llUld all through the day you will One day a planter came- to (".amp and feel t lhe happy erfe«a or this earl, colJlopJalned that the boys. had taken mOIU~~1 . GOd.-E!1waJ'd 1)e, all or h~s boney, ' The colot)fll aaked I,r the ,.boye bad taken hI, bees. It

Turke y has been III th e lImelIght for 80 long a tllIIe tha t Inte rcst allac ll ps to those De w and blth e rto unpublish ed pholographa of Moharum ed V. a nd hlb .ou aud belr, Cro wD PrInce Y'lssel IBBan Etre nd l, In hIs oIDclal army unIform .


~1 re , ~' . A. S tron g, wife of tb e new gove rnor of Alaslm, lJas left tbe etate. wi t h he r husband for th ei r bome In ,Jun eau after an e ight months' trIp around th e world , Sbe Ie a native of :::Ian FrancIsco, a tal e nted musician and ""as educat ed In MunIch and Vienna ,

F rank A. DanIels, the nine-rear-wid son of tbe Becretary or the nav y, has developed a 8trong liking tor lire 011 shipboard , The vlcture shows attt~ng againat the wheel or the Ooll,hlll, hlH tather's oIDclal yucht.


Judge Hl chard C , Flannigan of Is h· pe mlnlt. M lr:h" is tho mag illtrntft be· (ore wb oD) the Ilooae \' ' !t·N ewe tt libe l CIIS O was tri ed,





1,. -

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Our pbotograph show,; Colo nel Hooae ve ll ann frll'llfl s lea " lug I he cou rl· bouso !It J\lnrQlIotte, Mi('h , arl Pr testlfylli g in his IIb ~ 1 (,:l ~(l O!rll in Rt 1': <111 01' N<l wcll of Isbpemlng .


~I a nll e l 1'; l'ns haw I~ res ide nt comlOls s luu!' r (I'um tb e I' hllil1l Ji ncs at W ~ liU fliSloll ,



. nQt~


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v'" • "

ceased .

FIrs t und !iuu.l u.ooou ut fi led. lutnbu8 Elltlnk B ook MfJ:; .Co. ,. blanl{Sj of Re hoClJIL H lu po r, d e · for P . ,1 . $8.25. J S. Mo rriS, BUP pli es for 1,llerifT $3.60. J. 8. MO" r ls, oea dod . :Sale btll fi lol!. I n t h o IlIIL tter o ~ tbA will of Fan· tl upplles fur Treasurer $62 60 . Xeuill n it' A .' Wllen lley , <I ooelLsed . Will City Wor·j[ !:loulle, .1>oarcllnl( prison. e rR during May . SIO. ' 5 . W . C. CHI II D d ('u<il oil " rltJli ~t 6r1 t<l proullte . Holds the World's Record for Close Skimming. .I fl ln el! Rlt,e!< IllRB and John R . mour, boarding Jlrl !l on o r ~ durlu g I~II OOS ING a roofing is one of the most H itl',"I[lRn, e x oe uto r ~ of J ohn R itutl· May ,11' 84. E. C. Tllomplon, Cor · m nn , dl'lce lLsed VB . Ellen or D UDn, at one r'l! fee, inquoRt Jilmes Dours1 ~ importan t matters ill th e rectinn ' 11.1. ::;'.1ll'l llp prov od. N o tes ClI V' r i ng ' 7.25. J . A T hom pson , Ins. on of any kind of a b uilding. I j,; prooeed " o r<leTod "o ld . Cll urt h oa tlng p lant aud IOLundry at Inf . Mechanical Was her -:- Nickle Silver Sections We are trying to make ev ery oocJ y ord or tl di ~tr i huti on of prllCoous '63 !I t. M. K ) hll.llIgon , ropui r ing Oust - proof Gear Case. roof wise. It is a big job, ou t we arc OIOllk ill Co ur t. r ooUl ,2 adam 11. Ill tl.liu lu the IlIl1tttlr <)f \.l it} WIIJ "r .Io,.. .. "h E1~mlde, f 61o)8 .LOd expe m.tiK Ull !l ur· gaiuing every day. B !<' ··I\tl ch . li ece ll ~ o :i, J nit .. 1:1 . Fn· noh veyor for MOL Y 1913, $1861 5 1:1. E . We carry in s tock at our store all widow elected to tuk e uude r will. Warwlok, SOrip f or jail, '3 Ij[i . The kinds of Roofing and Spouting, FurFrtlnk H. ~o nth a rd . adminis trator Hond Huyer, advertising b ond sale Estimates given . naces and Ran'ges. , 3 75 . The Comulercllll and Finnn· e Htllte of Jilmes F . 8 0u lhurd, de · oO oial l\lIed VI!. MfHY A . lIIo u t hrird, et lIt1. Chronlole. ud vertis lng bond sllle Before Buying WAYNESVILLE, AdmIn is tmt or o rdered t o !lell real 18 .40. B&rrett Brothers , blanks for Call on OHIO estate at pri va te sale . ole rk $3 . Tbe McMann. Troup Cn , J . W . J(ewman , IHlmlni!ltrtLtor of snpplles tor Auditor 123;60. J . R. es ta te of T . L . Blown, d e08ulleil Vil . Hunl er, ohnplain ' at Infirmary for 3 E. R. MILLER, Centerville, OhiO, TINNERS and SLATERS Annie Brown et al . M. C . Drake m onth .. , t\37.00. Raymond E . Dun. Distributor for Warren, Greene and Montg omery Counties. Il,pointed g uardian 110 litorn for b ri m, ASl!i8tant Assessor E . Turtle· Waynesville, Ohio Phone 113 miucr defrmdunts . oreek township 11113, $'0. Charle. In t·lle matt-er at the esta te of Simpso n, Assistant Asse~sor, Frank. ~---------------------------George Harner, dfcessed. Josiah lin to wn ship, $60. Charles F. Proba te Cou t P . Fairohild and Clinton E Hurner Peton, AR~istant Ailles80r FrOLnklin P. H . Rue, 8 R exeoutor eto. vs . appointed administraturs townllhip $311 . O . K . Miller, Assis Laura Robinson et 11.1. Court orders In the mlLt·te r of the estate of tllnt ARR6ssor ~·rl:l.nklln township, I plaln'lff to sell real eS'l:I.te at auoUon ThomRs J. Brown, deoeased. Proof $6 6. Detroit Grttophlte Co., bridge Real Estate Transfers on premises . of publication of notioe of appoint paint, '57 60. Lebllnon I oe & Coal Martha E Do.ll'on to Maril' Co.:>k, William B. Newport, administra · ment tiled . Co., loe for Court Bouse $·1.\l0. Wm . Lot8 No. 2 and :s In W .iynesville, tor of estate of Miranda Nioely., de In the ma t ter or the estate or ii. Grnh.Lm, Con . No 34. $384 H5. 111150. oeased VII lohn F. Carnee et 11.1. Elizabeth B. Moore, deoea8ed. Proof Beule Sindell to Ethel F. ReRson, Further nporll.lBementand I:I.ddltlonal of publiolltion at not.ioe of appoint Zaln Armitage, Con. 3a $72. Ore g onlll Bridge Co" 4th elltimatfl Can . 11.76 aores of land In Massie toWD . bond dispensed with. Admlnlstra ment flied. No . 93 ~~ 2 1187 87 C. C. Emmons, ship, tl. tor ordered to Bell relll {'state at J . C. Rolson , I:I.dminis trator of es bridge rllpairs Turlleoreek town Maud Sllll.oor to .IItOKsOn Dillie, private 81:1.1e . tat3 of R . H . RaIson, deoeasel ! VS . ship $'8.85. R . A. MoCntoheon re 10 .ores and .2Y. pule8 of land in Bel<lng ing to the late Eliza F. Haines, d eceased, will be offe red 10 'he matter the establish· Malinda Rolson, deoell!.Oed vs. Malin pairs on Lower C"rllsle aDd If rank ft.t public sale on Ilamilton town&hip, 1528 73 ment of FOlters 8peoll:l.l Sohool Disdl\, Rol~on, et ILL Papol's contl:l.ining lin roadl, 1897.110. A . J. Rettig, reMal'Y C. Darmody to Clflra B. trlot. I'oaters Special &hool Disnotice of n on rel!iden' defendants pairs on ClI.r\lllle and Middletown Rook, Lot No. 654 in Franklin trict ordered es tl:l.bllahed. mailed by oourt. rOlld, '20·4, '0. W . E. Decll'llli, re 181500. Estrite of Prel!oola Spenoe. deIn the matter of tbe ellt~te of pair and Oxford road, $58.50. Bert t!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!~,!!!!!,!!!!! Ge orge H I:I.rner, deoe ased. Apprai8 Reed, repairing roada Deerfield Commencing at 2 o'clock p . m., on the premises. e1'8 order to make II. full and oom t o wnship '60.00. Ohio Corrugated plete In ventory Ilnd appraisement of Culvert Co., oulver~ pipe, $94.20 T hi s h ouRe and lot is situated in the heart of Wtynl'sville , assets of partnership of the firm of Ohio Corruglited Cal vert Co., culvert and is a most desirable place to live . A large brick ho ufle . cOlliln odb us rooms, large lawn, big bam and barn lot, pl ellty George Barnet' I:I.nd son . pipe IU'.40 . O~io Corrugated ('ul of p ond water at house and barn, and plenty of s harle . See vert Co., lOulvert plpa $237.50 . Ohio Marriage LicetUIeS de..:e rip t ion of lot on another page. Corrugated Culvert Co.. culvert Ray E . Perry, farmer of Loveland OF SALE-Cash. Said real Estate has been !lnd Mabel Frankenburg of Cozild. pipe,I138.80. Scott Ditmars, fenoing .II. duly appraised at the sum (If Three Thousand rOtt.dway, t200. Hay 6wiggert, . . . . . . . . . . . .AT. . . . . . . . . .. . ~ i x Hundred Dollars (136,00,00), and will not be sold for leBS dalR. Rev. A. I. Kestle. readwlAY hi emergenoy ollse 15 l l,an two thirds of said appraised' value. Frank K. FenDell, ~arpenter aBd Gallion Iron Works Co., road drlLglI, Miss lillizel Cooper, both ot South $78. Craver Ealass, aOl:l.tteringhand Lebllnon . Kev. A . J . Kestle . bills, ClIt8slu~ G . RBlJdall, physiolan and The $240,000 00 Flood Emergenov MI88 Anna M. t;toopa, both of Har Bonds welre awarded to 'he Provi· veysburg. Bev . .A. K . Sargent. As executors of the last will of Eliza F. HainQs, deceased. den' Savings Bank and Trust Co" Common Pleas Proceedings of Cinoinuati, Ohio, at their bid I l a ! . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' The Vi!1age of Franlrlin VB . The follows: $240,000 par value and al '!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!!!'!~~~~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!

United States Cream Separators I

I!:~ t.!l. t (l

THe Time, Select the Right Roof






Grant & Frazer

County Courts

Executors' Public Sale




THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913,

Summer Wash Fabrics

..... ERMS

Hutchison &Gibney

Anna C." O'Neall Aaron B. Chandler


Xenia, Ohio.

.Balkan Blouses 75c to $1.00

, Children's Wash ---.~-= __t.() Dresses

....." .....It[nl'l.n'lY7'~hades

50c to $3.00


You can hang them no'tfat window. for in addition to the o~nal Brenlm Unfilled Shade, which i. known ID a million homes ~ the mOlt beautiful ohade made, there are two ne ... gr.u!es, both possessing the Brenlin otand. ard of quaJ~ty,. For willdows of ordinary size (1 yard w,de by 2 yards long) these three ahades arc priced at

75c, sSe aDd 2Sc Brenlia UnflIJed at 75e obonld alwln bo uoed wbere I",,-'b of -.-ice Ind allrICH •• appearance are first eonlideratioao l f"" belnl! made o' cloaely wo••a doth wilbout • lilllnK." ,t .IW.~ bin". ltralKblud _ootb. won'l fade and rta shad" Tile new "ad.., Breulln Filled It 5Se an BreDII~ lIachle., IIlde at 2Sc arc by far tb. beat value. In alladee at lheee pric... u.s , ..... _

I"," liar" rIMGTkob,. 11iod...

Hutchison & Gibney

Spring Coats Wooltex, Bischof and Other Good Makes

Oh\o Fuel Supply Co. Judgment Is rendered agl:l.inst plaintiff for ooats. Lelia M. Bunnell V8 B. C. Bowell Jr .• as Sreas.rer. Injunotlon here tofore granted made perpatUlII and that plaintiff reoover co.ns herein. dillon B Wilson vs Manly D . . . Wilson et 1:1.1 Charle8 C Hl:I.ine~ . ' . given twenty days to plead J ames SohOOler VS . The VilllLge f o L e b anOD . D "!murrer 0 f d efen d lint overrnled . Defendant "'Ivan .. thirty days to pl ead ' . Ora M. Osborn VS. ()ourt}llnd Os. born, dlvoroe Kranted. Custody of ohildren oonfided to pllintifl' L. W. Witham and W . J. Soott, "'uardlan of th e peraon an d es t Il t e .. S of Rosma Witham Crane vs Del mar Crane. Marriage set aelde and deolared void. Delmar Crane barred .. from any claim In estate. ' T he resignlltlon of Henry S .

premfnm lof $4,84800 and accrued interest to date ot delivery. Contraots-R . A : MoCotobeou tor puttiog itl twp corrugated sswers and oonoretA headwall8 on lower SprinaborlO rOild at the estima'e .. ~125 00 ~ . . No 41 EonlR I!; Donnell for put .•. . ting in rallingll on East hill of Mathert'l !lUll river brIdge on rORd to Wilmington at the estimate $25 2ti . • • • Best I..axative for the Aged Old men and women feel tbe need of II. ve more tban young folkp, but it mUllt 1 e !.OGfe and barmleps and one whioh will not cause pain. D r. King 's New Life Pills tLre es · peciaJ1y good for the a~ed, for they Rot promptly and easily . Prloe 250 . Recomme[]tded by J. E . Janney. • _ •

E xecutor' s S a Ie R lEt t ~I~~ S~':.tb:!.~oo~~n~'!_cb:r' ~~ ,r.~ lra~tf~!! 1 ea s a e feet toa point In tbo ~or\b Uno of MIWlI I Stroot, saId point being 207 foot Westerly from tho 8Outboast corner of Adams S{luare ; thence Westerly with the No",b lino of



Lot; 11ll" thence Northerly and wlth Hawke's -EaBt and parallol to I'hlrrl Street 17 6li feet to .. point and corner to Hawke. tbence ~ursuant to th" pro"lololIs of the IMt will E ....terly and at right angloa 11 toot to a of Elltu \)oth D. Mooro. u oc~lWOll . tbe unuerpoint .. ud corner to Hawke' thence Northern· . 81gnoo .... executor of the lut will of Baltl Iya.nd M rlght 0.08108 a7 teet to a point and EllznbeLh U. Muoro. d ocelUiOd. wIll olTer for col'llor to Hawke In the 90uth Ilne at an 8alo ~t Public AII ~tlotl on tbe premltes. 011 alley wltn.,... an ll'Onpln In the Soutb the 19th d .. ,. at JU IIU . 1913. ut 30'clock . line of said .. Uoy .t..nds Westerly. II teet I M.,.tho folio ",!nl' dOliCrll",,1re ..t estate \o-wlt:thence Easterly and with tho South line uelng p....t of lot uumber tour In I retlldent of oald alley 86 toot 3 Inchoa I.e an Imn Jlln : Square of I,he w wn of WayuosvUlo In tI", In .ald alley. an I orllflnlll corner of LotI No. ; CoIIDty ot Wur"lIl. Sr llte of Ohio. C('mmonc1 ~o a So G anr! No l ' thenco Northerly lug ut t he ('(trlmr of Third and lIlgb atreets; In &aId nlley H foot 6loche.. to au Iron pln!n tbenctl with 'I'hlr<.l S U"'et 8Iluthwardly IIOventyMaid alluy and Sombwest corllor to Frank ono loot and th ree luche. to.the corllor at tbo Zoll's Lot · thonce Eaaterlv and with ... Id ,part 01 . ald lot 1\'0. t . heretofere sold by Zell's Sonth line 2H ~ f""t to au Iron pIll IIl ' ZackarhLq Anllors nlld wlru I<> J. 1'. Kaver ; the W""t line of ThIrd Street. 8nld pLn being ' thent'o wi th the IIn o 01 •• Id Kaver no~h190 loot from the Northoll.l~ "-Ornor of Adams" wardly two hund red IIno lourtoon teet six Square ' thonce wltb thu W. jt line of Third IncbCSI<> tho ,II "Islull IIno betwoon lot No.4 Street ' Southerly us fO<J L to tbo plll(.'(1 of & 8 In . alil 8<llIaro; tbonce wltb .... d 1100 belclnnlng. . I Do~hw.rt1 ~ HOvouty 000 foot .. ~hreo Incb81 to 1'ho above described true& being a p..rt of High 8troe~. thence with aald street two hUIlLots No. 1. No . 2. No.3. No . 5 IWd No. 6 of <Ired IIdld lourteell foot sIx Inchos to tho beAdams Square. ginnJug. Sald rcal ""tate 18 sItuate on ThIrd Street Said real estate has boon duly: nppral80d at In tbe VlIlago of Waynesville Warroo Couuty tbe aum of Three Thousand Six Hundred Dol- Ohio. between I:llgh Stroot and South Streei lara ( .a600.0~. and will not be sold for 18811 In .... d Village. Sllld real ""tate haa boon thBn two-tIl! Bof old appralBed value. dilly appraIsed 8t tho 8um of One ThouAlld TER~IS OF SALE CW Dollars and will not be sold for 1988 than &"0I. thlrda ot sald apprallOO value. SUlp erlatlve WI.dom. ANNA O. O'NEALL. TERMS O~' SALE:-()ash. AARON B . CHANDLER. AARON B. CHANDLER Centurlos have not Improved UPOIl Urana ILS offioial stenographer ao. the wisdom of man who built his house PAs oxecuto.... of tbe last wlll 01 AI executor ot the I... t wlU of oepted . James E . Burke QPpolnt~d Eliza F . lIalnos. docoaaed. Jue 18-U-Ot Bllzabeth B. Moore. ~ upon a rock, the hi g h est h e cou14 June 2~6t . d~. to suoh position. Ond. @tate of Ohio VII. Grant M.uith, Bond formerly ginn as Burety deDR.H.E.HATHAWAY TIme Saver. olared I:I.t an end, and t1mith is reo When YOIl undo a parcel fold the palell.sed on his own reoognizanoe. .Wfl,Y·'leS ville's LelLdinjl DeDUIt per and tie the string around it-there Offioo in Keys Bldg, 1Ir.lD t; t will always be string to fit a bundle New Suits without for it. Carrie'. MoClintlo vs. John A. MoCllntlo, divl)roe. r. M. Cunning. ham, attorney. ALTElt MCCLURE, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Wentle Eyer vs. D . Willis Bum· Diarrhoea Remedy I phreYB &S administrator et a1. Jo Funeral Dire·:tor. Every family without exoeption \ aeph W . O'Neall and Seth W. Brown flbould keep this prapar"Uon at I - -attorneys hand duriog the hot weather of the Telephone (lay or night. months. Chllmberlain'e Jessie Forkner VS. Leonard Fork. 8nmm~r Collo, Cholera and Dlarahoea Rem· Valley phone No. i . LoDg ner, divorce, oruelty, neglect, drunk- edy is wortll mallY timell its ooat Distan08 No 69-,)~, A lIandlomet, lIIaotl'ale4 ....,\tf. J••r"ell olrenells. F . C. AndersoD, attorney. t oerta In I W h eo nee d 0 d an d i 8 amos IIIllatlon or an, ,ellntlnO lournal. 'I·ermo. t8 II to be needei before the summer Is r.,.arUINfoNur~moCntbO."a,~~.::.:,a1,INnee"W·dy C"WI·rnk· \Wi\YNESVILLE, !II • OHI(I Commissioners' Proceedings ovar. It bas no superior for the C. G, Marvin, auppllo8 tor Court purposes for whioh it is intended. Jln;Dab moe. _ .. Bt... WubIDlitOD. D. Branch Office, Harve:mburc. O. House .. 06, Columbu. Blank Bo 'k U:av it now. For sale bv all del:l.lers. ~'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!! Mfg. Co , blanka for P . J . t9. Co









SPECIAL Suits, Waists, Wash Skirts and House Dreaaea, at

59c and $1.89

There is a saying that "rapid eating is 810w suloide . " If you formed the bablt of to..ting too rapidly you most likely Buffer ing from indigestion or 0 tl tl ons · PI:I. on whloh will reault eventually io serious mne!s unles!! 00 • d rree.e. Digeetlon begins in the mouth, Food 8bonld be thoroughly m"l1tioated and insalivated. Then wheo yon h ave a f u I I nes!! of tbe stomaoh or fee! dull !lnd stupid after eating, tako one of Chamberlain's Tablet". Maoy severe oaees of 8tomaoh trouble and ooosttolltion have been oured by the 'rise of these tahletB. Thev are eaBY to take aod 8.1 reeable in eileo'. Sold by all ,_............._ ..-, dealera.. ." . '. - .


Take Plenty of Time to Eat



Executor's Sale of Real Estate

Live Stock and General Auctioneer

PUl'llUrmt to tbe provlalona of the lut wlU of Btlza F. Halnes. deceued, the undersigned ... executors of' 'be 188t wUl of eald Eliza F. Haloea. daceBllltld, wUl olter for ....e at pubUc auction on the prem'-, on the 26th day at June, 1918. at 2 o'clock p. m., the tQllowlD, deecrlbed real llat&te. to-wit: lSltuated In the Vlllan of Wayn8lvllle. Warren Oount)r, Oblo. and helD&' a part of Ailam. Square. and bounded and deocribed u foUo".: De~ at an lion tin In the ~J an lIo~reertD bl: . c:~~~e::} MJamj 8&reet. or U8 fee fI'Om &be Sou&heut GRADUATE OF THE COl'Der of Adam. Square••ald IMiaInDing poInt ~ the Nonbeu, COrDer o. the M~aret .ATIONAL AU<n'ION ~~=~ =aue'lrtto 8BOOOL O.P A¥E1UO~ .

=.::.r: r.. u:n:r :r: mOB' =1,,~~J:::etk':.t:it~~'I=

w.,' :v.

LO': tbllllCil BouUlIIIb and wlth tbill II.... ot )(arIU~ HaiDeI W £ aDd Anna

O:~UIil· N. L, ~

,a ~\~. tot;... u ...·

N. Sears

Posted on pedigrees and values of all kind~ of breeding stock. Experienced in handling fann sales si,nce

1905. Terms Reasonable -:.



WaynesvUle," · Ohlo'

. .. . ...... . . _ ,.'; ...

. Th" ,ou 0 et ' All . -the... N , ews· _roulb . tb _ ~ ",-'Jl~IIP,I~



~ime===11I I



Sprin g Branc h


C lo si ng O ut Sa le

• Humm er WILS k111ed SaturMI' . aud Mrs . Thomll S Lao.Y' aull duy wbile tlt work for Mont Stnmp '"wlly tlpent !:iunlllLY with Mr. and on his farm. life WIlS workin g a Mil'S . Fmnk Cook and daught er . tatuu of .voung h c rses, han ling ralls, Jos hna Chenow eth OIilled on his Tak es YO Il from home marc, anrl leaves your wlllin they become nnman ageahl e m othor tinndtly mornin g 'hro Riol{ him under the wheels .. nd va)ua,lJh-s witho ut protec tion more often. Mrs. ORocn Mowre r Is on the slok in JOMt a fe w hours death relieve d list. him of his Rufferl ng. About Pi year Olle of our boxes will afford the protec tion Mr. Guy Ohenow eth II.nd 'amily lil/:I) he m et with .. n acciden t that Frlln There never have been such prices made on oflfl Chenow eth, Mr. ancl Mrs. looked fur Ilwhil e thllt it- might Cnd ~ miUJ spont 8uuda.y which you can lIot give and at the reason able with Mr . provtl f I tl11, but he fullv roo'Jvo red l1n d Mr ~ . Ellswo rth Baines W'all Paper , Pictures, Books, Family Bibles. BJank . pri ce of fruUl that lind luul beeu ~ettlUg IIlr<l. Wtllte r DlIkin and two o11ilUBooks. Fine Stationery, Imported Bric-a-Brac, a long nioely. .e WUII an Indus- ron tl pent /Sunda.y with Ed Cook and Type write r Supplies, Envelopes, Inks, trious young mn.n II.nd leltvea a family. young wifo and several sillters Bnd Violins, Guitars. Sheet MUilic. Severa l from t,hia vioinl ty attende d brothe rs t.o mourn the lOllS of Doe the Towns hip oomme noeme nt, tbere that was by them loved. '1'he fo. bei olt ten gradua tes . neral took pll10e trom his sister's 'l'obaoc o setting i9 the ordar ef the home Mrs . Clal'k ::Itarr. day . Thos . t:!oroggy, of Xenia, called on Mr . and Mrs OSOllr Mowre r enHave been very large, but we still have plenty of good styles his old frieudll Mr . and Mrs. 6eo. ter ltll.lnell oompa ny trom .rookv at great llle bargain s. Ten show cases of differe nt sizes at bargain prices. i!llLtton and enjoye d rehearsin~ old Sunday . hllppel1lol'(s . Friend Sorogg y Is - - -- .... --loolIlng well and very spry for a THE MIAMI GAZETTE CORN GROW ING CONTEST Most Childre n Have Worms mtin of bis tige . ~1IlDV mother s think their childre n Publi s hed Woekl y at W a YLIOll v1lIe. UWo 'l'he oorn ~rowiDg oont8s t In War . Mr and Mrs . Barry Barbea u anrl are ~ uffe ring from indiges tion, ren COUDtv promls e8 to be a very two boys, of Jackson , Ohio, are the boil e, nervousnt>ss, we .. koes8, headOOlit MA IN STREET I!pirlted ODe thill summe r. Forty· guests of MrI. BarbeR u's parent s ivent:lss, when they are viotlml l of thll~ most oommo n of aU obildre n'lI VALLEY 'l'E LEI'I!O NI£-UA LL NO 111 seven boys and Kirls bave entered Mr. and lIlrs. Frank Mills. tiihllen ts-wor ms Peevis h. ill. tern . ... ..... """"r'" ... ---~--. ~ ... aDd their oorn Is getting tbe ver.v B L. Dakin and wife and E . B. 1)6lod, fretfol ohildre n, w'bo t088 beaS attenti ORkin on that tbey oll.n give it. and wife .pent ~unday the uud grind their teetb, with D. L. CRANE , Editor and Manag er bad Mr. Lester ~. Ivins, Supe~vlsor ot guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zell, of breuth Ilnd oolicky pains, bave a ll Wayne sville . Agrlou lture, .aYII there lire Rome· the sympto ms ot having worms , Rates of Subscr iption Rnd sbluld be given Kl0kap oo Worm thing over five hundre d 1:.oys enMr . ancl Mra . Wm. C .. mpbell , of Killer a ule.Islln t candy lozenge , Ono Year (strictly In Ildvl\uce) ........ $1.00 tered in the oorn oonte.t s thlR year Wilmin gton were the guests of Mr. whioh expels H ngle {JollY .... . .. ..... . . .. .•...... ' . O~ worms, regulat es the in bla dilltrlo t, but Warren Counl·y and Mrs. Ben Campb ell Sunday . bow els, $00 e8 up th e system . and Our streets are oiled n.nd the dust makel; childre n well aod IS C1mong the flrst In the number of Rate8 of Advert ising happy. laid whloh meaos someth lng to the Kioltap oo Worm Killer prizes offered . He says the Statp i8 guaran · ilelldlng Locllls. PIlr Uno .. , . . . . . . . . . •. lie teed. All druggis ts, or by mail. lloa<lIng Local • . black race . IlCr 11110 . . . . I llc C1uthori'ied apprec iate the work of housek eeper. Prille 250. KlCkap()o Indian Med. ;Iaullled Ad •. not to excoocJ 0 vo 1I.lll\8 the Civlo TrllS' lind the apeoial atMiss Annll. Stoops, formau y years iolno Co ., Philade lphia AlsO ; Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires. cilIi:'. Three Insertion s .. • . . . . . . . . . . . lllc and St. \ tention that M.r. Albert Braat and our very efficien t and obligin g post- Louis . 'J bltulII'lllCI. live Inches rree . ovor live .. Incbes. vcr linn •. . . ••.... ... . , lie bis oommi tt88 have given to tbtl mt8~re881 was united In marria ge to - -- .~ en! of tluwkJi .•..... .. ..•• , . . ... . . . lile work In our popula WBrren r physloi County an, . Dr. Mr. C. A . u. New Burli ngton , . uoolut lollCl .. .. .. ..... " . ... ..... , _.. 61lc Ph one7 .-. COR WIN . OHIO . oclliliJ et(:. wbero elm ' 0 Is mCldo . . . ..•. l ile 1'. tlandlel l reports that Miere are Randal l, Wedne8 dn.y, at the home )..~._ _........_ ........._ _ _ _._~.._ _ _ _"'............"...._ .. "".. "".. "'.. _ ..........,..,."...".."".""•.•"''''......_ _,. IspIIIY Advertis ing PI. Inch .. ..... . . , . 11lc more 'han thrlle thou8ILnd ....._ ...... boy. en- of IIr. and Mrll . Sam ~toops, Rev . Mrs Dlsoount.6 glvon )II contract. tered In the oorn oonte8t s besldll8 bargen t olDol lUng. Only membe r!! after . Lee Coyle ill at home again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~========~ a several week'S oourse of many girls tbat are entered In the of bo'b familie s were presen t . Their trettltm ent in the Christ Hospita l, Guaran teed Eczem a Remedy. JUNI!: 11. 19U WAYNESVILLE CHURC HES oorn, baklntr , oann1n g, gardenlnJo( &Cquai ntance in this violnity hi ex- ClncinnlLtl . The oonsta nt itobing , bnrninK , IUld other oon\est a. Be expects to tenslve and we join togethe r in Mi8s Sarah Haydoo k Is the Ruest rednelUl, rash and dillagre eable ef. 'fhe man with a grouob , or with have abont five hundre d . Methodist Episcopal Chur~ \ winnllrB t" wiahin g 'bem a happy and pros- of rela'ive s in WHmio gt,on. feotll of eozema , tet~r, ealt rheUDl, the habit of II. grouoh , i8 Dot wanted talte to Washin gton O. C. R....._ O. 8. OraWlClr. Putor, itch, vile8 perons and irrihtl ng IIkin erup· future . next De_ 1I( ' SII EthE'1 MoPhe rson, of HlghSundBY School, 9: 11 a. m . MOflllnlt ler Bnywb ere or at any prioe. tions can be readily cnred and the vice, oember W. A, Merritt took pesse8s lon of land, Ohio, has been visiting 10 :ao a. m. Evenlog Hervlce , 7:0 p reia- skin made olear and smooth witla m. MI4 ..08lr Pr 'fer N.eLlnl. 7 p . Ill. The followi ng is the comple te Iillt poss offioe Monda y mornin g. We tivea b ere D~' Hob80n 's Eozema . Ointm ent. The Dorll does not tell you every of th088 entered In the Corn Contes t wish him SUooeSI . St. Aupat Mr. J. C. Evelan d, of Bath, Ill., laye: lne'l Catholi c Chu~ A. H Barlan spen' several days day how he II.ppreoll\tea your .work . Itr . Saw I:Jtoops, our outgoin g· lallt week at the home of had eczema tW8D~ five year. and i'ather Lo\llll Yau. his 8en '1'. "I l~ m80Y be bectlus e he 1R too bnlly. ...... en". aecon4 Slln4a, of tile mODlb • bad tried everyth loB_ All failed. post mas\er , heM lIerved the pubJlo M. titlrlan and family, of M.lamis- Wben I found Dr. II ,UII.a. 18. Carman H. Cornell Wa ynesvill e Wayne R<lbso n's Eozem a very 8uOO6ll sfu11y and he being el- burg. Albert Cole Pleasan t Plain H arla n Ointme nt 1 found a oure. Tbis Can't Keep It Secret Murrell Turton Lebanon . St. Mary'. EpiJcopaI Cbun:la. Turtlecr eek IIgib)e will be numbe red among the r. C . Haydoo k was a bU8in681! ointme nt is the formul a of" a pby. Louis Verbryk e Lebanon Turtlec.reel< 8Uperll.nuated . &n'. J . F . (Jadwall a4U, RectOI'. sioiall The Ilplendi d work of Chamb er· Arthur and has been ill use for years vlsiS",r in Cinoin nati MondlLY of las, Lebanon Turtlecr eek Sunda, ""'b.oo!. II :ao D. m Morllin r i e l lain's Tablets ia dally beoomi ng Millard Cowan -net an eX)Mlrlaent_ That Is why Rev. COWBIIl preaoh ed hero Bun- week. Hendren Morrow vleo. 10 :SO •. m. Holy CommuniOn ~he IInl more widel y known . No s uoh Ma tthias C, Drake Lebanon Salem we oaD guaran tee It. AU druagia ts, SUndllJ ot eaclt mon~Il , eek day. Owing to rePltira on the IL .Mrs. B. M. Keloh !lnd daught er or by mall. grand r6UltlOy fur atoUllioh lIud liver Leslie Frank Lebanon . R. 0 Turtlecr Prioe 100. Pfeiffe r Salem E. ohnrob ~he Friend s dona'e d the Joseph ine of Chloag o t rouble . ball ever been known . ~or Carl B_ F ry. Wa yne sville Chemic al Co., PblJad oJpWa and At. are here for Wayne ChrfJti an ChurdJ. nse of their oburoh . whloh was severa l weeks viait. Frank McAdam s Mason Loni8. sale bv all d6llfers . Union IKe.... P_ B. TbODlJIMIIl, P. . . . Charles Ha~vey Oregoni a. Turtlecr eek oheerfu lly aooel)te d. - ---. lIifls Flora Harlan of tbe M.iamis. Blbl. 1IdIooI. II:" .. DI. 1Iodal _\lq, earl E. Squires WayneSVille Wayne 10:'0 ..... CIU'IoIUNI &u4eayw, 1: 1111 Po IL Hold. Whlto_ 1Ih to ""'all. On the lIi'h ot June a Mr . Smith burg Mbools Is at tbs home ~me men are !Doral because tbey Morga n Chambe rlam Franklin Franklin Il<nnon by putor enIIY .aI&enla a 1Iunda7 " of her The addltJon ot a pmt--ot slue waw 10:.0 II- •• IIDd 1:100 Po • • will \1eliver .. temptlr An6e addres8 at pareni s Mr . n.nd Mrs A. .. know it pay""O .hen beoaUlie they Rubert C. Mitcbell Carlisle H . Barlan . to four gallonl ot whit_a all .11'111 ~ Jos. G. Burge Miamisb urg the .. i'ritmd8 ohuroh . Remem ber the -'.t the regula r meetin g of the Yent tile latter rubblnC -off a f!1ralL could not be I\nythl ng else. HiWlite FrIeDa Qaurd . Burdett e Whitacr e Blanche ster Harlan date and be presen t. Ma8oni o Lodge lR8t Tuhdll. Y nigbt Bob Edward s l'int Da) JI""tlnt{. 0 :00 D. m. Flr.. Da, School, 11 :CIe a... Fourlll Day Jf.eelln« Leon Edward s Emme t MoCar ren. one of our the M. II. dE'gree was In one minute one can learn Wm. oonfer red 10:00 a. lB. Outalde of tho Ordlna . Harter Mason Deerfield young men of Dear hltre, was marupon Elper I . MoMill enough conoer ning tho beaoty ot Howard Shults Waynes ville Wayne • an of tbe A smart Philade lphia woman' hu ried to a yonng lady in Brown Cheste r neigbb orhood . Light re- studied law 8ucc6IIstuDy. to ayold Orthod ox' Friend . CburQ . Turllecr eek oountr y Ilfe \0 waM to livo there - Birdie Garrison Milson 1..'gal EJDmett Rider Blancbe ster ouuniy . Our best wilihes follow fresblll ents were 8erved Harlan Mr.. BUnbe&.b Ward, Putor. e:J:penses. But moat people who ba ye . life time . l!oward South, Lebanon , R . R. Sabba~h Sobool, U:110 a. m. ReItUlIU ollure" legal expelUl es them are . too busy dolns tl'1e Mil!l8 Mary Bausel died at ber Keever Shocnul ker. .. .. things that cause them to study Bunla aervioN 10:10 D. m .• DItd 7: 30 p. m . Fred Dakin, of Dayton , it! visiting bome Dear Buok Run 80bool Morris Dunham . house law.-T Deafness Cannot 8e Cured opeu JoUl'1la1. . Cha rley Hutchin son, Ills parent8 for a IIhort time. ~aturd.. y mornin g . tlhe bad been Willie Biggs, O~gonia , by looaiap plioa'io ns, al! tbey oannot. r never" l of our bulldin trs are being sufferi ng from heart trouble for reaoh the diseAsed portion of 'he Walter Diggs, Improv ed by being pa inted . Emmer "un~r Leba.on, A~ lome time . ear. There 18 ooly ooe way to oure Howard N. South, Wayne5 ville" Mr. and Mrll. Aibert Merrlb ue en. dell.fn6lt8, aod that III by ooustit u· R a lph Archdea Joseph us B08kln s of Wilmin gton cun, Lebanon , " tertain ed at dinner Sunday Mr. preaeh ed at the Frlenda t.ional remedl ee . DellfnesR i. OtlDlled Ralph Gregg. SpringlXlm , ,. Vete rlnar v churoh by an Inflame d oooditi on of the Wilbur Hutt. and Mrs. Wm. Carr and three sons Sunday mornin l . Lebanon , " Ada will be InoerLed under ~h18 he ad tor mcooul l 1I0ing of the Jlustllo bhul Walter E . Day, Mia misburg , " twenty ·llve cents for ~bree looertlo u Oraduate Guy. Berber t and Burrell , Mr . and Obio Univer l, 1 . Mre. Libbie Buffma n is visiting 1'ube, When tb is tab., is lOfllLmed H arold D . Wantz . Franklin wben ullnl not mor. tb,ul live lin.,. . .. Mrs . Rhun. Carr, ot Riohmo nd, Ind. at tbe Orville home Shank of her s illter Mrs ', John ..w _ _......_ " . ,_ _ _......_ _ _......._ ..... . Clark~vil\e, " you have a rumbli ng sound or im ---':' r 1; as their suburb an home. perect heariog , nnd when it Is eo· Hennan SIuLllk, Beaob nelLf Wayne nllle. R ol.rt s"ttlem eyu, Oregoni a. Office at residen ce in F . n Sher· tlrll1 olosed, Deafno'i!8 18 tbe relluH, Fred Mr8. Laura Barlan enterta ined WANT ED Day. Clarksvi lle, " and unle88 the infiam" "ation oan be RalphW. wood'a hoose, Fourth Street. Mr. and Mrl. Wm . (lox, 8f Lrtle, Snook, South Lebanon taken out and this tube r68lore d to Clyde Southar d, Lebanon , Corw .. in. and her parents Mr. ~nd Mis. Davis its normal oc..ndlU(ln , hearing will Carl Lacy . TOCI[ to pasture _ Inquir e of Teleph one 28 Harveys burg .. Graham , tJundll.V for dinner . be destroy ed forever i n1n" ouos ou~ Walter S. Colvin, George a. Beaoh, Harve y.burg , Clarksvi lle, " We are 80rry to report the venor· Our meroha nt.. are very muoh Lebanon , of ten are oaQ8ed by Cn.tarr h, whlob Illmer ·D . Wills, Qhio. •• J 2 Wayn esvil le. Pleasan t Plain is no'hing but. an Inllame d oondUi on Le roy Wa tkin., deUgh1 ed with their trade, olaimin g ahle Gleo. l:Iale 'Il is very m. Hobert Marsh, Waynesv ille, .. Mrs. Alice McKinB of the muoou s aurface 8 . ay and daughIt the best tor several years . Onr DVER TISER S - 'l.'o know tbat Oregoni a We wlll give One Hundre d Dollars Erickson Powling , ~er arlB vlaitlnlC In Dayton alld whUe you oan sell your hor8e", and meroha -----nt8 -. --.~.~----are enterpr ising ~nd for any oase of Deafne ss (oaule t by oows there and other tblng8 by II.dven lawtll attend lIigh ~ohool oom. BAA NHA IU, puuUo Ipirited . Shake Off Your Rheumatism Oatarr h) tba' oannot be oured by ing them In the GazeU e It 008tll mencem ent at Memor ial Ball, Miss Ha11's CB~rrh Cu~e . Send for 01r· Mrs. Ma.rgie Faber ill vll!ltin g her Now is the ~Imo to get rid of your Nota ry Publ ic Helen Barris be1ng one of the grad- but htt.le, and briDgi results . oul.ra free. rheuma tism. 'fry It. twenty five parent I before their depart nre for r, J. Cheney & 00. , '1'oledo, Ohio. oeut boUle of Chamb erlaln'l I Llni Califor nia. uates. All kiDds of NoarY Wort. PenltO ll Sold by DrulCgietl. 7Cio. Mise Alml\ Waterh ouse was In ment bnd S88 how quiokly your Work a Spaola liy. The Aid Sooiety of thle place deTake Ball's Family PIIIR for oon rheuma t10 p&IDIJ FOR SALE Dayton shoppi ng one day lallt week . dislPoppear. Sold by serve8 (ll'eat oredlt atipatio n. for their earneet all dealera . Mrll F. Graef of Morrow visited neBS IIhown In raising monev for t.he !I!¥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!! Mra. CUas, Brown one day recentl y. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ M. E . ohuroh improv ements . ten.m of Kules, Barnell 8 and MilS Luria Tinney spent Hunday Wagon ,1200. See Joh. Mherwith Mr. J. Bardin and family, wood lI.i Oregon ia, Ohio. ~ • Ulcers and Skin Troubles Funeral Dired or '. Fred! Daugh ters of Dayton 8pent If you are suffer-inlOt witb any old Sund~y wittl his par.nts . bu. 01 No.1 Yellow CorD, 6 and Embalmer, runnin g or fe"er 80rel, '!lIoor s, bolls 'ons (l)f ba.y, on farm Dear Mr . .L. Harlan went to Cinoinnll.t Bnokey e sohool, R. D . , ecsema or oth"r ekln trouble s, get a Monda Way nesv ille, Ohio . Mrs. y where he has a pOSition. No other test is so certain- so Wa)lll.oe Tibbala , Phone 215Y, Lebbox of Buokle n's Arnio8o Salve and pafe and withou t cost or 1088_ Mrs. Mary Chalfa nt and little anon, Ohio. you wlU get relief promp tly. MrR . J 2 Call aliswer ed promp tly day or niaitt. No otht'r test is flO severe and Bruoe Jonel, of Birmin gham, Ala, daught er 'o f Monon gahela, Penn . Both phones in Office and Resilien ce. require s such stabilit y 88 does suffere d from an ujtly uloel' fer visited. ber mother Mrs. Clark lut ATTL E-A pure-b red Jeney long dilltanc 8,Ne.14 ; Home phone nine month s and Bnokle n's Araica week. oow, fr8llh and a 2 year14.2r. Salve oured hel in two weekR. old Jerl6Y helfer. BO&h IOOd OBM .• ·UI" ..." " and one Coach furniah ed free Mr. and lire. John Zell were W. H . Janney Will help you. On I, 160. Recom · , R. D. I, WaynN funeral s. Barvcy eburg vi.itor8 Sunday , mende ville,O d by.1. bio. E. Janney . Je 25 .The Tri-Sta te Butter Compa ny, Ohio, has stood this Tim!!, rr:est 8eet of service parant eed. Leo Grabam of Dayton .pen' I and more than 6,000 Cream Shippe rs have not only found. ahlppm g Sunday their Creafll ~to the fri·Sta te profitab le but also have ellJoye bi .. home. EMEN T BRICK . for eale. 1'_ d the aecurit y anll reliabil ity which characteriZE'.B the Tri-Sta te market further lnform atino. loqu_ M1111 Ma ud Reeder of 'Oregon ia The Tn-Sta te does not solicit your busines s on promis es but. was a reoent vlsi\Or . of Mrs. T_.1. of 1'. II. Chenow etb, W"ynesvi~" Oblo, PROOF is our slogan. J 184 Biggs. Ship your Cream to-day, Qr write for Free Trial Can..- Sp« Mr. IIInd IIrll. Ohas. Reynol ds 80Dd daught er were 'Week-end vlaUon in Cash II paid for every shipment. Subscribe D8oy&olll. lIin Rachel D&T" vi.lted her siater lD Ogden I.., week. Ur, and Kn. JC. Gray were ID DR. J~ W. MILLER, " . Cllpita l 8toCk ,76,00 0 OrecoD ta Thurad ay. Mn. OhrtaU e MoKlu ey and

.JH8 :itl



$2.0 0 a Yea r

Our Wal l Pap er Sale s

1== Wa yne svil le Nat iona l

- ..


............ ....






Aut omo bile Livery Serv ice at Re asona ble Rat es.

4_ _


_ __


------. -- ..


Cla ssif ied Ada

Dr. J.



.- .




Th e Te st of 'ri m e





E. v.







Tri~State BUtter Co., Cincinnati, 01

daqht er Lava sPen' &he week .Dd - :. .' ~" '. . .. , ~


til DaY-llon. "



Crac t·lcaI Fas h·ons 1 a


thom stre tch ed It. dHU!lD nl' I'C' r to be hrldged. Major M l' J'lon lull . cOl1\mn nc1I Ii .l t\n arnlY 'VlIat ,'ou ld the WOIUIlII po~R ibly ~t 11f' t\(" J ;~ r t l ),)\Jt(c. fh.'uk:t U lIIau t o ntr ...."PI hla <laughl,·r. Mo lly. ,..10" I. want or him? 1'0 pxp laln Ih A past ? e.uded ( or th f' P,",Ul. An ludta.t1 utlJr o",k T o ju s tify h pr~l'tr? 1/ ", ko £'w PIIDu g h la thrcnlonflct . "Brick" Hn01l1n . 8e r"ant who h r.u . jusl Il.rTlvod wlth IJ1foj~ ­ a lr e ady, and dus lred to I(now no mor ll. _gee to Mc:-I)!HH\.ld. vo l un t ~er!'l tor the lo uld s ll (' hopc - - na tu ra l cOQu~tte that mtsainn . !d ol l y nrrl\'t"8 I\l. F\) rl Hlplt~)' hold upnn CWe) ria),,, ah"''''.f\.,1 o f 8 d\ c~ llIh! , Fihl' t1(,,· I.l p,", SIH' was-· 10 1'f' !;a ln h C'r to r lJ~h on tnFort !lod ge h y !'ltu~(! 11\ him? TIHI IIIl1n s mil e d 'lrimly . conti · COm pAny with "Su tl e r Dill " M ( ,yl iU'I (1011Ye t why • alf"3. fl JtnI1l11 1 l~ r , Is n l 80 II (l:tSs I' IlK, 'r . d e nt of hi s own slrl' lI gth. Haml1n meets th l" 8 Lngo With MtLl rltHI u( ~ hould s h r' l''''''~ ror Huc h " "uoqUI'"t, d ellrorb,tion21 r; onlllllt t ed hy ch o Imllu.l\14 tho wlnnlnl': or a co mm on ~(' I dler? Th<, drl\,flr del"crta tho stago wln'lI lru!t · an a A[lvenr , Tho Iudillns Uf!' I vdct) n ,'- Ther o nlll st be 80me brll n r r () a~on. P U I ~l~d. ln and f\tolly t'!" C" Rpe i n tho ~om", mo r e su btl e purpo ~e. Co ul d It itn rkl1 E'8{1., Moll'.f hi wound c\t. H umll" I~ lrIu h f'x c ll el J .. t findlnt:t "' hU\' t' rf'l\ C"k b!' that s h e (pared him. lhut a h a WI.U I marked .. S. A. It o expla Ins 10 ~11l1t )' "rrald that hH mig ht spea k to h er In · that h e WM 'n the Co n( dtl rnt -. Rc rvh:. · and c118mI 8~od In dl Ag ru co unli e r r han; u!' jury ? Th is \\'aM by fa r th e most l lkoCit r'owardJce. At t he dose ot th .... \VtLf h~ Iy ,; uPPoBltlon. Mo lIl Mc Do na ld -- th e enll'Hed In th e Ng'u ln. r 8erv \ce. H @ SAy" th., h avefallck _UII lila p r oper l Y or t'll,' womun ..... I S ,l warc or th plr acqualn t· CRpL l.eFey r .., " ' 1\ 0 ho IIUSIJ(!CIH nr hcl"/: a nce. a lld was alrl'sdy alnr \ll £' d at lts re&ponl!!lJblfll fo1" hl~ d t!tgraC'e. TrooPN UJlpenr a nd und er eAl'or t or L l ntl t. fi.Rt4I(tn~ poss lbl ll res ult Molly .tarla 10 JoIn her flllh pr. ""0111" Hnmllll Ntood liP r l'solvl'd . lie 1.... veo. to rej oin hi. rOIJIme nt. H.' r~­ turn . to Fort Dodge after t\ Rumm"" r or wou ld moe t t h" woman . not from II n y ftghtlna T"dlan •. a nd nn". Mol l)' Ih ~rH . dell ire of hi s own, but 10 learn he r Bhot ~ are h .a"" In the nl!fhl. Hornlln puah ... <>ut, see. whal he brlt c\'c. I~ I hn purpoet' . a nd protoct th e girl. Thl' fll'\l .... of Moll y hldln!f In I h e <'Iorkncos m ee tin g coul d not InJllr!l hi m. not ""d 'all. nver th e bod y of L lrulen3n t Gaskin., who accuse. lil\mltn of .',,'nt - onn bring a sw ifte r baa tlng o f the tIllI' hIm. Th e "erg ~ .. nl I. proven Inn<>- heart. bu t mlgbt give him opportunity _nt. He .ee. Molly In compan y with Mrw. to serve the other. And 1.Al FE'vre-Dupont. wbom he rocngntzee M 8 for m er ..... 'heart., .ho Ihr ..... hIm ov~ r fo r tHlrely s h e could tl'1I him !IOmet hlDg l"..,......... or Le F a vre. Lea vo was ~a8lly obtaine d. and the CHAPTER XV.~ontlnued . Se rgp.a nt. re joicing In a rreehly Issu ed Hamlin llood a moment 8l1e nt. halt uniform, dressed with all the care posInclined to 8IIk anoth e r Ques tion. bn t .. lblA, hi s Interest revlt'lng at tbl s n ew crusblng back the Inclination. The n point or view . It was not for down he walked down th c ball to th e Quart he blutt road to tbe eQualld little ~ II ­ ten uelgned " M " trooP. and across to loge which h ad naturally d eveloped In hili bed In tbe far co~ner. Tbe r e we r e close proltlmlty to the fort-near only a few of the m e n prese nt. most e nougb ror protec tion. yet far of whom were bll811y e n gaged nt a •lOo ug h removod to be lawless-a .ame of cards. and he lIat down wb ere rough fron ll e r outpost town, or sbacks he could gaze out the window and and tente. most ot tb elle di spensing thin k. Here was a new complication. v il e liQuors . Among theee , more en& fTeah puzzle to bo unraveled. He terprising splrlla- hoperul ot tu ture had nev e r expected this woman to de velopm e nt- had e r eo t ed la r ger corne Into hl8 lite again; 8he blld bebuildings. usually barn-like. with rnlse come a blurre d , unple asant memory. a fronts taclng the Illngle main s tree t. flIt of bls P\l8t wblch h e had supposed fill e d with mis c ellaneous stocks of was blotted out forever. Mn. Dupont goods or use d for purposes not so I ~ - then s he had not married Le Fevre g IUmal.e. One of thes e hou sed tho after all r He dully wondered wby, "Poodl e Dog" saloon. wllb ga mbling yet wall not altogetber 8urprllled. Even rooms above. while a few doors below Ill! he turne d thl 8 fac t over and ove r was a great dance hall. ea s il y co nv ert In bls mind. speculating upon It. h e ed Into a tb enter If occasion a roBe--a became aware of R man leavIng the grotesQue, one-storied monstrosity. Berear door of McDonald 's qua r ters. and low th ese was the staga offi ce. built advancing ba ck of officers' row toagainst the three-lltoned wood e n bowards ttle ba rracks. As th e fellow t e l. wblch boasl ed or a wide porch on drew ncar. Hamlin recogni zed th e Ho l- two sides, and was a pic t ure or ug lldler who had been drh'ln g tb e "ar- 1I0as. rlage. A mom ent Ia.ter the man eQBy daylight all was SQualor and dirt. tered the room. spoke to tbe group of d ingy t e n ts lIapplng In the ceaseleslI card players. and tben came straight wind . unpa inted s hacks , wood e n acrose toward blm . hOllses wltb boa rds warping und er th e "Sergeant H a mlin 1" hot s un . th e s ingle str eet d ee p In ye l"Yes ," low dust, th e s urrounding prairIe tit· " I WIUI as ke d to hand you this note ; t e r e d with tin cans, an d all maun e r or tlwre Ie no anBwer." dcbrls. But with (h e corning or ni ght Hamlin beld It unope ne d un UI the' mu c h of tbi~ ro ugbn ess depll rted . Solte llow disappeared. heBltating be t wee n di e rs trom t he garrison on pas s . (die bope and dread . Which of the two Illalns ru e n. buil-wh/lc k e re. ad ve nture rs women had ventured to write him ? or a ll kllld s strand e d h ere be cause of What could be th e un ex pect e d m PB- Indian 'lct h 'lty . stray cowboys from IUIge? At last his eyes sCRnn ed the th n ea rb y valleyS. t hron god th e nuthree Bbort linea: m e rou s dives. seeking e xciteme nt. "You recognized me, an d we mllst Wom on. ga udy of drees. sbrlll of voice. underetand each other. At ten to- flitte d from door t o door th rough tbs nIght IUIk tb e Cle rk or th e Occide n tal. j os ill ng c rowds . Lsmps blaze d o ver - V. " Ih e motl ey assemb ly. loud-vo ice d barkel's yell ed. /Illd a band a dd ed Itl' disCHAPTER XVI. cords to th e di n. The "Poodle Dog" ~Iared In li ght, reso und ed wi th noltie; The Meeting. lam ps g lea me d from the hotel wln Hamlin's first impu lse was to iguore flow8, and t he hu go dallce h a ll stoo rt tbe note . truilling his position In Ihe wid e OP l' lI . Ou t fr o m th e "hllcl". an,1 ranks would be Rllffi c lent barrll'r t o t e nt s Cr El I,t th e dUy'H s l e " p '~ r s for a prevent a n y c ha nce m eelln l; , lind 1)1'- Ill !( h t of r l,,·(dr.v ; ul o ng t h" Ir» il" I'od e lIevln g hi s stay at that garr l ~Ol' wOl1 ld ollH' r » "' :.lg~r ror .,xcltpm( ·nt ; it WUIt b e only n brl c r ooe. Sh e rid a n was evl · thp h nrv e6l.-lillll' o f tho s" bi!'f l ~ or prey de ntly prllpsrlng for a n Pou rly nff"llsh'" in s a loun IIno! g<'. luhlluli 111'11. campaign, a nd It was runror r d on n il Hamlin ~i1W a ll thl ~. but. I';n ve the Htdes th at the Sev£' nth Ca"a lry h ad s lIrrounctin l':R lilli e tbou!;ht. II .. W8H bee n sel('c te d fo r :Icth'Po lIeld service'. or tbe " ·t·6t . of the fronl ieT. and beInd t'Od. t he urf-nnt o rd e r>; for th e con· he ld nOlhln g un iQu e In th e sce ne . Bolldatlon or t h o rpgl m e ut fro m scat· iIIo r eo,·o r. the purpose fo r which h l' tered posts IlIURt m 'a n this. Any day was th e n, ove r shadowe d all d~e. le tt mig ht brin g orders. nnd h e cou ld him Indiff"rf'llt to th e noI8 f'. th e josteasil y avoid this Mrs. Dupo nt IIntil li ng. drunk e n c rowd . Somn ho met t h ell. E:tcept for a ral nt curios ity, tho who kn e w him a nd called h is n u me . S e r gea nt telt no In c lination 10 m ent but he pasHed them ill a word, and the woman. Wb atever Inllu oncc Bhc.' pre8scd hi s Wll Y forward. At th e bomi gh t h ave once "'xorcilled over him t,,1 It o mounted t.he stl" PS nn d p, nterPlt bad beo n thoroul(hly overcome by Tiro oll1ce wa~ In one cortlf' r or Ih e years and " bse n ct'. Even the UIlt'X - bar·roorn . Th e proprlctor hlmselr, a pected RlghL o r her agai n- Mf'(!mlngly bald·h('a d cu Irishman. sat with ree t liB beuutiful nil c V I'~- ha d f" ilt'd to coc kud up on th e counter. smo king. awnken t h e s pell "f the pasl. It was alld bar" ly glaJlcing Ull OA t h ~ l:ierIIlmost wllh a th l iii of de li g- ht t ha t geu nt Hs lil, d fo r Mrs. Dupont. H am li n r e nllz('t! t1l1s- - thnt h (' wa~ In "W ho lir e reI"" h e askl'd . truth tlllr>rly treo of h e r influ e nce. " ~'I y nam e III Ilnmlln ; [ alII h pr e 00 Til .. r<· hau br'I'n times w!J e n he had tho la(ly 'R l!l vltatio n." Rnl lcl pilt ·' d s uc h n pVsslb ll' 1)H't'l lng "Sure; th et's t he r nam ... n il right. \1'11\\ dn' ad; \l'h r n he h a d do"htPd II iH 11\(> bboy . Yf' r t r r go out 011 t he oast UWIl lrl!llrt . t\\ n !., l'I 'nf(t h of hi " wi ll 10 por ch Lh l' rc. an' wult a bit who ll e I r .. "i" t. HUI now hl' kn e w b" slood al>- ~ inu h £' r worrd yer h e re. ()i'J\1 Imng~1) 1"( f' ly 1",lpp, ·nd ,'!1I. und could I~ul':b 111111' s hl' h f' d s um d o u !Jt~ nbout ye r HI h"r II'II l'R. Sh.· who hud oller " ,,'-n ('(linin' . Ill '" way s h e s poke_" all - tr1! s t cd. lov£'d. wor ~ hip)i l' cl wllb "How do I f(N t h e r e'!" nil Ih mna f(' 1'\' o r of )out h- hl.t1 Lt·· " Throllg h lIl e win d e r or tb n parlur romp o nly a d ea d lD e mory . BC' Jwe(·n . U'!l'r (h a r - --Hnre. it·s a no lce qui.!t spot



nut It step, and w e life at the Coltsc u m. pressed In be tw"en lhe Cellan atone s of the Colise um Immortal ize Hnd Palatin e hill s. the A.r c h ot ConToday the Triumphs of a Chriss t a ntlno and th e T e mpl e or· Ve nus. tianity That Lives. As we en te r. l be moon has risen. giving a weird appearance to the Cb rlstlanlty Is c rystu.llIzed In lhe sceno, as \\'e seo Its shadows . flit. d18Coliseum and St. Peter·s. lu tbe solv e and lose the mselves amid the . form er by the t numphs of tbe arches of this mighty ru in. Amid lIlartYrB ; In tile latte: , by th e d edi ca- broken arch and column and ,vaulted tion of nrl to thl' wo rship of God, corridor. t errace l1ees upon ·terraoe ~tf!O Ai8bop Cllmour, till the hloqd <:W'dles anel.- the bah: Cl"1me . wltb me along lbe Via Slicra. stands on end. MemorY .18 tlllSY aDd th Arc h at Tl,ua. hurries ItS back :tO when Chriatllua . • ,.). . 1 tb" "FClTl I"



re r a ta~ ... ate.· Be p. .". &lid .'"00 TOO c!ltn. 10n .,.. ....,.., &.t. 1...- - - - - - ' - - - ' \ltlored t!Jmulb bl • • llUIatl8 aero.s th. by . uc h VIIU -uotlng!" II h ll ,,"ktld eager· room. ··H e r e. Molke; damn thet . Iapy I, . "You Rre no man of wood. T e ll h ead. W\II ou" o· yer " on tl! wa ko tho m I!. Ie tllfl r o nothing you cnre to nsll lad-that ·s IL l'nw co me bere. 1I101ku. m.,. lIrter- artl'r 1111 these" BOY'S BLOUSE S U1 T_ You rUII 0.1'1' to thll Palace nn' le ll Hamlin IIrtl' d his ~y e 1\ and 100kpC1 at Mrs. Dupout t h A fe ll or II 'here waltlll ·. ber. Htlrrrd Into sudden lut ~ rp8l hy Ho ld on now. !lot MO faat ; walt till th A u lmoMt co r,," sl oR lioUlll1 or thtl "o ft 01' tn .Iono I " I Ill) ' ytlr. Say thpt to her TOlc". "I o n,' - do y(' r D1ntnd 11ioL ye sa p·hnad ; "Y"H." h I! enid s low ly. "Ihcre ar" nouollr ,.J ~ tl I!I 10 hr ar whut y er Hay ; so m,~ th ln:,; /\ I I' ll ouill Il k,' to know. Ir [ stuy : h ,' rfl ti ll ye r glt 11 c hance IAlr lh oll~ht you \\uuld aI1IiW (' r I'TllllII IY." " Try UH' nnd ~(" f l" wblsper II 10 Iler . l\ow skip." Hamli n h o~ lt llled. wluchlnl; tIl e boy " Th en why II l l' you Mr" . truponl. 110· ~ , p nd flf ~l rf' . L I' J.·t~ v r t'?" II ltia 1.111"" r. "At Iho Pnla n>- lhl' dlUlcf' hall " Th,'" my j(U"H8 I~ trill'. al\(I yo,l or c no t En JI' vold ct curio~lty." eh" n<' ro R~ I h ,' "I n ''' !~'' be aalled incre du· InuR IH~t.I . " ~Iy IInswnr? WlJy. It I~ IOlllll y . .. tiur ... .. Irlt ldr, ' .-r nl ly. ",lighting !r io Hlmpllcl ly It s.. 1f h" CII 1I 8P I was n r y,'r pipe. . I1U"" ' r R' ba ll ; ('o uld,, 't broall In ~lrH . U> I··pvr". bUl a m rl~htrul!y MMI with n I';oll -ll l" ' ''''r unlo' s6 YO ll had n lu- DuponL " ' 'Do yuu nU"nn yOIJ Wt"'ff' nf'Ver tear ,·lte , (;uar<.l ~ ut bolb ('nd~, 8I'n; I'ant Ink In/{ llo-k .·ts. nil ' Third He gl rn e nt rk,(j t.o l...e ~'C'y rl ' ? . "Whl,t I'I ~ o <:ould I m ean ?" Ilaud makln' Dlu slc. H e ll ot a sw oll a ff"lr : gut ~UI ' SIH fro m U>IlV£,ll\\O\·lh. S h" s hl-uggf'<1 1\ (' 1 w h lto s hould en \\'alll,ec. "nd ;0 11 around. E\, e ry room "Thftl wo uld no t Murprls", Ul e IIJ ih~ I gol IR ru ll 1111' run In' ovpr--8UY. tl", r A 'Twns a c harncterlstlc or the "T<' r"lInrq ,we r Lhar In them foo l s wa l- IN\s!. le r ·tai l coa t~: dallHl Hd If lhl' re nln·1. man yo u ,lad an llli e n~a80n to know. It th l' U'YK e Vt'T ~It Hlf(ht of '" m nil tllp I l o w o'anltl ) ' 0\1 tn bt' lhwe so easil y'!" " 1i ... 11"",,? Wh nt e lse could I b& SlrNOI Ih" r l,'11 u e 1\ hal t.lm,'. Say . aln' Ihat th p lim it? lujunR uu t Ih ll r II"",,'! I:: "er)'thlng t;('ned to sllbRtnllthick ;,s Il "n~ un a dog. an' llWIn lIalfO . hiB boaRt. I was III dlHgracB. sw tl lls dandn ' herr In ~wn ll .: r- I RI1 8 I p,,"c tI Cll li y drumnli'd out o t camp. IIk o this " pre was noston." Th~r" was nOl hln g le tt (or me to \Iv a H e Wll~ stili talking wbun lIamlln ' (or. or 8tril'E' (or. I was practically A clev e r little blouse 8\11 t for the ('r088f'd th.' lIarrow ball n nd cntl'ro'd dplld . Thcn your l£' lt E' r co nreRslnl Amall 11I(1 Is h e re prosent od. Tbe th e dtnlly-Ilgilt ed . uDO Cc ulJle d parlor cn m f\--" hlou se e l08cs a t the lett s id e. but tbenl T he t; ld " window was open . a s li g ht " Wa it." s ho Intprruptod' "t!Jat lott er are two rows or buttou s g iving a broeze rustled lh e boa vy c url aln. nnd w aH IIntru o. fn ill e; It WI\8 penned un- unlq\l e erred that 18 quite ncw. Tbe the Sergean t ate pP I'd ou,ts ld e on to t he d ~) r <:o rnpulftlon. I wrots you aptn. 1I1('0 \' e8 arA plaited nt the bottom J\Od dl1rk porc b. The r e Wall a be ncb c los£:' later. bllt YOII h!\d gone . di sa ppeN'ed th e trou8ers. wblc b are the r egulaUon to th e rai l and h e Mt down to walt. A ut.t (' rly . I wanted to e xplain. but TOur bloomen. n re finished with legbandll gl ea m or II g bt from the Palace fell own p eo ple eve n did not know wbere or " last Ic. aerosR the wes t e rn end, but th e 1'0- you we re~o not know yet." The patt.e rn (6088) \8 Cllt In s lzell m alnder of th e porc h lay In sbndo~' . li e l elll\(~d hl ~ body against the nail, ~ to 12 )'I'ar8. Age 8 reQulrell 3" and looked lit hE'1' In tho dim Illl.'llt. a ltho ug b b e could look up th e st r eet. H e r (ace retain ed much of It I gtrltllh Yl\fds or 36 In('h material. To J7n>('ure thlA ""Ue rn ~d 10 e<mta a nd Bee tbe peop le Jostling back Ilnd ItI! undoubted to "Pottern Deparlmen l." or Ihls IIIl~r. (ortb In front of th e Poodle Dog. Th e attra ctl ve neell , yot WrIte (lnd Ilddre..., plalnl,. nnd be sound or mingled voices W811 conLinn · c harms no longer be ld the man 01\1)- .uro toname g ive ala., aDd num ber ot patt ern. OUB. OCCAsionally punctuated by lau g b. tiYo. He s mil ed coldly. ter, or an un r elltralne d outburst of "T he e:r planatlon comN 80m_hat UZB .. ---. ______ •• _ NO. 6088. profanity . Once sbots echo ed from out late." he r e pllod dellb e ratl'.ly. "Wben the din. but created no apparent ex. It mlgbt hllve IIPrved me It was not NAME . . .... . __ • ________ . _... _•• _____ •• _ cltemen!. a nd a little lat~ r a doze n offe r e d- Indeed, you had convenIentTOWN . .. _ ..... __ __ ___ ____ .. ___ __ _____ ••_ horsemen spurred reckl ellaly through Iy d isap pe ared . But I am not here to th e IItreet. sca ttering the c1"O'l\'d. their c r1t1 c lso: that I~ allover wltb. pneSTRKET AND NO..• _•• ____ .... ___ • __ _ revoh'en IIputterlng. Some altercation Ucally rorgout'n . I came at your r& !!TATE. __ __ _.. ____ .... ____ • __ _____ ____ _ IlroBe OPllOBl te and a voice called loud. QI! 'st_ nnd presume you had a re&llOIl, I~' tor the gua rd. but the trouble 1500n Mny I again ask what It wa8T"' ceasoo with Ihe clump of boote. dying CHAPTER XVII• away In t b e dlstrulce. the regime ntal BOY'S RUSSIAN SUIT . . ba nd noisily blaring out a waltz. Ham· At CrOIlB-PUI"POlea. lin, Imme r ae d In bls own thougbts. S h o snl. ror R momont silent, pzln. t1carcely ob8erved the turmoil. hut leaned, arms on r a iling, gazing out In· up Ih e atreet, but bre athing h ea vily. to the darlI.n ells. Something myat e rl· T'bIB was IlOt tbe r eception 8h e bad anous trom out the post bad gripped Udpat ed. and It was dlfllcult to de terhim; b e \Vas wo nd eri ng how he should min e s wiftly wbat cours& s b e had best R e nll r.l ng t.he hold abe bad greet h \~ r wh en s h e oa m e; s peculating purslI P onef! had u pon tbls 10M. It had neve r on b e l' purpose In "clId ln g for him. It /I('cm d all though he waite d a oGcurred to he r mind t h at ber Inllu· long tim e bcror e the curtain at th e ence ha d altogeLher de parted, Her wIndow was thrust aS id e and lhe lad y be auty had n"Ver failed befo re to WiD e merg ed, t h o s li ght ru s tl ing ot h e r s uch victory . nnd Ahe had t rus ted now dreae I1 pprlslng him ot her prese nc e. In rev i vi ng t h r o ld smou ld l!r lng pasTbe curtain stili held IIl1gbtly back by sio n in to Budd e n lIame. Ye t alre ady h e r hand p e rmitte d the ligh t f rom she compr e he nded th e ulle r usel81111neSB or s uch a n e:ocpec tatlon-thdro was no smo uld ering pa8sl00 to be (smn ed; his Indiffe r e nce WI\S not !\II5umed. The discovery nngered her, but lo n g eltpe rl el1 ce h a d brought control; It r e quired only a mom e llt to readjust he r rucultl!1s. to keep the b ltt" r ness out or he r voice. When sbe a ga1n faced him It wn8 to apea k Qui e tly, wltb convi ncing ea rnestness. "Ycs I r ealize It Is too late tor !!:ETh o blou Be closes at the front. and pla llati~ns." s h e a cknowledge d. "so I Is becomingly plaited, wblle a belt will attempt 1I0ne. 1 wished you to bolds It In plnce. The neck Is tin· know. however . that I did not delert Isbed with a turn-down collar. The vou ror th a t man. Tbls was my prln- s leeves are pla.lted to correspond. and ~i, pnl J)urpose In IlNldlng for yo u." may be lert plnln or finlsbed wltb a " Do I'OU know whe r e h e Is?" bl\Od c uI!. The trouscrs are flnlsbed She -hes itated >J \'e r s o s lightly. ye t w ith legba.nds at e lastic. h e . watch ing l\C' r closely, n o ted It. The pattern (60741 10 c ut In sizes 2. "No' lit t h e c lo,." or th e war b ... t . 'and G years. Age 4 requires 4 yat:ds ca m e ilOme. comma nding the r egi me nt or 27·ln ch mater ia l or 3 yar ds of goods which Hhould have bee n you r s . Within 36 Inelles wide. three montbs he h a d convert 'd all t ho To procuro thi s pnttern send 10 canld f!Lm ll y pro pert y Into cash and d e part- t o "Pattern Department." or this pRlJ(!r, Wrlt o namo nnd address plainly, nnll be eli. Tbere wns II rllmor th at he w'n a


"My Na me In Hamlin; I Am Here on

the Lady'a Invitation. wiL hl1i 10 r pfl ec t c)\Oc'r hO'r li/-:tl r <,. f{~ \'cllling in s urtf' ll " d o uLllnf' Ih,' hCllUty of h fo r r"tt!'Hl'S. th p flotls)' bl'I r; l1 t n oEls or h e r h ai r . ~11t' WClS In £'ve ning dr esM. a li g h t ~ haw l drapin g h e r should e r s . All IlI slll nt s he pllused In IIl1ce rtalnty. s lr i villg La <Ii s Llngulsh hi s fac e ; th e n s t Bp p.Jd i mpulsively ro rwlLrd. an d b eld o u t her hands. "I hav e k ppt you wailing, but you mus t forg iv e that, as I cam !.! as soon ns I could manuracture an e xcuse , Wo n't you e ven shako hand H w ith m e?" " IR It IIPce~sa ry 1" h c nsked. IIlmo~t wearily. " You hav e ram o to m e for s ome p"rpo~e s urely, but It ca n ha rdly b e frl en d , h lp." "W h y s hould you flay th nt?" r eproac h fu ll y. " I 11a\'o dcse rtcd a. TIlthc r bril liant pa rty to m eet you he r e." "T ll Jlt, per IHlp~. Is why I sny It. l\lrs. Du pOlil. If my m e mory senes. you would no L bc Inclin ed to lea ve Hucb fri e nd s nil you h a \' e yon d r r to r e nde7.VOIIS with a comm o n soldi e r. unl ess you had some epe'::llI l ObjAct In vi e w. lr you wtll In fo r:n m e t: hat It Is . we ca n very quickly t e rrulnate the Int e r vl«,w ." Shn 11l.\t~ h f'd . a lit t l e touch of n('rvoas nl 's~ in I h" voice . but dJ'p'w h er sl{ lr ts :\" Id o. al1d Ga t dow n on the


U"!"~ \\ .

cngag &d In Lit .. clIU.le bu siness." .. You a c tua ll y f'X pect me to b ell evp all th is-that l'OU kn(!", nothi ng of 1A1 ~ pl uusr w.' r e 1I0t. Irrd epd. 1\ part -:f llJ!'m ? " .. ( nm IndllTO'rPll t aR to whar, YO IA ho:\ 0 " 1' ." Rhu rtl PIlI't! cll ldl.". "B ut yo u lin' Ullll: Cllll e mallly lO t'X IJr eMS yo u rs e lf BI:I fJ· .. c ly. W h y ~ h o\l lcl you Mny . that!" (TO Dr-: CONT INUED_ > Fire Without Flame. An Engllsb e n g in eer nam e d 1100, bus Inv e n ted n way to have li re wltb out flam e. HI!! ap paratus com;lsts of a pol'OUS plate or mnss or tire-resistIn g fragm en Ls, w ithin whi ch be mix.,. Inflammable gnH a lld nlr In tbl) right proportio ns. Wh e n the gas Is first turnod on and lighted It Ullrn R with n fl a m" at thf!' su rra co of tb o pl ate. When tb e a ir I. I ufupct on tho Oa me disappears. but the h ent Increas es. A t p.mperature of 3.20U degr eC1s Is cla im e d . .Ju st wbnt use of this In'-€' nllon be m ade Is yet II Question.


Wedding Ring Worn by Men. CUBtoms slip In aud almos t b e roN we are a waro or th e m they ere th,)NI --the wearing of the w e ddin g ring by m e n ro~ Ins ta nc e. T we nty yp.nrs a ge thlB 'was nlmost un known In Englan~. but now It I~ Quite nn ordinary thln8. I t ha s Its ndvantag<'R fo r me n. 1\11 for ,,"or.l<'n; It Is a sign . ;u; It werc. of o wne r ship. ur rout be ll ;g on t h e m 'll" I{ €t.

London ?hy.icliln Dellcrlbe. Two Confi ietl nQ Nature. of Girl by Uti! Of Hypn otl om, An hyst l.'rla cas" slmllllr to that of 1111 86 IlNlllchamp of 110s lon . who had th n '" d ls llltct pC'rso nallll1l8, twO mor" or I<' ~" well be hav ed and on" alway .. nau g hly. wa~ d pscribNI 1'<' I'(' ntly by Doctor V.'l llIam Broll'lI III " lec lure at Klnl!'tI Co lI ('g e. IJOctor Il rolVu's C Il~O WIlK " INO 1\ p" . I !tont or Dr. ~Iorton l'rlnf:e or 1I0aton. th o d l>lc o\'I' r.' r or t.ho three ~! I ~s !I·'au · chum ps. Th e (latl e nt. Il W(llllun or 2~. , for 11I0nlhs bad two p nlon .. lltl eft . A lind U . n wns a go), . pl ~ntillr" 10':l l1g J;lrl. 11 COll s!unt t horu In till' tic's h (lr h pr ~ t R\(1 and I:'ubrr mind ed RL'eO I,,1 ('o nscloll ~ ' !l (·"A. A. A's g loomy 01111001 •. whi c h ltl' I" t,Ar In n gpnl'ral 8t;,le of low IlI'llllh, waH bl'lng eonstllnlly fur fh pr dt' pr£:'''Hed br h e r r ec<"l pt In wnklng up In th o morn lllJ': o r fr ivo lollll nOli'S Wl'ltten In t h e nll(ilt b y Ih A Irrl'p l'('sAllJle II. By t h() liS" or It )' pnotltllll Docto r Prluce wa s IIbl(' nt Ors t 1" II1Jlora rll y and finn lly ll e rJ11~Il " lltly. to 1I\l'rgo th " two dl vl'rsL' IHl rsou lLl lll ':I A nntl IJ Inl o a h Aa lllt y. norma l p"rsollllllt y.- (,on dOll ~1 a ll. Il .... W ....lo .. •• 8oothtDe' !IT"'P for Chtt cl ...... t.e~LblD • • .ottena tho IfUnlft, rflt.hl("jIOft ..

\kI .... I...,.. paLn,e..... wind 001 10 . - • """'--'-

Tbe P onn sy h 'anla r ullrond hilS ord l:! r e 1~ .30~ n ow fre ig ht C:iI'R . They will cos t $::.595, G75. Liquid uoue to a we.ok IOlu!I"... AYol4 It. Bu! RAod ere... na il IJ lue. lh. IJlu~ tbA" , Ad •.

a ll bl ue.

UPI and Down • . "[ thInk the omco forcl' has beeD aolng eo me s hakin « down ." " Yes. It doee nee d a shnkln8 up '" lot HeroIne. " Is ah e nrdent In tbo lI utfr aguUe cause?" "She Ie . 1 know for a fu !'t that b e r rather a l'l ked It she wouldn 't rath",. have a French Ilu od le thsn Ihe ball ot. and Bhe refused."

Poor Fellow, Tb e prelty IItorekeeper wnll unpac k· Ing and a ssortlog !ome new good .. ... hen h er b est young mlln e ntere d Sbe slo pped be hind th e c ountc r a mom e nt and aroee ",Ith flushed race. " I'm glad to Bec yo u' r e stoel,lng Ul'." he sai d . Th e re'lI an unaeeou ntable eoldn eR fI be t \\. 'e n th orn no"' . I nfant Hygiene at SchOOl. Out In Cleveland 17 train ed nurse" are now giving l e~sonll In infant hy · <Iene to lhe girl pupils attending 15 public scliooill. It Is r e ported that the girls have Bbown an Inte nse Aud d eIIgbted Interest In th e les80ns. absorbIng eagerly all that r e lates to the prope r cnre of babies. Thill kind of Instru ction I:; th~ public schools repr&- , Bents some thing more nnd be ttor than tb e activity of faddists . Am e rica. like otber eountrlell. bas a very large Infant death rate. Thousands of Infanu die annually because they bavo not r&celved prope r care. It 18 easily conceivable that tb e proper training of girls mlgbt lIave the lives or many bablcs.

Cannon of Solid Rock . Wh e n the Island of Malta WIlS und e r the rul e ot th e Knights of St. Johu th ey derended their fortillcatlon's with canllon bored In th e living rock. Each on e of th ese s tran ge "'eapona contain ed all e nlire barrel ot lJowder. nnd a s It waB not possible to vary tbe ai m ot these cannon 00 were m ade ready. fa clug various directions from which tbe e n e my might a pproach. Wh e n the ta me ot these arms of d esu r e to "Iyo size and number DC pattorn. t e n se became known to the world th" Idl'a war taken up or transporting rocks to s ummits to serve tho eame SIZE.--. __ . ________• NO. 6074. purpose. but It was soo n r ecog nize d to NAME ____ .. _•• ___ ••• ____ •• __ • __ __• __ • __ be IlIlpractlc able. and th e ca nnon of Malta, bo r ed In lIolld rock, have T OWN .. __ .. _____ _• ______ __ . ____ .. ______ • \lnDs"d Into Illlllory us th e Bole wenPOll.S or th p. kind e ve r k nowlI. - HarSTREltT AND NO ... __ .. __ .. .. . .... __ __ ••• I per s \\"eekc ly.


STATK ____ __•• _•• ______ •• , _. __•. __________ . _

Outspoken Intell igence. lI'tte r addre ssed "To my dear Ood In Heavell," wrltlen In a ch lld 's band writing, \\'as r e centi}' pos t ed tn a RU Bsian town let. As th e address was written In German, tbo Russian post a uthorltieB forwarded It to the Ger· nan fronti e r pos t offi ce at Tltslt Tbe postmastcr of tho latter place return. ed It to Hs place ot origin with tho following s uperscription: "To be returned. The addresseo is In Heaven. with which Gormany baa Un communication." A

Simply Do One'!! Best. Everything that happens to U8 leaves some trace be blnd It. e very. thing contrlbu tos Impe;'ceptl bly to form u s. Yet ofte n It Is dallge rOUS to tak e a slrlct account of tbat. For. eltb er w£' grow pr.)uct and ncg llge nt o r do wnc>Lst and dl!iplrlted; and both an! ~ CJually it:jurlous In th eir conse. que nc..... Thp IInre plan Is. always slm ))iy to do t he task that li es Il P3 resl us.- Uoet he .

MEMORV tMPROVED. 81nco Leaving Off C.offcc:,.· Many persocs sulfer from poor memory who never suspect colfee baa anything to do wl\Jl It. The drug-calfelne-In colfee. acts InjurlouBly on the nerves and heart. t:nuslng Imperfec t circulation. too mucb blood In the brain at ona time.. too 1ltt1~ In another part. This otten causes 81 dullness whIch makes a good memory nearly Impossible. "I am nearly leventy years old and did not know that colfee was the cause of the stomach and heart trouble I lIuttere d from for many years. nntll about four yeare ago." writes a Kansas woman. "A kind neighbor lnduced me to quit calfee and try P08tum, 1 had been sulferlng severely and wall. greatly reduced In nesh, After ualng Postum a little while I found mYllelf Improvlng_ 1\Iy beart beats became regnlar and now I seldom ever notice any Bymptoms of myoId IItom' aeh trouble at aU. My nerves are steady and my memory decidedlY bettor thl\n wblle I waS using coltee, " ( ltko the taBte of Poatum fully al Well as coffee." Name given by P08tum Co .• Battis Creek. Mich. Write for booltlet. "Tbl Road to WelJvJlle." Postum comes In two formll. Regular (must be balled), Instant: POltum doe8n't require bolllng but ta prepared ' Inltnntly . b1 BUrring a lent teaspoonful In an ordInary cup of .h ot .water, which makal It.· r1eJlt for mOlt· p e,rsqua. - . A big cup regulrel more and . IOmt people who ' .like Itrong thinp put III 8 he,plng 8Poonful .nil telllP8r It -wltb & IlU1ro' IUPjlly' of. cream. ~ ,

We Pause for a Reply, " Colleges are supposed to be InIU, martyr and gent le maid stood within died; h ero Rom e bru tnllzed h e rel'lt and within tb ese wall:! str ove to crulllI tution H of len rnln g, a re tb ey not?" til e " ast aren a to die for Christ. "Ot courso." Tb e empero l' Is there ; the nobili ty out truth. "Then p e rhaps yoU con teq me wby Hore Pagan Rome fell an d Chra.0' Rume Is there; tie r upon ti e r Is d cnsely llacke d; the wUd beasts pa'A' Han Rome rose. The bloo rl of tbe mar a root ball victory ranks milch hl.gh01' tllaJl 0118 achieved I~ a debate." tbelrcageR. Impatient for tile feast; tyrs was th o s eed of tbe church. ! ooe bundred tbous8.nd volce8 -shout. Time Table tCl Moon. • : "Tb e Christians to the lions!" A ..-Ianta That Reaemblo Ston e •. A French engineer haa undertaken . IIprlng, Ii growl. a Ql,llver and another In South A C:-Ica tilere Is tound II moon .. hero has gone to God. Every brick. p.lant ot the genup. MeBemgryant~. to show that a trip to and etone, .anel. grain . of Ban4 In this mum, !I' 0:w1ng on stony . grourJ4 . BolentUlcally teaa~bht ~4 . bal pr. m!ghty nl.In bas been "l1etUl~ b~. the .~\11ch .- 80. c1.l!sely resemble!! a 11.bbic .pared a lIcll~u.le t-J ndtcaUq tha1 the' . -~meDt -.DtU~f01l · &II1~W,'t"'~~.I:. 'f';:" '1J I 8mOliD ~JI"'" blood IIbad ther:e, Bere 'a Felled.... that. It III Invatlably t~ 117 . ~ trip could be made III Ci -mlnutOll aDd 5G .aecoDu. it 8 tI ·1bIit -war 1D~=~~~i and 'pel'J)t'tu~ a C~ui ~nd 'P,aD~L .tr~!le 'fIll a I~ . " • p '~ , • ' . '. . "TI/,~~te . . . . .







.' who told of the !n a n 1\' t.,) c:oold Dot walt. Tbe cf'ow d 011 Kh o re Ilu ll cl a nd haul ed Ull th " rupt's ulllil Ib e lr hll0<18 won' bli,;«(lT!'u anti >,o re : rust, fast, for lh o wr 'l'K " UH br ... "I, llI g up lIu d 'he

rrHE AYRSI-IIRE AND THE IRON CAI{ How a Newfangled Invention Saved 200 Lives By C. H . CLAUOY.

., ~~M llHn:~

ul " hOl'r o\' un' u8uII II )' mo,·,· hl fl hl Y co l· or" ll lh,," d" ~I'\' lp llo ll ~ w,IU t' lI lit t h o tim e. On,' mig ht dlt;coulIl th e " l o r ), ul llll' Mtorlll Ilf .Iun u a r )' 12, l ~r' lI . Ir II l' l1l1l~ {rolll .'.\ c · wl tllc,, ~ ,· s . 1'I'('alllll l'; I1 t lhis fa r· di s t a lll rl atf' th,' b1lll lllll l: ""UW the moun l" llIc 118 ,\av t'H . !Ju l whe n th o ,.0 · bpr I' n cyc lol,edln !lnt! th ,. 10cII I b ls lorl .. s ha th Il IH'uk o r Ih lH tr" nl Pll duU f; bli zzll.rd Ill! ot " unh r·nrc!·o[ vlol l! ue u" alit! 1II' )'on" Ih,' \low"r or word s," It III a rll ir illlc' II' IIl'l' thll t It r .. " lI y WI\.! I


r E! tllltrkahl e


a starrn ,

t l " .... 1\


Dn d <:I1I1 <l n ·" . lIlId [h e uuoy tak eu Oli O a t n 111111' An Aeri a l Bea n Po t. lIut lJ II,UUw hll e lh o Il r,., car "'a.,. bt. n t Intu till' '1' /111> nnd wlllln~ hllnd ~ ha ul, ,,\ It o ut. !'lor w a H th ll r' h es lta. lloll !luOlit olJ .... ll lng or ge tting In to th p Quee r ('ontrlvunc&- tb e 1Iuh.nat. lopp 'd ru und· b" lI1 e d. cor l'u g ltt~d 11'011 pot, th ltt 100 11 8 HCIU'CfI b ig e uo ugh ro r oue, YEl t In whi ch sevr' n growlI Jleo nle' ca ll b,· puc k .. d tllr oll l! h llll, liny h alc h t(J li" ~ hul In he lpl pHH, ~urdln •. I xKrdu s t lIw Iron wa lls , c hill e d to tlll' murrow an d 1111 bu t HlltfoClLt NI w\1 b

At ·

lun ti (' wllll .' r ,. tol'm . 'l' h" 8no w WUti bo th thlc·k and "'h l rl,,<1 In J;rl-lIl clo ud s by a I"rrltk gal e, willch I,artoli I.h " whlto tll1ke~ one minu t e for a guze !ur to He ll . Olll y to hid e l h .. WII " OU lh"1nsc l\' 6S from thoye on ah ore th{4 IIl'ltt. Th" "01,1 WflR hlu(.I'. a ll,1 Ih o wl ud Buc h l b a l .., CD hfld dltn c ult y slandlng In It. T o "alk with Ii 10ll K coal or ollsklll K WllS t:npo sslblt'. Th e IWIt, a ccordlllg to d e· ecrlpUon , wall ".!Uc h thal no uoat C:Quld 11'1 8 , no matte r ' wbat brave bfll1.TlA be r N eW mlgbt corry ." lu this s torm th ~ Briti s h s hip Ayr· aMre , ca rrying Immigrallls t o till s country , toundered IllId s tru ck, two tlUndre d ya rds from s hore at SQuan B each , N"w J e n. e y. Go ve rnm e ut I!f e. !Ia"lug spn Ice th e r e Wall non e nt that tim e , lIuch wr ec king service ns WIl8 dOll e be lnK IllllnlljtlJ d hy Indlvlduala and charitable orgaulmt!ons . The «ove rnm e Dt bad Dot Ye t awak e n e d to the lI eed of coust lJ~t ectlon tor Its .hlpVlng, lIor Were IIf""iavlDg devi ces pertocwd th e n as th e y are uow . Of lIelr.bolln/(, ~eJr·rlgbtlng and buoyant lire bOllts tbore wero none. No ODe had e 'l e r hourd or powe r lite ban ta. lIut-hu:lllly for the two hundred and on e Jle<J tJle on tb e Ayrshlr"'~ De James Fral\cl~, wbo Im'e nted co rru . KILt ed Iron, h atl mndt! \\'hat h e l ~ rm ed II "life cll r." which w as s tore d In Il she d n ear tb A beach . wa itin g Born e • u c h opportunit y for d emonstrutlon The Ayrs hire and the "Crazy" Car. The lite car was not looked upon with favor by tholle stou t hearts wblch bad b een u.c('uslomed to brave th e s e u. In ope n dorl oR , clolog what r escu ,) ,,"ol'k they could with ID emclent e Qu ip· ment and depending on hI gh co urage And strong a rm s to snatch live bodie s from wreck and Hen : It was " n e w' 18ftgled;" It was n "foolish Id en; " tl W/15 "DOt s trong e nough o r big eDough" to do the work.

I' ll


U RI '

th ", life ca r uro Ha rEt from drowulug for Ihoug h olr ca n g e t ID . wnt " r .. -I ~ QuuntltlClI, caDUO!. Par thi s is tb,' m e ri t or th e lire cw': sus pe nded frolD II cab le 'l.n.~ hll u/ e d back IiDd tortb by hand . It rid es .. lth e r o ve r the waves, on top or thll WU\' ''8. or through the wan!8, UDd at tim E'S a ll thr ee , 0116 an pr th e other. T h e breeches buoy dro\\'n~ a maD who Is drllgg E"t1 t hrou g h too mu c h WILler, killing ..... hllo 811\' l ng him . To be 8&fe o ve r a bad sea, tb e brellcb ea buoy mUlt be buog hlgb . And he re on th e Ayrsblre, witb no m as ts le rt and 11 two -hundrp.d ·yard pull to sllorl', the r e was no .... ay to hUlIg th e cabl e blgll. So thp little lite ('ar mad e ItK tlut trlJl UDder th e wate r . Invis ibl e and smothe r ed In foam . You c all be very sure It was quickly opened when It cnme to th e be acb ot aDd the ch eer the y gav e tor the seven who were hauled out, almost frozen, sUtT and pa le with th p pallor or too c lose IlD approach of dcath. hns left an echo wh e rever th e Iron ('ar Is used . Two Hundred S~ved. Not seven oDly, hut ove r t ..... o bun · dr ed, die! thiS, the firat, life cor Hllve that day . Twenty·nlue trips It mad e through th e ImplUIsable wltves and the Ind('~crlbllbl e storm. For f'~ery trip Jobn Ma xon talli ed se ven lives Kaven , savo once on ly. That waH wh e n BQID EI man - he ro wbo gave bl s place to a woman or coward nfra ld to walt h l~ turn, who can BIL}' now?- mounLed the top ot the car aft er th e melal hatcb WIl.8 c1Ot1e d nDd left th e Ayrshire cllDging to th e batcl! . No one saw blm go Dar kn e w how lo ng h e cluDg, buffe t e d IIDd b E'a t· e n, on th e pel'lIous perch . The cor clUne In as botore, with seven within.

But 011 th!>! twelfth of JaDuory not the stoutes t be llrt thnt ever beat could take a dory througll the breakers, nor nll Y stre ngth III human arms beat out to .ea against such w ind aDd waves. So that whe n John MaxoD, "wrecll mnate r." propose d uBlng tile IroD car, there wore willing If Incredu lous hlllpo ra In pleD ty to try th e forlorn hope. th Th e car was draggad rrom Its she d. e mortar mude ready- th e Lyle sun bad not theD been IDv e nted- and thl' roUD d b a II w Ith ItS 6 Ie n d er II nt! '· h ram me d b orne . A Dd If t uOso on t e ahaklng hulk six hUDdred reet awny ca.ugbt glimpses of acllvltles aD the beach, It I. doubtrul If th ey bad either h ope a f reSClle or eom pre b eDS Ion 0 f w h 0. t WB8 b e I ult d ODe, t or It nee d e d DO 'BJ'I n eT.... ,u Ray thl s wall no or dl nary m atorm. T h e most IgDomnt of Imml· ._ mue t h ave k Down th a t hi 9 It1'1'Duo chance of reaching ID safety that new country he bad come 80 rar to seek t b t dl s t anee Wall sma, II th oug h b u a B or romaIlie d a f tb e o\'ersea j ourne y. k t b t tI b A f s or now DK w a le y were 0. oul one had .. vcr lJ eard of a life CBJ' -at no that Uni t' . But thoy kn Aw all shipboard whtll to do wllb thl' ball and lin e wben It came aboard, which It barely did, afte r several trl o.l~. It so:> e ms a pec uliar cotncldc n cll tbat lh o utmost stre ngth at powder tbey could e xe rt waH JU Bt so balaJicod by wInd that tho:> bllll' ebould f a ll dIrectl y on tb t? deck of tb e A),r. s hira and Dot s hort, or beyond; Y>' ; tiO It was. al' attl'r (!v e nts Ilroved . The light Itll l~ yielded 11 heavi e r onf'. th e heavier ant! haule d alit 0. cabl e and a whIp. Luct,ill' th e Ayrshire WIIA IIt.Out alld strong. an d h ad s truck to,) far In IUlIl with too mu ch torce to pound. Shp. W06 safe euough for a Bhort tim e, s tron gly built. 1I1H1 n p.(~ p e nough In tb e sand t o torm a firm SUI1' port iDr the cllr Rno thl' ropes . One. cnD Imngin e th( joY of t.h e I/l:no· raDt a l havln/l: corn Dlunlclltion thu ,; ea· t.ahll>sh ed wltb the s hore, a nll tile added horror La cnptnln and crew. who kn~~1 we ll e nm.lgh that n eithe r h es buoy no r hOllt co uld live In that spa, cable or no cabl e. Nor WOUlti there bo lime for bl·cecheB·buoy work The r e we re two hundred and one pasBe~ ge rs aDd crew, many of th e m wom-

Ye t th e re, thot3e who

The Spin·t 0J Bunker Hill Sooner or later every straDser wbo I v sits Boston InvBJ'lably anDounces : "I must see Bunker HilI." June 17 Is th e Id ea l dny to gratlty that wish; to correctly eDtertaln my guests a supply of , Iuscloua chicken aDd ham Band. wlcbes should b e pac ked, with pleDty ot pickles and a few pieces ot pIe, tor Charlestown - acceDt OD tile "town," and proDounce It ' c1earl)', please- Is wlthlD the "pie belt." We c limb tbe stately pile OD Dunker Hili; attend the exercises beld by some histori cal association; liste D to the


strains of that old ode sung at tile dt!dlcatioD of tbe mODument In 1843, wbeD UaDlel W ebster delivered hIs (amoull oration ', behold the parude sweep III malesty a bout the foo t ot th e histori c Illle , aDd watch tbe 91111 fln sh tn golde n glea m!! 011' th e r e nown ed " Sword of !:IlInller 1'1111." LIke many anoth e r blstorlcal landmark that oth· nwls e would h av e been oblit e rated, Runk er Hill hns be e n preserved to pO Ht erlty b y the d e votioD of womeD . Where todRY arc w(, II-le ept turr, a stll te ly monument ann joyou~ Hlgbt. SC!'f9, In 1775 II !lllre E. Uffilllit scarred by ~ Ilnllon-s h ot. 1\ rllW, halr· sodded fleldwol'lt 8 IIl1d low r e doubt ove rl ooked the burning churc hes a Dd house~ or Charlesto wn . I.l c~·ontl rrom tbe Charles riveI', th e Brlthlh men ·of·war join ed thc InDd ha1terleo all the fnrtbH bank 111 th e unren.slng thunder at II l'tlllery, hurllll~ denth upon th e !Df'n or MII~Ba· (' bu sR tts Bay, Yrrmont [lnd Connec t l· cut. Du e north to th e \'PI'Y \'el'go of tbe Mystll' r nn " we ak breastwork a cross pa sl l1l' p land s and mead{)w~ , with bere and tbcre.'lIl or ch ard abloom witb the d All cllte pJllk rtort whit e of nllple, p ea r, cherry and Quince : lipids of ye llo w. hearted . white·t\etll ll ctl dul s les Hw ny e ll In th e ,'ortel( of ca nDon sh ot Rnd the Illnd r ush of furlou~ c bnrges.


The Best Beverage under the Sun-

-:. l ,.'.


!lUlll , Wtllll ; tll : l lu l

d ; ild

b on rd.



lh .. Oil " who ~ o r:ltl nOI ,,,dl , \\' ~ r e Ilull ,' d iJ y mai n h'r{' lI l': lh from u wutf' ry g rlln, IIn,J He l on ~ h o r, ' . CO ld . ~ha k e Ti . frl gh 1..,\I ·d. bUl sar.·! A Re cord Re r.c ue . Th l '

IIrf;'-Ht1\' lng

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D IRn )"


But u o "' ,,r

1)llfor,' o r " Inc" thl" [11ll" hll.\, ~ au IIHln)' ,,"op le he " ll rt ' ~ ,' u p d rrOll1 riO uad IL " ""('k III ~o 1(, ITl fle II Hlo rm . A ~d th is ruc t Will! r N:ng nl 1. .. d at th" tim ,' ; lhut It r', waB II h a JlIWnlllg '" h lch waD 11 kl' 1,. 10 !:[a nt! II11 1Qu e ror hUlldrC' ds 01 ycar ~. So t.ho lill ie IIr" Cllr, no lon l'i" r Dew a lld s h a pely. but do nt.e d I,nd but· ret E' d by wu " t; and sanc2 and lDaD Y IIIJa " }, loada o f hum a n lI\'es, waR r'otll'tld rrom IIc ll ve st;rvlc A. Ita bonora won In thiH OliO day's \\ork, aud DOW rE'8lli. objec t at curto~lt)' and of ve ne r a tlo ll . In th e llnlt .. d States mu· se um at Was h!ngton . ror all to IIP e who look . Tb e Rand burled th t; A yrs hi re. 8S It th e oceltn . c he ated of Its buman prey , would at least take wbltt It could . Thirty yearn art('r, th e llde- perhaps tbe oce an forgot Its v 'ngeuDce! - un · covered th ~ bonea or tb l) Ayrshire , "Dd ID th e m WU8 found the ball whlcb fell aD dec k. bringing th e li ght lin e wh ich spe ll ed lite for two hUDdred . That ball, now lIultably engraved , i8 one or th e mOHt, If not th e most, che r· Isb ed possessIo li S of th e life-s a ving service, which gTew with the years and necese lty Into its present hu ge proportloDs. Tht;re aro ~ tlll life curs ID the lila· tlons of the servIce. f' or many years lifter thi s d OnlonSlrallo ll th e y played a big PlU't ID s nvlng II rp., lInd probably will uga lD. or late y ell "s Impro\'ed lire boats, b e ller fltcll itl es ror erec ting nnd us ing th e breec h es buoy. and flDer life-s aving m e thod s h a v e made Its ule les s commoll . But It Is a lways ready . tb e last rpoor! 01 th e c r e ws w b e n all el se fall s. u.nd no m u l ter wllllt th e COD· di llon .. or ho w lin d th e s t orm . there til always tbp me mory oC this slory anti the Al'l'tih I rl'- whlch e \' e ry 8 urtman knows---to pro \'e ' tbat, be conditions wbat th e y Dla)', whU e th er e Is lite "0 sllve lind th e lite csr t o HH'e It wt,b t hero Is s tili hop". .


Tf" d

HlId g'n ' ''11 ('fl ll

n o I nll J.;flr bf> Sf'e n ,

but In 1. h,·lr pl a('es wi ll app c'a r s h ud cB or )''' ll nw or hi lif' . 'rills rl·g lo n at th e P,' PN I,: KIIO\\ II I1S th (' v .. ll ow· blu "'. I r ,h,· ('o ln r be 1lI0v ed RU lI f"r lh er to Ih<' s l,I,' tl l(, )'ell o \\' a nd lJl ue wtll di s· lIPIiPar and "nl), grn y ran bl' seeD. 'I'I II ~ rt'l; ion Is IITIOWII ns t h e WIl O at c· u lfl l.l pfp (,,, lor lJ llr"l nPHB . An Intcr"HIllI g t h ('of}' In rp!:u rd to t h eRe zo ne s I ~ Iha l "" c r y norma l 1")' 0 TI'prpspntll t hrp,' s ta ges or (! \· olll(\on . Til " ZODfl o r .'ompl"tp co lor bl indn ess is t hn low es t 6tagp. nnd a pw'arR In Milc h ani· mals li S tl, o fnl!:. who~c vlsloD Is kn own a s s h s dow ,·I Rlon. T h e blu ey" llow zon(' Is one s t e p hi gh e r In tbp. scale . l~l1hough not cle nrly mark ed off In th e aDlma l kin gdom . And t he appl'ura nce at th e r e d·gree n ZODe mark s tb e high est s lag" or c \·o lutloD. Cases or c olor bllndneslI are , accord· Ing to tbi s th eory, a lack of development beyond tbo l'llrly stoge of IDdl· vIdual li re . -StI'llDd Maga%lne .

DeliciouS' Refreshing ' Thirst-Quenching


Really Not Up to Her. A girl fOl'celi by h e r parenlM 1111 0 a I disagr eea lllp nHitch with 1111 old mUll. ~ whom she tl e t.f'~t e d . wh ell tbe c iel'lU ' I lIIall can1l' to Illat IJart of tbe senko " "h e r e tb e b r irl c is osked It IIh a ('on· 81' nts t o talt e th e b, ideg room ror Iwr hueband. salcl. with gTeat s llllpll c\t \ "Oil , d e:nr, no. sir ! But vou am l h p firs t pe rson who ha s a s k ed' illY opln io r, /l bollt th e m at t(' r."

shot. Tom kn e "; l hat . 1 was whut I , dog srn ells it., and if th e r e 's l\ s tili pre t e nued to he , :l IIl1nlng engineer ' fllr a s fiv ~ mil e s up, h Ol' 11 V,lllt." looking for coni outcrop. But we '1'be m ouD talneer unders tood n I 'Tenneuee Mountaineer Understood came upon a "co, ·tte ," wllo eyed m e Rhowed by DO t~ln ~ or bls ~ye u~b~~ , tho J.oke and En"arlled It With aDd my dog , which ran by lhe buggy, the hilmar bad lad, ed III him. HI. Own HlImor, wIth a ~_U8plclous s tare..... "Thnt ·s rigbt Interestln'," ne com. . "You·r.1I Illmlu' to glt s ome' bITds?- me nted. " !::lilt I ··WIIS j,!~ t ..IU I ' T gm .JerDlgan , Iny drl "el', bad been h e 8sked. "There's a flock of whether b El was aD atple jacl; p 'l:t:r .e,spUUnlllg, to m e bow Ole eastern ':eD: PQ't'ldges In t~e bot tol!1 oyer ~o,~ ,But' or a BOU/'oInaS~ 8e~ter. . W!I\ you ge nDEuee mountaIneers ha~ rev,~ue , y~'U·al1 is goln the wron~ way • .' flem " .buy a s much 8S ' a Quart f " .omcers wbo wer!! .on ' t h e lo~ko~u't! .. " Nope," answ r e d J ernlgaD III1)emu. , .mOOnihlne sU1I1 IUId gave lIome local 1y "Thla' ma n's a 'r evenue ' omeer. . , sill! MUc·h . Room ,In ,Bra:dl. . <color to bla atory by pointing OJlt ' Tba.t dog'lJ a new', dtig, he III-tL whlBk~ ~ra.t\ ca~ ~ccommodat~ lUaDY nili. lII,",oel .where lit least ..two bad I1.eeI! dOl, Wben eome to a .Cl'eek that lIon8 pe.OII1e Wifll.out ove~rowdhj.,



Cubonattri in Bottlt.,


1ft ... A.~

''''"k ..




IJE8T BOYIJSHOES'" I," WOWLD ,2.00, ,2.10 /IIf~ Th.........t makers of


Men". aad $4.00

ab_ ill the wadeL


_ ____ _

Remain. of Old Civilization. Scattered tbrougbout the CarollDe Ialands, Dotably at PODape a.Dd Lele,are massive rulDs, ODe at a Bart at VeDlee whose origin Is wrapped lu mYBtery: HUDdred s of acres In aome 10callUea are covered by the remalDI of walll, caDalB and earthwork ot a IItupendouB character. There are old roads paved with stone blockB, ancient stODC plat· forma, and on the lagooDs rulna of wbat were once IlBh weirs. Tbe olrer a rich lIeld for the arcbeologill t.

A Ol.tinctlon. Ste l1 l1 - :\'o UlalL 10 realy indisp t>nsa· ble, you kDOW. Bel1 a -- But Bomo maD Is .


Taking tb e whole of Europe Into CODslderat.lon, th e re are 107 IDhabltants ',a the Bquore mile. Whatsoever a .man retlpS some otbe • (ellow probably pl/mted.



Blpatureof In U . . For Onr SO



Children Cry for Fletcher's Outort. The Renon . "There II a great deal or BDap and go about Jlm80D's bualDeBi metbod •. " "How BO?" " He mokell rat traps ." A pretty girl kDows try to hold band • .



- - -- -- --- - -

The Wretchedness SPECIAL TO WOMEN e te Do you realize the tact that thoul&llu or wOmen are now uslDC of Const Ipa Ion 'I.


~ A Soluble Aatiaeptic Powder

their duty.




muat bear





-' zz: ...

__ __ .. .__ __ _ _ _ I lOUi oeDd 00. pillt of tb. b ... h lll~-', ';;';;; .....d. and lb. (orO\ l1 ta for maklnc " (or tOe Whe n a mon nd.nlt.s tbat he 18 on a. t:lU'fl daDdru",. 810." lulllni toalr. M.. k.. Ii foo\'s !'rrand you npf' d not h es itate to crow v 1corous , « Inlay li nd b ~o..U llf u l. Money h ac k If n o t .ntl,. tl t- d.. O. 1\1 . NE,,'}I: I I Uf!pt tnke his wort l fo r It. 1 G. 3-':7 Mulrbe nd Ohllt.• Sa o Fmnci...:"o. ( ' a':

No tboulrbtrul p~l'!lOn u hl!s liquid blue. It'. • pinch of blu o In R IRrg .. bottle of .A slo [or Red CI'OSS Hall llluo . . Adv.


Important to Moth.,.

Purely vegetable -oct surely and lently on the liver, Cure Biliousness, He ad. a c be, for D&DI~tuK' Partle.s amI tor B~ ak lnfr tn New Dizzl. Shot-.. IGhea Instaut r e llef to Tlretl, Acb\ng. Swollen. Tender I'~et.. anti t.akcfJ the Stillit' ou, Deal, and Indigestion. or Corns ADd BunloutJ. Stunples FR KE. Addrtea AIIOD S. Olm.te.... Le a"7, N . Y.-Ad • .


l!IzamlDe carefully every botU. of CASTORIA. & aare &lid aure remed, for Infant. anel chJlclren. and ... that it


I .





Drmand the: Genumr14rf,,"c Sublli,,,,... .


813 E . SecoDd St., Muncie. IDd.~"M, little g :lrl ha4 a bad breoklDg Ollt on the Bca.\p. It wna IItUe wblw lumpll. Tbe pimples wo uld break out as large u a com mOD pinhead an o ver har head . 'rhey would break and run yel. low ma tter . Sbe aulfered Denrly a year with Itching and burDlng. It we.s 1I0~ aDd Itcbed all tbe time. The matter that ran from her head wna ven' thick. I din Dot comb ber balr very of teD, her head Vo'llS too 80re t o comb It. &lid when I did comb, It came out In bUD ches. Some nIghts b er head Itched 10 bad sbe could not Bleep. "1 tried several dllferent and olDtments, also pateDt medi ci De, but DOtlllDg could I ge t to stop It. I began using Cutlcura Soap nDd Cutlcura OIDtment this Bummer after I sent for the tree samples. 1 used them and they did so much good I bought a cake or Cu tlcu ra Soap and aome Cullcurn Oln tmeDt. I wn.shed her he ad with Cutlcura Soap and rubbed the Cutlcura OID lme Dt In the Bcal)) every two weeka. A ~'eek after J had washed her bead tlu'8e times YOIl co uld not tell she ever b lld a. breaklDg out OR ber head. Cutleul'a Soap and OiDtment also made the hair grow bea.utlfully." (.sIgned) Mrs. Emma Pa.ttereoD, Dec. 22, 1911. An oll tb e orchard:. were full of red· CU W:ura. Soap and OIDtmeDt aold coated, whlte-galtered Infantry ; the througl!lout the world. Sample of eacb s Dow ·whlte daisies we re marred by tree, with 3%·p. SkIn Boot. Address great splashes of lire-blood , aDn the ~!~ard "Cutlcura, Dept. L. BOlton." rJll s tures strewn wltb patches of scar· It!t. where sold Iers In their py uDI· Change. of Climate. torms had fallen to r is e no more. To A scieDtist who rece Dtly Investigated the left 1\ halt'Bcore ot llrass howlO:· erB, IlOsted allJld brlc k·kllDs and clay the cau ses ot secular varlatloDs ID tempits, sought to enfilade RDd s weell peratul'e at the earth's surface thinks that O:ley are more probably due to away tb e BaymeD who kept the hilI. ehaDges In the amount of carbonic Farmers, lIallore, 1\sherme n, trade s · acid ID tb e atmospbere thaD to varlameD, clad ID everyday gllrb, IlTmed tlODS In the h eat of the IIUD . If the wltb tbelr homely weapons ot the cbase , with scarcely a flag to figh t un. amouDt of carboDlc acid that tbe air DOW CODtalDS was dlmlDlsbed a little der , suffe rlDg hunger, thirst aDd b·earl. more t h an bait, tbe mean tempenlture " nesa under t he broiling sun, coolly all over the earth would, It III lltated, t I ~ ra ned acroll s the Bunker Hili breB8t· drop about eight decrees, which would work the 10Dg, rusty tu!Jes wblch bad be su!llclent to brlnc OD another gla' already heaped windrows of dead and clal period. On tbe other baDd an Indying meD UPOD the nelda below ' crease at carbonIc acid to betw~en two where the new·mown h u.,· Dtlll lay dr.v . and three time. U. preaaDt amount D Ing. The UrlUsh Ilnp.8 cODtlnued to would raille the mean temperature 16 cbarge. "DoD't flre until you see the degreel' and reDew the bot time. of whitea of their eyes!" The word PB8!O- the Eo,c ene epoch. d ed own the IIDe or set faces, aDd leve lled guns ', a mom ent later bOllrse 8uperatltlon ano- Jurle., cries, " Fire! F1re! " rang out·, II crash Attel· having Bat aD many juries the or triple vol\e"s and the rattle of dead · obaervllDt man 1& of tbe oplDlon tbat ' Iy flle-flrlng foll owed. The powde r the whole human race Is stili stroDg· f al Ied . th e provincial s brolt e away pur· Iy tarred with the brush of .ulleratlsued by PltcolrD's marlneH-for tbe tlOD. " I am confirmed ID that be l ief by tbe I DlomeDt, Ollr fathers' bOlle of \'Ictory amount of damages Invariably voted to '\\'8S over. plaintiffs whose Injuries smack ot BU· Ye s. \' Islt Bu nker 1.1111 : look UpOII " perstltlous orlgID," be said . "It a load monum ent erected to ('hNlsh th e of brlciks ehould tall from a flftb Btory memory of a deteat that brought s ue- wIndow OlltO the he ad ot a maD who cess. for Victory crowu ed th e \,lID· hnpp e n ed lo be walking und e r a Indder I Qulsbed tbat day . , Tbe clay se t upnrt be would ge t twi ce as much damages ! to COlUmemorate the b attle of nunkf'l' OB If t b o ladd e r were not there . The HIli Is e xcl usive ly Il Cbarles t o wlI h a ll · el emeD t or !J 1~d luck thnt nttaches to a dn)', but. far wili e r tbllll 1l0ston'H '·l l'l· Indder would insensibly influ e uce e very mounta ln K" ~ IJrend~ the spi ri t or Juror. and the sum awarded would reo flulllter H ili throughout a Dation fl eet th eir prejudices and sympathies." elirlstened a u that day In th e red ' blood or Am ('rlcan rree mnn. -J oe If: YOU ARE A TRIFLE 8ENSITIVE Mitch e l Ch l'\lplc , In tbe :\':l tlonnl Mng· ..bout "be size of your »h()(!., rOll call wear. else B m., Il~r by ab ..klng Allen'. Foot-Kase, tbe azlno:>. antiseptic powd e r , In to tbem. Ju st the tbloW




Tuts Used by Railroad s Show That Almo.t Everybody Is Slightly Color 'Blind.

m :_lbli u r I lIlrn 1h'T:tntg p.:Ptl lll l' U tH:nrcety The \.;, r lou~ l<'>l t 9 for eo lo r hllntl· dlmln lM hed On lh " low dC' c kt! wh ell a n eMS bn.\'I' eom' IIII U pru elle,,1 use ID !'In III lh l Il ylll/: ~1I0\\' Hhow .. d ll\!' Ay r · th ., e xa minati on o f rnll rourl "n g ln c(' r s s hire' " wli il ,·" bhrolllltod r01'1lI to lilOs(' a nd th e IIk 'l. w hr,re t h e i'.bllity t o t!1~ · UII Hll or,', '1'" dra t-: " II",I\' Y ('ar ~ I :t l ion),:u l"h ('o lorA Is rfee" B!lnr)'. · 8 0 thnt r 111I11d l'l1 (\ rtJI'i ou l . HIIl I tl l" fl IlulIl I I Ih" s l' t'~ 9 t R are nn IOIl ~(' r p ('t: IIl\a r t o h UU l " " ga in , bdl -)I H n d )U\\" -- flU \\l lll' h" la h orato,·y. Hut II IR 1I0t gpne r· d el' lIlt' lr !ta," IH ~ o[ ~nrt\ IIlId I h('lr ally kll ow n (\ ... Ihl> l"bOl'll lo r ), thllt ar llH50 c a \-,' uut~ Th"1! .f o hll ~' I1 ", un (' \'(' r,l'1II)1I ), Is pa nl a ll,l' "0 101' lH lll ct tHou);hl hi" ox ' u IIIl" 1,I,cy IL n d ttl(! th at t ~ . In (" ' rta in Dltrt s "r th e tll'lll or two IJltl ddl f'h I" ',,; IH \\' oll ( ~ li IIl1com· \'I , lon . Til l" '"O!lt li o rma l I IIc1I \, llIuIII plu.III III/(I .\ 1/olt'I< fwd lo rth, buc k and I' Il I1 R ... " all th " colo,'s o lll\' wh ,'n h e lor lh, u ll dl! ) 101 ' /1 . u lI (il lit e had lo" kR tlllPl' tl.v lit l1H"" . Ii loo\;"cl at D1 ILde I\\ C'lIt," lIllIl' [rips UIIO .. ," '! ), lasl fr om on al1~ l e or IIholll fHl,'pn [It' grI'P8


Ilttl ~ n lr .


A dollar "alue

t~~~ ur

u a remedy for mucou!!. membrane atfectlons, such aB lIore tbroat, nallal 01 pelvic catarrh, InfiammatloD or ulceraUon, caused by femnle Ills? Wome D ""bo have been cured Bay "It Is worth Ita weight In gOld." DlBllolve In water and apply 10cal\y. For ten years the Lydia E, PInkham MedlclDe Co . haa recommended PntlDe ID their private correepoDdeDce with women. For all hygienic aDd toilet us es It baa no eQual. ODly 60c a large box at Drug. gllIts or aeut postpaid on receipt of price. The Pulon Toilet Co. Bosto.. Mus, ' .. -- --- ~-

---- -


p'~"d •• , ...... , ... ' nctl .. nd Ull. aU .dIe. ,

"'H'cJa l- S;;;t-;


u lO&D o r

oame Dtai.con Y 4uLlea.t. cbeep. L •• ' . al' • • • • Oll. of meal, caD',.p::'or~p

Rnz o r. Th e ch cllpeet Dud belL It I. f\.Jl Ih th o blade. ~1(l1J.)' ha~k II not .. IIaH ed , · S. nd 10. a,Dd eft on lj b y r~ turn mati. 81.'AR SPIC(. lAl," CO~lI·"~ ~V. 418 S. IIECONIl ST

I_OUI/WD. !;),:, K\:,


o."r l wJl1 not loll or


lD~ur. an,tbln •. OU&ran~ft1 04'fte1.'",,,

All d ••


U.OLD 10QU, no


'.r.f or"hou ' o r fl .OD.


An, IIn,UTD, It.


~.a SALE-Mo.l", Pliituro ~''''bI1l'' ~.., .. nil, proU .... bl!! blUI.n8l L ·!ttf'" ad,I..,. J)oD:\

oIILYe.. · 'l'", I!; WrU.. D&.I.So ....... W.UltfoO_ . W~


- - ----- '.- - -_.- --- --I ADDI TION AL -.-




L(' lIl on (,risl'~ . :1O f" r t ile . Aeropl ane Cakes. 1:, for IOc ~Ul1nOwel' (akc~, ~ for !)c

Edg'(' mont Crackt' l's . the h e~ t aackel ' mach', c ri>!p &. crea lllv. New mi 'd full Cream Cheese , Heim. anc! Beedln lll Peanut Butter. Beechn ut Dried Beef. Rose of :sharo n Cuffee , the . lOc k ind , for ::lOe a pound .

Lemons . Pin eapples . Hanana s, New Potatoe s, New Cabbag e. CukeB, S; rawber ries. Cherrie s. Everyt hing good to eat at t he right prices al1 the time, a t













--- ---



Thos. H. Hog-era wi ll be one of the gradua tes of the Ohio University at Athens , ill t hei r coming com mencement. Mr. Rogers will ' gradua te in the degree of Bachel or of Science in Educat ion. Raymond Spahr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Spahr, will be marrie d to Miss Ethel Shufel t, of F ranklin , Kan. next Tuesda y. June 24, They will reside in Pittsbu rg, Pa" where Mr . Spahr has a Ilositio n in the y , M. C.

The Origi nal Vacu um Carpe t Swee per ....

Swe eper -Vac


Is the only Vacuum Sweepe r in the world t hat runs a real carpet s weeper in combin ation with the vacuum cleaner , with the possi· bility of using either separat ely. Remov es every particl e of Dus t, Dirt, Thread s, Lint and Hairs.

Chas. I. RCt'd, of Cincinn ati, in wri ting to friends says: "We have just receive d word from St. Mary's Hospita l, Evansv i lle . Ind ., that Reyme r is there sick with typhoid fever. as this is his second at· tack of this disease . we are conside r· ably worried about him ...

Every Household in the World Should Have One

. ~


Albert Cleave r is attendi ng the weddin g of his sister, Miss Jessie Cleave r. in Minnea polis, Minn. , this


Sold by


F:~ :::::=.:.:~~~un~ay.

There was compan y In the parlor, and little Marjori e, overhea rd" listened longingly to the Bounds of fun and


laughte r that from time to time Hoated up to h er chambe r. When. by and by, h er mother came In for a last look and k18S. she found her darling w1de awake and reproac hfnl. "Oh. mamma ," was th e unexpected excla· matlon of the small malden. "I'VIl been so lonely, lying here all alone, whlJe you were having such a liberal time

Wayne sville, Ohio






~I r.


S u it s $1 0



Perfec tion ill like the sky---in sight, but out of reach . You'll only find "perfectio n" in two place s--the dictio nary and the mouth s of fools. .

OUR CLO THE S for summ er are near perfeCtion u "try hard." and "know how" can make them. u


Three machin es in one. 1. Run as combin ation vacuum cleaner and carpet sweepe r. 2. Vac· uum cleaner alone. 3. Carpet sweepe r alone.


He re's a Go od On e For You


Br os .




and Chick Feed, Coarse and Fine Cracked Co rn.


,H en de rs on




1--- --- --- --- --- ------- --- --- -,

... CERESOTA ...

Welche s Grape J uice, PUle Lemon Jui ce.


W. N. Sears made a bU8int'ss trip \ to Greenville Friday.

Hender so n Bros. - Car fre~h Mich· Allen I·lain!!S . of Xenia, attende d Memor ia i llervice s here Sunday . Mr . and Mr.s. S. L. Cartwr ight en· ig-an Sail. terlain ed at dinner Thursd ay. the ..... ..... ..... ...a.~~~... ~ .•MM~ .~~_ ._ _aM~'·. .~.£.&nHP~ij'~ Miss May Wright spent Sunday Mrs. J . C. Hawke was in Dayton I followi ng R'uesL'l: Rev. and Mrs. J. opd Monday Tuesda in Cincinn y, the g uest of relative s. ati. F . Cadwa llader , Mr. and MrR. G. E. S taple and Fallcy Groi:e ri('s, Nl:w Potat( l('s , Ca hha g(', Riley, Mr . und Mrs. W. H. All en a nd Mrlil. Winnie Maso n and ch iid ren, l I{aymo nd William son, of Day ton, F':L's h ClTl'a ls, ctl: .. dc. Miss Oli ve McCo llum. of Xenia. llre ~pendin g today with \'l ~ itcd hume folks Sunday . ,RED CRO SS-T he great warm -wt'at her Chees e. Ed. Macy and family. Mi s!I :Ylary Davis enterta ined the I Ray ~mith. of Brookville. Slw nt Wayne Townsh ip Teache rs Thursd ay Mrs. Ma ry Wi!:le and Mr. Michea l .I afterno on in hon or of Miss Helen Sunday with hi ~ family here. McDonald were week·e nd guests of I' Th e Bread F lour that is witho ut a P ee r. McClur e, who i ~ to be a June bride. Miss E:thc1yn J one~ a rri ved hom e T. E. Cummi ngs and family. A dainty t wo·co urse luncheoll wu s f rom OxforJ l1oll eg-e last week . w se rved on the lawn . . Mrs. Geo. Smith returne d Tuesda y Mrs. Eliza Jaeous , of Gainesville. evening from a two· weeks visi t in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and I-' Ia ., has been visiting her sist er Miss Cincinn ati with Mr. and Mrs. J oe daught e r enterta ined Sunday Mr. Emma H eig hway. Thom pson. and Mrs. Herber t Etter, of Jaylon . ~~~~~~~~----------Mr. and Mrs . T homas Lacy and ~~~~,~~~~~~~~ ---------------------~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ - ~~ -~. ~family, Miss Evea Lacy, M e~Hrs. Warren and Charles Lacy , Harry Kronen berger, all of Dayton , and Levi Lacy, of Lytle

LAURE L HU 'I'T ERCI{ ACKERS A nic .. Tin l10x fn ll of Cnlcke rs fill' :!5.:






Social Eve nts I




Quali ty countA here, and every garmentA just right in mater ial, trimm ing, cut, tailori ng, fit, style, finish, and every thing that goes to make up CI(l,thin, that looks well, fitA well, and weanl well

See ing is Bel iev ing You may be sure of a welco me await ing you alway s at Our Stor. .. The same courte sy is exten ded to "Ioo.k en" u to purch asers.

Too Fond of Giving Advice. He gave advice and never Quit. He tossed It round both far and nleb. and was annoye d when some ot 11' lew back and hit him in the ele. ---~ -


....- - -

Ext ra Spe cia l

Public Sales I will oiler at l'ublio .A.uotlon at the rellidenoe, of F, H. Duke, Lytle, Oblo. on


o ~

The Paint Ques tion will be settle d when you let us open up a can of B. P. S_ Paint for you.

Come In! We'll expla in why we believe B. p, S. is the Beat Paint Sold.

(Saturday, June 28, 1913

Uomme nolng at 1 p. m ., the fol. lowing bousoh old goods: 1 Oak Bedroo m t:!nite, 1 Oak DreSller, 3 eets of 8pnnK8 , 1 Mattr6118, 1 l"rge Parlor Lamp, 1 8tfmda rd Oil Lamp, 1 Dining Hoom 'fa'ble, 1 Bingle and Folding f'A1uoh, 2 Kitche n Cupboa rde, 1 Secr,,'a ry, 6 Rookin g Chair8, Wasbb oiler, Churn. Gla88 JIUS. Jelly (jlas~es. Ioe Cream Freezer , Pio'ure s, Carpet s and many other things too numer ous to mentlo n -. Terms -Cuh . Anna E. Bake. C. T. HaWke , Auot. Walter Kenrio k, Clerk, The exeout or8 of the estate of

Sarab Berryh ill, deoelllled, will 8ell HEND ERSO N BROS. I .t publio sale at her Itl.te re81denoe Corwin , Ohio miles Mouth !I\I___ ___ Bellbro on 'he ___ ___ _ i lly' Wayne svilJe andofBellbro okokpike, on


Th is Pap er USES THE

Special Newspaper Auxiliary Service


Friday, June 20, 1913


a' ]0 o'olook the followi ng ; 1 hOrlle, 5 head cattle, II h . ad hop, lot of bouse hold artloles , 8'Jme farmlD& implem ent.(l and 80me very an'lqn e furnim re. 8ee bills for term8. Bessie G. Woods Laura A . Hinkle , Exeon' ors. A, A MoNeU, .Auot.

A S ui t S al e 105 Suit. in full range of sizes, that were forme rly $12, $15, $16, $18 values , offere d for

(Clncln" ati, Ohio,

n. t.u.•• t


Pabllahl ... H _

fa dI. W orlll


Read the Ipl8n<ll4 lIpeclal aDeS

lUu.tratl eS '.tur•• ".curld es· Clvalvely tor ollr reader., prlnt -

.. o. til. lul4e pal" D 88011 188\1• • f WI •••I • • plr.

,;- -~.-

The execu' or of ,he will of Eliza· beth B. Moore, deceas ed, will lieU at; publlo I!ale at h er ibte reslden oe in "aynes vllle, O:hlo, on

Thursday, June



Oommenolngo at 1 o'olook , the fol, lowing ; Lot of An'iqu1 e Furnitu re, luoh &II braslll andlrol l8 and old diebel. At 3 o'olook 'be honle and lot wUl be oiler-ad for ule. Bee bUll forterm e. A., B, Ch~dler, O. .T, Hawke Auot. El<\eontor.

Suit. that are tailor ed u well u merel y made ,

$9 .75

A Sto re For Boy s

Broken lines-o ne or two of a kind.

(The Kings bury Co. only)

Splend id styles - Bre just wh.. t they should be-ma nnish yet youthf ul-size s rangin g from 7 to 16.

Also about 35 SUI'ts IOn $20, $22, $25, $28 value s at

$5 Up

Th e Cri teri on Will .ell in

$1 4- 75 Sale

Furnishings and Hats i •

Most of theBe Suits are medium In weight and luitabl e for all-yea r-round wear.

.. T he· C'r

~-------------- --------------~,

it er io n


~1 Ti le !~!~~!.l C o.

__ _H_at... s .

,.... I

'---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


Wede n Newspaper UnioD

Bo ys ' No rfo lks




tam 3ixty-FOUl'th Year



'-~::::::::::::::--i:===""'~--~--"':~:';;=::"':'::::'::":~~:"--------Whole Number 3217 THE FARMERS CLUB -- - - - - - ---..-.. OBITUAR Y At the ple...n' .oun t,y home of rr=:=:~::~:=:==-~::::::::-···-··-·::::h"_.:.:.h:::::::::::~.::;..! I Social Events , - - - - - - - - - - - Mr. and Mrs. J oseph Dpardoff. the II Personal Mention Column ~.: \',L~hli Irene Je~s()p, daughler uf .---------- -. Mrs Anna Sturzena('ker (nee Wayne Tp . Farmers Club was held Lt Levi Lou isa J essop. was burn


+----------0 I Former Citizens







horne I'n Gar . June 18. 1913. In the absence of the . ....•. ~.- .. - .......-.~. , _ ........ - ... _ . . .._ ....--..... , , .._.J 1 Burnley) died at hftr Mrs. Nann ie Kendflll entertained \; _ _ ... _ •• -.. •• _ ......-+++ . .......... ........._ . .. .. ........_ t nL'ar Kin!{rnan, then kno wn as Sh,'lrlJ!1 dena. Cal.. Monday Jun e 16, 1!l13. president and vice president. Mr. G. _ ...._ ............ ................... July 17. 1:'177. At an early age he r Thu rsdav II I dinn er. Mrs. Rilla 8. Riley was chosen to fill the va. .Henderson Bros. - Standard Rinder Hendc I'son B I·US. Fru il J ar~ . Atlas pa rel\t~ moved to the vicini tv of I3 row n. of Centerville. and the Misses y...,C ol.e of thoue ~ Twine. all(I I'.H I II . Anni e and Marne Urown "" Ii a rv eys I Jurg. I I ere S Il C at t l!ntlrti . cancy. The day \ "rare days in June. when, if ever. school. anti ~ pent the remainder or Prof. J. O. Falkinburg. ex·Super· come perfec t days." The murnin g SaJturclay. . M. Tayl or was a Daytonvl· s.·J·t or r''u unu.• "A cI oa r. key. ()w ner call Ilcr lifL' A u~usl :'.7. IH9Ii . she WIlS i ntendent of the Sayler Park Public hours were, as usual. spent in Rocial g-d itl,y applying' at tins oflice . nlalTi ecl to Stanl ey Cl if ton Hawke ' A c() Il\ \lll'l e ~u l' pri se was tend ered School who recently tendered his converse and forming new ac4uain. Mi ss Clara Hawke was a Day lc)n of thi s union was horn one so n, Wil: Miss Lucile iI orm .,1I Ia."t r.'dday resignation from his profession, was tances until dinner was announced. viSItor Friday and Saturday. M i~s Katharinc Gilll un s. who ha s bur Harolrl, who at th e a~e of twelve evening-a l hc r holllc I.v her numerous presented with a gold watch by his whi ch consisted of the choicest of the been very ill . i~ gr!'atiy im pro\'cd. is left motherl ess . friend s. The cven in ~ was ilpent in friends of the community. The pre- land . At 2 o'clock the chairman Mrs. Abi Haines. of Day ton. is th e Or. M . W. Lang, of Hidg- ev ill e, Probably the lead ing characteris· ~amcs and a gene ra l good time. sentation wa s mad e by Thomas Kite. called the meeting to order, lind g uest of Mrs. Lizzie Kauffman. wa ~ in tc)w n Tu esday o~ hu sin.!s::l. tics of hel' li fe were indu stry and Dainty refreshments were se rved . who expressed the appreciation of ~iss Anna MIlY Deardoff renoered a tendern e. s. She was ever ready to Those prese nt were: Elsie Gustin. his long and faithful service B.I! an pleasing piano selection. Mrs. Dr . Mi:lS Annie Brown came home Miss LetitIa Mc Kay wa" the gu c:'< t respond lo th e call of pain either Louella J ann ey . J eann ette Jllnney. educator. Clagett gave some carefully prepared Friday for her summer vacation . uf relativcs in Leuanon Friday afte r- hu man or hru te, and manv an in· Helen Ma rlrtt , Alice Carey. Mabel - - -.... current events of the month. Miss M nnu n. j ured an imal and sufferi~g hird. Cast, Min l!rva Harlan. Eugenia CELElI~ATED BIRTHDAY Elizabeth Chandler, as essayist of d any from here attended th e oweR reli ef. and in some instances Whitaker. Estla Haines, Ethan Mr. Frank Carey and fam ily, of life itllelf, to her tender and skillful Crane , Curtis Thompson. H(,ward day. told of the "H.urlll Awakening" anc ~ at Harveysburg Thursday The many friends and neighbors In . t h e country. and of the effects the Ievenmg. Lebanon. au t.oeu·' to Waynesv ille minist rations. Gustin, Carl Frye, Roscoe Furnas. of Mrs. Lucy Squires met at her boys an~ gi.rls contf'sts were having Misa Marie Miller left Monday for Sund ay . In January Mrs. Hawke under· Harry Meredith. Elliott Wright. beautiful country home last Friday in beautl~ymi' the homes The dis. Oxford college to take a special ~'I X went an ope rati or. which proved to Carl McClure, Harold Whitaker . ., . Solo mon Fred and A. B. Kautl'. b June 20th to celebrate 'her birthday. cusaion on this interesting paper WIIS week's course. man. of Lebanun, were in town e ah forerunner of her death. and A su.-prise was planned but Mrs. opene on t e morning of May 29, 1!l13, at TI Wednesday evenin g. d br Mrs. Hawke and was par. Squires "smelled a mouse" and was ticipated in by several. "What are Mrs. Alethia Alexand er is spend. l::.lU a. m . after untold suffering, 1Ur.~d aya ft. ernoon severaIf'rleod II ready to receive her invited guests the advantages of country life." was ing a few days with relatives 'In horn wi t h a forti tud e seldom seen and neIghbors of Mrs. Albert Shep· Mrs. Enos Hill. of Cedarvi lle. Ohio, h ' h dt d dh . which numbered 130. Numerous the special topic of the_day, and was Dayton this week. s e passed to the Great Beyond. er en ere er a surpl'lse on ac· ~ pent Re veral days of la!>!' week with 0 t r i b ' hd . lanterns were hung around the lawn discusaed at some length.~ by Messrs. The funeral was held at the horne c un 0 IeI' Irt ay anniversary. her mother, Mrs. Romine . A I f and everyone - seated comfortably . Henkle, Elbon, Clagett. Hawke, Rev. Miss Ethel Crisenberry of Mt. of hel' parentson Sat urday, May 31st. very peasan t a ternoon was.spent A one course lunch was served. Kestle and Mr. Jno. Sei~ried. of Gilead is visiting her aunt, M.·rs. und er the au spices of the K. P. Si~· by those present. Ice cream and Mrs. Marg ret Weir a rrived home k dd d consisting.()f ice cream and cake. A the Franklin club. Misses5~ Sybil and Edith Harris and family. e a e much to the afternoon's Sunday from an extended visit with terf~ of whom she was an honored ca en' t Th beautiful birthday cake adorned the Helen Hawke then favored the club member. Joymen : ose present were: r e l !l li ~es at flIu e Ball. Ohi o. M ld H table, decorated with small pink with a piano selection. which was Miss Edna Janney arrived home There are left to mourn her loss, I'S. a ockett. Mrs. John Rich candles.and rOBeS of white. Each heartily encored. Thursday evening from Oxford col. M' hu sband. on, fa ther. mother and and son, Mn. \<'red Sawin and eon. ISS Phebe Moshel' of Cardi ng ton M G candle represented a milestone The invited guests of Mr. and Mrs. lege for her summer vacation. . sister. besid es a host of more distant rs. arfield Peterson and son. Mrs. C IS the g uest of Miss Sybil Haw ke. and passed in Mrs. Squires' life. Good Deardoff were Rev. Kestle and taml' ly I rela ti ves and friend s. urtis Tomlinson and Mrs. at er will visit her cousi n MiS!:! Edith Co music, both vocal and instrumental, of Lebanon, Mrs. Bennett, of near M . rs. E t han Coleman. of Toledo, Mosher. No fai.rer day ever dawned than rwin Haines. Mrs. Charles Hart· were the feat~res of the evening. Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome An. OhiO. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. that on which she was laid t o relit sock. two daughters and BOn. Luther, They all departed at a late hour derson, Misa Mary Anderson, Mr. J. H. Coleman Friday and Saturday. MrR. J. W. White spe, t Friday ill t he beautiful Miami Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Jessup and daug-hter, wishing MI'R. Squires good luck and and Mrs. Isaac Irons. Mr. and Mrs. To the sorrowing ones who loved ' Mrs. D. H . Hockett. son and daughHenderson Bros.- Auto fillin g afternoon with her sisler, Mrs many happy birthdays. She received Quick and convenient. Emma Dakin, at the Children's Home her so fondly . we extend sincere ter. John Seigfried and Miss Helen Sieg. station , many beautiful lind useful presents. at Lebanon. sympathy . and trust that time, the fried. Mrs. Laton Miltenberger of . d M' B II . I G tH I h 1 h d Miss Edith Mosher entertained on Those present · ~ere: Chu. Squires . . InClnnatl, an ISS e e Dame of The band concert Friday evening rea ea er muy ea t e woun s and family. Joe Champion and wife. C brought another big crowd to town. Mr. and Mrs . Roy Ha thaway re th ough the scars must remain forever. Tuesday afternoon at a thimble parDayton were also plea,ing guests 'h turned home Saturday evenl' ng after M ty in honor of her couRinB, Miss Ethel John Green. wife and son. John 1 u program was the best given t his a week' s visit with relatives at Co. Crisenberry. of Mount Gilead, and I_ b ___ ...- - - e season. Thomaa and wife. John McNeil. wife the c NEW CENTURY CLUB Miss Phebe Mosher. of Cardington. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY lumbus ·Grove. Ohio . and . daughter. Parmer Stanley and _ _'_ . Mrs. Priscilla Butterworth. 'Mrs. Music was the prominent feature of family, John Lamb and wife. John Nlltt and .wife; 'Horace bicker and' The Woman'8 ~l1xiliary held a A A. Linton and daughter Ethel of Children's Day will be observed at The annual reception of the New the occasion, as there were seve~l wife. Wilfred Elliott and wife Ed very lJleasant meetmg at the home Wilmington spent Wednesday 'th the M' E. church Sunday mornin~ at Cent~ry Club was held Thursday fine musicians among the guests. wUd Murphy and family, Richai-d of ~~ 1'::1. S. L. Cartwright on Friday Sam'l. But~rworth. WI 10:30. A good prog ram has been evenll1 g at the hospitable home of Misa Mosher being a i'raduate of the prepared for the occasion. !"1rs. J. ; W. White. The affair was Conservatory of Music at O. W. U., . .Brown and wife. Willie Pine and afterno II. 111 the nature of a mu sical. AJthough and Miss Dakin of National Park The dl!vo l i.. nnl exercises were con. Mr. and Mrs. S, L. Cartwright wife, Irvin Ilardman, wife and daughter, Will Hurley and family, ducted by l!ev. J . F. Cadwaqader. spent several days last week at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earnhart. the weather was. extremely hot the Seminary, D. C • while a nuOlber of Sidner Coon aDd wife. Pearl Cornell Scriptural qU{J lati"ilJ were given in Wuhingtoo, C. H., Ohio, and at'l Mrs. Ed. Maey llnd Mr!! . M. L. Par- s~acious rooms were very ple8.S8llt. the other lluests have talent far shall were entertained by ~r. and Each member of the club represented above the ordinary. Dainty refresh· and family. Allen" Erne.rick and response to rol l nil. After tht> tended the State Encampment. Mrs. Ed Hanby. of Dayton, Friday. some book. of which the guests were ments were served at a late hour and family, Perry Thomas and wife, reading of the mi ltea and other to guess the titles. A great deal of the guests reluctantly took their AJbert Mullen and wife, James Mul· busine8S, the following program was Jesae Thomas saw the grann Lost between St. Mary's church ~musement was afforded. A pleas· leave voting It a very pleasant (lcca· len, wife and daughter, Chas. Thorn· given: William Croswell Doane, Mrs. American Handicap shoot at Dayton as Thomu, wife and daughter, James Coleman; A Season in the Lahaina last week. He also visited relatives and the ~erritt property June 15th mg program had been arranged and sion. The invited guests were the Misses Martha O'Neall. Henrietta Thomaa and family, Mrs. Lillie Ho· Mission. Mrs. BarnharL; The Spiro in Miami County and friends nenr a pair of gold rimmed eye . glasses was carried out as follows: I w~th chain and hook. Please return . . McKinsey. Kathryn and Rosamond toP. Albert Come\1 and wife. Frank itual Life of the Misaionar)', Mrs. Columbus. to Kezia Merritt. Plano Solo ...... Mlss ~atharine Da~irt Dakin, Leah Smith, Sybil Hawke, Ed· D d Hartsock, wife and BOlt, Harry Cor· Cartwright; The Resurrection of . r. ~n Mrs. H. E. Hathaway.. . ~?ctl ~IO ... ... :..... Mlss Sybil Hawke na Janney. Elizabeth Chandler, Eva nell and wife. Ed Brown and family. Captain X, Mrs. Cadwallader. It was decided to hold no meetings MISS Elizabeth Carroll and Mrs. J. Dr. J. T, Ellis. J. C. Hawke Dr 10 In uet .. MI~ Grace Carman and Davis. Helen Hawke. Clara Hawke, Nettie Murry and tamily, Ed Hough August. the next A. Funke~ attend~ t.he rendition of ; C. W. Hend erson and Ray MiIl9'wen~ MISS R.omans Emma Hawke. Katharine AJexan· and wife, of Mt. Hoily. Mrs. Eunice during July Seara ud grand·daughter and Mrs. meeting to be held the third Friday Ro~ Innes p~ay. }florIan, at Lebanon I to Harveysburg Thursday to ahend ~~ .BegQgars of Holland ... M~s . Ward der. Ruth Hartsock. Ruth Zimmer. le~ uartet ..... . Mrs. ~hl~, Mrs. man, Lucile Cornell, Mary Salisbury, Laura SaCkett, of Waynesville, in September -at which time the FrIday evenmg M~. F. B. Sher' j a M.asonic commuriication. Work United Offering boxes WIll be opened. wood played the leadmg role. I was m the M. M. degree . Wright. Mrs. Crane, MISS Zlmmer- Alma Waterhouse• Olive .McCollu m. man Thomas Sherod and ·wife. of t.:larks· _ Mesdames W, E. O'Neall, C. M. -vllle.-Raymond Wolfe aod family. of • • - - , --- VV?CI~ISSollo ........ : ....: ....... D.L.Cranc Robitzer. Mabel Fi'tzgerald, WilllOn Dodds; Roy Cornell. of Fosters. Mr•. CHU DR EN'S DAY III , 0 o · .... ... MISS IN MEMORIAM II her generous heart and hand were R10 d' . Grace Carman .Edwa rd s, L. A• Z'Immerman. Ral ph Vern Hoogh and eon Foster. Mrs. ever open to the humblest of our ea IIlg .... .... ..... Mlss Edytha Macy Miller and Fed H tsor-k f M J. Wuhum, of Dayton. Carl Sher· Children's Day was observed at She wolked with God; and she isj Father's <!hildren. Vocal Solo .......... Mrs A. T. Wright 'r ar ,0 or· wood. wife and BOn. of Spring Val· the Christian chur('h Sunday. Thp not; for G~ hath taken her. Submissive. patIen t , appreciative Piano Duet ... Misses Sybil and Helen row. • - ••- - ley, Misses Florence and Fanny children artistically rendered a varied .Elizabeth V. Taylor, daughter of durin g her last illness. when the !!llm. . . • Hawke OLENTANOY PARK Lamb. ,Blanche Cornell. Gladys Nutt, and interesti1)g program Sunday Hiram W. and Rachel Ann Taylor. mons came to her it found her reail y Trw .. MI sses Luella, Jeannette and _ Eva Murphy, Mary ~rown. Marie evening: It was the product of a was born in Frederick Co ., Virginia, and waiting. with "la mp trimm ed . FranciR Janney . Beautiful Olentangy Park Col urn· Hartaock, Bertha, Buelah and Ruth great deal-of hard work and planning December 16, 1842. and bllrhing." for she had heen faith. Readmg: ...... .... ..... Elizabeth Carroll bu~. Ohio. the most popular summer Coon, Lola and Irma Cornell and but the workers feel rePJlid for their In 1856 with her father she reo f ul and loyal to th e ouligation s of Ladi es Quartet amusement resort of the middle Lena Thomas. '. labors in training the cbildren and moved to Warren Co .• Ohio, whera life . .- + - -west. is offering this season a greater young people for the occasion. ~itb the exception of the three years To those who loved her. the conso. TEACHERS ENGAGED ' Dumber and divelsity of attractions ST. MARY'S CHURCH Before the hour of beiIinning the Immediately preceding h~r death she lation abides. that the virtues which At an adjourned meeting Tuesday than ever before in the fifLeen years church was filled to overflowing. had always l i v e d . , endear~d her in this life. are the evening the school board made their of its existence. The attractions at 6th Sunday after Trinity. also St. The children radiant and happy, On Jan~ary 3. 1867. was celebrated Jewels 111 the .erown that is hers in selection of teachers for the follow. Olen tangy for those who wish enter· Peiers Day June 29. anticipating their partd. which were her m~rrlag~ to John ~. ClemEmts, that Other LIfe. God grant UII(O ing scho(,1 year: tainment. are numbered by the hunSunday School at 9:30 a. m. carried through most excellently. of which umon two children were her eternal rest and peace; and may Superintende t·- H F M L hI' dreds. Morning Prayer and sermon at A Splendid offerinl/: for Foreign born, Charles H. and John Howard. light perpetual shine upon her. PrinCipal-M~b I adi c aug m. The park offers this season. a 10:30. You are cordially invited to Missions wu taken. the latter dying when a~out 9 years "Father. in Thy gTacious keeping. AssistantEliz:beth C:~~dler. great free attraction in Harry Hill's these servic!!S . . • --.... - - of age. \ ThQ h~sband died and. the Leave us now l'hy servant sleepin~. " 4th room Anna Vandervoort. Wild West Show, beginning Sunday. The Churchl picnic w'm be held S,A.CRED CONCERT y~ars of her Widowhood she lived J. F. C. Brd room-Maria Stout, June 29. This show will remain at . Thursday on the school campus. All Thursday evening the band will w~th her son Charles H. Clements The funeral or Mrs. Clements took 2nd room - Lillie Benham. the park during the entire month of communicant members of the con· WIth whom ag(l she . . July gl'VI'ng two free performances ed t some Lo three B hyelft's C l'f . pIace at the M. E. c:hurch Thursday 1st room - Henrietta McKInsey.' gregation and friends of the pariah gl've the followl'ng concert.. . h P remov 0 ng eac a 1 OI'l1Ia f ' A . each day in the arena at the north are invited. Come. h 'sh tI d'edJ 11'1913" ternoonat ' I . All H alit a ower were I une. . \[\ t h'e aF-d II d 2 o'clock. ffi" the Rev.J . a thmusIc teacher I wa... not secured. I' end of . the grounds, Some of the · ~ ..... • a we ga er a elver . va wa a cr. 0 clatmg assisted s ere was on y one app lcant th Sh II Overture 2 Sacred .t th R seventy·first ~ear of her age. . by Rev. C. S. Grauser. I~terment The mu,sic committee. however, ar~' featu.res of this re~arkable fr~ at3. BAPTISMAL SERVICES 4. Safe in the Arms 1~~-1913. between these two lids was made in Miami cemetery trying to secure a good one and it is tractIon are a Mexican Bull Fight, The Holy Ordinance of "baptism 6. The Holy City of bIrth and deat~ are the leaves of . . hoped that they will soon s~cceed. danc~ done on horseback. lariat ... - W!8 Hlilinistered to Charles Stro\lse 6. Sweet B.,Ye and Bye a long and ~seful hfe. All her days CARD OF THANKS • - throwmg. and the lynching of a 7 God b With were spent 10 good w o r k s . . 0000 OLD SUMMER WEATHER hol'SQ thief on the Western plains, 0 ' Jut Sunday. at 3 o'clock. by the . . e • .!o.u Her sweet simplicity. her generous We WIsh to express our heartfelt, Each' day two delightful band con'P¥~~.~ the'Chrietian church. This .McCLURE-SMITH kindness. her unfailing sympathy, ~haQ~s to thos~ who so kindly min· .The hot spell was broken by a good certs are given by J. Wylie Powers ~tv~ee .especially .lmpres. , won thf' hearts of all who were for- Istered to us m ou~ late . bereave. rain that fell Saturday'evening aboub and his p«>pular band. The Olen'furqiabed by At 4:30 on Wed~ceday last, Misa tunate enol,lgh to know her, and the ment • for the beau,tlful tnbutes of 9 o'clock. Another good rain fell tangy Stock Company, givee eec:b: Siilllw·School. Helen Mc:Clu~; ~f W~II8'f.!lle .. and Militant Church haslo!lt by her dle ath love. and esteem paid to our depart. Mondav morning about 2 o'clock, week a splendid performance . of \ J. Ellsworth SJ.nith, of DaytOn; Ohi." ~e of ita moat devoted and. UDIHlifish ~ mother, and to the many who so and continued until 6. The earth some new l»lay in the park tht.tre.. •. 'I by.: Rev •. Hal'. D;1emberi.. .' . ' . willingly ', proffered in was needing it, and. the with matinee • . aliey~ atth~ho.f.Deoftbe~nae. ·, ~tertJevo~ and true 88 • . frien~; con. ;,ay poaluble-. Our kindl! reception ground drank tlte;water ~ eagerly. day, Thursday and Saturday. ~''-;: . ~~'l1 .l?8.rc!i tb~\ will :b8 , .t ,lb~~e.~ eiderateof .,otbers toadegree that ~ mor~ deeply apprecIated than Monll!JoY and ~esdliY the weather . . . • ... . . .:~.:. ~Jr;:friena,a~{~cW~~ Ave-:, was ~~Ie, 'sbe .e,ver recognized wora~.can ~t:ess, . . , . cont~~~~ ~~r,. ~d ~o~eCasierS 'iive Doyo~ .u:aveIT. ,1Read' t"~,·W.'vioI__fi1i DaYtgDt:OJiiO• .~ ,I'. tlerVice . ·the, ~obleat of all, 80 ¥r· !'hll Mrs. C. ~. Clemen~. us ~o ~.Of:.CQOler weather. \ . \ tville NationAl BUk'. ad alld



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The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE, Publ isher. WA YNES \'IL LJ::.


I~~~N~,!'~!,~p~,~~N:'~~ INCRE~~I~~O~N~H:~~~NCES

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TO SUCCEStl. Pon ·1 b ~ d ral d to I'X prf'NS n n ODin· :\0 11. ~ '. (' \I If It Is d ilY t' r n t frOID th e <1p inl oll nf t b ... bros,. I It · 1111\)" Iik .. ma n wi! h R\1lrll a ll rl \\ il ll br uin,; "nour.h In ha ,' " 1\ 1\ 0 \1101 00 11UI d OIl '1 hn\'o oplnl(1n s unh'SH )' OU bl\ \·,· >ludl NI rrom b Olh s ici ('9. 11 " or Ih e m o~ l an llo),l ll g t YPl'S In Ihe hu ~ lth'sS wo r lO Is t t. ,· 111/10 \\h ll n wuys " anl S to "ta r l nn ar~ lI l1l pn t DOll 't 1<'1 onn ," ls· t a k e maRt' y C'u 14.1sp ynlJ r Il (l n 'l', Lot s o r lim t'!! Ii mls llI Ke ha s h" l\lell a m nn . tl rot b y m nk lng h im m u l'l' r al'c lU l In t h ll futllr ... anll 6 ~ rn lld, by br ln!:l n!: him Int o Ihe Ilml' llglll_ It·s belt t' r t o b" no tl ct'd oneo III n \Y h il r. l" ' ( ' 11 for 11 m lsla kt'. th a n t o b e Ig nuI"I·d. tr yo ur wor k baH b e ~ 1I Ba l I~rlt(" " r y you r good wo rk will s hl no Ity o nl ra ~ l. and you won' t he un<l uly blum ",1 (or y our error. A wllol e 101 of m n ba ve faUed to r ise becn uBo U lI' Y \I pre 100 modeBL If you be ll e n · YO II elln do 3 tblng. try It. E xpress bf' lI d In your own abil ity. but Il rst be su r n you h n" e tbe ability. No bod y bu t yo u rse lf know8 what YOIl can lI o. a nd If you are too mod es t to let peoil le nnd alit wbat you know, you ha\'e oo ly your8elf to blame It th e b!5s s doe sn 't seem 1.0 appreciate you. It·s a lt right to learn th e duties of tb e man n ext higher up In ca80 you get a raise. but there are bundreds or men who never «et th e rais e beC'.ause they aro ao bUBY learn ing th e hlgber up w ork that they forget t h eir own duties. Do your own work carefully first, and tben atter you have finlsbed It'lI time enougb to want to do th e work of tbe othe r fe llow.


After Peta ls Fall Is the Time To Kill the Apple Worm Codling Moth - Eight Days Is the Time Limit·- Earlier Spray Also Used


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Go od Old · Fashloned Way Plowing Wi th Oxen.

111\' \\' . J f1 ' · I'-I.~! A :-; . , ·h,,·r o r F ll rm " 'hl eh Ih .. fa rlll C' r mu st nnd c r!;o In ..\ f It rlitlg " m" n t, l ' I1Jl(" d SUi. I#Io~ r ).e- p u r t for l il e ~llII ll ar (\ i,,··;I"' ·' :lI ltl I" ti ~t!l ti 1I1 " nt .-.r AJ: rh' ul", ,.., ) geltlng "t a r t l~ d . or Ihu 111' :\1' Th ,' 11'111 1 " 1',, 1 ur th" II I ~ Ih u Intl! llti uli In thl ~ arlfc le to In tht' a bov,' CH llmat ('s the rl'nl e s(I u in(' e c:t n h ... h" 11! II ' ,·It,·I·I, by the il l ~c u s .. Ih e co~1 (I ( l h,' equlpm ll nt for tll i e Is a bo ul -;0 pe r cant. ot th e l ot a\ ul' l' llca(11I11 tlf I\ .. .. o\ " allx ~ I lXIIII'''' Bt till ' \'u .rl (l u ~ I),Pt's o ( (ar mlug . Tbe capital : tb o ma chin ery Is nbou t 10 I,.., r n·a rl t·r will u( courSe u ll d l' fNtand cl' nl. : \lv e s tuck l a IJt~ r ",·nt. . 11I111 t hut t im.., . 0 11 1 1l~ ~I"".· rrllit~. (il, ' Rulli ,· s pra y that th eBe ('s tln"tle ~ n,u Hl be tak' l mhI Ct' lIan I'l OIlH . In (" hlllln ~ minor il (' m ~ la usNI w ilh 1,,· ,oIl! . It w ill I\ti ~is t In "11 nll' ... ·ly I\S t·lIt l ll\ n l' . ~ . l;Ur In- or e(lulplIlt'nt and \\'ol' klll£: Kur phH; . :; (' onl ro ll ln); II,, · t·'11'1 " I," . ("1 ,1 . ~ l· !\h . Wid Htlln c". In Ih e I Y\l~· g ~o \l s l<, e rl' lI be· I p or cp nl. In rou r to\\lltl hlps o[ t il:, IHl HlII lll1' " 1'. 11 or 1h,' 1' 1'11I'h . II ml the lo w land hn". In all c (\ ~ e B . be ('n can· state tlr Xe w Hampshire . w ll Ne :'Ir. Jc.. ('lIl c ulio :tntl 1'111 uf IIw d ll'rry a nd s ld or pd!l8 worlh $50 pe r acro wltbout H . Thom pson (.f (h .. offic E' or farm plum. pulldin gs. renCf!s . e tc . Th ll price of manag e me nt mall o 1\ eare rul study 3 r !lul"tl p.H l1 x ~I i x( urc II lItl arSt'IHII(' o f lanll "8,rl es pnn r mou sly In dltt e rent 10- e ve ry rarm 111 eae!l uf th e townHhlp s . It'a ,1 an' II ~ .·'I o n /o: "II\1t'H ill f1 ~ h tl n ~ Ih e r llllll ...s . III 1t ~ ln/o: t b eso ngure~. Ihe dl Rlrlbutilln of th e capllal betw een ·r oo t \\'orm . fl e (' h('(' (\ o. ro~e bll g. he n), (bore ro r... . th e prn llpectlve farmer I thp~e It rna wll a liS tollowe : molh, m il d!' w I\lId rot. The Hord euux mu ~t ~ ub s (ltul e In Ihe m th o l,roper Is tbe rtHl1l'd y (Il r Ib e laqt twu na med price uf land. Tho fnrm will n ea rl y troubl es . a lw ay s hav l' u d we lling upon It. and Th(\ worm . or larntp u r I h ... ra~ Jlb o r· I II wil l usua ll y have fences, and trery und s lra w !t prry .;a wll y call hI;! h eld qu enU}' n tmru thnt wil l answ er the in c bec k wlt b I!'ad a r ~l' lra t pl lH' ed on pur po ses. Th ese Ilems ar e U8Ulll" 111the folln ~e aftt'\' th", pe tnls IIrc off. 1 eludcd unde r th e head or rea l estate. The currallt und gooR(' be rry \\' O rlIl A Bre It will t here tore bo n ecessary . In ev· . combllll cil Ih e Slim e wa y. fl l.rd eaux ery Ind ivid ual ca~". to 8ub8t1tute for : Amlo,:"" ... .... ... ..~o j fi Mixt ure Is I\ sed ng l\ln ~ 1 milli e \\' . the renl es tate hem s In these figures I 11 0 111 . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . fl!i 14 14 Tbe ah ov e lII eu I il)n eti In s "I ' l ~ lind tb e actual valu e~ obtai ned b y InQulr)'. I ~~t,}~~~or.~ .. 14 diseas es lire nol .. ntln·l y ('o l1tro ll .. d by Th e rtlmnlnde r or th p It ema can b e the Rln g l ... Rp ra)· \\'h lc h f" lIt1w ~ the ' dep e nd ed upon with a fqlr degree of It will b e Bee n tbat our Ilgoree fa iling of Ib e hlo ~so l11 s . bu t 10 !l lurg o ce rtainty . as th e y do not vary 1\0 agree fair ly we ll wllh th eBe Hgur s . ex tent tb c> )" a r e . For full 611 '·'·I'SS . ML'lIl e ' much In different l:Iectlons·. The fol . nctuntly tak e n froUl t he tarm. th e will re qll lre au ea rti p. r ~ IHn y alltl Ho me lowing Is tbe estimated re al es tate principa l differe nc e be Ing that tile la te r s pray s In addition. !-I'Jw",\·t· r. Il cost 01 a slxty'a cre dairy farm: pe rcentage In real estat e Is la r ge r aD will II SlIllll y pr ove to li p II hC' I1 PtiL (0 Land. 60 acres at $50 . . .. . .. . . . $3.000 thl' l\ew I1ampshlre farm s than In the appl y a tho ro ngh ~ )1rn y illl!; at lhlll llwe lling . . . . . . .. . ..... .. . ... •. 750 es timates a bo" e , whil e the percentage ti me . n lid wh e n don e in 11'11 IKf1 ntly It flarn (fo r 16 bend a t $70) .. __ .. 1.140 In mac hin e ry and mis cella n eous LI will be u I,ro ftwbl e Inl·estll1 f'11 1. ~·H nC l's.. $5 pe r acrl! . .. .. ....... 300 s ma ller. A Blight differe nce In the 11. 3 . CRlIICKSHA1'."K . price paid for real estute would make Coll ege (If Agr i(' lI ltll re , Ohio S ta l l' Total . . . . .. . .. . ... . ... . . ... . $5.190 th eAe figu res agree "e r}' c losely. s UBlily one can bu y land wit h th e Equipment for a 40-Acre HOlY Fa r m. Ull il' e rslty .


It doea n.o t take an expert to tell which applea arc ."rayed and wh ich ilro not.

The BuceelS of the anll·typhold In· oculatlon In th e UnltecS State a army bas been snch that the authorities have deeldecS to extend Ite prot(' cllon to the ramllle.' of Boldlera. Colonel S urgeon 1. Mervin Maua, chief medical omce r for the department of the east, who hall been stationed at Governor'lI Island for a year, bas obtained typhoid anti-toxin trom t h e army labora tory at Wasblngton. All women under forty-nvO and all children Gver ten year. of age are to be.made Immune to tbe fever. Undoubtedly the conlldenCB of tho army In thIs propbylactic will I~fiu enco the ex~e n s lo n of IlB employment In civil life. Among th e Urst to resort to It as a class might b e expected to b e the tThvollng men, wbo continually take fresh rlslts with tlt~ange drlnklug wate r.

(.esrance In conjun <; tlO Il with t be bios· s oms, w helher earl y or late. nnd can· tn . meas url'S shou lll be undertaken a s Boon 8 8 th e bl oo m Is nlf. To sp ray during th e b l o s ~o ll\ perlorl would ortell be a d e triment by wa s hIng nway o r des troying th e poll en or by pre ,·e nt· ing t he In ~ec t R from workin g . Tb e til's t spra y fol' the cod ling Illotb or appl e worm l:! hulIld he applied a ll Boon a l:l \losslule afte l' th e pe tal N bav e fa llen. It hllll hee n learn e d hy In ves· tigatlon that a large \l e r c e nt oC t bo

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abov e e quipme nt on It by paying cash

r----------------------·------------'I rrom one-fourtb 10 one·thlrd of !til ACTIVE HENS LAY 'THE EGGS rt'm:lind "altl e and gll' lng n mort ga ge ro r the He nc e the n eccssnry cap· L---------·------------------------..I l ltal for er.a beginner. In order tbat he

40 u r. r ua o f laUd at $5 0 . . . . , . . . $2.00,)

Dweil lo t,; . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ ... .. . . Itarn .. . . .... . ... .•.. , _... . •. . F~nr e s . . . . . . . . ........ . ......

750 600 I SO

A lay ing b II should be healthy . Ac- lay ing eg";H If s h e IA fell 1\ rill ion rl(' h may atart In and han h is farm In fuIJ Hc al e~ tnlp . ......... .. . . . . $3 .40fl li vtty in scratc hing and foragin g is an In carhoh yclrat es a ll (1 fal hut c·oDlnln . ' operntJon within on e yea r . wo uld then On e- third o f rea l eSlalc .. . . . . .. $1.1 :l3 IlId lcatlon or bealth; ·the weak fowl III Ing IiUl!) I,rot!' in ; s he hn s Ill t' nlY o f b e about as folJows : 2 ho rses . . . .. _ . _ . .... __ .• . . . . . 3 00 1 mower .. . . _ .. _ . . . ... _.... . . . . 50 rarely a c tiv o alill r\oes lIOt toruge fa r mater ial fo r th o yolk o( th e eg g. but One·tb lrd or the va lue of th e real e Btat e . . . . .. .. .. .• .. . . . . $1.;30 rak e .' . " ' . ' . _ . .. ..._ .. . .. _ . '. ~O from tb e poultry ho use. She ro maln ~ lu" lu; lhe mat e rilll to make a lbl1me n. Ij on tb l! pe rch aCle l' tbe olhers have Ca rb ohyd rutes can II o t be t' ha llged 12 cows at $50 .. ..... .. .... _ . . . 600 1 plolV............... i5 I ] two-horse ha rr ow .. " , . , ., . . , !j Doctors toltlth e me mbers of th e 1111· gone In senre ll of food an d return!! to il1 t o I lru t ein , On t he:' nlhpr hnnd, Ilr, )· 1 bull ,. , ., ., . . .. .. ~ •.•• ••. , . . 8 nols Socie ty for the Conse r vation or I \'oo~t e arly III t he aHemooll . The te ln (· \tn be ('h nngNI into ru t. hill. 11 K 3 at $1GO . ....• . . -... . . . 450 1' 1 wh eel barrow s eeele r. .. .. ... . . 40 1 wagon " .. ... __ . __ .. ...... " 70 V ision. at th e first public meeting of fowl that rorages fllr u ut In th e Il e ld s prote in ill th l' e Xl' e ns lvC' lIl).1 ve r y Harness . . ..... .. ...... _... .. . ,0 se l h ar nes s . . .. . . .. ..... .. .. . ~S that o rganization In Chicago, tbat In· is us uall y th e 0111' thal III in seareu of Email IHlrt ofth e graln . i l i ~ (,COllOIllY \ Vagon (farm) ...•...... . .. . .. I hal er , ." . • , . " . _. , _. ... . ... :':00 'attentlon of nurses at the tim e that fnod to mu ke eggs. The h ead and It M LO feed on ly n~ mu e h as Is n (·L·eSS\1r~' W agon (spring) . . . . .. .. . ... ... to form th e Ipan mea l uud produce th e Da iry utenslh! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~OO 1 cow ... . . . •.. . . . _. _.. . _. . . . . ~ Ij infants are born 18 the cause of most IIllpe ndag es a lso s how indication::; of Implc lmmts nn d machinery. $5 1:1 pigs . . . . .. . . . . ... .... _. .. . . . I: ~ase8 of congenital blindness. health a nd vitality . Tile "S trong fow l egg a lhul)1 c l1 . acre . .. .. . ..... . .. . . . . . :; 0 12 ha n s ... . . .. . .. . ...•.. •.. _. . Ii per Throu bout t he country there 18 actlv- bag a broad h ead with a short. \V e il · Mi llar Items ot equipm e n t .. . . . . 12 5 I h en hou s e . . . . .. .... . . . ... . . . ,, 0 Jty at ~be prese nt tilDe In dl ssemlna t- (~ u\'ved heak . Th e I' ye hi bright nnd 2 pigs . ... . _........ .. ... .. . . . 6 11111nor Ilems of C'qulpm ent . . . .. . . 12!5 dl th I I rull ; th e wattl Hs li nd cumb, hrlgbt re d 12 hens ....... _.. .. .. .. .. . .. . . G SurllluR . " ... " ........ ..... .. 250 1ng Information regar ng 0 B mp e and medi u m s ize. A ve ry large co mb 1 hen hou se . .... _-. -, . .. . . . . . . . GO method by which th e shocking calam- dol'S uo t n ec!'ssllrlly Indlcnte tbe b e~ t Work.lng s urplu s ... _ .. ,... .. . . 250 'Sot'll. olle.tblrd or rea\r0state tty ~f Infllnllie blindness In most In· h(~altb, and has t,j!l dlKadvantagt' of - -down . .. .. . .. . . . __ . . .. .. . . U.419 .tancel can be prevente d. being fro~ en in se ,'ere weatber. How . Total .... . .. . .. . . . . . . ... . . $3.987 '·ota l. all at reu l estat e down . $4 .6SB e Vel', a h e n wllb a s hrunk en comh, a Tbe amoun t of cspltal thus s een to It will be seen from the above thnt Foreign countries .w ould not won· Inn g fla t bead, and a . 'corres pondlngly be nelcessary In ord er to start olf :l ~o acreH dm'otfl d nlmost exclusively long beak. s ho ult! never be used ror der at the braininess at Americans dairy farm properl y. und er tb e condl- to ha y can be eq uipped for conside r. breed Ing IJUTJ)OSes; s be is rare ly a could they make a Btudy of our naUII"II here assumed. Ie about ",000 ably les8 money than a SO·acre dairy profi l abl e la yer. Bea utiful plumage tional game. Baseball Is a contest ot In d icat e s lielllth; It s hou ld be smooth. (,3.!l87): or. It tbe farmer desires t:> farm . The Income tram th e 40-acre skill, demanding nlmblo minds and tuJly developed, glOSRY and hrllllantly pay casb, which Is always safer, tb" hay farm . in those states w here hay total cap!tal r equire d Is '7.447. will lIell for' ae mucb as ,15 a ton on -nimble bodlee, Qui ck thinking and r.olored . Dull plumage Indicat es we akIn starhug s uch a fann It 1M hi ghl y the rarm. will 0.180 be larger than it quick action. No le8s alert tban the nC8S. Important not to buy the cows until will bo on the 60·acre dnlry farm . Hut T he shape of the hody Is un imllur· players are' tbe fans In the stands. as one has fe ed on hand for them. Oy In regions where bay sells for only 58 they tallow every play, Judging It In, t.lIn t charac teristic . A laying hen has IItartltlg early In t h e spring the fann ilr or $9 a ton all exclusive bay farm III atantly, and estimating Ita etrect upon a (leep, brond b:1l1y. Indicati ng nhund · can u1lually be ready tor the cows by I not advisable. I would put ,12 to the tbe outcom e of th e game. It'a a great a nt spaee for a lu rge 1I1gesttve nnd 1'0' First prl!:e hen Ohio State Fair, own eO September or Octobe r. tou al about tho dividing line b etween: IJrUlhlctlve HY RtCIlI. UlIless a ht!n cnn by Paul E. Peter• . mental tonic II baseball. It III. ot course. possible to start In hay farmin g and othor types. Of c: nl1 ~ lIl1l e and diges t a large (IUlllltllY of A kn ow led ~ e of th e composltlun 01 ~Ith I·e ss equipm en t tban above given: c ourse It will be n ecessary. In confor·, I, Rb " ca ll not I,roduc-e 11 steady fe ed s Is nCI''''HMar y In (l1'd er to ma ke a Tbe bealth commis sion e r of Ne w Yield nr I'ggs. Th e leg s Kbould be of ratl un l'o l1 lalning th ase e le ll1 ent H III \rut eve ry Item omitted at the begin· dueling an exclusive bay farm , to use ).lIng I9 lmply Increases t h e hardsh ips commercial fertilizers liberally. York city ass erts tbnl many manufac. m('lI ill 111, ~ () ngth. Rtroll'i 81ld 1, laced we ll the 1"'O tl~r pro}Jo!'\loli. Not Ill! (he tIIrers of pies and other pastry aro a(lurl. I he n e(' k Hhou ld ho ~ h ort a 1111 p rot e i II and t'arhohydral eS 11\ ~ ~ aln ~ ' Ca re ful ..,xpe riments IIhow that ullng be n zoate of soda more tree ly t.hlel;; th e hreast ru l1 a.nd r Ul1 nd . ;'lrtci are cllgestlb le, so that . in ("nlnlluliOI!: U when' si lage Is matle trom large 1m· t han In good tor the human stomach. th e kee l well cover-I'd wl tll meat . rh E' ration. only tb e diges ti bl e nutrlclll ~ 1 tall s hould he (:arrlcll (!I'e"t: this c har· sh ould he co ns ld erf!d. mature corn It fr equently has hut lit· li'or tbls r eason b e proposeD to pro· ll"lerlst h: Is more l\ ut lt'puh lc alliong P . S .. 1ACO fl \' . ti e more dr y fcedlng maller tha n IR se· mulgale . r egulatlons that 111'111 rorce mal e hlrd s t hall amo ng pull el ~ or I}(~ n s. Colh' gp (It )\ grit- ul tul'l' . Obio Stal~ cured from :Ibout hal t the bulk of tile restaurateurs a nd oth e ro wbo sell A hell nl1l HI hal' e a kc e ll tl lJ j)Nlt e IIn h.e rsit)' . eorn r fec tly develo\)e.1. First Know \'.'hat Land May Be So. pe these v iands to di splay plae'ards or ami mu s t c "n S l1m ~ huge (1lIl.lnlflies of me r e tonnage ,Io ea not count In (uOII If s hl' Is to prorl uce e gg~ eCOl\o nl · Jlrlnt a line In th e bill (If fare tbat Depended Upon to Do in Way silage . It 18 .bett e r to labor with less 'II·m convey noll flcntloll of th e pres- k a lly Il nLl tl1llll1udn a henltby hotly . Tho, ml'n l from 'Iukk ly g ruwn .plg. In tb e harvesting and sec ure more In lof Ordinary Production. 11111 ,, % all f' is abl e lu digest and a ~s ill1 - or hogs IS r~r 11101' (' palalable a nd 1111 ...nce of tbo ch emIca l preservative to th e feedi ng . Itat t' f(lorl . thll s kr- e ping her hody I trhlo ns Iliall \\'IH' II l he y are fat.te nl!i MY ' practir.e Is to Lllant Ii co rn that the t1Hlmate C01l 9UllH' r . It Is e nt Ir e(8y w . T". M·RPAltRAN .l I' Nti l hy, it is lI ~"' l e" ~ to e xp o!'t a I'r o lh : o l ll"I·\\'ls e . InexperI e n ced 8110lstl; are Inclined In h eig ht of s talk and extent of fall· proper that the Individual who 111 I hI' prodllct loll or e g~ s . t. OS9 of pays tor wllat he oupposes to be IIPlwl.l le Is reglll'ded liS a symplOIl or , It is not ~ o ,lIfl1clllt 10 raise yount to thl.nk tbnt a large bulk of green a ge will p roduce m '3 a maximum '1lk e mother utled to make" and Is mnny e0Il1111Ull d isPllS(,S. A Hic k be n IH lurll s wh e n Ih, ·y Inh e ri t:" na I111'11 \ mahe r la (h e first thin g t o b e con· quantit y of rodder that. will remain III<1ered In securing a "rol' of e nsl lago green long. nnd each etnlk produce I:lv-e n somethin g e lse IIhould know IIlIp ro tltnhl e. . s l l'('ngil l ulHI I'igo l' from th e ir paren ts . corn. with th e rellult that from too ' one or more well <leveloped. good .,.,hat be Is g ettin g tor his money. Th er e Is a e ios" r c l~tiol1 s hi\l \t£' . thick planting or cutti n g lh e crop s lze,1 ears. 1\\'/'(' 11 tbp food eutl'n by th e Iwn lind ,\ pe rfe c t- nttln g collar ne ver mad e wb ll .. too hnmalure. their experience It Is n was te of time. . lI bor ami tile r:gg s laid. A s ludy of dIITt 'I"' 1l 1 a S Orf' ne ck . In fet'lillug s llllg.. Is apt to b e disap- land to plao l co rn tor e nsilage onl y as A C hic ag o pollee U1aglstl'llte de· grains Sh UW R that. they co nta in 11\'/, . _ ___ . _ . _ _ • thIckly all wh e n planting for a CUI"pointing. d ared frolll til e bench th at girls al'e e le m e nts- Ivater, a~h, p rote in . en.rho· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t! desl1'ous or course, of secur· Ing crop. One may have twi ce as more r espon s Ibl e for !IIrtlng thlln bydrates an d fst, va r y ing' In 11113111 II y . , • t In g\V ea l~a rmuch we ight per acro In our many atalks as III ordinary crop plantWe are told , Bome timel, by • mell. and th!l~ moth e rs a re respons l· Th e holly of the fo\\'1 nnel t b e egl!: (·on· crop. compatible with higb est feedi ng Ing. It on good land , nnd mn ke perpeople who have planted only a ble for Ibelr dnught e rs. The last taln th !'se same el e me ol ll. illtboug h In I . vrJue. uut to secure th e laUer. which tect silage. rl'llt form . Th is n1fty be seen by few trees that they paid II spe· !liffe part at th e saylog 18 t ru e. ev en If The I1xtro me of too lhin plantin g Is IB thE' object In tilling the silo. we cial price for the ir Btock, be· tlJe Hr1lt clause furn ishes maller for (:o lllpal'llIg the compos ition or grains : -"lUst draw a sensl bl o limit to mere nearly as 111 a dvised ae the otller of and other fuods, IVlll c h a re the ra\\' I cause the agent to~d them It had d e bate . too tblck. I want from 15 to 25 tona bulk ma larlals, with th e body of the b e ll i been propagated In s ome pecu· A safe rule. tberefore. to tallow Is per aere on my I,antl under my (Ilrruliar manner, poss ibly upon IIntl th e egg. whlL-h Un] tbe f1nlsh e,1 to nnlt know abo~t what one's land Ing. A MallBachuBelts mEln says the II1· odnt'l ~. whole roots, upon French crab I strive ~.pecially for a .corll with ma y be depended l',pon to do In way 'World w ill come to an e nd In 13 yeara. The IISh (mineral matter) of feeds stocks, or upon Bome cap.I!'ally exten810n blade system. 8S In the of production under ordinary w~_ather ifi chal1geel (0 bOl\e and egg s hell In hardy stock. 'Whether a tree II ~t Is easy enouch to predict the end blade!! I get proteIn .. condltlonll. Having this knowledge the ba lly of. th e fowl; the pl'oteln Is budded or grafted seeml to Gf th e world. The harel part Is one'B cbolce of SOflr\ ilhould be of a make practically no difference thlnidDg up an ellcuse when the c'lllll1 getl froD! gl ute n Into lea n meat or corn tbat , will grow' '.the 18;rgest Oau.e., of Wiltegg alu um eil and th e carbohydra tes in re.ultll 1111 long a8 it vlgorou., ",'orld talla to ftlcker Ollt at tbe apIt - you obasrve a st~wberry plant amoulilt of fodder With a gOOd. yt"ld of lan d t he fal are conver t tld (1'01ll star-ch, heal ~!\y tree II produced. Aa far g;oUlted Ume. ears. the lIi'hole beIng . capable Buddenly , wl1.~, y.ou ·wm .-te~eraJ'y. ll~d \s lIgar and 011 Into the tat of the body aa Oh.lo condltlonl are con· 'of mat urlng"lu: a nice tat . grub . at , -the ~n4 .\I~ ' .th.• or the yolk ot tb e egg. Since tbe. hen cerned, there i. no .uch thlnll root! when 'you·- dlg ·U \iP. ',,,, : ' whwi tile . Owners of New York Ikylcra,pera uses these ele ment s In 'n certain liroa8 . hardy ' .tock. 'or hardy form. i it . from . .... u1dOg tenant. to req:lUt th etr portion In her body. It Is .evldent · : of . p'art"iC:ular ~a.r!'tle~-WCl,!: ezPpto)e. to ·. horten th~lr batplGs 111 tll Ilvold ' waste t.hey ' s hould bs ·fed '· ln-r . :de,rt Padd~k! .C~lIl1l1e o,f Allrlcul. . ._ . •- ' '. . ~.. 'A to " nellrly the same pYo(lortlo'n. It ·Ie" ilu- I . ture, -Ohio 'St.te lrnlver.lfy, · order ........ Olell·e . .... Il,.va r~ ' 1"' - f h to d 'b ' b" t I I .~ '. . ... ~u-. PCtl!.,ac · or . ~ en .~ ~~: . .!:!t ....!~T. .. ... fh •• ~~'.~~ ,


II 51 d

Tho pre sent tightening up ot ll'o ney mu s t nOl be loolled up on us bt' lli g In an y s e l1 ~() brou g llt about by tlnll ucl al s t r ing nc),. It III r en lly more a lwr lod of swe ll·taklng res orte d to by l ue ba n 1(5 , 0 a sc c rta in th e lrue co n<l lllo n of I h e Ilnan ces u ull Irn de of lU ll ,'L1 untry . Legi t imat e bu s ill e ss cnt (J rl>rl ~ c. ar t! not affe cl c:: d . · Th ro ughou t I ho S tut es th er o nro those who tr nli ll we d '0 co n lill u o borrowing. wouhl III ,. Itably be a m('ans towa rti 9 l ' r ~ C IIlI· tat l llg so rnelllin g a g ood dcal wo rs o tL a n tlll1 Y f" cl UOI\' . In Ca natin. tlle conditi on s aro f' xct· llc nl . and It I. safe to SIl }' busi n cs tl wus nOI'e r helte l'. TIH~ pul ~ e of trati e Is carefully watch ed by th e Flnan co Dl1 partn1l:nt of the Dominion goverum ent. lI l1l! It Is IlIumlnlltlve to r uad portions o r Ibl> addres s or Hon. W . T . While. th e Finance Ministe r, d elive red a fe w d a y. ago bl'fom the House of Commons. Mr. Whlte's remarks are in pa rt u tollows : " It falls ngreeably to my lot t u ellt e n d my most heariy congratulatio n. to tue House lind the country 11;)0 0 t!)e prospe rous conditions wll ie h It con tinues to be our ,ood fortun a to enjoy. I am happ y to announce t hut th e outcome of the last Hs cn l Yt'nr, " ' hleh ellded on March SI, wil l pl'o " e eve n more satisfactory as r e ll !!c tlu~ by far th e highe st pilch to wbl eb a u n ational prosperity ha s ye t attaill tl d . I ha ve eve ry expectation thllt w hon t be books are clOlled It will b e fOUII II tbat the total ~v en~e will have reacll e d the splendid total of $168,250,000. or an Inerense over the year 1911· t:! of over $32,000,000. Some Indlcatloll at the magnificent growth of the Domin· 10D may be gleaned from the tact tbat thl ll Increalle In revenue durin g tbe pt>rlod of one year almost eq u als tile e nUre revsnue of the country leventy Tears ago. "'Tbe augmentation of reven ue to which I have rererr1ld baa not bAen Irregular. spasmodic or Intermitte nt In It I nsture, but has steadlly cbarac· terlzed eac h month of the enti r e thcol year. It was ot courst! ufalnly d erlve<l tl'om Customs recelplB, but t be otber of r evenue--exclse, post omce and raliways-alBo gave us very subItanUM Increases. " "That In a period of t;Teat lloaD ' cia I Itrlngency not only hu e we not been oblig ed to r esort to th e COb· gested mark.ets of tbo world. but have been ablll to r e du ce 8 0 substantially ($23,000.000) the debt of th e DominIon. mu st .be a matter of gratification. both to the House an d to th e peoplo of Caaadll . "I believe tbat during this p ' r lod of exce ptional money IItrlngency the credit of the Dominion as reflected III the Quotations of ItB 8ecurlUes hae maintained itlle" amoDI t be hlgbest in the world." . Owing to th e favo rable lltat e of 118 financ es Canada was In a pOSition to pay olf a heavy loan In cash without recourse to the Issue cf bUls or 16c.u rltles.-Advertlsement.


Tbe gIrl who hu two or t hree broth ers al hOlDe finds no cba nce to de velop concnl t.


Pol.on Oak or Iyy Poison ing II Qnlckly relieve d by batblng tbe Itfe cte d parts In a 80lutlon of t wo teaIpoonful. of Tyree's A.Dtlseptic Powder to a pint uf water. 25c. at all druggists or laDlple Bent free by J . 8 . Tyree, Washington, D. O.--\dy.









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OONSTIPATION may be either a transient or petmanent afBiction. arising from somo error in diet or as a result of constantly weak digestion. For temporary and obstiaate caaea the beat relief is




Why d008 a woman Imagine sbe can rerorm a man b y singing to blm!

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c..rIa. I t " • PAlD·UP CA\'fTAL .f $2,000,000.00 ald· I $8OO,ooo.od RESUVE FUND. AJ.. • ..t iallIIiaaI, -.Ii~ ....

.... aMi . . . . .. Ftrty ~ cst If 1M . . . .f 1M r...a, ..,. '-!. ..-.. It, raWem ef' ....... ' - - ' lWt kIuI, IIaiIe, New ~ aM_ WIn l1li1laW ., _ CaaM.. ImIIn.

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It Was When She and Will Tabor Made Up Again. ElY E. R . M OO N . We al l look('d UPOIl L ibby Arlls" a a a n old n,,1.1 <I , uboul'lil y old. Ililbough h e r UK" eo u lLl not hu Vl! lJpU II mo re tban Ihlny· !lvI·. Hut aft e r her mo th r died sh" ~f' ll "" d to gO abou t m ilc h In o ur " lllllKe H.(' lely: Illld Ly lh", lime s b e Wit" Clit or Ill ollm l,,/: ~h .. had s~t· tlp d o llwn 11110 a IOIIl·ly lifc' ill h pr II lt lo hOIll" Sill' had a tlI10 ga r dc·n. and w{, lin) s n ll d gir ls "~I', t t o stea l h e r pea rs alld Ili o(' k at hrr whO'll Hhe came out an . I 1111'1' 1111 ' 11\ ' <1 " " , ' 'I' d Ilk " 1.0 Kel , · ,' PD wit h \II H. Libby fo r b. ·ill!: ~o mad UWllt our la llil1g h"r worll l)' lI ld pl'ars," sa lLi ~l"ye \lurl(Y. t h " "h:.. t ouy" of lh ,' \·il luKl'. Non,· of liS likpLl Libby . S h o wa& cert alill y a s ~Ollr Ii" thOR" purly \lurl· le tt s tllat WP IJs pd lo tal .. · with th e rnort' )!lJ S l u lU' f' illi SP W t' kllt:'w t hat OU T di scov.' r y " (JII ILI IJ! t 10 0"" a Slorm of Im p r~ ('atilln 011 {' ur li l',uI R. T h a t waH h o w \\ ,. ell me LO conroel tll" lo\'u le [' t er. W hl' we hiL IIpon Willia m T a bo r I ('an ' l quill' rCIIII ' 1lI1ll' r . The Tabors ha.1 OIH'" bl' .. n th, · IIl OH t rr8pecteLl fnmily in fOur \'illag", bU I \\'i llialll was wil d wh"n h p was a j'OU llg lIlan at"J we ll l W,·st. rc'[urn !ng brOHP II d u wn III Ir ellll h. n ,. nr o r two herorc , I t h in k aOlllo 011" s ugg esled t hat he' had bee n I. llJbY·ti IJPau l(ln~ be fore, " ' b n a ho ";\11 a pr!'lty gi r l III t h" wl de·s ll'(>v .. d I; 0 \I'll H th.' n In fastrlon. and did lil'l' ph>n lifu l Italr In a Ja r h an dl e. Hil l ~ill(,1' Iw h ad cOllie ha ck h e bad n ('\'c r . to ollr knowpldge . v is it e d a l Ll h lJy 'H hou s, ·. [<lid If ho harl dOlla .HO \'iJla go gOH ~l rl would c er talll ly hll\'~ foun d It out. T brelJ ot lbe " I~ h HcllfJo l tI ·!t o lnrs concoct!!,1 t he letter It ra:, II k(' t h is : " M y IWllrpSl W illiam : ".\ 1ay I-- da r e I. on o w ho m t h o wo rl d call s a s o u r old mul ti . a \' o w to you BomP- lh ing a/:alll s t which I hlH'e fo ug h t [or man y lllolll hH in "ai ll ? \ Vllli am . J love yo u ! Tb e rt', I ha " o a vowe d It.

1I:al1d ~ UI1I"

11IIItll1ll1 '- 1\1

'\ 1n.1I"'II:1 ~o ldl rr" "'h " ,I i"rj In rf' nr a rila ll l" I,ilnto!!rn l!h or t Ill' ~llllll)' · Il:11 llr r.>'\ k ing of Spa lll wa. :lc n£ ('h k ka IIl :lIlj.~1I wa~ u.I f'cl lcated (.lk'·n at t he railrOAd Rlattoll III J>:1 rl ~ 0 11 tbe IIN·(·tilo n II I h is r ec(! nt vi ~ lI . 'rh e ju ri lll: ItH' n'r l'lll rPlI lIl IIII or lhp \ ·nlt. Il lllg waD h ll(bly /lmllS" ct hy nn Incld nnt l hu t Qc(' u r r C'd at thl' s tatl oll aud b la ' d ('ullf." I"n"" \ " !I"CaIlH III I ' lwlla. · ·I' I" lrlun o \\'l tt t(' l ~ fII CIHlllw lktl " \',," tli p 6f'rlo'uS-lllindlHI ~ I .Pll ill t'Rl r e. prt:' HI- ' a. T",," tit' II I ot F ra ll ce (on lo ft> tu lJe In f .. ,·tL',1 b}' t h tl con tagioU S IIl lrt h o r tb e kin); . f/:








lage," 1Il1t! m y fa t ber . WIlen h e earn. born o t hal n igh t. " I kno\\'. d"ur:' sa it! Illy nrothnr. smIling. "Libby Arlls. :tllli \\, 111 Tubor hU"e Illude up aga in .. tv. I SS!::S· D RESS . "Tru~t a WOIllH il ror Ilnt!IIIK n llt Ih Sf' th lllgs ," II I)' ra lh" I' sal.1. .. \\ "11. I' eI a l wu ),B hOIit'd It wl) lIl d ,,"m" 10 pa !'l~ . hut I n e " r thought il \\t lllid li e In ju s l t hat way . It til" ili A t hfll ~ h e had wrltt'>11 hllll n. I Itpr I,") ~"J\r" ngo. y,jwn I... relurnpd. Illid I", r",",,1 It . u no pr·II"d. ) ,·, [prrlay r> '· "lIin~ . amolJg a lo t o f o ld Ilup"r" thal I,, " ra t b e r le ft ." "Oh. 110." I blurt"( 1 IlIlt ; "~ hf' "rote to h im y"~tl'rLl"y . n ll d "'n "1', )1,' lo h er . AI 1"H Nt- 1 "W hal do ),Oll ml ' "n~" In~1I1r<,tI Ill)' falhl'r. sl l'rtll~' " ll o \\' d o yuu know nbo"t Ilw ~ ·' thill~~ ·.''' "Oh . I so rt of I'II" ~ "(' ( I , I Blll'po~,'," I an s w( 'r "tI. lJ I Ufhlll~ The IlI' xt TlIornlng 11l ,· t Sl~ v e :\l nrkH 11Iid h o ,'au Kh l mi ' b y Ih,' 'HI~L " \ \'hat do )011 1IIIII k ?" h,· " " 'I"i lll",J , ·r I in(\l ,; nnntly. "S)' I\'I ,l T .· IIII,I,· h:, ~ J" dt con f e~Ked Ihal th ORO II'lll'rs IIpvef ""Ilrh(>d th .. m at nil ." " W hal? \\'h ) ': .. I sh(.ulrd . II~~ , . II " 1t" I'UIIS6 ~ h(' ~Il"uk. ' d lm ck 10 th o po st ollleo ufl rr '\11 had ~"Il " . and !l sb .. d tl1l'l1I oul wllh u pl " " I' lir ~lIck with n fi sh honk In Ih e c'ntl. alld tora t hc' rn up- t h al' S wlty ." "Th en how did It li appen?" I ,1Isked . /1 to r my (a t hl'r 'R {'xp lallalio ll .lId n ot ,," ' s"C'm (Ill ite truc . 'Tm IJl cs"C'd If I IIno"" ." hI' a n· 8Wf'rf'ti, Bcral chlll!\,' hI!; 11<'a ll . n.1lf1 a ~ that mO ln('l1l who s llou ld COUlO a lonr:; b ut )1I6s Ll lJl>y h l' r~ p lr. l-i ho looked [ I'll yellra y o ulI gr r, aud s ho s mll " d 80 pr cttl h ' s ho gave on!' ')llito a sl"~re. Th e If(x-k 11:"' 011 In U ri , num be r "So ' yoU boys k llo w al l nboul it. I , closes a t thp fron t a ~ d h all t h reflsee." sh e said. \l'hpn W (' bllll'll'd out !;orE' skirt ilIad" "Jl lt I-.mpl re o r reg· ", ul a t loll watHt Il nl' . Tb o roun d nec k I ('alit bf'llln t o Is ('0 Ilarl(,8 • . and 18 fin is hed w ith " o ur congrDlu I 3t1()Jl~ . te Il you h ow happy I am IInd - all d- 1 t r ill o f "d gl n.; o r ruchl n!': or pla it e d ,," I' ll , I gul' ss I'':f' lJ .. ,·u a pr ('Uy cral>- m llll. Th e s lf'evp.s uro s hort and have he d Bo rt of wornan for a long time. : c Ulrs nnlH hod w ith lrhnr:o lll ' m at<:bBut n o w 1 w~n t ~· ou a ll to rom ~ Illto Inr-: t ho ('olla r g m y ga rd El n t h l~ "ft"moon uilil l ll" k D S Tb o pa tt e ra (COGS) Ie ("lit In S I7.e& many pI' a r A a s ~' o u can cnrry away. H . I f, a n,1 18 ),pa r s , Merl l1l m size will Th .. y're jll~l a bout r ip.·... r Nlulr o ~ I,:, J'ards o t 36·ln c h mat e rI a l. W ell . yo u could ha \'e k noC'kc d m a ~ o r a ."nrri I' t la<,o ,·dgmg a nd 1 ~~ <l ow lI wit h n feat he r. ror I h ad bud I Yar,\ » or p la it In K. thor-e prn r s o n my min d a ll d ay . To J'lTor u rn t his pnttf'l'm ,."'n d let f"r nt. ·'Pooh . th nt's uo th lng!" s nld Sy lvia . tn "Pu ll ('rn Of"JI(\r t mt' nl ." () ( fh lft p n p p r . \ Vrit o name ant. add r cs:l pl;dn l y . lind b e wh e n I aa l<c d h t'r o pinion . ..It 's ju s \ aurt! t o &1\' 0 "1;-'0 a rid lI u;:"~r ot u lLtro ro. whal m y llw t hf' r ca ll s m (> u tal sugges' tlo n . Don't you lIee? \\' e Imag in e d SIZE._. __ _ _•••• __ NO. G06B. tbosfl lette r R alld we Im a gined the I,,'a rs . a nd b o th ca me t ru e ." NAME . _____ •• ___• • . _______ _• • • ___ ••• • • _ Bu t the pea r s we re ce rta inly fine, TO\ VN . __ . . .. __ _. ... __ ... _. __ . ---- -.-. -••••• I d ill all s orl s of Im ag ining afte r tha t. and Born e of It ca m e t rue . and Born S STRlIR T AND NO... __ ____________ ___ _ d ldn·t. Tb e beat tbln g that came tru e STATE .. ______ ____ __ __ ___ • ___ _ ___• __ _ was wlJ e n 1 Imag ln r.>d tbat Sy lvia and I w e r c s weeth eart s . (Copyright . 1913. by W , O. Cha pm an.)

Practical Fashions

""'1111- ..

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'PheBe are th e ladl e s or th e C hl ll"Rf) legati o n ill Was bln g ton , In t b e C(' D· ter Is Mrs. C b a ng. wife o r Mlllls t e r ( 'hang Yin Tll ng : at tlt e left Is :11188 I.lly Chang and at the ri g ht Ml s~ A lice C han g.


Violin and Violoncello Both .Extremely Senlltlve to Changing Atmos· pherlc Condition'.

Mr. Tllu m V8un iH th e ne wl y up pol nt· c d 1l881s lan L a ll Orn f'Y gener a l who ci t>ren ds tll e g O,",l rlllll t' lI l h i 1111 Bults bet o re th e 1I . ~ . ('o urt o f Clul mM. li e la n Pltt s burg h !!r . g rud u at ~ 'It I 'r l "~f" ton u nd a c lose f r ll'n ti o f Pl'esld c' n t WII sol1 .

............. CHARLES M; THOMSON

. ,'1.'.

Comling at Breakneck Spee d.

.. ':;W>" ••.I' ••

~ •••••

'< ..............(.i'"~, ••• - ..

"Our Princess ," aR Prlnl" Ps R \'I c , Orltt I.o ui s l', the onl y dau g hl !'r o f Kn lse r ' 1Il Iam. Is call e d by the G er mn ll~ . Dnll h e r hu sband . Prin ce Ern mlt Augu s tu8 nf ~ umbcrland. In the royal cnrrlage Imm e di atel y n.f t cr t ho we ddin g c., re mollY at P otsda Ill.





Ch a riI'M M , Th o lll bll ll , tl lP II" W (,(Inrr UlI1 I.h~ '1' (, "1b 1I11110is tll ~ trlN. Is a I'r o f~ n·Rs lv e IIn cl ( h~t'(· a t.' d !tc org€' F';. POMS. tl lIl Hf' publi r- un c and i· d n. t e. Mr. Thom so ll Ih a ('hl ("9);0 In \\, · )' E' r anti Is abollt th lrt> -fl \' P Yl'ars o ld , gl ·r.~R lll a ll


llli valuation recently s e lect'3d by tile , . .", tnte ratate commerce , commission to assist In tormulatlng tbe p!ans under . Lady. Sprl~~-Rlc'e: ,at the !lew .wl1loh ,tile val~atlon "wor k oii ! h_e prOP!li'ty.'-ot, cQmmon carrler~ . w)lI .!Hi ,,'lQI.I. Brltlllll. afubu84dor. and h e r baby have ., < F.rom fect to right: . Prof. Wm. ~ D . .Ponol', pf ~e University of WlJcoral,n. jU8t , arrl've,~ hi tbe United States 'and . / Howa!;d ' M. of N".hv.nte. , TeDu,. · 1, S: ·Worley. Jili1w.lo : F., Weildt cat ~UI' ~"~ ~ bub~IU. }~. Jl.... tor th( ·;· ....b • . P.a •• ud 'a;, A. "~hOaiP.OD 'of CaUlornt& .~.' . ,. . ~ ~ .r ... )\.4 .. _. : •.




. . . ..........



fi nd you cannot gu cs s how s hr inkl ngIy I wri te do wn th e80 worrl s wh ich my h a nd is p o we rl eslI t o slay. I lo \' e you-an d 1I 0 W I ha \'o tol d you all, T h e r est 18 with you . "LlIJHY ARLI SS," Yes. It was a ge m of co mpositio n. ami e licite d Bc ream ~ o f laugh te r among u s all. Only one g irl pro t estc d. " 1 thlu k It's a m ean s ham e." sa id Sy lv ia T em pl(·. tumln g u po n li B, " It IlI l1St be ju s t uwrul t o be an 0101 ma id ." " P c rh slps It will b rl ll g "'llIluln to Ih e Iloi nt. th o ug h." I ~ u ggl·s t l' d . n nd t h nt. g av e li S a n Id L' a . Wh)' lIot ~f' nti Lltrby a le l t" r by lhe Ba me pool? :-\0 ~oun p r t b o ug hl o f t hall acte d u po n . \\' lI lla m 's le tter ra il III thl ~ w ay : " :\1" Dea r es t Li lJ b_ ,· ,\ rll $ij : .J " Because my tongu e IR w e ak /l nd (all e r ~ In your IJrCse n<:e. I wou ld faill wril e do wn t he wo rd s 1 loo g t o say t o you . Libby . I lo ve you , Ma y 1 C:tll 10 u('c you an d t e ll you o r thn falal IJIlR~ion whi ch you In ijplre in illY h l'n rt '! WILLIAM TABOR ," \\ . o d rOP ll e d t "uC ~(' I' P Is tl C' g I n t 0 t h e le ll l' r lJ ox a nd wa illJd wi th b ated bre ntb . ru e tullhorlcall y spc u lci ll g, \V o d ldn ' t kllo w w b o m 10 wa lc h. but tinal· Iy d eci d cd tb al il wou ld ct'rtal nly bl' \\'111111111 who would f; 0 to Libby and not Lib by who " oul d \' Is il \\'illi U Ill . So. ha\,ing ca lc ulat e d tha t he mi g ht b e e xp('c le d t o arr i" '" t he fol low iu(; nft e l'lloo ll . w e pnscu ll cC'd o Ul' sc lv cs SCJIT" l ha lf a dozen of us-br'hi nd tb e h I'C\J:;e ac ros~ lh,.. roa d a nd wa ll e,!. Presen ll y we saw. Hur .. (,n ollf:h . 1\11'. T a bo l" s bu ggy cOllll ng at b r uukn llck ~ p !'ed do" n th e r oad It l a c lo ud or dus t. ~l e pull d III the hOr H!! olllsid e th e g a t e and hi te h rd It to l bl' rl nce. Th en h e got out llnd we nt In. walking ve ry . prlck lr _ H " r a n ~ lit ... Ilell a nd ~!l ss Llb l.Jy c:an Je t o th e door. lIu t I h a d n eVl' r SCP. U :\1I9s L lbby loo le 05 s he did th e n. All th e s o ur ncs s ha d gO ll n out of b e r tace. and s h e WDS dres~ed like a youn g g ir l. In tbat ab~ urd old ·fa s hioned dros s with t be han gi ng s leev es . Th e r o was color iii h e r chee ks . too. and s h o was smiling. Aud all sbe stood the ro looking at him and smiling up at blm, he took her In Ws arms and kissed her. That was enough for us. We were all thoroughly Icared, We took to our hellis and ran 88 hard as we oouid Bo, 'Ve eouldn't go anywhere atter reacbulg the village -wIthout attractoing attentio;u,1O " ·e . ae1Jarated aud-



I .~eut


t.D our home••·• . . '



Th e violin and vi o lon cello are most sensitiv e t o atm os ph e ri c co ndlti o n ll a nd s ulre r from a tmos ph eric vari a· t lo ns quite a s mu c h as th e t e nd e r voca l co rd~ o f th o Bin ger , Th ose wb o ha ve atte mp te d t o mak e t h e vio lin a n ornam pnt b y ha ng in g It u po n t he wa ll have ha d r ea s on to rAren t ta ki ng s u ch a li berty. Th e violin loses Its \'a rnl s h and g radu nl1y It.. pitc h and timbr e, Th e artifi cial h eat of room s In wint e r ma k ·R Its tO il e r a u· co us wb e n it doc s n o t o bllte rat o It en · tlre ly. 'I elal cases. m o rocco co\' e r ed, are e qu a lly untlt ro r It. A s tron g. we ll va rni sh e d wood e n (' aRC. e V 1' 11 th ough It be Dot es peci a ll y nltrnc t lve to the This wai s t Is on e of th e newest mOlt. f'y e, sulta th e s us ce ptlblll ttes of tho a ls In s h irt blouses. a n d b a s the vio lin mu ch be tte r , Cl'rtaln qu a litieR. latest s t yle droppe d arm boles. It so me ti mes u nsus pec t ed In th e wood. m ay b e m a de w ltb or wl t bout t be ceRpi n yan Importa nt part In th e fal s lfi. tef bo x-plait. aad tbe neck 18 finlsb . catioll of n otes, c au s in g lve ed with a turn -down cuflar. The d ctr rl oratton . s lee ves bavo nov e l cults and tb e gen The re WIIS a tim e w h e n manuractur· pra l IIp pea ran c e ot tb e blouse Is c blo ers app llpd t o th ul r produ c t Re ve ral and s tyli s h . ("oa t s of "paln t"-1. c .. 11 co n('('ntrnt pd Th f' pa ll rr n (G07 1) Is c ut In IIlzea Fo lutlon of b lchrom ut e o f s odium p o t· ::4 to 42 In e h l's tru s t m e asur e, !\.le:tHh In bo il ing wa t E' l'. Th e wood ~oo n <1111 111 AI~e w ill r eQ uire 2~ yards or a "lllIlre d a yp l1 0w t OIl I'. and und li r t h" ~ G · lrll"h mnt <' rl a l or 3~:' yard s of goode " c~ l lo u of Jl J.; ht ~ a rt l' r dry lng. ,tll l' colo r ! 2: I nr h f'~ wil l" cl ark f' nc d a nd t oo k o n th ? a Rpr{'t. o f ' 'l'o PTO" " "" t hl. ~tt"Tn ~;:n<l 10 Cfmtll lh l' vcr y old pain t. 10 ..... " " erll (l('p"r me nt." or this P QJ>CT• ,\Vr lto n a m e an d ndd r es9 pl a inly. nnd bo F or co mm r rclal pu r pos('s thi s W3 8 8 11 TO tu giv e . ,'''' find num ber or pattern. nil \'f.' r y we ll . hut w hat h UPP f'n " d t o tI ll pu rch ase r wa s tb a t li S soon us h e SlZE ••• -. _ _ •••• ·_ NO. 6 071 . bl'ga n to u sn hi s Ins t rlllllf'nt expo al' ,l NAME __ ____ • ___ • . __ ._ • • ___ • ___ ••••••• to th e li g ht th l1 bi chro mate wo rk ed on th l' ~e l a tln whi c h th e m n nufa('tllrer~ I'lIl pl o \, e d to ('0 1or th e woo d and pre- l TOWN - ..... __ . .... __ ...... _. __ __ • ___ __ __ • " ('nted th e pe ne tratin g o f th e varni _h . I STREET AND NO . .. _ __ __ __ ____ • ___ • • _ whll o som l' (' I(' me nl In th e bl ch ro mn t o or 80dn. wns c'o nv f' r t"d Inlo s to nll. Th e ' BTATE ___ _ •• _ ••• _ •••••••• _•••• ___ • __ _.. vio lin lIu O'er ed petrltkatlon , whldl Im pc·o r O Its t one!! an ll r f' n de red it u s~ Getting E~n 'Wlth Justice. l e~s.- H nr p ') r'!I '\""t·kl y. T h e prl "OIH~ r a t th e ba r of tb e pOlice co urt WIL ~ so r e ov e r bls tre atme nt Ilnll City Men Needed on the Farm. c o uld n ol. con ceal It wbolly. Tn ma n y no luhl e In s ta ncE's ci ty me n "If I sh OUld ex press my opinion 01 nl'o 5 u rcpn d ln~ aa fa rm c·re. If th ey d o thl ~ court. yo ur h Ollor." he said. ri sing not kn ow a ll abou t. rai s ing g rain an d fr a il! h is c ha ir. " would you UDe 00 .. handlin g li ve ~toc k . th (>), n r c a bl n. a s II fo r coutc lIlp l?" rill e. to ap pl l' bus iness meth ods to " I ce rl ni lll y s h ould." re.pond e d tl10 tllI'l r uno e rt ll kln f~s, jud ge. d e c~I~ l v'~ ly . S uccessful rurm man agp m e n t m us t "T ha nk yo u." bowed th e prlsoller, In c lud e a kn o wl e d ge o r b uy in g a no ~l wl ~ b to ex t nd my con g ratulations sf' l1In g. In thi s pa rti cula r th e c ll y mn n t o you r hono r a nd nil tbose co n ne c t· is a pt to h e a h f'a d of 'hi s rural ll f' ig h 'l c d wltb th e co urt (or lh e ve ry fa ll' and IJf: r It is c"senti a l t o kll ow " hat co n · Impa rti a l tri a l I h av e r ec e ive d a t your SUIllE' rs rl' qulre. wh a l th e Hs unl r lltu lI l b a nds. " pri ces a r e 0 11 fa rm co m modi ties. and TIl/' pris one r ~a t d own nllcl Ihe t hl' for lllli es ''''n llabl e for tra ns po rting judgq was fh,bbe r gas t ed - Jud gc. and seilin g , Th e man or cit y ex pe rl · en ce undc r s tanda the s e thin gs. and lw His MI.fortune. goes In tor a lin e or produce lik e " YOII bave no ono to blam e bat onio ns. beans. potatoes. du c k s. c hick· yourself for your unlucky buslnaa. ens a nd ca'r nat,on s and aaters. 011 ve ntures." said th e Ilt ern pare nt. "I which h o gets big protlts. advised you to. I:>oll before yoti. It would not b e like 11 city man to leaped." . raise wb e at at seventy-five centll 8 "" did look. dad." explained the reo bushe l and twenty bushels. to tbe acre. pentant lion . "f.nd I dldn't leap. • when he can get ninety cents a bus bel gO\ dizzy and tell." tor ollions and 250 bushels to the acr.e_ Thle Ulustratea tbe ' wbole idea, Where Work Fall. to Women• and no truth Is more .strlking than the In Zululand women do ~., faet, t~t elty ~en are ',needed In agrt. ~t the manual labQr. ,whUe thelt; laua. culture.;'-Ji'rom. O. ~:_,Bow'fteld·. "~u ~the~ ~d "'~~J ~ : . ' . • .<- - ' .7-;1 '" .' .

lad~~• . lIlth8f:D;. bllt~eFarm. Pt'~_


I I \:::11.


- --------

United States Cream Separators NEW 1913 FEATURES Mechanical Washer -:- Nickle Silvt:r Sections •. Dust - proof Gear Case.







Holds the World's Record for Close Skimming.

Before Buying Call on


Here's a Good One For You





E. R. MILLER, Centerville, OhiO, Distributor



for Warren, Greene and



..... ---'

...... _

Common Pleas Proc.toedings






t:;cbwartz at al. Furtber appraist'ment of l eal es t,ate dispenseo with . Order of "file iRl! ued t.o U..1mini.trlltor ERtllte of WilliaUl H. Dod ds. de· ct'lt8ed. Flrst. llod final ll 00 ltUot lip proved, allo~ed and conflrmerl. Estllt.e of Ueorge V. Penoe, de · Cfl"f'ell . EMllte fully administered . Estate of Mary Armstrong, de· oea8ed. Firlj~ and flua!aocount flied. Estate o f Howl1rd Froderiok Ell. minor . Fin ... l aooount filed . C' C. Emmons as executor of t,he will and estate of Alfreti W . Cook, deceased V8 . Alvin M. Cook , et ~l. Order of sale IA8ued to exeoutor. In the matter of the will of M.ary E . lJill, deoeased. Will admitted to Probate. J . M. Dill and Beber Dill aPPoiMed exeoutorll giving bond in th" sum ot '7000 . Estate of MOlles W. Hollingsworth deoeased. Applioation filed for an· thorlty to sell olaimt'. !:let for hear· inR July 8tb. In the matter of 'he will of James Weir, deoeaeed. Will flIed. Estate of Rebeooa .lane Sides, deoeased. Sale bUl filed. In the msUer of Tom MoCann to Day ten '3tate .oapltal

Perfection is like the alky--in aight, but out of reach. You'll onlly find "per. fection" in two places • • th,e dictionary and the mouths of fool •.

OUR CLOTHES for summer are aa ·n ear perfection as "tr], hard" and "know how" can make them.

!:lhte of Ohio VII Elisba Tyson . Motion for di~ollftrl!ll of Elitoha 'Ty. Quality counts here, aDd every garsou overrul(ld to whioh ruling of menta just right in materiaLI, trimming, 'be oou rt he l<xoeptto Stllte (If ObiovA. Lon Tyson Mo cut, tailoring. fit, style, finish, and everytion fol' disob"rgll of lIooused L Oll thing that goes to make IUp Clothing Tytlon overruled bf'cli use oompillin that look. wel~ fits well, anell wean well ant fa\l" to prosecute. Lee Wolf fmd brother Vi. Milton M. f:ulp, et 11,1. Un motion default for aOllwer 18 opened "od lel\ ve gl ven defebdllnts to file th"lr aoswers Clinton W. 8tt.nlon et al VI!. Ed wtl.rd T. Deohuflt, Motion for new You may be aure of a welcome trIal overruled. Defeudant exoep'B to the rnling reqllirln~ hIm to p .. y awaiting you always at Our .Store., The_ hta own oosts . same courtesy is extended Ito "lookera" W. F. Eltzr.t.h V8. Jennie Brown as to purchasers. Bunter, TbomKd B. Bunter and O. W. Alorri.. It Is oonsidered by the ooart that plaintiff reoover from defeDdants 170217.50 and that de fendaat O. W. Morris recover from hil\ 00 defendants 14152.25. W. F. Eltzroth vs. Jennie B. Bunter, Tbomas B . Bunter and F.nnie II. Robinson. It is oonsldered by the oonr' that plaintiff reo oover '7114.08 from defendant. New Suits Marriage Licenses Georl6 A. Burr VI!. Margaret 105 Suits in full range of aizea, that Barley.. Lewis, employee at }farshbarger t1t al. aid of enoution, Bridie Works, and !dlss Jane Gris. were formerly $12, $}S,,Il(ii, $18 v.J",et. ew. Brllondon & Ivins, attorneys. Wold, beth of Lebanon. ReT. A . .if. offered for .. ~uits that are tailored aa we~ al merely made. Joseph D. Mmer vs. John L. Kestle . i:Jtouten berouih. Aotion, mO:ley . J. Morton Cen'er. o')ntraltor of 1500 olaimed. Stanley & Stanley, Middletown and Misl Bernioe IiIhar. attorneys. tie, of franklin. Rev. A. C. Clere. Real Estate Transfer. Alvin Simpson, employee Tile Corwin and Jane Eva Jlaintll'to faotoryand G.:>ldie Jones, bo~h of Broken lines-one or two o:f s kind. , Ida II. BoolteU, 90.51 aores of land Wa y.ne8v11le. P.~. Thompeon. Splendid styles - Sfe just (The Kingsbury Co. only) WIlliam I:Jheets, Janitor Bod Ethel iii Wayne towD8hlp IB100.00. what they should be-mannish Andrew Cox to Mary 1. Cox. Lot MoKlnley, both of Franklin. Rev . in South Lebanon, II. Rhqadea. yet youthful-sizes ranging from 7 to 16 . Albert Bohnell to Barry E Commissioners' Proceedings 8o11nell, two traots of lalld in Salem Bill of Getzlnger & Breen for Alao about 35 Suits in $20, $22, townshtp, gravel was refused and or:Jered re o G. 1'. Brown and Belle turned. $25. $28 \?alues at Brown to Olarence 8. Gmuser, lots Resolution wlUladopted to inorease No. 38 and 37 in South l'ark Sub the depoait.. ries of the Lebanon division. National Bank and Citizens .atlonal P. Dunbar Claaett to l:ieorge W. Bank in the sum of '50.000 ea.h. WiU .ell 8psal,ht 38.50 aores of land In Bi)ls Allowed-Ed S. Conklin, in Washi.gtoD township. stamps' and pO!ltal~ for .... uditor S'. Alfred Beam to Ruth E. Jones, Boller Inspeotion Department, In . Most of these Suits are medium In weight aDd lot tn Ji'rankl1n 1669. llpaotion bOilers at Infirmary and suitable for all-yesr-round wear. Eliza T . Lukens to Joseph F . Orphans' Bome, 14.50. John A. Lwkens, lot in Lebanon 11. Ritesman, servioes on barial com. I Samuel L. Surface to Annis Tod- Il)ittee. Maslie t0wnship '3. Thorn . hunter, lot in Lebanon 'I. ton Thom[lllon, servioes 00 burial Probate Court oommiUee, Barlan town!lhip. '3. Estate of W. B . Uuke, deClued . lamea MoMullen, three months ser . First aooount approved, alIowed aDd vloes seore&arv Relief CommtUee, co.flrmed. '20. Lee Grogory, expllnl!e of Pas. .tate of Raohel L . Badley, de leur treatment, William Gregory osall8d. Estate fully administered. '4050. Dr. Charles Rookhll1, Pal" Estate of John W. Jaok, deoeased. teur treatment William Gregory, . Third and final aoo(}unt approved, '100. Lebanon PlltrlOt publi8hing allowed aDd oonfirmed. notice to oonirBotors, 11625. Leb . Estate of .osellnda I. Poore,lm· anln P&trio& publishIng noaioe to blilOlle. First Bocount approved, a}. oo.trBC~QrS, S17. ~5 . Lebanon Patrlos lowed and oonfirmed. publilhing .notice to Builders, '5.75 . 50 and 52 Ea.t Main St., Xenia. John K. Spenoer, admialstrator l.ebanon Patrtot, publishing notioe de bonis non of the estate of Wm. to builder8, SB. Va1Jey Telephon6 I E. t;chwartz, deoea.sed VB. Molly B. Co., telephone rent, '23215. The No. 44. Oregonia Bridge Co • for I' Ii N b h ing roa d bridge worlr. C}earoreek township. temporary foot brid~ at FOllters I BARNHART, rank n eWI, pu)is • 'S8 .95. Albert D. Bond, .rldge notice 19.37. J . W. MoodV. repair. work Franklin township, S24.33. ovelr LiUle Miami River at the el! Notary Public Take Plen "" of TIme to Eat ing stamps tor audUor '1 .50. DaD timl.6e S128780 Veterlnarv 'J John Wolfe, Can. No. 26, S51.90. .... . ~ _ • -. IAll kinds of Notary Work. Pension There i8 a saying that "rapid P. aODe, olerk, costa in ClIose No. Obio fJorrngafed Culvert Co., ani D __.. Laxative ' for the Aaed ... Work a I:4peolaJt:v. eating is slow suicide." If you 111Bl, 112.2', State of Ohio VB. 1A7M. Graduate of Obio SIIII . Un Iver ... ~ have formed the h8 bit . of 6&ting too P.entlsl T Iller, .38 70. State of vert pipe '30.60. Detroit Graphite Old men and womeD feel the need rapidly yap are most likely suffer. Ohio VI. Grant SmIth, 112.36. State Co., paint, '57.50 . of a, laxative more than yoang folks, " l ing from indigestion or oonstipat 9n of Obio vs. Leonard Ferkner, '12.50. Contraot for bridge at Fostel's was but It must 1 e sBfe and harmless Office at reilldenee 10 F. n Sher, WALTElt wbioh w111 r6l!ultunless eventually in State of Ohio vs. Eclwara King, awarded to Oregonia Bridge Co., at and which wl11Life not PiUa ~useare pain. wood's house, Fourth Street" serions 11In8lls oorrected. Dr. one King's New es Funeral Dlrer.tor~ Digee&lon bellns in the month. ~l!5.75. Perry B. Monoe, Contrao' their bid tl1I3. '(lIeollally gQOd for the &&ed, for they Telephon~ 28 Food &bould be thoroughly mas. No. '6, 1178.00. Perry -B. Monoe, No. 42. Frank Mug for new ,80t ,romptl, and ealily. Price 250. .. Telepbone day 01 nl.Jat. ttDated and insaltvated. Then wben Can. No.2' SlS1 81). W . E. Deohant etone abutment and ps.ving at Foa· . Recommended by J. JIl, Janney. Waynesville. . ,. • Ohio Valley phone No.1. yoa have a fulln8ll1ll of the stomach ' ... • 5 d d • _ .. . .• _ Long ' or feel dnll and stupid after eating, repairing Oxford roa;1 132110. P. ters at tbe bid .,4. 0 per 011. Y .,an Diatance No. 69-....... 1611:0 one or ·Chamberlain 'a Tablet... A. MoCu\oheon. repairlnlt lower '1 per yd. for paving. • ••• ntl.' OHIO MaDY I18vere oases of a'omaoh Carlisle and Franklin road, $147.50 ~o. 41. R. A. MoCutcheon for , ' "':08 :WUlt thln'"about arlthmeUot WA~~ESVILL~, • 'rouble and oons&lpatton have been ..... T. ReUig repairing Oar11s1e and. pattlng In sewer OD J'ranlthu and tlitcl Uncle Eben, ~8 dat & ·'W~dlo. ATHA W A 'Y - Branda 081ee, Ha"epb1l1'lr. C. ' oared by the use of these tableta. Patteraon road S301. Jehu Wolfe Red Lion pUre with OODcrete head. G' .'olla1 "U de idea ~t ~!. They are euy to take and moet ' , . . 1ic1l'eriD' Ie all rilht U 4e1 .... ' ...... • , reeabllt In dect. Bold by all bridge 'Work, ' Maaaie and Warne :walJ.e. also pain&lug SecoDd 8tr~t 'WIf' II, Ilamber elM bU." ~~ mark ·eaten. . .' townshiP••13.110. W. N. · Allon" oanal J)rt~lio .Uhe .elJuma~'218:t7. ' .fl~t , ot .~: . ,'; .", .: .

Seeing is Believillg


Extra Spec:ial

Boys' Norfolks A Store f'or Boys


$5 Up


The Criteriion

Furnishings and Hats

$14·75~ Sale


Stetson Hats





I ..

· .





J. A.. McCoy,

tHE. H DR.. ___I.e;.

: ":.).; ,:,.,.' . ~' .. "', . <' ,..: ,' ~; . ,,:.,· ::..:;~~.."~~7'~ >


I E.




, .

~ .


The Test of No other test is so certain· 90 and without C(l~t or 108.'1 . No otlwr te::lt i~ tlO severe and r equires such stability as does

~' lIfe

THE TEST OF TIME Th'e Tri-State Butter Company, Ohio, has stood this Time Test and more than 5,000 Cream Shippers have not only found shipping the ir Cream to the fri ·State profitable but also have enjoyed the ~l ·l: lll'il .\· :I ncl reliability which characterizes the Tri-State .market. The 'i'd-State does not f\o li~t your business on promises but PROO F is our I:Ilogan .

Ship your Cream to-day, or write for Free Trial Cans--Spot . Cash is paid for every shipment.

Tri·State Butter Co., Cincinnati, O. Capital Stock $75,000

More than $100,000 per month paid for Cream THE






Wuyntlll\'Ulo. Oblo




'l' I£I. t-:I'IIUNE - (;AL L



D. L. CHANE, Editor and Manager

- -- _._------_._ - - RateB of Subscription One Yoar (strh:Uy In all\'ance) .... . ... ~

llgl" Uc.,J)y ....... .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. ..

11 , 00 . 00

Rate8 of Advertieing ,loa<lIng

l..ocnlll. IJ(lr lillo ..... .. . ... .. . Dc i...ocaill. black It(('o. IIIl.r line ... . lOe luallloo Alis. not to oxceed 0 vO IIU08 ThrOe luaenlona ... , . . ...... . ~Dc

Head lllg



Ubltuul8ll. Ove Inchce Iroo , over Dve Incheot, loer linn. .. ...... , . .. . . , I rd of tb.IUIka.... . .. ...... • . .. . . . ,. .. esolutlona . . . .. . ... . , ... ....... _• ... oct .... ele. where ella, e 11 made , . . . . .. . IJIpla), Adven.l8lng pc Inch .... . .. . . ,. DlIcountB glvell JD contract. JUNE



26<: ODe 16<: IDe


The oultl.,,,tlon of ootton in 81am III being enoouraged by the g'lveru· meDt,

• Impor.ed

England more tban 1,770,000 rabbit IIkina from AU8traiia 161J' year.

• Can't Keep It Secret

The IIpleDdid work of Chamberlain '8 Tablets III olllly becoming more widely known . No 8.t1!h grand remedy for stomaoh and liver troublel haa ever been knowD. :ror Ilale4bv all dealers.

• Zino ehlDlle Daill',

out from the lIoUd mekl, are praotlcally IDde· struotlble.

A IIhovel wi 'h selve aUaohM 1'0 that aah811 08n be sifted before they





man, but you look bad I Wbat's the matter? Second Genu--Yep, I'm aboot all in. The last party I tackled wu a pessimist.


Most Children Have Worms MaDY mothers think their ohlldren are suffering from indigeetlon, heada.he, nerVOUSDblS, wealtnellll, . OOIIt I venele. when they Ilre vlotlml! 01 that mOllt oommon of all ohildreD'~ alimeDts-worms . Peevl8h. ill tem paled, freUul ohHdren, w'ho SOBS lLud griDd their teeth, wish bad breath and oolioky painB, have all the symptoml of having wormll, Bndshauld be given Klokapoo Worm Killer a ple-'B8nt candy 10zeniP, wbl . upels worma, regulates tbtbo ,,., tODes up Ule system, aDd m~k (' >4 . 'ldreD weU aDd happy. Kloka " .' orm KiUer II gnaraD teed. All rg~lsts, or by mall. Price 250. I:' " apoo IDdian MadI' elphia aDd 8t lot 0 ne 0" Louis.


.. -----



are removed fram a heater hu beeD iDvented by a MloblifAD maD.

"PlhnIy prides himself m tatiag a philosophic view of life." "That's becaUIIB he has jOlt recentDeafnl=lS Cannot Be Cured ly had his b!eth put in firaklua ~ by looalappl1oa'loDs, 811 tbey caDnot der by a competent dentat.- reaoh the dleea8ed portion of the ear, l.'bere il only ODe way to oure IN JOVOUS MOOG, deafn8118, and that II! by conltUu· tlonal remedies. Deafnesll ill Ol!.used "Nero by an iDfiamed coDdition of tbe macoul hDIDg of the Etl8taohlln burned I" lIyea," nrplied a member of the Tabe. When tble tube is infit&med . - yoo-bave a rumbllDg eouDd or 1m· "arson trust!' "He..... probabl, perfect hearing, and when it Ie eo. thinking about the fire m.\llUIlC8,tlrtly olosed, DeafDMII Is tile reeult, and unlell8 the infitlmn'ation olln be ODD CAlL talten oot and this tube restored to Its normal o~Ddltl(\n, hearing will "The man they ejected hom t:be be destroyad forever; nlnl) oatles out ot teD are OIUllled by Uatarrh, whloh hall W8B burning with rage." Is Dothing bntan IDl1amed oondHion "Yes, and strange to say, he ... of the mucous I!orfacee. full ~f fire after th~y 'put him out.· We will give One HUDdred Doliars --. for aDy 08se of Deafness (OaU8e t by Shake Off Your Rheumatism Catarrh) that oannot be oured by Ball '8 C"tarrh (''uUl. 8eDd for o,r Now Is the time to get rid of your free . rbeumatlem. Try a twenty five ,.. J. Oheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. oeD' bo&tle of Chamberlain's Linl Bold by Drulfgll!tS. 760. ment aDd see how qulokly your Take Hall'lI F"mlly PI\lIl for COD rheoma&lo patDfI disappear. Sold by etlpdlon. aU dealers.

--------. .




We ha va Solved the High , Cost of Monuments \

Deal Difectly with the Proprietors No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits You Get the Benefit Everything in the line of Cemetery Work. We make a Specialty of Individual designs for our cUltomers All work lettered in our own Shop with Pneumatic Tools.

Beech Grove.

Harveysburg. Those taking advantage of th ,e Dabl, Milligun Co's. exourslon goln~ &0 Mliokluf\o Island are I4r, aDd Mrlt. Chlls. Mudden, Louise N. Wilson, CI.v de Levioy, Chus , 'roOKer, John Madden, Rully Uline I!.nd E&hel ~on_ nor . , Harry Bl\rbeau returned to bll8 plaoe of bus iness Tuesday, lell vlnl~ his wife lind two boys with thei lr parents for u viRit. Fred Dakin after two week's r es,) returned to Day&on Monday muoh benetltted by his vaoation , Rev. Cowgill will fill the pulpl 't Ilt Friend's churoh Sunday June 30 , if the Methodist ohuroh improve wents are not oompleted. Mr . and Mfi! . Ira Harbook, Mrll. Floyd Anderson and son Caraon o1r Dayton were visiting rellttives 1Ierl3 Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Jos. Davis are eDtertal Ding I heir dau~hter Dorothy M arri ving here blaturday morulnK Unole Uy Lovlov of the firm of Levioy & Howe has Ii smile on hil! face now that will never wash off oausAd bv tbe arrival of Dorothy 1(. Davis. Miss Pauline Shiller of Dsyton, was the guest of Louise Wilson thE' first of t.he week . Rob't. Garner and Oh UI. 8hldakelr have a IlIrge oontraot ef pl!.perlnl: in DaytoD and will be engaged thero for IOWA 'Ime. 'fhat shows we have good mechanlos. JBmes MoCuren one of our most prollperous farmers Is DOIll'~SOr of an Oakland Touring oar. Mrs. Milry Bennett sl)ent last weelt the guest of her dau~hter )lu, J ohl1 Wagner, of DaytoD. lieveral of our eld I!oldlere at_ tended the G. A, R . EDcampmeDt at WashlDgtoD, O.•. last week. Yr, Jos. ElleDbarger of Westboro SpeDt SUDday here with frleade. ChlldrBD's day ",as obeerved by tbe II. E . aDd FrleDds ohuroh 8unday. A very interellt.IDg program was reDdered. Muslo by the Ed. wards oroheetra. -------..--~.-------

Ouaranteed Eczema Remedy

K . E. ThoUlpt!OU lmd Lon Brannon were in WaynesVille on Saturday. A little girl has come to oheel the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis. Miss Myrtle Bainess is spending several days with relatives at Xenia. J . W, Taylor has bought a Dew traotlon enKlDe. Th e Misses Luolle and Myra Be. Yen hl1 ve returned to their home nellr Ulllrkllvllle after spending a fcw dll.Y8 with A. 8 . Allen and wile. Mrs, Anna M. Brannon apent titlt-urdtt.y with her sister Mrs. Mabel Terry , Mr@ . Shank and danghter Ethel were the guests of Mrs. Amanda Garner and daughter Jessie on Fri . day afternoon . C. V lInrne~B I1nd family enterI·niued tbelr f!\ther and mot.her from Xenio. on So.t·urdl1Y fmd Sunday . We are very Barry to report Mrs. Murtha W. rh.:>mpllon very poorly at l,biB writing . We a \I hope for a speedy recovery . Mr/' . Lucinda MoCoy of California Is viYitiDg relutl VIIS uDd frlcnds here. Mrs Mattie Db vi!lspen t l::Iaturday with h er granddaughter Mil!s Dor. othy M. Ouvls at Harveysburg. Harmon Moor and wife spent Bunday with r elatives at HarveYfbur~ ,

RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at Redsonable Rates. AlsoJ Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. CORWIN. OHIO.

Ph one 7.· I

New Burlington


A . U. Blair partioip Lted in the Methodist Episcopal Churcll NatlOnul l:lay pigeon shoot In Dtly_ Rev. U. S. G r"u!ICr. Putor, ton IIlRt week . Su nJa .v ~C h ~ I I" . U 15 . t , III . ,'r1I1ruln~ tjef Miss Rothll.nnfl Pet·ArFon of neBr vl cc. 10 .:10 .l. JU . 1': n 'lIl ng 1f.ervl c t', 7 : 1..1 p 01 . MI4 \ Weu~ 1-·r l)'l'r Neello,," , 7 p . m . Wayncsville Is t·he g u e~t of r elntivtll! SI. Augustine's Catholic Church. here , ~'alllcr I.oul. Yal" T . C. HuvJock. C. E. Harrison, 1t.·I:UtM ev~ry KCCCUld Slilldll\, u f tb e: month a Benry Miller, .1118. Bl111r Itnd A . W . U : I)t) a. w . Reevefl attendoo the State U . A . H. St. Mary's Episcopal Churcb. Enoumpment at WlLshlngtou U. H. R c\', J . F . t luiwalJutll'T. itec t .'tJ . last we ... k . ~ulld3y Sobuol . H ::W Il. III M o rning tler Mis~ Sarah IIradforri very pleflfl. vIc... IU:ao a. Ill . Holy COlnmu ul Oio Lhc Urlt antlv entert6infd the Delta Alpha Sunll"y ul each munLb, __ CltLRS ~l1turday afternoon . Ruml Uflrrler A . W, Reeves Is enjoying a vaDlltion . Chas. Hltrrison bll.e purohtLscd an automobile Misl! 8 ernice Hawkins pl\l!leil suooessfolly through an operation for the I1mpntatl un of dlsellsed tonsilll In the Clark hospital in WH · mlngton ltlst we ek. Miss Eliztlbeth Reeves Ie at bome from Ohio Normlll Unlvenity at Athens for the ~urnmer vaoatioD. Mrs , C F. VIckers and Mn of DBvtcn are goests ot relat.ives here·

Wm , Kersey Rnu family of Oregonia, Etlrl Hookett and family of . Hicblte Friends Churea.. near WaYD~ville s!Jeot~nnday with Firsl Uil) Mccllnl(. 0 :00 ... m. 1"lrn na, Earnest Mannon tlnri family. School. I 1 :0(1 il w . F o urLll Ua y MceLing 10 :00 il, Dl. Ueo. W . Oavi!' had two fine draft oolts killed by hghtnlng Both were Orthodox Friends ChurCll. uuder the saDle tree t·hat was struok M!'N. EIJ7.aiJelh Ward , Pa...tor. by lightning lind \'Iere found with Rabbath School. 9 :3D a. m. Hcgular oburell I5<lrvJc.... 10 : 30 a. Ufo, nnd 1 : 30 l). Of, Prayer 'heir neolrs lying 110ross eaoh other. DlOOllul! WltduetKIllY evonlnl! at 1 : 30. One was 0. 3 year old and the other a -1 year old , Mr . Davis had jOlt b8en offered a big prioe for them ..... just the dl1Y before t.hey were killed. Teere Wltl! 0. Bmall Insurllnoe . K. E. Thomp.on, J . W . Miller,.It. GMIIltinl. GMII EII,...,.,1aC, H . ('1emeDt8 will have a publio J. Murray and sister Miss Lizzie atII1mr.AcU•• U.., .. Sl. WU . .na nt, aa_ tended the funeral of MI1I8 Mary 8ale of Houllehold . Uoods on Betnr. ,he,," Ilr&: l :. u Ihlllll' whlc:h wilt 111 :11 ' 1 II m Ull of r(Jur bo),. HaDsell at Springfield ohurlh on day. July 5th. See billa for parUoSecurt: 11 1<Itn 'I', \nl t: n::"I t and wbole. worne d~v(:h· p n a· I " hy .: 1\·lull "11II . Tuesday . ulars.





t~~~11:'nlttl~:!r;:e.N:fr1l~t:Vt:~!~!~~. r::~~~i~et.l~~a':;

Ulcers and Skin Troubles

If you are su~ering with tl.ny old The oODstant itching, burDlng, running or feyer sorea. aloers, bolls rednelll, rash and disagreeable ef- eczema or otht3r skin troubles, get a feots of eczema, tetter, salt rheuDl, box of Buoklen's Arnica Salve and Itch, plies and irritltlDg Ikln ernp. yoo will get relief promptly. Mrs. tlonB can be readUy cnred and the Bruoe Jonea, of Birmingham, Ala., tkln made olear and amoo'h with tluffered from an ugly uloer fltr 0,· B~bson'B Eozema OintmeDt ntne months and Fl10llien '8 Arnica Mr.~. C. Evehmd, of Batb,Ill ,says:) l:Itt.lve oured hel in two weeks. "1 had eczema 'weDty five yea,. and WtIl help you. Only '50. Reoomhad tried everythlnR. AU failed, mended by .1. E. JaDDey. When I found Dr. Bobson's Eozemll _ ••_______ Ointment 1 found a oure." This SURE ENOUGH. olntmeDt is the formula of a physioiaD and has been ID ulle for year,1 -no' an uperlmeDt. That Is why Yeaet.-Do you and your wife we OBn guarantee it. Allllruigiste, eYer exchange any cr088 words P or by mail. Price 500. Pfeiffer Crimaonbeak--How can we ex.. Uhemlcal Co., Philadelphia and At. change 'em when she says 'em Loale.


.. - ..

and curre 1lt eVllnt.. PhU«.I!: r:\IIh"y.lampe. .Iae-

20-22-"24 Mechanic: Street, Lebanon, Ohio

t.:lt~~Y i;a~~;~,~:f )Iri!~r:~. ~~'rt~" DC:l~~:r!lT:~lt=

OlassiBad Ada

I rated. an ll I!vtiry line In b2rmony w1tb reb. .

:~~~t~~·~I~I:J ::~~f~trd ~~Jtln.;:~o~:-a~.!~

all news-stalut •• t to cunl •• 1M( IPIAGU1' IUMMIII to. IQIIb~

be Inserted under tbls bead tor t,,'cnty·6ve cenl. for \hree In8Crllol18 when u81ng not more tba.n live lines.

A4s '11'111

..,......-www ___ ••



............ .



.00 per day, e'eady work Funeral MEN-$2 for good men. Apply to the

Director and Embalmert Waynesville, Ohio.

Oregonitl. Bridge Company, LebaDoD, Ohio. S 10

to paRture. Inquire of Call answered promptly day or nill'ht. S·TOC~ George B. Beaoh, Harveysburg, Both phones in Office and Residence.

J 2


Long distance, No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. DVERTISERS -- '1'0 know 'hat Chairs and one Coach furni!Jhed free OF AGONY. you can sell your horses aDd with funerals. oows aDd other thlnp by I!.d vertls- Best of service guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oonnsr k>e't Fred--I understand that Ethel's ing tbem in the Gazette It ooets Sanday dinner wltb John ConDel~ new dress is the last cry in hal"CDlB. but htt.le, and brlDgs reeults. aDd family. Aim~Yes; it's a regular Several from 'his .,Iolnlty at .. 8Cl'e&m.--Jack O'Lantem.. $ended the Children '. exerolse ali FOR SALE THEIR 8TATU8. WaynellVllJe ~UDday uiBbS. Mrs. J. ti, CheDoweth IpeDt Sat. "Pop, what il a pyromaniac?" OT of Celery Plante for sale, In· urday night, and Sunday with her lilt's one ot the people who do art quire of Ernest Hl&rtsook, R. D . jon Guy and famUy. wwk in burnt wood, my Bon." 1. Wayn6lJvllle, Ohio. J 9 Emerson Conner of Day' on epent. tioDday with home folb. '8 CEMEXT BalCK for I18le. For Keaerll. Guy Chenoweth aDeil X C further Information Inquire of J08bna Chenoweth were ~undal' ~hl~' Uhenowetb, WaYDeaJI~le, gnaste of Thomal Lacy and family.. MrR. Clint Grubb of Dayton II~ team of Mule8, Harne8B and IIpeDdiDg a few daYII with relat! V8l~ PUI'IIuan~ to tbe provIsions ~, the Il18t will Wagon, t200. See John Sher01 EUza "'. lIalnes. deceaaoo, the undel'lllgooo here. ~ » aa execu 100,.. 01 the Jut will 01 stold EII ... ~.. wood at Oregonia, Ohio. H&loos, decoaaOO. -'Ill olTer lor sale at public W. Z, Ohenoweth Ie lomewbat auction on tbe premIses, on tho 36th d"y 01 Juue. 1913, tot 20'clock p. m., the following Improved at the time of thie writing. described bu. of No . 1 Yellow Corn, 6 real estate to-wlt: tons of hay, on fa.rm near Sltunle<! In the 'village 01 WayoesvUle. Edna lAoy called en her friend WarTOlII County. Ohio. and beIng a part 01 Bookeye sobool, R. D. 4. Mre. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!! Olara Berryhill Friday afternoou. Allams SllU"",. and bounded and described 118 follows : Dllglnnlng Ilt an lroll pin Ln the Wallaoe Tibbals, Phone 216Y, Leb--------.---~,------W""t Uno 01 Third Street, which Is Uij leet .J 2 northerly from an Iron pin In the center 01 anon, Ohio. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Miami Street. or 118 loot lrom the Southeast comer 01 Adams Square. said beginning point Diarrhoea Remedy ATTLE-A pure· bred Jersey I>eIn« the Northeast coroer 01 the Margaret oow, just fresh, aDd a 2 year. Haloea Lot. runlling thence wltb the North C Etery family wlthoot exoeption line 01 eald tot Weswrly aUli pltol'allul to old J arsey heifer . Both good oneil MIamI Street 207 foot to an Iron pin and should keep tbl8 preparlltion a lt corner to the "aid Jllargaret Hama.! W. H . Jltnney, R. D 5, during the hot weather of thl3 NorthweKt Lot: theD"" Southerl), and with th&aWelt Je ~6 snmmHr mODthtl. OhamberlaiD'I~ linea 01 Margaret H&ln68. W. E. and Anna ville, Ohio. IN THE WORLD O·Neall. and N. L. and C. Duonell Iota. 11M Collo, Cholerl!. and Dlarlhoea Rem. feet to a point III the North line of Miami 1tl'BUSBfD WmLY. $4.00 PER TUR edy Is wor'h mauy times Its OOlit Street. said point beIng 207 foot Westerly from the 80utheaat COMler 01 Allams SQuarei ItOTIIL., DRUCc.m, aPEOIALIS.,., wbeD needed and hi almost oertaln thence Westerly with tbe North line 01 DR. J. W. MILLER, 008TUMIUt8, TitANS" • •, OA. tc be DeedJti before the !Jummer Is MiamI Street u loot .~ IncllOS to ao iron pin the Southeaat corner of O. T. Hawke'. AND . .ua S&RVICa OAN PRO ..IT over. It ' has no lIuperlor for thn at Lot; thence Northerly and with Hawko·. .V UIINO '1'8 ADVERTISING OO~UMN. . .. DENTIST•.• purposes for whioh it Ie intended . E....t LiIle and paranal to Third Street 178J.i to .. point and I:orller to Hawke. thence SAMPLE COPY FREE Bav it now. For ...le bv all dealers feet EMterl), aod at right IUIglea Il feet to .. • ..-we NEW YOItK CLIPpalt point anll corner to Hawke; thence NnrthemOlllce Waynesville, 0 Iy aod at rlfht auglee a7 foot to a point aod Na&lon&l BUlk DIcta. 11_ Yo"'. N. V. HI8 ADVANTAGL col'ller to I a"ke the pin South an l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!'!!!! alley, wltDOP an. illIron In Une the of South of laid alloy Itanll. WOIIterl)'~ 11 feet "A bald Iring is UDlike other meJJl line thence Euterl)l and wIth the South line 01 .... Id aile), aa teet a Inchllll 100 an Iron pin in one way." 10 .&ld alley. an I orl_ginal comer of Lote No. 2, J'jo. a, No.6 and No.7; 'hence Northerly "What i. that"" In AId alle)l 2. leet 61nchee to an Iron ~In In .. Id alley and Southwest comer to Fnnk "He can baye apparent..· 7.oll'e Lot ·bthence Euterly and wUb ..Id Live Stock and General Auctio~eer Zell's Sout Une ~H J.i f...t to an Iron pin In the Weat UDe of Third Street, lald pin bel~ .IU8T BREEZED BVI no feet tJoum the Northeut corner of AdamI Square; thence with the WllIIt line of Third Posted on pedigrees and values of all Nowyu-Ho... did you pa88 you Street BouWerly 123 leet to the ptace 01 kinds of breeding stock. . ~ve deecrfbed lr'ad belnK II ~ 01 ,acation, Lota No. I, No. 2. No. I, No. & ana No.6 nf Stoppj.t.-I didD'.; it waa too ful~ Adami Square. Experienced in handling f~ sales since Said real estate baa beeo dul,. IIPJ)l'&lae<! at far mef-,J1ICt 0'LaDt.em. tbe lum of Three Thouoand Six Ruadred DoIlara (ISaOo,OO). and wUll1O. be IOld for 1_ than ,wo-thlrdeo' Aid appra\.led value. • U....... AND SPORT. TERKe OF 8AI&-Ouh. T.......,Reasonable .:- Satlifactioo .Quaranteed

-----------Spring Branch






E e utor Sale of Real Estate



JEW !~~!'~!JPpm





. -.



N. Sears



Charles W. Schwartz & Son

Chri.tian Church. Rev. P. U. 'l'hompeon. 1'88t.oo. DIble School. D: 30 Ii . m. l!ocIal meetln•• 10:30 a. m. (;brlatlllU Endeavor. 7: 0U p. m. Sormon by p ...tor every alternal~ Sunda¥ III 10: 30 a. 01 , anll 7: 3U p, m.


. lu. 25...11&

ANNA O. O'NEALL, AARON D_ OIlA.ND~ER. eucut.ore or t.helaR wUI 01




Waynesville, Ohio


II/Of: by a ea.nfr'y ~~aDt, CI1m:r't IMIr by ti l" 1l08s(',sloll of mnor.y . How · " Anel e l l 'kR to It Ilk .. a mule . Muat \.' \' pr. \\ h"n I d,·C'ld p 10 d' ·part. I . h all bav .. It III ro r that (" lIow . W ell, It proh ll!!l ), tio RO with out r onsull l[1f: bplpNI "ur S'.' I·nwuy ." .\·our 1l1"II ~ lIr" " Sh ,' t", s ltatod. h (' r ·· Y,,". W"I'" " ,, [,' '·l1ou,lo: h . unlrH8 On. \'ol r,' 1I0 It' llln" a8 I holl ~ h III c h ll uge k 'rI~ 11I 1I' h. ari el t" ,' s ~" In lo vo with or Inn" ,j " r, ·t I ~holl i<1 I'rdr·r pnrt · Ih ,' ;\Id)l>n altl ).: Irl h ,, '!1 spl ~ 1 out hlg Ill/; \\ II :" ~ "" In ( c" ·,, ,IRhlp , In Il"klnji; r :l th t ' f' 1h " 11 lI :n t--' HIl)' tica nc1a l 1I0W ~n ll to "" ' ll' t nHI In .l ls:: hl 1 h ad 11 0 in · \I ," h I ",,, altl ..:"t U "(l rd with Vor a t",,, 1,," o r flUIl rr, ·lIl1g. IIl " rply ylt'I ,!t' ,1 t("Jlkl1l . "h.' rlug hl tll """ hIm lo mor ·

11 Ylllpr little prill. on.,. lDlldp PG""fble

In A I1 i llqJl l it)l! n ( I"'gn ' l r Ci r



weI! as my Intimacy In th o Mc Donald hou sebo ld. Alld you VfCllJOse Inl pr(e r· M'ft. l ,'Ir M C'" Ounnl .t. rOfnm a.nt1lnl n n nl my lng, plan to dr i ve m o (o rth from lhi s po..t n .. ar F'tlrt l 'o.iJ.:A , ~ I ' t ' k l'i Ho . 11\:1 0 t·) I)l e&Bnnt b lrd 'A nt'til. Tl ~n lly YOII amuso Inl eror"lI t h i. du. llghtt: r. Mo lly . who 1"4 b.ruJ.etl f o r 'h e ( IQIil. An I nllla.n o ut br 'a k me. Mr. ~ !' rI: Pllll t H a mllu ," .. thr ftB ! t' n('t1 . " nrh,' k " H Amli n , IH' r · "flut I have nOl pro llOs I'd 1Il1ytll1np: ceILnt 'Nllu h ilS Just urrt" ,·" wH h m e~ · aaRf"~ to M r DI}D Ltl d , \,' o}u nt(\ (' T ... (nr Th e or th at nnlure." tb " mlln slIld ,!ul t'l l),. mlst:J l f' n . M oll :,. ..,trh; (>:IJ al F I.rt HI[lI~y ri M Ing lO hid f" .. l. "\l Is . of '· I)ur~(' . two d llY" '_lh oAlI o r nclH'du l.: S lu' d('I'\ ,I (,M to pUl'lh o n to ':-o rt linch;:,· t' , ~t.\ J.t'" I II nOlhln ~ II) m". ' I"' pt tha l ~ 1i 8M ~! c· eom llnny with "~utl pr Hil i " ~' u y la n t ~l .. n · Donnld ha s b!'!' n ""ry kind :lfl!l ~',~ m H a ga,m lll er, I tt ttl."'L I H rn r'il'll'nK \,· r . As I k 'H' W "Om,,· HlLmhn me-f' l1!I Ihl' R'~' gl· \\' 1111 ~I "r'~ ~ lI t II very n Ico ~Ir l. d e predations "ll m llllt t C'd U)' t h.· l n dl nn!'. thin g of you and )' o u r pII BI. I th o up:b t The c1 rl " or c\ (>~(' rl8 111 (' fl t llgC w hl>ll In ..l1 · pe rhap9 yo u might r Ol1l1 zn how IIl IH' b an n 8. ppear. The ( ndilln . A.rP t w l<'e r," p ull'l'f1 . H nm Hn n nd M.,lI y f'~ ... "Ih' In U \f' b,,!t pr It wnulct b,' to r " l lr!' grnc e· d arkne l'~ MnU,. ' " \\'(hlll,h·tI . 1I :l mtin \:\ ru lIy ." muc h f! . <'i led a t n ndln ll fl lll\\' ,'rfla l'lt mnrk ,-'ct C , S. A . Ji ~ f\xpln ln" lu :,\1n l l y " You m ('nn Ih a t as " lhr"a t' YO Ll th a.t h t! WI\.S tn t he ( '(lnf ... d.'rat p !w r \'l,' ~ and CH 8m ls!4OO In d l NgrlLl'{~ IIn ~\t \ r c hn r ~C's Intend to t e ll tIe r ! "


o f r nwnrdlco. At t ho .,U.lJ l el.1 In th o

t h o hB Yf'nmc k L llPt.

t"" ."' ovre.

rlO I'C ~ Nt~lI l flr :o;(" n


t he

nf till" war tH'

\ (" . [l rOpf'r t~ '

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f(l\ r A ('11"

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re"p o n lllhl fJ f o r hlllll l'h( ~rHrp 'fr n Clf' ~ a t' · fM'flr a n d un,l e r eRrn rt o f l..t l' IH. (fl\~kln ~ Moll y Irt4rtft t o JoIn IH~ r f l\Owr. llnmll n lea vee to r~jol n hlH rf"gl ili on t. Jl ro r .. ~

tUm" t o ,,"'ort D",Jr.e

t:l (t (' r

n .• \1 mme r

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tl~ht" ' J; l ndl;\nfll ,\ nd t1ndl4 !\of III I ), Ihf'n' , ShotH n rr hl'nrd t n the n lscht. I-I A. mlln ru"ll1'~ mil , fi:ftl'~ wh a t he t'!(llI c vt'" I~ till" n gure nf Molly hM lng I n thf' tt nr kU f'"''

Hnlt (A il s nVf' r ~'hl h Od ,· n ( Lh ' 1Itr-'nI1l,r ( ';"tlkln " . who .w~' WI (\ H J{ nl11 UI1 f" ( filh o Ol tnt:' h im . T l lfl! ",rrj;t' a.nt t ~ p r., , ',' n lnn' \· t e n t. H " ne s M o!!v I n \ ' ompuI1Y with M r14 , Ou po nt. wh o m h'~ rM'() ~ n lz'-' 1D flS 11 rn r · m nr 8wef'llhf"ltrt , wh o t11r.·\\, h im .", or f llr t...eF ev r ~ . Mrs. DUI' (\ n t t "ll~ 11 1111111 n {,I'.

ll"pvr(' forl' ('d

h ,. r


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CHAPTER XVII.-Contlnu"d. " Becau se I chanct' to kllow morp th a D you s uppose. Nc\"f' 1' II1lnd ho w rh e In formatloll reacJHld m o ; hnd II boen ICMS a uth en ti c yoU;,hlght find rn o now moro tiUsce plibl e '\0 your pres· I' OC-C, more c ho lco In ml' lan g ua ge. A r.aTc full y co n celv e·d· plot droTe mc fmm tbe Co nf(' dera te Ro rvlce. In whlcb you wp. r e as dee pl), invo lved liS IA F evr e . Its dou ble Qbje ct was to AdVAnce hi m tn rank And get me ou t of tbe way . Th e plan work ed pp.rfoct· Iy ; I coold h av e m e t and fou ght Itb e r object ulone. but th e two corn· blnod broke m e utte rly. I had n o splr· It of r es is tance leCt. Ye t e ve n nIn spite of t bat mise rable le tte r- I r etruned faltb In you . I r e turne d hom e to learn tbe tl'Uh from your o wn lips. o nly to dlsoovl"r you had alread y gon e I was a mo~ l earning th e fa cts; t he n I dlscovel'l!d you bad m arried Le •'evre In Richmond"; I procure d the ar· ndav1t of tb, officiating cle rgym a n . Will you d"lIY now ?" "No," changing h e r mal1n e r InR tnnt· Iy-"what 18 tb e use? I Illarrle d th e m_. but I was deceived. mi s led . There waH no conspiracy In w blc h I was conce rn ed , I did not know wh!'rp you 1\'e re; from tb e n until thly aft e r· noon I n evel' saw or h eard of yo u . Molly told m e of h e r r C~c ll e by a 801· 'tie r nam ed Hamlln. but 1 ne ver S U 8· pected th e truth until we drm·, · by the barracks. The n I yi e ld ed tu my flnt mad Impulse nt: d sent that note. If you telt toward m e with s li c h hit·

"Will YO\! Deny It Now ?" tOnIes~. whl' did YOII (,01111' IlIi r e': Wb y mose nt to m l·t:! 0'" 1l ~l\ ln ' " "My yi e ldIn g " '" 10 a s eeood 1m. pulse. At nrMt I " "" ltI " d te. Ignort! your no t e ; Ih,· " C; .III' · tlw >\'cond COli · elde rati o n- r.1!." ~ I ('Oo nald ." "O b." n ll el ~h, · 1 :"I~h "d, "UI la ~1 read t he riddl, ' .-'; 01 8>lt l ~ fi" d willI .nvln ~ tb al )'011111': I" d.\ from ~a \· ilg ,. ~. yo u wOl1ld I\ I ~ " l,rl' s" I"\'" b e r ~' o ll lJlru l

tnD ()C '~ ll(~e rr ol1l t h t· CUIJli l l ll illilliulI of nl ), i nnu ,· n ~c . Qull e lIo b l .. or ~· OU . Bu r e ) y, An'" Yfl U II W: tr'l ' o f o ~lr rt'l u-

uon s h lp ?" " I have b earu il n ' f" (' I,,' d I f) - gar. risoo rum or," " Qu ll.e lrufI , 1:1 Hp! lt· o t y ! Iu r t'Ol1 r Ct '

01 Inrorm allcll . \\l1 i" h " co uIlI ,. In a m eaSUT(I . fo r t o y J1 r ~' H " II Cl' h. I'(! as

TALKING SPOILED HIS TRIP Pauenger Beating H is Way Was All Right Until He Himself Gave the Whore Snap Away. Jack


the vct.eran boxar an d

clobe trotter, like. to t e ll s tori es .boot blmuelt and retails one whereAD Honolulu provfllI to bave olTered

• ..0

a welcom. wiaware. : "r bad beN !I(opplng ID Hon olulu ytlJl t ile J~IrrlaoJobn 8 oD . IIgbr . pic· ....... and .d~ I ",auIO/A In ao


"Nol un lt-tiB 1t ba CO m f'8 n rC't'ss nry:

I nm nOl pro ud a! th e s lory Dl y~e l! . " Th t' lr ny l '~ m " t. nnd th p r ~ wns uo shadow nf ~o rtll"s bl in l' lth ",r ral' e . T hf' wn m a n'~ lips ~url('d ~nr caM ti ca ll y . ··n "nll y, :.o u lal, ,, yours .. lf 'lultA .". rlou~ l y . do ynu no t 1 Ono mIght think you 'Illjo r 01 Lh o Fourth Tp xns . and h .. lr to lh .. olel "hlnt e 011 th o 11m· 7.0" . \' on t n lk, '!1 tha t WflY 10 m 011111'. bpfor,' . l'n ly 10 ,J! sl'o vt!r IiJat I had c laws wit h wblr.b 10 scratch . Ilon't mak,· lhal Dlls lllk " IIgaln. ~! r . lh'rgrant IIa mlin. o r th e ro wll! bn Ro rn f' thl n~ 111 01"0 ' s(' rl ou8 Ih a n Fc r atc h· Ing Iio ll e. I h aw. hlll rn pd bo w to fi g ht III t h o past rc·\\, YI' arR - II f'a \'c n knows I hav " hnd op po r tun it y-and rather t' njoy t h p cx('It(·mt'nt. 1I 0w rar would your word go wltb Molly. do y.ou think ? Or w Ith the l\'l nJort" " That rf' malns to be see n ." "Docs it? Oh. I und e r s t a nd. Vou IIIU s t stll! con~l d llr yourself quite th e la d y·kl ll e l'. W e I!, le t m e tc ll you 80m e thln ); - s he II' e ngag ed to U e u· t e nan t Gas kins ." HI R h a nd ·gr l p lighte ned o n lhe r a il. but tbe r e WII S no c hnn ge In the express ion of b is fnco. "So I h a d heard. I pres ume that hardly wou ld have been pe rmitted to happe n but fo r the ex iste nc e at a Mr. Dupont. Dy th e way. w hi ch on ~ of you la dl e8 IIhot th e Li e ut e nant?" It waa a cban ce fl r e, nnd Hamlln was not Bur e at Its e ff e ct, nlthough s h e drew a qui c k bre ath. and h e r voice faltered . "Shot- Llcut e nant Ga8kln s?" " Certai nly ; you must be a ware o f that?" " Oh, I kn (! w he had so m e alt e r ca. tlon, and was wounded; h e acc used you. did h o not 7 Dut w hy brin g li S Into the alTair?" "ReCnUA (! sornn ...·oman wall directly conce rn e d In It. 'Vhoeve r she runy be . th e om ce rs of tho fort are ('on· vlnced th at yhe probabl y fi r e d th e s hot ; that tbo l.l c ut c nant kno ws h er Id e u tity. nnd Is e nd l-'avo rln g to s hic lc! h o r rrom di s covery." "Why ' do t h",y th lnl( that? \\'hat r e a so n can th <:y h a v" ror 8 11C~ 1I a con· cluslon T W as s he see n ?" "H e r footprints \\'e r e plainly vis · Ibl e, nnd the re volv l'r us ed waB a s mnll on..,--o ' 3G '-suc h a s a womnn alone would ca rry In t hi s country . I hav e Il ald so t o no o ne e lse. but I Sa w h e r, ~ rou c hln g In Ill e oh a dow or th e ba rrack wn ll. " Yo u- ro il SH W bor! Rer.og ul zcet h (' r 7" " Ye s." "And mad e no Itt t e mpt at arrC's t ~ Ha \'e no t e ven m e ntioned th e fnct to o tli e rfl? You mu st hav e a r easn n'" "I hn vt'. Mrs. Dupont, bu t W I1 w ill not dl8c u ~B It now. I mere ly wi s h you to cornpn-:I\ c nd th a t It Il ts to be wnr b!' tw CI'1l u~. I am In POSRtlFSlo n o f wea pon s . Sh e h ad not los t con trol of he rse lf, yet the r e was lbat a bo ut he r h es ltnn . cy of speec h, h e r quick bre ntblng. .. hlch e vid e nced h e r s urprise ~ t this dl scove r r. It lold him that h e ha d pla ye d a good hanr!, har! rOl/nd a poin t 01 ..... e al,n ess In b e l' armor. The m ys l e ry ot It re mained un solv ed . but Ihl R woman knew who had shot Gnll· kln s; kn e w, and bad e very r enBo n lo Ru nrd th e 6t'c r e t. He t elt he r ey es J ,/lxi o ns ly seu rc blng his fac e. and la ugh ed a lJtt\ p blttorly . "You p e rcei ve, madam, " b e we nt on. lI ooourag ('d by h e r sil e nce , "I am not flO W exactly th e sam e nnsu s pe r.lIn g you th wltb whom yo n played so eao· 11;- y"n r s ago . I IlIt\·e learn e d s ome o f life'g 1t.'5 "O nS since; a mong tbe m lJ(1 w to right li re with fire. It IB a Ir;c l{ ot t h e p la ins . Do yo u s tili con · s ll1 '!r It fI " cessary for yo ur ha ppille s s 10 rp m:lln the gu est of the ~fC[JOD · a llis '? " ~I rn Ig htf'n c d UP. turnin g her



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wo man ly ,ym )lf\l h v ,

TIl(' h , ' :1\. ,. ' I.1rl"ln ,l r:lI,llIlo; th o wIn · :Uld nil t llal TOI. you kll ',\\". h (' l pR th o do\\' wn 14 dru,\ II j !-l I ll i ' , p"rmtttlnll' Ihl' 1: " 11'" 1... 1'. d rf( t On ' r townrd Iho ligh l fro lll T;llhln In fla s h u pon th t' m. l 'nlnt't' , Dnll. and m ar h" I can g ive ft' \ "alill ~ th .. '-'gur .. of Il man In tlUl , Iwr II", 1'11' 11 " rnr llI . Ha mli n "/lu g hr n gl irnpRI-' or th eir· " I'urdo n my In 1.-.r rll plloD. " h ~ c x · b :1f'k~ UH t h"y pa ~;:('I d O U(-()~ tn 10 plnlned . bo\l In g. ··hllt )'011 Wl'r, ' I;o n(' r.llllry (:II I,; u,'. IllI' ol h f! r. a h f' BVl e r o!O IOIl I!. Mr ". iJupo n!. I r"urC' r1 ~oru l' blll l, nll l'l . fuir ly ,\,\·11 dr es ~ .'d III clll· acchlC' nt . 7""'" '·I,ot h,," Il1 uplr"d by a d "R lr~ :-; 110' IlIugh' ·,1 !I~h l Iy to ~ ,.,. tlt "lr (" alllr ('s th l! R.' rS1lnl1t "You nrA " ' ry " X ("ll ~;, bl e ~ o t1 011bt !H\ 1I1 1 J.~ h ltrl ~ 1 If oY e r the rntl, and h a\,(' b "t' ll }II ft ' l C' u Kp r th an \ H\lJl· cl rop!" ',1 1I .~ h l l ~ In Ihp crnun c!. In Iln . po~ t·d , " otlll'r m ~l T1lI 'tlt 1 ~ ..1 \\ as cut o n U1 0 Th e orlk,'r' n "yea BUT\''' P ' ('j Ib l' .' r .. ,,'. III Ironl o f lit, · h,H'''. w/llc hlng ~ o l r!" ' r ftt l\ nrt lng ,·r p(' t . hl R hnn d lifte d Ih,· do or TIl l' tW eI l ,n ~M ('d wlt bln III Rn lu !'l. Th ,' RIIIl " Ilon !' tl zz ll'\1 h l ," a f l' w r...' 1 €If h lU t , t' h'ltI' ll' rf'ven h' d in " :-;" l'l\l' nnl I la1/1lin . ho,," an' you ,h .. IIl': ht " tr"a lllill ':: tro m Ih o dan ce ll ''''' n '~ On ! flH 't ,;I ' 11 .1It Th e >u ld i,' ," 1.'~l(c d somewh at " \' I'e. Hir" h· hi ,,,,I. 1111 In :.\ l? ll lfi('ant,. rll t·r"c"d fel"Of Cou rs,' t h l" 18 raliler nnll .un l. lo w l 'u l I tl l 1,tq'; I'r man walk ed ( 'apta ln lIarro' l!. " saI d th (' Ind y haR I· "tral~h'. "i' h F'I ua rC' 1I ~ holl ld f'rs . He II)' . LlIpr) lng thn aslo nl s llt'd oOlrpr \lnr,. 11 IIr"a, l·hr lmm, ·ct h at I)ullp(] low IIgbtl y \\ Itl! I" ' r fan. " but I wa H onel' P\"' I' hl~ H .\ "fI , HUrl a bl ac k b eard O"lD ' (jult " \\ ,,11 nC'Illulntpd wi th :-;f>rg r: ant ", '11 1,·,1 Ih ,' 10wt ·), I!O I' lI on ot hl8 fa ce. IIIl llJlln w hpn b " waR n nllljo r o r Ill" Il al lllll1 fo lh'w,' d liS Ih " 1"'0 pushed FOll r t b T l' xas In fa ntry du r in/; t h n lall' Ih "l r \la y UI' among t h ~ lell" c rowd. war. II .. a nd m y hUMband w"rf! Int!· rO Il ~ rt ' ga t f' d nit tlu"'! \\'ou d t' n st p ps. Rnd ma lI'S. Na tu rall y I wo s d,'lI g bl l' d to 1""' 1'0 '" In Ihn) u~h Ill" \\'Id o doorwtlY , mC', ' 1 him ugnln'- ' l'all.O t' c\ I hil t h" would rt'cogn lze bo t h Th ~ ca Dtaln st" rl'd at t h l' man 's v.o)'I hlpR wlll'1l Ih ey tn C' t l aga ln . nJld I'lgll1 Ngurc." "{;no d Lord, I n e \' r r ktl1JW Ihat, lJamlln ." he excl :d mcd "G la d to know II. roy man . You s""." ho ex· plalne d lam!'I~·. " WP g"l nil klnd R o r rpli ow H In 111 (\ ra nkA . and nrc no t In· l"r!'Sl r d In th e ir past h istory. }'V(1 had Il a ndl" und e r DI Y comman(1 for I wo )' I' ars now. a nd h nn,::('d If I Iw l' w nny· lh lng abo ut h llll. (' x r.,'pt that h o wn~ a go od Ru ld lpl' W (' re you read)' to ~o. ~l rs . Dupo n t'" "O h. yes; Wp h n,"" ex hau ~ t (' d a ll ou r r pml nlsc (' nc cs. (~ (!o db)". Sro rp:c an t: 80 glnd to hn \' t) me t ~' ou again." S hl! ('x t t' nde d h e r uog loved hand . a sl n ~ l c di amon d gl!ttpr in g III lb e li gh t. li n ace p ~t! d It s !l l' lIt1y. a war e ot th e s l!g ht pressuro of h e r fin ge rK. Tben lh e Capla ln assis t ed he r thro ugb the window, a nd th o Fa Iling c Urlni n \' e lled th m trom vi. w.

"1" '"

All EXPERIENCE SCfflUS OF MOTHERHOOD ~ Advice to Expectant Mother.

SOUTHERNER HAD NO STATE Officer Was Bo rn In Territo ry . F~lhcr In D,stri ct of Co lumb Ia and Grand · lillher at Sea. • .1,, " , bc' ror .. I b, . ( '1\'1 1

\\"1\1'1'1 t 11<' wert' Ia,ulrf\ 1!In,,,g h OJ u'l th,. ~ou l h, n nll,"lwr o r \\· ,,~ t I'olnt o fll c"rs e:rlrH' lOr-PI ll"r Ilt" lnl ll l:lr), s til lion . all lllng th' ~ 111 " ne o f \I I1I11n \\,p \1111 ('a\l ('apIII ll t 11 - -. nnet who a ft" rwnrd s,> n ·,· d wit h di s· lllld io n III th l' Vni u l1 IIrm y. Til l' ""u,IH' rn omee rs. one b ~' 011 " . dl'C'lar cd Ih " lr 1It1(,lltl ll ll o r "goi ng out ,'· as It \\ a s I h"11 fit millll r ly ('II Ile d : th at 18. o r rr nlgnlng th d r rf'd ... ra l ('om llli ss loll ~ I" Ih rllw III Ih plr lo t w ith 11", 11' sp. vt·ra l s lat p". 11 - -. III n 'lulll1/t Ibe Inl+ d " "t IhnL rollowR . ~ III .I Ihal gft'll t prO' b ' ~ \l r,' \\'a~ hroll ~ h l Lo hpnr 111'"11 him to join (h r lll . " Wil y. d,ln 't yo " /!,O wilit "" . ( ·l1p· tltl n II - - ~ · · " al<I 01 '" o f h i" nc·,)l1 l1 ll1t · W'Ir.

lI l "((" rl lIh ~ o r 8" I·,'ss l" "

Thre:l'pt'rienceoOro't.!lahoodieatryIng o ne t.o m os t wo me n anJ marks w.. tinctly li n cpoC'h in the ir lives. Not one woman in a hundreu is prepdred or und c r~tanu8 how to prope rly caro fo r herFelL Of cOlJrso n .. a rly every woman nOWn t!:lys hli9 rn ~dic,ti treatment nts u~ limps, hut many IIpprollch th o e xpenI t'nco with on organis m unfit~d !or the trinl of str cng th, n n~ wltt!n It 19 ov er l:er. 9y~ t,:m h M received a 6h ~ck f~m nh lch It, 19 hhnrd to r ecothver- FOllO~I~: r t ht upon ~ 19 ~me~ 'ld e nero~t ti~t 0 c!'ln~g or ee l . an 0 5 n chuo"'c lD th e mothe r r es ults.. to

nn .. "" " Wh y nh o uld I ~o w!th you .: .. NIlI" 11 - -· . wh o h nd a (, I' r laln ~ollth" rn Bwa r t h lnE'sl' or f('atUrn n ntl BOrl n l'SF ot ~ \!t'e ('h . "Arcn't you goIng 10 go with )'(Jur at at e?" ·· \\·h )'. I ha ven' t an )' s tllt (l." II" [e' pll p,l : " I was born 10 n t e rritory." " Oh . th u nd e r : " sa lol nn o lher. " Why cl o n'l yo'l go with ro ur ra l hE'r' ~ s lat e , th l' lI ?" " Ca n 't," pro t eM led lJ · -- : ··h ... hfleln ' t an y " Iat ; t1(' was b01' 1I In th .. 1\181rl c, or ('olu mbln ." " Oh . hang It :" h l'ol, (' In ft third : " If tb at 's tb l' c nsp. w h y dOll't )011 go wit h your g ran dfn tlH' r '" stale'" " Ju s t ns rllO\l'ult, " sa id 11 - - : " my I:ran dtal h (' r h ndn 't any statc: h p. wa s born at sell." And th e n h e add f' d : " Oh. no . hol's. It's ~asy " nollgh tor ),011 1t'1 · lo ws to g o wllh ,·our slates . o r"- fix· Il\ g hi s yes s lg n ! on o ne oC Ih p part y- " wlth y'O UI' w lfp' A s t a in.: but a s for me. I In te nd to stan,1 b), Ihl' old fJ ag ." - Fro lll th e er nt nr), .


Anoth e r Mescage . Hamlin sanl{ back on t h e b r nc h and lean e d bls h ea d on hi s hand . Hnd any· thi ng bec n accomplish ed by this In· t ervlcw? One thlnl:. at leasl- h,' had thorou gbly d plUon s trate d th nt . h e ch a rm OIlC(' exe r cised o ve r h is Imagl· natlou by this b eauUtul wom a n bad comple t ely vaolHhe d. He ~a w h e r now as s b e wAII - h eartl e8s. selfis h . using her s pell ot beauty for her own sordid e n ds. If tbl're h a d bee n left a s hr ed o r ro mnn ce In hi s m e mory or b e r, It WIlS now completely s h atte re d. H e r coo ln e ss . b r ad roit changlug of moode . con\' lnced him s he WOH plu y ln g II galnP. W hat game? Nothing In h e r words h ad r cvc nl ed Its naturt' . yet th e III lln Instin c tiv e ly felt th at It mU ot In· vo lve Mo ll y Mc Donnld . Labor iou s ly h e rl'vl e wed. wo rr! b y wo rd. Ime h scn · l e neH e llehanl':eo, st rh'lng to lind some cl"w. 1I ~ hnd pri ck ed h e r In t he Gns· klns II ffalr. lIH're was 110 doubt or t hat : s be kn ew . or at le nst s u spt'c t ed . Lhp pa rt y tirln;; t he s bot. Sb e d('n l.. d at tir st haYin g bee n m a rrl ro d 10 L I' F e ITt!. n nd yel late r had bee n com· [I('l led 10 acknow lc dgl> t ha t marri age. Th er e tlH' n wa, a t1 ellb er at(\ tals ehOO d . which m ust hav o bCIl n to ld for a pUrpO RI' , Wh at I.urpose ? Did s h e Ima g in o !l wou ld mnke any dillerence w!th bl lll. or n ld s bo se c k to sbleld I.e F,w rt· (rom di s covery? Th t' latt er rp.asuu a p\lran'c! tho more probab lo, ro r th e m an mllAt h ave be rm In th e flf'lg h bo r hoo,1 lat" ly. I' lso wbl're did l ll ~t ha,· ~ r ~:tc l' ( ' 0111 1' rrom' Ao r ngr() s ~ ' d II'no Hamli n w!lll tl1 psc th oug ll th th at h e ha rdl y r 1' 31 · 17.C' d that Gorn " OIH' ha rt Ilr lf' d th t' wIn · dow c ur tain cau ll o ufi ly. Th t! b"a m or li g ht fla ~ l ... cl l!(" rO "A 111111 . dl sitppuar ln g Iw rore h,· ("au ld lin hl R Il('nd lO nscl' r· tni n th o calis\,. ''''I ''' n a yolc c s poko, :tnd hI' Ira n!'ll bac k to IIst pn. " :-'; ot Own' ; go n e bu c k to tllp dOlCe!! 1I1'1'1~· . whil' ! t\ P wl' r e a t th e btl!'." " r-;o bo tl y ou t th r r e?" this fell ow g ro wl" ,1 h l ~ wo rtls, "So lD e w ld !I' r ns lr" p wi l li hl~ h o n t hA rn ll ; ,lr u nl,. I r .. c kon. Who \I·ns Rhl' wit h thi s tlm o ' " ··Bnrrptt '" ··'''ho ? Oil. YI'S . th e rl' lIow who hrnught In th::l t roop of th e Rp. ve n lh . Lo rd. Ih o o let gir l IA l( e tl!lIg h e r hooll s Illto him e url y We ll, as lon l( as Gas· kill S \s In ld UP . s h e m uy as wC' 1I amus e hprs e lt Hom f1 wlH're e ls e. Barre tt Is r athpr a good looker. Isn 'l he? Do you know al1ythlllg ahout t be man ? IIns he got any s lurf? " "Don't k no w ." a nHwe r ed tll p. grurt voleI' . " li e '.. a 'Vest. PoInte r . Ve TIl I1kctl to amll~ e h e rHe tf once In a \\'h ll '1; tha t 's th e wo man o r it. H en rd frOID Ga :; liins tonlgbl? " "O h. b ,'/'1 a ll rlgbl." th e man la ng h ed . '''1'hat lillI e pric k f ri g hte n ed him I. h ou~h . Shut liP I1k e a dum ." f' Y'! R it w a,'" "~o I hea rol . lI e'lI pay to ke e p the "1 ' ro lJ au ly I,O t ror long, but It Is no l h -"at u f yo u r s whic h InJluen,l'.es me s to ry Qu ie l . all rl); ht. As Hoo n as he I I do,·" no t t, I'o n Int(' r cs t me 10 k now Is w e ll e nongh to COll(! down h l're 11'1 () H110 : Ur·uI, ·null t Gasllin s. Hc Is w ,~' i1 tap Il ls bundl e. Swor" b e w:.a

Therel s nothing more chnnnin gtha.o .. happy nnd hea lthy moth e r of children, lIod ind eed chi ld·h ir t h under th e right (,ondilion s neod ho n o hazardt.ohcalUl or boauty. The un cxp lalnablll thin g Ia that, w ith !i ll tho e vidence of shatterl'd nt'TV es a nd uroken h e alth resultin g from an unJlrcpllreu conditi on. am) with am}lIe tim e in whi ch to prepnre, Womt'n 'will pe r sist in going blindly to tho tri ~L Every woman at this time should rely npon Lydia E. Pink ham 's Vegetable Compound, a m02t vllluable tonic and in ... igornt.or of the female organis m, In m any h omes on ce childless there nre now ch ildre n b ecaUtle of the fact that L ydi a E. Pin Ith a m's V ege table Compound m tl k e s womcn normal. h ealthy nod strong.

Ir JOU want RJlerlal alh-loo 1'frlt~ to Lydia E. Pinkham MedidneCo. (oonft. denthll) Lynn,1II888. Your ls tter wIll be opened, read and aDswcred by a lfOIlWl

and held lA IItrlct


WHd Oll t s ha vo a rul\' tar es rn iXe (] with th e m. WID. low·. 8ooLbl"s: syrup ro. Cblld ... Lee lb 'n~ . AO fl f'n. Lhr. fl1 lLn8 , ",dut' ''. lnn ... mm .. UoD.aU.,. paJQ,ouru w h ul oollc:.,&o. bo'U~

K ....

Wh on ml s tortiltl p oTert a ke" le r It haH to go HO Ill O.


h Ult·




Don 't huy ".!<Ir ror bIllIng. LiquId b: u. '" al m". t all \vA ":r. lIu y Ilcd Cross UI.u Ulue, Be , Mortally tbo bluo Ihnt' . aU hl uG. Ad • .

Wounded James Buggie of Chicago

~Some So ldier A3leep. With Hla HHtI on the Rail."

r ea li zi ng no w so me thing or tbe plot lJeln g opPrllled . I1amlln e dged In closl' r lo wa rd the sergeant who " ·aa g uardin g th" e ntTnnce. Tbe latfc r r ('cogntzed him w ith u nod . " l'r pHy b1l 3Y. Mas t e rs?" " HavI) beel! . but th e re will '.Ie Il ItUI now; Wh AIl tb oy com p bac k from SliP. pe r tbpre' lI b f' nnother rU8h like ly. Would you mi nd taking m y Job a mil:\ute wh ll !' I go outsllle ~ " "N ot In th e lenst; t a k e your time. Ll" t m e S Ol' what th e tick et. look Iik p, Tha t's a ll rl g ht- s ny. Maste rs. b e fore )'011 go. do yo u Imow I hat big dull"r with n blu r k b eard In Ih" front IIne1" Th e otb ror gave a Quick gla ll ce dow, th e Ill es. "\'\' 1:1 ~cNI him b afoT(': d ea lt faf!) nt th e Poodl l? Dog a while ; 8ul·~ la bo n gu n·man. :-.l ever he ard his nam'l Oh . )' ('8. rornl~ to thlnle about It. th" ca ll ed him 'TI e b'-Conted soldJ e r, I recko n . Ain't oeen him before (or ~ month. Go t Into s om e kind of a s hootln ' scrap UD at Mlko K elly" t.l! ~ s klpl) c(1 out ah ea d or the marsbSI Why?" "Notllin g vartl cular- tooks tnmillaf-. that's a ll. Who's tb e 80 ldl r r behlnC him-the thln ·rnc ed rllnt 1" "COllnOrM. Some rlvnr·rat th e r9 crtlltln ~ oftlcc rs pic ke d up In Ne " York: 1[1 th e 1;un r d·hcUlIO mo sl or rh ~ tlnl!': drive l' tor JIIu!or McDonald whe n h e h apP(·lI s to b e 60 bl' r eno ugh ," " Th a,t is "lr N O I Baw him then. drivin g t h l) lad lc':,. I{toew I had lI een th at mil >; Iwfo r ... " (TO BE CO:-l TI~ UE D.1 F.-enchman Works Short T ime. Rec€ llt Inves ti gation s Into tho b.oUMI of work by otHc la ls of t.';I_ ~'ren c h elt'partment of nll \· lg~tloD have br-ought to I\ght n I'Pcord In gOT' e rnment tJ mploYll1 e llt In th e ~hnlle 01 an official whO Re d a lly "hours 01 dUlY" Ilmount t o (! xactly tw o .tlnute" This man d w ell s at a place all tbe Belg lan fr oIlU"r . Rnd his ' nrduoue laborl co ns ist In fetc hin g trorn on e office a IIs1 o f th t! numbe r or barges that ha"l1 enter e d Fren c h te rr i lo ry th e pre\,lou, ~ 'I hOllrs n nd h nn dln g t h e ,J:.1d list In at anoth e r omen. It Ibn positio n be .. sinecu r e, tho p~ y 19 not high, th e r.rnuuct" al\on n\l1oun t lng to $1.40 • month . I mprovement on Aeroplane. Capt. W. I. CIHllllber s ' Inv e nti o n or a catnpu lt d e vle') to launch hyd ro-a erop l n n ('~ from wnrs hip s Is charac te rize ' by Gl enn H . Cur ti ss ns " th e most IIIl\lOl' ll1nt nCQIllve m e nt s ince wbeel. we re I'llt lipan land mn chln'>R." Th. d e v1e,·'. on:y 3li fee t 101lg. e nables tb. a e ro p la ne to fl y Im uH'dlat(! ly aCt81 lea vIn g th t" " h lp 's d (' ck.

"The ch ecl[e r le rt without elt plal~ YO\{'Jha rn a . I kn e w tbe ehle. en· aft e r th e Heconrt d ay I cam e out from r:;i fl ePr 0 [1 tb e Mn nciluria. which. was hid in g. \\'e we r e ·wlthln a few days Ing his o tll clal position . bnt I noUce( dUf) in porl In a coupl e ot d ays, and of Japall , nnd I was regaling a bunch nbout three hours a ft e r wQ I'1l thllt tb, I Ihougbt I wo uld save $200 fare by In t h e s moking r oom with 50me eto- 8hlp slowed down. I also saw thaI ri dIng w ltb him. rl es " 'be n a c'lli\pany checker looked the Mongolia. a !lIster . ablp on tb. sam e \lne, wae passing us and nJf.CI " Wh eu tb e s hip came Into port he at me close ly ond asked : .. 'Say, who arc you ?· getllng ready to. stop. Well. th" to ld m e that I could have the second e lJKln ee r 's ca bin. "I did not know him, so proceeded only gave ma time to gnlb up m'l .. 'Stay Inside a couple of days IV1d to t e ll of 01 )' expe rlEiDc ea. and rel~te press book, that otber Ihlrt and" then come out and mlJr: with the Jlss, what a ,ood ~rlelld I ha~ In the cblef old p'a lr of boxing gloves ~. ,!as ~ . sengers. The re are abont 900 ·on ·enlineor. Riding the rod, Is '. ll1~'rd rylng, when they transferred ,bonrd,' b e told me, 'and r do not tblnk Work. 1 told 111m, but tJ'llvellnr;' liMit the .p<tilel'. sbip. . • you will have any trouble.' . eabtD on these tranapacUlc liners Ia'~. . . "~In, back! · 8&7. dill '0\1 .~ , ':1 fo llowed bill lDatnc:tiolll, and . plpa. . . • ~lyslon@ a ' decltJ" . 10

m.e, "

- - -- - --

Lives to Tell of War. Ja ll\ o ~ nU I:Sltl . who Is t he ass lstn nt cnstodlan at Chicago h eadquarte r s 01 th n (lran d Army. stop pe d thr ee Con · fe de rate bull e t s b efore h o haet r oa c be d t be age ot s ixteen. Tb e last one n oarly brou ght about t h e cloMe of hi youn g career . "I e n!! l' ted In No\·e mher. 1862." h e ~a ld . "nnd I was n o t fHt et~u y ears 1\n· til December 22. I wa s und er nre lesB than a month art!'r I hnd b ee n mu ste red Into the servIce. My r egl · m e nt . th e Slxty ·fou r th Illinoi s. waH at Decatur. Ala .. In March anrl Ap ril. Ilnd th e n wont In to th e Atla n ta calli ' pa lgn . I was wou nd ed fll's t at R e~ (' c a. Il/!,:tln at Konosaw mOllntaln Rnel a!,:aln nt Allnnta. A ball struck III I' In t h e ror e h ead. went throu g h my h ea,d . hllndln g olle eye nnd InJurlt.p' th t' ot h e r, !I nri cnm!' ou t b('hlnd tho r ig ht I' llr. It hroltc ho!h j awbonell, too . "Th e b ull II' of Ke nt' s aw mou ntllin was the h ard es t I wa~ In . Our com pAn y we nt Into It with thh·ty·s lx m e lt nnd ca m e o nt w ith five. and they we r~ all wound ed . We had to climb II ste!'p .lopA. In thnt battl e Ge ne ral McPh e rs on wall s hot by s arno me n In ambu s h . We cau g h t th e m and took from tb e knapsack of on e of th em thl! fi eld g l nB~ e s a nd private pape rs h " 111111 talH' 1l froill t he ge n e raI' ll body,'·

The Limit. An Iri shma n nl l! m agnz ln e explo· sIan was plck A<I liP 1I11 1'0nse lol1 s. Th e 110cto r d ec ldt~ c1 h e had 110 b01l 1'1l hrok · e n and hn d o nl y h ee n knock e d sense· les A. As h e ca m e to his s en se s the docl or waH hold ing It g la ~H ot wilter to hIs Ilp A. "Phat happen ec! 7" hn a s k e d. "Tho m aga zin e e xplode d. and you had a ve r y narrow e sca pe. and I'm glvlnl( YOll this wntnr to r eviv e 'You," r ep ll ~,d th" do ctor. "(1lvin ' m t> wa t h er Ilft er bod!!' hlow· ad up ?" said P at In disgust. "Tn Bl vl n 'o n Amp wh at wo uld ha ve t o hap. pen I('r glt p.r drink of whtlskr ?" "Mustered In" With Real Mustard. Th o boys of th e 117th N. Y. tell 01 a r ea l "1IIt/ste rln g" In of '!\ dark y Ilt· tnch e d to that re~ lm t' nt, who b ecame fearful h e would 11c rkp rlv cd of bla to-/ly unless h e join ed th e s ervic e. A 'J,u go mustard plas te r wns appli ed 10 , hi s hn ck : and under th o bollflf th at nil . .old lers wer e t hu s " mns t e r e d " In .b e worp It IIntll It h!'gan to ge t pretty h ot. Th p.n th e y took It orr n nd be was (orn1l111y ci "c1a r " d "muBter p.d In.'' Recordin g to Ih e la\\' . rt tbat darky dldn't g('t h is w.a g s It wus not be· CRlI R!' h e '\' all no t. "mtlstem(I" In goo<1 Rnd I, ll' nt )·. Grim Humor. Eve n o n the fl e ld or batlAe t h e soldi ed 18 humorou s, so~eUm es grimly ao. A soldl pr was seen In the tre nchea boldlng hts hnnds above ' tb e e artbworks . His captain allked ; "What are you doing Ihat (or'" He ~plled with a .grlm. as he worked hIs fingers : . ;'l'm feellnr; fOJ! a "_furlougb ,(lUlit. then '. " rl,.e b~n atrueik. blm.ln tho wrtat, aDd 'a queer commingling pain, and .'!tumor. ,..lIIed ~er h.l s-·race). aD ' I let!' cu.




. ,



Economy. F . Irvin g F letcb e r. the I\dvertl81nl export. gav o at 11 Wool worth buUdln. dinn e r In ~ow '\' o r\( a good defl nlUon or economy. "Economy." Mr. Fl e t cb(1r Bald, " II a way or spe ndin g money without •• t. Ung a n y fun out of It-"


Thankful. " I am luc ky In be ing taken 111 her" In New York. Instead ot b ein g 1!'I id up IIOmewb e r e e lse." "Ah ! " Bald the doctor. . "Yes. For nil this money I'll han to pay you I'd have to be III a nywbere else for more than two m on th8." New York World. Ca.-efuJlv Selected. "Dy the wny. Cle ve!'ly," asked tbe publl sber . " where did you g et theae pbotogral)hs of s trong·mlnd ed, detel' mine d looking wo me n with wblch YOU Illustrate you r article on 'Why Men Don't. M1J. rry?' " "Oh." re plied th o nutbor. "they',. wiv es or the men I know ." A Memory. " Carll 80'S bOlles are mu sIcal," BaYI an English doclor; "It YOIl tap one ot hi s knu ckl es It give s out tl higher pitched and more reBonan t lone than those or t b e av erng e person ." Far be It from a layman's thought to dlsllute th e word or an emi ne nt m odlcal au· t.horlty. but from our school daY8 WI 111lvo liv ely recol lecti ons of a lap on the knuckl e R r esulting In tones thaI tor high pitch and r esonance would b eat any thllt Coruso !lve r uttered-New York Sun.

In SummerWhen

the body needs

hut litt1e food, that little IIhould be nourishing,



Then about the best and most convenient ~hing one can have I.endy 11 • package of

Post Toasties This food is fully cooked-crisp, delicious and

ready to serve direct from the package. Post T oaaties with fresh strawherries and cream

are hard to Mat.



. Liogers" S.... ., er.c.r....





.. J


... -. .


For That Picnic

Seems That None Can Escape Misunderst anding of Actions. Even Whe n Most Worthy.




It woulll ''' '', '" lll lll nu Il ,all Cllll bo li l.yltlinl' 'lr d Ol an.\"I" l n ~ "l lllullt ll"lllj; Il, ad,· II I hr~ 1 ' l lu tIl ' ~ h O l a t. If n ul Mho t tt) 1,1"," '", uy t.Olnd" ,dy , Th i~ "IJilOr \\' :u~

0111.. · 1 · :1 IJr" l-'IU lJ l ~ t' I Ufl f"

lh tll ill" 1111' " ~ ili (' , ' rl) "anll 'sl dful'l In Ih ul h lul

tHl V •



r o w t li t,

th , l .1 1l"lTI

round l liilL

: . 1I ~ plt-io lls

t · h rt r r.: "~

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hOlll'H l lIud 0111,'" d id llllt






ollll'r~ . W h~1I1l

11 0 h ... ,' U'

fTfJ rt t o uu fo l' lhpJl1.

th oug hl Ihal I,,· h,o(l "banflo'" 'tI them 1 11"111 11 0 fuun d tha t

'Ul,1 (' rllc ll1., ,1 8onl .·

1 :a ~' II HI II , I!l P fJ I O, ' I'!.i or

q uartt'r l y

satisf y in~ hevcr~gl"-in fir lJ or fo rest; home or 111 town. As pu rc and wholca, .. ne as it is t emp t in l,ly I!o o d _

The ~_t

Delicious - Refreshing Thirst-Quenching

At Sod> F ountains or Carhon -

1.)f' '' U ••llli.' f, r n uln c:

kc.l",. e ~ . lIJ llI lJ t r • .

bJ -A ,loJ i", bou let . euuf, 'r" n,-,·", " "ulll I ll l\)n ' ~ .. thl' pa ~ to r wit h Ih .. not io n IhalU,,·y we re a nxious for h i~ l'!' l ur n to " chlll'/: t1 IUld wou ld THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, AlIa.nta, Ca.· at til " sanll' tllll'~ lou d th,' pas t or w ith co mpl ai nlH nwu .. to th ,~ pr.'sldl ng ,' I· lIer. 110 ' fllllllll Ihllt Huc ll a pas tur R Wh l hout:ht tll1' 11I','s llli,, ::; e lder full of tb tl S he was aea~la,7lr, J~ fn~ hion e d . "lnllu!<'I\('l' uf olllce" "nd 10,,1I,'d dowlI mod l'8t. 6irn ple malde n Ill' ty . Su tb al I limN a nllvlIl uvlalo r _Ll eut. 1 are runnin g, and t bl ~ \\111 be lUkell ud · with II sr- ns" 01 irlll'Orlllne ' un Hcroun t \\'h e n Bh ' anuounced th e ruct lh at BII., 1 "~ Ilyson was lllun ched ,' an tage ur \\ lI ~ n tbtl hydroaa roplnll l • or 'I Iltll ,· " brld aut hority ." t bought of paying a chlrupodi s tll \' IMl l In un nerop la ll u troID II rl1tu rn s trom IlH Mco ut lng CX Jl "dIUOI I Thc IlrPHidi ul( ,·Id' ·r la uow an pd ltuf' . he r gr ea t fr lpllIl wa R uul y a s ton Is hed . I IP:II!II" cnta pult I'ecelltly und hI s Tbe a vIa tor will a ll ght with bl s 111,1 He W,," told on tald a!; c ba rge of lb u " I dldn 't know yu u RutT e red rrorn lIylng IlllLchlue bo re him chIn e up ou th ., wat e r on th" s belter<'u co lulTl nH l.r n pa llP r thut lUI Nll tor Is a c orns," re llla rk ed the la ll ' r, wb c n \t)l' Krac e t\llly li loft wllbo ut sIde of tb e vcssl' l. and , tbU B prot ec te,l pu blic turgr'l. H I' lI us com e to know news wn9 IIr &t IJrok pn to be r, I! lIg hteHt tendency toward trom th e s trol.lge r sweep o f wInd anrl lhaL H e h us found t.bat till> me n for " I don' I.," r eplie d the old la dy mildatumbllng It mllrket Ull wav e , tbe ulr pIlot and hIs uIJparalu s wbo m he h us rf'a ll y trI e d to do most Iy, a lbe it flt'ml y: " Iw lthe r a m I afImporta n t advllncu In th e will be E'as lly hois te d ub eard . Ilrf! th e mt' n whu art; qu ic k Ht and sur- tllct cd w ith bUllions, ch ll IJl allJ 8, nor IIBe of alrsblps In t he DI'\'c lopllIonts In otb er dl rnc tlou d ('s t to ~ h (lol bI B hid e tull ot ho les, He any oth e r pain s in tb e (eet." are In cr easlllg day by day lh e r{'\l a l mmeUiearatn ha s (ound thllt his Illotlv es ILr e urte n H e r frI end gazed lit her with growIIIlVY · t~: ~t\~:u::~1 The aeroplane &S lin ad · bllity ur the a eroplane and itH valu !) Qu es ti u lll: d. li e has found that some ing co nsteruatlon . 19heat.. oa~ . barley and a.~ : Hal· aa a m ilI tary Impl ement. J ust as lh e " 'fllen , my dear," she r e men ~ tr a t (>(t nr c quIck to allr lbu t (' sln lHlp.r mot ives C"hQ.[lI. btl, OJado man, 'bo o _ ndt jlUlct to military opera tl on9 b a I . I IHopo ~ltlo u Ihull U ti nrt s usce pti ble of (Jf America na, settled on tbea. ready IIhown Its vtllu e bbtb In T ripoli selr-slarte r has a dd ed to the cb onllven- IJrtlcti ca l lJe lle tits and th l/! hilS really te h im , H n hus touud thaI olhers u re ge ntly, -'w bat 011 E'lirth do yeu WIiUl p l1\I05, ."4Ith,. bue It baa 'D~_.... ~!I ereaMod Un' pr\c eof U ••• toCI:. T k. B Idss dropping lence of tbe up-to-dat e auto me e , a , ' ready to a CC UBO hi m of s Y llto!mlltlc to vis it a chlrollodlRt for ?" Tbo l'\l I. IvteA4l4 oppoMDlty and 10 ur ey , ell sim ilar dovlce Is con tributing to t b,. I hurt Ilvlalleu 1II0re th a n It has !Is lped , Tb e little old lad y'~ c hee ks blu sh ed Do" to , et . bomba upon Turk.s and Arabs It haa eftlclenc or thl:! h dreae roplun e 'U Speed has up)J(;sl ed pre-em in e ntly ID neglec t ef Iht' ln and tb (' lr work , Cannet Eiclipe Cr ltlcl.m. a d elicate pink 1111 sbe lean e d forward. proved o f greater usetulness In r aart or Yt bf! e ul m! n t or a nghtln~ rllcl n~ In .. n all,l to wbal may aJlproJu s tl c,\ Holmes of th " S up reme court laid onB mltte ned hnnd on he r Inler roeODDoltrlllg the poslUon of th e e[) emY~ ~bl:>. WI th :; ~Od sslr.stal'ter, by I Ilrla te l.v be le rlD~d th e nautical ac~ Tbe Bulgarlana hav e gone Ii step fur whic h th e a ir I~t ca n sel lIl R mote,r I bats , and In HOllHl se n a 's thi s spee" of thll l lll it ed S tates rece utl y mud e a gator'lI arm u nd whi s pe re d : "I t's tbls WilY, my d ear, I d e so there and have ulled th e aeroplane fO~ oln trom hi: s ea t, and wIth a I has saved more lives than It has sal>- speec h In Nfl \\, Yo rk . That speecb bas C() nlrol purposs!!, e nabling Ille bat gl gl I I Ilk tl' t dev ls"d rlfice d und er thp hazardous c lrcum- glvnn thl ~ l'dlto r nu SlJIall cemfort. W e want to be abl e to bonst th at al leas t fl III. - I I I ' f the De ld guns te aunc I Ilg a ppa ra us tery commlln d ere a b e a tliln Chambe r s , the alrcrnfl will stances ot Its employme nt, T le v c' hlld fluppoSE' d th nt Ilob udy Iml)ugned once In my life I bad II man at my tr&1n their weapons so as to mslte bY blP It nul8bu t Ol'Iou8 " ed rlu t's Btrongl y advocateil lh e motives o f th e S upr e me ce urt. Out feet! " them tell most e lrecUvelr IIgalnst the : a e to ~~ume ~ own pro" f t~ s peed on tb o s cure that It mak es ror It Bee ms tblll th e oul y wa)' any man 8ultan's torces. Tbl B matter or nre t e l n Btant t eaves t e runway 0 c sate t y by otTselllng or comba ting more can eR('ape crlLl cls m Is to go nlf an d RASH ON FACE FOR 2 YEARS W. 8. NETHI:AY, oontrol III as vItal to a nllvy as to an cata pul t. . : s uccess full y ntmesp he rl c vagarlE<. bide h imse lf. be nothIng al a ll, do •• 8 a.rdner Blda .. Toledo. OhIo I eUon es pecially wh e n tb e It Is not euo ugh . ho wev e r , 81nlpl y 10 , III I III 'ht b I hi I t t nothing ut a ll , Il ll r e Is th e l)a.rag rnpb Slou¥ Falls, S. D ."MY trouble of ~ or tuld ..... 8nperlnteDden~ of army n Ii . , lit th e fI In machine Into thr ai r ; I WI e n g . Ul B e emen 0 Imm1craUOD,ou....... _ . CUDS of 8 fl eet are llearcblng out th e «b y g hit t hl gb " oloclt y mu ltip lies the hazard or of Ju sti ce Ho lm s' s lle('ch whi ch gi ves akin dlseaae IItarled merely a8 a rusb 'Weak s pots In thfl IlInd defenoos. But t e scouting av iator I1S a 0 10 a - , th e dlfll cull v of sUgbUn" 118 well a. ua com ro rt : . on my ra ce and neck, but 1t grew and _ ___ _ __ d les s tend to aft e r b e Is ilIon II nll stl1l'te ' . n heretofore the aerop Iane b a s b een , , Increasing th e dan ge r of engine trou"Of courso wt' are not e)!ccpted," be k ept getting worse until large s ca b. tor army ulle upon hIs mI ssion , • vall a hi e ror navy th an . . U til b t 'bll tb I pilot ble alld s ho rtn ese ef th e life of t be said , r ere rrlng to t h e Supreme c ou rL would torm, fester and brenk. Tbls Tl1e catapult tested In Washington n II. s or" e age e II r , motur. "I\ ot only ar o we to ld tu a t wh en Mur.\ was just on the one s ide of m y face, mbe Ml hlld hI s hands da. ngerous ly full a,, cengresa but It s oen Bcattered to the oth er Consti~ation Is th e Inve nlloll of Ca ptaIn Cha d ~'er wur p urposes au lIe rolllan e mo- s hall proneunced an uct or ot th e nav y, and Is tbe outcome or va· thIngs to be manIpUlate d In er l'r t , tor s hould wor k efficiently at d l!lcreDt unconstl tuti onH l he us urp ed n power side. I sulfe red Ii great deal. especial · d .... a l E!llsonB learned while tryi ng to susta,ln hIm Bufely In fli ght. and l~ mo - ~ "elld B b,'C:UUR C "fin..·I'lg drlvo power th at th.., Cun slltutio n did 1I0t give , bu t Iy at nl gbt , on nCl;ount or Its it ch ing I. Growina mailer Every Day. - • d"b i t tbe needs ('If ment R Inattenti on wall pre tty cert ll ln .. " apt t ~ lIeroJ,l a ne 0 H wi ll be n peded for dl Rs lr nllar sBrvlces. we tire te ld W I! ure th e r e prese ntatives and burning, I would scratch It and CARTER'S LITTLE Inl'ile troubl e Ir not disaste r. t! A " IOlO!' " f 11110 "art would lend Its~lt or u ClllS8, a tOI.'l or tb e mOlley pewer . or cou rse tbat Irrita ted It very much . LIVER PILLS are th en nvy . The ..nracticability of send- to hnd no 0PflOrtunlly t o make e bsHn"\Ing aeroplanes In fli g ht rrorn a. sult- tlon of th e land 'b eneath him or I. U to re!atlvcly lo w "I)eed 80 that tb f> I ge t I l' tl (' TIl , not [liways nnouy m ouB, This ras h WIlB nn my face for about responsible - they two y ears, sem etlmes breaking out not only give relief abl o platrorm on bOllrd Blilp WIIS fl, l<.'lUIe bombs lutended to bit a cpr- flying ma chIne ceuld r .. turn to t h e IntlmaLl ng t hat , .. " lire corrupt. -they perlllaI early d emons trated. but thero wo r e tn ln s pot on the landsca pe belew Th f! , grollll d milch 1L8 a " \~sRe l B l a~kcns h e r , "We ll. gl!lI l1 1.'I11e n, I nd mlt t b nt It 10tB worse and ferml'lg lorger s ores. nenUycure CoDvariUUB minor probl e mR to be solv e d_ airman t he re for e nee de d a companion I h(ludw lIY wh e n coming liP to he r do c k , III l1kl's my h lo'art a ch e. It Is very paln- It kept me from slee ping day o r nlgbt .lip.lioD. The launch ing platform8 employe d whose dull oR sbould be limi ted t o r e I Cllptaln rhum bn s u ver y de finIte ful whe n ou e SIJonds a ll th e e nergies for a c ouple of mon t hs. My face loolc- liens u s 'W ere both long and cumbe rsome , Thl!; co nllite rln g and \.0 drellpln l: oroj('(:' opinion u po n l hl R subject , wh ich h e of nll(, '!; sou l In tryi ng to do good wo rk ed dl sgrsceful and I was almost th em for with no lbought lJut th at or Bolving Ii asham ed to be seen b y my fri en dS. I BilioDIDUl, took. up space that would not be avul.· til es upon the e ne my . . I ex plains a s fo ll ows: " A trlend asked m e to try CuUcura ' htclltulioD, Sick H~"'.d.e, Sallow SlIa. • abl e In tim e or war_ and th ey blocke d I'\n w It happ ene d t hat tbe mnchlnes "A w('Iight cllrry lng al' roplan . s ucb proble m uccerdlng tu tho rules by the fire ot Borne of th e guns . _ used by the Itallnns In Trlpell were I as u bydruaero plalle . necessaril y need! whic h one Is boun d to know th a t many Soa p and Cutl cura Ointment. I would l SMAJ.L PILL, SMALL D,OSE, SMALL PRICE. must bear Signature 'fho 10Dg runwny or s loping [.lIs , ' not w eight cnrrlers a nd It was th e re· a moter wi th consi de rnlll e ra n ge of se s ls lste r motives an d would be glnd bathe my faoo with hot water and a ~ form Willi there rore prohibitive. With fore out or th e Que's tlon to support R , speed, nnd tll(' Bamp, killd or lIlotor Is of evi dence t hHt un e W[l S co nscie ntious. lot ot- Cuticura S0I1P, th en I would put .,....bort .tnLck substItute d which could second pe rson In th e m. Accordingly I need ed to r edu ce th e dnng er of a light· Iy bad . Dut we !Dus t take ll uc h thin gs on the Cutle ura Ointment. In lesl ~~~~~zz: be ollslly aod qui c kly put In place t he n \' la to r ba d to do all Ihe work lng, 1 thInk a"la ti oll wo uld be 1m· phlloRo)hlca lly and try 10 sec what W 6 than two days' tIme, tb e soreness and - - - - - -and just s peedily demounted and himself. and thi n explains wlty boclbS : prove d Ir th s terms ot ruture s peed C Ull learn from ha Ired and distrus t , Intlammatlon had almost entirel y dls.stored out or th e way, tb e re aros e the dropp e t! from l1eroplanes 80 ot\.en cOlltest~ wero arrange d se a.s to re- an d wheth e r beblnd th e m th e re mny appeared, and In tour w eeks' tIme you Question of a m eans of etartlng the failed til hll ' tbe lr mark. Tb e Italian , Quire each conl estanl to go over t h 'l not b e sO llie germ of InnrL! cu lu to could not SEe any ot the rash. Now Do you realIze the fact that thoUBan~ my tace II without a. spot ot any kInd. aeroplane e ffe ct.lvely. Fur thIs pur- dirigibl e balloons. on the otber bu nd , ce urse t ",Ice-the second tim e at an trutb ,"-W(!I;te rn Metbodlst. ot women are now usiDc I also U Be them for my scalp and haIr. pose Cnptaln Chamber s devilled the beCll us o the y cou ld be m a nouve r ed average s peed 20 pe r ce nt. lowel- thnn Where to Look . Tbey cur~d me completely:' (Signed) catapult. For years he had s pe- delibe rate ly and could 11ft a number hlg high est nv erage, " What Chl'lsl Is, cons t it ute s lh e snreTbo lay man hnl! heard BO muc b ot ty, lICe. pewer, und joy or eve ry s ur· Miss Pansy Hutchlnl, Feb. 6, 1912. cla:llzed 10 torpedoes and ..... as familIar ot pe /'!!01l6. Wflrl! Rucce9stul as bomb Cutlcura Soap and Ointment seld 'Wltb the de vices succes81vely tried thmwel'8, and what they did s hew ed antl·balloon gU II M and other weapons r e ndered be lieve r . W e cannot too con· 10 getting those weapons ove rboard wbat could be ex pected of a fl)' ln g tor the annihilation of aU kind s of aIr· stantly or t.oo completely hold to this throughout the world. Sample at each from a boat. The catapult tried at machin e properlv built for IUllitorv cra rt, that he pictures the fl yin g ma- 81mlile [rutlil . The child rests In com· free. with 82·p, Skin Book. Addreu A Soluble Antiseptic Po"'. post-card "CuUcura, Dept. 1., BOlton." AnnapoliS last Bummer was a Bort or w o r k . ' . chin e Il S be ing knocked Into bits by plf! t e ly he lpl esB and completely trust· as a remedy for mucoull membrane afmodIfied torpedo launching outfit of As II re s ult ot study a numb er of the precl~e lire ot these wea pens. AI In g deponden ce upon tbe pare nt. But Adv. fecUons, Buch as .ore throat, nual oa the ellrller type, and compre ssed air dt'vlces have been del'elope d which a matter or fa ct , durlug tbe war In more cemple tely stili do es Christ 's own Ad Homln!!m. pelvIc eatarrb. Inflammatlon or ulcera'Wu em.ployed to «Ivo the Initial push . make It posslhle now to Insure to a Tripoli the ita lia n aeroplane s were being COnEltitute all our lire and Man With the Bulbous Nose-one tion, caused by female lIlaT Women The trial mechanism was of Ilecessl- lorge degTeo the automatic conlrol of but seh~om bit, ne ver dls astrou81y, and st renglh nnd hope and s afety and hnp. or two baths a we ek , I t e ll you, are 'Wbo have been cured lay "It la worth ty rather cr1lde, but this fa ct did not Sll aeroplane's e quilibrium, Rnd other wh en up 10 tb e air three thousand feet pln ess. Therefore, If we yield wholly about all a busy lIIan ba s Ume to Us welcbt In gold." DIBlolve In water and apply locally. For ten yeans the dete~ Lieutenant E llys on from 8ub- apparatul IN beIng pe rfecte d which they ..... ere not touched at all. Awe,l · to him, ...·e' may alwaYB find all eur lake_ Lydia E . Pinkham Medlclne Co. h . . lecting hImself In a hydroaeroplane reduces th e de mands upon the a"II' can naval nvllHors, with th e ir hydro· ass urance In him. To "reme mb er Man With llie Bulging Brow-How recomIVended Paxtlne ID theIr print. to the extreme shock of the d evice In tor. Quite apart rrom tbe military a eroplan es , have proved that It Is en· J esus Christ" In this way Is all tbat Is do you know! correspondence witb women. order to find out tbe e l!ectR or sueb Importance of thesp. later Inventlons, tlrely t('as lble ror the m to r each thle needed for our dally guidance, and For all hygi enic and toilet uI.llt baa a concunton. IlIl1 o nly UPOIl th e air the physical and ne rvou s stress es height, and BO rar as endura nce :)1 strength, and peace, and accomplishno equal. Only 60c a large box at DruCImportant to Mother. ExamJJle earefully every botUe of pUot, but likewise upon th e motor ,upon the av iator nre fewer. Those Illght Is concerne d , they bold lhe rec- me nt, Tbe PsalmIst knew God In tbe gists or Be nt postpaId on receipt ot attachments and other fittings which hoye proved 80 e xhausting during the ord- Lleul e nant Towers or the navy same way 'Wben he sang, "ne gllld In CASTORlA, .. aate and lure remedy for price. The Faxton Toilet Co" BOItoD. lnfanta and ch1ldren. and lee that It Mass, might be wrenched 1008e or deranged I\'ar b etwee n Italy and Turkey that having t,-aYel ed tor six hours ten mlu· Jehovah." " Rejoice In J ehovah." "J That tost was entiroly satlstactory In the p~IOt8 bave becoDle Incapac itated utes lind twe nty seconds In n stand- will bles9 Jehol'ah at all tim es, " " L et Bearethe ~--' Us leslonB, but the avilitor and h is atter s ix months of se rvice, and doc:- ard navy Curtls8 hydroae roplane. In· 1\11 those that seek thee re joice nnd be 81gnatur8ot ,.~ THICK, SWOLLEN OLAN" t make a hOl'1le Wheeze, ~ machine got a ducking. lars declarp a r e8t perIod ot at lenRt ventors haT o d e\'t~ lopcd nn aeroplan'l gilld In tbell," "Jeho\'ah b e magnifie d," In Ulle For Over 30 yea.... Roar, haYe Thick Wind The catapult lately . trl ed at tM , two yea . ra Is needful In ord er to In· wire less . Olltfit of '!'ery moderate ·God Is OUI' r e fuge alld st rength :' As Children Cry for Fletcher's Castona or Choke-down , can be Was hington navy ynrd III de\'ls ed so sure the ir recllpe rlltion anrl titn eRlI we ight, and with this equlpmeut we thus fac e Ged In Christ and fix OUI reduced with ~ . that tho hydrol1eroplano a tta ins It >! \ Ogall1 tnr duty ,,·ltb th o fl y lnr; squall· aviators are nbl e to cover a runge ur wholo h eart and soul and sp!rlt u pen Their Drawback •. launching speed wltbout viol e nce , and ren o fHty .mll es . ABSORBINE what b e 18, th ere II' no room lett for -' 1\0 cblcken fighl s are fair " this Inlures tbe laUnching or th e ma' Among Ih e lI e lpful apllaratu ~ now The next naval cOllfllct II! 1Ik!'l y to t o r unsettling th ou ghts a bout our· " or course not. sInc e th e y n eces• Iso any liunch or Swelling. No blister, no j (lblne wIthout fear or de ran ging any being de ve leped by nn Am e ri can firm flnd h\'lIroal' l'O)llanl'.s a teature of the se lves , o r for anx lely In any dl Nclion. sa rlly bay e a fewl elernent. " balr gone, and horse kept at work. CODof tho apparatus or di s lodging the n gyroscnplc d e vic e IJdll cb give!! essential equlpmemt of all large m l'n-of- Wh en we let Chris t bl'coIDe th e r eal cenl.r.o.ted--.mly a fe\v dr0:r.s required It ID aVIator from his seat. The runway promille of SlIcceSR In mu lntalnln g th .., war. a nd th e \ly ing much In!' mu st bl' te c us of o ur trus ting guze, we are Wnter In bluing is adulteration, 016s> and Ipplication. $2 per bottle elivered, - or starting track 18 sbort and can be IItablllty of nn aeroplane In .fll g ht. l'on s ld c l'ed se riously and not as /l m e rl) Rafe, Iwd we a re Blltillficd , WilLer lflakes IIqul,\ blu.. costly. Iluy 1WG Book 3 K free. L'roiS Hull 1I1ue. Adv. put In pos ition In Bevernl places Nl cR Il tllln ChaUlu l' rs If! engaged In th t! tnd or a mechanical nchleveme nt ot nil ABSORBINE.. JR .• antj5e~ tic linimentfor mankind, reclucu Cysts, Wen., Painful, Knotted, a figbtlng ship' without Interfe ring construction ot 1111 nerlnl, compn gs material valul), In peace-lime mnn (l\!' Fer Others. lJ'hp whol e or humnn virtue may be and a bOltle at 'With the maneuvering of the guns or which will llot o lll y gl\'e dlrectlotlal v e r~ tlIP F r(, llrh ha ve clrarly sbo,,-a The !'If'It1:s h ~ plrlt Is ntte rl y lit ,'ar, re du ctld to s p ea kIng th e truth ul ways Varicose Veins, Ulcer •. dealers or .te liv~red. Book "Evidence" frel!, Impe ding nllY otb er ope ratien uf 1111' ~Idullc a . hut will al so comp e ll ~at .. : that t he :\I'ropl a ne Is capabl n of doln ;.: Innce with lh e spIrit nnd th e mInd er a nd doing g oal! to othe rB,- Al'lian. W.F.YOUNG. P. D. F., SlOlll1pl.SI.$prlngtlold, M.... portance. for t hI' drift 1) 1' sIde wi se mOVf> mp.nt or I scn ut duly of fi n Important c ha r11.cter, Christ , Evt'r y mt.ll fo r s Olll e bod y else , Ot course the d e monstrntlon I\t Ibe l1 ylnl{ mnchln.... de tef't\n g not only s hip s 11)1011 lhe wa- ts th e battl l1 cry of th e Lo rd 's hos ts DAISY FLY KILLER :;:::: :::-:~Ii~' :~i Washington over th e Potomac river On t. he oth er " Ido lIf the Atlantic In- I·t e r, hut th e presence ot R ubmarlne ~ "Go ye In to 1111 th e world and preac h I .... frii.t. 01...." or unde r fairly Ideal weatbe r conrlltlons Btrum e nt tnak ers , hav e bt'r n \\'orkln~ : ij UPlJosP lll y hidd e n below th e ~u rtlt c,~ m y ges pel to ., \'p ry c r enture." Is c )!· ~::;~tali.C::;:QI!nl~ ts not 11 counterpart of what may CO'l- awoy at th e Ralljf' pro bl e m with mort' : o t th (! Ro n ; nnd .. peen t I'xr.l "rlm efl t ~ p res81\'e ot th e d iv in e Intf' ntion s can · ••••• a. MaeSe or metal, ean"t'pHlol'tlp tront the naval aviator at sea , but ~o or l eBs s u c(!el'~ . Tho ma rk et s upply of i with a rm or pi e rcing bombs--{Iroppc <l c .. rnlng th e s pirit an d altit1l de or hie 0 •• 1'; will Do t ao ll oW' far UB the actual getting /lway from Buch apparnlu R Is not '1 a rl! e , That i from al rc ratt- hav e tt:rn~d a ne" chlldre ll to ward m an l, lnd without , ev · tllJur. aDJ'tblac . Ouanot.ed e a"ecC.he. c r y whpr e. By th e law ot nnture and the ship Is conce~l1 ed Ihat function tbere Is neell of ju st ~u c h IIU nld 10 pag ... in Ih,., a rt of wartarp. . All d •• 0,6 _ _ th e In" olr th e governm " nt of God , f', can be promised und er nny c Ircum· : Rp-rla l nnvlgatlon Is eVlde nred hy tlt t' ••preu paid lor 1'.Ot. .&ROLD IOlSE . . , 1-. I)t&&l~ An., ..... kI7a. If , Y. eVl' ry lIlan Is delJto!' to tIlt' other man , Old FIght Renewed. • stanc}!" which on s hore would warrant fact thllt n GC'rmnll firm VUR s udd e nl r ' It I" u selrlotl R thltl~ to be charge d an avll\tor In try ing to 1;0 up In till! d. <'llIl1led nf Us ~l1pply b y th e d emand R! " ~ I y old bUl'b(' r h us Ic rt th e Cil Y." with (' ternal r es pon s Ibllli y for tM aIr. The othe r sIde of th e probl(1m ot the war In th e nnlknn s .• It is s aff! , " Yuu neI'tIl v('ry r t' grc tful." Is that ot returnlu g to t he ship agaIn. I to S II}' tha t no s mall Rllare of thf! cr- : "Ye!;; IIll ha d be(,1l try-l ug to sell m. oth!!r · man . Eve ryon e pllbe r helps nnd h ere sur:ces s is lIk'e ly, fectlv e alit rend ered by tbe Bulgarian n bottl e of h a ir fonl e for the laRt I! or h Ind ers tbe oth e r on p.. Wba t It Glenn H. Curtiss has devI se d a term ~ r ln g co rps hM b(")ll directly du e :0 years , nnd so tar I lHid Stlcl:('e!led II on t' be found n stumbllng·bloch In· of tloat or boat for bls h ydro a which II theBe In s trnm l'nts. , 8.tandlnl!; him orr_ Now 1 s hOll have It ~ t a d or a IIght·bearer. a t enc her lind capahle of sustaining th e. tlylng ma o In t h e pust aviation ge ne rall y hdS " tart th e bnttle nIl ove r with a nl>" f;\Ild e for th e oth" r man 1 chiDe whon waves or cODslll erable size , b.e en encouraged more as a sporting ! man." . Life Abundant. East e r means lite, n ew lite , me you kn e w 1I0thlng," was th e reply. abunda nt, not some tim e In the fllt.ure, "But your manner W8$ BO free troll' but here and now. -It mehns the con· 'I _ _ of this paper constraint under what to 80me people Quest and ,~wth over decay, of beau, desiring, to ,I ~ ~boucbere anecdote which bas naty exam ina tion wall hascd, ' but 'WOuld bave been peculiarly e mbar- ty and fertility ove r barren bleakAeBB, buyanythm8 , n t been done to death la given In the th ere was at ,least the promise of ,a rassing circumstance's that we Bald advertised in its columna should new 'Vo,~mLof -recollections by Sir . As far r.s b e could make out, he imist upon ha'.f1~,what they ask for, ~ alhubsntutesorlmitationll.







Free Homestead


The Army of











t. .,'




'1 '2


I i











' {




IPersonal Mention,



Sl\IIl11- sIlEr:HAN



Mtlry C. daLJl!rhler Fift y the iliaI" I of Michael and Lav ina Hunsell, was . - - - - - - - - - - - - . ria).!'!! of Mi s..; Blanche F:mrnalilll' SPECIALS THIS WEEK bol'l1 neal' Oaklancl. Clinton County. B~llbr00k vs. Miamis ~unday. Sheehan and Mr. Bennie ~mith. a Fancv Strawberries Ohi!), ScplcllIuer ~. J841, and died young furmer of ne:' " W"yneHvil le, \Vltet It er ill your o wn 'ountry or abroau, We expect to receiv e Uli!i we",k nea r New l3urlinj!loll , Ohio , June 14, The venerable Geo rge Sale is very which tonk place Thu l t;day evcnipg-. we :tre 1l0W preparC'd to furni sh YOll with several crates famo u!! Stone· I!ll :l. beir.;!' 7 1 yea rs. !J months and ill. a t the home of CIt' uride's parent s. boro !5traw berries . the finest tlllVOl'cd b e rri e~ J(fIIWII. 1 ~ days Illd . nellr Sprinl-(' Vnll ey. • She \\'Wl a l; i"d and loving dau g h· ,J. O. Cartwright. is in Columbus I'ink and .wh ite l'u:'e!'l wcre uSl'd in : Fanc)' na. Pine Appks the decora LlO n o f th e ru om ,; and lh e Fancy Gulden Hipe , each ... t{'r. a g r,'at co mfurt and hles!ling Lo today. at .... ....... ..... ....... IOc and ~5c 111 uellom ina lio ns of !her pan' n J :! w hol11 tiho lonk care ( I f A M n big window in the Ii vinl{ room, wh ere .[ as l o n ~ as tiley lived . Afte" their T . alIt wa~ in New Burlinglon the ceremo ny tool( place, wus uanlted Fancy Juicy Lemons Fancy Cal. and Me8ilini Lemdeath she Rtill reqlained at home. uesday . wit h pink ro~es and fern s . ons, lenwn juice. a 'bottle .. 10(' Sh e \\'a~ ol\e of a family of len ("hi!· Hendel'!:lon Bros.- ParisG reen the Mil:!S Amy Uradstreet played La· Purc Paris Green At s m a ll ('os t. These are payable at all dren anJ ii; survived by six broth ers kind that kills. ' heng rin 's weddin g marc h, as t he Strictly pure, in 1. 2 and () lb. alJll one sister. A liltle brother di ed bridal coup le. who wel'a unattended. h !'\ Ilk ' allli llIos t hotels without id e ntifi caboxes. Special low IJr ices in in infancy and one !lillter, Hani et Har vey Rye is carryi ng mail in a entered t he rllotll. The bride wo re tio1l bey oJld Yollrowllsig llature . Arc payabk la rR'e lots. a white sat in gown trimmed with Murray, whose death occu rred Odo- new Ford machine . in the mOIll". o f allY co u1It ry ill the worltl . Ground Col fee uer ~ 1, 1 ~ 0·1 Besides her brothers touches of laCE'. Th e ceremony was We pickpd up a bargain in Born-- To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ellis performed uy H.ev. Her<;hey, pn.'1tor and sisler sile leaves a great number g rou nd Coffees worth 11 of neph e l\'~ anrl niecefl to mOUrtl her Tuesday. June 24, a son . . of the Meth odist Ch urch . pound. 25c Special ........... ;!Oc 10-;8. ah;o a large circle of neighbors , At the cO[1clusion of the ceremony, 50 doz. I pound fanc~ Pink Salmon, a can ..................' 15c alld fritmd s. S he was of a generou s C. I~. ~e~t1ey a~ Gdeorge Lantern a three co ur~e supper was seNed. - and sympa thetic di sposition and ' were In e anon on ny. The brid t! 's tabl e was daintily dec. Walrus Blood Red Salmon, a clln ................. . . .. ;.. ... Hie , - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . c.: hildren we rt! espedal ly fond of her Mi!lS Vera Homans. of Cllrdingt.on, orated with lJink and while roses Ncw Potatoes and she wa s ra iled Aunt Mary by all Ohio, ii the g uest of Frank Carman and li ght.ed with pink candle!; in who knell' h(·r . She was ever ready and family. crystal candle sticks I Irish Cobblers, fancy old Whit e Michigan Potatoes to do all .~lie could for anv one need· Mr and Mrs. Smi th left Thursday ing her hel p and l\'a8 a fin e nur~ e. Try our Columbu s ){utter Crust Mrs Elizabeth Zell ers has been evening fa I' a short wedding trip Bread. each loaf wrapped and She had ueen a member of the visiling in Sp ring Valley, the gu est and upon their r eturn will make it's made with milk. Sharon tllct h,ltlist Episcopal church ~f relatives. t heir home on n farm near Wayn esWanted a long l ime and was ever faithful to ville. Tastes Home-Made 5000 pounds Butter. Highest Whittier Burnet and family. of her VOl\'s . For seve ral years 8he The bride . who is the eldest daughprices pain for Outter and Eggil. Looks Home-Made sul1ered f'"111 alllic tions but wBtl Cinci nna ti. are g uests of Mr. and tel' of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sheehan, It pays to trade at ever cheerful and bore her burdens Mrs OlVen Burnet. is a well ·known young woman, and It IS Home-Made. hl·avely. She r:alm ly fought her the groom is a prosperous youn g hattie for life and she met death Mrs. Patrick Clark and Mrs. Mary farmer, the son of Mr. and Mrs. I 2 8TORE8 -----------------ALSO-----------------consciou~ly and peacefully and is at Chalfant were guests of relatives in e has. S mith, of Route L \. rest. Cincinnati last week. Mr . ami Mrs. Smith are receivin g ~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~ Milk Bread, Pies, Cigars and a new The funeral services were held .. . the conirratulations of their many t th S · Wales Smart, of Cmcmnatl was T s d . t 10 supply of Chocolate Candies. Proper Mellenger, uled ahya h ' a · m . a R e ' KP~lllng- the guest of Rev. and Mrs J. F. friends. fiIe c urc III charge a f ev. I en- C d II d I t F ' d Never Bend a. friend on a. tool'. <U'del', her pastor. The Lewis and a wa a e r as rI ay. BobBcrl he for the Mla.mi Gazette . . rand. Go yourself. Cops~v Quartette from the Zoa r Ligh ltning struck Ed 'Thomas' neighborhood near Xenia sang three house during the storm Tuesday beautiful selections. Interment was aftern€IOn, knocking off a chimney. made in Springfield cemetery. Everything Everything A precious one from us' has gone, Miss Elizabeth McDonl1ld .~ of the Fresh Clean . A voice we loved is stilled, O. S. & S. O. home in Xenia spent A place is vacant in our home the week· end with the Misses Annie and Mame Brown. Which never can be fill ed . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!111111~~~~~~~~ - God in his wisdom has recalled. ... • r.;.:·pl!l .lMIi.'iiI_ _ _ _ _ _.I.AT _________ Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hockett had The boon his love had given . < And thoUgh the body slumbers here, as their guests for several days last week, Mrs. Harry Barbeau and little The so ul is safe in heaven. son, of Jackson, Ohio.

If you are contemplating a Trip







.... Waynesville National Bank....




Hartsock's Bakery


Summer Wash Fabrics





Made from Solid Leather. Every pair guaranteed. Latest Spring and Summer Styles at reduced prices LadleJ' and Misses' Low Cuts and Sandals and Men's Oxfords at Cost. SpeCial BargaIns In f Ot~'er Makes.

-..- --..


~------------------------------------~ Artletlo Pottery.

Irreverent Youth.

lIlDI'Usb IlJId AmertcllJl pottery shew-.

The 'curate was learning to ride







Enterprise Bldg.,



. .. .




Waynes"lIle, Ohio.


Xenia, Ohio.


. Waynesville Lodge No. 163 . F. & . '~at ,; wus one qf pro- A. M. ob8e~ed St. John's day Tues. Pu;'lUlty.. . day evening in an appropriate man. 'Nothing of the kind. It was be- ner, at their lodge room. A quartet cause ~?ey were always thrown to- sang SElveral selections. ,.uter prayer getber. by Chllplain Cadwallader. Rev. C. S. CAUGHT BOTH WAYS GraUlM!tr • made a . good talk GO the . _ • the pab'on saint; and it was thor"Snifkins .does not Beem to be en- ought,· ~jOl'ed by ~I present, jeying-hia vacat1on." . . ~. I~~ ~anney read a _ beautiful "No;- when his office isn't calling trit)u~ t&.the memol')' of two brqthiiiin 'up, hia Wife ia ~ him.: era w~9 died d~~ the }III8t yllU-

· ~.--lIII!!Il ~~II!!II'. .iIII.":~" ._:' ~


_ ;J _

. _



Balkan Blouses 71lc to $1.00

Children's Wasb Dresses


in« the sUver deposit work Is very In a uitsplac.ed fit of zeal prett7. Tble Is newer than the de- set off ' on his own. He thonght he posit on «lass, which has lost itll pop- -(!ould ',manage by himself, so started ulartty beeause of Its fragility. An In. downhill' In a somewhat wobbly man· valid would appreclate one ot tho pot." nor. ThO' road was wet and muddy, HER PRIVILEGE. tel')' tea sets, which 18 so Ingeniously and It Willi not long before the mao WORIHY OF SPECIAL MENTION fitted together that It takes up only chine had tIlkldded and tile curate was a few Inches on the tray. The Engllsh flounlterlng In the mud. A youthful "I suppose next women will be Six men of Wayne Township man· ware Ie either black. white or dark member ofttho Sunday school watched wanting fa go to congress." ifested a splendid spirit towards the brown In color, while Bome of the the ~tastllPphe with evident pleas· "I don't see why, when os it is, orphans of Warren Co. Dr. P. D. t I t l' S American ware Ie beautifully shaded ure.. 'H erel endelh the firat lesBon," everv Trill rri , I .; In tones of brown. he chortlec1- London TIt-BIts. J f ICC }\\oman, a eas J Claggett, Th~d . Zimmerman, O. · J . . spea k er 0 t lC lOuse." Burnett, Frank Elbon, John Pence and W. H. Allen drove to the Chil~ EXTRAVAGANT AGE. drens Home on Friday afternoon with their machines and delighted "Such extravagance I" the chiildren and a part of the force "How n ow P' "His wife broke a $14 catpct with a twenty.five mile ride. They sweeper over hlm. A broomstIck returned via Lebanon. stoppirig long enough to refresh the children wi th would have tlone just as welL" ice cream. Such kind generous acts HER PLACE. are commendaBle, and will surely , . . reach t heir reward. 'If you go 10 that store you wlll "InlllSmuch as ye have done it unto find Mildred at her stamping one of the least of these; ye have oIn't'Iund.!' .... done it: unto me." "SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE." ''Where is that?" S. L. C. ''The embroidery counter."


Hutchison &. Gibney


Selz's Royal Blue &Perfecto Shoes


We wish to express our heartfelt Lvman Silver left last week for Ft. thanks. to ou r many relati ves. friends ~ a.lley . <?a., where he has a go?d poand neIghbors for the kindness and BItton wij;h the Buckeye Frult Co. sy mpathy shown us during the ill. ! He reports a big crop of peaches. ness and death of our beloved sister. especially do we thank Rev. Killen. Ralph Smith , of Detroit, Mich., is der for his kindness and words of. home for a couple of weeks on ac· consolation and the singers for their count of the shops being shut down. beautiful singing and the undertaker He is thoroughly enjoying his vaca~ for the efficient manner in which he tion. conducted the funeral and all for the ' C. T. Hawke took a pleasure party many beautiful floral tributes. The Family . to Dayton today in his auto. Those who enjoyed the day were the Misses -----~~~--ALL-DA Y MEETINO Phebe Mosher, Ethel Crisenberry. Edith Mosher, Sybil and Helen The annual All-Day meeting will Hawke. be held at the Friends church at Olive Branch on Sunday. July 6, 1913: Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright There will btl Sunday School in the left Wednesd ay for Chattanooga, morning, slteaking at 10 o'clock , din· Tenn., where they will be joined by ner at noon, then the children will Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cartwright and take complete charge of the after- family, fo~ a few weeks' stay at noon exercises. Everybody welcome LOokout Mountain . to come and bring all th~ir neigh.bors. ...- - Bert Grant left Tuesday for DayNOTICE ton, where he will open a shop. This th \", II f dissolves the partnership of Grant & · P ar t y t ak mg e urn .. re a rom . M ' . h th tabl . th L bb f h P Frazle·r. r. FrazIer remams ere e ~ 10 e 0 y a t e ost and will open a shop at his residence. 1 f fi t b Office, Sunday afternoon, pl ease re... All d t' '11 b k d ore ers or ro(\ ng. e c., may e t urn an no ques ·)onll WI e as c • left there and he will attend to them Frank H. Farr. _ __ ... __ prom ptly __ ...._ ..._ _ _

50c to $3.00 y 011 can hang them now at ''VIr, window.

for ill addition to the ori~inal Brenlm Unfilled Shade, which is known an D millio n ho mes at

the 1Il05t beauliful shade mad., there are Iwo ' new ~rade s , both possessing the Brenlin stand. ard of qualilY. For windows of ordinary size (1 yard wide by 2 yards long) thesc threc .hades are priced at

7Sc, sSe and 2Sc Brenlln Unfilled At 7S • • hould al ...,. b. uaed where leDgth of lervice find attractive appearance ere firat coo.ideration •. for beiol! made of clolel), ,,"oven clotb withont .. filling ." It alway. bang • • traight and Imooth. won't !Rd. and «aU>, , hade•• The ne.. grade•• Brenlin Filled 01 sSe nnd Drenlin Machine Made at 25c are by far tb. beat value. iD abade. at tbe •• prie... lA ... show ;)'ON 'Iu .. In,.. r."""ltGbIl ,hodo••

Spring Coats Woo~tex, Bischof and Other Good


Hutchison & Gibney




Wash Skir~ . an~\ .House Dreslel, .~ .

59c and $1.·8 9 '!-

THE GREAT CA8.PET ~H9US~· · . RUGS, $7 .50 to~ . 25~00 '._ T..··'·· · . . . , . ,.M~ ·UM',.." ~~ At::.. UP . ,.,.., ".~ .uLL~V ',"

~ - [ ..~~'J,'T~~~~ . 'T'

.' .




.f Edm!1Pd ~wliCk and w. ,~.~, L.,;.~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~ •









Whole N umber 3218 a - ________




: Social EventsJ


The men of Trinity Parish, EpiEcopal, of Columbus, .have formed Ii Men's Club, which club is in good hands, as Ht!rbert S. Warwi~ is president of the club bulletin. which is ill8ued each month. Herbert is a hustler on advertising. and the club expects to accomplish much for good this year. Bishop T. I. Reese and Governor Cox will be ' the speakers for the August meeting.

Miss Edith M o.~ h e r entertained at del icin Uil fl ix o'clock dinner on l'uesd ay e v enin ~ in hOllllr of her house iues t!l. In.. Mis.~es Kath ry n and Rosamonrl Ilald n. Sy bi l Hawk e , Henrietta M(' K iusey, Elizabeth Chandl er, Phoebe Mosher, I':the l Crii:lenberry and Mrs, Charles Rubit· zer. 'I


Miss Sybil Hawk e entertained at lea on Saturday evening in honor of her gu est Miss Stella Bishop, of Xenia , the following guests: The Mii:l8l!lf Ed ith Mosher. PhOEbe Mosher. and Ethel Crlsenberry . 1/1 the cool of the evening Mr. Hawke took the girls a delightful auto ride all accompanying Miss Bishop to her home in Xenia .


Anna Matilda Burnley was born in London, Ohio, November 13, 1865, being the eldest of three sisters. Except (or a short residence in Independence, Mo., she resided in Ohio until her marriaKe to Ferdinand H. Sturzenacker on N.vember 24, 1892. After her marriage abe moved to Ellendale, N. D., where her husban" was postmaster. They left Ellendale and came to Gardena, Cal., arriving here March 27, ISH, and have resided on their raneh east of-town e_v er since. She was educated In the pu blie schools of Ohio, afterward becoming a teacher in them, which position 1Ihe- filled for twenty yean. She was born ancl reared in a Chri!ltian home. and was one of thoee fortunate on.. who, '~lng in· strueted and baptized In the Christian faith. yielded henelf to the leading of the Master from ber youth, being all ber life a member of the church, In her eatly daya a Presbyterian. and during her residence In Gardena a faithful and loyal Methodist. The church at Gardena waa but recently elltablished when abe came. She wu at ont'e uleeted on ita governing board and haa retained her position ever lince. li'.p.fomo" ..... abe wu aIlperinteJldent of the Sunday eehool; was pres· ident of the Ladies' Aid Society for six ynll; haa been a 1e&4;ng mem o - ber in the Woman'a Home and Foreip aoeieti8ll, beiOK president of the former aoelety at the time of her death. . As a child she wu taken by her mother In Obio upon the orlKinal "cruaade"'out of which the Woman's Chriltl~ Temperance Union was begotten', and remembered kneeling on the aidewalk and inside saloona to pray for tbe destruction of the bUlineet. At a veat convention In Los Anpl. a few yean qo she, with four. ~era of thia original and elect llumber, who were present, were called to the platform and given ea· ,eclal honor. In the work of tbis ,,-_ aoeletv all_ maintained a eonatant inteNlt to the end. She had an unqueStioning faith in God her Heavenly F_ther and in Chrilt ber Sa"lor; From the Word of God she obtained her rule of life and lived by it. no matter what the coat. In the lut thirty yean she hu the Bi ble through twentynine anti one-balf times. She ,... one of the first to call on stranKers coming to the commonity and the sic-.k might expect a sym· pathy and activ\, interest in them Always a recruiting o.fIlcer for the church, ahe it eredited by many with having exerted the influence that brought them into its fold , A devoted wife and mother, a kind and ~DSiderate friend and neighbor, an eameat worker. a faithful Christian woman, . earth is poorer and haa ven richer because she is gone. She had been in failing health ht almost a year, and when for lOme time abe realized that there could be but one outcome to her trouble. Ihe maintained ber brave spirit and un· falteriq truat In J~I, testifying conltantly that He was true to Hil . promiae and satlafied her every heed . A mother, two siaten, a hUBband


. -.


Tot&la .. , .. ....

-, --38 10 31 18 U

1 1 • Bellbrook ... 3 2 7 Mlamill . . . .. O 1 0

4 2 0

D 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 8 0-18 0 0 0 0 2- a


II*<>I~_R. Weaver

1er8~fI<'!e k~'1:

a. Mm..





ler~ r.,,;::~:-:n,:n"R~:)'en 2• . WelSlo ' her... ~bbart. !l nnill. t. SkUleO"_,, . 8;; na" \ : . . " " Ba'h- Aebbart. s. . Wild PUeb,·, ·Gehhart. 2; navlllb.' Bit JIatuIJeI. -Slecher. 1 ; Oe bart. 1; na;~ BaI»-l :lqIIn I Um~Le.J1 _I KulllUl. II II a-

---...----.OVER(;()ME Wlf" ti .. AT bour aull 4., "tlnu'--

Lew Whiteman wu overeeme by the heat Saturday morning U Wal also- J. L. R.rtaock. Both gentle. men ' are fe~l\in~ much better. but are Ita,ing ciON to the house.

Franklin Thomas arrived home Th M' Ed'th M h Eth I fr m tbe Rese . T eId . e u~ses loser, e o rvOir u ay e~enlDg. CIisenberry, Phoebe MOlher and Mr. t Wed d . He had some fine sport With the H . M h "finny." affll 08 er Ipen nes av In Morrow, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mn. J. H. Opp has returned frein Fred Hartaoek a t wo week" s VlI1"t In Col umbUB, ac, M Ed·th . , ....a b L_ cia -hte .. • I'll. 1 HarriS, the Misses COID.PaDJcu Y Ift'r iii' r _1'8; Edith lloeber. Phoebe Moiher, Ethel Sadie Gahagan. Criaenllerry and Mildred Hartsock a~atoed to Lebanon on Monday to Mr. and Mn. Clinton Nelaon and daughter. of Lordsburg. Cal .• will visit their relative Mn. Eli Irons. spend a ClO"I)le of months Yiaiting Dr; and Mrs. H. Q. Alexander and rel.tives and friends here. son, of Dayton. are guests of Mrs ..a 't ru b 0If, at Alethla Alexauder and family. Dr. B• P • S• P an, I t .on Henderson's. Alexander i8 recovering from what might have been a serious accident. The National Bank started to He jabbed a rusty file in the fleshy work this morning all their drinking part of his hand, and blood poisoning fountain in front of the hank. The resulted. It was thought for, time bank will have the blessing of the tbat amputation would be necessary, entf... eommuDity for this act. but h,e is convaleacin~ nicely.



I===~:===~ ~

...._ _ _11 ..




'.1;",:;> .'1 :. .


Mrs. Chari. Robitzer entertained on Tuesday in honor of the house cuests of Mil8 E41ith.Moaher . After gathering at the home, they all repaire~ to the mill where they had a royal plcnie party. Delicious rsfreshments were served during the afternoon and the gueata departed all 'voting Mr. and Mrs. Robitzer an ideal host and hostess. The following guests enjoved the afternOon. the MiaieB Etbel Criienberry. Phoebe Mosher, Edith MOBber, Martha O'Neal. Henrietta McKinsey, Alma Waterhouse, Elizabeth Chandler, Leah Smith, Eva Davia, Kathryn and Rosamond Dakin and Meadamea Ralph Miller, L. ·A. Zimmerman, Wilson Edwards. Warren Edwards, and Will O'Neal.


1 I wonder if anyone now recalll '. Fro. the Ihadowy part of the vanished years. And the faded forms on memory's walls Been now and then through gathering tears The face and form of Old Shad Ferguson?

Marked and pinionH. A chattel .Iave, PJ'()perty reckoned by money's worth, With a heart to'iove and a "soul to save"An immortal Bpirit come to birthOld Shad Ferguson'

2 Thin and wrinkled, I rememlter his taceSpare and bent his mU8I:ular form As be wielded his pick and spade Thro' the lummer dvs on the old farm place Before the stone foundationa were laidOld Shad Ferguson!

Whether ,lave in the South or free in Ohio Only for him wu a life of toil. Today-tomorrow-and tomorrow With Bpade and shovel and pick To toil and moil. Old Shad Fer·guson.



He went his way to his lowly restPick and shovel and spade laid downThe modest tools of his lowly trade But crowned and honored as nobly best For him-for him the peer of brush. Or chisel. or pen. or crown.





Did they rear a stone over h;s dustDid minister utter some fitting praise? Has he passed awayAs all men mustWith none to bid a memorial raise? To Old Shad Ferguson.




B. C. Howell, Jr.. treasurer, of Warren County, died at his home in Lebanon last Wednesday. Immedlately the commissioners called a meeting, and appointed Frank D. Miller, of Franklin township. Mr. Howell had been ill for several weeks, but hiS death came as a shock to the county. The body was taken East for interment.

---·-------------!.----.. . .---------'I

9 He seemed to me then and he seems t. me now The typical figure of a soul CGntent Never ukin~ the wily and how WiIIiOK alWIlJll to spend or be spent In hiB worlcOld Shad Felrgu90n.


------ ..- - -


[During the Bummer of 187- wbile on a vacation in Waynesville, I occasionally saw a negro, who dug the cellar fo~ the house of my uncle, James C. l:ollett. (\n the hill above the villa~e. 1 know nothing of his history. No doubt he has long been dead. HfI wu known 88 "Shad Ferguson. "1

4 Voiees of birds from the hillside wooda, The roll of wheell or olick of hoof Away from the city'l multitUdes, and IOn remaip to mourn the lonell· From the erowded life aloofn_ of her a~nce, to eheriab her Dining alODe from dawn to dark,memory and to follow in the w., abe Old Sb.a ~I hu trod and to meet ber at the ptes onbe City"of GQd; .to WhOM portals 6 ~ baa p~ed th~. Had be been a Ilave in the 01•• dari. • .. • _ • Bought and .old in a Southern . A.~ 8m ....'...;.d - &he aD Did he know.wbat It wu to stand IIld . ~. . "1 At an auetioneer ·· I . " ~ oleD' Bomanl, wllO . . . . ore"'IOD 'With a burnin burdened beart~. · ' .

At a meeting of the Directors of the Waynesville National Bank on Tuesday last, the surplus fund was increased $10,000, making it now '90,000, and a semi-annual dividend of 6% was declared, thus putting the stock on a 12% basis. This Bank ia first on the Roll of Honor in Warren County and l1th in the Stat6 of Ohio.

.$. 1---------""'1 $'

D7 C. Ill. B.

Did he work with a song, Under the Augult SUIl. Glad 'Of the gift of his sinewy "trength Never wishing the day'l! work done Or fretitng and cursing the slow day'lI lengthOld Shali Fergu!ll)nT


"The Helpers," the girl's class of Lytle Sunday School met on Thurs· day afternoon at the hospitable home of the Misses Elizabeth and' Anna Duke. A pleasant out door businesa meeting was followed by an hour of good fellowship such 81 only rirls of the interesting "teen" age can enjoy to the fullest. The hostesses had prepared dainty refreshments, and all :had a profitable and enjoyable afternoon . The girls present with their teacher, Mrs. Carl Duke, were the Misses Ruth Coon. Dora Smith, Mildred Burnett. Edith and Ethe Graham, Ethel Chenoweth, Hazel Mullen, zPlma Stacy, Hazel Biahnp and Anna and ElizKbeth Duke.


Morning and noon And long houn through To the westering beaml of the summer lun. Sinewy .arms and vigorous thew, Tense and patient. till the day was doneOld Shad Ferguson.

.j 1'0.... Or~ i'j '

Thursday evening Miss Ellen Sherwood was hostess at a dinner party to several of her Itirl friend.. The beautifully decorated table was laid for twelve. Those who were so fortunate were Misses Mary Gray, Susan Wright. Flora Berryhill, Lucile Cornell, Clara Hawke, Eleanor Earnhart, Sybil Hawke, Mary Salis. bury, Ethelyn Jones, Ethel Jones, Emma Hawke and Louisa Stokes.


He uttered DO word ~e ~r boy

10 as 1 watched him work-

from a distant town-

Re Dever Jmew .bat-it wu to mirk Nor to 'pilt hI. shovel dlown \

Tin ~ di7 wu d~

Old ~ Fel'IfUIOD.


13 But the spring still flows to the well he d1lg And the house on the hill· top stands on the [cellar walls That rose where hill shovel and pick had dugAnd across the years his spirit call!!, "There's m)' monument!" Old Shad Ferguson.

Sunday. June 29th. the children and grandchildren of Mr. anti Mn. Thomas Hess gathered around the family table and enjoyed a feast that will long be remembered bv those present. The day was lpent in a social way. A photograph was taken of the family, and in the afternoon ice cream wasserved. In the evening all departed, glad they had --nt wp_

such a pleasant day, and hoping they might have the privilege agaiD of all meeting together with father and mot.her Hess. Those ' preaent were: Walter He!!s and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chu. McCoyand son Ray, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess and family, J. W. Gentis, Jess Hess and wife, Frank Heas and family. Roy Smith. wife and baby, Florence Hess. Mllttie Hesa. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hess•


14 But I wish I had In my treasure stores The shovel and pick that the well.digger had. AlL-DA Y MEETINO I would lock the doors As on the gold of Arvada The annual All.Day meetiDg will Consecrated bybe held at the Friends church at Old Shad Ferguson. Olive Branch on Sunday, July6,1913. There will be Sunllay School in the . 15 morning, speaking at 100'cloek, din-... ' And I wonder if there's anetherThe wide world o'erner at noon. then the ehildren wlU· AB I do now, who remembers the name take complete elw1re of· And honon the work evermore noon exercises. EverybodJ welcollMf Of one unknown to fameto rome an~ bringI..' thtir.JteilbIto", Old.~ ~erauaon. ' . . -( ... ~

... ;



I ·

WlI pn I't. ~ IlIIIt /JIf dI~1I11 !llld 41 ~a p.

MOLLY McDoNALD A tAL[ or rm: l'RONtn:R. BY"

SYNOPSIS. M e- Donald.





nterC'eP t

I"o rt

rf)mn l lln ," n~

l)olh: ~.

hie df\ \lkht('r .

~ e 6k!'f

Mo lly .

an army

a IIlRn t o



ftl\.d(, lt (OT tho poel. All Ind ian I)utltr c llk th reuht n eiL "R r ic k " Humlln . lI ~ r­ . - n l who hoft JU!ll J\ r rl\' l'~ 1 with tn("~ ·



M c noll:llrt ,

\' nl llnll't"r~



m !I~l o n . M nll y urrlv(I!f, Itt I~url HI\,h> Y two rtn)'lIII Hhund uf Mcl\f' t tll'fl. ~IU' C'Jf'C dftll to PII ~ h tin Fort nn ( ' j.!~ h y IIItJ\l!(e In aomplLo)-' with " Sutler nil' " :\tnrtDIl t inn· _ l P8. 1\ ga l llhlcr, ,. u l 90 ft. puspwn.:\'r , J.Jaml l n lllf·.~ lN ttl(" ~tI\K~ wit h Mtnrt t' ~ \)(


dpp rf'I'IHll1n8

ro m rnil t (,d


lh ~

100' lfll1~ .

'rh " drlvor tle nf'rt. thp s t a Ke whf"n I Il .lI · ana UV'tNIr. The Ind lAn8 arc tw l r P n · · P Uhh'd tl nmltn nn d M o lly CS\" l\ p \ I n the

d nrknNIIM, M o lly I. wound ed. 11 :\1 111111 , ,, m u('h cxrl t ed u.l nn d ln${ " hU"· t·rtHt. l' k mnrked C, S. A. H e asplnln. In ~l o l l )' tha t hf" wal In th o ...:o nfec1 ('rn t p. !Iot.·r""''' and rtlsmls:tf"( 1 In dIAJ.:rf\ ("o \lIh k r (' h a r~':!'C

et cownnUc6. A t the dOMO o r th€' "VHr h.' enl\at{>lf In the r e gu l n r ser"',"t!. H e !"ny !4 tho hnv C"nmc k Wa..M th e prop~ ' rt ~· or n11'1 CapL l. eF~ "rn , who he .usped,. of hf'lnl( re8ponalbl e for hi s dt sg--rncc Trn op ~ I\V ' » e n.r unde r e8rort o r 1,I (,lIt. n n ~ I<I!)~

ilion,. " t arte to join h er fut hf'r.

Il n",l l rl to r'tiJoln hi" ro~hlH·I1t. fl. · r .' tu",. t tl Fort nodge nfter u. til j ll l f1\f'r iJr flghttn ~ JndlnnB . flnd f1l1d ~ :\1ull v ttwr"' . !hota ure h ca rl1 In th e nl", ht H Am l In nl she. ou t. IW'PIi 9o' h:tt h e hf· I" ' \'(,~ I t' tlJl' "gure or ~olly hlcJllll{ In 1 tw d ar 't lH':~K

l eavefll



rw e r

thn hod\'

of' u tt ' JlHnt

Otlskl118. who 1ll"l"tI~i?!I li flm tln of "hoo t Ing hlnl . Th e Bl'rg'(lan t Itt prn Vf'T\ IUIlf)c-en t . H o 8{,E-S Moll y In ('otn p an r with !\IrM . Dupo nt , whom he r t'(' ngnh~ /'p :\~ n for · m er ft w ee lh pllrt , \"hn t hr('w h im p \" (' r t o r J,eFevT£,. Mrs, Dupont t ~ lI ~ Hamlin J.j. hvre rorC" ('d h r to 1-((' lItl 111111 It. l y ing



Hamlin (l p(' l nn}A Ilf' h n8 h een l r'll) k -

( (\T

L eFev r\: to forc ... hll1l 10 j·lt'ar hl ~

NoO I'(! .

CHAPTER XVIII.-Cont i nued .

LE'rt alone, exc ept for th e Infantry man al t b e olh er ~I<lc f,r tbe entran ce , Ilnd with nothing to do b t:yo nd kp epIng back tb e littl e crowd of curlou~ wal e h t' r s thronging th e steps, lI am llu Interl's t ed hlm s If In th El a ssembl y, 111thou ~ h k eenly co n sc ious or tbOMO two men who continu ed to linger, Rta r l n g Into brilliantly lighted room. That th e two were clos ely Invo l\'p d with Mrs . Du pont In some man er -making scb e me. dOBeh' verging on c rim e, was already IntIDclelltty clear to tb e Se r· geant's mind. He had ov!'rll earcl enough to grasp thlB fact, ye t the tull nature or the scheme wus not appal" ent. Without doubt It Involved Gas· klns IL8 1\ victim; possibly Harrelt also, but HAmlin was not Inclined to Interfere personally for th e protection of either ot th ese officer a. Th e y could look after them selves. und, If they suc· cumbed to the cbar-ms of tb o lall y, I\ud It cost something, why, tbnt wa s none of his atratr. But so m ebow til l' lIusplcteJn had come to him that b e had accidentally Rtu'rnbl ed upon a more complicated plot than m er e blacl,· mall. Mrs. Dupont's Intlrr.acy wltb Molly, and the ul1e she waB making of ber distant relationship wllh tbe MojoI' to furtber bel' euda, mad o him eager to d elv(l deeper Into h er reul purpose, At l eas t th ese two, apparent · 17 Ignorant of tht!lr gU"Rt'S trill' chur-

I hOUl';h co upl i'd with bls form c r Inti · macy with the womll". w as oot Buffi. c l ent E'%CURe for hla In t .' rfl''''''cl'. Th" ;\laJor ..... ould trl'ut th e rowelallon wit h IndllT e r CIl C(" e "('n dl sb l'llo'f . "n d Mi "~ Moll y mh.;ht !' ve n r ~~e n' hi s lIl eddllnl( In tb nITalr. n"sld ,," hI' not al· to g<:llu'r convinced Ih at Ih., gir l blld not b .' n aCluall y 1!C('Spot Ill, Ilnd ill ~o mn m a nnor C'tJ I IIH)('t( ' d wilh, thl' at· ta c k bn \ :u Blli nH . 1'111' ll1f'mory of tl1II 1 tac e. dhrlnkl ng bphllJd th(' corner IIf thn Imrrack wa ll. r. ' m ~l n f' d d ea r III his mind. II ~ mi ght ho mlsllllu'll, bul \lprllap~ It w(,uld h.~ heMI to go Hlow . It Wll~ n hu~ c. barp hall . lIlthough Ih" "'11.11" "f' rH ~ol1~t'ld()(] hy nag s, whl l p o U, rr drnp,' rlf's "I're festooned aloll!; Ih" r .. tl'Td , Tho ballu waR Ala · IIOI1f'd IIpon " mlse'd platform lit tb" n'nr, 1I1111 a IllIndrt'd ".)upll's occupl" d th" tloor . Th" mel1 pr. 'sellt wPrt ' Inrg'" Iy u lli cf'r" allirt 'd III <lr!'sH· unlforrnH , nl. though th ero wan a co nsidera bl e H prlllklln~ or cldlians, a f ew COliS pic· 1I0U~ in ~arnll' lI tB at tho l utl'Ht cut and s tyl " . Evl<l enlly Invitations bad b pt'll wld .. l y " pr es d, and. considering tim e ulld )llacf' , libera ll y r f'HIJOnd .. d to . A rn Oll1; lho \l OlII l" n prf'Ren t th e Ser · spallt R IIW \'I ' r ), fE'w h o r ocog nlzed, yet it was cOmi'nra lh·,·l y t'as y to c la ~Blfy t h e muJorl1 y -- o tll ce rs' wi ,",' 8; th e rrontl e r il ell)ln al 's at the more prOlll ' Ine nt rh er c hullts of th e town; wom e n f r o m Ihe slirroundi ng r nnchps, who had dl'Rf' rtE'd t1"'ir h o m ~s unIt! Ih .. In · dlall Hca r o C 'H!; d ; a 8ca ttp r ed f ew f r o m pr elf' n tlous s m all cltlE's to tbl' eas tward, alld , II f' r e and th ere, younger fac es, r eprest'ntlng r nacbmen's daugb . l eI'S, with a sChoo l ·teach er or two . AI to ge tb e r th ey made ruther a br ~v., show, oc ca slonnlly e xhibiting toil ets ,worthy of IIdmlrlng glan ce'S, n e ver laC~l ng nrdent partn er !!, lind enteri n g with unalloyed ell t huslll sm 11110 t h e eve ning's pl easure, Th e hlg room presented a sce n e of brilliant color, or c!'Bso l ess ly movin g flsur eB; tbe air wns r esonan t with laughter lind trembling to the da shln/{ stral nB or ~b e bund, Primitive us It was In many res pocts, to Hnmlin , long IRola t ed In ~ m a ll frontier Po~t 6 , th e BC enl' was stra ngel y attr~ctlve , his Imagi natio n r es ponding to the glow of color. th e m£!rry chim e of vo l ceM, th e tripping of f ee t , Tbe smilin g fac es flu shC!d past. his ears ca ught whi sper ed words, hi s eyes followed th e fl y ing flgurl'S, For the mOlD ent th o mMn forgot hlms!'lf In Ihl s ne w I' nvironm !' nt ot thoughl . l esR p l ensure. I>'rom alllong thnt m erry throng or strange r s his eyes soon di s tin gui sh ed that on e In w hom h e f elt s pecia l In. teres t - JIII'S, Pupont. danclDg I<OW with McDonald, th e rather corpul ent Major e3l hibi tlllg DlmoBt youthfu,1 agll. Ity unde r th p in splrll tlon ot tlw music. The lady talk ed with nnlmatlon as they CirCled. among th e oth ers on'th'" Ooor, h er r c !! lips close to h er part. n c r's <la r, but \lnmlln. SUspicious and watchful. no t ed tbat h er eyes w e r e busy elsewh e r e, scanning ,the facos . Tb ey sw ep t ov er him, upparently unseeing, but as Ihe two circl ed swlttly by, tbe hand r es ting lightly 00 th e Major's shoulder "Vas uplifted sudden. Iy In a p eculiar, suggestive move ment. H e 6tsred atter th em until they w e r e lo s t In the crowd. fe eling coufldent that the motton or tboBe whit e-gloved IIngerB wa B meant as a Blgnal or warning , To whom wus It conveyed? He glanced aBide at tb e jam of 1I~\lrp.s In th e doorway, Botb lh e bla ck.whln . k e r ed mall and Connors had dlsap. pear ed. It waB u s l~nal th e n, InslaM . ly undf'rstood and obeyed, Th e S erge' ant had BCllrce l), grasp"d this fnct when hlB a'tentlon was <'I. vertNI by the appearance of ~llss M~ . \)onald, She was dunclng with a c1 . vlLlan, an Immaculately dressl'd in c.l · vidual with ruddy, boy lsb face. 1i'1I, Intf' IIRe admiration of hla partner \\,1',8 plainly evld eut, and th n girl, ~lllIply ! dr e~sed In whlt p, bel' c h ecks flu sh e/!, hrr d ark eyes bright wltb enjoym ent, nP t Hamlin's coo l nC!fves throbblnll: . II e co uld n ot r eslst·gazlng at bpI', 3ml. as tlll'lr r'rl'~ In ct , Rhe bowed. tb e full rf'd l ips parllng In a smllu of r l'cogr I. 11011. Tb er e was no r eBen'atlon, 1'0 r es lralnt In tbat quick gree ling, 8s sh o whirl ed by; h e could not fall to co mprph e nd Its (ull s lgnlficance-- s/.-" hlld nut forgotten. had no d eSire forget. '~' hat h e Imagined h o r .-.e d III h er tnco swept all el so from hIs mind Instantlr. and. with eager f'yes, I", follvw ed h er ~Iight, girlish Ilg u /'e liS they clr~l e d th e b a ll. Th e IllU ~\c cea.;e d, and he s tili watched us tl ' e Iu d led h !"r 10 n scat, himself sl lll<lr g Into a c h ni l' b esi d e l, er. Th en th e PfJJ1~ ­ Ing out of se vern I uu' n, who des lrnl r r-t urn ' cbecks. c1at:~te<l hi s a tte nll a!).





Resting on Shoulder,



Acter. should bo warn ~ d, or. If that Will! Imposslbl(1 , protl'ctel! frow iIDPOS. !.ure. Tb eir o pon frlenllilness alld so· clal endortlelu <.! nt W('re tbe wom an's stock In tr ad e at Dou g", and whllt ever the f\nal d ellOU l'm ellt mi ght be, "I e· Donald lIlId hi s daugbte r would lu I'\' · tta bly share I n th e p u suing dIR!;rac. of c\lscovery . Ev e n Ir tb " ." w ere nOl ulNa ,-Ic limlzed, thEY would be h c l r. la r~l' lr r ospons lbl e for tbe 108se9 01 olh" r A. lIad "amlin Iwell a ('Olll/Ills· Rlon"d o fJicH h e wo uld hllv o kuow/' wh a l to lIo-- h iE plnlll dllty 118 a fri end would h""e tak ell fo rm In fI fra nkly ~pok e ll ",amillg, Hu t. UK It was, tbF chain s of disdpllla" of ~0('1,,1 raok , [))nd c It !;ee lll i n g l y IIII pos 81ul e for blm to aporoac h c itill 'r lI-l:ljor or b l" dliu g hlcr QII,, "ly, II , did not uctually know enou gh to " l ' lIture ~ ucb all ill' t('n l('w, n nd nw re SU"IJl clon. even




Th e old Idea wn s that If yOU cou'd count five the storm was a mile Modern Science Haa Brought It to Ex. whlcb waB consid ered a Bate dlsLallC>'o!. Sound trav els at the rate of 1,142 fe1!t actltude That la Easily SUI " CP' a second. or about u mile In fh'e sectlblc of Proof, onds, In order to coun~ seconds accu. There Is an old 8aylng that tr you rately many pbotographers start by _n count five Jjetween tbe nash and saying to tbems~s : "No oDe thou· "'lIllder you are safe Modern sclene" Bl1nd, one one tbousand, two one thouU8 thnt If you can aee the ftash sand, tbrc,e one thoulland," etc.. This at un you lU'e sllte, b ecause If It struck gives abouL ' the rtgbt space betwer~ 7GU )'OU would bave . llo tlmo to lIee ILl each count of one, 't wo, three, 4:'tc" If "be at 1.lghf nlng ta about. 180 )'ou stop :\t ~ I)umber of seconds Urn_ th..,. of .1 .... ' " \~·ou 1,\:al1l ,,. U~e :•• Wlth' a , lIttle ~




pea n"l, b e glanced again 10 ber dtrec· tlon, Sb e WU8 alon e, aud b e r young )lurtn"r \I' UR wnlk!ng toward blm nCTO RS tht' II I'Hcrt .. d 0001'. Tb o I/ld ca lli e to Ih(' door, whlrll by /JOW' COLI ' tllined few 10itl' fI' rM, all,l Mood tllI'r\' a mom !" nt gazi ng ou l 1111" th ,' s tn 'I'L " Art! y"u H'! rg, ':lllt Hamlin ?" lit' ask d quwll)' . " )' n8." " ~II ~ R ~l rlln Il31(1 r .. qu,,"lpd 'lie tu halld )'0 11 Ihls lIol e Ullobl\ .. I'\', ,(] . I h n"" 110 kll cl\\lpd g t' ot I ts COnl f:fl I M." IlallIl in [ ('it 1111' tlUllPr of Illu I'llpor ill hl ~ \lalill . n llli slood wltl'lll , c ll n);llI/-: Iu It, I\H Ih" (tth er l'arllle'"" l y r I'Cfll"H.,c\ Ihl' room :-;h ,. \\'a8 100ki ll!; tOlu H<l h llll , hilI hI) IWldl' no IDO Ll tln to UII ' (old Ih,' 1l 11"'SI\' C . until hIs ")'l-':~, S ~/lr('b . ill l; Ih,' 1'i1:llrA, h ad 10(,111",1 Mnl. \11I ' pon l. '1'1", v"rY ~"n " t gr dl'lI11 ' r,' IIl"U" hlill .'lIUIIO;, ". //ll\ck 1i\1ll susl ,"Cl It hail 1(' du wll h Ihal woman , SII., "aN h"Hhl " II " , b.llIcl·HII\ I)(I, RIII I 011 · "I ' r" I " ~ \lith Ih. · ~laJ(lr. aPPllr c lllly f)lJIi \'i oll !'J to all\' otht'f prI'H1 ~ I H'P . !,j ' r fill 'II furni -li aSili ,"\ . As!-' urt' tl or th is , III (I JH ' IH ' d Ih. , p:q.I,' f , :luet ~ I anl!ut! at 1It t-' i., w lIa SIII ," sc rlhhl .. tI IIn"R. " I Irll tl t ,\'flU . "" ,I ),011 Il lll tll III 11 ,· \, ,' I tI .. ,," I d o Ihi H withollt ca Il H· . DurlllJ; Ih (' Inll ' I'''' l h ~ loll \J,' ill Ih e h Ol el par IlIr"



A Full Confos slon, Thf're ""fI' I wo /lIor.· dall c(>~ 8(' hed· The In til of ult'd on tl" , pro g rum . thpR" lI ad h"I(ull bdorp. th o Inranlr y s" r g"an l r turnl'(1. and, apo l o!(1z i n& (or h is Ion I( flb ~ "IIC", r eBumf'd bls duo li es lot Ill( ' dool' . A c ro ss Ih " r O(1Il 1. II l1ml l" '!; ('yes JtIf't Ihoso of ~lIs" ~Ic · !Jollald, wh(' r e sbo dllllC pd with an unkno\\ n ont cer; th en h e turtl cd lind dbowl'd his way to tilt' slff'eL The hOle l oppo ~ lt c wall lilt busl l!' 11Ilt! "011 ' fu s ion, th ... bur·room c rowd " d wit h l it .. IhlrBty t:I!I ,' rg.'n c:; wulte rs who hud ru~b('d allolll th ... h all cO Il'l,ll'ting final pr eparations. Till' !:lp r g.'ant, tntP llt on hi s ' \lllrpO SI', a"d u'~ar(' Ihllt II", band h a(1 c" '1Ig e d I"flyln g, dodged PIlS I I h esfI and 1'IItf'rt' d Ihe par lo r . It w as already occulllf'd by four m en , who wl'r e 1) l lIylng r a rd s nt a " J]mll, rnllnd labl" and smoklllg "lgorou~I~', enlln', Iy engrosHpd in th"lr sn me. Non e of th em RO much (IS g l llll""d up, unci lh l' Intrud " r I"' ~ it ate d :til InSIIlllt, qulC' k l y d etl'rmiJ\ing h is cour se of nCll o n. Th p r e was IItt l u chalco l eft. Til(' girl would n l" e r m a k r an II ppol nl n, en I with h i lll l'xcept Ihrough n"c cHs Il Y, 811d It wa s man\f p ~ rly his dut.y 10 pro teet b er f rom ,· b s"n·alton . Two o f :hp m en 'siltin g tl!, '/'H w ' r e Hl r ange rp ; IbH othel's h e kll Pw m"rel y by s ight u lIn·horn gumhl e r cu ll ed Ch arli e, an.l n sutler '8 clerk. Il ls de cis ion was Rwl f t , lin d ch arnclprlstir. "Gents," h .. !la id , He pplng up, u nci tupplng Ih p 1;,Ll r sh arply. "you 'll hn"e to "amoo s.' from hi'rP.." " Wh at t h e h " II- " th .., gamhl er lookt'd up I nto th., !,: ra~' p y e~ , a uu Btopped. "That's 11 11 right, I'harl il'," 11'("111 on lI am l l ll ('00 11)" 0111' h and at hi s belt "Thoso art! mr O+d~F,; , and th pj' go. 1I1re a rOOIll up~t alr 8 If you \"ant to keep 011 w it h tho Harne. Pick up tbe sturt, yo u f ·' l1 owa." " Rut ~ ElC' h er e," th f' slleal,.' r waR upon bl s f cr' t protpsltng. "T ho old IIlatl lold us we could co m p III he r e." . "Th e old lII"n's word dOli 't ~u for this fl oor tonigh t. partlll' r . It 's r ented by th e po, t otl\ccrs. Now mo se y right along, and don't co m ' bac k t" tl e s~ y ou Ill''' l ooking tor trollbl (' --yoll too, .'at· ty ." ll\!I"ht or wmng thre e WUij IJl al lll y no use conlln ulng th e argum ent . f o r Hamlin's fing ers were ullDn th e butt of bls r evoil'er, nnd his ey 5 h ard en ed at tb e d ela y . Th e gamblC!r 's In clination was to OppOBO tbls summary dismi ssa l. but a glunce lit his crowd convinc ed him h e would hnv \1 to pi ll), Ihe hand alone , 80 he yl eld e<l r to hrc t antly. swepl the chip s Illto Ihe sid e IJockerot hl 8 coat and d p l'art ~ rI , l eu "Ing bl'hlnd bil,! a troll of profa llil ~' . Thn 8f!r geant smll ecl, but r cm a h l"d motionl ess IIntll tlll 'y d isaPlll'a r pd . " Th e hl11 lf worl, o." Ill' th OIlj::hL serf'nel y , "uuh! '8 th ey mnk(! a kick at th o office ; Do m e pee \' \'d, C hnrll" was ." lI e s l eppe d ov er to III wi ndow. and h eld bocl, IhEl n. A burly Ogliro occuplf'd lhl' h(, II ('It , with feN upon the rail. E\, I' II In thal oul81rl ,' dimness cOlll d be dlsllnl,;lI l~ hNl II hi ark bpard. m a ll. Hn d tiw S" rgennt 1'l1f1 \'[~ry chuckl (' d griml y \\' \[11 a ll wlflly born ho p ' Ih a t t h e fl 'liow ml ~ h t (' r enlo a row , Nolhlng at th n t mOnlf'lIt co uld hove pl lo'/lo;,,1\ him morl' . \II' bl e w out th p. lJarlor li ilhl, pnrt ln ll y clos ecl thl' cl oor, all(1 ~ I"Jlpr' d forth on to tho pOl't h . ":-;11)" you ," h.' said grunly, dropping on o I: ;uld h " avll), on t! ,P othpr's shaul. der. " D id yn" 1if'lI r what. r sa id to th OH" f (' ll o\\~ i ll Kld, ' 7 W pll, It goes out h nrP. Ih " sa lll " . I'aek up , nnd cl ear ' th e rl cl 'It. " " Hell " dl'OI' I,,: d 111 0 f" ,:1 to the floor and stoud UIl , hi ~ bl'ardl 'd lill" growl. in~ ]lrofu lllt~· , uut llamlln gripp ed hi s wrl Mf, lIlId tho /II'al1 Slo pped, with llIuulh sllli 0pt- n, Hlarl n g 11110 thl! Ser. ;: cnn t 's fa cI', All bravad o sl'e rn l'd to d ('~(' rt II im in Htll 1l t I)" "Who - who s:tys so ?" alld hH SI " IJPl1d bac k farth er Into tlJ e shadOW. " I do, if yo u n eed to know," plc' as.

utb ..nougb, "Borr;ee.nt fltmflft, 8e,.. eotb l'nnllry." "Ob !" thu ('xclamntlon came trom b e twe l~ /J ,' Iene h ed teeth. " H el!, mu, you 8tarl l.'d ml' ," "SO I S('I); n " rrous dls(>Otlltion , I rec kon . \\'1:11. ure YOU going Ilull' Uy , or sha ll I holst YOU 0" (' 1' the rail ?" " I b ntl Jl n aJ'~)Oi lltlD "l1t h tl r u." 'Tn n ' t h ell' thill, \larlner . Tbls porch Is golllg t o be vucunt In~lde of olle mluu t " , or til l-e I s /l d ecl arn tlon IIf ..... :11' . Your paslest way out Ie Ihroul{h Ihat window , but yo u cn u gu by. rn!l If ynu \let'fe r ," rh" blacl< uL' llrd wnBt d hair his al· lowed 111lI" . In ."" !' fIort t o b lu ijler ; Ih.' n, IICI II alii lin ti Ullf'r dl sj,;us t, slunl! Ihrollg b (be Ope' ll willdo w Jlncl Ilc rotls t h~: .~la rk~ lll ~~ !..HIrlor. ., I h.- pll s llt :lIli m ous cu ss, Ih,' IllttN III Ul t "J'f'd , " Iw 's wors e Ih.\O l\ CU I' tlO g IIlam"1i U II" wa~n' l actuall y "frallJ Ilf m~ . A glln - a g h ter- phgh~" II •. IlfLL'cl hlti \ 'Ol<'e, Ilt; " Il f' b" I,c(,j~~d i n Ihe ILght uf 1M) IlIlII b f'yo nd .n et f!ln lH'l'<i hack, n l1"t dou bl. 'd • up· li fl \'d . " U h , ~u O ll ~ !:lurf', 70u'li ge l \'ou ar., IlIf' uravo DOl', now," IIH'? HllrI Ilnlllitn ~ tr ud p lo\\'anl t h ~ lioor r lt~I"lt •.' nIIlAlv " Lop" nl"l 0; . ~() n , ' Ie ll't t u rll ar(lulld again un:lI j' OU hlc. ' Ihl' bur," li e cir,,\\' III" door partia lly 'io again . and 8:1 t do wn fl\ c ln~ th, ' ot'flll l ng wheTt> n " tr ay b!'lI m of II gll~ f., II n" ro s~ I hI' linor Tbu R fur tb(, nd",,' n'

I Practical Fashions LADY'S WAIST,

, TheN 11:'& 1I, 611\ ,80~ oranp and 100 l emon treeo In CallSornllL


One t.hou sllnd families control n clLl' Iy nil the so li of M.'xlco. lire. WtraalC)w'.

8ooLlUo. l!I,rtJ P

tor Obli.4l"

.e..thlal, -oft.en. Lbl'll I'nm-, rft(1uro,.., tllt1am . . .

-,1>11&7- palD,OW_ wlD<I oolk<,II:Ic & botU..,.

A stral !;hl t ip on a sur tiling genera ll y dCI110llstl'lltOM lhlLt lICe Is full ot uo .·rrla l nlles . More pl1 ~ h Ihan ambition Is n eoded to operat e 0. wtH! c, lbarruw. '1'hl' mint Is limited In lI s material ~ makllll; mon ey , but lL trust CallV make Ull'n<''y out of any uld thltlg .



(·ro,. n.1I Illuc, ..II blu ", be.t blutolr ra l UB


• ,IIIlLJ,




the lauudrtlU

AUI' .

The Que,tlon . """hat wou ld you suggest best e1rlll k for l overs t~ "PoL) "









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" , j' I.


. .;..:;; .


, • ••• •

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.a the

Athletic, " MIHI' ('ork er dO('8 a grt' at deal of fan cy work ." " Wllh her n Cf' tll o, you m ean?" "Sb tlCk R, u o! On tbo 1I0 ri llo ntal bil l's" Case In Point. " \'uu I" /'('Ilc b e xcel u s 1.11 politeness ," "Ob . 11 0, monsieu r ," protos ted Uuo [>a ll slan gl'n tl "mun. " I d cn y IL" " That'd Just your 1l01lton e8~ . "

.' "-'."- ,,

.... ,

ll ern la Ii c harming wai st and Just tbo thin g for the COIIMtructiOIl of an ~ v !' lIlng gown . Th e waist I s simple t o llIakf'. Th o l ow nock Is cut In round oU ll l no n lld th e sh ort ij l ee\' es are fln Ish ed with a frill o f ed g ing. The wais t ma y lie mad e with or wit hou t til!' tu n k , w h ic h mllY \J e gather ed Into Jl balld or l eft l aosI'. T h " 1," ltl' rII ( G07G) 18 Cll t In si zes ~ 4 t u 4 ~ I lI rh('s bu s t measure. Me· dlulll ~il.p will r CQulre 4% yards or :lG 111 (: 11 llIf1terlal. Width "f lowe r edge IS 17~ }'ardH.

Closely Occupied, " Thnt mBn Is alwl1Ys kick i ng." "What ubou t?" " li e docsn' t knuw . li e kicks .0 mllr.h h l1 docs n't Ipave biJlI se lr tim. to find out what b ls r ea l grlevancea

an:." Good Magnet. golllg t o hl\ve a bl& .. rowd hl't(', and It'll be some Job to k ee p 'em m oving. ~lal1aGer- Tbat'li be Nl~y . Take down tb o r ear ex it sign, post up tbe word "Fr ee," llnd tbey'll all bolt for It.--Judg e, 1I ~I II('r- \\' c ' r e

Meteorite Faile Near Woman. A 11 etcorl te w e ighing 37 pounds wa. ·ro I'rnl'ure thhl p"tt e rn """tl 10 cents r ecen tly tb o subJect of di scussion in t n "Pu ll e rn Dupurtm en t," 1')( thll!i puper, cb emleal Circles In Johan nesburg, \\"rlt o numB n nd ndtlreas Il lulnly, nnd hft BUft! l O glva ., 1:.; ' "'11\J Dumoor of pu.Ltc ru. South Afrlcl1. The slone rell In Zuluhllld IL rew months ago, nnd wna not oniy Iloticed by an eye wl lnesB eome SlZE . . ___ ____ ___ .,. __ "This Porch I, Go i ng to BII Va ca led 6076. NO. 15 mlloe away. but r ell within a few Inside of One Minute," feet or a nntlve 'I\'oman, wbo gay. N AMI! • ___ • ___________ • • _.. _.. _. __ .. ____ ,_. Info rmation whlcb le d to ' Its 1118co.,11In' IIl1d s arcl'lr prO\' ell Int('rI' 911ng. TOWN .. . . _. _._ ... __ .. ___. _.. _. __ . ___ __ •• _. 'cry. The m eteorite cannot 80 tar tvt Th e l ast eucollnt I' had b ee n u lil'ltlncl . brok en . It Is known. h o wever, tc ST REET AND NO". ___ ..... __ .. . _•••••••• dlsa l'PoilltOlcJJt. Th e dl aperftal of th e contain platinum. card-p l ay rs waB, as antlol pul ed, easily ST ATE . ___ . ___ • ____ •• . ____ ._._._ • __ • __ _ manngE'd, bJ]t tb01 r eputntlo'l o r "Heb " Unique Suicide, as kill er nnd burt m:ln bad gh-r n him A safe WaB used by n man nam· hop" o f r es l sta n co. But III f.'tead 111' GIRL'S bRESS. ed Jacob Hablnowltz, ftrty ·rour l"8&n h ad p~oven a pElrrnct lomb. Humllll old, 01 j ' hllad elpbla, P enn ., to comc rosse d hl R l egs nnd walled . bls min d mit suicide. a few days ag", Firat be divid e d In wo ud er be tw ee n w bat Miss Jacked up an 800 pound sa te with a IIIcDoGald mlghl waut, and tbo cow . block or wood. Placing his h •• d b&,I a rdice of th e f ellow JUBt drlv cD \lU t. neath It he drew a strap 8S tl gbtly &8 Til e mall wnB actually nfmld- tU'Tnh) . he could around his n eck , Tben be to st.a rt Il row. Y et h e bud gal t o b le knocked the block f"{lm IInd er tbe Cne t with that Intention ; It wa6 onh safe and th e heavy weight fell upon after b e bad looked luto llarultll 'l bla b ea d. He Willi found by bls wife, face alld asked bls n a Ul f' . that lit' br. but dlod b erore a phYBlcian arrived. gall to b edge n nrl drnw ba ck. CoUFJ He bad b een d ea pondent for SOVl/raJ he ha vo r ec ognlz(:d him? Could Mrr 1\' eek& b ocause he lost a lawsuit. Dupont havo ,warned h i m Qf dang er I II h I~ dlrpct lon? Tbat would SHem 1m, New York'. New Poatomcepos~lbl () , Cor the woman bar! not b .... n New Yorlt 's new $G,OOO,OOO po.twilh him for (' \'I,n n minute Blnce th ei r omce building, a ma8slve pile of pink conversntlon. :3h o hnd given him n granite five etorley In height and two s wift s i gnal at Ih e Lio'.>r of tb o dan,'" blocks long, facIng tho r ear of lbe hall, but that could ~ c:lrce ly acco u nl Pennsylvania IItation, Is tbe greate.t for hi s present d eBlrp lo uvold troUUI., building of It. kind In tbe world. An cnsagl' nwnt ? Probably wllb MrR . From the curb to tbe topmost piece DuponL But wllnt was th e use (11 of granite Is 101 feet. There are 166,· s peculating ? P erhaps wbn n th e gi r l 000 cubic reet of grunlte, 18,000 tona caDle sho would have some IIgbt t<1 of IItee!. 7,000,000 bricks and 200,000 throw on ihese mattl'ra . Surcly b e l IIQuare foet of glas. In tbe bulldlUBudd"n d eie rUllnation to Be e him prl Tbe IDSln corridor, corresponding I.D. vat ely tOU St have connection with tbl length to tbe outside colonnade, Is • alralr, combination of but! marble, wblte This dress 18 nice tor school or Th ese thoughts camo swlrt~, ror ill> plaster and glass, two BtorlQL)Ugh,.211 period or wltltlng praTed to be but n general wear. and may be developed feet Wide aud 280 feet long_ Th8'/'e cbarmlngly In Scotch plaid or In plain short ono, H e h ea rd luughter alii! are 400,000 square teet cir workln" talk as th e . m erry-milkers came Int'l serg e or casbmere with yoke and cut!a space wllblng th. bulldlng, -Popular of contrasting material. Th e skirt tb e hotl., l from th e dance hall, crowd Mechanlc8. Ing th e passagc), ulld thronging In to IB a flv e-gored model and there la a plait at each side or the front gore IVh ~ro the tllblllH w ere set. 'J ' b en 11 and nn Invert ed plait at tho back. rattl e ot dlsb es, an d the stflad.l' sbuf The pattern (ti079) Is cut In sizes IIlng or walf ers ru s ting ba ek and fortb. Oczaslonally fl e could dlslln 's to 12 years . M edium size will r&gulsh a shadow out In th e hall, bu l Quire 21,.(. yard~ of 36 Inch material aud II. Yl1rd or 27 Inch contrasting never cllanged biB motlo nleHs POBtUT" or r emoved bls eyca from tbe aper. goods. ture, un UI sbe slipped nolsel eSBl} through and stood th ere l)anUn~ Slightly, her b a nd cl"splng the knob of tb e door. Al1p a r c fltl y In tbe semi. darkness or th e roo m. s he wa s Ullce)' tulu of bls presQnce, whil e he r whit' dress toucbed by th!l outsld .. r~ ftGl' tion mad e h e r c l early v l slbl ... (TO BI-: CONTINUED ,)

, To J')ror-uro this pattern lenet 10 cents

to "Pulle rn D~partment." or thIs pnper. Wrltf.\ nllme and address plaInly, nntl bo

sure to glvQ size and number NO,




8lZB __• ____ •••• _•••••

NAME ._ . ____ •••• ______ _____ _• ___ • __ ••• _

TOWN . . _• . _._. __ •• __ • _••• , _.... __ •• ___ ••••• STRE!!:T AND NO .. _•• _. __ •• ____ ._ •••• _ ••

Unwarranted CriticiSM • . ST A TK. ____ •• _ _ _•• _•• _•• ________ ._. MnJo r Hubert J . CaBhalton. w'" bas b'~en t e n dH;' s tn New York, no1 therefore haB u r l!;b ( to spea k a. OJ"'Gift of Bookl, with autbar"y all pl'la sos of I~ e In · Wh en I cOlIslder what Bome books tb e m "'l ropoll~, Ildmlts thnt h e hw hav e dOIlI) lor the world, an~ what they seen th e re mor e bea utifUl young v;om en fr om c lghtl'"n to !I\· ~ nty·llve Yllal'. are uoln g. bow the y keep up 0111' hoye, old than l.n /lny olh " r ctty. ' "Artn aW1l1, 1'1I n e w courage and faith, soothe that th.~ wom " n app""r to Inclin e tt. pain, give an Ideal lI,ro 'to tboBe wbose ward phlmPI1 CAH 1111/' l ose th eir 6 }'~ ho urn ::Irf! cold Ilnd hurd , bind together dist ant agElS and foreign lunds, c reate m etri ca l lilies. which ts a pity." P1 ~ li e! An ll til " ~a ll " nl major belon, t /l O W worlels of beauty, bring down give eternal to lIH~ Ind i an army. I'nd th e Orl enta~ , t ruth from lJ eaven; I IIkEl th eir womeG witb curves ratbh bl csRl n!!~ ror this girt, and tbank G:>d (or Looks . -Jam es Freeman Clark. th all wltb ttn eri,


Not All Weak. tlce wltb n watch beside yoU this Is with more desperate enor~y than . . Tramp-Madam, el1D I rest here for accurate ' up to balr a minute or more, other." says an Engl1sh author, ICc 11 moment and can you gtve \ne Bam&U you b ear a stel\m wblstle blowing Charles ThomaN.Stanford, a recClCl tbing to eat? J am spenl and note tho Instant It stOPB you can Iy published book "About Algeria," ' " Woman of the House-Well, your coun'. tb e seconds until you lose the IH that our people ore the only breatb Isn't. 1 notice It 18 quite souitl!, lind by allowing a fiftb of a ' eessrul colonllJts, A motllf atrong yet. mile ror each second YOU can judge drlv.e. th r ough the rtc:. plain which iii" the distance. Tbe same Is true of circles Algiers wlll send our --toJq Real ,T hing. gunB, or an explolllon, or even of bam· cberlsbsd bellet. a.packlng to tbe II~ , . "That AJ-ablan fortu~ .. lllller., tIlust merlllg or any loud !!puna, bo ot dE!ad Brttlsh . preJudlcell," be the , ,enuine I~a. " ' . .. " autbor deacrSbes wIth specIal enlbuas • Atn,yth!ng out fo~ Jtbe ordlnill'1? .' O~her Colonl. Than Brltl~h. , asm a ,' Isit to a . farm w'boie ellw, "\yell. yea. She dalm., to 1M! the "·If tbere II one, - tenet In "hlell' 'ment IndUded two motor QILN and .. J 8eventy·aeTe'Dth ~uch\er of BrtU,b aeir-complaceoq baa 1& ' <,_ \' eTelfth .OL·~ · .., . \ ,- ' aerop .ne , , •_ , ' ',_ , ,







Please the Home Folks

. By


Post Toasties They are among the good things to eat, but not in the cook book. because they require no cooking. T oasties are always crir.p and appetizing-ready to eat direct from the package. You lave heaps of time and avoid hot work 10 the kitchen.

Some rich ' cream-qar if you want it~r cool fruit juir.e, with these 8uify bib , ' of Com _and you have a dish that is ~sgn.ting for . any ..-1 of the cia).

'. t. J



BOILED EGGS BETRAY THEM Nationali t y of Diner. I. SholNn In Th eir Vilrioul Method . of Eating.

f1t UGH tu~ LARGr.5T CI2Aq<I.R --~~~~

f' the cxpe rlflnc e or pa~l

years Is r t' Pcated the an nual celebration of the Hlgnlng of tb e Declli' rullon of I nd cpend en ctl tbls yesr will cost 200 lIvell. No more aerlous resu Its, as tar as casual· ti es aro co ncern e d, could be expected from a considerable bat· Uo. For though the numb er of dead .... 111 be relatively arnall, th e list of wound e d will be VAry Illrge . Probably 20000 or more will be serious ly hurt In ' one way or another by ex ploslve a. Of theso more than] 00 wll\ lose one or both legH. Nearly 100 boys will receiv e 'Injurles In th e right hand tram toy pistols, from whi c h th ey will di e In a linge ring and paInful manner from lockja w. In tbe pulm of tbe bumslI hand there Is a plexus, or net work of nerves. Wben a toy pistol explodes, or sboots backward , as It Is always liable to do, the wound Infilcted Is usually In the palm ; tbere Is lacllrallon of the n e t· work of nerVI's nroresald, nnd lockjaw Is likely to follow . The eJl llmato of 20 ,000 wounded do es not In clude the sligb t.h urt, wbo will make u much longer list. nul takin g th e figure s gl\'c n, and leaving out of conside ratio n n il destruction or property by fir e , It woulll seem that the uatlon 's bill for Its Fourth of July celebration 18 Il pretty heavy on e. The prope rty 108s by fires dU A to careless use of explosives, w ill amo un t to at leaat $500,000. Possibly It may run up Into the millions, but tb e es· tlmate h e re given r epr ese nts me r e ly an ' average }<'ourtb at July . People will throw firecrackers Into places where they are likely to start conna· gratlon, and skyrocketJ!, which excite such enthusiasm wh e n they go up, have a .de plorsble way of coming down Upon roofs and making mischief. Then, too, nlany of the mod e rn kind at fireworks, such as the bombs, which rise 1,000 feet In the aIr and explode, liberating beautiful showen at varl· colored stars, contain considerable quantities of high explosives, and are Pt oportlonat e ly dange rous. Only IlUIt Fourth of July, It will be remembered, many people were killed and wounded by the accidental seUlng 011 of a quan· tlty of such bombs which had been put In readiness for a ftrework8 exhibItion, Some, probably .a dozen, shopa tbat contain large stockll of tlrElworlls will be de8!:royed by the accldental lIettlng oft of the combulltlbles, Incldentally endangerIng much.. property In theIr Delllhborhood, Few finer and more Itrlklng exhlbltlonll In tbe fireworks ..!lJuI are glvlUl on the glorious Fourth than &refurnished by such Impromptudleplays, but tbey cost a great deal or money. It grown people are satisfied to risk life and 11mb In pla}iDg with tbe high explosives contulned In many kinds of fireworkl , It Is nobody's buelness . but tbelra. UnfortunateTy, Ilome of tbe In· atrumenll! of ce~braUon placed In the bands of cblldren are loaded with small quantities of similar deadly materials . Naturally, the little ones like best the torpedoes whIch make th e loudest nolee, and those are the onss that con. taln rulmlnate of me rcury (an exceed· Ingly ,dang erous substance) and sam&times even dynamite. JUllt why the pollee do not ,take tbe necessary pains to suppress tbe sale of ancb torped oeR nobody con say. To of· fer them for flale III against tbe law, but ordInarily tbe regulntlon Is not en· forced, and little Bobby or Johnn7 walkS Innoccntly about the streetJ! on tbe Fourth of Jul1 with enough dyna· mite In bls jacitet pocket to Injure him seriously, or possibly ~Il him, It a mls· cbance should Ret olf his PRckage or torpedoes all ot once. Parents are not acqullinted s ufflclentIy with the danger that lurks In some kinds of torpedoes, H they w;ere at all aware of It, accidents or the kInd would be les8 fr equ e nt. nnd public opInion woUld ~rlng about the proper enforcement of the law whIch forbids the sale of theso bombs- for bombs they are, thougb only small onos. Of

"'8 I rou~ re6 ultf Ind t;(; d . 11It: list 01 kill ed und wounded would Lo e nor· mously diminish ed If parontJ! would tuk e th e necossary pain s to kep p toy plstol8, raw gunpow d er. and giant fire· cracker8 out of th e hands or their chll. dren, reserving to th e msolv eH also Lbe busInes s of seiling 01T tho fI re w'o ro In the e ven ing. It we must -have a I-'ourlh of July celebratiou, let us try to b e more sen· sible ab out It, and 80 cut down tbe uumber nf slain and Injured, a8 well as th e serious prope rty loss of bygone lo'ourths. Guns and pl8tols are nut ~Illtable playthIngs ro r children . The little boy who pIcks up his toy gun and playfully sayn, ''I' ll shoot you," should be taught that eve n In play he must not point a weapon at another, for It Is In JURt s ucb ways that res pect for life Is lessened and Involuutary m a nslaugh ter Is tb e resu lt . Tbougbtful parents will not give chll· dren Buch tOYB. It hM been the c us· tom ror DlallY years to cf!ie brnl e the Fourth of .Tuly with noise snd fir&works. C h~ldren did not orlJ;i nate tb e prac· tlce. It Is th e m etbod shown by th e ir parentJ! . and so each yp ar we hav e 0. s laughter or t h e Innocents ('qual In Ilumber to th o loSt! In n great battle, and, a s In tbe days or old, wb en hu· man sacrifices we re laid on the altar, we BILcrlflce to t h o nntlon's glo ry hun· dreds of Its embryo citize n s . The man who takes his life in bls hands and goes to battle for his coun· try'~ protection gives his lire to a wortby cause. but the children ,,'hoBe lives are sacrificed to celebrate the na· tlon's birth bave given their lives to little purpose. Is It not time tbat pllrents should think of thl ll s ubject , and see It they cannot dAYl se other me tbods of cel ebrating our national bollday that will not entail Buch sacrillces o( IUe and property 1 18 It not time that In sn age when p ea ce and arbItration are In . the air, and when th e great nations of the earth are steadily advancing to'll'ard the 'day wb en dIsputes and dlfTer-encea will be settled by arbitration, that we should begin to teach the cblldren blgher Ideals of po.lrlottRm than noise and shootlng~

courlle, Illost torpedoes lire I1nt lre ly barm less ' but some of th e IImall ones, round nnd ve ry hnrd, abou t th e size of a marble, which go nIT with a report IIk f! u plstol' shol, nrc In the deadly claslI, contnlnlng lUI th ey do fulmlnato of mercu ry. Years ago, as most people w\ll be D.ule \0 recall , there was a dre adful ~'ourtb of July accident In Pb llad el· phla. A large quantity of torpe does, of a kind whose sllle had bce n elt· pressly prohibite d by local ordinance, was e Xl,oBc d on n s treet stand, kept by an italian, on one of th .. bU Mles t down· town thoroughfares. Exactly whllt cauBed It nobody () ver knew, but apJ)ar· e nlly Il stou e thrown by II. boy s tru ck the torp edocs, Ilnd all of th em we nt 01T togetber. They we re loaded with dyua· mi te, and th tl e xplosion was treme nd· ous. Seve n chil dr en we re kill ed, while a numb er or others .... ere more or les8 seriously hurl. A great Illany of th e Fourth of July accidents are caused by cblldren's mls· chief. A boy will throw a firecracker at a girl, for example, burning her seriously. Th e n there Is the deadly cracker that has failed to explode, and which must be examined o.nd relight ed, the consequence being an un expected r eport and p08slbly Ule 108s of an eye. The large crackera, some of which are 1\ foot or more In leng th, are really dangerous bomba, and should not be put In childish banda. No prudent fa· ther would allow hIs boy to UB e a toy cannon, with 1008e gunpowder, ,... l1lcb III likely to becomll Igntted with dis·

tbose side whlekers and wellt to Ii dentist before be was brought ·In. I'm sorry to dlBappolnt you, but we are jUllt out of sbort, thlck·set men with side whiskers.' One may be brougbt In any bour, bowever," "If not here tben, he II stili alive!" suggested the 'Woman, as the look of anxiety left her face. "I should so Inter, ma'am-iJhould 110 Infer. In tact, ma.'am , I am qultll Bure )'our husband Is alive and well." "Thanks, Blr-thankJi! You bav en't Been him?" '" have, ma'am. Less tban baH an bour ago he asked me to drink wltb blm In ' that 8aloon over tb ere, and from this windOW you can now Ree him "tanding up to th e bar, s ide wbls· kers and alL" "Tbank hen Yell, and will go over and take him by th e n('('k. nnd and - " "Glad to be at setv Ice to you, mn'am . I f I had a short. thi c k·set man with side whIskers and two front teeth out on a slab insid e, I woultJ admit you with pleasure, but a s I baveu't, you'll have to tak e up wltb tbe live one over there, and make t.he best of It. Good dlly' ma ·ant. 'a.ll IIgaln It YOIl happen tbls way, nnd I may be In be tt e r luck ," -- Ph llad l' lphla Hecord.

STILL AMONG THE LIVE ONES Woman'. Fear That Had De· parted Thl. Llfs Pl'Oved Altogether Unfounded.

" I beg your pad on, If J dlst urb you, air" shll saId to the keeper of the mdrgue, "but my husband has been gone two days, and I fear tbat he ' may have been kill ed 00 Ihe .treet and brought here." "Husband missing, eb !" queried the official. "We may have him In her. What 80rt nf II. looking mau was he?" " A short, t.blck·set man, sir, with 81de whiskers and two tront te e th gone." "Um . Side whlekeru , eh ~ Two front te eth gODIl? Was he a man likely to get In fron t. ot n (;able car?" "He wa~, air. If he thought th e car m eant to blutr him, he'd stand all the track unUl b ... .was nfn over." " How WIlS be on dodging backs?" "He ne\'er dodged one In his life. He used to carry balf a dozen rOCKS t ied up In a handkerchief, and tbe bnckman who tri ed to I'un him down got hl8 h ead knock e d air." "Been gono two days, eh. ~" "TwO' days and a nIght, sl r, and you don't know how worrI ed ' I am." " Yes I HIlPPOlle so," absently reo Not That Way. plied th e lllan. "I wish I could Bay ''I heard my busband say till' oLbll~ h e was h ere , hnd thu s r e ll e \'ll your day the re are laws against bll rkers "So tbere" , The pruc tlc (' Is nPIll'nnx Ie t y. " "Then he Isn't ber,,! " Iy stopped . "No'm - not unles8 he abaved off I "Is It? Just listen to. tbo se do gs'"


... • •• S B HIMSELF' Little Johnny JUDGED OTHERY . 10f Combs, Ark "

'; ,

Small, Pe"I."nt Jlbber ' Imaglned Col, orad Man Had BLen Purilshed In... the Cu_om.,y W.ay. L,......;;.:..




. e-- eett1erti In ' ·tile There are no n .. ,y ~ ' port~on of the Ozark _Moun~1 ot ArIranl. . . traY.led , by tile 8t. P~ul S I ~ S ;FraIl


hnd been R re s Ident ! " Mamma, I have Been the biggest all hl8 lite. He Wal liar In tbe world. HIB mother must an Ilde pt at fibbing and to break hIm have used 0. whole bottie or Ink on ot the habit his mother painted a little him! Come nnd. 806 Wm!" spot on his hand with Ink every time The mother went to tbe door and she caught him fibbing: The result. Johnny pointed to..a negro .drivlng b7 I 'lllaB that lIome da ys he would han with a' team of SUP.Dlh!(J.-Kan saB Clt7 . j b' l h 11 ' I Sta lIeveral black sPOtl ~n ~ nn~: ,' ," T. A new ~lIroad II b.lIlldlng ..r~Ill~ ,I . ' ~ Com,b8 Bout!) and eome of ...the pad- . Call Me ~arly_ negro.:;' ' ':}"by ' do yon that drumm er drive teaml" Ont! da), Johnnie r&D, ~ ' ~!, Queen of ~~y, . ~III .......... D1oUi.l!r v~r)' exCItedly " aDd ~B~u.e · ~e l"v~· ..!t~~b enrl1 _I.' , .' Calli. ' explalDed the uot"...... I!r...

b~~~~:::i' ~'~~oidlngir" lIiAti;\ tn~ " (!ontract~r8 i~porte~

' ::II:ren ' "to: t)ie , Qie,' when .tl\e( ... t ....,..... ·bl~.• cbOOI before' the)' He , a I!' .... u¥



. '




'~~!I ,









Sberloc k 1I0imeu might h:l\'~ Mgurl'o thl a out , but· be did not~ Tb e a ve rage Etlgllsbman wil l al· lI' n YH <I,' mnud hid egg bo iled JUa! t hre e minul es, IIH'n li e vlucl'S It III an egg CUll . JIlBt large ('n ougb to ha v~ ·.he egg IH II , l a lls Ille to p of th e sh pll, aOll renlO\ "8 tbe broken sheil wltb h is IlnlSf'rs. T be egg is eat e o Ii spoonful Ilt u tllne. A jo"rclilrhmau IlIlIcb like the Eng· ;Ishma n, lili es b'U! egg a of three lIlln· ut('S, exaf·ll y. lIe tbcn "pee ls" them, pl ne"s Ih em In a gln~ s, sllrll allli m lxE's Vi'e ll '.oge th c- r with salt, Ilellper anr! . I;e lIlukes a lll'nctice of uillp lnl; Lrend inlo tb e ml :<tu re, a.nd eating It. along w ith tbo eggs . A Spaniard wouldn 't t blnk at lett ing bl s egg boll more tban one minute. lie then breaks It, and let B tbe con· tents run Into a g lass, and consumel It as It ho were drlnk lu g a glass or Wine. AD e,,;g Is unly fit 10 an ltallau 's entlmatlon when It has been placed In cold wat e r, alld remove" luat as tb e wat e r begins 10 boll. He then breaks it , pours It on a plat e, alta proeeeus to Ball It wltb brend. The German , like the lIall;'D, Cismanda bls eggs as near th e liquid state as possible. li e breaks bls eggs In an unsIghtly cup , and scoops tbe liquid out as If It were ROUp. Tbe AmerIcan Is about th e onl y ODII ,.hu preters bls egJ;8 Lolled hard. Wben th ey are sen ' cd up to blm, be koireB tbem In balr, r emoves tbe can · tents Into II glaBs , a Ct er whi ch h e adds a plentiful supp ly of pepper, but· ter and salt. He tb en minces tbe eggs fille, mixing th em we ll wltb tbe s ilices, and ea ls tb e m with bls toast

For That Picnic :""':to insure complete success take elong a case of J

The eatisfyinl: beverage--infield' or foreat; at home or in town~'. A. pure and wholesome 88 it i.


temptingly &ood.

Delicious-Refreshing Thirst-Quenching

_.. _-

a..ra.. .ubetitute.,

ITCHING AND BURNING Iberia. Mo.-"I was troubled with ecalp eczema for about five years and trIed everytblng I heard of, but all of no ayaH . Tile doctors told me I wCluld bave to haH) my head sbaved. Del ng a woman, I bated tbe Idea of thnt. , wa8 told by Il friend that the Cutlcura Remedi es wou ld do me good . Thill spring I purchas ed two boxes at Cut!· cura Ointment and one cnke of Cut! cura Soap. A fler Ul;lng one box of Cutlcura Olljtm en t [ ('onsl dered the cure permanent, but conti nu ed to use It to mak e su re nnd used ab out on&balt th.o othe r box. :-;ow I am e nti re ly well. I nlso used Ule Clltlcura Soap, "Till) !llscllee began on th e back of my heal1, taking th e fOl'm of a rIng· '\'arm, only mo re se\'e re, ri sing to a thick, rough scale that would cn me orr when soaked with all or warm water, brlngllng a tew balrs each time, but In a few daya would form again , larger each time, and spreading until the en· tire back of the head ,,'as covered with the ..cale. ThIs was ac companied by a terrible ItchIng and burning sens&. tlon. Now my head IB completely well and my hair growing nicely." (Signed) Mra. Oeo. F. Clark, Mar. 25, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment ItOld throughout the world. 8ample at eacb tree, wltb n·p. · 8kln Book, Addre.. ,oat-clII'd "CuUcura. Dllpt. L, BOltoll." .Ady, To Identify tho Corpee, In t he blanks which life Insurance companJes provtd e theIr medIcal exam· Iners tor ulle In recording tbe data of Ule examination of tbe applicant for In8urance, they pro"lde a IIpace for poreOlBal marks whIch may be uaed to IdenUfy the Insured atter death. A we.tern company recently recel"ed a report from an examIning physician with tbe following In the IdentUlcaUon blank : .' He bas a strong Cornllh &c. cent. '"-Llpplncotrl.


FOWItaW or Carbon· Bled in Bottle•.


- - - - -- - -- - - -----

London and Ita Lumber, London lB Lbe malt conlenaUye cIty In E urope, If not In the world. ]t lovel Its lumber. You may .Ull aee thole nollces attached to lamp POllts whIch announces "S tanding for Four Hack ney Carriages, or whate"er tlIe num· be r may be, though for ten years (In one case, to my own knowledge for twenty·f1ve) no vehiclell of any kInd bave Btoo d there. It Is a. well tba t thee e relics 'hould remain; they are a tiny part or our loclal hili tory. They will probably remain when we are flying to dinner or the theater In omnl·aeros. By that Umll peoplll won't know what "hackney carriage" meant, and there 11'111 be dlacuJIIlona in the "Notes and Querte." of the pertod. For each generatlon banda down to tha next c ei-taln nut. to crack. Catching Fllea Paya Well. Catching ll1es la dordln& a 8hrey&port (La.) mAD a profttable and ludep endent living. He lella them to tbll city board of hllalth. H1a name la Bartscb, and his net reYeDue from tlIe Oy Indulltry for the ftnt two daYI of a recent week 1I'U '24.20. When the health board bepn ollertnl premium • for the ftles, dead or all"e, Barlacb purcbased about 100 trapa and placed them In tly·rldden .ectlona of the dty. Then he began maldO& Inroada on the health board'. exchequllr, and ao well dId he operate that he bore the market price down from ~O cellla to 20 CeDt. a quart, tor It II b7 that meuure ' that the board purc~. Banacb la IUD working, and he wW work u 100& u the treasury hola ooL He b a b catch Inc paYI.

A Rella of History, A newly rich woman, wbo 1I'U anx· Bl'Okon Heart Cau.ed Death. lou. to make a fayorable Impreulon A Ibroken heart, caused by violent In her neighborhood. decIded to abow beatln, due to lIudden emotion, was her collecllon of anUQuea to th. blab· laid Iby a doctor to be responllible for op when he callad. The Ume came, tb .. dleath of Alexander Bnrneas, ab· and one by one Ibe displayed the ty,tour, a mlUlter taUor, at a London wbole collection, &ivlng hIm the bl. Inquest. Burness tell and died durIng tory or each piece. "There,'" ahe laid, lin altercation with a foreman cutter polutlng Impre,elvel,. to an old nllow 1&1 to the ownership of certain articles teapot, "tbat teapot wu used In tlIlI which be waa about to remove from BOBton tea party." bls rorm e r premllies to new onel. A Vanished 8hrlne. Dilnger in a Phraee. "Wbat or 70ur trip abroadT" "Do yo u tblnk thero Is Bucb a thing HMy wlfll wu deepl,. dlaappolntlld al a yellow peril ," In one thIng. She nalted 8ha\[. "Certainly." replied Senator Sorgo Ipeare'lI home all rtght." bum ;. .. 'yellow perU' Is such 0. plctur"Well?" . eaqul~ and fascinating phrase that a "Dut she aleo wanted to pay a 'f1slt lot of people wIll n eve r let their mlndl to th e tub at Dlolen • ." rest untn th e y hnve worked out Home condition to fit It." Re<I Crosa Ball IDuII ",III ......Ia double .. m.oy c:lotbe. u aD1 other. Dca't put raul w ooey wtu allj othor, Ad •. Wben starvation stares R woman In tbe tace IIhe may start IL b oarding The Kind, house. -That gamblera ItOn II a chip at the Tombstone Inscrlptlon9 are general· old block." "A poker chip!" Iy too good to be true.

AI Sod.

De-.! cbe GcnuiDc-



-- -



the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the U,... II riabt.

rlaht the IItomach and bowell are ~RTER'S LlTILE


ientlybuttirmly pel a lazy liver do its duty, Curea COil. .tip.tioa. In. di,e.tioa. Sick H ..dac:h •• aad Dlatreaa After £aw.., SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SIIALL must bear Signature



~~44 TII~ ~-: .':":°Er;.IT ...

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Look for Tbl. ~K.rIt PI ... tureOD tIu! Labelwbea bupal


S:!Ic:f~.~! Achia. Fn:L


4cr, 8oId~. .. hcrc. 2t'. .iI.\~ PRIUt. Addrua, I.e 807. N. Y.


ALL2N .. 0




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.o_au, , .. Dd&1.

""ct.el." o. , - ' u_ ..I" '.r ......

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Save the Babies. NFANT MORTALITY la something frightful. We caD hardly twJ.Ir.e ...

of aU the children born in cl"ilir.ed oountriea, tweDty.~ 0Md.. or Dearly one-quarter, die before they reach 0111 year; -eneD per cent" or more Chao OIl.third, before they aN IiDd befare fobe,. are fifteen I We do not hesitate to ...y that a timell WI8 of Cutmfa would _,.. • majority of th_ precioUi llYN, Neither dQ we heait&te to _y that IDIDJ' of theee infantUe deatU are ooouioued the WI8 of DU"OOtio prepant.ioDl; Drops, tinoturell and eooth1ng 11)'111" eold for children'. oomplA1AliI contain. m,ote or 1_ opium or morphine. They are, in OOIII1derable qu&DClUel, deadly polaon.. III an,- quantity, they ItUpefy, retard oiMulatloli an41e114 to oongeetione, 1JIoIm_, death. Castorla 0JlefI't. uacU~,...,..., bot YCAl must lee that I' bean the l\gnature of Chu. B. • ~ ~ the blood to olroulate properly. opeD8 the ~ _



an..,. fner, _ Qu1l1ae C~rIa al"" ~' pcllel ~e




Will OFFER THE .!'tALL INVESTOR .h to .• .1 .... us 10hiii".at~ a .. ~ la · _...... . hom a.._ _to 8..,11' rail ",. ~






)I.o",U., WaiL ~..,.

"fq~ ·25-1t13.'


John E . 8ruith, dooo"se tl.

Unj ed States Cream Separators Holds the Worl d's Recor d for Close Skim ming .

NEW 1913 FEATURES Mech a n ical Wash er -:- Nickl e Silve r Secti ons Dust - proof Gear Case.

Commo n P leas Proceed ings .:_



T ho g ftlond Jl1ry for t bo April torm

wa ~ ill session f ~ r two davl', f'X llm.

PRICES , $25 • 00 AND UP WA RD Before Buyi n).'! Cnll on

Elizabe th B. I:lwtth nppo nttld exeo utrlx . NJ bond . William !::lohnell, ~ uardllm V S. Uhn!l ter !:lohDell, wlnor at 1\1. Ap. pralsem fl nt oonfirrp ed . Conrt or· dAf Fi Wl lIlllrn Hohnoll t·o give od. o lt,lIlnll ) hou'd of f,G600

Illell tWt' uty witl.let!sos coverin B OIlses aDtl I)rlls .mtt'd I." u hill ,.. 1!;II0rt.'ll tl ilt O!UIl'II

State uf (lilill VII. \Y . (J. WinuoH . )ufonda nt ordnred reloalled on his own reool-(oizano!! . l:ltate (I f Ohio vo. We bb I:lmith, d!'fendlillt (lll t f'l'H plflll of " not ~n ' l ty."

Olade nooossu.ry tor t ho proteot lon :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• of t ho a butmen t of th e Fr!lukl ln Suspeo sion Bridge . 8111s Allow ed-Joh n W . Shawh an, insuran oe on Infirma ry, '12. Geo . W . Larriok , frelgbt and drayag e, n.lO. Roy Bmnt·, frei ght on paint., " .1;3. n. !:itlorRhbarger ROM) for . . . . . . . . . . . . .AT. . . . . . . . . . . .• Co urt 1II0uso, 101. R. Ho.rsbblU'ger sil lary as janit-or for June 1913, '50. J. 8. Morris , supplie s for janitor $8.115. J . S . Morris, Record s,l\nd i;ullpllee for (Jlerk, $77 : . 5 O. S. T uits & HO Il, buriu) uf Mahalll 8 . l"ree:'.e, $70. I3llrret t Bros. blanks for Corone r, $7(; . B~rret& Bro~ . , blanks for Curone r, 1i00. L M. P rlnol~. supp)teB for s urveyo r '1.25. Jane G . Bunter , expens es of Couney bou.rd 01 vlsltor! l for 191 2, $6 3G. E. W . LfJicht, 107G g~J10.H rOlld oil at flo . $!'IO, W . F. Eltzrot h, oement , n lll ls , eto ,$7 O. Oblo Corrug ated Uul veTt pipe, $42 10. Ollio Uor. r!l~lItt, d Culver t Co, culvert plpo $~ O olO H. W. Nnll. rOlldway t broulf h f~rm for I'li' dllYs S1I7. J. K . 8 penoer, lumber . '4S{). Gallon 7fic to $1.00 Irll n ~{ o rk 8 , roud ,iragH, $60. MnsoD Luwb,a r Co , Inmber $'4116. Bert Reed, repairs MILson and SGu~b r~e b

Su mm er W ash Fa bri cs

Hutchison &Gibney Xenia, Ohio.

Will iam M. Pettit VS . WillllLlu A . >1t Ill . Ullu rt ortlert! thllt pllliDtlf f rOCll\,flf l Oll !; :-12 ffOUl de. Distrib utor for Warre n, Greene and Montg omery Counti cs. ftl nrlan ts o~ ti r~ t OtlUHe of tlction fl. od $27 '14 in oltb ca u ;!! uf 1l0Ci O ll , Stato of ! )hiu VI:! . J(Jtl() llh l::!bu ler . Defend ant out.ers plo.. of not gulltv. •• •• •• : B.. iJ fixtld li t UnDO WI111aoe MIller ..;w.... appc,in ted to delend. w .... w ... w""w""w.... w.... w.... w....w""w""w",w ...w".,w __ w..,w.... w .... w .... w .... w .... w ..... w......... "' .."'.~ .....""._ _ _ _ _ _"'a"'a.....a .....a.....a.....a....a....a....a....a....a....a-.a"" ....'VOu Wil li .. m I Welser vs The (J. U. New Suits Nettle BrUDk lot No ., 74 In Mason, C & tH . L Ry . Co V'etend Lnt Imon Bud CO)llmbl~ pikes, '11250 . Sl. ~I ven sixty d"ys to plead . Bert Reed, bridge work, Deerfie ld Etosle Brltrlfo rd VII . UI!trk K. Brad. Harilln Whitao re to Henry Knnk . Lucy Duumy el' vs. Cblll') OS Don. townllh lp, $39.20. Geor~e Phi)lIp~ . ford, dlvoroll, gross neglect . Robert er, 16~ !tores of I8.Dd In Harlan town. myer . IIi vo rce I(fflDted Plaintif f' gravel $12~ 00. A . Ed ward Hoppe, J. HhBwbaD ~ ttorno) , . ship, 11. relltored to mai rlen nllm e rflpalr~ o n Foster Ilnd King!! MIlI~ The BoUlner Musica l Co.. vs. Mar· ADn .. Lytle Shurts to Louis W . State of Ohi o vs . Webb Smith, ROlld, $60.uQ J . B . Borden . brid ge garet Fink. replevi n. Ueorge E Luedek e, 2G~ !lores ot land, al . defend ant wit.hdr aws pl6a of n ot work Irmnkl in townsh ip, '54 09. R. Young . Mary H. I::iherwoed to C)Ilrenoe goilty uud enters plea o f gollty. A Me,Uuto heon, repairs in Lower JBmel! C. 81l1e vs Wm ti . Graham and Eva Sherwo od, tbreo trllote ot Senten oed \0 pliy tiDe of 1100 and Utlrlilli e !lnU (Jbl\uta uq oa r oads, et al . Injunc tion 110d other rellet. land In Tartlec reek town8h lp, ooats and that be be oommi tted to $2"1. A. 1'. Rettig, repairll on eM Seth W. Brown , nt.torne y. S8GOO . the Xenia Work b ouse until tine lisle and Ponstto wn road '279. UhfiFi . Cornel ia B. E. Sobeno k vs The C. 50c to $3.00 (jeorge E . Anders on to Nora B. and oost s tlore paid . Stlbbs, Uon No 16 $51 C. C. & 8'. L. Ry. Co., 15000 claimed . I Kunke r et aI, 20 aores WII. You can hang them now at of .land In window. lillm I:> . Uro.ham . Con. N o. 38, Patrlok Gayno r, attorne v for in addition to the o~nal Brc nhn Unfilled Harlau townsh ip, II. Marriag e UccnlieS 1139 3 ~, Shade, whi ch is Itnown an a million home. a( R. A. MJCnto heon, Con. Maria A aud David S. Saook te the malt beaUliful shade made, there are two ~eal Estate Transfe rs _ No 39 $ 1 !0.00. Ennis John Donnel U Mrmnt, l, a88emb )er and new grade. , both possessin g the Brenlin nand· . . Herber t Kroene r, 1.014 BOres of land ard of quality. For windows of ordinary size Nellie M. J ones, b.)tb of Frank 1In. ('.on. No 41. $23.2... P . B. Monca, in Hamilt on townsb ip 'I F R " "I (1 yard wide by 2 y:ud. long) tbe.e three Jamea B. Dilley et al to J . Uon . No . 28, $119 . . ' . o~. A v . v ere . Shven s Lots 85 and 811 .hades are priced at In Ma80n, Contra ots-No . I-Ray Hwiger \ Jamell B. DUley and heirs to Fos· J . Ellewo rth Smith, motorm an ter U te Lotll N·' 66 nd 61 In U n ... (, u. a 7Sc, sSe aDd 25c - ... and Mi ss Helen MoUlur e, both of for stoille brake and ohangi ng ohlln • '10. Jllrome nnd MeliP86 ADderl on to eon •'"1$0 BrenUD Unfilled It. ne &boold al"a,. b • .....t . . nelobo ve bridge over (Jray's ron Wayne sville. Rev , H. C. H.ershe y . .. her. leujff.b of .., BDd attrldin appearaec e Ann Il DUges Ertel by ahe Itl' to James B. Shutts 22Yv Borea of land ar. lint cooliderat iODI, for belli, mnd. of on Morrow !lnd tdtnllb!l MlUs pike r Frederi ok W . ROIInlig in Olearol 'eek townsh ip. $L. "o.eD cloth "itbo. . . filll11l1 ," t alwa,. eloael,. h.op Minnie Bonk, '5. aores of land on oashier of '\ andillia . Ohio, le, bank otraillbt and Imootb. "o~t and ..oU>, . _... • Wooltex, Bisch of and and Reba tlt the a8tima~e $25. Samue l 8. Woodw ard and Ellae Morrow and Butlerv ille pike, Th. DCW gradel. Breolin Filled at 55<: lecl BreDlin '1382. E. Nu)) of tdpring boro, Ohio. Dr. Machine It 2Sc arc br far tb, bm val..... ill No. 411. W . W. t!w6Dey for pnt. Other Goo:d Follr to Martin A . Reese, lot in .had.. at tbese pme.. Benjam in V. i:!mitb. et al to Julia W . H . Wehrly . ting in oorra~a ted BeWel' and oon lAI .., """" ~ ,,,,,,,"'.. r_bbl f .1uJ4I,. Frankl in, "00. U B d -. en erllon, .th e un d lvided h a If Makes Harry Ralph CaQlpbell, book. orete bead\va lltl on Red LloD and .Tames B. Dllley et al to Rosella Interes t In.· b d ,.a. keeper of Dayton ree ·.raot8 0 f lan, Hutch ison & Bartl! Gibne ~loho ()lroall by Barry Pence's y and Cbristl ll AI. IooU, lou 'SI, 82,83 and !l4 In Macorner in Clearor eelr townsh ip at Probate Court verna Wyle of Mason. Rev. 8. W. the estIma te 120.'0. lon, saO. Compb ell . James B. DUley et al' to The Ma· In tbe matter of the es\ate of Harry Perkin s, paperm ,ker of No . 45. R . A, MoCut oheon for son Lumbe r Co., ten lote in MaloD George Harner , decease d. Admln_ Middle town, and Jennie Lurene oonore te roadwa y an'" fllJ on Frank· "50, iltrato rl authori zed to aocept 111131 Wilker son of Lebano n, both of Leb- lin Ilnd Carlisl e road at the bid of James •. Dilley et al to W. A. in ouh from Clinton E . Hamer for anon,' oolored . Rev . W. 8 . Cole. $3,94 per oubio yard. l'arkbU J, lotI 7 and Sin lIalon, '120. Interes t in the firm of George Bar· man. 47. Oregon ia .ridge Co . for · Jamel ~. DUlev et al to Arnold ner & 80n. Thoma s I:; Brady, bookke eper C?~ ateel beam bridge wl$h oonore te Elverll, lote in Mason, '320. In the maUer of tbe aaardia nsbip .Miaml sburg Ilud Mise Christi ne W. floor OD Morrow and Stubbs Mmi James B . Dilley et al to' James B. of Margar et R. 8abln, an a." Imbecil e. Bridge of Frankl in. RElv. W. L , road in Salem Town8 hip at the etI Dilley, lots No . 15, 16, 61, 62, 63 in William E. &abln appoin ted guar. tdplllman. tlmate :5131. MUOD ,1540. dian. BoDd 1200. No: 41~. Oregon ia Bridge Co., for James B. UlUey et al to D. S. In the matter of Benjam in G. Commissioners' Proceeding. a steel !beam bridge with oonore te Avers, lois in ~son, 'liS. RaDya n, BeDjam in Runya n found The resilna tion of James E. Mur. floor on Morrow . and Stubbs Mill Jam811 •. Dilley e' al &0 JOileph to be inl&ne. Appllo atlon made tor dook aa a membe r of the Soldier l road in Salem townsh ip at the esW . Thomp aoD, lots No.7' and 73 iD hiB a4mWatoD to Dayton State Bos. Burial Comm i"ee ot Hamilt on town_ timate 1165. Mason, nl!. pital. ' eblp was acoepte d. Plans, drawin gs, speolfic ationB Jame8 B. Dilley et al to M. B. In tbe matter of the wUl of Jamel! Resolu tion was adopte d to pura eto. rell,tln g to the buUdin g of a RUGS , $7.50 TO $25.00 Olborn e, lote in lIason, 1100 Downe y, decease d. Will filed and ohue the real &alate belong ing to steel b4,am bridgo and masoD ry .James B. ,Dilley et al to John Bay. notice given Of same by publica LINOLEUM, 4.'ie UP tion. Philip Nichol s for 13200, also tile real therefoJ~ over tbe Lmle Miami River Bore and Mattld a BaYBore, 10\8 64 In the matter of the will MAT I'ING S, 12e UP of .James estde belonjClng to the J. D Reed a' Stnbhs Mills wore submlt $ed and and 65 tn MU')n, 1160. Downe y, decease d. Will HIed Bnd estate for 11000. Tbese WINDOW SHADES purohas eB approv ed. Mary U. DavlB to L. J and Mary notice glveD of same by publlca 'ion. BurnBl de, 108 aores of .Iand In In the·matter of the wHl of James WaYDe townsh ip, Weir, decease d. Will admitt ed to CHANCE AND THE CRICK ETERS G. ... .rowD and Anna Belle probate . W. e . Palmer I Rid Your Children of Worms and JOIIeph Brown ~o JIu: Kohlha gsn 10tB No. Weir appoin ted executo rs. No bond Brit/eli Enthu.l aam Over Trifling P .... You Olln ohange freUu!. III tem at and 2.' in South Park subdivl Bion as will requesi s. fOftn.lnc ee Around 8com of the pered ohildre n in$.) healthy , happy BARN HART , Lebano n, Balebal l Manage r. yoaa(r8'I~rs, by 1 In the inaUer of the will of John ridding them of worme . 'J'OIIsing; rolling, grindin g G. F. BlOwn and Anna Belle/E . Smith, decease d, Elizabe Nota ry Publi c th B. Vete rlnar :v While the New York Americ an of teeth, orving out whilll atlleep, Brown to Albert Anderll on, lot No. ~mlth, widow electB to take under bll8ebal All kinds of No&8ry Work. n l team was trainin g in Ber- lWo"mp~lDlerl with intenee 'hlrsl, ,45 ID Houtb Park subdivi sion, Leb· will. Work a ~peol.Uy. Gradua te pains 0' Obio In the ~Iat_ stomao llniverl h !lnd i bowels , muda, a cricket match began between anon, '50. feveris hness and bad breath, are In tbe matter of the e8tate of a couple Kather ine A, Stoat en boroug h a8 of the island teama. At sympto ms that indloat e worms. four o'clock every afterno on tho Klokap oo Worm KUler, a vleatl~nt execut rix of William P . Stoote n. Office at re;!idence in F . II Sher· teams used to knoqk off and drink CAndy lozen~e, expels the wormll , boroug h, decease d to John L 8tou'· WAL TEIl Unligh tly Face Spots wood's houee, Fourth :)treet. regulat es the bowell , restore l your tea. Mr. Chance, the New York enboro ugb lot No. 575 Ilnd part of Are oured by Dr. Hobson ohildre n to he"lth and bappin0 88. 's Eozema manago r of the Teleph oDe 28 baseball artists, MI'II. J. A . Brlsltln , of Elgin, Ill. Sll.ys lot No. 672 In Frankl in 131100. Fune ral Direr.tor. Ointme nt, whloh heals all IIkin : viewed tho cricket game with disfa· "l have t18ed Kiokap oe \~orm KIl. John L. tltoute nboroa gb to Kath. eruptlo nll. No mBtter how long you vor. One day he stood upon the side. ler for ytears, and entirel y rid DIy Wayn eSVil le. erine A. 8tou&e nborou gb lot No. 12 have beeD trouble d Ohio by \tohlng . Teleph one day ow Dllba. ID Maokln aw additio n Frankl in, burnin g or 80aly skin humors , . jUlit lines, idly watchin g it. An outfield . ohiljre n I)f worms, I would not be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!"'!!'!!!!~ Valley phoDe No. '1.1.0. . " 2 ' P l i t a Jtttle of that 800thin g Bntlsep . er made a brief run /Uld ca ught II. lit- wlthon t U." Guaran seed. All drug. ..1 1)0. glets, or by mBil, Prloe 250. Kiok. Diltano o No. 6G-.,,,. tic, Dr. Bobson 'a E 'zema Ointme nt, tIe pop-up fly. "Well caught, sir," IlPOO Indian Medioi ne C:O • .l'hila· Rollin W. Mulfor d to Annie E . on the sores and the sufferi it. HAT ng stops roared an HAW A l' 'WAYNESVILLE, :Mulfor d all his interes t in 113.43 aores Instant ly, Healin g begins Engl ish enthusi sst. "Well delphia and St. Louill. OHIO that very • Wayoe 8ville'8 caught LeadinJ of land In Tnrt1eo~eek townsh ip, sir." l' DenSlH Mr. Chance . was pained. minute . Dootor s use It i':l their Office in Keys Bldg. " e and recomm end 1t. Mr. Pretty soon another outfield er ran Main St S. F. EIli80n and Mollie L . E1lI8oD praotio Allema n, sf Llttleto wn, Pa., say a : for II. long hit, and' failed to catcb it. to Jilmes B. Dilley, e' ai, lot No. "Had eczema on forehe ad; ITS NATUR E:. Dr . Bob. 183 In Mallon, 11. -.n's Eouma Ointme nt oured it In The cricket fnn at Chance 's ~lbow approve d anyhow . "Well nLD, sir,'" James •. Dilley Bnd heirs to R. J. two weeks. " Guaran teed "I see those jolly student s threw DR. BE LL'S AN TI-PA IN Tell the It. dvertlser you saw bls Ad to relieve he P.... Intema l ancl Extem a' P...... In Th e Miami aazette . bellowed. "Well run." Mr. their alarm clocks at one anothe Irwin Iota No 41 .7 48 411 60 In or money refunde d. All r." druggis ts, . , , ." or by mall. Price 500 ; Pfeiffe r Chance glared at him. _ A momen t "I ~l1such ~mu,~ement as that Maaon, '140. Chemio al Vo., PhllaLe lpbia an :1St. later an infielde r tried to run and throwLDg away ttme. James B. Dilley Bnd helfll to Mrs· Louta. fell on his face. It wos Ch~ce's I A MISTAK E. chance. "Well fell, sir," he shouted . ) __ ''Well fell." $~ aD. CoD v_ne e ''1 underst and that grand opera singer has an unusua lly low voiCIl." :An a~count with ' us is a very conven ient investNEW STAND ARD. "Nothi ng of the Bort. Five dolment- any amoun t can be deposi ted at any time Live Stock and Gene ral AUdi oneer Knick er-Is she interest ed in lars a ticket to hear it.!' and will bear interes t from date. If preferr ed, your the deposi ts can be handle d by mail and will receive tariff bill? NECES SITY OF THE CA8E. promp t and careful attenti on. Boeker -Yes ; she says she won' t Poste d on pedigrees and values of all Write for bookle t describ ing our: '5%' Dividends marry _a man who doesn't pay an inkinds of breeding stock. '~I don't eare to read nny of Jones' :with "Scc.urity' that is Absolu te." . =come tB.I. articles . He is so supetfieial.'" Experienced in handl ing farm sales since ' . .... l 'mut he hll8 to go deeply into this 1905. ALWAY 8 SOMET HING. subJect . It's about boring ·welle."

E. R. MILL ER, Cent ervil le, OhiO ,

V,)o rh !!e~,

Balkan Blouses


Children's Wash Dresses


Spring Coats



Suits, Waists, Wa sh Skir ts and

House-Dresses, ·af ·"-···'· ."

590 an d $1. 89



Dr. J. A. McCoy,




; I








H.E .

N. Sears


Terms Reasonable GRADU ATB 01' TIIB • ,U",ONA L AUCTIO N



SaUtfac:tlon .Guarant",d . "The high cost of living doesn't

Wayn esvill e, Ohio Valley Telepho ne 4S-2r

Gem aly


LlTE~AL. . bother a rich man like you." , . ' . "Not greatly , I'll admil What an,')£'! des!,.' what on earth is the noys me princip ally is that income. oConeoction you have ~rought me P:' tax.," . I .."It'l st&rcJl watet~ . ~idn~t ,! ll

-.... . ,.....,...., ...: ....

'lDle .tou. ~~~ a ati1f --: 1 ~-'--:·.~ .

~""" •

II .

IhdId iag aod J.oan AssoeIaUoa DaJ'IGD. Old.

' ORGANIZED 1a17 A88E'" ,,'&oo,ooo.oo.- , '~ 'SURPL ua '101.000.00 /

8 NOrth '1IaID, OppOaite Old 001U1 .Bo....' ~ . ' .~ .

. . ,r ",!-I.::;:;:;::::::=:;;:::;::;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;::;::;;:=:;#.;;;;;:.;;:~~

a '_I


Th e Te st of 'rim{~ IC~~~l!eih~!~~~~;~===I No other test is so certain - so toate and withou t cost or 1088. No oth..r test is flO severe and require s such stabilit y as does


THE TEST OF TIME The Tri-Sta te Butter Company, Ohio, has stood this Test and. morE'! than 5,000 qream Shippe rs have not only foundTime shippin g I hell' CoreOIn t o the fr,·Sta te protitab le but also have enjoyed the ~l:C UrilY al~d reliability which charact erizes the Tri-Sta te market . The Trl·Sta te does not soliCit your business on promis es but PROOF is our slogan. Ship your Cream to-day, or write for Free Trial Can- Spot - Cash II paid for ever)' shipment.

Tri·Slale Butter Co., Cincinnati, O. CapIta l 8tock ,75.00 0

More than $100,000 per month paid for_Cream



Pl1bllahe d



01' 1"1011:



liven That Plan DIM.. Keep. cae.. lalld Man If""" . . . . . . . . - MAIN STREET Art&cM..

\ Born-T o Mr. and Mrs PrOf. Young of "'. Frankl in 8t., • fioe son. Joe Myers who Is ' lIgent for tbe I!'ord automo bile has lold seven this season. A numbe r of people from thl ~ place attended 'he dedioat lon of Sugar oreek V_ P. ohuroh at Prush' s lut 8unday . . Vb... Conner and wife of Dayton vllUed his mother berela st Bunday . 'l.'he Home Team of tbl. place or088ed bllM with Wayne sville at their ball ground s Suuday . Mra . Edward Raper of 8t. Louie Is y181&1n& his parent . at tbis plaoe. Ur. Wes' has puroha sed a new auto of .Mr. Wm. Powell of Beaver town . Mr. CbBS. KBbie of VhlOaRo ball returne d bome after a two week 'II vt@lt WIth bill parents north of toWD . Mra. Glenn Atkins of Provlde noe, R. I., Is vhttlng her mother Mr• . jacob Baynes . Thf! ». P . oburob will bold tbelr ohildre o '. exerolstlll next BUDday evenin g. Mr. John Jobe north of town Is buildin g a new dwelH nl houae on biB farm Mrs. 110 Bowie. and daugbt er IlAry Rubecoa are ~vtsltlng relative a aDd friends at &hIs pl&08.



__ __

_ _ _ 7

• " ,' H


New Burlf ngton

The W . F. k. 8. me' at the home of Mrl!. Z. F. Baines Saturd ay aUernoon. Borwel l Mllter began work a' tbe O. 13. & S_ O. Bome .Monday all asI!lstant carpen ter. While sbooki ng wbea t on the W V . Laokey f!lrm last Thnrsd ay Amol Compto m became overhe ated aud for soveral bours WBS in a very oritloal oonditl on . Harry Leshor Wm. Bales and Ed . ~teddom were also oompel led to quit wdrk on tio· oount of tbe beat. The Friend s Sunday t!cbool ob· sE,rved Childre n'8 Day, Sunday mornlnK· Wm. Ha rlan 18 at bome from &ulha m for the summe r . Mrs Killend er hB~ BS gneats her pnrente , wb08e home Is In Iowa.. H.bort and Martha Belle lteevel l of Riohmo nd, Ind.. are gues'll of tbelr grandp arents Mr. !lnd Mra. A. 'W'. Reeves .

T ' ____ _

Aut omo bile Live ry Serv ice at Re·a----i:_ _<;~~!~ sona ble Rate s. Also) Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. p"

one 71-1


"""'- -..._ ..,.,. .,.,-- ----_ -..-- ----- --..., . ••

Public Sale


1 ... 111 RAll nt my bouse on Th ird .treet. on Saturda y, July 5, 1913 ()o~meuolDg Bt 12 :S u pm, the fol1 owiO i obattel s : 1 wagon , 1 bu g~ y. sad dle , wire. a lo t of hou8e hold goods, dlsbeR. book!' , eto. ferW8 oa8h . C . H. Cleme nts. C. T. Hawke , Auot.



Methodist Episcopal ChUn:D R()v. o. B. GMll1sor. Put.or. SUnfIB)' School. 0 : l IS a . m . Mornln" n r vtoc . l u ;ao a . w. t> "enlng service. 7 :0 p w . MllIwec k Pr ~}'er Me"~ID~. 7 p. m . St. August ine's Catholi c Churda . M ....


U;ou a. III.

Father Loul. '"u. second Sundur or the monlh a

St. Mary's EplscQPaI Churdl . I~ey . J . fo' . CILlIwaUnder. IWeto l

Cla ssif ied Ads

- - -... ...- - -

- _.

Su nd ay Sch OOl . 0 :30 B. w Morlllllg fler ,·I cc. III ;ao a. m . lI oly CowDlun l on Lh,) lint Sunduy ot each monLb.

Causes of Stomac h Troubl es Ads will be lnoened under ~hl s h ead for Sedent ary bablw, IBoll of out door t wen t y·llve ce ntH tor Ihree lusertlon. 'Attorney W. H. Boyd· caDt Chrlltl an Church . wben 118108 not more tbaD five lin es. eaeroille, iD8umolont mB,tlo atlon of Rev_ P. B. Thoml* 'n. Pa.sto.. more umbre lw than any maD in food, oonstlp at.ion, a &brpld liver, ~""""'--"'----."""",," Blbl& School. i : 30.a_ m . !IocIaI meetlq. D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manag er Cleveland_ Time ••• -... 10:30 after time he b.... a. m. Ohrlatlan Endeavo r. 1: 01) p . Il1o worry and IUlxiety , overeat lnif, parSermon by putor eve!')' alternate Sl1Dd&7 " WANT ED IOms forth, equippe d with _a bighly \aklng of food and drlDk not eUlted 10:ao a . 111_ IUId 1:30 P. m. Rates of Subaer iptioD k) your age and oooupatioB. ornate and exceedingly expenaire Cor reot your habit. and Jake Vbamb er. ODe Year (atrlctly 10 advance) ___ . _ ... 11.00 Hkksit e Friends CbuiQ . umbrel la, and by the time eorcoiqg lailn'lI T!lblet lland you will 800n be S 111110 Oopy _..... _... . _ ••.•. . . ... .• _ .06 EN- $2 00 per day, steady work 1I'lr"t Day Mcetlll !t. 0 ;00 l\ . m . F lrs ~ OaJ comes there is notbing left but • well agaiD. For 81l1e by all dealers . School . 11 ;00 a m . Founb Uay MeeUul{ for goad men _ Apply to _ _ _.... _ . 10 ;00 a . m . Oregon ia Bridge Vompa ny, Lebaootbe disgust ed look. D, .-. Rates of Adver tialq Oh ' 10 S One 10 rainy day recentty Boyd ap•teadIntr LocaJ.. ~ I10e _ . .... _ . _ . •.• • I lie Ortbod ox Friend s Churea . SurprlsiO& Cure of Stomac b Troubl e SI.EEP FOR NERVOUS PERSON T 0ReadiDg Locall. blade: fUle. per line . . •'. aGe peared Bt a downto wn aafe for hie CK to paRture. I nqu I re 0 f I BlI'II. EUzabet b W&rd. Pa.stor• When youbav e trouble Wltb your AfJ.pllcatl~n of Wa rmttl , Outelde and ":luIUled Acta. no' to e~ live U8M lunchoon and sat at a table with George B. Beaob, Harvey sburg, Sabbatb Scbool. 9 ;30 a . m . ReKu lar ob ureb h or olarente oon.'ip atlon. serv lcea 10 : SO 8 _ m .• a nd 1: ao p. m. • ·ThIee tiilenloll ll .. ~ .. ........ . 21ie: James In.lde, onen BrlIIg. Slumber (')hlo. A. Newkirk, County Commie- .tolllU J 2 moo'ing WoooeedllY evening '" 7; 50 . Prayer Ubltuarlf ll. live loeb81 rr- : over Ove clon" Imagin e tbat your oaae 18 be. to Them. lioner Elrick and Martin '!'humm. Ioeb_. per 1In,,_ • __ ••. _. • . • . • • lie: DVERT IBERt:l - '1'0 know that yond help jne' becane e your doo'or \ . rd of thanIca • • _• __ . . __. _. _ • •• • ..• _. 21ie: Boyd WaB deeperately clutcbi ug a falla can sell your horse~ and give you relief. lint. <I . 'A hot water bottle covered with oows you .. ..,luUo... .. _ ... ... . _. _ .... . ...... . _ IIOc and other things by adverti stJteogle, PlatDfield, •. J. wrtw, new umbrel la . ocIaill etc. where eba, · e Ja mad. . • . . . .. 211e flannel should be placed at the feet. ing tham in the Gazett e It costs "This doesn't belong in me," he ""or over a month past llaa ve been • lapla, Advertlll lD8 Pt.. Inch.. . . . ... . . . 100 trouble d wtah my stoUlach. Every • A very thin silk tissue bag of rubber but htt.le, and brings result!! . DIIooUD Y liven )II con~. announced. "I borrowed it aDd 1 ,bins I ate uPle' it ~rr1bly. One partially filled with cold water don't intend to loac it." of Obamb erlatn· . advertilltn& book· should be placed ,",101 . ... at the base of the c:..4lakr t . ... JULY ~. 1111 "Tie it to the table I~ Thumm Ie .. came' to me. At~r reeding a FOR SALE ....... ldl..c u.., .. n:. ~V"..nd DI.II~"" few of 'he lettera from people who brtllin. This bag can be about ten IJUggested. 'rhC::f., -.r.: tll\l <h ll:"s ... hlet. inches long and lIix inches wide, 90ft will tn::I:e a "l ,\11 of ,our Lo,. beeD cured by Cbamb erlain '. Bydro pn Ila., 1nmaM in liquid Secure hls hvr ly I rH~r,. ! t .nd whoa.. "Get the waiter to bold idor 10110" bad AY BA~H.-8andwloh ma.h, iu Tabletll, I deolded 8 0m" dev l! l upln~lI t by \:ivlnlr him aB silk and only half filled with cold 'ry tbem. 1 air, will produ0 8 swam In 'he form Elrick volunteered. good sbape_ Call on J. E. b.'ge akeo nnrly 'brae fourtbl l of water, 80 that it does not The AME RICA N BOY feel bulky Frazier , phone 24 2X', of .now. "H8Y'8 'em put It In ~"e," a paota.. of 'hem aDd oan now eat back of Wayne sville, tho head. In mMy eases Qhio. almo., ..ery,bID I lbat I wAa ." J 16 Newldr k ad,ised . the patient goes to Bleep within a a._ki ll Ont W88 UII8d by lbe e· Boyd ignored them.u. H.pJ.c ed For ..Ie by aU dealers . OT of Celery Plants for sa.le. In· few minute . with this treatme nt. beoI~~ Roman ., wbo made crema' ien the umbrel la on quire of Ernes~ Hartsoo k, R . D . the &or &Dd.}ianted cauae the blood is drawn from the 1. WaynBilvlile, Ohio. robee of it. J 9 both feet firmly upon it, to,t,,+ ilari- BlWONS IN UFE INSURANCE acti,e brain, which 18 ODe C&W!e of inona delight of hla ~. . TbeD, 9OIJmia. CEME NT BalCK for ule. For A Oood Investment ...hen he finished hie lanahea n. be P....... hi tile UIIItad Itatae alld C. . further iuform atton inquire of When 8 patient is extremely ne"- F . M. Vbenow W. D. lb,ll, a well known mer · walked away aDd )eft it.-C1enl&Dd etb, WlIoyniNIville, C!!!QP'U OQ. oua a cracker spread with butter and Ohio. of Wbl&emouDd, 'WiJI , bolllb t J 9 lien. .. l\ook of Ollamb erlatn '. medtol ne sprinkl ed slightly with cayenne pep.-- ~---team of Mnlee, Harn888 and Fune ral Dir- tor 80 ali &0 be able &0 .apply 'bem to The yut IIDJDber of pel'8OD8 iDte!'- per abould be eaten. This W&nn8 tho ." The Best Medldae ID tho World 1200 "'-- J b Ub bla OUItomeH. After noo.l ~nl&hem ~ e.ted in life iDl1U'aDCe ia Indicated stomach. The stocking wound n agon, 0 n '" orand Embalmer, around wood at Uregon ia, ..,.,.. be . . . btlDHl f &Un" ok ADd AY. Oblo_ ~ II h'ly N'le Ittl had dYMDMr7 in the atateme nt that the life iDsurthe neck, not too close, yet rather 'g,t -one IDl8I1 boUle of Chamb er- -.ery b~,l I 'bo11lb t .he would dte W ayneS '11 Ohl ' . Id thod ~ 't bu. of No. 1 Yell()w Corn, 6 lain '. 00110. C~olera aDd .Dt&rrboea Obam l" 'rlal' '11 CQllo, Ohole n and 8Dl!fe no ... in force in ' the UDited BDug, IS an 0 YI e. me . , or 1 d008 o. toDs of bay on farm near Hemed y WM · worlb more to him Diarrb oea I ' wl'cly cored her, aad Btatea and Canada aggregates about not retard 1 the fio~ of b~ from 'the 'Bu01l:e ye lohool, R. D. 4. Mrs, 'baD lbe 008' 01 bla nlire s&ook of 0tUt 'vDlbfl llly ~a\' .t.bat I lbtDk " ,. $10,000,000,000, Leslie's remarb . head to the arteries , but It doe. re- Wallac e Tibbals , Phone 2 I 6Y, Leb- Call answer ed prompt ly dllf or nill'ht. 'beee mecUotD.... For Both phones in Office and Residence. by an dle . med uu"· In 'be world, " The policlea, ...hieh add up to thia tard the fiow to the head, jU8t as the anOD. OHio. dealeN . J 2 wrlMa IIH. Wtll 'Im ont., <.-'tare, huD. . total, yary in face value long distanc e, No. 14; Home phone cold water assists. All of these JI~bI For ..1" by '.11 dllalen . I 1+2r. . hum mWl to ftry large II1Dl1Bt but methods are eimple, effective and 'DR J . W MILL ER El:pertmeDIS with 'be aUlar b8e~ -~ Ch~rs and one "Coach ' furnish ed free the,. .t maJori . tr 01 them bye been hIU'WJess . . . , wltb funeral s. an UDder way on 380 f ..... ID t1ae lOME DO. Best of service ianed guaran to JIiIIWIlIIe teed. of moden te meant A cup of hot milk taken juat beDDl&ed KtDgdo m. DEN TIST . ·She'a too poor for our clJcle. I ...tao.caDDOt afford to riM payment of fore retiring will induce sleep. Those •• ••• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ IDdDey to .eak and QD~ ...ho hesitate .mell guolin e on her. She efi&d. . • tool lor removi Dg the .wlre about drinkin g the milk omce fn ~ oomJl8D:ia Fortun ately. the lest it cause constit pation should re- NatIonal BalIk Wayne nllle,O stltOhea from mapzi nes has beeo 11 cll'aoa her own glOY8L " Blda. IeIIaing lite iDauraDce organizatioDl membe r that boiled milk, taken "Go 1110..., pa,,'i ted by a Colora do 01fUl She may tM, aM bot, ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! of th~ ••agger girls ...ho knowa are 'YW1 proaperoua and haye ample acts as 8 Ill.Istive. It is only when reaenea, 110 that their re8ponsibility it is cooled that it has the OO,! to adjust her 09D eaz." opposite is ·daqueetion.ed, while they meet all effect. " seate of Ohio. city of Toledo, t 55 Lucas County. OO,l~promptly and withou t S ' ONLY PRO ..." THING . TNa CItIAT UT Frank J. Cbeney make. oath that be Is ~ mere teclmical points. The MANY NIGHTS ~nior partner of tbe firm of F. 1 . Cllrner "'I u. a lady I knew lJDokiDgthe poHcyholden, therefo re, justly feel & €o_, doing business In tbe City of ToIclSo, County and State aforemi d, and oUier day, and abe ..... put Ollt wbm ~ they dooe the safe thing in IN THI WOItLD that mid finn will pay tbe 8UD1 of ONE toBIlSBED WEEnY. SUIO PEl YEAR aecdring insuHnce from theee strong HUNDR BD DOLLARS for each Bnd 1 Caught he".'.' ,,01IL ., DItUCC laTS, spaolA Llsn, ''What did you do P" companies, wlUch payou t yearly to every of Cata"h that ~nnot be 00 STU M I It 8, T It A Nap I It. 0 A • cured by tbe use of HALL'S CATAR RH "Wrapp ed a rug aroUDd her aDd the lnsured or their heil'll an aggreAND . . ua SEItVIC I OAN PROFI':" CURE. amothered the fire." gate of more than $600,000,000. • ., USINO In ADVERTISINO COJ,.U .N. FRANK J . CHIENE V _ Thia impreesive fact furnish es 8 Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in SAMPLE COpy FREE CONVINCED OF THE FACT. my presence this 6th day of December. IItrong argume nt In fuor of life in. . . . . . Naw YOItK OLIPPI It A. D. 1880. New York. II. V. (Seal) A, W. GLEASON, "J<>bbem .wishes it diatiDctJ1 un- auraooe. . Notary Public. aau'. catarrb Cure Is t.aken ID~ derstood that he ia Dot in bu.aioeu his heaith. " For Cuts, Bum. and Bru... &eraally aDd aob dlreotl y upon 'he blood and IDUOOU ''Grfao es "I th~.that ia undem ood quite 'be ID .,very home 'bere .hould be a sys&em. Send lor &e8tim onlal., fr • . clearly by : everybody who_ baa bltd bozof 8uokle n'e Arnica ~alve, ready i'. J. OBEN EY & CO., Toledo , 0 blisioeM to applY tn every 0889 of burns, oua., ~inga ,,-ith jobbera !' Bold by all DI'UIlIP.... '16c. wouad a or .oalda. J. B . Polanoo. --~--. Take BaU'.F amlly Pill. for COD DelvUle, Tex., R . No. I, wrl&e8 "l,.ltO D. . Bublor lbe for &he Mlaml Gazette . "Buok len's ArnlO8 lialve aaTed my: UUl. aid's out foot . !fa one bv lleved It oooid be " Th world' . bee, ialve. Only 160. R.· oommended. by J. 11:. J annev. Fil'l5t Tramp -Say, Ragsy, did -. you ever see "Ten Nights in a BarVALLEY T ELEPH ONE-G ALL NO








.- .


........ ,..,.,.... ...



. ...

















.. ..------

W e ha ve So lve d the Hi gh Co st of .Mo nu me nts Deal Direc tly with the Proprietors No Agen ts Comm ission s-No Middlemen's Profit s

You Get the Benefit Everyt hing in the line of Cemet ery Work. We make a Specia lty . of Individ ual -<ie!;igns for our custom~rs All work lettered in -our own Shop with PDeuma~c Tools.




Soo~nd Trsmp -Tut, tnt. I've "The most unprom ising IIld IeeD ten hundre d nights in a barIIOmetimea shows 8Urpriaing spirU r8Qro. when put on his mettle. " "Quite so, but unfortu nately the LOOKS THAT WAY. etralo on him is so great that ho can't hold up for a minute longer Bill--I t seema Switzer land ie than the occasion t absolutely do- buiJdul g a new railroad l3.1S per manda." . cent. of the line of which will be throug h tunnels . ITS. INCONVI!NIENCE8. . Jill--E videntl y making a strong t01' the honeym~e.r8. "Many a girl firlDI, believes her face is her fortune ." . The Kioa of All Lax .t1vu "'Y:1!8, and many an investm ent Cff in U1at kind baa SODle 'fef1 -bad f .



.- .


.durability and .ezquisi te design -the histhest ideals in plated ware-- are usured in 'Ipoonll. forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the

renowned trade mark


There are various makes of · ailverplated tableware' c~ to be "just AI goOd." but. like aU imitations. they lack the beauty an<I ~ _~ . identi6ed withthe original and genuine IIUll RII8ERS!!IS-Jt wuem~ly bownas "Sili1tr :rlaiii1ii:it.lVt.~jjjf•••• .. \ -...... i ·

:Which are

Y '; ,dea1er. .... ~~ D1 IeMDng La _ '. _ ...1,...........1SeDd ..~

' C'a"'I~- "C~L~'·aho . ·

.~ '~~ ...




alt~ "-







The Miami Gazette







"11 118 t h" ohl-rasbloncd habIt of 'th InkIng p tis~(' d ou t 01 vrllc tlce ?" a Hks It maX>l.7.l o o wrI t cr 10 d l~cu 68 ln g til o 11Icft'nul ns ten deu('y to ward 1m· pul s h'o li nd rf's tl o's8 ucllon I)n th e part o f ilie A Ul l' rka n p e o pl e , It "" ou ld bo unlnlr lin d \1ll tru u to Illl' ewe r lit ll ue6t1 on cfl lllp n ·lt f' n81 \' e ly Il nd ~ IlY (' It be r ~'e ~ or no, ~ ay8 the l 'l lt s ll uq: h Ga ulle·T lmcs. Th e wri t e r of tlt e nlag ll1,lnc nnl '10 I~ c learly pPRs lmls tl c. a nd seems to fnvor the ntH rmnllve Bid e of I he Qu estion. and lIuggests many natlonal Ills that ftow fro m the t oo preval ent di s position to act first nnd think, If at all. alterward . The argume nlll he adduces In support of his unhappy contention are largel y s enerallzatlons from Isolated fa cts. Caretul, lIellberate The County Experiment Farms make In'eresting exh ibits .. t the local fOIl ... thought a8 a preparation for action ~ ..=--==-- . - .In all Ille albin of lite 18 IIt111 In ex· Istence, WIder opportunltleB for tbe traIning or the mind In youth haa doubtless Increued the number of -thlnk"rs" amone the worken of the 'World. What I. true, bow ever, nnd may be very lUlU" u.ed 88 a text tor lIermonlzln& I, that t~e swIft action tha.t life requlrel tbese da,,& anl! All Soil and Crop Tests Formerly rAade at Wooster-Present tbe wblrllgic of event. Into wblch one Law Allows Each Community to Study II plu~ed on the very threshold of Local Factors reBponslble endeavor II destructive or the old method. of meditation nnd aelf-eommunlng that developed tbe Tbe Oblo Agricultural ExperIment perlm ents wcre Htarted , Ur~iuuge SY. mind. and Judgments of our grand-' Btat/on nt Woos ter wa ll es tablls bed In le ms ha d to b(' In s tall ed and bulldln!!:8 fathen. 1882. t ' nder Direc tor C, K Tborn o It uullt. How l' vcr. tbe ulltion Is n~ w rown to tak e a leading )llaee rl'ad y 10 lak e up work all th e rotation Inve.Ugationa JUBt made by phy." bas g 01 ~ rOJlS, nnd 10 make.tests Invo h'lnl; alclans prove that there Is on appre- ",mong tbe for ces wh k h te nd . to 1m· so li fert ility proble ms , Besides this ciable harm from nOise, nnd serlou. prove farmIng cond lti oIls , l uro rtu· Ill py a re going to atte mpt t o Irlltl rell t harm, too. It Is no doubt true tbat nate ly, boweve r, lIla n y of th e ex perl· ~ b e COUIlt~' In orcbar dlng, and to tb iA .. normal nervous system ~an appar- ments condu c ted 011 tbi s farm are nec- end they \\' 111 d e vote cO'lllldernble or tbelr ene rgy. Ualrylng also wIll re ' ently adjust Itself to all Barts of ad- essarlly ot local value. In a slate or s s g feat size und va- ce lve Its sba re Of r ec og nlLl on at the verse circumstances. We couldn't exIst otherwise. .'Nevertheless, tbe In· rlatton In soil nnd c limate a s Oblo. It county farm, und III general Ihe out· Imical a,ents make an Impress, and, Is manltestly impOss ible to se lect any look Is bright In Cl e rm ont ('o unty. Hamilto n ('ount y h~ 3 two experl, lUte water droppIng on a stone, can ons place In wblch condition s are r e p. . ille nt farm s, o ne or I n" ncres and an. overcome reSistance In time, Tbese t esc ntatl ve, In vl" w 01 lb ese fac ts It l a the r or 111 nc res , th e latter partly Investigators have round many ab· becnm e e l'lde ut a fe w years ago tbat in fores t. In thi s count y dairying will normal nervous conditions In tboBe expe rlm e utal work s hould be dOll e In be one of th e prln clllRI lines 01 work, who bavo long been Immer'led lu loud varIous places In thtl s tate Ins tead of Inclutllng rnUon s (or dair y co ws. Care nolsos utterly unll.w",re that ony barm In but one. Tbererore, tbe Expe rime nt and ma nagf'lllellL of manur e will reStation 18 be ing broug ht to th e farmer celve du e co ns ld cratlon. was being done: A fal'm was es tabll s bed lly Han cn l'l, lly means of a s ys te m of county ex perl. In 1909. Tlli s was ll efo re th e bill " Ui The building operations In progr \lS9 ment farms . 'rbe bill whlcb mude possible these passed giving the counties authority In 46 prIncIpal cities In nil parLs of county experimen t farms was pussel! to es tablish s tati ons. Tbe county rent· the country, reported to the American April 13, 1910. This bIll gives the ed 20 acres and cOlldu c t e ~ variety Contractor, published In ChIcago, county tbe authority to purchase land tests , work being carried on also with sbow a falling off of 31h per cent. for Cor thIs work If th e majority of the alfalfa, Tbe r~ta tl o n s have not ynt Marcb, 1913, compared with the people 80 des Ire, The county e x perl· bee n com l!leted, and the land Is nnt corresponding month a year ago. meDt farms are und er the dIrec tion of all drnlOed yet, but 800a there will be Bome clUel, however, show Impro,,~ tbe Stale Expe rime nt Station at Woos. sufficIe nt dnta on hand to be or use to ment, and among the foromost of ter. The genernl \ln8 at work and th e co mmunIty. Taken as a whole th~ the8e I. Milwaukee, whose estimated policy oC the county eJ:perlme nt farm experIments here show the n eed of a outlay for tbat monlll waB $666,389, Is determIned by the AgrIcultural So· moderate us e at manure togeth er wltb clet)'. , acid pbosphnte. Jo'ertlllzers c arryIng compared with $430,987 a ),ear ago, a Under tbe law th e counties at Pauld. both phosphorous and potas h are cilln of 52 per cent. lng, MIamI, Clermont and Belmont needed. In tbe variety tests or corn voted to es tablls b farma In 1910. and the Funk's Yellow Dent Yle ldetl blgb· When the attention of a GQtbam tbe next year Hamilton county voted est. Collowed closely by Mediterranean maglltrate was called to the mIstake to establish one. As these farm s have and Silver Maine. be lIIade In a marlrage cermony In been )n operation but one or two years, Tbe County Experim ent Farm requeBting the brIdegroom to obey bIll the "arlouH rotations have not been should not contaIn less than 80 acres, wife, the magistrate retorted that It completed, and there Is not much data and should not be a great deal larger. The best results are obtained wben 10made no dIfference, al be would have on hand a8 Yet. 'rhe Paulding county farm contaIns cated on a broad, gentle slop e, wbere to obey ber any bow. OutSIde of 01111· 92 acres oC representative soli. Two good drainage Is possIble. Wbere or· taTy Ideal men, tbe American bua· series of plots nave been laid out, one charadlng. forestry, poultry and sbeep bud la the most obedient creature for experIment wltb cereal crops, and husbandry are studied a more billy 10on earth and accepts hIs wife'. prom- the other for sugar beets, The first cation Is possible. The Qua-llty of IIOIl. I •• to obey hIm wIth the cbaracter- year a corn variety test was run, 18 on tbe rarm should be below rather tltlce American lense or humor. local varIeties be log used In tbe ex· tban above the average tor the Bur· perlment. The smootb Darke county roundIng communIty It abould be a Cblcago judge bavlne ruled tlJat oc- Mammoth led In yIeld tbat year. One part oC the work of tbe farm to decupants of a city ftat oon tango or year Is too sbort Ii time from whlcb monstrate tbe buildIng up or so!) fer· make just 88 mucb noise as they want to draw conclusionS, 80 we shall bav.e I tilHy. Aa tbe q,ounty Commissioners may to In any otber way. In !lplte of' other to wnlt ror more definite results from this' rD'unty. appropriate onlY $2,000 per year tor llat occupant.. remInd. u 'that tbe Tbe Mla,ml county farm coutalns 123 carrying on the work. It Is evIdent pnctlce baa been 01 .ucb lone acres. The land IR level and repr&- that the farm must be self·supportlng, dUration that tbe common law sentatlve of Miami county. At thlB and to thIs end the tenant In charge .eemed to bave coverell the point In· fnrm they are plnnnlng experIm ents sbould work . Tbe farm /s essentially valved. InvolvIng the building up and main· a locsl Institution, 80 ' only tbose ex· talolng of soU fertility, togetber with .,perlments Involving locnl comparl· ' Dr. Sargent of Harvard 8aya tbat tbe Idea of gettIng the county more i'sons should be carried on to Insure the spectator at a tJ.1I same get. inte reRted In live stock . They expect the most \'aluable data tor tbe money to work on tbe labor prololem, letting I expentled . , more excitement than I. sood tor him. "nimals In some ca~e8 harvest the These county experim ent farms are Dr. Sargent Is evIdently a person of crop. They will condu ct variety tests, proving to be of the greatest heneflt to Btrong Individuality 'vbo does not and will do orchard work on 11 small : the comln"lll ties In whIch they are 10' care for tbe plaUdits at the multi· scale. . ' cated. Nt'I ioubt eacb year will see tude, Tb e form In Clerlllont COllnty can· I new COllntl"~ voting to buy sucb tsinR 13!1 IIl'I'es. Thi s farm WII S In : farms. GROVER C, PETERS, College of Agriculture, Ohio, State The Ohio State Journal 8ays "DI· rather poo r ~ondltlon Rnd improve· Unl vers!ty. rector Bargp.r suspended n policeman mellt~ bad to he made hefore th e ex· I tor not hearIng the 8wtul dIn of a mut· fler OIl a macblne going by. Tbat I. right," Columbus automobiles mut be appallIngly noIsy If even tbe muf· ti e rs on them make an awful din . Wh ero clean cultivation wltb a cover I When the sad mulch system Is fol








crop system Is used In an orcbartl the ground should be plowed and put Into condition a s soon us It. cun be worked , Cultlvntlon sh ould be fn" Quent throughout the spr~n g awl ear ly summer, and es pecially, It should fol· low raIns . This will creat. a dust mulch or blanket whi ch will prevent Billdheaded man nearly rell over a evaporation to a large e xte nt. (' ultl· 'balcony rail In a theater and the pa- vallon Is generally Atollp ed IIbout the per telling of tbe Incident uncon. middle of Jllly to g Ive the trees timEt tBclously reports tbat he bad a ball' to rIpen their wood aud mature their fruIt and II:llow of a cov e r crop beIng 'llreadth escape! lawn. Tbe coyer crop Is IlHed for varIous Young women ,of a , Cblcago cburc1l reasons. Frequent tillage burns up fOOngregatlon have found tbemselve. the organic or vegetable matter In the tUnable to agree on the Ideal man. Boll, and thus l!ecreases the humus content. Orchard salls need humus. lIJut this 18 as It IIho~ld be. If all Tbe cover crop returns tbl~ , humus· -.reed on On8 Ideal, what chance making material to the soil \\ lien It III rw~uld tho rest ot Imperfect masJ:u· plowe4 'Ilnder the following I spring. IUnlty have! Tbe cover crop also .takes up _'surplull . ~ molBture, holds oyer Winter ~olua.ble ' One of tbe reAsoll/! wby tbe prune I, plant ~ood, pro~eeta t~e groun~ In S6, , . ' . , vere wen,tber, ImprovB6 the pbysIcal ~_t m,?re popular, l. that !t take. no cGndltion 'of the soiJl"and, It th.c ' cover ~rlde In Ite personal appearance. A crop Is e." legilme ' It \\'1Il 'add nItrogen ' idlah.'l,f prunes looD about 1.1 LavlU!'. to bw·c(1) ~ ,. _ • Uncl e Sum makes enough paper notes each year to reach twIce around the world. yet tbat _doesn't keep some of us Irom walkIng almost as far around In order to dodge the milkman .

.. a &la of eb.eetll~l ~aL




i lowing, a growing

mulch Is maintained I In the orchard, This may be blue , gruss. orchard grasB, r ed clover or I other8. This mulch Is cut and the tops are IIllowed to r e main where they Call or are rail ed lip and gathered bo. neath the trees. :'>lotblng should be I removed from tile IHchard and In orI der to be comPletelY' successful , manur(', s t raw, weeds, etc" sbould be brought In to sUpplement tbe growing mulch and to repl8ce the ferlllllY ro. i mov ed by the fruit and tbe leaves . ThIs mulch should be spread under the trees, nnd for a sbort dIstance out I beyond the drip of tbe brancbes, but a I space of several reet sbould be left 1m. mediately next to the trunk. Th_ much IIhould be several Inches thick. By foltowlng eltber one oC theBe two Iystems an orchardilt wlll lind ~that success will attend bll effortl. - Notb. Ing I" gnlned from neglect, &\1 4 a- f&lf trie.l of thorough .w ork will ,a.inlft -tIM moat doubting. ' .


Not True That Great Body 01 Country's Students Are Turning From Religion, PCHHhl1l~ t ~ IITC> l1 ~ ul!.ll y out o r t ho galll o, I'('u ple nt work an' Llw oue. who 11ft,' 8Ur l! ijo nt l'lhln g will C O Ill ,' of It. F'or plp: n ml ss lo na rl '" ur I' l it,. 0 11 0'8 who be llo,,,,! l it rorp ig n pco p"''', Wo rk. enl li mon " 1Jl1 l11lgrulllti lind II ha rd 10 lie IHHl unl w lUI lI\(' n who Hue pr at Lb o ""-0\16 " lin d " Oal: os," a ltd o lll t' rli. ..\rm·(' h01lr crt ti c:; ca n 1I I ij l1lt ,, ~ fo r elg u !11l s Blo n ~ wIth t wo Sl!lIl"II Cl'S IIntl 0 s nl rr-- IIHlY evt' n ols pl'lIsP with Ul e St- II ' tl'IICe a, th oug lt Lb o Bliltf I. lI ocesKory , Pl'o plr who nt'e a t Il nrc SlI re It '<: Olf bo dOli ", aUlI S Uft' UIHO Ihl\t it I ~ btl· Ilt g d Oll e. Ilf-~rt ~

tR n yuung man Hpt'fUliu J!, hi H

wh o lu li fo 111 Chris tian work Itl col· Il'gp g, H e seils s tudl'lIt lIf" from tlt e In sid e, H e has beml In se ve ral state uniV e rs ities. In (lll e 01 them tb e r e \\'1111 m eetlltK 01 :l,O OO stud l' lIts. and 300 !:larted out to foll o w Chrl" l. In a notti l' r wt' re he ld four meetin gs, av eragIng a t bousnnd e llch. ThIs young man wrIte s. "Th e r e 18 no Qu"st\Oll In m y mit,,) of a d.·c lde d I '.Dl1 ro ve me nt In th e moral and re ligIous life of Amer· Ican stude nts ,", ImllrO\· p.ijl cnt· Wbat ,l aCS be mean? Does he not know tbat students are losing th e ir Islth and t he ir morals alld th eir cbaracte r! Doeo h e not rl'. ullze tbat faculti es are In leugue with th e forcEls of evil! Or If) It pos81ble thnt our fri e nds 1"110 have bee n saying 80 hn ve I be dlsad· vantlage at not kuowlng anythln~ about It ? Is It possible that th ey are thlnltlng at a fe w Inlltance!!", and ba\'e missed tbe real cUTrent? At uny rate, this DIan wllo Is at tbe task Beems much e ncouraged about It. One Source of Weakne ••. or course, ail e must t:ik e Inlo nco IlOUU t the slory 01 Phillips Brook3, who would not sgree tllat chur('h at· tendnnc e was failing 01T because everywhere h e went he found such Inrg o congregations. This lIIa n " 'hom we ha\'e quoted Is the kind of man to wboD! students would make res pon se , Tha t In Itself Is , a sugge stive fact. how ,ever . Perhaps th e wenlmess of th e r eligIous situation In our schools Is tbllt we bave not frunkly handled It. Probably It we had paid no mora heedl to the biological eleme nts In our e du cational Instltutlon~ than we have to th e religIou s. we would be tbe laughlng,slock of F,urope. W e get In our coll e ges Just Illlout whllt we go after, nnd when th e educnLlonal lead· ers lire ready to give hced to th e religious phases of unlv e rslLl es and colle ges they will find tbe students ready. If they tllke the matter IIgbtly, lhe student. will do so. There are a great many good Ule n who cannot teach chemIstry with an~' Insplratlon. A che mical department of a college under the guIdance of one oC those m en Is lost before It begIns. ThE. religious department, Itl HI ble study, Ita ChrIstian trainIng, Is lost also If It tails Into the hnnds oC a man wIth no InspIration. and wltbout tbe power of leaderehlp. There III nothIng occult or mysterIous ahout It. We can have a keen, strong religIous life In our colleges and universities just as soon as we want It. More and mOire we are wanting It, and whereTer we want It Intelligently we are fIod· In:; men like this one to " 'hom tbe. studenta respond. Meanwhile It t. people who are at anythIng big who are 8ure of II and rejoice In It.-The Conlnent. Chrl.tlan Duty, "And wbat doth tbe Lord requIre of thee, but to do juatly, and to love mercy, and to walk bumbly with they Go?"-Mlcab 6:8. "Do justly." I am to pay reverent anil Bcrupulous regard , to commoll rights , My outlook Is always to Include my neighbor aDd what II due to bf.m. I I ,m never to tamper wIth tbe Bcales to my OWII profit. I am to bave no un· Just welghto In any of 01)' relation· ahlpB. And this covers every kInd of commerce, even the commerce 01 words. There III, to be no Calse em· phasls In my speecb, no exaggeration, anlll no short welsht. Every word Is to bave Its own true weight, ror "by thy words thou shalt be JustiftAd, and by thy words thou sbalt be condemn· e/l,," "Love mercy ." The BCllles mny be weighed In lalrness to my brother. I mllst give hIm "good measure, prellsod down , shsken together, running over." I lDust deal 1I0t only In justice hut In mercy. Nay, mercy Is the ftnest and most finIshed Justice. Mercy Is the mt)st Intimate kinsman 01 truth. And when WI' "love mercy" we are In tba ho,me of truth. "Walk humbly wIth theY God ." In thIs companionship all graces will be born, No prIde can live In thIs fellow· sh.lp, no meanness, no hardness. no In. justice. rf I keep near God I CAD never be allen to my brother, When [ abldo In the Lord my .soul will be "as I well-watere" gnrdon."- Re.. J , H, Jowelt, D .. D.


Ravagea of 81n. A hrlttle thing la our enrthly happlln ess- hrlttle as lome thin vase of Venetian glasB; yet neither anxIety, nor lorrow, . nor /lart of deatb, whIch ,lEi mlgbtler than the oak-eleavlng tllunderbolt, can IIhatter a tblng even IC) ' brittle a. tbe earthly happIness of our poor little bomes If we IIlace tbat wapplneBI under the cnre of O!!! . But ti.l0ugb nelther.anpl.b nor dMtbc~Q break it at : a , touoh. and aelft8hnesB c:an sbatt~r ,It; jQit : ~, th~re are acldB f;lbich <wlll a)lIv~r , t~e' Ve~etlan glal", 't. , , R . B_ ,CRUICK8~. , }i,l o' ~d Be~Bhnell-7.God s balm d~M n,elt heal In _thil world the ra vq81 Collep;.' of Agrlcultur.,· 0JIJf Sta*- , 'UAlyirl1tr. . . .'bl~~ !:bey e\lou.ea.·,~.ano.~ Fl:nar,



Young Money Maker• . ' B y M RS, A. J . WILD ER)

The accounts are balnnced lor th.. pallt year and tb e books closed. It h. too late now to make any dllTerencc In th e sbowlug and we can ouly prove our adVance In knowl erlge by doing better this year. Here Is wh ere th e farme r who keeps his accounts 111 Bhape and al so kee ps a record of the work dono all th e farm. bas the udvantaKe of the oue who thinks It Is too mucb trouble to k ee p hooks . Til e tarmer who doe" not keep the farm accounts has a small chance of \1rofttlng by eithe r hll. mistakes or hIs Rllccesses to the full extcnt. Although one part of the larm busIn ess may he makIng him !\ good profit · and anoth er be runnIng him behind he Is nearly a s apt to In· crease th e los Ing branch ne th e pay· In g one, Of course a mall can k ee p a goot! deal of hI s bus tn esH III his head, but If YOIl have ne ver mnde the trlnl you will be surprIsed at how dIffer ent the Id e~L you hnve In Y'lur head may be from whnt th e books wlll show . Perhaps tbe past year has not beell a 8 successful as YOIl had hope d It would be. You may be Ju st a IIttlo di scouraged ove r the balance In your favor at th e hank, but If you have In· creased the fertility of an acre !If your laud, th ere Is a balnnco In !inother kInd at bank. and one wh e ro there Is no danger or the cashlcr abscond· lng, with tbe funds , 1 he Increased productIveness oC the soli Is a balance In his favor tbat very few farmers take Into account and It III JUBt all real and tangIble as a money balance at the bank In town ,

TlriR Is all very well a nd good tJUIII neH S, provIded tbe othe r side ot th e account Is kept with equal care, Dou't forg et to give th e farm credit for tho It vlng of the lamlly , 1C tb e Int or ost on th e Investment Is to b" Ugure d at cIty Interest rates, theu se:1 yours l'1f all those fresh eggs , frying , roasting and broilIng chic kens an .1 fres h fruits and ve getnbles al clt~· prices lind gIve tbe farm credit. It c\-e ry busbel of grain or ball of hay th a t old Dobhln eats Is to bo cbarged to tbe runnin g oxpe ns es at the fnrm. th en blre old Dohbln at live ry rates whl.'nel'p.r you or the fllrolly take R Suuday drlv c , or drIv e to vi sIt one ttr the neighbors. '\fbat about th l! I\Ulo· moblle 7 Whe n you get to that SlagI' you nre probabl y past l' ountin l': l' ~ . pe nses. Th ere Is also th e Qu e~ tioo o C l u,,1. ''''bllt farm er who bas bls own wood growing on tbe place e ve r makes au)' account of wbat It Is worth . Wbll .. we are seltlng down the de bits an,t credits let's gIv e the farm cr edit lo~' the wood at market prI ces. It will help to ward bnlanclng the wa ges oC tbe blred m a n, whIch hav e alread Y beoll put down on the de bit s ide . a nd will be no more than tnlr. Then there Is the Ite m 0 1' hOU HtI rent. 11 we mske the farm pay Inte r. est on tb e mon ey- Invested In til" bouses and barna w~ hav e 110 rIght tf) use th eOl wIthout allowing a falr rent. To <10 so would be making th" farm pay twice. Really we oU&~l also to nllow rent on tbe land to the credIt at the farm . It 'Would help it. you know. to pay Its InterMt mOlley wben


be!:I~~n!e ~~tI:I:~o~:~~-;t~:;e ro~:~: dU~'b ere

lately telling the farmer tbat In order to as~ertaln If he Is makIng any &roftt from hla farming operatlon8 he must add to his list of ex pen lies each year Interest on the worth of hla farm and all his farm equipment, consIdering It a8 so mucb money Invested, whlcb of course It Is. The Income from tbe Carm DlUst pay thIs Interest as well as all running expensel and wbat II left after thIs III prollt.

are. you see, two side,; 1<. this Question of accounts a8 well as to every other question. While every farmer Bbould k~ep ac· counts with and of the farm, be I lIhOUld not be misled Into falslfylnK them. It tbese Items on tbe sId e are , omitted or forgolteb, whi,e a!1 the debIta are carefully put Jown , thero Is apt to be a feeling of dlssal· I I.factlon with the fear's work . whlcb ' It unuecessary.


haa the best conStltUtlOll, makes an excellent breeder and lays the mOllt IMPROVEMENT OF egS8 Watch for these I'reCOclOuB Ilt· CHICKEN FLOCK ,i tie l~dle8 and then mark or brand Illem at 'once, so tbat you can put them In the beet pen the folio wine

Strong Rugged Health and Early breedIng 8eason. A good conltltutlon , / III of tlle very greate.t po.slble 1m· Maturity Two Great Points I porlaoce. It I. Indicated by brl"bl to Consider. red comb al!d wattles, sleek plumae",


IItrong, round lep, good frame, brlgbt ROt. TK) full eye., short broad head, Ihort. An old 88ylDg with breeders o~ live strong curved beak and early matur· stock Is that 'the hest crOll1 18 with Ity. The brealt' bone .bould be deep tbe feed ' bIn . We Bay that this Is the and Ibe back broad. Legs set wide only CroBS thst should ever be made with chickens. History falis to Bbow a sIngle instance where any man gaIned In hIs breeding operations through crossIng two dIstinct breeds. , It Is perfectly true that the resuiling olTsprlpg are frequently sturdIer and grow faster tlJan eIther at theIr parent breeds, They may even lay more eggs, but they are almost certain to rail totally In paBslng ou desIrable characterlstlc", and the thIrd generatlon will be far InferIor to the origInal breeds used In the crOS8. ' Cros"lng breaks up all the lines at heredity llnd Is of value only In producIng new breeds, and very l'Ilroly then, DOll't try to get b t'tter chIckens by crossing two established breeds, b&cause you will surely fall, and dOll't . 011.1 Purpou Typ •. w88te your tIme trying to grade up a scrub flock by usIng pure·bred males apart IndIcate a large chest and Dody because life Is to short. Start wltb cavity. Avoid like a plague , a long, pure breds and bring up the bealth lean, mngy bird with a bawk beak, and productivity of your ftock by narrow bead. Bunken eye and knocJ5,. weeding out the non-producers and kneed legs. Tbey are wor,e than WlOo sclectlng tbe young breeders wIth lell8, regardleBs of the e]tcellellce ot great care. Pick out next year's breed- their coloring. ers willie th ey are small nnd watch Sort tbem out whUe they are young, them carefully ns they develop, bofore their mature plumage co"ersStrong, rugged health and early rna· up. the most glanng defects. turlty are the two great poInts to con. '. I ._ . ,l alder for the poultryman who wants PlantIng Carnation•. flesh and eggs above featherl. Set carnation ,lips In tile garden.. Separate the pulletB from tbe cock· care for them, leave ' until :!eptemJ>er, erels as soon as you place the young· cutting oft I&ny bU~8, and the. Jut , ot ' sten In the col\>n1 ,oolltlng COOpI. · September pot, letting' iIi a, cool place, Both sexes will develop better froqi live , plonty ' ot'•• alr and 8UnllbtDo. then on If leparated aB· al poI. I:; Sho"er 'occa~lon~U1 with wr. ' ~ tOlNlc: , , ble, Have bird. of. ~e lame ~Ize 10-, co water to lIrevent' green ft, • . " . getber,· to '. ~VOld 'crowding aild stUl\t; 'I ; • '.' , . • lng.,Ule Imaftenine,l . , •. " . , -P.e.ob T" 80rel'. .. _ ' , ," R~·meoiber thlt ~e puifet -, wblcJ( .• ~rl J:eaClt ~ Do .. 11..'bus1 ,thue ' abows ~ .. red 1 ~mb IIrB~, ~Ul uluaHy day.. (jet· Arter. htm with a 'lay .lli'jt. 1\.04 \lie: OM ,tbal:t la:ri JlrIt , a"rP wll:!i' (B}' PROF, JOHN WJLr~ARD






pounds lett, und f borrowe d lwo hun · dre d more. ) dldo't s peo d anythIn g on food. A loa.! of bre ad Is a ll I't a had thtl last 11\'" dllye. BeCnU 6l'. you ~PIl , sIr, two bU lldred and tlft y iJO l1D(\ ~ placed on n fort y· lo-on e s hol moan s Bet All His Savings on a Rank len tho u6a nd It he Will " . A fort un " fo r me nn d n 11<'"CI· rlll o ld nge (o r sn· Outsider With the Usual vc r I< lng . And he clUl 'l lOBI'. Uut If Result. yo u h nd o't en ved 01(> whrn I W HI; lyIng upo n th e ro a d th nt rasc nlly book Ie wh o Ely CLIFTO N HALLID AY. has 1:1Y Blu lto mig h t ua vfl we lch p. d . Dallb urr sa w that th \'l man wae Le t's go o ve r a nd k e<'D an 'ye a ll h Im ." Lydia lyI ng In th e middle of th e road, In 1m· He sta rte d to wa rd a ta ll m an In Il mln en t da nger o f bel og r un do l\'O by whIt e hilt who , Hlatl dltl g on a .tnll\. Veget able Comp ound made th o \Vhlrlln ~ a utomob il es th a t fo llow !'d was sho ut In g t he o dd s. T h e h o r ."~ Her a Well Woman. liach oth e r In a n eve r·endi ng strea m . w e r e at t h o s tnrtl ng giltf' . H o s hook h Im, b Ul th e m ll n d id n ot "00 you wanL to COlli I' In? " fis k" d r es pan.\' T ll en , lIttl ll g blm In hi s th o 0 111 fl' ll o w, sto p pIn g s h ort. "A h un. Chlppew s Yalls, Wis,-" I have aJ· arm s, th l' yo un g Am erIcan cu rrl ed 'blm d re d pounds will n l't )'o u (ou r th ou · to th " ~I d ~ o f th e hi g hway a nd laId snnd, A th o d w Ill n pt )'O U lorty ways bad great confiden ce In Lydia E. Pinllham 's Vegeta.him uo wn und e r 11 tn'e. thous and . And no bod y k n o w ~ hl't u~ . . ble Compou nd . . I AUt OIllO bllcH e n d Cfl rn asf'S s lrea m c d It's th e cha nc", o f a li(f' tluw - bul found it very good »aKt th" llI . hut no all " sto pped to no· t h ere, I'm a foo l to gll'u It away," for organic trouble . tl co th e r ' c u mb£! n t ma n. F o r t h Is wa s Dunbur y ha d fl VA huu rln' d- th l' b ~ l · and r ecomme nd 1& a t K pm pt o n I'ur k, a nd o ne o r th e rl as· anee o f ull h h a d Pll t II Hldn fo r h i~ highly. I bad di~ HIe r OCI:»! of tho year W llS to bo run. E uro p.' ull t our. \' IRlons o f w('alt h placem e nt , ba ckAll t ho ("H h lon" hl " folk or En gla nll flas h ed thro ugh h i. brain . T ""n t y ache and pain. hnd t urn J' d out fo r lIw rar in g , an d all t hou s and --o ne bUl lf lrt'd ll lfllltlll nd dol · when .tanding aD. t h o u nf as llion abi ps of t ho dI s tri ct, lam! " ' hl\ t would 1I0t th at m l'u n my fe e t f or 8ny afoot, o n h or~l ' ba c k , In pon y curt a u Tl d lo him I length of tim e, when be hlud donk l')'s, llTI' n , wo rn I' ll a n d " Yo u'r e d ea d B U rt' ~" h p (] ,wri!'<l. " I'll to take th. ba bos , a s houting , whoopl ll g mob . - I'll wag e r rou r b Ulld n' d." ~.:....!:..-.!.-':'---'ln C4jiciine. but I am " And yo u'll ne ver r egret 11., I<o n." an · In /fine T h~ ma n h ad e vid e ntl y faInted: h e alth now. If I ever have those th e r o wus no s lll e ll of li quo r UPOIl hi s s we r ed t he old nl a n, lind d raggt'd b lm troubles ngain I w ill take Lydia E , PinkhrBh lh . H e was eld prI y , t hill, gau llt, up to th a bookm akf'r. bam's Veg etable Compou nd . " - MI'L . .... -~~... " ~s t ch u nel' !" til l' I " tlpr yell"d . wlld·loo kln g. L ea \' III S him t h >r e, Dan · ED, FERRON , 816 High St., Chi ppewa bury ran lO a p ublic h ouse n(' or b y "Five to one 1Illlck bl' rry: " ix to all" ' Falls, W iaconsin . a nd boug ht a fl aClk or b ran d y and ~ orn p. Aesop ; t e n to OOl Laud l'rdul e, IIlg l1 ThiS re lll arka lJl, · I1li ot'H; rllp h WliS Illk,, " al tho 'I ' r 1I0c sandwl. -l1l'8. He tu r nlng, h e .trle d to k , ~\' hlt"' o ot- " Pro vid pnce, R. L~" I cannot Bpeak y 11 \ "l lI l' lIl Wllt'll t It e d ou bl l.~ I "' c llUoi IlIU ll lCllJu l pi,' r 1/ 1 Ir,)lll 01 t he e ll y audlturI u Ul al LU ll g lIeach , Cal., ,·0 1I a1'8 .. d uu, k "Wha t's th .. odds on S il ve r Kin g'" too highly of Lydia E. Pinkh am's Vegr t ill' \\'l'lg ht of th e l AIl t lt o\Ja ~ lllJ IIIt.' rry wak l'l'H \'.' b o hud fo r cll ll10 li qu o r b ~t w p(' n tb e ma.Il's &.8 Ro m bl e<l for l li e l:I ' ll'lJrallo n o f " H ritl ~ h I': m plr ' U ay ." Il u!' r led th e e ld er ma n . eta ble Compou nrl S8 it has d one w on· tee tb, but h ~ c lln cli e d his jaw s. Th l,'ly·tllr .. e p l'r~ " Il " w pr e ki lle d nud tif ty In ju re d. " I" lrty to OIl P," ulIs wE' rt'd th e b ook· d cro for m e nnd I would not be without " No, no !" h " mutt e re rl , bpglnnl n g 10 I h ad organ ic di s placem ent a nd r ev ll,t<. " [ promi se d ill Y dy ing mo tlw r m a ke r brI s kl y. " W Ullt to ma ke n b, ·t7 It. t h a t I wou ld Il " ve r to uch l iq uo r, Food, It's a Mpe rti n g c h an'· t ~th, · r c'H worHO b earing do wn pa ins nnd backach e ~d EDWARD K, CAMPBELL ho rsc s has won. Four hu ndr f'd?" 11 0 was thoroug hly run down wh en 1 t ook fo r b ea \' e n 's ~ ult(' l" H e m un cb" d t h e sa nd wich es g reed · too k t he 1J)0 ne y and tlcr llJ blr'd a m pmo- L ydia E. Pinkha m's Veg e table Com' . .. Il l', a nd pr s"lll ly see m e d eo fa r r e- r nndum III hi fl book, haud in g Da n bury pound, It h eiped me and I am In th .. . . . cOI' ,' r NI aa to nIt up. li e s ta rt' d at hie t he s tu b. "Too lute , g('n ts ! Th pY 'c(l b est of , h c alth nt l,rcsent . I w ork in • oIT ! " h .. YE' ll ed to the s Ul'To uudln g factory all day long b esides doing my r C6cuer . housew ork so you can see what it haa "!I ;W I) th!'y r J n t h o Vi cto rIa stak e s c ro wd . Dnnhll ry t u rn l'd, t l'nse with exc lt ,,· done f or me, I give you permiss ion to y e t?" he 1II1 1110 r pd, . publish my name and I speak of your ":-':ot, 1 bt>lI evo, WI tll r a o o'c lock," m e lH, to see t ill' hors ('s r acin g dow n Vegeta ble Compou nd to many of my th e fleld . B1ackh!' I'rY, th e fa\' o rlt(', Va n llur)' alls \\'HP d. fri e nds . .. - M re, A 1mlL LA W80N. 126 was lea dlllF" bul til .. r cs t wc r e p~ t's s· "'l'hf'1l h plp Ill!' to t h o co ursl' . H 's Lippitt St., Providence. R. L a m ail er o r th o us;uHls. " I-Ie i rw k oJ at In l; him hn rd . SI IvI' r 1(ln g wa s traIl· Ing In tb e rea r, lJllt hi li s hould !'rs sp.(' m p.d lO h anH with Pll r r gy. H A wall FAITHFUL DOG IS PUNISHED bidIng bls tlnH', on yo n (> could BeE' tha t. "H o'e Wlnlllll lt ," y..Jh' d tb e old man Lashed for Barking While Burglil " Were Robbing HIli Macter' . nt Danbur y'~ s ide . " II ,'II la g b" h ind Cafe In New York, until 't he y co me UIJ tb l' bo m o stre tch , and th e n- looll- loo k! " ) Anron SII \'e r lll an 's brindl e bnlldoC Blncl, berry h a d fa lle n back and S II · ver Kin g bad pu ssed tbree of hl R COIll · Spot j H til !' (l il ly Ii l' ln g cre ature aro und petllor s, Onnbur y bad fo r go tten th A Sil ve r m an cafe at 141 We st Twent, · old mlln now . It Is th e m oot fa scln a t· seve nth s tr eut tlial Ie In any condIIng thrill In th e worlrl to s eo your ti o n to smil e, but Spot 18 pbyslca llJ' hor Mo rac e up tb e course toward th e too so re to smile. So m e ti me uft er midnigh t the bark, winnIng post. A roa r ", pnt up. Blackb prry was In Ing or S pot awaken e,l the E?llverm an the lead again, And Sli ve r Kin g had fa mily In tb elr rooms abov e the Ba· fall e n to tbe r ear. The hors es QuIck· loon. Silve rman tb ereu pon arose, got c n ed tb e lr s trId e. flIa c kb crr y wa s c ug· a trunk strap nnd wallope d poor old Ing away f ro m all. And poor old SIl· 5)IOt Into sllen c and w ent buck to ver King fe ll furth pr a nd fur t h er n wny . b e,\. \\l1e n 'SIlverm a n 'W e nt be hlnll tbe H e tail ed a way, hIs wIth e rs rock ed IIko a ho a l In a storm , and a s lhe ye ll s bar about 6 : 30 h e round thal burg laTi ot thousan ds showe d th ut Blackbll rry wbo doubtl ess bad sta rt et! Spot's un· ha d rom ped hom e Sil ver ){Ing cam e preced ente d uark lng bad ripped open tbe ca s h reg Is ter and lalu:ln $30 and ~ toiling along, las t or th e fl e ld, ring from It, aud then ha d attacke d , Edward K. Campbe ll, '\VIl en Danbur y, st unn ed by hIs 108R , tbe sa fe a nd got away wltb one dla· , .1\1 811 " 1' o f tin, 1 :nlt ed States conrt of turned round , the old fellow wnB no mond ring worth $125, two more worth longer at bls aid e. Th e bookma ke r $100 e ach, a $7 G watcb, a lavallie re i ~_'~'~~ ~~~~~~~~~ waa also gone, A littl e mob or winwortb $i5, a $4 5 lo cl, e t and chain and n e rs was hunUn g for him wl l h yells BOAZ W. LONG four RussIan gold p Ieces worth about or rage. But D=bury n OVel' saw $IO.- New Yorll Sun . "What'B the Odds on Stiver KIng," eith e r of th e m aga::!, (Copyrig ht. 1M3. by W . O . ("h npm nn.) Englan d'. Oldest Bowling Green. Dllnbur y thought fully, "He lp me th ero Which Is 0'lr old esl r ecreatio n! Rnd I'll 6how you what an old man 's NEW YORK A BILLIONAIRE There not wanting archeol ogl8t. OIl!,O agulll 1\Irs. Pankhu rst Is In I) ris on, Shc trie gratltud o means." d to go awny .from lJ r. I who Ilrofe ss to b e able to trace refar' ~thel Smyth's hous e at Wailing , 'rhe Wom an Halt an hour late r lh ey we r e s e ated 'li Surfra ge PolIti cal unlou cncea to football and basebal l on motor car was waIting wh e n s he limp ed out, support e d Value of Parks of the Metro;>o by the lls side Soon as ncar the track by Dr. Smyth und a as tbey Egyptia n m o ral tableta. Howeve r, nurse. [lut lhe d e ter.tI~ e s wanted to know wh e r e she May Equal the City'. Funded could g pl . It was fifteen minutes b& wa s golllg and ke pt the Ir bands on th e door of the car whll o ab e arg ued when It comes to nctual record. , the Debt. fore the rac e. The horses bad b een and pl ea de d. Th en, o ve rcome by weakne ss , site rell fainting . The IloIle\! call nne old English gam e of bowls would led out or tbelr paddotk s, Tbe old ed a taxicab and took her to lIollowa y jail. William A. Pre ndergas t, com p,troll , appear to be as old as any, fellow Btared at ea ch ns b e went Southam pton, Eng" baa record. "There l" he cried, as a poor·loo klng er, submitt ed to lhe commls slone ,s of animal w ent by. "That's Slh'e r King. th e sinking tund a schedul e of /).500 Bbowlng that one or lhe local bowlJll. He's b eing quote d at forty to one-a parcels of propert y own ed by tbe \lIty greens was In existenc e In 1299. Many Inte resting custom a are a8SOrank outSid er , And he'll wlo-ho 's or Ne w York, aggrega ting In value $1 ,300,000 ,000 . Thl8 Ilchcdul e SIIOWS clated with tbe game on this hl8torlo mine." greeo. Eve ry summer a "tire jack" "That borse Is yours?" ejacula ted lhat the corpora tion or the city of New York Is the wenlthl es t In th e competi tion la b e lt.!, and an order 01 Danbur y , knighth ood Is can ferred on the wlo· "Mine, e ve ry Inch or him. And now country , and Is th e largpst hold e r of nc r, who Iln ee ia In the center of the f('al {'state within th e limIts of Its I'm goIn g to mak e your fortun e ," re,:reen whllo tbe othe r players gather luriHdlc tlon , plied tbe other. " Ll s ll' n!" That th e city hilS b ('('n a shre wd or round him snd th e master tOUChes "Ten y ~ ar8 ago Sliv e r Kin g wa s a fortuna te appculat .or in city prope rties blm wltb a s word and dubs him "sir." Derby wlnn (' r, l'\ e vc r mind what his Is prove d by a !lumbe r of Illte resting name wa~ lb en. Hu was minE', and I Laundry cars hav e bee n built tor won nlnely thousan d pounds on blm , facts of r ecord. I"or In8 l f1nl' e, OilS th e llu 8s lan troo ps. It w ent In w ine, wom en and Bong-- P eter Stu yvesant and hlH wife, In squand er ed, sir, as en s lly a s It c arns.. 1636, conveye d what Is no w Stuyves· BEGAN YOUNG , I 109t c voe rylhlug ; I lost Silver King. anl Park lo th e clly for $". Th e pres· Had "Coffee Nerves" From Youth, He WaI! sold to a millIona ire. But bls ent asse ssel! valuatio n of tb o prcpe rty "When vcry young I began uslu, jockey mis u sed him and h e wouldn 't is $1.8G O,OOO. Tompki ns Park, now run, At. last he was sold aga in as Ii asses Rc d at $~ .O OO,OOO, wa s nc(]ulrt' d by ~oll'e e and continu ed up tn, the last sill: the city In 183 4 ~or S~:J.OOO. Mount ol' ,nths ," writ es a Texas girl. Mr. LOllI; has IHl e n mad e chi e f 01 hackne y, t h!' n b6 b('cam e a carrIage ManIs Park, n o w valu ed at $i ,r, OO " I had b ee n e xceedin gly nervous , ,ono. barsI', and finally I los t sight o f him , thin and v e ry s allow . After Quitting the dl vI s io n of -La tln·A mN\can lllra.l rs . cost th " CllY l eB s t ha n $ ~6, O O O . n ow· "But I nl'v c r cc ag ed lookln~ for SIl· coll'ee and drinkin g Postum auout a - vel' KIng, aud at las l I fo und h im. ling Gr er n, whloh was on co f(' nt l' d fo t' mo nth my n e rvou s llOSS dlsapp earo~ Threo months ago, Blr, I dl acoyero d two p e pper corns a y e ar, Is now us· !lnd has nev er return e d . Thla is the FRED~. LEWIS s e:l"e d at $1 ,73:' ,000. moro r e markab le as I lun a him brcallin g hI s brave b eart betw een Con sid e rin g th o prepen t e xtrnordl · leach e r aud have kept rIght prima ry the sbafts of a han som cab. I bou ght 00 with nary va lue of Cell t ral Parll, Born e ot my work. him for tl~ n guinea!! cas h . I h '\d jus t " My complex ion now Is clear and a bundr d pounds In th e wo rld . I the adjac ent prop t> rty on }o"j~th aver ent ed a littl e collage and bam In a nue b eing asse ssed nt $ 6,000 a fronl rosy , my skIn 80ft and smooth. All a ~ood complex ion was some thIng I bad wild part or E s sex, and th ere I tmlned foot, nnd th o con s tantly Increas ing greatly desired, I fe el amply repaid him. Twelve years old he Is tod:l.Y, value of th o 7 ,5 00 acres of city parks even though tbls w er e lbe only beneOt by r ea son or the city's gro\\'lng popu· [lnd al flrs t It woe a bearl·br eaklng derived from drink In!: Postum , latlon , It Is not Improba bl e that with· task. Du t 1 knew lhat Sliver King had "U efore b e ginning Ils line I had sut· been tb e fl ee test horse in England , In a fc w ye ar9 th o parks alone will fer e d greatly from Indigest ion and and thou g h bls h eart had been broken orfset in vnlu e th e entire preBent h eadach e ; th e se trouble s are now uo· known, by his Indignit ie s hie old master could fund e d de bt at t.l16 city . ") cllanged from corree to Postum mend It. wIthout the slightes t Inconve nience. "Day by dllY I race d blm until his St, Vltus a Turkey Trotter ? did not even hav e a h eadacbe . HaVI!! limbe had grown supplo again, He Ir Ge rald du Maurle r II! to be be· known cotree drinke rs, who were knew ill e from the fll'st; we lo\'e d esch Hcve d, the "one-ste p," tbe "turkey visiting me, to use Postum a weel other as o nly a horlle and Q. man can trot" and lhe other wlthnut be Ing nware that they were ragtime dances love, And he kn e w that I was trying are' only variatio ns or the oldest dance Dot drinkin g coll'ee." to receup my fortune s as well as to In lbe world, that Abeve Is a general vlcw or the co.urtB at the Chevy (,baw Name given by PostUOl Co., Baltle Ilamed after Stclub wh er e regain his rC1lutal lon, Orten I thought Vltus. We do not the Washin gton smart set. plays tennis. The ladle8 sitting care to Indorse this Creek, Mich. WrIte for boold et, "Tbe down . are Miss the ta8k was impossi ble, but I perse- assertio n otrhand Gladys Munn and Mrs. John U , Morehe ad, aDd the one , but it Is Quite pos8i· Road to Wellvll Ie." standIn g la Miss Postum comes In two forms , vered. And at last tho day came whell ble that tbe future "ranee s Lippitt, daughte r of tll.e senator rroOl Rhode ' Island, historia n reRegula r (must be boiled) , I knew that I had again one of' the gard the contem porary mania for rag· Instant poatum doesn't require boll, swlfles t .,teed. 111 this country . time trom much the same standpo int lng but III prepare d Installtl y by Ittr"He ain. ' t much to look at, Is be, .lr. sa we look o.n the Taranti sm or danc· Defying Gravity , becau.e hili cartlla, e haa mOBUy log mania of the ring a level tea~ollfUl III aD ordlDaJ 7 "The hired man fell olr the barn middle agel, cup of hot water, which mate. It turned to bone. But there'. speed In 'Juat now." _ . rigbt for most personl . the elope of thole Iho~lders. and I ''DId he hlttbe groupd 1" Inquired Faulltl... D8!=rea .1ft A big cup ~illtei ,mcml ud ' lICI~ , tmo... blm-...ll1 .houldll 't, 1 know Farmer Geehlw . Accord lJli to- Europe all ft ..... 'the PflOpl4l ,who him'" '$ 9 ~1lP., PIS' til . , . ':'He did." fatalltle l 1l0... ,i~lld~ a~Uoll ban. ' • • hs.pIDI .poe ' 1 . &IlJ';'''~~ ~t . , He .Jared deftaDu r at,n.nbUI'7. ·hla, .Ii' u:cee4 OM d..,ua. for -"Theil , I ha".<,.IIlI~e a mlacahn n.. 'Mob l00.00q . with a tarP. l1i"ppl,"ot ' ... ,. " floe all"loI\IlIIyw with . . .m.... . HOIl, l've~waY!l .had ·ath89~ that, lle .mIl~ tlo'trll, u COID~ WIth ODe fw Jll:Qetb D_t 19Ii' ~o" , i'ftd '"I 1ll~ Ltwla a JooH7 ~ the lIew aDd Rep~bU at.rea cu !dIa 'MDh ODe thOa••• _ _ cth.... ~ "OWlt Uaat, pi..... JoaI' Nte ... ...... ~ 1I,llt he'd p. ~.!' ,.,/ , . , ......11ii~1I ~' ~Il. P&:' , lID. 'ae vtetoM ....... 1 bad , " lay, It ..mel tbt ~ .. till. ~ ..... , . '.....,. ~ :. ~_. _'.I~





Tells How

E.Pin kham '.





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lPersonal Mentionl


If you are contemplating a Trip

IJd Dakin is in Dayton today .

Whetll c r in your own cOlllllry ul" abroad, we a re IlO W prl'par ed to fllrnish you with

O :dorc ~s

a nd St rap Sandals at

Children'8 Day at t he M. E. church was cele brated Sunday morning at 10:30 . . The following program was rendered :


$10.00; $20.00 At slIIa ll c:os t.





These ::I re payable at a ll

ll:lllb a nd most hoLels without ici(,lltificu~ion heyond\o ur ow lI sig nature . Are payable I II


We a re now bak illg from 1800 to 2000 loaves of Irwin Grellg Greetings " The Weavers" Helen Dinwiddie Home-Made Bread week ly. What docs B. S. ll fi wl'lI was in Cincinnati Solo , "Words of J esus" this mean '! 1t shows the H;uel Salisbury 1'\1 .sOay . "The Ice Man" Gayle Evans M r~. Isabel Hayhall i>l vi silin ~ rel- " Smiles and Frowns" atives in Culum bus. Antba Dinwiddie "Grandma 's Ra iny Day" Cha~ . Cornell and F. ('. Carey were Harold Williamson ill Le~a nl)n Satu rday. Su lo. "I Love Him, Don't You~" Frances Janney M nc! . J . I:' Cadwallader WWl in for Cakc~ 0 11 s pecial occasions "How to Tt·I!" Kathleen Gilmore Xenia Tu esday morning. promptly attcndc(l to. . "The Bird 's Message" new line of Cigars; T obacco and Camhes. A Miss Vandt!rvoort's c11lS8 Hert CralH. of Dayton. was In Everything in the liaking lill e can be go tten at "P8.S11 it on" Mild red Smit h town Saturday and Sunday. " Putting two ana two together" Mis.'! Magg ie Ed wards . of Dayton , Ross Irons was in Wayn psvill e Thursday. "Ju ne" Louella William80n "Little Blossoms" Everything Clean Everything Fresh Found -A door key . Owner can Primary Class Song get it hy app lying at t his oltice . "Some Dont's" Charlei Grauser , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Reading Frances Squires Grange meeting Saturday evening. A ful l att en dance is ea rnestly desired "A Boy's Mother" Rue Dinwiddie ~-------------•• Solo. " When I grow to be a Man" Cl ark Salisbury Home ·made Bread . Har tsock's Talk J. Will White Bakery. Quartett4~ Janney and Salisbury girls W. C. Phil li ps . wife and son Or- Reading. I'No Sects in Heaven" ville wer'e shoJlPin~ in Dayton TuesEthelyn Jones day. Recitation J erome Jones Solo, "Littl e Gardeners" Mi ss Stella Bisno p. of Xenia, was Irwin Gregg th e guest of M iss Sybil Hawke 8at- "Three Little Rosebuds" Roxie urday . Cleaver, Novella Benecke and Louella Williamson Mrs. Mollie Edwards, of Dayton, Recitation Louise 8mi th is the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Song, "Send Flowers" Edwards . Recitation Novella Benecke

derson 's.

1n denominations of

Listf'n .! What?


tlte money of a n y co unt ry in th e world .

•.. Waynesville . National Bank.•..



That gentle touch how tlweet th ose words ' T hal echo down the p88Bing years. That thrills thoRe l*'nsive throbbing chords. T hat purifies those ri lling tears. The gentle touch c'er calml! that soul. That's tossed and torn by life's &'rim sea, When life seems nenr beyond control And long for sweet eternity. The gentle touch that calmly thrills. And stills that wildly beating heart That surges like those rushing rills, . That from the grassy mountains start.

BOXWEll CO MMENCEMENT Fri day evening. June ~Oth. was a turning point in eight young lives , when the BOllwell-l'atterson Commencement exercifles were held in Beech Grove chu rch. The church was artistically decorated. the music fine . which was furnished by our near-h ome Bevan orchestra After the pupils had acqulted themsel ves creditably. we were entertained with an ellce llent address by Han. Howarli McCu ne. another near-home product. May their suggestive motto "Climb" prove an incentive through high school and life. "Build- a lofty stair: Build a room in healthier air. Here th ere is no rest Better climb to best. "

PURCHASED NEW PIANO The Lytle Sunday School through their committee, Miss Bertha Coon, MJ:..8 . Carl Duke and Mr. Earnest Earnhart have purchased B fine new piano and new 'BOng book8. Thi8 school is reported in a flourishing condition, the usual attendance conaiderably overstepping the 100 mark.



Lytle ~ml&b, of Ctnolnnati vlattlag with Elmer Earnbart ~nd family. Edward Longaore and family ~ovec1 to Plea.ant Ridge, Monday. WlIUam Dnke, of Dayton, spent !:Juoday with home folks ~ytle Sunday ~Cbool' baa pur ohued a fine oew plano also new aoug boou. ' Ethel Biahop entertained anum ber of ber girl friends at her ooun try home 00 S..turday aUernooD. lin. Bern J on88 !loud lon, TherIe, vlalted wUh vee In .Dayton, 110 coopl. of daYB lallt wet!lr. lin. C. E. Marshall aDd daughter of JaoklOn, lett on Saturday night aUer ependlng a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs John Bomer. Mrs. Emma Foults, who haa lIeen u1J I a erngwithrbeumatismfor eev· eral month •. was taken to the Mi. ami VaJley Boepital, Thursday. I4.ra. l:!U8an Vaato, of Dayton, III now vlaitlng with ~er daughter, Mr•• Bila Brook. Ill'. Frank Smith was quite Blok Saturd"y and liJunday on account of belaag overoome with tbe beat. Mr. and Mrs. George Boott en&er · Sained, ~unday. Jaok80n Warner, of Mtlidlewwn, !lDd <alra Warner, of Dayton. Misl Zoe Duke, of :Dayton, spe:!t Friday and Su.turday here, prepar. lng for tbe sale of Mrs. Anna Duke, on Saturday afternoon, whioh wal well a.ttended.


last week. Miss Emma Moody. of Dayton, is s pending the summer at thfl F riends Boarding Home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen and Miss Olive McCeUum were in Franklin Sunday evening. Little Earnest McCray, of Dayton, is the two week 's guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gaorge Pratt. Franklin Packer and wife, of Ann Arbor. Mich. , arrived here Saturday to spend ttJe summe r.


Phillips' Park, Waynesville, 0.,


. .



Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ganson, of Co. lumbus, sperlt Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. F'. W. Hatbaway. KINGS- Tanner Bros. and Englert. MIAMIS - Ben Smith, Gebhart, Himes and E. Bergan and Burton. . Come and aee the Miamis take the County Champs into camp. ' Plenty of shade on the groundll. No cooler place to spend the day.


BROKE A RIB. Chas . Gray h~d a rib . broken last Wednesday, ~hlle hay. In BOrne manner m attemptmg to get off the load, he struck a board, breakin g !,- rib ~nd skinning himself badly. He IB gettmg along fine .. SUCCEsSFULP- I-'CN- '-C ' The picnic given by St. Mary'8 church Thursday on the !chool camPUll, was well attended and all had a good time. Guests from Wilmington and Xenia were present. A big dinner and plenty of ice cream were served.

The Haines property ~as sold Thursday to W. E. O'Neall for $noo. There were several biddeN on the property.

Mrs.· C. T. Hawke was called to Zanesville; Ohio, last week on account of the serious illness of her sister, who died Saturday. Late Classified Ads ·d·' I ft S d I M. C. LI uy € un ay even ng · · t' h h " ed h' pLANT8-L' "'1 a.e r at Dutoh and f or Cmcmna I. were · t eGJom tt b 18 Dani8h Flathead Cabbage comrad es f or a t riP 0 e y8 urg plants. Inquire ut Park Lealr battle field. He is the guest of the Waynesville, Ohio. JJI ' state of Ohio.

- ----0-----ONI! ' ROUTE.

"What do you of thab "om.-

. ' . acting.,.. "'I don't aee bo.. abe got on the . . Who did ehe fMlf shooti'"

-----..0.-.-.-- -



All Kinds-Low Prices.

Good Things to Eat for the Fourth •

Texa8 Peaches, Canteloupes, Or· anges, Lemons. Tomatoes, Cabbage, Green Beans, Apples Raspberries, Irish Cobbler Po tatoes. New Cream Cheese Edgemontes1 Fancy Cakes Sal: mo~, Drioo Beef, Lobster. ShrImp. Shad, FAncy Olivea, Peanut Butter, Sweet and Sour Pickles.


Lost between St. Mary's church and the Merritt ro ert June 15th . f Id ~ P / I a ~ahlr o . go rlmme eye g asses WIt cham and hook. Please return to Kezia Merritt.

Mr. Bnd Mrs, Owen Burnett retum~ home Monday from the Res-

erVOlr, where they spent several days laist week with Centerville f:iendll, fi8hing and having a good time.

ptlook loud.., «But, pa, I uae noilBl.l poW-."

Dayton and ColurnbuA Butter Crust Bread fresh every dayit can't be beat .

my fann Bnd Waynesville, an old.

•• IIKING axct'TWMaNT.

Get the habit and trade at


aI 1Iri.ab. J me, you W"DUld Dot po.... der JOm' face 10 mach. It mabie a


. -wJa1 cIi&'t 1fID:~ to ~.ud: I



UNION M~TINaS I will contInue 10 do Roofing and Spoutln, at The Christian people of WaynesRealOl1abJe Prices. Call on me at my home, ville and vicinity, • will hold Union or phone 24-2X , and I will estimate with you. services" at the school house, next i Sunday evening belrinning at 7:30 p. I Th t' '11 b . d m. t!llC mee mgt! WI econtmue h S d . th h J I eac un ay even mg roug uy d At' I anWh ~~~ . th '11 't \"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.: e e w.a er WI perm I , services will be held out of doors, on the schMI cam~uB. ev~ry citizen lend ~ hel~mlC hand In thiS ,?o~ement whIch Will elevate the Christian standard of the town, ami bring us I II' t I f 11 h' 'th h a hID 0 c oser e OWl IP WI eac ot er.






Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards arrived here from Denver, Col, Thur!!day evening, for a few week's !tay with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards and other relatives . Messrs. L. A. Zimmennan, A. Mafflt, Rev. C. S. Grauaer, C. G. Williamson. and D L. Crane attended the dedication of the Masonic Temple at Wilmingtoh Friday aftertloon.

Just received another barrel Ground Coffee. It is worth 25c anywhere, only 20c a lb. Also 500 .,ounds Fancy Rio Gaffee; 8pecial price this week. 20c a pound.

~ '''I too, for ~.


Carolyn Smith Clasa Exercise Solo, "In His Arms of Love" Helen Marlatt Rec itation Mabel SalisDury The services wer e fittinsrly closed with the baptism of baby 'Gilmore, by the Rev. Grauser; a beautiful and impressive ceremony. The church was beautifully decorated with ferns and carnations by the "Weliley" class of young men. Much (:rellit is due Misses Ethel Hosier, Sybil Hawke . and Mary Davis for their labor, and to the children fol' their faithfulness in the preparation of the program .

. .

MIlS Glenna


2 Extra Games of

Miss Nellie Smith. of Wilmingtorl, ~anistation

BAND·CONCERT . Following is the program for the Band concert Thursday evening: l. March, Fraternity 2. Medley, War Sorigs 3. Two Step, Tapping on the Window Pane 4. Waltz, Over the Waves 6. Sonlr, Annie Laurie . e. Waltz. Flowers of Wildwood 7. Song, That Old Girl of Mine 8. Tenting, Medley 9. Finale

Safe and Sane 4_th of Julv ..,

was the g uest of Miss Letitia McKay

How sweet to feel its lingerin g calm, C limb~ That fades not as the years roll by, Much of the success of the occasion But freshens as dews summer balm, was due to the etTicient training and The flowers that unprotected lie. managemt!nt of the teacher in charge, The &,entle touch oft soo thes to r est Joe V. Deck. The final conclusions Those pain racked souls that pant-' will be held at Lebanon, July 19th, ing lie, when these bright young people will Bequeathin&, as do flowers caressed, be presented with their diplomas. A sweet and I~I'I! lullaby.




Mrs. ~8usan G~aham. widow of Henry braham., dIed at the home of her SOil, Irvmg Vandervoort, at Abingdon, II!., Sunday, June 29th. The body arrived here Tuesday and the funeral service was held in the chapel at 2p. m., Rev. Grau8er offlciating. Interment iii Miami eemetery. __ Mrs. Anna M. Starr died at the Friends Boarding Home Monday at 6 p. m. The body was taken to Richmond, Ind •• where the funeral service 'was held this Wedn~ay 8ftern~~n. ' . - ••- - ST. MARY'S CHURCH






Waynesville. Ohio.

Enterprise Bldg ••

Lost-Wednesday, July 2, between fashioned hand satchel containing a white bandkerchief and a bnlken

7th Sunday after Trinity July 6. SundllY. School at 9:30a. m. ,.~ Serm.~n and Holy Communion at • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ •

breastpin o both valuable 88 relics. 10:3&. itetum to Mrs. Clara W. 'Kirby; R. Union llernces. at 7:80 on school

D. 4, W8Jtlesville, Ohio, IUld receive reward, If 'f'8Ilted,' . ~ (\~~. ~. ' . ~.r::. :J lt1W~Jlr, ~ '--~----~_~_.' . -.' . .. ". 2 8TORIE.


._ "




t Y.oull!rel~V)W\I~O~ , '-;,'


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._....: . . You Get All tho NMvs Throug"h tbe M'lanal .. a.".I!Itte.: . . .. ....... .... .' . .. . r:.~",... *. -,. . . ~.. :',t. ,,4.~ ~f ' . "', ' " j'".~ '""~ "\'t,..\' . .~. "' .~ :., . -.. '" ,

J~ '_uees'

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~ixty - Fou rt h



Whole Number 3219

THURSDAY EYENINO CONCERT ) r-'"'-'-''~''=-'---'-'=-'''--''-''''' Following is the proll'ram for the

,"'" , . . .................... ·. . . . . .··1f

I r. . _·. ·. ·. · . , .... . "

Personal ~'entioD Column .

band concert Thursday evening at 8 ! II o'clock. l'

..........- ..--~_...... __

Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawke of Dayton , Ohio. Tuesd ay. July 1st ,

1 March, Gardea Du Corps 2 Waltz, That's how I need you 3 Marrh, The New Colonial 4 Overture, Southern Stars 5 Rag. Row . Row. Row 6 Song, Silver Threads amOll1l' the GoId 7 Concert Medley March. The CooFj nls Parade 8 na e Th~ popular concerti! are certainly bringing loti of people to town every WE'ek, and each week the boys are giving better prOll'rams. ____ .. _ . .PAIHICIPATED IN BATTLE

a 80n .

Mr. and Mrs. All en W. Haines and daughter. Miss Christel are spending this week at Sulphur Lick Sprinp. - Xenia Daily Republican.

Dr. Charles A. Hough has received the good news that his daughter Mrs. Helen Eaton had presented him a granddaughter on the last day of J una.. Grandpa Hough is doing nicely- up to datle. - West ern Star.

........................ - _ . _ Ice cream at A. Mendenhall ·s .

Mr. and Mrs Freel Hartsock. of Morrow, spent the 4th here. Misa Justina Hartsock, of Lancaster. Ohio. is visiting relatives here· Al Graham. formerly of Lebanon, is. lying critically ill in New York CIty. Frank Crew, of Dayton, ....!nt a r'

couple of days here last week with relatives. BPS P' t d ' b • . . am, on t ru Henderson's.


0 .•


Fred Hawke and Robt. Burton arrived home Thursday eveninK from Indianapolis, Iud.





Clifford Williamaon. of Cincinnati.

In last week's isaue of the Miami Gazette the poem. Shad FerlfUlOn. was written by Georlre..,.M. Hammell, a former citizen. In h~ letter to UB he Bays: Permit me to offer these Venei. theJ are, 'to the old Gazette. My uncle J. B. Collett (who ia stillllvinlr> was at one time itl'l edl'tor and I shall alwllV1l thl' k • t -h- I n of D rew Swee. 8.11 a man w 0 m Kh t ba h' h i ' . w~nfI a e IhgderhPdanfie It.' ouropporJour· lIDl, a a ttlDlr n v,e h lonlr as I live I shall al tunity. As cherish .aered 'memories of old Way.

Thad Zimmerman had a four-acre tract of wheat threshed Monday by J. N. Squirea' new III eel machine. which averaged over 11 huBbell to the acre. This is the first wheat reported threebeti tram thia locality. • - • WANTeD

were still living-John Hawke, Enoch HIlS I Hadd Sq '


~~~eW~~~~l~1870. when the older men and women

J. 'II' Satterthwaite would like to 1mow \\ ha b" USt'ht th e old cradle that was sold at J .nnthan H alnM . _. In • -.e 19Q7: Infor'~ :~ lJon will be Irladl, recelv" by him the Gazette office


'" " ......J I

" ,

wu the lfUelt.f hill brother, H. H. Williamson and family Sunday. Home-made Bread. Harts,()Ck's Bakery.


',-S--: .'(- -E- ---l venta,

very muc h with t OCI8 to the old colored .---~-- - ----. man in last week's issue. of t he Gazette, by G. M. H. Well . dLl I ' Mr . and Mrs. W. H. All en ente rrememu€r th e old honest "Shad Fe r- tained Mr. a nd Mrs. C M . Ca.-tg uson" or "Shed," as we all call ed wright a t Map le Farm Hot el, Leb· him . All I remember of him was anon, SIlt.u rd llY evenin g. that he cut cord wood for Mr. Co llett . but that was a few yea r~ late r. : u r. and Mrs. Edgar Bargan and G. M. H. says he wonde rs if there ' ." is another in th e wide world t hat (laughter Do ri~, of Detroit. Mich .• re mem bers Shad. The last I knew lIpent the day Wednesday with Wal · of him he li ved at Franklin. Oh io . le r Smilh and famil y. I

................ ..........J Bargains in Shoes at Hend erson's.

Chas. Cornell is rid ina . C'IOcinnati • in a new J . E. J anney was III automobile. Tuesday . Home-made Bread. Hartsock's Bakery. F rank Fisher. of Rialto. Cal. . i ~ visiting relatives here.

ltegular communication of WayMr. Harry Hamilton. of Dalfton, nesville Lodge No. 163. F. & A. M.. Tuesday eVenill&', July 15. at 8 was the week-end guest of Mr. and o'alock. Sojourning brethren cor- Mrs. George Hamilton. dially invited. J. T. Ellill. W. M. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentle, and L. A. Zimmerman. Sec'y. Mr. Gee Lantern saw the rac'es in Wilmington on the "th.




! ! the tri bute paId

MI"I. A. T . Wright is ill with Jesse Thomas was in Dayton last rheumatism week.

Those who participated in the famous battle of Gettysburg. and who attended that battlCifJ'ound last week from Warren Co~nty were; M. C. Liddy. of WaynesVille Henry Reid. of Lebano.n. Ph'I' I W. lip N.'Ieh o. H. Hallam. J. M. Lloyd and Perry Deardoff, of Franklin. The state paid all theexpE'nseB of these veterans to and from the field. _ _ ___ • MASONIC NOTICE

Prof. and Mrs. G. J. Graham arrived home Sunday. after. spendinll a couple of weeks in Jackson, Mich .. the guests pf Mrs. Craham's brother. Dr. E. B. Hosom. Miss Mabel Graham, wha was with them. will remain in Jackson for a time. While there Prof. Graham spent several days .fishing rat Round Lake near Jackson. and -enjoyed Iplendid luck . Before ~oing to Jackson, Prof. Graham spent a few days at. Cedar Point. attending the annual meeting of the State Teachers' ABaociation. He was re-elected a member of • committee appointed lut year for the purpose of encouraging members of the various district' teachers' associations to join the State asociation.- Xenia Daily Gazette.

• '"


-- - --


I '

I. think probably he is dead . bu t it i~ --Home. made Bread. Hartsock's lik ely that game of his ch ildren live I " • Bakery. th ere yet . I remember one day, as I MISS Grace Carman very pleasantly Shad and two of his boys were ea ting , entertained the Loy al Daughters Miss Winnifred Davis, of Dayton, din ner a t Mr . Coll ett·s. one of the clas.'l of the Christian church Tuell' spent the Fourth wi th relati ves here. boys became sick and lef t the table. Iday ev ening . After the business When he retu rn~ Mrs . Co lleLt asked 'l se!:lSi~n a social hour was enjoyed . Campbell Corrv, of Springfield. what ailed him. a nd he replied . " I A dain ty lun cheon was served. Ohio. was the guest of friend9 here done got a li ttle to omuch custad." Sunday. The t ribu te brought back man y recollections (of my boyhood day s, as The a nnual 4th of July picnic w~ Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith. of I spent fi fteen years on t he old fa r m. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cincinnati, are guests of Dr. and Hen ry Woolla rd . Chas. Ry e. Th ose present were: Mrs. S. D. Clayton. .... - . - -F. C. Carey and family. Jas. Johrus YEAR. HOOK FO~ 19lJ and family. Allie Hole and family. Mr. ,.nd Mrs. Joe Thompson. of Norwood. are here with relatives M. V. Hoblit and wife. Walter Mcfor a ten days's visit. Cong rea.'lman S. D. Fess. of the Clure a nd family. Mrs. Ruth Carey sixt h district. will be very glad to and Mrs. Flo Dyke. of Spring Valley. Standard Binder Twine at Hender- send to any of his constituen ts who and Jesse Thomas. son's. msy req uest it, a copy of the Agri. cultural Year Book just issued as Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. of Day- long as his allotment of this valuable A pleasant 4th of July picnic was ton . spent the week· end with Mr. publication may last. This docu- held on J . B. Chapman's farm Fri· and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. ment is of especial valu e to the day . Those who were present were farmer but contains much that is of Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergan and mterest to those residing in cities Mrs. G. W. Hawke, Mr. and Mra. E. daughter 111ft Monday for Detroit. and towns. as well . V. Barnhart. Mr .. and Mrs. Wilaon Mich .• after a pleasant visit with The volume containi! 721 printed Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edrelatives here. pages and is illustrated by 60 balf- wards , Mrs. Lina Devitt. the Missea to ne plates. 10 lithog raphic plates. Edith Mosher, EthelCrisenberry. Mrs. C. T . Hawke and daughter, and 10 t ext fi g ures. The frontis- Phoebe Mosher, and Messrs. Ronald Helen. arrived home from Columbus piece to the volume is a portrait of and Fred Hawke and Emmor Baily, Saturday. Helen is rapidly improv. Hon. Norman J. Colman. the last jr. After supper a big lot of fireing after her operation. commissioner and the first Secretary works were enjoyed. Home-made Bread. Hartsock's of Agriculture. who died during the / • - ...- - Bakery. year.. _ • DEATH

Mrs Chaa. Werntz had fol' her week-end KUests. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and ehildrenConBuella Mrs. Ruth Carey and Mrs. Flo and 10'~__ Dyke of Spn'ng Vall t th ~.... , e y••pen e week-end at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mra. W. H. Allen and the Mrs. F. C. Carey and family. M'&88e8 Georgaa . Hadd en. LizzieStewart and Clemanee McCollum autoed If you want a good dish of ice to Franklin Frillay evening. cream. go to Mendenhall's.


DUPED ALL OF THEM . . . . A smooth mdlVldual appeared I.n Leb tl dIed h anon recen y, an pay IS cards ao thoroughly that he got away . With 12930. The banks caught were the Lebanon Citizens for $1 •.

~80 Mor~

Mrs. David A. Brown. after several years of 'ill health. died at her home Monda" afternoon at 12.·01\ # ..., o'clock. The funeral took plac=e~a~--·...-I, I the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. S Haines on Main street today at 2 'o'clock: Rev. J. F. Cadwallader' of·

~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~k~w.~a~~Mb~~~ futerm~~m.~ draft for $660. and the Loveland Miami cemetery , I f '.......... I I '" ""'''I "".. , ....I'· '" ~ b~~efo~o~600ge; gave his name as L· -tie f~:l"

Y e

I"'" C.:::t..=:



.. Floyd Clemens, ()f Rochester. Ind .,

and he deposit~ a certified check at Mrs. Catharine Johns has returned men quite like them. I think. The • "', ' the LA:banon Citizens bank for ~5700. to her home here after spending ~Id ...,., "SIwI i.,~;l, By Tom Pl.... ~ _", .. i " , .. , All th" mnn', w .. ,nn"ted on nne ...en! w_..nth ,,!ati... In~ y have been a v~ry commonplace man. r : ....... ""',' " , : a • and he ~eparted with his auto diana. "'" ........ ,. I • ." .. , I or parts un nown. QUI'te anum ber 0 fLyeo tl f Ik spent • .. " ,£. . " , I, , ..... , ..,' .. ,,"'" " •u 8 WI'11 8 Iways beha 11 owed to me b t h in the glory of thOle golden summer Th' W~etlville Miamiaceltbnted Surface ahead of Englert. Two more were added in the sev. AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH% the Fourth in Sprlnlrboro. . d~s :of my boyhood and I like to the "Glorious Fourth" ~y "Nakinl' The Miamia &'Ot one back in their enth for good measure. With two Mr. and Mra. Clarence Smith and think that he was one of those low lv, even In a tWG-pme series with the IIeCOIId attempt. E. Berpn sinKled gone. E. Bergan walked and Bill' Preaching services at the usual son Allen visited in Miamisburg and c- _ _ patient toilen wbo do the hard work Kings Mill. County Championa. The and Brother Jim took the count for Brothpl"S double scored bim. Hooks ?our next Sunday mornin~. Subject Dayton. Friday and Saturday. ' of the world in the IIpirit of uncolll- Champa were under the lIl&IlqelDent only the third time in ten glLm8lll. for Willie Curran. Schuler greeted 'The Power of the Mr. and Mrs. P. K. P6Ilce. of - -plaininK fidelity, take their wage. of Ray Cline. H. E. McClelland har Ed took lI8Cond while Curran, and Jerry Tanner with another double G.ospel. . ' Springboro. spent Monda, with Mr. live within it, and then die in peace. inA: reaigned. It waS told to UII that Jerry were Ketting Schuler at first and Cap toddled aeroBS the pan. On ac:ount of The U~lOn Servlc~s and Mrs. S. H. Haines. "P" f there Will be no servIces at thiS • • • TaITING. ewee re usecl t. come here on and leored on Abe Dakin's dandy Jerry and Curran quickly blighted Glenn Brock. of Indianapolis, wu account of his fear of pel"lOnai VI'~ hopes. church in Sch:xll the evening. ht ome toSspend th e .Fourt. h H e reo .,.. double. Davis emulated Capt. Jim . Abe Dakl'n'"" Sunda y at 9:30 a. m. ed All fU'e invited to be present at .,ne urn unda~ e~emng. . -why do you put 1OU' finger OD lence. laid f"ar being inspired by Our boys took the lead in the third. The sad and aorrowful parts of HarTY McGmma and famtly were that paint. Don't you l1li8 the tip. lOme of our critlciama of hit wo~k .. Geppy lIurprised the nativee with · a this story will be fo,und on the or both of these services. an umpire at Lebanon(1) Hla for- lill&'le and toOk second on DlUnn'lI fourth page. under the caption. P. B. Thompson, Minister. guests in Bellbrook Thursday even4J'nlIh Paint po ., mer team·matea were as good 88 untamed heave. Drake and Jerry "Th e Unfortunate One." • • iog and Friday. "Yea." replied the man with eI)o ever. and "Bil' Brother" tried to .w.t Surface and ThompBOn hit the A QUIET FOURTH ·KlNGS lULL J. R. Johns and family and Allen centric ideas. "But I ean't keep k AD R sH P O A . Ii: • Hole and family spent Friday in in the productien of atmosphere irusted of the ball. Me.. from testing it and thinking what a tak e hiB place vocal rae et, but we sadl, milled Clelland found the ban that Burton . 2b . . .... . . • 1 0 0 2 1 Although all the stores III town Waynesville with Mr. and Mn~ convenience it wwld be if ffttb . hit under the score-board and Greppy fi~t;\~U&n~·. c'r: :::: : ~ ~ 19 I g ~ had fireworks to st-II, the day was a Charles Rye. could be teeted tM eame way.- the Little One's gentle voice. Let's tell about the afternoon' scored while Haggerty peloched J . Tauu..... lb. p . .. • 0 2 ~ 1 1 quiet one, no one was hurt, and . . Wuhington ETening Star. game first, we won that. The line-I IBfel ,. on third. Drake's error gave ~=~1I3bl.I: :::::: : g g ~ ~ g everybody had a good time. Farm- Frank SmIth and family drove to t up of each team was chanKed to rJuggan Illife and Cap &cored Burij,::: :·. t ers were generally busy. and but and spent Sunday PARADOXICAL. ~me extent and eachuam used ten ton with a slnll'le: Woodtli e~lught ~.h*:~r~~i::::: ~ g ~ g g 8 few of them took time to see the Wit t elr son there. "h these claye of political reformtJ men . However, the extra man for Schuler's hard smash to left . Totals . .. . . . . • . '3 -;- u '1 '6 ball games. Mred · and Mrs. William Haines there it ODe cl.a.- who do not come the Miamis was neceBIitated by a The viaitors !!Cored their lut run MIAMIS Many of our citizens went to Leb- turn to their home in Norwooq up niauningly." painful accident to Davia' throwing In the fourth. MUir took advantage AD n II 1'0 A E anon and Springboro, and report Sunday evening after spendmg the "'Who aI'e they Jhand. Gebhart held the hard-hitting of Gebhart's error and then pilfered. Surface. 1b ....... 6 0 I 10 3 0 good celebrations at both places. put week with S: H. Haines and "The 8o&terL" visitors to five hits and richly de- Curran ('Quid not locate the ball and ~~~l:""'~'. 3~:: : :: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - _.. family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter served the victory he won. mCMIestly retired to the bench" but r: :'~n~' ~~: : : :: : ~ ~ : : ~ ~ OUOttT TO BE ENFOR.CED Kenrick. RaMN~NT. Kinp drew first hlood in the first Whitneck's double ICOred U .... r.b~~d.t·cc . ...... ~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ The "Pioneers" of Lytle Sunday ~Dear me, Jim, where did innill&'. Drake was we on Davi" , Davis -lit his hand when he .g ath- DaVie. u ... ... .. . 1 0 0 0 3 I The spitting ordinarce ought to be School were pleasantly entertained . ..L.!_' • P .. yO' J. Dakin . ..... . . .. 3 0 0 0 4 11 st . tl f ed F h'l th JOU get WU8 Jag m your coat error and Enarlert alngled. Two ered i~ Drake' sizzler and Kot Whit- Gebbvt. P .. ••• • • . ..!. I 3 0 1 ric yen orc . or a w l e e at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen He-I" goeea it ie part of the one wild pitch8lllscored Cooney and put neck at eecond. 10 Jimmie Dakin Totale . • ..• • . " u "7 Ii iT Ii .. !!i~ewalks on Main street looked Hole on Wednesday evening, After ; I brought home with me ·Iut. night. Boob on third. but "600" McClel- took his ,lace. 1-2-3 for Enlrlert. I 3 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 f&lrly decent on account of the ob- the business session. ice cream and . ~_ ' land fann~ and Davis and Surface '!'be pme was won in the fifth. Klog8MIIIa •• l 1 0 1 0 0 " 0 0- 6 servance of the ordinance. but the cake were served and a .oclaI hour ' , . TUV MUCH. took care of Jerry Tanner.while Bur- ThomJ)Mn walked right up and Mlamla .. .. . O 1 2 0 2 0 2 0 x - 7 streets are looking badly again, for spent. This class meets the first ' -Waiter, I want ' 101M meat, but ton and Surface put the quietus to atruek three times aD4i walked right SUMMARY the "chewers" are them· Wednesday evening of eveI'J IiIiD,g me aD iD6niteaima1 portion." WoodUi. back again. Jerry's error gaye Bur- ~~~ ,~~~~ ~.~~~i8r, aelves and are makmg spIttoons of MIllS Mary Lee . "Cm't do i~ Iir. Somebody elea In the HCOnd with Dunn done, ton a life. E. Berpn singled and A. ft'.!:·HIt-J. Tanner. Burton. the walke. Be :a!:.f~l. boys! girls of the Baptist SU11MI_", ..-~........-,; 1QID8.» . Geppy to Surface, lIug aioaled and Cap foreed Bobby at third I~gar 'I'ho~~~la,-J. Dakin t.o Surface t.o COUNTY COMMENCEMENT North Dayton on the. . '.. stol8lleeond and third,Curran walkfd eeored when Schuler's bot ElIDuh IDDlI)p l'I&checl-OulftD. 6~ ; I. TalUler. home here. All had a ~JaJ~~l~i . I _-..II 1 J.i Gebllvt. t. TMI ,.WAV.. inti awiped the keptone, aDd Whit- eo! away from DIl,nn IUN Call was . ~It.-eurru. 8; J. Tallller, a; Gebhart. 5.\ The County Boxwell Commence- time. . Those ,resent were:. . , .' ~ neek walked~ ¥UJ ICONd while afe at ho.... when Enl'lert muffed 8~~~~f.'t:a-.. 2; Oeb- ment will be b~ld in University Hall. Carrie Baily, M~ . 1IIee.'~~f ~~J!II11~from_Gi_ E. Berpn ·a ndSarf-.·>were dey'ot- theNtumthrow. AbeDakinended h~ul·l'I~I;Ge~art.'. Lehan ,. on, O . hio. July .19. at' 2 p. ·m ,· Harlo,w. ,EdDa 'Rynard ... ~ WIl.I~.';" ~"ii' ,~,:~ ,~.: . '. '-",' ... I... th. at,teDtio. to the. d_ _ .the ~on in ,the manner in. whleb ~~J:..:-~~. JCDsI8rt. P-rof. Sh.M. -D~viI, .oNtfiami Univet:-,Il? S~rK~i ""o~ . ,. ..~c.cJc.: '':'. . ~P~;Ja .. ~."'. ",,'* ~ ~e: ~' ~~ ~ '~' ba1I w.)t·.~lMMInatarted, · ~·~w:u.aut.:'=' ,,,tdty~·,e· lpa.ker; .: . Glnu,&Dd.~\l~Loq. ·: .

;:i:;;;;,i .. ' " . " , ',' ,


I -':.','



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,.--K::S~~~ma~~U:wke.Abr:;am:~~ II'~~-"""""""'----"""'" " '",,1,Th 8 t G F'W "w"... " ritt, "Doc" Adams. Th~e are no j-.. i" .. "i .. ·.. · . e ea am~ or e on



• -,\ ' .




noottoD with to ...klna. nen It mut UP TO THE HUMANE SOCIETY ba ve beo n Mrll. Dupont. That loop reuona bl e. s be sta1s at :your Capture of Two WI ld Lambs Likely to bum e , does she nolT" Cause Humane Law En. " She In!lk os our house her headqual' forcement. ters. but Is absent occaslona.lly. Lasl nlgbt shu Will! he re at tbls botol. Well . "'aJlb lllgton.-A question of a state's CHAPTER Xx. we a ro ge tti ng lbls stralghtenod out a r lgbtlo enforco hUlllune 111 \\'8. I... which Hilbert Tells of Her OilUttl that Is. 1r you be li eve me," the l'nlt"d Slates gO\'e rnm en t Is In Molly T.,lIa Her Story. "O f co urs ...., conflIct, Is now prest!lItcd to the Hu · . treuing Symptoms During Her brellth calTl o In a III t1 0 so b. and "Thun I alJ1l golllg to question you ma tl l! socIe ty of ,\ Ionilltlu. Chante of Life and How abe sank bllck on th e be nc h. You 8poku or ove rhollrlot; u CO nv e r su· Two wild lambs. Ih ", Ilrtil ever tall"n "For Di e'! Ilow do you w tla n t .. Uo n !" Into ca pllvll.y. rt'cl' lllly wpro CR(Jlllr .. t.1 She Found Relief. "Su re ly I h ad e very reuson 10 di s· "Y cs; It WI\:8 a rt ')r Mr!!. Dupont ha d on T ripl e lJivld e Illoull tai ll. Glucier Nu · truSl h ur. to llucsl!on h er cbarncter. I fL Cap laln Barrett Clim e. s nd took tlonal park . The ('o lulI1blll gll rden zoo 'Floetwood. Pa.- " During the Chance an d I cou ld nOl buIiP,'e ro u f(·u llzed bpr awuy . I wus s Itti ng h e ro tblnkln s ut Hulte had secur,u p" rm iKtilo n from th o gort of' woman sbe Is . I relt It whIm IwO IUtlU cume Inlo the purlor." the gov"TIlm · nt fo r t\l'U Clac le r (lurk er Life 1 Will! hl\rdlY able to be around at all. I always had m y duty 10 dl sco " er hl' r purpose hp re. " \\'ho wen : llwy? Do )'OU know1" rang ors to go fort h Into Iii .. rn ounl uills a headach e Ilnd I ula l to warn you If flosslb lt· ... "O ut! WaH tl,., 80 ldlnr wh o driv es you atld get two ' Wild IamlJs fo r u~ h ib! t ion was 80 dizzy aml nel' "And YOU have su ccede d7 You I\l>0 ut - CO llllors ; Ihe OU1('r a bll\ck· pur\Jo~os . vuus thllt I had no 16 learn pd h e r purposo In your Int er· b '·IHd ed. burly f,t'l lolI' cull ed ·Heb.''' The ex p"lIlt1 o n wa s s u ccessfu ll y car· SYNOPSIS. "ur co urse ; why. I ha d n't m e ntioned view'" r..-st at night. The "lIIr. ll upo nt ." rl efl out Ilil d lI.1L· t wo rall K' ra brougli t fl ashes of hoat werd h"r nUlllO! flow did you 6u e S8?" ":'-/01 exactly ." with regr et. "!lfy "What ~ Is that Dupont? Lonl! No two lambs to Glacie r park s tlltlon . lJ l\ 10. :'lt r l lpIHl ll1. rQnlln "n ,"rl ~ a n arm ,' so bad sometime. " lIcc nuse I nm not e ntirely Igno ra nt s usp ic ion wu s m en ·ly sllnlllllllf>d . To wOllrll'r Sh p'3 go ne bad. Why . I s lung ac ross th ei r bn c lt~ ufte r th tl flls h. I'O:H 111':11 F ., rI I tI )· 1!.:.c, l'I • •• ,\\~ u 1Il . ~ n en that I did not knoW' soberly . tell Ih u t ru l h. w o rath e r elrln"d In to th ou ~ht h e r h us bn lld \\iUS R ranchml\n lou o f a squuw carryi ng h"r (J<lPOOBI' . Inr l!tl "~ l ' t hli' \ I.l q ,!' ~ tl ' r, :q , ·:!v . w1.o 1:1 0 1 cO IH.lttlOn B." he answ e red bead,'" r7f' ( h," l' O ~1 \ 0 11•• 11. 111 .,u tt, r,·lt k what to do. " Alt bough I h ave onl y boen at th e a r e ne wnl of our old quarn:1. lI ow· clO1\'1I ~o u·. h some whe re ! This te llow I T he poo r Iltllo ll1l11bs I\"re blr'allng •• thr \.' il!cn .·. t " H r k h " I h11111ln .... r · .. One day a friend pos t a s ho rt tim e, I hav e managed to eve r. bet weon wha t ehe s aid. ami l1ar ts Is a tin ·h orn ." . e&nl wh'J tl : \~ J"'~ t IITri '. ··,1 "I \ h lr'i e 8 · IJlteouM ly lind IIltl'r bel ll g SPli t to th o aa~ \.'H (0 :'of \" 1. \1 \1 1' d. \' ,. ! t l lli . ~ ' rl' f l'lf I ll" S\!tl nnd bea r a good d enl. arlvised me to tak. You kf)ow of a nolh Hr co n vprsa tl o n overh eard, I " li e c1ld rU Il c:lltlo once. ynars ago. zoo ut lJutte onL' uf III ' m ril ed . ml s sl .",n ~t l l. l )' Hrr\V I,.· !'o III I,'" n Hlpll' Y I chanced to beco we Involvc d In th e know thE-re Is a bl ackmni ling cooa plr- I think hn was 'lulte we ll orr . bnt drnnk Lydia E. Pinkham '. t n 'l.I d : ty~ "h ..... d ,) ( HI ·f l ., d ll l.. ~hl' fl! ' ·I,I.... ~ Now. sO lll cwh rc up above th o tn PU Rh 011 t i l F" ll rl I I. h l l!l· 1. \' ~Iag .. \ 11 shootJug of Lieutenant GaskIns. and acy o n foot In whIch you Ei re In· Ulld !:amblt·d Il uwuy . Pupa told me c1ouct ~ III th e Rocky 1I\ 0un t;lI11 s or Gla · " - - - - - - - - Ve g e La b I e ComCO flll' . U l Y w l lh " ~ u l lt 'r lill l" ' " ,, \' IUI1 I 'nn · pound amI it m ade me a strong well wolben I saw you rIdIng with Mrs. Du· volv ed . ~Iay I speak v .. rr fran kl y'" 1111 abn Ul It. iJut I fo u nd out ho was aaJ I' S . a KlulIllit ' r \" K I~o /\ l 'I:O !""IIJo: (> r H nm li ll rl l l 'l'l ~ ttw ~ t. '~ I· \,·lth ~t'lrh ' :1 o t IJOllt . and recogn ize d h e r ." man. I am n ry thank ful that I f ollIl" lIlan by occid ent. He-Is tho ona "I c"rtalnly desi re It." proudly. "I d eprc,httJ o n s .' omr.d r (1', 1 I .)' I h. · I ndlaos . lowed my fri('nd's aJvico and I shnll "Recognizcd 1" In oUrprlHo. "00 you am not awa re th nt I bav e uny Ull ng to I am really u('rald of." The dr-h' ,'!' ll (' ~ ,. r18 III " ,.t , ,-:,, wh f' 11 Intll · r ecomm(lOd it aa long as I livo. Before an. npP\!Hr T h.'" I rI d in,,!'> Hn' twl f'C n'· act ual ly mea u yo u kll f'w h er berore?" conc Plll." !Slip. Sla pped. hN "yes dpRerting hla p u ls,", t I! nm l;n 11 ' , .1 ~I dlly l'~t~rlJ ll' In th e 1 took the Co mpound J waa alway• .. No t as Mrs. Vupont. but as Ye rn Jl a mlln Ie darkn c " lI. M n lly 1,-, W Hll nd"J .. Apparcn tly tho sc he me th ese In co. and stared out Into th e darkn eal . sickly and now I hav e not h ad medicine n UlI'h (' ''~'Il ~ .J I\t nn·nlls.: 1\. h U\,t! rfmc k Carson. years ngo. Sbe kn ow me at people hav e on foo t orig inated uboul He waited. feellllg vllgoply that he bad m llrkocl \' ~ . A . II ., l.' xplnlna t o M o lly from a doctor for y ears. You may pubnot b ea rd all sbe In te ud e d 10 s ay. t hat h .· w as In th., '·I\Ii(.,.l r a t e lIl'r\'tc:o o llce. nnd se nt your dri ve r ove r to the Lieute nant GaskI ns. He 18 wealthy. lish my let u!r. "-Mrs. EDWARD B. Hu.&n d dl s ml ~.snl l 111 IJ"'tgrll l"p unl l ~ r d l a rgc8 barracks with a note." "''lbat more do you know 1" h e I und ersta nd ." of c O\\'ilnll ' £' _ A t t n t' C' ILI~l' n t' (he war he BERT, Fleetwood. Pa. "Why. how strange. She ask e d me . nllateu III rtlt- r f' l(u tli T ~er\' l ('e . H e BaYIi "I ha vo bee n told so; yes. I know asked. "Wbat was It yo u ex pected of • the have r sfI('k wall! t ho prop<!r t y ot o n e so many Qu esllons, I wond e red at the he 18." Such warning symptoms 8.11 sense of me?" Capt, i . "F'~ v r e, who ht, IIA·I)"I..' tl\ o t bl'lng suffocation, hot Ras heo. headaches,backS be turn e d again, a roused by tbe "T his kn ow le dg e. coupl ed with tile re.pon sf ble t or hi ! dlsJ.{Tl1.C O. T roops fl l' · Inte reo t sbown. Do you mind telling poar R. n~ und er (,Io("o rt o f Lf ut. Otl~k l n8 me wbat note was about 1" nches, dread of impending evil, timidity, qu eR tion . ract of yo ur engag cme nt-" )lony elurls to Join her ralh er. Ii ' UTI II " Bounda in the ears, palpitation of the "Yes. I mus t tell you as Quickly as 1 "Not In the leaaL She r e ferre d to "My whal1" lea\"es '0 ' r(lJoifl hl ~ r pglmen t. H e r e turn s t u JT()rt Dodge nrt c r a Bumme r ot the past. o.nd aJlked me to m eet b e r ." heart, sparkll before the eyes. irregu" Your e ngagemen t . I had heard It can b efore I am missed . I did not nl!h tlng In Illlno. and nnd . Mnlly the ..... larities, constipation. variabl e appetite, "Were you-very InUmats T Grea t rum o red be fore. and Mrs. Dupont as· know Ilbout IIfrs. Dupont and Lleuten· Bhot. nre " "" r d In th e nlRIlL Hamlin weaknesll and inquietude, and d izzi ness, r usheR Ollt. 8el'S whnt he h e ll ove 8 Is th ~ fri e nds 7" ant GnRkl ns. ' realized there was s ured me It WIIS true." . ngur or Molly h~lng In Iho darkness are promptly hecded by intellig,mt wt)so meth Ing be t wee n th em-o-a-lIl1gbt " But It Is not true. S orgoa nt Ham· hadv or Llou t ~ n n nt "We were e ngage d to be marri ed." .. nd rnll. ove r I men who are approaching the period in Ga..kln • . who "rr . e . Hn.mlln or .hoot- be ackno ..... ledged (rankly. bls e yes IIn"- lndl ~nant I Y. "I cannot Imagine flirtation. but scarcely gave tbat a In« him. Th e f'{,l'geant Is proven I nn o life when woman'lI great change mq eont. H e . ee" Molly In compony with Mr.. upon h e r face . "That was at tbe how Bu ch a report e ver sta rte d. Lie u· tbou gbt. Wbat broug ht me h e re was a be ex pected_ Du pont. wh.m ho r ecO l'!nl~ CA !Ul n tnr- j breaking out of th e war and I was In tenant Gaskins hns been ver y frien d· much 'm ore seri ous matter. yet thla m er l'Iweeth art. w ho th rew him ('Iver tor t new Information b elps m o to compr&Ly.'ia E. Pinkham'. Vegetahle Comly; has-" he r voice brea kin g sllgbtly. LeFevre. Mrs. Dupont lell. Ha mlin L,,- ,my senior collel§(! year. We met at pound Invigorate. and strengthens the F ""0 rorrr.1 h~r to sen .1 him a lying school, and I was 8upposed to b e the "even ask ed me to ma rry blm. but- b en d th e other-tbe motives. I mean. note. Ham lin decla res he hll 8 heon loak- b I I I Sh I b female organism and builds up Ole weak· Inl( (or LeFevre In lorco hIm In dear hi. e r 0 arge property . e 8 a lIau· but I told blm that WR8 Irnposalble. Mrs. Dupont's ma.lden nam e was Vera ened nervous system. It hu carried ,ecord. LRt~r ho ovorhea rs DUDnnt nnll Il Utul woman now. and she was a beau- He has been JUBt as kind to m e since. Ca rs on ?" JDany women _fely througb t.hla crlslA. IIOldler hatchIng up Il money- ml\kln g tif I I I th I th bt b d but th ere Is no thing, absolute ly noth· "Certainly ; I kn e w he r fa mily well." plot. Moll,. .eek. Iln Inter view with u g r en. oug er aa goo Only Wild Lamb In Captivity. "Sbe came h er e. and was rec eive d Hamlin. a nd true as sbe wae cbarmlng. Since tng bet wee n U8. I have never spoken Into our family all a dau gbter of my· cler National bark. tbere are two then I bave lea rn ed her selflshnesl about this before to anyon e." CHAPTER XIX.--contlnued. It Hamlln's heart leaped wildly at fatbe r'a Bister. If true , h er mald e n mother sbeep worrylng as to th e and decf!lt, that It was my money "It Is all right. Miss McDonald." he which attracted h e r. and that sbe real- thlll swtrt d en ial. th ere was no evl· nam e would bave bpen Sarab Counts. whereaboulll of th e ir lost lambs. murmured haBtlly. arising. "There Is ly loved rulother man, a classmate." Papa had no r eason to suspect the d&In Montana even wild animals an dence ot 1\ In bls Quiet voice. Cut out cathartlca and pU!!JIa'Uv". nothing to fear." "The point Is. 1IIIs e Molly . that Mrs. ce ll He does not now , and 1 douht If protected to the ostent tbat man mu st brutal. harsh. unn.ece,saary. She glanced up at hIm 811 h e pau8l'd, ev en your word would convince him. "You Drtl h ... re-alon e?" not rob a mother animal ot her young. CARTER'S but he resumed the story without be- Dupont. and thos e connected with her, "Yes," smillllg In. me mory. "There Idg Interrupted . The remainIng mountain lamb now LIVER PILLS think oth e rwise. The y are presuming for h e see ms t horoughly under her In· were occupanta wben I first arrived. "The war came, Dnd I enlisted at on Gaskins' being In love with you. flu e nc e. Tbere bas bee n such a change Is In the Butt e zoo blea ting In a man· but they were persuade d to de part , once. and received a commleslon. Al- Mrs. Dupont can bs v ery s e ductiv e. In him s ince sbe came; not all ' at ner tbat would Indicate It wants Its had a suspicion you mlgbt prefer It most our entire class went. and tbe Little by little she bas drawn the Lieu· once. you know, but g radutll, until now motb e r . that way." Now the Queetlon arises. has tho man she really loved was next below tenant Into he r nel Believing blm e n· h e scarc ply s ee ms lik e tb e same man. "Yes," puzzled by his mann er. yet m e In rank." gaged to yo u. th(h h a ve him now I - I do not dis like Lieutenant Gas· 1:nlted States government the rlgbt to softly pushing th e door back so us to where b e must eith er pay mon ey tor kln s; be has !:lee n pleasant and atten- give to S up erintendent GaJen ot OIa· "Eugene La Fevre ?" exolude the light. "I can s ee be ller 10",••11.0, II h ..... "Yes; how did you know? Oh, I silence or be expose d. JUlJt how It tiv e . but I do not care for him In any cler Na tional park preser ve the righ t now. Are-are you sure no one can told you of him out I he re In t h e sand· was worked. I do not know. Tbe sboot- other way . Yet papa In slst8 th ll t 1 to setld two r a n gers Into t be mountaln~ SMALL PILL. SMAll DOSE, SMALL PltlCE.. ovcerhear1 I bave sometblng to t ell hills. Well, I urged he r' to mn rry m e Ing last ni ght was done to convince marry the ma n. La tely h e has b een to rob two mother mountain she ep 01 Genuine must hear Signature , you-some tblng 1m portan l." before I went to th e fron l. but she him they were s erious. The fact that ve ry unkInd about It. and-and I am tb e lr young and th en Bend th e cry lUG sure s be Is urg ing him on. " 'bnt can lambs Into tbe state ot Montana to b e "There is no one els e b ere. yet some made excuses. Later, I und erstood I do? It Is all so unpl easant." kept bleating the ir h earts out In a zoo~ one mIght stumble Into tbls roo m'. the re a son. Sbe was unce rtain as to Hamlln s hook his he ad. but wltbout Secreta.ry of th e Inte rior Department It 18 not private, you know . W e s ha ll my !nbe rltlng th e property ot an r ~ ly . Lane will be asked to Intervene and be safer on the porch oulelde. Will uncle. We we re ordered to the Army Oddelt of Jails. "Y~u will not te il m e ? Then I will Bend th e littl e lam b back to Ilil moth e l you take my hand, and let me guIde of Nortbern Virginia. Once I Vo' lInt On e ot the oddest of Jails Is that at tell you I sball say nol no! no! In you?" In the Triple Divide country. home on furlougb, severely wounded. CUrrton. Graba m county. Ariz .. which spite of tbem; I ' shall refuse to be She did so unhesllntlngly, but her We were to be married then, but I bad lies In on e of tb e copper mining censold. But how do es that woman con· fingers were cold, and he could feel not sumclently re covered when I was 'FIND' CAPT. KIDD'S TREASURE te rs ot th o new state. This Jail comtrol my fath e l: ?" she leaned closer In the twItching of h er ne rvell. suddenly ordered back to the front. I prises tour large a partments b ew n In earnestness. lowe ring ber voice. h er "You are frightened-not of me. dId 8uspect then, for the first time, Gyp.y Enlighten. Rancher-It I. In ;a tbe side of a hili of solid quartz rock.. "She 'has not won blm by cbarms; he that she was glad of the r es pite. I surely7" The entrance Is IIltuated In a boxlike a Rocky Cave on We.tern Coalt. Is afraid of bElr." vestibule built of heavy masonry and "Ob, no!" a slight catch In her afterwarde discovered that during all Ho. Ho, .. Afraid ? A:re you certain of thaU" the gates have tbree eele of steel bars. <rolee, "but I am running Buch a risk tbls time she was In correspondence "Yes. I cannot tell you bow I know; ,.snturlng here. I-I had to pre tend a with La Fevre, who had been detailed Oregon City, Ore.-Deelarlng tbat Al Inte rvals In th e rocky walls holes perhaps It Is a ll womanly Instinct, but sick-headache to get away. You mUBt on Early's starr. It was his Influence I do know tbat he 18 terrorized; that he hae received an Inspiration from a to serve as windows hav e bee n blaBtwhich brought about my sudden. un· not cOndemn me untll yoU hear why he dare not oppose her wish. I have gypsy fortune teller which will lead ed and In t h elle apertures a series of expected recall to duty. A few months I came." read the trulll In bill eyes, and I am him to dl8cover t he famous treasure massive bars ot steel has bee n Htted "I conde mn! Hardly, Miss McDon. later I WDS promoted major, Dnd, at sure he Is harsh ' to me only because of Captain Kldd. wblch has been Ilrmly In tbe rock. The fioor of thla Tbe ald. I am merely a soldier ,-ecelvlng Flsher's Hili, found myself command· he 18 drtven by lIome tbreat. Wbat SOUght for centuries, L W. Rlvere. a rockbouud Jail Is of ceme nL prominent Wlllamette rancher, will prisoners are conilned wholly In tba orders; 'mlne not to Question wlly.' tng the reglmenL Early In the action can It be?" Here Is the window; now sit down on La Fevre brought me an order; It was "You bave never spoken to blm of IItart from this city sbortly lur tbe larger apartments. In certain place. Oregon coaet. the wall or Quartz about the Jail la no thiS . bench. 1'1\ keep guard. and delivered verbally, the only other par· your suspicious? Ask ed blm T" Rivers states tbat .everal years ago leBs tban fifteen teet In th Ickn ess . So lIeten." His voice Bank lower. a little ty present a corporal named Shultz, "Ye 8 and no. 1 tried once, and shall touch of tend ernese In It ImpossIble a German knowing little English. never torget the eIpresslon ot hlB face. while he and bls wife were vIsIting solid and heavy are the barriers to to disguise. "Are you In troublef la Early's exact words were : 'Advance Then he turned on me In a perfect at the Oaks they con Bul'cd ... fortune thle InstitUtion that no prison er baa atte mpted escape. - ~arper'l . It something I can aid you to over- at once across the cre ek, and engage peroxysm ot anger. I never even teller wbo told them that tb ey would ever tile enemy fiercely; a supporting colcome'" dlsco~er the treaBuro. She atated that Weekly. dered hint at tbe matter agaIn." She did not anewer at once but relit- umn wllI move Immediate ly.' De sper. "We Were Engaged to Be Married," The Se rgeant Blared out Into the It would be found In a cave In a rock, 11: .... Wla.lo,,'. 8oo,blnc I11TUP tor Oblld.ate as the duty Involved appeared. He Acknowledged Frankly. ed her chin In one band, and turned lli.t.reet, not knowing what to .ay, or ' ~' hlch II a prominent feature ot tbe t.eeLblDIr. -otLe D. Lbe .uma, redu(!@. lnlt.anll... there was nothing In tbe order as «Iv· her eyes away. Her breath came swlttUoa,aUar. paln,Dwu wlodeollc,l&e& bonl", how to advlee. Almost unconscloua of coast seener)' near Nestucca beach. Iy. as though ebe had not yet recov- en to arouse suspicion. In obedience GaskIns later denied knowing who hi; the action h1J8 band stole alo~ the Last year Rivers and his wlte went Eltl mating It, ered from fl1gbt, and ber face In the I flung my command forward. leading aBsallanta wer~ven epdeavored to raU until It touched bers. to the beach and found the cave, them on fooL We cbarged Into a trap, accuse me-Is abundant proof of their "I bope I haven 't kept :you waltln, dlm light looked white and drawn. which Is marked by a cross and a (TO BE CONTINUED.) and were nearly annihilated, and succes.... He hesitated, wondering at horse sboe. Inside the cave. accord· too long," gusbed tbs girl. "Only "Yell. you can," she began slowly, Sbull!: was either killed, or made prIs- her silence. "What puzzles me mOBt Something New to Her. Ing to the fortune teller. tbey were about tbree dollars' worth." estimated "I am sure you can. 1-) came to yoU oner. Two days later 1 was arrested Is why you were present." Childish sarcasm lIeldom Is BO I... to find tbe fortune at tbe end of a log. the young man with the tulcab OU," becaUlle there wall no one else In under charges. was tried by court·mar"Present 1- Where T" tended. Usulllly It Is the reBult of rhe log was found by Rivers, but he aide. whom I telt Lbe same confide nce. I Ual. and dismissed from tbe service "At this quarrel with Gaskins laat mo'W that sounds strange. but I can- In disgrace. Early produced a copy evening . As I ran by toward the scene the keen, cl(~r judgment eprlnglnc dug at the wrong end of It and 80 Red Croaa Ban Blue gives dOUble nlu_.Ie» rrom Instinctive and Instanlnneou. dill not get tbe fortune. not explain~nly It lIeems natural to of his written order; It read 'cautious· ot the shooting I .passed you hiding realization of the truth . But som. money, ~ueA twice as tar . 1 suy odmr. This, accordIng to tbe fortune tel- Tour trust some people even wb en yOU do Iy feel the enemy's position.' and . La Doo't put your olOnel Into "01 other. Mv. at tbe angle of the barrack wall. Of times It blUl a cutting ring. ler, Is just aR he would do, for sbe not know them very well. I do not Fevre we nt on the stand. and swore course I have m entioned the fact to Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs. ~r In.tance, said be would have to make two lIuppose I know you very well; just the original had been deUvered to 80 Unusual. no one. Tbat was ' why I made no at· are devoted h.ome mlsslonarlell. Their trips before be would get the fortune . those tew hours we were toge ther. but me. I had no witnesses." '" met Growcber tbls morning comt empt to d efend mYBelf when arrest· ch IIdren are well used to beIng to Ii! _omehow I think you are true." He Is now trying to get capital to pletely disguise d." "Disguised T" -"Hot She watched him w!th wlde-open ed." that highly de Sirable articles ot focu, finance the scheme. Wli.8 smiling." "I certaJnly hope BO." be )Jut In ear- eyes, her lips parted. She gas ped for breath, scarcely able and clothing alre not for them but "tol' nestly. "I couldn't very we ll help "And she--thls Vera Carson TN to articulate. the' Lord." or some ecc\eslaJItlca' Ready to Be Ollhed. being-with you." Tbe man laugbed bitterly. "You believe that' You think that equivalent. T'hle fact occasioned IIttis PROTECT OLD BEAU'S GRAVE "Why do th e y talk about laying bills "I believe that," and she lifted her "Wrote him a letter, whlcb the man or me ?" Jesele'8 recen:t sharp speecb. on the tabl e ?" "Because they m ean e,.88 to his face. actually had the nerve to show me "I may have been decelnd; I bope "Oh, mothor. those cookies smeIJ Parll Jockey Club Believes That W. to dlsb th e m." "Yet I do not wish you to think me when I was helples s , provIng her 60; tb e re was but little IIgbt, and I good!" she cl-Ied. entering tbe kitchK, Vanderbilt II the My8terloua bold, or--or IndlscreeL You do not faJslty . I would not believe, and went got m e rely a glimpse," he eIplatned en In whlcb her mother was busied. Benefactor. thln~ 80, do you 1" back seeking her. But sbe bad de· hastily. "Are tbey tor the Young People's I!(). "Tha.t Idea has never once occurred parted-no one knew wb e re-but had "You were deceived," Impetuously. clety or the Sunday school picnic?" Parls.-The newes t mystery ot tho to me. MillS McDonald. I IlJD only fil'llt convInced h e rse lf tbat my name "I was not out of tbe bouse that ev&"Neltber. dear." was the al1awer. Jockey cluh Is tho Identity of tbe rlcb too glad to ; be ot service ." had bee n erased from my uncle's will. nlng. I was In the parlor with m:y "they are for you." It .Ia a duty ot American who keeps In good condition the kidneys to rid "It Is good of you to say that; you Two months later I b eard tbat sbe fatb or wb en thoee sbole were fired. Jessie, who had torgotten all about lhe grave of George Brummel. known the blood of uric see, thert! was no one e lse." married La Fevre In Richmond." You are sure you aaw a woman there her Imminent birthday. was aurprtlMld In history and durtn, his lifetime as acid, an Irritating "Your father?" he suggested. "And sbe-that woman-actually -hiding'" and delighted . Beau Brummel. Tbe grave Is at Caen, polson that IB con· "But that Is tbe very trouble," she aske d you to meet ber agaln tonight '" "There Is no doubt. ot that; her "Oh. mother,," she eIclalmed again. In Norma ndy, and a goodly sum Is eIstantly [ormlng InInstated, rejoicing that be had thus toot· prints were plainly to be Been her eyes dancing. "ure we really golnl pended upon It ev~ry year. The beneside. unconsciously open~ tho way to her "Did you 1" In the morning. Thla dlecovery. to- to have BOrne ou rselvce?" When tbe kid· factor Is at great paine to conceal hlG . ,COnfesslon. "It Is bl'lcauee my tather "I must p!ead guilty." getber with tbe size ot the weapon neys tall, uric acid name_ Is Involved, 10 completely In her tonll, causes rheumatic "Wbere?" used. resulted In my Immediate reQuite Another ThinGIt Is eurmlsed and helleved by many attacltB, beadaches. lhat I IlJD compe lled to appeal to you. "Here; just whe re we are now; we lease. I saw ber. and Imagined he~ to Marks-I ~ear tbat you have boon that he Is an American who Is very dizziness, gravel, He w1l1 not listen to a word against were together half an hour." be you . 1 cannot' account for tbe mis- operating In tbe stock market. rich and wbo lives In Normandy. This urinary troubles . ~." Sbe half arose to her feet, her hand take. unless you were In my mInd. and Parks-You've been misinformed. American owns a unIque collection ot weak eyes, dropsy "HerT You rete r to Mrs. Dupont r' grasping the rail. possibly what I bad heard of your con- I've been operated upon. er heart dlseaae. Brummet's letters, drawlnp and other Doan's Kidney c:==========================~======~=============================================================================================:* thIngs wblcb belonged to the Beau. Pills help the kid· wben no trolley or other wheelef A section of the Jockey club hold. OPENED WAY TO FREEDOM digging a secret tunnel from tbelr hut provisioning of the vessel, when they tranaport n eye fight orr uric can be had. BesIdes. It yOl& tbat the posseB8~~ of ,t~e collection to the beach. At the end of the tunnel were betrayed by a telIow~onvlct to acld-brlnllnl nB'W e Ia W. atrength to weall: kldpe,.. and r&Ingenuity. of Prlaonara In Ettort to E. they hollowed out a chamber, In whom they had confided their plan. walk In theae daya you may be thought , lnd 'benetac~or of Beau a lief from backache and urlnUJ WI. which. with plecel of dl1ftwood and But .0 Impre •• ed wu the French colIS- to be devll·,vagonleBl; alMS what fa K. Vander_b_l._ _ _ _ __ caPe Aw.~.ned the Admlratton llttle blta of IIteel and IroD smugg1ed mandant by their marveloUII enel'lY, man. woman, lite It.elf 'Wltbout tbU : ' . .. ~f Their .... Ier. . A ........... C ••• .. ,;" . 'II ... ~ .... BalmDatoD, O. . . torllmll.. Ja4.. Into the hut, they fuhloned a boat, akll1, and patience that he managed ahoe ot Bwlftnea.f Old men can "'1 .French Conl~1 Getl Free Dog Llc.n ••• · ,s't'_: II, .fI_Dln..... If"" t"l.,. DO".I~'" UICI member when bicycling was about u Chlcaso.Far be It for me to vl~ •. ·Amoopt the priaoDen In the lI'reDcb the metal being at flnt uaed to make ..tter .. year to obtain a pardon for fla.t""""ll!.,...IO bll..ted Ieollid b&rII~ .rMt&.t. wau .... 1... D",.~...ste -.. common . u ltaze.. Do f9 lb bicycle late an Internatlonal treaty." aald •• 1lOIl~ . ~Wement of N,ew CaledoDla toola and alterward. to form bolla and tIlen\. aeb... 1 ....Dt ....kI ID • !I!>tf\&aL h ' _ _ no'W!' In leu solden or l:'1\Obbllh Nrl ~ayo! Hamlon t!l A. Galch, s~t&r'J oat "0" t ...... eYer I b&a~11l a.... ~ . ~. '~9 .I~e eDllneera who not rivet.. IIHlpa ...1.1 Do&a,* KIdDer II• .'~: Wh.... A ... the ' liona, yea. In tbJ. United State. I ot the local Prench conlul~. ''Wh~ ,po --ple&elr.s.,cllllan IIO~~ . ; ~. . ..., ' reeelyecJ a pardon_lrut.p Then 'WIth lnilnJte · palo ·tbQ' bnJlt " . ~. tt Ju)- ....-for making a darina an enline to propel the boat, and art· Excellent day. for walktDi. til. 'Wo'rlimen andl old.faablonlld lol'k• • ~ pH~ for two rrwdoc Ilaena" ,ndlll' . , a.eDMa'... ,.., ....... ~ ... . . .·lIlpDioUil attempt to eecape. . er laboring mtchW1 tor ...eli ., ..... glory of til. yu,r', but 'Where . .,. til.· a t.... otllera; 'but heN qabi tlae ;.tlae_~tJ. ~Fe~rla._I.!:...·'8. , , ..... , • • J;"L • Y teen Call ..-ertaUa walk! wm peOple wbo CaD .donl a blCjcl,. ~ . IID..-. COD . r o c .. '. ~. tua- . DQA~SinD ~:. 'o••tIl_ III tile &&me bat. tile, complete4 tIlelr wk'.................. ,..,. ~ . ~~IQ,.U read1 ,GQIID~ .... ...,. do. tile, ~ ~., .perIIQa. UH." ~oto~ CU'~ York I.. , ~co;.' ''''~'''Y. I~:: ~nut J eannot Qnd erstan~. Why ah ou ld you ! Do yo u~" "No ;" he Inte rrupte d, ventlUIn g to touch t"'r arm. "I came. not becauso of auy Inte r es t In her, MI88 Molly- · but for you."







Don't Persecute Your Bowels







\ '. ,.,









A MAN Of SYSTEM Discipline Was His Rule, but One Can't Prevent Young Folks Being Natural. By ALVAW-JORDAN GARTH . "Yo u nr c a pre tly ba rd old h lS k mas tf'r. Ada m IIrlll. ll11 d you can· t mak e buhl es of yo ur c blldreu ro r e v e r .' ~ "I ' m a ma n of ~y s t e m, A ~ 1l Dunn . I b ri ng my chlltl re n u p on a s tric t . rl gll t bns ls, !lnd It a n y body wants to d isp ut e tl. I'm h ... ra to protect my me t bods- not forge t ting tha t. man an d bOl"o ru r for ty ye n rs. I hll" " bee n th e chanllJ loll wr es tl e r . box e r 111111 sp r lnl e r or th e co u nt y." an el th e Rp"a k~r put up a sa rnpl o ur m th at a bluc ks lU ilh mi ght ha ve e nvi ed. "N o. no. fr ie nd Ada m ! " lau g hed h is nearell t ne ig hbo r. retn'atln g pro mptl y. " N OD I' ot th aI fo r me! I k now your prowes s too we ll . O nl y I think you dra w l bo lin e too ti ght wltb t bose t wo childr e n or yo urH. No t Lilt tb a l botb a re th e !lneet In th e lo wu . ~Io rlo n Is a U10de l yo un g CIla n . and a s to Luella. I e n l'Y Ih e ma n who ge ts he r for a w if e. " "T ba t wIll be som e tlm e ah e ad . If I bav e a nyt llill g to sa y ab ou t It... declared lh e s talwart pa re nt. "Th ey ha ve bee n 1II 0 th e ri oss ,;l nce lh('y we re ver y yo ung . a nd I'v e felt a do ubl e r& ellO nsl blllty In bring Ing th e m up rlg bt. Dl sclpllne and aYR le m hav e bee n my rul e . It·s · go ing to eo utlnu e until Mort o n Is tw e nLy-o ne- wh y . say. that's to morrow !" exclaim e d Urill . "and I came near torget ling- " " Wb a t ?" Inquir ed Dunn. but Adam Brill was a ll bl s way a nd cbuc klln g In hi s grI m way to blmself. H e kn ow did we ll enou gh " what"-and tiO bri ght. li ve ly Morton, hi s son. The old lIIa n. ho weve r. did not h ear tb e bri ef eoliloQ uy or th e ulan b e ha d jus t lett to tb e e trec t tha t. " You ca n't help youn g tolk s ' frOID b e ln g naluml. no tu ntl e r ho w hard yo u I ry.'· It W(lB th o tw e nt y·fl rs t birthday of Mo r to n Brill to mo rrow. slI ro enou gh. and his fatbe r reca ll ed It ha Ir wllll Badn ess. partly with a comical look



/ .

In one Ins ta nt th e a th le t ic blood 01 tb e old ma n was on tire. HI8 captive had resis t ed his Iron gras p. Then with a s upe rb clut oh he bad his ad· versary on eq ua l te r ms . Back aod LADY'S DRESS. tor th t he co nt es ta nt s moved 18 n wre stlin g bout su ch a s Adam Bril l ha d not e njoy ed to r mu n y a v{'ar. And tb e n. br E' n thl e88. as t onlN hed. for t b Ors t tl mo In his IJro ud ca r" c r wo r s led by a n o p pont··nl full y worlhy o f bl 6 Ski ll . Adam I1rlll was trip pe d an d se nt hurtling li ve fee t a way u pon tb e so ft grnss . pros tra te. "Y ou've done It. Morto n. u he chuck led. "a nd I'm pro ud of yo u I" " I a m no t Morto n." int errup te d a cahll . e \' en voice . "Eh !" ejn(' ula ted Adam !l ril l. a ri si ng to hI s f('\!l In wond ' r an d s larl ng strange ly a t a n utt c r s t ra nge r . "W hl' ar e you. th e n ?" "A respec la bl e co lle ge gMld ua t e ." was the e vasive re ply . "S bould think so. and yo u've got 0 n e w wrcH tlln g tri ck 1"11 glvo you r l1 0 dollars t o t pa ch me ." "To morrow!" la ugh('d th e s tMo ger . gu lly. gll \" e Il run. a lea l! and was ov er th o ren l' tence an d OUl at s lg bt 10 .. t winkling · "'Ve il. I neve r !" gas ped th e old man . "The re's so me mys t er y a bo ut th is. but tb e tell o w Is a good on e. T o th ink 01 It - n ever beat en at my own gam e be· fo r e!" Adam B rill re turn ed to l he kitc hen . I Hi s de feat ha d se t h im t blnk ing,. and had e xhau s ted his vitality a trifl e. II made him r ealize that h e "was [lo t "" 0 78 a s young as b e us ed to b e." H e fe ll as le ep. to a wak en and fi nd h is son sea ted In a c ha ir opposite La him . " He ll! Ree n a sl ee p. ha\'e I ?" • ex· cl a im ed th e old man . "On ha nd and I ,~ altfn g fo r til e Rnnu al. eh. so n ?" "N ~~ thIs tim e. er . You 've over' A p retty go wn ma ti e In th e latest s lept. and Morton po int ed to th e fas hio n " ITect with mo re th an one kltc he o clock . " It'e l eLl minut es a fll~ r cl e ve r sty le touch Is be re J)rese nt ed. twe lv e. I'm of age . nlld WE' 1I j us t Tb e d ress closes a t t he tront and th e' s h ak e ha nds a ud ca ll It squa r e ." beau ti ful s kirt Is cut In three gores . " Chea t ed out or my regular J)leas ure. Th e s la nd lug collar Is made or can · e h ?" s to r mpd th e old man . In R pre- tras tln g mate ri al nnd t be In se rt a t t e nd ed rage. " We ll . I won·t b nlt'a n. : tb e botto m of tb e s kir t co rres pond s. 11 e re's yo ur presen t. " a nd he exte nd ed : Sati u Is ni ce fo r thi s pu r pose. while a clinkin g bag. " Forty-t wo do ll a rs. I any of tb e pop ul a r fab rics ma y be n pd wh e n you ge t r e ady t o se ttl e do wn used ro r t he s kirt. co me to m e fo r mor('. " Th e pa tte rn ( 601 8) Is cu t In s izes 34 " Wh y . fa l h er ." admi tt ed you n g !lrt11 to 42 Inc hcs bU Rt meaeu re. Siz e 36 a li tt le co nfusedl y. " I'm r end y ri ght II requI res 4'A. ya rds of ~ 6 Inch m a t eria l now. My ra 'Vnl cott h as bee n w alt· nnd 'A. of a ya rd ot 21 Inch contras tIn g tor mc for o\'e t a yea r. and-you ' Ing good R. \\,O ll't object '" To procure tht . f1ntt ~ Ml Bend 10 cE'n ta tt e r n ~ cpu r lm ('· IH . " o f thi s pnlH: r . "Seei ng as you a re you r ow n ma ~ t\\o, rit' ·Pa. e n a m e IL f1d ndlt r e88 p lrtln l y. nu d bo l e r . I do n 't Bee how I can lot erfe re," su r e t o give 81z- 0 u.nd n utnut: r o f ,",u lt ern. a n s we r ed th e fath e r. "And . fnt bl' r- " ,

Practical Fashions




" W e ll ?"



" A yo un g man was he re t onl ght- i me t hi m and h e told me a bout it. : You Il a d a bou t In th e ga r dpn." I "Eh! W ,",o Is h e ?"' chall e nged tbe fat he r . s ha r pl y. " Clyd e Wort hin g ton. a s !l ne a ynun l! ' fe llow ue you n"t' d to kno w. H e', comi ng hore a l! l!.ln tomorro\V-" "Ye s. to teacb me tbat d oubl e e lbow clutch o r his !" cri ed old Brlll, e nge rly. "Yes. and to as k you for slste r'o h und In marriage. Adam Brill stormed. and fum ed . but Clyd e Worthington mad e so !lne on Impress ion wben be call ed tb e n ext day that there was 8. double wedding In the old Brill homestead . . (Copyrtght. lJJ13. b" W. G . Chapman.)

Adam Brill W •• on HI. Way,



on his face. aa If it r e vived aome wllimsy that pleased him. Ever since Morton ~as t1tlee n yea r s of ag e. Adam Brill had put In forc e an Ironclad regulation of his own fierce tempered Blre. Exactly one minute before the midnight hour he hod made his son remove his coot. Regularly he had admInistered the strap-tbe strokes corresponding to the yeare attained . Then. wh en the performance wall over. he would place III tb e hands of the lad exactly as many bright .11v.e~llars--as he was old. "The last time!" ruminated the obstinate old fellow. as he reaohed home and removed from a drawer In a kitchen cabinet the time-honored atrap of castigation. Many a time had Mar· ton thought of stealing It. of runDIDg away from home to evade the BnDual castlsaUon- A thought ot the money reward following the whipping. bowever. had kept him 10 Une. "Lost time! " s01l10qulzed Brill. ·Well. In a way I'm glad of It. This ' IIttle reminder. though. 1tIl8 probablr kept him the clean. honeet lad that he Is. Now he's a man. and a good one. Only Luella left .and In 'another year she w1l1 be of age. 1 declare. how time rolls on!" At nine o'clock that night Luella came Into the house from the garden. where her unsuspecting fatller su~ posed IIhe had been wlth some girl friends. Her fair pMchblow tace was deUclously conscious and flUshed. but Adam Brl1l attributed that to the exercise of play or walking. Luella retired to ber room. The old III an glanced at the clock. placeel the strap over the back of a chair. took off bls coat and went but Into the garden. "I told Morton to be bere at nin e o'clock Bhatp." grumbled the old man. "and it's after ten now. I want· ed to give him a final lectun/' betore I gave him his last whipping. I suppose the rascal Is keeping out of the way purposely. when I Intended to make him a double present this time." Brill strolled out Into tbe garden. A. he neared the little summer house be cbanced to ,lance up at the window of Luella'B room. He was In tlme to see hlB daughter's head 10et&ntly disappear, Then aB he en· tered the Bummer house be ran stral«ht Into lome one, "You: ·),lotton 1" he cried, grabbln. . the lIBUre• •"Snealdng out of·the waJ, . 'ell! NOj. iou .don'U I thOlllh V,.OU - wa.· too ··wlse taD!iJ ,Qur -dad".


'.' 'tiouldD't -tlaDdla .~ '014 .. ha .Ii· " ' "J••••

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SIZE - - -- - - . --- ---• •••

NAMK -.-- ••• ----- - --.- - --. - - -- -- ---- -----. TOWN __ __• ____ _________ _____ _______ . • •• _.

Stallon. for Distribu t ing Infant Food A re Consta nt ly Inere aal ng in Va r ious .C lt les. A cn n 8l ::t nt l y trH 'r P ; I ~ IJl g uumbf' r


\\' llkt 'RIJ :lI re·.

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Stra tf or (l. l o wa.-"Tbree ye ars ago th is win te r my sev en-y e ar<tld 80n h ad rl nh'"wor m on t he tace . F irs t It was 10 em a il r ed s po ts which b ad a rOllgh (' r ust on th e top. Wil e n th e y starte d t hey look ed li ke li ttl e red d ots an d t he n t he y got bigger . nbo ut tb e s ize a t 11 blrd 's e gg, T hey bad a white r ougb rin g a ro und t hem. and grew conti n ua ll y worse and s oo n spread ove r hi s far e a nd le ga. Th e cblld sutfered t e rrib le it ching a nd b urnin g. 80 th a t ho could not s lee p ni ghts . He 8crat c h ed tb em Bnd they loo ked fearfuJ. H e was cro ss whe n b e had the m. \ ', e u s(~d several bott les of liniment. bu t n othi ng h el ped. " I saw whe r e a child h a d n. ras h on the fn ce and was c ure rl by Cu tl cura Soa p a nd Oi nt me nt nnd 1 d edde d to use th e m . I u sed Cu tl cura Soap and Olnt dm ·nt about o ne mo nt h. and th ey ('lire m y child co mpletel y." (Sig ne d) IIlrs. Barbar a Prim . Jan . 30. 191 2. CIIt ie llra Soa p nn d OIntm e nt eold tb roug h ou t th e world . S a mple or e ach free . wlLh 32·p. Skin Book. Addresa post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. L. Boston." Adv.

to Ie""



the top of lhe . a

f .. w thio .Iicee of Lbby·. Midl/et Pic kle •.



M~ Neill



th e p ur pose .

n lld a ph y sicl au I s


Co .. er with the olh... .lice of bre ad an d pre.. liJrhll" IOl/ether_ Ar1'1U1&e on plat" and .erve lIarni.h...J w ith • f.w par.l..,.

YtJll kl' ra.


Gte e a ana d"Ian KIml

A Legal Opin ion . I "A c~ 1 sl tR 'o n my bac k ( " nclI en' r y I nig ht. a nd he yowls a nd yo wls an " In Western Canada's yo wls . l':ow I don 't wan t to hav e nil ,. F H troub le with ' Neighbor Jon es. but thl·~ I ree omestead Area lit illg h as go ne fa r enou g h. alld I walll THE you to te ll me w hat to do." I' PROVINC. T he you ng lawy e r lookl' d a s so lcllIn OF as a n " Id . gl ck o wl. alld sai d a ot a I wo rd . . " I hnve a r ight to s boo L l b e ca t. h a ve n't I?" " I woul d ha rdl y say th nt." re plie tl youn g Cok e Illa c l'8to lH'. " Th e cat does oot bt~ l on g to you. as I und esta nd It, " ":-':0. but t he te nc r' do(:s ." " Tbe n." co ncl ucit' d Ib .. II f!:ht at la w. " I thin k It ",'fo to say y~ u ha v., a l'prfec l rl ghl to tear do wn th e te nep." th ll p ro T l n e e h u no l11 p11 rl o r.nd: :I'~c~:; ~!;~,b~~ :l~l~~ I~~~~ :t~-'u~r:e~ IS IT RIGHT TO ADVERTISE COCA ~""fJiIII." ur a. C Nl l.U rl . l" ~ rf P (' l cll l1la t4' ; 1i()()(1 m a rlr et4; COLA 7 Ml ll "n yl CtJ ll'H n le nl : so U l ho 'f~r,.


For Grain Orowlng and CaUle Raising

lJl'Sl-. a na »oc la. l COD(UU Uns m olt d ca lmble.

Men wb o play' the wlly game of poll· Vac ant l and _ adJ aeeDt. to Free fl OOl f's tc 'a d a m lly " ., pu re hue d tics ha ve discovered th a t th e best way a n d u In \.b. o lde r d hil rl cu lund. en D bo boOIf U," aCo r eAAODto' di s t ra ct tb e a tt ent ion of the public a ble p rices . from th eir o wn sbortc om lngs Ie to !rOf furthor pa.rtJcul.&ra "nita to ma ke a loud· mouth e d se nsational at· I t ac k upon so me one else. As the cut,. I - '~""><~w. S. NETHERY, tl e-nah e lu dea its purs uer by cloudi ng I ... guwnn IILon.• T. ..... O~I .. .. t he Burround lll'" I I6ca.dlan TN'U_T.~! ..I.ld •• ' ........ n. " wa t er w ith th tl ca ll. I\ Ca. Oo "emm " D tJ A ~6 n t ... o r te nls of Its Ink s a c. 80 th e pOlitical a d· .dd r . .. AuJlerl ........ I.. n t of ve nt ure r t a kes a (lvan t a ge of the Ig no",-~",",":.a lUliulcraUun, OlU".... C&aaOa . ra nee an d prej udices of th!' people to I - - - - - - - - - - -I escape tram hi s Indefe ns ible p081 t1or by mudd ying the waters of publi c o pinion I A cas e In point la th ( recent Olttaek Highest Tower In the World . Shoul d Bue nos Ayres carry out a I mad e upon th religious press fo RI:GUIATI:S YOUR SYSTI:M projec t now und er co nt e mp lati on the carr ying Coca ·Cola advertising. Thl r RI:GUIATf YOUR lIV1:1I WITH c it y w ill o rect th e III h 8t t w I a ttack wss mad e by polltlclB' ·"h r ~ ~ . . g e a e r n was s uppos ed to be an expert 1 che n: , ~.ld'R'J.GI"IJltrP'i.~ tb tl \\ orld . o \ e rt op pl ng t ha t of Eltre l Istry but wbo. having brou ght sui' ~~ ~.~ by IS!' fee t. It Is pl a nn ed to put tb e : a gRl nst tb e Coca-::ol ' ~o mpan • . \l a p ~1A1!I' ~.TAB~~ . s tru c t ure up a h elg bt of 1.173 humili a ted by :" a vlng to acknowledg, I teet. !lnd a statue at lh e" top wlll be thnt b e could oot 'Iual l\ . 8 an e xpe rt ' ........... ' ~ ~ ~~ s urm o unte d wllb an e lectric li ght or The court de cid ed In favor of .e ~oca. GR4NULAYE:D E:YI:LIDS 1.000.000 candl powe r . The to wer as Cola Compan, ·.S It was , learly \own L L pl ans ha ve bee n dl'Uwn will have' fa- th a t th e only esse nti a l -Itfe renee be·. laUe.etl, or Sere fye. anll Stle. cil ities ror s oclnl gath erings afe tw ee n Cocn-Coh. an coffee 01' tea Is I proillptly bealed wllb • . c e. that th e tormer cootalns only about r es tau ra nts. libra ry. billiard room s. t h a lF as mu ch call"e lne a. : he latter an!. g ymnas ium. a s we ll as a wlre les8 te le· I th a t th e na vor Is diffe rent. . I t graphic station and a me teorollga l ob· 1 The Qu es tion as to whetber :t Is rIght DON'T CUT OUT A VARICOSE VEIN servat:ory. t o adverti se Coca·Cola eeems to resolve UNIH£HT Its elf tb er efore Into the Qu estion as to m ....... n.. rolllt wheth er It Is right to adve rtise eotree. A mild safe antise • Th" Torture. of Prickly Heat oM ' . . ' . ' p t ea. chocolnte. cocoa and other bevel' and all skin all"e cUons are Qulcldy al· ag es ot the call"elae 11'0up,-Adv. '. ' h c , d'l ~ c~ltlent, r esol· . vent IlDlment, and I le vl a ted and In a sbort time compl et ely c ured by using Tyree 's Antiseptic "Tango." , pro ven r e medy for this Powde r . 25c. at dru ggists. For fr ea A stude nt looked up tb o word "tan· .~ ~ .• and similar tro ubles. sample wri t e J , S. Tyree. Cbemlst. go" In a Latin dictionary. This Is Mr. R. C. K e ll og g. B ec ket, Mass., Wash ington. D. C.-Adv . what be found : "To lake In hand. car· be fo re using this r e m ~ d y , s uffered ry. orr. to be contiguous to, to strike. int e n s e ly with painful and in flam· Natur-at Reau It. beat. sm ear." ed vein s ; th e y were swoll e n, knot"They tr ied th e ne w play on th e ted and hard. He writes: "After dog ." "Wh£lt happened 7' "The angel Obviou. Cour.e. usin~ on e and one-half bottles of got bl.tten." "What do you do when you get In tbe vein. dee p water for speedlag'" "Seod for ABSORBINE. JR" Be ILhrtrlJ on little thlnlrs like bluing. the ft rst friend I can thin II of to ball were reduce d, inflammation and Don't 'occepL water tor ululng. A.1t for Red pain gon e , and I have had no recurme out." Crbu &11 Blue. Ad v_ re nce of tbe trouble during the past New Orleans re quires all bread ot· Tbere t8 no eirect without a cauee, six y ears_" Also remov1ll Goitre fer ed for sal e to me securely wrsppeel exce pt when & woman chan«ell ber Painful Swellings, Wens, Cysts' to protect It tram til es . mind . Call o uses. Bruises, "Black and Blue " disco lorations, etc., in _ pleasant manner. Price '1.00 and .2.00 a b o ttle at druggists or delivered. Book 5 G Free. Write forit.






81 ~el

BTATE _____•• __ ••• _••• ___ •• ___________ ••• _.


~ -;/("4J"If "S' ~ ~

Roman Eye Balsam








A\~tlab~ Prtp~ralion for As-

~& - .- ••••••• -••••••

simi1ali~!he Food and Rel!uJa -

ling !he SlomDchs and Bowel:!> or

NAME .-.. -••••• _-.-.- .---... -.-.- - -•• TOWN . _____ ••• __ • ____ ... _________ _____ • __ • STREET AND NO. ____ • ____ _______ ______ ._ r

Promolts Di~stion,Chterrul ­ nessandRe!I .Conlains neilhu Opium,Morphint nor Mineral

S'l' ATK ____ ••• _••• .-••••• •••• _••• _._. _____ •• _



Other Opal.,

W.F. Yoang,P,D.F ,.31 DTempl.Sl.SprtAgfleld.....

"Save theMan"

TTy HARVEY 'S "5 d., .. TREATIIIJI:NT fooo IIquorordMl& habit.. Tbe f"ormuta or It bot44 pbme la.a tba.c. to r ,.ea.,. baa be~D eoaoe •• tlIll, 1MecI I. one of tbe larc.,.r.lanltar1ama tor liquor &lid 41111 bablc. 10 tbo OOQDtrJ. 8&ntt&rtulD price'" oar prl co 110. If yoo .. to Inc.erM\e4 wrU.. ue ~D.r rfl fQnCled If Lb. LJ'eatment..bo1l1d'aot4oaU·". olaJ..a tor IL HARVEl' TREATIIIENT ()O. OonD~Y n,b .... old I<l 18" Blye. 8t .... .... poulbl . . . .nta. Tro7. N. r.

The Kind You Have t: Always Bought TUBERCULOSIS It

Bears the

haR lately been provea that Tullerculoall

CAnuo t be cured by aerumfl or vaaciD.,


TilE DR. W .




mdl(. _ .__


~le ... I~Dd, o~

plac.. u,.. . . . . . ... l'&lIh • • • lUll. IU

Iliu. If...,. e' . . . e ..

Dam. . &al. CClQ,eDjr_1.


opale tound In any part or A mertca are Ie sa bard than those fouod In other locali liee. but the y are no less brilliant. and some of tbe m withs tand I atmospheric effect aod th e wear ot time Quite as well. Otbers again fllde and become translucent lind opaque In cou rs e at tim e. or accord· Ing to the degree at exp08ure.



J_eLloD•. Mm'Dwhlle Dr. W. U. Hak er·. Tonie, A Ilertttlvo Bnd Expectoront cuntlnuos to bee .... tlt O\'er 110 per cClI t ofth""ll taking It. Beeel f~ free booklet on '"ln Lcrc.t1l1 l/: Facta Concern. lei Tu berculo.I.·· and " H ow To Live-"


It Is ge ne rally conceded that the

MItIklng II dl.tlnctlon. ··Does your wife make her own clothea?" asked one husband. Joy. of Ho.pltallty. "No. aIr." replied the other; "she "A motor car II a source or great goea for enough when sbe wears 'em pleasure, Isn't IU n without asaumlng responsibility to~ "Yes," repUed Mr. Chugglns. "But the designs." It I has certaln dleadvantages. You don't want to ride by yauraelt, .,ad when you take OlJt a party ot tr1eildl ' Plain . to Ob.ervatlon. " they have argumentll ' amoq themWlfe-"NoUce that third chorua aelvea about how faat we .ball ..rl In the first.row She used to CO and ' where 'We ahalllO. There la ,oD17 to school with me. Poor thing! She one thlnf they _area abou~· anI[ tbat lfe l1t on the ~,~ becaule .be bad la. I,f the' machllle tiieaka doWD. Ii'. 'II ! Db~lIIg to " wear 0" ~ulbAb4--''80 I --...:A ~Ji ." . - . Me -LOudou 0,pIaI0a: , .~ w ! e OD me. i ,:' • f ~ ~ \;J ,1 t t I :~ I~: .; t':' 'IIi • I

CASTORIA For Infants and Children. i

Interrupted Funeral.


on the bread. Place Il



IlI ay



Vienna s..u .... e in half. leolrlbwi. e. and lay

~ I n ll o n Is si m l' l), a roo m 811I1i c i( 'l1lly 11I1'~f' 10 !l('('oll1 l11 odalo lh l' pa l rons an ti (-qui " ped wit h n I lIr~ e 1(' " uox. a d ,·R I,. I>() III .· t'llIIl r ~ a lltl a lI1 uk . An o rd lll llr)· ~ lorP Is s ullable' for a slalio ll li nd sn m' ·lilO@S . a s In the cas l' of II,,, 81al l01l ,II I· tlra. N. Y .. a sc hoo l

TI " , " Inl iqn ('hnrgra 4) ( H

ju.l ril ht fo r

alie..... prcad with ueamcd butter a nd remov" cnlOta. C ut a Lbby'l

='pwa r k. N t~ W J\. ·dro rtl. l l :" ' l' n, 1" Il w Yo r k . PPO riR, P it t ~ · lJ u r "lt . l·r"\'I(I'· II(·". Hoc ht·st" r. SL 1..r 1111 ". Sprtllr,fi (·I(I. 0 . ; Wn l" rb!lr)·.


the horses drawing the hearse. and seizIng It by tbe leg. brougbt It heavIly to the gtound. The dog then shifted lte grip. biting the horse 10 seve ral places about tbe tront of the body. and finally faste ned Its teeth in Its muzzle. The horse's struggles we re wltneBied by mallY. but for some tlme the contusion was sucb that all ell"orts to get at the bulldog were unavailing. A young woman to wbom the latte r belonged eventually managed to gra ep the collar. but It was only arter th e animal had been stum.od with a heavy piece of wood that Its jaws could be pried apart and the horse released.-Lo~don Mall

Vienna S a u.aae -

W. lUll/eat you try Ih e m . e noed like Ihi.: Cut ry .. brca<l in

~t lIHJl l lk" I ' ,


. ; ''

Dried Be ef•• Jjced wafer tlun, Hi c kory Smoked and with a choice flavor that you w ill r emcmbeo.

:'\ 1'\\

8TRltET AND NO . ___ .. _. __ . . ________ ._•••

I i

sex) eemetery ,WBS delayed by an ex· traordlnary Incident. a few daye ago. Just lUI the procession was entering the gates,.a bulldog leaped at one of

uncheon Delicacies

clll"" of 1111 >l 1 1.1·~ nr " t ' ~ l ab l is h l ll l' m ilk t;IIlIIU IiH 1111(1 tllll"· Il ... lnl{ mill; . \\ 1... 1111"" pilI'" \\ h"l" mill;. ("~ l' t i fl" <I , IlH)/ liti .t! . PII "lt'ur lze d or RII rill 1.c·II milk 10 !II nlll",. ... or I,abl .·" 11111 1 Illu,t lJ" ut, lI II. fcd SUIII" of 111. ' d li ('~ in "hlt-h iju ' lI In Allt llllollK ari' I1ln ill luill"(1 aI',· : A Iun n)', Ila llllll"rl'. Boslo n. Huffa lo. Chi· GIll; O. !tOl :) llll,. 11.·1rolt. lI arl fo rd . 11 ' ' '10lu lll . I ntl! a ll;IIHd i~ . K all"ns ('it y, M o .. 1 ';(\\'1" .. 11 ('(' . .\ ta "" . ; I.nub ,·lI le. Lo\\,!· 11.

Woman'. Long Se.-vlce. The ooly woman llghthousekee per In Eoglaod. Mrs. Joyeon. k ept he r last watch. the other night at Hale. on tb e banks of th e Mersey. She Is known at "the heroine of the Merse y." For twenty ye urs she has llv ed In th e lighthouse. and for four years. since tb e deatb of her hubsaod. sbe has been the official keeper . "My lite hOB not bee n on unhappy ooe here." said Mrs. Joyoson. "and It Is a wrench to go. I am glvl"g up tbe appointment for the sake of my children. who wish to l l v e 6 0 6 5 at Stockton. The commissioner hlUl tried several times to persuade me to stay. He told me ooly the other This dress has the fastening at the day. 'You are leaving with honor: IIlde of the froot and has a dainty When my husband died In tbe light. I two-piece skIrt. The oeck Is collarlells house, I took up the duty on three and the sleeves may be long or short. months' trial. and have continued UII : The cuffs and belt are fashioned of now. I have done duty tor three and : cOntrallting material. which gives the a hal! bours before and atter high ' troTchk a ptleaslngS065trlmlmed touch. I a pa ern ( ) s cut In sizes 4 Id t 1', and bave to keep the llght burn· ; to 10 years, Medium size wtll r& Ing at night time. aod the fog bell . ,gulre 2% yards of 36 Inch material ringing It necessary, On several occa- • and " of a yard ot 27 Inch cdntrallt810n I have rung the bell for the wbole ! Ing mater;aJ. seven hours. Once we had nearly a ' fortnight ot tog. but 1 got through It I toT~. Pattern I P~ure Department," thl. pattern or eondthle10 paper. centa 011 right." Write n_ame and nddre88 plaInly. and be aure to IIv9 .1,... and number of pattern. A funeral at Hampstead (Middle- .



"a •••


a ..

lI .. do.f

... o\al. caD'Uplltorti. o~er ..... lIl

Dot .011 ..


I.Jgr. aDJtbl •• •


} Aperfccl Remedy forComliJHIlion. Sour 5tomach.DiarrhOea. Worms .Convulsion:!> .Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP.

• . . Sact Copy of Wrapper:


For Over Thirty Years

CASTORIA . . . . . . .tnt••" . . .~...y. _

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Go.raDt...-d • •ooUY.

At! d •• '.,.


paId tor 11." .. ~._O::.D IOIlS.I. 1&0 ».&.1'1 A .... Brookl,..... 1'.


rour..I·OUl' or soan"aUN lX) W"'oc'OOT 1" • • •I..U"lu.r&A froID KID".",. aUDc.a, Miliwoua D1....... c.aO"IC "' .... &"a..... uLca.A. sIUN, Write fo r mr PR • • bool. T"& NOST J ....T.UCTtYa ".DICAL l OO K 1tVli. W't.l1"'TKH , IT TaLL. ALL about u...e

T..HERAPION :::U;':,DU••~L. I~-,IBAS U aDd. the •• 1IA.8.U.Il.& cu . . . . ".c~.:._'"

'law PIl ...CH "aMaDY. N.1. ".2~

.It • therera", (otYOUltOWM aUment. DoD·t .. DClace.a.

A," . . . . No 'IoUow.p'dl'Wlan.. Da, LaC&.&. .

11&0. CO, HAV."TOC& flD.II..t.MnTI4D. La.DO" .....

~THOMP80N'a ~~'it!:.:..~= ­ ~EYE

WATER :ru.~


JOBNL. TUOlllP801<l 80NS6ClO ••Tio",:l

..." .












\ hn:l' ,,,,1 ,'1, "I' .,tr",·li' l' '"ll,I . 1 \litlt ~1;t ­ lin" :mil I ) ~, 1'", ," Tri lll ill i l!g-~ , ;t ' h:d f It " 1'" ,' IIi'tr "1',," : ;11: ' " 1:lal 'l- L' lIl l'1 l l1llll d ll at~, :-':":11',,111<111 \"Ith \ ('I"I,t l1 all ~l " "II" r a \:illf'~. !I,":"i''', alII ~I i',III-, f"l'lIl l'rl y ¥_ ,II,::; .. Hnd ,~ 1,1\11\\' , ... .. .. .


$1. 50

1':l dt' l' lv \V "I1\I!Il'~' ll'Il lIn l( 'd Ha l.- III it v,ll'il'l Y II f st\' les ' ___




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1 111 h ~rl ll .


Uui .) VB, Ju ~ eph ouuler Illt til. Dtlffl Uullnt ohaDl.{ed pleu of llllt g uilty t.o ~U\Jt.y. l3ontenoed to : :HJ I l tly~ IU L)o un ty jail anu pay costs . I ~!.attl of UhlO V S. Joseph Shulcr . lnd uc' t Ulont no llied. tSt, II e of Ohi o r x r ei TrustoRs Ilrlllll kllo t ,~w m; hip VI< . or U , P"Ucl r : '1 "", wri t llf IIH,n ItlIDu!:I I MI' l,)" A. 'chwartz \ ' 8 . Ths \ illltg e " ,f 1.1, 1", , \0) 0, et l' . Defenllanf. /,: rtlnted

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75c Up


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The Unfortunate One

Balkan Blouses

hntl ~I Uth l i:-o _

,I a l lll ' ~


1YI .

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7!lc to $1 .00

Prouate Courl

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M "g u u

Ill /l He !' of tIll' OAt"tA Dr ,1.

' l~ ~~~pr,

dcoe nsod HpnTY 11011 tlnWILTU B

~ l " l ' ~ll r, A, C , VIIi!


, "t llllHllJ iI I

Xenia, 6hio.

I'hilllp'" V8, ~mlly I:i . I Crlliltl. l>tl fl'ln lillnt, gran t,en Id.lVO to I ii: ... HIl ~W~ I ' , li nd t1ll lnO i ~ don u.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . 'S urp risin g Cure of ~ tomaL h Troub h: ,

Ji b 1 n n~Wl1r,


,I d, ,nl'


Creen Street

Hutchison &Gibney





I AlIly Maxlle ld Vii Benj " ruin Max , 1.I.,1Ll DI voroe granted Plain tiff !!: rll uJtell cURtolly of ohildron , Tuo Wow l~ l uo tri o Co. , \'8, The GWY D II liu Uluner Co. Cat"'" dill


al , .. , .. ..

\\'hit t' I{a til l"

Summer Wash Fabrics

Common PleasProceedlngs


Ulildr l'!I'-; ,; , 1'1 1,1 ,. 'i'I'IIll ll l ,·rI !lat ,; , al 11a'l' :It" 1'<','1,1011' ,' I'i l'l!



:;w·nte of Ohio VS . W . C, Winans, I Df'f c·udnot· en te rs plfm, of not guilty .

.------------c-----.--and BLACK HATS dill' dl'ls , ;\Ii~,;.: ~'

County Courts

\\III' !I\"'lh "Vi ' I!'lI l1 bll'Wlt,h y u ll r

\1) 1 hO ll), IIl1lJ o lUtei \

IIPI, \r nl ~Ors,

Children's Wash Dresses

I n ll ltl ttpr o f Lhe tltltll le lit Nathan "



"" t'llI ( ilI a; l"Jilti l l jllltl tl[J , I ~1. I:; rv wll, lWU <'O l lu , F II'~t Illld huol ~ I dun't 111",,, 11 • ..- Ih " t ',' d Or l' ll~U l!l I ,.'. IIe('I ,u ut f" T ~tl ttJ f' llleot \" fll ... I\' ~ YOll II h" II ' ju,t l"'(', /l lI~fJ yo u l'll nc l(,r lu ttl(' lllotter of the eHI,tlt£1 of By Tom Pierce fu tl ,; to !! I Vu Y ' , 11 n ' IIt'f . 1}1 !'~ U :O;:" t ll ll ll 1\1 Br o wn, imhE'oile Ilplia Ht eng lE', l'J /l 10 tidcl . K . .1. writ E"', "b'vr o v or ' I fllt)nt h pll ~t I h it vo bOO ll M , Brco wll app o ill t~ d udmiuil.'trllt,rix. , , \ 50c to $3.00 Friday Mormng ,s Game 1!Jlngles by I)rllk e ILOll Englert pr o· t .. " ulll ed with J l1 Y ~ tll : iJ l, (' Il, Eve r~" Bon d $ lf,OU thill~ lnte IIp,m t It. tpT l'l uly, 0111' I n t,h e II1tltt"r o f es tate of Nllthhn _ _~._ ducod "bree runs T he · ,) ore ; uf Uh nm lllJ rlain '" IlIIVl· rtl ~ III" book :.1'. B ro wlI,dece'lsl'd. A , B , Prob/1Iloo You can hang them now at ''IJ'~' win do ..... Tb e mMIl ·ng · gnm e WIl SIl t ou C;; h \ for in addition to the ori~n:tl Brenhn Unfilled le l:i CJHIll H t" 1111 ' A ft l' r rHnOir.1! n ,J , .\ .( 'O WII II und Budd l'b"IIlI> ~ otl 1<1:0\1 1" MILl,!c\ Shade, whi ch i. known III a mill ion hOllies ,t!. o na to 1081', but the t e is oon 80\tLtl,~n All It II 1'0 A 1!; \ I"W o f til e h ,l t,"I''' fr " nJ jJ')lf pla \,1> (1 the lIIost beautiful shade made, there are two 4 I hHU t ll'e ll eu~ "d 1,) (;I! ,' Jui>erltllu'", "PIM llit eu IIpprail'e rs. I 2 ill t h., fU llt I,bnt K ings h"d to tight. Qro.k u. 21, .... .. .. '\ newgratles, both pos se ssing the Brenlin standH U , . 8 R h I ,enll ,urt . .: ., .. , . G ~ :: 'I' '!'" hl tl tR,l dfl '" ,!! .. l ' t f) tr y th em . I 10 l,be m .. Uar of t,be astuto (f 1111 T(I t 0 win I t en tnl t WJl.S ~11'l:l o lln n" rt . . . • II o ard of quali Iy. For wind ows of ordinary . in 2 2 hllV tJ t,uk n[] I , " ' I'I ), th fl\~ f nll rth ~ II I l\'\n ry I~ DlCll oy . decal\Hed John E I ~ (I yard w ide by 2 yard. long) these three ht\Ok '0 l,be b o x und ne ver desorv ed ~" 'I:~~IIII~~~·c t .. : ·· ~ 2 I o ~" l lIl o lw{.\to l,f Iltt'm IlIHI c III 1l 0 W '~ Il t UiC'\c:I'Y UPI)'lintod execute r .hade. aTC priced at I I Il viotory more, Be ~ trllck out fir ,IDlInn Woodtli ,. If . . , . .. ,. 5 , au , ."., :, I I 2 ~ I "Illlost ,.,· , ' rv t hio ~ lll, t, I want, " , ~ In the mll.t·te r of Mary E DIll, d, I o II 4 ;1 ~ lo' or ""I , h I' 1 ; lllh'"I f' r~ , 7Sc, SSe and 2Se teen blltt e r ~ lind ce r t ainly did his ,'.Ianll. ~8 . " •• , . . . a o II U I II rrun, il)' ."... ~ _ ' O(l Il~ fOd , .1 , M , Dill !lnrl Hebel' Dill, Brenlin UnlilJed al 7Se Ibotlld alwaYI be aNd share. Here 's bow It hapVEln ud . • wbue IcnRtb of ""nice Ind attracllve allpeUlnco Totals , , , , , , , , . 3 ~ ,; 12 27 16 -_. _ . ._. --exec n" fi led t heir inventory Rnd •• e lint coo.iduallona, for beiog mode of closelY E dwardfl , fit'ilt Miami np w .... safe UT I LlztNG GRAVITY. . Bischof and wonn clotb "ilhoat "liUioll." it always b anll" Wooltex, I1ppr ui sem p. ut 0 1 sl1me. when Drake musped his ' bmnder MI.\~tl S Itrolllhl ond smooth, woo't fade and rtaU>, shad... E An H tt PO A Tbe "." gTod ... Brenlin Filled .1 5Se and Brenlio Other Good Machlne Made at 2Sc ue br far tb. beal val .... i. bnt Surfaoe foroed 111m at seoond , . Edward •. 3b . . " .' " 0 I I I 0 1 ~.r u n ( ~' n dtl, ' k )- - \\'ll~tf ure YOIl Marriage Licenses ,bad es at tb .... llric:•• , N, Tanne r to Maug En g"lert aod !· Rurraco. l u ..... .. " /I 2 0 " ~ : r i' IIII ',",; I\lilt : 11111 Irllll lin t.he bv ll' Makes lli mes. I:UC . •• . .• . •• r, "2 :t t1 1 L<I ,1Iw )IC* 11Ws, 1/",.. 'lIII4rhblf tI.' t ! I !lUll (J . Gephllft" baruer of Drake .preven t ed Itl. rceny by RnrftLce I! Jnllrwn . ct , . . .. ... '. :,4 JI 'JI II;1 0 ~ I of till' l'llal f., r. 1';11 ~ : U Ull{un , ~h . .. . . C.trl l ~ l ", Ohi o. ond MiE!I Vam I · Hutchison & Gibney Himes sing led, BnrtJn sfl,fe un N, ! I~ , liurgnn , I· .. .. " 1 ~ 2 17 I ~I I' a t' lire' , a ll ' If' it 'In;: in tl li' .Johu ~ )U-pf ::l\lrin~uor , Rev . G E' , , !' 1hOW P.!'ot) I\ ' Jr .... '. fI li () II _IIO nfll s error , Jim Ber gllo tlingled Dud• . d ." , .. , 4 I 1 0 I 1 ~ t (OrII, "'tr,ddu'l I Jrl' l' u W i ll' uph il l Guwdy , ,1 H' SlII lth, IJ · . " , · , ,· j 0 U 1 't 2 nil t1w t ill il'? :\ 11 ' Illl ~ way I'm RU d B r otbe r E (gar 1 ~coreu Iw es ,J, Van Worley, farmer. of Mor· and Burton with II. d ouble. Tolals.. . .. .... 3 7 5 12 27 S 4 ruwil.l ' dllwnhi ll nil lit" lillll'!-Ylile r ow, Ohio, !lnd Miss Haonllh R, i ' ti t . h I 2 J ~ 5 f. 7 8 9 K ng s rs 800re cumo 10 t e t{lng, Mili. ,. 0 0 I n 0 2 ~ a 0- 0 HU<:IJ rd. Sch u ltz uf Lebanon. Rev. Walk . third. Drake WIIS safe wh en his I Miami• .. , ' . 2 0 I 0 0 2 n u 0-- 5 CUISINE IGNORED. ~roand,er wentpust Blmesand w en~ SU MMAHV Real Estate Transfers to seoond when Ben m ade u~ bnd Stolen Bu.....-E Di<lerl , Duon , SlIrlllce, E. .. Uorglln. Dn v is SmiLIl. "1 hOJlI" ,1 '0 11 I'Hn <' peuk a /-iood worn ~hJlne,Y M, P')wers to George M, throw to oa'tc tl himoff first . Singles Sacrillco ~' I y-J, B crgilD . 2 Baso Bl18-J , Tauu"r, E . Horg"" 1, Hur - for Oll l' 1'1~( 't'. ~i r," ~ai u Ilt u 1'(,518\11'Buel lUG 38 acres Qf land 11 , by Englert ' flnd MoUlel1llnd scored lace, 3 HIlI!4l Htt-WoodtU, SlUt. prl'p l' il'tol' in hi6 mos t concillu!" Jtl.mes B, Dilly et al to J , F. 111m , 81ngles by 8 urface, Bimes Striko Outs- No Tanner, 8; Smith, !~ , Bases on Ballll-N. Tauner, J; Smltir, a. ing loues, Stev.ans lotI! No . 85 and 86\n MaBon, and Burtoll fl,nd a sRorifice fiy by Wild mlth , " Urn, ,Yf'S, 1 CAIl, " anslI'ered th e Obio, .60 Cap Bergan sonred u.nother for the r.~tt8D~t~=~rlg~~~ltlI2, Drake, g rolt('hy d ill er. ' Th e view .from this Jel'ome Anderson to James and Miamis in thoir huH of this sos- ¥l~~~b::';' ~' and Mant!', window 'is ,'xcl,l1 l'ni." Ntl.una I:lhut·t" ,22X aores of land in slon. CletLI'oreek township, II, Kings tied it up in tbe sixth. OFTEN THE CASE. Sunday's Game 8amuel B Woodward and ~lias Arter MoCIt,lIand hRd twirled hiS b&t three times in /I, vuin effort to "Uy wi re J(1C"iD ' l Hud ir 6 0 hard }4'olk to Mtlrt,in A. ReeBe lc.t in hit tbe ball , eaob of the Tanner t:;undllY aft.ernoon,Charles. FraZier ru nniug' th e IiOll~U DUW L1ml, th e (.'ooK FIlinklio, Ohio I~OO RUGS, $7.50 TO $25.00 James B UiJley at III to Rosella brothers singled and scored wheo Bnd some of the LAbanon shoe fltc · hu s le ft:' LINOLEUM, 45c UP Woodtli poled a beautiful triple to tory hands, ubly assisted by Pitoher "l{(:st of tlt t; IllJII :;ehold ~lltisfLCd?" t:;oott lots No 81,82,83,84 in Mason MATTINGS, 12c UP Ohio, 180 , deep left , "Pe..D " was held at third Scott, of 80nth Lebanon , und Catoh , ' vI es: lit; I (:'"' k wus tho lJlain Graoe M, Hubbsl to H. S , StevenWINDOW SHADES while Dunn fauned, lIrlllag wtllked e~: Englert, t:;hort stop Mil IR' and kicker, arkl' al l. " son lots N o, ! and 2 iu LOl'eland, and Currallllied to Burton in oonter Fust baseman Curran, of Kings - -- - SINE QUA NON. Obio. The Miamis !loored their last two Mills (I'he last thre", mel!tioned be Earl Sheets to Edmond C. and runs in their half of the sixth. Ing u whole host in themselves ), 'Mll hrl- - l'o., 1' \ 1 i'>' . Guluol l Lost Isabelle Blaokford, "boat 20 aores Oap Singled anct Edgflr d<lnbled took the M,amis into oamp by Ii. of laud io Uleuroreek townl!blp' Thompson popped out to the pitoher 801re of ]0 to 9, marry Hamilton h p l' 1 II Isl ,n n~, Ihl',\' ~lI .\', 2I l a,l'II1l'Y l ' ~, Til l' cook tnlJ her BARNHART" . James B, Dilley et al to 'W R Davis WIlS stlfe lit fir!lt wh en his stInted t o pi toh the g am e for th o third s'rilte got pust Englert, Cap Miamis, but WUI> hundiCllpped by t hllt ,III' Wi nd " not ,I n,v Ull thn pl a.c,' RandAll lots No, 31, 32 and 33 in Notary Public sooring and "Little Brother ' belDg laok of praotlse and some rllther wit I! :\ 11'. (ill ld" l. ~l) s he Il e r MllBOIll, Ohio tle5 . Veterinary All kinds of Notary Work . Peuslon George M. Buel to JuUa A. Powoa.lled out at the plate by Umpire poor sUlI.port, IlUd gave wily to Geb h usb.wd .- ,r ll d~I' . Work II. t:lpeoiaUy, Graduate of Ohio Sla(. lJniverlli ers 196 311 Rcces of land II, MaaR', Englert to N , 'runner. Duvis bart 10 the seoond InoinR, Uertaln REVELATIONS. W , F . i{lbbvet III to J . B . and totole and Englert very gimerously infielders were rudically o ff their . I murll. Pellrson three trl10tll of hnd Itt ~mith 's third !ltrike go by un_ usuell high c lll ~s form, and Ilfter the "~ r.v hu sba nd tc )ld lIle he was ca.rOffice at re.sidence in F. USher. touobed . Ben rewllrded this gen first inni Ig, tue b oys c ould not util- ri t'fl !lwa} lI'ill! dpligl!t. I,,\' II'l' fUDc), ill Deorfield townShip, '1 , ALTElt MC(lLURE, wood's house. Fourth Street. Atnu.uda J Bone et al to Rudolph erosity by pilfering. Davis s:lored ize their hit!! to th£l best advantage. bull h i"Ulll' llcil' d Illl> otltpl' rti ~ ht." St , John 20 ncres of land 1300. when Curran fizzled on Ellwardll' IThe bright feature of the gnme V,R!I "~ o, Dul \\'ilh 11r li g ht. lie waH Telephone 28 Funeral Direl!tor. Alury E . Waterhouse to L. M. and grounder , Herb W.lIl onught fit Edga,r Bet'g 'tn't! "p lend td cotcbing . ca rried a II'll)' II'llh t ht! pat 1',,1', lVugon," Julill. M, Henderson, . 24075 80re8 of Waynesville. Reoo.d, Enlitlert to M1Lag . l,et 's for ge t t,b e re3t of it. Th o score ; Ohio Telephone day a. ntsbt. Il1n<1 $1, Kings won It in t he eighth wh en I 2 J ~ 5 G 7 b ~ - Il LL E ALWAYS BUILDING NEW ~ ONES, Valley phone No.1. LOIIK L . M. Ilrd Julia M Henderson to single8by J , TRnner, Woodthand l.()tmnllD . .2 ~ 00120 I 11- 10 11 7 Distauce No 611-9.., D 'k Mlllwls .. .... . 6 0 0 l 0 2 000- 9l2 11 " [ don't IlUPpur'C yo u know wba t Mar,y E Waterhouse Y.' aore of lllond unn, a Btr! e ont by Mnllg, u wob- . Bot lotl r ie.-·!;c\>tt ami Eng le rL; lIBl1liltou' HATBAW A1' Lec'otllt'S or nil j hu pill :'~" ble on CurrRn's grass cutter ond (,amJ " """rt. a mI I., UurglUJ . IJDlplrcR- L<>wi. WA VNESVILLE, OHIO • lI isilo p . Tl mo-2 h ou r",. " I ~ lt n llid ~n,l' i lll[ ! r .JOI. 't even William 1:1 . Newport Ildminl.&ra_ Waynesville's LeadinJl DeDSlI' Branch Office, HarveJ'nbW'l, O. know whut l,eeo lU cs of a ll \.he battle- tor of estute of Miranda Nicely to Office in Keys Bldg. Main Bt sh ips." Perry Humbert' two lo~s In Spriug boro *300 THE REAL ONE. Ed wu.rd C, and Cora M, Hamilteu DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN} Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad For .n~rna. anci Externa. i n Th e Miami Oazette. " We tC)[i k a liI lilt , \\,III' ~ t problem to En ellt Berwer lot 637 in Lebanon, Ohio, 11800, ' piny 1 t ' l t ' r ";11 11" li e 1'0 '5 ." " \\' hnt. wU :, th , · I' l'ohktn nlJtllIt ?" Holds the World's Record for Close Skimming. !~id Your Children of Worms " H ow to get ou I' lI10ney Iath:k." You ou.n ohange fretfnl. til tem. SUITABLE TREATMENT. pered ohildren int) healthy, happy 5~ and '"Absolute, Securit7" YOllng'Nters, by ridding them of worms , TORsing. rolling, grinding . "He ads as if he were the "only make an excellent investment. Our "Absolute of teoltb, crvin'g out whihJ aNleep Mechanical Washer -:- Nickle Silver Sections bIg g un In the \r holl' ofl1el'," Security consists of Three and one-half million doloccumll'anieti with intense thirst Dust.proof Gear Case. "Then, if he doesn' L look outlhe'Li pllint! i n tohe stomaoh Ilnd bowel8; lars of carefully selected ' first mortgages on Montbe iireu." feverishness and bad breath are gomery County Real Estate, further guaranteed by 8ym ptOnls that indioate w~rm8, a Surplus Fund of over $100,000.00, Write for bookTO USE CAMELS. Klokapoo Worm KUler" a t>leatlant oandy lozenge, expels t1!\l worms, 1 \ let desCfibing our 5r!'. Dividend Accounts. Argentina is Lh inkin.y of ' import- regulates the bowels, reBtore!! yonr '" lJIg camels into certain of irs , semi - ohildren to health and happin888, Mrs, J. A . Brisbin, of Elgin, Ill. laYS: WAYNESVILLE, arid regions, to di srlu~e the . horse "1 hllVEI used Kiokapoo Worm KilIJhdidIDg and Loan AssocIaUOD and ox. ler for years, and eutirely rid my OHIO .a,.._. Oldo chil;jret~ of worms. I wonld Dot be ORGANIZED 1111i7 PERTURBED SUBSTITUTES. without-it." Guaran'eed. All drag. AISET8 N,eoo,ooo.oo. , : 8L1APLU8 '105,000.00 -l gists, or by mall. f;>rtoe 250. • ·6 North, OppOlite Qld .Qoun Boa.. , E. R. M!LLER. Centerville, Ohio, "Bring me concomiJantB , with my' apoo [ndlau Medioine 00, l'bUa oyster8, J roms." delphia and S,. Loai!!. ~~:ibtlltCllr for Warren, Greene and Montgomery Counties. " ,<nY 'kles , and crncL:- I .. on 't-~.on't' pLC ' , "• .... . .'\. rn do air?" . , S.QbBO~lbe f91"tlle MI.mJ· G~e&"




I '

Spring Coats








Suits, Waists, Wash Skirts and House Dresses, at


590 ·and $1.89




Dr. J. A. McCoy,

E. v.



United States Cream Separators NEW 1913 FEATURES


DR, H.E.



-----. - ...----





_ _I

Gem City



... .



.,: ~



..., .......... ... ...

N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and values of aU kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

1905. Terms Reasonable .-

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio




THE MIAMI PulJll.ho(1 Wookly


Telephone 45-2r






- ---- ----I


Given to Mary'. Part." Myatet10ul Individual rtf I'lf. ~





Belvedere road in London is bUllt - - -over the "Pedlar's Acre," which not O. L. e llAN I'; , Editur and Manager long Itgo figured in the law courts. In St.. Mary's, Lambeth, thil tcriollB pcdlllr, a fifteenth century Ratl's of Subscription "00 Vour <.trlctly in IIdvuuco) . . ... . " II,UO worthy, has his memorial 'Window. H "Kl o CUllY . . .. . .. . . .. .. ... .. ...... . O~ For it WBB a condition of his bequest of land to the parish that it Rates of Advertising should alwuys be 80. "Pedlars Acre" .toarllng 1~(· BI • . per 11"0 .............. lie in 1600 was valued at 2a 8d; what, Heading wenl •. IJlack IlU'e . ""r Une . . .. 10<' allowing for the changed values 01 ·. lasslflod Ad • • not to oJ<cood Ove 1111011 " I 'fllroo lnaortions . . . .. • . ... .. • ,3~ mOlley, is ita worth today? Hare, Jbituarl08. flvo Inche. lroo . over Ove in his "Walka," tells U8 that in 1884 Inche8, per lin·. . . . . . . . . • . . . .• ~ th pedl - -' . I lith· . I : I\l 01 thank. . . . . . . . ..... . •. ... ... . 2/k: e IU' s memorIa, 18 Slng e • OtiOlutloDl! . . . . . . . .. . . ...•.. , •..••.• ~OC interesting and important poaeMioo ocla18 etc. ,.hore cho e 1M made ....•.. 2Gc of the church, was removed by the '.I)la), AdYertlslng Pt . Inch .. ....... • . IOC church ward-ft to make room for a VALLIltY 'I'I!:L E I' lllJ1'E-CALL


112 '


,Dl8cuunt.H given In contract.


window of trashy modem gl888 r' But the pedlar came into his own again em & decade had paaaed.

JULY 9 1913

Uanl\!la'R forest · or"" Is about 800,000,OUO ,ores.

MtIlt! 10 British Unlumbll\ are IIhlpplng cool!lder~bJe PI~per pulp to Japt.n.

• A Good Investment

W. D. MlIgli, 0 well known mer · ohant of Whuemound, Will, bou"h* u stook of ()hum berluln 'B medicine liO IlII to be &ble tu supply thero to bia oustomerl'. After r~cllivlog them he WIiS hlmllelf taken 810k "nd lIays ,h3t one imall bcottle of Cham ber11\In's Collo. UhoJero. and Diarrhoea Hemedy w'"'s worth more to him than the oost of bis entire stook of these medl:llnea. For s81e by all dealers.


The Can8dlan Forestry A8I!ocia tlon holdl a forestry oonvention 10 Wlonlpeg, July 7 &0 9.

Four lauoohes Ilre ueed In patrol 60d ·tranllporatton work OD national fores,hI In Alaska, whloh Inolude m6ny sma1118100d8 and IDle~.

• pioture. oompanlea

Motion are mating filme of all of the aotivltles of *he federal foreet service, Inolod_ tng plan ling; outtlng \1m ber, patrol And lookou, wort. Already at leut two fire-fightlni "movles" are being exhibited,

CENTENARIANS ARE NOT F£W -MON Tha .. Seven 'TtIouund of T'-" 'n Bu.ope .t the Lateat CouRt.

Statistial gathered by the palmtaking Germana say that there were in Europe, at the 11l8t count, more than seven thoueand peJ'llOna over a century old The richer the coutt)', apparently, the fewer person. attain extreme old age. Bulgaria heads tho liet with 3,888 centenariaD8, with its neighbors, Roumania IUld Benia, next with 1,704 and 573, Spain bag 410 and France 213; no other country had more than 200; England had only 92, and the three Scandinanan mates were at the bottom of the list, Denmark having only two. EvideotIy the Balkans, ei!eoe of allDOllt conBtanl wllr tor the last century, is the m" s! likely pt.ce in which to attAin old Bg"'. £\ c.F!Y WOMAN.

"A woman nhl .1~'S wanta the last word." "The IBBt word would D8'IW . . . iBfy my wife!' "You eurprise me I"She wanta all of them.II PElVlIH.

"I had to kill ml dog thia m0lDing." "Was he mad?" State of Ohio, city of Toledo,! Lucas County, \ 55. "Well, he didn't seem any too well Frank J. Cheney makes onth that he is pleMed!'


bCnior partner of the firm of F. ). Cheney & Co.,...doingimsiness in the City of 1'0' HER MI8TAKE. ledo, County nnd State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and "Our teacher told Jim Jones 'alevery case of Catarrh that cannot be waY8 to look straight ahead in life," cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH "Well, what's tho matter with CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY . thatP" Sworn to before me and subscribed in "Jim's cross-eyed." my presence this 6th day pf December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, The Best Medicine In the World Notary Public_

----- ..----

Hall's Catarrh Cnre Is taken Internally and RCts directly upon the blood aDd muoous surfaoes of the syetem. , Bend for test·!montal., froo, F. J. CHENEY & CO" Toledo, g . Sold by all DruRg~sts, 750. Tate HaU'8 Family PJ\ls for oon stlpatlon.

".My 1Inle girl had dYlMlntery very bad. I though& 8he would die Chamberlain '8 Collo, Oholera aDd Diarrhoea Remedy onred ber, and 1 oan truthfully .ay that I think it il 'he beet medloine iD tbe world," writes lin. WilHam Orvis, ("'lare, Mlobl For lIale by an dealers.

We have Solved the High Cost of Monuments ,.'",

Deal Di1ectly with the Proprietors No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits You Get the Benefit



Charles We Schwartz It SOD 20-~24 Mec:banlc:

·. · ....e~

Street, Lduon,

-: '







Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

The Foorth WRS pleasantly en. Missell Elizabeth and Rnth Chlln joyed by our oltlzens and M olght d.ler were goests of Miss Henri etta were entertained by fire works dis· MoKinsey Friday. played by Mr. Floyd And Uinn, of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Uho.e. Reynolds and Dayton, Ilnd Mr. Ah'a Kennedy, of daughter were Dayton visi tors bun tbis plaoe . UllI.y. Also] Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. Mr. and Mrs . lra HartsOOk, of Maater Frank Harrl8 18 visiting Dayton, spent the fourth the go..e8tll his unole Joe MoKinsey at Morrow. of their parents, re~urning bome p " one 7. - I Mr. Ralph 81ggs Rnd wife, of CORWIN. OHIO. Sunday. Xenia, hll ve been vlel tlng their rela· Lightning struok a shOOK of whoat tiveR bere and burnrd it uP. 00 the Frank Born-To Mr. land Mrs . Chns. Shutts farm near bere . Brown &turdllY R !Ion . WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES Classified Ads Mr. Andy Jaokson Is thought to Mrs. Christie McKinsey Rpont be Improving after !everal months ~rlday In Xenis. /'t\ethodist Episcopal Churcll w ill 1,(, I r. HL'T lnl und«'r thl ... hea d (ur 610kness Mr. Jaokson hRS the best Hey. C. S. Gruu""r. Plllltor, Mr. and Mrs . J . Bardin Rnd family Adb lW l' lI l )' I lvt-, l. cn l .'i f fll' Lhree lu ... t·r ll ua Sunrlu y S c h(lvi, n : 115 a , In . Morn i ng Ser wlsh8S of this oommunlty. wllre Ruests of Mr . J . Tinnoy I\od . h oll UI't IIlU nul uwrc I ban tlvc ltn cli. \'I ~c lu :W a . Ill . ": \'Cn ln g ~ ervlce . 7 : U p uur thrashers are out ot werk . family Sunday. ........................... ...... ................" UJ. Ml<l we< ~ I'r 'r e r MU<Llu g. 7 p . m . Rt.lph Brooke has a new Buber enKenneth Kilbon, of DRY ton, Is St. Augustlne's Catholic Church, WANTED gine and hili separlltor, newly visiting his relatives bere _______________ 1 F ..thor wuis Vau. paInted, indicates that he is pro 1 MIl~"; e very t;CcO rHJ !:;u nd Lior o f th e mouth a Mr . .J ames Sales and Miss A lUlu. gressive. K:--I -$:l 00 l)f, r rluy. ~t"fl dy work \I . UU " m. ,;Vu.terbouse were in Leban on one for ~() tJ d Illf'n . Apply to the S Joseph Davis Is assisting A. '1' dlt.y reoently. Ol'flgoni!1 Bri rjgo C'"l1pany , Lohf\non, t. 1\lary's Episcopal Churcb. Moler in his meat and grocery store. MI88 Ini!' Dllvls vi8lted Mr . tll1lt Ohio . 8 10 l(c" . J . F . " ,.lwa ll:\ll<r. Recto, Mr. and Mra . Rolla Kaylor en · Mrs. Ja8, Vande1'voort IRMt week, SU llda y Sc hool. 0 ::W 8 , m Morrlln g .... er \'I cc . IU :ao a . m . Holy Commulli on the IIr¥1 tertaloed oompany from Belmont • -. ADVERTlSEl1ti-TO kn ow tbut Sunll"y ul each month . Causes of Stomach Troubl~s you onn BEl li yo ur bors(1~ and and Aprlng Valley tbe fourth, . . oows and otber things by udvorti!lChrl.tian Church. The Central Bl'1tlll 18 being newly e Sedentary bablts, laok of DU~ door ing them in tb l' G!1<!ette It C08t8 Roy, P. B. 'fhompson, Paatoe, papered and painted, making it one xerolse, insuffiolent mastlOlitlOn of but little and brings result;R. Dible School. 9 :30 •. m. !IocIaJ meetlnl, ' of the most attraoMve h08telrles in food, oonstiplltlon. 6 'orpld 11 vet", 10: ao Il.. m. Chrlatlan Endeavor. 7:0U p. m. Sonnon by pastor eyery alternate Bundu at w()rry and anxiety, overeatio~. par-I this seotioo of Ohio. 10: 5U a. w. and 7:30 P. m. ~. taking of food aod drink ~ot 8U1ted I FOR SALE Mrll. Harriett A8hmore one of our to your age And oocupatlOn . Cor Hid<.site Friends Chur~ pioneer oltlzens lind highly re root yonr habltB and take UhawberFirst Day M ee tln ~. 0 :00 B . m. F irst ['Iar speoted Is quite poorly at tbl8 lain's Tabletll and you will Boon be LANTS-Ltlte Flllt. Dutoh Ilnd Sc bool, II ;00 a !D. Founh Day MceUnl{ writing, and the anxie&y for her Is well again. F ·) r 8ale by all dealers. Danish FI(lthetld () a b bag e 10 :00 a. m. ...- -- plnnt/!. Inquire uf Park Letlk, great, Orthodox Friends Churca. Wayne~vilJe, Ollio. JIG New Burlington Fred Dakin. of Dayton, spen t the hi 1'8. Eli7.aIJO~h Ward. Pl18tor. fourth witb his parents at their AY BAL...F.I{- I::lImdwich wllkt-, in S:l.bballl SchOOl . U: ~O a. m. Heltular oburob The C. E . ~oolety enjoyed Il soollli vices 10:30 B. m .. Bnd 7: 30 " . no . I'roye r plea88nt home In thls:vlllage. goon shape, Gall 011 ,J. E. ser mootlug Wedullfl{\I1Y evening Ilt 7: 30. tl.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fritzler, phone 2-1 2~ , Waynesville, ~Uhu Underwood has purehaBed J 15 "ford maohlne, and WIll s')on be 8l.!ddom Wednesday night of last Ohio. week . • able to operate It . OT of Celery Plants for sale. In· Mr8 . Wilbur Rudduok Is oonfiol"d Lightning Is olUlslng qrilte a loss quire of Ernest BMtsook, R. 0 .to her home with nervous trouble. of 11 ve Itook, and the fertlltzer 1.1 1. Waynesville, Ohio . J 9 MI18 Lois Wbltaker 18 tbe gne8t c:...1~ bOIlY gathering it In. C_blnUl... EMENT BRICK for sole. For ........ lctl .. Vie 01 Rev. Cowgill will fill the pulpit at of her grandparente In Meohanlos further inform6tion Inquire of Ris Will and nIl BID" Theta arC! th e thlna. which the M, E, churob Sunday, .July 13 . bUII'g. ~~ . M. Chenowetb, Wayoesville, will m ak o m;Jn ot your bo,. humber of ladies met at tbe A Secure hl . llvely Inte rett .ud wboAeOhio, J 9 You are invited to t.e present. .om. d e.elopmeut by "Iv ina: him • _ • Annex t!aturday atternoon Rnd The AMERICAN BOY Uoa.lghtly.Face Spots nominat.ed officers preparat9ry to FYlled wllb line R a dinII' ..... bl £h f .. rlnate. bo,.. E.1IIc('tl e nt " torles of ndve nture, t .....l.\'ul. bblOf')" and currl:llt eve nl . . Vho't)Knl",hy alampe. ellcAre oured by Dr. Bobson's Eozema organizing 110 Eastern st,n .. Lodge. tI1~l1y. curpe nt rytlp ort!t. a :unOil. Tell. b07 1\ust , .. hat 10 do a nd 10 do Il. DeaulI fuU7 It ueOintment, whlob heals all ekin ilenry MUler had as guests t~e trated. 11Id e v.:ry lin e in hormon, wltb "fined eruot!ons. No matter bow long yon latter part of the week: J. W. ~:~;':~~ISI~:J :I~~r~e..d :~.!i~.;:':.070:o:J:e!~ I!.II new.·vt ftlld •• t 10 cent •• bave been 'roubled by Uohlng, Miller ILnd fa nlly, of ~pringfleld TH! SPIIllU£ FUII.ISKIIII to. 1000IlIitIlla burning or soaly skin human, just aod Miss Vesta Miller, of Wilmlng. put a 11"le of that soothing antiseptio, Dr. Bob80n's E-zema Ointment, tOIll . on the sores and the snfferlng stopa W. R. Icenbower of WlL8hlngtol1, Instaqtly, Healing begins tbat very C .H. Is bere (I\lperin~ndlDg tbe reTRADE MARKS DESIGNS mlnu&e. Doo$ors uSt! " In their . patrlng of ble property . COPVRIGHTS olc. • _ ..._ - _ prao\ioe and recommend it. Mr. Funeral Dirflctor Q,~~tl;0n:.:~:~~ ~u8r.:~~~I~~d ;:::~~~~.~e~l:;' Alleman. of ~ttle'own, Pa" 8ays: The King of All Laxqt/ves and Embalmer, III1' elltfon .. probably r"at.ent.nble.. C .. mmuull'!A"Bad eczema on forehead; Dr . Bobtlon. otrlotl7 oontl~.nt AI. HANDBOOK on POI cntll lent tree. Oldest &R'eno, tor lacurIUIlJ.latellt •• i'ot oonstipation, headaohes, In lIOn 'I J:oz&ma Ointment oured It 10 Pat.ontll taken through B,IUDIl &. Co. recel"e Waynesville, Ohio. 1""0 weeks. " Guaranteeti to relieve IlIgoe1!tloo and dyspep81a, uee Dr . IJWcUd nnUu. without cbal1le. In tbe or money refunded . All druggtstl, Kltlg'lI New Life PilI8. Paul Mat or by mall. Prloe 500. PfeUfer hulka, of Bolft/lo, N . Y., slloys 'hey & ban4lomel, 1II0II.,ated weekly. .. t clr. Call answered promptly day or nhlht. Both phones in Office and Residence. (''bemloal Uo., PhUa(,elphla ani St. are tbe . · KlntJ of all laxatives culatlon of any Rclulltldo Journal. 1'orml . Long distance, No. 14; Home phone I1wy are a bles81ng to all my f6mily Louis. 14-2r. and. I always I-oop a box at bome ." BraaCII fmoe. .,. I' St.. WublD8<on. D. C. Chairs and one Coach furnished frea Get a box and get well, Priee 250. Spring Branch with funerals. Recummended by J. E. JRDney, Best of service guaranteed. Mr. Jobn ("'beDowlth, of Mloh., I~ spending a few w8llks with his THIS PASTOR WAS NO SPORT: parene. ' Mlae Ablgail Roland entertained He lpolled th. Young Ma"'. Prepo.-cl· "For many years 1. was troubled, In DENTIST Wreetllnll Match WIlli Hla her oousin and friend from Spriug spite of ull so· called remedies I \lied. •• • •• Daf't( Anoel. VaUey la8t ~nnday. At last I found qui c ~ reltef and cure Mr. and Mrl. Guy Cbelloweth and In those m!ld, yet thorough aDd N.tIODS~DBldc. Waynesville. 0 A young man anxioQ!l to ha"6 really wonderful Infant daugh&er and Frances Chen · somo one wrestle with his dark angel, oweth speot Bunday with Thos, announced dramatic& to his pll8tor Laoy and family Mr. and Mre OllOar Mowrer en. RS they were walking down the stroot that he was tempted. to break ono at 'er~ined a few of their friends 8uo_ Adolpl. Stlj ju~oc k, BuITll lo. N. Y. THa CltaATa.T day. Croquet WIlS 'he order of tbe the commandments. His pastor, al25CEHTS PER\]Ol1LEATALLORUGGISTS. wa}'1! effective and original, beday. 00 Satarday Dight and ~uuday thought him of a homeopathic cure, IN THa WOItLD ·tuBUSBED WEEnT. ~.oo fER Y!AK rbos. Laoyand faml 'y entertained and responded coolly: "Well, why s top",",1 III :dJ rnll1l1lo68 tol liru wilt. Dr. Shoo p '. MI. Evea Laoy, Messrs. Barry don't you do it?" The wTCBUing Cruup HOIlIt:!d),. Ouo IteTaL8, Dltuccii8Ti. spaCIALIS,.., l c:;\ will I"urcl)' pruve. OOSTUMEItS. TItANSFalt. CAB Kronenberger,Obarles and Warren match WBB off. The dark angel No yornitiJJ~t~ AND ·.US 8ERVICE OAN PItOFI" Laoy, of Dayton, FrlLnk Cook and sneaked away without a peep. Tho tress. A •• ~ owd "loasillg dymp-(lOo. BY USINQ ITS ADVERTISING OO,"UMN. boy went home feeling as if he had family. John Chenowe~h and Mrs SAMPLE COPY 'FREE been. spunked and laughed at. The l:Juy Chenllwe&h a"d (laughwr. ~ Naw YOItK OLIPPEIt . . on. waR UO soort. Subscribe tor the Gazette New York. N. V. Emerlou Conner, of Dayton, spent Saturday nlgb' and 81lDday at home Mr. and Mn. Ellsworth Haines en · &ertli1ned 'he latter'8 brother and .rite a* ~uDday ~nner, Mra ••J. B. CheDoweth Bod dangbter SpeDt 'l'barsday Digbt and Friday with her brotber. Doroth:r Mlller, uf WaYD8IIvlJl8, 1. llpendinl a few daY8 wUh hsr graudparenll,





=============== P







Sdtntilic JlmtriCan. ,a • MONfr mCO~8~~B::~:Newyoork

. -.

============= I

IIIII!C~o-n-s-tii' a-ti-on"" ~DR~.~J.~W~_~MI~LL~E~R,~





. For Cuta, Burna and Bruises In nery home ~ere .hould be Il box of SuokleD '. Arnica Salve, ready $0 apPlY ID every 08118 of bnrne, cuts, wOUDdll or aoaldll. J. H. Polanoo, DelvtlJe, Te:l:., R. No. 2, wrltel: '·Suoklen's AlDioa .Ive saved my lit'le llirl'l out foo'. one be lteved It oould be oured." Th" world'B bell~ Balve. Only 160. Be. OOmmended by J, E, JanDey.


.. ~

Everything in the line of Cemetery Work. We make a Specialty of Individual designs for our customers All work lettered in our own Skop "with Pneumatic Tools .

... ...... -....,..- ... - ................_ . . . . . . . w"'_.w • • • •





• •

SMALL CARSTD RULE ~~~'~:A~~E~~~~K~.A~N:I t~ 0 ~l

!The Miami Gaz ette I D. L. CRANE , Pu b lis her. WAY:-; E :;\' ILLI::.

Inereased Cost of Gasoline Is Expected to Cause Demand for Economy,

0111 0,

e IOLING IN SCHOO L. HIg h ~choo l etu,leDt s In \lOtitOD sDrt el.,·\\ hNt> RI'<' II;rcet1ng Ih,' Hprlng by strlh lng o);u lnst t W I) ftclillo l St'USO nK. It rUI8 " II t h .. day 1..' lt"r tIl ,1t' \' Ulp t h e for 1I 0on to ~ch,," 1 nlltl t lip lift 'r uuon t o 4'1"l;nllt 1"l aun·. ~Iuch Ill ny h I.' Ha lu fo r shllrt ", ss l" " H ro r )'UIIIII: ch lldr e D. Hut lb t, tro ubl e "Itil most Etudl' ut H In h lgb schoul anll th o blg lll'r gram m e r no t wo rk grnd~s Is th nt tllO 'Y tlo f'[l olIl(h , ?ll s r r lld I r a~lt1 o u Is partly t u bl ame, snys tb e l':ew Yo rk World. Tb ~ "Id dlstrlrt scboo l had a 10Dg "umme r vaca ti o n so thn t t he boys co uld work on the farm . A wbole h o liday o n Saturda y alld elUlY scbool \\ a rk ga\·... 1101(' t o "do cho res ." The cIty high scbool student has [10 chores. Much of th e time bc saves from fludy Is no t eve n dev o ted to athletic s. Wh y sbould a high 8chool Bluder! t ha V 6 a whole holida y Sutur· day uny mo r e than an office boy! Why should be bave two mODths ' vacation In summer wben th e IH'e rage 'Worke r gets t wo wee ks! Wby should a high sc hool gI rl bave OD e ses610n a day an y more than a Sle nograph er '! It Is part 01 t h e lavlsb wuste 01 Americ an life that It waetes Lhe tI me ot children In sch ool. Every city teachcr kno ws that t he children of immigr ants work harder th an natives. High school st ud ents graduat e two :rears beh lDd thoss of Germau y. Tt., student who b a s ambled tbrougb gram mar aDd hlgll sc h ool r epresen t s. wb e n be begins p rofessio nal wo rl!. two y ear a later than he shou ld, a grav e loss to hili pareD ts and th e com· munlty.


Me thods an Austra lian Use d t o Db· pose of Ameri ca n Autos In Com.. petition With British.



Ra p id Rise of Jud so n Kilpatri ck From . Altrucll " l! persullu llty In s,' lI,n g au· Lieuten ant to Majo r Genera lI r· .. f In l\'e l errlOc 0 :\. ju~t Is ('s tomubll W a nt ed to Scout. 1I~ ~ t tltll tI " uS In th ~ l ' [I Il C Iauus ' , " . . s T hat Smaller and I (llgl1 Wh ich kind do you think wI ll se ll betle r T Writer Declare or r ~ IIlUllttll y e Lllll Ii IV to ' cunJIII!; Tl"wus J . Tllylor "'us a 1lI111ll ber of I , . .. , ter M oto r o W tl> Dlrn e n slo ns Ligh ' . '. .' 11 :-low York. " e th 01 one o( t rtllll'li d"IJll ll-:t1 e for " th . of CaN! t o Cores pond Will Cllu lJ r l lJur)lU ti I lit uutolllo bi le COllll.lllllle s . who hu s rt.'. , lrt'gll1lel fl!w HUr. ll n'lI. l I. Olle of the ' I.'u. II I I II I rrUIll 11 lou r uroun db ,,,)r e t Be R equ Ired I n the tur"", fi t l e g I uf I" butt ill' t ur H \' 1\'orH Ug,'IICItal loucbed I! h whtch during Future. ·hlcligU. At tbe II tu Lh ' II U \\ III \\ 1-.1'u , lie . ~ j,;urop uDd ralia Aust ia. ~ A I In 01 ::>. ~I . . Joss ur bl'gi nll l"" u( .h e \\ur h e llatl OIlPorT o nole th e "ffec t that th e 8t~ad lly I cite" th " Inst/lnc e So III l' of th e t uul ty to bl''' a ) uUIIg soldier jus t out . u '\u"lr"lI !. Url.balll on e huv l wil l o fu uf ID (' rell ~i ng ('us t give tb e moat ' vf lltilllnry Bchoo l, \\ liu, ns lIeut~Ullul uld wo OBS J Lr. \ , at . dued , cllr. tbe d e.lgn or th Americi ln Illotor sa l('s mllD ' Ullo! buVIl uft, 'r" II I'd U~ culonc!, ,wen n America Il I. (July necessa ry to look at cODd l· I e nt h u~illstlc I lJ l.gnll tlH' c ur"l' r thul In four) cnrs and tlull. Ilu roa d where t h e Htate of arralr8 lIause . Exper iments in Many Places Show Better Fruit Produced urvu llhl Ililll th,' titl ll of ulllJur K., II " ral untry, co ll Bhee t rea g a Is ne isba Br " I lways a has lhat we are now racing ~ u lh til" \'olullt~t:r !Llltl rl'gu hu nrm1111 from s mlgraDt c Fewer Culls - Overb earing is Prevented and Regul ar by l, rge lu pletl I.r'e va ll,'d . gasoline costing t wo or )J{'o Til ls \ \1" J utlsun l' llpll t rick . S. I" ' Illst ey I.all :'11'. tl sul Annua l Produ ction IS Induced Illr(!e times Il8 liuc h all th e co ntln e nl Url'a t Uriulin, " " Th, ' ""I " " e l umug ht l'alllnin KII· ShCl' 1l he t of rs owne e "Tb wauk of d ijellboar Atlllntic a s It tl m's u n til pllrt oC the IJlllrt,'k wllh hiw l!'llnl New Yurk," I' nlted Slates , says Hlchar, , 1 rUll chi~S make up n large tb " sea· cars ur sui" :'1 r. Tll~ Iur. " 1\ 0 WIl" 11 lI\' ely ormant lor d lUu Ibe 111 tlnd ~ and II11i" ' T h illl1i nl( ha~ becoDle II n('(' ('ss;,r), I 111 (, lh ot!s. 1" Wri gh t o( New York In the I<l0lUr. I buying c l1U!9 lsh r· e o\' tbelr work. ~'"w of , Imu, \\Ilh ~hrtrp t,," tures IUld r e tld 'IICY 10 r e Lin ce Moto rs will bo small pr uod car s lik e- !:roal vlllue In op I'nlt lon in all o r c hard ~ Ihal nT{' f'X- 50'1 ha d a t"lI llo ti III t'nnl ~ 1I1llllilt o n h tl was an of rs hlllr. Ilnd );rllWe r, S Oli'" howeve fHet. e, III wls . ll); motor· bearl are Ur· them lt. ne (ru hl p, ·ct,.01 10 pl'", l u,'(' IJr illll' w la ll. Tb 1'0 Is proba bl y no l11ac tv go uut OD rulds. frll ils wil i l until th r twrrks are bu ilt loday [l,a t curries so m uch Rur· , Mr. J oss bnd to s tudy wuys of getting Ill" ll y ~ wu"tillg chn\'(l i~ I K "h I] luo ll for It'l' Ilrl (' " '' ('o n· iJ11!'h bothorl n l! the coluully contin S li u" lI l'icull· p. Am l'uls. l' an Illt for thl' e nc b..rore thl',' heall·l ll pl us powe r lUI th t' Am e ri can mo to r I II (Ilv oru ble lludl c ~i <il'r thinning onp of U IP \'I 'ry.IIII' 8f' 1 : out:! fur ll ... rrnl"~lou to I!O acou llnll, a~ on e t llilY to compe OPPOrlll to ll It m lorced , Illl.l (I~ h' product ~ e i~ Th mad I . . rd orm upwa perf to .0tlO e ~2 \' n l)o rtHllt rlllT lt'S lh f'Y h I'ar o"lllnlo; tram a boul I.:u,u vlulned . Sometim es prlln,' "nIl thin In I h e ~alJ)" ol'l' rat lo n. l1e lnw t1,at fi g-u rn till' II1 f1u pnce of I unfnvor ab le t.nrllr te rm a wltb t.h e I Ih a culolle l T bl'~' h, ·lil"· ,' ~liat 11, (,), lire rllrecl 1(1I1uIltl nulBSlo u !ln d th e u 116 gd \\oultl o h 'l fac n·sult. Drll1sll l,';; u"rr the r 'Ite dlug cars rrum (!ost of olle rnt lo n has no t h a d so much : len ers Iln~I)( · iu l1 )' . and thlll tll1'lr tn't 'S IIr,' I.arl:'·r alld b with Ii rew UleU IUld out go would pruning , too. L~' to ell) with It ns til s e ili ng price oC , torles. . hf'ulll>l pl' 1111 01 moro' \' lgorIJlIs tor hav - I'p l1(' h('~ nr\! thlllnl',I gatll ~ r up somu or tbo w illi zlUor l \ll l'lI . at tudy s close a ro (' art' made l! ad e b "'hi oss K J r. I'II1 "~I 1II11' ll OUI sma tIl e mac hin e \lse lf. t houg h tbe Ill i! IlaLl tll e l'x t ru 1I' 0 rl, and carp , fIln III tb o wuods Th l' r .. Clill hf' UO s lrlrl rll ,, ' I' ):a rll- cars ar e natural I,. m uch more econo m- uborlg lnal Aust rullan life . Tbe Idon bll clted hl1g~ thut l:: xPNlllle ll18 carri. 'd on IJ)' thl' \'o rl .. n , In th e bat.lIe Humpto aml' L' ubout , lO put '· r. ht 1", mig e t hat h r of frults to I(,al to run . Ownera are alrend y be. ' occurr ed to him ou s " "rl rl1l ltlra l eX/lerlm "ut ~ lal io n8 IDg tli,) '"tlll\'(' Illg Beth 1 h e wu~ wound ed and of I a ow thr ~ p,, ('e to Ih" or pr. ability r l his II,,· n use o l fl it' or practica a I f mOI'cd o ID rds reco pru\' gin nin g to look askance at nu, 1 by Iudividu lil I\"ow~r s we SOlllO had ai so been girted : left tho regimen t. aull th e nexl 11 SPCC illl f' Il S. elg bt miles to - the ga ll on. as compar ed hoomt'r nu g . li e n"arly e "pry la~e l hat lhl11nlll~ Is a to 1(>;( \'(' tw t wp \\U S funher BouLb, Just him of tinw e, til o e whll tam to al'ar!. t"s nblllly Inch with nftel'n t o eigh t ec n ror small e r. with n pec uliar pll yiul( prOI'O, llio ll . i::v pn WI> .. 11 Iho n- nll 'll th i " to four . is uot to O Ill l1ch . It cu rs co rryln g tb e snme numb e r of pas- v ic ious snakes with which th e bush b fo r" b e bel'Ullle u br lga tlle r general Sllllil s of S",:l'illll'U S a re rt' 1I1 0 \'PU {ro m (JthN, thill k [I' n tltu,' I aa II' hint waH li t ' banat In 'fho ' prot. a lluan· many nnll lhat ind k e found th ie I 11 0 . \11, d Pl'n Ilbount1s r11' es ll h wi sc nge rs. nnd wb e n gusolln e reac I rt ·l' ~. ti ll' ~ it' lt l i ~ oflP " a ~ ~rl'HL bcll,·. Uur culon el hult ~ d us a s is tily of th, · fruit. 'fhe lar, ,' r fr uil s will 25 to 30 ce nts a gn ll o n wh olesa le, It a bl e o pening fo ll owed de monslra tloD c e llorsvi ('aU S e th e frll it Is la q.;,' r and th .. r c Co lonel Kll pa.trick. lind th e t e ru Wl' : n e Of w~ ut o pt b nake ll·fl s c ha rm II ~()metim eR. 11:1\' ( ' a g TP tll (:' r di t> l :1 IlP f·· I j ':' ~ WlI :O:! t\ wlfh r pWl'I' (' ull s ""hlch Is n o t so far ID the futur e, of his a bilIty to i l'l'l(imen t ('(" 'l' red hlw. al ly llnb aborigin Pro e . tb onp~ tbrow. lpr to ll1al ~ or he l ir la lil:ln his · lh"1Il sh · ll ('am n uccomp bee Judging from Ins t yuar's ... h n unthinn f'tl yl('lcJ 5 hal' p "A mont( th \) IIr l_oll '1'8 th at w loo k " R will bt' th e 11,'e r n1-:0 m e nts In th e soaring IID e, th ere Will i ,,.aapon o n a course thnt would tak e pal'l 'd "ith Ih 08p frolll 'hllll1"<1 lrf' l's. s ix Il l' pi!:ht inrh Chuu c"II,' rsvili c tll~n' WUti one thnl at bls to will IIguln fruits k c bu o,her and Ihi> ee b e an Insls t e nl d ema nd for ecou o m )' . It a ro und a tr Il hfls 1".(,,, foun t! Ihl1l Ihe IOlal nUlII- fo r a r pll·~. and ll 1I~\',' r forKl!t. MOSl of th em sha 1 ·! io n to their s ize. T he Tho lo ng stro l<e motor wi ll beco me I (ect. So, sunke c hnrmln g and boom Ill' r of 1>11"II Pls w;, s a litt le g rPlItpr' for diO'e r ill pro po rt with bowed hcuuij illlll eyes pussed ' ed )' nt journo jlldgm(' is JOSij h usc ~.Jr. to " wlDg, lH"' ill ~hro \I ng <ltQr era i ll oppr Wi univers a l, comll r esslo n press ures t he fo r n, 'r. 011 an U\·!.'r:lgP It "lil Y be but Ul ls uu" held hi s head cast, u uw ti ! ili· In lhe ~-8'rS. g that liellin so e, ly t cif'lI Brisban l1/ll s be high e r and mo lar speods g r cate r tbrough c onsloler "d that th o yiplc\s will be and Ihln was gon e from h is hut crOI\'u The u". d in ga y t ni ha,'e Sixty or more y ears ago the w ild "!>:ow that t he cars 'fh e gain Is r ealized vldllal fruits will lUI\'!' nn opportu t han at I r cs .. nt. Th e carhure te r will abollt pqua l. aud bl s 1l111r Btucl( Ull through l b o ' ed n 11'8s mature tlnds d s an Jos plgeo Ds were h e r e by the m lllloDa. Mr. size, I' ning, prOI) ope r to thei !:row to bject o e th!' th as b e re nned w ith eco nom y wll n tile frll it Is graded nnll in greu t good h UlUo r. They fnlrly cov e r e d t he skies when large r percent age of clean, sound, No. ! wllh a goo d c olo r; aDd 80 t hat no I n \'Iew and e\' ' rythlng possible do ne for the exercise of hi s Ilrt . but tho bol e .Bnd he was thllt he was an Beo ld cou y Anybod ' k as while a In e OIlc sold s iend th ey flew ov e r In 1I0cks. They toward th at mu c h to be des ire d e nd . I sa lesman 's fr u. hula ll Irl tbat. an ex hibiti on In thos e days at fI ve cen ts a dozeD. '''''!tll smu ll e r aDd li g hte r mo tors ns tor and r eceive ·Well. I'u<.ldy,' sai d on e 01 our me n , forgott e n eithe r o f and th ey were tne best ea tin g In th e th e Ilowe r VIUIll, th e dim e n sio ns oC s how s h e hB s D't got you this tim e: e·ve ·w , ent. rt.lIlnm nte e at eans m t h e car Itself wil l be r educe d to cor· hi. st rnnge world: far s upe rio r to th e tame pig· snl d 1'1Iddy , 'lI ntl ILL la st I'm eH,' Y ' " through s em ' ~ probl 1!'es pond. thoug h thi s does not ueces- One of ~ Ir . l.Rll ey eons we hav e II OW. S udd e nly they · -go ing ",hero I CUll gel 80mcthilll! to sh establi e th wllS t cas far the out as nce e r dlITe dartl), mean a \ '(> r), !(rE'at disa ppeared , and In a year or two lIot d seilin g price. li e ea t: ,mllY be not ed b), compar in g th e 11 ,.Ie r· 111 ent at a fi xe lbe a pigeon wal to be s ee n lUlywbe re. many places. den ie rs I " I re m e mu el' olle long ma r cb in In t. iha d n fou n ica r Ame ith w cnr n ropca Eu ,~ge on l' Hlco o t went lmu"t a I wben rain, a They seemed to haTe been driven Cor muc h 118 $2.500 rllukCH 01 th e Ha me sta nding. Nor w{' r e g e tlln g liB fpet. It ruin ed Il.lld rui ne d Illld we my ng starti away by cruel trea tme nt. They r eIectrlc .. Its with r, ca $1.200 er ar does thi s Invo l ve any particul j ·were drc11c1w d 1I 11t1 hUlI g r y nnd l en t ed tbelr bloody s lau g hte r . There an d li g hting equipm e nt, dUNloll In ca r s p eeds . slee l)), . I W"8 o rd erly for ('ol u11el WlLr .. them get to laas heen a st r ong desire So far as tbe mlllJufn ctur e and sale and s le pt in th o 1I{'x t tent TATE TIMING r e u th l! en did back. It was report ed tha t a pall' of motor cars In tbls co un t r y Is con- TOOL TO FACILI pit ch CUlIIp . The colo cel w n ll wll and .. Pa , bad bee n Been n ear Ansonia cerned. It w ill un doubted ly be some Itl h i, tellt. and tbo rain sleep to w~1lt t G f d Tn t I F I 0 I a r eward ot ' 5,000 W~8 otre red to ti me b£'fore tu el costR r each a poInt SI down tbe s lO IlS a S Rounl 0 I' calle dO\'n an d rllll rea M c~ ~v e mp le pair noticeab the any wh er e th ey w ill have anyone Who woul d secure whi ch t h e t enlS Btood . Colonel Otl r epa any Sh n lie and e, wbol e rrect on th e In dustr y as a alive, saya the Qhlo State Journal . Warre n wOU lojJJ 'L stand th e w.e t, and opa. It Is qu ite pro bllb le t ha t by that tim e Thousa nd s of people speot last SUII' we nl out 01 th e / In tbe illustrat ion Is sbown a tool ' so h e JUDlped UJl and a so lution oC t h e fu el proble m will day scourin g the woods In that vlcln' 1\ rahlcoll t to protect ly ou with eut t i many ID se u al continu In Is as sucb the t even r p l will t ll h t H found n bee th finding have In f If ed I hi Sty, but no one Bucceed e was no e alo rm. rom mse price from atta lDln g a point where Its r e polr s hops to rac llItnte Lhe tlmit'" r It b t tIle n I II dl ... the pair. They are an e xtlDct species, be pro hibitive to th e mall of motor valves und Ignitio n DPpara' l or nar Y !l ve n to I~ro an y, u Outwill use IIOt exterml nated by th e evolutio n of Age. It Is a ve ry he did suy wh aL was In hi s m ind. who can alror" to buy a car . Gaso· tu s , says Motor ntly Nature, but by th e dev llutlon of man. ca n be easily m 'lde side th e t e llt WUH a sold ie r pa tie aDd line at 30 ce nts a gallon will bring s imple d e vi ce calcll tbe wate r to h nc trc u ging dig a nts ce five trom But wbat a chaDge ahout an lu s lsten t deman d for a ll I aud elh'c rt It rrom th e colon e l's Quar.. . dozen to $5,000 a pair and Done to be econom ica l macblne , but I doubt If n ' hly. thoroug thin to I te rs, but he WIl S di ggin g It helow In courage a good deal of take. It shake can this bad at thal prloe E'ven hi g he r than stead at a bove tbe l e nL" e n It· or branch will be over- th e pO Vlllarlty of what has prov I I e I Irul t Is ro und to have bee n produce d , partic ula r limb vuluabl t s mo lf to b e ou e of the e r e Is a fur· loalled e nou g h to break un der tbe se I Acmo of Lazlne ... Why Ie 8leep? Now, pl ease, don't on th e thinn ed l r ees. 'I'h e tl, bru ise d. dls- utiliti es of e ve ry ·day Hte. Tb er e lS deform Ali w(>lght. ees r t n e ott ry ve hat l In ge adl'llllta er th e th bat, In Salll Hili Is that dog wben the art e "What tim rlgbt a n e m co Questio to this und bo anllwer ttacked fru its s hou ld wh ich ure t hinn ed r egularly giv e 11101'': .. used o r Insect·o yowling lik e tbrll for ?' asked a cavale availabl e mark e t, both ' th of capacity left be 80 to say, by r emarkin g that It Is an should e non d an ed, \' o pm r be 0 1 It c r op In off years tban do UII ' n ew ' ryman of a "hlll·bll ly " In th e Ozark 1IIstinc t or a n ccesllty or anythlD g thinn ed or' ~s. Wh e n tl tree Is all o we d close enougb to tou c h even atter h av· dom estic and export, to absorb =~ ::;;ii!=lt t--::::;;: and on . saturati country hes approac es, and re machin Legend r full size. like tbat. For On. to ove rb ea r on e y ea r, It u suall y fo llo ws l ing r e!lched th ei "Tha t th e r e daw g?" ha ve to accomm odate Pledron of London , ID ex pe rim e nts on that th e 'nen SE! a SOn will be on e wit h ; Th e wo rk Is tlone e ith t' r with s ma ll , produ c tion wlil "Yes." hand. Itself to that cODdltlo n, but I doubt If dogs hav e discov e red thnt sleep Is due a ~e r y light cro p. Some truit sp urs ! s hea r-like th inn e r s or by th e p"Why, be' s j es' Datchal ly lazy." th e ri s in g c ost of ru el will basten that pulled be not uld to a t o xi c substan c e In the blood de- produce on ly e very oth e r year at t he Th e s mall fruit s s h o "What's that 'got to do with his . arly particul , wh e n th e s t em will velope d by long p e riods of wakeful - -bes t, a Dd by r emovi n g th e fruits from off, but be nt back yowling '!" ot the Belt-sta rter leDce va pre e Th , spur. he t fro!J1 purate se easily ness. There you have It, you see- th e m one year, t h ey wlil ort e n be In- ! " Why , th e tralD raD ove r hIs tall ter adjustm e nt Thinnin g Is oCten a tedlOl:S job. It w1l1 make finer carbure necea· be cut It ort laBt night . He's setUn ' the longer you stay awake the surer duc ed to bea r the (ollowln g year. This l and longer no will It all , possible sevIs heav il y set, It may tal,e And yOU may controls th e fruit produ c tion to at a tree Insure to e sore place, and h e's too dawgeway th le on e ampl 70U w1ll be to sleep. Tb e e x- sary to aIrow deg r ee . It h as al s o bee n , e ral hours to prope rly thin It. gODe Io'zy to got olr'n It. That's wby more atte ntion will and g, crankin bow ot some persons who have ar; leasL a omall easy hlnyl trom run y probabl will fou nd bv obse rvation that trees wh ic h I pense h o Is howlln· ." And the Bqulrt ot ~ Wh e n th e be paid to avoidin g the common rears of slee p due and un collecta ble winter IlllIed have In n ear ly ' nve to torty cents pe r tree. e~n b ave h a by nted represe baeco ju Ice he shot kllJed a ny In who waste of others co n siderati on t ha t source for various rea60ns , und Tool for Timing, Ule 1111 ca ses produ ced a n e x tra b ellvy c rop fact Is laken Into lhe road 20 feet II.way. carbure ter. Whethe r d adjuste poorly ed k c pi be to e hllv will fruit. tra ex bave long overdra wn their account s. tb e pre viou s s um~r. 'th is would the subwill tuel of cost d , found Increase be the to ' In ly p general thinned l slee not that It materia , (rom All of which go es to show seem 10 s how tha t over burd e ned tre es In th e filII anyway of the car Only With His Tongue . distribu ted do n ol hav e the vitality to wltbs ta nd : the summer , and the additlon~1 ract stantial ly curtail the use In the stockro om or scrap head of a Is rather an unevenl y are ans AmerIc le. Whe n Col. DanIel McCook 's regiestionab Qu Is a rod only Itself , es ed t c pe comprie ex It be y a m shop. pair price e r r e bt>'tt a that ' 1 aIt m f o h thing aDd- O, we ll , what seve r e wlnte'r s that those wblc wUllying at Camp Denniso n a ry little and ce ~ainly "good spender s" and are Quite R and a nipple P, having a thread sim- m e nt was ture on ly a good crop hav e. Tb e r e a r e I the ellp(> n se Is ve It from one ot the eastrecru wny bra e. . pleasur for petcock y pay to ordinar Ing Iln of that Ilar to ab le. stuttere d badly, was who Applica tion has bee D mad e to the as a ruie fewe r d rops from thlnn e" l justifi . s countie ern moof For certain types or makes Prog r ess ive grow e rs in a ll parts of municip ality of {luenos Ayres for a trees, fly. put on duty for the flret time. A cit.. the on mark no have which fruits, tors, ir e th thin ays nlw NEW TIRE AND CHAIN LOCK wheel, a timing device of this kind II Izen attempte d to pasll tbe line, :-.I Nlrly all f r lllt~. wh et her tree, the co unt.ry 6().year concess ion to e rect on city thnt It p ays vin e. a r e ben e Rte d by thln- bec nu se Ibey hav e foun rl "Hu·huThe recruit yelled out: propert y tbe " Torre H.I \' ada vla"-a bu ~ h. or moet essentia l, and on such motors who huY e not as Claimed to Be Superio r to the OrdiIlln g. The wo rk. Is done nn such fru its t.hem . Those growers hole ulually halt." plug spark or pora petcock t a leas tower similar to the Elrrel tower In at thin hould s It, ed tri yet nary Devicel fQr Defying as lh e appl e. pe ar, peuch and plum, as Tb e citizen sDlcker ed and paid nC) directly Is conveni ently arrange d Paris. It Is to be 1,067 teet high. ees and compnr e th e Thieve •. 800n Ils th ey b eco m e lar ge e n o ll g h to tlon of th e ir tr n . The sentinel carefull y laid attentio device (he tha.t so piston a the ones. above bearing h e ir IInthlnn ed topped by a 106·foot statue offe r a ch a noe for lI isc rlO1 lnutloD . returns from t Springf ield upon the BTtlund bright his left the at ted Illustra lie used III light ot 1,000,000 candlep ower, maklni Som e g row e r s think th a t Ih e tim e to This will prove 10 th e ir own !\atl~fac .. These chains are three feet long, may and' kDocked the Intrude r down with cut. tbe of ror le profitab Is g tow· not t.hlnnln The r e h wbElll • total height ot 1,1 73 feet. ~Imple, strong, noiseles s and do It Is wh lln tbe specime ns ar e the I tlon wb et The point ot the device I. designe d his 6st. In use tak e up very littl e space In a my er Is to b e of steel constru ction and s ize or sma ll hickory nuts . Th e soo n· thE' m or ' not. with S,s'Btut ter may "I to rest on the head or a piston, whilst R. B . C RUIKSH ANK, tool bOll, saye Motor. It Is claimed 't d.d-don I "but to bave facilitie s for social gatherl nis, c r tb e wo rk is don e, attl'r the <,p e rntor he, said " or tongue, petcock a In the nipple Is secured ColIE'ge or Agricul ture. Ohio State that thli!se chains are Buperlo r to the cates. re8taur ants, library, billiard (Un choolle th e frulls to be lef t. the 8B a guide II-B-stutt e r with my flsL" acts aDd bole plug spark t1at U nive r si ty. two :>rdlnar y chain lock because ot tbe rooms, gymnas ium. as well as a wire- l''' tLer. TblnniD g is r eally c10nc by and register s. The rod 1a «raduat ed --~==~-------Helplnll a Poor Soldier, leBs telegrap hic IllatioD and a meas Indicate d to show the ellact rela.. ELEME NTS OF PLANT FOOD. When Parson Brownlo w was lectur.. S"'ACE 18 VALUA BLE. tive position of the plstoD In the cylteorolog ical observa lory . It Is also Ing In Tennes see a iood muny peopleInde r . contem plated to In.tall an Imme nse Th e plant rl oes not obtain a11 of It I! to coming are grumble d about the high price he people waQIlYs No electric clock. ge ta p(>rcen e rg la A 5011. e h t from food tor admissi on . A very rlcIL •• they h Drum cbarged whic Brake Look to the ,uhle a great many things ng but stingy man. wbo had b een all the Th e Is ta kr' n from the all' throu g h tiny ess. expandi worthl with ed r e d caps sl of , ron rly e Owners form A new method of conducU ng bond express ions of leave s: In this way brakes should occaslo nalty examin e time very profuBe with C hl cag') meat p ac k e rs Il re said to can open in g's In the I181e8 hUB beeD adopte d In St. PaUl, Ie : rt ed pa A , exclaim rbon sm, ca patrioti obtains hla worn, plnrit Ie e It tb e th much , pt the drum to see how ev e ry !lurt of t h e pli exce where a departm ent store haR pUI' B'lUea.l. ThlR Is becau se th ey utlltz e Parson Brownlo w halt a doln tor "Give unknow means no by Is it since of cllrrent a H m wat er . I'd a good dea~ chased oae hundred tbousan d dollars' the brJ'Jfs , hid es, hai r, and eve n teetll . sec ur ed fra cr such brakes drums to burst. With lar? No, sfr-ree! prant of many of elec t r lcll y Is passed through wat soldier. " poor a to It give shbuld, &ooner drums, the brakes worth of city Improv ement bonds and In fl>l)1., t he whole expandl Dg r will tries now comes from und e r proper c oudltlol ls til e wnte "Well, then," laid a bystand er, "gIveribbed, not alone heavily e b course, of '111'111 dispose of th e m over Its counter s. our ;argcs t Indus Dd a n (an product s. T he farmer i dl SRP pear a nd two gases, hydro ge for the added strength . but the cooling your half-dol lar to Captain Henry 'rhey will be sold to custom ers at the i'o-calle d b y. o xyge n, wl1l be torm ed. Tbe plant can army for recently the only trom ed which are, dIsmiss thlDgs ribs e officer om ~ These as h . Iluyers obtaIned so that ed surface cost, but It Is presum food mighty niz ed li S of a ny value. secure these two elemen ts of bow ever, very otten omitted , and the cowardi ce) . They lIay he's a who expect to get trading stamps with havs bee n r eco g Chain Tire Lock. r. wate m fro tile tely, Fortuna ~ )lace. probabl y Inclosed , poor soldIer. " 18 being tllese of e ework OD brak inted. disappo be will es purchas their The r e are in the s oli ten other el 'e0\\ ner Is not obliged t o e ith e r give the chaIn a strap- any abnorm al wear 18 not noticed . A plant u ses a s food : dnks, whIch give a\\'ay his ad,'ertis lng s pac e, seil It, nol' ments whi ch the ot Ita being drum on the thin side, In the first permit and action, like cal. m, rat. potassiu "Nothin g In It." Says aD exchang e : "Over 40 eve n let It be wasted. The best plan of ni tro ge D, pbos phorus, shoes and place, may wear to a mere shell after extra around closely :Irawn sa, sulphur Iron, of a western regimen t. a nesium. colonel to ag m g The clum, referrin d In sudden " ignboar ed, any s were Mexlco all is for him to erect 1\ De at :he runrilng ooard, or tbrough a wbeel, a season' s hard use, thelll the consult ing with some other officerl, of "Mexlco ed" of h is own 8nd thereon an nounce for dlum, chlorin e and silicon. It one of foree tull the ot ion extincti on purty. applicat rat these ot cost The or frame, in douht or denial of g or present In too small, Illrlng ranges trom 60 brake may ve?, naturall y burst the shook hie head caD therefo re be accepte d 811 a new sale Rny prope rty which he wishes to these Is lackin grow 118 )hains, Includin g lock, not argume nts. can major's plant the the of , ' one ' Quantity exa ·the the all brake, e aha!t rang gear may a di s pose of. This dollar, accordi ng to lise: drum. For l'erb. time a crop Is raised, centa to a "Gentle men ," observe d the major. aatmost' tbe. y probabl 18 hom type range wily from an Importe d IItulllon to a It should. Every ternal prlces lock, the had retired "comsoli a certain amount : without isfa.ctc§.l'Y.,' B8 'It more readily lends it· after the colonel bus hel of seed corn or a pound at It tak es from the to to 80 centa each. Imagln~ that mIght rvers obse -mon A couple 1II New Jerae1. have jUlt fresh lett uce. ent. of these element s. At one thne It waa adjuBtm an\:!' ' on BeU to IIllpecti tne of 's head 1mall· colonel of return the lp to ot ry courtlh motion, a necessa the after thought d much very, marrie M, la· been A. B. GRAHA For side brakell .one type a..icw ' all, opinion , but they lnrge amount s as the llearly Illty yeara. It II weIJ not to College of AgrIcul ture, Obio State e leme nts In gl'inilln g and heating ot tran.., the same as anothf!r I!oI r~~rd. acce"l plies a dUfere nce of The crops _remove d , It was later learne d mllaloll aDd "dllrere nUali lIPide . lack IIlblllt7 ~d t~e encl~a8d 'tiPe 18_ ce~ would be , ml! ta,ken; it I"merel y acc1~ be too ba.t)' abOut .Quch an importUnivers ity; '~e, IlInU411;lIen, ..",hea tbat It Is necessa ry to , put bllck' onl, of 011 and ' conae\lueil~ . !-he ~ Wn1Y. at a rule, better pro}ecte 4' from dental, B~l1~ve ant thin~ at marria, e, but, then, It . phpspho l'ua, an~ 1)0 of theae relpect1~e ptUU. colonel .)lalcel hll he.d there'. ' the ' I nitrogen three, . , ' hay. , must B1!~P duj~, belt and mud their do To j ~ , ,. Jalt al .... ell.·alaQ Rot W .0 U1 th' . Ilothm, In , , . U8alum , ~ plen~ of pure, CJeall water, . . . extnm .









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Nothing Can Be More Worthy of Worship Th an the Mothers of Men,


. .'

W e s h ull ~ollle!i rn o find out real dl\' llIlI y or thl M wor ld Is th e mo th· e r . Ate .... kll" w It uo w. uut tb e w us t pre re r s t rilllK " gods . ll ecau se t" " " alwa ys have a till do wo rs hip. It I ~ fai r to IlS8U IIl e th ey a lWar M wil l. E ve·r y I /lUIl ,' xn lt s tio mct h lng o r KO ltll' o ne LO who m II(' pays hOUla go. Ev e r y

Ill illl

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suc ... ·d t ha ll a ll th,· res t. fS ta urt li In

p la c e \1

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l u k i llg

upo n hlllls.· J( Ib tl 111 ' 01 "," aud Ilkt' n" 88 of t h · Ul·iu!; or t h ill/.: \l h i~ h h.· a<l u res . Every h"a r l t hat lo V('s IlII s th l; dl "Ill '" ri ght to oe tll p lI :rHI \\ oll ed a lld won . 'fb I> ,nan Wh o sai d thu t Uod co m.


St r in g of Wh it " W ya n d ottes.

\ ' hut \1I ' r.. ('ra r k pd . o r oth .. , wl61\ u n RnJ· 1110 1". " r ... p lled th n groc"r " If YOll h a'l Dlu nd s tI"1l to lu ve J 11111 lIl d 1I 0t lI nd l" " I" ' "~" ... I '. \1' 1'0 " u tu t" u ,[,a rl· ,' t to b uy ~ ., u~ . " urI .. d .,·o ur l ' ~g" I m l>;lll hal'l> (I 11e sLand th e natu r,· of th l' hu man hear L egg s o r ,,(o ul t r y a l way s Wlil l! th (' O" Ht bp I te r fo r Yl>U" Th e o ld r!'li!; io n a n d th " old wors hip l h,·'y can g e t. AnLl Ih e o n ly w a y t h,' )' () r (' CJ u r~ 1' , h I' dill 11 0 1 Ilk .. It , bu t hav e d onI' aO OU I u ll IIl .. y cun for t bl ij ca ll t =ull I" b,'> t ll o luok s . R.o Ir ) ' O U I WI,')s (' ra llll wa ~ It If " I" , co u ld lI " t wo rld . 'I'h .. "ILl tl l" lll!' S ar .. thre a~ · wa n t t o gut gno<i p riceR ror yo u r p,,"I · I" 't Ih" hlgh f's t ",arhl'! pric l' " A liltl u la f" r "n o l llt 'r lot \\'''1\.3 bare, th ey ,na k,· IIU Illl preHH lu n It lb tr y produ cls . you mu s t ma lttl th e m pro bub lp. that for l' \' l' r ) ,"a n who re ad loo k ni ce. hroug ht Ill . TIl l> r.., W I' r !' two b ( 'S !'A ot th e IJ l bl ' thl H "' lJ r nl ll !; t h f' re '" ro At t bl s ti me ot )'I'ar yo ur mos t 1m· Ull' m , III nr h of wh ich We rA t W(' ''' e t bo uij und s "'ho f' l'ad th ,' nl'II' SIJa pe r s . I>ortan t pro du c t wi ll be )'uur Pg!,:s . Th e cart ons, hold in g a (Ioze n p ggR pn ch . Curr e nt Eve nts In te re s t , t>.Q y wllb OI,l y u. te ll' he n s wi ll hard ly Ono bo x W aR full or wh l t e · s h e ll ~ d W ha t t h e e dit o rs fw d co rres po nd· U. a ble to do an y shIpping on h is <'ggs , c1 l'a n a8 Pl' nr ls , unifo r m In s ize . eots who a re on eurth no w sa y toda y o .... n a ccoun t, but must d e pe nd o n h is a nd pac ke d wllh th (1 s ma ll e nd dow n . Is o[ more Inte res t to t h e IJv e rug e man ho me mark et. T h ere ar e, however. Th e oth e r h e ld brown ·sh ell ed e ggs . t han wha l " uul o r li a bak kuk ijald t he se voral ways In whi c h h e can ge t a Bo mo ca rt on s be ing li ght bro wn, an d In t b e wa r canoe rac e o f t h e g ir ls ot LUBe ll s e mIna .., o f Bos lon, o n t he Char les rI ver , th e ,ted s. cap ta tn ed b1 day b etore y"s tprtl a y . Th e cu r re nt r c· lillie mo re than mark et pri ces fo r hJs o th e re da r k brown , T he cle rk smil ed E dna Mat hi as ot J oli e t, 111 .; de teat 'd Ih e Blu es. cap taI n od b y Mil d red Wes t e rv el t of Sou th lIe n d , Ilid. T hous and s IIg lon Is archa ic . It be longs to t h e e¥gs. a s h e II ttl' d th e m out, PIlSt. Tb ... tltll e has a rr iv e d' fo r a n e lY OQe way Is to arra n ge with you r elf pe rso u s s alY Ih e con Lest . I n t h e " hot og ra l)h t h e wi... n lng' c r-ew Is s ho wn a bove. " ~: l g ht E'e n ce n ts a dozen . an d g lad di vini ty . and t h a t L1 lv lnlt y la "T h e bome d ea le r to furnIsh hi m s tri c tl y to ge t th e lll . O rde rs wai t in g ror th sm Moth e r ." Mcn bav e wo rsb lpe d va rl· fr es h eggs , grad e d and guar a nteed . CROWN PRINCE OF SPAIN OU 8 a nd uSl' lcs s tbln gH. Th e re Is fo r hi s fln est clasa ot t rad e. An y no thin g morc wo r Lb y th a n the mo t h· groce r li k es to ge t eggs t ha t be k now~ ere o f tIIen. he can re com men d, a nd Is will in g to It r equ ire s but t h e s li g ht es t e lTo r t pay a good price fo r tb e s a me. A" to adapt a ll we t. h ln k o r fan cy of God mall Y to wn c ustome rs buy t h e ir " Sgt! to what W B knoW' o f Ilw motu a •. M en ju st a uoze n at a lim e, It a ddll to th "! s pea k o r God a s bplll g a my s te r y. a tt ra (' tiv e n esa and sala bI lit y o f yo ur prov ide nce Il nd pow ... r. a utho r a lld goodH Ir t he y a re put up In nfl o.t ca r· pr ese r ve r o r life. t h f' in s plr(' r a nd h e lp· tonH ho ldi ng just t h at n u mb e r. er. W fl do no t k no w t ba t h e Is a ny o r course yo ur e ggs m ust be c lean . ot th os e t hin gs . V#'e d o n ot k now wh a t If yo ur be n s are ot seve ral kln da , you h e Is . But th os e te r ms are app lic a ble nre li ke ly to get eggs t h at are no t unl. to th e mo th e r ot men . S he 18 th l! \' a st fo rm In color . Sort th e m so a s to pu t and sa cred myste r y. th e k ee pe r of t h e each colo r by Itse lf. If yo u ha ve mirac le an d sanc ti ty o f IIf ' . n ever tri ed this pla n, yo u hav e n o Ly ing be nea th h e r lov ing h ea rt in Idea 'h o w mu c h nicer your eggs will th e mys te r ious b irth s le e p. fa s h lo n cd loo k , a n d a nythin g t hat ad ds to the ir b y N atu re' s deft a n d un s ec n h a nl!. lire a ppea rance helps yo ur pri ce. a wa its th e mo me nt wh ell with surNot lo ng ago t he follo win g littl e prl sed and s tartle d cry It co m es up on ever y·day occurren ce was no t ed In a th e s ho re s of th is s t ran ge wo rld . g roce r y wb ere many eggs we re beIng If t h e re Is aoyt hl n g a bout o ur brou gh t In . A g rea t buck e t ful h a d A Dual. Purpos e Hen . th ou g ht of Go d tba( we ca n not trans· bee n o ITe re d for s ll le, a nd t h e clerk fe r a nd ad o pt t o our th ought of mo t b· was bu sy co un t Ing t h e m ou L Th e y rigbt now, J im . go a od 'pho ne to Mrs. er a n d mot he rh ood th on ou r Id ea n r we re lik e .Joseph·s coat . of " man y col. Gra.n t an d Mrs, East t ha t we've got Oor! Is Doo r a nd m eun and ou r Ide a o f ora," bu t It Is to h e h oped hl a coat th osl! eggs t h e y wa nt." mo t h e r hood 1M m ean e r ~ t ll\' The 01· waa n ot like tb e m In b ein g s tain e d And th a t Is Lhe d lt:rerence . W he u vi ne P ro vid en ce Is a th eo ry - a tb e ory and dirty . the groce r kn ow s what he can depe nd th at Is no t war r ant ed b y th e fac ts ot "A nyth in g wit h a s b e ll ' on passes on . h e Is willIng to Ila y to r It. He lire and th e wQ rl d . T he ma terna l for an e gg with some tolks," g rumbl e d does not have to hu n t a m a rk et tor pro vid en ce Is a fac t w ltbcut wh ich tb e di sg us t ed cle rk. a s he ginge rl y bla best eggs. a ny more t ban you do. ma nkind ..... ould :pe rl s h trom tb e eartb . tl s hf!d out t wo or three specimen s that Anoth e r good way Is to s ell you r All th at t h ey cl lll lm tor (,b ri st. a ll an d we re mos t indi sp ut a bl e "ol d ." and laid eggs dir ectly to lu dl vld ua l c us to me rs. mo r e . ma y be clai med fo r t h e motlJ e r. th em car et ull y to one s ide . " It these thu B ma kin g th e m lddl eman '8 pr ofi t, Sufferings of Mother. old t hi ngs dldn' t com e out ot a last too. The re are many peo ple wbo are Th ey say he s ulT ere d fo r us ; that year's b e n' s nes t I'll miss m y g uess ." w llllng to pa y trom fiv e t o ten ce nts At las t he fini s h ed hl a counlin g, and a dozen more t han th e regu lar mar· h e di ed tbat we m ight li ve. But th e surre rin g upon th e c ross has be e n re turn e d to th e counte r t o settl e wltb ke t price for eggs tbat th ey kn ow wll\ mor e than ma,te h pd th ousand s ot t belr o wn er . be fres h and go od . A very good pl a n times. Th e s u rre rln gs o[ t h e ma n "Twe lve cen ts Is th e best we can Is to mark each carton with YOUl' that was crucifi e d was les a th a n t he d o on tha t grade ot eggs," h e said. nam e, th e da te the eggs we r e ga th e l" surre r in g of th e moth er ..... ho atoo d o ve r " We 'r e ove rload ed wIt h t h e m now ." ed . a nd Lbe words " Qualit y guaran· " I th ou gh t you we r e paylng more teed ." It does n ot lake lo ng to work t he r e In t h e dar'kn ees and h eard th e ago n ized cry , a nd th en . when he r s on I than that," protested t be woman who up a tan cy trad e In thI s way, but of wa s d ead . kne lt: at th e cross and , bad brought the m In. course It tak es a little more tim e than Th~ duch eas ot Orlealls . who Is " co u s in of th e e mp e ror ot Austria . has , clasped his teet a nd cove re d th 9m '" had to layout over tWG dGzen t o s e ll direct to the grocery . • tarted aUI, tor s e parati on tro m tJ1C duk e . Prin ce Louis Phlllppe . a g rand aon with kis ses and t ears, of the last king ot Fra n ce, The duk e has l e ft Genoa for Aue nos Aires , pla n· The dee pe r a nd m or e t r ag ic puln Ie tUn« to make a trip arouud the wor ld. tha t whi ch the h ea rt fe e ls . Th e mo th· er s ot me n "ba ve taste d dea th for eve r y man ." The o ld r eligion has mu ch to aa y t t he n ecessity .of to rglve n es s , Ali T bl s Is th e most rece n t por t ra It 0 t abou a matt er (, f fa ct, mos t of th e s ine ot Alph onso. prince of th e As t u r ias a nd this world consist ot wrongs commit· Pruning Vines Is Most Conven- Horses Neigh, Cattle Low, Peah e ir to th e Spanish throne. ta k en on te d aga ins t mothers and th e chllJrcn ient Way to Seoure Stronger cocks Sore am, and Duoks and tb e occasion of !ria appointm ent ae a , lie ute nant on hla elxth blrLhda , of mo th e rs . It mothe rhood wer e h o n· Vine and Stalk. Geese Are Noisy. y ored RS dl vine. If throu g bout t h e 8.0' clal. tb e Industl-Ial and th e bus iness rll y J. J . C ASEY .) iTly A. V, ME E R SC H .) world D O lo j uBtlc:e was d Oll e. n o wro ng MISS MARGERY ALESHIRE com mill ed against a Oloth e r n or h e r Tb e tomato Is r a ised In this country It Is w e ll k no wn tbat animals and child . sin WGuid disappea r trom th e a lmost e nti r ely fo r s hi ppin g purpose s . fo wls gi v e notice of t h e approach of The y are dedI cat e d as a food tor all ra In y weath e r by the ir p eculiar ac· eart h. W e sh ou Id not th e n buil d ca t h edr a ls c lasse s of peo ple . th e la borIng ela88es tlons, Dogs an d ca ts a re lela e nel' and te mpl es for' th e gods. and poo r· especiall y, who buy the m ot t h e mar., ge ti e and sh o w an unu s ual dlspollition ke t ers . to s lee p. S he e p c rowd toge the r In a h ou se s fo r wom(m a nd childr e n. I flnd th e to mato e a s ily gro wn, ' ,u t s he lter p lace. Horses ne igh. cattle Th e ti me wl\l corn e wh en we w ll\ tak e our dl \' lnl ty fr o m th e s k ies a nd, , als o find the y must be fo r In low. pea coc ks scr eam . gu Inea fowls hav in g do mestic a ted It. ma k e ror It a th e prope r wa y and man n e r, On e 0 1 sq uall . a n d du c ks and gees e are moOrs th e m oa t esse utlal parts In th e culture n oiay t han usual. hou se In t h e wo rld t hat I" now . All thi s Is du e to th e decl'e a sed sup. Our Chr is ti a n c lvlli 7.a tl on wl\l t h e n and produ c tion ot th e to ma to Is th e be s uccee dE' d b y a hu ma ne c1v lli ~a · pru nIn g or th e tomato ,·In es In th e ply or oxyg e n In th e air and to tho lioll . All t hat is o f valu p In thi s wo rld. mos t co n venI ent wa y an d mann e r , t o d e pressIn g e rrect ot damp air on th eir ell or v irtu e and e x ('t' lI e ncc, a ll ot per· ai d In a st ron g~ r vine or stalk. an d t o ne rv es . It g ive s th em so m e difficulty ma nen t good , de pe nd u pon t b e res pec t, gll'e growth to a la rge r cro p o f to· In b r eathin g and mak es th e m IIst1e s H t h e r PI' crenee, t h e adorati o n In whi ch ma toes whI ch . wlt bout do ub t. will gI \' e a nd un easy . Anoth e r s Ign or rain Is 8een wh e n 1\ th e S O il S ot me ll h old th e motlle r s o[ to t h e g row er th e p re miu m mu c h ab o\' ~ hi s wo rk . cat r ub s b pr ear s and so m e ti mes ~ v· m e n.- n e v. John E me r . on Hober t 9. If t he prunI ng Is not donfl. t h e plant e r y pa rt ot h er coat that s be can wlll gr ow sle nrl e r , tall , and h a. ve an r each. Th is Is du e In part to the Euence of the Divine. " It lb ere be a ny Virt u e. If t h e re bs ug ly s h ap e. a nd wh en t h e (' ro p ot to- da mpn ess of t he a ll', whic h pene t rates matol'S ge t to a ver y grea t s Ize tbe tb e h a ir an d makes th e s kin It ch, but an y I)ralse . thi n k on th ese thl n/;s ." T o adm ire wh ut la a d mi rabl e. to pla nt will bea r dow n to t h,! ground Is cbl eHy d ue, perh a ps. to th o a Ir head or e wh a t Is ad,ora bl e. to foll ow wh nt a n d th e to ma toes will rot. In g heav il y c ha rged with elec tri cit y. An oth e r th ing Is Ir t h e to ma toes Re t The hair or th e (' at be co m es beavlly Is n obl e. to re m e mbe r any s ll ~ h ex· ampl e s th a t have c ross f'd our ea r t h· well o n th e unprun ed plan t Lh e y wIll 'charged. too , a n d ahc ru bs It to ma ke ly pll grl m uge . ab at h a va brlgh t.e ned not go t to a ny s ize , tor th e r e Is too It smooth . and to bru sh a way the Its da r'kn e ss an d ch ee re d Its d u lln es s . mu ch ot t h e lea v es a n d stalk to 9UP" 1peculiar sensati on e lect ricity cau sml. this k ee ps a liv e be rore ua th e Id eal port. P e rhaps yo u h a \' (\ no tic e d thnt t b e or hum a n na ture and th e essence 01 The fir st prunIn g III to take place a s le a ves ot th e da nd eli on and clov ... r the di vin e natu re. Th e good t houg h ts. soo n as t he plants tak e a s tart to told up a nd go to slee p. so to spe a k, the good d eeds, th e g'ood memo ri es , g row aft e r th ey have been set In th e whe n th e raIn Is n ea r . As t h ese pla n ts .of those wh o h n ve bee n til e salt and s lx·ln e h cold fram e, The plants should n e ve r o pe n th e ir leav es wlLho ut th e the light of the e arth, do not pe rl s b b e 'lhou r e Ight Inr.he s hIgh. alld only atlmulatln g Influe nc e ot su nshin e. t he with th eir de pa,rture. The y li ve on t he top pi n che d off. Next. In a day or cloudy sk y pu ta the m to sl eep, An. atlli. a nd t hose wb o have wro ught tw o. pin ch th e tGPS .off of th e second .othe r reason for th e change Is the exthem liv e In tbe m , to t he bottGm suekerll, and 8 0 .on un· panelon of th e aI r ve sse ls ot tbe til th e whole plant Is gGne .over. walt· plante , due to the damp a ir which Bettel" Than Before. Ing a day or tWG between each prun- causes the leaves to contract aDd Prosperity Is a paInted wlndGw, Ing of the suckers. AbGut every two clGlle, just as paper curls wben .one The lIubmarine Ca«e broke all records for lubmergence when, at Long whIch s huts Gu.t much of tbe cleat weeks the tGplI .of tbe stalks shGuld sIde of It Is moisten-d. Beach, Cal.• It remalned at the bot tom of the Pac11lc for thirty-six hGurs. U,bt of Gild, an,d only when tbe blue, be pInched out, thul causIng the etalk . DurIn. this time telegrapblc communlcaUon Wall , matntatn~d ' wlth the ahore. and tbe crimsGn. and the golden tinge to become greater In diameter, whlcb Moat Uaeful Bird. I. · the . photolftPll the inventor, John ,M. Cage. I. _n atandlll« .on the are removed. II the glul restGred tel aldll In the lIupportlng of the bes"", Tbe common plover la .one tile ,.. .81:. deck. , Ita full transparency, Adversity t.hua load of tomatoea. It Is sood to prune moat uleful bIrd. In the ' laneS as! It ~ •••• "''"7'''''''''''''''''''-"-'''''''' " f t f t ......,.,..... • •: • • • • • _ .......... ~ Miss Mar",", Aleshire, .JoUDler takee awa1 tlnlo. and CGIGr, and dIm. Dnce after aettlng In ~he ,ftelddliltroY,1I lD~tlS, wlrs worma, [ ~tl~ ~ . , ,Whelt we beatn ' to dll up tt.. ~ Remem~r ~at there Is nothtDi ;-~ of qeD • .and lin. 1. B, -+Ie. . ne.a • .and we II~ our Go4 far bette! EIII to ChletCa. . and all aorta of obnoxious :Iillect&. qUutle. ' ,or a trleDd W. ,llDd .w hat a .ble in .human · allalrs; therefore &1'014 'shire,' ha:a ' Iett WUhtqtoD ..nth than before. It (ltur e1M are prepare4 Chlcu ehou14 be fed liard. boded In ScoUand thele birdS I\re protecteil· ' , 'Jot'cor ba4 one. we ahould bai7. Ot our undue !llaUoo 10 prc»pea'it,; 011 undae her llio~illr ; and elste.. to spen4 for the llIb~-SlPllraeon. .... oDli a tew ..,.,.. . by law .' -. !owa.-'-W. 8, depreaslon ' 10 a4~~. _ _.~~teL -tile .,mmer On , ~ r&DCh. ( f ly

KAT II I': H I.-:P.

,\ T f W H T')N

( ;Il I~H:S '










80,.., '









,. ~, ;l'l!

In (kno mina tioll s of





Mis~ Cha rl otle Antram i3 the florn- To Mr. and MI1!. Chas. )(u cs t of Mr . anti Mrs. Georj:(c lI art- Rrown. in Corwin. Saturday , July "(lI'k. 5th, a SOli.

A t small cos t. 'flte s ;H l' paY:l h k :1 ( a ll i):l llk s alit! mos t hotels wit Ii oll t i dl 'l l tifi ('ati o ll heyo nd YOllr OWII s ig ll :l 1 lilT , A rC' p ay ahl e ill th e mOll ey o f any COllllt ry in til e wo rld .

1l () 1z1l e.~

Stoo ps wellt to Kings Mills MI"S. Dora Speelman, of Bellefon· til is morning for a shurt visit with laine , is the guest of Mrs. Ida Stokes r elati ves. and daughter .

. . Waynesville National Bank.... FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE

Ha rold I{og'cr ::l. who was ~o budl y- Mr. and MrlI. Walter Elzey and ki cked by a horse rt.'C cntiy, is rapidly ~on. Kenneth, were guests of relaimpro ving'. tiv es in Dayton Slinday.


Xe nia


Coarse Salt Car Salt just in. Barrels. allO 100. 50 and 25 pound sacks. Will not get hurd.


Old Wheat Flour

We have plenty of old wheat Flour on hllnds. You had bett er lay in a goou supply.

Paris Green . Strictly pure Paris Green. in 1. 2 and {) pound cans, Get our prices ill lan~e Q uantitiell. .

Water Melons Fancy Ceorgia Melons this week. " They are extra fine. sweet liS sugar.

Pine Apples The season is about over, they are fancy.



Canteloupee. New Tomatoes, Or anges,Juicy Lemons. Bananas, Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Fancy Georgia Peaches, New Honey, New Mild Cheese. Dried Peaches. Prunf's, Apricots, Sour Pickles, Sweet Pickles. Laurel and lligemont Crack· erp, lar~e allSortment of faney Cakes. Dayton and ColuDlbuR Bread.

m e rc h un t.~





J ohn Chenowe th. of Kalamazoo. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Zell, Mr. and M ich ., is the gu est of his parants. Mrs. Gordon Joy and Mrs. Lizzie Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chenoweth. Kaulfman spent the 4th in Lerado, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides, Mrs. Clermont County. ~--Lee Hawke and Mrs. Elizabeth Alia· UPHOLSTERINO WORK barger were Dayton visitors Tuesday.

----_. - ..

Everything good to eat at




We are now baking from 1800 to 2000 loaves of Home-Made Bread weekly. What does this mean? It shows the

. HendriCK hall returned and Mrs. Le roy H ar ts oc k an d son,. A. L d d h'" e f '" . fi Id 't h IS r61~ y to 0 your up ol8termg an. ",ug ne. 0 ",prmg e . are e . k Old . h ed guests of Mr. and Mrs . Chas. Hart- repair w~r . varms remov and refimshed. I am also preplirM k soc. ak d ' your auto an d replUr to mean Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit. Mrs. carriage tops. All work guaranteed. Sarah Zimmerman and L. A. Zim· Call :and see him at the upper end of 1:50ales are ineluded in the handle merman were Cincinnati auto visitors Main street, in the old carriage works. of a grocer's 8000p that a Plliladel Tuesday. ------~.~--..-----philion haH patented, so that the oon· DISLOCATED HEat WRIST Mrs. Russell Bentley received tents oan be weighed w hen taken word~Sunday that her brother, in l from a box. barrel, or hln . Last Saturday evening as Mrs. F. California. was killed by the cars on W. Hathawav was going about her the 4th. houaehold duties. she accidentally Mrs. L, H. LeGrand and two stumbled over the fell and J



for Cakes on special occasions promptly attended to. A new line of Cigars, TobaccO and Candies. the Baking line can ,Everything in \ , be gotten at


________IIi__________________ 4

The union service at the school house last Sunday evening was large· ly attended. Many were unable to find seats. The executive committee has arranged for more chairs and will be prepared to take care of the crowd next Sunday night. Mrs. Ward, minister of the Orth o· dox Friends Church. delivered n soul stirring message. The choir led by Mrs. Will White, and assisted by the orchestra. rendered excellent music . Mias Lucy Emley brought a mes.~g e in song that Wall very appropriate 10 the occasion and very well rentl .. r~. All seemed deliu-hted with the ser· vice. A large crowd is expected next Sunday evening at 7:30. No teams or autos are allowed on the "rounds. Watch for the ropes! P. B. Thompson.


will close every MissThelma WYlOng, of Richmond , W edn ~d ay afte rnoon du ring Jul y Ind .. is the summer Jruest~ of her The 8th Sunday after Trinity, July and A u gll ~t. aunt, Mrs. S. D. Clayton. 18:-Sund8Y School at 9:30 a. m; Morning Prayer and sermon as 10:30 The Ladies Aid of the Mt. Holly Dr, Heber Dill unci Mr. Gilmour, Union service on School Campus at of Lebanun. were in town Tuesday M. E. church will have an ice cream 7:30 p. m. social in front of the church Saturon business. You are invited to all these lIervicday evening. es. ~ · Se l z .. Royal Blue Shoes at Hen· - - --.... Ml~rs. Carl Hawke, Herbert F..d. derson's. C!lflvas t.hat 18 to be painted oan . , .. wards, Edward Ricks an. Hugh Miss Marie Hartsock IS ~ISI~ng Ridge, ot Dayton, came down home be waterproofed at the lIame time by adding an oonoe of yellow SOf\P Ilnd her g rantiparants Mr. an rs. to spend the 4th. balf a pint of bot water to each Aaron Sea rs in Day ton. seven pound" of paint. Gee. Ridge, of Morrow, and son Mr. anti Mrs. W. H . Allen and Morl~is Ridge, of .Norwood, were Misses Olive and Cle.bance McCollum guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamilautoed~o Cincinnati Tuesday ton last Thursday.

Cil y Soli citor Van A. Snid er. Colo· n nwn th e Littl e Mi ami vall ey nel and Chief of ~tatr of the Ohio Where the ri ve r wind s in and nut. I<ri gade Uniform I{ank \(nig hG! of I{l'sts a sm all Quaker .l/)\\'n , l'yt hi a~. h a~ planned an interesting Circl ed by hill s abuu l. vacation. On J ul y 13th to 26th, 'the fift it!Lh ann iv() r~ary of General Mor. And in t his qu ie t (~ u ak er town ~an ' s fam ous visit t o Ohio. he will Built upon a hi ll. ride the trai l from Ha rrison on the Is the old Friend s Meeti l1g' h ow~e Indiana line. just northwest of Cin· Among the trees RO ~ ti ll. :cinnati throug h the countie~ of Ham. I ilton , Clermont. Brown, Adams. Pike 'Twas built many years alto J ackson, Meigs. Callia . Vinton. Hock· And se r ved its purpose tru e; ing . Athens, Perry, Morgan. Mu skin. When its mission was fulfill ed. g um. Nobl e. Gu e rnsey. Harr ison. Fursake n for a new. Carroll and Columbia to a point south of Lisbon. a lft1 0st fiv e hundred Ncar by there is ,the b~rial plot milt!s. As near as possiltle the towns Once tended with kindly care. will be made ,.n th e sam e day and at Now 'tis almost forgotten, the same hour that General Mor. With its quiet Sleepers there. gan 's men passed through, a half To many, 'tis but a Meeting Hou se century ago. Colonel Snider will ride his well Deserted- its mission dune known in·bred Morgan horse. And its few old worshipers "Jud ," and will carry a ~amera and Worshiping a setting SUII . take a number of interesting pic. tures along the ruute f or his book nut to me it pictures Life. How we, when our missions done, "Morgan's Men in Ohio," for whiCh he has been gath ering data for some Will, like t he old Meeting House, three years.·- Lancaster (0, ) Eagle. Seem to others, a setting sun . And as the Meeting House walls Crumble and decay. We, when our work is finished. To shall pass away.



. - - - - •• - - - - - - . Mr. and Mrs . Walter McClure Purl;! Paris Grt.~ n at Henderson 's. spent Sunday with Bellbrook rela· tives. Mrs, Sarah Lippinco tt is visiti ng rc-iati l' c:l ill Uaylon. MillIS Katherin ~ ' Alexander is spending a week with relativ~s in F , C, Carev w as a bu sin es.~ visitor Dayton. ill ('i lwinn;lti Mnnd ay . , I The King 's Heralds held an enjoYWa ll 's Xeni a ire ('ream - ·best ;n able picnic at the Salisbury home lo\\'n - at Amos Mendenhall' s parlors. Saturday.

W ll{,tli e r ill yo m n WII (' Ollll t ry (II' :tl)ro:lll. we are no w pn'p an'd to f urni s h '011 wi lh


FOll1nd - A dour key.

,P ereo nat MentioDt ge l it by appl.,Ying at thill office. If you are contemplating a Trip

---------- --T

----- - ~-- -




J children, of Norfolk. Va'., are the disleeated her w~t.She ia getting guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. alon,r as well as can be expected at F. W. Hathaway.


Everythlnc C~

Everythlnl Frelb



Home made Bread. I:}akery.

The Daughters of Mary, of the M. Eo · Sunday School, will give a lawn fete at the home of Mrs. Eberly tomorrow evening, July lOth. Plenty of ice cream and cake, home mado candy and pop eorn. Come The Junior Loyal Daughters class and tmjoy the evening. of the Christian Sunday School are • --~.----having a picnic at the Mill grounds 8ubsorlbe for the Miami Gazette. today. They were accompanied by the allSistant teacher Miss Lucile Late Classified Ads Thompson.







E~terprise Bldg.,



Mr, Fred Hawke, Mrs. G. W. Hawke, and the Misses Emma Hawke Kathryn and Rosamond Dakin were in Lebanon Monday afternoon.





Presser Waynesville, Ohio.

I will continue to do Roofing and Spoullng at

RealOl1abJe Prices. Call on me at my home, or phone 24-2X, and I will ,eStimate wilh you,




Try a sack of Burton's High Grade FOR SALE White Frost Flour. It is made from the choicest old wheat and is guaranteed by the manufacturer to give red Pr888ed Brlok· _140 •• entire satisfaction or money rebarrels of lime, elated aDd funded . For sale by G, W. Hawke. read:,. for US8. IDqulre of A. B. (JhaE~dler al the Friend '" Bome Vou Oet All the News Through the Miami Oazette J 113 Misses OIl\1e McCollum. Edna Cornell. Hazel and Elsie Gustin, Alice O'rATOES-Kew Ohio Early . , PotatOtlfl for aale. Nioe, big Carey, Edna. Luella, Jeannette and Francis Janney and the Messrs. Wm: oneil.. Inquire of J. U. Hawke, J 23 Michener, Alfred an<l Elliot Wright WaynetIVUle, Ohto. and Howard Gustin spent the Fourth !!!!'_~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!"'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!!!"'!!"!!!!!!!!!"'!!"!!"'!"!!!"'!!"!"'!!"!"'!!"!!!!!!!; !'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!"!!~!!"'!"!!!!"'!"!!!!"'!"!!~~~~!"'!!"~ in Springboro.

400 P

Gifts _off SilverWare Nothing more acceptable can be offered than attractive silverware. combining good taste with a quality of endurance which assure. lifelong service. ' Such characterUtica make

1841 'ROGERs BROS;T~~~~ ~

ware most desirable for gilts: - T o-day this renowned trade r.n~rk assures the purchaser not only of securing the ongmal brand of Rogers, but thl! heaviest grade pla~e ~aranteed by the maken to give absolute sabsfacbon. " ~e remarkable ~urability of '.~ ROBERS BROS." Silver has won It the popular btIe .

"Sill1er' Plate that Wear""

Kni.~. forks, lpootII and fIlIICl' lervilJa piece. ma, ~ procured in Dum.row design.. oome fancy, lOme IImple and chaale. • ,

Sold by leading dealer.' everywhere.' Seod for catalogue "vL." IhowilJa .11 patterDIo I":IUOI:III BRITANNIA CO.

(IP'l'tDaUooal ell.e t Co . , ttllOOeMGl . )

Mert'MI, Cann.

~~~~~~""""'" ""~""'" """'~ jj _ Joshua W. Satterthwaite, of Lake- ~ #

Oxfbrds and Strap Sandals at Hen· derson 's.



town. Utah. here Saturday lie came direct from ~ evening. Gettysburg. Pa.. where he had been , attending the reunion. His many o!d frienjs are glaj to shake his hand again. ,



I Al Bakerh-is been appointed ~ ICounty Commissioner, to fiU' the ~


vacancy caused by the resignation of Frank D. Miller. who was appointed County Treasurer. The appointme~t of. Mr. B~ker gives general ~ satisfactIOn. . ~ Home ,made Bread. Bakery.



















~ ~




Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright ae- ~ companied by Mr. C. M. Cartwright ~ and family.. of Chicago. arrived here Friday morning after a ten days' outing at Chattanooga, Tenn: · Mr. Cartwright left for bis ' bome ' in ~ . '~ Cbl~.~ '. Sund!'y .evening b~t bis" "''.&,fL&~&,,&,~~ ~"".~.";"""""".~j faml~Y Wlll spe~d 8O~e ti~e ~ere;..,.. .. ' ''''.~ .~~ :-"~ ... ~ .",,~ .... ~ .,.........,..,. ~ . . ,....... ~~,



•. 1


$ ~








1' . . . . . .... . . . .





Mrs. \irginia Smith. aged 76. died at. her home near Harvevsburg, Wednesday afternoon at 1 o·clock. afoor an iIlDeM of about tOUT fears The funeral was held at her late residence Sat.urday . at 1 p. m., eon· • ducled by Rev. Sarpnt auisted by Rev. Bennett, of Wilmington. In· terment was made in Miami ceme" tery.

- - -- .",--,

Mrs. Sethia Furna, widow of the late Dr. Rollert Furnas. aged 82 years, died Saturday ni~ht atrout 12 o'clock, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Wm. Frame. The funeral took place Moriday at 2:30 at the White Brick Meeting house. Franklin Packer and Mrs. Matilda Underwood spoke, and Mrs. Geol'&'ia Men· denhall read the obituary, and Ml'II. EIIther Stout read a poem. Mrs. Eva Jones. president of the W. C" T. U. made a few remarks, and Mrs. Thad Zimmerman and Miss Ruth Zimmerman sang a couple of selec· ,tions. Mrs. Furnas' was a beautiful charac~r and her whole life W88 spent for others.






• . . . ...•••••• ••• ...


On and after July Hi. 1913. all articles hereinafter mentioned. when sold. shall be BOld by avoirdupois ... __ •• __ •.•._.-.. .......-. ................. -.." I. • •• _ .............________ .......................j weight or numerical count. unless by agreement in writing of all COli· tracting parties. viz.: apples, grapes. Jesse Burton was a Dayton visitor Ralph Smith is clerking in Hawkc's grocery. peachell. pears. plums. quinces. cran. Monday. berries. . • raisins. dates. fip, W. H. Madden was In Lebanon B • 'tried apples. dried peachell, apricots. Thursday. . ert Grant. of Dayton. wa,; ill rice. beans. gretn beans. carrota. town .Sunday. Jos. Marshall was in Cincinnati onions. parsnips. Irish potatoes, 1". B. Henderson i ~ ca rry in g mail sweet potatoes. tomatoes, turnips. last Wednesday. beets. lIugar beets, peas, green peas. on a new mot!Jrcyclc.


the first offenae, and not less than $25 nor more than .~OO for second offense, or imprisoned not more than three months. or both S. E. STRODE, State Sealer Weights and Measures. Suh;nitted for pahlication by Alit!n Huffman, Deputy sealer, Warren Uo. Lo:banon Ohio. • , • - • ~EAl is-\'.L PLAYERS . - _.The Miami» Wt, ,, t to Wilmina'ton Sunday and a liad. "Itri story it was. The Clinton8. a team. put it over on the boys 20 lO O. After the third innin&' it wu a case of "quits." and every man on the team got the "bueki," lind a thrown ball was sure to be dropped or thrown "way. It was simply a case of up ."""nat th I thO _A pickede rea team In&,. p 81 Lytle here l ed Sunday .t Phillip!J' park and it wu a cue of "swat fest." ' The Lytle boys outbattled Waynesville, and won the game easily. The score was 19 to 11.





Mis!! I<:th el Hosier was the guc!lt of fri end!! in Xenia last week . Marion Hamilton and family, of Lebanon, were in town Sunday. Ellsworth Sherwood. of Pittsburg. Pa.. , is the guest of hi s fathe r. F. J. Sherwood Mr. J ohn Fromm and family. of Dayton, were week-end g uests of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke. Messrs . J. E. J anney. R. A . C ro s~ , P. C. Carey and D. L. Crane were in Middletow n Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Joe Thompson. Miss Leah Smith and Mr. Ralph Smith spent Friday with re latives in Springfield, Ohio . Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn and


We wish to t hank a ll of our nc ig-h· bors who ministe red to us durin g Mr. and Mrs. J oe Tho mpson reo the long sickness anrl death of our turned to their home in Norwood wife and mother. all of whom were Sunday evening. after a pleasant ten so kind to us during these long years . Uavid Brown and daughter . days' visit with relatives he re.

I W 9 1 ayne Townsh·Ip Farmers CIU b • - - - . ,•.•- - - - - • - - - -



UNION MEETINGS That the lInion Sunday Evening Services are meeting the approvoil of the people of the town and vicinity, is evidenced by the increased attendance . Last Sunday evening the in· creased se.a ting capaci ty was still in· adequate to accommodate the crowd present. The talk g iven by Miss Evangeline Reams. of Columbus. d h w~ ma e up .~f er personal .. e~ perl~,nces. ~ Rescue Worker m t~e SI~ms .o~ Columbus. an~ . dePlcted, In ~ vl.vld condItIOns as they eXist In the Cities. The. choi.r render.ed some choice selectIOns. In a creditable manner. The duet b~ . C~an~ ~nd Henderson was especlBlly I?splrln g . No one can afford to miss these ' Corne earIy. services . '11 mee.t lOgs. WI begm promptly at 7:30 p m. The music committee has something in store for nex~ ~un~ay evening. Everyone IS inVited to attend. • - • BUYS ADDITIONAL LAND

A farm of 132 acres hall recently been purchased by the Ohio State University. which will be used for some phases of their farm operation. Ihis. in additi on to other land under cultivation will make petween 300 and 400 acres of farm land now bein~ used by the University: The new site which lies just west of the main portion of the farm contains a large barn. t wo smaller ones and two houses At the time of purchase the farm h'ad 55 acres of hay on it ready to be harvested Another has been used for truck fal ming_ This is the fourth time that it has been necedsary for the University to buy land Bince the original land grant in 187l. • - - - -AT THE CHRISTIAN CHU ~CH Sunday School at the usual hour 9:30 a. m. next Sunday morning. Preaching services at 10:30. Subject Religious Conditions of Waynesville as Seen by a Stranger. All the members are expected to be present. Strangers are heartily invited to come. P. B. Thompson. Minister.

- - ---+-- - -



*... . : '


I.·· _ "


Social Events

terthwaite and family.

,Last Wednesday evemn~ a~u.t o clock, as Robt .. ~rieDd was dnvln&' Late Nicholson, who attended the hom'), Frank SIlver came back ~f . Grand Encampment of Patriarch him down the. hill b~ e. M H?ugh B _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ .__ - e _ .. - - - - - - - - - - - Militant OddfellowB "ltt--f'ostoria farm. Mr. SIlver did not notice the July 8-10 as the repreaentativ of buggy and consequently ran into it, The WltoYne Township Farmers' mmuv valuable points of the "Wo· the AtW~t9 here, reports a ~ne sl1Ul,llhi~g a whee~ and demolishin&, Club. met at the ho!plta~le home of m~n's Ruffra~e" question. Mr. and aesaion and many were pres nt f the vehicle. Mr. SIlver took a header Edwin Chandler and family. July 10. Mls. Frankhn Packer from Penn· all parts of the etate. e rom a~on&' the roadside. Th. motor cycle l~UI. Although being a very busy svlvania were called on. they each Parades .~hes and bUBin41911 did not have a lijrht, and came up 10 time of the aeason. all but five fam· made a few remarks Rev. J. F. BeIIIions filied the time to completion . •uddenly .that Mr. Friend could not iIles were preaent. I~ was an ideal . Cadwalla?er als~ gave us a short. The following officers were elected get out of the road. Neither &,entle- ~ay for an out d~r dinner and meet· bU':hve~ Interestmg talk. Mr. K~n. for the ensuing year: men were hurt. Ing. Thc m~mmg hours were as ne. ough had a select reaolng Pn.ident-Maj . .Gen. Perry D. • - • usual o! a SOCial nature and a more which was a valuable article to the Knapp, Toledo. HEAVY WIND STO~M congemal and happy crowd would farmers. Helen and Paul Duke. Vice Pr8l}o-Maj. Potts, Cleveland. ,be ~ard to ~nd .than the one assam· Tacy .an~ Dunbar C~agett each ~ave Tress ~F. e G tt D to ~ Lebanon wu hard hit by a wind blM to" enJoy the uAual fanners' a recitatIOn. Levermg Cal-twrlgnt. Clerk':"'Li~ut' ~7 'F::~;'" and hailstorm last Wednetld&t even· feast at the noon hour. jr. rendered a selection on the piano . .Toledo " . . r n, ing at 5 o'clock. Lal'l'e trees were In the afternoon the meeting was After the usual business. the club meet atl.thehLebanon y e les rder Of6~r of the Day-Col. W. L. dblown.,_dh°edwn land tt\elephfonthe POto caelied °h b thb presidfent. Mr aFd~oumed tdo A R,an. Dayton. e!"o III ' . n .por ona 0 e wn artwn&, t, w h 0 y ~ ew well a~r gro~n s ugust ., t e annual Sentinel-H. B. Fiddler, Spring. hatl broke wlDdow panel. Several choeen remarks. ~resented ~he club unIOn .plcnic of the three clubB, field houlIeB were unroofed. Lebanon with a pvel whIch he had gotten Frankhn. Lebanon and. Wayne Town· • • _ • was In darkn_ aU niKht on ~unt while on his trip to Lookout Moun- ship. WEAVER-DAVIS Of. th'" electric lI&'ht pl~t, wirea taina ~tlY. The invit~ guests of Mr. and beln~ down allover the CIty. The This being a young peoplt's meet· Mrs. Chandler were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. W. e. Weaver and MillS Rosa farmers about town--suft'ered badly Ing it was turned over to them. Franklin Packer, of Pennsylvania. Davis were quietly married in Day- on account of damaae to crops. Over which Mr; Kenneth Hough Mr'8. Clinton Nelson and daughter ton last Thunday. Mrs. Weaver Is . •• • pNBided in a very able manner. c,f California, Mrs. Chas. Cartwright the daughter of the late John Davis, INFO~MATION WANTED MillS Anna May Deardoff then an\i children. of Chicago. Rev. Cad· 1 ' a!Jd her maby friends beN wiah her rendered a beautiful piano selection. wa\1ader and wife. and Mrs. J. W. Sat~rthwaite would like to A carefully prepared paper of the Aaron Chandler, ~r. and Mrs. J. E. " prosperity. Mr. Weaver lived here . about .• yPal' 11£0. for a short time, know who bought the old ~ Current Event. of the month was Janney and .dau&'hter Miss Edna, an,! m~e ~ !ri~d8. , . I cradle that WI!oI sold.t Jonathan given by M_ Ruth Chandler. AI· Mr. and Mrs. WilBOn E;dwards, Mr. • -Theco11ple''*.Ul reside In Dayton. HaiDe!lt' ..Ie inll91• . lnformation though the ~t waa no~ present and Mrs: Will Stroui, the Misses . : ~I " ~ ~II beglacU" .~!ecl~bJ,,~ attbel~. ~ .~ht, ofCbic:'ago, Edi~ Mosher, Hem;e~ McKiDJeY, . 1~Q~be .f oUIae ~~~ Q~ • . ~~tte. ~~." ... !' _ " , .., _ WU .u.tltu~. "h.o : brouaht ou· Mana Stout and Ada Michener. PAT~IAR.CH MILITANTS

i.---~~- - --.


wn. Kenneth. of Springfield. Ohio, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sat·

afternoon on busmess. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Upp and J. L. Hartsock has purchased a daughter. of San Bernardino, Cal. . new Ford auto. George Oiliesbee arrived. here Sunday. and are guests haS a new Hup. and C. B. Bentley ' of relabves here and at HarveYBburg. bou&'ht Mr. Qaole.tiee's Hup . . Mrs. Frank Long. of Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hopkins and came down Thursday on a visit to son. Dale. came down from Dayton th4~ ~ome of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Th I'8d d th ts f Wllhamson. Saturday Mr. Long u were. e gues 0 joined her. and both went home Mrs. Hennetta Hopklna fur the day. M d ' on ay morn mg. . C I Gard W. H. , 0 f Monrovla. a .. arrived here Saturday on his regular T~y a sa4:k of Burton'~ High Grade summer vacation. His many friends White Frost Flour. It IS made from here are always glad to shake his [th4~ choicest old wheat and is guar· hand. an~ by ~he m.anufacturer to give entu-e satisfactIOn or money reMr. Roy Hartsock joined hi!,\ funded . For sale QY G. W. Hawke. family here Thursday and stayed until Saturday, when he and his Mr. John Stllnton. who recently family returned to their home in removed to Waynesville with his Springfield. wife. came over ypsterday to arrange • f~1r the removal of the remainder of Mr. Arthur Thomas. of Pittsburg. hlSI household goods. "Uncle John" Kan., and Mrs. Lucile Compton. of still takes a lively interest in Frank· Cincinnati, were week· end guests at lin and his friends here and wants the home of Mr. and · Mrs. Henry The Chronicle to follow him to his Satterthwaite. new ~ome. -Franklln Chronicle. .-------


r.lary Anll (. dallghte r of II Jucu b and Alina I {ugc r ~ lIain e>l wa" e - - - - - - - - - - . born liear Waynesv ilil'. Hl ~6 . and di ed at 11 (.1' hU1II 1;' in Wayn esville The Luval Daughters of the Chris • Monday. July 7, I !ll~~. at 12: 30 \J. m ti an Sun day School held an enjoyable !lgt'd (;6 s ears . 7 months and:!1 dav!! lJicnic on tht' mill grounds Tuesday SI1e wa:; lIIal'r ied to David .A. aftern oo n. £\1'0·.... 11. A U l:II~t l\i. IS6!); t ·) tlII9 ---union wert' born t wo ehildren. Jacob Mr. and MrA. J"hn McClure and Allen. who died when. s ll\~11 ancl family. of Springboro, we re Sunday Anna E. ,. now Mrd. W . S..Halnes . gucstR of Mr. and Mr>l. ebas Ellis She United With the BaptHltCh urch. a nti fami ly. when young and attend ed as lon g as abl e. She has IJcen an in vali d fur Illany years. hut was always willillg Mr. and Mrs . W. H . All en. with to do fur t)the r ~ , II ~ far a3 her Mrs . Prank Long-. of :Co lumlJus.(and strength would permit. Miss Em ma Heighway as their She leav es to mou I'll he r loss a guests motored to Uaylon Friday hU 9lJand. on e daug-hLcr. a loving ami had dinner at Rikes·. g rand·daughter, two si"ters and many other relat.ives and fr iend9. Mr . and Mrs. J ohn Upp and little My God. my Father, w hile I st ray, Isabel. of San Bernadina. Cal.. and Far fr om my home in life'IHough way Mrs. Anna Jordan , of Columbus. Oh. teach me fr om my heart to say. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee were enter· "T hy wi ll lJe done! ,. tained by Mrs. Mary Upp the past What though in Innl:!ly grief I sigh week. For fl'iends beloved. no longer nig h. SuLmi9sive still wvul d I r eply, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson are "Thy will be d one!" entertaining at supper this e ven· The remain9 wpre laid away in ing Mr . and Mrs . C. H. Clements Miami cemetery by her rclat ive8 and two 50ns, Mr . and Mrs. J. H. Messrs. Wm. Wol cott, Chlls. and Coleman and Mrs. lAuiEc Woolley. Harvey Rye, Chlls. Satterthwaite. W. S. Haines and Ev-I Conner.

lL.···-~~~~~·"~~~~~·~~I~~~ .........1 i

On Thurllday of last week Jr. Michenor's buggy was struck by an automobile on Broad way. in Leb· Ernest Rogers spent Monday and anon. Fortunately the occupants cabbage, cauliflower. endive. lettuce. spinach. sauerkraut. barley. bran. Tuesday in Cincinnati. escaped with few bruises. buckwheat. com in ear. shelled com. Dr. A. T. Wright was a busine~il wheat. rye. oats. sweet corn in ear. visitor in Cincinnati last week. Mrs. Fannie Way Pritchard writes shelled sweet com. hominy. dried from Tulsa. Okla .• where she hall sweet com. popcorn in ear, shelled Mrs. J. W. White was a Dayton lately removed. She AllYS: "Mr. popcorn, bluegrass seed. broom com visitor for several days last week. Pritchard is chief engineer of the seed, "anary seed. cotton seed, castor . . Oklahoma Iron Works at the latter oil bean:pine tree products and veg. Mrs. C. ~. Bentley an~ MISS ¥arle place. therefore change our paper to etable oila. clover seed. timothy seed, ~all were In New Burhngton Sun. Tulsa. We are always -.rlad to hear -hem~ seed. Hungnian grass Bt!ed, ay. trom the old home. malt, millet. onion sets, orchard Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright were grass seed. grape seed. red top 8t'ed. guests of relalives in Springboro F41glish walnuts, black walnuts. Sunday. Miss Agnes Hornick entertained 20 hickory nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans. girls. Friday evening. in compliment almonds, filbertA ice, coal, coke, Mrs. Clark Cadwallader. of Nor· to her guests. Mi88e8 Eleanor Ritter lime. salt. aUKar. tea. coffee. bulk wood, Ohio, is the guest of her si s· of Chilli~othe. Ethel Hosier of Way· spices, cheese. butter. oleomargarine. ter, Mrs. Agnet Wright. nesville. and Marie Hornick and lard. fresh and salt meats. fish, game. Little Carl Madden, of Clarksville. MIU'Y Williams of South • Charleston. fowls. flour, corn meal. chopped A lawn party had been arranged but feed, pepper in bulk. and candy in is spending the 8ummer at the home because of the rainy even in&' the bulk. Nothin2 in this section shall of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Madden. gueIJts were"entertained indoors. A ap,ly to seeds and other articles in Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carey and diversion of the evening was two sealed packages. Whoever sells or intere!\tinlr contests. in which Miss offers for sale any article in this sec- BOn. Mrs. ~ffie Smith and Mi5S Ellen Pauline Chatfield and Margaret tion enumerated, in any other nlan- Emley were guests of relatives at O'Connor won . the prizCII offered ner than herein specified, shall be Utica Sunday. A musical progrnin was enjoyed and deemed guilty of a misdemeanor 'a nd ~essrs. Frank Zell, S. L. Cart· refreshments were served. - Xenia uPon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor wright, John Penc~ and ~v.~. F. Daily Republican. more than one hundred dollars for Cadwallader we~e In Xema Friday ---

-_ ..

,r;I .._. . . . .._-.--_. . . . .__. __. .............·............·..·....·······1 11 . - - . ... . . ... .......... _ .

Prof. T. H. Rogers has resigned as buperintendent of schools at Mason to accept a p08ition at Houston, Texas. He will remove to the Lone Star State with his family early in September.

Whole Number 3220

The 9th Sunday after Trinity July 20. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Union service on school campus iLt

7:80 p.


Everybody welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Janney enter· tained Sunday at dinner lhe follow. ing guests: Edwin Chandler and wife. Fran~lin Packer and wife, and the Misses Elizabeth and Ruth Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway en· tertained seven~en of their rela· tives at dinner Sunday in honor of their daughter. Mrs F. H. LeGrand, of Norfolk. Va. The guests were Mr Lou St. John and 'amily, Mr. Roll Ross and family and Mr. Isaac Adams and family. of Dayton. , Mrs. F. H. Farr entertained Tues· day evening the following guests: Mesdames F. B. Henderson, F. C. Gilmour and children, C. M. Robitzer C. S. Grauser. Roy Irons, H. A. Cor· nell. S. D. Clayton, T. R. Smith. Mrs. Smith. of Cincinnati. and Miss Thel~ rna Wyson&,. of Indiana. After Ma· sonic lodge was over the ladies were joined by their husbanda, and a delightful lunch was served. The 86th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Matilda WilIiamllOn W88 held at the home of her son H. H. Williamson. Sunday. July 6th. All of her children were present. They were as follows: and llon. Kirk. or Yorktown, Ind •• Mr. and Mrs. John Cafferty, BOn and daughter. of Franklin, Mrs. Matie McKay and daughter, of Lebanon. Clifford Williamson, of Cincinnati, Mrs Lee Cooper and lion, and Raymond Williamson. of Dayton.

----- ..- - -

HEAV\, WIND STORM Th e heavy wind storm of Monday night did considerable damage throughout the country. Dayton and Xenia were hit hard, trees. si~1I and awuings being badly demolished. The storm was accompanie4 by wind and almost continuous IiKhtnlng. It is reported that Oregonia was blown about pretty badly, three houses being unroofM. Whil«l It rained hard. the wind did no damage at Lebanon. The Harveysburg Fertilizer Co., had !leveral calls to get animals that had been killed by lightning south of that town. While there was little damage done in town farmers say that com and harvested grain were blown down. _____-4~~--~--



There will be a special communieation of Waynesville Lodge No. 168, F. A. M.. Tuesday e,enina;. Juiy 22. _. . Work in the E. A. degree. SojoUcmIng brethren cordiall, invited. '.,:, , J. T. Ellis• L, ~, ZiJilI~81~!lf'~rtN~ ·:

(lie woman root a hasty ~ to!'QrlU'd, an d Bwept asid e tbe curtnln. thTU.tlllg hor b(>ud paM to wbere sb" co uld I;nln a vi e w outSide. Hamlin pressed Ilt'r back with on c hand. planting hlma Ir ' Qullre ly be tor the wlnjow . She met h is eyes Cpllpfully. " I lI'RS ml H akt'n th l ~ Ilm e'.":; h 11 1'know lE'uged d raw ing a .... ay . " out I'd Ilk,· 1(' I",u \\' .".;1\ I P.I '" c r,' ~o ,\I,xlll"" to pr l' .... llt illY ·Ie ~lilng ou e II .. 'l·a k no\\ l\ !tClIll I I/: CI\I ~h l yo u had Ih,· ro · · · '" .. : H Y O' 1 r ,JI ' :I~ I ' , r"ju!\.' ,lti; i: h ~l ~ '1:" ~Ir l hat! ".- l' J I"'1 nlorl'·,.


or 11II fRONI1I:X By


~A.LL PA:&RJsn ~ )111ho;o,uKcith oflhe er~MyLady-of

Doubt: My LadYo(lhc


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f)· · ... : I ,,,: "; H I I, t: Rn I\ ~m\' d rf \ \ asi dlJ lhrl curta i n, a.nd fHt' .q h. d 1u ! ;. ; ... .... ~ ~ , " ,\ : n.Hl t. 0 l tl, ' r ·... o ,t "; '. tIJj \1 .. h wh ., l~ v nl. b . t ' r l , ( IIr II~.' I " d t .\ '.:1 I ll . 'J llt b· "" , h " J'nrdofl me," h e Ra id Q u l t ~ tl\" HS t h .. 1, . Ir l! o\ l t ,twi ;O: , · .. ..! .. .t. ! 1 ' t ~, .· ~. II .trld l n . ( ·"0 slar l .. d L ,. 1, ' I -. b n,,' ... 'III • Il.' : . • Il ), II \t ".~ \ b tr:n ,I . · uac.: 8[ u lS r at lC' f It rup t l p/lt T' " HH' \: . . .. h .. d t ,y l' It, ' r~ a n, i • otran c (', "b ul I d ill I:O l can' t o O\j ' t .

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o b st! rvll lto l:. itl sLa nlly nlastc rlng h ' r Rurprl so, "~othlng at all 5e r lou~. ~Ir . S e r . ~ c l\u t H a mlin," she r etort ed scorntul. I y . "1)011' [ bo m e lodraruat!c. pl ens£'; It ~el8 c n lb e ll e n · e8. Ir you mU Sl kn ow , I was merely g h 'tng our r a nc h f o r eman a few flna l I t I I (0

. tomorrow. tiona , .,

I1~ ruct ons .

lJav e



you obJ ec


A86urc~ly not-

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man , YOU say? ,i \I (; t him b ~rorC' I • thln lc You ura Ulf! re llow J ord fl r etJ o ut o f thi~ room a n ·n·( ) ' ou""

t'lf) f M o lh' ~"e k8 nn ' n ten" .1t ....,. wi t h , " . l-I nn' l l ll ~h" Pi n , ,. hfOr r ~'t h l"' r F"(': n8 10 h ~ fh e ma.n growl ed so m elhing unl !": ,, ·), t ~ . ho l>"WH of M,.,. n "p"n '. wh n "''''010 Ilg lbl {'. but ~I rs. Dupo ut pre " en te d 1111) .., be ., <11\ulfhler or ~tcD (l n nld. sl . lCr dir ec t n ' pl)' .

CHAPT.! R XX.-Contlnued.

"II ll e woman ha s not (,'ns l l:1T~ d him . 'J), h ~ 1

usua l mpthod s. " he sa id sobcr. Iy . " UI d I th i nk m)' e lf )" o u a r e right niJOtll lhat. for I watc h ed (1 )(' 10 Inge t h · ~ r In lll e dance lwll-I d id no t com preh e nd whal lt mltllnt th e n. but It scpmcd a me he actually d is like d bei ng In h r company-th e n Hll o ho s unron>r ... " eome thln g In hi s past of whi ch h.· b arrald. sam th lug unkn own 10 l OU. which h e do cs not dpslro yo u "v er to

~now . "

" y s ." softly. "that mu s t be> Ir ut' " "No; It m ay Hot b f' tru ll; It ma y all 'bo a li e . concoc t ed fo r u purpo ~(' . A

-cl eve r woman m ig ht Fa tnllnll,ul l!l', cl r ·cuTnstances n p to con vlnco him ti he· beld his rntl, In ' h ... r han <l s. W e IllU SI :find tba t out In this case ," " But how . Sergeant lI am lin' II ... will not t ell m e ." . " p rhapH Rit e will t e ll me tr can ceach h e r a lon o," he said grim l y. "o r e lse ibat hU 9band of b e r s - Dupo nt. He'lI know th ' who l story . It wou ld give me pl esfi ure to c holte It out or blm- roa l iii as ure. Th c n t h e re's C onnors. Just Ih e sort or sneaki ng ra t It he can bo ca ught willI tile goods ; only It Is not lik e ly he knows m uch. I shall have to th ink It a ll out , "I iss Mo ll y. " hl) s mll e rl at h e r confide n tly . ·· You see . I urn a h it s lo w figuring jlUZcl e B, but I g n('rally get t h e m In lime . You 've told m e n il you k now'!" ··Every t h lng. It almost see m s si ll y ~' h'n I try to e xplain what I fl" ~ 1 to Anolher." "!'lot 10 mc. I kn e w en ough bero r!' to und erstand. B ut. 1", rlli'jJ ~ . )"011 h ad b e tte r go - h uri h , s o m e on e la !:lI l prilig ~ e parlur." :She gal to h'l r rel' t In splle or hi s

, ne Two Started Back at Hi. Rather Abrupt Entrance _ restraining lmnd. s tartl ed and un · Derved. "Ob. I must not Le see n b e r e . 18 ~ e r e no other way?" "No; b e st1l1 tor a moment; Ato p "&ck tb e re In tho shadow. nnd le t m e '1 10 In alon e." He step pe d torwllrd, hla grlU!p aiI eady on th e curl aln. wht>Q a woman's 'Voice spoke within : " Yes, that was what 1 m eant; be dOM not know you-yeL Hut you mUBt keep away_" CHAPTER XXI. Molly l1Iaappear •. Ths speaker wus Mrs. Dupont. but Hamlin's olle tbought wall to prevent


COMPLIMENT THAT WAS REAL liIot In A.II Her Day. Will Dowager (;aileen of Italy Receive Pralae That I. More Hone$t. ~ ':-- 1.


Ch\ld ~ ,

' .. .


a rulo, bave a natural too otten mlsunder·.tood deprecated by the unthlnk~, a!lult. - For s'lme !ltran,e and In._Dreb.enillbiu ~qIlOD the child who . -... ' bn..caue aud blunt IIJ apt _t~ Ire , . ....1Ied "D.t.aa"ral· 1I'h~le th e buddin, . . . .a. ftrIIlU oJ ·celiU. t.acl aad ••n8e

or courtel,


"T11at 'd 011 rlbht . J o hn." sh e urok l' In impatl (·IIt/y . "You u!lderstanll " ba t I wa nt It OW . and Dt!e d no t r l' lll:ll ll any j(,ng.' r. I l10v e a word to sa y mys <:l ! to IhiM ma ll ." SIlo' woi t" d an I~S la Dt "hil e he Ie !! \h .. roo m. Ih en h e r ' ), E'S ddlant ly me t II .. 111 11 11 ·5 . '·1 \\' ;t F t" ld .'"ou had drlvl'n e very on ou ~ or h"r, ." SUe said coldly. "Wbal \\." ~ t h e' "a ll' , 1" "111iH '00 111 WnA r pse r ved - " " Pi sh ! I e.: p tbat 'x ll lanatio n ror "O:!1e 011 ;: l' 1 ~e. You \\auted th e roo m fo r som l' IJU rj,ose. "\'ho h :n 'e you got ou t th"n ' ?" tilte polnl ed at til e window. " \\'h,·t h "r Ul e ro be allY ()US o r not ." It,) answf' r ed. lean ing Il gllinst th o win· clo w IralOe. a nd th u ~ lIarrl ng th e passIt,; ", " I rllil In see w h e roln you a r e co ne ru ed ." h e laughp d " Whlcll r e mark Is PQul\' a le n t to a confession. Ua\' o." sudd e nly cbangl ng . "why s ho uld w e quarre l, an d mlMjudse each olh e r? You cannot s u pposo I il a ve torgotl cn the paHt. or a m Indlffercn t. Cannot yo u rOT/;I\"o th e mi s tak e or !\ tboughli ess girl ? Is there aoy reaso n why wo s hould not be at least (rlend ly 7" •• Th e re was an appea l In h er vol co. but the m an's fac e did not r (>8 110nd. " I cn nn ot say that I f cl!! nny blttern es a over lh e pas t." he a ns we r ed li g ht· Iy . "I nm wlll lul; PDou gh to 1110 1 that o ut. 'Vha t I am In wrcsted III Is th !' Ilr p.S!!u l. I ~ llOu ld lik e to u n d e r~tu nd you r purpo se hnrc at Dodg e." "SuTt' ly Ihat Is s·u fllci'.' IH ly clear. I am m e rely all px lle fr o m hom. on ac · (,O Ullt or Illd i:1n de pn ·datlon a. What mo r e n a lu ra l Ih an Ihat I s hou ld tak e r d ugo in m y un c l,· ·s hOtt se. " " You nlPa n ~ I aj o r '\{ clJon a ld' " "C(, rlain ly- ho was my moth e r 's on Iy brotll' !r." " I t llln lt I hu\' () h(' ard so m e wh r; r e I hn t tI, e :"1U JOI' ~ only s iste r marri ed a mnn n a mel! Co unts." SIlr. d n! w In h l! r bre a I h sha r ply. " \' ('5 . o f course-h t' r !1rsl hu sband ." " You Wl're II dau g bte r tb eu or h e r til'st marrlH g,, ~" I "or cours e," "!l llt :,so;u Ol pd tho n am e of Carso n wit I' ll s hl! murrled again?" "T hat was whe n you met me." " Th e c hans e was natural enough." he wl! n t on . "But why did you also be. ~u n ll' Ve ra In plnc e of Sarab?" "Oh. Is thatlt? Well. n eve r at t e mpt 10 acco un l [or th e vagflr le':l I!r l!. sl rl, " s ha returned li gh tly. a8 though di s m l s~l n g lh e subj ect. "I presume I took a fancy tc th o pre ttier nam e. B ut Iiow dId yo u know?" "G~rrl so n rumor picks up nea rly e \,ery thlng. a lld It Is not ve ry kind to )'ou. Mr s. Du pont. I hope I am do in g you a ravo r In saying this. Your rather ope n flirtation with Li e ute na nt Ga s . klns Is com m on talk. even a mo ng e n. li sted m e n. and I h ave heard that \'our rl'lrttlons with Major McDonald ar~ pocu li a r." " Indee d:" with A risIng Inflection of th e voi ce . "How kind of you, and 80 de li ca t e ly c x " r essed ." She lau gbed. " And poo r Major McDonald ! Really. tbat Is rldlcu lc us. Could you Im a gi ne my flirtin g With him?" "I ha vo no r ecollec tion ot usin g that t e rm III this connection. But you hav e s trange Inllllence over him . For Borne r eason the man Is appareutly arrald you ." "Arrllid ot me? Ob. no! Some one has been tooling you, Dave . am mere ly Maj or Mc Donald's gu est. I wonder wbo told you that? Shall I g ?" ll e foro he could r ealize her purpose

" Tl .d l J!lr \, . ~I. q l of a :"\1 ,,111'.' ',',,'J ,- a I. . t .lll h it"r all rl~ I " . ;. ,1 .h. " ·rI.d lll ~ '; u " t 1:1, •. mO'. II', I! ,;,' J,!!

'"Itat "'" <Ie n ame rr'.Ao lenaY', Tee. 1':0 ... I Itnow It. I saw him bol'O . .ala ~oo n . Yo u kI,OW him t" " Ily HIj;; hL o nly ; tie Is not Lhe ori~ I:utl ol'·n,' r. nnr t h " man I am trying to Ir;u.:,· YI.U Im ow no thins ot wh e r~ ha go t Ih ~ hu~. I Iln>sume'" '1 11100\' " ,Itt ln", In uro n s I t e ll you a'r,·" I' :.' ." " .. II/·r J i~co n 50Iate l y . as b a r p.ti l; ··,1 /llll l OIl<' lIrinlt \Vas All CO WIUI " ••,.~ ,,, I· .... ,1'.. !1·1I.:I It ' ,· lI l111I ,." hi " WilY out to th e ~ Ir· , , · t

Yields to Lydia E. Pinkham'. I

Il l ' It:,d I'· llru .. d 8onlt' t h l ns. b ut . 1" " wa, .Jr ao }, \, a JUt.. I ' .,.

"t' · nO', ' Ii

1!I 'l.'d , l l l h ' fl p · ;l.l\, , · I"'::.Hl.h

l\a cl

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Vegetable Compound.

Regardle •• of Hotel. il nd Refre e'-' ment Roomll the Falls Reta in The ir W derl I I on u mpas3_ Ivenus an cI h C arm to the Deholdcr.


Ath'lTtR. Te:.n....- .. I 1:00 a compilestl l.11 uf disClUiClI, Bomo or tllom of long BU.mjing. I wrote

II' I''' ''' ~ I" '._ ~"~ "" " l hrou .. b hi s . Bu ~a lo. l\: . Y.-I'·:I ngara bas beon I i .'. h.· ,I"" Lll ul·.ktl r;" yl d,le u ltO I,, ·. d e8c rl ue d. 11 thou s uud lim os . Illcl«(l tl H t ul : ~ It I · ' 11 n ., •. , )"" :I;: .IIn . I :!1" . I .,,:. , . " ", .1" fll l/t " W" R"nl wh ut!. · d id It .~D mas t e rly tu s hlon. " Th e (h st l,, · ~" "f' '' :' .• •. '''1"1'' '' :l ' \"~. HI. I 11:" 1. ~ .I ~ ,I' \.. 1·I: ,·r,· \\' h ~lI 'h " III'l er I ,· !Tect. h o SA}'K. III th e courllO of nn . IIIlUrH· d II) •• d.l O~tr ll"r :- r: h i ~! "r I ;. d ro. j 11.1 ' Ii ( fl n"l III ' " 01:1:\%1 , lh l~ t I" ll)llll l?nt pus snJ;U, . " nn d the e. Ddu I·l ng lIu!:', lOU i,,:.l, I' 111' ,, 101 I .. ; ", i . I;, V 1';1;' \\".1 ;1 : .t t /"' 1';'1<1. .tIld. on e - Ills t ullt and lastlog ~or Lho tn " ".If .. for ·.r, ·1 10 hll" ,tI tn ~"u,· ,11 ,'11' : ,,'.1 .. . ;. Ch)l I" Y. LJ e' I.O n t d l 'i>nij,d Ill endo u!> pp('c t nclo was p~acc. " OlhlJIl"' •• "" . :" '1" ·11" : II " ltllw '· · 1,'1 tl. ulntl;; ""'I th q : I: .r II'U'; · . ~" ' m:n b' e r wrll ,·rs. vis iting thld culebrated l . 0\ ;,, 1 1.. 1 ~"" .tlun,, '" ; ., " ' I,,,:, . ·n lt .. · pllg rl lllnge· lllacll at IlIl e r dutCH. "b .. n

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l ip '-. a:lI' d , In c' l l v :1I "~!<I. t.::1t il :u .. sl1 r· · d t h III ~I I" l in d "lL ~,:o,l tJ d .. J',\ : · III " h al l n~ . ~~l r a s t h.· d of' T' (If t h r d !!lI !I~ r" . . ,''lt I I... Fou nd or ~I II Jr.:I :I;; f . ltnir~ "~ I l Il ' nt " (.J., t l ,...b r i · t1~.!1 ! 4 IIIJ o r t hl' I I!. rtY ' 1'


I r e ILtly begun lu batt c n upo n Ita fam " ' 1 °trfotluo,ml~o_fMtlylenWcol::h~ 11:""0 bro uuht aW 'F reculleclluns rnr I fr o m p eacl!t ul. The fulll!. tlloy d& bon Hlly J locll y oun g e r now t han I did c lare . a·re ~pol led, dofllt:d. not on ly lIy I flflce n Yl! l1r9 ago_" - Mrs_ SARAIl R. T n P D lhe cftl e rlng tor tri "nl!rs and bnlloy- WIIATLEY, A tholls. eJ(~, ..... .. I m OO OI! r3. but bT tbo electric POWI' I No.3. Box 92.

10 r.' I". : " l . ~r 'h ., t "



hou se s and (ac torles whlet) have i Wo know of no oti1e r m edicine wbleb gro wn up around the gorge. Wheth· h:ul been so sllccessful In relieving th" o r these I:! e ·, e r e ly ulllitaria n. but none EUfl'c r inl;ofwomcn,orroceivtJdllOmaE{ t ho loss Int e r esting. o rec lluns are a genu ine t estimonials, lIS hM Lydia deft lc m e nt or no t Is dehatabl e' on8 rinkhlun'lI Vegctable Compoond. tblng Is co r Lllln, Nlagaru can never In n enrly evory community you will be "spoile d." It 18 one ot tb e two find women w ho have b ee n r estored to !lupremely majest ic natural won de rs h ealth by this famous m C(li cinA_ Almost of tbe world, one of th e Cow show e\' " ry womnn ynu m cet knowlI of thll Sights which must always jus tHy the ir l!T('at good it hM been doing amonlf reputation. Perch a cbea p ea tiu g- Buffering women for the past 30 yeal'll. house ou the very brim of the ralls, In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, und the tails would remain magul!)- Mas!_. are files containing hundl-OOS ot ceot. Probably tho ~atlng -house' l th ousand. of letters from women seekveiled In drlrl lug spra y, overhuug by Ing health, In which nInny openly state rru ll raillbow8 alld shaken by the over their own s ignatur es tllnt t.h eyhnve h t u nd e r or the cataract, wo»ld hllve regalned~ . eir hellltb by Wking Lydia Its ba nsllty turn ed Into s om e strange E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound, effec t of su btl e love llnp8s. Even If It8 m a ny of th em state that it has saved 1 Ugli n ess werc una ssa llu ble, It could I them from 8urgical operations_ not. by its presence, malte the raUl I If ,.on wnnt special adTico lrrlte to ugly_ L,.dln E, PlnlLham Medldnll Co. (conftA short dl stall,~ below tbe .falls an dentlal) Lynn,lIIAaR. Tour l e ttflr will Irou bridge leaps tlJ e guU tram Amer- 1.Ie opened, rend and anllwered b,. a I lea to Canada. Fo r my se lr. I bappeu \Tomanl1nd h eld in strIct'llOnUdcnce. I to think tbe bridge an obj ect ex: hlultlng r cal beaut}. In Its cur\'e and W _ N. U .• CINCINNATI. NO. 27- 1913I in It s pattern ' but 'apa rt rrom such : p e rsonal prej ~dlces. no one can d eny Th e me at t rust mall ' 9 tlte lo \' r o! that lh e ralls, w eavi ng a tremendous por k chops bris tl e with Indlllnnllou . gauze at val'or atbwart the rigid iplI der 's we b at m e ta l, do indeed beautlty l~elh Mr", WtOJllow ' s BoolhlD" Strop f o r Ch l 1tJI""eft ln tr. !W( l eua lL CI: u",~ , r . <Iures l n ft.unm .. : It and tbrow-f'oun d Its arch a glamour Ilou.allay. p"'II .c u reo .. Ind collc.l1So a boUle.....

In pr e l'hrtullo!l 10 n .turn tu t h,' b,t1I .' rooUl Ir ~II .. ~r.- lJe,,,,, I J · s lib_ "lI e.' we r e to t"sc ap"

to you f or advice And took Lydia E. l'inkhum'lI Vegetablo Compound, and GOlDe other things that you IlUhrgellt ed.lmustconfeaa Ulatlllmmuchbett urineverywayllIld h nvo be'm r elieved



o USI'!"vH(Jun, s he wou ld


havt: 10 s lIp ou t now and r e join thtl f,thp r s ns tlll ') lo rt th e house . li p again turn",] do ., II th" Ii g hl. nnd he ld ba,\/{ Ill e cu rtu l:l . " 1 h , . W"Y I ~ cl ,'a r 1I0W. ~',s s ~ Ioli)· . " Th ere was I!O t ~. gpouse . no 1I1 0VoIll PllI 11, · "1 "[111,, <1 ou t ,' ld .... Ih illltln,; ! h ,. ;: I~I ", . I~ Iral·.. tai l. d 10 It.,,~ him I Ttl ,' l'IJr,,!\ was 1' It , ply H BI<' I! P 'd . fr"m on" " :: d to th,: ot!l!! r. m a kl n!; I SlJ r,' !:: II ~ \\"u ~ lIot (' ro ue Ilill g' I n l h C ; r\ " r klt ~~ s. scarc"ly n bl.' a gr;.s p Ih e : rnc t or lr"r ftc tun l dl sapp<:a ra n cl' . Thill.: ,I .. n. l'.' a8 wh ~' ~!r ". DUIJo n t h ad fni led to S"C' !lny all£> wh'>11 ~ I.H' glall.c" d ou t. • It ,. \\ her a could tuP. gir l Ifuv(' go n l! ': I !luw ~Oll en away! li e. had h "'ard JlI) ' ~oun.1 I"'h lnd blm; no t I! \'e n tl:c rus tl ~



o r n Bkl r l 10 bet r ;l )" mOI·pme llt. II I \I as 1I0t f:l.r to the g round. O'·e or ~i~ ~J."I, n El h.)wed +i ls W ay Into lhe re ..t. pf'rh aps ; It woui d be I'e rrc: tl y ; Stre"t. riM " for unl' 10 low r the body o l'e r the r a il and drop . Th e ma l~d IJ ralrl .. ! I'l:lh .... I,,, "" rl",c l lo n a long thlll li ne gr~ sB ulld l' r .r' JO t " ·o" ld r ( ndt' r th act "" .u ltl !I,. w" .. th l..,:,. . r"I"(,rt f> d to hl a nOl ~e l (,s 8 . :--; 0 douh t t!Ja t wa s (',,,e ll y ,·:trli ,., 'jt!l ·.s t-t lc r. s, .fe l y of ~ll s s !lIe· lh tl 1 d b I 1I M I {. r h l !DS {; If Of ~ way le pscap., "1 p e n accCJm ' :' ;0 , ~ r e' 'i :0 K: , IS,:; . p lt ~ h d . Alurm l' d b." I he prr's nee 0 f I,," I I·'· _·~ 11 (, 1'. h " cross('d th e ~ II et! · thos ... otb,·r . u~p" c lin ;! tlcut 11ll' wo rr. · " " .1 /( :"nr" 'd In ~l th ,' whirli.,g dan ce rs . a n withi n wo Id InR ls t on lL' Il:"ni ng '1 It ' r~ we re fe w 10il l-1'llrs at the doo r ,,/tO lD li am lin wa s :rll~ n;ptln~ 10 (,a ll' \lilY an d h o s too d rur a mOlll c nt besi de (''':1 1. pO bs lbl y o VI'T/t carlllg (' no lb h o f tl ,,' ,,' ''' rd . wh e re ho was nble to sur· th e ir conve r sati o n to bf' com e frig h t· " , Y I,,' ~ 11t1 re ro om . Mrs . uupont wns t' lll' d at the linnl out(·ome. Mia8 Mc· Ull<lll Ih e !loor. and swept Jlast twice. Don al d. In su dd e n de" p"rati on. Ill\(1 w llh iirllng her e yes in r ecognition. ~u rm o u n t,·d th e rail . a ral dropp ed to IJUt II l' i III, r lIOlong the da nce rs. nOI th · !\roull tl . Th e r es t "ou ld be ens),- ~'· U IP '1. (,ll uld Ih' di scO\'er l\!1~ s Mo lly. 10 ha s l r· 1t ar(l ll ,d th sid e o r th u !Jotl ll e. I ::> lal'll<'(l at not !i ndlng h e r presl' nt . and s lip In Ihrough Ih l' (rant door. , lI al lllili Rt' nr ch NI a nxious l y for tbe Ma· Ass ur(' d Ihat tlrls m us t be th e (ull jo r. only lu llS ~ \lre himse lf or his ab· e xplanation. th e Sc'rgeant's ('hcrrrul-1 til'IlCO al ~(I. Co uld they havp. returned II f'S R r e turn !.' (!. Till) company o( om · I 10 Ih n fort !IS (' arly as this' lr 80. cprs and gue" ts had a lr ca d y fli ed OU t ' hoI'\" dill I t happen th ei r guest wlj,s stili through the holl ; h e could h ear \'oic s prese n t. Ilu[lplly enjoying h e rseW? or laughing and talkin g in the str ,and cours" ~h" might be there und e r eBt he band tuning up 11H' lr Instru:n e nts I co rt of some on ~ e l&e--Captal n Oaracros s In tbe da nce ha ll. H e WO Uld. gO r e tt. po s~l llJ l y !-In would 8SH the In· o\' e r a nd m ak e ce rtain or h er "r!',;· fUn~rYDlall en('(·. th t- n h i,; mind 1V0 uid h e It' <'ll se. · " Han. you !H'p n Mis s ~l cUonald li e pae sed ou t throug h Ih e r! P8Prt 1 ~!J\ ce pu p"" r ·!" hullwll ), . an d g lllll e.- d In at t \:.' rlin· Thl' RI .II Ii ,' I" Iw" l tll , .. d un Insla nt. a s inj: ·re,O Ill. \I h m·p n n u mlJ <::r or m " n we r .. Iho u ~h l'tI .I" a\"ori ng to re m em be r . I': nl:' '' I"ln g \11' Ih e dl ~ h eH . Il e ~ ,nrl Ihls " So . I a ;,, ·t. now you speak of It. tih " th " bar-ron m was c-row dNI. 11 rr fi~:l fr we n lou with Ihat kid o '-e r tb e re. anll Ii ll( 't/ up bl! for f' th e ~ l oP IJ!, I) :l ~. a r.w n!: he caOlI! lJ;l c k ;lIon('. Don't b ell e \'.· th "~r> a nU llI'h 'r in unl f"rllI -;lllil t- h e '~ (hln c ,.d all:; s in c". Th e :-Irtjo r wa s tu ('h,.'d a m (' r ~ wbo h a ,1 1,, 1' . rf' d h r- h e n ). t hoUAh. (',lIlIW r R bruught him a h ill u 10 f] lI e lldl th ... ir Ihll'o l llamlia note fI f.>\\, mi"qt l'R a~o . and h I' go t his dr:; n l, It' t l f', tut I l l1g<:I' t' U :1 mr/ m P H! 1 1 ~t a nJ wr ol out." J II ~ t In " lilI' 1111' doonla y. 10 11 !1.',· n· 1I.1Inllll dn'lV (.l h rr'tIlh ot r ell e t \lho was prest' ul. \ 'lI e'o n ~ c ' :.·1." It,· ··nlrl ,.UII " t hu\' e 6cnt fo r hl1n to t<tlll' waq ~1' ; ' I" c hl n", fn r n ll l' On t. It :. :~ ;11 I llc r hOIl •. " he Rl\\ rI . " W e ll . It'B tim '! cl itlt· d to pick a 'lu a rr .-· I (Ie ll! ,· ~J" · I ) fo r 1,, 11 10 tll rtl i:l-good· nigbt, old wllh 1h e :c llow or wi t h ( ' 0111' 0 1" ". '/o· "' r· rn u n." :ni,wd If h o found th e II lt l" nt' ":nr. '~ ITO ,,~ CQ:-1TI NUlC D. , to tri g ht e n "hnt ~ I'C'r I(~owl " d f:" I,, · - -- . - - - - - pO N ~ l!ss ed out of h im . Du ,,,· ;I" " r Manhatt"., Manners. worthy n!1n ea rml. Havln ;; as su r l'd llil ll "nooi'I'!'s arc said to be go ing 00 ' solf or 1.I ,(' ir ab s ence . lI :. mlili (U rth ',1 or fn };lr ion. I{nol\' what u " roofer" Is ! to d,' pa r t . bllt found h lllls,' lf felill'; a It IA the letter yO\l writ e to r,,,orlu. IIIt1e man with lon ,l; hai r, rOl:.:Itly nft pr you hil I- a been" guest a t tblll!' rlr e RsPcl. w h o o cc up ie d tll!' t!o (' r \\'~y. ho use. t elli ng th l! m what a de llghttu.1 ThlJ hool( e d n OH£>. and bri -Ii : ert'!'. tim e YOII had ·~undc r th e ir hospltabl,~ pt:'e rln g fonh from:l Ill a~ s o t un roar." und thanking t h e m for 1111 th~ t rimm ed g r ay wh iskers. we r e fumil la r ~ e lle l' UB ravorll yo u enJo ye thnh "You k ee p th e j uuk shop d ow ll by fri e ndly h an ds. an d exp r essing 'the sin lbe ex press office. do n't you~" "ere ho pe Ihat th e baby has got ov '! r "Y e p." bdsk ly, ~c';[l. lIli g hu,l ~ es~ lEI .\l.e.r cE~~ · No\-.:a.c1:!18.. Inst ead or writ the QUl'slion . ''I' n: KalJlao; '· o t co u:tll ing this graceful letter, you ge ne rall) call your fri e nd up on tbe tel e phone I do for you- h p)'?'" "Ans wer a <lll t' st io n Ir you w ill . )'OU t['11 him that the train made gO?d fri e nd . Do you reca ll sl'l llng a hnve r· ('onneeLions. and you add : " My lbol sllck to a trav l! lc r o n lh e laRl st~ge out \VaR a bully lim e I had out th e re. old for Santa F e III Jun e?" man!" Not 60 uleo 1\8 th e old Cpl8tl} "Ve l, I do' no; vas h e a bl~ f p. llo\V ~ lary way. bllt be tter than nothing ; rOl ~Iayb e de VOII vaL \'as klli e d - h t' Y~" when you have bad a fri e nd at your " Yps; hlA nam e was Moyl n n. !lOSL· honse amI he ha s t a k e n his de parture 8utl fl r at Fort Marcy ." you do n ot IIko to t eel' tha t ho hili "Maybe doL vos It. Why yo u vant gone Into th" outer vo id that he b ... to knOW - h e y ?" fa ll e n 01T the edgo or tbe world Into "No harm to }'Oll. Kaplan. " t he Sor· ,'choless Kpa eo. That Is what tt geant expla ln ert. " Onl y I pi Ckc.H I II a mouuts to wh e n h e getll home and up out th e l's lirter Moylan· was k ill e d . wrltes not nor t el e phones and KITh ODd dlscov e rl!d by Bo rn e wriling o n Ih e uO s lgn . -N e w York Mall. flap that It originally be lon ged 10 a rrlend or mint). I ~va8 ~uriou~ to 1I!8 rn Seck Something to Replace COllI . how It .got Into your hands." Coal "rie rs to mankind solar enero Th e t ra d!'r sh rug ged bls ~ hOlllth! r R . in Its m() ~ t con centrate d torm. ID' "Vud It b e wortb 11 drlnlt?" II e asl(~d ,Iee d rumlp. 1n civilization may be sa id cannily. 1.0 btl th o d uug hter or coal. But the "Of course. Fran k. glvc Kupl:, 1l s opply of coni Is not Inexhaustible and whatover he wants. Now. !1r" away" e ve ry ton or It l.nlrou out ot the eartb "Ve l." and th e te llow fill "1l hl~ !In.s ~ !leaveA just tbat mucll less ror the fu· delib e rate ly, " It vas sold me> a l~ ~ urc needs or the world Hence It I. mnnths be ro r e b y a tellow \"et had 0 Il hBt t oday IYO a r e lookin g about us 110 bla ck bel\nl-" s nxlOus ly [or some othe r source ot "Du po nt 1" fuel



No. ('o rd ella . dl g llity Ilud tue swell head are uol lll e sU Uto. No thoughtru l pen;on uoe. liqU id bIn ... It'. 1,loeh uf I!luo In " Inr~b .!!sl~tle of ~\er. Ask t"r R.:d CI'O" noll I.I luo. Ad,_


Taking advice 18 Boulctime s " 'orsa t han givi ng It. WI . o Precaution. "J oncs a l ways us es hon ... yc d speecb to everyo ne." " Th eil he ougtn' t to mind If he ever has t o eut h is wo rd s."




Gilt Frames. "His mind a blank. h 1" said Ge or,,11 Ado or a n cldorly millionaire who. aft· er a montl,'e ausell ce, had turned up pleading totlll loss of m o mory. "His min d a Ll llOl(!" Mr. Ado conllnllCd. "What a hack n eyed old eXCllse that Is! Why don 't they ge t uP. theRe wllndllrers. so mething n e w lu tho exCll se lin e 1 " T h ey'd be nil 0 Hk e . the se excuses. though; III slI hs lancc. For the ovel' ege man. In (ramlng- an exc use, aJ. ways does It In tu llL"

Small Patient' . StatuI. Th e nurse on duty In n hospital Wl\.l giving tbe littl e OIlCS their la s t n1 eo' for I ho day. All savo on8 were pa. tle ntly awaitin g t be lr turn to be served; the ono lu que s tion be1ng 8 rosy checlted conva lesce nt who wall lustily cnlling ror her portion . The nurse was lin EnSllsh girl who had not ye t bel'oDl o quit e suf's ot he r aspirates. VI.ew of Niagara Falls, " Har en ·t YOIl a littl e hlmpatlent. whIch It would otherwise lack. Even Florence?" Inquired the nurSll, with lhe mucb·abused power houaes down lu st a ton e of correction In her voice. the gorge are not unplc tor lal In cer· "No. I'm a IItUe h e r pati e nt!" taln lights . They ris e agalust the sky au the cliff summit Ilk a runtastle modBANISHEr> e rn renderings at medlae~al f9ltres80 Coffee Finally Had to Go, 1J8 ot barons' burgs on the Rhine : capitalistic robber!l' castles, n8 may. The way some persona cling to cor. be some indignant critlo would name tee, even aCter they know It II dolnc them, enthroned to plunder both na· them harm, 18 a puz:zler. But It ts aD ~ure and man. easy matter to give It up for good, Nobody, I concel~e, clln Icrew up wh en Postum Is properly Dlalle- and much admlrutlon tor the trlppery and us ed Instead. A girl wrlte8: parasitic portion ot tho t.own .or NI"Jllothe r bud been Buttering with sgara Falls Itself_ The 040r 0' ItB too nervous headacbes . for 8e"'-tn weary blatantly hospitable restaurauts, ye llrs. bllt k ep t on drinking coffee. greeting tho newcomer 01\ bls emerg"One day I aske d her why ahe dId ence rrom tbe railway lltation exit, the not give up coffee. as a cous in .of mine rag-time ot Ita gramophones and _oth- had done who had !.alcen to PoslulJI_ er musical entertainments, are abom- Dut Mother waa such a alave to coffee Inable; but tbese oll'enses are k e pt at she thougbt It would be terrible to a proper dlsLllnce by tho park rcaer- glvo It up. TaUon which surrounds the actual 1I'a, "Finally, one day, Ihe made tile terfall_ One ·the platform which change to Postum, and Clulckly ber overbanga the American fall one can headaches disappeared . On! mornlnK be alone; and, Indsed, I Imagined that While 8\;e was drinkIng rOBtum 10 the most sociable soul would here de- freoly and wltb luch rellsll. I asked sIre solltude_ For. without wlsblng for II (aste. to Indulge In aDY 'alae rhetoric, onll "That atarted me on Postum aDd I caunot but describe thl. apot, with all now drink It more rreely than I CUe! due reverence, sa " place of worshlp_ coll'ee, which never comea IDto our The view which the eye encounters til · bouse now." pverwhelmlngly ImpresslYe, and the Name given by Poatum Co., Battle toar which beatll upon the ear contrlb- Cr,ek, Mich. Write t.or booklet, "Till u tes Buperbly to that ImprellBlvenese. Roa4 to Well~lIIe." Outspread botore the spectator Is the Postum comes In hlo torms. IlUmptuous panorama or crushing liquid, flinging Itself In a k1IId of Regular Po.tum (must be boiled.) sweet politenes s somellmes Is dl s- r ece pti on h y the r('~ldent8 . 1\ IIlt lp I Th e Ii Uie re llo w, waking to IIr. Inatant Po.tum deel\Jl't require bollco ur sged by tbe pre vailing belief tbat boy was to present the us ual bOill\llet.! s utl.len:y. yielded them gracefully. ~ ony .of strugglll to tbe brink,. and tben In,,: but I. prepared (nata ntl1 by aUI'auch conduct musl be Insln cerll. Yet and be, cOlUing of fln e literary fa:-n lly. (Jlailling conl1dentially tbe while: -by contrast, almolt aerenel{-tlin~· ring a level teaspoonful In an ordltulT7 the s implest "little citizens" not In- had been taug ht a brier poem o!ferln!; "There were versel to be 8ald, bu\ InK sbeet, upon sbeet, down the drop .. cauldron whose .dllpthll are CUJl of ho.t water, which makeJI at frequently rise to au unexpected or grace ful praise ot the prlnco!;s !lut you are 110 beauUful that I can't "" Into concealed _ by_veerbc. bll\owfnc Bteam. ferA mbo,st cup peraons . trying situation with surprising. but wh e n· came tbe moment for deli ve ring lUPDlbe r &. IIne i " · _.;...._ _ __ . rllQ rea more and ..,.. l Quite untutored, girta and grace. A flowers and venes the Uttle rellow, Wanta Wldd. P......"ta· pe.oplll who like atronll tblllCl pu(tn ~ pretty little tale II told, for InstanCO!, ove.rcome by nervoullneu or aome slmIn the In~r"atlonal Family • . Blalratown, N . J'_......ThI'l WlU of )Ira: he!lPI~ lpoonful ..,l)d !.em~t: It .~I~ a of the time when the present dowacer liar emotion. IItood muteiy gazing at " You don·t ftgure nry stroncJJ' Queen. MarKberita of Italy, . 'I\·I1S · tbe t.ho great lady. 84ylllK, never- a w.ord. dlplotDatlro ~ati~~s;" · . .Id tbe .1P'Mt W. )D, Burt 'fIled he~ reqllellta that. all larp lIupply of .cream, . . replied tbe atuall the preMDta reCelv8d by her at !:xperiment ~~ 10U UOW tile lovely young hrtde .of tJ1e yoathlu'}- ..After a fllw momenta · the sympathetic ~atton, ··.. No..' crown, p.rlnc~ . \ prince .., aeeklnso t ri reUove the tlltua itrtUUnlJ' ·lov~I'D.C· ,. "I'ID' one ot IIW'I'Jace be re&urne4 \0 the -donora. Ulount ~hat _pleuea 10u.r ~t. pC . .~ , lIan It seMed that wat in tit. ~ture. Her majesty. pulllni throuCb ODeof tlon. fll:teuded 1l8~ !wad for thll Go",· tbe -lKIOI' relado. ." - ....~ .• _ ~,<. .: ~ • ':nm'l _ a"'R~'\ 'ror ~bnL; .,,--, U1t 1l1U townl, WU MOOl'ded th. ,01&&1..... · ... • ,..










8_ . " . - ,



Retamed. :


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"Temple in Sphinx" Found To Be Hoax ~~~.4' ~

. ."'........


..... .


P're" of A,· ti ll e ry in Cemetery a t I<e n· d~'I. N . Y .• Wa s Once Used t y 17t h P a . Artille ry .

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to the treat of tre ats - always welco med, by all, cverywhere-


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rioua science of archaeoloiY one of • daring kind bas recently caused considerable anuoyance to Egyptologists In geueral. and to one wellknown scbolar. Dr. E. Reinner, In partlculnr. Some "" eeks ago lIlere was printed allover tbe world an nccount of some astonJllblug discoveries made In to the famous Sphinx at Glaeh. Il stated lhat Dr. Rels1lner, who hu' -{or SOIlHl yeaT'l\ heen working on bebalf ot the UnIversity or Harvard. had made lOme most astonishing discoveries In th e Interior of the great statue of the Sphinx, whlcb ror centurie. bas been tbe guardian or the royal necropollll at Glzell . Had It not been for the unJuslltlable use ot tbe name of Dr. RelsBner. wbo 111 wen known as an explorer Bnd one . ot the great authorities on the ~blltorie-- anfrqult~es or Egypt, the account wO'Ult! bave been treBt~d wllh tbe rid.lonle It deserved . According to the account publlubed extens1vely In England nnd AmerIca 1lr. Rete8ner bad tllscovered a large temple over 100 reet long wltbtn tb.e body oT the Sphinx. nnd. connected with tills by n lunn el, It second email te mple, !!Orne 60 fe et long by 14 feet wide, III tbe h esd of tbe Sphinx. The \argeor temvle was del!lCribed as the tomb of Menn or Menee, the Orst of the Phllr8ohtl. and a drnwing was «1ven of 8n ebony tabl et int!ICribed In arebale charaoters which was said to !lave been fouud tn tIl e tcm"le. Tbe announcement of tbis starttlug d4scovery caused Immediate Inquiry . The cblef authorities at tb e f:allOlt muse\lm . Prof. Sir Gaston Mnspe ro lind Captain Wclgnll. th p tn spector o t antiquIties (or tbe Cairo dI BtT't ct.. bot" denied th e s llgbtcet bas is for the' report. No attempt to explore the tn-, t~r of the Spb'nx had been ma~e. _ would any luch explorattnns be • !towed, as the natu re nnd character of the monument nTe already well kDO'W'll. Moreover 1>1'. Relssncr hilS not been working tn the Cairo provfnee Ulls 8ellson, having been. as tor tbe l1Itlt (ew yelln. tn Nu bla and th e 'Suds", Tbe absence of Dr. RollIBner from Qalro was no doubt the reaSOR for ' the .eleeUon ot Ids name In conlIecUon wtth the hoo:.

STUCK 114 TELEPHONE BOOTH ~.t New ¥Of'f< Doctor HAd to Be


Chopped I<:rem Nar~ow Doorway by Friend,. __ JOllepb ;Burger's cate at :0 Avea ,roup ~f JneIl w.. o call t.bem. Mldn~t Student. of poille.te," wel'l!- teaeUng: 'WileD . tIIIlepl~Oqc!l, C)allle ~ Dr_ 181.d~Te ~lpJie# Fourt'Ji,.ttreet. QI1' Df ~tld'lltl: Di'. Zlll»~' who tij.ll~ J~ poVAd•• llulTlecUo t116.~e: \



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I fo r f>u. Dclt1~ P t\ rt ll·~ Dud fu r Brf'u,klo6: i ll .N I("W Hhot·y. C'i\'e tt IU3lB DL r c- l ld to Tl r~ J. A l 'h\ Dg. , 8\\1'«)11<-0. Tt'II" er Ft"et. nnd tf\Kf'R t he fltll\~ H \1 t. "rCo rn MO ,"lltu nlQn•. "' .. ml"'~ ~· I{[-:lr. A d "'Allc 1I S , O IUI MI 4! lI , L a Hoy. N , \: .-AtJ .. .

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un til th e oroll" fl f GO\' To alloy Itching and Irritation ot tlJe \ LI uld blU e I! ft w rn k 801ml,'n. A. ol<! . ('lIrt in. da ted M ar I". I ~ '; I . (~ :J. n gB'1 I calp. prevent dr y, tbln and tailin g It. ?tu : H"d ('r".s ilall UtUI), \.h e ulue tool 'm" i l R dp s ig nat lon 10 th a t of ti l(> lolh P1l.. \ hair, remove crus ts, scal es nnd dan - all Ulue. }. ..1\ . S inc e the 19th of A l)ril. \I \t PII t hI' drufr. and promo te th e growtb and - - - - - -- - \ t f,th \la ss WitS f\('r cel) UHG Il IIe Il III ttit' beauty of tbe bnlr, tbe tollowlng spe- \ The hml an "d'hO bl!tantlmllelrs t~1 lltPI thO< . of Uailimo rc. Md . 110 troull S .j clal treat nle nt Is most e tt cct Ive, agre&- break 8 wor w e n e _ ng 1(1 ru_ _. s t rcwl8 ee Reported to Hav. Been Found in t he Sphinx and Whic' It Now Appears hall pal'lsed th ro ub'h th e ci ty . and lt O able nnd e conomical. 00 retiring, I'DI'm 'or Sal ..... ll ~. t 1 0 ft. ro.rm In N . I,;. W .. a Great Hoax. ntl e1l11)t ha.1 been ma,le to fnr c(' a pas · comb lbe hair out .tralght all around, Ohio : g on,' l,IdK .. KOo ol 001 1. nn e .t~ • • 0 1 ru . L F , .r [ wr th'lI lnns nddn 'lfl E . I). ,\JurKlJD , IIlpThe tru e story of th e Sphinx, which rab, or praying u l<"l, p. Ihal wa6 marl", sage. Troo ps which had I' 'ached th e tben begin at the sille aod make a l,,, mil" .. (,IOHland. Ohln. Is very simple. r e malos. tb erefore. un- b)' th e mos t cunnlltg arti s ts or the cnpltal from th e nort h Ilad pro- parting, gently rubbing Cutlcuro. Oint.changed. The great limestone block thirteenth ce ntury. 1~lr t y years ago ceeJ e" \'Ia Ann apolis. The ll e('e~B lt r mint Into tbe parting wllb a bit of out ot wblch tb e coloRsal fi gure Is th o liles. which we re ma de by a proc- of hol.ling th e direc t r out e ha,l be· 60ft (lnnoel h eld over tbe enl.! ot tbe AnOint additional partings hewn forms the eas tern termlnaUon css or whi c h th e sec rPl has long heen corne Ill1peratlve. I\n ,l Ge n. Patlerson /Inger. dete rmill e d at nil ha1.ard s to open It . about half an Inch apart until the of tbe limeston e plaUorm on which t. bega n 10 out dlsnpP ~~~~~~~~::~~~::~. they passed or '·'lltbr .e 01le ru O~Qby u e one at HA accord ingly ord e red Co l. PILtter· wbole Bcalp has been treatEd, tbe purthe pyramIds are hullt. No doubt In los - - --th e remote prehi s toric times the pro- Irregular Int e rval ~ . No olie kn e w hoW' son to proceed wltli th o 1 ~th Pn . 011 pose be ing to get the Cutlcura Oint- " - -- ratber tban jectIng rock hnd become weathered they vnnlshed or who took lb em. and May 8 to Perryvi ll e. tl.te re to li e j(,ln eJ m e nt on tho s calp skin II I Ii on ht b y Copt . (~Inc e ne n.) T . W . Sher- the hair. It Is we to p ace a g Inlo the rude outline ot tho human ""hen a guard was set tu watch o ver ma.n ·1l light ha ttery and Ove com pa. covering over the balr to pro lect tbe he ad aud tace. The re ore many simithe sacred trea s ur e by nlgbt he wa s Il les ot th e 3d Ti. S .• 1\ 11 we ll a nlled pillow from possible stnln . The next lar wind worn rocks to be seen on tbe found In th e mo rr,l ng ~ trall g l ed 10 onJ s UP lllI ed wllh a mmu nltlo u. th t'n ce morning, shampoo with Cutlcura Soap banks ot tbe Nile , and there Is usually tront of th e Mlhrab. 10 em be r l, ou tran s ports for Baltl. and hOl water. Shampoos alone ma)' a superstltlous sanctity attributed to }o'ar away, In Tehpran . an I'; ngllsh· Illore. IELnlllng at Locllst Poin t. Col. be used 8S orten as agreeable, but them hy Arabs, no doubt Inherited man. who was Inter este d In Pe rslao Patterson malle Rit ch disposition of once or twice a month Is generall)' from the old Egyptians. potter.l, receh'cd occasionally beautl· Iris force ns to 'nabl e him most suc· lIufflclent (or this lpeclal treatment In early historIc limes. r;;ertalnly be· rut glazed til es from a myst e rious ua· c"ssfull), to r epel nttncl; . nnd com (or women'. hair. DAISY FLY KILLER ::r:~~' fore the age ot the pyramid builders, t1ve who could not o r would not tf'1I mence d his marr.h through th e cll)'. Cutlcura Boap and OIntment .old. ..... 11 .... ol_ft, o. some 4,000 years borore our ern, the him where th ey camp trom . He con· I \I blch for n earl), thr ee wee lt s had been tbroughout tbe world. Sample o( eacb ~::~~"'i.,:~::nl:~ 't ; /lgure was Improved by human hands, t1uued to huy th ese til es for IHt een I Bllbjt'c t to moh rul e. Wltbout mole 8' free, wltb 32·p. Skin Book. Addrese I ~:::,~:"~. ,~p~l~:rt~; tbe headdrells and beard be ing carved. years; one day he lliscove red th at tallon or any symptoms or n hostile potIt-card "Cutlcura, Dept. 1., BOlton." r. _\I' not 0." or while In later ages tho whole was 80m e of th e m. when place d nexl to i1Pm oDst rn tlon be arrl\' ed at CRmde n Adv. ~~~:':n~.~n~~:~~:,.: painted red, which gIves It the apone another. hnd rpadabl p KlIOe Rnd I Slation fiv e daYR Ist er. May 13 Ge n. It' Q lit :'I:r'!.~a~~~.r~~'f7.'~' · pearance of lIandstonc. Neshky ,lnscrlptlons fro m Ib .., I(oran . Blltle r took perman ent mllltnrr Ilos, "I I die b ua y. t' t to re .A"OLD IOKIU. 110 D.hI~ a .... IIr....I'•. II , If. Portions of the serpent wblch . h 'h l I th not ce 0 t e d epnr llI e n 6 __ .___ _ _ ____ . He began a great gam e of Jigsa w s"Rslon of the cit} . throug '" C I ~ tbl H morning tb e re was a big crowd adorned tbe rorehead of tbe Spblnx and of the heard are to be seen In wltb th e tiles, and ullirn nt<!l y built np. t lile or \'oluntee rs soo n be gall to Oow . about the pe rtumery hargalns." . "Naturally, tbe pe rfum e ry wOllld be tbe British museum. The nature of with but few tiles mls ~l lll: . the famOUS j not again to be d!sturbe d . . Mlhrab. J,lIl f' 10 . th e 1 ith Pa. \\ flS Hellt to tb e sce nter or ll11rncllon ." the stone and palntlng are clearly to lost Th e collection. which belll n!;B to ' Ih e Ro c k"llI e e xp"cIltl on. and latpr be see n. Mr. John Hlchnrd l'reecl'. th e Eo!;· ",prp at . Po lnl uf Rork s . . lll1nk " I.· 11111 Important to Mother. PromPt,Relief-EPermanent Cure Th e Sphinx or Glzeh Ilgures littl e In II shmall III Qu es tion. c'ontains some nn ,1 ol he r plu'·es. an.1 \\fi R 11111."t t',ecl Exnmlne carefully ",very bottle of CARTER S LlnL Egyptian literature. th e cilier re re r- oth e r f'xlruordln:lry r e lics , inclndln g a I Ollt Au g. 2. Thrf'dorf'. ~· ou \\, 111 Kf' (, CASTORlA,aeateo.ndlurererued)' for I' LIVER PILLS never enco to It beIng · In tho time of parl of th c tomb or th e Pro )Jb e t DUll' tIl<' <'L.mrad l's l, aH' s('c llrf,. 1 nIH' .of tho lnfants and chUdren. and aee that It b il. Purely vegeta. Thothmes IV., ot the elgbtee nth dy- It'l. covered with ('fud e ca rvin gs. atHI ' nfl)s l 1'1l111:l.ble re lics of th ~ ('1 1'11 wnr. Beara the ~ ble - act surely nasty. n. c. 14 50. It was this mon- an Armenlao altnr piece ot tw el fth ItS It d:lleR ha c lt to IRI "_._ _ Blgnntureof y~~ - but gently on arcb wt.o built or restored thll small the liver. • • ~ workmnn s hl p. In wb lch 11.11 1 -'" In U1Ie For Over 10 Years. SlOp aftl'r century templo be tween the tore paws. In tbe the dl\'in e nnd \tUIll II U t1 g ur f's n rc . A Soft Answer. . Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria I d,nner dis. largo lablet at the end of the temple splashed \\ Ith blood. 1\ 111'11 ~o l11 e of Rl\l'rmnn ~ . hI! m· trcso-cure Thotllmes tells an Interesting story. Ono of the mos l p. thln g~ In ,. Ilw r s wf' re out ge llln !; ' UPIII\ ,'" n Marrying a man wltb an Impelll· inciigestion, ' Th e king had bee n hunling in the dis- th e exblbltlon Is a carpe t mnde ror tb e Ilc'1lt enslit ha d nn ult erc a tiuf: wit h It In his speech Is right, Ir th ere Is no impro\'e lhecomplexion,brightentheeyea.. . trict and. be ing tired at noonday. Isy Shah .\ bbas . who re ig n ed frnm rnrm"r ' ~ \\, Ir.. . . Impedi men t to tbe baud that reache s SMALL rltL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK. down to r est beneath the shadow of to 162S A. D. Thi s carpet Is tblrt\·· "You're II 101 ··d o \\;! II ""', a ~HI 1'1" for ~1 8 pocket book. Genuine must bear Signature tbe Sphinx. one fcp. t lon g b)' tw e lve ref'! W ld ~" I' Ir l1 th nill't ~n yo u." Ha lrl Ih" lali )'. _ ~ During his siesta. th e god Ra Hem and Ils patte rn rf' prod uc .. s thp fea t. ," ~lnd al11e.· reJoln,·,1 lh ". I\ Pl1t:' nnn .. Man seeks the omce, but the officcr ~~ !Chutl (Harmachls). to whom th e ( II t' P I I "I, It 'If: had a ~ Ihat ~ \\ oultlll t )' 0 11 I s eelts the man , ~~ '!""'''!''''===~======_==_~ Rphlnx was sacred. appeared to him ures 0 all 0 (. lin e e rs ~n p Pa " u r~ 1,..I\ p. ve 3 ul'Ihing I S"\'~.. 111 a dream Qnd ordercd him to clea r gnrdcn . It Is said to be IUs ur('d fllr " :\'O ! a th ine: : I wnlildn't tt l'li,'\,!" 1\ Ih ln!; ~'O l1 'Itl,' r l'd. You (' lIn 'l It·11 th e g away the sand which had th e n. as .£5.000, DOW, been wlud driven to such an exThey Hate to T hi nk . , '" '1',II "lh"t "" ,.". I" ""1'1\ (0(1, " p(' rm't I I tent DS to bury the temple. " If a man will onl), \i.- " p bl s WII! 1 m .. tI, ' ,I)' IlInl ~ . " , .1" " p" rf(', t I THE AMERICAN RUSH TO Thill task Thothmes accomplishe d. j him . he en n a\'ol d ma n y un· la lh' WESTER IItII CAIIAOA but by the tim e of Rameses 11. lh e about pleasant ex pe rl en ·es.'· . II t e mple waa again burl ed In th e Band . "Perhaps BO. but kee pt ng the ir W1lf How He Was Caught . IS IIiCREASINB In I'p.ce nl yearn It was c1eare ll by M. about lh em ' Is In Itself a very nil " I fow d id you hn ppe n to " .. / Marl ette but Is now nearly burled by Illeaso.nt experience for some ppo plQ: ('au gh t 7" " >kt'u II prl sonN at ,\lld () r · Fr•• Domeawad, In th. now Dbtr1~tI of t11 e desert duet again. Jdo.Dltc>ba, ~kal.che .. AO II Vill o of 1\ " fr(>s h n ~ h ." \\'ho bu p· wan all4 Alberta the ro A slrange romance ot the eaat Ilea Inelnuatlon. arc thml •• m1R of )o'f'ft8 pt' IH,d to ho nn E!lBt 'retllH'Eijt!"an. num clten.d ., lerr.. "hlc,' h bl-dden beblnd the history o( a col. She-·The spea ker at our club totlay " \\'nl ," hc nnsw e rt'd. " 1 wa R ur,oln' 10 tho man bJa.klol~nt...,. lection .or Peralnn lustre tlIes that told ot a lot or thinge we poor wlv os home llU a puy roll , UII' Ih t1Y dun ~u:t&~~mt=~ ~I ~~ wtn be on 'exhlbltlon In London next go thrllucb. a.ere. 'I' heM land, aNt kf'lched me he ru' I got hair WRl' III' th o week. In tbe Maldan Mosque. at ~~IJ c~~~ro~II~,~D He--Dld she me ntion t he ir hu s· mountains." KasaP, there once stood a great Mlh- band's pockets? ncu.LlllT IlAIL'UT •• CJLlnu In runn, t!"'U~1 tile raltwa,. In (;un nda bal'e beaD buUt. Ju aO· ShootfnR at the Tar Gate . :~~~i IY:n:o:~~,:e::h a:~ ~ A " green " I ri sh recruit. while at phone booth and managed to sqUeue attem pt to pull him ' through, got an n~ IflUl u r wbv need be) IlIOn tbAD practice, was slngulnrly consistent In IDIIlde. \.en or t,,,e l'f e mil" from a 1180 and clioppe d the frame out, nearly ha ll 01 nU::/, nol1 •• , RaIoN are Tbe call was (rom one of Dr. ZIp- an hour after be ente red the booth ne,'er hitting the target. ~f':i:D. b, liOtClrtlmeD'>Oom· "Wha t In the world a re you firin g pert's" patients and the phYBlIcan told The Il'hYBlclan WAs taInt (rom ble 0][6r SocIal CoalllUnaa at?" w)·n.thfully exclaimed th e Instruc· him that be would vlilt him at once. t!OIlB, but baste ned to . bIs patient-tor. whQ wns Btandlng n ear a freBbly When lie tried to get tbrougb the nar. New Yorlt Tim • . tarred fence, so me distance from ·tb e row dOOr 'o t the booth Dr. Zlppert dislat Pa

I. enlivened h)' a holU. but

I, n o wtl


- - - - Militant H ousew ife. A IIl !lTl o r wordH I" a person . out t~ Nelghitnr's ch ild , nt til 0 doo r· - rnan or dpf'd8 Is U pl' r~()llag c' It.- f· rll lt ln ),: I f'l e a ~l'. ma ·am. m oth~ r wnn tH lo k no w ;' ;111 II "n ~ Ir yon 'lI L I! so IlInli as lo I(' IHI h~r your , IF YOU ARE A TRIFLE 8ENSITIV ~


T Is not often tbat the s e-

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s lIr:. to go Int o II !( I'li 0> r!l l "all'p or r~ n ol "7.\·(lU8 . Th l' (lf1lf' .. r~ ~er\' ,I U II .I N th eir 01,1 co m m i ~slo n s . Itll r! till' r,,!,; \

DiagrammAtic VIew of the Dlacoverl

I ·A

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III!' 110,1, 1 flm ·

r :l ll, 'n~on.

Th (l ( 'l "np!\I~lp~ had nrm o r il' s \\ !lpn' 1hl' ,\ ' W(\1'I' quarl 0 r p d ao ·l I th' 1;(" \' r ~~ " r \ll l ~ ,11'llI pr! .." n uC'ri ng II l1''1Il<'''es·



or Cn rb o n. Ited in Bottle• •

T .' J.or, 11(' III ,·n "n i-(·nl ol,.. :: 1." ('<"11 . • ota;or. (;i .!o-oll ( ' Ia rl;


IrC'nd, Yo'; ..

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Dem. ncl the GcnUlnCRdu ,e Su b"iluICS .

At 60da

I ll to Iii , ' t-i i 'r\"

('"i lrcl . Sl~ ~ f'S . hI' 1, I ""1'1,,1,·, I It:' I· Hllff .. \p.1 1 "" . I ,. 1 (' ( ' 1" "

I ~Ia j I


Save the Man'"







Constipation h F V anis es orever







tar~et . opvered that It was mUch harder to Time'. 'nequallty. . "I'm filrlng al lhe gate, a9 ' ye ·told «et out than It had beeD. .to get Ill, and DOlan-Phwat are ~t!' llettln' ·dtherp me," wall Ule reply. ,alted ·.everaJ mlD.utett ~tlc ellort Phwhy don't yez III to wor-rnk1 "Wbat gate, .you tool !" asked '.the filt! ~df w~. wed,ed fast',o tfie. doOr- tu~! Cl&Jiq-oI',1\'Ii'a;t'llltln: wllat a ·tolll~ Instrueto r: . . Cni1l18. . '. '. cou~frt ijlli ' wac! be . If. Baturdll'y I. "The . «!!te, at. co~se:'t:, r~pli~ , -. Dr. ZJppertll . crlel Of It. fr~. lila -ald. ~1I1P.t.'tet.! QJD =~~Ju.~,-,. ~ ~ MO~~ ~.t; .~lIh <'.h~rm.ln, 11mpl~clty, I.






We N. Sears


~,-1 ummel"

Clearance Sale





l ar~e

variet v o f l" l r ~· ( · t ivc moll cb wil h Ma· lill e ancl () ~l r ie h Trimmings, at ha lf th e 1'C'g IIlar pri ce; a I:;ll IIlack Untrimm ed I~ ats, Neapo li tall with " clvct t1a llg('s a nd facings. H e mp~ .and M ~ia n s, furlTlE'r ly .2 fiO. $<{ and ~ 4, now .. .. ... ... .

Creen Street

$1 • 50 U p

.- - - - - -- --

Lillie Ho v~' Ilu ck and Straw .Jats at ........ ........ .. .. ....... .... .. ..



OUTING HATS White Ratine a nd Du ck. in four of th e most attractive s ha pe~ of the season .. .. .... . ...... .. .... ....

75 c Up

Osterly Millinery



Xenia, Ohio

: STRANGE MATTERS OF FACT Scientific Puzzle. That Appear Queor, but Are Eaally Capable of Elucidation.

Common Pleas Proceedings

Blent of JOhn E. Diokey tiS executor filed . John Lehr VP. AnM Dllges Ertel I In the mntter of the ef-tate of Everyone knows that the diamond At al. ~berlff ord ered &Il puy writ ,George Hlu-ner, decea8e'!. J . P . is only charcuu.! crystallized; but of poaseasion uf 'HI OH . I Falrohlld and C. E Wurner, admin there lire a great many things in nald the matter of Illl0WIl Doe to ,Istrll.tors flIed inventory 6nd 8 11 '\ ture that, though possessing widely Frank P. Forg " sheriff of Warren I praisement of same . d ifferent properties, lire composed or {Jounty from Janullry 1, lIlll t.ll In the mllUer of WilliBm Schnell, eXllctly equal quantities of the IIIUllO .June 7, 1911. Court f1l1owed Il65 ~uu.rdlan of Chester Sohnell, plain . ' elements. for aervice:! rendered in Orl..ninal l tIff, vs. Cbel!ter Soh nell, ., 0.1. De· The wlrite of an egg and n.ttleoll8 ~ a . fendflnts. William Sohnell fnr · snake poison are formed of identi.I!'rank HICkS., administrator of the ni8bed bond of $5600, and ordered to caUy the same llIDounta of. the same us tate of Albart C l:liC1k~, deoel\sed bold prlvl\te "ole of land at not le88 elements. VS . the P. O. O. & 8 t . ~ Ry . CO" than appraiReli value. The oil of roses and common coni Case settled and dtsrul8iied. In the matter of tbe estllte of gas are each fanned alike, both beA. L Siiles vs. J . W. Ward, ad · Ann M'l.rla. Taylor, decell.sed . La ing composed of four atoms of hymlnlstrator. D~mnrrer over ruled Verne 'faylor lppointed ndminl8tra · drogvn and four atom8 of carbon. and plaintiff Is gl veo tbirty days to tor. Bond $100. Sngar and gum arabic are likewiRe In the matter .t the estate of brothers of the same weight and texfile further pleadings. Dillon B. Wilson VB. Manly D Ann Maria Taylor, deoeased. James ture. ' WUSOD et ul Defen<i'lInt ordered to Montgomery, 090ar Thompson and All the hydrocarbons, knOWD to file au answer to orOS9 petition of Ed Cones appointed appraisers. science as a combination of ai~teen Melva B. Wilson, anotber defendant In the matter of the will of James atoms of hydrogen and ten atoms of withln thirty dllYs . DlJwney, deoellsed. The will ad · carbon, are alike in their compos iJohn Bigler vs. The Ohio Eleotrio mlUed to probate. Alioe Downey tion. To enumen.te some: Oil at or. Ry. 00. Plaintiff given letlve to made exeontrix. NoJbond. ange, lemon, cloves, ginger and black In the matter of the will of James pepper. file reply. Downey, deceased. W IJ\laUl Fields, 'fhe suggested explanation .01 these Real Estate Transfers James ':on88 and Cbarles Bnellap · peculiarities is that the atoms aro placed differently toward one another Eva E. WI111Rma to A. B. Kauff· pointed appraisers. 10 the matter of the estate of in the molecules of the different subman, 10' In Lebanon, '1. (''hat'lel O. Ilnd Ethel Langen. Nathlln M. Brown, decellsed . James stances. bruDDer to lrrnnk O . and ~arah Sellers appointed IIppr.ll~ser to fill Other things jWlt 88 peculiar llI"e Hugb8l, lot in Mary Ellen, Ohio, II. vaoanoy Dansed by inablhty of A. . B. evident when certain eubetance8 Bro Laura B. and Robert W. Clrim to Probasoo to serve. united chemically. The hydrogen Harry Cooley, farm containing In the matter of the estate of By· gas, which is also odorlees, when ron C. Howell Jr ., deoell!!ed . Ethel united go to make ammonia, which 108.41 aorestl. WlIUlim B Newcomb to Clyde C. Bowell appointed tldmlnlstratrlx baa a very strong odor. CopJX'r, Colltns, lot in South Leblloon, $1. Bond.$2GO wlricll baa 'DO odor, and zinc, which Daulel IN. and Mary EUa~urface In the matter of the estllte of also has none, when melted and to WayneavtlJe Caoolng Co. Lot In Byron C. Howell, Jr.. deceased. In. mind to give us braBB, produce a WaYDe townahip, II. ventory and appraisement omitted . substance with a characteristic smell. Henry W. Bnemenlng to WilUam -. 8uementng, Jot in Leb,noo, .hio, Unsightly Face ~pots $1. Guy R. Collins, laborer of Booth Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Eozema William Bnemening to Henry W . Lebllnon, Ohio, to Martha Hyden Ointment, which heuls al\ skin ~nemenlog, two lots III Lebauon and of Bouth Lebanon, Ohio. Rev. J, erntltlons. No mutter how long you hl1Ve beeD troubled by itohlng. 'wo Iota In Fairview, a snb divielon F . MoColln. burning or soa\y skin human, just ot land In Lebanoo, 11. Adolphus Williams, farmer of pnt a Itttle of that !lootbing antlsep. Grace T. Meloy to Irene Gerrard For' A.nOient, Ohio, to Eva Fra~ier tic, Dr . Hobson's E zema Ointment, 10' In Lebanon, 11 of Oregon ill , Ohio, Rev . J . H. on tho sores and the suffering !!to))S Laura E . Harkrader to Eva E. BIIldwiu, in.,tll.ut!y, Healing begins tbbt ver.v _ _ __• _ _ _ __ W!l1tams, lot In Lebanon; also lot minntn. Dootors oSt! it in tbf'tr praotioe Ilnd recommend It. Mr. No. 108 In Avalon Heights, $1For Cuts, Burns and Bruises Alleman, of Lltt.letown, Pa ., suys: ileorge W. Carey to Laura M. In "very home 'here should be IL '. Bad eozema OD foreheRd ; Dr . Hob. Carey, part of lot No . 143 In Leb. box of Buoklen's Arnica ~alve. ready svn 'l! EOZtlma Ointment oured it i D anon, $1. to apply in every oase of bnrns, Ollts, two weeks ." GUllrllnteed to relieve wounds or soalrls. J . H. Polanoo, or money I·erunded . All .druggist,,,,, Probate Court Delville, Tex, R No . 2, writes: or by mall. Price 500. Pteiftor "Buoklon'!! Alnicaliaive saved my Chemical Co., Pbllal.elphill. an il::!t . In the mat.ter of the estate of Ii ttle girl's ont foot . l( 0 olle 00. LoUIS. Mary E. Diokey, deoeased. l'roof Heved it conld be onred." Tb'" world's best sl,lve. Only 250 liD, KING OF GREECE A SOLDIER of publloation of notiof of appoint. commended by J . E. ,JlI.nney .


Dr. ,JohnBOn expre88ed himself Posted on pedi grees and values of all with chf~rncteri8tic caution and comkinds of breeding stock. mon senee on the subject ot ghoatL Experienced in handling larm sales sinc( "1t ill wonderful," he laid, "that 5,000 years h nve now elapsed since 1905. the c7es,tion of the world, 8.1ld still It ia UDliecided whether or not there Terms Rl!asonable -;- Satisfaction Guaranteed has eveil' been an inatanoo at the IIpirit of any pel'llOn appea ring after ORADUATE 01' TU~ Waynesville, Ohio ckuth." Yet the credibility of 8Om~ .ATIONAL AU OTION V.u ley T"iel'hullc 4S · 2r .tories of apparitions ann hardly he SBOOOL OB' AMKI1IOA called in question. Edwa.rd Fiu- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""!""~~~~~~ Ot-rald was far hom being a superBARNHART, ALTElt MCCLURE, stitiou8 man. And there is a Btory of FitzGerald in a book c~lled " TenNotary Public ny90n and His Friends." He once Funeral DJrer.tor. All kinds of Notary Work. Pension told BOlDe people "how he bad onE' Work a Hpeolalty. day clenrly Been hom outside his aUTelephone doy or nigbt. tar and her children having tea in hill Valley phone No. i . LoDK . dinillg room. He t.hen 8IlW his sister Dilltanoe No 69-~". qu ieUy withdraw from the room, 110 OHIO IlB not to disturb the children. At WAYNESVILLE, that moment she died in Norf&l.k." Branch Office, Harveynburc. O. You may like to be reminded of the truest and silliest ghoet story on record . The ghost WB8 8een by nn uncle of mine, I!. minister of the gospel, who was walking up nnd doWll' his house passage at Thaxted-whither the railway has just come- thinking of his ned sermon. A housemaid appeared. He Btood Bside IH THE WOltLD for her to pass and saw her go into lOBI.ISHI!D WEIILY. s..OO PElt TEAR hil study. He followed her, to pro· IIOTILe. DltuociiiTs. a,..oIALlaTe. A;_ .... the di tu b f hill coaTUM.lta, TitANIF.It, CAB tel!t agUUJ1>L S r auce 0 AIID . .ua aEltVIC. CAli PROFI':' study. She was not there. He rang 8. UIINO ITa ADVUTIIIHO CO~U"'HI the bell and the housemaid descendSAMPLE COPY FREE DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN ed from above; she had been "doing ........ NIlW YOltK CLIPPU I For Intornal an4 External ........ the bedrooms" all the time. And He ... York. II. v.

----- -.- --


the silly part of the story is that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!"!!!~ nothing ha.ppened. The uncle wu alive at eighty·five and the houaemaid is a grandmother.- London Chronicle.

Surpris.lnK Cure of Stomach Trouble W beD you hll. ve trouble with your stoUlf\oh or obrGnlo oODs&ipation, don't imagine that your case ia be. yond h'e lp jost beoaU88 yonr dootQr foils to give you relief. Mrs. 6. HtenglEj, Plalofield, 1(. J. ~rU8ll, "For over a month past Iliave been troubled wU·h my stomaoh . Everything I ate upset it terrtbly. , One of Chamberlain '8 adverti"lnl book· lets Daille to me. .fter reading a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chllmherlaln's Tabletll, I deolded try them. 1 have tuken ne"rly three foorths of a paokllge of them and olln now eat almost everything Ihat I want." For pale by all dealers.

United States Cream Separators Holds the World's Record for Close Skimming.

NEW 1913 FEATURES Mechanical Washer -:- Nickle Silver Sections -:Dust-proof Gear Case.




E. R. MILLER, Centerville, Ohlo, for Warren, Greene and Montgomery Ceunties.

~ Tur~out ~ ~t~..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .AT. . . . . . . . . . . ..

Hutchison &. Gibney Xenia, Ohio.

.-...- - -

I ' ''C'



Balkan Blouses 7fic to $1.00


Children's Wash .Dresses Quhr-So you like the experieoce you of keeping beesP Whi_Yell; you 800, DO matter how the mllrket is depre8lled in oth(!J' things, it is a bllSinesa which keeps on humming. . - - -.... - - --

- ...


TEST FORTHEPURITYOF SUGAR A simple .test for the purity of sogur liS to burn It.. If pure, fire will enMrely oonsome it ; If adul_ terated, it will leave aD allb.

..-----GRAIN PLANTED IN RUSSIA -------.~

Russia planted 240.419.396 aorOll In grain last year, the larRea' acre. age In ita history.



A OOOD HIN.T The odor of onlone will diaapPlar If affected outlery be IDser~ed In frelh earth fol' 1.10 few minutes.

- - -..



In April. last he WIlB appointed QUICKSILVER IN CALIFORNIA inspector genero.l of the forcea and haa .ince shown bimaelf a soldier of Ca'iforniBo fornl.hee aboo'three. merit. At the moment at hie accea- foudbe of 'he qaloksl1ver prod1loed lion he was in Epirul, conducting In the United Stale". the military operatiou for neeping , • ~ • . 8aIy.

Summer Wash Fabrics


----- ..---

Constantine, the new king of Greece, is of Daniah and RU.8Iinn blood, his lot hOT having been a son of Christian IX. of Denmark, aud hi8 molher being the eldest daughwr of the Orand Duke COWihwtine. a brother of Alsllallder II. King CODatantine was born in Athens, and bronght up under on English governeBS and German Bnd Greek tutors. Later on he went to Berlin, when; he received hie education as a sol.. dier, being attached to the Second regiment of Prueaian Foot Guard!. In 1897 he took command of the Greek troops in the war with Turkey, . but his anny was crullhed in Thee-



JEW !~~!~~PPE8

Wireless telegraphy h!lving been effected between CaDlltda .md Haly, regular servioe bet\veen the latter countrJr and ArgentlDa will be' Br Conlltantlne RClClef"ed an Excelillflt tempted. MIlitary Bducatlon and H . . Given Proof of 8kllL

Call on

E. v.


. .

Before Buying

Live Stock and Gf'llcral Auctioneer





Mis:;e;;' and Children 's simply Trimmed Hat!', chic mod els. al llal r thL' reg-ll la,. p r ice

45c Up

Elderly Women's Trimm ed Hats in II variety of sty les..


Men of Sound Mind and Much Erudl-' tlon Have Claimed to ae Va. Itad 'by .,Irlta.

50c to $3.00

Spring Coats Wooltex, Bischof and Other Good Makes

You can hang them no" at ,."", windo". for in addition to the ori~nal Brenlm Unfilled Shade, which i. known In a miUion home. ~ Ihe most beautiful shade made, there are two new grade. , both pos.cssing the Brenlin atandIlrd of quality. For window. of ordinary .ize (1 yard wide by 2 yard. long) thc.c time .hades arc priced at

75c, sSe and 2SC


BrnllD UDIiUed al7Se Ib01lld eh'.n be .... wbere lenllth of aenIee and alUactive ePIIeUa""lI Iirat cODllderaU<l11", for betD. made of d_ly wOYen c10tb wllMat • 6111DII," It &lw:i e ....... l\ralllbt and Imootb. won't '-de end" ,JIOIIIJ. Tbe Dew lIfad.. , BrCDlin Filled at SSe eD M..,hlDe Mad •• t 25c ve by Iv tbe beR .&1... Ia .bed." el tbeoe prien. LII .. ,,,- y<* IMf.,M.. ,_WII """"-


Hutchison & Gibney ..,

40..... -. --- -------

'. , ,¥


SPECIAL Suits, Wailtl, Walh Skirtl and HOUle Drellel, at

59c and $1.89 THE .GREAT CARPET 'HOUSE RUGS, $7.50 TO $25.00 . LINOLEUM 4lic UP MArnNGS, '12e .UP


. 8a~'rlb. f~r ~~ M!~ 0 ...................,;~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




Wook ly


Wayuee vlUe, -






Editor and Manager

Rates of Subscription OnO Ye ..... (8trlctly In ,uIvance) , , . ,. , .. 11.00 8 ngle Copy ... . . . .. ........ .. .. " .. , .00 Rllt~!I


of Advertising

,teadllJg l,oel110. per 1I11e . • . . . . . . . . . . .• lie R eading Local •. bluck lace. per line. . . . IOc ~ lUlllJled Ad •. not to fly., 111168 Three lnaertloll8 . . . • . ' • • • • • . . . aile OlJltuarl~. fl~e lueb ... 1.'06 . over five Inch ll8. por lIu". . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Oe O. rd of tba.nlul .... . .. •.... .•.. .. . . •. aOe





.., OIMllutlou . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • • • • • •• DOc

oclala aloc. whore ch. t e I. made . . . . . . . aOe , lapla, Advertlalng IX . Inch . .. ..... . , . 100 Dt.coanIM glveD JD contract.


J ULY 16 lUU

Uf forty three aeroplan_ exhibIted In Paris but thirteen were bt. planes.

On an a veragA a man'l bair turna gIay five yean earlier tban a woman's .

Five patents upon lafety razors have been granted to Engllah womeD in 'he lut year.

The Best Medicine in the World "Ily little girl had dYMnter, very bad. I thought 8he would die Ohamberlaln's Col\o, Uholera and Diarrhoea Remedy oured her, .nd 1 oa.. 'ruthfullv lay that I think" 18 'be balit medlolne hi tbe world," write. Ilrs. William Orvll, c"''lare, Mlohl For lIale by all dealei'll. Tbere were' '5;807 patents luoed b, 'he patent offiCII ..t WlUlhlngton laa' year and 22,71S expired.

• Auklma'io maobin89 , have been iaV8n&ed Rhloh will thoroughly oleaD 3,100 flah an boar.

The eigl of wild birds are lmaller t.ban th088 of the umll spllClel of birds when domes"ollted.




The King of All tautlv" Fot oonstiptlotlon. beadaohes, In llileetion and dyspepsia, ule Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mat hulka, of Botfulo, NY., saYB 'hey are tbe • KlniJ of aU lauUvel . I'bay are a blesaing to .11 mT family --And lalw"YII l"eep a box a' bome." (Jet a b nx and get well. Prloe 250. Reoommended by J. Eo Janney.

A new foot. warmer for motorist8 uUIl!198 the beat of both ~he exhaullt g.see and tbe oiroolaUon wa,\ar.

• About tl5,OOO wor,h of gold Is reoovered from tbe soo$ III 'be oblm nefll of 'he Uoited IIJtates miDY eyer,. few yean.

. t

State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ss. Lucas County, I Fmnk J. Cheney makes oath that be is !.enior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co ., doing business in the City of To· ~etio,-€6unty,uld State aforesaid, and that said finn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cu~ by the UM! of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY . Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notury Public.


_I. -



Neighborhood News



D. L.


_ •• - - - - - - - - - - - t - -



Spring Branch

H . W. Smitb & Co. of Kingman. sre stnpplnl hOIS from all R . R. t:)tations in and Aroond heee . Fra.nk r.. Sanderson for many years proprietor of the We8t Bouse In WllminlJton, died a.t hie heme in Plell8ant BUI from blood and was burled at Port William ~is native hom~. Mr. Sanderson \S re membered here by many of our oltl. ~eD8 and wae bljlbly relpeoted. Our lIympathy Is extended to the bereaved widow. George Ogleebee h ..B a new auto · mobile, one of tbe mOlt modern ',pa. fom Oonklin, of .ow Borlln.ton. made a bUlln91111 trip here Baturda,. Mrs. IlAUle Finch and her Ion Rober' Garner spent ijaturday aDd Sunday the gUOllt& of Barmon Dakin aod famlly. of Lebanon. IIr. and IIrll. Lev. {'.ar'wrlgbt, of Wayue..iIIe, and Mrs. OhRII. O&rt. wrlgb& and ohlldren, of Chicago, were guesy of the Central Hotel Tuesday evening for 80ppar. Mn. Virginia O. Smith, one of our pioneer Oi\lzeD!I, died Wedn88day and was burled Saturday a' Miami cemetery. Mrs. Sml&h wall a luf f.rer for many yean and wall oared for and w.&abed over for a 10Dg time by two very oompe\ant ladles. employed for that porpose. She leaveB frlenda and aoquaintaooel by tbe leore. Tbe \aDder memory of her IhinM like barnlng lltan in the gat bering jfloom. Levioy & Howe our very popular .erobantl lrans&oted busln8lH in ("'ioolnoa'i 'wo days last week . 81aokbel'rtel are ooming Into mar· ket and ar. fine.

Min Alice Ohenoweth leU lae~ week for Iln extended vII" with rela\tves 10 Indian ... MIlS Leoa Oonnor Is Improving after a 8bort mnats . Mr . Joshua Satterthwaite, -:>f Lake Town, Utah, was vl8Ulng rei IlSlves and frieods here laBt week . Mr. William Ourti8 and family. of Red Lion, were the guosttl of J . A. Allen aDd family last 8unday. Ralph Evaoll, of Dayton, visited relatives bere /:;aturday night and Honday . Tbr8lhtnK bal been sOzmlwhat delayed by tbtl receot raiDII aDd still a lIumber of our farmen have tbeir grain io tbe field . All are boplnR' however, that work can again be reBumed tblll week. Mn. Frank t1awes was th8 guest of Mn. Amanda I::imlth and lister a\ their new home 10 WayneBvllle one day lae' week Mr. and Mrs. Earl Connor, of Waynllsville, enjoyed !:Iunday dinner with home folks bere. Mn. Mollie Edwards, of Day too , WIUI recently tbe guest of IIr. and Mrs, JOBepb Haln88. Malter Erneat MoOray, of l)ayton, la "pending a few weeke with hll unole and aunt IIr. and lire. George Pratt . . Mr. Johnnie Allen, of near Spring. bora, waB maklDg a pleasant 80n· day Ivenlng call In this Deigbbor. bood. Ilr. and Mn. Walter Dakin en· tertained at dlnDer tlunday Mr. and Mrs. II O. Dakin, Mr, F. M.DaJdu and family, Ern8lt Dakin and fam lIy. Frank Cook and family, Edwald Oook and family, Min Florence ~---.Laoy, Mes&rll. Wilber D .. kln, of Rid Your Children of Wonns WaYDesville and Ralph EvaDs, of You oao ohange fretful. 111 tem o.y$on. pared ohlldreo IDt.) heaUhy, happy Mr. Willie Allen returned to bill yoon(rsters, by rlddlDI them of home at Dean Saturday, arter a worlDl. '1'08IIlng, rolUng, grinding the home of hili of teeth, orying out whllo asleep, pleuant visU aooompanll!lll w"h Intenee thin" parent. here. paltle In 'he atomaoh aod bowels, IIr. and Mrl Clarence Tbompllon. feverllhn8l11 and bad breath, are of Vllll,rs Ohapel, llpa.' Saturday 8ymp$oIDI that indicate wormB. Klokapoo Worm Killer, a pl811l1ant ni"ht and Sonday with Mr. an t candy lozenge, expelll the worm .., Mrs GuY' Obenowetb . -, ~.~----rejfulatee the bowell, restores your ohlldren to bealtb and bappiD888 New Burlin~on Yra. J. A. BrlslllD, of Elgin; 111. hYI : "1 have n.aed Kiokapoo \~orm KilBorn lira. Barley Oarbaola: (oee ler for yean, and entirely rid my ohU jren of worml. I would DOt be Ilary MoNeal,) July 7th, • son. w"III' nt It." Guaranteed. All drug· B M. Kel1b, of Chicago, hal gbtl' . ur by mall . Price 250. Kiok · jOined hll wife aDd dao"bter bere aV"41 ..,,, I'1U MedlolDe Co. ..hUa for a cwo weeki vllit . delpbl .. ,toll Loula. The Delta Aipha olan enjoyed a pioulo near Oanby$owo Friday. T ; lEN WHICH' lil81 EdUh Blatt, of Wilmington, &nr.-HaJ a t .'oth pulled yeater- span' laa' week wUb relati,el here Mrs. D. C. Wood and dlAughten, day. Fide-Did you take chloroform or of laic ,,* City, Kanlal, .re villiting rela&lvee here. gas!' Robert Dymond preaohed on , Booa-Thaok God, not ether.Temparan08 at tbe Frlendl ohorob Texas Coyote. BODday a. m. .A.a.ALL TALENT. Rev, aDd Mrs. John MoMlllan, of Leesbnrg, were the week end "uel\1 "Do you notice how SOriOD Blug. of Jeel8 BawklD8 and family . gem is at bat, while Buntline is quite --_ lively P" CaUIeS of Stomach Troubles "Well, Sluggem wal in t~y.n 8eden&ary bablw,lao. of oat door winter, while Buntline played in ellerolle, in!omoient mastioa\loD of light farce." food, oona&ipatlon, " klrpld liver, worry and aDxlety, overealiniC, par· yklng of food and drink not IOlted MIXED LANGUAGL to yoor age And oooopation. Oor "Thia aviation bueinC88 fa going reo' yoor habltl .. nd take Chamber. to make a great confusion in woJ'da." lain'. Tabletlland you will soun be well spin. F ·) r sale by all dealere. "How 101" ---"Here they're tallrlng 'of an niaA NEW FOLDING BICYCLE 'tor who haa juet gained. a footing by hia High...." A bioyole ao oonltruoted tha' the fron' wheel oan bt5 detaohed aDd tbe - -- ~ --CARRY AID PACKAOES entire maohlne folded so tba' It Ol\n All Rot"'rdam street can oar r , be carried on a mRD 'a ba~k bas beeo fin' aid paoltaRMI for relief In Dale adopted for 'be Frenoh army

$ $

$ $





! i


$ Classified Ads ,..~

801M Comment on Mor. or Le.. Important Guntlon GI.aned From

Why are evenJng clothea P BeWhy af~ : emlOOD or morning clothes? Tbeo ;

catl80 for gladne8ll. was to find the glSd "fl:m in the game!' learned her ........ A 80


The harder ill put the more '

The little girl ! well that ahe

..--- ..------


Hk:ksite Friends Chun:"Jl'iret Da}

t o", .... iII 8ure!)- prv~e. No ~omltlll~~

&nu. A ..' ....dpleaaIq8~

II. m. Flra~ Dar Founb Day Mee"nll:

61eetinl(. 0 :00 m.

Orthodox Friends Churca. Mrs. Ellzabetb Ward . Putor. !;abb:nb School . Y:30 a . m . Regular cburcll 8ervlces 10: aD r.. m .. 1Ul<l 1: 30 p. m. Prayor lDoo~lng Wodnesday evening at 1: 30.

A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirtctor and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio. Call answered promptly day or nillht. Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone Chl:I~rMd one Coach furnished free with funerals. Best of service guaranteed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ -


,. DENTIST••• omce la Natioaal BUlk Bldtr.

Waynesville, 0

.. - ------


"lm't it dreadful the way insanity

i8 on the increlll!e1"


... - ..


Dr. J. A. McCoy,


The Oblo. . arm1 ~vi.ol'J' board Veterlnarv II PIaDDiD, a oamplete lone1 of 'he .DUn emp," for pD8I'al . . well .. Graduate 01 Oblo Unlvenl ' mUi&arf pnrpoeel.

. . .-.



Offili:8 residence in F. D. Sher. wood's boUle. Fourth Street.

AriSODla" Oa1lforD~N.ew iieilOo, Ulab 1.04 W~ materially~.

Telepboae 28

oN..... OIelr p~aoUOD of '. IdlTII'

' . ; WaYneSvlll~ '"


A Good Investment W. D. Magil, a well known mer • ohlt~nt of Whl'emonnd, Wil, bought Subscribe tor the Gazette a s1k>ok of Ohamberlllln'l mediolne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so III to be able to lIupply tbem to = hi.oustomere. After r('celving'them be was himself taken siok I\nd BaYB th"t one .mall ·I)nUle of Ohamber. laln'lI 00110. Cbolera and Dla.rrhoea Kemedy W.AS worth more to him than 'he cost of his entire Btook of tbese medloinell. For sllle by all dea,lers.


Loulll Y.U8

10:30 ... w. and 1:30 P. m.

Sc hool . 11 ;00 a 10 :00 a. 01.


t... ------



.... th8l'






.. ...

jf~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':~' 1.-. -.

St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb,


wanted everyone to play it with her. d P d B I k I • re resile r 0 ' ; a 80. ~ Tb,8 man Wh 0 brok~ a Ieg had to be barrels of lime slaked am\ glad that it WIl» not two, and 110 00. : ready for URe. Inqoire of A. B. Wfm3 we all to aeek the glad part in Uhandle~ al the Friend'il Bome thIngs ill8tead of fretting over the J 23 d.Ulagreeable, how mach more happi. oena there would be in the world I POTAi'OEB-Xew Ohio Ear~y . Potatoes for ~ale . Nloe, bIg Wlilatever happeoa, it ia Wl8e to make ones. Inquire of J . U. B a wke, the be.t of it. ThiDgi ale oftlen noO Waynesville. Ohio. J 23 balf u bad u they aeem. When vaadona come we caD look for the alle- PLANTS-Late Fia~ Dotoh and viating clnnunltaneeB, alwa,. IeekDanish Flathelld Cab b a. g e ~r the reuoo for being glad. U the plants. Inquire of Park Leak, . etim f "~lu.A Waynesville, Ohio. JlI lUitOD 80m 88 I88IDI .till it i8 better than DO I'88IIOD lor HAY BALRK-&J.ndwloh make, In gitdn988. goorl shape. Ollll on J. E. Cultivate a glad spirit and yOll Frazier, phone 24 2Yo , Waynesville, will find vwy much more of joy in Ohio. J 15 thE' world. Yon will be carrying sunsbine to others instead of bringlog .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ elond. You will make nothing worse th,LIl it is and very many fh; ..... bet:~~":?t~nD~~~~~ ~ Crulll' a .mod1. Uue


MechlDlcr.Street, ~, . Oblo



Ball's Oatil rrh . Oure II taken lu. "Good heaven a, man I Don't the t.8roaU, and aotll directly upon the alienists have to live, too?" 'blood and muoous sorfaoes of 'he system. Senti for tellt.lmonlaIR, fr8('. MI8TAKE. F. J . OBENEY & 00., Toledo, C) Sold by.n DruRgtlttll, 750. -----Take BaU's Family Pills for oon of acoldeD' kl orew, ptllll8Dlen (lr IOREATEST RANGE OF VISION 4'Your daughter shows such free pad8ltrlans. Itipa'ion. movements in her graceful <lllncing." The rreateet' raDge of vlalon "Free nothin'l I paid cash for amonK the human noel III I&ld $0 eveIrJ ODe of 'em." be pou8888d by 'he Peru ,Ian 10 THE CONCLU810N. diana, who haye dlstiDguiflhed ir.. dlviduale ei"h&een mllee dlltant. MTalkiDg about testimonials, I was ~. DDC6 preseoted-" COTTON EXPEIUMENTING ".By the grand j1ll1 po' -~---The Itallao government il fOI. ~-called burjtlar proof ghss made \arln, exparlmeota In 'he raleloK of Deaf Difectly with the Proprietors In Fran08, wlths'andl revolverbul oo"on 10 tha' ooD'r" whlob now lmporh mar. 'haD t"o,ooo,OOO wor\h lets and blQWS from a mallet. No Agents Conunissions-No Middlemen's Profits of ~e raw staple eacb year.



Then why bave lOo M,,". e very .ucond SumlilY or the mODth 110 many kiods of clothed Time might MEN-$2.00 per day, steady work U :uu a , m. . 1. for gOl'ld men . Appl y to the St Mft ..... • E' pal Ch ........ be lA,ed by wearmg a om cloth or Oregonia Bridge Co mpany Lebanon . "'AUJ S pISCO WWh no laiD cloth, and our health wonld Obio. ' B 10 ' Be". J . I". Cndwalll.<le r . Hcctnl·. Su tld ay School. 0 :;10 II. m Morning He r impr'O'Ye .ppreciably. 10 the I vlcu. IU ::\0 a . tn, lioly Communlo D ~be Hut nai.-ure contingent inaista. Why have DVERTISER~ _ To know tbat Sund"y vI eacb mODLb. any clothes, unless perhaps blankets yon oan sell your horse!' and,. Christian Church. to be worn out of doolll in cold, oows and oth er til ings by ad vertlsRev. P. B . Tbompeon. PutAII. __ .:I ing thtlm In the Gazette It eOBtH DIble School. 9: ao L m. lIoclal meetlDI. .w eather IIIlU checked at the t.he&ter but httle, and brlng8 results . lo:ao L m . Cbrlatl&u Ende.vor. 1:00 p. m. and hung upon boob ILt the office? I Sermoll by p ... tor every altorn ..... Sunday at


'C harles W. Schwartz & Son-

ne ... c. B. Grausor.

Su nda y SClloo l , IJ : I ~ a. tn . MOrlllnl': ler vlcc . 10 ::]0 a . m . I~ \' cn ln g 8e rvl cc. 7: 0 p m . MIdweek Pc \ yer lIIeeLlnl(. 7 p . m.

Bame IID6wer.

--...- - -

' ~

Methodist Episcopal Churdi

I ...... w w w ................... w _


We make a Specialty of Individual designs for our custom~rs All work let· tered in our own Shop with Pneumatic Tools.



OAuae mankind ia vain.


Ev~rytbiog in the line' of Cemetery Wort.


Ads will be l n8~rLed uutl c r thts bead r or twe nty -Uve cc nts rOr thre e In ser-tlnCR . hen ual nll not more t ha n IIv c li nes.



You Get the Benefit



... - ..


i i





We have Solved the High Cost of Monuments

· · · · ..







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CREAT ConliDued Story of the A World'. Pros...,.. which you may begin reading at any time, and

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RAY MILLS Automobile Livery Service at·ReaIOnable Rates. Also) Jigent for Racine Automobile Ti• .oi "

• The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE , Publisher. WAYN E SYILLE,

0 1110.

s SOC I ETY· MADN ESS. nr e not content to 1(' 1i" " m ueD t o :\nl ur .. nowad a ys. If '\\0 we ro, per· b ll p ~ \\ 0 wo uld "E'l I\I () II ~ be ll (' r Ihao w e d ",nd w:tb few er Wl.l rrll' S I n ma ko u ~ l\' old bMore Oll r 1111"' . s a)' ~ Ih " Cha rl t' s to ll :'\e\\' 8 nllli COllrl r . P h lla · lh 'IJl h tn JU~1 Ilt IJT' ~~(' lIt Is b~ l lIg IH'1 1i u IJ br fn r ' llll' " )' 1'8 o f 1111' rou), lI')' I1S a l1(\rrll)l o """ II I' \P. SOllll' !lll lll . l rlollb "I nll.tielall, ~I ' l·· ki l lr. Ii ' Ill or pprhalls ~ l' l ' kln r. colli. hu" Iln d ~l'takl'f' 10 \l SCe r· talll till .. IT(,C IS or socia l nr-I I\'l lj' In t hai ('Il l' upo n till1S0 \\ 1'0 lake purt In It. Ho h:!s ,lIs('ovl'r"d I hat t h s s eu>on w hl eb Is Jll s l no\\' <l l'll wlng 10 n c lose ba s ,'e r r Il Pttrl y Sl' lIl "(1 111 " or th e- ~ocle ty I c~d"rs to t h!'l r g ra I' ~S. II has UD cal th .. ,1 t he tnct tbot ot tlt e \\' nll1~11 wh o h!lHI bee n In Ih O! mn in r('s ponsl hl e fo r \\ hut Is upd ared to h p Iht' mo st ~ tr l' nU OU6 soc ia l ~(' Il EO n lu th e h l810ry o f Ih d ty (If (lllll k er s 6 (' \' l.'fU I are now III 11 s ta t e o f ull e r c ollaps e a s [\ d irec t r p,ult ot th e !ltralll to whic h th e y hav e b ee n su b· j ec ted . This 19 Int pCR tl ng . hut why e e t a larmed? Soc lo l I 'll u era o f th is sort call "ery we ll bo s pa re d. It tu p)' are ta lle n [\wn y fr om us th ey [l pye r wil l uc mis sed. Why 1I0l let Na tur e bal'e h e r wa)' lind InfliCt wh n t pll n ls h· m ent Ilile uee ms li t on tu ose who hav e not Int e llige nce c:1ollgh to t a ko ca re of th e mse lv es? \\' F

F loa ti ng fa ctori es hal'o or('o l1l l' n il Impor tan t part o f t h e u c" c lo!II'JCllt 01 th o tores t r £'SOllrce 8 of III Jl a . 111 ee r,aln part s of thn t country th e fo res ts are only a ccl.'ss lbl ' th ro ugh t he wal e r co ur ses, and th gr(' u ('x pe n so o t e r ecting th e plants to r tb e u tili zat ion or tb e lumucr resourcC's !nilk eo such a courso 100Pnlct lr.a ul". T h l' r pfore, 8awmill s anu ot lt e r Ill all u(lIcl u llu g establis hm e n ts are bu ill o n Il oat lng platform s and mOI' eu up til e s treams us t.b ey a rc n ('edeu. A ftl'r lh e lumbe r Is pre pared In a en wmlll It CRn be paclled In 0 wa y I hal malle e tran s portati on muc h mor a . c conorn leal t ban any sys t em at logging. I' lants for the prepara tio n o f t1l.nnln e xtrac ts hav e a ls o be en es tab ll sh"d In tbls malln er. The plants nr o built on flatboals. 200 feet long by 27 fe e t wide, (!II e ot ca rry lug a load ot 4;0 tona TIlQ American tra\'elc',' who finds blmsdt In Dre sdeD or Leipzig will do weB In case ot Deed to look out tor pollceLDen who wea r badges bearlllg tbe crOP\;ed flags at tbe United States and England , says the .Argonaut. Of· fleers thus decorate d can speak Eng· 118h, and eYen thou g h It be not tb e most accurote kind It wl\l suffice. And now nerHn Is to follow th e same pralsewortby example. A number of omcers hal'Q been selected and se nt to a language school trom which th ey will emergo fully e quipped to be guide, phlloAopher and fri end to tbe wandering tourillt Innoce nt of all tongues save his own. Wben the Sulum ot Turkey comes Into an Amerlc.. n court on 1\ SUit, be mUlt be exactly on the Same Cooting &8 any other litigant. 'Ind has to put ap a bond like any other, whlcb was the Information cGnveyed to his ro)'a l ears via his altOllley, In 1\ suit ror the Insurance on the lite of a rlcb Armenian. The dc~lslon Is a patrl· otlo one, as any cltl~en In an Amerl. can court 15 as good as any king, emperor, prince or sultan. As for os the bond wos concerned, that was prudent as w ell as patriotic. The e xp erime nt of women on lh' pollee forc e has worked well In California. Los Angeles hilS two who wear "plain clothes" ond patrol tblt .treeta with th e ebject of al'lordlng protectlon to girls. Each will exercise surveillance ov er th e Jance balls, skatlog rinks, moYlng pic tUre sh ows and safes 011 b e r beat, and It I ~ sate to predict that th ey will pe rceive In advance Ilnd adro itly avert a great d eal of villa loy. Tbe gyrOscOI,e, It 18 cla im ed, has made aviation safer. WUh It th e aviotor Is de barre d frolll doing hi .. own gyrating at critical mOl1J e nts, and so far, It Is e xpe ctc:d to be a grpat gain to ae rial e xp er Imen ta l travel. But the aaf~r sailing lit Lbe air be. comes, tb o lDoro it will loso It s at · traction. A Baltimore belle and h e iress bas married a handso me Doston walter and no headlloe writeI' bas yet clllled tt the romance of tbe oriole and tbe

1teao. Atte.r all, hlgb echool ch e mistry 10has Its good points. W eB t.... woman who usea a preparation made bel' blonde balr appear like a ..ol'ftl horae that bad been out In a ·.prlnkle. Fortunately b'er son, a high MhoClI .wdent. came to the rescue .~tlon

A lfa~uchul8tta woman has made 8 •• " i~mpta ~o eeour. a divorce, tbftcIe &D til. Ba,.· .tate and twice a' JIfto• .,tUaOllt _~oeu, Few had IJD. ~" '.~JOUW~ ... ,Ja~ t~





Prophet. Apostle, Preacher and Retigiolls Teacher May All Translate the Message. I mportant Amendment for Soil Not Fully Appreciated by Farm-

ers - Helps Liberate Plant Food-Loosens Heavy Clays and Renders Loose Sands to Retain Moisture LIm e is nol va lu('d by tb c f (ll' lII ('r~ or Oh iO a s It s h o uld ue. Uoe~ il nol Itu".: t ll " l!ll llo n u!.! run c tlon of Hw el'(, pnlng- our ~ oi l s, lu o rd er to grllw l'Io ver . alfa lfa and Soy lIe an s 7 lJ nl' ~ It not III a li l' th e wc t, h eav y r ill Y s o il ~

' nnll lIm ol by fol1 ol\ ,," In suocesslon on l "lI c b I I'II l' t . "rh o rour trol' S l " ('''rn, \\'h i('/I hilVO hel'!J\ bar\' l'Slt'(1 !-;,,-,par:lte ly h a \' C been !;ro \\n illlllleu i:ltl'ly a ftN Ii lll in illlj ut r nl t' or Oll f' t UIl il e r acre, u n tJ lia'i e

,.: l1 o\\' n

( 't ' II ~ ld , 'rlthl('

in lpru \ f'tJlPll l


thp lililed lun d ClI tnparcd witb th e un· Ii 1111'<1 . T Ill' ont ~ and wh pn t wer e bplI" Ot ed us lilli ' h as th e (01' 11, Wh e n rll lll\ \\' llI g 'h I'

('o r n

ill SII<' (' t'stii u ll ,

Th t~ ,' }on:\ 1'

\\'ltlt Ollr heart s In 0 r l'" ]lon s lve mOod. " ' 0 canllot l'l':ld s cripture with· UUl r" l' \;IIIH th p Ins piring t h ri ll of apostc llc W I VOl' for lll (\ pn'r lchlllcnt o f otlt l'r K us w,, 11 as Cor ourse l,,!'s . by Uti aP llropl'iuti o n I)f the " ri ch '0 o t' God lu (,h rlst JI·"lIs." 1:;\,<, 1'), 0 11 ' wllo hilS 8unlcl C' n lly ell lll O II) IJl III~plC til rf'ulll.O t hat th is 18 not hl ~ u ltl dln g plilC(', Uoll th n t h is h Olll O II, ~ y" lIcI " r. 111 U~t t .... 1 Ih e II " 'd of oon ll thin g thill. IR 1I 0t SIlPIJ Il f' d by thi s lIIall-ria l wO l' lu . '1 h, ' r o I" n lu ng ing ll ~ s ir" tor ~o nl c t h log not lllllU I' . \l or croutl'd . n ll(1 th l" fI' l'or l' pnsl IIndln p; o ,it uy ''TI':\( UI'I'8 of lim e Th e tipl~lt ot tt l I '

Inn er In:ln cri ps

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H so tn e.

" It"I\ ~ n U trI ~ l l'IllI g lli l' II UII ~ " " III f('[J1Il th lll H or. :lllil u<, lo ng ing to. (' l prnily, lil (' IImlll):; . L Illie al11Jiipd d il'ed lr to 1 I lil l fl ll inllll Or la l RO ll I , 0 11 ll: e tOSS ing , w h" a t dCH'!-\ u nt p ro ou ('(} 1111 (1 1' 0 \ .. !llt'lIt, (L Il U tltlr ,l 1' 1'''1' '' IW ,I'" ~ h ('\\' 11 Illal h( 'd ill~JJI· (I\ t 'IIH ' IIt.

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c hu IIl?;tl ru l Bea o r h uman t if~ , m ay b u

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T It,1 Up o sU (. cla i m s to h av e

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th l.: f(·ll o lI's hip ot II", I ll." . ( ' ry . wlt i<' h t l'lt rn th r- h('l:lll nln); or tht' \\'ll rlu ha. h he en hid In C:od, who cren lpd ,111 l" l n li~ by .II' t. ll~ (' h'd s l ; to th " Int e nt th a t no ll' lIn l o 1I1'~ prln cipa ll l i('s :lnll PlHI e rH in II('a l"' lIl y pl ll l' (,s Ill IH h l b o ~n o \\'n u~· th.' c hu rch th ~ munifa ll! wi s dolll ')f n oll " , S uc h rco ll o w ~ ltlp r-o ,n. '~ b,' th llt !;, ith Whi c h honol's IlI llll' n lld as ~riu es ~ I o r y to t it " Cre ator, and fllTlI ls itl:s tli e !Jc. lI ev e r with m e nta l POWH Ilnd fac iliti e s to ~c n l p th e h " lghts. lind ~oun(\ tit b ('('O Ul C Illl)re rrin lJl l', r r s pu J1tl rl'ad ll y (kpthR. ontl 1';,, 111 a \'161011 of th A to ('u l,i l'alion II nil p:II'k Il' ss 1111· " " ' n~til a 1111 u rea dt h or thl' 10" (' or d er :, hl'lI l) rai n '! ])o<:g It not Ulul;e l Chri s t. whi c h pa sse th l\llo wlodg('." th(' lo,," c' ,an tiy Boils mor e compact Strunge pnrndox! ''1'0 mak e kn own til!' II nlw o lI' f1 bl(' ! S uch Is th'P. mi ss io n and rl' tl'lltalllf' o f Ill ois ture'! U ol'~ th e ir wonl R, of th l' s pi rit Ihrollp;h III it not lilll'nl ll' plant rnoll fro m 1:0 111 ' : !\nn th f" r d e eds . Th o Itl enl work of PO llIlIl s iu t 11<' " ,11" ' prop h t . apostle. ))I'P:lcl\ co r 'Ind r ell g· Th e 1,1 p l'~ of s ui l that n eed lim e In i lous tf' uchf' r, Is to tran s late lit e In l!S' Oh io arc t1w heavy clay solis o f t be I' S U /;(' of Cou 's 10 l' LJ throu gh (,h r ls t 10 l1 o r t h c n ~ 1 rn RC CtiOO of th e state. Big crop of Soy Beans where lime hat 0 \\ o rltl los t and rUin ed wi t hout It. In Th ese ~tl il s ar c I\ufl\ ciently r ich In t h,' I been use d. 1\ lifl' a lid lallp;uage tllRt 011 m pn \lin y m lt1l'l'IIl o ll s tltue nt s or fert ili ty for I' und " rs tund . und ho " co n\' lnced of sin, alllln lllln t c rop produ cti on. u ull he food T be n ext qU P$t ion to aT I ~e Is what of ri ght eou s ness nnd or judgme nt." Is h 'I u so t ig h t tlllLl th e \J la ll ts cnn not l ki nd o f li me is uest to aplJ ly. " I I, that hath an e ur" llI a y " h ea r what get It. Whe n soi ls a re or li n ncld characte r t h e s pirit s al th un to thl' cbur ch(' ~. " In Wayn e l'llli llt.r y wh ere th e soli Is th cm It doC!s n o t ma l;e IIlllc h dli'f ercn ce God's Love. a I iI!; III , "a nd y c lay Iylll !; upon s illily wh llth er YO Il usc qui d; l illie, h , drnled No llIan can trail s lat e t h e III CS R:lg '3 sllnd s to ll (>S, It reKpon " ~ I)ukkly to I lime , or grollnd lim esto ne, h .1 you of d ivin e lov e until he has le ar ned lim e, hilt r"rtill r,e r is Ilt'ed ed a lso fo r ll1 u ~ t lnli e iu to nC<'Ollnt t.h a t to Ret n~ th l' divi n e h~ tr p d of s in . noth t h e lov o the Ilrofiw l,lc prod uction of crops. lOuch lim e a s III n t o n of quick lime, and the hote nrc revealed In th e sa. Expe rlltl e llt we re carri e d on at th e It t akes 2 ,6 40 pound s o f hydrat·!u lime cr ed hi story or Ood'ij "wond@rful 'Wooster stil li o n o n a sandy.,c lay so il, a nd 3,570 po unus of g round s tOlle. worl18 among t h e ch ildre n of m c n." whlcq huu b ee n nnd e r cult h 'alion Th" oes l way tu app ly lim e Iii with .TlldsmC'n t and me rcy eacb has Its tbre e-quarters ot a century. to find out a tool made for th e pUTJ}Ose, si nc e a messag e ; o ne cO lllplements the other. tb e e tTe ct of lime on tb e di ff e re nt drill do cs not apply it th ick ly e no1\~I: . a n d ~hou ld b e s tndl ed toge ther. When crops. C. L. ROSE, each Is con sid e red In Its prop er r ela· Five Ira ctR of land were used and College of Agric ultur e, Ohio Stat. tlon to the otb er, th ere are no eontra. a rotation of corn, oats, w h ea t, c lov er Un iv ersity . dIctions alld nothing Incred ible, the "paradoxes of divin e love" ble nd a!l light and shade In th e pe rfecting of a pIcture. "God Is ' lov e ." and nil his dologs among th e children of men are acts of mprcy 8 nd tor the eternal good or th e The first thin g to be done In ra isin g date varies a s we go nortb or ~o utb . greater :number. When this Is seen by a crOll or wb eat Is to sc lec t a good va· ICo r allollt ev ery ten m lies no rt h o r the ey e of faith, the h eort yearns and rl e ty to grow . Tbls uot only mea ns tbl s la titud e , wh eat s hou ld be sown the mouth gives utt e rance: "0 tbat a b!gh ylellllng var iety, but also one one day ea rlier; and for the sallie di s· men would therefore pralB6 the Lord with good milling and bread making tance south, one uay later. This time for his goodness. and for his wonder. ljualitle R, nnlll e ly : yolume of leaf, tex- for SO lVing wh eat was recommended ful works a~ the cblldren of men." ture and (·olor. For t hos o who wi s h aCter testing seedln gs of eneh weel; FoJ' a true Interpretotion of tbe dito grow uC'arde d varieties, Valiey Nlg- from the fir s t week in SClltem ber to vine r e velation , and tor a proper trana. g el', Gypsy a nd Buda·Pest, are re c" :" tbe las t of Octobe r. latlon of the me8sage of God's love llI en ded as filling the above QualificaWbeat s hould b o grown In a rota· to a lcst: world, th ere must he a deep, tions , and of lbe bea rdless or bald tlon wltb other crops to s eCll1' e th I earnest. sympathetic study of the var ie ti es, HI ('k man, Perrec tlon, FulU, greatest yield. The tesls at Wooste l ' scrlpturles, under the guidance of the Medlterl'[\lIp.un and Poole are all good . show tbat tbe a pplication of co mmer· holy spi r it, wbo Inspired It. Then will It is a ll foollsbnes8 to rllll th e wheat c lal fertilizer wlll keep up tbe yiel4 be seen the unity of a purpose run. I:broug h th e fanning mill three or four for a few years , but the yie ld w11l dc- nlng tbl'Ougb the whole Bible. That tim es In nn atte mpt to 80rt out the c r ease In time witbout a rotation of purp08e Is expres8ed with epitomized larger a nd h eav ier grains for seed , crops, When a /I ve year rotati on of brevity 1n Ephesians 111. 19, "To k:nOw tbln k lng that tb e yie ld per acr e wlll corn, wh eat, clove r and timothy was tho love or Christ, which passeth be In l'reasell in this way . An cxperl· practi ced, tb e average yi eld gradually knowledge. that ye might be tilled m ent bas lleen car ried out In whic h Increased {rom 20 busbels to 33 bnsh· with all the fuln ess of God." were sorteu o ut the larger grains, the e ls, dllring tbe three flve·ye ar periods We can go back of all beginning, medlll,n gralo R and the 8maller grains, wh ich tue. e Xll erhn en t covered. and say, with Ihe InsplNld Psalmist: RAY M.USGRAVE, "0 give thanks unto the Lord. for he Coll ege o f Agrll'ulture, Oh io State Is' good; for his me rcy endureth torUnivers ity. ever." "In wisdom he made the worlds. " He made great IIghts- '·the WAYNE COUNTY POTATOES. Bun to rule by day, the moon c.nd stars to rule by night ." In oil thl8 men are Wayn c co unty, Ohio, Is fa mous ror ready to b eli ev e In the goodness and Its potaloes. It is said tha t t ub ers me rcy the Almighty. But the same from tblll cou nty will command a rew losplre d truth d eclares that "He slew ce nts lIIore per bu s he l in EaR tern mar· great kings and famous kings, for his l<els bl'cause of th eir s up e ri o r cooki ng mercy e ndureth forever." W e must Quulitl er.. The llu~ln .. ss cente rs princi- he In harmony with tbe whole truth, pa lly BuOU t Sm ithl' ill e an d Wooster. h e llevlnl~ that God Is good and mercl· ful whe n he des troys as well as wbea F eed the boar for vigo r . n ot fol' rat, he creates . . Th e vess el, stamped with nnd let exerc ise enter Into hi s devel· th e Ima lge of Its maker, Is marred at o pl1l cnt. the potter's whee l ; It must b e brol(en ----. -an,J madle over agaIn , S h ee r) I£'ed drafts of cold air In ' PurlPoses 'n Hie Provldencea, of their h eavy n eec e. "Hard sayings ," "Dark s e nte nc es," "Who ('li1l1 stand It?" "An austere man For1y-one bushels per acre was the -I was afraId ," "My punishment Is yield on thla wheat field. greoter than r can b ear"- These aro the unwise who criticise th e unflnlsh· THE CAUSE · OF J·ELLYING. Ili a kin!'; till ~I' gra des. Th e~ e werp. ElII work of the all·lovlng fath er. stlwn fnr s e l'l' ll ypu rs at t he !;urne rate Pain Is otten but the pressure or of seedill g- - S pecks PCI' a c re. T'he re The j ell ying of a fruit juic e th" falb er's hand, pressing his wayWO B ficil l'('c ly any n ifferen ce in th e av· Is lIue lo the presence of war" ch lid closer to himself. The In. f>rag c y l ' Id P C I' Hc re of th e thr ee dlfa substance called pectin, activity of months on a b'e d o( sickI'e rf)ltt grail e!; . Sef'd wheat sho \ll d uc th o t has tbe properties ' of the nesS has' so\'ed many a Boul that would rUII throug b th e {[mnlng 11\111 to refamiliar gelatine. It Is well bave lus,t Itself In tbe swirl of gaiety m ,II'O we l' d seeds , Llt s o f urol<en known that two U1bles]loonand ple:llllUre . For Borne, poverty and straw, badly s hrun ken a nd di seased fuls of gelatioe In a Quart toll ore needed to save them ,rom be. kernels, and dirt. or water will caus e !.be Whole coming ' ugrate8 to Infinite love. which EI~bt pecks per acre is reco mm end, to set to a je lly. This pectin, suppllE:s tbelr need. Labor gives by 00 as !.be mo~t protlluble s ee tling, afthoweve r , will not act unl ess an far 4 more satisfying and fuller lICe er 14 )'eanl of te~tlJlg dlft:erent rates (}f acid Is also presen t. All housethan Idleness. se6?ding vary ing from 3 to 10 pecks, keepers know that sweet fruit s There are many who are blind to The al'erage y ields show a gradual In. olone will not jelly. Acid by the loft]· porposes of God In bls provl. crease from the sowing of 3 )leeks up Itself, on tbe otber hand. Is us edencell, which, to mortal sense, seem to 9 peeks, per acre. However, the les8 unless tbe Juice contains bard, dark lind terrible . Tb.e cause Is gain by sowing 9 pecks per acre over pectin. This is proved by- the not hard to find-hmen" stll! "love a seudlng of 8 peel(s, Is not equal to tact that jelly can not be made darknesll ratber thaD lfght." "None the extra amount of aeed used; but from sour ch er ries, tbe reaeon so blind os be who ';'111 -nOt II~." tho ~alll of the 8 peck seeding over the ·belng thaI. this II one of the few :s 7 peck, is equal to more than · three fruits contaIning very little p ~ It is 'I!ald there III alwaYI an an ttmes the extl'a seed. -e tin. . dote to be tound IITOwtnc close to a For the latitude Qt Wooster, Ohio. ELMAPERRY 1I'OULK, polson. Thl. III certalnl¥ 10 In"lIle. II the beat time to 80W wheat Is a.llout we I'OO,JIilld ' about UII ' with " Iatent; ' ~. College .of 'Agrioulture, September 21 or 2Z, exceptJDg seaaODa· BhO\lld 111'114 d&IIIplea , eveJ,.ller.... State UniverSitY, when Hessian tty II bad then the, &arAb Qll'Ud.,' '" , ,. ( .e~IJI' ·.hould be a little )~er, T!l18. .




H iv ing


Swa rm.

' is don c' h ,l' fr ight t'! llllI g thr ill with t ill' ... 11. I n : n:o.f A :-; , ) Th e e Xll' lI s ion or lwe culture !Ill a I ~ 1I101l l' . \\'111.' 11 s moke' Is drlv e 1l Inl o a nl l? llllS or adding lO lh A In culUll hus ; hi\'(, throll gh th e l' lItrnIlC.' Ih e b l'C' ~ hc ~ n rapid ly go ing on s in c e It wus ! nt O Il C" ul'glll tllnn g th ems,'I," 's wit h d l' m on BtnU,>u t hat b ee ~ coulll lie DlUll · hCll "')'. age d wlt boul dl 6comfo r t to th e 01' ra· ' !lut with t l1 C' 11I . IIIi with hil inall beLOr, and th a t 0 Ilroflt of f,O pe r ce nt. 111g B. I Is th e 111 05 1 p xpe rit' llc d wltldl a nd eve n more was ea s il y procllrablo. ar e slowe s t to t uke fright . BO wh pl! Bee culture requir es 110 oUllay for th e old beN ' are nil at hO llio It Is lt1 0re lan u upon II'hlch to raise crops, for as dilli cull ouel ta kes more tim !' 10 l'om. yet Ih ere h as bee n 11 0 plant dl s co v· Ile l tI"' lli nil to fill t h£'m 8£'II'(,s . e red I hal 1)I\), s to pla n t for h oo ey I"ur I his r ea s on It Is ll1u r h SD re r to a lone. handl e bees rlurlng th e wnrrnl't< t pa r t She ln kes n olhlng fr om lb e fertili ty of Ihe KolI , but 1;1 Ye s to . 1t one or t he of tlt e dny, or at 11 tlru e wh en thl) g rea t est fertilize r s knowlI , tb e clovers. g r ea te r part of th e old bl'('S nr III w hi ch \' o ulll becom e extinct It it we r e th l! fi eld . Tho ll (>e ~ which om pORe 'IL HWll rl1l Dot tor h er agency In fertilizing the bl oom. No bllLd Is required c'xoel1l II. Br a usually fil le d \l'ltll 1I0lw y tor th e Journ ey w hich tiley expecl to t ul'" fHld Spol on whlcb to place th e blv es. It Is eusy to hundle bees wh e n you they are harmless unless ('r Wlhed or kno w bew. Undoubtedly a bee·keeper ve ry mu ch Irri tate d by th l' anger o r orten g ets slung; It would b e use less oth e rs a nd th e s mell or th e polson . It Ie not absolutcly nec essa r y to to de DY It and It Is scarcely consoling to a n ovice to tell him h e will get used smoke tbe colony of b ees till all th e to helng stung; but ofter a time a bees flll thems e~ves wlt.h h on ey In orbeeke eper really does become Inocu· der to handle them lIafel y, but It 18 lated, afler which, although th e mo- ce rtainly tho safest metbod. An ex p ert may op en a hlvQ wllhout m entary pain may b e sharp, the re aro no disagreeable att er elrects, sucb IlS smoke and without dange r and may handl8 tbe combs and Te turn . them to swelling, etc. The fear of stings I think prevellt8 the hive without ge ttlng a single sting many from liking the work and yet, by being quiet, steady aod fea rl ess. It Is a tact tbat the fe arless aplariat when properly protected with a bee veil and working only In the warm may ott en be entirely unharmed while part or the day and never when otbers a ~d away may .be stung by cloudy . rainy or cold, and wltb the use the very beoB which bls mllnlpulallonl of 0. good smoker, one need ru rely be ang( r. stung. His quiet, d etermined demeanor Is Avoid quick motions, do not breathe his safeguard, wblle lhe uninitiated upon th e m and If there are otber bees strike at tbe ongry bees until they are fiylng about in search of plunder do stung. not lea ve the hive open too long. When you wlsb to open a hive of In case ot accidents the smoker bees If you wish to be perfecUy safe, should be us ed fre ely and It ought to arm yourself with a smoker, COYer be at hand for any manipulation In your bead with a veil and step boldly the apiary. It Is much easier to pre- to the front ot the hive ; .~nd the vent the ang e r of bees than to stop It smoke through tho opening for hair after It has begun . If you mismanage , a mlnule, tben stop and r epeat the OVa colony or bees and rouse their ange r eratlon afte r another halt minut e, or It Is quite like ly that tbls disposition until th ey make a steady hum, whIch wlll remain with th e m for a few daYB. w\ll show thot they ha\'e given up the A bee away from bome, or laden desire to fight. wltb boney, nev e,r volunteers an at· Then open the hive. amoke genlly taCk. This Is 80 well known and so and you may Iltt the combs Olle after established by aplarlsta that If I were another. not wrillog mainly for b eg inners I Many people have kept bees but did would not tblnk of mentioning It. not slIcceed on account of th e worm ThllS, In order to render bees harm- moth, but worms very rarely. If e"er. less It h i only necessary to cause them destroy a colony of bees In normal to 'fill themselv es with bon ey, and thl. condition.






- ,

In the eastern part of the. United Stales are many farms )leeplng trom "ne to several thousan4 hen a and de-voted exclUSively to the production of poultry RDd e88'" tor the marNt. The use (It any ]J!,fl9,~ ~n ~u~ fal'me .Ii..uld be good wlmell' qt l~. u~mt:r. The ~b~t~.oa o~ . ~e br~ed. Uled lin alIcb .PJ~t8 . .. ~re known, tp the wHti\r Jlve ' £be toU~wlp.g . r~ul~' ..~-:\Y~JCh W~nclottel OC~~)" , Am

place, bemg used 00 about twice as ,many plants all any other oDe breed.~ Slnc,le-coJllb White !.Leghorns, Barred" Plymoutl1 Rocks· U!~ '·W.hlte l'lY.lDouU1; Rooke fOllow n ext "\n. 0 - er; .RhOCJ~ -, II~d Reds; . ~lgbt , BrahtnU, Btlir "'. :Wy~do'tte, . BuJr,J~lymo!1tb Rocki., "~"'~~~""'~'•• ,B~wD ...Le'ho~lI~d !itlaeX ~tilb*- .' ~ tb!, othe ' ~JS!. ~', 1lJ" w'licipil ! I1lilorcaa 1IJl~ I\hodei JAIU4 l\edI ., ....p u.~ 011 the 4lCC. I~. '




SAUCE FOR GANDER Indulgent Husband Who Could Not Resist a Practical Joke Tauoht a L~sson. By MRS. D. E. COO PE R.

n ob su ll w .. ~ Il !,:oo d clti;>. ' n, nn In· dul g<"lIt hu >< l,a ll<i, n UOO II CU lIlIJH L\lon; bu t h., l' O"llil'l, ly c;utl ld n u l n 'sl:>t 1\ tJral ' t kal jllk t ,.

I ll s

ThIs Is Lbo b ord or J cr Bo),s 0 0 Lh e Ilariakend e n oelate wblcb will d e nt WIIHon 's tabl e durin g hi s sta) at tbe BUllllD er Wblte H ouse.


Iy tho milk an d butter


(o r

Prp.s l·


\\ 1)(' 0 h(~. on ''''lltfU I!!; dai' , IllItlfI" d h or by \ \ ir d

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th,'l r ' pilOn" tba ' h" had \)rOI(l' lI n leg and could lI ut (:lJIII" tu U" Illarrl ed ; li n d \\ 11' ·11, as Hil l" \\as IIIH I \~ 1 to t.-nrrully di s nri sH th " !!,IH' MtS, I,, · a p\ll' arl'd, j uu · ty, II IICD I' .• "'H'd an ll \\ IIUIl!, it e Illly c r l([leW - ~Ir , ' 1'1\S a I' (t lllllli ur s l' lr ilhOIl" I" 'ar she callie I n t.lI SllIi sslllg him . Tltl II th e r e WIIS tlr .. lim '! lit a t he Ilrcll' lI ue t.l tilal hi s lri ~ l l!r Dor a and her hll 8iJnn d had bel' lI ki ll d In 11 rallroatf II c eid,QJll nuu thnt b e Ilnd ble wlfo wo ulu hu vt.l to n 'llr tbo six c hil· dren . ·· Brutal ly cOHse ," Ait e cllll ed It. M r ~ . Hob so n ue ver laugited a t lI e r hu s band' s juk!)s - not cons id e rIng th e m (ullny - ·sud on on!! particu lar ly gloomy dliY In cnrly sllring, ufte r a aboc k Ibat agg ravated be r ulm ost past en durtln cc, ~ b l' d tlcl ded that he had r each t' d th o limit. "To Wholll It M ay onccrn : Par· tle" are ht'rl'li,' Jlotlfled that I UDl not rcspollslu lo fo t debts contracte d by my wife. "]tonT. \Jon 0).'." Wi th e ycs flll ti hlnK dlul g!) r Hhe das h. ell th' lillie 10('011 pap'·r on the dining ,,,b it> wh ur e Ho be rt had, witb unu s ual good humor, le rt It . ·· So tlt ls is his idea of a jol; e !" Bhe exclalllH'd with cOlll press('d li ps tllat deep"lJ l' u he r d impl es . ··Thls! Well, It Is blM laEt. " I'l l tt'uch him a leRso n he won 't SOOIl f or~ e t. " she conlldC'd to th o hall mi rror il6 s h e vi ciously thrust a bat pin t Il rolll;1r hat and aubu rn t res ses. HhLJr t l ~' ntt e r noon lI olJ so n app carell at hIs s ls t !.' r [lora' H home. Dora was servlns dinu e r ror th o ~ungry chil · dre n. " TcsRie always han gs the foli age plant In th e window IlS a signal fo r mo t o cOlD e borne to din n e r," h e ex·

Th e g r ea l est nttracLlolI or c inRI; day exe r c lSAS a t \"a8 ~ u r ('o l lp.~,>, wilof'RScd by 19~OO Iwrsons, was the ca rrylll~ or t he daisy rnaln by th e fion ho lllortJ cllUls . Twe n ty ·(our or t he ,gi rl s tJUr!! th e ~25 feet ·,r I' ntwln ed daI s ies, on ' ~oot for each or tb e gradu llt C'a at 1913 .





Bobson's hair e toocf on e nd. Wos thIs tb o end of t belr David and Jona. tban II rrectlon 1 And tbrough what gba8tly freak of tortu r a had Tesslo not told hi m! S lx bu ndred dollars! Som e what blind ly ho put o ut his hand. "DOI\'t IOl us quarr!' \' OIllie." h e said Il IIIt1 e t h ic kly . " I will 11:0: It so me wily . I on ly put It In 1111 a littl e jol((> on T t'ijS I £hough t e Vl'rr o n", woultl IlIIO W. l1ath b.. Il I' took h is hU1I 11 ulld tr l>!11 t o h Id, ' t ho "I:o rn III Il ls ' ·Id r ,' : ·AI I rl ~ hl , 1\0 h ; btl t It ti l'" I ~ )"o ur noll ou Of fu n I :'lll so rry for YO ll ,. ·'1"111 "'H) r Ir th" 111 11,' gir l, " he r f'llIrnl d

!-J i lll ply.


H ~ltll b /l n v

Practical Fashions LA D Y'S DRESS.

ll! tt

1"1lI . ,\ I" n e, It If'ult on


I HI ~i I Jt· :"'.S . ;). ", !t;llH l ·U C ' · j'U

g lallc" thro ug h t lt li wlnuow !\ Iong III 111 0 a[I I ' rJI lOl1l1 irl.'


~ 1. 1 \ 'r

Dora ':.: h us l.J ~\n d , 11 !nU n K 'v I-ral rt\'~ B O lJ ci ll ll · ~ ~(,lIi() r , wtl lk",l tlltlu ~ lllrully inlo th" IlIlI e r otllet'. Th (,n g ir Ull thtl be's t o r t l' rlU s, 1I0b ~o n b all " Il rurullnd n '5 p" c t ror t c war \. ·· Tlliij Is baLi, Hobl!rt ," Ba l.1 Ste wu rt, . but it Bcems tbal ro r d (,l'~ ll 'y's s ulle you migbt bn \' 0 t...'lilen so rn e o t her way ." Hob son, th e c hill s pinylll " s portl"f'ly down his s pine, felt what wa s co ming. " Jlut you can't expect Ul O to waive my rl g bt B,' ('on tiuu('d Stewart. Dobson rai sed his head to speak but at hi s vlsltor·s hand , IIrt ed to en joIn slltmcc, he walled. "It Is [lot rlgbt of you ," r esume u Ste wart. " You alwnys lJrn!;g ed, yo u kn ow, even to Dora, thnt T e ssie was tb o bes t dress d woman III lown. I don 't d uy lhllt she Is ; uut I Ole nn t to ge t Dora one o r tw o t bln gS to mak e h e r work lI,; ht er-a new H!! .... lng ma· chine anrI .. ga8 ruuh o, whell you IJaid 1110, and it is bardly faIr th at s ho sbould go wlthoul tllcHe thlnbs In or· d e r t o sallMy T OB.II 's lo\"e for dr t.' ~s , It was $400, you know ." Your hl1ndr ~d ,Iol\ars ! Ind e ed, he did not I(JJOll" . llo11"OIl sp rang rrom hiti cbalr lind pac.·t.l th e sm all Omell, while St('wa rt gr imly walled. 11 0 would not h ~ truy T CHs lo el'e n to tbe family , Lut why , \\11)' ··Man allY !! ," h e c x clnim otl, ''I' ll mnke (t rig h t. Ev e n It It ruins me ," he muttered. ··Hut sco h (! re, Stcwart," he conlinu eel , " 1 only put that ad In for a joke. " " \\·ell. I bopc you will (' nj 0 Y It," r eturn e d Sli~ wart ullfeelln g ly.

Hobs on ,,"u s Rlunu ed. " lJu s in oss ca n SO to thllnd !' r, " ~nl tl h o be t w ('~ n hIs

A gracdu l dp slgll , bot b waist lind s lll rl c ln ~i ll g In rrunl. The waIst baa a r ClIl(J\' uill" t;ll l' ml ti,t te aud an oma· mf'lliul clI ll u r and r~ \"(: r H . dro p ehoul· fit' r 1\1111 I. ii I; or s h" r t slp~\'es. The two ·pl. ,cu skirt Is s lll';llIl)' drllped at th · s lu es or lhe rrollt pall c i. Brocad. f'C1 or plai n c r e pc n nel silk , rati n a , lln · en. \'ollt,. ba Us t r alld o th er BOft fahrl es will make up wl~ 1I in t hi s sty le. Tho dr!'B s 11attp rn (62 :)9) Is cut In s lzps H 10 42 Ill c hl's bu s t measure. JII NIlulll al1.!' rCQulr es 4 yard3 of H Inch lIlate rlal . '1'0 pror ure t1"~ l1Glle rn Mnd 10 c"n~ t o " r' nll ~'rn n "' ,lurlmt: lIt , " o r thl8 puper. Wrlle 11 3 1110 /I n, j "d,jr"H~ pll1lnty, nnd ~ ..

tm re to

..:: lVG

tll 'lt! and

uUlollt! r


plllln cd, "and 1 t e ll you wbat, Dad e, I·m af raid to go bo rne, Co r she ~a8 n ~t s ibna led me today. Gu ess s be I; a bJt IIpset," be lau gbe d a lilli e Iam oly, "a bo u t tbe ad-just did It to get a lit· tl e joke on h er, you know ." '·1 don' t know wbat you mean," r eplied bu s y Dora, " but I did h ope, nob. that you would set ll e down' wben yo u were married . You are twenty· fiv e now , and I dcclare, a ct i ·lth no 11101'e jud gme nt than. my own Rob, who is loss t ban balC your ag e. " ·'The re s be Is now! " call ed \Jo bson, pu lling Dom to tb e window . "M a d I<' ormer Confede ratos Illte ndlng tb e Battle or Gettysburg CJ!lebratlon a;; 0. Mllrc b bare. Cee! but she looks naturally flock to tbe hous e s hoWJl In tb e pbotograph , for It wae o ccupIed as tin e In tbat n e w s uit" h e adquarters by General Lee durIng tbe great contll ct. It stands on tbe "The boa In a beauty," r epli ed DorL Chambersburg road. " It shows off well wben she walks." " Yes, she 1s mak ing tbe fur fly, 80 to speak," chuckled Babson. "I say, Dode, just give me some dinn e r wltb th e kids. I'U get non e at bome to· day," Along In tbe nfte rnoon, WlII Rath· S enator IBaac Stephenson or Wis· bone oC Rathbone, Sntton & Streets, consln, tIfe oldest me mber of the UJl· calQe Into BobsoD's omce , "Good boy, Billie," calle d the e ITe r· per houae, bad just celebrated hIs elgbty·flrst blrtbdaY_'h e n this lillaI" vesce nt Babson. " You look like Fo:J:e's 'Book of Mart yrs.' Anything happened shot was made. to tbe borse?" " It's about the advertis e ment," lSald Will hesltatlngly. MARGHERITA OF ITALY Bobson leaned back and laugb ed uproariously. " Tbe best ever," he OI· claimed . "But 1 gue ss Tess Is mad," saId he, sobe ring somewhat. "I wanted to say," contlnucd Ratb· bone. uns m\li'ngly, "tllat you can bard· Iy expect to be · unaccountable for the debts contracted beCore the noUeD ~as pu blisbed." Rathbone, noting the look of dumb astoni s hm e nt on Bobson's face, added: "I lIato to spe ak at It, Dob, but we are In ror about $600, and can 11\ alford to lose it. You know 1 am s omewhat In debt-my w1fEi's father, you under· Ito.nd. The new department waa my Idea, you know. So Sutton & Streets blame me, tor I waa the one to let the account rUDi knowing you and Tessie ao well." " Bobson rose, In 0: towering panlon. "Rathbone, I:f YOIl Bay another word; I'll throw ,you .o.uL" _. Rathbone Itraiathened perce1itlblY.·



"I bUdt, thiDk 10, Doblon, ·nltt. , a mom8llt.; are't:~ Rememb"er,

lOll tried tht ,on me at lRIhool;';lO~ 16 ,... ~, Uul f1 dJ4D'~' 110ft Jut


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~ '\I.'

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cle nr; hf'd t eet h, a s flinbl ng on h is ha t NO, 6259. SlZIt ........... . ... _. and coa t bo went by tb e baclt WilY t o hi s bome. Fitldlnll tb o hou se locked NAML: ....... _ ...... .. .. .... . .... . ... . . ~ ••• bo enterd by the way oC tb e cc ll tl r - u. TOWN .. . . .. _......... ... ..... .. ..... .. .. _. trick thnt h o k ll ew. "Tess, T ess ie, girl !" b e cu ll e d lo ud· STRKET AND NO .. ........... . . ...... ... . Iy, so ftl y, plead In g ly, as he sear ch ed ST ATE . .•••• _•••••• _ ••••• _•••••••••••••• • _. 'ach nook or the tiny houso. Goin g lo the tele phone be rang up bis wife 's moth e r. LADY ' S MATERNITY SKIR T , "Slle's not h e r e," was tb e c urt r eply, and he b en rd th o click of th e r eo celver as It was bung up . Dismayed, he slood motion les s. T ess· moth e r was clearly vexed at h im . She, wbo had alw a ys ta ke n hi s part-the n be was Ind f'c d forlorD . For botlrs be walked tbe Iloor o r flun g hltnse l f g roani ng Into a c hai r to wall ao d 10 pla n how to \lay a debt o f $1,000 whl!n h e had In\' cs t!!d a ll that hi8 bU wo uld permit In tb eir lit· I I t ie paradise of a home. G081 Wh e n th e midnight train fr01l1 Chi· cago pUIl NI In lo th e IIltIe s tall on , \lobso n, who baLi hlt h"no b{'l) n lI~ h n11led t o show hIIllS('Ir, wus m ad ly Iluci ng t he platfo rm , qu cstiollillf; tl parly of r eo tllm e d th"at!' r 'goNs, th e onl y pas sen· {! e rs 10 ge t off, whetber his wife had beE' n o n th e !"ra ln . "Yes sh e ba s Il'ft m e, a nd I richly des rv ~ It," h e r.:Jutt ('red as be r eo turned home a nd stagg e ~d blindly Into the hOll so. Haggard and ,worn be r eac h ed bls home and swi tch ed all Thla ~ kirt ma y b e usod wIth ~e pa., tb c li ght. ra t o walRts, or lIIay form IJa rt of & "You' re out late, Dob bi e," said a. co mpl"l o cu s tulIl e wh e n com bin ed . voIce, sleep ll )', a nd !lobson sta rted and with n wa ist of th o so m e fabric. 'fUB almost crIe d ou t fro m she e r nervous skIrt Is comfo rtab le a nd s tYlls b bGexhaustion. sldc. all s we rlllh adrnlrn bly tbe pur. ·' T ess, g irl! ' li e crI e d, d ropping on p oso fo r whic h It Is Inte n ued. Tbere Ills kn ees and dasplng lh e ~I ee py bun· Is nn e xtrn le ngth at th e top for ad. - di e CIt lacey whlte ne8s a nd vainly jU RLlu g lind t h u baCK \.lanel Is de tach. seek ing h e r face , whlcb seemed hId· abl e . den by tb e abundant auburn h a Ir, "can T~ e patlt'Tn (RO S I ) Is cut In slzel! you eve r fo rgIve mo? I d idn 't know 2~ t o 30 In c h e8 wnl s t m easure. SIz8 tbat you ow ed anytbing. On my so ul. I 24 lDf'aSUrC8 2% ya rd s a t lower ad!., I dIdn 't. It was one at my cursedly and r eq uires 6 1h yards or 36 Inch mao IdIotic j ok es, It Is my last, you may t e rlnl. To prO<"ur8 lhlo P'Itlern sen,l 10 "8n«be sure." "Y d mind '· tho sUm to "Patter n Dc~,a rtm e nt." o f thle pape r . es , e ar, never Wrlto nU nJo and add re•• pl :llnl y, !lntl bit hand pas81ng lovingly through his haIr ... ro t o J;lvu . 1. 0 IlntI numller or pattern. -"and, Bobble, boy, shu tri ed to raised tbe bow ed h ead, "I don 't o wo NO. 6081. SIZE . ........ . .. . _•• _ a cent!" "Tess!" The burd e n of years NAMI.: ... ....... ........... ..... . . ....... _ see me d llfte d from hlB soul. " Oh, but TOWN . .... ..... . . ... ..... . . . .... .. . ........ I shall make Rathbono and Stewart smart Cor this!" 8TR El~ T AND NO ... .............. . ... _ " Why, Bobble Dobson!" she ex· STATE ..... _ •••••• __ ••••••• _ _.••.••••• _. claim e d, naiv ely aggrieved ; "that was a practical joke!" (Copyrig ht, by Dally 8tory Pub. Co.) Needed a Compaaa. "Muvver, I wlsb you wouldn't malla Died From Eating Too Fast. James Gregory of Queena dIed Bud· Dl8 any more trouser8 out of tarver's old 'uns I" "Why, what 's lhe matter denly the othe r day . An ambulance with 'e m?" "Wby, they're so bIg I surgoon expressed belief that deatb 'ardly knows wevver I'm goln ' to bad rosulted from atrangulat1on, caus· achool or comln' 'omo agnln!" ed by too rapId eating and inadequate mastication . . Simplified, Gregory. who was n years old,went TlIe drlvor oC an automobile Is call· to Manning's hotel for dinner. When ed- a clIaul'feur by tho se who ride hair through t-he m eal he collapsed. He with him, hut wbat pe destrians call waa carried to a drug store and a telehim is /L whole lot casle r t o spell. phone message was sent to St. Mar)"a hospital, Jilmalca, for an ambulance. Like an Initiation. Doctor Stark found Gregory dead "Was the brIdegroom timorous dUJ\ when be a.rrlved.-New Yoi'll Tribune.. Ing tbe cerem ony?" "Not a bit. You see be has taken a gTeat mnny lodge Too LIte, degreeB," "There wall one aport the Rom .. II mob a at the CQlIseum millsed'"' Wobbly. "What wal that!" "What I•.-lour attitude 011 tbe- tal' . "KtlIlng baiiebail umpire." 11r'T" ··,' :iometblng," replied SenatOl Sorghum, "like tbat of a maD lI'lao .. , . The Plain T"'t", a tight rope," "Wu Jour· friend aulretlq ~bell I . ." blDi,trom COD~Y~ .,~_ 80","' ,Studl...' , iIOnar'" ,I ,"_ , . , . , . ';'no JOU Ulte fOil!' vertical lI'rltlgt'T. , , . 1IIf6i , . "i pMII&' o~ ~~~.. . I,..


"So This lEI His Idea of a Jokel "





"' ._._ .. ___ _ _



..... o

Per80nal Mentionl : .-._----_....-.....-....---.-. I ~_




Tell million dollars a year for 10 }' t'ar:l .lo be spent f or flood prevenare I: i 'htli llll oj.l kltlS, sr " is III Dayton ti on in the Ohio Valley is included in Saturd ay, July 19, 19 13, is I positively th e .~ a com prehensive flood prevention last day to pay Taxes. If you mall check o r ... \ : : " t i l I , \ ( 1I: r : \ III Cil t . III I \ (, I ,til (l: HI, I today , uil l introduced in the Senate Monday money order on Saturday, I will accept it. If \I ,., :. '" !'! , :, II, I! II' 11: l l,:~I' '.ll ll "i l l l i, I: \ ' . Bal'Ill,al't I\', I~ in Cincin nati uy Senator F, G, Newlands, of mailed later, I cannot, a nd your taxes will b e •• :::::::;:-=r Nl' \'ada. 1T n l'" b,\' , .s ' "'1 ,-. n A A -A . '" returned delinquent. Yours' respectfully, New lands, who is the father of the \ ... ~ to ~ 6- to- L-- .1.. A \, ; ,. 1':1111, Zt,lJ an ll ' F. C. Carpy IY !'l'e rC'clalllation act, for years has been ill X "Il ia TlI C;l1 :a~', Iii Il llllllllll i",j l"I " (01 wo rking on a plan for nation wide / flood prevention . and the bill intraTreasurer Warren Co., Ohio. !'I li ::;s Nelli e ,Iordan i:3 entl'l'ta ini ng duced today is his measure introa t'l'Il'llti Cl'lml Ch i ca~o. duced in previous Congresses. modi.\\ -lil.l, 1 , II r lll'-I ' ' I I I ' l';l \' ,II.Jt , ,II :t1 1 '1 f f fled and broadl'ned as the result of 1 t I ~ l ' a l' .\ "II "rt. 1O l.!'blllH>I I, W<IS I les<lon s taught uy t he Hoods in the I 1:Ik· ,11 0\ 111" , I ltl l ,' I ~ \\11111'1 11 it\(,lItiJi( ': II ill I "" II tlii ,. , murllillg' , Obio Vall ey Imit spring. 11<1( 11 1<' \ (1 11.[ \ 'I oill "111 1 - 1).:11 ,l,iI[, ' , . \ !( ' ]I:I)-al,1l' I.'rank !\l 0111 g-llmery , of Franklin , It a pprolJriate8 a total of $60.ill Iltl.: 1I1 1111l'Y ,, ( :111\' l'(JIllII ry in t Itt.' wo rld. ............................................. ,..,.. Ohio . W:ls in town toriay , 000,000 a year for 10 ,'ears. of which $ 10 ,000 ,000 a year goes to the Ohio Il , S, lI owell was a bU<liness visitor Valley and t he same amount t o the ill th e QUl'en City Tu esday. Lower Mississippi Vall ey. Other huge appropriati ons are provided for The Grange will meet in regu lar ' flood prevention and water-power se,;s'lJn Saturday night. Everybody develop men t in the d rainage basins ~l ENACE TO BRITISH NATION Do not miss the opening date and the big l'OIl1(' , of the Colorad o and other great tariff debate between Dr. S. D. Fess and r:ls t eri n g of the U"fi t II Increasi n g Western rivers . Dr. Ta tc und Earl Everly, of Daythe Numbor of Degenerates, Hon. Chas. L. Swain, Speaker of Ohio 8ay& Authority, lon , 'prusscd th rough lown ea rly this I 'Oln ey ~ipe Wa ter Melon s House of Representatives. Every day a UPHOLSTERING WORK morning' , ... big day. ~ Tn 1111' 1',1.< ['- 1ill:': n ( Iii , IlI lIil 1' l'oF. fanc\' ,SWl'C I Catalo upcs A, L. Hendrick ha!il returned and Cur \' ( : d " lIll ~I I ' ~ 111 1' 11 11'11;,\,1' of Mis.... WinifreJ Maey is spending Pine Apph:!>, Lemons, Oranges, i ~ ready to do your upholste ring and I ~ fill II 1',' " f 11>1' I\ ntl~h II 111111. a week in Co vington. Ky ,. the gue~t Applcs repair work. Old varnish removed III 'P I ~;'-' Illt'rJ' hIl s Ul'I '11 11 11 cx of relati ve:!, and refinished. 1 am also prep!1red l1 ,) rtlllllll'\' f,, 11 II I ti l" IIII' ll , rai" of New Crcam Chcese, New Honcy Have you ever tried our Classified Ad I ' Jl Il' I'\' I'Il'I"II'111 1,111 '''''' 111I'11I<iilw !'III'S, P.unict! Frame. of Kichmond. to make and repair your auto and Strkl Iv I'ure I'uri s Grec n. Chick ea rriag'e tops, All work guaranteed. 1 ',) f (, "-II \1I>1I 1" " '1,1" all.! 1 11' 1",.;1 Ill~~ ha ~ IJll.;! n th e gue~ t (If relatives here a /lll . 1l <:' 11 Fecd, Coarse anJ Column? They bring good results, Call and see him at the upper end of I -.1lIf' :111·1 "l-il l,.,1 11I". ,I.: IIIi", hil t f .. r ~l' \' 'ra l Jay ~, Fill e r rat:!\I:d Co rn , Mai n street , in the old c,rriage as everybody knows. \ Ih nil f ll il ill~ " If ill II", illl' l't ' a~I' "f Special for Fril!a) a nd Saturday ' / \' in( llJl lIl'l ·t l ' 11I , '1 I dt ~ I "/1" wl l t l :'III'S, V;aller Smith an d :lon, Edgar. works. ..-. '" llt lll lll ll' f., ' "I d 1'1' 50 doz. Colgate's Fine :lr'vi"iting he r :; i~ter, Mrs. D. n. , . 1,, 011, \' irollIS CON OUCTING MEETING I !!'ut III,d I, ·):, 1:,11',", lI el msletil'r . of Lima Toilet Soap Wt!l' O il i"I'; lIoi l'wrl"lll\' ,, 'i d ~lJ rMrs , Eli zabeth War d, pastor of ::;,,1.1 <'\'er,\'\dll'r~' a t Ilk a ('ake, 1 :VI r~ , Ma linrl a Sherw()od, of Xenia, 1 'l':l 1 lIiJ h~\' 1' "1111 101 "01 d, :r",'li\'I" I ~ p e<:'al \lnl' l' 1,,1' :! Jays only the Friends church, is condu cting a \\' as th e Sunday ~ uest lIf Mr. and I ,'O ll l(' 11ll1" '1I1" I... 111 , ' \ 1" 111 hli l,,'rllJ ten , nays Pentaeostal meeting at 7 cents a Cake \ . ~II'S , Ii. H , \Villialll sun , I 'l.n rll ll,' J, d, 1: '" II ~ II,.JI \I'"II -IIIiI' Il 'l\{idgev iew Park, Millwood, Po.. She 3 C akes for 20c When purchasing silver-'; • I J\(;t.~ II '; Ih,' pr .. hd. ,II"" "I' ..1,,101 1,,i ~ e xpE~cted home this week some Nltw i:< II,!' lilli c to lay in a sup~lr, !lnd Mr,;, Archer Hartsock. o f 1,,,1', (,01111'111 ,,, 1'.1 " ,IIII ':ll i"lI Il lld fr,· \! ware remember that in I time. ply at Ie,;,; tha n wholesail' Dayton . were gueRts of J . L. HarlJ' I'I'llkfu !'ls I/I X Ih., ""1',,101(' r, .r tllc silver plate no nam.~stands pric .. ". Huc k and family Sunday. 1"! IIl'Ht Ilf Ih l' ill( IIllll",ll'!1 1 lI11d idl(' ACC EPTED OOOD POSITI ON for higher quality or greater Il pays to trad e at I' ld 1Illike 1,:11'.1,, 1' Ihl' I.ringi ll g' lip of \Varner ' De vitt. of Cincinnoti, i~ ~ than rbe redurability Bert Hartsock left last wel'k for I IC fu III il y "I' tilt' illd 11,:1 r ill "" wilhout the g UC:l l of his ~()thel', Mrs, Lina Morrow, Ohio, where he has secured ,'iticoura!!'ing th l • n'l'l'tldllt'li(lll of nowned trade mark 2 STORES IJ l' vitt. and other rela tives here. 3 position in a flouring mill. He has I 'lose wh o~(' ~ l lI lIdnf'(l of I'lirelltu l obI !!'A I'i('n H is ('~ II"' III PI \' 1,)\\, the po:s ition of forl'man, and his - ---~-------------~,1i ~~e:; Cwendill en a nd Margaret many 1fri end s here are congratula' To a\'l' r!. ll a l iollai 1'1111 1, ,'c'nnnn:i L' ~1~ ITnl, of Mt , Holly, N J. are vis- tin g him on his good fortune. f.lctors lIIlI. 1 he lllt c,lIil'l' flti y n'adAsk your d e ale/' to show _ _ _ _ - .. _ ,---"i,it ing their aunt. Mi ss Kezia Merritt . Bellbrool{. j IIsh·.] ~" U~ t" 1'1',;(111'\' R, ' I'I~( ' IIO;I u t' I he you the various exquisite li t ill pin el' or ,l i,;a,.;t ro\l>; ~l'! "I 'l io ll or NOTICE pitt t ern s in which the t he un lit. Th (: Illarryinl-: of at:!uul Wall e I' Whitacre and da ll~htel' Mr , and Mrs H , L, Hou sh . of "Silver Plate That Wears" d" generales IIIII S!. be forl.iddpn , amI Mis:! Re\' a , \'isiled hi " falher at thi :! Payton, are lhe guests of Mr. and Hartsock Rros. have just had their can be had. The wide latif,lI.:ial legislal iulI, pl,ilulltbrol'i e d- place last Sund ay . 1111'S, Henry Satterth waite and fa m- !oven overhaulp.d and Bre now pretude for choice in knives, fli rt, rCg'lllatiu ll of indu ,; trv IlIlel COIIlHarry r cnewil. . who ~as been ily, pared to bake nearly twice as much f<;lrk.s, sr!0ons and fancy Illcree and uth r r ulld ert aki ngs ~ holll , I poor ly for ~Olll e t ime, with blood l\1 r!;, J . E . Jan ney and daughters bread and can bake any kind of servIng pIeces assures satis100 consi rlcred ill 1'1.'Iat i.,11 ttl th,~ir I'os- pOI:-lon L nue Iia, , and for 8pecial occasions . faction to every ta...te. , wa~ tak en to st., ' Elizabe th E(i nalam " Mrs . W . E . fancy ('akes "i Gle l'tred on 111 0 lla Liolial UI'l'\'(1. hoslJltal at Da} ton 1a~t I' nday. 0' Neall we re !:lhopping in Dayton - - I I Sold by leading dealers Better than Ilny Ill ill iolill in,'rj iJeneHo rn to Mr, a no Mrfl , .1talph Hop - Tuesday. ICE CREAM SOCIAL everywhere. Send for cataf action, it i~ 1.'0 (1I· ll1 th·d, wOllld he n killS a fine ~on, 10gue "C~L," all Mr. and M rs.~. Allen and daugh · An Ice Cream Social will be held well arlmilli cll,rt'd ('lllloWIlll'lll cnMiss Ma ry Edward s v i ~ it ed rela· designs. .. ter. of Washing ton, C. H " were on Wm. Guthrie's lawn, Saturday I1h ling ~o und >lilt! ('lll'uhlu Pt'l'SUIl S in ,t ives a t Franklin la>lt Sunday . , IMERIDEN BRITANNia co. lIlarry early ami Gri ng lip ll\rg~ f lLlUi- ,Mrs. Ralph Mount IS on !he Sid, guests of Dr , and Mrs . J , A, McCoy evening', July 19, 1913 for the benefit O_ODal su.u 0... 11_ . ) , hst. last week. of the Owen's church. Everyone .""DII"_ ca ..... - --- . - .. - - - Miss Mi nni e Und e rw ood. who ha ~ come. ... Many pol itil:al friend s \.)1 ' of Dr. A 8U" of U ,~ 50,O OO lefl, b.y Elen r y been sick fu r Borne li:lIe, di eJ at her Invlntors, Take Heart. flllcn uto is t\) iJe u~erl for buil ,liu g I home lasl Wed nesday mornin g of a Fes;; and Mr . Swai n wi ll be at the Every lnvenUon which blUl pro~ ' nnd endowing an Inst ituti vrt for compl icati on of diseases. The fu- Antioc h Chautauqua to hear the beneficial to mankind haa In the fir•• neral was held lrutt Friday afte:noon great tariff deb'lte July 19. ol>noer sufferers In London Inlltanee been treated .. worthlea •.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I at the PresGyt<!rian chu rch, of which Sir GU:bert Parker. Miss Ella Henry, of Toledo, and she was a mem ber , and buria l wa g Mi ss Jessie Hamilton, of Portland, - -- ----+---made in BellLrook cemetery . Mrs. Chas , Brelsford en te rtained Or!:! " were g uests of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn HunstoD, of A. Maflit several days last week.

L If you

contemplating a Trip










'lIntiocb Cbautauqua ..... Neff Park, Yellow Springs, Ohio July 19-27

.... Waynesville National Bank ....










----- --------


. .




"1841 ROGERS BRas.-T~~("




This Paper USES THE

Special Newspaper Auxiliary Service OP THE

' Western Newspaper Union (Clncl nnatl, Ohio.

H.-a nd»

Th. Lara •• t Publi.hinlr Houl. in tb. World Read tho


R!lec lal nn<1


Illu:.tra. t ed t Giltllff' t; ~ ~ CU I't~ t.I ("xelusive ly to r uur rI.! ', i1l.: l "S. print-

ed on th e I08ldl' p ogo. In e3ch Issue 01 th l. nO"'" IlOlJ er ,


Ordinance No. 73

Xenia, ..and Miss Audrey Long, of Centerville, also Mrs . Chas , Bow l e~ and daughter Mary, of Freeburg, III .. last week Misses Helen and Hester Conner, of Dayton , arc \' iRiling relatives here t hi s week. James Tumel- a nd family, of Springfield. a re vi~iti ng his parent s here t his week, Howard Bo rt on is viHiting his grandpar ent:! at Elea zer this week, 1. F. Weav er and sons have ~ tarted out with their threllhing mach ine, the wheat crop is fa irly good . yielding- fr om 25 to ;{O bu , tlel' acre,

The Xenia Masonic Club. will hold . ' their annual outmg and plcmc on the , J I 23 Th . ey AntIOch Chaulauqua u y ' h b' t expect to ma k e th IS t e Iggea Mas"v nic picnic ever held in central Ohio.

I will continue to do Roofing an4 Spouling at Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home,

An OL'tIlnance t.o nlgnlatl!' the keeplolr of .... Ioe and other anlmalll .... Ithln the corporate limit/< 01 the Village !If Wayneav\lle, Ohl". ' Section No. 1. no It ordaloed by the ('ouneU of the village of Wayn6llvllIe. Ohl . That It shall be unl ....ful for .oy pel'800 to keeps\\'I~,e 10 Imy peo. or otherwise In said vlllB#ll, any or other anlmalll "" that tbe same

or phone 24-2X , and I wIll estimate with you. ,J,



~~a~l~i~~gea~~~\~gof ~~na~I~~'~~ tr~J,Ut~:~

pllblie. Soctlon No : 2, Any pel'800 violating any 01 the pl'Ovlsioll8 of thlll ordlo.nCtl shall upon ,'ou,'letton thereof be lined In any .um not I'_____________________________..l exceedlnlg IIfty dollars ( 16 0.00) or Imprisoned not more th.n ten dar.. or both. Section No. a. Tb s ordinance shall take elTect and be 10 lorce from the earlleat date ..Uowed by law. Pasl8d at council chamber. thlll tbe lOth u Oet All the News Through the Miami Gazette dllY 01 July A. D. 19la, v A , B , Chandler, J . 0, Cart .... rlght. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maftlt were in Olark. Mayor. Harveysburg Tuesday evening at,!!2!!l tending a session of the Pythian Sis· ters, Ice cream and cake were ~,,,,,~~~,,,,,,,,~~~,,,,,,,,,~ served after the meeting , Th e M·Isses Margare t and V'Irg I'nl'a Vandervoort of Wilmington Ohio , ' .' are spending some time wit h their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Van. dervoort and family.


Iy. .


'1 ~

Capt. and Mrs. N. A, Fulton, of • Xenia, Miss Anna Dalvell, of Wash- ~ ington, D. C., Rev. and Mrs. 'J. F . Cadwallader were guests Tuesday of the Misses Annie and Marne Brown.





Enterprise Bldg.,

Thursda,y evening the band will g ive a selected concert at !:! o'clock a t the band stand These concerts are becoming very popular on ilccount of the popuiar class of music


$ ~







Waynesville, Ohio.



.... ....-..-................






M. <2. Liddy arrived home Saturday evening from Gettyshurg. He ~ stopped on the way home at Lebanon _ where he spenta week with relatives. ~ Mr, Liddy says he had the time of his life at the old battle ground , Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Taylor, of ~ Chicago, spent a lew days last week with M1'8. Edith Harris and family on their, way - to New York and they will sail the 19th on the "lmperator," for En~land. where they'







" -

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' . \·S -" .'


" _

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~ "


a •



.. ' .


, .

. ,_ ';i;;,'; ~.~

'. _ . "

:~!.W tour~he ,c ountry byauto./.~"~~..,,~~,~~:. . . ~ _ _~ ""-c" ,",,",,,",' -


~. -'"


.. ~

Sixty-Fourth Year



...... -----~.........-...

Former Citizens




vey, Owen, Mqlrie, Steven, Adalaide, Harry, RUBBeIl, Mildred. Robert and Ina Burnet, Rue and Helen Dinwiddie, Milton, Emma and Warren Keys, Amos. Ella, Ruthemrna and Marpret Cook, also the followinr gueets: Thomas and Cordelia Sherod, W. B., Lucy and Wilferd Squires, Charley, Lutie and Orville Cornell, Boward Triasel and Ethel Graham.

The I. O. O. F. lodlr8 ioalalled their officers for the last half of the year 1913, la"rt Thursday evening. Tbey were &H fonowa: Homer Carey, N. G., Geo. D. Mills, V. G., Thos. Pierce, R. S., Chas. C. Strouae, Treu. The appointed officen were, L. Nich01eon, R.~. N. G .. W. P. Zen, L. 8. N . G.,


C. M. Reynolds, R. S. V. G., Chu

• -c- _

ST. -MARY'S CHURCH Burnett, L. S. V. G. H. H. Kfng, . Warden. Sam'l Smith, Con., Frank The lOth Sunday after Trmlty July Smith, ChaplaIn, G. C. Hartaoek, R. 27. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m.; S. 8., Wm. Graham, L. S. S ., Wm. Mlmon and Holy Communion at Graham, L. S. S, Heber Smith, l. 10:30. G., A. Maffit, O. G. Except for Sunday School· St. - - ••- - Mary's church will be closed during COPIED FROM OLD DIRECTORY AUlrust. Sunday 8ehool as usual every Sunday mominlr at 9:80. With one or two exeeptiona all the Union service on School Campus 280 nantes Biped to fraudulent next Sund&,Y. at 7:80 p. m. Greene county referendum ,etiUons To all of these services you are are of persoJl8 residiDg in Xenia. invited. Parties there are aaUsfied that • ~. ,etiUons were copied from an old 8ab90rlbe for 'be YI"mi QueUe I city directory. _

r--~--;e~-~:~:: Fire .--- ------- - -.- .




~---------. .' A~ about 8 o'clock Friday evening in flames. There were alllO fannin. a dlBaatro~s fire occurred on the implements, wBlrona, etc •• ani alot . f&tm lately purchased by Frank of corn deetroyed. Braddock, and occupied by E1 Simp. Mr. Simpeon h&d turned bis hora. n. out to paature early In the .... --in.", -. _ lIO The Simpsona were IUrpriaed on and fortunately there wu DO 10. of looking o}lt to see the bam on fire. li.e stock. \ __ They rulibed out and foun.d the ~ay The blaze for half an llour lit up mow In flames. ~ thil time neigh · the c~untry round about for milal, bol'8jbepn to aUlve. but the flam.. but did not lut long, as everything were 80 fierce that no one could ven- burned rapidly. ' . tUJ!e near tQ it. . The entire 1081 will be about f4OOO, The barn, tobacco shed and two. with an lnauranee of '1100. maid... cribs wer.e entirely con8\lmed. i a bl. 1_ tor tbeee two ireDtleba;tn had 30 Willi QfbAy It andl.!JUIII! .-~. ~ ,~ fire '. w.. Iqppoeecl~j' Mr; Br,ildock and,lb. . ""'Itart.ed~ , 'Oier...b~:~ .• ~ut' ~ 'to tbanli l.t.heIl" . ~bOn ""'tto.daof.wIieiat"~ ·~e .the. :tiDMJ, · uIi~.· ~ tobM . . . . tbat·. "...... " ",up ·tIWiD. :~ . ' ~








·.-----_-..-. ------:------1 Socia I Events ... _-


Bethiah Mosher, daughter of Rob~.-.......---,..".,--~-ert and Edith Mosher, was born at Mr. Lep Steinfels. of Cincinnati. Car.ington. Ohio, 3rd month. 3rd, has purchased the Haller & Haines day 1831 and departed this life 7th clothing Rtore in Xenia. Allen month. 13th day, 1913, aged 82years. Haines will probably stay with the 4 months and 10 days. She waa married to Robert F. concern, where he will be pleased to Furnas 9th month, 23rd day, 1853 see all of his Waynesville friends. with whom sht' lived until biB death twelve years ago. Since that tim · d f M ahe has made her home with her Warren coun t y f flen s 0 rs d g hte AmoB Hamish, of Springfield . will aTu0 th~ . brn oelg ' ht . 18 umon were be very Borry to know that ahe 18 chl'ld M F F f . , II '11 Sh f I reno ary . rame, now (, crltlca y I. e ormer y was a W '11 Ob' Seth W F 'd f W '11 d h d aynesvi e, 10, • umas· real ent 0 aynesvi e. an sean Olvera, f R' Ca I'f . E ' F. I ornaa, umce her . husband recently celebrated Fram f R' h d I d Id . e, 0 IC mon, n., an d Rob etrH.' F urnas.o fA" t helr go_en _anmversary. _ • _ ••_ _ _ rlzoma, be'109 the only survivinlr ones. BURNET REUNION Her life WBI one of perfect lim. - After weeks of anxious waitinlr pllcit!. She wu always ready to the day for the Burnet reunion ar- help In every hour of trouble. All rived Sunday July 20 The weather reform movements enlisted her , . man could not have beeD more gen .., y m path y, b u t th . e pro h'b'f I I Ion 0 f erous in furnishing ..n Ideal day. IOtemperan~e, claimed her mOlt are The host. Steven Burnet, auisted dent attention. Truly It can be lIBid by bis family had made their pleas- of her .he did what she could and ant new home a most fitting place he~ removal. leaves a vacancy to for the joyous occaaion and the en- ~hlch her fnends can only be recon· tire day was a most enjoyable one. ctl~, by remem~ring t~at though Such gatherings are bathed in an abe IS no longer With us m the outelement of love like a fine ether ward, and the frail vesaells broken, More kindness than Is spoken i~ yet the released Irlorified spirit will shown and all rejoice in being per- hold forth its light to encourage and mitted to be together. Fond mem- strengthen us to do what we . can to ories awake in the heart and plans help .forward all thlnp In which ahe for future achievements are laid. was Inter~ted, for the betterment At a late hour good byes were ra- of mankmd. She waa I18ved the luctantly IBid but all look forward trials of a Ilngering iIIneas and ~e to the following reunion which is to loss ?f. needed facultiM, her mind be held at the home of Mrs Huldah renaamJnIr clear to the end. Burnet. Those pr88(nt we~ B. F., The last evening ot life ~he Sarah and Carrie Mill. . Will and was able to Ir"eet ber fnenda, WIth Ruth Pine Frank and Minnie Cole- her usual warmth of feeling and reman, And~r80n, Mary, Thelma and ques~ U8 to en~urage the faithful Lela Ellil, Effie, Lawrence and Nellie readmlr of ~he Bible. Rooney, Gilbert and Trena Jameson . . She m~lllfeated such a motherly Grace Cornell, Huldah. Walter, Cliff Interest In the word that had been and Charley Burnet, Sherman, Lucy. received from her 1Ot:18 and grand. William. Alvin, Laverne and Rhea children in the .far Wellt, and ex· Dyke, Forest. Blanche, Mildred and ~re8!le<1 her JrrBtitude for the bl... Kathryn Graham, Lydia Ann Gorden log that ram~ to her Utrough her Sarah, Ernest, Stella and Burnet dau¥htH!l. . Botter,orth LaUI'll Sparra Homer Our HreatC'llt deeire 18 to follow • and Cheater' Bu~et, F. A', Lena, her exam,;" in earnest labor ~d Ross Alan and Helen Hartsock thlt charity wldch was the crownlDJr Harl: Emma. Alvin and Doria Bar: virtue of her Iir~ ______


Whole Number 3221



Vernon II artsock. aged 39 yeat·s. son of Mr and Mrs. S. V. Hartsock, died at his home in Spring Valley, T hursd ay evening lI;t 12 o'clock. an illn ess of two weeks. The Mrs. Harvey Guslin has been quite after f uneral was held Saturday afternoon ill. from the home of hb parents in There will be no band concert this Spring Valley . Mr. Hartsock wa~ well known in Waynesville. and week. . several from this place attonded the W. N. Sears was In Dayton Tues- funeral. day on blJsiness. . Mrs. W. C. Cornell died suddenly Mrca . LI' ndl ey Men d en ha II was I n. . Dayton Thursday. of .heart dlse~se at hpr home m Lytle Friday even109 abou ~ 10 o'cl ock· Ellis Stokes. of South Lebanon, is Mrs. Cornell was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerll. and viaiting relcltivCl here. is survived by her husband and a Mrs. Sue Haines visited relatives brother. The funeral took place in Dayton last Thursday. Munday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 't her late residence. Interment was MiSB Mary Davis has been qut e made in Miami cemetery. akk. but is improving now. - -- -SAYS STORY WASN'T RIGHT Miss Alma Waterhouse has been viliting relatives in Dayton. In our issue of last week we pub-

Mrs. J. C. Beckett is seriously ill.

Wa 1tel' McClure was a Dayton visitor Saturday. B S. Howell was in In dianapolis Monday and Tuesday.

Mr. Thad Zimmerman and family were in Dayton Monday . Vernon Hawke haa accepted a position at the Delco, in Dayton.

Geo. Oglesbee and Robt. Burton were in MtddletoWD Monday evening. MiBI Cathleen Haley, of Xenia, called on Miss Annie U. Brown Sun. day.

Mrs J. H. Coleman and Mrs. D. Mary Hawke spent Sunday in L. Crane were in Xenia Monday. Waynelville with &her mother, Mrs. Mrs. Seth Furnas and Mrs. Davis Alice Hawke. F'urDas were Xenia visitors Monday. . . . Mrs. Allen Haines, of Xenia, atM. Km.ile 18 spendmg Mrs. N. tended the funeral of Mrs. W. C. . P' . . hI ' so . me t Ime Wit re atlves In Iqua, Cornell Monday. Oh' 10.

Mrs. Harry Piper and dauKhter, of Richmond, Ind., are the guests of Mrs. Agnes Wright and daughter, Wm. Frame and wife. NUas Susan, are visiting relatives In Morrow. A box car jumped the track:at Spring Valley Friday eveniDJr, and A couple of Italians with two delayed throulrh traffie. monkeya enlivened our streets Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hallett Dakin, of Middletown, were gueata (\f relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent here Saturday aDd Sunday. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Milt40nherger at Lytle. . Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Everhart, of MISS Stella Lemmon is hom,e ~ ~orfolk, ya., atter ~&Ix week II ~IBlt With r~latlves and frlendl. . Mnt. Mary Richardson, of Day tun, Miasea Mamie and Mable Woodwho hu been vilitinK friends here, ruff. of Lebanon. were the three retumed to her home Saturday dllY s ' guests of Miss Katherine Prenevening. d,argaat. .

~: =~~::~r!t=:

Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Lemmon and children. of Day tonia, Ky., are pests .of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardin at Corwin. "Shirt Wai.t" Sale. 100 Ladies Shirt Waillts at SSe. former prices $1.00, $125, $1.60. Come early.

A. Funke,.

Mr. alld Mrs. H. H. King were Sunday R'uests of Mr. and Mrs. John VenD bl e. sout h of town.


lished a story in regard to Frank Silver and Robt. Friend, under th,' caption of "Motor Cycle Collided." We got our story first hand, but Mr. Silver objects to it. He says in a letter to us: "1 the fi st I I n r p ace my amp was I'Ig hted an d b ' u rnmsr very weII ; an d instead of it happening while I was deL'cending one hill it was just as I was starting up the next one <the results most likely being very differt) enAn' d finally I'n~tead of "demoll'shing the vehicle" I borrowed a wheel arid we tied up the shaft alld rode home. none the worse off bodily." •_ _ VERDICT WAS SUSTAINED 0

The case of the Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. which was tried in our courts and a verdict foulld against th e company, was smce . tak en t 0 k higher court, the latter court sus. taining the verdict. Judge A. F. Brown was then prosecutor of this county, and made a hard fight. sue. cee<iing in winning the case for the Mr. ~nd Mrs. George Hartsock county. and it is gratifying to both Bnd MISS Charlotte Antram are himself and friends that our court's vi~iting relatives in Arranum, Ohio, verdict has been sustained.-Warren tll1IS week. County Time!. _____ • Our 4 weeks Shoe Sale should not DR. FESS WAS CANED be overlooked by anyone who wants bargains in good Shoes. Representative Feas, of Sixth John A. Funkey. Ohio District, waa presented with a · d cane from the wood of old Niagara, Mrs. J . B . P er kIna an daughter, Co d P 'fl h" b ttl Ina, of Enid. Okla., are the guests mmo or~ erry s age Ip In a e of' her lilter, Mrs. Mary Lemmon ?f Lake Erie 100 yearsago, at Washand family. mgton _ last_week. _... _ •

MillS May Wright entertained at a six·o'clock dinner Friday evening thp. following guests: Misses Gwen. dolen and Margaret Mer rltt Edith Mosher and Katharine ' and Rosamond Dakin.


.. - ...

. Mrs. Elizabeth Ward returned MondllY from a ten dBYs' stay in Penn sylvanIa.



On Friday afternoon, the Misses Edith and Ethel Graham entertained at their pleasant country home the members of their Sunday School class. After a short business meeting a program of vocal and piano solos, readings, etc .. was carried out. The hostesses assisted . by their mothel', then served dainty relreah-. ments, and a general good time fol· lowed. Those present were the Misses Hazel Mullen, Dora Smith, Ida Wade, Lorena Charlton, Anna Mary and Elizllbllth Duke, Cora Reeder, Ethel Chenoweth. Zelma · Stucy, Velma Smith and Ethel Duke, t~eir teacher. The next meetinlr will be at the regular time. the first Saturday of August ' at the home of Ethel Chenoweth. --~----.---


Mr. W. H. Hammon and Mlu Margare.t Zellers were married at CenterVille. Saturday afternoon! July 1!t, 191:.;. by Hev. S. W. Campbell. Mrs. Hammon Is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Zellers, and she has spent almost her entire life In Way· nesville, where Ihe is beloved by all who know her. She hq been emploYM at the Centerville Ex· change for two years aDd haa made . ' a capable busmess woma =n:;._-::.--=~___ _ -~:;~~ The g~o('m was formerly of Day. ton, OhIO, but for the P8IIt two y~rs has been connected with the Chlc~go ~nd Northwestern R. R. Co., In Chicago. . The Gazette tolrether With her manY friends here, congratulate the happy couple, After AUIrUit lat, t.hey will be at home at 3131 Fulton St., Chicago, 1II.

. -.


. . . A very Impresslveaervu~e.attended by a goodly number, was held at the three bridlres 80uth of town, lB8t Th u red ay afternoon. The lacrament of. Baptism, lW-4m-----=.;:~:_:.. mersion was administered to [}orinda Lemen, wife of Warren F. Edwardl, the Hev. J. F. Cadwallader, officiating-. The candidate's chosen wlt-

Mill May Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Frank Wright of near Ferry, has been quite ill, but i! slowly recovering. ".Mr. aIld Mrs. Chas. COrnell, M • Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Kerrick and ENGINE PULLS BINDERS aDd Mn. Ralph Miller and Mi!18 Miss Iva Beach attended the funeral Martha O'Neall were in Wilmington of a~ uncle in Xenia Saturday, reHumphrey Jones, one of Fayette and Po~t William Sunday. turning home Sunday evening. county's largest farmers, used a

Mary Prater' Is home from Spring Misses Edna Janney and Irene t:ahctio(n eng~nb~ din ~ullin&: thrh~e neases were: Warren F .. Oscar J., Vall- where abe has been with her M CI I f Th red f W elg t- oot CU III ers m cuttmg IS Olive T. and Donna M. Edwarda and w, c. ure e t u ay or ooster, big wheat crop. Lo M B h rt lister, Mrs. Vene Hl&I'tsock, through OLlIO, wbere they will be the guests u . am a . the aic:kness and death (}f their 8On, of MiRS Dora Ellis for two weeks. Vernon. Mrs. C. M. Cartwright and daugh-l- - ~. ,- - - - - - Rev. aDd Mrs. C. S. Grauser and ter, Helen Louise, left Friday even• • BOn, Charles, left Sunday for Day- ing for their h(,me in Chicaa-o. Maaton, and other places, where they te:r Levering will stay until Septem0 _______ '-''-'''-' _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ - ...... _ ... -it,: - - - - . will spend lOme time visiting rela- ber. tiVai and frienda. Robt. Furnas, Clarence Dewey PUBLIC NOTICE IEnglish walnuts, blaek walnuts, The Gnat Shoe Sale ia. n0-:V on. -and Albert Cleaver left Saturday for On and after July 15, 1913, all' hickory nuts, Brazil nuta, pecans, Every 4q we give bargains In the Lebanon, to go to Camp Perry for a articles hereinafter mentioned when almonds, filberts, ice, coal, coke, beat Sh08l maae. Don't fail to call ten days encampment. They belong sold, shall be Bold by avoirdupois lime, salt, sugar, tea. coffee, bulk when you need Shoes of any style or to the Lebanon militia. weight or numerical count, unle!18 by spices, cheese, butter, ol~margarine, aize. John A. Funkey. . agreement in writing of all COil. lard, fresh and salt meatS, fish, game, Mr . Cad F. Iron~, of St. LoUIS, tractingparties, viz.: appies,grapes, fowls, flour, com meal, chopped Mrs. Martha Barnett, of Srons Id . .b ulk : an d .eandy in . Shawnee, M10., Mad r n Mrs.N. • an peaches, pears, plums, quinces, cran- Ifeed ' pepper.1D ~~~a~~h:,~W'::r:nth~~=t f~! Mira. Amanda Reed. of Le~anon, and berries, prunes, raisins, dates, tip, bulk. Nothmg m thIS section Bhall raJ d left Tuellday mominlr Mrs. Eva WY80ng, of Sprmg Valley, dried apples, dried peaches, apricots, I apIII), to seeds and other articles i~ ~veWaah:ton C H to visit rela. WI!re the guests of Mr. and Mrs. rice, beans, gre~n beans, carrots, sealed packages. Whoever sells or ti°ree ' • .. Roy lrond Thursday. onions, parsnips, Irish potatoes, o~ers for sale any.article in this secv. . tumi Come at your earliest convemence swee t potatoes • tomatoes', P B , tlon enumerated . ' In any . other manTry a laI!k of Burton's High Grade aud secure the many special bar- beets, lugar beets, peas, green peas, I ner than ~erem ~Ified, shall be White Froet Flour. It Is made from pins on our 10 and 25c counters. cabbage, cauliflower, endive, lettuce, deemed lrul.ltJ: of a misdemeanor and the c:boic:eet old wbeat and iJ par· It willsurpriae you what a dime or spinach, sauerka:'ut, barley, bran, upon OOJIVlction thereof, Bhall be anteed by the manufuturer to .rive quarter can buy durinlr our we. buckwheat, com In ear, shelled com, fined not less than ten dollara nor utire BIltiafaction or money reJoHn A. Funkey. wheat, rye, oata, sweet corn in ear, more than one hundred dollan for funded. For sale b~ G, W. Hawke. . ahelltft sweet com, hominy, · dried the first offenae, and not 1_ . than .. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clem~ts and sweet corn; popeorn in ear, shelled $25 nor mo~ ~ t2CJ:9. fH -.coM ;" Mr. and Mnt. J. W. White went to sona, left Thuraday for their home popeom. bl~erl'888 seed, broom com offense, or unP.nBOnecillot . DaJton TuelldQ to attend th~ wed- In 'California, aftera thi1't7 da181tay Heed, ranUJ ~, eo~ir:seed. . .tor ~ree months, or ]Joth. .. ' of ltIIiI ~BeleD Ta(t, daulrbter Wi:tb friends bere~ They · .wish to .oU.beanppine .t ree p~ucts and veg- . S. ~. STROD~. Sta~' 1In.~.Taft. Which. thank ti!eilleilOD of ' frien~,:b~ $lble...~~IO!. ~aeed,tbDOtbt~. Weigbta~d ~ . ~at 8 their 'Irlild' bOap,talii)- aDd"the hemp MI, " H\Piiertu·, Irl'f8I!~. Submtttit, ~rid"l~ iJ. .} lr,. IDIlI'k-.~.~ Ih~WD .thfm durlilC ~lt! mwet., ~o\ ,,~.. o~IAlla'B~ttga~fr:."



To Be Sold by AvoirdupoIs



of DIIft,GD-.

. 'c~fr iiliOit "ID W~ ,






., IniIIIIId.ttape ...... red top~.'1 lied. ~~' Co,) ~ ~~•.'" J~ ~ \...


1 __________________________


'SAME OLD SPEll It Came Over the Girl at the Proper Time as It Always Has. By J, V, SYMONS, " Lucia, den r, I have some news f"r , ou , ri ,lId Il l ll u M 1~1I IIre ll. taki ng b e f' by II .. ' II II I11lll8 In hp r dr "H~ ln g roo m iu th o IllI lll' l' m! l h!!'n ter. " I am going to


1(' 11\' " ' II ,

ilta I': 1'. "

" YOII, IllY d c ar~ Why - wh y Prosco tt lo lfl Il l" h l mse lr t hat he mean s to g ive you he Rtar pa rt In 'Uu d" r Two VIIl ~~ ' n"l< t lU onlh . You cail 't meun it, " 011 "lIu hu ve IVo n fa lD e alru ost In a ... . II t " .. 'n it: , .., I '1 1 ~t uoo'sn 't moa n Rnythln g to " ' m ,' !l L'W ," olls wl' r ed th e g irl, sU\ lI ing nu ., ,1' .. s h, ' a rtu,~d in a low e r vo ice, " I ,lIt I , ' n l~ a l!:e d to be marri ed" I. I ll' L, t ' lay leiSSI'd h e r warm ly a nd c hall " Ii fo r Quit e fln'\ minut es, whi ch \Va" • Ili g s ll ce o ut of ... lJu sy wumau's ~<:YffhVt7 i , lifo 1'1"'11 . 11" \\ Rtch cd h ~ r go uown A I ~ , 'h e dr"ul': lJ'~ co rr ido r ' lind su nk hac k rAfltJ,efrff ' iii: . iut a h, ' r I: hnlr li nd we pt bitte rly . (J}/t?.(?7 ~ ~ I 1'1'11[.111''' ould h a \' e b ce n as tonish ed tr t h<,), cfl uld hav e s ee n l.u cla crying. I Sh" ,,:\. o ne oC the big d isco verie s oC _1iIJi,;;::;::;::: r~:1Jii , th e pas t two y<'ars. flut s he bad ""' ..... , .",-,= ..,,-.<~w_ ' work('d b n rd Cor her sucC P ~s . T en I v,' urH or llllr re n I' ov erty a nd uopro· \i Df'(' t ha n o nr " I ha ve hoar ,1 a tlre,l : du e ' ive Inl bor Itly b ehind h c r. Co ld as bo)' t' xda ltn : " Gpe whir. ~ I dldn ·t I ICfl, tlll'y call ed her. Even In Btage. think th a t It wlI §·that mu ch , 'orl; to land , thut prolific c enter of gossip, her , harpe n nn a:o< ." nam c hadl nev e r been associated with F c w city boys know th e uame~ 01 t hnt or any man . And yet she had Ih ... comm on t rcC's Ilt s ight, muc h IIl86 Ifl lDl)(> ra m ent" s,he was superb In emoRfI' th .,)' abl a to dlstlnglll "b be tw e en t io na l pa rts, Sh e scemed to have plllf', s prtll 'e Rnd h~rulock boa rrlM UII lived through lind Ilv ed down some· 1"58 'il e y ~., ,, I h '" fr u it on t h" t ref'l d th JIlt. so that th e fires now glowed wh t' re ro rm e rly tb e )' bad blazed, and und,' r an ext erior that wa's faultlessly










Bnr l ~ nf' ,

"Tbl're !nus t have been big experl· , 'I nn 's In Miss Clay's liCe ," said an old crit ic to bls Crlend once. T he re had been, the biggest of all , ex pc rl ences, because tbe most uulvl'l l';;a l Sh e had been marri ed and h er hon ' )' moo n had lallted ele ve n days , T hp), b ee n d a ys of dellrlous , bn[lp in(>ss h oth for h erself aud for th e I yo'm;:; pain t er, Lawre nc e Murdoch . It




, (

HE Z.. a bo y ha s Sile nl as"" ilOilo a t a good Bumm e r cuml ' It leaves an im pression on I hi s mind t hat tint!' will not . At t h e d0 60 o f e nvll cat e the season he h a s had t h e f i ll that he 'w anted to h a \' e, he has ta l ; ~ 11 Il is part In th e ga ines anti co nt es ts. he has , c limbed moun ~ a lM a ll J sull ' J on la k es and str eams, b e h as !'ruls II wi th t h e fe llow's and sh.are d th e ir p l l'a'l ur e ~ and hardships , a n,I hI) ha s n' t urneti bo rn" Imed with l hl' m!'lllor ics of gu r geoul3 reasts, o f ml d ni ~ ht p ra nk s. o f ad ve n' tu res on eea un ,1 0 11 Innd, " f f> lI coun · ters w Ith rrl 0.1 all d wit Ii foe, a nrl of moments w h e D t h e s uccess 01' fa Un re of a battle ri elle nrl(' ri 6 01 (' 1), 0 11 III~ I'Itreng th , It ls sk il l and hi s vllio r Tbe In fi u e nc ,~ left on a ('h ild 's (:llar ' , 'acter by a summ e r t hU B S\HllI t (' ann or good of t he boys . b ill a lDO Oil' ,,! rC'I III ,') II.. Ill>! kil O\,. 1 111' d lrr "r" Il '·I.' bo· I but b e Impo r ta nt In th p tirst pipe.' ep c t fur th e felln gs .ot th o peopll' \\ ho t\\ ' :1 :t I' ,':\r li nd u u u ppl e I~ n(, In th e child Is a wa y from h is IlIl re nl R,' 111'0 III th e n e ighborh ood . W I"'I't! 1")9' , 1Il0~t ranl " ~ b,') ~ Ipa rll 10 m ·, k p. (hI'S" .n" a v fro m th osE' lo whom ho is ne cue- Blbl o l h e c hlldre ll ar!' inv il etl to J:fl to , c1 lotlnt' l l o ll ~ tom~ d to go fo r s y m pat hy am] advi ce . r burc \), att er whi ch thf>Y tall" w!lll<ti. I In cam p IJ ,') 6 a nd g irl lear ll IIJ wfls h . He Is plat'NI o n his uw o r SO llr r~ 8 in 1: 0 In bnthillg, read. ' I' ll s to ries , e tc I d is lw5, tn IIf' I'('ollo nllra l with foo<l n nd , a manner Qu it e nOI" " nrl s tran g!' "suall)' a soog ser l'lc'! o f a Illo r o r 10 ii i,.) fr,o d tl:a t th <'y wo ulll not I A camp Is n" t n t al l 1\1,e a hoardin g l e8~ religious nature Is h e ld III th (' ! pI' vloll Ply (' at. II h o me. I h?'le know n : chall ge a bo), s app tl tll" 1 .s c hool , wb er e Ih !'rc a r C' rl'gula r d uties e vening . Orte o 001' or th n rtlr ec tors I r amp IIf .. a nd a fix d r outln <J for ea ch :ll't!v lty o r deliv e rs an addr ~85 In tll (' mai n hall ! comp le l,'I)" so t h a t Pit !; ol ll g hom e ho I the day . T hf1 81 11n ll' r ('a mp m ean R or l h n camp. wa R r.l ad 10 ~ al s uch wh olesom e foods lun, fr eedom , fro ll!' an,1 a Ch'UI(, 6 to ,10 SOlli e of th l! IlInU!' I1 CCs t h:tt aI'" as b oli .. ,1 rl cf> Hnd Ind l,, " II ll'al mu~ ll , nothing If on e w l ~ b es . T h e boar litn g hrought forcibl y 10 bea r UpOIl t h" 1\ hit: h h e' I\o ul d 1I 0t tll\l ('11 Iv' ru rc. . acbool mcans o rtlel', ,1Isl' lpli n '. rl!' YOlltb ~ a re tbo se which pu t a p l'~ lI1 ll1 l1l (" aI 1lp:n;;: lif e will. Ill' : malte a e htl ~ I a tmlnt lin d hal" 1 worlc at nI l tim et;. 011 honor, truth, pall'mce, ge ne rO s lly , : (!Xlll'rt li t allY P!ll'lI('\lla" t rod .., or o r I Thereforf', wh!'n a boy IiIHl a hlm s(' 1f at rOl'gI VIJ UeS8, uBef ll llll'SIJ, poll,,' nes8, cu pl! tl on, but .1l S!' r\' ps .' U ~ h ow h li ll 1 a camp for th e fl rst tllI1 P. In hi s lif e b p Rt. urdln es8, pluck and th e Ilk !'. A ho w mUl'1t ti lu ll Is r equ l.'·" 11 III d <J III ~, Is offe n nt a loss 10 kno lV w hat to ti o , r ampe r who Is lacking 111 IIny o f Ih r:o s c I mu ch of Ih e wo rl, u sullll y.perr orrn er1 , "T he Cur',ain'lI Up, Mi3S Clay," because he 19 of pn left to bis o wn Qu a lltleo III soou Illad e to fee l t ~ e by t h.' la bo ri nG' c ln l!s ,' ~ . \\ 1" ' I"~ vf' 1' a I choice . IIped or them, greatl y to hl ~ bt' lI c !it . boy t rI ps to tlerfl)T1lI a n y Ill ll l\ uu l la· iJad be l!n almost a runaway match, He has man r new I' fIll llll lllil whi ch II does a boy a world o f good to mlx .1 bor hi s r~ sD ('c t r~ r It lncru l"cs ~L A . exce l!' that n e ither had nnybody . to must be though t Oll t ' alon e. He ha~ with a lot oC oth e r boys o f hl n OWl) I haR a trr at I'ow ln g , s wimnlln !':, ca ll · , run from. He was a sce ne painter, COOle 10 camp to hav c a ba r re l oC CIIII , age. c hservlng, li S h e us uall y will , ' In l': , lis hin !(, ru n nin g an en g ill e , r !'- :md had once been s poken of as acom. and h e mean s to ha vc II. Hid fi rs t 1111· t h eir good traits anrl ba d I rall ~ . I pairing a bont n nd ""llle Um eS III build · ing mau in his profession . Lucia willi pulse Is to mak e rr ienli n wllh ev(!r y· Th e educatloual adl'nntn geH or ca mp Ing ~ mall boatd. li e Icarn s th e usc 01 th e n Just a stage·struck girl. Sbe had body, anrl e81>el'i811), wl,1I tb o COIlI1 · lite ar!! only less Important Ihall ar e lool s commo n to country peo ple, wh o . plaYlld the ingenue's part In ooe or 'sellors. It 18 qu ite r ig ht th a t he Sb Oll l,1 , t bc mOl al advRutag es For th e 1I10R t arf' Illor(' tndepe nd ent of plumb r TS, two productions creditablY, and they do tbls, Anrl It iH I he e spl'l! ial lIu t y o f I part t he school hooks nr c ct o~ pd, bUI cRrpe nt<-'r~ , mason s, e l(' ., t ha n c ity poss esse d two hundred doll arB be. tbe coulleellors t f) h a vt) a wa tc hful Ol' £' nuturD Is wide ope n. Book kllowl p, d g p , p" opll' are .· twe e n them. On the strength of this ·out for tbe new hOY8, 10 ~ e" that tiH'Y I Is o r great valulJ, but praClknl kn o wl · I 1'1' 1'hallR Oll e of thp most Impol' tant th ey were married. do not get. home~\(,I' . o r tir o f)( t h"! e dge ts ,often of more vulu e. . 1 !:'~so n8 for a ,Child to learn Is re,; pec t I It was an old, eighteenth century '1:amp becallse of Inae tll' lly . i In camp boys orlell gl'l their flr»1 I fol' Inbol' . V. he n a boy haR hOl'd U cottage In which they had elected to Ten wek! of c:amp tire cannot b\lt practical knowledge of Illon e ), \,aluea' fe ..- hill H of horn lie instinctiv ely fl" spe nd th e ir hon~ymooon. Lucia would 'have its effec t 00 the character of lad s He re flrYI they manag e th e ir o wn al· IIlnrks that he ...·o\lld hat e to ke .. p rememb er o very detail or It aB long 8S who are JU Rt b (>g lnilin g to feel thl! fIrat lowance s and learn what It IA to go 1 tlllIl Ull all day . It be r~llows lh ~ , bay s he liHti : th o cle matis over the door, Impulses to do Ihil, gR that th ey have broke till the uexl allowal\(!f' Ifl dis· I cart for an hour he rt' aIt7, c~ that rak tho patc h of cv prblooming roses, the read about In book s . Th e re are no trlbuted . They aften compe te wIth Ing art f' r" 15 not all HpOrl. When h e pe rlty S\l' ce t williams along the gll1V. bo)'s so hart that lhe re Is not somo tbe nutlv e boys or the village ill t h f' lr i lak"a a shovel and n!.t e rnllts to asalM Polly wah: . And their happiness bad good In them, ~ 1l,1 Ihe re a re no boy s e ll'orts to earn small Bum~ of mon e y I In digging a trencb or dra in IH~ s ud· . b ee n in te nse for eleven days. In camp BO good that th~ r e is no bad to t ide them over or to e na~l e thE'D! de nly renllzps why thosp laborers: Then Lawrence went away. He left tn them, and ~om e. or It IS pr elly I!uro to buy cove ted troasures . 1 hi " 18 a whom hl' has scen In the' city at thc no lette r , olle red no explanation, But to ?rop oul before s umm er Is-ovcr. In very good experience for any boy . , f anl e kind ur work K(>(>m l'd . to tR,k tl that he took his posseBsions with hIm, mllny bOYB this haunl'ss hal! b een lurIl ' I have notlcml that durin/( Ih e S~ \.! · , lIwlr tlmp ilhout It. ArtPI' tho ll nun · Lu cia WOLlld have fe ared be had met Ing Cor yellra. It hllB not shown Itself ond yp.llr at camp a 1J0y lak "3 bc,tter ' utC K 01 that work he learns Just wh.' re w it h foul play . She came home from because oC laclt o t opportunity . Th o care oC his things than h e dtJ p.s dllrlng , hl~ haeltbon e Is localeLi . , I an lIn ~ uccc88ful search for work to boY'S' camp Is one ot Ih e p11lCP,8 wh e re tho flr st ycar. This may be 111\1: to I Th!'r!' lIr ~ mllny o th e r edll cal.ooal find th\'. bouse empty. After a day tbe Inbe rent ha rt u ess in ,a lad bas a n t b e ract that near tlt e e nd o f th c lirst n(" 'soln s rs which arE' . loclrtl'ntal It, a n d a nigbt oC agonized searching she I)pportunity to unb ottl e It~IlIr wlthont season clothes, especially his , ('amp lire, such as .practl ce l!l s lul;l1I1~ di scoI'e red that he wae staying at the serious Injury to th !! ho)' trousers, were In bad conditioII', du!' sileech making, elhloriul work o n , he h ond or a fri end or his. She went But ca mp liCe I ~ of su ch Il nat ure to carpl!'ssness, and us no n PI" (l ne s camp pllpe r, lIterary I'l\tert8Iornnll' ~ . tlH' re, ftlarl c ss in b(>r humility of lovc, thllt these unh oltiln!,(s ar e u o t oC fre· were I'orthcoming, Ihe lau bcrame etc . The camp pap<' r though , s c ld '1 01 Th e ma n rf' fus ed her admittance, "Quent occurrence . Before a lind habIt more or le ss s e lC·consclous nbout his Inuro tban a slmp lp manuscript, 18 Lu ciu sa lV Lawrence at the window;,. has b een flx e d on th E' boy , he III appoflrall ce, greatly to th e d e il&ht of oftl'n a vpry loge nlous prorluction , in th e ir e ','CR me l and he turned away. broullltt to a ha lt and bavlIlg been his companions . Som e tim e s a boy 's "hkh the editor, togetbl'r wllh tb. e '1'1 I' I t h shown that h e has lJe en <loln g wrong ft!.Io ps go wrong, and the pareut, know- cam" artist. succeeds In brin g ln ~ leu .uc.a wcn orne . 'he learns a va ltlllbl e l eB ~oll . In'g' where the fault ill, mukes him get borne \.0 .th e lad~ ~ome wonder!ul bll~ it wa H long afterward that she The 3\'e rag" " UlJlm e r camp is not a on the best be can till he ' I'ell c h,!s of ne ws us \\'ell as 8llm e health !ul I ~arl\ed th e cause' of her husband'B ,Bunday 80hool It Is not Int e nd lld for hom e. trulhs. a bundonuwut. JIe had followed her to such. On ~h e o t bpl' hund tb o ,lIrectors At calllp children Iparn Croni nl' crs· I Th e, floclal advantages of camp Ilr,' tb e thea ter, with th e intention of . of thes e caml" a l'l' to r t h", most part slty to lIlend, sew on buttons , shar pPIl ! :t re man\' and ,'arled. The close rpla. me eting h e r and taking her to lunch, . Christian g"n ti!' me n , hav ing blgh tools. and best of all th e)' leurn ho \\' I IIltIt In "\,htch boys live at camp In . 1(1) hn.d see D he l' ln another man's Ideals. A prop!'r respec t for th e Sau- Important It Is tQ ke e p tool s s harp uy : mrlably 1'I' 9111t8 In the formation or arms . Tho oth er· mlln was old Colonel ;bath day III requir ed not only ror tit!' practice In turnlug the grl .nd ~ ton e. I (j urman c ut rrlendshlpg. 11roJtt, a life long Crlend, ot whom ahe h a ll ~o t told Lawrellce .during the,i r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .~ ~ ~ Ihre!' \\' eo k'8' engagement. Colonel !HAVE NO POWER OF FLIGHT a powe rful !lcrolV·llke mOI'cm!!nt o. f that had altnlned an a ltitud l' o f 211 Brett h a d lIee l\ her fatber's comrade . __ __ hi s lall. Ar. rordlng to tbl s vi ew, tlH' fpe t aho\' !} th e \'VRter and was fl , lug lu th e. w ar. aod her guardian for a " Flylng Fishes," So Called" Said to t3e I fish h u~ no llower Qf diroct lll g hi s lllW iI, l'd th e mizzen rigging or h i!! s hi p. wblle; h e haa taken her father'R place .0,,1), CQpable of Maintaining Them. 1 Oll':ht aft e r he has left th e wator . . wll on ,- IIflP .. r t nll}· uotl c! lI!; th e "b· /loHe r his d,ellth, He had accompanied .elves In the Air. However, Mr. Allingham, who I; "- s trllctloll, It changed ItR course abO(ll his daughte r to the theater when the nautlcal elpe rt attached to tb e Bri:· GO dogrpC8, crossing th e vessal's ste m stagt)-lltrticik girl inslated..on seeking 1\ • . 'fbls Is die· Jsh meteorological office, aDd iil In con · to regsln the water, Many other. aln,· part ' n nd, '_ nu:etin'g Lu.c la there, too, stant intercoUl'lle wlt,b seamen, re portb liar observations aro mentloned~ A. the old {\lI1QU' bad . broken down anamaul' observations that tend to ·cau. se ries oC , cillematogrl,lph ()I~ture!ll crie\!. . . ,.. trovert tlits opinion. Certain obset l" might 80l\'C thle question once (or all Ten: V;1l~~ h~d 'naaBed' slDce ,thea, ers clalrn that tb'e wing·tlns '/l're III ()';!l' ,', . ' ", ~, , .. ~.~ , ~ She bad: hEt -rd llttte.of';Lawrence: ,she .tant, rapid ;vibrattOn. 'and se.em · nc'tu· , Mlilnellota'. fte* Drl~D'at 8t1il"'Rt~' JVf:OUld ee~r , e~pllilll:'~((;~ "~~e' '''d aU,. to "n8 tile purpose ot Olg!l.t ' wUI COllt $.2,4)00;000, .It- 18"• . "da;lIcbt.. !ear.a ed-b11t be c:ol1l~ ' .not ha~8 . 0'l~ , m.uter ...~e~ "" .fIah , ,l1rIIOlJ'_ ." ", ", ~' . '. ~, Ie!'l.~~" or :hrl~• . ~Il~ ,-;.Il.~r ' .f!.P.~.



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suffered tbe continuance of thiJI hld'i CLOSE TO NATURE'S HEART eOUB tragedy. _ _ _ "The curtain'. up, Mis s Clay," an- One of the Boonl Granted to Farm. nouncetl the colored woma n who I\S· era for Which the City Man Will sis ted with the wardrobeH. Miss Clay Grope In Vain. put the final to uch es to h e r make·up and Join e d t he little group In the On ovooln '8 whe n t he southe rn wings . It was a repertoire pleco), ona bre eze co m c~ soCt fill ' swee t all' mild, 01 tholle thut are put on by the bes t Ju st cllng ln' I\U' cu r cBs III' Illt o thl) companies at Llmp-s, " Itlte r during the linge r s of a child, Il brin gs tl kind of dull season or for s ome s pecial cause , longln' to a f o ll e r' ~ h en rt to bo tl4. such a8 to 1111 up au un e xpocted gll[.l IIt1llCe , a n' f oelln' rull of lov e t'wards In th e sch odul u. The re had beun only ull humanity ; it thaws ou t oil thA two reh eanmls, fo r the company had hardn ess an ' t ho Spllo b e's store d played this . orte n be fore, and th o away an ' clta rg d 'galnst SOlllO that'a tlcenery bud been eomple tell only that wroll glld hllll , to b e uu ed 1I0 me otb er morning , th e properti o8 be ing los t ,lay ; It mu k.,s him mUd a n' yl e ldln' so some wb er ll 10 Ii ti e-up In ilill mlddl o h e ha rdly l'ould r er u ~ o a favor tv wes t. IIlOst UIl Y o ne o.I'n If h p k now s tI p·.1I l.uc la walk ell on t he stago. Sh o los o. h mtrd t bl.! n pplau lle or t ho a udi ence a s T h o hlrds 6n ' blJ uatll ar" ml\ li ll' an ' u n uccus t.o mod thing, Hb o glanced In · th e t 1',)(, 8 lIl1 ' growl,,' tbln gll a rt) dlffenm tiy Into t h o pac ke d m as sc" aud spreud wit h nil t ho sort n ow lIro all ' bO \l e ll; o'nd th, ',11 ~ h o tla W Lawr ence's h euu ly 8Ullllllur hrlll !!s . It 11011 a ct.ll ruce, lIud h c mi ght hnv e Itce n h o,' ~ ol e !Ike II tOllle- lIg ht e ns up a rell f>r 'lI uudltol', fo r eve rybody e lse watl but It heart; It brlg ht EIIIs u p uld rrl ondnhlpl3 blur in U", darlt elled auditori u m. I1U' b elll ll n ow 00 011 get a s t urt; IL S ho h all 1I 0H'r seen him s in ce tb ey h e lps a relll' r fie o th o work of hi" parte d . No\\' h e! s a t lu th e third row Creator' s hand ; 11 " gots a gllmpsfl o C th o l"lT'I" l! l, watching ber. 11e was mlgbtln ('s6 t hat m on can ' t und e rh a rdly change l\' iJut Rom eho)" th e look stnnd - thnt la, I r be'a a (nrme r wit h I ~ Oil hi s fa ce to ld he r tb a t bls sonl was ronl farm l) r '~ h enrt- wh en Ul e mild, iJ pr s and th nt a cros s th e luterve nln. sw eet eo uth " rll IJrtleZOB of th o f>::Ir ly y ~ar~ tlt l' lr s pirit s would leap together s lImmor slurL -C hrl s tinn Hera l' l if ollly prid e permitte d. Sh e turn ed . And lh l' n, for the Ilrst time In b or ox· Chafln~lve. , p el'ie nce, Lu cia Clay Corgot ber 1111 0 8 . This troubl esom e ski n s tr ec tlo n h. For on th e cauvas background was ,Ufficult to diagnose lit tb e outse t. He th e little collaS.!} · of h er m e morie s , on tho sufe sld o, th ere for e , and wh e n· There was th e cle matis over th e door, ever the skin lIS Irritsted u se T y ree 's th ere we re th e everblooming roses and Antleeptic Powder Illimedlately I3nd the sw ee t wlJllall\ ~ . And tbon Lucl .. "void Curthe r troubl !l. 2Gc. at drugglslJl. was back In Cul r yland with h er lovor Bample sent fr e e by J . S. Tyreu. again. Chemist, Washington, D. C.-Adv . How she stumbled through.her par: she ne ver knew , Once or twice, Whom She Preferred. A lady suspected hor two sons or waking out ot a sort of dream, she saw the other m e mbers or the company reo carrying on a mUd ftlrtatlon with O,Ju gardlng her with wonder. Hut when oC tho servants, a bonny Scottish las· tbe curtain fell tbe last thing aha saw ale. In otder to arrive at the truth or WIlB Lawrence's eyes looking Into her th o matter ebe prell6ed the bell, anti own, and the old spell was on h er, anci. when the girl answered It spoku to sbe hurried to b er dressing room, her. "Tcll me, Jan l!," she Bald quietly, avoiding the a nxious Questions or h e r friends, She knelV that an influence HwhlclJ or my two Bf)nB do ) '011 prefor stronger tban e ltber of them had tao -James or Alb ert 1" "W , el, ma'am," r e plied th o blush· k e n poss ession of- them and had humbled t.helr pride and e llunciated the Ing Jan e, .. they are both ntce, though ancient law thnt marria ge should last 1 tb lnk of the two I prerer Jam e s; bul Cor a r eal guld spree sle m e tho mallal! long as the y two should live. She found him at the stage door, tpr."- London Tlt·Dltl!. and becaus e the re was notblng to be Don 't hu y luter for hht iflll . 1.''1,"J hln. said she took him by th e arm and l e d I, , Imo. t nil II'nter, lI" y !ted Croo.o UIJIl him back upou thc darl,en cd slage. lJlu", tho blue that's ull IJlue. Ad , . And th ere , by the fe e ble gllmmcr 01 the gas Jets In th e win gtt, they 8tood Let Them Weu Therp ! togethe r b e fore t h e littl e cottag e aDd It is observ ed tbat 011 0 01' two lu8 tL~ th e ir vows were plight ed . ful ad voca tes oC e mb e lllshmcnt of th .. "lIIr. Prescott, 1 ·have somc u ows for Illal e dross nr e writing to tho !Jape rB you ," snid Miss Clay tbat e ve nin g, " I de clar ing tha t mcn shoulu bo a llo we d nm going \.0 leave th e BlIlge." . by cus lo m to we'ar not only brucel e l ~. "You, 1\1 ls8 Clay! Why - wby, you but carrl n!;s, to o, If th e y !l es lre. W e ll, cao 'e .nenu ll, you 'who have won , a ! who preven ts t h em 'I 'rh e y ca n wea r nation a l re putation . W e hav e loolted hoth It they wl ~ h . They can III so do Corwan) to stili g r eater triumphs for be tte r and wea r oose rings , wblch you - " would be a woro l ruly AmoMcun a dorn· "l3ut th a t does n't me an anything to me nt, inh e rit ed from the r eal naliv e B m e no w," a ns we re d Miss Cla y, s mil ing, oC thla counlr y.- l' lttsburg h Dls patcb . "You sC(J--l am e nga ge ll to lie mal' 11.... \\10.'0"'8 Bootbl0lr S,mp tor Ohlldren rl ed."



t eethloil, IIU)(t"U8 th e gums.. N'!ducte IllnalUm..

(Cop,'ri gh t, 1913, b y W . G. Chnpmun .)

!JoD ,allc."ft pa'o,."...,. wInd C<ll\c.zo. tooul".....


Doctor's Dues, "The world owes a great d ea l to medical scie nce," "And it will be t ho last debt pa id," declared tbe doctor some what bit·

Happy Man So Satisfied With Previoul Ventures That He Made 01 Determination to Stick,

t~!.I.)' .



Augustus lIare to re late how 3 1 ;. c ertain lady was wooed and won fOI the sake of h e r cork log . ODe day, not long after her marriage she was, during her husband's tern, pornry absence, urged by curiosity tG Backache open a wardrolJe that had alwaYB beea makes life a burden. Headkept rellglousl '( fast ened , and found achoe, d lit IY therein, to ber terror, two wooden legs, spells and disoach of which was labeled with the tres81ng uri. name of a lady , careCully put away nary dlsordera on ODe of the sh ell'es, nro a constant Fill ed with dismay, she Bought somo trial. Take mutual acquaintance, to whom ehe con· warnlngl Busflded her gruesome discovery, only to pect kid n e y trouble. Look be assured thnt, altbough the false about tor & limbs were Indeed those or ber hus· good kidney band's two former wiv es, there was no remed1. cause tor alarm, for her husband, who Learn from bad orlg·lnD,.!ly wedded a one·lesged "liWry Plclu~ one who haa lady, had beon so happy In hlB mar· Ttll. a Sto~" r 0 u n d relief from tho same Bulfcrlng. rlage that. on her death, he had vowed Oet Doan's IC1dno1 PUla-the never to mate again save with a wife same that Mr, Bania. had, similarly circumstanced, A short while afterward he met a lady who fulfilled the required stlpula· I tlon. Her he courted and wOn . His second /venture, even more feHcltlous than the first, had caused him, on his beloye4 partner's decease, to renew his (ormer vow, the outcome of whlcb was his present happy union. TWs expla· tion calmed the wife's alarm, for she now recognized that tho wooden le~s were not only mementoes of past bllt guarantees of future happlneaB,-'Lotl, . don Tlt·Blts,






Your Liver Is Clogged Up

Who Ownl Boy', Troulers7 Tbat'. Why You're To whom do a boy's trousers be- . -Hay. No AIJptIUD•• long-to tbe boy himself or to hIs I CARTER' rather? This momentous qu'cstJon LIVER was d ebated at a ~ndon county will put you right eOUTt, wbell II. new trial of an action in n few days. was asked for, While playing root, The do ball In the Btreet tbe boy concerned their ran against a tJIl box outside a tradesCu'rell,;on·~... man's ebop, and tore his trousers, ;m=~lndigestionandSjckHeadache Hie father put In a claim for the valuo ...... J PILL, sMAL~ DOSE, SMAU.PRlmt. of the trousers, and tbe registrar al· ...... lowed $1.25, The tradesman's coun· must bear Signature Bel argued that the boy had DO right ~ ~ _ , to suo at all, ae the trousers really 3~ ~~ belonged to hIs father, he belog an '" .' . Infant, "Of course: tho father could not steal the m," remarked the judge, "It iB, clear they belong to' the ~at!)er." replied tbe couosel, "Whether the tatbor could take ' tllem' olf or not, I, will not say," observed tlto


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"A father bas a Prto,r right o~~~r~~:te~~ ~r~f.,e;~;~ SOD'II trouaen," J'eJl,eated ,~'IlDlt.IIBL Judge , refused the . a.PJl!:\l~~llO!l

new t'rlat 'f



. '.:~;.,,'~..;:::,r'i-':"-"-~....;~'"

t! the t"cLtltb tn, "W,I'or. losl' Dl)' tcwller at t.lJis Inf ornul 1m pertln",r;cc." llulllIlI 6urv£,ycd the t wo culmly , contld, 'ut t hat th e womlln kn~w more thun 8hc wou ld tell , a n d UIll'rly ludIC fpH ' n: a~ to lli t' oth~r. ''V ' ' r y ,,"pll," b e sul d q uie tly. " I will h ·o rr. 1\ IlII t I d si r£' e lsewhere>. I s l. 1I1I find ~ !I ~R ~ l c l) G nillt!, a ut! di sco v ' r wlml I ! u~ a(:lu :li lj occ urre d, " " ~I :c I;, 's l " I$hes , I o m slI r l'," l\!lel th " btl ) ]lull, ' tI t he Cuptaln 's IIrUl go lIlly " We u r\! lo!!!ng th is WSll1." 'I h r' rf' IIII S uul Oll(! COllrs" tor !1 11m lin to !.ur,u' ·. II " h all nn n ail to fil l· In", . 1' 1, 1'. ,\ IR J.:lI(' Eu tl pl cloll t!Jul th p~" pl 'lli ' /" I\< ' r" ill sume WilY co n c 'rIl l'd In th l rnY!'! " l' icJus di ~ a\lll"arntw" Thu~ A ' welcome addition to any partyfar , I,n lll I " I' , III Y hucl le tt b"hlnd no CItIP 10 lh. ' lr partici pation . 1\I 0reovp.r any t im e-;Jny pl ace . u 8\'l'fOPSIS. Thl' omu' r s m lleu, s ha h is h e nd , be· WII S sr' l'i u\l~ l y handlcapp ... tI by Il'; no Spcukling with life ,nJ I<hol(,()rn~n< .. . At ' 'I'm Bu re I don 't know, my man:' h e r nn!'· ' of r.ny nw tlve. \Vhy s hou ld t Il<')' Soda DemonJ the GrnllinrMIl]nr Mc1.o\lI,lIl , ('ommn 'l(l lnll . \1 1 army return e d cure h'Bs ly, "Co mo ba ck w Ith d ~si r o to !!ili ll l'0sBeBoion or 111 0 gir l ~ F ounta ln. Refu se Sul>. titutc> POll flOur J;'ort ll o df,;'l' , ",.., ·ks tl wJ,lO mnn to b ,. " Int ~rce~ , h,. <l"ughter. Moll)" I. narr(· t t !lnu.• h Is lad ylo'·e. li kely. ~Ny It could oat he mon e y. or till' hOJl' ~ o t or Carbon&end fot Pru Buu\;Jcl It.e..ded lor th u I'''~l . A n Inililln oil'\,re"k s udd en ly Int e r cs t ed l1y lh o expres ~lon r nn"" lU 'V,'hat lhp n? \\' n~ It somA :atrd in bottle8.. \.i Ih reatoood . Aorj.(unnt "Orick" Hllm lln on Ihe other's fac p. "\Vh nl'e Ii u'c :1('('I,I 1' n . -,h lc h had IlIvol,l'cJ hf.r In meelB t h e ~ta G' o 1n wh Jc h ~oJly 1!4 tra\' cl.... In g. Th ey ...,<, nUac ko<l by In<l la "". II till pe n e d~ 16 th e r e a nytbing wTOn~t" . th e loll s IIIV.'IU'c d for ano th e r ? It ~o, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta , Ga. Jie mll n Rnd Molly csc.'np6 til t h., ( l nr k" e~... .. \r f H aml1n l"lIe Mo lly h6 \\'0 8 dl'H'ha r ged n u c()n~hll 'f' tJ€'T &. dUl1 ;..: t · fO U!- i w'.: rr ' t !lO~ d l1l1(' !:Pf>C f f' d onJ<lr H ror ~ U· 'roll1 th _ ('on!(>der" lO .ervl cu In dl."rnce CHAPTER XXII. WOlllIlU ' " , JlJ r ~lcll r. lIa l d n pall ')e Ih e <:O ll~[llracy. an!1 flit (h o C t 088 or lh e wnr enllste<1 I n "1 k noll' h £'r lO ..u(! u tlt' f I y unl< c rupu · or II" d 1I1I'lr r1'Cf' I[ll .'IO mp IIcatc d t Il~ CAPTAIN KNEW HIS VISITOR ; lJlnr nrm)" 11" I< U"I"'Ol9 one <-' upIhe r<'g taln Le Fevn! 01 Le l n~ resl/o" . lblo for . It. DeepenIng My.tery. 10UI;, si r . I am prl' Jln re d to state thlll'~ The !' .~ rg e : l nt WtuI " 60Idl £' r , Alao Rea lized Th at Even superdread . 1 S l llrtled and b owlldered 119 Hamiln she Is be r e uuder fa lse prc l pns es , not II d (' IN' tlv e. and ('auld on ly fo lio'" hte dlslenLce. '!'Tno t'. IlppCll.r and un<ler nough Would Be Imperiled b y ucort or lJe ul. Oasklns Mol l y .tl\ rt o to b to. ln her fnther. II IHI1I1" lea vee to rejoin II' as y this sudd e n rev eal m e nt, h e at c laiming 10 Le a ni ece of Major ~l ('· I a ~:r: tl g ht road In hi e In " llll tlgatio n Presenco of Idiot. hie re«1me nL He return . to Fort DodlC" once compre he nd ed th e e mbarrass- Dunald 's. I do not know h e r r eal pur· Jl p mu " t (·Irc l£· wld<, \I' unt il Ill! rO ll nd .ttor t1 lumrn"r of ngh tlng [ndlan3. Rn ll f hI I ' I IIn.h :\lolly there. Shots !lre hea rd tn the m e nt 0 8 own position. H e coul d pose, bu l am con \' lnced It l~ IW Ilvi T he LnLnti ·n r w balUcahlp or th e "U· 'I "h,ht. Hllmlln r uaheo out , . PPS wh llt he not contell8 all be knew, c ertainl y not one." pe rd1' padnuugh l Iyp e had been tbrown ...,11,,,,., .. la ,heand ftgure Moll)' in g of In ' the fact tbat th e girl h ad m e t him ae. Th C C· 0 Ioll e 1 BItOO k hi II h e ll.u.. d au bt . tho dnrkn""s fall,!Ofove r thohid borJy opell t o " Islto r e. lI e r captain stootl I ],Ieu l"nun t Oukl"" who accu."" Ha mil" cr e ll y Ilnd had vanis h ed whil e he was full) ', gl unl!ing at tb e ! !Ie ut a djutant. a t th e /:llngway r ecelvln.o; bls guC' s t a, I 01 "hOOl lcg h im, Th e •• rgeun l ta I,rov en endeavorin g to turn asid e Mil!. Du· " That r emains to be prov e n , S I' ''' In noee nr. H e ea e" M oll y In co mpany with prl du und d t' llght In hill magnlO e!:nt ' Mr". DUlNnl, whom ha re<'ognlaes llA IL pont He mU E.t protect her at a ll baz· g eunt. I bay !). or course. met til e la d y. 1'('ss£,1 b lJ il'l n ~ In eve ry IIn elunpnt. : tonn er Rweothoa rt , wh o thrpw him ovn ard". To goln time, and Betr-eontrol . u ud foun d h p.r pleasunt and ugreea We for Lel"e vro. Mr •. Dupont tell a Hamlin S udd " ILl y his gBU' con cen trate d upo a I l.eFovro rorced her to "en!! him n ly ing he replied with a. qu estion : as a companion . De uced prett y. too; all appronc h ln!': tiKure. Ills face g r e ll I .......IIII! nole. Hamlin d ed a r ~. he hBS b~en look· " DId not ConnoTe di')v(' t.b E'm !1own , bey, Denso n? ' Vby do yo u BAy she Ing for l.eFovr.. to fer re him to ctenr hta pul e to til e liti S; l\f! sboC!k In e y£'ry •. eortl. l-at "r he overh6ll re JJupont nnd IL B1r ! " mll.sq u£'rnd l!B RS McDonald's ni ece?" fib e r . Cont r o ll ing bi s te rror by a I anldl er hILlchtnlf up Il money ·mok lnlr "Yea, the four 01 th e m : ' " Because be r maiden D8:mtl was CaT' 1,IO I, Moll y .eek. n n Inter vIew with IUl g ht }' I' fTort, h o t ur ne d hastily to h is I H li m ttn. Sh ~ OIl y . her fnl h.r ..,emo In be "And Major McDonald knew th e n son and t b e Mnjor's sill t e l married n ,· x( 'r.u tll' e ofli (' I' . I I " th .. powe r of Mrs. Ollponl. who r.lnlms t hat h e waa ord e red Eas t7 " ma n named Counts." 10 b " " dfltlRhte r ot M cDonnld'w Itst er. "(,I. 'nr fur aCllon . Mr. l\loodlet," he I Moll y 41"Bp~"r" .cnd H .unll " .ell oUl to "No, lh e orde r came - b y t e leg ram " Th e r e might bave tl"~n nnoU"' r crie d. "If!'? l to q llllrt e r 8. l.oad \\' ltb lruro her, lale r . An orderly . was sent down about marrI age. Su re ly McDu nuld tuu st grup ~. O rd e r tlt e rnllrinB8 t.o COIlCl'l1 CHAPTER XXI.--Contlnued , ten o 'olock . Rut. see h l'l'e. Se rgeant. I kco .... ." Irate b(' l,illll me, pre pare.1 to r £'pr·1 o r l(lla."'Tes (a nc1 an o tbe r BJlI\ PNt-am no Bureau of Information. It yo u "Miss Mo ll y says not. olo nd. H£' f"n~I Ut~ to Lho n ~' "t'r 41 ti U lcLt board e r ~ ," He tram pe d a lo ng the brightl y IlI u- h ave anythin g to r epo rt. mak e Il nas known nothIng (It ItI H sIs ter tor n~'h~rcro~ou';~ ~~~~l;~l~~:.!l~~~e " ,\yp, I1),P, Hlr, " N's JlOnded th e oU!· ellw8\.O Is ('I S ('lo)l tHlL. a~ 6 oc 1 8 o. nd mIn e d etreet. a n d oul UJlOll the dark brief," ov e r tw e n ty YP(Il'S, n nd Jj.e<·e pl e d thl~ ch urc HC'llr,,('ICIIl ...mll'nt . mo.rk('.ll c ... r IJr n lllpl l)" ull.ll ough thoro u gh ly L.- I r ond le adln g u p the blulf to tbe tort. Hamlin glonc e d Ilt th e race of th e woma n on h er wor d." lI ul onalCt. In f' ltb t'r Maolwb&. au· k a t('b o"I\ D or A lber-t.&.. "' lI den 'd . , hili mind occupie d with th e ('vente of othe r , H e knew little about hIm. ex"We ll, well ! Interes t ing s ltuallon ; T h e lJl oo d r~ turnp.d to captal fl ' ~ LD%~~~:D~~l~r:;:=a:-!:ow. . lIle eventng. IUId thos e othe r IncIde n ts cept that he had th e re putAl1Chl of b e- hey. Bon SOll ? LIk e to get 10 tl! bOI · fa~" nnd h e rf'/:liined bls compos ur e W, 6. NIETHERV. ble omcer. I D If I d ' d len (l lng up to th e m , Th e re waB no ing n ~ftpa ~ to m m yse f. arnm o t U ll t S OUll aB It e r ... rnari; C'd It o w lJulckly h ie o r· ViJ'f'rJii."".413 Gardn.. Bldg ., Tol ede, 01110 doubt tbat Miss McDonald and h e r ta· "I w ill. !Ir," h e H's lJOnded Quickl y; lik e a Dove l. How eve r , tl le tiring be. d pr werc· c:l ITkd out. aod ho w th. ,)' , or addr8S. 811perln tcn4ebt 'ot tber had return e d to their home. But "you may nev e r h av e h ea rd of th e af- fore us ri g ht now I~ to dl scovl'r wb a t w pr e pr!'par(',1 to nllwl th e ir for m Ida· • Imm l&,ratl oll, OltJUYIl. r...... wbat conld he do to alllliat h e r? The talr. bUl I WIl8 wIth Mles McDon a ld has beco m e at !l1 1sB M c Do na ld ." H I' ble toe ~uc(',' ~sf \Jlly . Then hI s I'Y"" I ":~~.a.J.~t-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _... v e ry know le dge th a t ah e had ,·olun· durIng a little In d ian troubl e out on alrnlgbt(' o ed up In ble cllalr. th e n "I Am Not in Ch a rg e of Mlsa Me l ar1ly aPtltla le d to h im . tb at s be hac! the trail a tew months ago ." I" a n e d acro ~s th e table. "Captain Don ald." agHln s oul(ht the obje ct of bls l e al' S. rome to him secr e tl y w Ith h e r trouble. The officer nodded. ' Kan e. mak e a thorough examin atio n or SOl n e trail to foll o w as pali en l ly us lil H e wn s Cl ose aboa rd , -'Be llo, cap' n !" b e c r letl, n ":J,' UOtl8 ! mll e pla ying ll rou ght Rt ron ge happin ess. Moroov e. r "I beard nboutthat ; O IlS k ins b roug ht Mc Donald 's qu nrter s fir s t. It th e I"l rI Indian. Th e re wO Hld he trad . le l'l a bout hi s we ak mouth hIs former ncq unlntan c e with MrB. Du· b e r In ," Is oot found Ihe r e. d eW I t wo lD e n \0 some wl. pr .. , It he c(Juld unly tll sco"CI "LJ:lck!" Rliuut (',1 Ill e ca ptaJn el H n· cause much annoyance to children "'Ve il . e ve r 61nce sh E' ha s s eem e d Ilcec m l'any Se r ge un t Hruulln o n 8. tbelll . If t his was It IHl>ly tl('CU ITl'nc,· . ~n t gav o him a clue to tb e m yste r y, Iy, " HIlCk, o r I'll lJlow you up! " ! and g rea t anxiety to pare nt s, III a n), way n n a cc irl " nl, 60fl)I't hin g wl'L~ 'l e t bo w \\' 8.8 h e gain!!: to unrav e l the grnteful and friendly . You know bow sp.arch of Ih e tOlo\n." ">: 1\),. c:a p·c . tllat'e what yO\l 8 1'('f\1 The p r ese nce of WOmlS is recog:~rcadsi di s cov e r Ilh etom~tlVw o ...flntd out Home ~' om en Ilre ; . w e ll , ehe Is lhat " Very we ll . Blr; corn e on, 8p r gellnt. " SUrl! t o bi! le lt un co \' e red, Eorne Fli p n' o var ous con s~ ra rs, "a w e r e kl.Dd , TonIght e h e camo to m e. be"Ju s t a mument-II Wl! lind th e trall " ":11 th e metlod . H e would trnce tb t to bl' dol II ' ." I' 'A JIOn d ed t h e ~Il~my , . ni zed by th ese common symptoms: : itch ing nose, unsatisfied appetite, th ey r ea ll}, after . MO,ney probably, but caus e s h e dldn 't 6cem to know whom It!u ds bE'yoncJ tir e lawn nrC WL RuLb o r · mo" .. rn e n t s ot the foth ,. r lirst. ~ll(, glf(~lIng , "Do l\ 't )·ou Iry to ~et fool on bOllrt! ' offensive breath and colic pains. I)Oss ibly l'eve nge. V. hat did tho worn· e lse t o go to . nnd toltl m e of some trou · Ize d to eo nllnue! " I t1WI'I >e nrc ll th e Ha l oo :r ~ a nti g UlUblllt ) nn know wb lch c nabl e d h e r to Y,le ld bl e eh e was havin g. I r ealiz e, Co pain "C e rtai nl y, Y1>8. Ad jutant, w rll" out d ens for th e two melt. Thuu .: " un ; Il' ... such InDuenco o'l'e r Mc Dontlld? \\ h n; Kano. thllt it mny seem a bit strange lh e order . Anythinl; more? " r;~~s ful wllh Mr~. Oupon t , h' 11Ill: \\ , c r t'\\' &u\l ,' Is lt ors for your pleu ~' ; • ... as the troD tb ey pro pos e d s prln gl n !,: , to you thll ta younS Indy like MIss Mc. " I s h o u ld prere r lwo lllt'n of m y o wn ho w to d e ul wIth Rue h as th e y, The S er gean t fe lt that he cou ld 6O I1'e Donald, an officer's d a u ghter. wo ulu trooi', elr. mount.: d." T h e s tag e ogl> nt waS rout l! tI OU I 0' urI' ," "O lt , Sll Y, ca p n , remonstrale d Ib e I Ihese prob lems Ir g lve n nn opportunl· turn tor h e lp to nn e nll sted man. b ut " Ve ry we ll; see to It, Cnp taJr.... be d und ca m e 10 th e door,. rl'Yol\'t.:r il willi nnotllll r silly grin , " d on ' t Cleanses the systemolwqrmsln BverylewltoUMI e nelllY ty. but h e wus handIcappe d hy bis po· I nm teIllng yo u only lh e trulh , s ir. Th e t wo me n wulked down past th e halld, ~ tartl ..,d ond :ln j(ry . VOII linOW lIl e?" ~i Uon ; be co uld not le av e hIli trooP. You see. s he got It Into h e r h ead da rk row ot o mc e r s ' ho uses . tbe S e r· "Who-!" h e r ('>peate d . "M a jo r "'I e· " You bpt I do . You 're the IdIot tb ut I r.ould not Mee t or min gl,e with the SU8' s omehow that I ",' liS IIQuare, a nd - and, g e ant s st e p to th e rear on th e nar- Dona ld! HoII' th e h e ll s hou ld 1 know ': pe cled parties : was ti ed , hand on d well. that] enre d en ough to b e lp h pr ." row el;Jde r pOlh . McDonhld's quarters S ome om ce r " en t oul - ) t!S; h e nvy s e t t orks tll p boat. an d you IIball no t comt' , A nuo !!!' AVU',PUlt.' orTHtlROVOIIPlJI. ' .I"'I."""r~~~"rI'-m fool, by army di s cipline. H e could not "Walt a. minute. Sergea nt." broke In were :'8 bl nc k a s th e others, a nd tbere m!Ul with a mu s ta c he . I didn 't pa )' o It board 011 nl'. " . ven abse nt blm self from th e post Knne. kindly. r e allzlng th e othe r 's e m . was no r espon8e from wltbin when a n y allpntlOJI tu him ; h od gove l'llnll'nt Important to Moth. . ' without pinIng s pecial perml s810n, H e barrnssment. and r es ting ODe hand on Kan e rapll ed at the doo r , T he y trI e d trnnspo rt a~lon . Tll t· r e we r tl t\\'o Oltll' l Exnmln e carefu lly every bottle of ' - IlWore to blmself over tb e hope less· hIs slee'l'e. "You do not n eed to apolo· th e r ell r en tra nc e with t li e s ame re· IJal'Eellgers . l'o th III 1m , rnnchore, J CASTO)tlA. a 8afe aud .ure remedy tor , th~nI o tf perrn3 1lenl ly, glze (or Miss McDonald. I know 80m e · sult- Ib l.' pl ilce wss p la inly unoeeu· reckon ; con t! In th e s tati on ut /.ill Infu n ts and children, aDd He that it . ""d yu u wm k (h e horse same ( i m~ . thing ot what III going on at th Is post. ple d. Whal 's ll",t, .J aue '" Beara lbe ~ , Docs not blis ter or rtlllIJl' e th e nlthough. damn m e 11 I'v e eve r got o n "Pick out your m E'll. Hamlin ," th e A. wu mRn 's , oice spoke rrom out tl.!~ Signature of ' . 7'#~ ha ir. ' 2,00 per bo ttl e, drlil'tred, ~ \Vill lell you more if you writr.. to tbe stralgbt. facta , You mean tb al Cap tnln said liternl )" . nnd I'll call tb e d a rkn ess h ... hlllu . In Uso For Ove r 30 Yean. : nook 4 K free , ABSORBINE, JR ~ Dupont woman 1" stu.ble guard ," "Was th e so ld ier IL Fklng If !II llJO r Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Ih~ ant iseptic linimrnt for orankind, "Ye.s, sho's cooce rned In tb e matt e r , Ten minutes la tN , l ully {, Q ul l'P(' d~lcDona ld wellt E UE : on lil o coat'" . . ___ _ _ I .. ,·duces Va ricose \' cim. R uplured but there are others also." for fi eld s CrYi ce, Ih A t hree troo pers clr· S am 1" I "-hl!ICI,.. o r Llraml':'nll. En1arfcJ G land ... e ulere-. Yo t1t hful Slayer. I W,./IL Cy, IA Alii" pain qult-kl, . (' rice 11. 00 .nll "2. 0 t "~ y COUldn' t the girl t e ll her ra· ('l e d th e guard·bou s t' a nd rod o rapidl y "Su r e; whot do you know a bout It : ' A (':1 8(,' Or " p J"(' COC IOU9 ytolenc e" i s I • bt .lI l ~ a' d ruui'l l or dcht' t rtd . M, nuf.(1l11 t !.J only lit ther ?" down th e nar\( rond to wa rd th e yellow " \vhy . I wns o u t s id e whl'n t h e)' stEd : I'(' porte d fro m :'\ p. wa rlt, N. J ., wbe r e :l W.F. YOUNG , p, 0, F, .3 10T,mpl. 51 ,, MGU. "That Is wh e re the main trouble Il e a. II ghtll of tb e l ow n . The Se rg e llnt I.' ll· ed" ~ h c ('xp ln in e d, "~nd th e nlnll ~;I tW \, lItY · llI o ll th~·o lcllofn nt, supJlOlle d to THENEW PRENCHREMtrDV.N.',N.2. N.a CaptaIn. Major McDonuld spems to pl Rln ed brie fl y tb e co use of the (!XI, pd i· un il c r~ wtl lln' t the IIInjor, " I I, n,, " hal' e bet'li Jl'a lu\ls of bl8 baby sIs t er, : U...Jin ~·rtPd•. HOlpu.ala wltb. b e compl e tely und er lh e conl.:'ol of Ik'n , and lh e two t roop C' rs, e~ p er l C' n ce d him by sight, for h p's b N!Il tlo"n he;', lwn UHYR a lII, 8t J'11Ck th e baby a blow i r r..1.tlll r. 'C" .' Cl 1If!!'c;. flII Of> IC W KAK N P_"I!i , 1.0Sr VI OOIt MrB. Dupont. He Is appnre ntly a fra id soldlt'rs. asked n o unn ecc6sury qUI'1I- II d ozen lInll's \\' lH~ n I \\'a ~ :II th" dl: ~k u n" Injured h e r fatall y. PILV.~· ~~ ~~:~. "~~~,~',I/~i~ I ~\I.;~~ s:!iL"'il.Jt~I~S~O~s::.:'ft 01 her tor lome r e aSOD . That ie what lions. Side b y ~1 (1 t' Ih e tilrc(' m e n rod !? This fe ll ow was nllOlit h is size. b Ui \\ !th !J iM fist _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00, HP'. I·: HN A I'I ST. ,.. t; W ¥OIltK01'" L\' M"t-: "Kil. T O ttON T O. WI(ITil: ,O R PRII:. BOOK 1'0 DN . Lv. CLt!:RO MI811 Molly Jlpoko to m e about. W e s il e ntly Into Ih p town , und Ham lIn darll and a t ooll"shoulU (·retl : · " 'Illl!r In "ll1ill~ Is ild ulltw'aiJOb . OJft.Mand " CD.Co. Il" vF.RST OC KRD . n" "P9T~AU . L O N DO:I, I!. l~O~ were on tbe BIde porch at tbe hote l s wung down from h ill s uddl e r. t th e " And th e otb !' r ~':" lI ~ k e d Ha m II' \V1~II'r I11 n l, l'< 11ttu l(1 ldue oodl,. Buy ]ted 1'R Y H ~ Wn R " <.. r~ l! u ... sl£ I.I£SJ" '''R''OI' e ASY T O TAM . L'Ilklng while the daDce l'1l we r e at BUp· door of th e d:lO ce ba ll. ~ th a word ager l), . ( ' r\J~ s Ball Blue. Adv4 ~~~~l~~nC\l~L U t T tU T TWAUF. ..... tU~ . n WOll O ' T ll ltItA r lO:i' I ~ 0", per-It wall the only opportunlty tb e to lb e gua rd ue c rossed t il, Ooor 10 In· " I dldn ' t know "ith e r o r l h.HJ:. 0:11 ) DIlT. f..iOYT. e.l·I\M r Alr.I:l&D tD.J..L. GK:'4U I NE P"Ck!.TL Cal! Again. Plene, g irl had to get awaY- lind Mrs. Dupont t e rce pt Mr s. Du pont. Th e lattN re o n t ked onc li nd n LJ la cl( bearr. ... lIix - Joli es ~nys he at1ves c mplo)'· DAISY FLY KILLER ~:::: :::-::.',:' :~ a nd her busband came Into th e par· ga rded hla a pproach wit h ast o ni sh· "A ve r y lar!; (' , burl y r" lIo w?" rU n . NltUt. CIMlO, or. lor-" m e nt. h e r b an d on (':tptuln 13urr£' \.I 's " No , I do n't think so . I r\\(l u ' t I'a' n ll' lll t o a IIlr!;\' !lumber of me n . in tal .ooo • .,nl.... t: --_ _ _ 1)1 .1:- - 80 he doeF--otbcr peoph,'e co l · c beap. L ... tl . l l " Her bus band ? G{)od Lord. I tbo ugbt blu e s leeve, F. [I(·cla l ILl! n liOll t o nn)' of l h pll) , onl , ..... oa, It .. d e 01 her husband wns d e ad ," "Ce rtaInly not ." she r(!pli~d rath"r to ~I'o lld ('> r who Ih £' Om CN ;1·aE. ·(·:LU•• , " 'clors meta l, ~D'Uplllorli. 0 • • ,. ; _\II n()t .nlt o. "He Is n·t. He's 11 tln·horn gambl e r, sha rply to his firs t qu estion . " I Mm lt ot I n e vC'r n ·llWllIU £·r (' d 9('('>111 11111'. ,)t' r , luJllr f) an'tbl ... . The mlln who is a f:illure at iul" li t· known In the saloons as 'R e b: a big In c h a rge at Miss Mc Don a ld . Sh e Is bE'fore al IIOd~! '. h ut , as I r eclJ lll' cl. UUQr& nl~d f!treolh~ A II dealer. orl .eDt dull'er. w earing 9 block be ard ," no doubt amusrng ht'rsptr sompw her p; th e: fe ll ow w ith II bl' ard W IIS ru lt,. ~ r 11 11 ' Illg ('xcuses bal! 110 business t o {!I' t .,~ "r~'8 Pl'HI fur 11.00. "All rlght,l(o on; I don 't know him ." possibly Iyino; dowll ove r at t he hOI I' I ; d,' rsl 1.e li ; l1 a:1 :l s h agg y burT:l)o·" I(!I, marr ied . .anOL D SOM.&It!I. 100 n ...... ' ,AV tI ,. Broo~'1L &:I . 't . "We ll, I stel1Pe. d Into tb e room to s he ('omplaln e d o r a hr<ud uc h e earli e r ca p on. ke e p tbe t\\'o apart, les \'lng the girl In the evening. Wb y do yo u ('u rn .. to .I'llilll ly c,no u ~b tll('> mllLl II as no r Llu -~ I Aak If Major McDonald H •• alone outside. had a hIt of talk me!" pont, und ,'1 r llo lluld h a d lI o l tl"part" '! 1letumed to ~e Po.u" before J got the roo m cleared , and "Yell," broke In tb .. Ca " ta l n. "thut o n Ib e: s t nf.;'· , w blle so m e o lh .,r, pre wben I went baek to t L" porch. Mla e Is what 1 wish to I(no w, l-I all1 !Jn . Uy t e ndlllg to be h c. pos"i bl ), wflarlng b ls lDe8S ot the BituaUQ1l, as he tramped Molly had gone." wbat autbCrJty are you here ./" (;\o th ~s to furt h er th e dP cclt. had and ~lIt;h the blaclme s41 toward tbe "Dropped over the rolling to tb e " Tho ordere o r th e Colou!'1 co mru:l nd · t,~ k (~ n til e S(,3.t r es(> n ,'d in lho coa c.h . lng, a ir." r esp ec tfully. yet Dot [",rm Lt· BalllNI. h c ',\'i lrJ l~ " f' d b y th is ullexp ec t ed 8Uu<4.Jte.alle. The aentinel glance d at g round." ·018 ~ IICTUtlDh:ing it Ity tho \lgbt of "That's ""hat 1 thou g ht ot the time. tlng his glance to le av e th wom:ln 'S d I S~UI·.'r y , th ~ Se q; <'a nt l\W llng U;) .:li a ,Uld thrust tho paper IDto bls air, but what happene d to h e r after face . "You Insiat th e n, mllda lll , tha t in to !Jl l! bad dl c. not kllow llJC II'hlcll .1 JQckel Hamlin adv81lce4, ud at the tbat? She dIdn't return ~ tb e hotel; you know notblng of th e glr!'~ d iStill' \U IY ttl t ·J rl\ . ~_ ealu.t.ed the ofticer or t2w day . she W!Ui not at the dance ball, and pearnnce?" I rTO 1m CONTIN UED.) Wbo bad jwIt slepped oll.t.tthe pard- haen·t come hack to the post." " No!" definntly. h e r clJt'ch~ rl'd boo" oCIQOI'. , "Tb e h e ll you.,say! Are you RUrl' ! " "Nor or what ha s become o f C{)l!' Land of Small Opportunity , # Plump and nut.1ib In flavor, thorouahly cooked with "Qoed ~.en1Iig, Sergeasg. " the latte r I "I am ; J searched tor ber bigh and noC!'. o r your ranch manage r '" ('E'n~ UB r p po l'l s trom the I'au u ll l, c:hoice pork. Prepared the Libby way, nothing can be more ~d ~\lI:tly. "JU8t In fnlIm tGII\'1I1 I , low before I lefl, and she could [Jot g e t Sh <: >,brugged Iw r fLu . ,d"r'.' "lod er,I' · (': . n~1 ZOlU' gl ,'c th e popula ti on th " ll appetizing and sa~, Dor of ap'eater f~ value. Put oeX'IIae.t ~ are havl~ _ e 4ulce 10 here witbout passing the guard· orlng to smll... • ,~., : ,,~ 03,810, of Yo h ic h n ~out ~2,O{l1. up with or without tomato sauc:e. An excellent dish _ _ there .tonIght" bouee_" " The parllee m en tlou ed I: rl: 0: \' ~ry un: .. nl\,lo )' '''" o f 1111 ~,, ~ c l co mmiss ion aerved either hot 01' cold. ...~:J" . "Y05, U:· besltatlngly, aDd then Kane .tarod Into the Sergeant's (nce Bmall Interest to m e, " Ih e I'nIHInI " ral lro;, ,: ,oI. d d 1'1 " " ~ r1 I,..;', on Libby'. 'C'enturi1lg 1lbe 1nqulry ~ ".ay I uk U a moment, and tben oul across Lh e pa· "And Major McDo nald," he InSis te d , Oll S e~ual contractors , (;. 1~ (' 1' 1I 1i "'~ McDonald haa re~ to the rade ground. A ye llow light winked utterly IgnorIng the IncT(I!~ llIg un !,'H Spl':l klng, the ~ o ll Ifl not s ult!1ul e (". Libby. M~Neill &: Libby puetT' in the Colonel's omce, occasionally of the omcer beside b e r. " Poss ibly fan ni ng It Is nOI lik e ly that Am£' 1 '')Icl:lGno.kl ? No," he p;la.!tced at bkl blotted out by the pas81ns ftgure ot a you w ere !lware of h is d"parturp7 " Ican s will be attrncte d. nnd 8ine.. Chicago _tdl. "He llad orde rs to go east to fientry. The officer came to u prompt "Ye s," m o r o d e lll>era te ly : "h e;> wId o tb e r occupant s tllan Am e r ica ns , f w ltl pt""lr G.O the:atnge, Tbat wu. (I'l ie out decision, m e ot hI s orders. lin d bnd" m e good· obl'l o u ~ rp3MlOR. ore not d.'~ lrulil· ~ . t'-DloIt all bour .qo, " 1" "Tho 'old man' la over thore yet, by e Illter. So fa s a r Co nnon; i ~ en n· Co io ll t' l (i cf' tlt" ls Is In fO" or o f the <lit ' "'To Wpley? By stn!!:eT" the Ser-I.rubbihg at aome papers. Come on c e rned, h e was to hn" e Ih B cu rr lnge popula tion of t h e ZU Il .... ex~pp t eo f ~ t CU Dt I'6peated the worda. d.ue4./olrer, 6nd tell him whnt YOD bave told h e re'tor us at two o·clock . Ie . tbat all , all it \\'11\ occuple,l by canni ope r9" wba:t 11M be COMe ot )(Iall _ . I belle'l't1 the lall8 will turn up all Mr. Serge nllt Hnmlln , " tl \'e~ I\l\d b y tbt' military nec esBa ry tOI lIoDoaaW'" rlg1)t. bLlt it does look rather qu ee r ," "You bette r malte it 1111. " thrt'.!.I te ne d I tb e prol ectl o n at the cRnat. Th e Coloo,,! IIn O the POllt AdJutant \Vere ttl th e littl e Om ell, busy over a pile of pap<'rB. Bolb offie ra glunced up , r esu nllng lhe Interruptlou , aB Kllne nt e r ed, Ham lin following. 'fhe for· U1l'r expluin ' d Ihf' ei t uatio n Lrle ll y, whil e t he (,Olllilltwdunt I 'lined bllck 1n bi B c h nlr, h is IU.'l'n e)' c~ studrt ng th e young e r man . "V(' ry w ~ ll, C:qlta ll l I{nn e," lie aald sho r t I." . liS th(' ofllct' r 'l\ Ht ry P!Hled . " \\'" ali :" 1 11:1'."· 10 eXil mlnp. Ilito lhl H, 01 ('our. t' , l>ut will I'rub:l tl ly dl~cu\· ..,r th e wholo nfT:olr u f:dRr, Il lan n. Th cre Is, at lJn·'~ ,' n: , 110 l l( ' ce~bily fo r a lll rrn· Illf.; ll ll)' ntJI"r~ hn r /!. 'an t, ' klll(lIy ex· Illalli 10 m.' wil.~' ~1 1t· " ~Icnonald should hlln, corne to lO U in he r di s tress?" Hamlin 61 " PPCtl for\\urd, and to id til!'> Rto r), II galn in c1"t~ll . unslo\(' rln g th ' CO h'IH'I'6 q Ul':llon>l {mnk l)' , I "T h l" , th(·II. \\'II.S Ihe Olll y t lta lOU r buv p lll. ' t ~Inc.' )'Clur nrrh'a l'!" , " \, ,,~ , si r:' I . All d· I IllR Mrs . lJupont r )'ou IllI;v,' I Lad a IJr", ious b t'4un lnUU~ c(· with III 'r?" " Sum ... r"nr~ or- a ,"

The Best Beverage under the Sun-






Free Homestead





~:~n~~:P",;',~~lt~~t~ :(.:~: :P;:!~a;~~~: i DR PEERY'S VERMIFUGE



You Can't Cut Out











Delicious - Nutritious


Many of these IIQuirrel8 are Il~el, JOUQ& tellow8. born lalt April, wbo In A_-orded Lbe earJy sprina ... JUllet up houaelLlBe .... -"IITeI. In Indlanapoll. ...... or _..... M I d e .... ..e. t b y.. &11 lag for them.elveI!. These .qulrrela "reedo," __ . CI ...e • . , the Citizen.. are ClHtekareeB, which lIounda mueh 1 _ like the lLftUIe of a tribe ttt red men. : '"" I rt. of the city It II TIl.. nrtetJ I. founc! from Maine to , Jh ~.. ~.. P. quJrrels 1D MIDl!eaota od througb the mIddle -te, ~ t ...ere are more 8 ' IR tb It d ",!lout the "eat ,and . . far loutb . . ,Tenn4l.••e.e ..,.c.dellce OUr ' . ~ -::;. ' d t.W th 'I and ' VlrctnlL it la the ' bar«le.f of. . . . .~ ~~ f t . ore Ion the American waJrrela &sUI : : : JJtUt~r DO t'!.e::~::' ell1o')"IDter, • It • •,.. . . ,. . ; ,~~",!. til rlDie"at ' roreat tullllellllc' u«e, ~ IDOW, . ....~1lI



, ~:,

!:: c:'J.


_ _ ' . : . P,

!o :t..-,

Htm.,toj .


~,~~~~ rut;,Cle~ ~b.

eomlng tram 8 bath. It Is on tlip alert ""ardnE'ss of one of tb e ge ntl pnt p n we, from dawn to Bunset , a nd on ' moon · h llVu rl a bl)' ro de ov e r tlt e houuds, ,, \ light nights lucb as WA no w !Java \I OIH: 01 th e meets Ih n ~l. F , H, rod · rna" , be Ileen having hlgb fun di s port, Ull to th e awkward bunter ,Rnd. In th' I " (ng Itselt unde r the lrees. It do es not TTl :ls t cbilllng tonel; S~ld , 111~. s< hibernate, and while It may bave :lInd ~o , th£'re are two dogs In th" P l? r.~ many enemIes In the forest It bas 10 t(ld a~', 8no I) a nd '['a tt ers . . whlc~ ( D D the elHel! practically oat y one the cat. espec ially fond of and I "oulll \ SlE-1l1! . . 'f ' IA ' Id killl -Indianapolis 'New~ , It Ii rn vor I you "ou u &\0 DIO' ' . . lltlBlminl' tbe m with yollr horBe'I :Jldn't' Improve Situatloft boOr8. " 'CertaInly, d~ lellow;' ,n~ 1. "Cel'taJD 'mAliter of ~,- r~~pllect ·Mr;, So· a~d.'.o;' "loot. a., I do QOo hound. In" olle !If tbe i:1I111.1s tbl,.. ~~,oW"tbem Wlu YOU ~i' ~d eAouli ~





t~ . II ~, .~~iI ~tll ."!'''''1i1, .~

a1(k- ,put tnp on


~~r OM.

. '









July Clearance Sales ARE A GREAT SUCCESS July Specials Head y- Mud e S heets .. ....... ... ..... .. .. ....... ...... .. 4ge and 5 ~e H('ad y· Made Pil low Ca~ es . Embro ider ies wide. Ribbons ............. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .: ... .... .... . ...... .. . 10e t o 1ge Wide Tabl e Linen. all linen ............... .. ...... $1.2& f or 9& All Linen .. .. .. .. .... .. . .. .. .. .... ........ .. ... .. ....... $1.00 for 7ge Aprons. all over 8ge ...... .. ... .. .. .... .... ... ...... .. .. .. lOe t o 25e White Sil k Gloves .. .... .... .. .... .... .. .......... .... ..... 50e t o $1 60 Corsets .. .... .... .. .... .. .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .... ...... .. ... ... 50e to $5 00

Wash Goods Lawn., worth up to 10e, to cloBe .. .. .. ... ..... ... ...... ... ..... . fie Lawns, worth up to 15e. to close :.. .. .. .. ...... ... .. ...... .... .. tOe Crepes. Tissues. Voile. worth up to 25e .... .. ...... .. .... .... . 16e Crepes, Tissues. Voile, wort h up to 35c ......... ... ........ .. . 1ge Voiles. Balkan Suitings, P . K ., worth up to 50e, to close 3ge Ratine Lines. SSc quality. to close .. .. .................. ... ... . 6ge Ratine Silk. $1.25 quality, to close .. . .. .. .. .......... _.. .. .... . 95e

Hose Specials 2Fic Mercerized Light Weig ht ................... ... .. ...... .... .. 1ge 35c Tan and White Boot Silk ... .. . ., ........ ...... .... . .. .... .. . 2Sc .25e BunioD Seconds. Hlack and Tan ........ .. ........... .... .. loe

. Ready-to-Wear Department All LIIdies' Suits ..... . ....... .. .. .. .. ... ... ...... ONE-HALF PRICE All Ladies' Coats .... ............ .. ......... . .. .. ONE-HALF PRICE Ladies' White Waists, $1 00 and $1.25 grade.............. 79c Just received Saturday, Big Special in White Parasols $1 00

. Carpets, Ruga and Mattings

HUTCHISON &. GIBNEY XENIA, OHIO. -Y'aar houe iJ the ICeD8 of 10~. m.o.t briDiaot ennta.-. :.: -rhIt'. riIbt.- replied lIr. Cam'-. -X, wife -r-'YIiIa • lot of ,.._~ .' J-ItW I'd ..... ataDd a chmce of beiDf _rifed to it I YMIl't marrle4 to ...·-W~ lDNDiDg Star.


A DlP'l'DRNCE. .

For Cuts, Bums and Bruises In avery home 'here Ihoulci be a box of Buoklen's Arnica "-lve, ready to apply'in every 08le of burns, outs, WOunds or s08lds. J . H. Polanoo, Oelville. Tex. R . No . 2, wrIte. : "Bueklen's Alnioa Malve saved my UUle lIirl's cut foot . No one be. Ileved it eonld be oured ." Thg world'l! beet IIlllve. Only IIGo. Re commended by J. E. Janne.,.

. ..


,- "I n~ saw a girl that could hit anything abe threw at." "Well, you never laW my girl throw ahint."-Indianapolia Btar• . NOT ALONE.

De..lark on Silverware The moot- beautiful; . IDOIt durIOble all ....r. pla'.d forb,

... .tamped wtlll lb. hDVWDed vade 1II&r~

';IW . ROGERS BROS.~ s, lIaII ......t




a.nd , ....., _ . pi .....


Optimistr-Tbe sun is getting higher every day. Pessimiqt-So is everything eIae. -Woman'sliome Companion.

olll1 . IOn JOG

tbe orlaUW


want \Crot made IJl 1..". and ....... 1 _..lf of 11>0 bett In ' ....... tr. GoIah and 1IooIjfn. Bold b1 llIIOdl.,

"18 Jinks well off?" ( "Yea, but he doea nat realize it. He i8 to be married in June."



In view of the tRot that more than , 16.000,000 are expected to be ~pent by Amerloans at the British corona. tion, the Amerloan invasIon is Bot 08usln~ muoh worry among London sbopkeeperp.

dtaIenI..,• .,.wber ••

lIeD.,.. etoIal.... . "().r.," IIIow1Da


all ......

BIUTDJrJ.t. co.

VER-Y UNUSUAL A Brooklyn fiat \iweller made hlmeeJr unpopular wUh 'he red of 'be tenant! by always payiDg his rena when 1& was due. A KOOd ezam.le 18 aomethJn, *hat people aome\tmeedOD'har8 to bave around



I :::. :::~o~:~:' ~~I:':: ;;~:;~iii:~~i~;,~·:~ I 8 0r .. oe P. Da nfor th, deoeaHed. E~t li e fu lly "dmi nistered. In tbe 'lllltter of the estl1t e ~f Ma rlbu Pierllon, dwel18ed. Etllute fu\1 yaclministered . In the wl1t ter ol the es tut e of .I:lerwun P . Le wis, minor Estl1te u lly ull minll!ter ed I n th o Rl l1ttor of the estute of E o geno H. A ogsp orgor, d e oe a~ed. E!l t-.... II f ully adm inistered . In t he matter of the estllte of P re~oola Hpen Oll, deo088ed . Elltate fullyallm lnister ed . I n t he mutter of t he est ate of Mur y ArmstroDJ.:, de')e ased . Estate full y adru il1itltered . Jn t he matt!lr of the estate of B oward F red erick Ell, m inor. Es ta te foll y Ildminill tered . In th o matter of t he will of An drew Jam es Bax t er, deoouaed. Will ftlod a nd Iln d I1 dm itted to probate. In tbe matter of P . ll . Rue, as g UlUdla n of ij ,mue l Reed et al Pl ain tiff vs . t:!a muel Ree I et al . lJefendao tll , H . S. Conover, R. C. Adams and W .. I ter R . ~ i e gfrled ap . poi nted apprll.l SflrS of real eHtate. In thA mat,ter of the e8tllte of Moses W Holll ngs wortb, decea!led. Exeout rl x ordered to prooeed to ad vertise and sell the ol .. ims specified a t publlo auotion . In t he w!l.tter of H') wllrd P . Mlohael as administrutor eiC. , plaintiff VB. Pt\ul B. Mlohael et ai, de· fen dante. Bil la of relll estate ap· proved. I::iettlem ent ordered. P . H Rue, exeoutor eto , plaintiff vs Laura Robin son et al. defendants 8aleofreal esta te approved. lileUle· ment ordered .. In t he matter of tbe es'ate of Rosella Witham Crane, deoealled. P r ivate sale of personal property order\ld. In t be maHer of the e. tate of Rosella Witham Crl\ne, deoeti.sed. Private 8ale of monlclpal bond!! ordered. In sbe maUer of the will of Andrew Jamea Baxter. deooused. Will admitted to probate. In the maUer of she 8lltate of An · drew Jumes Baxter, deceased. Fin· ley 'fhompson appointed execu~or. Bond $8.000 furnl !!hed. R . J . Irwin, Georlle Kerr and Edward Davis ap· praiBen. In I·he mlltter of the will of Bophia Vanderveer, deceased. Will filed and adwit'-'d to problLte. In the mattsr of the estate of N .. than M. Brown, deceased. In. vent ory and appraisement filed. In the matter of the guardianship of CHnton J ones, an alleged Imbecile. Applioation filed fur gnudlan for aRid C Jones . Beari~g aet for 16th inBt. J. W. Newman. adminilltrator of Thoma8 L . Brown , deleased, plaintiff Vb. Annie Brown. widow of said decedent et aI, defeudant.. ADswer and or03s-petitlon in above Cbuse filsd.



Eatate Transfer.

l" renoh Bros. Bauer Co, to Han . na b A. Gl1l!!ki ll. tract of land in Co. zfldd flle, Ohio. 'I . Da vid V,a n Vamp of .lf nnklln to Edwl\r rl W. Chllm bsrluin , one BOre of lan d in 'fran klin , ' I . J amel! B. Dilley to L . Earl Thomp. SOD , lou No. 77 _ud 78 of Dilley lIubdlvlsiolll Ilt Muson, laO . J ohn and Em ma Henry to Love land MUtllllll Building & Loan Co , of Loveland , Ohio, t raot of Illnd In Deerfield tOR08b ip, J Rmes B. Dilley et II I to Mason Lumber Co., lot8 Nos . n , 13. 14 of tba Dilley subdi vision at Mason , $200 . J ames B. Dilley et al t o Char In 6 . La ne, lot No. 1:17 of the 011ley lIu bdivisio[1 at M~Bon , 'GG

'1. .


Charles W. Schwartz . & Son 20-22-24 Mecha nic Street , lebanon, Ohio

--= 1913




Arlando C. Conover e t 61 vs Ralph B. Parhs as administrator of tbe will of Marll1 Conover,deoeftled Con test wi llI. Fl or ence 13nlde r vs . J oaepb Snider, di voroe, gr 0811 neglect . J ohu BI"le r V B The Ohio Eleotric Ry. CIl., pla in tiff given leRve to file r eply. Grand Jury oalled and sworn In . Members 'lVere : Ira Bigony, fore man, E dwi n R . WOOd. W. C T ur. ton, CharUe Lewl8, Bruot' Cowan, Walter .ookbill, P . A. t:!tamps, Milton Dill, James H . St. John, Bert Boot h , J . P . Rawles, R. A Gallaher . J osbua Collett, George Brtldfield, tI. F. Brown , Fred Bone. Jllmes F. Rloh at al vs S'-'I1" G . Sheets et al. Lea ve granted to file answer to orosll petition In oause $0 one of thl' liflffl n~f\ nt s. ~ ;harl es C'J!!:lU;1 Vi. Alloe OondoD. DI vorce gra n ted . Dillon B. Wilson vs. Manly D Wilson e~ a,). Further sale ordered on foreolosure of mortgage. Report of Grand Jury oonred five CB8BS Ilnd presented five true bt1ll!. State of Ohio vs Charles Gilesple . Blly fixed at 8um of $4000. I:!tate of Ohio va. Finn Reeder. &11 fix ed at som of $1500. Otho Coloman ve. AngJls'a Cole· tn"n . DlvE,ro! Ie no* granted. De· fendan& giv'e n custody of ohlldren and money for Buppor& of minor ohildren. MarUn A •. Jameson as adminls· trator of the estate of J&mes M, Coolr, decellse" e* al vs. J08eph H . Cook, et· al. Admlnlstra'or auCborized to ooml~ete said oontrao', fre. from any claim .

Uaeful DBvIce "-"Y tW It. Origin In tIM Roma_ rA Humbl. EngIlah Coupl..

Methodist Episcopal Churdw

Mnrrla&e L1ceoJe1 Harry Miller of Cle'fe1llnd to May O. Fibgerald. Rev. ... . J. KH'le. Kdward C. mbbs, mSllt In8pector of Davenport, Iowa. to Marie L. Cubbage at Blanohes'-'r. W. H. Gray, Frank 8iolpson, oarpenter of Morrow. to Bertha Luti of Pleaun' Plllin, OhIo. .ev. A. J. Kestle.



Every thing in the lioe of Cemetery Work. We make a Specia lty of Individual design s for ou r customers All work let tered in our owo S hop with Poe ulllatil: Tools.

Common Pleas Proceedings


. ~

Deal Directly with t he Proprietors No ~gents Commissions- No Middlemen's Profi ts You Get t he Benefit


Luoy E. Mnrray to Mary Hag" Commislioner.' Proceedings man, two lots in l'urtleoreek township. oontainin g 8 64 and IS 76 acres Contract!! Allowed-Oregonia respeoth'ely. $1. Bridge Co., for a three spen lI'eel Mary Hageman to Annioe M. bridge with block floors and oon. CroSier, two lot8 in Turtleoreek orete struo'ure at Kin~s Mills, Ohio, towDshlp oontalning a 64 and G.76 '27885 . No. 66. Frank A. Bone for sutaores respeotively $1. A. B. Shet ter of Middleiown, 0 ., atruoture for bridge a' F08iers as to Myrta F. Pile, Iota No . 62 and 63 follows: New Ellst abu&ment ~n in Maokinaw additIOn to Franklin pll1ng 18975 j J;epairlng WeI!' abu' Ohio, $1. ment with piling ,noo i extra piling Charles E . Eaton and 'W. S. Un- '50 per feet. glesby of Franklin, Ohio. to George No 67 Oregonia Bridge Co., for Pile, lots No 60and 61in Maokinaw steel superstruoture f"r For' An. addItion to fl'runldin. Ohlc>, $1. oient bridge 16887. Irene Schuyler to Charles A, AI· No. 68 Oregonia Bridge Co, for bright, lot oontaining U 21 Borea 0 )D orete ma sonry Fort Anoien' being part of fraotionlll seotlon No. bridge at $6 25 per ou. yd. 1. TowD"blp 4, Range 4, between 'he No.'9 J. W . Ridge for fills at Miami Rivers, '1. Foster, Ohio, hridge at lax o. per Alfrlld Beam of Franklin, Ohio. to on . yd. for east fill And 4Uo per ou Charles Clevenger. lot No . U8 in yd . for weet fill . Parll Place additi on to Franklin, No. 70. R. M. Van Horne for Ohio. pl\tng and fills for bridge a' M'ort John B. Rlobtlfdl!on of Franklin, Anoient, plllDK at 050 per f& aDd OhiO, to Cbarles Clevenger 66 ' fee' fi\1s at 37Yao Iper ou . yd., . T9ledo Bridge and Crane Co., tor off west part of .lot No. 965 In J'ranklin. Ohio, $1. Booerstruoture for Fosters, Obio, John E. Gilbert to Charles T. brIdge 118&91 . Culberhon, 107 aores of land in No. 71 . BElrt Reed for pntting 10 Washington townsti1p 11. an 18 ft . 36 inoh oorrugated sewer Phillp Hopkins to AmBnda. 13mitb, on Botler Co. line road by .lIIeon .779 aores of land near Waynellville, Voorhtll farID and oonorete head. Obio, II . wllolks and g(ll~ding' and making filla Belle H . Wood to IrA If. Blgony over !lame In Deerfield towDsblp lfJts No. 14 and t2 ot University '5450. tieigh&s'1. _ , _ . -___••_ __ Jolla M. HendeTson to Thoma. Expertm8Dl~ ' wlth tho1l8ao4s ot Prendergast, ODe lot, 170. 8Qbjoou haTe shown that-Ue aver. Edward B. SenueU et al to Earl , age maD attaiD8 hll mazlmu Deoker, }{aore Dear Re(I Liod, atreDith in hi" ~ls' 1"'f.


We have Solved t he Hig Il Cost of Mon umeu ts


Rev. O. B. unl uIiOr. P""tor .

S unday Sc hO!) 1. u : l a a . IU. Morntng MU \'l ce, t i l ::10 a . m . t<: " c nt n g t4 cr vt cc, -: : 0 p w . Mt,lweo k l'r \ye r Nae \l nlC . 7 p. w .

--- -

It WIIB about forty years ago tbat St. Au~stlne's Catholic Churcb. M. Raymond Louis Wolowski, A wellFatber LouIs YaU8 Icn()wn Freoch politician, who WIlB by M nss c" (\ r v lUlCU lllJ S uUdl\ f or ttlc mOD l b :Ii birth a Pole, propolled in the national U:u o a . w. aaaembly that the poital canl should St. J\\ary's Episcopal Chur~~. be recognized 88 a legitimate farm J . I". Cutlw:1l1ntler. UOCIOl . at correspondence in France and thi& SUII,tHeayv. Sc hool. 0 ::)0 u . w Mo rn l" K s r. was the beginning, 81 far as is d ee , [ U :;JU a . IU . H o l y COlUmunJou Lo ll o Un . , Sumluy of eac h w OIl\b. known, 01 the poA catd .. we know

it today. Chrlltlan Church . But the real discovery of the poat Rev. P. D. Tllowp80o. I'll8l<>o. D1blo School. 9' 30 u. m . t50dul m 06tlna. card a8 Q means of correspooden('e, lo:ao u. Dl. L'hrlsUu n E ndea vor. 7: 0 U p . m. it is said, was made long before by Sermon by putor overy a lttll"u al.6 BUllII"¥ .. two young lovers living In dilltant 10: 80 /to. 01 . and 7: 30 p. 01 . villages. It WIl8 at the time before Hlckslte Friends Chur~. st.amps exist{!d and the receiver of a Fil'llt U") Mce tln L~ . 0 :0 0 1\ . m. F lr.t 1)3, II ;00 a Ut. .'ounh !lay Mcc\ln.: letter paid the charges to the post- School. 10 :00 a . m. man. The dAughter of a poor farmer Orthodox Friends Chure•• received from time to time a letter Mrs. E Uza!Jotb W ard . P .......or. froPl her lover, a 8Oldier, but she 988 Rab ba\b School . U:30 a 10 . H e~ lI l a.r " h u rc h too poor to pay thbe postage, and sar v jC68 10: 30 a.. 1.0 . , lL ud i : lO 11. Ill . P nl)'or after hllr ing examined it intently she m ootlog Wed ucllday evonl ug IlL 7: 30. returned it to the postman. On the envelopu were scratched numbers and E. V. BARNHART, figures together with the address. One day a neigbbof, having pity on Notary Public the young gi 1'1 who WIlB too poor to pay the postage on lettelil whieh All kiod" of Nol.llry WOlk. Pe nllion Work 8 Mpeollllt.v. came obviously from her lover, olfered to pa.y it. The girl ref1l8ed, but tlui" neighbor insisted. Once in possession of the letter the girl made no attempt to open i~ but stood going at the envelope. The neighbor WIIB astonished. c:e.l1-lrM. When questioned, tlle girl replied: Co"" EUler lal" V..,e' -rhere is nothing written inside the DI~ WI!'! and Ill' Ib .... Thtse a ro t la o Ih lll L:_ wnlr' '' will 11' :1 10 0 " m !.. 11 D r )' (·ur but. letter. Weare not rich enough, my .o~:C3::~~~~~\~~!f II ~t;~f:·:l~~'h ~:buh.. fiance and I, to pay the postage of The AMERICA.N BOY our letters, and before he'1INlt to the r:c~1t:,.\'~1!rl°••ra;:rdl~lfve':,~~~, I t~;~'! Mb~r!~~ army we arrangW a code language an d cu ~ nt events. P h Ol o!:'f"'Ilphy to l 3mPl. el .r ~ t r1C'l ly. ca rpe ntry, . pnr: . , r llllllll i . Tell, bo,.. JU I ' between 118, the signa that you see wha t to do tond hD W t il d n It . lle:nUU\l 1I1 Ul u». t rat ed. I.lld 'H 'er y 11IIt! In h nnnon)' w ll b n fln t d traced on the envelope." ~~~t~~SI::J ::~~Oro'rd ~}i;t~O.;:'~.07~:u:.l~4t~~ Thns was diacovered the post card. De "~taJl d • • IIO coati.

. -.




Unsightly Face Spots Are oured by Dr. Bobson's Eozema Ointment, whioh hellIs all skin eruutionB. No matter how long you ALTEU MC(lLURE, have been .roubled by UohlnR, burning or soaly akin humors, just Funeral Dlrer.tor. put a Uttle of ~hat 8oo'hlng, Dr. Bobaon's E zema Ointmeot, on the sores and the suffering stops Telephone day or night, instantly. Healing begins that very Yalley phone No. 'I . 1..001( minu'e. Dl,JbklrB US15 it in 'heir Distance No. 69.-',.. praotioe and recommend it. Mr. Alleman, of :"itt.]etown, Pa., says : OHIO • " Had eczema on forehead i Dr . Hob- WA YNESVILLE, son '. Eczema Ointment cured it in Branch Office, BarveJHbul'l'. O. two weeks." GUllraoteed to relieve or monllY refunded . All d'rugglstll, or by mB11. Prloe 500 Pfeiffer Cheml<mIOo., Phlla, .elpbia a n J St. Louts .




- --


THI aitiATli8T

Before a young man proposes to a young woman it might be a good IN THE WOItLD idea for him to 8ugg88t 08soo11y IOBI.mIED WEEnY. SUO PER lUI lome day thlit he would like to see "MIL.. DItUCCI.T8, 8PICIALI8,.., her in her kitohen g" wn .


008 TUM Eit e, T It A N 8 F' E., a " . AIID. "U8 aEftYICE CAN PItO'I':" .V U81Na ITS ADYIRTIIINC CO~UMN8

COULDN'T CHANOE THEM We ara told tllat tbe oouveoltlon of CaDterbury proposes' 10 abridge 'he ten oommandments Evidently the ot mmaDdmeotB haye been broken 110 often that they need re · palrinjJ.


N.w Yonc. N. v.




For Intemal an4 Extomal .........

N. Sears

Live Stock and General Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock.

Experienced in handling farm ~es since

1905.. T8rms ~easonabl. -:- Satlsfactlon ;Ouarant"d . ORADUATB OJ' TBJII


o•• Qa~

- . Ohio . valleY T.e1q,boni 45-3f . . ",


, I



(' uull. ll00

Week ly




o~' nclJ:


GAZETTE Wayne.yllle, -



- R,atel!!-of Sub8cription 0 0 0 yo .... (stric tiI' In .... V&II"") . ....... 11. 00

8 uglo Co py .. . ........ . .. .... .. .... ,


of Adverti8ing

.toadlng l..ocalB, pot line . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Heading l..ocllls. blod< f llCtl, per Une . . . . It)(· ' . Iaaailled All•• not to exc~ UYIl Un.... _ _ Throe InaetUoWl .. . .. . . .. . . .. lll<' UbltusrlOll. IIvo illch8tl .. 00. over IIvo !ne h el!. I",r 1100 • •••.• • • .. •• . • i 6c u. rd of thAnk. . . . . . . . . . .... ,. . . .. ... 26c • . tJfIO IUtiODS •. •••• • •• •. •••• •• • • ••• , ,..

Published in the Miami Gazette 44 Years Ago.

11 2

D. L. CHAN E, Editor and Manager



O hio

.ocordmg to the Miami Ga:t.ette, ~uite a rain deloondod on tbe soil of Jnly 23, 1869, we clln a few of tbe alld the good and ovll of Raysville mOlt important event8 of thlt'date. (Lytle) last woek, but we were not favored . In regard to mnril:otA wheat 80ared to $1.80 II. bu., oorn 780, Dati 620, hntter 200, lard 200, ee88 16o, .pota toel '1 .60, ohloken., per doz, $3, applell Ii 50.

The dlrootor. of I he publio 8chool were: !:!. S . HainOll, Emmor Bally ' G. M. Zell. 'fellchers for tho coming year worA • . BoUers, PrID., MiI!8 Eliza Bunting, Mrs. H . J . Colfeen, MlslI Clara Bedford, Mil!lI Phuebe BaUy . Teacher 'n DIIWICt No. 1 W81 MIBS (Jeorgia Bmall,No. 2, Mar Iball Barlan, No . 3 MI1I8 Jano M.alt. by, Ko . 6 Sallie Billpham, No . 8 Hannah RedferD, No. 9 Leonora R ober's, No 11 Llda KeYI, No. 10 Ruth WoodboM .

There were tw" CA8es of 8un8'ro 1 e. the 'hermometer .Btandlng 118° In the shade.



· ocl.w etc. wbere cha. II lB made . . . . ... ~6c • I8pl ay AdvertLslng

()l .

Inc h .•.. ... •. , .

DilIcount.e given ,n contrloCt.

Tho peaoh orchal.1 of Jacobs & IOC Williamson has bOt suffered much frorn fo lling off of fruit


Workmen In 'he hll.r.,06' field on Terry's Artlo 80da water and loe the farm of John Hawke found a oream are among 'he m08t popnlar It would no' 866m natural wUhou' lIu80 lard oan In the wboat, The non.conductors of tbo heat of wbloh a daily war scare, can waH found to bavo been Itolen we are aware. in the IIprlng from laaac 1l10hener" and mU8t have oontained at Ie... 40 Aged ball pl~y6rl!! mu.' el'hor pound8 of le.rd. It Is 8npposed tha' The blackberry crop II 8IIotd '0 be como back or 0180 go ~way baok. the millrable 'blevtIIJ took thelr(large, and the berrle. are ripening gr08le It.I thoy wanSed It. fallt. , $

"Prune now," lillY. the almanac. The boarding house keeper prunes always.


, THE GREENE COUNTY FAIR, Good Races in the Speed Each Day,

Special Free Attractions Each Day.



Wooster Experiment Station Exhibit.

Good Displays of Machinery.


Exhibits of Horses, Cattle, Swine, Poultry.

Lunette Sisfers, Delmore & Oneida.

Free Exhibitions Morning and Afternoon.

Excellent Music Each Day of the Fair.


-----------+----- -- ----r The Neighborhood News i r ---- - -- ..-...-.----- --

Causes of Stomach Troubk:1 .~ -~---~ ~~ S6dentary habl's, lacll of out door Spring Branch Harveysburg• O][OroI86, Insuffiolent mastication of food, oonlltlpl&tion, Ii torpid liver, Mr@ . Thomall 8e81 and daughter E.s pOlltmll8ter StoOP!! wal a worry and anxiety, overeatinll, partaking of food and drink not I!!uned Clarbville visitor Friday. Florenco and Mrs. Cha8. Braddock to your age u.nd ()()()upation. Cor R. C. (larner tran88cted bueinslII and 800 Ern88t were Sunday guestl! root your habits and "take Vhamber. ot Ilr . and Hi'll. Frank Ilesll nellr lain '8 Tubletll and you will soon bt" In Dayton Saturday. A<l8 will h e Insrnecl und c r Ihl . hoad for R. W. Kaylor II beautifying hll LyS!e t\\' en~ · tlv c ce nts tor l.hrl' C tn sortl onil well again, F·Jr 8ale by all dealers. when u81ng not mo r c tban 1I,·c lin eR . store room and WhOD oomple&ed will MIBI Ablgal Roland vlllited Sun· W- • • ~--"'--"'.-'" day wltb 1118181 Lena and Goldie be aaonl the nloes~ In town, And next Bummer we I!!hall pro Joseph Singleton, who has been Coneor. WANTED btably h8l1r the lIame old dory about wUh ble gra:ldmo~her, Mary Ward, Meeting was held at Middle Run an loe famine. died of tUberoUICIl1 after a linger. lalt ~aturdav and Snnday. • Mr. Roy !:lmlth had the mi8fortune Ing I11nell and wal laid to reBt ia EN-$2.00 per day, steany work Popular Mechanics It's all right to bllr "baseball n~r. for gOC'ld nHIn A ppl:v to thA of 108lng his tine driving hone one 'he burying I(round near here. Magazine :Ilotorll" t rom the vaudeville .'aie, Oregonia Bridge C{\mpnoy I LAhanon. The Township tlunday School oen· day last week. .. WIIITTDI ao YOU CAli UIIDII:IISTAJlD IT" B 10 ' Ohio . but why stop there? Mra . Bonle Drake and daugbters venaion oonvened at Friendl church GREAT Continued Stol"F 01 th. I World', Prolll'eU which you 8unday. The roll oall Ihowed all were Sund!lY Rneete of Mr. and Mr•. IADVERTISER\::! - '1'0 know that \ may begin reading at any time, and French clocks are to be let. for· prelent and tbe reportl of com Alber' Drake. which will hold your interest forever. ' you can sell your horse~ and ward nine minutes . Grllolo08, iln" mlUeel received, and an enjoyable IIr \ 'I'bolDal Lac1 and family ,OOWR and oth er thing!'! by ad vertiA2110 I'AlKI EACH MONTH lOll I'ICT1IIIEI ing them in the Gazette It 008ts Paris fast enough as " Is? ~Ime wal had, Pret, A. 8. Collet' were entertained at the bome of 200 A"nCUI or HII£\W. 1IITDE1T ' but htt.1e, and brings re8ults . Mr. Robt, Stroll88 near Ferry la8t otficlated In hll ul11&1 manner. The .. Shop Not •• " O.l' (20 1>811") IIlves easy woys to do thinlls-how to make M.rl. H. E. Collett, of Wilmington, I::!und"y. The Best Medicine In the World nseful artlcJea10r home ond .hop, repairs, etc. .. A_t..... M.d....l1e ... (10 pages) tell. how to liN. Jerry Roland and daughter"My lIUlo glt! bad dYMln'flry came down Sunday mornlnll afkr m ake Mis.ion furniture, wit eleaa ouUlta. boatll. Ml'II. Kinder-lt aecm8 to me tor engines. maalc. and all the thiDp • boy lov... very bad. I thought 8he WOUld die her daugbtor, Virginia, who hu Mrs. J888le Roland called on FOR SALE Chamberlaln'l Vollc, Cholora and been making 1& 'YilU here for a Ihod the ,former'lI mother M.8. FrancII a man who claim8 to deserve chartUO PIlI YIAIL lINGLE COI'U tl CDITI Diarrhoea Remedy oured her, and] ~in'e . ity you have a very red n08e. Ask your newsdealer, or Rawel one ahernoon lal' week. oall truthfullv lay thd I t.hlnk it Is WRITII: PO. PltD aAM~U co..,. 'nIDAY EUENT BRICK for sale. For Beggu-Well, mum, the chea.p The baby daughter of Mr. and H.aymond biley, of Dayton. III the beet medicine in tbe world," further Informa.tlon Inqulro or wriw lin. -William Orvil, Vlare, lDakln!f hil ann', IIr.. lIartba Fn.nll: B888, of Dear I'erry, I. soap I WIe is very hard on my com- F. M. Chenowo'h, Waynesville, POPULAR MECHANICS CO. a,a w. w_-.t_ a.~ C " I _ plenon, mum. reported very 111 at 'he &lmo of tbil Micbl For II&le by aU deal~rs. Fh.ot., Il, Ohio. a 6 Albert Merlhew II qllUe lick a' wrl"nR· PUZZUL MH. Frank Cook and dau, Mer AORE!:l of Ifmd . 8 E. of - !'uIUon dlctatel Itl6D&ler lulte for 'bl. t i lUll, n nil fear ta mkrtalnod Waynesville 2 mlle8 , known Marie vi81ted home tolk8 herll one 'hat he ba~ l ite t. , phold fenr, IDeo. but tber. II no aMuraDoo that --rhell'e il!! cno muaical condition I as the Cluil:&on Gause Farm . Ap. Mr. and Mr.l J ~epb Davil and day la'lt w88k. the tailON' bl1\8 will be made to ply to Franklin Paoker, Waynes. / would like to bring about." HI8181 .Emma and Sherley BOlan, daughtor, DOrtllb :·. weJe the IU8lts ville, tlbio . tt maklh ~ "What is that 7" FuneraJ Director of Waynenme, were oalllnR In thll of MN. Karprl!t L,' \' joy Bunday. and Embalmer, "I would like to arrange a proHOG R d I h f I - e mil e og or sa e . aln, Ruth Vandervoort llpent neighborhood I ..t Sunday. 100 floes al large as 181anda are apgram wi,th 'Songs Without Words' Inquire of John Beach, R . D. Mrl, Chal. Braddock and Mi .. Waynesville, Ohio. pearing in 'he Nor'h .'lan'lo, bu~ Sunday with her brother, J. Q. rendered by voiceles8 singers." 6, Waynolvll1a, Ohio. a6 (Joldle Connor were HarveY8burg Klog, re'urnlng to her beautiful Uncle Bam will not annex an1 of vI.lton oa las' lIatW'day. Call answered promptly day or nilrht. oountry home Sunday eveninl· them. AMID LIPPE'S DISCORD. _______ __ 4.__- - - red Prll8Sed Brick; also .• Both phones in Office and Residence . • 1 A, B. ImlCa: and family are pre· barrols of lime, slaked and Long distanc9,No. 14; Home phone The Kln~ of All Lax!ltives paring for tbelr trip to CaUfomla Surprillnl Cure of Stomach Trouble "What did you say your buaineMI ready for _uae. Inqulro of A , B. 14·2r. ("'handler at the Friend'. Bome. wurn Fot con8tipation, headaobee, in the fin' of AURult. Chairs and cne Coach furnished free When 10U ha'Ye trouble wUh your J 23 EIBtmpeon living on Frank Brad. ltomach or chr.nlc conltlpatlon, 4igeeUoo and dY8pepsla, Ille Dr. with funeral8, "Instructor in harmony." Best of service guaranteed. King'. New Life PtI1s. Paul Mat dook'. farm 101' oonsld,rable by don" imagine that your C&l!e 18 be. "Huill: There ought to be a wide OTATOES-New Ohio Early hulka, of Buffalo, N . Y., IAYI they fire Ilalt Friday nlgbt, but wal yond help Just b60lluae yonr doo~or field tor that "ork." are the " KinIJ of all lau\ivee. Potatoes for ~81e Nice, big falla to give YOIl rellet. Mrs. 6, '.riley are a bleBling to all mv family cOVbred by inBuranGe, "OH, WAD SOME POWER-1O oneil. Inquiro of J . U. Hawke, Mteogle, PlalDfield, N. J. wrUea, and I alway8 )oeep a box a' bome." Gllbe!"t and ThOll Weloh are ,.- "For over a mon~h pallt Ihave been Waynel!lVllIe, Ohio. J 23 (Jet a box and get well. Prloe 25c. joying theml!!elves beiDg wUh their troubled with my ltomaoh. Every. Assistant - That MIl!. Hyphae I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~mmeDd~by J, E. Janney . parents aDd meeUnKthetr many thing I ate upset it terrIbly. One A of Cbamberlain'l advertllllnlr book· complains that her pictures are not • frleodl', like her. A New Jelley man 8ugg6ltl an lIr8. B c.. Daldo and Ion. Edward lets came to me. After roacUng a few ot the letteN from people who Photographer - ComplaillB, docs aftldavl\ with eggl. But who wllJ B returned home &t.urday from had been cUt'ed by Chamberlain's TRADE M,UIIl. she P She ought to be grateful. Veterinary DESIGNS guarantee that tbe eggl will DOt be. Lincoln, ll1s, where 'hey were Tablet". I decided '0 try them. I CO~'RIGHT. Ilwiklbed p called onexpeo&edly by 'he 80rioul have &liken ne"rly throe fourtbs of COMPENSATION. A n, one lIendlna a Ikcteh ant! deftarlvtlnn may Graduate of Oblo 5/lIt, Univerai ;. qul ckl , ucertaln our oplllion tree whet.her aD • illnen of ·Mr8. Dakln'l brotber, 8 paotage of them and c~n now eat In"Olltlon 'Iprobabl, r."tentable. Cummunle.. almolt everything • hat I want." t1uUII .n.rlctlJ oonftdont .. I. HANDBOOK on l"ateut8 The habit of oonduottn, eplltolary Levi 8lltton, a man 114 yeaN of ace, "Wl1at do you think of these lent free. Old88t a, euc, tor ft8curlna p-ut.enta. For 8a)e by aU dealerl!. " n tol1t8 talloo through Alum, " (,;0. reoel". · oorreepondenoe by ~legrap.h ought but at this wrltlDg Wa81!!0rue better, Bpecd fiends who burn up tho roads ?" Office at ceBidence in F. USher· t'Ptdal n ot"'. "It.bout ohara&. an Lb. "Well, ot any rate, thoy will never '0 teach 'he valuable leoon of IUO• ----wood'8 house, Fourth Street. HAD "MONKEY" OF A TIME set the ri ver on fire." I A band.omel, lUu.tru.4 " ..lily. • ...",eot Cltr. oleo' esprellloion . Rid Your Children of Worms eul.Uon o r any lolentldo lounaal\ 'I'arm ""S a Telephone 28 l'he Ohio lootety girl wbo ga ve a • You can chango freUul, 111 tem ~OOLING THE FOWLS. Application hal been received by pered ohildren Int) bealtby, happy dinner with an ape as chief guest Waynesville. Ohio Branch filice, • J' Bt.. WllblDlton, DoW tbe governQlent for a summer bome ,VountrSters, by ridding them of declaree that Ii i8 better to feaBt "Making garden?" worm8 'rolliing, rolling, griD~ing oolony ou the Mboshooe ndloual of tOt!tb, crvlng out wbtlu asleep, natural apel thaD to oourt aDd "Don't talk so loud. You'll a.tforelt, Wyoming. 'l'he plan Is aooL'mpanlecl with intenll8 thlNt, marry human on88 merely becaU811 tr.a ct the hen8. 'fhey think I'm mereDR. J. W. MILLER, DR. HATHAWAY have a oon~ral a88embly hall for paln8 10 tbe ltomach and bowell, the latkr happen. to have tUlel. ly digging bait." community l(atherlnR8. and separate feverilhneB8 and bad breatb, are The defen" il a8 l8&IIonable &II " 18 ------Way Des ville '8 Leadbqr Dentiat .. DENTIST ••• THEIR MATERIAL. cottagllll for the leveral famlll08 of symptom8 tbat indicate worms. sharp, Offioo in KeYI! Bldg, JlalD 8t Klckapoo Worm Killer, a pl_n' ------~.~-~.~----tbe communal recreation oenter. caDdy 10zenRe, expelll the' worm II, . S . omce In Waynesville. 0 "Yet cut)es In paID aro some- NatIonal BaAk Bid". A Oood Investment regulate. the bowel II, reetorel YOllr times beautiful." ohlldren to hoaUh and hapl\lnOM. W. D, 1I('g11. a well known mer "No wonder when they am moat- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tell the Advertiser YOQ saw his Ad Mre J, A. Brl8bln, of Elgin, 1)1. layl : chant of Wbnemound, WI. , bollllbt State of Ohio, city of Toledo, t 55 ly bum out of gold bricks." ,SUbsCribe tor the Gazette in The Miami Gazette. "I bave Ilsed Klokapoo Worm KilLucas County, \. a l\oCk of Chamberlain'l medicine Fmnk J. Cheney makes oath that he is ler for yoars, and eDtirely rtd IDY 80 a. to be able to I1Ipply them to beDlor partner of the firm of F. ) : Cheney ohU:lren of worml. I would not be hia CUIl'omerl. After rl'C8ivlng them ITa NATURE. & Co., doing business in the CIty of To· without it." Guaranteed. All drug he was himl6if taken liok I\nd say8 ledo County and Stllte aforesaid, and gistl, or by mall Price 250. Kick "I W'ltainly faced a. black lookout that'said firm will pay the slim of ONE al)Oo IndlaD MedioiDe Co. l'hUa tb:1t one .mall bc'I&tIe of Chamberlain '. Collo, Cholera aDd Diarrhoea in my bl1lBinc88 future yesterda.y." HUNDlfED DOLLARS for ellch Ilnd delphia and 8', Lout•. Kemody w... worth more to blm ~very c:aae of Catarrh that cannot be "What was it 7" cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH tban the 008~ of bl. eDtire 8\oCk of .. '" QMl cart held up my trolle:r.'~ .cURE, theM medloiD9I, For II&le by all ADVANCE OF SUROERY FRANK J. GHENEY. dealerl. EVEN MORE SO. Sworn to before me Ilnd sub9Cribed in Re~. .my·presence this 6th day of December, =A lold medal and '1,000 are be FRIGHTFUL RUNAWAY A. D. 1886. awarded anoually thl .penoD "1 Wall glad to find you in yeateai Seal) \ A. ~o?a~~~lt;. doin, 'he most for the .a dvauoe of day when I called." Ball's eat.rrh Core II taken iO.lurpry. N~" it 11 in order for A hob~le Rlrt In an IDelIa. sown "After vou left I W8& all in." 'ternal1, aDd ao&8 directly UPOD the lOme lover of hil kiDd \0' der a wu the cauae of a yoke of OxeD raDAlso .Agent for Racine Automobile On tbe bel, GermaD . foree'. 'he ,blood aDd. muoous larfaoel of 'he lIIobllDeclal aDd .2,000 for the peraon nlDgawar frOID fright. The ~klr' · l.yateiD, Send for.tllDoDlal •• free, .40108 thl mod for tbe Pl'OIr. . of was 111Oltr ' ID frilhteDlDg them . aDDul upen.. I. t13 an .ore, but '. F, ..1. OBICNE'1' & 00" Toledo. 0 , Ib US.. of adftDOld Bad ,t an\qODtu4 them It woul4 tbl grou re'~n. are &8 muollu ,Sold,by aU nru.....tI.160, , . e JIll . . . ,., ' . , ' .., ._ f _ ..... to thQl Dlq yield a De" retarD of -"Tau B&U·. J'amU) fUla tor OOD · • . • _ .. ' -. " ~ft . . . .P'fom~~r~.. 0 .._










Dr. J .


.. McCoy',


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Sdtntiflt Jlmtrlcan.

MiirUr ruoCO~i~~=:'riewdrik









Automobile Livery Service at sonable Rates.




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The Miami Gazette


O. L. C R AN E, Pu blisher.

Wisdom of 'the Master Evinced in His Words "Ask, and Ye Shall Receive."

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INEFFICIENCY . , \ h !'n ll IHIlY Zt"d, tnamrk ne y h1nOunt.

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I. tll hIUIn.· r"r Il. II I, a li m' for re' t· ~lIll\ " I"''' pit · luo K u!>' wllh Ill tlirr .. ro · [\(·,' a nd Hl!lh', Blrall!;,' I,) KII)', " ilh 1 I'I,rO\·a l. EnicIPnry of II 11 1>111 RIlI'ak . hi" chal'" lief. A (,"'"" l ul1l1 )' Is d"llraved If It Is ma do up 01 l/( oo r:<lIl Bl1d dl ~ h (l IH'Sl mpl). o r, wh lll IR l he SU III '·. IIl L,I1\c le llt Ir. l'll . Thill I. larg el), Ih e Irou ul o ot lUnllY cOnlntuIIllI L's . T hf'Y s~e m to tol· "ral n th o Ini' nicl t! nt man; tLl s ympa· tbl zll wllh hi m. fl. If hi s ml s fortone wus 1I(,t hl ij OW Il fuull. A mall who CIlT! do $3 wort b ot worlt 111 n day Is pla ced no high e r In puhlic cs te l' m than III nlan who ca rUM on ly $2 d oing lhe sam o class of work . nul th e former la a tru e r man. li e \luts a high es tl· mate on dUly. He strives to make himself worth \\'~t h e gets. Jf h e doesn·t. h e Is a traud. Fi deli t y to ODe'. trust Is the ma rk of a real man . The fellow who "801dlc rll" on his Job Is an untrue man . Tbere are many men of this klnd - tbey do as lltU e ' as they CAn. They wl11 be happy If they don 't do $Ii worth ror their $5. Thers lire men Who have no scrupl es about chentlng an e mplo yer wbo happe ns to hal'S more money Ihnn tb ey bave.


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II1I'mc l "'"r ~'

. A recent British writer says lhllt an IndIspensable r eQuire ment for success In public lite In Am erica 18 "unlm· peachabie rectitude In private liCe." LImiting the appllcntlon or thIs to high ofllclal places, It 18 tru e. The sc ru· tiny to which a cnndldate for nallollal or Important state oHlce Is subjec ted puts th o mun with a " PMt" out ot the running. T be ro Is no doubl e stand· ard as betwcen womcn a nd that frnc· Uon of me n ~\' hom we choose to rule ~v er us. This scrutiny and the r ectitud e It commands a rc excell e nt. But the re Is a sort ot milde we d, un wholesome per· l' el'Blon ot tbe scru tiny thll t Is mOllt distinctly not ex cellent. The etrect to "get som ething on" an official Is usu· ally reserved tor such tim e as h e has shown a purpose to give real public oervlcB. Then every key hole has 8 nasty politician 's eye glued to It. EV'· c ry transom Is pee pe d tbrough. Ev ery closet Is o pen ed tor disclosi ng a ho ped. for skeleton . Tbe tormer places ot r eBidencB of the man who Is trying to llervB are rakl!d tor s ometbl ng dlscred· Ha ble.

"T oeing In" cont rasted with . t ral g ht legs.

"NO FOOT, NO HORSE"IS OLD RULE FOR SELECTING DRAFT HORSES Best Body and Muscle Are Useless if Not Wel l • Plumb



An Itali an kldnnper In N ew York has Just had his se ntence of 25 to 60 3'ea~8 In prison uph e ld by the courts. Kldnaplngs bave s topped s ince thIs BB· vere se nte nc e was Imposed. More crimes might be cbecke d In tbe lIame way It an unwis e and dangerous senti· mentality did not so orten Intervene to le ose n th e deterrent etrect or pun. 'shment and turn loose up· on the community. A Danl8h Inve ntor has evolved an automatlo substitute tor a ooldlar wblch will spring out ot tbe £nrth, wbere It Is burled, and shoot at the enemy. It th e nations gellerallyadopt this weird Invention and wage war with automatic armies. the great battles ot the Cuture will be tought by the ..all· pervading modern device of pressIng the button and le ltlng tbe •• tomatons do the r eet.


A humanltar1an penitentiary warden propoees to teach the science or ethlce to bls charges 'and will erect a building In whk:h the convictll can debate ethleal quelUonll. Pellology • eeml to have gone theory·mad to .ucb an extent . . to be lbowlng tile eduCf.· tiona) enU7 It. beels, ConYicUl ~re fUt . becoDllDS the mOlt coddled Clul . , ~ country: Ilmpl,. .~UBe the r. ~J7lde& bU'dlipefted with the ~ommoll




Th e "nIn e ot th" dra rt hors e for ' ed~e. h,·lt r t> It : F mor e L U b( "p l1 hll' to work or brcpdlng d~p (' nd 10 n Ilfl.'IIL I na/ ks alld ' Iti litl"l;. T he pro port ion /If:h he ignr 01 Ibe extent upon h is t ~et a llli l e ,, ~ . II 10:,1 " le rs n ~t bow we ll he lIW)' bC' iliad .. In I toe \\'a ll 10 rh .. h" ll'l.t, at Ih l' h f'~' l , ill , th e rrolll fOu t. 15 n~ :.. 10 1 : Whllf' in

body and muac l(', 1[, hI' Jl OSSI'SSP'; bad . lit .. hind rUO I il """ be ns ~ IP3t BJI 3 fee t and legs his days or \I ~.· r ll in t-s~ 1to t 'l'1t" u(J1101lI ;.f Ih(' 1001 s hould are numbered. T he ada gl·. ".-'; 0 tu CH . ; conlo rm \ /. [ Y .. llI"ely 10 a ci rrl e. GIl' no horse." propOllllLi {' <i 0)' :\ E' 1I 0 IJh o ll ' cu lllr ~ h n pf' a[1I1 !,ond bE' ighl of Willi cl' nturl l's ago , Is a6 tru l:' 10· tl8 } n ~ [h ,·n. esp('('iR lly a l 1:,1' 11f',,1 a n ' \' c ry useful The greate r maj orllY 01 drafl h or~('~ rOa[U r"" filld l hel r ~' ay 10 lea ms III 11t ~ larf:e ' Th ' h.,1'1 .110111 .: I, r' \\ i,l., an d roomy, citi es nnel a re r PlJll lrpd 10 haul It ,,;! ,." with rIll' buill of 11,,· 11 ('('1 promi ne nt. loads over Ihe hard , ul1yl el dill i~ 8Ir pl' l~ . • A Il' lldl'lI(,Y III [ 0 " . h"I'I~ I ~t'lle ra l :y In ord<:>r lhnl thev la ~ 1 lor an,' II' lI~l h g rows worst' [l b llll' Ilor~r- III \: 'IIC(,5 n :l!!e. 01 lime. it Is nf' CeSRa ry Ilta t tll .. ir 11"'1 . ,\ . " ' 1' 11I'[;, (' :h r :CJO i Irorn lil .. bo:. and legs be placed und e r Ihelll ill nuc h : {OUl "'L' nOI" :, t.r" ngular body lying manne r that th e wei gh 1 will h., f'q ll all)' l in Ihr f'l' nlt' ~ a l.d loware1 the back dlslrlbuted . Each \Jar( or lhe f(lPI an!! : part. T hIs I ~ l ht' froll . Whil e IW~

A deairable draft type showing good quality. legs will lh en do Ir~ 11111 s han' o r th E' wor k. Th e life of IIn}-vief' l' of chlne r y depe nd s upon Ihe prop r ad · justmen t of It s pRrts. This Is no less lrlle of th e horse. rn order lo hun,

"ioto sha pe of feet.


m uch att e nt ion by . 01Ue largo of ho rses, It. ha s l h .. Impo rta nt use or brE.'llklll g th . concussio n to a gr eat Ii g ree. Th is orga n Rhollid be !arge, ma rc or less E' ln stlr, lind hea.lth y III a ppearancE'. Ly ing al (lither s ide , or th e frog we find raised pnrts called I the bars. T bese are an unfolding ot Ithe wa ll and act a s a big s pring to [ ItE.'l'I' Ih e hee la open . If tbese ar<.> clil I away and op clIpd HI thE' Ire I the b(){)t i le nds to contra CI. Th e re should bl' 1\ sl ight upcurvln& Of th e soil.' . gh' lng It ~trong Slipport to lire mec ha niRm s a bo\' e. This arcblng Is gener ully abs€nt In low·h2elE.'d feet, Whil e well prunoun cf\[1 in leet with hig h hl·elf.

1I1:.'j buye rs

this adjustment each leg should be. 80 vlacc d th at when th e. horse Is Rlaud tn g nalurally, a plumb lIn e drO\lped front tb e point of hi s s boulder, a nd vle~'ed \'rom In front, will di vide Ih e If'g and toot Into Iw o e qual parts. Th is lII ea ns tbal Ihe lin e of force l ra vels l hrough the cell ll' r ot the leg, hN1 Ce Pilc h \Ian will be required to do 1l~ prop t' r s han' of work . But suppose Insl f' od l his line fnll ' to the out si de. Th e oll te r half of the leg will th en be called IIpon to do an un c'lunl a moun l of work . Th e fo o! will th e n be thrown out of Irui'. Ibl' action Irn[Jared. and Ih e ge llf::rnl USE" fuln css ot the animal l ~sB('ned. Thl' same b true uhould Ille line fnll In· side th e cc ntE.'r of th e lek. III case ot tbe hind legs. a plu mb line dl'Ollllf'd from th e po int of the bllitocl( should touch Lhe point ot the bock an d dIvid e the lpg In lo t\\'o eq ua l part ~ wh en viewE'd Irom It('hiud . Wh E'1I vlel\'e d trolD Ihe s lu E', Ih ls same lin .. should lou ch I he bac k "dge of the Clill ' no n re gi on all thE' wuy down . 11 il fulls LOO fr,r hack, WE.' have too gr ea : an a ng le to the hock. produclq th (' condition known as sickl e horlc. Thi s condition pfl~ d lsposes to cnrb. II Is only when Ihe legs a re set pro PNly. n~ desc ribed. tbat Ihere Is verfeet trep · dorn of acti on and freenes s from d I~ · ea8~

The dImple In the cbln ot the boy baby looks cute now, but It Is going to make rouble tor him wben he be· comes old enough to nse a ra:r:or.


legs - Shape of Feet

Dr. nell su ys that transoc eanIc fly· Ing Is bound to come. It looks 1m· probable IlOW. but noth ing cnn b e pro· noun ced Impossible In the fac e ot what has been Il.ccomp ll ~ h e d . In tact. the fa vorll e occupal lon of the science ot today Is trampling on Imposslblll· ties. But e very triumph lias Its trag· edy, and th e toll ot human lIro which will pay for t hi s Rchlevem e nt will fur· nl s b t be lalter e leme nt. A WashIngton chautTeur has been "ent to jail tor three years for taking a. joy ride In hi s employer's a utomo· bile wlthoul permission. Courts nnd pu bllo are realizing that dras tic mellR' .ures arc n ecessary to break up th o joy·rldlng practice and the s tealing ot m oto r cars for this pu rpo se. The jail sente nce Is a good expe rim ent along this line. It mi ght be ex tend ed to tak e In all speede rs Oll the publlo blgbway s.






I';:'; ou s bt alway s to IJray . T he ~ I U8 1 l' r bald so. li e kn ew what • Wfl>! In DlIllI, und nee ded not . th "t "n y shu uld te ll hlIll . Il u kn e w wh a l ht-lp wu~ 10 Ihe unst'e n world IIv ui laltlu Ih roug h jJruYI·r . for he bud t('I'll' d it to thl! fu JI I'll' I'ru )'I'd lllm,;c tr. He had more to "Ill' a lJUu t "raycr thun an y other 8"":.!(l' r \\ hose words 6tund r eco rd ed III tho 1111" (,. li e woul d go apart In !h l' 01o) Unl 0l n8 an d [J ra y a ll ni g ht. His eHi {' If'Ill'l' III this 1I\Jlrltual exo rcise wus 80 IUIIIlI,.' SI tit at on one occuslon, "h ' /I he bad ccas ed his devotions, h is (lIst' llllcs. Cllru ll to him . say in g, "Lord. tea cb U6 to pray ." It IR Humdent tltat the On e whom lit mOAt Elnllghte ned nnd progressive pO" lloos of the world bav e wltb one at co rd scl('cted a s the Ideal Man, was th us co nspi cuo usl y a man Of Ilrayer. }lunla n li fe In hl ghcst r each es of mo rnl ul'hl e vl·melll.. prays. It Jesus Summer Roonlng Hou.e. Uau.lly Very Comfortabla During Hot Woather, bud not prayed, he wO llld not Bland the Front Being Arra nged In Such Manner as to Keep Out the Wet. loday e ve n In the eyes ot those wbose habits of pray C' r are nUul and (!leble. of doing certuln wo r k at a certall) IHy nl~BBIE I . PUTKAM) a 1hI' Pe rrect 1\Ian . . Cblldren InstinctlTflly de light In hour . glv os 1\ disciplin e which Is of T he man who uael'B to Ood a si n· pe ts. The first cbkks have an Irntmucb he lp la the bu ilding of cl,al'n~ ' Cl'r'e an d thougbtful I)rayer brInGS the s lstlble cbarm tor tbe me re babe : ter. beet tflat Is iu blm to Its beu t. While and this natural lasle gu ide d with Obs ervation Is stimulated . W ba l hie prays. he breath es tbe air wblch tact Is a Quality wb lch lltays with th e food Is best re li s hed; Ir one droop!! Is native to t he Doblest type of chB!'- years. There are ma ny Ince ntI\'es or and sbows Indications of diseuse ; If a e ter. T ha noxious gases In the mine resl worth toward working with In· another Is too frail to keep Its pine s~tU e to the ground because th ey are animate objects. ye t the real, \I\'e In the rush ror tood; th ese and COUOl · h p:l vler than pure air. The dog tol· things always KrOuse more ot Inte re~t. IOS8 other little detslls culUvate a 10 .... lng at th e bee ls ot hla master The work Is 80 light as t o be e nsily sharp eye . If s om o are growing fas l· will Inbale Ihem until he tal ls In a within th e ablllt)' of th e a verage c hile! . e r t haD oth er s . Ihere Is a rl.'ason IItupor . Tb e tnll man, standi ng blgb· Feedin g chickens Is one or thc 1\r8t wblc h sbo uld be hunted. If a c e rtalu er , brl'alblng all uppe r and a pure r r eal duties assigned to th e 111111' one metbod or location or tood Is 0.01 a ir . pusses on unharmed . Th e altitud e With growth comes th e add ed plea!.- agree ing with them. th e alert e y" of prnyer Is th e act ot a man risIng ure ot tashlonln g th e coops- It may soon de tects tho fa ct and a change Id lo y,'hat blgh er le l'el or thou gh t and be In the ru dest form by tntl0na (If'I made. Routin e work Is 11 part ot th e tet:lln g wh e re that qua li ty of lite dlllcarded boxes, or It may be th.! poultry bu s iness, but It must ne ver 1\'h1c h mnst clearly dltre rentlatell hIm ev olving of a triumphant \' Ictor:v be ol1ow(''' to c rowd Ollt obse rvation . from tbe brutl's nnds Its naUve ai r . through th e departm e nt In mllnunl Pardon a hl e vrld e mus t come with Seta In MotloD a New Force. training. In almost every otber foro' tb e p08ses810n of a well·grown Oocl< . The man who prays enables God to of live s tock raIsing there are som(' The), re prose nt work.. and ca rt' : alld more tully beotow hi e he lpfulness duti cs too beavy for the bhild to Der· arn r eall ), worth IIdmlra tlon . Tho u pon that be seechin g lite. You may form . Eve n hee- keeplng s bowl! the~n cblld likes 10 be ab le 10 Bhow results ho ld a magnify ing glasll. III your h a nd features at times. Gardeni ng and as we ll 118 th e ndu lt: and to this ena and concentrate th e rays of t he sun fruit culture, too. have their dra,, · t~re Is nn In cl'ntiv e t!J look to be t· upon your coat sl eeve until YOU havo backs In whIch lhe h e lp ot an adult !'I!'r breeding. Th e pure-brod fow lM bur ned a hole In It. Tbe sun s hines 18 cRsenllal; but wIth the poultry may not be nClulnable. but Buch tn· steadily with that same power . no bus iness tb e children are fairly ;.1' mlltte r how your glass mny be held. depe nd ent. Dut It makes n profound dll!e r ence In It 'harmonlzps nicely with school utlllzlng th e rays of the sun whether work. the most of t h e duties belug th e glass be held squarely toward tbe required night and morning : and It at Run and the ra ys focused upon the cert a in seallons during the Hchool objec t to be IgnIted, whether the glass ),611r supervis ion through the day Is bE' clean or bait covered with mud. ncr.cssary. some older member of lite The act ot prayer cleanses the life. fn.71l1y Is usually willing to look after It a lso bri ngs th e moral aspiration, It·-th e work being arranged for on " the human atrectlon, th e kIndly Inter· s tri ctly business basis. wIth poultry est of the man who prays squarely and or eggs given In payment and at tbe talrly before God's moral Inter est. lly ruling pricelJ. that very ract the rays ot divIne at· It gIves the needed out-door exe r· te ctlon are concentrated and focused ·cise. and there III no reason why a Ullon. tbe object8 ot our prayertul In· sbare of the attention now claimed terest unUl they become etrecUve. e xclus ively for base ball 8hould nol be Tb e man who l'rays Introduces a div e rted- to a more prontable ,OCCUPIl' new force Into a giv en situation, lion . The hu stlo In ge tting the flock which enters deCis ively Into the de- rea dy for the da)' adds to the r elhth t e rmination of the III sue. When the of tbo child 's hreakfast. child 's balloon Is growing s tal e, It It fosters a spirit of klndnesa to lends to s e ttle to the Ooor by the pow· a nimals; tor no poultry grower call er ot gra\' ltatio n Yet a si ngl e hope to attaIn any m eas ure or 8UC' brentb, soft. unse en, hut real, w1ll cess until th e s pirit ot gentleness Is cllrry It to the ceiling. There 18 no mlllitered In co nnection with his violation of natural law he re, but the wards. Introduce d ot a hi gher torce which It toslers a lov e tor nature study, altters the s ituation. and tho lessons on this topic whIch "Alk, and Ye Shall Receive." a re learne d In school I'Ind practical We liave not r educed th e posslbll· a llpllcatlon s which re nder them mor .. IUee of this prayer·rorce acUng with. real and Impressive. Thus the rela· In the large uniformIties of God to lion ot bird lite lo insect lICe Is em· a 'n ythlng like an e.~ac t Bclence. We phnllized In the ch ick's liking tor bugs hav e not re duced to an exact science and worms Rnd Itll adroitness In s~ tb e Influe nce of a mother'lI love upon curin g them. And as the child note8 her cblldren. nor the subtle etrect ot ~ h ose tacta It will more r eadily under· a man's good name upon his proepects stand tb e missIon or th e birds 1)1 ft)r success In the world. nor the r~ keeping at bay the bordes o~ Iqsect sultll upon the physIcal ' process of dl. poste. gestloll of a cheerful habit or mInd . The original Inv estment may be aiElut the fact tbat all these beneficent most nothing, and It Is really best t~, Somo Young People Who Find Plea. l orces shade off Into mystery does not keep It within moderate limits, teach. ure In the q.,e of Chicken •. Incline us to refuee the help of the Ing the prInciple of malting It .ell· dlvlduals as are wltbln reah should mother's love or the good name or sustaIning trom the flnt. Give enough be developed to the be lit possIble the cheerful habit of mInd, !lImply b~ at the start)f convenient, as the egg. standArd. And this pride In securing cause we cannot mea 8nre their r~ Bnd one, two or three hens; and for a g(){)d birds will constantly Ipur t (1 IIUItS wllh a foot rule or lay them out II time 8upervlse tbe work. In nothIng something better, Blrdll for exhlLI. by metes and bounds else will the Incre8le come so rapidly. tlon purposes mayor may not be d e. It sufllces the farm~r to know that ' Ana children are not content Unle8& alred, but the spirIt whlcb Itrlves for It he sows ie wlll reap. The harvesta they can see things grow. blrdll worthy of prl:r:es II that wblch In prospect are sufficiently 8ure to The lell80n of thoroughnesB comas helps to make suocess. make his bope of a return an encour. with every detail In the work. The EncouragE' tile Idea of Improving agement to effort. True Christians, [ care In fighting away pelltB when tb ~ IIlong somo special line. The goat assured by the promIses of the Master eggs are first given to the hen Is but wllich III In plain sight III the on e and by an ever·wldenlng volume of a specImen ot .tbe care In thlll IIlngle which Insplrea to greatellt effort. rellgloue experience. continue to detail which must be given from IItart Urge the eelectlon of· BOme favorlto "ask." knowIng that they will "re- to finish. The cleanliness ot every· breed and then become familia r (:elve." They "leek," knowlllg tbat thing from drinking cup to roost em· with the .tandard of perfection, and they will "find." They pel'leveringly phaslzell this point. always growIng toward It, cuUlng out "knock," knowIng that the dool'l wOl Neatness In the preparation of the the Indlvlduale whloh do not conform open Into the treasury house of the .E'ggll tor market III another wholesome to the reQulrementl ot the breed. tlJnl!een. lelllOn In child development. The Young people' have - more time for It was saId Qf One "Ao he prayed ·eggs whlcb are spotleall and present· readIng than older oneil, and are not the tallhlon of his ~ountenance ed In clean wrappings are those which eo firmly bound by the cOlllmon cus· nlten:II." His face changed under the are a)1re of the hellt prices. And If BO toms. They are more ready to adopt power or hili devotion. Tbe look oft pac~ed that there III no danger ot Improved methoda. to learn trom the lIympatby and of spiritual Intere.t In breakage, the profltll on the entire experience of othel'l. Tbe poultry llbe face of any man Is sJtetebed In lot are assured. Show how the ,lOllY departmeDt In the .tandard farm ))&. IIlner lines when he becomel a man of : lInillb gtven by nature Is ImpaIred (lers may be a- textbook for them, prayer. And there Is a cogency and ! when the damp cloth muat be used, Proireslliveneell Is a oharacterlstlc of II. perluulve note In the very yolce 1Injuring the keepIng ~ualitle8 all well youtb rather than age. Btart them ef a man wbo prays; It carries In Itll III the appearance. and urge tbe ease Into the way of reading along the Itnll 'Very tonell tile lIubtle and ~ommand. with which this trouble can be obo ot their work, and they will loon lAIr. lng accent of splrltnal veracity. The vlated by the ulle or olean etraw. prtlle you with ' the Ilxtent of tbtlr 19(>ul of the prayerful man moves upon Rellponlllbillty Is an element w~leh researches. . . Expect the work tc be conducted I bi royal way with the IItrength of ten must never be lost light of. Ufe. becaule It Itae been empowered trom Jlven though only that of a chlek. , 11 along bjJalness Une. Suggest, a4viae 'Cln ' hlgh with the 'enduemE:nt received not to be trlfted with. Tbe plant ma,. If necessary. If there Jet in pra"er.- -Rev. Charlel R. Brown, be allowed to wIther alld die through them come out of the ~~~:~Jt'\1!I~,o; D.O. . neglect, and yet, there Is only the lOll youthful proprfetc", ; of the plant. But with animal Ufo plnl, do ,not .IM! ' tell1JDtecl. ~{dil~,9i!f;'J A word ulllpoten III, Jlke tbe Iword there Ia pain and luffering all a them of ~~ . rigble. tn the llcabbard, thine; If vented, thy ' suit of neglect. An~ the child who beJonpd to ~·Jo~,. .word Is tn .nolher's handll. If thou takeB up thll branoh of work. ~hou'ct IDC ratMcJ : aD4 ' to 'detllrEl ,.to be~e]ct Wile.. be ~ wile bft fully Imprelllect wft~ the attendan! ,-Ilutcherto hold thy ·WDpe.-Quariel. . • . Nosponalbllttl,s. " • ~"., . --Dlsofpllne 1* tIi,










Now, com ing to the foot-what ot Its s ha pe ? One of (he tlrs t r equire· A well·set cannon and good foot. m ents Is slzl'. A dra tt l10Tse mlI Ht ha\'e a fOOL large e nou gh to carry his we ight Thl' su rface of th e hoof Ind lcales ita -sufficlellt base of support sO thnr h e quality . Horses with fine balr, den.e lB Insured a good footin g. The ro e bone and fllle sk in generally posse81 wall sbould Illope at about Ihe same ' gOOd quallly of h~rn. Wblle t he colO! angle .. the pastern, whUe the side' of tb e home as a general thing doe. walls should be talrlr stralgbt or steep . not atTect the Quality. It Is the opinion Extremely sloping walls glYe scant of moat horsemen tbat II dark hom II support to the weIght bearing 00 the pretersbl e. Inner structures of the foot, and allo"" 111 general. tllen. the Ideal Cool ot • It to rest dlrectl,,; OD tbe Bole and soft draft horse, to Inaure ---me greateet frog. Thll may result In ' a sagging' userulness, Is ODe that II large, round, down of the lole, "bleh wlJl thro" the ~nd open at hoof bead) has fafr. "eJght too t~,. towar4 ~be ~el . .. Wl,tb I,. Iteep walle, espeClaliy at th e beels. a ~oplng wa-U III .ge.nerally f'?U~4 . ·llAr- haa .falrly wide heell ·and a goodl full row boof he812~ 'lrolil ' WhloJi ·'tHe hoot /'l.rog . . W. H, PA.tMER, lni( ODI,. pe~onDaDeeti ;,m~~eep tb.... ' 'orced 1~ II1CulC!le~I•..t i"·y'!l.ltbthellUt" Proniil. tempt frletlda! , It.,d~II~tr:"; .~~:1 grows. Thla ilel.g.. tile. c..." , 'the"'''''llll College of ,A(1:icuJtun, O~o" ~ , . .' " ':... . . W~11 .beco.ea thlma,r '&ow81d iM. "_ ITI)JveraJ". '-' . _ "



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Practical Fashions

P(1llanthropl st'8 Ri ght to H olVe HI. • Name on List of Those Who Go A bo ut Do ing Good.


1'' '

At a IJ ,l ll CjU t at SllII 1,' r ullrlAco c" ll ll y W i lliam r ~ ! c C:o rl\ b~ t old or a cn nl'l' r _u ll on In a Cl ll'l In w bl ch sev· f!ru! ph IlanlhrOlll e ",'rsonages Wer., m .. nlln ll ,'d nn ..1 IllU[ I.~ d r.o t h e ak le!i. T b l' 'OJlI'u r 5,ui oll had gO Il O to som e jl ·ng lh . ~ J r ~ l c('o mhK Raid. wh eu a 'nU ll II h o wus sll t lllg In a corner arose w i t h a tn prr y "111 11 0 flitting over h i s ;"'1l1 I1 r pS a lld bro k l' Inlo th o gabfest. ' Yollr I ,hl lulllhrop i et s aro nil r Ig h t ," , 11", rl' nlu rk erl . " uut I think It I s onl y ; ll Rl thut my IIP x t ·door n " lghbo r ehould tI, Indll ol' ·... I II Ib e kin d l y d lRposod I :'un , 10 ' " \\'" u .... " Ill lll{; to ad d h Im i '. 'l h,! 1i" 1 " r ~spo lld f' ,l .. n" o r (he : "'I " ' rs , . bil l I ~ h " r (,lIl l y S U ~ !'ner· " )lI hl ) In "l i l\"': ?" " \\, p. I1 . I 61wuld sa y ; ' hal 11 .. Is ," \\'!\" t ho PllI [l llllllc Ll pdn r a ' [0 11 or l h .. first · · llo 7.f·n~ ur I rll rn pK I hnllllll " r al his hack d oo r all c.l I ha vtl ~ fl t'Vt ' r kllo ',\1J 1dlll 10 sl' nd o n o a way I eIlIPly ·har"t" cl " . You d O Il '1, mea n It '" II r .. rl1 l'1l1· c.l II,,' MI'C'o lld a (rl nl' i ncrl' ll ,,· 1 0u~ l y " 1'11111'1\ r ig h t. " r..j IJ I,,, ,d Ih e

CREDIT GIV EN TO 7TH CON N. Was F i rst R egiment Into Bat t le ·) f : I Ool u6tee and Lae! Out , Say. C o:>rn r ade Henry Rov. ley . I


H ,, " ry II 1(0 1,J uy . Stl\' t' nth [' " nn" ,' ,1 I': r lo I' u . b ('n d H t h e follo wing c lip.. plu g o r un a rl lc l,· ,n t h a W I ll6t cLl ( Co lin ) H t' r alrl . w hlc b he 'H o t o i lll' m r d lu t cly oFU! r lho batt l e ur lJo lu stl'e, It IH Irltil r ,,"Hi n r, as 1\ cO ll t" IlI\JOrlln eou e accou n t of t h e bull I,' 'Ir no l ll~t fJ'~ unc.l rcatl s HR t(}l l o w ~ · I; UII1P o f th u S'lI' en l h ('onllc~ tl c u t Cam p o r t ho Sevcnth Co n nec ll cu t ' I· V O !tHl tee I·S . Near J ac k~ ou vl li ll . Fla,. March 18. 1 8 6~ T ~ 1. (' lark - D ear Rlr I n rAadlng th o) IM t IS'HI(\ of t he H era l ll I n o ti e') I n til e account gi ve n o r th e battl e o f n r~!1t , " hI") alW il ) H ~ hl' ;-; ,h" lu M. iplla r tlolus t 'f) t hat th e Irlfly· rou rth M UMS . lIf IIIIrnrilll'(io ll I .. n1l' '' ChU A'! lt H <ind F l ret KO rl h l'"roll n" '- - I CO lor(!d r ," glm.~ n t8) cover ~ tl th e re-I tn'at . 11;0",". f or th n be n e fi t o f t h l> , EC~EMA lIeo"l .. o r tbe SUllO fru m w hich w n hnll , w ish to correc t t h l ~ . for I 110 ~" ;I \\'alnu t Sl.. 11 I llti I.ooro. 1I1. - " My b"l1p vo t hM t h ey wi ij h to hav e all the 1 c h i ld blld a ur l'uk l ng o ut OU t b e lo w er c r edit thut 18 du e th em , thro ugh t b elr ,' li m bS wb l ch lI ovel oped Into cczema. Th o ec ze lIla b(' gnn wllh pimpl es whlcb Bone who ar e li g hting fo r th eir bono r. as w ell as thlll of our CO mmo n r. UUIl · contai ned ye llow corruption ani from try . W e have 110 special corresponc.l· ! th o chlld's cl othi ng t h ey were gr eatly ent t o 8pealk a l ruthful wo rd tor us ; irrItated . Tbey see m ed to burn . wblch I heroforn. It Ie s eldom t hat we gilt. mad e tbe c hild scrntch thorn, resulting much IC any cr edi t for be part talt fln Thl~ llluetration ~bow. Due of t be II! a maa s of ope n places They mad I! uy us In the \lngage m enle In whiCh more taney d esigns. There Is a body b er 80 cross and tretful tbat I t wu Conn ec ti cut troope bave borne as con· lining and lbe walet Is mad& wltb all Impossibl e to k ee p ber Quiet, They 8plcuou8 a part as th e troops t rom applied yoko, w h ic h may be omitted. caus ed ber to lOBe much sloep and sb e oth >!r slates. Sucb Is t b e caae with In tront tbero I. a small vest and "'a8 con stantly torm en ted by severa t ho batll e o f Uolus l ee. Tbe Seventh the walet 18 somewhat tun. A foul'- itching n nd burning. Conn ecti cu t. was t h e tlret Into It and gore eklrt, draped at t h e 11Il eo, com. '·1 tried se v eral well·known rem &tb e l all t out. I know no b ettp.r wa y o f pletes the dress, w hIch closes nt th e dies , but gol no r elief until 1 got a flro vl n ~ my statemont cOllcernln g th o Bide ot t b e front. snmple of l'u tlcura Soap and Oin t· matter than : 0 give you t he worlls o f Tb e dres8 pattern ( 6256) Is c ut In ment, which d i d 80 mucb good tbat [ our commanding gen eral. Co l on el elzes H. 16 a nd 18 years. MedIum got a l ar ge Qu antity that cured ber In Haw l ey's b r igad e. co mpos()lI ot tho si ze requires 37", yard s of 311 Incb rna. t on daYII after 8ho had been afl'ected Se venth New lIampshlre. E lglllh U ni t· t erla1. for two months." ( Signed ) Mrs, 1l:dlln ed Statee Co l o r ed Infantry and Sev · 'ro procure thIs plIUern senll 10 cents Sch wartz. ["eb . 28, 1913 . •·nth Conn ecti cu t. w as second In th o to "Po ltern Dopartmen t." "r this pl\l'"r. C' utlcura Soa p and Ointm en t sold ad van cl'. Col on el H enry 'S Li gbt 8 rl · 'Vrlte n,une and lu1rl ro"" ptalnly, nllli t o t hro n ghon t tll A wo rld . Sa mple ot eacb .uru to elvo ' 1:-: " a nd numlJer or paLlorn. gall t! uel ng th e first . Three miles b,"trel', wlth 32· 1). Skin Doo k . A ddress post.. yond Sand erson: by ord er of Gen er al C.lrd " Cu llcura , U" pt. L, Dostoo ." - Adv, ~ e yn lo llr , t h e S eventh w as u rough t o NO. 6256. ~u . .... . . ___ . ____ _. - - - - - - -- - th" fro nt a nd Into po si tion as ~ kl r · A6tonllhlng Coiffures. mt sh C' T3, and moved on , driving b e ror ~ NAMB .• ••. ---- -- - . ........ -- -- . ..• -. -- ..... ( ' u l lTu r cB ar c t o b e hi g h a g aill . bue t.h em a f QlJ aLl ron or r e lH~ 1 cava lry TOWN ....... . ...... .. .. , .. . . .. . . .. . . . no t BO hIgh us I II I hl) past. Form erly T il is wag k ' pt u p un ti l w e cam e up , doo rwa y s hnd t o UP h e l p; ht t'! rll~ d ltJ or· w i l ;, I h A m a i n body . e Kch a llgl ng sh ote STRE&T AND NO... ..... .. .. .. . ... ... ('om moua t .) tl H1 el g htC'l'n t h ceHtury with a fo r ce or r eb ela \.l o ~ te d I n r ifl e STATR . .... ....... _. ....... . .._• • _ ....,. __ .. __ • '\'Ull liUl of f ashion , Ma ri e A n to inett e'" pits and In a. ( h~ n se wood . At t hin ',a lrc.ln·sRe r had to m o u :1I Il Rtool 1:1 p l ace , aod I n position D6 s ki r mi sh ers. uru .. r (0 gl' t ubov e h i s w ork . '.':um!! n ttt tl (orce o r th e en emy waij k ept iLt BOY'S OVERALLS. <lr t hll t tim o hu d t o Im pe l lu t b ei r ba y fo r abo ut 20 mlnul p.JI. a Fter w h ich co ac h es to ge t th eir head co ve r i ng In · Hill e. or lI ri ve w I th t h ei r head s out ."." rl't lrC' d t o t h o r car In r egul ar tl kir · mi shlllJi; o rder, unmasking o ur advl.l n c-o)f tb {1 II' l lIlJo \\ s, M m e. do! Ge nll s w a" I ng column to the en emy Wh on to c:! ug b t b y IIl' r hai r 11'1111 0 llas t en lllg th o r l'nr th e regl mpnt for rnfl tl . took 11 . 0 g r ed ," oltlllrt; at F ern y. bU l es.. n ew Bupply' o r n ll1mUnltl Oll, nnd nr l · t'fl IlI' c.l A b s a l o", '~ fat.. . he r hai r r", vll llced agai n. fillin g :l. ~ap In t h e ce n· 1 m a illin g Oil I h e hUll gh A nLl th e Du eh · tt!r, wh er e tb e}' t!.l'Jgh t w i t h a w iil. II' ~ B u(' Ch artres hud room Oil h er balr Art er Ihe fi ght \\' Il~ OI·I ~ J'. b " f or o tile n tH' el' c lll!l g f ol l' a rnlrdaturn man·o f· w "r in full ~ a ll . Oll un o tl ,,' r fo r a r ell' r elmat wa s o rd er ed , t h e r ' g lrn en t wos i n li n e of battl e. C:ololl c l H a wl ey wos reseutat io n or h pr Ii tti o ~o n . L o u is I Phlll llP " , si !" ' I, 11l1'; III t tlO la p of lit.. Hittillg !l ea r us upo n hi~ hortl~ . Gen· c ral S(' ymollr r otl e u p a nd said : " Col o· i (l ur~" nel. I w ish to h a ve your r o ~im 9 nt act ::18 r(';~r gua rd ; th or o w il l be a co m· Skyscrilper Citi.s. [lan y o f cavalry still i n you r r ea r" I Opposi t e t h ' po~ t o f\i co . III low.>r II :r oll ll .... ay . :-J ell' Yo rk cit y. t lwr! had 1 A ft er t ' liin g h ow h e w i8h or l It c:o nd u ' . nd h.) eaid : '" ha te to a.1I1; t his ot YO I! . Ju st b ,,~ n clJ ll lpl .' tl'd a buildin g. ' SO '!o loU I!I , bu t th ero I ~ Bo t a r eg i m en t. [1'1' [ h igh. \\' 1I1 (:h wi ll provid e wo rld ng r hlll I have ~ h fl co nlld cnce in that 1 i quarl er s f ,)r IO,uOI) [lflopl o. Ir a ll tho havo In th e Sev enth Co nuec tl Cllt" 11I !.! 1l Rnd w om en Il ll1ployu ll In lbls Oil., Th is ..... as e n ougb . They took tbelr po· "Hk y sc rlllwr " . hOld.. attempt l o gu " ilio n Ilnd conduct eLl ( h e r etreat u pto w n b y th o Hllb way at lll e "nu o r t hrough to flrlrber'8 F Ol'd . arri ving til " day It would take th e t en -car e x· t hero a bout three o'cio c k on th e morn· Thclls Bl mpl o ov"ra ll s are Just like {l re~B tra ln a. rU lI lllng lit the Intervalll ' Ilg of th e tw c nty.. tlrs t. After r osti ng a r ea l grown DlaIlS . .1)'ho tront ot t\u~ n oll' "s (/lhll ~ h p d . I ~ mln\J t e~ to h au l lI ntll se ven o'clock th o r etr eat was trouB er8 nrc ex t ended to form a bib, a t h e m awa y . Though this hllPIJ ' Il a to ag ain co mm ll need . Uy Ge ner al Sey. c en ter Bellm folnln g th o two aides, In bt) Ul e b l f; h e ~t Rt r uctu r o ill th e c ity. mour's ord er the Seventh was agnl n tb e bnck strnps j olll t he bib to the I h(' r o ar " 0 1h er s noarly as la r ge ; I t ~ rota lned for renr guar4. Whil e til ;) lower porllon of t h e trou sers . J eaD, 18 o ne of th e c.lU7.e US t h at accommo-' ['f~glment w as In lin e. walung tOI' all duck, delllm, nnd b eav y weight glng· Llatns 4.UIJI) or f,.UlJO peopl e ea ch. a ud " t h er troops to vaSS, General Se ym ou r ' ham ar e good ma terials for these ov el' nn e or hund reds, tbat accommodate rode up In front ot t h tl IIno. too k orT ails. mnre t han 11 t h oll da ntl cncb . Th e num· bls hat anll said ' " Men ot th e Sev , Tho o,crnlls pattern ( 6 264) la cut b er o r th p~ 1' grp,\t hulldlngs is steadily " nth C~nn ..c u c ut, · I am happy to say In sizes 4, 6 and 8 yearB , Medium g row In g .- \ \ " Jrh' W or k , - - - . . - - -t o you that I am sntl~fled with w htlt Size requ l r eB 2% yards of 27 lncb rna· yo u hav e do ne; you hnve don e nil , ., terlal. M ea n Hint. could ask' you have done your duty To procure thlR pIlttem ""nil I() c<>nto . T h nl Wfi8 a glrong Bce ne, m y !1par; . I to " Patte rn Department." ur thIs paper. ' I t k . b tl " n nd dono It well." The r egi ment tor WrIte ""rno and oddre ~9 pllLluly. and bo I t oear Y llO Ill} r f! U l awn y , n second lim e took Its position as rflar : euro to .Ivo Glzo I>ml Dumber of vattern. 1 .. , n oticed y our breath w as .UU guard. and march ed to Raldwln·lI. : s ron g" r . d oar." H er n Ihey h ad a graud tim e rUlllmag, NO. 6264. ilZR ..... ... ____ Ing tho knap sacks which had been left CUBS' F'OOD NAIIB .. .... . .. _•. _ ... ........ ..... ._ •• _ by otb er r egiments. Although tired. They Thrive on Grilpe-Nut... huogry nnd footsore, th ey were not TOWN . .. ...... _... .. .. _ . ..., . .. .. . . ... . _ .. .. , _ _ n llvwe.1 to 1~l e op. Detalla were mad a Healtby babi es don 't cry and tb. 8T~gT AND NO... _ ..... . . .. _ . _. _ for tatigu e ilu ty, t o load cars with pro· we ll ·l\ouriabed baby tbat Is ted 00. v i sions, Mc :: on e company 1'0Iuntt~ o r· Gral'O--Nllts III nev er a crylog baby. STATK ..... _ _ • __ . ........ _ _ _ _ _ Ing t o push a tmln or six cars to J ack· MallY babies who cannot take any .. on ville, a (lI stancA of 20 mllll~ . 'fha other food rellllh tho perfect rood, r est destroyed buch provlelo ns. a.ll1f1'll. Grape-Nutl, nnd get we ll. Gone But Not Forgotten. Id tlon , et c .. as co uld not b e got away, " My bab y was given up by tbree " What bave yo u got III your locket. burning railroad bridges, c utting down I.l sett e ?" doc tors who salli thot (ho cOlltlensed tr ees to im ped e the progr ess of tho milk on whI ch I hall fed b er had " A lock o f my busband 's haIr." en em y . nnll In t he morning starled ror ruined the c hild's stoma(lh . One ot " But your husband Is st ili living ?" Jllck son v l\1e , pluls lng HAllry 's Battery " Most a ssured ly ; but he hasn't goe the doct ora told me that th e only and MusHachusetts cav alry nt Ca.m p any m or e b llir."-F1legegde maett er . thing to do would be to try GrapeFinegan , w h er e they were on pi c k et. Nuts, so Igor Bom e e.nd It till ~rrlvlng at Jfack60nvllla on th e twenty. folio",. : 1 soak ed 1"" tabl eapoonrula An Optlmllt'. Ylew. second Ilt 9 : 00 p. m. Th U8 ended tlte Misers were created for tbe pur- til one pint or c old water tor hal! an battl e or Oo iustee, allns " l"lnegan 's pose of showIng others how little hour, tben , strailleO off tbG liquid and Ball." happlDess tiler .. ill to b e derived froID mixed 12 teaspoonfuls-of this straIned Gra1)&Nuts juice with alx t easpoontuls Rlnce our arrIval at jac ksonville ev· wealth. f'ry thl n g h as b elln (Iulet exc ept nn oc· of ricb milk, put in a 1)lnch or 81l1t and .. a little Bugar, warmed It aud ga ve I~ cSRional SCllre, tbo r esult o f a tAW A Gigantic Tuk. , picket eho tsi. The boys have bad no to baby every two boura. W o despaIr or changing tho halllUl tente ",I nell l eavi ng SL H el ena. "In this almple, easy ~' ay I save4 of men, stili w e would alter Inet!tubaby's life and bave built her up to & H. H. R. Uons. tbe llabltB ot mllllonB of mOD. 3trong, h ealthy cblld, r osy and laugho ' Ing. The food must ct'rtalnly be pel'Won the Bet. Spiritual Force the Stronger. feet to bll\le su ch a wondw-ful e'lleet had gatb ere4 at Great m en Bre tbey who see tba, as this. I can truthfully say I tMnll e;Jlrttual Is BtrODlI:er' thlln any material it Is th e heat tood In the ' world ' tc one: "tbat force; that thought rules the wStrld.ral8e delicate babies ·on and fll 8110 &: of anyone Emer80n~ delicious healthful tood for gro"'D'upa a8 we have discovered In our fam.U1." . Ora1)&Nuta e~4allY to ~ ,8trontr. 'mu· It .' e~t.



T ille Is tho mo et r u<:ont tlhotogr apb of Cui . George hlil rtl Sldenco at Culobro.. In the 7:on o.

w . Goe th al s. 1'1l"' f engineer ot t he P a nama CRUIlI . and









t bat worne.,. ~Iayed a prominent part In th e great ost battle of t~l e Civ il w ar . which was (ought fifty y enrs ago, Is likel y to be forgott en until one such a pllO t ogratlh as thi s, tnk en at t h e Gp.t t ys burg cel~urnUon . One ot the . ve terans who fought uud er the IItnrs and unrs Is see II greeti ng one or ~ w omen nunell whose hUBballd W118 hIs comrade I u arms.


:\Irs. RobInson , wlte or lb e ncw sc n· ..lor trom Arkaus8s. Is a natlv !' of that state. Sbe n evcr carod to h a v o h er hu sb and In politics, but aSRi Ht ctl hlol In hlo earp-er with all h er nblli ty .

1 '






---- - --


. .--.---------..... ...... ------__1 Freet's' Co-Operative Store--We Give and Redeem Cedar Stamps 1:-------.. ZIMMERMAN'S Iperlonal Mentio~ I ----------. :±:2!!!_





Mi88 Kathlecn Haines is vh;i ting relativell in Ci ncinnati.

fancy Large Wal::;olls. Cu I ting fin~.

Fa ncy Indi ana NutnH'gll af! sugar.


MeSlirs. J . C. Hisey and Orange Raper were In Dayt on Thursday .

bIers. Sweet Oran ges. Juicy Lemons t

Walt cr Smith has bet>n spending a f ew Ja y~ with relatives in Lim a.

New Apples. 13lack Berries

Walrus Salmon. a can ,... .. ..... 15c Fancy Pink Salmon. a ran ,,, .. lOc Fancy Rio Coffee. a puund ". 20c 3 lb. Fan~y Baked Beans .. 10c can Sanitary Drinking Cups .. 8 for 5c


, ~

Try our Rose of Sharon Coffee. The besl in town and only 30c a pound .


Mr. Horace Zell and family, of X('n ia, were g uests SundllY of Mrs. Alice McKinsey , The Mis~ es Jane and Flo rp.n cc Clark, ot Xenia, arp guests of MrR. Ann Cla rk and family .

Wafer Sliced Pried Beef, Bo. logna. Fancy · Dried Fruits, Rail'ins, Apricots, Peaches, Prunes. Fancy Creamerv Butter always on hand.

Melons on Ice Everything good to eat at


Fttiday, lIug. I, 1913

Ka therine Al exander arriveU home from Dayton f'riday evening.

New Tomnt oe:'. Ne w Irish Cob·

New Home Grown !loney New MilJ Cream Cheese


Mrs. Elizabeth Ward will preacl} Sunday morning at the Orthodox Friends church at 10 :30 o'clo('k, Mr lind Mrs. Walter Cast and daughter. Mabel , were guest~ of relative!:> in Wilmington Friday. AlbE'rt P. Deafenbaugh. of Bel· laire. Ohio, has been the guest of the Misses Annie and Marne Brown.


THE -------1

Fred's Co-Operative Store-We Give and Redeem Cedar Stamps



Mr, and Mrs. B. V. Smith and The lad ies of the M . E church will NEW PRESIDENT AT LEBANON family. and Mias Nina Smith spent Sunday visiting the Soldiers Home give an entertainment in School Hall The prospects for the University August 15. Particulars will be given in Dayton . thiEl season are vel y bright. Mr. later. The second Bon of Geo . Gilliland Art.hur James, M. A.. who has reDEFINING A PROMOTER. was kicked in the face by a colt to- Campbell Cory. who represents cently b.,en elected president, is a "See d&t man ovur dar, Henry,.. day cutting a gash above and one Poultry Success, of Springfield, Ohio. Normalite. and has the interests of just below the right eye. was in town Tuesday working in the the University at heart. A new "Y... What ob it?" inleres ls of his company phase in the University'9 life will be "Dat man am 11 p'omotoh." We have increased our capacity for baking bread, and Mr. and MI'fI. Warren Edwards instituted in tha~ a Vice President, "P'omotuh' What you'all call a left Sunday evening for Milwuukee. are now baking four different kinds as follow8 Holmes Stoops is · camping at the Rev. Robert Boyd Marshall has been p'omotuh 7' After a week's stay there they will Caesar's Creek bridg e in company elec:ted. His duties will largely be "Whah, Henry, yll mean tell me then go on to their home in Denver. with about twenty boys from' King's those of a financial agent and a great <lat you don't know de dUIeration ob Mills. They are having a great time. part of his time will be spent in do word 'p'omotuh'?" Mrs. Lina Devitt. Mrs. Emmor ----raising money t o meet the financial "No--don't." Baily. Mrs. J. B. Chapman and son. THE HUNTER'S LICENSE obligation.. of the school and at the "Den Ah11 tell yon'all, Henry. A Charles, and Mr. Warner Devitt lP'omotuh am It. man wbo sells 8Ome- were MUests of relatives in SpringOn and after August 10th every same time having in mind an enIthlog he habben't got to Bomebody boro last week. person who hunts game in Ohio on dowment to insure the University of 'Who doem't wan it." the lands of another will be required a permanent income . The Misses Alice Carey, Mabe to have a license For non-residents FALSE ECONOMY. Salisbury and Helen Marlatt attended the license fee will be $15. for resiLytle The M .... ----Tbe senior ............_ a piano recital in Sprina- Valley d ents af the state t h e f ee WI'11 b e $1. --&""r - - Wedneeday evening, given by Miss Th The sudden death of Mrs. Wel",ant. us to 1lDd & berth for >L.-t IOn ese I'Icenses WI'11 b' e ISSU ed b y town\.Wi Myrtle Souders. h' I lington Cornell on Friday evening of hie. He saJ1l be doe&ll't expect the S II> c erks and by the Clerk of the was a painful shock to our town and · ythin th '11 Courts. A fee of twenty.five cents ,b OUlle to pay h1m an g 80 ere Franklin Packer and wife left community, where she had lived for be • aaring there. Thursday for Selma, Ohio. enroute will be charged by the official issuing Everylhlng Everything a n\llmber of years and was highly The 8uperintmdent-1 don't Bee to their home in Newtown Pa. them. .. __ - - Clean Fresh respected, Although subject to il Of COW'Il8 we'll baTe to biro S They will also stop at aeveral'otherJ TAKES THE THIIW GAME heart trouble she had seemed quite lnan to do the work.--Cleveland places bef ore arriving home. , well all day and to her friends had Plain Dealer. The Miamis went to Lebanon appl~ared livelier than common. and Mi88 Anna Meredith left Friday Sunday and came home again de· had talked with them just a short TO BE EXPECTED. mornina- for a visit with friends in leated. The boys are very reticent time before her death. About 10 Columbus and Cleveland. During about the game. and as the official ''Mm. J~ps cut me yesterday, her stay she will attend the conven- scorer failed to go with them. we o'c1ock Mr. Cornell came to join her on the porch and found her dead. and I tell you it hurt me." .. .." tion of the Phi Beta Kappa sorority are unable to give a detailed report. The funeral was held at her late "Of conrae ahe hurt you if &he cut at Cedar Point. The score was 11 to 7 in favor of residence on Monday afternoon and you, with those eharp loob cd Lebanon. intelrment made In Miami cemetery. hatdlet 1N:e. Messrs. Thos . Pierce. Fred White, Mrs. William Brown epent last Earl Conner, Goo. Pratt. Ben Mills. UNION SERVICES 19~27 week with her daughter. Mra. Frank Harvey and Clarence Rye, u,e ..... Another large congregation was Woolley and children in Dayton. Hawke. Will and Bryan Prendergillt present Sunday evening at the union Sidney Coon and family were SunDo not miss the opening date and the big Lou Printz. Abe Dakin. Phil Hop: kina. C, B. Bentley, Harry Sherwood services. The song service was good. day guests of Mr. and MH. Al Sheetariff debate between Dr. S. D. Fess and and Stanley Pence saw the Wilmin&'· and Miss Sybil Hawke rendered a han. Hon • .Chas. L. Swain. Speaker of Ohio House of Representatives. Every day a I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ton-Springfield game at Wilmington beautiful solo. P. B. Thompson, Over fifty of the Lytle folk' repastor of the Christian church, Bponded to the invitation of Rev. -= Sunday afternoon. big day. preached a fine sermon on "Religious and Mrs. S. W. Campbell and spent ~ Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Cornell. Mrs. Momentum." I Saturday evening with them at their ~ MOTORCYCLE, Merkle, Twin, Matilda Hosier, Mrs. Euphemia UPHOLS;;;NG WORK ~~~·~~:a-r~;:~~::il~~ !~: ~:::~ ~-;-~~-~~~~~::::-:-~-:-=.~ - ~~-~-~-~;-;-~:::-~:::::-::;:~.~~~.-~-:-:-~ . Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye. ·Mr. Seven H. P., 1912 Model; also. and Mrs. F. C Carey, Mr, and Mrs. making about three hundred and ROGERS SIDE CAR, all in firstA. L. Hendrick haa returned and fifty guests. All had a delia-htful W. E. Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. class condition. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. JOB. Penne· is ready to do your upholstering and time. wit. Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Hartsock, repair work. Old varnish removed Address. or call in evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lamb spent Mrs. Rosa Berryhill. Misses Ruth and refinished. I am also prepared Sunday in Bellbrook. I will continue to do Roofing and Spouting at Hartsock anti Flora Berryhill. M&I8u. to make and repair your auto and Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, Mrs. Jan.. Dyke and brother Mr. Jonathan Smith. Harry Prater and carriage tops. All work guaranteed. Mahlon Rooks took _inner Sunday or phone 2 .... 27,; , and I will estimate with you, Archie Hartsock. of Dayton. attended Call and see him at the upper end of with' Mr. and Mrs. John Green on the funeral of Mr. Vernon Hartsock Main street, in the old carriage Social Row. at Spring Valley Saturday afternoon. works. Lebanon, Ohio ------ --~.-----Mrs. Anna Cook. Mi88 Mary and THEY DYNAMITE FISH Perry Cook visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E Johns, Warrants were issued in Malor Mrs. Margaret Everhart, of Bull's court. Cedarville, for Xehia Miamisbur&, has returned nome _________________________ men who dynamited fish in Caesarcreek. Fines of from $50 to $100 after spending the past week with were imposed: Mayor Bull declines Mr. ank Mrs. Chas. Clark. Whether in your own country or abroad, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Steele and to give out a ]jilt o'f the men for we are now prepared to furnish you with whom warrants were issued unti daughter Edna. of Spring Valley. Mrs. Caroline Rogers and Mrs. Jenall of them have been caught. nie Roa-ers. of Lebanon, and Mrs. NOTICE Florence Davis, of Union City. attended the funeral of Mrs. W. C. In denominations of Hartsock Bros. have just had their Cornell. oven overhauloo and are now prepared to bake nearly twice 88 much "SATISFACTION OR NO CHARGE." bread and can bakeS any kind of , Or~dinance At small cost. These are payable at all fancy cakes for apecial occasions.



.. _..


Hartsock's Bakery

'11 ntlo~ · ...... b



ehautauQua .......



Neff Park, Yellow Springs, Ohio July












If you are contemplating a Trip

-----...- - -

$10.00, $20.00



No. 73

. -.

banks and most hotels without identification beyond your own signature. Are payable. in the money of any country in the world.


The new road along the railroad ia opened and the . farmers along the line are uiina- it. They say it is a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 great improvement although the

•••• Wayneaville National Bank...•

road is new.

.. ...

---------Late Classified Ads


Have you ever tried 'our CJa.slfled Ad Column? They 'b ring go'od ,res"lts; ~. everybody :knows. . -




An ordInance k> regulate the keeplD&' of 8wlne and other anlmali within the oorporate 11m1'" ot the VllIlI@ of Wa71lenllle. Ohio. 8ecttt~n No. 1. Be It ordained by the councll of the village of Warilenllle. Oht( . That It IhaII be unlawful for any P8h0D to keep In an" pen, oroth_18e IA wei vlllaae. any ewiDe or otbel' Ul1ma18 60 that the same



Enterprise Bldg••


Waynesville, qhlo.'

shall become anno:r1Dlr, olfeDllve or preJudicial to tbe ,be health -of aD)' dIlleD or of tbe publiC. 8ectkln No: lI. All)' J)8NOR VlolaUJ!g any ot tbe proYl8lons 01 ttlIa' ordlllana! 8ha1l upon conVICUOR thereOf be ftned IA any .um Rot ex~UIIC lifty d~ (150.00) or IIIIprl~ned noS more ShaD teD ifa,. or bOth.

pLANT~fA&e Celery plants, elr='~1:ina.rJ:-~~ce~ W'-t! .' GlaD& Puo.h al. loquire of ' a1J~r,,~:;~ .. chamber. wa the 10th

Park £eak" Wayoe8vOle, Ohio. ,-' ~.7 oUul~~'lJ: ' -



- a6


~ 8.

\ ;






~.~. ,, ~~P!~!!!!~~I!"!!J~'!!!!!!I!!l~





Sixty-Fourth Year




I Famous

IPerlOn~ Mention



- --


Moocasln Bend of Tennessee River at Chattanooga. National Encampment G. A. R. to be held here September 15-20, 1913.

Mrs. Edith M. Harril! spent Mun· day in Cincinnati. Bert Hartsock, of Morrow . . spent Sunday at home. Dr . .and Mra A. in Dllyton Monday.


Wright werp

. Mrs. T. R. Smith was 8hopping in Cincinnati Thursday. ·Miss Olive McCollum is the guest of friends in Franklin, Ohio. Mayor J. O. Cartwright was in Dayton on business Thursday. Chu. Frye handles the Milson It'ertilizer, and there is none better. MillSe& Inis Davis and Josephin~ Harlan were in South Lebanon Fri· 4ay. Hugh Ridge, of Dayton, is enjoy. ing a two week's vacation with rela· tives ht!re. Abe Dakin went back to Dayton to work Menday, after a three week's vacation here, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Chicqo, are 8)H!nding their vacation here with relatives.

What.llen can portray the matchle81 beautlu that are unfolded frOIll theae 1JlO\lIJtllin heigh ts ? At uvcry apot upon the brow. Ii bewlltlertng panorama ot Iandsoape .tretche8 forth. There u r e lofLh'r llIounta lns moru HUl>lime stretches ot precipice I.nd beetling olltts. taller peaks and deeper IfOrges. but there Is no sP~ t on ~h l ~ western world w~ere beauty III I!O charmingly united to 8ubllmity, or wh ••,. onc's .80 ul 18 su thrill ed without bulng awed by appalling lurroundlnga; whore the limpid lyrlc8 of nature are lID Interw()ven With her e pIc'S ("h(Ore Lbe lIIelUnlf hasel or purpllog hindscaplI c1ls80lve Into maJesUo stretches of towering peaks ; whero nature frowns and IlOIle8. ud 11'0081 the enchanted beholder, thrUied by the glorlel Lid me.jelty of God'y bandlwork. STUBBO~N





Emma Millie, daui'hter of William Tht~ Ohio Department of Ag riculand Elizilbeth llispham Rogel'll. was ture, received in J una, from the bprn in Wayue8ville, Ohio, Septem. aud ' tor of each county in Ohi o, the ber 10, 1842, was united in wedlock amount of the claims fi led bv OWIlUS to w. C. Cornell at the Roger's houae of sheep for damage done' by dog,;. __ .J Ma y 16, 1860 ,urmg d ' a t6 a. m. T uCZIUay, t he year end ing June 1. 1913. tal I' f 1 th ted d d an epar IF'd e 9U'· The amoun t of damage 'IIS mor k P . .. 10 ocqc I d enynear !D., rl ay, cluimed in the state . ed 70 '" . .. ............. •T11 Iy18 , 1913 ,ag years, 10 was ........ .... "'oll 11 v~ ,(97.26 tha an d 8 d ays mon The number of sheep kl'lled t f h Th deeeBlMld spen t .e W Co in t:he state ......... . ..... ... 20.0~ mos 0 er 1if t'ln arren unty, in Waynes- The number of sheep in· ' 1 1 d L tl 'th th t' f VI if an ). . e,DWI to e excep IOn 0 J' ur,ed in the state was.. . 16 ,351 a f ew years In ay n, an d a por t'Ion Total number of sheep of !ime spent in travel. killed and injured was.. 36,436 :she leaves a. husband, one brother The,oe figures I'ndl' cate that the dog __ .J 1 I f fri-.J - Sh "" a arae ~Irc eo. WIIUlS. e is a nltAnace to the wool and mutton had luch tr:alt:s of. mlD~ .and hea,rt, industry of Ohio. In some countiell and alao a JOVial dlSPOSltlOD, whu~h the lollS from dog8j8 considerable. made her. loved ~y all who came In In 'Warren County the figures recontact With he~ hfe. turned by the auditor were as foIThe community deeply feel the lows.' 1ft ed d h ed ~ 4) an es eem an onor Amount of damage c1aimI h Id t h I te cltThlZenf· ed .. -... ......... ... ... ..... .... . $584 . e un~ra WBI e a er a Number of sheep claimed residence 10 Lytle, Monday. July 21. killt~ ...... .... -.. ...... . -..... . 127 at 2 p. m., &:ttendtNl BY a large con- Number of sheep claimed cou ... of fnends The pall-Itearers injUired 9 were: Wm. Cox, Albert ~tacr. Total killed and injured in I Charles Johns. Harry McGtnDls. t 146 Charles(,lark and Walter Kenrick. coun y ............... _...:":. Interment made in Miami cemetery. The county commlsslo~ers may Mr. Cornell wishes to thank the reduce ~he . a~ount c1alm~d for friends for their man~ kindnessess dan. age If their Judgment so dIctates. _L h' d ' h' t b e e " -.. :;~:t 1m urlDg IS a Frr:nr - WILL HOLD OPEN MEETING

While hauling wheat to the eleva· Miss Winifred Zartman. of Xenia, tor Saturday, a three-mule team, nas been visiting Oliver Davis and belonging to Oren Strawn, got away family, of Corwin. from their driver and went over the ten·foot ditch just below H. P. Keys' Mr. George Dent, of Mobile, Ala., mop, wheat and mules, all in one i8 the guest of the Mi88eS Katharine undignified bunch. The driver es· and Rosamond Dakin. caped, however, by jumping. It seems that in going down Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell and the hill, the rublock broke, and the IOn, Dean, attended the Wilmington mules became unmanageable, with Cbautauqua Sundav. the result given above. The wheat, which had been Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller. of threshed on the Cadwallader farm Springboro, were visitini' relatives southwest of town, was all thrown and friends here Sunday. in the ditch and about twenty bushels lost. IIIrB. C. W. Henderson and daugh· The mules were scratched a bit, ter Kathleen are spehding this week but aaide from the loss of the wheat in Covington and Hyde Park. no other damaare was done. A cuuple of hours later a mule Kenneth Kilbon has returned t:l hil homtl in {Jayton, accompanied by team lonrled with wheat coming down th!:! mill road at the tum of ~onaJd and George Henderson. the pi)...! at Nathan Jon.' the driver Don't forget that August 15th Is lost cOlltr!'i . und both mules and the date tiet for the entertainment at wagon weIl l into the ditch. No School Hall by the ladles of the M. damage was dune The team and wheat belon&.~ t,) - - - Bro~n. E. church. ...- - Mill! Helen Hawke arrived home RESIONS HIS. CHA~OE Saturday after a pleasant visit at the home'of Benj. Hawkinl and family near &bina, Ohio. Rev. Amos Cook, who has been pastor of the Friends' Church lince Mr. and Mrs. Georae Hartsoek arorganizatioll, nine years ago, hr&a rived home Saturday after a two Its resirned his charge, Sabbath, July week'! pleuaQt visit with relatives 27, being hia farewllll Sabbath. Mr. in Arcanum, Ohio. Cook tendered his~resi(CDation to the




---_.- ...- -ADEATHS

Messrs. Jease Lewis. Idd Dakin, Pa'Jtoral Committee IIOme time ago, Mrs. Howard Berryhill died Ilt her MlU'tlhialJ Haines and Phil Hopkins, aDd it was IICcepted. Announcement home north of Ferry, Sunday even· Jr_. saw the Wilmington.Cincinnati o.fthefact was made to theconf rega ing. The funeral will take place to· game at Wilmington Sundav tlon last Sabbath: . at 2 o'clock from her late home. ,. Mr. Cook was Instrumental m or- d., Interment in BeJlbroo/c cemetery. Mrs. Prlacilla Butterworth, ~f p.nizini' t~e. chu~eh and under his =Will'ftinctonr -Ohio, i8 the guest of. f~ithful m!ntstry It has grown to a The four.months old baby of Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Butterworth, .rq8J1lbel'll~IP of over 300.. At first and other relatives for several ~eekl. tJM: meettnga were held In the old and Mrs. Martin Method, died MonThud U. P. Church, but five years dayevenintr. The funeral was held Mr. and Mra. Jesse Burton, Miaaee qo, lhe present substantial b,:ick this morning at 10 o'clock. Inter. Lillie Farquar and Lavone Burton structure at Chestnut and HIgh ment in Miami cemlltery": • llpent Saturday in Blanchellter, visit· I!treeta was oreeted. The pastor 01'InJ( relativ. and old acquaintances. cupies a place of deep esteem in the hea:rts of ~is congregatio~. He will Mrs Lulu Burgett Frye died at th L_-t th In Xema for a short time, after h . N orwood last Th ursd ay, M'IlIOn •s F e rt'I' orne In I lzar e.,.,.. on e be which he will go to his home near er b' market. For sale by Chas. Frye. Harveysburg for a rest until the I ~ud the body '!Vas brought here and Friends' yearly meetinJ( at Wilm;ni" Interred l!l Miami cemetery SaturMisl Kathryn Evans, of Leban.n, tOil next month. day mommg. is spendinC the summer with her The Church has no plana for a new --Bunt Mrs. Otto C. Mil\s In St Joseph. P,88tor as yet.-Xenia Daily RepubRoy Adkinson, aged 34, died in the Mi880uri. and is aid to be having a lican. Philipine Islands April 20th. The fine time. - - -.... body was sbipped to his brother'S OU~ BASE BALL TEAM home in Lebanon, and was brought Mrs. Laura H. Moaher aecom· here and interred in Miami cemetery palnied her little grand daughter morning. He was a solMildred Hartsock to her home in The Miamis seem to have gone to Saturday Morrow last Friday and remained the bad, as no gamet! have been dier in the employ of the itovernuntil ~unday afternoon. acheduled lately. The country teams ment.. ...- - throughout the county all Beem to THE UNION SE~VICES Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weleh, of havt' a hard row to hoe this summer. Harv8} Iburg, and Messrs. Gilbert The baseball fans have or· and Tom Welch, of Fort Dodge, ,anizedMason a new team and will play The union services are growing in Iowa. were peetl of Mn Alice ong on Saturday afternoons. favor as they progreaa. Runday Alc:Kinaey and daughter reeently. This. on the surface, looks like a evening,aJthou~h threateningweath· Mfa. H. H. William80n was caned &'OOCl proposition. Farmen, now er prevailed, the congregation was to Yorktown, Ind., Thul'llday on ac· are pretty generally over with their just a little bit larger than before. The ~Dg servi~ was good, and count of the death of Mi88 Edna. heavy work of the eeuon, and they aaed 29 years, daughter of Mr. and would be ,lad to come in Saturday the special was a lad!es quarte~­ S,lvan WiUlamaon. Her death afternoon and in all probability a IIrL A. T. Wri~ht, M\88 Ruth Zlmteam would make more money from merl'llllEl ~rs. D. L. Crane and Mrs. was the result of an operation. now on until the aeaaon closes by J. W. whIte. Rev. J. F. ' Cadwall~er was th.e . Waynesville w... repreeented at playing through the week the Antioch Chautauqua at Yellow The Muon Appeal says: "And preft.!!ber for the ev.~mg and hiS Sprinp. last Sunday. The following right here we would ltoP. to haye leadmK theme was: Dont Leave pel'8ODS being there: C. T. Hawke you undentand that thia tra; ia or- ~8IIl\I, The diac:ourae was fully eu· and ~ famlly. Frutk Zell and wife, pnized for the aport ad not simpl, JOyed by all present. OW. and wife. Frank Carey for wbmiq gamel. Better plaY,. • -----and wife Will Cornell and wife. c:lean pme and lose, thu\ • dirty NEW LITERARY· SOCIETY ;N~"'ton ~unnell .and wife. J ' E. pme ancl win. ItI! m()re ~rtamen . . . J~ .Dd family •. Fred Elbon and- Uk. and more honorable. Nor doe. On Tueada7 a number of {oung Wife,' ;lIta. W. Sallsbul'1.aM IOntbat mean a 8i..-y It mean.- elra.' met at 'the home 0 . Mias Clark, Maxwell. StAtlla Lemmon, ~~ every ~yantqe ~1t be con"! Ethel1D Jon. an4 orpnirAMi a new lna· ~rkma. HenC:Ju·I;BunneU. 'J . Ci teet~ for. but . tJlat no under~d Ii~ c:lab.· We suc.B ~ W.~ (). RaJi8r.iL~J»' ''eredith. trick. will llle u.d ill order to ceil for It, jUdeing from··the enthu-








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...... da y week . lOur Neighbors I to +----- ... - --...........-... gaid waHl:au!ot'ht

lOOt..: A PEAFOWL Wa lt~r

't·ol!. II nc


that' ....vantQe:' . - ' . r:'.' ~ ~. :'.,. L; ... . r


P . h i •

. , '. . and Intenit displayed.




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VIoLA TIONS OF GAM£: LAWS In Creen Co unty the !ish and game ward!:!n!' have startl'd a war aga inst illegal fi ~ hing and hunlin K out of !:Ieason. l'h ~y have made several arreilts , lind are on the go all th e ti me. It is hhrh t ime for Warren county to get after misc reant s through this vall ey. Ill egal fi shing- seIne.'!. boxes and dynamiting- is t he rule. al· th ough since 8 warden has been ap pointed here, they have been more qui et than usual. Killinggameoul of sea'lon is perhaps going on all the time, more or less. and it i!'! hoped the county club will take hold of the matter and make a thorough canvass of the county. The state is back of all wardens, and anyone who persists in disobey· ing the laws of the state should be arrpsted and a heavy tine imposed on him. __ _ DON'T WANT THE CHARM

John Leonard, who work8 at the Powder Mills. at Kings. writes as follows: On the 23rd of July about 6 o'clock the No.2 wheel mill on the smoke· less, next to the place where I work. blew up, and partly burned up, but did not hurt any body. They came and fixed it up the next day and are now making powder as if nothing had happened. Just one more whirl, and I will make a home run some place. It won't get "Wink, II if it gives me a minute's notice for I will be about 22 miles up the road, near Waynesville. This is th~ second one I have been in, and got out all right. The members of the local lodge, They say the third time is the charm Daughter s of Rebe cca are making but I don't think I want the charm. great arrangements for a big time - -Saturday evening, August 9th. The STANDARD BEA~E~S affair will be in the nature of an open meeting for Odd Fellows. All The Standard Bearers held a profmembers of Wyoming Lodge and their wivea and all sojourning Odd itable meeting at the home of Fellow8 and· their wives are cordially Ethelyn Jones, July 26. A discus. invited to be present A splendid sion on girls life in Korea was read program will be rendered and reo by Misses Mary Davis, Edna Satfreshments of ice cream and cake terthwaite and Janie Jones. Some interesting facts were given by tbe will be served. hostess concerning the author of the articles who is a relative of hers. Sub!!cri be for the Mlt& mi ~nzotte. , ~~~~~~......~~~~~~~~~_ _..,..~~~...~ ~ - _ . - - - . _. - -- - -- -- - -- -








l a~t

touk a II 'afuwl helC)n~ing J . B. Chapman . which Iw fast ina fe>nc e. li t! brough t it to Corwi n. and ~n ld it to Wm Casper. ~o n for fifty cent s. I .a l e l' Callperson heard thal Chapm an had lost a pea· fowl. Il'tld spoke to him about it . Mr. Chapman. who hel on~s to th e Protective ~ DeLe<"tive ARllociatillll. brought it bt!forc tha l body. and on deposilion ot Mr , C:l.~pe r~o n. a war· rant wa~ ~ wol'n ou t a~ai n s t Scalt, who WaR arres ted by Constable J oy. and broug-h t befn!' c Muyor Carl· wright. when he c'ollfessen to having' taken the fowl a K aUlw e mention ed . Mayor Cartwright fined him f1.00 and cos t ~. Th e matter was brought up in th is manner to stU ll a lot of small thi eving being done on the other side of the 'ri vel'. Small art icles di sappeal' as well as f:ui t a nd vege· tables. The Association is dete rmin ed to stop this bu si ness and arrE'st.., will foll ow evel'ytim E' th e partie!'! persist In doil1).;' it.

Miss Marne llrown was in Xenia Friday.


Whole Number 3222

Harveysburg. Dr. l : ti R!tllll.lil


(lo!!l!ell!!or of Ford RUIl · with flUf4e hllll neocl.,d

"'" u f' I h ",." Ill' to till te ·,hllnL.. IIlId I~ l'uIIIlIng it

'" 111 fll ~IlH ~"'VIB!-(


H., ~ lIl' fl ly MlIch" pr~otlOfl

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I( fl ttllll! 'nronod ,

MI' . Kilp"trl c k , "I U\tJ~n"o, with hil'< uBsI~t41Ilt~ !anvil btlllll working 10 ' hi l! !wct ioo "tlCllrlllf.( "ullie very ~uod pr"Apect.... for 1t1l\l8r,,1 futurflllll16l!

iJilhert, ,,"ci rho 111111' Welflb bid thnir tutbor ur.d rnothllr Mr, and Mr~. W . W. Welch guild b.\ p, .. ud I P H fill' 111<'11' home in Fort U'kl~e, 10 WII, Hilt ordllY morning u.rler Lwo wflf1 kt'VII""llou H. ~y ru o ntl Hisev left for hi8 haOle ill' 'll Y t il" n ftor two week'" vlloatlon . ~I r . l:f I~ e:v II! Boriously III lIod hi. recovll ry ill hoped to be ap6t'(\y. Thres hing it! btliug done in thl8 oom munity I\od the turnout i8 vory goorl , Unolt! William Nedry "flAnt IiRtnr'11l.V "t lll~gr!lnd tlilughters Mrl!. Frnllk Rudtluok In tliit ouuntry, In El vl'ry shor' tilDe our ,o"n will be loosers ror L\ time"' letAlit of Mr. lind Mrs A B Anson and clllll!(l1ter O"a They will "peod ~f1\· ..r lll monthl In Vuliforui" virIle in~ their children Ilnd t.llkluH 1\ very lII\1 oh need ed rest . Our board of b88I'h bal! been mol''' than busy in the laat few daya. notifying just 8uoh mtlzens is tbey might teel kindly toWArd to cleao up thl'lr premilles in IInoh a given time and if not oomplled with 'hen r.hey suffer tbo p6nllltlt:e of the la". Notioe"aegivenon60fourbutoher8 d an d the to cIBaD llP, w h io h h e d I, next thing be got noticeb to 010s8 hill •1augb b hr houl8 aud 1 at hll oooht not otoh er ini t any more. ,u......i8 la IlII wrong. Oar vtjtlg8 tSllman aDd barmony flood IOTe should rllign 1 supreme t lronghou~ ins'ead of driving buslne811 away. Go ou, and I he tJ boost our 'own , Sklp and oon· 8ider that we are obltRed help one another and in tbat way lilt our . •D d i ood 1 eXla"",uoe. 0 not r 'V8 a g aw


k:~~~~~i~~~n t~;t a~~Yg~~r a:~::!~

and in that way we oan have I gool! ~owo, our property will advanoo In prioe, we Oan get in touoh with our neIghboring OIUes by Interurblln flWlIttlel but a8 long 1i8 we wlln' 'n d I bbo I II o"n oar ne g r peop e wi staY' away from us and avoid trouble. Preaobjog d M. E ohurob ~un · day by ReT. CowlfIll, the ohurob having goue tbrough a renovating uDcler the liuaploes of the I_diell of the ohurch - - -... - .

New Burlington

Miss Roth Harlan, of lIiamlablU'll. Is the guesl of relatives here. Ml'II. Thos. flavdook and daulbter Miss SArab are visiting Mr. and Mre E , D. BarlllD in Wilmlog&on. Misses Bernioe . HAwklnl! and I1'ranOO8 Wilson are a&teading a oon· (erenoe of young Friends a' WiDona lAke, Iu~. KatherlDe PattersoD bad as her Irosst las'. week her oOUllin III .. Ker!uR, of Dear XeDia. Tbe board of Education of lSpriDg Valley rp. has employed : Prof .. Eber Arnold of WlImlnlrton a. prlnoipal of the 8igb ~hool here. B. M. MoKav received painfol, althongb no& aerlou8 Injnrl8ll. T08l!day of 181~ wee~ by beinl oaugh& beoedhthe top part of the driveway of his barn while hanllng baled straw ,Emma Wbite !lod IUta MElli are "way on an exwnded 'fIatt wUh relatives.

.--.---------.----------'--r Social Events of the Week .-..-.~-----~~-----.-



--- ..- - -

- - -...

Mr. William Michener and Miss HOW TO CLEAN A ' PERCOLATOR M isa Henrietta McKinsey had for her guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs . Ada Mich"ner took a party of younll WiISfll1 Edwards, Miss Edith Moaher people out for a hay ride last Satur. Wheo the perfora&lons io a parco. dsy evening. They all had a merry lator be:lome ologged the ooffee reand Mr. Ronald Hawke. time. quire. more time, lIod it is quUe apt ~o be wudel,. Use a tea8poonfolof . . oxallo 80ld llrYl!tais ~o a piD' of Miss Elizabetn Chandler enterM's. L~ah Smith entertamed Mon- water and let" petl\)olate aoou' tained at her hospitable home to· ~ay evenmg at her home the follow· twen~y mInutes Then olean with day the following g-uests: Misses mg guests: Mr . and Mrs. J. H. a stiff brush. Lye or any gritty Edith Mosher. Henrietta McKinsey, ~Ieman, ~r. and .Mrs. D. L. Crane. sobl!tanoe oannot be Ul!ed on aluDi. Kathryn and Rosamond Dakin. MIsses Kezla Merritt, Gwendolen:and inum Margaret Merritt, and Master Ethan . • - ...- - -


Mies Mary Sherwood entertained menta of 8herbert and cake were at supper Thursday evening the fol- served, luwing gUest8: MIsaes Nina Smith, Elizab4!th Mart, Lucille and Lelia Mrs. John Hawke and daughter, Thompeon, Bessi.. Warner, Glenna Miss Clara very charmingly enterIloblit an.! Ada Michener. tained a party of little folks this, Wednesday afternoon from two to five, The-affair was in honor of litMl'II. WaIter Jordan entertained tIe Kathryn Fromm of Dayton, who at a family dinner Sund~ in hon9r is a guest at the Hawke home. of Mr. Jordan's birthday anniver- Dainty refreshmenta were served. sary. Those present were: Mr. and The guesta were Elme and Doris Mrs. N. B. Rich, Mrs. Maud Cleaver Hawke, Novella Beneeke" Kathleen and children, Mrs. Annie Jordan, of Gilmour, Louise and CaroJyn Smith, Columbus. Ml'II. Kate Jordan, NeIIie KathJ'l!l and Esther Hend~n. and Bernie ·Jordan, Mr. ·'. and Mrs. Dori.· B.~d~rsol) • .EathAl' Tho n, Cbaa. Gra,y and theM_ M~ and Luella WdllamlOn ,and ,Rhea anet 0-' .Qray. ~ . .,.... .. Cart~rlght. '" ". .'. (" "... _.' '-.; . ' . PI , ~,J ••

HOW TO MAKE A PILLOW '.1'hA C'ulhlon of 'he momen' Is undoubtedly tbe new roond 8hape. wl'loh Is made of rumed allk or aatto and 18 big, soft aDd IIgM 118 • feather. ~ There are fiDe mUIUn ~overtl deslgDed for 'he8tl •• well tor the , ordiDary aqua"s shapeel oushioD, whloh Is in · Ifraa08 al80 recognized .. ahe mOl" oomfortable form of night pUlow. • _ .~ . , HOW TO MA~E HANDL~' ~FB .' . _ ' .. . EleolrIOlaD8.' ..~ to OOftl'cpart of


til, ~f ~~~~l ~~ :~~.­


e' • .~T8D"'b~~ aUi9a* OD' of ~ ~':wb. . l1a..... . . "',



,,-.......- ....- 11_ WIIo . . . CarTOU bad De, MUnn, _ th ture of ctellOlatloD. a ~ . . . . . . . . . . . • • • I.F.ET llnrfolle .. ed by Yegetatloo. matchlDi dead oIRcer and DO .... ,lanced up. Look few Tltl. Tn4~ua'" "'"There'l ..and juet be low. Sergeant.·· tbe skJ,ell above. 9lItendlni 10 oyery d. tu~ OD t"e Labet.bea burl . . he eald . "That 'll why tbey are 110 recUon t hrough weaT)' luguell of dlJlo DIal lonelln es8 . The searching eyt darn reckl8s11 b ere:' MISSES' DA'f.S8. T'" •• 1IKPtlc Po.dn- for 'l'... "O f courof' ; they'll hldo In the dunllll. caught no r eli ef from deBolate sam e dn. • ellie. Ped. 80ld Cftl7' ne ll», tl r ar O1onotony. Nowb l' re wa ' I\nd th e Hoon pr w,, 're arte r th e m the 2Sc:. 5 ..... 91" PItBILT. .dd..... AI.J.A:N So O .....T~. I.e • •" N. Y. be tter. Wad ... you retn31n with tb e tb e l e mov e me nt. o r any Hemb lnnce 01 body; ("arroll a nd I will roturn to tbe life . Behind. tbo land \\'as brok e n by The holy hOnf.B oC DlalrlmonT forI and r"po rt. \\'0 '11 baye to hUll ravlnl'll< . but In 1I \' ,'ry otll r dlre ctloll IOmelimes meroly ludlcate a merler. IllOr" tn (' n - \\"a~ 80 n If I clln goet hlm- It at r pt r. hrd 10" 1'1 to tb e horI zon. el· anti "Qull'ml'nt for a hard ride . Co me co pt tba t fllr o rr so uthward arOlle I.r M... W'a.low·. _tblDtr !lJnlP tor Oblld ..... rOll;ul nr rldg"l! of Bll nd, barre D. UA' j 011 . Ja c k," ... tuln ~ . aott.. ne t.h.IfUnuI, ,...due•• Lnnamm.. T hpy wad ed thA rh·p r. Rnd ra n blo l cb es . r.olorl e58. find ro revor cha o!; 1&00 •• 11.,. ".ID.o ...... ,,1104 eolle .... a INtU.... Ihrough Ih o town , s houtl ng Ih" lr dIs· Iny rO r l1 l1,UOn und t'f th,' braUn g o f :I It was dose rt, IIcr081 Tongue-Tied. ' ~I)vory to th e marshal Hnd hi s posse cea~.'I " 6d wind. "!\.I onoy talks." a f' thp ), vass.,.l . Tw ent y minut es laler which 110t even a snllke crawl etl, and "I know , but my bu s band has IUl Hamiln s lood be for e tb e \.o lone l, bastl· no wI ng of mlr;rating bIrd b at tIll Imp edIme nt In hili Income." Iy te lling t h e IItory . Th e lall N ' II ,,· lelld.' n eky abovlI. Th e marks of t h eir horsps' hoar. r"ne d lntl' ntl)'. p:rlVlllng Ih e arms of cuttIng s harply Illto th o soil. toltl nccII' n...1 {'ms. Dall Dlue . • 11 blue. be.t blulnc hIs chalr. ..Iuft In tbe world. m .. " .. Iho Ilundntu by was so c ut up by hoo," and wh Et!' I. SYNOPSIS. "Shot fr om bl'hlntl. hey!" he 'ejacu· rat e ly th e fugltlv es ' rato ot progres8. 'mila. AtI •• All to yI e ld no d e flnlt e rellultll . Hamlin . lated. "snd bill clothing Itolen. Loolul and the pursuers s",ept forward wllb !t1n..'or ~ff" nonll.d . commll.rH'hl g au army obllelllled ,,;lth the be lief tbat whtltever like a care fully planned affaIr. Ber· cautIon, anxious to spare th "l r mounte Mllunde,..tood , PO_l n·lar Furt 0008'f!. "e-e-k. " Ulan to bad oceurred bad been engineered ' by " lI o marrIed a woman with prtncl· gea nt; sending tha t fellow through to and to keep out at vlelon th em8elve. Irtt'- j "iI!I f!t hh daughter. Molly . who la "",,<l8d tor the po.t. An In(ltnn ou tbreak Dupont. and recalling tbe faclotbat tbtl Ripley "'lUI upectrd to tbrow UII olf until nlghUal1. Th e ir 8UCCeS\I depentlDie." ,. 11I ....&ten&4. SergOAnt " Brick" H .. mlln od large ly on surprille. snd tbe confl. "Tell- and IIOW h e li ve. on tbe In",•• t. the .tas" In whlr h Molly I. tr .. v.l· man WIUI onoe a ranchman lIomewbere tbe !raok. That's why tbey wert! so dance of thoae abead that they wen IIIr. The, an attacked by I ndlnn_, and to tbe 1I0 uthward. jumped to tbe can· carel8l' coverlng the Ir tmll; expected terest." ~mlln .. nd Molly eacnp" In the "ark ...... unpur1!u ed. ""Da80n expressed the \III, J{amlln telle Molly he w.. t11~cha.rtred clulllon {bat the fe llow would natural· to baTe leyer.1 d"YII ' .lnrt. It II my 0 - the ConfedHate .e... l"o In tllarr Iy bead In that direction. lIeeklng tao notion tbey neTer Intende d to kill uallon exactly. ' all tbtl four halt.e<l • ECZEMA IN WATER BLISTERS -.nd at Uke eioH of the war enll.ted In country In .... blcb to bide. him; bad 11 row of some kInd, or cille mom en t at an unoxPtlctedly-dlllcoYered u.. roaul&r army. He aUDpoct, one Cap- mlliar Tbe Iray ot dawn WIlA In the sky o. Ma.o tried 10 set B way. Any trace of water· bole. t.lQ IA Fevre of belne re.ponslbl. for 748 ('o ngresB St .• Cblcalo. !\I.-"Ky 'Td Iblnk thll yere plain t rail 111"&1 ~. 41 ... ..,... "n>e>1>8 al'P"ar and under tbe three trOOpenl. soaked t.o the waist. broke out like little water Meart ot Ueut. Oukln. Molly etarto to crept up the lOuth baok and IItudled Ibe !1rl!" lIome Injun tr1ck. boYII, It I dldn't kno" "'n her father. Hamlin I... vel to rejoIn " No; butllhe mUlt ilJlTe b ee n there." bllllters. Each one wal full of water the reaso n fur It. 'T aln't Injun nB> ... , He return. to Fort Dod", the trail. Behind tbem the yellow hlO' " So I thInk; Kot ml:aed up In tbe af· and would Itch until I woull! Icratch attw a .\lJJ\mer of "ShUnr Ind'.. n• . and terDA stili bobbed about between Ibe ture. Itn' he'. cock'lIure that nobody'. a ..d, VoU, the.., 8hota a .... heard In the fair Bome way. and Ille), have been It open. tbeD tbe water would run out He'l IIgurtn' on Iwe t. Ila.mUo ruah •• out. .... what h. rlTer and 10'111'0, but there waa alr eady compelled to carry her olf to laye chAsin.' him yet. aotl It would get lore. I llrat ,ot tb. ob.... I. II ..... of )(ollr hldlne In «&rIm... and tall. o .... r the body ot IlUtlIclent U,bt to mU • • lalble the Ih ern~elvea. . Do you kno .... wby lbey eczema on tho back of the ban, and I undertoot. Horaemen had tenant Oaskln. who aeou_ Hamlin .lgDA ,cratched It I e. hard I mac!e It all son. booun. 111m. The ..r .... nt Is prov .. climbed the bank. the boof marke yet wore after Mile'" , "No. sir:' n_t. H ....... Vollr In .omr.any with Then I ,at It on my Ie,s jU\lt abeye r.. Dupont, wllom h. recolT' leA III a damp where water bad ·dralned from ··Well. I do : he carried tblrty tboll' tbe Inkle and aboye the knee . • r _ ... theart. ... ho thr ..... him 0 .... for LeP'ev.... MI;f. Dupont teU. Hnmlln drlpptns fetlockl. .nd had InstantIy land doUal'S." "1 ulled what tbey call - - and n IAJ'enoe tnrc"" h"er to 88n,' hi", • 1,ln« broken Inlo It lope. A momf'nt '. glance " What!" .topped tbe Itcb but It sot wons. ,,,.te. Hamlin declar.. , he h.1 bean look· proved thla to Hamlin al he crept "He wal acting paymaste r. The "'_ few LeP'OYT8 to foree hIm to clear hi. Then lUlled - - - . In all J bad tb. back and forth. scrutinIzIng eacb boo! money came In from Wallace Iaat eY&~. lAter he overhearo Dupont and a Thle dreal IhoWI a oo.el adapta. trouble for about two yeare. One day Mldler hatelllne up " money·maldn. mark Intently. nlng. and he waa ordered to take It to Ot. VolI, _k. IU. IntervIew with Uon of tbe mIddy It7le. The plaia I BaW tho advertllement of Cutlcura "FITe In tho party," be aald sober· Ripley III once." amlin. 8he ea,.. her tather ·... em. to b. blouse ts gatbered Into a blp belt la Soap and OIntment 10 the paper. 1 tbe power ot Mr.. Dupont: who cI ..lm. ly. "Tbree mUlltanga and two Amerl· Ilaml1n drew In his brl!ll th quIckly be a dauchtar of McDon ..ld·1 .1.ler. Balkan style. It haa the drop Ihoul· wrote for a lIample of Cutlcura Soap 011,. and Hamlin aet. out to can horee\l. cualry IIhod. About three surprl\le . der, sailor collar and Inner Ihleld of and OIntment and I trIed them and er- her. MeDonald II order"" 10 P'ort boure ahead of u.... He IItralghtened In "Who knew ahout thllt. BlrY" Hamlin ......... Illat the m&n oldar modeill. It I. worn wltb a four then bougbt Bome more. Cutlcura Soap uP. bill ,lance peering InlO tbe gray ~o an on th. 8t&lre UJ\der 1 h. nRm, or " :-;0 on e but tbe AdJutant. and lila· gore \lklrt. One or two matertals may and Ointment lett d1y 1I0rell nice and ... wu net th,, ' major . mlatl. "I reckon U'II likely our outfit. jar McDonald-not even tbe orderly." be u\led for thl. dresl. but linen. ain,· Imootb . I u\led tbem for six wseu. but we'll never catcb them on tool. The eyes of otllcer and soldier met. CHAPTER XXIII. bam. poplin and pongee Illk are and am now cured ; the eczema left no Tbey'lI be behind tbe lIand·dune8 b&··Do you suppose he could have told amon" tbe belt., wIth lergo 1f tbe marks:' (SIgned) F. W. Horrllcb, fore tbls . Before we KO back. boys. b or 1" tbe form er Bsked In sudden \lUI· Oct. 19. 1912. The Dead eody . Itlrt be separate. we'lI lIee It they left the Irall where Illcion . That botb McDollald and bIll dsugb· Cutlcura Soap and Ointment lIolt The dre\ls pattern (5265) I. cut In It turna wellt." "That would be wy tbeory •• Ir. But ter were InTolved In tblll strange pu&\lbcs H, 16 and 18 years. MedIum throuKhout the world. Sample of each The three ran forward. payIng little It 18 ueel el., to Bpeculate. We bave no lie wu already clear. The dllappear· sbe requIres G'4 yard\l 01 36 Inch mao free.wltb 3Z·p. Sltln Book . Addre.1 POlt. alice of tbe one wu 88 mysterIous 'al heed untU they reached tbe edge of oroof. no meanll of forcing h e r to can· cal"$! "Cutloura, Dept. L, Boston."-AdY, terlal. the ravine. Here the beaten trail ,,,81. The only thing for us to do la to tbat of the other. Whetber tbe or1g· To oroeure thle pat~rn &end 10 oSent. Iwerved lIbarply to til. r1gbt . }o'itty trail tbose fugltlvell . I nee d anotber "Thar'a Noth;n' Goln' to Happen to to "Pattern Department'" of thle 1>&""1". Inal conspIracy had centered about Ule Every time Bome pe ople try to Write name Ilhd addr.... plainly. and ~ Major, and Mles Molly had merely teet beyond. the markll ot borees' man-a scout-\Vallllon. It he can be Her While Thla Bunch I.. on the .ure to I'tve .I.e and n\unber of patt.rn. think tbey make a nolle \Ike a boiler boots appeared on tbe slopIng bank. spared-and mllons for tbree daYB ." been drawn Into tbe net througb accl· abop . Move ." " 1'11 do It for - MIs8 McDonald. but dent. or whetber botb were destined Hamlin IIprang down to wbere tbe or thr ee days' get·D·way. and so don't IlZJl ~ all victims from the ftret. could not bo marks disapppared around tbe edge 01 not (or the money." he said slowly . " 1 care It tlnker's dam 'bout these yere Dllcou r-agod. 6266. NO. dotermlne d by tbeory. Indeed the a large bo .... lder. HIli band on tbe expect ordera every hour tor your mnrks. Once In the sand. an' tbar "Tbls life Is no bed of roscB ." N AKB •••• • •••••• -••••••••• __ •••••.••••• Rtone. he stopped suddenly with Quick trooP. and WIlRson Is delnll ed for spe· "Certaln1y not. For rue It Isn't SerKeanl could eTolT.!,.no theory • .co]lld won't be no trail anyhow. It·s Bome dlscOTer no purpoee ID tbe outrage. Indrawlng ot breath. Btaring down al clal se rvI ce. But damn It. I'll take tbe kin try out thaT, an' It would be like eye n a b ed ot turnlpe." TOWN . •••.••••.•.• • _•• -••••••• _ •••••••• Connncod that Dupont and bls wHe a mollonl ell8 flguro lying alwolft at responsibility- go on, and run those huntln' a ne edle In a haystnck to try STRBBT AND NO . .•••••• _••••••••• _ •• _ were tbe moving splr1ts. he yet pas· his fee t. Tho man. roughly dressed, dev ils down :' Modern Proverb, an' find tbem fellar\l after ter·nlght . " You know this man l)ullOnt, Col· Tbls is my Idea-we'll just mosey lIT A.TB . _ •• _ •••••• _ •• ___ •••••• __ •• _ lIelllled no \laU\lfactory rea\lon for lay on hIs tace. a bullet wound IIbow· Lo! Bebold tbe man who eateth charKing them with the crime. tor Ing above one ear, the back of hlB onel ?" and drlnketh gluttonoullly In the hot along slow. savIn' the hoss('s an keepneck caked with blood . Tbe Sergeant. " Only hy 8Ight." whlcb there wall no apparent object. weather. how he pe'l-siliretb IIko unto Ing out o· IIlgbt till dark. Them masterIng his flrst se nse of borror. "An y Id a ",h " r e be ulled to ru n cat· Notblng remained to be done but a cake or Ice on a hot BtoVD. CUS8 hIm . rellars aln't many bours ah ond. aD' nre GIRL'S DRESS. tearch the town. a blind search In lhe turned him ove r anel gUild upon th e Il c'! " -Medltatlonl of Jereblah of Joppa. likely ter camp furllt part of lher gbastly (nce o f Major McDonald. hope of uncoverIng some trail . That lhlnk " Wa it n mluute until "My God. Ih e y'v !' murdered him h ellrd McDooald telling about him one nlgbt anrhow. Th ey'll fee l safe oncl crime had been commltted_ltber Why DrulIgllttt Go In.ane. hid In th e m sand·hllls. an' If they don·t murder or abduction-was evIdent; here!" he e~c1a lw C! d . "Shot hIm down night a t th c club , so m e thln g Mrs . Du· glt DO sIght ot \lB. most like ly tbey Llltle Lola's motber had sent her to from behInd . Loo k. m on. No; IItar.d Ihe two had not dropped thu8 Budden· ponl bad le t sUp, but I didn 't pay won·t even pa~t no guard . Thet'e wbe n tbe corner drug IItore for a .tamped ly out at IIlght wIthout caulle. Nor dld back, and rlOlI 't D1U ~ S up th fl tracks. mu c h attentlo!l 3.l th e time. S eems to we wllnt ter dIg In Ihe spurs. Ain't envelope, glvlllg her three peDnlel It Heem po8slble tbey could bave bcen rn .... though, It WaH dowu on tbtl· tbat a bout the right program. Be!' wIth wblch to pay for It. Whisked away wltbout leaving 80m e limn . 1'0, I have I~ now- BufIalo geant ",. " Well. little girl," Bald tbe c2ru,· 'trace behtnd . The town was accus· l" re "k; runs into the Canallian . "Know gist. "wbat can I do for you ?. Burllling wilb Impatience as Ha mlin tamed to murd e r Bnd suddon death; s uch a stream 1" "If you please. sir," an8w ered Lola, was , roadul that eve ry addltlonal mD_ " You Ihlnk It WIi S Dupont. th e n?" the echo or revolver shots would create politely. "my mamma wan III thr~ ment of tlelay might Increase tbe glrl'lI " I'v e hoard o! II; III wcst 01 th e dllnge ;r. he was ye t soldier and plaIn&no Ilanlc, 8 waken no alnrm. and yet ceDts' wortb ot st&mped antelope." the plnce wall amnII. and tbere was :-':orlh r'ork somewhere." man e nougb to realize the wIsdom or little likelihood that any deed of vIC)'" hav en't !l doubt that he Is In the the old BCOU ~ . There were at least Her Lucky Day. le nce would pAII8 long unnoticed. With a t! ,Ir. and that. the outfit Is headed ror four men In the party pursuecl. two 01 Francell Is only a IItlie girl. but ebe I) few word!! of Instruction. and basty that section . I don't know. Blr. where them Indian warrlorB. the two white!! has a QuIck mind a.nd the gift ot Ian· descriptlone ot both Dupont and Can· lhose IndlanR came from. or how they desperate characterB. Without douht guage tbat sometimes dlstlngulBhea nors. Hamlin lIent his meo down the haplll'n ed to be up here. but I believe they would put up a fterce fight, or, If cblldron who associate mucb with IItraggling !ltreet to drag out th e oc· th e y be long to Blsck Kettl e's band of warned In time. could easUy scatter their eldere.' The other day Franen cupants of shock and tent. riding hIm· Ch pye nn eB. His bunch Is down below and disappear. came home to her motber with clleeta Bolt to th e blallns front of the " Poodl e I hp. Canadlau. la It not. Blr?" like rose8 and eyell like .tare. "Of courfle you are right, Sam," he l')og.w " Yes." "Oh, mamma." ehe exclalmed, ha~ replied promptly. "Only I am so atrald pUy, "I've had tbe bellt luck thla " Dupont must be frIendly wlth them. of what may bappea to Mise Molly." Late aa the hour waB. the salooD morning! I got downtown just at and tbls coup bas been planned for and tbe IJambllng rooma above were "Forget It. Thar's nuthln' goln' tar 60nH\ time. LlUtt nIght was the chance bappe:n to her while the bunch III on the psychologIcal momentl" all crowded. Hamlin plunged Into tbe "Dld you dear?" was mothera th ey have been waitIng ror. Tbe only the mt)ve. It that outfit wU all Injun. mass of men. pres\llng pus age back mIstake In their plans bas been the or all whIte. maybe tbar might. But &tid forth, bIll eyes search InK tho faces. A lIacque drellll wIth front clollnl pleaHed Inquiry. "And wbat happ.arly dIscovery becau\le of MIs8 Mol· the way It 18 tbey'lI never ~lJree on In ducbess fashion. A large collar Ilened1" while he eagerly Quelltloned those with Said Frances, 101emnly: "I law a Iy's dlsup.pearan\\e. They bave gODe nuthID·. 'cept how to glt away. 'T trIms tbe neck outline and a amall whom he had any aCQuaintance. l"ew pnrade." away careless. expecting t~·o or tbree alo·t l Ikely tbey ever meant ter klU cblmeseUe filii tbe openln,. Ilmong these could recall to mInd Tbe days' start. and they will only have a the Major. 'er take tbe girl erlong. .leeve. may be abort or long. GIn" either "Reb" or bl\l boon companion. FOUND A WAY (pw hours. \\'e'll run them down. wltb Tbem tblngs lust naturally hllppenet!, snd eTen tbose who dId retained no bam. linen, pique. poplin. wasb IlIk. To--e. Clear Coffee Trouble. 11;00d luck. be fore they craBS tho Clm· an' now tbey're ecared lIutr. It'lI tah and many nOTelty wasb materialll and recollection ot having seen the two arron . YOn hav e no further Instruc· a day er two for 'em 1;0 malle up their woolenll can be uaed for tblll track. lately . Tbe Dartender~ asserted that lIonR. slr ?" Tbe uresil pattern (6265) II cut In "Hullband and mYlelf both bad uae neltber man had been there that nlgbt, mInds wbat to do." and tbe dealers above were eQul1l1y The Man Roughly Dre .. ed Lay on HI. "No. nothing, Sl'rgeant. You're an "1;\'blat do you Imagine tbey will cl& sizes 4 6. 8 and 10 years. Medium cotree habit. and IInaJly bl' atom_. size requIres 2'>!. yards of 36 Incb mao and kldneya lot In auch a bad CQIUU· positive. The city marsbal. encoun· old hand . and know your buslnesB. and clde. Sam?" Face. • Uon that be wu compelled to glTa up tered outside. remembered Dupont. Ih ere Is no better scout on the plains "WsLIl. thet'll all 1JlI8IlIwork. But 1 terla!. a ,ood pOIIUon that he bad held for and had aeen hIm at tbe hotel tbree Therll are foot' prlots he re-IndIans. tban Sam Wasson . Good·bye. and good reckon I know wbat I'd do If I was ta To procure thl" pattern eend 10 Clenb H t 1 ... t . ... H'e 11'&1 00 I Ca 0 wor... .. hours before, but was posltlTe tbe fel · by beaTen! Three ot them IndIans'" luck." thet \Ioort '0 flit an' beln' cbased fer 10 ''Pattem Department." ot thl. paper'lreare. WrIte name and addr.... ~Inly. and be .kln wu yellow. and there diG" low bad not been on the streeta since. "Some plainsmen wear moccasins." murder an' robbery. I"d take the eel1 lure 10 slve .Iae aDd Dum r ~t pattern. _m to be an oraa In hlB body tllat n Connors he dId not know. but It the "They do!:'t walk Ihat way- to es CHAPTER XXIV. way; make fer the neareBt Injun ~ , wall not atrected. man wae Major McDonald's drIver, In; and see this hair In McDonald's lage , un' leave the Klrl thar." "I told him 1 telt Bure hll alckn.. a then he 'Was mllliing all right. tor Ca~ finKen-that's Indian, lIure. H e re II In Purault. 8lZB .•••••••••••••••• "You mean Black K.tUe·1 campf' NO. 6256. wal due to collee and after IIOme distaln Barrett had to omploy a livery· where a horae tell. and slid down .the The four men. heavily arm od . and "I reckon: he's down tbar on tha N A1IIIB ••••••••• --~ _•••••••••••••• - ••••••• cUlllon he decided to ,Ive It up. mall to c2r1ve Mrs. Dupont back to tho bank. Isn't that a bit of broken te'ath· equIpped for winter Bervko. rode up Canadian somewbar. You kin b« "It wal .. atrqgle, because ot the fort. No. there waa no lady wltb her: er cnugh t In tbe busb. Carroll? Dring the bank of the raYlne to tho Irregu· those fellars know what. an' tlIet'l · TOWN ••••••••••• _••• ··.···_·····_······_· 9Qwerful habit. One day we heard he .... as 8ure. for he had watch ed tbem It over here." larlly of plain b eyond. The trail. lead· wbut tbey're almln' for. IInless tblt ITRRBT AND NO . ••••••••••••• __ •••••••about Poatum and concluded to try It I:et Into tbe carrlagfl. The three bent oVl'r thP. object. lng dIrectly Bouth Into tbe solitudes. yere Dupont baa lome hldln' out and then It was ealY to ~eave olr Tbe troopers were no more fortu "Well. what do you say ~ You men was easily followed. and Was30n , Bcheme of hla own . Wbar dId you • ., IITAT•••••••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••• colree. hate In '-belr rt'llults, but had succeed are both plainsmen." slightly In advance of tbe others, mad!' he rancbed T" "HI. fearful headachea ,rew lela ed In IIUrrlng up gTeater excitement '·Cheyenne." r etu rued Ca rroll no att e mpt to check his hatae. content "Bu !ralo Creek:' frequent, hi. complexion be,an to during their exploration, several Irate promptly. "But what tbe bell are lhey to lean forward, his keen eyell mark· "Thet's the same nelgbborhoodj Trlvellnll Bed for Baby. clear, kidneys Irew bet~er until at lallt Indh'ldultlll, Toughly aroused from doing hereT" lng every sIgn. Scarcely a word was muet 've been In caboots with tb.ote Traveling wltb a tiny baby '11'11\ bl he wal a new man a1to,etb.,er, a. a r.IIleep, e."(hlbltlng flghtlng propensltles. Hamlin shook hIs head. exchanged. since Hamlin bad·explained red d'3vUs to have eTer run cattle ... which had cost one a blacke ned eye. "It will rl'Qulre more than gUl's81ng what had occurred as they crosled the thar. We 've got to head 'em off afore roade mucb euler by ftttlni a Bmall eua of )eaTing 011 colfee aDd tUlns up und tbe other the 109s of a tootb. Both, to determIne tbat," be \laid slernly. riYer. Hardly IlIss Intere\lted thll1l the they glt down Into that kIn try, er . . hair mattrells Into a BUIt ca\le. Tbe on. ·Poatum. Tben 1 belan to drink It too. "Although I was neyer aa bad 011 ... however. bod e njoyed the occasion, .. And thel"e Is only one way to find Ollt. Sergeant. the sober·faced scout COl,· won·t hav~ no ecalpe to go back hova. used In a baby carriage will do. It wlU be .,ery comfortable for the baby to UI my hUlband. I wal alwa71 very nerIlnd appeared a.nxlous for more. Hav· That fellow was a Cbeyenne all rlgbt. 'centrated every energy on the pUrBult. with. Let'a mosey erlong, bOYI:' on whenever the ault case could bl TOUI and DeTer at any Um. Terr lag exhausted tbe poslllbllltles of the and there were three of tbem and two both men realizing tbe necessity at (TO BE CONT.'lNUED.) opened. Tie a · large cambric poo~ef ItrOng, only wel,hlnl town. the soldlera procured lanteros. whltea In the party_ee here; tbe haste. Not only would tlte trail be dlf· Ibl. before r In the cover to contain all tbe Clothe. belan to ule POltum. Now 1 wellil and. leaTing the horaes behInd, began prints ot five horaes r1dden. and one ficult Atter they attained the sand belt. Dlffel\llnt Kind. exploring tbe prairie, In this Itlbor animal Illd. Thllt will be the one Me- but. If snow fell. would be utterly blot· . ''I'm going to the omce D9'W to QauDf and small tltlrigl to .b e used tor thl 115 Ibl. and can do u much work u baby on tbe journey. Wben not In ual anyone my II Ie. I thlnk." they were allsillted by the marshal. T>onald had. Tbey went straight up ted out. And the dull, murky Bky nIY type~· rlter ." . tile ease may be closed and eMily pul and Ii fe w arouscd citizens hastily 1m· tbe opposite. bank of the ravine. If "Jreatp.ned snow •. thlJ shllrp wind hav· "I can'l pound mIne." Name linn by POltum Co .• Battle preBlIfld Into a posse. The searcb was tbey leave a trail Ilk'e that we can 109 already veered to the northwest. out of the way. "Why not?" Creek. Mich. Write tor booklet, "Tt14t • tborough one. but tbe ground near· rIde aHer th em full speed:' All ' about stretcbed a dull. delld pic' " Belong8 to an at1l1etle club." Road to WelfTIl\e." . Importance 0' Little Thing.. Poatum come.· ln two torml. = "What's the matter?" the n81t dool Regullr Poatum (mUit be boUN.) HAl.F BLIND, BUT THANKFUL ness all the time I was not asleep. to catch It. That would mean tbat It seeD I!YI much In my time 88 onl! l'IlUI neighbor Inquired of the small boy 01 Inatant Pollum ' doe.n't re~ull:e IKI~ Then I figured that I would be nearly would lead me out Into the street (~ght to aee."-l(ansaB City Journa the fainllY. "I don't hear 'your lilte. lnl, but II prepa~d ' Inatalltl), by a~~ .... 1 Phlloaophy EvlnceCl by Man Who helpless . I would have to get Bome· where I probably would be run over Iloundlng on the plano any more. II ring a l ••el tea'poQnfulln an I'lrdll1&l1'• body to Il!ad me around wberever J by an automobile or a stroet car. And LIglhtnlnll Length!!". Man'. Body. Bha away 1" cup ot hot water, wbl,* makel It rIIh~ la Happy to Be Allowed the went. But supposing that I couldn't just when I had become desperate Oeorge D, Pittman, a ranchman. wk "No." replied the II. b. of the f. for moe~ perso~. . -. , Sight of One Eye. get anyhody, wbat would 1 do th~n'! somehow the sItuation seemed to get was struck by lightning near WlUeow. "mamma's pr:lle Pomeranlan( had. A bIg cu, reqUlr,,1 more" and aOIIl,~ Recently W. A. Morgan . the father I remembered tbat I had seen blind ridIculous and I laughed. Now, I am .Arlz .• measured five feet eight .Inchl nervoull spell and tb,\l veterinary pre- ~oP.le who 1Ilte atrOnp' Ui,~11 P,l1t ...... " W. Y. Morp.n of Huublnllon. lost men who were led Ill'Ound by dogs and feeling pretty well agaIn and I have In height he fore deatb and' sl~ lscrlbea quIet, Ip .Bc~' · h~d to .,~!e tit 1aeapIDs, .~~tan~ ,-,~,ift' ~n -.. . . ....'. ' lar'Ia ~pb!'.or~. ;,',,' the Bight ot one of his eyell. "While I coIlmen<;ed tp speculate on h'o w long olle good lamp left. Of eouree It Is afterward, HIs vertebrae WU 1m- playing," " . '1 neTer tho~ght ~u';h" fSr ~ JIIlPertllij~f ',,"Ci!l "~~ ·.:'!'i"tJl~., r "flU at tile hospital," saya CaptalD It would take me to train up a pup uubappy w~en some one comes up on eouplE!d by the shOCk. . rtttmnn.'s .halr · ·wal singed , ~t tbt . dogs ' before,'" mutte,r ed ,tllIt ' Def,h,l Io! leiitolDlt lIiat ple . . dd Morgao, "I d14 ' 8 'Iot at thinking about to have lIense epougb , to lea.d me the blind sl.1e. but It beatl DO .eye....t "'ow I . could eet ' aloDJ> suppol~g I around, And then suppose .that It 211 too bad to talk about. So J han . back (If hl~ !leek. . . bere the 'bolt eD ' !o hlmle~t aa be <••nt on Dlowhll til. U . .rftIUut. ~&7 IA "e\'lt t!Dttrely -bllM. I wpuldn't be sbould spy a cat on the otber side .o f II goo,d .deal to be thankful tor. ADy· ~red'. III!! nock o'W8l> br9~ell a~lhbOul 1a1f~' ! b~,t \ bel~ tG a»J~. tJa~ -p....... ~.. ~ ,POa,~ . . sudden' notion wal. i .a~ not cer~' tha:~ ~ ~v«! np,t IcI'era (~8I1ed.-o _ _ ~ ~. _ .' .. ' I. "C, r,'. • ~t to l'ellcl. '\lIIt ..b y • to. "~ lA ~". the a\·eIlUe. anll take

(Practical r ashionis










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lDvrNTU ColliN

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\'PES nre modlned by tholr env ironme nt, aud to Bult tbe times . But they aro eternal, and live by tbat perpetual adaptation to e n vlronment whlcb Mr. Spencer tells us Is tbe law of lite. "''ben we say "gentlemanly adventurers," we Immediately thLnk of Ralelgb and Morgan and Ponce de Leon, and lucb gentlemen of the old .chool, but tbey tbelr lIuccessors loday, and wlJl have till the love of adventure Is dead In the human beart. I bave met soveral of thelle aclvenutrel'll In the course of my perianal ;wandertnp. Here IB onc ot tbem. Atte~ many days ot traveling on IDllleback, tbrougb junglel and over mountalne, In Spanish Hondura8, J rOlind myself at a little Inn In Banta Yerted tUl-was lIent to attack Drum- Drummond rode off at top speed. But Barbara. a town situated In tbe Inter- mond by sea. Sunk p.nrtly In 110mB bls adventures were not yet over. He tor. Here. one evening. I was Indulg- IInclent ellrthworkll commandlnr; tbe Wall captured by a IQuad at governIng a cigarette and after-dinner coffee barbor Willi a yery ancient piece of ment soldiers neBr the borderland or wltb my landlord and his lady. wben Spanlsb artillery. Quite a large emootb- Guatemala. tbe ha\'en of safety he was In upon tbls peaceful scene walked bore brass cannon. IIrtlBtlcally om- seeking. John Drummond. mented after tbe old Spanlllh fashion. Atter B brief I;ourt-martlal. DrumI bad beard of blm. and be wae good Tbe ancient piece could not be swlv- mond was sentenced to be sbot Ilt IUDcnou&b to lillY thllt be ba.d heard of elsd because ot the embrace of Motb- let. He was backed up close to .. low me, lind that he bad come Into Santa or Earth, but Drummond waited until wall, beyond wblcb were jungle and Barbara to take me out on hll ranch. ilie dlmtnnttye man-<lf-war was all a thlclr woodland. 1.t I would accompany blm. line wltb biB piece ot ordnance. then Ranking 811 a general hI the InsurI Will obllgod to refuse bill Inylta- he bads bls gunner to nre. Aa nothing gent forces, Drummond uked permlstlon, but we remalned together for happened. Drummond, wbo ""U smoll- sian tbat be be allowed to give tbe that nlgbt and part of the next day. Inl, leaned over and pillced tbe IIgbt,. I word of command to the Boldlc,.. to at Santa Barbara. ed snd of hi. cigar to the toucb-hole. ' lIre. A'ide from dllplayln, himself In The cannon belched forth Ita mlul1e. 1 Tbe soldiers stood ready with ~Da U1e altogether and IIhowlng me a body but It alao I'08S In tbe IIII', struck I leveled at ilie doomed man. 'alrly perforated with bullet-holea, the Drummond In the tllce and knocked "Ready-fire!" called Drummond. vllllbis remlnillcence. of many battlea, him .enlelen. Hs baa been mtnuB an and fell ,ust betore the flallh. Tbe tie wu reticent concernlnA' hili life and eye slnoe tbl. exploit. volley pll8sed over him. and the sola,hoenturea, ILII lIucb men usually are. He was taken In a stretch~r to ths dlerll behald the a~lnl lpectlcle of 'Wbat I record about blm I have learn- .bome at the Brltl.h conlul. where be a man whom they thougbt sbot to mainly tbrourh II trlend or mine who la.y for .ome daYlI, "Iollt to life and death luddenly arising and Jumping llaa been mucb tn Central Amertca and ule and name and fllme." over tbe low wall, 'Wbo knows Jobn Drummond -'Well. Meantime, the Invlldlng government Once In tbe jungle and protected by Jobn Drummond, I bayelearned. Willi forces entA'lred the town. Tbe erght darkness. Drummond made bill way born In Mobile, Ala., but Just wben I Texanl dillcreetly vanlBhed, and over the borderland nnd found safety do not know, nor can J tell anytblnl of Drummond', Bmall army took to the In Guatemala. hili ea.r ly days, aDd It lIumcel to la, tall timbers. And as tbe wheel of fortune and that he really became Interestlnl The commanding general de,mauded revolution has turned since tbls eplwben lbe spirit of adventure led hIm Drummond from the Brttish consul, 80de. hs 18 now a respected citizen at Into the unsettled country ot Han. who parleyed. having cabled to Ja- Honduras. snd hUB varlo~s mlnln, In· cJuraa. Here he became a Boldler of malca for a British man-at-war. So, terests to kee p bls ferUle mind from fortune, and rose to the position at while the parleying wal goln&,.on. tbe stagnating. -------commander-In-<:hlef of the army or Brltlsber IIppeared hot-tooted from PI.nt of Many Un •. Honduraa under tbe former President KlngslBon, the largellt and most aweIn 1830 the congress of Mexico I. VILIIQUez. 'II'hom he helped Into power; Inspiring Instrument of naval wartare tau he presidency of Honduras 18 won tbat had ever been seen In those wa- s ued an order tbat none oC the state documenls sbould be IndJcLed upon not by votes but by bullelB. I tera. It fired a lIaluUng broadolde, Just to any materlnl otber than tbe paper ValQuez r e marked to my friend tbat John Dnlmmond was always absolute- proclaim Its deep-toned bass, and tbe made from maguey, '"ThIs Is the naIy loyal to whatever cause he bappen- general or the government troops was tional plant. and some bave inslRted ed to be enlisted In . Invited on board. Atte r the usual ell· that tbe very word Mexico was derived At tbe end or his enlistment he cbange 01 courtesies, ths Brltlsb cap- from th e word mex ·tll. wblcb means would nght jUlt as well and loyally taln told the general tJlat If anything maguey_ The Mexicans do well to be grnt&under the flag of a tormer opponent. happened to Drummond he would blow Well. Vasquez had gone out of pow- Puetro Cort')z to an even hotter cll- ful to this product of their country, says the Ave Marla. for It Is food and er and was anxloull for another term. mate than It at present enjo),B. In Honduras this III a matter .not of Thl8 CIIBUu.! remark, empbash:ed by drink. bouse and raiment to tbe Me:l(conventlonll aDd elections. but of up- • IItern array of 12-lncb lun8, pro- Ican. ita other Is agave. or rtllnl1l. So VaaqDftz rolle. and engaged dU46d a salient effect, and Drummond, 'century plant. from tbe popular tal· Drummond to belp blm. Dnlmmond who had partly recovered, was allow- lacy that It blooms only once a cen · w.s ftrat sent to capture a Quartelle. ed to depart In peac~ while the crule· tury, whereas It really blo680ms every slgbt years. or Imall fort. er lIalled orr to Ita own watere. The stalk of tbe blo88oma rOliochea He lltole upon It durtnl the nlgbt But Drummond WBII captured BII he aDd darknesll. He armed hla men only waa maklnr; bll WilY to safety, and to the helgbt of 25 feet and looh Ilks wIth daggere. and made them Itrlp wu Incarcerated In a dismal prison a ~ant candlelltlck. for It curtel ,.,fien ott eyery article of clothlnA'. Nude. cell In BaD Pedro. It was the IntenUon al many aa several thousand blr,omB. they ltole Into the quartelle, and 1m- to give hIm a trtal for the sake of aJ)- Many fleldll of mapey mllel In hlDgtb ~ate17 extl~llhed all IIlhta. lIa pearancB. and tben to ehoot blm. AI are to be found In Melllco. and there tbe contullon and darllneN, DruID- a lolaee due to bls rank and lltatlon, Ie lcarcely II btt of the plant wblch mOnd'B men knew eacb other by tbe he wu'allowed a bottle at clllret eacb eannot be Ulled In IIOme maDJlllr feel of tbe bare skIn In ths band-to- nl8ht for hili dlnner_ Bananae From Braall. band combat that enllued. aDd In thll One evenlnl be sat In bill dim and Brazil. encouraCed hy the great way the garrison Quickly ex- lonely cell awaiting hi. dInner. and terminated. perhaplI alao looking forward with aD' northern demand for banllnu, IB g&Ing 19 enter upon the oultlvatlon of J?rummond. with a amaH body ot t1clpatlon to hili bottle of claret. trooPI. then made .. rapid march to One ot the jailers entered bearIng tbat fruit In a larr;e way. An AmerIcan company bal been organhed to tbe Atlantlo cout and captured tbe the botUo. principal port, Puerto Cortez. HIs "Have a drink with me. senor," lIug- operate In tbe state of ParaDa. From day to day the landa of tbe valleys of force consisted of elgbt Tellnn. and gelted Drummond. a rew bundred native soldlere. "With pleasure. senor," responded the Cubatao and Cubataozlnbo J"lvers are being transformed Into banana An army of government troop. were the jailer. Tbe stationed at San Pedro, a town at tbe There was but one glas8. 80 Drum- plantationII' of great extent. end of a line or .0 miles of railroad mond took tbe bottle In bls hand and American company " 'Ill lIell portions which starts at Puerto Cortel and reJ)- filled the glass. Then be handed It to ot this land and distribute bllnana cutresents tbe ontll'e rsllway system of the Jailer, who bowed and placed tbe tings to agrlcultunslB who wlll deHonduras. gla88 to hll lips . As be did so. Drum- velop tbelr plantations with full assurOne day It wos reported to Drum · mond hit him a fearful blow on thA ance of thc ready transportation oC mond that the gClvemment troops were bead wltb tbe almost rull bottl e. crush · tbelr ;)roduct. The company wtll buy on tbelr way' from San Pedro on a Ing In his s kull. Sel7.lng tbe 80ldler's or charter 8peclal vossels In suIDclcut banann train. lie immediately took Dlusket, Drummond rusbeJi forth and Quautity to transport this fruit. possession at an engine and tender. sbot his other jailer dead. ' placing tbe latter In front of the enBy good fortune. a mule, saddled nnd Queen Wilhelmina lind the Council. glne, Tben hs barr-Icnded It. mounted bridl ed. was tethered to a near-by tree. Tbe Int ern ational council of womeD a sma)) plsce of ordnance and bl8 Mountlng the mulo, Drummond rode r ecently convened at Tholl Hague was eight lusty Tenns upon It, and so orr Into the darkn ess , and , you may somewbat disappointed In not recelywent sereDely forth to meet the en- <be sure, kept the mule going at ItI Ing a message of grnetlng from Queen emy. highest mule-powcr. With tbe anImal Wilhelmina. The roya.l lady, wbo WIIS As soon as the banona train have In dcad·beat. he crept Into a ,' lIIage at. at her country palace, Is said to dlssight, he let Oy at' It with artUlery daybreak. woke the alcalde from b1a play no Intercst In tbe women's lira· and rtlles, aDd stampeded the Invndlng IIlumber!! and told him In excellent gresslve movement. At the opening army. wbo took to the woods In ter- Spanlsb tbat tile rascally Drummond reception of tbe ~~11!.~~ 11 l\._r!pr.~~.~.!I,t~ · I ror. had escaped. that he was In bot pur· live of Queen EOIU1::. tbe "queen Drummond and hIs men rcturned In suit and that he wlsbed a fresh mule mother" was preS'Jn t 1.(1 hrlng greC't · triumph to Puerto Cortez. Then an at once, In the nams of the presldente. 'I ings an<\ the wish for ~' ''.llcc essfu l a\l tlg'ed gunboat-nothing but a conTba mule was , turnlshed. and again meeting.

HOW COCA COLA REFRUHEl.bU 1' Tbe remarkjlble lu(ce.. whlcb attend ed the sale at Coca·Cola bill becD expillined In man1 dlfTerent ways. Somo T'HE MOST PROM I SI NG F OR have attributed It to "good advertl .. IllS ;" otbera to "emclent management," MANY YEARS. otbera , to Its " dellclou. navor" and stili otherl to the fact that It was tbe fir st In I The d pcpeR t Int eres t 18 at tacbed to I the lIeld of " trlld&-mllrked" 80ft drinkS . WO omen e ow They the <:OlJditi oll at th o grain crops In In this co nn ection. tho opinion ot Ii ed th S ' V _!~ Western Ca nada ,," pecI8I1y amOIl!; I mnnutacl.ur lllg chemist who baa nnal)' Eo I cap e urgeon .~e , I ed Coca·Cola Bnd .tudled Its history tor ' L- Takin L dia E. the tb o usands In I ho l nlted States many yearl. will prove Intere8t1ng He I u~ g Y an&l who are tlllnne-lally Int l' ~ested In lands attributes the popularity of tho drlnll. ham' V tabl In that country. Tuls Interest Is tully In large part to 1.1I quality or rerresh- I • ege 0 88 gr III II1110ng thoso who have l ing boili mlDd lind body without pr&Compound. rlend!! th t' ru foll owing rannlng and , duclnl an,. subsequent depresolon. tb o gr()wlng of grain . He point .. out th~ lact that tbe chem ical I Th e relwrts from ('anadlan goyorn · compOSition of Coca·Cola. Is practically BWtlrthmor~, Penn. - .. For fltument offic luls eon HY tb e luformation I(delnthtlcaI Wlthddthlldt) °tfb cottol o and tel a years 1 Buffered untold IIgony, and for 11' lugar.. e e on y ma t er a l 'ad f that th e lIrea und er crop tbls year In dltreren ce belnl tbe absen ce of tanniC one pen 0 nearl1. tb e prol' ln ('€s oC Manitoba, Saskatche· acid tram Coca-Co la. He points to tbe I two years I badhemwan ami Alberta "III probably be no , laboratory experlmenta of Dr. Hoillngorrhages and th. great er' th a n tbat ot last year. Last wortb 01 Columbia. Unlverully and of doctors told me I fall tho w{'ulher was sucb tbat th('rl! Dr. H . C. Wood. Jr. at Philade lphia would hsve to unwas no t as much fall plowing a8 had wblcb prove conclus ively lhllt th e cnr· dergo an operation. been ho ped tor. The getting ready ot felne- contalnlng bneraces (colree. ten, ' but I began takin. land this spring made a cons iderable Coca-Cola, etc .) relieve mental and mus· , Lydia E. Pinkham'l culnr tallgue by rendering the nerv es V e get II b I e Com port Ion of tb o gruln late In lIeedlng. and mueclell more re,poDslve to th e ' Nolwltll s tandlng this. wheat. oals, will, tbua dlmlnl.blDIt the resistanc e pound and am III barl !:' )' and tlar were got In In good produced by ratleue. These expe rl. I . good health now. I s hape. altho ugb from a week to tAn menta alao demonlilrate th e rllet tbat am all over the ellYB tater tban IURt year. On the tbe caffeine &roup of bev emsoe dUrer Change ot Ute anll tTlh of June the reports regarding tram tbe stlmulanlB In tbat tb e Uia of I C3nllot praiae your Vegetable Compound crop conditions gene ra lly In Western the latter 18 tollowed by a period of de · I too highly. Every woman should taka Cllnnda were: " Abundant sunshine preulon ""hleh call. for more stlmula · I It at that time. I rl'commend It to tlon, thull r eeu ltlng In tbe formation of I both old and young {fir female troll• tth tl me I y an d cop Ious ra I n t h roug b - a "habIL"-Adv bl " U E S out W estern Canada glvee every as. ' ; ea. - mra. .I41LY UlIMII:MOILL, sUl'lUlce of generous barv est. Climatic HI, Need of the Momont . Swarthmore, PL conditions In recent weeks have been An old darky was enco untered by Baltimore. Md.-" My trouble. beea bsolul. l'ly Ideal. Western correspon· the upedltlon sent bj Uncl~ Sam tor with the 10lIl of a child. and I bad ham.:Ients agree In predicting every Indl- th e rellef ot Butrerere by tho Mlssls. ouhages for f~urmontl~_ The doctor. ~at1on oC a bumper crop under favor- 81ppo noods Uncle Epb WIl.II In a IBId lID operation WILB necelsary, but 1 Able con ditions. Wheat ahould be dllaPldsted' looking eklt! or dugout. w:euded ~t and decided to try Lydia E. headed out In Manitoba between July wblcb be Wal having considerable Pin~h~m II Vegetable Compound. Tb. 10tb and 12tb. and In Saskatcbewan trouble to keep aftoat lie waa bus y medlcme humademeawellwomaDand. and AI!berta from 15tb to I1tb . Tbe paddling with one ba~d and bailing I fecl etrong and do my own work. " oat crop Is looking well, altbougb late out hla craft with tho other when tb e MJ31'L J. R. PICRJNG, l200 Sargent St.. nnd rath er short In straw ." rellet boat came wltbln baillng die . altimore, Md. This Is tollowed by a report July lance of him : Since we guarantee that 1111 teatime6th: "Crop condlllons continue In "Hello tbere. uncle ! What do you nials !"hich we publlah are genuine,llIll same satisfactory conditIon as las t want?" lIot fair to suppose that it Lydia E. Pink. week. Plenteou s rains bave rallen nil "Notbln& but wings. boee," W88 tb e ham's Vegetable Compound has the virover prairie provlnce8, follow ed by anBwer. tue to help thele women it will help an., general warm and splendid growing I other woman wbo I.e Iwrerinr in a Uk. weather. Experts agree sufficient When Ex-President Tan W •• Married . manner! moisture for many weekll. wblle crop It WBII form e rly a pleaaant c ustom - -- - - - - -- 18 len to tlfteen daye late, prospectll at Bociety reportel'll to Indulge In preere edremely favorable Bod condl- dictions liB to tbe glonous future of tlonal upon reasonable weather tor the hllPPY palr,A Journalistic propbet next t'o ur weeks. Splendid western at Use Clnclnl1aU Commercial Gallette, &.. croP ... assure d ," In writing of tbe ""eddlng of Min Can quk:kl., be cmsn:ome Tber'e Is. tberefore, tbe best reallon Helell L . Herron. dausbter of Jobn CARTER'S unLl to antiCipate most magnlOeent cropa W. Herron to William Howard Taft, UVER PILLS. througbout Western Canada In 19U.- wblcb occurred twentY-lenn yearll Purely veaetable Advl'rtlsement. ago. had tblB to 1Ia,. : -aet lIurely and ~tJy on the "William H. Taft II one at tbe IIver_ Cure Horrible Thought. young men of the city who may be Bl\lo~ SeDlltor Borah of Idaho tells tbll depended upon In public affaire. He IB Head.toryoC bow a plycholoalst lind me- one of the hlgheat ltandlng of the a c h 0, dlnmlllt\c proteIBor wu received In a graduates oC Yale, and bla orlglnsl Dlaslpowe/'1l, perlect Integnty IIlld courage and Indlaeat1OG. do thelrdulJ, amall town In hili Itate: The professor was. tlllking to a and correct Instincts, all well as thor· UIALL PIll. SMAlL DOS&, SMAlL PRlCL young eoclety bud about the p088lb\1l- ougb luformatlon, have made him useGenuine mUlll bear Signature lies or the journeylngll oC one'a IOU\. tul , won for blm the friendships and ~ "Wby, my dear young IlIdy ." he de- e nmll"'s most compllmenta.r y, and . -,A - ~ clared. "It III possible ror you In your opened tor him a career tbat has tbe ~-?Ct:::r~zc, sleep to trllvel to otber planeta In the hi gh est promise of great distinction" mlddlf~ at the nlgbt." DAISY FLY KILLER ~:::: :::.:~' ~ra "_t.• r"Oh. professor!" sbe cried In evlSummer Hata of Shavlnga. Dallllat.1, HD . . DJ •• t. cb ..., . 1. . . . . . 11 dsnt alarm. "Not In my nllbtgownl" Man y or tbe band somest eumme r • ••••• . III _d • • t - Tbe Sunday Magazine. hats worn by women all over the ".'-1, eaD'e.plll.r U, our "III aot eoll .. country nre made ot sbavlngs. laJut • • D,tbl_ • . ned Cro•• Ball Dlue .. III ....b do uble I I It s eems that Japan, Is a thriving U".,..,.tHd .trectl ... manr c lotbea &I .ny olber. DOD '\ PUI 10ur Atl d •• 'etr. or ..... center ror tbls shaving Industry and m VD~1 lULU .ny other. Adv , up,.... paid r Ot 11._ wooden ribbon at tills sort Bppears In RAaOLD IO.aU, III D&&.Al' .A .... . . r •• k I ,., • . Y. Sensltlvo Jeem •. various torms, some pres enting a sat· - - - - - -Th e Nurllches were very proud or Iny fini s h and Othere resembling silks the English butler they brougbt back nnd crepes . with t.hem, and so, you may suppose, About twenty pcr cent. 18 ~ent hero tb ey were not a little annoyed when, In thc shnps of wooden rtbbona. while at tbe end of lbe montb. he ga\'e them tlt e r e ~t If! worked up IDtO tbe familiar notice, "cblp brand ." Some years Japan IfInds $1 ,000.000 "Wbat's tbe malter, Parker~ You MP80N'8~~ll~I~.:l .... o. baye been here sucb a abort time!" ot tbJa material Into this countrY . It WAlE R •br,aLdu" 1Ioo1l1.l Ira. E "YeBslr. But you Bee when you en- appear'" tbat tba Amencan women ,JOKN L. T HOJU>80N MONS a CO~Tro~,N. '1'_ gaged me, I tbought )'ou was I parra- like tbe product better than Eur..gralls and champagne people; but pean. for the United Btales Is ber wben I found out tbat you eat II cab- largelt cUlltomer. The mater\al Is of this paper desirillJr to buy any· bage. carrots and Bucb like common easily dyed and II so tbJn aDd flexible thing advertised in its colUmns should vegltablell. and drinks beer. J le8. les tbat exquisIte elreell can be pro· inaiat upon hllvi~ what they ask fo~ I. thle bere aln't no place for a lensl- duced. refusing all lubstltUtes or imitation': Uve person like me. So I mUlt lellYe )'ou. I carD't breathe a beery atmo. l1'rlends are merely' people we are pbero. privileged to tell our troublel to. W. N. U., CINCINNATt. NO. 29-1113.



windows to be empty, and tbe rail · ro~d co~pany at length pasted pic' tures on the ,Ins:. to cnll attention to the fact that a lolld Bubstance wu behInd them. Tb'!! masses ot the Japabese today do cot know, the mirror Few Mlrro ... In Japan". ' 811 It Is known In the west. The rich· It 18 only durtng a coli1,par~tlvely er people have 'one mirror, Indeed, bul ~bort. , Ume that the Japancl, ,.bave ,u,sually ,tbe glntis Uaed 1n .tbe mIrrors 'ltnowll .. .gIIlBS ras 'Occidentals I , .


T W Ea







The W retchedneaa of .Constipation








Children Cry


able to drink it." And one ' quart of tbls "oxcellent v.'asb" at good atrong ale for breakfast. we ars told. put ' the queen In good splnta tor tbe Itart of the day's work. -



Promotes Di~tIonarem.

What ' is~ CASTORIA

ness and Rnt..contains tEllIr

Opium.Morphine mr Nill£l1l. NOT NARCOTIC.


Cutorla. .. a harmlells IIOblltltnte lor Carrtor 00, pare;. corlc, Drop. and Soothing SyruPII. It la pleasant. IfI contains neither Opium, !Iorpblne nor other Narootlo aobatancc. Its BgE! Is Its gnarnn~e. It destroys Wol'lDll and allays Feverlshnells. F6r more than thlrty years It has beon 111 conlltant use lor the rollef of Constlpationt Flatulency. Wind ColiC, all Teething' Troubles anel Dlarrhcea.. It regola~. the Stomach and Bowell!. .sllm1Ia.~8 the Food, Iflvlng healthy and natural 1Ileep. ~he Ch1ldrea'•.~anocea-:-The Mother'. FrieDel.



t£;i~. ,

1 _ _

In Use-For--Over ao



,·Tth. 'Kind You Have Alway. Bought ~


C.M .. " .. "'. Maw YOIII"










We gi ve and redeem Cedar Sta mps $3.00 in Merc handi se, $2.50 in cash. We give Sing-I e Cedar Stam ps m all depar tmen ts durin g this sale. For the benefit of our employees we close our store at 6 p. m. excep t Monday and Satur day.






In Al l D ep ar tm en tss wi ll st ar t Friday~August 1, at 8 a.m. THR EE




Cloth ing Depa rtme nt

Ladie s Read y to Wea r Dept

. Shoe Depa rtm,e nt Chou'le of our ~ n lir ~ >'tuck of Hart !:ichafT· .00. () 00 and 7.50 Misses Red Norfolk Furn iture Dry Cood s Depa rtme nt Ill' r & Marx. and EdE'rheilll er !:itein. .. ;,U and 1.00 ~1 n' $ a ll d Young Men's Ox· $50 >; a~l.wool, sius ].( t o .00 3 piece Parlor Suit. Mahoga ny fin· 30c 9 4 Bleache d Sheljtin g, cut in Men 's allll Young- Men's fan cy suits in $.,r~aek.el fC)I"(lH ill Ian arln hla ck. sal e price Ii yard 3.19 ... 0. Sale I nee ..... ... ..... ... .. • ish. gfnuin e leather . sale price .. 3' 90 gr.l) . bnm nand fanc/m ixtures .all sizes. length8 . Imle price per pieae .. 1.17 $7 iiO and 100() LadieR' All Wool ~erg-{' 3 .0(1 Me ll '" anJ You ng Men's Oxfurd 's in $35 3·piece Parlor ~uit. Mahog any finish, ~5e 9··1 Bleache d and Unblea ched in reg-lIl/1r~. "touL~ and s lims. $~5 . $~2.50 tan and black. gale priL'e .... .... . '" 2 35 sheetin g. genuin e leather .uphols tered.p rice 1('0 Pll ir ' of ~1 e n· s . Bu)s' and Youth' s Ox· 21.% cut in 5 yard lellgths . ~~~p~~~:rl ..r.ev.~r.~~. e.{~~ la~: ... .. ... ... ... ... [orJ,. on J pairs. u rol,e n sizes. ranging *30 3·piece Parlor Su it . Mahog any finish sale price. per piece . . . . . 1.05 plu!lh uph olstered . sale price . fr o m i1 .-,() tu 4. All erat ions Extra 10 !'5 lIc Bleache d Mu~lin 36 inches wide cut in $l ~~:~ If~1(~~s .. .I:'~).n.~.e:.. ~.O~l~: .. . :1975 Davenp ort. sail' sale pr p rice .. . . it·e. pe r nair .. ... . 1.89 and f!9c Cho il'c (I f uur el.1tir e line uf $ lg and $ 15 31.95 10 yard length s. sale price. per piece k7c 3600 Oavenp ort. sale price fane\' SUilS. lIlanv f20 Hart . Schaffn er & 3=7.;:'0 to 17 .':;0 All Wuul Covert and Noveltv ~ ~) II ' tllli -I 011 Grovlr · I-\ t!d Crnss and May :!S ~7.85 ~c l3Ieache d MU!llin 36 inches w id e. cut in 10 .OO Davenp ort. sale lJric e ("llats. sale pr ice ... .. . $4 ~.:; . •. 50 and 9. ' ~ 1!J.75 :\lallt'" 1. \\" llnen' ~ anti Mi ~se!l ' Odurd s ~!I . 75 Oak Sidebo ar ds. sale price . ~H . 90 yard lenK'ths. sale price. per piece 69c ~~~~x~~i:!I~. I~~~. . .. .... .... .. .. in ldu ck and tan. sale pric p ...... .... ~ . l :i $:';.00 to 7. 50 Ladie~' Tl1n Silk Popl in and 19.75 Oak Sidebo ards. sale price . 1(; .9:) 7c Unblea ched Muslin a6 inches wide. Linen Cuats. ~ ale price$UI~ . 2.98 and 3.\1:-; J 00 Won lc l1' g and Misses OxfLlrds. Alterat ions Edra 16 .50 Oak Huttet. sale price . . . . 950 ,: ,, cut ill 10 yard lengths . )(. pri Le ..•. .... .. ..... . .. . ... . .. . 2 39 $ViO Choice uf ou r e ntire line of f l2 50 and $10 Linen Crai.ih Coats. Hale price .. ~4 .'j5 20.00 Turkish Platfor m l{ocker s. sale price. per IJiece W0lll pn' s and 1'.lisses· Oxfo rds. 53c ¥~n.'s and Y o un~ Men's fancy $10.00 tn l6 .1){) Ladies' Si lk and Wool Se rg-e 2.00 881e price .. .. . .. . . 14.90 1'! X c Linen Cra'lh. cut in 5 yard lengths , Llack Cor dy. s ale price ... ... ... ... .. . .. . Ui9 SUl t mgs . Sale Pnce .... ... . .... .. Dresses . sale price . . . ~~5 ~8. 7.95 and 9 9~ One • 10. 00 Solid Oak Chiffon ier. sale plice, per piece . Lo t o f Ladies' Oxford s. blark only. .. . .. . 48c Alterat ions Extra $15 .00 to 2 r1.0~ Ladil's Blue t1erge and All sal e price 2 25 \" alue~. sale price .. ... . ... .. . ...... 1 38 .. 7 .48 6c Bleache d Cotton Crash. cuI in 5 yard 50 small size Coats from Suits tha t former · Wonl Novelty Suit ~ . One Lot of Women ·g. Mi~es and Chilo 7.[,0 Solid Oak Chiffon ier. lengths . sale pri .!e. pur piece ... . 23c ly lIold 'Trom ~7 .50 to $20. some have sale Drice . i.iale price ... ...... ... ...... .... $9 .7G to14 .76 .. . .. . .. . 5 98 ,] re n· .~ Oxford s, odd pairs. for merly sold :!G .OO Comhin pants and vests to match. Sale Price ation Book Case. Gulden Oak lOe UJeacheu Outing . Bale price ... One Lot of Mi sses' lind Ladies $ l ~ 50 ann fr o m I 50 to 4. Red Cross. Budd and 7y' c Polishe d. sale price . . " .. . 19.7:i 7Y. c Bleache d Outing . sale price 15.00 SuiLq. ga le price ... .. ... ... ... ... . 5 !li' Coahd~l. 48, Vests 19c, Pants 1. 78 Tappan . s ale price .... .. ... ... .. . ... .... .. ~9c 5}.;" c $10 .00. 1250 and 15 .00 La di e~ Black Wool 10c Shoe Polish , all colors. sale price 7.;4c 19.50 Combin ation Book Case. Colden Oak 6X Colored Outing . sale price. . . .. . 5c PoJi8he d. sale price" . . . . . . . . . 14 .\1:, 7c Apron Gingha m. sale price . . . . . . 6% c and Voile Dress Skirts. sale price .. 1) 98 25c Shoe Polish. sale price... ... ... .... .. 19c 12.50~Hall Rack. sale prict-! . . .. .. ll.9 5 .. 2" C Bl . $6.00 15.00 d to Hall 8.60 l{aek. Ladies · sale Black price and . ... . . Colored 1l.3fi I . i) otton an k et.s III Knee Pant s Suits gray, tan. an 23.7;; Hall Rack. sale price Novelty Dress ~kil'ts. 18.76 white. sale price . . . . . . . . . . Para . . . . . . .. 89c sols '10. 8.50. 7.50 and 6.50 Ed '! rheime r Stein sale pritp.... ...... .. ..... ... .... .. :3 .98 to 4.9H 22 .50 "Boone " Kitchen Cabine t, 20c Bleache d Turkish Towels . Boys' fancy all wool Sui ts, brown and 1. 25 to 1. 75 Ladies' Colored Parasol s. sale price $1.00 . Ladi . . . es' . ... Whi-te Cotton Cordur oy .. . . 17.90 sale price ... . . ' " sa le price ..... . .. .... ... .. ....... .. ' " .. .... 98c gray mixtur es, sizes 8 to 17, Ski r le. sale priee ..... . .... . .... ..... ..... .... 6!lc 10.00 Kitchen Cabine t. sale price . 5.75 12Y. c Buck Towels , sale price . Sale Price.. ..... ......... .. .. .. ..... .... $4.9G ~5c ancl 50c Chil(jre n's Co lored Parasol s. 9c ~6 and 5 Ederhe imer Steill Boys all wool $4.00 Ladies Linen Crash Skirts. sale price ..... ... ...... ... .. ... 19c and 39c 4.00 Large Porch Rockc>r ~. "ale price 2.~8 50c Seamed Sheetll 72x81, sale price 39~ 50c sale price ...... .. ....... ... .... ... ........ .... 2.69 Mission Flower Stand. sale price fancy Suits, all sizes, Sale PI ice .. . $3.79 39c 12Y. c Pillow Cases. full sizes. 7.60 Mission Porch Swin ,;. ri feet. $5, -4 .50 and 4 Boys' odd Suits. broken 5.00 to 15.00 Ladies White Wash Dresse~ ' ... • 9c 5.95 saI e prtce . ... .. . .. ... ... sa 1e prIce . .. .. . . sizes, Sale Price ... ... .......... ......... $2.65 in Voile. Nut Rlitine. and Line n. . . 12 1/ d 15 D G' h .. 5.00 Mission Porch Swing. '1 feet, / .c an cress mg ams. sale price .... .... .... . ... ... ...... .. ,!,.IS to 9 .9~ One lot Qf Boys' odd Coats, mostly large Rugs ~ale price . .. . . ... . .. ... . .. 3.89 i.iale price · .. . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . 11e sizes. suits former ly sold f r om 250 to 5. One Lot of Ladies' Dresseg . in (; ingham :':0 .00. 27 GO antI 2~.OO Body Brussel s. !)x I2. 4.60 Mission Porch s. Settee. 4 feet. 12Y.c Color ed Lawns. sale price . . some have pants to match coat. sale pri ce .. .. .. ... . .. .. .... .. . ...... ... .. . 21 95 8c Linens <lnd Fancies . )'anginj:!" in price sale price . .. . . ... . . . .... . 2!)5 5c Colort!d Lawns. Sale Price ......... ,. .... .. . .... .. .. ....... $1.45 sale price ... . . ax c from 1.50 to :~.U8. sale price .. . ~5c to 1.59 22.50 Axmim-,ter Rugs. (lx12. 3.uO Mission Porch Chflir and Rocker , 26c and 35c Ratine. sale price . price .. . .... .. ... ... ....... .. ......... 17.95 ZLc $1.00 to 1.50 Ladi es' House Dre:Jses . all 20 i.iale sale price . . . ... . . .. .. . . . - . 2 39 One Lot Silk Finishe d Batiste . .00 and 17 50 Brussel s Rugs. 9x 12. colors and sizes 34 t o 46. !lale price ... .. ...... ... ... ... ... ... ..... . 14.g0 sale price . .. .. .. ...... ..... .. ... .... 85c and l.1 G 16. GO and sale price, per yard . . . . ...... . ... 15c Boys ' Wais ts 15.00 I3ru~~els Rugs. 9x12. Sew ing Mach ines 60c Silk Crepes in White, Blue and $1.00 Lad ies' Wrappe rs. in blaell. R"ray and sa le price ..... .. ... . .... ..... .. .. ... ... 11.(l8 29.7i "Royal " Sewing 50c Boys' Blouse Waists. no collars. Machin e, blue. sale price ... ........ ..... ....... .. .... ..:·;:{c 13.50 and Champ aigne. sale price .. . sale price ..... . ... . ..... ...... ... .... .. ...... 5He . " 3ge 12 50 13l'us8els RUiS. ~xI2. sale price ...... .......... ..... ... ... ..... 22.45 60t Gray Novelty Drt!:I!> Goods 9alp price ....... ....... ... .. ...... ... .. ,... 9.96 19.75 "Natio nal" Sewing 60c Boys' Blouse Waist s. collar attache d. 'J .25 Ladi es' Lawn Kimona s . all cLllo r,;. Machin e, sale price .... .. .. . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. 2ge sale price. .. .. .. .. ... . .. ... .... .... . ....... 89c 2.!)5 Velvet and Axmin ster Rugs~ sale price ...... ..... .... .... ... .. .... .. ...... 42c eale price... .. . ...... ....... ........ .. . 15 90 t1·~dAII %OOplr~e!ge. 35c and 25c Boys' Blouse Waists. collar at· $1.26 and 1.60 Ladies' White Voile and all colors 46 inehes Hale price ...... •. ......... _.... .. ... ... ... 1.57 15.00 "Natio nal" Sewing 1 e. sa 'Machin e 'l w60 d l25 BCl 'k" C''h'·", ' " S tachad. sale price .. ... .... ...... ... , .. ,. 1ge Velvet and Rru~"els Rugs. · "l'k" T" tf79C !lnd Lay,n Waists . emb roi dered front s, 1.25 1l .85 T • an sale pr k e ... .... . .... ..... ... .... ..... ... .. . 95c _s_a_Ie_p_r_ic_e_.._._.. _. ._.. _.. . ac ' Inon a eta sale priCE .... .... .......... ...... .... . .. .. ... .. 89c _.._.._.._.._.. _.._.._. _..._.._____ cut in 23 and 5 yard lengths .I 1.50 and 2.00 Ladies ' White Silk P etticoa ts ALL SIZES CREX RUGS sale price, per yard .. . . . . . . . ... . . 79c DU CED PRICE S in kllllck and co lors. ~ale price ...... 1.6!) A'f l'E Beds Child ren's Was h Suits 15c and 12.Y.c Embro idery Edging and , insertin g in lengths to suit, 3.21) and :l .00 Bissel Carpet Sweeper~. 22.50 Brass sale price . . . . . $2.25 and 2.00 Wash Suits. sale price .. 1.-15 50c Ladies' Gingha m Pettico ats. 16.95 sale price ..... ... . .... .. ... ...... ... ...... .. . 3~c sale price, per yard .. ... . . ... . . .. sale price ..... ... .......... .... .... ..... . . 258 19.75 Brass Beds, sale price .. . . .. . 7e $1.25 and 1. 00 Wash Suits. sale price .. 79c 14.9ri 1!5c Cambri c Embro idery FI(\uncinlr, 18 8.50 and 7.50 Mission Hall Clocks, 10.00 Iron Beds. sale price. . . . . . 85c and 76c Wash :)uits. sale price.. ... 59c 1 25 Ladies' Black "Klos fit Pet t icoats. 69ri inches wide, cut in 27,; yard lengths , Bale price ...... ... .... ..... .... .. ... ...... ... 83c ~a le price .... .. ...... .......... .......... .. . 5.!!S 7.00 Iron Beds. sale price . . . . . . . . . 1)0c Wash Suits. sale price... ..... .. ...... 37c 4 98 sale price, per yard ...... . .. . . ... llc 50c Ladles' Dressm g Sacks. sale pnce 42c 9.00 Cotlon Felt Mattre ss, sale price 7.45 4.00 Iron Beds. sale pr!ce ... . .. . ... . 2.98 35c and 29c Embroi dery Edge and Band5.00 Combin ation Mattre sale price 5.35 2.50 Iron Beds, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 25c Ladies' Sun Bonnet s. sale price l.c 300 Co lton Top Mattrel ing to match in length from IX yards price 2.69 1.50. 1.25, 1.00 and 50c C hildren'~ School 35c and 25c Plain up, sale price, per yard . . Stra w Hats 17c White and Colored Dresslls in gingha ms and percale s. sale Stov es and Rang es Matling . sale price.. .... .. ..... .. .. ... .. . 21;: f6 and 5. 00 genuin e Panam a Hats. no secsOc and 40c All-Ov er Embroi dery, price ... .... .. ... ... 119. 98c. 8(l(' and 42c 1.25 Best Inlaid Linoleu m, Bale price onds. first -quaJit i guaran t(Jed, 98c 60 .00 Monarc h Malleab le Range, sale price .... .. ....... .. .... ... ........ .. . 3.48 GOc Hea\"y Printed Linoleu price 44c sale price . . . .... 46.50 27 iuches wine cut in I, 2X and 3 yard, $3.50 anli 3.00 Hats. ~ale price 2.19 Men 's i Oe Prin ted Linoleu m. sale price.. ... .. . 3ge 22. 50 "Detro it" Wickle ss Coal Stove, and Youn g lengthi,~le price. Men 's Straw Hatq. sale price .......... ... .. with Oven. sale price . .. .. . . ... 18. 50 $1 50, 1.2G and 1.00 per ylird. .. .. . 3ge Dres s Shirt $1 Straw Hats. sale price ......... ... .. . 1.29 White Embl'O idery s 89c 10.00 •. Detroi t" Wickles s Coal Oil Flounc ing. 45 inches wide, 2Y. and 3 $1 50 ArrolV Shirts. enUre lint,. all sty les. Stoves. sale price .. . . .. . . .. . 7.95 yard lengths . sale price, per yard 69c Mus l in Unde rwea r sale price ....... ......... ,. .. .. .. ...... ..... . 1.1 9 10.00 "Never Fail" 3 ·burner Coal Oil u 7 c All Over Lace. sale J)rjce . . . . . . . . 3ge 1.00 Monarc h Shirts. e ntire ·Iill e. all s tyle~. 1 26 and J 50 Ladies ' Slip·Ov er Gowns. Stove. sale price .. . . .. .... 8 69 ' ____ ____ ____ ____ Men 's and Youn g Men 's sale price .... .. ..... ...... . ..... .. .. ...... .. ____ ___ 2ale price . . ... ..... . . 89c 1000 "Perfe ction" 3-burn er Coal Oil 7~(' Soft and Stiff Hats 7'ic Ladies ' Slip·Ov er Gowns. embroidered 1.00 Men' s fine Shirts. all s izes. Stove. sale price ....... . . . .. .. . . 7.98 specia l price ... .. .... ..... . ...... ...... . '.. 69c trimme d. sale price . . . OUR F.NTIRE STOCK OF CHINAWAR,E $3.50 and 3.00 Stifr and Soft Hats. "8c 7. 50 "Perfe ction" 2·burn er Coal Oil "-lIe price ...... ... .......... ...... ........ . 2 .36 75:! ann 50..: Men's Dress Shirts. attache d 1.50 Ladies ' Princes 8 Slips, Lace snd emStove. sale price .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..90 ORA1'1ITE WARE, ALUMINUN.~ broider ed trimme d, sale price . . or detache d collars. sale price... ..... 42c $2.50 2.25 ~titf and Soft Hats , 9Sc 6.00 "Dllnll ler" I-burne r Coal Oil W"RE and TINWA RE REDUCED sale price .. ... ... ...... .. .... .... .... .... . 1.79 Lot of 50c Work Shirts. ~ale price . .. 38c 25c. 29c and 35c Corset Covers . Stove. sale pricfl. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4.45 , DURING THIS SALE. sale pri ce . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 Stiff and Soft Hats, ~ale price .. 1..1.8 - - - - 2le 11'1 50 "Detro it" Gasolin e Stoves, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LOc and 611c Corset Covers . sale price 45c 1.50 Stiff and Soft Hats. sale price .. 1 H! sale price ... . ... . SLIME . .. ... 10.69 1~~M:r, ~OME Men 's Hose 1.2n Ladies' Muslin Pettico at. Embroi dered H .OO "Detro it" Gasolin. e. ... 1.26 and 1.00 Hats. sale price ..... .. . 83c Stoves, 1-4 Off 1-3 Off lk d L' I H 76c and 50..: Hats. sale price ......... . . . 39c i)r 5can d 2~i)C Mt:.l 'S' Flounce . ~ale sale price . . . ... 89c . . . . ... 8.90 S ) an IS e ose. 25c. 2(lc and 35c price MURlin Drawe rs 200 dozon thin Table G1IIs@es, pll1ln 10.00 "Insura nce" Gasolin e Stoves. and striped . worta 100, sule prloe.. 21c (2 burners 19r ). sale price . . . . .. .... 6.48 40 MUBlin Drawe r·s . ·· · L.25 Bell vy Copper Bottom Wa8h 5.00 sale price .. ...... . ......... ... .. ... .... ...... H c 3-burn er Gasolin e Stoves. sali price . ... .. ... .. ..... . . . . . . . 65c Men 's Hand kerc hiefs Boiler"" 10c Men's Hose, sale price .......... .. ... 7Xc sale prioe... ..... .... ...... ..... 980 sale price . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 3.69 510 UnlvllDlzed White Ename led 10c Gents' White Hentsti tehed Handke r1.00 2-burn er Gasolin e Stoves, Buoket s. 81lle price ... .......... .. ... ... 45(, chiefs. sale price .. ... . ....... .. ....... .. 7 X c sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.39 Susp ende rs and Belts 260 10.qua rt Gt\lvl\Dized Bucket s, Gents' White Hemsti tehed Hander chiefs. Knit Unde rwea r ~Ille price ...... ... ........ ' " ... ...... ... ... sale price .. ... .......... .... .. .... ..... ,. ... . 170 4c Men's Heavy Police Suspen d ers, 12X c Ladies' 12Xo Gauze IlJ qu"rr. Tin Buoke!.!! ... .. .... .. .. BYao Vests. Large size Turkey Wed. sale price.. ... sale sale pri price ce ... ...... 9c .... ..... . .. ... ......... .. 12 7~e 20c 4c Firel ess Cook ers Ladies' Gauze Lisle Vests.s ale price 13c 360 Ullns. sule price. d rze n ... ... :170 60c Men's Hose Suppor ters. sule price 35c :?5c Men's Li~leSuspendcrs. salepri ce 17c aGo JelJy G11l8ses. Sti le priof', dozen ... Zic Men's Hose SU)!lporters. eale pri r.~ 18c 50c Men's Lisle Suspen ders. sale price 3!:ic 25c Lariies' Gause Lisle Vests.Rale price 19c 15.00 2-vessel Caloric Fireles s Cooker s, 140 35c end 2Sc Men's and Boys' Belts. Bale price .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 11.95 500 Masou Ball Jars, sale prio.,. ____ ____ ____ ____,_____ _____ 9.00 Caloric Fireles s Cooker s, qUBrtLo, dozen .......... .......... ... : ...... aRc sa le price .......... .... ...... .... ... ..... '" 19c sale price . . . . . . . . pint"" dozen. .. ... ... ........... ...... ...... 860 . . . . . . . . .. 6.9 5 Men .'s Unde rwea r Hosi ery 3 00 "BOBS" 2 burner Ovens. 13.50 Ice Box, slIle prloe ... ....... ..... ., 18.50 Men 's Pant s and Over alls EXTRA SPECIA L$1.25 and 1.00 Men'!, Union SUiIR. glasll front. sale price . . . . . . . . . 2.29 10.00 Ioe Box, sale prloe ........... ... ... .. 13.95 6.00 and 6 00 Lawn MOWerl.'.8H Ie price 6Gc and 50c Summe r Pants and Overal ls. 3n doze n Manufa ctu rers' Sample s of HOB· 2.60 "Boss" 2-burn er Ovenl!, 76~!~S~O~ 'M'~~:~' U·~·j·~~S~it~.·· · 79c glass front. sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 oj 50 and 4 00 Lawn Mower s,sale prloa 3 7. sale flrice .... .. ...... ..... .. .. ..... . ... . .. .. . 4-lc iery for men. women 2.IS and childre n, rangsale price... ..... .... .. ... ... ... .. ....... ... 42c 85c ·U;O "nd 4 00 MORS Uneeda Wll~h and 75c Sumllle r Pants and OverallH. ini ill price. 15c, 25c. 50e and 1.00, sale 2.00 "Detro it" 2 burner Ovens. 1.60 and 1 00 Men's fin e Mercor ized Silk sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. ~ 9 Mdohin e. Rule price ... ' " ...... .. . ...... '.38 sale price... ... .. ......... .... ... ..... ....... 65c price. per pair . ... . . . . . . . . lOc Shirts and Drawer s, brokell sizes. 8 00 and 1 50 Boss WlI.8h Maohin e, l.25 and 1.00 Men's Cl·!.ton Pants. Not over 6 pairs to one custom er. sale price. ..... .. .... ......... ..... .. ... .. . 49c BI~lo prictl .......... ......... .. ...... ,. ...... sale price ....... ......... ..... ...... .. . :.... 87c 15c Ladies' Black 6 45 Lisle Hose. double heel Hanna "Green Seal" Paint, 60c Men'. Shirts and Drnwfr s, Poriil Knit. 1.75 and 1.50 Men's 500 Clot.ho s·Wring er, tlale prioe... ... 4 15 Pants. sale price ). 15 and toe. sale price .. . .. . , . . . . . . . . . llc Athleti c and Balbrig gan. all sizes. in colors .... . ...... . .. . . ... . . . $1 gal. 3.75 Bnd 3 50 Clothes Wringe r, 2. 2G and 2.00 Men's Pants. sale price 1'1.48 25c and ~5c Ladies' White Lisle Hose. sale price ....•. ... ...... .... .. ...... ...... ... 49c 2.76 end sale prioe.. .......... ........ ........... .... • 96 2.50 Men's Pants. sale price 1 sale 98 price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c 35c and 25c Balbrig gan Shirts and J 50 ond 2.15 Clothes Wlinge r. 2.50 anti 3.00 Men's Pants. Bala price 2 4R 35c & 25c Ch ildren 's Fine Lisle HOlle, sizes Drawer s, sale price ..... . .... ... .. ........ Hie 4.50 and 4.00 Ham moc ks sulo prioe... ... ........ ......... .. . ......... & 89 Pants, sale prIce 2 .98 5 to 9X. sale pricto . . . . . . " . ... ' 21c 50c Men's Fine White Gauze Shirts and 8.50. 6.00 and l'vIen's d k 150 Croque t Set. 8alo prioe... . .110 5.00 Men's Panls. 15c Childre n'" Fine Dress, 4.00 an 3.70 Hammo Drawer s, short sleeves ,special price 33c sale price. ..... ..... ... ...... ......... .. .... 1.98 sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c 2.25 and 2.00 Hammo c s , sale price 2.96 1 00 6.b.Jl Croque t set, sllie prio ~..... 790 ck8, fl8le price 1.49 1.25 8 baH Ore-quet Bet, "ale prlre.... . 110

$3 75

~~?e ~:~i~~l~ . . .

$13 .95

$4.9 8 $ 7 .85

$9.9 5 7 45

--- --- --- ,-- ---


60~~~!~~~\Vhite 'Emh~~;d~~y ji~~~Ci::~



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15~~e~~~cB·I·~~k· ~~·d· C~i;~~'j"·ii~·~·. · ·











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GAZETTE! Bnd (;ar olyn M.



BRrw.ock, 26 aore a

HO W TO USE A DA RNE R Mor row , 11. Wll ldro n V: GUm ,Dr in m,t ter of lost ead of osin i' Ii wO<ldlln I'MlutB of Jam el! F . Rio h et al to dtl.r eu: • • MAI N !lTH I!:Kl ' Geo ner tr1 puU ing the wor n rge B . Sup lnge r, n 87 '80r ea In IlIg ove r voo r o"n "hc e tree . stoa k - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- L.:len rore ek tow ol!h ip $1082 G6 . I'belll you Geo rge B . Sup inge r V A LI.lCY 'I'''L EI'I lU NI!:Beo jam in the will be able to see exaotly how CA LL NU .IU VJu ng, darn ed plaoe will 0' on 21 87 aoreto of land io Vle ar foot and can mok e it IMIO or youI' tigh t n. L. CRA NE, Edi tor and Man age r oren k tow nsh ip, $1. III oeo ellsl ty reqU lrell . A. A. Lln tno of Wil min gton 10 J - - - - - - - -- - -- - Il Fren oh, tW) trllOta of Illnd In Wh ln aele ctln g a dar nin g egg al. wtl.fs get a whi te one , 110 'ha t (;lIn ton an,1 Wa rren oou ntle ll. _ Rnt es of S ubs crip tion whe n tain ing 33 65 aod !l7.20 aore!! oon men din( l b 'flok or oolo red stoolting!! (lU ll YOh" ltitrlu ll y In 'W VUllC re C) . . .. . .. , 11 . 00 dP30Li vely you will be able to see the wor k ,049 3 50. :; 1Ii1lc Uo IJY . . . . ... .... " ... mor e plai . .. • . . .. . 06 Good Races in the Speed . 4____ ...--Mar riag e licel UleS ---nly ----Special Fre e At tra cti on s Rin g Each Day. f' n ! ,,1' (If Adv erti sing I!:vun J I:)t(Jddom. Ischool teao Unllightly.Fa ce ~Pots her Ea ch Day. of Ore goll ia to Mia!! Mil dred H.UI&.L l I Ug Lut.:tl ili, J)tJr liuo . ..... . . . . .. Uns Are oure d 1Iy Dr. Bobtlun'f! EO:6 BlIIH Oc tin, HolL<llug ) ,ocul•. "Ia"k r teao Oin her tme of nt, Leb whi oh all ano n. Dr . U. E Jler 1I0ll . . • . I Uc ' ·1I11III11100 Ad • • n u L to excoo Gow dy. eron tion s. No mat ter how long akin c l !l ve 'I ".... ...... 'l' broo Jrutcr t.ilJD • • .. . . bee n trou bled b.Y' itoh yoo UbltulU'lOli. Live IJlcit8B ,....,l. Com mon Plea s Procoedln&s over lI.e bUl nlng or lIoaly skin hum ors, ing. Wooster Ex per im ent InCh OH . per Unn. • . . . . • . . . . . just Lu net te Sis ier s, Del. • .. Dc 'rhe put Cili a I1ttle of tha t soo thin g antl sep. zene Nat tona V, rd at than k. . . . . . .. . . .. l Ban k of ..• .... .... 2Dc Leb ano n, OhI Sta tio n tio, Ex Dr. hib o, Bob it. vs. eon • '·solu tlons . . . ... .. .... .•.• Flo 's yd E )zem Cle men a Oin s. on tme nt. .• • ••• , • •• 601: Reo ove more & Oneida. r moo ey. the sore s and the suff erin g IItop ocll>\A cw;. wller e cbll' 0 Is mlL<lo . • . • • . • 2Dc S The ins San • 18pl.. y Adve rtisin g PC Inch tant itar ly. y Man Hea ufao turi ng ling beg .... .... .• . 100 pan y VB .•T08eph McC llrth y. Com min ute . Doo tors nBe ins tha t very DlIIc ountl l give n )n contr a.ct . It In 'h olr ol09 nre of ohat~l mor tgag e. For e. prac tloe and reco mm end it. Mr. N ann ie MoK inle y va Ruf Good Displays of Ma· Alle man , of Lltt leto wn , Pa., stl.y J ULY 3 0 191 3 s: Free Exhibitions MornMoK lnle y. Otv oroe , negl~. ull M "Ba d 6O'.t;ema on fore hea d; Dr . Hob . chi ner y. Alic.e A. Urt on et III VII. Clit lon Bon ', Eo~ma Oin tme nt oor ed E. It in ing and Af ter noo n. Dra ke et al. '3ervl00 mad e by pub . two wee ks." Gua ran teed to reli eve IIca tlon on said defe nda nt. or mon ey refu nde d. All ~druggis tll, 1:JU8le Mil dlen er VII . Ueo rge or by mal l. Pric e GOo. lene r. lJef end ant fou nd gumld&d. <}bemlolll (;0 ., Phl laue lphi Pfei ffer a an J t:lt. Ex hib its of Ho rse s,C at· Pro bate Cou rt oon&empt In def ault of pay y of LonIEl. men t Excel len t Music Ea ch J . W. New man , adm lnla trtl. tor ord ered to oou nty jail. .xo ept lon of tie , Sw ine , Po 1'. L . liro wn, pll\ inti lf vs. ult ry. HO take W n TO to KE oou EP rt'l ·O ndln gs . EOO YO LKS Day of the Fa ir. Bro wn et aI, deft lnda n\s. RetAnn ie Cha rles A. Gor ion, trnl llee vs The Wh en only the whi tea of eggll Ilre sale oon firm ed and IIpp rove d. urn of Lov elan d EIll i'ro . otrio, Ioe & Wil ler Co, to'b e uBe oetlde ord ered dist ribu ted d the yolk a mlly be kep t Il oor por atlo n. Art hur E . Jon In the mllUtlr of the esta te of reoe iver of latt er, auth oriz edel all fres h for lev enl daYIi by leav ing J. Mo rton Tre ssle r, deo ease d . bor row on pro mln ory note 1260 to them in the IIhell (af&er the whi tes 0 to hav e ron out thro ugh a IIma of publiot>tlon of noti ce of appPro of repa ir the dam .) oint a,e don e by flood. Wet pap er In a U\ll e of tbell hole men t of Pho ebe M. Tre ssle r all Cha rles wbl A. (:iordon trUBMs VII The te ad and pas te It o~er the min lstr atrl x IIf ubo ve filed, Lov elan d Elec trio , I oe and Wa ter yolk a may thUB be ball edhole . Tbe In tbe m~ttf r of tbe o8ta.te Co. a oorp orat ion. Cou rt hud , 118 of .lam es 8 . Bro wn, deo ease d . fire plai ntif f enti Ued to the reltl lf prafindll thei r wei ght keep!! the shel l upr igh t t and yed in wat er, or they may be uted as flolll ao1 0un t filed . l::!etUement or for In the pem lon dee lred . dtlr ed 8udp8odetl. Jam ea F. and Mar y E Ric h va. Ben ry Reid , adm inl8 trat or •Stel la G. She a1. 8hll rifl' lI Sur pris ing Cur e of ...- - Lttu ise Lln Jem ann . deo sase d of stl.le app rov ed . etlBete' Stom acb Tro uble tlem ent ord ered HOWTOINCREASELUNGPOWE Dan iel8 0hw end er "t al. Bei re VII. 8~a'e of Oht o VI. I'ln R \ ~----------------n Ree der . ot Wh en you ha~e trou ble wit h y.ou r Def end ant plea d not gui lty -------------------deo ease d bein g unk now n &0 plai ---' I Wil liam Mil lard v.. Mollie Mil awm aoh or ohro nlo oon e'ip atlo n, pub lioa tion of this oau se i8 ord ntif f Men and wom en OIln loor eH ered se thei don r ', ima gine tha t you r case III be· lung pew er-o hes t eXll!lnsi oo lard plai ntif f orG ered to p6y III the wat ter of Den nis Grn add t. yon d-be lp jUllt bec ause you It is , AffidaVit filed for adml~lIlon of haJD tlon al alim ony . r doc tor oall ed tecb nlc ally sam fail8 e to give you reli ef. Mrll . G. f' x erelRe mor nin g -by five min utes ' Cor Del ia B. E. Bob eno k ve . 'l'he to D..yton !::Itate Bo~pftal . Ilnd nigh t . C. In the m .. tter 01 the esta te of Ann C. C. & lit. L Ry. Vo. Lea ve tHengle, Plal 0fie ld, N . J . writ es, UCI Btrl\iRb t 00 the btl.lls of tbe8tan d I fel" , "Fo r ove r a mon th pas t Iha ve bee n hea d tbro wn bROk, aod sran&ed Mar ia Tay lor, dece a8ed . Inv ento inha le ry with in defe nda nt to plea d oaUBe trou bled wit h my IItomaoh. and app rals eme ot tiled . deeplY, flrs t infl l\t! ng tbe low er Eve nelt t IIlltty da vs. ry. pt\f t thin g I ate upa~t It terr ~)y. FlorenOll Bllw itt et al VI. Flo In the mat ter of the will of Iilar One Qf 'be lung s and then the npp er . I yd of Cha mbe rilli n 8 adv ertlIllin ah Clem Tbe n exh ale slow ly. lett ing Jan e oon ohlt e, deotl&8ed. Wil l enll et al. Not ice to be Ben ed g flied on def the Ie'" oam e to me. Aft er readboo k. ohellt sink and adm itte d to pro bate . end an'" by pub lloa tion . ing a firs t then t·be lung~ few of the lett ers fro~ peo ple wh,o Dc, thi8 fifte en and Sta te of Obi:> ex rei ve . T. 10 the mat ter of tbe guu dla nlh V. ip PaU erso bee n cnr ed by Cha mbe rlai n s eve ning 80d es mor ning and of Cun ' Jon es, an Imbeot)e. n, aud lt,)r . Rel ator e en hlld '1l8 pen d les s m,m ey I Tab . F let title Zim mer man , Jr ,Ap poi nted . to per emp tory lIum dam na hav .. , I dec ided to try them . I on ooids lind oata rrhs . Bon d here d e take n nel\ rly thre e four thll of in. '900 . Inv eo'o ry of s6id esta te ..... - - a pao kag e of tbe m and olln filed . now eat In the mat ter of the gua rdla nllW Cau ses of Stom ach Tro uble s alm oll' eve p ryth ing .ha Com t I mil wan lion t." of Vem a May Beo ltet t and er.' Proceedin&1 For sale by all dea lers . Sed enta ry hab ib, laoy of oot doo Alary Bec kett , min ors. Dav id.Ada Uea oluU on pa88ed to oom pel any r R. eser oi8e ,lns uffi oien t mllst·ioa tioo • Bec keU app oint ed . Bon d 1170 •• one Inte ndt nl to b;.lI d a brid ge in HO of Rea dy·M ade She ets ... ...... ...... ..... 0. W TO MA KE MA CHI NE WO RK food , oon lltip lltio n, Il \orp ld li ver "I ..... ... .. ... ... 49c and In the mat ter of tbe I!8IRte thie oou nty to fint .ub mit iie 59c of plan wor , rya od • Rea dy·M ade Pillow Cases. anx iety , overeatin~, par . to Com mlN ionl lril for thei r app "an nie A . Wbetl.Uey, dece aeed rov al , (j Cop '" taki ben ng a of lIew Emb food ing mllOblne will not roid Ilnd drin k not SUIted y of said reao lutl onf to be ean E . Uow dy app oint ed adm inis trA s wide. Rib bon s ..... . ..... ..... ..... .....erie l . ...... .... ..... ..... .... ... IOc to Bon d t1000. J. Wa rren Wood. tor to the C. C. C. & 8t. L. Ry. Co" wor k ,'an d It nea r the fire 110 tha t to you r age ..nd ooo upa tion . (;or 19c Wid the e Tab le Line n. all linen ...... .... .. ..... oil may mel t and then olea n reot you r hab ltll and t-Ilke Cha V. 80n e and Fre d ~herwood P . who "re abo ut to reoo netr not thei r ..... . $1.25 for mbe r. 9Se All Lin wU en ap· h ..... pur lain ..... e 'lI ..... para Ttl.b ..... flin lets ... , ...... and l&n put ting H inw ..... elu ' Fra nkU n Ww nlhl p. you will soon b e pral ears 79c Apr ons, all ove r 89c ...... .. ..... .. .... ..... ..... .... $1.00 for Con 'rao t No. 880 anc elle d and No evo ry 011 hole . Wo r. tbe mao hlne wol l aga in. For sale by all deal etl! . ...... ...... ...... IOe to In the mat ter of the will of Sop 25e Wh . ite wel bla Silk l and Gloves ...... ..... ... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... then wip e eve ry par~ lPUb ----75 ta.k el iie plac e Van derv eer, dec eue d . MaU er . 50c to $1 60 Cor sets ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... oon Bill s AlIowed":"'W. E. GU rord .. oillau olot h, Wh en perf ectl y olea n HO W TO DR IVE A TAC K ... ...... ..... ..... . 50c to $5() () 'inn ed. , lubr ioal e wU h mac hine oll. 10 tlIe mll tter of the ellta tri "ui Di tree s iD oou r' hOQ~8 yar d, Wh en a tack haa to be driv en • - • Joh n E. liimith. deoea~ Prote of 50 'rhe We e'er n 8tar , stam In of ped of A Ooo d Inv estm ent a:1 pub lloa tlon of notl oe of app oint Ino onv enie n, corn er, fore e the el>v "IOI ! '" ,md leU lrh~ for 'rea s men t of EliM beth B. Sm ith tiled. ore r Ml 4 \ The We ater n W. D . Mag ll, a lPell kno wn mor taok tbro ugh the end of a stri p of !:itar, pap er and hsld the pap ulaukll Lor L: .,·rk 1.6.75. The Wea oha nt of Wh uem oun d, t bon gh' aUe mpU ng to hold theer inst elld of Real Estate Tranafel'l Irn Hta r, hlll~ fltO. , for aud a lltoc taok . Thi s k of 9ha mbe rlai n I med loin iwr Mar gare t Ree d et al w Cou nty ,131)3 . The Welt:"r n !:itar, blan ks so aI to be able to lIupply them toe I wlll llAv e the fing er aDd tbu mb from I the ham mer and tbe reco rdin g ang el for Rec ord er $ ~ jl'i The Wea Com mi8 slon ers, trao t of land tern hie oua tom erll. Aft er rE'ceiving them from in Star , pub Ulh iori ing an entr y on the wro ng Fra nkli n 11198 ,. .. tiOd to oon trao he was bim llelf .&&ken slok aud say s side ofmak you r pag e. $ha t one ema il bClttle of Cha mbe wn , Lov elan d Bri<l Law ns, wor th up to 10c, to cloB Phi lip NlOhel of }I'rankUn 110 r. .82. Tile Law ns, wor th up to 15c, to clos e .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... .. 5c · oou nty oommi8810nels, trao t of to ~eet9rn Sta r, pUb ltah lng noti ce of lain 'l Colio. Cbo lera and Dia rrbo ea land Hem edy W ..8 wor th mor a to ..Ie of bon ds, 117. '!'he We Cre pes. Tiss ues, Voile, wor th upe ... .... .... .. .... .. ..... ..... .. . lOe In Fra nkli n, 13200. him e.rn to 25c ..... ..... ..... ..... . .. 16c Star , pub llsh lng tba n $he Cre pes, Ti88ues. Voile, wor th up Mar tin A Jam esoD , a',m inls trat of hill enti re s'oo k of to SSc ..... ..... .. . ...... .. .. 1ge or tore and noti ce tono\108 to oon trac thea e med ioln 6l. For Voi les, sale of tbe eata te of law ea M . Uoo Balk bY' buU an Suit all d for$ ings , P. K., wor th up to 50c, to clos Ano ien' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........_. e 31k Rat ina Line s, 85c qua lity , to clos Bor aoe and Lau ra !:S'ubbe, abo k, to brid ge 50 The WM wrn S'u , dea len . --e ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... . eGc ut 90 pub liHh Rat lng ine n<:ltloe to oon trao ton aad Silk · aore s of land t3000. , $1.2 5 qua lity - -, to clos Ads ... Ill be IlllIer t.ed und er e ...... . .. .. ..... ..... ..... .. . 96c no'i oe to bui ld-F oe ten brid KI \bl. beacl ror HO W TO REM OV E ORE ASE J. W . New mlin , adm inle trat twen ty -Ove cent " fur I.hre and ellta te uf T . L Bro wn to B F. or of Rou od Pon d wal l 126 50. 'fbe wben u81n g 001 more th an licveID Herti oILI line• . Lin . We llar n Sta r, Wh en gr8 8lel s spil led on a wooden ooln and Law renc e Bro wn, abo pabliBhlDg noti ce to ~-..-.. ............ ut tabl ll poo ...... r .......... oon oold $rao wat $on and er O1'e 104 aorea of land in 'Iur tlec and Kio gs IUlllI bridnotl oe w buU d- med iate ly . Thi ' will har r It im Cle aror eek tow neh ips $87111reek den ge the $23 Wa rren grea ae and pre WA NTE D .17. Cou nty Tim es, pob liHh lng nutl t it from sinl tlolt Jam es and Wil helm ina Bra nno oe to Into the lPooven D oon d. trac U can ton and noti ce to buil d For t of Day ton, 01110, to Jos eph J. then be _ non of Frtl.l1klio, OhIO, lot No.Bra n An' llen t brid le $32. L E. Kra t!l6 r, eaet ly rem ove d wit h a knif e . 416 .00 per day , stea dy wor ptOtur68 of Joh n Hut ohin 80n wan In Mao kI M ~~Nfor-$2goo &ed d men . AppJy to the -=-, 1.- - kina w- add itio n to Fra nkli n 11 50. R M. Gal l"he For Cut s, Bum s and Bru ises r, view er on Ore gon ia Brid ge Com pan y, LAbanon Bohomel road , I. J. W. Rld 25c Bom er O. Bud son to Ern 6lt Mer , ceri zed Ligh le, t Wei In ght eve ry hom e ther e eho uld be II Ohi o.. ...... ...... ... ...... ...... ... ..... . .19c 35c Tan and Wh ite Boo t Silk ...... S 10 Gre ese, par t of lots No. 1 and L, view er on !ch eme l rcad $4 I. C box of Buo klen ... .. .. ...... ...... ... ...... ... 2.'lc a In Wil son , view er on Soh eme l road 'lI Arn ica Halve, read y 25c Fra nkl in eqa llre , Way nesv ille, Bun ion Sec ond s. Blac k and Tan .. ...... . ... ...... $4 to apP Jyln eve ry oaee of born II. ... .. .... 16c W . E . B, DV MU outs ERT ler, , ISE def Ern est L Gre ene to Ellill B. Rt) - To kno w tha end inl Jose pb wou nds you can sell you r h orsell (I ndt IUld Ii R Fer gos , par t of Iota Ker r Shu ler, '37. 80 Ohi o Cor rug ated Oeh me, or B08lds. J. B. Pola noo , II.nd a In Wtl.ynesvllle, \)bi o, Ii.No. 1 Cul vert Co.. oolv er' pip e ,S1 20, "Bo oklo Telt ., R. 1110. 2, wri te!: oow s and oth er thln g8 by RdvertlR. n'e Aln ica llalv e ' sav ed my ing thll m In Ed Gra dy road wor k Fra nkU n \ow P. B . Rue , gua rdia n of Sam the Gaz ette r. unl o glrl 'e cut foot . No oost s uel ehlp one be but hittle, and brin gs re8o ltsIt 'lO. 76. A. and Fred Ree d, min ors, to Cou T. RettiK, wor lr 00 llev ed It . ooo nty id e be Twl our nor ed eek . " · Tb road $17 Com mls aion eri', ~r/.\ot of land in KIDS, raoe brid ge of 320 . Geo rge wor ld's bel t ealv e. Onl y 250 . Re Fra nkli o, $102. KinKS Mil l, oom men ded by J. E. Jlln nev . $U8 66. R. A . MoC utch eon Cha rles E Eat on 10 Mar oon · • • FOR SAL E Wtl.rd, lots No. 565 in Fl'R nkh n. y E . trao t '187 .20. Uhu lM Stib be,o on. HO W Ohi o trac ' '1111 .45 TO PRO TEC T MAGAZINES Joh n K . li!peocer, $1530. All Lad ies' Suit s .. .... ...... ... ... .... oon trao ' $117 26, Alle Ada and Cha rles ' Cha pma n w All Lad ies' Coa ts ...... .. ... .. .... .......... ..... . ON E-H ALF PRI CE B . aaJa ry $100. Alb ert O. n Ru1 !ma n, 8tri pII of oot wn olot h out dlag on w o f'xt ra . .. .. goo d Jer~ D. Loo kwo od, lot No . 290 in Fra ey Cows. Bon d, brid ge all, Lad and ies' Wh ite Wai sts, $1 00 and $1.2. ... . ON E·H ALF PRI CE fast ene d wit b libr ary p68te uk. rep air. Fr" nkl in 'ow For fart her part ioul als oall on lin, Ohi o, '950 . nsb ip $21 75. 79c Jus 'he bac k of a t rece ived Satu rday , Big Special 5 grad e.... ..... ..... Ber t Ree d, brid ge repa ire Dee azln e oov er or pho ne W. E O'Netl.!t, Wayuel!in Wh ite Para sols $1 ()() Hen ry 'fhl iyer to Cha rlell E. I:"t rtie ld whe n' It III new wllImftg on ~ve ville tow nllh lp '''4711. R. A. McC utoh , Ohi o. lot No. 565 In Fra nkli n, Ohi o, '163 a 13 eon , add w the life of the oov er.wea r and Cal vin Mil ler to Inez Meh an. 0. road wor k Day ton and Cin oinn atl lot • EM. • ENT BRI CK for sale. For pllte 1179 No. 1011 in P"r k Plaoo Add llio n to The Kin E of All Lax,Clvel furt ber Info rma tion Inq uire of --"ran kUn Obi o, $1. Rid You r Chi ldre n of Wo nnl F. M. Che now eth, Way nos Fre d O. Ullm our to F. C. Bar tlloo vill e, For con stip atio n, hea dao hea , . k In Ohi o. Il 6 You can oha ngo freU ul. III tem dig6 lltio n and dYIp6pela, use Dr. Kln g'lI New Life pm l. Pau l pere d ohll dren intJ hea lthy , hap Mat . AORE~ of land . 8 E. of yoo n(n llen , by ridd ing $he py hnl k., of BUft'IIIo, N. Y., lI&ys they Way nea vtll e 2 mile s, kno wn Stat e of Ohio, city of Tole do. 1 m of are the . Kin tl of all ss. wor mll laxa 'rOlllling, roll iog, grin ding l'be tive e. as the Cla rno ll Gau 8e Luca s Cou nty. y are a ble8lling to aU mv fam ily Fllr m Apof' teet b, orv lng out whUI1 ."Ie Fmn k J. Che ney mak es oath Itha ply to Fra nkl in Pao ker. Wa. yne ap, and t he I is alwa YII s· "ee p a bol[ aoc !>enior pllrt ner of the firm of F. cmp at hom anle e ll ." wit ville h , l/hi o. Inte nll8 thln l', Get a bolt and J. Cheney pain s III the if get & Co., doin g busi ness in the CIty wel l. Pric e 250. atom aoh bow els, Rec omm end ed by J. E.. ledo , Cou nty and Slat e afor esaidof To· leve riah nea ll anll bad and "all ney . bre ath, are HO G-R ed mal e hog tor that said firm will pay the sum , and Bym pwm • __ . Inq olre of Joh n Beaoh. of s ON tbM E indl oase wor HUN DRE D DOL LAR S for each mll. D. HO W TO Kio kap oo Wo rm Kill er, a plCLEAN COAT COL LAD S a, Way and -.n ' . nesv iJlIl , Ohi o. cver y case of Cata rrh that cann " 6 can dy ~ cure d by the use of HAL L'S CAT ot be reg ulat 10zenK8, exp elll 'he worml!, ARR el 'he H bow ell, res' ore a you r Wh en CUR E. $hl ooa t ooll ohll dren \0 he&Uh Inti hap pln8 beco meS 8l. eoll ed may be ol_ Qed ar FRA NK J. CHE NEY Yra . J. A. 8ril lbln , bf Elg in, 111. II&Y by rub blnR DR. J. ·W. MILLER, • Swo rn to before ~ and subs . ': 1$ wel l with mhr ture oom pole cribed in "I hav e uae d Kio kap my presence this 6th day of Dtoc d of oo Wo rm KII. one par ' of a eaU emb er, dlaBolved in foo r ler for yea ra, and enti rely A. D. 1886. my parM of aloo hol. ••. DE NT IST••• (Sea l) ohll :lra n of wor ml. I wou lllrid A. W. GLE ASO N, no' be - - -...._ . -_.--witl lout it." Gnaran~, All Not ary Public. dru g San '8 Cat arrh Cor e II t-ak The Best Med ldne In the Wo rld IIIIU , or by WaynesvUle.O tera aUy aDd 'acta dire otly upoen iu. apo o ind ianmal l. Prlo e25 0: Kic k · "M y ""I e ltd had dyM n'«l bloo d aDd m1l 0001 IInr faoe l ofn tbe delp hia and 8t.lIedloiDe 00, l'hl la rJ Lou ll. ,.er y bad . J tho qM .tie wou ld I"te m. Sen d for tellt imo nlal l, the dll . trep . Cha mb8 l'lat D'. 00110, Oho lera and F. J . UBI ilNE T & CO., Tol edo , BA RN HA RT , O. Dia Dete rrho rmin ea ing Rem Fac edy tor. oar ed her , and I _ Iiol d bY 'a'll Dru llgte U, 100: OUt Tec vat hniq bfu ue, lly IOO _, tba* I thi nk" III ner or late r, cletez-, TA b Bal l', Fam ily Ptll a for OOD· amN No tar y ~ubllc the fate of a pIaJ ."-W IWa a '1'. the 1MJJ!.& ' med iolD e la the wor ld." IUpaUoD. . wrl_ 1In .- .W,Jlllam PrIce. ie, ~, 1IiohI, for Iale Q .. OrT clealeni-, . Puul l. hO<1

W uo kly



Wny n 68 \·lllo.







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July Clearance Sales A RE A G RE A T SUCCESS

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.Ju ly Specials


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W as h Goods




Ol aB si: Bu d A ds

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Hose Specials

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Ready-to-W ea r D ep ar tm en t







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Carpets, Rugs an d M at tin gs

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The Miami Gazette OJL\O.





D. L. CRANE . Publisher.


REFORM OF MARRIAGE . SOUle both e r has h.,,," Illulle recen t· ly about th e Nlform o f ma rri a ge ,"OWII; a lIort or r e,'olt IIgnln s t Ih e religious marriage cc rf mony , or (orm wb lc ll r&Quires th!' bride to ,'o w to "lo" e, bon· or and ob!')' ," and It bas beeu aver red tha t tl1f' s tatu R of wmua ll wou ld be b elp!'d If Nhe were requ lr "Ll only to vow to "olit Ol' m " tb e b rld(>groom. In the otb('r d lrec tl on we no te tbat the lJe n· eral assembly o r tb e 1I0rthc rn Presby· t rla n churc h rect> ntly plIRsed a r e s· olullon declaring marrla go to be a r&lIglou. Instit ution . li nd call1ng for more Rt rlct and unifor m rnnrrlag e Ilnd dl· vorce laws . \\'ith such discussions being cllrrl l"d on a t tb e o pposite ex· tre mes ot a qu!'stlon It Is at least. lIymptomlltlc at th o fact that th e Que. tlon n eeds tll8cu9slon. Along some .. lIch lines all this, we be lle " o. moat mlnl8te rs could do more to retorm marriage than all tbe legislatures, lays tbe lnd'lanapolls Star. lr th e min· aters - as th el m uat- e mphaslze the rella-louB side ot the mnrrtage cer&mony, It would 8eem to be tbelr pla1Jl duty to Insist on the religiOUS duty or oelebratlng no unnt marriages. It • ome aareemeDt could bo r eached amana tbe ministers tbemselves as to what were fit and proper marriages, and It they would adbdro rigidly to tbelr agreement as to a Bol e mn duty, lIQthlng, '6'e are sure. would do more to con"lnco tbe public or to Impress people renerally with tho r eligious IIlde and the r ell&'lou8 dll I Y at mU' rlage. A French s h e phe rd recently received word that an uncl e. at wbom he bad never betor e heard, had lett blm a tor· tune of ,,~OOO.OO.O . \-lard upon the ne",'s came t e legramfl and le tters trom every corner ot France olrerlng the .bepherd marriage, the comtort ot gen, tle bands and Bkurul guidance In the outlay ot the great Inheritance. We Boe now In tbe public print comments upon the cruelty at the boax, tor a hoax that n ews of the rich uncle and hlB wealtb prol'ed to be, . BaYI! the Toledo Blade. B'Jt If we are not mlstak· en the Frencll sbepberd III 11ndlnl eolace In the proposalB ot marrIage which raine d upon him In U~e IItUe hour or glamor and promise. It will be a pleasant occupation to treasuro and read tbese meslages and letters over, to nnd how easily money bas overcome modesty, to Bearcb out new phrases ot endenrment, to teel cbeered that his own disappointment has am· pIe company and - not least ot all- to laugb at sentim e nt caught making a tool of Its elf. Tbat one prison, at l oast, must llave . fuUllIed tb e modern Ideal ot making prison life an upllrtlng one, with all th e comrorts ot home at, tacbed, Is evident from the tact that a penitentiary In New York has found It necessary to put up notices an· nounclng that t!x·convlcts will not be allowed back. as visitors. It sce ms Its lure Is 110 strong that It attra('.tll ex·resldenta In numb er enough to make them a nulsa.QCe. New Jersey has a baby born on tbe thIrteenth ot tbe month. In 1913. and ta the thlrteentb child ot its parenta. That child III desUned to have 'a hud battle wIth superstition, but with real A.merican gift It can mallAge to win out. And. after all, there Is no &ood reason why Ita lite IIhould be glveu up at the .tart as a tallure on accoimt at mere arithmetical coincidence. Tbe difference between the genu, lno Panama bats and tbe Imitation kind being tbat one costs 160 and the otber $2 .50. It Is suggested that the true elrect can be had only by keepIng the price tag on the genuine artl· cles. This will doubtl e2s be done al Boon a8 anyon e solv es the prohlem of guaranteeing th e ge nuln .. n ess of '.he tag. A New York magistrate Is somedisturbed because or the rac t tbat be b e c ~JD e conrused wbll e per· forming a murrlage ce re mony and made the groom prorul se to "love, bonor and obe y." Evlde nlly b e Is a bache lor ; othe rwlH e 111" wouldn't be 9.'ol'ryln g . ~'hat

Now that Wi scon s in has a stat e law against gossip ing, It Is a foregone con· cluslon that th e re Bre JDany ot tbe temale gender who will simply sit right do wn Ilnd Il'arn the deaf and dumb language all Quickly as possl, ble. Reflecting a olt, JO U will have to admit that mllny a couple hsve not' WAited for "papa" to ' s lrlke a matcb In a dark parlor. . A. wl1verslty profellsor saYB the best

- 7 To deal with profanity Is to r&move Ita cause. tl\em?

University professora

~ •" ' . , I

.,... ' "':;-~_0011.._ _ __

An AiDerfoan ulutJOllAry hall ..... lte4

Ute ~1ona.1J Of JoDab. , Now 1o O-Id thi awe. - .

Temperature Was First Study I n Taking Up General Climate Conditions - Interesting Data On Seasonal Changes Made By Studen~s of Meteorology


-------------_......_--- .. .. I ·SCHOOL TEACHER SUCCESSFUL ON FARM ~. ----

Young Men Ever in Need of the Wisest Guidanoe Because They Are Young.

"1111 E young lIlan Is Iu dUllg er b& CU U ~1l h e !.Ii young ," sllld Hev . U. W . Muckley. jlo~tor or th e l.luwood \l oul e \,lIrd 'hrls tliltl cllurcb. KanStlS ("Ill' . "The youtu be lie \'ed himself wis e . but h e Is Ig n orant. Th .. world to him Is a elo Bed book. b&caune of h is lack or experience. How· ever, It Is Imposs ibl e to put old h eads on young shou lde rs, though It tho )'ouu@: mon would liste n to I hose old e r and mor e ex pl'rle ucC(l. be ".-oul d be In ,'. les8 da ng .. r . lIecllll se of his youth and Il.rdor lind pn thusln slIl. tb e young man 'is attm cled to the thln gs In life that !I('e m thl' hrlght es t. but wblcb too oftpn n ro e vil." R ev . Mr . M uc\U<'y s po ke of guides and hahltuE's of our greal art ga lle r Ies becoming IndIffe r ent to th e heautl es abont. I hom . "2 th ey beco JD e ac cus' tom ed to th e pi ctures and statuar)' . "Uut th e visitor who do es not visit th es e gall e ries so otten 81'e6 Ibe be au· ties El bout him. ODd tully II pprec illtes "Quick Lunch" Potlttoe• . eVE!ryth lng he sees," h e con tinu ed . " The world Is mlleh like an art gallery , tb e principle. WE're I de~irlJu 8 or mabut by no mea ns 80 sate. The young ,By JEA.N~;1-rBl PIERSON .) .0 .. mun walklng 'th ro ugh the world Is atWben 1 changed my vocation tram king th e poultry end at the e nt ~r prl t!e tract.ed by e \' e rythlng he s ees and Is .cbool ·teachlng to farming Hlx yean th A mo st Important. I would put In In· Where prec ip ita t ion has become unmeasurable. Creeks and st re .. ms often apt to be led aWElY hy tbe glamor." ago, 80m e at my acqulllntancea pre- cu blltors . 1 hav e ralaed as high 8 S 400 leav e their bank. over night . \I e rurth er spoke of tb e pare nt love dict e d a lamentable talluro. " broilers lu .. season, the produc!loll ot "A city woman can't run a f arm . &0 he ns . rl ee ords of Ohlo 's r lilnolf' d ute blll·k · 1,0.33 ItH'hes ~ntl lowps t In 185t1 beiut for ebll dre n and the read in ess with whlcb 0 moth er or fath e r ",11\ condone tb ey said. This declaration was made With lhls numh e r In addition to the III far a s 177~ . Th!'y W e rt' I n ~O m l)"'t c ' 2!l.02 . Thp H1I'an mo nlhly IJrE'C'lpltlll an evil In n 80 U. H e spoke ot King wllb "arylng d e grees of bluntness. and eggs and some old poultry . that branch tD thi s ca rll' PNlod , bl'inl! si rnvl y o b. li ol1 wa s hi gh est In June with • .13 Davld 'lI Inquiry ot hili son . Absalom , everybod}' was so ce rtain au tb e sub· at th e bu s iness paid oye r U O a month . ! In ('h l's and l(lw"'~ 1 In O{' t'.)b p r h~lnl! Rcr vlftl o ns at . thosl.' 11I"!f('SI('d In 111"/ 2 . 52 Ineb('s. Th e high es t Indl"ll.Iual aft er h is so n's HtrlPe : " III th e younl! l ect that I might have been turned for tile whol e yesr, but usulAlI y It cilllngPH of \\I'llth e r. t!lonth wa s S!'p t pmbe r, J86~ , wben man, Absalom, sate!" Uavld had In· asid e rrom my purpose, but for the bring II in ratber lesll . l'ull ela hatched lu th e winter o f 1779·80 tb ere Is a I 9.67 Inc he s o r ruin te ll . Tb e lowe st atrucl pd hi e g 'n e rnle to de al g(lntly fact s tbat tbe farm had been bought In April will begin to lay tn De(~p mb" r r ecord ot Ii ae \'e re storm Ihut swep t was In March, 1910. ",!J e n th e precl pl· with Absalom bill one ot th e m ca ll· I and my ag ed parents earnestly des ired at" January . Young hens a r e tb e most IJro!\table form i ng to a t~ Os8llge rrorn God, 'killed ' to· spend their deePnlng yeor8 In th e on r the c ity of Clnelnnut i and th ut tatlon was only 0.2 6 inc·he s. A map Abllolom whil e he hllng sUBpended by eountry. kind . I s e ldom k ee p lhem beyond two tll e re was 11 tall ot two teet (If s now . will show that th e points wh ere pre- tb e ha ir rrom an oak Iree. While Da· "'s all this talk about Inten~lvo } ea rll. I raise a little wh e nt P5 pt: clal· 01pitation Is over 40 Inch es, a re found At Ihls point v II Janu ll r)' ~. li9i, Ihe along tb e Ohio Rlvl"r Voll ey and pllrts vld mourned th e death at bls son all farming and dlvenlilcatlon mere the- Ir for tbe poultry nnd they al/lo !let te lllperature r ellcb('d 18 deg rees bl!' or)' and speculation 1" 1 asked over ond lIome earn, meat, ground bones, etc kl . at Ashtablllu. Geuuga and RlchlRnd Isrn e l r e joiced . low ze ro. At a point abo ul r O\ II' mllen By July 1 tbe beel were mil ng .o ver. "J! 110, I may not sureee d." I conn tlell, and below 34 inches Is along Pmrnicioul Doctrine Condemned. told my friends , " for I am not going hon ey and swarming at a great rale . nortb ot Clnr lnn llt l a n ""erlLgl' aonual t.h lake to Cu yahoga c ounty and a Th e pastor cited Instances of men to run my farm In the old way . To The tw t!lve co lonies Increused 10 thirty Hlmperature tor 1806 tl) t R13 or 54.3 na~row strl p ('overing parts ot the wbo upheld til ls motto lind wbo finally depend wbolly on a 81ngle .c rop or on and I was able to 8el1 1,200 pounds (If tl egrees WaH rea ched . Ih e high es t I countles from Henry to Darke coun. went to th e pe nitentiary for dls hon· a big dairy would mean rlliu to me. 118 honey that yea r. Much of tbls went temperature being 98 degn,cs Ilnd the tl('s. Th e prec lplta!lon cbsnges with esty. It has to thoulBnda of otbers." to private cuatomers at I f> to 20 e"ntll lowellt II d eg reell . Four ),l'n rs la le r, : the seasons being hlgber In t b e so uth "The most pernicloull doctrine at " It ben pay, It poultry la actually a pound . In 1817, regular observations wero I during the spring and In the nortb. whlclh I know, " said Mr. Muckley. "Ia prOfitable, It there are large re turns I sold some of the choicest ('Ilmb m nde III Marietta . ThIs wn s foll ow ... d : (''le t during the winter. The ,,,,erage that wblch teacheB a young man trom raising bOgB, If there Is good honey to hotela at 14 to 18c. This Hea· by msny oth e rB. C olu~lbU S beginning !lumhE'f at rainy dll l'li arouud Colum. shou l d sow hie wild oata. It 18 because In 1843 . In the year 1850 thl' LntPrE' st l bUI IB 142, ~'Ith 15 In January and II ot th Is teaching that we bave ao many money In truU and garden truck, then lion I 80ld 15 colonies of becII tor UO a woman can run a farm jUlt aB well In addition to $180 received tor boney . became grealer a nd In 18 B3 I he Ohio In Sevte mber al1<1 Oc tohf'r . me wrecltB. The Bible te118 UB that ThlB branch of bUsiness r equire s In· Meteorological Bureau was esta b' l F t LI lOt b 10 a. a man ean ." whlclh a mlln sows. so shall he l'1lap. n.hed. • rOI /Ie. coer . telllgent care, but It III worth whlle:..I "'!101 fortiHed In thle vlpw by lIom e , The annual 1I00W tall of Ohio ran~a Manll fall. lust because they have not l:Iees mus t bave a snug, dry, well ·ven. Temperature Is Firat Study . I rrom less Ihnn 20 Inche. In the soutb· prepared In youth for the rellponslblll· things wblcb cam e under my obser· tllated place througb th e winter. and 'fallon while r wall looking for a tarm. In tak ing up th e ge nl" ral (' Ilma llc c rn part of Obio to over 60 inches in ties at \l!e. tbey muyt be guarded agalult what I. conditIons we will tak e teDll lernlur c i th e co unties ot AShtab~la and Genuga. "The parents should teacb tbelr cbll, One mnn wbo 'l'laS devoting hla energy known as toul brood . Whe n I ha~e a to a larl!e d1llry made a failure owing flret. There has bee o obsc n 'atl otls 1 ln€ n nnual l!lrec tion of th o winds at dren tbe secrets at I\(e, rather than wl"ak or unsatisfactory colony I made In Ohio covering th e por l~ d rrom Columbus Is soutbwest with a ve loc, have them learn on the streels, I to a summer drought. lind would bav e chaoge th e Queen und give them clean 1883 to 191o--the resu lt of whi c h are L:y or 8 m!les per hour . Th e lail, sbould favor even the placing of sign. been turned ott the farm but ror the new Quarters. liS tollows : The me n n ann ual tem· klllln g fros t for Ilprlng sround Co· ot warning to young men where trapa tnct that bls wUe and two children It II a good plan to cba.nge a\l hlv8I! perature WB8 50.7 de gret's. with till' lumbus Is .\rlrll 20, with April 30 In exlsl:. As tbe Un~ed StateB govern· hlld cultlYated an acl'1! ot cucumbers. once n year, preferahly In the 8),rlng. highest In 1894 at 52 .40 lind th e low· northern F'ranklin ('o unt y Ilnd May 6 men'l bas placed signs of warning at Tbls pIckl e product actually paid six All Idl e hlv c B 8hould be clesnsed 8ud eat In 1886 at 48 degrees. bpt,,'een h Pre nnd 1\ nurrow s trip a!) the ontranct! of Death \ ' a11ey 80 should months ' re nt and saved the rarm er fumigated. No tleaaou hUll ylil ided leBs The warmest m elln ItnnuRI te mp em · th e Inke . the weltare board or some oth er clvlo trom bankruptcy. than $200 In my llplary, ' nnd th e Another tenant In th e nelghhorhood ture was In Jul y wltb 73 .10 d egrecs , t Tilc flr~ t kllllnr: frOlt of 8utumn body place war nings (\very 'house I1mount has r eached $300 twice. Thill and the cold est was In Junliliry with "a mes a bour Oc tob er 10 for Cpn l ral of death' 1I1~ ls in the pnthwny of ... ho devoted hlm.selt to s sin gl e In· I:; llractlcaJly clear prollt. t e rest, was turned out-of·doors becau8e 27 .700 degr eP R, wblle the b ott es t lndlv. I Ohi o Rpptom!Je r :!I) for nor thweste rn our youth. ' Since the second year on t he farm, Idual yea r lind monlh was .Jllly, 1901, : flnd 'norlheast e rn ('o untles, Ilnd aR . "Th e youth and all or us musl have th e market tor hi s partl<'ular product I hav e nelled $250 to $500 from bOgB wIth 78.1 degrees nnd th e rold ('s t I l ate as Oelob!'!" 30 along lhe Ink <', Ilnd I.musement, but cllre s hould b e exor· was unusuall y lOW ' that season, and annually. The so anima ls grow Into JRnuary, 1893, with 18 degrl'l' s. Ob· , In t.he Jout he>rn part it is Oc to ber 2& . clsed In tbe splectlon ot those amuse· his r ecei pt s were not e qual to hi s ex· mon e y tust. and do not reQulrl' as 6c rvatlons tram a ma.p ot t hp m ean I LlltP~t da te for killin g tro st of sp rint: ;.lIenta. A playing card may look Inno- r!'n ses. mu ch attention as e ither .chickens or nnollal te mpe ra t ure "how th nl 11", 1i~ Jun e 21 In nort he rn Geauga rounl)' <'ent enougb , but It Is th e too l ot the I had scen R IIUl e of farming Rnd cattle. Pigs s hould hn ve 11 good pal!' coldest co unti es or Ohio nre In th e I Rnd April 26 Around Cinc inn atI. The gamhler. Chu rch people who play baq s tudi ed mucb. It s ee med cloar u. ture lot and a llatch of rOOIS wltb north eaMcrn part o f Ih e slutI:' In cl ud · 1 earll .. st kllllng fros t of autumn Is brld,g e whist lose Interest In th e church my mind tbat the money was to be cleun wat cr and sbade. Ing Porlnge co un ty, "nd parts of , S e ptember 2 In tlor th enslern Fulton a nd set bad e xample8 tor others . Any mlld e In Il variety or llttle things rath· I hov e found rape. n rtlcho k l's. aDd LokI", Ashtabula nnll Gl'allga, whil e c onnly . The I(rel1t e l' porllo n ot tho form ot amusement, such as theater8. er than In the production 01 II large carrots valuable cropd for hOgM. The th e wllr-rn ~s t are In the BOllth ·"'es te rn I s tnte is fl'om Sep t Pmbl:'r 10·11. At Ibat scoffs at virtue, III dange rous." single crop. _. artichoke Is partlculnr!y hard y lind part, In liamllto n !lutl Scioto coun · ; (, lra'lll llall It Is Seplember 30. Tbl~ I hnd money enough to make a Bub· prollllc, providing an c arly (e l'd fod. ties . • vari e s from 134 <lay s III Portaae " sta ntlal payment on a farm ot forty der. Later In tbe sea Ball U n" ld 01 NEED OF THE "MUCKRAKER acre.s, which was equipped with a good peas Is a good thing, jusl bpfore the Lowelt Rainfall In 1866. ('OLlllty to 1% days In Sandusky .. dwelling. two small barD!. a poultry finishing up with corn . The nv('rage m ean Rnnual Ilref'iPI' 1 ALVA B. WILSON, Term Should Not Be One of Reproach, . house an'd a well. I 11m In proximity . 1 have raised many hogs to ~r, o snd t.atlon extendi ng from ISf,4 to 1910 I. College of Agriculture. Ohio State Since Work I. for the Common to se,'eral small towns where tbere Is 300 pounds at ten monthll ot age. at a 38 .89, the highest In 1890. whi c h WIlS , UIlIYllrsily. , ..- -- =:--.- .Good of All. !I cOD!tant market for produce. cost of lesll than $5 . 1 have 81'en 8 Six yean ago land was not over 75 good deal of hog cholera and olber Wbat a confuslol,l of IMas there III p<'r cent. of Its prelent value In tblll dl8easell, but not on my own plact'. I In our modern UJle of the yord "muck· district and I could eallly sell my tarm provide clean pens and cbanle them raking!" It has been 10 ""fested from for fl,OOO more than T paid for It. orten, And 1 also change puturell from Ita ()riglnal meaning that John Bunyan J took possenlon the tint ot April. year to year. The little farm takes vigilance but wou.ld not recognIze It, In \he great "Iy plan In brief waa to lllart Jlnell ot allelgory the eordld pilgrim gave hla production which would give -,u-e a It 1& not hard work. After these tew whclle attention to the Btraws and rub- monthly or weekly Income all the_year yeartl o( experience I claIm that II bl.bL and Ignored the angel above hll througb. With thll In view I purchased woman can succeed practically as well head. Hla conduct waa reprehenllible. twelve colonies ot bees, 1Ifty Plymouth liS a man on It farm . But today when a brave man lays bar& I Rock chickens, six YOUDg plge . eight A point wblch 1_bB"e gained over the corruption of a town or city It la' , COWl, a span of marea and a variety the old.fashloned farmer Is the c&l'Ib called "muckraklnl," and 1I0metlme. of utensils . Income every week In the year. I 110t trow ned upon by eal!&-lovlng hurghen,l Fodder had to be bought to keep only .eoure thlll by diversity of Inter. when It la really ethical and IIOclal Ban· , the IIlock for lIeveral weeks. I hIred a ellts but I save myself from poeslble itaUon. Otten the Investigator brIngs I mnn at $26 per month And board . The failure. The farmer who lrusts 10 ODa to our attention unpleasant fActs; but proceeds of the dairy, averaging about big crop or to a larle daIry Is Bure to It tbey are tactll we ought to be grate' : ,60 per month. were ample to pay hlB hRve dlsae trous years . tul to blm. Any man who warns U9 ' wages and meet the entire household When the place Is cond uct ed 80 thai wbEm our house Is afire or Intorms us : cxpensea there Is a regular Income from a vu. about some overlooked dl sells~. breed . t During the flrBt two months I sold rlety of little tblngs. It only takell ordl . Ing refuse nenr our houBe, that man I s ix!'! dozen of eggs and set twenty nary sen se and Industry to glve ' su'a. dese rve s our thanks . Why vilify tile I lLens. Although the Incld{'ntal ex, C{'SB to n Jllan or 1\ woman . person who Is trying to prevent the p en ses In Btllrllng were hea"y I hel(l (rol'y rl ghl . 1911) spread ot dis ease. phYSical or social? even , ond at th e en d at three montbB "Muckraklng," forsooth! Our protest I could show a nent little balance In IIhould be made not og!llnet the ·'r a k· I my tavor. Tile dnlry h a d Improye d so that It lng, " hut against the ·'muck ." And "muck" or gmt! or Inefficiency must · was re turning $iO a month . From firs t be poi nted out before th e cleans· July on 1 had vegetables to De ll nnd Ins can take placo. Many cIti es or our n early eve r y day tbere WIIB something lanl~ hav e belle r public scrvlce today to send to a customer when tb e milk Not Used as E~ensively for Mebec,ause ot th e e fforts ot certaIn reso· was dcllv erpd In town . dicinal Purposes as Form· AdmIn istra ti on Bu ilding . Oh io E xpe riment Stat ion. Five ·leaf Ivy makell a lutci muckrakers. We need more of I bad a bard fll'ht with vermin In erly-Si1ge Desirable. thldl work rather than less. As long a9 the poultry bou se t .... at spring and sum. most beau t iful ad dition to buildings , the re Is mllck, just so long let It be mOl:. I twas foud advlsablp to move Two kinds at i \'Y lire fou rl(] ub ullll· ' brokell o r mu til at ed tissue gets on lh4 rake d out Into view and condemned the building to a higher piece of Tbe herb In th e garden see lll s to :l lltly in mos t parts of 0111 0.. Th ~ y s k in. Thi s milk y juk e iM present It: IlUd removed . Let tbe reformer mko ground. have gone out or taBhlon , us It Is J;e l, Rre th o tllree·leaf vari e ty ,\ :HI t h e II \' c "llI'loUH pltrts of the plant as the root, all the more bravely and thoroughly, Tht'n wo IIx ed up a largo!! du:.:t.h eap dODl found In the mod ern gardln. lear. TlJr lutt er Is harmles s Dnd Is 1\ s tem, twigs, lea,,08, flow e rs and younA becaul!e he lifts his eycs and then In th e yard and whlte,wRshed pvery· Herbs are not much used for medIcal valu uhle \'Ino bec aus e It will grow lLfI fruit. The intectio n Is !lot comm uni· and BeeB above bls head the angel of thing In the torm ot lumber, bfls ld e purposes sny more, at least not In cabl e th rough th e air. The polsou a municIPal Ideal.--Chriltlan Reeist". usIng Insect ponder Ji!Jerally . By fall tho way that people used to us.e Ihe m. Ih e a id a or a building and c lln gl nl,; docs 1101 ~p reDd heyond the s urface the battle was won. th e b enner y bei ng Those who use tbem tor seasoning th ere adds much to Its ap)l ca mn cc. primo r lly affeet l'd Ilnl f'ss some of tl:~ Spilled Water. en tir ely free from vermin; -nnd there probably prcfer to buy wbat they _ born e ot tbe most beautiful old s truct· . (jrlglnnl poisorl jui ce Is ca rried to ad, "vater spill ed upon the be d, when has beer. no trouble at that kind .for need' ratber than to go to the tI'OU' ures In tb e world are so, partly he· jllce nt or relllote f urfaces. 801I:Ie one Is Ill. may be quickly dried five years . ble or ralBlng them. It Is l1\}le tr~u~ C!l UBe the)- are ITy covered. Th e itchy {lain, pecllllol' to Ivy, In t.bls manner: FlU a hot wa.ter bot. A Qust heap outside and whitewash ble to gro:w them. howevet. _ .. ' But Ih e three-leaf variety sbould be J·olsoned spots are perhaps beHt a~ tie with bolJlng water and place It or Ineect powdp,r Inside will save poul. . Goed, rich BOI\ III. requIred, and lhen exterminated because tbe majority of I inyed by applying a saturated lolu· bet'ween the mattress and the' bro try from vermin. although there must all the weedll i!houl.d be kept out of people wlll r ead ily pOISOD. when they tlon ot lead a.cetale in 60 to- 76 pel clot.hlng. be constant watchfulness. _ the herb bed, " Tbe b6i1I' need 4' C'1yr- ' comB In c~t act with It. I·cent. alcobol. Polson Ivy Is el\.ll111 '--Since tbe tint wlnte!; ,1 have . hud 'an ing of straw leaval In ·' tile i' fa I Jo. Rost and Gllg. two German Inv es· ., ecognized br ItB c haracteristic three. · .... _ To Ro. . JOint, ..l::lcome of not.less than $lIO. per month winter protection: Bag"la al very', d~ tigators, ha\'e, l'ecenlly ~lsc10sed I tea f slruc ture and readlly remembereC v,r"llen, about to roalt: a lolnt, c:ow:e~ from eglrS a.nd poultJ!r. ' 1 keep !\bout ~Alra~IE(berb>!or ' any ill.l;d~.D ·: BII' U~8' that one cannot he poisoned b,' when once eeen. . It .wltJ7. a .rInd laved . tr~· a pl~C8 of- 200 chlC"ena a.nd tuJoDl~ .".rollers on powdered leavet,Jlre ellcelle4 tor sea. anles8 he comee In direct contact with . a':;ORGE B. CRANE, ~r ~a,con ~d c.o~k . with' It OD. An houn notice at" ant time 'ot t~e aoning man'y· ~Iolel. of Joocl'. :-l9al9 it. · and then only . when /lome of tbe College '1' Agrir.ulture. 0)10 St&~ . , will aave .the trouble" of ......0110 'yeiu to aeverai ~8tolDm. .../ ; . ' . l~v~ ,l hoU.ld ,bl!~ .eut "three or ·tou, . ~I.l.k' J lllcf !]llch exud ef .tram lhl Unl v!!'!1ty. ' baiting .!UlP wlll preTe~t .t Il. , '1 have .nev\l.r ,used . nn IbCubator, al· tilDe. d~ the .~O ~e4 .,aJJ4 '., "bum", 01 ~\\I,h 1 am nnt ea~all)' ~ppo~d to p~. ~ ~~re4 ~ ."..... ,: " ,~






-~ =- -~-~






lTY j









8 lakfl"4 ah lrt-'ront ani! narrowed to

,.IUIII+++++++tI Hi 1 . . . 1++ needl e lin es .

FINGERS AND THUMBS They Got C:rossed With a Gouty Hand in Giving a Secret Grip. By EL"~ABETH BENTON.

Our llIu8tratlon showl a genernl vIew of Johannellburg, South Africa, where the strIke ot mIners ball rOllulto4 bloody ballle. _wlth the Boldlory and pollee. Tbe Insllt sbowl a typical crowd of o.o lored mIners.



"So you 'r til e young man thaI thinks h e can a ct 8S my sec relary. b ey?" In()ul m d Mr. Fagan, swinging round In his sw l\'ol c ba lr and s larlng at Blake und er a pair o f bus hy gray eyebruws. " ~Infl 'li nd twe nty I'\' e turned do wn totla y. but If you think )'ou ca n rna l:Jag .,- ~ h uke hu nds !" Tb e tranBltion fro lll s te rnno81 to luavlt y was entire ly disconcerting 10 tb e you ng college llIan . It was his first application tor u pOHltlon. and tbe .alary as sec retary to th o own er or the big ch emical works ..... as tltty dolIan u week. I::!lake hall flown at high gume for a youngster of twentylive. He ga v e Mr_ \<'l1gan lJls hand and felt a p eculiar pressure at tbe flngerll, ""hlch bla own leaped to mee t . Then ; "I lett college II1 8t y ear, IIlr," he ' ('gan. "I CB.n- " "Tut, tut, yo ung Ulnn !" r eplied tbe tece ntrlc . "Con8lder yo urselr e n· ,aged _ It warms my bc art tQ meet JOu . No, no explanatiODs. I don 't want to know what you are or wbat you can do. I'm a Judge or men and -we're both Irishmen, aln't we?" "Ind eed we are," Bald Blake ent husIasticall y. And so he we nt to work and proved higbly efflclent. In fa ct, befor e the month wall out ~'agan had b ecome 10 attache d to blm that he \\'I1S con8tantly r equesting hIs pre sence at bl8 splendid homo on the outskirlts of the rnanufncturlng to"'n . Rlak e bad two troubles about tbls tim e . One ""as bla Inability to dl sco~er bow It CQuid be tbat a man of Fagan's apPllrent limite d education bad go ne through coll e ge_ Tbc olhe r WI1S Fagan's daughter. Muriel. It wal a case of love at first s ight wIth both the young peopi e. When Blake b eld Miss Murle\'a IIIt1e hand III hla and looked Into her eyes be knew that he had met b Is destiny. But how could a flfty·dollar a week man, with a n uncl'rtnln future, aspire to tb e band of th e d a u gb ter or Pittston's wealthiest citizen ? It h o had known It, lo' agan could baye been

Mrs. f;dll' a rd E,'e rts Uro \\ Ile, wife o f th p II PW CUllgrcssma n fr o m \Vuu · pRcn, 'Vi s ., takes all actIv e part In so· cle ty ulTfll rs III WashIngton . S h o has tour cbildre n.



"May I IlBk you why you are wearIng a g r eom tie on this day of all days, Mr. Bluke!" h e de mand ed. wllb omln. ous calm. "W hy ," s a id make, hesitating, "you ~ep., tOllay 18 tb e anniv e rsary of th e nattl e of th e Doyne. a day abhorre nt to n il goo d IrIsh me tl , an d - " llIak e's great grandfather bad been hanged fo r treason Iu th e daYB or Rob ert Em met. Fagan leaped out or bls cbalr with tbt> agility ot a tig er . "Sco undrel! Scum o f Lilll {l rlck~ " be YE'!1l'd. "To InBu lt a good Uelfast man by flaunting tb e greE'U flag!" lie shook his fist unde r hl A ~f'c rc tary's n0 61'. " I kill ed a man for less In my yo ung dOY M." b e shout ed. "Out of my house. You 're flr ed . I'll have your )Ja y sen t you - I-" " Come, p a pa , what is all this about 1" Interpos ed MurI el's soo thing voIc e. She bud como In Hoftly be hind her lover to lend h im aill Ir n ece88u ry. She had not anticipated lIueh vlol s uel!_ "He's w ea ring ot Ibe gre en - and on this day. of all days! " sto rm e d h er fath pr . " Molly, I ,,'ou ldn't h ave minded 80 mil c h If It badn't b ee n fer th e dece it of tb e Ulan . But be le t me think all along h e wall a good Orangeman, and now be comes and tauntA me to my race, presuming upon hlB claim to love you. Ki ck him out for m l', Molly, my foot 's r;ot th e gout 10 It." "Father, d ear-for my sake listen," pleade d MurIel. " I am Hu re that Ar· tbur-Mr . Blake ca n e xpll1ln eve ry· Ihlng. lo"ather," abe pleade d. "We love ,~ ach oth er . Think how you and Mothe r got marri e d, wheu yo u were earning nlu e dollars a wee k In a shipping omc e-you've orten told m e eo." "But h e's a damne d r ebe l. Molly, aud-antl til e interna l Impude nce of It I " "Tell hIm It's all a mistake, Artbur, " pleaded Muriel. "It ain't a mIs tak e, It-s jU8t tr p-acber y," rour ed h er futher. "N Ine and tw eut)' good men, l1ne me n, I lurn ed down that morning till he gave me Ihe grlp-" "Wbat grip?" demanded Ulilke. "The grip of tbe Unite d Orangem cn's Brothe rhood ." roare d th o old man. "Dldn't I wink at you, and dldn' t 1 see It In your fu ce tllat we und e rs tood each ot her. and didn't I say t bat was e nough b etw ee n fri e nds and-"

Saskatchewan Your Op'portunltJ

II NOW Saskatchewan,

In ,,,. Provlno • •f

W•• '.rn


haTtt e"ttlf)a:wn", . r uach ar. Do "

up tor tbutt rail. n. bu ilL. 1'be ~iL boll~o~ come "baD t.bOnl

lane! r.:~. BODletiteacUu .. A S .. U&OnneD\. 8aallatcbe"au.

farblf'r .rllf"a : "I c&mo on mT bou..... t ead. !I4.rob UIOIS. with about. 'Ul(l worth u f b ur.eft and wac bl n.

fI',. anO JU8L bla caab . Toda y 1 ban' 000 a c re, of ",b ea .., OOQ acre.

lit OIll., a nd 60 acre" o f tI • •• " No t. ba4 t ur .1.& Jea n, but-onl, 0. 0 In •

• lalleo of ",h." be dune In W u~ m Cana.a.. rn MD.ult.oba, Sul:atcho"nn t,)r.£ lber1a. Sfintl I t. o nce t o r Llterat.ure.Ma~. Jtall Ra~ .. etc. , to W. 8. NI!THI:AY.


413 Gardn •• Btdg., Toledo, Ohio C&.na4t.u ( Jo y ft rDment ..... ent.



tlnperlnt .• ntlont. of lwmlarraUoo. Ot.ww., c...a.....

_________ J

" Tbe grip I ga ve yo u," an s wered Dlake, " was th at of th o Alpba Omega Mu frat e rnlt y_ I had b ee n told it h lll ped a mall to get a pOSi tion by glving It. I thought you were a colleg o ! man ." Old Fu ga n s tared a t blm In stupid ' wonder_ The n : "Give m o tha t grill agui n," h e said, and Dlake, a ll against til e fral p- l'Ility rul es, de llv('red It. "1\I y falllt." h e a cknowlpdged . "Y ou got your th u mb cro ssed in the wrollg pla ce. It must hal' e bee n m y gouty bud mad e m e Imagine-- W ell, youn g fello w, maybe I'll le t you k eel> yeu r Joll ." "A nd how about Mi ss io'ugan?" In Qu ired th e ot h e r. "Murll'I'! My dnughter! I'll s ee you-I..,... er- uow don 't cry, Moll y. dcar. I gU CMS sh o &O CII .... ltil the job." (Coll y'>!: "t. 1~ 1 3. by W . C . C h u llm o lLl

Boy', View of Policemen. A boy'fI vie w of poli ce men Is thu, qu alnll y expr eBHcd ill th e ex aminatIon pllpprs of th e Alb'~ rt Strl'et school. llulw ell . No ttingham. England ; "On p. of our well-lllloWIl men In t he Inrge to\\n s Is tb e' police ma n ; he 18 a v er y large ma n, und looks ve ry s'mart 1n his su it of blu " . "If he 8,,~S a boy who ought to be I\t sc hoo l, h e tril's to catch blm Bnd lak e h im to 6ch ool . wh e re he Is PUD lti hed . " Ill s duti l''' are mall)' . At ni ght bA walk s Qui etl y dow il to u s t reets In ca s t) th !' r,~ aro nil}' robbr·ra . . He cnrrl cs a lam p atHlut with h im to see wh e n ' th o ro blw r PH C llpes. If the rot> ber hlll l's, h I! will I", Iraced. The poII ce man ca rrl "R 11 Hlart. 1\ whi s ti e. allL' som p ha nd cu!Tij In cuso h p. n eed~ Ih pm ."

Woman'. Way . "John ." sh e said, " I hav e an awful pa in in m y r ig ht s id e. 1'111 alrald It', COSTLY ARTICLE OF RAIMENT apt'ndlcltis." "Are you? " be re plie d. wit hout look. Many Reasons Why A.trachan Capes Ing up from his pape r . May Only Be In the Wardrobe "John," sbe walle d a mo ment later. the Wealthy, " It's go ttlng worse." " Is It 1" bo ask ed, still In teres ted In In rnukillg a cloak or Cal)e or tin e th e spo rting page. Quality tbe cent er of the saddle only "John," sbe demand ed, "w hy don't Is used and Il \'ery large numb er of you worry 1" such stripe, perfectly matche d In curl ") am worrying. darn It ! That's tbe and d egree of blackn es8, are stitched way wIth you women . II doesn't make togl.'th e r to make a complete garment . any ditre r encfl h ow hard II. man worTbe rest of the skins, th e legs, sldf'S rtl's, you're nev e r sa.tlsfl e d unless he and othe r Inferior parts, aro use d for mllk o8 a noise about IL" less Importlklt purpos es, sucb as linIngs for glov (>6, shoes and otb er arIt'll the man ot many partll who ticles_ In class ing the various IklllS 80m'ltim eB ~ocs all to pi er-ea. the j l't- black onos Ilre considered tb o b e8 ~. The gray ones are also use d In tb e lr natural color, but th e fawn· colore d sklna are gene rally dyed black and us ed In Persia. though now a large number of dyed skins are also prepare d for cxport. Prlees are so blgh that eve n Inrerlor Bklns fetcb good sums rrom the dealers . . BesIdes the l1rst cost of tbe Bklns as the y com e from the Ia.mbs' backs, several other Items go to Increase thE! cost to tbe wearer. There are, (or Instance. the expensllll of preparing the p elts tor transport and the mule freight from Sblraz to ReaM. some 60 to 70 days ' journey by caravan, a very heavy Item. The continually In· creasIng taxes levied by the Persian government for permIssIon to export the skins must not be forKotten In calculatlon_ Every now and then the wily Persian government puts an em· bargo on Bklnll. the oBten&lhlo reallon being the ever-Increasing price ot meat ror food, but tbls III onlY an ex. cuee, the real object beIng to sQueele Dainty bib of pearly white as mucb mon ey as possIble out or the corn, perfectly cooked and dealers, for bl1bery playa a very large part In the astracban tnde.-ChrIllUan touted to de~c:ate .. broWD... Herald_



Mrs. Fred A. Britten at Chicago 18 seen almost o \' ery morning on Pe nn· • YI~nla a venu e , ~Va8hlngton, at the wheel of a GO-horsepower automobile con'talnlng ·lrl!r hUBballd . Congre8sman Britten, on hIs way to the capitol . )tn_ Britten's ability as a r1rlver or n hl g b-powe re d automobile Is exc elled only by her reputation or beIng onll of the most beautlrul anct vivacious matronfl of Was.lllngton .


James Manahan, congreseman·Rtlarge trom MInne sota, 18 a Republi c· an, and never before beld a public of· flce . He reslde8 In Minneapolis, i8 rorty-seyon years old and married. New Indian Origin Found. Dr. A. Hrdlicka of the United State~ National museum r ecent!", made an extensive visit to southeaBtern 81· beTta and northern Mongolia for tbp. express purposell of seeking possibh, remaIns of tbe race that peopled America, I. e ., th e ancestors of th e Amel1can Indians. He Investigated both the contents of ancient burial mounds and the

tak e ll by storm during those first two or three wl!leka. A seU-made mnn, he a dmired tbe young collegIan 1m· mensely and had secretly considered blm In the light ot Muri el's suitor. But Blake di d not know that Fagan's e ducation had b ee n d e riv ed from readIng tbe newspapers he sold In tront of tbe cJ>.emlcnl "'orks, betore th ese b ecume bls own prop el'ty. And, as a supposed college mun who had d elibe rately cu ltivated rough ways and coarse langauge, Blako looked upon hla employer wIth sometbing o( awe. lt was about two months after his Introduction to tbe mnnufacturer's house that h'e round hlmselt seated beside miss Muriel upon tbe plazza _ It wns a moonlight night; tbe view was suporb; tbe I)olses or the city sounded far a way and remote; and Fagan waB snoring In library . The comblna· tlon proved irres istible. And besides, that band tbat hung n ear bls was the pre ttiest hB.nd that b e bad ever wante d to take In his. He took It, and, Beelng that no dramatic outburst or anger followed , he drew the girl to him and kIssed her. For, arter all, tbat Is tbe way In ~.. hlch It Is always done. "MurIel, dearest," he said, "do you know I have loved you ever since I let eyes on you?" Muriel blushed so divinely that there was notblng to do but repeat the episode. And when he relt her own soft lips on his he knew tbat bls love was returned In full.

A Sweet, Crisp, Delicious "Bite-To-Eat"



"But I don·t know what your father will say," ho said, wltb tbe timid fear U.ually eaten ditect from ~lIlatlc trIbes of the pres ent day, and or lovers. "It he dIscharges Wrltea Phr..ea That Llva. In both caBes found much more evl- will you walt. Murlel1" meMI8s Agnes Reppller Is aald to ua. packa8e with cream and dence than he expected. He' cencludea tbat there exillts today over "For eve:r," she whispered. "Be- the English language In her essays luce parla of eastern Slburia and In aldos, I can 'WIn over papa. What la a beUer tban moat women who write. A wl1ter on the Bubject saYII tha.t ahe Mongolia, Tibet and other ro&,lon8 In pall-' 1" Or, Ipriokle T oariet over that part or the world numerou8 reU emly she had noticed that hi. always sizes up the situation In an un. malna which now form CODlttltuent tie was gre~ml But It looked blue In forgettable and quotes In !lIUB' a taucer of fI~h berries partll ; 'o f more modern tribe. or na. tbe night; to aee Its proper color Qne tratlon the 8elltence from ODe of her then add the cream and Ulln.,: of a more 'a nclent population ' "'auld baTe to stand under the electric essays: "Lovet8 are odlou8 things at ~apa ~fl;lated tD 'ol1&'ln to the lat: lI«ht. And he had gone straight to beat." IUI!&t' - a diah tIJ remember. eet Euio~e, whIch .."..ere Muriel wben he 'found her In the Pl" '. ph),alC4l11 {deDn~ :.ltli ' IlDd In all de~, _ . Cou!'tlng ~h. Colt. prob bl.Jltl o"' -rlle -to ·tlle :.ul8r1can - So it happen.e d tha~ when. he l_tood ' Yeaal-He-.8QII ~e th1n.ka hie chlldIDAI!lIl'. '-;'88 J'8port,l :1t..'YP' .Ul,1S ricb ' before. ,hl~ '" e~p~oyer, ..and ..I!tatnmer~,d _ hoo~f i,!~.: "ere rille " b~p~le.t.". \ . • 'Post Toutiee are .old.b~ .ft'eld '(or, ~intllr,ofOtoCt&il nMarCJl· it: -out hlli,,/I~.!l, ,In Qle "!Iay_fOUDlrt,m~ ,. o~o~~k'~r cow;te ~h" doee! I' . 1'~ eyerywbere. .. euteia AlIa.. -. t~ _, " ' approach 'we'il\llY !, ol~. ' ~Ue~..' oblJ colt·h1m,tialt'a' :much to I8ttutt




·l ...~'••~J~ UfO, 'b.~~Il~,~~~D · ••



r GlOce '. .... .' -


Ctlcua h~-~~, .~~. ~ ~ . """'_ _........,__~--...~... .;: ;,r.


- -.

,\OnlTIONAL 1.0CAI,g

If you are contemplating a Trip Whether ill yo ur 0\\,11 coulltry or abroad, wc nrc now prepared to fllrnish you with




At sllIall L'0 St. These are payab le at all bank s a nd m ost hot els without idcn tificatioll beyo nd yo ur ow n signaturc. Are payable in the money of a ny COli II try in th e world.

I ....Waynesville

National Bank....


I will continue to do Roofing and Spouting at Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, or phone 2.t.2 X , and I will estlmnte with you.





-- n




Automobile Livery Service at Re ,A." sonable Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires, CORWIN. OHIO.

Phone 71-1 ....

•• ",.ft., •• tIt."."... • •

,. .


,. '*""



Dr. J. A. McCoy; Graduate 01 Oblo S.al_ llniversi' Office at residence in ' F. ll. l;her· wood's house, Fourth l;treet. Telephone 28



Lumber and Building Ma terial

Tbe tree hlrupiko between WIlYnO!lvi l1e and Bellbrook Is now Mr~ , l. izzie Wellington. of Chicago, gruded to tile ~reeno oountv I1ne, is the ~ue!\t uf relatives here. and wl\1 be Il raveled the entire dllltance by this fall . The northern Buy yo ur Fert ili z~ r of Chas. Frye. plut is well graded, aDd wheD oom plnte.1 ",11\ jje one of t he bes' plke8 whll handles Mtlsoll s, the best. . In the oountry, bealdes rUDDing Mr8. lI orace ~~o.k~'l, of South Leb- through 1.1 1)(1rtion of farmlnl[ OOUIl. anon, has been VISiting her mother. try !!eldom oqna lled for fer'ility aud Miss Elsie C;ustin wellt to Cincin - soouery . nati~Tu e"day to vi~it with r elatives. The hllrvn~' jnst drawn to a 0108e Mr!'l. t;eu . Hawke and Miss Em ma I hllH been the hottest within the Hawke were Uayton shoppers Tue:-l ' reoolleotlon 01 'be oldest Inhl\bitl!nt. day.

Save ll10ney by getting it bright, dry and in good condition. ~


Lebanon. Ohio

DR. H.E. HATHAWAY Wayue81'111e'8 LeadiDJr DeDU.' in Keys Bldg. St,

OHIO Office

BraJleh Office, BarveynburK, O.



and Embalmer,

Waynesville. Ohio.

lVB1lSIII!D WEEKlY. . __ SMO PER YEAR \ Ca 11 answer cd prompt Iy d ay or nlR"ht. "OTKL8, DItUCCISTS, SPEOIALIST8, Both phones in Office and Residence . CO.TUMKRS, TRANSFER, CAB Longdistanca No. 14 ' Home phone AIID .. us SIRVICE CAN P"OFI'14-2r ' , • ., usnto ITS ADVRRTI81NC COLUMN. Chairs and one Coach furnished free SAMPLE COPY FREE with funerals. ~ NEW YORK CLIPPIIt Best of service guaranteed. N•• Yo"'. II. Y.





E"terprlse Bldg••

J ohn S t ~ ll sbe rr~ , of Dayt.on, !S i Mrll. Lucy Norton arrived here spend III " hlH vacatIOn here WIth hH! fr om Dell Moines " 1 0Wil Wednesday , parents. and she sayls $he IJrllll~hopperB are . • so thiok I\S to give one t he Impres Miss Leah Slnl t h left 1 uesday to sinn thflt the Bun was eollp!led all take up her wor k as nurse in Ci n- t he Mille. ci nnati.

WE have just completed onc of the largest and best lumber buildings in Warren County. This building was built to protect our customers as well as ourselves,and is filled to its capacity with one of the best stocks of

The ,17th annual Collelt-McKay lie nerft} Durbin Wend III Demopicnic will be held at the usual place cratio oanrtidate ror Oongr88s In the August H list Dietriot.

Building Material in Southern Ohio.

Win Salisbury left Sunday for Kentucky, to be gone several days, A perma~lent Republloan organ_ on bus i n~ s. iZlitlon Wl\~ effeot-ed bere last week. The offio A r~ were: Pres. Jonas Mrs. Anna Clayton , or Day ton, is Janney, VloE! pres, ~. I,. Cartwright the gue~t ~f her son, Dr. S. D. Clay- C. U. Woolley, ~o'y . , Robt. R . It~ngle , 'l'real~, E A . Menit, Ex ton, and Wife . \JOUl. Col. Ww. Mannington. J . W . ~c~inley Parshall, of C reenfield, Ke ys, J Clemeat. J. A. Dreyer, OhiO, 18 the guest of Mr. a.nd Mrs. John alsey, Milton Brad8'reet, M. L. Parshall. Awos Butsock, R. ~ Bllin8s, J. lJ . . Uupkins Jos. B. Collett "Walle a Mr~. WIlson. Edwllrds and ~18S few renltlrks and was followed by ~ennetta McKinsey were shoppmg 8 , 8 . Hilines and E. Bally. In Dayton Tuesday.

We carry in stock at all times

House Siding, Barn Siding,Veranda Columns, Flooring, Ceiling,~Win­ dows, Doors, Mouldings; the . Unexcelled Brand of ~IRed Cedar Shingles (none better),Raintyte Roofing, Lime and Fish· ack Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, etc.

. Mr. and Mrs W. H , Allen left T uesday for a two weeks stay at the 1 he Dame J. bohwartz o.ppeartl 10 New Yo rk Chautauqua. '\ monument Ad a' this I@sne from Leha non, Ilnd Htll1 the name 01 Mr. and Mrs. E. J . Hathaway, of Sohwart z r"'-'1lI l.(1hunon tlppellrs In Columbus Grove, Ohi o, are visiting our 81s of tuu .. y . relatives here for a few days. If you want a good Fertilizer. call Chilli. Frye. phone (() l · L l ·S.

At the lailt meeting of oounoi! 6 . Key ~ was elected to the offioe of wood measurer, and will Mis9 Mabel Graham has returned enler upon his dutlell the first of ~h e home from Jackson. Mich., where month. • . she spent a month with her uncle, Dr . E. B. Hobson .and wi fe r-Xenia . Daily Republican. AIltm Brown informl all that 'hel wheat in his neigllborhood north of Try a sat:k of Burton's Hi gh Grade bere, will be muoh lighter than an· White Frost Flour. It is made from tlolpated. The rust injnred mnoh the choicest old wheat and is guar- of it. anteed by t he manufacturer to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by G. W. Hawke. BEST TO SLEEP IN DOSES



Telephone day or night. Valley phone No. 'l. LoDK Di8tance No. 1l9-9,..


AdaUl is claimed a8 havlDR be· longed to th" fraternity of proviliion F. H. lI enc\erson wag in Lebanon, dealerll, ft l! he eugllged early In d18in Saturday. pUlling of sp"re ribs.


When you spend your Money get all that goes with It-


Presser Waynesville. Ohio.

Madden's Lumber Yard

- -_. - .. THE HUNTING SEASON All game birds are protected by the 1913 laws until 1914. Duck may be shot from September 1 "to December 31 and from March 1 to April 20. The open Beason for rabbits is be· tween November 15 and December 4, Inclusive. Raccoon may ·be shot from November 1 to March 1; muskrat from January 1 to April 1; squirrei September 15 to October 20 The law limits the number of squir. rei to be shot in one day by one per80n to five. Quail and pheasant can not be killed at all until the open season of 1915. • _ •

::ontinued aleHp has a tendency to !tupefy rath than to ..+-gthen l


eJr .

. ___ ________

while a Ihorle:r sleep, IepQ8ted at interval. througb the twenty-four tloure, bas a much IDClft ltimulatlog 1!ffect '. E:rperiDImtII baTe bleD on lhe patient. tn. the free ad cliniaJ .ho "ent tram metal aepn.doo aDd ~ ahaulion. They 1PIIn aleep for lli \._- 4 ... ~. -I. f rea UUW1S an weD -1 .....0 ar four,.~ aleep for three, and then awake far four, IIDd 10 on through the twenty-four houa, ad their l&covery ,.... foUnd to be far DMire


St. Louis Repub&.

GRAHAM Everything Fresh

Hartsock's Bakery ·w.

, Male OuetomeT (to eIerk)-Whd'I LANTM-Late Celery plaots, woiDeD....nn,iD ma-thil.,rm,' Giant Paeohal. Inquire of ' ''Aboutr.liJ8a114 ·abaIUoOlIDIll, ParK Lea~, Waynesville, ObIO." 6 u ~-':-8L ~. .~ "






~---.- --r J._, ~I I ~ . '. .

~ 'r' ',. "



Everykhlnl • , Clcan


Live Stock and' Genera) Auctioneer

Posted on pedigrees and values of all kinds of breeding stock. . .. Experienced in handling farm sales since



NOCHA. . . .



Jilted by her fiance a young ParIs aTerage woman :ia am,.ter;rP" dressmaker avenged herself on the "Not me I I'Ve got it all figured young maD recently by painting hI. out no,,", except her oomplexiOD."face and hands with black varnIsh GRADUATB 01' THB


- - _'!'

We have increased our capacity for baking bread, and are now baking four different kinds as follows

"Are you one of thOll6 fellon al&r01und laying that the

Late Classified Ads





- --

D .... , . . ,

waY' . going




l'Bpid and aatietactory tbua that of thOle who ~ for long periods and then were awake far oorn!8pOD4ingly greater leogtba of time. It this fact becomes 1UliTel'IIIlly ' __ JI d ~_"I!_"...JI '"-th ~l~ an WWIUU.WlIIU U • U1I there II no pbojpbeayblg wbat IbaDp reliulte may occur, for II all people decide to Ileep tn IAUIh lpUmO'lio UPHOLSTERING WORK matches theN 1Pill haTe to be CODA. L. Hendrick hai returned and siderahle of • cbaJI88 tn all baIIDeu is ready to do your upholstering and IIl'T8.Ilgemmata. repair work. Old varnish removed RAG TIM&. and refinished. I am also prepared to make and repair your auto and "1 have a gll'Cll.t ~e to make carriage tops. All work i'uaranteed; money if I CO'Dld get IOID8 backlDf,CaJl and see him at the upper end of laid the ·Oheerfol Idiot. Main street, in the old carriage "What ia it?" asked the Wiae Guy. works. • _. "I'm going to make waists out of player-piaDO mUBic, They Should Worry. Mrs. Oramercy-"Wbalever will you and when a girl Im't 1Pftrin( the do It business ceases to be proHtable waist she can play it," replied the In a year or 801" GramerCy-"DoD't Cheerful Idiot. be a.larmed, my dear. By that time we'll have 80ld all the stock 10 the 80ME REIIIlARCH WORK. company to the publlc."-PuclL Novel Method of Revenge.


Corwin, Ohio.

h-om sleeping in doees. Too tong \..

Prof. and Mrs. Maurice Jones. of Lebanon,lnd ,are the ~uests of Mrs. Jones' parents. Mr. ' and Mrs J. J. Uowning. of East Se('ond Street. Prof. J ones wil: go to West Milton, Tuesday evening, where he will spend some time at the home of hi8 parents, but Mrs Jones will remain in this city for a visit of several daYI more. - Xenia Daily Republican

while he was

and a SqaJt¢ D¢al

You can get both at



Funeral Direr.tor.


L. A. Zimmerman is in Hamilton today.

MOTORCYCLE, Merkle, Twin, J Read Madden's Lumber Yard ad Ph,.lclla,..CWith Seven H . P ., 1!H 2 Model ; also, on anuther page. Since getting into a N_ Idea .. to the Proper ROGERS SIDE CAR all'n Ii t- their new: buil?ing. they ~ave made H04l,.. of ..... , I us great strIdes 1TI the -busmess. and now have almost everything you class condition. Freuch phyticn.u U'8 claiming want in the building line. Give them wonders tor tile benefits "hich result Address, or call in evening, a call.

tor the Gazette


======BUY YOUR::=:::=====

. _.




hems of Forty-Five I Years Ago




a:: u


Mr, and MrK. J . E . Jannev were Eaton, ·1'll(·~tlIlY. .

d nomina tions of

$10.00, $20.00

, . Lev Cartwright is Quite IIlek.








. .Ouaranteed , Terms Reasonable -:- Satisfaction

Waynesville,. Ohio Valley Telephone .5-"

"ave' you ever , trll!d"oU.~ ~91~ •.~I~le~> ~d 'Colu'm n? . They i: br:l"g!~ ~ gQod~" r....~~"

." :a.:';,v~..,ti : ..


knoW:' i '"

" .

Sixty-Fourth Year . - -- .--- ~---------.

IPersonal Mention 1 .-----_.--.• - - ---.-. Mrs. Nannie Kendall is quite ill. Robt. Beckfltt is very ill with typhoid-pneumonia . FrE!41 Hawke and Dr. Miller were in Dayton Tuesaay. Miss Helen :darlatt was a Springboro visitor and Sunday, Mr. J. E. Janney and family spent Sunday with relatives in Springboro. Robert Cross was a Middletown and Cincinnati vi@itor.last Thu rsday. Chll8. Frye handles the Milson Fertilizer, a nd there is none better. Mi89 Sarah Burnett visited with relatives and friends in Columbus last week. Mr. Chas. Sun4erland made a visit Sunday to his old college friend, Mr. Herschel Bunnell.




e - -- - -- - ..~-.---~ ---.- ----..-...-..-...-..--- .

Will hold its several se89ions during the week beginning seven th day 8th month, 9th and closing fifth day 8th month and 14th. Meeting of Ministers and EI4e rs 2 p. m., ~th . Advancement committee meeting 7:30 p. m . 9th. Two public meetinga for worship will be Fi rst Day, 10 a. m . and 3 p.



.I Social

.. - -- -

Events I

Th e Field Workf'rs of the Gr cen~ Cn.. W. C. T. U . wil l hold a meeting .--.-.-.-,- - --~~. at the Fer ry Christian church Sunday Mr . and Mrs. J esse Lewis hRei as August 10. at 11 o'c lock and at the their di nner g uest T uesday Miss Genlenl meeting fo r worship 10 a . Sugarcreek churc h in the afternoone Ma rguerite Thompson .

Friends' Yearly Meeting _. -- ... - - - - _. - ...-..-...... _----- - - -

---~ -

Whole Number 3223





~---- -

Fi rst Day Schoo l Conference 2. p. PROMI NENT MINISTE R TO COM E m

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Parshall enIsaac Wi lson, a rni n i ~ t e r from BalAdvancement comm ittee meeting ter tai ned Miss Emma Moody and in cha.rge of R. Barkly Spicer of timore Yea rly Meeting , will be in Miss Margu eri te T hnmpson a t dinner attenda nce during Year ly meeting . Ph iladelphia, Pa., 7;30 p. m. today . to bu held here at the Whi te Brick ."WTH DAY (Th u rsday) Meeting Ho u ~e , commencin g 8th mont h 9th. 1\1 r. an d Mrs. Charley Pope en ter~ tained a num ber of friend s SU'lday. "PPOI NTE D SP EC IAL AGENT , Mr. Charley Brad ley and lJlother, of Midrl letown, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wil son , for two years gen- Cur t Mille r and 80n, of Dayton, eral agent of the Anferican Liabi li ty Ohio, Mrs. Cora Gephart, of MiamisCompany at Day t on, Ohio, has been burg , Ohio, Mr. Ben 'James , of near tra nijCerred to the home office a t Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. Dave Po pe Cincinnati as special agent fo r West- Mi!ls Sylvia Donoho. ern Ohi o.

----- .---

- ---- ----


Miss Ruth Zimmerman was the guest of friends in;Dean, Ohio, Sat· urday and Sunday. Mrs J . C. Beckett, who has been seriously ill for a couple of weeks, is alowly improving. Mr, and Mrs. George Stroud, of DaytGn, are visiting relatives and friends here for a week. Mrs. Emma Retallick, Mr. ami Mrs. Earl Gray and Mrs. John Smith were in Dayton fuesday. Mias Blanche CoQlell, of near Lytle, was the guest of Mr. Frank Carman and family last week.

A most enjovable atrair was that given on Friday afternoon by Mi. Kizzie Merritt in honor of her nieces, Mi89e8 Gwendolen and Margaret Merritt, of Mt. Holly. N. J. The invitations read 88 follows:

Mra. T. R. Smith left Monday for her new home in Brookvllle, Ohio. The children will Itay bere at the Bamett home for.. ~ .few days.


If you want a Fertilizer, call CW. Fl')'e, phone'4(I l ·L 1-S.

=- Genree

Waterhouse, of Toledo, Ohio, was ealled here Sunday on ac('ount of the serious illness of hi. grandfather, Mr. George N. Sale.

MI'I. Elijah Compto." Mrs, Mabel1e Fitzgerald and son, Howard, Mrs. Alethla Alexander and Mias Katherine Alexander were guests of relatives in Middletown Sunday. Read Madden's Lumber Yard ad on another page. Since getting into their new ~uildlng. they have made great Itrill. in, the business, and now have almOit everything you wantin the building line. Give them a call.

Mrs. Martha Coleman, wife of George W. Coleman, an employe of the Kelly Cordage Company, passed away Friday evening at 7 o'clock at her home on Oharles street. She was born in Warren county and "Miss Kizzie Merritt, by this you'll see spent the g reater part of her life Invites you to her washing bee, there, mov ing to Xenia about seven August first, the day- the hour is three, And bring your scissol'8is her plea." Clothes lines were drawn arouni the room from one chair to another and when the guests hid all arrived each one was given a piece of paper and told to cut out garments for a family of three, sufficient for a week. Much merriment was occasioned by the various shapes that grew out of their efforts. Mias Edith Mosher in the shortellt time had . the outfit on the line and WaR awarded the fil'lt prize, a bottle of blUeing. Mia Kathryn Dakin and Mija Elizabeth Chandler tied for the trooby which was a bar of soap. They compromised by each takin&, . a balf. The judges were Miss Gwendolen Merritt and Mrs. D. L. Crane •. A boquet of sunflowers in a amall \Vooden wash-. tub decorated the parlor table, and the refreshments were served on wash boards. Those invited were: Misses ·Edith Mosher, Kathryn Dakin, Rosamond Dakin, Martha O'Neall, Katherine Alexander, Pearl Carey, Grace Carmen, Etbel Hosier, Ethlvn Jones, Susan Wright, Sybil Hawke, ltuth Zimmerman, Henrietta McKinsey, Mary Salisbury, Ellen Sher· wood, Emma Hawke, Clara Hawke, SteUa Lemmon, Ada Michener, Olive McCoUum, Elizabeth Chandler, Ruth Chandler, Ruth ~rtsock, Miss Browning, F..dna janne" Leah Smith, Elinor Merritt, Mesdames W. E. O'Neall, Mabel EitzgeraJd, Wilson Edwards, C. M. Robitzer, ltalpb Miller, Fred Hartsock and D. L. Crane. ,



h an" . ot tllfl m en b efllll(!. TIle 8el'geallt, sh ad ing b ly eyea, halC BmoUterod In t he hlast.. co uld .ee m era17 m. deftnod shadows. "A ll caught r" Tbe o.n s we rij W re In aubl ble . " For th e Lo r d's s at e. svollk up ; an· fl w er no w- \ V u:iw n,"

"H ore." " Wud c." .. Hur,·... ""a r ro ll . " " ll.' ri . " "CDI")I } ;



0 0

arte , me,"


~ractiCal Fashions IN SUCH PAIN

"arm (n tb Ell r velnll t'!ley _ald 1IrMt th e Ir t eet all d tlgb L Carroll '& ho r se 91a1mbled a ad rollet. ca tc b lng thl< num bed trooper u nd e r hIe weight. Tbe j r k OU th e lnri a t nu ng Wade ()ut oC t he sllddle, dan glin g hlia d downwa rd. Wltb stUfe n ed ft n. gers, IIcnrctl ly com ll rc:h e ndlng wb a t lhey were a.bOUI. t h" S a rg eant alld Wllsso n cam" to th l' r escu e, belp.,,1 I he fl'i!; h, '.·U rod h fl n;p s tru gr. le to bi ll ("" t . a nd . tnlll ll ), hll:ld ed b y Ih H tury l,r I h,' ~1\1 r'~1 whil' h now b r llt fllirly In LlII ' lr •. y ,,~ , I\r.1 spe d Ih e rl ntlgl lll l;

LADY ' S D R E sa

Testifies She W tu Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabl~

bOd.\', H\I,'lr lJ'l~ hClC"k lind fClrth ax lb" btlilt lo\\' o\'t ' r th l' c nnlpa ss , u n o ~ rr n "t:l r ll, ,I .l!'; III ., 1 1' IlII lgc d In lerro r. It t1 11 11J.; 111 ' ilrro«~ his n"1< )1 lt1l In Ilr r'vl-' ul , .'" .1 /'01'[0 - " II:" y grl pP.·d . tl lr ' acl .v il\h:ll ln" It,,· in ni r. li e f,·l t lh " lU I; t I l !'! ' \ 1111 l'ol d . 1111\ (O f » w hh· OP"f\ un .1 of III" 11 11 " . h. arcl th., 1~l;ol"' d ureath · ,1 "1' :1: ,: . ' :IIT.III. tt r U!S(IJ anrl Illa!'llI/-:


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nf LIt"IlL I ; , u~k l ng r..t o ll y ~ lurt ,. I n ( ~ 'lh ... r· 11nml i ll l r'n \If" ~ 10 n~ j nl n hl ~ rt·,;llIu"nt. H ,," p ' l llrn" 10 For t nll~1~o "'ft f'1' ~ t t-U :l UTl I'T o f n~hl l nJ:t lrutl anlt. a nd "'nd l'll Ml l ll), lh t.·r '-'. ~tl{lLs Iln, hrounl In the flf' (" HTt

JOI I I t ... r


Il tl mlin ru~Jh-~ (lu t . 8 -.. s what h e


belt (H'f'ft fR t h(: fl gil r... th e d [\ rkn ,' ~" and rlL ll ~

Mony hldtng tn ('o \ ' t! T th e body or Ll eut enrtnt Gnft kl nfl . wth' uccu~eft H o mlln Dr sh oo ting h'm . Th .., }4p rlo{('a nt Is prov en t nno('(l nL TI e .. ef>1!I M ,l lly In ('()mp(\ny ", tt h M r ... Dupo n t . whom he r ~oJ:;nlz R [UI a f oml pr "f;~·ee th f' art. who thr w him over

for t...,Fc,,"e. I\1ro. Dupont lo l\s Hamlin L .. Fe vre ro r~ ..d hpr to "~ n d him u. ly ln lr note. Hamlin <'I"c lnre. hA hnll b~e n look · In g ror r..,!" ev re to force him to clear hI .. reenrll. Lat e r h e o,· D u po nt a nd a • " llller ho tchlnl[ up a m a noy· ma klng plot. Molt y ""eke Iln In terv lnw ....tth H amlin. She .aya her r"t her .eems t o be In t he pa .....e r of MI'1I. Dupont. who c1,.lma to h.. Il dllughter of McDona ld' s "later . "'Olt y dlsappcan an d Hllmli n 8eta out to trllce her. McDonald Is o rder ed to Fort RI pley . Hamli n dlscav .... thllt t he mll n ....ho le U cn t he Mage u nder Iho n ot McDonllld wall not the moJor. He lind. McDona ld'" murd .. red body. Hamlin tn.k"" Waeeon. a gu lclc. and two trooper. a.nd l"o e8 tn pu rsuit

o t th (ll mu r dere r·s . w b o

had robbed McDonald o r pllymlLllto"'. monty. He 8us pecta Dupo nt.

CHAPTE .R XXIV.--contlnued. The day grr:.w dark nno m urky n8 (b ey moved IIten d\ly for ward, t h e wInd 111- cold f rom out the no rth weet, th e " eavy canopy ot cloud settl e d lo we r In a tl'osty t o g. whIc h graduall y obscur erl 'the lan dscape . T hi s mis t becnme so ,th Ic k t h nt t h e m e n could scarc ely see 'a hun dre d ynrOB In n ny dlr eotl on. n nd Hamli n plaDed a poc ke t compllss on 'hls s.a d dle·pom m el. Th e t r nll WIIS less dlsti not ns th ey t r a versed n wldA s treak at a lkali. but w h nt tew sign s r p· 'm a lned con vl nce d Wasson t hat thp fu· :g1ttve s we r e sti li toge lb e r . o nd r ldl n!; s ou t h wa r d. Und er co n cealmen t or t he tog his pre\,lou8 cau tio n r elaxed , a nd be J e~ th e way at n steady tro t, o nl y occaSionally drawi ng r ei n to make cer· taln the re wnll no d ivision o r th e pn r. t}: a h ead. Th e a l kali pow d ered them ifl'om h ead to toot. c lin g Ing to t he horses' hid es, redd e nin g a nd blindIng the eyes, poisoning tb o li ps dry a nd va rched wi lh thIrst. Th e two troope rs 8wore grimly. but the S e rgennt and scout rode In s il e nce. bent Inw ove r th eIr pomme ls, e ye8 stra lne d In t o t he mist ah e ad . It was not yet dnrk whe n they rode In be tw oen the first sand. dunos, and Wass on, pulling his horse II p s hort, c hej;ke d ilie othe rs with up. lifted hand. "Thar'lI be a camp be ro Soon," he saId, swingin g down from t he &addlo. a.n d etudylng t h e g round. "The wind ha s 'bout blotte d It all out, but you kin Aee ye re back 0' this ridge wbar lhe y turn e d In, an ' tbey was walklu' the Ir horees.. Gitlin' pretty tired, I reckon. Wo mi g ht a8 well stop yere WO, S e r geant, a n' eat 80me oold grub. You two m e n s pread her out, an' rub down th e hoslles , while Hamlin nn' T poke about a blL Be tte r lind out all We kin, 'B rlck ,' 'forE" It glts dark." He eLarted for ward on the taint t rail, hla rifle In t he hollow or his arm. a nd the S e rgeant ranged up be side him. The lIand was to their ankl ea. and ort the ridge summit th e wInd swirled the sharp grit Into the Ir taces . "What's comlb ,' Sam; a storm?" " Snow," ane wered the s cant !!hortly. • a ' blizzard of It, e r I lose my guess. 'Fore mldnl g bt yer won 't be able t e r see ye r hand a fore ye r tace. I've beon Ollt yere In the m thin gs nfore, a n ' they're sure h e ll. If w e don't glt s lgbt o' thet outfll mi g hty eoon. 't aln't lik e· Iy we ever will . I've he e n e xpe clln ' that wind to sblrt nor 'ea s t all da yth e n we'l\ get It." He got do wn on bls knees, endea vorin g to deciph e r some ta int marks on th e s anti. " Two of 'e m dis moun t ed ye re, an Injun nn' a White - a big r e ll e r by his hoo f prints-a n' Ih e y we nt on lendln' t b e lr hoBses. Goln ' Into camp. I r e ckon - aure. h e r e's th e _pot now. We ll, 111 be damn e dlBot h lD e n stood s tarin g-under pro· t ection ot a Bnnd ridge Was a little blackened space whe re IIOm e mesquite c blps hAd bee n burne d, a nd all alJout It treshly trampled sand, a nd s llgbt lmpresslons wb e re m e n bad out· IItre tche d the m selv es . Almost at Wn&son's t eet flutte red a pink ribbon, !lnd beyond the fIre cIrcle lny the body of a man, faOlO up to the sky. It was Connors, a ,bas tly bullet halo betwee n his e yes, one chee k caked black w ith blood. The Sergeant s prang acroll8" an d bent over the motionless torm.

"1'"('\, , I s lur:h',lln sl ,I,' l>llI ." h I' sail i. r.11I1l'·IIIJ,; tHlI'k "Tilt ' I' llor ,j "vl l: " ·JI."I quil l n ruw Ih·r ... ," re turtw\! lIl o nCOlll. ·:.Thut II tnl n O' l) r lhar I ~ bll)Oll. un' It IIl1vllr com u trll ill him, fe r Ill) L11 f' d whar ho fe ll. Mo ~ t Ilkl' ly h e s h l' t fu r ~t. o r IIlIod Il ku rl '. TIll' gi rl' s With ' 1' 111 u nyhow; I r lJcko n thi s ye re was IJl,lr ribbo n; t hat fOO llJr ill1 I ~ Bure." llo stirred up t ho scali .,!, d a B h r.~. nnd then !JIIHsod over D.ud 100 ke Ll n t th~ d C' ud llIu n. "W hn t do ye r ililnk. S ergl,l llnt~" " Th y stopped be r o to on to lIl ay he fi vo bo u rs ngo," pus hing the nsb 8 about wlt b his toe. "The n r e bus bee n ou t l but lo ng . Th en th oy got Inlo a Quarre l-Co nno rs and Du ~n t- fo r he W&8 s bot with a CoU ' 45 ;' no Inldan OVer did t h aL Th an t h ey 8 tru c k o ut ngain w ltb t wo led h orsas. I s hou ld say t b oy wer e iliroe or fo ur ho urs nlui a d, travelin g IIlow." " Oood e no ug h." and Wasso n pat ted hi s a rm. " You'nJ B pla Insma n nil rig ht, . 'B rl ok :' You Idn 8ure read s ig n s . T h e t's JUs t 'bout tho w bol e story . IlS I ma ke It. Nuthln' rer UB to do bu t sna tc h a bite nn' «0 on . Our bos8es 're fresh er'n thelnL No senso ou r s to ppln' to bury Conno rs; he aln't wo r t h it, nn' the bIrds '" t n ke cn r a '0 hi m . Tho outllt ""sa sti ll a beudln' so u t b -eee ! " Th er e conld be no dou bt of Ibi s. as th e shelte r or the s and r id ge h od nn!. s e rve d a pla in trail, a lth o ug h a re w yards be yond. th o s worplng wind ha d a l ready a lm oa t o bliterated ('\'I' ry sign or pRosnge. Tbe tour m en at e hen rtl ly of tb elr co ld pro,.ender. d iscu ss In g t h e sltuntio n In a f ew, brl f sente nr cs. WU P ~on urgued tbnt Du pont was bf'lHl . Ing fo r so me IndIan w inte r enca m /}m e n t, thin ki ng to s h irt r espo nsi bility tor th e c rime upon tho sa ,·ugeR. thu s pe r mittin g hIm to re turn once more ~o clvlll zntlon. hut lI am lln clung to h is orlg lha l t h eo ry ot a h ld e·out u pon ou . ponl's o ld catt le-range, a nd t b at a pu r. pa so othe r t h un the m e r e robb e r )' o r Mc lJonald was In vie w. All a li ke, how . eVllr , were co nvIn ced tha t the !'ugl. tiv"9 w e r e Bor.klng the wild bluffs a t the Cunadlan r l vor for co ncealm e n t. It was not yet dark when th ey aga i n plrke d u p t he tmll. rod e nroun d t he dead body or Connors . a nd pushed for. wa rd In to tb o m a ze ot sand. F o r a n honr the a dva nce was wit ho u t In cl. dont, th e scout' In th e lead not even dis mounting. hIs keon eyea pickin g up the taint "sign" unerri n gly. Th e n darime ea a hut !l01nl, tb e lo wering ba nk of clouds completely blotting th e s tnrs, altbough tb e white gliste n of th o sand . und e r foot y1elded B s light gui da nce. Up to this tim e there had bee n no d evlatlon In dlrecUon, and no w whe n the tra il oould be no longer di s tinguI s h ed the little party decide d on rldln~ stralgh t southward until th e y stru c k t h e Cimarron. An hour or two late r th e moon ar08e, hardly viSible and yet I;lrlg hte nlng the clOUd canopy. 60 that th e rIde rs could soo each othe r and proceed mora fapldl,. . Suddenly Wa&son lifted his ha.nd, and turned his fa ce up to the sb. " Snow ." he ' announced soberly . "Tbougbt I t elt It afl)re, and the wInd's ohllnge d." Hamlin turn ed In the Baddle, Ceellug alr eady the aha." sting or sno w pel. le ts on his faoo. Bllrom ho could e ven anawer the air wa. tull or whIte n ess a fie rce gust ot wind hurling tb e 6y: Ing partloles againllt th~ m. In an. other Instant the7 were In th e ve ry h eart at tbe stono, almost burled for. ward by Ih e force of the wind, and bll d d b h n e y t a IC7 deluge. The pelting of th e hall startled ·the horses. and In s pite or o very e trort of tbe rid e rs. th ey drltted to the right, tails to th e e lorm . The swift ohange WIUI magical. Tb e sharp pnrticlell of Icy !mow Bee m ed t o SWirl upon them trom eve ry di r ection, s uoking their ,.el')' breath, be wild e r. Ing the m. robbIng them at a ll se nse of direction. Within two minutes Ul e m e n found It Impossible to pen otr v t e t ho wintry shroud exce pt tor a few ree t ab end at them. The S e rg eant kne w wbat It mennt, Cor be bad bad e xperi e noe at tbc8ft pl a ins etorms be tore. " Halt ! " he cried, bls voice barely nu dlble m the blast. "ClORe up, m e n; come h e re to me-liVely now! That you, Wade? Wasson; ob, all rlgbt. Sum. H e re, paBS that lariat ba ck' now get a grip on It, eve r}' one ot YOU' and hold to It ror your live .... Let mC' take tbe lead. 8am; we'll have to run by com pas.. Now, then. anJ you r e ndy!" The lariat rope, tied to Hamlin's pommel, s.tralghtened out and was grasped desperately by the gloved

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to lift til" llt-atl w"11;11l Pll il , '~~ wl" d. falrl)' !;Ic .. ratl n g t iln I1nr sr's b" ,,)·:. "lid In 1I.· Mh. It w ,, ~ fro 'l'lI n l; cultl; airpud y ,lith Ihu tU1' 1.1 ,'f ,. I'nIJ~. '1' 11 ,'1\. tJrl' llltl I \ ~ 1" lt l,ll U,h. f'\hal"l ,·d. bca\' Y·l' Y<·11. l "!; R f r olH P~: h :JU ~~ l tOIl, 'r: 1I11 ~dl l ' ~ b t' I Th. ' air ~ ' '' ' 1 1I' ' 1I I·) Ilt ·Ilt'll'ut ,· h l~ cloth · l:i l:<I th ') ulIll!1 !1 I ~ . bu n" h. ', 1 h .. Ii'I(>q sl~ III;:;. IIl1d pr iL'k Ih,' f' ltin as wit h a th ou l"AI' th t'r . :h~ how l ,,( h" ,,1 1.11 Ill," I <:11111 II .. " ,JI. · ~ Tit .. I \tulI Kh l ('all1 t il" t I t", ~ ': I"'1\ 11l f)( lor. t H'tll is . Ih r' t h n ' , ' :l A, ' d



th ' 1' ('llIailll ' d Ifl t i l l' sadflltJ 11 0 w01l1\1 rr\" '~l' ~ I I IT :\J..;:11 I1 hi ' lllrl1pd , J ~I\l t senl I h, ' \,fI! ~' " (d nHlll llilud dO\\,l1 11 11 \ ~ tr u& · )!1I1l~ lin "

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" .\ l o n ' lI t "' (' lIty ml\ ,·~ "

"A ll r ig h t! \\ ... . \'1: gnl to Ill a k e It. bOYH. " Co r cl n ~ Il UOlu of (' h ~l'r rlJln C'R~ Ilito h iM ,·oie,.. . " li a ng 01\ to t b o bit !'\'C Il It ynu drup . I m ill' drift 10 the w ·~ t. hil t tbat " o n' t losu liS much. 'omo o n , I\ow ." " HulIIl l'n. le t m c break trail." "Wo 'lI IIl ke It tu rn abou l. Snm. 1t'1I be worse in nn hour tba o it Is no w . All ready , boys. " S lt n ttet1 by tb o slee t, s taggc rlng to tho ne r ce Du mmei lln g oC tue wi nd, yo t cli ngi ng d(!SDe rately to b ill horse's bit. tho Ser g uant stntgg le d forwa rd In lbe swirl o r t b e stornl. CHAPTER XXV.

ult' n lookr-d il1 l" •


f'tlH: r 'B r : l Ct ' S ,

In t he Bl izzard. Th e re wus no cessatio n. no aba le· l1l ~ nl. Across a thousa nd m ile s o f pl a in th '! 10 Indpn wind swep t do wn UpO II th e m wit h th e relen tless Cur y of a hur r icane. drl\'lng t h e snow crystn ls Into th d r fac es. butrplillg th e m m e rcl· I('<ish· . n umbing tb (' lr bodl l'~ . :Jod bl inn · lu g th e ir c ye s. In th at awful ~rlp th e y loo k ed \I pn n l>eat b. but strula; led on . IlS r C'n l Ul e n mu s t un ti l Ihe y fall. Br €'a lhi ug wu s ,,;;nll),: 0ve ry Sl eD bOo en m e a torturo; lIu gp rs g ra Rplng t h€' ho rses' bit:; gre w Min: alld doadpll c d lJy rro st; Ih e y r,,(' II' d lik e (\rulll( l) o lll (, O, s lghll l's:; III Ihe mod sw irl . rl Nlf· o rll' d by th e pound inJi; o f th e b las t agai ns t ' heir e ars. All cOllsc lou Sll CHS left I Ill' In ' only dumb In bl inct kl'J)t th e m h au ling to r IIf . staggcrl ng for· ward . fflol ' by font. o d d phnnt!L ~ I '3 s o r ~I lrl' . " Tit ") S(' I';; ca n: t h nl~ out hl fi hand "T lt nt ISII' ! wliat' ~ l ak~ n Ih ,) n l' rv ~

"Clolc Up, Men i Come Here to Me." Imaginatio n be ginning to beckon In t he ir w enkness , dollrlum gripp ed th eIr ba lt·mod brain s. yie ld ing fl e w s tre ngth to nght the snow fi e nd . Achin g In e very point, tre mblin g tram Catlg ue . the y dare not r ee t o n Ins tant. Th" wind , vee ring mor e to the east. las bed th e ir fac es like a whip. Tbe y crouche d behind t h e horses to k ee p out of th e s ting at It, crunching tbe sn ow. n o·.... In dee p drlrts, und e r the ir ha\r·fro ze.n feet. W a d e. 1\ yo ung fe llo w not ov e rl y st rong, fe ll t wi ce. They placed h im ill lhe ce n '.. e r, with C a rroll brIn gi n g IlP th e renr . Aga.ln h e w e llt down fa ce burled In the SDOW. crying lik e ~ ba be. Dss pera te ly th e othe rs lu s he d him Into h it! ~a "dl ~. b indin g a bla nke t a bou t him . n n d ,ve nt grimly s t a g ge r. In g on, bls limp . n/lU r e ro cking a bo ,'{' th e m. \Jour succeecle d hour In oease. less s trll gl;le ; no one kn e w wbe r e,y wer e , only t h e leade r stag ge red on. his ey,;s uvon th o compass. Wastlon and H a mlin tool, t heir turns ~rn mptng a t rail. the Bnow ofte n to th eir kn ees. The y h ad s topped s pea king . Btoppf' d thinkIng e ve n. All th eIr move m e nts becamo a utom a tic, InRtlnctlve, the roo s ult of Iron diSCiplin e . The y r ealized the only nope--a ttalnme ut of the Clm. arron bluffs. Tbere was no IIhelter there In tho open, to oltber m a n or horse; the sole choice le tt was t o struggle on. or lie down and dIe. The last wa! like ly to be the e nd or It. but ~blle a drop or blood ran red and



"I I"I!\c kon J Ill! .11·d \\1l11 0u l .' \ ' (' 1 k no ll' ln' i t," ~n! li th i' ~Cn 1!l. h n ''' I( lr. ~ i 3j;:1 ln lh p 111m of 1<-,. o \' I' r bl " 1' )' 1' '; . !l ll el Ihm. hlol: h i ~ III illS . " 1 nll .. r " h ean' 1,, 11 It wss un ' /I ~ y way ()' 1:1) 111' Look, ! 10 m u hE! was b.,tt,· !, 01( thun wo un JlISl II O W . Hllrl mud,. Carro ll '.' '' "C'runcb ... d my Ipg mlt::hl)' oa d; (':\n 't ben r llO w,d ,.; l; t o n IL ·Twa. ti a rll neur rro w f'tHr I; fore: thN'. why I co ul d n ' t ge t o ut o · th e wu.y '1ul (·k ." " Sur(l; \\·,' 11 . YA'II h av e t e r r Iri e, t b en W fl' ll tn ke t ho blank at o rr J im; h e won ' t Doed It no m or e . ' Br lc k ' nn ' I Il ln hoo f It y e t Jiwh ll e- he y. ·Urlck·,." Hamlin IIrted h is h lla d frnm t h e shl>ltor of b la h orse's m ane. "I recko n I on n make my 11'01 nrov e ." h e asserl e d doubttu lly . "b t: 1 th ay don't teel ns tho ugb tbere was any II Co leCt In Ihem ." He sta m ped A dressy ertect II h e r e obtained by a D Ihe snow. " How lon r, do tb ese bil l\- ill mpl e menns . Th e blouse h as n veet za rds gl'n,>ro ll ), lant. Sam?" a nd a n ornamen t a l c ollar. Tho s leevll "Ulo\\' :b elrrs(>l v('s out In abou t t hl"oe e Is vlo ln a nd el tb e r lo n g or s h o rL A d a }· ~ . " coa t e lrec t is ob tain e d by m elUlS or a "Thre!' day s ~ Ood: \\'e Clln ne\' \)! yoke on the s k irt . wb lch Is c ut with 11,·p It o ut h e re. " IWO go res. T h is stylo Is good ror Ills e )' I's m:1g~ d OH r tho dim a nt· IIII en , po pli n. Cnlll e. rati ne, nnd oUler lin e ot Wad I'! ~ t rE' t c h e d across th e 5ubstllutln l mnte rla ls. snd dl ... . po\\'dererl wit h s now . r l's ted an The d r('ss patt e rn (6266) Is c ut In 1!1 ~ tan l lI!Jo n Corroll. who had Bun k sizes 2~ to 42 inchcs bust meas u re . bllr:k upo n IIIr! ground. nurs ing h is In· Medl uUl s ize rellulr '8 4 !~ ynrd ~ or 36 Jur e d limb. alld th e n s ou gbt the !aoe l inCh ma t e rl nl. o r \Tnsson. To, p rO{'lI ro th lR f1~!lpr~ Aenrl 11) ~nl8 " "' } t tb h II I ?.. to • Patlf'rn D -·par ltn c llt. nr Uli l" IHlpor" tn " e ('nn \\'C' 1 0. Wr lto n"me llllt! lldu'~H~ IlLlnl y. n nLl be "Co on: IhOl'R a ll of It ; (; 0 o n' llIl our" to glYe ,,1'0 unci num~)"r ." palt ern. wo d rop. In d . Com". '13rlc l(,' m y IIO·Y." alld thu scou t gI'l pJlf' d lhe S(' r g('a nt 's NO. 6266. Slzr; ... .. .. .... .. . _ . Shlll l,le r . "you 're nO I the kind to Ii (' do wn. W c '\'(, b('(' n I" \\orsa boxes NAME: . .. ......-..... .. ... .... ......... .. ... TOWN ... ......... _.. .. .. . .. .. .. .... ... .. ... t h u n t h Is and Il t. II (' ,j ant. It's 111l to } O l! a nd rn to I"a li '! glhl(\ . LE' t 's crll"c h .,o m l' it n rtl ·tn cl; and IrO on. 1 STREI!T liND NO .. ....... .. ...... .... _. aCo r e Ih e who l .. threo of us frl'eZfl STATE .. .... _. __ . _ .. . _.............. . _ ..



feeling, fllltul ency, lndigestion,d lZWl~

or n ervous pros trlltiOn. Lydia E. PUlkham's Vege table CompOund is tho.taDdard remedy for f emale ill&.

SAW OPPORTUNITY FOR JOKE I?reslde nt T aft', Re ply t o Requelt Had Secretary of War o n the Anxi ous Sea t.





NO. 6249.


\\'iIll nm II . Toft, wh e n he W".11 prl' sldl'lll ne vor overlOOke d an (' \ll lo r. ' l un lt )' fnt' a joko. In th e cJol'lng mon l h s of bls admlll istratl on \leur)' t~ Sttm son. t h ~ n secr e tar y of wn.r. wrot D Mr. Tact n v cry u r gent r equest t hat he gl l' o a frif' IIIJ at SU mRon a ce rt a in red!! ra l posl tlou. Mr. Tart wrot o 10 S tlmso u as to I· lo ws : " "'I)' Dl'a r Stimson : am very ao rry I canno t do auyth lng For you r frll'lld In r!'spon so to your l e tt er of today. 1 would like to Ilcco rumnda te you. but It Is Imposs ible. S !n ce l'eI7 you rs, " W ILL IAM H . TAFT. " Un de r that h e wrote: "Tu rn o ve r." Th e n Mr. S tim son read In tbe o th· er Bid e at the p a per : "I couldn't do It t oday because gave tb e fellow tbe Job yeste rday .- PQPular Ma gaz in e. Legal Opinion. " A ca t s lt.8 on m y bac k fe nce every night , nnd be yowls and yowls ana yowls. Now, I don' t want to rune Any trouble w ith Nelg bbor Jones, but t his thlllg has gone rar e nou«h, and I wn nt you to t e ll me what to do ?" Th e young lawyer looked as sole mD as fln old, slok owl, and said net .. 'IIord. . "J have a r ight to shoot t be cat. h al'en't 11" " j wouJd hardly say that," replied young Coke Blackstone. "The ca& does not belong to you, Il8 1 undv s tand It." "No, but the t e nco doe s." "Thon," concluded the light at Inw, "I think It sate 10 say ,.ou ha,.e a perfect r ight to t ear down tho fence.."

Thls 'sklrt la r eailYOneor thebeweet styles, sbowlng the late Idea of a lit· tie !'ulln ess at the walet·llne. and tbll ma.y be gllilicred or tucked . The sme.1I panel at the toot giv es the slash aud may " e ot contrasting mllte rla\. Tall6r mixtures, silk. sattn . lin en. ratlbe and the like a re apllroprill te lor this styls skirt. The skirt pattern ( 6249) Is cut In s izes 22 to ;] 0 Inches wais t me a sure. Medium si ze require s 2%, yards oC 44 inoh materIa\. To procuro this pnttern aend 10 cent. to "Pilltern Depa rtm ent." or thl .. paJMn'. Write name " nil ndclr988 plainly, and .be sure to give s lzo n nd nwnb ~ r ot pattern..

Her VaryIng Preference.. Until a girl Is eighteen any sort or unltorm tiUllpll es a man with tho nec.. es&ary ored entlals. But alter that hel' Inte rest doe a n ot reapond to anytbJn. s hort at a pa ir of shoulder IItrapa.

- -



____ ._____s

A Triumph Of Cookery-

SlZB .... __._ ......... _

N1&..ME . .... . .. ___.... __ ••• • __ . ... .. ....... __ ......_

TOWN .... ........ .... .. .. . .. . .... ..... ___ .. STREET AND NO . .. .... .......... .._.. _. STATE .. .... _. . _ ....... . _.... __ . _.. __ .. _..


Mulec Aclvanclng In Price. 1I[u.l es are going up In price. Tbe iRlbmla n ca n al rlO mml sslon h as just made Its IIr et la rg e Imp ortation at mules sin ce 1909. The loweut bid on the latest SUpply was $2 11 each, delivered at the dock at New Orle8ltll . . Other purchases In the past ha,.e been as follows: Jannary, 1909,· mules at $1&7.5 0; February, 190&, 60 mulRll lit $169.50: September, 1909, 1i0 mules at $198.1i0.


Post Toasties Many . ddiCi~ui d'ilhes have been made from

Indian Com by the .kiII 01 the

arid ingenuity pert cook.

But Done of these aeebOOl ncd. Post ·Toast·1 . in tempting the paIa&e.

. "Toaitlei"

are a


my that mike a d~.



econom,• .

The6ntpacbp The w,aY .fq , "b1eh deal and .,1 "mb, peop~. mall.. IMe II ratb ~ ~II".!" . A· : .!W ~ilman belon,lq to a d.,' aDd 'du'1D.-:' u7lum te.lla of a It. C41u~l " .receJIltl~ ~ed on bet ween 1


_.,teL · ..





p~ ~t. the matclll," "Qe iHa.. ~ Up~_ _

"Diu1111J,'l b.

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R'l:al on p • N. Y. , - ., Lydia E. Plnk- . h am's \ ' I'gd!lu le Cnmpound hM certainly delllo mo a lo t of guod. I ti rsL her.rd of it whe n 1 WlUl II. girl allll! alwnys said tilllt if I e\'er hnd to[1] :110 troulJle I would tnll<! iL "I Bu fTerf'! d from o r ga n i c innarn mo-tion and wo uld hava HI", lls when I wonld be in s uch pIli n lhnt L-_:--___--I l would t t'u r my c1oth('s. One day my husband got til" n eighbors in to S~ • whnt t,b e mutter Willi but they could not belp m e. My first tl!ou~ht was for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com PQund ~ I B~t m y husb au d out f oril an d took Itun UI I W1IBentire ly (.'uret!. I am a woman of p erfect h crJ ili and m y heal th Ilud h a ppiness cam e fm rn Lyd in E. Pinkham's medIcine. You may r es t aBIIured that I do all I can to r ecommend your w onderlul medici ne to my friends. .. - MRS. FRiD STONE, Roule N o.8, Malone, N. Y. The SUCCC511 of L ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound , made from roots and berbs, is U::J paralleled. [t m lly be tilled with perfect confi dence by w omen wbo surre r from dleplacements, In~am­ matioD,ulceratlon,twnortl, Irregulantlea. periodic prj ns , ba<:ka~e, ~:d0wu

I wllh I~ lh l I bill, 1 It r"r,."

I'''''. ''



III' "rm' O II Is ho r se forward. h 'ael

COPY1lJOHT 19t\' 6 V '" .C-I1'<.L UItO 8. Co.



.,.. .


. .

- .-~

For ' That Picnic

!li g ll tP d. llt ~uppE'r Ump

Sh l' hall !;'nth ' , ·

---~~ erpd a !(reat upron lull or tb o rl cb •


t\~ ('".-('DellHt-



61 · A



('WI ' !' 1' bp6e dl(' u 8WI1 Y ani! she utart l',1 for t b.· house le ls urel)'. nttrllJ , utlng tb.· COmTIIOtl<:UJ ·to MullW hurrah ,>xploIl8 of tb l' c()y,o"o ~ s ('n !l U Igbbor-



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For lrifants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature

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For Over Thirty Years

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Veal Loaf A Picnic Favorite you DO


Good at hom... too. So hand,. for a dainty lunch wheo don't WlUlt to cook a IDeal A. a Sandwich M_t it baa

equal; th ..... are a d ..... n other Libby Luncheon Specialtie. at

, _ l(J'ocer.. Get acquaintod with them. Try Libby'. Veal Loaf fried: Cut the contento of ono eaJl of Veal Loaf Into quart .. r-inch .lice&. Fry .olden brown in .malI qWUltity of buUc r. Gamiah with cr....

Libby. M~Nei1l &: Libby ~o


S I.-I) -; ;:,.

-Made- to ~ $ Four Measure



7:'50 ,

Old TI me Q lit


'Il1o .A . (X)(l"In llcnn'tb.L& llor· m"".forl.... ror 1 .. 1 UI '1'IJR. ,.("DD w,t bllyebCi'llll ae IUn"ruadol.uorder elotbtnlf at . , .60 and uV- luarallt t!l'lng gr,·"lot'r .,..lneA.,t1e-Lter wl"ktoan. btp aDCla WDre perfect ~ l tbaD o tboni can ~ !"bIJ j',e. S1:r dar deli'Ofl'luaruoteeci.

Let Us Send You Sample Outfit 1ultlon I1 l un mUon,.

Inltru C' tlnD. 1 ~-

aD, Inp!:J:(tf'l rtrncttd lH'u.. "n can ll\kft me... -

arrtllonta ",.., on r D·CCUn.1-~ "111~lU ,,'., pt)Atlhely IlQaranteo a nt . nd ... bt-ohU. . . . ta-fa o tioD. O\1r lo W' v,l ee • • llf ,'•d o nl.b ,our frl eed. and oet.bborsI&k., 'bell oroo", ID your epa", taWil", lh:I.A pri c e hilI,. rnrot "bec3 . Mue cDooab proOL \0 plio, for Jour o wn aUIt.. O&u .ppulDl 100 AS our r"prMtJ DuI.1T". Write l or admplt'.. today We I4N l'W oM·haJJ.

CHICAGO WOOLEN M I LL8. Oep •• 47. B33 W.

, 1

Jaokaon Blvd., Chloa.o

Game ne Like •. Wild Bentie. "W h:lt are you doing In that cup"Have you e ver owned a horse!" bOard . Be rti e?" ""'ot ror locg. 1 hnd a nlgbtmare "Huah," 8ald Be rti e. di gging a once." -- 1:I06lou E \'e nlng Trnnsc l'I,PL ..,oon Into a jam vot. "I'm prete nding to be a thlef."-Pea r s on ·s Weekly. Ill .... Wln8l.., .. '. 8ooLblDI' _,-rap tor Oblldree tOt',blllg. ljO!\en. the «UmA, ~ac •• lnn.mlll.' "'Oft.allay. ,,.In.ourn wlod collc". bou.~

Improving the ShinIng HOUTe. mohba - Why do you liken Hard· ullpa to the bUB)' bee? He's not par· tlcularly industrious. Is h e! ;SIObbIl-Oh, no. It Is u't that. but n~rly everyone ho touches gotR stung.

Intereltlng BegInning. "Well. whot's the muller wltll th e Bocks T' ask ed tb e clerk. "1 only wore tbom three wonks. and I had to take Ih e rn olr and hu y an· otber pair beca use tbls pair had bolea In tbe lo e s." repli ed Ih o O1lln .

1DiABSORB !VI:' . ID U/lIlfDfl

I Swollen Varicose Veins, .

ln~l\. ...rolllll ,


l(t<1 Cro.s nlll Dluo gl",slloublo nlue foy )'our mOIlA.V. goes t"tce u tur .... ""Yot.ber.

Pa inf d T ocu I, K notte,

lJou 'L jlutyo u r

.DOOCY lDt.o 8l1yotber.


tuous, Ulcerated, Ruptured, Bad Legs, Milk j~g. Thrombosis, Ele-

A fa ir g rndunte was conv prslng wltb a young gen tl ema n who had b een presented to her after Ib e comme nce · me nt exe rcises. pbantiasis. It t akes out th e " We ll ." she sig he d happily. " ( a m '. ioflammatjon, soreness and di s · nil A. B . now. Of cour!'e r ou hnni a c()lorationj reli eves the pain a n d ' degree'" fiiredl1e~s; reduces the s well ill f(' , "Y es," h e replie d . " bu l I am only grnoually r estoring part to n 11." Dormal st re_njl th Dlld. app:-ara . 11<"C . Tb e falrj grad ponde red . T h e de. ABSORBINE, JR., IS a Imld , sa fe. giee> \I' U S Pllz zltll l;. ..,.Ieasant a nti scptic lini ment,hea lin g " Wh y. wltal Is that!" s bo BRked. "I'" "Unch tllor." h e said. and soothing. S evere cases w Ilere _ _ ____ __ . .. veins have ulcerated and bro ken , bave been c omplet e ly and pcrm n· SCALP TROUBLE FOR YEARS ' ..nently curf'd. First fcw a pp li cn· ~ ~ons of ABSORBINE, JR., will 2GB lInrr lso n St., ElyrIa, Oblo.-" My • .ai<Ve relief and . prove its merit. case was:'. scalp lrouble. (flrs t DO~. t1ced small buncbes on my scalp whlr.b ' '11.00 and $2.00 per b oUle at drug- commenced to Itcb &Od I would ..: ;gists or delivered. Deta il e d di · scratch them and in time thf'Y got . " r«tjons, ,-eports on recent cases large r. tormlng a ecale or scab with a and Book 6 G free on request. little pus. and chunks ot hair would W.f.tnq.Pl8.f.,310TempleSI.,Sprlngfield.Man. come out when I would scratch them ' ofr. It caused me to lose most 01 my hair. It b ecame thin and Qry .ADd lifeI leB8. I wa ll troubled Lor over ten I years with .it until It got 110 bad I 'I'I'all .. Mae ......... 01 Pertee. Nu.rIUo. : a s bamed to go to a barber W Ret my '. . . . . . . . . . ." . . . . .,Ollt hnir c ut. " I lrled everything I could gPt bold GOOD DIGESTION I of. - - - and - ' - . bllt r ecelvM n .. i c ure unli! 1 commenced using CuUcu· ra Soap and Ointme nt wben the scale commenced to disappear. The way I ua cd the CUtlCIlI'a Soap and OIntment was to wa'Sh my scalp twlCi! a day 'I\'lth warm water and Clltlcllra soap a nd rub on the Cutlcura Ointment. ( i rece h'ed benefit In & couple ot week& and wae cured In two month..." .-1 ) -- - . . - -(Signed) F . J . Dusber. J&o. 211. ltl3. DAISY FLY KlUER :::-::r.~' !li Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold :!.:,,~~~:I:::',.~~: throughout the world. Bample of each • .La . . . . 11 rree,w~h 32-p. Skin Book. Addrc88 poIIt=I~~~"~~I~:";~ card "Cutlcura. Dept. L. Boaton."-A4\",

Pure Blood



.A.sure These ..,eneflts


....... .. III Dot t o ll ...

InJ_r. allTlblna .. 0"-& ......... ,"'",1" ..

A'ld....,..' ....,

•• p.... JllAld

,, '



- - - -- ---- - -- - -


Uealrlc.· Ul t l'red a blJr~t from a ('opsc' fI. grf'l\t e h lJl(~ .. d he ur It ~ moull, wa o; By GERTRUDE MARY SHERIDAN. ffllll"ln l( Ih(. b l0011 WIL~ t l'l ~ kll n g dowu " ( ~houlf1 di e uf fright," declared trom It B fItc,' anti it ~WUl\j( alon!! at IIU"'""'''"'''''''"U'''.I1''''''III'''.II''"IIIIIII,'I'''', l'ietlb Farb.-s . "I urn sure I abollld ." a r...,rful ral(- In tbF dlr .. ,·t wlI o f till' ALCOHOL-'] PER CENT Wh y. JUAI t hink uf It. Beaut~'- ..... ay 01'1 I hO \l SfA\~dbble Prtpantlion A. · 0[1 th e \'e rl' " oJg .. 01 c Ivilization , wil d I " I \\U\l ' 1 ralnt '" d!'t('rlllln cd E\,' u l rl" e ~imlllJt iog lilt food IlndRe~uIa · anlnlals , slLv ngcs alld mounlA1n Oll t· .- ··A lthou gh I hardl y knqw wbat to ling If\(' 510llladls and 8owl'15 of laws! No. th aok ~' ou. nOl for lIIe'" do Oh . dpur ' " "D ill DII \'ld will bp the r e." explain eu Sh e flutlere d like 11 rrl~btenpd but . ~ iiiLUHL:;';-:: DI'!llrlce Me·rrlil. Ib ~ bride of a week, te rn y. St'Aldn g r e fug £' or eatables. the and she' s\loke In a sllllple conlldt'nl bea r tor" througb th e littl e hou se ga r Promo~!I ~slion,Ch«rrul ­ wa r thOl In,HcalRd ber hrave bright derl. s lmed fnr th e Ollen .. ellllr doors . nt!l:Uoo Rt!lI.Conldin, ncllfMr hushnnd to be II powe r ot valor and dllrte o down th e steps . and th e nOpium, Morphine nor Hill(ral B(,III ri ce ran raBt S8 s b e (·ould. r each (ld 8t re ngt b III ber eS llmatlon . NOT NAR C OTIC "Well . that Is It good d eal. I will Uw bOilSI'. s lammed down tb e ('ellar ~ ." 01" JIr.J'AKVEl~ cont\!6s ." aum ltt ed N etta. "Hut DavId doors and Bet the ben\')' un ken bars "-";, .1..J . can't b l' with you all of th e lime, can across tb E' hea\'! plankp . Then she JIb.J _ • he? H h l"s going La be t be great cat· rao Inl o th p housf' . 10rkFd !tnd bo il ed tle kI ng b(· thinks he. la, be muat ha ve t he door leading Int o the (·e lla r anda 10l ur work to do . )'HI sure you will But down t o cry. ' ro.lnt at tb e tlrat s ight of 1\ n e r ee ('.ow · It WIIS onlJ as a rt-ll ef to b H over" .r..~_ boy, !l rlll a s t o tb OBP Indlall8--tb lnk of wro ul,l ht "u·ltempnl tbal thl' t ean ... aeelnl,! t b pm (' r pe Dlnl> - <:reFpln~ - carlle. ror Bpatricfo rell fai rl y Idum· Aprn-ccl RnMdy rorConsllpII· (' rpepln !, 1hrou~b th(' I>TIlss . with Ih"lr I' ba nl RbI' had con t rolled b e r fright . lion . Sour Sl.ornach.Diarr~ . hid eous tomahawks an a s ca lping s he hod clllted th l' en"11I~' Wbat an Worms,Convulsion5 .Feverisfl. kn\l' I'~~ lIgh~" lind tbe ImagInati ve p.xplol! to wrIte to Ne tta about' nt ~!l lInd Loss OF SLI:E.P llLias ahh'e rad In In c IpI en t hYRterl<'s. Wbat n gran,1 tblng to n arrnt e to he r .. Beatrice onl f smi led 8wCPtl y. opti· IIt ll B IJand ~ How !.he ga ll a nt cowboy s i.e similt Sienal..,.. 01 ml etlc-a ll y. It wnl! trIll> s h p had bl.'en '1\'0111,1 l,r aiRe nnd mnllP a verltablo brought up t"nd e rl ),. tbe OlloY h ll d of ho:o roln o or hpr ' Rf'n lrlc« wne very tond .lotin g pa r ents, shIe lded rrom e v· prolld o f her fll 's t pxplol t in rn pturing I'r)' rlld e o lnrrn . ber g lrlb ood expFri · "0 wl!.1 RII\'Ore denlz .. n uf t1J« "rlrue\'a l encp II JlR lh "r PI·e r·bloollllng rollf'S. l'urPHt. " nut It wu~ '.rile a lso Ihnl tbo rll ggflo lJl'fttric: e vrt ll a ntl ~ t ook down th e earnes t fi g u re 01 David Merrill had !hOIlS" 1'10" fro m the an tl ers ove r tb e ('omp Into he r lire Oti a h uro . HIs lovp dl nln l: ro om c lock and placed It o n had fill ed h e r PX IM POl'P IDol!lcull .v On e the t nbl p. Th f'fI ~he got th tl axe from or nature's r eul nolJl emen . h e hUll t b yo rd . Ncx: Rh (' nud i'd th e I'ol ler Ruet Copy of Wnopper. comp rrom dlrecft .\ IW. t to naturA to to IbIs war llll £> p(j lliprne nt. woo nn d wIn and carry awa)' to b l ~ S he' lI ~ t en'>rl for corn e ,ll'monstTD rlld e fnr wCR te rn hom e a timid. Inex · f. lon~ trom bt'low. Tbe "fr nzic<l 0 ESTION I Young America Getting WIse . j1 p.r lell ced pru lr le flow e r. g rowls." Ih p "frightful lenps : ' sbe had I FORGOT DESIRE T QU . " Procrastlnat.lon IH th e thi e f or And wh e n lh(' (' \'en lrul d epar ture read abo ll t a~ pprtnlnlng to bea r s. diu cnm e . every Htagp of the Journ ey B.C' . lIol {'nP II" ns sh e had "xpt'cted . Sb Ch.l~man · D Reception of Would· Be tim e." " I s h r· tb e tellow. pa. who tnkel ('.ompllsbed aeempd to enrry Beatrice Vo'ond e rpd If Ow Infllrla t pd animal hu ,; In terrogat or Somehow Di scovered aWIlY tb e yea r s from a wOlI'an 's age?" Int o IL OI'W r ea lm of de lig ht. Even I~on" to slepp. Sbe boped he had not the Re.t of Them. tbat laBt stage drh'e o\' er the lonely ,I\ s('overed tbl> olil ('uJliJoa rd In wh ic h I 8.. L~rlfh on little thlop like blulol. hills and Into a settlem e nt crud e as a !lho ]«'pt th f- butter a nd milk . At 0. \l0 II tical meetin g In 0. ('.e r ta n Don' t lW<.' epl ... Ler fur blulDiC. A.I; t <>r Re4 fronti e r m in ing town . WaB tull of no v· A bout Iln hour lal e r Bt'utrice b enr ,1 [ New ' South Wales gold ·mlnlng di s· l'rUWi 1l~1l Blue. Ad •. elt )" an,1 excltcmen t . B entril'e c Iap ppd t be tramp Qf horst's and tbe Aound of . trl ct th e chair was tak c n hy an ath· her han'ds ingonuou s ly 88 Borne de· h u man vol('p.s a lon g th e traIl SIx Jellc min e r . Th e CRndldnto dur ing Wo rld 's Sa dde.t SIght . 'Igb ted child at th e queer nlltlcs ot IInollnt ed 0If'1l ('amt' Into vie w. Tbelr I hI s speec h wdas muchh l:t~rruPl~d b~! The s ndd o>sl sIgh t in ull the wo rld La leadpr dorred his h al as he dro ve u~ boollings aD roug I c a : .. t llll f bull nut a gro \' e of th e dead . g rlevou H ae ella rman was soon n 0. B~ e o · t hat might be. bul Is a.grav e of th e Uy· to Ihe doorwa y WbPre Beatrice SLood. . I I S I· I his " , b .. Ing Ind g ll at on. moll e r n g .... e an' looll lnl; for a "t.ray ear. I h h III d tb e In g- hu mnn lt)' sep ul ch r e d wblle yet 111 b wra t I. owever. e pac e alive - Frances E . Willard. P" eg~ . ' " " "boys" b)' assuring th e m th al:.l th o Oh.: ~«s . announc cd Beatnce ~ng. end of th e candldate's speech the y For Aching. PeMlplrlng Feet er ~~" a greut fe roc ious m o ns t e rsbould be at lIbprty to put any Quea. U5e Ty r ee's Antiseptic Powd er etther Not at all - o barmless tooth less old tlon th ey chose. Accordingly. at tbe a nimal escapP,d frOID th e circus In d f th h h arose and In. 8prlukled Into th e shoes or us ed In solution. N e ver tails to r e ll cve. 260. , I I It b t valuable as a tricl< en 0 e arnnglle e It, nat , m , tI (ju lr e d In ste ntori a n tones and In a at all druggists or sam ple sent tree by Ibc ar ane] " 100 orrered for Its cap· I , ." ., ri c h (rls h brogue : "HIs Inn y glnt e- J . S . Tyree. Washington. D . C.-Adv. ture. . mnn n qu estion to alnk?" A stout " Wb~· . what is this?" Inquired Da .. ld lillie We lsh miner, who had been n Dull Boy. Merrill. as h e and hi s beart)' c r owd I consp icuo us disturbe r of the peace "Thomas. you have disobe yed your sa t down to tb e smoking supper thol o r tb e evC' nlng. sb uffl ed s lowl y up the grandmother." IPvenln g . and b e found a little heap or Bleps of tbe plo.Uorm . But al th e "No, I dldn·t . mother," lIJank notea und er bl s plate top be " 'as met by the c hairman. " Ves, you did . Have you not beeD T h e n Beatrice tolrl he r s tory . \, Ilb v. ho. wllhoul lhe sligbtest warning, In sw imming ?" dancing eyes . And OIl\' ld swung h e r I delivered a lerrlflc le d.rlgbte r . "Yes. mOlher." up In the air an d hIsse d h e r at Ite and se nt tbe Welsbman sprawllllg on "Dldn't ( b ear ber sa y 10 you no t tp rm inatlon . w.~lIe t~? enlb uslastlc hI s hac k. "Now." roare d th e c haIr. t o go in swimming?" cowboy s gave Huzza . with an ad· mUll, "bas Illny othe r glntl e man a "Oh . s h e dldu 't t e ll me that. She 'ml nn g ec bo for lbl' lr brav e " lIttlo question to alrsk !"-and thpre was only (' ame out alld anld : ·Ii!oys. [ !lIster." uo re~ ponBB . wouldn ' t go In s wimmi ng,' aDd I (Copyright, 1913. by W . G Ch~pman) s houldn 't think s he WOUld, an old Original Sort of Ham. rh ellDlstic woman lik e her; but abe .BROUGHT WEALTH TO PERU A Indy ga\, e 0. lun cbeon r ecen tl y a nd dldn 't say an~' lbln g n bollt our golne ('xlllaln cd tbat s bc nlways cooked In sw imming." Guano Beda. Consisting of MORt Won . I II ~ In by the r ecipe u sed by Thomas derful of Known Fertll iztlrs. Sold J f'fferso n . whi c h hnd b ee n hnnd ed for Immense Sum. . down In h e r ro.m ll y for years. There Bun;t From a Copae a Great Tbls r e cipe required tll at th e ham Shagged Be .. r. It Is en id that HumbuldL ooued th,,· be cook ed for about two hours by Ih e pl :t ~' fl1l 11 rairle dogs . Sbe w e nl greatest we ulth to tile r ' ports of bis simmerin g. but under no condit io n Housework 111 hard enough tor wilt! ove r th e splendid full co lo red d isco\'e r les wh ('n he call ed tb e S'riOlI S mu s t It b e all owed 10 holl. iL healthy wom· flowers. Then when a cavalcade of IIttent lon of Euro pe Lo the guano b e ll ~ A h um WUR on Ihl' 9I.o.·e, Its des· un. T he wife gen uIn e cowbors came lo lAst Limit f Peru tinieR I)re slded ovp. r by a young col· who has a bad d . wOlllan from u p In the ru Oll n . to acC() m pn n y th e m to tb e ranche, o ·N ear .m idway of tb 1l(IU ulor and th o ore taills . bac lt. who Is tb elr hon est loyul admIration charmed tropic of capricorn on tb e P e ruvlhn i ".!all p." ('u lied the m lslress of tho w eak o r tired all tb e time. the prelly bride and s be felt that s be (:oast are th e Chln cha Islllnds. who ~" bO il"" . "doll 't lot lhat ham boll." flnds h er duties WU R going among tl'lIe fl'il·ods. ~~uano deposits hO\'e bee n wOrlb mo ru I "I\:O ·UIlI. " rp\lll e ri .J ane , " I a ln 't er IL h eavy burden . "There al'e no bears: ' 3 b~' wrot.e ex· In n1O n('y t h an lh e co ppe r , go ld 3nd Ell · I cwln (: to boll no ha m . !t .r. v n th e Tholl sands at ullingl y to "'etta llO w el' kll Iuter. \iFr or the world'A IH!st min" s. POI' th is ~ t u \'e no w Jus t a s impe ring !" ne n oua. d lB· "Tbe Indln uB are poor harmles" c r ea· great fe rtili zer $ had bec n I couraged. sick· turea wbo co we t o tb<: door beggi ng paid u~ to th e tim e. t hal export s We ll! Oc ('.a~l ona ll y a wldower 'p h e~ rl Is Iy wom",n hov e only on ce in awblle. and nlUk" .' UII lll'oh ltlltcd by P e ru Itself. \\ IIroll' d ovpr by an o ld fl am e lrace d their glad t{I be a bl e to be cha.rllu bl e . Hut The islands are small . Li llb and I "E'fJcry 'PI"u~ Tcl/.r troubl es to sick there 111 the clear, elt'ar sky-oh. so roc kv , bnrren a nd uninvIting t o th u CLOUDED DRAIN I " Story" kidn eys - havo found Quic k Ilnd thorough r ellet Infin itely blue'all or t he time: And lo s t deg ree; ~'e l It Is said tb e r c is no CIC :lra Up on Change to Proper Food. 8ucb sunse ts: And tbt: buys-dear , (lilher s pot of oQual size 00 th e eart h 's I (hrou!;h u si ng Uuau 's Kidney Pills. Tb e paInful. trying times of rough., hOll eat fellows. who t:utlle s urface from wb lch so milch w e alth Tbe brain cannot work with clear. wornan's lif e nr e much ea Rler to around bas hful Ilnd proud or the ir ·lit· hU B been taken . n e ~ c anti accuracy, If tb e food taken Is b('ar If the kidneys are well . tie eleter,' ae they cull m e, and wbo In eome cases th e de poslt8 rcached I u ot (1111 ), dlg e~ t cd. bllt is retained In An low. Ca •• would di e fo r m e, If I asked th e m . a de pth or 160 to 180 feet an d a r e tho stomacb to fermcnt IUld form :\t MI . .]. HUflt. 10ft 8. 8t h Ht.. l"ulrneld . la .. U,!! : "Fur I.b IM, 1ean 1 , 0"oro4 from kldo 61 tro uttfl.. An d Davtrl--<:lb, so grand and splendid calculated to be thousand s ot years polsonou8 gases, etc. A dull. c louded 1 hilt! '''.~t" b llt'lln.o b l' , henr1&A!bOI nntt diu1 Ap t'lI .11i , nnd DIY 11101.111 Iu,. .. Uud to I oouhJu 'C, walk. whe n he goes ott on a horse tbat o ld . brain Is like ly to be th e r es ult . l\uuc', Kldne, 11oIU.c ur,.4 n.e whe n .'."r,.thlll~ YWould llCaI'e you! And me, poor little Nowh ere els e In tb e world are mao A l\licb . lady relates h e r ex perie nce . t'llt'! fllU e rt . I canUUl p ra ll ' "bum tou bl i'h l,. me--ga lned ten pounds ul ready , brown r lne birds found In ao great Quantiti es : 111 clt ulI glng ber food habits. and reGet Doan', at AD., Sto..... I5Oc: • Boa &s a berry. and oh . 80 happy In tbis 11.8 along this coast. Their presence In 611lts a r e very Interesting : KP'ID~~ST Iovaly )leacerul spot. 80 awee~ and 801· s u c h immense numbe rs Ie du e to the "A steady diet of ri ch. greu)' toods FOSTER·MIlBURN CO~ BUFFALO. N. Y. «-lilfi in the clear morning s unllgbt. quo lltltles of I!Rh round there , upon s uc h as s ausage. buckwheat cakes Ilnd that I reverently call it God's lalld! whic h th e hlrds ·feed . Cormorants . 110 on. flnnll y broke down a stomach - - - - - . ' - - - - . - . - -"Ao to th.c mount.aln outIriws- boob! ~oellcnns. seagull a snd m a rin e crCilW S. [lnd 111'1'I'eS IlInt. by Inheritance. were Once there ~as a f ew ul Ib e m . bllt 1111 douds . numbering hundred s of Houn d llnd atrong. and m edicine did they have been drl vtln un: th t' trail . I thoutlUndB . mal' bt' Ilt'en flying low to uo ailpilrent good In the way of r e Hef.


At Soda Pounlllinl or Carbon· cd ir. bottle-..




Th:: sat isfyinlr beverage-in field or foren; Itt home or in town . As pure and whole... me nl it i. temptin ~ly ~ood.

Delicious-Refreshing Thirst-Quenching


GIRL AND A BEAR ::;:i;7.:~;{::::~~::!~~~~~i~I~~>~~~::I~~,~ ' Brave "Little Sister" Gets Reward for Capturing " A Great . i llg ra o ('.h Th .. n 8.)(ldooly Ferocious Monster." Sllarl' ery Thp r"


' . ~

• j.

.or II."

.....ut n~. Itt IIo&IoYo Aft•• -.u~ .•. Y .

MUCh Like Perpetual Motion. A slx·toot clock. which atands In an office at Carlisle. Pa., haR been" opera,. ted by electricity trom the e arth since 187~. A "wire runs tram the eartb to IL· niagnet in the clock, and ao constant bu )tbe supply of eleetrtelty been ' that the cioclt has .run w'e llJnlgb t()nt'inu,. oUlly' ..tnee· It wal . lnvented.









__ _ _




!:~:e~8 :u~~i~h;~.,,~a~~~~ths:/eb~d~: or~:~h~~~;~:I\~~~ne

The Army of Constipation

' I ~;.~;' s~~~~~h7:~r~:u~e~a::tl01~~n~~~

l'o lll d not . baye .. ry Day. .. bad . desperate fe llow. Tbere's a produced th e Peruvian gulUlo. It wat; IJa ti on tb ot de lled all remedlea used . thousand dollars offered for his cap- n(>cOBsary t.o h an' the raInl ess clima te "Th e 'Ho nd to Well ville,' In sOllle L1VER PILLS are ture. so It 18O't likel y be'll ever dare of these Isla nds In orde r to accompllsb pro"ld ential way . feil Into m y handa, responsible - they to ve nture near a ran c he where the r ea ult. autl mar Il ea l'cn's rlchellt bleulngs n,:,~~g~~~!ef bait n dozan brave. powe rful her(l e ra " Rain so seldom talla tbat aged men fall on tile msn \II'ho \II'as Ih l! pired to aenUycure would be glad to malle a target of can count on tbe fingers 01 one band." 'nlte It. lllfalioa. blm. Bugaboo. all lb e borrld tblnga snya one commeDtator. "the tim es in "I tollowed di rectlonll' eare fully. the lions us you predicted! Come out and see me. tbelr lives when they have aeen tbl s physical culture and all, using Grap&- tl'iem for and Be e what real men look like! ~ . marvelous thIEC'-water rnll1l?g trom Nuts with sugar aDd cream. leaving ~... S'ck' H d eke SaDow SllL In tact Beatrice had b ecomfl ao In the 8klea." m eat . pas try and hot blacult entIrely leltlOn, l e a . . MALL PRICE. love with her new Ufe , that o)le mom· It 18 on this account that PeruvIa n ' out ot m y bill of fare . The reault- I SMALL PI~L, SMALL DOSE. ~ lng when ahe found tbe vi cInity or the glJ ano In ItII nalural atate . neve r hav· ) am In pe rfect health once more. must bear Signature house deserted abe , ,laB not one bit Ing been e xposed to r ai n or dampness . "I n ever realize I havo nerves. aDd · ~ ~ _ worried. David the day before bad bas I"Clalned ltl! nitrogen and Is of m y stomach and bowel8 are In fln8 ~ ~.Az,-' ruede a ramous laic and bad gone olr Buch great value. Some guano call · condition. My braIn Is perfectly clear ~ c7 4'(;. to a distance to ne,ollate tor a new talns all three elements ot plant lite-- and lam enjoying that state of health bet·d . Most ot the men had accom· D. ltrate~. phosphate s and potaBh_nd " 'blc h God Intended hll creaturel Puded him. The olbers had been ,.,,- all ot It ·coDtalne two elementll-pbos· ~hollld enJo" 8nd~h'leb all might . , aredbestretmJ"'. DeYelopID~T&OI.,per"'lL en a bollday ·and ti:ail " CoDe to Last p.batea and fixed nitrogen. It selll &I ba ve. by givIng proper attention to .... PrIDI.Io Slotlc. 'JtJlJaIirla .. tl'oIllDep&&.;r....' Limit. ~here a circUB Jnad Come alnnl· hIgh at $100 a tOD. . their food ." ~ame glyen by Postum rc'uru po.lajJe, FREDC. DAR8y,.u~'IU"lacL · l " Bea~ce went abOut ('her · pleuant .' --Go:, ~~Ue, <lree~:· ~e~. .Rea!! · ;;Tbe DO \,OV' SC.'F.ZR eOnjupatlo": l .Ic:ll ' home talU bapp~. aa ~~lpJ:i~. ~lng'n, ,\ ~re.k.nll In~ ' PrInt. . Road ~o Wel("!Ile..• In pqa. "TheN', h.IlCUelle, ·.to",~~ ..r or "'dn.,. UINIII. " · ""~t~~~:~ lbetrO;, plahlUD"w,lth deJ~ll1t a .1ADi:-. . "My , conlin joncer",wrot~80metb!n8 ' a .r~n.t· .' ''i>'~'', r '., ~ • • ~U~~~.1~ ood~.aJp~'~~"" , ~.~ OIJI ,.traW,,",l'!t ~ or~u~ pi'OPof- and had Inc!'; It w,as prlnt~." . IC,,"':'."' ............. , ..... , .. _ . . . , ~. ·tJo~ for her tO~dabl. JiOtd. wbea'. · "What ~.. ·II ,!,,~ . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 11_ .. ,t l _•. ~ .!h1 .lIriJdl·r. . ..,.,.'eIlItUl . aild " 'JIli "~ w~9noelDeDt. :r-=.I.~ . ......... ~II . . .-










• No 71. P B . M'onco t c. r puttlnR result of thI s vl 61t unCI confereoce W;lS I • In 18 rco l h . ~ H In c.)rrlllotstoo tiewer :hal ChuLlUI100gil I'xtf'fllit'd un lnvlla.\ . J I t I !Ion to t he Grund i\ rlnY of iii" Repub· ....... ... .. ........ . IIn ,l co nern ,. 1ll l,H,lIlry 1101 or l1o 10 9 110 to come he ro ror liS ItII llllal en. rl~i1lu~ fur t!fl.IU O 0 11 rtLorrow Iln d ~a.tUpmelll this yellr. The Invllatloll N Ry Co. Plaintiff ordertld to Mil l Ur uve llik o uy \~ . D. wrwi n was uecepte d an d the con traCt closed Probate Co url ltl~Jt(\ jlfltilil) n mnrR dflflnitn fllrm In Hll.lnm 'l'ow r.~ hip $l41. 25. l fel\' days afte r the vlsll. . 111 tht' Uln\t.f'r llt lilt' tl~ t" te [1 f .10· Bllnn e r PlIl'king C" . VII C L. ,I;' No f" Frl\nll I"tllkell for oon . Thlls C hL~ltnIl OO!la's ambition 10 en· :f'rtlli n th e Burvl vo rs of botb of the !'I'ph T Ml· V" y . .1 1'11" .""'\ I!:... t~t~ Hy . Cn .IIRItIS . vft' l" IIroli J II Il pp", r ~Jl TillgboTo Hmles of tho CivI l Wnr WU B !-:ratlfh,d. f&lll y ntl1llilli>ih're,1 Hlllte o f Ohin v~ ChflrlOF HlIIAIII)1f'. p lk.~ hv .J ohn ~trnup furm In CleRr' rhe reunIon of the United Confederate In Ih ,' III Itt .. lI f th A ppliite or d efeoll"ut pleade d not ~uilty I\lId oroHk t.ow n .hlp $l\J~ VNernOl! was most su('cessrully han· l :l1 ro l! :I" Fi'II1l[· nklweht . (l< ' o e ll~eJ r e lllfludod t,oous too.1' of shoriff No . 7il T KUorwiufo r ctJnorete 1led. /lnd ll<O W pracllcully the same or· rlll,,1 au ,)1I0t tl l~,l hut u nl e rad @ u~ Sallie Mon f J rt VB. ~t.Lrnphnll Bou . ubut rllontM fur 0 1HIgH lIt B ri<lgll pOl·t ~a nlzntlon that h!ludled t he Confed· ~----------------------------~ pe nOpd nell (·t III Leave grllntod to 1il'I Oil 1".buB OII !Lnu Mlirro w rlltd in erulo rllunlon so well has chargo of the arrang('ments for the G. A. R. en· III tbn l1l1; uf tb ll ul!tllte of amendrn oot to }lotltion l'lninlliI 8 d e m hlWIlMb <p lit :p 8U p e r e u yd. ~ ampmcnt. There h I1\' 0 been some Anoa MllrlIL 1'''.I'l ,)r, (11' ee l\~~J All g mn ted h i!' potiti o n :-: p. Mll. C blLTI,,~ :-;t t UU!! fu r oon- !bnnges In the o r!-:anlzlIlIolI. of course. IlllnI H rt\r " r n nl ~ r ll I t tl "I'll IItlr"o nlll .JIIU1 8!! I-lt'h no ler .,1\. V I IIII~e nf (1r ul .. "T OU, tlll~. Cb lLlIKfl u f dltL uo ol, but the sarnO' Hpl rlts that P\lt th eJ r en59c Ready.Made Sheets .... ..... ...... ... ........ .......... 49c and pr nper t·y 1\1. Prl\' ,o!C' ~ ' '' ll 'I'hlt< wn~ LElbllnon. Oh io, otc Bllfljl1 dnnt. clc ,Oil Klng~ MII\H find b outh Loh . ergy. IlIflu('n c~ allrl mon ey be hi nd the Ready· Made P illow CaRes. plans fo r t b e Conr"d('rat(' reunion Ilre u llOe ILlld r e turn 111110.). R .. tu rn np grRnt"j leav" to file l\ll~we r . Il\n OD piko II,}" BowYA r '" trHIll In "'nr klng harrno nl oll Kly nnd en ,·rgetlc· Embroideries wide. pro\'(>c\ 19c Ribbons ....... ..... .. ................. ... .. .. .. .............. IOe to L nion T ow ns hip nt '5 :10 pe r eu yd. 111y 10 make Ih E' O . A . n. (>nc amp menl Marriage LlcenfoieS 9Hc In t he mILtte,' of t.ho estl\te uf A n Wide Tabl e Linen , all line n .. .................... $1.25 for N o. KJ. J . K. ~iptl D OO r fo r oon- ~ Bucoe.u . 7!:le All Linen ..... . ............. .. .......... ....... ...... ... $1.00 for rlro'v J a rll 6>, Rl1 xttlr. deCtll1 Mfld. 10 \Vlt en Oen . Reers was In ChattanooWilbur Earnost Unglnsby. Ollr · crete arch, fi ll H otc, on 'frovi ll o 2Gc Aprons, all ove r 8ge .. . .... ... .... .... .. .. ....... ......... IOe to ventory bud apprllisement filed . ga on this business he' was en tertained penter of Franklin , Ohio, t o MIHlI roud by L illi Gu lt l'ry 's fllrrn In U IOl$1 50 White S ilk Gloves .. .... ... .. ............ ............. ... .. GOe to a t di nner rat one of th e 10co.I clubs. 1:\1\16 of pers ona l pro pe rty o rde red Corsets .. .... ..... . .. .. .. ......... ...... ........ ...... .. .. .... 50c to $5 00 Lncy Bnrlett of Frnok lio. Oh io. Dr i i'lD township nt f4 Gli pur 00 . y d . 3nrl In the COUI"8\1 of 11 speech he sn.J d Hnd r et uru t.o ue made w i tllin Blxt,y G. E Uowdy . I No . H! ,J . K. i;1lf'nCer for II oo n among oth er thin gs that th e leaders oa.V8. ' or ol.ellrohon lh" gnn \" rORr! byW. of t he Ora.n d Army of the Republic. ln Ihe matter of t h e eBtate of Commissioners' Proccedinjts R Ker " o :v' ~ in l'u rtl ucr ok townshi p ns well a. the me n In tb e ranks of JI>U1 es M Coolr, d eoe sed Firllt that power'ful orgnnlzatlon. had long Arrangement-s wer e JIl llde wit h $lll!:! :l:, ~ e Bl r ed to bold an encampment a t lL(loo uot. fileu rlOU orde red llul!pen ded In t h e maU.. r 0(. the estate or the Miami Va ll ey Hospital. Da yt 111 . 1 · No . R3 J . K. tlpcnce r for oon · Chattanooga. nnd that he was gra tl· fled thnt tllJe gelle rn l dl'slre would be Mllry Milll1rd , daoeasod. Fir@t and Uhio . to. r eceive indigent pati en t .. orolo " "I I anti /L ,/ r O:1 II c r O~!I creek me t in Septembe r. li e spoke of Chat· for t.rentment from the oounty &t fl la lon \he OrnJ.(onia f!ll\rl by W . R . lot finlllllooonnt fil ed nnd orde r ed S Oli· tanooga'A lrnlllotl eids. Its bea utlfn l nat· oost of I I M5 per d!lY. Extra ftle of I Kersoy furlll in Tortle c r eok town urnl sce nery of mountaIn. vall ey a nd pended 5c LaWJt8, wortl] u p to 10c, to close .. ..... ........ ...... .......... . ri vc r. Its enterpr iso and Its. people. Lawns, worl h up to 15e. to elose ...... ............. .... ........ . IOe • In t be mlltter of t h e g nllrdianshi p U.OO for o lle of thll surgery or d e- s bl p $ 1&5 li ve ry room and $t 00 for us e d t he .No. 84 . ')'010(10 Brid ge ami C rllue olosl ng wlKh tb e prophecy that these Crepes. Tissue!!, Voile, worth up to 25c .. ...... .. · ......... .. 16c of Frank: Hloks, mino r . Nannle X ray room . Tho agreement III for Co. for !lnpe IItrueture 0f brljge mOllY sp len did environments. coupled Crepes, Tissues. Voile . worth up to 3Ge ........ ..... .. .... ... . 19c Bloke apUOInted. Bond $ 1200 fur. Voiles. Balkan Suitings. P. K .. worth up t o 50e. to close 3ge over the Little MialUi River at FOll Wllh favorab le geographical location . nished . lovll ntory bEllI b ~ n flied one year. wo uld bri ug to Chatta nooga a record Ratine Lines. 85c Quality, to close .... ...... . ......... ... ..... . 69c and reoorded . Coun ty Is tn estabill.b " county ters. Ohio, $I R 69 1 hreakln g crow d In September fro m Ratine Silk, $1.25 quality, to close .... ..... ... ..... ...... .... .. 90c practi ca ll y every state In t b ~ unIon . In >be mtl tt~ r of the guardlllnllhtp road between Bonth Lebanon and • Good Reason for His Enthusiasm The hotel facilities of Chattanooga of <.:llfford Hloks and A lbe rt BIokf', FOllters . When a man h ~B Buffered for sev- are sp lend id for a city of one hu n. mlnon, Malo Hloks appointed. BiIll! Allowed :-J E . R obinson, th ousand population . The erol days wltb oolio, c\iarrh ;,ea or dred Bo nd 1240U, f urnt !lh3d . Inveotory exp2n8e in Lee Gregory rabies case other form uf bowe l oom plaint and boardln g·ho use facIlities of the city has been filed tlud reoordell $840. Inqllest over b:xly of Emm& is t h e n c ur ed <lo und Ilod well by one nre all thllt could be desired In a ci ty In the matter of the will of Sophiu 114 Cornell, E. C. Thompson. coro· or two d ll!lOIl of Uhamberillin 's Colio, of 100.000 population . In addition to Van Derv~e r deoeased . Will Ild- nar ,7 1'1 and 1>r . L . G. Brook, wit· Uholor tl 110,1 lJiarrhcen Rem edy, IlS its hote ls a nd boardlng·houses. Chat· i ~ often th e Oll!:!tl, it Is o u t uM·ura l tanooga will throw open thou sand s of witted to probate. Orion P ~war'- aeslI, 11 00, total $8 15. Barry Mur. t'J rlt he ~ h l)t1 hl be Crith l1t!iRst.lo 1'\ private homes for tb e en tertainme nt zel appointed eXlloutor . Uond , phy, replllrlDg Inwn mOWbr $l. 11:(1 hi s prli\s e of t ho r tl lllody. I\nd e,,- of encampment visitors. just as was 25c Mercerized Light Weig ht .. .............. ............. ..... .. 19c 1 15,000 furnisbed R. B. ParkE, 1:). ConkUn pOBtage stamps for olerk pecililly is thi s tho OIl~O of 1\ severe dono on tbe occa.slon of th e Conted · 35c Tan and White Boot Silk .... ....... . ...................... .. 2.'ic 25c Hunion Seconds, Hlack and Tan ....................... .. .. 15c Kennoth Ubtlmbe rlin, W . Ii . Dtlarth $6. Ed S. Conklin. stamp! for audio attack w h e n life 18 th r el1 t ened . Try erato reunion . No ve teran or visitor appOinted apprIlISOr8. tor $5.00. . The Lebanon PIl\riot it when in n l;led o f lI uoh a. r e medy. Il eed rear that Cha ttanooga muy [lrOI'e un ubl e to tak e ca re ' of t he crowd. publishing notloe to oontraowrs and It ne ver fll.lil'. Sold by all dealers. That matter was se ttl ed when the 1:1' ...- - notioe to build I:)tnbbs MIIlB bridge R.eal Estate Transfers vllutlon WR~ pxt ended . Chaltanooc:a $24. The Lebanon Patriot, pub wI ll tllk ,' l:a re ot all visitors a nd make Silrah J . u nd Mlohael Donohoe to ltshlng notioe to taxpayers, 13 th em fee l a t home. Cha ttanooga is a ma nufacturing city. •Iamee S . Hamilton, 65 [l,OI'e s in Dan P. B.:>no. olerk, oost':l in 08089 has ene·rgy aud wealth s ufficient to It Bamlleon township, No 11845, 110.:12 : Miami Gazette, curry out any enterprise It my und erMtohael Donohoe and wife tIl notioe to tBxpavers $1. DeB&lm & I tuke . It s factor ies aud shops employ All Ladi es' Suits .. ... . ............. .. ...... ...... ONE·HALF PRE~ E James S. H&milton , two traots of Co. pens for Court h')ose .83. 15.000 people. More tban 700 dllTere nt All Ladies' Coats .... ................ ..... .. . ... ON E·HAL F' PRI C E land, II articles of comm erce are manufac tur· Miami Gllzette, IInpp)lel for lIur Ladies' White Waists , $1 00 and $1.25 grade ......... :.... 7ge Ollfton W . Ungleshy to Thomas veyor, $23.60. Rapmond Hllrsh- TO ENTERTAIN THE 47TH NA· ed here, In more than 300 plants. The Just received Saturday. Big Special in White Parasols $1 00 nnnua l va.lue of manufactured prod· and Raohel u Bnrst, Lot No. lU in barger, salary 11)0. Oraver Enlas8, TIONAL E.NCAMPMENT OF THE ucts Is $65.,000.000 while the capital In· GRAND ARMY OF THE Mao"ln.. addition to Fronklln, scattering hand bills for brldies $2. vested In manuta.cturlng bUIIlnes8 here Obto, $200 8tde of Ohio vs. Clinton Perrlne , REPUBLIC. Is something more than '60,000.000. . William Copp fi t 0.1 to Golden O. M. A. Jameson 14 30, W . C . Gilmour , C hattllnool~Il's buslne8s. therefore. I. Horst, fi ve-slxtbs interest of Lot $735, Bert MODger$L.50. total '13 15 . Date of Encampment September 1S- built around Ita manutcturlng ente~ 348 in Maokinaw addition lD Frank· A. F . Meeker, rofll4der of tax on 20, Inclusille. Covering the 50th An· prlse8. and It Is II. thrifty buslnes8. The lUlilre bus in6s8 and profesiional life one dog listed by error . F . M . Hutoh nilieraary of Bloody Battle of Chick· of the city, together with ita ftnanolal lin, Ohio, $1. amauga. J. A . sud Marietta Rllnyan to J . inlloD. eleotrloal wOlk at j~ll $4.44 Instltutlonrs. are working to make the O. Mitchell Lot No. 21 in Bean's W. O. Tllrton, ooal at ooort house Cbllllllllooga. Tenn.- {Speclal) - The 47th annu ~,1 encampment of the Orand subdivision In Lebanon, Oblo, 12500. 19 .25. W. Ilnd L . E Gurley, lIeale Chatta nooga E ncampment Association Army of the Republlo the most plea&- A. J . MoCliutio of Frllnklin, Ohio aud recelp' hooks for Depnty Bealer Is already at work on plans for the en· ant and s uccessful that the veterana ever enjQ,V·1IIl. to Isaao E . Ward a traot of land In 14 .60 . Joslab Holbrook, reoording tertllinment of \ the 47tb a unua l en· Franklin township 150, deedB ~r Reed and Niokles property campmen t of the Gra nd Army of the Costly Treatment · James B. DllIoy et &1 to Harry 15.26. Ed Blair, M . D, servioes to Republic and Its alli ed organiza tions. "I WllS I;roubled whh oonlUpat ton Baysore Lots N I . 68, 89, 75, 76 In prisoners 118 C:l. M. Cnrry,.M . D ., Se pte mber 15·20. In cluslvt>. Tbe dates chQsen for this encampm ent mark the and Indigl31tion and spen~ hundredl DUley subdiviSion at MastJn, Ohio, servioe. prisoners 121.30. Ber. 60tb ann iversa ry of the bloody battle of dollars ' for medloine and treat1155 . Reed, oontralt 154.50. John K or' Ch lclmIllnuga. whic h was tought ment," wl!'ltl!ll C . B Bine!', of Whit Henry Uhlenbrook et 1.1 Gilbert Spencer, oontraot$115. Mallon Lum· Sept ember 19 and 20. 1863. low, Ark. "1 weni to a St . Louis P. and Gertrnde Oopper~on Lot 226 ber Co., tlewer pipe Sl112 . Oblo Chattanooga bas long had an ambl· hospital, Eliso &0 a hospital in .Now 10 Maoklnaw Rddltlon to Franklin Oorrllgloted Cui vert Co, oulver' tlon and desire to en terta in the sur- Oriellns, bnt no onre was effected vi vors of both armies. ID May. the On returning home I begaD t •• ing '100. pipe '194 40. Morrow Lumber Co , annual reunion of the United Confed· Chamberlaln'~ TBbletrl, and worked P. H. RIl:! to Phll1p Niokel Lot 18 lumber'1.4j. F. W. Cadwallader, ernte veterans was held bere. Thill right along. I used tbem for Bome In' Maoklnaw addition to l!'rankl1n work on Cadwallader road~ 11350. reunion brougb t to Chattanooga more time aDd slm now all right. Sold by R. A. MoCutoheon, work on Cbau than 100.000 people. Wblle the crowd all dealerq. ...... - ------R . P. Lockwood to BoaTd of Ed- tanqua road 1161. A. T. Retti~ . exceeded expectations . It dId not over· tax th e resources and hospitality of A FUTURE OENERAn0t4 uoa~ion of Franklin Sohool t>lltrlot work on Twin Creek road 1341. n. the cIty ; a ll visitors were cared tor ! Lot 139 io Maokinaw addition to M. Conover,fenoe,splkeseto, 117.30. In mos t satisfac tory manner. and went Pioneer 81_ W~ ThIll CMhen _ a wa y with express ions of delight at Franklin $l50. J . K . lipenoer. oontraot, 1338 45. EIiJoy Reaulte ThIIt H_ .... CoetIttlul, G(IC~ Enlula!.a. HI. Ut... w.tL. J08epIi Wheeler to Cbarles E . ContJaots :-No. 76 ~arles Btlbbs the mann er In which they had been ""r.: ."cllyt tJ ...t en tortaln ed. • ;J ' j lln .~ nHlIsU .., ~' Eaton Lot 335 in Maokinaw addition for 79 feet by 5 in . by 1 in. extra reo or t .:,! " It.·: t hq, ;. .. ~".d('h ~ ---------- .=-:'=-= = = The wnrld finds itaelf in little \~. lt ' II :,' II m .• n \1 1 .Y ' .lIr ... ')'. Waynesville, Ohio. to Franklin, II. tainini wall by Dunbam farm also s.~ · .. II· h l "1l ," , I II ' , : "'II IIII 'lwtll.,IO. ,r,n, .. .. , \« I" i" '" I 1, \ ' .: '\' II ' a: 11'.0 things. 'l'ennyt!On...-rote that if be NEWELL SANDERS for tbree ft. oonorete box oulvert OO1lld really !mow his "ftower In the Call answered promptly day or niR'ht. 1 [ he A~11~:"Ht.4.N BOY Common Pleas Proceedinzs aad ooncrete to~ and opening np h "l 't' I t" It! ., .( .\', 'I f ·~ d l .at ". 110,,, Both phones in Office and Residence. : [''·'~ '1lI r"it crannied 1,all" he would kDow what "lt .lIlu rtn t of :/lh' ''' I I : q " I . . \' , I, h ts t(JtJ ohannel of ore...k by Cbarles 8t1bbs All! l 'ur ' IIf: : t·"" "· -' , J' h " 'I ' ~:"' , I)' , ~ . ·: ; II'". ~ I u oLong distance, No. 14; Home phone Arlondo U . Conover et III va. the world meant. That 18 why IUCh t\~:· , !\)' i.~~~;: :t'~'i "\' 1' : :' I " ,~ : ' ; ':i. :a ·, ,~':;: :i;J~f:'ti~~ farm 1157.08. 14-2r. . :.h~ . i, 1'1' . \ 1 ' , ) " , ;, ." M'l ll) "'lIit rnflned Ralph B. P&rks, administrator, etc. a thing 118 the at.eac. of beI1a in tit. Chairs and one Coach furnished free Ih.:lnlu lI'u ll'Il ' ,' " h I ... , . I. )'.: .1.1, :'1'1 " .• " .. "'Id I 1I,.lr ,,";'·I'n t". :i e ' ;,: '1..,11 J" r \ r ~ . ! l " t. ;U. 011 ... 1" lit Debo!'a Conover, one of the defend. large city (IlOt the absence of 1Ibarp. with funerals. ·l llne'"' · ... · lIil:l ultr..l hICU r.tS. I ttf sn.tC!JF ~Uillm·U.Q co. l ( l l' :! " ~I ~ I . ants In oas6, ordered to be served Suffered Eczema Fifty Years-Now insistent gongll, but of leisRrely. 80ft.. Best of service guaranteed. -~-4_;.;.oo........... Well by publication. hinging chimes) might tell tbB whole Beems a long time ~o endure the Citizens National Bank V!!. Floyd story today, Olemens. Defend3.nt to be lIerved Iowful burning, itoblng, smartlDg, The ad vance guard of any ciTiliskin dlseaae known as "tetter"by pnbllcation. zation is chiefly utilitarian. It a You Get All the News Through the Miami Gazette another name for Eczema . Seems Cltlzess NatloDal Bank vs . Floyd iOOd to realize, also, that DR HOB. like the first thin line of settlers who Clemens, anto attaohed ordered sold SON'8 ECZEMA OINTMENT hilS push their way toward the frontier&. proven a perfect oure. by sberi1f.. Back in the valley life may sing and Mrs. D. L. Kenney wrttell :-"1 Sallie 'Monfort V8. Baraphaa Bun· loll at tlII.IKl. But for the settler who oannot suffioiently 'o xpress my Dell et al. M. B, Whltaore made tbanks to you for your Dr . Hobson's g'oes ahead there ill no ease, no inparty defend:lnt, granted lene to Eoz~ma Omtment. It has oured terlude, no dreaming, no 8OJlg--tmmy tetter, wbiob hal troublAd me ttle answer and oross petition less it be the rude primal song of Sarah J. Holderfield VI. Jaoob E. for over fifty yean." All drng reaction from ilia strain of being gi.ttl, or by mati. 500 Bol.1erfield. Divor.ce granted. I ever em guard. The settler bas to PFEIFFER CHEMICAL CO. Miami Oannlni )Co, vs. O . L & St. Loui~, Mo. make ready for the richer life tlud; PhiladelphIa, Pa . may follow him. He is a piGneerDeal Directly Proprieto~ and a sacrifice that his children may'

· •



July Clearance Sales






Wash Goods

... -----

Hose Specials



'I. .

Ready-to-Wear Department

Carpets, . Rug-s and

_ _ 4_....._---











Funeral Dirfctor I and Embalmer,


We ha va Solved the High Cost of Monuments with the

ha.-e • finer peace and deeper con-



could be hia. Upon his labors will be built the complex strata of life of a better

':~'MILL' S




Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

Life todlay i& & pioneer, a dariag> Former U. S. Senator from TennCl8ee, Chairman CitIzen.' Encampment straining Ua'Yeler Into new ftelda. CommIttee, handling 47th G. A. R. For life tQday there ia little of _ Encampment.

Everything in the line of Cemetery Work.

We make a Specialty

of Individual designs for our customers

All work lettered in our own Shop with Pneumatic Tools.


Early In May. Gen. Alfred B. Beers, of the Orand Army ;)f the Republic, and Henry J;- geeley, adjutant·general, Visited Chattanooga and conferred with a number of leadhureltl.zens cOIiCe, nln& the .47th annual ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~ •.~~Dt 01 tu~ ~~~ 'ine

Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires,

of dreazning. Sharp can. abound: that life JlMy hap atIep wtth tMm., Our be1lt am inei.D~ e&11a tot d~ty. They &1'e abazp'1'8lDb.daa tor: o~ 'ClOIDiDff and going. ''!'bey not Yet u..~ muic of the ricIIer'ctri. ~ that may be ftU'IIl OIl ~

No Agents Commissions-No Middlemen's Profits You Get the Benefit



.. ,

. -=~~$ .

'. .,


I 4

, ,

Charles W. Schwartz

~ '. '--~-






& Son ~.

Street, Lebanon, Ob~




Pu bllJohod




at W ~y nea vJU e . Ohiu ,



Harveysburg. IIr





lin. Peroy Beuoo, of

Born to Mr.•Dd lira. c.rey 1>0«. . Dayton, .re IpendlDI 'belr '#&0.,1011 outh of '''WO, a 6ue 'OD. D. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager' wl'h 'belr pa"'Dtl Ilr.•Dd IIr•. Ed All'll. lIahel I'er"oeoa Berryhlll, Reuoa. wife of Howard BerryhUl, paned R.tes of Subscription IIr. and IIrl. J'orD.bell. 01 ....... y as her bome Bouah of 'OWD One Year (strlct.l), In adv&UCe) . • . . .. .. 11.00 Dayton, .... 'he , u u " or tbllr .... I&b OODlumption. The deoeaaed B II&le Gop)' . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . 00 pareny Mr. aDd lin. Juper Ileroer w .. 31 years of ag., .nd 1''' &b. for • fe.... d.y •. oDl, daogMlr of IIr. aad II,... J. L. Ratell of Advertieinl' IIr. aDd II.... lr.. a.rtIoot, i'ergUlon, of tbl. pJaoe. Sbe leavse ""'" lteadJna LoeaIa. pel line . .. . .... . ....• Oe Dayton, .re lluea" of rlla&tv_ 10 &0 mourD her 1081, a hUlbaDd aDd Re adiDIJ Loe&l• . black t..,... per 11De . . .. 10<; L:IUIll1ed Ad • . no~ W uoeed live llo... • ..ta vlotDUy for a Iho.. , 'lao. 'hre. .man .0bl1dreD. The funeral ~ThnIe u-n.JOII.I .. ... " . .. .... 20e Tllrp I:!mi&b ....... aeen on our I8rvloea ....ere held aa ber home Ubl\uarleII. live lDchea .rue!. over live ·. ,r.1 HOenUy. Be la .pellcUag Inebes. pel IInp. . . . . . . . . • • . • . • Ie 10...... of bll 61me Iii 0.--&0. WedDeed ~y IfternooD aDd burial (J.rd or l~. . . . . .. . . .. . . •.. .. .... 2 1 1 e . . . . . " ...... made 10 Bellbrook oeme$lry . l~ OIOltJ'loD8 . . . .•• ... . ...• •••• •••• , ••• 10e b. b .... very llood p.. UIOD. IIr. Inc) M,. . Wm. IIoConDel1, of ocJaIa e\.c. whore cb al e 18 made. . • • • .• aile Automoblll &ourll" .n pa'ron. Dearolt, IItohlgaD, moved . I8J)lay Adv0l't1alD1I' Pt. IDCh . • • . . • • .. •• lOe ,hl• D laoount.a i\v lIII JD coDend. IzlDI oar ho&ol 'Yery 11beraUJ plr.oe·l••, i'rlday. Throullb 'bl ......t qnl&o. flw from IIr•. Emma Brown 115 on abe IloJ[ A.UGUST 6. UII Wllmlngtoa .... er. 111181$8 of &bl Oenkal SODd.y Dilll&. IIr . and lin. Joe DaDlb."J are Itn, IAn" .... Barlan aa4 .II&or, en&8rklniog r.I.'I~.. from W.yReal Herotam. Y. lin well In the Quiet rouUDe .. Lydia Baney, ......0 have beeD ab- n..viU. today . ut.; to III a little epaoe beaauae ~ from ou nUl,. tor .....eral IIr .•nd II... Barr,. MoUIDDtl. of wUla It; to 10 on cheertull7 wltll a weeu, re'orned hom. 'l'lauraclaJ L,.'le, were RUDday lUll" of ht'r petty round or at little d"u... Ut.... • veDiD, af&or a v8Tf pleaar.n' vial' m&or lin. NllII. Bo ....ard •. • Yooationa; to Imlle tor the So" ar odlara when the beart Ie acblq-wM ,,"'b reIA'lv... . IIr••nelIiN. *ley Pea.non and .,.. thl.. hll worlD will follow bla. barn on farm oWDed lOB Bay are ~I.UIDIC b.. brother .... IDI7 not be a bero to the worl4, bat lin . Mara" .... "rlaD aDd ooouple4 Lao, and ",If. tD o.y&on ~.y. be Ia 011. of God', beroea.-DIaD IV- bJ · IIr. and lin. Oh... WiDfield, Claud. Barril .nd wlfe, of .o.y. rv. buroe.i to ib. poud friday utaht. &oa-, are mIUD,I' 'be home of Mr • ... • mall 101ura008 1''' OD 'bo"'n and lin. Alpb. 8111'floe. aDd 'h. lOll '0 Iln. H.rlu II a SomethIng of • Lott.,.". Quite a larle QrQwd WitDeued 'be UWbat I want." aald the youa&, man, very ....vy ODI. Mr. WIDflald ba4 ball on 'he hill 1.., l:IaDda1 "Ie to ,et married and bave a peace- • reuonable .mouo' or ID.or.aoe anlrDoon Wh.D Bellbroot pl.yed fill. Quiet home." "Well. IIOmetlmea It bua i. a ooa.lder.ble IOMr. Th. ....Ub ab. I I (handard •. , of Daylon. worka that wa,. and 1I0rmtUmea Ir. barn ta to be rebuilt aa &h. tIOor. U to 1110 favor of Bellbrook Ulte Jolnlll' • debaUn' lOCletr." .rU.., Ume, havllR tt for wlD&Or. . The Best Pain Killer Home Made. . Woodro.... Warn.r, of Dear hare, '. MM,. dear." ..Id Mr. Wombat, "you Gim.llear b.vlD, qu". a flrl, bu' BooIIIID'1 ArDica BalTe wheD apo 10011: .. fre ab aa a budd In&' tree III pU. t ao a out, brul_, IpralD, burD your new .prln&' dreal." "The co... b, prom" .otloo aDd 0001 head. II 01' loa14, or oallir IDJur,. of 'he .kln partlOn I. &,DOd." .neeret Mra. WOlD- WU nolded .tab ume dama,l. will lIDmedlaNly remOTe .11 pata. bat. "Lib. tne, I had to make It Th. 1OOia1 ~ve. bJ ah. BI&h Eo 1:. OhambarlatD of CltotOD, II• ., lIl1.elf." , sbhool OD IOboo) IfOIlDclI Sa'orcla, ..,.. :-"U robl ov" and oiber iD, - - - - -....-ni,b' ...... qol .. a .UOO8ll 6nauoiallJ Jut- of , &erro,.. .... a heaUD, rIMed,. 1$8 equalnoD·hxl.a." WUl Mlnllttr Praia thlJ Laxative aDd lOotall,. do load for ,.ou. Only 11k, at J. Ill. Re~. B . StabeDToll of Alll.ou, C. S. Ed....arcla kaDao&od bUl1D1lM I.Dn.,·•• - - -•• - • ill prat.tDIr Dr. KiDI" New Lif. 1I:a .W llmlDpoa &'urda7· PlD8 for oonlUpa&loD .... rt... :_I'Dr. Geo. M. IWwardlan4 B . C Gar Sprfne Branch Ktlll'. N.w I.If. Pin••r ••nob per. D.i wen WUmlDttoa vi.lion Sa&ur feo' pUll DO hom••boule. be wtih- dAy IIr .•Dd MH. I'rant Saw.. lD&or· au' 'hem" No be'&or "pl.tor fo, ... .&Il. UTero ••d bo ....el.. EverJ pill a.rry H.ra, of CtDoIDua&l Wped 'bllr ,nnd.oD IIr. J8IIte ~raDteed. TTJ ib.... Prioa 260 h •• been • vlll'OI' 10 abta nolo",.. ~.~od .Dd wife ., CUDn.r ..., Sun· E. "anD.,'I. WheD • boy be 1''' w.lI DOWll



GoodRaceein the Speed Ring Each Day.

Special Free Attractions Each Day.




Good Displays of Machinery.






I.. .



Cerruptlon. WIIIOD Harlan baa .mployecll:d· MeD are not corrupte4 .b, the eI8J'o ..... rda .. Garnlr io patD' .Dd deo el.e ot power or debued b, the bablt



'Dr. J. A. McCoy,



Quit•• nomber from our noloU,


I 1riU offer .a pnblto .ale ., the . lato bome of 1:1. P. Ktn4le, on Graduate of Obio Slat .. Unlvenl l

Saturday, AU-pit 9, 1913

0... leU lIoD4a, mora IDt 'tor a aloe mOD'h. trip &hroalb ibd , .., aDd 1011'h. . .a. Wo wIIb fo":,tbem .. aat. IDd pl.... trip: alt. (jOQd....ID baa nntel the Aa. lOa bulter 'hop, and wtllllOt .f.... thl bul_ta Ill'. Auoa'......OI. - - -......__.•


a perfect dll..t1on."

BIlI'-"H..... ate I lot 01 adjeoU... 011 • elmaa poJter."Pack. .

ordlUrUr: lNt • wblle WO lie


How die Trouble Starts Ccm.ct....OD talb. callll of

maD, ...n tbey fe••rtab, natl-. a.r. &ba'mak• •eu,,4layorooutlpaa.4'

• Um.... and dllordln Uf. mtaenb1.. 'l'.te~,:!ber~:. T~_p fUIl-r n,,_r .nd 1 0U will avoid 'h... dlllalll. I'or ..:. by all deal.n,

lin. Emma Oh.nowetb, of Dear Bellbrook .DcI David Loau and famll,. ~t.tted wtib Mi. aDd Mr• . Ci.., CIlenow.&h, I ••a I:!onday. 111'. JObD Cheno .....ab I." for Kill · • muoo, lIIah., cme' day Ian weott Mr. OlIeaoweth u. ba.. matta,. viii' bl. . . . . . A. Ie. Cheno w.ib -and other relattv.. heie. III'. 1'. II. DaUD .ad famll, en tenalDecl.t 4tnaer .... Innd",lIr. aDd lin. I'raDt 1la1"to, of 8pnDI V.lI.y lb. Elm8l' PraU .Dd f.mU;"





'alth. BT our own faltb we can onl, IDOY. moultalnl. by tbe ralth that otbera lIut In u', we may move the world.--BIraJa Grand.

~Jla.Blllad ~'








- '1'0 tIlow ah.t A 1>VEBTlBERij yoa eon your bol'l8l and


ClaD ·


_ ._....",..,


tor'. medlol. . aDd oda.r'" wtth DO reUef, 0D1, p"tDI wone

.n 'h. Ume'

TelepboDe day 01 nt,ba, Valley phoDe No. ,. Long DiaWioe No. 6t-~,

l'iral Da) MoeUnI[. 0 ;00 a . In. Fln\ Dial Sohool . 11 :ao a m. FODm Da, Meellnll 10 :00 a. III.


10:10 L III. IUId 1:10 D. !D.

Hk:Uite FrieodJ Chu~


Orthodox FtiendJ Churea.

JoIn. BlJuboth Ward. Putor. Sabb.tb Sobool. 11 :80 a. m. Jt.el(Ular cburelt 8IIrvf~ 10:.0 a . m .. IWd 1: 110 p.lII . Pra)"er ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mlllllt~ W OI1lM1day evmlq at 1:aD.

Branch Ofllce, Rarve7llbaq, 0.




OLI •••• .._ YOIIl.II.


DR.H.E.HATHA.WA.Y Wayaeerille·. Le~ DeDtiII , Ollloe iD Key. Bldi. lIaID 8&





Notary Public AU tlnds 01 Notary Wort. PenlioD Wort a I:!peotal&3'.


C.lery plan", P GI.n' Puohal.· IDqulre or P"rlk Leak, Wa,..esvllle, Ohio. . a6 .s'ra iood Jer••,. 001", I'or far~er pal1toul.r. can on or phoDe W • •. O'Neall, Wa,D-. VUltl. Ohio. a 18



"For maDl years I was troubled, ID spite of al so·called remedies I used. A t last I tound quick rellet and cure

In those mild. Yilt thorough aad .'

reall, wonderful


NawLifaPills Adolph 8ebiDgeck, ii~alo, N. I.


••• DENTIST•••


01II0e 18

5a"'" BIIIIIk B1q.

WaynuvUIe. 0

'01' Internal and External .......

We N. Sears Live Stock and General Auctiolleer Posted. on pedigrees and values of all


d....... ... .





Pro,.e ~ 01 ~ "

• J


~. cu~

~"-If-"'':W.' '.~ .. . '" _ .. - --. "




'; . ,


,' <~ ~ ~~.....; y- .~'!'. '.-..:



.:. ..~ •




. :...~::..:::.;'. . ..... -\


' ..~_ .' ....


. ", :',-_ -'



I waa . aDaba_ &0. do kinds of breeding stock. a,'bl.. aDd ,ID,. wiIIht . 4 fl'OlD It1 io ill poaa4e, I ereel Experienced in handling farm sales since ror about awo mo.the WUD I wu 1905. adY1lecl to ..... Chamberlata '. eollo CIlIIJ:HT BBlCK for ..Ie. I'or Cholera aDd Dlarrbola I furtb.r IDformaliOD toqD1r. of Reuonable -:- Satisfactlon .Guarantled aeed two baaU. of It aa4 It pve 1', II. Ob.Dowe&b, W.yn..vtU., me perlDalUlll' relief to wttlel •• W. Ohio. • • , Bill Jf aDOW BlU, N. O. I'or . . . QRADl1ATII OJ' TBB Waynesvt'Ue, Oh~p by 'aU AORDI of 1aD~:. S of WATI05.&L Al1Ol'l05 V_II- O9'..I-1IoI!. 45.~ . /1 ~, ~ perleo& oomblllaUOD P ....~ . ..,;. • fV.yu .. vtl1.'IDIIeI,t.OWD IBOOOLCW.umBJOA. _ , '&_1' ., the two lqrec!lfID" .. " .... pro. "'TJdrtr,1UI &lOt ..... a . - . . •• tIll. OlarboD 0...... I'arm. Ape -=~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.,.. IDch wODderfal ...."1.. ID OC -*le .... "it ~ OC 01 . U""~==~oa" ply $0 I'raatltD . Paobr, W.,..... = . ~oa~b...... ~r _&brlO. t : - : ~ .:roa k:'=~ to '. ~tIwatfIal .1Il•.,tJhlo. ._ . tf ~aye--,j»u ever tried 'our lfled Ad ,7 600 It II DOW ar. .,. lit'. WJa;r, l.iIIik aelill': HC)(J-Bed b. 111. . ,'bllng good ' , · ,' 1ciM",,~.~71O. • ..........· toaltbi.JUbU9OO1l~ ~.: . . . . . ~~.~& ... " " . ", lDq...... orJ;oIui ..Beaoh. a, D. ,... , \ ' . ,1 . n~ ·PllI.forOOD- , WWltialraDMt.-t....,. . . . . . . . . , ......~IIO~~~~""~" I, WQaenl.n .,Oblo.- _, . ~ ....r .. : ~~ • •v~"~!~' ~now...



Bermon by pUtor.,..,. .alMniale Bund&7"


.'1 ...... ·.Haoted wt&h d,.lIDt.r,.

b, 'h.


Funeral Dlrer.tor.


.bona .101,. llib, ..d IlIecl ,b.4oc

Chrlltlan Cbun:b. 841•• P. B. TbolllJ*lIl, Puta. Bible 8cbool. . : 10 L m. 1Iodal-'hla. 10:10 .. !D. <lhrtfiIaD ~yor. 7:00 Po m.

bu' little, aDd briDP reeults •


Remarlcable Care 01 DJlIDtery

mOD 'b.

OOWII aD" oUl.t ibtDp b,. advertl.. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'! In& ID the Guelik n 001" ':;


..- ..------


Bond.,. of each

IEN-$lt.OO per da" .&oatty ....orlt o.ucciim, •••OUU........ for loed men. Appl, &0 the '""'new OO.TU • • lte, T.A ... " . " CIA. OreIIODI. BrIdge Compao" I.ebaDOD, AND .U. • ••VIC. OA" .H'". Oblo. S 10 .V UIINO tft ADV ••Tt •• NO CIO&.U. . . .


Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with 100alapplloeUoDl," .hey.,... Do..... oh &b. . . ., of 'he d....... Lea'.' 'he ....... 1 ' , . oa.rah .. a blood or ooua:l'D"oual borrow GI ...., d ...... and in ord.r caro Ii 10n J_u- -- ..... __ ......... mua ";te la&orna1 remedl... alu'. i_~~2._ ea.rrb Oon I. &at.. In&e'D.lly. ~-..andaotl dlreo'ly upon ab. blood aDd 1Il1aooua .art.OII. SaU'. ea.. rrb . POll OM-. Can ta DO' • quack mecllotD.. U : ODe of 'he bIa' : -I"... why . . ............ wu pr8lOribed pby.loIaD. to 'hll ooootr, for y..... '.~ 10 .....,.. .od." .. n,u1.r pruonptlOD. " " . :;,..,1 1ID't • ....a _' n • bIa' ioDtoa kDo ....n. ; .... oompoeecl of combined with 'be bIa' hlood part eeNOUIlDlttJlrpt Gere, .oetq dlreo&l:r OD ib. IDDOGa.

i'aUler Lollfll Ya11l



'011·... ;





Be.... 0.8. Grauaer. Putor.

Sund., Sebool. II : 11 a. m . Mornln« ,er vloe. 10 :80 a . m. Evening aer.,lee. 7 : 0 p m. Mldweelr Pn~er llleetlna. 7 p . m.

Mae. enr, IIClCOnd Sunday at the moath a toota belongiDI to the ~I"'te. OOD ., wood's house, Fourth Street. U;OU Ia. m . Il"la, of \001 oheat, Iidden, grind· ~&one, soaffoldlDIJ, pDU.,." oilisel., Telephone 28 . St. Mary'. Episcopal Churda. aw., pllDea, eto. Terml poaltlvely Re". J . F . Cadw&lJader. Rector. oub. Mary K Gard Waynesville.. Ohio SundlaY Sebool. 0 :80 a. m . Momln II' ler C. T. a ..... t •• Aue'. . "Iee. ·10 :30 a. m. HoI, Oommunlon 'be lint

00 'b., ooualDaally plot &hell' DOlI or plod tlletr ""h' S ... tb.,. Gramptq pat.... 1n'88D1ar and r a y ' f FOB SALE . .uu.ppeU.. , Th... an ..U.ten. of Xeala and lb. Wm. Ba'&on, 0 of wonu. Worme.ot ODl,. GlUM DaytoD. QetM. .IIJ lucon', . Jonr ebDd 8IlfIertD" bD' dUD' I.. IIr. W.rrm Laoy, of Dayton, GIW-J.ney 001', .Dd .. ju' fresb, a ROOd ODe. Inquire of A womao like. to marl'J a IDIJl wlao mllll! u4 lrowtb. Wft ·'J[lotapoo vt.lted lata par.... bere one d.,. 1..., CUr1I,ln a.mea, R . D. I. W.,ne•. feel. that 11& w.. bom to COmmln ' , Worm Em.r"., o.oe. U kUIJ'aDd . . . k vUle, Ohio, phoD. n._y.. a 20 • jUit to pro,.. to him ~ be .. . . .'&. relDOYill &h. worma, Improve. Joor oIltld'••ppe&l.., nom.ob. Blaotberry ptotto, 118.101 to ba -~ j Um and bow.... TIi. .paptGml 'h. order of 'h. 4ay a' prel8D' .nd lUS-Both male and remal. dtu.".ar.Dd you obllcl .. !hell a pleaUf.1 .apply of &be )llIOIoaa PolaDd UblDa pip; tbe tind ah.' .....Igb. 240 l11e a' 7 mo. 01.. bppy . . . 1a_I.hy. at ulan to· bent..... r.por&04 . Youth"'l. H. cloth Dot tack 10 .Imanac wlaoll ........ All dru"tat. or b~ ID.U. 1111111 .... ta a' hom. ~.... Can 00 L. Kill,." Ohto. 1[tu.poo Ia4taD lIedloio. a alO ,outh ta tD hla aou1.--OlInr WencI.u 150 CJompaDJ, htlaclelpbla, Pa. st. III . . .Dded ...~ t. OhlllloOlbe, Holm... ARII-A Ifood on. ID a aood Ohto. Louta, 11o, lOOIatOD, 010.. &0 ' ....0 rallroadl. • - • B. 0.' DattD ad,. had .. For fudb.r ,..rtloularl . IDqulre ., NOlHlegotiabl.. NY n. ".... &heir IUIIW dllDda, J:d Coolr and 'bta .moe. 0 18 I erawlord - "Are tboee dollar famn~, IIr. aDd II... Cook, ICIS-18 Kooel tlaroo Ju.eJ' w.tcbu 101 IOOd '" Crababaw- .. - _ I ......... _...... Ralpb EftD" of Dayton and W.Uer • priDI.O.... pip, e)l,lbl. io reo "Th.,.re .u rtabt, e:lcept wheo -"1'.., .... t wW II it,. D.tta .Dd f.mUJ . 81"1r7. I'or IDr&ller IDform.Uon broke."-Jua. 1a it .& tb8 . . . . . . . . , . . . . ........ "'lvto Roland who bl' 10qD1n of "·r.nt AaaaiD, R. D." W.,....n)le, Oblo. a 10 the tub ...,. beeo verrllok .. I'IOOveriDB. j


St. Augustine'. Catholic Churct..

JIeIlDDIDIl ., 1 o'olook .11 of 'b. Office at residence in F. USher·

::w.-. ...................... .



Methodist Spiacopal ChurA


Helt. Ada will be lnaer&e<t under ,hi. head for Some 4octor. .., tbat It I WomaJl t·..enly·lln cents tOl' three Inlllrtlollll conld reall,. reet unUI ten o'clock ey. ,r"'D lIlerohu 0', Ii bu,1a. • V..., •• hon U81~ not IIIOro than lI.,e line.. - V7 d., abe would add a decade to ber 111m.." Slrma. CoaDer, JOII8pb of wheat. Ute. Reat II tbe oDI, tblila lIlat leta lIalnu, )'raat DakiD and Mr.•nd . , and IIr.. A Ii. ADlon and lin. Ern... DakiD. .. cateb up with ourael,.... WANTED

NIDIl, Ooat-"I thoucht rltUr ...

Excellent Music Each Day of the Fair.


Public Sale


"r&.t" " Alra. DeardoJr and .DlIl ....on 'ranaaoatDIf ballD.. ID the "r.:;R",'b, or s •. "'upaU ••• 1'1•. Gam Ct'y I.., ....eet. "'moDI 'bem IIIwlD t-,"Ub, oar e."rprillDa wen lin. Cha.. Braddook aDd IOU

Troubla Amldlhl ....


5, 7 and 8 ~-------------------------~

dq. Mr. Hance K,era I. 'he gull' or AII.n •• and lin. Joaeph Satoee •• th. A mao'a world a1waY8. thl. baa been . . . of &bll writlDI, tin. Albert Drake had a. har -e.e!'1tbllla Irranpd for men-&Il4 tbe wOlDeo are forelpen. 1Il-" b8l' II.tell....... Le.. aDd

beautlftll houae on 'b. of obedIence' but b), the e:lerclae of a ora&o power which' they' beileye to be CIi-rt.vtll••Dd Ban.,.b1U'i pike. .110 have 'he oo.anot io palDt lmate IDd b, obedience to a rule wblela lIoei. Will., of lIayanlle. Kentuot, the1 coDilder to be Ulurped aD4 0.- &be, oburoh MI' of tOWD. fer. fe .... viII'. pnul.o. ~r . In" Kra. 1:. 1)altiD are eD

Bap'' '

Free Exhibitions Morn· ing and Afternoon.





Lunette Sisi ers, Delmore & Oneida.

Exhibits of Borses,Cattie, Swine, Poultry.




Wooster Experiment Station Exhibit.

Columr" ~. Th_'

.- . ~/~,j"



.: r..lllt~

'. "

t '.., ...


The Miami Gazette O. L. CRANE . Pub li sher.





T E NDE NCY TO A etal'lJing QII.' stion com ro rrom a ll InquIrer : "l'an you obtain Rny In (or · m a tJ on why a ll railway tlckelij or '-l1 rd · board &r o t be same 81~ a nil ove r E ng· l lUld nod tb" conlJnell1 nnll Am e rica. ~ I z.. : 3~ Inchps hy 1'4 Ineh os. a n d h av becn BO (or th il Ilist 50 years ? Wbat I. tb .. reason'" Well , luetuey '! It Ul mil way tl ck flt Is tb e s am e 81%.6 all OVE'r t he wo rl d. It on ly sbow8 our t E'n clency to s tJi n dard l z~ , sa),s the Lon· d on Cbronlc le . You m ay stc p throug h ch '!JIllcd world , and whe re ver th .. Bt pllll are placed th e st a nd ard 18 23 In c.be8. u pwud or onward. Ever)' tnll lc!er's ladde r Is built to s cale. and tbe flremen's ladder la on the scale of the eeaman '8 run u p th e mtllnell, not the brlcklayer'lI trudge up tbe wooden rung8. But pc rha l' s th e &rea test tri · umph of etandartllzlng II tbat of th o clrcn lt. Th e re are big and little el l' c uses In t be world- thousand. ot box· ed IlpeCtatOT8 at th e HlllPondrome or hundreds of boy. In Ne w Mexico. But the ring 10 alwa," of the same dlam · ete r, for the bare bac k rider haa dl,· covered the e xact angl e at whi ch hit ean sQuare the circ le. The clrcua rtng never varies by a fo ol.


Le ading Manufaoturer Points Out Prospective May Bore Into Seeds After Plant ing and Work On Hoots 01 Be Protected. Fi eld Crops - Early Fall Plowing Breaks Up the Cp,I!s. Destroying Many Larvae FIXING STANDARD OF VALUE A Ilrloill i I'nt " e ~ l or fi e ld c rop" Is a gr u JP <Ii IIlN(l<'l.s k no w" as wire worm s . Th, ')' art' tb .. young ot w e c ll ck·beetle" or snllpping bugH, wh le b o n' w P, 1l knhw n 011 acco unt of tbelr pec uli a r ha bIts. T h ('), are lJro wn, ha rd·lJodl ed lar· vae oC " l.!urlr uli ltor m 811e throughout, t h UB thl.! \\'e ll k no wn co mmon nam e appl leu to thl' lll Is appropri a te . Work On Seed. and Roota , Tb ey bore luto yarlous .ce ds afte r planllng or work on tile rOOlll of vllr· IOU8 plan t6. orten c aus ing serious In· Iury. lo:gg,; Illld In sod ground, n lld t h e larvae wblc h ha t.c b trorn t he m IInrm a ll r work o a tbe rOOlll of grnsse e.

work l llg

way , lor

S UlH l '

l(l ~"lh~r R lJ" " h ' ~

In the

SIlI1l Q

l e n~ '



duce adull" c "e r r yelLr . l..i' fI·ae ot pralleI' a ;;I' c h an~t' to I'upu .. In mid · OUIllIn,·, r III c ell .. III th e ~ r o llll d . T hr" " or fo u r \\'eck6 Inler I he a d u ll slaj(e Iw rCill'I,('t!, !Jut l hl' hN·tl,'s r"mu l n in lll u I," pa l ce ll s un ti l t he (o llo\\'ioll ~ \l r ln j( '" It,' n th ey co m .. rO fl h a nd t\ y ab ou l t he fit' lels In den rl!h of ... MUU ' tlUl l' pl al'u to lu y t lt .. l,. et-:g~ Control 10 Diff icult.

~ I II CI' Iher e Un) d llTe n·nt agell 01 lurl'ae work in g logf' tlle r It 18 pla in t ba t IhC' f(' is no t im" wh en nil 8p ~c l · me ns will b e III tile s alD e Rtn ge a l ibI' sa lDo tlm o. This ma ileB co ntrol d im· c ult Idnce t h ere I. n o prac tical I1l lll U· od know n for killing th em in til e wi re' wo rlD s lag... Arte r midsumm e r thOSE th n t li re (0 prodlll'e bee tl es the ro ll ow· in l$ 8])rlu g ure elt1ll'r larva e or I.I tlul ll In n so rt·bodie ll ('o ndltio n In ea r t heD cell s a ra w Inch es be low l he s u rtR(,B SlInge rl a ud found that e arl y !all p lowing li nd occas ion a l ha rro wl ug tb e reafte r broke up tbe ea rl he n t e ll! anti e 1l>o s ed tho in sects whl oh , on :lC count oC nll.t urul e ne mie8 a nd dr yln , o o ut by th c s u!l' wer e kill e d In I" rg . wireworm , (b) La,.va e of Co r n (a ) numb e rs . w ireworm. (e ) aeetlt. \V lro worm s a pp ea r to p roducE' 1ll0Z1 U lIod Is p lo wed and th e aeld Dla n tcu I noticea ble Injury on we t li nd ~OU I land . Car e tul und erdra lnln g apP"Urf I diU It b to anol he r crop, t h e na tural tood SUI" on s. m llY nut I . to mprove c un p ly I ~ c ut art and tb e 1U~ ('<'ls lire possi ble to prove thllt dra inag e ba ! forl'e d 10 f eed on o the r root s. Co rn any direc t e rrec t on th e Inseel!.', bu t plan ted In hills Is most n o ti ceably In · sure ly fully drai ne d fe r tile so il weI' lure d b ut va rious otbe r cropa Bulfe r ' , , a lthough t h e damage mllY n ot be Quite c ultivate d. mak es It pOf-s lble fo r t he crop to \: row 80 rnp ldl y t ha t Inscct III 0 0 ap pare n t. Dltrerln g from c utworm s . th ess In· jury Is OVl' rcome to a grea te r ur les t J . S . HIl-: E. sec ts pEU\8 from three to fiv e y eara d eg ree. . In tb e larvae 8tage, con sequ ently Coll ego of Agric ulture. OhIo S ~a te Unive rs ity . wire wor ms or dIffe re nt I1g~ e may be

Not man y people Iruard th e ir healtb carefully a8 Blr Tatton Sylt el, wIlD lD wlnter wore five or alI coats whe ll out rid lng, and ahed some of the m aB he became wa.rnie r. Prince Poutiaklne, howeve r, took even stronger precau· tions agains t IIInes &. It the re was a louch at cold In the air he bad fires Ut In his ground s b e Coro ve nturing to IItroll In them. Hi s waistcoats were made In t wo lIeparat e pieces , joined at tbe side s by button s, 6 0 that be could take them olt or put a d d itl c nal on ee on wlt~out r e mo ving hi s cOlll It canght In 1\ showe r he Bbe lte red him · lIelt with an umbrella n earl y two feet Wide, which came down below hi, wais t and was pierced wl t b little win , dow s. In Ye ry hot w eather the prince wore boots coated with tin, aB a pro· tectlon against mac! dogs. and carried llpongea sOllked with vin egar In biB In the se lE'c Uon of a fertlllzer It Ie IIhlrt tront to ward orr un p leasant true that the soli, the crop and the ameJls. place In the rotation each d emand at· t"ull on. But tb e lIimplest way ot look. 110

f nU ll d


--~~ -

.=-===- ---.- .



Ing at th e fe rtilizer Qu esUon I. to con· sider Its li s e as adding plant food to the aol1 "'hlcb Ia tbere iu Insuffi· clent amounta or adding It In a more nallable form than tbat found In the 8011. Two llIostration8 will m~e my meaning plain .. Sc attered over Ohio, . lndlSDA and I11lnola are areas of muck and peat varying from 8 few sQuarc feet to .everal tbousand acres. It is well known that this type ot soli 18 not well supplied with the element potassIum. The average yield ot nine crops of corn on this unfe rtilized soli Willi 3.6 bushels per acre. When the It Is IIIlld b y a s tatlstican that this 6011 waa treated with potaBslum. at country upends on muslo In various ==:.. - ::-::. --_ .=.:- :--:=:: ways the enormous eum of '000,000,RAIN tN THUNDERSTO'hM8. 000, or three Umes the amount ex· Thunde rstorms occur wh e n('v1!r p e nd e d on tbe army and navy . Which onl y proveB tbo trutb of the tb e re is rapidly a scending c ur r '.' ll t of old saying tbnt music hath cllarmB very mois t air. U nstabl e 'cQulllbrium to soothe th e save breast. That we Is produced when a mas.s of cold ail' preter t he s weete st o C tbe arts to war ove rlies a r e gion ot ve ry warm air, I wh e lh er It is produ ced b y th e undu e I Is alBa p r oof of our perfected c1vlJl- warmin g ot the lower nit or fly the luUon. f!.owing In of cold rur 8bove Ii body of wa rm ru r . In. e llher event there Is a Milwauke e m ini s ter say s that wh e n tend e ucy for tbe cold u lr to ascend a man Is ma de ha ppy. t hrough mar- 1I11U th e warm air to be forced up 1I\ riage , It ts alrIg ht for a wlnlster to \'Iol en l rusbes and a thund e rstorm 'acceJlt a dollar or 60 irS a marriage will be forme d. This rapidly rising fee. But tb ere are some bus blinds air Is Quickly cooled past the temper· wbo, as tim u goe s by, attliln such a de- ature of complete s aturation ood rain rt·suIl8. Whe n new maSKes of Warm gree o f " ha~) pln ess" tb ey wIsh they molsture·lude n air Ilow In and up, had th eir " dollar or so" back. moisture cond e n ~e s rapidly lIod heavy

Thl' a s tonlsblng statement wa. racenUy made by the agrlculturnl de· partment that th e 108s to the country through Inse cle In v egetables, nowers, trnJts and trees amountB to $SOO,OOO· 000 anuually, and In connection with Immense 10SI Is tbe significant statement that tho~sands of lIong bIrd II. . whIch are the natural Insect destroy · era, ' are wantonly killed In vlolallon of law. A situation fraugbt wIth such lltaggerlng 108S ought to have some drlUlUc remedy made poutble.


Univ e rsity.

.A Chlnamsn In New York has lined for false arrest, claiming dalllages WlndstoTIIlll throogh the 8ummer ,.hlcb, h e says, may to some extent ·.r,IlY often bre ak a Ilmb from a bt'\arlng relmburae him for the loss ot hl8 usu- tree, but they ~ll.DOt rob the terUlI11 your soil al caltn and happy disposition, a8 his of - --- - - - - --_ ._ .- ---arrest brcugbt all a fit ot melancholy. The poetic s e nUme nt of this oriental Do Not F.~illze the' Crop, appeal ought to touch tile mOBt hard""'ertlJir;e the soli, not the ened .practlcal occldental jury's hearL ('rOIJ," Bald an Instructor from th e College ot Agriculture In a WrlUng of whooping cough In a re cent addre86 hefore a meeting medical journal, a pb ylflclan remarks: of farmers. "There Ia no such "Any dIsease which kills 10.000 chll· t.hlng as a 'earn fertilizer' or a .dren a y ear Is eerlous." Certainly 'wheat tertlllzer:" he continued . Ul1I! particular IIclentist can 't be acProtes sors at the College of Ag~uaed of a hysterical aDd ellaggerated rIculture do DOt like to advise thabkt ot spe ech. what fertilizer to apply unless they know what eoll It Is to be u8ed on. Puttlq this Idea Into A ....Dman ·oonteuds ·that the mila' practlce, arrsngements bavo .(lollne !form iB 'more beautiful than the been made to send a representtemln.lBe. Hail ahe never:aeen a drum· ative of the Cellese of A8I'Ict.i1mer IItnealLlng it Cor the dreBslng room ture to farms all over the state Jll a P.u.l.lman aleetier at .6 a.. .m. to give advice In the appUcatiOD ~ and bome mixing of tertlllzers. AM. eommul;l1ty may...8ecur-e one TIle 11!4~. IMt IIBa fluaU, come In. of tA\lse vl81ti, which are free. ..ow Its 0,"0. Tiley a.e DOW making ~ •. ",. writing td IA. )j, Orabam. CoI. . .·'aIld'etcarel:te. ~;ubont nlcot.lie, ~t' o! AayIc;ultJlz:e. 9olllmb~. I; . '.... Ibftta. -' 'rhe ' .dates ·'opeD are 'lD , ,l)n!ry time &liT promlJUMtt man plots Au_ aull Bept~mber, ,..,. .


.... -U1lllU .world . peace fOmeUlSll.





Cc.rN s pondent of Motor Age DC8crlbe. Practi c al li nd Economical De vice He Has Perfec:ted.

• ,.




AWAITING A HORRIBLE DEATH Ch ica go an Recall. Terrible Battle of Fredericksburg-Was Then a Bo ), of Only Si xteen Yea,...





Aim to keep llto~ . ,t:lillt 18 wort' While and you will lind that :rour · In terea!. Is Increased ma,,. fold. , The ]lye stock tarmer I. not depend ent upon one IIr more grain crops 01 uncertain yield and price.

. A .8map peld of mU let m~y Jurnlst some good te~4 ,an!1. !Dake use' of Iille ground. . •




. For washing A. separator nothll!~ beats . & brush and '· II9QId1D.g , water oODtatn,lng , aome washl.". powder, '"

~D b~" Oo;~O;led

The apblll" '. aprayjus wJth U.e to&:ea.,





Ttje s us pe n sE> oC awalt lll g dea t h foJ' whlC' h tlrt.' \l o.rullo ns wer e ma d e aga in and a gl.ln . delibe rat el y and III rull vie w, Is told by R. H . Wa lto n. 121 9 East Se venty· 11ft h 8t roe t, Cblcago _ who was a boy uf lib tee n yclU'1I at th l! tlrnl' ot th e battl e of Frederick&burg In ' Dece mlJ e r . IR62 , hut wb o a lre atl~· hlld nlO rlJ t.bull a yoar o r m ilitary eXll tlrle nce be h ind hi m. H e WUIJ a m e mber ot Compan y 1< . Thirty· fourtb NE' w Yo r k Inra ntr)·. 0 1 00,.. man's brliad e, S ed & w l (' k ' ~ di vis ion. The story at hi s ex perll'n ce before the IItotl e wall n t Fre d E'rlc k~bu rg Is told U tollows: "Late In t.h e afl(,nl oo n o f Decemb er 13 our r egime nt . with oth e r8, waH hurried from 1Y ltbln tho cit)' or .Frede rl ck'uburg 10 sUllpert th e tro ops c har~ lng up MlU'ye's hill In a vain end eavor to rea ch Ih e fa moua ,lI tono wall.' As I re me m ber It. we hnd no more than com ll to a. bait wheD t b o ehe lle from the Con fed e rat e ('an no n we re bursti ng all about UB. -' At U1I s mo mont, bl.'ho!d! a n o ffi ce r rldln ll II whit E' h or se dash ed up to n Co nfe cl <>rn!.tI can non on th e hili ~t ou r ri g h t . Hc point ed Ilere mllto rll y otral gh t t o ward u s . W e could 0 00 eve ry mov e m ent of th e gunn ers n.nd wo (~olJld S8f\ the cannon and every one at us kn ow what was co mlnll . W l' sa w tb p loali ing ot th e pi ece In e ve r y detal!. All\\' th E' gunll e r th u mh Ih e ,·e nt . Bn"' the Iu.nya rel placed an d th en th .. !,'lIn s ighted a ud e " e ry man a od boy of 118 kn e w tbat d f a t h 1Il a n awrul. horrlbl !! Shl\.PIl was comin g .. trrught tro lU t hlll ca nnon mou t.b n s us. " It did com e. The IIrs t ahot s tru c!! lin d buret at t he rIc h t ot the r egi · m ent, killin g aud mu t lin tln g a full score. Agaln .... e watche d th e gu n ne r« a nd waited to r dea th and aga in cam e. This ti me th e s hell burs t farth e r down the line nl'n r t.h e mi ddle at th e regime nt. and anot h e r sco r e or more we re e ither kIlled or mutil ated . lI galn we watche d. Oh , tho Be mom ents at a gon y a nd sus pen se! The gun Is sW/ibbed . Th l, chargl' II' plac ed and agBln we sec th e g unn er with hie thumb UVI!r Ihe vent. The ahell Is rammed h om e and now t h e Ilinyard 18 In hand. The man 18 sig htIng tbe gun anc! d eath again s tareR u s In tIl e fac e . Ob. th e mo c" er )' and emptine s s oC word s to te ll' or ho r rore like this! ' ;'In ono se<'ond ou r I'ompan y W illi' re nl and torn llk e a ple"'e of cloth In a burrlcane. Th.. s he ll had buret ellactly In our mldat. It took on e man with It as ' It . on tere d tbe ground, COULD NOT CHOOSE HI~ WAY burlftln g. and tore both hI. legs away; . ~ it Ictl\ed tlv e outright and maimed American Tat<lng .Rtfugeea frO~ Fight· and c rippled I cannot now re member Ing Zone In Mexlc:o, Fortul'liite In how mall)'. I believe I neve r Jumped Halllnll Good Machln~· / Qlllc ltE'r or eo far. I landed right btl~ '. , side th e captain, and a t the same InH . -GE'offrey F1 e tC\t Qr, r epres entative stant '1\ bunch or brains as large 8.B a of an American autl moblle . eompany butternut fell on hi s sword . . Mexico . City, ba~ an exciting e~pe- .. '.'At this mom pnt we witness e d the rlellqe du t !nfi; .the lat~ unpleasantness most glorious s igh t ot our lives. A fn that lrobbled c!ountry . Mr: Fletrher s hell trom Ge nera l Hunl'8 ' fe de ral was compelled to take a party or gllnS an Stat1'ord 's h eig hts b ur At beau r efugeeB ou t' of' tbe fighting zone. It ''''1l1 y and ex scUy .\,Inder th e muz zle WIUI D1ld~l~ht at the ' ,tIme. 80. t~~t he o f the gun that bad wrou ght us suc h iffd '!lot rOllllze funy all the d'ltncu-\ttes destru~~ton . T he gu'n d isappeared lUI tllat· h l9 ~c()unteted , . Later he 'we'nt It, It had bf,e n swn,IlIn\'cd up In the over tblt, ground with, his calD(lrt ani! earUl,

A now shock absorber consists 9f a cyl1nder filled with liquid. In· AIDS IN WHIPPING CR·EAM, closing a ' piston . pushed hack con· stan t1y to the bottom . Wh en ,the piston as'cimd ~ Ii vah' 6 oloscs to pr e ~ent :th e pass· ag~ ,'p ,J,the liql1ltl except by several 8mall' ·b...~le&. The piston;' tlrererbrei has pel'fect ·rr~ .. J • • dom In ascend Illg lie cyllnc!er and Is cheCKed wben Ii desclmds. It Is c1almed that ' the design Insures adequate ·protectlbn from road sbocks and that the recOil. ~hlch . Is perhaps the greatest source of discomfort, Is entirely e liminated. ' The Wlle n eo many dulnt y !lnd nl lpell z. devlc,e Is 'adjulltablc nod Is easily ating dIshe s c an be lnlld<> by llBlna tachEld to any car.- Motor. whipped c re am, a ve ry band y little ~reakl In the I?lpe Line. apDaratus to have Is ' th e cr ea m whip. ID the early days of the sport one of It Is easy. to work nnd as one hou80 wlte has put It: It will almos t ,,;hlp tbe c:ommonest troubles encountered by th" motorist was a brolten gasoline sklmm~d milk Into It deliei'ous diSh. 'rhe usual troubie with whlppln~ pipe. Willie rarer now thla accident cream hy ban<\ II! tbat It ca nnot lJE sUll occur!! occasionally and . It Is al- American Undl,..lung ' Roadlter, Whlllh Had an Exciting Experlenc:e During stlrmd fast enough to cause It to be· waya well to carry a BecUon of rubber . Mexican RevC!.Iutlon. come light. Moderately rich cream I. tubing with which to make a temporary repair IIhould Ii pipe break on the the best to use for whipp.lng. road. I( the gasoline pipe hreaks o~ took plcturea i>t lIome of tha worat ehort, at the union, a gas. tlgbt repalr place. hlB car "bad been forced to The m an on the farm Who se lls 0\1 can be made by Oiling the eud ot the neiot1aWl. Ttie cut ' glvel a talr Idea 'wheat, osl>! or corn Is 'sellIng ra" pipe to a cone shape. so that it may .of Just · :11-11": .eitcltlng Mr. Fletcher', malerlal on which a number ot me~ be torced Into the seating:' Next 'sllp ride mUllt bavlI . beell,":"Motor. will later mako a mlln'utactul'er~' oyer it a pieoe ot rubber tubing and ' .. . J ! tt .o'\ , proll t. when the union Dut II Ughtened It expandJl the rub~er . lnslde the union In'fhe seiling ot butter from the far a to a (onn of washer. which will mak~ requites work, but what else reall] a perfectly tight tetn)MJral'y Job. Ali: worth whl~ doe8 not require the sam. nddJtJlonal preca~Uon may. be taken tblng. by applying a touch of 80ap around the unIon at the place where the pipe Let the hot IIlln aid In killing YOUI enteN a'n-d aillo on the thread.wee ds. A few soythed each day will From ~r. .. .• clean up the plac,:}n JI. little while. '. -


downpours of rain occur. Thunde rstorms unually mov e I'as t· wurd wltb til e gene ral air drift. and. liS mSSH OS of aIr flow constuntly In from eith er SIde, heavY rain accomp· anles tho eastward ·movem e nt. When· e ve r for any reasoll the center at the rapldly ascending currenlB ot air reo main nearly slrt.t.lonary, cloudburs.ts, so-called. occ ur Mld the ra lntall Is ex· J . WARRI!:l\f' SMITH. cessive. c ollege of AgriCUlture, Ohio State llnivenlty.


Fmnk I~e of Sprln~ e l d . M o., t\ l<nd. thE' fo llowi ng commlln lcatloll to tb ~ Ex istlnll Condition. Allow Unacrupu- Motor Ago : I noUce In tho IUlUe of May 8 tUl lou. Dea lers to Take Adllant, ge of Ilrtle le trom O. W . Swartlng re garding Pstl"On. Seeklnll to Purcha .. an air a djustme nt for carburetor. an Automobile That Haa I bav A o nl' on m y car, a 1910 mod el. Been In Ute wUl ch I thin k tar Buperior to the onf gi ven In th e lIIust.ratlon . Mine, which T ha t aut om obile ma nuroctu re rs I mad e m'yself trom nil old epeedom eahould dlLte th e ir <:a rB 18 tbe c" !lvlc· t er kri uc kl e. · tUb'e and cable , and a lion of on B or til e leadinG make rs. clock ko)' , ' Is IIlu8trat ed. I do nol Re lative to IblB Innovation he de- r em embe r tho· (llact cos t, but It war dared : '-rhe ullod-car probl em would 1t>66 tban $ L be greatl y slmplllled and b en e flt eC If Tho knuc kle used II! a dOllble one, car' manufacturers, In addition to I ball bl'arlug, rl'om tbtl wh eel end 01 placing a aerial nllmb er on cars, lho tub!!, 16 ,,' hlch a plE'cfl of th s .tube s he,uld also pl&ee th e date when sold Ie a.ttached, long e nough' to reach to th e tlret buyer. If tbls cOllld be from th e de6lre d positio n on the duh placed In th e sum e po s ition on ove ry to th e air ruljuetlng s c re w (It th e car· lIIake of car It would be an Intalllble buretor. A scre w was cut on tho end m ll'thod ot judgin g th e tim e that t be' ot t.ho knuckl u IJroJf'Ctin g t hr ough the car had b een In lise. and materially dn s h, fitt e d with 1\ thin b ex nut and 8 lild In fixin g a Htandard ot valull tor thumb Bc rew . To .the othe r e nd of the c ar s of d lrr ere nt 11&es . knuckl e was title d the Bpeedometer ''Naturail y th er e 'are oth e r fealures cabl ll, no t th e IInlt kind , but Heerne to whfich Il.rreot the valu e of a en r beaid es ths leogth of time In s ervic e, but the time la Ihe e88entlal Ilem chl efiy ente ra Into th e va illo oC . a u 8ed car and Is always open to mUlcb misre presentation und er exi st· Ing conditions. .. Mo re ca.rI! can be sold by me tbod s whi c h Increase public confide nc e In th em. If f' ve ry pO,ss lbl e mean s .. Is adopted to prevent mi s r epres entation IncI'ca seC cou1lden<'c will In e vitably result. , " Tb e sfl rl al numbe r on th e car a t pre l!e nt e nable s the m anufactur er to l e ll when that car was mad e, but fe w purchasers of used ears eTe r go to th e trouble of wrlUng tbe manufacDeSign o( Carb4retor Control. '. ture r relative to ths age of' a.iJ.y Car offe re d . . be of twi s ted stefll wlrfl, 90 UI St tbe r .. "When a prospectiv e buyer finds Is no slack In It ; w e othElr ~ nd at thl ll thill. se veral cars offere d to him 8S c abl ~ Wll 8 Ins l'rte d 10lO t.h e on d of 8 mallie In 1912 are really 1911 or 1910 c loc k key whlcb wile drille d to Ilt, and CA rs , b e 800n suspects tha t the age of ~weated ' In. The adjus ting scre w 0 1 all rears ollered are mlsre pres ente <I, th e ('arbur.tar VI"lUI ' Oled square to -ond tor bls OW l) protection re tuses to /1l1;R s llgh li)l 1008e fit to the square pay more than 1910 or ]911 value for hold In tbo ke y, a sma ll bolo drilled any a ctual J 9t2 enr oIYere d. Wher e- through and plnnl'd. Ap arm was a s, l! he had positIv e evid e nce that 80ldl'retl to th e end of th e tube next ~h e ca rs offered as 1912 carll w ere to lhe carburstor, bent lind · drill ed 'to real Iy of tbat y ear, tlle y would ba ve bolt. on to th e hanger o f tile carburetor. much greater valu e In his eyes. Fljr· using t be bolt that goe s into tbe thermore, If th e month tb e .oar WIiS flange. This was found to be a HillE' sold was known as well the~ would we ak. allowIng th e tub e to sag out 01 b e an additional IteQl at certainty line, hut by bracing It with II wlro that would sUII enhance the taJue of rrom the end of the tube to the the car trom the 'buyer'il standpolnt- kn uckl e on the dash tbls trouble dlaa Hl! car dllted 1912-8, slgnlf:ylng appeare d. .T he wing nut was taken that It was put Into commIssion Au- orr the carburetor ndjWltlng screw, aud gust, 1912, would show a greater value dlspenBed with . than If It had been started on tbe . With this device I ciLn turn the road' eight months earlier." vah' e screw In either dl:rlictton IUld , .. 1· secure IlJI fin e Jl.n a,djustm e nt (rom t.hl' "dash : . whll'e th e motor Is unde r 101ld. aB this cnrburetor Is capable o f.

tb e rate ot 164 po und s of Ilotns s lum sul phate or s ulph a te of po tash p e r acro. the "v erage yl elC! was In creased to 44 .6 bushe ls. P otn s~ lum In lhls case was tb e limiting e le lll ent of piauI' tood . . In IJ¥llana 300 pounds ot a ' -8,4 fertlllz er was used on wbeat. In OU6 case th e 4 pe r cenl of ammonia wa. derived from blood with tho res ult tbat there waH obta ined a net profit of $0.90 . In the othe r cuse , lhe Bsme amount of ammonia was ns ed but II WIIS obtained from peat. In8t ead 01 h e lng 11 profit tbcre wall a loss of $1.01. It I)ald to us o the more Il"allable (orm of amlDonia In this csse as It cos t no New Shock ,e.b.orber. It I. Claimed, more than the other. Doe. That and AI.o EllmM. A. BAC HTELf., Inate. the Recoil . College of Agrlc ulturl', Ohio S tate

~ -~

The duch ess of Marlborough ad"lses BrItish motherli that "a dinner well cooked Is helter antidote ,[or drink tban any possible legislation." Without going Into the actual ve'Nty ot the apthoegm, It 18 p ertinent to auggest that the noble duchess proceed '0 the real antidote by IJersonally 'teachlng the Brltlllh mothE'rs to prepare 1\ dlnDer well COOked.


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or kero'" .

Undergon 8(renuoul Teat. Detatls' Qf ·a 'record-brealdn', trip, Into the aie·rn. NoT.da mountains by A. R: J?it.wa6n 'ot Ban FraDclacp h ..~. reach,ed Detroit, At a Ullle when ~t

': Andrew ' Smith, third rrom me In the "ranks, had ooe arm anel on e les n early torn olf by th e 'l ast ·exploslon . Two of the me n \V<- r e detail ed to c a~ r y hhn Into town to a hospital , and T was Hc nt with him to he lp. 'W e took him to II church already fIIied ' with tbe ,,·ound ed . .The two othe rs wero ' "ent back to our com· Ilany . and I, be ing BO young and look· Ing It. I suppose. WitS ordered to sta, and care of ·poor ~ndrew. There 1JaB no- hope for this.. brlght "boy . Thllt ' )s " u.ll ~ he was, juet a sU m, pale faced boy. I stayed with him and did what I could tor him until abou.t midnight , wben he died . "Where could I go then? Everything In and' about the city was absolutely chaot!. One of the doctore, OJ surgeons, told ' me to stay tbere until' morning. The body of the church wall nlled wIth wounded. Tb"ey were ly· Ing close to· each other fin the floor 'ust as they had been brought trom the baitlefleld, T.b'e wide tront vestl· bule ""a.1I ' the operating room, Twa tables had been Improvised. On onf! the lacerated aDd wQunded were cared tor. The other was, uB.e d , for llmputa· ·Uons only. ' I' round .. an empty '8Jl'd sat' down on It III tile eorner and watched them . . amuptate.. 1· . , "That w~ a ..illghtJ to remember. They ~t , o1r lep' an~ 1U'1l1' 80 lut one could lcarcaly believe ,Jt was tn God's own coUDtry anc! .tbat be wI?! ' ' .looklng on,


,The RUlon, '..'

''Wben' ~b~"!t~n,l.f~e,D' e'cJre1'U)ej• .t~e ~ old


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Who Will Open Their Hearts '-l-- - - --to-CJ:lr-'P.·i-\.-- -



Llooll IIOt otTer to btl s i m0 " (,:l6 \0Ilal s how er of lJl c~s lo gll to thc ralthful lJ elt eve r . H 6 protlll H ' S to b" U II'I! !: , ell. Tb" declJ(,ijt at td tll . mo~ t llr ~e ut wanta ot the IWllrt II Il Jln)lt1I . t'~ l u "n tl lll y



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rart tca l ( ' h a n ~c " ~ hfl .u l in con \'t-'ndo u I~ jll "t as U; '!I y a "O l"' rmttuntl ·.\ork AS Y; : l~ t II l l n ' ,.: ttr r p ('[ iu t! "r l.:'zartl~ from 1111 ' (' U; Vl' I n HelhaJlY . Chri bl.

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I I('n t "I >ltor . bu aF an " hldl ll ); ~u , ·" t 'Vhll ,· hp a b l l\" ~ t Ilf ' n' I," gin 'S )J' ,!'l'll ' Illul Ilr" and L""uty a lld ~trf'ng th to thp hf'lt" v"r " II,·,':w s(' I !lv I' , ,'" sha ll ' II,"" lI. l ~o " . Y, ·t not I ," sai d th ,' hU I>" I PY. ha le·II'·a rt·rj Il\.lo ~ tlo', " hilt Chri s t t h ut livt'lh iI , 111(· .. . . nd thul \\"1).;1 the I n 'U80 n wh y ['~1I1 re·tn:lin,'" a Clt rl Hlla n ! (a Chrlst·8·rllall) h 'llt-: aft e r t lt e flrs t : I!xc1[or"f.!lIt or th., ",','11., at namas c u~ hlld Jla ~B",l Hwax · A we ll was tl lH'n e d In PI1UI'R h ~ art that day , and i t~ d eep. 0001 . IIvlnJ? wat"rti npver ran dry , Ruled by Love of Christ.. F lock of Wh i te Plymouth Rocks . :-.I nn could alwaY H predl!:t how Paul would uc t 1m li llY l1 ru e rgency. beca use , Hy Ml'; I! AE I. I'; RC' Y I·: fl . I lIo w mu c h LIOtto r It would hun the princlpl " that rulerl him was aIIt iM s urpris in g how many people . beNI to havR car eru lly driv e n thes. A view of the deck or Perry's flagship Nlagllra. · which w~ . ralsod from the lake bottom. rfls t ored. and Is b.-lug ways the Ul\mo> ··Th e love o r (;hrist othtlrwlse model c lLlzt' nd. are glll lLy rowls back Into th e yard and at once towed from port to port of Lake Eric. where Com mod o re !'(, rry a hundred ye'ars '4l0 won his glor lou8 victories in contralneth IlI e ." "For m e to liv e III of cruelly to both fowls aud a nlmale. repalrnd the fonce . the War of 1812. ChrlHI." Th e only ~ason wby any &t may not be altogothe r illte atloual Verily th e contmirlnes8 of the bea good maa continues to be a good mn.n on th e ir part . but n.w e rtb oles6 tb(:y do 1>. not In It with the contralrine ss and Is that the wells pring In his 80ul thlng~ t hat call (or ce ()~ure. stupidity of some or th e attendants. neve r runs dry . Rtlck IL>tls. s lave·huntOn" o f th A moSl commOtl acts Is to 1\ cO lll mou cruelty Is to overcrowd IlIg John Newton cease S' to scofT , and carry c hick e ns by th eir legs, bead s tbe fl oc k. oH pe clally In c loBe badly begin s to pray . Twenty years later down . This c ru elty hUB bee n practi ced vo-ntllat e d bouses . Allowlni the BUP. John l'O e wton Is sti li praying. s tlH for yea rs a n" no ooe 11",ugbt n,u c h ply of drll.klng wate r to run out and "reaelilng, stili o ver fi u wlng In bene- I about It placlog th " drinking v68sel8 In the nce ncf) am o ug th (' h aunts of busy Th py . did no t no t ic',) i.I t'~ ru s b o r "un n rl' a ls o c ru e lti es practiced b, Londo n: nDi d solely b l'Cause th e Lord b lood to t h e hl1ad "r h (' fowl wh.m Rh· lazy peoplo . Ma tly acts or c ru elty can be nameo .l esliR dwelt In him. a SOltrCe or holy ('arrled t hat wuy. Po ne ig h bor 011' o urs t1rrllctlo Il S. and nn In ~p l re r of n nble t b o otb .. r d uy waa " urrylng a fat he ll ItI the me t.ho ds " ll);J loye d In brea klns R.nd go dly adion s . Un Sunda )' ho ! by th .. lAg" Rnd III u r ' W mOtll CtltH tll o tJ II hrondlrl l'8N In be ns . F o r Instance. wP- nt to I)reacb to rkh ban lle rs IIlld bird was g a~ plllg a nd ('arn« pI' ·tty dousing th e m III "'atP- r. t ying tb e m by tit led l a d lr.I~ . On II w f'f'k-day c vc ning ~ I ot;e to l' hOI,l lI g til (1I'at h. Oil" I"g to a S lllk,~ o r tbrowl ng them h e would s ll on a threc- l c'; J.:~d stool. An l'Qually c ru,d OJ olbod I d to curry Into II yard of young cockrol!i to btl In lli s hl tl~ sa il or jacke t. Ilnd op n th o:; fo wl b)' the wings-es lwclulll y NO ktlocke d abo ut rig ht an d lett Bre all tiP Iil s ric h ex perle nccs an d ",ldO I whl' T1 th e fowls aro Il l'llvily h!)ul utl . prtl(: tlC~8 thllt B\.I o uld b f' slopped . co un sels t o Ih e poo rest who carne to Tll o pr o lle r way iM to a llow the fo wl IIroodln es8 IB a pro\' is lon of nalura \'ifilt him. " I was Ii w il d be as t o n the 1 t l) r es t ()t, th~' a rm, th o II'1; S ueltJ. firm · for r es t [l nd c er tain ly the Industrious ,·naRt of 1\ 1';-\('11. onc ... " he tl sed to say;, Iy by t lt n htl nd ; or II call I,,· hl' ld lJf!. Il cli d psel'v es it , Hilt, If it Is wante d "but. thu Lor d Jcs us ('all ~ h' me and I tw een t il " ,l no alld t ho bod y , to ha vl-! h pr <:hilll ;;O lI e r Id ea s or con· l.!tIllPd me. and now p('op lp rome to A tl pul r r wall on lJ day uotlcl'd 1.0 dltl on . till' (lil ly bUlllan" wlIY Is to s cc me os t hey woulrl 1;0 to look a t ya nk killing ~ to ck out of a c rat " by ,, 1:1U ' Hit")) :11 11 su pl1rnltl h ouse. whe re Ihe lions III t he tow or." 'Vhal r eoplu cn t <: hlu g by a 1('1; Clr a willg IlIld olh e r · tlt, ·I'(' arll 110 t, ·~ t s o r m a le birds an d <'a.III(1 t o SE'e [Ln d to h p"r n nd to lov e ! wlso roul';hly ha nilli og t u um . Wbl!n ollo w th" lI1 lo ha",! t ltn re\' ~ r g radually In thl' ~l \lrtl )' sili lo r prl'llc ll!' r w aR t he I rp mo us t rat.ed \I Ith h e r l~ plll'cI t hat It pas s orr, C'ltrlst whn dw e lt wl l.h lll ,lobn ' :>lew- I did not m:ttl ' r, a6 til , blrtJll wo uld F or ~ oll\e years La ck It was tbe ton . \ ~oon b,' klllo:cI . CU HtO Ill t o ~c ll th" Ilul e (newly I! rrl 13 tl1O' ~"'cr(,t of I :brI RlI :tn perWi th Ho m e \.I eo l,I ,' il. I~ "u tntl IlJ O oc· hat c b l' d ) c hiclt H a [ Lit(' po ultry Hhow~ sO\' t' ran c('. th a t a tru l) C hri St ian holds I cu rr f' U(:p t o t hrow c bl c k l· :.l~ o ve r Ihe alld Ill so at III r S'" bll''' s toro~s around Ollt for no other reaso n t h;ul that I [(' II co Inlo a ya rt!. Tlw r '. is r ea lly East"r lItu e . Christ hold ~ ouL Tho ~·o uul:lln · h ead no telll ng In wu nl matlll " r th s y will Th OR!' Inll oce nt~ were bought by or nil holy nrrfIClIoll. and a ll g on e rou B I r eac h t h e grou liU uD 11 wit.,,, tblll c ru elty (011,1 Ilar e nt s for th e ir litlle tots and <leeds . aod all hcrolc. sclt·dn nylng (' n· l ie pnrfo rm r' d wh e n the atlmldlLut Is In curr[c'd 10 th e' lr hom c in IJl1st e bol1rd' duran ceS, Is down d ee p In th e man'll In. fit of a U ~I "· there 1M conll id e ra blc UOX(JS . Witho ,j t tbt' prop e r brooder h eart; becnuBC Chr ist liv es, h e liv es force put IlIlo tho t hro w, hnllt , o r the right kind of tood these alBo. You (' l1n no more e xhaust the A ve ry plOUlI o ld ge ntle man was lillIe Iltln gH would be talrly tortured MrB. Hel'IDan O elrichs the other ctay ord e red ber cllaurre ur lo run down a uewspaper photographer wbo tried graces of tb e true Christian than you ve xed to tb e "c ussing" point becau8c to dnalh : (JulIe (often from rough haT;jdto Lake ber picture at New port. Dut our lIIl!stralion If! cvlde nco that not all tim society folk at the rashlonable llUmp the Thame B dry It London bls chlckcn8 happe ned to gat o ut of lin g or tb f1 "cu t e baby." resort are afrnid of the camera. The ladles. trom lett to right, are Mrs. Herbert M. Harriman or New York; Mrs. hrldge. What a tran.s cendent Idea the yard through a brok fJ n fenco ,Auythlng tbat will Inflict neodles, Clarence W. Dolan. Ml s~ Ros e Dolan amI' MI AS Al$xandrln B. Dolan. th e three last being prominent In Phlladel· tbat Is In Paul's prayer for Itls bre- to hIs garden . palll or make tho fowls uncomfortable, phla 80clety. In th e background Is soen tbe exclusive !:laile y'B Reach at Newport. thrE'n : "That ye might be fill ed with In his angor h e thre w a ston e and shou ld bo punishable. It 18 surprlBlng ~_~_ _-'-~~~.~._~~~"'~_~~~~~~~~_~., ~ 8i1 th e fulln e ss of God." When. there- lamed oll e o r tho Cowls. "There, It how many people who otherwise ant fore, we m ee t wIth a man or woman serves you right; [ c!on 't pity you a klnd-hearted and good Inte ntioned will MRS. VICTOR MURDOCK who almost never disappoints liS, who bit," was t h u on ly comme nt 00 the ac- not s top t o think that tb elr very acte Is always "abonndlng In the work ot cldflnl. are uncharitable and unchrlstlljonllke. tbe I..ortl . who serves God on eve ry day as well n8 Ibe Sunday, wbo III more anxtous to be right than to be should be kept before them from the lich. and who enn a8k God's bl088lng , start. Flnoly cut dry bone should on the billerest cup, when we meet also ho kept In bOlles wbere tbey CIU! 8ueh a on lll we know that down In the holp tllemselveB. clefts or t he BOul 18 Chrl8t, the WilliAfter 0. rew days I allow tbe chlcln spring!" to run with their mothers and teed ' late Hatched Fowls Must Be them ooly at morning nnd night. AI Spirit Made Manlfe.t. In a thousand ways will the Inward Hurried in Their Growth this time, though. I put out tbo feed fountain of Chrtstlan principle coop for them. This coop Is slatted itself vIsIble.. We see It In tbe merFast as Possible. around so that th e lillie chick8 call chant who gives Christ the key of hIs go In hut the largo chlckenB can not. rmJe. and never 1I0lls It with I\I-gotten IB y MHR. A . J . WII,nE:FL) In tbls I keep some ~t the oo.tmen" June Is a b USy month ror thEl rarm cracked whoat, and corn chop, 0.100 • gains. We 8ee It In t b e statesman wbo car"!' more to win God', Bmlle on poultry raiser and the day8 are hard· dish of wate r and ono oC cut bone.. hIs conscience than a re-election to Iy long e nougb to do what must be c hick grit. lind fine charcoal, eo thai omce. WIl recognIze It In the mIn- done with the poullry and In the Ir tbe old hen brings tbem up at noon varden . 8S she usually docs t11ey can eat and Ister who LB more greedy for 80ul& .. tban for saiary. We Bee It In the The long, hard wInter and late, wet drink and help thcml'lelvea . to whllt; young mnn who ,..011 Id rat h er endure 8prlng bav v~ tbrown UII all b ehind ID ev e r they may need trom tbe otbel' a comrade 'l! laugbte r than hlB SaYlor'B the work of both. ThIB will cause UI box . frown; In tbe malden who obeys to hatch more latc cblckens than we Coops wh ero the chicks bover mnsl ' Christ sooner than rashlon. I some-- otherwise would and meana e:ltrlll be k e pt p e rfecUy clean. As I have .no tlmeB d e tect this wellspring oC cheer- care and trouble to bring thorn to floors In my coops. I move them e ... tul piety In the patient mother, whose maturity be rore cold weather catcltos e ry day onto tresh gronnd, helng care. daily walk with God Is a tount of holy I them. This can be dono. but r equires rul 1I0t to set them In a low place Innuence o.mld hor uousehold. I know 1 cere and goo d Ju d gmen t . L a t B h a t c I1- where n rain In the night would I oC poor men 's dwellings In which I ed chi cke ns must be hurrIed In tholr drown my chicks. grows a plant ot contentment that Is ' growth lUI fast as poeslble Ilnd s till Th e r e must be plenty of vClIItlhLtlOD' an exotic rarely tound In marble man. I must nol be overfed 80 tbat their dl- in the COOp8 B8 C~8h air 18 llecesslUi1 slons. Its le aves are green and gloss,.; I' gestlon Is Injured. Ind eed. this Is the to the he a.lth or tbe youngsters. Sey. It Is fed from the Well. problem In a\l chick feeding. cral tlmos while the,. still hover In. In dyIng chambers we have olten For all chicks. 18te or enrly, the th e coops [ dust them with In880' heard th'le 8plrltUal fountain playing. , same role holds f~r tb e first feeding. powde r. ru b a drop of all Into th,· and Its murmur was as mUBlcal o.s the ' Do not feed for twenty·four hours down on their head8, and rub tbeh· tinkle o.f a brook "1n the IcafY montb arter hatching. Some say thlrty·slx lega with valleline. My hen hou_· of June." . or fort.y~lght hours, but I think that and coops are In the orchard: andl Perfect love had cast out tear. leaving the "cbicks BO long ' without when the chlckll pretei' I'oostiog In lUI Peaco r e igned. JOYS sparkled In the nourishment weakeDB them and Is ae a\>pl e tree 10 going Into their coop. T t r tbey are allowed to go lato the tnlel sunlight of God's countenance. There bad all feeding too BOon. wec y- onr and ro08t there untO eolli weathl3r III WI\II a well there wblch death could hours Is my rule and then r feed only h \II t the fa\'\. My errorts aN aD to keel oot dry-·the "well of water springing ' a !lttle, as much lUI t ey '\If ea up the chicks clean. bUBY. aDd gJ'Owlns. ' up Into ,eyerll11lUng lIfe."- -Rey. Th~ I quIckly. clore L . Cuyler. For the first teed 1 glvo bread and tbey get t~~lr ~b qWcItl,. crumbs and liard-boiled eggs, mixed Thill Is a new pbotograph ot Mn together and mol,tened with 8weet VlIlue of Heft MIIIM&N. VIctor . Murdock. wtre of the Pro&ree Loving ai)P 8.Nlng, mUk or watQr. To this 1 add a little It Is ,~c1alme4 that 100 pouudl of slve congreBsman from Kan8as, who If ever we are- to labor trW,. fOl clea.n sand. Be sure the filed ta not fretlb ben manu", Ctlittam. about 6t Is considered one or the mO.Bt cblU'lll' the hlgb,e at c.cod of our feUow crea< ·atoppy, but Jast erumbly, ~~ ,pounds water, 18 p01lnd. orcaDlc ma~ . Augustus O. Beeon has the dlBtlnction of belna t.he first mlln ,e lected to Ing women In Wo.shlngton ome\al..o- ture .... ..wos · le1111Ml to take reYel"l3n\ . LIttle cblck8 sbould be gtl'lln " 'all ter, 66 poundll ub. ADalyela .howe the United States len ate by dIrect yote or the people 'under the provision, clety. She waa...a .14 In Allen and 'w'&G ' ' and lovIng vle_ or thClm. Tbe dMp.. ~.J will eat. UP cle/}l1~ .e"Very two tIlat poultry manure eontAinl t.41 .pet Of tile Dew seventeenth amendment to the tedllral con8tltutlon. Mr. Bacon married In 1890.~·' " er alld blgber onr_~~!DJLte of the Boul houi1lf; gtl'tng tbct ' ftf8t fOlle! all BOon cent phospborte actd, Z.t8 ' per' cen' alreAdy tepreeented Georata In tbe upper houae and hili ,.r&elec;tion waa of man. th• . more 8h.11 ; be filled after dayUgbt as pol8lble and the potaeh and 3.!B per cent nit~ ... Ualn'g Him. . with thEI IIItJ an. awe that are the 1 lut jUit before t1.ey go to .leep tDr as ammonia and OI'IIUIlc matter. uiroJ)Po~~, ,. '. , I " , . t N I I g t h of perse'fertna labor In Ita .,.. '~.a%:~;.. us LIe ,sUII, there, and. I won t hurl balf and the more ahall we ahare the nIght. . Proteotl.o lt ,'. Fr6rn W.........!.1.. JOU. A I want Ia 70ur "'money a n d ' . t two dayll I teed oatmeal and --. ... IS It til ....·11 It. i • ,A ll mlnll and belp tile work 0 him, wbo, eked wbeat and a Uttle ftn!LPOrD A little Collar of paper 11'....111)111 your ,ewe , ~n en., , I', . ___-"_ .. the lIOul'• ...rue, died d .... m.'to '•• ""••e .... old tnan. :, ,b 4' ..hUe you're auv,:~~ ~... ~ for ' the. greater part of tbe raUoJi, &fOUD .., .. ' ' ' ' ' ' - ..I8i~~11 tor thlt . It rDn the _ .... on me.... .uq,. howel'er, 11;1101', them the ~rea4 wiD proteet ~ID II. . . . . ', ,.

I i I


















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-""!'It! ,,",'L'''!II

----- -----~ -- --


A THAT can serve

c very IIced is

yO \H

th e hank


l':1.t ro rwc .

BESIDES all the f'very -tby thi n .L;~ t klt any b :llIk call furni sh we ha \'(~ tir e fu ll.,wing : S.\FI~T \'

DEPOSIT BI)XES in a Fire a nd Hmglar Proof Vaul t . where yo u can keep yn u r yaltll\hl C papers safe. TRAVELEWS C H EC KS, th e uest way III c:trr y fund s on allY t ri p. MONEY trans ferreu by telegraph for a n y e merge llcy .




"UOlt received the fa nciest 10L of Melons thhi "eason . Large Rnd sweet as sug-a I'. ) ndlUllU Cantaloupus, sweet and "picy . New Calu Malaga t;rapes Sw('et Cala Oranges Hallnnas, Lt'm ons Fnncy Elht'r tn P.'aches , Ne'N ,k rs('y Swcl'l ] ' otat oe ~ , Fancy I{il'c 'j'OIl1 <ltile;; , New Irish , ', ,bll]t'r

I 'utatucs,

Cabbage .




You ca n have your Choice

Also a full line' of Cakes, Cookies, Cigars, Tobacco and Candy. Orders for Cakes for Special Occasions promptly a ttended to.

p---_________________.__. . __.. Biting, Fighting Zebras 2 Car Loacs. of

A. L. Hendrick has ret urned and is ready to do your upholsterin g and repair wo.rk . Old va rnish removed and refinished . I am al so prepared to make and repair your auto and carria~etops. All work g uaranteed. Call and see him at the upper end of Main street , in the old carriage works.

- - -...

The 47th annual Collett-McKay picnic will be held a t Ole usual place Aug ust 9

- ..


======AT HOME,======= Save money by getting it bright, dry and in good condition.

Mrs. Mary Gard and daughter. Nellie. of Highland, Ohio. are viaitillg hera for a short time.

WE have just completed one of the largest

from he r h ea rt lit e wailing cry . "Th'" king Is dea d,"-\\,ill Levlngton Comfort. To Save Close t Space, Metal t owo l racks. th at have Hat places at eac h cu rve d end to screw to a wa ll. will allllos t doub le t ho capacity of your c ! (j~' i ' If ticr't' we d to thl! bottom of th e lower ~ h " l f. A dOle n garDle nt ha nge rs may be s usp\:u ulld trom each one.

all tamed, rid· den and driven by the world famoul Pro. fellor Beery and hla thouaandl of atude ater


Mr. ~lfId Mrs. Frank Andrews, of Dc1yton, were guests of George I Hamilton and wife Sunday. Rev. P . B. Thompson preached at Peebles , Ohio, Sunday. He was ac' companied by his son Curtis.


Dayton, Ohio

AUG. 12, 13,14,15,16,1913 A wonderful demon.tratlon of the power of the Beery methode of training and handling anima Ie.


In prli:OtI will be awarded during thla week. Many of the greatest broncho busters In the wdrld will contend for the world championlhlp purse of ",800.00, Reduced faro on all railroads and traction lines. Two performancel dally beginning at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. Parade of 8,000 students &tarts no. Wednesday, August 13.


Building Material in Southern Ohio.


Sunday, August 17th, is Invitation Day at the Lytle Sunday School. A good plrogram is heing prepared. Mrs Lillie Vandermark. of Cleveland, Ohio, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman last week.


We carry in stock at all times

House Siding, Barn Siding, Veranda Columns, Flooring, Ceiling,~Win­ dows, Doors, Mouldings, the Unexcelled Brand of ~IRed Cedar Shingles {none better1 Raintyte Roofing,' Lime and Fishack Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, etc. .

Herbert EdwRrdA and Dr Gail Russum, of Dayton, are spenclim( the wCiek with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Ed wards. Silver spent the week end with his home folks before taking his vac:ation on a trip up, the St. Lawrence. visiting Niagara Falls, 'foronto Montreal and Quebec. (


and best lumber buildings in Warren County. This building was built to protect our customers as well as oUfselves,and is filled to its capacity with one of the best stocks of

Mrs. Mamie Cummi ngs, of Xenia, was thEIg uest of her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Wise, over Sunday.

Ol sl l1 ualon ment. Dr. Roberts and wife, of WashinlrA woman had th reo ca sllC ts to gi ve to II. maD , Une day s he r ead In hIs ton C. H. were guests of Dr. and eyes that ho co uld tuke but the neaf' Mrs. J . A. McCoy Thursday and frIellt and 10\\'eH t . alld that In stant arose

Bucking Bronchos Vicious Horses (/' Ferocious {!J F"'J~\!~ Buffalos

Fair Grounds


Miss Marguerite Thompson. of Dayton" is spending a week's vacation with relatives here.



fair .

Cr aekcrs.

your ButteI' a~d EggA I t pay~ to t. rade at

Bom.e Madu ) Hearth and Graham •••

All roads lead to Xenia this week on account of the Greene County

un ions, Apples, ilulk Peanut Hu tter. Cann en Sweet Potatoes, New Mi ld Cream Cheese. Ch('('se and Edgemont Butter

I3r in ~ IlR

Lumber and Building Material

Ellen Emley fell thi8 morning and brok e th e small bone in her ankle.

J ohn K. Howell, of Port William is th e guest of his SOil, B. S, Howell, and family,

Strictly Pure Paris Green Spec ial loll' prices on 50 and 100 pou nd lots.


Dr. P .. D. Clagett is ill Springfield today on hUlliness.

Missles Annie and Mame Brown left S~turday morning for Maryland for a threP.-week's visit with relatives. They will visit many of the large dties of the East before ro~uminl!r home.


When you spend your - Money get all that goes with It-

Quality and a

SQatt~ D~al

You can get both at

Madden's Lumber Yard

Lett4er to relatives here from California was to the effect that MiBli M0TORCYCLE, Merkle, Twin, 4>la Z4~11 was quite ill. Her many friendsl hete sent her several post. Seven H. P., 1912 Model; also, carda ~donday which is hoped will-. r ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.."..1 ROGERS SIDE CAR, all in first- brace her up. -~--- - - class condition.

Corwin, Ohio.


Address, or call in evening,

R. T. SPENCER, Lebanon, Ohio

Carry Flint. The Norfolk peasants alwaY8 regard polntedl fllnt8 as thunderboltB. So con· • Istent are the simple folks that they will otten assure yoU that they picked them up red hqt. They carry flints and Btone Blrrow heads about with them 1n the belller that this custom will "revent them being struck by IIghtnin,.

Make Him Content. One of the principal' duties entailed Ilpon the housewife Is Insuring the oomfort ot the husband. Every man la contented 80 loug as the Bolld comterti ot life are hlB-BO long as ·~18 meals are to hla liking and hll home alwaYI ready for his occupancy.


Draining a Metropoll .. London BowDge hus lUi main dralnace outfallil at Barldllg and Cro. . ness , the ayorage dally Quantity dealt with Is about 260.000,000 lallon8, whlle the total Quantity of aludge collected at Barklns and CrolNlneSB iii over 2,500,000 tone.

fRED'S STORB liRElIT SlIL.E Which started with 'a big rush August 1st, continues. Read last wE.ek'slss~_e of this paper and the Western Star for Itemized • ad. Re&tuced prices in all our talx Big Departments:


• •


• •


•• DRY ••





Below we mention a few items for your special attention •••





TP SELL O U T - - - - - - - -


Nothing charged during thla sale. We give Cedar Stamps.

Choice of our entire stock of Men's and Young 'Men's Suits in grays, browns and fancy mixtures.' Choice of 4entire stock of Boys Knee Pants Suits, Spring, FaU and Winter Weights, '. . Women's and Children's Shoes. Women's and Misses' Coats, Jackets, Suits and Skirts!. f A few condensed reduced Prices from every department, as follows: $1.60 Cluett Dress Shirts ......... .. "",,. 79c $1.25 Children's Wash SuitS ... ".... .. ... 79c 60e Men's Work Shirts .. " ........ "... age 50c Chiidren'R Rompers ... ...... ........ 37c SOc White Gauze Underwear .. "..... 33c $ 7.50 and 10 00 Ladies Serge Coats .. .$4.9S 1.60 Mercerized Silk Underwear..... 49c 15.00 to 25.00 Ladies Blue Serge and Novelty Suitll ................. 9 ,75 to 14.75 1.75 Men's Pants...... ......... ........... 1.15 2.5e Heavy Police Suspenders .. ...... ·12X e 10,00 to 15.00 Ladies Black Wool and 25e Men's Lisle Suspenders........... 17c Voile Dresses ... " . ." .................... 5.98 25e Men's H~ Supporters .......... . 18c 1,25l.Aldies I{imonas ...... . .. :..... ....... S9c

35c Muslin Drawers...... ...... ......... 30c 9·4 Bleached Sheeting: ~ut in 5 yard lengths, per piece .... ........... 9r. Bleached Muslin 86 inches wide cut in 10 yard lengths. ~~r piece.. GOc Seamed Sheets 72x@1............... 1.50 Black Chiffon Silk ' clllt in 2,3 and 5 yard lengths, pet 37ard......

21c 1.17

60e All over Embroidery...... ........ 2ge 60.00 Monarch Malleable ~g8 ..... 48.60 65c Corset Covers...... ......... ......... 45c 10.00 Detroit WieklessCCJal.on Stov~ 7.95 60e and 700 White Embroidery 10.00 "Insurance" Guolhie Stove... 8.48 35.00. a-piece Mahopriy~arJor SuitM21.15 • Flouncinlr 27 inches wide, cut in

6ge. I, 2Yt and 3 yard lengths, per yd. 8ge 16.51 Oak B~ffet...... ..... ...... ........ 9.60 i ~ 60 '''Boone "-Kitchen ' Gabinet..... 17.90 . 3ge . 1.50, 1.25 and 1.00 Allover Lace. per yard .............. _. ...... ......... 59c 15.00 .Kitchen Cabinet.............. ...... 9.75 . 7ge 16_50 BrusaeJsRug 9xJ2 .............. ... 11.98 '18.00 Oe.lorie Firelel8 Cooker......... 18 iii '. ~...... . " ,

See last week's ~ue, page 4, for :' more -detailedprieeiJ. •

~"''': ;



Men'S, Youqg )leo's'


, i

~ixty- Fourth ' Year





·-----------1 . .IPerlOnal Mention .-.-.-.. .....





Clarence Bentley has been on the sick list. Rev. C. S. GrauBer nati Mon4ay.


in Cincin-

Admission only 15c, Friday ev~n· ing at School Hall. Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, who handles Milson's, the best. Miss Ruth Hartsock is the guest of frienda in Yellow Sprin&"8, Ohio. Mesdame:i F. H. l"arr and Mabelle Fitzgerald were Dayton visitors Fri· day. Mr. and Mrs. S D. Everly, of Dayton, spent Sunday with friends here. Will Stacy, of Dayton, spent last Gunday with Ollie Davia and family, at Corwin. . Miss Lizzie Pratt has been visitinar her sister Mrs. Arthur Anson, in Cincinnati. MilS Eva Funkey, of Chicago, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Funkey,

-1- - - ----------.-----------.

Miss Christel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haines. of Xenia, is quite ill with typhoid fever:


Come and enjoy an evening of living pictures and music at School Hall, Friday eVlnin., Hear Sam Small in his tem,eranee talk at Yearly meeting, Friday, August 15th at Wilmington. Mrs. Gertie . Arnold PruKh and daughter, of Pittsburg, Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnold.

If you want a (loprl Fertilizer, call Chas. Frye. phone 491·L I-S. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Phlllipa, of Washington, 'C. H., and Mrs. Nettie Kepler visited OlJie Davis and famil, at Corwin, recently. Mr.-' and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood, daqbter and lIOn, of Lebanon, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs., T. E . Sherwood, this week •

.. \".. ~

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Georjte Smith Sale was born near Corwin, Ohio, Marcb 27, 1818. His f SOCIal ev~nIng to be glv~n In Schoo l father was Robert, son of John Sale, , Hall, Friday eveni ng. Aug ust 15th . Hall ·who waa with WuhiDgton at Brad0 by the M. E. ladies . for the benefit A social evening lit School dock's defeat. Robert Sale came There have been 18 clear daYII In comparison with that of 45 of the building fund: Friday. 16th. from Virainia to Warren County in during July. There have been 6 years a~o. the following is some 'l'ableauxI{oman Girl at Shrine of I r . B. Thompson was in Martina1807 and married MaKdaline Smith days-from the 24th to the 29th inweather; . "St. Agnes" vill e, Ohio, Sunday. in 1808. She was allO a Virginian, The total rainlall for July Music her father being one of the early clu.lve-in which the atmoa)Jhere Miss MlIl'ie Miller hae returned ploneen and a Methodist preacher, wae filled with smoke. Only one amounted to ~. 86 inches, whil e the Tableau x - A little talk with J es us conaiderableahower visited us during a verag e for july is 2.87 inches. -Reading , Mrs. }{alph Miller from Oxford, Ohio. the Rev . James Smith. George Sale the month-that was on the 8th. T here was only one cloudy day durin g SongMy Heart's Thine .. ...... .. .. was the fifth of seven children born th h Miss Ruby Cole, of Day too, is the e mont. there being II) clear days .. .... .... .... .... ...... .. .. .. .Gerald Lane to RoHrt and Maa'dallne Sale. The Th ere were light IIhow~rs on 6 other daYIt; The drought h811 materially and 15 partly cloudy. MiBB Edna Satterthwaite gu est of Miss Irmli Hough. father died when GeoTKfl was five The maximum temperature for Tableaux- We Mast Burdlars, whe rll Howard Gustin has returned from years of age, leaving the mether injured all of our late planted crops. '00 keeps 'ou Cookies a visit with frienQs in Cincinnati with a large tamily In a new country. The average temperature for the the month was 99° 011 the 30th , Music l'he very hard times experienced by month haa bel!n 84X·-whlch we which eq ualed the hi,qh temperature Mrs , Sherman Dyke and eon, of the new settlus shattered her health believe to be without parallel in this of JUly 4, ]91l. The minimum was Tableaux--Clinging to the Cross Route 5, WE.'re in Franklin Saturday, but she lived to see her children section. The hi&'hest average tem- 52° on the 7th. The temperature Piano Solo- Garden of Dreams.... .. perature was 89° on the Uth, and rca~hed 00· or above on 1t day s ........ ...... ......... Harry J. Lin coln Krown, dying in ISS!. Miss Edna Satterthwaite ChUB. Frye handles the Milson Brother Sale wae denied an educa- the lowest was 78X · on the 30th, on dUring the month. The temperature the mercury fell to 68·, reached 90° on 9 days in June . TableauxJustice. Mercy and Peace Pertilizer. and there ia oone better. which day tion except as to the moat primaT)' things. But in spite of this and a its loweat point durinlC the month. ThE.'re were only 3 days in July that Reading ....... .. .. .. . Miss Clara Hawke The Miamis vs. We1b1 Country life of hard toil he made himself one The highest point reached was 98° on the temperature remained be low 800 Tableaux- That "Pesky" Rat Again Music Boys at Phillips park Sun~ay afterof the moat intellIKent · men in his the 15th. There have been 17 days a ll day . 110011. In July 1911 the temperature Tableaux- Ninety and Nine c:..mmunity. His memo1'1 was re- in which the mercury has atoad a~ve too. and no day during tb. reached 9oo on 8 days and was abo ve Music markable and this he retained to the Several from town are in Dayton month in which it haa fallen below 800 on all but 4 days. In 1901 the Tableaux-My County 'Tis of Thee. last. this week attendinK the Beery extemperature reached 900 8 days in Audience will rise at third verse December 31, 1846 George Sale 90° at 12 M. hibition. If a parallel can be found for this June and on 22 daY8 in July and and join in the singing . was married to Mahala Martin. • - - --They lived happily toKether on the in the biatory of hot weather in War- reached l()()O on 3 days, a maximum Mis.'1 Justina Hartsock, of Lan· 0 ren county, will some one point it of 105 being recorderl on July 22 of THE YEA~LY MEETING fana lIOuth of Corwin until her caster, Ohio, is ylsiting relatlv.. and E. J. J that year. C E. Michcn~r. death on August 13, l819 In the 88th IUt! friends here The Friends Yearly meeting , year of her age. To them were born Vern Hawk~. of Daytoh, is apendwhich convened Saturday is pro. three:children a1l of whom are Iivill£' , gressing nicely. There are a number ing a few days here with his mother. Jam" Sale and Mrs. Mary Waterot visitors present fr om a di stance, Mrs. Allee Hawke house, of Corwin, and Matthew Sale, of Chicqo. and meetings attended impliesare a great goodwith for Read the program for the Social a zealthethat The deceased had the love and rethose present and the community at Evening at School Hall Friday evenspect of a IliITKe Dumber of cousins, - - - - - - - - - - - e large. ing, in another column. Cyrua Smith, of Waynesville, beinar the only survivor. The Warren County AgriculturalIst premium ...... :._ .. .. .. ......... $10.00 Fir~ t Day meeting was largely at· Mrs. Chas. Smart, .f Hartwell, Our brother wu deeply religious Society announces the following pre· r 2nd premium .... .. .. .... .... .. ...... 5.00 tended. Friend Isaac Wilson, of was the guest of Rev. and Mn. J. and a man of intf)Krity. His convic- miulD8: T th . I d 16 f Baltimore Yaarly meeting, preached F. Cadwallader Sunday. fa the boy of Warrell County, un. a e glr un er years 0 age a good, practical sermon which was tions were alwaya on the side of In his life he practised the der 16 yean of age, who exhibits at of Warren County, the best cake of thoroughly enJ'oyed b all Miss Helen dawkins, of New her own makinK: y '. Golden Rule and exemplified the the Fair, of his own raising, the In the afternoon a s,lendld meet- Vienna, is the guest of Mr. and Mr&, 1&t premium .... ........ ........ ....... $5.00 ing was held, and several good talks C. T. Hawke and family. teachinp of the Gospel of Jeeus following: Chrblt. In bis early life he was a 2nd premium ...... ...... .. ..... .. ..... 3.00 were given. member of the Free Will . Baptiat. 10 ~t Ears of Com Judge Samuel Kelly, of Lansing, 3rd premium .... ' ......... ..... ...... . 2.00 Second Day commenced the busiehurM but later ........ member Fint premlu~ ........................ ~ 00 Best 2 loaves of Bread of her own n~ 8~ions. which will continue Mit'h., spent Sunday with Mrs, ollhe Methodist Epilcopal church in ~nd prer~lIum .................... - S 00 making; Naomi Harlan, of CorWin. until Fifth Day, Thursday. h -I. h Thu-d premIum ...... ................. 2.00 A delightful evening was held at Wayn~lIvl'11e to w h'ch J C Un;u e was The second meetinar of the Her. faithful uni il the day of hill death. Beat di~lay of following 6 Products bt premium ......... ...... .... .. .... .. $5.00 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brother left a splendid tea- Ilt-IO ears Yellow COm ........ $J5 00 ~nd prem!um ..... .. .. ....... .......... 3.00 Sheehan, Second Day evening, which mana club was held at the hOllle of Mary Davis Tuesday afterQoon. timon, behind wll(:!D just before he 2nd-10 ears Sweet Corn ......... 10.00 dd premIum ... .............. ......... 2.00 was in the form of a social. Best display of Potted Flowers died he aaid "1 em truatill£' In the ard-~ peck of Tomatoes ...... 5.00 The full proceedings will be pub Messrs. Sam Meredith, Chl8. CorCrosa of Chrilit.'· The end carne 4th-X peck of Beets......... ... 3.00 1st premium .. ... ........ .. ........... $8.00 lished in next week's illl!ue of the nell, Dr. H. E. Hathaway and Eliu peaceful., on ThUI':!<iay morning. 5th-X peck ()( Potatoes........ 2.00 2nd premium .. ......... .. ............. 6.00 Gazette. • ...__e -- Auguat 7,1918, at the ripe old age Beat pen of 5 or more Pigs under 6 ~rd pre~ium ...... ................. .. . 4.00 VETERANS ATTEND REUNION Oglesbee were in Lebanon Monday. of 95 years, 4 months and 10 days. .onths old. _th premium .................. ......... 200 The Warren Coul\ty Teacher·s InThus a life rich in trult bearing . _._:r::::: Messrs. Mahlon Ridge, Frank stitute will be held in the University and filled with good work! hili e\oaed { to open in !' new country where -~---Sherwood and Joshua Satterthwaite, Hall, Lebanon, Ohio, the week of there are no aeparatioDB and no eor• • • I of the 79th. attended the reunion of August 18-22. row or crying, where there is neither' f their regiment in Wilmington TUe!and Mrs. E. E. McKnight and I d~y • . Messrs. M. C. L~ddy. Benj. twoMr.daughters, moon nor sun for the Lord Christ is of Dayton, are vialtthe light thereof. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ., __ __ __ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I • Margaret Ml'rritt and Master Lever- Satterthwaite. CARD OF THANKS Attorne" General Hogan and other and trade marks of a ruglred race ing Cartwright also attended. -:-_ _...___ ..._ _ _ Leon Salisbury, of Medicine Hat. Me8IIn. 'J. C. and M. J. Sale, Mn. (trators will makupeeehes in the hill of citiz~ns. It would be well worth Alta, Canada, is spending his vaeaMary Waterhouse and family. desire country of Ohio for the purpose of thiS price of admission to see Gento express their.sincere thanka to the boosting "Hillikin Day" at Ohio ends Hogan, Brown. Grosvenor, THE COllETT-McKA Y PICNIC! tion with his parents, ib: and Mrs. The Uollett and MoKay plooio Win Salisbury. . '1 neigh~rs and friends for the kind- State Fai~,. Tuesdar. September 2. KE!ifer and Metcalf, in frent of the 1 . lteaa and sympathy extended us, in IThe Hilhkms numlter thousands. gl'land stand, trying to drive a yoke took place at their usual place or Mr. and Mrs. Chas. cOrnell. Mr. the loss of our father, GeoTKe S. Any pefllOn who hu lived among the of brindle steers toward a Blue Rib. meeting on Book Ron batnr.Jay Sa~e. hills. and has one leg shorter than bon prize and bean dinner. Pro· 'I.'his glltberinB hll8 been in yogoe and Mrs. M. A. Cornell aiJd daugh• - the other from wa1ldng on hillsides, fanity prohibited. These gentlemen for 11 great many yearllllDd hilS been· ter. ·werel yisiting rel&tives above THE UNION SERVICES can qualify and become a member. should rehearse and learn the mva· looked forward to from yoar to year Xenia Tuesday. , . Hillikin Bean Dinners are now choice teries of "gee and "haw." with pleasure, but time haa brought Mr. and Mrs. E. V. B8rnhart were , The services Sunday night at events. Two tons of·beans are exHillikin Day will be a milestone in ohanges IlDd the faces thAt were for in Brookville Friday. They took the achool campus were the beat attended pt'cted to disaPPt'8r at the Bean Din- St"ate Fair historY. l'hfl vim and years present have crossed the river of any of the Sunday evening ser- nw to be served on State Fair vil!ror of the hill folks will 'be in evi- that lDarkll the unknown IIhore. Misses lAuise and Carolyn Smith to their new home. vi~etI. At le8llt 660 people heard G~unds. Six yoke of oxen and old dence Pride and push will land ... ___- --


Walter Elzey is on the

~~t~ C_~

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell and daughter. Velma. of Dayton, are spending ~n d!1s with Mr. and Mrs. Cllas. COrnell and other relativ81 here. Dr. Elizabeth Shrieves and Mrs. Franklin Mille. of Wilmington, s)Hlnt Sunday at the home of Mr. and lin. Warren Barnett, enroute to Middletown, Ohio.

Mr. and Mn. Gideon Thomas and two dauarhters, who have been the guests of Mr and Mrs. George Hart.. aoek, returned to their home in ArFnend (aaae Wilaon, of Baltimore. canum. Ohio. last week, deliver a strong and practical ser~iaI Ruth and Muter Alva Anson, mon on the ··Spots and Blemiahee of who have MeR the gueSts of their Mankind," HepreaclJed a fine aergrandmother, Mrs. Lucy Pratt, for mon, and 18 ulUal the ' lOng aervice !leveraJ weeks, returned to their was good. Mn. A. T. Wright and Mias Ruth Zimmerman rendered a ~e in Cincinnati Saturday. beautiful duet, and MI. Evans, of . Mr. and Airs. Wilson Edwards, Day t o~, sang a pleuing 80Io. Mi._ Letitia .McKay, Myra Baird, ServJeeB as tuual next Sunday Henrietta McKinsey and Edith evening. • _ • Mosher and Measrs. John Pence and BOUOHT A FARM ROnald Hawke attended the Collett.. McKay picnic Saturday. Ab Evans bought a' amall farm of

25 acrea, about two mil. nat of Cen terville. Monday, throUJrh the firm of McNeil & Hainee, Centerville real .tate apnt.. He with his family will take po ••iaioo of the lame March lat. ' •_ • ~ .,.\~ :;" ., . .:- ' Re.v,- aDd ·Mrs. C. S. Grauaer and HISEY.WIl;.LlAMSO,.. REUNION ( '1IOftt"Cbarles; returoM ·. home ThursThe Hlsey-WDliamaon Family &.. . ~'dQ, ' itev~ Grauaer had the miafor tQDe·to:.Ipram ..... aakle while aW81• uniun willin~t ~t tM ~denee of ... _.1' 1.;•., ..... ri.' a to walk _Itb. J. W. Hiley. 2~ mil. IOUtheut of Pttiaa' much. b8tt8r.llOw. how- WayneavUle. Ohio. ThundaJ. AoauH Rev. Suu Small will speak at Yearly m,.etiog, in Wilmington. FridQ, August 16th, in behalf of the Tem~ce eause, on "Personal • Uberty." This will be a great op.'. :pO~nity to hear this noted divine.


~:~ .




September 2 1 H.Uikm Day S reB De



·__P_r_em __ iu_m_.s_~~_B.oys and Girls


Mias Annie Rush, of Springfield, Ohio. and Miu Mary SUlllmermier, of Columbus, were week-end aruesta of Mr.lan. Mra, R G. Crou.


Whole Number 8224


2llt. .,

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l ~~~~~~co~i SMi~~a~\~:~~:~e~cc:d

time spinning wheels will be tokens th4!m In the king row . .


Spring Branch

Mrs. Elizabeth of Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. Ella Rouser. of Dayton, were Tuesday guests of WAYNESVILLE TO THE FRONT Il, &: D. ANNUAL PICNIC Miss !<'Iorence Lacy will be the guest of her cousin MiBS Eva Lacy ~ev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, At the Xenia talr last week the Th' " od and other relatives in Dayton for a The Lytle Sunday·school will hold following awards \Tere given to cit!. h Inr t~re P g~owt~ng &tnDto go. few days. their annual piCDic Saturdar, Auguat zens here and in the vicinity on good SA ape. °t~ e. roo ec Salve detective Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Braddock and 23rd, in Chas. Hough's grove. ssocla IOn plcmc tur ay. The hones: Saddle honea-fint, J08 different committees have finished son Ernest were Sunday guests of Everybody is cordially Invited tc. be Karney; aecond, JOB. Karney. Gen- th.!ir detail work, and all that ra- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hess and daugh present. eral purpoee-C. H. Surface, 2nd, m!lina is the good ti ted ter" of near Lytle. Dr. Heber M. Dill, the'08teopathfc The baillIlUDe i~~ f't Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawes spent stallion under" yean. Joe Karney, 2nd, stallion under S years. A. L. or'the afternoon, ':nd man; :~:: Saturday niKht and Sunda~ the physician, has startl'd a branch offic. Kiq. 1st. stallion 1y8&1' ol~. C. H. laugh ie expected. . Kuest of Ed Roland and family, of in Waynesville and will be here on TuesdayA and Fridays- from 8:30 to iurfue. 1st, mare or. aeldill£' under InvitatioDB were sent out Monday n~r Ferry. 4 Yearl. E, M. Lukena. .2nd. A. L. and many of the memben who were Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lacy and 12 o'dock. His office will be at the Kiq, lat. lUre or Reldl~ S years not there last year have expreaed daughter Edna and Mr. and Mrs. corner of Main and High streeta, and under •. E. M. Lukena, 2nd, their determination to be there this Guy Chenowe~h and dauKht:er Agnes phone 100, lIlant or geldmg 1 year and under 2. time. Don't forget the well-filled were en.tertamed by DaVid Lucas •- • baskets. . and family on Sunday last. The many frienda of Mr. and Un. FOR NEARLY A CENJURY • - • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock are Frank Taylor will be~ gl8d to learn THE COUNTY LEAQUE the posaessors of a fine touring that th.y arrived safelY ~ London. .. Lut' WedntBdav W Chenoweth automobill'. and are having an ideal pja- motor- ,'. conveyed to S. Lev. cartwright a, ~l'hl! COuoly lAque 8t!lrted last . A numher fro.J.1 our vicinity at.. ing throuarh England "bere, the" miall tract of land north of the Sa~~, when Wa,y~eaville went to ten~~ the X.en)a fair last..!h'!l'8day. ,roads are , th-: fineat~ . ~ '~. >~ • •!. Cbenoweth road. tnt bad bleD held Ut~ca, and wa defeated -by the MiBII Lena COnniff> iaafiopreaentthe almoet llketheboul~fadNO · eoatiaaouly in the CbeBow~~l8CQre of 6 to 2•. Civic League guest of lier aunt Mrs. Clint GrUbb. 'and where ~ 'w eatbv W t&;new.... .......·f~ D8Il'17 a ceDtul'1, , '. , MU~ 6. t;o 2. ' , ' .of Di.Ytoo.... · . 'hot. when it fa ~ lQ'.:ibe ~ " '









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: GRAYPALACE ~ IHOPEVILLE:sBoOM ~~~~~::~~::~:.:~,.IV.;;:::";;'~:'~ r e presentative realdentl

A# A'7'11 AFTi'M1i'M'l' .Y/'iiJ V./ 1 J.:Il'J.LtJ 1 ~


Town Failed to Get the but Prosperity Came Another Way.


"We'v e mi ssed It ! W e' re notblng but a way· back settlem ent DOW." Thu s J ilred HroHs, of the bOllrd of trustees oC tho neat, p i ct~ .. e8que, but 180lale d to .... n of 1l0fl O\·llle. " You mean tb e railroad bRs missed UII," correcled P hillip Dawes, presl· de nt of Ihis Sllllle b oard of tru~tees. "W ell , ge ntl e me n. tbat s hall DOt preve nt Hopev llle continuing 1 ~ do Itself prou d, I trust, as a model village with out a. blemish ," Y or)' pro ud of th e community he had belped build up was Pblllip DIlwes. sud h e spoke wi th enthusiasm . Ho had III wa ys predicted great things In etore for Hopev ille. Never a village of fair er locstlon and e nvironment. A rare t rout s tream bounded one of Ita limits , a c1renm of a lako bounded anotber, The re were hills, dales and lovely un d ulating meadows, 11 tbrlfty farmin g community surrounding, and tbe tOWII peo ple Ideal, morally, soclalIr and as to tbclr municipal hr.rmony . "Some day Hopevllie vdll forge to th e front," was his optimistic slogan -"some dllY values wHl go up, and I!6Ch man come Into bls own." Wben th e new railroad was talked ot, old r esid en ts began to boost their acr es and town lot s as to values. Enormous fortunes ,,"' ere figured out. In fancy the y saw a. busy tramo, crowds at summer visitors, picnickers trom th e city, scattered tarm trade e e nte r e~ at the new shipping

E'l<'reRTOR of SING 51 N<:J Ohd



OU can set! It fro m th e river, or you can see It from tha road; eithe r Wa y It looks very much the sa me, If you brought to look at It an Eskimo trom tb e nortb e rn se8S or a native of th e Tonga Is les and asked him What he tbou ght It W06 he would eay: "A prison' '/ Every stone In th e loug, low, dark building spell a prl80n . Ever)' narrow silt of a wIndow. every grlll of Iron barll. e very foot ot thick wall, every glint of, a seutry's gun- tbey all . spell prll~n. Sing Sing II Itll name, and when It pa911es aDd Is succeeded by n new prison the new one's name will be Bing Sing. too , So long as New York endures and men are wicked, the re will be, somev.'here, a Sing Sing. Some' buildings grow old gracefully. But Slng Bing, at the end ot a hundred years, grows musty In every IlLOne and at every nngle, It Is grim, repelling, suggesting all the horrors or Illl mediaeval prototypes-If. Intle~d, It Is not actually me diaeval Itaelt. , Hae Special Function. Yet to th e city of New York, whleh' has most to do with It, Sing Bing Is not only a prison . It 18 tbe cold gray palaeo of atonement. It has a special function for lbe metroI}oils, It slays tb e clty's slayers, New York furnish es the stage oettlng for ony crime. It provides tho principal and hi s victim. Ito labyrlnths serve as n ))Iace for the crlmIlla l i n his flight. Its pOlice make the pursuit and. usu a lly, the ca pture. Its lawy ers lI1ak e the pleas, for and again st . Its Juries flnd the verdict. Its jud!;es paes the sentence. Dut when the s e ntence Is death, the city turn s to Lhe old gray dungeon In W es tchcster county and eays : "Take him ; he 18 youre- to kJl\." And so the last the man sees of tb e city Is at the moment whe n he sle p8 from the carriage to ta ke the train . His la wyers bave told him they will appeal bls easc. H e knows that be wlll not Ille the nex t dRY, nor the next week , nor tbe n ex t month. He sllll has money and tbe lawy e rs are sanguIne, Surely (h~y will win fur him. On the train he sits, wllh his law'Ver In the smoking car, and the two - , llUards sit .,behind them , very placid and pleasant, but with very serious

tbe record. Opposite this reco rd 18 put dow n his numbe r. His pockels are e mptied and 11 careful Inventory made ot everythin g In tb em. Ir he leav es Sing Sing his walch and keys and money wlll be glve u bac k to him -or to his belrs and I1sslgns. No moro doeR th e properly of the felon r evert to the state, Ho Is sh&ved by the prison barber, and If bls hall' Is too long to be considered sanitary, from a prison point of view, It Is cut, but not shaved . He Is pbotograpbed !'rom both sides and In front and his measurements are take n for the Be rtlllon system. Stripes went out at use at Sing Sing yean ago. Tbe prison garment Is of dark gray. If the cloth "'ere fashionably cut any man could wear n suit of It. Tbe prisoner dons a suit of this, shakes hands with his lawyer, who baa been fidgeting about, and Is led away, One rainy afternoon, as he lies on bls cot, n keeper wltb no stomach tor his errand comes to tbe door of bls cell. ' He hns bls little speech readT and flres It Quickly. "Sorry," he says, "but the court of nppeals sustains the finding of the low er court." When hlB Ills t morning comes be Is r endy , a na Ule clergyman Is at bll side, talking 60 earnestly tbat be doee not notice It when tbe keeper slits his trouser leg from bottom to kn po. li e pa ys little attention as the pri son barber quickly cuts tbe halr from tb e crown of his head. He I. r eady .... hen th e cell door Bwlngll open, and h e tollows th e priest and his flaring candle. From the curtained cells come the las t goodbys of tho) r es t at tbe con. demn ed company, some of th e m to tallow hIm that "ory mornin g. Be walks bravely through tbe black door. And no w he Is out at Lhe gray walls and In n littl e brlek ;hollse , of one room. It Is about twenty-five teet square. Its woodwork Is oak. brightly '"lIrnlf;h ed. Even the back ot the black door Is yellow. The walls and celllng are (IS brlgbtly blue 8S tbe bluest sky at spring. No furniture Is In this room ex. cept the chair, the chair of atone. ment. made of yellow oak and leath. er straps. He sees It and knows It.


•• ....

"Trying to Get a Railroad Into Hop. ville?"



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.'. ~ .. ~.... ~ "M~p ,,~_ , "'.


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Improvements cOlDlIrl sed the fenture. of the p rogram, T hen a banquet. DawflB W'lUl a lwa)'s tbe chair man of tho fUnction s, and so felicitous wos Ii Is hnndllng of th e var ious toas ts proposed, tha t he had won tbe lltle of "Th ll (,h eer lIIaster ," Th ey co uld h ea r the distant echo of an e ngi ne whistle .acrosli t.h e valley as tbey sat In lh e ~own hall on tb, prese nt occasion. It remind ed s omo of the Bore on cs o r their dl sa.ppo lnt. flu' nL DaweR. h owe ver. was In grea t re ttle tha t Elv6n lng. and when tho banquet board was r each ed his bUl),a 11 t, optimis tic IIl r communicated ' Itself to oth ers. Th ey n ever had anything stronge r thnn clear, spa rklin g waler li t thP.Bi. c(' le brnlion tunctlon s. They hnd 1I0th' In g Btron ge r , beca uije In tb o flrst plnco no one seemed to wnnt It, and furth e rmore tbe big art es Ia n well that eupplled th e to wn ranked tblrd III th o stale as t o purity of outrus h, 80, as a matter of local loyalty, the tj,aets were drunk In aqua pura. "Hopevllle-her spl endid past nnd tier glorious futur e," was . the toast read, "Hum ph !" grumbl ed Bros8, "I tblnl!. Daw es will have to take a ba ck sool t bls time." Out Phillip Dawes 'lU'08e, looklnl brIghter and proud er thnn he had (' ve r seemed. He took no bnck waler on tbe buoyant predictions of palt years. He looked quite dazzled as be spoke ot th e gold en 8trl'am of good tortulle now knocking at tbelr doona. And then they drank tbe toast. And tbe n most everybody ma de a gTlmace. set down the unfinlsbed libation, and l()oked queer. " Somethin g the matte r with th e wa. tj3r, friends?" smil ed Daw es. "That'. tlls merit of It. It Is Hope vllle water, tbou gh not from the home well. GenHeme n, you have drnllk at t he s oonto·be-celebrated Llthla.Magneslum I\rater, specially presented to you to Introduce tb e last r equiremen t thJa beautiful d:strl ct needed to make It fnmous." " Sny, what are you driving at, anThow?" Inqulrcd Dross bluntly. "Just this," explaine d Dawes. "I roea80ned trom the first that th e new rllllroad would open up a popular outIrlg resort aomewh ere along Its line, Tbe noIsy rallrond has spoiled Byron. Besides, thoy have no such magnlt!C'B nt scenery as Hapeville, nor a lake, nor a trout stream, nor the model town. AgaIn, tourillts like to ride from terminus In a stage-think tbey're diving Into the primeval wilderness. We\). gentlemen, (or two months I have been negotiating with wealthy promoters In the clty. Tbe deal Is closed, a big botel Is to be buut at the head of the lake. and pe&pIe will come to Hopevllle nellt se .... ejon, dead 10adB of them." Voices araBe In eager demands for Dlore detailed Information. Property and rents would go up! The town sllorel would Quadruple their business I Tbe rtch golden harvest 'was ~omlng at laat! "But what about thla horrible tast, Illg waterT" queried Bro!lI, with • w'ry tace. . "Pronounced by chemlst8 the most healthful beverage In the world," boasted Dawes proudly, "a true mJnWhen the promoters elrsl water. IElarned thnt, ther ollered ten thouBIlnd dollars <luh tor the 8Prlng It ClimB from." "And where la tbat?" "Down In \1 forgotten corner of that p,o or, neglected farm your boy IIvea Ol~ over In the ravine. Now, NelghblOr Bross, ns all the to~ _ ia happy o'ver the grand general prospects a illead of Ull, suppose you go down to the ravine farm and congratulate YlOur Bon, Bradley, and biB wife on their share In the general good luok '" And thua It was tbat the name nf the popular Cheer Master became 11 household word In Hopeville for all time to come. (Copyright, lil.a. by W. G. Chapman.)

point. Hepea rose blgh, then theT were correspondingly depre88ed, for the railroad made a detour, and By. ron, qult$ a. busy little city eight miles dlatant. WBB made the terminus of the new branch line railway. "Wish I'd settled the re as I Intended to ten years ago!" grumbled disloyal and disagreeable Jared Bross. "Tbere's some go to Byron. I don't care If tb ey do encourage a rllt-ralt crowd-stir and sensation bring In tbe dollare, don't they?" ~'But we don't 'I\'ant the dol\ars tbat way ," Insisted Dawes, ' "We go In for scbools. and rational amusements, and cl ean healthy children, Do you ever find ~ny riotous crowds In Hopevl1\e? No, sir!" Dross had a strong persoDlil reason tor \felng disgruntled with Hopevl11e. He was a man of some moans and his eon, Bradley, had married & poor bumbl e gIrl. The old man bad railed st tbe secret match, and bad promptThree BlrthdaYIi Yearly. . ly discarded his dIsobedient son. There Is apparently plenty ot tnn Nellie Horton, whom Dradley had for the child In Sweden In the matter married, was an orphan, but her par- of birthdays, but the parent call hardenta had lett her a small farm just I~r be expected to feel tbe same, for out of town. There the wedded pnlr t1~e children there do not conflne them. settled down. It was a poor place, 6.alves to one birthday, but they mUllt however. situate d near a tlerlle rll- have three. vine, soli not fertile, and aetordlng a. at course, the first one Is the real ,bare living. birthday. and tbe otber two are those "Tbat boy will rue the day he dis- whose namel the SwedIsh boy or !fIr I regarded my advise!" tbe elder Bross bears. had Illlid one day to Dawes. Fo~ every day In the year of the purpose, but the priest Is 8tlll talk. "Oh, nonsense!" retorted hla nelgb- Swedish calendar haa Its own sepaIng and he listens. The talk Is cal" bor. "Bradley Is a good boy. The rU lte name, besides the weekly names rylng him far away trom the room o f . . which otber nations have. Sometimes ' revolvers In their POOCk~~. tI blue and oak. It Is little to him, now poor young pall' have bard scratch~ II: the parent gives the child a second They I':et out at S8 n ng Bta on. tbat t.bey aro fastening the '!Yet elec. lng, perhaps, but they're happy an.. name or' a first one that cannot be It used to be Sing Sing station, but trad es to his head nnd to his Jeg contented a8 two hlrdlf In a neat." lId I the people of tbe vlllage got It c h ang· ,,'bere th e lrousers u were lilt. It I. "Humph!" commented the Iron· . found In the calendar h Athe d ch ' Id08es ed because tbey did not Ilke to say. hearted fatber, and went his way sui. out on one blrt day. n cons era. even less tbe pipelllie fixture ble proteat must follow, too, when visiting In other towns, that above blm (hat Is lowered 80 that 1'- len and unlovely. h when 1the they came tram SIDg S Ing. P eop e wires fasten I to the . electrode. . . So Dyron got the railroad and w h at c.blld become8 old euoug to rea 17;0 lauched. and Ossining Ie a serious went with It, both good and bad. What he Is missing. From the lethal stores ot energy'1! In the German calendar evefl' dap town. most m),sterlous realm , llberat941 by There was a good deal ot grumbling hae a name also, but the observallce At the Ossining stallon. whenever a hand unseen, 1.800 volta Df In Hopevllle, and In & meaaure PhIlI .. lip Dawea looked upon aa a dls- of these days Is not at all commoa n • train arrives, there Is always a nlng leap down the plpelfke fixture. tl I tter count ..... IIDe at old·fashloned, two'leated car- Sing Sing has done what the law appointing founder and builder. Tile 1e a _ _ _.~. _ _ _ __ rtages. The town Is & hllly cae. an d bade It do. pride and ambition of the old DUln It ta a 8teep walk either to the buslwere touched. Then he began to FollowinG Up the Fad.. DeU eecUon or the prison. plan to retain his preatlge.. Neighbors 8harp-Draper-What are lOU a' Brooke No Delay. Gl"Bat Poet Not Methodleal. noticed that h41 went to • City flfty ~ he lees the cold gray pala.ce Tennyson. like Mrs. Brownln"" was mllell dlatant a peat deal, Also. that n1D'W1 . BDokkeeper-Maklng out Mr, B.... III. atonement that sqlllLts square and careless regarding hts manuscripts, he brought dlstingulshed.looklng bUll. eat, tt. weatern edge toucblng the Some weeks ~ter leaving hla lodg, nesa men hack with him. wbom he lion's bill. "All rfght. Cbarire . him all flztra Racleon river. A door Is open and lugs In Mornlngton place, Hampstead, ahowed all over the dJstrlct. ttae ·carr1ace ItoP8 In front of It. The he wrote from Bonchurch, telUna "1'rylb~ to get a railroad tntoHope:. .:~O for sundries.'" "Hada't ,I better ~Qt In the lte!.llaY" prUoll8,l' 8068 In. Coventry Patmore that he could, Dot 'vlUe?" lulnuated Brou. somowhat ''The~ are no' lt~iJ. The, we~'l INag Stae begills to grind Ita ma- find his "book of elegles-a long,' sneerfngt,.. b4t1ull;lt.... " eblltery. • butcher·ledger-Ilke . boolt," and ask941 "Not, at all,''- retorted Da'1Ve8, 'WIth • .... My Ioodoeaa; He'D ' ''" ·"-rt: ~u no delays and stand. on him to make In!lulrlea. Patmore l\'eDt aD' enigmatical amUe;. "We· don't want B,,,,IDdle'r*-". ' • DO formaUUeL The euard. trom the (I:! Mornlngton place nn~! belnl , at oI1e:-:.why, I 'to ' . ~9! "'Ncr, ' , cll:J': aUmneler tiielr man t~ the' >Iowj!d t~ search the poet'. old' ~"l :wealC. IJ~~er •, "~~:~!jfc-~~~~:I: .~.> ot ,~. prfBbD. He '1. lecHnto tOWld t~e book in a closet ~here\:re~ • ,rrhe .~a~nu!ll"tl "1' the ;~ftI~ :.~ 'the I~ . A: C!lerll:take8 nY,80.~ ·b,ad kept b,. tea 8d, "".• 4 adf 'lDst;t~qOIl.. ,. ot _'HO:iU~!f1iE';" '.'l~"~-:7~.iJ' , JdII, ....,.. q., .plice ot; birth. :~u· hutter. It wa. ,th~ ~tIb""'e4 ~~. ~pJn elOie' at 'l.eOI~~~~~~=:!;

, , . . " ' . ",b~ :,~ , II _Jl~~.a :tor . ~crl~t :.~ ,"rlr !tI~t4~'




Testing For Butter-Fat Pr~duced Has Seen Wonderful Growth During Last Five Years - Has Brought Out What Breeds Can DI)





Imported Island Butter QU l!e r'l o f Che~tnut Hi ll F~rm-Record 619 poundl of butter fat In one year . At a recent breedor's meeting only 4 out of 200 Guernley mon fa iled to place her first. Gaining tbe world's reconl for th c til],), of tll(' hl'ecd hlo ( ' OW re pl'esc n tL production of bU lte r·fut wlt b bolh 11.1"1101; llIad e nut <' of this Ihe spcrethe Holste in nl1\1 Oue r06(,y brec(\s . [nry of I he t1650dllllon notifi es the , , College of Agri culture. ~' rom thore holding the two nn d tllrc(7) Cll r 011 oUt' of th e test e rs Ie rtlr('cted to mnke reoords fo r Ayrsblres lind m nk lng I th~ t{'~t, which retj ul ]' ea t hal nil milk. hi gh among the beet produ (' ~ rs ot th l.' I Inb s frolll tho row be we lgbed and Bro wn Swlas Is Dllrt or the r<!cord rc· I tpsr cci fur b il l tto r.rlll. Th e t,'s ts are Bul tl ng from advanced reglstcry teK (' I IlI fH le for two doys a mo n th tOT a Ing In Ohio during t he IU Bt liv e y('ar~. ""a r or >11' 1' (' 11 If ow npr 8 0 desires. Durlug th e yesI' 1908 ooly 111'(' ('011'8 () lIe lIIa u ~ :tlO I(oFt 12 I'OW R if tlley 111'8 were ent e red ill Ihe records of lIle r lt. oll ly lOi lk l'd twi ce n dny, 8 It three In the year just c losed 1202 have 6ue· t lln(o" ;' IOd G If four tlmos, The cost eeesfully passed the amoullts or fat to (llI'lIt' l' Is tli e wur;es of the tesler required by the brced nssoe lulions IIn.1 whit-h ur •. lI suully 111'0 dollnrs a day. Interest Iii t ile work has bre n stim u· Th o rt'QlI irClIl c lIUl for regIs try amon, la ted heyond estimate, I t hI' Ic tulll1r; bre('l ls nrl' 250 ot Testing Create. Interest. butl pr·fal Il yenr for two year olda, When the farm e r <.'11 11 see !'~I1Ct1y , lind ~ ~1I \lo IllHI!' ro r fu ll grow n cow, What his 00"'1 are doin g he kn ows bet· ' In the D ~o "' ll S\\'I ~s breed th a I!ta~



rhe Icale, Babcock teater, leparator and 1110 have been the guiding Ita'" to better conditione for thle 'armer. how to breed and what to fced, ard Is somewhat lower, being 214 alt Th~ number at good cows to be found 322 pounds ror the classe8 nanu d.

throughout the sectIons where teat· Ing Is done standi as proof of thll, Breeders have worked to Increale capaolty and In doing thll, have gotten the most from their herd.. Ac· oordlng to Prof. 011 car Erf, of the College of Agriculture, Ohio State Unlverslty, under WhoBe direction the work Is being done, thIs testing has meant thousand. of do\)ars to thoBe who are having tbe work done. Such recorda as those of Bpotswood 'Dalay Pearl, producing 967 pounds of butterfat In a year, and Bnn08t1ne Belle ne 'Kol, with a record ot 1063 pounde, havl 'ilrged more men .to try and duplicate suoh record... whloh In turn has placed Ohio high amon« other ltate. for tllese breed. ·of cattle. Of the 1202 COW8 to Bucce8srllUy pan the t8lt 161 have baen Holat.elnll, 196 Guernsey... U7 Jerseys, ,81 Ayr'~lrtI and It! Brown 8wl88, Seventyav• .per cent of tile work t\&. b~~ .doDe in the northea.tern par.t of the atate. 'Utee'n 1. the~ nort~we.~rn, 'five Iii the central anG ' 4:'~ I~ , the 10Utllweiler-IIi which dlitrlbu~oli. '~C)W8 relative , of ilalrTll!i I,iI the · .(.t dU. ,



Ranka High In Guernlllya, Ohio bae established a remarkablt rocord for Gueruseya. Out of n v. leading co"'~ of tbe breed Ohio bot three. This Is known al ClasB A. I. • whIch cows are 5 years and over: Among the t\ve hlgb COWIl In Cia •• 0. WhIch lnolude those trom 4 yean to 4 years and 6 montbs. Ohio p08Re8se. two. The 8ame bolda trye for tbe next lower cloas. ,.,LLING SIL08,

III filling 1110. It 1.1 Importan t te lu!ep tbe temperature or the man 8& 'unlform aa ):osslble. Thl8 ill often ROO compllstietl by al10wlnlt the fodeler pu\ . in to lay without being leveh!d oil uo.'·' til the temperature has rillen to ,J; proper degree and t'h en level oil th• heated mOBS and pack It weU at tlie ' ~,eB a~~ ImmediatelY . add tresh ' 4er: This ia CObtlnue4 throughuut .eJ}tlre pl'oceu' 'of fllIlDI and In~ th'l,a 'Z;.X manner a higher t.eniperature~ cita lEept at thlt 'outsldll . tAan .. ,nI:n ...."'II .... ,,,~ul~' po~elbl..e .,. and



-IS TO SERVE)IR-rs. . . .







The re Aft er Indi vidu a l SalvatiolT for rk Com es Nee d of Wo the Lor d. a'" :\IA.\; ca n r t'a lly lo \' e his Cell IUV(, >l1 ""'n nr lg ht u llI Ii h e I\ rBt e to Cbr lBt. It Is " g r t"a t ,m lslak 0 IIr Ilu, 1(01 IIH' 1o t,· Il s e' de l'ot · un t ht; ~r man ll)" to Ih e b.'ll rn lll ·lJl " IJI"" . worl d . \\ 111)(J ut ha T\II1:: fir, 1 bi", t 1.". "It \,, 'd Be lt 10 ( ·h r IH l. Fur WI ' 1ll 11~



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h lll1 ..· 1 !r un til lIe 11U 3 HI:!" I 1' llrr" 1 Iv r t t.l lllk "'II" II !I,: ~ llr; ' ( lI uI . II hll " til '; , l . lJ,' m a y o f h lij Indh'! dU III s a h ':lll\ l ll lir as l a r U81 not r cs t t ll ~ r " . \'(> t t hu t Is !.! lu l' lJ ri 31 CO')) )' ,' h T ";0. pl!' I)eo 60 m ~ )' re jolC'O ,.ad he liCC(' !' t K t h l' tn, \llld I Il ro God '!) In t he th oll/i h l Ihul ( he }, /l II" COII " P ro ... v ha y ,' Ih ut It . chJJ dren ·y u PI'", r tor th e sou l,; or o Ll lf'a . Th, " 11 fo r li ll Y ca rr y on III, ir 11f' 1l J' 1 ~ a \l lI rd ili t y fo r Jlle . Th eY' ("{' I no n ·s r.oll . ilJ , nu lte s l.l r ·h l M Y ·rH. lh, o "" tb e s n l'IAM e a hav R l" p ~('l j <l hit! t It \'ery p)a ln I ha 's~ l n g oC Ire a. t d'~ u l t'o do wit IJ t l. ~ blt IJ I) the .!lie wor ld . ~[() lIay " tll !'y ~, .•. 10 ij t illn a rl 'h ( ('s" 111 11 8 h. maJt o r t he f!j,n Ch rls tlall " a r" to IJrlla~ 0 1 n o us.: It. Th ll t ije:t1r e th e wor ld, Ilnd SIVP c t en r o art e r e h r( I(' uro ey tli II USO rL' IB ,)ri p tb elr c: on Ve Ml1 0 01 tlln t mak eIJ Jl ~ wha l 16 !.t l.n a rn an tllol lt lo ve, wl ll lo g ll ae A ? alt s orl ~ h1 ru OPee mln gly ver e how .. f uen ho w(· .....,-r e loQ 1-1 1.111 " 0 " P <t1:R ~. beue . oGoo d Sho wing fo,. On e girt ed ' JVilh POW t'.It, llOw o vor >a Soml . ''''' I' At thl" itlst 8prn y lr.Jr. whe le nt , 11<' .alt that h U9 so Ba it II :1t " r po latOI'M a l>- I "t· I'l'R. 100 tJl!r l. y rl uslJ\ va e be Th M ou .<h for " 7.l(> lo.e 1. DCeJ 1 "~ ot eX('l lIn g "'(lU ~re b,' t wPP II AIl f; II s l : ",,"I.r ],. 00 tlmp s men t ell U8 ;'Iliat It Is _ aD. wh ic h ma y b" Boo n t h " A CP th e n p ears In W I8r 01"';1I I I II (' 0 ' er .JlIroum o ne s s y In thp City or Mex i co ac Is sn It In n~lI gl on.ofanI! c on c lu s ion . th l· .Hu e God peu a and does ~ o n · ;;a ll o " " ~' to c .:::;. for \~Ml l'r b 1 l'er. loye g Tili tl Is t. ho Am eric a n e mba ptE'0 poos l:"'lf two rin nt ~" d wa WId hbo an i c neig -\3Bj Hi th aC e the on :1li r~ tr l( es o"md UI bl to k trou lind ee ! . d the br in g 1-., fi t' ld~ u ut 6pra y e ...or ot neG otiat ions th at .1'Il! Clod . Tbe si de rnLI ,' 'duJl, ul(" o tr. ~~ure. mell b)' ..dalm lug t o Iol' e Y stich a t ' U.. , oI t ~ (':r><". 'I'h., l'x('l'i l(> u t ac n '" II , · son l ~ r 1\81J It. Tb aWR i . g:l'p.a lly by :nol dro ps o lza.1 sweUB tl ,~ t UIC pn'JO r or 0 coni hOm tO I bc n l'a &pos t lebyJ 'l-mn I (' h t y I.r g veili ng claim f(' Rul l>! S€ 1'IJ r .. rI Ir)' ~J1ra y ill I' ' II ' nlt~ " or.. le R. and · ll I l UI .. I lI "pa N:TI. w t o r t h, ' ('0 1- I illl( IIn y "' uhaR lo r men . I,nr t II: 10"" I, a ttt,'tJ rb roug h fI2' ODe f i I "x " nl tl(. t ilrltu !; n;J ln ,,, ., II ro"" e th J:; rk lil l ll "I' lOr lit " Iln iv(>rs lt y A nr lpg" ~\l IL ,,11 11 cove , 1 the ut ?o ll' lb pd oHs , pass M 8 p "'V B know th n t w o lwve w ' ;1<> a d vn nl a ges or I u c a '. I.n . xln ll co \\·I. of vc le !;, we' I Co lia or d".nl h In t\() 1.I,If' , b eCal J8C n ILl' that Bu c h tr0a t nlf'll t. b 1tttet" o:c uf" rall y Is g row - I o;"r, ,) i,, '1 no t (, od , bu t - th p bre thre hnt l i."s ",h t ,,,, I" "I lla e d is rd late v.v1&Th rln. ~n f ,.8 o U Ih ' " , t h lI eat d t,: \, In du ll I th s t I:' . li nd lon' th, tr"l u bld " d. c r !l ~ p ru ) a t " " ~f" a N. t' AUR tl rc ll ow !l.. !'iu bpltn lllI AI ' J :l m'(ffi~OS In ylti R. Jr 1 110 • . Io n ! (. od. w,' s llall 10 1' 0 o~ r 1 no t w a lt 111l, 1! I I, ,, !" 'g n t "P P" : r lug rr. n "IJ Ln ln&'1 t o m s pray Mur: .:p I.r n. v" Mea ha ! e e t mpl o n " E" t" t n ful ile , S 1I 111" 1\ ,:" r e .... ero pla nted J,>uriry- t he I:ro\\' ,· d l:- pu rl)' "lLl' iLtlp ll Wll lfl ll ' 1 h " r~ lB. Ind eed . a cll'a os lng. lld " io l) ·'f I,IH \'II~~ li nd ti ll' cO ylll g e:u:l y e th "P'T'u m~ , eu fr. ent il SS I Il o ce Sli rn~r e Ing lutlu Nl c:e tn til I,u t rl"" ear ly bl ig h t t I" H·. ol It te d l a t e la ll' " l" Ida lo vl' 0"'" . \\ h !Jity l ,u' "hk coom e. vari eli c,,; ~I " 0 1 good D e n I" 11 1 .11, J.: rr ·!""n til" R,lb" • ' h, tI, a~ s<· dl e: e l.ttlJ th ,1 1111 In ix tu ro ac- I ('x er I'l io l'l a l in Th o ug h l be y ta lt" 110 purt ~ ht lire '11", ut :Ij' plic':tl i ' ll (l r t h'IP. tll 1 If , ;Jes 0 ~ l 'rll yit. r.; r·) r bll tr~!U s ·s: nll II lh,,·, B Fa fSI(' t> oH! r a w O:ld 'S, cou t wn n.til t' r 3. IId l it " o r mor e lit ' r II n lf; g lln· c ordI ng lu II" Us ua ll y a l " fl " rr I h,· 1' , "I ll th ey 1I \() d ny urt e r day pu re l. ,1· Oo:l d . of ll'" o l' e rl s h ed aral : Imp p<. I ut :·,'!'.: II tlho f:L -.'I' '' In ",'s " ' ti e .IIV I'8 . s lll\p l e II v1' 8 , 11 "Il.'J "' it l Le II , '," ' H- ' t hr' fllllc o;.(lI'U, inJ uT'J ! t(\ (, L..n 82lu In , leah!. lit", ·,. Il pp l il-:,lj Ilko c r n \ \ t' id {I' : ... rt y e l. tb , "oi h nr ll i d ClJro r all r o stru n t r. g t·t Th · l ll ' ~l rt.:"~ u lL.'i, , I.h" . (,l\ n. I (,~H ne1W Pt:! t P Ill I. B rn tl u. ! :~ar) l I ll .. p t ~tI() t.h olr pn~se r\' att v e . 6W tP ~ llhaU on~ ar l ' a d . (ron ks , !-f)1I1, ' ~t ' a: , () l Ln r ' llr . "'B II !' 3 1 deta ils. " .t1~10 t 1\ l Sa IIII" . 1" ity I:1I i' un anti f\ nce In tb e c omm . ' ur e e sp.~ abll vi> ... Ur;", . p' · l ·(' wttl lm I .It..' n IlJ(· l ll rl' a l" : T Il(' lir s ilen tl y. with out adl·e rti sP 'I' ll ,· a mo rrlll , .f ~ llnt.1' mh r in g t1 t'f dry sellSOUL e I!!! a ,r rlrr ir T ,·rl . "Ij,rk " )' wo II !n. Its r g e lll th lm la OII OU l proc J.. l' ~ ::'1 11 ' 1i"II,.u d Up go~. jl lll'd " ~ r nc rd' ornL I(' 11m ~ i l l n:,: , ! con c\ tre m e nd ous pow er In s l lU pl ~ 1':"'1:1.1 in th" SA n- '1'11 0 lI ll,r" t urn s wnlc ll " of t ir O' " i n ' 1<. -~ Z I ~ lli' I' . r !\,l' reet& ~ A 131 e u' th Ll in . • lIlixl u r , n,IIY b .. , t lon t h ou g h 'It bc not h ea.rd m ' I,ray lng tbe HlIll !I ,n g :dl o ll " ,f Ihe J'j\ mil), hI ' I · , p ~c t £' oJ r ro Chrl R t lans can b e th e s alt f l·(. 1II <!Iu e to tbre e . r f' cO\' to cl de <, U nd a true lind I d I;oo g n c-! b hy Just ('art b mtil tJ 18 ~ .~ Hu it. sn Ie e Lov ng. lovi -~~ ~~ es been dono , wo rt tl!to I bpll e n · m o t " [c: ju ry )1::1" flolt . Goo dn es s fe salt . Th e l' t haD ' (I<'c t.Oll> u,; l !O'\'I' ) by t. lis so Q'l£fe y It s c la /lot !mo w wha t It o wes t o IVI In thu 0 11 0 ,1 I ~}' 11 11 th o cro g.o ja.g yet'tlliJ' of o ur atnam e less s aillt s . ';u: t wor o On all. y. -wt ulllr e eo r a Bs u v1rt \II:. Rut th e pass ive atto n o. u, salt . I t e nti OIl Is tb a t ,;I" t ilo 'J!.lJtlv The re Is a posl t rre fo rce In . __ __ u mlls or b ~b,' lsCbr kellp ng. u~ rr stro I! d W s nn il I c lay ' o pun g(m l an d hltl il g. . iibl e t~ pO«t ~s II ,clOS " " esl r t(' oarn e. Very Fa- o r G',wi c nll" tl a n mf\ n sbo ul d! be posi tiv p bysl cal the Unl ess Con dltr ons L1,o U t dO.l'9 f1 lI U eval ' :' dia e m tI", r la o . n e Oil t l< e po a nd o Uls Quite til thllt th. vor able Fer t iHty ' Remains th o tl~M to cUlld ll loll or II I" ~' oll 10 !ille h . . t ype 01' s nlnl llne s3 thnt wa s CI.! I·latl 'lko soil- 1H!t e h t I;:. e'S" ',"<: ... v a h d y ni l' III" he the m os t he a ve nly lin l.Il a t.lie-. .. v Una tu rn ed Is r .~ "rt:o I men o :Ji ' om d e pp a s th e ori'-'was tbat wh ic h (fed awa y fr lIayos. ri aste r. l' mon d und an es K U: L.l.Y .1 and hid In cav \\ ' . ~I " .T U N (['< ). ex pose d In. wea ring V " !,,('Ill bl ~ Jll :l t t ",, ·, w llJ:JJ s sc s a n Ing Its pra ye rs. i"ns ting and uv ~ ru !,e '<la y HOLI. ~s s o n deco m" soo Til w.W: ter <1.1rl ,! Mas Ih 1.11' th!! tralr s hi rts. E'ot t hus did 11.111" 111 fe rtili ly. 'h n uct luu n or \' UIl!l)l a hl c mol d send 11l.r,",d " ",- " lip pi,' ... f 11 l.r" "r I·ur . s o t live Ill " holy pos v" II l'urt.o l'u y r men teac h ea llllH IU 'V ve lve!!,." he but. 11 11 1" 86 c" II li ill (·.I I· Lo rr le·' .... " ; 1...a 1',mJ 'lua nttti you fort h as la mas amo n g wot ask that ul.rl e th i" I'<' !" ill' ), :'<'IlIlLiL...., In all uu- and acl'" nic urbo 1 . o f und Do M o id d m e ' l H bl a . l a ' lut I 0 \' I';~I S" Bald to hlo sa , 'l'J1cted rrom t.lle lr hom es aud ..._Id . u vall a hll ' 1·IPI, u iti (Pll . l !J l o.~'· u ~ li g h t. lo a my s or lpaw lcb. MaJID ., have beoD e ), m ig ht be take n out of tbb' cln.y so ll H Lb o m a kt1 Lll e Boi th loye ot t emp III1111 t' mill Ul; Il ng lIIa u triki s Ih of lu es eTIl I: lo d l\. 'lm th e otbe~ Its · frum .u Irom Ir· pt ke T h e tamt ltes ot scor ilnd lS& p 'e ey kl th d to onl y th ut In the st r e e ts , p rn c(it u l pol nl Illa l. W 8 Illie r. \U pJ,t" r IH plow e'" IUld ~u" r 0'111 " o cook ing, eall ng and s lee ping th hiN t e r If . cu to haud ht , 0 dwhll e th e y Boug d IB ti ll ' fac l t.htl. t w~ mu s t 1U in m In ea n l.o r.\ r a nc h It ID. l. '~ ·! th '. n de r d" mak e all lite bett er. !,Ilt trtlli lo('k(' d up uu 1 "" iuII~ t lldl CO try II , .'Ul.d th l> d ecom . sCl ARTHUR R. RUPLEY ~', \I' ~ aturut e d, Are We All Doin g Our Pan tl 1"'t.' lll'" :nal labl c !or .Ilt e :lkll.. Jy , and lb e prod gJ'Ow - fCI11lil y rll :I )' , .. 01·I e11\, gops n we o ti th pOSi ear or Is t he pa~l Und e!! ro" ill " <: i'u ps, Il nl. e l' h t mu dl hy Gly. day id , w r e be lllt e 1 1 1 11' eav h . lb ll soil uct ing pure r , sw cete r 'f lr t's,' s lOl' cd 1111 ule meD.ts 10 I~? Are itio ,, :;, · b .,. "lt rJ.y lng bac t e rlllI day, be cauB e off our livin g In ' a s s o m ur. h po l c u- Hl!c h cond ll! nrcll >; C' r bp. to ; rUh ' u:... ut rrnrrll '.o.: lr ""Ir k. abo \Il' ot. n evllR l1 C3 too f o " hing UI.I ' l w e touc . (, 1I" r ;; )" wlrin lt tr y (!)Or I.UUt tlul b."! th Ing e " IJI'o a n Im l'l: Ir ~f.) acti on th driv n e h W and our posi tive good d ecOlJlt. . o II :" Ill H<l il· DLa»nl,;e m en t. may lI will Vil ts UIJI r. crl4c h(' l . : wllh o\i. ht ~ Ihe soug !'h U8 I hnru awa y ! How man y ot u.c lirre e o.' t /U. whi c h wit! effo rt this be c uu~' er t e d Illto PO "" Illto ca :·l.oct 10 ,, ('i~ 4 ~ .' ~ k to adop t lo ve Ilnd pray er aud earn est ...... r thur Rt lI 1I' . , \\ g f :lI)lt u. th ~ soil all ot. : l brin ll to r"a or £" . tl t e l mnn l l.r0J'1 one 1I ti olive an to k past w ee ,,"' n'LJ. cnUf, .. r ve nou ~ ot tbe s lI c h IlINh lJ() ~ as pr evld ' th p r,· ~..... i ll;: l> il.JlD l ~ with one chil d und ar the Influ e nce __ s ,:"',, '!lfiru.U " ul 'r s}'. o r f er· l ~ "erv pr(' lhe ~elll , to to Is ll nh'll l. gos pe l ? Wh at did 'Se do . SIIUU , lUI l~ Il l'", : u '~' ry tt,. n PI. pe excP dep )'. t" tIIlt irr!ttI to s ;>{' :e, )tea,c Wh pll II , I" Y,·:l r . atrl tes of m e tA and t'b mak :e prod uco cro p.- f'I'" n } ','a r to 5Irlls, tb e \l'O IJ~' and :\l. d ' l'Tels ,.I, , l 'l qUlU it l of iYa os e ('uit rn ned hltle d tloft en the Clay so liR IIlIlSI, too> pro l"" " i' ',olm ' mus t b~ a a t I'D. ':;Y1fN' .. a s ho uld b, ' gr'I(;~I""'IJ\f~ to brin g tOl:e ~ber ~05e who ~re tl H' I' .. (lllD. r;.., brou h lll"'''~ e r lo r l h e .011, iJ" . e /; th 'iil \ '''ll!' bplp e illt J.lll h ro ll l< mlty '?' Wha t. did w e do ml' clll tlva t illli . Wil a. ! t)lO ..... t " "y. c' l ntab t a s It III ro I, bs tl 10 (t d. r. (, HSS" of t h l' ad - 1·,.;;;;· tlll.lJ l(' " >'l ~· dl8c ouru ge d , Ml ('he er th e d"'~ '''I r ""' · Il",l.i l' ~; ::, ~ "a lo e a U l ~ lo ... b Wba I'WlU n" .. e'r.~ oo· !, I1[ ~ . ll hall o r b hat t y 11rt u p ha nd ~ 11l , ,;, ~w1, II ,Irn ln:ll ;r 0 " .: Ia t-.,· :.,., . Ir 11 stOll t o \' :, ' d a , " '" ;'1 As a g t ' n l '~I I~II~" ' ':. \', ' 11 r ~ r\Jlu , etro rt did we milk " to pu u ~ .• ' ~ h ~ fI "';' a ...,;t y t lH. ~ wa1c In I d ' :-. 11 I d \ · ~ .,:'i d ". .. and \ , y t 1 ' , 3 uni l" f tJ.(1J'J I I t' :1 : ; 1 Iv crirn e and \'.fcP. In Oll r (' o 11111..1 g,h.' i u n n i l ' :d r ,t.j~ tt ;l ':' 101 . , I .. I. Il li" t JI r ,· ' ' . ;' t 1I1l1i ~:_ ! u 't e r ,·' d ... cbil :. ~ l,. . ., " , :, y t o !.t lJ muk,c it a safe r pin e o for ~r Ih rlJu -! l: a l and tll ohi ; \1 l'1U ~ fl lJpo rt unil J ' :: •.,ItU ;. ,7,\" , · . . ll l J . ·.' t.d : . :Ii:. ' ! , ? l n s u lJ,' j t ogr ow upi out 'h ' 111ft!. ~~ ,-, j L t4''.i·, r t. l l..:le~ I,, "! nuit


















t Gil h ou s" ('oat Al~e we· naak tng n f;or iun, sOIll I · th i ng and slipp ers or out' r e li g

ll r :' I(

u e l ., lj


f\j.· : r. ld t tllUII 1U '


I ,r r U(Jt s . 'h ,·· ~ ·I ~ il a hili~ of il s .th l: ,:. :rL ll iIW ,.: " ly i ')I" 'l"J II~ lIts I' I' I' [Jr \.1 .~ · ioi shJ :ul~v;) ·,t,I, . H n' " o h '(jIl!H H! . , b u / :1 1:;0 soot :~ to I I I. I I llrt., l mr 1"l I co ' UIL l" nnd III s to, give us ease of of t lJl' ~\;l,..'": ~;l ct', . , lI t! : ::-i !; lst t it ..: IJOr llot.. .. ]« fnl< lb ol;ub. ~ us .1. ' ~ l !! 'H mn . 4 ' ll ' and I e Jr 3 l: ll l u our consch~ nc i ,·r tI U\y . ti o nll! ' 1 H (· r \"i ~}jI.· :. IJ .i :'t.... UI g lil M tin ,t.\lC cos u It 1 Is ,;u),L dl ... " III ~'ell of ours elv es? Whc ;1' C: tI 'I ' I' of Ua' s,J 11. . h " 1. ,: w OIJ ~. Mus ·I '·II l" _':1 l 'l.'· 1':1111 ,)rill l,;, is of pa rti c,,- " lO t. , us to be Chr istia ns, t o rollo cla y SOi~ p,·. ;,, ;Iy !.!l lh " "


: 1' 1 l: r ll w:: l u t

t.,. ·

a h;(.t " IlrcD ortlo ll o( m, It ICI Ig tllt :n a Ih ,, ! O il l rfl;;a., t ho wj ' ~ hu H.lm·1) beli nllt o; ' O l')' il l e s it P O!, ~I, tOI) as l'Ll gro '~jll' ; ."<' 1;011 . alld mak l'pll a \" II IJ , , _ ". " ",11111',· r ll l'r thl. Il ~ . ls hl c f(J ~ u, t o L" !; 11l work ra !:tIlL 8 8 m ::; t it .. "o r.l< , ,I ·"" ,·in v. I" til t· ll Ill , inco r. Ill ". a>;";' tlf{. ,,"11 tor I,,:r fnrm '( ; ' ' ' ' " h , ' " In:l l1 \H \I,. y \\a I g lll dllr . k ,o.. 'I..\II)l lJ l ill) r Q I, ~:' IIlll nl1 e>r II \.~ soil wl l' " It Is l/low ed ,' ,,-SO U. It : p ,ra tl' ' <J U, n i:'LfJJ rovec:l l;~'-' ti ll! w ilu h : o f II ", g row ing , s lia Oil ~ bJY (: 1 ..\ 1~ '1 at e h ~oi l HOl",, . an ti fer. i ~ inHr 4.H:n·;ib l( ~ 10 1' .Jl'jv l ilY UI' ) J.'.· J. r;.d~a~\.~ . till a ge r~ttH t '.\it h wat t·r . it II ill g J·f.llW good t ha t ,,, Y.:I t iza Ji I 11.,:. d l-,·" ter Who le Duty of Man _ '" :, d ,1 i: il:r, 10 til ese din, (· t f'(' , it t ~ all c a\ ~{ ulat r In the ~ c L W:l i .,' I C l' ( ' j) ~ ,r \ ' l\" i con. in J1ll "Re m e mhe r no'W th y Cr eato :(I'" ~H " a I:tlm L, ;r of i l1tlin cro lll t of ion ll .• re' a. IJ' I.ry ti l'll ' !, ' I '.0 :ph ient COUIb ill \~ ll i ,'11 Ih p SCP il 15 im llJ'Il VI d daYR or th), youth ~-t h e anc ,lh th' l\ stocl< !(· '!/t1n g that e r e Is tilCt' o f h i gh., r uN" i ) 11 ',d to r et urn a;; u . ,su f! h as til L' i ul l Ut' II eel Is ever time r". s in ce t.h l ~ u:! i(: i (\ H t. m nnu r. :I' "la~\ l'. vti of -"nd tlon u a<:t l.J rlal lh o \~ in p lllSb, l Cl&p t:r a t l!fI ! o r 'Wuys on hand . a n ew gc nera n .ltui Inai ," oJl ~ till) call to , dlo G' Oil III llHl i to (' I ~~ tn it- a l Lh ;; II !( I,S gui plas tic you th ~ wh o m thl R , btA ;~ \!If (, ' Tt. U:t y, s e rvi ce appl ies with Gt..t i l ~ . nd a 'llhlp wOl ville the or - ---ono y, e l Rup lt I gwa Thll lUn Ilrat . e. " ur P torc Arth T he ro :1 1'11 bact e r ia l IJI'OC (· SS - app eali ng t ead erne ss and nn e P e r ry PF.a nu. Vlb from S!r~ rge la ut D e ! m lS il t.ho n ow con grcB un lrn[l ort:II1L \l a r t ir, . t ning ot wisd om Is th o fear CIlI uy egin lil b llb· Rep e s a y i b~ ' t s lraw t·eril !)' h t ll' by up d e pr. '~ inat l sylv ll nln. WIIS nom "con clu sion or tho who le bron ch o f n atur a l econ olll Y. ,,' ;0<1 we \ .~IJ tho and . Lord se Moo e la't or J u ly o r U.e IlJ 1iI1111 t:t e tile The ~whol& 1Il11Bl ~ n bir aw, o u r me t h o ds oC t. Jl ti vu· r l,i!lIkl.Ii S{) t ltean s. tho Was hin g ton. part ies. m a tter " Ie tho Bum o. ve will gi l'(' 1I pa).·lfI&, t esul UH g rogr AU P or velt t s oose tir agQ R t: tho h I a nd 'lot vl all" 1lI~\IIa~ C lll 'n t a , t" ve duty at lOan " from c hild hood '·tl lioll fort) 5 p ~lJlg, but \\' 0 bel i.9 18 xt ne and . ho t man s GI'Q.P ines 8 He Is a bus anti bl s po we1' mos t hc tl c rJt frOill t he se pro),;f1sses. ttCI" O" ce. III th e USII of hlm s elt ti l't'Uc :J.d b a be me te.r year s old. e Ill~t I t h:U to for God . This Is a gran d ecbe The se clay soi l ~ , wh ic h a n ; th r i ng , r,orm lt not l wMe b 01 \i l.e ~Jil ' plan tG In t b e sp efHc d hy 0 t horo u g h s y ~ t(, 111 me, and It Is the only pro!;J'a1l bt:!n com e to [r lllt tbe to sora bl05 ;;lc "slo lu. nl, . \s slJi 0 or....d; y~ dral nu ge. n r c th e mos t 1'0r lll rend ers lite a mat ter of U1.tJ' Not In Lea p Voa r. !Irs t year , a nd. t h en the Gec th e re£o~Q e ll. you &lD 'nte reBt of any accoun~ . th e coun tr y, and th ey w ill crop i ,'he y wer e qu a rre ling . ..\.... IIlICu 1l0U a u r e ta.!,J p, will slve you Bald tbe wll nan t th e Inrg est ol:p e -wll .. cun' t say I ran afte r YOII ," rUIl Cath Olic . BuU d 373 Chu roh. ap . t tl sctr op~.e mou Il v(!l e d does r alltl t ithe wire . "Ne S.".c cles of Gra pea. Uni ted prov e men 'em JUJIt Rom an Cath ollc 8 hi ' tile y fU{'«I /l'r 13 nbJ·e to ever not le Whi abo\ lt 40 s pe clea &f grap e. afte r the mioe . but It catc hes at l. n..e re rch' The Stat es buil t laat yea r 373 cbu BYIi~ D.l or W e dor.U1e plet cNn a In put the s ame ," r e plie d hub hy. . mot' e than halt ot 0. ~an BO pl~ bls In th e \\ wid an elltl mat ed l!08t of '7.1100.00 Few ~c tbe first year , 1\.. ~d In N\lr lb AQl8 l'JCL fQ\I arc wha t he ... ; ,lplI3 to dQ (rom otbe :!: lllan t B on thls r co.t inen t ~. . Twl ckem aury . nt of Mex ico by the Uni ted that MrtI k Blde wor pr-e l' 81 thil In ted «Dl: Uaat bt reco d'af falre s ,In Tbe re 0&Il be 110 dou , .1t Gen eral Hue rta I,nto I-:,d fll.fro a .ald le . . time to lime will ., sy.t em luul JlO,~ wlld und er Bueh varl ecl eoncWl~ U'a. the . you ng Mex Ican , char ge "Ye s , 1 enjo y ed the voya ge," ftrst .secr i!rld llotb llll " 10 loG I'lle riAb Nt . Btli.tea;· Ben or 'D on, An. lel Altn ss7. l"o ma~ l'! aune per who a O'Sh -;. " tbe of on 011 ' part Nels "bu~ :::T . or. , . . .roba agad · ~'I~ II" " ~ s MR . Twi ckom burr 1D,e .--{1 0Itll e, IW A!ih iDgt on, w11f be nam ed" be • Il.a»l!Ml!t4.. iW~~eQ~Il~ .WQf . <l;fV In' char ge ot Am eric an Inte rest ' er terr a cotta."-Chr,,~ i I. pr~f o, 1 k M~c . -.. " thin In I ail,. -~ emb .. J( _.. .. - .. ' m· b• .Amerlca ing ror tor! v,'b at sacr ifice al~' 1V e mak glv. we e r a o Mlic se or him ? Wh at kind ge ntle ease l ing to blm ? Wh at ot 0u r are we are we givi ng up, ",hu t t.bln gs th e lay may e ..... thlll doin g with out. Lord rs nltar!- ~und a y ~ on th o Seb ool Tim es .

,·S lal'

i!tll" l r~<Lnc~.






. an aeco ..ali' or-t tau aeli iter . a4or,;Wl~~OD. , Carlo,, · de pet ern ~. . III :·th, ,abl8nc18 c)( :Aml!.-a r or rore lp dal H III the Hue tta cab1net... . mlDSlte ~ .. t. oma ·dlJl ~ ~ -'" .

MI! .,





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~.n:wn.C~.~~~:~.~~~!! ..~~-~~U.:UA: :~I~~:::;:~ u~~;::)' ::~:~~;~::b~!~C~~ 1 MISSION RIDGE IN C V E rO IJlO !lM , exeo uto r of t1~ tll t e !l~~I"t ll nt. t o I'I h orill' n ud e r l:5ecti oll of Al rrec l W . C(' 01l . clOO. III1I',1 t (l AI t~'< ;' ,p:! Oll l:hlHl ell Dearlh """ I ~ · IlIll U,Or of l,h A I'~ tllt e of bort K . l:I o llin g ~\Vortb. t w" trnc t H tlllli t ,) ~ hA r i/Y undor ~;Ac t. io) n :.!4t'\ S Probate Court

In the

.1 ;l IlHI~ (~ . lht "~ l1I " !l , :1 ec(!lI!'ed , Jlr -- or Il\nd olln t.'llui ll~ r,~ : I ~ Cloll ;' ;''7 $I Th"IlHl~ J. rII Mtl l' H A" I~ t llll t t o) I va t A 1i"1 ,, ., f Jlr lllnrt y npl'"" vt'd . /lorI'S r e!<p' (I ti vo ly i n 'L'urtleoreok ~ h rrl l\, \llId " " HC'ut i,," ~ ·j S:; , $:1 'lil a

J ohn V'lD (ltl n 'r)o)r t I\..~ tllllllill ist rli t,u w u ~uip f. 1:,t:; M G ~ L lillllK 'i' rDlIj1tl C'2:... b hllJk~ fur t or with tu e ,\\111 ullue xed of Hnnnuh U F. LInd A llna Hell Br,)w n t,o lI u ,lit" r . ta o J Ii) Murri l:!, 1·lIlI 1111PI Pllyne, j eoelilled, plulul.ttI \' ::1. Johll Wil s oll . Lot N" . 21> In Sout.h lil" t "" fo r I VI:I, t 1GO. Cbllrle!! Vharles ,I Paynb ut nl, clefo nd un ts l'nrk NubJivi ijloll o f Le hllnon. Uhi o, 8t. il,b~ , c,l ntru llt. $1l ·1 ·10. R . A Mo· ti! of fllflll appro vAc1. M O l't. gn~ os f,7 r,. Gu tob e 'n. O(J ntmol ~73 1. A. 1'. un SlunA o rdeTeU Ctl nCl\ lh.rl . PIUAnllil M " nd Mnry'1' . Bro wn to Rot.ti", re jJlLi r s Twin Cr ank u ad oeedl! t·o be helu Ity th " I\drnini~trl\ LaFIl ),u t t(l Bud 1\1111i !:l~a A. Ni oh nl- Uh,"nborlain r OtHI . :U'2. N . E . t or for furth .. r urci l'r of ollurt. s un. tw o lo ts in \V" y o esv ill e, 0 II Dllollil u t . r pll inl I )xfo ru r nll!1 f\11 WlIh .ID\ &· hll ell . g UlIrdllln. plain A . F . Meek Ar to H cnry Tha y or A b:cl wll rd H o ppu r OpalrB Kill1{8 t iff VI!. Cu ost,or l:5ohn tlll. min or a t ai , lot N o 4(14 ill Frnnklill «Jllio $ 1 'M III ~ flIHrt :,0. It . B . ~rni t h d e rAndBnt R. tlnle of pro port,y Rp (~ O O l'g ('l B . E vu n!! ~.C) A~nl\ E . (lClOI e nt, ' ·1 :W. O llio Corrngated proved. Settl em en t oni e red Moor e his int.eTeat in l..ot- No. I iI Cul vert Cu. clIl vArt pipe IJ 5 . Ohi o 'fbe estllte of I::ltlUluel Ilnd Frell in Frn~kliQ , $ l. Corrn >:ll t ed Vu lvor t Uo , 1Il vl' rt pip\'! Reed , min o rs UUI\TdlllO fil ed firs t C L . U ng los by to M.yrta E Pil e , f.l ·llI nu. aeoount but sam e Is ordllrod sot! lot N o. 410 in !<' ranklin, $1. l :cmt.m tl:! :- No ~~, wi t h 1'. H plmded . I Gllt,lltlrln tl and G eo r ge W. /:Iliu Me ~t l) lI CO fo r n ll w CO ll l' rtlto upplJ r win g The elltat,e of .Lizabeth B Mo ore, t o Bonry Grute DU ~ I uores of l11nd lIuil Ql)ue r ul,u t.oe urounu fa ce II.ud deoolUled . Rrd e bill in Buid estate In Harlan town ~hip $1. h,wt!r W IU ~ tu lIollth abntme ut o f ordered reoorded . hrlJ gA O\' Ar H a ll 'lI Cre.k b y John Common Pleas Proceedings r rO\-il!o 'R In 1:>IIIeUl town Hhip ,as. l!'rank Ludlum a~ admlnifltrntor ~ o. t' ll with Chnrlell I:>tibbll f or of the estat.e of Ruth E Lu cllntll , deSlI.llIe Monfort v s Saraphna Bunoeased , ulalntilI YR. Robert, E. Lud- n e ll e t al. F ur eol ,BUJe B8,le ordered . I)otting in 12 in oll 20 ft. oorrngated lum et a I, defel1dantll. ~al e of per Lula Bagley va. Chules Osborn Bewe r h .1' (john Doollllm 's on I!!tnbbe sooal property orde red . Bert Duke, et. Ill. Ida Kimule Peat'son !lnd Mills r ORd; ILlso 20 iL ob l ~ ft. oorHenry t;uemeulng and Homct! i3t'lkes Mary B. Os born are mllde putiell rogtlted sew e r by Hilfl!! Hatfield's appOinted apprliiser!! of suid nal 68· defenlhmt . lither defeudBllts to be ,)n Hatfie hl nn d Bell er pika : tind 20 In ob I ~ fl . co rru gllted lIewer hy tate . served bv notlot! of publioatloos. C. C. Emmull~ r.t! 6xeout:>r of the Charles A. (Jordon. trostee VB . Niok R o ust,ll r 's 0n Monow lind Lob wll\ ·.,f Alfred W . Vook, de06l\8ed VB. the Loveland Electric, 10e and IInon pi "0 in Tnrtl eor eek t o w.shlp Alvin M. Cook, et "I Stile approved . Wate r Co ., a corporation . @. K . $55 :H>. N o. M7 wit·b Oregonia Bridge Co , tletUement ')rderecl. Brown appoint-pd \0 aot· tlsllppraiser for forni s b in g Rnu driving piling In the QI litter of the will of Sarah io 0 ~ . Biggins' place. Jane Donohue. deoelil!ed . Will ",d · John W . MoClong VJ . Mary E nlong was h bltnk in Oregonia road mlUed to pobate. Emmons et al. 81lle of real estate by Bllntn 's farm In 'furtleoreek The eA&llte of Benry 6 Heller, oonfirmed and settlement ordered. township nt 700 per ft . No . ~ H With W ~ . (J 1'I1ham for deceased. Jo)m A . Hliisey, IIdmln Lido. It and Lee R. Rlmdall. plaio . latrator tiled first find final aooount tiffs in error, V8. Ph iii p Hall, defend- putting in 1/:1 ft 30 inoh sewer on and same III ordered sospended. ant In errQr . Correotion to be Kelly rOfiU by l:5lltterthwalte'll The estate of John Bradbury, de' made in this cause aooording to Iml\uln gl:! aud I'n Hl ft. 24 inch 001' · 061i8ed 1'hlrd aooount approved . rllglited lIewer on Corwin and HenCourt, of Appeals' deolsion . In the matter of the estate of Anpeok road by L . Me ndenhall 's road Johll B Clement all trostee for drew James Buxter, deoeasod. Bale Caroline W. t;oteldo and her c hil in Wayn e township $48 . of personal goods and ouattelB oon- dr.en et al vs R. F . Lafollette . DeNo . 89 With Benry ChrilitiBn fot' firmed. fendlmt R . L Lafollette h!lli boen putting In 10 ft . 20lnoh OOH ugated In the matter of Granville biOlith, 8ued as R F. Lafollette 1n this olise sewer anrllower headwu.lland apron alleged to be inl!une. t::;ald peraon ,md oorreotlo n ill ordered. to slime 80uth of Zoar sohool house in HlImilton towoshlp t37. 60. found to be iUllAne aud oomml\ted Commissioners' Proceedingi No. 1)0 with Oregonta Bridge Co . k D:1yton State HospltaJ · W, H. Johnll\on, administrator of Dan P. Bone, Clerk of Courts, fo r sub- anu supe rstructure for the Bltasa of Jam8f Jobnston, de- presented his bond whioh WflS I1P bridge at, Stubbs Mills over the oeased, plaintUI VB. Maggie MoCabe. proved. Little Miami river as per pilln sub. e' ai, defendants. Real eetate or · Plan8 and speoifioations for a mltted inoluding fills and approaobes dared s.ld. Bond raised. bridge aorOS8 the Great Miami River 113900. In the maUer of the eskte of in ~'ranklln tQwnshlp to be built by! No . f3 with R . A . MoCutoheon HenrieUa V. Mounts, . deoea8ed . the P. O. C . & I3t . U. Ry Co., werel for 6Ilrth fil\ Ilnd approBches to B'ook ordered 80ld !lnd settlement reoeived and ordered filed. north end of bridgE! over Clenroreek made. Applioations of Samuel S. James on Red Lion and Franklin pike in In the matsar o( the 81t",\e ot a.nd 6eorge K. Hllmllton for relief Franklin townahip 1212. Clinton Jones, deoessed. J, F . Zim- under the blind pension law "",ere .... - - - - merman Jr., appointed adminilltra- reoeived and ordered filed . Good Reason for His F.nthuslasm tor, bond "00, Johu A. Thompson, BlI\s Allowed-W. H . Anderson When 0. man bes suffered for severlll du.ys wit.h oolic, diarrhooa' or John Bone and Ed Uecker appOinted Co., vol. 87 O. B. R. for probBte ot,her form of bowel complllint and appralll8r8. Firat and final aCOOO[1 t judge 11_60_ The Franklin Chron is then oured Round and well by one filed and ordered 8uspended. tole publishing notloe for deputy or two doses of Chamberlllin 's Colio, The estate of Thomlos I . Brown, Bealer $1.50 The Miami Gazette, Cholera anll Ui/urhcell Remedy, us deoea88d. I'1r8' and finsl llooount publi8hlng notice for Deputy Sealer is often tile oase, it Is but na~ural . . tbat he should be enthu811lstlO iT) flied and ordered lIu,panded. . '1.50. The Frankhn News, pub- his praise of the remedy, and esIa the matter of the guardianship l1shlni tax notioe 11.00 'fhe Miami peoially Is this the oase of 0. severo of Jamee Iii. Coburn, au alleged im- (iazette, publishing 'IIX notloe $2 00 . attack when life is threatened. Try becile. 8ald person found to be an The Warren COllnty Appeal pub it when In need of snch a remedy. lIshing tax notloe 12 00. 'rhe' War- It never falls. Bold by all dealers. imbeolle. ren Coun$y TlmeB pnbllshing notioe ,." . Real &tate Tranafert to oontractors superstrooture Love CAlLS FOR ~~'OUS THOUGHt .lob. H. and Anaa L Brown to land Bridge $11,25. fhe Warren _ .,. Wade A. Brown, 110 aores of land in County Time!!, publishing notloe to La"dlord.· ObJec:tIOfl. to PI Tartlecreek town8hlp, $1. oonlraotors subst ~uoture Loveland . CftHd~ Very MIIatI . . . . n..




Lester Ii. Ivins \0 J. A. Wheelen and Kary E. Wbeelen, IX' lAoree of land In Clearoreek township, $1. 8arab E. Ivins to J. A lind Mary E. Wheelen 10.23 1I0rOll of lani $1. Hannah J. Rogers e' al to J . A~ and lIary E. Wheelan, two tr.o~& . :-;. · land oon$aintng 18 and l~. ~ "crel r9llpeotively, $1. , ., I C. L . UnKles~~ t I Myrta E. Pile, pad oflot 140. 4,..\J·(nFraokhn, Ohio, $5'00. ,. ' I JOIIeph/~ . Parker '0 Myrta E. .


No. 818 in Frankhn, Ohio


Vandervoort, administrator

I. Payno estate to William W. Bbur~ and Ralph D . Van Meter, 65 aol'8ll of land In Hamilton town.hlp $1~57. 7«1. Jobn W. and W. E. McClung, ex. ecutor8 of 'he las& will of F. H. McGlung, deooaaed to R. Jennie MoClunlJ 145.41 aore8 land in Deerfield toWDBblp $11,778.21.


Bridie $11.87. The Wu.rren Cou',)t/V Times, publishing notloe. . tO build and notioe to oonttaOtors Stubbe Mills bridge .J21' W. C. 61!mour, board for,Pt'lsoners during Jul~ 1913 $1~3 ':37. Viotor Van Riper asslstllnt

..... It Is

ea..... .

The questiOD of nut: ..a. bMieII -makEil the w80le 1I'OI'Id kiD. on.

IIInw . allUltboritB of:rruee_\IeI jut ~ that there is II viWl relation between a cieclining ~ rate aDd prohibiti.,e rentals. 'n. birth n.te in 1912 has been the __ est since 1861 in Paris, becalJllO nrat hBll been aoaring sky high. An __ dition to the famil means ....- I . Y . r-J,'''"lI more for lodg.lllg or else goon~ mto a leBB converuent home and into II cheaper nagbborhood. The municipal authoritiea in Chi-

MothenlHaveYourChildrenWorms? Are they feverish, restless. nervaus, Irrltabl~, dizzy or oons'ipateM Do they oontlDually pick their nose or grind their teeth? Have tlHlY oramping pill nil, Irregular and rav enuulI appetite? '£he(le are 81\ ~Igns o~ worms . Worms not only olluse your child soffering, but stunt It II 11 the mind and growth . Uive "KioJl:IlpoO ~ ~ve not yet got to Worm Killer" at onoe. it kills aod of newlDg the rent problem from the remOVtl8 the worms, Improves your child angle. But we &n! fast COlDohlld'sllppetite, regulates stom>l.ob, · ing to it. It is a sad truth that b&It.v er and bowels. Th~ sy.m ptoms bies are all frequently coo.aideftd dIslippear o.nd your OhIld If! mllde . happy and benjthy, BS Dature in- superfluons by the 0WDel"II and buildtended . All dru~gillts or by mall, en CYf modern aparlmeDt hoaaes. 250. Klokap?o IndinD Medicine fC /my children i':" is the briak qoesCompany, PhIladelphia, Pa. I:lt, Ucm which the agent pops belore he Louis, Mo. leta,ou take a look at his up-to-date



If you happen to be guilty ot couple of chubhy-faced young*n yw have to look for a flat that baa ~ of the up-to-date 00DVeZlieDces. • • 'nzie is equiftlent to aaying that JOIl Live Stock and General AuctIoneer mOBt etay in the cheaper aud dirtier neishborbooda of the clty, :JOUI Posted on pedigrees and values of all am aDd Wish to go oat to • kinds of breeding stock. IIIIbu.!b. , , . The ·ban which the OWDI!DI of the Expenenced III handling farm sales since up-to-date llatA in Obicap are put1905. ting OIl cbildren Bhould be made !DOle than a Abject far jeIt.-Chi-



N. Sears




WAR AND PEACE REUNION ON ITS CRE8T OF SUR. VWORS DURING THE G. A. R. E NCAMPMENT WEEK AT CHATTANOOGA. The I!!attle of Missionary Ridge TtI __ Decided the Fate of the Army of the Tennessee and Opened a Road to Atl iinta. ChElttanooga. Tenn.-During the wee k of the national encampment ot tho Grand Army of the Republ1c. and 11 ~ a IIil'd or g Rnl~a lion s, to be held In ChnttIl I100!;U, Se\lte mber 16·20, II. reunion will !.te' held by the survivors of \tl ~s l o n a r y Hldga. at some point on ! hat historic eminence ""blch ",,111 be ot ea sy access by trolley cars. Tbe PUf pose of the re unIon III to ga as m a ny 0{ the s urvivors ot this grellt battle as possible together on tbe ground lind olLjoy 81100cbes by m en wbo ,know lIom etblng of the engageme nt tru'D actual participation. Th e, ba ttle of Missionary Ridge was fo u ~ ht November 26. 1863, and wall a s ignal victory tor Union arma. After the bU ltie of Chickamauga. Gen. Bragg"s arm y threw a line of entrencb· monts a round Chattanooga from the point of Lookout Mountain. on tbe we Hl, W the moutb of Chickamauga creek, on tbe eas t, the pUfpose being w s taJ'vo th e Union troope Into surrend eI'. Whe n. on November 23, Gen. Grant. wbo had taken charge of the fortun es at the Army of the Cumberland, began active etrorts to relieve his army, Gen. Bragg assembled his forcos 0[1 Missionary Ridge, thus Inviting a genera l engagemen t. Gen. Grant decided w storm the ridge and drive Gen. Bragg Into ~orlJl. a . With that purpose In view he moved bls army out of Chattanoog:\ and confronted Bragg along the entire length at !I,, · r id ge, Ills lines being an average ot one mile west of the base of the ridge. Gen. Grant dlrectod the movement of his troo\>6 In person frOID hi, helldQURrters at Orchard Knob. and on the evening of Nove mber 25 orde red un ad vance on the enemy's rifle pits at the (oat of tile rIdge. It was necessary for tb e Union troops w march across a comparatively open and level plain for a distance of a mile In the face of a deadly fire from the enemy's .,UIlS . Without break or falter, the entire force, as It on parade. advanced at tbe given elgnal to the at· In one hour after orders w advance bad been given. the Union forces had charged over the rUle pltll and swept t~ tbe wp of the ridge In advance of orders. Muclll desperate fighting was done In this charge. From Sherman Heights, on tbe north, to Rossville, Ga., on the .outh, death dashed from cannon anO muskep-y fire was constant and deadly . But the battle decided the Issue in the . Chattanooga territory. The Confed· recognizing that they were beaten, retreated In fairly good order to Ringgold, Ga., leaving Chattanooga In undisputed possession of the Union army. Artel- reorganizing their forces. the Union commanders began the now his· torlc pursuit ot the enemy. Oen. J~ lIevh E. Johnston was placed In command of the Confederate army, and his retreat to Atlanta la a part of the war history at the republic.. Friend and foe pronounoe It mlUlterful. but the ba ttle ot M'IBslonary Ridge bad de· clded the fate of tbe Army of the TenneBBeel If not of· the Confederacy. A number of sbarp sklrmlshea were taught between Chattanooga and Atlanta, liome ,of tbem developing Into pitched battles, as In the case of Kennesaw Mountain. but the Confederates were steadlly drIven south. and finally Atlanta fell Into tbe hand!! of the Union army. A reunion on this historic field will be an E,vent of pleasure to those men who passed through Its carnage fifty years algo and saw war In Its bloodiest aspect. Missionary Ridge to-day Is II fashloQllble suburb at Chattanooga, where the more wealthy citizens have built hl~ndsome homes. The government has built a splendId road along the crent of the ridge, nnd many mono uments add to 'the beauty and attraclIvenesil of the historic height. Missionary Ridge Is reached from the city of Chattanooga by trolley cars Ilnd automobiles 1110 thirty mlnntes. The ImprovE.ments have been wondertul along Its crest since the great battle drew the attention of the civilIzed A half dozen wnrld to Its slopes. northern states have erected moonments and markers on the ridge to commemorate the valor of their sons Who taught there fifty years ago. It Is one ot the most Interesting points around Chnttanooga.

-----..---Costly Treatment

July Clearance Sales ARE A GREAT SUCCESS

July Specials l{eauy -Made Sheet!! .. .. .. ....... ........ ...... .. ... .... ·19c and Ready-Made Pill o w Cu ~ cs. Embru ide rie>l wide . Rubo ........ .. ....... 10e to \\\de ;~abi~ · Li~~~: · ~ii ·l·i ·~ ~;I ··.·.·.·.·.·.....·.... ... ...... $1.25 f ol' All Line n .... ...... .... . .... .. .. .. ........ ..... ......... $1.00 for Aprons all over 39c .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... . .... ..... . -. .. .... IOc to White Silk Glo ve~ ... ....... . .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .. .... ... [,Oc to Corsets ........... .. : .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. .... ... ...... ...... .. 50c to

• Hie 9i\c



$1 60 $5 00

.------------------------. Wash Goods Lawnll, worth up to IOc, to close .... .. ... ...... .. .... ... ..... .. . Lawns, worth up to lfie, to close ....... .. ... .. · .. .. . ... ....... .'. Crepes. Tissues. Voile, worth up to 2fic ....... . .. ... .... ... .. . Crepes. TiBBues, Voile. worth up tu 35e ... -..;, .. ... ...... ... .. Voiles, Balkan Suitings, P. K., worth lip to ",Oe, to close Ratine Lines, 85c quality. to cloHe ... ............ -. ..... ...... . llatine Silk, $1.25 quality, to close ...... · .. ..... .. .. .. ..... .. ..

5e lOe 16c l!lc 39c 5ge 95e

Hose Specials 25e Mercerized Light Weight ...... .-....... .. ... .......... ... .. . 35c Tan and White Boot Silk ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ..... ... .. . .... .. . .. 25c Burson Seconds. Hlllck amI Tan ... .. ...... · .. ...... ... . ..


2;)c 1fie

Ready-to-Wear Department All Ladies' Suits .... .. ... ......... ............ .. ONE· HALF PRICE

All Ladies' COnts .. .... ..................... . .. .. ONE·HALF' PRI CE Ladies' White Wais ts. $1 00 and $1.2fi '-!rade .... ·...... .. . 7Dc Just received Sa.turday, Big Special in White Parasols $1 00

Carpets, Rugs and


HUTCHISON &: GIBNEY XfNIA, OHIO. ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _..J

The Belt Pain Killer Booklan'l Arnica Salve when lopplie 1 to a out, bru188, eprom, burn or scald. or other injury of the 8kln Funeral Dirt'Ctor w1l11mmedlately remove all paiR . and Embalmer, E. E. U\tamberlaln of Clinton, Me., ~ay!l :-"U robe oute and ot.her In· Ohio. juries of their tArror i. A8 I\. hell.l In Il remedy its equal rion 't exist," Will do good for you . Ooly 2l'ic, lit J. E. Call answere<! promptly day or nillht. Both pho~es In Office and Residence. Janney'". Long dlstance.N o. 14; Home phone




Ch~r8 and one Coach furnished free Col/ectlve_ WIth funerals. At a 1'ogular maSH mwtlog of the Scandlnaviana In South MlnooapoUa Best of service guaranteed. a few nlghlll since. the pastor hayIng heard that one ~hn JohnSCJD wanted to join the churClh, said. "Will Jobn Johnson, It present. plt!lUIc ·stand up?" Nearly all the men present Btood up. The bewlklere4i preacher THI ORIATlaT . looked around awhile, and tben said: "You may alt down. Mr. Johnson, I ""lll call a meeting of you Bome time IN THE WORLD out week:' lUBIlSBED WEEnY. $4.00 PEl Y!Al



OOSTUMIRS, TRANS"I., CA. Great Climax. "How was the play you saw last AND' SERVIOI OAN PRO ..r.nilht?" "Pretty mel()l(lmmlltlo. In • ., UIIMO ITe ADV . .TIIINQ OO~UMN. the second act wben too sku Iklng vII· SAMPLE COpy FREE lain delcends upon Hlc:kory farm and . . . . . . . IW YORK OLIPPllt .. _vO".... y. foreclqlell the morQ(age on old UncIa ZIIke'lI automobile there was hard17 ~~~~~~~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!! a dl'7 eye In the bouse." . -

"I was troubled wUh oonstipatlon and lndij(estlon and "pent: hundredB of dollars ' for medlolne II.nd treatOnly Perfect ?Baby. The Idea ot p.lckln8', '<Jut the perfect ment," wrtttllt C . H Htnes, of Whit low, Ark. "I went t. a '3t. Louis baby by msalla of a te,pe mQallUnI 18 h08pital, also to a hospiklln blew all tommyrot. Mlrhl l1li wen try to Orlean8, but no oure was eflec&ed locate virtue by ulI!.nr a ,divining rod. On re'urntng home I beg.. taking lIIYery baby 1II Pt'll'fect. Ita .mother Cha.mberlaln'l Table", a.nd worked will tell J;0Ir BOl-Ph1Jadelphla inright along. I uBed tbem for Bome quirer. time. and am DOW all rilbt.. Bold by aU deallBra. • _ • All Narad ForgIven .... TII'III8 Reasonable -:- Sat.fifactloo 0uaranteed ~ ~~ 8ure Thing. He that '.DDO·t IorJive othel'll -- • Some meu who are alway. aaytnl ' brealul the tn~dle over whlc~ ha. m~t Waynesville, Ohio Make Money In FolC Fal1'la. ·. , blmaelf pUII·r r v ..- maD baa Deeil Fox farmlDC til & growlJlg tndlMtrr "bUltnl!ll. '~fo~ pleuure" Dever ,It•• , :. . ~r t! -, . .. J}-.:;:=~::;~~.:;=:.;=:;~=~ Va1Iey T~ephone ...s-~ I.. th y"'" . , IJl\elUlelDt .U.lltIOD to ';elther.:· .' ~ be fO~h'.P'j7-'Lorcl . Perbert. . • ,,- -. . <" ,• •:.,. • . ... . . 0L .. ,'..;. • ~ IOU ern ...on. \ f .~~ , 'u.~ ':. • _JIIJIIU • . • ~ ~ . :. .......~ ~. ~ ,;",.'. • •. .,...."... .





-- ----, - -


~~~O(I ~!M~L w~~~,~T=~ One Tho usan d Babies at - -- -

(W~' I CI':


..-- -.. --

Ohio Stat e Fair Sept.


--------- VALLICY TlJ:LEI'IiUlIil':- CALI. NU 1I ~

Bette r balJ\ ~8 1D Ohto 1e the 81oi 8D Wc :uld you like to see 1,000 bable& bunohe d ? Do you wlAnS hear I). _L._ ~H_A_ N_E_ , ~cJ ~or a nd M!l.nag er thelll III ohorus ? The tlrllt to weell: ID Septem ber, at 'he 8tate Fair, babies Rates of Subscr iption will be ,udged , not for looke but for O no Yoar (.C ,rlelly III ndvlWco) . .. .. . .. 11. 0f' quality , form and propor tions. A n~lo C()I'~' " .. . . . .... .. . .. . .. . .. . 06 A BOore oard and oommo n sense will .e used In placing premiu ms on Rates of Advert ising thl. junior army. For years etrorts ,t~ouJlut! Lo.·nlo. pur liI16 .• .. . . •• •. • . .• Cle' . I\uadlot! IAJcnl• . Lln"k luee. pur 1i1l6 .... 10•. have been made to Improv e the \':1"",,1110<.1 Arl • . oot t o "."'eO<.! tI V() IlUlJ8 breedin g of live stock . . Why Dot 'fhroo IU86r1.lo0 8.. . .. . .. . .. . . alk' Improv e the quality of babies? The ULI ~ lllirl ell. IIvo hU'h08 l roo . over U V" In chilli. pur Ito' ... . ........ .. . lie numbe r of deform ed and defecti ve U, I'd 0 1 LhLLUII.a . . . • . .. . . .. . . • •.•.•• .. al\(' childre n III Iporeas lnj{. Thd stand "uaolut,lo Jl.l ..• . • . . • • . . . .••. . ••••. •. •• ocl&la "LC. where eh a, e Ia m..ue ... • . . . : : ardll In babv breedin g tended • I_piny 1)( . Inch . . . .. . ... • . lOe DllIcountll given m co n trac'. AUOUII' r 11 . 1913

The nationa l foreats of Uhile cover about 7,000,000 aore8.



downw ard ratber 'haD upward . Tbe Ohio t!t~te Fair has j oined \l1e WOllla n's Bume Compa nion In a oampal gn for .etter B ab lee.-T he Fair Is eduoat lonallB all lines. The big ollmp at the State Fair , Septem ber 1 to 6, will be Interes ting even to old baohelo rs. 'I'rolned dootors will examin e and score thtl infante and klok er!!. All mother s are weloom e '0 enter babies. Entries 010s8 Augus t 15. For entry blanks and Inform lltlon write to Dooior Harrie t B. Clark.150 Elllli Broad I::!treet, Colum bus, Ohio.


---od ----The--Nei--~ ghborho New s -=I



Beech Grove.





Aut omo bile Live ry Serv ice at son able Rat es.


Houses In Which Genera ls Grant, Thomas, Rosecrans, Comma nders, I~eld Conf erence. Du ri ng the Day. of C.. rnage.

Re ~­

Also Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires .

Phone 71-1 COR WIN . OHIO . 'f f' lIn.- -Th cI'C a re a number uf bll i hll" g~ yet 8tD u(\ ing lu C h l\ltanoo~1\ tb at did 6 ~rI'k c for the Union Army In l ~G~ . the menti on or which will doubtl" ss r eca ll 5tl r r!n~ Have you ever tried our Clas sified Ad times to sev('ra l thOllSA.I l!1 ohl 811 1<11"1'8 who expect to allell d th e 47tb Rnnunl Colu mn? They bring good resu lts, encamp ment In lh l!! city III i::i .I'te ill ucr . as every body know s. Among th !' ~ e arc h tl ll ~eH tUllt se rved us hcadfj l1arlc'rs for famou s Ke neral l!. !,(,". pltals for wOllllCied so ldiers !lUU morgues for hUla]!'!·d!; wh(l were kili ud In balli e. III tllr ll Llill fllllgs a re al ~ lJ Ola ssif led Ads WAYN ESVIL LE CHUR CHES standin g 111 wll l.- h !!u~I .. 1 r lll1l't l o n~ we:re beld bl'forr- " lI fl during th e Will' . Some of tb l'~e bul ldlll!,;s a.r e In go <I Ads v.-lll he Imll'n~ <I ti nde r thi s hc :ul fOl h\cthod ist Episcop al Chur~. tw cn t r Uve C\! flt 'l ( II r thr C'(' InNcrti unlll rep air, but ma llY ot' tb em sbolV tbo Re .. . C. B. Orau..,r. Putor. w bcn u:(l uJ{ !J o t llIore th an Ih'c li nes. Sunday School , H : ID a . m . M ornillft aer ravages of UrnI' lIli tl the elcmeJlt s. vl c e . 111 :ao a . m. ":vc nlog fterv il:e , 'j ;0 p One of th o oldE's t buildi ng s, If It <loce m. Mltlwculr l'r Iycr Moe'ln8. 7 p . m. not rank first ill poilit of age. III the WANT ED Chattall ooga vl('lility. IS a mislIlon St. August ine's Catholi c Churca .. house at Uyrd's mil l. a fow milCH east Father Low YaWl at the cres t of M isslollary H I<lgo where M""8 .Y~rv seco nd Sunday of tbe mODtb a the grea t battl e IVIlB fought. Thill Ii:N-$:! .OO per da y, steady wo r k U : UO ... w . house Wll ~ er('c tpd by Gid eon llIa{: \{ · for ~ o 0d Ul en. Appl y to th e St. Mary's Episcop al ChUJ'(;b. bur'n, of Pennsy lva nia, In t SOR . wt)'l OregonilL Br idge Corn pan y, LAbllnnn , It c\, . J . F . Cadwalla der. Rector . came west as It Mi 8sloollr y to the Ohio . tl 10 Sunday Sohool. 0 :ao a . m Chl:rokee Indi an s. l3Iu ckbul'u was the Morning . er . I U : ~O a. m : Holy Commun Ion 'b e lI ..t DV ER'I'l SERl:) - To know thfJt · S,' Icc und .. y uf cacti Ul onLb. you 000 s ell yoor horseo a nll JOHN A, PATT EN cows and other things by adverti sChrllti an Church . ing thtlm io the Ullzette It oosts Rev. P. B. Thompeo D. P U WII, but li ttle, aod bri n gs results . Blblo School. 9: 30 '" m. lIoc.Ial C bu.ll a ll oo~a.

Bere we are again . W . E. Ten E:vok, of Tippec anoe The forells eervloe of India bat MIN Audry Thomp son PllsBed the City, was a gued of F. WII80n W ed· demonl ltrat.ed thllt t.eak wood growlI teache r's eXllmlna1;lon. nesday of lu' w66k . Mr. Ten Eyok In plantat ions I. ju'l& as s&ron, a8 K. E. 'rhomJMIon and D . 8. 8hllna I. an Inluran ce man of oonllid erable that grown In natural fore stll. haa were In Wayne .ville on Friday . nowrle ty. Mis! Clema Ballard returne d to Coin MIlliga n and tlve of his Even the wel\-pr .)teoted forestll of ber bome 10 MlamlB burg on Batur. frlendll , of Waehln gton, C, H ., were ~ermany are by no meaus Immun e lI.y. tbe gU8S'8 of M.lse Loulee N. WlIl ::ln from tire, and the Prneala n fire pro Thill place wa. well repres8 nted Sundey and motore d Fi. Anolen t Seotion system makes use ot lookou t at the Xenia "air lallt week . In the afterno on returni ng In the to"ers Ilnd telepho ne8. Mrs . Ella Stein has returne d to evenin g and aner a rest left for ber homo bere after I16Teral :laye' 'heir home, deolarl ng that we hlLd yI81tiDI lot Jamest own, Ohlo. MIniste r Praises this Laxativ e one of the most beautif ul 'owns In Joe Burget a anel wife b.Te re southe rn Ohio. Rev. H . Stilben vol\ of AlIIeon, 180. turned """,till•• to their home In Belmon t 10 : 30 a. m. OhrtoLian EndB&vo r. 7:00 p . 11I. M. ... and Mrs. Chaa. Mmart, of In praleln lt Dr. , Klng'e New Llfe === after === leveral === day. === vl!'litlng with Bar'we ll, are vleltlng ==~ Sennoll PllllI for oonsUp atlon wrlte& :-'·Dr. 10 : 30 ... by every m. paator &.lid 1:30 p . m,,1L~rnate SundllJ' .. . frlendll h ere Klng 'l New Life Pills are luoh per- relatlve ll here. for a few daYI. FOR SALE . Friends ChurQ" , teot pills no home IIhoulu be wUh. Geo Davll and othsrs shipped a Miss Ket Enue, one of eur pop. I FirHI Da) M cetln ~. U :00 n . m . FI ... , Da, out·the m . No better regula& or for car of h0811 one da, last wesk. I Scllool . II ;8(1 a 10 , Fou nll Day M eeUn!!' ular young ladles, llpant several 'he liver and bowel. . Every pili 110 :00 a . m . M. M. Terry and wife were sllop gOLli! Ftlrm H luaran teed. Try tbem. PrIce 26c (, r!w, snme good daYII at thll besntll ul oountr y home plnR In Wayne aville on Thur.d ay. Colts . IL tiue Cow, ILnd il r egis as J. E . .Ianney ·s. of Ilr. and lire. ,lohn Vande rvoort. Orthod ox Friend s ChurCl i. tered l:)hrops hire RH.1l'l Inquire ot Lon Jlranno n and wlte epeD' Sat. Mrs. Elizabet h Ward. Pastor. The lIlany friends of Ilr. and Mn. Dr . Kretgh nf t. Ureg'oo ill . Dllionrday aDd 8unday In Springf ield SabbaLh School. 1I :3 U a. m . I{ el(ul ar cb ureb Ella. Harlan , of Wllmln ll;ton, regrt" Much of tbe 80-ca11ed allk now.· with 'he a 27 &",' le08 10: 3 0 Il. 10 .. nnd 7: JO p. m . Prayer former '. ellter Mle. Lulu hearing m eaLluK Woou09day e\,onlng aL 7: 30. ot tbelr deollnl ng health daYI la made of wood. Germa ny Branno gnod fresh Dur hllm Cow wit,h n. and hope for them a eueedy recovproduo es more than one ml11lon ca lf by tlide. W. M B lttll, We are sorry to r3por' Mrs . Pearl ery. They are beIng oared for \:lr pounds of thl. oellulot le IIllk, wortb Guthrll WayneSVille. Ohio, n. 2. tL 27 l very low at 'his writing . two of their nieces. Mr.. Mary $1,600,0 01, A toa of wood wor&b We all hope for 8 speedy and per OTEL and Live ry for sale or Halnee aDd IIlls Net Evan •. '10 yields 06l\uloS8 worth '20, and manen r e nt . Ifo r further ptlrticu larll t recove ry. C. C. Cleave r will beautif y his 'b18 oellul08 e yieldll lllk worth $860. write or call OD Harvey GUAtin, K. E. Thomp lon and wife lipan' home with pain' which will add WlIoynesville, Ohio . I\ .'J.? Saturd ay afterno on In Harve y.b.rg greatly to Main street . with the latter' . 118ter, MillS Lizzl ~ OW- J ersey OOW, lin,. is jUllt How the Troubl e Starts J. C. Uray III throug h ,hush lnl fresh, fl, good oue . Inquire of Conlltl patlou II the caUS8 of many Stroup . and Is now beglnn lnl to hull olover . lJorwln alAlDeS , R . D. ~, Wayne s . Mrl! . Ilinnle t:tarae u and daugb y and dlBord en 'hat make Me1\'l1Ie 8aye., of Wllmln a ton , MOTO RCYC LE. Merkle , Twin, ville, Ohio. phone i 5· 4y'. B 20 life mleeM ble . 'l'ake Chamb erlain '. ter 1118e "yrtle oal\ed on 1I.rI. Pearl tranAo 'ed bUllnee s here &'urda y, H. P., 1912 Model; also, Tableta , keep your bowell feKular Guthrie , who 18 very low, on Bun IU 8~ Both lb. 8auh A Harlan 18 making male and female Bnd you will avoid &he&e dll8ue ., dllY ROGE P .. Ueraoo RS SIDE CAR, all in first· n. Poland China pigs; the kind For aa:e by all dealers . arrang emen'8 to rebuild her barn al Lon R .. " onoD aad wife alld J. Lee that weighs 240 Ibs at 7 mo . old. class condition . once. Promin ent churchm an, educato r and Call on L. KiD'V HlLrve Talmll~e attAnde d 'he IIhow In Day· ysburg, Ohio. Mr. and Mn. LeYI leesup speDt Addres s. or call in evening , manufa cturer of Chattan ooga. Ex. Army bayone y now form part of ton on Frill .. \.. a 20 laet week In Xenia, It being Fair ec:utlve Directo r, handlin g 47th NI· tbe emerge noy telepbo ne ousfis of K. E. ThuUl ..~"n til In Da:rwD tble ARM- A good one in a good tlonal Encamp ment of G. A. R. at week, and many good 8hoWII were locatio n, 010 lie to two railroa d • . forest 'rangen , uBed ohlefiy In Ilgh~ week attendl Ug the Prof. Beery " CI'attan ooga. 'be .t'rao& lon. For further partiou lars inquire at tng fires. This emerge noy line 000- e~blbl'lon a' tohe !-' Ir grounille. Mlu )luba Cline 18 olerkin g for this office. 0 ~9 elstl of emaill nlltrum enk and a ooU Mn. • ma.da Ga ... er .nd dal1lh first mission ary sent to t hhj section Ilf fine ooDper wlrll, The wire t. a'· ter Mltl. Jelile eD&6r'tl.IDed on 88' QUinOJ' King. by the 'I'cnnes see presbyt ery. He U't)-1 8 good Ouroo Jersey Mr. aDd lire. W . W. Welob at by the Tennes see presbytery. Leba non, Ohio spring I!OW pigs, eligible to re taohed tbe nearell t telepho ne Jlne, urday the followl ag gU6llY: 1111.. &ended meetin g lot Caetlar' lI Cl'eek For lurtoer Inform ation TI~e building aroond which greater gistry. tbe bayone t III 'hrost IDW mol.t Rn'h bolJvo roa., of UolnmbD8, Mrll ohurob iiaturd ay . Inter est centere d a fter the OCculJation inquire of frank Austin. R. D ... , ground at tbe other ead, aDd with Vella Palmer And little lIOn, of .... Waynes ville, Ohio . Joe. CarroJl and daup:M er, Anne , ot Chattan ooga by the Union troops a 20 the clrouit thu. oomple ted the eon, and the 11lel8s .~ udry and Opal perhaps than all others, Is the old were prel6n ' at Caesar s Creek mee" Crut.c hfield hotel, now the Read House, ranger oan talk with hsadqu .nel'l. l'hompt oD, of near Sarvey .bur« WO extra good Jersey Cows. a modern brick hotel building since For farther particu lars call on report bl8 poaUto n, od .ummO D IlDd Mre. Adah ralm81 e of thlll lng Saturd ay. Vete rlnar v The Collen and lIoKay plcnlo erected on the site at the Crutchfield or phone W. E O'Neal l, Wayne! !. fire flgbter a if nlOlllllllry. place. took ~lace at their usual plaoe of house. Atter th e batlle of ville, Ohio . a 13 Chickam auga Gradua te or ObiO S(at.: Unlven l' I "r• . A. B. Telma ,e enter'. lned mee$1n g on Baok Run baturJ ay the 'C rutchfle ld house was used all an 'he followi nc IU6ll" on Thund a,,: army hospItal. Hundreds of wound ed AORE!:; of land. 8 E . of lIok-Room Lllh.. Thl. latheri nlJ bill been In -,olue sold iers were carried from the field at Wayne sville 2 miles, known It there are electric ll,htl In the lira Lavi... "arwic k, of Lebano n, for a grea' Dlany yearll and hall been Chickam auga, a distanc e of ten mUM as the Clark& on Gause Farm. Ap. Office at residence in F. B. Sher· aSek room they will aeneral l, be IIrll. Cora ThompM)D and two daugb. looked forwar d wfrom year to )'lIBr from. Chatatn ooga, and cared for in ply to Frankl in vu\" ...lUL'U~'''''. Fourth Street, Packer . Wayne s. 'QUAd , too_bri mant. hurtln, the eYBII ter" Mia. Audry and 0081, of near with plnsnr e, but time has brough t this hotel. It was al ~o headqu arters a of the patient, and not every alck room Barvey ebnrl, Misl Clema ville, vhlo . tf ~ ..;,....,~ Ballard , bill the electrle lIabta that can be of Mlamil lburg, .nd Nrll. Amand a ohanlJ9 l and 'be faOllll th ... t were for mander s. Many great deal nt conrere nces of theImporta time for turned up or down. Make '", lIttl. Garner .Dd daught er Miu JesSie, yearl presen t have croeeed the river were held there, the state of the Uni on creen .Ilk baa and fasten It over the Wayn esvill e. that mark! the unknow n shore. ca.use dIscu ssed and plan tncande lcent bulb and It will ,lYe a of this place. • BAT H A W .A. Y llay thlll gatheri ng be oontlD ued in tary ope rations. In house aoo4 but ••... 14 and barmle•• Uaht. .emor y of'b e OD88 pas.• lin d gone. has shel military otll· WO,Y'ne s ville's Lell.dlnll DeDtl. , elals Remar kable Cure of Oys tery of Wilbur W. Willon , of Clnoinna, •.11~....tff'~;~ nfedera cy that were aB' Office 10 Keys Bldg. I. Main St ... to tbls "1 wa. aUacke d with dyseDt ery II vl.I'ing .i. territory . In clud ing Pres. Ident J elYeraon Davis, of the Confedabout July 16tb, aDd laed 'he doc .ral 8to'" Appl.. In Dry 8and, hotel. erate Sta tes, me mbers of his cabinet A box of fresh dry sand IB an esce~ tor's medlol oe and o'ber remedi es ••• DEN TIST••• Will 'be and other llI en high In the councils of with no relief, only Bettini lent thin a to have In a corner of the V'" of her BARN brothe HART , r, Quincy King the south, .toreroo m or pantry. If appleB are all the Ume I wa. _'!~L'!~'~~ omco In N aClonal lIaak Bid•• Waync svUIe" 0 In war days th ere wos a Crutchfield carefull y packed In the said they wUI anvthl al and IJUr'W elghi Sunday . Nota ry Publi c farm on the Tennes see ri ver a fow dpou nd.. 1 anlllelrllCl keep trelh and unlhrlv eled tor monthL from P.ul VanDe rvoort leaves soon for mUes abov e Chattan ooga tbat will be All kinds of .-"'r'I" t". oat two month s when J was Notary Work. Pen810n advleed &0 01" Chambe rlalD'1I C:>l\o, th .. northw es', where he has a poel remClmbered by every survivo r of the Work B I:!peoialty. 'IOD as alln.'ra otDr . Be h.. Union army who WIUI with Gen . WAL TElt MCO LUR E, Choler a and Diarrh oea .Kemed ,.. I W. 1'. To Remove 8 Inl, Sherma n at the battle ot MIssion ary used two bo"lell of It and it glne cur bee' wi8hes . Yr. Albert Merlhe w ba8 beautif ied rudge. Gen. Sberma n first Grul etalns m e removed trom me perman ent relief," wrUee B. W. Fune ral Dlfel :tor. crossed Tennes see river at Brown's ferry tbe " ..hable fabrIc y rubbing with Bill :If 8now am, N, C. For sale hi. bClDs and b~ the Avenu e by trim. low the city ond marc hed up the fr8llh lard befo by north all dealere . waBhlng. mtnl 'he trees, letting the sun in bank: until he was opposit Teleph one day ow nlKht. e the mouth ------ - ~~. -----Mr. Merlhe w comes from a coun. of South Chlckllmaugll Valley phone No, f. Long creek. Here Change of &cen', try where IIhrubb ery 18 taken care he rE,cross ed t he Ten'nes see, landIng on D1stan0 6 No. 69-"., IrrltabJ llty Is often cured by. the Crutchfield farm. His ouJec t was Cah~h cannot Be' Cured chaolle of Icene. It a family could of and tiower . are admire d . III to attack the posltlon of Gen. Patrick with 100101 applloa tlonll, ae tbey oan. .eparat e for a day or so, WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO many of the 'Ime he will have one of the moet Cleburn e on Missionary Ridge at Tun· • not reaoh the 8eat of the dlseSle. UtUe annoyancee beautltu '~hom61 in tbls .ootion . would be cleared uP nel Hili. Despera te fighting Branch Office, Bal'Ve7flbaqr. 0. O.tarlh~t , • blood or 00DS:"0&10DI11 by the happy reunion . . Dr. B . .. B."on purobll l6d a {.ve at thIs point, and the Crutchf occurre d diae.... . ld tn order to oure 1& you ield home, , a commodious farm house. was covmOl' tak . tahlrn. 1 remedl ea, Ball'e , pal!llen ger ~rd I•• t w8ek verted Iota a hospital where several -.~--~.~----Popu lar Mec hani cs catarr h ' 1nre, ill taken lu&erna lly, Suffere-----Severa l fro\n d &zem a Fifty here .t&end ed .Prof. b d d w nd d Idl Yean-- Now . Iven aDd ao&ll "treetly upon the blood and un :re ou e 80 ers were g Mag azin e Beery' . exhibit ion lot l)aywn thte 8urglcal attentlo n. The Well Crutchlleld .. ~ 10 YOU CAM UNDtrItlT ,,"D IY" mUGOns l' s. Ball's Catarr h week. (arm contain ed 2,000 acres. Onre t. not a quaok medlol ne. U 8eeme a 10Dg time &0 endnre tbe GREAT ContUsaed StOlT of the Gen. James A. Garfield occupied the ..,IUI pre'lIOrtbec1 by oDe of tbe beet awful bumiD I, UoblOl , 'IIl&r'l nl, John W . Feale)" Ie olerkln g in residen ce of the World'. Prol1'e. . which you late Jud ge D. M. Key, pbyat~\au. tD tbi. ·OouDt ry for yel\r& .kh. dUMse koown . . "tette r"- Uh~. Madd$ n·elroo may begin reading at any time, and ery. IIr. I'ealey postma ster gene ral In Presid ent Haye's eDd 1... a regnlar pl'f'lIOrtption. '$ III anothe r name rOT lI:osema. ,Seeme ie an experIe which will hold your interest forever. oompoi lld of the beat' tcnloe knowD , good k) rsalile. aleo, 'hat DR HO& er.J ,_re Dced olerk .nd for 8ey· cabinet. This h use 18 stili standin g !SO ,AIn EACH MOIITH 100 "ClUR g he 1UII1.&ed Mr. Madde n. and bias been kept In good repaIr. The oombln ed with tbe belt blood puri SON'S EOZEM A OINTM ENT bid ~herma ZOO AJlTlCUI 0' H1KIW. HmJIDT n EllllI Wu bit in 'he hand Lovema n resid ence III built UlJon the flers, aotIlalt dlreotl y 00 the muGOu, prOyeD .. perteo' O1lN, The "Shop Not.... D."art.... t (20 J)8tree) alte ot tbe Brabson home that was II,.. D. L. KenDe y wrt&ea :-"1 by A mad dOC belODRlna &0 lIurfl\08 l, The perfeCt oombl ...tlon gives easy ways to do thinga-hoW'to make Mr. Knot bea4~luarter8 of Geo. Bragg before he useful article. tor home and Ihop, repaint, etc. .f two IlIIreat flnb t. what pro· o"nDo. .nIlole expreBII .m)" It i. t. be hoped Do.blD g I18rlou. evaeu. a ted Chattan ooga. .. The A_t..... M.~aaka" (10 paaea) tett. how to Brabson dooea .11cb wonde d6l l'8IIulb In tha Dk! w you 'or Jour Dr. Bobeao '. will oome 'rom it. make Mission furnitur~ wirel.... outfita, home burned thlrty-one yean ago. The boata, ,.- -c.c -;-••_Clabrr h • . Send fer &es&imo Eokma OmhDe Dt, ensin.... mqic, and all t.Iu! thinp a boy lov.. 1$ h~ oured • '. Nottll~gham residen ce; one of the best my ttlHer, whloh. haa tronble d ~e. ' . ~erch."ta •Aot . . . .nk..... .ppolnt ed III Chattan ooga, was occu! '1.10 PIlI RAIL IllHuCOMl'. cant .?,1~lri~.~~~'la~Pro"' > Toledo , 0 .f or .o~ flr&)" ·)"eaR. " . A.1 l4nlg. In... of POD; ~tch.. ne'Nlllealer. or . the ml1'o pied during the war by Genera ls Hill III prloe·7GQ, _ · 'rI""; or by m~n,l\Oo . . . ·*.DtI of " N,e:-f~UD~I&Dd . frell~4...tll1.,1and. p~er . The · remaln~ 'of Gen . .A ......... : pilla 10t Oo~ .. Me· PF.IDlF~ CB!!I)ltc~~ V() ."~' tJi.e ·;e.hti~"e~·. ~v81'i. '~of; Pbeno~ wlio was· kUlecJ be.f ot.e A~ . . .. ' .S' LO.oi." 11 ., 0; ~ .~~ ~ .. i'dellllh~, Pro ,~ !!.a.t·. . . ....' ~J14: " .... '.'. ". '\..~ ~:" ta,' lalr lD:, at&te In" thta ' realderice. sur. . ," . . . ;.~ f'7 ",,:, l~'" ~~ .' '; •. ~~~~ ·~~tarx.lw4 .~· ~Aor. , t. ~

----- -











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Dr. J. A. McCoy,



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THE to line!


WB,.· baclt: apln .


Ing VTYOo'l dlItot .- hl he could noth· ln ctor l ) ' d aa wn do zen Yllrd s&ee dl staDt. .,... Ho D hnd -the co m paas. Thl H And Was ° w a l th e thou g bt which b rought him trnmpln!; ba c k lh r ou g h tb o drlfh. W :l de WUS L1 end . Carro ll li lt le b, ·n" r. b ill th n scout m ig h t hav e IH'I'U olil,· "lI~ htly Vo·" U1 Hh·u. II " wad · r " d Ih u,;,, 11 I h(' "no w to wh e re I h ll OlU lI In)'. ra,'" dowll wu rd. 111 5 farl' HIIII I; rlp J!1 1l1l Ih,· r .. l n. "o'(o r(' Jl am ll n I llrn· d h im o '·': r . I I" ":1 '.1' III~ j llggl' d I' onlll i IIlld k 'I,' ''' d" dt h h "C! I, " n. , I ' . I ~tHU ( i! n l' ou !'" . u ) ', ., "I "' t"'11 " own nl Iho "l,It , · f :1(·" . :drt ':ul y J1u '·...!, · r ~· d \\ l l tl

\\'n~sO t1!

th" 1,' 1I

nO I';


= mrpo.fld ftesh .. , ... mw.-w. <2'I er",

m th o


Ill ..

Illllrl~v d L- [ ;,:·, I~, I' t: \'o rn r r , :: dy


;U· l i(ll~. (' \ I'I ~'


- - - - "./ ..- - - - - -.......--....


~.h·lJJI ' I '~:~.


\\, (, ' r o Ih a r. 'IIrl e-ill' !If )' " " ii , ,,'a Ih ,' (1IIl I :l rrobo! dl

Ih,' otn,;" I)) " hk h

Rml th n e ('f.H1r"tl, " . I 11 '1I '\·-,::,'1 r· .. ' Irrom 'rrLli' .nd Ilt I ll p "1 0'" .. r I h·' wnr '" .1- 1, ' : II

J I ..

wh" I't 'd

n DUe,

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WOrd s carrl

III, } U ' h, 10 thn' :I,:; h l h ,... "form .

ltaln th e l" 'I6lulnr HI'II!)' n r ' I,H" 't)II<;Sll "j'I''''' "'" I '-'".' ,·1·' \ r"r

lad . II U I" . :, ;; :rirr III


, ;

:r m ilo. lIi,,1

\1 ,.,<

n II .r ', 1'1,'11: pl r t


1; " flln;" " h i:i r" nll\'(.r' I'

'. :1


;'r.l' r .

u I.JK lips I

' J 9 1'1 . ,



1 I





.f' om (. tlttoS Rllt

S ti r liP: 11'--, II lid h Il l, I ,.. ill I I,Ol.'t1r !1rr! j l lc! an i' F n" l latp r hlu)! 1.0(" 111 . n"I'M " tlllo :q'!! Ih ,' l It:! "nd " M II 'ls urt' IIld IH' ,'\,."'". rd l hco I t! r nn<l IIr" co n . l lI·! " atl pr " olly Burn,tw ;'I",r r' "r :-=Ii1)<' 11I 1"" "",I drlfl .' tl' Cllr - ' 11 !! ,' rt' ::I' :' , ,I IIUW .ntA:h l. Ho.ll ,ll n .,,, :,,., 011 1. ' ''''M •.-1",1 ,.,. A s t h (' II;: 11 s furr: ed b y some Il uT;' . '1; , Ihil _ h .. 1,:lIn ""II " 10 ne. th e dn.rknef\..~ r,d 1 tfo fO\' \'r \ /1('101blld}" b . Il rll lin sprang fo rward. I 1< I "e, U ti" )• .\1,'" " 1111' oInf sh ock ' Ii W .• ':,' tl l, rI \ 1'." . fI " I 1w, (' " le utt1nll"t U:t::: k lflJlli. w h o Il("C l l!4 ' 5. 11 01111 111 11m 8 Slr "IIJ<; thpol n g In r "spOll S(, . 0 g n :1f'; " i 1. ,,, .,,, '1 ,r'.'rt r ou ld il l, I II ' m. n t n G'l it.!him "~8 h rom w1thn fr ps h hO[1(', p loWf'd t noCC ."ooll . TMh.illlv · 6eqr II nl p~\ I. n)' p ron' th n hut (' liT -II II • • d. ;, w l lit ue ,::lv,." . .... D,jponl . Wh ,,", r,·r oRl"I.·,. n. n to ('nrrull's Rid e. nnd Hhook ,\ ne! i: 1': ::.' fo r hl ::I :llt.. :I,.. now 10 " "rvl! ,. LeFevre :\'1rr "r. whn D Ul'("I n t I t'l l :;h ili) H ' ll1litn 8w"" ehpll nvnr sl appl'd u,C' fe llow Into 6<l ml-CU llECl ou s \.11<1( 1.1' ",L1 tlj ' lI rom!,r 11I'rslo n o f ea CM I o f

In ,, "

I h"




C'1ot-t rl~

~I "I . ,





l1\~ ~oml.1t Eno~


I I r~\\'.

"~\'f" .e

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lI~ I"u~u,~ ~'-'n

s~rlll,, " I'~g




10 'iV'~ y~u




It ,-' '



~tep ~il.ngjng ' - " , b;, oth" "rn ,m' " U,. ,...., .., " ',. 01 .. , w,.d. '-"·" , ·,..JK,ther ~80n ~~ BoOW'.eo vc r ed

llc~nl rl:"~;~"I.v '''''n~~o I :1l~"II" n.t.t:lJj"11 ~ .1~ul:jc!.,'Ot

:~k!n& ~l~tniBalon.

It wns a o aw rul jouro e y. every torture. but Hamli n bent to ft. firmly to th e hIt or bls a ni·

jack an d CQm l>/! llln g both Illt'O to tbern Irllo \Vasson at til t' b it, b i ll b':tck 1111'Ttf'd

h; , ",'M



Th., . " , "., mo ....', ' • ....", .boo lb. , ...


~11 :tlhl,t

~1 1' t.

stretcbl~· g

1Ih. Ib" '<b.


. . !Came, revealing lech by Inch

In • ''''''0, drel~ · •...'''od,'b~ '''''''"''' "'-,


' In", 11 ib. _ . ,'''''

S01ltl~ b~d'lDnll'"


. ba' " . " - ' ' ' ' ' .

, ," ' . -

.daiXIlt'·1lI.'f he was.



whlt.e,nntf. gba8t- tfl u:Ilf '


t \":1


' b ~" "m',

Just Want 'c d tet Be Sure . I . 11:\d litO a d, . s hOll ::ih, ' had via· f(,' U o& I Ill! d 1.'.1\ 1110 ' . I d' It"d "'" p r y i " llll rtnl c n t Iltld w n n a t . \ r h " lhinU('U wlt bou t h ., m :lJu rl L>\1I t tJ ~, ,

N At\ofl~ .• . • ~ ••

I B\J"'Hl iIl R a p ~Y. I T o ward t.I.l .,· , t1o ~1'


moo n o r t tl" aflp or 1110 SII.I, ~.".e n, . 11::1" ."ullll· .what lid


v , ~l\ w- e d

l ·l ", sj1l ·r<1!" d.

tv mai!1l "


"Mada m . " hI' · .Hk e~ d 1fWe<.tly. " are )' otl Mhop!'ing' h '~;" _ . hut not T b o la d ;! h \n\'.! o'J Burp r . ...."'.



ml n (' d .

:\ ,

11I!l I{ " r

'oln ht r'lr l>!llP n. '0 ",,,.,,

A ~l)lIl w hflt Gilo ' r ep II ..... s ho u ld Ilb c tHillg',''' Fo r n m orn "ul tho 6:l.I!.iman husll a tl'd tb e n bl urtdS out : "W'ell, m a t! 1m. I I h oll!;h t l>crbap,~ yon m ight ua l:lltl QI; an Inventory. Th en tho I" (1)' 11I~lt e d a,,'&y amon, Ihu s had OWS I .y LhO' door.

"C e r( ~tlnly,"

c l~ o

d aoger 0' h') must

du.r n was no Ilppa r .. u t c;: css1l:tlo n or (If tuu I:cy wind. :11 \(1 Ih " :,Jl[1\\' a bout Mm I.>l i:,d ln ,; It wO lll d d" .. , , b,,,", " Iuk u "", I: .. rh l'



w l lll Ul1 t

tho I


w armlh .

:I n ,1


'BLUE I ~N[f 01: ----)C01RAGED"

H o r eal.

.i' '.i


rUlly, iti B g lo-re d hand

,,' ",,, ,,, <h' b"" "" ;; '" '""'"'''' b. , ho .,,",," "P ",d """. 11,,, d l'UP N I

wis h ed he


pld",l ' '.p

b a ll Wbo was

5 rIOc> .

Mt ... Hami


'''m~h' " . ..", '" ,',~ 00Ib,' ""

w", "

,·"'b' ", "",.,,, d " ,,; C; m" , ,..,,. "'h "

,;;'" ,

Iton TeUaHowSh& FiFtlally J.:'ouod Health i •


! - .,



E .. Pinkham'. Veg~ . etab Ie_., Compound. WM bo........

;,,,n,,: ,"\~







. thoY mOdd " "b ' lb. f". .,,,. " " k,' " w h"" woy b > " ,od "

m' ,.,,,.

Ill""" S :' 1<ll'IoYf'C1.

by any

t 'tc N Ciit'cat Hone. Ullt! ye t de t e r,

bl asts

~"""" beli~

I.' _« ok I hoo ,aM. " . - " " • "'". 0 "" Ilan b""',"d " " 0., " "'" ''''''''' "'''' ', U" 'ow', ,,,U,," ,,;,hI ..., <b"., b'" '0;, '" " '. " ., , . , ,,01 " ,' . .", '<o r'W",...,.. f' ",olo w:".,:"", .. ... • " ton of •• "noc ft,...,. ,"'"., I"" H.mUo', 'bro', ' ''''' 010" 'm"" ,,"'k m m" n, , ;" " "dd '" " """ '''"m. Y " w'o , ' , . W,,," ""'. fl" .." ,,' <b,' "",," " "",h".• "'''' .od ... [", my.... ....'" all, i"" ""M" to .,,'do th••• M"'''" w.,,' <b, - ". ..,""" ... " , b,,,,,, " ,,,' 0'" 'b... "",,,h " Who ' ''', """, w . .1d bo Ibe ";0' ''' '"H"",'h, bl" <b"... '1;..P!I.; t the tima,-l had . • f "",11'00"00, m_ " «-,,, ..... '. d ....... '" 'U.. S"" ·" ,, h "'''', "" "" oJ" "', I,, · '''', Ond ''''''' koo ,""""" A.d b. "'''''''''',1. V. " ." b "U ,", '''''b1l" ing down pains ,ancf.t ,.... Ib tb. mid" of """'. '''"'' -'Ib "hJ,· Th, """"'" ,""0""",'' """ ''''''' ' '" ".",," " . whO"", H W'" , w h.. ro b. d h. ",. . ? '''' ""'" " ", ,,,"'" ",," lb. U",.ro m' .... h.., m. Iho, ...... , 'ro,,,,,, ,..... .aW..._ . rip,,"' bb,'''' 0' "' , . ' 0.', Ing,..... , """"' '" b, ""." "'''''' h, '''" .. How ',,' h. d' .. , ...0"", '" " " " " ""d '"' W'''' , or U,'" "" ",,',,. .' , bl_,'""o..... ' w,,. .....'... h""'m,. o . " ' , . .'d, 'm' "'''''' Th, ,., ,,,, """ .. I 'he " ,"'" ,,,d H" "'"Id .'" ba f " Th, w,"", "", . ." co, ' 0 '"" wu' _ ' , T1"., wH b '.. ' .... , • • ,..... ........ ,,,,,,'S b."",d " < ". , ... " ,hO, ." • ""e" ..,. N, ,',,' " " , "''''eo h." me".,". "" bodI ' wu .. , ...., m_ ,10, h,. """ "" . "....,at"""" ,........d <b, '''''''"' ,"OW"',,,,,, ,""w " ""'m" '" f,,' .... '"'''''.m .,,. '.C," ;'" '" I" ". 01 " ,........m'I...-' ,I a'n , . tho "'"

~"': '" t._.,. d~.


ho~.'' .~".", "'"~"'b'


" &I","





r.." , "" ,"".,." ','",m, "'" ''"''''''"h.".. oflb... ,.WO "'~y, n,' .. f.~ An0'dIb," ,"'=, II .00" Oopool "d hi.

b'm •• ,,, Ib, .." ,,,,,, ,,,, <b, b"·08-ln N"",,,,, ,," h" ."''' '" '""" d "''"' 10'''':

'" .•• ,",,'"b bll..... " ... ,,~, ""bm',, ° "h;""." A"" ...""" O.,,/d '.'''1''"' w"n~ U D »WI. CHA'TO.



~""', " '~.",:W 'ad~;'.• a~', '~~ ".~;., ".~'''' . Itnumn.m ..



n~!1~ '<fJI'


', hI:










~.e"to·lb. ~w,

u,,' ,,"'''' ',"" ',.r""

~'fi~"'" Ib'.


~..-~ ~

~ lh~ ~


',;' .. "re." ''''''

'\\' h dtl"'V~'r ' =.,, ''0""·"',~ ... _ w"" ' 0",'" hO"" 'ur




mo<.",, '


, .....p ._,11 """

' " :: . I

",,,flo! "um ,'r . r .,"" ,, ,,,.n' ',' . " " .her ,,, ,,, ' ". ..

8uro lo, 'g" lv" "',,', "• e •.." , '

";'f;'" • ehr Ilre so •. ' no v s .. ··movomnn" . ... '"' . "-....A. • . . . of \JI ll in, t h o marl vl ol <,:\ !!!, th'o lm m c dln.te danger he 0 . rw;.._ 80mng 1100 I e th6811,'..___ wllld·swepl . sld o. ..... stmlD 1.> " ,111 111,; ngllln st nll1m thllW o ut ' 8 rro 11i an G tb UII be .)tot,>.... W ..D e t It WIlB dese rt ed. o.xcept for " ··.;--btl. .... Jlllu it oC 1",l pll!B&- ·t:i6G' hilnBelf. h.D cre8 . . b !Ie B" . .... "' . ....... th o",OOn". , U", ,,',," . " ....." " ",om, ",,'. ' <1Ie



-".end -"I ~l.0'bI1l~ ~" . . " .V dla "''''Ok_'' .. . . • , " ,~tak"" M'" '. NO' ",", =, ...._..... .___ V." "-"'Oomr'l,.:I~',~, o " '''''', fk ' ••" • .. __ ..._... __ ._.," ...' .._. ...',,, __ , go.'; "frlh",rl;" 1 , ' It) Id h~:e iJe..n,IIl11il' ~_, """ J th~ '1!lnibdicilio' ogP . _ ...... ~ ~~_: ~ ~"ltl ..,..~1 'N" ":i.~~. )t.d.

m. ." ." ",,,'· Um. " , to nf ""w Th o on'",," "'.... , ,, bOl .". lb. " .11,,,'f ,,U", ' " .k, " '" '''' " '" ·01 '"",;m" of lh • .", tbl' ll u n til !! wl tJ l;J . wh ile ex·' cu r hi m 111m · un eoleetrtc shock.

" " ,, ',," "


T•• "" ••• " "" '",," ,. .. "'I ,,,,",,,,, ,,, n.,,,,,,,,,,,, .. , ,,," "'."'''_., "

u tlW 11 h l ad bls . llal'tl . abo ut him " a s . dn .,• olnfn,l ld n s wcr c. o loBC h band. Miss "f ' . " e·


:~r. ;.

I"'" "



hi"" •

a1 .... "M., hHI.



t, lll.'ru .

TOWN .. ___ .. ...

~ur.nounl \Vi1~HOn11t~ lbo, ,m ." ",,, .",,'" ,,, 0,,,, " "" , H " ," , .d ,"", <h"m .~ . "how . h ""'ro' Mm, • ,,," b, "'0 '0"" "'U , 'rho . " , m,',""',. "Od,d 10 Iho d ,"od. ""we", e'" . ;;, lb. , ;. ,. '" " N- ,',,,, " h" , b~" ,,,"'? ThOM " ''"''''', do" • ''d, ,'.n '" Ib, """~ oIh.. " .. "" ,,,,," "",."1., ,,'

wM,b '"

• . of 01 '""ob'.... ""


G ~ 1 5.

NO. '

110 \\' :1'3 !l:-' n

sw:;ft ImPl:ol!'(j · - tl1(...., lI oll "'''''r''u , 11 1':' (1. bl,r '! lr atJlo. tu th " 'd.iltl< . unLii nUII<l"n lr

'b.,ro_-. " ...... on', olD . .-

Ibm. ."'" to _ 0""" 1m"",", ..., Ib_ " ,.,,,,",, 10, bot lb. . . . ., , ---


" 'I ~.

I ,td " n 'K.'f ptll !ll. .• H. 11.t I IlH II (,' r tr

Ho. [1.u :· Ie.:t H i s E)'ea .... the Neck of

I ' H r u li

""0'''. " " '"'''' ,,,' ,'''''' ''''H

.." ",""w ., ft."""b',"", ," """ f~{ .hol .W'.."...d,"" ,


ltl ll [ OIN ' In ('a ml 0 1'

A~, htcd p('z{'tna~.

O i ntm~nt.

~'I'r Juur' \ ~l, tl l u h liliTll

..... ...

1b"" ,,"" "'" """' ' ' rl" b'."""., Ihe

, ,,

hm. Into lh e b'lIU \\' ' ,0, oI.wl, ...., • • , "'. M, "''', ,"" ,, , _ .. h , . n, m",. - , . .hlo ....... f'" Ib" ' ,,\ , d... "".. "",. ",,', : hb hi".", ""L h . . 10 ..... " m. _ 01, /desolation.


l hl':'!i '





I ~ " ra


Th '- :>e W:L:I no:h l o;; <'Iso to do : II nm. lie 's.' hnnr-t him h e plow .<I h l& 'a y J)Qt!1.. bll t 11(' tlnl no fitr" n ,: l h l !roo; heuvy bod IH!. 1'; \' 1'1')'

Ih e


~cll tl() cmollleo~ pro~)('rtl,



L""·,,. ""

o l)rt· ti t

""', • •

<'Oil! " h"O nll rou g',

~. !, 1" "1': 0


bnty'g skIn aIlt1 hair, Tn ~tto c:lr(l (~Ilc u n. So a p III tlJo nlot!l er ' s ranlri(u. Not o;;ly III It !10ril' /l led In I"il:i ty n11\1 rrfrc r.hf'tlg 1rUg'Tfln co, but Its 9 a ro u ~ u a llr St:r.l t' ; , ·\1 [ to ali a)' ITl lrl OT Irr~ f alloO'I. r CI 'v\'o l'C'dn (l~s, n :1'.1s lrnCBIJ

51' fl7R. _._ .. ______ ._ .... _._ .. _.... _ . .. _... _

In IlJu " ,rldl, .. YOll IIr", t o ('(i n!; to POi'llm<'i . • n,1 thIJ 3 fbI' oUllit pIUI1b'f' d

w Ie lded a quirt, careless qrrlrt. 6111 1 ra ced tho mound. a Itll lash Btru ck the horso 'S ffi'H"O d i m through th e ' -:I' or Carroll. ADd cc rOSB a t hou· He sr. " the 1II!.sh of Ye ll " ", · Il14ad miles of plnJn. the tJ u:!Zf4! rll at l'np ll'" ( rum Ita . " '0 . . of • 'OM, p, • • ' " )lnakJng them stagger" b e- Btlll" c l'2nogiu&, · to r e in. 1tr Ifore It. blast.. ca:m!' Sill erwdtlen..Y: 1\0 ' unn.:tpcct \>LVy ..

"\ C o ru.

I" Il~" ::_..: "ti II I


\\" rir .· II :. ·'l·

hi ;: g lo ,'('. 1:r.r!lrI t h e Iilll':(' . s .


'~"' Il Ke r

" .'i o . I 11 " 11 IOn(' , 1r "I!'!U' ,1 III' r(' onc e.'

th~ di~eo""r)' ~.,,~, "'M., " '" U, .." W " U, " ,.woed ' ,." ,., ",n", ",,,. 'h"" ,,,.. e"""" '", Tb', B,b;", , H.",,,,, 1M """ " , " " ,mm" """ " r. "" ,,,",,, ~.~ w·h" , U,," ,,,. -.'''' ,~"" .,,, ,~ , _ ., .. , I l!!r. ~ll"oJl>' ml:Jtll cbok, ~ a~ blu~lB o r'sn:gw. In to ~lft >il,_>cl_~ .~\\'''pt Ito ntl nue olD"" bowl. , 'o~ , .,'" "', m I",..., "',.,, ' ~" , I 'ow'' ..."., b,' ,w''''''" d 10, '" , U " , "'.. ",Iu, .. ~_I" f'"" bll,,"o.h elpless.,. Ib,,. 'YO', "~' W~ ". ~.,"' ~ "0"'. 'h. ,"'.". ~"",, ., m.. L;;" , " , " ,,' "',.,,' '00" ". I" ;;.. Ibro'.b =h. h6rse·)J· ~x)d

'::a>doJI c c .



Tw j;id .'<1


I I T~ '."

" VI h"l 1'1::('"



r'-l:l ~ 1" liIO " _:. 'son s ~firr,'n"L1 " ", 1 'Ir~',',1 I he !~r';P8 fnr w:t n l.

"r. oi ll ~

}\' u r


N ev er ..... ~; R' . IIUl! ~t rlqC' h 1; ,' 1 , II I 1i " 1,. oC a ~ l.ptl "I h~ pu ,



horses drn :;glng bac k a t first. aud ' a lmost fll drlrt. Thla bcfore th e fi erce s wce p of the broug h t th e .,,-Ind directly IlIto ('!lclp ",wi nd, In SpIte of eve r y etr'o r t at' gui lt: faCIlI!. and hoT'll" b a lked. drug-gin;.:


( 'l: 'I ' I\ I !l


"No Bn lo . We ''''' got to &et on, rt w Ill L10 yo u 110 gaud. \'/all until I ao d th uw 31 m OOl up' them. you g rt It::\! qr:lrt ; tllnl ':\' 111 81't yo ur LIl'oLi CHAPTER XXV"--<:ontlrtlJedl pony!" ' 0107 10/,:. \\' J k up! Ili l'. II fI lh . Tbey p!l1og od In to It. p lOWing n wny The sho pe' of t'll!! hili walt ro ' i'ng! :l'<"f' h rc. m a n, ' th r C:' J !hn r;" c r tbrou :rh the drltts . tb e re lucta n t ,/t h 1r righ t, Dlld tbey clrc:lcd Its bnse )list ;to .. a,r " mmnrOD .


Ad '•.

.;t'!Vlf h i r

mutt ~r('d.

I~ 'you




P.~.s('d P ' ?~S,

• .,lle.%><: .. bolli __


rH~ ('y('~

c~ " "r ',~ nl

rflll~' i1 l v



:h~ ~ort

ell I.oluo.




~tu .:rr

o\\'I ~<lJ?(\

brac.·~~ hl~ h~

t l1~

"alI ~ un<l


('~ r "

~1.lcr.'0 ""t

mur~" ro,1 MrDonnl~

':iJ lil l!'


ut o rr till t omo r row w hat lo ' Ililug to lI u fot' y u u to-

Til l, s mun IlItl£' ,frock h·:.~ If,,' rU 8b., ~d .. (' h:l lin ~. ,' OOlho S~ nS ltl:1!J (Io:~~ IO llnulo' rl ro(, sh oulrl ;'r alll! :' rlJ llllc1 1I 011!£, n ll Ll p r,) h\'l to . s k ill lod, I ll l','k " i lll :, " "1:11 1. ti l )'li !;h ,·,r1 I,- T ll" II (' :tit h gl'nOl'n ll r . by CuU" I cau t 1>1, :•., .. IUI1 I/1H 0\':" :, It Is mtlst \,ul tllltle 1111 tW I) 1'1 . ,.,. , 1\ h" lt Is 11',' 1'11 I ho tre, fml'nt or r :tr. ho., . [well both In, pi . " " I " I, l lll ' f~ I !l r:h illG'. l.>u1'I1 1n g ill r.l lllll(J e ru lit t.l;) !I I , h t',l\' Y {, I n ,·',: "" "III II !:II( .) I' ll 'n'I!'! T I ~\1 l lru r'l S Ull P W"arK 10 n \\' :111'1'. c'd.ell! thi s lI :n1>IJ' r. . (\'~~ Ia:lt i "g 8C"'cral c.~l,('s or ord h ,: ! 1'1 ,,' dr r s~ PIIII (' rn t ~ ! :,) I" cu i I" , U" ~V]) lIll d makJ oG' ItB u se JOost l 1I ' 1 ~" li. .< I 'r Q ud I ~ )'. · ar~ . ~I ( d iu 111 DlII II$,.'::31. !lI z ' r, ' J ui!'1 ~ ~". l' u rd u "r :~I; ! ' lI'h Ill:! · l' ttrlot1lnt &J:J.P nnd O i ntment IK141 t ,' r !..! . :; ' " ~ ;1 r:! ·' IIr 't1 gi:J 1I1Id ~ tfirt u !f1JlOllllh e \\'nrl d . Sa llllllo or e~e: /a n l" ,, ' ,: 101 ,,, " r·'r I .. ' r rfoo w'i\:l'l';' ?z.-p . ;:,kln 1f-ook . A(ldrt~B pas 11, ' ~ 1'~l t.~ .-,,·1 10 o· nlll "(';uca.J)CpL, ti..Tn.. ! ,p: m''':r.> 1 ' .... 11 1 . 1. l f·I' )\'·'ll . ' · CIt, !hl ... r " J~I 'j r. _ __ ~ _L.U _ m;_toD." - AdT' .

I'll<' f h ,' 1:", 11 of a \\,hli l. at [he rlvl'r. G ror!:!! ! "I hdll lMn s[ n n ll c li ". r l m a g lli n i n fo a flr,h t!'r, I t ,cd. j erktng up the d aogl og l e a . :l ''1I ,lI ,, (' of I" ho 0 \V nkl! up! Do YOll itck . .r(' ..... 1I1. dIa r ll. h"111al(c lip. " h 1 I \, ,,'1. IWe n In tc n m n · I'll' ,I . hI s 11 \-13 log"1 lI'r D " u t ":-; " s : ra ll'!l lt 1ir.C' . to b e dl."I'I',·nrR n 101 ('D,'n3 1<1'0 '1'1\" n"HI a d l's"'"ra t e c>!To rt . lo ('r -' . h is h "':ld nl1or ,1 HILm lin ... !JI Cac rn II I II)' I . ,"' I ' L itTne_ her. M cllo nl\l d I. o",l r r"" 10 Fori .. " on tho ho r so 'S n" c k lI an,:; inc: t.I ov:n "r,-alr :tJt Ih(l III'OIt of ""ho lett Hnmlln on tho .I,1I,0 "~O0"rro Iln,!crI hnt Ihr Ih" " rlmm c all or and " . '1'11" , . ~ IRlpley. at I: :a torm l' nlor ,, !th dull . 1101''''' J'erl:r d h i m e' r f.' ct . ;J.fcDnnald Willi ,,01 maJ •..,.. II,. Ollr\ . l1n s " .. e y ,'s. bP ;l till ::; h i m In to cou f('l lI IS, tak e" VI.' lls50n. LL 1(1l 1dl', fln<i lu"r') tr tl Orll'l r.'Do"a ld·. body . n n mlln " O h. go l o h e il ':'" muttercd . a od Tlf'S" , ; 10 1' die! III' dC' HI un t il t11<' 1'<.' 1",lid ROM In l'urS UI! 0 1 Ilv. ,,'1,,) W C llt d CJCwfI lign in . ('),"M O[l0 n (,<\ "ln n dull KtnM'. or SC1U.OOO Hnml :t Strll c l! 11 1-1 . 'ter'" robbed money. 11 0 """,,"rlo IlllP" " pny t. rnl1', ("'6 11 ' or , twlcp.. h1R cll/lled .'1'1 1 POll " ,I II11' ', I'1(' OIl " o r )'0'' ,nr.... Ro ldle. . . of n lll'rm-t. I. ha nd t l n«lln g to tIl'e b lD'W. trut t b e b r ilLo 'IP. ( ; (''1 r p'.'' 1.1 0 n n fierce b ll zza.rd mu rdererl . HII. wttll m ll n.·. hn~lllh.nng' rl )' 10 fof" ~ e Illc rt fi gr:nJ lIc\'"o r m07ed. - Tb'l' " r L.: h t - I' " t ma d Wll llt to .

o ess.

Fevro torr,,, 1 IIor I " , p n.1 """ 1\ 1),ln!l: ll n tI,,<'l n In"It· n01 R' • r. orHaln LeFt;'\'rf' to nrf ,l••r ,'t'h rh ih" m " I nh.'o j' I(iAr hie Lnl or h,· o" e r hf''' " I' upnnl and II . o°t. l d l er Mo hat ' "UII(''''II1" klno; ll )'(' hlnlf Ht"r l"1c p n n" Im orvlew .. Ilh nmltn . Rh e 00)," hpr ' n lh r r scem. I II h" n t ho POW", or Mrs. nU l"'"' ' w hn "':lIm.


-... (dll!lp n . )",1 o J(I 'f \j t·B~ k l u ~'"l , "" ' U 1I1 uo UlU.t 'l .. ~

(!" u

IU '1'1 " ':ng


l. lqu lll I illH I .... I . . ~\. Bu y 1tl'd ( ' r~ I~~ Bh

t"' lil l'Ll l , SIO,) !) 'p ill r'l I ll , llJi tu n: .. d ..... I J(l ll I. " ... I IIr b • I 11'''' 111101 l)(' ,: !l ll ';;J , 1l 7{ ,,.

1.: :


l e t bad

d tlj' .


I~hu~I:)' ~rnnll I ~d hl~p(lh~. ~hll',J( h~'\I r : ... ~'~:,... ' ,.;:;t '..J,.. ;.... " "::'. :; Iil~l()ll h"",,,"., ,,," ". '" • , . " ""''',' h"" ,,, ",," ;""" ''', h' ",.~hlld."'. H,'"", ..,,,, "''', ":,,":~ , ,0,,; t e~N I~U. ~I'rl ' ~ '"~."'".. " ,""''' ~I"JI I)J I'. ': '\;", j ' . • ." " ", '""I~, "" " '"i;: "" 1, " " ''' , " , ~1 ' n\\ ~I1": "·m eel. Go d , I". face . • ~amlin t, 'll~ ~l"")' k",1 11'1 11 to ll:lnd yo u (0.,'. b ~)1t1 (·~ ~rnlj'e 'I I "1) a~ nlU ko t!;\~ 'n~ll '~ ': :. Ii () ~ I h I:}II"! , i Ir~n l>"~k llkfl ~nf)p ,, ~'O\'l'A "'~ , ~p:1) :. ' rj'lu: ' cI, ~d t"l!' t1. 1~ nl ... ,,;v.~ T~",.. " "'"''. ''' '' '''; ';'; '" ~ I." b, ",? W.'", . ' hi, • b," ,',." " " ,,'.; ",," 'h ,' h, '",'" '" ,, ', ,,," '" .,<" '" " ,,', .. . '" , ~n,,,,: b ~I",.y milo 0 ' r h ·N. l ·.~l'Toli : l l l~ h ~:Ia;J("t' t he dr: '-," ,, ' , anfl o,ur.' nI(" r~.u ,o u gm ='<f!." " .. '"1 1<1" ,,.. ,;" " "",,,,, '"'' '" "'.HI ,,, I "' ,'" , Sol , 101 , .... ~',H"I" b, th '''eo :hIa r~lI1m"nl I ;. "·", r,," ,,, )l~o'' It"at th" 11(" Th en:'.s!J .. I· . 'I'll.· ,· ,,, . IlI ln. In III t l ,. ...d :01'"."1,,, . ..·,.t I 0 ;',1 :\f r.l h ,. •..• ,10pc "'UI n Ho.:



. 11 11 II 1:1', (;, 0 1' 1;(' . 1I11,1 go II~: l p('D, '· Ill.· I:lh"r n tortt " J. puldng hl" h ' \\ ' lll 111M f ll(l l, h ls Ihnlll- I t o; a!1 .(J.\' . 1":' ''.\11'' 1 1' . "7)011'( b,'" I, n l I II ", I II :11" Ir I "1n. !lnd h(1"I, ' 1 I I:/.: .·OJ ' If , . 1 " 011 W '\ ll U h '." l n ROO an ' II) ... .- 11 I". 1 1.1 :1 11 "F :1 l n . 11'11'-- " P I.. . • C rroll I II ' I lu \(HI 1' ''''l r ? Yo .. c<, ." " u nlil I f " Ill" IJ:I. :" \ , oI r I ( l' n ' !nr. t,... r lbR I,, '" 11f' v "lI l (l)\\n Illf'l l c J.

~. . . ,~.


N""I' r

:~ trj\"lu ,~

' '' .


WIDel,.,, '" Sou.hlnlf S,rup for Child .... "II' • ft ._ " 801" uN . blt lJI'lIl118. t'el l uee" l unau.m ..

' fun Oli O 1_'

t o rl · l"u »o hlS/ a rr ns (1' ''1' ' I I: " .-Jl n); lng ltl.11l1 clil . " Y ou w ai t ' I I I I'd ~"u: .. h ll l'I!'



... ~r.


HIli' r lil' oul of r " <I ' ri l,}1I1" d I')'('~ . .'rll ·r ,·t ), . \1 fo r III:!I . lUll I)i;; bo ob!"


Some folka neTer lelU'D I eoough a lono.


Pt'actical Fashions

sness mart0 or It . tOlle....t hor wl Clt f'tM allu 'Uu r lIar8Y. h " 110" sed10,.11 ••I;Il0r lattor (rom 1I·l but lLrou Ham q 1 l I hi s l't'Hf>lI t m(,ll t . th c le llo" with h alld'! o C I r on. lIllVl' r CIlIlSl lI (( Ill. vlol p, nt 1I11 1I 1" lralloll~ uu11I bls BWIlItI' Ifl g end " <1 ill s li p u p- I'. Tlw n b o w r app" d Il i lll 11 /; 111 ;)' ill t h , ltln lll<o t ll . a nd Mlue)el !J l rr ", II ,·r'.' c l. 1; 10". I n,; rrum th e ('x('re l"" ('lI rro ll r, lal" ' d up a l h lU!


1,· 1 \',' thr.>,, 1, l:l).;' e nd' Ir he (' \" ' r l ~\jI ; t h .. f ll llrt k r "r! 'T ltt'rl SYNOPSIS. , \I HI l'I · ~rti (J II ":1111". :tlld I,. hu rio't1 h l ,' ' II" Ih,' C 111'INlon (00 1, shnpe, I IIf' .. Oil Jll< 1\ , cit IIr Ih" !I ' ·."" . I horsl' . (,u filil" or fl eIL-vall01l UP'I)' w ill h r. lr s un k I ]If M·.!' II nrrun .n,1 Ing nn II r ll ' )' loom' d I hrou g h lIlf' mu,"6 a r t: prf' ss 'd Th .' \li ' l"" IIIlI,;,T 0,' l t d " I I ," " " ""',IIU "" Ihr·Jj 8cn t hl f. I cl'Ilck Inte , hi11. ,h "" 1)' . otll \\ ,·.' : :. " k ed I r fll'. " I'll /' 11 ,1 .• ' .fl !I: m \\ ('.:l It H li : , n ••r"eI p r " I I"or '\n :11 In.>1 ,II"11 , . or I '" . I ' 1Irl'r l," I l n--I1 I11 1" 1,',· /",r l( III a u!l"nt 0 0 11]< , wind . . II tit

n il'



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I I ' 'W<m " .. . ....::.... /. . " ' IalIJ>.' .11 ........ C gra , .. ..,... t , .llA.i . , ....,,4JV 0 • ..,•., .........., or ........ . ADV\U.I ....... . . . .

TOWN .. _.. .. ___ .. __ _.. .. : .... : .. .. .. .. STRE"T AN I:' NO __ .. __ ...... : .. : ; _; ;_.;; ..

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"m",,~, b.',· b,~ ""'''''...' 'I"' '''''~ ~...,_ ,'00' s ... b~ " .1'1" fo,,-~, " ~ p"" A,~ .... ft'k.~ b, ,t! ",,,,·,,,,,,. 4'=. , , d .,.,,,,, "'" ,~", •• re"-~"~-' Im • ••"bI. •• 0", or ;;:' . "." h'" " ..h_, """n, t;':" "",' ';,.' Ib,,,:w ••la,.l dn"" ""p,~, ,," • "'" '" ," ' ;".'''- '''....5'§ .~ .(j~'I ' . " , ~l1t ~L TldT~il·u-g!lbl r"~~ln I~aca:~~~nc~e: ~i~~, .~,\ ,~~/" ~~,~ i-e~~a'- , ~l7T1llt oVt~Lrbnal~~~ n7~ack ~T.. ·' :l ~~'lll"'~"J:' I I\!tb"\Wtft')'.';\ It'~.egc ,~l! tod- ~~ , ~~"'Ie~, ,1II".. m,'oI, b, ""'" <or!,~.'". ,~o,. ,,, "" ''' ''.' , •. " b"" '~._. v," " """ """'P!'" >. ' CI1~ , . ~ . ~"pt < ' ; f )~1 ~' r~1!hbpttlD:'I"IUr. ~ $~}" .l " "-""~~~'In " , ~_ -*--,.,.....--=------~ ~- ro o .,~ ,o.DG~n ,-.¢\: ~·t~ll' ' 0<' " "",stra;I!~'il~ ~' ':~ ~ " " '.0" ~r.-:!lml tfl'~'.'''''"~''','I•~p~-i " <.'~ " ,n" " ""u ,Ii""" ~1I1(l"nl"tlc » \g~. ~ t ~ns,boo'''g'~~"l.,.,; ~h'.~ I,"" .,.....,,(1 ui Moo' Now, ..... ,00:-;:'; w~" , ",'o";':';' ;h" .,,:,'"" 'h" "'.;" ~,~"~'' ' .... , """ U!,,:",; .';,.. '".01. " w"""'." ',~,' .,' '''' " ,' " " . ,."" ' , . ,,,,,. , ". ",,' " , h'", ~. ~. wn":,fflli:: ! l ' l n s ; I ('~ "- ~; grr , y .~ try It • d ''', '"' ,,' Ib, s,·,· "',o -"m, ;, " ",," '" "",,',, ' " '" "",.~ ' " d'" ~. "" """ ,h;., ,, ,." '" '" """" '"'' "',, '" , ~""md m'fh'~ "'·w" '" ""."",' "';",~ ,"'... I ,,.,, ,,,u.',,'" ', ,,,:,' ;" " ""'. Eom"d, .~~ 0;' '010'~dgro'o" , ' W""..~. '''::J',ro'" ~lllCI ow, ,'"C ;.''"". '" ''', m,,· ,;o~b" ;;'" '''' '" ,,',,' ""~, ~ ,,' I ",,0 ,·,""0"'<'· • '" W,,"" ".. ".i.J, " "",'",',,,,,,,, '" "" ,0"'" '" ""'" . , ,, . _, . ~.'""U"°l~ " "d"" "" """ ,~ I~)l~ ~now· l l' · r . t , 1I"1;,1I'1'1"~~ ~ "~d trnmpcf , ~ ~( ' \ Make the ~~ver ro o,".~,~,.t. h""" ,,",. """,.c~"il w.~,. . ""~,, bcotl ' , : ~ Do Its Duty " h

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CARTER'S LInU LIVER PILLS aentlybutfinnly


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s hie saddle pomme l. too WI Ie... eBB The exo ltenw-Dt h ad se lll ' t't , " " lrOd" or . ') ;1; ' li r' rr·I"' ''-l.'l 'I' '.''' I.• h l' d t h e lov 1 sll erect, but e , v - th ro hot mood j:l,II6!.ng turou g . I lIm "' rl' '" II P · ·IH -LA.!H4 I rorn \ . ':.. .. , •.., :In,l o b sc ure(1 'to d gripping hla horse B Ice-eo b • brought to hIs h e nrt YI " ( I h' v 'n:, th, ) I !'\' 00.1(, I It I h ... 'ket nn as Ilbead now v ,lIIn s; C;a d s lrp C.TII' i ' , lA S " 0 " " I <1 \ 't 1\ w . . ' ''" •f ...;. , , , . . W "'000 w Ib '.. "b<A, ,,,'" ,0<, -." e , 0; W" ,,' h , . ' , ,,'" '" , '" '. c. . , " ,," '" a 100. '->rl '" h ' " " . " .. ;b, m gt and Hamlin Blagge red aloni: II g i mt the a reoeed r;e nBe of n.. U \m lwml'l In nil t ." , crt ee • r eugc, tl I I! star- 61' 1120 , ., . . ( 'cl I No . ,,( • In ' 11 b. " bJm "" , h bJ



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of a, ro ....... , " ". ",', :::'; " ""h h;, h'" :," ,' , ;;" """ , bapo. H" d ",d "' , " ' " •IIUl d efeet dangling.I hshrOUded el tPOS 11 0 WIIS me I(\ngo Ih,· , l"llf'rtl ' .;l · ··(· d Calleo. IL>. !!orwar or I )uos ' . 1 (lmr ull <l I' . - • • , ." i " •lmp l ,' . , '" " >n ",ow, C"ro' a ,.k ."' b .Uh , "'''' " ' . " . ",.;oK', ... ,,, , : .• ".,. "" """ 01 Gcros b Id b, ... fa.t b"" " h b; , " ," . , ' ' h' "",,' '''' " ' P "

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('UITY Of HAMBUDG nI One of tile Three Free SUI gs of Germany. It. People Spend Their Lelau,"" Houre

On Water Front-St. P a ull , the Sailora' Paracc'lse, One of the Town'e Noted Resorts.




uU ll le wus 106t. En'a th lJ mOHt hau. sullie or Mo aby's d nre· ~ de \·i\s nrlmltl e d lhat. Ji: So, urll r th ~ Ulauner or th ell' l!lruJ. tb ey broke th e . nrlll g· llno Illto 11 • hUlldrt'd "I coca nULL , bUl1 cb pd in t WOH UU11 th rees s cattered broudclltlt ov r the ~ ull ·bak pd , cnc tu s·clad hlll ~-Roidl el's ot (ortulle, Ins ufl'uclus 01 M (')llcu uo longer; mere ly ru e n , who hl\d broic c u the 1a WB of a Lnnd and "'e re n Ol' 1ng for th e ir liveR. I( had but one object In \'Il' w- thls nghtlu g mBchll1 e brok c u lu to lJlts, th u t bad takl!n Ull tbe cnuse or a cuuntry other tbau Itl! o ..... n- lind thnt Wlis to cross tho American bord er lind th ere 6e k th e IIrot ecllon of th e Htars and 8trllle8, uncl"r whos e fold s e \'ory mother's ti on or ils Boldlery had b"en born. ground with a cry or d espa ir that le rt lIud a Iltll e gra ss grew. A nam e leol grave wllh not e ve n a m]\rk to t; how ~ I y bunlil e unci I we re on lb I Il w ith me anotber memory. My lega were growing numb tram that a bod y r ('sted th ere . Cank whon th o crash CUID f' , Som e. P erhll)ls tb o motllf' r moy r ead th ese thins hit lh al Ion fl un l! nnd Illeltf'd the e xertion of IL all. Ahead of me' It, twisted and dl Htorted It lIke EO fl ed th e army, or what was Il" tt of It. li nea Bud rl'cogu lzC In th e lilli e so ldi e r much sLeel put Lo th ' llame. I did not lIe hlnd me echoed the wnll of Lh e of fortull e h l.' r bo y , AL l<' fI~L s lo e ma~' r ealize ""hat It wus at th e tim e . but I wounded. th e \' has at th e vi cto rious con so le h (' rselt with th e th ou~ ht that do now. It WIIB 11 buttery, :J. l/\,II1\:. Fed erals, the hiss and scream or thclr hi s fles h \\'0 9 not food for COYCJt es; hIs breathi ng Incarnalioll or he ll In th e bulle ts. Ever preHent wns th e m e m- i hon OR nnr bl enchin g whiLe ill th e ~un shape or mllchln ll g un ~. hautll od lJy nry of the Al a mo and Te cate. where lik e Iwo hun<ll'pd oth e rs or h is COIl1' our wound nd a nd thos e oC our fe llows rad,'s who In fi\' " sbol'L m oulbs pn lol mon wbo knew how to uee tb e m. Our wlllg at th e army m"lt etl In ILB takcn prISOIl H " h ild f>Xll e rlencpd llv · tl! e i't' IUJlty o C lb e baltle·lu s t In Me xl· bot breath . Mpl1 \l'h;) h~d roug ht In g h l! lI s be roro dt'ath re lI eved them co. An for myse lr, I s to le lIke a thl e[ in stundlng, kn ocle d. ~I e n who kn eeled, o f th plr t o r· m ~n t. On and au I Htulllblp.d , failin g n ow tb o nlghL a cros s Lh e boni er :lJJd s ur· lay down, trIed to bury myse lf In th e booom at Moth!'r I~lirth lind, l\lothe r lIr1d U\('n. but 1l1ways my burd ~ :I . It fj 'lllll'rNI lu till' \ 'lI it ed S tates all h OTEarth being bak ed Ildobo In that IJar- l!lld CU3""d to urgfl m n fo~wR rd, thl a Itl es . With nlll etY 'Lhrel' or my fe ll o ws mil imed bit of boyhood, but ItR lo n ' I waH [I nn ctl uJl In r"ort Host'c ran s aL tlculor spot, I took 10 my he e ls . It \\'ss tho beglnnlug of th l! c ntl . arm stili e ncircled m y ue ck with a Sa n Diego for fin' daY H. wh ile t h e E\'erybody waH runnin g. so whllt was "'. L~ lIk c grill t haL at limes mad e It al· ~ov e rnm e nt In l\l pxlco we had ~ ousht to l/\,e rth ro w IJlended for our posses' tbe use or romolnlug'! Th !'y Q,cr e mos t Impos slhl e lo breaU1 B. ound s or Lh e battl e le tt me now .' slolL Uncle Sam ·reru se u to give U6 t(" o to one again s t us . this euemy. and I elnred not up, but h " kept our ge nE'm l, daring arUliery to boot. ilee ldes. ou r old - I no 10llgc r eaw men, fsshloned slngle·loadln g Spr lugfle lds atOll. howfl ve r. for fear at not being young J ack Mosby . v eteran at five were being pitte d again st r €' lleal lll g able to rl so ngaln, but at last I stum- wars. bt> lo \' e d or h is me n, who II now rlO es or tJl e lateHL pllttNn. And tbe bl e d and fe ll with my burde n fer the at th e naval dis c iplin a ry b arracks Pu· las t time. For a long time I rt:Ula\ned get SoulILI, (or lllking Fre nch le nve ammunition was runnin g low. lho ground. breathing h e avily anti of Lllf' tTnit e d SLales na\' y whl'n t h e on Even thus I resson pd u s I ran. pell· resting. Mexican war cloud broke . mell. for tbo bord er, foul' long miles How sweet tbat rest WIlS. I carecJ Or th e nln ll ty·thr ee who su rvived away. In my fancy tbe re loom ed benot tor l<~ed e ral or rural. Let that bloody da y whlcb cost us s o fore me the fat e of our wounded at The many m t'n. some are now fighting IL T ecate and th e bloodle tting or the them come! I would slee p. weight slipped from my back and I the Dalkans unde r dilTe ront flags , and. Alamo. Somebody grlpllod th e too of my broathed freer. I mus t have lain If tb e pow e rs of Europe c lash over Lhe re for an bour. Wben I arose the tlte dl\' lslon of the spo ils, I ret'l thaI boot nnd I sprawl ed headloug Into little figure at my Bide did not apeak. I must Join tbe m, eve n .t the penalLy cactu! !lnd rocks. It was n woundcd comrade, o.n Am erican li ke myself, I bent over him. He had cbeat ed the of the cos t' They could not only n boy at that, whose ruddy face torture cbambers. ge t him now. From his pocket a Ugliest Man the Mon Married. I bad often sce u At 0111' troop mess Lupungu, cblef ot tb e Basongl, one or over some neighb oring camllllre of WOI'Jl and tbumb-marked bit ot pape r protruded . In tbe hope of lea rning at tbe wealtble8t chiefs In the Canso, Baja Cal1Iornla. bls name I read It. Is a mu h-marrled man, tor be Is the His shoulder bad b{'('n sbot nway . proud POtiliOIMlOr of 300 wives. tor ench It wae a mosoage from a motber to ot wbom he pays a yearly tribute of A leg W88 crush ed b elow lb e knee. ber 60n. Tbere was no post· mark. two francs to tbe state. This. bowc - Tbere \V8S no hOIlO tor hlB life, but No addrees. Notblng to lead to ble e ver, 18 not bls IOle claim to dlstlnc· be wanted to be tak e n away . . "For God's Bake, don't leBve me, Identlly. JURt "Jim, come borne. tlon, for h e bas also been dubbed by pa!!" be cried . "Th ey'll burn me. Mothe r needs you. Your little sister tbe on\clals of the province "Lbe ug· and I pray tor you every nlgbt. We lIest man on earth." "With Borne rea· they'l! kill me slow," be moan ed. For a moment I was stunned by the a,'o very lonely wltb you away. Come son," says Vice-Consul Cast e us, wh o fa Jl . but tbe bOY'8 pa th etic allpeal home. d enr boy." descrlbea him aB a vlllainous·looklng That WIlS all. Just a good·by mes· native POBS sslng but on e eye, and n brought me to my s e nS ElS nnd tJUrn ed sageth e last bo WIIS ever to receive Illto my brain where It will for ever countennnce horribly s cnrred by small' tram that little mother somewbere in pox. remain. I looked around m e. The r e were the states. It sbe could Bee her boy As a young child, LUII '~ngu waB dO' wounded men. most or them boye, now! sorted by hi s tather. nnd afterwardH clutcblng at theIr fl eeing comrades. The Price of the Wanderlult. adollted by a Bub·chlef. III late r years. beseeching them not to leave them to "And what did h e die ror?" I asked h e IJeNlullded the gullible natives that tile mercy of the Mexican rnmles. myselt. 'What would I have dIed for? his one cye gave blm certain occult Yet these men " 'bom I hsd seen Just the battle·luet, that Is all. The powers: It e then made friends with a eheertully face deeth many times. some thIng InsI de of us that makes UI band of Arab trude l'S, nnd with th ei r men wbo hod enlisted In a foreign soldiers of fortune. The wanderlust! asslBtnnce made war upon his fath er cause unatrald to die III battie. but I buried hIm, III the night, on tile whom be conQue r ed nnd succe eded a 3 Btandlng ever In mortal terror at the Side or n hili where the Boil wau Ilofter chief of tbe Das ong\. torture cbambers on tbo battle nelds of ~xl~. _ _, The Death Rain. P'or a moment my manhood returned and ,he mallsacre Cear left me. I """0111 Ill10ul~r tbls maimed bit of hu manity, stagge r to tho IIl1e with my burden. over those cruel, never ('ndlng bUts whloh I muot Bcale with my c arge hefore we reach ed safety. I staggered to lIlY teet, but tbe &Ipzip of the "dUlIK!lUJls." tbos e same ~c!um·dumlJ·· tbat had -criPllled tbls 'boy broU(!'bt me back to 11 r en llullon of my peril. All lnatant I ztalt.ered tn OOtsting ~ to my back, but tbe boy eeemed 1'0 ~I\>lae my .ehn.D.goe of henrt. He Crlppe4 me ll1l'aln, tbls' tlme wltb n ~ IJil&D'. cla1dI wbJeb I could not aDd would not stike olf unle8B I Itrokoe b hi arm. lit I ahoullll!l8l Ute bleed Ing Uttle ~ ad la~ Cbnr'ard. the ",-hlle be mUl'll1ured. uGood boy, good tiy." aDlll eM bullet. or tt1e Federals «er blseed and Bcreedled 10 my ears,' , , " ' . tiling roM u~ til my patl! . ·ci. barred my progre... It was shattered by tIIaot-a humlU:l Conn-scarce ree.()gnlliaile DOW for tile b500d that stataed It tmm head to foot. But a voll!4! lIuBky .sUa palo uuI taTor begged . PIECED QUILTS COMI'NG BACK. me not to leave blm. ,....... From an Etsemy, OId·f.sblooed women who know how to make pieced quillS are developlnll t tied, 'fro. .t1.~11l dytoC IDUl all I fled Q \)r('~1 laduatry. p~lcularly In the BOuth and New Eugland, by makIng trom'· the' e.emy. -'D0dce4 Wm all he sUk Bnd cottcll c:reat1onll ~ aupply the demnnd of fuhlonable ""omen who :rucllsd ror me. All I ,ueed blm are ready to pay big prlcM. ThIll picture shows a lee'n e In the home of a ~JIi bl~ he totteNd badl on the _thern famn,..


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] la mburg ,- ]t was nino o 'c lock a nd wL1I1 I la~' lIght In Ual nou rg , \\' 0 sat in 11 puv il lon cnfe uv<' rllJuk in g Lh e ilia· nen ·Als te r'. Th e Inl!e was tull of bout B; s a il bout ij , rowlJonl ti uud ca· noel!. l~ \' ery no ll' an d th e n a little bte umboat whl zz<-d III from th e Aus· sen Ai st ", Its fU ll n cls b<:' lug lowered and r a ised with a lI ua p al! It IHlssl'd Il ndef Ihe low brid ge. A fl'w bicycle la u nc hes we re HllIl scou tin g o\'e r tho wa'.cr. rJd lc ulou s thing s with lllU rid e r hi gh In the air. p edalIng wh eels that se e med to run right over th e wator . Th " swan s " 'cre s nli h a nging around th o edge ot Ihe wat e r tr ying 10 coax th e lo ll er e rR to thro w t he m a cru mb o r two . On e large ou e was awa y out In tho middl e of tbe lnlte vlgol'ou sl)' followIng a Inunch tbaL had tbe sign "Ll e bnltz Cakes" tncl; ('d on 1t 8 side. W e wondl!red Ir th e I\\\,un could read . 1 do not bellbvc AlO ~ rl cn ll B lo ve wat errronts as much as Europeftn~ do, for we only U BC aUf rh'c r banks for m ills !lnd dumps. whil e In Eu rope th ey Joak·e tb c irs tb e mos t bl' autlfu l part at theIr c ill ee, anu tb ere tbey spend th eir leisure b o ul's nnd c ellter 1111 th ei r lovp. At ten o'clock It wa s not yet dark . so \\'c LOok a trip to St. P ll ull. tha ~"' Jo rB ' resort In Ha mbur g. Seve ral b l!; li ne rs bad dockcd Iha t day and fa ilurs s impl y f1u od ed a lld ow ued the pl Ace. Ev eryt hin g WIlS g a in>: a l a gre at PIlCt', es pec ially tllo sailurs ' pa y T h re we re mo\,lng ·plct u t·e s hows, m rry·go-round s, si de shows aud ('at e" - .. II u p erre('~ blut:e of lIgh t. Ma ny ra k lrs were ata tlon ed along th e side· walk shoutin g In theIr loud es t a11d mos t cOI" ' lnciug GE'r mlln about th e "xc e ll enc e of tbelr wares . Th e lite at n sailor Is a bard one, nnd the Oerman sailors or tho Ham· burg·A merlcan line only 1I\' es tbrougb his many we eks or hard sh Ip on tbe s ea for the e lgbt glorloua days Ile Is going to spend lit SL Paull, which h08 been called th e "Sailors' Para· dlse." O\'erlooklng St. Paull and the harbar ~tands a colossal statue of Bls· mark. It Is like tbe grest man, 6I1 ent, gigantic and Immovable-th e grentest man that Oermany has pro· duced In a century . The statue b e· longs to tbe art of new Germany. and relit la Eltrongely like the old IWland at Breml!n built ' centurIes ago. It only goCil to sbow how everythlnl


. Th.e ·' ,

travels In II cIrcle. even art, and tbat tbe post Impressionist!! may stili be making Bottlce ll1 Madonuas and .Frn Angelico angcls. The new Rathnus stands In tronl of the Exchange. and It Is a vcry 1m. posing an.d boudRotue building. Ono reason it looks so well Is It bas II large open square In front ot It, Bnd directly OIPposlte Is a Beml·clrcle Btone terrace, with benches along the Bides. Ihat 18 forever flilad wltb weary Hl\m· burgerB. But It Is to the peallant woman of tbese countries tbat America meaDIJ tbo most. tor they must do the hard· e6t and rougbest labor from morn· Inc until nIght. In Vienna " 's enw . t hem laying brickS and plasterlog houses; In Prague, we saw tbem mIx· Ing martait' and ac~ltl !; a s bod ·carrlen; In Munich. they are the !iWllch·turners and tbe Eltreet cleaners; everywbere In the country they till the gro1lDd and plow like a man. Is It a wonder that America Beems like heaven' to them. where tbey get wholesome too!!. a IDlce clean bed and gOOCl. waCBS. Hambll1'g Is one oJ the three free clUes In Oermany, the other two are Lubec* lU~d Bremen, Priloner I. Rehlaled.

. I'lc:rolllrur•. encircling . and '1 t ' I f . . , ' .. , . ...." . . •. . . n er ~c nl! chllUe. 011 the telePl'm OOt\tyIDC Wm grou.nd. ot. ,1.r(~e8cent Beed·. cit 'lhe ' al'1:eat: . . border . are. twelltY.four · '.. ~~~~~~~~~~~:,~!l~~t,tOJI~OD11I' riI~f;tI!,a:~: .-~;". :~" .. ~' .,: ' ~~--.:..' '';hlclt ,' I. ' '''tUe'' u



No tho u gh tful pel'llOn aMi IIqutd hlua. It'. • pI nch of bl ue 10 • lari~ bo llio of W&t.er_ A,k tor Roll Crose llaU Diuo. Ad •. Oc ca slollully a mun kicks beCRusll his 1l :J m e I s In the pa per- In Ilmall typ a.




Ibc .bo<l- Tbe S .......d" lor lIIe Ic:cl Cor a Cl\!u trr ceo h ,r y 30,000 LeltJm ontals . So,ct

Tr6do .. ...rk t' .~ .. yw hrrr. 1~c . SAmple FR P.E.. A rld f e!U . AH,.n S . 01mll"d . L t R Oy.1"! V.

TIle !\{an wbo pul the E E .. I. P £ I:: T.


Ser loua Obstacle. C I) ~ I () l1\er -- Wh (, 1I lhat gl'oUem a n of· , 'ered to buy goods n lld hav e you tak e th e lJ i ll ou t In trad o. why did you I T(·ru se ~ I (; roc'·l'- l\(> e be's an u nder tnk· er.-I:rooldY II Cl tlze a . 1I.1.1l0LD His Mind on In sects . Sh o (bp.urlng her tat he r co rnlng) Fl y! ,ne (a bit moouy) - Wh('re1 )'11 ~wat It ! She-- No, no! I menn Hee l H e--O h ! Where did It Dill you T

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Don't Poison Baby.


ORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thOUjl:ht her child must hav. PAREGORIO or laudanum to Illake It sleep. TbtlBO drop will produce Bloop, nnd a FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IB NO WAKING, Many are the ohildren who have been kJllod or wbose health has hoen ruined tor life by plU'egorio, lauda.num Bnd morphine, eaoh at whioh Ill" narcotio produet of opium, Druagiata are prohibited from eellIntr either of the narcotiCR named to children at all, or to anybody wlthout labelhng them .. pololOn." The dcJ1n1tion of .. .narcotio " fa: "A medtcfne whiM ffiiet'el pain and 1)roduWl4I1eep. but which poiIIortoua dO/IeJJ atupor, ooma, oonvulllioM and death." The taste and emell of medioinee oonta.inl~m arc dll~leed. IUId BOld tmder the Dam. . of" Drops,"" Cordlals," " g Syrupe, eto. You should not permit any medicine to be gIven to your children wltboutyou or your phyeiolan know ot what It Ia composed. CABTORlA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS, It 1& beam the signature ~ of Chaa, H. I<'letA:l)1er. T#~ _ Qeaulno BhfBJII bean the 8lgnature< of • .~..



TIRED OF HIS PEEVISHNESS Millionaire Gently Reminded That He Was Not Alone In Quelt of the MI ••lng Link, A west e rn millionaire ot th e "new ly ric h" variety recently came to New York lind one 01 hIs first ext rav agant puroha ses was a pair of dla mondcrust e d cu!!·llnke, tor which he paid $260.

Long.Lon MIne Found, The 101l1';-loS l Cinna bar mine In NBvnda hilS hee n found after a 5earcll . \I. sli ng more th'an thIrty years. The · dl sco" e r y was mnd c flame wee ks ago by Gear!;" Keough willie searching ror strayed ~toc J! , 6e ve n miles from Mlna. The dl Hcov t' ry wus k ept s ecre t until clalme were staked and a ssays mnde of the or e. showIng It to run· hIgh In qulekHllv er. I"ollowlng tbe announc (' ment or Ill. finding of the mille n !'Ush wae atart, ed tor th e district In whlcb it t. located. Hawthorn e . atter finding th e Clllnabar d e posit. became contused Ilndl lost his way on the d es e rt. He wande red nbo ut ror severnl dsys and finally land ed at New BORlol!. formerly a thrivin g camp, but now exti nct. He conduc te d ex ped Ilion after exp~ dillon In s e arch or the deposit, but bl8 eUorts were fruitless. He dCflcrlbed tb e locati on, stating tbot two petrified tr ees s tood near !be mound. Tbe stone treee are to be nolicfi'll totlay as described by tho old prospector. ",. bo dies 13 years ago.

Dut tbe prtde or pOBsesslon la sted only two days, ror one at tbe JInks became lost. High and low tbe millionaire hunted for It, turning tbe whole hotel upside down In the search, but It wal! not recovered. But he would not ~v!! up the search . One eveni ng a week later. wbUe gIvIng a dinner party to a tew trlends and busin ess Msoclates, he recounted the clrcutustancell of bls loss and can· eluded by saying: "Contound It; I don't undentand It. Here I've IIpent a whole week bunt· Ing tor Urat there mIssing Ilnk, Ilnd 8tm, by crackey. I can't find It!" "Oh. cheer up," advIsed one at the men who was bored by the recital. Compliment. "Charles Darwin spent a whole IIf&"The EngJlBh Bre " heavy·bnDded time In tbe some quest, but he WBSO·t race," Mid a suffragette In the Bmokbait as peevlsb as you are!" Ing room at the Colony club. Sbe 11gb ted a fr es b cigarette and Honkl Honkl "Ipped bel' colfee. "Did Bbe come to tbe door wben "The Englis h are heavy-handed," 10U serenaded ber wltb your mando- pbo repe ated. "I went to bear MrB. lin 1" Pankhurst leeturo In WOOdBtock 00 "No; but another fellow came along my la st \'Islt to England, and do you and brougbt her out with an auto know how the jolly old farmer chal~ horn ." man Introduced 11 6r? Well, thi s Ie what he snld, Inte ndIng It tor a com· His Firat Thought. pllm ent, mind you: Mrs. Justwed-I thmk. dear. you .. 'Ladles nn(l ge ntl e men. you bave . re ally ought to get your life Insured. beard ot 1.4 r. OIads ton e. the grnnd ald., HubbY-YOU don't melln that you Ulan. Let me now Introduce to you , are going to do the cooking. th e grand old woman.'''

Treat Them

diamonds. were prepared tn the reIgn cloles a large ba~s at .80ft gold mountPblladellphla Pa,-.\ rorllOner beld ot Kbande Rao Oaekwar (185'6-1870). ed wltb a rosette or dJa.m d ' lb ," probably at tlie InlUptlon of hI. , Mo"' , 00 . 8. e . bere on Il ~bl\rge of borle. stealing . . . 1IlIed. with jeweled palmettell IDd v.'as reh!a,B6 I ' when ehlet or police of ba.mlil~n wife, Ill , all olfeJing, ~e . j)r_ot:e!!d~g trom I~a~y . sIP-ina Newark Ohio r8tuBed • to n'ny th,.'

to; tomb of Kohainmed , f'Madlna. '

breatb are Late a Ilplcy lUre to bonMl tell onand a lDllU.

A .... Soda Fountain• . or C.rbollIted in Bottle..


Pork and

Beans Delicious - N-utritiQus .:... ~.PI;:l aad JI1It..Ilk• . in ~ayor, thorouahl,. · cooked with ~ the Libby war, nothins can be more


llppetiziq aad ..~, DOl' of gre"ter food Yalue. PUt up with or 'trilhoiit tomato ..ace. An excellent diIh

""eel ~.. hot



() I,..';.t on Libby'.

Ubby, M~"eiU ~ Libby


THE , MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYJlrESV1 LLE. OHIO $I " I .' ------- -. - - - - - - -. Ph


I + ---- ----~ --. -ADDITIONAL LOCALS

._~O!.'-":~ C~t~..:~l Mi~ 0.\,,",



A -


, , ..J....


Mr , ami


call sen'e ),o ur every n eed is t Il<' Innk to patron izc, BESIDE S ;) 11 th e c \'el y- t!;) y t1 l1 n ,~' 1h;) t all)' 111111 k ~' ;) II furni sh we k\\ e the fllll' l\\'illg : SAFE TY DEPOSiT B( XES in a Fire [lnd Burglar P ronf \' an lt , \\' here YOII can keep yom \'alllublc rapcr ~ sa fe , TRA VF I. EH' S CHECK S , the be, ( \1':\ y til l':nr y ill li d.., on allY tt ip , ~IU;\ E \' t ralt ~ fL'n cd h y tl'lcg l a p h illr uu y t'lIl l' lgcu c',"






Social Events I

Lebanon, Mari a Simp!:Ion. Ina Ham- ' POMO NK GRANGE PICNIC ilton , No ra E ll is . of WUyntlSVille. ! _ __ -~.-.-----..-.----- o M essr!:i , Russe I i \ U,; lIll, ' ' 0r u .,/'Il Il ung'Th e Pumona Grange Picnic will be Misses Lucill e and l elia Thompson, ton , Laurence Slmp~oll . Joel Hamtl· hell on t h e LC'banun Fair Grounds ,Mary Sherw ood . Grace Carman . ton, Carrington Ellis. of Wal lwfl- \1 AU~\\ "t 16th , J ohn Jack. Nbla Smi th and Messrs, Ray Ha rt- ville. Mr_ and 1\11't<, Wi lbllr Wa~nt'r - .. _ .. ,-, eoek, Forest Riulle, Ralph Smith, Joy and daughter De lla , of Springfi e ld, I H a d to Oe W atched , Glass, Orl a n Th om pson took dinne r \)r , M. S, West and fam ily. of Bell I "W Oil , dll r , I\tI , II ·!. II!" shuuted 014 broo k, Mr. and MI'~ , Glad ma n ElIi ~ : f'rtll lt .·1' II "h " H I " 11. ,' ,," 1" 111 1 ho Wal at Fort An cient Sund ay , and then a nu Mr , J ames Cu rtis and fam ily. I O lld" Il \' Ur ll ' ~ 10 , d CI" " i11 Itlt' 11'0)' it• , clime back and took ~ upper at the , , , sltould r.u "\\ Oil , d ar , tl,~ d SOl i DO yo mill. DeliCIOUS refrcRhmenL'3 of ICC cream, llrlH'ry pl(,l l!r, .,1' 11I - ~"h '! W'ycake a nd lemonade were served , ult -k...·! h. ·. ROIl. , I tu ll s dlR ruh mule ( -- , - - - . -- --Po lltk l.lI, Il lt ,il .lf.c ,It- IItlll ul., )'0 ' take. and M:~, J a mes. Johns enterro ' eYLl (lff' 1I ti t' IoI1(tacloUB Bcoun'el .tamed at theIr home 111 Lyt le SunTell the Ad\'ertlser YO ll saw h is Ad right d e ll ho's IIiLU tl " ,' lIb c nl. Uh-yawl day, the following gUf's ts: Mr. and In The Miami Gazette. haw: haw!" Mrs. F C. Carey and daughters, Mr. Then F ew Men Have It. and ,Mrs, Chas. Rye, Mr, a nd Mrs , "POP. \\'hal'S ' poi ~ ... ·!' " " Poise. my Ed. Hartsock, Mr , and Mrs, Waller I Bo n , i s wh ~ rl U IllUrl cu n pick up a. McClure and son, Mr. and Mrs. pr f' lly \\,OIllIL" ' S handlH! l'chief In a AlIle Hole and family. Frank and l ~lt' E' ~1 car a nd th ~ 1 1 luoll at lite other Jesse Thomas and Clarence Rye, pIlB8cng, ' I'~ wilhout feeling and actl~ IIko a foul " - Judb P, WATER MELONS

.-- -



The musical g iven at the home of

Mrs'. Frank zPlI last FriUav evening _w.. a decided success, The a ffai r ~ur, under the direction of Miss , Jeannette Janney, who proved hereelf very efficient in that capacity, the children all aeq u i tting themselves very credi tably. Those taking put were Frances Janney, Thelma Wysong, Helen Sherwood, Katnryn and Esther Henderson and Ethan Crane, Misses Jeannette Janney and Sybil Hawke accompanists_ After the pro&,ram delicious lemonade and , eakell were served, Miss Sybil Hawke presiding. About forty guests present.

A most enjoyable affair W8.!! the aurprise and reception given on Wednesday evening by Misses Nora Ellis and Nettie Curtis at the home of Mr. James Curtis In honor of Misses Ina Hamilton and Mattie Curtis. Those who enjoyed the even-

Ju st received the fan cies t lot of Indiana Melons t hi s~ ea s() n , Large and swee t as sugar. Ind iana Cant aloupes, sw eet and spicy , New Cala Malaga G rapes Sw eet Cala Oranges Bananas, Le mon s


Fancy Elberta Peaches, New Jersey Sweet Potatoes. Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, New Irish Cobbler Potatoes. Cabbage. Onions , Apples, Bulk Peanut Butter. Canned Sweet Potatoes. New Mild Cream Cheese. Cheese and Edgemont Butter Crackers.


Dr. Heber M. Dill


ina- with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. Miss Huth Miller. of Dayton. is the guest of her mothe r, Mrs. Eva Miller




,The very Best Assortment of

Miss M,a rgaruite Thompson spent Friuay with Miss Katharine Gibbons.



Candy. Tobacco { Cigars.

W. S. Campbell, of Bentonville, Ohio, sp4mt Saturdav with friends here ,

Buns, Cakes and Cookies. Lunch Served at all Hours. Open Sundays from 6 to, 9 a. m., at

Miss Irma Gray, of Clarksville, has been visiting Mr. and Ml'9. WaIter Elzey .

Hartsock's Bakery

Rayman. Conner is spending ten days a t Atlantic City, and is having a good time.



Dr. and Mrs, Alexander and ~on. of Dayton, were guests of relatIVes here Sunday . Miss Mildred Ridenour, of Springfit'ld. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. l. Satterthwaite_

Lumber and Building Material

Mr. and Mrs. Lon Burton. of Middletown, spent Friday afternoon here with friends. Mrs, Hannah Davis and daughter Ruth, of Columbus. are here attending Yearly Meeting.

=====AT HOME=====

Mpssrel. A . A. McNeil and R. C. Haines, of Centerville, made us a pleasant call Monday.

Save money by getting it bright, dry and in good condition.

WE-have just completed one of the largest and best lumber buildings in Warren County. This building was built to protect our customers as well as ourselves,and is filled to its capacity with one of the best stocks of


Mrs , Iltuddick and children of Cin·

Building Material in Southern Ohio.

cinnati, are villiting Mrs. Viola Harlan and tamily, of Corwin.

Osteopathic Physician 2l Broadway

Phone 449

Lebanon, Ohio

Strictly Pure Paris Green



Home Made) Hearth and r Graham ••• J

0, C, Hale, of California. ill visit.

ONEY-N ice , 15u per lb. Frl\nk Mrs . Banks Dakin and Miss Manie Dnkln , Waynesville. Onto Robinson, of Zanesville, are visitin&, 0. ",7 friends and relatives here.



B-E-~ -T, Spells Best! That's US!!

Mrs. Clark Cadwallader. ot MorCommon Fault. row, is the guest of Mra. Agnes In th e luttg t'llll It i ~ with n profes- Wright and daughter. s ion itS wit h U1 llrrlug r', w e cease to remark anything hut its dl'uwllacltB. Mi88 Eldna Spencer is home from an eight week's summer IICS11ion in the Ohio State University. Late Classified, Ads

Mr.. Mary Caskey and Ml'9. Han· nah Antram are spendin&, some time with relatives in Springfield ..

We carry in stock at all times

Mr. Cummings, of near Xenia, was the gueet of Ml'9. Mary A. Wise and Michael McDonald, Saturday.




'\ Tuesdays lind Fridays, from ', 8:30

House Siding,Barn Siding,Veranda Colum,ns, Flooring, Ceiling,~Win­ dow8, Doors, Mouldings, 'the Unexcelled Brand of 11Red Cedar Shingles (none betterh Raintyte Roofing, Lime and Fi.h. ack Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, etc.

to 12 o'clock Mif!s Emma Moody left Monday Office, co rner Main and High streets m<'rninl~ tor Cincinnati to Ipend I Phone No. 100 several days there with friends. Ml'9. Martha J. Ba~ett and lIOn. Nat, ot Shawnee, Okla., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Barnett.


Prof. E. Summermeir, of Columb UB, apE nt B4!veral days last week at the home oj: Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cro88.

When you spend your Money get all that goes with It-

Mrs. Mary A. Wise entertained on Sunday Ml'9. Mary Wooster, of Day. ton. formerly Mi88 Mary Thome, of t~is place. Mi88 Dorothy Dakin, of Hannibal, 'Mo., arrived Sunday for an extended ,visit with Mrs. Amanda Wl'ight and I daughter.


You can get. both at

Madden's Lumber Yard

Lost--A pair of glasses, between the residences of Frank Zen and J. C. Hawke. Finder please leave at Gazettel office. Mr. George H. Perry committed s~ici~~ early Tuesday mornin&, at his home in Lebanon. He was the fath· er of C. A. Perry, formerly lived in Waynesville.

Corwin, Ohio.

~----------~------------------~~ DR.COX·S

Try a~ sa4:k of Burton's High Grade Barbed Wire White Frost Flour. It is made from the choicest old wheat and is guarGUARANTEED to heal without le.vanteed by the manufacturer to give a blemillh, or MONEY REFUNDED. entire satisfaetion or money re iDa &00 and ,1.00 sizes for fresh wounds. funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke. old IOres,lIOl8 backs and shoulderaJlurna and bruisee. 250 siz8 for US8. MiBII Ann Phillips was pleasantly DR. cors dA:~=:':~::~: sUJ,'PriBed with an automobile call from her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. Piaff& or any M. Brown and four chlldren from. mucie, or money , WinchE~ter, Ind. Ml'. Brown Is , t'OIISAL& aY AU. DItIUCMU.,rs


The backbone of the Bouthern Confederacy was broken at the hattie ot Missionary Ridge. Chattanooga, Thl. engqement was fought on the eveIling of November 25. 1863, and resulted In a "o mplete victory tor the , "nloD arm)' under Oen. U. B. Orant. The latter's headQuartera during the battle were at Orchard Knob, and the order to advance on the Confederate position at the foot of the RIdge. a mile distant. wns given at " o'cloc k. -.It , was , Dace.ear)' for the Union troops to advance acr.oas a level and comparatively open plain, nnder terrific fire , .rom the enem,,'s cannon on the crest of the ridge and Its rifle pits at the base and half way liP tbe ridge. In on. hour ,a fter the order to advance had been fired from 'six cannOIlS, the signal agree:d upon, the crest of the ridge bad been swept by the Union troops and the Confederates were In retr eat, Th e conclusion of thIs battle lett the Chattanooga vall"y in control ot the Union army and opened the 'way for the campaign to Atldnta. and . GeJi. Sberman'lI march to the Bea, practleally ending the war. Sln~ the war. the crest of Missionary ' Ridge h.. been coDnrted into a government reservation In part, a good road has heen constructed the entire length of the rld«e from Shernian Heights to ChlokaIilauga, and many handsome state memorials have. been ereeted on : ~ .~e, .1~ee .~d 'creet of the emlllenCe., Chatt&nQOg&'s more wealthy c!Uzens ·have built llomea on the ridge, troile,y, I lemee , ~ been lIuppUe~ ' and MISsionary Ridge, to-da)' 1s ,a beautiful place .to visit. A reunion of the aurrivoril "~'ttIIJ"tJt':IUaBI01lIU'7 ruq. will )Ie held 'at ,80me point on ,t he crest 'of the rIdge during the 47th national en··, :v. '.in_~t iii,: the ,Orand AriD)o);( ,th,~ Republic III S~p~em~er. No ,battle of greater .Importance was tought In ,the' ao.~1!. :p~;~ ayu.: ~ai". than ~~ , f)f M18s1olW'J Rldte; . 1t·_opeDe~ ~~road iiitq the ' heart , Qf th~ :South ~, "~"""'~ "'!" "If).,J ',' ," -,-". " \. ""'" ".', " • ~,.

'. t


.....;:. , "-::-;"., ..J,"'~:' ";,,,. . ." < :.' '.. ' ~~(;'" ",: ' : ~ :: :' :"

. '

Special low pricea on 50 and 100 pound lots. Paying 18e a dozen for Eggs. It pays to t.rade a t


Au,';n \, . p. ndln. a





Clyue G, H iatt and few days in Franklin. _ \ rl a ll ~htcr Marjo ri e 'vVright htlvE: tak en U cU ll uge for a n1tJllth at Lake Milson'lI Fer t ilizer the bes t on the J H II\ P~ , Ind , Mr, alld Mrs. Tom market. For sale by Chas. Frye. Bu rdI . I)f SitI TII'Y RrC' ~ pf'nrling a Miss H81zel Gustin is the guest ot relutive1\ ~md friends in Cincinnati. - ------ - -+ - -

Th e l't ' wi ll b ' [I live Rtnck judgi ng cUllt ei't at th l' Ohi n Stat e F'flir for I's LlI d"nt ~ l' IHnli " d ill the College of I\ g-I'ic: tlltul'l! . Ohi!) Slate University, (I nc hundred JlIlIars will be aw arded I t" s t ll uell t., dtli ng til(' ue~ l work in j llug-ing- e:lt t ll'. IWrses , ~h ee p and s\\'in e, All s tlluent, desiring to lake part in th e CUntCHt sho uld nolify the departme nt of an imal hus bandry , udorc S ' pLt'lI\be r firs t This .Iepa r t lllL'll t wi ll alsu recoill mend judges - uflil' c s[ ' lc k for Ohio county or local 11_ _ - - - - - - - - - . ing were Misses Anna Morgan, of I fill r:!, ___ - - -


- - -____-.0. __- _


". )~~~-7i-

,:>",,:" ~ "'~~ : ';:, ~ '=<'~;, ;;~-'-"

: ': .


I Secrel:ary of the National Postcard t!!!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!!!!!!!!~!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!!"!!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!~~~~ Co.

.- .

SAME OLD REMARK A womlln bu , saooeeded to 'be owD8ftlb lp baseball franohll8o She,wtUliSve learn a" ....; with· atiiiDI aomebocly, ia' &Ia~ , paDlI -, -




'he 'nuuaea- OUIDO' aci. 1U1lll1Ir-?'lflD, 117 II ,-",tit; r"'r {.





3ixty-Fourth Year 0-

Whole Number 3225





IPersonal Mention,

-- -



Better Roads, Bigger-L~;d~---f




I ---------.

IPersonal Menti.?~ I

a+ - - - -

- - .- - - -

Again. the Death Angel hall come So",,- n,,,,, a." tb" wale, • .-.~ ...... - ..-. - - -- -..-..-e into our midst, and has taken an eMState and Nation Join in Making Monster Ooud appeared to bL' infected with some . - - - - - - - - - unnatural disorder and ac:c ord ing ly Roads State Fair Matt Sale relurned to his horne in Leeme.t and loving husband an d o..-....-_ _ _.-....-.. __ Exhibit at ..... ._.._. Hea lth Offi cer She rw ood sent a vial Mrs. Laura Mosher spent Monday (ather. Chicago Saturday. of the water to Columbus to be ex- in Morrow. Patrick Gibbons was born in CWltle Bad roa~s cost mor~ than good Commi ssione r, and federal oflicars, W. S. Bonneville was in Cincinnati Bar, New CQunty. Ireland, August roads. Within the next ten years hav e been given one large buildi n r am ined . Following is the s tat~ Dr. and MI"!!. H. E. Hathaway Monday and fueRday . 12th, 1846, and died at his home in the state an~ .nation will spend one I at the Oh io State Fair for good roa~ chemist's ana l y s i ~: were Cincinnati visitors Monday. Bellbrook, Ohio, August 13th, HI13, hu~d:ed . mllh?n dol!ars for road I demunstration and inHtru ct ion . The This sample reprellenting the pub- Milson's Fertilizer the best on the · Uolmes Stoops returned to his at the asre of 67 years. bUlldmg III OhIO. ThIS m()nev mU14t l latest improvej machinery material lie waLer supply of Waynesville shows home in . Day ton Sunday . At the a&,e of 3 years, he with his be s~nL in such way as to give value I met: hods. manufacture, a~d mean~ a rathe r low baclerial content but ma rket. For sale bv Chas. FrYl'. Miss Theima WYllong,left for her mother, brother and sister, came to received for every cent. Road con- ' of good road construction will be one evid ence of slight contaminati on is Harry Cooper, of Columbus, Ohio, America and settled in Waynesville, struction is the one big task before of t he strong features (ff t he Fair indicated by Lh e finding of ('olon is the g uest of Mr. and Mrs He~y lOme in Chicago, Monday_ Warren County, Ohio, where he spent the state. Everyone mUit help pay Ohi.o's gr~at Exposition wi ll, be edu: bacilli in 10 c. c. portions of the King- . Raymond Williamson, :of Dayton, all his early life. and use the public highway Hon catlOn~1 m all r~).)ecl'l. Exhibit ~ alllple. The sou rce of this conLam.. . space IS all taken and pair! for to.. . . . Mrs. Oxer IIond son, of Greenfield, s the llu~t of home folks . At the age of 18, during the Civil J ames R. Mark er, State Highway record-breaker is ahead. . matlOn IS not apparent from the in- I War Ulere came a call for volunteers, fOl'mation !3ubmitled and on account ' C~d ., are g uests of Dr. and Mrs. Leslie McCune, of Kimball, W . to which he willingly gave his service of the public natu re of .t his supply it ayton . Va .. is visiting rElatiVe!! here. (or his counlry . D. L. Crane and family ·8pent SunHe was engaged in a number of , - - - - - - ., - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . woul.d seem ad.vis~ble to make a more Buy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, detall.ed exammatlOn of the source day with Sherman Dyke and family who handle& Milson's, the best. battlea and during this time lIuffered , of thiS supply, manner of distrib- near Lytle. . many hardships, the worst of which uting, etc. There was nothing in . Miss Elizabeth Collett, of Lebanon, was being held as a prisoner in Castle this analy sis that would explain the If you are go~ng · to have a sale, is the Iruast of Miss Edith Mosher. Thunder thirtyofdays, after . -.- - - - - - - - _ _ . _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 disagreeable odor menti oned in con- see A. A. M ~Netl. Cent~rville, Ohio, which by for an about exchange prisonel'll Mrs. Grace McCune is working in both phones. ncction with th is supp ly. As the meeting for Mi nisters and! HE'l en J ohnson. This session was in the National bank for a .nort_time. he rejoined his regiment. He waa Mrs. Victoria Robertson, ot Xenia. Yours truly , honorably discharged at Camp Chase, Elders of Indiana Yearly Meeting is ch eLrge of Elizabeth Chandler . I From 3 un t il 4. a regular session of was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B_ E. A Campbell , alwaY8 held on Seventh dB.)' atterMrs. Maggie Bergan and son, Em- Ohio, at the close of the war. . d . . . I th e Yea rly Meetmg was held Secretary. Bentley Tuesday. melt, of Xellia, are visiting relatives IHe then returned to his home at noon, F rlen s began arrlVln1l m 1 Fourth-day evening we -e -II OhW '11 Sh d . d w re ae Whe n milk shipped into Cincinnati here. 10, and the following ayneavi e Ixt ay eveDlng an dff!ssed by Barclay Spicet of PhilaMrs. Chas. Dunham and family, ot Wayneavi e. year was united in marrial'e to Etna Seventh day morning. delphia concerning the Advancement is not condemrted unless it exceeds Kentucky, are the guests of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen arrived Josephine LindE'r at Spring Valley, By 10 o'clock on First day morn · ?f Fr!ends'. Principles. An inlerest- 70,000 bacilli to 10 c. c., water should Mrs . C_ W. Henderson. . hi' h m~r dISCu s.'~lon foll owed home Sunday evening from ChautauOhio. October 6th, 1866. The early mg t e arge meetmg ouse ~IlS !Fifth .day beillg the last , the lime not be condemned when it only conqua , N. Y. Mr. and Mrs . LeRoy Irons and son years of his married life were spent eomfortably filled . Soon the Im - WB~ mostly given to the reports of tains 1100 to 10 c c. spent Sunlfay with·N. S. Irons Ross The action of magn esium nit rates Miss Agnes Hornick. of Xenia, in Warren CouRty after which he presaive silence was broken by these committee-tl, the work of most of and family at Lebanon, ' on iron pipes so metimes pr<,duces an moved to Greene County and lived words: "Mav the meditation of my th~ being satisfactory and encourwas the week end guest of Miss udor of sulphur water Ethel Hosier. . in the vicinity of Bellbrook until his heart and the words of my mouth be ag,mg . Chas. Frye handletl the Milson death. acep.ptable in thy siooht fhe _report brought of the Phllant.hropic This explanation is gi ven by an ex- Fertilizer, and there is none better. ." , 0 God" , CommIttee out many Mr_ and Mrs_ S. D. Everly, of He was a kind and lovinsr husband spoken by lJaac WlllIOn, of Baltl- thoughts on Peace and Arbitration, pert chemist. Dayton, are spending a two week's and father and was ever ready to more, and for almost an hour we Temperance, etc. and much sympaTne. odor from sulphur water is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alberts and vacation here. lend a hand to his tellow men. were edified and inspired by the thy y.'aa exp~essed with the stand offenSive to some but not inj~riou8 Bon, of Hagerstown, Md., are the The deceaaed had the love and practical thoughts expressed by this MeXIcan PI'es~denttrouble WIlson. has taken in the to any, . guests of Mr_ and Mrs. Frank Elbon Misa Naomi Patton, of Yellow The Public Service committee is Gnd family. The report of the field Secretary Springs, Ohio, is the guest of Miss respect of a large number of friends man. preparing to have the entire plant and neighbors. In the afternoon at S o'clock, the for Illinois and Indiana Yearly MeetRuth Hartsock. Mrs. C. R . Funston, of Y@llow 'l'hree children, two dausrhters and meeting for worship allain convened ings, Edith M_ Winder was read cleaned, so that in a short time Springs, is expected to visit Mi88 Mr. John Elbon, of Oklahoma, ill a lIOn have prec:eded the father into and we were addressed by Wilson S. snowinll much time and thought had everything will be in good condition. been given to her work the past year. Emma Cartwright and other WB.)'the guest of his nephew. Mr. Frank the Great Beyond. He leaves a wife, Donn, of Indianapolis, Isaac Wilson, She has visited many meetings of nesville friends . Elbon and family. D. « P.ASSOCIATlON PICNIC four daughters, five son8, four grand- John L. Thomas, of Pendleton, Ind., both Yearly Meetings and e&pecially Mr. S. H. Jones and wife, and Mr. four sisters, three brothers and others. the smaller ones where she carried children, Raymond Davis. of .the National and a number of relative& and fritmds On Second day morning the reg- help and enthusiasm. The Detective and Protective As- Wm. Jones and family. of Richmond, L. Love and harmony existed . t' h 1-' h . d bank, is spending hil vacation with wh 0 mourn th e Ioss of one who hu ular "usinese sessions of the Yearly throughout all the sessions and after socIa Ion e IS t elr 2n annual pic- were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. friends In Morr'!w, Ohio. finished this eIlrth life and entered Meeting ~n, p~ed bv ~ half- th~ reading of the beautiful closing nic in Cornell's grove, Saturday, L. A. Zimmerman, hour devotional meetmg, which was mmute Isaac Wilson asked us all to August 16 . The refreshing shower Wm. Michener and Jas. "Gibbons into life eternal. MiSSel Kathrina and Lina Sellers, Funerlll services were held at hit held each morning before the busi- gather in a family circle when he kept many away, yet it was an ideal are having a good time in Michigan home ill Bellbrook, Saturday morn- neu a.siOIl8 at 9:16. The name& of Sl)oke to u~ for a few minutes?n day for about 300. Indeed it was a of South Charle&ton, and Helen Mcand other norlhern Btates. Kinsey, of Dayton, are guests ot IdnUntltywert,)year, said most delightful place to- being, and a I"''-I(e number of friends the different Quarterly l e in Meetinp x t al(J,lvI ehO·apn_ g 0 meeFtarew~lls agam nex -' a cool Mr. and Mn. ChIS. MeVeagh, of gathered to P(lY hilll their lut trib . were clIed Miss Ethelyn Jones. al , of the&e Insw arnved r ~ e later cep near this tim tId grove among majestic trees five, and a a tew _ e a t P en dl eon, n ·lana. shady w .' Mason, Onio, were Sunday callen at ute ot resp~ct. The Rev. J. A. in the week. Committeell to serve NOTES here the soft soughmg wmds, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mr. S. O. the home of·Mr. M. C. Liddy. Intennent was the Yearly Meetinjl; for this year 0 fift t d' t h F' d touched White officialed. u h . - ted Th ver ya e mner a t e rlen s 1- hthe unseen k·- chords of myriad - Hale and Mrs. Matilda Hosier mo.iami cemdery. The pall we~e t en appom . e repr~D- Home on Fil'l!t-oay and about two- aeo Ian arps, rna mil' sweet~ mU!IC tored to Lancaster Tuesday, where Mrs. Stella Smith and d8ueht~rB. men ad i of Brookville, were gueets of Mr .and bearers were the five SOl18 and one tatlV. proposed the names of Lmd- hundred ate at the dinner proviced for they whose ears art' attuned to they visited relatives. grandlOn. ley Mendenhall for c:lerk and Evelyn for the Yearly Meeting · th b . nature's melodies Mrs. E V. Barnhart last week. B. Howell for ass&Btant, both of f th H· In e &lit •• Mn. Siloder881 and · 4iaull'hter, CARD OF THANKS \ whom were united with. lTIe~t 0 e orne. But oh-that dmner! enjoyed m Miss Edna retumed to their home in If you want a good Fertilizer, call We willh to tkank our mlny f - d ( In tbe afterno~nepistles trom otbDhnnder anfdysuppel' we~e ~rved friendly groups, accompanied by ay 0 early Meetmg m the the music of laughter and good Cincinnati afttr a pleasant visit with _ . rle? s er Yearly Meeting of Friends were eac Chas. Frye, phone 49 l -L 1-S. Dr. and &trs. Clayton. for their kmdness shown us durme read from which we received much basement of the Home. h Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hartaoek and our late bereavemflilt. inspiration and encouragement. ~. Barclay Spicer of Philadelphia c ;r. Henrv Woollanl aso that lIuitable Mrs. E. J. Gibbons and Family. On Second day eV'enl~ a social arrived on Third-day evening and ate were the~ enter tamed by a daughter, Justina, ot Lancaster, _ _ _ ... _ . was held at the hospitable home of tended the remaining sesalons of the song and readmg, followed by a receptae1e& for prb"e. be put in Ohio, visited relatives here for a few M. E. CHURCH INDOOR PICNIC JaIIOn an_d Anna A delight- Yea~ly Meeting_ splendid speech by Rev _ Grauser, convenient plSCC18 so that he I'an days last week. f~1 evening ,!ith !DUSIC an~ reclta- ,WlIson S Doan B!ld two da.ughter~, whose fluent tongue and progr~ive handle the sarne with /.more expedIAllen Haines, of Xenia, was in About a hundred of th6 membe... tlons to enhven ,~ .was ~nlOyed by Florence and Marcia, of Indlanap()lIs thought is always a delight to hear ency. M ' • . all present. Dehclous Ice cream attended Yearly Meeting until Third- If . . town Sunday. He reports his f ,l'j i a . the . E. church and their friends leones and fruit punch was served. dsy morning. . • we may ~entlOn and rel.nember daughter convaleacing from ber Mr. and Mrs. Geota'e Funkey, of filth well fi.lIed baskets, gathered at On Thi!d day morning the readi~g Mrs. Abby Hirst, of Richmond, ?ut one of hiS many SUggestIOns, let recent attack of typhoid fever. I Chicago, arrived here _:l'uesday In Miss Kizzie Merritt and Mr. and the Masomc hall and had a picnic lof the epll!Ues was con~luded anel m Ind_, while walking down the slope It be that of the church and schooltheir touring car for .: week~8 visit Mrs. S. L . Cartwright are enjoying. supper on Wedneaday evening of the ~ternfth the ~eaduh~chand la,}- at the F~iends Hom~ on SU!lday, fell house as a social center. And further with their parents Mr: and Mrs. J_ very much the vI'sit from thel'r nl'ace, last week. The table& fairly 1l1'0aned : a'i;"i wrISt, whIch neced- more lets unite heart and hand as a -th ood thl Aft th I ,'" • . Sl.,.,.. er returmng home. b ddt d b h -d d A. Funkey., nga. er e peas- the essays connected thereWith oc· M d M s S 0 yan s an y t at I ea an Mrs. J. Howard Stuart, ·of Topeka, WI g ant social hour and supper was held cugloo our time. . I)llytro'n an tte dred . y . °1' MEverly, of make it an aduality. Surely this Mn~ ' Agrl'es Wrbrht e:ntertalned Bal. th Th'rd d nI - t t •a n ear y eetmg on . . . e last quarterly conference of the. n I. BY eve ng an. meres · First Day . assOCiatIOn haa the home. umt as Its durlnlr~Y early meeting the foJlowinK !{an meeting was held to diSCUSS t h e ' b · d ']] . h ~eat r' Dt . Story the D'ISt'drlct s~per- mg Young Friends' Movement, in u,hicb (' Messrs. Walter Wilson, Leland asllls aOh IWd~ protect Its omes as guestS Mrs. Clark Cadwallacfer, Mr. Mrs. Edith Harrh, Mrs. Laura m en en r, was present aD l)reslded. several,0ung people took part. ,a.lvert, and Misses Mabel and Edith we as 0 mgs. and Mrs. Frank Cadwallader and d Mosher, Mrs. Allee McKinsey and He made a ",ost excellent openine Fourth day meetine at 10 o'clock WliS?ll, of Selma, mot~red to Way A rpixed quartet and another daughten. Misa Henrietta McKinsey attendod address complimenting the people w~ qain gathered into the silence T1esYlIl~ Monday evenmg to attend reading finished the afternoon proMr. and Mrs. Fred B. ShllfWood the 'funeral of Mrs. Frank Harris, at on their good work of the year under for!fo meeting for worship,.and were ~. h e SOCIal ot the home of Jason Shee- gram. Then swinging. croquet and agam addressed by Isaac WIlson, who lan. b b . .. . . and childllen returned to Lebanon Centerville, Sunda;f. tea Mr. and Mrs. Southgate, Miss Mat- a~e all and Jolly SOCIal tIme was h b I~ leadershIp of their pastor held the perfect attention of his Saturday evening, after.peit«ling the tie Welch and Mr_ Tom Welch. of enjoyed by all. . Mrs. Mollie FallisStudly, a teacher and ' Wife Rev. and Mrs. Grauser audience for over an hour. Out of sllch a day can come only a week here visiting Dr. · and M.... in the College of Music of Chicago. Then he lpoke o( the nveda and ad- From 2 until 3 in the afternoon Morrow, Frank Cadwallader and vantages of a new church and how the _time was given to a discusaion family, Dr. R. J. Michener, wife song. a greater faith in humanity, a Thos. Sherwood, and attending is spending this week with her cousin to go about getting one . A eom. of First-d~ School. and what may l~n.d daughter, Anna, and MISS Mary stronger appreciation and knowledge Yearly Meeting. .T Mn. AgneS Wright. . _., be Ilccomphllhed by them. An excel- Michener, ot Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Mesdames Mary Wise. Julia Ber- rD,ttee w~ appomted tomvestigate. lent paper on the "Aim of the First Reese Calvert and daughter. Rathel, of the great ~r~th, that_ every ma~ Try a S81:k of Burton's High Grade ttan,Ed Macy, Mr. alld Mrs. JIS. Ag\owmgreportwlSi1venbythe day Scbool," written by HowardEI- ofS~lma, attended Yearly Meeting and woman Ismdeed hiS brothers White Frost Flour. It is made from McDonald, Messrs. Michael McDon- pastor and varioull members of the liott of Richmond, Ind., was read by ,on FIrst day. and sister's keeper. A day spent in the choicest old wheat .•nct is guaraid, Terrell Macy and Jas. Bergan conference. Brother Grauser and . the woods bringR us llearer to God anteed by the manufac~urer to give attended the funeral of Mr. Patrick wife ,wel'e invited back for the and Nature, gives to all the charm entire satisfaction or . .money ra Gibbons in Bellbrook Saturday. coming year with an inerease in of ageless youth, a better under- funded. For sale by G. W. Hawke. -. ElI-zaL-th Ward wI'11 hold her The voted with a of (jur an ob... UCl rlsmg vote. All enJoyed themselves _ hgatlOn to debt to socIety and a M lut &enice at the Orthodox Friend. this will be .repeated. Are Popular with Some Folks, but OhIO State greater desire for the uplift and Mrs. Harley Warwick and daugh. church neit Sunday, before return• • • Fair Wins the Blue Ribbon , betterment for all mankind. ten Faye and Margaret: Mrs. Charing to her home in Cleveland, where THE UNION .SERVICES _ _- - - Cora A. Thompson. lesJVarwick and daughter Erma,of sho f. one of the faculty and matron The union servicee," usual, had a Chrtltopher Columbus spe.nt the I pleasure. Re. ports in.dicate that LET TO - - • Lebanon, Mn, Edward Bopn and of a Friend's university. h HOME FOLKS daughter Lelia, of New Burlin-"n. d comeb thiS year who and Mr. J. C. Willsom, of South fine evening for their out-of-door modem 8um of $8,000 to . discover th ousands Will ."" ~ ,. f. and Mrs. Gordon Joy, Mr. and services. While the threatening America. 'fhia waa excursion rates. ave never onc so efore. "Going The contract for the cement road- Leb • B. S. Mr. and M".....ther k..t a ..... man, ...... The Obi. Stat. Fair wUl thi, to Ohl.o Stat. I. money mak· way on Corwin Avonue ...,Iet Mon· of Thuroday .\ ZimmpnnBD, Mr. and Mrs. making it the smallest congregation COIIt 12 timee as ~?ch as the ne~ I mg trip for me. ThiS. was. the re- day by the commissioners to C. B. _ .Cast, IIr. and Mn. W. H. of the seriell,yet thOle who did go world cost. The nsmg value of th18 mark of a man who lives In town Lewis His bid w $4 12 The following teache1'8 are in at, en, Mr. and .Mra. It.obt. Crew, heard C. S. GraUBer preached great Ex1)Osition Is in b?t a farm .. "I find out what yd, 60c per for tendance at the lnatitute in Lebanon • Ida Stokee. Mn. I.d . Hoekett, a sl'lendld I4!rmon. many states. Ohio cItizens are kmd of stock 18 and There were ·seven bidders on the this week: MiaBeI Elizabeth Chand"Stobs, Ruth service up to the proud of it. · Its marvelous growth what kmd of mach,',nery IS the proposition. ler. Henrietta McKillM)" Alt. . d ,and Maria Stout and Ii...... standard, and IOloi were IUnj( bl is drawinK targercrowdsevery year. chr:ror!:ri best. '1\ Id II • - • Waterhouse,lnis Davia, Laura 110· • ZImmerman and Mi. Hawke and. D.,. L. Crane. The busm. aDd the business meeting of the P! & D. Kinsey, MIU'7 Davis. El,¥or Eam"\ . Year:!1 mae e at Wll. next SIUlda"v eveniq at farmer apprecnate ita value moat. at reasonable price may easily be AssoCiation Saturday afternoon at hart, Luci e Cornell, '' the 1&IIl. hour. It in profit and had. the Township house. . Ethel Stokes, and Mr. F. ¢. GlIi_IIt;,

t t






Friends' Yearly Meeting


sthw~~onnlldition ~(~h!lgaocie:y



at!~ ~~~Phramed he~

-" 1T----------+-------------Baseball, Foothalls, Highballs', s.tan~ing




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eoon 101'1'81' tllet eboottn' tron f We IIlll 't got uo CIlll to uarrlll eo tU.r Il. I kin 61:0 . " ":'tl uy bt' not, .trung r : ' nnd Ha.m . lin Icall('(1 hac k ngl\ln Ht the t a bl e, 10,",'.,rlng hi. \\ "upon ~lIght l y. Il& be ~Iant:"d wntrh(lll:)' nh out th e room, " but I'll kl'l'p tit .. hu n handy jus t th o ~'"11l' until WI> undl'rolallo <,.\ch other Any!J uoy ., Iso In (hIM \loishborhood ~" ";-':O( Ullle.;;; IC a I.e ~·l ... ru. a n' his






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way afte r tille .toe1r. so , come do-onyere quiet, on' lAid fer him w .bow up ." "What !tlen!" ":'>! ulhlu' mucb, tlJl yletenlay . I got t f'rgcther 80 111 0 CO'il"~, h ord.'d dowe rlv,'r R wn~· H. out 0' eight In the blulTs, but li e" h"tJ I,'r kc \l mighty (l ul e t II' r ~ave 10)' hu tr . T ll e m Chp.y nnes ar c S lIfI' [.IKon tills y ar, nu ' raisin ' ('uln I nl'vllr 6 ' 0 'pm 60 r nm butl c ll(lu ~ a(orll. Hut I bung on ye re , hldln ' out. cRUHe [ didn 't hl'v oowh ur e le e t e r go . An ' yls t urdny, jllMt ahond 0' Ih e bll z· zard, a K iow a buck drlfled In YNe ' l SlI ppt'd tJown thl' blutT, 1\11' cau ght m e ' 'fore In' p r lila\\, 111m . !'\"ver IlIld fOyeR I 011 th(' red n (orB but he wall fri e ndly 'nollg h, nuteh 'nlly ml8~lklo' IDe (N ono 0' Le Fe"re'M h .. rder.. /lIs nalllL' \\as Ulnd. Smo ke, nn ' h e cOllldl1't tulk uo E:nglls h worth me ntion In ', but W(1 mllt!1I nut to ulld ol'8 tan ' f1ac h otht>r In Mex . li p wus too da rn hun gry anel Ilrr'd to tu lk much anyhow . lIut I gal "'hnt I wnllted t o kno", out o· blm ," " \\' (' 11 . Jl:0 on, lIughes , you uro wnll.· io ~ 1\ long s lory out of It." . Th" re st Is sho rt 'nough. It selima hi' 1I1l ' 01' KolAt u. ao' a yo ung C bt' y, en nn buck, h ad been hangln' 'round acro~s tho ri v('r from 1>odgo fer quit e It whUp waltln ' ter Le I~(' \'TO t..o pull orr AOmtl s orh'r stUltt. Maybe I dldn ' l I(l' t jUl!t th e straight o· It, but anyhow t Ih'y h Id up a paymast pr, e r eomotIling lik e t hnt, (c r a big boodl (1 . The y (X pe~te d to do It quiet Ilk." hold the off 'cer n day er so out In the d esert, an' t be n 'Iurn him looue to how\, Dut thpm plnns dldn 't Just cxac tly work.




Soldler's In Trenches Befon Santingo Stop Firing to Wltne Gs Moat Am ual ng Scrap.

TOO HASTY IN HIS ACTION Senator Root Find. Lealon for St.at_ man In Good Story of the Green Sa 1I0r. S nntor Root, at a lun chpon ID Washington, slllo, 11l>rOI)Os of a Il"W move a galost tho trustH; "I hOlle thu t we shan ' t go a[t~t all our bi g, BucclJssful bU81n l)5B too hastily, too Igno ran tly _ I hOllC that busl ncss 8UCC ~s wo n't be treated like th e old mn.n In th e story . "The r e 's a sto r y IIbout a !!h lp. A eallor rell over buurd from hts ship nud the clIl/to la s h ou te d to u grellD hand : "Throw a buoy ov er!" " Hilt the aallor wnsn' t rescu ed . 1111 drowned . After a\l hope of rescul.l was gono, Ibo cnl'taln, revlllwing tbn otro rls that b a d boo n made, IIn!d to t bo grnen 'land : "OId rou thro\V t' ,ll buoy o ,·" r wllPn I told yo u ?" "'1'0 Rlr' salcl thA ~reen halld. ' 1 couldn't n nd a !Joy. 90 1 tbr ew all old

i\ " sCTn p " he tw I' C'1l all Irishman nnd a T,'utelll In IhEl Amr·rkan t re llth es bt" fonl ~Illl l tngo. whll" Ibl' lIa ltl e "as on . WII' 5 0 funny Ihnt th t' so ldiers s t oppe d IIrlllg a t lil A Spalllaro~ to wntch tbe dlssl' uslon 10 th e ir ow n rntlk~, sny, !I ,"ollintec r In an ox c hange. . Prl\,nto Cassidy of company K Six · I",,"th I'. S, Inrantry, l'rl l'lIl e I\IIIellN und t 'orlJorat \\lulrn' lIl }, wen' (uclor. th p (Ot' aide b y s id e wh e n CasKltly was hit b)' a Spanish 001l'~ hull (\( und sllnt man ove r .' to Ihat " lIoum e wh pnr e no tra"eler returns." Mulran<'y was 50 bli SY \llll11plllg I~a d t OIVar,1 Sanl lll"o thnt ECZEMA ON ENTIRE hI' (" IIt' d to tID tn hlB comrad("s d enth R. F . D. No , 2, Su nfl old, Mlch .-"I IInlll th e poor fp ll ol\' was being rl" was tl'OlIbl ed willi ecze ma. It bogan mov .. d from the I\rllIg line. T h!'n hr "aW IIlueller In the net o r sppropr\at· with a sore au tbe top of th o sclLlp, IlIg two c nrtrldge hrlts, o'n l' t1l1l' d and broke out as a pimpl e and gr w Inr ger the ll th e r almoM I' lIIpl y. 1'ow ammu· until It was a la r go red apot with a. nltlon \\as to hn had ' In nbunoall c P crust or scab over It. Thl~ b ecam e that nlornlug. Every s(lld le r In th o larg e r flnnlly cO"erl ng the enllre scalp r eg im e nt wn s !!uPPoRed to have 1111 tbe and s pN:ad to dltTerent partH of the ca rtrldgee h e co uld SltOllt n",ay, r e- body, th e limbs alld back and lu the gard less of, accuracy of nlm, 80 It ears. Those sorea grew large r gradgalled ('orporal Mulrancy t o see an · Ulllly uotll 80me were as large a s a other-and a German at th ut- taklng quarter of a dollar. Tbey would l(ch possession of whnt once b elo ngell t o .nd If scratchAd they would billed and emart . Tbo clot bing would Irritate bls chum . them at night whon It wae being r&" If yc bile! anny reepect ror th o d ead moved causing th em to Itcb and smart )'c'd lav e thlm carthrldge8 alone," said eo I could not sleep. A watery ftuld Mulran e y with a scowl on his fa c~ would run from th em. My IIcalp b&tbat would hnvl' Bcared a Spaniard cawe covered with a 8calo and when Into su rr e nder. "It Is n't the likes 01 the hair was rai sed up It would ralsll ),e7., ye Dut c h dutre r . th at can fall this scale; the haIr wae coming out h e ir to me rrle nd 'Cass ldy's be lonr:ln (!R terrlllly . I'll thank ye, aR' with a bad grace at "I treated about .Ix months anti got that, to pass me thlm be lts herore I DO rellet and aCter using CuUcura take !I punch tit your dlrthy race ." Soap and Ointm ent with two appllc... .. Dot vaR all right," r<,plted Mu eller tlons we could notice a great dl tTerd e tlnntlr, ble phll'gmatl c bloort attrred ence. It began to get be:tc r rl~ht by th e hent of battl e. "Cassidy vaa a away. In 0. month's time I wa& comgood fp.ller, all right, audt he toldt ple t ely cured." (Signed) Mrs . Bertha me 1 could haf dose ammunlttons ven Underwoo'!, Jan . 3, 1913. he Vllft - " Cutlcum- Soap and Ointm ent lIold "Y e li e, Yl' Dutch rohb e r!" ('rled tbroughout th e world. Sample of eacb Mulraney, dropping bls riM e and shak o tre o, with 32-p. Skin Book . Address postIng hl8 fist under Mu e lll'r's nos e. card "CuUcura, Dept. L, Doston ,"-Adr, " Ye'lI put thlm carthrldges down this mlnull o r I' ll mak e yez wish a Mausc r Ala., That Poor Egg. had sthruck y e Inslld or me filii ." I" Wallcr~" !'Tom tho tabl e by the .. [ vall no liar," r elortfl rl Mu e ll e r , window the voIce til an elderly genll& also dropping his r ifl e , "un dt J can "Ip Dlan rose In acce nts wrathful. ." Walt"Yea, Make It Short Now; All I want any Irish dog robb e r who - " er!" Is Filcts," Thi s pointed allusion to th e fact "Yea, sIr," repU £' d the Dluch ba· The t ell ow's daugh ter was with him, th at ~Iulrnoey had once been a "etrlk· Bssed ono, haste ning forw :ud. whe n thl' pinch wus m a do, nn' th e)' er" for his captain was more than The elder gentleman, oyercqme by li e d to take hl; r 'long too. Th e n the Mlllrnney car ed to stnnd. und hIs his e motions, mado several vt.ln ef· omce r mau got ugly , an' had to be brawn y arm straightened with stun· forts at articulate utterances . Then; shot, an' I.e Fevre quarrelled with the nlng e lTect on Mue ller' s cheek. AI· "Take tbls egg a WilY!" be roared othor \\-hlt e man In the outfit, an' most liS Quickly the Ge rmnn 's fl st "Take It away'" kllI o d him . Thllt left the gal on tbelr land ed on Mulraney's nose, and th e n. "Yes, sir," eald the walt er obliginghands, an ' th e m all In a hell of a fix to th e wond e r of their comrad ee on ly, as he glanced wistfully at the ofIt tb o), wus sver caught. The young eith e r s ide , the two Dlen went down fending article. "And-and what shall :njur,8 \ranted to kill tho gal too, an ' tOKe tb e r, s trik ing, kicking and biting 1 do with It, elr?" sbet h e r mouth, but somehow Le wltb complete IndltTerence for the "00 with It 1" The outraged cu&Fene a n' Kaleta wouldn't hoar to tt- Ilt>rce buttl e In progress. Before elth· tam e r rose menaclogly from hi s chair. said she'd he worth morn alive than er combatant hat! Inflicted any par' "00 with It?" he bellowed fiercely. dead, a n' that they could hide ber tlcular harm ' upon his op(lonent a "Why, .... rlng Ita neck!" \Vhar !She'd never be beard of eg'ln young lieutenant Intarfered and or· unlells her fri ends pnt up money to der ed th e m e n back to th eir p laces, Important to Mother. ExlllDlne carefully every bottl. 01 buy her back ." with tbe assurance that each would Hr.mlln was leaning forward, watcb- ~utTer severely tor Buch a flagrant CASTORlA, a ufo and lIure remedT for

t..r"J !lum lln kD ew tbl s ; b e bad l1wt , lfai l 'ceJlt 111111 . Thar nlD'l b c~ n [10 a nd talkl'd with thO~j' drlveD out, ull lI I whil e Ullin '1I)n~ ye r" In thr"e months. h." Wil.ti Itwar.. thu t ~ vp.n DOW 1I1I,,: k \ll d n 't hit 11 011 of y('r, did 17" 1" " Ul c 8 winter Cll lIl[' o ( host l l f'~ WIIS " " P R, rOil dId, " rl'lurtl l' d lI amlln 1I0t fllr awar . Tbld hut. might. or . ~ I [l wl r . 6t rh' llIg to hold hltn .e lf In " o ur~", b" th~ d l''''''t " ,1 811H .ur som lJ ' d"'I' It. " You k il l('ll o uu ur Iho b .. ~t 1, ld cow cn ml>, HarD t' outrldfJr B ~ h u(' k, f, .llu ws thaI ev,' r rodo the6 plallJ~, but lIl" fe llow who I\rJ' d un th e m~ lie ynu ~ 11I; u lli ng cowurd . you . Shot blm wue a rt'alltY - 1l dan gl' t'OU9 re nllty ,!t'ad w ith hIs ba c k to you Now, S(l(' lind 1](' \\aS bld !n!; HIIQl t' wh (' r o cluse l' I' r p' It 's a throw o( tho di ce with at h nnd I;'" ~' IH'thl'r I HII you rull of load , or Th " ~o r"oan t BlolE' Illong th e front l l"t vou 1(0 . I cam" III h ere Intending 10 th ~ door . Il st r nlnl; Intt'nUr ro r flny to 1~ 111 ~' C1U, It rO ll \\,pro the cur who warnlll!: sound frolll el th " r without o r Rhot us Ull. Hut 1'111 willing to list en within , Ev ory n e r\',! was on odge: u.ll to" hat you hav e got to .. ay . I'm some e lse (orKotlen exc ep t t he 10 t ,,"~l t y or on Ih e fi ght, but plain murder don ' t tht> momeot. li e cou ld pl'rcclyc noth · app<'a l to mp. !low Is It? Are you Ing to a la rm him. ~o p. vltl"ncc ot any rCl\tJy to talk? Hvlt It out, man!" pr es('nce In sldl'. :s low ly , 1I0I s (,\P!ls t )', ''I'll tell y r jeM how It Was.'' hi ll (' o lt poised tor 108thnt act 100. bo "00 It my way then; answ e r lifte d tb p. wooden latcb, n nd p e rmitt e d ~tral g ht wh nt I ask you. Who are th e door to sw in g slightly ajllr, yi e ld · • Wh t YOll do ing h e r e?" Ing a g limpse within . Th ore wnd light YO~Kln J ~~t ~:vn?" from nbov', nttterin g e!lmly tbrough " Yes; mllke It s ho rt now; all Bome crevice In tb e bl u tT, and the wllnt Is tac ts." darker s hadowB w ere rl'dd e ned by th e "Wal. my nnme Is Hughes-Jed cheery glow of a flre !llilce directly op· Hu g bes; I uster bang out Ilround San poelte, although wh e r c the s moko dieappeared was not at fll'8t e ylde nt. Anton<', an' h l'v !Jee n mostly In tb e cow busln pslI. Tll0 last tlve years I.e Hamlin perceiv ed tb eso feat ur es at u glance, standing mot ion less. His Fovro an ' I h e.- b ne n grazln' catUo 10 Quick e yel\ visioned the wholo Interior be tw een yrre nn' llutTalo Creek ." "PartnerM 7" - a rud e table and be nch , a rifle Ican· " Wal, by Gall ~ [ thought so, till just Ing In one corner. a 8nddle and trap. pings hanging against tbe wall; a late ly ." his " olce ri s ing . "Anyhow, I broad-brimm ed hut on tbe 600r, a pile he d a lIun e h 0' money III on the deal, at skins b eyo nd. There was an ap. though I'll !Jc darned It 1 know Just ven rance ' of ne atn elUl also, tbe floor what's beco m" 0' It. Yer Sl' O, strapge r. CHAPTER XXV I...-contlnued, s we pt, th e table unUttere d . Yet h o Gp ne bed t he Insid e 0' tbla Injun He came w tbe lillie patch of for- acarcely re alized theue de tails ut the bus iness, beln' as he's 80rte r a squaw est growth, a dozen gaunt, nal{ed treea time so closely W&8 bls whole atlen- man-" " What!" Int e rrupted tho other M the river's edge, stunted, two of tlon centered on th o figure or a man . them already toppling over the bank, The tellow occupied a e tool before eharply . "Do you mean he marrie d IIppare ntfy undermine d by the water, ·.bo flre place, and was he ndln g s light· In to ono of th o tribes?" " Sorte r le Ct·handed- yep; II Cheythreatening to fall before each blast Iy forward, staring down at the red that emote them. HopIng to dlsco,·e r e mbe rs, unconscious of th e Intruder. c nn e woma n . Little thlog lik e that BOrne splinters tor a fire, Hamlin Ho was II thin -chested, unk e mpt In- dldn't fa ze Geno none, It he did hav e k.lcked a clear space In the snow, yet ci:vldual with long haIr, a nd sbllggy a white wife-a bla me d good-looker kept hlB fac o a1-..ays toward the blurt, wblskel'8, both Iron grllY. The sldo s h e was too . ' Sbe was out here onc't, bIll eyell vlgUantly searching for any of hlB face and neck had a sallow look, thr ee years ago. 'bout a week maybe. skulking Ogure, Silent as thoBe des- while bls nose was promine nt. The Cou rse she dldn't know nothln' 'bout ort surroundings appeare d , the ser- s e rg eant lIurv e yed him II moment, bls th e sQunw, an' th e lnJuns was all geant knew he ' was not alone. He had cocked r e yolv e r covering Ule motlon - hunt In' down In the Wlchltns. But a feeling that he waB being watched, lese figure , his IIpe 8et grimly. Tb en all 1 was sayln', Gene caught on to spied upon; that somewhere near at he steppe d withIn and close d th e door . Ihls ye r e Injun war \nst sprlng-l hand, erouchlng In thnt solitude, the At the sli g ht sound th e other leaped r eckon ai' Roleta, his Injun rather-In· eyes of murder followed h[s every to blH fe e t, overturning the stool, IIDd law, lik ely told him what wus brew In' movement. Suddenly he straightened whirled about swiftly, bls right hand -he's so rter a war·chlef. Anyhow ho knew tb e t hell was to pay, an' 60 we up, .tarlng at the blurt nearly op· dropping to his belt. poslte where lie stood. Wall It a "Thllt wt\l do, friend!" Hamlin's natch'ally gathered up our long-horns an' drove 'e m east whar they wouldn't dream, an illusion, or wall that actual· voice rang stern. Iy the tront of a cabin at the baee of " Stand as you lire-your gun lilly· be raided . We dIdn 't glt all the crltthe bank? He could not belie ve It Ing on the bonch yonder. Rather erB round ed up , ae we wus In a possible, nor could he bo sure. It so, cllreless of you In this country . No. burry, an ' they wus scattered some then It consisted merely of 1\ room I wouldn't risk It Ir I was you~ this 'ca use of a hard winter. So [ come back y e re to round up the rest 0' e xcavated In the side of the hili, the Is II ha ir trigge r ." openIng closed In by cottonwood logs , The fellow starcll helpl ess Into the tber buncb." Infants aDd children. and ••e that It "And brand a few outsidelll." 1t tn no way extended outward beyond St:'rgcal ,t's gray oyes. InK tbe speaker Intently, and It 8eem· breach of discipline. the contour or the bank. and was eo "Who- who the h' ' I are you ?, he He grinned. e d to him his heart bad _topped beatFor a few minutes both men pulled Dearsthe "Msybe I wasn't ovel'-partieulllr, Ing. 'This 'o tory bad the semhlance pia ute red with snow as to be almost ..~ their trigge r s with n ralr degree bf SI&'1lIltur. of Indistinguishable a dozen steps away. but anyhow 1 got a thousand head 01 trut.h; It was the truth. So Dupont regularity, notwithstanding the con· In Use For OYer 80 Y....... Yet those were logs, regularly laid, tog e ther by the last 0' June, an' hit and Lll Fevre were one Rnd tbe same. stant exchange of clvllltlee wblch they Children Cry for Fletcher's O..toria beyond a doubt; he was cortaln he th e trllll with 'em. Then bell lIure He c~uld believe tbls now, could per· could not forego , but Mulraney brck c loose. 'Fore wo'd got that celve the resemblance, Illthough the detected now the dim outlines at a SpecIal HOlpltal1 Needed, cbanged the situation suddenly when tunch 0' cattle : twenty mile down man bad grown older, taken 00 ~eh . door, and a smooth wooden shutter, to he discov e red that no commIssioned The National Association for the the (,Imarron we wus rounde d up by and d isguised hlmsetr w9nderfuUy by which the snow refus ed to cling, th e omcers were near ~nough to balk hla Study and Prevention of Tube rculosl. n gang 0' Ch e yenne Injun:!, headed by growing that black beard. Yet, at the size and sbap!! or a small window . :-1\8 osttmates that there are over a milscheme or vengeance .. hOllrt throhblng with eXcltement, thp. that ornery l<ol e ta, nnd eyery horn at mome:nt, he scarcely considered the "It ye 'ro not a coward y~'11 roll lton consumptives In the United Ser!;eant slipped In against th e bluff 'e m dro ve otT. Thar wa'n't no fight; mlln at a\1; hIs whole interest conState, of whom probably at le ast on~ ior proteclion, moving cautiously thl' damll hlt c k8 just laughed Ilt us, an' ce ntrMed all th e fate of the uofottu· down th e hili a bit of a ways behind tblrd are unable to provldo for them· the trench," Mulraney mutte red to hI s closer until h e conylnced himself of Idt u~ slttl n' thar out on the prairie. se lves th e necese a ry treutme nt at Illite girl. foe , "an' whln 1 me e t ye at the . botlom Th ... y hog~ l"<1 hO Rs es an' all." Ih e r eality of his strange di scovery by "Where IVere they taking her, may hlvln h ev mercy on ye b efor e I'm bome . Most of tb eae cnaes al'() a men· reeling th e rou gh bark of the lo gs. l'I l' wiped hi s face , and spat Into ace to the health or the ir tamilles and Hughos-do you know?" t'rough wid ye~" 1t wus a rorm of habitation of 80m e th e 1\1'0, while Ham lin s at s li e nt, b'Un associate s, and should be In ~pec'lal " W li'n' t but one placo fer :em to Mu eller looll ed to the rear and saw P;,lnd bo yo nd qu" s t iOIl; upparen tly tllIIn h UI1I1. take her- lhe Cheyenne., h e v got wlr,· a steel' slope of nearly I1fty fe e t and u h08\Jllals. At the preseut time, howoccltpl l' d, ror th"re were no trac ks In " I r rl:k llil 1I0 W as how Le "'evre put te r caml) down yond e r on the Canadi· ever, e ve n If eVl'ry caso wero known, the Hnow without. and no smoke or a 01' I,coleta wls" 10 that game, hut ( an-Black K e ttle's outllt. Onc't thar, tangled growth of shrubbery at the It would not be po sslbl o to ' pl'ov+de acbottom. He glanced along -the line IIr (! visible l\Dywh e re. was plUlll Innocent th ~ n," he went on all holl COUldn't pry her loose." In both direction!. and saw no shaul · commodations for mor o titan one In regretf ully . " Wall, w e,-t har wus "And L e Fevre dared go there? ' d er straps n earer tban a dozen Illes , olgbt or t en. The r e moval of these CHAPTER XXVI\. four 0' IIlI, - hoofed It enst till we AmanA tbe,sc hostil es ?" and th e ll ncce pte d the chall e nge b)' foci of lolecllo n de mand s more Bnd Iitru('!1 some rnncllcrs on Go w Crick. be tt C'r hospital and l'au\ltorlu!U pro"HIU1~" Hugh es Isughod 6cornfu1\y Hughes' Story . and got th c loan o· Bom e ponie s . Then "Why. he's hand In !';Iove with th f casting himself out of t~ e tre nc h and clslon. swIftly roiling toward the shrubbery . lIamllu thrust h is glove Inlo his :..-:...- --I Btru ck o ut to locate th e maio hord. wh olo bunch. H e's rald, ~ d wIth 'em helt, dr ew forth hi s r e volv e r, nnd ~ It didn't tall e me long, stranger. to d ec k,~ d out In feath f! rs an' war-paInt. " Tll'fore he had traversed half th e dIs· W"I.Cr In b laj"~ 18 nclultcrntlon. (lias. and tance Mulraney was descendin g In th e g ripped lis sto~ l( with bnrf' han l!. This ~ - "dl sco l' r: r I har wll'n 't no h e rd to loca(e. Th e sl'l'gcant '.bougbt rnp le1\y and same fa s hion, and a res uDlptlon of "" IIltlkc. 1I1 jul ,I blue CO. tlf. buy IWd CrOSij Uall 1I1ul>- Adv. odd . hidd e n dw ' llln g might bo d p-::=:. . Jlut I c k lllfli r trail. whar La leu ped to a sudden conclusion. hostilities e nsu ed Imme diately upon ~f,rl:('d, a mcre e mpty sbnck but h e, Slowly, Noisel essly, His Colt Polscd pevro hall drIv e n 'e m up Inlo MiijBOUrl "And )OU w e re trying to kl11 him hiE. arrival at th e foot of the slope. New Apple Orchard Pest. ('('u ld not disconne c t It In hi s IIllnd for In s tant Ac tion . a nd casherl In fer a pot 0' lUoney. wh en you shot us up?" Applea In French orcha rd s have It might be stated pnrrmth e lically frt:.m that mlJrtlC'rous attack Illad e ma na ged to art icu latt! hoursl'ly, "a- Th e n t he ,I n mn c,~s just n a l.c h'ally "Thot. w it S the Id e a, stran~or; " vanisitl'l1 . I plugged 'bo ut fe r two er got a f rl enel 0 ' yo urn, I'm powerft' that f1 IIlg captain separated ~Iulran e y been illjured by un Ins ect which bores II pon Ih rlr Iltll e [la rty two hours he· a H'J ltl ilJ r'!" and Mueller aDd seot them bactl once Into Ih e f.-ult and cau se s It to wither for e . Wh y wus It h ere In th e Irl'n r t o( I I:u lJlI lI 1I0del e d, \rlllin,; c nough 10 th r 'n mon'lts hOflin ' tor k etc h up with sorry ." Illore to th e ir pllJ.ces on tbe firin g \ln e, and fall, 80 that mllny ore herds are him but I neVer dill . J hec rd tell 0' l tll s d esert' Wh y bllllt with ~lIch c ,' I. Il·t thll othpr talk. (TO n F: -:':()NTr.~t.rl':n . ) whore th ey act en IIl1 e good se, ldl ers pracllcally d e n uded. rJ " nt Int en t of concc:\lm cnt? \t \l t fo r " You ' re- you 'r \, tlot olle 0' Le- him ' onc·t or twIce, an' caught on ho the reHI of tlt e day, After the I1gh ling wnll trav l' lin' uno,!r 'nuthe r uum ewhat had occurrl'd on th e I'l at ... nu 1··c yI'I' ·s outli t 7" Sporting Element. It'a wh en riches take unto them· Borno durn Frenc h contractlon-bu a bove. his 6u"p iclollS would n e\'(' r " \\' hlJ~ e '!" WHil e lik ed ICC cream, but he drew was over Mulraney lost his chevrone hnv e bel'n arott sed. Thi s wa li alrl'lldy "Ge ne Le l-'c yre--the damn sl';unk; t h H 'B as much a s I "ver did fin o out. the lin e at turning the freez e r. On" lind several months' pay, nnd Mu e ller selves wtnga that tbey feathor other !-eople's nests. Finally, up In Ind e pe nd ence J wus so day when his mother return e d hom ( s uffered uve n worse punishment. ta,co mill(.; a calliI' "ounlr),: ndvl' lItnr· yon IOluw him?" OilS T exn ns, see kln ~ rrp. e ra II 1; " au ll ~t:lrtle" [1S he WM, tho se r gea nt durn nl'ar broko I r ec kon ed I'd be tter she was agr eoa bl y ~urprls e d to flntl put wh at I hrd le(t In a grub sta ke, him working at th e crank as It bls urI' abundant ",,,I pr . h ud at!vll IlC <''' n l on~ hl'ld hill1 ~" lf finn, and lau g h ~ d . Fixing It, all th.IBO prominent s lrea m s wllh tll p lr " I r e ckon t111'r e Is n 't anyone by nn' dr ift bac k ye re. I thet de p~,nded all It. "Wh y were you Inte In returning to I;'rnzlng h erds of lon !!·ho rnll. Lilli ,. b y th at !lUlUe a fri .. nd o· m ine:' bo s aid mayb e [ could pick up !lOme 0' those "I don' t see bow you got him to turn camp lu st night 1" asked the lIoutenant SOUR STOMllCH, SLUGGISH LlV I!R little th l!Y had galn .. 1l preca ri ous foot , cecll y. " So yo u'rc fr ee to r e li e ve Inj~n cutll l' a gain , n nd maybo some the Ice cream fre p.ze r," she said to AND ALL BILIOUS COMPLAINTS hold on th e IndI a n d OIllH ln s , slollly Yo ur feclln gs nB far aR I'm co nc er ned . mllv c rlclts , an' so s ta rt 'nuther herd. Iler hu s band. "( alter e d him a penn y of a private at Camp Dennison , neal CincinnatI. for cln/: tb e savage~ w['stwarn . Th e \\" '1'0 yo u " ~IJl'ctlng that gent along A nyhow I could lie low fe r a while, to do It." " Train was very late, sir." b e ll e vln' L e ~'el'r e was s ur e ter cOlDe &tnt gg l ~ h ad b "rl1 continuous (or tlti s trail?" "You don't go ahol),t It the right Will' . "Well, tb e next time the train's late yenrs, and the Onal res ult In l' \·ltab le. "Y es. I was, nn' ·t wa'n't no pl eas - bacll soon a R ho thought the coast my dear," 'replied her husb a nd. "I bet Ye t thlB year th o story had he(,11 a ant littl n r e ception I 'lowed to give wus cl c ar. I Ilnew then h e nn' Kolet/\ him a nickel he COUldn't turn It tor I:I\(e c are y' come by an earlier one." di ffe re nt one, for th e united tribes h a d him neIth e r. Say! Wouldn't yer Jus t was In cahoots an' be'd be headln' thlB balt aD hour.Expedience, Few can alford 10 take the posltton ,========~================================= HERE'S NEW TYPE OF DESERT s hould be notC'd l lPre that It Ie bardly chewing gum. But Ir In his choice of mOllo and a scimitar stuck In his helt. taken by the captain of a company 01 (air to call a locatity a "desert" at all. population th e Bcenlc artist bas done brlnge his sultnna lrito the moonJ:ght guerrillas. The story Ie that this cap Those Who Have Seen the Relll Thing when It Is so plenllrully pea pied with well In Egyptian scenery be bas cer- and hugs her until tbe everlasting dell- taln at the head at a company at 30C K!!fP, TIll! NllTUIlAL '''NCTION!I o.~ th e cosmopolltnn races prese nted to tainly surpassed hlmeelf, ror you b&- ert Is removed an([ the applnuae 01 men' when Informed that tbe enemy, 'He LaV!!.. a:rOMAcn AND BOWELS Would Be Surprised at "Ictorla!' • hold great clusterll of pyramids, the audience freezes ovor ,-~ew Y..orli numberl~g 500, was 'approaching, IlI!ALTHILY AND R!!GULARLY EXellCl.m the public ori the sereen. Representation. Th e pictures show a wlId profuSion sph[nxes by the dozen, camels, horses, Herald. lIald : "Well, boys, we'll look 'em over, Those wllo hav e IIvc d In Egyl't will or Bedouins, Clunese, Arabs, Moors, sheep, deor, ostdche8 and even el&Remlnl_t. and Lf we can't lick 'em we'll Jill' find a BOur':e of un e ndIng Burprme In Greeks, Armenians, Bulgarians and phante crossing 'the aott , Sand or the R.eporter-I suppose y'our mccell,> 'eID." C.he s~ nlc orterlngs of '''hllch chss Turks, with a ' fair sprinkling of Ro- alleged desert or reaUng beneath the vaudmllo" whIch aCcomplll\Y tho mnn .enators; In every conc~lvable Engllsb oaks, Lombardy poplars. cac- halt .been acble.,ed only' after a Hari • Itrng"e. . thtoaf)' ho" ling by a n ear ban'l(lne ot · garh. ancIent and modern, lounging tu,s and palm treell. · ADd berore you can your, bread! Actor- -Yel, there Wall a tlme wbea , .., '~ba\J Love YeW ' TIII the Hot Dea- comJortabl,. around the pf!:.a mld., and oftenel' on a boIut( ·.n,,Freesea Eterna!l1," lU\iatrate4 with s rnoldn, Hoyana cl&,ua,l,Cnglleh pipet!, a sallant knight 1n Ute linlform of tbe my pW.tur.ea, from U.e lCut (114.), l~ hookah. and c1s~r.~ aDd moa&lt Au.tr1aD hus..,.. coyerecl yUh a bill ~ OD • 1IIIl ~-.l""











nam. appeared



first pt g!l t ftlen '11'11 0 ' fac ed b'lm In a o im l)Ortant game, lin d btl later li t r uck


~~ I


1<=0u l11 u 't ~'01J ~,~d a slngl .. ,dOg th a t 1\'Vll ld RUIt . S t'th . sbu hnupp' d out.


Squ a re Mnl . J on es, wbo Is somewbat ot a ph l!Ilntb rop ls t , wenl to b l>l favor lt .. ra.. tn u rant III n oo n ror lunch " SIIY," h o ·b ('ga n, add .. ' ~slng th., managt' r , 'n poor fe tl ol\' , ;\11.1(' tu [ut> tb ts mortllllg uRkln!: tor tood . a . b8 &lll d b c WSS sla rv lng. I gave h im my card and 61'n t him to your rellIHumlll and told h Im tu !:t't u good. "Qunr" m('al a nd I would 11:1.), tu r IL 1I 0 \\' mu c h Is t he btlI' '' " I,'lfty·Ii"" cC'nls, sir " "W ll nt d id lito:! poor 1I1all Ira\' ,,~" "Nill<' h N' r ~ !).nd a cigar "

Ollt 11 otht!r me li d urt ng tbe viM '''''oul,ln't gPI n,'IH 'l' nI ." h e r bU.:r I bllntl Iln R\\l' rt' u a]Jo log,>ti('att y. I 1lJlllngb. And 11t .. ~c m., n were a ll crack pi a), ' round ti lt! slwl, ·ty a ll rlgbt, I)u t the (' rH, IU IlIl Y or ",b orn are now stara In wOl'llun ~"C'r"lIlr y would n 'l h 'l lII e In. th" W" .lPrn Io>a g u"s. In t h li t Id aho 1'\0. lIl,r P I'1'1l J\1I19h whal [ bad Iwgun S"115ul] .l o hllHon WIUI th e s lab ar ti st In But Got a Baby Which Beats to "uy I hro d,, 't got thl' wort! 'adop l ' the Best Canine lI lIt or lilY Illfllllh befure t;he Ul!kf'd me (Itt)'·tl'·"!!11 ~tra l gh l games In whlcb ;lot a rUIl lI'as IiCor.ed oJ! bill d" U\, e ry . II' I \\1' ,'" nl;l ~ rl " d . ·.'Iarrlf'tI ::0 yell r~,' Su )·uu St'" he got l ue bul)ll Cllrly: Living. I 11l 1~I\ Hl'd . ':)1) YL'lIrS, lIla'anl, anel tu Art pr ll,ttl (t'lll Jubnson uPV ll c d to tb r- Iwg( wOlllan 'Th!' 11 brul!; }'our w\f, ' II lo nll ,' tihl' . al (1 ' \"" dOll 't hal'(' \ar IUU B SlIlart 1I111 Il 11ge ra at tb ll clu l.l~ IBy C, B. C RA WFORD. dpnllll!( , w ith rn " n ' . In t he . bl!: .c·llies. HUl .'fl lbCy \\.' OUlddlU·,t Th r. y were a 10uL'l)' /J Ill C(JU ll l(·" Y"u mt'all to 8U,\' 11",y lak p a ll t h llt le y ... ere S' , Setu Ear l was ~hl I' "lid b,. wiit'. . I II el'l!ll gll'll 111m a Irllll. h . t r"ubll' niwul a dUIl; ~' 111'111 rPI I 1 e dulnful, and l'llB ll y d uc lan<d lhat J o, n ' l Adll, flft),· III"' . Ir tll" y hal l had chil . ,. I b WIfe . " I ou 'd think Il mlM;ht IH' llalll t:~ IrritatIng S ki n Tro ubles, fi o n would bo s battc r ed ll y t 10 ('uvy i dr ell living lh{':{ ('uultl hal'" fac e d Lll e t h!')' Wl'ro ~iI' iDg away IlIbtPlld of 1 80 prevll lf"nt In Hummer, s u ch ft. ~s artlll ,'r), uf tho lU a jur I~ague~. I~ r~- I ruture rn o ,'e bope !ully. Ilut Ih, ' 1011\" lIo~" I ree koll," RIll> ,l\.Id,·d tbougl l l I hiv e!!. polson oak. ch afi n g. slloburn. maiu et.! ror th" then lal l·t nd " r ~ aah · I "ness thal bad ul\\'ll),s t·II(·UIII]JU8Sl't.! rlllly. " slIP UlIIst Uti one ot Ihose >lU ('1 OC7.ema, r. tc .. arc qulcllly r e llcv tld wheo It,gtOll It· a III to ~ell d CUlcher UI('llkeu Illclll slo(' u th'ir ullly uo .' , Arthu r, I I I f rn~"lI l's , " Tyree's Anti se ptic Powd er Is uSIJ d. , uhl p III I!I ' 17 OUl tu Wcit!!' r tu nv cY l ' I hall d h'll in llally lwud, ~" l'''I' ' d IU be " \\" '11 . I stlppu~n \\". 11 JURI hllve t o 12uc at drllggl s t.s or samp le sent f ree gat ' till' vil: l urc~Que. s lorl p~ Ihal c~~le I CIObillg In aruund ll,em IlI un - l ig hll y gil'" up thl"k iug nLuul a d')g : ' an · b, J . S . Tyre e , WaHhlng ton, O . C .-A dv. eaBt oC t h" yo ulh II p rowen. I be [rolll day tu t.!ay , II ku " Il1.lIgilrl u Ibi ng. S" Hcrt hC'r hu sbltli ll ~ l oolTlil)' . _ ________ Bco ul losl 110 li lV e lu geltln& J oh ll Hon T h ey oWll e Li t b ~lr huus,' ill t he \ iI· " l\ow , Is n 't tbal josl li k e yo u, Loc al Ex pert. 10 s ign a cuutraN lUI soo n 11.8 be had Isge alJd Earl's 11CII~ lotl from th e cnr· I:)(,th !" I'p p lied h l>l wi fe. "Thc mo· Summ,'r Hoa rd e r (J us t arri ve d t ra m th at tru,] "mplu. \'('"U blm for ll11'nt a tr III (, IlapP p. lls to u psel you r 1I06ton ) - Wh nt ure t he 1I1lt: bes t ue~ hi m ! /1 few lu nlngs. T I hut dpor"lIu[l " ~ \IV I18 h lllg lou Is uow ,one uf !lIe ea · 30 ynar's, IWla ll t ho u" h it ... u.t;, "1'0' I e up. "L Ull lers In tblH locality ! ~ " ., p IIIn ti yuu wnnl t o gv l I lfi g c lu us or tb e Americau leag ue 8 v ld ed th e m w it b til e ll e CcBlIlt lcs or due In Ill r gl) pa r t tu the sk tll of the l ife. S i nce Enrl b ll d r o> tlrt'd b .. lIa d prom 8l!d me a dog aud a dog I'm goFllrlUf'r S tu bblegra s8 - T bat de pen d. wes t erll I·ecrull. InK to ban' ." on ",bu l h e r you waut t o store perta.moo n ed a lUl lessly aiJ olit tb e gar d(' u S~th looked at hl a variab le w ife In ters or cider In ·em.- P uciL "'bC'1I Juh n so n mad e goo d rrom tb o vIo l. H e had a l wars luc k,'d forward amllze mpnl. "Bill I th o ugb t y ou 1 jump Ib!!re WIUI wOP amung a ll th e to hlB lo ug holillay, to Ii lire u( 1 ~ l s· :1111 ' 11k I 'd ri d t u rned II .: e t 1(> I ' "a u get! ug a og , Too Much A k In . Napuleonlc nl uuage r s ""'bo Ilod ~ ur ed ('as", an d now life ~et:llIpd t o Ads bl' bald hi m dO.... IL liut his &t eady' and IIs to n . . . " Ar('n't YOll n fral d of ge lli nG ClIugbt la ulng Im ~'rovelllen t Is .. how u 1Iy thl! o lfe r nOl blng. "I !lId and I d ldn'L \\' hl~n YOII fi r sl In a sea puss 7" Oncl'. five y eur s u"lol'c , lir ~ y had 3po k(, :locul g"ttlnK 11 tlo 'S tlll t urn ll y I '·vlr . uo ; I'm go ing ou t In 1\ ca&. to ll owlng uffici al tabl!! : , d l sc u ijfl(~ d o.Jo (l tiug u ('h tl d. !lul Sl'lll I wa t! sCllrpd II II lt"'- 11111 i ,." bet' n I lIoal" h ad n<'"cI' re t urll l' d to th e 6ub j ect. Ihlttking It ove r since and - 0 , Het h , Y" ar LL n.lI . Il lI. tI . fI .I' . W . L . Av. , ~ 8 .:IS~ T h" lo()k II POII h is wlfe's fnco ba r· I wanl a dog as mIl c h a s YOU an d 1!4l1';' .... . ' " lot 99 34 lG 11 11f"• . W I 08Iow'R Soot h lolr Syrup t ur Cbli.:l~ 14 1) . ~1 8 r owed !.tIm . and he Illl e w thal n u I~~. .. . ... ::" 10; ~~ \.0 14 ~!.thID~, " O tt~08 '- b e g-UUlA. r ~duC'e .. jol1"' ,1.I 11I .mor e ," 51Hl so b be,!. 24 .:U; 19(1!! .. .. .. K; ~ 1\19 Ii5 11>11 c htld could evp r take th o p lace uf 11 " 1' buatlan d drl'w h !' r to hll1l t l'n ~ l o rJ,u.H • .)'. po. lu ,c: u r-e .. , ... lu d col Lc .2tx: .. oo "l ~ ... l ti .flO(; I~IIJ ....... , 4 ' ~bl> bG 71 303 thei r little lluy wll os," pirotogr p. ]J h was dPr I)'. H('r oid "ray IlPtHI r"at,'t! UpOIl 1(, .605 I 1~1I1 .. ...... Ill! UH 101 6! 200 Jt 'H hnnl to pro,' e a rell ow Is n l o ~ 10 .• &tJ t h e only pict urc lu t htl lI e at hill e \Jar · his s hou lder . II Il knpw il wa s th o I I~I ~ ".... to 244 1!6 72 ~ I ~Ier ~tI Ion); a f\ h e s u cc!,p.ds In kt;;'pl ng Ins ti nt't or Illo lh t> rhood wltbi" h~r that lor . o ut 0( hot wate r. " I gu<:~s 1'1lI t oo o ld IU s lUrt c ar ing had provo k <:>d h e r grh·r. At last all " I, T \J(j I:d)" 'tc.r Ont J!l!o. 1!8":' 1l'; 3GO Il~ 10 for a c h ild now, :::;l~ th, " aid h is wife. dabb ed h l' r halld k e rcbl e f lO be r e yee Don'llouy W&ler for !llulng. Llquhl bl ub la A 1I1 g, lika ble fe \low Is .I uh n 80n, a I leslde~ , we 'd be III ou r graves, a s and sm il ed at him. II"w. t .J I ",. ter . Liu y ItcJ CraM Ball lllua, "Hu w d u tI lt·), klluw w h ut Jf ,h ntiflll'W "ut wou ld b.,ut t he t ral ll t o ( 'h leago by raw·lloned !lro d uCl a t t!.t o p rnirie It};!' us 1101, bero re It "a ~ grown uld "Ada. illY d ear, you' r e goi n g t o bava t be t.hw lbal " ,,1\ hl uo. A<1 • . \ Vh f" 11I (l r } If! Wit·,.. u. t ' ur\" c ur n o t elg hl huurs arId 12 minut es. III o tlll' r fUrtllS , TlIt' r" It, nUlllln!; vp ry tlr)('ed y e nough t o c hiCl fo r Itself ." ro ur dog. a nd I he fill(' s t In th e Inn d ," Wll ·th \! r h"" lIn·uk I tl IH: t ? Uoth uf th e m had a \l<uys b een be &ald, "evpu if II ta kes ~he lasl pell' Th e gol n ~ Is a lways guod au a 10}-Iuw n Ul t h'~f tel l hlJw }d~ ou t 1lhu\JI~ (all'" words , the ('a tcher w ho r e,'pl\'('d tb ,> a llout h im excepl hlH p it c hing. Olher· V.' ht:'lli c,. h i M Im ..' un,· . ·'~ LJIK or t'Io tntt l 17 b a ll cou ld go to !.le d, h l1\' e l\ full ",IHc h e Is s low a~ law . He moves somcwhat afraid of li fe, and both ny of ou r sa vi ngs ," I bogga n Bltd e. How (' Rn I hey h i ll w htt. t lie'. got lin tl l~ nl ghl 's rest , ge t up .. ti d In to b ib unl· slow , ('ats s low alld o\'ell ru n s b la chrank trom nell' e llt'·l'pris"K. The " nut It 's n ot goi ng to cus t a pen n y' I -----------~~---~ httll ? forUl aga in, an ti be 0 11 h a n d Itl th e mo to r car III an "uu t ·o t - ga"oll n ~ ma u· nar r o w r oun ,1 a t t h ir tl a YH h ad he- Sl'tb ," sl" an·swprr-d. "Becaulle I'm l'i ob o ~>· · • • · ,'n II y et. " mo r nin g to meel tb e T wen lhJl b '-'"n' u,-r." H e saves all b is l' lI prgy ror tbo com a rul a long wh ic h U ll ' )' t rave led goi ng Int o t 01l' 1I lo mo rrow and - ando sung a mlnu r !>Oel at th e tllry a M s h e ro ll ed In t o Chi cago. dia mond. a lm le>ls ly . I'm going to bri ng back ou r dog ." I It 's lo rtur e 10 work wit h a lame, achin g m a jo r leugues. Putti ng It a no th ~r way- th e lra ln Arte r se.- Ing J o h nson sll oo l t b .. b a ll .. It Oldy T ba d sO lll e t h ing , If only a Set h Ea rl !lilt hi s wl(e aboar d t'\l e b ack. Gel r id of it. A Uack the cau.". T h e h c ro of th is lluB C'ball le a veR N" w York a l 2:.0 p. m. da lly . a t the platE' YOIl wou ldu ' t won d er t h e dog ," be said t o h imsc l ~. "Tha I 1I'0u id tra in n" xt morning. H e W3 9 to do Prohabl y ir s weak kidney •. epic was \Valt er Ju h llson, TIllie Is set buc k Il t llu lh.l o b y ju sl an poe t WIIS Ins p lr£' d 10 so ng . You he cornpHIIY . II l" d rom, tu "aka IIHI th o boua('wor!( I llIlt day, wh ll,' she H eavy o r confining work is hard aD Ih e ma r ve luus p it c he r or ho ur , 80 th al th e o UTII shl n g tra in wuul dn ' t "ond e r at rbo dllZet.! lillts· mor nings, ha rk lll g nlld wngging his was gOllp UpOl1 IhC'ir !,Hand . And U8 Ih " kidneys, anyway. and once t he kid'j th e W aH h lngto n clu b, whu gnins 60 min ut eR o n b e r west ward Dlen . ta ll , a n d then whal \\' u l l( ~ \\c 'd ha\' e lhl' hourR ro ll ('d by h {'~ t oo. was o ver· neya become infl amed anel con gesled , 7 hall Ju st beaten a ll rec ord s I jOllTl"')'. Ele \-en hou rs und 4S m in· It you can 't SE'e It y ou CUll't h I! It 1 toge l ber. WI'IJ. w h y not? Wh y t akell by t he ~ alll e Im )lutlc nce Ih a t th e troubl e keeps gett ing wo rse . T he d anger of running inlo grav el, b)p burll ng th e ba ll lo r 66 COllSClCull ve I Illes uft e r tb e s tar t Joh uson 's be nd e r s hu uld n 't I b ave 0. do g ? Ol b e r wen bad overcome h is wlfo on th e pr eced· d ropsy or Bright's d ise ....... is ""rio us. lunln gs with s uc h s kill and c un ni ng ha& rllached C blcago, o r a t 1 : 33 a . m . Ruur;cltated Memory . have o ne." Ing lIo)" lind h!', to o, rou nd him self U ... 00811', K idn ey P ills, a fi ne rem e dy tbal no t II bat~ man a t a n OIlPoSinl 1 (, hl cllg() ti me, tbe r oar in g locomotive Cllar!f' g Hea de. t he nov e lis t , l>e ll ev. A li h e expect ed . Ada orr..,.e d st ron g du stl ll g t ho furn llllre alld straig ht e n· tor backache or bad kidneys . cl ub lJas been abl e le IIcore a rull. hu s j us t )I.lun ged t h ro ug h Cle ve lan, 1 ed In tb e da lly IH'wspa lle r liS a so urCE op posit io n to l b" llUgg atl o n. Out In ~ Ih e c ha irs a s Ih ough a b uma n oc· "tI'ffJSpeed wa s th e great factor In t b e , wHh uut s tOllplu g, more t h sn 350 miles ro r Incld e nt 8 l b a l \\ ou ld furn is h bett e t Selu was 11I 1IIs t en t OVPI' his lre m en· c u'pll nl we r e exp pcted. And wbe n at ~::::::::~ lt1bl~" An Illinois Ilc ble velUOnl- da:r.z Il1l8, s lnll ug ~ p ee d : a way. Dlnt e r ilti fo r r o ma nCe lbu n coul d POB- dou s pIa u. und i:radua ll y bla e n lhusl· Isst. h e b eard a tinkl e at th e be ll he Cue 'r he lli g IdallOa n'" de lll'e ry Is like tb e , Th e s trik ing ('ne r gy at .J ohn son's slbl y be cr e at e d b y a ny e tJort of (a n ey aSIl) won h is wHe ove r . could hard ly ope n th e d oor. he felt 8 0 fll g bt of a s h ell. Th e mi g hti est hit· I ml 6s lle ..... II M IIho .... n t o be 160 root H e ke pt n Bc ra ll book In whic h h e " }I e'd m uss up tb o h ous e, a n d s h nk e n . Jam es E . P oyne r, ROB8vllle, t e r s o r t ue Aure rl can league are a ll I poun ds . Tha I mes ns th at It possessed stor ed away n pWS IJll p(' r cli pl)ln gs 5cra lc h lb in g s ," sbe protest e d. "Ou t Ad a stood at t h (' door, u basket In lB ., 8Jly a : "1 hpr nrms, an d hE' r Pycs wcre bright h e lpless as t o wn lot playe r s wh en . ap proximately half th e for ee In 1m· w h lr.b \\ ere llfte r ward to m asQuerafte wao laId up wll h kid ne y J obnsuu tu rn ~ iuose hi s ru s t e~ t llaB ; I pacl ot a bUllet fir ed tram a . 4~ au t o- as fi c t ion . His s t o r ), at "A Sim pl e lo n, " wit h h U p pltlP.R~, and Ih a loo k. on bel' t r 0 u b I e . My " T y" Cobb , " Uo m e Ru n" Da lle r an d mattc pIs tol ! Is one In whi ch Dr . Ch r is t oph er i'ace was a lmosl li ke t h nl sh .. h ad back paI ne d 10 1 co ul dn' t move. Jac kso n a lik e ar o lla bel! In hIs band s . Accord ing to th ps!' tl g ures, it la kes Slaines of Lo udon iR I(ls t ov 'rboa rd In worn on t hei r wedding dny . She eu· Th o k Idney 8eJob nson' B ama zin g s wlftne.1l In i le ss th an bait a second for a b all mld.ocean. pick pd u p a ll bu l de lld tro m t erp d nn ll se t lhe b askN dow n . cn' tl one wer e III t errib le co ndl· pit c blu l( III no me r e fa nc y. Il has 'I tb ro .... n b y Jo hnso n a t hi s b lg h tl peed a ru ft , t ak e n to Cape T own with all "Lt'l m e sc" h Im ," c ri ed Selh . as tlun . 0 0 a. n e bee n sclll nllficall y measured . [n th e to tra vel trom hi s ti ngl' rs to calc he r' s memory or t h e past u tt e rl y obUte!' s he ' bega n 10 un fas t e n l ho bl a nke t Ki d ney P I I I S , thot co\'cred It. " rs It a rox·l e rrl er. cured me tn t estln groo m 0 t tb e R e rn Ing t on A rm s l g Io\' e. a l ed , bu t a rt e rward r es tor ed In s mall Ihort order a nd compan y at Brld gep() r t , Con n ., JObn' l That Is wh y be b e wlldc r s eve n th e Ins tallm en t s thro ug b tbe ugen cy of n Ado ? It. mu s l be a pupp y." for four y~a r 8 Ih e trou blo h M eon showe d th a t bls ri g ht ar lll could Qu ic kes t wilte d bnll man. li e Is n't coupl e or Ih e l e rrltl c thu nde r s t o rm s li e jumpe d Oil a ch il d 's f(' oble w all neve r re turn ~ d . " burl the baseb all al tb e rat e of 12 2 able to g u ess w h e th e r It Is a s tra ight p ec uli a r to Ih a t 11ltllud £'. That s to ry Cli m e to h is e.l r s and lo ok ed al hi s C.t Do...•• at Aay Store. IIOc • t ee t a seco lld ! It was acknowl edg ed ba ll, an in o r an out curve, a dro p, or o t forly )'ea r s ago h as llee n morp thll n wi fe In l e rror aB. with mo th e rl y fin · K;ID~L~Y thllt be could do e vcn bll tt e r, becau RP wb elh e r tb e s phe r e Is gOi ng t o jump confirm ed over and O\'c r again In rea l g en, s h e pI nn e d back th o co\'e rin gs, FOS'rER·I\UL8URN CO.. BUFFALO. N, Y. lu lllbl et lc pa rl a llce h e was not up Into lh e aIr In de fi a nce o f th e law life by Incl de nts of memo ry an d pc r. di sclosin g a One ba by boy. wur mpd II p _ It Is we ll known that a o r gravity . son a lit y los land re gs ln ed . Th e Iss t of " You goo sc," saId Ada BO rtly . " That hu r le r gat her~ s peed S8 a ga nle " Any ti me) o u ge l a bit ort J o hn· th ese com es rro m Wllrre n , Pa .. or a was th e Socie ty to r t he P re ven t ion progreBses. I>on," declared Napole on L aj " e, him· man, 1\ common laborn , workin g a t a of C ru elty to Cblldrpn you sen t m e to. John son flu ng the s pbere thro ug h selr o ne ot th e most rormlda b wie ld· silica sand plaIh, who , .truck by a fall A nd wh e n 1 sa w til e ba bi es l yi n g In an npe rtu rc In a trame at wood about erll ot the bat that th e g ... me eve r or Ice. hM. wbil e lyin g In a ho sp ita l. tb elr little co t s a ll In IL r o w 1 want e d two reet s quare. Hunnlng from top kne w, "you must llot think tbal you 'r e r egained his Id e ntity, los t a doze n to la ke th e m all and -a nd-" . Cut out cal hart I.. and pu~pt,I~" to bottom w e re t e n \'ery dellcale and IImart. Just figure that you're lucky y ears ago, and saye h e Is J ohn OlIver. "I wlfl h you b ad , d ear ," answ e r e d brutal, borah , UDnec~. filmy copper wirea. The se were - luck y that YOIl were able to make th e OWlle r or 125 vlllu a ble buildin g ber busband ecst a tically. "Tbls bea ta CARTER'S UULE broken by the 1Ia.1I. and by an e lec- that blind Bwlng at Just the right spot. lots In Wheeling, W . Va .. and ot min . the b est dog living ." . UVER PILLS trlcal de vice tb e moment ot pll8sage The re n e ver was, and I doubt Ir tbere e ral lands In l.ancast p.r, Pa. A t ele. (Copyri ght, 1913. br W. G. C'hap'rnWl.) Act was acc uralely timed. FIve yardB eve r wlll be, a pitcher aB great lUI gram trom relatives In Chicago con· Away was a stee l plate and th E' 1m· Johnson. It he turned loose his very flrmll the stor)·. It ca n not be wbolly PLOW DEVISED BY ABRAHAM pact at th e ball on thlll barrIer again hardes t t hrow with bls beat curv e on unpl easant to walte up aft e r twel ve e&u,ed the electric clock to regl,ter. It no catcber could ~et down In lime yeara' sleep ot thhi kind and flnd on e'. Un've,..lty of Penn.ylvanlll H . . PIcThuB Ih e e xn ct tlm (' at the ball'l flllht I to receiVe the ball. s elt not dead broke, but e nUr!?ly sol· ture of Probably Firat Ma· waa mathematically dete rmlneeS. " Every h i ) he lhroI\'. hu. Itull on v eil t. ~. c:hlne of It. KInd. Tbe velocity obtaIned by johnson It that can't be .olved. Some ot th e SIIALL SMAIL DOSE, SMALL PateL til all the more eJtraordlnary 'II'hen bopa that bls Iwlfteat ones lake are 80me Bookl Mu.t Pa.. Away, The Univenllty of P e nnsyl vania Genuine mlWt bear Signature tt Is known tbat a bullet trom the bigler curves than a man ever threw 'l' be dl8cove y by ProfesBor Cobb of "Thla Beat. the Be.t Dog Living." hllB iURt dIscovered that It owns wha.t new lowernmen.l., .46 automatic plltol before. I'v8 leen him llam balls up the department of agriculture thal Is b eHeved to be th e first picture of traveTilmlT feet p'e r second . to the plate that didn 't look lIu'ger documents can be preserved apparent· It you'11e filet your b eart on a. dog I tbe plow Invented by Abrabam cen· A bleh power hun ling rlfte, .31i call· than a pinhead." Iy Indefinitely 10 a vacuum otle ra. It IUPPOBO you mUlt have one . n ut turleB ago. Accord ing to the EgyJ>o Not Burprlslng, IB It, lbat Johnson turther testll verity his results, a con· where'~i you get a dog, S e th? A good tologlsts at the mu se um , th e ir trans· be r, auto·loadlng. travela 2,000 teet per leconeS , 18 such a terror? '!lenie nt way ot uhlbltlng precioul dog would eost $ZO and wo bave n't lations of the hll'roglyphlclI show The Tw e ntieth Century Ilmited, the The Quiet, modest younM; Idaho and rapidly disintegrating manuscrpts a dollar to spa r e. Nobody we know that All r aham was the proge nitor of faltest long·dlstance train In the youth-he II only twtlntY' fi,' e year", whil e permUting tb'elr exbibltlon un · has doga to giv e away- Ieastwa)'s. the harv ellter trust. Rfduce. Straioed. Paff, All".... Whllc plows undoubtedl y w ere us ed world, makes the 978.7 miles from olet- alao fooled hili opponenls Into der glaBB, But It does not offe r mucb not good dogs." LJIIIPhanr!tI., Poll EYil, Flat. New .:York to Chicago In JUBt 20 hounI, glvln& htm another record. LaBt year comrort to authors whose work Is "0, ye a, w e can gel a. dog." an· be fo re th e tlm e or this Im' enllon, th6 Boila, SweUiDp; Stopa Lamtll_ and allay. pain, Heals Sore&, Cab., or a.n average apeed ot 48.9 mile. be atrnck out 303 men In 386 Innings. prillted on wood pulp pap e r . Wllh so Bwered Seth promptly . "Th e Societ y Abraham plow Is a combl n atl u n Beed· Bruiaes. Boot Chatea. It i. aD every hour. Thle m eana a veloclt, of ~one of th e othe r wlznrds could toucb many rookB In the world, to try ·to for tbe Prevl'ntion ot Cruelly to Ani· er and planter, and , a ccordIn g to the ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE uearly 72 feet a Becond. that mark , Betore h e becam e a blM; preaerve sample caples In a vacuum mals bas dogs to giv e away. I was inscription on th e pi ctu re , thr ee rc>an t NO.!'> POUIOIIOO~ I SlIppoae Johnson's s peedball kept l e agu er strikIng out bats m e n was would be far too ambitions an under r e ading something about It In tu e were n ecessary to op e ra l e II. Doe. nol blister or remove on trav e ling ftt 122 ree t a second rIght merely a pastime for blm. Out In taking , Whateve r books Burvl ve will pap er yest erday. h says the y pic k Th p. picture wa l! mad e u pon a Baby· Iuo.irand hone can be worlr.ed. Pleuanl to Ule. on tO~' ard the Windy City at Its own W e lser, when onl y nineteen, be WaB have to be kept alive by the proces R \lP stray do gs tllnt nobody want s, and Ionian brick, wblch wa s the cus tom In '2.00& houle, delivered. De. crih. your ca •• lIurrlcane speed. It would eat up tbe playlnl' III the Idabo StIlte league , of reprinting tram time to tim e, and 10Bt dOig S that no one claim s , 01' that those days. Th e a ppn ratus had a. (or 'p"cial instnlctiono and Book 5 K free. ADSOR8INE, JR .... tioq,de U.l.malt ler ..... klnd ... 6.163,840 feet to ChIcago In Just 11 and among tb e pe rforlUan ce ~ (' redlted not many modem books 8ta y In vogue bav e got turned adrtrt, an d give tbe m tube·lIke attachm e nt, Into whi c h th o dtacn &Crah,... PalDtaL K.noned . Swollf'n M1 1k Lee. hours ftn,1 48 mInutE'S. The ball to him "'BlI th" s triking out of th e 101lg e nough for thal. away to aoyb ody that will guarunt ee seeds w e r e poured . A vessel IIbove GoQt. Cooccntrtfed--onl, a frow droOl rt'Q,lIltrd :llalll",U. th e m a goo d h ome. Ad a, " he cantin· th l' g ronnd for ln g th e trame of th e ~F~YO~N~. f!, fl.' r.'iI;O·T:.:~'it~S~W~~n:id,II ... u ed flrmly, ''I'm g oing into town to" plow WD B IIsed 118 a r e cEfP tacl e for tbe morrow to Bee tbst lIoci e ty, a nd I'm Ret- d, Dnd tll e n th e harrow was at· DAISY FLY KILLER ::::~ ~ iUu. .. ... t. e l~. 0'" comIng borne wl tb a dog ." tBched 10 th e back or th e plo w. .o!1Hbam.DIaI. eoo . . .,,,,,, " Well, 1 s u p pose b e can e at th e Th e Tlnby lonlsns so wed and tilled etaeap. I. •• , . at' $econd ••••• a. . s cra ps," s nld his wife grudg ing ly. The aecord[n g to Abra ham' B commands " t1Ie&al, caa" apUI orU. Immine nc e of lh e e ve nt s tartl ed - al· Dnd with bls Inve nti o n tb ey rearedl onr j will uot NU . . I oJur. aD1t"la.a most t e rrlfi ed - be r , but b OlOhu s bnnd's n eIth er tbe rave n s nOI' u ny othe l" ~ .-~ - . -- . ~~. ----.~--.---+-Uu.ranteed .G'ee1I ..... eagern ess Que nc hed all fU r the r objec· ThIrd s that de voured th e ir grain. I ... d •• I.r.or . . . . DALL~~-122 . ezpr.. ~hi tor I •.• tlOIl S o u h e r ps rt. She e \'e n h egan -..01.1) "'111&&1, 1M Il0&4l10 .... .. _ _ I,a, " . T. - - - -.....- - . - - -....---.-....- ..--.-..... - .. - .......-11+ to picture tb e ir nent little home wltb Royal Wldow's Woe • • ~2·c.L - - 2000 Il\ ita n e w o ccupant. Poor old Frnn('ls Jose ph, emperor "I hope b e won 't be a n ois y, III·tem· ot AII Rtrta , Is again calle d UI10II to pe r pd do g, S e th ," s h e sa Id. "And UB e hie ki n dly offi ces by anoth e r die- .... 8Dred bea t ",Bulta. ne.f>lopl nIf 7to lie Pflrroll. Prlnte 3 t o &c . E nlarging tl'Clm Dr K&lh ell. W e pa, d on' l you get on e tbat's going to Ire~sed lady who de s:r.1iJ the approval ..... 'lot'tCermrru ro poa .... ,.. FRED 'C. DARBY. Enn"IU., 1_ bllTk a ll night. unle ss th e r e 's burglars of th e pope to th E' divorce r ecently roull d . ADd mind be Is n't a biting g rant ed 10 her by lh e civil courts, dog." Th e lad y III th o Archdu <:hess Isa be lla, Th ey di scussed a ll mann e r of do gs who marrie d Prince George at Dath a t ni gh t a nd fi na lly se ttle d ul'on :II. "ar1[1 , a union that Wa R but fo r a day: rox l~r r ler all like ly lo gl\'e th e mas '. Plus X ball ratUled the legal d ecls · UNt)SUAL FEATS OF MEMORY ment. he would tell, atter a Ilttle girl In a Scottl ~ h manse. S he \\'1\ 8 ssti sra c tlo n. Whe n Se th ha d de part· ions. but NlB orde r ed as a. pe nnan ce pause, not only how often the one or almoBt illiterate . ye t whe ll deilri oull ed n e xt mornin g Ada round, to h e r fo r th !? la dy tha t fcr s ix month s she Thorn . . a.blngton Mac.ulay, HI,to- the other occurred In the Bible, but -In teve r, 8urprilled tbo s~ aroun d her .. astonI s hm e n t, that s b e bad lJeCel!Je s hall r e ma in retlred In tbe R e d Cross also what It meant In every place. by repen,tlng long pa B~ ag e8 o r lhe al mos t as ea ge r as bcr hURband. She conye nl and m ini s ter to tbe s ick, rl.n. Among Tho.e Who Could HIli name waa Thomas WalBh, Such Bible In \'i e brew . The kitchen ",he r a ))IUlpd t.h e flo!}r ne rvou s ly In th e intt!'!'· Th e archducbe8s 11nds thIs prescrlp· . , Rep •• t . Whole Book. .. a mas teI' of Bible knowledge • never the gIrl ,pent bE'r e v e ning s adj oine d \'a l& betwce n h er duties, and once s be t\01l of the pope altogelh e r too lieH e waB nc' cau /! bt he r self In th e a c t of polis h ing ver e, as she desires to attend th~ One ot lbe most . alltonlablng ' lIaw before, ano ' never expect to Bee the mlr.lster·s etudy, monIc f eats on I"ecord Is r ecorded by ngaln." WalBb had a. close rival In Quatomed to read aloud. - Th e g lt'l h all t he c hairs. as thoug h som e hUII1 Wl ....·eddlng of h e r cousIn , til" prin ce of .)obll WaBley. "I kne w '. a ' man abput Macaulay, who. accordln~ to Jamea not undet's t t od or conscious ly t aken visitor w e r e expecte d. "[ wODJer Cro y, wltll I\11s8 I'\ancy Lels chman ' 2,0 ;'y~j ~o." w rttea ' WeJJley, ' "who . Stephe n. COUld. repe at "aU: Vemaa the- ~eed 01 tbo readln" ·),et he r mIn d holo wba.t 80rt Of dog S eth will bri ng bael:: dau ghter of tbe 'Unlted States ' m'l nhF with 'h lm ," s b e' mUlle d. . . t a r t o !:Ieflln . In tbe meantifJ1e Frau· \VO' :. B':'--UiQrougbly, ~!lCqu'a:\Jlted w it h nea by heart. a~d' all 'MUt~n~ . . well , !!elzed upon aneS" stored the phr a seG. , , . ' - -_:: .. , And' \\' b e n a t length S e th .stOod' at cis JO BepJ:J wlll do ,,(hat bit (q re.; ': tbe tBlble ' that . It . h e wall. "Quostioned . aB. ~ gra nt put ~t the 13lb,,. ,. '. lIB tp ' a m' · H e brew '1o.rll In ~e oht. . A Itran~e 1 ~lt~ce ot r~~ memory ,- Men ad'!lt~ l!l"m~ who are pertet:r ' -the. 'door, deJ ected. and dogle88; ag rent "Iev~ the lally pr the d1aQI~Un" IDftle t;i , tl18C~ilt,ent" t!ettle~ uJKln ·'h e r . ' , . eclby the cli,un~h; ,,' " - .' . ,." P1' <rfuek woro In the N~,," re~~: :la reco~~e~ til .t h8 ~e o! a l"nnt






















Don't Persecute Your Bowels





·-·- --··--_-i....---....---•

Automatic PlstoI- 600 Irt a

. - .- .--.---.--. .-.. BASE.




Ft.aSewrd a!«ond


UJmlted -72ft a

--.- -




. '.









COUNTY COURT NEWS .................. Probate Court


1 !

, 9D 7 2, 1.:1 , M ,AI"~,,odllr.\; \ '0 . /l u l110 t h e tJl ll 1tt>r of th tl I( lI orrliull' t,uxlo e for 1J11t lell til ~lj . .:\OO ld W Olc k ,,01 P ot .111 nil''' ~ , (;r) lmrn, a 0 II Ileged


The ·M arch of the Cow

.• ,

• . ........... . . . . . . . --......-..--w ~(.wll J' I'. l" ltWor·) 1 ping, w ork III L', H,


Model Dairy Bu ildin g at State Fair--Daily Lectures and Demonstrations - - - - - - .,- - -

S OU" •., bOllnl fo r pT1 "r)Il!'r ~ ~\!7 ;1", 1 ' Hltt,~ ofT to the Uo w. fl Ar I'\O OS Dll iry B'Oiltllng lit Ohio ~tate .I!'air U, U ~1"T\' l n . ~I1PJlI\( ... Ill r I ' , H Idre w Ih ll pl o w tbl'Oll l!h \'Irgln "oil September 1 to G. 'fhie buildi ng is Baud .~, (J\I(I . j nll it .l r f.2 !I". \V II. t-:tll ll lll!l' .,. Co . T h oy poll0l1 tlJs emigrunt wn l( on n ow bolllg equipped with tho best In t.hA lIHlt,l er IlC th e o" t tl t o of 15. rellol'd f (, r ,; 1 'r l; $;, :,,1, \ \" U ~lu 1I . I over m oun I,ni n ao d lIorOdS t,he modern machinery o.t oost of many Belle Kt'mpor . deceased. Huward " go ,>;: ( ' " • ~tlp ph l'S fll r court ~ too pruirlo, Tllke tho old oo w lind hor hundred dollan . Demonstration G . Kel/Iller Il llllllill lorl IIrllllini~trl\f;c r , og raJlh ur ~~ , :it , .. 1. C , \'n ll '" • D 11 I ryt' u'Jr IW . pr Llllu cIs o ut .. f the gllnw Ilodlife Is work, wurt h mllny d 0 II IIrs.o Bond #600 , 11I \'~ nl ll ry 1l 1\(IIIJll'rn i ~tl blldu l Mr~ '" hu yll' r ,('u rl,lt \' 1ll 1! ,me Ii , h'nnll Y wl1 rth livin g m ell (lnd would .be-dairym9n, will U100 t lllllift"d. $ 1.11 11. "':11 111 II H "nk l .', I I"'S 'III I l!x. 1 Wllore ver tho c ollI co w I\UU the De !-llvon dllily Prot. Erf hilS a In t.lw Illllttl' r or th ll tru .. t ;,rUII.I.od p(1JI ~Il " , .1U I v :f ! \1:1 .10.1 , l ' r ,)s:-\ u r ()~ .\I d ll iry aro enuournged, blink f\ccono ts, nailunul reput ItiOD. Iln d hIS . 8iiow by tho will of Wl\Hltm H Cleill e nt,. burd waro 'In t.! Ac w" r Plllo $l :!, I : . "1 PI' Ot1tH, good b om es. g llOt! fllrrut! IlDd at the t:\tute F Iltr ' w III ma k e g ood Th ' jeoeaAed , ~ev o nte e oth II (l(1otlnt tied , 8 l'11\\'11T t.< . ~U l'p JI"~ t o r .1" nl tll l' $~ Iii" ~ oil fertil it y in ' rtltHle . Pr o f. OIlCIH wll~ e~ fur Il ll who see it. Ie Rnd ordered ~u"pu Dll e d , h t II f Lell/lll cllt 11' I" \: ('ou l ( '" . 101' fo r .Jnl v. Err. Valry Vellu at Ollio ~8t.1lt, e Uni · building will be Il ou ~e u a sug , In tho Dll\tter of tho Otitllttl >If I Sill, ' I'nn Frnllk li n CI ront cle . puh' ver6ity, wlli be to chtHge uf new J1; p"tio os. Lectures Irce . Mose" \"y , H oll i o~s wort!J , Uf' 09""ed, Iif' hln g rliX notl lJll. fl, 'l'ruHteU{\ Pu b; l 8Mond And !ionl Ilocount· filed ~n d AlTa irI', W'l t Ar, ~ 7 . IIr W . L Bro wll . I Adv ice f or M other. orderu<l s uspeuded . llotl tnx in H nod , t.nllltlU ll llt,. Hohor t , Muthe rs! Have Your Children Worms? In the mnt.tcr of tlle ostat,e of T . TIll' " ,",, 11 1': 11'1 hild h",'n t'Xlin p e nll- , A I'fI th ey fcverish, restless, ner,)eollltlIL, $1 , Th n lll tl~ I'; CUI'Wl ll , 1st. L . Browo. deoeusod, Prouf of pub Est :\" ~~I () lt l fj( flncy ing ,,11 1I11}. I1l1d h i 1"" , 1,,·1' lIlo ther los t VI~ Ot'. Irr ltllble, dizzy oroon8Slpated1 IJ. Ll t., UC'· II li d ''' 'II''nl ~ t cn· d curpo ral Iioatlon of not,ico lIf IlPvointmcDt of For brl( l J!tl uv or p u n l ~hllll ' lIl '1'1,,· ('h ' ld bad Krnrcl· ly Du tl l(IY CQ ntlnu611y plok thei r 110se Cu nt rnrt ~ L At .J. W. Nowmlln 1\ 1' udminist,mt·or o r g rllld tholr teeth? I Bave they Cl earcr llllk. Kn uth "I' KJl riughor ll, lo n'co, "n'd fro lll hf'r sobs ",b l'o sho orll mp\IIIl{ pUIO .. , Irreg u ar Iln d rav· filed , DrAgon III Brio I ~A l :o, 11'1 por I hoi r louk ,' ct up IlUU ~ ilill. " ~l u lh H, you 16nuuII !l p potito? 'fllese Ilre Ill! !ligns 11\ the mllHer of thtl m<tll te of J . 1)I"n R fo r :f l ~.1I0(' LIlu st trl' nlld {'''!l lrnl t!lill t,' ulfJl!r of I • .(IU t I yuur~. o . worm"" .. ' orms no on y oo use Morton Tre!l8lor, d!lO€ll.l»ed . Invcn · y our ohi l.l Imfiering, but stont itll N (I l'l w ith I' M, Co llin s for (lo ntory and IlPPrtLisllment tilt'd , mind Ilnd gr o w~h . Uive" Kloltapoo oret a 1I r ob . .,tc Olllll p lAtU Unll f on lly W orm Killor" Ilt. once. It kills and 10 tbl'l mlltter uf I,he ulIlllto of for t ra vlll on Pl tlnsllnt Pl nill li nd t r e nll)VtlS the worms, improves your &phill V~o Drrveor, d e oe /1 ~tJ d . 10 8ntlt'ry illA PikEl in Hnr lan Tp lH'e r ' He Didn't Min d. c hlld 's IlPP(lti te, r egulateH "tomllob, "I S llP pO~I' , J e r ry, " ~ . dd thll ," min· ventory au rl IIporlllsenHmt filed. II \'er nud bo wols , The symptoms Wolf Hun . lit ~;, 75 per ou , yd . eot sta t"slnU Ii . louki!l)!; thrll ugll his In the mattor of the will of E'usa n No , 1I~ with W ~ , <:irtthaDl for 1pocketboo k for 11 11(' \\ dll il ar bill. " liko dlSI\ppenr lind yo ur ohlld it! IOlide CIlPP, deoellsed. Will udmltted to conorete ILrch aDd !ills, e tc , f0r I a IUl or (Jt h" r D"O Il '" lIowa days. yo u IlltllPY Il nd hoo!th y, I\S n atu re IDAll druggists cr by wall, probat.e , J . Lee Thompson IIppoi n . Mason Ilr oh In Wllyne Tp . 0 0 the l wo uld rat her hu\'(' l'1 l'lln money?" tended 2&c. Kiokllpoo Iodio.n MedIcine ",d 8lI:ooutor. Bond t2, 500. W W. MaBon road at ' .117 per eo yd . " Oh. thul's a ll r lg hl: 5' ·lIlIt or." Bald Philadelphia, Po.. /:'!t, , . I the cabman, "I dun I care, how you Company, Voorbl~, R . J , IrwlD, M. E Do.vis Louis, Mo , ~o. ll-l with F . M , Col\1ns f or i made you r mon ey," ------- ~ ------nppolnted apprAltlors . cleaoing (Lnd pllinting 12 bridges Flaming Finish. In tbe matter of the aUnte of F . and 6 rnilings in Harlnn Tp , $ll G, I "My grandrath er," sold the old·tl.ner, :B . McUlong, deceased. Flr8t ao No. go with TlJomn8 E Co r win Suffered Eczema Fifty Years-Now "used to put lIli his mooey In hla count filed Bnd ordered 1!U~pended. I!t ocklll!;," "Wa·all. things haln 't for making r ca IWIlY hridge over Well I n the matter of the eslate or oreek and extrll excavati ou for arc h I kleeml'\ II lonp: time to end ur e tbe chan g~ cl much ." sold hI s old frleod. ,J'lhu Vandervoort., AS Ildminlstrl1tor "My g ra nd son. who's lakin ' 0. course and pntting mtlterial bo.ok for fi\l~ Ilwful bornln ~, itching, smllrtID g, ow I th the will aoneIed of tbe estate and deli very of centers froUi Leb ski o disease known IlS "tetter"- In modl!TO de portmcnt at one 0' them of Bllunah 1. Payne, d eoeaeed. anon at BrldgeporS in ~alem Tp . another nllme fo r EC:lemll. Seows ern coll eges. puts !lIost all bill money InlO socks ,"-J ud ge, ,. gooil to realtze. Illso, Ultlt DR. HOBPl~intlfJ VII . Uharles J , Payne, el Ill. $64. SON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT hus defendants. t:)ettlement ordered , 10 gener..1 with C. A . Ludlum to proven II. perfect oure. \ furnish lumber per 100 ft. B. M . 16 )4rs. D. L. Kenney writes :-"1 F ~" B, OYS fO,r. Bu.lne••. Real Estate Transfers Ollnno t s ufficient! ex P ress m Wh en " .11) II l1d l llullC>I to learo the . . y D u '1 groce ry busln. es>I In Prague . Boh emia, Wm . Z. Cbenoweth t.) 8. L Cart· ft. by :& a nd one half !D ., planks• at tt hl1nk S to you for your r. Jilobson S 13 ~er LOO In foroe untIl Bept , 22, Eczcml1 OlDtment. It hilS on red 1 his employ er d e ~andti from $20 lo $60 wright, 5 aorAS of land, 1325 1913. my tetter whioh hit S troubled me a ytoar from him ,lDd In rf' turn furnlsb· Geo. E. and Ada A . Riley to Sid. ------ - ••-----for over ' fifty years." All drug. es board Ilnd clothes, The lad must Dey and Frank M. Beal, a traot of Costly Treatment gist!!, or by wall, 500 , atte nd 110 a dv anced busIness school at land In L'ie&roreek township oon· "1 WIlS troubled wlSb oonstlpatlon I PFEIFFER. CBEMIUAL CO, leasl twice a week aod on Sunday. and Indigelltion and spent· hundreds !:)t , Lc uis, Mo, Phiht.delphia, Pa , study o,n 1JI'oA'·"'.IlaJ 1 ~"lCuage. tatntng 26 38 aores ; 16,000. I Lawrence Co111ns to Martha E. of d ollllrtl for mediolne and treatColltns, Lot No. 1 in Elltott's Addi· ment," wrlttl!:l C. B , Bines, of Whit , low, Ark. "I went to a ~t . Loui s / tion w Lebanon; II, b Olipitlll, 111110 \0 It bospi~1 in .New . Waldron U. and Arthur U Gil Orlellns, but no cure W6S tdlected . mour to Thomas C, Christie, lot iD On returning 1I0me I began tllking ChBmberlahl's Tabletd, a nd worked Brain, Gasoline and L1ghtning-·State Pair the Mecca Lebanon; $1 , right along. 1 u sed tbem for s ome p , B. Rue 11.1 executor tQ Edwin ttme of the Men at t~e Wheel aDd am now all right . Sold by B Miller, lot No. 23 In Maokinaw all dealers. Addition to the VIllage of Franklin, • - • Brain mixed with glllloline and In the oountry. Ten thousand anteOhio; $75. Bird. Foreshadowed Battle. lightDing makes a wagon . An mobllEIB will the I:!tate Fair at Minerva Langdon to P earl Peg~, It Is said that in the tower of King automobile Ii! tbe event of Illl the Columbus. September 1 to 6. ' The lot No. 306 in Frllnklin, Ohio, $950 . Charles VIII, of France. tlle ,battle centuries boiled down . The auto ie State Flllr officials are ready to park . that was fought betw een the French . W. C. and Martha R . Hudson to and the Brltoos. In which the Britons LD competition with raU""ay traffio Illl machines tllat oome. ~utnmo· Eciwta B. Miller, lote Nos 134, 136, were dereated. was foreshad owed by a. !todIlY . U's the forerunner of geod bile parties are being organized IIy 14l in Park Plaoe Addition to skIrmish betwee n magpies aod jack· roads everywhere. It's giving the the hu.n drlldll every day to attend Franklin. Ohio, t:l60.

ImbN\l IIl.

t ' 11I1~

July Clearance Sales ARE A GREAT SUCCESS

Cul)orlt IIPI',lInLetl.

July Specials Ready·Made Sheet'3 ........... .. .. ... .. . .... ... . .. .... 49c allu , Ready-Made Pillow Case::! . Embroideries wide. Ribbons .... .. ... ...... ...... .... .... ....... .. .. .. ... .. ....... lOc to Wide Table Linen, all lin en .. .... ... ..... ........ $1 25 for All Linen ................. .. .. .. ,.... .. ........... , .. , .. ,$1.00 for Aprons. all over S9c ........ ......... ...... ... ............ IOc to White' Silk Gloves .. .... ..... . ............ " .. .. ...... ..... GOc to Corsets .............................. " . ........ ..... . .. ... ... 50c to


]!)c !i~c

7\Jc 25c $1 60 $500

Wash Goods Lawnll, worth up to IOe, to close .. .............. .. ..... ... .... .. Lawns, worth up to ISc, t o close .... .. .... .. ...... .... ........ .. Crepes, TiBSues, Voile, worth up to 25c .. .. .. .... .. ......... .. C repes, Tissues, Voile, worth up to 35e ..... ....... .. ....... .. Voiles, Balkan Suitings, P. K., worth up to GOc, to close Ratine Lines, 85c quality, to close .. ......... .. ............... . Ratine Silk, $1.25 quality, to close ... .. .. .................... ..

r,C lOe 16e 1ge

3ge 6ge gae

.. ..


Hose Specials 25e Mercerized Lii'ht Weight ............... .... . . ... .. ........ .. ]9c 35e Ta n and White Boot Silk ..... .... ......... ... ........... .. .. 2Sc 25c Burson Seconds, Black and Tan .... ... ................ ... . 16e

Ready-to-Wear Department


All Ladies' Suits .... .... .. .............. ........ . ONE-HALF PR~E All Ladies' Coats .. ... ...................... . .. .. ONE-HALF PRICE Ladies' White Waist!!, $1 00 and $1.25 grade ... -.. ........ 7ge Just received Saturday, Big Special in White Parasols $1 00

T en Thousand Automobiles

Common Pleu ~lnK5 f,e8le Bradtord VI. Ulark K , Brad. ford, Divorce gran tied. Lnrnnda Good, et aI, VS . Ida lIainel et; &1. l'IaintltJs are entitled to partition. B88Ile White VS. Horace Fred WbUe. PetUton granted.



Carpets, Rugs and Mattings

ENTERTAINMEN;mooF;~~~w~~d~~ah~w~I~S~~~;";~;~I· HUTCHISON &GIBNEY X~NIA,



Marrlale Llcenaea Walden L. Kempel', salesman, to Jennte G. Bearne, both of I.ebanoo, Rev. Arthur Cooper . Charl68 Dwinell, m lohloist, of Middletown, to MISS Angela Murray, .of Lebanon, Rev. Arthur Oo.)per Chari.,. Carroll, farmer. netu BlaDohes~r, to MtllS Goldie Brown, of Mason . Rev. R 8 . Hagermon . Ellrl S. Mardis, orellmery man, of Lebanon, to Miss Edith 1.. Reeve., of Lebanon. Rtlv. E , 6 Walk , Charles Landrum, farn er, of Lebanon, to Sarah Ann Gust,in. uf JAbanon . M. A, Jameson . D. C. 'l'rovtllo, farmer, of Morrow. ,t o MI'8. Mile Bioks, of Morrow Bev. Arthur ()ooper.

Talking Shop.


The Best Pain Killer Bucltlen'e ArDica I:!alve when ap. pUe I to 0. cut, brul"", spraIn, burn or scald, or other Injnry of 'be skiD will Immediately remove all pilla E. E. l-'hamberllloin of ClInlon, Me'l lIays :-"It rQbe oots Bnd other In· juries ot their terror~ As Il healing remedy Us equlllt.op 't exll'lt. " Will do good for you . Only 26c. lit J . E Janney'l .

Commissioners' Proceedings Bills Allowed-Chas , Btlbbs, con. traot., 173 S3, Earnhart Urug I::!tore, suppliell, $22, W. 8 . Grahllm'. oontraot, 'IS. W, E. Deohunt, work. emergenoy flGod, $198, J H. MlI)er, Jr. work, emergenoy flood, $460, Cha8. Dtlardoff, work, emergenoy flood, ' $737, A . T . Rettig, work, em


ergeno,. flood, $464. E . W . Ueight, amu sem ent and ontertalnment program of the com log Ohio State Fair will be mo'tlt elaborate. Twelve road 011, Carlisle rOlttd, 175, E . W. hlgh·class clrCUB acts will give 3 dally free performance. Great care has beeo exercised In the selection Leight. road 011, Franklin Tp. road, of lhesA acts , The world's best have been engaged. , Band concerts by famous organIzations will entertain 1'08, A. &. Boppe. road work, Fos. pat rons both dllY and nIght. Each afternoon tbe race course will be the battle ground of fast steppers. Three II' H oppe, roa . d wor, k 'Taco,; urI' ca rded ea ch dlLy- Sept. 1. 2, 3, ., 5. The program consists of eIght paCing and seven trotting events;.. tere, $,..0 , A ."'" $11.000 Is olTet'ed In pur88S. Sport lovers will be deltghtfull y entertalne'\. The It rack Is 10 superb conditiOn KiDJl MUIs, t106.60, lienry Uhria. :llld re<' ords are .mre 10 be shatter~d. The entry JIst contaIns t he nam es of anImals famous In the turf world. &Ian, bridge repair work, 19.76, C, , Ea('h I'lH:e will he hotly contested. W. Spun, bridge repair work, 12.50 The F:Xllosltlon will be open both day and olght. The leading featu re' of the night program wlll be the Iva Webb, road work e~ergenoy, tree I1reSp.;l tut lo n of Pa in 's grandest spectacle, "Last DaYII of Pompei!." Three hundred and fifty performers are In Ih e cast. F'our 1l(,I'CS of scenery are requIred. The eruptioD of Vesuvius destroyIng the city Is mOlt y lV· $611.90, Elmer B~weJl, bridge work, Idly I'Ol'tra H'lJ. Tb" sc·p.nic elTects ,are marvelous. Following each presentation of thIs grand spectacle a $5,000 labor ,17.16, Aha Webb, emngeaoy \Jrogl'RlU "f l'a; I1 ':; ~,f a o !l atta n Dea.cb ' Fireworks will be staged. The rep'ltaUon of Pain as America', pyreAooel "Ol'k, ,eo, Colnmbus Blank techni c Idl'!!. I~ Il O welf kn own that vlsltorl are aBsured 'a fireworks dlBllIRY beyond compare. The Eltl1oslUon Book Co , luppllee P. J, ft,90, War.- ' grounc\s will be bI' t1Iumlnflled. Each ot tile exhibit buildings will be fopen tor night Inspection. Steam no 00. Tlmee, publl:lhing notice of arid interur hu n rull\V a>' ~ will maintain special nl ~ htschMllles durllig the continuance of the Expolltloo. Vis· itors will thus be a rl'ol'ded opportunity of wltnesa'n g the elr.Dara'te night program and return home the same ~tnct 'Work $18, B. I:. Warwtot, f,lveolog. The" Stute Fair manngemeot fl arr ;rtn~ to accommodate t~e large,t crowtJB In Its h~st6ry. JUPP.1iee 'f or,jail, · $.15, W. B . ,Bop. ..





Enthusiastic loterellt In one', OCC1Jo Dation Is always an Bdvaotace, but, on Qle other band. It Is oot well for a Funeral woman In bUllnslls to talk of her work and Embalmer, at all tlmos and places, Naturally, the thin, that we do conltilDtly Is our Waynesville, Ohio. most absorbln, tnterest/but we mUllt remember that other people have other thin,s to talll about. Call answere<! promptly day ot' nhrht. Both phones 10 Office and Residence Long distance, No. 14; Home phon~ 14-2r, . Regretted LosIng Good Thing. Ella-"Mrs, Gayboy looka very sad Chairs and one Coach furnished free Iince IIhe divorced her husband," with funerals. Bella-"Yes, she didn't know what a Best of service guaranteed. good husband she had until ahc saw how geoerous he bebaved about the allmony."-Club·Fellow.

- - .- ..--,...

For the Old Man to Decide.




8A'MPLE COPY FREE PM . . . IIIW YO•• CL.IPPI .. lIew York. II. Y.

Old GotroI (savagely)-So you want ~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!"!'!!'!!!!!!!!!! to many my daullhter, do you? DofOU think two cao live aB eIJeapl7 &8 one?" Youog Softly (8I1ghU, em· barruled)-"I-I hardly think YOIl will Dotlce any dIfference, Blr."-PUclt. Exception to the Rule,

Br1CIB-"They lay that 'two head' are better than ooe.''' Gricc_"Tbat'. all a mistake. Both my wire and I want to be the heacl of the bOUle and it cloelD't work at alL"

TM Rnl de LuU EdItion.. Buy Jour bOob to read. Dot. to b.... Uo1it, &ad ,.c;1l11 ·be Bate. .


, ~ .J"

i ,J



--.- ===- - THE



Wook ty







0., ro......It, .... .hoOk." to _ hear at I,he sudden death of Mr. OFlrJOE - - !.l AIN 8TH EET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Patrlok Gibbons at his h ome on - - - - -- - - - - &ae' Franklin I:!t ., 1"lIt W ec:lnell({II.Y VAL LEY 1'ELl!:l'lluNI. - t'ALL NO 111 morning . Tbe fUDeral wall h eld tn his la'e home on &turday m orning. D. L. C I\ANE, Editor and Manager Burial Willi ma .ie d Waynesville . Mrs Dr. Hook bas gone to Min_ Rates of SubscriPtion neeo'a 0111 a visit. One Year (.tr lc Lly In &dvlUlce) ... . .... 11.010 Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. Mr. ancl Mrs. Roy Blaok and fam · H ",,10 ' )c ' p y . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . 0: Ily have moved into their ne'w boulle. Dllnlel I:!idoostrioker, our Day to n Rates of Advertising Phone 71-1 CORWIN. OHIO. IIgerat.. ie on the liok Hilt. new!' ,I.. &dIDil Locale. per 11110 . • • . • • • . • • • . . • ~ !ie&dlull Loc ..... IJllld llIlr Unt! . . . 10, M .1' Mary CUllic ill suffering with -;11LIII1f1ed Atli. Ilot t o el"~ Iho ' " ,... 1\ epral ned ankle . ::::± Three IlUIIlrLloWl .. . . . ..... . .. 16< M·II . John Williami and daughter ~ bltll"rI OOl, live luchee .. "" . ovor llvu WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES lnch6ll. per Un' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ik.' MillS Bos8 have returned to Dllyton '-I nI or thanlu . . . . . .. ...... • .. .... . . a,· after a pl easant visit here . .. tllIOlutloWl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. DOC Methodist Episcopal Chur~ David IIfrysr, wife and dtmghter Tbe undersigned will oITer at pu olX'1r.t. el.c. whore eh a. e III m""o . . . . . .. 211c Rev. O. S. o rauser, Putor. • "'l'la7 Ad ,ortIBlntr PI . Inch ..... . . . . • . 101' Gladys flIre vlsiling Mrs. U . W . lio sale at the home of the late Su nd ay Sc hool. U : 1:5 a . m . Morn l n~ II f'r Dlaoounta lIiven )n CODtrac'. Ueorge N . Browu, 1 111ile nort.h of Kemp . \' Ic c . 10 : (10 a . m . iI:: \,~ [Jlll g 8erv l c e. -:- : 0 Jl B'srry, Ohio, on ru . Mhl w6Uk l'rl yer YeeLlng , 7 p. m. Jame. Crowl has 1>4Ion very siok AVOUB'f 10. 1911 Thursday, August 28, 1913 with rheumatism but ill now mendSt. AugustIne's Catholic Chun:b. Father LoulJl VaWl ing IIlowly . Beginning at 10 o'olook the fol. M.... e ve ry 8" CVI1 ~ ~unduy of l ll. mODlb a 10winK: 3 borHell, (\ oattle, farming John Edwnds entertained Mrll. HarveY8burg. HIO'8 EXPOSITION I. a m\ldel of cOllltJlelen".... . Equlpl><!d ... It Ie implements and household fur nt- u:ou a. m. with mammoth nhlblt bulldlnl'S. 8Ur1'01l1ld" d by Ilcali lit l,l park el'lect'. her mother from Franklin las' Fri- ture. See bills for terms . St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. Word reached here 8&'urdayof It III an 1a.eeJ place to and study th e »tl.t ",·1j \' a~t rc ~o urC6a. dav. ,Julill A . Brown . Rev . J . P . Cnd walillder. Heet. ·, building baa been COIl.tructecJ wtth a vIew of Illfl> ntifl!; unlln.lted opper. Mr. Wa lter M . Dinwiddie, only R. C. Baines, Auct . tbe death of Jamee Roblneen, of SUllrt ay SellOo' . 0 '30 ... m Mornlnll tuDtty to «:10..1)' In-llpeat the dlllpla)'9 . Bl'OIld I\l g l ~ 8 I "I llt thl'oll ghout eacb lIOn of Mr . and Mrs . Funk Dinwidnear Oregonia, a young man of vlco. IU : ~O a . m . Holy Communion tb e 0r.1 atruc lure. The 8Ihlblts ar. aU .yw ll'maUcally arran ged . In IIddltion to tb. Minister Praises this Laxative 8un,lu), 0 1 eaeh montb, die "Dd Miss Sarah Welll1r wore lI'sr)lng quaUtlel. He wa8a' Miamt e x blblt bulldlnp, the 8Tounrtll u" thoroug bly IlTovldt'u with e very comfort Rev .. H. S'uben voll of Allison, lao anited In marrlll.&e las' Tuesdar BJepital, tn Day\on, wl\h typhoid ror V'1sltore . Toitet room8, rest rooUIt! . nurse rlt·s. Intorr na tlon bureaus, t el&Christian Church. in pralsinp; Dr. King 's New Life lever aDd after lnly a sbor' II10k phone bootLe, bllrber Ihope. bllth roomB and em or!!,c lI l'Y hos pitals wlll be aUerno .·1I1 at Xenia, by Rev. Uowdy. Ro,. P. n. TbomPllOD. PutGI. Pills for oonstipatlon writell :-' ·Dr. found at oonvenle nt potnta. NOlhlllg han hl' l'lI ovcl'lool,ed tn provldlq Miss Weller is the oharmlng ,laugh8cbool. 9: SO a . m. Boctal meetln •• neu wa. o_lIed home when lorrow KIDg'a New Llf. Pills are IlOoh per_ 10:Bible au .. m. Ohrtatlan Ende..vor . 1: OU p . IU. comfort for vtsttom. ter of Mlf. lind MrA . Allie Weller, feat plllil no home 8b oule... be with_ Sermon by I11\IItor eve,.,. "ltoroaLe B und~ .. II DO' known and lov" aDd lOY re The 11113 li:.Ipoalt1on will III belli 8~[l1. 1. 2, 3, 4 /lncl 5. It gives prom. out tbem . " No better regulator for 10:10 ... m. and 1:au p . m . main forever. The pareDw, broth· be of belns the grand !!!! In tbe HtdtC'M hhUI)'·Y . Inte resting and Instruc. w88t of town and quite a mu@ioian. tbe liver and bowell. Every plll ere and Ilste,. have the .ympatby Hk:kslte Friends Churcar.. Uv. 8xbUtiU 111111 be InBtalle4. An t'tahorale nrnU Sfl ment program ha. been They will reside with the groom's guaranteed. Try them, Prioe 250 parents 8t present. A reoeption ", J . E. Janney's. proV'lded. 1'he E'lpoflltlon will be o pe n day li nd ntght. Rand ooneortll I'Irst Ua) t.l cetln~. U :00 a . m. ~'Ir.t J)a, of thil vlcinUy la 'hill 'belr Ad b.School , 11 ; 1(1 a UI . Founb Da)' MeeUQI{ eire. . act. and barnen racing will r ellture the rlay IlIllUHeme nt program: was givell in honor of them at Ihe reavemena. --10 :00 a. m. l:aclI nSgbt wtll lie pre unted PaIn '. mammolh spectacle, "Lallt Days of groom'!! ]larents las' Sunday. Misl The oolored camp meeting bejJaD Much Gold In World'. Coin. PompeII." I'oUowtng the preaentatlon of this SllCCI&Cular p roduction .,.1. Orthodox Friends Churc:L Seventy per cent. of the lold In elv· 1M mee&1nge Tlle8Ciay nigh' in 'hA Ito... wUI b9 thrilled wltb a lItupenlloul dllll'lay of Mllnhattnn Deal'h ftr .. Jllnnle Dinwiddie, of Indi&napolll.' , 1111'11. Elizabeth Ward. Putor. Ulzed man's possess ton ts In the form W&ll one of 'he gUBltS. Woodl of Adamll .Ild Parker lFhere worU. Sabbath Sebool. U:ao a. m. IlcJ(ulu ohllreb of coin. ....- - waa held \all, ye.r. Tbey are ex.'lrvlces 10 :80 a. m .. and 1: iIO p. m . Prayer m"eting ovonlng Ilt 1: 30. How the Trouble Starts peo&11l1 a loOO88lfoi meetlnl bo'b Constilliation i8 the oause of many IIplrl'uaU,. aad fioaooiall,.. vil1e aDd o'her pl8C88, all agreeing .ilmeDts aDd dillCrden that make Classillud Ads Mr. awl Kn. A. ·r. Moler enMr. that 'hili had been a very eOloyable life mi8er'I\ble. 1'ake Chamberlain's w- .... " . . . . . . . . . . ... DR.H.E.HATHAWAY 'aIDed 'beir ohllclreD aDd Ir.Dd- day and that ~hey m ,,. all be allowed N.thln Wblte who haa been the Tablets, )[eep your bowell regular ohlldren Bood.,.. to wee' "lain In lliU . la..' of reldivej here re'arned 111.1' aod you wUl avoid these diaeases, Ada will \)(, In"crLeIl undor thl. h ~ acl tor Waynesville's Leadinp DaOai.. twenty· Ove cellts lor three Insertions Our Iowa wal aUve wUh .uto for 88:e by all dealers. The Ward pionlo wUl oonvene at week to his hooae in Kokomo. wben ualllil not more tban OV~ IIneB. Offioe ID Keys Bldg. Malo 8' - -mobl1ea enroa'e alld f. om YeaI'l, IIl.ok Blwke, iI&'ord.y, AUlo.' 23, Mt- Jennie, Elizabeth and wee"nl at Wilmioiton, Sooday, This I. an old aDd well known fam· JOI8phlae Reevee are \he goelts of Uy of people and their plooio will be 'heir bro'her B. B. Reeves and making 'blDla ltvel". WANTED BARNHART, Mr. aad .Mn. Milton Bowe and well a'Wlnded. family, of Riobmond, Ind. Sever.l from hire a"ended tbe aOD B.rry lpen' Sou dar 'he IUM' EN-$2.00 per c!ay, steady work Notary Public Eether G . Frame, of Washlng'on, for geed men. Apply to the o. Mill i'a,. Aoa"o or WUmID,wD. WaYDe Townlhlp BOrle RaDgerl D. C . • peot tbe fore part of 1••, Oor u lIayor Wright &nd jovial All kinds of Notary Work. Peneloo J.m.... Gr.y, o. Cl.rkllVille, pionlo 8atDrday, Fraok Hopkins have gone '0 Port Oregonia Bridge Company, Lebanon, week wUh friends here. War k a I:!peolalty. Ohio. S 10 vaoll&CMd bulo....bere lal' week neorge &lrOIBY, a pioneer oUizen Mr. Turner and family opoUa to ru\loate far a dely or two, The JODall Ron B.p'let ohor<h il aod ve'enll IIhoeml\k¥, w.. vory moved from Springfield ~ the DVERTISERS - '1'0 know that Mr. WUllam Ret.lIIck has beguD .OOD to be beau'lfled wUb pain' and Nlverel,. burned To.da,. a' hie lIam, property. Kn. Turner il a yoo can sell your horse~ aDd the ereotion of • Dew houae on oows and other thiDgs by ad vertls.Dd .... w rnoe home by f.llinl 011 hit oook I~ve. Iider of Dr. WhUater. roor'h.ltree'ing tbem In the Gazette . It 008tll Mr. aod Mr• . B. L . Dakio Inter Be I. IIUbj60t io heara 'rooble 11.04 A. H. Harlan and lao Wm. arll but hUle, and brlngl results. laIDed for dlnoer aa'orda,. IIrl. Is W.I an ."aok of abil kl•• attendlDI ,he aarlab famil,. reooion Veterinary Mr. a.ajamin F . •lon8ll, of this Dakin'. 'ro'het Jarvia B.UOD ud ,h.t re.dered bim anooneolo al In Iowa. place. lat e parme.. In 'he firm of Oraduate of Oblo Stat; Unlvenl l J ber Ileplaew .Ild Dleoe Mr. aDd lin. bOMllnr face and body, Bla oOlldlMIA ".,.e, daugh~r of .r. alld bo... r,. & Co, of Lebanon, h&e reo FOR SALE *Iret from that drm. B. E. Ba'toD ao. Kr. and Mn. E. tlou I.. lIerlooll, bot WII hope for him lire. Wltllam ala", of WllmlDlwD, B, n.tklD. a lipS.;"" reoovery. ,y.1 married on I'hursda;, of laat -----------------------------------ARM.S nf dlffereDt .Izea ID War Office at residence in F. ll. SherAln. 11: . .. DaldD attended Yearly The Wa,.nenU1e Glee Club is Our vHlag" wlllioon applYOl'1l.8hed week to lIerle Hun', al.o of Wll, ren, Greene IIlId Mon'l0mery wood's house, Fourth Street. ItOlle on our .. Sreete, whlob Ie .e..,. 1II1.,toD. The brld. Ie ....Uve of oo_poeedl of M.II,.. H. F. Beak>D, meMtD, .rlday aa Wllmlq'oD. oouDti.. for sale. lnqolre ()f A . .A. tV. A. Cr.ndall, Robe .. , Kun', C T . air. aod Mn. I:d. Siler wood, .f .mllob neWell our oommonlty aDd h.e a hoe' of Crane, W'm. Dltte, Joho B. lioath· MoNell, Ceatervllle, ahio, bOlb Telephone 28 lIonroe, waalD thle viotllily reoentl,. s3 Calvin Ildwardl' 1 nit Ralpb Broob fnellM who extend to her tbeir very ern, Mahloo Grist lind John M. car. phonea. lookiDl afMr hla bulo.... III'. were 10 I.e'.nou Wedneecla,. olD MIt wl.hel. .er.-Now go In "nd make mualo, Waynesville. Ohio AoreFarm. 14100. Produolive Sberwqod ia eUlaiiDI ill 'be AGoI- hoal081111 ..e'umine tu,,' nlgbt muoh W. C. Smith Ie IatlD, a lake 'rip bOY8. loll, Good buUdingl. Near O8Ila aDd Health bDlID. . and With deUlh~ wUh 'heir trip. wmi \he D.blIlUUkID Co. Mre. The free pike be'weeft CorwlD and 100d market Inquire a' tbls omoe. b1a kaowledp c.f 101101&1nl, " ia e~ Clyde Leviey anel Gao. M. Jed imith alld ohildren are wUb Wll Loco.' BUi, 'be home of Davll DR. J. W. MILLER, 8 S peoMd a larie buln... froa him . warda tranl&Oted blUllD818 10 na,.· miogton relativel. Fornal, Ie ondergolng tborooa h good Farm Hc-rse, some good Be biu oor bee, wleh.. 'or hie .00 ten Thol'8day and whUe 'bere 'hey MI.. Savannah tiuffman, of the repah·. 4~ur frlend Forn&ll il loper· ,•• DENTIST••• Oolts. a fioe Oow, .nd a regis · Inte.dinl!: tbe operation of ",eD', 0811. Proteaan' BI)'pital, Columbol hal calle4 on'••88 ••d friendll. tered Shropshire Ram. Ioqulre of laaodl, . and he prop08t111 to pot the III'. aDd lin. t.'haa. t:kJroQY, of omce la .IIr. Al HuilmaD, a well known been eOjOylDg a vacatloo a' tbe road 10 fil'llt·olael 'ravelinl order Dr. Krelglaoft, Oregonia. Ohio . Waynesville, 0 NaUoaal Buk BIela. Lebaaoo, w .. called 00 .000001 maD making hil home with frlend8 home of hel parlinSa Mr. and Mrs. before anotber wlllter. Be'll do it, a 27 of IIr. Horotrtr,'. f.ther'l dilabtu'''. In Clarkavllle, died 'fU88day and Jail, Hoffman . too. good fresh Durham Cow with .... 8.ev. alld Mn. Cook who for.ev WM laid '0 rtllS at I:IprlnRfield ohorob oalf by III de. W. M. B:Jtts, ALTE U MOCLURE, TOle CoLLIWIe-U II preUy oer"'ln Waynesville, Remarkable Cure of Dys Ii tery enl y.r. h. ve beeo r.idenM 01 Tborllday. the end of a olleful Ufe. Ohio, R. 2. a 27 'ha' W&yoellville wUi have tbe Xeula 'alld whe,. ReY. Cook fouded "I wall a'taoked with dysenlery "rleDde'College, spoken of ID a late The Friend8 Yearly meetlnllllio Funeral Dil'el:tor. OTEL and Livery for Bale or .. ohllrcm and made hlm..lf Tltr, progr6l1 and is belnR well aSMnded aboot July lo~h, .nd 'oiled \he doc IQue of tble paper, Tbe monre rent . For farther partioulara tor'lI medicine and other remedi68 popala.. wUh 'lall. olttaea. of Xenia by many from thll seotion viz: Yr are expeotiol Ba.rvey.borg to \ate write or oall on Harvey Guatin, with no relief, ouly geUing worse Telephone day ow Ili,bt. aod' vleiDU,.'"have retarned ,bell' and Mre. W . W. Welch, .108. Carroll all tho' 'I IDe I was onable to do .om. stock in the loetUo\loD, whiob WaYQ88ville, Ohio. a 27 Valle,. phone No. f . Loog beaoltful bome nelir \lUI' village, aod daogbter Mrs. 8t1DSO~, Mr, .nd anvthllli aDd my weight dropped th., pllUlls wlll douMl688 do. Let DB hope ffllyn8llvllJe will be 'rlum. OW-Jersey oow, an\\ II jU8t Dilt&noe N o. 69-~. where : Ute oar. of life may be IIrl. l8a.c WUson, Rev. Cook .nd from 146 to 125 pound I . 1 suffered puna. fresh, a good one. Inquire of I.... naa aDei wUl be n 'heir wife and others nat known. It ill for about two months when J wal Corwin Blunes, R . D. 2, Waynel. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO altvilled \0 Ill .. Chamberlain'lI C()II0.1 • ohlldren, The,. are welooUled baok looked forward to al belog ,oad for Cholera The felltival., RaYlvllle on Sa, ville, Ohio, pbone 85.4y'. R 20 aDd Diarrhoea H,emedy . I Braneh 081ee, HarvenbUflr, 0to 01 .od .e kut 'heir heallh mankind both IIplrUuall,. all t 110 oiled '''0 bottles of It and It. gave ordl&;' e"eDing was a SUO<lOI8, we IUB-Both mole and female be relnl"~ .Dd 'hat Rev. Cook'. ola11y. me permaDent relief," writcs B. W. are QPpy to "tate . $150 were takeo In, aDd the expeo888 wUloot prob". Poland Chin. pigs; 'he kind voioe wUl 1>41 h_rd In our . B . O. Garner anll Wilbor W . WI) Blll If Snow Bill, N . C. For Bale bl,. b8.over $4U. An orgllD for the tbat wclghs 240 Ibs at 7 mo. old. an dealef8. by ohurohea, knowl0i She good t.ha' II 1100 tranll.oted bnaiaessin WUmlDg ~uDday eohool hi to be porohased 08011 on L. KIDg, Harveysburg, Ohio. --wish Ihe prooeeds, Deeded aod 080 be dODe by him ID eOD Tho ... day. R 20 Corwin. The ooncert OD eooday WIlS also able ooamonlty. Mr. E B. Datlll, of 'he IIrm of ARM-A good oue in a good well at&eDded. Thas was free, laow. The WOQd8On, ' Bridge & Broob Weloh & Dakio, oor hustliog hardlire. Olarenoe Mullln aDd daQgh ever, eXOI8pt a lJubiorlplioo being looatton, 010118 to two raliroodl. ..eonlOl1 w.s held In 'Jar vlll.p 00 W .... meD, III qaUe poorly "lila bplls tarl, of callfornla, aod Mra. Aohllah "ken. For farther partioulars inquire at t~is offioo. 0 29 E .. t ~d atreet i:1&'Otda,.. A at 'hil writing, belnl( 10 handlcaped lIollio, of aM City, Ind., were NEW g,R1DOtt-The Little Miami laI'Je Mowd of people W.I preaeDt, 'bat lllDterfered witb his a'~nd. 800day goe.... of Mrs. N.oml Har. IG~-l!! good (laroo Jer8ey R. R . Co. are removlog the old wood· ..Dd had a very In*ereetlng program Ing !.be Bto~alte mee"nl( at 1M. en bridlEet over Ca6!lar', oreek, whioh P sprinK sow pigs, eligible to re · wbloh was enjoyed by all . 'fhey Wa,.~e8Vl1le. Mra. AUoe MoKlnaey aod daogb 'hey Will repla06 wl'b an Iron ODe gistry. For further IDformatlon were here frOID LebaooD, WaYDIIf. of the 'Pittsbor. manofaclort. The ioqoire of Ifrank Autin. R. D. 4, The IIA8sie Township t!onday w.. were In Oentervtlle liooday. a 20 Couo'y CommlJlioDef8 are about Wa,.o68ville, Ohio . Hobool beld their plonlo Tborllday Mr. and IIrs. Thomas Bordeb, of purchMIDI( the old. whwh, If par AORES of land. S E. of a' N. II. RICh'f g ..oveDMr Wellmao Riohn1oDd, lad., have . been luea'i ouaed, 18 &0 be plaoed Joe' above Wa.ynesvll1e 2 milee, known Tbe~ had 300 10 attendaDce and it of MI'II. Mary Waterhouae aevor.1 for a ...gon bridge. Tbll we think ae 'he Clarkloon Gause Farm~ ApCatarrh Cannot Be Cured wu ~, Doised a ..olllld aonlflqueDtly d.y •. woulll be, a Rood tn vee&8aen" for" ply to Franklin Paoker, Way 088· witb looal applloatlonl, .1 'bey oan. man.,. 'DOt knowing ofihHd not get 18 .--'blng that baa; 1001( been vlUe, lIhlo. U Dot reaob 'he Ilea' of the dlll8818. Mn . Ohrls\le MoKlol6,. and ueeded ill tb., oommaoUy. C.'... ah II a blood or oonsU'otlool&l to A Kpleodld time waa had da118bter Laura entertaloed a'din_ dleeaee, aDd in order '0 oure" you Bev. BUReot atDplred a ball ·game, ner f'rlday Mr. aDd lin. W. W . mOlt ..te iatel'llal remedl... BaU'a he being one of the boya. A very B h d .AU BURNT.-The barD of IIr, Catarrh Cure la ..ke1l internany, Arnold and lin. . Pral an Gearle ['.kln, with iM oooMn'" of and,,* dl ..80", OPOD tbe blood aod .Djoyable day for all aDd ,.00 are ",agbter, of Ptt\8borg, p&. ha;r,; . Iralo, &c., belonalDR hi. mooolUl .1Irfa08ll. Ball'. ea.rrh aiked to be pr88ellt Daxt v_r. IIr. and lira. Chu . Reynolde and brosher, Dear IIlddl. Run, wa. 00" la DO' a quack medloiDe. It • - • dalllbter visl~ rela&1vea ill Leb burnt d.wll on Sallda,. laat. The Live Stock and General Auctioneer wall preeoribed b;, one of the bel, Good Reaaon for HII Enthusiasm aooa Matarday .nd dond.y. 0 ...18 ot sho flre Ie IIUPpoeecl iohave pbYllloi.OB in 'hll ooan'r1 fo .. yeara emanatetl frOID apl ..kll .rom a .Ilot lind I. a regula.. prf-aonpUon. 1& I. Wheo a man blls 8affered fo...0.. lit. aDd lira. lobn Zell were In fired by IIr. Daktll f.r the porpose Posted on pedigrees and values of all oompoaed of the beet tonl08 kDOWD, ....1 daya with ooUo, dtarrbaea 0.. Barve,.lIburg RaDda,.. of tiUlug a ohiokeo, and whleb, kinds of breeding stock. combined wUh 'b. bed blood pori other fo ..m of bowel oompJato' and IIr. ClleD lIoIhll, of New 80... ",klDg lodpeoll ID 'Iae oombue&ll. tleftI aoa1n. dil'8O&17 Oil 'he maooDl II theD OUIed BOUI! and well b,. 0111 IIn,ioD, I. vielUog hla rela&tves U.... material ID the barn, Boon llnlsed Experienced in handling farm sales since The p.rfem oomblnatioo M two 40eee of Chamberlatn 'a 00II0, Naomi Ha..laD aDd f.mily, aDd .,...84, until to'al deatruolloD 1905. of 'b. IIwo lopedlflllu Ie wlaa. pro. Cholera an" D1arrhcM Remedy, aa • _ • was th., relula. II... Dakia bad daoea noh wondei'fal ..."Ita lD II often·llbe cue, it I. ball natural mooh cUlBoal$, la remoYlq .. lao.... OUI'Iq'catar..1i.· Bead .for _timo ,hall lae .boo1cl be .Illihut.,.tio til "oulld the Point. from tile· . .bl., and IIbi.,... Dot Satfdac«on~auaraat_ T-. Reasonable mla, free. , . . . hla pralae of .'Iae. remedy, IUld... ..A, teaebar told ' ODII of bel' boJl tUa deoW 'wilboall 'h. · .Dlmalle"ml .•• rI CUD.Y· &Oo.t·P"o", Toledo. 0 peoIal1y" 'hla tJ,ae Cla. . of . . . . . . tbe aut tIID. be Wrote • cqm&*iUoa elnpd '''' Ut. flamea. 'l'hla . . . • WayneSVille,· Ohio' sOld _ Dral• •, prioe 750, a'''ok when Ufeta 'h.... &eDe4 • .1'r7 .~ · mUlt be tom• . lJOlDt to It. TIle aertou oanalty, lUll IIr DUlD h .. OBADl1ATB ;01' TBB . Tab;.' hpat11 ~I~ for ooa- ... .wb.pID ·need of ~ • . nme~,. IDJect lIB aut . ""1l~UoD ~ ~.""oIm ~~ !~ alae. 10. of , II~e .ATIOJl',u, AVonOIf ville, T .........s-ar '~000L4D . . . .~N ;' .,,~ : ,. ,1\ f~ " ~14 _ ... ....... ...,~ . ,,'., . t ' , ... . • . . "JaIl .. t

W .. yntlllvlllo. Ohlu

Automobile Livery Service at Re asonable Rates.




Public Sale




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Items of Forty-Five Years Ago



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E. V.


Dr. J. A .. McCoy,



67 A

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N. Sears
















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TRULY WORD OF GOD Inspiration of Bible Can Never Be I Doubted by One Who Has

'Til ':


IIMPORTANCE OF INOCULATION OF ALFALFA J'lpractical Fashions] L---------------------------~ I



nead It.


1:l bl e wa 9-::-\"('r so th oroUf; hl y Ktll llt ed IIA du ring t he lasl hair :-:EW c ll~ 16 l" ' I Il~ hu ll l (In II wk .,. F"wlng III : L(' hlt,, · ~. ~ca l "e . '·(, Il lur ~· . a lld It ucn: r hall 60 many I h,· Nhor.,s of ~ l lIl11llt hay. (' hl". farmlllg iml t\P nt"Ul~ . moro r,'uu" ra U!! lod ay , The IHUOUl lt 01 II' hl' r e ,\t1ll1i ru t II c' '''{,I' ' 9 g un!! IIlId Illo r e 01 PhillPltlll ,' ~ ug ur . /' o n- I \\ ril ill l> lhat Is bpl n!; olUIIll t 'll tb tl . lttlt IPrt'(\ "(' ulurl ('N of ,'aitu ""' 11 ('11011 sU ll pll..... , 1I "" ' hIIJl" :~ for , I1lble a l lhl H 11m ' Is 1I111Otllshlng. ,u,,1 (In l hal 1I1I'llIurahJ t' :'Ila ), dll.l' pllb ll., \lor ks, fuctono>,. ," 10' I" .1 Ill' I l hls f:tct Is slgn lficanl uf th ~ ,\tulill' in I~~ '. A cJl r beau tifu l I" s l"adll r s(Julh 11 "0' dll)'s a\l':I)' III 'H tho' ~ £0,1· t 01 Its l (' a ,! bln ~ . b"lng s ha pe d by 1110' Aml'rlean ex ll ". 1"rall " ~~1 ~'allll) "~(tonll l' ~ ( At 1t"lr 1)/lICk I Hul ,II ,' rt' aI'" wrll prH th at AIIIlI),.:" ~ lJu a \\ II I " I I U\I " III CI 'SI 0' 8>1 n- I t b p I\ I O}I" aR v Jlf.! tHlghl ulla l y 'L~ 11 III t haI (IIr tlwa)' la nd with til " sa m!' ., . I('nor iliat a.nirual " s th .. ci vic work pr hn hilla nl" II II Id ' 11 el l ho u8e by wltl ng . lt lU ,,1 <'(' ,'8 , nnd f(.~ At bom l'. Th ey IIIk " uo l ho ught o f .\ .\il' t 1 rll' m ('s \\' " WI ~rn e .. ' . I (erri. ng t'ueh Be l·t> ral lIan IU It. o r lglIl . the fact thaI whn t llwy nn' <:Iolnll AlI".rIc" s Imm lis e ()n~lltal tr.'· f(·nn · "Th e~(' pinl' boardN ." lh e l' wo u ld HUY. , (oday will tIut cVf 'U 1l ('Jl(' llt 11t,·lr "h ll 1til" 11l1l1'l nn ~ om .. dill'. \\ h ~ rtl t t' n I"CH.rn e I1'00"1 0 regon' . I I' fI . Is . t 1M oonu~ dren wh e n Ule y ba v" Ilnlsh. ,cj Ih l' lr (;,'r01llll . IlrHlsh . .JalJllnnRe and olh e r l oak fr om JI-11s80 url ; ;h e~e lI a ll s urc ot tn'lll('al llUI k alld re lurll P.11 to . 11\'\' I fnrel!:11 s hips ent e r h('r ~al t' R now a W I f e , tnBc h i n e Inn d e, I r Ol n \VI Meo nR Iu agBJn a OlOll!! tholr ow n kind . 1od:ty hundrl't\ will pass \'or r('gld or In the Iron ; lhl s lasle r was m ade from 1111, Manila is tile mOll t mod ~ rn l'I{y III full"'" Manila has. th e o nly har bor n u I6 II m es tPon e, an d 1 ft d Alfa lfs Field of Mr. George S. aak cr, Provldenca, R. I. Inoculated. Ii our aep-c ou e I ; I tho far easl. A IP' lJ Prnt lo n h(' Il CC It I of tJ I~ nump In t1H! far PILS t. Only with ('alclned Rllm from Iowa ; lhl ~ ...- , will be' on,! 01 lh o mos t liclluli ru l III I Yukohama orfl' rs dock s pac(! llnd Ih at r It I g~ p f tl W es t lAy J ~ M . WEBTGATKI msde preferably ""heu t b o> baw I' ro ,h O' world , writ es Fr", dprl c .T . flaskln I' Is lim ited 10 th f> Fre nch mlLiI lin e Ill~7 ure .s l U1alllogtanr h : \ leA I Throughout tbe ", ,,st eru half of the ShOM8 slart nud sbou ld be mati .. ~ or y til tb e ('h ll'ngo Da lly :>; I' W8, a nd a ba ndful 01 olb er Mbl ps. At II L'S . orlll: na r(' g te In me r ' ~ 2'l2 can VI'BSe S; th e!e are wou I'U !,: S, Of Gulled States the soli appears tu be 4 Inches hlKb. as Ih o plant s wil l be Wben tb e Amerlcuns first wl'n t 10 ('ve r y ot he r port, eve n mighty I I ong - '" d r " ~ t 11 natu .... lly suppli ed wllh the prope r slll w In reeo \' urln g tt cut tuo lo w. It Tbls 18 a most unusual mod el. It I. I h nuropl'an weave. nn ro m .~ co e Manila lhe re we re few Pl'lde ncp.6 of k ong, passe ngenl an d In~ !,: tare sh ee ," Simllarl tb e y would analy t e bacterIa. for th e tormatlou 01 th e root muy b e u.pcessary to c ut al SuUlO ' o th e r cut wIIh body and .Ieeves In ,)ne and th ut de llghlrul Latin c ullure or wb lch tr ansport ed IUIho re In launches an d d P I t It ~. I I I ", lin r e er 0 s or g na Ho ur<;e l' " tubercles . In tb e eastern part 01 th e lillie than lll e Ideal tim " In uh·alfld . IIJI. with th e closing In th e center ot the th e slory bonkll de li ght to prMc. T hou· I lIghter8. ery piece or brl c.a.brac, p\'ery perso nal countr)'. ho wever , whe re the 80 11 cun- for In s tanc e. whon tll e w""dK lhrooll!n back. Th e re Ie a group ot tucks all Mnds wasb od tbplr c loth es In th e A Ilur" ly Pblllppin e trad o of 1m· d t I I 10,. nrnam Ollt, an everY 0 (e U 0 ...... c· dltloIlS ant less lavorabl e t o thol tu choko o ut th e ylluug pla.ntH. wben oach should e r In tront and a low Ileck. Itreams IUld o lher wlsfl defil e d tb e m fl n s~ "o lnm e IK already bogln nlo g II . growtb 01 tb ese bacter ia, It Is nea rly th" b1 0tl6 0111 ~ all pea r. ur whpn tb e with or without a large collar a. lources ot public drinkIn g waler. ,to I)our throllgh Manila. without the o n. always necessllry to s uppl y them at plUll l8 bpgln to turn y£' lI ow . Ex cf' pt trimming. Volle, batiste, pongee sllll. Swamps do tted th e 1'11'1 , SUnk holt's least retardin g th e growth of Cebu. Th e on('l Importallt lact about a hou so. and th e luct lost ll lgb t at In t be time 01 Heeding . Thi s Inoculatloll III lh e laller ca~e th e c llppl og ~ uro fino gin gham and otb or soft labrlc. ' a nd c sepoo ls In tb e de n8e ly l'OllU Iu.led Il oilo, Albay and Zamboanga. Troplsucb analysis, Is tha t It Is n bomo, ma y bo s uppli ed ei th e r by tica tl e rln g uij ually lett o n ilie gro und 10.8 alllllich. will make up well In this IItyle. di s tricts 01 T ondo a nd San Nlc holus cal products eq ual In v o l~m e to th e so li from a Buccellslul alfalfa Oe ld or It lhe plalll ~ ha\' e [urlled yC' Uow The waist pMtern (6 272 ) Is cut In H e~ a young man brou ght hi s bri(\'~ . e!T('nd l'd Ib e nOBes ot th u very angpis total population ot the HawaIIan I BIII th e fo rm or ar ti Oc lal cu lture8. owing to BOml1 dis ease, th t' d lpplu gs sizeR 34 to 42 Inch es hust mells ure_ o n blgh. A vll p. m oat. a turgll, put re- lands, Cuba and I'o rto Ri co will In Rnd th ey bega n lire toge th er; h ere e '" Although possessed of OO lll e dlsa d· s bould be rake d Ull nnd r e mo l'ell , A Medium size req uIres 2% yard. of 3G er yl hln g W IlS consecrat e d by th e Ea · tying maBS or BUme from tlve to twe n· Ole roade r' s IIle tlm e be s hi pped out crpdnPHK of ntTec tlon and Is eluQu ent vantnges. Inoculation by meuna of soi l top dresAl ng o f ultrote or sodll ""111 :nch mllte rl a!. t y I et deell and from twenty to oue ot Man li n to th e Un ited Stal es and with de volion ; bt' re c hildren wer e Ilrom 'a 8uccl'8stul altalfa Oe ld will so tl1et lmcs In vl go rate . til e lIl s '~IlJ IH d To procu ro Iht. pIlI!.rn send 10 c.'" ~ bundred yards wide. lIurrounded old olhe r cou ntries. Last year th o l lnlborn and j oy abound ed ; b re lh e an ge l nea rl y alwaYII produce th e des ire d plants. T be salli e ~ tu le m p llt ll gu\' ur o t o " P a tt e r n Depllr1me nt ," of thl e pupe:r . IlltrnmurOB I walled city J nnd enjoy ed led Slat es loo k tro pica l prod ucts I'tt dea t h en tered and t e a rs of Ro rrow resu lts . It Is essential th at car e be ' s ubsequent cuttings th e tlrs t su mmer , v,' r t t e name alld 8 dd r~ 8J:I p}ulnly. and be lure t.o ,,1 YO allo and uU lnhc r or vatt e ro... (l owed ; he r e b ope bu r ne d. ni ckere d. tak en to avoid th e Introdu cll on 01 e :tcp pt thnt lha growth Is us ually too nnd r e\'ly ed ; ItfOrll talth was ~ rl e d , s e eds ot oOllous wf'ods or Iillrmrul h ~ Q\' Y to be left on tbll f1 ~ ld . Ordinarily no trenlm e nt is requll"t'd fidelity pra Yed. aud lov e t est ed . The plant diseas es. The bulltilleS8 of th tl NO. E272. SIZE. --- - -- , --- -----an a lys le or th e house 18 comparatlVl·ly SOO to 800 pound s of ~o ll nece ssary durlns lhe second 8cason. I'_XCI' IIi. to NAJlfIl _.. _ .. ___ ___ - _____ ___ _ - --- --.- -----unlmpo rlant. T his wu.s a hom e. and lor a n a c r e ma kes It ad\-Ien bl e to se- cut th e hay wh e n tbe phm t R lire about cure lhe 80il lrom a Ul'ld as nellr by oue-te nth In bloom, or. bl'tle r . ",hl' n that IA th e s lg nltl cll nt tact . ·toWN .... . ___ _______ -_- .. - - .. - - .- -- - ---as poss ibl e. Ih e ne w cro .... n or I.Hls ul 8 hoo l ~ a re Bible a Spiritual Home. BTRHHT AND NO. __ _____ .. _________ _ It bas bee n fOll lid tbul 8011 fro Ul stnrtl ng. It 18 IIII porlan< to get thtJ Th e Hlbl e IIkc wlse Is both a house nnd n ho me . Many write rs bu s y th e m· around th e roolJ! of lh (> sweet (')o\'e l' ha), otT th e n",ld li S BOOII as possible, STATB ___ ___ • _ _ _ _ _ ---- . - - - - - -----selve s anal yz ing oul y t he bouse, pe r· II! qulle as e trectl \' e a s nlfa lfa soil. III In orde r 10 a llow t he ne w ~ ro"'th to 1J108tsections 01 th e coun tr y lh is plant co mme n(' o un lrorml y elv or Ih, fi eld . forming th e ir work wllh suc h r eal zeal that onlooke rs arc apt to ove res timate may be found g rowin g wild In sca.t- It th e wIndrows or cocks ar'l allowe d BOY'S SUIT_ Its Import a nc e. Th e ",dters seem to te red ('lumps, In t be south, wh e re to re malu too long on tb .. g'rolllld , the ror get, or tall to discern, that th e HI · burl' c love r occurs. soli from uround Ita a lla lfa plantH will li e smolhere d o nt bl e Is a s piritual home, a place wh .. r .. rootB may be nsnd Wllb good res ult s , and th e n bare ij paCflS will form th e h earts learn to love. where s pirit ual The soli may be mixed with t he se<>d c('n te rs from which weeds will spre ad , No pas turing eho uld be IIlIow ool children are born, reared and t ral ned and sown with It. It llIay also be drill ed or broudc8s1ed separate ly. If dur in~ th e Orat o r secon d ~ eas on ~ . nB lo II ve as o ne tamlly . The re a r e writers' and tt'nch er s also broadcaste d. th e 8011 sho uld be IIcat- th e crowlls hav e no t becomf! 6U r· wbo go to th e opposite ex tr eme. who tl!red o n f\ c loudy day or lo .... a rd even· fic len tl y we ll de velo ped t o wlthlltand simply r eiterato th e old things In th e Ing an d Imm odlately hart'owed In. ruo th e e tfpc t or trampling , About thr('l{~ lourt hs of It lull crop llla y be e.t pect ed old war. who r ead ' into th e DIbl e m uc b lunsblne Is harmtul to th e ge rms, Ir th e 801\ haa to be fr e ig ht ed can· the nl!xt ee!lson a ftt' r In{(> l umm e r medl e "al tb eology a nd kee p on dealing with Qu estions whleh have los t tb l'lr 8'1d erable distan ces . It \.s usu all y IIdvl B- R 'edlng I""th o humi d r<'glon8, "earl y vitality. wh o catch llO new \·Ialon. and abl e to use bUl 200 or 300 pounds or a flJlI crop Is usual the 9"cond spa son te e l no tbrlll ot ne w m eunlng& a nd loll por a c r e. bllt tbi s shoult! be mixe d alte r aprlnH seed ing If the weed s or w ith several tim es its we ight of ordl- t he firs t Ru mm or ha ve uot b" rloull y th e doubtCul bon or or cau!llng lar worth $660,000.000. so t hat Philippine appll catiolls. mo re than Its sharf! ot tb e th o usands goods are assured 01 a ready marke t VolulIl es have been written a bout nary soil to fncllitat e e ,'en scatte ring. Injured th e s tand, As long as all ntrnlfa Iheld s ho\\'8 a ot deaths annually from ' plagu e, and t be re sult will be tb e. develop- th e Inspiratio n of Ihe Bible. but on e If tb e 8011 18 dlmcult to s oc ure . It may cholera, miliaria and dysentery. Horse men t or Manila Into ono or th e world's need not s pe nd a mom e nt arguing pe rfec t sta nd. with no tende ncy to Min cars ambled wearily up and down tb e great sea port s. to we('ds. It Is not clls tom a ry to give that tb e Dible Is Ins pIred. Rend It! poor, old E 8colta. th e town's one tb e field an y speelal tron tm e nl. II -..... Do('s not th e ,'olce ot God speak to matn 8treet. A tel e phon e service nt· FINEST OF ALL WILD BULLS your soul tbrough It? Th ere Clln be tho weeds begi n to prove trou blesome. trlbuted by legend to tb e great Don It Is 1\(lYlsublo lo di sc lhE' "lIaHa atter no r e ve lation to him who has not "ean Quixote wh ee'z ed and groaned through Gaur, Native of Indo-China, Acknowl- to h ear," The very atmosphere may cutting, This proces lI 100et' tIs up the tbe day's alleged work. An electric 8011 and ae r ates It. wblch Is deci dedly edged Chief of HI. Kind for be vibrant with voices of God without IIgbt Rystem, whl<.b Thomas A . Edison advantageous to tb e alra HIl. The tap' re vea ling anything to deal ears. J W/lB Many ' Realona. would have Bued lor libe l bad he roote of th e altalfa plants lift" not walking one day '1vltb a fri e nd who, known th e hall ot Its shortcomlng8 Farm usulllly Injured by thi s practlcl' Ir the The gaur Is often wrongly te rmed as WI' walk ed, Inquired about tb e Bong F~rst Crop of Alfalfa. 1910. In thl8 design we bllve one 01 tbe and ' outgoings, was permitted to Iloun- " bison ." Tbe name Is not correct; the or a bird. r described the sound as of Mr_ Fred 8 . Winlor, North Provl- I!lSCS are ecln early straight . wblle the ~tIllty eults tor little bOYII. Tbe blou .. der tbrougb a nightl y attempt to keep bis on Is the bOB bOllass uB ot Lithuania best I could. and then asked: " Can weeds are to n great extent des troy ed. dence, R. I. opens down the front and ba.s a IlIree tbe citizens from tOUlI darkn ess. and tbe Caueasu8_ The gaur, found In you not b ear 1l7" " No." he replied'. No. 1. Ground Magnesian Lim&- A ~p lk e· tooth e d harro w may follow sailor collar at the neck. The .blrt Th e ro were no docks, no sewers, no Indo-Cblna, Is certaInly the tin est ot all "Where? The bird Is not singing now, Iton.. No.2. Ground L1meatone , All the disk to le vel the grounel : slee ves e nd In a band cult at the ..... rlaL sanitation, no III'etty homes. Th e th e wild bulls; he ove raw e8 all oppon- Is It 7" nut the bird was singing near F'ertllized .nd Inoaulated Alike. The trousera are made with the spirit or "manana" had the town ents by bls courage, audacity and great us In ecstatic Btrdb . The revelation of stralgbt open leg at the knee, wblcb drugg ed and th e only aetlye torce wall strength. God's voice comes, like the song of a be best to s eed a 'l'ery 8mall area lh e 18 tbe latest stylEl. Linen, KhakI. plalll deatb deallog disease. He Is a huge heaat, and bird. lIOt by description or IIrgument, tlrst Beason. taking special precautions , glngbam, serge and flannel are usf'1i t4) have It tboroughly Inoculated. ThIs mea8ure8 lIlx feet to the root ot tbe but by hearIng. Christ was ever lIayNow All II Chsnged. for these suits lD Bummer. Now all is changed . Five steel tall. He II dlstlnKUlshed trom all oth- Ing to the multitude : "He that hath ..,111 til en turnlsh an abundance of Boll The pattern · (6~6) Ie cut In size•• docks olte r ample berth to the biggest er wild cattle by the prominent hUmD earll to hear. let him heal'," Two men for Inoculating a larger IIrea the folto 12 years. Medium Ilze requires %%1 . To Be Made Effectual It Must Be yards of 36 Inch material, " yard of steamshIps that ply the Pacillc or between the two horns. Tbe latter aro look at II painting ot one of the great lowing leason. It -cannot be urged too IItrongly that traverse the Suez canal. Are-en· masalve, Ilat at the bue, und rInged, muteMl, or at a landscape when na27 Inch contraltln~ gooda. Done When Plants Are Eight forced IIteel and concrete millIon dol- and tbey describe a very wide curve tnre hall on her garments or glol:7. InoculaUon , Is absolutely euenUal to To. procure thle IlAtt.m MD4 10 centll or Ten Inches High. One remain. Itol1d and unmoved, the luccellltul production ot alfaita. lar hotel, fi'lle 8torl6ll high. modem In from the root upward. to "P'attern Department." of 'th\j! paper. Write nam.. and addrell plalnty. and t.. There are very tew lolls out81do tbe The coat II of an olive tlrown Unt, ",hUe the other IB thrilled and uplifted. e\'ery reapect from the gfarage depot I"r. to IIlv. al •• and number of p&tl.r.... til)' W. ),I, KEI.LET. I to the roof sarden, takell care of the Bbadlng In black, with ver,. short, f!.ne Argument Is unavalllns ror the Irtolld altalfadl.trlctlthat do not require InWhe n the brooda are Ill'8t appearing man_ Great palntalnga or landl~ape" oculatlon, and It may be taken ua a fa.stldloU8 tourists who ooce shunned hair. 8lZB- ______ ., ___ • __• Tbe gaur Is tound both In the tor- are not thlngl to be argued about or general 'rule that all other ]10118 IIlU.t II the , time to get alter the potato th e place_ Tb e new Lunata Jles along· NO. 6306. side the tamoul old Luenla on the eat and on the mountains, ror, In spIte eTen delcrlbed. They mUBt be seen. haye the Inoculation lIupplied In order bup. The beat known re medy hi NAMB _________ • _____________----.--.-.tllled·ln land which has replaced the at hie ireat size, he 18 extremely ag- Thent Is no revelation of beaut7 ex- to grow altalfa lIucces8flllly . A few partl &T1!en. To one barrel or water n~e thrlle· TOWN __ _. . _____ ____ • __._ , ________ • __ •• _. wasta water that used to wlUlh against Ile, 80 that he can run up the moul!- cept tor the soul that can discern IltOlIs, however, especially tb08e upon it and the Mslecon drive. On this taln Ilopes and climb tbe rocka wltb beauty. The BIble ba8 beauty for which IIweet cloTer Ilro'W8 natural1y , Quarten ot a pound at parls green and IITRBBT AND NO. ___ • __ _• _____ . .. __ eyell that can .ee, music for ean that seem able to produce 8ucl'esBtuiltapds to tbls add about one gallon at strong lIame filled·ln land. one mile long eue. LIIul the elephant, he teed II on grass can heal', and wealth of revelation for 'WIthout artifIcial Inoculation . Theae lime water_ Thla . will prevent the &TATB ___________ • ___ •• _ •• _____ •• _• __ and one-balf Ii mile wide. massive concrete ware bouses, garages. ~ho afore- and plants. and when he cannot get Bouls that can dlsoern and appreclate_ bow ever, are tbe exception rather than burning of the tollage by the parll! Bible Ever Practical, the rule. green being too ~trong and ",1\1 also ru e nU one d new MIUJ II", botel, the Elks' these he falls back on bamboo shootli It III alleged that the Bible La ImThe advantal{ea ot arUtlclal culturAl! make It adhere to the I ~a"es better. club Ilud the Army and Navy club und the buds and branches ot Ireei!. The fead until Ilbout nine practical. ThOBe who find the Bible lie In the greater eale of transporta- Keep the contents ot the barrel Willi &Teet tbe e yc, The Uabumlia~'·tln boOnly Rlghta L.ft_ tanical gardenll and other beauty o clock In the morning; tben they Impracticable are those who find It In- tlon and application a8 well as In the stirred while tb e machine la In 1110Mlcbael J. Gibbons, junIor vice-com. return to the bamboo (orests and clearterrerlng with their seUlah desires. abseuce of the danger or Introtluoing tloa spota fealure broad, winding drives. mander of the Medal of Honor Legion One barrel II sumclenl fo\' about (membersblp thereot IB a proof that Mode rn tE' lephones, electric light InglJ to sleep. Later In tbe atternoon If ,.ou put the Bibl e Into the hllnd of plant diseases or harmful weeds. In· IlDd street cats sen'e tbe city. The tbey come out to graze and drink. tbe thlet wh en he 1& caught with oculaUon produced by the cultures. In two acres or potatoes. My expe rience one has reeeived a medal for malt old moat is a grass grown play- They are not timid. and several ahotll atolen goods, he lvlII say: "It la an case It Is sueceslltul. seeml to be In wltb Bpraylng as n preventat!\·o ot dl8tingulshfld gallantry In action) 1'0'&8 ground. A lI e w water und se wer sys- CILll be tired among Ii herd betore they Impracti<:ablo book. If I toHow thla every way all emclent lUI ",hen the Boll blight. ha9 con'llinced me that we talking at }'orlsmouth about a Fourtb t e m capable 01 supply Ing .t city twice become alarmed.- Duke of l'olontpelier, book 1 mUllt reBtore the prod,ucta at method Is uled. Fewer fallurell are should begIn early before tbe disease or July parade that hlld been broke .. my thett and pOlJJ!lbly go to priBOn." reported In ' the ca.e of the soll·trans- haa appeared. Some potato growers up by a procesllion of automobllea. It size s ervea I hp. c itizens. Plale In Wide World Magazine. That ts precisely the practical thIng te r method, bowever. I ",ho are tlie most ready to condemn glass window s In moat 01 th e sbops " Whot la the world coming t01" said required It hornell are to be safe and It has been found that BueC6S8ea are sl,raylng walt until lhe gelS a Mr. Gibbons. "They' tell a IItOry about make tb e old Blore Iro llts blu s h. ModMountain.' Death Totl. ern office bulldlllgs h ere and there Now tbat tbe mountain c limbing soctol), secure. Put th e Bible Into nlore apt to tollow Inoculation with foothold and try to cure It wltb a a city chap who In an eftort to croll. are elbowing' tba mold)' uld ' Spa.n- ~elll!on Is approaching, 11 German pa· the han l18 or those 'Who have stolen pure culture. If tbe 8eed is BOwn 1m· stroll3 bordeaux mixture. a busy street dodged an electric truck. I lIelleye that It sp raying is to be leaped over a 60 borae power road-' Isb buildings otT tb e busin ess streets. per anllOllllces the deatb list of 1912. and grafted trom the government. and medIately alter the seed has been More lb a n a thous and automobiles. when 96 pe rsons lost tb e lr lives In th e y will t ell you that It Is not practi- dried atter having been Inoculat ed. I made eltectual It mU8t be commcncell .ter. squirmed out, of the way of • motor t ruc ks and mo torcycl es kee p Ce ntral Eurolle, Tho totl\1 In the last cal. that It they toHow this book they There Is 80m e evidence accumulating when tbe' plants ore elHht or ten in- trolley car. oscllped a taxIcab by the th e people on th e jump by day and a 12 yellrs was I.lli . 01 t.he 96 talall- must. disgorge m.l1l1ons. The people to Indicate that the germs In the pUI'O che8 blgb' and be continued at fr e- IIkln ot his teetb, and was Just lIettinK scoro o~ ' mo r lng pi cture shows e n· ti es, :16 we re In GI'rmany, 26 around thlllk thut such disgorging Is tb" one eultures wben they do survive are quent Intervlil s during the whole of his foot on the opposite sIdewalk wit" te rtaln th em by night. Substautiul Vie nna. 29 In Tyrol and unly four ill t.hlng that needs doing. Put tbe Bible superior to those normally tound In the growing seaaon. J have every a 81gh ot relief wben a de8cendln. buugalows lind up·to-date churcb es Swltzerlaod and J;'rance. Three or Into the handa ot the great trusta, tile altalta. soli . It Is Bu€gested there- talth In spraying lUI a preventative or monoplane bore down on him. t ps llry to th e presell ce of homo lov- the lalle r were In on e pcrty that per· whi ch control ihe necessities or lite, tore. that both the soli-transfer the blight, but no faltb In Its appllc,l, " 'Has II. pedestrian n'o rIghts the"e ., Ing Ame rican". A death rate low e r lehe(1 on Mt . Il\anc. Most ot the a c· and they will at once say that It III method and the artltlclSI culturea be tlon all 11 cure arter tb ~ dls el\ ~e has days?" cried the poor rellow, dodginc tbon ma ny American clOt's te lls th e cidenU! were due , to gros8 Inexperi- not praet Ical, thllt It tbey tollow tbll us ed . developed, thlB way and thaL story ot henlt.b ·s successful tight. A ence and poor 'lqulpment ot German book they must stop exploIting tbe It seeded In tbt' latll summer or Bugs may be held In check hy the .. 'Sure be has- tuneral rites,' an· tltrlv lng tratl(>. growing annuall y by amateurs who economized on guide!!. peopl e, and sqaeeze th e water out or elltly autumn, alfalfa w111 ceQulre no U80 of the polson In lhe bordeau.t mix. swered the aviator, as he volplane4 diVId end-hearing stocks. The people Ir'eatment that autumn leaps and bounds. hums where unless a ture, an'd when we consider thl8 ad· beavlly down on the man's bead." think that jllst tbese things mnst be growth or more than 12 Inchea III \'lU\lage It la plain \0 .ee tbat the cost manana once Eat and nodded MOlt Likely. The ostrich dance I. Ol e nam e ot don o be fore soclcty can come to Ii 'air made betore cold , weather. It this of th o appli ed fungicide II \,ery IUlich Naming the Old Gradl. City Has Population of 300.000. tb e latest society wrlggle_ Pr()b- livIng .baBis, to Bay nothing ot a Condi- oecurs. the plantll should be c llpped lesseneu . ' The members of one or the reUnlOD Man ila Is no w a city of ~ OO,OOO pea· tion of peaco and cOlltentmlnt.. 'I'he back BO tbat they wl1\ ';0 Into the clasaes at Yale w.ore buttons bearltll pi p which hundled :lll pxport llnd 1m· ably so ('alled because It makes the practlcol nature of tbe Bible lIe8 In their own names. This euabled them ' Cull Out Boarders, port lra de or over $100.000//00 lust ,lance rs fp,cl like It Idlng their fac es. the fac t tbat It reqUlreB men a.t tbe winter with 8 or 10 Inchel' of growth . In thlttl condition they will be best "ble Weed out the old hEms and fatten to r ecognize one another, which Is get· ~ y ' a l . IlR geogl"Dp hl cal Jocatlon_ buck ed - Baltimore ~tar. command of God to do preCisely wbat to wlthlltand tbe 'winter and wl1\ be In t'nem for market lUI BOOn as they 'be- Ung more cUmcuH ' the large r the up by t h e uew doel' and ware hou se muat be done betore the wronged and 6l:cellent shape to renew tbelr growth gm to dTOI) off In egg production. ~Iasses grow. Some of then! eOIlJ~ Speculator the Wr,,..e Off. area , will mak& It {flO ("o mm e rclnl Th e man wbo bUYI! a pig In a poke opprelSed can come Into their own, tbe tollowlng spring: The fll'8t · rut- They will soli for II. !ood price Boon back 'a Soqd deal changed In look, dJ llt ributlll g point of the !Jnlte d Stules lind every man reeeive 0. square deal in IhEl far NUll . j ust a's It is now a t lens t gets some IIOrt of a pig; wbere- rrom hlB fellowB.-Crnlg S. Thoma, In ting (It bay should be '~e cured In th e and the pullets will be nlOre profitable even after II. few years' llePnratlon,'· late spring. os the s peculator otten ge tB noth ing . tor e gg prod uctlon. The graduates ' of th e w~~en· 8 ., 901our polluclIl bll.l;O in tbat \mrt or the The Standard. . If, .on the o lher hand, tbe Boed lias leg,es . bav ,\. tn ~ re troul,lIe 'n;' l'ecognl'!' '. world . Filly hours a c ross th e ChIna bElen sown Ip the late tall or in t he p'oor Stand 'of ·Corn. lug eaQ~ .' o,the r, : as qH~r . :hot ,onlj ' lea to the nortb 18 'billll !Lnd ber Make Allowance •. '" \·q n It ,"otl think "au have ren~o" Nollhln'g 'grows tILlter' than a. troutaW eprlng, hu t Iltt1a )Ilore tban' a ' "IJPI,Jo g Tbere are 'two waY8 or getlUlg ·a' ' cbnnge In. tLp'peara.nee · wIlli ' 'tb lj. yearllf -, '00.000,000 ot people. . '1vbe; SOOIl a re ... , -~. Ibar. It! , nUl'led. . ean . be aeeured In the Inte 'Hp rlng or ')loot' BtAb<t-'(W COtb--to l gf! - it UIO: t hin. bUl liq"lfl ', of :,th~!Il aJao (".pa~, ' t~eii! . IOIII~ to (lemand ellocti ! moc1&nl! t(, complnln, mnke allowMlVieS. I\ame~ .' , . . . ' '.< Y.:' TbJ. · clipping ilholJl d be and 'to lIetl,lt ·toO thick.; .















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v" e hav e a ll hp n r d of ghoat s , b llt non. Df us ba ve e vo r s eell on e _ It ·u th e oO lne WRITER WOULD CUT OUT F RILLS wa y wi th coca cola " fl e nri H; " }llll can h "u r a bo ut th e m but yo u Ill ig ht I< eorcb OF AUTO HORN S. Farmers Everywhere Are Recog· fo r th e m un ti l d oo m -H li ll Y a nd yo u w'l uld II p. \' pr II n ll on" _ P llj-s k ia tls wbo nizing the Possibilities of IlIl Ve tr po t t' d h u nllr l' ds of tholl gands or Make. Claim Th;ot Weird a nd UnuBu ;o 1 , ur lle.ha b lt CII'C S, Inc ludlllg op, um . IIlOrthe Motor Car. ; !Kunda Tend to Con f uQe Pe dcetrla n. phlr.I'!, coc n ln !'! . a lco ho l. ptc, "ay th fl t t h .. y hav e n f! \'l' r ' ''' '11 a eR g!' wh ere th a Cros s ing Busy St ree t _ ; us p. "r ('oCII -Co la hus so fos t l' III)<l ltse lf I GREATEST OF ALL PASTIMES lI pnll Ih e Ind h' ldllll l a s to f'o ns l ,l lIte a I LO CO IlI ' )tlV l' ~ h u l''' 11 u nifo rm s ly le hllLlt III th " trll o 8 ('n ~1' o f th l' wo n !. AI· u r wh ls ti,!. 10', rry bout" c linK tu I) th o t.:~ h m il li o ns of g l aE ~" ~ of (' o,·a·Co la " ,j , u re d r un l' err r)" ye nr no ('I] ('a ·( 'o la ,- "l Buslneaa Adv 31ntag es of Q uic k Tra n s.: e\!rtuln Btf'rl·Ot)' 1.lU(\ fo rm '-Ir ",a_rn lng. f1 ~ 11Ib h:".'" (' '' I' r 111:1 ,1(' ·t h . ' m ~ (' l v-" 9 vl ,,port.tlon Overs ha d owe d by t ne I Au " ug ll\( \!r o n l, !t h er a 10l'0 1ll 0 tll'e l lhh , a t tit !' dno r s or th t' Hfln lta r luTll s fo r Opportunl t le . for Rec reat ion I cor 11 l>oat ""lIld a t 011£" !tIS" hla Jo b I t he tr"'n l lllN,t o f d r il l( h a bi t s , Aft" r th e Hard Wo rk of !( lit! "' lO re tu U!(UUlpt lI u)' frl ll s _ It IS \ T hO! ( 'oc:,-('ola ha b it Is n n ;OI c) ~ o. U8 to bl s tl uty to ~I "' k to r ~ I: \ll a ll o oB . !lntl th e b (' I ' f ~ " ' '' lt hn lJ it a nd to th " s tr aw· the Da y , uo t 1(') ~I v tl f rt'" ruin tu ll l ~ lu \'(w tlv e b pr ry b:oLlt an d th o Icl'! ('I'(' ~ r;) Iwbit. I ;; e ulll ~ Pf' Ofll p d rin k ('of·,,·t·o ln tl r ~ t becu uso T hi s IH th o UTIl O u f Lh " )" ' ,, r " h" n \\'h ,l' IlIl t a Hf.t ,'rd r' r o r :lI ,t o m o lJ ll tl th (' ), H(' ,l It n d v " rll ~c rl li n d th e re arter ':S :-.> .;~.u.~ over y Olle tblnk ~ o f \' u c u l1 u II S a ud ' w ar ul ll ~ll " T h .. pl' d u ~tri" " wh o br:tl' t>- \) 1'(, :1 \1: 11' It t ~ s t ... s gllo (\ 0 11,1 r " fn's hmt tl,,'; r lII ill ds und hod lf's, 1'1](' Y d ri n k It ~portll , How o 'HI' l o r I h l ~. M UUl ~ ru r , Iy ta k e ~ h is ur hN IIf" ill hUII I] a t fl V- wh" 1l t II ,' y l' >1 n I;(.t It n nri l'onr e n llJ lIly t hat fur m ur r~c r"a liu ll, bu t mu r " li " O' : " I'Y ~ t Tl ' I' t t: rlJ~"l ll g Ila " h 'CU III " ' H' l'II~' u() witi lO ut It wh (> 11 th py r nn 't get It. pi t! c a ' il year li r e ta k illg up Ulvt u r illj; I tou]~c1 to til<' mo ro o r Iplls rh yth m ic If YOII hnll p \' er wltn f'ss ,'d th p. mv i[)8_ li S " lI w lh od of ~-.! I axl ll l'; (rotH th urr I flu rl's o f th e a uto Ito r n, Yo u h" "r a ' 0 1 'u r raJ dru g fl prHI wl,,'n (I e pr lve d at bU 8lo e"B car'ell. " "'Iutu, h ,g I.. tbe I ij ou nd a nd ),Otl UUlOl lllttlcull y ~" l o ut 11 19 rll·Uf; . If you h ad pv e r o bsp. l"V l'! d th e Krt'at P5 t AllI o r lC&ll spo rt , r e ~ar dl'" " " o f I o r t h e ~Hlt ll nr sur" d" IPn t' l lo lI _ Hut RP; ony h o Hurte rs , YOII wo uld n e ver wha t pt'O plf' m a y BlIY abo ut b:lsu ball: u few nu t o c1 r"'er~ " " ,re r th n o rl d a nd ognl n L !l0 un fnl r as t o men tion Coca· lIay s tlt e \'icH-pres ld .. ot lIlId ge ne ral t hl' u n u s ult l T I1I'y ('qu ip t h' :l r C'trS I r' nla In th e sa m" bnm th with the "h a blt·fo rm ln g" dru gll_-Adv. mana ge r o f o n e o! t he moyt proml- I wit h IO»l r ulJl e ll t A ; h at "111 11 Wl'll'd ________ ne llt uu to rn o uil tl IIl H IIl/ t u c lu r lu~ co m- , !lod s trao ~,' S Dt Il HI K, TIII' H(' , ut t rompts , Ma nd y' s Gentle LIttle Hint. vanl (,d , ; to bo Ind h' Id UlI. I or I'CCt' lItrlC nll'r'e ly '-'I a lldy ," sai d h e r m istr ess, "tbat "A ll o\,.,r lh l1 " ou lltr y yu u ~ eo b un - [ ,'o nrll ~ t)_ T h ey nro a t (JlH'P. n n UI ' l il" l111 (J f yo u rs s b o uldn ' t wenr wh it e drl:us , ye s th o usa Utl s , ,, / (' ut h us la Mtlc I ~ a n co a nd 1\ m e nace _ Tlllly distrac t r lo lh ps, l i t! Is so bla ck It ma'ke H !.lIm mo tori s t s w ho Ulk <l 110 o th tl r o ut lng.M th o IlUmn n (,Ilr. wh lr h Is a' Ir ad y o v,. r_ \1 l l1 lWa r a ll th e bl a cke r. Why 1I0n 't e x(' c pt III tb plr c urs , JU 8t ,;to p a UlI burden p. d with th" co untl e ss oo ls es f·r l'OU ~ I v e him a hint ?" Ullok of th e g reat nU lU ul' r of Veoplo' ; a. big c it y . -' Lorll, J\l 1 ~ 9 Sr.lly, you know 8omeTh e e lTef't Is IIIw wh is t li n g to 0 , t h I D ' ~ ," sa tll Ma nd y , wll h a n im a tion. who t ake littl e pl eas u ro drive ~ al most eVl'ry (' \'(\ nlu g', No o th t' r pas tl m o ca n neflln g r a bbit . In Htead of cl('a rin ll' the " I do n 't gi ve h im er hInt, but h e ju. gtV I' s u ch con t inual , Il uc b r Oil t ful plea.s - t rac k , t h ese n e w-fangle d a uto barns I nutt e r ly a in' t ~o t Hc n se e rnutl' t e r take The s trik e of 10 ,000 miners ()r Ull' coppe r be lt of Ml c h lg all becam n so s e rt o uy th a t th e tital<! Iro o l' ti w " I't" O f' un!. a o a mo.tor ca r , !'>toto r lng Is 11 me r oly cause pedes trIan s t o s top In It" d a r e d out. Our illu s trati o n . it o w. l\ c1u m o us trati on or thl! .trikers in l :lIlume t. IIlId . ill se t . Ii m lu l' r a l wo rk o D e rn ~ a por t In ever y sonse o r tb e word , but paralyze d feor, P h Uadelpbla has done " 1'" r h ap6 yo u d idn't make It atrong Ing one o f th e drills ror whlrh th p), ci e ma nd he lpprh, at th l'! Hilme tim e tb e ad vantag e o f a good d eal and done It wisely t o r e~· e no ll g h ," ownin g a mo to r cllr Is beca us e It Is Ui ll t il ~tre e t tra me , I s b ou ld like to " !>I o' m, Ih pt' s ri g ht . maybe I didn't, worth mo r o for bu slll e ss purposes sell Dlrpcto r Po r t e r IS8u e a pollco no- I J CN 1001, s a t him ri ght hard, 6n' I tban nfl a re e r E-a tlon , tlc ll t h a t nil all{Om o ull e~ must be sa ys: , ' /'\ Igg er , you s ho do look like "Out on tb e farm I s wh e r e tb o equippe d wi t h a unIfo rm 1I0U r e gu la. a blac k s nake ~ r a wlln' out 0' c r eam. pl ~ a s ll r c o r drivin g a moto r ca r Is es· !lo n horn .-- P hll a delphla L edge r . ~- Otl do : '- tb e t 's whut 1 says ler b lm. pec lall y appr oclat ed , I ha ve been :'I1 1s5 S all y ," s urpris ed a t l b e g r ea t nu mber o f rt farm e rs who h ave p u rc bas ed c:m for CELLULOID PANES A NOVEL Made D.ddy Galp. A cl' rt aJ n s m li ll Cblca go laddie III no o th er r eason. t he y said, than be-caUBe a car Is ni ce for tb el r famili es New and Decidedly Ingenious Idea Qui c k-w itt ed a s Imitati ve . a nd 80 given fo r Side Cur1alnG Recen t ly Put to c ons ide ring hlmselt as qui t e an t o ri d" In. T 'bey do oot sce m to tll ln.k on the Market. al!ult In companaon wltb his boby or th e econom ical advantagE's when brother. t ha t he now and t h eo talk~ th e y bu y , tb,~ opportulliti ell for mo r e Tb e Inge niou s " Id e c urta lu s Ulue- nnd acto lu a maDDer that might by pleasu re ov e rilbadowl ng e ve rr otbe r fea ture of o w ning a car. Out on a trated h a ve recently bee n put 0 11 the tbe uncompre h e nding be judge d 1m· farm tb e peopl e bave I\tU e e t o marke t. Th e Be cons ist of c ellul o id pe rtin e nt. Not long since Il t tbe fam· e njoy (')Cce pt I h e ll' cars , Tooy are not pan es s ecu r od to pre ssed sbeot m l' t a l Ily t a ble the boy at tern pted to relate In tou ch with baseball, and tbelr work fram es. tb e whole curtaIn b ein g cap- IL rec e nt e xperleoce, His tathor, wbo pre ve nts th E-in from s uc b pleasures a s abl e of roiling arouri'd a rod . How this WI\S t a lklug, pa id no attention, and fishing . picnIcking. etc_, which they prope rty of the material u s ed Is th e chlld's ange r got tlltl botter ot are Buppos ed t o e nj oy. lIut with a utlll~ e d In th e cons truction Is s ee n by bl s pollteness_ Raising bls Tolce car th e y cat' tak e s bort drtve s each refe rring to lh e l11us tratlon. The cur- shrill y a od speaking with aD absurdly e ve ning. arte r ,. hard day's work. Rnd taln on each s Id e consis t s r e ally of un con sc ious r esemblance to hI e ra· It bri g ht e ns t h om up and mak e s them tbree sections, front, m iddl e nnd tb e r 's tou o and inann c r 'unde r sImilar happ y with t b e lr loL 10 fact . It mak es r ear. The latte r Is pe rm a ne ntly o pe n, elrcu m s t a ll ces. he de m a nd ed : "P apa, will you kindly clolle your that Is, vis ible , b eing mounte d on tbe cOllntry life really worth liv ing," .,de edge of tb e r e ar of th e top and Iittlo tra p tor just one moment wblle to th e r e I\!' upri ght of tb e to p trame. 1 g ot la a word!" Th e front a\.~ d middl e s ections are secured nt t be lr r ela tlve r ('ar and fo ro Slightly Adulterated. e d ges to rota tabl e rod a or b ars In Man drc d e Fouqule rcs, the c ele bratclos ed In n m e lal housing_ These bars ed Pa rl slan cot ilion leade r , tanled to are held und e r Epclng t e ns ion som e· a g ro up ot r e po rtA!l'8. be tore his d~ wbat sIm ilar to that appli ed to win· pa rture for France, about tbe Amerl· 1I0w·sbad e mec han lsllls, Th e tree can woma n . " It Is a ml s t o ke to s uppos e that edg es of front and m Iddle section s ar. t Pm po rarily sec ured to tb e wlndRhl e ld til e Qu es tion of mou ey plays an ImA 11 0ft cu s hion turneth away wra th. (ra m o aod th e rro nl. e d go o r tb e r ea r po r tant lIart in Am e rlcno marriages," It 19 a lotlg lan e that bas no punc· Bald M . de Fouqulpre o, "The love ture , mlltch Is not rare. Indee d. It Is much Nevt" r lool~ a girt automobil e In tb e more com mOD here wltb U~ ,' cylinder. Smiling, th e Frenchman add ed : Self-s rs are orte n seH- wlll e d " I be li e ve tb e re Bre few American starte rs , girls who would answer as the candId Eve ry II ttl e motor bas a frag r anc e Ne w YOl'k deblltante IIld wheo asked H e r are roo n, Eupho nl o Za pata (arrow ). broth e r or 'o lo n e l ZllpatiL, lea d e r o r th e r e b e ls te rm ed "Zapatl 8tas, ' all Its own. If ~ he WIl8 marrying ror pllre love. and a ba nd or b ls rollow e r s at Cu e rnavnca. 'fho ge ne ral o bje c t s to tbe e s ta bll s hm e ut or a colony or Ja.pan e se a t A pint In your tank is wortb two "' Pure Lov e ?' said tbe debulante. Morel os. wh e r e h e Is In .upTc m e contro l. In tb e shop . with' a roQulsb s mile. 'Well, uot alt& It Is aD III wind s hi eld that 1I0es no· ge th e r. Puro lovl!, adulterated wllb body any good, a li t t le m o ney.''' PROF. CHARLES F. MARVIN In some runabout s two Is company, What They Told Her. t hree are dange rous , A gro ul' ot old ladles was talk In! Th e tbree speeds or so m e Cllrs Ilre rnel knlttln g _ Each one was telllnll s low, slowelr aDd stop, how much or how little she weighed With a la wn mow e r attac b e d- au a t bir th . automobil e autolllogrn s B_ Curta ins With CelluloId Pane .. On o ~ ald : "W ell , I we lgb ed just Some chn.utl'e ors dIvid e th o publi c Into th e qU liCk a.nd the dcall. Bec tl o n _ Uy thi s constru c tion It la th ree a nd a baIr pounds," T!J o othe r s glls ped and one or them In s pe aki ng or frl c tlonl e&s b ea rin gs . CAS Y 10 OI)e n or c lose all or any or th e tru t h Is sOlllo li m es st ran ge r ili U D tr ic- six cllrta ln sec tion s pr omptly and l\ ek ed : "And did you Jiv e?" 5 he a n s we r ed : " Th ey sa y I did on:l ti"n , with hardl y an 0 1'1'0 rt , Th e use of I'llI' motto of Ho me mak eR of tin,s tbe llI a te ri als abo ve oa llI ed wa.rraut do no w e ll " migh t btl " A s ho rt life and Ii Ill e r ry I t h" lo n gc \-Ity and strong th o f th e d e· Wind ing Stream. o ne. " \' I,·,, _-- ·I' he !\utonw bilc , l1 ill -- [ ~ ' )O :'ol l) lI tli ll a hall a C loch I Iu f'j uo Ung pr lc~s of mot or curs , r l y' -r, Divided Window. I so w e ti al e Sll llm ~cr m to t h ink t hil t I :ill It d" ,·~ tI' l ~ o ,,' Ith otlt wInding, their c us tom t> r , ca r ry ShOCk -U I'I 80 rb,' Auy o !)1' wh o has dri ve n a o a utom o('It be r, I suppose_ ers _- Llfe, ui le IIny le n gt h of tim e h an dou \) ll es8 Il) x r,,' r!l' nced t he on' ) g rea t difllen lt y of PANTRY CLEANED Fuel Efficiency of the Car. a t te m pt ing t o kee p wl uu -s 1t ", lrl or wluA Way Some People Have. Abou t 1111 the c n c rg y of (h e ftl c l yo u dow c leu r f ro m s b o w or r a ill, as th e can expec t to g e l ill IIl1' [orm o f wo rt; (:~ S (' lIl a y be. wh ~ n dri ving ill a ~ I o rm , J\. do c to r s aid : at th e c TUuk·s h:tft o f a ca r Is 15 pe r \ lSIOU b ~c OIIJ (! S obs tru c t e d an d o He ll "l h' foTL! marl'luge my wife obs er ve d c ent.: from thi s lIIUSt com c los se s , I !>I' l' lu u ~ a cc id e nt s rc~ ul l. Se ve ra l Il t- In Rum mc r und counlry hom es, co mlnb duc t o frl<- li o ll , bc fu re pa WN Is al'all- terupt s hav u bee u ma de o n th ..: par t ot ' 1\ IOI:ch wllh fa mill ea or va r ied m e nn u, ab lo at t ir e ,l r il' i[1 ;; "' h L'c ls. Th us we me n 0 1 ' illvell,tl ve tu rn t o o ve r C: OIIlU )u l\ul' e , t a s t e s a nd di s crimina tin g ten· mu s t e x ped a l o~ s of abou t 15 pe r t hi s di flic ul ty by m ec ha nica l contrl· le n cles , Iba t th o famili es u sIng Pos· "Cll t.. from nau l' -Rbaft to 11r o lll; lI e r- v aB e " S tb a t would wip e t u e 6ll 0W or ~ um se c med to a v ~ ra gG b e tter than s h a ft th ro n" h t he frict io n in t ho gellr- r a in fr o m t h " g la il H, An ll utO mn nu· .hose us in g cotTce. UO" , Ilnd a furt h E' r l os~ or say. 2v fa c t ur lng CO mlJ" h Y h as arra ngr d the "Wh c n \\' e \\'(' 1'0 marri e d t wo ye ars JJHr c~ nl.. rronl 11 ro ll ,' l1er t o "I' O~ 3 - fr o nt win do w SI] u S to ov e rCOllJll thi s ago. J>o ~ tum was a mong o ur fir ot ord e r <h ur t nfLc ,- t h ,' u" ve l wb ' "Is h a~ ~ di ~ lcu lt y , T he win do w Is ui v ldod of g1'O(' rl llS _ "V o a lRo put In s o m e lea. wo rn a bi t, fin d n s ti li fur t he r lo ~ s of hor izu nl a lly _ and c o rreo f'>r g uc2l s. but a ft e r both 15 pe l' cen l. fr om tb o cl'os ~ -Kha tt to In sto rln ,. wea lh H lir e u pp" r hu lt hau s l oo(\ aroun d l it e pDotry about a. 1',., r Ctl.'i wh c (> lg rbrou g h th e tn OT(' o r ID S Y u e sw nn g 0 111 s li gh tly , tlru ~ proyt' nr unt oll(' h ed . th ey WE' r e thrown ! I'''3 ,)!:I ;- d ildos; t his, o r ' :O U I' S . \'l dill g a " m a ll o pl! rlinr" T hi s o pf,n lug awa y, a nd P os lu m UK d on ly. u;cnn s tha.t th'l t o ta l etIki c llC), lII a y com es a t R IlO il ll o n a lev c l wit h t he "Up to t he ag<' o f 2R I bad ber n ac· JC onl y . a, lilt, /' II 10re th all OIl C- \-ls lu'J of th e drl vt~ r, nO thut il l upit e (' u s tom ed to drink co lfee no a r o u ' ine twe IrUl of th e pole nti a l e n e rgy of th e of s now a n d " Ipe t a ll th e gla HH, o ue hab it a nd 8\l tT r ed con s tant ly fro m luProfC8stlr Marvin, wlto h il S j uet T h il; Is a s pe cia ll y posed ph ut og rl1 l.1h o f U , S, Gr a.llt, Jr .. so n o f t il e gr N II fuel Is aya il a ble as IIseful wo rk a t ma )' pee r o ut b e n ea t h It au d k, " !p .liJ::e s tlon a nd all It s r e la.tlv e d iso rd e r s . wa t ch ful e ye on th o th o r o ug h 'a rc been mad e chi e f of tho Unit e d Sta t es gen e ra l. a nd hi :; br id e , form e rly Mrs . AtU Cr1CIl \ \ ' 111, tull<:n O il board th e the tire s o f th o clrl vlllg wh ce la, S IIl c e usi ng Poatum ull t ho old com· o.h c nd _ weather bureau. is a D Ohioan hy b irth, s t ea m e r Just ht' fo l'c Ib e y left San F rauc lsco o n th clr hon e ym oo n trip t o Au ~- I plaint !! lla y!) com ple t el y le tt m il Dnd I Motors In th e ,rop :cs, and eni (.rcd the ",,,aUle r sorv lce in , tralln. It Is r a i d tlmt becau se or. th c o PP O ~ ltl (1 11 uf 1:1 3 sn n t o t he rn ~ rr j a g (' , sOIO(>tim c$ wo ntl e r If I e ve r h ud tb e m." Car to Be Gold-Trimmed. A mo tol' us e d in tropi cal clim a t es 1884. He IB W e in,·t) ntor or II Hum· ~Ir , Gra nt In Ii fl "e-nuptl a l a grt:e m lJI'l d eed ed to h i!! brid e tb e gr eater portion N om e give n by Poatum COo " Battle A wc ll -Iln own S au Francisco Hocle t)· Cr (' cll, Mi ch . Wrlt o for bookle t, "The Is nllt to d e vclnp de fec ts which rio not ber nf IIIlPortunt Instrume nts u sed In of hi s $4 ,000,000 e &tn te, a ppl'ar ullll e r o t b e r condltlon a, fo r th e 1<;r. o.I ' r I't ce utly Ilillced an ord e r with Road to W ell ville ," the s e rvice. reas on that It Is s ubj ected to blgh t e rn · nn age nc y of thaL city for a s pecia l Pos tUIn com es In two forms. She SaId It. Il ultlvc t~ m i llln e tnct she nccc pted bl. perature M and a great deal o f mols· coupe body to be built on a H .. M R eg ular (mu ot be boiled) . "You are no g e nU e mnn." she wrote. apo logy .Lifs . Demand for Whitewash. tuJ'C , It has b ee n found that th e abo ch nss ls, whleb will be oue of the lnstanlPos tllm doesn't r CQulre boU· "'Vhat are you carl)' mp; In that buok· " If )'ou think ( s aid such a thing sorbent Insulapon used In the slots In most handsome and expensive JobR Ingb\itls pre pared Insta ntly by sUI' Natural Sequence. eU" naked the lOan who wall ridIng In as !lho said you !laid ( suld 1 had e ve r!u In motol' car bulld· statorll Is r esponsible for a good deal ring a. Ic ve l t easpoonfUl1i'i"8i) ordInary snld ." Tbe lf1s!\On of hI s tory wa s Itt P108- or trouble. W:Jere this weakness has lng, a ' sprlng wagon. "Dear girl," h e answorell, "you O)U8t ress, and In vain th e t e acher couxed "Whltewnsh," r e plied Uncle RIUTh e '1 ~ DIg!' or the body w1ll be some- CUll of hot water, :Wblc h 'mal:es It right developed t h e motors ha\'e been renot think I think you thInk you must h ll r clasR to answ e r . At last sh e brlghL wound wlith mlcllnJte Ins ulation and thing quite orIginal arter the buyer's for most I1ersoDa., bury. " A bIg cup requ!res more and tome be the kind or girl I think you must ened up. She hlld r eached the star "What do you Inteud to do with It? tbis haB cured ~e trouble. A similar (,wn Ideas as tc what shoulJ "Duke the people \vho like strong tblngs put ill & "I balln't made my mind up ylt. I be It you said such a thing lIS you PUpil of hor clasB. condition or atfo.lra might result eveD most beauUful car. llhe color bclleme "Now, Tomnu," ahe 'said. "Mary In tl'mpcnte :l:0I141S, wbere the motor will be gold, trimmed With black 0711 "'eaplng opoonfuf"ii:iiOtemper It 'w ith & undentan' de mayor's oilloe III looltin' said she said I said You 'said you haa. ._ followed Edward V .• and wbo followed I_ sltuateil In a damp place subject to the out6ll!e, tile Inside wUl be upbo, ' laTge lJupply of cream. , rob a whillewaeb an' dat de bo'd or al· lJald," It seems be knew .be,IIDGw he knew Mary,?" Experiment ,!lltD _10U • ~n.~ 'Jtbe derIDeD I. wandn' a heap mo'! l'!' je' hl!h temJileraturu. In auoh po.ltl~ , lI\.eI'ed 1D bao)' blue . bl'Ofo&de4 .11,,Ye., Tommy ,knew that, and bls aID_ter 1st 'em compete tUl de " price abe" eald jU,t what eb'e eald she beard It 'Ia advlBable to U8e • non·ablOrbellt All the acwellOrI.. , 'Wtll b. ,014- amoullt tbat pleuea Jour palato ~ baTe It le"ec1 that waf III tbe rotan., ;, ·~tiI-" rI'bt p ' ,deli I'll atep III wid , 41ft b_ ba~ ~eard ber t.rle~i1 bo.~ b.eard_ ~'~ ,-an.wer, wat ~"Itt, 'Her little lamb ,uot InsullilUoa. pI&~. ...,.:he bad beard ber, AJ,-but.b with 11l' . teacber," be eJaout.d "":\lmpU\ltlr. ' .......... a.uoaw ror"P.... ' , pcfCIL" f ..










u. S.







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P a tTlck GffJbons. a n old and re.-

....-.- - - - - - - - - - - . ...... .-.0 spocted dtizo!n or Be llbrook. and a

Mi'J8eH C w ndo len a nd Margarel fo rmer resid ent of Waynesville , was You are using now don't suit Me r r it t Wert! g- ue:llE or Mi!!S Ad a found dead in a field at his home you, try the HOME MADE at .\ 1k h clI CI' at ~lIppel' Monday evenillg. 1Wednesday mornin g. T he f Ulleral T H AT can scrve you r cYrIY n cd b the hank t o i . -was held from h is la te homeSaturday patron ize . . i Las t Thursd ay ~lr , a nd M r s. JU ~" ll h llIo m ing a nd intemlent Wall m nd e in , W. ll ailil's l'n te rt a ill ed lit li inrwl' t he Miami cemetery . B ES IDF S nil t he c\·c rv· da\, tl lin!:"" t ha t :1.lI)' h a nk rn n fullo wing- II:ll ests Misses G"" e nd (J lin furni sh we ha ve tlte h) lio \\' ing : a nd Margaret Mc n itt, Edna Jann ey , Mrs. Eliza Harris. aged 67. wife S AF ETY D E PUS IT BO XES in a F irc a nd n m gbr '\:HE . do not make the Sponge Bread as was Ma rl;:aret H owa rd. S usan W r ight. uf Mr . Frank Harris , of Centerville, Proof \' a nlt wh e re \'0 11 ca n kee p YOll r v aillab le 7:;t;I formerly baked here. All the bread is died at her late home last Thursday pnper, safe. ' . ~I r . a mi M r~ . W. H. Alle rl a nd :\l r . mo rning. nnd the funeral was held and baked 1he same day, insuring you a. mixed TRA VE LER' S C III ': C K ~, the be ~ t w ay to ca rr y fllnd s a nd Mrs. .J. t:. J lI nney we re gu es Ul Sund ay a fternoon, Rev . Long officiaop an y trip . good, fresh, sweet bread. o f ill r. nnd Mr'". J . W. Whi te at din· ting , I tl tc rlll ~n t was made in Cen· MONE Y transfe rred by teleg l3ph io r a ll Y I' ll1 c rge lw)' . ne r Mon day. the alrai r heing' in h Ull , ter vill e. 0 1' of ii i I' . White's IJir l hd ay IInn iv er· The in fant daughter of Mr . and EVERYTHINC CLEAN' 1~ ary . EVERYTHINC FRESH I Mrs . Fo rest Rolar, died Monday I Halp h Smith a nd [{aym ond U llvi ~ Iwe r e hO:'l l'l a t 1\ del ig ht ful dance gi v. afte rnoon 0 f cholera i n fan tum. The I-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;:;~;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;:::;; fun e ral was held thi8 morninlr. In- ! 2E e n in [,hillips' hall Tu esday eveni ng. te rrne nt in Bellbrook cemetery. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : Guests we re th ere fr um LeoUllUnHISEY.WILlIAMSON REUNION -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....~~..._~~~ : Harveys hurg, Sp ri ngboro, New Uu rJamell , son of ·Mr. and Mrs. La· ling ton , Sp r ing Vall ey a nd Lyti c , Tlfe Hi8ey-Williamson Family l{efay ette :Robinson, died at a hospital SOLD BUCKING BRONCHO there last week and Mr. L. T , SlU!seen in Dayton Saturday morning. The union will meet at the r esid ence of a ride r from Mavfie ld , Ky., pur·' Last T lt u r~ay atte rnu ull fr olll 2 fu neral was held at his late resi- J. W. Hisey. 2,Y.· miles southea8t of WATERMELONS J. B. Chapman has succeeded in chased him expecting to break him to 6 Mrs. s. n. Clayton d e lig htfu ll y den ~e near Oreitonia Tuesday after· Waynesville. Ohio, Thursday. Augus t Ju st rl:l(!eived the fa ncies t lot of rli lJMjsinit uf the sorrel kicking horse. completely for his uwn use. l\lay enterta ined in huno r of he r n eice , Indiana Melons thi ~!'ieason Large !loon. and interment was made in 21st. I'rince, which was bought some 8uccess foll ow. The lma Wysong. Uelic iuus refr esh- - and 8weet as sugar. Miami c emetery. • ~ ~-rlle nts \\"er e !;e r ved . 1'h \.:' g ues ts were rnonthl BilO for the Beery exhibition Late Classified Ads - -.... - - Indiana Cantaloupes. sweet and in Dayton, WI a fighter. This is the CLEAVER,.CARR-RICH h ath ryn l-I enci tlrsol1 , Hel en SherTOWN VS. COUNTRY spicy. .l J Lt .l L ' ar <> 0 J I :mme broncho that the cowboys, who ONEYNIOO . 15c por lb. Frltnk ' reuDlon , '11 b e h e ld Sa t Y I WOOu. eanllc e allu .. r. ,Ie"" 111 ' Th 'd f IS WI . . Dakin, Waynonille, Ohio. II were af ral 0 New Cal a Malaga Grapes were here Iast f a, , f N ~ :ney . Mabe l a nd Haze l Salisbury, At thE! P . & D. Assn. picnic Satura ~7 August 22nd. 111 the grove a . C. : Uoroth y ~herw ood, l{hea Jan et lind failed to ride. Sweet Cala Oranges day the Country team Rimply smeared - - BananBl!. Lemons The horse made a fine showing Rich. near Wellman , 'artwright , Harold Zimmerman, it all ove r th e town. Space forbids Tell the AdverUser 'you saw his Ad ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~!"!"'!!"!"'!!"!"'!~~~~~~~~~!"!"'!"!!" '. Ethan Cra ne, Clark Salisbury. Chas . us telling of all the game, but Jesse Fancy Elherta Peaches, N e' N in The Miami <fazette. Jersey Sweet Potatoetl . Fancy Thomas was a "frosl" when he tried Grauser alld George Kent. Ripe Tomatoe~ , New Irish to pitch for the Town. His partner. Cobbler Potatoes. Cabbal{e,. Little Mildred Harts(lck celebrated Orndorf. proved a capable catcher. Onions , Apples. Hulk Peanut I he r fo urth birthday on Thursday at Butter, Canned Sweet PotaFor the Country Roy Weeks had the ' the Harris home by I'ntertaining a t oes, New Mild Cream Cheese, Town down well and Ben Hawke Osteopa~hic Ph~sician J Inumber of her little friends a t a caught a good gamA. Cheese and Edgemont Butter Cracker8. pa rty. The afttlrnoon was spent in 21 Broadway Phone 449 Several laughable incidents ocIplaying the old fashioned games curred Strictly Pure Paris Green during the game, also several Lebanon, Ohio which never g row old to children, good plllYs, The score by innings: Special low prices on 60 and 100 At half pas t four o'clock they sat pound lots. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD BRANCH OFFICE down to a tab le prettily decoratQd 1234667 8 9 R HF. in pink . The litLle guests w ere Town .. ... 0 1 0 6 0 1 2 0 2- 12 9 ~ Waynesville, Ohio Paying ~Oc a dozen for E;g~rs. A FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED Esther Henderson. Doris Henderson, Coulltry .. 2 3 4 0 3 2 3 1 · -18 14 6 I t pays t o t.rade at Elaie Haw ke, Rhea Janet Cartwright Tuesdays and FridaY8, from . 8:30 Kathleen Gilmour, Novt!·:ia Benecke, THE "SOCIAL EVENING" to 12 o'clock i Luella Williamson, Bert 0' Neall. 2 8TORE8 Office. corner Main and High streets I Horace White, Chalmer Sherwood. The "Social Evening," given by Phone No. 100 Charles Chapman. John Frame and the ladies of the M. E. church. under - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gilbert Frye. - - _!' the direct supervision of Mrs. CynMiss Beulah Soyder, living on thia Evans, was well attended and r--------------~---------, Southview Farm. near Lytle was 640 in cash was turned over to the most. pleasantly surprised last F.riday committee. The program as "iven evenmg by a number of ~er frlend~'1 in last week's Gazette was given These present were Misses LydIa. . Fox, Goldy>! Early. Kate Fox , Pearl ~nt!re, and I~ made a pleasant evenWatkins. Ina Davis, Lucy Hall. mg s entertamment. ! Fmma Bomtraeger, Elizabeth Keg· The tableaux were all good, The I will continue to do &loonng and Spouting at !ling, Flora Wade, Clara Wade. Nellie crowning feature bein~ "My Coun&lealOnable Prices. Call on me at my home, Brown, Florence Rosnagle. Mary T" f Th " h bo t 40 or phoDe 24-2X', and I will estimate with you. Smith. Hazel Lahman, Beulah Sny- try IS 0 . ee, w en a u

Hartsock's Bakery








.. -----





.---------------....------------; I


Dr. Heber M. Dill

Uniform in Quality.




=======BUY YOUR,=====

J.' E. FRAZIER Waynesville,

der, Elsie Clevenger. Dora Stowe. Eva Stowe and Miss Wooster, of Dayton, Messrs, Milliard Degler. Dearth Sheehan, Charles ~arly, Alpha Montgomery, George Hall. Carl Borntraeger, Stanley Kesling. Raymond Wade, Geo . Rosnagle, Fred Wade. Elmont Snyder. Wm Lahman, Kessler Graham. Harry Forest Taylor. Warner Gregg, Paul Tittle and Myson Sheets. Mr, and Mrs. Appenzellar and son, of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder,

Ohio ,.


Montgomery Go. Fair DaytolJ., Ohio

Grand Opening, Monday, Sept. I Labor Day, on which day "The Greater Dayton" '1000 2:23 Stake Trot will be raced. Every day the big day. Advanced premiums in each class. New and daring free attractions, inc1uding the greatest educated bull I in the world, each and every day. OJ)e-Thousand-Dollar 2:14 Stake Pace will be raced on Thursday, September 4th. Dare devil and thrilling motor dome races, steepest track in the world. See Harry Hills Wild West Shows, Barlow, Jack and Barlow with their bucking mule act. $8000 in racing purses.

, Admiuion, 25 Cents H. V. Hendrickson

I. L Ho Iderman


SecretarY .



Miss Eva Funkey entertained at an elegant four cour8e luncheon at one o'~lock on Saturday .. Covers w~re laid for fourteen , Pmk and white were the Jlrevailing colors. Dainty little envelopes tied with pink ribbon laid beside the favors at each plate. Th~se envelopes contained little cards which read as follows: ~r. and Mrs. John Adams Funkey announce the engagement of their daughter to Mr. J. Roy Andrews of Chicago . Congratu.lations. best wishes an~ a ,happy time followed., Those inVited: Mrs . J. 0, Cartwright, Mrs. C. S Gr,RUller, Mr8, .T . B. Chapman, Mrs. Bess White. MrIJ. F. B. Sherwood, Mrs. F. B. Henderson, Mrs, F. C Hartsock. Mrs. Cynthia Evans. and the Misses Myra Baird. Edith MORhter, May Wright, Sybil Hawke and Stella Lemmon.

----- ..

- - -

No. 2220

R~PORT Of the CondItion of the Way ne~ville National Bank, at Waynes· ville in t be State of Ohio. at the close of business. August 9,1913. UESOU HCES. I.onll8 and Discounts ., , ., ... . . . 1243. lIl4. 2t Ovenlratt.s. 8OCUl'ed IUld UruKlCUred I, fWD.ID U. fj, Hands to lK)Curo c1rculatlou . . 60,000.uo Other bonds to secure Post,,1 SavIng • .. . ...• • . . . . . .. .•. . , .. , 3, OUO.OO Bonds, &eCuritles. etc.. .. " .. , . , . . 1I6 ,6 73.2~ 1I1Ulking 11OW!8 . . .. . •• . . .. . . ... . _ H, OOO.UO Due from apilroved """,rve agents 61 , 45 3. 48 Note8 01 other Natlonsl Bank. . .. . 160.00 Fractional paper currency, nickel.. aOlI ceuts..... ... .... . .. .. . IIf.66 L .... !ul.M<,>uey Resen'e In Dank,vlr.. Specie .. , " """" ' " 16/009.93 15,00e.9' Hedemptlon U.S,). fl'tlllAl urer(6% fund at c1rculntlon ,.... .- 2,500.00 . .lotal. . . , ., ", ...... . . .. , .. , 4HI ,tiU.11 LIADlLI'l'lES Capital stock paid In .. . ... ,, ., , . HO,OOO.OO ~Uu"£I~d~ntroili3: 'less ' 90.000,00 and tlUes paid , .", . . " , .,. 9.819.22 National Bank no~ out.standlng ~O, 000. 00 e:dl~rJ~~ unJe~8Jti." .tibjec·t" to no. 00 checkcertificates . ... , .. . . ... Oemand ... 278.890.60 6.681.85 Poet.. lining. Deposita .. 1,082,10281.6011.110 TotaL., .... " . . , . . . ...... 481.644,77 STATE OF OHIO. WARREN COUNTY,SS: I. J . 0, Cartwright, Cflllhier of tile above named bank, do solemnly 8wear that the above statement 18 true to the befit ot Rly Iwowtedge and beUot, , J . •. OARTWRIGHT,,r. ublCrlOOd and aworn betore me ~. UtA day at AUgwlt. 1913. E, V. Hamllan. . Ool'l'8Ct Att.eet : . Not~ PubUc: S. L. OARTWaIGHT.

Lumber and Buil<ling Material

people were massed on t.he stage. making it very attractive. The orchestra music was rendered in good style and the sina-ing of . . • . MIl'!s Edna SatterthwaIte was pleasing. Miss Clara Hawke was at her best in a lively dialogue readln~ and made quite a decided hit. . f Altoge.t her, It was an evening 0 much enjoyment to all who attended. - -DEFEATED FARMERS


Save money by getting it bright, dry and in good condition.

The Miamis def~ted J. B. Well'8 Farmer Boys by the one-sided score .. of 19 to 7 at Phillips Park, Sun.ay afternoon. Gebhart. the former star twirler of the Miamis was hammered for 20 hits by his old team, h' fi . t mates In 18 rat appearance agam~ them on the local ground8. DaVIS led with six hits in six times at bat. The new twirlers, Decker and Patton. especially the latter, made a splendid h . M' " l' B OWIn.l!r. The lamls are p aymg a much improved itame 8ince the big blow up. _ -,-_" _ _ __ _

WE have just completed one of the largest and best lumber buildings in Warren County. This building was built to protect our customers as well as ourselves,and is filled to its capacity with one of the best stocks of

Building Material in Southern Ohio.


We carry in stock at all times

Miss Myrtle Souders presented her pupils in a recital. at &hool Auditorium last Wednesday evening. Each one acqu·itted hersolf in a manner that reflected credit on the h' ted teac .er.. MIB8 Rohrer •. a talen . vocalist of Davton 8SSllited. MISS Rohrer has a beautiful contralto voice and entirely captivated the . audience. • _ • ' COUNTY FARMER'S CLUB

House Siding, Barn Siding,Veranda Columns, Flooring, Ceiling, Windows, Doors, Mouldings, the Unexcelled Brand of Red Cedar Shingles (none better), Raintyte Roofing, Lime and Fi.hack Wall Plaster, Plaster Paris, etc.

The several farmers' clubs of the h d f h county met on t e groun s o t e Childreu's Home at Lebanon , S"tur• • • day. The pICnIC was much enJoyed by al. present, and there was a goodly number from the Wayne Townsh:ip club there. ELECT Mu~iC"~-E-A-C-H-E&l


When you spend your Money get all that goes with It)


The school board met Monday evenl'ng .. "nd el""ted Mrs J, H. LI'n_ ton as music teacher for the coming year. Mrs. Linton's ' coming here aa-ain will be hailed with plt'asurc . ' both by the pupils and townspeople l'k a I e. -----. Phllolophloally.

"If a man- 18 not actually a lo"~, lUI llkes to marry the woman who wtU

O. T. HAWKB' , Gause hlm the least bother."-"'J"IIe J. w. WHlTBbt.ecton. Decoy Duu,," br a Peer. -..&




Quality and a 5QaJt¢


Yo u can get both at

Madden's -LumberYard, Ohio.


.. ,'


0.-. *'---..-..-.-____ . . . . . . Mention e.IP*rlonal .-. +.-...-.--____ -...-.. ~



OIUTUARY A pall·like gloom of sadness haa fallell!.upon the whole neillhborhood by th6 Budden death of Joseph W. Jordap. He f~1l to the floor and instantly expired in Sprihgfield. Ohio. on the I mornrng of AUi11st 20th. T h e cause of his'sudden death was apoplexy. He was born in Warren County. Ohio, May 27th. 1879 and was therefore 34 years. 2 months and 23 days old at the time of hiB death. He was buried in Miami cemetery at WaynesVille, Ohio. August 23, at HI a. m. Father Malone. of James· town. officiated at the funeral. The floral offerinp from friends and membars of the lodge were in effusion and their fraa-rance filled the room. Arnona- the many floral tributes were" broken wheel of ·"'" f ro m the roses an d a bank 0 f III I... Moose Lodge. The relatives from Chicago. Cleveland. Middletown and Springfieiti and other places were all in attendance. There remaiJUI to mourn hialOll8 a father. mother. !leven brothers and two sisters. The father i8 ap:rroaching his 75th mile atone an Willi a soldier of the War of the Hebellion. A large concourse of BOrrowing neighbors and friends followed the remains from his boyhood' II home to the cemetery. The wrl·ter of thl's was a fn'end of the deceased and knew him well.

Whole Number 3226


Stand up and be counted and r~gi~- sti le at the Stale Fair make men and tered at the a-ates of the Ohio State : women all !,Ine size. The politician Fair. As a rule folks who have been and mi lIi ~ na ire all take the sa me operated upon for appendicitis claim kind of medicln.!!. The Governor of to be more patriotic than the rest of . the State. t he ~armer, and the man ' fI uence a II . I00 k ~ I'k UB, A'\ BI ver h aIf d 0 II ar deposited I'n W I'th In. 1 e t. 0 th e the coin box of Ohlo'B big exposition turn fltlle. ~he sll-.:er. tIcket IS n e~· will be sowing the seed of a great ~ry to .gam adml.sswn to the Big harvest. The coin box and turn Fair. the first week In September.

None of the home gatherings of

r---.. ----- · Personal Meoti~~l

1913 could be mor~ pleasant than the • _ _ _ _ _ • __ _

~lIio tt family picnic held Saturday, 1 . . August 2a. at th e old Elli ott home. , J ohn Smith was in Springfield stead north of Ferry. : Monday. The mornin" hours were Ilpent in I L A Z· . S . Mr. lind Mrs. John Leonard, of ." . .M Immerman was In pring greetings and at noon one of the V II d Kings MillB, were in town Sunday. bountiful dinners for which the fam. · a ey on IIY . ily is famous was se rved on the lawn. I John Haines, of Springfield. is the Messrs. Eliu Oglesbee and Sam'l The tables were loaded down with ,g uest ot relatives, Meredith were in Lebanon Friday. good thi ngs , incluuin g all the deli- I M' . H·II ·· ted f · d . If you want a good Fertilizer. call - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- cacies of the season. After dinner . ISS M~rle I VISI rl.)n s In Chas' Frye. phone 49 1· L 2·S. •• _ _ _ _ _ _ • - ..... - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . th ere were games of various kind s l New Burlmgton las t week. j anll many pleasant ~ocial ('ha~s , I Miss LaVerne Dyke, of Route 6, is Waltted - A horse to drive to Ab?u t forty of the family and , visiting friends in Davton. Behool this winter. Inquire at this re latIv es wef(~ presen t and the day office. proved t o be one of such rare enjoy- A few more Grain DrillB at "c1osment that it was decided they would Iing·out" prices at Cross Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Whiteman are now domiciled in the Bank Hat for . - - - - - - - - - - - - . -.- - - - - - - - - - - - meet every year. The followillg l officers were elected for next year: ' ~r. and !'d"!. Ferree. of Waverly. the winter. Mr. Bnd Mrs. J. E. Janney enter· Dr . Bnd Mrs. J . T. Ellis ente r· Wilfred Elliott Pres· Webster El- OhiO , are vlsitmg Dr. Bnd Mrs. Ward Mr~. Elizabeth Hagan. of Charles· tained Mr. and Mrs. S D. Everly Bt t ained Mr. and Mrs. S D. Everly a t I'10, tt v·Ice p ' Ol'!Iv e Ell 10 · tt, Sec. r~s . ; Messrs. F. B. Henderson and U. M. ton. Mo .. is visiting at the home of dinner Thureday. !!upper Thursday evening. and James Eillotl, Treas. . Whi te were Dayton visitors SaturJoseph Hisey. After more r ef reshm ents of Ice da • Miss Edith Mosher entertained at Mrs. Mary E. Bi9pham entertained cream and melons. all reluctantly y. Hot ard Hopkins. of Dayton, spent dinner on Thursday the Mill8eS Eliza- Mrs. Clark Funston and Miss Eliza- sai d good bye, ho ping to meet again , Mrs. E uphemia Hough and daughFridav with his mother, Mrs. Hen· beth'Collett. Elizabeth Carroll. Myra beth Stewart at dinner Monday. on the f ourth Saturday in Augu st, ter visited relatives in Dayton IlUIt rietta Hopkins. B'rd d D h D k· 1914. week. al an orot y B m.. - - _. - - Dr. Clagett and Elias Orlesbee Dr . and Mrs. Ward and Mr. and THE UNION SERVICES Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner. of left Sunday for a two·days business Mr. and MrB. Chas, Johns. of Mrs. Ferree were guests of Mr. and ___ Lebanon spent Sunday with friends trip in Chicago. Lytle. entertained on Sunday Mr. Mrs. Frank Farr at supper Monday A m"derate.sized audience at- here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley spent Iilld Mrs. E. R. Randolph. Mr, and evening. tended the outdoor service Sunday Miss Jenni e Dinwiddie. of IndianFridaY with relatives and friends in Mrs, Stacy Lamb. Stulley Lamb and evening at the School grounds. Mrs . apolia, is the guest of Miss May liew l3urlington. Russell Rando~h, of Dayton. and Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite enter- EI · b th W d . t t· W · ht M d M S Lamb f L tl Iza e ar ~ave an In eres mg rIg . r. an rs... ,0 y II. Ituined at luncheon Munday. Mrs. talk. and George Hartley ended bv a Albert and Gertrude Hawes, of ,Julia Donavan. Mrs. Lina Jevitt. short talk. The musi cal service was Miss Katharine Gibbons is in'Xenia Spring Valley, spent tht! week-end here with relatives. m~~ of°~~e~d:n!h:':e:h~ Mrs. W. H. Allen and Miss Oli ve Mrs. Emmor Baily and Mrs. J . B. up to the standard, and little Esther ~~t~u~~ek, attending Teacher's Inwas known. McCollum entertained about 25 Ch ipman. Thompson Bang a beautiful solo. Su~rior and Hoosier Grain Drills young la(ii~ on Saturday ~ternoon Th~ pre&cher for next. Sund~y D. L. Crane attended the funeral Kind, courteous, a-entiemanlYI at right prices at Cross Bros. wal'm hearted and generous. he haa from S to SID honor of MIB8 Kate Mr .. and .Mrs. J H C~lem an gave evenmg, the 18lIt of the selles. Will of JOB. A. Brownfield at Springfield Dr: Clagett and wife and Mrs end~ed himself to every one and McCollum. who will SOO!! leave f?r a family dmner Sunday m honor of b~ Rev . C. W. Campb ~II, of genter- Monday. Alice Mcl{insey were vIsiting 10 bss left a void in that once happy Kidden Mo, where she will teach In Mr. and Mrs. H. C Colem an and Ville. Lytle church WIll furmsh the and· hospitable home that never can an IlC8dE'my. Ison, of Norwood. The guests were extra mu sic. Miss Cel~tia Austin W8!l the guest Morr,ow. Thureday. be filled. F. B. Henderson and family. Mr . and - - at the Tibbals home in Lebanon last Mae Wright, of near Ferry. has O. it is sad to a young man In M I I Sa h · te Mrs. D. L . Crane and Mrs. Louise THE AGRICUL TUR,AL Wednesday. ........ rs. Brae ttert waIte en 1'- Woolley been' the week· end guest of her the~pride of his strength. 10 ruth- tained lut Frhll3 afternoon In honor · Comml·ssl·on of Ohl· o I·nVI' tes all Miss Helen Marlatl and Master cousin Estla Haines. le8IIIY cut down with a useful life, of her daught4llr Maf(l&ret's b i r t h · . Ethan Crane are week pesta of Mr; and Mrs. S. L. C~rtwrlght en- Grange members to attend the Ohio relativeB In Dayton. Mr. Harry Johns and family and fult of "lfch splendid pOlllibilities all day anniversary. MiMes Eva Morford and Elizabeth Mart usisted the I ler~m~d on Sunday ID honor of State Fair, September 1 to 5,1913 Mrs. Etta Printz. of Dayton. visited befpre him. May "he who tempers the wind" h08tea in' serving. ThOlM!l invited I their mec~ Mrs Stuart and grandState Master T. C Laylin advises Miss Kate McCollum. of Franklin. relatives here Sunday. binll up the bleeding hearts of that were Helen and Antba Dinwiddie. , lion Le-.:enng, Mr. and Mrs. John O. that there will be speaking at the spent the week·end with her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan AUBtin and be~~veci family is the wish of the Fnancea Janney, Helen Sherwood, I Cartwright and daughters Rhea usual Jllace on the grounds , Wednes- Miss Olive McCollum daughter. Celestia. attended the wr~r. Anna and Ethel Satterthwaite Janet and Evalyn, Mrs. day and Thursday. Fair week at 2 p . "To live in hearts we leave behind" Charlae Cbapman =s.tterth: IRoge~, Mrs. I. E. Keys and KIZZle m .• with theMallterorLecturerinStewar.tAlIen.. ofCincinnati • .!i!1 Elliott Picnic. Saturday. "I to d' .. • b Merntt charge arrive thIS evening for a week's V"lt II not Ie. waite. Ethan Crane. ck Ro ito , • Mr. a'nd Mrs. L. W. Lee. of Ashta- with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen. Th~ WaYnesville Schools will open _ . zero RhoadeellDd Geor&e Bunnell. their doors for the coming term, MiBS Edna Janney returned TuesOBITUARY , On Tuesday afternoon the mem- bula. will be in chara-e of the rooml Monday. ~ptember 1st. 1913, bers of the old "Cooking Club" met and re~eive visitors. . day evening from a pleasant villit MillOn's Fertilizer tlie best on the Raymond Denver Heiaey was born Mias Edith Mosher ·gave a vory at the home of Mrs. J O. Cart' • with friendll at South Charlelton. market. For sale by Cha, Frte. in Wilmington. Ohio. AUpBt 4,1883. enjoJable eewing party Wednesday wright and gave a "kitchen shower" HOURS FOR LABOR DAY . I n 891 h f ' l ed to D afternoon in honor of Miss Elizabeth to Miss Eva Funkey. whose engageFred Hawke and Ralph Smith Meedames Liszie Yeazel an,~raiik ton ~rlll ~h~ hr:!vbeen th!1; Collett. of Lebanon. After the ment was announced last week. Lobby open all day. made an auto trip to Tibbals' peach. Rog!rs lltterule8 the Rebecea co chome l~ver ~in~. • girls bad spent some time over Tha.epresent wereMiBS Eva Funkey, All departments open from 9 to orchard near Portsmouth. Monday. _ _ 'lentlon a~ Main~·iIl•• two dl3s ~ . He attel u!'d the public lChooJ. and dainty needlework. dainty refresh- 14r:s. Geo. Funkey, Mrs. Mart.ha 10 a . m . .. Misa Rowena Wright. of B.ed Lion week. the N. C l~ sal~man achool and mentBwere eerved and the pests SeIbold. Mrs. F. B. Henderson, Mrs. Rural carrierll will not go out on retumed to her home toda,. after a M. M. Terry. of Da,ytbn. attended was connectt'u with that company reluctantly took their leave tban~ing J B. 9hapman. Mrs. Bessie White that day. three days visit with relatives here. the Hisey reunion lat Thuraday and for several years uoth in Dayton and the hoatellll for the pleasant time. and MIBS Ada Stokes. All mails will be received and visited old friendl here until Satur- New York City. In recent yean be The pests were MiBBe8 Stella Lemdespatched as usual Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnhart. of day evening. haa been conn~ted with the Stand· mon, ~Martha O'Neal, Dorothy Do not call when the windows are Denver. Col., arrived hele Thurvda, ard Motor Car Company. He was Dakin. Gwendolen Merritt. Kath· Mrs. Lee Hawke gave a party closed. you will not be anBwered . for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Mr. and ltd". Clyde Coleman and well known in Dayton and popular erlne Alexander and Eva Funkey, of Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 5:30 FRANK H. FARR. P. M. Barnhart. son. Francis, of Norwood. are guellts with all who knew him. Chicaa-o. Mesdame. C. M. Robitzer, for her little daughters, Elsie and • - ••- - of MI'. and Mra. J. H. Coleman for • - • Wilson Edwards, Ralph Miller and Dor;s, ~ged 6 and 4. respectively. MADE LONa TRIP IN AUTO MiBS AnnieThompBOn is spendlnK MO~TOOMERY COUNTY FAIR Geora-e Funkey. ofChieago. whose ~)\rthdaYII are close ' her vacation at. Atlantic City. Wash· Mveral daYE!. The children had a good time playmg M H M K d ington City and other Eastern places Mrs. JOII. Mannington and two . the old-fashioned a'ames, and the Mr. and rs. enry c ee . an of intereRt. \ -daughters. Misaes Josie and Ethel, A number of Bpecial feature attrae A crowd of YGUnK people met at hOlltess Rerved a delicious lunch. daughter, Grace. of Appleton. Mm~ .• were week· end a-ueata of Mr. and tions have been secured by Secretary the home of MI'. ~nd Mrs. C. . R . . Those presp.nt were Esther Thomp- spent Saturday and Sun?8Y WIth. J. Newton Smith. of Greenville, Mrs. Alex Emley, HoldeJ'lllan for the Monteomery Bunnell MODday Dli~t to re~md , son, Kathryn and &ather Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hend.rlck. T~l! spent Thursday here with old at: . . h Countl Fair which opens Monday, Mr. Keller.Hoak of hiS 21st blr~h . . Doris and Kathleen Henderson, ,McKees came from ~helr ~ome ID quaintances and attended the OddMIBS .~h~beth .Collet~, who as SePt~ ' ' her 1. Chief among them ill day. ~U8lC and .ga'!led were \D. Rhea Janet Cartwright. Novella Appleton to Day~o~ m tbelr auto. fellow's Home Coming. been Vl8ltlUa- Mill FAlith Mqaher. Jack "land and his company of dula-~ ID after which Ice cream Bnd Benecke Kathleen Gilmour Lou(1l1a They made the trIp m ten days and . returned to he! home near Lebanon. dare. evtI motorcyclists who do a cake ""ere served. Those pres~nt WiIliam~{)n and Ruth Stansbury. expectto ma~e an extensiye visit here Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Myers. Mrs. Thursday evening. hair. 'lIina' act on a saucer· shaped were . Misses Edna SatterthwaIte, among relatives and friends. who Margaret Hurley and Mr. Wool. Lost-A pair of spectacles and trac19 Defying death, they ride at Cecilia Snook. Lucille Buhrman, will enjoy their IlUto with them. gamuth, of Lumberton. were a'ueatB case at..llnion meeting Sunda)' night. 70 miles an hour on" track elevated Anna:Fumas, Sarah Satterthwaite, Miss Edith Mosher gave a hay ride • - • of Mr. and Mrs. J. H : Coleman. F1nGer please return to .1 Woollard at an, angle o~ 75 d~rCfl8. . Marianna .Compton. Lelah Bogan. to a number of her friends Wedne!l. FOUR GENERATIONS Sunday afternoon. Emmet WhIte tralDed horse IB an "'--ces Wilson, Ina M~ Compton. . . " and receive reward . othe' feature th~t will not be ~ew ~ M:~lle Satterthwaite, Fairy Snook, ~ay everllng. A good hme was en. . Misses Lucile and Reva Honnell C!~ibold d rltl "",Ia r t f th f" This Marie Harner. Margaret and Anna Joyed by all Those t~at. were for· A famIly gathermg at the home of are the guesta of Dayton relatives, J .-..:1 Mr. and Mrs.. an I e re&wro pa rone 0 e &lr. Satterthw&l'te and Oll·ve WI·lson tu.nate enough to be m.vlted were: Mrs. Jane Dyke. north of Lytle. Th4y ex"""'t to be at home Saturdayd daughter. of Middletown. are guests horae. all but human hu been tauKht • Ro d D ki D h .. ...-of Mrs. Selbold'B parents, Mr. and trickol' tbat seem beyond the power Mellits. Keller Hoak. Raleigh Bogan, MIB8;e8 samon a. n, orot Y Sunday •. disclosed the fact that fou.r and will be accompanied by Mr. an Mrs. Elijah ComptoD. of d;mb animals. Harry Satterthwaite. Wilbur Buhr· Dakll~, Margaret Merritt, GwenJolen generations were present. Mr. Alh Mrs. Lester Poff. Harry HiII's wild west show is man Evan Bogan Ruasell Satterth· Merritt, Stella Lemmon, Mary Salls· IOn Taylor and son. Mr. Forest Grah hed th . Misses Annie and Mame Brown anofJr feature that will be on the wait1, {o'red Fum~. Weldon Wilson. bury. ~mmaHawke. Martha~'Neal. ham and. family. Mr. Sherman Dyke Hitching in t e s s at e arrived home lsat week after a de- gro . d He will alllO drive a buffalo Horace Harner. Everett Haines. Fay Katharine Alexander, Ehza~eth and family. Mr. Mahlon Rooks. Friends' Meeting Houae at the lightf~1 trip to Boston and otber on track every day. . McKiUlfht Luther Haines Miss Collett. of Lebanon. Mrs. WIlson • - White Brick, by school children. histonc Eastern placM. secretary Holderman baa been Bunn-li. Mr. and Mrs. I. ~ttertb. Edwards. Messrs . • Clarence Rye. TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS will not be pennitted unless by per- ' h waite. Mr. and II,... C. R. Bunnell. Harvey Rye. James.~cClure, Earn· mission of owner of ahed. By order Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly left for lpendi!'J ~ e past w~k w~k <!r ten M and Mrs H Satterthwaite 6l!t Rogers. Leon Sahsbury. Ronald W T h· Sch I ·11 of Committee. day. VIIltlDtthe vanous In the I' • H k H M h d W·I The ayne owns IP 00 8 WI thel'r home I'n Dayton Frl·d.... - even· --_ .... Rho·a.L..· an'd Geo'.~ Bunnell. awe. arriB os er an I son begm . Mond ay. Sep t 8th Buy your ..t.'er t'I' inr. after a week's vacation here v. Ic Inl~ 0 f aytA,n. Tb ~ IDcr~ IRIS ..Edwards . . It very Ilzer 0 f Chas. F rye. amon'" relatives and friends. prenuumloffered here thiS year are much desired that pupils started for who handles Milson·s.. the beat. • interesting the horsemen and other the first time be present · on the Don't forget to see Cross BroB. for exhibitors and eve17where the seereOn Saturday afternoon from 3 to At the pleasant home of Mrs. opening day. Pupils six years o!d Lost-A lot of saeo, BOmewhere Grain Drills. tari' haa been. he haa seen advance 6. Mise Kizzie Merritt entertained Susan Bell. on Thuraday. Mi!lS Leona before Jan. 1. 1914 may be started. between the Jonathan Graham farm evidence of ' the greatest fair this with a thimble party, for her niece, Johnson and her mother. assiBted by Jo'. C, Gilmour, Supt. along the Lebanon pike or on the Mr. and Mr8. C,. T. Haw~e and year in Monta-omery county in the Mrs. J. Howard Stuart. of Topeka, Miss Etbel Connor. gave an after• - • Utica road to Emerson Muon·atarm. two daughters. Mtllses ~ybll -.and history of the association. Kansas. Mrs. S. L. Cartwright as noon party in honor of Floramond BELLBROOK HOME COMING Finder pleue notify Emerson Mason • _ .. Bisted lhe hOitess in receiving th.~ Reed who is soon going back to Co· R. D. 4. Waynesville. Ohio. Helen. motored to Z!lnesvtlle Frldav and apent eeveral days there with INTERESTING LECTURE gueste. Mrs. Edith M. Harris read lumbus. Quite a large number of Th H C · t' B lib k a • I~ roo Try a 88A:k of Burton's High Grade relatives. a humorouB selection which every ladies and young girls of the vill8jre h. e orne- or,nmg to . .' one thoroughly enjoyed. After a were present and spent a few SOCial t IB year p~oml8es ec IPse a ll White Frost Flour. It is made from Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Burnet and The lecture on "Travel8 Through very pleasant lOCial time delicious hours together Lemonade was former o~caslonB and the com mlttee the choicest old wheat and Is parMrs. Mabel Dinwiddie and children Palestine" by Geol"&'8 Hartley, at refreshments were served. _Those served by the hostess to all incoming ahre·wdorkm g hard on the plans for an~ by ~he m!lllufacturer to IfiV8 motoredto Norwooc:i. Sundll,}'. and1tbe t'riendl church . Friday rian- Invit.edwere: MesdamesJ.Howard guests from aiara-epunchbowl ona tat ay. .__ entire satisfaction or money re' took dinner with Whittier Burnet ing. wu well attended and w.. very Stuart, Topeka. Kansas. Clark Funs. daintily decorated table. Each guest h funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke. and family. . inte~tinlf. ton. of Yellow Sprina-. S. D. Everly. a1BO received a typical flower from a If you are g~lng to av~ a sa~e. Da,yton. J. F. Cadwallader. C. S. large basket ot bright blossoms. A see A. A, M.~Ned, Centervtlle. OhIO. Cbaa. Frye handl~ the ~i1son Fertilizer. and there 11 none ...tter. ,ytoll • few literary numbers were offered both phones • D ClaI. J T Ellis•S . • Grau!ler... ia A. T. Wright. D L. Crane. 'th~' by those present. after which a ...! -eo Keys. Hannah Rogers. Cyn III tempting refreshment of iCE! cream • ,Evan~J Lina Devitt. Edith H~rri8. and cake was very · prettily served There will be IOm.thing doing THUru:;DAYj.GOVERNORSDAY W. n. Allen. J. O. CartWright, byfourlittiegirls.JennetteMurphy, air every day a~ the State Fair next Governors. ex·liOvernon and would· Laura Moaher. J. H. poleman. Pauline HarUm. Ellen Smith and White. J. E . Helen Randall. As the gray Bhades Stat£> Fair Races are always good. Since the days of old week. be Gov~rnors of Ohio and other Frank Zell. Bessie MOND~Y. LABOR DAY AND stateawillbeonexblbitioD. . Janney. ~arry v.:llham80n. George ofevening.iellthe gu8Btsdeparted. Every heatis a fight to a finish. theBport of real men. WOMAN S FREE DAY •• Wom~ FRIDAY.?UJ SOLDIERS AND Smith. EinmorBalley. G. W. Hawke. thankin, Mills Leona and her mother •fill a battle royal·twixtthe Hag and girdles the track •. ~p-ecII"_ .. admitte<i:free up to fLye 0 clock P. CHILDREN S FREE DAY. Leroy Irona• .E. V. Barnhlrt. S. L•• for their much appreciated hos- the wire. The track iB fine and fut, tions and feats of m ...fter that hour 25 cats. > .WEDNESDAY ~~DTHURSDAY , CMtwriaht. Dr. Mary Cook. MlaseB pitalilJ. The winners of other battles are en will be given In front ~;..;:_~;U~ . ' .TUESDAY. ipLLI,KIN ·.. DAY. ~1g .Granae ReuDlon ud PrOJrram, ~l'Ifia Hadden. 9Elilabe~ CarrolH. .. teredo -Three raCes dally. Forty stand be!ween hea~ " \~ IQ Bean Dinner on ~UDdi. ' . ~~ th' ,S~te Muter and ~~~~ E1izalJeth .Stewart, Letitia Mc~, STAND PIPE CLEANED . thousand red blooded people' will tape. be In the pme. ~! WmNESI)AY.COLUI(BUSDAYI ,pfe8ldin~. 11', Granp . Hall: . ~ ",ra .. Baird. ~e Bro~. crowd the grand stand quarter When bettiDiron a .~ ~Ca~~Ci:~~lth\°B:t ~msoAY. FRIDAY"'JC~ ~~J;.,==t The aiand.pipe _d water.plup 8~retch. . The Kinp the Turf will always, ~ve h,!u.t ' . ' sta~f!I. c:tnd.f> ' 'J" • •••. : • • • ,. ..r.tiv.'~ p.,t. .' •.\ . ~t.' ': bave been elUDed. . ~ eh~red u .~ey:~f~r ~e wire. PI.7 car £U8 om~.. .. . , Hoolier one-horse Grain DrillB at Cross Bros.


S . I Happeollllgs · TheIS W eek Gela







I' S

Days at Ohl·o State Fa:.


Tbe Races Nex t W eek Sta t e F·








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Irlg III hIlI IIeart-lloPfI tb., lie mlgftt buclul but If she's pulled tbrou gb so yet wrlnl[ from La Favre a contes· fllr. thar alit·t IlUthID' IIpeclal goln' t er slol\ . that would clear hIe name. He huppe n tilt they .It to the InJuu knew his man nt las t- knew him, and wc uld track him aow with ali th e camp ." ··You mea n he r fut e will bo de c ided 108s lo ge nulty or a 118vnge. Once he could lItall d erect, absolv ed at dlB· In cou ncll ?" ··Su ro: Ib e t's Ch eyen ne Inw. l,e grace. a mlln ngaln among me n. he !" vr!' Ituowu It. uu ' 01" )O;ol uta would lI·ould Iguoro th o uniform or tb n ranks, knife biOI In II mlnuto 11 ho got KUY · a nd go to ber with rill tho Ilrldo of Ills Il e ·s n c1 <,vil nil rl gbt- thet 01' buck- ru ce. Ar! nud down In his h oart he h ut I\I'N urruld of \\lack Ke ttle. an ' kn e w tha t sho would we lcomo bis com· thILr \I ou ·t bo no horm do ne to tllo In g; thut h er eyt's would not look at gal." the unlfor Ul. but down luto th e d epthB Th n Sers.'a nt wn lke d over lO tbe at his owu . , lire and Hlared down Inlo tbo rod om· He thought of It all n8 h e paced tbe llN~, 6trh·lng 10 conlrol blmBe \{. He floor. or IIlhre d Into the fire. whil e out· rea li zed the truth ot all Ilu ghes said. . Ide th ,' wind ra go d and bowle d. piling and r et had to Ilght fl e rc" l), h is IlIcll - tb e sn ow IIgn inat tile clIll ln front, nnd n ation to hustt' n to hor rCKCU O. '-b o whlrl1 ng In nlad bursts up tho vulley . vcry tbou ght of he r alon e In lhoso It would lle death to fnce the fury at SYNOPSIS . o n tho bench Into hi s poc kot. walked l"Utbl es8 hands was torture . Tbe re WIlS I' ou t lJo ~" opon plaiDS. Til e rs wna over. and picked up th e gUD. no s !f1 S hIH~S 8 In th o lUan ·t heurt . no lIoth ln", 111 ft him but to swear. a.nd ·'Now. Hughes"· h e saId qui etly, bope at wlnnlug thi s girl ror him self. ?'IIJ ' r ~t , 1"' '' ;1 1{1 . C'('Omrnn n dlnl: "" a rmy Il8ce back and torth. Twice ho and n :-I 1:,' :1: F .· -t P llol~" ~ " "k" n nl n n t o nt , .. 1'1 " l lf' ,1.1 U ~tllt ' l . ~ .ol (}' . w ho Is 'Til lalk. and you llllte n. In my Judg- ve t he kn e w D llW th a l he lov ed h er : lIugh ' 8 taught Ihe lr wny to the corh (ll\ .1.." · r"r tl h .\ Pt\~ t A n 11'1f1lfln outbr ~ n.k me nt you are a mlse rnble sneaking ihat tor him she was I he OD" woman ra I tou n d th e horses s helte red In a IK I '. r ••. tI" I II'" S ..' l " Br Ic k " H a mlin m ... · I~ "I f' IiLI':, ' I II wh ic h ~ n ll y I" trn \"~ l· cur. nud 1 am going to trust you Just 10\ a ll th o wor ld. lIe r faco WUII In hili IIttlo C01l0, and brought th e m food SO rnr os I cau wutch you . I supp06e mE' lIlor), : t h e very soug hin g or the I l\~ T ~ l l' .r l i n' UlllH' IH" \ br lu,lI tLnlJ. nnd nnd wat or. 'fh a tltruggle to accom · H nm ll1l on.' ~J . dl)· c.:sC' up · In lhll dn.rkn e-ss . I ollgbt to shoot you wh ere you ure, wind (icl' ll1 pd ber vo ice ca lling hi m. Ilu~ lI l\fIIlllI 1 ~( 1 !" ~ 1· . 11 y he Wi\8 dlsc hargod Prize WinnIng Team at the Albany County Fair. and have done w1tb It. You killed one tbo r eal nl n n In him - th e plainsman plish thla wns sulfl clcnt proot at th e trtllll lh .' • "'I nt .... h · rft.l e III rvko In disg ra ce ImpoRsl blllty of going farth or. EX · t Ise an i' Itt thr rh"SI) l 'lt th ~ \vnr en118 tC,! 1n or tbo best meD wbo ever lived, a Ins tin ct- conquered tho Impotuoslty bausted and breathl .,811 tbey staggered th i' r"" u h' f a r my 11ft .,\u f\C<'" te o ne Cu. p ~ (By J . M. B~LL. l I lhat tbe tarlller \\"bo wants to rn tnt n Lr- F" I,\· rt· /'I f ~I II" r es pon s ible t,,"Ir fri end of mine. Sam Wasson-" of th e lov er . The ro must bo no mls- back into tb e Quietn ess of the cabin. In s pite ot tbe marked Increase In ligh t harne 8s ho rs es will choose a hlR dl:'/It"r;'l {'I' Trop p:. n pfH' a r And under " Who!" lak e mad DO r1U\b. hopeless e trort. eSt"t)rt r f Lle llt. OU~I(tnA M o tl, sta.rtIJ to ··Snm ....·aeson. a governmont IICOUt.~ n ett er delny. than ultim a to rallure, feelIng as ·tbougb th ey had beco beaten 'ISO of automobiles allover the COlll1 ' lrottlng bred s ire. and a dam In whoBe JoIn h to r- " Jl l h f'> r I{ Itm lln lea v e, t o rej o in hi s re ~ IIH~ l1t 11.' "'( ur n" t o Fort Dodge lIur;bea dropped hla face loto bls nDd Hughes' plan WII8 lhe more pro.ct!· by clubs. Onc e. dell1le rato to atte mpt Iry, It IB a well-known fact o.Dlon8 ve Ins \lows a generous InfUSion ~t after Ii Bllmmer or t1~ h tlnK I ndians. and something. Hamlin luggested Bearch· borse dealers that the rlgbt klud of I their trottlug or tborougbbrod (run' blinds. ftnd s M ntl :r t h p l ·, 1 ~ hl)l R liro hf'.ard 1n the ca l way . Ing ror the bodies at Wasson and barueal bars Is Bcarce and htGh. Tbe ulng blood), ThIS line of breedl g nJfltht Hllmlln Tusht' ft o ut. " eel! what be "Oood Lord! 1 Imew blm!" rtght, old man. We'll walt," ··You·re bello"·,,. I. t ho 'I>,"re o r M o lly hldln. tn The Serseaut drew a deep broalb, bo saId sternly. ":-Jaw to get ready, Wsd e but Hughes shook hl8 bead. real lovers of horse nesh still ovince shOUld hrlng desir ed r esult. ID tlltJ th e !la rk n r •• An (1 (ni l. OVl'r th" body at starin'g al the other as though half a lively sentiment regardIng tbelr way or coltB which will tater on d6Ueuter-an t C1n...", k l ll". who accuse . HAmlin Into his face thero came a look Have you a co rral?" or II h oott nJit him Th ft ~er-got\n t I. proven and belle vlnll hIm demented. ' The Ber- eQuine friend. and tbl8 sentiment ex· velop Into road horsoa or a hlgb almoBt or a7mpath7. Inn oco nt 11 . ...... ~I o lly In company with The othe r Ulade a gesture with bia geant atrode to the door nnd looked plolts ltaeU In a practical way by good type. Mrs. Du {"It)n I , w hom he rero«nfae. &.ft a "Then you bogln to realize tho BOrt band. ronne r- Bwne t hef\ rt. wh o threw him over out Into tbe s mother at snow ; tben prIces for tbe IlrBt class light harThere are some tamllloB of trotter. for I..,F..-", llro. D uponl telle Hamlin of fool you aro," he went on soberly. "Twenty rod b'low, undor tbe bluff." came back wltbout a word of ","otellt. ne8B horBe. or roadllter. remarkable tor tbelr boauty of 1111' LeF" ,·re (or ,·od her to "ond htm 11 ly1nc ··Tb~y don·t make better men out b ere: '·Wo·1I drive tbo horses down, foed " ot~ . I-lam l!n (l e>dnr("B he ha. been look ... Carroll Improved Itelldlly. complaIn· Style. Bpeed, conformation and dls- pearance and symmotry of (orm Indl ln p: (or r ..,F"v r .. to fo r ce htm to c tcar hi . hili little linge r was worth more than and water tbem . Out ftnt cams with reronJ. La t er hili' o,·t rh @a. r!l Du pont "nd II. your whole body_ Dut killing you me ; th ero Is a halt· frozen man up yon· Ing ot pnln whe re tbe frost had nipped position are the firm cardinal reQula. vlduala making styllsb lingle drlv. .aldlnr hn t ch lng u p n . lnoner.~mf\k'ng exposed flesh. yet able to sit UP. B.nd lteH ot a blgh-c lnss light. harne~1 en. whllo ruan y handsome oarrlage plol. Mo ll)' 8.-.ckR a n In len' ew wllh won't bring Sam back, and besldos I der ." eat heartily . Tbere remaIned 8 hor~e. every Quality above m en tion ed teams are at th e standard trotting Hamlin She "RYS her fnth e r leemB to be reckon you've told me tbe straight Th ey plo wp.d through the snow to- numbn eS8 In t he powt"r or M rs. Dupont. who c1atmn hili and iegs. bow· Is a necessary ooe and In order as blood : Then again tbe ro are famili es to be 0\ (1eu/:h ler or Mc Ponald's ol e ter. s tory. an' his shooting was an 8ccl· ge th e r. chok ing and coughing In the rve r. which pre\'ented his standing mentioned. Without these four ac· of thoroughbreds that comhl ue beau· N olly .l1.aPI,,""ro I\nd lI a mlin acts oul to dODt In a way. Then you're more U80- thick 6wlrl of lIak es that beat nlon e . and botb th e othere r ealized complls hrnentB an 8nlmal at tho road- ty with s pee d. al\d a lso s how conllldtrar" h~r MrI 'onll id I. orde red t o F o rt rul to mo just now olh·e thau yo u IIlpl "y H omlln rl,·e ro l ha t the m,," a gn in s t th e ir fllces. Th e thr eo b ors '8 . Ihst bn would have to be lorl behind sted Cl1l9S cannot ·ommand th o top- e rable spt'ed at I he trol. wh ,., IDl ft on t h 3tUgc unc1 cr the nnm o o f would be dead . My name Is H amlin . powder ed white , s tood ta il s to . tbe when the storm abated . lIugh e8 would notch price on tho market. so It Is ~t C'nnt11l 1rt Will'll nnt the mll.Jor. H e finde The write r w e ll r tl me mll e rB a race !\kDonllld·. murd" r ed body . Ha mlin Bergoanl Seventb Cavolry, and I am storm. with h ~a d to the blull'. while hlkp s ~·:U'1" n . n gu lrt e. n nd two troopet"8 horo after that man Lo F evr e. We tlt e drifts complete ly cov!'red Carroll. go wIthout doubt; on this point the greatly to the advalltago of the farm· hors o. strictly thoroughbre d. who .In al1 tl goPS In pu r "uit or tho muN1~ rer e. \Vh" trailed hi. outflt trom Dodge until lhe Sergeant was de te rmin ed . He did not e r. who at Iho S IUtH! time Is a breed· doing his worlc . uud er the saddle li e W ~t S s l(,l'[l ln g. wnrUl In th o blllph oll ruhbt'(1 Mr Dol1 nl!l or J3Q.OOO plOym",, t f! r· ,. mo ne y If f! fHJ SpeC f8 Dupont. Con ... sto rm IItruck UII. and th en came kets. and tbe two m " n picked him up a ltuge th er like or trust the mlLn: be er. to relllembe r these requi s ites . It would trot a mile In 3 : 05 and he wnll n t'T• . !old le r a ccompl ice nf Dupont. III could no t blot from memory tbe cow Illay be safely said that without st y le a good raco hors e at that. The latt) rou nd mu rrlcr'! ~l . JfltTnlln',. party I s ("Alight strulght tbrough trav.,Jlng by COlli- nnd s tu illbl ed a long wIth th eir burdc n pass. I did not kno w. the man 's nam e to th e s he lt !'r ot tbo cabin. Tben a rel l" shot whlcb kill ed Wo sBon, nOI the light hlirn esR horse rloes not e li cit S ena.tor Lelund S tanford at CalifornIa In .u t1nr C'c hUzz.ard wh ile h eading for th E" rlnlnln rn n. Ono nU'l l) dlos from colli n nd was Le Fevro until you told me: up Ilu g b es fllc(' d the bli zza rd ag a in . lead - ell t i ~"IY rid hims elf ot n tear thnt h e. admiration. that wllhollt s poed Il~ ral50d Illany great trott ers (as all ft.nofh " r o. lm (l~ t 15u (' l- IJmh!!l. WRlJ80n Is shot hlrnsp lt. hnd tail ed an old comrade, III cannot ··kee p pace wlill tbe t im es horseme n knowl by bre eding hilt a" t hey ("o m'" In f' h:ht ot tho Clmmarnn . In Kansas h e til knoW11 as Dupout." In g Ihe b or3\!s to the corru l. ", bli p. It e r"o le w o r k H am lin Tc:" usct tntee C"n rro ll . not r,~v rnglng hl8 d cnth : yet on r thllt ,,-ttbnut b lJn uty of appearanco or great stal lion E lec tlon oe r 10 mares ··That·s It; that's the name he took Ilamlln minist ered to th e s e rnl·eon. h l~ rf\ ma.lntn g troop "r . H n mlln dl sco\'c r ~ wben be sold the cattle. " II InL( cab'n hl .1et '· n t J ndc r n, b l uff. oc runl od sel ouR soldlpr. layln", him out upon a thing "'liS c1 oar - th o man 's hut re d fOI coutormatlon h e will not se t ott hand- that are pra t1eally thorotlghbr~d . So b y Hughes. " ( ' (lW th l~ f. who Is Inyl nl: ror ··Th o officor robbed and killed was pil c of 80 tt sklus. aud vIgorou s ly rub- Le j.'t' I"rf' mltcl e hIm vnluobl e. Tre ach· some trapp ings and eq ulpa ge-Hud It goes. running and trottin g blood 1 f· F t~V rR . wh o c h cnl~ 1 him In 0 (,fl ttl o cl e,,\. RI. do.o rlpU on ld entlJlc. Le Fevre ;\lnJor MCDonald . an d It Is hIs dau gh· b lnf:: bls li mbs to res tore cIrculation . pro us /HI h ... mh~ht be by nature , now lastiy that lackin g a doc ll u dl sposl- mak es n trott er. nnd a trotl er !Ilu s t and Du pont ns ono Bnll th J.f u l:h es t e l' th p)" hold. The frl low Dupont Th e man was stuilid from ex pos ure . hI s wh o le Roul wa H be nt on r eve nge . tlou he Is practically use less tor tho n ecosso rlly be a good road ster {'vl'n . hot W SHHon mlst.a..k !ng him ro r one of If he 18 ne ver put Into regular trll in. quarre led with and sho t was a dC80rt· IIlId In some pa1n, but exhIbite d no ~lor(,o \" E!T he len']w -th e lay of tb~ land . purpo,e for wble h ho Is mOllnt. ( ",I"ene' , party. No IInllnol used by man n epti s to lug. er nam e d ConDors. We found th e dhnge rolts symptomo. Wh en w!"Upp ed t he lI·nll the fugitiv es would follo w We will supposo lhat n torm er has body. Now wb ero do you suppose Le again In his blanket s . h e fell Instnmly and to Ilome extent Illnck Kc ttle' s be so care tully han a led nnd trn!ned CHAPTER XXVIII, Fevre Is?" asl ee p. Hugh es r oturn ed, mantl ed camp. Littl e by little Hamlin drew as tb e ronds ttJr. for ofte ntimes h e Is . a pall' of light harness horses tbat he HugheB stared Into th e fire. uervous.. with s now. and , as th o door opeued . the from h im eve ry detail of Le Fcvro's drive n by wom e n and c hildr en tbere- has nLls ed. breeding , style. ca n tormaSnowbound. dep ends the tlon. education and speed are up to life In the cattl e country, becomi ng fo re up o n his d oe lllt The r;leam In Hamlln's cyes Im- ly pulling hlB beard. howl at th e storm 5WI'llt by. more and more convinced thllt both fiarety of lhelr IIvell. th o Btnndard. This pair will pertorm "Wnli. I'd sny In wes t yere 80mepelled the oth e r to go on, and explain "No better ou tsllle?"· In th ese da ys at horse terrlflers- we ll In singl e and double barness. tully. wbar along tho Clmnrron . 'Taln't like·'Lord, no! \\'orso. It any thing. men we ro thi eves . th e ir herd s la rge l y "Lord, I know bow ye r feel. strang· ly h o Ilad a compass, nn·· the wind WInd moro c p_st . swe epln' th e s now stole n through r.onnlvance with In such a s tIIntor~ar8 . bi cyc les, traction now It tbe hreed er wants to Be ll Best tll e y up th e valley. W e 'll bo pluDi sh ot up dlnn s_ Undoubte dly La F ev re was ('ngluea and th o Ilk £'. a horse must bo tram $GOO to $800. may bo n little ed. an', I recko n. tt yer was to plug WUH from tbe nor·elUlt. bigger rascal of th e 'two . nud pos · thorougbly broken to be sold 8S sllfe. could 110 asked [ln ll r eme right yere It wouldn't more 'n even could do, the ponies would drift. Th e lu an hour. I reckon . Hosses a ll right. stbe esBed grester Influeuce because of or " lady brol{e." He must be fearless more. matters up. But yer listen turat afore Injuus would keep the glneral dlre c- though ." celved. Into the tribe. as far as nil ordinary objects are conteels assured that tbo yer sbool Thet KIowa Klnck Smoke lion, 0' course, storm 'er no storm, an' In the silence th ey cou ld hear the hIsIt marriage was the second midnight wheu cerned. yet h e must he Imbue d wIth The wrIte r Gene Is Borne plnlnsman himself, but wall sent on ahead, aD' got yere afore flcrco beating against the door. tbe bove figures are uot extravagant I It h emand for a hi In h the .torm_ He said them otller wus thet bUzzard ""ould sbeer 'em off all shri eking of tbe storm·fiend encom- tbe wind died down. Hamlin. sleeping the proper amount of sp r IV en ec- a tbe least, aB tho d g IItful1y Beemed to sense tbe change; caslon demands . 'bout four bourB behind, an' headin' tbe same. I reckon they're under the pnssing them about. be roB~ forced tho door open, and As It Ia a conceded fact among type .o f l1.ght harnesll horao Is very fer this yere cabin to make camp. bankB ten mUo, er more, up thaI'. An' peerod : ~ut eagerly. There was IIglit- horsemen tilat the Amerlca~ tro.~tet- ,800't-lJut j lOroes or this class r"'~:t soon all tbere'. a change In weather, The,. wa'n't burryln' nene. fer tbey CHAPTER XXIX, neSB to tbe Bky, and all about. the un- IR the fa stest light hB_mess horse In cOI1l~;-llp· to tbe requirements 0 e dldu't suspect they wua beln' tracked. they'U ride fsr Black Kettle's camp. broken expanse of snow sparkled in .tbe world . It Is natural ta ' 8UPIlO_ ~. Well, tbet waa my cbance; what I'd Thet's my guess. mIster." The Ct1aae. ccld c~yataI8 . Nothing broke tbe HamUn turned the sItuation over been campln' out yere months a·walt· Hamlin n ever forgot tboso two days In' fer. I didn't expect ter glt nuthln' deliberate ly In his mind. satiSfied that and nlgbts of waIting. while the storm white desolatlon but tbe clark watera back. y' unde rstand; nil I wanted wall HugheB hnd reviewed tbe posslbllltieB roare d wltbout and th o clouds of of the Irlver stili unfrozen, and the gaunt limbs at the cottonwoods, now ter kill that damn Bkunk, an' sQuar correctly. If Le Fevre's party bad got drifting snow made nny drenm of a dslandlnl~ naked and motionless. Tbe through at all. th e n that WIiS the moat accoun18 . . It looked ter me tben like vance Impossi ble. Trained aB he waB ·1 hed him on tbe hlp. He dldn 't know likely spot for them to be biding In. to pntienc8. tb e dclny lert marks In sllenco WIlS profound. seeming nlmoBt painful after the wild fury of the past I was In the klntry; all 1 hed to do They would bave drifted beyond his face, and his n orves throbhod w!th days. He could he ar the soft purr of doubt, farther than Hughes supposed, waa lay out In tbe hills, an' tako a potpain. His mind was with her conAnything in Poultry Line Finds Good Supply of Decomposable probably, aB bo bad been sheltered stantly, even In mom e ntll of un ensy the water, and Cnrroll's heavy breatbshot at hIm afore he saw me." An<t" It was cold, bltterl), cold. Ing. Organic Matter Helps BacterMarket, but Pigh Prices "And get the girl and the money." from the real vIolence of the wind all the chili of It penetrating to his very "As God Is my witn ess, I nover It raged on the epen plain. They ial Action of Plant. Paid for Choice Goods. bones. But tor tbat he had no carethougbt 'bout tbet. I jest wanted ter mIght be fifteen. e Yen twenty miles hIs mInd blld absorbed the one Imllor oway, nnd so completely drIfted In as plug him. 1 know It soundB sorter cow'Dr M. 1<. BOYER. ) Many people make the rlltal mla· t.ant fad: the way was open, they ardly, but that fellow 's a gun·fighter, to be undlscovernble except through Each ye ar the poulterer better un· tnke of expecting nUaHa to do well could go. H e shook I1ughes rougbly accIdent. What course then was best - an' he hed two InjuDs wltb him. Any: Into wa,ke!uln es B, gIvIng utterance t.o derBtnods the care of poultry, knows on soil8 that are not Ilt properly to bow that ,wus my notion, an' 1\.8 Boon to pursue? The storm was likely to sbarp. tenlle orders, all tbough h(l thi!lr wants and has dis covered how to produce any kind of crop. saY8 Bul· as Black Bmoko went lopln' up tbe contlnue vloleut tor a day. perhaps k ee p th em co mfortable. Tb e COlntort· lotln 36 of the Purdue unlvorslty (In· dealt with a man of bls own troop. two days longer. His horses were ex. valley, I loaded uP. an' climbed them "Turn out. lively, now . Yes, tbe storm ahlo· hcns aro th o ones tbat do the diana) station. There Is jU8t a8 much hausted, and Carroll helpless. It ' blurtB, to whar I hed B good look·out . • need at ca re lil sp.l"ctiug aud ~lreparlng iq over. It'! midnight, or a little after . laying. ei-Iong the north trail. 1 laId oul thllr mIght not even be safo to leave tbe About thirt y y eara ago when poultry soils for alfalfa as for an y o tber cro p and growing cold. Put on youI' heavy latte r alone. Yet If the froze n man all nlgbt. The storm come UP. an' I sturr, nnd bring up tbe two best fnrmlng WIIS young, liB a bu'lne8s. a and probably more, b eca use of It.! mighty nIgh rroze, but snuggled down could bo lett In' the hut to take care LlOrses. C-ome. now; you'll 6tep off cry aros e that It would not · bs long deep rooting habits and large plant. of himself liud the ponies. would there Inter ther snow an' stuck. When yer Quicker tban tltat, Hughes, If you rld( beforo there would be such a surpluB food requirements. onc't get a kllUn' frea k on. yer gain' be nny hope ot success In an effort to Deep, loamy soil. ~th open subwilh me. I'll bnve everything ready ot stock that prices would go tumbling, through hell an' hIgh water t El r get proceed up the river on toot? He by tbe Itlme you get here. Eat! HeU' but notwithstanding tha t the ro aro Bolls are undoubte dly beat for aUaHa, could make Hughes gothat walln't yer man. Thet'o how I te lt. Well. We11 CIa! 'n the saddle ! What's that. ten successful plants today to evol')" but there Is plenty of evidence to 'ust 'long 'bout dayUght an outfit tb o difficulty-but probably they one thirty years ago and the demand show that l.t may bo successfully proCarroll?" showell up. Wltb my eyes balr froze couldn't cover five mllos a day tbrougb not haH reached! duced on almost any type ot BOil, the snowdrifts. Aud. even If they "Ye IIln'\ a -g,?ln ' to leave me 7ere over. an · ther storm blowln' tbe Bnow With tbo Incroase of supply came trolI1 light sandy or gravelly loama did succeed In getting through lu time alone. lire ye, Sergeant f" In my face, I couldn't see much-nuth··No; tbrre·U be two hOnlee ·to keep the Increase at demand aud today we and peatB or muchs to heavy clays, ill' but outlines o· hossos aD' men. to Inte rce pt the tugltlves. the others would po!!se!!s every advanlage- both you· company . You've got .a SDSp. are no nearer meeting the demand provided that It Is well drained, But thar was four o · 'em. an' a big sweet. and properly supplied with position for de fense, and borses on man; plenly to ent. and a gOC?~ fire- than we ever were. fellow ahead breakln' trail. Course , Howev er. there Is a cbauge . III the organic matter and avaUable plant whIch to escape. Hughes. lighting his what more do you want-a nurse? ] thought It was La Fevre; I wa'n't r~ughell. wltnt, In tbe namo of Heaven . market which must not be lost sight rood. In 348 trIals conducted by tho lookln' ter no one else, an' BOon ns I pipe. confldent now In his owu mind Her Face Was In H Is Memory, are you st&ndlng there tor? Perhaps at. Almo@t anything In the poultry Purdue etatlon In recent years In codar£'d, I let drl ve. Ho flopped over that he was peraonnlly snfe . Boemed to senso the proble m troubling the sleep. picturing her coudltlon ulll;he)- you would like to bave me stir you line sells. but tbe choicest prices are operntlon wIth farmerll throughout dend aB a door lIall . an' th en I popped Indiana, 08 out of 83 clays. 167 out Sergeant. tered trom the storm un d prot ected up. I w\ll It thoEe ,harSH are not bero alone given to the " fauey goods." . awny a couple o· tim es at the otbers. Tbe word ··tancy" ImplieB more of 188 loams, and 69. out of 77 sandy "I reckon I know this ken try well only by Le F e vre lind his two Indian In ten mlnules." One fell dowil, an' I tbougbt 1 got than appearance. It means also Qual- DoIII gaTe satisfnctory re8ulls. (TO 8E CONTINUED. ) hIm, but dldn't walt to make sure; ·nougb." he said lazily. "ter give yer a IIllles. It ho co uld only reuc h th em, Ity . !'oultry anI! egg buyers are beMany sollB lhat at preseat are not ' pointer er two. I've round ed up long· only slrllto n blow for he r re lease, it just turned aud hoofed It t e l' cover. coming partIcular. but tbey are willing lit for alfalta culture may be made WClnted Another Opportunity. knowlo' the storm would bide my horns west 0' yere. Them tellers would be such 11 re lief. Th e uncer"Look here,'· be said to the groom. to pay for theIr goods. Ir thoy want 80 by providing drainage tacilltles. ' trail. I'd got the men I wellt atter. aln't golu' to strlko out fer the Cann· tainty welgbed upon biro. giving unredIan till atter the Btorm quits . Dy strlctfld pillY to I he Ima g lnutlon. nn d, ··are you the man who put tbe saddle tbe brown eggs they will not tak e correctfng acidIty. addlllg ol8anlo an' just natch'ally dldn't giVe e r wboop white and It they Ilreter the white mhtter, or supplyIng needed plant tbet time yer poules Is rested up In Incld"nllllly awnke nlng a Ion for tho on MIss Jennl r ·s horse?" ""tiat be came o· the r es t. As I went . the b'~own ones after no templatlon. food. according to tbe requireme nts. "YeB, sir. AnythIng wron,. sir?" down tbe bank I benrd 'em sbooUn'. 110 b"tter sballe than tbelrs will be. and gIrl eo overwhelming as almoHt to The market today demands cbolce, Oood dmlnage Is enentfal In order "It wae loo!le--'Very loose. Sbe hal! J knowed sarno wus alive yet an' It we kin strlko 'cross to the sou·west. trlgbten hIm. Ho bad taught this feel· plump. rres h Btock. Have you J?t It? thot the rootB mllY gl) deep Into the We're bouud eltber to bit 'em. or rIde beretofore, deliberately . satls[led Ing no sooner mounted than tbe lIadcllfl. would be better fe r rna to crawl inter ·cross tbar trail: soU. H~rdpan must be broken up or thnt sllcb ambition W:iS bopele ss. He slipped. !lnd If I hadn't caugbt her It sv, the markolt Is waIting for you. my hole an' 110 stili:' · WA have today quite a number of avoided altogether. Sorra that aro "But the woman!'· protested Ham. would not attempt .0 lowc r her to his abo would h!lve beon tbrown to tbe HamUn Bat motionless, staring at •. breods, aud 0.11. to a certain extflQt, are !lour moy b e made sweet by thorough lin, striding scross tbe 1I00r. "What level. nor give her tbe unhnpplncss at ground." the inan, not quite able to compre.prac:tical. But thoy will not, auy one 4raiDagO and tbe nPJillcaUon of Hme_ may happen to her lu the meanwhile? knowing that he dared mIsconstrue "I'm very ~orry. IIlr.'· bend his characte r. Killing WRII Dart A good supply at d ecompossbl e or· She Is an EaBtern girl unaccus. her trunk friendliness Into aught more ·"But J dlt! catch ber," w.ent on tho of thl'm, till all the purposes, therefore. of the western code. nnd he could ap. tomed to this IIte-a-a IlIdy." It i8 n cess/lry for a man to select only ~anlc matter In tho sotl belpa the tllDder. Bllt these misfortunes ball young mnn, medltatlvel. y . "I caughl preclate Hughes' eagerness tor reo 8UCl1 breeds as wUI bes~ serve his bacterial action In making pmnt "Yer don't Deed worry none 'bout vengo, but tbe underlying COwardice thet. Ef she's tbe right kind ehe'll cbanged tbe enUre outlook. Now be her In my arms. and-here'B hllit a customers. rood available, facilitates the hlOCQflung all pretense aside. eager to place crown for )'ou. John. Do you sUppOSt! In the man wall almost bewildering. atan' more'n a man wben sho blls to. Of tbe entire list of breeds Done lating proce8B, and together with a. hlu life on the altar to save her. you eould lenve the glrtb looBe when Finally be got up, ewept the revolver will meet the demands of Americana · good drainage prevents heavlug In I reckon It wou't be nono too pleasant Rlve n a dIm flame of bope began hlnll' we go rlC/lng agaIn tomorrowT'o so satisfactorily as do the American thel IIPrlng. For 8Cllls that are out ot varletleS and In tbls class the moat. condition In th13 rl!slKlet. a &0011 way CHILDREN ARE REAL POETS are thewith Wysndottes. Ply- to 8upply18 organic matter H time whon they were regarded as 1m· knew somothlng at the effects at bea\ "panBles flying." "A star· Is a cinder I b popular mouth Rocks, the RhodetheIslanll msnure" oot available I. IlUfflclent to talso mature ndultll; we bave learned that And how full of humor are some of from Ood' s gre"t llta.... ~ a wea l d _0 Ducrlptlons of Ordinary Thlng8 Show clou8 meanln". But per· RedB cl08ely follow DIU' and plow UI1 ef' a the main aim of a teacher must be to the lIaylngs . of children. It wnll Punc h . of unoo .... UlI -h to t American straIns of lug. Ltabt Also Brabmaa or Bome cree. ·maDadna: (,fOpcowpea. before Imaginative Fancy That Do .. give the right tone to the feellnga- we believe, wbo depleted Tommy, aft. haps ilhe Onelt approac poe ry _t ....... Not Survlv, tho Year.. goodnOS8 In the abstract I" of little er bo had been severely corrGct..... ...' b., a tiny tot who dellned and Legllorns. p , ... .tQ fP'OW ... ..... II ... b _A wa. m.-"e . attempttna ..... -1... Ob. The Brabmas belon"· . eat 81\... It mile e avail; the Imagination must be Btlrred.. a8 exclaImIng: "I Onk I'll go back to dew a,a "the ... - ·s ...... ""IUI .. to .. .•tho AslaUo , I att h... 10 I ml)),.~~2: Cblldren are bol1l with a taate fDr Wo are aCCUBtomed to believe that heaven. where ,I came from." ADd auntie!! " saId tbe little ,lrl. "I"Te just class as a breed, but tbe Llsbt Bratuaa for a f a 'lie, . ..... ltnowled,e. They wunt to know, and I.- 'O ~tlreren ·Iupplled there la little refleotloD on tht. part o! what a fund of auggestlon wall cop· IIften e~ penc·11 w altlDI· .. Th • DU!'IIe, as b-d ... by t our . people 1IIIIgla d t . t -and liltl' ~Jl8rly fllOd • . "PotPh lit ' they want to know the right thinp. cblldren and yet ODe cannot but Mf' veyed by tbe little girl who, on hear- wbo had grown .Gut ~r tatrylaDd. U · from tha bNd 1/1 n , ~ one Clltta" I . . 'fbe)' ull qU.,stJon8, aud are not eaall., now and aphi .faml of thouSh~ tnl a · running taP. wd that ~the Wa· plaiDed that It wu oDlJ an ordlnaq -;w0U"1~ _bard" ·lupl)08e them to .be of ~ ~. ..D"i"I~''''"''' A\llftecl. Tlie,. are fODd of Imltatln, wblch luceeat 8 htdden mental power ter waa cougbl."," . worm, ~ . the . .me , ram,ll:r. ThI. la allO true D~ ~ .~r1o . o . what the,. see· around tbem. They are worklD, atinOlt UDColUlcloualy. Tbe . Tbe poetry onu~ Is frequenUY'ean . ",hf~1I betO"":-to" ~'J,: auPPII!d' . 13011• tinal1nllUve. The1 olothe their lIWe Ilrl who ."pthered .uDll,bttn lIl ·cblldhood. We' baT.·this l1IUIlrIlte.l . The ,rorld 1I1l..·. to . be ~tIMd 1 ' , .,claI'L __,_ -" ~ -.. ' ~IIO'UIlC::~.. ...._ .;,_ Itteu 'b CoDorete fonua. Tbere wu a ber handa ,aDd . put -1& @ ber tac.'~ . ·1& th~ ~~~pUolL Ot . ~~ .• .•~.... ~ ~ -..~' 'OIIC witb Oelle aD' them CbeTeDne






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~ractical Fashions

HIRED MAN KNEW THE GAME OTHERS ALSO IN HARD LUCK returne" lIntl bls wife to h~s AruerlllllCtl free dom . His Dexterity on First Baae Surprlaed Youthful Artist, However, Wee In NO During a ycnr'll slay ' In 'LOndon lhe the Youngster. Until They Learncd Mood to Extend Sympathy to beau ty and the charming personalllY Felloll\' Unfortunate. More of H I. Career. ot th e prtn{)Css made a great Impre a· LADY'S TWO-PIECE SKIRT, slon amoog Engll sb no"blllty, aod they Two youthful nrtls ts hav ing a s tu d iO In th e Am erican Magazine Hu gh S. we re ot real finanrlal Ms lsLance to I~llh' rton writes fin articlo e ntitled In Pbllad E' lphla, wh e re in they 1I0t on l y mcmb e rs of th e ex iled Bonapa rt e fa m· "Th<! Making of 0. Big Leaguer," 1t Is work , bUl lodge us we ll, were obllKOd Ily, os peclaJiy Louis Nllpoleon, the Iho s tory of one oC the greatesl ball 10 malH! sblft, not long ago, durin g a. cous in of Prince Achtlle The tollow· \Il u )' pr a In th e \ :llled S tat es as to ld pp rlod or flnllllclol ~trc ss , with s uch · Ing year Prince l..ouls Napo leon came by :.imself to Mr. ~~ull c rton . This llIeale ns tll l'y cou ld th e mse h' ce preto Am e ri ca ex pecting to visit bl s IJll\ yer wus a counLry boy and, of puro In th e s tudio, "Cousin Kat e" and "Cou s in Acbllle" One morni n g aN t h },otlllge r of the COli rH O, begn n to play Ihe gam ear ly. at th e ir sou th e rn home, but h e was II !'! t e lls th e follo win g ~ t o l' Y a bout a n lwo WIiS "s ketc hing In'' til e coaee be recnll e d from f'.; e w York b y th e tIIn ees guve utlf'ra nce to loul l lind bitte r comlu c ldf'n t Of h lH boyhood : of hi s mOlh e r . "r'a lh e r had a hired man nallI ed IIl ni nt. " This I ~ a lin n way for gcn· Th e prlrlcQ. with his IU:tlve mlnll, ~ "u. II tllll , quiet h'llow with a pair of Ul' m en to 11 Yf' ! " be e xclaimed. bccamo at one tlll!f'I Yer), munh Inler· "Oh, I don't kn o w, " was tlle airy blue eyes thnt seemed alway s s bou t ested In th e stu d y ot 1av: , to wh ich ho to l[l ugh, but s!!ldom did . lie ha d bccn comment of hi s trlend, " Lots ot peode voled hlB entire tim e and quickly \ ,1 wllh li S a ycar. H e got d runk perl· ple orB tnr wo rse off. I was r cadlng mast('re d It. He was admitted to t be ) d lcll lly, a nd a ft e:- cach spree flllh e r oll ly tbls morning of a r ecluse who bar In New Orleans and formed a hunt .. lI blm up a nd hrought him back cook!'d b ls own brcal<fust [or 1 9 IllIrtne rshill wit h Mr . Garni er , and for lo work . W l! nR ked him to play wllh yea rs." H('vern l year!! mad e hi s ho me In thll " lie m t:s t hal'e lJI'pn awfully hun liS , un ci he IIlu ); hod Hn ll Rsl d he reck· congenial ~~r e nch city, wlle r e h e dl· . J ll ed h l' wou ld tr)' to IJla)' fir s t basc If g r y wben h l' finally go t It do ne ," r&\'Id ed hi s tim e be twcpn hi s beautiful ' P II W' wou ld l('t him oil . I fil e d It with joine d th o ol he r, savnge ly .- 11arper'". town lIouse Il n d s Inrge sug nr planla· futh ' r , and :-;p.d play e d Drs t bareh and Magazin e. tion whlcb II ... bou ghl on Ille ¥"Ials- : pd, making clltch p.s nn d SLOPS thlll sippi rIVf;r. No t unde ",ls ndln~ ~be fi11e d us with IlstoniRh ment Als o h e ITCHING TERRIBLE ON LIMB €·12 7 cu lture of c:ine, hI' losl a gr eat \ft:11 ' Il\ad o flvo h omp run s. two Into th o of mon ey, but learn e d at the 'lIam:) 'T' bl a desI gn gl vea a pl euslng st.' lrt R. F. D. No. 3, Cla rkfi eld, Mlnn'4 tim e II gre..t d eal abollt th f' peoplo anll model and one equally appropriate for railroad pond a ud thrtle In to th e barn th e ir hf e, which he recalls In his book. se parate wear or ror costume de vel· lot back o[ le rt fi eld . Walking bome I "MY trOUble was of lon g s ta ndlog. It thut cvell ing h fJ told lII e be ha d plllyed starled wit h 80me smail r ed and ye l· on Am erlea . opment. The garm ent clo~ es al tbe Returning to th e e ve r cb erls hPd front und e rneath tbe laps or at the ba ll J1rofo ~sloJJnil)l, ycl Il wa~ not until 1 10 ' " BPOtS about th e size of a pin h c'ad two ),p.ars la tr'r that I le arn ed he on ce on my leg nnd every morning tb ': re nei gh borhood of TlI llahasseo th~ Old FOr/rait <>.I f1.irtCY! Aclrllie !SIde seams. It may be carried oul In had bee n ",., falllOU8 ou tll e ld er with a I was a dry scalo on top covering the prin ce 8.nd princess Silent a numbe r B4~ rg(1, ch eV iot, mohair or C!lshmere. ~ in l;r/a;,BJJ~ 1'tJ1>I~ librd:;t. great l eam . affecled part and wh en thos e Bcal l's ot ypnf8 ot F:conchattle, another of The patte rn (6127) 16 cut In 61zea 22 wer(' failing ort tb e itching was mu re th eir plantations, and It was th en that to 30 Inchea wnlst meas ure. Me dium ALLAHASSEE, the caplt&l of th e fighting blood of th e IJonaparlea ullze req uires 2 'X, yards of 36 Inc b ma· GOOD RESULT OF SUGGESTION , t hao I could s tand at tlm ell. The Ilrst Florida, was for Bome years I ye ar I did nOl mind It so much a b It was aroused by th e continuous OU1· tNlal or 44 Inch goods. the home of PrInce :-IapolllOn Chance Phrase. and Ideas Tha t Hilve I "'o s only Itclling ve r y badly at tlrn e s. rnge s ot th e Indl nnti, and th e prInce 10 Tn Tlrorure thl8 pntt .. rn · 10 "entw Achille Milral, lion of JOlU:hlm , . Be~n Utilized iJnd Found to but the second year It advanced all command of 1\ regime nt fou ght wltb tn "Pattf!rn Deplt.rhn l:!n t ,·o t) ( this pUj)er. Murllt, whom Napoleon mad e ",°rite n ame and address p l ain l y. nnd be Have Real Value, around m y leg and th e Itching was' Americans for Ame rican rights. aura to g;lvu 61::0 and nu mbe r o t puttorn. king of Naples. The prince and his t e rribl e. I blld to be very carcful tOl Th e prince was a brav c and daring Hlchllrd Manafl eld told m e thul hav o my clolhlng around thc aftecl ed' wife were buried In th e Epl8copal . Pho/~plr of soldier. quick, firm and resourceful. whe n h e wua a lad In London h e oft en part " pr y loos(', At ni ght time lort on cemetery of tho town, and visitors to Prin~e",J/'/urcTt in but his w\fe prov ed he rs elf a mat e 6lZR . . .............. . NO. 6127. neurly starved. There waH a rerlaln h a ppeo ed to scratch lhe sore In my TallahlUlsee may 8t111 80e their graves h/faIr6JJt: fW;/ic worthy of 11 Bonaparte by fo llowin g NAME .. .... ..... _..... . ................... . and also the hous e In which lbe ba keH hop wh er e be would go nnd feaMt alee p. Then 1 had to stan d up, get out. him through c\'c r y pe ril of lh e cam· prlncetls lived berore h e r marriage, J.ibr.~J;Y-. u),o n tb e odo rs coming from th e door of bed aud walk th o floo r till t h e spell> paign, nurs ing him through an almost TOWN . ......... . .... .. . ................ ... . Th o boy bood notion ga,'!! him the Idea 'w n s o\'('Ir. with ber pare ntll, Col. and MI'II. Byrd frie nds, arrived In Tallahl1bsee tbc fatal caBe of fe n~ r and remaining wltll STREHT AND NO, . ...................... _ J f putllng th ose lin es In h is play . "I bought lot K of 6a"'ea and tri ed' WIIIIJI, The planlatlon of Prince belle of Florida was Knth erln e Willis him until 'thc bloody lltlle war wafl "Il"au Brumm el." u bout " dining on many diff erent kinds of medicine but Acbllle Is nea r by, a of the Oray, a young widow who li ved with ove r . STATR . .... _ _ .........__ ._...... .. ...... the ua mes uf things "- a s uggeslion witbout any SUCCP6U , I got a ca~.e or pPince and Il photograph of the prln· ber father, Col. Byrd Willis, who had At lovely Econchattle. with Its gllint he us ed with pow erful drnmallc ef· Cu li curn Soap and a flft y·cent box or COBS are In th o Ilubllc library, snd sought and made hlB forlun e In tbe liv e oak trees hung with long gray fect. GIRL'S DRESS. CUllcura Ointment and wbe n I b ad many white halrcd m e n and wom en new territory of Florida. mOBS and th t· wbolf! world about It T h is Idl'a of s ugg es tion ho s dotl o u eed tbem I wss ne arly ov e r tll p Itcbare stili .lIvlng who r e me mber tb e 10' Mre. Oray bad marri ed a Sco16man fra g rant wllh flowers, Prince AchllIo 11 11 ny n good del'd . About ninety In g. lIu t I k ept on with th e Cut lcura teresting. etrangely aSllorted but devol· at the age of fUteen and wns lett a Murat d ied April 15, lR47. and It was ypa rs IIgo a thirs ty man walked up S oap for six wee ka and th e cure \Ya. c d couple. , widow at Blxtee n, and us ber "'chlld al Ecollchaltlp. thal his widow spe nt \\'all 61 ree t- I un(\p rstalld the hllbll of complete." (Sign ed) S. O. Gorden. Among tbose who remember the alBO died she returned to live with ber th e summers durIng thc tw e nty years ge t Li ng a thirst no longer IIrcvalls Nov. 20, 1912. prlnceea wltb peculiar atrectlon Is parenti at Willis ball, near Fred~ricks. she survived him. She di ed Augu6t 6. tb ~ r e , or mayb e It Ie only th p mann e r Cul\curo. Soap Ilnd Ointment Bolel Fanny Taylor, a very old n egro burg, Va.. and accompanl p.d tbem 1867. :>f a llaying It- a nd IJUmpe d a lincu l' througbout the world . Sample of each woman, the daughter of Patsy Lee, when tbey moved to Florida. The Be lle vue, jnst two miles from 'rolla· ruli of watl'r from bls own well. "Not treo,wlth 32·p . Sltln 1I00k , Addrf'sB I) OS~ who waa the penlOnal maid of Kalher· Willis home III Tallahassee on South hElBS ee, Is more closely associale d with ~o good us I uscd to get trom m y fa· card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston ,"-Adv. Ine WIllis 10 Virginia before ebe wenl Monroe street, near the capitol, was the princess after the de ath ot Prlncl' ther's wc li," or somcthlng to thnt e f· to Florida and wu etlll her maid after a center of the Boclsl lite ot the state. Murat. She bought th e place nnd witt r('c l he n 'lllarl, ed to his wi fe. "A pret· He Gueued He Knew , ber marrl&«6. The beauty and charm ot tbe young ber favorite slaves settled lhere ta ly Ide a for a s oog," said sb e , and s o On e or th e keepe r s al lhe blrd·houso Patey, with several other tormer Virginia widow. wbo was lben ooly spend the remainder of hc r life . 1t 18 he sa l dowlI and In an hour wrOl e In Bronx park hilS a natu ra story to slnvOll. WM remembered In tbe will of twenty·two yean old, Immediately cap· a protty white cottage ot tour Imme nse " Th e Old Oaken Buc ke t." - Philude l· t ell. The re came to the park a publlo the prlnce8B, and Patay's daugbter stili Uvated the son of Ca.rollne Bonaparte high l,itc hed rooms, e ct on a bea utl· phla Le dg e r. schoo l tea c he r and a claaR ot children. lIvetl In a cabin near Bellevue, which and bill courtBblp eeems to have bee n ful hill overlooking Tallahassee to the They stood by tb e great open·alr cnge. was tbe IlUIt bome of the prlncesa. a& ardent u might bo upected (rom east. An oleande r lined walk leads Importont to Mothers One ot tbo bird s was a goose. The cabin lB new, but 16 on the &lte of a temperamental Frenchman. How· from the road to the doorway, and a\l Examine carefully every hottle of "Now, children," the teacber aslted. tho former cottage, In which were re- ever, the young woman was not only about the house nre enormous mag· CASTOIUA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and cblldren. and aee tbat It "what Is tb e male of th e goose called?" cenU, burned many historic and beau· beauUful and wealth)', but her mother nolla trees, covered most ot the year After a full half·mlnute, a boy of Utili plecea of Murat furniture, be- was Mary Lewle, a nlece of George with big white blossoms, red berried Bearstbe ",~ Scot ch ances try ventured to answer: caule. u FanD), exprellsed It., "thero Wuhlngton. and not even tho dazzlinK. holly trees and grnpefrult trees which Signature of ~~ " I think I know, teacber: be's a wu no manldnd about to put out tbe fact thal Colonel Murat's mothcr was a~ all 8ea80ns lire beautiful with either Tn Uno For Over 30 Years. mongoofie."- New Yor),. Evening Post. fire." Tbe cabin Ie as clean u a .pln, a slBter of Napoleon could blind th e fragrant wa.x y blossoms or pale ycllow Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria In honor perhape of tbe tact that In eyes of the blue blood of Virginia to frulL It are glftll (rrom royalty. tho Jtnov.-ledge that his father, Joachim The elltertalnments g!\'cn by Ule Summer Clotho. Fanny ahowed a recent vleltor with Murat, was the son ot an obscure Ion· princess at Bellevue were noted all One of th e daintiest and s implest ot Mildred La wso n, a prett y Ame rican J!lQ.dellt · but evident pride two silver keeper. ' over th e south for tbelr lavish hOB' models, It Is ot aacQuo cut. closing Beside which the prince \vas e ccen· pltallty, and were enhanc.ed per baps diagonally In front and witb Ii Blot dancin g g irl. made her d e but In Lon· teallpoonB, three forks and an old flU!hloned t~lsted gold brooch given trlc to a degree that was almost III In Interest by th e service of Bolid gold Ileam In the center ot tbe back. A don las t mouth, and tb e Engli s h crlt· to her mother by Prlncfl,8s Murat. bred. He IIpoke a burlesque ot tbe and the Imp«'rial livery or the Bona· fancy collar trims the neck and tbe Ics , while admiring her dan ces , com· Frem a wash cloth of IIneSt birdseye Engilah language and was perhaps partes. The prlvllegc or ,uslug tbe red long or short sleeves may have a ban£! plailled a good deal aboul lhe scantl· I · ness of he r costumes . MlslI Lawson linen hemmed with almost InvlBlble eully alrected, but certainly often at· and gold livery was be stowed with tinlah or au ornam ental cuft, A wide sent Rom e of th ese English criticisms f!titches, and the lallt one ever used fected, by wIno. He was, however, an '(0,000 on his "Cousin Katc" hy Louis belt compl etes the drcss, to a Ne w York agc nt tbe olhcr day, by the princess, l-~anny unfolded two Intensely Intert'Bting companion, and Napoleon att e r he had be('om e em· The dress pntte rn (6250) Is cut In and In a Iclll! r nccompanylng tbem I Ori.d BeoI. Ji«d ...1... iUD, Hic\cary Smokod .nd with .. choice flavor dal ,.ou wsli n:membtt . locka ot gray hair, one of the mistress was eagerly sought Boclally snd valued peror. Illzes 6, 8, 10 and 12 ycnrs. Medium uhf! sa id : " You'lI notice that th ey kick I Vi<nna Sau .. ..-iuat nah. lor Rod H .... Of 10 and one of the maid. The last and as a .. Incere and unchanging friend . In thf' cottage were also a marbl e IIlze requires 2 ill y:uds of 36 Inc h ma· n lot nbo ut ltIy drlls~es , Hut what's l _ cold, T rr !hem ,.".«1 ~k. cltir. Cu, rye br~.d in Ihi.o tlicca, ,p~.d wit" cre. mecI butter • .d mosl cherished possessIon displayed The courtship of the greatest belle bust ot Caroline Bonaparte, ~ny ex · terlal. Ih e use, ~ny I- what's til e use of ma· 1 remowau.ta. Cut. Libbv·:Vion. S ......... eiah.U. was 11 small photograph of the princess and the o'n ly prince In Tallahassee was qulslte pieces of Fre nc h turnlture and ienlrhwile,lay ('on blC'ad. Pl ..('e on Ir., of 1M UUlaee To "roc ure this p:ttt e rn .pnd 10 eentw • lew.hi••~".. eI Libby . Midgo' Pi<kI.. , c:taken during the latter y~ara of ber- watche d with Interest by the friends otber hand'S ome gifts prese nted to h er tin ··Patte rn Dcpa.rtrncJ' t." o f th1J! pHp(~r king s uch a fu ss about nothing. or Ill· mos t not hin g?" will••lh.. .!i.e 01 btud. ~ I;.hd •• oaethor, ~... 'Wrlto name 6,,,.1 ud drt:8s pl!Llnh' , a n d he lire. ' . of the cpuple and with approval by by Napoleon when , with the oth er uure tn gi\'9 1> 1%0 a.nd T, umbcr or paltcrA. nnuc 0. plate. Ie"" wanUahed with patlley rpdYL .j! both tbe prince !And prIncess the parentG of the young woman; and members ot the Bouapart.e tamlly . s he Libby, M<:Neill '" Libby, Chicqo H,:ol ('nl50 lI ull Bluo will wn sh .! 'mhle us their former slave remembers many when the devotion and'undlsgulse d lid· went to Paris for biB coronation . On m Ull .\" c l o tl1l ~8 (\ ~ all y lith er. D,w't ~IUl sour Interesting Incidents. Oue of tbese mlrntlon of the prince lfinally won many occlIslons she was selectpd by SIZE .. ............ _•• NO. 6250. ulUuey luw auy UU~..':~ _ _ was the well known anecdote of bow there were bearty congratulations aud blm for espec ial bonors and we lcomed NAME •••••• __••• _ ...... __ ................ during an absence ot tile princess the good willhes tor th em from many parts W! a princess of France. Cheap Talk. I prince dyed al\ tbe boullehold lIq,en. of the United States as well a8 tbelr On one occas ion sh e was Invlt c d to 'l'O'"VN .... . ..... . ... .. .... . ....... . ..... _••• "Thal Jv. r s. Naybor dro [lp('d In tbl ij Imam~{~ afte rn oon an d got orr II llot o r chcap "tho Ilngerle ot the prlneeae and eYery adopted etate. a courl function at the Tullerlos a nd ST REET AND N O .. ... .... .. .. . ........ _. tuliL " dress that the servants did nllt hide Mrs. Oral' and Colonel Murat were was told that she would know her " (, hellp lalk?" ~m~a vLlUd pink. Tile dye used, married July 30, 1826, and went to live poeltlon at la~le by th e rank of tbe BTATE. __ ••••• _ ... _.................. __ .. "Y es , s hc us ed our tel c pbon u for II tradlUon says, was pokeberry juice. at Llpona, bls large plantation In J e f· person with whom she went In to din· full Ilalf hour:' , On anolber occlUllon be Invited a ferson county, tbe name of which was lIer . . All one atler the other of the Tallabaasee friend to stay tor dll\ner, lransposed to Napoli, the city wttb dignitaries present passed out before Delightful lind Unpleasant Statea. urglnl the fact that he bad killed a II'hlcll be had eo many associations. It ber to dinner her he art Slink al tll e Could Afford It Now. Onf! of th p mQE;t dell g hlful stntes 01 "turb)' buzzard" and was bavlng It lVas one of tbe most beauliful elltates sight of the few non pntlUes Ipn . Hl'r mind to t' l1lc h Ihe a\'" r ugll lIInn Is ~u b­ "Why Ilave you cut that lad y who cooked. A 8awdullt pudding was an· In Florida and near the tovmshlp In una fleeted surprise and delight greatly Ilec l Is un cc rtc.lo ty as to the exact sc n' hn M ju st pass ' d '! Yesterday YO ll Wf'r IJ other ot the odd cu\lnaf)- conceits re- the same country which was given to pleased th e e mperor wben he himself tlme nt ente rtain ed for him by a W OOl' mos t co rdi al towllrds he r ." membend agalnat him. Lafayette by the United States gov· came quickly In . offered he r his nrm tlU whom he ndmlr,'s, and whom bo -------__ " That Is n ly dress mnker, aDd I paid, ==Notlltng could have been more roy· ernment on Wa visit in 1824. W , N, U., CINCINNATI, NO. 33-1913, . and seated he r be81de him at the tabl e. ;lnOW8 to like him, IJUt "I'bom h e I~ her h ili this mOl'lliDg," ally !w1Want than the tn1nee'. liNt The prince jJeeomlng' reatless on his The e mperor was nevel' tired of lie· nOl dpad se t UPOll winning for h imf;clf, M') ycars nor more demoeraUeally dull FlorIda plantation, he II.nd his Amerl· tenlng to Ule animated stories of his Ono of th e mos t ulI\ll easan t states Is than tile bat 20 )'eenI ot hla Ufe. can princess went abroad, and bclng American cousin alld be and Eugl'nle ee rlllinty that a weman de ~ Jlly loves He W&!I ab: years old when Napoleon torbldden to enter France lind Itsly begged her to make her hom e In him when It Ie Illconvenie nt or Impes· WQ3hington "Nationai:J" (Amerimade J~lm Murat \I.l ag of Naples; they went., "Little Pari a," as Brua· France, but Mme. MIII'at could not 15iblc fo r him to rec\'lJrocate. Yet often anO as 0lIII heir to tile thJOQe "We eel a Is called. wbere they spent two torget th e fri ends left In Florida lind only a balr's breadth separates tb ese can League) one of the speediest pitchers Achille • .as known as the prince ro)'1ll delightful yean. The prince, who W8B that many plantatlonK and slavc8 !l eed· two statPB-or only n few minutes In of either of the big leagues-he ot th(l T_ t31c\llc8 and with bts -Y0u\l&' I cloBe pel"llOaal rrtend of King Leo· ed ber pereorial attention, so sbe r&- tim e. 4lI' brother. Lucien. spent. pampered pold. was llUlde a colonel In the Bel· lurned to America Ilud to Bell e vu e. cbUdhoot GIl the court wbJeb hia tao 81an ILl'my aaclllad command ot a regl· When the close of tbe war lett Mme. What Ar.tonl6hed Canadian. ther and mother eatabUahed. lDent of \aileei'll. Both bel and the Murat penniless. although posses!<ed A Canadian pnylng his Dnl "Islt to When A.ddIle was fourteea yean princesB were immensely popnlar. too of thou8ands of acres of fertile farm London "as lfE ke d wbat he thou gbt eM ' hie tadMI' and Napo'- beca..e tJOPular, In fa~ for the fine Bonap;lrte Innds. and she and hpr ~ e veral huudre(l o f It. " \\'(' 11. " h" re l,lIed, "It Is as· fltranged, JlIId a.t this ~ tlloppor· face of PrInce Aebme was 10 mueh slaves Caced starvallon, th e e mlll're: lonlsb ing th e ,:lImber of people wbo ,1l1li8 time the king of Naplel aIao ' - t , !ike that of ilia anele, the gre.t Na· came to ber IUlslstance and gave be.· 8 got u Sh ! Ul ' l n IhC'lr boots In tbe Uae loyalty or_hlB Italian ·.ubJeeta., I. ;poleon, that he '\VatS otten stopped on large yearly Income, on whlcb she nOI havc morning." II I" th ~ n tl XIJlaln cd Ihat .. . effort to Mlaln his power II,. foft:e tIu! etreet IlDd embraced by old BO\' only JIved In great comfort but with m'er 011 th e olher side landladl ee M wa, r.aptlmed and e,x _ted aDd hlB d.... rII. who fell on their kneC6 before which she did a vast , deal of charity, never brush boots, wlti.l lue result He's ~tthe head, the arm, the 1IiHe aM BOIlS were sent . . pritIonen him. belplng many stricken tamillcs and that IICOpl1l of 1J0th eexes g'3t Into 1.]~Q:/'{) ginger and the endurance . Cocato Austria. The Powers eaw and trembled tor friends III Florida and Virginia. I'! Cola didn 't ~ive him them; but he saya II habit of patroniZing "sboe shine it', the one belt beverage for the athlete In ftf. waa after 4Ieveral yelU1l ot wan· fear that he might be ablc to enlitSt Mme. Murat made another visit t , parlors" wben tbey want their booti tr.r.iningdprlngs, over Europe that Pnace BO~era enougb. to reMore bla family Paris In 1866, where she spent a yel\.' 'clmmod. drifted to America at t.I'e ace t,o daelr former throv.ea, and hla regl- In an en:ort to regain h er fal iln~ The SucceaaEul Thirat..Quencher • (If twentY. aDd U was. In nortcia "at mant W&II dillbanded.. Prince :AchUle health. She became seriously 11\ on Lack Senae of Smell. ' he ~t moat or the remalDder ell. 1118 'made .a memorable ad*-tl to his mea. her return and att .... 0. long Illness at Fowls ha\'e no 8ens~ ot smell. They .ho~ nCe, WbeD Colonel Murat. . . lie apeallln. to them III ~n.. dlfterent Bollevue abe went to E coochatlle. bave nos trils, but not noaes. wu ' Called by moM. of bl. AmerlaG languaaee, one ..,~ BIIOtIler,8nd tbeD wh~re she died.


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Here's Walter Johnson


SOLDIERS_ENJOYED THE WQRK ",.erteh• ..", Quickly Colored


" ·A utocrat of All ·the Ru .. I.. I. i .,

'; 1:. A .

....d HIe Ord~,

Bu:.o~an .~=~Porary


of laow ·. _. ;

, ~ _:o.: ,,-


sOlUwhat peDlII.ftly at the gift,

the ,necessary tobacco will b~ !lUp· plied." The Cosllacks went cb~rrullY at, tbe Job d,ay and night, and at the end 01 the fortnight tire pipe was returned t.o Ita o~·ner, Inscril!ed: ' . "Colored,ln fitteeD days by ordfr 0/ Nicho"', Eimperor.': ' ',.



JUGtifiea Impatient Father. Law NOl(' S quoles lhe follOWing from th e opinion o C Justice Ri<ld d l ot the hlgb court ot jus tice. OUarlo, In a habeas COrlJllR case over th e custody ,o f u child : "And even H lie did not wish hi" II leep to be broken by a cry· :l ng Infant., It la underatood thnt th!B Is not without precedent It:! the telider~ 'a nd most tonl!clentlous 'o f tathen." ."



.I_. .~THIRTY . - - -THOUSAND - - -----w ~ .~! MT. VEStMUS DOll RS tl'l_SIG_H,_J IN ERUPTION


This !'ystCDl ot !,"ute ad I1l16!;luli will agalll h i' in vogue al lhe Stat~ ~'alr . 1'0 tickets. no delays. Thl'ee YNl I1! ago Ohio adopted t his no vel system . TW4'lIty Ex 1''' ~ lll o ll ~ ha' e [0 11 "\\,,,<.1 her lead. Above cut re presen ts a Bcene In th t! trr nJ\llr(' r's omre at Ihe elOlie ot a busy day. Thirty th o u ~nn " lu sHYer half dollll rs Is un th e I.nbh1. tnltty thousll nd t1lJlt'8 the tllJ' n~tlleij cllck ('d that dny. ,\ \\, lll;on 10lHI of hll if dollarll WIUI t.he r ~ ult . This fortune represents prll(' .... , I ~ of Illl (, rlllY'S ~n t e admissions. I··ew people art! awnre of the e1lOrlJl()1IR Hlltiay flf mone y lIeClltiH:u'1 to prOduce nn EXpo!IllIon of the magnltu ue ot the Ohln State Fli lr. Tbt. year $110, 000 will be needed to cover a ll oxpell ses , Thl ~ Incll1d('s 1'1'.) . 11I1umll. purs('s. aIllUSell1ent~. adve rtising a nd nrcr-.;sury 1'lI lllllll/-: l' xpcn sea. Gate admlBs:ons li re the prlnclpnl source of revc n1le. Thl ~ )'.'n r the Fair , Wlli be held Sept. 1. 2. ~, 4 Ilnd Ii. The mlllla~elllrni has n rran ~e fl a most IIttractlve eoucaUonal and amuselllr ut program . (; atf' aflllli!'>lloII S a re ex· peeted to far eltcee.1 tho ~e of any prevIous yeur. PI!.III·b IU:tllllll otll s pec(acle, "Last De.ya of I'ompell. ·· will be feat ured each IIlght. AY AS YOU t,;NTF Il.

. ::J_

:0::::>5 .

.• 'W .... ;

•• ••

:::>__ _


.... .....

............... w-w




... - .. - ..



J)II.IJIIloq.. IJ~


fUllctlons. R l'l! n~. wight. Ilnd incl· dellta, surpllllKlog battle of lawen. fout of lallterns, a fete day 1Il ..... ' atLire . .. shirting kalelt'!oBcope vl,w of the ancIent city In the beautiful Bay ot Naples. [ n the mIdst ot thelie fe.Untie. come. tho trA l!lc erup tion ot the 'fol· cnllo Ves uvius Rnd the destruction of Sh~wn th ~ city . It Is a arene wbl ch must be oD"erv c(1 with onp's own eye. to be reo,lIzed , as "1\ deecrlptloDs of It fall shurt of Its r l' BlIll tiC e!T&ets . Amiot t he aw & lnspl l'ill ~ eruption ot Vesu· vlils nnd the caladysm of lurid ftamo. lind hl\'a lIIini; led tile deep roll of t1w f'a rL!ICll1akl ' and the crafth of tile rlls 'ti full in!; 1IlIlIlllngll. Tbe volcano'" ""mlt ln g of lire. lava and sruoke call Secured by Management ". One of hI' 6CI' n 11 11,1 heurd for many mUell, the Numorous Freo Attractions. 1\"d is II thrlll lr.g scen e that will lonK Thl. Ye;t r's Product ion Surp;tsaea IIv6 III Ih" 1I IIIIde of all fort unate All Others In Reall.t lc Effoct'll. ~noog h to witness It. A I the close or the IIvcctllcle proper, P",gram Cloees Elich Evening With I lie ueual bri lliant and beautiful dl. Br"'lant pyrotechnlcal"y. l"l l! Y ot thl' world·famoul Pain lireThe eruptl"n of JIll , \·cs uI·lu s. wlll l'\l worl,. will Ioc shown for nearly an destro}"ed th !' (' lty or POUlpC)l l, will h h"\l r, cal' h nl~ht'l program Including reprodl1 cl'd 1\ ~ nlls r II. IIlPchanlcnl Ill ' IIIEI lutes I pyrotechnic novelties, a8 ,\'t. \I as Ih e S<'UH' lI of favoritel that genult y ':011 01" ~o . lo y th u 1'lllll Pl ro· 101\\' 6 dellJ(h ted mllllonl of people III .... crrke C" "I I':lII), 111 I h , ' lr fam ouR epee· all purts ot th e clvl\lzed world. tac1~. th e " I .. " t l la}"!! o f I' O IlIj ' Ol\ ," Program I. Var lea. T he prugralll will consist of euch wh lr b will I,,· tllf' Il i~h tly free fl'lIturtl at Lbe 011 10 :-i lat.' ul·'lr, to be hel d III plo (' e~ as N la!-: ara !<'alls by Moonlight. Tills ploce III rrolll 50 to 10 feet lon(;, Co ltlml ",~ , :-' '' P '' ' II be l' I. 2. 3. 4 lI11 11 ~ a nd Is so brillian t , !Jut A pin Cllll be Acres or ", "1I "r)" Alld t Oil S or com· 1,Ic ked oU t1w. grolol ud a Quarter of a bUdtlh lp 1111.; 1111::11 " '" 111 01" Ill a ll 'rlal will lill ie aWII)' . Allndln's WOllderful RUII. 1\J:I~ nllJ cel\ t I'l e<; c of gorgeous blend· be \I sf·d ii' ' 1') 1 ' t'I I '~nllalll' p . nn'l vt 9 1u) r ~ \' ! II " , : II " 1' I,nll l\lllt y ul : lIg colora; The LaB I Rose of Summer. B(4 P l llg ., ' : ,.ho wlug a gorgeous rose bud which , ,' :1 1' l ' ' 11,,, , o r u grei d se l >II .! . , , " '" \' ,'·<1'1' 11111 I .. ' lifllOS Illto filii cloom; Popping Co rn 1l 1<'11ir' ., 1 , ;. ' 1'' ' : 1111 1 l il ct is In tile Cloud S. a 1913 rell.l c reation ; III !'t ' a l l j ' \ . :, f' !, t! . "puu a Temple of Florldn, a production of tbe The Mlssls· I!" '. ,I f,l. lIntl('ul l y 1tIythi ca l fl ower tomple; :'\eu ' " I ' pr .'1' ,, ' Til " St'.'n e sippi Bubble. Il battery at multl·color laid , I" " . ' , I . I , ad )' 4110 f' exploding one hundred feet In f ef'( \\ I I t ' , I • • ~ , Iy Ill l' ., "e - lila, air ; The TII'rUlIng Develll. Jl real ap n ll !:1 :t r.' ur ol p 1\ovelty; Dt' tt (O ry of Pompellnll Sa· ~t h l ' J ' fIll \; l lld l '{ lilIes . 801l10Lh ing new In tl.e rocket J1nl~; King F:dward's Royal Star. II t be :.HiU 114 '[ ': :' 1 . ,' , I · Il" l' t- " l1 lt" d al most (' \' r ~ . : 1 un or f;o rgeous croallo n over tblrty feet Ita lian (' i! it. l! 1I 1) , ~ h t· " p plp arp 111gb; Queen E:J12abetb 'lI Fan. a beau· .hown );0111 1.: ,iI 'll l1 t 11\,, 11 I,!f·"su r,'s. i1l tlflll tan folded. spreading out over ~ I xty feet In length; The Oold en Sbeaf their OW11 \\ '1.' ThI s 1I1I I1 ,it " 'PI'" ,I'I' \\ ,, 11 ut' tl' e a n - Wheel. wh ich Is t wen ty feet In dlam· cien t f'il)' 011 1'·, ,,, . I 11. 11 ill (I"el f be eter. In aetlon sixty teet; Tedd, I rev e!. ::I"" ;, " I '~ " " I' '1 'latl)1' will Itoosevelt In Africa. a comic piece 160 find It dilll ';WI III rt' lulz p lhat he 18 'eet long, "howlng the palm mea




July Clearance Sales

I Will Be Nightly at Ohio State Falr, Sept. I· 5.



July Specials


Ready · Made Shl'et..q .. .. .. .. · .... .. .......... .... . ..... ·I!lc and Heady- M ad ... Pillow c.;a~p.H . )<;mhroiJeries wide. Ribl>ons ......... ........ .. .. ... ....... ... .. ................. lOe t l) Wide Table Linen, a ll linen .. .... :':'.......... .. .. $ 1 ~5 for All Linen ......... .... ............. ... .... _. ... ....... .. $ 1.00 for Aprons, all over 89c ................. · .. .. ... .. ....... .. .. lOc to Whit e Silk Gloves ....... ..... .......... .... ...... ....... . SOc to Corsets .. ....... ... .... ....................... ........ ... .... -;iOc to



7Hc 2!le $1 fiO

$5 UO

Wash Goods Lawns, wortl-t liP to IOc . to close . .. .. .. . ...... ..... .... .. .. .... Lawns. worth up til Inc, t o c lose .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .... ......... Crepes, Tissues. Vuile, worth li P to :!:'c ... ... .. . _... .. . _.... . Crepes, Tissues. Voile. worth u p t o 3:1\· .. ·.. .... ........ ...... Voiles, Balkan Suitings. P. K .• worth up to illk, lo close Ratine Lines, 85c quality, to close.. ....... .. .. ... .. ......... Ratine Silk, $1. 25 quality, to close... .... .. .... ............ ....

fir lOe )Ik

)!.Ie :l!lc 69c 95c







. J

*-- -- ..

E . Bmolmey, 75 ucret! In (Jlearoreek Township i $5,000. ill ~be maUer of tho) oslato of W lIliurn I:!ohnell. g Ullrd ill D. to Clloton R Jonos, deooued . Ad Clyde\;o!ltlingtOD. . ~l t r l1ot~ ',f lund ; D1'nistrator ordered to h old a prl Vl1te 12 800. ..10 of per800al property . I:I. Ro t>. eXf'Cu\or t,o Euwi o ij In 'he matter of the estate of AD. Uiller. Lot No 23 of MLLckiutLW .re", Jametl Baxter, decellsed . IldditiOD t o villll ge lit F Illnklin; $7r.. Proof of publicatloD of notloe of ap P . B. Rue. exooutol to WilhtLm potD'mID' of Finley Tbompson a8 Baoon . Lots 503 GO.l in I<'TIlnklin exeon&or flied. and lot 66 in l1ttokinuw addition to In tbe matter of the estate of Au. Frunkl1n i $2,427.50 aail' Hoppe. deoeasoo; EsSA&e fully Elbert H . SbllwhllD to A G . nnd admtDI.sered. Grace Vlel1t , Part of lot No 2~ iu In 'he master of 'he 8lltato of Na Morrow i &1. 'ban d. Browo, Imbeoile. E8tilte WlllIllm J Gut.hrie to POllrl (J fntl,. admlDistered. 8e"]emeDC or Guthrie X interest in 33):;' lIore!! dered acoordiog &0 law. of land in Mnssie TOWD8hlp . $ 1. 10 'he mll'&er of Ule will of Nloh • 0] •• A~hdeaooD, deoea8ed. WllI Con'missioners' Proceedings flied. Bul8 All owerl-Albe rt !Stubbs, ID 'he m.ner of the 61ta'e of meilis fnr juran, $Hi liD i C G . •IJlrJam.. ~. Br""o, deoeued. Elltate vh" supplies for reoorder .30 i 4.. B fully admIDist8r&d. SeUlement or· K lurman, ~uppliell for tiheriff $1606 dered accordlog to law. Tbe Western i:!tllof, publitlhlug uotioe 111 'he maUer of the deslgnaUoD to oODtraotors and notice to build of. Jodge of the JuveDile Cour •. 198. 00; rhe Wllrren County Times. Joqe Jurey Wrlgba d68IRDat.tld to IJubllshlng tllX notioe $1.00; The UIIoDI&O' 'he buaioe88 arilling under Warren County Appeal, publi s hiDg 'be jurtadloUon of .an act ent.ltled, notioo for tieiller 11 50; L ewi!! Bro~ "An 1l0' &0 regulilte 'he treiltment & Co . • freight 1.36 i The LebaDon .and oontrol of dependeD', neglected Patriot. publishing notice tor ~eu.ler eod deUnquent ohildreD, IlDd repeal $1 50 i Barrett Bros., supplies for cer&aln aOM ~hereln named Ill! "p. Clerk $8 »5; J . B . !JordeD, road r eo peoved April 2', 1908, Ilnd ampnded ptllr!~, 1<'rtlnklln Tp UIl .2ti i Aivil aDd approved May 9, lIH3, until WeLb, road repairs, Salem Tp . our further Dotlce. reotion of bill allowed, Augullt $200 Ie 'be maUer 01 the es&ate of R A. Mo(Jutcheon . repnirs ChlluEllen J Fox, deooall8d. Final ao tauqua rOlld $~'ti 00 i Ohio Corrn ooan' flilld, gllt-ed Culvert (Jo , pilJe $137.90 i In 'he maUer olUe elltate of Ohio Corrugated Culvert (Jo, pIpe Miranda Nicely, deoeaaed. Btlole bill $25.30 i A. E Hoppe, r eJltllrll KiDg8 Mill!! roud 1126 7" i J I\!I . V. 1:1 !I nkill· lD laid . u e filed. In 'he maUer of the eeta'e of SOD, lumbor 15600; Jas. V . Hankin Mary Aan Compton, de~eal6d. SOD, lumber 15 2G i W . I:C Deohant, . ·lIarab E. Oomp&oD appolDted exeou repllirs Oxford rOAd '2U 00 i R. A arlX. No boDd MoCutoheoD, oontraot $H2.00 i la tbe mat&er of the estate of BeDry Cbri8t.inD, contraot 13750; l'aDlJle A, Whea'ley, deoeased. Ira Chas. Stibbs, oontraot $5535; U. S . " • 'BISODY appoiDted appraiser to fi,ll Grllhum, contract $48 00 i Oregonitl gazing only upon a painted city. 80 vaoano7 ll&11II84 by Fred Sherwood s Bridge Co ,coutrllct f92 40 i W . D marveloll Rly ren l Is th e worlt or the lDaWn,,. serve. Booth, hridge repilirs Turtle Creek artists. Thousand s 111'011 tllf"I SAIl{I~ ot New Suits Tp. $411 .09 i ChBs, A . Ludluru,lom yar.Os ot eal1\'Il" . 1II 01llllee\ lIl "' " (ralll" , ber 112930 i A . T. Rettig, repairs ut wood and Irlln ; Sf'orp~ or n'lil build· Robert E. Browning VS, C . L. & rwiD Creek and Carltsle rOlld8 Ings.' to rorl y 1'1 0 1 111 1\11. wlL!1 N. Damsg.,.. lUll 00; C. C. Emmon ~ . Urldge re ' grim old ~Il. \'1'~1I1' 1 1I~ 1'(Oar lng It; Ural ColemaD va. Frenoh Bros- pairs, Turtle CleekTp. fi8 55; Allen bea d nen rly I'lghl)' r"pi " li co ,'!! ull ; Ihe Bauer 00'. Damagea. lluffman, I!lllLry, A ugu~t fiOO.OO; e ntire seenI' 1'0 1 pri ll ~ ~n an'll or [(,lIr The 1:1&&'- of Oblo, eJ: reI ,JerlJDle Z. Armitage. bridge paint $52.00; a< of gr01\l1 fl. 3nfl li )~hl(·rJ fly half lIadleD8r, Rela&or VB . Roe NI :ely J. K. Spencer, contftlot $L55.00; a hundred elt)r lrl r arc li", 1I " ('olllJ>lelt! • nd 111'8. Roe Nicely, fint Dame un· Valley TelephoDe rents & tolls a s<'elle of 11 11\1'\'('10'" he:I\II.1'. known, r6llpoDdeDt.. Bllbeas oar . 2 8 5 5 . ' The Lrilll~ or s ld ll Hnrl SI rP II gllt "" , paa. Contraotb- No , 97, with Oreg':JDia live to lI ul i.w ~"IJ II I'" ":I I1\\'1l In vro· Common PieasProceedinC8 Bridge Co. for 8ub and supert:!truo · gress. whil e Ir e rp IIl1el I! " r~! III lhe ture Ilnd fills as psr lIubwitted plan crowd rlln be 8 1'''11 I'ril' slH q ueolil ni; DlUon B. WUeOD Vlt. Manley D . B for a 'bridge over Clearcreek. dllJt u rIJUII I' f)~ Ill' r lnll c 01 1 1t ~! r rubes WIl.on, et al. Sale of premleee ID 80u\h of Springboro, 112,000 ot om ",!. T h~ f; '~lh ili os ar p IJrul<en III . .id cause ordered adver'iaed . No 88. wltb Oregonill Bridge Co. upon by the 11lUII .. rill ~s of the big '·01 · Sua1e MadJeDer V8. George Mad for 8teel beam bridge Iloll oo ncretE' ellno. and 0 clou d of sOiok e Is s e e ll Ll' I_er. RehearlDI ordered by the floor on Lytle and Wu.ynsilv ille r Otid gather abollt the crater, This Is fol · ooar', in Wayne Tp ., IIJ9 45. lowed by Illlme Ilnd lava. and as No. 103, with Ber* !<eed. · for Clon. things must mO\'e qllickly In orde r to I:IaoI&&ry Manufacturing CO. VB JlJ8eph MoCar'hy. DefendaD' or orete aroh OD Hamilton oounty line allow the el'enls at weel, s tu be (' I·OWU· dered &0 make 88ttlement. road, by John Kreb's fllrm, In Deer ed Into the performan re. the se<'olld 8tate of Ohio va. Lou Tyson field Tp" 1152 eraler soun OP'lns. The ft y frOID lhe Aoouae4 ordered di.misaed . No. 104. with Bert Reed, for coo. zone rllrectJ y Is Klven hy Lhe f...11I com· orete abutmen' on Bethany pike, by pany, toll owlng the mimi c N uptlon . 'i'hlld Buoaw'.i farm. in tJeerlleld The l)rodul'[\oll this spaeon Is Balo L'ballell M. JackaOD, maDufaoturer, Tp., $1 84 25. to even surpass oi l Its previous pre· of FrankllD, Hearletta D. Bahenok ~o. 105, with John W .Me, for Illentatiuns, although tlint hardly seem. of I'raDItUD Rev. H. J. Rhoads . oonorete rapllir of south or east possible to those who have witnessed Alh]aDd V. Chllell, farmer, 01 abutment of Turkey Run bridge, by former efforts . Th e great ensembles WaYDelVllIe, to E~81e L. Bradford, Wm. Barris' farm In Massie Tp" I at hundreds of performers on th e of Lebaaon. Rev. La VerDe 'lay lor . 17085. monster open·alr stage, nre enchan" WUmore T . Blaoitwell, oarpeoter, No. 106, with Chas. B . Lewis, for fng In the highest degree, ant'! a reve· of K1Dga IIllla, &0 Iva Co"drey, of oonoreteroadwayon Corwio avenue latton to those who have neve r wltMaIDeville. Dr. G . E. Gowdy. fillll, removal of stump!! aDd trees, uessed a Palll flrew~rlis spectacle. G18lla lIoore, blacklimlCh, of FOB as required by plnns and flp8oI1l0a.. The (l)' rotechnlc feat.ures nre trl· teN, &0 RIl'h Beanett, of FOl!ter8, tions in Wayae Tp. a.t his bid. 118 ompbll ot the firemaker 's art, the like II ..... .Jam..oD. followa: Conorete work $4.12 per at which have never before been at· ICclward W. Shepherd, 88108mao, ou. yd •• gravel from pit 60 Pftr Oil. tempted by a tra veltng production. ot Detrol', Mlob., &0 Mary C. Roe, yd . gravel tram roaddlde 300 per ou . The representation of the trownlng of rnDklla. Dr. G . E . Gowdy. yd, $10 eaoh for rem ' val of 11\ Mt. Vesuvius, towil rln g above the RNI Eitate Traoafen Illrgest treea and $5 eaoh remaiDder mImic city of palaces. buildings and' of trees. NothiDK for the removal arches , and the gigantic stage upon Charl_ and Emma I. Albright. to of stumpl. which the hundreds ot costumed per· UralntlleJPoUof. 1 aore of land; No . 107, with Joo. K. SpeDcer, tormers appear, reqllire n ~nrly four f >r fills and approaohes '0 ·eailt end acrel or space for the massive seen· Wln8eld S. IlahaD &0 WUUam B. of OregoDla bridge and both Bides .r7 &114 effects. . BeDdrtob, 8r. 8e~eral 10$11 in .WI of Race bridge and both Bides of ' 'Dbrin, the untold Ing 'ot the traglcal ,· ltoff e4d1~OD to MItBOD ; I R.oe brl<lge aDd !rim road by Raoe htatortca! epllMe whIch the spectacle . ~.~ II, llpke ~., D. and F, In Wuhmg'oD ~. , '480. ,tilpkt-. lDany ' excltiug acenea - ai e .,; fho~ b1.~u4laa . &I1 _1m~•.~ ,~

Probate Court





Hose Specials 25c Mercerized Lig ht Weight...... ......... ...... .. ....... .. ....


and White Boot Silk .......... .. ... ...... .... .. ......... 2Sc Uursou Seconds , Black und Tan...... .. .... ...... ... ......

2!)c 15c Tan

Rea.d y-to-Wear


All Ladies' Suits ........................... .. .... ONE·HALF f'R1 l~ r; All Ladies' CoatR .. . ...... .. .............. .. . ... ONJi:'HAU' I'RI CE Ladies' White Wais~, $1 00 nnu $1.2:, grade ..... ...... ... 79c Just received Saturday. Big Speci al in While Para!loll:l $ 1 00

Carpets, Rugs and


HUTCHISON &GIBNEY XENIAJ OHIO. ColStly Treatment "1 WIlS tronbled with oonlltlpat aD wa171ng In the breezes, then RlJpeartl an ele phant. a giraffe. alton Bnd l aDd iDdiReltlOD and SpeD. bundreds monkey runnIng up and down the of dollars for medlolne !IoDd treat. palm tree; Teddy appearIng on the neDt," wrlwil C. H Hloes, of Whit SC6ne. commences firin g at the ani· low, Ark. ''I went to a '3t . Loni8 mals. and one by one they fall dead. bospitlll, also to a hoepltal io .New Kocko. the Acrobatic Monkey. a mOll· Orlellns, but no oure WB8 effected key on a trapeze. which III a very On returolDg home I began taking cOIIllcal set vleee. There will be .. CbamllerllliD's Table'-t, aod worked change of program every night or right oloDg. 1 used them for some thelle eet pieces. and a dllJerent com· time-and am DOW 1111 right. BoJd by hlnllUon ot aerial etull will also be all dealerll, fired every nIght. .... ------Kind.. of Boy H, L[ked. STATE FAIR NOTES Motbsr-III James a nice boy for you to play marbles with, BonnIe! SonnIe The paY1·yo u.e nter plan will be -Sure. I can beat him every time. used again Is year . Monday, Sept. t. w ill be known al "Women's Free Iluy." Oood Rea&oo lor His f.nthuslasfu The track III III IIlIe shape, and ell. Wheu a man hl!s suft'er&d for sev. clUng races nre promised. All exhibition buildings will he open eral days with colic, diarrh .;ell or other form of bowel complaint and to visitors day lind night. The hortl cultllrnl dlsfl\ay wlll be Ie theD our I d souod 1\ nd well by one one of the best ever 1I111de at an Ohio or two dOSPB 01 Oham ber lain's Colio, L"bolera aD.l Diarrhcea. Remedy, JlS Slute Fair. Twelve high·dass cIrcus acts havs Is often the O&8e, It is but Datural been r,ro\'ltled for the alllusement of tbat he should be enthulliastio i" his prftlse of the remedy, aod es· Slat.e Jo'lilr visito rs. Parldng space to accommodate peolal1y Is this the osse of a severe 5.000 I'.utomoblles lit on e time has been attaok wheD life II threatened. 1.'ry It wben ID Deed. of such a remedy provided at the Slate FaIr grouuds. Two hundred farm boys will camp It never fall8, Sold by all dealers out at tho Fnlr grounds. They will .... extend the glad hand of weltome to Have Long Mined for Rubl ... all vlsltors. The world's richest ruby mlnell, In In, the a gricultUral department Upper Burmab. are known to haVG $5.000 bas heen hung up In premIum•. been operated Ilnce early In the leyEvery county In the alate will be rep. enteentb century. resented In the display. One of the Innovatlonl In the liTe The Beat Pain Killer stock IIbow wlll be the Royal Grand Championship Clasiell, In whlcb all BuoUen's Arnlll& Malve when ap. breEldB wnt meet In open oompetltloD. plie t to 8 out, brut!!8, spralD. burn E ight pacing and seven trottlnl or IO&ld, or other Injury of the akin raeele make up the .peed progl,'Bm for wllilmmedtately remove all pAID the Ohio State FaIr, Sept. 1, I, 8, • E . E. L'bamberlaln of Clinton, Me., and 6. The purses aggregate ,U,OGe. 1I&1s :-"U robe oule aod other la · PaIn'. Manhattan Beach lreworlm jurlee of 'heir error!. Aa & Hng whtclh will follow the produ~oll of re!Jl~y U. equal1i oa·texlllt. " Will ,the '''Last Da)'1l ot PompeU" eacb e.~ do lood for YOQ. '(0)1 ,26<', lit J . E titg, COlltaJA DWa7. .... ~ aoYai Janney'... '.. ' .

---_. - ---,

----- ----



. . _



A• MAFFIT Funeral DirfICtor d E bal an m mer, Waynesville Ohio ••

Call answered promptly day or night. Both phones In Office and Residence Long diBtanCQ,No. 14; Home phon~ 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished froo with funerals. Best of service guaranteed.




lOBUSBED WEEnT. ~.oo l'ER TEAR ROT'Lt, D.. UCQIST.. IP.CIALI.T8. CO.TUM ..... TItAN . . . . It. OAB AHD . .ue ....VIC. CAN P ..OF':· av UIINQ 11'8 ADV ...TIIINO OOLUMNI

SAMPLE COPY FREE • . . . . . , H • • YO .." OLIPP." N_ York. N.Y.


THE MIAMI I'ubllllhol l





t _ _ !2::S:L__ _


GAZETTE \\ 11),,,,·. ,,1116.




The Beauty and Glories of Ohio are Gathered and Garnered




rt costs more to II ve toduy t,hlln D, L. CRA Nt; , Ed itor and Manager ever bofore, uut it ill worth mero, rhe f>nwllrd ond upward maroh of Rates of S ubscription tho dhio State Flllr Is n sure index Quu Yoar (strl cLl y III all"Qllce ' . . . .... . 11,00 of progress In tb e right dlr eotion, II IIldu CUllY . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..• . . .. . OG Ulalm nnd moral In all detail8 It enj oYtl the r espeot of a ll c ltl ~ens . Rates of Advertising hs -t!t~Ddt1rd of exoellenoe i8 wba t '( oaliing Loca l • • vor IInu . . " . .. ...... . 6<' other exposl tionll try to ~ttaln Hcudhl!! Locul • . bhwk I " ..... vor IIl1u . . .• l Oe Eduolltlonul in aUtt,s parts, it points t. laliSIUOtl A tl t6. uut to uxnw '1\' 0 111 10.'" Throe h wcrtluWl.. . .. . . . . . . . . 11k the way to better and more protlt. Ubltuo.rioa, Uva ludl OH l otlO , over l1vo 6c able living. It Is a helpiDg hand to luchtJoj. I'or lIu · . ....... . . ... . . l:1 rtl 0 1 ~hl1l1". . . . . . .. . . . . .. • ... ... .. 16c tbousands who are ambitious to see . ( ctiO luLlol18 .• .••• ..• . , • •. •• • • •••• • ••• 60c whd the woI'~s of the world are · oclliliJ el.e. whero ch ll ' Il lti DJatls ..•. . .• :: doing. It Is a Congress of the Breeds, • ,s,lIIlY Alivertllllu!! Pl . Inc h . . . . ....• • . and the great impetns for better l>lBcoun t.8 given lU contract.

Ii ve stook.


unfolds the secrete

and mysteries of better agrloulture It portrays in a great exhibit. tbe J1\nrvelo u~ evo lution of ftLr m mIL chinary. Tbe art and skill of man and woman are arrayed and 6rrt1nged to attraJt anrt Instruot. Tbe vu.lue and oostat tbe State Fair rUDS Into millions. On MondllY, 8eptembel' I, It will be complete "hen tile glltes open . Ob lo IlIlnvlte:l attend . A . P. Sandles, Presillen' Agrlonltural Commis810n of Ohio. Colnmbnll.


AUOUST 17. 191 3

Harveysburg. The IlAd newl of the death of H.ltymond D. Hi ~ey whioh ooourred lit the bome of his pl1rsnts on North Broadway in \)[lytoo WedoesdllY, AUBust :lO, I1t 1 lI. m, after an 111nells of several Dlonth!l. R!AywCJod '«as a young mlln with a kind and I'lea.sant dl~llotlltlon lind WILli taken from bls plLrent ll, brotber Sister, oonslns !lnll fritmus In early life, 10110 ving nuny to) remember him all ho looked with his full face and roey oheek!! th,,' , Ilppeared never oould be ohanged, Onr sympathy goos ou' to the bereaved relatives. lutermtlnt In Millml oemetery, Fri uay. Jos. Jordlin, who for many years has been emp\nyod In ~prlDlLfleld, died Wl'dnl'sday In tba' otty . Tbt' funeral took plaoe from 8t Augus tine's oburoh In Wayn88vllle. In t.erment at Mla'.Ill oemetery Satur. day. Born to Mr. and Mra. Goo. M. Mo· !Jonald, a son, Frldav. Augus' 22 . Ueo . • Da.vls Is having his dwell . Ing an.1 stole pai nted whloh tlddl! gredly t.o Ittl lookll . There .hould be more to follow. Mr, and Mrs. Woo Wrlc h&, of Wilmington , oalled On Mrs Wrlgbfs mothur, MrcJ, Eagle, Friday. Onr town waa well represented at the Washington, C. B. fair last week. l'be u , ual fair goer8 a\tended the Blanohester f .. ir tbiB week and reported It a good One. The A. M. E, camp m~ting Is in }lrogre83 and Iloinll good w~r It. D. B. Unrterwo'KI of n8l\r here is posl8880r )f a .'ord automobile . · A . T . Moler transaoted busloe 88 bUllln88s In Lebanon FridllY. Onr oonnotl hIlS made arrange. menh In time to-'improve our streets - j efore bad weatber and the "ork Is almost oompleted. Mr, and Mrs E. B Dakin were the ~U88'8 of Mr. and Mrl . W. C Weloh d their b'Ja.utiful olontry bome F,lda, nlgh&. Mr. aDd MI8. Hanry MoKee, 01 Minueapollll, Mlnn88o"', are here 0,1 a visit among relatlve8. Mrs. Floyd A nder80D and Ion Carlton, of Dayton, are vlslt.lng relatlve8 here . ,Hies Ettie Arnold an employee of the 8tate BOIlpltal Is a guest of Mr . and Mrs. Am 18 Ellis, Hr. and Mrll Frank Perril and 8On, of W Ilshlngton.. C . Ii. were llll88ts of the Central hotel last week. The Rlob reunlou took place at K. B, Rloh '. beantiful g.oTel:!acur cd1Iy, -AagQst '23rd and a very en joyable time W ..I had . Mand Uleaver, of near here, havlnK sold ber property will move t.o Dayton wbere bel' Ion Carl blls II very luor.Uve po8ltion wl'h the N C. R We hope for her a prosper ous ud pleasant cbange. Several from here aUended tbe olrcus d WilmlnitoD Wednesday Carl Cleaver. of Dayton, wal In at~ndanoo .., the Rlob ReDDlon &turday. Mrs. MaUle Fiooh aDd aon Robert UarDer a'tended the funeral of 141'(1, Finob '8 nepbew Raymond B 18e3 Frlda.y. Mrs . C. B. !Smith who wa" well known to many of onr Older oltlZins died at her bome In Xenl_, 'l'burllday of lae' week after n8l\rb


two years of confinement . She WIlS the mot h er of a h,rge ilAmily. The sympdhy of this oummunlty goeE out to them In their t!ad bore llve· ment . Wilbu W. Wilson, after two week's v.lOation, retnrnod to hl8 work In ()inc lnuatl, where he hili! a gooa position . Mr and Mrs. Alva K.nnedy and family motored to Cinoinnllti !Sun · day morning returniug in the even· Ing.


Remarkable Cure of Dys ~ tcry " l was attaoked with dysenlery about July 15th, Ilnd used th€l doc tor's medlolns aDd o~her rem edies with no relief, only gett ing worse IlII ... the time I was unable to do !Anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pound8. 1 snlfared for a.bont two mon'hs when J W88 11.(1 vlaed &0 118'1 Chamberlain'lI Collo, Choiera and Diarrhoea Hemeely . ] used two bottles of U and it ga ve me' permanent relier," writes B. W. Hill Jf Snow Bm, N . C. For sale by all dealers.


New Burlington

Mrs. Elizabeth Corr. of Chicago, Is t.he guest of 'rlends bere. Howard Ilnd Mary Rutl\u , of Soo th Ubf\rlellton, ILre viaitlng at tbe home of Dr. !Iond Mrll . Whitaker. Mrs. Alberta SmUh, of UInolDnatl Is the guest -If relaUve& here. Mr. and Mrs . C. B. Bentley, of Wilynesvl)le, Apent Friday with 'It, and AIrs . Wm Dedrlok. MISt! Nellie Hiatt, of Wtlmlnl(tolJ, spent IllSt week at the home of her II.DDt Mra. ~rab Mhambaugb. 1011811 Marie Ball, of Waynesvllle, was t, h~ week·end gU88' of friends hen'. . ' M l3" N louie Shambaugh III at· tendril !! HrtJtln Co. 'eaoben Iustitnto this Wu" ll. l'be Taylv U II versKy Qaar~t. &8 rendered a pic, . hll, program at the M. E. cburoh ou ~ ,turday evening, MiRs Flora H".l .. I b"1 resigned her pOilItion in ,"" Miamisburg IICho 1ls on aoooon' uf ill htSalth and will remaIn at the home of ber parenti! tblll wlu&8r.

----._ ..- - -

Minister Pralsea this Laxative Rev. H. S&ubenvoll of Allison, Ia. in pralsinjf Dr. KI9g's New Life PUla for 00D8&lpatlon wrtte& :-'·Dr. King'. New Lite Pills are luob per. feot pUlII DO home "boul" - be wUh_ out them. .. No better i'egula&or for ·the liver and bowel.. Every pili guaranteed. Try them. Price 250 at 1. E. Janney's.


How the Trouble Starts Cunstiplltlon II the causo of lllany ailments and disorderll that make life wiserrlble . '1'l1ke Chlunberlain'/I Tl1blsts, keep yon,. bowels r el(uillr and you will ILvold 'beso disel1l1es (for sa:e by all deale rs,

----------Spring Branch !lMayoll)

Miss Fiorence Luoy • eturned horne h unday evening after a pieal!lLnt week's visit 110' t ile llome of bar ooallin Miss EVIL Lucy, of Dayton Mn. Kate Bend e r~o n ~nd oblld ren, ot nellr Lebanon, And Mr. J : bnAllen, of Five Point were 8unday guosw of James Allen and family .M188 Ahoe Chenoweth arrived a' home la'CIt &'urday from Thnnton, Ohio, where she Ilttended an aM. lloo\atlon for a few daY8 lalt week Mr, Ralph EVRn", or Dayton, WIIS a vleitor in 'his nel"hborhood ~Iltur day night and ~nnday. Mr . and Mrs . Clarenoe Thompson of Morrow, and Mra. Emma Cbtlnoweth, of near Pellbrook, were gne8ts of tluy Chenoweth and fam tly I:\aturday nlgM and Sanday . ),Ira. Uladman Ellis and Miss Dora and Mrt! . James Curtis and f~mUy aUended a reunion at HlIor veysbnrg last &tnr4av. All Day meeting was held at Middle Run last ~onday, M.r and Mrs . Frank liesll, of near Lytle, were gnestl! of Mr. Thomas H888 and tamtly one day last week. MIs8 Maude Cook, of near Lytle, bas been visiting her g1'andparentl MI' . and Mrs. Thomas Lacy, Mr8. Dixon Wharton aDd Mrs Cbal'les Gordon, of Mi. Bolly, were flOOn& gq"sts of Mrs. F, ,II. DJl.ld:n. Miss Alioe CbeDoweth haa been Yl81tiDg at .he bome of Mrs Frank He88.

- -~ -



~lr8 . J obn Zell ent·a r tained the Missionary Sooiety of the Barveys hurg Baptit! t oburoh lust Wedneilday afternoon in u. very dellghtfnl wuy . After arriving tbe gnel!ts \VerA t o ld t,o dri ve to a belLntif nl grove noar tbeir hou~e whero ollllirs Rnd rug" had been pIIlOIH'I A pl M S ant lime fl n!lued '"Dd .,11 "uted t.but it should be beld tllere nnnulllly . M.rll . Alioe McKinsey had for her guel~tII Wedn88day Mr . anel Mr~ . •Joe MoKinsey aud Ji&tl e lIOD Mr V Zen tmyer u.nd Mill!! Mullio ' Win~el' of A!lorrow t MISS Minerva tiurlan itl vlsiti nl( friends in Cinoi unati t ll1K week . Tho funeral of Mr •.Iolln .il:Vt' rilllr took plaoe 'l'uesdLAY at 10 o 'clcJ1k Mr. Everhart,. an old oitt:.o:en of Ih itl \lln oe. IIleu at tlle UIl)' t,on Holu ier 'II B ODle Illst "'rldILY . Mr. Wi ll Thom ps on IHld fumily of' ;inOinnnti . Mr . I1nu Mrs Bewarei Enelrbart., of Covington. .y , ILnt! Mr. Frert Everhart und flllUiJy, of F rJAtlkli ll . attonucd tbe fu oeru l of Mr . Jub ll Evtlrbart TUtltldllY. Mrs . Chile. Uunh um, dat1 ~hter nnd !'OTl, n f CO\' in ~ t (j n , Kv .. wero rlloen t KU!\"t~ of MI . 'lnd MrM en rl Ael1(l erH~ . MillS Josephine IltlrllLn ilpent Mond"y wtt.h h er frie nd Mollie Beck.ett. Ml's Chns . Werntz returnel1 hon fl from Llmll Huoday Ilcoompll uied by bel' duugh te r Mrs Delmo !:leI rn stet·ior. ' Mi:S" Lutlltlr .eynolds II! v isiting her graudplifont" in Dayto n . Mr . IlUd Mrs. F . Wbitsel Wtlre Xenill visit-ors one duy reoen tly. Mr. t:limpilon and family havn moved Into the pruperty reoclDtly pnrcho iled from Robert Monntjoy. Mr. Leo Graham, of Davtun. vlsltod hill panntl! here t:!undny . - - - ---




Dayton, Ohio

Grand Opening, Monday, Sept. I Lahar Day, on whi ch da y "The Greater Dayton" $1000 2 :23 Stake Trot will be raced . Every da y t he big day. Advanced premiums ill eac h d"uss. New alld daring fre e a tt ractiuns , including the g rea test ed ucated bu ll 111 the world, each and every day. One-Thousand-Dollar 2 :1 4 Stake Pace will be raced on Thursday, September 4th. Dare devil and thrilling motor dome r aces, steepest track in th e world . See Harry Hills Wild West Shows, Barlow, Jack and Barlow with th eir bucking mule act. $8000 in racing purses.

Public Sales



Admission, 2S Cents

1 willllell at public auotlon on thn proml !e~, one hltlf milll n orth of Lytle, on the Lytle and Forry rond, on

Monday, September 22, 1913

H. V. Hendrickson

Commenolng a t 1 :30 p . Dl, tbu following: 'rWIl tr , Otll of land , one of Uti and the o t her of 07 a l;res l:'ee bills for paTtloulllrs, W . U. C .' rDell A. A. MoNell, Auot.


We will sell at publio anotlon ut the h.()me of Tbol! . J. Brown, de oe!l8ed, un

I. L. Holderman f



Sa.turday, September 6, 1913 Beginning at 1 o'olook, h out!ohold furnitare. garden tvol!!, eto. Annie U . Brown Mame '1'. Brown A. A. MoNell, Anot.

I will continue to do Roof ng and Spouting at Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, or phone 24-2y' , and I will estimate with you.



Thursday, August lS, 1913



Begtnning . 10 o'olook 'be fol lowing: 3 borses, 6 oattle, farming impl~ments and honllehold turn 1..................... ture . See bills for terms. Julia. A. Brown . R. C. Bainea, Anct.

Olassified Ads




Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.

Ada will be l08crkd under ~b18 bead for twe ntp·five ce nts l or tbree Inse rllolLl wben using not more than five lines. ~

Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.


Mub80rlbe for the MIami Gaqtte.

- - ,

.. .

Montgomery Co. Fair

Thel undersigned will olfer at publio Bale at the home of the lale Suffered Eczema Fifty Year5=-Now- Geor~Drown , 1 mUe nort.h of Well Ferry ,. Ohio, on

Seems a Jong time to endure tbe awfnl burning, ItolllDg, smartllli, stlo dllleaae known as "&et&8r"~Do&hel' nlme tor Eczema. Seems rood to realise, also, tha' DR. BOBSON'S ECZEMA OINTMENT hlls proven a perfoot oure, lin, D. L, Kenney writes :-"1 oaDno' suffiolently expr888 my t.haHs to you for your Dc. Bobson 'a Eokma Omtmen'. It has oured my tetter, wblob hal troubled me for over 111&y years. " All drug. glat!! or by mall, · GOo. . PJf.ElFFER CHJl)MICAL (,.'0. St. Louis, Mo. Pblladelphla, Pa



------ - ...---

per dll.Y, s.eady work M E}il-$2.00 for gOeJd men. Apply to the Oregollia Bridge Uompany, Lebanon, Ohio. S10

.. _----------------------------

-1'0 A DVERTISERI; you can sell your

know tbllt horse~ and oows nnd otber things by ad vortlsIng tbllJm in the Gazette It oosts but htt le, and brings results.

. ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ••~--~~~,~.~-~-~-.

150 per lb. Fmnk WALTEll H ONEY-Nioe. Dakin, WaynenUle, Ohio.



Funeral Direr.tor.

good fresh Durham Cow with oalf by side. W . M. B:>tts, Wayne8vtlle, Ob lo, R. 2. a ~7


OTEL and Li very for aale or -----------------------URNISHED ROODIB . Inquire of H rent . For further partioular8 F Mrs. Roy Hutba wily. 10 write or call on Ht1rvey GURtln, tl

Waynesville, Ohio.





Pho'n e 71-1

=========- A

a 27

Telephone day .. nllba. Valle,. phone No. 'I. Loag DistanOll No, 69-Sr.


good one in a good FARM-A 100I1t.lon, olotle to two railroada.


Branch Office, Uarvenbllrl, 0.

J . B . Chap. For further partioulars Inqnlre at this office 0 29 s10 BARNHART, AOREl:i of land, B E. of Cor'n Harve8ter lu good oondlWaynesville 2 miles, kQown " o n, for sale 9r tra ie. Inqnire Notary Public as the Clarki.on G8use Farm, Ap. 01 J. B Chapman . s 10 ply to Franklin Plloker, Waynes . All kinds of Notary Work. PelUlloD feVl' busbele of Bartlett POILrs. ville, vblo . tf Work a Mpeoialty, Inqulre .of ·Llndly Mendenhall, R, 0, 3, Wa.yn88vil1e, Ohio. s 10 8~ED

for sale

Cahrrh Cannot Be Cured



12 7


wltb looal al,plt08,lontl, al tbey oao. not reaoh the seat of the dlseBlle. C~tarl h Is a blood or oon8 ' "utlonlll dlseaan, and In order to ODre U yOD mUllt take iaternal remedle8. Ball 'Il Catarrh Cure Is takeu luternally, and aOM dlreotly upon tbe blood and mu()(,Qt11 snrlaoell. Ball's Cawrrb Oore II not Il qua.olr medlolne . It wile preaorlbed by oue of 'be beet phYllolanl \0 thll oouotry for yelu'8 tDd i' a reteu1ar pI" 8Orlplion, U ip compoeed I)f the best tonloe known. com biDed with tba best blood pari flera, aoeiDg directly on t~e muoou. 80rf_. 'rlle perfec~ combInation of the two Ing'l'edlAD'i' 1& wbat pru .nob wODderful resulM In ....,.... e_Mtarrb. Send for teatimo





BRICK for sale. For fu.r ther i.D~orma"on Inqatre of F M. Chenoweth. WaYDenll1e, Ohio. 810


til the mOlt tD1ftN'l~ aDd lDatraetI.,. 48J)a1'tmentl or tbe ObJo State .\/'aIr .. that dtl'lOted tn dlllplaTII cI farm and Rhop mlichlnery.

'. Three mammotb bulldlnp and twent 7 acres In thl8 ollen are required (or tb_ dl8p1a),15.. A day spent In the machinery tiectioll' Is a day well Rpent. lever)' ooncelnble form of labor-Bavlng machinery will be 00 41. play, Courteoull deni<>nBtrat.o1'l will ezplaln In minute detail the leadiD, featul'Oll or eMh maehille, At tile coming JDxpoIdtlOD, to be beld In Columbu!\. Sept. I, I, 3, , and .. n most complete machine" exhibit wJJI be la8talled, Every leading manufacturer In tile UDioo Will btn'epro£ented. Not an .lncb of space tl1ft wID not be occupied, Never before have exhibitors so greedily applied tor KliMa, Hundred. have llea......Uy ' been turned !lwny, The bum of til. macbllMry be heard ' p~mpt1y at fI L ·m. .Monday. Sept, I, RulA or Q~~'~::~~PtoPl,.Jl'OledO, 0 . 'the .State Fair requl,,- .~('~ ,and .Y~fY o·dUhlt'J.obe In (1IIrn:o ~ad.,· f~ pubI! ioe 1GCl 110 1ruI~I"n at tIIat ·tJlM:' ThtI-:tnlureB .:a , complete "bOIl' on -Mle openins .1i'.lmlll"~rplli.,,, fO'r OOD- 'dq: TllQusnda ct· ·dealer. ' . " '1~lfted tbeb iI:tt}:: tlol\ Ql bein g; pr88eDt . . .t/tbat 'hoar ul . ~. ~qhoUt "'be' entire fh:,1'.riRyS. . .' .. ' .

Ilizes In War Montcomery ooun\lels for 8alt', Inqalre 'It A. A. MoNell, Ceatervllle, Ohio, bo.h phonu.. s 3









, '"








C ~ .ti .


Posted on pedigrees and values of aU kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

14600. Prod~otl"e 67 AoreFarm. lIIoil . GQOd buUdini.. Near


100d mlarh'

Inquire at abis offioe• e3 KOtild. Farm Rc.!!8, some 100d fine COw, ~Dd . a resT!· terec,t Sbropilh,Ire Ra~, . ~DqoJre ~f .GRADUATII .01' TO Dr, KI"II~Onl Ofelonl~, .O~lo. · WAT10NAL AUOTJOH

· A



~ 21·.

aooo.r,,,o. ~~~Of-,., ~ ,

•.•• '



. '.;"':

Twms Reason_ _ -:-

Col.,. .

N. Sears

Live Stock and General AlJdioneer

f c1ilJertlnt FARMS ren, GrellDe and







W,, O~lo ' .~:, .


.. Valley



s.-ar··· '





'" :.




- - --

CROSS MADE LIGHT illNU~ ~m~' ~<trnKID®Ik

1l@ill ~Ik~

No Trouble That Is Unbearable Can Come to His Children Who Trust Him. '

I ~




. . . . . . - ..






" .


-- --------'


Cleanliness and accurac)I will make the keeping a 5ure thing.

of canned vegetablel a

FOOD VALUE OF VEGETABLES MAKES THEM MUCH DESIRED Sugar, Starch, Carbohydrates and Woody Fiber of Garden Products Furnish Heat, Energy and Other Elements Needed By the Body Sugared beet s. sluITed onions, boil ed , with s tll rt' h !; ra ln~ and other food pa rcabbage and th e like ar e dish es th at tl c lf's. Thu wall s or th ese cells are m a y be mad e from vege tabl e s which composed of c f' ll lI lose or woody fib er app eal to lovers of gard e n products . I which resiRl s the fo od lJartlc le H within They, how e ve r, a r e b u t 1\ fe w or th e : th e c pli H. Th,! ma jorll Y ot H gc labll' . large number th a l call be ~ro\\"n In th e . foods II ced to be Iboroll~hly r ooked to lillie garde n plot, th n t us ually adj oin s I s of t ,~ n Ih e woody tl s~u~. Th e s tar c h th e country hom e or ci ty bn,c k yard, g ra ln R, wh e n cook ed , swe ll and ftn aliy a nd put u p to be I? nj oyed next willter . I hllrs t the cell wllll a , th,)reby softening T he gene ra l term \'''~ '!labl es Is u~ e d I til E' Yeg,'ruhl e and makin g the rood to Incillde le gum es, r OO ls. tub e rs aud pfl rrl c les ea sy or atl a ch by th e d lgeltgree n veget abl es. the ju ices Valuable a. Food . Cook ing of Veg etables . Vege tab le food s are " alu eJ to r tb e All grel' ll '" ('gel ahl es, roots and tucarbobydrat es. ~ \lgar, s ta rcb and I be rs 8hould be c ri s p and fi rm wh e n woody fib e r. Suga r a nt! SIH,·,' h, whcn pili o n to cook . If th(' veg etable hal burned In th l' body, wi ll yi e ld e ith e r ; los t It s IIrOllless and cris pness, II h ent or en e rgy Th e woody flb,' r Ii; Should bl' so ak ed In H ry col d wotel' not dlJ: es ted. but Is va luab le In the . unlll It ng/un bpcorn es c ri s p. In ord er



Of Courao, the Corlt~o.ltor, 'An En&llshman who ha d been for a tour round the world was mu ch annoy ed with a report of hl B ret.urn whlcll appeared In a 10CIli paper. Thill report e nd ed : "His numerOU8 fri ends a re s urpr ised th ut 110 Is unhnllged!" li e did not know tba t lhe otT nder was the com po sit or, who, In ti~tll n g up the report hnd omit ted a lett e r "c," thus s ub ~ lltuUn g tho word " unhanged" for "unchatlge d, " v,h·lch th o r epo rt or had writ ten .

TII I': HE any surh thing as ull beal' tro ubt ~·~ Carl Hilty say s there 18: "OtiC Clln bear all trou bl E'S but I W O"- -wurr y und Ki n .'" Now. It 15 well to re ,LlI 7. f> tha t those t wo unbelU' Quick Work. abl c t roub l ~~ art' unn ec css ary. N It her Mamma , 011 b earlllS that he r Bis ter " o rry nur Ni ll hll ~ to be co ntinued. hacl received a new lIttlo girl. s aid to Hotb CUll be ended by th e hug\! draft Uillan, her YOllllg daug ht er, "LlIIlao. on til sO\'(' r plgn Koodn e ss of God, auntie haB a new bab y, and now ITlalllllln 18 the ba by 'B au nt. p upa III whkh li e 18 a l ways r eady to hOllor. As tb e bilby's unc le, olld yo u Bro h er til ro r olh er troubl es . no onc of them II little cous in." u IlLJ earnbl.... W .. ure alwaye su rlJrl lled I "Wol l." s a id Lillian, wonderingly, to lIee bo w murh we can bear. "wBSlI't that arrLlIIIl!'d Quick?" Most "r us who seek to be wlee I would not look ahead t en yeaTS It we .. M'r-a. Wlnflihlw · .. SuulhluR 8)frll l' for Ch ildren could . It wou ld be Imposslhle to bear l.C"t t hlnJC • • uh4.":n e the gumfo\. f('du(.'l'tt IQ" Alttm~ th e Tt'veilltion of what wi ll co me to uI I " o u, a !},, )"a pnlu,f'ur"ed ,,'u ~ collc,2Sc .. OO lUe.A* In a decade.>. That wou ld be putting ' tlt o load of te n yea rs 011 us III one 1 Inault Added to Injury . day . In (i ou 's plan ou r eX" ~ rl e ll ce. I " Whe n I lJOu j;bt this borse rrom co me to Uti grAdually. \ cry tew you. yo u told me he was LIS bolo aH a trou bl !'B co rn e lik e IIghtnlog out ot a lion , all d he s hi es at B s traw ." c lear s ky. TllI'rc ar t' Il lwllY s ~'1(1 UdB, "No; I tol d yo u h e was like II. lion. nnd before th e bolt,. rulls th e re are Aln' t be a roarer'" flashes eno ugb to prf'pare U B som&a __________________ R.·d l·,.,... n. 1I \lluI>, .11 blUe, best bluloa ,,' hat for th e shock. The c ross Is not YAlue III I h e wur ld, ma kel the! luu.ntl..". laid upon our s bo uld er. full we ight at l': C LE: SAM t8 a schoolmaster "tory ro r th ei r vnr lou8 duU el!. At 11 : 30 Iwile. Alh . oncc. Rather. It co m es down 80 IIlowat th o old type. He ne ither o'clock th e students " knock oa" ror Iy that tho se who mu s t ca rry It can Rather Loud, EhT spares the rod nor spoils the luncb, but promptly at 1 o'clock th ey ac commodate tbemselves to tb e load . FfI'd- 1 uud ors tanu th at l~ lh el'l are again In th e whops or In th e leohas many pupil s, child. He God te mpers the wlnd to th e shorn new drl!Rs Is th e las t cry In hare m8. those wbo enter his service ture room hard at work. lamb, so tha t It can 'Btan d the next Aimee-Yes : It's Il regular screaml At' : 30 an hour'e drill under anns In tbe govcr,pment departm ents and wind . A ahorn la mb nev e r staye 18 h eld . This takes place on th e drill -Dartm out h Ja('k o·Lautern . thEI Ilrmy and the nayy. Ht. course sborn. 'rhe vilal forces begin st once ground of th e navy yard and keeps to It tor tb e co ld ot th e next of tralnlng In th e navy Is rath e r seIts Propu Place. th e me n for three-Quarters of an bour. tor be reQulre8 every man who Yere. winter. It Is In part thls· gradua ine s. "Where did you gl't tbut Oa mc-col, At 5 o'clock comes tbe event of the enlist.. tor lIervlce unde r the Btars of 00d'8 dealin g with UII that make. ored rig?" and Stripes on eell to become a skilled day, dinner. troubl e bearabl e. "I r;ot It at a fire sale." Dinner to the Sellman gunner's cia .. Tbere Is much help also In settllng &rUsan. Probably the most Int erestdown Quietly to th e aSSD.rancs tbat Ing at all at Uncle Sam's trade scbools Is always sometblng to look. torward .... are ne \' e r to be broke n by our Ia tbe school tor seaman gunners, lit to. The me nu Ie large and the food, a lthough simple, Is the best that troubles. There Is no way or eDca\}" thEI navy ya.rd In Washington. It Is money can buy. The class hss a cathat tbe men who aim aud ftre belre Ing th em. It IB not meant that we terer wbo makes It his busln es8 to should lot' untroubled In tbls sense at tbo great guns learn their principle see tbat the same dish es are not tbe word . But It Is ae sur ed that tbe lind mechanism 110 thorougbly that tbe served too ot~ and tbnt the food ,vtse band tbat lets troubl o come to em.clency ot the United States navy Is ot the best quality. us Is also a strength e ning hand tbat Is unequaled by any navy In the From dinner until 10 : 80 o 'clock the And Found Health in Lydia s us tains U8 In troubl.. It will be ar world. There are more than 126 men In the men ure at le leure to come and go Baying over anti over. that th er e Is no as tbey p1(lase. Tiley l1'\a1 "go ashore" pinkham'. Vegetable promise to kee p us trom passing sellman gunncrs' clall8 at th e present or visit trlends In Waahlngton. or th ey UDle, enrolled tor six months ot the through the waters. 'fhe only promise Compound. may re mrun In quart e ra and etudy Is that tb ey shall not overHow u s. We hardest kind at study In the shops theIr lessons tor the next day. The are not told that we Bhall not pass .ud In the claBaroom. Every one at men are allowed to use c lvllIar WIndom, Kansas_ - ,. I had a dillpJaee. tbrough the ftames, but only tbat they those men Is picked, and In the s en - clotbes. For the most part, tbe Btument which cauaed bladder trouble and lee It 18 considered a great honor to sha ll not kindle upon us. 'Vhen we denta restrict their IIbe rtiell to not I wu 10 miaerable are told to cBet our burden upon the be cbosen to join the clalls. Only more than two nights a week and all I didn't know What mEln wbo haye been In the lIe"lce Lord. It Is not Bald that be 11'111 take day Sunday. to do. I su1fered the burden away, but only tbat he tour years are ellr;lble, and then only It Is so grellt an honor to be Bent from bearing down wbien tbelr conduct and se"lce record 11'111 .ustaln us. We rna), go our way pains. my eyes hurt Ilnl exceptionally good. Oraduates ot to the IIchool and the advancement bearing the burden, but we shall not me, I was nervous. after graduating, Ie so rapid that none tbo IIchool are tbe backbone ot tbe filII under It while We count It his bu!' dizzy and irregular na"Y),. Here tbe men are taught the of tbe lucky onel care to rllk their den gIven to UB. and had female only reall)' distinctive naval trade, and cbances of belDr; dismissed and ~ Nothing Ever Unbearable. weakne811. I llpenll It Is here that tbe men who. load, train turned to the service under their 0111 money on docton There Is then no unbearable trouble an,d ftre tbo Immense gunl are made. rank. Then, as many 'tII'TItten probbut rot worse all lems are required, and leveral oral which cannot be avoided. There ars Requl~. Mueh Study. the time. troubles tbat stmln ns to the utmolt. 'rhey leun the making of the larr;e recitations occur each week, they burn "A friend told me and that we would lIay beforehand and IImall gunll. Tbe), learn by prac- a gT"eat deal of mldnl,ht 011. A vIacould not be borne. They do bot tall tical experience how to take them Itor to the navy ward any night ex- about the Pinkham remedies and I took on us unawarel, however. If ""e hllve dO'w n and assemble them again. The cept Saturday will ftn~ torty or flny Lydia E. Pinkham', Vegetable C0mnot espected them, we ha,.e Ii right to br'aech mechanism, everything to do clean·cut young men work\nc out pound and was CW"ed. I cannot pralJJe realise that God knew they were com· with the practical part of ordnance, ordnance problems, studyIng trom a your remedltll enough for I know I Dever Ing. God Is never taken unaVo·uer. Ull~ manufacture of shelll, fusell and dozen text boou, and QuizzIng each wODld have been well if I had not taken It he was. the only one wtio could tore- powder lind torpedoe. all require otber olMhe Questions that tbe offlcer- It. "-MIaB MARy A. HORNER, Route see them, then we have especial right thorou,b and extensive IItud),. The Instructor Is lIure to ask them the No. ~ Box G, Windom, Kansas. to el:pe ct him to brace us to bear work Is equally divided between (be next day. Consider Well ThIa AdTice. Josephus Daniels, secretary of the th em. We could not be· ready, there- O&yal gun factory IIhops and the clasaNo woman anff1n'lng from any form tore he must help us, unready. Most room. wbere they have IDlltruction at navy, la particularly fond ot the seaof us re member In drIvIng tbrough the the hanu ot IIkllIed ordnance expert. man gunners' clull. To his mind, of female troublea abC'!' ld 1000e hope uncountry that a hili always looks steep- and "peclal Instructors. In addition the rulhlng dreadDought and the crash til abe ball given Lyo E. Pinkham'. er from acrOSB the valley than It to the ordnalJce coul'lle they are re- ot mighty r;unll are not all that go Vegetable Compound a fair trial proves w_h en we come to Its base Ilnd Qu.l red to bec:ome proOclent In the acl: to make up a. perfect naval lIervlce. Thill famona remedy, the medlelnallnbeglr; the ascent, Most of our troubles ence ot metallography and ekllled In He believes that a 'our-year course gredients of which are derived from look tar more Berioue to us ahead th,e manltfacture and principle ot the In tbe naV}' should be equal to a lIative roots and berbll, haa for nearly tour-y e ur course In the beet vocational fo~ years proved to be a mOllt valDathen they prove to be when we come ab,rage battery. scbool In the country. As tar as the ble tonic and invigorator of the fo-to them . 8ometimel! we ~o Dot come Work on the big guns start from th.e to them at all ; our road turns aslde raw calltlng. Tbls huge. 76-ton cylin- seaman gunners' claslI III concerned, male organism. Womel1 everywhere betore we como to the steep hDl. der ot steel Is bored out, trimmed and they get an excellent vocational train- bear willing testimony to the wonderful 80lbetlmea we come to them juet lUI grooved. The casing, another huge Ing In just six months. vtrtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetaA gradUDle of this v.. onderful Ichool ble Compound. W (J expected. but we always take them cylinder of steel. III bored out, heated Inch by Inch. and we go our way white hot and Ihrunk onto the grOOY- can take raw metal and tnrn out the If 1011 .ant q,eclal achice 'write to through the m 10 a strcngth whlcb ed. lining. The manutacture of this most compHcllted steel ' mechanism; Lydia E. Pinkbam Medlclne Co. (codproves Bufflclent. pa.rt of the monster IHnch rlOes takes turn aheet copper Into Bymmetrlcal deDtlal) LYDn, .ass. Your letter will pipe and ducts; make and charge a 1M! opened, rud Bud answe~ . la,. a As our days our etrength proyell. ablOut tour weeks_ storage baltery; wire a turre t for "omaa and held III strict collldence. We do not have strength for a decade Then the gunnery force entel'll tbe today, but by tbe end ot"tlrnl!e cacle a forge and hammer Bhops, where they electricity; make a set of plans for decade's strengUl has been doled out remain tor two weeks_ Atter this the about anything, and make and ule to us. There Is nothing to fear In the c1IUS la divided Into small squads. smokeless powder. future. There 18 not water there some of them going Into the blackdeep en()ugh to drown us, and no ftre IImlth 8hop, others to the machhllsta' Plsnt Grow. Under Snow. Prompt Kelllet-I'er1maJDellt Cure hot enongh to burn us, and no hurden beneb. the carpenter Ihop, the tlnTlul Alpine fiower called the 10\- CARTER'S LITTLE heavy f'nough to cTUeh us, because at IImlth, tbe coppersv;1lth and the danella, produces heat sufficient 80 we go Into the tuture, Christ" will be plumber for Instruction. Eacb man "that It grows even under a conslder- LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vt!eetAby us and hrlng us sately through. must hammer lind turn out (rom raw allie covering of"anow. It the snow ble - act surely We could not bear the troubles. but metal eyery piece at IIteel which goes la not too deep the plant senda It, but gently on he and we can bear them all. Into tbe' compllcated breecb block me- stem up through the snow, which Is the liver. after dian Ism and the Orlng devices. Pro- melted by the heal If the Bnow II Stap dinner dis"Hie Voice Will Be Obey." jectiles and IImokelell, powder also ~eeper the heat melts a ltttle hollow treas-curc "The Lord our God will we serv&, gElt a great deal of attentlon. this Ialt chamber out about the plant. thUB glv· Indi&esllon, and bls voice will we obey." . Here phase of the work taking the Ichool Ing It room to expand and blossom. It improve the complexion, brighten theeya, was a dellDlte decision. Our perll II to' Indian Head, MtI" tor leveral has been found that lome ot the SHALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMAU PRlCI!.. that ""e IIpend our Ufe In wavering w'eeu' work.. plantll of the arum family, which are Genuine must bear Signature and we never decIde. We BrB like a Wben thele ·men graduate and leave common In the Mediterranean reslon, develop a temperatul'e of as high al 'ury which IB always hearing evl. Waehlngton for the varloull ships of dence ' and never gives a verdict. We the AtlantIc fteet to them tails the 100 degrees when their buds are opendo much tblnklng, but we nover make duty of keeping lD repair ever,. por- Ing. To a Iellll degree pr<ob&bly al~ up our mJnds. Lite has no crlslL no tion of the ahlp's armament. It dur- ·pla.ntll furnleh tbelr o",'n beat '-under DAISY FLY KILLER::l"::::~ culmination. Ins battle practice a Ipring or bIt bt certain condltlona, but ordinarily vegI ... , lf~", elcaJl. Moo Now people wbo never decide spend mecbanillm breaks, Uiele seaman cun- etatlon ~ being by nature adapted to Itl ~::taliO::::~~ their day" In hoping to do eo. But nen mUllt enter the Ihlp'lI macblne aurroundlngl, gets the heat It needs •••• 0. . • ad. 01 troin the 8011, air and lIun. An!maIe m~, ....·"'plllorU" this kind of lite becomes a vagrancy IIhop and torce or tu.m out a new O'fef, .ua Dot loll _ are of a higher order tban POtlOtll and not a noble and illumined crullade. pliece_ IDIDr. ' aft1tbIDI_ QawuatMd elJec:u., .. partly because tbey are more IndeWe drift through our days, we do The cunner III In abllolute command All de"o,. o •••• a. not steer, and we neyer arrlYe at ol~ bll cun. He has under him an' al- pendent at their Burroundlnga.-The .I'P '" ,lA.ld for "U& II.&AOLD IOInU. lie _ I I An., .rookl,_, •. W_ Pathnnder. any rich and stately haven. liltant. In the bIg dreadnaur;hts of It Is therefore yltAll)' wlae to "make t~~ay, there are liz turrets. with two THE .INDIANA • vow unto the Lord_" It I, good to pnl to uGh turret. lIlacb tltrret II Ouch 8'1 Important Food Supply_ pull our loole thinking together and wppUed with ammunition for two C;:oncernlng certal.i! features or Ill.. to "gird up the loins of the mind." Let JDagaslnes_ Allo there Is a pUDer . klmo lite along the north coast of Stnet, ......Iia. W: It stand out In bls experience as a In chArge of the magaslnes. Besldel Aluka, the account wrltlen by Vilh. 1.. N. mouataln peak lrom the plain. and the~. there are lmaller Ave-Inch rlflea, jalmar Stefanllon I\aYI: "In the IIPrioal Seaioo 13-14 begina Sept•. 10, 191~, ­ let the act abide In bls retroepeet al atE and one-pounden located on varl- and summer duckl and reelle, elpeGood opportunilieain veterinary profeaioa the mOBt momentoull cbolce In bls life. ona, porUonll' ot the Ihlp, To tllelle clally the former. are an Important for)'~ men. - Write for cat&losue. . '., -Rev. J. H_ Jewett, D.D. smaller pns tbe recently graduated Item of diet. They are purBued ill ella.. III alway. Bent. In time they kayaks whe~ molt1nr; and kllle~ wltb " What Forgiven ... lYIeanl. a lre promoted alld placed In cllarge clubs. and large nu.mbers of 'hem are We may lIay ot Chrlat as limply.. olf a big gun or !!.ven a whole turret. also secured by bolas thro~r1l),; tor the Psalmist ~ald ot Qod. BYil sh';lll aflv.,. With atudentl. the mlgrant ' route of \tie duckl along " - . ' , not dwell with thee_ Y~t It Ia ~atd UnCle Sam III exceedingly levere the coalt II I 80 deftn~tely kno~n tliat.. ot him of whom It~ lI.tAnds,""rltte~.. hfa studentll. ', . mus.t tum a man can. mnd 'all. dar ud r:el,. . on ~be ery charaeteJ:1at1c o~ h,~' ~I.fe._ -oatc-promptly at ' S- o'c1ock In the morn. It that tbree out.,:,0t.8!e~ {our dueka Tbls Man ..ncelvet~ linDen. - And hl«, roll -up their hammocka, sweep will lIy w1th!p-, th~w!nc dlltaJlee_' 80, nLJ l e



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CHANGE!! OF 8TARCR CELL8 IN COOIUNQ Celli of • raw potato with lta...,b psi •• ID Datural eOD4JUoa. b. Cell. of • p .... tlaU,. "ooll.d potalo. e. Cell. of • tboroa.bJ,. boiled patace.


diet, because It gives bulk to t he food and acts as a stim ul ant and Irrlt.nnt, Increasi ng per istaltic m ov ement and pre \'entlng consllpation. Vegetables vary widely In thl'lr com position, some containing apprec iab le amounts of fat and protein. Protein co mpound s are capable of buildin g a nd re pairing th e bard tissues or the body. Flits yield beat and energy. A numbe r at vegetables are value d tor tb elr minerai matte r, wblch Is capable at r epa iring and building of hard tissue s at the body, sucb as tbe bones and teelh. It is tound .In almos t all the tluld s and so ft tissues and Is essential 1.0 the carry ing on or II numh er of the processe s. It mUlt always be In clud ed In a hea lthful diet. How To Break Starch Grains. Th e solid matte r or vegetables ca n' slsts iarg e ly at microscopic c ell s fill eu

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to Insure th e removal o f all Inseeta, vegeta ble s that (arm In head s , such al le ttuce flnd cauliflower, sbould bo turned down In salted WMer to which " few tab lespoons ful of vinega r hall bee n add e u. All veg etab les except drle. bea ns and peas shou ld he coo k ed III boiling wate r . Peas and beans should be soakeu before cooking. , During tbe cooking at all .vegetables. and )Jartl cularly the strong ftavore d on ce. tbe co ver s hould be drawn to l one Ri de ot the kettl e to ullow volatile gases form ed In cookin g to pass off III I the steam . S om etim es, a s In the cookl ing of ca uliflower, turnips and cabbages, gases are torm ed whi ch Injur. th e flavor and may be unwhol esom e. ELIZABETH JEF FE RSO!'< and MARY EDMONDS, Coll ege at Agriculture. Oh i) State I Ull ive rs lt y.

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Insect Bores Into Grain When In Ster- Given As One Reason Why Care I. Required To Produce Clean Milk. iJge, Devouring Starchy Interior of Ke r nel. The 11roductlon of clean mill< chao lenges ollr best endeayors. Graduall, The granary w eev il Is o ne or tbe as our population In creases, condimos t wide ly di s trlbutf'd of the gran- tions become more un sanitary, owln3 ary pests. 'fhe te rm weevil is appli ed to th e fact that th e people crowd to all the various Inseets found In the th c lllseives upon smaller areas. Nagranary, hut tbe grana r y weevil and ture J) rovld eR wisely for sanitary can. the rle e weevll nre th e on ly two true dltlons as long as th ey arE: not disturbed by manldnd. lo~lfty years ago grain \\"c ('v lls. The dumage done by tbls loseet oc- approximate ly 40 acrcs wCI'e lIyallable for every caw. Unsanitary conditions t'urs wb en tue fe mal e , in the bin of wer e not Habl e to exist wben the anigrain. LorE'S a bole into th e kcrn e l mal had th e opportunity to roam oyer with hN SII Ollt, ulld into th is cavi ty a la rge area. To·day this amount of d"posi l s an pgr;. Th e e gg~ h atc hes In land s uollid prov ide sufficient pasture Ii f (' w da ys . Th e la r va d ev ours tbe to s upport cows iJnd oftentimes ani. ma ls ar e conlln('d to much smal!er areas, as for Instance In barn lots 01 from one-halt to one-quarter ot an ncre. Continual tramping over the ground In we t w(!atber convertll thl ground into a s lus b and raises dust In dry weather. Both condItions are un su nl ta ry. OSCAR ERF. College ot Agriculture, Ohio State -LJ ul "e rs lty.


WEEDS . IN OATS. Co n tra sts at t he two me lhods ot put Granary weevil and Its ta rva.

tlllg III oats in the s pring were es»C'

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c lally nn tic cabre this ye ar when the 6tsr e hy Int erior or tbe l«~ rnel, nlHl, ant s had reaahed the height ot 6.12 ,' ha ll!;l's to II \)llpa with in th e hull. i Inch es. The tl"lO me thods might be Tb e a clults d o al most os mu ch dam ' l termed "right" and "wrong," one bear:e liS th e la rva, bowever. gna wing l ing tbal th e oats were sown In ground Int o tb e ker nels a.ud d evo urin g th e that had bee n we ll prepared and the Inn e r cOlit e lllS. T11ey live for several : other on soil that hnd been gone ovel' wee k s. ' j ust enough wiLh Il disc to make seed This insect can be gotten ri d of by i bed for tbe oats to sprout . In the fumigati on. Co rb an biS\ll phlde. wh k h I we ll prepa red ground the oats was can be boug ht a t a ll Y drllg s tore. Is tbe I e ,'e n and c lean While In the fields that best agent for rurnigatlon. It Is a had not hau proper preparation, the he a\'y all y liqu id a lld th e fllmes are I weeds were almost Inyarlably seen an& d e adly polson If brea thed In excess. : o tt e ~ in no small numbers. In more Jt vaporlzcs readi ly when cX jlosC!d to ! tblln on e instance, men were seen In tJle air. and being heavier tllan air, It I fieldR cutting the weeds that had eetUes to tbe hotto m of the bin. : grown higher than the oats. Although Gntat caution should be tllken when I a eompurison of the Yields of two sucb 1Iap",IDg It to keep fire a way, as It Is fi e ldll Is not a vallab:~, It is safe to 6a, ..iJgbly inJlammable. The granary that the .clean flelll weuld no doubt 11110014 be air-ti ght and the liquid gl"e D-.ore bushel' to tho acre and tha IlJa~ed Sn s hallow and plwed on dUfe rence would be enoltgh to well· rewhen we m,ur. ~t J!lea~lI; tll. I, ,.~y,d OWl ·thelr and b,for ' wuhed tlie b.lrda)!om, that. top ot tbe grain. , AbOut ~I!e pOund pay tho! planter for the extra tim'a it that, what forglyel1et11 and· fluUten ci.~I,- cfothect" break:. thlc1d1 d~' a: do coi!\elltI, ~ .··~th a no... . ~h~·· ,<01 carbon blsulph _de I, )JUmCleD~ for takes to prepare hili ground weIr' Ill" rec.el~1ncor II~e~ b~f ~. _"b, ~ ~ at J 'o·clCllck. ' :At S '"o'el!ck tlie, .COII '~. ' ~ ImOWD- to~ .ecu: ' ~I ~ bullae" ~t P'!lID. stead IIUttiU& lu the crop 11lu,", )Iluorable to ~IIL .' __ter U.e a~o", of th,e a.val pJ. fao- ~ . ~ 100 ~Ilob . ill a . d~. ;



Constipation Vanishes Forever



Veterinary College o..w-

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,com~ ~, tbe p,!)ln~


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~~~~::::~~==~~==~~~~~~~~~~~T~H;E~~M;LA~M~I~G;A~?~E~T~T;E~'~W;;AYNE~~~S~V=I~L~L~E~'~O~H~Id~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUFFRAGISTS



~:d~~e ~erC::'-ntnc:~oe;~ gollli to Carteret's lo w toned mumble men· tlonE'd a place not on the Bummer tou r· I ~ t' s mllp . Doggedly be IInl .hed his ' ' jub . and t h o little t rim canoe stood ,. r osplendent In It. coat of red. VivIan ~:::e ~ut t o look at It. and ~he waa


Pretty Romance Woven Around " . a Motion Picture Film Expedition.


. iUl . .. It's "" d.ear of yo u, 1>1 r. ('nr t e ret. , ,, hurry It for IIl l· .. · sb e saI d. ~~':·e .~or It tumorrow. and Co r your

All ~.

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''1'11 1



at I

S he c,ame ulong th e r' ltd or .Jul y to I Cart e re t's r" "pOn8e was vary fervid M IndllUl :-:t'ck. thtl prPlllf'lIl girl th e lie want ed n() Ilay for thi s work e;ber of 3rd Ver mo nt Rel oate"Some r esort h a d " VHr s el' n I 10 \'1,. He ad orr:'!.1 h,·r. II .. wa. b e r erao na l Experlences-Nobble. Carteret took a h as ty g lanc e at the I " 'lIlIug s lav e . Witn essed Fighting. bot ' l r e-gia tr y .. ~ n'·J; l(lli~. lh e olnda l \ "Arn you reully!" Rh e milSI'd. "Th e n Th o llrtl c '" publish e d rcce utly In tot, !r or ~lIlt aNes . I ~d ht'r away to h e r I wnl t tor me d ow n tit tht' tWlld at th e rf'~ard to pla('jD~ n larg o stono at room . : r l\'e r tom orrow at ~U II SPl Just whero Fort StU\,I'Il R liS a m e moria l t o the " \'Ivlan Lo\' co juy. " hl' r e all . " Oh . I the rapids nnll ." . battl e or Jul y I~. 1864, ca ll s to mind' Vivian . you ar c Ilko n 1""0 rosdal<l , T h e following tllOmlng fo ur SOnll' p"rso nal P%periences th ere . As In th " fami s hed dc"e rt. \ ' I\'lao. I Btrnnger a arriv ed at Inetlan :-';cck. They a mPDliJer o f tho old \'ermont hrlgade \,11' la n - " we r e men, with cortain curluus lIrt!· I Iiud ",,£,11 a ll t hro ugh th e ~ tr en UOUB "Shut up. Don't bt Ii clld." mut· cles of bagg/ige. nnll th e-y hired the cnrnlllll~" (rom t h fl 'YlldernCl8s 10 t e re d oou. stuflln8 hi s big tauned co rne r Bul te o r th e ho t e l. and mlx ed P f! t c rll'bllrg. and was severa l weeks o n band u Into hi s li ne n tro users pockotB. nO l with tbe local gathering or ",Its thnt Iln~ . when on Jul y j we had or· and Btarlng moo dil y utt e r th e gir l. In the cor ridors or office. They we!!t IIprs 10 1110\' 6 to Cit y Po int . This we "Ev e n Ir W E' do h a ppen to be the over tho ground o n bo th sides or the round to ltH:ludo the w b ole Sixth jumping olt place In th e 8ummer r&- fell5 and tho rapids carefully durIng ( 'o rpa . or at Ip.Rst what had 1I0 t al· lort lin e. you don 't hav e to act IIko a the forenoon . Th e noon traIn brought ready I;on", W e maTch ed In t he nIght grinning Idiot. Wonder why s b e ever tlve more. tbr ee women and two I~ a di stance er about fourt ee n mllea, landed bere." and Vlvlnn herself greeted them like th e n took t ra nsportation to Washing· !rut tbe fact remained thnt ~h e had lont: delllyed and welcome guests . Sb'e' t Oll. arr Iving on th e IJ th, wT1tea lande d. and from he r p re paration s. It looll them out and s bowed them her George A. ~'arr lngton at Co mpsny A. Voto~~n~:8 t~e . recen t eucceu(ul Inva 810n of Washington by the aulfraglstll. th e National Council (o r Women wa s aee n she m eant to atay . She red canoe, and Cartere t stood In the lro Ve rmon t. o( Elgln. III., In the Na· oapitol every a;:,. Ca~rylng on, abvisorn ua .treet ep8allins campaign In that city. Ilnd its workers throng about the took tb e bEISt room le tt, one over· omnS and meditate d on th e develop. tlcmal Tribnne. Jr.mea I eeda Laidl roup" NO t em are here see n on the atepa of t be capItol. and the Inaet Ie a portrait of Mra looking tbe falls and tbe sweep at mentl ot tbfl calle. j aw 0 ew York. one of theIr lead ere. Ge n eral i!:arl y lilld been lIent Into rnplds clear around tbe bend of th e But Don did more. He sto pped dead Maryland to create a 8care, 80 liS to headland tbat gave the place Ita ehort on bls way past (h e llllrty "t com pe l General Grant to weaken hie name. Evel7y day she went to the the toot or the hote l step8. and beamoo IIn o fn !'ront of Pe t ore burg, and tbls pine grove above th ~ ralls. and strolled down on " Lllllo Hed H ead. " aB h e torl1 0 bile! a lread y a rrIve d at the IIDe aruund alo DE!, st udying e llery point ot dubbed ber. or forts arou nd Washington . As we land. Arte r lunch she took th e path ""'bat ant you golog to do with marrtt ed th rough the city the citize ns below tb e rall a and walk ed up and tbat cllnoet" we re much reli e ved , ' As we pa811ed up do wn first on one side, tb eu crossing She dimpl ed mischievously, and m et Sevpnth "t r eet we we r e welcomed In tb e little brldgo to the otbe r. hla gaze talrly . Ii trul y rrlen dly manner. lind the Carte r Pl tried t o join her 't o explain .. It you are down b elo w th e rapids Gr ef'k c rosll never look ed so good b&th e b ea uties of the 111ace nnd ttw! o ld \ a t ~undown tonight. you wi ll see, Mr. (ore to Bny peo ple . legenel o f t he fn ll .. They were not ~ o Marden . a nd I' m bopln g you will be ." n e ne ral Gordon h IlS said : "On July very hi g h . ha rd ly oy e r nlnely fect. Th e tallest lUau In the ne w lot of II . 18tH. the second c1uy aftcr th e bat· but c vt'n In thp. 8u mm e r Ih ey were g u eHls IIpproac hc)d. L1 .. u r Mo nocncy . we wer" at t be d ()r turbul !'llt. re d by till' hik e abov e . "Possibly yo u nr e no t awar e, si r." fe ll ~es o( Wash ington . \ Vo were "Y C)u eee .. . ("a rt P- r e t wou ld say . " In. h e began In fri e ndly fashion. "thnt nenrer t o Iho natIonal callitn l thlln di ana ~slHl to be aro uud he re . [uld they ' ou r ~l lss Lovpjoy Is known Crom the auy artn ' d Con t ederotes had eve r bad a c:uat<01lI of sClldlng one girl I At.l.antl c to th e PU C I.~ C coust." been. Ilnd nen r er to It thnn and fed, ov e r th " !a ll s "yt~ ry yeu r In A r e d O h. Mr . I<lt8<Ou. ploa ded VlvlaD e ral army h a d bpe n to Rlchmolld . I cano n (or a s o rt or 8ucrlnc e to th e tlm.blllg. ··Oon ·t. I h aven't t o ld a n y: myo elf rod'e to a poin t on Ih oRe s p irit ot th o fnIlM ." I one he r e. and \'\' e had Buc h a good breastworks at which th e r!' "' a~ no "I hav e be ard o r (h e custom b ero re .. · . tlmo all by mysl'l!. It will be bad roree In s Ig h t. Th e unprotected spac:e .ald Vivian. " At !':Iagarll t hey did It, e nougb wh e n It'lI over ." was broad enou g h ror the "aHY paRsnge too , I thlntt . But thes fnlls 8eem I Don lOO k ed the who le aggrega tion at EarlY's armr without res is tan ce. ICO Rtnall tor tho lellp to be ratal',' over ueli horat., ly. Ho lurne d agulu to Ull do ubtpd'ly we ('ould have m arc he d "It'R the r oc k s under th e ",at e I'. Viv ian . Int o \\'s sliin gto n , but In (h e council Th e y' r e like jllgged tpoth . an d th ey "You'r e going to s ho ot th e ralls In o r war call ed by General Early the r e rip th o boll o m out o r ony bout Ulat that canoe, are n 't you 7" WA " not a di ssenting opinion au to the got' s ov ~ r. If she did ge t to th e bot. " \\'1'11 . what if I s b o uld ?" Sho VIUI Impollcr or I'n t p. rlng th e e1ty." tom o r th e fa lls t he roclt 6 In th e lau ghing a t him . A rtpr th e Sixth Corps had laken a rapids would catch her. :-.l Ice little ":"\otb lng. o nl y tb ls. I'll be In lh o positio n and had LIme to get r eady a plnn . WIlSU· \' It·" rapids at the (oot to get you out H Htrong IIl1 e WIlA 1Il0H'd (orward s h ort' ''It'8 a wOlld e rrully picturesque place. you do ." Iy lift e r 4 o'c lock . .Tul)' 12. and 1\ I tbl nk It Is just wbat I bav e been " You kee p out of It. boy." warned s harp t\glll toolt pIRCO. In which tlte look ing ro r ." Kitson. ki ndl y. "Tbis Is business." L' nl o n loss WIIS 280 and the loss on "Artist 7" · ... 11 b e til ere:' r epeat ed Don . dog· the other Bille was about tho same. She sm ll od and shook h e r h ead, ged ly. Rn d stalk ed UWIiY to hl8 flsblng. IL is Buld that tll18 battle t ook tJlaco turnIng he r paraao l 80 be could LlOt And at suudown Indian Neck had watch h e r . rts flr ~ t big thrill ot the e ntire sea80n.. In t h e presence of Il mor e dlsLlnt\lls b , cd ~roup of 8pectators th an witnessed "No. I'm jus t on nrdlnary summer Th e r ed canoe was bo rne to tile lake neglnnlult August Hi. the r e will h (l n g reat tournam e nt of rln e m f ll Ilt C amp Pe rry . Ohio. starting with th e any o th er action of the wnr. Pres:, tramp . Wbere Is Mr. Marden?" abo \'e the falls . And the r e appeared matches of the National Rifle Ass ociation of Am ertca. The International m atebcs beg in S(!ptember 1, and t eaws cle nt a nd Mrs . Lincoln, Secretary Sten · "Fishing." laconically . sundry wild tribesm e n, pain ted chiefs from t e n countries will compe te. ton and other m e mbers at the cabinet "He goes /lshlng e vory day, doelln't and braves wbo bore a foued malden be'" to the caDoe, and danced a frantic a nd severn I ladles came out to Fort Stevens during the arternoon to 8ee " Every duy." assented Carteret ha~ dance ar9und ber. berore they pushed MRS. RICHARD so me actoal (J ghtlng, and Mr. Lincoln plly . , "Jusll below the rapids obout th e ca noe away on ' Its voyago over remaIn e d dur ing the action. I c hanced CIUIiJ·ter of n mile." the ralls. to be ID the lin e a rew rods to th e "Can he swim ?" On the shore the fllm machine lett or Fort Ste venll. and knew wben " We all swim here." He looked worked steadily . Another one was Mr. Lincoln was there. but I did not down at he r with SUdde n suspicion. waiting nt th e rapids. aed Kitson as 8ee him. W e were a ll bu sy watcblng Why was e h e as king all th es e Qu es. th e lover bra ve wall ready to das h In t he elTects ot t h e largo sholls fr()m LioDa n bout Do n Marden, tbe ono man and save th e girl in tho r ed ca uoe. th e fort and ex pectin g to be ordered Ilt th e Ne ck who did not IIPpe al to wh en Carteret dashed along th e lower fo rward at an" m o ment. wo me n . He wus tall and d ecidedly blink aB th e canoe we nt over th o ralla. 'rhls battl e was the first or tb e cam· ho me ly. He had no c hivalrou s ways, " It will be ri pped upon th e roc ks !" no li ll ie Ittte nLlv e tricks to woo them h e yelled. but th e r e already strode pnlgll In tbe Shenandoah valley. by . H e wa,! s hor t s poken and roughl y throu g h th e rllpld R a tllll, un gai nly wh ic h c ulminat ed at Cedar Cr ee k un· Afl e r tb e work d resse d . Rainy da)'s when th e ot her figure . Marden in hie troullng boot8 . de r Ge n. Sh e . was done In the valley we r e turn ed gues\s of t h e hotel k e pt to th e shelter ftntllng his way s urely nmong th o or the verandas living room, b o rock s and d ee p hol e s. Had he not to th e IIn e8 In tront or J>e tersbilrg, s ta k ed forth with a placid grin on thread ed them for years, see king the an d w ell do I r e m em be r the trip trom h is face and the rain dripping trom hidd e n lurkIng places 0 1 the rainbow Harpe r 's Ferry to Washington o n a his old fe lt bat. with a flsblng rod bea uti es Il.nd their 8peck led b rothers. co ld winter night on a plntrorm ca r. balance d in one hand and a baBk ot For o no bli n din g In lltant the canoe In th a morning we were covere d with In t h e otber. we nt out of sight in the boiling, 8urg~ about s ix Incb es of snow. "Is h o anybody s pE'clal ?" VIvian Ing mass or water at the foot ot the Rsked oncll. watching hi s s talwart, fa1 18. Th An It appeared, twirling like TO BUY ANTIETAM LANDMARK SIOO ped flglJro stalk do w n to th e glen. an autumn lea ! In Ihe swift current "lie acts as It he IIlw ll Ys did ju s t as that le d s traight ror t h e rapld8. b e pleas es.... On the low e r banlt w e re two of the Dunkard Church on Battlefield May Bd " Hfl came h e re b ecause th e (Jshln g m e n . K itson and a no th e r . ready to go Sold to Government to Be Used Is good. lie comes every yea r. No- I to th e r esc ue, but th ey seeme d to for Office, bod y knowi. who hll Is. li e CQIDeB for hn va lost the-Ir ne rve . But be fore lhe July ond Augu ct. the n goos a WRY.'" rl' d s ltp of a bont could get Into tho II. 110. now Hold on good authorit y Cn rtt> r et !:ave t hr! Informll ti o n grudg. maw I)r th e roc ks thllt ynwned above that th o Uulte d Stat '!8 government I, in ~ l y , "Don' t be Interested I,,' him . : th o ed ci ylng W8 t H. Don r.larden had des lro u8 of IlIl11 ulr lng the olel ounka r,l He' s u duh. a pertec t dub ." It was ' s,, 11....... it. \' 1,' 1011 lay In Il, ho lding ch un'" 011 Allli c t<lnl batli p Oe ld . lInd th e only t e rm t ha t Bllemed to Ilt Don ! t o th e ti a tety be lt they had fast e ned Ihat Iho ":lr d"partr!lf' nt w ill URI! It ~lnrden . "I would do an ythin g In tb e I abou t her and th e rop es tlt llt had bee n as nn ontCI'. Ir It "o n pur chased. RC' world for you. " • faHte ne d BS handle !! on each s ide of rerdl ng In t hp 1I "lrhllore N e ws. The c hurch Is B sCliall. rou gh ('a s t S h e smUed at hIm . looking up from I the ca noe . Her hair was s t reaming the lelter be h a d jU8t brought to b e r . j o ve r h e r sho uld ers . Th e r e wa s no st ru ct ure . bu il t III ·I S~ I . and It is 10 It wall th e le tte r s he had wait ed for rear In he r eyes. <only a 1;I'cat wo nd er, cat e r] along th tl Jln ge rs town and over two w eelts. Th ey we re coming ' mont. And w blle lIon cut th e Ip.ath"" r I Shlt r nil tJtlrg !urnp'ke. ne ar Blood y Ih e n e xt day. Kitson . !;lllyly and the he ll. ond lifted b er In bls nrmll. the e . It Is :: 1III tls e, 1 ror s e r vices by r ('st . Ther'e WIIS not ano th er hour to fllm machin es worked Kteadlly. until th o ;ll anor co ngreg ation . Church or lose. She lea ned forward t~ Carteret h e reached t he bank with h er wb e r e th e n r etllrc n . ant! the congregat ion with 11 loo k In he r lovely da r k eyes Cart e r" t s t ood, a limp. he lr.l e ss wreck. wi s hes to <llspo80 of th e property . he had neve r see n thero. H e noti ced " W e can usc It a ll right . Miss Lov e~ The title t o tb e churc h. howe ve r . how h e r hair curled around h e r t e rn, joy." Kitson Mid thn t night, wh e n Is <' oOlllll rn l ed. ae th e t1ecJ of g ift for Mrs. Metcalfe. wlte of the new pi es Il.Ild hid he r oars. Sile was dis. s h e mad e h tl r a p peara nce on th e V()r Ib e 81te fr om Samlle l Mumma provld · -cIvil governor of tho Canal Zone. has trllc tlngly pretty . not beautiful, but randll. " You did flne. tbut 'n all I can ('( I that It be used b y th e Chur c h o r joined her husband at An coll, where just pre tty. pre LLy as a girl could be, say. You kept your nerve. a~d It wa s th e .U re thre n to er ect a bouse of pub· they will make their ofllclsl bome. h e th o ugh t . some drop over the fallft, too. 1L'1\ be IIc worshlil th ereoll an,1 hol,1 th e re in MTI. Metcalfe was an Ind iana girl "Can YOIl get m e a r ed canoe?" she a good film. and w~n cbange the s t o ry theIr Ben Ices. Any dev iation from and was mnrrled In 1885. a!Jked. "And not tell anyone ? I want around .a bit to le t tbls gentleman t~ll s purpose WOUld . In th e opinion or It tomorro.w morning surely." . Into It." Ifl,vYt' rs •. call1j~- title to r eve rt to the Amerlcoan Likened to Periclea. Cll rteret promised . H e would have "You n eedn 't botller," Don re turned~ MnDltna heirs. who are num el'Ous anll Plutarch teUs UB 0' 'P e rlcles that. promised 'the eve nIng star If sbe had H o had bee n talking to Vivian quietly sCl\t.tered. ~ "fonowing the dictates of enthusiasm asked [or It In thnt tone. All that (or about an h ()ur in til @l eclude d cor· The Maryland monume'nt III near and absorbed In sublime IUQulrles," he l:ay In the r8ie h e bunte d a r e d canoe. n ero a nd ey e n Carteret could not tatb· tb e church . nlso lhose I)r Indiana. became engrossed In Questions or pu\). 'rhere was not such a thing at Indlnn am tb e m en nlng of their g lances now. Ne w J e r sey a nd the Philad elphia bri· lie concern and gave to his pate rnal l\' e ck, h e was told. bul down tbe river "M iss Lov ejoy has just told me she gade. ostate and prIvate money matte rs only three miles, li e round a canoe hauled would marry me 6S soon 118 she gets .1Icb attention 8S sufficed to Insure him Colonel's Wife, up besIde an old ca bin, aed Itl owneT back h ome. and I don't think we'\1 againBt pecunIary embarrasl!ments, Colon el Ye rgpr'B wire was R con· parted wltb It ror a weekly r e ut&!. ' le t yo u hav e that r ed canoe fi lm . You and brought tbe management at hiB Atant source o f e mba rras s m e nt to him. Re d lmlnt he found at the village put your price on It, and I'll seud the liroperty "Into such a method as woe Colonel Yerger a lic e gave a dInne r store, and anothe r bm changed hands chcclt whe n you hand the destroyed 01')' easy at tbe nme time that It party to n rew select ladles and g en· tbat be might turn the canoe upside strips. You scared aU my trout away ",a~ exact.~' In much the same way tie men. Of course. h e was called upon down In Ule botel barn and paint It. with your con rounded acting, and It Jqhn Bigelow, atter be had reacbed (or an atter· dlnner speech. Colonel "Put In plenty at dryer, old man" will take me a year to coax them . the ,prime ot bls powers, retused to be Ye rger got up and hegan : adnsed Don, taking a last loo\C~ ~t ~back ." troubled with the quesUoD or "Ladles' and gentlemen . unprepared b i m befolra dinner. "you're doing "Take ua a ye~r, ' Don:' corrected IIRIDe'y:.ett·lulr. but, havln, already acas I am - being wholly unpreparecl. to One. Who's IL for? Tha l1ttle red VivIan, gently. .c om.petence, gave hll head!" (CopYr18ht. l!/ll. by the McClure Newspa- make a epeech-not baVlng elrlleet· ;tbo~lrht .{Datters 0 araer per 8y..dlc"'8.) ed-" TJlere , wal a ~Iutul enellO&, , hll ' co~W and ~ "Aw. aIItU~ uP. can't you?" 1V0aned whloh ·w•• .broken tiy Xli. Yel1!er. . worn better sult~ JohD <Llnd, ...hom Prestd~nt WllaoD. has le,n t to. Mexlco : ~ hi. personal Caneret blU~. "You ,houldln'to lie MaD, • f.llow bouts that h. nflyer "Wby, C610nel, )ou ' knew JOut" aD'd ~~re. 'It!orihy .~,,~pt&t~y. ~d:~,~J;101l"'.~lhJnt .Huerta IUInouDcecJ .. b!! ·...o)11d not recol(' allowed! to . " k of a ~." .. '. . ISrinb alone bt-~u.e 11. at...,. .a1~ tp.ecla · perfectl! .thll mOr1lIDl:~' . , ~ttl~... or ptJ. . ~, . U ~ (onD.I' . ~t ~ or ¥lDDH,ota' all4 ' ."H -" 'coqreuman !rOm S1lf\'.ii... red ha~ 'bu'Q't' for ~me~r_ to ~ • ' r'I • .... .... ..." •• • '.,. .. 7'" . • . ..... " "~IIa~-4lIllt~ . , . ~~t, I~ ·, .,

















= -----'-.---


If you are contemplating a trip to the

Jas. Stoops a nd fami ly are leaving fOI'Van Wt'l't. O hio. ' to ,tay until th e cann ing eeason is nver.

Lakes, Seashore or Mountains this summef, or to California or New Mexico next winter, our

Mr. Faye M ·K nig ht . ',ho has been IvisilingIsrael Satterth waite and

Jobn 11 •

famil y, returned to hi!l h ome in Day tOil T IJ('sJay ('vening- .

Traveler's Are the things to carry. The cost small; the convenience great.




Mrs, Christ upher Smilh died at he r ho me ill Xenia at 11 o 'clock Thursday even ing. She had been an inva lid for about a year. The fu· neral wa s held in Xen ia Saturday nlVning III 10 o'cloc k and the borly was broug ht here and interred in Miami cemetery.

A'.r LAS CEMEN'f Uniform in Quality.

$1.254' $1.90 48c 8c lSc 48c i

Sc 6c

Jos, Jordan. SOil of John J ordan. dead at hi s home in Sp rinllfield. Wednesday mo rnin g . The body was brought here and the funera l to ok place at St. Augu ~tin e'H church Saturday morning at 9:30 . .IntPrment was made in Miami cemete ry .


of F lat fork. drop ped


Get your Suit or OVercoat made to ~easure, and enjoy the benefits of getting something to lull your OW~ taste and fit your own body, and oreler from your own pIck of AU-Wool f)lbrics. Costs no more than It wOul.... Mrs. Anna Patterson. an aged lally. died in Springfield T hursd ay . if you purchased something common, and less satisfactory. An International Suit If It's right, looks rlgh, !l nd the body was brou g ht he re and wears right, and price right. Ask to look at our 500 samples, and alSo samples of English Slip-On Ra n Coats, guaranteed rainproof •

INNOVATIONS AT THE OHIO STATE FAIR I ~1lii~s: ~~lu~J:~::f~~~~~~;thM~~~ I----------------------------= _

and Mrs . Sa m Taylor when they were l'eside ntR of near Waynesville.

Word was recei ved by Rev. J . F. Cadwallad er on Tu esday afternoon of lhe cdical illn ess of his cousin . Charlie Cadwallad er. at Miami Vallev hospital. Dayton. A few hours later. 7:30 p. m .. t he end came. He died of acute Bright's disease. The remains were brought to Waanes ville today Funeral . Thursday at 2 p m. at Mortuary Chapel. Interment in Miami Cemetery .


fiOO Mill-End Remnants; a bargain for everyajody. You cannot affo .tf to stay away. The next 30 days we can SAVE you money on ALL COOD~ IN ~'NY DEPARTMENT. Be sure and call. I Yours respectfully f


John A. 'F unkey. - I I

---_.- ..- - -


Mrl! . Deathrldge 18 vle1tlng ber Day' In. !lpent Thursday and Friday afternoon . mothlllr 10 Kentuo '-y 'hili week. with her brother and grandmother I John Wrlg~llnd wife, of allahWe are still selling Lumber and , h e r e. . Igao, 8Dd Mra . Lib I!'ee fQl'merly of Shingles. and able to supply your . ¥rll. L. D. ChUeB, of Lytle, is Clarence Cleaver will &e~oh the Lima, are the · jtueflt& of R J Mur wants in the Building Material line. vl81tlng her dl\ughter Mrs. M"bel MUl Grove lIobool ,ble winter. ray wife and tbls 'heek . Vaugho bere • t at moderate prices. Will Elbon and family flttended Mrlll Ida Mannon aud danghteW . H. Madden & Co. Loll BranDon and wife, A B'l the Rloh-Cleaver·Cllrr reonlon near Mho!! Ethel will leave thle weel! for Corwin, Ohio. Talmage and A. H. Allen IIpent !Sat- Harveysburg, on 13,,'urday. 'l'1ppeoanoe lltty wbere Allee E&bel urda17 aftE'rnoon in BarveYliburlt J H. V Walters et aI, of Lebanon, wiJI \ake up her 1I~001 work Agalo Mis,s Anclromeda Thompson, of w ;lre seen 00 oor streeta ~8'urda7 fo~ tbe comlog year,


----- ---

Adminis trator's J ·l Sale of Real Estate , _____________•_ _• _ _ _ _ _~.,

HIll 1913 OHIO 8TATF. FAIR will be replete wIth novel InnOyutlon8. The RoYaI' Grand Champlons·hlll Classes in the li ve sto cle d epar tm~ llts 'bave Interested the entire live stock world. Noth ing like It has e ver l)ef0l'9 been Introduced. I.Jre(!dtlp. from every sCP- tion of th e Union will


be In attendance to wltnesp the placin g of the r:ibbon s. :\'ol alone. how4Iver. will every ~tfort be bent toward Improved live stClclc. A Detter Bablelt (,,onte8t wlll be leatul'"d. Thill COli lest Is attracting atte ntion th roughout the land. One thousand bablC!s have entered. NQt the most hanllson1e ehlldren. but the bellt physically. will be declared tho winners . "Better BabIes" .. the slogan. ThIs unlque contest will be the firs t of Its klnrl oD such an extensive scale. F;\,ery mother In Ohio should he Interested. \ta teachings are far-r"uchlng. Cash prIze'S a mi guld mellnl s w Ill be the __ rdB. The State Fnlr will ollen Monday. Sept. 1. and continue tll'e days. ·Lad_ will be admttt ed· fret:) on the opentng date. Night shows will be a feature. Elaborate entertaInm ent will be provided. Each day's program 1. fuU of ln1llre8t. Not a dlill fllOlllent durIng t h e e nUre fiv e day~. Record.breaJL'lnll: erowda IIrt! a ~'; 1I1 ~ d . 11 uudreds from thi s sectIon al'c preparlnr tD attend

Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad

In The Miami Oazette.



Dr. Heber M. Din' Osteopatbic Physician 21 Broadway


Phohe 449 ;

i I

Lebanon, Ohio ••• BRANCH OFFICE

ZIMMERMAN'S Pure Paris Creen Get our prices on Paris Green . We can sav~ you money. Star Tin Cans. Mason Glass Jars. The best Rubbers. Sealing Wax and Parowax . Pure Cider Vinegar. Pure Spices

Tuesdays and Friday., from .8:30' to 11 o'clock

New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, new Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Fancy Indiana Watermelons. F~cy Elberta Peaches. Cantaloupes, Oranges, Lemons.

Office. corner Main and High streets Phone No_ 100

New Mild Cheese. fresh Crackers, Cakes and Pretzels.


BrWatch fot' our . Big Soap Sale next week .




• ~ bad me..... declared the junior Paying 22c for Eggs. It pays JUtAer. "Lot of ur.ent mail to be .to trade at · auwerect ud the typewriter haa ja.t I,ft:' "The otIloe boy 1. alway. foollac &rOund that machine." lIullested a, atillor partner. "Put him In now. .~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ad let·, Me what he can do a8 a !!! l&Dob-bltter."-Plttaburlh Post. !Subsorlbe for tbe Mia.mi Ga-ette



LADIES IN CLOVER Woman,.od bieN her, She 18 loci... gold and legal tender the .,ld over. On Monday, Beptem 1* " \be ",WI ot the Ohio 8tate ...... will .wing ~en the ladies aa4 ao obafI8 of .dmls.lon· made. TblI t. apeotecJ '0 be one of tl1e


cia,. of the hlr. ,004 .•" .• btl


An enra

as to give the big Fair a. gOlld be ginning. 'l'he Woman's Free Refit Room will be In oharge of t.raine4 a'tendantll and i' i, located on a .. , • oonvenient par' of the gro~nda . Ladies from farm and 'own are invUed to take adva.ntage 'o f WoiDaD's

lU'l'aDpd 10 Free



III plll'Bnance o r an o rder of thu Probate

Court. ot Warren Count y . Ohio . I will otYer tor ."Ia at public auctIon on !'I"turday. the

27t h lIayor l:!apLem bor . 191 3. at Lwo o'clocll p. m .• upon the premIses. Lho follOwing d&!!ILuaLe in the Count)' ot W ..rron and StaLe ot Ohio . t owl t : SituaLe In t ho town ot Waynesvlllo. County of Warren and StaLe ot Ohio. Heinl! lo t number ( 5 ) I1Ii to und on t be recorded plat ot 8ald town. Beginning Ilt tbe N. E . cornor tnt num be r two ( 2) thence fron ting on Third S t reet N. 30 ~ lIegl'OO8 E. 9H. loot. thence .. t right afll!leR N _ 59 ~l degl'OO8 W . I :' poiee to lot number seven ( i ) tnenee "Ith the !Jne ot said lo t S; 3 0 K dcgreell W. 93 yt foo t to the N. W. corner ot lot number two ( 1) tbence with the line of 8ald lot S . 59 ). dogl"OO8 E . 13 poles to the htlglnning . "lUI being the 8ame , rom I.... conl'Uyed hy J ohn R. Sides and lehe""" J . SiLl es co E II7.ahoth M . Everly and Ullvo T . Ed wards b y L1eod lIated November 29th. 19 00. anti l'1'Co r<lO<! in IWarren County 'Deed llecord • . Vol . 80. p. 02. Said property 1. appralsud at Sevon lIund red Dolh.1'B 117 00.00 ). T erms ot 0"I&--On8th ird cash In hllnd . one-third In one year and ono-thlrd In two years from day of sale wltb Interest I\t HI>: por ce ll~ I",r allllum . deferred puymen ts to btl sec ured b y a mortgnge on the premi_ so ld. or pu rchaser Illay pay all eMh at his option . All\(} at the Bame t lm o Bud place. it not prevlo u. ly so ld. \wr residen ce property con t aining a bou t two acres ot land . n ated Aug ll '~ 2ith. 1 9 1 ~. IICri bed Il oal Estate.




w. s.

ORA HA~f . •

. Administrator or tho Est a to 01 Rebecca JIlne Sid es. Decoased. Uamilton ,It Langdon. Attys.

---.- ..

- --

Beech Grove.

We Are Borry to report Mrs . Pearl 61lthrie no beUer. Severa.l from 11 distanoe atteoded the fUDeral of Joe Jordon on !Sator. day. K. E. Thompsoo attended the Lot 811.Ie 3t Morrow OD Thursday. M . M. Terry and wife hav~ reo turoed to thAir horne Dayt on after spendina several dl\Y8 wltb ... relatives here . Miss Myrtle tibrness will teaoh school near Morrow tho coming year. Miss Audry 'l'hompsou bas- a sobool in tbe southern part of the oounty. The 'I'erry Brothers sold a fioe bonoh of spring plgll Jast week . Allen Kibler and K: E 'l'bompson are hauling their winter oo~l. Barmon Moor blli! rented tbe Mrs . Harper farm tormerly known 8S the Gill Hill tarm. Mrs. Jobo Baldwin, of Lebanon. drew tbe tree lot that wal @iven away at the lot Mle at ~otrow JaB~ Thursday. , . ' Barmon Moor and Ruth ·Edwards both have new baggies. . MH. ::i'J8kh Blaine BaJrman, of Dayton, · Is.: speDdiDi . a . .felfll · with hel' pareD. ·Wmj. -Blame-aDa

' , :mi.-herG,· .". \. ,.




Warren Co. fair and Races Tuesday, \Vedoesday, Thursday;and friday .September 9,. 10, 11 and 12. Everything is in, readiness for a good exhibition-new stalls, new judge's stand, a good track and' many exhibits promised. Special Classes and Premiums have been offered for the products of the f:a rm. Farmers and Stockmen have promiseJ to bring in their stock from all over the County.

Special and New Exhibit. will be an Imporrant Feature of the Fair. . . . Remember the Special Premiums for Boys and Girla for Agricultural Products. · , More Speed Hors~ have been promised than ' j " any • prevIous year. Free Attractions every day of the Fair. 1912 Races were the Best Ever Conducted at the lebanon Fair; track record, 2. 1913 Program win Eclipse all Records.

SPEED PROGRAM lVednesday, Sept. 10

2:40 Trot. ,Pone $200 2:25 Pace, . Purse $200 2-yr·old Pace . . ... $2liO Foals by Sidney


3: 07 }(

Thursday, Sept. 11

Friday, Sept. 12 '

2: 16 Trot . .. Pune $300 2:20 Trot .. . Purse $250 2:15 Pace. , ,Purse $300

2:12 Pace, .Pune $300 2:20 Pace .. Pune $.250 . 2:24 Trot. ,Pune $200

s. L. IRQNS pre·.ldent











e---- - IPe-reonal M en tio nI ..... -- .-

Whole Nu mb er 3227


.......-..-.-. , Social Evenb I .... - -.

HATHAWAY iWU"IION In the city of Day ton. Ohio, May .---~--.-.. 10, 1912, ther e cam e into the wor ld The nin th an nua l re union of th Dr. M. W. Lan g was in tow a littl e BOul. a ray e of sunshine. an n Hat haw ay fam ily was held at Thul'lldav. idol of love to wOl'llhip. He the .----..-.--~ W811 home of Mr . Hen Crane. Dod chrw tene d William Blaine Huf fma d s. n Mrs. J . H. Smi th was in Cincinnati Mrs . Emm a Retalliclc had as her Uhiu , . on Thu rsday. Aug ust ~ l. HH :t and the home circ le was filled with Wavnesville's bigg est indu stry is two days of last week . Eve rythin g wor ked in harm ony gU<! ~ t9 a t dinn er last Wed nesd ay, to the to >J flo :>r a re SlJrayers of wa lOVE: and hope. But God in Hi. wis open ter. wi Lh Mr. Cran e allli hill fam aga in and in the mid st of its •. ily in M e~darn es Clark Fun!lton and Matil · whi ch spra y the corn an d insu re Miss Myr tle Bra dstr eet. of Xenia. dom, which we und erst and not, ere season. The indu stry it t() making thi" reuni on one of the ve we refe r to is ue perf ectl v clean. ry da HlI~i er. this bud of life had opened touc ._ _ _ is the iue st of rela tive s here . hed the Waynesville Can ning fact ory. uest. The day was an id e'i l one rhe ove rflow wat er in th e vat will . M iSl! Lou the littl e hea rt and It was IItilled for· This fact ory for Beveral weeks. give i!la Stokes ente rtai ned in havi ng j ust throw n off the up pres si ve hon s t!le n run alon g the husk ers and If you wan t a good Fer tiliz er, call eve r July 9, 1913, retu rnin g to ita emp loym or of he r week-end gue st, Mi~ s was h hea t of th e prec('din g sum ent to 150 people. The y awa me r day s. y all lIurp lui hll sks then ce bark Maker, to join his littl e bro ther who Ghas. Fry e. phone 49 1· L 2-8. Mary Par lette. of Leb ano n, at pay goo d wag es and wor k mod erat Une hun dred an d fuu r me mbe a rs four e aga in to come out on the ce was called thre e' yearB ago, hav ·cou rse lun cheo n Sun day ev en· men hour ing t B. we and re pres ent a t the dinn er hou r. are extr eme ly leni ent floo r to Mr. and Mrs . A. Maffit wer lived one yea r and two c1 eall se tha t . In t hi s manner wilh e monthll. with thei r employees. a la rge nUlIlber cum ing in for visitorB at HaflTeysburg Sunday. ing. th e To~ether In the grav e thei wat er will be utili zeci severa l th e r mor tal The pro duc t sen t out from this afte rnoo n progra m. Rev. Grau l!er bodies will rest ; tog ethe r in Hea tim es to g ood advant.age. Mr. and Mrs . Ralph Miller ente ven fact ory is sou ght afte r by all rof Wayn esvi lle. wa~ a gue st of Dr. and Mrs. A. T . Wri ght wer the All due prec auti on has bee the tained at 6 o' clock din ner Wed e thei r 80uls will live. n take nesday larg n re unio n. a nd with head~ bowed ove ewh oels aled eale rs in the Uni ted in Cen terv ille Sun day afte rno on. to avoid acciden ts, ShaflilJl{ i!l all r eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Full man y a flower is born to Stat cov- a heavil y lad en tabl e h e Bar n· es. Why? Because they kno w inv oked ered har t . Mrs Leslie McCune and Mis and blus E afet h una y een gate and s plac was ed wh ere God ' s Blessing . Thos. Rogers. of MIlSOn, Is the te ita IIweetne88 that the fact ory is the s clea nest and ther e is any possible Mar tha O'N eall . on the des ert air. Full man y dan ger. gue st of rela tive s here this week. a mos t aan itar y in Ohio. This stat e· Aft er dinn er games wer e indu lged Anuth er fnteres tin~ fea ture is the flower-is born ere it .lus hes the har men --in. until the bU5l iness mee tin g t can be backed by the Pur e wal! cri bs. so placed tha t only so muc Mn . Eva Miller and Mrs . Grace vest hu come and IS cut down in its Food Mr. and Mrs . J. W. EdwardR en· h call CommillBion who hav e plainly corn ed to ord er. by Preside nt A. B. McCune visited in Day ton Monday tenderneaa. fall to the hUlLkers. As the tert aille d Mr. and Mrs . E V. Bar said so in black and whi te. Sides for the pur pose of elec . nting har t, Mr . and Mrs corn is fed into the machines the Alth oug h hav ing lived so sho rt . Ern est Bar nha rt, co rn new omeera an d de fray ing A larg e pac ker in Nor ther n Ohio, a Mrs. S. M. SeJlers, of Sou th Cha time to ~lfighten tht! ex in . the crib will grad u ally eome down. pens rthe hom e of ita has mad e two visi es of the day . The following Misses R<>wena Wri ght and Em ma ts to the fact ory but not ~n o ugh leston, villited rela tive s hllre Mon par enti , and bein Heighway at dinn er Monday. to spill on the fl oor were el ec · ~ the only living this seas ted: Presiden t on. and both tim es has left by day. Elm er gran dch ild, the littl e tend rils of the side of the ope ra tor. The love big ord ers for corn . Ear nha rt. Vice .Pre sida nt, Car roll entw ined them selv es arou nd corn is take n awa y fr om t he hu Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Hen ders on en. the sker Hat h away, Tre asu rer. But thia isno t all . Manag-er Snook J. C. Haw ke atte nde d the Sta te bea rta Mr". BE:n tert aine d at a family by c arrier~ to a porc elain tabl e of all, whe n tom from thei r and dinn er Sun dsy , for Crane. Sec reta ry, Mrs. Har l Council of J . O. A. M. in Akr on his. able assi stan ts hav e.w orke d ey Wills. Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Col last bol din p, the hea rt sa pier ced the inspec tors . then ce to the wat eman and BOn by an aJl thiS sum mer reno er wee k . We wer e th en ente rtai ned by Fran cis, of vatm g the ba,th. arro w is life tom and blee ding Cin . cinn . ati, Mr. and Mrs. plan t and have put. seve ral hun dred Prof. A. M. Cra ne. who gav e us a J. H. Coleman. Mr. and Mra n~e!le variou s Improveme~ts t~nd Los t-Po cke tbo ok. Fin der please The littl e face whe rein W&ll bea ut), dollars wor th of Imp . D. L. very inte rest ing and inst ruct ive rove men ts on to gIVe th e fac to ry love and pur ity reflecterl Hea ven talk Cra ne. Mrs. Louisa Woo leav e at Gaz ette office. and rece a stan dmg lley hi it gh . to and un ~ak the e it mor e san itar y. and abo. mar .ufa ctur e of "ilk. Aft er Mas ive Hea ven as it is. 1fe all othe r f.act o rie~ in th e ter Eth an Cra ne. rew ard. con ven ient to han dle the out a sel ecti on by Esth er Wolcott and I put . U mt ed Rtates. WhIle thei The Sav ior whe n he held in hia F r out pu t mus ic by th e Davis · f oot a f ter f oot 0 f t h elr h ' I' 't d t th Bro ther s our acto I" ry 811 I IS t th D nUl Mi88 Mar y Haw ke, of Leb ano n, arm s such a one u this &aid: "Su ffer L.__ e ye d M . e qua Ity IS W 1a J TE ll' . II te • .,.,.,tJ cem ented ,un tl'l now prac tlca e program was bro ug r. an .. . ht rs. . . to a clos e by y man a is the gue st of her mot her, Mn the littl e cbil dren to com e unto me h taO . age ed fi rs are t fi d' strlv . lllg T ead ISMen rd ror. . Th m sho W rt a talk lOne r t fr The '11 om r tntir f Rev u le . ay rBht Gra u oob ser. r. an IS cemcbnbt' and forb id them not for of such 1M E Alic~ Haw ke. d t e ~~":VI e act?ry.sta~ ds ex· t M il r B. rnes t Barn h ar, . e p ant as een !lCru . ed an A vote of than ks was tend ered ly Ig r . an d MI'll. the kin~dom of Hea ven Our littl rem e .Chh S. Elli as s and family, Mr. Ind Mra. an ln~lItul e polished, the woodwork whi ted, Mr. and Mrs. Cha o Cornell ape and two people connected With lOn. as Mr Cra ne and family for thei r hos · Will O'N eall and nt IOn and love r has gon e. The baby the mac hine ry all family. Mr. and the fae- pi tali tyan d afte r bein g burn ishe d . un~il tc.>ry hav~ been Sat urd ay and Sun day with rela tive voice, the tott erin serv ed with M S'd Ell' slat ed by stat e offi ice crea m cak g feet we will hea r you can alm ost see s d M' M th e we adjo urn ed to mee t O,r~'eall~ you rsel f In It. clals as msp ecto at Sab ina. Ohio. and see no mor e, but in mem ory 18 an rs of stat e plan ts. with Mr Car las ar a we One gre at imp rov eme nt is the cem roll Hat haw ay in Leb ent Wh at a reco mm end atio n this will love ana ~ him. unti l tha t tim outa is! ide of the buil dine whe re the e anon th~ seCond Thu rsda y .In Aug Miss Rut h Cha ndle r spt' nt lut whe ust Mana~er Snook will be here n we will join Him , his Sav ior refu Mr. and Mrs . M. V. Hob lit invi ted dur ing 1914. se haa no poasible chance to wee k in Xenia, atte ndi ng the Gre the enti re can nmg lIeason. the township school boa rd and ene and bro ther and wee hall know them lOu The the r, in fact , ther e will be no pos· jma , Cou nty inst itut e. • -chin ery is wor king like a cha rm. enti re corp s of township teac hers Whilst the sun bea ml of earl y mo to m libl e challce for any par t OBITUARY of the fac' ITh ere will be at leas t a wat erm elon feas t at thei r hom Fou nd- Spe ctac le8. Ow ner can play amo ng the Arb or Elms, a Ii fe tory to become uns two weeks run e Joh n Fra nkli n Eve rha rt son anit ary. yet • lind as the ' of Monday eve ning . All wer e pres I corn t ..... it one hav e sam e by call in, at this offic cam e into .be wor ld. is of high Wa qua lity ent, Nat han of and Ase nath Eve rhar t, was I and the prin cipa l . this season, the com e Wh ilst the zep hrys of eveninlr thin iS""i a very plea sant eve ning wa pany will hav e a and pro ving pro pert y. ' nee ded for a can ning fact ory . I goo bor n at Mt. Holly, Sep tem ber d out put . I tt gen tly wbi ape red amo ng them 25, spen and a thOIS hosp ltab le hom e . a new a wat er con cret e IItorage Th e com 1834 . His littl e life W&II called hence. pan enti y MlIIII Stel la Dau ghe rty, of Rou te re had life an inspection was spe nt in well bu been placed on the pro pert 4. y, par ty from Cin cinn ati, Iwlianap ente rtai ned Mila Ma rpr et Mo nfor --oJis and arou nd Mt. Holly and Corwin hold ing abo ut 6000 or 7000 gaJ\ ons I t, Mrs . Alice McKinsey Mod dau gh· of New York and oth er plaCeR A SLlOHT B~ZE . eption of thir teen yea rs of Lebanon, lut week. to come with the exc clea r, cold Ipri ng wat er. This BilK ter had for thei r gue sta Sun day . t can k here and insp • ect the pro duc ts they spe1nthat I tit . • . . efivfut~' hen uc y" t d I' and Mrs. P. D. Cla gett and chil Mr. Sun day l1l 'lrn ing abo ut 8:30, wor be uaed In• the day tim Misa. Goldi!! Smi th, of Urb ana , wu ly Inter.d to buy and they left II te a e dren , les e . e and be. easI d filled at m~ht. um e seve sed n Mr. and Mrs ral . d EI ' b th was h TIus wat er IS u M -ua e week· end gue st of her pare cam e to toWII that the farm boo . Fra . h nk Zell d , mar larg Mr. riag e Hor · or e . to ers. Iza T e fact ory 18 open to e . of for vari ous purp oses A nta, ers on an . . . ' CurUII TomlinllOn was on fire, Mr. ud Mrs. Chas. Smi th. syst em VISi . a secun d t'1m", May1, 1873• t 0 0 I' ace Zell and fam ily. of Xenia. Mr. tors a II d urm g t h e can mng and has been intr odu ced fornewhan e I· Jam es Haw ke and fam h Y . h T th dlin « season, and the officers hop help wan ted. St:v<'ral from tow . ily, of Bel le' e to see a bola elg 'h'ldo e . fi t n com . Af ter t he . h ked ' . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bar bea u wen t out to his hom.!. font aine , lirs . J. Sea rs and littl rs umo com f n IS was t UB It IS t gre k at man rn but on thei r convey ed e y 0 our own sme n a e h t one c I • a son. J ame s Ever· . to I d mot her and chil dren , of D., ton arri val the firl' had to a l:flbl e to be run m . 'tat ' a l a van tage 0 f t h'III mVI It ar now res Id"109 10 M'IC h'Igan t son, of Chicago. . been put und er vat . IOn ' ; . h of wat er, then ce up to the thm i 0 wer e gue sts of frie uds here Sun day con trol . . .. ' e 'sec on d unio surely IS an Inte . n wer e born f 0 ur rest mg Sight, and t h'ld ftoor to be cut 0 ff th e cob . En rou . .. h I'ttl b ' Th~ fire cau ght from a 8tov 1 0 h ed M Milll Nev a You ng ente rtai ned on C I ren one I e glr te t e inVitatIOn oug t to e acc e pipe. , na MillOn's Fer tiliz er the bea t on the ay, ept h 0 d' d' I . f !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which run into an upp er room, d th w Thu rsd.ay eve ning at her home in ns Ie n 10 ancy. an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IUld ree so • mar ket. For sale by Chu . Fry e. !!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~A the fire lOOn spre ad and delltroy Ion zo , Fre hon d or and of her sist er, Mia Mabel How ard, a \I of TH E UNION SE~VICES ed HEL D (fAMILY REUNION You ng, of Columbus. Tho le pres whom are still living. Mi.. Nb. a Tho rp, who haa bee the con tent . of the room befo re · n bein g put out Mr. Eve rha rt was an old vete ran ent wer e the Mi88eS Mabel You ng, . the pea t of Mia Lue lle Tho mps Las t Sun d., nig ht concluded the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, of on, Mr. Tomlinson was cut on the arm out- ol·d oor unio retu rne d to her hom e in Crooksv n aervices. Rev. W. Lyt le. ente rtai ned ove r, Sun day and of the Civil Wa r and answ ered the Rachel and Edi th She eha n. Ada h ille bl a piece 01 gl call of our cou ntry in the yea . . , but the wou nd i8 S. Campbell, of Cen terv ille, was iut week. Labor- Day, M~s. Bro wn s two bro r of Bar nard , Me88rs. Alvin Ear nha rt to er'B th· 1862 He enliBted at Cam p Dot dan gero us. , Mr. Edw in Sha w, of Slo ck hav e delivered the serOlon. but Den ni. and Will Bar nard . was Ca!., and Mr. and Mrs . Fer d: Shawton .· . . By hard wor k Kiven by hil nei«h_ una ble to do Mr. and Mrs. Moses Goode and son and serv ed hI:~coun so on acc oun t of sick- and dau ght er Ruby, of Richmond, for 3 yea rs, 3 mon ths try fait hfu lly bors. who quickly resp ond ed to the nasa. Rev. C. two chil dren , of Xenia, wer e Sun and 17 days. day S. Gra use r prea che d Ind ., also Mrs. F . A Woo Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Ellia ente lley and He belonged to the 35th gue st. of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cad call, he was able to his home. rthe Bermon and was liste ned to with chil dren , of Daytol? Ohio. Com· tain ed at dinn er Sun · day tbe foll p!:n - - ow. y F wal lade r. 14th ft Arm IS v the a tten tinn. Cor p, Arm y of ing guesta: firs t tim e they have all ' bee n tog ethe Mr. and Mn . · Sam l . ' READY TO PUT UP L10 HtS ~ r for ten yea rs and the Cum The special son g Bervice was a solo pro ved berl and . All of us who MereclI. th, Mr. and M S'd Ell' a hap py family reun ion. Alf red Wri ght, who atte nde 1'$. I knew him , will rem emb er how 18, d The truBteea are anxiou8 to put by Miss Evans and a qua rtet te num · he Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Ellis and two - - the Sum mer School of the Frie enjo yed rela ber by Miss Sybil Haw ke, Mrs ting nda the ligh ts in on Cor win Ave his exp erie nce SCHOOL OPE NED MONDAY . nue, and chu rch illl Hol den , Ill., retu rne the gre at Civil Wa r We who s in chil dren , Mr. and Mrs. W. E· Mabel Fitz gera ld and the Mes d thos e persona who !ubacribecl are O'N eall and two chil dren , srs. for the Mr. and 'hom e Frid ay eve ning . left will nev er forg et to honor Ora nge Rap er and Lou Prin tz. The sch00I open ed Mon d ay WI'th sam e ehould Bee F. C. Carey his Mrs. Gro ver Mer edit h and lIOn a good atte nda nce and seve ral and , and new mem ory as an old BOd'ller d ' These mee ting s hav e been sple h Mr. an d Mrs. Jos. H ke d M pay thei r Bubecriptio;,s. Thi s wor an ~ I I n· scholal~s. A gre at dea l of inte rest MISS Ann a Mered'It. an k didl y atte nde d and r. is othe h r be old d ~ and Mn . JIS. Haw ke, aw com . rade h s who are still gre at good to the being take n by aitizens this of Bellefon yea r, living. .one ng t awa y, IS h enti re com mun ity taln e, atte nde d the Zell reun ion - OUal t to. has been the out · a~d expre..-.sions a~e he!1 rci on eve MitIS Eth el Stok es ente rtai ned at at Ave nue 18 ~lng repa ired . it will t • On Mar ch 13, 1913. he was take now come. Many pereona hav e said YelloW'S rin Monday. Side tha t they Will gIve a hea ry n her bea utif ul cou ntry they be~ rty goo t d the tim sup por t to the corps of teac hers e ~.have Sol dier 's Hom e at Dayton hom e last . p ifB poles an~ wer e an upl ift to them . em. 0 wir ing put up. Don 'tthe ployed. Wed nesd ay at a 6 o'cl ock lunc heo forg et thiS n. Ohio. whe re he spe nt the last day , . Mr•.Cly de Coleman and fam ily s of The invi ted gue sts wer e Mia rees Alic his tQm ed to thei r hom e in Nor woo mat ter, and see the secr etar y im· !!!!!~!!!!!!!""""!~~~~~!"!'!!!"!'!!~life. e !"!'!! He ""! was '!" ~ . I!!' -!" -.""! well !~ care ~. d ~ . ~-~.~-~~--~...-~~~~.. give n kind for and Mardis, Kat hry n and d mediate..:.:ly~._--o.~ __•_ __ and thou ghtf ul attent~o Elv a Dra ke, CABIN IN WH ICH FAMOUS M.ond.,. mor ning , .Ite r a wee n SEA FIGHTER Cla ra and Jen nie Ham ilto n, Eve k'a lyn by those who nurs ed him. He visi t with relativ88 here . WAS BORN rt£AR KN OX VIL W. C. T. U. NOTICE an· anll Hazel Hat fiel d, Mam e Eva ns, • LE , TENN. swe red the last call Aug ust 22,1913. Mil dred Dun ham , Haz Mn . E'm a Retallick, Ml'II. Ear el Mitchell, Had he lived unti l Sep tem ber 25th l The re will be a mee ting of th~ W. Gra ce Ret a\lic k, Gra ce Cor r'ng Gra y and the Mil88B LUlie and Ann he ton. wou ld hav e been 79 yea rs of age. ie C at the hom e of the MIS8811 Mar y Par lett e, Minnie McKinsey Mat her 8pe nt Wednesday with Mr. and Eve rha rt leaves a wife , thre e Ona Mr. ~ellY Frid ay I afte rnoo n. Stra wn, of Lebanon, Lau ra Meat 3:30 Joh n Hal e and family in Wil min gton son s all of who m are mar ried , two 0 clock Arr ang eme nta Will mad e littl e gran dch ildr en, a sist er, Mrs KinBeY, Elea nor Ear nha rt and Mar y at this mee ting for the cou be nty con · . Gray. t"I: :r-_',:..Buy you r Jo'e~i\izer of Cha Will Thompson, of Cin cinn ati, and ven ti on to be held here the mU a .r . ..'. who handles Milson's, the bess.t. Fry e. vf dle hos t of oth er rela tive s and frie the mon th. A full atte nda nce nds . MI'II. S. D. Clayton ente rtai ned in is - -dea ired . MeB ln. eha s. Cornell, Sam a mos t cha rmi ng man ner abo ut 20 'l ST. MARY'S CHURCH ~ Meredith,Burton~ Earnhart and ladies at a porc h par ty at her bea MASOIIIIC NOTICE Rev . u, Grau!I8l' wer e in Arc anu m, Ohio, The 16th Sun day afte r Trin ity, tifu l home on Thi rd stre et lut Friday aftu moo n from 2 to 4, in hon or loOkinc ove r a new chu rch latt'! Rei lula r commuTlication 01 Wa ly Sep tem ber 7th. y' of her aun t, Mrs . Oxe r, of Gre nesville Lod ge No. 1621. F . & A. bui lt there. enSun day School at 9:30 a. m. . M., field, Ind. She has one of the moa Tue sday .)vening, Sep~mber 9, at 8 Serm on and Holy Communion t Mr. and Mrs. LeG rand and ' two at com fort able porc hes and it cert o'clock. Soj our ning bre thre n ainl y 10:30. Eve rybo dy invi ted to thes cor· chil dren , afte r a long and plea e was very invi ting tha t afte rno sant diall y invi ted. on.' vi8it with her pare nta, Mr. and Mrs The ladieJJ bro ugh t thei r fancy wor . J. T. ElIIlI, W. M. k. . •.~.,F. ·W. Hat ha....~. .Ieft for thei Aft er tha t was adm ired , Mrs . Cla VERY IMPORTANT MEETING r home L _ A.••Zim.m __ y_ e _e_rm_an_, Sec·Y. . in Not folk . Va •• Tuesday. NII of the IDte reat lq tblD p ton Intr odu ced some very uni to ~e I: ::: :~'~beP~!;::n .!I que ~al et e l~ The . . . Oil the crou ndl of.J Pro tect ive and SOL and fancy dive nion s whi ch all en. D HIS Det ORO ecti he Na· 17 •• did an), maD. Hla nam ve ~s­ CERV Mr. Cha~lea 'F, Mos her ' auto irw e hal ' gODe aociation will hav e a Uoaal Con Mfn tlau JllXpolltiOD special mee tmg jOyed very muc h, The mO lt .ain~. i1.nalng (IOWD ID the pag el of hllt 1rotn ~tioit~ Michigan, to hia hom e L . ·A. Zim .- - lit KDoDUIe. Teu .. thla Fall ory at the Tow nsh ip dou se Satu tbe UWe old 10. cablD lD YhlcII hi mer f man rday and deliciou8 refr esh men t. w.r e· baa 111 It IOld f . hie h and 8 ame W : .in ClDdanati, ltopped oft in Wa ve orev er.' 'HI yne . I'roeerv .Itor e . in SprillJr ' Vp~: . 8 eve ning . All thos e who can ht serv ed by .t he hoa t. . uaiIt8d birthplace &I leen OD oug . ~. 'VUI~ fGt:..- brie f vielt..nth .bJe iiete !sttoo Adm lial . J'ar rap t, that. famoUi t10n the . Con lena · to be pres ent ~ .b, her Exp olltl on t. " " ...- Mar latt , ~wllo took grou Dds ' .tlDk , or aun t and Mi a . Rut h ~n.8I'Il~ lil pecU D lsa llar . .' . was bora near IDtereat to men • ~~ I(n.;.htti ~ .~ ~. 1.',:"" • and wom en- of tile . ;~o.llcl." ' The ladi. ... enjoy~ the ..... ....11. ' 3D ' ~. S. Bal1y, Pree~ ~. J(0I&Ja. ..... . ., ' , :.. :\' . "~. '. .. J. C. Haw ke, Se:c y. very ~u~ . '..' . .~-


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Passing of Mary Puwell Ends Old Steamboat Days.

Use of Proprietory Foods as a Regular Practice Unprofitable and Unsatisfactory- Contain But Little Drugs--Made Up of Oil Meal, Middlings and Ground Weed Seed r ~f! , If

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Famous Hudeon River Crilft Still i Stanch a nd Se aworthy, but Her Limited Size Is Responsible for Her Removal.


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\\' - II. I' A 1.~It-: n .

Co llI''''' of Ag rl (· u !llI re. Ohio SllIt & l · IlI ,·" r" lt y. MANY BIRDS DESTROYE.D.


Th ere are ma ny c au s s for th " d l· mlnu tlo n In th" nlllillil'rs of o ur 1Ia· tl\' o b ird s. -:- Ian Is r". l'on gib le for It, cith!' r dir('(' ll y o r Indin ·ct ly. to a J.:r£'a t oxlent. T he' (' lilti ng of fore s t;;. {'11'a rIng o f Rit r uuu ry, Olt,,\ing of [(-n co! ro ws . drainin g o f SWHllIllH. t il li llJ.: 0 1 tb e la nd, s hooti ng for F(loLi. f(l r IIro tll or s port . d f'slrll cllu ll of th o:;,' tha I In· jure c ro ps n nrJ lJurn ln" o "(' r land a ll , his team hardly needs any ,tock food h ave a b~arill g o n tl l(, Ruhj ('c t. So 11I{{)to keep them going. wlso dOt's Ib (' (, I'('(· t iU ll o ( liJ.:h t !l OUSI'S. t elc'pho ne wires and wlrt' (pne es. n nd ~I" " n am ount of re ed. Th e Ontario th e' inl rodl!(" ti on of lJ ir rl d(' st l' o)'i ng il n Exp r ime nt Station found lhat It r ... Imai R. :\alUre a l"" lim its th '1 mil ltl qulred 438 pounas or a ml:lture of pli e a l lo n of hlnlH as ,,",' II a s of 0111" 1 I I d I creat ur(,s. O" e r HUlIle of n utu re'9 g ra ns 0 pro uce 100 pounds 0: pork. I "'H'c ks !linn has no ('0111 rol. s uch a s u t a cost of $4 .38, Wh e n Ihp.y a dd ed th(, t' I(, IIle'lI tS. an d II is lilli e less th an 10 this grain ration on o of th e m ore : 1II 11'1I "u10 1l s th ut so tIl a uy bird s, Y O l!n ~ c ommonly us ed s toc k foods III t he lIud old . es('u p(' d E'llt h. - 11. H . Goss ar d amonnts staled by th e manufaclure rs I anti Scolt G. 11 " 1'1")". Ohio Expf'rinlf'n t It required 437 pound s of g rain to pro- I Rt ll li ~ l n. \\· 005 1(: I": - Oh lo .



If the ma nu r e IR s pre ad d lrpc t l) fr om th e wu!!o n. nO I only hi the labot l e>!~" n p. d, b ut t he (\un ~c r of uneq'n 11('88 in g rowth Is to so me ex te nt a\'o lo· erl. Th ere is 110 lik eli hood of los:; It th o vaitHl of tbe lII 'lI\ ur!' wh e n it i ! s pread In Ihln lay er on lh e gro und. \\"ha l.(' ,·('r m e thod Is lI~e d La s p read

A spreader Is a safeeuard against throwing manure in heape. the tllan ur e it will rea dily be s('en thaI th e lin e r th t' mnt prl a l th o casle r it will be to diMlrlbllte It e ,,('nly. \"'hen very coarse manure iH IIsed it Is 80me!l mee advuntllgeou8 to s uppl e me nt Ih o 6prendlng from Ih e wngon by the us e or tl drag t h a t will break up the large r lumps Rnd thus scatl er It more unl· formly. AI~I"nEO VIVIAN. College of Ag riculture. Ohio S ta te Un!\' e rs!ty.

=cq =u~II~':a~W~e=.========~~~--~ .~======~====~~======~-=-=~===·---~-=


('at tail fi and tbe like always grow 011 wN Boll s. No amount of cutllllg will Sure Sign That Lime I, Needed In eradi c at e tlH'm, Ilut a til e drain will SOil-Cut All Weeds Repeatedly. d o so thuroughly und Qui c kly. \'. II. DAVIS. P e r ennial WP f' ds or all klnLl ~ tIIust Cullf'{;" uf Agrlr-IIILun' . Ohio Sta te be cuI t'epeatedly to stan e out the li ui\' c n dt ,\' . unde rground root s or sLe m s . If tho {oil age of a plant Is constuntly de- I A fa r m is a r eHpon s ltJllity. tr not. Mroy<·rI. tbe d eat b of the pl a nt Is o tliy wbat will poste r lt)' do If Yuu r ob the a mnlte r of time and will be ('lIl1sed Roil atHl retu r n nothing ? directly by root starvati on. An y breaking or ('ulth'anng th e s oli In Exblbltlng proclu c,ts of the farlll at your co ulIl.y fa il' is a good adVl'r ti se. nw n t. In .Tnplln an a l'e rag l1 or thl'eo ton1 of fCfllliu,,' p el' :iC'l"e iR flPpll e d to tb! lan(\.

......................... ~








On a

T he fo ll o wln!,: ta h le w ill be lI sdu l to th n mall or W()UWIl wh o does garrlpli ing In earll">!l. It " bclltl d b,' pa ti l l'<! up fo r read y r(' r ' r· Ptle!!. T he Dilly way to h nv c a rL' ,dl ~' ,.;,)o d ga rtl c' u Is to II ghl It ,; I' tlc m i!'s a ll th c. lllll c- tH'1 part of th " tll: I(" nlld e xacl ly a t Ih t' rl :; hl lime . ASf'AR ,GUS. Ue(' tl ~ .- I ,f'l fowl s run In bc ds : I('ave a fl'w plants ns tmps : sp ray afte r cuttlns se as on Wl l h Ilrs(' nat e of lead . ~lIn (,8 .·-· M III 'M lind g l nil l's s te ms at or b e low Burfae(' . Lea'Ju trap plalll s fnr fl y to lay P.ggs 0 11 In spring a nd dt' Atroy th ese I~ Jun e . nu s t. - Cut o ut a nd burn alrec t, I' d p lant s ; aftpr cutllng s ea s on 13 ove r , Npr:lY nt Intcrvals of l e n da y J wIth n orot'allx. K e{'p soi l full of hU lltuB nnd ferlillty.

BEET. AVlllll. - Spray young l)lants with kerose ne cUlulslon 01' whal e 011 soap. Fllla-llectle.-Spl'uy with I:\nrdenux a s nep.d ed. Le af·Spot.- Spray with BorL1 e aux when fo ur or fiv e le a veR ha \l4l expand d. and re pen t ev e ry 10 to 14 days. CABBAGE ·AND CAULIFLOWER. Black not.-Avold Infect ed ~o ll; soak s eed In formalin. one pou nd In 20 gallons or wat e r. for I;; minute s. Club RoaL- Avold Infected 60 il ; BIJply 75 to 150 bu sbe ls of lime p e r a cr e 1 1", y ears to 4 years before IJlantlng. Cut Worms.-Trap wllh poisoned bait. ' HarlequIn B&lgs.- Plant Mus· lard early all trap crop and de· stroy . Llce.- Bpray with decocllon of tobacco. Maggot.-Dlp plants before setling In arllenate of lead. and set: deeply; apply disks of tarred pa·· per to stems; Ilowdered belle-, bore placed at base of each plant. Worm.-Spray with arsenate or lead until head forms and tbeII wltb pyrethrum or hellebore. CELERY. Bllght.-Spray with Bordeaux after transplanting aud repeat every two weeks. Maggot.-Dust wltb slalled lime before earthing Uti. Parsley Worm.- Spray with ar· aenate of lead early; Inter baod pick. Root·Rol.- Draln tb e 8011 . CUCUMBER. Anthracnose.-Spray wltb Dol" d eaux when plnnts begin to vine anc! r e peat ev .. ry two wce ka. Bacterial WIlt.- Des troy beetlc which distributes It. n eelle.-D us t with lime or road dust; tubucco dust also a r epellent; coye r plants with nct .. ting. Downy Mlldew.- Spray with Bordeaux. Leat HlIght. - Spray with Bor. deaux.



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EGGPLANT. L(' a t SpoL- Swuy wi th Da r· el ' ltUX 1\8 80Ct! us pl a nts IIro es· tablis he r! . LETTUCE. r\ ph 15 .- Use tubacco-du s t or sI ems free ly In manuring soi l ; I burn tob ac co·s te DlK s lowly unu, jr

BEAN . Pod·Spol. - HOundlsh spots 011 vods Rl1d leaves. S elect pods fr ee from dl se aM e. Spraying wrtb Bo rd eaux not effective unless I horough:y ~Ion e . W ()cv il . - ~"umi gate tor H hours III tight box wllll carbon blsul· phlte. t eaapool.r ul for C"NY c ubic foot ot space III bo.(. Keep flro away from fumes.



Modern Tru ck Far m .

I' pdi grt' e keCIJlng Ig probably I h i' res ult of u des ire 011 I he parI of brec,lers to trace un animal In its blood lin es to a not ed Indiv idu a l o f th e brf'l'd. k el' plllg in mind o ne uf the law s of hr eedln g thai lik e (lroduc eM 1I1ie In !:rca t degreo aurl hen'ce tbe The sorrel plant ~dn from It. 11 1, 0 II hood o f HU parlor o!Taprl ng. reddish appea~ance . Ap ed ig ree Is simply the record Worth Is Greatly Reduced When wlll cb t h e~e IJ la nts grow ollly ~C f\'e s of tbe an ces try oC Bn animal fat' a ce na in D('rlod of time. Somo 10 I5ca tlel' tb em. nllless that cultlva' Fixed With Litter and Left tion is pe rsi s tent enough to I;eell down of the rCtBOI1 (or keeping pe ,ll. in Piles. grocs aro: all .,;rowth of foliage. 'Salt. coil 011 &ad s ulfuric acid may al so be ·ujlplIed. 1. l' e dlt;r ecE give th e breed e r but tb ese arf' eX )1e nsil'o_ P e r~lstent accura to data aR conc erns tbe Ile me mber tbat the constitue nts of c utting will u s ually be founel to be tbe l inea!:e Df h is unlmals. '!nlmal excrement ars In the condition 2. ROlll et hn es cheapes t and mosl e ffectiv e metbod. tb e p ed Igree 'f greatest value as manure at tbtl Some weed s ar e Indicators or so/l r;J" es tbe breeder a chance to time wh e n th ey leave . Iile an imol:s ; conditions. To eradlcale them, these trace performallcc in ancestry. afte r fixing wltb litter and plied In conditions IllUSt be change d. Sorrel :l. In n e arly all cases pedi. th e barnyard th e ir vJllue Is greatly "eIl'Ows on ti'c ld 110119. Wben tbls weed grees are the evIdence q,[ purity duc ed . of breed ing. anake! Its appearallce, treat the soil 1),ll'lng tlle fe rme ntation of the mao with lime. No amount at c utt.lng or D. J. KAYS, nure with the straw and refuse of tII1e culllvnUng will eradicate it eo thor· College 01 AgrIcultUre, Oblo stable lind barnyard the conltltUen,ts ollgbly. A particular khld CI' class 01 Stile Unlversity. enter Into ne.w ~omblnation; the ~ airn " .e~ .uc~ . , r ras. .edge., I . . . . . ~.~..."~..."~..."~.... IDOIlIa »rodaCC'd, ' "hlah contains the-





The throw ing of mll n ure In h eups . where It 11\ allo wc d to re main som e time before be ing s pr ea d , is obj ec tioll ' able 'or se " e rnl r pnso n8. In Ih e flr SI place, It Increases t he work n ecessa ry to. s-pread tbe nl tlll Ur e, :18 II mu s t b (' handl e d tw ice. aud It talies no 1II 0r e IlI:bor to lipread It trom Ih I' wogon th an from th e h oa p upon th e ;:rollnd . 'Vhen piled In th is way It Is ofl eu al· low e d to stand for so me duy s at ;.;rt'tl t r isk of Injurious f rm en t at lons. Th o leach ing's fro III th ese h ea pH Dl u IH! th e s pots directly b en eAth mor e f ertlle thun the r est of the fl'lld , alHI h en c e produce fI ra n k growth at tbose pla.c.e p. No cloub t th e r eade r has ort e n . l' en " fl e lrl wh e re h e could detect .,vpry spo t upon whi ch th e manure b ea p had b een placed by the brlgbte r greM color and mor e luxuriant g rowth of the crop. Thi s un e ven g rowth Is undesirable because. In the case of graln8. In Increas es th e dan·g e r of lodging In tbe more fertil e spots. and In any case It results In un eve lln e ~ In tbe maturity or the crop. A crop tllat has a large supply of Illant tood. for instance. bas a longer pe riod of growth than one wltb a m eager supply. and conse quently I. Inte r maturiug.




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(III 11" 'al l!l i dtllill~~. ;:"011111 \ I "t·t·U ~ I t'''1. ltl111 8\\'t\ t'pi tl~ ~, ('olton ,,' ,·d til"" I IIn(\ hull ti. To Ihi " I" IItll l,' u a v('ry R:n i1 l! pt' rccnta).: ·' or dru )<s 'f h,' "" dru);ti 11ft' In s ud. ~ l!l .tll '1 "'"1' tlti p ~ th nt th ei r vllil,,' a s ;, lll('d l"lI tr' i ~ p rll r: !c ally !:ot h ill).! It IH t'I"·:lI ,<'r. I 1'!J or p Etl r ~ :lflU tll Orp S:lt isf'H'tory 10 ,.- ! cllre t h" !\(Iv!<- (' or a v tl'ritlOlr i'lil II tl\ (' s to"I, tlrf) out of ('o lllli li a ll ra t h ' :r I t ha ll ,."Iy UIlOIl tl1o' Hlucl< f()od.


Ne w Yorl(,-OI LI ~tp.:llllboat days on th e Hud so n wpre the lJe st o f a ll. nll d tb e l ap~" of Iho ;It :lr.\· 1'0\\" ('11 l1lark ~ lh " CIOSfl of tiHiltl. No b l u lll ~ CRn bp nllac ll"d to til (' old vtls Ht! 1 fo r II!' r cli o· , I ap I) aran co from tit rout" thaI 6h fl l I b l18 trnv ei<~d for ha lf II c enlury , for ' I unl y h p. 1" lllIli[(' d RIH' I~ 1'£'61) Oll " iblo for : ; h pr r Cnl ova l. II t'r Ri u" H a ro "till li S 1 s tallch li S ,·('r . nllt! th ., 1'llll sn df' H will Hi ll r e' turll Ille .. ('\10 or 11(' r ptlthl l" wlll' ()l>l \I h 'n lh(' rush SP:l RIl Il IN o",'r . Hut th p facl r"tll ni ns l hllt t ll<' mO HI po pular :tnd w lclL Iy I.llown ~ t""n1hont of ,\lI lt' rica ll wa t er s has 1J" 1' 1i Ilri,,('n . in lo th o h ll t'lq.; rOil lid. an cl th at til ' L1n y I : o r u lti-fa Hlliotl,· L1 st":l!l1 boat ing lIa d I gone th em \\' Ilh h e r . \ ~luc b li as beon wrlt tpn a bout tb o (,M lier rlntl ry Oil th e r h 'o r and h ow tb o m OnOI)oly b" 1W (' ,' 1l ltobc rt Fulto n


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Practical Fashions ,

To nr or uro t h ' ~ fin. I t t' rn DC"nu 10 C'onta t o "Pnl ti'rn I h opu rtlll l· "t," ot tht e vnpar. ~' T lte nftme fl'1 d lHl d r ('fl8 plnl nh' . n n,1 ~ aur o h) ':"' 0 ti lr.d nn\] numbor 01: pul l Cru.

Louse.- Drfmc h

NAM!:: . .. . . .... - •• - .... - --- .. , ... ---- . .. ... .


wit h tobacco decoction.

TOWN . ... - _. ____ .. _.... __ . .... _.. __ _.......

/toselte r.- Sterill zc ~o ll ; ge t s p(' cla I dll'ec tions. /tot. - St erlllz e Bo ll wl tb Ifl ellm be fore planUng. MUSKMELON . ~ e e under c ucum be r. ONION. 1IllghL- Bordeaux ( two·tblrds s lrength) eve ry t en days from l ime plauts are well up until hal" ves t. 1oIaggot.-Carbollc acid em lll· s ian at bas e of plan ts . PtJpea tin g e " e ry w('e k for thrf'e or fOllr wee ks . Smut.- Avply formalin. one }lll1 t to 30 gallons ot \.-ater. by drip attachment on seeder, and cove r at once ; or drill III 75 to 125 bushels o f gl'ound Hme to a cre b e fo re Beedlng. Thrlps. -K c roseno e mul s ion wb en Insects first appear ; r e peat a s necessary. PEA. AlJblll.-Use tobo ('co stem s In furrow when planlfng; dus t vines with tobacco dust bcfore lice Ii[\p ea r. Bllght.- Borde auA: just bel or e bloom ; r epeat If necessary . Weev ll.- See under bean . POTATO. Colorado BeelJ e.- Ars ennle of . lead or Paris green when b eetl e apll ears. Early Bllght.- Bordeaux when plants are six Inch es high , repealing every two weeks. Flea Beetle. -Dordeaux and Parla green or arsenate or lead. Late Bllgbt.-Dordeaux every two weelu!. (Always combine Bar· deaux and arsenate treatment where posalbl& to do eo.) Scab.-Soak uncut Reed one bour In corroelve subllmat& or two hours In tormal1n. RADISH . Maggot. -Bee under cabbage. SQUASH. Bug.-:-Cover plantR tUi well .tarted wltb netting; plant a tew early IUS traps; destroy bugs and eggs; bum plants wben crop Ie gatbered. Borer.-Plant early summ"r squash as 'rape; Iteep main crop under netting till well started. Plow deep In spring. (See also under Cucumber.) SWEET POTATO. Black Rot . -Treat see d roow as for potato· scab ; dlsca.r d ohl dl~eased hotbeds; b ed III snnd. TOMATO. BIossom-«;nd·Rot.- Olve pre nty of water. Lea' lJlIgbt.-Bordeaux In plan t beds and .,repeat ev ery three wee ks In field. TURNIP. Clnb Root.-Treat as Cabbage. WATERMELON. (See under Cucumber.) '

STRKIiT AN D NO. ..... _...... . ....... . - .

BTATR ... ...... _ •• _ •• - •• .., ...............

Tho Chancellor Llvlng.ton. CHILD'S. CAPS. and Chancellor LlvlDgaton was finally broken up. The Chancellor LIvingaton, a steamer named arter Fulton's frunous partner of tbat name. was one of tb e most Interesting of all the early boats. Il was d esigned by Robert Fulton him self, saye Buckman, but the great Inve ntor dIed b efor e this steamer wns completed, whlcb was a msrked Impro\'emcnt oyer bls pre vious models. Tb e Livingston was considered r Er mnrknbly speody lu he r day. lUI sbe could " make 12 miles au hour with tbe tide and six n gnln st It." The Cbanceliar Livingston wns th e fourth s tea mer on t h e rh·f!r. IlS th e Clermont bad been succeed d by the Car or Ne ptu ne and th e Parago n. The Pa ragon. It IB rEr ~ord e el. was 113 feet lon g and alt e r· nat e d with th e Car of Neptune. One or the boodoo boats of the river was tbe good ship Victory, which was bullt ·ln 1827. H r passengers we re so afraid that h el' boil ers would burst that sometimes they turn ed out of their b erths and spent tbe night on one or another of the barges that Ih e Victory was In the habit or ton'ing on her regular passenger trIps. Tbe South AmerIca. was II. famous old river boat that was buUt in 1840 ror Isaac Newton, of Rensselae r coun, ty, who had designed several well· known river boatB and who was a power on the river at one time. The South America wae tbe first boat to make the run between New York and Albany in le88 tban elgbt hour.. She was popular and luxuriously fiUed tor her time, and did good service for 2. yea1'll, when. toward the close ot the Civil war. she was rebuilt Into a hay barge. In addition to ber fame as a record breaker, sho and her con· 80rt, tbe North America, were well known among rivermen becau.e tbey wero the first steamers to burn an· thraclte. When the old boat had seen her day and wae belng transformed Into a humble hay carrier, email boys used to go In swimming from ber side at Rondout and made nSB of her atate· rooms ns bath bouses.



DROWNS IN A WATER BARREL Mil. HarrIet CHase, StatIng That She Had Lived Long Enough, Commlta Suicide.

nitrogen. com hines with the hUmic acids formed trom the decomposing litter. rormlng Insoluble COmpounds. ThUll tbey nre not 110 QUickly avails bll' to th e plant!! as the Original excre. ment. Ther e are . also various Il)lI6es In quantity whIch the constituents lDay suITer before they reach the land. In the yard much urine may run to wallIe. Ammonia will dll1appear as gas in the slable during decomposition at the urfbe and furtber 1088 of nItrogen mll.Y occur In tbe barnY8l'd. WaterIng Duck. on Land Ducks kept ' entirely on. land' rnust u. bave deep drlnld . ng veusel. so that " t~ey can get tll~Jr heads under water, b" ll I 'Wh . ' e1'& 8 a ow V!lsse • or trough • . are y ~in , up .about the "!1~~s,. ett _!!obou,t. Iftle. thob: Aflrl@UI .. au4 e,eJlJ:II&lI¥ . 418.


SlZR -- -- - .. , .. ... -. - .

NO. 6302_

g la ~s.

Ba rth

Th l .. " l ll ~ IJ I ,' hlt,u ' hu s two posslhll ltl, ·". ,' l1 h(' r It m ;! ), h I) " la de wltb b o dy ali ll lunl{ 8IcL) vf's In 0110 or wl tb " d rO ll ~ h ulJ l d r r an cl Hho rl 61"",·e". T,be n t'c l( IH rll uli o and lh e will s t eloen!! In . volle. I hn buc k. 1.1\ wn. gin g ham. bat Is((' . (' tc .. li r e ~ u l tllbl o for thllJ wa lti t. wh ich mny Il l ~ () be made ot pl nln liI\\ ll ful' nn ull tk r" llp. The wals l pattern (6~02 ) Is cu t In ~Izes 3 1 to ~2 Ine ll L!s bu s t m ensure. Me dium Silt' r equ ires 1:. yard s of 36 Inc h IIl ntf' rl a l.

Threo s:y lcs of caps are shown In tbls ill ustra tion. No. I can be d evel· oped In two dltl erenl ways. as Guown In th e picture; Nos. 2 and 3 are seam· less . and are cleverly drawn In to Ihe sbapo at the bead. Lawn. silk. b uttste and the IIIte aro uaed for ca ps. The cap pulle rn ( 629 0) Is cut In size s I. ~ and 3 years. Two year size requires for No. 1. II. yard or 27 Inch mot erlal. wl t b 2* yards of ed ging; NO. 2 r equires !)8 yard of 27 Inch mao tenal. 2 i4 yards 0' edgIng and % yard of ribbon ; ~o. ~ requires t,fI Yllrd of 27 Incb material. % yard of Inserilo!1. 3 yarda of edgIng. To P1'OCure thle patt.,m Bend 10 e.,n" to "Pllllern Department." ot tblll paper 'Wrlte name and IIddreaJ! platnly. and ~ .uro to alve lise lLDd Dumber ot p4l1ero. NO. 6290.

8lZ&._ •••••••• _••• _.

NAM.II: . ...... _ .... . ........................

TOWN __, . . ..... _•••••••••••• __ •••.••••••••• STREET AND NO. .•• _._._._ •••••••• _ ITATB ••••••••••••• _ ••• _ •• _._ •••• _••••

Tomorrow'. Burden •. It has been well said that no man

ever sank under the bur(lI\D o[ tho day. It Is wben tomorrow'e burden is add. ed to tbe burllen or today that the weight Is more than a mlln can bear, N e ver lond yourselvos so, my frlendll. H YOU find yourselv es so loaded. all le as t r emember thl_lt Is your own tlolng, 1I0t God's. He b egs you to le"Y a Iho futUre to blm, and mlud the prE' Nenl.-G. Macdonald.

Cornish. Me_-Havlng lived as long as sbe wished, according to ber state· ment to a nelgbhor the otber day, a Little Hint. Miss Harriet Cbase. aged eighty-six. A lillie slrl came down to desser' committed 8ulclde by drownIng ber· at 11 dinn er party lind sat next to self In a water barrel In her kitchen. ber mother. This lady waa occupied Two nieces from Fryeburg who bad In talking to her neighbors ancl omttbeen visiting ber returned to find her ted to gl re the child anytblng. After missing, and when the): began a some time tbe little girl, unable to search, aided by a woman llv'lng close bear It Ilny 101l«"er. with sobs rl ' by. they eaw Ibe top of her bead In In her tbroat, held up her plate tbe barrel. sold : "Does anybody want tl eleaa MIss Chosl' had undressed herself, (lut on a nIght dress, and then sat I down In thl' barrel until the water cov. Careful CUltomer. ered her h~ad . She leaves a brother, "I'm arrnld. madam. we have shown Richard S. Chase of thls town, and you all our stock. but we could pl'Oo a sister. Mrs. OliVe Young of Port· cure mOl'e from our factory." land. "\VeIl. verbaps you'd better. You .... see. I wa.nt 1J0mething of a neater Sextons Balked al WhIte Wov... pattern and quite small-just a little Plttsburgh .-George Rees& and Jo- Ilqullre for my bIrd cage."-Puncb. seph Sturr:, two aext,ons of the Mount Pleasant (Pa.) cemetery, quit the.l r Our Dangeroul Streeta. jobll wben the cemntery officials or· During the year 1911. IIRya- tbe I§@t. dered tbat all graveyard employes, In entlllc American. 532 pe1'1lOile were belplng with the caskets of the dead, killed by automobiles _'n tbe street. oil must wear wliite gloves. Greater New York. ,' Incomplete' LI d F (' D ords of the injurt~ from ~. on o!lr .ent. a ay. 08wspap,ers ahow pe,n"!{I~I~_, b Worcester. Masl.-Marous M. Wood, "'yautom-o' bil- 1"" U1LOIU"t... L ., .... ""seventy·three, and his Wltll. of Web- 317 by wago In t~ing~ln!.. . . .... ster, llved for nearly three months on 1911 bad.'-a - ..... ,,.._,. __.__ rour centil a day. A home, ·a small ,DOD' 410 farm i.~d n~lY $1.000, tbercou,ie 8aY,hieieli ; In!Surea "coglforiAbie 'aDd bealtbi U,.. , iaUori' JD. ·thrciughoqt Uta: ;' ',-' rilill "\il~'!tt!II.~t..b.1 h

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Cl)p y rlKhl I Tn rl r "(\"n n,J ,t..- " "dr-rwood . ~ . Y.

Aaroll J . L el' Y, IIIIlN !' i t )' " ',Ilh' r of the :",,\\ \' ''r k " UU ~ ll. Is Il l'n' s,"' u II 'ad ll"; ill Ib,' p oa c h me n t Cit Gov('rll u r :;ulzp r adopt e d by tho ;) ,1 " .' 111 hly .


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, Mr. a nd Mrs. Wil l te l' Hayward Green In Ihplr tllIH lnknu le ca noe ""' hllewat er," stu rtln g frum the C liftUI1 Bnat club, Slaten Island , on th e Ir 7,OOO'm ll e canoe trIp. flyIng th o 8 urrr~ ge tt e fiag pre~ e nt e d to th e m by Ibe Sta t£' o 1 ~ l and utrragettes, Th e il' rout e will h e up tb e Hud s on and throu g h tI1e Eri e cana l to Buffal o , tbro u!(h l.ako Eri e 10 Ashtabula then to ilcu ver ca nal [).od Roch es le r, Pa, From th e r e th ey wll1 go up the Oh io 10 Pilt s bur g h , th rn 10 C alt.'l- U~ the Mi ssiss ippi to St. LOUiS, down t~e Ml ss l ~slppl to N(!w Orl e ans, ac ross th e Gu lf of l\I, QXICO and a long the coasltaSL Jallles C ity . Fla., th rou g b tb e F"verg ladRS to Palm Hea c h n nd t.h rongh th o In dian fll'cr to .l uck.ou· vill e. Tb e ro u te hom e will b s along th e Atlou tic cuas t t o C li e apealw bay auu \\' a~h i ngt o l1. th c- II by way of tho De laware and Ha riton rh' e r s to New York bay ,



Sl' CllOIl o r th. , rullt e ' ' I Ilav " bf', ' n gl'ttlllg down to th e grass r uo ts to lind o ut \1 hy 80 111" farm · ,'rs ore O P lJOtH' U to !mp r o \'l ' m,'nt or er08"B latl' aut o mnullt' r oad", " u ch DS thp S a nta I,'" t r ail I hac! I III Uj:; I oe d it was u 1~l n lt.'r o f tax .'s, aud that tb e formen wnrtl oPPos lld to mo t H ' ), lJe lll g s p(,nt tor r'CJaO 1111l'roVeUll'Ul, Hut tbat Is not the cau6 '~ . 1)(' 9.d c h ick ulls cuuse lJlor .. o l'Pulli tion t ha n laX/'S. III F ranll ' lin co uot )' , wh e fl' th l' rll h as been m a n ' dltll c ult y than anyw h pre e l81' i n th e s late, In g e ttin g COU Dt}' road Improv em en t , I round t ll at npar ly e ve r y kl!:k "r b ad b e n los ill l( c hlckl'nR . 'T !Jose joy rid e rs comn .. long tho pl k " lI c ke t),· split and kill t he ch lc k eos, run d o wn th l- dogs , and n llv e r tlJlnk o f even apologi z ing,' one Prank ll u co unty tarm r r t o ld me 'That's w h y I dou 't want to Sf''' any Impro v(> d rOlld n ea r m y farm . I' d rathe r drive III the rut s aud sav(' m y c hi ckens .' Wh e r e the good road pro mot l' rs and t h o a ulDn",bll " cn thu aills t s Cll C()Untor farm o ppos iti o n It Is almo~t alwnys tb e r e~ult of ~o m e suc h h en dl ess d is r egard or oth e r s' r!!';hls us r e l)orte d h pr .. .• Th e motor car driv " r has ollly h il11se lf to bla m e. H e Is his own w o rs t e nemy , I ol hls matter of good highways over which to Ilco r c b a t top sp eed. Notb ing a t recent a do plloll ha s g r e Bt nr re 880n for be ing Cl r m o re ju s tltl ca t lo ll thun th e automobi le , but Its abuse s u rI' as nume r ous an d as (l agra n t n s Its u ~('s , Th e re are altog e th e r too many m en who tbink that: t h l! possess ion o f a mot or car pxempts th e m fro m th e or· d lnary statut o!; , 1I0t to say civ ill tl .. ~ , \OVhl'n th is abu se has been co r rect l'd farm ppposillo ll to l~ tom o bll.) high · w/l.y s w ill Il" VI' d iRa pp ea r od .

GOOD WITH ANY CARBURETER Aut o m a t ic De vice Effects Adjustment by Temperilture of the Jacket Wat e r, Th l ~ Iltta t' h llwnt I ~ d (> ~i g ned fo r USt! wil n n lly type o f car bun' t!:'r, ilK fuue · tlo[( b(' ing to automatkally e fTl'ct ca r · h l re t<'r a dju stment by th o I,· mpe r a· wr e o r lh e Jac1i e t wut e r . Th e opel" a tl o n or tbe d e vice is contro ll pd by n In ~ r c ur r ,colltailling bulh , whlrh I~ tix e d again st t h e motor sid e of th'l ra · <llutor. Th l' lplIlIH' rutur(! o f th e air ~ n t h e imm,"uiat .. vi c in ity or thc h uib !ntl ue nc,' s th !' lIH' I' Cury, \\'hlel l ill turn \J I'OIlO l' tl o ll s th ,·' ndxtllr", Th e Ilrs t In · s tanc l', the ca rh uI'N . ' r \I; adjus t!,,, a ~ Iwarly co rre>(' t ly a s po ;;s llJl t~ to 1I 1) r ll1 u l weatlH'r cOfllHli :'Il . , lI u ll til l' reJ; u lator arra ll g e d so IlS t o huv ,' 110 ffect at thi~ t.' mpcraturc. - Motor.

De L i Eser o n Tir es.

" n llc lng iM a t e s t o f tir e s on ncco unl of tw o !Jo ints, h ~ at a lld Sll t' en I"ast fu lks r ea li z(' that or u illary roa Ll d r lv· in g In th o SUllllll e l' \\' c atll ~' I' rnay h~ jU Ht ali rou c ll a 11(::\t te s t fo r tire s us wh e ll they arf' 011 u raeln!,; car7 Wh e n th e su n s hin es ho t !lud 11 to ur· Ing ca r is boW Ihl/( al ong a s m oot h road III a hi gb rate o r ~ppd t h e ti re s u r e bc lng I ried as ultl c h as It th e y w e r e rol li ng t'as t aro und D t r uck or s pN,d\\'ay , " Th e refor', Ih e tire rnal1ufnc turpr who doesn't bulltl t ire~ for ra ci ll" purposes h ns to nwet n e arl y tl1 " SIl IJ1 ~, If DOt e xactly th e Sam e, ('all 011 h is product when su mm"r w ea th " r (· OI1WS . The re Is Ngun)d in to tb e cl)lls tru~tion 01 the Il '!st tire s a margill o! stn'ngth to tak" car'! ot' ull condition s , ordinury alld extraordl.ary , th at may b e [}l e t In va ri o u s t em puu turc H au d ~ p oc d s,"

M\ss Fa ll , dUl1ghte r of Seuator and Mrs, Alb e rt ll. Fall ot New Me xico, Is consid ered one of th e pre tti e st girls In Was hington so c iet y. and lik e h e r tather shc Is Int o n sely int e r e sted In Mexican alfalrs ,

Cllmera Routing the Artist, The camera Is s low ly but 8urely crowding the pen and IlIlt anlsts out of busIness, according to all obse rver wrIting III tbe Am e rican Machinist, He says: "From one' half to tw(}• thIrds of tbe work which nonn&\ly 18 handled on the drawing board Is being turned out by th l!' camera , While new work has , of course, to be laId out 1n conventional tashlon, a large percentage or detail parts, Ctl8tlDgS In particular, are put through th e shop without the proc ess of making a co,'dilate shop drawing, tracing It and get. tlng out blueprints. Instoad, a simple drawing Is made for tbe patte rn mak· er, aJld a casting frum tbls pattern III Mftcblned and the n photographed, "The necessary dlmenslous are placed on the 'tIegatlve and , phot(}~phlc, prints are then turne d out for !'he ule Of the, shop and draw~ omee pel for othet:' purpoleL" I

ll)(, I{ ··d

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Il our fn r th p t r o ub l e '

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d ll ~; I\' t lta ! s il ,' t'U fllmalld ~ " p r y I:Jl'g f' !-o a l n r y .. " 11 0 \\ d l) t ~ !' !J " . 'n rl! il : "



" ~h. , '' \It' ~ 11

C hanges Made tn Con.tructl on of One or Best Known Ma chi ne s Have E xci ted Mu ch Intercst .

I' ;HIl ~

l "u rn it. II r hU 9band It, au u "!I ,' co tlll uU lld s It." -

Pu c k .

He Had Obacrved , In 1\ n e \\' H hors c ilowc r PUAg l'O t T h e t eachcr WaS g il' ll1~ a t e s t Oil the mo ,h' l tiom n dlal1g c s , as compare d y o luo uf rorelgn mOI\l'y ill AmlJrlCd. with th o 1\ I" e l y kuowtl IS· h o r sepowe r \Vhf!ll It waH litliu lIarry' .. turo , 8h e m od" l of th e _anw mak o, hav e be f'll ask.-d : introdurl1d whi c h w ill attr a c l gp. u o ral "lIarry, b o w mu c h Is a g uin e a wo rlh Int!'r",.!. says TIll' AutOlnobll.. Th e In this co un t ry ?" motor Is ca s t In block, whll o that 0 1 H u rry ~IllIIl'u aut! an s wc r e d: " A dol· Ih e I H · ho r ~, ' powf' r model '18 cast io lar and a h ult a da)' ." - Every body'. pai rs . Th" c ha s Rls of th e now model Magnzh lo. is und rrs lung Dull th(' 8prv lce brak e is op e r a t e> d by ' hand , th n whef'l brak e ;; Plea for More Hygienic Gravy . " S tray Shots." th e w pek ly paper Ies u e d by th e Inmate s of tb e military prl ~o n a t ,,' a rt Leav e nll'orth, ofTe nl th is mild 6u ggc:'s tion to the ('oo k : " lr tlte g e nt lt>mnn Intru s ted wltb tbe task of m n lci,ug browlI gra vy to Ilccompnny the T ·troilo s t e ak s se r vll d a t this gre llt CUI· In nry c c ntC' r, will lal, e th e trouble to re ud u f 'w lines In any old coo k boo" h e wlil discover tbat It It! lmposeible to URe h ot wate r an d produce htmpll"l. r;rnv y , If b e has any s park of sym· New "Worm" Drive, pll t hy in his Bo ul h e will r e alize that uncook ed flour Is the bos om trl end of by peda l. Th e mos t Impo rtant lon oIndi ~cstlon . A littl e regar d tor tbe \' atluII, how e \'e r , Is th e IIdo pti on 0 1 greut re gim ent that feas ts h e re s hould \Iorm d rivo after exteDsiv e t es t s . The furnls b com fort III th e conselousnoo8 des ign Ie ~ h o\V n III th e illu st ration , ot duty w eli p e rrorm e d." The worm is und ern eath , workiog in a n 011 bath , an d Is of tllP. ~ l1 'a l g ht Want Changeable Dres6es! t ypr ; not ho ll o,i" A t th e r eC l' lIt In ternational Congresa Th e m o tor Is o f 80 b y 140 mIlIl Uleter of Appli e d ( ' b c ml s tr y In Lond on one !Jore an d stmkc and tu rns norma ll y of th e m os t c e lc brllt ed lect ure rs, Gla· at 1,::00 rC I' uiu t io l1 9 a nd up t o U Illax /· COlllO Cillmiclan , pre di cte d th at wom e n mum or l,i UO r pl'o l ution s . Th e shaft ot th o f ut ure w1l1 not he cont ented run s 10 thr ee I,arall e l b ea r Ings T he w ith a drc'ss which r e m a in s co nstantly valv e s arc o n th .. Ram e si d e, lhe ex· uf 011 0 ;;0 101', b ut will dcmHlld c ol ora ha u s t n il I','S II ll'aBurin g H allli the In· th at I'Illl nge .11 barmony with th eir s urIc t .,, 1" <'5 ;\ S millillll'te r s III dlam p t e r . rOIlIl!lIugs, Th o vall"(' 11f t iH :I.i millimet e r s Th l' T hus t h n co lor oJ f thl' uppar",\ lflay ditllr,(' t(' r o r fll e \'al\' e s lems, "hi e h h n Chll ll J;pd without !'b anglng the art) b Oll(Orl In , i ~ 9 m llli rueters .- Fro [l) d re ss , I' i1 S~ ll1g frolll darkn ess to light Omuia, J U II\~ 1 4 . th o co lu r \V a ult! br ig' h lc n , thus co n· fo rlllin g' n u to mati ca ll y 10 th e (, !lvir.on · Tire or TYl'e7 m e llt- the la s t \\ OI' Ll In fasbi o n for tbo QU I' Eng li s h cousins, from th o b egl u· futur e , n ing ot tht! moto r ('ur indust ry , hav e Thi s pr l'dl c llon w ill co m e t ru e all insi6t eu III 5p lI i n g th e word u~ed to SOU II as r hl" mi s t s learn to understand d.-nomi n ate the ncct'Ms o r y with whi ch better what ar o cn ll e d " phototropic nn auto01ohil" w\' ,,(' 1 Is s h od "tret'." colo rs ," or co lorA th at chango with In g ('n c rul, 0 111' I.wtllf'r tongue 18 I'f'r· t h e Int C'n s i!y of th e ll Kllt u po n th (' 1I1. hap H US!," ;" llh a , lIttll! mo r E' car in III mf'n 's WI"'" th is nd ~ht mea n that the la nd of 11 . origin than wllh U h . hut th o ll J;llt ·rolore d Hult of the bright In t hi s parl lcu lar ca St' the wf'lght of GU IfI II'" I' dar wou Id b o trans form ed :Iu Llturity ~(' (' IIl R to poiut ttl th" Anll'r l· Into 11 Ila rll s :J lt at. night. (' lin u ~llgt' " tir e" a ~ being the cO rl'e c t u n~ , Th !) Imp p, rlnl dictiona ry d "tl nt! R t\' rl' as " a prepa rati o n or rico and 1;1 i1 Ii u s ' ,I h)' th ,. E a~ 1 Inul uns." The En· c ), clo pf'flla IIrittall ic a Hpell3 th l,) word " tll'l' " and (urllwl' fi llY" thnt "ty r e " Is " nu longr r nc cc ptt 'd by th e b est 1:: ng' l II s h alII h o r ili l' s and Is un recognlzcd III Am r rlca ." r or 0111' 0 W (' Ref' m t o li n\'(' til,' bl'S! "I' o ur frl p od s on tlll' 1 o th c' r illf' , IllIlu g h pos!;lbl), t1 J1~ Ig i 1111' 1',,1), lJ.·('UUSU we are proclurlng sorc e ;',O()O,OOO t ires pe r y ea r , whlll1 t h ay a r o t u rnln ~ out certainl)' no t m orc th an 500 ,0\10 tyn's,


Post Toasties

for Lunch

Wa s ted Fuel. A s r pat d pa l o f lUl'l Is wa Rt e d ID nt/ creo ming 1l1l1l('> c1's sa r y chn ~ H l g fr le- 1



and dainty,

I i



Appetizing and whole-some these hot Summer

I I i

lion , HI' ot fr oll t alld r ar "xl~B , mill ' allKn~ d wh .... ln and 6 t e~ rl/ll; ~n n pc· I tlons , draggi ng bruk es and ImproP('r ly illllatP.j tir E' S art' com mon caUH'S . .\ xle s lll ndl p>I s ho ul d, o f course,. be s traight e n e d a lld wlt ee l bpnnng H I s ho uld b o ad Ju~t,'d to turll frp e ly , y£' t I without Unllf-'CP6snry 100 s t' np38 . It Is I a good plan to fp e l of tht' brak e dru nl s oc(' a s lonllll y nftp r a brIsk run , ('o lla t · Ill J': to a s l a p , of co urse, without ap- 1 pl y ing the bra l: p.K, If Ibe drum s a r e I h ~ atl'd from rUllllln g, the brakes arB dra ggi n g and s bollld b e loosened,



) \)lHh 'r '.' "

.\ lrti

Ih. ,)

Installing Storage Batteries, O ne ut th e e hi of c a U ti c ~ of Injury to s l onigc batte r ies is t he jolll n ~ tln' y reo celve wheD t h .. carls pas "l ng ov e r rou~ h roll d s. Tue case s contaIn ing tb e Convcn le nt Device. ce li. rre qu cn tl y becom e s train e d o r A v c rv convenic:'nt littl e) tool ror i chafed allo w ilo g s ome or til e so lution k eep ing ;h ~ p illtinum points or a vi· Miss Hrl e n Goudy , \\'uo 1<1 cOllsldered one of tlre great beauti es or ).mc r · to lPak out or til e acllv e mat e rial In b rn t or, o r ot h e r e lectrical conta cts, In Ica , haH lieI'm wall by a DrlO s h s oldIer- Gerard L e ig h ot Englund 's crack th tl \lla t es b ecom es di ~ l odf'."d . Th e s e goo d ehap!' con.lste ot two s tr ips 0 1 regim e nt, th o Jo"i rs t Life Guards. Miss Goudy Is tb e !laughter or the late troubl es may b e uvercom e wb e n fit· vc ry tim' ('Ill e r ), c lot h or papc r glu e d Wllllam Goudy or Chicago und London , Her tlanc e III tb e 80n of the late tlu g bo tt e ry boxes to tb e machin e b y to oPPo f. ite ald('s of a piece or thin Capt. 0, L e igh, Miss GoudJ's motller 18 the , pr8'8e;Jt :'!rs. R eg inald Halsey. making tho containe r largtu' tban the BrI s tol boar(1. The g lue IIbould dry ""'''''''.....''''''~.....~.,...._._.... w~_"."~ ... _ ba tte ry and forcin g betwee n the latter "r.dC'r press ur e , FO t hat the strips will aDd wall s of th e box small aIrtight be quite ti at. This tool wl11 dres8 both Scholar. M,do U.ofu. j,Jsago of TIme_ rubbe r balls, Buch as chlldren -;l.!.v :,nints at the s ame time andy ' wIth a . Pupils In , some- or tbe ' primary UUl1~e your epnre mom~nt8 , ~:; with. These wlll bold the battery In littl e ca r e, the 6urlacBII will be Wi Icbools of the ' Phlllpplne Islandl make caD accomplish much In tbls olace firmly and absorb all shockJi, II&t , and pnrallel. whUe dummy at blldlB. \Jlelr OWI1 de9k, and tab lea,


11\"' 1'

" Thal ' ~

" Ilh Ih ,' At f'Pr lll g :l llpnrall lR, Lut ('outl l tlud n othlnJ': \\ run g " - Sllli u rl".11 LIf"

No cooking kitchen.



Ready to eat direct from the package - . fresh. cnsp Serve with cream and sugar - and sometimes fresh berries or fruit:

Post T oasties nre thin bits of Indian Com, toasted ' to a golden brown. Acceptabb at any meal-

Post Toasties Sold by











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F~dwllrd W . 8 hepherd, 1!;llflHrnnu. Ntw Suits tlootb Lebanon Perserving Ct' . V8. 21 . Detroit. Mlcl! . to Mury C. Roe. II Heideubeimer. Mllney only, 2!, Frlinkli,l . Mllck A~in. iJllrber. 20. I~ove l"n 1, umuunt oll1llllod '2 20·1.111 wllh into tfrauols May Munu el! II', of Roll t IIre:.4t from ,\ ugnst 1, 101 3 1~I O ll . Frauk W t-IoothaTd V~ Jasun Carl Pickuring. rnilr o[ld employue IlilJbti.lUoueyonly . Aowoontoldmed Lytlo, to Elhel CIll'll owetb 17, 19, . :>000. Lytl('. Cmtfl Roblnl!on V~ Hubert. A. Me Frau HlIlll Pde l rttilroud oIDpl, )yep, Amotlnt I;ut,ohtllln, mun ey on ly 34, Morrow to Rulh tihflllk el I II dl1imeo $5000 The Pel1 Plus' Building Lotin and I::kJ u UI La btl U 0 n . Heltl s imultan eously In the South ::soutn; 11 IS we IlirCIUeSt expOBlt:oll William I Tcl,ten, sohonl teacller thlll year are two great evonl s that ~l1v1UK 8 Co va. Albert 0 Brauden ever held so utb ot tbe Oblo. It 'has hurg. mouey On ly . Sat:!2 ao wfth -19, Polt,land. IndillulI, to Lcuolla M. Ol ean much to the I'oop le or that BOC' been desIgn ed for a purpole. IUld that Kitobell 37, Maso n, Ohi o . tlon or th e country Illid that Ulean pu rposo has for its 111m and object the Interest from Jauuary 1,1913. much to the poople ot tbe North. betterment of the condition or every Anna L Brook VB . I:)amnel D. man. woman and child In the Uolted Con'missioners' Proceedings • Those two e,'ents are : t)layton, money only. $200 with Stales. Bills Allowed-Warren County The encampment of the Orand Army Interest frorn Jtlnoary 10, 11107 T" tho vIsitors from the Nortb the Times, envelopes for P . J . U . 8aDl of th e Ilellubllc III Chattllnuoga, Tenn .. rat Iroad ratee that aro ottored In can· Charles A. llordon VS. Loveland o Benkle, servloetl ot ('xpert e ngin. trom September H, to 20. npctlon wllh the O. A. R . eoca mllment Eleotrio l oe and Wliter Co. former eer on oos, of KIngs Mills bridge, Th .. National COlIseTVation ExtlOsl· and the Conservation Exposition aTe order is lIet aside . Reoel ver 's notes $10; Ed 8 Conklin. stomps tor IIU tlon tbat Is being beld In Knoxville. very attract! ve. The expo.llion man· ttlDountlog to $~I)OO authorized said Tenn., Just a uhurt dis tance away trum ageme~ has secured yery low rate. I 'll~n \0 be with the FIHh Tblrd dltcr, $Ii; L. M . Prluce, sopplles for Chattanooga . trom Sovtcmber 1 to Nt>- tor the e ll tire period of tbe DaUonal surveyor, 11.15; Inquest over body V8mber 1. show; tbe men ftnancln& the encampNiltion!ll Bank of Clnclnna\1 Atter a lav56 or flrty years, )'eRU ment In Chattanooia IIkewl.e have 8tlnit,lty Mfg . Cu. va. ,J oseph ),dc- of G eoree W. P e rry, E. C. ThornlJseeured low rutel for tbat bIg event. Carthv. Time ot paymg judgment 80n , OflrODer $:; 10 ;' U . M. Curry, that have whItened the haIr and bent It takea less tban tour houri to make wit ~ ePII $1 . Inquotlt over body of the forms ot the gaUllat Boys In Blue ox:tentied from 3 to II) daya t.he run from CbntllUlooga to Knox· Ntitlonal Trust and Uredlt Co. va. Frl\nk Mohlman, E. C. 'I'hompson. who fought so well tor the presorva· vill e. or vice versa. Travelere from B . Aroh le8con. Demurrer ovel ooroner, .6 80; Barry BurDl~, wit tlon of the Union. they lire going sout b tbe North comlnr; Soutb by wsy of the neS8, 11 ; V. T. Reynolds wltneslI $l, of Mason's ami D1xon's lIne tor their Southern railroad out of W8lblngton ruled nnd defendllut given until ltiat Corkins Chemioal Co., dIsinfectant reunion. The Orand Army ot (be R e- will lind Knoxville on the dlreet route uliY of t:!epteIU ber 191::1, to fill' an for jail 1.0. W. C. Uilmour, ex- publlo Is goIng Bouth tor Its reunion to Chattanooga. It has been arranged , wer. on the nttleth anniversary of the san· that sloDover prlvlleg911 at Kno:nUl" peusell Probate Court , 7 for nllrse for Kate Brooks ~Inary h~ltl e s tbat were fougbt on may be speured ror the aakln,;, and tble 1\' 111 entail no additional upense. Trav· $ , In the matter of Ida Pugb aald 1 . 6; Abe Kaufman mdse. for 'he heights around Cbatt.aIlOO&a. The elers coming South by way or Clncln· bridge work $2 14; Thos . Trovlllo, Grand Army Is goin g South to partake IJar&y fotln,l to lie instine. ApplloaDati In many Inllance. will be roated expen.ell of Pallteur Ireat nent cd jouthern h08\1ltallty, to see tbe to Chattanoor;a with a return by way tion for admlsBion to Siate H ,epltal S31 66; W. B. Btanage & Co ,reoord QlU'Velous changes that a baIt century of Knoxville, and tn.elen by other made. for Treasurer IU.CiO; H . M. Alex<1n- has wrought In tbe South. routes can make the return trIp to Ja the mutter of the estate of der & Co., antltoxlne $7.50; Alt. C. Nowbere In tbe country will these KnollvUle aad the expoelt1on at a very Roth A. Morford, deooollfld. Firs' Debold, repair of buggy 116.76; Yoterans, who stIll wear the Blue, he email additional COlt. So It will be I\ud finall\Ocoun~ filed and ordered Oblo Corrugated Colvert Go ., onl accord ed a more hearty and a more eeen that Inlofar a.& co.t or elpeu.. sW!pended. vert pipe $S5 30; A. E . Boppe, re genuine welcome than In the Bouth. Is coocerned there II no reuoa whT Ia tbe matter of the I'amte of pairs KinKS Mills road, 117350; A. No matter wbere ·tb ey go theT wIll be eVeT'y Nortbern vl.ltClr to the 8eMb welcomed by men as wblte and 8S this tall shoulq not avail 11lmaell Of' Jamet! C. Btteaman, deoeased. First J: Boppe, repairs RI ver road IUS bO; bent as they Bre and these men will hen elf of the great opportunlt, thul 3000un' filed aad ordered sUllpended. atford\!d ot vlaitlng, not alone Cbatta· A . D. 8hultz, bridge replllrl! Union wear the gray. There will be no ani. nooi:a, bllt alia KnolVIlIe. where the In the matter of the estl1te of and Turtleoreek township $19. Dloslty felt. Instead, there will be cor- New SOllth will be on dllpla.y al neyer Joaeph U . Keys, deoeaaed. l5eUlfCharles Simpson repairs Union dia l handclasps and a recount.lng ot before In Itl! hlltory. ment made with Lebtinon Gas Vo., townahip $27.1'; A T. Rettig, re wartime stories when they meet-not W.. a Union Stronghold. for SU31.82. pain Carllllie and Twin Creek roads, as toes upon a field of ,.battle, but as In the matter of the elt.ate of 1388; John Wolfe road repairs MaM- brothers and citizens ot a reunited CbattanoolA Is rlcb In ItI bSatorical aSBoclatlo,s; so III Knoxville. Knollcountry. t1usan Capp, deo8llaed. Inventory sie townehlp $88.85; John Wolfe, yUle was the scene of a liege and of a and apprallMlment filed and ordered bridge lepain Mallete township Chatt.nooga la Proud. hatHe bet ween the troops ot Long· sMpended. . ,.0 75; Bert Reed, bridge repairs Cbattanooga Is proud ot the honor street anti the troop II ot Burnside ju.t In the maUer of the ea\ate of Deerfield ~ownahlp $32 50; A D . ot helng allowed to entertain the litty yoonl 11.&0. rt Is In tbe very heart Grand Army ot the Republic. to sbow at tlile region that wal Intensel, and Henrtetta P. Vloa Note. deC8aaed. BOnel, bridge repairs Franklin town_ the vet:lrans of the Nortb the old bat- unl.,lftlhlT union In Ita lentlment e!ur· L F. Coleman appoln\ed admiWIIIhlp $".15 ; Charlea Madden, bridge tie grounds on whlcb are still vlli1ble lng the war, ud till. In the face of tile tratar. Bond f7500. W. D. WhUe, pain' "e.711; Lewia A'klnllon brloKe \II'ar'a scars Inftlcted fttty ,ears ago, to fut that an eepoue&l of the call1le of W, B • •ewpor, and Dr. W. L repaira Clearore~k townlhlp In 50 i do eve""'tblog In Its power to make tbe tha unlOli at tbat time alwaYI ,j•• II. Brown appointed apprailler!!. W . E. lJechan' repairs Oxford road reuniOn> of theae velerans--growlng Itflt with grilit claB,.r. rewer and fewer tn numher a.& tbe In the ma1ter of Clarenoe Croilley There are hundr dll and II.Di W. E, DeohanC repairs O:dord years roll by-happy and memorable In drad.1 of old lIold~9I'I .UIi Il1'lnl aid party 'oUDd to be all ept1eptio. Obamberlin roads 12527 i John • . every way. who foulht In the Ealtern Ten. Admlll8lon to ~tate Bospltal I. made 8penoer Illmber ,180 Sil; Claude L . In connectIon with the reunion ot neS8.e e campall1l. lIl1'e,., one of for 88me, Btlroh, bridge repaln 'l'urtleoreek the G. A. R., In Chattanooga. it Is tor· tben men will want to re,,111t thll leotunale that at the .ame time the Na. tIon of the South. But the' lreat run of In Ie ·appointment of !!Ohoo! ex. amlner for Warren County, Claude bwnllhip 111.60; J. V . Hankinson t10nal Conllervation Exposlt1oB will be 1'lett:o rs will want to 1'1&lt Knollvllle A. Bruoer appointed for term of lumber $21.118; J . T . Bankinaon: In progresl In KnoxnUe, distant tram iloIlO.. not because of It. hletorlcal u. lumber 16.311; John T. Urton re Chattanooga jut 111 mUel by r~lI . . soolilllions alone, but becaule of the 'brae years, aooepted, and ~ worn in. palra on rcadl Barlan township Therefo-e it II tbat Knos1'lIle, the that In tbat city While tbe encampID the matter of the estate of $41 85; T. E . Corwin, oontraot expolillon elty of the South, I. ext.nd- fact ment of the old Boy. :'11 Blue II on JUI!t Ing a cornlal Inv1ta.tlon to Northern a few mllel away the aatel of the only Jamell Downey, decea8ed. Proof of ptlblioa'ion of notice of appointmenl 1'01; T. E. Corwin, OGntraot 164' men and women to .lllt that elty du .... national expollitlon In the count,., thla Frank Stokes contract $198; JOh~ Ing the two monthl tbat the galetl of ,ear will be open anel thsre III to be Wed. T. Urton, oontraot f88.50; John T the National Conlervat\on EZPollltlon leeDI the triumphant 80u~h on dllplal. In the mloUer of the ea\ate or Ur'oD, oontraol $173.26 i W. B.' w1ll be open. Byron V, Bowell Jr ., deceased. Graham,oontrao' $169.60; Charles Flft' yearll ago tbe South wu hleed· Do You Fear Consumption? Lng and torn. Half & century ILIO the Proof of pubUoa'ton or notice of ap. '''Ibbs, oontraot $841 80; Oregonia South was prostrate. When peace. No maUer how ohronlc your pointment filed. Bridge Co. , oontraot $14945; Ad after the long struggle, waa declared. oough or how severe your throat or In 'he m,,'''r of 'he estate of Ann Meunt, oompensation for roadway the South was de.olated. lun~r Ailmen' ie, Dr. King's New llarla Taylor, decooaed. Proof of throtlgh hlB farm $5; Raymond To·day the South lB proarellBlvQ and Disciovery will lIurely help you; it patriotic to a. degree. The South at ma,,' 118 ve pubUoa'lon of notice of appoin$ment. your life. SUllman Bllorahbal'ger, ealary $60. to-day III the New South, proud of her. Green, of Maliohite, Vol writ811 : mea' filed. • - • Belf. proud of the country at which .be "Two dootora ""id I had conllump. Willon Unlleaby; administrator Mother of Eighteen Children 1I a parl. tion and oGald not l\ve two ye,lrs. e*<l., platntUf vs. Eliza M09urday, "I am. the wo'hbr of elgbteen And eo It Is, that wben the tide of I used . Dr. King's New Discovery e' al. Plivate sale of real estate tor ohlldren and have the pratae of Nnrtbern travel 111 turned toward the and am A.hve 8nd well" 'Your D()t le811 than 1160. dolllg more work ,hlW anv young South, In 8e»tember when the 1'et- money refunded 11 h !titlll to benefit lu the maUer of tbe ea\a'e of woman In my town," . writes Mrl . erans and othen wbo are taklne ad- yotl. The bee, hOlDe remedy for oaught', ooIds, throat and lang Caroline Frauenkneoht, deoeased. C. J . Martin, Boone MW, V 110. "1 of the very low ratel of rail· tronbl~a Price 500 and $1 UO lIufrered for five years with stomaoh road fare offered fo. thl. tr!p, It 1& tOI' Ea,.te fully admln Isterad . trouble and oould not etit 8S muoh tunate tbat the reonlon and the N. Guar mteed by J . E Janney ...---In tbe maUer of the estate of ae a bllouh withoat suffering. I tlonal Conservation Exposition, in James II. (Jook, deoe&8Bd. Estate bave \aken three bottles of Cham Knoxville, sbould dovetail In 11.8 they administered. 8eUlement ordered berlaln 'a Ttibltlts Bnd am now a wt'll /10. The exposition will be tbe meanl woman and weljlh 168 pounds. 1 of IIhowtng to these vlsttors trom the aooordlni &0 law. ORn ea' I!ny&hlng I wtlnt to, and 11.11 North In concrete t~rm and belter than maoh a. I w'\nt tnd feel better thun any written wordl could do jUlt what R..I EMale Transfers I have at aay time in ten :years. 1 the South hall aceompllshed In the way AND NATIONAL CONSERVATION Benry Bamel and wife to Emmett refer to anyone In Boone Mill or ot lelf·rejuvenaUon In litty ye&l'l. EXPOSITION WILL SHOW IT !-"iI Roo88 and wife 10' In Mason '1 viCinity and they will voaob for 1,000,000 VI.lton To Knoxville. TO THE WORLD. what I say." Chllmuerlaiu's Tab and oiher oonlldera.UonB. the metropoUI of Eaetern Knoxvllle. lets flore for lIale by all dealers. Wilaon ltlaBtera to Lena Mastere Tennessee, Is preparln, to entertain -----15 aorell In Clearoreek township fl thoulandll and thoueandl ot vlallorlEYE OPENER FOR THE NORTH In • Strange Place. from tl:e North before and after the and o'ber 0 )DlIlderattons . LIUle Alice was vlsltlnr; her erand· Beirs of A. A . Dilley to Frank parents In an ealltern city. One Sun· Chattanooga reunion Elaborate planll Crist, lots 70 and fl in Mason '100 day grandpa took ber to church with for tbe entertainment of tbese visitors Wondarful Advancea Along All Linea Mllde by 80uth In Recent Ve.... to have been mape In Knoxville. It III Nanoy W. MoMtillen to William him. Wben sermon time came Mary thought that a Ireat majority of tbe be Strikingly Typified at 81g Fair looked around a little, and. seelnl\: a M.oMullen lot" in Butlerville It and In Knoxvllle-Expoaltlon II Colncl. relative up In tbe r;allery, whispered visitors trom the North will want to the opportunity dent With G. A. R. Encampment. avall tbemselves of o'her oon.ldera,ions. .hrllly : "Oh, grandpa, look up there! Chrlatiao Fiohter, deoeaaed, to See CoUIIn Mary alttlng on a shelf!" of seelI:g the New South on display at In many Bections of the North the tbe National ConBervBtlon ExposItion, lIlarpret BIU et aI, 10 aorell in Idea III stili prevalent, erroneous as It lind they wIll be enabled to do this In ---Sammon township, inheritance. Is. that the eYN of the Southland are Don't Let Baby Suffer With Eczema most oases wIthout additional COllt of still turned on tblnge and e.entll that Margare' B.11 et al to A varilla railroad fares Bnd In other casell at a And Skin Eruptions. long since bave PIoIII&4 Into hlatory, very Bmall additional cost. RloMer, same property S' and other Babies need a perteot Ikin oover There are many reasons why, wben and not on tb. tuture. oODatdera ,IODS. Tbe National Conser1'atlon Expeel· Ing. Skin eruptlonB cause tbem the trip to Chattanooga. tor the O. A. Laura R. Mullin to Minerva Lang. not only in&eDfle aufterlng. but hln. R. encampment II taken, that evet)' tion that II belq held In Knoul11e,' don 10' In Springboro, 11 and other der 'heir Ifo'lllth. DR BOBSON'S traveler should avall hlmBelf or hel' TeDlII., trom September 1 to November o()neideratlonll. ECaE'lA OIMTMENT oan be rehed self of the opportunity of vlaltlng I, of the present year, II a malD11hlent Fred WenK and Anlult Weng on for relief and permallent oure ot Knoxville and the National Conserva. retutatlon of that hellef. And to .how just how erroneou. that (eJ:t) to J. B. CnmmlngB, Iota in Iuftflrlng babi.,. whoee sltin erup- tlon Expollitlon, and convel"llely tbere "'ranklln II and other ~Ionll have made their life ml8erable . are mlny reasons why .Ialtorl cOllllng Idea Is epeclal Invltatlonl have been II oonslder&- "Our baby was afHloted with break' Soutb primarily to vlalt the exposition extended and are being extended to &lOnll. Ing ont of the Ikin all over the fa08 .hould go to Chattanooea for the r .. the E,xposltlon to every "eteran ot the Unloln army anI! to the other viliton Thom.. V. Weloh to Emma B. and scalp. Doo~or8 and skin apec union. coming to Chattanooga for tbe O. A. R. Prioe, 'lota tn !torrow, ,1111. iallstll failed to help. We tried Dr. E.pOIltlon Big Attraction. encampment to make the Ihort run to '. Ray Simon '0 Willtam Swink and BohBon's Eozemllo OiD'ment and Here overjoyed to see baby oom Fir.t of all, there 1. the exposition the exp08ltion elty. where they ma, Mae Swink lot tn Franklin, S1 anel pletely oured before one box waa Itlelf to be conlldered. At the Na. see the South aa Ibe is t<HSa" and not other oonBlderatlenl. used" writes Mra. Strubler Dabu · tlonal ConleHaUon Expo.lUon the D.II m,ILDY of them remember her a hal. MarrIqe Llceues que Iowa. All druggi'ta,' or by prolrel. of the New South In the 1&lt oentlllry agone. , j Students of ooncl1t1onl allover tile w111 be crapblcally 8nd Glenn .oore blaolramith 21 mai. 600. PFEU'i'Ea CBEMICAI. few , ",COMPANY, 8t. Lout., 110. Phil. It.rIklDal,. Ihown. Tile' e:w:,poaltlOll win country agree that al a oaUoD WI roeler te !tuth lJeoue" 18, Lebano~ adelphia, Pa, hav • . been Ioltolether too p~ . ~. - the _ f'. _~ 1~

Encampment of G. A. R. at Chattanooga and National Conservation Exposition in Knoxville are Twin Events in Two Southern Cities But Short Distance Apart


.- .



.. - ..



----.. ...





July Clearance Sales ARE A GREAT SUCCESS July Specials 5~(' Ready-Made Sheets .................. ... ... .. .......... 49c amI Ready- Made Pil low Cases. Embroideries wide. l!le Ribbons ... .. ...... .. .. .. .... .......... .... . ......... .. ....... 10c to !ltic Wide Table Linen, all linen .. · ... .. · ............ $1.25 for 79c All Linen ................. ... ... ....... ..... .. .. ... ...... $1.00 for 2Gc Aprons, all over S9c ...... . _......... ........ .. ...... ... .. lOe to White Silk Gloves ...... .......... .... .... ...... .. .. .... . .. SOc to $1 50 Corsets .... ............ .. ...... ... .. .. .... _............... .. .. SOc to $5 00

Wash Goods Lawns, wort~ up to lOc, to close .. .. ..... ..................... .. LawnB, worth up to I f>c , to c10Be ...... .. ... ........ .. .. ........ . Crepes. Tissues. Vcile, worth up to 25e .. ... ... ' ........ .... .. Crepes, Tissues. Voile, worlh up to 35c .... _........... .. .. . .. Voiles, Balkan Suitings, P. K., warth up tu 50c, to close Ratine Lines. 85c quality, to close ......... •· ............... . .. Ratine Silk. $1.25 quality, to close ... ............ ...... ... .. .. .

ftC 101' Wc 19c 39c 6Yc 9Sc

Hose Specials 25e Mercerized ~ight W ei~ht .. . ........ ....... .. . .. ........... .. 35c Tnn and WhIte Boot SIlk ...... .. .. .. ......... .. ......... .. .. 25c Burson Seconds, Black and Tan .... .. · .... · .... .......... .

1ge 2!'ie Hie

Ready-to-Wear Department All Ladies' Suits ................. ..... .... ..... .. ONE·HALF PRICE All Ladies' Coats ........................... . .... ONE· HALfi' PRICE La.dies' Wl'tite Waiats, $100 and 151:25 grade ... ....... ,... 7ge Juat received Saturday, Big Special in White Parasols $1 00

Carpets, Rugs and

Matting~ "

HUTCHISON &GIBNEY XENIA, OHIO. me uee ot (Uole gr..' namnu r ... sources that mother nature In her wi.· dom law lit to bestow upon the UnIted Btat... The quesUon of how beet to coolene these great natllr&l naoareeB and not ' alone the re.c)\U'oee but aad health and enQl',', Ie one of the paramount qUelUou. at the 4&,.. So. then, It Is StUn, that the arat expolltlon In history dealgoed to teacb the great and Umel, 10llsoni of the need of conlervatlon should be held In the Soutbland. The upolIlUon Is In Itself a lIvllllJ example of the fact tha.t no malter what paat conditions milo, have been, no matter w~t the Sou tb felt after ah. 11'811 leet bleeding and torn at the CION 01 the CI1'1I War, ber eyes are now turned towarei the f~nt. The expolltlon In 1...lf Sa a 11,,111. example ot the fact that the lP'eat New Soutb of to-daY-lP'eat In everytblnll that gON to make for prosperitY-II marcblq .houlder to .boul· der with the balance of the eountr,. towan1ll better tbln .. Ind a better and Ireal4r united country. The National Conl."aUon hpeeltlon tbat wlll be vilited during the montha of September and Octob.r by more than 1.000,000 villtors. a larlle percentage of them from the North, I. an e:W:PQllltlon wltb an Idea h.hlnd·lt; It will be a "dilrwut" expo.lUon 10' Iver, .enle of tile word. Jill.yen laree uposlUon bulle!ln,1 equal In Ille 1I0d In &I'cbltecture to the espollUon bulldllll. at other IIho.. of a elmUar character rear them••IYtII on the IP'Oun128, There are allo a number of .maller Itructur.. and a ATeat MldwAT. Tbe bulldlnll are lilIed with a .pl_dle! lin. of e:w:hlblte. Tbee. comprl .. ,o1'ernment and .tate anel commerclal e:w:hlbltll. T~ latter .how tb. wonderful progr... the South hu mae!. In all IInel of c:omm ..clal anel Indu.trlal endeavor durlne the lut few ,.eare; tile,. line a , , _ ., triulDph ot tbe New 110--'


Despondency It often oaueed 1ty iadlg.."on tlnd oonlttptl'ioD, and qaickly cltaappeerll wilen Chamberlain 'II

rable&l • lore

.ken, I'or ute'-b7 aU a..len,

A. MAFFIT Funera) Dil'fttor ' . and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio. Call anawered pr0'!lptly day or niJlht.

Both ph0!l~ in Office and Residence. Long dIstance. No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. Best of aervice guaranteed,



lUBI.lSID!D WEEnY. $4.00 I'El Tl.AI "OTILe, DItUCciiiH, .P.CIALIIT8, CO.TUM.It., TItAN . . . . It. OAB AND . . U. ..RVIC. OAN PItOP." · av UIINO 11'1 ADV![ItTIIINO COLUMII,

SAMPLE COpy FREE ..... • ,...,... IIIW YOItIC OLIPPllt #" N_ YM. N, Y....

THE MIAMI GAl'!E'l''f!!, VIA YNESVILLE, OHIO , Xenia moved Saturday into the Moon property on Mound St. l'ult1l8hed 14tss Lill!on Anabee visited llUIt week with her pareots. Ee FRAZIER 01'11'101£ - - • • • MAIN 8TUEET Mra. Lena Barrett is the guest of New Burlington Harveysburg. her friend Min Vera Bartsook near VALLEY TI£I. EPHONE- <JALL NO 112 I will continue to do Roofing and Spouting at ..I:enia_ QOllorterly meetin II was held at Chas. W . Evasa, ODe of our io"n Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, MIII!I Helen l:ierllhey 18 spending D. L. CRANE, Editor and Monager the M . E. ohuroh IIl10turday and Sun hoYII working for Elder & JohDllon or phone 24-2y' , and 1 wlll estimate with you. day. leverl\l weekI! with her friend lIi88 had a too torn off Thursday while Mrs. ,I. W. Baydoolr an~ Mre . A. operatiDg one of the elevaterll in Hartzell of Oxford. Rates of Subscription IIr. (Jt18per King 18 very ill. B . Barlaa oi&ended 'he funeral of their IItorlJ. He will be laId up for OD&-Year J~~r1ct1y In advance) ... . .... 11.00 The Taylor Quartette gave an en· S ogle Uopy ...•.. '" . ..•. . .. . . .• . •• . . 06 a relative iD Waynenille, Tuesday Borne 'Ime, but he bad mllde arrang. - ___ _ _ at last "eell:. tertainment Thursuay tlveni n~ lit mentEl tor U wah iDsuranoe. Be is Mr... Jal. Blair wal oalled to at home DOW "Ith htl parenti on 'he M. E.o huroh. 1!1£ 1''fll:MUER B. 1918 DAy'on last week by tbe i !lne.. of Ea.' KBln street where he oln be Mr8. .ngene Kent Bnd son Bre her slll&or Mill! Laura ~mith . quiet. We wllh for him .. llpeedy spending several weeks with her 8ud'. Thoughtfuln •••. parente. J . W. Smith, of IDdlanapol1l, Is receyery . One of th e younger set In Newton, Mr. Wilbur Maflht wae In our Kan .. eays tbat her mother Is 80 crll)- the guellt of relatlvell here . Our oamp meeting III s"l1 In pro pled wltb rbeumatlsm and It Is so hard village Sunday . MIIIII Dora Turner, Ilf the Pro'es gt'88s'With a gooci attendanoe. to seo her doing tho week's wlUlhlnr Aroh Copsey, wife and two child· tant Bospltl\l, Columbul, Dnd MIIII Several from here Ittended the that It Is un.ndurable. "I alway. 10 ren were guests of Du.yton rellLtlves Fred MoKlnney, of Xenia, spent shopplnl on wllehday." says the Bud.\:l'"'e and M.ouu'gomery County Sonday. Bevenl day' lut week wi 'h friend II Fair. Kanlu CIty Star. Automobile Livery Service a t . . The S. V. Oaoning 00. has btlgun The Ladies Aid here do nothing oannlni oorn. !dt811 Vesta Hurley Is very III wi'h sonable Rates. Overh.ud at the Club. In part. On Wednel!day of la8' James Oeborne and wife wore tbe "Mazie Oayway say. she makes her typhOid. 'th wet"k they gave a tea a' the horue week end guellts of reilltives . e . h h Mrs. d. O. Whitaker lpen husband pay her a dollar every time t l ' k t th h Mn. Emma CUne, were , ere Mra. Lew Hart·sook Bnd chiltlren he klnea ber. Slle·. laving for a 11m· (ofrha par' 0 aS wMee h" I be ome of Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. "ere 115 congregated for an aU.r oualne." "Now. If she'd only adopted a er parenti In eo an as urg. are visiting relatives near Waynes noon'8 ohat\ez: and a very muoh en· • almllar plBn before ehe met OaY'll'a,., .MIlS Pauline Sewell, a naUve of j oy ad I ono h . ViI I".orl! f rom a b rOil d Yllle Ihe might have had a whole IBrace." Dr . Smith Ilnd wife celebrated our vl))age but for several yearll a "ere presen." an d a 11 agree Ing "h -Jud,•. Phone 71-1 CORWIN- OHIO. • a t their 21th wedding anni versary _ ... rellident or Albnquerque, has heen they had 'been w:lll paid for their """"" ... employed as kacher of. the Buok oom Iug, an d h apad tha tn I ."h (\ very ~aturuay evening "t their hLme . .. Caught a Bad Cold Miss Marv Ellen Van Winkle re1 R UD eo h 00. U S " t th h netU future l& could be repeaied. t urned to her home Friday after · "Las' wln~er my Ion oaagh' ~ Th e W . F . •. . me. a e ome R .0, .... " Ed war d s . d warner, G eo..... very bad oold and 'be way h. . Tell the Advertiser you saw his Ad W a l t e r McClure Wm . Compton I:!atur ay and Clyde Levioy aUended Spahr'8 i8 pleasant vIsit with her grllnd of Mre. ooughed was 80me'hlug drtladflll," parents. afternoon . in The Miami Gazette. Funeral Director. wrl&el Hn. ~.r&h E. DoooaD, of show in Wilmington Wednellday . Miss Belisle Fitoh is en'ertlllnin~ TiptoD, Iowa . "We ,boUiM lure Justus Reevell and family, Mra. R . C . (iarner and Milton Howe h.r grandmother Mu . !darRhall. he was going iD'o oonlumptloD. Rlllobel Miller and Bon Barwell have Telephone day or night. We ~ught JUB' one boUle of Cham moved to Kenta. The men are em are papering and paintlnR' Hev. Ilnd Mr. Thomas Middleton Willi kioked Valley phone No. i. Long Mra. Amos Cook's home ot near iby a mule and fluffered a broken berlaln'l CoUllh itemedy and \haa ployeu at the O. 1:1. & ~. O. Home. Distan08 No. 6\l-2r. one boUle .'opped his O. ,u~h and here. When done It wtll tmprove rib . olll'ed hll oold oomple\ely." For the lookll along the Harveysborg ............ ........... .. ....... Automobile ServIce at all TImes Diarrhoea Quickly Cured MillS Adah .oston, of Toledo, i !I . aole b1 all dealers. aDd Wayneilvllle pike Ilpending her vaoation with he ., 1 wat! ",keD with diarrhoea and r AdtJ will be Insened undor ~hl . head for . OHIO George W. Edwardl and E. P. parents. twent y · t\vo cents ror t.hree Insertion. WAYNESVILLE, Mr. Yorllll, the merohant here, per"hen using not more than live line •. Suddenly Smltte". Buaded me \0 try a oo"le of Cham. Carr are pla8tering for Mr. and A number ot our ieaohers ar e at Branch Office, HarveJsblUlf, O. Maud-'Tve JUlt beard of a cue berlain's 00110, Cholera and Diu Mrs Samuel ~tanfield at their bea u . - - , .............. V" tending the 'I'e40her's JU8tilute, 'Where a man marrIed a «irIan hll rhoea Remedy. After taking ClnC deathbed, so that shs could han hla dos8 of U I oured. U alilo oured tUol oODntry home. Mr . and Mrs Newton Moore and WANTED !In. l:Iarah A. BarlaD Is rebuild · UUle niece were 8unday guests 0 mililani .... hen be was lon6. Could o'hera that I gave Ii '0," wri '88 M WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES f you lov. a Ilrl like that TN Jaok- E, tiebhan, Oriole, Pa. Thai I...ot log her barn and wtll rueh It ,Jamel Mmlth and tamily near Mid • MEN-$2.00 per day, !lteady work "That'a JUlt the kInd of a Ilrl ) a' ~1l unulual. Au ordinary aUaok throa~h before oold weatber. 'clle Ran • for gOl'ld men. Apply to the Methodist Episcopal Churdl lIOuld love. What'lI her addreu'" of diarrhoea caD almos' unarlably Barry Shldaller deJtvered a fine ----Uregonill Bridge Company, Lebanon, 1141... o. S. GralDer. Puto r. be oured by ODe or tw ,) doeell of ,htl hOrle 8atnlday, to a fortuna'e pur_ Sunday School. 9 : 15 a. m. Morolnl'( orr Uhio. B 10 Hal't'OWlng Thought. remedy. lI'or ... ale by aU dealers. 10 :ao a. m. Evening service, 7 :0 p Proapectlv. Stat.aman. Gennl are bad. of course; but they A DVERTlSER~ - '1'0 know thllt vice. ohuer. m. Midweek Pr \~er Mee~lng. 7 p. m. "Tour boy atole a barrel of applel eould be worBe. Suppose they ~ Harold MmHh, of the N. C. R. of you oan seli your horBe~ ond I S A gustt -, Cath II Cburcb. Corwin. from me the other day." "Dear m•. oows and other ~htngs by advertis- . t, u ne. 0 C DaY&oD spent lunday and Monday '. tMtr work! I wonder where that boy will wind ing them tn the Gazette It oosts \ Father LoW. YaWl upt" "I think he'lI wind up tn the Our IOhool opeoed Monday morn with frlend8 here. but htt.le, and brings results. 9 :~t~~ :.ery second SUllday of the mODlh II le«ialature. He talked me Into belleY, ing with aD eDroUmen' of 61i pupUs Mr. end Mn Walter Laoy llpeD' Sales l q that It 'Wu all right." The \eaohera a~ ~up" "raDk Sundav tbe guestll of Mre. Lacy's St. Mary'. Episcopal Cburda. Niohols and Mill ROIlet'" Frazee. relltlves near Oregonia . I will offer at Publlo bale, 4 mileII Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. Rector. FOR RENT AI 'here WMD', a sufficleut Ambor Dr. Carey, our bBs'lingveterlDar! laorth of Waynesvllle, on the Xeni a Safest laxative for Women Sunday Sohool. 9 :80 • . m Morning ler liond Cioolnnati Pike, on t.he M ...rlat t, vIce. 10 :ao a. m. Bol), Commnnloll the flnt Nearly every woman needs a good of pnpill &0 en&611 'be expense of a is a busy young man. FURNISHED Rooms. Inquire of Sunday of each mon~h. Farm, on laxa'lve. Dr I(lng'8 New LUe PUll 'hlrd &eaoher the t"o rooml bave IIr. and M.n. Wener, of neat Mrs. Roy Bllthllway. e 10 Tuesday, September 16, 1913 a~ good beOIlUM shev are prompt, beeD ,hrowD Into ODO. Bellbrook, IIpen' Munday 'he guests Chrlltian Church. lIafe, and do no' caulle palo Mn · Be"lnning at 10 o'olock a. m . th e 1141... P. B. TbomJ*lD. pam.. IIr. ArthDr Zell and wife, of oUheir ohlldreo Dr . aDd lin Carey. M. U. DODlapof Laadlll, 'renD llIoyll; Blbl. 8cboo1. 8 :10 a. m. !IocIal mee\~ ohaUele: FOR SALE t.'hlokeo thief or thlevetl have Ifollowlng 10:.0 .. m. Obrlatlan Endeavor. 1:00 p . lB. "Dr . lIaDg's Npw Life PIlIII belped PIUsb.ri. Pa. were iueeH of IIr. , Bead Borsell: 1 Gray Mue, 1 8enDon b)' pu\Or .vV)' ucerna$e 8und.,. .. her 'rollbles greuly." (Jet a ' OO:a: "nd hlra. JohD Zell .. few da,. I.., been ieUlng In their work 10 thill Norman Brood llare, 13 years old, 10:10 a. III. BDd 7;10 P. m. today. Price. 260. ReoommeDded WOI' \r . vlolDity r8080tl,.. They are pre"y 1 Quaker Bov Mare, 11 yell" old. 1 LUT ot Tobacoo S&lokll, hlokory by J . E JaDney. Hk:kaite Friend. Chu",alld sugar, sawed and split. M" Alloe IIcKln187 enter\aIDed wen knowD hero and by leaving ~orrel )bre 7 ."ears old, 1 Colt, 5 I old. Bee Dr. J. T. Eilts, Waynesville, l'iret Day Meetlnl'(. 0 :00 a. Ill. Fln~ Da, a nUllllJet of rela$lv8I 8uoday. town and staying away they wlll mouth Cattle and Bogs: 1 Cow with Ohio . II 17 School. 11 ;10 a m. Founb Day KeelolnR Inflammatory. Mlases lllnClrVl\ and Josephine DOt be proeeoa'ed. A word &0 the lJalf by side, 100" frellh by day ot 10 :00 a. III. --:'U a dlDner ot firemen recentl,. the 811e, 4 Oows living mUk. 2 Brood Harlan retul 1100 ~uDday evenlDI wi", shoald be IIUmOJeD" male pigl, red, for lIaJe. Inquire follo'WlDr lentlment wal propoaed: Orthodox Friend. Chun*. of Jfrank !:iees, Route 5, Way. Mr. and IIrs. A. K. ~argent are BOWl, 1 with .p lgs by !llde, one to "'The Ladlell Their eyea kindle the after a delighlfn! vl"lt _"h Clncln MI'8. JtlJzaoo.h Ward. Put.or. trarrow ~tober lilt., 4 8hoah. nesvllle, Obio. 8 17 &ertalnini Mn. 8argent'l nephewli only flame 'Whlcb we cannot e:a:tln· natl reiaUves. gabbath School. V :80 a. m. Hel(ular chureb Farming Implement.: 1 Farm aervlcea 10: BO • • m •• and 1:30 p. m . PRyer pllh, aod aralnet which there 1I no HI.. Dora S'II.. "all • Xenia of OhloaiO. Wagon, 1 new Steel Roller, 1 Dew UN and Kun oase, good all new. meeUDg Wedneeda), evening at 1: BO. lDaurance." Ihopper recently. IIr, Tomllneon, living on the Oorn Planter, Uheck Row or VrlU, Wtll 8ell oheap. Inquire at a 17 Mrl. Raohel Orew and Ils'.. r aDd Wa,.oesvllle aDd aarveYlbllrg pike, 1 Deerlng Mower, good 11.1 new, 1 this offioe. iliA Doro\hy Crew of DaytoD, were had qolw a IOare \:lnDday mornlog '~lllhe PlOW, 1 Banner Corn Plow. DR. J. W. MILLER, May •• 10m I Truth In ThIll. lLLINERY STOCK and fixtures I. 6-&ooth B.rrow, 1 8et Bay load. -rbeN 'Wal a time 10 my romantla 'Uellt-s of Mrs. Uhrilitie )4oltlo"y from a ltove pipe fire, but WIUI 10011 Clen, 1 Gravel Bed,l set Log &1. Yery realonable, DO oppos{. 7Oub, life when 1 believed thero wu S.,urday, put out. liters, Bog Box, 2 BOi tioU888, 1 Uon. Oall at on08 at "Mllliner ••• DENTIST... nch a thin. . . a broken heart," com· IIi •• Inht Davie le't Konda,. to - - -........ _._-[leW Rubber tiro Surrey, 1 !tubber· "tore" Spring Valley, OhiO. I 17 mented Cordelia KUlJoy, "but now&tire Bog«y, 1 Steel tire Baggy, 1 y omc:e tn SprJnl' Valley dul 1 thInk It I. orten mlatakan tor _ke up her lohool work at Five VVaynesvIlIe,O long·abaf& ~ar', 2 lIet new Brltohen RESEED for sale. J. B. Chap. Na'toDu Bu.k BIde. POiD'. wbat .. really a cracked head.' aarnNs, II set BugllV Bllrnese, II Sf , m a u . s10 "'!!!!'!'!!~~!'!'!!~!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!~!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!"!!"!!!! Mr Lee lienderaoD and family [lew Fly Netll, Blaolleta, Robes, = viii ted M.r. aDd Mrl. Carl Hender. John Bood Jr. wife aDd daugh&er aaltlrll, Bridles, Lines, Oollars, AOorn Harvee\er In good oondl. SUenKthen VVeakKldneYI Chaine, Ropes, "orb, BOIS, 3000 &Ion, for sale sr traJo. InqDire ATHAWAY IOD 150nday. are speDdlDg a few daYI hsre. Don', softer longer wUh weal Tobiaooo Sttokll, 1 Drag, Soy the, of J. B. Chopman. s 10 lira. Ohriltle lIoKlnae1 and MtIl8 Clara IiImtth Is IpendiDg her (Jhtoken Coope, 1 Wagon Jaok, Out. kldDeys, You oao get promp're Wa)'08llv111o's Leadlnjl DelaUd )lef by \akloK EI80irio BIUen, 'ha~ Wlughlen vlllited relail •• near vaoatlonlllh her father. Maha 8t Uni hex, 1 liIled, 1 CrOlls· A few busbels of Bar tlett Pears. UMoe 10 Keys BId". Jnqulre of Llndly Mendenhall. .. =-=~---"~~-:, wonderfol remedy praised by wo liarve1Sbqrg SUDday. Cba8. ~a.e and famlly mo!ed (lIU' !:Sa", 1 Hay Rake, Sledge, Iron R. D. 3, Waynesville, Uhto. 8 10 eVMTwhere 8\art wUh a IIrs. Brown, of Bellbrook, Is Thul'8day Into their Dew houee OD Wedree, I:llelah and 2 Itrand beBs, - liOiUe \OOay, yoa Will lloon fee' Uke ~Ingle and Double Treel, 1 hone EMENT BRICK for lale. For a De" womaD wUh ambi&loo &0 villtting h.r 100 Mr, Clbu. Brown WalDO' atreet. Drill, BUIUIY tltorm Front. fnrtber Informatioo InqUIre of aDd tamlly. 11188 Ruth Fulkerson left Wed. work, wUbout fear of pain. Mr. Boueehold and J[ItAlhen FurDlture Mr. B. N. Bardin aod wife, of oellday for ao exteDded vislt with 1. JI:oonomy.· Ohlef Beparator, II F . M. Uhenoweth. WaYDenllle, John DO"UDIr of Ban "ranollCo, Ohto. s 10 wrttM :-,iGraUtl1de for she woo· aentaoty vill&ed their IOn here her aants ID Indlanap;llltl and ai the Cril8m Uana, 1 new 18 IDOh Bea\lng Veterinary derfDJ effect of Elec'rio Bitters week. Stove, 1 Ooal· Oil M~ove, 1 (iasollne, ARMS rof different lizes ID War lAte•. \ PTOmpH me 10 wri&e~ "oored my 2 8tandl', 1 SeUee, Dishes, 1 UhurD, F ren, Greene and lIonliomery Oraduate of Oblo Sial. lJnlveral l , Mr. L. Barla., of ClnoIDDa'i, III Mrs, Mary Oopse" ta aD the siolt Bookets, 1 ~ (Juage Shotgun, !;ewing wife wheo all elae fatled." (Jood oounties for sale. Inquire of A. A. for \hellvllr" well. NoihlngbeUer visHiDI hli nla'lv88 111'8. Naomi 11st. Maohlne, ItItliDdard Edt'OD PhoDo· MoNell, Ceatervtlle, OhiO, bObh for tDdtieeiloo or bllloosneu. Prioe Harlan and family. I Berman White and family of RrJaph aa460 Reoords, canary Bird phoneB, s 3 600 aDd $1 .00, a' J. E JaODey's. IIoDd lJage, CaDned Fruit and other Office at residence in F. B. Sher· Aore Farm. U600. Produotive .,~'Ioletl . wood's house. Fourth Street. Boil. Good buildings . Near 8 tons Timothy Hay, a tons Mixed No Caule to Worry. OF THE FAMOUS good market Inquire at this office. FORT SANDERS,' ONE Uay, 12 aorll8 of (JrowlDIf Oorn, 200 Telephone 28 "'TbeoBOphlluB: Bald Mra. Ooallp. s3 Chlokenl and Daokll, KNOXVILLE, ·T.ENNESSEE SPOTS NEAR .jult thInk: One-bait the world doe.n't TermR-All suml of '1000 and Ohio know bow the other half Ilvell!" "Nev· ARM-A good 'one in II. good Waynesville. onder, ouh. 00 all sums over F .r mlod dear." replied her long-aulre... 100at.IOD, elolle to two rallroadll. $10.00, a oredU ot D monthll will be IDs hueband, "that Isn·t your (auIL" glvSD by purchaser -riving II. bank. For furt.her partioulars Inquire a\ '!!!!!!'!'!!!'!'!!~~~!'!'!!!'!'!!~~~~!'!'!!!'!'!!!! 029 a.ble no\e, 'i'our per oen' dtlloount this office . BARNHA~T, for OIish. ACRE8 of land. S E. of Good F.llow. JOB. Marlatt. ~Byuesvllle 2 miles, kDowD Father (vlelllnc at college)-"MJ Notary Public Tom 0111. Auotloneer. as the Clark&on Gouse Ftlrm. Ap. lIOn thele are better oilare than I can W. E O'Neall,Olerk. ply to Franklin Paoker, Waynes. All kinds of Notary Work. Penlllon alr~rd." Son-"That'. all rIght, t .. ville, lJhto. " W o r k a ~peolaay. ther; take In you want; thl. Ie OIl m....-yale Record. 1 will lellone at hllolf publtamile auotlon on the luemlBeR, north of .l,yt·le, on the Ly$le and Ferry road,



- Ohio

W a ynesvills,



. -.


Olassifiad Ads



..... ..

.. - ...


---_.- ..---







DR. H .E . H


Dr. J. A. McCoy,




E. v.

12 7


How's This? We offer ODe B~ndred DollarlO aeward for any Ollse of Oawrrh tbat. oaDOO\ be oured by Hall'l U.tarrb Ourf! F. J. CHENRY & CO., Tole,do, O. We, the uodenigmd, have known ~. J. Cheney for the last 15 and be!teve bJm perfectly, honorable In all buslnnl tllUlllllctions and financiallv ab!e tf carry out any obligatloDS made by hiS finn. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMBRCE THOUSANDS ot Northal'D vtatton Toledo, O. to the NaUoMl CctDaenatloa JII:a:. Hall'8 Catarrh Cure Is taken i~ternally, I poIIUoa that fa belq beld III acting dl"!~tly .pon the blood and ~u· Kuosnll.. Tan.. l.D the heart 01 tile eoue iI~rfaCe. of tbe system. Testimonlllis A palacblall 1'$1100. thll 1'&11. are 'fill'" sent fret • I ·PDrice~7!'.. centl per bottl~. I~ J'L BaDc1er'l; whe~ .. lamoua battle Sold by al ru .... . . ..... Take HaJi'. iunlIy Pills for coasll,.. .... foq" IftJ ,..... ..., - " . . .

, ,loa,

. j!

WI N. Sears


Monday. September 22, 1913 Commenoing at 1 :30 p. m, 'he fol!owing: Two 'r' ots of land, one of 118 and tbe other of 117 aures . tlee bllls for partloulars. W. O. UJrDell ~I, A. lIoNeil, Auot.

UniQa aDd OoDfederate forGM, Bur... lide and Loqlt.reet were ~e oppoetlJl POlrail ia thll battle that c. . . .. the culmtDaUoD of the II... or KnoxvWe charlnr wlateh Loqlt.reet tried Incitrect1l&1I1 to pell u, Buualde', Ia ~at ...~y


Live Stock and General Auctioneer

We will se)l ., publto auotioD lit the homo of Thoe. ~. Brown, de ceued, liD . Saturday, September 6, 1913 Bet1nDiDg at 1 o'olook, houaehold furDiture, .~rden tool., eto. ORA.DUATB 01' Tn ADnie U. Brown . Kame i', Brown ....TIONAL AUOl'ION

A, A, KoNell, AGOt,


~ :AJmBJC4 , ~



Posted on pedigrees and values of aU kinds of breeding stock. Experienced in handling farm sales since

1905. Ternu Reasonable


Waynesv.llle, OhlQ







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In Ills .t.ln'U~. b ondlnll MB'6rty ftII' waN. -Dy be nv e n ! T hc re tbo y are. Hu gbl's: ' b e CX<' lutlll od, t ...' ll n g l be b o t blood cuu r~ I ' th roug h h lij vl!ln ll, -- Seo, on .th ' In c li ne o r tha t lh lrd r idge T h t' r e Is a s hll ilow th e'r e , alld l lt e y n rc 1101 modu !: I It' n ', dmw III b,H:k 0 1 11\ .. ; II U W ~' LJ U ":t ll ~ "" It ")" I( ~ a 6 Ih t)lI~ h II". ,· h :..1 " h or se II "" " ." I III K h l' ~ ; 1.lI'l (1 I OIlI( III th l! <I ,r('('llo) n In (\ II' ll l ,·d. h i~ '" .'" n:.rru \\ "\1 IIdU II]I' re Hi l ts





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No dUlIbt Ilbo1P. that. .. tbere f' "Not ' lps8 t h m to j una lOO k to tbe r td ge. 'rbpy WU A ~ ure In tbl' (ourth \" 11 11 ,,) ' wllL' n \Y O tus t slg hlO{! th l! o ut fi t buc lt t b a r . \\' h:\l('h ~ r go ill ' t .. r do . S or · J( pa :1 l ? J unll) " ' ill a boS1;· bac K. o n ' j us l PU I\:(, 1" :ld ?" li lt '" It " I" " t h n ll /{ht Ihl e O\··' r 08 h e ruu " U l h 1 " In" ,,! y h a d ()la (( I\ I'" h Is 01 · 1:I('k '1 h., u"" n l u ~ to t h R " a ll llY Hlull t; "h k h I ." r. ,·~ I'x h llust"cI PMty "'~ ' r, ... hJ\d\' a d\:d ('iUJ2: t ...lw are! th Plll ,


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Rarol" work Ham li n rcou.c!tll teo Ca rroll , hI. rpm a lnlng trooper. Hamlin dIscover. • log cabIn htdJ cn und er a bl uft', oecuplell by Hughos, a c ow th ief, wh o Is larln,; (M LoFovre. r hclll In 1\ cnttl df)lll, HI. who de8crlpll oned Idhln. e ntln •• LeP'e \'ree and D"p'0nt as onu nnd Ih e . nm,' , }{UKho8 •t .oF hot..vre·. \\ lUlSon ml stRkln l;' him tor to onew,,1t or ;lnrty, H RlTllln decide. nt th e ca hln uI'tl! the 8torf1\ abnte. before ftltnmptlng tll ko up the at 1.0Fev", who 10tB ca rrl' tng MollyIrllll 10 the IndlaDa' camp. 'CHAPTER XXIX.--contlnued. The cowman. mumed to tbe ears In a buffalo coat. plunged profanely Into the drift, slammlog the door be blnd him. Hamlin hastily glanced over th e few articl es plie d In r e adin ess on th e bench-ummunltion, blankotB, lood paytng no beed to Carroll's muttering oC dIscontent. By tbe time Hugbes returned, he had Il verytblng strapped for the saddles. He thrust the cow· man's rifle uDd e r hla own flap, but banded the lattor a revolver, staring ftrnlght Into bls eyes as be did so. "I reckon you and 1 have got enough 10 common In this chase to play square." he said grimly. "We 're both out after Le Fevre, aln't weT ' "You bet." "All r ight, tb e n; here's your gun. It you try nny trickery, Hughes, I'd ad· vise that you get me the IIrst sbot, tor i' you miss you'lI never have an· other." The man drew the sleeve of his coat ovor bls lips, his eyes shlftlog before tbe S e rgeant's steDdy gaze. "I aln't thet sort." h e mutt e r ed un · co s ily. "Ye r don 't ne e d to tblnk th (J t o' m e ." " Mayhe not." a nd H a mlin s wung tnto tho s addl e ca r e lells ly, " Only I bought I'd te ll yo u be for ehand wbat would bappe n If you ntte mpt Dny tool guD pla y. T a k e tb e leDd. YOU know thl! trail." Carroll, s up porlln g him se lf by th (lable, cre pt llc rOSR to th e door lin d \v!lt c hed th e m. r ec kl e s s 11K to th" e n· terl n g cold . Th e g ill r e of th o \\'hlt o snow r e ve nl d c1e nrl y th o out1ln e ~ 0 1 Ib e disappe arin g hor s e me n, a8 Ih ey rod e ca utiou s ly down th e hank. Th o thin rrio ge 01 sh ore lea broke und e r th c w eig ht ot th e pOfll e s ' boo fs , us the dd e r s fo r ced th um fo rward loto th e Icy wute r , A mom"nt lot e r tho tw o crt' pt up th a sharp Inl'lI lJe of, th ~ 011 lY.J s lte s hore . [I Plw a rlng d ls tln ~ t a !l'a lnst th e s h y a D th t!}' a t lalned th e KUmm it. lI am lin '\'[\\, (' d his h a nu . li n d th oo, o n a lo pe . th e tlr; lI rps \' un ls he d Into tbe g loo m , C ry in g. a nd 6W!)Dr lns at bls h e l"l n "., ~_ t h e, d{!Sl' I'l ed so l· dl e r close d tb e d llo r, a nd ~r e lll baclt I:Ih lve rln g into hi s bl a L1k ('ls, l-Iu i;!Je ll tun) d hi s ho rsc ' s h ea d to ( b o so uthw es t. fiL1 d r o de 6t r,a dily fo r , wa rd . th e buITnlo ov e r coa t giving him n ab a ggy . gro tesq ue ap pea ra llCO 10 th H spectral light r e fl ected (ro m th ~ ",no w. Vv lthout a word Hamlin fol· low ed. a paco be hind. Th ei r ro ut e lay for t he nrst fe w m ll c s ac ros s a com · pnrallvcly lev el pla t e au. ov e r whl c b th e fi e rce wlod ot th e lat e s torm ha d swe pt wltb snch viol e nce a s to lea vo tb e 'Surfa c o pac k ed firm , Tb e ni g ht ~h\\t tb o m In s ll eo tl)' , glv lug to tb olr Im me diat e !lurro und ings a mournful 107l1}1In es 8 nl OB t deprcRsln g. Th e re wo:re no Bhadow s . onl y th o dull SIl OW· gl~ :lm across wblch tiJe y pas61ld like

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r id ,!! ,' . 0 1 irr egu la r fo r ,n a I ur ,' ' bo u t I' ln ), pd, It loo ks If' r m e-j us t ' , !: to wa rd ,l. bl o t (· r c,ra . '1 lI o tl . a. ll "ndl' n tly hl1 nfil1) \\ , AI n 't 1la d no f 0 tld or I " "n nJl! IlI Ofl' ", u II",rll \'all ,, ), In thu d e- 'ho ut th'" Hlze o· It. \\'(1 o ug ht t o be ' [o r e t b ey PI',ISHIa us th n fi 11 0W Jny b an l~ l l d in d ee p u ldo l (lr h l'nd tho t bunc h ncr v nflH. und . uf t f' r Ill ll n g lnK <!>'s p,' rut t'ly g lt to t h o Can a dl n n nt th e t r nt e 0 ' t lIro ug lJ t wo 0 r t h ellt' , una lll " to JU . d ge t r " ,·pl- h ,,}·. S e p'clm t' " n co rn'c ll y in th e d im li g ht wb e r e t o Hamlin' s e yca (oll o wed th " long r id ,'.' lI ug l" .s lu r llu"- d OJ' are to t h e 5\\, (' 01' o f th o cro ss·r ldge. s tud yi ng Its SO Ul h. sk lr lln g nln ng tb • ba re s lop o of tre nd . a nd th e direction ot th o Inte r· a n 'd".,0 , t r us t III g so mc t u rn Io we r vc nln ..a v all c"s Once d o wn on th e J • do w n wo uld y ie ld l be m th e ne cess a ry ot he r s lopo a ll thl. ex t f' n s lv e vi e w wCSle rnl ng. wo uld b e hidd e n; th ey would hav e to "1 t'K o\'o r t h " " ou lt' s' bl' od s do wn rid e bll n dl)', gU E'ss lng at tb o pa rti cular tb a r, Se r ge a n t." he sa id . pol otlng side. swa le n long whi c h tbos e otlie r s were wa ys Into th e durk hollow . "an' we 'r e a d\' nnc lng . T o come to th e s umm it bo und to s tri ke a cros B.rldge ~ we a ga lll would s ure ly e xpo se tb e m to come to the blutra ." th os e k e !' n I nd ian e yeR. Th ny wo uld -- W hat blut'l'6 1 The Canadian ?" be scarC'h lng til e t rail uh ea d c ells e lcs sh " Ye p ; It's ba dl y broke u kentry a Iy , noting evory objec t a lo ng t e long w a ys we s t o · ye r e . Bad lands c r os ts o f th e r idg e s, How e ve r. It Ihe d bl k d Itb mostly, an ' a holl 0 ' a pla ce tor ca ttle passag e aroun was Dot oc e w to hid e out" s n ow . they ought to a ttDln the Juncllon "Hugb ell. do you know whe re Dlack In ampl e time. Wltb twice as far Ke ttl o' s ca mp Is7" to trnve l, th e ir po ni e s we r e s tron g and " Well, no. !lot e xactly , Las' winter fit and should win out a gains t Le th e Cbeyenne s was Be ttl ed 'bout op- F O\'fe 's starved b easts. H e wayed hi s pas Ite tho mouth o· Buffalo cree k. an' g IOl'e d b an d , thar ' re down thar 80mowhar ~ow. "We'll try It," bo said. s hortly; Thar 's onoithlug s ure - tb e 'I an I 't any ' ,come on. I. I ug h es ." "( east o · th e t. As we al n't hit DO trail, He l e d orr along the steep sIde or I reckon as how Le F e vre's ouUlt th e hili . aD d t arc In g his h 0 rse Int0 a must hev drlrle d turth e r then I calc'la- sharp trot. he ad ed straight out Into ted." th e white wilderness; Hughes. wlt.h· "I thougbt so at the time ," com· o ut utterlog a word, brought down his m e nted the .othe r, Quietly. "However, quirt on his pony's flank aDd rol· we will have to mak e the circle, and. lo wed. It the couotry out yond e r is us you dss cribe . tbey wUl be no better ort. CHAPTER XXX. They'lI have to tallow the ridges to ge t through. We mDY get a glimpse The Fight In the Snow. wben daYli g ht com es ." The slope toward the sout)l had DOt Th e y rode on steadily, ke e ping down bec D s w e pt clear by tb e wind. and th e below the crest of the hllla. yet pick. horses broke through the crust to Ing a passage where the snow had tbe ir kn eea, ('ccDslonally stumbling Ileen swept cle ar. Th e slipperiness of Into bollows where ' th e drifts we r e the Incline made their progre ss slow, deep. ThIs mad e progress slow. al· as they dared not risk the breaking ot though H a mlin pre ssed torwa rd r ec k · a horse's leg In that wildern ess, and less ly, lully aware ot what It would t h e taint glimm e r was most contUSing. m ean should tbe fugItives e m e rge The wind had ceased. tho calm was first. nnd t hus achl eTe a clear pass· Impre ssive aftc r tbe wild tumult, but a go to thE' rive r . What was gOing OD the cold se emed to streogthe D as the the r e to the right, bohlnd the trlnge dawn advanced. vicIously biting the of low bltls, could not be conje ctured, e xposed tsces or the m e n. The strain. hut to the lett thc riders could see Ing ponies we re white with trost. In cl early tor a great distance ov e r th e tbe gray of a cbee rl es8 d a wn they desolate. soow·draped land. down to reached the tlrs t IIno ot blutrs, and the d a rk wat e nl of tbe Canadian alld dre w rein jus t below th e summit, tb e slJore beyond. It was all a de80 , wh e ro they could look oU Dcroas the lato wast e. barren <ir movement. anf! low er ridges to the westward. no s moke bore e vid e nce or any Indian It was a Wild, de solate sce no, the e ncampm e nt n ear by. ,A mile or more dull gray s ky overb eDd. the black and to th e we st the river took a sharp w hlt o s hnd in g b elow. Mils on mile bcnd. dl sappoarlng bohlnd th e bluffs, th e picture IInro ll od to tho horIzon; and on th e ope n plaIn, barely vi s ibl e th e vlsla wl dc nlng s lowly as the light al':aln s t tb e unsullied mantle ot snow. In cr e a sed. hrin ging fortb the details wer e d01'11 specks . apparently moving. at barrc n, wlnd ·swe pt rIdge s und ebal· but In e rrati c tashlon. Tbe distanc e low valle ys c hok ed with s now. Not II. Inte rvenlng was too great tor eith e r trf!e, not a shrub, not e ven a rock m nn to dl s lln gllish exactly what th e s e ml g hl be. yot us th e y plung ed onward the I r k p.e)J ey es sP.a rch ed th e valier Vi g ilantly through th e cold cl e ur air. " Som e or your lon g·horn s, Hug h es?" a s kl' d th e S e r geant finally. polotlng as he turn C' d and g lan ce d back. "QUi te a bun c h 01 c at t le . It looks to mo.'· " The m th a t' aln't c ows ." r e turned the oth e r pos iti vely. "Tha'ro too close· Iy bunched up. I reckon · It·1I be Black I{ eltl e's pony h e rd." "Th en hie vlllngo will lie In beyond the big be nd t h re." and HamIll'! ros e In hi s stirrups . s hading his e yes , "The be rd or a ha ve n't d r Ive n th em fa r since th e storm brok e , rou don't see any smok e , do yOil 7" Hughes shuok his bead. "You w o ul d n 't like ly see none against the ~ray sky ; the m ponies la t wo er mayhe lhre e mHes off, an ' ther camp Is likely a mile er so fur~b, er. T hllr's a bIg b e nd thar. as I r~ m emher; a sort o'le vel spot wIth blurr all 'round. 'cept on tbe side '0 th e r riv e r . We h ed a cattlo corral thar onc·t, durin' a round·up, Most likely that's whar they are." Plunge'd Profanely Into the DrifL "And La F e vre Is he adIng IItr:llgbt broke th o d ead monotony. All wall for th e spot. W ell, he'll have to come 10ne lll1ess and sllonce. The snow lay out on tbls bench IIrat." "Yep, tbere Bura aln·t no valleys g leaming and uutrampled. except lUI he re and thero a dull brown patcla ot lying between. How many 0' tbese dea d gras s d a rk e n ed tho side of a hUI. yere gulcb openings have we got past Hamlin sllad o wed-bls eye s with ,loved already?" "Three; th e re's the fourtb just hnnds. s tud )' lng Int e ntly IDCb by Ineb tho wldo domain. Suddenly he arolle abead. That's th e ono they wero trail· 01




rell Into tbe hands of the derstand II word ot It!" "Thank cOI1\·aICllcent. Ho began to r ead; but heaven." exclaimed Jerrold. "then I not a complete Id ea could be get from am llot an Idiot atter all!" tha$. mystic producUo/;\. The tIJougbt tl) e n Atruck !JIm tbat he had lost his Too Tender With It, r('ason during his IIlnees. Filled with pbys lclan t e lls a story of a phil· apooy. a pers plralfon burst from his anthroplc doctor In a Peilnsylvanla bro w , At that moment hIs wife enter· coal :nlnlng to",· o wllo presented each od th e r oom, "Read thIs, my dear." b e bousebol,d wllh a nIce new thermome· c r ie d out. thrusting th e volume Into tor Bnd told the peoplo the necessity h 'r h e nd s . After s everal attempts ot maintainIng:. proper temperature. to make a u y Be n se out of It, as Jar" Wh en IDn~ln g hlB rounds one day be rold , relate .i. Il/l o r e turned U. SUY!::IS, o bserv ed lil8 \.hermometer haDclng In "Botbe r lIll' ~I ~~erlsb! 1 dOIl'~ 1UI-. 1 ~be l'Qr)ID. He tn"u\red of the w~~

SETTLED STATUS OF POET· "SorcJ e l1o" UCluglas Jerrold's Verdict Will Be In. dorsad by Many Who Ha ve Tried to Read Browning, nJO wrltln 8 ;'-;ohert Brow nIng. g ft l !I In rent fa vor among atl ,":, c . t ~:e fow 'but continue to ' be h • :t ~ to tb e eneral public. prohably ~fVCd theirIJkeen e st criti c Ism from . J~rTold half a century ago. Dou'i~ \\.' AII re<:l\verlnli ftom ... vi ole nt .::~ .,.'ti on " COpy ot Br\lwn.hl,·.


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Invit ation of the Gor.pel Is to All ; WandH ing Sh eep to Come

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from 1t1l' , :on r •• d. lrnt e ),,: I' n -\,'p In .li,.. a.; raC .· .nd III the ,,10'1' ilC th ., wnr enll ".·.I, III mnh luf, 11 0) " 11"111 I't fo rCll lh (' lr aui n ll~ \l pr , d a( ' l' r a c1. 'lI be mlll -,n ~ p"c· lhe r OJ: Hl nr a rn lY . 1-1 0 "u sv~(' ts onf' I .q) - , I lion wlth o ll t ~ u fTlu ch as l ur Dln ~ h i s laSn l...C !·' l' \' rO ') ( 1)(4 111 "; rt IS p')t\ !-( I\ "oI,-' f , r Ill LJ i l:' , Hnd "'('!t fl ''' ! }, 4'XC h htl J,;It1 ~ a wo rd 'l b ' . tal! d t tJfrrfl.c·f~ T r oo p .- I\ pp~a r lu) ,1 !lflll"r bo th I1l t .n \~ dh, h fu l o f t h e ~ 1I0W u n dt!r . , nd " cort or l. leru l .L l~d\ln ft M o ll y t'la rl ~ , ,) " TI I:: f .Ho f u r . I ( ' :l !i tw Is {'! t ll n r w a R ~Oln h er r a l h c- r- ' lf f~m l i ll It' a n :!'! I II J't: J 'l l n l!Jot i n s p ur e }) Ilr a pUr3s i bh ' trn ll . " hc n J. reg l 01 11 11 I H e ret u r ns to }t"" lI rt 11!l·1\;" t ht ~ char a('I. ~ r or tll(' r ou ntry b C' gan t u f o'llr hn s.·ps , nu d t wo - l h ~ I n j uIl 8 I t kA' arl ~ r Ii O U l1\1II 9 . or ft \ih tlnl{ I n (I\ ;IIH . 11 11. 1 .• b lo . 'I' h n r un I rn a Is "n ds M o ll y I !l t'roe ~h tl hJ o r e h t'l1f " 111 111l' {' h ll llJ: l' T tlt - lu ve l p ln ! n bro kt, Into I, Iy ·_· a r fl r 1"u 1' n u OU

nig ht. II nlll llli r u,h" . out. """, " I"t 10 " n ~ "rQ or M ., lI .. Io I.I,nl< III bell tile e\'cs du"nnll f" lI. OHr Ih ., I,,,,) ,· ,, ( Ue ulonnnl !;" . kl n. , " hOI " " ~I" " " 1[.,111\1" ot 8hoot hi weeR m, TMho " "r~o:\ "'/Ih inno c e n t.l"1<H e o lh' In (' onml pI. auI'\ 'r "wit ....... Dupo nl , wh "ln h ~ r p ~ olt nl 7.f· s ' n" " formLe e r ....""','clh" nrl. , wh .' Ih,·,' \\'11 "him .",or tor c"re , Mr. D UI',' " 1 1>' " "/I, lI n l.Al Fc v r~ f"ro.,(1 her 10 oe nd him /, \r\ II<: note. Ham lin tl od IL n '. ho hn. \ ", 011 lnn ll ' lng tor J. o l·;"t~ v re t o ro r(" c h Im t o {" h ' a r hl 8 record. La tor n. 0 " .. rhon r5 " upont IIn.1 n tIOldle hnlr hln!! A monoy -mnk lno: plOl. r :4ol;y s ec k.up nn Inl cr\'l ~ w ... lIh Hamlin, 8 ho ft/l)' o her (/l th ,'r ft. cmo tn be I" In" power o f Mr s, I)ul'nnl. who d nl ln' to be n da ug ht er o r 1\t c t">nn Bh1"s .. If' t er . Molly rll 8npp"n r8 Ilnd Hil miln •• UI oul 10 tra.ce h ~ r , Mr Donn ld 10 orclered to I"orl RtPler. H a mlin (li s e-ov ora th a.t th p nUl " who eft on the st Rge u n <1~r Ih e nnrno of McDonald Willi not tho ma jor, li n IIn,lN MeDolUlld ·. mu rd ered body , H ll mlln ta.ko.o WlLlloon. a !tuld • . n nd IW O Ir(lOP"r ' and goos In [llIr. ult of th e m urd or. r •. wh" bad robbed 1.1 cDonl\l d or ,.,l lUlOO pn f" ''''' ' ter'8 ' maner, H e 8USpeCtS Dupont. ('on . nen . • o ldl ~ 1 ~~~ ompli c" o f Ollpnnl , I . found murd e r"\fd . H Amlin ' . p n r ty In ("no ught In 1\ norco blizza rd while hO/ldlng ror Ih. Clmmnron. One ml\n di es fr (\l" cold nn d

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t 1(" s a !. t , ,, I r nppl1t~ t i n f"l n to l tt u rL! li l\l1 t.iH ' t'(I . Sn lil" IIr11ptlt ' l gro u u d . (,U IlI I\~ "ll l l hnt tl H " t l n ' o (· 0 " ..·· I r ' I'l :-. , . ~_ "01\11 \\ 1:.1 111, 1' :-:1 :(-, II huvt}

I I !'I ' l na_I f1 (1'1 1u l. I II~ b e I( \\'0 \1 { wus bIl Cltl ,· " out ~ 1I1 ( ' l hd ar my O,'!' r d ~oat . o nd h I' d r pw h l~ r oyo l\·. ,r , t l' ste It. n lld s llp p. ·<l\ II bnc k 10 () ~l' l y In t o th .' I10 I ~ t ll r . 'I", U''' rl I' ~ l it] II f' d a u t t h, " r I fl ~fro l1J undM t ill' fl a p of th o sll (ld le . " rl mly h a nrlli ng It In h is ..plo\·.. d On · ., g e rs. \' Hu gh ,,!!. hi s h oa'd Hu nk Io ta hi' fur coll a r , h l~1 hOI br a th Bt l':t m ln g In th e cold al mo s ph (' r ~. watc b nd him c urlou ely ' "Loo k ln ' f.' r a rl ~ ht .mt\~ t II gbt. rec kon ." h e s aId . a t rill ' un £> n~ lI y . " Do· lIe vo m e. )'c r uln 't go l,,' t e r tlnd tb e l pony

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God , ar u t ru ~ , lu i lind 1 l'tl (, II " bl<'. \ ~.h t' l I lk ~ s h l: l' I', So .J .·su s S ;1 )' ~ , M y &h l' (' p h " ,\ r my ,·ol e ." an d I Ii ' l flYo' 11 I l ' Il I 1111 , 1 l ~H' )' lo ll o \\' IT.u : . !flwc p a l" bo lll g ll!1I1 und ba d. !l:HI " 0 I\ ,'n fll!'U. In "II " Illo' ., \\ O "" r call. ~ u, 10l)l'd. " lt e wart' o f In,' u," for tnl' n will " PllOSO rl g ht l' o u ~ n f' s N I II a no th er " lll C" WI' a rc cu u lIsplc d. " Q u it yo u 11 110 nJL: 1I. " ( o r tn a ll I \00 d me a ns ~ tr en g l Il . " nl .. rp rl s() un u uc h if' Vl' m(' UL 10 a w lI·k no wn t l'~t bo t h qu a lities Dr !' r l' p rese nt l' d. " Ye we ro going a s tr ay Ilito sl1 e f'p- heedl e88. wllllui. u iso l,,·.II" lI t, " lI ut a rc 110 111' r e turn ed to th e S h op be rd" -contl d lng. SUbOlls. sl ",,,. u ml a ble. Once . y o u were s cam· pe r lng aw a y. break ing t!lrough lh u h " d li l·. leap ing o \'e r tb e t e uce. runnl og trom protec ti o n. t oo d a nd safe ty In In for bidd <' n pl a c es and pl a ce s of p erll. Hut you hnve co mo back a nd are feed· Ing Qu ie tly within call of the Sbe p, h e rd's voice and conte uted UDder bls


eye ,


Heaven&1 Therl! Hughes."



(ellar no spring e hlckeu . He ',. !lome on tbe r gun pl &.y," "I h ope he Imows e nough to QUll wh e n h e 's corne r ed." r Aturnctl the othe r pl ellsantly. swee p ing hi s ey 08 to tll e opening In the hltl s. "for I'm aim· Ing to to take him back to KaD5DB alive ." "The h ell yo are !" "Thnt's tbe plan pardner, Dnd I've got r e as on for It. I kn e w Le Fevre onoe. y ea rs ago, during the war. aDd I'v e bee n some anxious to be t my hands 011 him e ve r sin ce. H e's wo rtb far more t o m e a llnl tb ll u d ea d, jus t now, Hu gh cH ," hlB voic e hard e n in g "you'll beaJ' ,that tact ID mind wben tho fraca s b eg los. From DOW on tbl s Is m)' alTair. not yours. You under. sta Dd? You b ct busy with tho two bucks. and len ve the while man to me. Come on nlOw- dlsmo \l nt." Hugbes came t o tb e ground wIth e vid e nt r oluctance , s wea ring Rava ge ly "What do ye r th ink IlJp y ero tor." he d e mand.~ d rou g hl y. " If It wa'n ' t to Riloot that cus s'/" ' Hamlin strod o s wiftl y ove r, a nd dropped a h a nd on t b e s h oggy sboul, der. "You aro here becaus e I orde r!! ,' you to como with m e ; becau se If you h udn't I would hav e k lllod you bacl( tb e re In th o shack, you r e d·haud e d murdere r. Now II Rten. Hugh e s. I know wbat you Ilrc--a c a tlle tblrt You and L e F e vr e belong to the ~am e outllt, only h e w ns th e s mart er ot th ~ two. 1 h a vo s pnre d your life fOl a purpos e. and If y ou fall m e now I'll s boot you down as 1 would a 'log ' Don't try to thr eate n m e . you cur, fDr I am not that kind , I am' not tru qtlng you ; I hav e n't fro ilL th e fi rs t, cut you are going Into this fight on my Bide. and und e r my orde rs ," The twoo m co glared Into ea ch oth , <1r's eye s. sile nt. hreat hln g hurd, bUI tbere W:lS a grim determlDation aboul the S e rg e ant's set jaw that lef l Hughes sp ee chl ess. He grinne d weak ly, stampIng down th e snow und e, foot. H mmlln 's continued slh!nc( brought a protes t too his lips. ('I'D DE CONTINUU:D.)


'Too Good to Lend. Agncs- Tbls novel looks DW ftllJy In t e r jlStlllg, Is It good? Gladys--!t·s pe rte ctly splp.~.dld. 1'( l end It to you In a mlnute, btlt It be lonp to me.-Lite.

S·th C

Wh l' u a lllan Is won tram hl8 sinf ul cc urs ca to godlin e ss It may be d e· Il c rlbed as a r q turLl , !low s 07 That's ea sy. I h a vB known a m a n whose n n. c t's tors ca me fr o m Englund, but who himself was born In Am e rica. to say. " I hopo s om e tlm o to return to tb e old hom e In England ," How could h e s " .. ak o f " re turn ing" to n plsce whe re h e .IIad n ever bec n 7 Tb e r e III a kind 0: lr. ll t)' 111 th e famil y II Ie. In his an· c estors b a cnm e to Am e rica and In tb.' lr d (!sce nd a nt th ore Is a r e turn. 11 .we so ba ck far e nough we enD flnrl our nnc e~ t o rs In th e fold of Cbrlst. livi n g In a h om e b e had pre pare d for tb e m . In "d e n th e famil y to wblch w e belong was bapplly she pberded by tb e son at God, Uut tll ey lert the told and weakly follow ed. "like sh eep." Th e re fore, wh e n e ve r one s eeks a reue wal of the old happy relatioDs It Is a r e turn. The In yitati o n of th e gos pel III 1\ ca ll to come ba ck hom e. It Is amesSU I; C! to prodig a ls. to which class we all be long . Wast e n o time In lamentIng th e los t Edeo. but turD and see that Ita gates are wid e open and e n· tranc e Is free to all. Paradis o re· gDlned Is not a poetic taDcy . Th o ro Is a s e n80 In which the faIth· tul Cbrls tlan Is ott e n returning to bls ,S lh'pht'rd , The Id e al life. the life at. ,,,bleh he alm s . la II. lite ot unbroken tld e llty to his lord. Dut he Is aWBre that h e com es far s h o rt or that pu r· pos.. e \'c ry d DY· Ills coofe ss lon or d efe ct a nd hi s pra ye l' tor pa rdon aro a return . It Is plaluly writte n In th e pxperle nce 01 man y ot us, We koow that afte r wa nd e r ing ot h e art In respect of [alth and duty . wh e n h e say, "I will Ilrl sp. nnd go to my fl\t!J e r ." be will s ee u s (rom afar and hast e n to w !'lcoUle U 6.

L e t l~l e t pll you a little. true s tol1 wh ich is al so a parahl e tbnt requlree no Intp. qlrete r . A romantic New Eng· lund boy ~t o l e awny from bls wIdow e d mother'S bouse ODe night and w ent to Re u, T bree yen r s later he ca me back. It wa s late ev e nlog when be r each ed th e hous e, He tri ad the door and It ope ned tDr him . His motber. Sitting In th e diml y lighte d room. gave him wel coming embraces. Later he asked ber 'wby sh e le ft th e door unlocked . lI er Iln s we r was . "That door bas never been locked Blnce you lett ms tor I said b e will come ba ck 80rno day and when ho c omes. at any hour. he must tlnd the door unlOCked ."


Overcoming. It one can keep swe c tness of thougbt and c almness at poise, wben bItter and rebellious feelings press bard aotl close upon the tortured Boul- th.t must be the victory of overcoming; that must hold Ita own r e.wa rd'. some. where, by adding strong fib er to char. Beter. That I~ the time to remember. to the ' exclusion ot complaint, that to be overcomers we must !fave some. thing to overc<;lme. Aye. and they must be hard things. which presa severely en a weak pOint. In character or tem. perament. In ord er that the weakest link In our chnln may be fully tested.


ROMAN EYE BALSAM FOR SCALDING SENSATION IN EVES AND ALL FORMS OF INF' LAMMATION Of' EYES OR EYELIDS S ign. "I s Ihl R [ I' as t lo t ICl 11 lUod r e v e l ~ " "(; ll.'5S so ; I can SO(1 Ih e I'hampagnft bott IllS fOll lD lng a t t he mouth." Red Cro"8 Ilnlt Blue " Iv,·, d"ubl e. \'~ Iu e tor y o ur m o tle y . Io:UI' 5 1 "tcn I\S flH U I\nr ", .. h er .. D u U' L l)ut y o u r m UD ey IOLD &'uJ' uLhoc_ Ad. .. They Probably Will. "Wome n 's HkJr ti! are to b o tig bter tha n e 1'l' r t h e comin g se llson." " I doo' t cure. le t 'om rIp." Small Soul .. U pt o n Si nc la ir W Il S talkin g about certain 111 111Iol1a I re m ale flletorR whose c rim es al wtl)'e we nt Ill1pUOl ij hod . "\l' s hard to unde rs tand," s a id Mr, ~In e l n Ir. "how t ht'se m e n escap e r e t· rlbutlon unl ess It be . IDd ee u, tbat the y're too s mall (or the /lI l's b es of the o e t." How He Would Have Them . 1I0w will you ha"e your eggll cook ed ?" ns ked th e walte r. "Mak e a ny dllf e r e n co In the coet of 'em?" Inquire d th e cautloue cU8tomer with th e bri mless h a t and the ragge d benrd . "No ." " Tb e n co ok them o n the top ot • R1ice ot ham," s aid the cu s tomer, greatl y r c ll eyed. Impolllbll!. Startle d h e lookpd a bout him. "My Ipgs aro com rortable ," h o mUllers d. " My kn ees ar e n't crnmped . . I can get tb e kInk s ou t of my cal ve. and e ve n lean b al' k a IIttlo. My line or sight III unobs tructe d. " ' by. not only cll n t s t'£) e ve rything. r-can also b ear e vorything! I ~ an r e tire to the foy e r with· out dl s turbln !; 15 people . or eyeD on e. but - I'm 60 comfo rtable BIlling b e r e that I'd rather atay '~II S l whHe I am. Th~ 8 e li g h ts-the mu~l c- th e Bce ne ry - 1111 loolt r eat. ye s, the y stron gly r eality - but It's Imposs ibl e . Wbl) ' Io've r h eard of a comCortablo th eater! 1 must h e dre amin g." And do ggonu It, that's Just what he was dolu g .- MlUIses. AN OLD NURSE Per'luaded Doctor to Orlnl< Postum_ An old faltbtul nurse and nn o xperlenced doctol'. are a prell: ~trollg com· bination III fa \'or of Postum, Ins toad of tea and coffee . The doctor said; "I be gan to drlok Poslum fiv e years ago on tho advIce of an old nurse. "During an unu s ually busy winter, b e tw een cartee, t e a and overwork, I b ecame n victim oC Inr.orrmla. In a. month after b egInning POBtnm. In pl aco or t ea and coffee, I could e at any t hing aud sleop as sound ly a s a bahy . "In three 1lI0nths 1 had gained twen· ty I,ounds lu w e ight. I now use PostUIll altog e th e r lustead or tea and cott e e ; even at b edtime with a soda crac ke r or some other tasty biscuit. "HavIng a IItlle tendency to D1abet es. I used a small quantity ot sacchar· loe In s t ead of sugar, to t;weeteD with. I may add that today tea or coffee are nev e r present In our house and very many patients. on mv advIce, have adopted Pout,um liS theIr regular beT· erage_ "In conclusion I cnn assure anyone tbat, 8S a refreshing, nourishing and nerve 'strengthenlng beverage, there Ie nothing' equal to P08tum." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Crealr:, MIch. WrIte for boo\t1et, "Tbe Road to Wellvl1le:' Postuin comes In two forms. Regular (mue.t be boiled). Instant Postum doesn't require bolJ. Ini'""\iiit1s prepared Instantly by stir-

____--1- Ailout Potato·e.:· of the bo-use It she had rem ~ mb e rc, Would you Ilke to know how to hls Ins tructions , scrape potatoes, eas ily 7 Here I. an "Indee d, sIr. I dO." wa. thl!> respon~ excellenl method: Put tbe potatoes 7:=1rr.:-~ "I bal' g tbo thln ~ ri g ht up tb f! re tlll( to sonk a little while with a iiinaJ,1 rIng Ii level teaspoon!ulln an ordluary I watch It carefully to SBe It 410es nol piece or common Boda III the :wnter~ DIlP 01 hot water. which makes It right get too h 19 b : and you w!11 tlnd they fire much "easier ror moat persons, . "0 od!" e xclaimed t htl doc tor. ,"Ane to scrape and do ' nol soli tbe rflnger&. A. lIl!; cup requires more and Borne people who like strong tblngs put In a what do you do whe n the tem\le ra heapIng SPOOl!fuT"iiiif:temper It .w lth ·. turo rl sC!! a bov il 'to d egrees ?" When Walhlng Mirror,.' "Why, s ir:' , snswe!'ed the wom an When washing windows q.od mIl" large supply ot cream. with tho air of olle talthtoJ1 to a '-nlat. . rt 'lI. little turpentine dlBsolVed In , EXlIer'lmeDt · Until you · know the · : ''When I~ gets 100 blgh 1 take It dow!' :vOarin water III the best Ibl~S. A li ttle amount that' ple.'e8 four Pft1ate , aoil ~8~u:,~t ;=.Ide ,IID~ U ~ 011 alcohol will a1ao do: wonden ,'n br1g11' It ie'r.ved that way III the tutun. . "There'.',& ~D" f~ Poitu. : ' • '_.. . .'. eJll~ tb~ ~~.. .'


.. ....








Argputlnl\ Is ('" llI nK lOt' luppn ... .. t mule ·• .


The Best

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f or C h lJd ... o \11 ' (i(UI\\ t., rrJun' " Ib11311 1M :\' lI Oll ,allaY8 palll,(' or(''''1 w1I.1Il C'o i lt.' .:t!oc u. \k.l\(h.. ..A.!:.

Beverage under the Sun-

Cot1 ~ Lh lnK , ,..)rl ~ lI t3


Not Alwa ys . ~I

rt nrl ::i Wf'r lurn K a way wrn lh ." ""'e ll, ./1111 J UI! (I~ " Ill y gOl rn ~ddc r



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or n s('o rl ' of I,,,, it iOIl~ 111 t h" !i pI IJl :l n~ )' ar !t~ . lI re,\\ II had j Uri t t,oId ~!:::::::!! soV(' rnm e nt ~ ,rv l cc a t Was h. 1l 1l10S f ll li') l"lit:\ au !t · ~tCl r y , ,lIl t! tipl IJ II~ t On t hn t II Il\' e Ja ~ t b.,.- II 1I11~rl by u t lil ' J' t \\ O g i HIlCt' tI a t I ' a('h ullll ' :' qU l ' ti" th e n e w udlllln lH trati o li . TII"se big tlOlling ly " \\ ' ·1 1. I fI >~ ur,· ~ ' I 'U , g"I1 '':Ibs . n l£, r1y I: vA ry "liP or \\' h l(' h has to t1 ('JJIl' Il, " rairl HI'O WII , "i f I h:lun ' t K~I ' n do ,,·lth the '~ c ll · b .. lll g of mlillo nll or It flJ) sci( I 51t"ulul ' [ I,u'" Iw l ll'I'e d it " tbe peo lJl c and cnrT'I I'H \\'Il h It greater C2UtJ ~..zc> .1 }-l n _ hiJU ._ \\'<:. 11 ," sai d IIU C or lh\.' 11,\ 0 respons ibility thun a ll cl l'll lit!' ('a n d ouut l'ul UJH~. "rvu IlIlIb t r (,llJ l: lItlJ~r paralle l. pay. on t h e avcrng.' , "'$ 0.000 a Cotl ij ld ern bl c proport ions III thatH has old man , tltlH w(' dldn 't 81'1' i t." yenr. Quite nnturally n IlV e .lhoU Rand. \ aM Its c bJecl n o less u thing Ihun an dollar mll n Is n ot bi g c nol tg h ror ~uch l~p~O Vent,e llt of th e cond itio ns und e r Import.ant Measu res Mad: L .lI,' 'f. a joh. So . t h e appolntiv o p0lI' c r "hl ch d\\ ell all tho s ', PCoilie or the Among' tlte Ilotnb lc advlIll ces In tlt e tbrow /! Oll t th o drogll et ror m en big rarm s who turnl s h the tood tiupply IlJgi ~ l at:"'J f' IHl C [nl e Jlt~ of t hi ~ y(>ar. D.mIUtU Ihe C.n uin. A! pnoug h ror th e glv " n lagk who pl ace fot t he msell' es u nd tb e 60 prr cent. arc lit o lull<' rcu loKis rt'[,;ist ral io ll law Sod.. Rt/Ule SuhSlltult " public se rvice abov e pron t , o r who w~o dwelt In th e cllies lUI we ll. o! Co lorado; ill \\'R Ilro\' id Illg for 6U h· Fountaias fhl s 1ll'W ac tivit y In th e de lJ tlrtm e nt regard Ih o di s tinction or a fed l' ra\ of . s Idle s to lo(;a! hO Rpltals II: ~1iu ll sota or Carbonal«' lIee 11.1' c'ol n\J<,n sntlo n, or wh o nre m e n I of agrll'u lture Is known aB tlfe rura l and W ls('o JI, ln, n il uc t pro"l d in~ ror in 1:10,,1 .. , 'lr !}art!! de splto thl' fac t Ihut th ey lIl a ), orgalll ze. lIon Be n 'lcc . It htl!! tlS Its dl · tbe eB talJ li ~ bltl e ll t or couli ly Ioo ~ p i ta l s bOt. hav yet gain ed RUI' h t1n ll n ela l rc ctor ti Dr. T . K Carver, IJror en~o r or In l udl"ml , n nd th e es ta bli sh men t ur sttlllding n. to "lake .. hundr ed dol · eco no mi cs at H a rva l'd. DI·. Carver 15 state b"t·(>,,"s for t be " n"'e"llo Jl of lars n week look unattra ctive. lIavo Lh e natio n's recogn ized hest uuthor ity tub"l'('ulosls III Ohio and Call fo ru lu. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, .(lA. II. look ut som e or th eBe JobB, Bays W . up on th e subject ot rural ecollom ics. ,",' btener fOG KC a. Arro. Ibtn'- of COd· CotL A. DuPuy, In tb e Philadelphia Record . H e has written II Dumber ot boo ks oesperate Remedy . Indian Commlslioner. UPOII tbl .. subject which aro regard ed From t l.. · rout of a I,u iltling t h e d a flr st·clas H DI:LD·o'· wursmllll are und er 'rakl'. to r hl stance, th n coml11 lsslon . I as stan ard . He tak ea up his IJrese nt th e burell u of navlgution . Ev e n the st ra uge r l o ok c (~ down UIJOIt n pa rk er or India n affairs . That ofTIclal Is In work upon an Inde finite leav e of a bo whose sp nr c graBS , ~craggy Hhrubbcr y reali ty th e- administrator at a gre at spnce from Han'nrd. na val IIca df' m), at Annapoli s finds Ita and s tunt ed tmes we r o ulm os t t ram· eswtc. This e state Is \'ultt cd a t $900,. 'fhe rural organization sf' rvlce Is lIuth o rl ty h{'r o. Evpry ca Dlaln am· pled out or 61g ht by a buman tn}b tba.t 000,000. It Is tb hl gges t e state In la rg t' ly flna nced through th e national bilio us to ge,1 <!ommnnd ot " sQuudl'on s u rg ed round a 8lJea k e r 's pl atfo r m I[l tbe world. Tb e re are ~O O,OOO b elrs education board, e ndowe d by ,John U. must 100 1, to th ts bu reau for promo- the middl e of th e park. to It. 1'hl'Y are mos tly, In the eyea at Rock f' fe ller. The d e lla rtment of ag- lion . T he e nlist ed lIIan who o\,e rstays "What 'l! up?" 88.~ :::.~ s tran ger. "A the III W , minor h eirs a nd Lhe estate rlcnlture bas co-operated wltb this his l ea l'l~. the lIe ut ona nt who h as fall· 6 U Ifragls't riot!'" mu s t b!l manag'ed tor tb e m , th eir board Cor a number ot years In farm en a victim or th e IJlucklng board. the "Worse than that," said th e gu id(' . \. ..-~.orrr...... . ( ? .-1\ 1 mon eys !nllst b e coll ('ctcd, must b e tn · •uemonstrntton work In th e south and RtoUt co mmander who has bee n too "Th e park grllS!l hu s LJ e n In a bad . Nature'. fine.t, put up like the h1Hlle-mad. ken care ot. mus t b e distribute d . Not Is highly pleased with the practlcnl re. lon g o n shan, du tY - PR cb an d 111 1 mus t way fo r se\'e ral months, "nu 1\ local lund and all your trouble .and, 'OU. extra: lake th e tr caeca to this bure au . only this. but each of th e Indi viduals su I ts a b tnlned. politic ian bas call ed a mnss lIIec t Ing or CIIuality i. tru" of all Libby'. Pickles and C<>ndimen~ In th p 300,000 mu st bp carefully leak. Uncle Sam'. Real Estate Office. Ruler of 9,000,000 People. t he cltlz.e n s to d Isc uss pl uns for ~II'" and tbere i. re .. 1 economy in their uu. ed aftl'r. He must b e ke pt h ealthy . This 18 a new commissione r ot th e OHr In the sist" .. brunch or th e mill- Ing It." He must be give n th e advnntages or gene r al la nd ofTIcc, who Is a man \l'ho tary 8~r\'ice s its another man who haa sc hOOling . Ho mu st b e led toward self· has 68:1,000,000 acres o f la nd ror sale. a \'ery hllman wo rlt to p erform In that Young Man Took Warning. Bu p po rlln g manhood . H e mu at be Sales or land are now running on pret . b e Is th e \'Irtual ru le r or ~,OoJO , OOO " Churles," said a ~ h a rp voiced WOIO · glvcn th e rights of manhood wh enever t y 811\00thly and amount to abo ut $10,-, psople. ~h18 Indlviduill Is .Rrl t;ndler 1\11 to h er hu sbu t'd In II railway car , ho proves lthnselt fit. 000,000 a year. There ha ve b e .. n be t. Ge ne r al f ra llk ~ ll!l n t)' re , cillot cd the " do )' OU know th at you ll nd I ouc e h ll <1 Every OM from' Seville'~ 10;'11 famed as the Th e man who Is I'esponsl bl c ror th e t er y ea rs a nd tb er e bave bee n worse . bure au of Ins ular atrulrs. Rnd t here· 1\ roma ce in a rnl l", ay ca r?" home of the world'. beat olivet. Only the pick admlnl~trlllloll oC so hu ge a n ('slate There was th e banne r yea r oC tb e fore Ch lHgCd \l'lth th e a ctl,' e ('o nLrol of the crop i. offered to you under the Libby "Ne vE'r heard ot It," f(' Il\1 e d (,ha rl es, should be a man of unlmpeacbable ssles through this office awsy back In at all nJaltcrs pertaining to th ~ ~ ov · In II. s ubdu e d Lon e. Iab"l. Either the Queen or Moru:anilla variety cbarac.t e r and of many parts. It tell to 1836, when the land .hungry An glo. e rnm ent of th e,,, of th e l-hll1p' "I thought you hadn't, bu t d o n't YOl1 Pimento Stuffed, Secretary Lana of th e de pa rtm e nt of Saxon s had r eached that choice ti e r of pln ps nnd Porto Rico . remember It wus that pull' or slip pe rs th e interior, to find s uch a man. He slates Including Michigan, 1IIIooIs, In. Oen ernl McIntyre Is no t as Jil.l\' to I presen t ed to you lhe Chri stm as be· Insist on Libby'~. , -ilrllggM th e country for tb e Indll"ldual diana, Mississippi and Alabama, and his t as k us so me of th e men he rei n rore we w('re marri ed that led to our of jus t th e right Qual1l1catlons lind ex- were buyin g fa st . mPllti on p<l, aB h e ('arn e tn It thri)ugh union ? Yon remem b er ho w n ice ly Libby, M<':NeilJ & Libby perlencp.... Finally b e Rettled upo n Cato But today there are good lan<ls tor mAn y cam pa ign s In th e Philippin es th e y fit ted , don't you ? ' Ve il, Cllarl ee, Se,lls of Gle burne, Texas, for Ih e post. 8111e throughont th e '...·est. Th ere are and by work In the burean und e r Gen· Olle day when ,\.(' ,','er e going to It picChicagl) Mr. S ells was not II candidate for the gold lands and coal lands and 0\1 landa e ral E dw a rds, Its former chl e t . Ills nic you h a d your feet up on a 8"1< 1, a nd post, but WIIS appointed only atter and tarmlng lauds. Alaska has a task Is al\ Imme nse c ue, as tb e bu· when fOlu were n 'l loo kin g I too k your special ogents or th e departme nt had wealth or valuable relll estate , but rea ll at In sular Illralrs 18 attempting O! eUJI url~ . Bul for that pall' or slip· looked Into e very step In his career even ArkanSAS, Kansas, JIIlssourl. for one thing to perform th e miracle pers 1 do n't b plleve we'd (" 'e r be" n with the Iden at determining whether Michigan and Florida, In tbe enst. 81tll at molding Into one bomogen eous marriedl." or not b e was th e right so rt of mnn have fe deral laoda ror Bille, and they whol e tb e 1i 0 chaotic t.rlbes, speaking A ),ol1n g unmarri ed mnn . s iltin g by, to handle one at tbn most trying posts are 8ell1ng. aR many dial ects. boldlng to many re- imml'dlately took down his reet from The new mnn who bas Just takell IIglons, harboring many IInimosllle9 11 sest . In tbe government service. Chief Patronage Dllpenler, cbarge ot thl8 monett'r real estate and 'un enllghtened liS to ctvlll·t ed 1\", Over In tbe postoftice department Is bUllnell1 II Clay Tallman, a young lng, wbo go to mnke up tb9 oopul. Open to White Settleaaent _ the a man Who Is -In the very midst ot la,,'yer trom Nevadu, In tbe far west, tlon or the Philippines. appointing 62,000 postmastent. In ad· ,,'here the chIef activity ot the people The Gold ' Guardian. Roxbury , Ohlo.-=::;' ben my little boy dlUon to this he Is the chlet of staft of Is Illud·boomlng, In this omee tbere John Burke, three times gC.\·ernol was two weeks old h e began breaking an army of 66,000 clerks and letter are 600 employee In Wasblngton . of tb e great state of North fllkota, out on his cbeeks. 'The eczema began carrlent. In addition to this be Is the There are 125 branch omces In as 1& tbe guardian of the greatest aggre- just with pimples and tbey seemed to Alo"l1 Main Un. of Creat Northern Railw.,. iuperlnle ndent oj 60,000 postofficee many loclllltles, and theae and tbe field gallon or actual money that he sever Itch Be, badly he would scratch his ana has the control of the policies force are responsibl e for an additional been gotten togeth er In the blstory of f~ce and cause a matter to rUD. 8,406 homesteads of 160 acres each on the Fort Peck Indian Reserthat ~o\'em them. And still In addl- 1,000 reen, r the ,,'orld. He 18 the new treuurer Where"er tbat matter would touch It valion, located jUlt nonh of the Mi ssouri River on the fenilc plain. of No rt heastern MOllt:uua, ",ill be op,n to white .ettlement. Uon.,tD this he hall direct charge of the Mr. Tllllman Is not yet forty years of the United Swtes, and thla ,overn· woutd - cause another pimple until It developmenfOf the parcel POllt, whlcb of age. He grew up In Michigan, was ment Is the posse8sor of more wealth spread all over his body. It caused 1,145,001) IIcre. are available- prairie land ,~i"l ~ r il~ h, &andy Io.lm lOic capable 01 20 to 30 bushel. of wheat Hnd hi attempting to cllrry packages for a e ducated at the slate unIversity and than any other InaUtution since Adam. dlsfigu l'Sment wblle it lasted. He had 40 to 60 bUlhela of oat. per acre, hundred mlllloll people. Altogetbe r went to N eva da when be was ready The otber day he signed a rece1pt fqr fifteen places on one arm and his Resi."", at GlalllOW, HaY1"ll or Great Fall .. Mont._ no mean Job. for practice. A tl'rm In the IItate sen- $1,426,422,061.482-3 . Nobody can t.blnk bead h ad several. The de ep est 1)laces Dail,.-September 1 10 20, inclu.i ... This man Is Danlol C. Roper. first ate, aD unsuccessrul but closely con- of a billion nnd a ball of actual money on bls cheeks were ns large a A a ell· Drawinll at Gla"o,." September 23 assilltant postmaster general. tested candIdacy for represenlallve to and comprehend \l'hat the amount ac· The .slxty·two thousand postmasterB cong ress. and other pollUeal slepplng- tuaUy means. But Ihat Is Ihe amount ;:;t1::~la;t ~~lg~~c~,.:I~:d t~e p~';sm~~ I ~~:8&: ~;~d:~i:ubu~~Lt~lt~~~~~ut,:O~~ f.:~.~r fleta, and be who lire appointed from Washington stones, led to bla appointment to onc III actual money In tbe treasury nt t ens on blm to k eep bl m trom scratch· , . " ","Ut; ,'u. \ I " f Informa.tion FREE ~~If'::'.W~~~ -- -actually receive tbelr commIssions of th e big poets In th e federa l execu- Washington tbat the reUring treall- Ing th'e m with his fin ge r nails. If h e tMlted ma.- rold er nnd d et n.\lN1 lurOfUJft, from the pre ~ld e nt or tbe postmaBter tlve service. ure r or tbe United StnteB turned over got a lillie too warm at nlgbt It ~ll~~c~~~~~fu~t:D~I~~i:J~ uvonID". ]fIll general. Flntt Assistant Roper Is. An Executive Hero. to TreaAurer Burke and for which he seemed to burt badly . E.. C. LEEDY, General Immi.,.tion A.t. Dept. 326, Cr •• ' Northern R7 , howe\· cr. th e man who bnniJleo all the R ear Admlrsl Victor Blue, under ap· Is responalble. "We tried a treatment and h e didn't St. Paul. Manne.ot. detail that leads up to those appolnt- polntment by the new secretory or the Theile vastly Importan~ go\'ernm ent get any bette r. H e bad th e ecze ma 1'"n oUl{J ~ I'd c(nc IntrmllUvtt ol &xv("Ui QI, ------, I I' ", I. I ' , ,II t. Sa" J-'rlAru"u ro, ' !1M ments. That anny at city letter ear- navy, sIts at the h ead ot Ule premier positions, that are so large In res pon· ubout three wee ks when we began rlers, which has Increased tram 10,000 branch of Ihe navy department- thE< s ibilllles ' as to appall the mall who nslng CutiCUfR. Soap and Ointm ent. I twenty y ea rs ago to 30,000 at the pres- bureau of navigation . Some months tri es to mealmre th e m, 1!.re of great br.tbed blm at nlgbt vrltll the C utlcura I ent date , Is Imme dlalely under bls ago tble young navsl omcer h e ld Lho numbe r . bllt 0110 otber should btl me n· ~0!lP and spread th e Cutlcura Oint· I care, and every rule and regulation rank of commander and 'I\'as In service tloned In sele cting but a few or the ~. e nt on aud the eczema lett." .,. tor' Its control originates In his office. on the Pllclflc, being chief of stair of m06t s trikingly Interesting on es . This rSigne d) Mrs. John White, Aillr. 19, I ...., The Bame Is true of the 36,000 clerks, the Pacific Hee l. Then h e was called other Is that of councilor of th e stat e of the 62,000 postmasters nnd various to Wasblngton tor service on the gen· depnrtm ent, a post ju st now h e ld br 1918. Cutlcura Soap an d O' ntm en t sold .~.~ other odds Ilnd ends that go to make era I board, and before long he found Oti C John BUBsett Moore, college pro· tbroul~hout the world . Sumpl e or each \,~ up the 150,000 people who are tinder hlmselr the head of tllat bur('au which resBor . This is the man who ad,'lses rrec,wlth 32·p . Skin Dook. Address post· " \ the command of tbe pOBtmaster gen· bas omces Imm edlate lr odjolnlug the M to tb e poluts of law arising betwecn card "'Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston ."-Adv, '\ ernt. This first Assistant Is to the secretary wltb tile rank of rellr admlr, untlon 3 as th e ordinary lawy er would postmallter general very nearly what al and nuthor1t)' to officiate as acting give an opinion ns to the points al He Thinks It Helpll. Royal Metamorphosis. the chief of staff of tbe army Is to the secretary when 1\11'. Daniels and Mr. dlrterence betwoen two individuals In "Tile Killg, changing Into ' a tour· "What Is I\n optimist?" seeretnr)' of war. But be has a blg- Roosevelt are out of Washington. ordlnury buslne!ll!. Treaties aDd Int er· lJorscd cnrrlage, dl'ove tbrough th e Cnt· "A man who tbln k8 thllt If h e puU! ASHOE BOIL CAPPED ger force to deal with, scattered over The bureau of nnvlgat\l)n bns noth· national differe nces are bls regular Ue se ction," "Urgfn f: ' on a leller It w1ll be de- HOCK OR 8'URSITIS vastly more territory and performing Ing to do wllh navigation but every- diet, b e ·they past or prospective. He . A eharncteris tlc e xample of kingly lIverm! sooner than It would be oth er · a lervlce of Infinitely greater detail , thll1g to do with the personnel of the 18 1I11ely · to patch up a little agree tact.--Puncb . FOR wltie."--Stray Stories . Rural OrganizatIon. navy. It la, again, the human branch ment nny morning l·pfore broakraR. In the departm4lJlt of agriculture a at the glvell s ervice. Every lad wbo that w\ll lend to world peace or find R brand new Job bnll just come Into be, Is recruited Into tbe servl cll enllets provision In an old freaty that \l'1lI I .. will remove them IlIId leave no blemishu. Ini and a brand n ew man bne been tbrough thl8 ·b ureau, All th e tmlnlng crowd some land-hungry Europ<Ju li Reduce. any puff or swelling. Does flOt .ppolnted to fiJI It . Thla job Is one of 8choole that work toward malt illg blm country ott tbe Ametlcan map. blister or remove !he h~jr, amI hONe can b. HIS Ia the cnatloD applied to the pubUo an.-:tounoementol Ca8torIa that worked, $2 a boll Ie delivereu. Book 6 K free, baa been DlIUluiactured under the supo",~lon 01 Cbas. H. Fletcher tor over 80 yean-the gauUJ18 Cutoria. We l:eapeotfully call tbe attention ABSORBlNI!.,lR., lb. Iftllteptk IInl .. "" 10 ..... IIglous ~entimeDt and Pllt In most at klnL f or BoU.. &N Ile, Old ~R" S.elUn,... of Iratbers and motben when purohaelng Castoria to _ that the wrapper bears bl8 Ume' abusing and opposing Chri s· Vern .. Varlco.ltica. Alb,. P.ln, Price'l .04 Ii2 • bot••• hIa 81gnature in'black. When the wrapper Ia reD\oYed the IaID8 etgnature.po. lit dnalibl. or ddbncd, WUl tell morc if rOY wrile. tlanlty, The aarest way Is to nllms pelll'l on both Bidee:of lhe bottle in reeL Parents who ha"e aaecl Cutoria. for W,F.YOUNO. P.D, F., SlOTllIOlllt,IDrinolold.lI_ your boy B1I1 or Tom or Jake or Jr" Adam Croaleer wrItes to tbe Holton the Denitentlary. Anotber My hamthldr little 'ones in the put :rean need no warniDg aplDat counterfeit. and ',Recordel': "Reading a "news Itenl the ed Matthew Simpson grew up 8uoh a or sotl'tethlng t\lat don 't mean much ." Imitations, but our preeent dut}' Ia to call the al.teDtlon of the YOUDger ~r. THE INDIANA other ''Y ' !,lbout Johil WesleY .Smltb reprobate Ihat n e ither ble pal"!nta -Kan8ll8 City Star. atlon to the great danger of iDtrodllolng ,nto $hell' Iamillea spurious medicines. . n Ia to be regretted that there are people who are now enaaged in the '/I,e lng fOllnd Incorrigible and sent to nOT teachers could do anythlnl 'll'ltb ufarioU8 buaineaa of ,uiting up aad IBlUn, aU ION of IUbatltuIee-: or what reform 8cbool, reminded mo or tbe him snd he finally raD oft and bl!'o- I Art and -rruth. ah<~uld more properly be tenDed OOIl1lterfeltB, lor .m edloin.l Dot ~oo N, DI.w.. SIftIt, .......lia..... 1~;Z-..,!:~~t~-: talee In giving tbelr male came a tramp of the 'Worst' kobo "Art nlms. to revelll the absolute onll'or adnl~ but wone 1e~ children'. medIoinee. " . tbe' sainted ' good ·brand. 1 ha a ,·scboolmate once .truth," · said tbe ' Idealist. 0'0. the mother to IOl'Utlnll:&. C qeel1:'W,bat Ib8 p . . her Seasion 13 .. t 10, 191 :' : I ' once ktiew ' If fiam4jd .Alexander ' canwben ' '.tone8, ,. "WeD."" n:i'plled .the -p ro1l8",c peraon tAt.t tor thell)ll8l"M'::"~~C1 hu CD ~ OQ Good opportuniliesin th,. mother'. Watoh • c do,vn wJlh:-the ,,:ho "':88 an all around· loala".g; and ~'tlJe truth la a~ right. .But I dOD'1 .,foe 1~ men. Write for . . .,!', Derslsfe,/I ,~ wbo, _wben ' ,rowo - ·to· -manboQd, b~ lief! anythlaB ' co Ilft18t~C ' I:'~\1t a O ,U ' Qu~e (l'uIorta bean til., llpatare ~.C.~~~~~it !lIl,r" "LIIg,I,d~ln -~am,e ~a ·'~lfe.r. at ~ ..u ~ kJnd -, o~ ~qm~~:~

Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching



elected Pickles

Spanish Olives


Uncle Sam's Last Big Land Opening

_ _




1,345,000 Fertile Acres

______ _




Fort Peck Indian Reservation MONTANA


- -.~


\ tllI l1,~

I ,.':. .

,Don't Cut Out



The Kind You Have Always Bought.




Veterinary CoHege



';1', '" ...

..~,. ~








.-.' ..,



alwar' ..

4' bqina.veterin;;J::~, ~" .





'I .

-- - --

Mrs. F.. V. Barnhart e ntert~in ed 'l' ul'sday afternoon from 2 to 5. in 1I(}Il0r of Mrs . Ern~t Barn hart and t.l i88 Rowena Wright. ' The guests we re Mesdames Wil son P~ lwards l ~alJlh Miller. Leslie McCune . ehas: Hobilzer. Will O' Neall. Charley Ellis. L'I lis. Mil'l8eS Edith Moshe l'. Mar. :-:1 d c, I ha 0' Neall, Stella Lemmon. H enri .

22 1. ------------------_ !,I ~--------------------------------------~ Zmt_M __ER __M __A_N_'S_' If you are contemplating a trip to the Lakes, Seashore or Mountains this IsumP".re Paris Creen Get our prices on Paris Green. mer, or to California or New Mexico We can sava yuu money. next .winter, our Star T in Cans. Mason Glass Jars.

F---':"::":" ____-~ ..-.A_:.. ::=__-_-'_-___---._



of the misundcrstanrling by the Public School Boards and Truant Officers regarding th e pro . Mrs. J. W. While is visiting in visions of the new compulsory eun ' l Dayto n , cation law. Prank W. Miller. Statl' 1\" 1\\ II ' > F ' Jent 0 f P u bl'IC Inst ruc t .ion I ,r, . i 0 Ie S upeTintem k t f :rlwnru s waH the weI' -pnr I2' Uetl 0 n ...lutives he re . has prepared 1\ "ynop~i s of the law8 . which is ba<led on inte rpretatio n ~ I M iss Mi nn ie J)a vi~ Spoilt la" t week given by Attorney·G eneral Hogan. in I lay t(\lI. Ih e gll c~ t of relatives. With the approach of the time fur the re( 'pening of the fa ll te rm of A. C. Mlillen is making ciJer ev· srhool requc~t..'l are po u ring in un Ihl' 'ry W· .. d l1('~d ay· at his mil l at Fe rry . department from all pal't.~ of thl' Mis:; li enr ietta Mc Kin sey attend ed statt! f or en I iR h tellment on the law . I n brief. lh i~ i ~ what the nl' W 11\\\ Teache r' s Insti tut e at Xenia F'riJay. Q

The bQit Rubbers. Wax and Parowax .

FORMER CITIZENS The Lafayette (Ind.) Journal has the following to say about two [ " rmer residents: Two exhibits today at the county fair. which at. tl'acted more than usual attention were those of Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Anderson, of the Soldiers' home. Mr. Anderson is 77 years old and Joel all kinds of embroidery work and fancy needle work. He never touched a needle until seven years ago. Hill wife is 80 years old and Khe h81 a number of handke rchi e fs and bed q'Jilts on I'xhihition. Among t 1e premiums offered and secured by this couple were: Embroiderv and eyelet' waist, first Dan R. Anderson h ernatitching. hand, first and second' Mrs. D. R. Anderson ; comfort', pieeed, first Mrs D. R. Anderson.


HAS COMMENCED WORK Contractor Chas. Lewis started on the work on Corwin avenue last w.e .. The ~ork is progre3sing mceJyand It will be but a short time until the ayenu~ is ready for use. Mr. LeWI8 has a new mixer. and it doe. the work in a systematic manner,

. .



Traveler's Check.s

Pure Cide r Vinegar. Pure Spices New Jersey Sweet Potatoes. new Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Fancy Indiana Wate rmelons, Fancy Elberta P eaches. Cantaloupes. Oranges. Lemons.


Are the things to carry. small.; the convenience great.

The cost


New Mild Cheese. fres h Crack· e has. Fry e handles Ihe Milson ers, t!akes and Pretzels. That e very boy between t he age,.; Fertili zer. and th ere is nunc better. IT Wlllch fol' our Big Soap of 8 and 15 yea rs. and every girl be· Sale next week . twefm the ages o f R and 16 Yl'Urs, !\1r~ . Edith lIarrisand Mrs. Laura Pay ing 22c for Eggs. It pays must attend school. Mo;;her hav e both been on lhe sick to trade at That every boy between the age~ li~l. of Hi and 16 years not engaged in --- ' Miss Edith MOlihe r is visitin g some regular employment must a t· tend school. r elatives in Ca nJiligton and Mt That such attemlance must begin Gilead. the first w eek of the !!chool term anel M.r. C. C. Eyler o f Eugene. Ore. Mrs. Matilda Hosier was taken continue for the full time that th .. is vi~i t i n~ at till' home of H. E. \'e ry ill last Saturday morning but school is in session, which shall in no Stokes. has about recovered. case be for le:iS than 28 weeks. That no person. firm or corpora· Dr. and Mrs. J. T . Ellis and A. Mrs. Smith and Bon Walter of , tion shall employ any child unde r If. Maflit are altend in g the State Fair S pringfie ld. Mo. arll visiting C M. years of age in any business what· this week, Robitzer and family. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD ever during any of lhe hours whell A FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED Mi:;s Elizaueth Chandler attendt!d Mr. and Mrs . Grover Meredith and the hOllse schools are in session. the Greene Cuunty institute last son, of t!,)lumbus. are the g uests of That no boy under 16 years of agt· Mr. Saml Meredith and family. and no girl unuer 18 years of age Wednesday. shall btl employed . unless such child Mr. and Mrs . Laurence Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and presentll an age and schooling certiof Dayton. were guests of relatives so'n with their guests Mrs Smith and ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ficate approved by the Superintend· here Sunday. son are spending the day in Dayton. ent of Public School!!: That no boy is entitled to an age I Alao at the ODIIIO t ime anol pi""". If nnt If you are going to have a sale. Messrs. W. E O'Neall, R. G. Pro"IOllldy .,,,Id. bor "",ldOllL'o I.ruporty L'OII ' and schooling certificate until he i:; see A. A. M ~ Neil . Cen'terville, Ohio. Cross, and J , E. Bruwn went to Cot~lnlng about hro acl'08 01 lond . . 15 years of age and has passed a both phones. r Outed A'!lfust 27th. 1913. _. lumbus Tuesday to attend the State ~s I W. S. OHAIIAM , '-1 satisfactory Rixth grade test, and no Fair. Admlnl.trator 01 tho R.tate or girl until IIhe is 16 years of age and Chas. Moore, of Washington D. neboccil Jane Sid ... , D......,aaed. II nmllten & L .. ngdoD. Atty• • has Jpassed a satisfactory seventh C.• is the guest of relative, here for Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mr. ·r;. h In pureuanctl an oruor ", tho I'mbato grade test. That any boy between several days . d M an rs. I'.rnest Barn srt and Miss Cour~ Warren County. Ohio. I ""1\1 o!for Ul>IIC auction on Saturuay. tho [{owena "..' rlgilt spent Friday In '01'&&10 Subsoribe for Miallli (J,,"aLt,1 15 and 16 years of age. who ceases to 31th da,at0 September. 19l5. ..t two o'clock Mrs. Benj. Hawkins, of Sabina, Dayton. p. IU .. upon 'ho premises. tbe rollowlug do· work , must return to school within scnl>ed UOIII E.tIlLO. Situate In the County I~~~~~~'!!'!!!~~~'!!'!!!~~~ or Warren .ulIl State of Oblo, towll : ;;;: two weeks unless he secures other was the guest of relativt's here Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scarff and Situllle III tho town of Wayue8vlllo _County employment within such time. W"rI'lln and Stl\\.e 01 Ohio. BolnA' lot child, returned to thf'ir home in 0' OUDI\)er ( 3 ) .....ound on the recorued plat or dId d ft f laid town. Beginning Ilt tbe N . E. corner or Miss Mabel Young, of Columbus, R · h IC mon . n .. to ay. a er a ew lot number two (2) thence rrontinlr on Thin! 0• 4h' Ph .. was a guest at the home of Mr. J. da"!!' visit With friends here. Stroot N, 30 ~ docroos E . 93 ~ .Il6t. tbOOL'O steopa ~ IC '~SIClan ~ at right anglcs N. ~9 ~ dogl"06ll W . I ~ poles to • E . Frazier last week. lot number ""ven (1)tbence with the IIno of 21 Broadway Phone 449 ' sald lot 8; 30~ degr0e8 W. 93 ~ rll6t totho D r. an d M ra. H . E . H a th away sre N. W. corner or lot number two (2) thence L Ohi Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and attending the wedding of Ernest wltb tbe line ohald lot S. 69 ~ degl'OOfl E . \3 ebanon. 0 . pol. t.o the beglualng. aDd being the sarno son. Carl. were in Bellbrook Monday ROlUlagle of Springboro and Lelia preml_ conveyed b, Jobn R. Sid...nd , ,, ' Rebecca J. Sid. w Elb .. betb M. Everly ~ attending Home- Coming. D. Jack. of Lebanon. today. Olive T. EdwU'da by doed d ..ted November BRANCH OFFICE 29tb. 1900, aDd recorded In ,WarreJl County

f'Lta McKinsey. Dorothy Dakin, Ros- provides:

TIIDon. Dakin, Emma Hawk e. Emma Moodie and Emma Heighway. • -- - --

. .

!~~r~'~~~ ~:~~~~ 1

enLcr~aineu- ' Becau~e

. Mrs . C. M. Robitzer 16 young people al a lawn Jl :lrty TueMay evening in honor of hcr. ~ruest Mr. Walter Sm ith. of ~~)r\l1gfield, Mo.

Ii l lOll t




.- .-,----------


Uniform in Quality.


· · t ra t or' s : Ad minis Sale o f ·ReaI ttl a e 0'




0 r He b er MOl-II . .

'1----------------, "\




-=------__ •

Not. Ple. .. nt Surpd.e. Mrs. Will Harvey and Mrs. Mar· A mlln garet Levicy, of Harv~aburg, were learne·1 told hlB daughter that if mha to cook he ""ould give her a .. . in town shopping Tuesday. surprise. IShe learn ed the art. und he surprised her by discharging the aerv· Mrs_ S. D. Clayton returned home ant IlrL today after a three days' vIsit with relatives at Weat Alexandria.


Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Joy are attending the Montgomery County fair today.

Lumber and

Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zell, Mrs. Harriet Lincoln and Mrs. J . H. Smith atlended the Zell reunion Monday. Mrs. W. W. Arnold and Mrs. A. L. Hendrick attended the Ladies Aid tea Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emma Cline in Harveysburg . St. Mary'H Guild will meet with , Mr~. J. H , Coleman, Thursday after-

noon at 3 o'clock. Businll88 of importance. A full attendance desired .


Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hendrick au. toe d to Dayton Sunday with Mr McKee and daughter and Miss Etta Arnold and enjoyed the day with Mr. Floyd Anderson and family.



W. A. Smith and son, Paul, and daughter, Louise. Qf Urbana, Wayne Smith and two Bons, and Harley Smith. of Burlington, made the Gazette office a pleasant call Monday afternoon.


Messrs. Lee and Ernest Earnhart. John Lemmon, and the Mias Stella Lemmon and Katharine Alexander motored to Kentucky Friday, where they visited friends, returning home Monday evening.




Mra. Harter Lackey and grand SOD of Dayton, spent lut week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry King. On Sunday they were joined by Mr. Lackey~ Mrs. Vema Shell and Mr. Clayton of Dayton, andretumed home SUDoaYevenmg.




Seven IlUD' dred Dollars (1100.00). Terma of .ale-Oo&- Tuesdays and Friday., from 8:30 tblrd cuh In bt.Dd. ono-&hlrd 10 ono yoar .. nd , I k ODe-~b1rd In t ..o :ret.1"II h'om day or Bale w\th to 12 0 C oc: InMI'IlI~ at IIx per oeDt p(lr annum. delerred paynleotB to be lIOOurod by a mortlface on the Office corner Main and HigJt streets premI8M IOld, or pUl'Chuer may pay aU cull ' Phone No • 100 .. t hlB optIOn.

Warren Co. fair and Races "

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and friday September 9, 10, 11 and 12. Everything is in readineas for a good exhibition--new stalls, new judge's stand, a good track and many exhibits promised. Special Classes and Premiums have been offered for the p'!Oducts of the farm. Farmers and Stockmen have promised to bring in their stock from all over the County.

Special and New 'E xhibit. will be an Imporrant Feature of the Fair. · . Remember the Srecial Premiums for Boys and Girls for Agricultura products. MOl"e Speed Horaes have been promised than in "~any • prevIous year. . Free Attractions every day of the Fair. 1912 Races were the Best Ever Conducted at the Leb· anon Fair; track record, 2. 1913 Program will Eclipse all Records.

Miss Clara Lile, atter Rpending Ithe summer in Washington D. C., is at home with Rev and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. Miss Lile will resume her duties in the Xenia sehools next Monday. Try a sa,:k of Burton's High Grade White Frost Flour. It is made from the choice!!t old wheat and is guar. anteed by the manufacturer to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke.

Deed llecord •• Vol. 80. p. 422. Said ~perty 1.0 .. ppraleed at

SPEED Wednesday, Sept. 10 2:40 Trot .. PuJ'l'e $200 2:25 Pac~ .. Purse $200 2-YI~·old Pace ..... $250 FOUl by Sldooy Pointer 2:07"

PROGRAM Friday, sept. 12

Thursday, Sept. 11

2:16 Trot . . . Purse $300 2: 12 Pace .. Purse $300 2:'20 Trot ... Purse $250 , 2:20 Pace_ ..~ $250, 2:15 Pace.:.Pu~" 2:24 Trot: . Purse $200 ;'i'

S. Lit IRONS .Pr~e.ld·ent






, .~ec~t.~'



Sixty-Fourth Year


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'1' ~_ _ _ _ _~__ .._

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . - . . . . ' •••• 11 . . . . . .

Whole Number 3228 ROSNAGLE.JACK

..... •.. •.... • .. •• .... ·1


Social Events e---------· --.

: The ;mmcdiate families and n few : OD ,I1 II• fri enu s met at t he home of Lelia U. ........~. ............. .... .. ....... ..... . . ..~...J Jack on Wedn esday morning. Scp· Mr a d M U H H k tt - - -.... ..-. ..... . \ ................. .. . temher 8.l'd to witn ess her marri age on Mr. O. W. Hamilton was in Dayton Lots of good things loeal at the t~F~ancIsr:rnEestRoSnalrle. broth~r Walte r Chandle r. Mrs. Eunice Bonci Saturday and Sunday. Township house Saturday. 0 rs. . . Hathaway . of thl!! a d M d L ' f D to pl ace. n es ames anlger. 0 ay n, Don't forget the market at the Milson's Fertilizer the best on the Shortly before eleven the guests --Township house Saturday. market. For sale by Chas. F'ry e. wore informally by t h e.M.lss Ka~hel'lne, . after which the Alexander enter bride ami groom. received

Thursday. August 28. 1913. nessed a large. and none the less I : merry. at the Mr. andgathering Mrs. George E. home Riley. of of l'










o~n~ M:~.

Mr. and Mrs. J vhn Leonard. of Kings Mills. are spending a week at Ridgeville, Ohio. J'heoccasion being the home of Mrs. Leonard at Cov- areunionofthedceendentsofJoseph ington. Ky. and Rhoda Smith Mulford. The day WIUI beautiful as heart could desire. and the guests were Miu Elizabet h Collette. formerly most cordi$lIy received and made teacher in the High School here, welcome by the hOlt and hostess and Chas. Frye handles the Milson Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Harry im pressive sing-Ie ring ceremony was tamed at dmne~ Sunday the followleft the first of the week for Pitts· two channing daughten Mil!8e8 Fertilizer. and there is none better. Hamilton. of Dayton. Au g ust 28t h. perfl)rmerl by Dr . Gowdy. IIl g g uests: MISS Stella Lemmon, burg, Pa .• where she will teach in Blanche and Pearl. a son. Fo ll owing t he congratul ations all Messrs. E rnest Earnhart. Lee EarnPeabody High School Lhe coming When aeated around the tables. Squire Brown. wife and daughwr. were invited to the dining rooms hart and John Lemmon . year. under the shady mapl. of the lawn of Ce nervI t '11 e. were In . t own Sat ur· M'ISS I'~ va nuarton h as been spen d . where they were served lo a de , --a blessing was tendered DY Dr. J. V. day. ing a week with her parents at Socia l liciou s break fa st. BOOSTER Ol~lS OF I. YILE Mulford. of Lebanon. We will not I Early in lhe afternoun Mr, and Mr . and Mrs. N. B. Rich enterattempt to describe the tables laden Mr. and Mn. Morris Sherwood Row , . h th . S d h I S ' '\ Mrs. Rosnagle left for a sho rt trip tained Mrs. Maude Cleaver. Audrev The home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wit elr bountiful Iupply; luffice spent un ay wit re atives in pring Miss Minnie McKinsey hu.s r:- 1on the Lakes. and after October I ~t and Clearance Cleaver. and Mr. and Smith was the gathering place of a signed as bookkeeper at Lmgo s will be at home in Columbu s. Ohio. Mrs. Charl es Gray and dau&,hters jolly crowd of girls on Saturday It to say, it wu but a repetition of Valley. all such occasiona. Amanda Gallimore. ~t Wilmin&,- Lebanon . Mary and Opal last Sunday . afternoon. when their daughter. There was no proa-ram beyond the D1LI\TUSH·CADWALLADER Velma. entertained the members,of informal one which allowed every ton. is the gueet of Chas Sherwood . If you are going to have a sale. her Sunday School class. the BOORter one to have t.he beat time pOlllible. and family. see A. A. M ~Neil. Centerville. Ohio. This afternoon at 3:80 o·clock. at . Girls. of Lytle. The usual buslne118 The preoence of. Mrs. Sallie Gamble. , both phones. \Spring Farm. Lebanon. Katherine Mr. and ~rs. S. L CartwrIght Mr. F. C. Carey and family were had as theIr guests Thursday at meeting was followed by an interelltof New York. who arrived unex . . Lippincott. dau gilter of Mr. and d . M EI E h t d M I . ing program of 80ngs. readin2S. and pectedly added intereet to the r8. the guests of relativea In Spring . Isses eanor arn ar an ary Mnc!. Frank W. Cadwallader will be I Inner Rev. an d Mrs. J . F . Ca dwa'on. Valley Sunday. Gray attended the Montgomery fair ' t d ' HIM t . • W' I ader. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Allen. recitations . Then eame substantial I T um e In 0 Y a nmony to I· M' ., . refreshments and all lingered until ,urllPresent from a distance were Frank Taft. of payton. was the aa t . hursday . !iam Henry Di latush. the Rev. J. F. Mlss~ K~zl~ M~rrltt. Clara Lile and the sun was low in the west. Mrs. Lida Mullord. Chicago; others guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White Mrs. F. M. Chenoweth was lhe Cadwallader officiating. r. . . ar . The girls present were the MiM MODday. iuest of relatives in West J effe rson, Mr. Dilatush is the son of the late from Cincinnati. Dayton. Camden. Sunday and Ruth Coon. Anna Duke. Edith Weat VirKinia. as well as our home Oh io, last week. Judge Walter Dilatush and is the Misses Lucile and Lelia Thompson G~ham, Elizabeth Duke. Ethel tOWIl8 and country. being well rep. Mrs. Chas. Stall8berry and two owner and manager of a large ranch very pleasantly entertained the Graham. G.lra Reeder. Velma Smith. resented. childr.n. were week· end guetts or The Mis.'1es Annie and Mame in Arkansas. Loyal Daughters class of the Chris· Mrs. Ethel Pickering and Mrs. A &,eneral good time prevailed and relatives in Cincinnati. Brown have taken rooms with Miss Following a tour of the Lake8 Mr. tian church on Tueaaay evening. Ethel Duke. as the lun lowered in its weatern Emma Heighway. and Mrs. Jilatush will be" At Home" Games and delicioull refreahments The next meeting will be held at Messrs. Emerson Earnhart and after October 1st at Marked Tree. were thoroughly enjoyed. journey the assemhled relaUves b.. the home of their teacher, Mrs. gan to scatter toward their respec. Emerson Surfac~ attended State fair Mrs. Martha Seibold and daug-h- Ark. Duke. the first Saturday in Octotive homes. ha,py in the thought of last Thursday and Friday. ter left Sunday for their home in FOUND HIS POCKETBOOK ber. the aecond reunion to be held at the Middletown, Ohio. ... .... EXPLOSION AT KINOS MILLS ho~e of Mr. amt Mrs. John Mulford. Buy your Jo'ertilizer of Chas. Frye. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enter' th I Tu-.:.1 who handles Milson·s. the best. Mrs. Ed Young. of Cincinnati. is George Smith. who works on the t ' d S d d' h f II at M88On, Oh10, on e a,t ...uay M th f I h' k b kame un ay at mner t • 0 ow· bost IS poc et 00 ing: Mr. and Mrs . A . D. Haines. of A feE at the mills let loose last in Au&,ust 191.. A. M. S. the guest ef.Mrs. ~ary Young. and I a ~r. ar$m . p •. .. __ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and the. daughter. MI88 Leila. I contammlt 76 a uut two we.eks ago. Springfield. Mr. and Mra. Wm. DinMiases Georcia Hadden and ElizaI He had drawn the money out of the 'dd' M d M W I M week, kllhng two men. Harry t . D to Th M' A M ed'th I ft Mon d Y b k d d . I WI Ie. r an n. a ter eTrochelmann and George P W.lls WHAT OOES YOUR SOIL LACK? beth Sta Mr Trochelmann w8la r ce~t Vl'sfto; war were lD tlY n urs· to I88 nna her lh Ie d t. a I han .~~_ .. ~tartBe to the mill when . Clure and son. Carl. and Mr. Carl • to . da.7 U les a t • e ml.....:u It. ystanders saw a man ' H k f D to tak e up er 8C 00 here. He W&8 buried at Bethel, Ohio. Mr. M. A. Bachtell of th8 Colle&,e . Pleasal1t Ridge. Cincinnati. I pick something up in front of the l. awe. 0 I1Y n. in til - I I will ...... _ give inatruetion while Mr. Wellt! W81 buried at South of Agriculture G • W • W00 II ey, 0 f Col umb UI. ' 0 . O. F . hall. and from this clue he e nBe.u1. l.ertillMln at the farm Ohio. was the guest of his mother. Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Barnhart left finally landed his pocketbook and the J..ebanon. Both men were well liked by their comrades. o~ W. M. Van Doren nea~ Ft. An· Mn. Louiaa Woolley and oth.r rela- Wednesday evening for Norwood money from a traveling salesman in Mrs . Walter Smith gave a · family •_ • CIl'nt· on Wednelday ,mornln&,. Sap, tiVeI, Monday. enroute to their home in Denver. Dayton. George was happy. real dinner Sunday in honor of her husMISSIONARY SOCIETY tEmbtlr t7that 9:00 0 clock. Cal. happy. when he received it last Sun. band's birthday. Thoeewhoenjoyed "Ferlilize thellOiI not tbecrops." Rev. C. S. Gnuaer left at noon day. the day were Mr. and Mrs. Jeff fhe Women'. Foreip Mi8llionuy Is the &logan of the 1011 fertility ex· Monda.J for Urbana where he will Mr. S. O. Hale. who recently Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Werntz, PUTTING UP MONUMF.NTS Oscar. Glenna. Nina and uc..,.,. - - - - - i - : soelety of the M. E. church at the perta at the.Co~ler!'e of Agrieulture spend the weekatten'ding tb.Central visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. has home of Mfit. J. F. Marlatt. Thurs- They eay It IS a mistake to talk Ohio Conference. been appointed deputy clerk in the Smith, Grandpa Mountjoy. J. 1. day afternoon. wu very int.erestiq. about "corn fp.rti :iz-r" and "wheat auditor's office in Greene COUDty. Charles W. Schwartz & . Son. the Clark and Mrs. D. D. HelmsteUer. of Two ' retllrned mislionari. from" Experialenta show that Mi_ Ruth Hartaock Roeamond monument builders of Lebanon. have Lima. India were pruent. and gave their an • .lplieation of whatever element Dakin. Winifred Macy ~d Mr. Ray. ~he ~:tle Scbo?l. ope~edReMo~d~ had a force of men in Miami Cernalectures in native costumes. ialacking in the soil will Increase mond Davis attended a dance in Tunh er e sureThrV1MSI?n 0 Ad vR ' . . tery during the past week. engaged Mrs C ed ___ • _ • the yield of all the cro"" grown ' . ' ompson . e II!1e8 a osen- in erecting a handsome monument F 'd . . M. Robitzer entertain .... . Morrow Fnday evemng. th I d" G h h f rl ay afternoon in honor of her ~ELL KNOWN H06tSEMAN DIES The important thinjl. then. is for a an mary ray ave c arge 0 upon the lot of John Gard. the father t M S 'th f M' . . each farmer to find out what his Invitation. were received here lut the two lower rooms. of our former fellow-townsman. W. goes • rs. mI. 0 l88Oun. Clem Beachey Jr .• formerl" of The object of this meet __t: . th edd' f H. Gard. This firm is also building Those were Meadames EJ,l. ~ . .' . - Wew& announcing • w 109 0 Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peebles a handsome memorial of Barre mor Bally~ J. D. Marlatt, Hal'l'y Lebanon, died at ~t. Joeeph's Hos· m&, ,,:111 ~ ~ find out what the solis Mr. Lester Gordon to Miss N~lie of Portsmouth. a daughter, Augu~t Granite on the lot of the late S. S. Murray. Lma Devitt, C. S. Grau ..r, pita!. lAxi.ngto.n, Ky .•. lut Thursd.&Y o.f thIS VICInity lack most and whoat Wilkerson. of Spring Hill. 30. Mrs. Peeltles was formerly Miss Haines. in addition to work for othE'r JF' C. H awe,. k Walter MJ"I "'" ur., F . H • I f t c:h th h be ter a rl I e88, 18 eat 109 IS e eapee way 0 IUPP ymg Nellie Vandervoort of Harveysburg prominent people of our communl·ty. arr, Sarah Zimmerman, J. E. Janh d lin ef b at due to cirrhosis of the liver. The thi~ lack. Come. and add your ex· Mrs. WlIliam Hartsock, of Spri ng- and is the grandda~ghter of Mr. and •_ • neyand Ch8l. Cornell. fllneral took place at Lexington. perlenee to the dlllCu.lon. field and dau&'hter Mrs, Fern Mrs. Isaac Wilson. A MAMMOTH FAIR .. - • Reeder. of Indilmapolis, were the • _ • EASTERN STAll LODOE THE ZELL REUNION mid-week guests of Chas. Small. Among those who attended the Frank Elbon was in lRbanon Mon- Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Farr enter..,-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _---lI~!o<:au...lLt:.t .. ..r .14',air last week were: R. A. day and he says the Fair thia year tained on Sunday in bor\'or of Mr. ~ith a good attendance and d.. Mr. and Mrs. Heory Biggs, of Cro88. Robert Crew. Harry Sher- will be the best one held for forty Farr:s birthdav anniv~. the The Eastern Star lodge held a spIte the fact tha.t ~any were absent Bill's Station, and Mrs. Smith and wood. Carl Servis. J. S. Hartsock years. There are morl;/ exhibits. following guest.: Mr. Mrs. Ray .pirited meeting MODday evening. the .annual ~ll pICniC held at Yellow Mrs. McClure, of Cincinnati, were and f~~mily. A. B. Sirles and wife. more machinery. more cattle. more Zell. Mr. and Mrs. Horaee Zell. 10.11 After work a splendid luncheoD was of everything in fact. than has been and daughter, of Xenia1' Mr. and ..rved. Visitors ~re pre8ent flom Sprmgs. OhIO. Labor Day was fully guesta 'of Mrl. Miranda the past Gordon Joy and wife . up to the standard In every way. A week. exhibited for years. Mrs. F. H. Evans. of Springfteld. Harveyeburg. beautiful da" an elegant dinnllr at Mrs. Mary Proctor Wilson was re.-Secretary Spence has worked hard Mr. and Mrs. James Zellimd daugh. the noon hour and a congeniaJ crowd The Pension Board for Warren appointed as probation offi('er by for these results. and it is hoped ter. of Yellow Springs. Mr. and Mrs. EPIDEMIC OF MEASLES made the day ideal. After a !IOCial C!ounty has been named. Dr. B. H. JUdgtl Wright last week. Mrs. WiI- that the fair will come up to his ex- Frank Zell and Thos. Pierce. The Mt. Holly school did not start honr or 110 the president Horace Zell. Blair. Lebanon; Dr. Roberta, Mor son is well qualified for this position. pectations. - • ----~.-~.-----Monday on account of all epidemic of Xenia, called the memben to row. Democrats. and Dr. Death, of and the appointment is received with OROANIZED CHOIIt OUllD satisfaction all over the county. GAVE 'PIANO RECITAL ' of measles, they hein&, 88 thlek there order, and the oldest member pres· Franklin. Republican. ent Rev. B. F. Zell gave an interest. , The young women of St. Mary's ' - -. - as th.e proyerbial "hopi!." Mr. and Mn. E. V. Barnhart, of Tr,r a B31:k of Burton's High Grade . Mrs Bess WhIte gave a plano r:- church Diet at the home of Mrs. D. ing talk. SeVf~ral little girll adied • • to the entertainment by lpeaking Wayneaville, and brother Ernest alld White Frost Flour. It is made from cltal at h~r home south o~ to~n .Frl- L. Crane Tuesday afternoon and MIAMIS WERE IIE.HEN pieces. ahort talks were given by wife, of Denyer. Col., and Misa Row· the choicest old wheat and is guar· day ev~mDg. About 50 InVitatIOns effected an organization to be known The Mlamia went to -Utica SUDday Harry Guyan, of the N. C. R. at en'a Wright. of Red Lion. were guests anteed by the manufacturer to give wer~ Issued .. and a very pleasant as the Choir Guild. The proceeds from their work will be uaed for and played Jim Well's Farmer Bo18 Dayton. and George Hamilton. also lut week at the Amanda Reed home entire sati/!faction or money re muslcel eVlnIng was .s?ent. fund·e d. For ~e by G. W. Hawke. Those whll partICipated were: musIc . an d ch' . hinp. The and were defea~ by the score of 3 of Dayton. After which it wu de. in Lebanon. Olr f urnls Y N eva oung. Rachel Sheehan. Burf I I ' ffi . ted : cided that the picnic be held next .. 0 OWIng 0 cers were,)> appom to 2. ...... Butterworth. GeraldIne WhIte. P " d t H . tta" K' year on the lut Saturday in August _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- , nett U' HID S' E resl en. enne mC maey; V'Ice MANV 8PEQIAL TRAINS. rJOUInerva ar an. ora qUIres. va 'd t Ed'th M sh 0__ at Killcare ,ark. d MD ' 0 1 G Re presl en. I 0 er; .--..re_", an ar! aVIs. pa ray. va Susan Wright; Treasurer. Winifred KtloltvUle, Tenn., the expoltUon olt,. Of tbe 8ouUl. 111 ver, hand,. to Chatta· W. C. T. U.CONVENTION and LUCIle Hor~e!: • Macy. The first meetin&, will beDOl., Ua, clt.¥ I~D whlc' Ule Orand Saturday afternoon at 2o'elock held Jum,. ot the Republic wtll meet thll Xenia will have another opportu. ST. MARY'S CHURCH The South is .mdous that the North know her alllhe il to-day. at the home of Mrs. W. II. Anen. ,...r. ~tJ ,.ean after the battle nAr nity to Ihow her hospitable apirit The South II auIoua that the people of the North know what Cba~~" the Bo,. In Blue are 10' 17th Sunday after Trinity Sep· • - • great advances aha hal made along all linea in the last few years. when she entertainl the State Con· Illi ~l1th for their reunion and, for the tember 14. MASONIC LOOOe And, therefore, the South extendl a mOlt cordial invitation ftnHlIlt'ID~" h1aW" of the.c.olln.trY. venUtm of the Woman's Christian to the North to visit her during the F .a ll-to come to Chattanooga, . . Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. reumoD ~ Ch,"blDQ~~l Temperance Union. September 80 to WaynesvIlle Lodge, No. 163. Morning Prayer and sermon at :wlll' . where for th. fint time. national enCllmpment of the Grand A~y October S ' From 700 to 1000 del.. A. M., held their regular eommu- ,, of the Republic will be held in Septellnber aouth of the long-obbt- 10:30. ptea. are "expected to . vialt the city. erated Maaon'l and Dixon's liDe, to come to Knoxville. Tenn., just Everybody invited to theBe ser- nieation Tuesday eveni~. ExamIDi- ". ' --~-~. ~.-----tions in the F. C. degree were heJ~. • short dlltance away from Chattanooga, where the National Con- vices. DEAJHS The special meeting will be held servation Expolition will be beld from September I to November J ~ , .A OREEN ROSE tober 23rd, at 4 o'clock, when Squire Georp ScronJ', IPl 79. Th~ boundl... hospitality of the ~outh will be extended to , will be three candidates lor die,d 'at hil home in Barv.,.bura the viaiton from the North. . A. L. Sidfllll brought in a branch of M. degree. Visitors were 'Pri_lt: Tbui'lldQ mbrning The funeral At the National Ellpoaltfon in Knoxville people of the gol~en ., rod Monday on which was from Washington, D. C. &ad ·S Dt_ , idea of the South as Ihe is to-day, of wh,a t .~ at hie 'late hOme satumQ fonned two perfect ~aa green field, Ohio. ,,' . i /~ accOmII)~bed and of what bel' prospects for the future are as the, stalks. It . c~rtainly waa a, ~lrM,l~''''.at ' ;' if.ev. ~,. ,


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.,"c("u mbA. W nsson 1ft sho t 1\8 they come I n sl J:tl ( o r C lm mfl ro n . Hnfn 1tn ,tl seovor"

n 1,, '1; r 01 ,ln htd(1f' JI unller n bluff, ()C("upled loy TlII~h&" . n. cow thlor. who Is laying f or

J.~ P'o\' l'\l. who rh cII too him In Il ca ttl" (len\. His dcae Mptl on "'en tin ... LeFevre o nd nu~o nt Ult o n\' a n d th o :mme, HlI 't he8 ohol \\ Osson mistaking him for nne of r "''''''\'ro's pnrl y . Hnm lln And 1I ughe. t a ke O' P the Irall ot 1,01"I'\·ro. who Is " ..Trying Molly 10 the I n dIan's ('1\011'. Two d ll Y1!l out ttl,,)· . Ight th e fu gitIve,..

CHAPTER XXX,-Continued . "Damn if [ know why you any that," b e began. "Haven't I bee n square?" "Beca ulle I know your style , Hugh es. You hate Le F e vre for the dirty trick be playe d on you, but you'd se ll o ul to him agaIn In five mInutes If you t hought there was any mon_oy In It. I don't ProJ)OIIO giving you the cha nco. You'n go ahead, nnd you Bre In more llan ger from m e than that outOt yontIer. No w move . and we'lI take a loolt up the valley." They' plough ed a way th rougb tb e drifts to tb e mouth o f the naTTOW ope ning betwee n the bills , dropping to their kneel!l In tb o snow, nnd cautiously creepIng forward the laa t f.ew yarda. Hamli'n. convinced tb a t rea r nlone could control tb e ex-co wtbl e t. kept slightly to the r enr. "Now walt. Hughes," he said, hi!! voIce lowered but stll\ te nse v;lth cOmmand. "De care luI, mao . Crawl up tbere In between tboso drifts, and l(XIk o ver . Kllep dowu low. you fool" The two men wriggled slowly for. wllrd, s moth er ed In the snowdrift, un· m Hughos' e),es barely tOPI)ed th e s Urface_ Hamlin ley ou tstre tch ed n foot below, watcblng for tbo sligh tes t sign of treachery. The cowma n s tored up the de prnsslon, bllnitJng hl~ eyes

'By All thll Gods, Dupont," Roared th.e Sergeant, "Do You Want Me to Shoot7 .. III the s now g la re. 'J'he Impa tient Borgca nt g rippe d bls a rm . "W(; II, wbat la It? Are cy com tng?" " You be t, a'n ' a bout dead , from th o looks of 'em . Them fe llors oln ', 1001;· Ill' fer nuthin'. I r eckon I could stand up straight yere an' tbey'd ne ve r see 01 ". Tako n look yereelr; It's safe ·1Iough. " Hamlin draw hlmllelf up, an d peered out over tbe fl1l0W, but stili Rr lpped Ih e oth ers' arm. With his tlret 'g lance up tho valley there swept over bim a 6t range Ceelln" of Iympathy Cal tboae 11 0 waM hunting. It was .a dismal, de~resslng picture-the bare, snow-COY' ored hillsides, and betwee r;1, flounderIng weakly through the drifts. th e litHe party of fugitives, the emaciated oonlel\ staggerlt!£ wltb weaknl'ss, the

II : l ll 0 1' Coot. ree li ng 68 th ey t ruml)e d fon\ n rd. the ir h eads low ered In utt er \\" " ll'll,, ' SII . Th e gi rl II.loll e wos In Hu d· ,fl, ·. "oJ \\ rn PIH'd about In blll nkets a& 10 b(' lormlt!s a, eyen her race conf ,' all'd . Th o manne r In whlcb s b ." ,,:1 ; ,'II \0 t he movemont o f tb e pooy , III ~ "d 1)11 b y one of th e ImllanB, wns " I-Idf" \cu I hat she "'01\ bound fas t, lind h"lpk s ~. At Bight of h er condition lI am l ln 1.' 1l bls old rcl entl ~s B pur pose return . li e was plainsman eoough to r('aliz(J \\'ll"t Butte rlo g thoso m ' o hall iJasscd Ihrough beforo reac blng lIuch ('X lre mll}" Rnd was Quick to 0Pllrccl· ato th e fu ll mea ning o f tbel r (>ll hall stlon. ond to lIympathlze with It. He had passe ll through a s imila r b ap tis m, a nd r cmembe re d the 48Jlper a te cl utcb of th e s torm-king. But tb e s ight or that poor girl 8\\'ny· Ing he lplcsllly In the saddl e. a boulld priso ne r III tbe midst of tbose rutliauB, wbo bad murdered her fatber before be r eyes and wbo were beo rlng he r 10 a ll t he un s pe akabl e horrors of In · dl un captiv ity, Instantly stlfl!'d wit hin him every plea or morey. No matter what th ey hnd BulfeTed, th ey ..... ere 0 ruthl eS8 , mercUes. gong of cut· throa ts , and thieves, fte c log fro m ju s· tl ce, dese rving of DO cons ide ratio n. Yet th eir distressed appearnncr'. the ir Inek of vi gilance , r e nd ered him carelesA. Th ey seemed too w eak to res lsi. too exha us ted to flgbt; the cold plucl!Ing at th e ir hea rts bad see min gly a l· ready conquered. It was this Impres. s lon which caused him to Dct rec klessly, ris ing to hll!l feet. rIfl e In ha nd, direc tly In t be lr track, haltlog the ir Rd· vn ll~ e with stern command. "Hands up! Quick now, th !:' three of yo u! 'Don't walt. Du pon t ; I've got the drop!" T h white man Willi In rro nt. a hu ge, s bape less figure In hla turs , his black bea rd rro sted oddly. He Btood motion· 1('88, astoucd ed at th is s trRnge a ppar1t1on In blue cavalry ove rcoa t, which had sp rung up so 8Ddde nly In th a t wild e rn ess. For an Instant he muat have dee m ed the ~slon conrrontlng him Ba m'! illus ion of tho desert, for he n eve r stirr ed except to rub a gloved han d across bls eyea. "By all tbe gods, Dupout," roared the S t! rgea ot Impatientl y, "do YOU want mo to shoot! Damo you, th row UII your hands'" Blowly, a8 though h1s mind was stili In a dr~o m, the man 'lI hands we re lifted abov e his head, one grasping a s hort, sa we d·olf gun. The exprcsslon upo n his Face was ugly, 8S b e begao to dimly un1 c rstand what this unexpec ted bold·up meant. There foll owed an Ins tant of Silence, In wblch Hamlin forge tful ot Hughes, wbo stili r ema ined lying Quie t lu the sno w, took a s t ep or two forward. rlflo li t sboulder _ The two Indlnllf!, fiwoth e d In bla nk ets, but with a rm s up raised . were In direct line, motionless as stRtUPS. He co uld llee th o g lea m of th eir da rk P), (,H , nn d e ven notl c.1d th e fi gure or th e gl rl s traighten In th e saddl e. Du po n t ga ve tl orce u !te r n nCIl to on oath . Apporonlly he fail ed to rcrog. nl ze th o ~ o l dl e r. but Oil HUgh es rOBe to hI s lm p.cs, s uspicion I ~aped Instnntly 10 his b raIn. "A hold·up, hey I" be said coolly. " HITgh es. you snenKlng o ld coward, co me out Into the open once. What Is It yo u wa nt?" "Notblng 10 that, Dupont," re turne(J the Sergea nt., glanclog back Qu eR tlon. Ingly toward hili companion. "Your old partn er Is here unde r my order s. I nm Sergeant Hamlin, Se venth Cavalry Tbrow down that guo!" "What! You-" "Y es, yOU are my prl so ncr. I've fol lowe d you from Dodge. Throw down th e gun !" It dropped Hullenly Into the snow " Now, H ughes, go nhead, nnd disarm thoOle In(lIans." The co wman shuffl ed forward, re"ol" e r In hand. Circling to keep sareIy beyond Ihe reach of DUPunt, who e yed him :nallclousl,. Thll latte r was 80 buttolled up In a bull'alo coat a8 to make It Impoeslble for hllD to r each ~ weapon, nnd Hamlin pe nnltted his cyes to 'waver slightly, a8 be watched the Indians. What occurrea the nellt In l!Utnt CSDle 110 SUddenly as Hcsrcely to le ave an Impre88loD. It was 8wlrl, Insti octlv e acUon, prtmltlve Impulse. An Indian hand tell beneath Its blankilt covering; there WB8 a flash of fla.m e acroslI • pony's saddle; Hughes sprang backward, and went reeling Into tbe snow. HamUn fired, as th .. sa\,. age dodged between the horse'o legs, sending him I!Iprawlinll, and, Ignoring the other Indian. swnDg about to cover Dupont. Swift sa he 'moved, be was too late. Wltb one des pe rate





tllUrM. a nO ftnany 'I'O~ ot! up <11 rla.e, ~\D con 8 cl()u Jj I)' tollowlD8 ta\ traob 111ft by 'the fteelug India;). II t bo girl f~ v e r occ u r~lld to him, he gavl . uo 81gn of re membrance, IUId she Ul· tered no wo rd. Lying on he r aide, bel uye .. wide open, s ho watched him ride away, Beross th e burre n 8pace, unW CHAPTER XXXI. t bo blow- movin g pony t'lil ped tbe ri dge, Mid dl s apl,luo re,d 011 t he oth" r T he Girl and the Ma n. s id e. Tw ice tho l1Iu n turn ad IIn(l Ae htl weut down, u olllJul'ljd. bUl g lullced bac lt In to tbe vu lll,y, but &,1\10 r, ·nllzlng 1I 0\\' thut this \Vue to bo a no lhln g cx ~ ept t be black blotch es 01 batll p to th e d Cl1th Hamlin flun g ope n ,be BIlOW. Moll y made no illation . nl bl s co at , a nd gripped h is r e vo l\·o r . v'ltcry . ::;ha 1>1' te rred deu th th e r. L yi ng th l'''' ' au bls fuce he Orl'd t wlc,;, Rlon a, ru.t hor thun Tl'llc\Je at h is han ds. c1 ... lib"rn t. 'Iy, cboo s lng t h e Hxposod In- Scarcely co n8clo u8, fee ling no streng t b dian a s a tilr~ 0 t. Th .. latte r. striving In her limbs, no h0110 pul s ing at hill to mount bls fri ghtencd pony. fe ll for· It "ll rt, 8ho c loHed h Br eyes lind lal wllrd . gl'l\~p l n ~ th e mn nn dell p\' rat o ly. 6ll ii. Ye t wrllilped about nll tl hll was II s tre am of bloo(\ dY f' lng hi s bl a nk e t ha r youog body rrlDnlnc d warm. a ne no th e ant mnl dU8bed acrOM" the vul· the v o r~, disap peara nc e or Vupo nl I"y . llul)Ont had whir led th e r. lrl 'ij r luhl ed a 8o n ~0 of freedom, [J woke a borse to th o lert, nn d, wi th her bm!y strong dlos lre to Ilv". !'I nr ny. 's Olle ne( ns a shlilld , wa s a tt e lUll tl ng to es cape. nglllll , t1 e~ Jl!llrln s l y . autl !:uzed acrosl Al ready he \\' ns too fa r I\ woy to m ake Ul e barrrm nx pa nse. S he cou ld Bt'l n rl' vo lv,' r ~ h () , baft' . Il amlln Brose to Hamlin lyi ng fu e downward, thEl yel bl s kn ees , and plcK('d up th e dropp!'!1 low IInllll: o r his cavalry cn lH> ov er hI> rifl e. Ill s lipa w c n' pr ('~ij" d tl gli t; his h(md. It R(ln U1p.d 10 h er th e IIl ll n', eY"1I full or gri m d ~ l (' rml ll ntion . Wh y fo ot mov tJd. Cou ld !ihe b e dr f'lll ning ~ didn 't Dllpont ll ru? ('o ul d It b" h wa~ No! H " nctul\ lI r ure w up 0 11 (' 11mb. unarm ed ~ Or W ;18 he h OIJl ng b y d <·lay This ~ l'l tl P.IlC ~1 tb a t t b n 8l' I'g oa nl to gain 1\ clo ser ~; hot? Kf'(' n·('ye d. r<'~' stl\l IIH'd gU\'(l I1 nr rres h 8Ir" an i ol u t!' . th " S('rg e nnt d"l r r mlll ed to r" ue wotl dt! l pl' lIl ihatio n . Hh,' s lru/! tal(H no cbanC(!8. T Ilf' rill e cam" t o a I" " c l- u 81'1lrl. o f Onnl(' . a ~ b n rp rl!' pOrt, /lnu t1 ~ e ) on y 8tlll;g!'r('d to il ~ l<o ee8, aud BII Uk, bea ri ng Its hol[lloS 8 burd en with It. Dupont lul go his g rip on th e re in . an d s tood u pright, c llla r,l)' outlln f' d oga ill st th e wh ite h illsid e. Btnrl ng II:! II tow a rd th o kn cpll ns: Ser· "...::: ge llnt, Ih e fa int smoKe clou d whirli ng -o,... ~~~~ belwee n. ...;; "All ri ght- d amn yo u- you've got m e! " h\l s alll sull e nl y. Hamlin IWVPr mov ed , cxce pt to snllp out I.hl' e mpt ll' rt cll r trl dge. "Unbu tton Iha t cont, " h" command · ed t e rse ty . " Now turn arou nd . No shooting Iron . hey ! That's ru lhe r cnrclees o f a gun -man." H e dro pp ' d his r lfl.;, a nd Btrode lor, ward r e l'o ll' er In ha nd, glnn r lng curiously at tho d nd lodl u n us he passed . A r\atn hun g to tb o pam mAl or a sail· dl!'. an d he pa used to s llak .. It loose. uncoiling th e tbln roPf', but with wa tc bfu l eros co nsta ntly on bls prlsoo !'r . He f('lt no fea r of Dupont, no w " Oh, God'" She Sobbed, "Wrlilt Cal' thnt he kn e w Ih e fe llow to be un· I 001" arm ed. a od the wound e d In dian h ad von ls h ed o" (' r tb e ridge. Ye t Dupont gled to move he r ow n fee t; til e le rl was a powe rful man, and despe rate WIlS fre e. but the right waH cau ght enougb to .a cc<' pt a ny chunce. Some· Ormly be neath t he pouy She strllg thin g In t be 8ull en, glo wing face con· g led d os pe rately, forge tful o f pain. III frontin g him a woke th e Sergeant to tbe fait h lhat alIc ml glIt save HI.IJI'l' cau tion. He seeme d to scnse the pl a n lin. LHtlo ' by littl e sbo workelt lb ~ of tbe other, and stopped sudde nly, Im pris o lled IIm~ fre e, ooly to flnd \I 8lipp lng th e rOP e th rough his flng ers_ nllmb and h elpless. Sh l) lay ther e He swung th e call about his bead . breulhle:sB. conscious that sbe ne.hed mculIu rln g th e dIstance, eve ry faculty fro m hea d to foot. Deyond her tb p concentrated on tb e toss. He ha d for- Sergea n~ groalled and turned pu rlla l gollA n Hugb es lying In the SIlOW be- Iy over upon his Bide, Tugg ing at tb e hlud ; he ne ither saw nor heard the blanket s he managed to tree ono nrm. fe llow scra m hie wea kly to hIs kn ees, grippe d tho mano of the d eod pony . re vo lver outs r etcbed In a hair-frozen ond drew berself Into a sItting pos. hand. And Huglres, hll!l eyes alreadY ture. N,ow the blood seemed to s urge glazing In dllath, saw only the two Og- through ber veins In oew volume. a nd ure s . In that moment hat e t riumph ed she labored teverlsbly to r elease the over cowardice ; he could not dlsUn- other hs.nd. At last sbe undid a knot gulsh which was Dupont. whlcb Ham- with bl~ r teeth, and "lipped the lin. In thE> m adoess ot des pair _ he bl a nk ~Lfrom I!.!rr._ l>eollu_ ber handti cared IIHle-only he -would kill some toget her to restore circulation . Her ene be fore he dl ed_ His weapon rl~t l e~: stili '\Vas too numb to stand wav er e d frantically 08 he sought to upOn, h tlt she crept forWard, draggtnB aim, tb e man holding him self up by It he lpless ly behind he r over tbe snow. on e hund. Dupont, ta('i ng that WilY, to whe r,~ Hamlin lay. saw IhlH apparition, Il . lea ped aside, Tbe g:lrl's bellrt seemed to st nmbling ov er the dl'n u pony. Hughes' bea ting as s he lool,ed at him- Ilt th e WEa pon b'.llcb e d, a nd Hamlin, tb e las· wblte , colo rless face, th e closed eyes so whlrll :1~ above h im In tbe Dtr, the discoloration ot blood tltainlng th(' pitched for wa rd, a nd came cras tll ng templ e. Yet h e li ved; hl8 fn iot breaUI was plulnly porce ptlb le 10 the Cros t) do wn Into th e SIIOW . It wlla fl ll th !l work of nn Im!tnn!. a air. wild, coo tused bit. 00 rapidly e nac ted " 0 Cod!" s he s obbed, "w ba t ca D I a s to see m II nr eal eve n to th e IJarllcl- do! " pauts. Hamlin lay mot ionless, bareIt wall an unrestraine d cry of au Iy cons cious of li ving, ye t unabl e to gulsh, y'et tbere was uo b esltatlon ntlr a muscl e. Hughes, screamin g out She bod Corgotte n e vel'ytblng ell cep' one oatb , sank back loto II henp, I]ls tbat b elpless figure lying befo re hm fro ze n linge rs s tili g ripping bls smok- on the s :now-bol' .own dalll!l'l'r, the Bur Ing weapon. The n Dupont rose cau- rouud1n~: desolation, tbe d ea d torm~ t!ous ly to hi li Im ees. pee ri ng fortb aCcClltu8.ting that wilderness traged y across the d e ad body or tbe pony. Tho With bare handEl !!lte bathed .biB .tac l man was unu l?rv ed , umrbtea[ nrSL LO In Imow, rubbing the Oesh uaUl t l compre he nd what ha d occurred. He flu s bed r e d, pressing b er own warm was savell as by a miracle, and hl9 body against his, her lips speaking bl E gre at form s hoo:( tra m he ad to foot. Dame al; aln and again, almost bys Then, as hi s e yes rest ed on the out- teJ;lcully. as thougb abe boped thus to s tre tche d body of the Sergeant, bote call him back to consclousnes8. Hel conQu cr e d eve ry olhe r fecllng; he exploring flngers told her that It wa t' staggo red to his f eet, pick e d up the no lIerlous wound which hod creased gun lying In th p. s now , walked across the side of his head; It there was nc nnd brntall y kick ed U.e pros trate otber he would Burely revive, and th ( form. Th ere wns no r.]spo nso, no discovery sent her blood throbbln~ mov cm e nt. t hrough he l' ve ins. Sbe lUted hlB hear, "All I wis h Is Ihat I'd been th e one to h er In 1>, chafiog bls cold wrl8to to kill ye r," h e g ro\~ l od savage ly. griD· franLically, he r eyos starlog again ou nlng do wn. "Hell of a good shot, ac ross the barren snow Oelds, wi ' thou gh I r eclton tbe blam e fool rres b reall zRtlon of their Intense 101t . m ean t It (or me." Il e thre w the rlO e lineso. Sbo chokod back n Bob of d . forward, 10 r erldinC8s, a nd moved cnu· spalr. and glaoced down again Inte Hamlln 'lj face . He d id Dot stir but WI tloll s ly over towllrd Hughes. "Deader tban a door-uall," bl! mut- eyes wor e open. regarding h er In be te r ed, pressing hal'k the buffalo coat, wilderme nt. and s taring conte mptuously down Into "Molly," he whIspere d, forgetting tbe white, storing fac e. "I wond er how "Is tbl8 re ally }'au? What bas hap tbat coward ever happened to be bere pened?" . -laying out for me, I reckon!" The girl's eyell "lied Instantly ' wlU He straightened up snd laughed, tears, but she dId not move, excepl glancIng furtively about, that tbe elBsp of hor hands gre" "Some good joke that. The wholll st,,'nger'. outOt elEl8ncd out, lind me twe nty oCTO HE CONTINUED_~ thousand to the &tood." reeling Insldo hla coat to make s ure. "It's there all Undaunted. right. Well. good-bye, boya, there "\IV'lat did that emInent per80naat don't !!eem to be notblng here tor me do whell1 you told him you wanted tc to stay for." take his pIcture 1" He caug!lt the. straying pony and "He 'called the dog," swung up tnto the saddle, glanced " And what did you do tbenr" about once more at the motlonleia "Oh, I. took the do,'. picture, ' too.'

.pnng bn ck wartl t1I e ""lItt- mall .,aa beblnd tbe ' POD.), IIheltered by be l' s hape les8 figure. grlpplnll t be Rnlm lll '8 bI t. The 8f'CODd Indlol1 dropped to his knees and ope ned Ore . With a 8udd,'n lurc h rorward th o Ser· gellut plung e d bead long In th a snow ,


added:' "So .bonld lUIy man who wants to teel u 101IDg as I do when '.enerable Hero of Manila Bay Givei' be Is seventy-tl\,8," 80mfl' . Good Advice to . Public Quite true! The temptations are Men, great with the man In the lImeJi~ht to Indulge In excellses, Iar~eb to pleue bls trtends aDd admtrera. · Till) Amert. can banqu ~ t, IlD ornate te,e dlDg «:eremany tasting S8yeraJ -h011I':!, robbing tbe man ot' " . sleep wh1cb ·18 I,ItA the 01 .tblj.';::arid .• plaimt«r:.~ob

,".M" ...


'\/"::~; ,

::", '.~:"::'~':i "


I{lt"" .. ':.,.: .,


T h l~ modE' l shows on e of tbe new8t styl" 8 fo r tai lored s klrl s. I t ope ns In front. wb e re Ihe materia l Is IIllghl ty draped at a bollt kll PC deptb. A small V·" hal.1e d pie c ing /l lls In th e o penin g ut th e toot. . Not o nly tailor ed goods, but RIRO sort s lllt9 and crepe 1l1l1 will mal!e u p we ll III Ihl~ style_ 'J' he sk Irl /l'ltterll, (6 29 7 ) , Is cut In s izes 22 to 30 Inch es wais t measure. !'.Iedlurn s ize requires 2'!i. yards of HIn ch mater ial. T o procure thlft pl\ltem ~enol 10 (le nta to "Pn. ltc rIl Depa rtme nt ,· ' ot tht . p ape r. Write lI a m e 11.11<1 .uldr".... \>'a'n'y, and be IlIro to ,;I\,o ul ze and nU;:;;)er ot p a lt6l'n.

IIlZB .. -- •• _._. _••• _.

NO, 6291

NAM R __ __ _•• _ . _ ••• _. __ • •• _____ • • •• _

TOWN . __ . __•••• __ __ __ ___ __________ . ___ __ _

STREET AND NO. __ _______ • ______ ._ •• _.




II brok_

Weii'd Work. "What'll thle ; \'OICI1DO In actlour "'No,"

"To wn on lire?" "No, 110; Bt lll lire. Pi ece o f huck.l&berry Ill e, pointe d by a cubls L" Rea l Influenco. "Lc t m e wr it e th e lIongs or a n. tlou," ~al d tbe rondy ma d o phllos()pller, "a nd I ca re not wb" mnkell the law 8." "I won 't go qui te au ~8.l' 08 thnt," rep lie d r So rgh um; "but l e~8 wrHo tbe am endm e nts nnd I cor~ wbo (IraW8 up tbe bills."

( Write ~ to Smith 'Vhen your shoes w ear out what do you do _. kick and go barefooted? No, you get new ones. II your land's play.. 00 out, growling about it won't help. Look around and see where you can do better. Maybe you're just in a rut and don't know it.

Some of the best land in this universe is along the lines of the


Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. A good deal has been settled and there's a good peal to be settled yet.


a strong and rigorous conlltltutlon to of Hong:- Kong uDlverslty. 18 torty.S&V withstand the demands of the ull,"q ••e' ·I,en yellof~! old and . s·pealla 13 Ianauagel table, and everybody 18 nllt • CbaUD- ·flUOIltly. For DUlay. years be was In cey M. Depew. tbe diplomatic aerYlc8 and to e\'en Riding or any other for,m of regn° oountry :whIch he wu S8Dt be mas 'Iar exercise, together with abstemloili tered tile )allgnage, begtnnlng wlO babita, are gTeat leogth\lner8 or life, ·RUlsla liD .1887: :!' ' In' 1889 ale brought The 'Ir\zzled Davt' s eteran Imciwl!l9ul a · F1nlliilb sraai:JQr: ])urlns wliat he Is talking i:.bout' and' Ii ail' cout86 "Bt;'· O~onl. he ' bd '~ Ilot :' excelleDt - sclioolmaster.. " I retired ':101 cte.licl!J h~:~ an,d ~1.:t1!8


8TATR ______ : _•••••• _ _•••••••••• _•• _._ •••••


~===========-~================================-~ z-================ BEWARE OF LATE DINNERS

Practical Fashions

IIIvet'1 tIme. g lrl'lI ahe sa~ea Lb o pie ce.,

.A nevel style w ith coat blouse which also has the drop shoulder ond an e peo Cront with a hands ome collar_ The two-piece Bklrt may hav e either tb tl high gr the norm a l walstllne_ Thl8 style III suitable for lin en, glngbam. rati ne , silk, Cflll>e and serge or other ligh t weight woolens. The dresll patterns , (6319), Is cut In sizes 34 to 42 Incbes hust m e asure. Medium elze requires yards of S8-1nch material. To procure this pIlltern 'I!Iend 10 eenta to "Pattern Department," or t"Is J)&per, Wrlto name And addrellS pl,,'n'y, nnd be Bure to &,IV8 .Iao and nwntMlr ot patt ern.


SlZE_ •• _._._ ••• _ .

NO. 63111

NAME _•••••••• _••_ ••••• __ ••• _._ •••••• __ TOWN ________ _____ • __ ____ . ____ ________ . _._ STRERT AND STATE __

Of •

IjO. -•••••• _____ • __ _••••••••

__ • • • _ . _ • • • • _

•••• •

__ •••• ___ _

Time'. Change., "Mal"

"Yes, my ROn ." "'''hat Is a forum?" "A forum, my bOy, Is B place the men used to talk from In the dill'. gone by_" "Oh, the men used to get a chapce to talk then, did tbey 1" " ' Nloe ·of HIm. "I heard a compliment tor )'ou 1aat alght." "Oh, 41d you? What wJUJ ttr "Charlie fluzl'.lngton saki 10U as pretty tall tho prize winDe.. bench sbow," Manne .... ':'She'd be · all rlgbt It ahe dldD" bave euch bad manner:a." 'I have never noticed tbat her. maDLera were , particularly bad," , "HAven't you? Wh1. whenner- ) tl'7 bl break In ' to- ita)' a fe~ Rhe a~way•. keepa r'lJhl:OJl lalkln....-

If you will write to R. A. Smith, Colonization Agent, Union Pacific, Omaha, Nebraska, and tell him what you want, whether you want one acre, five, ten or a thousand acres, he will tell you what the soil will producewhat it won't produce -where the best apple country is-where the. best truck ' farming country is, etc. and the price. The interest this great system has in this country is to settle it with people who will be a credit to the country and to see that those people have a full and complete knowledge of ClOD- . ditions })Cfore they go OGL That's why it appointed Smith, After you have found out

aU you want to know. go out there and see it, The Union Pacific has made

Reduced Fares for Colonists effective September 15th to Octo~r 10th. Fpr the fare f'rom yourhome town and for epeclk io- .

fOrmation, write to







A ciea r 01<1 lad )' who Willi very "Bat'" In her preJudlce8 was IIsll.·d JUllt wh7 ahe d Idn 't like Il ccrll4ln man . S be had no parllculnr reason tha t shc could thInk or lit Lhe IrI Htu nt , butshe bad beoo eo empitulle In he r' (!xpr -ss lou oC dla· 1Iite thal ahe Itn ew Mhu wou ld bave to find Bo rne exr ll ~" - ut once. Ju s t at that moment ~ h e hUIl \! Cll uti to gluuce out at tb e window IIml ~u w him passing by. Be curr ied 1J - n eatly _roll e d umbrella though It hardl y thren te ncd rain . Qul elt nK 1\ t1 n~ h Kh o answ ered b er ClU l's tl 'Ill.!r , "1 111 rarrl es nn umtJre lla Wh cl lll' r It't! rnlll ing (lr no t- lllJ III a 'so[l 1e.' .. "U ut." ~u l d ht' r fri en d, a lso looking 11~ oC ttl e window. ~ h c re comes your ~ Wllllanl, and be Is carryIng an um· brella ." 'rbi B did not stump th e old lady : " But tJlal'ts n nolh. ' r mol te r- I don't like him anyh ow - Illlli h ns id (,B, It nil depends on 'I',' ho carrie,s th e u m br Ila," she r e plied trlulll phlLnt Iy . That IsUJl1 poult Ion som t3' peopl e have tAlte n n' f~(l nllllp; thllt who leso me nlld re fr '~hlng bCH' rug e Coea·Col n. Tb ~ y hnve ua ld Il goo<1 mUIl Y unkind thIngs abo llt It (lnd In enc h Illstanco hav e had tt proyed to lil e rn thnltb e lr tul~8 we ro ~ot tru B. Flllll ll y th ey Bl'l zed upon th e fa ct thnt 'Coca·Cela ge tD llIudl at Its reCre sblng ,dellclous n('stl rrom th e small bit or cnt· 1e ln e thut It co ntlllns. Tbe y looked upo n thut ns a s pl ,'ndld argumen t again s t It. 'I'ben . like th l" olcl lndy who was rem in d· -ed of son William, th ey w ere r e mlnd od Hint It Is th e cnrrelno In tbel r "favorlte bev er ngcs, tea and corree, (e\'en more thun In Cocn ·Cola ) that gIv eR th em 1helr r efresblng and 6ustalnlng quu ll. ti c s . Dut does tbat etop t.h e lr criticis m o r ~oeu ·Co la for contaIn in g carrel ne? No -the ir an ~ wer Is sim ila r to th e old lody's-they . su y " [lut- t hat's nnoth er mnttcr"-wbat th ey mcnn Is "neln g prejudiced against Coca· Cola and 11k· lng tea or corre e, It all de pends on w ha t carries tb e caffe in e. " We think the joku I" on th e m-ror calTelne 18 carre lne. 1111<1 It It Is not harmrul In one It cOIl'L be h armfU l In anoth er. Wc a ll know that It Is not hnrmJul In t ell. or corree- tbat it Is r ea lly h e lpru l In wha te ve r It Is -tbls Is bound to In cl u do Coca·Cola. or course , tbe trutb Is, lIlat having s t :rted on attack on ra ise I.remlses and having ha d whllt th ey thought were good r eason8 ror crit icism Ilroved to be no reason s at a ll . they nre gt1!spln g at nn excuse which \loes not exist, to explain a prejudice. So you see, after BII, It all depends on who carrIes th.. nmbr eUa to people who are det1!TlTlIDef to be unfair. Let us bo f&.lr.-Ady.




. '



• f". •

CASTORIA: 1I'." "" "'III' I'"'II'lIiIIUlUt"I'nlllllfllltlU,nIIIU'



.'.... u.'"'.. ntlnlfl."' .. " ..... uu'U"' ... ,llIllltI... llllfl J


A\~I1e1abll'. Preparc1lion

ror A. ·

~imnating Ihe'oodand Re~ula · lin~ /he SIolIIQchs and Bo~ls or

For Infants and Children.

The Kind You Have Always BOUGht Bears the

Signature of

IIAT Is th e wlltl st rePromole!9 Digution,Chetrrul ' lorl or th o mos t hu· ness and Re s l .Conlll i ns ne ilhfr moroliS sto ry rou ev e r Opium.Morphine nor Mine-ral h ,~nl"d? I hav!] b,. (' n asking NOTNA"RCOTIC this qu eMtl o n or u list Rr<'fH .tOM /hS":~41I or public moo mor e ~" S ..J· o r les8 not/!Il au wlt u !i'I>.J"H. AlJcof_. J.1tJ" . 1\lld humorlsls . • P er· hili'!! th e Id,' a. mal' stim ulate Borne lit· enlry back Lo make a much more co rn· ple te comp ilation or Am e ri can humor (,/~'" .t.,,, ""~'f""''''' ntft'W' Bnd supply a want long telt In these tlcular for th eIr tallur(J to act o n some bl hal f o f n duty on Cll tt1<: alo" ItO!;" .. ltl CaSllr c in whlc'h he was Int e r es ted . hnd IJ I" ' ~ " 1"ll g th ) an d I'U I'I1l'S t. daya, wben rel1d<;rs are being over red A perfecl Re m edy ror ~o ns llp'" "' ,l lorl c hi .. tly,' said SplIlllnr Taylur. with th e lu rid . Lhe morbid and the As th e (l c buLo wllxerl warmer th e R elion. Sour S lomach,DI tra gic. The m e mory or pra<!ticnlly ev· publ ican llll'tnbe r becaDl e Dlo rc and ' WII ~ I Imprps s " d by tb· o lotu nd 8,- 1· Worms ,Convu l~ion~ . fevHi~h­ labl (' M whi ch I · ~uP. <l fr o ll! th e (·Huph a· ory membe r nnd ell·m e mb er or our morc worked up ov p, r th e subjec t. ne u,lInd LO!ts or SUEP " ~'lrlllll y he charg ed m emb ers 01 gu~ o f Ih e "('n lo!' se nator frolll l<t n lr o various legis lativ e bodies , rederal. .. as lill ut't'fonls of l1 u lll ~ r \(: !'h )'th lu h .~ slate a n d nlilUlclpal, litO r es up so m e eongr cBs g ell e rally with Id le ncs s. file simi~ s ;gnatu ,.. " 'Look (It th e Carm ... r!' he sh oute d. I,oured forth h is dd l' IlSl! o f th e Arnl-rl ! umph.'s or origina l repart ee which doubtless will b e lost to pos l l! rlly un· 'li e produ ceH tb l' ruorl upo n wh ich wo CU ll hn~ . ' "Thl' plctn!'/', coupled with Se natol 108s pre served In prlntp r 's Ink, sayB liv e. Th" houI"st labore r, tolllll~ home J o hn E ltret h Wlltk llltl In th e Pblladel· at c \' e to his bumlJ l'l supper, rur· Heyburn'. ,J ig n ll y , waR f a utlerly rl · ulshl"s Lh c 1U01 1\'e IIOW r ror this g reat rl\l'UIUlI H Ih &t It took th ),1(' IJ:lt se \', phla HecOJ·d. Th e Rtor(l k ~ l! Il (! r Cur· ~ ral minutes fully to r cco vpr it. lu Washlnglon th e man who doubt· civili za tion. less has Lbe gronte st fund at sto r ies nlshes th e Atore lt 01181l fwd th e weaver g r a " it y." "Olle of th f' qll ick e s t ll as hl ·t! at or brlflk r epa rteH In d p. bate on the th e cio ttI thll.t goee ·'{ !thln the storenoor at oongress Is Sp()a kc r Champ house. All th pse do thrlr Ahar e. Why re llarlO'" " hl eh 1 have h('arrl In a lon ~ ' lark. He recalls Bti nglng r etortM s hollld wo In con gr csH delay? What thrll? " sai d S"l1ator Wllllalll Ald e n Smith or Mic hi ga n, "occurr ed wllli n Ellact C<>py or Wrapper tbat hll~ excite d not on ly uproarious are we Il rodudn g l' "Iustnntly th e so uth e rn e r waK 0 11 b ls S nat or PpnroRI' o f P()nnsylvnnla a n~ lau gh ter, but th rcatll of pe rsonal en· • • • •~ I - . .. teet, courteous ly reque lltlng r ecognl· Rpnnt o r Simmo ns or North Ca r olina counLer. lion . Arter gai nIn g 11 'rmlsolon to were r ~c n tl y d e bat ing th e tlll' itI 10 Th~ rClort whlcb he consid e rs as Pntl en co Is th e fine s t and wealthi est I perhaps th e moat "rrecllv!! was mad e s pea k he turned to th o pxc lled Repub- a d es ulto ry sor t of w ay. part ot fortitude, and tb e r ares t, too."Spno t or 8 1m mon6 h a d n nnollocpd Ru skin , by Senator JalR'Cs Hamilton LewI s IIcau and saId : "'I will enlig ht en lhe g.!nU<'lllan If with grea t l'SrrJl!HtneSl! thut h e wati when Il. m e mbo!' o t the hous e . Lew is' going to vot l' fo r rre e lum be r. oppon e nt bad ~en tb e aggre sso r and he so d esires.' lie Boclal Statue. "'1 <10,' saId the Repub li can . "S(!na tor Ppnrope, w ith a courll"O U8 had been do ing nil or tb o vicIous dig· " Thnt tall ora' organlzatloll I~ a v er Y ., "Then: said th e south erner, 'I wlll gl'sturp, eong ratulntcd hid oPllonP I)( select one. Is It not 1" gCng. Lewis. as uS\la l, was all lI uavlty. THeMP80N'8~~~~~rl~1l0~..:!t hy d...... llUn or 'J'be spea.irar te ll a tho story In this tell the gcntl e mon on tbo other s ide on h is ,. ·rsiltillty. "Yes; whllt on e mlgbt ca ll a selcci wi ad. Uonki N. fie • of the dt(l mb er Utat congress pro· .. ' I d id not grn~p th e eenato r's r eo coat·erle.' · -y : JOLI N L, T IU)RIl'SO !'j liONS&; CO.,Tr"1,N,Y. "It was .one or th e fin est bits o f dUCleB more lalk per capita than a ny m,uk.' ~Dl d S e na to r S im mons. WO.IUI ~., -no D . t 1.0 10"''' " 'I mad e th e polite observatlotl,' ex· r& ,J 'OYe r beard In the bouse. orgBu4.zatlon In tbe world.' '' LAND BUYERS Ifr,--at Lamb and Shecp. bargalnl'l.ln lnn(t. Homo... n!allr.IQ.M. A wurd to \btl w l lie la aoft1cleni. Sereno E . Payne, rank In g minorit y pluine d Re nataI' Penrose, 'tbat th e sell' l.ewls a'l1(1 iLemuel T. Quigg of New "Oh , dear! Something clso to r eo .wade Ulllar &: Be.rd. Tv-ber, Albeeta, C~wu:t. Eg\Jed orr. York ",'e~e b.avlng a cut·nnd·thrust de- membe r of the ways and m en ns com· ntor s hows a li or tbe earlle6111 eSB III mln(l m e Ihat m)' boy Is growing up." De Wolt Hopper, at a ll.lllobeo\il til bate rem :tilt e trusts, Le wis assalllot; mivtee, r ecalls thIs us tbe quIckest re- his a rgum e nt ror the r lJ uioval of thll "\\' bat no w 1" tort be eve r heard lu congress, du ty on IUll1lJm' that h e t; how ed a t lh e New York, salel of a bad 1IeIDr: .an(l ·Q utgg de rendlng. "Th e sheepleh way h e looks wb en I "Ju ny years ago Re prcsentatlve last seRslon . when h o ins Isted th e dutl' call him my little la.mbl "- l.lppln· "He's h ad hints e.nou~ to qu.Jt ~ "Alt IIWlt QuIgg mad e a particutnrly stage, d ear 1ulo"'1I. H-c' s iJmd .oT'e vicious lun ge at Lew l .. , to wblch the Svr,lnge r at lIIlnol8 was debating on on Illmb u be r e tnln ed. T h e se nator ca ll's. W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 35-1913During the Is .a man of tnle nt.' " bln ts tban PhaU. ~R.tt6r, ,wltb tho graco and politenelHl 1:b e floor or t b e hOlls e. ------------------~----~---------------, •• think that th e stor y to ld by Mr o()o urse or hie s J)eech h e made se"eral "Pbatt, after a brief 'M\Ilomenoe on ' at iLol:d 'Chesterfield, r e plied: the rond lUI 'Htlmli!'l: l'e'tlU1lWod to bls " :111 r . Speaker, I do not wonder taiat remarks of a r at he r varian t nature Strlektalld CliUllnn a t tb e seventb o n· Job In CanaJ street. :tIho gen tleman rrom New Y02'k ·de- wIthout apparently r ealltlng lhe blurt· nual dinner oC th e IndIana Society 01 I to G <lOIf'S orum cit rf~ . .. 'How did yO'U come 00 Il ea,,'e libe .tenl1 s tbe trusts, for It 18 wrltum til .a ,oer tbat he was making. Afte r be Chicago Is as good a on e a~ l evel Onft fltHl fm L bu tU t) fo\l'OtJN ''''' ,,'lJnmnlA'e<i t.o em",,, r.JUlfl . 'had talked about ten mlnu tcs Tom b,....l'(I." said Or. Han'ey W. WHey, tb u stage?' I lUIkled 111m one'Il lgbt. very old book tb a t : r;.'~~Ot::ac~~l;· ~~ t"rLI,l~r~l~,I:i:\ ~t", b.. m etil clt':Llef'l or dlrcel Iro. fJ1lTe food champion, who Ie a mcon " . "Th e ass knowe th his OWl:l6l' an/! R ee d arose and In ter rupted him. " 'I had blntll t-ha'l I watm 't sulteC 10 ~1!<::iN~~·I ~'il:~('b~t~~vcD u'. o ur All forlll" uf t1hu..cmper. ., 'Th e gentlema n frolll I11lnoLa.' saJd l ~1U' or note. "Tile oomblnntioll or t b(' Cbo OJ( hIs maste r 's crib.'" It.: he rellllec!l. !l l'OI.I N ~ I E lJICA(,CO., "Tblnklng he ·mellDt tbo orlticB, I "Th at ended tbe d e ba t c \'en-y sud· n eed, 'has made three dlsUllet fltate- ch!lGslcal lUlod the cockney Is c e rtnln ly aaI d: ,denly." llI fl n ls or a contradictory nature. I enoug h to tl<-kIe anyon e . "A cockl}('Y wss ('(Iosen for a proml · "'Aha, t be Ut!Ie :blvda Itol6 -you, eh?' Speaker Clark gave me als!iI t h e rol· would like to remark t hat Jlny one of .. 'Well,' II~ be, ·'.t\'ITf d hu.v e lbeoome . lowIng sample of r e partee, cOlJtrl butad tb e thre e cou ld he u s(>.d to dl"llrOVe n~' nt PtlTt In one of th e hi s to ri cal pllg ' enrnts durin /; th e wee k whu n Georg" bIrds, I SUPJIQSO, fr tbey!d iboen ltillowod not as ODe or t be wi W est re bOrts be the oth e rs.' 1I000 0nl\ ""0"1.00 IAllor · m.~. f or 1..... Fo r to hatch.'" ove r h eard, but ns that precipitating "Springe r, tnkcn ibllCk, thanked l a~t of 'Engl.and WtlS Jump ed Into th o Th e Old TI me Qua lit J AfotlJ " I) bn't'D bf'tm ltf"lltn_ mode 1.0 om"r . abou t tb e nlost ridiculous sltWltlOD h e Reed , who sat down . He deliv ere d Iclllg row. l 'l1 e cot:klley hll d bCo; 1l ~e­ ::t:I:''!,:ot::~igc~ tJ~~~ ~.!-::~~~:rbf,r~~y~~ ijla~ ~~~ ~::lt~~r;~~~~~'.rt~l~ Anecdot;:rl. ... a l'e r witnesse d In a legls lath' e bod·y : rath e r a llowery e rt'ort, III wh ic h be lec ted, ]Jurl" ly bpC llllSe oC his llgurl', Let Us Send You Sample Outfit "Toward th o end of bls ter.m us ('x pr essed his sat is ractlon n t hu \' Ing a SI t he o ne to perso nate onc oC tb e an Menelaus w-as king oC anolent ILacof L~blon Ilhllu,..UOD'. InstmrtloD!I f ree - I1D, Inn :rpnrlfmcf'd ll e f'll" D ca n t.:ll:n me.!l~· cl e nL HOI1l Il11 Invlld ers oC th c t rlp arll t ~ nia, and bem'g -sueh, 'be ,d eemed It 001) speak er of tho MIssouri hOUSCl of r e p· been bro ught to book by Reed. :.~I~t~I;s.~II~~~';;~ lo~~:u~I:, 1~)!.:I:~IIC~'\':.rII ')f;:~ rts~~~1 ~1; 1~~~~~},~ca~t1 0~ct~lh go~~ 1i t.t1e Island . He kn e w none of th ,' bls duty to be ns 'Iooonlc a~ poooi bl e. resentallves Judge J . E. AZeilCnnder, . "Th (,ll h e concluded : b.k e thulr urde rs In Jour lIUJ u . 1I:.11ra. prl co I IAt rllrnlanud , Malo "110uab Roman In m dPrs by " Ig ht or by proxy ,nolY a member at Lh e national house pruOt w par t o r r oa r own 801", C&n tlNlO l nl. rau Wi o ur rt' prt!s onuuJvo. "'And J will !lay, Mr. Spe!!l.ker. In 60, In a manner 'Or sptlaklng, to Bet tb6 Write 1M' IGmplu,v We 'm;'" VOII on,·haIJ. ,of r e prescntllth'cs, was "ollcll~d (or words thnt have bl'e n used b e rore, I II " h nr! npver h l' ar d or th"rn . They pace tor lloop1e. CHICAGO WOOLEN MILL8. 0"0'.4 7. 833 W. "ack s on Bl.d ., Chicago Now, bls -w,j:Co was none .olb e r than recogniLion by a large number ,at m em o would r a t he r be right tban be ' pre s i· d ill lIuL IU;) \'I" In bl s spot. Yet he wa s in vcst .. d with 1\ s hort , I bin . s le(! \'e l"Hs the b eatltl rll~ lkIehm , and, of ·course, the bers standing In lhe ais le In Cron t of de nt: "Herd did DOt ur isI', but nmlled sal" \tllllll!, thlnn c r nus l1ln g', Lin g re a. \·us OLD ADAM day came lit hurt whe n she \lllIIn'od a the speaker's des k. At last tlle Hon . STRONG IN HIM . d i lto h e lm e t, s Ull d.lls llnd n IlI rg " ..James T. Moon, n very brillla.nt me mo dor;i ca ll y , new hat. CG'.l'ld ilbe 'bave It ? ber from Lacledo county, yeu.,d .out : "'No danl!a' r 0[ youI' being ruth e r.' ~ I)oa r . A ftc' I' walltlng nbo ut th e "No," r e pll p.u M6Il e laU6. " ·M r. Speaker, 1 want to know ·Ir he yell er! nCI'OB B the aLaI... . ~! r Ct> ls o f Lollllon some hours Ibu 5 Sad Time for Mother When Shc Rr a l"Jupt becaWle 'no' Is a 'letter s horter Sena.tor BoIse Penro£!e 01 PcnTlsyl· clad, tl11H ball y bli gh te r wa~ wea r), than 'y es! ' " pllOteflted J!lelen, Itnd ,bural 'you recognIze mo?' Iz:cd Her Pet Had Passcd Beyond "Speaker Alexand er , a very geave vania, who h as blmse lf been tlle ' lIero end rootsor-e and I1 Sb llml"d. At lusl Into tears, ~ a t the fillst ,obe,noe ~Dn the Angeli c P eri od . and di g nIfi ed gentlpman. res,pond ~ d ' or many debates, Dlso regnrdll T~m tbe re camc a c hance to reAt. whil e away w ith Pmie.~udk . "'It does Beem to m e that I bave Reed as his beau Ideal of the man ~omp. hlLc h In th e proceed Ings was Ull ' sosn that ugly mug sODlewhere be· with the li ghtni ng r etort. bitch ed. .lusl at tbat momon t a tilt · Motb er 's da rling, age four, was not Tuchlng $afety HI Sl::hov". ftore: .. "Oue of Reed's s harpes t shafts was t(l r' wlrld bl ew tram t ho chlln ne l Dnd to be like oth e r boys Il11d learn to u se Instruction In 'IIlet.bodH for 'the :pl'& rthe Immortal wit ot tb e latoO ,Sena· Hung du r ing the de bate 00 the Wilson ' elh llIed h is scantily clad form . He naughty and s langy wordfl. He wus .,entlon of neeldE-IItll must rbe ~n :by tor ;Jonathan Dolliver 18 considered tarllt," Eeld Senator Penro!!e. "Th e stood sbiver ing In blfl fin ery wh .. n not a llow ed to vlay with tile olde r tho teachers of the pt1111le -eCbeoie of .IIY ,Benator LaFollette to be produc· argum e nt had bee n bItte r and tbe an old l ady, lit lJ ru l m ind ed and deu"I)' boys In th e n elgbborhood for fear h is _ _ __ ~N~ Jersey 30...!!!.1iDtI't:es .(\u~lJI~g ·each " ~ye ,or the ve ry best re partee h eltl1d fight against the measuro ha4 been Inte r calp,d In hi~ to IJa:;ea ntry, I1.p. spl1sl tl vl) nature mlgbt be shocked at _riling ." a 'bill on tbe tloor ot the senale. dete rmin ed. ·-.vhen the bill finally iProac hed h int nnd sn ld : th e Illn g uage they used. One day . pasaed by the l~slat'tll'e of 19113. ":D he quick es t nash of wit that I N!- passed tbe house a g roup of Wllsoo 's "'Are ~'o u Apillus Cla ud Ius 7' whil e moth er was busy, be slipped Uncle Sam's last big land 0011," sold h e. "came aCter Seno.t.or fDle ndB, among them WilliAm Jennlng8 ., 'No. blim~' ; I'm un 'a PIlY as 'ell!'" ove r Into th e n ellt street and playcd '\ '\!anren of Wyoming bad de\lvC!"ed Do Br)(an, I.i cke d him UII on their s haul· opening - l, 3-t 5, 000 acresof rich tor b ll lr an hour wllh a crowd or olde r :I\Iloeoh In behalt of protoetlon. Ail ders and carried him about the chsltl· prairie land thrown open to wh ; t ~ boy s . In that halt bour be to olt a com· Gett i ng the Ha bit. ftetth,l"8. 8.40f'1i h omr8teadf!. of 160 .u:rtlll members of tbe senate knew tha.l: Sell' 'bm', Kee (Jlng onese lf r easonably happy Is Illete coul'se \p mod e ra language. endl ;, r e wall ' l1g. L UCliltt'4 In Nunht'll8t· ablr :Wnrreu owne d sheep'rancbes In ern Mo ntan a. Just Horth of the Missouri "Ulom Heed hod been watcblng the u duty th a t ought not to be s h irked An hi s r et u rn motber eald: R I"f!r, o n the nlain Ih~~ of th e Great biB lIlaUve .stale and hlB earnest .ap- .p!16Ceedlng In a flaturnlnc sort of way . Sclenco Is 1<>llI ng u s these days that La "Wh e r e hae my precious been 1" Nl)rlh ~ Tn RuJlwAY . Ri ch , ~a.ndy. lo nm peal IhIUl already tlekled the faoey of When Wils on and bls trlumpba nt @;et ou t or th p. ha b it of e njo ym ent Is to Ani} cnpnble o f rnising 20 to 30 bu litlleJa of "You shOUld worty and get II " ' heM nlld .. O t o 60 b\leh 01 uo.ta per acre. the :1 I8lene[8. bewrere reached th e center doors or get depre ssp.d lu vitality nnd \'Igor, to wrinkl e," be cheerfully replied. Rcei.tcr .t "Senator Dolli ver folrow ed him lIud the -eba mbe r need lifted UJl his rau· weaken In elllele ncy and to grow old " Dea r est, tell mother where you Glasco" , H ...... or Greal Fall., M.... t... had rPqJUD a dleeus810n of the tarier cous voice and sbouted : learn e d euch horrible language!" b erore OD O'S time. Tbere Is Ilothlng chalWeJ '\\\han S(mator Warren, anx·, Sept. I to 20 ioclDl.i n ""you may carry him out now, while mother exclaimed. like lau gbte r-not e mpt y·beo ded Isu g b. of IUl old frieDdloull .to .~oil\ In the sentiment, re- you h ave tb e eba nee. The people of I,er, but tb e Intelligent. wholesome, DrOll/ina uf G/a ••oUJ, 23 "Aw, good night, shtrt," enme sweet· marke.d : Thill lant) bu l)fIm appraJ.f!<tl olJ2.S0 to 11.08 tbe United States will carry hIm out klndly·heartpd kind - to keel) peoplE I)' tram tho CupId bow mouth. ti':,,~:~j-~'!:. td~D up under QiU4 St-c:" 'I 4Wle JlCl'ee with the senator on nellt November.' Then mother comm enc ed to weep, young and fres h, and fit Cor the bu s l· that I\I!iIIDt. LIke hims elf, I am au "AuCi U turned out to be as Ileed ncss and th e obligations at living. Of tor she realized tbat her ange l cblld FREE !~kt~tr:t::.~fi:~!~'=1 =~,~~~ agrlcuJ.t.anlsl: ;aad-' be ... t rreo It yo u write at ODe.. pGlLaI had prophesied." (~OUrBe, thi s Is a preserllllion not eas y wos Just a boy afte r all. "'.Yell: m18III&I'ked DollIver, slmpl)·. "What clings to my mind as one to live up 10 always, but th e re 18 no Le. LEEDY. ....., ' \r)l . 1 ;1,\ I ... 1 'are the P\68otQ8f. .abepb'erd since Abra· of the !DOst amusing Incide nts ever Ireasonable excuse tor not trying to do N0 thou~htful penon DSeII liquid blue, It'. Cener.l ham.' • pinch of blue In a I.rlr" boL LIe ot water. wltn eesoo In de baLs," Raid Senator II. Someti mes It I" Ju st a bout us eas y .... ml(ll'atioD A ••DI "Even _~1Iil .dlgnlty could not John Sharp WlIIlama of Ml ssl~sl 11JlI Uo> he bappy us to be mis e rab le. If ooe Alit tor Red CraM DtLII Blue. Dopl.oooo wIthstand iIIIIiIII." "grew out of not exactly a retort, but ma keR up h is millrl 10 It, Rnd th ere Is When you /tee watermelons aelllng Creat "o~ R" Repre.eJtt.alI..-1fl F1~erald or New a speecb that was delivered by th e Ino doubt at a ll as to whlel! IJars Ibe with CI'e&IL at 60 'c ents each you almollt wIsh you ST. PAUL. MINN. York; cbau-n <If the appropriations late S enator Rob ert Taylor of T~ nn ee· besL : had stolen moro when you were a boy . commIttee 01 .tlul house, saId that one lIee. In ' lb~ address tbo s cnator, ~eet. . , bill .of wLite - .,1 the moat dee Uve shafts of repar· using his poee ot preternatural sol. Why He 's Therc. !.eo. whIch he _.or .1l00nJ was hurle d emnlty, annouDced that be hII<1 \l8t· J.4ian corn, tcealed to . . 88('011- 1 never could und erstnnd MIfJle yea", ~ by II southerner, enp.d In u state borderJng on !ltups. w hy a t. ~ lIo\\' who goe8 Into a show ." ~lizin& 8~ brown. who.e name he 4Qes not !lOW recall. faction t o t he splendid trlbute8 wblch 'rree shuuld b e cal led a deadh ea d. \ .... hot de bate was on." aald Me. bad bee n paid to ,' arlous AmerIcan In· Egbert - Wh y no t ? A .-Jdiihdul ~ for break.FltlJerald, "aud a memb er (]f the Rs- du s trles. "Deeaus.e from tb&> wny be appluud. faar~ I.Pch CII· -.wer - ~waya pubhean ,Party bep.n by asaafilng con"Then b e tUl"U e d toward S enator everything h e's the lLvest o ne In tbs ready to Im"e iUltantly f; om gres8 "~n,:,"aIlY and Democl'llUl In par. Heyburn of Idabo. whose 8pe~clr In ,a udience"

1 ~E~i.....


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.. un4clpal PawlI.hop .. The BtoTY of. tbe· )Iont de Piete. tbe great pa"D!;1lo1l of PAris, r~a IJke a roma. ee: It 18 lIum.....' of aD old baDk eoD~ooted by I!, r~&i"" ordet: etItabUll\ed UJ fight u,ury. TbttI benevoleDt · enta-prlae wa.a ~ given up to be Btarte~ atruh ander lbe dIreC.tion of th. In 1801 whea Napoleon' hel«ht lila


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_a year. The storage lacllitles of the ! IY a fi urplu8 to go to the pawner If Mont de Plete are IIdmlrable. Tbo the pledgc In 801d. Munlclpsl paw n . Frenchman may pawn his fenther b ed. ~hops In lle rlill cbarge 12 per cent" In ~hon It comes to him It. 116 well Brusse lt; 7 )l(!1' cent., In hlndrld 6 I,er U mattresse, blankets and all bed fur· cent. In J.on don for Bmnll loans th e nlahlo«s . have bee n, tborourhly dlaln- pllwnshOll rate 18 trom 400 to 1,00(, reeted. The rate of Interest 0 0 loans p(> r cent. per annum. I. imalJ, aDd It encourages" by all mMJl!, th ~ NdempUoo 01 the s ooda No TIme Waated. On _bleh ' IpOD,y bu, been adYl1/l,ed . IJD(lgene-,-We ' were!)." In the hall Uiit,.Mont. ae · ~N!'advahcee meuy two mlJlutes be tor, ' he kIssed me! VaIUatlo,,". Dorl~Yum! W.a. ' It no eveDt' of Jm!!~eoe-WMY d~r, he.'. aD elfteieD' ~!0l'~",'~1284~If'fe,fDeraF . cY. j\xPert,-Jutlge, .




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.j . ~

\ ll t he lll llttl' r of the e8tJ~te of Mllry Md lil rll . ll!w' lt SO(1. Estlll,e fully

I /I, ( l m i ni~ t e r ed . 111 t h o llHl ttr!r o f t·ll o estA te of S.UllUl·1 H nu F ro.l R eed. mi n ors. Flrnt 1I ~.\) ,u nL a pproved . I tI ~!. Il ll:lIu,ter u r tho edt., te o f 'rhulDbl! J . Brown, decell tlell . E stbte full y liumin ister ed . III th e Llln t. t er of the will of Geo r g e W . l<'cDH t., d eoensec! . Will f1l od . \\ ' . ti U rtlh :uD. ndmin l"trllto r eto , o f thu estn to of Rebeooa Jllue 8id6P . d,,06fuleu . PIlllnt.lff v s O. J . t:d wllrd ~, et fll, u e fenuuut s . R e lll es· t fl t ~ iu t hi::! CIHls e ord e red Bold. l '~ ~ h e IU l\ tte r of th e eRt ate of SuplJ l l1 V an Derv eer. d eool\!\qu. ::;/1 1.) 1)\ 11 in ~I ai cl 6StILtH filed . I n th e ma tt or of the o~ tatn o f .J ,, ~ p p h A. 1:1 'HWn.der. minor. ~ec. 0 1111 Il UcoUll t fl ied IlUU ordored sns· pt'nllcd . 1 0 t il e IDflUM of tho e stRte of Ed· W ill F. 1:I 't.r !- rau er , minor . Seoond ,HlO() Ullt filed I\nd ord e red su spended . 1 0 t.h e [lllltt llr of tb ,~ eslate of M.ll ~IH e t 11: Harkruder. minor . ~ f,o<)u d accoun t filed and orden,(I ti u!;p end tlli. 10 th e tU 1\ t\ lI r of the estate of t\1 !l ry E nil), d ecoll s ed. I::iettioment. u rll e re ,1, lu t. h e matt·er of tbe esta. te of Rtl b pccu V . I:lh epl'nrd, in sane . tieo 0 111\ 11 0 lI)u u t fil e ti lInrl ord ored StU. p e Dl\pd . Iu t he m tl. tte r pr tbo will (]f Chlls . 1::1 utc h on ". deoeased . WilladmlHed to (: r u \.lIltt'. V. E and ,Jotn H . Ii n Lc hons appointed exeoutors. . W. ~. Wbitliore . 1. C . Haines, W. A 1::1 Ii Ils e tI ppointe d appraiser& 10 t he Dllltter of the estate of CI' ~lr erill . · T " n ;;\' y . u f\ceused . Estate full y udlUlul,nerell I n the ma t-te r of the (l8t.a~e of C liut0 D .Ioo es , imbr.olle. E stute full'y t1dolini tlterell .



Real Estate Transfers Viator aud Ruby V an Rl per to !:-lt foo pb6n Outeil, lot In t:)onth Leb. "no n. 11. Ly<li .... A. Ch~ndler to HIIDulI.h J. Ruger~, pllrt of lot No. 2 .in Way nARvllle. 11000. Caroline Phillips to Mary E. PhllIlPH, 4y' ao r e" in Wayne towushlp, $ 1.

Frank M. Havens ~o Dallas 8 [By Capt. James Polk ~ i:lI llrtt. Hl ti· the dedication o r th e 65 Ohio monu· neal' SUIl~et on t il e ~O th . driv in g the Boger. . 50.52 nores in Cll!lLroreek torlan Chickamauga P a rk COlUmls· ments and 53 his torica l tabl ets ou Lh e Un ion line do wn th e north e rn s lope, t ;) wnship, $1. slon.] battle fi elds or Chlckma ugn. In 189 5. a nd blv oll cked on t he ground pr&On the 18th or S eptember, 1896. Eighteen years ' Il ter, the 18l h or Sep' , vlously oecu plerl by the Union lines. Common Pleas Proceedings thlrty.two years nrte r the bloodiest te mber, Is aga in- a du y or s up re me I". : His losse s were cX lre ~]e I Y sever e for Nellie Co oper vs. Louie A. CooplIr bllttle of the Civil War, and on t he ev e le rest to th e people or Ohio. for 0 0 , both dRY S. and his offl clill re port of th& I . the eve or the flr tlel h anolvers ary of e ngllg('Ulen l. InclUdin g diagra m. Is re- di voroe. (Jrol!s neglee'. h t of th e ann I ver~ ary 0 f t 11\ln ur y i the bu t tle or Chi ckamuuga the battle· gUl'ded a s Ih e most c ompl ete and com· Juhu Jj'. Gregson Vii . Joe K. GlI· contest, Gov. William McKllIley , of · scil rred ve tera ns mee L ror proba bly p r eh ens lvc made lJy un y officer In Ohio, spoke at CllIl tl.a nooga. u~ (01· . tb e las t tim e on the 60 1\ t hey madc ellb el' army. T he co nce pti on or Chick· christ, et a I. Plaintiff tl.llowed tl lows: s acred by tbolr horoic deeds half II am au ga I'n rll was by Ohio officers. file an amended petltloD 10 \hls "In many re8pects. lbe bllttle of c entury ago . 1 Gens. Boynlon and \ ·u u De·r vee r. The oauBe . " Chickamauga was un\l1(e any oLher 1" 01' t he firs t li me In Lhe hi Slory of I bi ll creating th e pllr k was in trorluced Ohurle!! .1. Waggoner sworn in as battle of the great Civil War. Th o th a t orgn nlzRllo n th e GI':l lI d Arm y of ' In Con gres8 Ly a n Ohio man. Gen. deputy sberiff. the Re))ll bll c will holt! it s a ll nll a l <'/1 ('hilS. H . Om svl;! lI or. The ti l'st Cha ir· gateway In the mountllins WII S to be campme n t In t he rea l SOll t h. Ihe SIl' ma n of L1I P (' oJll mitis ion was Gen. ~'ul· Marria~e Llcen~ either won or lost here. Whil e th e cl ety ot the Army of th e CumhNla nd ' INio n. !I n Oh io llI a n; th e firs t His· John H . ' Sheppard, mUter of success of the Union army was eX' , llI ee tln g a t lu e su me place- and t1 me. i ,o rIUIl o r th e COlllml ssion was Geu. tremely Important to the Union cause, the da tes of th e Chalta nooga E nca mp- I [luynton, :1 11 0 1110 mU ll. Sooialville. Ohio, to Mrs Sannie the overthrow of the Union army he re ment helng trom th e 15 111 to lll e 2 11111 1 To pe rp etua te the dneds of valor of "'oodrey ;)f same pilioe. Rev . Ja8. and the holding of thla te rritory of SeDt ember. 1913. bot b the bille a nd the grllY, til e I~ed· G, Miller. Indispensable to ~h e s uccess of th e As pOint ed OU L by McKinle y. Ohi o 'ra l (; over nrnen t lind the S L ul~s have Walter~. Updyke, carpllo~er of Confederate cause. It was a desperate ha d. In Lll e batll e of Chlcluna ugll, jolllCll han d5 In {lresel'l'i ng t he battle· struggle tor the m:lstery ; a nd, s tand· more troops than a ny o lhe r s tate, ex' tields of t he Cha tt.a nooga ca mpa'g']. Carlisle, to Mis!! Ruth Brown, of Ing now upoo this field , the form er c ept T e nneisee . Il nd a large r repre·1 ApPI' DX Ima tely 7,000 ac res of gruund Frankltn . Rev. E. J. Clere. scene of so much blood and ca rnn ge . se 'lt.lLlon here tha n Oh io had up on 8re Inc lu ded In th e mili tary park, Ellward G. Stringfellow, traok recal\lng al\ tbat hapPCllt,d here llnd any oth er fi eld of the war . Ge n. R o~e- w hich. as s tated. ba t! Its ur lg in III the mu.n of Mouow, t) Mrs. darrieUe al\ that was done here. we nre fill ed c rans, In command or th e Arm y of th e I mlfld of Ge n. H. V. Boy nlon. as c redo wlt.h Increased Inte rest 1I1It! aston ish · Cumberl a nd. was 11 c iti ze n of Ohio. as lI.ed to bim by Gen. Cbas. H . GrosvlJo E . Whitacre, of Morrow . Rev. Bilidwin. ment. and stirred to th El de pths with waS his e1llot,o(,s UltT. Gen. Ga rfi eld. nor. In 1898. admlratlon for lb e courage, valor and who la ter Lecame pres ld e nL ot the U111· A yea r la te r (iell . BOyntoll s lloke at Oliver Niokonllon. farmer to Tlz endurance of those engage d on bo th ted Sta tes. Gen. J umes Burnett. a n t he meeti ng or t he Arm y of the Cum· zle Couk, both of Morrow . sides of th e line. all,.,r Ohio mall , W aM Ihe chi ef of ar' berland a nd In Cha tta nooga Ibe words Franoi!! E, medical "Oh io Is h ere to·day becau se her cil· ti llery. T he ra mous. fl ~ h Ll n g 1I1cCoo k whic h un doub tedly led to th e estllb· Izen.soldlery was he re theu. We ar c family was rC[lresented on Iht s tie ld hy l ishm ent or t his gren t('s t of miliUlry ~ tudent to Mrs . LeHu. D. Jaok of here, not IlS th en, w1th arm ~ in 0\11' Gell . Al eX/LilLI eI' ~ l cD owe ll :'.l cCook. pa l· I(~. Part or tbe eloq ue nt speec h LelJauoo. Dr. G, E. Gowdy, hands. but with fraterna l :1ffCel io[l III Who com manded tb e 20 th Co r p ~ ; Co l. uf t he d lstlllgui sb ed Ohioan s hould be our hearts. We are 11ere . '1he Ill vi (cd na n :\1 c('oul<. of G ra nger's n CHon e r e produ ced : guests of the nation; here to ded icn le Corl.!s ; Col. ~d .\l eCool<, the !>'In,1 1)1· "Tbe las t m us ic wh ic h had fallen Don't let Baby Suffer With Eczema this field, not to war or to pa ssion. but vision, F irst Cav alry Corps: Cap t. on uur ea rs as we left that fi eld a And Skin Eruptions. to peace and union. wb lch ca n neve r John J. McCool•. of C e n. Crittenden's q uar ter of a century be for e wu s the B~hie~ Dle ed a p e rftlot IIkin oover be broken. Well muy Ohio fee l a [lfl· s la ll, nnd Gen. Philip Sherid un, ro m· t; creech, Ihe rat tle. a nd r oar. and iu~ . Skin eruptions cause tbem trlotlc pride In these ded lcalo ry ce re· m nnd lng th e Thl n l Uivi si un. 20 th t hllllu cr of t hat he ll or batlle which not only \ntenlle suffering. but hin monies. Her soldiers were he re III Army Co rps. wh os e s ervices here. lind hud luaded th e a ir with horror through der their gro9\oth. DR, HOBSON'S great battle pagea nt . represelliing on olhe r ·nOlell fl e ld ti. covered hllllse ir a ll tbat t'a rller and well ·re membel·ed ' ECZE\lA OINTMENT can berehed every arm of the milita ry serv ice. Her wi t h Imm or ta l renown . Gen. J ohn Sa hba th. for relhlf and permalifent oure ot soldiers constituted quit e one·flf lh or Neat y, co mm llndln g hr lgad e III 14t b " In a mom ent, as wltb a f1llsh, tltlff~riog bllbtes whose skIn ernpall those engaged on t hi s I.Jl 0ully Hel d Arm y Corps; Col. Joh'n II'\. Co n nell . memo ry people those scenes for us Lioos h~"e mAde their life miserable In defense of the Union. comm an di ng brl gude ill 14th Army with Ib e actors o f th at otbe r day . We , .( )ur baby was" fliloted With break "Ohio had a la rge r representati on Corps; Col. F erdin and Van Dery ee r, g lurled in Rose cra ns. a nd mourned iOt{ out of the skin 111\ ov~r the faot! here thall upon any other fi e ld of the commandin g bri ga de in 14th Arm}' thaL T homas di d not still \Ive to en· lind "calp. Dootors and Rkin speo war. Her soldiers were In e ve ry bat· CorDS. Otber commande rs we re Gr n. JOY his over·lncrea s lng renown. i,..I1!;t.t! f"iled to help. We tried Dr. " We S IlW Dalrd's and J ohn son's and Eiobson's Eozema Ointment tl.nd tie. siege, assault. and skirmiSh from Wm. H. Ly tle. of Lhe :!O lh Corps. kil led Bull Run to Appomattox Court Hon se, on this fi e ld Sept. 20t h, 1863 ; Cell . Pa lm er's ll11d Rey nol d's Immovable Jll'ere o~erji oyed to see baby oom and ' no history of the wa r cun eV t'r be . Thom a s J . Wood. 21s t Army COI'PS; lin os arount! th e K ell ey farm . We plet.el.v oUlreo before one box was written which wUl not record the Gen . Sam Bell II y. Gell . George Croal< , recalled Wuod on th e S I)UI'8 or Snod· used" writes Mra . ~truhler, Dubu· splendid servic es of Ohlo' s volunte('r I commanding ca yulry division ; Gen. g-1'll.ll S Hili. and Bra nnen and Grosve. qne, I()w~. All drull:giete, or by army 'of 1861-65. They did he roi c serv· 1 Jas . D. SteedD1al1 . commanding dlvl· nor, and Steedman ~nd er Granger. on IORII . 600 PFEIFFER CHEMICAL Ice upon every fi eld . Bu t upo n this s lon in Reserve Corps; Col. John G. tho Horses hoe. C034P ANY, st.. Lonis. Mo . Phil. field a larger number or Ohio sollli ers Mi tchell, Gell. W. B. Haze n and Col. "It Wll8 but a flll s b forward In adelphia, Pa . .. were concentrated tha n upon any other Cbas. G. Ha rker, commanding brigade. though of our prese nt pIon, and the • ~• Considering the kind of man she field of the war; snd upon no oth er l Gen. Lytle and Col. Valentine Cuffs. propositi on becam e-· nye. It . should be was there a higher exhibition or s oi· First Ohio Cavalry. we re among the more than Ge ttysburg, with Its monu· marriell, 'it is no wonder the avenge dlerly valor or vigor tha n he re. Ohio I fl eld offi ce rs kill ed. m en t s a Iong ?nc sIde a Ione; ti1e II nes bride blushes. . had more soldiers here th un cam e On tbe Confed erute s ide Gen . Bush· of both armies should be equally trom any other state or the Union , on rod n. John son. comma nding division. ' mar ked'" the Union side, and had more soldi ers and Gen. O. 1<'. Strahl, commanding About $3,000.000 have been expend. OOOQstODlI.lly a olloJJidate faUs to here than oam'e trom aoy stat e of th el brigade of Chea tham 's, T ennessee , <1'1- ed .by the States and Government In , discover wblolislde of the fenoe he Confederacy, elleept Tennessee alooe·1 vlson, bolb able o.nd a ccomplished ot· the ereetlon o( over 2,000 monuments, Ii .. on ~ntll he f!Llle oft. SOme ot . Ohio'. most illus trious om· fleers. were natives of Ohio. Gen. memorials 111 marble, bronze and gran· 1 _ _ _ --:. ••- - - cers ' were iii. command of.... corps. di· Johnson e ntered the Confedera.t-e 'serv· Ite, marke.t a and towers for study of tf!L ghl<comee 10 the front d . . Ub h . -ilIOn.;',. brlpiie8 and regiments. who Ice from Nashvllle, T enn ... commanded the stra tegy of bile campaign. Approx. · . . t - B&'t'e dlrecUon upon every pllrt of this a division at OblckmllUga, made a 'r~ c: Imat ely 110 miles of rqedel bdulevard'. to mee. 1\, Y~UDg !Dan w er r .'"et9h~g fle\d.'~ . ord tar h eroic. brilliant and p~rsill~eDt· have been built f} o as to make access~.t ia :~lmperll a.nd gowned In akt.D1ODO. ': 'the ,,!o."~"_of the . lamented- MaKin· fighting -both days, carrIed the :west bl~ a!l p~lnts o~ Int~rest t;«l ~e .tii~ent ,it:Aa ·"flP,i ~,~ 1fero - ~e"vereA :9Q ~e 9ccaslo~ . pf- end Of. Snodg~ss~di;e, ..Jn· !I~: ~OI;l~ pI ~tor1 or . !Ill1ltaJ? :tac~Cia. ~" . 'bioi ...

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agen t for Racine Automobile Tires. CORWIN. OHIO.

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f. · . tlM" ·,,

"'What is your idea of iam ?" "PlagiarilllD," replied tl10 dramatic author, ''usually consists of putlin ~ into practical form !l plot which

GOt. LJ {:~ :t.· I· t :JJ ·~ · E'h r:.I,J.. !lve li.,c '" lIi ~ WIt 'lj:iI ~ :ih, iCJ II .I. 1:1('''0 U.I' ''' I :u) II!I ,I L!:I w hkh \' J'" l · u ',

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<1 1\


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some contempornry borrowed fro m

r~~~1h~,III~: :f(',I; ~ .;rt~·td\~,t,., \:1 ;I'~,!~, 1~\~1·~1:.~ ~ ntl~: ~r'y

enrlier American autho r, who borrowed it from tho English, who

1 1•••,11 )0, ":\ " 1" ' ll l r " , "llnl' I, l l' lI, 'H ' I. 1I Ito,~ Jt. Jlt w h ll l 10 li r, a" ,1 'I . ' ..... , • tid II , l.Ir:lIl t Hu U),lhUII ~ "I (' !l, r. ll r\ c \ t ' 111I ' 11 11 .1' Jnuny w Hh refin e d . 111n1t.! t r.II I ,l n~; (··\ll tl r ' .·.· h)' :o\.).OC>tI bo,. s und Ih ~tf'


had borrowed it fro m some French-

UI I( j rl, r r " U I " \" ''''''''

1'; j , .t"'lZ1

" .... ' nt " .



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t uH )'OiU".

HI I 0....·," · " ' ·11 d»ilI01.. ~ I.t". till !ptl:'~[ ,·, .. .~ ijl~ ; C~ I ~I ~!lJtjllo

man, German or IWian, wh o bad borrowed it from the Greeks.




doesn't she?" "YClj I 8Uppoee that is why her manners are 80 dUri.ant."





"That girl lives very far from herEl, '



"There's s vein of gold in Perkins, )'011'11 IIdm it tbat." "I'll admit he hali a streak of yellow."-Beeton Evening TrnnllCript.




00 8 TUM E R S, T RAN a F Ii: It, 0 A • ..ND "BU9 SERVICE CAN PROFI"




New York. II. 'I.

July Clearance Sales ARE A GREAT SUCCESS

July Specials Ready-Made Sheets .... .. ... ..... .... .. .. .. ... ... ... . .. 49c and Ready·Made Pillow Cases. Embroideries wide. Ribbons .... ..... .... ........... . .. ....... .. ....... .. .... ..... 10c to Wide Table Linen, all linen .... .. ...... .. ........ $1 25 for All Linen ............... .. . · .. . · ...... ......... .... ..... $1.00 fDr A prons, all over 3ge .... .. .......... .. .. ... ............... 10c to White Silk Gloves ...... ... ....... ... ............ .. ....... . 50c to Corsets ................................. ....... ..-'......... .... 50e to


19c 98c 79c 25c $1 50


Wash Goods Lawns, wortb up to lOc, to close......... ......... ....... . .. .... fie Lawns, worth up to 15c, to close ..... ........ .. .. .. .. . . .... ..... tOe ' Crepes, Tissues, Voile, worth up to 25e....... .. ........ .... .. 16c Crepes, Tissues, Voile, worth up to 35c ......... ........ ...... 19c Voiles, Balkan Suitings, P. K ., worth up to 50c, to close 3~c Ratine Lines, S5e quality, to close.. ......... ......... ......... 6~e Ratine Silk, $1.25 quality, to close... ... .. ....... .............. 95c






____ ..----









". "1"

~, ~I· ·



:. '} ~




Hose Specials 25c Mercerized Light Weight...... ......... ...... ... ...... ...... 35c Tan and White Boot Silk .... . .. ... .. ......... ...... ......... 25e Burson Seconds, Black and Tan .. .. .. ...... ......... ......

19c 2Sc 15c

Ready-to-Wear Department All Ladies' Suits .. .... .. ........... . .... ... ...... ONE·HALF PRICE All Ladies' Coats ............................ ..... ONE·HALF PRICE Ladies' White Waists, $1 00 and $1.25 grade.............. 79c Just received Saturday, Big Special in White Parasols $1 00

Carpets, Rugs and






PlIbU.hed Weekly


o lI'F lOE



W~Yllc. vl ll a .






r-. ---T--he-- - --_.


0, L. CRANE, Editor and Manager Rates of S ubscription (HtrJcUy lu ndvuuce) . . . . .. . . 11.00 Co p), ..... .. . . . . ... ... . . .. . , . . . O~

000 Yo~r 8 1I~lo


8El' Tlt MIIER 10. 1913

Don't expeot y our sblp to come In when 'be tide Is out .

.. .

Some people make light of trouble, others keep It dark.

CauRht a Bad Cold " winter my lion oaught A

very bad oold anel the way he oon g hed was sotneth ing drtladful," wr.ltel Mrs. t;arah E. Dunoan, (\f TiptOn, Iowa . "We tboogM lure he was going Into oonlnmptlon. We bought just vne bot·tle of ChlUlt ber1aln'l Vough H.emedy and that one bottle etopped hili 0 ugh and oured his oold oompletely." For aale by all delliera.

A fooloan 8hatter a wise man's argument with an Idlotio laugh .

• You can judge wbat a man hasn't done by


he Is going to do.

• Safest laxative

for Women Nearly every woman needlf'a good hlxatlvft, Dr. Kiog'l New Life Pills art! guod beo"nlle thev are prompt., safe, aod do oot MU8e pain Mrs M. U. Dnnlapof Leadlll, Tenn . • aYI; "Dr . King's New Life PIlIB helped he r tron bleB greuly." Get a box today. Price, 250. Recommended by J . E, Janney,

• •

A g0B8lp la never a weloome vllitor-after telling allehe kDOWS Truth may allio be a joy forever but It Is aeldom a thing of beanty.

Strengthen Weak Kidneys Don" enIJer longer with weak kidneys. You oall ge' pr<'mpt re Itef by taklnl{ Electrio BIt.terB, ~h.' wonderful remady prnlBed by wo R.eD everywhere I:U art with • boUle today you WIll Boon feel like a new wo~an with ambition to work · wUhout fear of paio. Mr. John' DowUna -of Ban Franolsco, wrltel:-"Gratlt'ldo for the wonderrol e1feot of Eleotrlo Bittera prompta me 10 wrltf', It cured my ~ _.if8-WheD all else falled ." Good for the Itvftr at! well N othlnl{ better for indigeMtlou or billonsDeas. Prio.: 600 and $1 00, at J . E Janney·s.

When amlin 1088s hll heart his bead has to do a lot of extra work .

Many men of many mlot!R-but ita olual1y one womaD of "many mllid.,

Despondency 18 of teD caused by indlgetl"oD aDd " oonltlpa"on, and qulokly disappear!! wben Chamberlain's l'ahle&8 are taken. For Mle by all dealerl .

Before l$arting on the road to man should 180llre a returD tloket,

rut, a

• reformer may be wlll!ng to supply the pattern if lomebody ell8 wlll do tbe wortr,

Do You Fear Consumption? No maUer how ohronlo your coogh or how lIevere your throat or loo~ aliment III, Dr, King's New DI800very will surely help JOU; It may save yoor \lfe. Stillman Green of MallchUe, Vol wrUn : "Two'doot.orl (laid I had ooulumption and oould not )tva two ye "I. lOlled Dr. Klng'l New Dllcovery and 11m altve and weH. " Yonr money refooded if it f!LUII to benefit you The bel' bome remedy fOI oeugh... , oold .., 'hroat and lunR troubles Price 600 and $l Uo Gnar \Dteed by J . E Janney





_. . .---.-.----:-.--- .....


Spring Branch





MIAII Alloe Uheooweth Is able to be "bout all lLin after a few weeks Illn l:lSI . Misl Len" Connor spent a few daya last week with her oousin M ra Frauk BoBS and family near Ferry. M6118rs Erneat ILnd Frank Dakin were DlLl'ton visitors Saturday. Mr . Elzey Soott and family moved to W"l1y nellvllle last week, Mr. and Mra. Willie Allen, of Dean, moved into the property vaoated by Scott's, belonging to Jamell Allen. t:!chool begun thll morning with ~itlll Ethel Stokea I\S telloher. This il Mias Stokes' third term wblob ilhows abe II well liked and has proved a very emolen' teacher. Weare ha vlng a fioe rain today whioh will prove very benefiolal to late orOI'll, Mr. Absalom .vana and flltmUv were t:lun,lay g1leata of B. V. Dakin aDd family . t)evera l from our vloinity a&tended the Dayton fair laat Thureday. Mr. Ind Mra, Frank Cook and MI(ls Maude vlsUed Mr. Thom811 Lacy aDd famlly las' 80nday, Mr. Tom Bes8 and family have been entertalniag oompaoy from Morg!Lntown, Welt Va . Meaara . Robert and Will Lashley visited their sliter .Mrs. Doon Braokney and family at their home on the Dayton and Lebanon pike !:Sunday. Mrs. Cbarltly Braddock was tranB ao"ug bUlineas in Dayton !.. et Thuraday.

Public Sales


Ootober B- P. D. CIf.LflOtt . I wil l o tTer a t Puhllo blllC', -I mH oA n orth of Vvay o esvil! n, on 1,Il A Xenia lind CI'lCino!lti Pik e , on tho Mll rltlt.t Farm, all Tuesday, Scptembcr 16, 1913 lleg illnillg li t 10 o'ulock 0. . ID. Illy borsell, Cllttle . furUlLlg i Ulpl c l\le n t~ ..od h OU~l"hold ~ o o d !j. For ter m!! see large bill s . J OIl . Mll r lu t I,. ToUl iJill. Aucti oueol' . W . E O 'Nellll, Clork .

I will continue to do Roofing and Spouting at

Our old and highly e8teemed Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, frieod George Soroggy died after or phone 24-2 )~ , and I will estimate with you. s u.erlng for some time ftom a bnrn . Mr . ~roggy had ape nt hls oDtlre life In thi8 violnity. b e waa (l, shoe mll.ker Ilnd haa done work fur ll.1l the people young and old in tbis violn\t.y . He leaves a widow, one daughter and one aOD tu mourn bill loss. Mis8 Pauliue ~hafer, of Pulet!ki I will sa llu t pn bll c n ue tHiIl o n t uo ........ ww .... __ .. I:!t., Uayton . spent Sunday the gnest prOmiStlf', one IJlllf m il,·, n or th () f . --- - - - I Fu neral Director . of Mr . a od Mra. Frank Wilson, of Ly t Ie, Oil the Ly tle U nil i"mry ruull , Ad!; w ill h e In 8c rLCu u II,' c r ~h1 8 b ead tor 00 t W t.: IIl)' 1\\"0 Cc n l li t o r t.b r ee l u ~e rtl 'J o~ the CJentral Hotel. • be n usI nG' 110t mo r e th an fh-e lIn cs. Tele phone dny (lr nlgnt • Monday, September 22, 1913 Ray Mills Is bUIY hauling people Valley phone No. , . bong VOlllm olloio g il L 1 :30 p til. t he In bnd out of Ol1r vil lage . IJl stuDoo No 69-2r. fo llowin g: I'llul Reason of the N. C. R. Day TO LOAN Tw o t.r .oLI! of la ud, nno of ~ ~ !\ II L! ton Apent 8nLfday t.he guellt of hi8 th e " lh M o f ~ I i" tt l·rOIl :-'ee h il lH f ';r Automobile Servlco at all Time. psrents Mr and Mrs . Ed Reallon. portic ulurs . W . L:. C ' r n AlI nn ffi rm m ort gllgtl . 10. Mr. and Mrs. C . W Randall, of A. A . Me Nuil, A llot.. OHIO IJ nim II t. th i!! offi ce WA VNES VILLE, Leba non, attended t he funeral of B 2·1 Branch Office, Harveublll'lr. O. George Scroggy Saturday. Geo. B. Davis, oar popnlp.r gro · LOST WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES oeryman la beautifvlng bls home ._- - -- - with pl\ln$, very muoh helping t he Methodist Episcopal Churdl looks of MaiD ~t. s mull bla ok IM t her pur~e. oon SOUTH 'S GREAT EXPOSITION IS ReT. o. S. Grauser, Putor, tllini ng Il oll rd wit,b owne r's C. C. Vleaver Is to Boon paint h is -lTTRI\CTING THE ATTENTION Sund ay School. 0 : U a . m. MOrDlnlt lieF nllme ou it, Ilnd BODl(\ c hILD g O. Fincler beautiful home. OF TH E COUNTRY. '·\ce . 10 :ao a . m. Eve nin g lIerv l ce, 7 : 0 II plen!!e le bv A a t t hl!! o ruoe. R 21 Ul . MIdweek Pr ,~e r Afoetlnll, 7 p . III, Mr. MoConkey of the Real EBtat.o firm of Griffith & MoConkey, of St, Augustine'. Catholk: Churda. 8pringfield , oalled on F . WII80n Father Loula Yr.WI WANTED M illiS every second SundB, of lhe monlh a Thursday. o:ou a. m. The A . .M. E . . ollmp meeting National Conservatio n Exposition In li; N-$2 00 pAr duy, s teady work .topped ahort not to go agllin for St. Mary's Episcopal Cbutdl. Knoxv.llle, Cl oee to Chattanooga fo r g ood m eD. Apply t.o I·h e Rc ,' . J . F. Cadwallader. Rector. one year, after a very Bucoe~sf ul Where G. A . R, I s to Meet, I s a N a Or gonill Bri dge Compllny, Lobonon, Sunday Sobool. 0 :ao ". m Morntng eer tlonal Exposltlon- U. S. Government Oh~ 810 serlea of meetings both s piritually vlcc. lU : 30 a. m. Holy CommunIon ,he Ont II Behind Big Project. and flolnolallv. DVEn.'l'1 8~ ll~ - 1'0 kDOW t h Ii t. S und~y ul each mOD~h, A y ou on n Be ll y() ur bor8e~ und Harold Smith rel.ligned bls plaoe Whllo tb e Bo ys In Blue aro In Chat Christian Church. at the N . C. ·R . in OilY ton and 18 tanooga. In Sept ember, to attend th e O()WR onr1 o th e r t.hin gs by advertis Rov. p, B. TbomlJ8Oo. Pastae. ing t.11(1111 in t,ll n Uu)\ot,te It oost.s again one o( os. encampment at th e Gra nd Army at the Dible 8cbool, lI:ao a. m. 8oc1alllleet~, hot 11tI 1!1, fl Od trrln gs rosults . 10: ao ... m. OhrIatJr.n Endeavor. 7: 00 p. IB, Charles Maddln. one of our mOBt Republi c In that cit y. Ilt KnoX\·t lle. an !lennoo by pll8tor eve1'7 alt.eror.te 8UDd"" .. .(DeIayed) 10: 30 I . m. and 7:10 P. m. sUC088afnl men In the grooery and other Te'nne sseo cit y. the re wtll be In progress tb e National Consen-atton Mi88 Alice Chenoweth, who hOB drug bUllne811 will devote biB eotlre ExpOSition, olle oC the biggest tblngs FOR RENT Hldlslte Friends Cburct... been on the liok Itst 'he paa' week time to his drug busln68B, and h il S ever beld In tbe South. It Is boped Vir81 Day MeetlDf{. 0 :00 a. Dl . Flnt DaJ School. II ;00 a m. Founh Day Meewn« ellrulna'ed entirely the grnoery pul. tbut tbousands of vi sitors to tbe reis Improving, U H, NI~ fjJ<J D . lt o'.lll f . Illgl1ir e of 10 :00 a . m . unloo will take advantage of tho low F MI"f'. -!to y litl t b uwlIY. ----.~ ......- - vlO _ Mi8s Goldie Connor speD' the rates or fa re otrered nnd th e libe ral Dlarrboea Quickly Cured week etld In Spring Valley the Orthodox Friends Chur~. Btopover privileges to mak e the sbort I " I was taken with diarrhoea and ruo trom Chattanoogr_ to Knoxville. In gn68t of MiBB Rutb Vline . M1'8. BUzabeth Ward, Pastor. FOR SALE SabbaLb School. 9 :8U a . m _ Uellular obureb M.r, and MrII, Joe Baines enter Mr. Yorkll, the merohant hera, per- order to see thi s exposition. wblcb Is services 1 0:a o & . m .• and 7:iIO p. m. P",er sUlided me try a boUle of Chamtypical of the s ptrlt tbat Is an Imating mooLlng Wodneaday evening at 7:ao. taloed Mrll. Moille Edwards Bnd berlaln 's COliC, Cholen and Dlar the South at to-day. of 1'obllcco Stioks, hickory Miss SUAn Wright IBst .-rtday. rhoea Remedy. After taking one III order to give som e Idea or the Iloci !\uKa r , 8liwec1 and split Mr. and Mrl . Willie Allen, of dose of It 1 was oured. It 8180 ourlld alze and. the magnitude of tb e exposl- t:lee Dr. J . 'I.'. Elli s, Wl.lynesville, lJean, are the gueets of hil varentl! otber8 that I gave it to," wri'es M tlon, and to dI sabuse the mtllds of the Obio b 17 E, llebbart, Oriole. Pa. Tba\ Is 1101 people ~vbo have an Idea tha t the exhere. at tA1l11nu~u"l. AD ordinary ,,'taoll 11111113 pigs, red, for lIale . Inqnire Funeral Director Mr. aDd Ufl. Grover Meridith and of diarrhoea oaQ almoat invariably positIon Is purely local In character. It Is only oecessary to cite th e tal· of Ifrllnk !:iel's, Ronte ti, Way_ and Embalmer aOD, of t:Ievelsnd, bave been tbe be oored by one or tw \ doseA of tbi(l lowtng : nesville, Ohio . B 17 guests of hll father IIr. 8am Mere- remedy. For Jale by aU dealers The Liberal Arts fi nd Machinery Waynesville, Ohio. BuUdln!!: the Land and AgrlCUltUrlll .... and ~o o cllse, good 11.9 new . dUh and 'amdy. Bulldlo!!, a magnificent structure reW Ill seil cheap, Inqaire a.t )fro aD.\ MI'8. "rank Bel' and Beech Grove. Call answered promptly day or nillht. ceotly completed; the -Te nn essee thl ~ offioe. s 17 dn Il!l h ter Oleta were iuea', of home 1 . Both phones in Office and Residence. Our 9Chool ts geUlng along nioe ly BuUdlog, devoted to the exploi tation fOULlI hf1 lu ~~lDday. Long diatance,N 0.14; Home phone ot Teouessee a nd all ot that 8tate's LLINERY STOCK aDd fixtures Mr-!. II: ,nil" Chenoweth t. a' under the management of our new wonderf'ully rich resources ; the Mines 14-2r. Very r e.. 8unnble, no opposi . present th.· gnest of Un, Francil Maoher Mlal Ruth Den berry of and Minerall Bulldlog, In which bo th tion . V,dJ ot once at "Milliner Chairs and one-eoach furnished-free--Muon. with funerals, . the United States government and e v- Store" Sprillg Vn lley, UhI O. 817 RaWlle. Best of service guaranteed. B'. U. Dakin IIlId tamUy, B . o. Prenley Vaughn and family were ery state ot the Sou th will make sp lenSEED for 81l1e . J . B . Ch np. did displays ot minerals ; the AII·South Dakin and family d II ,I Walter Dakin Bnnday KD88ts of relatl vea at Lytle. BullcUng. deslgoed to dtsnlay tbe man· mnD . s10 ... Terry and wife are etill .M. al!!l family vlllited with B'rank Uook ... utacturlllg advance of the Soutb; tbe DR. J. W. MILLER, Corn Harvester in good oondiArt Bundlng, the Child Welfare Build· aDd '.nlily at tbeir ple88&nt bome vlsUlug in Dayton. tion, for I'"le e r traje. loquire Lon Brannon and wife spent Btl,. lng, the Live Stock BuIlding. the Wom· near Edgewood 'alt Sunday. s 10 an's Building aDd Ihe Negro Bui lding. of J . B Cha.pman . ,•• DENTIST••• MeetiDg wa, held at the bome or arday anemoon In BarveYlburg The different exposltloo depart· MillS Alto~ Uhenoweth laet t.iuDday ~veral from t~ltl plaoe are at ments comprise tbe Depa rtment 01 fe w bushels of Bt.r tlett Pellre. omce 10 Waynesville, 0 tending the LebaDon fllir this week . MineraI,s, Departm ent of Waters, DeInquire of Lln dly Mendenhall. National BalIk Dldi. evenin.::.g_._ _ ... _ • Beveral of our farmera are haul partment ot Education. Ch ild Welfare R. D. :1, Waynesville, Ohio . s 10 Mother or Eighteen Children ing water both for houle ose and Departm ent. Department ot Health, EMENT BRlCK for Bille. For "1 am the wothu of elght,en ,took, lome hauliDg a a8 far aa 3 DepartmeDt of Good Roads, Woman's further information InqUire of DR.H.E.HATHAWAY Departmeot. Department· ot Music, Deohlldren and have the pralae of mllel. M. Vheuowoth. Waynesville, F partment ot Forests, Department of s 10 doing more work thlUl any youog Mra. Mtella MClfarlan IiDd children AgrIculture aDd Live Stock, GIrls' Can- Ohio. \ WaY·l lesrille'a Lead1n8 DeDUil woman In my ' town, II wrltea .Mn. ot Cedarville are tbe gueetl 0: Mn. ning De partment aod the Negro DeOffice in Keys Bldg. MaID Bt ARM-A good o"Ge in a. good C. J . Martin Boone Mill, Va. "I ,' . " luffered for ftve yeara with 8~maoh MoFarlan a broth~r B . I . AtklD80n partment. loou.tlon, c lo~e to two rallroadl. Each of thesA departments Is In Fo r fqrtll e r parl·ioul a ra inquire at trooble and conld DOt eat 88 ,mooh ·aud family. . charge ot a board of experts. Miss 0 29 a& a bllOnts wltbout lu1fering. . W. Edward. and w.lfe and JUlia C_ Lathrop, head of tho Chll· this omce . bave taken three boUles of Cham daughter lIill Ruth llpent 8und"y /lren's Bureau of the United Stales DeACRE8 of land. S E. of berlain's Tabltltl and am now" well afternoon wltb Mrs , Martba W . partment of Labor, Is Ilt the head of Waynesville 2 mllea, koown woman aDd weiKh 168 ponnds. I the Chilid \Valfare exhibit. Dr. Harvey . I1S the Clllrk&oJl Gauas Fllrm . Ap. VeterinarY can eat f! Dything I want to, and lUI 1.'hompaon. Edgar Barr and wife, James Barr W. WH'a)', famed for the fight he has ply to Frlinklin Paoker, Waynes· muoh .1 I w'\nt ~nd feel better than made tor pure toods. Is takIng an act, ville, LJbio. tt Graduate of Obio S'al~ lJnlverlil , I have a' any 'ime in ten :yearl, 1 and daughter MilS Ethel, of Eden. Ive loterest In the Healtb Department. refer to anyone In Boone Uill or ton, motored up here on MundRy at Wa8hID~ton. In Don Carlos El1!s, vloinl", and they will vouoh for whl&t I lay . I I ChamberlaiD's Tab morning and Ilpent the day wHh charge at tile educational co-opel'ullon. Office at re:3idence in F. II SherMrs. Amanda (;ll\rner and 'aultbter Uolted States Forest Service. Is In letl are_for laleeby all dealers . ___ _ .. charge ot the forestry exhibIt. wood's house, Fourth Street. M1BB Jeasle.


Classifisd Ads


Walter McClure


-- --------









---_. -









Dr. J. A.


New Burllnpon

Mlsl!68 Myrtle Barnesa and Audry Tbom.>son left on 8unday for the lou'hern part of ~he ooun'y wherl' they wUJ take np their Bohool work on Mouday morning al teaohers We all join In wishIng them IIU0068S J W. Edwardsllnd wife, Preesle" Vaughn aDd wHe, •• J. Murray Ilnd wlfe, K E . Thompson, H . () Mour and W . B Terry at.tended the funeral of Mrs Pearlle llnthrle at Snmmertorit, Ohio, on Monday Mrs. MurrlLY offioiatsd.

Born, Toe~d.y, September. to F. D, Comp,oD and wife, of near Wllmtitg'on, .. lIOn and to IIr. and Mrl Goo, Evanl looth of town, a Ion. Born, WedDeaday, September S to IIr and Mre Trevor C . Baydock, a IOn Th(lmla Vlarence, Ira &lroggy and · lira. Baohul MtIler returned laat wet!k from a vlait with their brother Frank The IIlrl who II 80 homely tbat Scroggy and family, of Dear Ban ------- ~.------she doeln't oare caD afford to whistle ·d ottlty. Mrs, Belle Colvin and daoKhter on the Itreet. EO"I Lon" U.ed I. Food, JUlt how long , people have been lira Laokey, Ja8 Blair and famUy and Min Nlnoy Smith aUended the eating eggs Is not known, certainly How's This? Smith family reDDioD tD Dayton long before breakfasts were "Iovented" or made a cuatom. There is no We (lifer One- BnDdled Dollara Tburaday. doubt mankind In a barbaric state had Rewarei tor aDY oaae of Oatarrh that canno' be .c ored by Ball'o Vatanh The aDDul rennion of ~e forme. learned of the UBe ot certain egga aa Onrf'. popill of the Book Ran IIChool will a ·food. . F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. be held on the IOhool Rrounda next ______ __--We, the undersigned, have known 1;', J. tJatorday .Uarnoon. DamiO' by Rodlnt.. Cheney for the last 15 years, and ~heve . II J him perfectly honotable in all ~usilless Jeae Bawklnl and dauKbkr boa Rat. are ~ to do damago eaU· ._". ttnnlll1l:ti9ns an~ financially able .t~ carry Bernlce eDtertalned the Loyal tIoDa mated at ,3,000,000 III Chicago evef1 . o\tt ~1IG~ri'BA~do~~M~aRCE aDd Delta .~Pb:a : oiliae. Tb~nday Jear. N . . . Toledo, O. .,~n\DI of Jai' ~eek. • take~· i~ternaJly, .M r;:" aDd ·' lin .. ~tel' U,ompton; .. "'" _ Lo '0 , blOod and· mu. . . ' ., , bo v 5 rna • b TeiltiDllO~!lIs'1 fC)rriler ·! 'eIiden" . Of .. our a:aetl . TheJ tlult be),ond the world . are' 'he~ pro~4 pan,ii~ ~f .a : :,=!~t be·. leparated j by It.-W~






.fl ,

Telephone 28

LOW RATES FOR KNOXVILLE. Every railroad In the South has made very low rilles for the encamp· ment or the Gl'lI.nd Army ot the Republic, In Chattanooga, 10 Septem ber, and 1I1BO for the National Conservation Ex",Sitton, In Knoxville, TenD .. from Sep~mber 1 to November 1. LIberal IItOpOTer plI'lvUe,6s and nume roull aide ~ have been provIded for.

---.. -.

Dr. JDhnson'l Rebuke. Dr. Jrohn son was once In compaoy with a gentleman who Illlected to malnta"lo Dean Berkeley's strauge position "that nothIng exists but as per· ceived by 80me mind." Wheo the genUeman was go\og away Dr. Johnson said to blm: "Pray, SIr. don 't leave UI; tor we may, perhaps, forget to think of you and then you will ceaae to ~t."

.- .

If Lllter Had Been CommercIal. It Lister had sold his discovery of the anllseptLc dressing or wounda, would his name sLand wllere It doel among the immortala?";"-Toronto Globe.


' --. ~~----







COPYRIGHTS An,o"e lendlna' ftltkelf'h and doscr lr,t lon UlllJ 'lulc k ', n our opinl ull freo " ItlLll c r An Ilivonth," tll)1"OhAbl, Jl Aten COmnlnnl el\llnnftP't rl c l}r. cOntldelltfn.l. HANDBOOK (} n . 'nIO.. ",

eCi!!t~'~~8 t!~:~t tg~~~~,~O't'ue~~ri'A<fo~tr~~':i••

IPfcial notk~, without charlle, In




Notary Public All klDds of Notary Work , Penllon Work a ~peolalty.

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Tell the Advertiser you saw bls Ad in The Miami Gazette.


N. Sears




Posted on pedigrees and values of kinds of breeding stock. . ~erienced in handling farm sales ·1in4~;;:


TtrlIIS Reuooable ..







llr8. 1V10010,.·0 Soo,bl"1 I!yrull

Gospel of Jesus Christ Supreme Now as It Was in ·the Beginning,


'j -III!!!!1!11

Tbe Unp\al. prot!uctlon of the 'Jnlt ed Stute" Jalt year- t.,760,OOO,000 pounds·-wns ten tim es at greaL as It was In 18_99_._ _ __ _ __ for

Ob lh11"1111

~~thlog. ltof l fnlJ t.bu "om • • r e.dUCf!K IU n BlIl m . . ' 100 1 ,"1",. lH~ lQ ,cure8 w ind. eol lc:,~o a. boulo.Mr




IIA ~1 ~ I;u's tbrougTI iite

Drawback, "Y o u dose ne a ~roat deal at crealt you II g malh" . "M ny ue I do, but I always bavo to par ca s h."

world wIth bow pd h ead and n furtive ble p, Dnd s hrlnlls rmm notice. Liquid blUe (S " 'lfMk .olulloD. A.ollt Sbame I ~ tllP ucknow ledgmpnl of It. Iluy Rtotl Cross 1l.U 1Iluo, ~ho biuo tluU" some Inf rlorlty ur d ,'fl!ct , mcntal. mar· ,II !JI,,". A<1 •. nl or physlcul. Prld o Is lID up warll ' loollln!; quality. ond though It hus been Thoroughly En j oyable. C listed as one o f the seven deadly s ins. "How \\U 8 t he plrllic '/" yet it Is prope r that n tru e mUll have "A great S I1 CC I' HI!. MaI'O people ca me pride in tbat which Is praiseworthy. oca r ~ eltl ng drown ed th nn on any ol h· ' In St. Paul's day the lIebrews wen! ar similar occoslon I e\'lJr beard of."n proud IInllon. They were proud of Hlrru illg ham Age· Herald . tbe lr l'I·tigion. a t Ihelr wonderful hislory, of t heir' g rl!ot mon 8uch a .. Abra· FACE BROKE OUT IN PIMPLES hum an d M09 PS . of th e ir city of J e ru· sn lem unrl IlS m:'o:; nin('l'nt temple . Falls Cit y, . eb.-"My troublo began Tlu'l r pride wuuld 1I0t u lI o w them to wb en I Wll8 obu ut sixl een. My face hav e finy deali ngs wll h thl'lr ow n broke out In lillie p!mples at Ora\.. ('ouslns. Ih e S:lIl1nrilnlls. b p.cau8e the y They were red and Bore ond th on beharl In l .. rmardcd with the Ca naanites . CIlme like II tlle bo ll g. 1 pick ed ut my SO Thu Greek~ wcrc a proud peo ple In I. fac o continually allLi It made my face O,t. I ho~'1 daYR. Th!)r wI'ro proud or tlHllr r ed olld Bore loo king aod then I wo uld Icumln!;. of Ihe lr mellifluous la ng uage , wake up at ulGht and s cratch It. It and or Ih l' lr c lassic IIl e ratur e whic h {!.oas a source a t co ntin ua l ullnoyance I w e Slud r afte r a lll hc se co uturieR. They to me. Ds my face was alway s r ed I WOrt' proucl o f the ir "' orks of art wblcb ond splotcbed and hurn ed all the Ma p s how ing the right tim e to sow wheat In different part. of Ohio, 'I have n(,H'r hce n BUriJa sBcd . If equaled, time. By Ohio Expeflment Station. lind they w ' re proud of th eI r general " I tri ed - - -, - - - null olherll, (' ultur e and polish, and Lhey looked but T co ulll Illld n othing to curD It. I ul'on otiler nullons a s ba rbarian s. h od been trou'bled ubout tw o yeara Defie d Greatnes . of Rome . beforo 1 to ulld Cutlcura Soop Il nd The Homan s were a proud nall on In Ointment. 1 sent fo r a sample of CutiCUTll Soap and Oinlment and tried Paul '>! doy. The y conflidered It the hl ~ il cs t honor to be a Ro ma n citIzen, t\lem a nd 1 t hen boughl SOlUl'. I washed my foee good wi th tho Cutland, In fa ct . Paul sJlcnks of hili o wn citizenship as a malle r of no small cura Boop and hal water ut nlglU Importanct'. nome had ecllp sed and then appli ed the Cutlcura Oint· Egypt. had absor be d Greec", while The Cultivation Before Sowing Is the Only One Received m ent. In tb e morning 1 washe d It off with th e Cutlcura Soap and hot P a lesti n e was only a n obscure provo By Crop - When Following Oats Ground Ince In a corner ot the eDl plre. Ilome wllter. - In two da rs 1 notic ed a deShould Be Puc In Shape Early a lso had Its great me n-orators sucb cided Imllrovomen t, wI ll Ie In three 8S CIcero and 1I0rte nsl u R; poets such weeks tb e c ur e was complete." (Signed ) Judd I<nol"los, Jan . 10, 19la. a s Virg il , Ho race and Ovid ; hlslorlan!! With wh eal. as with ma ny ot hN tho 13 nrl once a week or a t leas t atter s uc h as Tacitus nnd 1.1,,1; generals Cuttcura Soap and Ointm ent sold cro ps. th e IJrOller tl'entlll cnt. or Ihe I ea 'h rain uu tll s edlng lime so us to throughout the world. Sample of eacb such ns Caesar. Pomper [l ild Titus. seed may be consid ered half the bat· ' I'claln the mols turll thut Is in tho 8011. free .wlth 3:!·p. Skin Boolt. Address post. Men from th e provlnccs were ovel'lie. As whe It Is not cultivated afte r Uy di sclng before plowing til e 80 11 Is card "Cu Ucura, Dept. L. Boston."-Adv. nw e d by th e city' .. h'Teo tnc88 and seeding. what vc r cul tiv a ti n g Is nee· made flnc In Ihl' bottom of t h e furrow glory, find fe lt th a t Indeed n il otber cs sa r y m ust be done before the seed Is Ilnd Ih e capillary attractioo Is uot braIdentified tilmeelf, places were Inferior. a nd that h ere pul Into tbe grounll . If the rotation ken and a firmer, Hner seed bell Is also The wblzzlng motor car struck a dwelt not only rich es and pomp. but IImcticcd I ~ corn, wheat and c lover, It secured. ,tump, and on e of lhe occupants of the a lso culture nnd wisdom and po wer. back .eat, a lady possossed of consld· Ground Should Be Compact. Paul und erstood all tbls ; and yet be Is very evi den t thut a diff er e nt meth· ad of pre paration Is r equired than erable embonpoint", execule d a lleat wou ld s tand In tbe torum and say. STES PARK 18 not onl y the won· m o ~n :ain , throu gh wbich one must wh ere the w heat follows oat.q In a The lan(l should be pJowe<i tram • but oat gaudy parsbola Itl th & atmos"I am not asbamed of tb e gospel or pass In order to clim b th e peak tram derland of Colo rado. but It can· corn. oa ts. wheat, c lo ver rotnUon. to Ii in ches d eep a nll th e n th e hed phe re and alighted by the roadside should be Ill ud e firm by dr agging a nd like a polypus tailing from a aho( not be 8urpa66ed In mountain th e wea l sid e. The t:ast face Is luae- Christ ; make th e most of your city, of YOUl' instltutlon' s ond laws, of your When Wheat Follows Corn. h arrowing. A writer suys , "No w~rse tower g rlUld e ur by an y other di s trict In ttlss ibltJ. as It Is an enormous wall of lit e rature, and your world-power. It Is nol nccessary to plow th e foat ure can eXlat In II new ly sown the world . It stands u n IQue and a lone g ranltc, ~,OOO feet hl gb. "I don't b elieve I 'bave broke n an, Tbere Is greater po we r In Chri s tianity, RI'ound when seeding a rte l' corn. wh eat Helel Ihan one 111 which th e foot In Its IIcen lc majesty. It bas a se tting Peaks 3,000 Feet High. bonca," sbe stated, In re ply to the lll' for It Is th e power of God unto salva· of marve lous beaut y. Th roughout lll e Somo fa rm ers lind t ha t It Is not (\eslr· sink S." By plowiog eu rl y and main· qulry of the omnipresent by stander; 'i Ilrou bh and beyond tbe Key Hole Wben Natha nIe l Hawthorne lib Ie to disc tbo ground, howcver Ihls ta lnlng tl du s t rnuh:h all the molstu rf Bumme r It Is a gard c n at wild flowcrs (' nt' looks down upon a graud a m phl· tion ." "but tbere I. a lump 00 this bauk - 0. verItabl e blaze of color that th e ater form ed by nature. Chasm first v,'ent to England and contrasted that-" tb e cath e drals and mus e ums and man· cbarms and fascin a tes the eye. And lak!!, wblch Is on one side of Long's "Lump-nutbln'!" anarl ed a s motD' slons and lite rature of the motber because of th e variety at altitude a nd pel<k, at an a ltttude of 11,100 reet. has er e d voice. "1 'm the constable that'. country with our small beginnings, he temperature, a Bingle s pe cie s may a R.. tUng wild all tbos e of any lake In golD' to arrest you gosh-durne)' Joy, bloom all Bumme r , dl sn pllearlng he r e th e world. It 18 a rocky r e nt bet wee n did not fee l ashamed of be ing an Amer· rld e m. If I live! "- Jud ge. Ican . Dut he appealed to th e future today, perhnps, but simultaneously ap- thr ee granite pe aks, and 3.000 fee t ot ond s aid that Ame r\l!a would give to pear YODd er where th o Bcason Is not broken walls lUll preCipices tower so tar adva nc ed. The columbin e, th e .tl.< va It . The cliffs and crags above th e w orld m en to match b e r boundless state fiower of Colorado. Is one of : b e la ke hav e flun g dow n wr ec kage plains, men to mn~ch her grellt rivers. and strewn Its s horeM In fl e rcD con ru. men to match he r snow·clad pea ks these. t:~(,n . Here and t h er o this wr ccl{[lge ~B ",hi II reor their heods Into the sky. Where Acres of Flowera Bloom. flow e rs are at ove ry concel,,· cemented together with wlnter's drift E " en so Pau I appealed to tb e futul"'<! able size, color and vari ety; eometlmes e1 snow. Miniature Iceburgs float In to prove that though Rom e's powe r acr es upon ac res In solid ban\ts of col. • be lake all summe r . H e r e nnll tbera was gr eat. y e t It was puhy compared or, at ol he r li m es In buge, bright and are mossy s paces. scattered alplno with th e po wer of the gospel at J esus Hardly Care for C~ man y·colored meadow ·arpets. In the fl owem, ~ome beds of s e dge, o~d an Christ. Gospel Supreme Over All . r egio n a uov o tlmb e rlln c. as If to re- occasional nock of white ptarmigan to dren - Fiqds Health in Since that dol' nineteen centuries Ilcm t he bl eak ospect. a re foun(\ so me so rt cn a littl e th e fierce wlldness of tbls hav e come and gone. The gospel has mountoln world . of th e no wer·lover 4' tre asureR. the -Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg. blossoms of brl gh lest hue. Morlposa T hree mlles from Chosm lak e are perfo rmed gr oat ex rlJolte. Its empire has grown fnr beyond the borders of etable Compound. lili es bloom In m illions. ThQ <la lnty glscie r s older tban Ihe Pyro.n:'tl • . yel bl ue·f rl ng e d gen ti a n 15 found 10 lh e always e xposed to tbe sun. The y In· anci ent . Rom e, ond It Is difficult to b e· glaci e r meadows. Am ong the thousand elude Hallet, Andrews, Tyndall, lIeve that th ere ever was a time whon oUl cr varieties blooming e very season Sprague, Black and others . Halle t gla- an y strong mon was ashamed or Bovina Center, N,y.- i1 For sIx yeara In th e park oro th e wild re d rose, but· cie r Is th e la rges t and probably tbe Ch ri s tianit y. Looking backward we i have not bad 88 good health as 1 have tercup, marigold. lupine, orchid, aster, bost know n and Is ('(lalest of acces!. behold th o atmo~phere of hl5tOry now. I waa ve:r'T young When my fll'llt an emone, s ulphur flow er, purple loco- The altitude of the lako Is 11.100 fee t, roseate with gloriOUS associations of wee d, blue beard tongul~ . gray moun· wblle th o slncier, only thr ee miles tho ' gORpe l. It has always boe n the baby was born an' my health waa Vert taln sage , pink sbootlng star, monks· away, has an e levation of 14,500 feet. power of God unto th e solvation of will d e pe nd Tery much upon tbe na· ls r e tained in the Boll a n<l tbeln when bo.d after that. I hood . m on key no we r . wild tiger Illy. ]t Is on th e Rille of Mummy mountain, ma nkind. It has neve r dw elt In ture or the particulnr soli In question. th e seed Is sown It ger'ml nates at once. '?Iaa not regular anti Iris. pens t ernan, ston ecrop, cone flower. a huge mass of Ico nearly two miles tbleves' dens or broth els. It has novel' Tbe real time to begin tbe cultivation From one to several weeks will be I had pains in my valerian. c rane' s bill . larkspur. In(\lan long and 1,000 reet blgb . Us ually It Is fill ed jal\ s or poorlJOuses. or fo s tered at tbe whea t soil Is be f<tre tbo corn Is. gained In the germl.l!1tlon and growth back and was 811 pain t b rus h. viol et Il nd wild pa ns ies. Been st Its best In AlJgust. [IS It tnkes Hcbe m es of vice ~Jr avarice. Evil men planted In the spring. If the corn of the crop by a thorough preporation poorly that I coaJd Thro ugh th e Hummer montbA may be lI es rly all Bummer tor tbe metting or hnve ortcn used Chris tianity a8 a cloak land Is made flne anll 6rm and well or the soli. The re Io! noth ln g that hardly take care of round also In rrotuslon lh n wll(1 stra w· th e previous w inte r 's s now Crom tbe to cover tb elr wlckodnes8. a nd many cultivated during the summer BO tbat looks so shirtless as wbeat land that my two children. I berries, smaller Ihan th eir cultlva led s urfaco and crevasses. When Been at crimes 11ave been committed' In ths tbe land la fr ee from weeda, 'labor and has bee n plowed I1ml remains unhar· doctored with eevbroth ers, but of much Oner fl avo r . this tim e, th e Bolld Ice gllUerB like name at th A gos pe l. but atter all these expens'e will be redu c ed to a minimum rowed, thus permitting th e escape of _ _ _ _...:...:.--J era\ doctors but CO' A 'rld e up Wind riv er trail Ihrough blue steel In th e sunlight, and ono centuries It re mains pure and unsu)· In pre pa ring tbe seed bed In the nu· the moisture tram the 8011. The Kan· no better, They told me there wu DO th e 6un ehot woodland oC whispering IindR It hard to reali ze that It la mid· lit' iI as It came from tho life and , tbe tumn. All that will bo n ecessn ry w\ll sas Experiment Station found a net lips of J es us of Nazareth. be to run the barrow over tbo field ana gnln of ,1;.22 for land that wali'i)Jlow. help without an ope~tion. I hDve IJIecI 8speno. In the cool at a summ er morn· summer. ·.I 'ct arc there not some today who then dlrlll In tho wheat. In some cases ed July 15 Rnd then kept well worked Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo C0minll(, Is a rich experlencA to the true Glaclers. huge moraines, pol\obed lover of n otur e and on e which he will 'granlte floors and a Bcore of glacier cn II th e ms elves Christians and yet go even tb e ha rrowIng may be omitted . till seeding tim e, over land tbd t was pound and It haa belped me wonderfally. never forg e t. The dimensions of this lakes are but a few of the many reo- about the worl(\ apologetically. always On mnny farms, In tbe corn be lt, a one not plowed unUl , September 15. Per· I do I ;)st of my own work now and tak. new pork aDd go me preserve are 42 ords of the last glacial epoch. The r eady to de ny their allegiance. nnd borse drill Is used and tbe wheat Is hRPS there would D,ot b e such 11 'great care of my children. I recommend yow mile s east and we8 t by 24 mil es north moralDes are Imme nse mounds and would never s tand up and say In tbe d.rtlled In Ihe standing <;orn. The n difference In tbe more humlll climate remediee to all Buffering women."and south. This re g ion has 24 mllas ridges of rock and de bris deposited by face of ridicule, "I am not ashamed :luring tbe winter the stalks are reo of tbe eustern states, yet even here It lin, WILLA.RD A. GIWLUI, CUe. of at the contin ental divid e and all at the glaciers that moved through tbe psrk of the gosp..1 of Christ." What poor no,'ed or bett er stili. they are rol1ed will well pay ·the farmer to prepare ELswOBT8 TtrrrLE, Bovina Center,N,Y~ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. Mummy range; and it touch es the c enturies ago. MIIl's morain e, extend.; specimens uf humanity they are; Ind d r ugged down so as to act as a his seed bod tboroughly, prepare It Rabbit E a r 8nll Medicine Dow rangcs. Ing east tram L6ng's peak and the neither flesh nor fleb! Tbere were :nulcb tor I be wheat and young grass. early and keep It weH cultivated. Art· pound, made from native root. ancI In It are a score of snow· plie d peaks moraine in Morine park are two of the some people like that In Laodloea of er the wheat Is 'drilled never drag or her~, contailll no DlIftOtica 01' barmfal Prepare Seed Bed Early, old, nnd to them the rloen' Lord 8ald: and upward of 60 glacier lakes. prloclpal ODe8. roll the land . Leave the land as the druga, and today bold. the record of When the wheat follows oats It Is dr11l has left It with the amnll ridges being the meR BUcceufuJ remedy . . Long's peak. king of th e Rocklen, Is It Is be tweeD Hsllett and MII's gls. . "I know thy works, that thou nrt the csntral ond mos t commanding clors that the famous Ice pala ces are ne ltber cold nor hot; I would that thou necessary to prepa re the s eed bed as Intact. These will molller down duro know for woman'. ilia. If you need lucia point In this mountalo world. It stands situated- diamond walled and celled, wert colli or hot. So because thou early I~ S possible atter the oats Is cut. Ing the winter and feed the root.s of • medicine why don't )'OIl b7 It T 14 ,271 feet above th e tide s and Ie more lIBshlng ond glinting. Here the irost art lukewarm, nnd ne llher cold nor H bas prove n very ])r061able to first the young wh ea t and grB.8S snd thus If srou haye the slightest doubt than 100 feet hlsher than Pike's peall. king re igns supreme. This peculiar hot. T wlll " pew th ee out of my disc the IRntl. . This may be done be· prevent th eir freezing out' during tbo that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vecetafore tb e oats have been haule d off by freezing and thawing weathe r of win. bJeCompound win h4)lpyoa,Wrlte It has been rath e r fancltully Darned form of Ico formation cnnnot be found mouth." &0 Lydia E.P1nkhamMed1clneCo.. the" Amerlc:ln Matterhorn," and when at less than 13,000 feet. and In no other simply dlsclng around the oa t shocks. ter and spring. (eori6dentlal) Lynn,Mau •• for act. Then Iplow and harrow down the newly we consider tbat onll side Is actua lly ploce In the world. The etrect of en· Sweetest Things of Life. J. W . H ,'!!:NCEROTH, Your Jetter will be opened, lnaccesslble , pe rhaps It Is worth tbe trance Is one of strllUng WlerdneSB. \ . The best things are nea rest: Dreath turn~dl soil so as to prevent the escape College of Agriculture. Ohio State ~ and answered by. wow... comparlsOJl. for the Matte rhorn has Tbe tiny flame of your candle Is caugbt In your nostrils light In yOU1' eyes of moisture . It Is desIrable to barrow University. Iliad held 1D. strict collftdcnco. ' been ascende d on all sides, though Its by a million diamonds and r e Oected 0c,\\'e r8 at your' feet, /lntles at yOU; culest line of 8scent 10 h a rd er to can· again and again. Tbere III the blend· hanll, the pRtli of Ood just betore you. HUMUS SAVES TREES, land, It will be much ~better' to plow Quer thsn Is tbe ordinary route of Ing brilliancy of sclntlllaUng light and Then 110 not grasp at the stars, but do th~ mulch In. The trees n eed every Long's pt'sk. , fantolltic shapes In frieze and fresco, lifo's plain common work as It comes, Hili orcbards are otten severely In· advaDtage while they are getting start. Tbe pathway winds upward through tbe delicate crystals of ellln tracery certain that dRily duties and dally lured by droughts, aB was tho case ed, and, In this case, quick scllon will Can qukldy be overcome evergree n groves, mixed with 8spen at Ilnd lace. 11 forest or fragile tendrils. bread are the sweetest things of lite. durln@r the season of 1911, wben many bring Quick results. the lowe r levels. past babbling hrook It la a scene of regal splendor, more A nIght's Bleep, what a ml1'1lcle 0 '( matur,e trAea died, The extrer.le ef· CAlTIR'S Lm'L£ WENDELL PADDOCK, and nois y waterfall, until tlmb crllne, wonderful than anythIng tbat Aladdin mercy It la; and a new day wIth tbo fecta ot drought On Buch . land. or on College ot. AgrIculture, Oblo State UVER PILLS. with Ita battered, wlnd·blown tre es Is ever pictured. wakIng up of health to Cac(J It· aye any land for that matter, may be r.oun· Purely veptable University. reached. Shortly afte r all tree growth D1erstadt, the artist, spent monthll even a pleasant meal wIth ono's house: teracted by worklng In liberal amount~ -act IUJ'dJ and pctly OD the. ceases nnd etlll stea dily climbing up- among these solitary scenes, o.nd one hold, Is not that worth 8 tbanksgl\'lnS? of or@;anlc motter Into the soli. Dur· Spoiled hay Is not 1\ complete lOll. Ilvel:. Cure ward, the edge of ·Boulder l'~leld Is of tbe gracler lakes bears his name. Or an Interesting book, an hour wIth ing tbe ]n'ocessea of decay tbls mateIt has 11 blg1l fertilizing value, BlUOUIDCIII, JeaChed. Here, for years, Lord DUDraven had an old friend, a Sunday's quiet reut- ria.l becomes mixed wltb the 80H par· Cut .out worm nests. - It .may save Head.· • S~\11der Field IS 'w e ll Damed. It Is a large boldlngs. Profesor Hayden, the Ing after a st1'1linf!d and we8J'y week. tlcles, where It absorbs and 'holdll ·. cbe,' a crop of ' frult :next Year. · . · ~.ean· , forbidding expanlle of great father of tbe Yellowstone National or 'some new light of hitereBt or . Dbz.l . much as a Bponge does. 'To .. we .ot granlte--tlome as much ss 30 park, saYII or Estes park: "Not only Ing In one's favorite line at Bt.uldy~llt moisture, sure" th.e land In ·mBlly ;·hllly ,o\'~~~~~~~!IJ~~'Jj~~ to ~ ,eel In .length-with bouldel'll, bas nature amply supplied this vall.w Is 'such thing!' as, ~e8e f9-1: . ~an .not be '. plowed; but when ~ _iW 1l1p all, beaped bet~'een. with features of rare beal1ty. but It great special bles/l11l38, "'''leI! 'make up ml\lcblng , II appUed In · lIbe1'8l. ~ jumble lIe8 Uae way-there bas dlstrlbute4 them tbat lhe eye of tbe sum of . '-ucb qWWt.nI.I~& ;, lt ~Jtra.i!W1111Y. b4!4;~omlee , Inc'~r, '. ~ . ~f) ~and. progr~ •• . 1. slm~lJ' a~ artIst may reat· wltll ..s~t.l_raetloll ou ~lng8, If • ..,:l.0il- ot IjIUn»1l t~lII . ~.o . to four ~bo compl~ted PI~ture pr~~enU!d." ( I1\Ore, 'llit .~ ,...... ". , " ." '.. u ·it" " :~. \:'U.~ lb. tar, eM' 1a Ji:eJ' . Ol\~e tile aVf re.e ~ ba~ .. chance """·=0-'.·.· JUIf:;\ ~ __ cl,efU~. Ulci: ~~11 .o,~ ' ~II~ -~}at 'rurw~ v~ ~L I .. ,.: ~. :.. '. ,_~il~'

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The Wretchednea of Con,tipatioD

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FIGHTING BY JERSEY · BOYS Ma ny IllUminating Side Llght8 on Operatlonl of Army of Potomao After CroBllng Rapidan,

These phot ogrnph a. re produced frum tbe London lIIus Irat r(1 Ne ws , show conc!uBIVt·11" that lM s tor lelf ot atrocl S elTe s, Doxato and o t her ptaces were wllntonly bu med and U1uny or th e Inbabltlln ta mas sacred .

ties c ommItted by th e BulgarI a n s during th e war or the al Il l'S we re n ot e xagge rat ed.


At the lett Is the charmIng PrlnceslI Alexandra, duch ess ot Flte, whoae engagement to Prince Arthur of Con· n.1Igbt enme as a comple te surprille. In tbe center Is ber motber, th e princess royal, daughte r ot the la to _KJug IIIdward VII., and at the rlgbt Is her elster, Prlncess Maud, the anllouncement ot whoso engagement 18 exp~ted 8OOn, ",.. .................. " " " , . , ........



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John P. 1I .. .lI· h . t!e rg-eo. nt, :0. II, ·ltb N. J .. ~'Ir s t fh-i gadA, "'l rs t 1)(\,I.lo n , S Ixth Co r ps, Tr ' utu n. :-I . J " wri l l's Ihe :-I a tl o ual TrIbun e, " I hll YO bet' n wO llil e r lng It t h.!re W II Ef " J e rH!'y brIgade In tbat mOlU1ll1ce nt SI xth eor ps and wllCth or th ey took any part At t he Wilde rn e8s or S polsyl· vlUlln, 11 M 11 0 men ti on WII S ma de or th e m. Ma y 6 th e 4th N. J., on th o PlCtreme rI g ht or til e S lxIh ('o rps . a10ll e preve nted th e Si xth co rp s fro m bein g Ila n kod whIl e g e tLln g In to jlos ilio n . W e d rove th e m ba ck, ca pl urlng a num be r o r rebe ls nod r ocelvln G' t ho con· g rntul u ll o ns or our bl'loved G n e ral x /·dg wl('lt. La tc r In th o day. wllh th e "lil Mel ., we drov e tb e m bHck by a ga lla nt ba ),oll t't c ha r ge cl" ur to tb e lr worl( s. lu a li t tl e pa lJ1!Jhl et or tb e 15th N. J., Colo ne l Campb ell c lulms Illol r e~;hn ell t W 8 S th e ouly o ne In th e Sixth corps to go o ver the works Il t Ih tl Atlgle, but In thI s he Is In error, a!! th e 4th N . J , was th e I1mt to c barge t hroug h the nbatls, the 15th N . J . beIlI g on our rIgh t. or 35 lD en m y CO lD pallY (n ) 10Bt 20 m e n, five or wbo m we re kUl ed, 16 wounde d, two or whom wero ca ptured. 80th commIss ion ed Offi ce rs, Captain John sou a ud Lleuten· nut Dr'ooks, were wound ed, a loss of a bout 160 per cent. "As MetcaU's batte ry we nt Into posl· tlon hors ef! nud llIe n began to go down . We had ope ne d a heavy fir e upon th e (me my', but It s eemed 08 It hIs seellon wae In dange r o r be In g capture d or d estroye d. Reallziug Its condltlon, I thre w my mus ke t down, anel appealed to Capt. Howard Ring, Co. C, who lay n ear me, and th e ooly commlsslolled office r 1 saw, to t e ll some of tb e men to get up and help work the guns. 1 started at once to serve nmmunlUon, At tble time there were but four rounds ot cauls ter le ft. I carried the word to th o office r, and bls ordera were to use sh cll wltb onesecond fus e , Sergt. Wm . E . Lines <;ays t.hey tired 14 rounds from hit! guns. When Lieutenant Me tcalf and he wel:e unable to work tile guna they wlthdr'e w, aud I r ejolued my r e gIment. "Your narrative says th e battery \\' ent Into position wltb the Vermont Brigade. The battery we nt Into po~ llJon on tlill right ot Upton 's S econd brigade and letl of the Jersey brigade ot the I"lrlit dIvision. Se rgeant LInes gaye hie was &Sslsted In tirIng the last rour J'lounds by an officer of the 96th Pa. and a Vermont oMcer, both or whom were shot_ The re wera others who assisted, tor Captain Qaul, who 8ucceeded to command litte r Colonel Ewing was wounded, says Caplaln Ring 3nd Peter S. Shemella nnd others :>f the regiment whos e nalllcs he does not remember res ponded, nnd some 01 th e m were kill ed nnd wound ed around the guns_ "~'or' my conduct on that da y J was recommend ed by Co lon el Gaul, Colonel Hufty nnd Captain Howllrd for a medal of lnonor, w1llch I now hold. CaptaIn G a ul saId, In recomm ending me for th e honor, that It s ee me d cel'taln death to serve t he guns. It makes m e shive r to th is day wh e n I tblnk ot the mlss ilEl'lnde n air that day. My regim e nt alOn e los t about 100 me n that da y and the 15th N. J .s loas was very b eavy, more BO than the other regim E!nts or the brIgade. Tbe Oeld preaen ted a sickening sigh t; dead lay all around and blood and rain mingled . Where Me tcalf wns In poelUon horses and m en lay In heaps, lite rally torn to pleees by bu lIe ts."

The 8ilo affordl a mOlt economical m ea ns of assuring a succulent food In w int e r , and efficient and pa lat a ble food to lupplement the dry pasturel In £ummer. (By Il

D. n nRII I S4l I

Am I do i nll .1>. well wIth my r OW8 Il.B I oU Ji; h t '! Am I pro ducin g milk 118 eco nom ka ll ), /Ul I m ight ? Is It possIbl e. with su cll feed 11 6 blla g<' , m y cows m a y ue ke pt In a mo re he a l Lhful cund i li o ll, be cause th is reed hll \' lll g 111 i t th e nalu rul jui ces m il k .. " It mo re cM lly d Ig es ted Ilnd a cow is uble to do mO I's and b ette r work ? !\I a ll Y fa rm ers who banI r e cently buIl t silos and ma ny wbo d id not build a re !l Aki n g th e m ~e lv es t h o nbov e (lu estl on s , a nd well tb ey may . T hoso who hav e buil t lind hav e good sil age a re now ge ttin g theI r e yes ope ne d, and t ho Be that hav e no Hilos are now li egln nln.g to see " t h o h an dwriting on Ih e wa ll ." A na tuml (c pd or thIs ch a racter wh Ic h h a s the natural juices all retaIn ed In It kee ps the d IgestI ve org ans or th e Hnlmal In a cool, lautlve condition and pe rmI ts UB 10 fe ed mor e heavily or oth e r fe uds, 0 nd tbUB, we lire abl e to Increase be r capacity for produ cing mlllt In a far greater d t! gre e. Expe rI en ce has taugbt m e many thing s abou t th e silo. Wh e n 1 put up iny flrBt one I was laught that ulmost Ilnythlng would do for a s ilo, and that almos t any l hlng could be put In It. Tb o firs t ye ar 1 planted a lale-matur!n/: COrti t hat gre _nd gr e w as though It had all th e limo In th e world to g et ripe Ill, alld wh en th e tIme cam e for \11 0 sllo filling It was scarcely in good ronstlng cur cOllllltion. What was the r e sult? A wate r y lot . of s turr In a very scld condition that had to be red In 8 very limIted way to ke e p the cows trom scourIng and getting orr feed . ThIs WlIB c ertainly discouragIng ; but a man who maltes a success with cows mUBt huv e grIt enough to meet dklcour:lge ment.s. 1 found out that year that to have good silage I must plant a kind of corn that would mature earl y and get It out In tlmo so that It could mature -that I h a t! be tter sacrlflco some on qu a ntity and have better quality . From that year the sUo has b een fill e d wIth th ., sa m e kind of corn that was rais ed fOI ' Oe ld purpose s, and tb ere bOB n e ve r ye!. heen a single rallure. 'fll tl re lB no secret bavlng good, BW.ICt sllage--Ju s t p'l uln, common scnso. ~' Ir ~ t Lb o silo must be mad e In Bucb a way as to exclude 011 tbe aIr. Then too, tbe foundation must b e good, to preve nt Bettl illg and crac kIng. Tbo mat e rlul us ed may be eithe r wooll, s to nl' , brI c k or ce me nt. Iron or ste el cunnot be us ed . a8 th e mo ia ture and ac Id In th a silage would soon rUBt throu gh. All )l ton e , cement, brick silos, e tc., mu ~ t b o re lnrorccd with wire or rods to Ins u re s trength . A wood silo mad e rou gh Is. of course, strengthe ned by the hoops , and that Is tho only kind that would be built or wood. The size of the silo, of coume. deLincoln Tells Story. Pe nd on th e amount Of ' Btock you wish "It s eems to m o," . rc marl, cd the to c arry . as n c e rtain amount must be preside nt one dny, Wh i le r end ing ove r fl'd ('ac h !lay to k ee p the top laye r SOIllI! of tbe aJjpell Jlng te legra mg sent (rolll spoiling, nnd th e dee pe r the betto Lb e war de pnrtm nnt by Ge lle ral Clellan "th Me el 11 t b 1m . a B e a ch add ed foot gives add ed '. at e un laB ee n weight to th e s ll uge and helps to maKe wanderlD.g ar9und and has 80rt of got it more solid alld exclude th e ' aIr. lost. H e s been bolle rlng for belD If a silo 13 mude too large In dlnm e. eve r since he \\'\~ nt s outh- wonts ler alld this J belle vo to be a very fresomebody to ~ome to hIs d e liverance, QU ~nL error, on e of two thlng~ will and gilt him out of the placo be 's got happ e n- eith er the silage will be Into. moldy all the time, owing to the illabll· "He reminds me of tbe story of a lIy to ree d It down rapidly enough. Qr man out In illInois who, In com pliny el se th e cow s wIll b e fed more than wIth III number ot friends, vis Ited the they I'hould hav e, In nn attempt to state penitentiary , They wandered keep ah end of th e molding . all th rough the Institution, and BOW 1 IOtrollgly favor tb e use of good everything. but just about the time to sBuge In summe r to hold the cows to depart this particular man became' th e ir work and not allow them to shIrk separated from hlB rrl e nds, and In the milk tlow during the short pascouldn't fhill hIe way out. '''He roamed up and down one cor. ture of July and August. 1 think. mlUlY cows may be made to add 26 per ceut. 1140r after another, becoming mora desperate ali the time, when atlaet he to theIr year's production by tiding came acrOS9 a convict who was look. them over tblll period, 1 have tried Boiling, but never found anythIng so Ing Ollit trom between the bars of bls cheap, lID good and so convenleat a8 cell door. Here wae lIalvallon at llat, a well filled sUo. . A few teet ta tbe HurryIng up to the prisoner, be hastf1y bottom of ... deep 11110 wtll co a long BIked : way for nmmer uee and there tbe .. 'SllY, how ' do you get out -ot this conditions are moet favorable for the placu1' .. preBervlq or the Illage, as the enol" mous wel&b\ or the sLla~ iA a deep . Eaally FItted. silo baa compacted it, .Id It I belnl Colonel Jenkins, havIng a new paIr down near the bottom away from the of Bh(les that hurt hIe · feet, declde~d to clreulaHoD or the air hel))ll vetY mat. give the~ to .one or hIli uepo ' 8erv- rlally In Ita preservaHon. . &Dta, whu bad left the old plantatton The quality ' of the si"'ga ma,. be to be ' ".. Itb his "mal'1la" In the ' war. materall), bettered ~J usbl, care ID 'the old tellow shambled aiou,nd weartpl'k 'down Ing a' pnlr of tatter90, iboel ~bat look- takllll, ~t out, - Doo't-.pat or 8Ii· lne~e. "c1eep. bOQlb JOU ~ IIk.o lIanda!s. ·· , pitching mIloure. ·"'\l(o;·. ,.e, & toric . "Ze:ke, what tinea close· aDd .kim orr )'0)1 .n,e od

Me- I .


Robert Potter HlIl, tbe new conpueman from Marlon, II!., Ie a Democrat. a. lawyer. and II thIrty-nine ,-eat'll old, He has held many public oftlCeti and haa been a member ot the Illinoll leglalature, "'ow ft ' • ... ¥ C:r!mlna'i and Bene"t .. FollowlDC the conviction of Mra. ,zeazuale BJzter tor Duulslaughter. the ticU.m bejnB her Iomr, Julian Bernard :the ElIlgUlh ...,Iator, with a sen. of three yeaz:s' penal lenltude , ' la' lult bi·. Mra, Hall for '~5,OOO, which had . by will. The legal ~y the ' prO. that , • 'crim.;~i:~~;,'<~IU>lnuIJt .....·" .........ftt i. aa" the Qf


, Uovllrnor Manuel C, Blito (hands In pockets) ot Campeche, Mexico. leaving- ,t!!e pariah prison at Ne! Orleane on his way to the United State!> . marlhall olllce, where arr&Dlelllentl were made to releaBe him on parole, under a bond of 110,000, Qovernor Brito Is charged by, the Huerta govern~ent with murder, robben:- &Dd !Jalng a fugitive from justice, 41

not decIde caaea according to th' wllhes or vlewl of nelghborl, how~ve~ ·relp~tatil,e. - and .the IIO.lIc/ tol ,ho~'d ~tlVe . )mown .better tb .. n to ·Clf· refi such' ·:'djix:tlinl!nt.




Iy !J~ orollrlU I' Y ro ug h ago. Tb e (',OWl! In !'IlU n g will sO IllNlm es tbrow tlonl e oUI o f I ll ,' llla n';Crd und Bom muy bG sc altp I'l'd ill f 'e dlng unl ess you are vury cn r!o'fu l. It tbls Is a llowed to rem ai n lIWrt:l Il will 80011 cause a bad o do r. Th e lII il ll lIlat U8es tbo broom fn ',-Iy "I oli lt th n feed all eys Is the dne th a t IHIII 1\ sweet s m tllllng stable--a co nd lll on wo rth wbll e , for milk takes up a fo r 'lg ll odor wltb s urprlelng ra pidit y. u nd unl ess lw erythlng I.a e we!'t s lIl elling th e milk will tell It, and u ventuolly th e cUtilo me r will find It Ollt nnd tn ke h is trad e " Isewher e.

PECULIAR POINTS OF A FANNING MILL There Are Many Profitable Advantages Gained by Operation of Machine. (B y M .

O Vll:nnEI.'" . )

Tir e m ere Se l)arating or weed ·needs and oth e r fOI-c lg n obj ects from smull grain s hould not b e r egard ed as the s ing le be n e fit de rive d from the use of the rannlng·nilll. This Is esse ntial, but th e re arc othe r prolltable advantages gained by the operation. Cle ansed graIn will present a much be lter app earance on th e marltet , and als o command a high e r Ilrlce . since It actually dellve rH more pounds ot good, pure grain thnn does a like quantity of utlcl eanstld, JUBt aH It came from the threshing macblne . Unclean ed grain contaIns morll dust and oth e r nOll-nouris hing material than most farm e ra suppose, and tbe fannlng·mlll r emo ves theae, makIng tbe gra In actually healthI e r for s tock feedIng purposcs, a nd cOllse qu ently be tter adopt ed to nourisbing and dev e loping th e tissu es or tbe body. Grahl tbat has not be l'n d ean ed by the fannIng-mill. but fe d to th ll stock Ju s t a~ It cam e from th o threshIng machine will paBs througb the animals with Il part of it rr,malnlng unchanged, a nd wlr e re Ih e re u r e weed seed ImpuritI es . the se lire tran s ported back Lo th o O«ld s III th e manllro as It Is haule d anti sproad fo l' fe rtili zIng I,urposes . Many of th ese Bcecl ij do !lot hav e th eir g ermIn a ting qua litl es Impnire d by puss lng throu gh th e lInlmals . and by bein g sc allpred with th e manur\!, thoy I1nd a ric h seed be d In whI ch to s prout and de velop a bouut oous crop or we(lds th (l fo il owlng 8l' llij On. The us c of the fannlng·mlll would avoId thIs seedIng· down at t.h e farm to weed pes ls . !ta lll(ing stili a bovo the lmporlanco or clenll l n;; gra In lO g uard agaInst seodlng IIll' farm 10 weed pests, comes th a t of imp rov eme nt III both th e quan. tlty aud Quality of the crOVK produce d. Th e s owing of carefully selected seo graIn fl'om a s upply thut has b ee n passed through the f n nnlul\' ~ mll1 wlll, Ir pe rsl ij t ed In fr o m O Il H YUill' lo ano t he r. wo rk w on!l l ' r~ In llr ~' s mall grain c r'Up il. will nll' ~ n a . he avI e r a r. d s oli (\Lor grall, for se ed- on c that will poslle sa s trong g ermlnntlng QualitIes alltl propagalo B sturdy, vlgol'oua plaot. l iuder Buch a eYti tenl, J.t will r&qull'U much le ss seed to BOW than 11 light, weak Beed were sown. Neltber will th e shriveled, spllt snd .broken grains b e sown and waste the ground by IJOt propagating a l'Iood stand ot plant. It also takea a less Quantity of seed grain to seed a tle~d; whlle the eland of plants 18 sure to be at unl. form R~ze, ... Igor and productiveness. NO'l'E.-The screenlllgs socured trom c}e8.Jllng grain sJiMJllld be carofully saTed and 8tored away ror the poul· try, sluoee It contaIns I!ouch a varIety ot seeds alld grain that It makes a fine raUon for theD;l, be1ng either scattered In tbe scratchIng sbed tor the layers to scratch around for, or worked LIlto their masb three times a week. Where there 18 a considerable Quantity of sereelled seeds and small or sbrivcled cralns, theBe will make a good feed fol' the live stQCk, BI most wee4 seel'. ue not at all lnjllrlol1s to the anlmabl. Or.cnuree, If tho weed seeds are 1ft excese to thlil refule gra~1l, It Is not advluble I() feed them, sa thltl would again !lstabllsh the danger or a.eedlna the flelda to weed pelta.






Kt1<' lJe rS of ii:noltv tne plelll:ea not to lldvance ra.t.&a.

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~(~ M~~:I:l~~I :al:le:SltilT ~ i KNOXVILLE'S PLAN 01:1~rl~\~I~~~no~~~obb::o~t~ 0~:8~a!~ ~e""Ils


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~r. Rnd Mr~. H 13 EUI{Io' , III D"y. ' 10 11. ""or f' Mi ll w f' f' k tmd Il no t< t s of Mr , It n ..1 Mr~ H tIl' En,:c lil . Mu A (' . Melll! Ol nunll iMon " ,,'

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aI M . t· nn

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If you are contemplating a trip to the I Lakes, Seashore or Mountains this M sum-

held th nt vlsltors were compelled NO ADVANCE IN HOTEL RATE S to pny \'xo r bllant pricos for IlccommoMrs , EdiUI H a rris is in Cincinnati ,1 :1IIu II8 T IlIH will (lot be the case In FOR VISI T ORS TO BIG EXPO. Knox ville. Dlrec lors of the National tod ay. : SITIOr~ CITY OF SOUTH, I;OIlSp.rvn t!oll ll:xpoililion early doclded That holpl ral es mUHt not go up. and [. , A. Zimmer man is in Cincinnati III thI s !h~y wcre backed up by th e to today , proprle lo rs and rnnullgc rs of the hotele, Kn oxvilh' Is 1\ ci ty In wh k b thore J , C. H isey w as ill Cincinnati are Vll' !)l)' of botel nccommodatlons, T uesday . and, in OId ,11110n to tbla. rosld ents of Any Attempt To Hold Up Trav eler. Ihl' cl lY 11' 111 I:HOI'f tbelr hOUl es open J ohn S tansberry . of Dayton, was Will Not Be Tolerated- Hotel Kee p- I (,)f Y"lIors . ~_Yery trave ler to I{nox- hom e SundBY. era Agree To Maintain E ~ lstlng "ill" I' ill ~u II.> tha t ci ty sec u ~:e. In t h ~ Prlc:e& No Matter How La rge the t(T1owl£'dgo th"l he 1\ III no t be Il ouged Crowd. Are During National Fair. 1J"~Tl U 8" an expo" ltlon Is on nnd beMr, and Mr!l . F, B, H enderson are ~a u se of the thro ngs of people In tbe Dayto n visitors today , ci ly, No advance In hot el Tl\l es tor tb e If you want a good Fe rtilizer, call hundreds of thousands of vIsitors to Chas. Frye, phone 49 l·L 2-8. TREAT FOR VISITORS Knox ville. Tenn ,. will bo made whllo th e National Conservation Exposition In tha t city III In profTess, By formal Big Mln era' Field Day To Furnish At· I Mrs, Fred Hawke and Dr. Miller Imotored to Cincinnati today. traction for G. A. R. Vlsltol'll In resolution and at a meetin g called ea· the Sunny South. Declally for tbat DurDose. the botelMr. and Mrs. J, E. Janney and beo n


mer, or to California or New next winter, our



.. i" k II l1 l. Mr, (Jl\P lltl r Kin g iJ vnry llIu ch i:nproverl , Mr~, Hltlo ltl flod dRug htor Ellnn were (,.II l1 flrl to Oru uhfl , Nf'h , hy the IIIoes8 ,·f l\t r .. , Sr i'!'I",'!! ,bl\l g ht'! r . Mr, \'II W Whltnk ... r it! fl nj oy iog h ili vHoati on Ibis w8tl k Miss Mildred Menden h,l 11 loft fi' rldoy for CodnrvilJ e wbere EllJe wi 1\ attend oolloge I be comiog win ter, MilS Bess Allen II! sli ghtly 1m · proved, Vern Copsey. wife and son were ila,ton 'l"11IJt.ors Bnndav, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-;. MI811 Pearl Carey was the g nest For thR l\'atlonn l Conservation Ex· Miss Edna are in Dayton today. ." or ber ann' ~lf" , Dyke over linnday. pos ltlon. In Knoxvllle. thIs fall. a large C4ln'well AllIIRnder and wife, of num ber of specia l days have been ar· Messrs. Ollie Missildine and Chas rA nged, lind one ot theae. failing as It PrOllollr, Wa8b " returned Thurlld"y does j1U\1 at the close of the Grand Small were in SlPringboro Sunday. tt.ftllr leveral weeks visit. with hi!! Osteopathic Ph),sician Ar my of tho Rep ublic encampment, at parents, A. C. Mullen is making cider every 21 Broadway Phone 449 Cbattanooga. T eon .. Jnst 111 mllos Howard Dyke ILnd wife are visit· from Knoxville, will be of es pecial In· We~esdav at his mill at Ferry . terest to all vIsItors at the encamp' Lebanon. Ohio Inll hili ml)ther Mrs, Dylul and Mr, and Mrs. W , S. Haines have menl. ThIs da y will be known as grandml)tber IIrs , Carey, ••• .. Mine rs' l"I ~ld Day." R'loved in the David Brown property J. B. ~mlth, of DHytoD, spent BRANCH OFFICE In ord er to demonstrato the explosl· THE STANDARD OF THE . WORLD Hnnday with his fatber, Ohio billt y of this coal dust the Bureau of MisseS Clara and Mary Hawke are Waynesville, A FRESH CAR JUST RECEIVED Mines w ll! ship to Knoxville aod tbe Onr I!cbools will begin Monday , Tuesdays and Fridays, from ,8:30 ' Nlltion nl ('onse rvlltlon Exposition the spending today with relatives in - - -.....~- - - to 12 o'clock grent steel exp erlmenlal tube from the Day(oll. T'QII the Advertiser you saw his Ad IOffi M' d H' h t l ' ex perimental IIlatioo In PIttsburg, This in T1Je Miami Gazette. ceo corner aID an Ig s r e e S i tuhe never be fore has lett tbat clly. Messrs. S_ L, Cartwright and Jared ; Phone No, 100 I In It. on Septe mber 20. "MIners' Field. Pratt were in Lebanon Monday on ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~ Day." the ra w III be pu lied ott an ex· , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ : pl06100 to settle the disputed Question busines.~ , ;: I once and for uti time In tbe South. ! FollowIng this explosion there will Harvey Gustin has been ill !at his ' hI! a series at tlrst·ald' to-tbe-Injured home on Main street, of ptomaine : and roscue conlests. In wblcb picked poisoning. , leoms of mIn ers tram Tennesllee, Vir : glnla. West Vlrg1nla, Kentucky and Mrs. Artie Albertson, of .IndianI Alabama will take part For months these tee ms have been trainlog for apolia, is the gUellt of Mr. and Mrs I these cont es ts. and everyone of them Frank Zell , We have just received 60 Boxes of the Celebrated hilS had th e instruction of an expert I trom the' Bureau of Mines delalled Mrs. Abi Ha:ine~, of Dayton, has ! especially for that purpose. been spending a few daytS with These contests are moat Interesting friend!; here. events. For visitors In Chattanooga to By its use you avoid the dreaded drudgery of wash day, beI the G, A. R. encampmeot It Is possIble cause it does away entirely with tbe wash board , to make tbe trip to Knoxville for thIs Miss Edith J~osher has returned To introduce this fine Soap, we are going to give away -sevbIg day at the exposition In a little les8 home from a visit with relatives in eral boxes free for 10 days. September 10th to the tbnn four bours, "Miners' Field Day" Morrow county 20th Inclusive. 'We will sell you 6 Bars for 25c and will show to Northerners what an 1m· gtveyou one bar free, making 3Bc worth of Soap for meose Industry dod what a source of Mrs, Eva W.,osong, of Spring ValIncome to the South the coal mlne8 of ' Use one bar, if it is not as we say, bring the other 6 that section of the country lire. ley, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. bars back and we will cheerfully refund your 25c. All you have Leroy Irons S\llOday. to do is to boil your clothes according to directions and you can lay aside the old washboard. Come in and let us tell you , about Perlonal. The Wayne Township Farmers' this new lIOap, Clean-Easy. Buy your winter's supply now Poser for 0. butcher who Klves club met.t the ho~e of Mr. and while you can buy Clean-Easy as cheap as the common rosin Ibort weight: If 16 ounces go to • Mrs:-V-rank Zeu Tue8iJay. soaps. See our window display. pound, where do you expect to go t07 -Sacred Heart Review, ~Remember, for 10 Days Only, 7 Bars of CleanMiss Clara Hawke apent a couple Easy Soap, for of days last w,eek, with Miss Nellie --Wilkerson, of Spring Hill.


Traveler's Checks Are the things to carry. The cost is small; the convenience great.


Dr. Heber M. 01·11


Ul)ifoi'm in Quality.





Soap Sale

Have your Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette Office, and you will get satisfaction.



eI.ElIn.EIISY S 0 11 P








---_.- ...

250ENTS It pays to trade at


Admini.tra tor's Miss Stella Lemmon and Mrs. Sale of Real Estate day Fred Elbon W4~re in Lebanon Tueaafternoon and evening. .

In pursuance 01 an order of the Probate Court 01 Warren ('",unty, OhIo, I will offer "".!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!~. for at rUbllc auction on Saturday. the = 27th d..y 0 September, 1918, at two o'clock p. m'. upon the premises, tho (0110 wing do8CrJbed neal Eatate, Situate in the Couoty o( Wal'l'8D and S tnLe o( Oblo. towlt: ' Sltuato In the town of Wayne.vUlo, County of Warren and Btato o( Oblo, Delll~ lot number (5) as found on the recorded pl ..t of said town. Deglllnlnjf at the N. E, cO~ller 01 lot number two (2) thence lrentina on TWn.I Street N. SO H de(fJ'OOll E, 93 ).( leet. thence .. t rigM nngles N, 59 ~ degrees W, I ~ polea to lot number seveo ( 7) thence wltb the IIno of said lot S: ao !~ deg...,.,.. W. 93 ).( foot to the The longer a dough stands the stronger N. W, ~oroer of lot number two ( 2 ) thenL'8 with the liue of .~Id lot S , 59 ~ degrees E, 13 the fermentation, thereby producing sour Ilollllj to the lJeglnoing. Ilnd belDg the same I.reml."" ~on veyed lJy John n. Sides and bread. We mix two doughs a day, baking Hebecca J _ Slel"" La EUzabeth M, Everly ..nd Ol\\'o T, Eidwllrd. by deed dated November 39th, 1900, Ilnd recorded in IWal'l'8n County them within five hours after mixing, proDeed Hecor(la. Vol. 80. p, 422, S..ld property I. npprlllscd at Seven Huo· ducin~ a fine, sweet loaf of bread. dred Dollal'8 ( $700,00), Terms o( sal_Onothird eMh In hllnd, ono-thlrd in one yellr and You can get the Biggest, Be.,t and the ono-thlrd In two yoars from day of sllle with Interest at six per cent Pf'r aonum, deferreei Freiheit Loaf of Bread' here at your home paymonts to bo .ccured by .. Illortgage on tho preml8Cfi &old, or \lurchaser may pay all cash bakery. Patronize home industry. Ilt hla option, Also at tbe 811mB time and place, If not sold. hor residence property con· talnlng about two acres of land. Everything Everything Dated Aucuat 27th. 191 a. Fresh Clean . W. S. GHAIIAlIf , • AdmlDI~trator of the Ratllto of Rebecca J SldQ<!. Decoased. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I I U l l m l l t o n & Lllllgdon. Atty.,

Do You Know?


Important On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 18th, 19th and 20th, 1913,

Opening New York and

Osterly Millinery

Thl8 ~xhlbltlon will present a magnificent collection of model8 that are remarkable ' for their beauty and simplicity as for , their chle ,nd artistic effect. . . cordially Invited to this dlsp,ay which will be t .h e ".:j-. .111 . . . .,u...., eyent ofth'e sea80n. '

. , . : You.'''''

Lieut. A. S. Frazier and wife, of Xenia, were guests of Mr. and Mn. S. L. CartwriJrht Saturdav. Miss Elizabceth Stewart leaves to-

Lumber and

night for East Orange. N. J., for an ' extended'" VISIIt'Wlth reiatlvt's. . Mr and Mrs A ' D Hal'n"" of the • '..-. Ohio Masonic! Home are guests of relatives here for a few da,Ys. . , Mr. Ralph Hill, of CedarviIJ~, spent Saturday night and Sund~ with,hil grandmother, Mrs. Romine. George Daldn, who recently moved here from Middleton, and started a in the Keys building, fa work. ing in Dayton. Cashier J. O. Cartwright of the National Bank ill in attendance at the State Banker', A880ciatlon at Cleveland this week. The Dorcas Society of ' the M. E. church will hold a market at th. house Saturday, com· mencing at 9:30 a. m. 1

Mrs. D; D. ' Helmstetter and Mn. Walter Smith and c.'hildren are spending today with Mra. C. M. Frye, of near IlarveYBbu~. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, of Lytle, . enteluined the following during the put week: Mr. Mrs. Gableman, Mrs. Wm. Haines, Mra. Albert Minning and da~irhter, l!:dna, and the Miaees Lizzie and Adelaide Minning, all..,f Norwood, Ohio. --1.~

••- - -




. ..,....


.. ",.-

tu. H. m~dd~n &e~. ,





~ ixty-Fou rth


+-----~- -~-- .


Mention I .,IPersonal . .. - - - _._-----.


FARME R'S ClUB I •• -------~_ _ .~-- _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

S · I H



Last Tuesday t he plliuant hom e of . Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Zell Wall th rown : t o the Wayne Towlllhip Farm· Mrs. O. M. Hidge Willi in Dayton open b Th e time bfIfore dinner _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ . _.... er 'CI a u. Mond ay . --.-.--. Willi spent socially and at noon we Ruth Zimm erm an was Grace Car· Mrs. W. W. A mold entertained Dr. Mary Cook was in Lebanon were invited to partake of an elegant one day l a~t week. dinner, which looked as though the man's guest at suppe r Wednesday. her ni ec e Mis.'i Luther I{eyno ld s. of Corwin, at dinner Tuesday . high cost ot living hadn' t yet dis· Mrs. Ch as. Braddock was a Day· turbed our Club. Miss Stella Lemmon entertained ton visitor Monday. About 2 o'clock the Club was at 6 o'clock dinner, Thursday even. Mr . and Mrs. A. R. Side~ ente rcalled to order by Preeident S. L. iog, the following a-uests: MiSA tained Sunday at dinner Mrs. Sides H.alph Evanll, of Dayton, is vi,iUng Cartwright and after roll call and Katherin e Alexander, Messrs. Lee parents and her uncle uf Topeka, relatives he re for a fe w days. reading of the minu tes. MillS Mary Earnhart , Ernest Earnhart and J ohn Kansas Swain read the current even ts of the Lemmon. Peachea for canning at Hawke's past month. These were excellent Missell Grace Carman al)d Ethel g rocery, 12.35 per bu . and one item concerning the strike Mr. and Mra. Ed Th omas ent er· Hosier were supper guests nE Prof. Mrs. Roy Irons and son spent last of a few men in the penitentiary tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. L . F. C. Cilmo'.lr and wife Sunday. week with relat ives in Lebanon. who refused to work on account of Sides and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. the heat brought out quite aapirited U. M. Whit e and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Lest~r Kenrick en A. C. Mullen is making cider every di scussion on prison reform, Eme rick and dau ghter, of Lytle. tertained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ja· Wednesday at his mill at Ferry. Jr. Clagett, the es.ayist. read a Ilplendid paper on the liigh Cost of Mrs. J. T. Ellis had MrR . A. Maffitt, cob Gab leman , Mr . and Mrs. Wm . C. H. Smith alld family have moved Living . The diacu88ion of this sub- Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader . Mm. Har ry Haines, Miss Ru t h Gab leman. a ll of nto Miss Elta Emley 's property. ject which is of 8uch vital interest to Murray, Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. J. Nor wood, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hai nes Chas. Frye handles the Milson all of us was opened by Dr. J. T. E. J anney. Mi88es Annili U. IlOd and Mr and Mrs. Walter Ken rick.


appenlngs T his Week

.... _-----.

Whole N umber 3229


The county fair held las t week was in every way OlJe of th e best held for yearH. On Tllll rsday t here is sa id to hav e been about ] ;' ,000 paid admill· l:Iions, anyway. they had the largest crowd that had ueen on the grounds for many YE'ars. Almost a ll the stall il for cattle were ful l. the round hou Ee was a bower of beauty . whi ll':t hc displays of f ruit were goml . The unu!:!ual number of Bhows and fakirl:l, however, held t he crowd a way frull) other hi ng;, One sad tra~edy marred the day Wednesday , '\hen the Wild West show fired bul. Idti instead of bl anks , and killed a young uoy uy the n:i.m() uf Hi les. Friday a ~ood· !ii zt'd cro wd wa~ on th41 g round s, although th e rain cum. pletel y spoiled the races · wh ich were carr ied out Saturilay, before a good crowd. Altogeth er, the fair board oug ht to congratulate themselves on having a success fu l fair for 1913 .



: Personal Mention: .---

. ----.-~-..-...-.

B. S. Howell is in Ci ncinnati today.

F. R. Henderson was in Daytl n Mond ay.

Peaches for calilling a t Haw ke 's grocery, $<! .::l5 per bu. Thos. L. Pierce went to Spring. fi eld today on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Bentl ey spe nt Su nday at Ha rveysburg. Jam es Benham, who was q uite sick last week , is out ag ain. lVlisses Glenna Smit h and Eva BartOil are shoppi ng in Dayton today. Chas. Moore returned to his home in Washington, D. C. Tuesday night.

Friday - That's our Fresh Fish Day, and F resh Oysters. too. White's Fertilizer, and there is none better. Ellis and participated in by Edwin Mame Brown as her dinner gUE!Sts Chandler, Eliaa Oglesbee. M. W. Saturday . Store. Mr. and .Mrs. All ie Hole. of near The canning tactory canned thf Silver, hirs. C. M. Houa-h. J. F. W. C. T. U. CONVENTIO N Lyt le, enter ta ined Sunday the fol Mrs. Am os Mend enhall and 80n, sst of this y~ar's producbl Friday Cadwallader. J. E. J anney, Carl Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hough ente r· lowing g uests: Mr. Chas. Rye an d Clarenc e, have been visitina- relatives Duke. Charles Hawke and Mra. Ed. tained at dinner Sunday at their morning. wife. Mr . Geo. Har t~ck and wife. . The annua l convention of the Warwin Chandler. We were then en · coun ~ry home the f ollowing Q'uests: Mr. Ernest Hartsock, wife and ren County W. C. T. U. will hold in Dayton. Mrs. J . A. F unkey attended the tertBined with a piano duet by Misses Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward, Mr .lllnd da ughter, Mr. J as . J ohns, wife an d its sessi ons in Way nesvill e, WedIf you a re going to have a aale, wedding of a relative at Blue Ash, Sybil and Helen Hawke which WBII Mrs. N. L. Bunnell, Misses Dora two sons. Mr. F. C. Carey and wife, nesdav , September 24, 1913 . see A. A. Mr. Neil, Centerville, Ohio, Ohio, loot week. heartily lincored. Mi81l Ethelyn NellOn, of California. Edna Janney Mr. W. N. Sea rs , wife and two chi 1The program is full of good bo th phones. Jones faYored the Club with a' read. and Mr. Herschel Bunnell. dren, Misses Pearl and Ali ce Carey, spl/ake rs, and it i ~ hoped. there..will Lawrence Sherwood, of Cleveland, ing entitled "Married for Love." • franklin Thomas and Clarence Rye. be a. full attendance at. t hiS meetmg . F. 8. Sherwood and son, Chalmer, is visitinK his parents , Dr. and Mt'II. By a unanimou8 vote Mr. and Mrs. Last Saturday afternoon from 2 MISS Rose Daviso n, organize r and of Lebanon, were in town a' tew Thos. Sherwood. Jesse Hart80ck and Mr. and Mrs. to 4 a delightful surprise party was lecturer of the National W. C. T. U. hours Friday. A. L. Hendrick enI will be here and wil l give tw~ Mr: and Mrs Sam Meredith were welcomed into given in honor of MiS8 Goldie Con· Mrs. Ed Macy went to Xenia , tertamed Sunday Mr. end Mrs. A' add besides presiding at t he Buy your }<'ertilizer of Chas. Frye, our Club. After the lingina' of ner's eillhteenth birthday. A crowd Monday. where she will vi81t rela· I. Rouresses H. Lister. of Ci ncinn ati, Mr. and nd Table. who handles Milson's. the beat. America we were dismi8led by Rev. of her airl frien.s gathered at her tives for a few days. The session will be held at the OrJ . F . Cadwallader. hOOle brina-inK beautiful .resents Mrs . H. Mc~ee and daug hter . of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hanby, of DayIf you want a good Fertilizer, call The guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zell with them . The afternoon was Appleton, Mmn ., Mr . and Mrs. ' thodox Friends church, Red Br ick Anderson and B on, of Day ton, I All members a re req uested to b rin~ ton, attended the funeral of Ellison F loyd Chas. Frye. phone 49 I ·L 2-S. were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney and pleasantly spent in:games and m1usic Robinson Tuesday. dauKhters, Rev. and Mrs. J . F . after whioh a delicious luncheon was Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ellis , of Ha r- 1lunch baskets. Mrs. A. J . Alexander Ilpent the Cadwallader, Mrs Artie Albertson, served by her sister Lena. who veysburg, and Mr. and Mrs. W. The coun ty office ra a re: Mrs. Es· U A H H ... week·end with Dr. H . Q. Alexander of Indianapolis, Mrs. Grauser and presided as hostess assisted by Miss ~rnold, of Waynesville. All en. ther Forkne r, pres., Mrs. Nora . ~rB. . . anan, of New Bur· Joyed the day very much and in the D f d ' hngton. was thegueit of D. L. Crane and family at Dayton. son. Miu Ethelyn Jones, Mi. Mary Lucile Thompson. I urn or . co r . sec y., Mrl!. R.uth and family Tuesday afternoon Mr. McKee autoed to Janney, ree . sec'y. and Mrs. Emma . HaWke. AWl EuDhart, 11_ HellBorn- To Mr. and Mrs. Wrn . D~yton with t he Andersons and Chapman, treas. Mrs. Lillie Matthew, of Toledo, is rietta McKinsey. and Mias Dora Misses Nettie and Reba Earnhart Gordon. of near Iott. Holly. Sunday, Ne~son, of California. were a180 very pleuantly entertained Saturday LUlters. Tbe list of unions comprise Har· visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. September 14, a daulrhter. veysburg , Maineville, Mason, Mor· H. OPJl, for a week. iuests of the Club. . afternoon the cl. . of "Hustlers" of • the Lytle Sunday.lIChool. After the The home of Mrs. Le roy Irons row. Springboro, Wesl ey, Franklin Satul'day, September 20th, 2 boxes Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hendrick spent lEFT FOR COllEGES rea'Ular bUlineu meeting delicious Saturday. was the scene of a very and Way.lesvill e. Colgate's Talcum Powder for only • - Monday in Harveysburg and called refreehments were thoroughly en. pleasant time. The occasion Willi in 15c. Janney's Rexall Sto.r e. There were ~evt.ral from he~ left joyed. Thoee present were Miaes the form of a Ilhower for Miss Nellie HEBER BROS. GREATER SHOWI on several old friends. Peaches for cannin« at Hawke's Monday and Tu , !!day tor their re- Blanche Cornell, Glenna Smith, Ber. Wilkerson, who is married today. Presenting Circus and Wild West Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge will at· grocery. $2.35 per bu. spec~ve colleges, 811 follows: tha and Beulah Coon, Stella Githllms. Those present were: Misses Clara Misses Ethlyn JoneR and Edna Nettie and Reba Earnhart Mrs Hawke, Emma Hawke, Alma Water- will g ive two performances, Wed. tend the Eastman School of Photog· H. H. MeFarland and wife and Jan~ey left Monda)' ~or Miami Uni· Adra Lewis. Mrs. Mary and house, Mary Hawke, Ethel Hosier, nesday afternoon and nigh t , October raphy lit Cincinnati next week . Mr. Walker and wife, of Springtield, vers~ty at Oxf~rd, OhiO. their teacher, Mt'II. Margaret Johns. Ethelyn Jones, Louisa Stokes. 1, u ;1der mammot h Waterproof Mr. and Mrs. John Vandervoort, MISS Ruth Z'mmerman left Tues- The guests were MeI!dames Chas. Eleanor Earnhart, Ellen Sherwood, Tents. located on Phillips Pa rk. Way. were in town Monday evening. Th e show carri es 65 people, of Harveysburg. called on her Biater nesville. da~ for Oxford College, Oxford, and Sid EIIi.. The Dext met'ltillg Lucille Cornell, Mary Davis , Nina t wo bands, 40 hor~es, many beatiful Mrs. Geo. Hamilton Sunday afterLewla Conard, of New Vienna. is Ohl~. . will be held at the home of MillS Smi th, Sallie Smith , MesdameR Fred spend ina- a week here. the lrUest of Ml!8 Sybll Hawke left Monday for Stella Githens, Elbon, George Smith , George ZeJl, performing Shetland Ponies. Dyna- noon. his sidter, Mrs. A. B, Chandler. Se te b 20th Delaware College. ' Orner Lewifl, Lou Willinburg, L. S. mi te, the Unridabl e Mule, ~20 acting S t d Mcmkeys. The per. a ur ay, , p m er ,one Mr. Alfred Wright left Monday Rhoades and Harry Earnhart. The Dogs, Bears and-h· Saturday. September 20th, 2 boxes tor George School, near Philadel. The Mil!l8es Clara and Emma house p"esented a beautiful Ilppear- form er s are·tb e Ig h eli t sa Iarl·ed an d cake Colgate .s Cashmere Bouquet Cola-ates Ribbon Dental Cream for phia, Pa. Hawke,. at the home of the former, ! ance in its decorations. and delicious best attainable. Evervthing new Soap, large Size., for only 1ge, box but the name which has stood for for 55c. Janney s Rexall Store. 26c. Janney's Rexall Store. Meallrs Lee Earnhart Lyman Sil. entertamed on Friday evening, Sep- refreshments were served , the ~est in amusemen ts 29 yeatS. Mrs. Emmor Baily. t who bad a MiBl Martha O'Neall was the ver and Kenneth Hou~h left Mon. ~mber 12th with a ~itchen . ---week~etJd gu"at of Mr. and Mrs. F. day for Ohio State University and 10 honor of the brlde-to-be. MISS On Saturday Mrs. Wilson Edwards Nothm ~ small about the show but chi cken display at the fair last week. C. Schwartz and family, of Colum. Herschell Bunnell left Tuesday for Nellie Wilkerson. The home was was hostess at a delightful three the prlCe- 25c, and for children t ook several first and second prethe same univereity. beautifully decorated in red and course dinner. at her ple8!'I'Tlt coun· und er years, miums. j. \ bus, All of these have been students at gra.n. A two·clmrse. lunch was try home. The invited gucts W il ts CHRISTIAN 'HURCH Mrs. Agnes Wright and daughter Misses Sallie Smith and Mame the High School here except one. se~ved . The invite:<! guests were: : the Mesdames. John ~artwright, J oe Muwes Ne~lie WlIkerson, ll1ary Cha~man, Will Neall~ Charles which makes a very good ehowing Rev. S. B. Culp , of H oward, Ohi o, Miss Susan attended the ,w edding of Brown spent Thursday at CenterHawke, LUCile Cornell, Alma Water· Robltzer, Ralph Miller, Fred Hart- will preach at the Christian church Mrs. Wright's niece at -4lbanon last ville with Esq. J. T. Brown and for Waynesville in the colleges. - - - _. __ houae, Ethel Stokes, Ellen Sherwood, lock, and the Mislles Dorothy and a t Ferry; Sunday. September 21st. Wednesday. family. HISEY REUNION Louisa Stokes, Eleanor Earnhart. Rosamond Dakin, Henrietta McKin· at 10:30 a. m., subject, " The Great P h f . " H k' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schull,l Mrs. Lillian Wilkerson, Sarah Smith, sey, Sybil Hawke, Ed ith Mosher, Sal vation " Also at the Chris tia n eac es or cannmg at aw e 8 Herbert and Wm. Carroll. 01 Day· Thursday. August 21st. was a Marie Houston, Bertha Armstl~ong , l Ma rtha O'Neall, Kathryn Alexander church <it Waynesville, Sunday, Sep. groc ery , $2.35 per bu. ton, were guests of Mr and Mrs. beautiful day, members of the Leah Smith. Mesdames Emma Smith, iand Emma Hawke. The hostess was tember, 21st., at 2:30 p. m., subj ect M· 0 d M· G d . . t D·Ie. " an d a t 7 :30 . ISS. xer Iand· 188 or hon. mll!Chas, Stansberry Sunday. .Hisey family gathered for their an. Joe fhompson, Ed Murrell, Ada l&S8isted by her mother, Mrs. George "W hy mus t CI1rl5 h "Wh t d Wh . SlOna rles to n la, w 0 are orne on . . nual reunion at the pleasant and Smith, Roy Irons. Hawke. p. m. , a a~ ere lB our a furlough , were gueats of Dr. and h d Ell Mrs. Ed Ith Harns, Mrs. Fred hOlpitable home of J Heavenly Horn e. Every member M CI t i t k Hartsock and little dau~~ter Mil· Hisey, As we enter;:~hea;ard t:: is urged to be present. also the pub. rs. ay on as wee. and (Ine daughter. Mariall, also two d~ed, .of Mor~ow. are visltm g . rela- won,! "Welcome" in large letters. stepchildren. Mrs. E. N. Blythe and lic is cordially invited to all of these The Dorcas Society of the M. E. tlVes m Cardma-ton and Mt. Gdead . looked down on U8, with that greet. • _ • Church will give, A Trip around the B. C. Jakway. Charles Butter wort h, Ilervices. Mi88 Marne Brown went to Colum. ing we could not help feeling at .-. ---~. the photoKrapher, is a brother . MASONIC NOTICE World, Friday evening, October 10th blll Sunday. where she has acc6!pted home. The friends came from It _ _ _ Watch for particulars later. --a JtOIition as record clerk in the office number of different places. George John Butterworth, of the railway Specia l commu nication of Way· ." ST. MARY'S CHURCH of the Superintendent fLr Feeble Rida-e, from Clarksville. being the Mail Service, and for years 0111 the nesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., Mr. Lue Sears, fo~erly of Har~ Minded. oldest present. run between Portland and Dunsmuir, will be held Tuesday evening Sep- veysburg, who has Just returned St. Matthpw's Day and the 18th tember 23rd at 4 o'clock ' . The dinner hour was a ple.asant passed away early Saturday morn· from Los Ana-eles, CaI., .w as caJUn&, Saturday, September !Oth, :2 part of the day. After thi. the ing, after an illness of several weeks Sunday after Trinity, Sept : 21. Sun- Work in t he M. M. degr~e. All on friends here Tuesday afternoon. day School at 9:30 a . m. Next Sun· bottles Colgates Perfume for 39c, businea was taklln up, Joaepb Hiaey at his home. in Portland, Oreg. The Woman's Auxiliary 01 St. Mr, Butterworth was born in Ohio day all the classea will resume work . Masons are cordially invited. regular 25c size. Janney'8 Rexall WB8 again elected President, Mrs. J . T. Ellis, W. M, Mary's Church will meet with Mi88 Martha Davie. Secretary. Albert (9 years aKO. He went to the Way· The Bible classes and the entire Store. L. A. Zimmerman. Sec'y. Ki zzie Merritt Friday afternoon at , Shutts, TrP.asurer. neavilleSchool several years ago. and school will begin the study of the





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-----------· r Former- Citizens ...-..-..-..-.... - i



Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke and daughten Sybil and .H elen and Mn. Alice Hawke and daughter Mary spent . Sunday with lIr. Se b and Mrs. Stanley llers, In Sout Charleston.

", and Mrs . F ,P. Jonea 0 f Breezy .\Ur, Hill farm entertained Mr. anel Mni, . C. T. ,lIa,!~e. Mr. bdMl'II. "orris Silvers. MII_. . Sy~il and Belen Hawke and · ~n Silvers at a 6 , o'cloCk dinner Tu..., · eveJlina' of

The afternoon was l)lent in aocial chat, As evening d~ near, we a.aid a-ood. by and promleed ourselves to be preeent at the same place the 3rrl Thursd-•• in AU""Dt . - 191~. ..


. There are some people who have not yet paid in theiuubaeription for the liKhtB on the Avinue. W. are .ready to .put u~ .Ilabta.. u .~h as fonda are ~. ~ ... .. ~ ,~.• ~


----- ..

stayed at the home of P-aulina But- "Earthly Life of "ur Lord Jesus terworth. He left a host of friends Christ ." Morninlr prayer and ser· who are sorry to hear of his demille. mon at ]0:30. You are invited to ~fore entering the railway midI these serviceal. service, he conducted a new/IPaper ' • - • 'at Yreka. Cal. Two years a"o he RESIONS HER POSITION wu president of the ela-hth di'vision of the Association of Railway Mail Mrs. Mabel Fitzgerald has raClerka. lIe wu a Knight Templar signed clerk at the postoffice, her and a member of the Shrine and was reaignation to take effect Saturday a put eminent eommander 011 the night.-- Afterr a couple of weeks rest • AlbanY c:ommand.e 17. 1abe will go to Da.Yt?~~-where she hu .,r. ButterWertb leaves I Widow lleCured a good poBltion.






2 o'clock. The contenuQf the United Offering Boxes will be .received at Work on Corwin avenue is pro- this meeting. . . I gressmg DIcey, an d Con t rac to r M d M T R · S ith d Le WIS ' WI'11 h ave th e work d one on d r.htan Lors.. • d • '""'--1 m a n f ·,' .,1 t' 'f h h ' th aug era, ullle an vtUV YD. 0 Ime, 1 e as . mce Brook VI'11e, amv . ed here SUD~ ..1-- at · :.. · _ .wea er. MIAMIS WON ANOTHER the home of Mr. Warren BarDett :: and family. Mr. IUId Ill'll, R ...I ... " The Miamis won another game started for Pittsburg'" ~. ~...~ from the Farmer Boys Sunday, the ing. where the), will a~~~'. 9f~L I!core standing, Miamis. 7 F.armer With relatives, · ·The .L". .,_.r, I",,,~j{!i~'; Boys·6. relJlain h~e. 'OR.WIN AVENUE


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A ct>1!I& hOllle nom the ..aMI ." " Swee theart ," tho deep vol~ f~tel' Awful Cont lngel1cy youth Had Not Ins, "mlly-ma y I kiss you 1" Foreeeen In HI . Laying Out of "or coul'1le y<w may ." the F uture . The ir li ps DI t, nnll s he clung t.o him MISSES' DRESS. II!' bls arms h ',Ill be r Cl08ely. It WIlH E le ve n-\'ca r-old ToO\my hae (julie 11110 a dream 10 blm, lhle sU lld ol1 . un ' d ecld~ d ~ \linloIlH n~ t o th o dutl e~ of e xp clI, d ~ lIrr ,, "der . P" rh uI,ij ~he r p.lld ra l he rll to th e;r IIltl <'l It oy~. Th p other th is In h lH r),'·B . day be was d.!sc rlblnJ( lO hl R lIIot!lp.r " n n not mi s und c rij tand me," "lIe tb e so rt or futh<'r It o Illt e nd ~ (0 be ur ~cd fioft Iy . " I do nol cOll,n (0 Y(lU Whl'l\ h e ~r o ws lip . bN'ulIKe or wh at hnij hap Pc lwu, b .. 'Till going lO hI'! th o I )~sl rul\H' r to CUUR" I H il l Ill o l l P and itp ll''' 'Rs If you my lJl)y~ 1'11\ glJ ing to pl a y Inarbl ll~ " th a t you lov e nUl'!" hu ll Ht" " p,'d f .." m th (' rulll, H th nt n lt; ht ",I , ll tllt'l1I ll lltl h ; l~"lJilll H lld ev('ry· " \\' hat <' IHe s huu ld ," <, all~" ehe at llodKt', I wo uld hav,' a ns w · rl'd en·n thing th ey wnllt III '" Iu allcl I'll g ive F.uid ~ Iowly . "It is not nI'l\' to me. I as I do no\\' ." th e lll tllmes 'Illosl ('" .. ry Ilu), tUlti llJII " Yo u lovo 1.I11' 7- lu\' (! me?" hll 1'& ha V I' know 11 It for II long whil e." th c m th ey ca n uuy all lh u 1(:tJ crea m pe n to.!. "That I 10 ved YOll?" lb ey Wlllll. Rn t! I' ll got th'~ 111 <'adl a " Ycs ." "Yos," smil ing now. "\'ove Is no )JOll Y, alld, well, llly 1J0yd' lI llll\'e Io ta E\' l' 1I a s h ... Inol« (' d clown u pon hI'! mys tt'ry to n woman . I do not care ~ ml! DY A.C.M"<:LURG a. CQ,. of run." bl'clIlIsn YOIl a re lu th e runks; th a t Is upturn ... d fllce. thfOr t' was 1J0rne bRCIi Tommy's l1Iuthor. with a twlllki o In of roll or. D ('c pfy as- b e sy mpnlblzpd un l)' a tl'lIlporar), cond ition . I Ii.lHl W U'POII him U l'ca ll zallon or th olr preSYNOPSIS. her e ye, Hllld : "But , 1'''111111)" whal If wllb h" r In tbls lrouble, !jtl\l tbe lOan YOIl out th e n, nl the v(> ry lint, fU1 a dl can1f'nl. Ill ~ <' Y<'s s w!' pt ove r thn you s houldn't bnv e 11 11)' IIltl e boys; I ha ve ne vor doubted surrounding cl" ~ (l l utlon. lha twe d<:' ad McDon ald . cornmnndt"1J a n IHfT'I )' cou ld but bu con scio us or those bar- ge nlle mall . whllt If your c hll,lr[, 1I are a ll glrls~" Sl nMr P'ort OOltge. M c ks 8. m a n t tl rl('r~ ro r lller ly existing betw een them yo u. H e ro, In lhls wild erne ss . I am bodl os ly ing mOLlon less In the S II OW. te n -"rt his rlIHIg'hler. Wolly. who Is which this discovery had Inetantly Such 11 pOMslblllty nl)" " r c nt e red th e stltTen lng pony. th e drear hlllsido nol arrnld . It 10 not bccause my fa the r cl\\h.<t (or "h e post An I ndltln Dutbr(,ll k TOll1my' s hend . Thfl S \l~~ C6 t1 () n was t h r t'n t onl)(1 Sc rg oan l "Rrt rk" Il amllu H\\' Opl a ..... ay. :-iow they could meet Is dead, or bccnuso h e has been guilty which shut th·e m In . T he slg bl bro ugh t meetlol tho s t ft. K" 10 whk h M o ll y Is t r a \'\' l ~ upon a leve l, us man nn d WOIDIUl. No IiPlJulllllg. A look of IJlun k dis may of a crime, l hat I Bay this . 1 would him back to ('ollsclo usness wit h a Th'Ji)' aft' ntrucked hy ln tllll118. and llll Hstld over tll ~ chl ld's tu c'·. longl'r co uld rnok Inte rvene; not e ven havo eald It bero re. on the balcony shock. ~llnu !es mlghl m!'a n m uch amlin Iln rt :\1 (111y (,lScape t n th e tlnrknp ~!I . a.mlln 1,,11 .. :\t n lly he wn.8 dl!'w har~nd th e s tain or his "t ; "" ~ th a t would be t h u dl ckons'" owu court· martial. th e re In Dodge, had you allked me . It now . Dupon l had d lHa ppeared over t'rom t hil ( ',l f1("d('rat e e~'rv k 6 In " h'~ rtH' O he e jacu lat ed. P08sl bl y s he dreamed of what Wns Is not th e uniform I love, bllt tho loao tllat rillgo to I ho right, III tho dlrectloo and At 1 ht''I f'l'l~ l\ o r thn ,,,· tH ' "f111 ~1~ (~ tn th~ r\• .:ulllr Ilrm)' , H e But'1''ec t 8 Oll t! .. ROof Dla c lt I(etl lc's ca mp. 1I0w far passing In bls min d , lor s be lI udden ly Can you und e r s tand?" taln I ..t'F"\' Tc n r lll' l m{ re~ pl l ns ! bte rnr .....\'!II you ma rry me-a se rgennt or away (hnt mlghl be wall a lt ogeth er IIrt,'d her cyeB to hl l _ his c1 t !'~ r"r t' Tr n Cll'!'O IlPP<'llr UIHt under MeOft or Llf> lI t. t;n. skl u f'l ~ o l1 y Rt n rt 8 t o f,'Ut·ss work. YI't wha t woul d In ('v ltaLl, "Shall I tell you ?" cavalry?" tel n ht-lr rRthl\r lI u mUn l eaveH t o f UJll l " "~o; not now; both your ex pl a na· She wa s ~tlll emlll ug, hcr eyes occur \\' hl' n th e tU1:ltl\''' a rriv ed amonR l\ lngsv \ll e, Mo.-"lIfy lroulJl o began hili r egl mf'nt 11 ; f f" IU f n 9 t o FClr t n I(J"O aft er n f'u mm •. r o r fh ::h tlnJ: l ndtnnlll. nO ll h is frl e lllls. a nt! to ld his s lory, cou ld tlon und mine can wn lt." he r e plied rrankly look lug lu to his own . el g bt ee n years ago. NCllrly hall of etlde M 0 11 y th p r .,. t.l t" u t cnant Gn8kln5 alone n ow " I wil l marry Davi d Il llllllin," ~ho be clt'arly conca lvl'd. Ev e n If t he the lillie th{'re were runlling aore8 ~\l'H~ ~ )fnml1n <,r !l1w ol l ng him , The Qul okly . " I can stand e+h'ge:l l1t 11'4 pro\' (ln \ n nll l" OnL 11 0 eeefl see," nnd he regained his reot, sway· all s we r ed IInuly, " lot hi m ue what he man be li e ved Il nm lln killed, h s would ar ound my a nkl e; some tim es It ..... ould Moll y In rnmllflny wllh Mrs. Dupont. Ing s lightly with dizzin ess, yo t smlJl'ng may ." recall to mind Lh a gi rl. and wo ul d reo be lwo yeltrS at a tlm o b r fore lh ey ".' h o m hI} f(" ('ng ntzf"I' os I~ r orm er 8 Wl" P t h onrt. \vh n t hrc' ''' him over t or l ..eFl'\· re. down a t be r as h e b eld ro rth n band. Tbo mall let ou t hl~ Sllp pressed turn to assure hlmselt as to ber t[lto. wer e healed . Thl're we ro many nights Lot er h e ovt,-'rhN\r8 Dupn nt aurt 0. 8nlller Kn o win g he r h r> lpl"ss nesN, (h e pr ac tl· I did not s lee p beca use or th great hat chlnl: up n money-mnklng plot. Molly " Now you try It; take boltl of me un- IJrontll In a so b oC reli e f, bls oyes cal Imposs ibility or ht, r egcape a lon o. tel hI Ham li n her tn,the r 3cQmtl ~() b i!! in til you l est you r lI m b ~ - lbat was an brigh t en Ing wlt l! tri u lJ1 ph . l utTe rlng. T h e sorcs wer e dee p run· th e pn" .. r " t Mrs. Oupnn t. w ho c 1tl' mll to ugly ta ll you gol wben 1 shot etu rn ('xpNlltl on might nol be hur· a r your "Ob, Molly: Molly!" he cri ed. " I nlng ones and so su re that I co uld not be !l rlnulit llt~r or M \~ Dona l d ' ~ "' !!I t<~ r . Motcllbnot te ll you ..... hat tblB nil means to rl"d yel. b('yond dou bl, tl:<ls Isola tp.d ty dI88I>po&" nlld Hamlin 8et8 out to pony _" bear for any lhl ng to touch thorn . tr 8("~ her . M rDo n ah1. , " ord('rod t o Fort She st raigh te ned s lo wl y, hor cheeks me. There Is 110 \last lIUW lO my lire . va ll r'Y wou ld ha ve Indian \' Is lto rs ,,!th· Tbey would bu rn a ll th o t IlIl e and ~I pl p )' . H .. mlln nnel M McDonnld' . mllrII rnw hOllrs. And when th eBo dis· In llting like a lot of bees we ro confl ned (ftored boo ),. H r 'ak~8 Wa • • on . " gutde . flusblng la t bo Ilee n nlr. her eyes bu t a ll fu lure." cO \'E' fl'd th e trlllh th ey would bl! bot 8~ two trl.)operll R.nd g O\!!8 tn punmU o f striving to sm il e bnck In res ponse lO In this model we bavo the IIlmple around my an kl e. I could not bear to "Am I th a t to you?" the murct e r~"" who h n ft robbed MeDo n "Tha L! Yes. nnd a thousand tlm os upon a tmil wh e re concealment J\'a~ yoke s tyle, w hlcb III so becoming to IIcratch It, It was always so Rc ns ltl ve IIId or "10.1XlO paym"8Ier·. money. H e eus- his cha\lenge. p"t"18 nupont. Conners. 8OIdlor aecom"Thnt wns no thin g." she protes ted, more! I had ambition QIlce, opportun- Imposs ible. Th e o nl y hope of esCiPe. all flgures. The yoke III this case I. to the tOllCh. [coul,1 n ot let my pIke rtf Dupont., Ie foun d murdere" . n a mand t ha t tar rrom brillia nt-as he re- square nnd ralrly deep, wllh th e bal· clothes touch It. Tbe skin WIlS very lin'. l>~rty 18 el\ Ulfht In a tl eroe hlluard tramping nbout. " I o nly .... ent down ilY, eve n wealth. T be y were swepl while heMln g for the Clmmarnn. One Into th e s now . but my arms were awny by a man 's lie. d · w on~ an ' s per- men, bered th o long dese rt ri de tram Ilnce of tllO waist. bot h tront aod r ed . I mad e wbat I cali I'd a cap a lit man dl... frlml col<! and anoth er a lmo. t thn dis tant cow cam p on th e Cima rron back, 'gnthered where It Is nttnched. at w hiLe re lt, blotting puper an d fio rt .uC'C"um ba. Wa"8on 'e s h o t n..a they conle bound. Ilnd th e po n y fell on my root- fldy. Out of th at wreck. I crawl ed Inlo tbe ..... orld again a mere tblng. I live d - lay In Im med lat p depa rture. Every Tl)e sleeves ars plain and the 8klrt w hit e clotb to hold It lu IIbapo . Thl. In sh::ht pf' Clmmaron_ Ham lin dl.cOv .... It feels Qui te nat ural now." 1\ 101[ Cftbln hl"lIen under a hi urr. oc upled "Good. We shall have to tra mp a s imply becaus o I m ust JIve, skulking mom e nt of delay se rv ed to, Inc rease Is mnde with tour gores, the pane l et- I wore night nnd day . by Hugh"e. a \:OW thI ef. who 19 layi ng for lAIP'ev",_ who cheated hIm In t1 rn ttle IIttie way. In which direc tion d id Du- In obscurity. my only Ins piration tb e th e ir pe r il. Even beyond th e dan ger tect be ing used In front and bnck. "I tri ed many rOIll Pdl es tor mos t of deal. til. deBerlotion Id entln ell L<>Fov re hop e or an hon ora ble dea th or an op- or Dupont's re po r t to Dlack K et tl s . with l[athel'1l at the sides. tho plght een years with nn e rrect. ..nd Dupont"" "' ..... anll the eame. HUllheR pont go?" this s now·bound "a lley was not 8 0 tar Tbe dress pnttern (63161) Is cut In Lnst lIumm e r I senl ror sOllie ('~ I llcur a .hot Wllseon ml. taklng him for one ot . "Across th e rid ge th e re; see , t ha t port unity ror vengeanco. Mine was LeFw! vro'. oarty. Hamlin "nd HUl[hP! Is hl B trail." lhe lite or the ranks In the dese rt, a& away from tha t chief's camp atl to be s izes 14, 16 and 18 years. Medium Sonp aud Ointment. Th e vpry fl rs t take up ,the lmll of LeFevt'e. who · I. lowes t scu m. In 8!lfe from In vas io n by youn g warrIors s ize requires • % yards of !ll)..1ncb tim e I used Cutlcllra Soap and Oint· cRrrylng 1I10lly to th e Indlnn'o camp. "Th ~ n he never saw our horses out soc lating with the Two dny. out they . I"ht the fugltl "e • . co ns tn nt con tn c t with savagery. I In search of game. All this fl ash ed materia l. yonde r . That Is one piece at good llI ent t gaine d re lie f; th e y r e\l('v(,d th o A tilth! pnsu". In whi ch Hughe. I••hot b,. Rn Indl" n. Dying, ho moJces n. deeper- luck, at least. The soon er we get to could not speak t o a d ece n ~ woman, upon Ha mlln's co nsciou sness Instant· 'J."o procur o thiN pnt t ern send 10 cent. pnln r ight then . It was IhrN' mOllt hs "te att.. mJ1t to ~hoot LeFevre. but hit " th orn the uelter . I have bee n guilty at or be a man nmong me n . Th er e was Iy. e ve n as bls h eart thrilled to he r to "Pattern Departmen l." of this pRper. Write name ,,,,,I ndd re ... plainly. and bo from tb e tim e I co mmenc£'d II slng JtRn,\In . wh il e t he latter Is dl""rmlnl< La frank avowal. • W'e to give 81:&0 (lnd numbe r or pattern. Cutlcura Soap and Olntmc nt unlll In .. It'evre. LeFevre eecnpe• . belto"lng lI um- e nou gh foollshnes8 today to be caretul Un o.n1 Molly d" ...II. " Tb ls Is 80 stra ng" can bardl, he reaft e r ." He looked ncr088 at so r es were entire ly hp!lll'd . I ho\'s re ali ze th e t ruth," be said gravoly. P..ugbes· body. "I wond er It that tel· not heo n troubled plr, ,;Q and my ank ls CHAPTER XXXI_Continued. SlZ&_. __•• ________ _ "B ut, dear Olle, we mu st tnlk elseNO. 6316. ses ms perrectly w{'lI ." (Hlglll'd 1 ~ I rs_ " Yes, I am Molly ; pl ease do not low mea nt to bit me? I ne ver trustwh e r e, a nd not b e r e. Lite was ne ve r NAMB __ _•• _______ • __ ._. ________ ____ -----Charl es E . Brooke, Oct. 22. 19 12. move yet. You b nve bee n hurt, but It ed him much, but I didn't expect tb al be rore worth so much as It Is now. Did you see him flre?" Cutlcura Soall and Olnlm"nt sold Is all right now." and e very In stant we waste he r e m a y "Yes, but It WaR so sudd e n I could throughout the wor ld. SnlDplp of eac h TOWN ---. - ----- -- --- - ----- --- --- -- - . - ••• "Hurt!" b e llfted his h ea d slightl y capture and dJlath. Come. lbere m{'an f r oe.wlth 32-p. Sk in Dook . Ar!drl'!ss pos~ and stared about; th en dropped It not even cry out. He was upon one STREET AND NO. ----.--- --- ---.------are two pon ies a t lIle mouth or tb e cnrd "Cutlcur.a, Dept. L, BOStOIl . " -A~V again with a sIgh of content. "Oh, knee, and his revolver waved like this vall ey." 6T ATB_... -...... - . --- -- -.-- . -- --- •• -_.-yes, now I know_ Hughes s hot me as he tried to aim . Dupout 88W It, He snatcb ed up the blanket frullI Getting the Vacation Fund. tram behi nd." He struggled upright, a nd ju mped just as he pulle d the tri gtho g roun d, a nd wrapped It about hel ' 'I've got $100 laid IIslde (h at I'm In IIplte bf her efforts at r estrnlnt, ger." In suc h man ne r as to enable be l' to golng to blow In on n jolly vncaUoll ." "I thought so. The poor devil got teellng beside him for th e rille. "Du· LADIES' TWO·GORED SKIRT. walk; slooped ove r Hugbes, loose ned "1;'1 l1e! How did you do It, old pont was th ere, behind lhnt dead the wrong man." the r e volve r trom bls stiffened flng ers chap7" "Why? Were these t wo ene mies?" pony. What became of Dupont 7" and th en came back to whe r e she "Writing jokes about fe llows th a t "Tbe y had been pnrLne rs, a t eallng She dropped her fac e In he r h a nds, waited. go 00 va cntlo no and come buck unel lIlId running CIlttle. Dupont bad cheatber form trembling. " You can walk? It Is not tar." wis h tb ey h a dn· t." "He-he got nwa y. He thought you ed Hughes out of his s hare, and the re " Yes, the nu m bness Is n1l gone." was bad blood bet ween them. I ran . were dead; to--to make eure he came He was all seriousness now, alerl Important Mothers over and kIcked you. Then he took across tbe re llow up on tbe Cimarron, ExamIne carefully eve ry bottle 01 f.n d watchful, tb e plalns mnn a nd th e your rltle, and the only pony lert, and waiting ror Dupont to corne bnc k lo CASTOfllA, a safe and sure remedy for soldie r. hla old rnnge. Did you e ver hear Dulruants and children, and eee that It rode oIL" "Then come; I'll break trail." pont called by any other name !" "And left you'" "Where Is lbe Indian vlUage?" sh,' Bears the ~ //~ She shook her head questlonln'gly. "Yes--he-he ne ver thought or me; asked, he r vo ice tre mbllllg slightly. Slgnatureot ~~ "No ; wnsn't that hili real name ! only-()nly hDW h e should escape _with "Beyond those bluffll; at least In UBe For' Over 30 Years. tho money. I nev e r moved, neve r The ....-oman bnck there-wasn't she Hughes thou ght s o. \Ve saw the ir Old Not Care7" "And You Thought Children Cry for Fletcber'a Castoria opened my eyes ; perhaps he be- hip wHe?" pony herd In t h e vnlley below, mere lieved me dead also, and- and I prayed . "She was his wife , yes; but tb elr nothing lett Ole but to brood over dots against the s now." Perfectly Natural. name was not Dupont. That wae nBhe would. I would (atb e r bave di ed wrongs, and plot r e venge. I becnme T en minutes later, plowing throogh "Ther e's a te llow who Is hopi ng ror than have him toucb me nga ln. And fumed; the correct one wna Le moros.B, snvage, II mere creature at th e Interv e nin g drifts, they came forth a crop tallure ." -and I tbought you were dend too. 0 Fevre." discipline, food ror powder. It was no to th e broad vista or the vaUey and " That s eems unusual. What has ha God'! It was BO horrlblel" "Le F ev re! Why-wh y, wasn't more wh e n I IIrs t met you. But wltb the two pa tient ponies standing mo sown?" The malt's voice was aoft and low, that the nnme of the man you told me that meeting the chains snapped, tb e tlonl ess. "Wild oatil." thrl1l1ng with the love tbat r efused about once?- the office r who brought old ambltlolls of lite return ed. You (TO BE CONTINUED.) control. you those ordere?" were a mere girl tram the East; you For 71) yennl WrIght's Indian Veg& "He III the same. I did not know did not understand, nor care about tbe "I koo ...... dear; 1 know It all, now," Spain'. Pigeonhole Cemeterle .. table PIUs have been their own recnmhe laid tenderly, clasping her hands. him at Dodge: not until Hughee LaId .-nobbery ot army life. No, It was not A rathor' curious- and to our luea. G30~ mendatlon tn conditions of upset stom' "But that Is all over and gone." He me. He had changed greatly In ap- that- you we re above It. You trusted some what unpl easing-custom obtaIns A .ery emart model and one whleb ach, Uver and bowels. If you have not Pllt up one hand to his wound. pearance. and I only saw him at nIght. me, treated me as a friend, almost as In Spanish cemeteries. All around the "Heavens. how my h ead aches! But But It was because I knew thnt I an equal. '1 loved you then, when we b.urylllg·grlOund a buildIng Is erected III extremely youthful BII well. The tried lbem. a test now will prove tbelr that paIn WOll't last long. I am a bit failed to kill him here; I wanted him parted on the trail, but I went back to whose design Cnn only be compared blgh 'walltIlne I. used with a few gtoggy yet, but wl1l be on my fe e t alive, so I could compel blm to tell New Mexico to flght fate. It was such to that of B nest at pigeon holes, otten gathen In the back aDd a bit of ,benellt to 10u. Send for fre e sample pretty soon_ You are a brave little th e truth." a ' hopeless dream, yet all eummer long se en In post offices and sImilar Inetl· drapery at one IIlde leam. held lIy a to 372 Pearl Sl. New York. Ad._ She gavs a little sob, her hnndll I rode with memory tuggln« at my tutlons. I;:ach pigeonhole Is a tomb IItrap of material. Berge, crepe mao Btr\. TeU me how you got free 1" Their Way_ She wenl over the short stDry elow- clas ped together. The man's voice h eart. I grew to hate mys elf, but When a pe l'1lon dle8 his relativell hire terials, faille, melleallne, linen, nUne, '-Trees have odd waYIl or doing ly, not IIftll)S her eyes to his, and he softened. and he took a IItep nearer, could never forget you ." a pigeonhole for ftve years, and the aod all soft tRbriCII are suitable for thIngs." She drew nearer, he r hand upon his remains are placed Inalde. The"'nd h this skIrt. IlIItened 'n silence, moving his limbs be nding above hcr. "How so?" The pattern (6309) II cut In IIlze. "And yet now I do not CIlre Quite all arm, her face uplifted . about. cOllfldent of the gradual relurn then seale d up wIth mortar and a "They show their staying power much as I did," "And you thought I dId not care?" ot strength. memorial tabl et amxed on the outside 22 to 30 Inches waist measure. Medibest wb e n th e y leave." um slae requires 2% yards of 36She looked up Quickly Into bls face, "How could I dream you did?" alThe le&8e of the pigeon hoI may be re "But bow did It happen 1" be asked most hltterly . "You were gracious. newed at the end of the live years, bul Inch material. "Your capture' Your father'B death 1 alld as ewlrtly lowered her lasbell. Don't buy_tor for blulnll'. LiquId blne III " You mean you hnvo tound other kind-but you were n mnjor's daugh- If It III allowed to expire the tomh Is It III all a mystery to me aftor I left To p...,.,u .... thl. J)JlttBT" Rend 10 ce"'" _Imost _" water. Buy H~d Crou 1lall Blue, to '-Pattern D epartment.· ot this paper. evidence?" ter, as far nway trom me ns the stllrll_ unsealed and the bonell removed t o you 00 lbe hotel balcony." Vlrlte name and address plainly, nnd be \he blue tb.t'·s all bill.. Ad,. "No, but I have tound you, dear. I never heard from you; not even a make way for another tenant. Neod · aure to gIve sIze and number of pattern. The t ea rs stood In he r eyes sudden· Nearly everybody In a sman town ly up lifted to his, and Impulsively the You need not try, for 1 am not going rumor of your whereabouts came to lesa to say, the plan hae eome good to let you get away. It Ie not the om- me across the plnlns. 1 supposed you pointe. The space taken by the pig pre tend8 to despise an amateur IIhow lIlall e nc ircled her with bls aTm. IIIZB- ___ ._. __ ····._· -yet nearly everybody goes_ "You kno w 1 care, dear." he ex- cer's daughter and the enlisted mnn had returned East; had passed out of eonhole cemete ry II comparativeb NO. 6309. clnlmed rec kle!lsly. "You nre not any more. Thoso barrie rs are all my lite torever. Then that night when small. as Is the COllt of lIurlal. Pic NAME .--. ___ • __ -.-----.-----.---gone. I do not mean that I am Indlf- we rod e Into Dodge I enw you ngaln- turel'llueness la, however, conplcuous afraid to tell me." " No, no; you hnve bee n so kind, so fcrent to th o stnln on my name, or any snw you In the yello\V lamp light, Iy abse nt ; nor Is sentIme ntal grlel TOWN . - . - -- ---- - ---- ---.-----.- - .-.. ---•• true. I can te ll you every tblng--{)aly les9 d esi rous of wrlnglog the truth wntchlng us PileS, heard you ask what catered to, as It would be ImpOBslblf STREET AND NO. ----.--- -.---.- -----.-It Is so bard to confess th e truth about from Oene Le Fevre's lips, but even troops those we re, and I knew In- to go lind mourn at the grave ot a per Do~ your back ache constantly? Do memory of that pnst can kec p me stantly a ll my fighting out thero III Ihe son bu'\1ed In a pigeonhole 110 high up my father." STATE-. -- -.-- -.- •• -- -- . --- ---- ---- ---•• YOI1 havo sharp twioges wheo slooping or s ilent no longer. You are alono In tbe lbe desert had been valnthnt you th at n la!ld~r was needed to rench It "You suspect h e was Implicated?" lifting? Do you feel all used up-as If To such ns preter the old-fashlon et\ you could just go 110 furtherl be as ked In astoalshm ent, "that he ac· world now. alone and In the shadow of we re for ever th e one, one womnn." dlsgrnce-you need me." "I r e mailled for that," she confesBed grav es th e central space of t he grounc' culllly had a part In the plot'" Kidney weakoes!l briogll great discomKeep Fence. In Condition. He stopped, amazed at the boldness soWy, ber lasb es wet. Is orrer~dl, but the pigeonholes are the· fort: What with backacbo. b"adache . She look ~ d at blm gravely, do .... n tn· Jerse y man, according to .. A Ne w of his own words, nnd, In th e s llenco "At Dodge?" most popular.- The Wide World. ; di zzineStl and urioary disturbances it ill to hll very s oul. decision at the state eupreme court, 110 wooder onu feels al: '.:sed "p. "Yes, nt Dodge. I knew you waul" "Yes, aod-nnd that hurts more of that hesltntlon, Molly lifted her mus t pnY damages for the death of Changing Nature Indirectly. eyee to his face. come, must come. Some Intuition Doao'n Kidney Pills ~l&ve ::urcd thout.hnn all the rest." his neighbor's cow, which broke "I think I have always n .. eded you;' seemed to tell me that we should meet You nr e cOllstantly assured that YOL pnds oi: ; such casas. It' ~ tb .. best tbrough the fence of a garden and ate recommended cpecial kidney remody. sho said simply. agnln . Oh, I WaS so happy th o nIght cannot chnnge human nature ; thaI CHAPTER XXXII. enough green corn to cause Its death. He did not touch h er, except to clalll> you came! No one had wId me your you carmol make people over by prr Tile tarmer who lost lhe green corn An illinois Cane th e extended hands. Tbe loneliness tr:oop had bee n ordere d In. It was like ceSB ot luw. But -If you cannot retorm Words of Love. was liable to damages, the court deof the girl, here, bel pless, alone with a dream come true. When t saw you men by reformIng the condltlon8 that Ramlln was silent for a mom ent, not cided, because the tence should have Jmowlng what to say thnt would com- him In lhat wilderness or snow, bore leading your horee ac roell the parade make men what th e y. are, how Is It been eo constructed tbat the neigh· fort or help. He had neve r suspected In upon his consciousness with a sud- t could hard ly refrain from calling that you ean so easily debauch and bor's cow could not havp broken t.hls and yet he could not refrain 0.1- denness that robb ed him of a ll sense lout to you be tore th e m all. I did not degrud e fh e m hy rel'ersln& tbe pro· through. IDg~lher from experiencing a feeling o[ trIumph. He had spo ken passion' care what th ey thought-tor my sol· ceS6 ~-ColJier's Weekly_ What H9 I. DoIng With It, "My earnIng cnpnclty hu beeD Cause of Fall of Bullet. eels out. A large run of them Indi· Ing tor the Intake pIpes. and providMIGHT cates tbat the Sawklll eel, Ilt l888t, Ing that th e ee ls nre not exterminated, The rcslBtance of the nlr and Ihe III doubled IIlnee 1 married." "Wbat are fOU doing with all your has a pnsslon for machinery, or a IL pickli ng plant might be Introduced traction of grn vltatlon cauee a bi/llel . . me SUggeltlcms Worthy of Consld· money?" as n side line with the manufacture of or cannonball to end Ita ftlght Bud morhld di s posItion. It InsistB on ge teratlon by Citizens of Towne Just "With wbat money? r merely !'laId fall to the earth ; theBe two forcee opting Into tbe pIpes and then Into the light. Now Sorely . Affllcted. had been Again, It this scheme Is nut reas- erating together cauae tbe projectllp . my (larnlng capacity works. It goes In eucb numbe rs that Ible or worthy, why not cross the to descr'lbe R curve dependent on ItI doubled-" , IL clogs the machinery. and then the townll of Re d Hook, TivolI lind Sawklil eel wIth the electric eel ' ot the Initial velocity. .The ·greater the llpeed ,MadellD are having ' a . plab'Ue of eels. plant has to be ebut down. Wlttle old world Then, perhops, Red Hook, I Two Opinion • . at the beglpnl!lg the r~ber It will ia eels are being picked out of intrl· .n ey· IWI'. all no"r poughkeepsie, lIud "I thought. IIho uhllilted vene iUld TIvoli and MadaUn would not be dl .. cate junctions. tl1e people of Red . d'S deptndent II.UOII. a sh}gle lIgbtlng Not N••ciiu' aplomb,'!: IIIlld Mn. Oldcaaue; '·· . tressed . . :. ....nt .....1ch.,haB Intake pipes run out Red Hook, ' Tlvo,1 apd ~adaJlD have H~.op1Jer la dull. ' • . . HDld , fou.1".repll~ ·b,er h,o.tMn "~~~ to eat In the dl,rk or IlIbt up their .' ~bj! . $Ilw1dll . . : ,If milery 10Yell company, marrfaCe She~Not oun. · W .. ~f1' lt .J~ ' .lah '~td. ,,~~ . ~~ .~~"., blll.• ~ . • . ,. ... ._ .• :'1110. aoreenll1c 'ot t!lelle In·tnk~B bae Jamps. , Pendlng ~'~tbe 'J)8rfJCtlOD , ot · Icreen· ~ ~.~ tA» lli,ake ~~ after· ~ . , ldIdab' POIlahe4. • ~ ,-.". ... .., "'''. ". (-' I , 1 _ • "'. ' . . ' ".." . .0 l1~rt_tlt" u to keep tbo , I\ Lfty . reckl"ssly, Inllplre,l 111 bel' nenrhCss . be r dep 'uden('.o 'JpOU hlnl. II ... uad fullh (hut sh e cared; ber cyes, he r lllllnn e r hud laid him lhl9. ret e veu now he l' Olll d not realize nli thnt was JI](,l1 nt IJ .\· that Quie t contesslon. ThM Iron dl~C' i pl i n o or years wou ld not n ' lux In tilll llt ly; In s plt o of th e boldne"s o f h l~ lI11 era nco , he was sti li ltw sc hlle r. r,' "li ll!! th, chasm or raoll. 11 01' ",'r, ' cU lIff'H Slo lI . so /lImp ly spo l toll, tend"d to cunf us,'. 10 my . Ury hilll. "nil YO II IIl1' :Ill . " hI' IIRI,l' d eage rly .

dler hal1

Practical Fashions



~ '" E












-. THE





This Ancient Bunding Erected Before the Revolution.

Find. Help in Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetabl~

Contlnentill Troops Both I n Vic· tor')' and Defeat- Is Given Over to Wreckers-Newark Suburb Needs Site for Playground.


Compound. Uncle Sam's last big land openill\! - I, 34 5, 000 acres of rich rr<lirie land th mwn o pe n to wh ite le i tiers .

8.406 h UrI1 f's t eo.tl1l, n ( 160 IlCff"S

eac h nre walt 111(. ern Mo man ... , Just R l vf'f. u n

in r.: () r t h,, 'tJi t~ u f t h e ~1 1t;9Il U rl

L OC:l t\"d

O ll ftt .

1h D nUlI n l ifl e o f I hf" l; I ~ .ut

N nr th a m J(alh vll Y,

R lcll .

lIl a lHly .


Ih · n <'''0u.h1 (' Hi r hlsi n lC 20 I II 30 lJ u ~ hf' ls v i whoat u.UU-40 to 60 lJu:tiIl-.- 1s o ats pcr k ero .


Re.iatc r .t

CIUlow, Hur. or G.t.t f . U., Moat... Dail, I to 20 incla.i.c




1mmI.,..tio .. A •• DI

Depl. oooO Crest Nortb .... Ry. ST. PAUL, MINH..




' ., IIIUI,,1 11." ·,, iln h lo



Bolok7Ktrer .

ABSORBINE. JR .. """..,..1<

IInlm.n. I • •



.educe. PalnfuJ. 5.01len V,in .. Co lin:. W~n •. ! ltAln.. l rul_ ..... pal. Ind 10110.11•• ,1 ••• 1' 11« 11.00 ... bonle


ro. lIIo'e II r·. W.F. YOUNG, P.D.F" 110 hID,I. st., $p.lnafteld,


W ill tell



will I<,IIICC: Inflamed swollen 'Joints. Sprslns, 3rl1lsea, Soh Bunchet; Heals Bolls. Poll Evil, Quittor. Fistuls, or IIny unhealthy sor. Quickly II II It. oo.hl ..pdc . nd .rrmI<Lle. "'..... , ' n .... d~. e"O' bll .. ~r u,,,I.. ba nd.,...... ...... , h. bal,.• nd ,.u.. nwo,k "'" b."• . ~ . OO per bonk. dell,.


Bellevue, Ohio. - " I Willi In a terrible atate be fore 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham's V o g e tabl e Compound. My b ac k acheduntlll thought It would break, I had pains all over mo, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. I Willi very wealr. and run down and was los ing hope ot ever bel n g w e ll and strong. After tak' -_ _ _ _ _ _... ing Lydia E. PinkI ham's Vege table Compound I improv ed . rapidly and today am a we ll woman. I cannot te ll you how happy I teel and I . CADnot say too much for your Compound_ Would not be without it In th e house if It cost three times ilie amount. "-Mrs. I CIiAS. CIIAPIUN, R. F. D. No.7, Delle.vue, Ohio. dim cU It B I ur case sa ood d ;;,can~e d one • d oc rs aVlIIg one YOll no g , 0 not continue to suffer without giving Lydia. E Pink h am's V egetable Compound & I trial. It Burely bllII remedied many I CBJIes of f emale Ills, such &8 ln1tammauJ tl d' I ' I I t on, cera on, ISP acements, tumors. Irregularitiell, periodic pains. backache. and it mlly be: exactly what you n~ . The PInkham record Is a proud and. peerless one, It is a recordoof eonstane victory over the obs tinate ills of woman -ills that deal out despair. It II an es.-bl' hed f ct th t L di E Pi kh ' .... 18 a a y a • n am. Vegetable Compound hllllrelltored health to thousands at lIuch lIufferi'rig \Vb d ' I f women. Y on t YOII trt t 1 ;you \ Deed BUch a medicinel



N. U., CINC i NNATI, NO. 36-1913.

Ne wn rk, N. J .- Ono of th o most ancient luudmark s III the vicinity at Ne wark, N.J ., has bee n r uthless ly doytro yed by a wreckIng compa ny . It w a ll n hou ss In the suburb of Ir ving· tou. wh ic ll was old wh en Washing ton le d hIs littl e army !lllllt It III hIs r{ttr eat to MorrIstown, I)ressed close ly by tho oln e my . He pul sed at Spring' fiold , thl'T:e m iles nway. th o H essIans nud llrltis h red coals fled pas t It on th e ir r etreat to Ne w York. II serve d as a biding place for ·th e musk e ts of the patrlols wh en tn e Briti s h tem· pomrily \I e ro In pos session of th e n el!;bborh oo d. T his was learnod sev· oUly ·lIve yea rs I:. te r wh e n lh e build· IDg was conv e rtl'd rrom a sbop into a dwe llin g ho use. A number at old fllnt ·loclt musk e ts were found hidde n away beneat h Ita Ealve s. I Orl!:i na ll y It wa s a sawmill. e rected , Borne lim e prio r to 1100 bv th e early D t h tt l I t t d' th u c s e ers . B 00 upon e bank of tho Ell z'Ilb('th rive r. and de· rl vod Its motive pmver from a w heel

turned by th e waters of tbat stream. The site was on e of tb e first places selec t ed by Dutch a nd Engli sh Imml· grants for a settlement. It Is men· tlon ed In a will dated 1589, made by one Johu Brown, Ilr., In whi ch he be· quea ths th e property to bls three. son s. This docum e nt was exec ut ('d only s lxty·nine years after the land. Ing of th e firs t Important group of settl e r s on the uanks or t h e Hud· aOII. Tb e old building was associllted with a famous New York acbl('vome nt. T en years before the Civil w a'••• E.(Jol"", •••W ..1> war one of th e wo nd e rs of New York :::F';'~-~"'r.::~: city was the Crystal Palace, occupy· - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ing a site on Sixth av e nu e between


r-'-H-E-C-R-n-T-E-S-T-l-'-C-H-T-.-P-R-O-O-U-C-IN-C-'-N·"V-E-N-T-'-O-N-O-F-T-H-E-.-C-E-' ~~:t1e~~n:~r~c~~;tY~~~C:s~d :~~~::~; !~ •

THK.MPROYKD .... N. PIT ACErYLKNIE Q ... IERATOR 'lM1 UP-TO-DATE UQHTINQ SYSTEM FOR COUNTRY HOMES IDlblled 10 tbe l1'O"od.Dd ""yenod o""r llkc", belOI Car remo..ed from the bulldlae.

glass. art e r th e Cr ye tlll Pelace In Hrde Park. London . In the London structure It was necessary. when the sun WBS strong, to put up canvas s hades to t emper tb A glare and b eat. Th e New York arc hitect de termined to cor rect thi s de rect. Th ey learn ed that Cyrus W. Durand . w ho made his headq ua rters In this old building at IrY ington, had di s covered 11.. process of enam elling cl ear g lass by a vltrl· fl ed coating, so as to malte It resem-


"ben! It t. safe, COIluAlent., ftoal-proof IlIld Coul ·p roof.


The bc.t IllihtJUI '!'litem 00 earth for the IClllI t monty. lIa~k"'" up with aD Iron-clad II""...... luurullt=. I'.nnlttetl by U,e NaUonnl Boord of Flrc Underw ri kr.. Sl>CClal InduCl:mtnb!

mnde to the lint Pinch....,. In "ach locmllty,

W.. arc the owner. or fundamental paknb! the • .,n. l.uc t lon an d In.tallatlon of

~v .. lnl'

&<'elyt.n ...cner. lo •• lnol"lIl'd In the ,rollD<! like. elstern. &"'11 .... of ImlbLtlon.. fit \9

not a •. Jen ne:' it ill an Intrioremrnt of our patrnl&.

Snles .~nb! Bnd denl<re wnnted In

locullt y . \\ ril., u. fur p:u-lIculnrs. 1lIe Acetylene Cn M.chine



IIarldIM WI 8Id£. IrI=opdk lad.

Compenl.tlon. Ellmlniltlng Mr. and Mrs. "I hear thal young author sends you A corres pond e nt of the London .Dme very c lever stulr." Datly Citizen suggests that the un· "Yes," re)llled tbe ed itor. "but ""e necessary and uDpl easlng prefix "Mr." always giVe hIm as good a s he sends." s hould be e liminated rrom th e Huper· 8crl pllon of letters_ The de rl vatlon Its State, cr thIs preflx WIIS one of the p enaltl~s ~' Don·· t you think the Ideal of an In· e nforced In our America n colonlee dIan Olle ra Is orlglnal1" during the seven teenth ce ntury. Ths "I should call It aboriginal." records of Massachusetts show that ID 1680 "oslns Plalstowe was can· W.t<!r to blu l n~ II adult<!rtltion . Glln aDd dem ne d " for stealing tour baskets ot "10k. make. lI' IUlol blue coolly. Buy Red corn rrom tbe IndIans. to return them Croa lI&ll Bluo. 4<1y. eight baskets again , to be fin ed £5. and hereatter to be called J osias, not Lots of girls ba ve a fine time run· nlng a powder race with a marsh· Mr., as he used to be." The Massa· chusetts penal code also provided ror mallow. dockIng women of the prefix of ' Mrs., but there Is no record of thIs clau811 bavlng been enforced,

Revolt Suppr.lsed. She was giving ordera at expresl rate, for they were marrIed; and he, as a rule ths most meek and aut.missive of men, was, like the proverbial worm, beginning to turn. "Do you thInk." he Inquired, "that you rule the whole of the unlverlle!" "No," IIho "napped; "but I rule the IIl'1It letter of It."

.The_Army of CoDltioation

.. c;;.,,,... £..tIel' E"F7 D.,..

Landmark Over 200 Years Old,

Summer Annoy.nees lueh as prIckly heat, Ivy polsoDlnr . Insect bites and olfenslve peraplratloD are Qulckl v relieved by applylns Tp-ee's Antiseptic Powder. 25c. at dru5glstll or wrlto J. S. Tyree. Wash· Ington, D. C., for free sample.-Adv.

(AlTER'S LITTLE U\Wt .PILLS ant reapoDlAble - they Dot only give relief permaua them for

• Got Out of It. Penley-I've wrItten a new novel. ~ Sick 1IaUada. SaBa. ala. Come up t(l my apllrtment and I'll ~)LL. SIIAIJ. DOSB. SMAU. PRICE. show you tbe proofs. Frlend-ProoCs! Why. old chap. Genuine 1D1IIt bear Signature don·t doubt your word In the leut.



The best way to kill bedbugs I, to 111\ their mouths with snulr and let them sneeze themselves to death. lin. Wlnalo ..'. """&bIDI' 81Tt1P tor Chlldreu te81bJDI'.lIOft.ene tbe wumA, reduc@JI tnnamma-

aIoll,alr.,. p ..I.,c"'.... WlD4 oolla~ .. boC&le.AIIr

The man who flrat ate a lobster had nerve. but he whp IIrst manipulated II. dish or chop·houas huh was a hero .


WINCHESTER 20 GAUGE' .a.&JI~~"~"':''''''''' RBPEATIN~ SHOT('}~UN The Model U12 Winchester is the lichtest. ·W 'ooceat . .nd handsomest ~peating shotgun on the mar1cet. It - weighs only a1>out S~ pounds. yetJt has peat ~. . becauae ita metal parta'throughout are made of nickel . . . It is a two-part 'Take down. without loose p.ns. is, aimple to ' l'mtll!l"llb!! .nd ttie action works With .n eeae and 8moOtti~MI aabowIl in IUDS f;Il other makes. SeeoDe your deaJer'j 01'

'. '.. . ." .,.,........ .

I .

c.:. _. B.... at


. 1

ble ground glasl. The enamel gave the gl8ls translucency. but not tranepareDCY. So all of the Mtoo n thous and panes of «lass were lIent to thIs IImall shop to be enamelled before they were fitted Into their IroD frames In the palace. For many years this shop was '.0 'Newark what Llewellyn Park Is to Orange. Between 1306 and 1860 th e building was tho laborctor.v, as well as the ractory (If Mr. l."lurand. who was a great mechanical I!''! nlus. fio was an expert In twe nty·tour dllrerent trades . He Invflnted th e ge,1metricul lathe now used In the engr:\Vlng at bank notes. Anothe r or his Invel!tions eQually Inglmlus but or no pra('· tiesl utility, wns the "granullr.non," a machIne In whIch a sentell Col can be placed by a process of analytical subdivIsIon each part oC speech In that sentence I, clearly distinguished. The plot on which the building IItood tor over 200 years was wanted for a rec reation I)enter. Accordingly the Irvington offi<.lals sold It to a wreckIng compllny tor $65 . Several prominent citizens protested. urging that It be preserve d as a museum for tbe local relics . which abound In the neighborhood. but their protest was Inelrectual. Laborer Falla Hell' to $1,000,000, Omaha. Neb.-Frederlck Gross Ven Alvellsteben for torty·two yeara a. day labore r. rece h'ed notice from the German counsel at Chicago that he had fallen hell' to an estate In Germauy valued at $1.000,000. Von' AI· vensteben be came e,stranged from his family thirty years ago and came to America. He said he had known hI;. . would lome day receive a large Inh~ Itance.

To Paddle Canoe 7.000 MlIel, Ne" York.-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green of thlll city win paddle their own canoe Bev.n Ul~lU8anl! mllea thrOugIL . inland ' watera to the ,Gult of Muloo, Mra. Gre4!D will fly a The " ...!fracel peIIn&Dt en . route, cOuple wUl : .,.4dle up the HudsoD 'l!IrIe, cual lAd t.blou&Il

.~.B IIll."'''''''''~' l.iIW. ': ;-.



Whe n compl l'ted . th e new plant of th e Calu me t Ba kin g P \V dn Compan y. no w und"r ( OUrR" or CO Il ~ tru c t Inn. at Sou th .I Rt av .. nu e a n d Fil lmore Btr " .' t. will provl' n rlttln ~ monU IlIt' nt to th e ah ility . ho ncHty unl) pro~r r5· s h ' (, ll esll whi ch have r l' lld l' r('d (Joss l· hi " t be tre mend o us g ro wth d ono of Chlcago's IIlOst pro min en t In dust ria l hl&'. ltutions . T his l!:lm!'nsfl pla nt . th e es timato>d COfJI t (J ~ whleh 18 $~ 5 f). O O O. Is a str ict ly mode rn flv e·slor y find ba s() ment . fire !lroof, r l'·e nrorr cd !'onc reto build ing . Si ze. 2r.OxH,il ree t. Ono of ttll' nove l a nd Inte r l'slln g featu r!'s at IhI R, tbe l ar ~e s t and mos t enlcl c nlly eq ull;ped Ha ·kl ng Puwd e r plant In ~](I s t e nce, will be a canti le ve r shlpplDg pla tform


CHOSE LESSER OF TWO EVILS Man ager. Cornered, Yie ld· ed Pa6ses When Threatened W ith a Dis tresiing Afflictio n.

Thl~ a trlc a l

A poct wllh a precious scrap·boolt d his own wrilings und er hi s Il r m walld e re d by a th e ate r. wh e n sudd e nly th e Ide a struck him tbal he would like to see a p lay th at nlgbt. so eute r· Ing t he place he a s ked fo r the press uge nt. That ge ntl e mnn \Vus ou t , but th o manag er was In. II I' was u she re d In. nn d th e de us e x ma chlnG inQulrod his busin ess. " I would like two seats fnr tO lll ghl," ra lte r ed th e mun of ve r se. " All' who mi ght you b e7 " a s ked th e manage r . Th e poe t m pntl o ncd his name. "Um, y<'s. " BIl1II r- d th e nth e r. " I',,' e hea r d o f you. but why shou ld I gl\,·e )'ou scats ?" The bard murmured s om c t hi ng abou t courte sy to lh e \lress. and add ed that Il robably I<Jenti/ica· tion m lghl hc necc ssary, ~ o. as h e had n. s crap· boo k or hi s publl ~ h ed poe ms. he would be gl ad IflIut th e man· nge r cut him short. and callin g out to his s ec re tary to mak e out a couple or passes for thli t nlght,' snfiI :·· "1\f1' dea r sir'. I'd rath er gl va yo u th e whole house than read your poems!"

projecting over to a swltcb tr ack 011 1('\'1' 1 wltb the Bc('ond floor . Au tnmat lc ma chln l' ry . modl'm liP' pllllll C('R nnd pa S~(' !1i: P r and tr (' l ~ h t e l" "Rt orB of lh p l a t p~ t t y pe will he I n ~ l n ll d nnd (' tIlll loypd In ma llufa r· turing find ba nd ling th o comp a n y's prod uct. Plan s wh lC'h makn poss ibl e a mnx l· mUlll Bmount or glusB nrr u and till' hl l! hC' s t d ngr!'e or Ra nll ntlon hav e bl' I' n carefull y and s('\ {'ntifi r nil y )Jr!'parNl. Sp nc lous and s pl('udl ,lI y Ill" Ilo lnt pci TEs t rooms arc pro vid e d for empl oYE'S. On (' ent ire fl oo r will he ol'\'otpd 10 laborutory and res Elarr h !'Qulpm e nt. Th e Install Ation of II mod e rn bak e ry for eXDerlrne nt pu rposell Insure s the

ma intenance ot tb e high Btandard at excp lle nce tor w hich Cil iumet Bakln& Po wder Is . 'T'h" ('a lu mpt flaking Powd('r Comra ny wa s organized a Quarter of • !'('nt ury ago by Mr. \\ ' m. M. W:rlg ht. 1'11 ,' r OIll po ny first be ga.n the mannfact ur f' or baking powder In a compa rll t ll'cly smal l way . with llmlted ' ·nrl ta !. ~Iod ern methods. combined wllh hi /:1I grade mat erials and an un· Wf\v('r!ng determination to produce a n arti cle of supcrlor quality have crent ,··d a deman d which necessitated tll p f'r pr tlnn or th e n ew Ca lumet plant - hav e mud e th t' Calume t Com plIny a "" h ~ t H ntl n l tartar In the Industrial Ilr" of Chl ru go. and won for It a patr"" u~p whi l' h 110 n beu efit nnd a credIt t o tb ' clty.-Ad v.


The Quality of Western Canaa& wh eut Is recogni zed e verywbere. Thc latest census returns show that In th e Province o r Ma n lloba. which s tands out as one of grent wealtb and wo nderful op!Jortunlty, th o land area. under wbeat Increased tram 1.966,2e() acres In 1900 to 2,760.471 acres In 1910. be ing a n Incresse ot 40.46 per cent. In the de cade. The when t urea of 1911 Is greater than that of 1910 by 334,461 ac res . The re are Increases In the area of production of all ce reals for 1910 ove r 1900, exceptlDg peas and mixed grains, Of cereals grown In 1910 the larges t groBs monetary r et urn per acre wall given· by peas with $20.61, followed by I,,'ulis with $16.:17, fGlI wheut with $ I :,.(;7 . corn for huslling with $12.G3, fiax: $1 1.1 (;. bu ckwh eat $11.06, spring whe nt $10.34. Tho small os t returns we re o btaIn ed from oats, rye and ba1" ley In the order na med. Tbe ave rage value per farm holdlne of lie ld crops. v egeta bles and fruit


Optimism Throughout the Provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. During the pf'llsent SUlllml' r anum· ber of Impo rtant de legations have vis· Ite d the Canndilln West Cor tb e pur· pose of s ecuring Informatio n as to tb e cro p conditions nnd the conditions or business gen era lly. For Ilome month s th e fin ancial stress was felt throughout the Provinces of Man itoba. Sas k ntc hu\\ no . Alberta and Britls b Colu mbia as we ll as In othe r portions or the country . With II developme nt tak· Ing pla co ther e. such as hilS never De ro r o he(,ll known, It was to be

Would ' Make It Right. H e ,,-as nn ard£'nt lover. nn Irish lov e r and II prnctlcul pennil ess lo ve r. It was St. Patrlek 's e vo nnd In his hand be bore a pot ot r ea l Iris h s ham· roc k . " They were raised on th e a uld sod," he said. us he presentp.!! t he pot to Dldcly. "raise d on th e o uld sod of Ire· lIuJd." • " Sure, now. Murph y." crll'd his lady In deligbt. "bow r eally sweet or ye o How pe rfect ihey are and how fr es h. SUire, I do be lieve that th ere's u Ill· tlEI dew on 'em yet." Murphy flush ed slightly. "Degorra. r :know tbero Is." re luctllntly canfe8sed Murphy . "but praIse heaven It'll be paId tomorrow,'1\ Raw cotton rrom Atrlca and Asia Into England and re·exported to the United States during January. April weighed 58.000.000 pounds. I~ :ported

LIGHT BREAKS IN Thoughtful Farmer Learnl Coffee.


Many people exist In a more or lesl condition and It often takes yean beltore they realize that tea and cCo,f· tee are orten the cause of the clOUIU, ne ss, and that there Is Il simple way to let the light break In. A worthy farmer had such an ex,er· lence and te lla about It, III a lelter. He lays : "For about torty years, I have had Indigestion snd stomach trouble In vnrlous torms . During tbe last 25 YE~a rs I would not moro than get over olle spell of bilious colic until ano&.iler would be upon me. "The best doctors I could get and all the medicin es I could buy, oDly gnve me t emporary rclie r. "Change at clim nte was trl i!d wIth· out res ults. I could not s lee p nights, had rh eumatillm and my heart would palpitate at times so thnt It BeelUed It would jump out or my body. "1 carno to th e cOll c lu ~lo n that thell!l was no r e lie f for me and tbat 1 wu about wound up, when 1 law a PostUID al:lvertis e me nt. I hnd always been a colree drink er , and got an Idea from tlle ad. that maybe coffee was ' the clluse of my trou bl e. "} began to use Postum Instead of cotl'ee and In les8 tban three weeks] fe lt like a new man . The rheumatism le ft me, and r have never had ra spell of bilious colic s Ince. "My ap petite Is good. my di gestio n Deve r was b lte r and I can do more work th ll n .betor e for · 40 years. "1 haven t tasted ('offee since I b& glln wltjl Postum. My wife makes It according to directions and I r ell ah It als well as 1 eve r did cartee, and I wat C4srtalnly a slaye to calfee." Name given by Pos tum Co., Battle CI'eek, Mich . Wrlto for copy of the llt. tle book, "The Road to Well ville." POBtum cornel In two forms : Regular Posturn- must be well boiled. Inltant Polltum Is a soluble powder. A te81poonful dls80lves Quickly 10 a np of hot . water and, with the add!Hon of, eream aDd aupr, make • . & deUe10us beV• ...,. IMtsntly. . . "TIulre'l • Huon" for .Poatum. ,



The Dairy Herda Throughout Can. da Are of the Beat, expecte d that when the mon ey bsgs was $1,024.71 In 1910, as against we re tightened that thIs would b e the $618 .03 In 1900, being an Increas. 01 case. The fact Is that mon ey could 79.18 per cent. In the decade. not keep pace with the d e velopment Coming back to the crops or 1913. II natural to demands o r 400,000 n e w peo· may sutely be said that the yield of pie a year. Towns and cities had to wheat In Saskatchewan will be about be built to take care or the country 11 6,000.000 bush e ls, with an averase Bnd capital had not made sulllclent yield of over 22 bushels per acre. preparation. Ollts, which are but a fair crop, wID But the crop at 1913 will restore yield an average equal to that of lallt conditions to a Dormal state, and the year. Barley Is excellent, while lIax. natural and reasonable development of which the average Is considerably will continue. . less than last year, 11'11\ produce a OwIng to a wet faU In 1912. nnd a greater average than tor yeara. What h eavy snowfall during the past winter Is said of these crops will apply to aU there WIlS a large area which It was distrIcts. dlIDeult to seed at the usual time the Under date of Augullt 12th, a report past aprlng. 'l'herero re as a general com es trom Regina which says: thing' seedIng Willi later than usual. A "Unless some olre calamity occura trip through the country In the early In the nex t re w daya farmers of the pnrt or August IIho'll' ed that thIs WIlS He glna district wl\l reap the greatest no drawback. Wheat that had been wheat crop ever r ecorded In the We8t. seeded In May was already ripe ning, " A correRpondent made an automOo lnd had a stand f~lIy all good as any bile trIp to the north and west at the country had ever produced ; th e heads city, over tw enty·seven miles belna were large and the prospects were ot covered. Seve ral fields were aeeD

Wheatfield In Stook. Weltern Canada, the brightest. It was not only In which were almost ripe enough for the wheat but In flax, oats and barle y. the binde r. Others requIre about a week same spiendld conditIons · obtaIned. more warm weather, but everywhere Ralri s In all parts of the country came was th e Indication or a phenomenal at the rI gh t time and th e bes t of yield. Oats dP. not average up with weather throughout the Beason pre· th e wheat, but several good fields were vall ed In all parts. seen. ThIs time nel\t week the hum Tho hay crop was excell e nt. AI· of tho binder should be tho prevalent falta, clover nnd timothy grasse B were music around Regina. good. and many farm ers. are pow cuI· "One farm was passed on which tivatlng these Iplfmdld foddfl rs . there was one square mile of the flnut The bomestead shack Is giving place wheat Imaglnal?le. It 1& Just turnln. to comfortable reslUences. Large yellow and will run forty bUlhela to barns Ill'''' being erecte!! where the 1m- the acre." provlled log and mud stable gaye shelter to the tew head of cattle that the In Alberta wOl 'be a hlp ~ early aettler may have had In hi' ~ yteld of all lralna. Wheat wOl be ~.. ·, . 1e8111on. Fields are fepc.e a, roadl COD· heaner ayerace than 1ut;.·Jear, l{ructed and ~t lleld_1 of ~ID and .a bout the · au 11..11. Mel .pU~e IID~ are 1Il- .0.14a_ 1e1 abo1lt'<tiae "~-A4Y. .. J. !;, • c



'- ,,' :.







-- p........ ro ba te

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[ lot N.l



I -U2



Come and see the finest assortment of


................... ""' .... ..

3 1u f:llghlf\wn eubdivisio n

In "'" 11'10 towo!lh l)l '100.

AIi .~" Ollmour oPllolntorl ThotnlLR C Weloh to Beujf\wln F or Ih ~ juil at II !l111" .. y of $:!O WI)llDtn!< . II,t!! No 16 lIucl 17 in I " r lII11nlb f:li ghlnwn ij l1btl i v i ~io n in I:!lllem I ' "' I T E. h'in~ li nd 8 V . "" ltp r!l 1\1't o \\' n ~ 11Jl " . 1 " lil ted t·n ,'XI\ IDl n t\ lind ID SPIl' I, t ho, ~t l' wn f\ U. p pinl-C t u Mllr.v ~ Mo .' ,u n ly t re .. ~ ul' .\· Mnhllll , 11 I ~ "O-I)t; of Ili ud 10 Deer. liuWlu·d P . Mlobuel . " .l'IlIU islrtL fi llitl tt)wn~hip H . .! o hn EV'Jrh"rl t o Unlil"ll Ever t .r, pto , plulll lllr V!I l'nu l B MICh · .. . t1,··t nl. <l oft;l llll'\II t·>j, ( " .... lllljJ l'l' lllpli l hu ' t I.. I ~ .. "l:Ii n( ~ orw il1 $ l . I •• ('o n,lll n u PlttUB ('our!. A lliJ.,nl M!lrria!l;c UcenMe8 1'llll d 'S:!OO


Il1 llron

J~ <It

In I.lo e mAtt er of I hE' \\' 'I I of LIl C'Y H or bllrt, Zngg . brn kAlUan :If Leb . L l.~l1t.t·lI ry, d eoeased . Will Hi ed 1\110U to Mrs Merlu. E Furmau, of ,," I,ioe given Mninevilll'l Dr G. Ii.: Gowdy . In ' the mlltt llr 0f the fis t, .. t e a f George Zeller, plumber of Middle Abmhnm C. Bowman. d eceAsed· ' town, to MrlL Audra A. CH.rter, of




rti~t, rlbutive




rt rst. "nd finlllllocOlln~ filed nnd or· i\Jur r ow. David B . Fit.zgerald , ,I ered ".j , ____ "' . In t shIl Apend 11, .. ttnr of t," e estl\ te of Con,mlssioners' Pr~m,,8 Clint-on J Olle~. imbeoilll. ZImmerman , gon r dian.

~t we have ever shown

I E Itlon Liberal Art- 8"lldlng at the South', Great Natlona "poa • E l1ne !, In the last few years Is on dlliT th e Nutl ollal Con servation ',J(. plllY as never before In her blstory. poe lllon t1mt Is being held this ' T~ "Isltors from tile North thIs e Ip<>this l;' nll In Kn ox vil le. Tenn .• I silio n atrords a most excellent oppor· I b N w South a8 8ho tho !(reat new Sou th that hn s mnde I tunlty 0( see ng te o slIch tremell1luus prog ress a long 1l.1I :~ to.da~ ____ _ ____ _ 0


J oseph F Commissioners counted fundll ao. Bleet h lB cordlnll: ~o law Ilnd found therein


---,_==-== ========


accou ut wh ich is or flered r ecor d d , In letr usteeship of Mabel Fit-z g e rald , J oseph W . O 'N eu II , trustee gllve new oonLl whloh was aocepted , I:'Inreties on orlglnlll bond are re JlAved of fut.ure III~b\lltv. In r etrl1steeahlp of Boward Fitz I(erald, minor . Mabel Fltzgenld,

the tota l am'ount of 1305,375.87. MORAL J osiah Holbrook. recorder eleot, BELASCO POINTS A presented hili bonel of $2000 whioh A" ....oI'M .. nanen Very Like V"'~ .. rd 80H was approved. '. . w..o W .. L.luabalNe In _ _ Bam D. Henkle, oounty .urveyor to Be .......... EAST TENNESSEE FURNISHED elect , presented his bond of ,2000 ,.'ORE FEDERAL 80LDIERS whlob WaS approved. '"That actor-manager woaJd get on. THAN IT HAD VQTER8. Z.' G. Worley's petition for Iolter. better if he were not 80 ftiD." said II.tion of a oounty road was pre David BeIRfCO.

t-rufltee gave a new bond whloh was IIcle pted. I:>urel·les on origin ..1 bond relieved of future liability. In the ml\tter of the will of Pellrlie ~. U uthrle, deceased . Will tiled and notice givan, In the matter of tbe estllte of William S. Paullin, dec811.lled . First uooount filed and ordered suspended. In the matter or the estate of d Fi rs t .lohn 14. Jaoll:t!on, decease. lIocount filed ond ordert'ld I'uspedded. 10 the matter of tho elltate of Henrioh C" l1te11o , deceased. First and final Bcoount fil e d an d orde red

sen'ed and J . G. Thomp80n . A. An. derson a.nd t.:hlirley Parker, I\S view. erll were appoint~d to meet at Wor. ley 's tile ninth day of Bep'ember aud proceed to per[orw tbeir rl oliet! John Holweger 'l! petitt-'n for ell. ta.b\lshment of a country road was presented and ordered filed . A poSition ~igned by Clint Gil mour for repairing u. Dllrt of the Morrow and Lebanon pike was pre sen ted II.nd ordered filed . Fraok D. W,!ler presented his bond of 'olD 000 whloh 18 1I0oepted and Ilpproved II.nd r .• ... 'M " 1' 11 a' was

Mentor and Phenix In fine SuppJ.y.


Ruspended sworn in. 10 the matter of the 9stat<:> of Bills Allowed-John Meloy, wood ~iobolBs ArchdeRoon. d eceased. In· for court hous e Ill. 21); R. Barsh vin&oryand appraisement filed and blUger Ilssis t to sheriff 8eo 2485, $1 ; reoorded. John Bl!.ker, norslog K ate Frank V. O'Neall, assignee for the Broob. $2 ; Mrs. John Brlmdenburg, benefit of oreditors of J(ats Brooks, board, room, supplies for Kat.q dOing busines8 as Direot Coal (.;0., Brooks, " ; O . W . Morris. ~lothin!1; plaintiff VII . Kate Brooks et 11.1, de· for aate Brooks, $1 60 ; Miss Mollie fendante. J . H. Winner, A D. Thompson nurrlng Kate Brooks $5 ; Strioklea and Samuel P. ~mith ap. N. E . Edmon, boardinlf nune potnted appraisers. Appraisement for Kllte Brooks, .2 10; Tte Lebanon and sale ordered . Patrlet, pub\ishlnl( notice to oontra h d d I I If~nll: W. Sout ar , a m n 8 - traotors and notice to build 127 ; 'or of the eatate {Jf James F t;outh. The Lebanon Patriot, pnbllehlng Brd, d806a88d, plaintiff V! . Maty A. notiue of ditoh I\ale ' 1 76 i The Wes. Southard et al defendants. Sale tero Btar, publlahinK notloe for be1ol1 made, ssttlemfnt ilordered. Dept. Sealer, $l.(iO; The Fraoklin Real Estate Transfers News, 500 dlltly report blan ' s f or

Suits, Coats, Skirts



-rhe follow is a good deal like ~ 0088 I u~d te !mow in Ban Fnmciaco. This yam bosi shnYIL wanted to be cock of the W'IIlk. Ev- Now Thl. Section of South II Preparcry now and Ulen. when he was f~l­ Ing to Welcome Q . A. ft. Voteranl illg good, he'd call hie men up to him and Other Vilitorl From North and Invitee Them to the National Con. one by one anli, swelling out his cheat lorvatlon Expolltlon In Knoxville. ILOd looiling fi erce, he'd say: "'1 can lick any man in my gang. To every villitor to the South from

I can lick yon.' the North tbls year, and m08t of all to .. tml..-t'li what you can, boss,, t l h everye member of tbe Grand l Arlll1 of .1 Wi the Republic. Knoxvlllil. the metropo !I Iltlm would say eoothingly- tor, of af Eastern Tennellsee. In which la beln~ 001lI'I!e, he didn't want to lOBe his job. beJd tbe 1'\:1I1onlll Conservation EIpo"But one day a red-haired young s\tlon durinj; the monLbs of September lriBbman wsa added to t he yard and Ootober. mUlt pos8el8 a peculiar gang. The boss went up to t he DeW- attraction. Aside trom being Lbe Es:posltlon comer afbtr lunch, IIhook his red '-City or tbe South and the city In forefinger under his nose and said: wblcb 18 being beld tbl. year tbe' only u'l don't W'Illlt ye to git fresh national upollitlon In Lbe country. III a of city the of note. lIe8 at IU'Otllld thia yard, young fe11or. I KnoIvllle tbe footblll. GreatIt Smoky can liclr any man in the gang, and 1\10~lQtalnll; It Is most plctnresQuely I can liek you, too. I e&D lick you- 's ituated; It III a thnvlng. modern, prodo you understand?' greElslve city of nearly 100.000 popu. "But tbe yo~ Irishman had al- la~~~nl1le lIe8 In tbe center of a reready taken off his coat and bat. . glon that within the nes:t few year8 "'Put up yer pinel' he said hotly.. will be the scone of tbe country's 'No man on earth can. lick me. Pn~· af9llteet. .de.velopment. _ ILI&... sltp&ted up yar pins, I tell yel' . In tbe yery heart of Lbe greate8t hard. him with woodIn timber In of thea cll,trlct country;rich It "The yam bola looked at Ilea the verybell beart a cold sneer. In Dlllneralll of all klnd8; It lIe8 In the " 'Young feller,' he said, 'go up to heut of a great agricultural. and live the office and git yer pay. I'1l have .toc:k aectlon. no man in me gang that I can't Rich. too. In Ita blstorical a&locla. tlOD8 18 Knosvllle nnO tbe territory lick.'" oontl(ljuoua to It. Thela bl.torlcal ae-


With tbe new Trimmings

CORSETS Nemo. Warner, Ferris Waists, Sheer Ruffles



EVERLASTING ' SHEETS and PILLOW CASES are made of a smootb, medium weight IIheetin~. manufact.rect Af llpecially selected cotton, which makes them last longer than a~1 other sbeets made 'at anything like the same price. They will . waBh fqll, thick and heavy, making a most··detJirable sheet for hotel ulle.


Mr. Bel8SCO smiled.. ' . lool.ations from tbelr verr nature mUlt F. 8kven8 to Be88ie M. Trea8urer, 17 .60; Waiter MoClure, burl III of John Everhart $76 i \:01 "How like an actol'-managerl" be 'be dear to tbe heart of every llIan wbo lQugbt In defense of the Union In the vnle;'~eblo' ; .180 part of lot No. 47 umbu8 Blank B 10k Mfg Co., blll.nke mmmured. for p. J , *1.25 i Village of Lebanon, • --. dark days when war was rampant In adjoining Lot No. 46, $1. B · ' tbe land. C. B. and Ada Bragg \0 Stewart work on road $2%, ISO; Dr. B. . Ho Knew What He Meant. Eastern Tennessee wal a Union We .w ere visiting a cousin whose 8tro,ngbold during tbe Civil War. Tbat Boppinl 11.1:) acres in Deerfield Billir, medloal lIervlces to Kat-e Brook8, 116 00; Josiah Bolbrook, small boy was very fonti or the dee- 1"04;l0n of the state furnllbed more tow\1ship '1, John and M. O. Winstsl to The seotion!\1 Index $~06 ; Mrs Anna serts aerved. Arter finishing his din· 8OJ~llera to the Federal caU8. tban It ner he waited for 11 time and then did to the Contederate Army. and thl8 lI)l'row National Bank, lot No. 48 Tatum, ~ursln~ 1t'lte B roo ks, ; said: "Mamma·. Is there any last In t.he face of the fact that Tennes8ee .10hn K. Spenoer and 4'9 In Morrow, $1. oontr.otor '480; tblng?"-{;hlcago Trl bune. a8 II s'ate when the nuestlon ot 8ecee• ,. . ! SIOtl was voted upon decided in favor OliUOD W. Unglssby to !!'rank C. Jobu Welfe, oontraot 170 85; Ore of Booesllion by a moJorlty of 67.676. Kinder, abou' eo aores in Fran"l1D gonia Bridge 00., oontraot $392; (J. A Blzar, oontraot $15.20; Z. Armi Eastern Tennes8ee. however, recorded townahtp 11. d John James Audubon'l Gun. a vote of 20.000 against secession, Tbe gun u8ed by John James Aubu· 'There Is another thing to be rem em· Frank O. Kinder to (.;lif\on W. ~ge, oontraot $86; Ohio Oorrngllote 4 Ungleaby abou' Ii' aores in Franklin Oulvert Co , oulvert pipe, Il'7 10 i bon. the naturalist. may be seen In hered. Ealltern Tennes see furnished Mrll Wtlliam Ratliffe, lumber, the New York Museum of Natural more soldiers to tbe Union armlell than Funeral DirfCtor i township ~1. History . It bangs below a picture of there were voters In tbat sec~lon of ThomrlS Miller to Edward A. Null •trl72' 46 ·, .A. L. Jones, lumber $108 80 j the and Embal . .r, . Is great among great d It f i b d sclentlst wbo W. H . ~t . lohn, repairs Stubbs I Itat.e at the time an urn s e parts of lots No . 106, 105 In Spring. Amerlcanll.-Magazlne of Amer can more 80ldlers to tbe Union army tban Waynesville, Ohio,!; " MlIJs, river road, $29.l!i; Trustees History. any other BeCtion of tbe country In boro, SI. Wayne to"Dshlll.. road repairs In prolPortlon to It I area. Thomas O. Weloh to J. M. Craig Call answered promptly d&l on r! . Wavne township $88 13 i A. T. Ret. Ea8t Tennesllee at tbe beginning of Both phones in Office and ReBId ~ .. tlg, ' repairs Oflrlisle and Twin Cr ~ek jail'" 75 i Lebanon loe and Ooal Co. tbe war WQII occupied by Confederate long distance, No. 14; Home . W I 80 C G troop8 and held under military con· 14-02r. . oJ. ,. '8 t; house . . trol. Although the large majority of Don't let Baby Suffer With Eczema roads, $447 i Willillm I d f e ser, doom ioe for oourt hOUBe f Popu1~ Mechanics ChaIn and one Coach lumiabed .. pensation for an or roa way Marvin. supplies or oou,. tbe population was Union there was B . Magazine with funerals. i< ' . And Skin Eruptions. rouud pond 150; Perry ,\Volfe, bridge $0 i5; Xenia Chy Work respectloble majority Lbat had Confad. Best ot ser.vica guaranteed. · '. .• IT" Babies need 11 perftlot skin oover repairs Washington township $7 i b:lardlng prisoners during August .erate leanings. Thl8 dlvl810n of 8en. "-.rna H YOU CAN GRtAT CODtlaued Story 01 ah. iug. ikin. eruptions cause th em Bert Fisher, bridge repairs Hamil. $14 ' 'rhe Welltern Star, publlshiog tlment led $0 much strife and many ',," World'i ProptlBl wbich you not only intenllf! suffering. but hin $20 25 H Ch . ' d tl'i <l!1 25. act•• ot violence. der·thelr gro ..... th. DR. HOBSON 'at taD townllhip ; enry rtll· Corwln.Worley rOil pe • en ~ ~ ' I Fifty yearll ago came the 81ege of lI\ay begio reading at an)' time, ' and which will hold your Interest forever. ECSEW.A OINTMENT eBn be rehed tian, bridge repairs in Bamllton The Ferris Agenoy Co.,. premo on Knoxville and tbe battle or Fort San. on for reilef Iond permallent core of t ownship ':&2.75; G W. Robertson, 'rre~t\ bOlld, $145; Ur . C , A. Hough 'dertS, In the liege of Knollvllle tbere no .... IACM IIONTH . . .ICTUIU 8ufferlng whose skin. erup. bridge repairs ia Wayne township medloalservioes Kate Brooks $111; ",er'e trOOP8 (rom Ohio, TenneBse., 1111. 100 AIITICI.U or ....... IIITIIIIT tlons havebabies made their life miserable . , ... ' nd Kentucky _n,a,ed In tbe Tho "Shop Not.... o..._t {20 _ l k $lO.75 ·, W. E nechant, repalr8 Ox. J Du.1I a • 'Our bllby was tl f'fIloted with brell .., amell MoMullen , servloe" as 8eo 'Unl. o n army. At #tbe battle of Fort s\ves ::ki::Y9 to do tl1inp-how to make QaefuI for bome and mop, ~ etc. ing out of the skin all over the fa~1l ford rOlld $256; A. RUey, oontraot, retary Soldiers' Relief Com. 8 mo ~andera the oppo.lng ,enerala wer. ..A _ _ Meda_lu" (lO pares) tella bow to I. TM. WO.LD L .. -': and loalp. Dootors and Elkin speo· $860; W. C . Gilmour, board for $20; Warren County Times, pub' 'Longetreet In command of the Confed. make MiMlon fumlture,1IrimesaouUl" boata, J'VllJSII!D WEEnY. St.oO I'!I fDa eDIIin-. mqIc, and all the thinp • boy lov .... io.lIstB fatled t.o help. We tried Dr, priioners during August 1107. 63; lIshing noUoe to oontraotors aud to ,erate forces and Burn81de In comman~ MrnU, D.uociiiii. .P.OtAutft. Hobson's Eozema Ointment and John Hill, servioes 00 Deerfield build Ii 7.6 . V ~l1ey Telephone Co., of tbe Federals. . tl.1O PIlI lUll. IIIIU COPIU 1. cam OO.TU . . . . . . T.A . . . . . . . OA.' Here overjoyed to see baby com · -2 J h " . W E Deoh . Tbls battle ylrtually was a draw, Ask your newsdealer. or AIID ..U. ...vloa OA. N,Ofr." pletely oured before one box was t~wnship burial coml1liUee. i o n rentl and toll' $16 00 ; . althougb there was much ,allan try WIIIft _ . . . UMPU COPY _ ' " . , UI ... O 1ft ADV ••T.....O oow•• used" writes Mrs . ~trubler, Dubu A. Blair, lIuppliell for oourt house ant, repairs Oxford road $14250; dis played on both .ldea durlns tbe en. MECHANICS CO. SAMPLE .COPY FREE que Iowa. All druggists. or by "255 i C , W . Uuglesby, burial of A . '1'. Rettig, repairs Oaclillie POBSt. gag·e ment. Longstreet was allowed to .,••'"'_............... ~ • If _ . . . '0•• ouPP•• mati 600 . PFEIFFER (.;BEMWAL. John N C. Sohenok '76; J. W. and 'I.'win Creek roads $'76; withdraw hll troopa unmole.ted and CO MPANY, St. Louis. Mo . Phil. f .. tired wltb tbem Into Vlr"nla. Lin 07 o, lIuppllell for oourt house and B ry A Cornell oompensation (.r ue re I" adelplila, PB. .. ar . d ) t f5' Eu BUl'nlllde and hill army tben occupied roadway aroun 0\£ ver , Kn'~s:vllle. genill. E. Beaoh, oompensation for 1'be bom. of "Par.on" Brownlow I. roadway around Brldgepor~ bridge allo a 8pot that tourlst8 10va~ablJ $30' Portamouth Colvert Co, oal leek out wh.n in KnollYllIe, Tben, I t' I $54 10 . B P Blair (lement too, there are to lJe .Mn tbe cabln Stock ' and General Auctioneer ver p pe , ., bome of JOhn Sevier, the Irlll $12 ; C. W. Sparks, reoatrs Stubbe or of TenneslI88 wbo w.. eD ....ed In • d aI' f all ~own road $247 75 i Jake Rldle, o~~r thlrt)' batti.., e.err olla of them Posted on pedigrees an v ues 0 contract $91.80; John 1ron81 oon· ~ victory; the SevIer monum.nt, and . kinds of breeding stock. . tlor trad $1S3 35; ~a nue) E . ';9 ,oon. the hut In whlcb tbe oelebratec1 Ad. ...--~en--..J iit han.:l :-'" farm saleS UCt , ,_ l C E traot Ollral Farralut w.. born. .a;,Ai'~;u \.:~ ua&.U6 , trRO~ $~S. 67 i C. , mmons, con. t A ahort dlnance from Kno.n llle fa .' 1~. ~' 189 81i; J . K . SpAnOtlr, oon.rao QrEl8nevlUe, wbere Andrew Joh.,.~n . :J'.' $389.34 ; Frank Maag, oontraot 1100 i pll«!d hie trade .a a tailor, alltS , Joh._ I" ~-M';--;"loa rt.,,_=- ~\ Agelit Auto~lObile Tires. Walter ~lIen. oontraot e _o~_ .~.. . • 28 tl .. '~11 " CI,Q'. wbere th... 'aID b--..... T....." Reaso1fable .:- ..~, ~ .. u_... "",.UIIIII'U'I_ ~':'" Oregonia Jktdge ~, oon&r.aot 9f the ' Na~?nal.,Bo~dlerll Home.,ia ~.,.'. '10~613.; Oregonia Brtd~e. Co. , oo~. ~a~:, .., : .~ ~ • . . . ", :GBA!t~~TB, ,0 • . 1JDI: . ,tract t170.911; O.Dia IIrtdp 00.; ~ <.', '< ~., . : ( , -:~.~ AVCri::~~ . .. ' : . ,•• _ .GOnRaO',l77,rij! ; . . . ' -"' . . ' . tor)b,. • t '

ToUs ~~ .of 10& No. 46 in Maine














.... ,....... .,.





Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates_ . A1IJO


». '\','.

for . Racine

.CORWIN OHIO . 1:~;::-;''';~~~~_M~MM_~~~~~~~~io~-...-~-~'~'~':-:'~.~~.

N. Sears

l '.,. .,.



·q~:tla~be ~~ ,-'




~ ~. ,, ~ .''!''~ ~. .01" ~ '\. • .,







, \ :.. .


,. \


' - - -3I 'm portant--• •




, On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 18th, 19th and 20th, 1913,




ever 10 sbe hllCory of our couot7 ObaeDOIY Boo DIU and f.mlly '.lr better pa'roalzed. vl8lt e.d Ueorle BlgU'1 OD BUDday. O. L. CRANE, Editor and Manager Tb ey went 10 every ooDoelvabl e R08I Barteook bu IOD8 ~ AUK wily thought of aDd ioU reported a lalze Coon'y wa'h a .orveylDg perty. Rates of Subsc:ription good time. David TbollluaDd daqh"repeD' 008 Year (strictly 10 adnnce). . .. .. . . Il.OO MI' .•nd lire. Lewi. Bean .Dd .on 8uuday wUb .John Wolf and wlfl. B ngle CoP)' . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . •01 Howard for a year put reeI4ea'. 01 0 .. WODday Mr. aDd lin. George WIl8 . 'be

UaUforol.. are back aD4 wlll locate In Ohio The GallforDIA atr aDd .OD .orll,.greed "t'b ,b.m. T~ey arl wlloomed baok. I OJyde Levloy 10.41 Joe DaTu &ralll actel1 buIDeulnLebl.o. Tbunday. Cb.... Tooker 'raDl&OteD bualDe. tD Wllmla"on 'l'bored.7· Mn_ III\.red lI.otr.n. a ploneer Om ..D of able 0"7, after a Un,erln, deoUal ror 10 1001 tim., pueed a way Waoda7 aboD' 12 o·olook. Tble Ie a brlllltiq up of a bema tha, 'tbe la~h l'rlllI hu haD, ou, tor 60 YIIII,.. lihelNyee three uqbten aDd ....raj IraDdobUd.eD to mlora b.r lou. Mn. witb ber 1lI_ ADa DOIter ban lIloved to UraavlUI, OIalu. tor 'ble winter, where 111M ~aua will .'tend .ra... vlUe 001l-e -- . IIr. aDd lin. .I.. !Jana and daulh&er Deroill7 epai Buday wi'h IIr. D.vIa· pareD", IIr. . .4 lin. Georp 0.1'11, of a.r win·



Tbe maD "ho .ulod••'rio"y'o bte O.WD basto. . .eldom bas • beac). aobe 'be oed morDloR.


Y'u .ravellD 'be Imotloloar of Ufe yoo will no"oe a lot of men who merely obew aaube. •

"La., ver,

Caulhl • Bad COld

wioHr my IOD oaugbC a bad oold aad 'b. way bl ooqbed "u IOme'hioll dftIadlal." wrttee Iln. &tah E. Duncan, of ~p~ I::':, :~:::p:~:: We 'Iougb. julS one boUle of Cham· berlabt'l CoUlh Heme4y load that ODe bottle IWpped bll O.11lKh load oued bl. 00141 oompletely." For eale bl all



Pa'''' 1IoOa..

• lC1'ery"aD OW81 bl_If. IIYl1l11 aDd WI up '0 blm to dllOard bll .0d. d~lIplay ,he bDl7 .IIUI. . maD. • Our fair luted O1'8r &,orda7.a Of 'be W8&'b.r. Bu' wbl. 10 · man II llok a , . IoOOO1lD' ~ d II W W W Ich 141 I bu hi I , _r. 100 rI. • • e en· 10 .p 108 may y mao mort ""aIDM ror dlaner &'urda" Mr. care 'han ' ••D'7 friiDCAa will II", nd ~- WI' . . . . . . . . . .1 II bl a ........ . a - & D. r. aD 41 • n m. • B. L. Dakla .ad 'belr IOD I'red4le. 5Ueqtben Weak Kidney. Tben II a good OpeaiDI In ou Doa', .der longer with wllllk ~W1l ror a ara' oiul.rooery .tore. kidney.. YOD DAD .e' prompt re Ilt"red tlawke ••a. of Wa7D11 lief by _ktq E180kio BiiMn. aha' vlU.·. po,ular poo8I'7JDAD with btl woDd.lfol remed7 praised tty wo ro~ of adv.. tilerl watt Bator· IBID e1'erywbere 8tar' with a el.7 OD bDItD_. DlUI' re bo'U. toda,., 1'00 WllllOOD f. . llte aember we hlon wide awake mea a aew WOIDlUl with ambitioD to wqrt, wi'bout fear of pala. IIr. lD ,be llae and ned 'be pat Jobn DoWUDI of SaD I'ranol~ roltap of 'hm ol"SIII1I. wn ... :-"Gra't'tld. lor the WOD. .Tam. )Altob.ll, of LeeJaad, wa. d ... ral dec' of I:leo'rlo BI'ten . . . In oar YII1ap Yoada7. prompa me to write. "oared my wife wbee aU .118 r.Ued." Good ~r. aad lin. Y. . .I. of Olaoln lor the U.....r u Will. NotblDK be'tar aati II vlaItlDl Mrl .......I·. pareal. tor tndIpe"OD or bUioDIHII. PrIoe IIr; and lin. Joe. Bopa. 600 and ,1.00. ai J. Ill. Janne7'.· IIr. and lin. OIlDknl Ora7 l pen' • luaday In 19' 'JDllvllJe with IIr. lad lin. )luIOra7· I-vV1' lII.P..II~. tp. OClD.... blmHlf ,hat be dldn', marry 'b. -Oai"tOWD Waii .In "PreHDMd fira' woman blJ 'hoOlb' he wu In Ule Red Let.r hlr at WablllDrtea lb'" week. . 101'e wiUl. ~blr.. wl1llNt aa aU da7 oatin. ~I tIM., Ai·' dootely a' 111'1. lien llawb I A WOJDaD ma7 no' partlO11larl, toll taIt1n tl mled buk... A .re to b8lll' blnelt talk, bui abe -. I we • lobd-tItDe ta pxpe,,·ed. Il_ to feel tba' tb.,. are othen Be•. BcJpr lItinlO. fa tlUIDI thl wbp are oompeUM to Ulte. palp" a' th. i'rltllJd_ obUl'Gll. Too • .,. oor StaU7 uled ~() IMt preHn'. Despoacleaq , HohlOl hlpD IIoDda7, llleptembir Il/otteD oa1lll4 t., ladi,."oo aDd 16'~ with IIr. W.. , a' Ibe ,faro"l. OUD"tpatlon, aad q-!okly dt ..ppean u .aperln..IU1.... Mt. TotbaD'wileD Chamberlaio I , l'abJtI" an U prlDolpal, lit.. 1I1toh.1I Ut.IDtaken. I'or ..Ie by all ' ..Ien. ..aedlate ••41 Mi. ComptoD"*he • primary IIIIokl ... ODe ot'tha 81I00IIIII ..Idom OOIIIee to a aaD odmblnatlou Uta' 0Ql' _001 elle. notl! late In 'be lAme B1,b. tlml triot hu bad In 7.... and U 70Dl' lie Ie la • poettion to _ all 'b. pte ~ or rtrl dOlI no' 18l1l1I l~ Ie n.t bl bl I. a 47apeptlo. Uj- teachen fault. The patrou tblll IObool Iln. luth la \hie 111M. tl. aDd will wOl'k .. a l8IK1biali In



New York and




Walter McClure


0010. "0010_

Do You F.... Coaiumptloa? No matter bow chroDlo 70Dr ooalh or how IIIVere 70Ul' throa' or IUDK allmlol tl. Dr. Kioll'l New DtlOovery will l11rel7 help Joa; I, II)IoY DV. 70ar Uf.. .,mman Green, or »aUcbtse, Col "rl": "T.o dootore _ld I had IOnnmpo tlon aDd O8alel DO~ Uv. two 7 .....r 11lII4 Dr. KID,'I ~IW DlIoovery' and am alave an~ well." Yoar money relaD4ed If It r.n. to beaea, 70a. The beet bOGl. rtlDedy tor OI1lIba, oold" throat an4 laDI ,ro1Jb1ea. Price 500 Iond ,1.00. Gur\Dteed b,. J. 1:. Janne,..

•a., Metlll4.

".'. urecI of life."

"That belq tile ...., 10 out to C.lUoroll aDd lhat ·JlaDlatI' "-:~Irm1D.halll ApoHtn1&.




--... New Burllil....on


tr!f to


'. MGtber ~ 'BlPa- QIIdna

How'. Tbll?

J...••• ~ the ,uaoUaN ' or eltb-.a



W. d . ODe Daadlld DolJan ,,'UdnIl a. .


~"dOD olt~DR

fioll driver Inquire of Dr. Krlilboff' •• Oregoola. Ohio. 01 Tobaooo 8"00 biokor71 LOTloadof .ol.r, and IpUt. ,

~~.:!~e: ~''t~.~)'II~.' Tift.....';.






.• • •, . ,


Mra. ElJ&abe'h Ward. Puloor.


aDd .KoD cue, good al,llew. GUNWlJl I8U obeap. IDquir. a' 'bll 01808. Ma" III thl CaM. llrolllilly. .A.llce-"l tblllil KUt)'·. new hat Ie

....:p1, • frlIht.··

Marle-ulan't 1t.

.-11)84 ber






• 17

1LLINERY STOOK aod ax'oree M Very reto8OD.ble, DO oppoet. tlon. O.u a' ODae ., "lIlUiner Store" SpriDg Valle,.. OhiO.


good oae lD a lood FARII-A locatlon, oloae '0 '1'0 ratlror.d •.

2. Administrator's AORES of land. 8 E. 01 Sale of Real Estate a.127 \'VaYD8Ivllle 2 mtl8l. the OlarboD GaOII Farm.kDowD ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ For forther partlooian inquire at this ,,1I1oe. 0


ply to Franklin Paoker. WaYD8I. ... lIIe, lIhlo. U Pmb.te


~iD "PI1ftII- o. older ol'he 0Glr" 01 Warren Oount)'. Ohio I will 0 " ror.-.,ij.; al fUbllc .UCSIoD on ii.turda)'. lb. all

,. I

2"'h:da" 0 September, 11111. a' two o'clock Po ·m.; UI!OA. the premw.. tbe lollo...tq deBa&le. 81tuate lD sbe OoUDS, otW'arrea and 8tate 01 Ohlo. wwiS: te III &lie $own of Wa1JlenUle. Oouut, ...... &lid S .... of Ohio. Bel loS (') u rDUlld on the l'DCDlded 'as 01 . wn. IIeBIDDIDa at tbe N. E. CDI'DIII' of . . bel' S"O (2) lUDce troDtlDC OD Third N. ao Jii ~ E. taU fllit, tbence . . nib' .......... tllI~W. 11 po. . $0 los aumber ~ftIl (1) t witb tbe line 01 lot S; aOJii deer- W. IIS~ .... $0 the N. W. COrDer ot lot number two (2) &IIeoI» m&ta.tile U.. ohald IoU. UJii decr'8l!l E. 11 $0 tbe bectDDiDI. aud belDC sbe_ DnIIU. coDvereci ' b, Jolm R. 81clee and ReblOl)a I. 8J4ta w EUUbetb M. E?8I'I)' aud OU.,. T. Ed'lr&l'da bJ deed dated NO\'8lDber a_~ 11101. &lid NCDl'ded lD rwarrea OoWlt)'



~bifd Real

DR.H.E.HATHA.WAY Wa,YUeariUe·. 1.....U D' neau.a


Oftioe In KeYl


..... It


Dr. J. A~ McCo"



Deecl 1&eccItU. Vol. ao. p. U1.

"~4 DIO~, ap~ at BeYe. HUDdnd DciIIan <,7.0.1f0) • . Terme 01 .a.-o__ Cbil'ilcub lD bud. oue-Ibird fa 0l1li J1!U' &lid

0_1bIrd III from da)' o. ale with III...... a& .ax per CIIIIt per ADnUID. deJ'erroad paJ'DMD" $0 be .-:ured b, a mOl1caP on UIe ~ aoId. 01' purcbuilr IDa)' pa, all cub a' hie op$loD. ..., a& &be _ lime aud pIMe.' It IIOS C.~7 del..... neldenoe pro",,, COil-


aboul acne 01 Iud . DMed Aarun nth.. Ill ..

• W. 8. ORAHAll. • 01 the IIC8tate 01 Rebecca 1_ n-.4.




______. . . . 4.______

Oraduale of OllIe SCate Ualwnlfy ..

E. v.


Notary Public AU kiDde of Notary Wort. PelleiOD Work a t:5peo1alty.

Office at residence in F. B. ' Sher· wood'a bouae. Fou~ Street.

Telephone 28

- Ohio


. Public Salea

boI..,_,*1e, lumt:allmplem.en,b A,' T. Ifo1er &ad ' ~boI4 ' aoocJa. " " 'larp IIWa. . ~ . '." ••.. , . . . . . .1a'*~ ' .


Orthodox Frlena Cburcla.

male ptp, red, fer ..Ie. IDqolr. Rabb"b Sobool. 11 :80 a . •. Re~ar CbIlN~ of jj'nDt HeN, BODte 5. Way• 10:10 .. m .. aDd 7:10 p. ':D' PraJer D_vtlle, .hio. a 17 mtnlq Wedneeda, .v~ ., 7.10.

~~:O(::-lIn, .......'.

,_.,..a .....

ftret DQ MflCtlOI(. 0:00 a. Ill. Pln'DII, 80hool. 11 ;10 a ID. FoonJl Day MeelllDC 1':00 II .•. . .



ChrfltJan Cburdl. BeY. P. B. TbOCDJ*IIl. P . . . . Bible 1cbooI. I:IO"IIL 8odal ___• 10:10 .. m. 0hrIiIttaD JbIda'nll'. 1:00 p . . . IIenDon b7 PM'Or • ...,. 1Il\enlate BWIdar .. 10:1... !D. UI4 ':1. p. m.

iee Dr. J. T. l:tlla. wayoeavllle'l Oblo. I 17

1M praIM of lor aa" oueolo,.rrbJ::: doIDI ao,e' work thaD any '~DI . . .ot lie aurecl by Ball, . Va WOIQAD la' Ill, ~ .. wri... II.. October 8-P. D. CIatteU. (Jgfe. . , 0.1: IIarilD '& oo.i Va. . .i If. J. CBBNB,Y • CO •• Toledo, O. .aft__ lOIf _ . . ,..... . . . . .. . 110..11"• • r We, the aiMleflliiaect. haw bon P. J .. troable ani oouJ4 not 'U mGOb .... W_ 1 _ N WIIaoD Ie vlItttnl I will oir. a' Pobllo 11&1., , mil. • CheDer for the Iut 15 Jan, and beUeft> . . . ....• aon~ 01 Wa7MIvtlle, OD the Xe1lIa hiIIl ~1 boDorabie ill aU ~ u .. ~~....~~,:-... trIeDc1a ID WublDlkID t'l. B. ao4 anell ClaolDna" Pike, DB tbe'* i t' _....:..-a...;.• • oa..daIly able. to ~ lUI" 1l1'- ..... - -al. ---, .... - . . ._ , I' ., !;--:;7bi tioDImade .by lUI finD.:' be;lalil'. ~ ..."re..,.... ...... .... ~-&Ira,'" . . ~A~ONt. BANE OIfCO.. llnCJE ~woawi' aDel w"li .,.. 1I0aa4la ·.~ ooaa.,." TIIIIIIay, SeptemIter 16, 191.1 . To~. O. caD "hli7~.J . lin; W~ ........ anll eb1IdnD ElepaDiDl at 100'oloolt a. m. m7

-.-.-~~~~~~_iltbe~:..s~: .aoIa .. ~~,


ana one tbree

a tbem pod, aDd ....... oae 'biDI a teaoher _ad han Ie pIeD", or well ooobc1 pro~oa ID cmt.. 'bat tbq be ....... h to baD4l. til'" eD01lII "'-, Del ..,,_ ---- bo&b meD_I, a &-I'

".IDTab....... -- _


EARLING (Jol'l Y ,ear oomlDg foor. aDd "orkl .Dywhere.






wbo I' to paylD,. IN. • bat wheD '0 pa71Dl tbe botober and lrooer-weli. th.t'l another .tory.




"'Some lOll are Johna7 oD.,h. epoi

. . . . . . . . . . ,.,




Osterly Millinery


. •• JIoro-To Roblrt ....1.7 aDd -0,"- D_ 0 wn.., _ptem ber 1•• a .on. u_ .. J' Db f ;:;iiD·,~=,,,:: ~:b b:r aoA'lIn. Ann Varqabar. Dr. W. 1'. 1IoOra7 'WU "nouly 1II\. .'or4ay al_bi, .d.rlnl an ., _ of ptomalDl pollOn' .... -A. B. lIarlaa aDli tamUy bad u K..... CD Sa'uda7, Be•. aad Kn. l / a. :Uo'hank, or Da7". 1DIUl7 frllDde of lin. 1:. J. ~.ood wUJ be IDn'7 10 lean 'bat abe .... open.... 011 tOl' th. remonl of' .. 1mBor, ID the Clark HOIpl"l, ,. WUlDInrton. lad WHat a7400k made a baala. . Ctnolwtl ToeI4ay of lut ~ ~ . • __ . SaIat LuaUve for WomtD NiMrl7 e"'7 w~ Bieda a 1004 lautl...l. Dr. &lDI'1 Nlw Lile PUle .... 1004 beoaulle lhey are prompt, ..fe, aad do Dot sue pala. lin. prod.-61 I eel 'I lAt' II. O. DaDlapol LMdtIl, Tena. eaya ; u Uu..OD 0 noa 00. • "Or. I1D"1 New Llle PlIlI bel'" af~ ~lp to make thll eobool 7ear • • troeblee II'..d7." 10 bolt .Ilboeu. toda7. Prlot. 2ie. Reoommeade. ·» o'oaor 11..1' bu beea ·ablla' b7 ~.IC. Jan..,.. . IrCmi oor nU,,1 for IOIDI time. ~~ Aid 'kJollty wall «I" a ma· a@it: ., To.. hall I'rI.a7 Dllb' lin. liar, JIo.e ....n n"natDed . . . .bel' 11th b, hom. IIr. aDd 111'1. Loot. llean anel 10D . . . . . " 10 o&n be PNHD'. a._rd I.r dlaner .'urday. ~~ . ""t.. .- bel I 41 1--' I ·-"tln. Martha I'lDob aa4:108 R. C. nloora.. DI D a. __ a Gamer won th. lUI" of II.... 'ble 1'tolDlty to qalte aD .:do' a04 Aara Dakla and IOD banDOD an4 till OOI'D Ie reported macll better famll7 of LebaDoa oYer 'Gllcla7. tbaa upeotecl. , , IIr. aDd lin. buo Tboma. n· IIr. load lin Dnry lIolt... III' teNID'" Mr. F .•• 11m. belore .Dd lin. 1'1074 Andenon IoDd IOD I.Ylq for 'aoboD, OhiO, ble wiD ot Daytoa, IIr. aDct lin. Artbur . r hom. wban bll wife hu beeD Uder. or c"'IDOIDDIoti. an4 IIr. u4 for IOID"U.. wtth 'belr d.Dllater 111'1. ~mOlIllI", .f 'hi. plaOl, were b .- U .. of II d II Mara Barb8lla , e .... - gODu.7 r. a. n. OJyde Levley and Lewll Bean ~. L. Beadrlok. Wayo_nU•. trueaoted bula_ln 19'a71lllvllle Mr. and lin. ~Imoo Ward,oI ID. "'tardaJ. . dlaDlopoUI, alter ..vera1 WIlke vlllt ADlaI.. Dudley. ot Daytoa, .. amoDI frieD.. leU for 'belr hom. olerkl... for Bury IIbtdabr on the lIooda7 _ornlDI I.,. , .:. IIr. load 111'1. IIU,OD a.we are • boartIID, 'b. teacben. II.... Bow.




Davie eDtertalned 'be followlDI for .tlo ••r. JOIIph lliee7 .04 wif •• Ill •• Mary Cn."ell. ~Iblr' Sbu'" aDd family. lin. llary J. Olea vel'. Elb· MaDDoD. wtte and two 4aoab• This exhibition will present a magnificent collection of modten,~ JOI Davia, wife anCl daalb&er Olareoce lilM. .r wu bome on els that are remarkable for their beauty and simplicity as for 8uDday. a. reportl tba. be iI their chic and artistic effect. . leWDI aloDI an. III blllObool. You are cordlallv Invited to this display which will be the In•. ».,.4 c"'lllllver oontempJ,,"" millinery event of the 8eason. movlo, '0 Da7ton .OOD aDd o. 110.' Taaeday arter.OID • few of ber friend. 4aotded II p'ber 10 aad " .peDd 'be alternooD wltb ber. Tbl - ,- - - - - 75 Creen St. Xenia, Ohio. "me wu very pleuanUy lpeD' Tbeladlee lodalpd 10 e clrawtDl 000. .' 111M Viola Jordaa elrawiDI Olasslfled Ads ". an' and Ill. E41ih Bopa CAUSE FOil WEEPS ,be OODIOlation. After 'btl refreeb Funeral Director. m.ok of oake. Ilmouade aad plae. Ade will be IlllIer\e(1 under 'ble bud for t'lf'coty ·6ve ceot. for ~bree 10lMlrtlolll .,pl••berber' wire ..nlCl aDd 'b. wbeo u.. lq Dot more tban 6ve 110.,.. 11 i 1 l I _ 'Ill TelepboDe day or DI,b'. f., ow D, were preeea': .-no. _ary Valle7 phone No. f. LoDI I. OJ8&1'''. Baa1l&b Bloh, Banb Dlalaooe No. 6~'r. TO LOAN Biob, IIUUe lIar'tD, .1Ie Betch way. l:Ir.DDah ~.. Con Tkomp AutomObile ServICe at AI TIm_ 10.1'.. &lnma Wolt, Qraoe Blob. ~dab 00 f.rm mortpge. laTalm.... lluyllanno., Leu BartOHIO qolre a' 'bls 011108. WAYNESVILLE, • a 2..1 lICk, .....1. 1:1118. llar&ba . .vii, Branch Office, Bar..:rlbaq. O. Btrd Jo"aD, Carrie Uql_by aDel ~ ~1tb BopD, Vtola JordaD, LOST 11••18 ~"rr, J:lUI, ~adra WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES C1l111nr. - - -.....__.___._-.m.ll black le.ther pone, 000 MetbocIlst Episcopal Chua "'101011 a card with owoer'l Rey. O. 8. Orauar. Putor. . DiarrtIoaI Qulddy Cured IIUDe aD aDd someob.DlI8. J'inder Suoday Scbool. II : 11 a. ID . NorDln« vice. 10 :80 a . m. 1!:venlog .er ~lce. 7 : 0 p •.. wu "kea wiib diarrboea and pl..1EI 1111 TIl loS 'hll 01l10e. a B' m. MIdweek Pr~~er Meellq. 7 p. m. Iltl. Yarlrl, ihe mlro~an' here, per. 11iIiiled me to try a boUle of Oba. . St. Aarautfne'. ·Catholic: ~ berlaln'l Collo, Cholera aDd Dlar FO~ BALE J'a&ber Lout. Yal1l rbOR Remedy. After aklol one w.... enry _04 lluD4a, of tile • 4018 01 " 1 wu oured. U .110 oorecl 11:00 a.•• otllen thai I pve" \0," wri-.II lG8-~ few male pill, Irow~by P fellow8, from tbe l.r~e 'ype of St. Mary'. Epitcopal Cbwda. E. Uehb..... Orlol •• Pa. ft.t 11110• • t an onOlua1. AD ordinary a'&&ok PolaDd.OhlDa, .110 a flw IprlDK Kev. J. F. Cadwallader, KeetOlr. of diarrhoea aa almOl' IaYarlably lamba aDd 1 two Yllllr 014 buok. Suoday Sobool, II :80 a, m Mornlnr aet be 01lre4 by ODe or tw.> dOIN 01 able Inqoireof Fraok ElboD&80D, Way· vice. 10 :80 a. Ill. Hoi, ()olDlDunloo 'be ant 8liDclay of each 1D0n'lI. remedy. ror .iall by all dllllien. 0 I oelville. O. J

a' ..

" '"


'OIl ....

T.oDi ,. ',.'. .... :w ....Q'Ne.u; 0"_. '. OULA~.



J. E. FRAZIER I .m coatinue to do Roofln, ud Ipoutlai at a.l.onabie PrIca. Cau 011 1M at my IIime, 01'

plloae 2+2~, aDd I

wm IIOmate willi rou. {






Must Come Back.


PCJwer of Animals to Transmit Own Qualities Responsible For Improvement or Lack of Betterment

I T:) tb e c rl tl~ 1I1 the abllling pc "'I'r o f In a Herd or Flock th .. (·hr l.tlnn l'h urch 1'1-'''lal,," un I' nlgm:l In \-I ew of Its orl~ln R . Tho I1rHI b C' llt:v rs we re sl mpi" folk. 'Ind t h e ull lflllrne (j and l~nora l1t COlli ' IflOS " d ' Ih e .muJorl ty, T lw), h nd II Ibe(,Io!:,)" 11K nil me n mu s t hav ... but th e y "\' I' r .. not thpolofllnns : It wns IIOt the Im !"re s tutl'mpnt of orlhodox y, Ih{' tell l in g of til " rn c ts oC J es us' lilp. und d,' uLb a nd r"~lIrri1ctlon. th e tenchlng of doc, t r ln cH by th l' OI that mad .. th e {'hu rdl lind ~ () !I1p"II " d th !! lr h c ar e rs~ It was t Il" \I'll illg of th,'se Cncta whl~h tl,,"y 1"'l i" " 1'1i I ll , or -' PS U H Chris t. wholl1 th c' n 's u rn 'rlion hnrl dntl lcll tcd aM supremo ilr ;llh alltl Jlurll)' an cl rlghlNl us neSH 1101 n il Fn milch cX I)I' rlpnn' , his tory or J· cro rd. but (lut of t he consc iousn ess o r 11 l1\' lng . abiding, ,p e rsona l rela lion \\' h lr b th {'y had wi th h im. On tb o oeen ~lo n or hi s IIl llrt ynJo m, St. Stepb en . t h e 11C"llc-n lH l. nlfl rnll'd thn !;rpat tac ts, I b ut thp Her r!'t so urc i' aud t h e root ot I hl R IJO\\'H w,'r" (ollnd In tho sp nse lot his pe rs(Jnal rel utlon to Chri s t. h is r!' , 1.Iglou8 bl'lI{'r dec lared lu th o wo r d~. " 1 St!e t he hf'II\'e!l S opened and th o SOli or man s tan d ing on t h o right ha nd or Ood," ::it. Pn-ul more t han oth er or h is Um a d e v loped the theology o f th e Ch ur c h. but Intell ectu a l g lllnt that h o was h e Is not rec kon ed us an a!tC'g et h· e r consis te nt th eologia n , He was fi rs t nf aH u re ligio us ge nius, Tho aposto lic Church wns tlrlmarlly a re ligious or· I~an l sm. h e nce Its powe r; It waH not Ii eha rllable orgn nlzallon , b ut th e love or Il IICll othe r as bret hr e n In Its members b ecaus e ot th e ir strong person a l love or the ri sen Chrl ilt mnd e for a slrang" fw d won de rf ul communism. FI~t, a Rellgl9us Orgqnlx,a tion. Th e Cburch today. BS a hVa YB. must Il VOW th e be lle t tbat It Is, first ot BlI a r eligio us organism. a nd only as It III :Ioes It bave power. Sometim es It has b ee n overmuch or a d oct rin a l InsU tuN the therd aet at & play th e note and became hysterical. How- tk il as In the eighteenth century, wh en produeed som e tlwe 1180 ever she rec eiv ed h e r cu e a nd bra.e· Its spiritual lite was at a very low betore a ccl.Ucal New In g her self sbe mad e h or way to the . e bb. T oo much ot th e theological Is York<' a tussy old atage. not the danger ot today. as overmuch ] [ (][] bacbelor decJ ded to das h In the fi rst act ot this play Miss - It It m ay be BO put-of th e socloout into the ('old nlgln alr Taylor had a mUe speech In wh ich logicaL Th ere 18 a b elie f, In the Church she said : "W hy sbould I bo a prln· tbat m en may be saved b y maklnlf I.v ,,"'''VI' W a nobl e a.cL. As he rushes cess ? I want to live, to swim, to run, tb em m embe rs of an organization ruth. olr th e s~e he cries: "Wb ere Is my shawl? Wbere lB my sh aw l ? I ~o play; I waut to ll ve, llve, live!" e r than by making lJIe m living pa.rts of can 't go out wltho.ut a shawl, A.h !" Miss Taylor rememb e re d tbe note sbe a n orgu nh:tltlon . and tb e re Is a talhad r eceived threa tening h.)r 11(0 , Sbe lacy. The Church cannot sllve men T ho "Ab!" Indicates hU IULl.lstact.Wu hecame terrifi ed again and her s peech by parish Iwu s es or nttractlve sEl rv, at finding the des.lred nrUcle, Theu he [eaves the stage. e mpbaslzlng he r wlih to liv e became Ices-deslrnbl o things . bu t not -ll,ece& At one p er formance 01 tbe play the so hy ste r ical that it was necessary fo r Bary to salvatio n-and yet such non· property man n eglec ted to \J ut lIl e b or to rueh 01% th e stage, The mun· essentia ls h av e b ecome a mBnla with shawl In lts prOller place. and when I Bger cam e ou t \>ro Uiptly, and, nut BOrne p eople. Men want more In the the ba ch e lor ut ter&! the word " Ah!" ' knowi ng wh ut e3pluuat\ou to giv e, Church than a soclolo glt;al un it or a he was em barr&8sed to find that there sai d that Miss Taylor bad b een s el:.~lld <:harltnbl e associatIon; th ey nsk for a was no sbawl III s.lghL. He casl a wllh an attack ot pt()m n.lue poi80u, l'el1~lou8 80clety which Implies a pe r. Three generations of Ho.l ~tflins , High butter production It; a n Impona nt basty glance about b.lJ:D" .bDpIng that IL lng, liGna l relation' or lt s members to a liv: prepotent quality . Note the Improvement i n udders. migbt be tound. hut attel' what mus t Arter Home delay tbe p erformance In g. p.resent. rla e n Christ, and that have been to him a lang aud pa1nful was continu ed , In t ho last nct Miss m eans power. Such n , ~elatlon , oC sim. T o the bre ed er or a n imals provo' pOle ncy. Slgns ot pr cpoten '. ) are walt he turn ed up his eo/U collar. a od Taylor was to cllmb up a mounlaln pi e folk tQ J esua Christ mad e a t ~he. :ency Is nn ' Iml)ort Rnt (' onsl d ern llo ,~ , usually more clenrlr see n "'>l en th~ eo went out to bra ve th e storm. a nd Jum\> Into u burnlug pit. Wben l)rat a Church th at de fied the Roman boca use It is III Cl large pnn r ospo n31' 1resemlllaJl('e is mllnlf es t III t l'e nIT, Now this hitch In th e p ertormance, sbe r each ed th e lop of the IncHno on E!m plre and' conqullre d eve ry obs tac le , ble for tb e iml)ro vement or lack of 1m. sp rin g oC anima ls of the sanle pllrt apparent 11.8' It W IUI, r ClIl.Illued . lIJ]detbls occaslou s ho was once more over- It today thtl same tallh In th e risen. , I breed or of diffe re nt :,u re j; . ('''lis a9 tected by IIlJ bUL t wo o r three l UI lbe en ce knew a bou t her husbund's con· CODle by the te rror of impen dlna I>resen t J esu s and th e snmo se nso, ot pro ve lll en l In a h erd or Ooel<. Ve il ne d cont rasted wlth gradcs. F or examp le, large audie nce. The other lipectators dillon and Ily mpathlze d wltb her. be- d ea th , and ra n back In Cull view 01 p er son a l union with him co~e In la rge In o ne sens~ , we m ea n by prel)olenc r If a pure bree! si re gets olTsprlng fr om ahowed no sign ot s us p ecting t bat Ing aware of bow aUached to eac h lb p Iludl en ce, measur e to many m ore , It will conque r ,th e II ls lln cl1 \' e po\\'er OIlO parent bas the females or tbe same b reed th at reo .amethlng bad gOD e wrong. even wh en o,ther they were. Ye t she was per· For mo re tban a fortn lg bt Miss Tay- Illngdoms h ere . a nd e fTtlc t a national DYe r the ot h er , In ~efer m lnlng th e cbar- se mble Lhe male pa rent, thI s result the, baehe lo,r r etu rD e d later with mllted tu go on with b er ac t. lor W8.6 In a .nervous , condition. Ont:. nn'd pnlltlqll regene r atlon: Men. too. I cterls tles uf tb e' bfTs prln g, As we hs e would be u s tronge r evid en ce of pre. ,the shawl around h1s should e rs. In th e a bsence ot b er hus ban d, th e even ing dl1ring til e playa man arose with such a s pirit will conqu e r king, the t er m co mmonly It simply m e ans potency In th e .male thun had lil ll feo ,Buch bltcbes occur orte n e nuugb original a c t ha d to be a ba nd on ed. a nd to ta k e ott hi s overcoat, ]\lIss Taylor, <loms abroad. and only liS t h eir ca m. lhe ab ility which an animal I)OSSeS8es I mal e bee n of mix ed br eeding, bi! : UUS Il Sil , the, be st managed plays, yet p er- Miss Uayea ca lle d upon th e audi en ce thinking It might be the writ e r o f the palgn tor missions Is fundam entally a. , ' In the ense of pure bred femule ~ !ru ups' only , one pe rson In 600 ever d e- to nam e any song the y might like her myste rious note, sc rea me d. On an- l'eliglouB one will It. 8ucceed.- Thp to tran smit Its own Qualities. resistance to modification wOl,lcJ be to sing , Sorrie on e called for a popu· otber occasion a s ma ll ball rolling Churcbman tects them. . Such Power Is Valuable. st rQugel' than In the c ase of dams at Miss Bayes h es Itate d, onto th e stage Crom behind the wlngl! It 'would be a mistake to ' conclud e lar melody, The valli e of such power In a b reed. mix ed Ilreed lng . trom tbls that audi e nces. bowever The tears gathered In her eyes, Be t h er In a panic, Keep Pure the Heart. irrg anImal, espe cially In d!.se of s ires. "I can't sing that without my da r~Ucal they may be. unohFactors of Prepotency. Mme, Frances Aida waa attacked Upon tbe , Qut,ward appeararrQe , "man la.readlly seen. It th e represe ntativ es "rvant. It Is a case not of lack or Ung! " ahe exclaimed aa ahe bit with appendicitis silveral seasonl ago 109k etb ." but ':tho Lord ,!oo.l(eth hpon I)t , two preed s of aulmals be crossed Strong constitutional vigor makes »ower or observation but of an over- he r lip. durtng a performance ot "Otbello," tbe hea'r t." And bl essetJ"are ' the p)lr!! Ind prflP'?tency o~ brecll clearly ahown, for prepotency becaus e of the Inher, ADother Bong wal called for. Again She was seized In the first act. but In heart for they shall see Gol!~' God ,lie ottsprlng takes on the character. ent control strength has over weak, abundance of talth. The tact Is that they have become BO accustomed to the eyeH ot Mla8 Dayel filled with wenl through the enUre performance does not mak!! ,our 'Character: We Ishcs ot" tB e breed that Is , most pre- neu , Thill may explain wby animals abllOlute perfection In th e produc- t68T1, and they came BO freely tbls bravely. When the curtain wenl down ourselve, do ttiat. And what we "re potent. There 18 a great · dltterepce ot middle age, that Is to say n e ltber aoa of playa that It seems almost la· time that Ibe had to turn ber back on the last act sbe was rUlhed to the can be known only to ourselves and in the" prepotency , of breeds. In th e young neir 'old, 'produce ottsprlng that conceivable to the m that an actor on the audience. bospltal and an operation waa per- to God. Character 18 th.,t record ~ase of cattle, GallQw::,l'S ~re noted for . are superior to those resulting trom Bould"e round 'wanting or that tho "I can't Iini that wltbout my dar'formed wllbout delay. which Ie belnf! wrItten day by day. en their prepotency wben crosBed ' on mating animals tbat ar e Immature or llDloothn,ls of a pertormanc~ should ,ling. either," she stammered, I , Whatevsr terrors Buch contlncen- graven <leep on the soul-, the Immortal 'other bt'eeds, es'peclally animals of are going back owing to old age. Car& ,be hindered by human fallibility. have for most act.ora and actress' • clea It WLII evident that she waa In DO ,Jlart.. at one'" being, It standS-It Is mixed breeding, the ofTsprlng usually ful Inbreeding makes tor ()repotenc1 Thll taJth In the absolute pefrectlon condltlon to go on with ber pe~form­ of the m,achlnery of the theater baa ance, Yet she contlg.ued to the e'nd. It es they seem to Marg)lret ' 11l1ng- for t1ni'e and eternlty. ~ Nor can we reo 'Ixbi blts OallOWIlY ·c'haracterI8tlc;s. In because It s erves 10 strengthen charton only tMfles compared with write "it In U),e ragged yaars of the end the case 01 sheep the ",merlcan Merino acterlstlcs. l188uJtec! In' a delicate but pOWerful seemed cruel to allow her to go CQD, but Breeders have been unable to bit farm .or tyranny which has, unknown tbe audi e nce had to be served. Mias a greater problem which public. of a mlB'BJ!ent life. Ghrist can forgive l. especially prepo~~t jl~d trahs mlts t'he .Inl pf, a thief In many of ,the characteristics ' of the upon a rule that g overn s prepotency to' the ' 'a udiences that exercis e It, Bayea would no doubt have preferred ~!ut be could not give hl9;l t~ ,cbar- breed . The long periods which these absolutelY, other than a ctual breedlnll cauled • pain aud ter ror ami grteC to cancel her engagement und remaIn Ipnnmebble performers, Slaves of by tb e side of her Rick husband, but disability and emphasizes the d,aJ,l,er acter or an honest man, The ' Bl,bte animals ha\'e been bred~ ' pufe , have tests. They agree. how ever, that pre poten cy may be tran s mltted, at least thJ.a nWmUe.. tyranny, they ' have the tyranny ot the audience was ' Dot of t emporary spiritual or me\l~ un· doel not record the agony' 0( tI~mi>rBe fbed tha lr churacterls tl<ia strongly. fitness. There Is a great sou"ce , of ' tbat must have swept the' soul ot p~~ ShaWl Up I n Progeny. I In ,' degree, and It It I~ not the caae, bean 4:OJIlPelled to appenr as usual In a thlng to be trifled with . The y bad . '.pI.te Dol tragedies and allm en ts un· come Crom all parte ot th e city to see dang e r to the arUlt and to dramatlc dyin~ tbief as he recall ed his mls., , Prepoten cy at tbe indlvldqal. anlIhnf ''then the tlrst great prinCipal of breed. .lLIpectlfd by the publlc, Sometimes Miss Bayeu and they mUBt not be art, she thinks, In tbe common prac- spent years and lost opportunities of ia shown by the c lose ness ot' 'resl!lD. In g would not be a safo guide to D. J. KAYS, the circumstancea bave been tragic disappointed. It Is one oC tbe unpleas- tlce or allowing stars to playa single 'vlrtuouA livIng and useful senlce. But blance In the" p(ogeny 'to the pateQts mal breeders, role el,bt times a week and for aa ,,~e who are yet In the n e sh h<>ld those 'Otr!fPrlng 'toot resemble ea{:h 'Ol/ler College of Agriculture, Ohio Statt a.wI .at timea tlley ba va been ruthllr ant duties ot managers to entorce thlll many performancell &8 the publlo will g'.old'e n opportunities and cun "pare lhe , U ' cons Id er!lg I b eth- n eedless regTjlt-. for their ,Ileglect. Let ~ are ;one pf tbe best evIdences .,f pre· nlversity . c:om1caJ. rule. w patroni%.e, without LAat summer Ja cl( Norworth, the The point ot this e pisode Is lIome- er tbe actor or actress Is In · the mood u.s, then, pes heed to our; character. husband 01 Nora Hayes, Wall teken whllt weakened by later eve nts. Includ- or condition to otter the 1fubUc , the b,ulldlng, k e ep pure ~he heart which seriously ill and tb e doct.ors sent Ing the separation of Noru Bayes and best that Is In her. holds the Issu e ot tlle life: "The time Is hlm olr to Europe In haste, Wbll e her her busband, but the fact remains This practlee "of working a Single shbrt. ' If thou would!!t work for 'Ood. husbAnd wall raci ng with dea tlI acr08H that the Incid en t Is a good Ilillstration play and a alngle actor to death" Is II: must b e now.'.' '• " : '• the aeaa NorB Uayes wus obllg ed to o C wbal actors and actresse s bave to one ot the dangers threatening the Ure SO on with h er performance at the go througb to Bervo the tyrant of the American theater, she Insists. Gracll of Our L.ord. N ... Brighton theate r. wh e re th e ,pair known a s t he pUblic, Tbls condition can be Improved only "The grace or our Lor~ ' Jesue had been aplolear1ng, When seen by Laurette Taylor, ",ho baa scored a by training spoiled Amertcan audithe wrlter a fe w m inutes he Core h ll r s uccess In " Peg o· My Heart," was tbe ences to the point wbere they will Chrtst." Do we stop often enough to act Ihe was almost In a state oC col· victim of an odd experience wben abe be pr e pare d to see a star role Inter- con81de r what that grace wall ,and t8, lapse trom an:d e ty an d grleC, Her wa s app earing at the Ma:line Elliott rupted by any gaud artist. whether 'I1lhere unto , "'e are commen~ed. , !lnd tlbrough whlcl;i we !lttaln? Tn that hair was di s h ev ell ed, ti e r c )"es were th ea ter In "The Bird ot Paradise," naw ed on the program or not. grace are ble nded all Christian beau- ' red with crying, and s b El s eeDled a One e ve ning, 11 little while be Core the tiles and pe rtectlur.s. As hi the specwreck, A te w minutes late r s he ap- ris e oC th e curtain, she received a Job'l Comforters. pearbd before the aUdience, 'gayly be· nate warning h e r that she had only "Some tolks," said Uncle Eben, t lrum. every ' glory or coloI' It! re'floctdeCked And smiling as though she tlv e weeks to live. It was sign ed "has a wuy ot remlndln' you of yoll ed, so In the grace -of our Lord ,ts ev· were the happiest WOOla n In th e world, wltb a skull and crossbone s. Miss trOUbles by continually tellln' you not ery glory of sClul. every . beauty of chal'Jlcter caught and radla,tlld , All ' 1t ha~pened that lU any In th e audio 1', vlor was alarmed by the , tone ot to worry about ·em." lovelin ess that the mInd of' man can co nceive is beh~la In him, the aU-perOFFICERS MUST BE MUSICAL' other linguiStic. defect, he will now ous notes, natural and nat, the prates- tect one, the only begotten ot the have to know hili scales. sor nnally found the note on wblch Fat he... And the help for us . Ues<t'n Con~mandl In the German Army Are The kaiser baa bee n r~nBiderably orden must be based-C natural. thls- tnat ,be.lJoldlng , him, bT,,the ~ye . Henceforth All to Be Baaed exercised In his mind lately because This Is probably the Hut time that of faith. following on In his footstep!', on a Given Note. Invariably the orden are barbarously the enunclIltion or ordel"ll has been · tl~Ot!Kh oft with faltering feet : day b, distorted , and many It the syllables ot taken up scientifically. and therll Is " d,ay;' we can'rejolce that ' we shall . bl! III the future German olllcers who tbe words us ed remain In the ofllcer'l bad Um~ ahead for oftlce", wh'o lack ",conformed to the same, hllage.", Ii!;tall ....'0 a musical ear will be better able throat. But, WQrat of all, each olftcer • musical ear. alse tbe ,king , ,h i .. b,i ll Ite,a ull It.ace to In',t M "p1tltUre 'iIlO~It, 'sweet ,dovor c<!ver urop. Jt ,Is -11 well ~no,..n , fact thaD others to give comma.nds, for has his own way ot "plteblu:: hlB o~ - - -_ __ fllce. Let us ~en, remem~er, as Dr ball" titan' ;iucceB8fUlIy .'grown I'n the that thls..utant wm gtOW chi hard. com &Jw metAocl or pronouncing orders to dera, 0, Olt HII Pedeetal. , y'l1atJtlnlon 'put .it. 'we Uve-In 'orcbard andil aening tlie ' purPo8e of ' i>act solla and ' In hill orchardl 'w ber, ttoqpa ,. to be IIDUrely revolutionlnd. Profe.esor Spiess wu Instructed by " Every man whose chUdrsll recard tile Master's prellence; and 'therefore IDat.eIW "" ' belns tuUy quail· the kaller to reform all this, and blm ... the ' and beat man 'OD ~1 bla atre,DKtb. for hie ..Ire. let . UI BupPlYing ,~he Depde~ . organic ',matter. other cr~pB will not BuC~ed " lt lili 8e4 to utter commands, provided he atter working for leve-ral weeD and earth 'I.i compillUed to lead IOm8~ " •• lh, with th S1feet',clo1'er ~:1!.uallr~n· re,ard. given goo~ ruulll.-W. Paddoelc, CO( ..... Me .~ from a .tammer or JaboMnc over the claima of the ' abow IJl aU~, ,men e ,ed ,a~ ll: tr9~tijeSol!l~ Weell, and forthat ,lege_Qf ~IO~twe'QWO 9tate :OJdv" ' ...... of • double HI.. '.!:UtOUJD~ _l!lch :wGa IIIb1\uCa - , NUoD bUo' DIW ........... Ai • alW,






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Capt. r:!. H . J el lll ,on of Haverhill, Mass., Rec e ived M,"da l of Ho nor for Takll~g Banner. Cnl't. Il enjarnln II , ./. ,I1I Ru n of Il a \' nrhili, .\\ U"" ., h" s 11 lill'ua l of hOll or lha t W IlS pres" n t, 'd 'to him by t;" ,,..ra l .\I e an e at I'"tpm"ur/!: fnr the bral'"ry h o d ISIJlayed III Ca ll 'U 1'1 lit: t h, ' nag Il f til " El gh tt'F' lIti l \ 'llIf:ln lu r !'gilll f'lI t uu r· in g the battl e o f a"tty s burg , Capt.nln J I' III "o n Is th e u oo r1("pp" r of se ll ute chHIIl}J rJ, r al ti ll..!' slat o hou se , and for we\, ,' rn I y"ars IJaRt he has alway " lu.', ' " d, 'la ll"d to t,,11 h is war experlpnce",. liN 1"1'11 us th e 8 tlr· rin g scenes of (;" t Iysbu rg , whpnp \'e r 8c h oo l ch lld rp n h a l' " \'lMllpd thl' sta l e Th is IIllnoil d ai ry maid knows how to ta ke care of a cream·separ<ltor hou se. CU IJtu ln .It·lliso n S l' rY ,'II In . and other d a iry utensils. E v ery part Is first wa s hed In tepid (not hot) Company C, l\ln e l l!p nth :I1aMBIIChll Rl't ta l water and Is afterward sca lded and dried In the sun . Infantry , " We a rrlYed ," anl ,l hn In r .. lntlnl': hI. flurlng th e h OI "'!'lI th e r mall}' !::trill' whu huvo !lo t thf' S I ~ la c ilillr s Gn n experi e nce , "on t h e nig h t of July rr~ fall tl) gi vrJ th ... lr Nellnl Ill<' "rop' ,"u l It I'p ry r"auil,' ;n a can p lace d and th e commllnel waH onkred the I PI' attention , In orup r to Ilun' it III III " c " ,k lI'utl!r. For lhl" 1 1IqJOSU n ex t day to th o left In th o r e a r o C t.he t h l] b,',,1 l'onditioll t he milk IIIU"t b,' tlln 01 t..ll fla ry s l ,o{ ~ UII e nn dot'" Vl' ry Third corps . c le an . that Is , Ih ,' COIl'S l1JUHt lit' rl e llil \\, ,11. patr;"lIlal'l)' If 1111' CI'I ''\,lll ia "Th e r e b t' ls l urn pd a Latte r), o n u s an d free fro m nny ni rt Iltal might s t irrp t! , and fill' Htil'r!ng II a till u lR h I lind \1'0 \l' Po r e fo :rc ed to fil II ha c k , Com· I drojl I n~ o th r m llll d1lr lng th,· prol'P SB IIllh !l p" rpI'lldleulllr rnd fro lll Ibe puny C b f'l lI~ t h e Sixth In lill O, O ur 1 of m ll illn g , Tllfl 1Tl,lk"r. shou ld hUH' ("'n l r-r f or- lJ l wilu l e jg " p ry t'rrpc rlve . co lo r b ea r e r "'as s h o t. and wh PrI h o cl e an , dry h a nd s Ilnu t.h l! milk pail s For fu.rlll h ilt tl'r ' lIlakill h tltp r liurn. re ll I p icked u fl th ~ co lor s an d waB must b n cl ea n . in>: ~ h ,, "l d h" £101,., "'" I,·s" thltn mad e a s e rg ean t 011 th e spot for lilY Th o cream 8efluralo r shou )'l b ' llil" ~ u linit- S d. \\I 'C'k. tn tllp Bu mm e r . action In savlnl~ t.h e c ol o ra , t..~I(e n apart nnd Ih o ro u g hl y c lea n e d Hl pe n Ih<; l'r,'n lll nl I,fi to iO u,'grr'el4 "O n t.h e third day we were at Ceme· e acb tim e It Is us e d a nd just bdur p and th pJI ('0 0 1 it and k"I'I' It cou l to r A se riou s di saster ha 3 h e fa ll e n Ih o Somall1and ca m e l ca rl's while carrying out n rl' connalssaDce at Odw e iu , t.e r y ridge In s upport of th e to;ew Yorl, us1ng It shou ld b o f1ushe<! out with 11 f, ' w hOllr lwfll r " d lll r nin g lItlrty mllcs southeast of n ura .'. lu th e hillter iand oC the IIrol ec toratc. Th ey wero cut o ff by a bout 1,000 foll o wers Ind e pend e llt b aUe ry , whkb lo s t nil IIH cl e an h ot waler , L's ually it. Is " goorl plun t(, b egi n of thll Mad Mullah n nd' suff"re d h envy lassos , n ,('n e xcepti ng th e captain, a li eu t e n· Exp e ri e nce t e ach es m e that It I~ ~oollng t hn c rt'aln bl'fur,' It I~ quit.e h n t and se rg e ant, Th e cap t ain c ri e d b e tto r to run th e milk through th e S OUl' (' n n ll ,~ h 10 I'lI UI'U beca u Bu It will out. to U8 'Fo r G od 's Ha k e , m e n , vol un· separator n~ Boo n as poss ibl e arter s o ur 50111f' whl!l~ ('oolin/1: . CLEMENT BRUMBAUGH te e r to work th ese g uns and don't le t milking, II'hll o It is yet warm , thi s Th p. proper t e mll '~ rnt\ll'f : t o r c h urnthis batte ry b e sile nt.' lea,·cs th e s kil1lm llk In prim e co nd l· Ing vari es with diffe rent lo cnlltl es, but " I was Irin g on th e grou nd with th o tlon for f ecdl n~ c alv es and pl gH an d III mO Rt casell frolll 50 t u G4 d eg r eell colors by my s ldo and U put e nant 01 0 rrea m Rh o llid Le coo le d at o n ('(' , w ill bA n il rlgb t for th e s umm e r flhackl ey .ald : 'Come, J plli so n, let'a l Th ose who ha\' e th e dairy buildln~ mOllt hs, go a nd h e lp. '\','0 mi g ht just as well II'lth running wate r 11'111 hll l'r n o trou , III th o parly s umm e r churn at 51 got. kill e d ove r th e r as h e r e.' ble In cooling th e cream and th os!: (jpg r es, "Our colo n c l ~f1W u s lind orde r NI me back to th o r o lors, The she!llll !; aoo n stoppe d alld o rd e rs werc givon to rally can be thrown s h Ol'l 200 pound s ri g ht on th e co lor s , W e charg e d to th e III fr on t of yo ur e yes aud c le voo m on o ut of c I'~rY d ozen wo uld not notlco Ce nce near by and som e of men got over, I, It . \\'h en I'first purc'haMed m y sca ie s " A ll w c n~ared th e fen ce Lieute nant le ll r ea r M a go Illy n ci!,;hbors th ought Shackl ey sai d : 'H e n, see that r e b ul A F 0 N R I I lI'aH ju s t Rl nkln g th a t mucb m on ey verage armer oes 0 ea - \ In l h., " vro llnd , utlll Pcess nrll", but I !lag 0\'('1' th e re , L e t 's go aD d get It .· J 1 nl . h od forward and s u cceeded In ize How Much He Loses Each have leal'llpd to cons:der l hem a good capturing th e flag and nssls t p. d In tak· Y b L k f 0' "a yln!; hll'"sl m e ll t. ear y ac 0 eVlce. I ~I ,. CII SlOll1 \\'''I''lli,,'' at teu ce nts ing a numbe r o f p riso ne r s. , '\' 1I h tII e '0 ... slars and s tri pe s fl yi n g and with th e I a draft " a id good Int£! r es t on the in· r e be l flag , 'hilt. o f th e l~ l llhte ')Ilth Vir· (13), H , il , Ht'S III :-; q ,! " l' l' ~ tm e nt thu flrsl ypn r, and has ev e ry !Inia rf>glnu: nt In my olher ha nd , I r eo I d o not b I"~ \'e t h e av e ras" fa rm e r I .\ 'I'a r s in er>. Per hap s th ere will b .. tr eat e d ," r eali zes h ow mu c h h e 105 s e acb Yf'Ul' , SO Ul p th u t \\'I lt be In te r es ted In lho b eca use h I! ha s not a pair o C goo rt, cnst or good \\'ap;on scal es, 1 buu g ht r e liabl .. s ca les locat ed on 1be farm . a I! tandanl Ulllkc of Ove ton s enpaetty JOHN BURNS FOUGHT ALONE 1'\early all of the farmer 's produc e is, ' anI! t it .. 8<.:a I08. timbe r s for tbu framo Bold Ly we ig h t, and It Is not e nou g h a nd platform , stoue and ma so n lI'o rk State of Pennsylvan ia Erected Monu- tu ~ tancl by and see It w e igh e d 00 the 'I c" ,1 m e nbout an e l'ell $100, iu c ludiug ment to Cltlzen·Soldler Who Was bllYt' r' s scales, Yo u s hould hal-e a se t a ;,Il·po und tcst welgbt. Made Famous During War. or your own In your yard so that yo u , Wh e n ) ' OU buy n set of s c ales be may b (' s lIre you a re getting a ll you , Slll'e and gp t a t CR t weight. Th e il if .Io h\l nurns, th ,' c itiz ~' n-Ro ldl f> r o r are e ntitl e rl to , I do not m ea n to In- I you kp e ll th e lll te~ted up your sCli le" Ge lty , b llrl!. wbo WlI S mad e ralllOUA 10 sl nuat e t.uat bu ye r s are di s hon es t . but lI'il l he as stn mlard as any a nd yo u hi etory, in song and in atory, \\'n~ n !Il IHa k c8 nr e 60mel' m e ~ too e a s ily n e "d flot la lw a back SPilt Co r s hort r ea l characte r, sure e no ugh . At th e mad e. we ig h t. A poulld Is u pound. and yo u tim e or tho b a tll p. h o was high con · If you fc <l II numb e r or b ogs you arc: (- n til lNI t o It. llsunlly when f lt rmetahl p. o f t.h p v ill age, and rev e ll e d In s hould h avo a pair of plaHorm sca les ,' e rs are buying an d 6e lllng among the office, He h ad no Bp C' clal In s truc · t o we ig h th o m o n whon you co 111 - th c :nse l ves nearly eve rything Is lumplions , but fe lt. It to I", h is duty to menee to rf>(' d them . and t.h e n by eel off, but you can n ot atrord to do C IC'nH' nt Brumbaugh, t.h e n e w con· pr ese rv e ord er In hi s hnlliwi ck, aad to w e ighin g thfl gra in that Is Ce d t.h e m th is , or at len Mt I th lnl( I work too gress mnn from the Twelfth di s trict of appre h ellll all BUHllioloUII c h arac t. er s . you should be ablo to t e ll wh e th e r hard ror my d o ll ars to swap tbem olr Ohio, 18 a se lf·mad e mau. H e work e d As th e two armies approac h e d Ge tt y~· you were doing It at a p~o t\t and h ow that way . his IVay thro!:,~ h Le banon unl\' ralt y burg, on re d p rate ecouts aDd s pl ('~ much , When you are r e ady t.o d e liv e r \\' h e u you ge t r01! dy to bu y Il set cif and su bsequ c ntly t.ook a degree at appeare d In th e tOWlI, aud \\'er e to market It t a k es jus t a few mirluteB Re n-If's do not Ipt a fe w dollllrs ' dltrHarvard , promptly nabb pd by Durns, who fill e d to we ig h yo ur wagon e mpty aud a ga in erence In pri ce s tand In t he way ll:J d the 10cltUp, tho base m e nt of the after t.he bogs are loaded, and th e n lead you to buy an Inf e rior article. churc h and a ",are b. use or two anll you are alS'le to tell where you ar e. It you are buying a s e t of wag on VICTORIANA HUERTA watl stili all h is job when on that Orst or course you must. nil ow a little fo r scales for a ' lifetime, which you are, day Duford and H a t.h got Into hand· shrinkage. From my own ex peri e n ce ge t n set that will stand up, aDd oDe holts around C ulp's HilI. I would say fat hogs will shrInk about thnt you ca n stand b e hind, and be From Genel'al Ray nolds h e leR rn e d t",·o pounds apiece, drawing four sure that th e w e lght.8 are correct. that til e r e was going to b e a real bat· mil es . When yoU set your scales put them ti e and John decid e d to bo In It. H e r e In so utherD illinois many of where they will bo handy to use'; Within an hour John Durns, CitlzPll, thl! hogs and cattle are sold to the don't. put them otT In one corner where approached Major C hamb e rlain or t.h o buyers, who come and Luy them at no one cau get to t.hem . Have them On e Hundred and Fif tlet. h Pennsylva· th e farm, and unless a pair oC s cales handy to drive onto and collect ten /110., and begg e d to b e allowed to fight aro at hand tbey are generally lump- cents for all custom weIghing. The re Young Rodman Wllnamaker the Second, grandson wIth that r eg im e nt. He 11'01'0 a blu e ed air. This, of course, Is too t.;ncer- are so many reasons w'hy ~calea prince, ,John Wanamaker, a nd h e ir to mlllious, Is un and clllver swallow·t.all CORI with brass button~ , talu . The buyers are buying all the s hould bo on every Carm thRt It &olf player. snd a high hat. and carrie d a Long tim e aud are very apt to make a price seems to mil that e ve ry wId e-awake John muzzle load ing rifl e, hi. po c k e ts that Is more than safe for t.hemselves. farmer ahould see, at leas t some oC bulging with powder and bull. Co lonel Resides t.h e re Is nol the satisfaction tbem, eno u gh to cause blm to got In Wiste r finally told him t.o g ot. behind In tbe deal that there Is where you action . ' a tre e and fi g ht., and h e did , He see them weIghed on your own fought. all day, an d was wound e d t.hree scales . tim es. . Wh e n you go to the mark et to buy li e was horn In Kew J e r sey In 1793 ' 1 a piece of m eat or to the groc e r y Co r and s e rve.1 In th e Me xtcnn wnr , and sugar It Is never lumpe d off. but car ewas on B of t.h e firs t. to e nllllt. In the fully weighed, and I b e li e ve that. It lInlon army, but th e Il gP limit r e tlrc d 18 1\ poor rul e that won ' t work h o th him. H e was s e l'o nt.y ·t wo years o ld ways . If It pays the se peop le t.o haye Recent Experiment Conducted wh e n th e Dattle of Ge ttysburg lI' a8 s cal e s , wby will It not pay yell 7 Rhode Island Station With fou ght. an d d ie d In Geltysbt~rg In l S72. If y o u are a farmer t.hat doe s n ot Poultry. !o'or his loyalty and brav e ry tb e s(:ll o feed stock, but sell your h ay and of I'f' nn sy lva nla <:rected Ii mOllum ('nl graIn to feed e rs , you cl'rtaln ly do II. r pcent. e xp"rlm c Dt by the Ithodo to hi e m .. m o ry, at till' ve r y place ne ed a pair of sea les , You cannot whf'r c h e (ou g ht- ·th e ('\117.f'n 80 1<11 01'- 1 alTOI'd to guess otr a load at hay , What Is lu lld e xp pr lm pnt statioll with po'ul· al o n e lind without a com mand e r . yo u would lose In thIs way In a yea r t ry fu cd e mph as l ~es th e great tl ee d would uRu a ll y buy a pair of goo" o f p,'r miliing t.h e fowls to hav e plen' Bcal e s If you do much business. lr ty of b o n c- rorllllll~ mate rial. An Open Question. you se ll your corn to fee rl e rs you nre To rompal'e th e e IT"ct o f th e addl· Irat e sergeant, to a bunch o f raw liable to lose m o ney by g u es~lll g o ff tlo n or b on o nsh nod diff e re nt is th e lates t picture o f th<:> r ecru its wh elm h e ·\'all trying try a c "lb or corn or by m e llsurln g It. alll o unts o f ground lim es ton e to the dr!l1 : , provls lonnl llres ld ent o r Mexico. " Loo k h ere, ronfound It ; I won't This, as you pl ain ly sce, Is not n s are ration or [loultry . thr ee lo ts ench o C 14 two-w ee ks ·olt! Cornish Game· Whit" hav e Ibis, IJo you thinl( 1'01 U fOO~ ?,;:e lVa~' ~~n d;o~uds~::~~:our wh e at. oa t R or Wy a ndotte chlck~ we r e fcd Lhe sn m e Connecting England and France. " Rhure, BOH," an swc r f' d one , I ' ry e t n marke t lind t.ry to load about Engiand Is aJ;nin <:lllls ld c r!nf\' th e cnll ' t ~ay. SOl' . \V e on ly cam e 1er4 I t.ilt! same ev ery tim e you may find basal mtloll of corn m e al. cracked corn, mix ed teed and alfalfa, 6ullpl eplnn to put. u 1I1nllei und e r tho eha· y e!i terday ." that th e 101l.d ~ vary 200 · pounds o r m e n t e d with cotton· see d m e al o n an e l to th e mainland of Europe. Thi s more , No use to kick , unl e s s yo u e Clunl prote in basis wlt.h animal channe l scheme, Itl ravor of which On the Zouave. ki c k yourse lr h e cause you hav e not. meal. fe e ling see ms to be st.eadlly growin g, A Zouave r'igge d out. In bagg y breec h, IJot I r ece iv e d 110 addc d ash conIs now quite old, for as long ago I\S e s, legg ins and oth e r picturesque pal' bought. a pair o r scales . for they are 1866 It was put on a practical basis n ph ernR lla, was on Illcke t with a 801· constantl y b ei ng adv e rti se d In t.he 8t1tu e nt s, lot 2 e nough bon e flsh and ground limes ton e to supply phoaby a French engineer, who exh!blte(1 dier of a WQEit e rn r egime nt '\\'ho W:lS In best farm, The first year I had my scales I got phorus and calcluUl e qual t.o the anIhis pJans at tbe exhibition of 1867. In regular uniform , enough more mone,)' on two deals to mal ralion , alld the ration of lot 3 the prevlou8 year experlmontal bar· The t.wo w ere :;reatJy astonished Ings had begun on both sides or th e 'a.'hen a rebel jumpe d out from be- half pay for tbe scales. One was a t.ho sum e ration, but with three ttme. channel, ,nd these have been cantin· I1I1.d a log, lIooked ab9ut and dropped. load ot wheat that tell short 600 u.s much lim estone, 'fhe ex p erl ment waa begun tbe lat· Ued at different times since. However, over as It d'ead , Th ey examined blm, pounds. and the other was wool , and still Bome will say ' It does not pay to ter part or October aud by the ftrat tho tunnel Is not the only BUggested "There Isn 't a mark on him," ex, bother with weighing everythIng you weelt In De<:embe r aU the chicks III means of communication between the claimed the Zouave. sell, They are Batlafled aa long aa lot 1 had died, , The chlekB' ttl lot 2 , two ' CQulitr1ea. A I cbanDel bridge was "No," repUed the other' Boldler. "J " Ute Indla~. gaUkrell_ at their tepeea during ' a Sha~ Kiva In proPOSed ) n"P8J1. in 1889. aDd Sir E, pelS be ', eaw you, and jes' laul:hll4 tbey can ilee the welKhlng done. but began to ahow 81gns cr leg . weaJl;nfta enD tbtl ta Dot iLlwa,.. lara. the middle or Decembor a.nd three ,, ~Ie· o.od .. Cofotado Springs" Tbe ' trlbe!ii1en . brln~ tbelr cblldren w!tb them J, ,'RNd , II1lgI"t~ ";,. tUbular raUwa, bi•• elf to. dlBatll." 4't4 1, ~Uli In mlDd a pair of leal.. tha.t aften.'arda dle~. ' None ~( . lot \aa. PUt,~ P~k' ·'f ..Uva~ eac~ Bum~. : ' ~ , ,{. abOTe the ~d ' onla ..... " ;

1, 1

















__.l!IlOIEImII!W1r:llli'i.'w.lnMi:£2lIC!!!l~~~ I





S"I" llla ,

UEA TH ~ "



of Mr. and Mrs. M1'9. Grace Smith \Va!! in Dayton 'If Vt' lI:lul e 'tation, died I\l ullday. 1111 Iwr 11I 1i' h"lll l~ Thu r>!day nlOrnin): 1.11 11 ,, '('luck. Till' budy wa~ tak t'll J . \\" . Whit t· wa'! in Cincinnali I () T ippeC <llI llt) ( :ity Sa turd ay . whl' rc Th ll!'~uay . t he fun l'rai >l<: l'vic<: \\';Lq held . Itll!' r· :'I1 r . •\ , T . Wri)!ht and son Alfred, \'.' ( '1'1' ill I )ay tun Friday .



a t I u'c1tlt:k .


Itown Sunday.

-- ---


Mrs i":alhari ne :-ita nt oll, agl'd \1;1' 1 Mr . and Mrs . W. S. Graham, of di ed a l her ho m e Ilea l' S~ringhu r o I:nut e f>, spent Sunday with relatives M')!lll:ty mu n dll\{ , :ll s::m. T he ~u ' l in Wilmington . Ilera l W It!i Il eh l tt ll~ aflernoun at I :.lO II T' M d M I A o'clock . orn- - () , r . an rs . ~, Zimmerman, Thursday, September PR OPOSE!> LIQ UO R LA\\' 11th, a daughter.

The car will arrive Wednesday or Thursday of thi s wet'l" and you can secure peaches either from the car (lr the stun'. There will be Elbertas from New York, an extra fanc'Y fruit, the best for canning. California fruit is scarce tltis year and all kinds of frui t will be high. Thert' is nothing hetter than good HO M E. CANNED PEACHES.

Buy Now while the Price is Right We wish to thank the public for their liberal patronage in the past, and it is our desire to continue to g-ive the be st SC I'· vice and mOllt courteoull treatment.

regular e lec tion in Novem e e r Tht' ollicia l t!xpianuti on <I!i given beluw was. ~ i led . . . :' I hI! propused I.a w f.HuhJlJlts the Shlplllen t of hq uo r to.r beverage pur· puses into dr y te rrrlory . I t s tops " the p r e~ ent leg al pl'ael! ce of urewers alit! wilu le!ial e li"u(Jr dealers shipping liq uor fr um wet centers intu dry tet'· ritury to speakeasy ](eeper~, l,ool· .' legand owho th ers . lIl(' pros· iti-___________•_____________lD Agel'S dru~nnsl ti les.\\'lth

G. W. Hawke

Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables,. Oysters in Season.



The f oll owing have lheir farn~s posted, and hunting on the same will Ph one 449 . . . I b h' b't d . posilive y e pro I Ie .

Osteopathic Physician



Seth Furna.'l. Martin Gons. IIsaac Wilson.





Tuesdays and Fridays, from

l8 :30 I

Late Cia-;sified Ads

'- - -

to 11 o'clock . . Aflne Jersey Bp.ifer, with ctllf bv Office. corner Main and High streets, her "ide. Inquire of J . U Phone No. 100 I Hllwke, Waynesville, Ohio. ot...



Internal an4 Extemal Pain...


Dri ving, 6

yel\, r~

,)1<1, film·

i1y broke. pedigree lind trl10k recori of 2:22, Price right. Ca lland see Rogers & Bon, Waynetlville. Q , 01

Advertiser in Tell Thethe Miami saw his Ad

Subscribe tor t h e Gazett('

a~ ""-' To... • (

,CIRCUS WILD WEST Colossal Congress of Trapeze, Horizontal Bar and Roman Ring Aerialists, Acrobats, Wire Performers, Contortionists. Equilibrists, Clowns, Russian Dancers, Cowboys and Indians p,rforming Ponies, Donkeys, Dogs, Dears and ~ Monkeys. Beautiful SpeCimens of Wild AniAlals FREE BAND CONCERT . BEFORE EACH PERFORMANOE ADMISSION 2Sc, Chlldreo under 9 yrs. ISc

Under Mammoth WATfRPROOf TfNTS



The longer a dough stands the stronger the fermentation, thereby producing sour bread. We mix two doughs a day, baking them within five hours after mixing, producing a fine, sweet loaf of bread. You can get the Biggest, Best and the Freiheit Loaf of Bread here at your home bakery. Patronize home industry.

B 'a rtsock's!>


... ....... __

'--!"'!"'~- ~-

~ ~-""!"!"-~---~-.~--""!"!"-"!'-""

.~ lr , and Mrs. Harry Murrav left TUl'su ay fur a two·weeks ol:ltinJ,t w ilh re lativ es in Rogers, Ark .


Sa t urJ~y' SePt('tn~er ~?lh, :1 ten ~ent cakes Co lga te s }<I~e Toilet Soap fot' 15c at Janney s Ilexall Slore .


1\Iisses Huth Hartsoe k . Chira Hawk e , Margaret Alexander. of :~prin g- Vall ey. and the Mf'ssrs. Ralph Sm ith , Terre ll Macy and Dean Howell attended a dance in Lebanon 'rl d . ht lUI'S ay m g

Have your Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette Office, and you will get satisfaction.

Try a sack of Burlon's High Grad e White F!'() ~ l Flour , It is made from t he chok":'::'l ulJ wheat and is guar. an teed by the manufacturer to give e ntire satis faction or money re


Lumber and




Do You Know?

Uniform in Quality.

eculin g attorn ey or mayor an item· f unded. For sale uy G. W. Hawke. ized swo rn statement of all liquors • _ • rec eived or sold m ay have liquor TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION shipped lo h im for such sales as are authorized uy law; 0 1' a pt?I"SOn may The Warren County Teacher's As. cal'ry not to exceetl one quart for sociation will meet at the Lebanon vri va t e use . The~e exceptions are National )Bank Building. Saturday, found in practically all anti-liquor September 20,1913 . shippinl< laws. 10:00 a. m. -M usic; Devotional; All liquors illegally shipped are I' Music; Round Table Discussion; Adcontraband and are forfei ted when dress. Pr()f. J. A. Sharon, seized unless the owner files a writ1:30 p . m.- Music; Address Prof. ten claim and proves that the liquors J. A. Sharon, Supt, Schools. NewWJ re shipped legally. This pro- port, Ky. Mrs, Muzetta Meloy, Pres., Miss vision aids officers in seizing the liquor before it gets into the hands Jennie' Tribby. Sec'y. of the bootlegger of speakeasy keepEK. Com. - F. C. Gilmour, C. A. er. It is difficult to follow the boot- Bruner, G. H. Gerke, leg-ger and secure evi dence of sales - - - -.- - Each package shipped shall conAPPOINTS .\\INISTERS tain the name of the shipper. the p~rson who is to receive it. and the The Central Ohio Conference has kind and quantity of the liquor made the following appointments for written in Enlliish in large letters Warren County: and attached in a consJticuouB place WayneRville- C. S. Grauser. on the pacirage. This aids th e officer Lebanon - A. J. Kestle. in II'acing the liquor from the ship · Morrow- T. G. Williams. pel' to th e bo~ tl egge r. South Lebanon- W. H. Bransford. Tran!!po rtation companies are reo Springboro- J. R. Wynd. quired to keep separatA records of Franklin- Nonnan Sweat all li q uor shipments and they shall Loveland-J. C. Ervin, be I:l ullject to ins pection by officers. Mason- C. S, Barrow. Judges and mayor ~ in the county Maineville- A. J, Newton. hav e final jurisdicti on to prosecul e - - .- - --violations of the law. It is the spec· ANNUAL REUNION ial JuLy vf all police officers to en· , ' . rh~ fourt.eent~ annua~ re~mon o~ fo r ce the law, and failu re tu do so is miHconduct in office . !the FIVII Pomts ~chool District No. 9 The seCtiun~ of thi" law are made Clearcteek township. Warren Co. appl icabl e to inter·stale Hhipments will meet at the home of Mr. and of liquor. The penalties therein are Mrs. ~enry Qarpenter. one and ~me essenLialto make the Weub Inter. half mile southwest of Centerville, State Shipm ent Law elrectiv e in u n Spring Valley road, Saturday Ohio, Sept. 27. 1913. This will be the us- - - - .-ual basket social of the rltunion. Any EVIDENC& TO THE CONTRARY. lOne having anything worthy of exhi· bition please bring it along and help "My husuaod keeps IIp with the in making this a social succeS$. tim l..'!-t. You never il('ar of him buying a golJ urick." "Bu't he to lJ me he gave the minister who Illarried him $50."


EVFer~~lng ~.



TIll! lirst p\ ldanation of th e pr o· posed law I ,) I'l: ti ll,d wit h the sec n · tary "f st al e' I,f ()ili" un der the ini · li at iv(! anu refe rendum i,; tha L of the mea-iU l'e lo I', revellt t hl' ~h ipl1l e nt of in!"xi eating- liquor,; for beverage purp ose~ into dry t erri to ry. Thi s pruposed law will be vuted on at the

"Stryker is always advising his fricnQs to save their money." ,ryes, the more his fri ends save the botter Stryker's chances to borrow." HIS P"ACTI~E.

"Our dentist has bought himself a yo.cht." "Then he ought to know how to manage her in the teeth of a gale." RAGTIME SONGS, PROBABLY.

<fEver notice how J ohes sings at

his work?" , "Ycs; how he must hate it." Very Proboble. __ "I don't know what It Is," gushed the animal lover, "but there Is, something about cats that sort of takes hold of ·me.' "Oh! !' said ids matter-of~ fact trl'eRd, "11\ 'et it's fleaa." . ..'

'. "

'~ ' L


,; .


Clean-Easy Soap Sale Remember the big Soap sale this week. 7 5c bars Clean-Easy Soap for 25c. STAR TIN CANS-Mason and Standllrd Glass Cans, heavy Rubbers and Sealing Wax. Good Solid Cabbage, Pure Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Elberta Peaches, Apples, Indiana Watermelons. New Cream Cheese, Creamery Butter, NewComb Honey, new Canned Peas, New Oats, Everything Good to eat. Bring us your Butter, and Eggs BiKhest priaes paid, it; pays to trade at


:.. '



Peaches are very 8carce this year, and YI)U rannot aITorrl to mis8 this one gr. at opportunity of huying at the right price,



Are the things to carry. The cost is small; the convenience great.


Lebanon, O hlo

you are contemplating· ~ trip. to the Lakes Seashore or Mountams thIs summer, ~r to California or ,New Mexico next WInter, our


I-:I1 ISI1 I1 1{IIL.insoll , ageJ'i(:, all uld Milllun' s Fe rtilizer the best on the and r " P('ct('d cilizen di ed :) unday market. For sale by Chas. Frye . <:\'l'llill~: :I! 7::lu ,, 'd nck . Th e funeral t "" k pia ,',' a l th ~' Uddfd lo \\, '!' hall Waller McCi ure auloeti lo Tippe'I'1I ('"d " ,v a ( terl1lll lll at ~ : :If ), I{c\· . C. canoe City Salu"rJay on professional S . l ; r:.ltI ~ 1'r I)t l i(' i atill~. llltt'r llll'n t in uu ~i ll css . M iHllli l'l' IIlC! e ry. ~le8Srs. C. ll . Benlley and Roy 'I,~ Weeks wl're in i1ayt on Saturday on !\Ir~ . t\1lll' lia l {tl !!l' r~ . widow uf th e busintls:;. lalp ,Josiah l{og'('rs, o f lIarv(,y tlb urg-, dil'd aL he r hom e th e re :-;u nd ay aboUl l 1\lr;;. ,I. L. HarlRock and family, nOI)II. The [ullt'ra l IVa" helt! L'lday were guests of r e lalives in James- ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Hawkes GI ocery

21 B road way

__ _ I

1.111". r,l iller,

Peaches for Canning at

Dr. Heber M. Dill

WAYN~SVILLE, OHIO . -- _ 2!'5E





. ...... .. " ,.,





{u. H. madd~n ~ e~. GORWIN, 01:110 ...



WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY SE PTEMBER 24, 1913 _.- - -- ---... - - -


0I-----------1 Former Citizens .~-




Prof. J . Addison Brown, who for ~any years was identified wi th the Bchoole of the county and formerly taught music ill the Waynesvillt> school; passed away at 10:30 o'clock Saturday evening at hia home in Xenia. followin g a stroke of apoplexy which he suffered about 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon. When the stroke occurred he was in the yard at his home . His wife, assisted by the neighbors who saw him fall to the ground, carried him into the houtle and medical aid was quickly summGned. The aged man quickly lapsed into a state of coma, from which he never rallied , death coming q uietly and peacefully. Prof. Brown was born in Carroll county February 24; 1845, and was thus 68 years of aire at the time of hiB death. When a young man, scarcely 18 years of age •. he enlisted in the Union army. and bravely tlerved his country durin~ the Civil War. The funeral took place at his late residence on Dayton Avenue, Tues· day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rurial 'was made at Woodland cemetery at Xenia.


Ir"'-'-- ,,

Mrs. A. H. Harlan attended the luneral of a relative, Ellison , Robin son in Waynesville, Tuesday of last week. Henry MUler. Chaa . .Harrison and Jos, Blair attended the National Encampment of G. A. R. in Chatta· noaga last week. The Gleaner Girls of the M. E . Sunday School were entertained at the home of Veda, Vesta and Grace Hurley, Saturday afternoon. Miss Jostphine Reevea very pleasantly entertained the Delta Alpha Clasa Saturday afternoon. Prof. Arnold attended the funeral of a relativ~ in Port William Thurs· day afternoon of last week. Misa Vada McPherson. of Wil· mington, who has been employed to teach music in the schools of the township. made hor first visit to our school last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wal'ner Morris have purchased theJas. Huffman property just north of the school building and will remove to it next month. Wm. Ewing is repairing the prop· erty he recently bought of T. E Brann. before moving into it. Ben Vickers has returned from an extended trip through the west.


HEBER BROS. GREATER SHOWI Presenting Circus and Wild Weat will give two performances. Wed· neadllY afternoon and night, October 1, under mammoth Waterproof Tents, locaterl on Phillips Park, Way · nesvill e. The show carries 65 people, two bands, ·10 hol'l>es. many beatifuJ performing Shetland Ponies, Dyna mite, the Unridable Mule, .20 actin II' Dogs. Bears and i\ienkeys. The per· formers are the higheat salaried and best attainable. Evervthing new but the name which has stood fOJ t he best in , amusements t9 yeaN. Nothing small about the snow bUl the price- 25c. and for children under 9 years, 15c .





..... ,," , ""............ . . ... . _.........., r . ._. ·_. . ,,"""""· "" , .' "... _··· . .···-l !

Whole Number 3230


Of l ;S~~i;'- E;~;-r

Pearlie daughter i j Nathan iel and Elizabeth Vaug hn .I • - -- - - - - - - -- . !I was born November l7, 1884 at l Mr: and Mrs .. Roy C~ enoweth e.n..--.. _ .. __ .......'"....... " " .. _ .......... __~.. _. ............ _ ... Fries, Carro l Co ., Va .• and was call ed to her eternal home August 29, 191 :.{ . 1tertalned nt din ne r Sunday MI SS Saturday Special Rexall Day at Saturday Special Rexall , Day at aged 28 years. 9 months and 12 days. I Mary Mc Cuy ; of West Jeffel'!'on, and She was ma r r ied to J ohn F. i{ellvis ' Mr: and Mrs. A. E. Chenoweth . Janney's. JannElY's. Nov ember 12. 1902; to thi s un ioll - ._-Miss Zil la Githens. of Dayton, Mrs. G. D. Mills is visitifij[ relawe re born two sonB, Clay tun Law · spent the lat ter part of the week r~nce and Hor bin Nathaniel. Afte r The Misses Emma Cartwrig h t and tives in Green County. with Mrs. Ad ra Lew i ~ . only a f ew shurt yea t·s she was le ft I Martha Burnelt ente rtained on Miss Katharine Alexander is the guest of West Virginia friends. ' f,; .:i ChaR ~c h bau g h and two to bear the responsib lliti es of widow- iTh ursday Mrs. Ar tie Albertsun, of ehil·lI'en, (I f Dayton. spent Sunday hood and mother-hood , but she met l lndianapolis , Mr. and Mrs. Frank the reali ti es of life , depend ing upon I' Zell and Miss Mary Lalchem. Chaa. Frye handles the Milson wi t h l!.a:ph Lp.·.. is and family . Fertilizer, and there is none better. Him who is able to heJp in every Np}.. t Satur day is our special Rexall ti me of need. I Mr. J. E. Janney and family spent Box Paper day. Janney 's. On Octo ber 2 , I !J1 1 she was un ited : Mrs. Margarel J ohns, of Lytle, en· Sunday with friends at New Vienna. in marriage to Wi ll iam J . GuLt erie Ite rtuined on Thursday, Mrs . Wallace Mrs. Margaret Rolgers and daugh· and Lhis un ion waR blessed with one ITibbals and da ug hter Flora, and Ohio. ter Geneva . of near Lebanon, spent son. Harold Ash Lo n. The depa rted I Mrs. Mary McKay, of Lebanon, and Next Saturday. 2 boxes of 15c Wednesday with W. S. Graham and Ilcceptt'd J esus as he r Savior . I Mrs .Susan Casto and Mrs Katharine Writing Paper for l ac at .Janney's family. When bu t a chi ld in her Virgini& ·J ohns, of Lytl e. Rexall Store. homp. she united ill membership wilh Buy your i"ertilizer of Chas. Frye. t he M. E. ch urch in t hat ",lace; ur on Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman is .pend· who !handl es Milson's, the Les t. Misses Mabel and Sarah Satterthcoming to Ohi u Hh e transf 'rred her ing a ~ouple of weeks wit h relatives Mr. and Mrs, J OB. Thompson. of membersh ip to the M. E. church at waite entertained a few young in Richmond. Ind. Cincinnati, attended the Gordon - Surn, where she r emained a peopl e very pleasantly Tuesday Wednesday loyal membel until t.he end of her ev ening in honor of Miss Ma.el Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and Wilk,erson wedding life. Welling ton , of Chicago. Delicious son. Carl. spent Sunday at Bellbrook. evennr,g. Mrs . Gutterie leaves to m ourn her r p.freahments of oyewrs and peaches the ltUests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs . J . L. Ha rtsock, Mr. loss one sister, t wu brothers, a hus· lind cream were served. The guests Next Saturday. 2 boxes of 50c and Mrs. Archer Hartsoc k and :'I1r. band a nd th ree dear child ren. for , were Misses Mabe l Wellington. Eva "Wedding Plat." Writing Paper for Bert Hartsock spent Sunday with whom her prayers often went up to land Mary Davis. Lucile Burnham, 7!e at Janney's Rexall Store. Him who [laid : "I wi ll never leave and Edna Satterthwaite. Messrs. relat:iv~1 Ilt Clifton, Ohio. t hee nor forsake t hee." Seth, Lawrence and Fred Furnas. Miu Clara Lile. of Xenia, spent - - - __ - . . Keller Hoke. Emmor Baily, RaySaturday and Sunday at the home of Next Saturday 2 boxes of regular WOMAN'Sj\ LJXll.IARY mond Davis lind Wilbur Burnham . S5c Writing Paper. 90 pieces in each Rev. and liN. J. F. Cadwallader. box, (or 50c,at ...Janney's Rexall Store.

··MentiolD Column iIIL __._Per80nai ..__ " ""'" "....___....._........



. _.



'The Wesley c1888 of the M E. Sanday School will have a lecture course this winter, consisting of five num· bera The firat number will be given October 31st. Tickets will be in thl?' hands of solicitors this week. Be ready for tbem when they call on you. ~--.

- ..-----.

LOST A VALUABLE HORSE Carl Smith. who resides near Ferry. lost a valuable horse Thurs· day. It seems as thou,h the horse ,ot to kiekiDJr in the night. and in lOme manner fell and broke a leg. The 181{could not be set on account of the fracture, ana the animal had to .be killed.


~---- ~-~.-----

SprfA& Valley ST. MARY'S CHURCH 19th Sunday after Trinity. September 28. Sunliay School at 9:30 a. m. Merning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Monday, ~ptember 29th the Feast of St. Michael and All Angel s. at 10 o'clock, there will be a corporate communion of the woo man's organizations of the chul'ch. the Auxiliary, St. Mary's Guild, the Choir Glolild and the Altar and Chancel Guilds. At this service the last united offering before the General Convention in New York will be presented. The service will be: Address, Offerin,, : and HoI,. Communion. Every woman In the parish urged to be present •


BOUGHT NEW FARM Geo. Gilliland has purchued the . Clarence Berryhill farm. near Fel'I'1: The deal was engineered throu,h land agent C. G. Willi!lmtlOD. .







Automobile Has Displaced the Bullock·Cart Among ttie Young Filipino Set.



Na,tivell Appreciate the Merits the 'rourlng Car and Run abo ut-Are Becoming the Popular Plea ... ure Vehicle of the Whole Country.


No Doubt That Powerful LampI on Care In Great Mealure Spoil Plea. ure of Night Riding.

Th e peopl e of th e Phlll pll in ea havo Re"11 ~ om c r e markabl e Innovations Int.roduce d since th e United States wrC's tcd th lJ contro l ot the Is· landa (rom Spain In 1898. Habits and cll s toms Ihat dated back tor ce n· tUlri es have bee n chanK ~ d or abol· Isher!. The entlro mode o r II vlng bas und e rgone a tran s formallon . Ch ll· dre n who form e rly rceel\' d th e ir educntlon (rom th e jungl es 11011' get th e ir lea rnin g In mod em American 8chools from AlIll'rlcan teuchers. And the In t rodu('tion of tho automobile has oven changed th e forms of courtshIp. In th e old daYB. wbon a young Fill· plno heard the cal l of Cupid nnd desired to show th e ohject of hla atreotion a those little I1ttentions that appeal to women the world around . be they white, black, brown, red or yol· low, be made lI Sc' r the means at hand. When b e went rldlog wltb his lady Jove It was In a rude two· wheeled cart. drawn by a stolid bul· lock . Toda}, the ardent 8WlLill sIts at

Nlgbt Mdlng Is lllCllBnnt eport In som i! I' s pocts, 111 ost motorists have noticed that tb"lr cars seem to run s mooth ~ r III nlgbt, th e motor pulling be lleI'. and thoMe nohu 's wblch are so bothe rsome In th e daytime appear to be all Illumed down . But wben It II a case of drll' lng along 80me road that Is busy with tramc nil the time, nlgbt riding baB one drawback, The great headli g hts us ed on tho cars falrl)' blind the motorist wbo III going In the oth er di rpcl Ion No matter It he does try to hold hJil glnnce away nn!! to lool{ down at the road Ilt the right 60 as to keep away trom th e ditch, th e road wa)' Is 60 need· "d with' light he can't help beIn g dU1r zled. More than that, the mom ent the car llUB go t by . he las s es ror a brIef stretch Into a pltleo where he Clln BOO nbeolute ly nOlhlug. The contrast mnllee e verytblng look blnck . 'fhls Ie or co urse all the mo re 80 when tile road WILY Is of Itself not 80 IIgbt. On a main trav eled road th ere doesn't · seem to "be much need for searchlights and powerful lamplI on tho cars. Yet almost all the motorlslII use the m, Where traftlc Is so beavy, tbe danllng elrect on drivers comlnc the other Way 18 apt to lead to accl· donta. It seema more reasonable to make uee or huge lights on roads that are not so much traveled or nre not 114\ well lighted. A bout the only justification for the use of headlights Is to be able to detec t In tlm o th e unlighted \Yugon or truck gQlng In the same dIr ection or approacblng. There should be a law In tbls state. such as thero Is In New Jers ey , requiring 'all' vohlcles to be lighted aCter dark. It Is only too eallY In New York state to run th e ri sk or serloue accIdent by cra.sblng Into 80me s low going wagon tbnt Is dawdling along th e dark road, wIth no ligh t showing . Altbough It would be thought that tJle driver Cor h Is own protec tion would sbow some s ort at light, a ppal' e ntly ho prefe rs not to. or else Is too indlfterent to his own sarety and that of other use rs of the highway to equIp his wagon that way.


Two lives were lost In a Ore whlcb recently brok e 0 ut In the hold 01 tho giant steamship ImperatoI' shortly after she docked at Hoboken . Fire me n from the Hoboken 'fire department (l.nd men from t\\O Now York tiro boats uaillted the nre brigade of the steame r In fighting the flnm es. The Insert phows Fireman Michael FitzpatrIck. who was overcome by Bmoke and taken to a hospital but r eturn ed later to b elp iight the fire.





the wh eel of a bIg motor car, hIs sweetheurt enth rone d on th e sblny black lea ther cushion at his le ft. A pilotogra ph T<.-cenlly r ece ived by a lead ing Am prlcan firm ShOW6 a young FHlIplno, hIs sweeth eart and he r two siste rs taking the all' on n Luzon high. way. Th e picture g ives an Interesting dllDlonstmtion of the startling can· trasts later day developmentB have bl'ougbt about. Ia the foreground Is the automobile, the last worlf. In mod· ern transportation facilities and typIcal of the progress of clvl\1zation. In the background Is shown tbe III msy bamboo huts with roofs ·.liatched with grass, mC8ctly the sEtme In materIal and architecture as those built hundreds of venrs ago. Tbe pIcture Is not as uncommon a one to residents of the Phlllppines as to Americans wbo bave never Visited the Islands, however. Even tb e half· wild head·huntors of tbe far l:lterlor provInces, who are still flgbtlng the United States troops quartered there, a re by no means strangers to tbe motor car. The Manila dealers write that autos are now as nume rous as bullock carts on the Is land road and that they are rapidly becoming th e popular pleasure vehIcle of the ...bole country. Automob"e Lamp Hints. If the elect ri c lamp In your head,

Picture showing strct' t carH in th e narrow street!; or Panama. Th e Sj·g· tem wac recently oliell ed to the public. Many of th o BtrePls in th e clly of I l'anama arc BO Darrow th at th ey nrc completely IIi0cked wh en tb e s trcet car paaBes througb. Th e system ]S owolld by Amerlcun capitalists.


Chief Justice Cullon will sit IlS tbe presldiag judge at the Impea(:hment trial of Governor Sulzer of New York. Magnitude of Stare. The term magnitude, ail- applied to stars, refers to their relative brlcbtneS8, not their relative aue, and the Q\\eBtion of relative brlgbtness la .4& tt..rmlned by delicate Inatruments and oareful observation.. Modern . . tronomers recognize alx wQgnJtudn or degtees of brightness. and, of stan vlalble In tbe nortbern bemillilb~, and 36 degrees · south of the ~qulLtor( .!4 are of the first lD:arnltude, 48 of' tl;i6 second. 162 . of the tblrd, ' 313 of. the

fou~, The S,li4 falnteat of. t!J~ ~~, al):th. ,lItara 1,0)..0 tlre Dakllci~ e7e on olear

~~t~tbe . •tzth '~~AP,


dash or ~I light bums with I~"dlsh color Inst ead of tb e pure white that It did when you first put It In. It Is play ed out, and It Is time to replace It wltb a new 'bulb. Tilts should be done, not only to give a better light, but to save money, as the lamp Is cClnsumlng more electric current· and gilvlng less light. Unless the lllmp Is ollle of tbe tungsten or tantalull\ types, you must not expect more than 600 h,ours' servIce out of It. This will s1IIrprlse a good many people, who think an electrIc light bulb Is good tor a metlme. The 1Iiaments of the electric lamp are 11 ke the wick of a kerosene lamp, they become charred and ftna\ly burn away, and mUBt be replaced, but, of course, after a much longer use. So If you want good lights with a . moderste amount of current cODllUmed watch your lamplI c:9.refulIy and replace when the red c,Olor appears. Parl,I,n "Zone of QuIet." There's entirely too much noIse In Ule Bois de Boulogne, Parla. ParIsian women, all leaders ot faahlon In 'mI· lady's wearing apparel, do not Intend I to be deprived of their opportunities to I show their line o1bthes and to hear the cc)mpllments paid by their eacorts, just because a lot of snorting, amoldng. 111. al!DelUnr and rushIng '''devU,wagons'' pleralat In forcIng themselvell upon the pleople's attebtlon; therefore, .tbe Parle authorities have banished ,gallollne au. tomoblles from the AT~nue dea' .ca. c~.., the moat 1aahlonable boiIlnnd III tile', Boll, between' ·the- houre of 11

Exports Show II Remarkable Increale, Both In Number ~f Cars and the Price Paid for Them.

UToMOa (" oalLi


to "Patt e rn Depurul1ont:' or thla pnper. Write nam o and uddr""" pllllnly. nnd be lIuro to .1\'0 .bo u.nd numbor or " .. tlara.

NO. 0299.

SIZE .. ..... ......... .

NAME ........... _ ........................ . TOWN .................. .. ............... _. STREET AND NO. ....................... . STATE ............. _ ........ _ ......... _ .





I A man'o night shirt cut on good IInell Is shown here. The collar anit cuffa, pocket and band down the front are outlined with macblne. stitching. There Is a yoke ncross tbe back. Into which tho body of the garment Is full· ed slightly. Silks or mercerized G,ot. tons will be practical to use for thIs desIgn. Small poarl buttons aerve to close the garment. The men's nIght shirt pattern (6333) 18 cut In sizes 34 to 42 Inches breaat. measure. Medium size reQulrel! 6 .. ),8rds of ~7 Inch material.

To procuro thIs pa ttern IIlInl! tit canta to "Pattern Department." of ,t 1l19 pnpet". "'rile nama ILnd address plainly, and be .uro to gIve slz.. and number of panerll. NO. 6333.


.............. _

NAMI!: ......................................

TOWN ................ ................... _. STREET AND NO .................. _._ •• STATE..... _ ................ _ •• _. _ _ •

A log of all MIssissIppI roads. whlcb permIt of motor- car travel. Is belns prepared by Gen. F. F. Myles ot BrowD Wells. Khaki suits for the boy travelers and the eklrts, leggings and hats for the girls are practicable and Inex· pensive. . . A new highway, to be secone: to none In the atate, haa been decided upon to conneot Nashville and Chatta· nooga, Tenn. Collapsible hate In IItraW. silk and felt materials are prime favorite&.. 'rhey do not become, Ibabby looki'n, and may be PDCketed wh~n not In ulle. New Orleanll motorllJte hA"e another IIheU roe,d CHI wbloh to 'dlvert them· aelvae. A ' 5001n11e hlitlloAY to.,Poln. a·ra·Hatche hu' Wen Oi'rown open'.to tramc. ' ~".~ . The a~::1:~;:~~~~~C) In Chicago.



A dress walBt with a full velt, • ,mall collar and a peplum Is here joined with a two piece skIrt to torm a costu me. Plain and figured crepe, plain and figured linen. me6saUne, hotb plain nnd figure d, Bnd gingham of th e same style will be efl'ectlve. lie- . veloped bf thIs design. The dress pattern (Q2!l9) Is cut In sizes 34 to 42 Incb es bu st measure. Medium slzo requires 1 %. yards of plaIn material 36 Inches wide nnd 3'4 YArds of embroidere d goods. In ona material only 4 % yards of 3S Incb w\1l be requ Ired. To "recuro tbls pntt ern " ..n!! ltJ een~


According to figures compiled by the bureil u of foreign and domesti c comIllerc e of the departmen t or commerce $40.000,000 wortb of automobiles and au tomObil e parts were sen t out or con· tlnental Uoited States In the nscal year 1913. against about $I.OOO,OO~ worth In 1903, a decade ca rHe r. T\J ese ligures of ' 1913 Incluile 126.· 000,000 worth of finIshed automobllee sont to forelga countrleB, about $Z,. 500,000 worth sent to HawaII and POl' to ruca( '4,000,000 wortb of tires, $2,000,000 worth or automobile en· gines, and $5,260,000 worth of otbel parts. It was only In 1902 that th o export! of automobiles hecame sumclent to JustIfy a separate record of this class 01 merchandise, tho figurea for that yeal b eing le9s thun $1,000,000. )n 1907, five years later, they were but $6 .000.· 000, and In 1910 approximately $12.· 000.000 In value. The number of maohlnes exported to foreign countries In 1913 was 25,. 000. against 7,000 In 1910, and a little less than 3,000 In 1907, tbe fi~st- 'Yoal In which the number was stated In the export records of the country. The ave rage price at which tlley were exported was nbout $1,700 each In 1907. Tba 1913 exports Included about 1,000 commercial automobiles at an average valuation of $1,800 eaoh and 24 ,000 other machines at an avel' age prIce of about $1,000 eacb-:The Imports of automobiles In tilt fiscal year 1913 were less than $2.000,000 value against over $4,000,000 In 1907. and the average price of t.h ese Importe d In 1913 about $2,300 eaeh. agaInst $3,400 tn 1907.

the toe-· "e~&liClrt.t~I-Tlae middle' the J'Jdc1a alent elite

·Ii the··YIIhlo1.,,,~iltQb

~. 'bo,.,.. ,




The dl.sater on the New York. Nl'w Haven & Hartford railroad, which cost at least 21 \lve8, Is being InvesU· pted by the Interstate commerce commIssion. Tbe Investigation promises to be the most seurcWng ever coo· iiuoted by the commission Into any railroad caliultrophe.


Full' P.rtlcul.....


. ?

Caller-II Mrs. Kaftlppe 'at home; Jilllen .(Juit ,0var):.....No. m~. ," C'allel'-'-Oo you know w)lere Ibe IOne1 . " ,. , Ellen":'YII, mum. "_"4"~.'" back-wa:v:"

that:l~e5~5~~~;~~ ',CJ:~~q~~~:;'fI!~~~~~i~= -Wm .


Cleaning Chal,... u,ather cbalra often become greu7 looking where the arms and head rea' on the leather. ~o remove theall markll try. linseed 011. Boll hillf a -pInt · ' . 01 oil, and let It stand until nearl! ~ cold; then pour In balf a pint 01 vinegar. Stir tin It Is welI ml):!l4 . I and bottle. When It Is ready tor u.~ , .",j.. put a few drops on a flannel an4 :" . poll.llh 'Oft with aoft dUlltere, Thl. wW " . tlri>~ughlY .renovate all leather. . .,



((i)?'in ncfk DUST IS COMPOSED OF l.INT SOOT I HAY-MAKINti MOST DIFFICULT PROBLEM \9~~ l))) SAND, HAIR AND MANY OTH£RTHINGS '---,-------=-----.- - ----.--=

. . -.-. . [(1) 0@[(

Pollen Found In the Air Is a Carrier of Disease GermsMethods of Sweeping That Cause the Dust to Fly Should Not be Used by Housekeepers Du s t Is composed of ma ny wIdely d ll- , Ih e small 1}la nts whi r h n re so u5l' fll! fe r lng lhln gs-I lnl fro m clo th es lin d to us a'lIl also l he fOl'llls whi d . ca u se f urll i~ hin gs. 800l . pie c eB of g ra ni te, us so mu ch t rouble. Ua clc r ia Rnd tiMid, pieces of C: ,led ll k ln. sllla ll p Ieces mol uH a r ,· oflon l\llOWn a s "tlu~ l ut haIr ., blls or ma nu r p, Jloll e ll of ftO W - pla nls" IJp" '"l sn lIlP Y a re fo untl lu so e r s. bi ts of plan ts, s te ms, bar k. leaves, great rlllll1lwrs In rlu s t.. all d th e It k..,. Th e h o u ~e k eepe r uBuo ll y ~ I nc' bacte r liL and m old s n re nu. has n greM uread of d us t. S bo Is milch 1, n. ro us In tlu s t. n llY ntl' lh orl ot s wee pas ha med If a ne ighbo r cnlls alld can , In g a n d d.usllng th at ma kes th e d USI oee thal dust bal oollected on t hu fu r- fly Is nOl a ~oo d o ne. s ince the tlu s l nlture. and "Nll'~' a re s imp ly mo ved from on~ pl acfl lo nn olit l' r. The d ll Sl a nd th8 possl hl e ge n ns 01 el is as e wou ld IWlle r lie s tili Oil Lbo fu rnil ure or Hoo r t ha n c Irculate al'out tb e a Ir whic h wo breatb e. In G Wf'"p ln ~ ihe sraiterl ll ~ of dust may be ay olelt'(1 by s p rink ling tho floor with d~ 1ll Jl pi aces or pa per or by t h e USe or a ualllp broo m. Th e s ucti o n clea nf' r Is :t rl I\.dm irab le In l'e nli o n to , avo id th e ~ e a llp r i n !-: of dus t. I"rom ! a san llary standpo in t. hard wood a n d pa l!}lctl fl oo rs a re pr e fe rabl e to ca r· pe ts , us th A ru gs m ay be fr cQuently cl ea n<' d Oll t of door s and floors cleaned will. a dU linp or o ile d c loth . Obv ious ly tlt e bes t me thod of d·us t· Ing Is by tb e use of a damp or o ile d Only ecatterlng duet from cloth, wlt i<! h removes t he dus l. and do cs plac.. not scatte r It. A feath e r duul e r Is a pos itive m e nace to publlO--' h'.' alth . It Th ere would be 1I0thlng about dus t hil S bee n I,roven by ex pe rilYt l1 l1t lh a t to bo IIshamed of It were o nly com- two boure ot tim e ar e re qu l r~ rOr lh e pOled ot the substances named above. duet, s tlned by swee ping. to sClLle as all of these ml\.terlals are only II ' a ga.ln. Th e refor o all long time as pos. part ot ourselves and belongings . I s Ible s bo u!d e lapse b etween s wee pin &; Tben would be no scien ce of hac· and du s tl ll ~ . terloto~y l! no ether Ingredi e nts were EUZADETII _' EF'F'Jl:n S O~. round In dust; but we find mIn gled Collcge of Ag rl cullu re, Oh Io Slate with other particles compo si ng duat Uni ve rs ll y.


, '



HEJRE are few mote beautiful mountaIns on the globe tban lh e th e extinct volcano. arty IllUes from Tacoma. whlcb Is ca lled l\lt. Rainer In Seattle, and IItt. Tacoma In Tacoma. With tbe la rger city Uncle Sam seems to have sIded In namIng tbe reservation whloh encloses tbe glant peak:, the "Mt. Rainier National Park." Taeoma. would have been better or perhaps, best ot all, "Taboma,'" tbe word Which stUdents of Indian lore declare Its real name-"the mountain that was- Ood," writes a correspondent at tbe Boslon Herald. The peaks ot Switzerland are not as a rule hIgher or beUer covered with snow, BeaBon tor season, than RaInier. But the SwIss bave brought lbelr mountaIns to theIr vlll\totll. In~lIned railroads and other devices have made the peakB accessIble. Beauty has been put on the market, 110 to speak:. Ours, on both sIde. the International boundary, Is stili In tbe rougb state, but on t.bat account, not ~els wInsome. Slime hardsblp and II dasb of adventure are Involved In reachIng our mountain tops. Instead of an electnc railroad threading Its way In a tunnel under the mountaIn cover. by ~hlch SwIss .!Ilghtseers are led up to their seRB of Ice, correspondIng pointe on Mt. Halnle r can be r eacb e d only over a narrow Irall on tbe back ot II broncho. But there Is a charm In tbe very wildness of the western mountain that tully compensates the traveler for this extra e(Jort. Travel on Logging Road. So many people visit Ihe Puget lound cities without getting more than a distant vIew ot this famous mountain that I am moved to de· lIerlbe with SOIllO detall Just how the trip to It may be made. 00 to the station of a logging railroad In the outektrta of Tacoma. This roaa runs two trains a day, or rather keeps one set of cars on the road. to the extent of two round trips per diem. Buy a round trip Into the park for $6, then Ipend 86 cents more tor a leat In tbe parlur ear. One Buch vehicle,bauled over the road back rorth, fills a Ion,; felt want. The raIlroad ride Is thoroughly InterestInC. Jt II perceptlhly up grade. The anow-capped peak fiRBbes In and out of vfew· most caprtclously. So many cunes does the track take that the IInow mass appoars at the most su~ prtslng corners of the sky, on one occasIon looming up dlr~ctly behfnd tile observation platform, although tile train II headed toward the moun~In by _what lookl on the railroad map like an air line. Passengers tor the park get out at :Ashford. Tbe train spurs Into that pOint, and then backs down seven mllel, to pursue Its main line Journey further. Automobile mountain wagona' . are In readIness at Ashtord . TheBB Ibould he horse-drawn, so severe II the jailing over w'h at remains or a: road. How any man-made en«ine can atand tbe bumps thus Inlllcted ~n the route between Ashford and the entrance to the National park, elglit mllel away, Je hard to underatadd. . Once within Use park the road Is lomewhat beUer. Several miles of .'(:;. It brtng the sightseer to Lon,;mlre Springs, and to .the National Park Inn. malnta.IDed there, under government 1IU~"1810n, for the entertainment of mountain «Delta. Carry No Baggagl. . The ne~t ' morning, brllht and early, , ' ~ tlle par9' 'pthers at the broncho . headquartel'll .. _: Divided .kltts have ., 'b~n lup,p.lIed to all- the ladles. No.~ body of , either lIex II allowed .to car. 'It aily.thSq like b~gage, even where .;'-the purpo.s~ II ,to 1~IlY over night on mountaIn -and ' tet · the horse that . '·'·"&tme down empty." . No ,i)r.ovialo1n·ilror .,,'Ol"ua 'the anImal over


guIdes, ODO ' for eacb end ot the pJ'()o ces810n. The hors es are tralnod to follow tbe leader. One " '!II not go by lin oth er . When one stops all s top. This often brings tbe expedition to a stllndstJII at s omo of the se verest pieces of up· grade, when the rIder longs to get hIs animal t en feet furtber forward on comtortablo footIng. At points ot rare sce nIc beauty lbe party dismounts. and the guides loosen tbe glrtb-bands on their PlllIent beasls. These rest spots come Where the \Vater falls from gre'at helgbts down Into well-worn glens. On Ihe upward couree, by the route we 'look, there were two sucb vIstas of rare and exquisite besuty, In tbe riot of greens, In moos and tollage_ The Inter miles of the upward Jou~ ney are over snow. and that 18 where Ibe guides earn theIr mon ey. Mounlain climbing 18 not the safest pastlm o In tbe world. Horscs sink to great depths. Where tbere II run· nlng water beneath the bank of snow th e weight of the animal must be taken Into account. Over plank bridges of the trail the snow wu lying ten . teet above Ihe !looring at th e lime ot my journey. Ree ce's Camp In ParadIse Valley Is the poInt where climbing parties stop for tbe noon meal. It Is the end of hors e foot nav igation. TheM! are huts of r efugo . bearing tbe name of John MuIr and others, at higher poInts, for the mor& veatur&some souls \\'ho aspire to conquer tbe peak, but th e re gula r hos pitalities cease wIth 111 r. Reece. His tents and CllbIns occupy a ridge, as sharp as that of a gable .root, on whIch tho IIno\\ falls to flnd much lodge ment. It hecomes bare early In the spring. A clump of scraggly trees have grown th e re . though It Is s oemlngly above Ihe timber line, and these alford some extra shelter. The chIef occupation of the tOUI' Ists Is climbing over ' the snows for hlgb poInt views and tben coasting back down the great hills to the camp. The ladles gather theIr Iklrts about them and let gravIty do the reet. And Ihe screamIng and delight of the parti es as tbey roll down perfectly tremendous Illopes lends a festlvo spirit to tho otberwlse lonely emInence.

ARE DIVIDED INTO CLASSES New Detective Methodn Recognize the

Individuality of Thoae WhOle SpecIalty la CrIme. The new system of detecting crImI· nals Is balled uPon tbo tacts that tbto crIminal class Is composed of many classes and Bub-classes. and tbat each Bub-class Is composed at Ia,st of Indl· vidual buman beings each with a dis· tinct and dlstlngull<hlng IndIvIduality of bls own . . The criminal Is an artist In hili own department, and stamps hie Individuality on bls crime. U tble seems on the {acll at It unlikely, It Is ' easy to show that certaIn crimes ot widely dIfferent nlltur-e never are alld never could be commit led by the same crimInal. 4 The tramp who snatches linen trom II hedge. or the area sneak wbo steals the milk cans, could not be a fraudulent trustee or company promoler; nor could the fraudulent trustee pIck a pocket nor would be steal the mUk caps. The truth Is manifest enough In the case ot crimE'S 60 dlrterent. but It la stut true ot crimes much more alike. The mumplng sailor with hlo false tale of sWpwrllck could not change placel with the bogus parson Clr doctor with his falll6 tale of having been robbed or 10lt h1a purse. The welelier and the raoecourse thief both carryon their operations on the turt, but they never excbange partli; t.he man who palses , b~se colh ·dolis not pass . flas'li banknotes; . the railway thIef ' ta not a hotel thlet and vice verSa.



.. ,:



Using the One-Horse Cult iva t or fcr Cult ivating Turnlp8.

It rfl4 u ll'( ~s IlI l nll iJ;c nt mall !l J; l'mC ll L' ill i" t h ~ mow III good co ndil ion It to kN' P a ll hnnd 8 lJ u<y du r Ing t he ha y ' WI' an' lo d"riv e lhe full feeding value I' !l n e~ t wil boUI a llowing lhe m to li e fr om Ih e hay c rop . Idl o a t a ny t im/] a nd wIthout su b- I ~ 1 (! 11 \\'h o a re Ihe bes t feed fi rs ot le ctlng a ny of th e hay to unn ecessary I fa rm s tock a ppre cia te thi s fac l and E' xpos ur e. I a ro willing to ulldertAke th e E'xtra rnlik'~ othe r fa rm operations . hay- la bo r of cur ing tb l)l r hay In co c ks so makin g cannot be followed al o ng de f· that tb ey may obtain I~s full fee d ing Illit E' ly laId-out plan a. valu &. It soe ms a lmos t Impossibl e to m!lke Weath er Is tb e g rea l controllIng fa ctor In bay-ma king. Hay will not good hay fro m c1o '· .~ r nod oth (' r Iedry In a specIfie d time even without gurn es without curIn g It In tb e cock - = == = = = == ====-- . rain. A cool day will not a\low hay be fo re h aulin g It 10 th o barn . to dry half as fast as tbe next day All fartll work mu s t be carefully wltb a warm wind blowing. planne d durIn g th e hay harv E'st . Part Dry ground Is a great aid In dryin g of our tlm o Is n eed Ad lu th e potato Silage Is the green or uncured tor- be trampe d about th e e dge thoro ughly, moisture trom grcen bay abov e It. aud co rn fi elds . DurlDg the catc hy age that 18 preserved In a ti g h t r e- to exclUd e th e ai r. It should be COl" but If we walt for the dry ground weath er th e weeds grow fast IUld we ceptacle or sllo. It 15 obtain ed by pre· e red wll h some mat e ri a l to prc vent w e ar& npt to be caught by th e next mus t pln n to kee p nh e~d of tbem by sto r m. e mploying our band s I at thl8 w'!rk s e rving green or moI st torag& products th e loss a t' th e upper layer of a fo ot or OrdIna rily t b I I wh e n th e y aro not bUly In the hay by packing th e m In built in such a way more. we mus eg n cutt IIg field . as soon UII one storm has cleare d up lhat Ihe subsequent beating may ex pe l \\' e s h ould k ee p ev e r-y man busy and we see Inelica tlons ot faIr weatb~nd check the process of deca y, so wllhou t cuttin g down hay whe n the er. lhat the torage may r e main green. sucEvery precaution s hould be us ed weath er Is cntcby . In tnct ono of our CUlent, wbolesome and be practically to prevent undu e ex posure Of th e ba y grelltes t proble ms Is to find time for ~n c hange d atter the first ferm ent a ti on . hll ying at tbls time ot tho year. to dry weath e r. The success of th e process d'tpende With our cultivated (!rops plan led Th o hay t edder hasle ns th e drying partly on the fact thllt the heat of th e to a marvelous degree. espec Ially If lato and other farm work demandi ng initIal fermentation Is so great that th e hay has nll'e lld y been C!lugllt by the atte nti o n we have a full progratll. many o( the germs of decay are killed, th e rain In th e swath and bay that It 18 t ho tIm e when we must hlro a nd partly to the oxygen which Is x l ra [ll en or lose 1I largo part of tho Is henvy and green . A hay tedder formed In the mass he lng replaced by will soon pay for Itselt It rightly use d. fc<, diu g valu e or the huy crop. carbonic acid gas which acts as a preWe pre fe r to biro tile ex tra men The aide delh'e ry ra ke Is anothe r ventnU\'e to any further change. valuahle Imple ment for stirrIng t he wbe n w e cnn ge t tbem. The y al'lt Corn should be put Into the silo a hay as well ns gathering It In open ha rd to find, but we lIIilnngll to get tew days be fore complete maturity. ",Ind,·o ws In whI c h th e drying IIlIlY th p. l1l som ehow. The prope r state wIll have been reacbgo on wIthout cau s ing th e leav es to It iR rnu ch easie r to IlJIvo th e he ll' ed wb en the lower leaves of the plsnt beco me brIttl e nnd fa ll orr. Unl ess to pus h th o hay harve s!. and not rail are I urulng yellow and some of the !lllo wed to become too tll'Y, th e y dr a w be hind \\' Ith tb e olh er farm worlt earlier ears a r e de nt ed. When the large QuantitIes or moisture from th o thun it is 10 b<!com e all mIx ed up corn Is rip e It d oes not mal. e such o;t.' m>l, besid e t hoy arc th o mos t val · wIth our far l1l worl, at tbls tlmo at good s ilage beca uso the coa r ser parts urnlng corn CI up Into valuaOIe. uabl e pnrt of th e hay an d tIlu st go th o r car. ot tbe btalk ar e :ess pa latab le. It the winter feed. corn Is not rIp e e nou g h Ihe re w!\l be a great deal less nutrl e nls In the silage Any kind of straw or cha ff we ll wei sInce tbey in crease most rapidly dur- dowD. gruss. !!Tee n bu ck wh ea t Ing the last ten days. It Is better to straw or sawdust will an s we r lho purpu t the corn In the s ilo just a little pose. Somelllll es no top cov orin g is I too rIpe th a n t oo gree n. put on, bll t Insl ead the top laye r id Tbe finer the corn Is cut oefore be- thoroug hly wet down . This res ull S In Ing put Into th e silo th e be tter the re- the rapid ferm e nt a tIon of tbe firs t fE' W Few Excellent Hints That Will Bed of Cannas or Border of IUIt, owing to th e more complele mix- Inches, mak ing an air-tight covering Caladiums Should Be Given Prove of Value in Many Difture of Ihe g raIn and leaves and the for the silage b e!.>w. more compact settling. Tbe silo shOUld Some Bonemeaf. F . S. BUSDY, ferent Places. he filled as quickly as possible, ",heu College 01: Agriculture, Ohio StaLe once .begun. As It Is put in it should Uni vers Ity. Darl ey atraw bas the reputation of ( By I.. :-f . 1.l~~N NrNGTON . ) breeding lice on the cattle; It Is 81so If yo u want your bed or cannas or supposed that white cattle are more bord!!r of caladIums to make a grand 8001< UCE INFEST HOUSES Bub.l ect to Insect attacks than those tropical showIng trom now ' to trost . cf tbe darker aha des . gIve thelll a fro s t·llko cO'fOrlng of ARE YOU A BUSINE:SS The CollIe Is the be st known of all bon e meal; thcn sllr the sotl, water FARMER? Tiny, Blltlng Insects Feed Upor sh eep dogs. The re Ie a great dll- thoroughly. and mulch wIth Ilwn clipStarchy Materials-Molle Raprerence bet"'een the working dog and pings. Do thi s to wards the end of Farming Is a business, and the Idly When Dlaturbed. th e sbow Collie, which bas been bred lhls moolh ,and be sure to reraove tbe Bucc.ssful tarmer must first at eo much ror the fnnoy points that fading flowers. all be a busIness man . He tolCOllY uatu ro br sowing seeds of Book IIc:e have received th eir popu· Ii. Is ot but little servIce In the exact· low8 bls vocation primarily for lar name :from tbe habIt tbey have of Ing duties whIch the sheep dog Is pere onlals as they ripen . ProvIde tbe money he can make, and some sort or shade tor the seed bed. Infesting old hool18 and papers . These call ed upon to perform. like other bUillness men should Tbo mangel Is moro nutrItive as a A sc re e n mauo of lath or ono ot unInllects ar4~ wingless and almost c?lor· aim to got the greatest possible less and so s mall tbat tbey are ju s t stock food than the turnip; we Ight blea ch ed muslin will answer. returns for tho money and labor Th o ro bust·growlng plants will need dlstlngulsbable to tho unaId ed t!ye. for we ight. It contalnJl moro dry mat· involved . It Is not enough to Tbey are sometimes tound I\.mong t e r and a blgher percentage ot sugar. so me ~o rt or support. Let the BUpsimply grow (.tops, but they lt Is a well recogniz ed prIncIple I port B bo painted gre&n or oiled to clothIng, especially starched I!n enB must be 80 produced as to yield which hav'e been latd away for some- that aU grain crops thrive best In a bring out th e gra in of Ute wood. and a proflt on the capital Invested. time, and trequently tbe y occur In fine, thorougbly work&d seed bed un· you \\, ,11 tlnd them more pleasing than To succeed be must be thorrough stick s and far more satisCllcgreat numbers In mattresses. These de rlald by a solid substralum. oughly acquainted with eVery In the ash of bran there Is a large lory . Drlvo the stakes fast Into the Insecls are much smaller than true detail of occupation, and mUlt lice, are biting Insects aDd theh' food proportion of phoapha.t&B. much larger earth n little lower than the plants, strive t.o slop all leaks and pre80 that l~ey are IncoDsplcuous. consists chiefly ot strachy mater laiR than In the ash of barloy or oats . Ycnt ne edl ess \'·asto. At the Carrots are not exce lled as a · rood Th e plants needIng supports are with, no doubt, some oth e r dried vegesame tim e he must bear In rillnd table and animal matter. Hook I\CII for tbe horses. They are particularly such hardy perennials as DelphInIums, that It Is a good business prinrefreshing given to a hunter art er a giant foxglove and suapdragoDs. Do move ver~' rapidly wben disturbed.. cIpal to spend a dollar whencver hard day over rough country or to a not ovcrlook giving stakes to the he can see that It will come work horee. They are usually fed dahlias. cosmos, hydrllnges and back to hIm wllb Interest. ra w or sliced . glodioll. ALFRED VIVIAN , Milk Intended to be sent to the _Tu ru a lutulo continuous bloomIng College of ' Agriculture. Ohio factories Ilhould be cooled as rapidly from now uutll frost, a. few perennlt}Js State Unlverblly. as possible to a t&mperature ot about muet be obse rved . Make a habit of 60 degrees F . The sooner and more cutting flowers freoly, and remove all thoroughly milk la cooled the longer the fad lug blossoms, and naturo will and better It will keep. reward you with a lavlsb hand. The eight ot a score or more of boys Halt-ripened cream churlls very After tbls ,monlh. aUow the chrysnaludglng stock at some of tbe Ohio slowly-In otber words, tbe butter themums to grow IIccordlng to their county fair!! Is attractlng 4S milch Illtram It III 4 long time coming and the own will-that Is stop plJ)chlng them These Insects do not o(.'Cur In .places yield Is not so good as from the back. terest as any feature of the Calr. trequently used, especially It such I)roperly ripened article. rooms are 'lve ll lighted and ventilated, Work With Pig., There I. aa Increasing demand tor The bacteria or organisms which hut when an intestatlon II discovered Grow Ihe pIgs from tho start. Don't butttrmllk, whlcb Is becQmlng one of cause the souring at cream are most a tborougb scrubbIng of the woodwork th, 1D0st pa,lng dairy by-products. active at temperatures ranging from faUen tbe ro . but grow them, put on and ot th~, furniture and tlle brushing 80 to 109 degrees F . When the tem- the lDuscle, form and hone. Build the at the beddIng and clothing Ihould folperature falla much b_olow 60 degrees frame, the fat can go on later. A fat low.. ThlE, method oC cleaning sbould .lIttle pig .Is III poor condlt~on to l(1'ow. , . . be supplemented by an appllea.tlon of they 'become practically dormant. You waul them smooth, 'nielJow. gasoline I.n such crackl aIld crevices s'tretchy; aDd you will then b~1ld ' " as ar~ ,ot: easUy' reaelied bY '·ordln.a rt ~ood form . . .., ~Ieanlng. UBe of 1D Bome . . ,j WI











County Courts

Ainlll:lt lIor,

IltJI Rt.r e l'. Probate Cour. L esttlr H . l1 0 r rl n , e n giD llflr of Wl\k ur. ) ' 1 thtl maUer of ADrlrew RO\\lard Morrow ~o) MI !'I1i N tl il ill M H " wloy, . /Ild pAr Fon fOUIlI) t o be in :lOD, H.llv C L . Uri! u tlor lIun e

mllrl e ftlr nd

.\Ilp \!cntl n n

m .,. .. 1'm of

till we

I II the mA tt4~ r of t·be will o f Ue ('rg t:' W I' erry, d fl(1l' u'sed W ill flIeo IIOU lilt. ' J' adlllitted to prohnt.". In tlle ,u I"'tAr of tbe eS~lIt e of HI " rlatt" P V"n N,)te, rl~o,'"l\ad )11 ,, (' nto ry alld t.pprn\:lAln bnt fil ecl 811.1 L) rdared s uspended. In tbe IIl/lUer of tile PRtn t e of John M JODe~, deOtl88ed First Ilnd

"\ 11m tl.J~ oh i ldr ll n and

' l1otL tr o f ei g h t.f' en hllvo th e \lrfli ~o of

blsouit ,i1il n ut touIT.. r h l!( .

,;TI L; I'IU"

V. O'Netlll, aaaigne.., plaio"II VI. Kate Brooks at ai, defendant8 A . 8. Ball appointod appraiser fill v"Mnoy O8naed by In"hilit,y of

dlll ul\ u l


"SEc.. 1.

to take under tbe will. benry Reid, "dmioistrll.tor with the "UI t.nnexed )f Loui,e Linde. man, deonlad. Plaintiff VS. Donlel I:Jchwender, et Ill , defendant·s . Jam.,. I'olle", Robert Corwin I\Dd li muel Monfort appointed to ap prnia, IIltd ret.l .sta'o. Adminls· trator then proceed to seH samp.



"S ac.. 18.

o r 11I\\ Ul'o h q\ 111 b~ ll al

W. C. Hathaway to ~"muel 8u17~ bRoher lote No, 20,21 and traotlonal Jots 2t. AOd 23 In Motrow. Obio, $1 LilUan R. Harford at al to John II. I.e"., 198.22 aorea in t!alem town-


AJ olMo AI ·r il


Ct . II nt' l tl l il UlA il tiull.





- I

I l it('"rcwi t.b

l1 Jl

This is What the Manufacturer and Inventor of the flORENCE Say About It.

SW A1 1'l,

01 U,·I' ",·s,' n'a" t't's.

Jl u";lt L . P" '.fld,," , of

1 ~l h,

Su ,'n:s n il

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C. L.

1/ (1111(1

I? IJ.

and unlil hi. lue·

c. .. or . hAll have be. n el.cled or ap,pointed .nd h•• qualified n. provid . d by la·... ' S acrlo~ 3. At ouch .Iccli on this amend· m.nt .hall be l?' . ccd on Ih . offi cial 1>. 1101 in tbe manner p,e.crll>.<I hy law AI "AHTI CL F. 11l~ SE CTIONS I 2 .nd 18 - THE SIIOIn BALLOT FOR STATE OFJlICE}{S", or in other lanaui,e t Umti tnt to designate it d early. and if a majo rity of the el ~ (to n vot ing on the lime sball adopt sucb amenument l •• ctions I,


~ I C li ULS.


S ,· not • •



li AS. II.

·(; I( A\,I, ~ .

~ <<r d .-, r l·

o f State

of th e S ta le o f Ohl(l, dh tu: r hy (" ~r l l y th at I h~ fo rf'l(ui nB 1& a ll C'X C' IIl I ,)II I1:d ( 0 1')' , ca refull y

The World Renowned and Only Absolute Smoke Consuming Stove on Earth. The Wonder of the Age. The Hot-Blast Air-Tight

C('II'i' jHed I.y lil t" \\ It h th t.· l) ri l( II lal ro ll s n o w 011 hie ill t il ,s oOlC(, 31111 In Illy o,ll('"b l e lls t oJ y a" $t'c r (' lary o f SI :Ut' :l u,1 ( (\U II ,t t n lie tr ue 3. nJ cu r r e.c l, ., f ;l l"lI d n: .. oll1tll1l1, w.dfl \ltf'd hy t h(' f: l'!lC' 1 :11 l\ , j.t· ' I.t.I ~' " f IIII' St. !! (" 0 _ O hi ol v rl the: \K lh d:ty III A pril, A n t t; IJ , .100 fil ed in f hi!' IJ ffi C<." o n Iht" .lO th 11.1 1 o f A pril. A . D . 19 1J , c n t ill f' 11 " J o int H l'~n lu t io n t o A IlI C' fHt A nkle :X " Il f th e COIl"i lltullo n o f t 11111) l.y l il t' n tl ll l' lI ''! 1 (I f ~el"l l l1l1 12". I s Tn.,l I MIiN Y ·O P . [ have- hc: r('lI nt o 8\ll '.. ~· r ihn ! I ll y n.1 Ul t'. ,filii a ffi xcfl my o fficb l sl'al Ilt the .... !fV elf ("'11I1 m bus . Oh \o. tb is 19tb <lu y of June, A. D. 1913.

''·!I f... .

(' 11 . ..


n . r. .. w. ••

S u r" MY 0/ 5 101..

( S •• IJ

Patented June 13, 1899 Patent Sustained by U. S. Court, July 5, 1905. Patent ~us· Inlned by U. S. Circuit Courl of Appeals, Mardi 6, 1906.

AUTHORIZATION OF PUBlIOATION. D efto,- t m n lt ('I I P ,d die P"i "t i" o nl (,)l1io, r"' lh liC'll ll(1 T1 o f t li e- nho v ~ pr r'W)!<o f"cl am end· I1H' lI l I t) IIH" ('(H \Siiht l lU lI o f Ohi" . u urle r Secti fo" J o f ;' 11 a ,"t ,·ullt ll·(1. " A n :) \' 1 rf' la t illjot to (,t, rt i l i n I'r rqll'l'">"'fi Illll t" lu\m(' n ts t o t he C"o ns t it u·

Beware of 'mitations and unscrupulous people who claim to have a stove like it or just as good as the Florence. [)o not be deceived by such false cI ims and find il out when too lale. Examine the Florence very carefully before you buy.

of Ohi Q an d t he puhli c ll io n th~ reo f.'· l'; I..; ~C'J by t ilt" (~ e l1 t'ra l A l it I11hl )' ('I f O hio, Al) rit 28. 19 1J , i!l ;'\ lIlh urtL~ 1 II )' I h~ n rp:H l tnen t of l- lll ,lh. l ' r ill l lllH "l the :-'1:lt r o f f )in n.

. io n


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II A II I'f. ••

Su t " n /,'Jor u/ Pu blic Pn'nri"tJ.

P llO 1'0 S I': 11

A)I I -: \, I ' ~ ! E\,'f

S Tl TLTlO l\

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CO :ol·

No Slnohel No Soot! No Dirt! No Clinkers! Everything is Consulned!

0 111 0.

ELIGIBILITY OF WOMEN TO CERTAIN OFFICES. B " it , t'J fl /,'t' d b-y th r (,"(' " {'ro l AJSt'f1Ibly 01 St ll te ul O hio: T hree· fi fth s of th e mc:rn be r «"Iee t ed 10 t;;. c h H ou se co nc ur r ill K ther ein :

th t'

Thllt tor the pur pos e of PTocu rirl g th e eligibility o f wo m e n to ce rta; n offi ct"s. a pr oposnl s halt bc submitted t o the elec to rs of thiS s ta te in tbe m nnne r I)f o v id cd by law, o n t he fi rst Tuesdny a fter the fi rst M o nda y in Novem be-r, 1913. to 3men d the const ituti on of th ~ et a tc b y a mend ing art icle XV , section 4, the reof so tha t it will read as f oll Qwl :

St c.


No perso n shan b. elected or

At .he end of a season 's use with soft coal, there will be no soot in the 'Pipe or flue .

TheZeDith ofStOVB Perfection


POitl tcd to :l.Il y o ffi (' ~ i n this Itat e unl ess po!t~ .t s~ed o f the q u a li fi C' a t io l15 of an el ec to r; provided th at women w ho a re ci tllrn s ma y he 3 P. po inte~ as m embe rs of board! ,? f, ?f ~ o po~i. l ion s In, t ho, e dt pa t't mc nu nnd ' n ~ Ufllt1nn!' cs· ta b1l sh Nl by the sltu e ('I f a ny po litic- a l IIUlldi vision th t': t'to f i nv ol vi ng t h e' inttrcst 5 or care of v.'omr ll or children o r ho th. S F.:CT1 0 H 2. At l uch electio n t h i! Bm e nd·

W. O. GUmour to William M. and 18 hereinabove let forth Shall on ana PeUn d aoretl of land In (JIearoroek 2after the firs t day of j nnuary, 1914, beco m ~ and constitu\e tbe s ecti o ns ao llTncncJed of m<ni shall be plac .d on the offi ci al ball ol in • ,oWDBblp ,'562. article III of the constitution of tbe atatc of tbe m il nn~r ..JlresC'ri bcd b y I" w a 5 " A H T l e t..'~ . W. L . Ware, administrator to Obio and eaid oricinal oeelions 1. 2 and la xv. S EC TI ON 4 - f: LH~ IBILITY OP W OME N T O AT'Po n:TMEN T AS MEM.hall be repcaled and annulled . John iOld Maagie Long, lot No. 31i BER S 01' ROARns 01', on POSI.T1 0 NS C. L. SWAIN, S"oi" 01 ,,.. H OWst 0/ R. prlJ,nIOlilJu. IN.! nf:PARntr-:NT AN D IN ;?TIT LI TI ONS In W'" Woodvllle, Ohio, ;87. AI' I'I' CT I NC. OR CAIUNe Full, wo ~ m'l HUGH L . NlcnOLI . A ND C IIIl.Dn eN", or in olher I0l18u. se ouiJ>. Marpre' J. Montgomery to Pruid,nl 01 ,h. S . nat.. ci(n t to cl ea rly d esi j:lna te ft. a nd if n lOi\jor it, Adopted April 18th, 1913. of the e1 ~c t o rs vo t in g on th e: same s ha ll ado pt ~amle Boghes, Lot No. 8U In ! uch Bmendm c nt, fiC'c tion 4 he r einabo ve sd U"IT~D STATU 0' A .. SI1CJ.. forlh shall on · and nf •• , the fi rst do y or J an. STAn 0' Ou 10. r,ankUn, ,600. ua ry, J9 14, bc:come anc! cons titu te the sec t io n Office of the Secr.tarr of Slate. Maraare' J. Montgomery to Milry I. CliAS. H. GRAVES, Secretal'}' of SI.t" eo tl me nded of ar ti cle XV o f the constitution the Stale of Obio, do h.rel>, certify Ihat Ihe of Ih. etat. of Ohio aM eni d . rlllia al ...oli .... R ; L,&oy lA, No 84:1 10 Fronkl'n, $1. of forlaoln, ie an exemplified _cop),. c[lfcful1y 4 .~I be ..,peeUod and annulled. CO~cd by Dlt.. with the origin a l roll s n OW C. L. 8_"•. Sarab K. and Joho tl. Rlohardson "" Sp,ak . . .t II•• Ho .... , 0/ RIPr.,,.,ot",,,, Ie in tlii. ollie. and In my officlnl cu&ludy rctary of Slat. and found 10 1>. !rue '0 Dal8yand Esther Swink Lot No . .. filion L. NICHOt.l. end corred. of • joint r~.olutiou. adoptc:d by p., of ,h, S,MI#. 92. In Franklln, $1. the Ceneral Ao.embly of the S\al. of Ohio l Adopted April 18th, IPI3. on t ... 18tb day of April, A. D. 1913, 81llS Lincoln Phillips et &\ t~ Louis filed in tbl. office on the 30lh dar of April, Ul'flTI!:D STAT t s 01' AM l KlCA. ~ TAT F. 0 ' Olf 10. A. D. 1913, entitled "Joint reo.lullon prop.sROIIOIUItein Itrtp of land 211 fee. wide in. an .mendment to lcellons I Z and 18 of Office of Ihe Secr. tary of Sta10. I, C HAS. H . GHAV ES, Secretary of Stote article III 01 Ih. con. titution 01 Ibe State of and parallel t ) lot No. 688 in Frank. ()hio. relative to the .elcetlon of iov.mot 01 tbe S tAte o f O hio, .10 h e rehy ce rtify that tbe forego ing is a n c:xempJi fi ed cupy. ca refull, . Ind other Itate offtcen." lid, OhiO, II, 1M TU" .. ONW WIlIUO •• I bave bereunto compared by me wit h the o ri l{inal r oll. n ow Marta And Peter Borntreager to aubscribed "11 name .nd affixed my offi ci al on file i n thi. offi ce atld i n m y official cu.todr aeal .t Ihe Cltl of Columbuo, Obio, this 1 ~lb a s Secnt a r y of Stote a nd fou nd to be true WUllam Link 81,61 ftOrM in Olear. clay of June, A. D. 1913. and correct. of n j oi nt r l!!loluti on. ad o ptc:d by th. Celleral Assemhly of Ih. Slate of Ohio, CUA~ H. Cuve" oreek 'ownllal" townablp S I<rllor;1 of SI.,•• on Ihe 18tb day of April. A. D. 1913, Ol)11 filed in Ihi. office on Ih. 30lh d a y of April, Ol.ude B. Reed to the Frenoh I Seal) A. D. 191J, enlitled "Joint R.. olution rda· tive 10 the degibil ity o f wome n to certain AUT"OIHZATION OF PUBLICATION, Bros-Bauer Co., .lif aoreR of It&nd in offices." D.t.r"",,,, Gf Public PrintWolI of Ohio. IN TU Tl arONY Wn au ot. I h. ve hereuntl! 1I0rrow, II. , Publication of the abov~ prop05t1d amend. luhsc ribcrl mT name a nd 3 ffi x~d ml o ffi cial to the Con.titution of Ohio, under S~C­ •• • 1 at the C,ty of ~olumbuI , Ohio, tbis 19th Oar~ C, Barnht.rt to N &than L. ment tio n 3 of an act ~ntitlC't.l, ··An Bel JCluting to dar of June, A. D. 1913. ~r0r.OIed amendments to the Constitu· .nd Berth. 1:. Rogers 1.17 &Or88 of certain eKAS. H. GRAVts~ tion of ' Olio and the (lulJlication thereof," &"rel.';1 of ~I"'" po .. ed by the General Aso.mbly of Ohio, April land In Olearoreek towDl~hJp [Sea1) 28, 191~, I• • ulbori ..d by Ibe D.partm.nt 01 Nuqlll Kindle to Annie (jib l'ublle "'rinting of lb. Stale of Ohio. aUTHORIZATION OF PUBLicaTION. FIA,.. a }lA.fta, bon. 10,,}llfo 3. and 8S tn Rogers S"~,",,,or 0/ Pwblic Prinlinll. D,~"r'm.nJ of Pu blic Printinll 0/ O hio. P ubliC1ltion of t he above proposed amendaddiUoil to Waynesville $1200. ment to the Consti t ution o f Ohio. under Stc .. l'ROPOSED AMF;NDMP.NT TO THF; CON· tion 3 of an net e ntitl ed, An act r ela t inll. to Hettile Ayerto At&1l G. WOlfb 52}:; S'f ITUTION OF OHIO. certain prop06ed ame ndmen ts t o .lhe Cons t ttq.. of Ohio Bnd t he pu blicat Io n Ihe renf.· aor.· In Waahington townBhlp $l~ '"ORr BALLOT FOR COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP tion a'S ed by the Genernl A.. emhly " f O"io. Ap,n OFFICERS. &lBma •. and Jametl N. Coates to 8, 191t i. autbori ted bv Ihe D<I" rtmcnt of ublic ... rinting of Ihe State o f Ohio. B. il relolv',d b" Ih. Gtft ...1 AII.mbly ., William' B. Price et al. 62 66 aorl!ll " ' RAN K nAMP ! R. 'h. SIt". of Ohio, Ihr~.fiftho of tbe membel'l 5"1'<"",0, 0/ P ..b/ic Prinling. In VArllnl. Military /:)urvey No, of eacb bouse canc:urnng therein : StCT'O" J. Tbat, for the purpooe of prD11Il'. $1. curin. a ahort ballot for county aqd towo.






offie.,,.., Ib ..e oban he submitted 10 lhe Adell. Phillips to MOIefl Ii: Kirby .bip cleeton of this .tat~, In tbe manner providM by It.. the fir~1 Tueiday afler the lV.t 80 aeJrl!s of land In Olet.roreek town. Monur on in Nov,mber, 191/, • to

.hlp ';100.

repeal _lion. 3. 4 and , 0 artie e X of the eon.tltutlon and to amend _doni I and 2 of sucb article to read .. follow" "SIC. I. lAws m~}' be palled pr ••iding for Ihe .Ieellon or appo!ntm.nt !!.nd t.rms of .n

Common Plea. ProceedlnEs

c:ount,. ,nd town.hip officere .. may be Urace QudR80n VB, Charles (lnd. luc:b which officers IhaJJ have 8uch power of local taxation, for pollee purpo •••• ao may «eJll. Petl&tcn for dlvoroe filed. be ~rucribed "" law. ·'SIC. 2. La... may be pa.sed provldinl LuciDa Goed et .1 vs Ida Baines for a form of government for c-ountjel and et al. Sherlfr'a ule ordered. tbe townlbipa tb.rein. SICTIO" 2. At .uoh ..l«llon th!. am.ndIfannie MoKinley VB. BufDB M. ment Ihan be p!.ced aD tbe oflicif,1 ballot In the m.nn~r prel.rllled lIy I ...... 'ARTICLE MoKinley, Dlvoroe Iran ted . Xb SECTIONS I and 2 - SHORT BALLOT R COUNTY AND TOW 'I SfHP OPJObD B. "'emen' VA. R. F. La FFICERS" or In olber lansualle R.. llicient to deaillnale It clearly. and If • matority of tbe Follette. On motion It.ld defendant eI.eton vottng on tbe same .hall .dopt Rucb lit III.,.en &ri daYII to file pleadings ,mcndment, lectlonl J and 2 bereinabove Ict fortb .ball on and after tbe fint day of herain, January, 1914, become and <o!Jotltute Ibe ... 10 amended of trtlde X of tbe conotl· Tlte l;Ulllenll' NailonaJ Bank VI'. ledio ~tion of tb. Itale of Ohio and oald original • .;etlono I .nd 2, .nd .1.0 occtlone 3, • and 7 J'J07d Clemens, IIherUr'uale of auto of lueh a,llcle, and allo ...tion 16 of article IV, sball be repealed and annulled. brolllht '1iIf.IO. C. L. S.,&II'. Tbomu.l:. Boover VS . David F. Sp.oilr 0/ ,,.. Howi. 01".,,'olirJl& HlIOIl L. NICBOU. Smtih.& a.. EJ:eou 'orllale ordered. Pr."rJ .... 01 II,. SING/ ••


WUllam Benry lJUt.tusb, farmer of Marked Tree, Ark, to Mi88 Kath • 11De L. Cadwallader of Lebanon Re.,. John Oadwallader. ADclrew J, i'orkner, labore,· of &outh Lebanon. \0 Mil. Nellle M. .Bl'aDdeD~rll. of Son ' h Lebanor.

Adopted April 18th, 1913. UJrlTtD STA'U o. A .. uu:A, STAn 0' Onro. Office of tb. Becrctary of State. t, S. H. GRAVES, Secreta". of the of Oblo, do b.reb, certify an es~pllfied with tb. and in and

DI' ·G.. lt Gowd1. . . . . ·A Palmer, maohinie' ot LOlrUJ~d~' to 1lIItI. Violei R . 8W111, JAPIlf&. ; . ;.¥,I;-;~'"

Administrator's Sale of Real Estate In PUnlU luu;e 01 au ordor "I the Probate Court 01 Wllrren County. Ohio. 1 will offer fOT BBle Ilt public lIuctlon on SaturdBY, tho 21th day 01 Soptember. 1913 . at two o'c1ock p . m .. lll>on tlte preml8es . the following de· RcrlbcU He ILI Estnlo. Sittlato In tho Coullty of WBrreu IlDd StDle 01 Ohio . t o wil : Situate In tho towu of WDyno8vllle. COUDty of Warren and Slate of Ohio. nein~ lot lIumoor (8 ) 118 fOlllld on the reco rded plat of HBld town. Beginning Bt tho N . E . coruer of lot nllmbor two ( 2 ) thouco frolltlng on Third tllrOOl N . 30 Yo degre .... E. 93 ~ reet . t.hOD~'fl ILt rlgM angles 'N. ~ 9 ~ degrees W. 1:, poles to lot lIumber se ven ( 1) u,enco with the Ilno 01 8ald lot S; aO .l i degl'OOB W. 93 ~ feot to the N. W . corner 01 lot IIl1rnber t wo ( 2) thence ... Ith tho line or onld lot 8. G9 li degrees E. 13,' lIulos to tho beginning. sod being the ... mo preml..... con\'oycU lIy .John H. Sid ... nnd Uellocca J . Sides lO Ellzaboth 111. Evorly and Olivo T. Edwards by deed dated November 29_tb/ 1900. anll recorded In ,Warren County Deoo Hccorlla, Vol. 80, p. H2. S property t5 appraised at Boven II un· drod Doll\U"8 (1700 , 00). Term. of .al_Onetblfll eMil In bllnd. ono-thlrd In one year and one-third ID two yea,. from day of sale wltb IDtereet at .Ix per cellt llt'r annum, deferred puymenle to be lIElCured by a nlortlflll!O on the prom'- 8O111, or purchaser rna,. pay all cash at ilia OptiOD . AJ.o at the same time aud pIau. If not provloully IIOtd, ' ber I'IlIIIdenoo property con· taltllng abouUwo t.C\'GII of land . . Dated August 27th, leta. W', S. GUAHAA/ , ~ Admln .. trator of the .Estate of RobecCa Jane Sides, Deceaaed. .. HamIlton &; Langdon, ALt)'&. .

The only jointless leg bottom and base with full radiation and large ash pan that is on the market or has ever been made in the history of the stove indusltry. The jointiess leg bottom and base makes the stove air-tight below the grate, which is the only true fire keeping principle. It will be as good a fire keeper twenty years hence as it is today. The Hot Blast Air'Tight Florence will heat twice the space that can be heated by any other stove on earth at one half the cost. The only perfect floor heater that is or ever has been made. All features are patented and no ,tove manufacturer, dealer or user can copy or use same for 1 7 years from date of patent without incurring liability for an action for damage.s. lf the FLORENCE is operated according to directions: The No. 21 will heat 1 small room all winter with 2 tons of slack or lump coal. The No. 48 or NOe 33 will heat 2 or 3 small rooms all winter with 2 3·4 tons of slack or lump coal. The No. 51 or No. 35 will heat 3 or 4 rooms all winter with 3 tons of slack or lum.p coal. The No. 53 or No. 37 will heat five rooms all winter.· with 4 toni of sla ck or lump coal. The No. 55 will heat a large store or schoolroom with 6 tons of slack or lump coal. For a church, less coal will be required. Will burn a ton leaa of hard coal than a hard coal base burner of the same si7e and heat twice the space. The Hot Blast Air-Tight Florence burns soft coal or slack and all the smoke and g.ases. No filling up of the stove, pipe or flue with soot. No dirt inside or outlide the house. It burns hard coal and all the gasel which escape from hard coal base .burner. It will burn wood and sawdust, wet or dry. It will produce one-half less ashes than any other stove on earth with any kind of fuel and leave no clinkers or half consumed fuel.

• • "tIiE'BUSIESt SroM 1~" WA·RR~N edu'NTyj~. -

If~EtcillI~::~Ml1 'OOIl'raO~ ~.'?




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The sovcrnor .hall appoint Ibe

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bha lt h~ C'~CTlll" f r4.m SECT IO H' 2. T Ih is ulI lt· ulimen t 6hall ta ke cR ect it flU lie HI ( or l' u {rulU anJ u h ..: r iu adopt ion,

lIlo v orn or,

for whicb be wa.

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Iccrcta ry uf atate, Rulli to r of 8tllt~, tre as urer of ti tat~ and Dttorncy gcncrnl, a nd s hall ho ve authority to r~lIlO VC any o f ~a i d offidall ao appointed. ~v.r, offi cer boldinK office by cl.", tio n wben thi. amendment i. adopted I Da11

Real Estate TranJfe~


S l!c. 1 ~. H IIIII I ~ .. 1 thC! IS Llt e ui c1hi l) A1\(1 o f a n y e ll ) . nL .II:c. h .U:11 \· t , CIJ ~ lIlt) . r u .~d d l~ tn c t

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A lTlCI.Yo XI I.

licu tc ua nt tl0 ycrn or, Icc::retary of .tatc. a udito r of etat ~1 trea su rer of Itatc and an atto r ne y cc ne ra l. ') be g over"· or AJ,d lieut e na nt BV\' Crn o r s baJ l be ele cted on tb. fi n l T"ud ar after lb. first Mond. r in Novembe r, by tile ~ I c(' t o rl of the ata t e and at tbe vlaces o f votltlg or memhen 01 Ihi •• n. , . 1 a ..embl, . ·S EC. 2. Tbe vuvernor and lieut e nan t gov, erno r shall h old tbe ir offi ces for tw o years. Thel r te rms o f office s ha ll tOI1Ullf llCe o n Ibe aecon d Mo nda y of ] u uu ll ry next a fter their elec ti on. an d cOll r i l lllt! u n t il thei r l uecenon are ~1t:cted and Quali flL'd . co nsis t

1;1 ,. t'Ill l

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F i'l otu,' ilPld 1'o.1ofi "tJ .


In the maUer of the will of Pear lie O. Gutbrie, deoell8ed, will IIdmitted probate. 'N J (juthrle eleoted followa:

(l 1l1O.

I' I U 1' V\lo Il HHl



b\.· .· !hlB


B. it "s p/tl,d by lil t G nu'r aJ A.JJ I 'Hbly 01 Slot' 01 O h. o, tbrte ·fifth. of tbe mem ber. elected to each bOlUle co nc ur n nM Ih e r ~ i n : SaCTI O!of 1. "bat. f o r t he p u rpolc o f p r o· cu ri ni a .bon bllJl ot fo r SHlt.: u fficers. t h~rc .ball be •• lllnjtt ~ d to tbe elcet ora o f tl1l5 s ta l e. ID the ma n ne r prov idcfl by la w. on tbe fint Tue.daJ a fter the fa ra t Monday in N oYt:mbc r 1913, 8 propo •• 1 to n.m c nd at(" t ioo e 1. 2 a n d 18 ·.f articl e III of lhc eull51 'I U11 0n to renu u

A D. lnrioltler to serve .

l' '1'0 TII P. CON·

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t e rt tu t th' t" il' d ll l '> n r H 'J' th."' t. . ), alit



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wei g h ] Gil p o nnll !!. 1 01111 Gli t ~ n y thlog I w .. nt t.n, Rud"" tlnllllWOonut filed ~nd ordered SuR· muoh I\S 1 w ·t nt md feel better tilRJ1 1 hI! ve lit IiDy tilllfl in te n y Otlrli. 1 I)e r.d ed . refsr to anyone In Boone Mill or I n 'be lDatt·er of I:Ihe e8mte of vioinlty and they will youoh for 8o ~ an Capp, deceased . Prpof of wbat 1 8ay." Chsmher\ain's Tnb publiMtion of noUoe of appointment lets are for s~le by all delliers . .- -- - of ,J. Lee Thomp80n 8S exeollt Jr, What He Wanted. fil ed . Four·year·old Myron was se rv ed 10 'he matter or ths eatate of with som e wames o ne mornin g tor tbe Bt' njlimio Weeks, deceased. Fltst rlret time In hi s me mory , nnd u pon 81,d flnal aooonnt flleil and ordered ·rlnlsblng the m with a r e li s h h e calle d : "Mamma, pl '-88e bring m e Rome more 10R\JeDded. 10 the matter of the reallCnatlon of or those paDcakes with wi ndows In.'' 'I'homaa R . ROlers, Connty ..;obool eXliminer. Resll(nation flied and



llove tak e n t.lITf'(' b n ttl ll~ o f (J b 4 111 br rloio's T nud Rill n o w I~ W} 1l wowaD

A~ I U, I ) ~I E:\


Muft'e n,d f u r tlVI'l ~'f" 1r l\ w~t h s tqm ll oh trou ble !lnd nO ll hI 111lt till to n .. IIlll oh ~

FIIl A'''''t l IAp. PP St . S U/' tr: iJ Of o f P1.4 tJlit" p,' " , j,.~

c1ui u g 1Il0re wo rk t hun un,' youn g WO IDIlU In In y to wn ," wr it!'!! Mrll '. ,J . Mllr t in, BUOD" Mill , V'l .J



P\l hlica tlon o f t he"e nroPo5crl ame ntf. rn t'll t to the t, lons t ituti o n of Ohio , u n r r St!ot io n 3 oi a n a ct cn,hl cd, H Ail nr t rd i\ ti nK to c e rtai u IU() j'08Cd nnlt lldm cn t.!! tn the C"" lIs tH u l io ll o f Olio and t he pnLli r3 1inn IhC"T<'f') f"j 1 1c;sc rl If)" the:' Cf'nt"rn l AU t:' m hlv nf O hio. ASHi\ 2 '-t, It) l .\ , is a \,t lI1J1I/(",l hy tht' n(' p n rLtnclt t o f r u\l l;(' P r in t il1R l lf th e: S l il le o f Ohi.,

Mother of Eighteen Chlklren

t.> Day tou Hta t£l

l:I (o ~l'itMI.

·· ~~~ ·~ ,.a... ...Ma~. .~~. .EZ~~~. ..a~~~~~~~~~~~·~

On venport, lis , to Mtl:! Ann a. E. AUTHORIZUION OF PUBLICATION. W, D,p.rl""" , of Public P"{,,/i"11 of Ohio. Mil son . R ov.








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O l"il' l CE



-----.. . W()()k ly



GAZETTE Wuynt'.,·ille . Ohio





1-------'----.----------1 The News


Dr. Heber M.


Come and see the finest assort'ment of



Next t:iun'iIlY, the 28th Itl to be' oh!lflf\'oLi iu th e Frieuds Bible ~o h uo l O. L. C HA N I': , Ed ito r a nd Manager /I." HI1Il.v Duy . AII are meet oar 1 1Iu.lly Invit,tlU tu be present lind a f,tatctI of S ubtlcription reqU tlB~ t.o those t·o uttend " peeiu l fluI'. Vour (. '.ri ctly 1Il,"lmll~e ) . . .... II.OU R 1IA'lo CO l})' .... . . . . . . .. . ..... . 06 who btl va e ver been oouneot~ d wHb t,h'lt IICl.lO ul, elthflr 1~1l t eaol er or pupil. MI~II l.eona Johnsou, one of our ITery pleasant lind Y O UIIJf Gross ColI' c lcGsness. " lJl l r~ g(,in/: 'u bill' III(' l'IlllljJll n y tor "l r1ie ~ III 8erlously slolc at her home dUIJl!lg'·H." " \\,hy' \\'h ll l d ill liI.·y uo to ,m Mllple Ht. Her \Oany friencl. hlll1 ?" "1'111')' IJII'", th " '(lIillln' whlatle hope for ber speedy reoovery . when 'e was carry I II ' 11 ·(: U vy pi ece of Adr. and Mr'! . Pearl Stew8(t. of Iron, Illld 'e «ropt It on 'Is foo t. " Wilmington, made a flying visit to Everybully 's Mugl1zine. thel r grandmother Mrs . Mildred Eligle Bundav afteruoon . ~ Caught a Bad Cold Mr . Leeter Q ordon and M.lss Nellie "Ll1bt winter my eon caugbt a Wilkerson were unIted In marriage very bad ouk! Ilnd tbe way he ooughed Wilt! l4omet·bing drf'lIdful " nt the brlde'll home Wedne8day w.r.lte8 Mrll . I::iAnh E. Dunoan, ~t nlgbt. We have thl8 to say for Mr . TIpton, I owa . " We thought Ilure UordoD that be 18 &11 right in every he was going into consumption. psrtioular. a gentleman and a We bought jU9t <ine bOHle of Cham be1'laln's Coug h Remody and that sob nl.r. Our best wishes are theirs. one bottle stolJped hill O.'URh and May they Ih'e lOOK and be happy . The MU810al at Town Ball Friday cared his oold oompletely. " For sale by all dallIers. nlll'ht under ~he anllploea of the Aid wan a 8UOoelft. Grape a Prolific Grower. Dr. U. G. ltandall 18 mailing a 'I'here am about 40 81JI'cl (Os at grapes great improvement to his honle on In the world . more tha n bait or which are found In North Ame rica. Few least Main I;treet by the addition at other plants on this continent gflow auother r('om. One of the bea' IndioatioDs of wild UDder such varied co nditions and over lIuch extended arellB. oold weather II to lee the oook and heating IItovell thr.' onr IItove hOU8e i~ puttiug out. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured WaynenllIe has not got U8 beated ,,( WIlS token with dlal-rh oea and in any way, 00 Ootobtlr 1st they Mr. York!', the merohant here, per. have Beber BrOil. Show but we bave tl ullded me to try a bottle ot Cham. berlain's Collo, Uholera and Dlar the Fertilizer every day . Ad n . Florenoe Carr and 800 E 1. rhoea Remedy. Atter taking one dose ot It 1 was our ed. It also oured ·.yard and 19ite attended the WIJ ' others tbat I ga ve It to," wri tesM mi ngton talr. E. Uebhart. Ortole, Pa. That h 110\ Ou r lIohool teachers returned to at lill nnn~u,,1. An ordinary atlaa. t·helr homet Is'riday ror over Sun of diarrhoea oan almost invariably • _ be oured by one or tw • d08eR of thlll da~ remedy. For Jale by all dealer8. 8110 filling ill almost oompleted In hl8 vlolnUy. Rainl ruined the Fairs in thll Middle Age Mortality. Insurance men are notin&, an In· tlootlon ot Ohio las' week . creasing mlddll.'-nge mortality. In Mrs. Ridge, of Waynesville. W88 this country It bas Increased 20 per bere taking piotllreJ one day lallt cent in thirty ycltrs. In England It week . blls been very much lells. The Jonu Run Baptist ohurch 18 helng beautitled with paint aod Despondency 18 often oau~erl by illdl!(elltit)n and when dooe wUl be very maoh im· constipation. IIlId quiokly dlsllppear8 proved. A musloal entertainment will be 'When Uhllmberltlln's rablet8 are taken. For 88le by ali dealon . ~iveD at 'l'own BaUBdurday night, ~eptf'lIIher 27. Daulel Dawaon II From Both Side •• (lU . i" '~"' rln~ thill propoeltloD for the Steamers plying between England beneUt n, the A. M E ohnroh, and Holland have been equipped willi apparatus by "'hlch all their lIfeboatli rhe Ioal .. ,t \'I'i II he looal alld CAnnot can be launcbed from either side ot be beaten by ,"y of the ama&eurl 8 vesBel. . h ia for a wort lIy ~ .. Ulle aod ahonld be patronized b v 11 11 or onr ottlzonll L M. Bear8 ball ;' "rohased aod Do You Fear Consumption? has lu bil POA8lli1l1lon "lil4 Model No matter bow ohronic yoor oough or how severe your throat or tlutomoblle. Mr. Sears haa tbe lunll: Ailmen' 18, Dr. King's New knowledge at· what il be&t to buy Disoovery will lIurely help you i It for durablllty and 8tyle. mav lave your 11ft!. Stillman Mrl!. Rebecca Barrow and her IItllClreen, at Malluhlte, Uol writell : ter Mra. Baltle Ellis, both at Chi· "Two dootu18 tllloid I had con8umption and oould uot live two ye .. ra. oago, are making their mother Mra I used Dr. King's New Disoovery Susao Da wion. a viaU, and on Bun and am altve and well . " 'Your tJav Mrs. Dawaon had a houae money refunded If it tllllll to beneftt warming by baviDg part ot her you The best home remedy for oaughll. ooldl'l. throat and lung f.mlly wiih her. Tboee prelent troables. Price GOo and $l.OO were the two d!lughters Rebecca and BaUle, Mr. and Mrl. Daniel . Guaunteed by J. E, Janney . Oawlon (lud fMolly, it being Wil· lIam Eugene's tirsl vh"lt to aee hll UtilizIng Air Space. It la proposed to span a 2,500·foot. grandmother, and Mr . aud Mrs pUy at Akroll, Ohio, by the erection Azel 0&1980n, Mrs, Ot\wllon baa a of a aeriee of Intluatrlal buildings, the llIorge family and they are pretty roofa ot which are to be ueed as a well loat&ered over the United passall6way. 8tLitetl, but they are all tbougbtftll of ,their mother in her doollning Salest Laxative for Women yeara. Nearly every woman needs a good Wllllllm WUliams one ot our lautlve. Dr. Klog's New Life Pilla busiliog farDier. Wll8 seen in our aroe good beOllalle thev are prompt, 8afe, and do not ORalie pain Mra otty t:!unday. M. O. Dunlapof Leadlll, 'fllnn. sayll i We wue waited au recently by '·Dr. Kiog's New Life Pilla helped the pop corn man who did a nice bet troobles greaUy." Uet a obox bU8ioe18 in obllareo '8 noveltiel today. ~riOt'. 250. Reoommended Mr. and Mra. Jam8l!l IrlnK, of by J . E, Jaoney. Wilmington, were leen on our street. reoen&ly 'l'hey are alwaYIl Wanted to Help. weloome MUfB'S. One day little Laura came Into lbe Oorothy D.vla 8pen' Faiday tbe kitchen . and found her graudmoth8l" shelling peae. Aftor walchlng ber II moment; Laura said : "Oh, grandm .. plealle let me help you unbutton lb. Don·t let Baby Suffer WUb Eczema beans."


gUt18t of h!lr gruu dmuthtlr Mlt! Murgarei Levioy . Mrs. UhR a. Ed wardl' ball bAel) very muoh Indisposed for silvern I tillJS J>l1l1t but at . tbls Is though\. to bo Improvf'd . Mr£ . Ellz!lbeth Collett hRN been quiLtl siok fo r some time but if! irn · proving slowly. Rev. f'Al wgill , of Wilmm gton, offiolated I1t the tunerul nf Mrs Millie Rogers . Mr... Et·tle Collett and her niece I MillS UhriHtinll Kelly. of Ui nOinOati' jl were the guelts of Mr. ant Mre . B L !lakin at dlnuer Wedo'lsdI1Y . j Mr8 . Ettie Collett and aon Rohert will llpen!l t·he winter In Granville. Oh io. Robert ill atteudlog Grl1n. \ ville oolle~e . Mr. aod Mrs. W . W . Welob !ra.s. 1 ao'ed husinellll In Wllmtngton Fri. day . Pr0800uUng Attorney Frank An • . derson was In our villftge Saturday ! 100kinIC after bU8iness pert .. lnlng to hili office. William Thomplloo, of Le1>Roon, trausaoted bUlllnesl here M.mllay. Mrs . Ella MoKin!ley and d .. ugh· 'er Mn. Edna Rldie. of Waynes . .ville. spent Friday the gueats of Mrs . MaUie Frenoh . Mr. and lira. J . Hamilton Bogan and their two boys attended the Wilmington talr. MrtO~- Peter- B.-Cliiaver of-near here was seeo on our streets Friday. ~n. Uleaver doea not get In to aee U8 very or&en. Mr. 8 . L. Daklo 18 etill quite poorly, bls many f.tellds are anxlou8 ior hil recovery. Deputy HherltJ Forgy ..nd Uounty L1erk Bone were in our oity Wed. ne8dav atternoo~ on bn8lDell8. Mr and Mrl. Henry MoKee, Mrs. Fra ..k WilBOn and Un, Emma Uline motored '0 Wilmington Tues. day afternaon returning in the evening.


Veterinary Gradualc of Oh; , '. ""

Oln ec ut r e;.id tmcc in F . I; Sher· wOlHl 's h uu~e , Fourth :-;tr ee t . Tclcphonf' 28





Waynesville, 0

D i(. H.E. HA1'HAWAY

With the new Trimmings

W".Y nes ville'8 Leadinv Denlt .. ()m oe In Kevs Bldg. Main 8$

Walter McClure


Funeral Director.

Nemo, Warner, Ferris Waists, Sheer Ruffles

Telephone day or night, Valley phone No. 7. Long Distance No 69-2r. Automobile Servlco at all Time.


- ..- - -


Don" sutler longer with weak IddueYI. You oan ge' prQmpt re Jiet by taking Elecbio Bitters. that wonderful remedy prailled by 190 II en everywhere t:!tart with a bOitle today, you wtll lloon fee) like, " oe'" womao wUh ambition to ,' work, without. tear at palu. Mr. John Dowling at San ~ranoilloo, writ.. :-"Gratltude tor she won_ ,terful effect of Eleoirlo Bitters prompt.ime to wri&e. It oured my wife wben all eille fa\led ." Good for the U,.Ar as well. No'hlng better ror indlgelltion or bilionenillili. Prloe 500 and $1 00, at J. E Janney 's.


Branch Office, Harve1sbW1r. O. /

65 cents EVERLASTING SHEETS and PILLOW CASES are made of Ii smooth, medium weight sheeting, manufactured of llpecially selected cotton, which makes them last longer than any other 8heets made at anything l,ike the same price. They will wash fun, thick and heavy, making a most desirable sheet for hotel use.





tor IOCUrlntl ~ul4H1It1. PulQnta t akeu tbro ugh IlullU & <':0. recol". IPtdal nottu. Without ellarve. lB tbe lo ut free. OldeftL asen o,

SCitntifl( Jlmerican.

A hAndsomel, l1Iol't" ated weel t,.

Public Sales'

mllaUun of I.InYlclenlld fl Jo urnal .


Thursday, October 2, 191J Implementsl~


1'e nluI,


ta •

MiJ'Nfr&CO~3~~':::;"Newdr·;k ~


I wlll lien at publlo I8le at mv pla'Je S mUes 80uih at Rarveyaburg and 6 mHell north of ClarkavUle. on the Harveysburg and Clarksvilllj Road, at dtokoryvllle, en BelPnnlng 10 o'cleok, oaUle. hogs, atfar ning my horsell, and hot188hold good8 . Ed. Mo(farlllnd Wm, Milia, Auot.


It. "10ne lendtn .. a Iketch and dfl'C'I"I/lllnn hi.' Ill1l Cltlt .. cortaln our OI,llIhll1 froe " .ttl,h e r .n

.- ..- - -

Bhloob Ollie., e:II'> J" St.. WubloK,on. 11.

E. v,

BARNHART, Notary Public


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' All klnd8 of Notary Work. Pen8ion Work a I::lpeol&lty.

ftne J ersey Beifer, with calf bV A few male pigs. growt.hy A her 8ide. Inquire of J. P10Sfellows, from the larRe 'ype of we will Hawke, Waynesville. Ohio. 01 (J

To dlR80lve partnership. lIell at the home farm on the Way neeville and Barveysborg pike, 2X mUes east of Wayn88vllle, 00 Wednetday, OdoiJer 8, 1913 'BelPnnlng at 10 o 'clook, h·:>rl8l'1 and mulell,sbeep, oaUle aod harDe8s. 1'. D Ulagett War.- KllIli C. T . Bawke, AnoW!. Cl. U. a'arr

o la••illed

Polaud.Cbioa, al80 a few sprlnl{ IIlmb8 Bud 1 two year old baok . 'rEAH.LING Uolts aud ooe three Inquire of Frao k Elbon & Bon, Way I year oomlng four, fine drl ver 0 1 and works anywhere . Inquire of n6Bvllle, U. Dlr. KriegbotT'B, OregotJla, Ohio. 01 ACRE8 of land. B E, of W'l\ynesvllJe 2 miles, known ~ARM-A good one In a good the Clarlctoou GauMe Farm. Ap f looataon, ololle to two railroads . os ply to Franklin Paoker, Waynes. For furt.ber partioulars IDqulre at U ville, lIhio. thh office. 0 29

Ineerte4 under tht. head for twenti·Oy. cent. tor 'hree InJJerttone wben I18lq not more tban lIye linea.


A tew car loade of Pumpkins . WrUe or phone Eavey & Co, Xenia, Ohio.

12 7


A.da wul be



I will continue to do Roofing aDd Spouting at Reasonable Prices. Call on me at my home, or phone 2....1 % . and I will estimate with you.


a 16


Wayn'e sville,


.tvBUSIIl!D WEEnY. $'.00 Ppl1U&



"MilL••• DltuociiiTe ••••CIALI......



on rarm mortgage. Ia. $2000 qatre at th18 office.



we have ever shown

(lilice . corn e r Main and High s treet!! Phone No. 100 .





• •

- .


... , e.

NIW YOlt" CLI ...."

N. Sears

Naw 'l,ortl. II. ". .t '


Posted on pedigrees and values of all Funeral Director kinds of breeding stock .. and Embalmer. Experienced in handling farm wes sinCE Waynesville. Ohio.


1< '


.' ' .


Live Stock and General Auctioneer


. ,., .

Dr. J. A. M(:Coy,


Tucsdil) s an'J Fridays, from 8 :30 (0 12 o'doel(

Mentor and Phenix in fine Supply.

Bable8 need a perfdOt Ikln oover 8 2" How'lI Tbls? Ing. Sktn eruption. caUIl, 'bem We dfer One Bnnlhed Dollarl uot oDlylJi&en!le euft'erlng. bat hln der 'heir gr01lltb. DR DOBSON'M LOST Reward for any caee at Oatarr~ that ECZE \lA OINTMENT oan be railed oaDnot be cured bJ Ball'a Catarrh on tor relief and permaaent care ot Our;. J. CHENIW & CO., Tnledo. O. ~ lIuffnlDg babiee whoee akin erop8mall blaok leaaber purse, ooD We the undersigned, have known F. J. t.lol1~ have mllde their )lfe ml8erable mlnlog a card 19itb owner'. Chene'y for the last 15 years, I1l1d believe • 'Our btlby was ~ ffiloted wltb bre,,)t on I t, and 80me obange. I'lnder bim perfectly honorable ill all business ing ont at tbe s1l:in all over the faOt! please la', ve al thi. Offi08. s 2' transactionsand .fino.ncially able to carry nnd "OIIlp. Dootor8 and !lkin llpeo out any obligations made by his £inn: iallettl t.ned to belp, We tried Dr NATIONAL BA'NK OF COMltJERCE BobBon'a Eozema Ointment aDd FOR SALE . '!oledo, O. Nera ourjoyed to l18e babY 000. Catarrh Cure IS taken ~temaIlY. llleleb oured befqre one box , W&l tbe. blood ~nd mu· , \l8ed" "'~&e. lire. snubler, Dobo . DrlYl0 8I1are," .1MO .lId, famsysteln. l'esUaionlalB. que, low". All .,..uata... · _o r by . U1 .broke~ pe41il'88 .Dd tract .. cen.. p!r bottJe'lmlltJ 600 Pl'lglr.r&& VBEIIIOAl. neor:l of I:'JI. Prtoerilht. o.n ·•• GSApl1AT& OJ'TB& uru.ggJllls·'· .pi1l.ror ;~pR. '(.'OIiPANl, 8t. ~Q!,'" II~>~ ·.PhI): eeellGl8n .~, W.1D.~Ue,O. 'O'flOKAL Al1~lO!J ' ~elpb1., PI. . .:, 01 . .OOL OW AIda.


Suits, Coats, Skirts



Strenzthen Weak Kidneys

And Skin ErupUons.


Lebanon, Ohio

===.= ====. ~-~



2l Broad way

Ph~8idan Phone 449






WIllI ",easona




Satfsfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio

v~,t,··.....c'L-- '~ .~ .. ~s~.,.

. • wcpI\CIDO- .'.










to recaR more NeMI7 the exaCR l'aet&. lA:np. Generally DupoAt 'P'<1A.e CIt L), "Tbe guests were alreo.dy beglunlns Indillna In tbelr own tongue. but Ulal to s trugglo \Jack to the dnncf) ball nlabt b'n thougbt me IUIleep. I- I bud from su pper. a~d I waited 1<1 tbe ebad. no ho po lett- not even lalth that yu~ ow oC tb o building tor an opportu ulty could eve r r t.:s cue me." to ~ llp Into tbu hotel un o bse rv tl d. Hamlln's bacd cluspcd b er s Ilrmly. Wbll e I hid th cre l\ cava lry !Iold le r' but Ius eyes wero rlv (t\ t! on 80 Ul efrom th o to rt rodo up. swu ng dow n tbln g In th o dls tllll ce. (rom hl H sad dle. alld ran up tho !tcps. ""· ni t." h e aal d. checkin g his borse, I h('a l',: him n~ 11 fo r :'daJ or McDollllld _ "wbat Is lhat~ :,Jell ; down III the I'al· Alm ost Imlllrdintcl r he cU lHe out u/o!aln ley of I ho crc k! III It n ut a mov lui unl I pn sHl'd him on th e porch . Ju st body of Ul l:n?" l1, s ill ~ th e doo r I mpt my fnth er. He was INlvln r, Ihc hotel w ith Dupon t. CH AP TER XXXIV. a nd th o la tter "wo re sa nlge ly wbe n I ca ught my ra th e r's a rm . ask in g what The Ad vance of CU lte r. u(' s ~ago th e o rd e rly had brou ght. lIe TIle Sergean t H WU 1Jg down from tht n" ~ w " r l' d s tran Ke ly, Ba ying he had saddl e nut! fo rced both poni es bncl I·ec .. l l'\~rl ord ers to go lit ollce to Ril)l ey be low th e crcH t at the hllr. hla swift on th e s tagc; that h e mI g ht b e go ne glance SWe t' lllng bock over the trail seve rnl days. Thero wus nothing Th e n h e gazt' d a gulu s ea rchingly Intt aYNOPSIS. rou. Tbere Is a trooper tbcro wa ltln • . n bout nll tbat 10 startl e a Bo ldl e r 's th e valle y below. Sball I tell you th o story 1" dllu ghte r. but Dupont ke pt hi s hand " What Is It 1" s he Ques tion ed. MnJ"r ~lrnnn"ld . cnm mnndlng un ormy " I wl s b you would ." o n Ift y c r s arm. urg ing him to "A moving column 01 horn emEo n. sol ft(UU ni'nr F o rt Ooc1Ke. R('(' k .. tL mno h,l "A d tb I h I I",,· "') I hl~ dnlll(llIer. Molly. wh o I. u en am to havo yours In hurry . Th e option s or til e ma n arou sed dll'rs f.rom tht!lr rormll tlon. tor tnt!lsm h.n,I ,, 1 for I h" post. An IrHlInn oU lhrNlk return - cverytblng ?" my suspiciou s. I kn ew my rath e r was nel' ' r ma rch In co lu mn or fourA. The) II' thrl' te n a ,!. Ao r«eB nt "B ri ck " 1I 1\ mlln "Y •• b I nwet. the. • 11\1(8 In whlt-h M o lly I. travel · es. s e 5a d. and their eye. meL acting f'ayma s tcr. and I could oe rcelvll a r e tOCI ra r a wny for mo to bo car tall 1"11: . Tht'y orp RttlV'k ",' b y I nrll nn•. nnrl "Tb e r e Is notblng to conceal-from tho outlin es or a le atber bag bulg1ng y n t. \Vhilt troolls can bo away ow Illlmlln Jl.nct !\' o ll )' Pftcaoo In th e d nr kn l~ 88 . YOU," , be ne nth hl B overcoat. Jr thIs conta In ed h ere!" l-Je.m Hn h -1h. M ..,llv h o W R .S d h, ' hnrg cd trnm th~ nn Cederl\lA . " rv lco In rllel(rn cO He t o ld hi s talo elmply. and In few money. t hen I grnsperl Dupont·s pur" \\' aslI't th"rc to be n winter caUl and at lila c1oso n C the wnr enllfi lod In words; \Jow b e bad ml aee d. aad sougbt pose. My \llan 01 action occurred to palg n agaillst []lack Kettle ?" ah o quel th e r" KlI lnr nl'm),. H e "uopect" ono) rnV' atter bc r In Dodge ,' ho '" tbnt Bearcb. me In 0 I1 ns h- l would acco mpany " a taln LeFevre n C heln g re.pon. lble for Iione rl. .. It was th e rumor nt Dod,. hi' .1I"rne". Tr"op. "I'penr nnr! under In g had led dIrectly to tbe discov ery him until - until he WD S Ba (ely In the I'c rha(>8-" fI~("nr t or Lt.:-uL r.fl~kh18 'M o11 y " t art ! t Il I I join IIPI ra liler. lInmlln len"es to rpl,)ln 0 cr me. nnd finally th e revealm ent stage. Dod find oppo rtunlly to wb lspe r "Why. YI's. th nt mllst be It," he Ie hi. r"K"•• ~ nt . li e rNurn. to Fort Do.IK6 01 Major McDonald 's body . He told wLunln g. I r pme mbl'r /lsklng him to tl'rrOpt ccl rager ly. "Cu ster o.nd th4 "rl.' r 1\ ~ Il mm er or flghtlnl( I ",linn •. n.nd of hl B elforta nt orga nI zIng 0. "arty to walt a moment fnr me and rusblng to li nd. ~In lly th erB. Lleu tennnt Cnskln. ., Seve nth . What lu cl<! And I'U bo II I1 }I"",lIn oC ehoo tlnf{ hIm. Tho rollow th e fugltlvce. Inspired by a be- tho cloak room atl e r' my cont. Out It w Itll th e bOYB aft or 0.11 . " • • rg' ~an t I. proven tnnocpn t. He 8ee. llet that s bo wila R prIsoner. ot the when 1 retu rn ed tboy wero gone. I " Shall we not rldo to meet them r' MollY In cotllpnny wIth M..... DUl,,;'nt, "'hom he rec o~ nl ..c .. ao a form er Rweet- trtp tb rough the bllzzard nnd ot bow ra n out Into the Btreet. but th ey were "Soon. yes ; only wc need to be ceJ h nrl, Who Ihrew hIm O" cr for l ",!"evre. b e bad s ucceeded In out~trlpplng Du. not to be eeen ; they bad not gone lIL1n r.rst. " h& ovc rh enr8 DU.{'Ic-nt nnd B. 80ldler toward the stage office. for the lt gbts llRtchlne up 1\ money- milkInG plot. Mnlly oont In th e rac e. " '\ro you not?" nnd ah e roBO In he tplla Hamlin her fnth er Boom. tl) h ~ In The girl II s t oncd si lently. able trom re vealed that distance clearly. and atl rnl ps . '" am sure they are co. VlIII'J the power o f Mr8. Dupont. wh o c lAIms to b be 11 dllugh ler or Mc DonAld's .IBler. Mol· er own e ~l)c rl e nce to fill In the de- they had had no lIme In whlcb to IT dl s npp""ro nOlI Hnmlln •• 10 0111 tn tsHs ot that J' ulentJess purault, whIch disa ppear wIthin . With tb e one h" ce her. !\f('Donald I. o rd e r~d tn Fort could not be halted either by storm tbougbt that Dupont bad lured my Rlplev. ""mlln nn<'lo McDonn"t·s murdered body . li p tl\.kes W ... "on. A "ut£le. or bull ets. The stre ngt b, the deter- father out at sight tor purposes of and t ....o troope", .. nd It'o". III pursuit of mlnatlon ot th e man , appealed to ber robbery, I stArted to run down th e the murd er{l1"1l. whn had rnbbe£1 MeDon .. aId of UQ .~ pnymast pr·. mo" ~ y . H . ,\1 8- WIth ne w force. and tears welle d Into little all ey·way n ext the hotel. I knolV Dupon t. ['onn er•. • nldler [\crnm- b er eycs. now how roollah I was, but then I pUce ot Dupont. I. fonnd murd ered. Rnm " 'Vhy. )'011 are cr"lng! he lin'. pllrty t" enu"ht In " ner ee hUnnn'! , e x- was reckless .. It was dark and I Baw .. hll e hea.dlnlf tor the Clm ml\ron. Ono claIm ed In s UrJlrl8e. an d bea rd nothIng to wa rn me ot dan· Inl\.n dl •• from cold nn" "nother "Imo.t "Tbat Is nothIng." b er lips sm Iling. gn. It waa In my mInd that my eu cC' umbfl. WaRSon la ehot (\$ th ~ y rom f' In .Ight of Clmmaron. H .. mlln dl.eo,'ers ns ab o looucued one hand trom the falbElr had bee n lured on to the open d b d t I a 101f ""bIn hl<'l<'len und er 1\ bltl". oeeupled bl I k t bT Hughes. 1\ eow thl nf. who I.. la ylOR for a I ~ an reRC e across 0 c asp praIrie behind the botel. Sudde nly Le!l'o"re. who eheat ..d him In A ('nttlo bls. You mus t know. deo.r, how bap- I was seized roughly, and a cloth deat HI" desorlptlon Iden Un ... L .. Fovre py I am to bava round you No one wblppet! over my tace berore I coulC Ill\d Dupol!t""l! on. Ilnc! Ihe "arne. HU lil h". ~ . -"ot Wa8t1On ml"tllkln g hIm for nno nr else could hRV O don e thIs." even ecream. I heard a voice say: l .... P'lrt y. H"mlln nnd Hugh". "Oh, yes little gIrl." soberly. "Was. 'Damned It II. aln't the gIrl! Wba t take up the trl\\1 of Ul!l'nvre. whn 10 • "armn. Mon,. to the Indllln· . camp. / so n would hal'o gone on. It I had been will we do with herr and then Du· Two . 11"7" out the,. sllfht th e fugitiv e. . the onc to go down Tbe hardest part pont's voice anBwered grulrly: 'Hell. A ftlfht onaU68 In whICh HlIlfhu8 I•• hot I I . ~ II-n rn·"lan. I)y1ng. h .. m ak('s n desper- ot t a I wns waiting tor tbe storm to th e re aln't anythIng to do, but take at.. attempt to . hoot LeFo''TII. but hll. cease. not knowIng wbere you were the IItlle husy along. She'd Queer Hamlin ..... hUe the latter II .,I .."mln" La hldd h " .-eVTe. LeFevre "soapOl. hell ~" lntLHl\m . en- t at nearly drove me Insane. tbe whole game. an' we've got an extra lin and Molly "en<'l. Molly t .. lI. Hamlin "I und erstand : uncertainty Is harder I)orse.' Tbey jerked me forward so t.hat her rather Implicat In tho to bear tban o.nythlng else. Shall I roushb-. and I was so trlghte ned that ~~I to 810111 tho paym ..... ter·.ed money. I¥ii:MIII'I contesftee hl8 love tor Molly and tell you now who.t bappened to me?" - that I must have taInted . At any d. that It I. Y'eolprocated. "Ye"." tenderly. "o.s mucb, or as lit- rate I remembll r ed nothing more dIsUe D8 you please." tinctly until we had crossed tbe rIver, CHAPTER XXXIII. "Then It sball be eTerythlng deo.r." and I was on horseback wraoped In a her band-claep tlgbtenlng. A moment bl a nket, and ti ed to the saddle. Some Mol y'. Story. she hesitated. lookIng out o.cross tbe out' was holding me erect; I could not The two rode steadily. tollowlng the snow plaIns, and tben hack Into his move my arms, but could see anrl "Never Will I Oouln AgaIn." trall lert by Hamlin and Hughell eye8. From tbelr expression sbe hear. It wae dark. and we were mov.rller In the mornIng. As there bad gained cl)urage to proceed. her voice Ing slowly; there were two IndIana men. Now you can see clearly .. thel been no wind. and the cold bad CruBt· low. yet clear e nour;h to make every ahead. and a whIte man rIding each climb the bill." ed the .now, the tracks left by tho two "Tbere lB no doubt." he admitted syllable dIstinctly audIble. s ide or me. They thought me uncon· ponies were easily followed. AI they "1- 1 waa trlghtened when YOU left scI OUR atil I, and spoke occasIonally; "a alngle troop ah ead ot the malI lk1rted the ridge the Indlo.n pony me alone on the balcony. and went In little by little I recognized their voices body; the others will be beyond th, berd could be dlstlngulsbcd, sufllclentbend In the strcam." to contront Mrs. Dupont. I knew the ant! understood th eir words." I, close by this time to leave no doubt He s tepped back. wh ere he coul! woman nnd suspected that she would . He r voice broke Into a Bob. but the as to what they were. Hamlin cau- only be too glad to find some Indlscrn- Sl>rgeallt's eyeB wero atlll gazIng vlgl. look directly Into ber face. t10uBly kept baok out ot sIght ID "They are soldiers all rtght, bu tlon she could use against me. It lavtly out over the snow·clad h1lls. the breaks of the ridge. altbougb his that was not what , wanted to be III occurred to m o tbat possibly she had "It 16 hard to tell tb e rest." she ieen eyes, learchlng the upper val· ce rtaIn about. W\Jen we ride doWl ley. dlBcovered no elgn of pursuit. seen me enter tb o parlor o.nd was saId finally . "but I learn e d that It was there he rse lC to make sure. It so, she not robbor y. but the betr aya l at trust. there. Molly gIrl. we shall be swal tired o.s Dupont'e horse undoubtedly would heBltate at uo trick to verIty My fath er waB guilty. and yet at th e lowed up Inl4l th e old Hfe once morl!. WaB, he mIght not yet have attained the old army Ilte." the Indian encampment, wblch, In her BUllplclons. This tbougbt so look same timE> a victim . I only got th e "Yes." posseSSion 01 me that I determIned truth In snatcbes. which I bad to pIece troth, mIght be much farther away "Perhaps you do not realize how dtr to escape Ir poaslble . And It togdhe r. althougb late r I learne d oththan Hughes hOod supposed. The tact easy ot accompllsbment. There was c r details. Mr'!!. Dupont had bled my ferent It will all be from out hIT' that no spirals of smoke were visIble but 0. short drop to the ground. wblle father I brougb some knowl edge she alone together." punled tho Sergeant, for In that "Why shouid It be dllferent 1" had gainl'd ot hIs slBte r's tamlly. I b'osty air they should naturally be "r ahall be agaIn a soldier In lh~ cannot cv('n ImagIn e what this could perceIved tor a consl'derable dIstance. bave bc('n, but It waa sumclent for ranks, under orde ra. and you Majol PossIbly, how'tver, the bluffs were hor yurpoae. He gave ber all he McDonnld's daughter." high&' and more abrupt. farther up "But--but-" her eyes full of ap had. and tten-then she heard ot this .tream, affording better cbances .ot gllvcrnment money helng sent to RIp- peal. Doncealment. Indeed It was QuIte "No. 'llttle girl," he explained qulcll. ley. ~he had known about that tor probable that tbe Indians would seek and touchIng her ~e"cral days through the LIeutenant. Iy. reaching up the most sheltered spot available tor gently; "we are np.ver going to sa, and had ample time to arrange the their winter camp. Irrespective ot any plot. My tather must bave been crazy anything about tbat to thoae j)0'W1l poBlllble tear ot attack. Reasonably to have entered Into tbe Bcheme. but there---blo comrades lD arml. It II g(I ufe from a winter campaign. the he did, he dId. The woman compelled Ing to loe our secret. I am &Iad you atrocities of the pallt summer would told me; It haB brought Ull togethel blm to It." .aturally tend to make them unusually "I understand, MoIlY,~ broke In as. perhaps, nothlns els9 could, bUI tauUous and watchfuL Hamlin. anxious to spare her the de- there hi no reason wby the worlo Molly. muffled to the eyes In her "They were to pretend robbery, ahould (~ver know. Ltlt them think h. talls. thick blanket, permItted ber pony to but wltb the Major'8 connivance. An died delrendlng his trttlt. Pe\'hape bp follow the otber without guidance, unofficer Impersono.Ung him was des- did; wlilat you overhp.ard might bav., W the7 both dipped down Into the patched to RIpley by stage. This been Baid for a purpoBe, but. even 11 bollow, safe from any pOBslble obwould prevent any Immedlo.ts pursuIt. It were true, he had been drtven to II lervation. In lIome mYltertoul wny lAter tbe Major was to be released, by a merciless wom!lln. It la oura t(l die O'I'erpowerlng feeling at terror to return to Dodge with bIll story. dotend, not blacken hll memol'J'." which bat! COD trolled her for days paat She bent slowi7 down unW ber The projection at yourselt Into tbe bad departed. The mere pre.enoe of alfalr dIsarranged the entire plot, and cheek touched bJ•. Hamlin waa an usurance ot satety_ "1-1 thought you would say that: ~ Ihe watched him. ereot In Baddle, The Mere Pre.ence of Hamlin W •• an tIlen a quarrel occurred, and your she returned slowly. "but wbat elst f"tber was killed." bl. blue overcoat tightly buttoned. ble A.. urance of Safety. "Yes; It was over what should be you said Is not so-there wUl nevt>J rBTolver belt strapped outalde. she no a few IIteps around the end ot the done with me; although I believe now ago.ln be a barrier of rank betweoD t>nger felt any consciousness of the hotel would bring me safely to tbe they Intended to kill hIm, so as to re- us." She Btralghtened tD the saddle. IUrrollJldlng desolation or the nearness front entrance. The temptation to tilln all the money. The older In~lan lookIng down Into lUI eyel. "Who Df savage fooll. Her heart beat taBt try woos Irreslstlble. I heard your fired the shot treacherously." ever thlB omcer ma7 bo In commano and her chei!1ts flushed to memory voices within o.nrl thought I understood "And Connors?" ot that detachment, I wont you to tell ~f what bad 10 Iwlttly occurred ~ her game. It woos dark below, yet "Dupont kllle,d him; they were both hIm all." tween them, Without thought, or I knew how close tbe earth was, and drunk. and the soldier fired first, but "Alll't' .truggle. she gave beraolt unrOflerved- there woo!! no Blgn of anyone about. Dllssed." "Y1!S, that we are engaged; aD ty to hlB guidance, lIerenely conOdent I clambered over tbe railing. let my. "And after tbatr' proud to have them kuow." III hili power to .ucceed. He wae a selt down as far as I could, Bnd dropShe covered her face with her Tbe truth was shining In her .,ye. msn so"1ltrong. 110 resourcetul. so fitted ped. The slight tall dId not even Jar iNlndB. glowing on her cheeks. She leaned La tbe environment, that her truat In me. yet I was none too Boon . :As I "It was all a dream of continuoUB forward. ' lim waa unquestioned. Sbe needed croucbed tbere In the darkn ess, she borror, yet through It all, I do not "Kiss me, and believe!" 10 ask nothing; was content to follow lIung open the curtalna,. and looked r ecall consclousnes8 ot phYSical tor· "Molly. Molly." he whispered. "N•• III silence. Even aa sbe realized the out to the vacant balcony. I saw tbe ture. I seemed to be mentally numbed, er wl\l :1 doubt again." tompletenesa of her surrender, tht' fiash of light, aod heard her laugh- my braIn 0. blank. It was a realb:atlon (TO all: CONTINUED., Sergeant, relaxing none ot hlB watch- It was not pl easant laughter; ror she oC my tatber's guilt more than my own hllnen. checked bls pony 10 that they wa. disappointed not to find me there. danger whIch affected me-that and Dlllided Intore.ta. IOUld ride onward side by side. After the curtains tell again I could bls death. They were not unldnd nol' "Do you think only I)f me!" mu. "We wru follow the traU back," he no longer bear your yolces and my brutal. Indeed I do nN charly re- mured t.he bl·lde. "Tell me lhat 70' Co:Iplained, Illaoclng aelde at her tace./ lIOle dellire was to get back Into the call tbat I was ever spolten to. exeept think OIlly of me." -I't II eaaler to follow than to strike botel un('lbeerved . r was not afraId, when some necessary order wal glveD. "It's thIs way," explained tlI, Dut tor ourselvea .acrosa the open." 10nl Y I dro!o.ded to mcet anyone who One night I heard them dlscu .. what sroom. gently_ "NlJw and th8\1 . "Where doe. It lead1" might recognize me." should be done with me; that I wu haTe to think of the hlrnace, DIJ "To an old cow-eamp on the Glmlll" She paused In her recItal, as though [0 be hlddcn away In Blaelt Ket~e·. .deal'."








Per'ud That 110 Considered Molt Holy ' by ttli Followers of ths Prophet Moliammed. , •




I. ~o ,holY mOD~ oC' RAmldaD In


Mohammed had knocked from his -,aw when struck hy a IItone from a sling In battle. and a cbunk of lime with a tootprlnt In It Mado by the prophet when he sprung from It to the back of his magic steect. · AI Borak, "the IIshtnlng," It waa. upon thli animal that ' Mohammed 'visited, JeruAlem . and the leven beivenl from whlcb be ' obtaIned Important and .exdulye IDrormattoa ; ,,"

Free Country. This Is sucb a free country thlll "Yea, toacher. very much., 1 liked tilt -sea, but I COUldn't find the Inthemlll' ~be, what, Jaml)8 Henry WUllam1' "Th~ jnllhemls. teaoher; . where It . ." In the ,Bible, : Tbo sea and aU tJIat b ~em Ia/ "

SUFFERED AWFUL PAINS For Sixteen Years. Restored To Health by LydiaE.PinkCAPTURED AT MURFREESBORO ham'. Vegetable PennSY lvan ia Min is ter R ~ l ate5 Story Compound. of Arrest of Member of For rcst'g Confederate Ca val ry. On J Uli O I ~. 18~2 . Compan y ~1. S ev· {, 1Ill! 1' (' lIlIs yll'llnla cn l' ulr),. or whi ch I \\'U~ a me mb er. wa s ca llturl'(l nt ~Iur· tr ecs bo ro. To nn . I had th e pl ea s ure or U1 p etillg He l'. ,l ohn Itoral I!nrl'l ~ , whose fllthc r \\'as a me mbe r o! For· rcst·s Confede rat e cn I'n lry. At my requ es t he Be nl me th c follow ing r ecol· lect Ion of hIs fath ol' about our on III ure , writ es J . H . Shu s t er. Deaver Fall s, Pa. , In th e Na ti onal Tribune. The Fede rals were In three poal. tiona- th o 1': Inth 1I11chl ga n. ancl Se v. e ntb P eunsylvanlll In th e eus t e rn s ub· ur b. various de tac hm e nlB nt th e jail an d co urthou se III th e cente r ot the town. nnd th e Th ird Ml nn esoto. a nd Hew ltt's batte ry outs ld o tbe town to th e west. ForrOB t's Buccess wa El In keepIng th eso scparat e and (.npturlng th em In detail . He tlrs t got th e cen· trnl pOSition. leavIng part ot bls oom· mand e ngng ed wIth tb e easte rn hod y. which did not surrender till IIbout noon. He th n na il ked tbe weste rn body. which had adl'nnclld townrd tbe courthouse, but had been held In check until the r est Burrentlered. I bave beard my fath er Bay tbat tho Contederat es marched nearly all night comi ng Irom McMlnn\'llle, nnd that they rushed Into town about day· brea k. The pickets bnd b ee n sur· prIB~d. nnd no shote alarmed tho slee pIng F ederals. I heard the ex· shcrlff ot tbat county. Mr. Arnold. tell o! ellpplng up on aile sentinel. My ra· th er saId the me n were ItIII In th e ir tents. and that he saw a Texas Ran· ger fire his Six-Bhooter Into an ope II te nt. He said that many ot the men did not ha\'o tIme to put their clothes on. and tho.t tbey were mo.rch ed through tbe BtreetB so. and tbat the Texas Rangers amused tbemllelvl!8 strIking at theIr shirts with th eIr long whips. He hlwllelt was In one ot the Independent compo.nles . He ' so.w the assault on the courthouse, anC! com· mended the bravery ot tbe detense. His broth c r was In tbe ja1l. suspected ot he lng a s py. from ble resemblance to a note d spy and bushwracke r . Oth· er men In the Jail were to be killed th e next morning. and one Federal, all the men ran to the courthouBo tor making a stand. set fire to the. Jail _ and trIed to shoot the ;rlsoners. Tbls man my sl erlou s ly dltlappeared, and It was believed that be was Identified and made way with . Father always Bald that Forroet worked hIs old go. me o! blulf, and made the Fede rala think he had more m en than be had. and threatened to give no quarter. though. at couree. he dId not mesn It. I was born about ten miles rrom IIlurlreeBboro, on the Jelferson pike. From tbe description ot your escape and captur~ you must have been very close to myoId plnntatlon home. nnd possIbly you dId vlalt some of our people. The prIsoners were paroled at Mo· Mlnnvllle. nnd my futher went o.long to help guard th e m. He said that It was dIfficult to gunrd so many. and that they darte d off Into the bushe. all along the way. He lived o.t Mc· Mlnnvllle. and dIed In 1907 on the old plantation. It 18 a matter ot record that Colonel MItchell wired Genero.l Buell. June 8, that Colonel Lester had told him of 1,000 Contederates being near McMinn· ville. Again. June 24. he warned Buell. On the day preceding the cap~ure Duell wired Halleck tbat the enemy waa In that section. Dulfteld, In view of all this, seemed to let hIm· Belf be lIurprlsed easily. WIthout the surprise o.nd biB widely separo.ted torces Forrest never could have mnde the capture. It IB new to me that your command was without weapons. Tho.t. too. Beems to be 0. little against the vIgilance of your omcer In charge. General CrIttenden had auperseded Colonel Duffield just ·a day or so before the capture. Burnt Powder. Pr~sldent Llncoln's storlea grew bet· ter o.nd better as be grew older. One of tbe best was told 'to a vISitor who congratulated blm on tbe demand of the people for ' hls re·el"ctlon. · Mr. Lincoln replied tbat he had been told that trequently. o.nd that when It was first mentIoned to him he was reminded ot a farmer In illinois who determined to try his own ~nd at blasting. Atter successtully boring and filling in with powder. he tatled In his elrort to make tbe powder go off. and atter discussIng wIth a looker-on the caUse (or thll and failing to d~tect anything wrong In the powder. ~e tarmer suddenly came to the conclusion that It would not go ott because It had been shot betore. Ten Plna at Antietam. At Antietam. when the Oonfederatell advanced In a solid mass. one ot our boys trom Elmira, N. Y., climbed a high rock, wbere he could view the whole Icene. He occupied his place unmindful at the bullets IwJ!lzzlng like bees arc:,und him. The rebel.:·came on -\totU we could see theIr face., and then our battelJ ' poured canllter.' l~to . them; which mowe~ do.wn ·a 10llg IInO' ot JoMnl.· Qur trt~lld on .tbe I IW~B hll cap, apd .~outet1·: " . , ,' ''Bul·l·I-lee;.-t- ~8IIl U'p In . ~• .QUler

allqi', 40



_. •





Moretown. Ve rmonl-"I was trotto bled with pnins and Irregularities tor six teen ycars, and was thin, weak and nervou.. When 1'-1 would lie down Ie would seem Il8 If 1 was going right down out of eighC into Borne dark bole, o.nd the window cu .... tains bad faces that would peek out at me. and when I w .. ' - - - - - - - · o t l t of doors it would lloem as it somethIng was going to happen. My blood was poor, my circulation was so bad I would be like a dead per son o.t times. I bad female weak~ ness badly, my abdomen was Bore and 1 had awful pains. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham' I Vegetable Compound abd uaed the Sanative Wash and they certainly did wondera for me. My troubles dlsapP"Dled and I am able to work bard every day•• , - Mrs. W. F. SAWYER,RlverViow Farm, r.toz. town, Vermont.

Another Oase. Gifford, IowL-" I was troubledwfdt femnie weakneB8, also with di.pl_ ment. I had very severe and .teady h~adacbe, also pain in back and wu very thin and tired all the time. I commenc~ taking Lydia E; Pinkham'. Vegetahle Compound and I am cured of these troubles. I cannot praise your medicine too highly. "-Mrs.lNAMuu SLAGLE, GlJloro. low..

Fole, Kldne, Pill. Succeed because they are a good honest medicine that cannot help but hl')al kid. ney and bladder ailments and urinory irregularities, if they are once taken into the system. Try them now for positive and permanent · help. It' s en BY tor a sympathoLlc woman to make any man believe he loves her. Worm. expel tee! prom\'tlJ' from lb. bum ... • , .&.e m with Dr. Peer! I Var-mUui'e "D6a4 IIhoL" A4".


Honcsty may be tbe best policy. I"at there are a lot at men tram Mlasourl. Re6 eros. Bell lllue. all blue. beat blulDI value In tbe world, maka the Illuodn!M RDlle. A.d •• You can-:'-t-c-o-n-v-:-In-ce-~t-:-h-e-m-other ot a first baby tho.t all men are born equal. II... WID.lo ..•• SooOlIDe Syrup Cor Ohlldren ~lblDR" ftottt:DII tbe I"1ms. reduce. IDtl&JIlDl.. Uon,aJlaza p .....ou ...... wind collc.zc. bonle.Mo

Never louched Him. "Want to go to the theater tonlghlT" NI bave nothln& to wear," saId hi. wire peevIshly. "That won't matter. I only meant one of lbose moving pI cture tbeaterll, wbere It·s dark."-Loulsvllle eourle!' Journal. Lo\>ney Seaaon Begin •• "Golf? Why, man, you're crazlel than a loon. The Idea of a teUf)w 011 a hot day like this goIng out and clubbing around a little white pill In thl Bun!"

"What are you goIng to do?" "Who. me? I'm going to get a rowbod and pull over the lake and tr7 to get. some fiBh." "FIsh? The last fish waB caush' out of that lake three years ago." "Well, I know that. Suppoae I don', set any fish. I've had a tiptop boat rtde. ba ven't 11" Intere.tlng Beginning. A fair gradUate was cODversln. with a young gentleman who had been presented to her atter the commencement exercises. "Well." she sighed happily. "I am lin A. B. now. Ot courae you have a degreeT" "Yes." he replied. "but I am 0DI7 • D." The faIr grad pondered. The d. gree was puzzllng. "Why, what Is that]" sbe asked. "Dnohelor." he Bald.-New Yor. Times.



Ita Weight In Gold.

We usually expect tbe doctor to pu\ Dian Bome kInd ot penance lind give us hltter medicines. A Penn. doctor brought a patient something entirely dlfferen,t and the reBults are truly Interesting. "Two years ago." write. thll pa. tient, "I was a frequent vleUm of acute Indigestion and bUloullneBS. being al. lowed to eat very tew things. One day our family doctor brought '1IIe a Imall package. eaylng he had found lomething tor me to eat. "He lIald It was a food caUed GrapeNut. and even as Ita golden color ml«ht sUg&~t It was worth its weight lu Eold. ! was slolt and tired, trtlo& one tblng. another to no avan. but consented to try this Ilew tood. ''l\Tel\l It lIurpllsled m1 doctor' • fondest antlclpatlon and overy dBJ' .lnce then J have blel.ed the 1004 doctor and the Inventor of Gra»eNuta. . ' . "I notleed lmproTellleilt at once and In a month·. tIme my' formor .p~n. IlldlJestloD. ha~ ~laaPP. .te,t1. .111 two .• months 'I telt .lIke ~ l1ew , ~. , MT. , mind WU , much' clearer alld ' olEe.tUlri my botlJ.took 'o n:tha '"ltalltr lOu~ .' and this oODcJitJoil .tin ~ntfDued." , . ; "Tbere:-. '" ~." ,Name I~ ~. Posburi Co., BatU.. .· Ol',Mlr; 'IIleIL ~ • • ~lie 'llOad~ fa p _

or :


- W.unu.... : A-..... __ ....,·............





Protecting Infants and Invalids -I ElALIZ)NG the Im po rta nce of n bsol ut e ly pu re m ilk In th e d ie t o f Infan t s an d In va lids a nd m edi ca l socle lieH 111 ma uy of l ho larger clllc s or th e Uul· ted States hav o a r ranged to prov ide m llil ll r oduc ed u ude r strict sa nita ry co n· d lUon s . T h lu m il k Is Ro ld to con s um e rs und er n ce r tHlcllte fr om ,tbe m dl eal society gua r a n· t eeing It.s pu rity ond


w b o l c8 0 m e n es ~ .

In Cblcago, (o r Ins tu nce. a com lTJ l&lion of th e Co ok Co un ty lIJedl cal 80cl· et y has s u pe r visio n ov er a ll da iries wh e re certifi e d mil k Is pro du ced, It Is pure ly p hll ll nthr.op ic In its n lm s , wor k· Ing w ith ou t com p nan tl o n or hope of r eward o th e r th nn Ill a lntaln lng h um lln health a nd sa \' ing tb e \l ves of he llJless babes. This comm iss ion ravor s all age ncies wh ich a im to giv e th o public a s are lind h ealt hr ul milk su p pl y. It Is ell· . pec la ll y concern e d In g uara n tee ing a Jlmlte d tiu pply of milk Cor the us e of Infants, Invalids and con val escents. The commiss ion holds th at milk Is pure only wb e n It Is ke p t pure at 6.e ry stage fr om the ti me It Is drawn from th e cow untll It Is uBed a s hu· ~an food. The commission bolds that contamina te d milk ca nnot be r endere d pure by a rtificial processes and that whll o s uch " P rocessed Milk" may b o us e ful ror gene rnl com mercial pur· poses It Is not s u ita ble a s food I for Infants or Invalids. Only healthy cows are u sed to produce ce rtifi e d milk. Th es e ar e t es ted w ith tube rculin by United States gov· ernme nt ve te rinari a ns and ' passed as bealth y befor e th e milk Is certlfl ed by th e co mmiss ion . Wh en a ny cow In a h erd furn is hin g cert.lfl ed milk Is round di se as ed she mus t be Imm ediat e ly reo mov ed from th e far m. A ll dai r y barns must be sani ta ry In cons tructi o n. with Bpeci lll re gards to light. ve ntil a tion, gene flll cl ea nlin ess, li nd wa te r . All milk Is r equ ired to ha ve a de fin ite per· centa ge o r cre a m each dill' , a variation of o nly on e- ha lf or one pe r ce nt. being allowe d . Ce rtifi ed milk must be fr ee from all dlaea se germs a nd not con· tnln o ver te n·tho usa nd non·pathogenic ge r ms ( not prod ucing disease) In each drop . Co mme rcia l mil k- otte n has as hi gh as one m illion g e rm s In each drop. , Only health y em ploye s a r e pe rmit· ted to wor k on farms producin g certl· . 'tid m il k. T h ey m us t observe the


a bottl e of cle an, COld, una dulte rated mil k, frce from th e bact e r ia w hI ch cn use di sea se. T ho co ns u mer mUKt th e n do hi s pa rt, If ho wa nts cl ea n, whnleijo me mi lk fOI' h lmBe lf an d his rumi ly, ~1I 1l, shou ld bo ta k en Into th e house ull d put In t be r e fri ge rato r li S ' Roon afte r de li vl'rl' as poss ible. T his Is par· ti cula rly n (>c essary In hot weat he r. lr It Is Imvos Hibl1l to have th o bottl es of mil k put Imm edl ll lely lu th e rerrl ge ra, to r, provldo 011 th e po rch a box can· tal n lng a lump of Ice. In pla nnin g n house, a rra nge to hav e t h o refrlge ra· tor sp t In th e wa ll wi th a n ope n ing on the outs ide, It Is nl ways poss ible to prov ide loel(s Cor th es e boxes or re-, frlgorll tor doors, a nd s upply th e Dl II'!t· mun wit h o ne k ey . Til e 11I tc r io r o f the food co mpa rt me nt s lloul d bo w iped ove r y day with a c lila n c1 0l h, li nd t bor. ou gh Iy s cald ed a8 ofte n as once n wee k. Unde r no ci r cum s t a nces 6hould t he drain pip e of an Icebox be con nected wIth a s ewer. Tbe milk should be ke p t In th e orl· gl nal boUi e , a nd t be bottle lert In the r efrig e ra tor uotll needed. Berore use,

Exterior of Well Ventilated and Sanitary Barn.

lugbes t ~ egre e ot pe rsonlll cleanliness all Umes, Whe n employed In milk· .Ing they must wear clean white duck BUltS. Uten s ils use d In handling certl· fled milk must ' be kept scrupulou81y clean and ste rl11zed before ustng. Milk IB c:oo~, tL46 ~ree s or lower 1m· medi a tely aft er mtlklng, ' bottle d In Bterllize d bottle s;, which are then Bellie d and packed In Ice w ithin twen· ty minutes after mllklng. The milk Is kept packed In Ice until delivere d at the cus tom e r 's bouse, Ce rtifi ed milk means the beet and cleanest ra w milk 011 Uw market. It Is alwnys clean at all etllges, It Ie never a dirty milk which ba s been lJroce sse d. It is a natural r a w milk. not a cooked mllk. No mlllte r how care fully milk is hs n· • dIed be t.w een the ta rm and the home, Or In 1I0w pure a s tate It Is deliv ered at the domestic Ice bOl(, It quickly can become an undestrable food If carlllessly hilDdle d In the bome. according to the s peclallsts of th e United States 'departm ent of agriculture. Milk that Is lett for only a sbort time in summer heat may become unfit· tor use, 1MlIk wll\ quickly become contaml. nated when expose d to tbe air, or wben l>~aoed In unclean vesse ls. Though IIOti1~ bacteria are always pre sent, eyen In the best grades of tresh milk, they are generally harmless provided their num bers afe amaH and they are not of the disease producing type; but milk must be kept cool prevent the )iacterla nlready In It, and which may .. let in It by accident, trom multiplying to 1\ point where the milk Is unde sira ble. Producers Bnd de alers nave done .thelr duty It they have lefr al the door ___ . .. .. ow· ..... ~ ... ¥"'<¥ ..


s tand In n warm room on the table any longe r than Is n ece ssary. Do not plnce milk in a re rrlgerator compart· me nt with onions or other tood bavlng a strong odor. Before r e turning the boUee to the milkman, wash tb em first In cold wa· ter and tb en In wllrm water. Do not use milk boUle s tor holding vluegar, keros ene or other , ubstances than milk. Never take milk bottles Into a sick room, becauso Infectt.o us diseases ca n be spread thro ugb a milk botUe reo turne d lo th e (arm and de liv e re d to s ome othel' home. This Is a civic duty tbat e veryone owes to hill neIghbors. tr th ere Is a case of typhoid rever, or oth e r ser ious comm unica ble disea se In the house, th e fa irest th Ing to do ror one's neighbor Is to provide one's own


Th e Hou se wife'S Crim inal Negle ct. clea n bottl es o r col'ered dls h l"8, Into wh Ich th o m il km a n can po ur th e milk fr om uls bo t ti e . Ir bolti es a ro le ft 10 s uch !\ h orn e, th o mllk man s houl d not bo a ll owed to coll ec t t he m aga l u u ntil they have bee n prope r ly dis in fec ted by til e board of he ulib . At uny ra t e, If t he re Is a ser ious s ick ne ss In t he home 1111 m il k bo ttl es s houl d be boi led he rore be in g se n t out of th e 1I0use. Milk di pped rroUl a ca n or drawu rrom the ra ucet of a can may be a so urce of dange r, and s bould bo a void· c d w he re It Is pos lble to ge t bot ties 01 mil k. Th e air o f cit y s tree ts a ud hous e s Is lad 'n wltb du s l and bacte rll',

an d fr equ ent ly partIcles of fi lth. Eve L If th e mil k 15 clean In tbe mil km an', recc pta cle , th e r epour lng of It Into an 0l.en vesse l or pllchc r for th e cue tom' er gl ves a n e xce ll ent chance ror IloalIng d isease ge r ms to get into th e milk. In s to res wbere dip pe d milk Is sold, fi lth y co ud ll! oD ~ ofte n preva il. a nd milk Is fre que n tl y h an dl cd rn o&! caraless ly. Clerk s au d e ve n cuslomers al tim e s rrcq ue utly dri n k out of the mill! d ippe r . It is dang erou s to giv e suc b mil k to cb lhl re n a nd Invali ds. an d at bes t It Is not a clea n food , JIIll k d rawn fro m th e fa u ce t of a milk de a ler 's ca n, wh n e no t e x pos ed to th e ni r 80 long as d ip ped m ilk, al s o has th e dl s a d vunlage 01 no t be ing thoroug hl y mixed , So me cons u me rs tlw r e for e re ce h'e I ElRS t ban the ir sba r e of c ream. If bottl ed mil k ca n llo t be obta in ed , try to hay e th e milk delivere d person · a lly to some me m ber or th e fa m ily . a nd r ecei ve It In a sca lded cover e d vesse l th a t bas not bee n exposed to th o a ir or a room or streot. Oth erwl so se t out a sca ldod co vered dIsh or bowl, or a gl ass preserving ja1' with a glass top without a rubbe r b .. nd. In no case should an uncovered vf~ ss el be used . M ilk s hould b e tak en Into the house Immedi a te ly on de ll vary, or \I this J s Imposs ible , It should be placed In an outside re frigerator, o r the out· s ide door of the re frigerator In the house, Ir Ita Ice bo x opens to the out· side. Cleanlines s In the handling or milk Is a s ne cess ary In th e home as In the production of milk on the farm. Milk must be ke pt at low tempe rature at all times. to prevent growth of bacteria and subsequent Ilourlng, 11 s houM b<! ke pt In closed vesesls as far as possible . The consumer should In· slsl on having bottled milk delivered. and If tbls Is Impos sIble shoul<t> at leas t se e that the milk atter dellver1 suffers no additiona l contamination, Task of Separo1tlon. How importa nt loom the thousnnd and one tlJlngll thnt fill the dally llfe, yet how trivi a l ill th e bulk of the m ! To s e paratc the realities from the un· realities, the significant from the trifl ing and non·esse ntlal-tb a t s urely Is tb e first s lep to selt·knowl edge, the on e and ouly royal road to s e lf·con· quest .-Co11i e r's Wee kly .


Interior of a Very Unlanltary Barn.

a J'ltchcraft panic wheDev~r RmeA. to Nerve, -," T.illc about the weakness of ~odllrn b04~'s cow died luddenly; dancing _ Denai d.ne8n't 8Quare with facts. We manias wMn anyone preached at ~~, . 8el1attiVe to · pain tMm tOQ hard. and nearly an Europe We e\"en .. tood on its head, 6guratively when the Tu.rks too](" Jeln1Il,all!m. which Howcll.tfA)rent n,o w! . The modern , b e n takes .the , troubles cit


With God as Companion, the Highway of Life Will Be Safely Traversed.

Acm S tom8ch , heartlmra and nansea quickly d isappear wilh tile u"" of Wright 's Indian Vegetabl e P ills. S eod for trial bolt to 312 Ptarl S t. . New York. Ad,'.

I Backache Warns You Backac he i. one of Nalure's war nings of kiclney weakness, 1\ idoey d iseuo kills thouSo.1. ndti eve ry yea r. Doo't oeglec t a bad !Jack. If your back is lame-if it hu rts to SlOO p or lift- if Ihero is ir regularit y of the se •• re tion ssuspect yo ur kid ueys. If yu" ""fIc r heada c hes , di zz iness and a rc Ii red . ncrvoua Rod worn-o ut. you bave fu n her PW')£. Use Doao·. Ki duey P ills. a flue remedy {ot bad backs and weak kid neys. Aa lodlaD" Can

Ma ny a m an puts h is foot In, It wh e ll he att e mpts to Bta nd on h is dignit y. Red Cro... Ba ll llill e "I II was h dOUble n.

Interior of Barn Where Pure Milk Is Produced. the neck of tb e bottle and th e cap s houl d be wash ed a nd t h e n care fully wiped wit h a clean cloth betore th e ca p Is re moved. Re move th e ca p with a shar p- pOinte d ins trument, so as not to push th e cap do wn Into th e m ilk, Onc e a bottle Is ope ned, It s ho uld be llc pt cove red. bo lh to kee p out. dirt a nd bacte ria and to pr event a bsorption or u nde s ira ble odors. Th e o ri gi na l cap s hould not be r ep lace d. Ins tead , plac e a n In'f erted cu p o r tumbl e r on th e t all of the bottl e. Tbe mil k s hould be used fro m the bottl e as neede d and any un· us ed milk should no t bo r eturne d t o the bottle a ftor ha ving b ee n po ure d Into a nothe r vess el. Do not le t milk


endurell elevated roads, honking and charghig motor cars, pollce CenlOrl, cubist art, tarill' debates, and turke y l!'OlS. and sun: In 'mos t cases, he man· ages to keep ou~ of ttie lnaane asylum and cour[s general17 bold tbat t)e II · compe t ent to ma\e a will. The aerve ''' d ' Q.. \trance of modenl human kind de-


are pil g rim s or the uroud blgh\\,ay uf Ii f", \\' e a re goin g 80m e wb er e , \\' h,!I'(" ? Lite 1M no t a s t ro ll or p rom ena de. It Is no t a gu lll g out wIt h gay co mpa n· Ions to SHun-t er t hro ugb th e lIl Ca dOWIl or n. Bumm e r e ve nin g. It Is a Jo u rtHW haY in !:, II dpli n llc end , Uu r re lutlon to or Cllllllt'cti o n wit h cv 'r y th ill g In (h lu lire is afTec ted by our k no wl <- dge o r U(' Il t! r co nceru lng Its end, n U l Inte r es t W 8 take III a \' Islt to frleud s i ~ II ffecll' d by t he th oug h t u r It Its lu rml nullon au d t be pu rlin g. we have a com pan io n UDon wh o m death lJ as set Ills sea l, u ll our th oug hts conccrn ing him are colure d by til e s badow of tho app roa ch ing en d, Ou r conv c r ~ ntl o n a nd ma nn e r toqal'ci h im a r e Influ e nce d b y ou r kn ow l, l'dge. thu t l he e nd d raw e tll nig h, W e re tbls Ba rn o fri end In buoyant b eullh an d vi gor, ho w differe nt woul d be ou r tb ougb ls and a ctions to wa rd h im, Tile e od of t hin gs m n kes a dlH'oronce. a bout ho w we fe el a ud a cl. It hi a journ ey to Ho m o dl s la nt point we round our mea us of co n\'ey· an ce. u ncomfortabl e a nd our compan· Ions d isag r eeable , would It 1I0t lessen our co nc ern about the agg ra va ll on s oC t he journ ey? JC we kn e w tbat at th e en d we would obtain our heart'li grea.l est de s ire ? Or If, o n . the othe r ba nd, e ve rything co nn ected vdlh th e Journ cy was of lhe mo s t p lea sa nt a nd de lll; h tful na ture, th e co llJ IlBn Ions those th at we loved be Bt a nd t he COUtlu-y t hr o~ h whi ch we pass ed t be most luv ely tha t eye could rea st u po n, wo u ld not our delight In t b e journ ey be dllmln lsh ed, tr we kn ew that a t t he end we we re to meet face to fac e som e gr eat Borroi\' ? Greatest of All Questions. JC we are s o s en s ibly aff ect e d by lb o end or th e r es ul ts of ou r little ear thl y journeys , Is It not wi se te l iva tb ought to th o dl rec tl on OUI ste ps ar c t e nd ing on th e broad hi g h· way o f li re ? Life as n hl gbway 1M not mean t t o I ndll~ at e a r oad lead ing 10 a par tIcula r IIlrecti on. It Is a ft gurnU ve te rn. '0 denote a ll th e e x igencies of hu ma n li fe us a wh ole In which each I nd i v l (~ ua l h a v ing no eon t iu utng c ity or pe r· ma n. e nt a biding p lac c III seel.l ng one to c·o mc. W e arc of necessity goin g s omewh e r e an d lh e Im llor tant lIu e r y IH, wh e r e? Solomon , t he wises t ma n , th ough! .h is an Im porta nt ma ll ', r o r h e wo uld not ha vo s a id: "IPond er the pa l h of thy f(,p L" Th e ob vi ous t each ing of th e wise tuan's iuju nc llon Is thal lh e re are path s lea din g In n wrong dire cti on, an d r ea c hing un un d es ira bl e I'n d, a ud th at. s uch pa ths are t o be avoi d ed. P on d e r, weigh we ll a nd r efl ec t a nd se· rlous ly me di tate upon the direclion In w hl,~ h thy fee t are tending. T he r e a r e IIlaoy pat hs. Tbe b roa d h ig hway of life Is but a conjun ction o f innum er· able av enu es , a lo ng whIch men , wom· e n !ln d ch ildre n are journeyIng , Cblld ot Eorrow a nd t e a rs. pond e r we ll th e path of th y fe et! AI~ d th ere are paths of toll y and eln--path8 of darkne ss and te rrorpatine of des pai r and ,dea th. At the boglnnlng some of th ese paths a p pear plea s ant a nd In viting and are en tere d with gayety and son.g s- places oC amu seme nt a nd fountain s o f pleasure are o pen at e very h and, but th e y are only' glid ed aalooDs of folly a nd vice. The fountains at pleas ure become brol,e n cistern s whIch ca n ho ld no wate r ; and th e amuse me nts. thougb tb ey thrill and exh ila rat e tor a lime. become like the delirium or fe ver, th a t in th o end scorc hes a nd wa ste s like fire. Turn·lnto Right Path . TI~ese ar e not sa fe path s , a nd he who find s hlm se lC walking th e rei n should ca r efu lly re fl ect on th o e od whi t he r tll ey tend an d lu rn h is step s th er e from befor e It is too late. But In th e jour ney of life th er (, a r e l)nt08 of sufety li nd d e lig ht- wa ys of vl E'asan tn ess and pe ace ; ronds or honor a nd h'J pe ; a ven ueH o f t r ium ph and tru th; high ways of holiness a ud ha ppiness. One of I h e s wee te s t a nd most bles&ed Elxpe Mencll s on th e broa d hi g h way 01 life Is th e m eeting with sOIlle Cel· low trav e le r who prov es to be a fri e nd tru e. hone st, loyal and brav e, and whose b and is e ver ready In dimcul& place s to aid us or be a ided; hi s voice che(lrln g and co mrorting UB as wo wallt togethe r d the r In th e llulUlhln e or I:n the shade. Tbe way is often long and orten we pas!! through de solate places whlcb call loudly for symlla thy and ch eer of ·Iovl:og comrade. How blessed are the fri e ndships that cheer us on lI!e·s lourney. A.~d th ere Is one fri e nd t hat every one roay have. 1' he friend that stick. eth c\oller than a brother. With h i m IlS 11 companion we cannot mistake the right roa.d, tor hla feet neve r trod R wlrong wa y. Take hold of his hand ",nd In due Ume all your hoping and drc.'lwalnr wlJ) be reaUzed by r eacbln, .. gloriOUS ~yond. '"Hero we havo no continuing Cit)'. but lIeek one to come."

WAil! Ulul hci 6 8 n ny o t.JH~ r . lJUIl 't. VU I y o ur money lULU 1I. 0J other. A<lv .

I t ta-k es a WO lll lln to be li e ve Ibings th ut ar e u ub ell evable ,


fI.f t:ll ct ! ,

J oh n

I f.d .,


" On rk

flO Y D:

clrclf' e

T ill' s tru t or a turkey go hiJ lpr ls n' t In It with tbat of tb o lead ing citizen i ll a vll ia g .


'W hltulter, 406 N. EUlt S(. MucH.on •

Use R o m n u Rye D:d 'fHIl { lH ' f1CA!.ttO g Ge n ill t;"yt"H hlHl l uU auuw u \iuu ot ey~ o r '

.... tl o u


ppca. ra d

un (}(.' f my eye. a n « n lY 11IIk lee wo r e


I lInnm L'd a n d 8wo l Il'" n . I WflfJ 0. 11 cr i pp le d u p w ith r h .'u m o 118m. A.t r b ac k "dH,.t COQl 'fVltl y nutl I wn.0. Dh J' skn 1 w rec k..

Importa nt to M othe rs E xam ine care lully every bottle ot CAS T ORIA. a sn re a nd s ure remedy Co r Infan ts a nd c hil dren, an d see that It ' - . Dears the ~ • I Tn Use F or Ove r 30 Yean!.


u nd

P t'lle l vt4

t r , . n t rne nt

C' x -

o r 80 tt('ln lls tfl (811 " d n Oli n ' s 1<ldnc7 },' lI l e )H" lpt> d mt frilin t h ... " rltt I'II n4 lwfl,n" l ung, rc·


a ' clrril in C to go0 4 h lm lth."

Cet Dea n'o .t A DY Store. SOc. Bo x

Children C'ry for Fletcher's Castoria


F o r ton!'t!'! Is th e m n r'l' ip d co up l!'! who occ upy a huu s!! In whi ch t hl' r c Is no roo m fo r dou hl.


WATERY BLISTERS ON FACE Smithv ille, lnd.-"Slx mcnth s ago our ha by g irl, one ye ar old, had a t e w red pimples come on her face whic h graduall y spread caus ing b e r fa ce to become ve ry Irritated and a fi ery r e d color. Tho plmples on the cblld 's fa ce we re at first sman wat e ry blis t er s, Just B. smali hlotch on the Ilkln . S he ke pt scratcblng at this until In a few da ys her whole cheeks we r e fi ery r ed col or and In s tead oC tbe littl e bli s ter s t.he skin was cracked and scal y lookin g and seemed t o Itch and burn ve ry muclr. "We u sed a n umbe r of r e med ies whi ch see med to give r elleC for a short ti me th en le a ve h e r fac e wo rs e than e ve r , Finall y w e got a ca ke of Cu t!· cu ra Soa p a nd a box of CuUcura Oint· ment. I wa s hed th e chil d 's race wi th very wa rm wate r [lnd CuU cu ra Soap, th e n ap pli ed the Cutlcurn Ointme nt very lig htl y. After do ing this a uou t three time s a day t he Itc hin g and burnin g see m ed en ll rely gone In two da ys' tim e. In s ide of t wo wee l{s' li me bc r race see m ed well. T ha t wa s e lgbt mo n ths ago a nd the r e lias bee n lo r e· tu rn of th e t rouble" (S Ig ned) Mrs. A , K. W ooden, Nov. 4. 19 12. Cutlcura Soap a nd Oi n tm ent sold thr oughout th e wo rl C! . Sa mpl e of e Rch tree, wlt b 32·p . Sk in Book. Add ress post· card "CuUcura , Dept. L, Dos ton."-Ad v.


Make the Liver Do its Duty

Ninf! times in ren when the liver .. right the stomach Bnd are ~


gently bu t fi rmly pel a Ja%}' liver do ita duty. Cures Con· .tipation, In. tlire.tion, Sick Headache, and Di.t ..... Alter



must bear


~~~~~ ZUM OTA I.


tru ly Cl R EAT tor R It ..".

m n.t is lIl, N ~ \l rl\ l J!in. . S ore

La-m e lle M8, e tc. I t . q u 10 K ne t.ln n \< 111 ,\.ut ont"h 'you. Eu,t or fu,' d b y M U H( ° ll'tt.

t h \ I't~ n l\ d l!,

T tl 11 11:8 26c


or We "' dMt ll"

TRADE MARK 1"1.... Zumol O R ..... dp Company, S orlnllr. e ld. MD••• lfllE..E 6Uw pl e.

------ -.--


Back ward Stud e nt . "W ha t can you Icll me about t he r ings of Satllrn 1" "l'\Qlh ln ', ( a ln't no b ellbo y." OQ·J .o ~l i , S ( ~(;nll ~ A r k :U180" l ~n 0 M I n " I j .. ut tb f u l

('\.Iun t r )',

\\'f' 1I

mkl. . $ 25 . S nm e e XCt' l1 t1 n t

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'_'I_' n_B _ ._A_r_lt_,!W_._ N_.,....:U_.:."_C:..I_NC INN AT I, NO . 37- 1913.

Watch Your Colts

f' or OOOll h tl, Co l ds ODd

IJllI l cmpc r , a nd Rt t bo rtr.l L "1 ru p tom a ot An, dUIII C3 fJt LlmC. l U HHl e r (u l reweor. Dow the

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A~ ~J~rCe: Lolonn ,

IlDa n l:\c t tJ riul ogl. la , OOabfJD,

drulnr l1t., hArDeu

ituJ .•

U . 8 • .4..

InstaUed in the Ground Like a Cistern Far removed from th e building. F ooI·Proof, FrOId. Proof, Safe and Convenient. P ermitted by The N~ t i nn al Board of Fire Underwri'ers. Backed up WIth aD lron·clad gu arantee. The best lighting sys tem on earth for the least m?ney. The Improqe4 Jenne Pit Acetyleno Gene,.atol"-The up-to-date lighting eystem for country hOllies. Tboll5ands in successful ope ration. Spec ial inducements m"ade to the first purchaser in each locality. Attractive sales proposition to farme rs and dealers. Protected by paleo Is, Infringers lia ble to prosecution. Full particulars for the askiog. THE JENNE ACETYLENE GAS MACHINE CO MERIDIAN LIFE BUILDING INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA

'INCHESTER BIG GAME CARTRIDGES The time of all others when reliable canridges are invaluable is in big-game hUDtiDg. A miss-fire, aD inaccurate cartridge, or one having poor penetratioD may mean the loss or a coveled tropby or • even Injury to the hunter. Winchester, the W brand of cartridges lID\okeless or black powder, can. always be relied on to be s~ fire, accurate, and to have speed and penetration. You can ilclp




Hablta to Cultivate. B., trugal, DOt mean·, prudElnt,

1~~;I~~~~III~~~i~W ~ O ~ r l i d ~ 'i ' ~ " i~I~;~~ ~ n ; J ~ i a l ' i ~~~~~. ~ ,~ ~. , m · ! · ~ ~l~ ~ ; b ~ a ~ e : ; = C : O t m ~ ~ a ~ ~ a ~ n ~ t ; ' , D ~ o ~ t l s ~ ~ . : v : q , e ~:~'i!~~~III~I~IIII~li~I~~I~~I~II;~ ~ >t,



lieU've In ,bush lesS, Tbe:re ar.e a1ao



,·"··.0 ....."'"




--. -


WHITE'S STORE WI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

w • • , . , .............


w.row • • •

RAY MILS Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires, CORWIN. OHIO.

Phone 71-1

Do You Know? The longer a dough stands the stronger the fermentation, thereby producing sour bread. We mix two doughs a day, baking 1hem within five ho~rs after mixing, producing a fine, sweet loaf of bread. You can get the Biggest, Best and the Freahest Loaf of Bread here at your home bakery. Patronize home industry. Everything Fresh


Everything Clean

. Have Jour Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette ' Office.

0I----- --1II Personal Mention


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New Fall and Winter Garments S» Men's .... Young Men's

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Overcoats. Suits • • • • Cloaks • • • Suits·• • • •

At Downward Prices 110.00 and $12,00 values . . ..... , $8.95 15.00 and 16.00 values. . . •. . . 13.60


. Our.Store dOleS at 6 P. m J except Sat. ... ,~ .... Monday




~ ~


Lower and Higher priced garments at proportional low prices.




not allowin g. No.7 to take on pasBengers here. This train formerly stopped at 11 o'clock a . m., thus ac· commodating Xenia and Cincinnati paS8~ngers to ~ et out of town in the . middle of the day. By the late decree, however. we can not get out of town only early in the morning snd late at night. It has been reported to us unoffie ially that this schedule had paid the railroad exceedingly well, and when the change was made this last spring, the company promised they would keep that train on if it paid them. It looks as though there was nothing to Waynesville so far as the Pan Handle is concerned, and it iA hoped that sufficient - Wac will be brought to bear on th~ -c.o mpany I to helve them put the tram In com- I



Colossal ConGress of Trapeze, Horizontal Bar and .Ro!'1an. Ring Aerialists, Acrobats, Wire Performers, ContortlOn!sts, Equilibrists, Clowns, Russian Dancers, .Cowboys and IndIans PerforminG Ponies, Donkeys, Dogs, Dears and Montays. Beautiful SpeCimens of Wild AniAlals FREE BAND CONCERT BEFORE EAOH PERFORMANOE. ADMISSION 25(:, Children under 9 yrs. ISc

Under Mammoth WATfRPROOf TfNTS

, k W ·11 0 Phillips Par, aynesvi e, . WEDNESDAY OCTOBER

mi88ion agllin for our convenience.

Seth Furnas. Martin Gons. Isaac Wilson.




I --"!!!!!!'!!!'~!!'!!!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!.!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!'~~~~!!'!!!'~~~~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'I!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~ E!!2J









Will be received until October 4th for the purchase of a

My little grandson was told by his mother to run across the street and Inquire of a lady who Willi going by wlth three little babes In a cart It they were trlvlet8. He soon came back, looking much disappointed. and eald: "No they are not trIplets, They were bor~ the SElme day, but two of them ' are girls and the other one Is a boy." -Exchanp.

No. 18 Cole's Hot-Blast Heating Stove


Not Triplet..




Stove now on exhibition In our Window.

At a Bargain

Latest styles in Footwear for the whole family, rightly priced.

·On new Stoves and Ranges.



A change on the Pan Handle went into effect Sunday, that again places us in a ver'y bad position- that is by


S» ~ tot


NOTICE The following haw their farms posted, and! hunting on the same will positively be prohibited.


S20.00 and $22 .50 values at. .... $17.75


Low Prices

~ .~

At Downward Prices I



-Grocery Department-

Women'!!', Misses.! and


Sept. 22 to 28 inc. Butter Fat price i.s..... .

Lowest Prices.Guaranteed and a saving from 8 to 23 per cent in our New Cash

. .....


Waynesville National Bank

Fred's Store-We Give and Redeem Cedar Stamps 1 1 - - - - - - : .

Boy's Suits and Overcoats


tihQPsoo, IM lDuel L Iron8 nllll A. C. Bil ker , b n \ iug btl!."u ulaoted • _ _ _ •_ _ _ .. _ _ _ .. _ . Coun ty Co w misslonertl. being pr esFred Hawke was in Xenia Tu esday. en t Ii t t h is meeti ng. ht\Ving filecl ~ hei r bo nd wlt.h the (Jo un ~ y T r easH ar vev Ry e is sick wi th acute in-I u r ..,r fin d hn vin g ta.ken t b e 'o ath of digestion. uffice. took pl llCU8 in t h RbOllrrl . euch bei ng t heir own s nCC-ASsor . F ound - Belt pin on Frankl:n T ue report of the viewers on the str~ e t . Ca ll at this offi ce. rOtid P A~ l t l o ued for by Z. O. ',," orl ey Ilnd otu n-s \V IlS tbi s dllY publi cly If you are not already supplied Mr, and Mrs . C. H. Bentll!Y arc a t r alld for t he fi rst ti IU ('I . in and rent one. As l ow as th e J amestow n fair today. J chll Hughes W fl:l em p loYIHI to $2.00 a year. iUSPAot oo unty omar goncy wI, rk Ilt Mr . and Mrs. W. H. Allen are in , :1 00 I) r ,I uy . Cincin nati for a day or t wo . 'fhe a nnunl ru por t of th e co mml B Mi I 8o n ' ~ I"e r ti lizer the bl!st on th e si oners f ll r t1UI year on din g A ngns t :H , 191 :3 W I\S preson t(1d Ilpprovod Rnd market. For sule by Cha!!o F ry(. filed w\t,h t he Cl erk of CourtE! . Mrs. Ell en Manington, of Spring Bills Al 1o Vl"ed- Wurron Count.y Valley is spending th e day wi t h relaAppel\l , publis hing t,ux not,ioe $1 ; ti v e ~ here., Trost,fles PulJ llO Alfnl rtl , light for If you a re going to have a sale, •_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ oonrt bouse und j .11 1 $?u SI; Mill lll i Bospitili. care o f put,iRn ts fru Ul Wur- see A. A. Mf'Neil, Cen terville, Ohio, ren Coun ty f\!l.~ii; .I oh n l:! ug hef' bo t h phon,es. lnApocto l' on Ilr ivi ng pilin g lit FOB Next Saturday, 96 Envelopes and ters Bri dge $~ ·I ; CA . Luellu m, IUUl-. ber , tl!l 80; f-\tl " U \1 ,. r,ld f' , f ne ll uud 96 Sheets Paper, (2 boxes) for 50c at e xpeoses d l1r irJ ~ Aug ns t 1911 ' 1880[, J anney 's Rexall Store. I Ohio ('orrll guted Clll vort Co , culI Mr. and Mrs. R A . Cross a re ver t Ilipe ~2n . \l(j ; Uhio Co rrogR ' eu Colvert Co , c nl vC'rt pipe S!36 GO ; visiting with relatives in Brown Secure all tht! p rofits you can from your d airy. by sendO ll ie Cn rru:,(tlteu Cnl ver t Co, cuI county since last Sat urday. mgo your cream to The T ri Sta te Bu tter Co mpany, whose bo~~t ver t pipe '-l:l t o; W. I<~ DachaBt . is an average price of 32 l -~O cents per pound f?r th e entIre Messrs, Lou Whiteman, 0 J. EdI epairtl on Oxfo rd rou d, $30. 38 ; 'year - the highest average pri ce of. an y cream ~ ry In t he state. ward 8, F lrank Elbon and Harry The Tri-State is not an ex perime nt, bu t IS a RES P9N ~ I ­ Johu WOlf(1 , blid ge rfl pairs MIl8sie StokeR are in Columbu8 today. I BLE. SAFE and PERMAN E NT Creame ry with ~,OOO shlp~ !:' r~ aDd WII YUI) r.owo!4bips ' 15 ; Samue l in three states and a capital s tock of $75,000 paymg Spot Cash . to see our Win . dow d'IB- I Outler, h rid~tl r tl lmirs Bamiltoll Don't fBlil for every shipment. . > " h towu@bi p tll, I :l ; A. '1'. Retti g, r Illd play of next Saturday'S Special Sale it is s(, easy to ship cream to The Tn-S tate, as w e u ..e t e rep/airs Mitlel let,own umi Frunklin of Writing Paper! Janney's Rex\1l1 sour cream, simply sending a can \o!lce . or twice a wl'ek depelloing upon )lour facilities for keepin g It cool. E road $249 ; J R Bunter, chuplilin at Store. FREE CANS FOR 30 DAY S TRI AL A RF ~ENT PI~ Infirnllir,V for ;1 m onth!! $37 60 ; PAID upon request, or if the re is any furthe r mflll'!nati on The Women's Guild, of St. Mary 's J ohn W ulf .. , ot $ 3620 ; Ore desired write us at once. Rania Bridga Co wp l~ ny, contraot Church will give a Secial Friday The!TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. $136 GO ; Or H ~ o ni u Bridge 0 0 :) can evening, October lTth. The place capItal Stock, $75,000 traot $1 9H. 50 ; .1 ub n K ~p8n oe r, oon- will be announced later. traot $:.l8U,:l4 ; Johu lro n~ , contrllot , Mr . and Mrs . C. M. Robitzer and Ship Your Cream Any Time, We collect Day and Night from $19 7ii ; Bert Reed, contraot $184 . 25 ; Fred eri ck were in Dayton, Illrlt All Depots. A. D. Bond, CJn t r6Ct , '12300; John 80n week, whine Frederick underwent L ________________________-' K. Spl'noer, o"ntraot ' 310; J . W Itidge firs , eptimate contrao t $100 ; an operation on his throat. Fr~nk MaRg, 20d estlmllte contfllot The first real frost of the season $197 came Monday night. Tuesday morning showedl the ground and roofs "all Late Classified Ads whi te with frost. ' and the t hermom eter registe red 32°, wa te r freezing in shallow vessels . FOR RENT

'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~ !!!~~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'~~~~~~~~!!'!!!'!!'!!!'~-






~n'~l;SSiQ:Oers' Proceedings


Rents of Safety Deposit Boxes

Uniform in Q\lality.



If . 1:; .


. ........


We have a few Ranges and Stoves to close out at a bargain.

Blankets and Comforts At... . .. .. . .. .. ....


98c to

$~~ 78

We deliver



Anyone needing a Stove will do well to bid on this Stove. It Is- first-class In ~very partlcular, and will be sold -to tb.@ highest bidder. - . . We will send cards to those wishing to bid -and you will mark the price you wleli ,to pay,' seal It up and drop It Ina .locked box to be opened October 4th. and th~. one m.aklng the highest bid ~h'~11 receive t~e Sto~e. .

Welch.'" Ii" ;L)a~i •



" "! .


,,,:\'. ; .• r....

~.;. ~.". .. "1 , '.~ . ~

.: ' J

,,~ ' •



Sixty-Fourth Year o-----.-.~----



I Former Citizens I ..-....-.- - ------ - -_.-...-.

a proclamation in which he strongly recommends to th'e people of Ohl'o One of the most enjoyable events . 11 that Thursda.v, October 9. he set o f I811 t' wee k was a Je y-presl!rve apart and known". Fire Preventl'on ahower given by Misses Flora Tibbal, .... and Mabel Eulass at the hoine of the Day. Following are a tew sugges· (ormer in Lebanon, Tuesday after. tions set forth by E. R. Deifenbaue-h, State Fire Marshal: noon in honor. of Miss Mary Stokes who will be an October bride. The Every householder. should make a afternoon was spent in sewi ng and personal iOBPf'Ction of hii residence 'ld' f th dl m any useful articles were made for an d 0 th'bl er bfiUI dmgs or e BCoverv the home of the bride·to·be. Dainty 0 f POSSI e re a~gers. . Look to your chlmn .-"YII. especIally re f resh ments were serv ed I ate in .the at this season of the year. Has the afternoon . mortar in the upper parts decayed either from the action of the weather H. B. Chandler, of Kan!l811 City, or gases from the fuel uMed? De: writes us as follows: "I have been fective chimneys are a frequent keepina- Bachelor'. hall for some cause of fires at this time and are time. as my wife haa been apending alwaye a menace. July and August with friends and How do you dispose of 8IIhes1 relatives in the East. and the first of Never let them come In eon tact with this month (September) my daugh· wo od even th oug h th ey are apparter Lena left here to join her mother ently cold. for a month in Camden and Dayton Is their any rubbish lying around to relatives and friends in both awaiting only a spark to atar~a fire? cities. Will return to Kansas City I( electricity is ullCd, examine the about the 1st··of October. I want to wirine-. be remembered to all of myoId See that stove-pi pea do not pass friends in Waynesville. through wood~n partitions or come near wood at any point. OBITUARY Governor Cox has particularly asked that the day be ebsened in William ~lIiB<1l'1. son of David and the achools. Let every teacher in Mary RobIDBO~. was born near Ohio, before dismissing their pupils Jamestown, OhiO, October 7th, 1837. Wed esd 0 tobe 8 I·t Se t be 14 on n BY, c r , announce an d d epar ted th IS I e p em r 'tb f t th t th d f II . . 1913, aged 75 years, 11 montha and .e ac a. e BY 0 oWing I" 6 days His father died when Allison Fire Prevention Da, and that th.e was quite young. Most of 'his ' life Governor has recommended that It was spent h. this section of the state be observed ~y all ~ple. Then ~et He was especially devoted to the them. ask th,elr ~ul>lIs to ~ke an mcare of his mother.. deeming no task spection 0 the~r. respective homes too arduous or no sacrifice too great ~d repo~t condition•. on the followto be made for her benefit. Ing day as a part of ~Ut observance. E. R. Delfenbaugh, Next in his affections came his State Fire Manhal . lodge. He received his first lessons in the sublime teachine-3 of our order ON RIOHT SIDE OF STREET in this room on the evening of March . ad W S Hai ~"'nf . 19tb , 1874 and has a1w~s rernam '.' nee, ~Uj eo echonet, an exctoptional1y true and loyal Odd who I~ now located m the Postoffice . th d t f th . . b F e II ow \0 e eepes senile 0 e bUil ding, III ettar prepared to take name. This lodge haa never had II care of customers than fonnerly. Brother who \\as more regular in He has Ii fresh line of candies, etc. _his attendance or more steadfast in Fresh bread and cakes daily. Call hjl adheraoee to the Jlrinciples of and see him, h .l wiil make it worth Friendship, Love and Truth It is your while. - - --- - ... especially befitting that these last sad rites be held in the room where ST. MARY'S l:i lURCH


. _.


he 80 dearly loved to come. He " was h alsoh a member h' I of the Ch nstlan c urc at tiS. P ace. He leaves to mourn hiS depart~re two half-brothers, several coualns · d an d oth er re IatlVes an countless friends.

20th Sunday after Trinity October 6th . S und ay School a t . 9'30 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion at 10:30. The public cordially invi~ed t th Be ' es 0 ese rVlc . - - HAS A 0000 CONTRACT

"Thou art gone, the abyss of heaven Grant Lewis secured the cement Hath swallowed up thy form; yet. contract at the Children's Home at on our heartll, Lebanon and will start on the job Deeply hath sunk the leSiOn thou BOrne time thi' week. h8llt given, And shalLnot BOon depart."




GO,,::E~ru::O::D:: ;"u.. r-=---":::===~'~'::=:::---'''':-''::::::~:::~~:::::::~'l • :

IL l

Personal Mention C0 Iumn

.-.~.-- ..- - -

.. .

.....'- ,


• •-

.... _



....... - .

.--------.--.. . -.-. -. Social Events :


I :


Whole Number 3231 ----.


The thi rd reunion of thc !{jeh famil y was held al the large cou ntry hume of Ira D. Ri ch, near Wayn e~ · ville, Ohi o. About thirty·five were

i. .!

+.-.-..-...... --.---~--................................. -...




Mrs. Alina B. Cook. daughter Ma ry and son Parry. were g uedts of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewhl, S unday

James Benham was in Dayton SatMiss Eth el Hosier is clerkin g in :~ ~llendance anJ ;t was Ii most de r urciay. the p08toflice, ' l r~1 affair dlO everyon e present. o~e 111 alten ance were F. M. Ben· Albert Anderson, of Lebanon. was . . i M .1 M 1\'11-. a nd Mrs. W. S. Graham enHol Ch icken Noodles at Township Jam ll1 an t r. anu rs. Marsh Rich in town Saturday. Huuse, Saturday morning. and !Ion Raymond , of New Richmond. tertained on Sund ay H. A. 'Cornell Oh io. Mr. and Mr s. Clarence Wade a lld family, W. E. Corne ll and fam ily, "h ts St'IC k y FI Y P aper f or 5c. I ee lI~rR J . M. Sullins. of Lafayette , and famil y. M r~. An ni e Wade. of Emerson Mason a nd wife, and Dick JanneY'A Rexall Store. d n .;" th e g uesLof Dr. Mary Cook . West Al exand ri a. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason, of Bellbrook , Mrs. Mar" Caskey was I'n L"banon Allen and fa mi ly. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn J • Mi ~ Anna \·' urnll3. of Route 2, S tl d f '1 d "1' a couple of days last week. ne len an a mi y an JY 1!:l8 Lou ie It!:v. P. ll . Thompson and family hlU' \) (1(1 11 quite sick for a few days. Rich. of Lebanon, Mr. and Mr~. Ed had for thei r guest'J at dinner on E. V. Barnhart and Ray Smith Born-To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray, of Wi lmin g lon, Mr. and Mrs. SUllday Mr. and Mrs. Amos M,mwere in Cincinnati Thursday. Benecke, Su nday. September 2Hth , a Mose Bugan and so n, of Har veys· denhall and son Clarence and Mr. I BOn. iJurg, Mr. and Mrs . C. H. Hartsock Raymond Hartsock . . The Dorcas Society'a market Satand famil y. Mr, and Mrs. J ohn Rich urday morning. Don't foraet this . Mr. Ray Smith and family le ft ttl' and son . Mr. a nd Mrs . Ira !{jeh and Mr . a nd Mra. S. Leverin~ Cartth eir home in Urookville Salurday family. of Waynesvi lle . Mrs. Alice Hawke visited relatives ' morlll' ng. wrig hL had as their guests at dinner in Dayton and Spring Valley last SUCCESSFUL PI ANO RECITAL on Thursday. Mesdames Artie Albertson. of Indianapoli~, Rachel E. KeVil, week. Mrs. Walter McClure and Miss Miss Huth Hartsock !,rave a piano Frank Zell . the Mi sses Martha BurMAT W . ht d MOL I Lillie Benham were Dayton vi sitors rs. . . rig an r s . . . Saturday r ecila l at ~chool hall Friday eveni ng-, nett , J:;rnma Ca rlwright and Kizzie Crane spent Sunday afternoon at . and it proved a !'I uccess in every Merritt. Centerville. Mrs. Dr. B. Campbell, of Davlon, way. Allh ough Mi!:l8 Har tsock has was t he guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. been in the Held hut a sh ort t ime. Mrs. J. P. Thomson , uf Route 4, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Langdon, of S Graha S t d her pup il ~ lihow g reaL improv-:!mfmL entertained at dinner last Wednes· ·ted l ' h Sa ' m, a ur ny . Leb anon, Vl81 re ahves ere t· Pleasant feat ures of the recital day the followin g g uests: Mrs. A. urday afternoon. T he first number on the L£:cture were readings and a vocal du et;. D. Wafer. Mrs. Fred Nice and chilCourse w~ll be on October lI st. Those wh o participated in t he reo dren, of Donell son, Ill. . Mrs. Jas . E. Meallrs. Chas. Cornell, Ju. Ben- Get season ti ckets now. ci tal were: Mildred SmiLh. Margaret Price and , family, and Miss Anna E. ham and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller Simpson. May SillSY , Lavina Lind say, Thomson , of Dayton. were in Dayton Mondav. Miss Mary Smart, of Cincinnati, Edylha Mar.r. Elhan Crane and J uler was t he guest of Rev. and Mrs , J . Sibsy. Mise Edith Maaher returned home F. Cadwallader Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White are enSunday from a two d8)"s viait with tertaining F. B. Henderson and DEATHS relatives in Morrow, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Henry King ret urned family at dinner today. Twelve home from Columbus Tuesday, after Elizabeth D. Co ll ett, aged 73 years, years ago today Messrs. White and Mri. Fred Caalley, of Marietta, a three day's vidit with relativ es widow of the late William J. Collett. Henderson started as rural mail carOhio, was the &'\lest of Mrs. Mary there. ex· Counly Commissioner of WarI riers and .. he dinner is to celebrate Caskey and Mrs. Antram last week. Misses Annie Brown. of Xenia. ren County, di ed at her reHidence the occasion. Milll Dorothy Dakin left for her Laura McKinsey, of Fairfield. and in Harveysburg on September home in Hannibal, Mo .• Thursday Ruth Chandler, of Selma, spent Sat- 25 . Funeral services were h91d on The many frienda of Fred BradSeptember 27th, at the home. con· .fter a pleasant visit with relatives urday and Sunday here. dock recently were invited to his ducted by Rev. Amos Cook. Inler· here. home in honor of his birthday. The ment in Miami cemetery. Mrs. Elijah Compton and Mrs. lawn was handsomely decorated J. T. Marlatt, of Mt. Holly, bas Mabelle Fitzgerald and son Howard moved to Spring Valley where h-. h afte k" " h' with Chinese lanterns. and the merry • •• are ome r a wee s VISit Wit ADMINI5TRA TOR'S SALE party of young people thoroughly recently purchased a grocery store relatives in Middletown. of L. A. Zimmennan. The sale of the real estate of the enjoyed themselves. Fred received The Warren County Medical So- late Rebecca Sides was held Satur- a handsome new buggy. St. Mary'8 Guild will meet with ciety has secured Dr. Dudley W. day afternoon , The home place was Mrs. J. H. Coleman Thuradayafter.. Palmer, the accomplished surgeon, sold to S. D. Everly for $925, and Janie Jones gave a birthday party noon. An important meetine-, EI fonnerly at the Mayo hOllpital at the other was sold to F. W. Hatha· in honor of her brother, Robert. on full attendance desired, Rochester, Minn ., to addre~ the way for $725. Mr. Everly later sold last Friday even in It. The evening p The Warren County Commiaaionera October meetinlt which will be held the p1'Op rty to Ralph Miller. who was spent in music and gaml's. A at Lebanon on .Tuesday the seventh. make it his home. will three ·course luncheon was served apent the e-reater part of last week about 10 o'clock. About thirty in Detroit viewirlg county road& The following Hock came home to AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH guests warp. present. All departed made of cement. They viewed one roolt Saturday night and spend wishing him many more ha,py solid concrete road 6i milee long. Sunday with relatives: Herbert Ira C. Allamon~, of Martinsville. birthdays S. D. Hinkle has rented the Hainel! Edwards, Carl Hawke, Jellse Thomas, Ohio, will preach at the Ferry church property on Second street. and baa Holmes Stoops, Wilbur Dakin, Frank Sunday. October 5th, at 10:30 a. m ., Mises Anna and Lulu Vandervoort moved his family here. Mri. Hin- Crew, Hugh Ridge, Orlen Thompson, also at the Christian church, Way- edtertained very 'delightfully Saturkle's impaired health mlldethia of Dayton, T. L. Pierce, of Spring nesville. Sunday. October 5th, at 7:30 day afternoon at their pleasant home chane-e imperative. We extend the field , and Kenneth Ridge, of Kings p. m. Everybody invited to theBe in honor of their e-uest Mias Blanche Mills. services. Hinkles a cordial welcome. Hunter, of Lebanon. The invited guellts were, MiBies Celestia Austin, Elizabeth Chandler, EdDa Stout • • Lillie Benham, Maria. Stout and Henrietta McKinsey and~esdames



----- ..

W ayneaville'I Site for New Penitentiary-The Best Offered

To the officers and members of Wyoming Lodge No. 102 1. O. O. F we your committee appointAci to Communication from W. B. Lewia draft resolutions in memory of the late Brother W. A. Robinson would respectfully report the following: Editor Gazette:wisdom was displayed (In the part Of! The commissic'n is composed of I tract consists of 22 farms. well im. Whereas it'haa pleued God in his At the laat !IeSIion of the Ohio the l82'lslature aa any attempt to honorable and practiclal men and it proved and gene rally in a good state Infinite wisdom to remove from Legislature an act was passed en- dirvct, dictate or show preference is not believed they will be hood- fOf cultivation. Among this number among us our beloved Brother Put titled an act "To provide for the ap- for location central or otherwise winbd by those who are demanding is a strictly up to·date dairy farm. Gran~ W. A. Robins~n~ while ~e polntment of a commill8ion to acquire wou!d prove ~iautrou. to th? object extortio~ate prices and. clamoring /150 acres that Rtands better than bow In., humble submiSSion to HIS a site and prepare and adopt plans attained. Prices for land In that for locatIOn near the Capital. second to any in Ohio. There are 8 Divine Will we deeplY feel the 1081 for the erection thereon of a new lloeality would at once be given inIn selecting a site the commission or 10 silos. a number of large toof a faithful and hard workinar penitentiary." fiated values. Speculators and land will no doubt consilier sanitary con- bacco sheds and other valuable im· By this act the governor was sharks of every deacription would ditions. lay of lanci. character of provemenlll. • brother but we also believe that . what is our 1088 is his eternal gain authorized to appoint a commi8Sion leize the opportunity for graflt. soli, railroad facilities, the advan· The land is suffi ciently rolling to Resolved •. allo that in his death consistine- of four members (since Options would be secured. private ta~es of stone. gravel, sand, clpy for afford natural drainage and contains the community has lost an honorable appointed) to serve without com- deals would be made and fabulous brick. and supply of water. timber sufficient f or all requirements, and upright citizen and his relatives penaation except trav.e1ine- expenlCS prices the result. .. Waynesville ha.'! been duly entered plenty of stone, gravel and sand for a kind friend . and while enpgedon business of the I Besides, the commiasion would be in the lilt and will prove a fair con- cement and building purposes. An Be it further Resolved, That a commilllion within or without the hampered not only compelled to pay taltant. In fact it iB doubtful if a abundance of running water the year page be set apart . in ollr memorial State of Ohio. Said commi88ion was exorbitant pricM but to purchase a more available site can be found. round for live stock and ' springs of records to his memory and that authorized and fully empowered tollite that in ' their judgment would Certainly none more picturesque or pure living water clear as crystal these resolutiona be written thereon purchase not 1_ than 1000 or mere not fill requirements as one elle- better adapted to diversified farm. and in sufficient quantity to supply and that our Charter and Lode-e than 2500 acr.. of land, 110 situated where at a much lower coat. ing. The land is composed of sugar a large city. room be draped in . mourning for an« of luch quality as in their judg· It is understood that lOme 25 tree soil and produces grain of all This bony of land lies close to the thirty days, and that a copy of these mant would be lui table for a new locations have been tendered the kinds above the average. Alfalfa corporate limits of Waynesville and resolutions be sent our village paper penitentiary. commission and from reliable~tlthor- grows in abundance. Tobacco of all within 1& few miles of the three for publication. The .lection of Bite, number ity han learned that pricea range kindl and of the ·best grade and greatest cities in Ohio, Cincinnati, For thoue-h from out ou; boume of al're8 requ~te, and amount to be from $80 to '600 per acre. Why vegetables of ever: description. Hamilton and Dayton. , The whole fmn ar d 'place paid, alllubJect to tbe apPl'C;lvai of mould a purchase be made at the The ofter consISts of 2000 'acres ,can be purchased at a price not in 1 .Th~ flood may oo'ar me far thepvernor. For this · purpoee an latter figures when a more desirable more or less, located between two exceBl!l of its true value. I hope to lIleet my pilot face 'to face appropriatioD wa made of _.000. be made at 18l1li than one- impor~t railroads. The Pennayl- It is possible the commission will When I have eroeaed'the bar. "The comw~on Is not ~1!necl to ~tb that a,mount? ~ould' ~e v~i~ hne I~lng fro".' Columbus to v.isit Waynesville, look thia beautiful ~ ReePeetfully iubmit ted, an, )NU'UcuJar .lUIUI U JDaD)' aup· cominileio~ be l~tlfiable In payn~ C~nc?lnatl, directly. In front and alte over, examine the soil, view the .' > • L. poee ,b ut optional w~th ~t~, to MOO.Per acre for Jand for the IC!lle "!thm a few rods cUstaDce and ~e surroundi~gs; consider th~ many determine aD7 - available rtuoIl that it is Dear the center Qf Cmeinnatl, Lebanon & Dayton m advantages and ' then. decide on a , 'the ~~. . .t.! rear .and almost J OijcJUng. This locatiop, ' ;" - '-. ;W. B. . :-: . ... .





Wilson Edward.s an_ d. FrdElbon. - - - --f HOT CHICKEN NOODLESI ~ The first Division of the Dorcu Society of the M. E. ' church will have a market at the Township ~ouse, Saturday. ~ctober 4th, at 9.30 a. m. Hot chicken noodles a specialty. .. _+- _ __ SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONVENLION


Tile Massie Tp. Suuday !:3ohool convention will be heM a' 'bo ch arch bere OD Sunday\)rnOOD, October 12, 1913. ~ever&l able speflkura will be pre Ben', jIIl80 some speolal singing. Every1)~y weI. oome. - - - - - -•• _ 4_ _ _ _ _.f_ _ HUNTINO NOTICtE The following hav!! their lanns posted, and hunting on th6.same will positively be prohibited. Seth ' Furnas. Martin Gona. Isaac Wilson. 1. Satterthwaite



An InexpuDslvo subeUuite , been found for radium whl3h olalmed be quite t.I . idf411O"1~'•.~ Now 'he general publlocare how SooD lhe prt08' goes up a few m.orft. mlllWl~..(.l,,;.o' pouod,'

'0 ~,






andl enence, anet u the, ,,~ the mOlltb fit Duffalo ~lI:." mllfll! awa" trom tbe po.ltlon asa~ed ro~ Black Ketlle'd encampment, the sC~~~~~' ~h::~;~ c~~:ru~~~ toward bl~ " You muy be ri ght, ot course ... ·,.. m e ll we r e pe rmitted to build ftre s and pre pare a warm :neal und e r sbe lter ot comm nte d, h is g la nce on th e fllc eB 01 th e blutl'lJ _ Two hours late r th e main t be o !l\,c r8, " !Jul thi s doel! not agre e column arrlv d and alao went Into with lh e und ol's tll ndln g n t r. llmp Sup c amp. It was Inte nsoly cold but th e ply. no r th o r e port of our Indlau lll e n wor 01 cbee rful a s th AY ate th e ir scou ts. W o SUT, pos ed Hlac k Kottle to s upJl tlr o f s moky a o d half· roaste d buf· lJo ru rth e r 60 111 h o n th ll Wa s hlt.a. Ho', fa lo meat, b!\con, hard·tack, and co r- la r"n was th e pony he rd ?" fee. " ' Va we re 1I 0 t nellr e no ugh 10 counl In re spou se to orde rs th e Se rg a nI thA anlmnls , .;11'. bu t th ora mu s t ha n be,' n I WO hun drll tl Iloa u." W P. 1I1 dow n lb e Illle ot ti ny fir e s to rl'-"A IIt rgt1 pu r lY the n, at leaa l Whal port In p rson to Custor _ H I\. fo und l h a t commu nd r 8nscon e"d In a ~ m n ll do you 81\ 1' . Co rbin ?" Th o SCUUl IHhlr('ssl!d. co ns picuous te llt, has tily urec t ' d In n II ttl gro VCl of co tt on wood s. wll Ich nffor de d U In h is b utT/ilo "~ kln can t. le a np d agalnBt 8l1 g11t p rot ec tio n from . th o pl e r c l n~ Lho t e nt -\lo l<" his ula c k wbls kers movwind. IIpro ro hIm on th e gl'u ullIl Ing In d ll s trl o n ~ l y ns h ch ewed. COPYltlaHT 1912 8Y A.C.I1"<.LURG • Co.. ' "W ol. Gin e rll l, " h e s old Rlowly, "I fr o m whi c h th e 8110 11' hud h N' n aWI ' pl SYNOPSIS. Ilonulrl." ho e xcla imed frankly _ "I lRY R m ap' or th e re ~lon, whIl e ,, 11 Ilnow thI s y(' r e 'Rrlck' Hamlin, ~n' hav e kn o wn Sur ge ont Ha mlin for two Il bout. Ilr" Hsec1 ti ~ htl y lulO th o na rrow ho's a r ight s ma rt plalnsml1n . sojur 'er M aj o r M r' r' 1lOu lr1. C'orn nl n rHlI n ~ nn f\ rm y y<' ors; h e Is a sol die r a nd a g e ntl e- r] II !1 rt f' r:;. w" ro h la troo p o lllc e rs. As no Roj e r . It he saY H he s aw th e t pony poet n on r FIl I' ( I> {)( t ~ l' '' f'Pl' k R Il 01"0 t o man ." Ha mlin wa s a nnounc e d by th e ord e r- he rd , th en ~e Bure did . Tbe t meanll a Lnterct' lH h is d nuJ.tht c r , :\11.l ly , who \s headoo to r th e pos t. An 1n dl al1 o ut b r ea k Th e r e d bl ood BwPpt IlIto b llr l y. co n v£' rsa tio n ~ (> us e d, an d Cus t" r consld n rabl e bun ch o· InJuns tbar. er l. th,-..n ll..'n" ~1 . S ~ rKon n t " Ur i c- It " H IlI n 1l 11 aurv eYl'd t he ne wcom e r an Instant in lilarabouls. No lV I know Alack Kot.nW(JtA th e fU a g e In wh ,.. h ~l " lly 19 Irl n t·\ - ch ee ks , h' r CY IlS brl ght e nl'l g. " H e Is lit )' Ko lll lo r," s ho Ill pl! pd 60tt· s ll "l1e" _ Inc. They nre n U n c k od tt y tn ~\l H. 1\8 , nn d li,, 's oul tll Is down on th e Wushlta, 80 Hamlin nnr! M I"'U y r!'lC llp ~ I n th e c\ l\r lo H'''.M l y. "a nd t h p ma n I l o v ," " <itf' P fo r wlt rd, S e rgennt," h e sa id th o o nl y l"> lIc11l 610n Is th a t thl8 yere Ha.mlln t('l ls ~ t n ll y h e ", us ~ll sd ,aqc o d Tl! py ro de ttl ll' lh or UOW \I th o s tee p f\lI i" Ll y _ "Ah. ycs ; I hod for gotte n band th e t th e Se rgeant stirred up 18 frOm. the C'o nf,' d r r a t .... !"~ r\'lC' o tn I ltH " r i \ t ' t.' aad a f t h ~ (" Io ~e o f th e WAr ll n tl ~ l Ct ' In hlll s ~d ll cov(' r ptl wi th Its man t le or yo u r na m p.. hut re me m be r your fac e ." som e n ew '.rlbe er other, a·drlttln' tile reg ull\r n rmy . 11 ~ Im ~ pN· t R on c (' R1 \ s no w to JoIn th e IIttl o bo(t y or t roo p. he s mil e d " uout o n lhe group_ "W e do wn frurn tb ~ nortb . I rockon If we taJn L n l "'c ,-r e or b t' ! I1 ": rtt~ V l)n:t lhl c f ( l f bte dlsliffllCO. Tro o p s n 1)[1(.ln r :1 IF ' Und (' r " rR ha lt .. d In til vall p)' _ Qnl y on Ctl ha y" bee n 8 0 sCll tt crnd since our or- rld o up ~ h e r va ll ey we '1\ hit lh e lr trail, _ _ rt of l.te u t . GIL ~kl n s M oll y Mn r t_ t n th e m Jotn h <' r ({lthe r . H n mtln It''' a \' fl ~ t o r r- Jn \1I did E llio tt Rpl'a k_ ~ ani7.ntio l1. g e ntl e m en, tbnt we are all nn' It'll lCRrt ~l tra lght dOlVn to hf. r egiment . H (I r e turn l"l to 10"or t D Ol i )(,' " \' OU k llU w Black K e ttl e's camp. co mpara li vQ s tra nge rs. " H o stood UP. Cheyen nes _" aft.e r n 8U ln m p r o r n g hti n K I n (1\ (\116. n nd Custl)r took time to consl<!er tbls ftnda !\<lolly tlwr o. L l e ll hl ll n nt (1 n.... k l n ft Sc r;;ca nt?" IIt ti n;; In one ha nd a tin cup of co!'l'ee. aos:usea J-t a nllln nf ", h notl n,IiC him . T he'" " W i> we re a ln~ os t wltbln s ight ot it, "G e nt\ c nU' n. all wo or the Seventb re- explanutlon. spreading the'flcld map M t1rcant 18 p rO \'e n InnoC"c n t. H t! st'C:i Jo ico In th e honor of th e service , out 011 his kn ees, lind measuring tho Molly In c o mpIl ny wi th Mr" _ Dupont . s lr_ I S /l W Ili a pon y he rd dIstinctly." Wbom h. r r('o g-n l z " ~ u s (L t ur m l' r rm'(- .o{ · " Wh t' ra was lhnt ?" wheth e r il be Ilphf' ld by offlcer or e n· distanc e be tw ee n the streams. No J'l,eart, who th r ew him 0\' r rnr r ..e F"" ' '' I' "O n the Canadi a n. close to tho IIstod m a n_ I bid you drInk a toas t one In the little group spoke, although Later bfl (')\' t)rl'i ()ILrs P upn n t a.nrt 1\ "n l d ltl r motll h nf 0 tJ 11'0 10 Cr oo k." hatchfng u p n m o r\l ' Y ' llI n ldn~ p l " t. :\t dl \' several le an ed forward eagerly. The wltb me ' to Se rgeant Ha!plln." t_l1. Hamlin h e r t nt h l'r 8Cem" 10 be I n " Old you I('u rn auythlng as to the "Dut, Ge ne ral, I hav e don e nothing chief was nol a ma.n 't o aBk advice ; h' the pow er o r MrA Jl uplUl t . w h o r lnlm ~ I t) be a dnull"htor o t M r O o nnhl' s s t. t'lr _ M" l - nu mber o r Ind illllS with hIm!" prefe rr e d to decide tor hi msel1. Sud· to des e r ve-" I,. dl."ppenro I\n d lIomlln Bel. Ou l t " "Noth ing du/lnlLH, but It Is a large "ObBe rv e the modesty 01 a real denly lila straighte ne d up and tbrew tr~ ho r . M e Do nl\l., 10 o r d e r e d to I"n rl Ripl e y . H n rn l l n t1 0 (l8 Mcno nn ld' & m u r · cnra rnlJlII " nl, not all Choye nn es ." h e ro. Ye t wu lt until I am through _ back h is head to look ahout. d .. .....:! h od )' H o tnk e" \ ..... 8.0 11 . n "," I il ~ . "So we heard, but were unable to With du e rcgsrd for bls achi ev emen ts "In my judgme nt Corbin Is right, Rnd tw o tro o p er " n n d J: OC" In p u r Buit of the murd " r"fl NI , w hn h n(l r obh e d M eDon· d iMco ve r th o exa c t s ituation. 'Ve have a s u soldier, I propose tbts toa st In g entlemen." he s aid Impe tuously. "I aid o r 1.10. "'0 0 pf\y m n!H p r '~ m o ne y . H e "11 ,s· " " e n feelhlll our wa y forward. cau· bad tnte nd ed cross ing bere. bnt In· comm e moration or a greate r d e ed of p8Ct.ft n UllO "t . Cn n n eorB . sol f1. ,pr (\ (,, (,0 111 t iolls ly . I fpa r It Is goIng to be my gallan t ry than lhos e of arms-the cap- s te ad we will go turtber up slream. pUce or D u pont Ie f ound mu n ' tOred . H11m lIn-. part y t !l ciUU; hl In n t\ e r c e bllzzo rr1 Ilnpl eos ant lIu ly to s eparato you Ilnd The r e Is dou btless a tord near Buffalo ture or MlS8 Molly McDonald!" whfl e h f' udlng- r o r th o C' lrn . OnH man dl(\8 trom ('ol el n. n rt (Ln o th or n.lmosn. Miss McD'mnld . W e s hall need your There was a qui ck uplifting of cups , Cree k, and It we can strike an Indlall .uet'tlrnb.. " · R.!lso n 18 sh o t Rill th ~ y r omp Ap. r vlce s a s guid e , nnd · th e Indy will a burst of laughte r, and a volley ot trail le ading to the Washita, we can In Right ot C lmma r o n . Hn.mlt n dl @("O \' fUfII " log cahln hld" " n unde r a hlutT. oro U1'1 6 ,1 he rar botte r olf wltb the main col- questions, th e Serge ant stnrlng about follow e a sily by nlgbt, or day, and It by lIugh ~l . n ro w thI e f . who I. l ay Ing tor umn _ Ind eed some of the empty wag- motiolli ess, bls fac e IlJlshed. Is bound to terminate &t Black Ket· L~Fc v rf' . wh o (" h ea t ed him In 1\ cn. ttletl e's camp. Return to your troops. d e al. 1118 d eerrlptlo n Id " nU n". ,." F ,· \·r o ons a re to be IlI' Dl ba ck to Camp Sup" Wbat Is It, Ge ne ral?" nnd DllllOnl n. o n o I\nd the ."m e _ H u ~h e. ply tonig ht, uud probably CUBte r will "Tell UB tho s torl: (, . and be ready to marcb ~t daybreak8hot ,,"' a"80n ml a t a klnll hIm t o r o n e M dee m II best tbat sb e r eturn with "GIve us tbl! joke !" Major EiTIoft, you will take the ad· T.eF'evre·" p a rl y . Hnmlln I\nd HUll"he. ThlB win ter campaIg ning IB :~k~ liP thl' trail of LeFe vre . wh o I. tb e m. "But 1 aBBure you It Is no joke. \'ance again, lit l east three houn carryIng Mt>lIy to th e 1n,1Inn·. cn mp. going to be rougb work, outside of have It direct from tbe taJr lips 01 the ahead ot the main column . Move with Two daY8 out th e y 8tll"ht th e .fu g tt lvM. A ft",h : en 8UO" In ' whtrh Hugh e 8 16 Kh o l th o lighting. You know Custer, nnd lady. Brace yourselves, gentl eme ll, caution. your flankerB well out ; both by an Indian . D y Ing. h e mnkes 1\ d eHPor · his slyle ; bos ld os Sheridan Is hlmfor the Bhock. You young Wellt Point- Hamlin and Co rbin will go wltb you _ at .. a!lempt to . h oo t Le F'e vr<,. but hil a Hamlin . while th e lotle r I. ,lI s arm ln,!, I.e seH at Ca mp Supply In command." ers lose, and yet the bonor re mains Ar e til e re any qu eatlons?" Jl'eVNI. lAIFevrc e8ca p " ' . h ('lI c v lng H"m · "You h ear, Molly?" with th e regiment. '}.Bss Molly IIfc· "Full fl eld equJpm.ent 1" asked a lin and Molly ,'end. Moll y t e ll. Hnmlln "YOB; of courso, I will do whate ver Donald, the toast at old Fort Dodge, \·olce. that h e r tather was Im p li cate d In th e plot to. 81e,,1 th e p uy m u8l e r' " m on ey . Ol'Deral Custe r dl'e m s hest_ Are th e re wbose brlgbt eyes have won nil your "Certainly, although In case ot goHamlin confeuel ht. love tor Molly and nnd that II 18 ""c lprocn_t ed _ Molly d e· any women at Camp SUpply, Major'" hearts , has 1(1 ven h ers to Sergean t Ing Int o action tb e overcoats will be clare_ hen falhar wruo forced Int o th .. "Yes, a rcw; camp wom en mostly. Hamlin 01 the Se ve llth. And now discarded . Look ov e r your ammunl· r o bbers' plot. althou gh th e re may be also an officer'. again, boy s , to th e honor of the regl· tlon care tully tonlght_" wife or t\\o- 19th Kansas volunteers _" m ent!" CHAPTER XXXIV.-Contlnu .. d. The y til ed out or the tent one by "Th e n It w ill be best for me to go They could perceive the blue or the Out of the huzz or conversatloll and one. Bo rne ot th e older offleers paua· overcoatll as they rode over tbe ridg e. th er e, Ir I can," abe smile d_ Hl am th e h earty worde or congratulation , Ing a moment to speak wIth Hamlln _ and at their Budd en appearunce the despe rately In n eed at clothes." Hamlin e merged bewild ered, flndlng bls own captain extendIng his hand little column of horBemen came to a "I s uspeotod as much. I will ar- hlmse lt again facing CUBter. whose cordially. with a warm wor(J ot com· halt. Hamlin flung up one hand In slg· range to gl ve you a guard at once manne r had a8 swlttly changed Into mendatlon. The Sergeant and Major nal, and the two urged tbelr ponies And you, Sergeant? AB you are stili the brusque nato of command. Elliott alone remained. down the sIde of the hili. Three men und er specIal orcle l's, I presume I have "I have met you befor~ , -"sergeant," "It I strIke a tresh' trail, Ueneral." spurred forth to meet them, spreading no authority to de tain you In my com. he said s lowly, "be rore your aBslgn· asked · the latter, "am I to prese torout slightly as though stili suspicIous mand." m e nt to tbe Seve nth, 1 think . I am ward or watt for the main body!" of some trick, but, us they dre w near, "I pre te r to re main, sir," grlmly _ not sure whers; were you In tbe Sben· "Serld back a courier at once, but the leader sudd"nly waved his hand, "Dupont, Mise McDona ld's captor, Is nndoab?" advallee cautiously, caretul not to ex· nnd they dash£d forward . alive and In Black Ke ttl e 's camp. We "I was, sir." pose yourBelves. There Is to be 'no '.'HamUnl Glad to see you Dgnln," stili have a fe ud to s e ttle." "At Winch ester?" attack except In surprise, and. with the Ilrst rider greeted th e Sergeant "Good; tb e n that Ie arran ged ; ah . "I snw you tlrs!. at Cedar Creek, rull forc e. This Is Important, Major. cordially. "Con tblll be Mojor McDon· MlsB McDoll nld, ullow m e 10 pres f'nt Gene ral Custer; 1 brought a tlag." as we are doubtless outnumbered, teo ald'lI daughter_" Lie ute nant Cham he rs. LJeut e Danl de"That's It; I hav e the Incident to one. Was there something else. "Yell, Major Elliott; I can repent tail throe me n to guard the lady back Sergennt ?" the story os we rid e along, sir. You to th o mnln column . Have her taken "I was going to ask about MIllS 1010are the advance of CUBter's expedl· to General Custer at once." Donald, sir?" lion. 1 preBumo ?" "Ve ry well. sir; and th e command?" "Oh" yes; she IB sately on hel' way "We are; the others are some miles Emott looked at tbe Serge ant In. to CallDp Supply, under ample luard behind, moving slowly 80 that th o qulrlngly. Tbe convoy Walil to Btop on the Clm wagona can keep wllhlp touch. Won· "That Is for Se rge ant Hamlin to doarron, and pick up the .trozen so). derful the way those wagons have termlne; he has Just been scouting dier you left there. and If posslhle. pUBhf\{! ahead over the rough country . tbrough that country, and will act as find the bodies ot the two dead men .. Uaye only missed camp twice IIlnce guIde." . Loog herore daylight ElIIott'lI ad we left Fort Dodge." The S ergeant stood for a moment vance camp '\\' 118 under arms, th~ "When was thnt, sIr?" motlonleBs be side hlB horse studying chilled and sleepy troopen moving "Betore the blizzard all ellcept your the vista of ano w·drap ed hl1l8ldo. The forward through the drifted sno~ 01 troop were at Camp Rupply; they had region beyond th e crest of the ridge lhe north bank; the wlotry wind. jolfted since. and It was then we heard unrolled before bls memory. sweep,lng down the valley, stung their nbout YOlrr trip down here. What he· "Tben we will keep directly on up faces and benumbed their bodies. The came ot your men, Sergeant?" nlgbt had heen cold and blulltery,--I"O thlB valley, sir," h e lIald at laal "It's "WaBBon and ' ono prIvate we re Wolt Creek, Is It not! We shall be ductlve ot little comfort to either man killed, sir ; the other private was eafer to keep out of sIght today, and or beast, but hope of el\rly action ani froEen BO badly I had to leave him In thlB depression must lead toward the mated the troopers and made thom ott shelter on the Cimarron." lIvlouli to hardship. There Wall mUll Canadian . May I exchange mounts "B,. ~ad, It sounds Interesting; and with one ot thoBe men golllg bnck, grumbling In the ranks, and by da, ' 80 you tackled the villains alone, and Major? l fear my pony Is about break the head of the long column had Borne fight at that before rescuing done." came opposite tbe openlug Into tM MI811 McDonald. Well, the story wtll "Certainly. " valley wherein Hamlin hAd overtakerJ keep unUI we make camp agaIn. There was no opportunity tor any· the tugltlves. With CClrbln OOllld,. However," and he bent low over the thing eave a simple graBp ot the hand. hIm, , the Sergeant spurnd hi. pons lad,'11 band, "I must congratulate Miss ere Molly rode away with her escort. "He III My Soldier and the Man I aside, but~thero was little to see; the Love." MeDonal4 on her escaping without Then the little column ot troopers bodIes of the dead lay as they had any serious Injury." moved Oil, and Hamlln-, glancing back· clearly before me no". You were a fa1len, black blotches on the snoll "That Is not aU I IIhould be con· ward as he rode past, took hie place lIeutenant·colone l?" but there were no trellh trails (( gratulated upon, Major Elliott," she In advance beelde Major Elliott. . show that elther Dupont, or any Indl "or th e l"ourth TP.X8S , Blr." s&ld quiett,.. "Exactly; I think I beard later-but an ally, had returned to \he spot. "NOo--(lh-pe rhaps I do not under· CHAPTER XXXV, never mind that now. Sh eridan re"That's evidence enough, 'Brick," stan4." members you; ho even mentioned commented the scout, Btarlng aboll\ "I desire that you shall; 1 refer to The Indian Trail. your nllm ~ to me a few weeke ago. No warilY, "that thar wus no permallent my engagement to Sergeant Hamlin." The weatber became colder as the doubt that was what caused me to camp over thar," waving his hand toThe officer glanced In some bewll· day advanced. Scnttered pellets ot recognlzo your face agaIn atter all ward the erest ot the ridge. "Them tle rment from her face to thut ot the snow In the aIr lashed the taces Of these years. How long hnve you been redB~llns was on the march, an' that the troopers, wbo rode stcadUy tor· In our s e rvice?" silent trOOper. geezer had ter tallow 'em, er else "You-you mean matrlmonlal1" he ward, tbo capes of their overcoatB "Ever since the war closod." starve to death. He'd a bIn back atore stammered, plainly embarrassed, un· thrown over tbelr heads for protecFor a moment the two men looked thl8, an' on yer trail with. bunch 0' able so suddenly to grasp the peculiar tion. The snow of tbe late storm lay Into each othl'rs' races, the eomilland. ,.oung bucks." situation. "Hamlin, wbat-what does In drl!tB along tbe banks 01 tbe nar- er smiling, tbe enllBted man at re(TO BE CONTINUED.) row stream, ond the horses picked specttul uttentIon. this meun?" "MlaB Molly and I have known each their passage higher up wh ere the Cruel Form of Punl.hment. "I will talk with you at some future other tor some time," explaIned ' the wind had swept the brown earth clAar, time, Sergeant," Cueter Bald at lut, A species at punishment, remlnl. Sergeant bluntly. "Out here alone we at the Bame time keepIng well below resuming his seat ou a log. "!IIow we cent of barbarism, was meted out a discovered we were more than trlends. the crest. As they thus tolled slow· shall have to consider tomorrow's tew days ago to a seven-year-old ho, Iy forward, Homlln related his story march. Were you within sltht cit of Klyosu, Japan, "y the child's tath· That III all, slr _" For an Instant Elliott hesItated, to the Major In detail, caretully con· llIack Kettle's camp?" er. The little lad commItted som. field by tbe strange etiquette of ran k . ceallng all 8uBtlicion ot McDonald'B "No, sir; only ot hIs &lony herd trivial act ot dIBobedlenc8'. and th. . then the gentleman conquered the sol· connection with tbe crime. It was out In the valley of the Canadian." [athe r punished hIm b,. buryIng him dler, and he drew orr his glove, and growing dusk wb en the compolI" "Wbe re would ' you SUppose thd for t orty·elght hours In a holo In the emerged Into the Valley ot tbe Cana· camp Bltuated?" betet out his hand. ground, leaving only hi. _.head abov. "I can congratulate you, MIBS Mc· dIan. All about tbem wos desolation "Above, behind the blurts, about _ the Burtace.

WHEN . WIZARDS CUT LOOSE Compete Among' Themeelvell In Performance of Wonder. at Bsnquet In Lon~on. The wlzardll at Anderton's hotel &t .eventh annual bilaQuet of the . under the presidency of

~'1i,~:~~':;~:~~~ ',~

bore th·. meelves like for the .greater .part -~ alid ex· out, bowe.~,

~~"'~ '~;I"~~'~~~

Ing among themselves III the perfermance ot wonderB. Ceoll Ly Ie started hat trimming by magic, causing an ostrich plum,. and some white fox trimming to drape Itself on an untrimmed ha.t w-Jthout tile agency of bt,mau handa Chris H.Llton manufactured Union· Jaoks r.nd other flags out plain ~cilored handkerChiefs'. WllIlam _Dawkes -tused a number ' of, blllJard .. balli ' Into :one. Herbert·'Collln;a" prbd\iCed ouCor ' an empty ' sealed -eDvelolle. tepllea ~ to adrettJ~m.~~- ~lteJl at }'.!UI~Q~ from ' •


dally newspaper~ whUe Dr. Herschell carried out a Berles of uncanny trick. with cartls. In an Interval, wben t~e normal reigned tor a time, M:.s SytiU Goodchild sang one or two song.. 1mmediately afterwards, bowenr, the magicians recommenced eompetlng




L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'.

Two Houdan pullet. hatched April, 1912. They ~mmehc_d laying In Sep. tember and from October 1 to April lit of thlll year, laid 291 egg •. (By nAY VAN DF:NTHUYSEN _)

From tbe early part of Augult until tbe end 01 October tbe year·old etock Is going tbrough a period at preparation tor the comlog winter by getting rid ot the worn and old cov ering and aCQulrins a . beautiful new one. A aUght molt Ie also experienced by 8~me young pullets that bave heen hatched very early In the year. Tho only time we have ever had a cbanee to ohserve thlB, however, was in tbe case of s\l[ Plymouth Rock pull e ts that were hatched In F e bruary. Thes e bogan to lay In the latter part ot Au· gust, and while they went througb a slight molt In the last part ot Oc· tober, this molt was so gradual tbat It did not seem to affect tbe ogg yield to any noLiceable extent. Other eJtperlences tbat we bave beard ot dllfer trom thIs and the above Is probably tbe exceptloll rsther than the rule. Generally Bpeaklng, It app8lU'S that pullets batcbed earlier tban the first' part of March wl\l go through the molt lo October and November and may not resume laytng lIntll late In Jan· uary. Theretore, It would Beem that old hens or April and early Ma" hatcbed pullets are the most desired for e&rly wInter laying and for breed· Ing purposeB. Regarding the beavy molt wblcb hJfppens after tbe pullet year, several telts have been made trom time to Ume to seo If this molt could be "toreed" so tha.t the hens would reeume layLng at least In November. In torclng the molt, the general plan Is to starve the Hock for a period ot from tour to six weekB and then teed heavily during the remainder of the period. It has generally been tound, however, that the fowlll will molt al· most os quickly under normal conditions as they wILl It torced. It Is not generally known that the time tor a towl to complete itB molt extendB from about 80 days (In tbe pullet year) to over 100 days (tor tbe older birds). Thererore, If a yearUng begins molting In the middle of Au· gust she will ' not have her rull plum· age ulltll about the middle ot Novem· ber. ThlB, however, Is tbe earliest date tor the molt to commence and In

some case s the he ns do not begin till tbe last part of October or early In Nov e mber. When Buch a late molt take s place the tIme tor the complete molt Is generally not much more thall two monthB. SInce It has practically been proven that forCing of the toolt III not errect· Ive. except In a few Indlvldu!11 cases, It would 8eem Ihat the only thlog to do In this period Is to take al good care as Is possible with tbe flock 80 that the fowls may ftnlsh their molt In the beBt health. It will be unde ... stood by anyone that the shedding of feathers and tbe building up ot the new covering Is a strain on any fowl and while tbe · owner Is geltlng al· mOBt no returns from his flock this 11'1 the Ume wben theIr teedlng sbould be most caretully watched. The uBual habit Is, bowever, to neglect the flock during this period simply because they are not giving good reBulu. One ot the best recommended mix· tures to be fed the flock during the molting period Is given below. This does not vary much trom the feed given during the reBt or the year except that cracked com III used In· steau of whole corn and not all much corn Is fed during the warmer months aB during Winter. Seratcb mlxture-Wbeat 10 Iba., oats 10 Ibs., cracked corn 16 Ibs. Hopper mixture-Corn meal 4 Ibs., wheat bran 2 Ibs., wheat mlddllnga 8 • Ibs .• 011 meal 1 lb., altalra meal 1 lb., meat scraps 1 lb. This latter mIxture waa used by the Cornell experImental station In testl along these lines. Our general oplnton Is that more thought IIhould be given this question ot molting, and that caretul attention should be given flocks at this tlme_ The days when 50 eggs per year per hen would be considered f>umclent have pasBed" and It Is remembered that we now tbrow out the he n wltb Buch a record and e.8n crltlclao \he 100·egg ben; we should also remember that the results We expect cannot be rellcbed unless we glye the /lock the be at caro that we possibly can and con sidor no details too small to be overlooked In the dally routine. L

GUINEA FOWL IS MOST DELICIOUS Cross of Pearl and White Will Produoe Carcass Resembling English Grouse. (By MlCHAEL K. BOYER.)

The Guinea hen Is a good layer, but on . acoount of the Wild, gamey flavor, the egga have never had an extenl!lve we tor table ulle. However, by tunIng the eggs Into broilers or roa~B a conalderable proflt wtll be derived. The flesh III.. the nearellt sUb,Utute we have for the wtld game. The Guinea II or a rovlnll. disposition. and oue of the best known deIItroyers of Insects. The laying .eason starts In ea.rly April aDd contll\uee until Oetober, the ben laying as m,\IIY as 120 eggs in a Beason. In the early part ot the sea· lion It Is not advisable to lilt the GUinea hen hatch a brood, a. she Is of too restlesB a nature, and wllt not give her young tbe proper attention. But att~ the Ilrst of July, on account of the warm weatber, ehe w1ll be more quiet, and can l!e safely entrust· ed with a brood. It requires four weeks to hatcb out Guineas. Tbe ben 'alwa,1I hides her nest, and that, too, In lIome very obscure place. All It comes ott the neat It glvea a shrill cry, and In that way the bIdIng place can be cletected. All the henll of a Jlook are apt to -la, In the same neBt, and In takh!ig away the eggs the,. IIhould not be ~\lcbed with the hands, for It . the .ben' dlscovera that the nest haa been touched wm desert It and huilt anotber elotliles, thero are UDQuestlollab17 m. place. 'But if ·the elga are remoyed pclnns stm.-London or.legrapa., with a aUck abe will not leay. th'is neBt, eyen thou.l ib ,t he e~ . ~e~lten _ Had Good· Precedent, W'bell J. Sloat- Fassett of New out nearly evtll')" clay, It 'Is .clalmed,,'tJiat . a )cl'9li(. of the York was' m-a klna ' 0110 ' of hll cam.for , congreile : -IlI1 Dem~'1ratlO Pear} '

a roond , plump body, gOOd.lIlJled bronst, and small bonee. Guloea. ",111 pair It the sexes ant equal. They generally lay betweeo tbe, hours of ten o'elook In the morn. Ing and two o'clook tbe 81ternoon. UnUI welt reathered, the young Guineas are delicate and tender. It Is not advisable to hatch betore June. The Guinea cock bird cares ae much tor the yoong lUI does the hen, PardIng them during the d&y and hovettng them at night. The male bird II laJ'IW thao the female, Is more ~Ive, and haa • dltterent call. Tbe hen make. .. noise sounding Uke "Como back, come baok," wblle the male glY\!fl "Tick, tick!" The cry of the GUinea ta one ot warning to the relit of the poultry, and the,. at onoe hide until the alarm ceallN. Guineas do not scratch like otber fowls, and theretore are Ate to 'have In the garden._ They should be ginn their treedom, all they do not tbrl..e In confinement.


Meklng Calle Lllltli Bloom, A busy woman puts her callas out 10 the border durIng the BUmmer and treats them all ehe does ber Yeletableil-lteeplng the weeds down and hoelog occaaJonAIly, In September she pota them lo a ·gOCHl-elzed pot. allowing an lneh of atones for drain. qe.. She UII88 _Rood, rich pottln« eoll and when the 'new 8!Owth aPIl6an in December' IIbe plBeeI tltIt POt In • croCk an4 four or rive tlft1e8 . a week poun a -quart of almoet boltloJr water In the crook. She reports that otten four and flve flowers bloom at · the same Ume.



Look 'After tile F.ncee. · Don't fOl'lJet to flx the feDceI. ·· A. trip aroun4 " the _pasture and h14 teneet DOW and then win olteD trouble, .tre~ and tJm" ._' o~ '.l )laYln« to . drive the . IDto · ~. \he pa'ture: ADllMla . wbe~ It Comet' to


one against the~ oiher In bewllderlnB I' ODDII)DElnt: det'IQEIQ ' him '. ~~ ;;J.~.~=~;~j~~~:~~~~·:;~i exhlbltlolls ot magtcipakIlL·. - , ":-. 'the~. :..c41IQ~ed.biio-'e~·lthe-::!:~,~:~:~:iU~~:,. It .was that 0




Practical Fashions LADY'S WAIST.

' \Vhen a. woman suffering from some fonn of feminine disorder is told that an operation is necessary, it of course i rightens her. The very thought of the hospital operating table and the surgeon's knife strik es terror to her heart, and no wonder. It is quite true that some of these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but thousands of women have avoided the neces:sity of an operation by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This fact is attested by the grateful letters they write to us after their heal th has been restored. These Two Women Prove Our Claim.


Cary, Malne.- " I fl' el It a duty I tlwe to all 8ufferlng women to tell what Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pa.ins In both .. Idea aud lIuch II> eareness I oould scarcely 8talghten up at times. My ba.clc &eherl, 1 had no appetite and WIl8 so ncrvona I eonld not sleep, then I would be 80 tired mornings that I oould scarcely get around. It lIeemed almotlt, 00possible to move or do a bit or work and I thought 1 never would be any better until lsubmittod to an openv tion. I com.m enced taldng Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and 800n felt like & ~ew woman. I had no pains, IIlept well. had good appet.1te and wu fat and could do almost

all my own work for 0. family of fOil 1', I shall alwa.ys feel that lows my good health to your medicine. " -Mrs. llAYWA..llD SoW&BB. Ca.ry, Me. Claarlotte, N. 0--" I WBA In bad health for two years, with palna In bot b aides and was very nenoua. U I even lifted a chair it would cause a hemorrhage. 1 hlO a growth which the doctor & was a tumor IUld 1 n evcr would get well unle5& I had an operation. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget.a.ble Compound, and I gladly lI&y that I am now enjoying flne health and am the mother of a nice baby girL You ean use thl8 letter to help other suft'ering' women. "-Mra. RoSA.. Soul, 10 Wyono. St., Charlotte, N, C.

Now answer this question if you can, Why should a woman submit to a surgtcal operation without first giving Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that it has saved many others-why should it fail in your case?



.,.............................................. ):lhysicians Recotntnend Castoria has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, phar1ll11C. ASTORIA oel'ltical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with

results most gratifying. The extended use of Castoria is unquestionably the result of three facts: FiPlt-The indisputable evidenoe that it is harmless: S econd-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: Third-It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil.1 I<~ is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opkm, Morphine, or other narcotio and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deul for a Medical Journal to sa.y. Our duty, however, ' is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system-not by stupefying it-and our readers are entitled to tlb.e information.-IIall's Journal of n calth.

letters from Prominent Physicians. addressed to Chas. H. fletcher.

An elfec tlve little blous e showIng th e Ilroppe d s bould e r au d th e new blou s lness at the waist \ln e w hlcb Is a fe a ture of neu rl y 11,11 the new desIgns. The roll ed coll nr Is p ret ty, but If p r e ferre ll the blou 80 may be cut blgh e r at the throllt and :J. narrow lace frill be subs tttuted; this, with the addition or a Jllb ot. gives a more dress y Onlsh. Lin en , s ilk or light wool fab rics may be us ed wIth tbls deSi gn. Tbe waist pattern (6326) Is cut In sizes 34 to 42 Incb es bust mcacure. Medium size req uires 2~ yards of 36 Inch muterlal. To procu ro this pattern .end 10 cente

Dr. B . Halstead Scott, of Chicago. lII s. , says : WI have prescribed >,01111 ' Castorla orten f or In fauts during my practice, and find It very" Dr. WilHam Belmont, at Cleveland, Oh io , suys: "Your C!1Btorla stand. first In Its class. In my thirty y ears ot practice 1 can sa)" 1 never have found an ything tbot so fill ed the place." Dr. J . H. Taft, of Drooklyn, N. Y. , Says: "I have used your Castorla anll found It an excellent r e medy In my housohold and prIvate practice for: milny years. The formula Is excellent." Dr. R. J . Huml en. of Detroit, Mlch., says: "I lJrescrlbe your Castor I. e:denslvely, as 1 have never found anything to equal It for children'. troubl es. '\ a.m aware that there aro Imitations In the field, but I alWlQ'8 see that my patie nts get Fletcher's," Dr. Wm. J McCra nn, of Omaha, Neb. , eays: "As the father of thirteen children 1 certainly know somethIng about your great medicine. and aside from my own family experIence I have In my years or practice found eaa. torla a popular and etnclent r emedy In almost every home." Dr. J . R. Clausen, or Philadelphia, Pn.. . says: "The name that your C... torla ha.a made for ltaelr In the tens of thousands or homes bleslled by the prel!lence or cblldren, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medIcal 1>)'01'es810n, but I. tor one, most heartily endorse It and believe It an excellent r e medy." Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kans a.a City. "Mo., Bay!! : "Physicians generally do not: lJrcscrlbe propri etary preparations, but In the case of Ca.atorla mT experience, ll1le that of many other pbyslclans, hl18 taught me to make an ex. ceptlon. I lJrescrlbe your Ca.ato.rla In my lJracUce because I have found It to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complalnts. by physl. clan 'Wbo has raised a family, as I have. will loin me In heartiest. recommendation of Ca.stDrla."

to "Pll tt ern Depo.rtme nt," o t thle p aper.

Write nnmo a nd nt1 rl r eu

plainly. nnd be

aure to a-lve Illu and n u mbe r o f pa tt e rn..

NO. 6326.

eIZII ....• ... .•• ••• _.

NAMK • •• • . •••••• _.. . .... . .... . ............ . TOWN . . . . . . .... .... ...... . . . .. .. . ........ .. STREET AND NO. ................ ..... _ I!TATK ••••• __ • __ •••••• __ ••. • •_• • • _•••••• _.


For 30 fean Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound baa been (,be standard remedyforfemale No one sick with woman'8 aliments does Jwtloo to henelf if sbe docs not try this famous medicine made from roots and herbs, It baa restored so many suffering women to health. Wrlte to LYDIA. E.PINJrU,u1 IIEDICINE CO. . (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, HASS.tforadvlce. our letter will btl opened, read Rna answered by a woman and held in strict confidence.



f!: ,

What She Wanted. Nearly 1,000 girls lire be in g taught She walked Into th e puhllc IIbral'1 to operute elect ri cally driven ma'Chlne ry In a New York trade scbool. and sw eetl y said : "[ would like 'Tbe R e d Boat,' Mr-II.ON tD. low'. Bootbln(:, Syrup tor Chlldl'CD please." \eetblo K. ttl) ( tc:Utl th e a-um8, rrduc.'e~ laltam wtl,'" Tbe librarian dilige ntly sea rched Uon,all8,J. ...... ",Iud eolk.2.'lc 0. bol<le.AM tbe cBtalogue and came back wllb: " I don't th in k we have Buch a Most men are too polite to adbere boo k." .trlct Iy to tile truth. Flusbln g a bit. eh e said sweetly: "May til titl e be 'Tho Scarle t -!led Cr-OIl& &11 BluD glT"" dou blo n.lue for , our money. goo. twill() ... rar as I\ny other. Yacht ?' Again h e look ed. wtlh the Bume'reDoc 't p ut your IDO" "Y InLo aUJ' o t~er. Adv. s ui t. Th en wltb h er pre tty fing e rB Few students ot human nature ever -s he dive d Into her bag. consulted a A smart tailored blouse Bhowltlg a «rnduate . s lip or pape r, and IIsld: stitched plait over each sboulder to " Oh , I beg your pardon. I me ant the Dr. P(,f'ry' .. Y <' rmlfll Ke " D<-nd Shot" kUl . 'RublyaL' "--Glasgo w W ee kIy H e ra ld. give the necessary fullne ss to the ead e..a:p~l d W\lrUI8 1u .. ~ e r1 f ew boW'1:\.. blouse and one on each side of the A4y. clOSing. Tbe sleeve may be long or Already Converted. "No man can serve two masters," sbort ss preferred; when long tbey Llg~tly Clad. are finlsb e d wltb a mannis h stitched "Don 't you think sbo dresse s In obse rv ed the good parson, who wa.a vis· cuff. A blgh or rolled collar are botb ItIng th e penitentiary . good tasto?" approprIate. And of the soft slllta, "Perhaps so, but not In good mea.a· I "I know It," repli e d Convict 1313. thin flannels or cottons may be used I'm bere for bigamy : ' nre." to advantage with this design. Lady'8 shirt waist pattern (6323) The Now Name. Is cut In 81zes S4 to 42 Inches bust "What Is an autocracy?" measure. Medium 81ze requlrel 2% I "I guess It Is a government by auto yards of 86 Inch material mobtllsts ... procure this pa ttern .end 10 cente Many paios thllt pass as rheumatism I Soci ety Is Judge d by some of the to'1'0"Pattorn Departme nt." oC this pllper. are due to weak kidneys-to the failure I mi s fits thut mfln a ge to break In. Write name and Ilddre.8 plainly. Ilnd be .ure to _ elva ~r s1ze and number at pattern. of the kidne,s to drive off uric acid .--_ _. _ _ _ _ __ u~. _ A Better BII ... When you cuffer achy, bad joints. back· "Don't you think a man must be ache too. diuiness and some unnary , happy whe n he takes ills que en by BlZE .•••••••••••••••_ NO. 6323 . di.turbances, get Doan's Kidney Pills, I t he hand ?" NAME •••••••••••••• .• •• •.••••••••••••••• _.tbe remedy tttat is recomm ended by over I "Not liS happy as the man who 150.000 people in many di1l"erellt lands. TOWN ..... . ... . . . . .. . . ... . .. . . ............. : tflk es four qu ee n s In his:' Doan's Kidney Pills he lp weak Kid· neys to drive out the uric acid which . STREET AND NO .• • _._ •••• .• • .•• ••• _••••• GROWING STRONGER is· Ihe cause of backacbe, rbeumatism ! Apparently, with AdvancIng Age. STATE .... ............... _•••••••••••••••• _. and lumbago. Here'. proof. AN INDIANA "At the nge of 50 years I collapsed CASE I from excesslvo cotTee drinltlng," wrltcs Good for the Teeth. M. C. Walk or. I a man In 1110. "For four yeal's I sbam· Carbonate of Boda Is good to UBe oc· tHIS Grund Av,-' .• ble d about with th e ald of es or caslonally as a tooth powder, as It preConOlC~ ra\· llIe. In d .• II n), e : " . r or t t! h I cano, most of tb e time unable to veuts decay. A muture at tlnn salt y t! ara I hud mu.· dress myself without h elp. cul",r r h c um a ttem. and we ak v Inegar water will cle anse "lIty fee t we re grea tly swollen. my ~e~Yn.:n~aldco~rdlll,,: right arm wus shrunken and twisted yellow teeth, as will nlso a paste mad e move tL limn. PlIlItf"ro and hot Inward, the fin ger s of my right band ot pulverized pumice s~one and pe rox · were clenched lind could not be ex· Id e of hydrogen lightly rubbed on tb e ~~uc~~~tn·b!~IIC:r Doun'. K t doe y , tend ed e xc ept with grea t e ffort Ilnd tee th. '1'0 prevent d ecay be twer.n tb e PIli. helped m . , pnln. Nothing seemed to give me more teeth draw dental floss tbrouglt tbem and two mor" I than temporary relie f. boxes p e rmanent· evo ry day. This will save Y01J suaer· Jy cured me." I "Now, during all tllis time and for Ing and reduce )·our dentist 'bills. I about 30 years prev iously. 1 drunk Cet Oouo'. at Iu>7 S....... SOc • 80s i dally an average ot 6 cups of strong Schemer. KplrL~EST cotree--rnrely missing a meal. "What sort at teilow Is Dlllberry!" FOSTERoIIILBURN CO. BUFFALO, N. y, "lIfy wife ut last took my case Into "Wen, when he pays you a compll· her own hands and bought somePOl!ltum. Sbe made It according to dl· ment you can Imagine hIm saying, rections and I liked It fully Ull well deep down In his besrt, 'I wonder as tbe bellt hlgh·grade co1l'ee. .what I'm going to get for thla?'" "Improvement set In nt once. In about 6 months I began to work a lit· His Choice. tle. and In lesK than a year 1 was very Cat out cattlanlca and DU,rJr.l'U",!& "Wouldn't you like to be San brutal.. huah, 'moflCl'M,lry. much better, IlDpro'vlng rapidly from day to day. I am !lOW III tar beUer Antonle girl and get your faco on CARTER'S LITI'LE health than moet men of my years th080 new bills?" UVER PILLS "I'd rother be me and get m y hooks and apparently growing stronger wltb Yt!~:ab~. Ad. onto them ." advl\ncing age. "I am busy ,every dsy at l!Iome kind of work and am abl e to keelJ up with Ireland'. "Big Wind." the procession without a cane. The The storm which lIuhsequeo(Jy bearm and hnnd that were once almoat _me ' known throughout Irelund as useless, now kee p far ahea.d in raptcl1tJ know. of movement and bea,uty of penman. "the big wind" occurred J a louary 6. 1839. Limerick ond Dublin sulTe red . SHALL PILL, SMAU. DOSE. SMALL PlUCE. ship." Name given lIy Postum Co., Battla muoh property losS. Two bundred m~ bear Signature Creek, Mich. Write fOf copy of the lit. houaeB were blown down and 20 people tle book, "The Road to' Wellville." kIlled" and the coa.ats were linell with Postum comes In two 'f orms ; wrecks. Regular Po.tum-must be well boiled ~ "'-t In.tant Po.tum is ·a 80luble powder, F:ortunato Ono. . A teaspoonful dlsBOlves Quickly In • "So .she:. going i to 'be married? cup ' of hot ,wa~r and. · ~th : the ·&44... 'who's the lucir,y man '" ·'The man she ·;:~~f::::::::;':=;';;':;;===~R;:;:=i::::~r:1 tSon of cream · il,Dd· .1I!1~ar, .\ma'te8 a .. de 'uu.' ~e,,·~~.w. Y~rlr, !' Uoloull be't'C~e Instantly. '.' ~ . ~. '~bere'B ' a Je!'801l'! '~r ' p~

Rheumatism Is Torture



I !


Don't Persecute Your Bowels

Genuine •

~~PrJZC: 1





ALWAYS Beara the 81:'gn;a..tu~r;.e.;of_ _~_ _

,~ The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.

Eu.ct Copy of Wrapper.


Profl!sslonal Comfort. '''That photographE'r ough t not to hav e be II d eje cted wh C! u bl s best girl r efused him ." "Wby oug h tn ' t hp ?" " Becaus e b e ce rtainly got a good negati ve."

NT FOR THE BEST TREATME ITCHING SCALPS, DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR -To allay itcliing and Irritation of the loal.p, prevent dry, thin a.nd failing hah:, removo crusts, scales and dsn· dru1l', and promote the growth and beauty 01' the ball', tbe follo wlug spacial treatment Is most effect! ve, agr eeable and e conomical. On retiring, cOIIlb the balr out straight all around, then begin at the side and make a parting, gently rubbing Cutlcura Oint· ment Int o the . partIng with a bit of soft. lIan.n e l held over the end of tbe fin@;er. Anoint sddltlonal partings about halt an Inch apurt unU! tbe wbole scalp has been Ireatell, tbe pur· pose be ing to get tile Cutl cura Oint· meillt 011 tbe sClllp skin r ather than on the hair. It Is w e ll to place a light covering over the h ai r to protect tbe pillow from possible stain. The next morning, shampoO wltb Guticura Soap and bot water. Shampoos alone may be used ao often as agreeable. but onee or twice a month III geUi/rally lIufficlent for thiB llpeclal treatment for women's hair. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample ot each frela,wltll 32·p. Skin Book. Address post, card "Cutleura, Dept. L, BostOD."-Adv.

Quaint Critic. Ceorge n. Luks. til e palnler. said to a c ntl c In hiD New York slud lo: '('Y our criti cis m Is at any rate or iginal an d am usin g . my bo y. It r e minds me of the colo re d laund fflss In t h e umz l Cflllery . "Wbe n this colored laun· dress visite d l be UlHzl. h el' mistress le d be r up to Co rregglo's master· j l)lece. 'There. Hannah , what do you think ot that ?· she Ruld Han nah , shuklng h er I~ ead lu gu briously . star· ed a lon g whil e at tbe pic ture d an· ge ls WhoBe wblle ro bes we r e all y el· lowed b y tim e, and tbea, with a slgb and a dl slIP provlng sha ko of the be ad, she said : 'De sai nts Is de IMt folks to put up wlv bad laundry work:"

The New Woman. Mrs. Knl cll er-Are you go ing to taka a cou r se In b us in ess coll ege? Mrs . Bock er - Yeu; I want to fineS o ut bow 1.0 get more mone y out or - Judge . ____

Better Than Tree..

Fut her- Il a v'"u





pm. Succeed

Foley Kidney

because they are a good honest med· icine that cannot help but heal kid. ney and bladder ailments and urinary irregula rities if they are once taken into the system. Try them now for positive and permanent he lp.

SELDOM SEE a hili!' knee like thi" but your hont may !"'Vl! a bunch "r bruise on biJ Anltle, Hoc k, Stifle. Knee or Throat.

For Sunburn, I nllect Bites, Ivy Polson or any other skin Inflam· matlon us T y r ee's Antiseptic Powder nnd get quick re Ue f. 26c. at drug· gists. Sample sent tree by J. S . Tyree, Wasblngton , D. C.-Adv. ll e r



clean it off ,.. ithoul laying tN horae up. No blister, no hall gone. Concentrated-only a fe .. drop. req uired Ilt an application. '2 PCI ,~ill

Dac:rlbe 11)tU c-atc for ~.v«lal kut.uctioftI Boole 8 K tr~e . A8S0R81NE. JR .. a.,1.tepdc lin lmc-w for DU nkiud . Reduc~ P ainfu l Swelllnt .. En.-

bott1~ dcll.ned.


OD d


tar1!t'd Gla nd..

\ Vl'n., Brulact. V.flrate Vd.n.I.


Jt e r Love r - No ; but I hav e 10,000 ::1:~~o:!t~~[~I'!~r:·II.~~.n ~~II~~r.:!~!lnl~n~YI:l· acres of pin e timber. W. F. YOUNG. P. D. F•• 310 Tem,11 st.. Springfield ....... H e r Fath er-G reat ! Have a drink. _. a good cigar uud the glr l! - New York Post . U YOIJ I.el ' QU T U .' S4)10( r~" JtUfoj (JuWN 'o, ' GOTT Ij E HLV ...•


. u, ..... from

Criticism . "Rooks fa ll from th e publishers' press e s \IIIP. au tumn leaves ." " Yes. unel 60 me of th e m are fully a s dry. "



KII)I1t. Y. IH.A.OOlk, I'ISkVOUS D I 5 1.A3.a.

W.AIC !O',.~S ES,UL..C&M',51CIN

ItKUPTI OllfS . .. I L ....

wnte ror my rR • • book. TH E MOST I 1'CSTk UC TIV. " I[ [) IC ,,-L 8 0 tH ' l V I! R w'Urra" , ITTIU.. LS ALL abau llh••• PI SE ASr:S a nd I !l f! R ~ "" R k" "Lr; C l; a&a • .,P l:Cl I U ~

THE NEW 'RI[HCH ftI[M.DV. H.I . H . 2 . N

THERAPION ::r.·~~~~~L. UIt ·. a.r.ntacut. !h" retnt'd ,. fur YO U R OWi't atlmonl . D OD'' AbaoIUlal,.FR£L N o' f ()I I OW tlp '.clrcu l !lrL Uk L .. CL .. RO

"'W.u.,lU'Y".:' roc" M.D. U ," "I'S"f &.AU,


- _. _._ - - -- --'-

Alway •. ~THOMPSON'I...s~lr~A~:l:,e: ··He nry. Is a s pllce writer a man ~EYE WAT r 8nld~''''f''''''roY:: ~ 1Joc,1l1e" trea, who tak es up 11 great deal or room7 " JOUN L.TUOH.l'SON SON841:CO.,Tro,..N.Y. "No, my dea r. hut that's bls ambl· tlon."

Literal. "What Is the most s unshiny system to JIv e by you ever he ard of?" ·"1 guess It Is th e solar system."

Its Adornment • . "Wbat's the 'plant' In Wall street?" us. u. w . COO ~CH'8 II.&.I.LlilI...KSS FIlKCKLB "Mostly gree!:! Buckers." ~~I:!~;~n'~oaU;~I~~ .h~'t:~c:·l~~~~~".~

'Wrlght's Indian VE-getable Pills put the stomach in good condition In a short time. Try th em for Sick Stom· ach. Biliousness and Indigestion. Adv.


HI. Position. ''' Is Jim the manag er In his matrl· monlal firm ?" "No; I think hp. Is the floorwolker." Be thrift, OIl 1\1 ti e things like bluJnjf. DOII' I accept w.tor for bll:.tug. .a.k for Red Crou 11&11 llluu. .Adv. A Fact. "My dear. tho se hlgh·h ee led shoes were iI. Blunder on your part:· "I guess I did put my foot In It."



prompt'Y 81lollD..

OrDtlUI ..led

healed ..lUI

1t,.~lIll s


..n4 811 .. Bal·

Rumau Eye

Norwa.y Is to have one of the world's greatest hydroelectrIc Planta, ! developing 2i6,UOO horsepower. ' ----.--- ' , . ! • '.. An . apartllient I'D't the , onl y. place


No matter wbat you hllDt for or where you hunt, the &newer to tho qUetition "\Vhat rifle .han I take?" ill-a Wlnc:hl)ster. Winchester Repeating Rlftesare made for all Btyles of cartrleSgetl, from .u to .50 caliber. Whic:hevor model you lIelect you will finel It an accurate Shooter, roIiabJo'in ~c:t1on an4 lUOng illCon.truCtion.



mar~aae I~ !O' ~at ~~.ilure.


. . . •

R~·. W '


Br""'_,. . ,'

~ (or . . ._ ~. ,...


·Naw,HAVa~' oO~",

.. .------lIIiiIJ-!--If!II----~~If!I!I--





Ol:·~t~(~o::a.\'. lI:e :!4:1:·:I:~;r:1 ::,:tie:~~ ·t:




T bird .Juror" fo r \Vnrrl'n !Ii un o f th e 8000 0 d J udlolal Dl sl r lct I ', u nll' wom drow n t n r llt1l.0 bll r of Oh io F' o 1Jow in ~ 'lp\>l)iuted (o r 1'1'111 Munt,,,omo ry Cu uu ty :- \ V . W !ra nd Jurors Sbea rlld IL od Chlll'\es Pu lh uff . Iro r llruell o oouuly :- J . ·IV . Fu dgtl uOll , \f L Pl ll r~ulI. 111"' 1 liolt! wwus hl ll JjIlU K . H.lttlluur . b'<' r Chutoo I ;.lr C Ilu tld . I)"l'rfill ict 1.~I\V,u"hlp; D"u F I ~he r " u '" oo un ty :-Cbllrle!! R. .i ' 1ll In O!'bIJrn, Clo" rorotl k t ow uti b ip i Muthow R Doo vllr . 1" or Wllrre n I'"ter P - 8.ln !J uIll . 11 11l o n t? wu sllljl i ' Coon ty :-C W RaDl18 Il, J M k town I t : Inr ry I:!t\ ttl ll id . 'fllrllE,I. I' IIn , ",IHO lur t.hl p i J ,,11I1 O ' 1)ol1 noll, Clt.lll rc l't1ek t ' I\" n ~il t IJ : Al hur t bchu urer . S U] IlW I MarrlsKe licenses t '\\'IIKh IP ; L ~f u Nwh o)Bo n, W n y n ll l H 'l rr y ~. l:ia~ ;' ln g , f,umer of Mo r. lotwuHhip; }o; l:l . F":ltl' r, Htl Wll tODlr ow to Miss Grace M. Oorn ~ll , of t )\YIJ~ll lp i J uhn Sl'ig fr ied. ~'lnnli 11 0 LebAn on . Rev . J J ho A . MoKtimy . 8 t!lojey Y . Shie lds, rarmer of t l\VOSLll P i ,Jo!w ph l' OWO DS , To rt e.. l'I"lle k tow ushi p i C V Wllllu lU!!, Morr ow to Miss Myrtle M. Pence of 'L' nr tl rcreek t ownsh ip i Har vey Hllr. Lebanon . R ev A . J . K el! ~l e. l1uH , Wayue tow o ~ h i IJ i AU !!.t lO Milltlr P rice, nllroad er of Sout h l' hnokum . Cltlil rer efl k to ~n ~ hlJ) i I Lebfl ll on to Mrs. Allee B. 811ank , of .In o I:'chn flll , Ih rluu t'Jwn M lup ltiocialvllle. R ev . Hageman. Petit Jurors Harrll!on P. Willillme , oarpent·e r .t " hn C; . Bu t t, F ranklin towns hip i or Versailles, N . Y, t o Mi ss "VIII W . W !:l bur t~, Uni on to .... Dsh\l); Bobso n, of t;;prln g boro. J obo Bell, fum hand of Clark I:! . (:hIUlflfl B. CO li nvll r, Franklin t o wn · ville t ) M iss A da Dix oo r f Bnr veys . 11Ip i Hur ry (J rellthou 8e, Franklin burg . to wn ~ hip ; Ullorge 'iV . Jenninga. J llhn~. Emm on s. ftl.rm or of Frank ~1t1 em to wlishi ,) i G: F . Brown, lin to ~\l ss Jane E. Cl emmenll, of ' (·ortl ecrflel. township i A T RobenB Rov . Harry RIJodes. Frllouklin. ~' rI\Dklin towuship i E. E Vander(lm li Ll


P HIl!.






'·,Ilnt, M." sMie ~own 8 l:iip i Ueorge C. Illr t llook, W,lyn£> i9wDtlhip i George 0 , Perrine, Union townsblp; Llomer Holcroft, 1'tJrtleoreek township i ,Iobn Traoy , Franklin township i .J a mes A. l:i ~ ll l1 rs, Turtleoreek town " hip; Jereruitlh Parkhill, De er~ld lt1wnBhip; N , A, Gilbtlrt, Wtl.shlng t 'n tOWDl!hlp i Wltj , C Baoun. Frllnk lin t,ownsbip i George A. Dnvls. Deerfield town ship i E.mer Murphy, i:'\lIlem towns hip; Th omas Bodley, Harlan township i Isaac Oyler, Deerfield township

Con'mlssioners' Proceedings


"Did you tell your troubles to a pol iceman ?" " Y es," thi! man who was robbed. "Ami I ~11 yon that poli('('mllD was ind ignant. The bold-up man hadn' t evrn W'kal permission to operate ou iJ' i! L&lii ."

D a ll y T ho ugh t .

\Yl pe o ut til<' paRt.


I rtl ~ t

a nd liv e In " III o rl 01l8 Towu e,

futu r ,', - 1-: llzab r l Ii

Il U)\

P ROPOS ":!) AM 1': .\ lJAI t:;Nl' TO 'f1l1£ CO N. :in-r T lu:-l 01' Oll l ll,



(;"ural A.rumbJy 01

t h .. S l atr ~I ll JIJ IJ. th r e'~ · tl!t h. uf the membc:n

e lec t ed 10 each b o u\ c: conc urrll l EC t nt"''') '' : SteTI, '!J J. 'I'h.H , f o r tb e IJUrp0J,e o f pnlClIrln¥ .1 shut t b:dl.)( f tl r s t.. I e: ufh cers, th ere

.ha ll be ~ lIIJlfIlIlt'J 11..1 til l' e lc.'c to rs of th 15 S I U ll' , jn t he 111.J1Hlcr I'n, vhled hy lJi w. O n the tirtl t 1' uc.dar a lt er the ' Ir",I ~ t oll d ay in Novcmbr'J l YI J a I'l o lX1&a l to amt' ud ~(" (' t I O lla 1. l nn I d 01 Ulu. lt: JIl uf th e CO l lll tn U[IO D t D r eat! u. t


" S EC. l. Th e C'xec ul ivc: d ep.& r cruc:m Khall con s ist of a ~ u \· (' fl lo r . lieu tenan t go \' ("cnor. . ec r et nr y o r a t Qle, au J l l u r o r , I01 t( t r c,u ucC'r of s tale nnJ ;111 atl ~ l rfl t."y KC!'I1C: ral. -i'hC' ~oyC'rn ' or and iI ~u t t'n ulll YO\' c r IlQr shall be el ~ (ted o n the firs t Tuesday af l e r t he fi r st M ouJuy in N ovrmbc r, hy l it e t'1e-C l ors o f th e ! t" t c , ami a. t tht: placed 01 " o tl ng to r mem bers of t he: 8'l' nernJ n~scmLJy , " Sr. c. 2, T he .:o\'cr n or and Jie u lt'nan t t; OV ' er no r ' h II h oJJ tbtlr Oni l' Ci ( or tw o years, 'f hei r te r ms o f (ItTlC..'t" shall ,,' om lnence o n the Iteom! M u nd ny IJ f Janu:HY ne x t a ft e r th ei r e lc-cllo n. nOli "' UllI IIIUC: u rll i) I h t- i T SUCctli50n a r t: cl cC' tct.i a n d 'l ua l lfi~d , " S£c. 18, The govc: rnor !h:d l app-oin t the . ( (rClary o( , t:w::, aud lt u r nf s tOl tE'. treaSUu' r o f SU IC and u u u rr u: y gene ral. a nd s h:t11 have a u t h o ri t y to TC",U\'C any o f !la.i d officinh 5 0 ilppoi nt cd, Eve ry n{f,,:e r holdiflg offi ce by el ec. t lOn wh en th ie ulu r-nument 15 udopted shall c:ont i n ue to hold s udl offi('t fo r th e fu ll tu m (o r w hi c b he was elec ted a n d until h i. 5 U C· ( esaor . ha ll ba \'c been ei c:c tc d or a ppo intC!d


,h. ..

"I came Deal' plmtiDg .. prdftl In the maUer af applloatlon of Dan p, Bene, Clerk of Coart9, War· this spring." "My ga.rdeo came nllR PlaatiDs ren Ooun$y. Ohio, addltionl allow. aDoe of $94 19 gran&ed In order ~ me." meet expensea 'of the office. In the matter of the Soldiers' W. All F•• I That Way. To the unthlnk1nc, eeDieleu Relief Commilliion. J . W. O'Neall knocker no til nothlnc more than a appoi.D&ed to 011 vaCAnoy oaused by monumeotal nul.anee that plano hli deat . of Jamel MoMullen . hac of bones upon everytblnr tor the In &he matter of the .PPointmen, I common lood that comes up. May ~ Co . ,--, ·.h the bubonic piai'll arup hlm.-Peta. Q - - , ... m~...-oJl~re .~or. , e aev- lama CouIer: . .

r ..). ))

.~ c:-""1'. - -....::!I!i!: or:'....,- ' ~


CALlS IF.O R SERIOUS THOUGflT Land.... dll· Objec4loM to P....- fit. Chttdret'l Very MuGh More Tban Jest It I. 0.._1.., ed.

Na Sears

Live Stork and Gpneral Auctioneer Posted on pedigrees and v:!Iues of all kinds of breed ing stock. ExperienceJ in handling farm sales since

1905. Terms Reasonable

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Waynesville, Ohio Valley Telephone 45 -2.

cbeaper l~




The (rnestian of reD~ Mbies -roakes the whole world lcin. ~ municipml autharities of JrrODtCe.baM just discovered thnt there i. a -ritalj relation between a l1eclinmg birdIJj oW IWd ~t.e on. On e Reg rett ab le O m issi on . T ile soc l" ty l'l' llur!"r 1Jea rl ~ always ~ nUlt ill l~tl\ Me b.n h: . . . ....&:1 om it s fIlle In lllo r t""1 UNa" III \\ rli 11lr; eat s.iace l881 iD PD, .... Up t he weddins . ::lb " "gll!ct:l lo liUY becJ aoaring .q- Wgh. . AiD.a. GRADUATE OF TilE wh l't h E' r th l' h lI JlIJ), brl d ulll h8.8 ifItion t() the famiI;r meaos ~ • ATIONAL A 001'ION mart " any ar r nng(,UH' lIt~ whlc lJ will en. ~ for' )odgiog ,or _ png hdDt S ,. JI OOL 01' AMKRICA nol(1 hI m to Bll ppurt a fnmlly .- Topelta • ,.less o()DVe!litmt boIme ad iIIrbt 81 Cupila l.

The Commissioners !lnnunl report wall orderod Dubllshed in ~he War ren C;)uuty Times and Mason Ap peal Bills All owed :-Tbe Columbos Blan II Book Mfg \ '0. blauks tor P. J ., $ 2 52 . L . M Prince . 8upplles for Burveyor , $6 08 Josiah Holbrook sectio nal Indexes from July 1,11113 t o September 1. 1913 , $31. 8 0 and has q uali fied as pro" ide " by I..... ' S ECT IO N 2. At suc h elec t ion this a me n d. C, W . Ull g h~8by, borial of Elizabeth m.n t sh. 1I ~. ~' .ced on .h. offi cial ball o. in lhe manner ,,,. sc rlbed aa "A RTI CL E Ill. Wright ' 71 E . S. Conklin p . M,. SI':CT IOKS I, 2 byandlaw 18-T HE S II OR'I stamps for auditor $3.00 0 W BALL OT FO R STAT E OF fi CE RS" , or in o t h~ r lang sufficie nt 10 d ceigfla tc it cl eOlrl y, Morrie & Co ., snpplles for O. H , amI if " tnOl Jo ri t y of t he clr(' to rs vo t i ng on 'be Probate Court $47.45 i Allen Huffman, salary $100 i ~a~l~d S~~ll h~~~r~l\l~~~~ ~~~ef~;;~n~h~ic~~n~n~{ the finl d a y o f } n n u:uy, 1914, become A. B, Morris, administrator of the lnquest over body of Chellier lIes, aaftnde r constitute tb e sections 80 ame nded o f eshte of ElIztl.beth C. Shoemaker. E. U . Thompson, coroner $740 i arti cle 111 o f the co ns t ituti o n of t he s ta te o f Oh io a nd said ' o riginal J ect ion s I, 2 a nd 18 deoeased, platntUJ . vs. George !vln!!, Mollie Chamberlain, witness $1 i .ball be r.peal.d a nd .nn ull ed. C. J•. SWAIH. et aI, defendants . The N )r'hwe8t. Dorothy .radon. witnesl 11.00 tptal SII,oA., 01 II., H o1<U 0/ Reprrs,,,'a,i,,, .. ern Mntual Life Jn8uran1e Co, Ie '940 i E, C Thompson, ooroner, ill lIuen L . NICHOLS, P ... id,,,, 01 Ih, s ."at.. party defendant and Is given qnes' over body of Link Ju~'loe Adopt.d April 1 8 11~ 19 IJ . S'A'.. o. A"UJ(:", leave to file ItI answer and orOl'l1 ".50 i C. A . Hough and Ed Blair, UNITEDSTAn O Ul O, petition. poet morte m eXllmlna~lon at body Office of lbe Secretory of Stale. H. GRAVE S. Soc reta ry of St. te In the matter of the eBtate of of Chester l1eB I~O.OO i Peler J!'olev, of I.theCHAS. S ta te o f OblO, do hueh y cerHfy tha t the. foregoi ng ill a n e xe mpll fitd copy, ca re£ uJJy Mary Ann Staley, jeoeaBud. Dis· road work Tnrtleoreek township $8; compared by me witb the origina l rolls n ow t,ributi ve aooount flied. Ohio Corrugated Culvert Uo., oul- on file In thia offi ce a nd in m y o ffi cial custod y u S ecret a ry of Sta te a nd (o und t o be true In the matter of the eetate of vert pipe, $e .80 i Ohio Corrugated Iud correct, oC a j oi nt r esol utiol., adopted by Ibe Ceneral Assewbly of the SIBl. of Ohlo PeuHe C. Guthrie, deoeasoo. lIeo. Culvert Co., oulvert pipe 121340 i J. on 1"4 181b d. y of April, A. D. 1913, aI'''l filed in tbis office on lbe 301h da r' 01 AI"i1. E. "Young appOinted udmlnlstrator. T. Hankinson, lumber 1144.17; .1. A , D, 1913, e n titled "J oi nt r esolution pro pos. ing a n ame lldm e nt t o !fC'c ti ons I. 2 a nd 18 of Bond S3000. Inve?tory and ap K. 8penoer, lomber, $23062; lobn article 111 gf tbe con.llt ulioll of lhe Slale of Obio, r ela tive to t he: selectio n o r g overnor l>raisemont omitted. Hnghes, inspootor at Foster9 bridge And other s ta te offictMJ, " IN Ta:ST1YONY WU I RItOP. I have hereunto In re-Ippointment of Bohool ex- $18 i A. M. Farker, repairll Trovillo .ubs cribed my nAme !lm] o ffi xc d my o fficial (tminer, Fielder B BarriB app.:>lnted road $64 i Charlell T , Urton, rep!lirs ..... 01 Ihe City of Cotu mbus, Ohio, ,hi. 191b to flU vaoanoy oaused by resigna· on Worley hill $8 i R. A . .MoCutcheon day of Juae, A. D. 191J. CIIAS. H. G....ns, 5 te rtiary 0/ 5",,,, tton of T. H. Rogers, repairll Franklin and Chautauqua [Seal] In the malter o~ the est,te of roads, $606.20; P . B . Monoe, oon AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION.' JameB S, Oobarn, imbecile. Filst traot '181; Harlan Whitacre, oon D,p •• ' ....", of Public P";"ti"l1 of Ohio. Publica t io n of th e abo ve proposed amend. and flnal &oooun\ flied and ordered traot ,57'8; Wm , D. Bootb, $10 l.21 ; menr to th~ Con81ituti o n of Ohio, under Secti o n 3 o f nn acr e ntitl t'fl , "An Act ret o ting to Oregonia Bridge Co., 119821 i Ore certain propnsed sa!4pende I. Il me nrlme nt . to the Consljtu. In She matter of the examlna'ion gonia Bridge Co" ooatrllot $438 8U; t io n of Ohio a nd (b e puLli cat io n there of," " •• sed by the General As•• mbly of Ohi o. April of the County Treasury. T. E. Ennis D,1 nnell, oontraot $103 30 ; 2R. 19 1J , is au th o ri ze:d h)' th ~ D epa rt me n t of lt: o ( O hio, Ivins and B. V. Walters, tbe com- State of Ohio VB . Bernard Luoas, M PuLlic Il ri lil in H o f the: Sta VKA N K IIA 5t I' F. R, S u/Je ,..,iso F' 0/ Pu blu P,inting. mlttee apPOinted to Inllpeot the A, J lme~on J . p , ,470 i I. C Brown Treb8urv, filed their report. t;tlme oonet.; $1.50. total $6,20 i ~tate of PROPOS E D AM EN DM EN T TO 'I'm, CON. STl1'UTION O J' OHIO. t\) be published by oounty papers. Ohio 1'8. John Grizzle, M. A . Jame. COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP son J. P ., U70; I. C, Brow,n, ct/net, SHORT BALLOt FOR OFFICERS, Real Estate Transfers $1 .60, total '6 20; tI\8te of Ohio V8 , B, il .rsolv .d by C.. eral Ass. mbly 01 Frank Fairohild8 to Nannle Whit. W.i 1'. DaVies, J. A. ~mlth and J. 'h. SIal , of Ol,io, tbroe-6fths of the m.mbero of each bOUle co nc u .... il1g therei n : aore Lata No . 31 and 3 '! in Rochel- Earl MoConnell, H. A. Jameson, J, SECTION I. That. for the purpose of pr()o wring a short ball ot for co u nty and town.. ter, Ohio, $1. P . 14 75: I. Co Brown ASBt. $1 60, Ihip, shall be 5uumiUed to Ih. eJec torw of this s tate, in the mann e r provided John A. and Murtha C. Cool: to total $1\ ,25. by law, on the fir. t Tue9d.y a fter the firat in N ovemb er , 19 13, a proposal to John Maloy. two traotB of land in No 138 with John Wolle for wood Monday repeal netionl 3, 4 a nd 7 of ort icle X of the Hamilton township, '200, top ou Harveysburg bridge iu »as constitution nnd to amend Icct,i onl 1 and 2 of sucb art ide to read B, foll o ws : John Maloy to Carolyn M. Wbite, sle township $72 50, USEe. 1. Laws may he p.l Ised providing for the eJ ection or nppointmtnt nn lt te rms o f all two traota of land In Hamilton - - ...- -- such county and tow nship offi cen lIB may be nec essary, 'Yt'hi c h offi cers Bh a ll h a ve s uc b power township Sl. Avoid Sedative Cough Medicine of lOCAl taxatio n. fo r police purpose!, as rna, be presc rib.d by I.w. Chrlltine H . and B , L . Frye to If you want to oontribute direotly '·SEC. 2. Laws may be pa~5ed providinl o r n form of g ove-rnme-nt f o r co unl iu Bnd R, E. and O1ara D . Dunn. 1. Oli "Orlll! to the ooourret1ce of oaplllary bron. ftbe t o wn ships t1ltre in , In Malon Ohlo $1. ohiUs and pnenmo~la n~e oougb S EertOK 2. At tluch el c(" ir)t) this amend. , , medloines that oonttun oodlne, mor m.nt . hall be placed on the offi cia l hallot In mAnner prescribed by law n~ uARTIC C1-;: Laura B. and Daniel B. MoCoy to ghinll heroin and other Bedatlves the X, S F;C Tl ONS 1 nnd 2 - S n O UT nALLOT Juper M. Cline, 3 traots or land in when' you bave a ooulo\h or (lold . FOR CO UNTY AND TO\\' NS lIIP OP. FJCF.RS·· 01" in other la n g\lage l'Iufficient to Military SurveYI! No. M28, 856 and An expeotorllont like Chomb;,rlain'B designalt: it clea rly, and j( a mal'ority o( the el 23111 II Cough Remedy iB wbat is needed, ectors , 'oring on the Harne shal a do pt sucb amen dment, secti o ns 1 llnd 2 h e r e inabove set Fl' . nd Benton~, Hewit~ to That oleanl out the oulture bedll ot forlb sball on nnd .fler ~ t day of oren08 a . bree .Hnr plaoes for the germ~ of }i1nuary,' 1914, uecorne RTHI co ns titute tbe .eetio", iIIO .. mended of nr-ticle X of the conl ti .. Floyd and ~adle Clemens 81.25 acres pneumonia tind other germ di8eo8ee tulion of the Itatc of Ohio Rnt! soid original in Hamilton township .5000. Thllot Is wby pnenmonla never re 8tct io l1s 1 Rnd 2 . n nd alBO .ecti o ns 3, 4 and 7 !l uch article. a nd al so stctio n 16 of orticle James B. and Elizabeth limtth to suits from a oold when Chawber· of IV, .hall be repealed amI a n'lUlled, Luolnda M, M.owdy real eAtate In lain 's Cough Remedv Is. uBed . . It C. L . SWAI". Sp.oAtr 01 In. H ous" 0/ R'~r"."'.'i",.. , has a world wide reputation for Its H UGII L. NICROt.8, W~vne t8wnship, '300 , oureB, It oontllolns no morphine or P." id . .. , 01 Ih. St".t •• JameA Monfort and Bessil) Bryan other l'IedaUve. For sale by all AdoPled April 18tb. 1913. U,nTED STATtS 0' A"UlCA. to Lou Hu.U 8 aore8 ~ in I:MIction No . G dealerB STATI O' 01.1 10, E. 4, R . 3 between Miaml RITere, $l. - - - -•• - • Office of 'he Secretary of Slale. ECONOMIC. I, CI-IAS, H. GRAVES. Secretary of Stall ("1ara M. Lee to Sarah Harry, lot of Ih. Slale of Ohio, do hereby cerlify that the foregoin8 i. .n cxemp1ified copy, cOJfeflilly No. 38U In Franklin, Ohio, $1, compared by me with tbe original ro lls n ow "Hsa Billy II. special tutor at col- on 8arab J. Holderfield V8 . Jaoob E. file in thi' office and 10 my official cust ody oa Secretary of State and (ollnd 10 b. lrue lege P" Holderfield i plaintiff ginn olaim to and correct of a joint resolulion, ado fled by uNo; his regnlar chanJreur dDei all tbe C.nera j A•• embly IIf tbe SI.t. 0 Ohiol lot 1(0. 351 In MaoklnBw addition to on tb. 181h d.y of April, A. D, 1913, ana fil~d in thi. office on the 30lh day of April, Franklin as aUmoDY in divorce oue. the tooting." A. D. 1913, enlitled "Joint R •• olution Pro-

Common Pieas ProceedinKs



~~.~tiat:.:: Dr. Heber M. DilljDr. J. A.

7~ rfJIItproWam.t.m tt.c

county and



AUTHORIZATION OF 'UBLlCATlON, of P.. blle p";,.,r"g trf Olofo.

Osteopathic Physician


to go ,om, to

can aftord and wWh


Funeral Director and Embalmer,


T1w ban -which the 0WIMIIIt ollthe fiata in 0IDc:ap &Ie patting on children Bhoa1d. be m.a.

;; Waynesville, Ohio.

- -----

more than a IUbjeet for ~

- ----

Anyone &flndlnaB " kot ,.h nod dOllttr 'I'" nfl mn,

Call answered promptly day or nill'ht . 'ROPO S~ JJ AM ~ !l:DMENT T O TRI!: ~N. Both phones in Office and Residence. s n TUT ION OF OHIO. long distance,No. 14; Home phone EXE.PTI~I O 'USLIC BONDS FIIOII TAUTtON. 14-2r. B, i l ..solv.d bl ,10, c;.., • .,a/ A .....obly of Chairs and one Coach furnished free Ih. S I. " 0 Ohio: with funerals . SECTI ON I. A propo.ition .lIall b • •u~mit· le ..1 10 thr e lect ors or the !!ItAte of Ohio, on tb( Best of service guaranteed. fi rs t T u•• t1ay a fter lbe fi nl Mond.r in No-

p~! .

I Sdtnlllit Jlm¢ri~an. A band.orn e., t11n l'tn t 6d we.,"I"

culatlon ot an, . olon lltlo Juurnlll.

AaTlCU XU. Fina" " .... T....-al/on. S.c. 12. n ond. of tile , tal. of Oh io and 01


an y c ity. "l iJln.g~ . hamle t, co u nty, road dlluict or t ow ns h ip i n the &tate, and bond a iss ued in

mc:an5 of instru ct io n in connection tberew&ah sh a ll b e rJl.empl fr om taxation.

SECT ION 2. effect a nd adopt ion.

omce ID

That this nm.ndment sball IBk.



fo rc e

fro m

a nd

n iter i~

National Bank



0 111 0,

Office 01 III. tary of Slate. I, CHAS. H , GRAVES, Secretary nf Stat. of ,h. Stale of Ohio. do bcreby certify Ihlt the foreg oi ng i.5 an c::xemplified COP1, ca refully co mra r ed by mt with the origiual rolla noW o n fi le in t.his office and in my oOicial c ustody

J trUI

,. S«r.l. <y of Slote and found to be ;'Int.) co rre c t of a j oint re s olution, adofted by Ih. "e ner" j Asseltlhly of Ihe S'.te 0 Ohio, on 'h e I R! b dar o f April, A. D. 1913, and f,'ed in this office on Ihe 30lh dar of April, A. D. 19tJ. entitled "Joint Retsolutloa to Amend Aorticle X IjI of the Conslitution of

O hi o by the ad optio n of Section 12". I N T [S TIU OHV WII E.IOP, I bave h.ereunto !m hsc ri brd my nl\me .o. nd affi.ed my official

seat al Ihe City of Columbus, Ohio, Ibi. l~th day of June. A. D. 1913. CHitS. H. Gun.,"ar~ 01 Stol.. I SealJ

WS.V''lesrllle's Leadlnp DeDtil' , Blrl~ . MaIn S'

Waynesville, 0 Offioo 1n Keys


C. 1.. SWAI", Sp •• h ,. of Ih. H o.... 01 R, prruftlali" ... HUCH L. NICliOU. Prrsid, lOI 01 Ih. S.If4I.. Adopted April 18tb, 1913. UN'T ED STAT U 0. A."I~ STATE


.•• DENTIST•••

be ha lf of t he public sc hool. of O hio and l1>e' ~!t t elr'J'ef'II III, t:' •

MiJ: NfriCo:a~~B~:~~~:,INew" YQJk Bnwob ~1I1"" _ r 8t.. W.. bloal o.. , V . Co

vem ber, 19 13, to nmend arlicle Xli of tb.

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.


Also Agent for Racine Automobil.e Tires, CORWIN. OHIO.

Phone 7'-'

AUTHORtZATlON OF PUBLICATION. D.~.r'm'"1 of P"blic Pri"'i"l1 of 0101".

Publication of tbe above pro poJed am~nd,. mtnt to the Constitution of Ohio , under Secli on 3 of a n act entitled. flAn act relatin, tD ce rta in prcmoscd amendme::nt. to the Conltjtu. ti o n o f O hio 3nd the publication thereof."

r a .. ed by t he Generat Aucmbly of Ohio, April 28, 191J, i. . auth or iz.d by tbe Department of PuLlic l'rill till8 o f the State o f Obio.

FaANK HARPEl, S""rrvisor of P"blic PritJlil'll1. PROPO SE D AMI; NDMENT TO THE CON. S;rI'tUTION OF OHIO,


That for Ibe- purpose of !fi0eurine tb •• t!fibilitfi

OHIO WAYNESVILLE, • Branch Office, Harvenbnrc. O.




All kinds of Notary Work . PenllioD Work a ~peolaJty .

Telephone day or night, Valley pbone No, i, Long Distanoe No 69-2r, Automobile Service at all TIme.

C'M ...'


BARNHART, Notary Public

Funeral Director.

it .uolv, d by 'h. Au,,,,bly of ,,..B,5,.,. of Ohio: Tbr••·fiflh, of the member elected

E. v.

Walter McClure



gIhe! ruob~i~l' C~o t~er:b~n Jec~~:~ ~r P:hreo'ltat:h,~ mann«' provided by law, on Ibe lir. t Tu ....

day "fler tbe fi rst Monday n Nov.mber, U13. to amend tb. conSlitution or the stat. b,



amending article XV. section 4. thereof 10 Ihat it will read ... folio ... :

S . c. 4.


No person .b. 1l be elected or apoto any office in this atate unleu po~

lessed of the Qualifications of 'an el ect or; pro-vided . that Wo mtn who are cititens may be ap-pointed 3 S memhe n! of board s o f, or to posi· tion s in, th ose depart ments and in fl. titutiol1!- es. ta hl i~ h c{l hy th e s tate or :my poli t ical sub--

division tht:reof involving the interest, or tare of w o me n or children or both, . S F-CTtON



luch election this amend-

menl . h"lI b. rlnced on the officia l ball ot in the manne'' -jl"sc rib.d by law B5 "AI{Tl CLT!: XV. SE<:TION 4 - ttl.tGTBTUTY WOMEN TO APPOINTMF.NT A~ MEM. BERS OP BOARDS Ot' OR POSITIONS II'!, nr,PARTMttNT ANb II<'~TJT U TIONS A.' FF.C1'I NG OR CARING fOR. WOMt:N AND CHIJ. D'REN", or in olher language .uffi· ci ent to ch~a rly des ignate it, and if a majority of tbe ei«loro vOllng o n the . om • • hall adopt lach GQ'1erldment, sectio n 4 he r e inab ove aet forth .holl on "nd after tbe firsl day of Jan· uary. 1914, become and cons titute th e .eetioD so a m.nded of article XV of Ibe conllitulloQ of the st n te o f Ohio and snid original lectioll 4 Iball be repealed and nnnulled.



L, S... t",

Speaker of lit. Rouu of"'ali,,... H11011 1.. NICHOLS, Prrsid,"' 01 II.. S.nal .. Adopted April 18th, 1913, U N ITED STATts o. A .... IeA. STA TE OP OHIO.

Office of the Seerelary of State. I, CHAS, H. GRAVES, Secretarr of Sute 01 th e SIal. of Ohio, do hereby eerlify that the foregoing

is an exemplified copy. carefully comp3 r~d by me with the original roll. noW


ti .. e to the offices ."


of women to certain

h TUT IIIO"Y WHUIO., I hue hereunto .ubscribed my name and afliaed m,. official •• al at the City of ~olumb.... Ohio, thl. 19th day of JUI1C,.A. D. 1913, CaA&. H. GuYU S,crrt".., 01 :h....


. '



," JIJ,uIJt Ihu~

. '-" S",""1'.""


tlblle ,Prj",,"fIi .

'.4J e7 ,



State of Ohio, Insurance Department. Columbus, April I. 1018. II Edmon,] H. 1Iioore, Superintendent ot n au ranCe ot the State ot OhIo, do hereby certify that the LIncoln National I.lte Insurance Company, located at Fort Wa)' ne, In the State of Indiana, hna complied In all respects with tho laws of thIs State, applicable to It. and Is authorized to transact · In this StatB Its approprIate business ot makIng Insurance on tho Uvea ot persons, and Insurance conneeted therewith and appertaining there· to, and grantlng purchasing and dis· l posIng ot annulles Il8 prescrIbed In Section 9385, Genernl Code of Ohio, un· til the first day '!,t Aprtl ot the year next succeeding the date hereot. Its condItion and bus lnoss on tho thlrty"ret day ot December ot the year next preceding the' date hereot, Is shown by the statement under oath requIred by law. to be 88 follows: Aggregate amount ot available a8sets, 1842,098.18: aggre. gate amount of llabllltles (except capital), IncludIng reinsurance, and 8]1eclal accumulations, $591,176.01; general sur· plus on polley-holders' account, U50,· 922,17; capItal stock, $200,000.00: amount ot lncome tor the year, U14,966.31; amount 01 expendltuTes tor the year, ,225,533.18. In witness whereot, I have hereunto subscribed my nnme aJld eauRed my Otllclal Seal to be atllxed, the day aDd year firat above written. E . fL MOORE, SUperintendent ot Insurance.


SAMPLE COPY FREE ....... N.W YORK OLIPPllt N.w Yo"'. II. Y. . I ' : · , :




(;')II,:l1ftlerbln· rn r:h : ,,\cth',". VUC\(

II:'; vr · (:;.I1 ~ IJ1sB 'Q~'


Th o ~ 'l .. n~ ' !Iu I hlu lll:I W& lh' h

will lil t ,! ,} .. 11 ' :11 , ' your hOi ' , Bec-uro hl!lil l " ,. :-, 1:, l~ r,.!Io: .nit whO,.. ..nle dev elop.flt. Illl;'· a l ~~h1: 111m




~r.~11:~thl:~~~JN:tdl~j~,(~,~~~'::. '~~:r !.~):etl~~11r~

andcun-ent events.

J'h(l ' U~- ,l i ' l

, fl;u n,",-

tr:~:~riln~;~7nJ:,n":e!I'b~~\~:~lb:i!~n7~'C~t~ P1,rtmta. 8uII4 ,(.00 t or n fwi Yt'ar. On tAle I\t .n new ...lfand8 a t J1) oe ll' ~ . . THE PUl:1I1: '1m1S1tllt8 ce, IQ!! CoI.~.a1

I wlll (ontlnue to do Roofing and Spouting at ReaIODlble Price., Call. on me at my home, or phone 24-2.Y.. and I will estimate with you.



rl Clc ~

~~~1t:Sd~a~It;l\t~r;~, :tg ~~~I·II:'!:!~~3:~I\~~~




Clulekl, U,,.t"f'rLIl\n o nr UI~11I1n1l troo rf II'l h nr n u """ 8I1t\on til ,' fo h.b l, p a t o l1lBb l't, ( ",,,.. nHllt l,,,,· lhml I lriotlJ eu nlh.lelllhlL JIA NIlt!OOK U1 ' I'ut Ullta lent free.. (fld ea t l~tm c J f ur " " I'Url lI'" .llftl Oll l A• Pnt-fl ne. takon UJ ro uJ; h Itulltl .l t.::o. recol.e tlH"einl t\Ol'tf.. "Ithout obu'rro, lD tho

co ns titution o r the ti la t c o f Oh io by tho &4. diu o n of lech o n 12, to n a d a s follo wa :

ment to the Conltitutloa of Oblo, und.r Se& Publlcati'OD of the abon propoeed amend· tlon 3 of an act entitled, "An aet rel.tin, ~ ment to tb.e Conltitutioa of Ohio, under Sec. certain propoled amendment. to tbe, tlon 3 of nn act entitled, "All act relatln, to tlon of .Ohio and the publlcaUoa thereof,· tertain ' propOied amendment. tfI the Conltilupaued b, the Ceneral AUembl, flf OhIo, ADril tion of Oblo and tbe publlcaUon ther.of," 28, 191~ il aUlhoriled b, tbe Departmut 01 paaaed 'by tbe General Allelllbl, IIf 01110, APi'll Public rnnling of tbe State ofOtilo. ' 28, 191~ ia autborbed b" tile D.~rtmellt PUll. 1luPn. PUblic o\"dntiq ,of tile State of Ohio. ' ,




. $ ..,,",",,, '" 'PtIb*


a rouple I)f chubbyo-&oed ~ Otlice , corner Main and High s treets you have to look tar a ft!at.tbai _ Phone No,' IOO none af the up-to-dato ' ~ This is equinJent to aay!Dg ttW m~st stay in the cheaper ani dirtier nei~boihoods oHhe ~, 1IDIIIII JOG

AUtHOlllZATION 0' 'UaLlCltlCNI. Public.lion of tbe aboY< ~rop_d amen~ D.~.rlm.'" 01 P ..bllc P,.;"tI"l1 01 0,.;0.


Veterinarv chil d angle. Bat. we lin t.i «*D2 1 Broadway Phone 449 ing in tt" ..v...8Id tn6 tMt. Graduate of Obi" 5lai. t1niver~ij , Lebanon, Ohio bles al'8 ldl ioo beq~· 01.,,",wdI superfiU(lotZS by the ~ ~ VI'!! of modern apmttDtDt ....... BRANCH OFFICE Offi ce at resid ence in F . USher · .. Any clIiIdren.,. • bdI* .... Waynesville, Ohio wood's houBe, Fourth Stroot. tUm wbil::h the ~ ~~bedbn be leb! you take a look Id; Tue8days and Fridays, from l8:JO Telephone 28 .to 12 o'clock fiat. If you h.ppea to be ,PiJtY at

on f,le in this 'office and In my officiBI cUllod,. .. Secre1ary of State and found 10 be true and correct of 0 Joinl r ..olulion, adopled b, Ibe G.nera i A..embly of tbe Stal' of Obio, on the 181h d.y of April. A. D. 19M, a'!o "". ing an Am.ndm.nt to Article X of tbe fil.d in lhi. office on Ih. 30th d., of Apnl, Corutltulion of tbe Stat. of Ohio, relative to A. D. 1913, ~ntitled "Joint Relolulion rei ..

III TUTIIIOIIY Wa_., I have hereunto lublcribed mr nam... and aflixed my offid~ leal at the City of Columbu., Obio, tbil l~tII cia, of Jun.. A. D. 1913. ell.... H. GuYD, .:-.;: . S.crrtlJ" of S,.,..




__._---- -





---- •





0_ L.







Editor and Manager

-- - - -- -- - - - Subscription lu 0.<.1 YIWCO) • . .• •••• II. 00 "glo Copy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00

Q uu YOllr (.lrle Lly ~

OOl'U UJ£H 1 . 1913

Make the Mill, Jug Sweet.

To sweelen Ii milk Jug. Benld It with boiling wuler. tben flU with cold water und add 11 tellBpoonful of Bait aDd leav e It ror five minutes berore emptTIna It.

Dally Thought. dignity comes ou ly

True of bumlll· ty. Pride II! the ruin of dignity , for It Is a wor.hlplng of Belf, Ilnd that Involv p.Ba continuous Slllklll g.- George MacDonald. Chronic Dyspepsia The following onlollelted teetl moola18hould oertalnly be enffiolent &0 ; hope ~nd ooorage t , perlons affiloted wltb ohronlo dy~pePlla: 1'1 h "ve been " ohronlo dyspeptlo for years, and of all 'he medloine I have taken, ChA tuberlaln's Table'tI ha ve done me more lI:ood than any thing else, " suya W. (J . MaHison, No. 7 Sherman St., Hornellsvil)e, N . Y. For sale by all dealertJ.

Beech Grove.

New Burlington

(luy Kibler at ai, of Greeu Briar, were bere on Sonday. The UI\881e Tp. Sunday &hool oonvenLion will be hel.t d ~he ohuroh here on Sunday aftornoon, Ootober 12, 1913 . Heverbl able speakllr8 "Ill be preaent, elsa Rome special alnglng . Everybody "eloome. Little Wtllie Taylor had the front finger of his right hud ~ken 01' one day last w.eek In the oogll )f a oream separator. Mesdaules Mary Allen and Alice E. Terry Spell~ a part of lalt week with relatlv88 in Dayton. Mrs Bes81e Ellis and daughter spent a oo,",ple of days last week with her parents A. S Allen and wife. Kent E. Thompson: and W . B. Terry were In WaynelVll1e on 8Murday. Orlando Branaon II oonfined to hill home with a heavy oold. John Jordon aold on Bllturday to Mr. Bentley, of Waynesville, some fine young caUle, among them wa. a flne 2 year old blaok ateer Uwt brought Mr. Jordon 192.10. Frank Hbank and family, A. B. Talmage and family were Sunday guedl of Mrs. Amanu Garner and daughter Misl Jeslle. M. T Rouab, wife and daul(hter :l418S Lola, of nllar Bar~yaburg, Mrs. JennIe ~tl1 .. and 14111 Rnth VllnborD, of near aragonla, lpen' Thureday with Mra. Luolool Fra_ zier.

Born to Mr. aad Mrs. Bam Car. back, ~eptembel' 25th, 8. daoghter . Mrs. A. W. Ii-eeves Is the guest of her ~on Harry 8.nd family, of Riohmond, Ind. MI8s Bernloe Hawkins IIpent ~"t nrday and Snnday in Riohmond at. tending Indiana Yearly Meeting. Cbarlu Rutan, of South OharlesIon, Is the eues, of hie aunt Mre. Dr . WhltBker. The yoang men's and yoon~ Itldy's 01a8sell of the M. E. BundBY Bahool enjoyed .. bay ride Friday evening. Refre8hments were 8erved tlt 'he bome of Mr. and Mrs. Meln. tire. Caesar'l Creek Konthly Meetlnl wall held at tbe Frl6nd 's oboro h Thursr)ay. The W. Ii' M . S. 11"&8 held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Bogan ·Saturday afternooD. The Friend '(II lionday 8obool beld a loolal In ihe ballement of tbe oburob Tllurlday evening.

---_.- .....

Come and see the finest assortment of

Suits, Coats, Skirts we have ever shown Un;, De Fnrm- I notice since Uu,m city boarders arrived old Hiram Hillt.op baa taken down his scare-


c:row. Mr. Dc Farm-Yeou betl He is cat ch ing nil the crows be C8ll and palming them off on the green city falks


Mentor and Phenix in fine Supply.

"dark spring chiclren."




ltlenl the telephone girl at centTal l broke sharply into the conversation. I "Sir," she said, ''you can't use i 008.ft1e and profane language like , lhs,t over this line '" "'Coarse and profane '" how led the lnd.ignant man whom she had inter- I rupted ; "I'm holding myself in, If my wife ...88n't standing right hero ancl listening to every durned word I uy I'd usc language tha.t would lIlellt your dad-hinged wires I'

Women Who Oet Dizzy Every woman who Is troobled with fainting and dizzy spells, baokaohe, headaohe, wellknels, deullity. 00D8tlpation ~r kldoey 1;rc.ubles Ihould use Eleotrlo Bitters. Tbey With the new Trimmings ilve relief wben uo1;hin, elB8 'Will. Improve the heal th, adding s'reni~b and vigor from 'he fire' dOle. Mrs. More Valuable AccompU.hment. lAora Galnell, of Avoea, La., lays : Helter-"HollDes gell! a glaantlc! . 'Four dooton bad given me up and salary from thllt mining corporation." my oblldren aDd all my friends Bkelter-"Able to local6 gold mlnea. were looking for me 1;0 die, when Ie b e~" Helter-"Not much. Able ...- - my aOD Inslated· that 1 UII8 Eleo'rio to locate stock purehasers."-Llfe. BIUers. I did 80, and they bave done me a world of good ." Jus~ 'ry -----.~~ 1;hem. 603 a&d $1 00 a' all drolr. l The Family Cough Medicine To Patch Wall Paper. ilstll or by mall. H . E. Buoklen & I will lIell at puullo 11810 nt my Nemo, Warner, Ferris Tear a piece sllgbtly llU'/Cer than the In everv home 1;here should be .. Co. Philadelphia or S'. Loois. pl",~Je ~ miles south of Barveysburg portion to be cov ered, to match. but bottle of Dr. Klng'8 New DllOOvery Waists, Sheer Ruffles and [j miles north ot Clarks vi lle. on torn with rough edges Rnd without any reatly for Immedlase U8e when any the Harveysburg and CII.I r kB"v ill Ii Spring Branch definIte shape. Then paste over and wember of the fllmUy oon1;raota a Romd, at diokoryvllle. en the patch will Dot be noticeable. cold or. cougb. Prompt uae will Illes Alioe Cbenowetb II rapidly Thursday, October 2, 1913 stop ~h6 Iprea 1 of 111008118 8 A Improving to the joy of her many 8t14, of Malon, Mloh., wrltes: "Ky Beginning at 10 o'olook, my borses, Eczema and itching Cured whole family dependa upon Dr. frienda oattle. hogs, far nin g Implements Hr. William Curtll and family, 01 and houll8hold goods . The llootbl1>8, bealing medication King'. New lJilOOvery all ~he bellt Ed. MoFarland In Dr . Robson'S Eozema Ointment ooueh and cold medloine in tbe near Red LloD, were Sunday guest. Will. Mtllll, Auot. penetrates every tiny pore of tbe world. Two 500 botUes oured me of Mr, J. A. Allen !lnd family. IIkln, olears It of all Impurltles- of pneuni Joia" ThoU8andl af Yr. Otll Curtll and , famlly of _ --etop. iiohing Instantly. Dr. Hob other famll88 have been equally near Franklin, were visitors at the To dlll80lve partnership, WI' will I'IOn'l Eczema Ointment III Kuaran. beuefited and depend en\lrely upon lell at the home farm on tbe Way Dr. KiDK'1 .ew Dlsoovery &0 oure bome o' bls parent. Mr. and Mra. nenille aud Harveysburg pike, 2X teed to IIpeedlly heal eczema, rashes rlniworm, ttitter and other on their ooughs, ooldl, throat and lung Jam811 Cur'ls and famlly las1; Hun. mUoe east of Waynesville, on troubles. Every dose belps Prioe, slgbtly eruptions. EC:l.sma OlD' EVERLASTING SHEETS and PILLOW CASES are day. • 'Wednesday, October 8, 1913 I! ment \s a d(lotor's presoripUon, not 500 and $1,00. All druKgiste. ti. E made of a smooth, medium weight sheeting, manufactured of Emeraon ConDor, of Vayk>D, eDBeginning at 10 o'olook, b Orle~ Buokleo & Co. Philadelphia or S~ . "n experiment. All druggilts or by loyed sa&urday and SDDday wUh a.d molell, IIheep, oattle lind harness . specially selected cotton, which makes them last longer than any 'malf, 100 Pfeiffer L'bemlcal Co. Loull. ------,-.~.-----borne folks here. Wm. MIIII P . D ~Iagett other sheets made at anything like the same price. They will Pblladelphla and Ha. LoollI. WHEN SCfUBBLER SCORED IIrl. Hk()Q8e and lonl, of near C. 'I~. Hawke,Aootll. G. C. Starr wash full, thick and heavy. making a most desirable sheet for Ferry, were 8unday gt1eete of IIr. hotel use. Phonel for RelCuere. Nut Point Made III" tile ..... v.tUIN Thomas Lacy •• d fa.ny. A telephone designed tor the use of eIaouId Have w.... .... tile mine reacuer8 wbose beads are covlin. Charles BraddOCk aDd son Cu.I"~"" ered with helmets while at work II were goesw of IIr. aDd Mr8. Wm. ........... w w ...... ............ ........ . operated by throat vibrations, the Tillm.:n, . . . . . . 01 _ Hartsook, Dear lit. Bolly, one day ' Ada will be InaeneJ under this head for transmitter belne beld at the throat. ariJtoentio abuae of po__, W4 _ lalt waek twenty-Dva cents lor three InserUolI.I . .rhen u.lng not more tban Ova IIncs. Hr. aDd Mn. 1I'r841 Sawin and son . imprmai.... . . , about VcIItIIia . Knew Where He Wa •• "Voltaire - ' in hta box lilt . . of Corwin oalled on J088~b w • • • ,., ~ . .~ .. :Jtw ................... . Sportsman- "ean yOU tell me where opera,!' the ...tor bepa. ........ Bam.. aDd wife Suday. WANTED to lend a handkerchlet I have tound Guy Ohenoweth traoNoted bWlI the Doe de I.eDmD, a 00UJtier 01 beionginc to Father Maloney 1" Irish Priest-hI can; but be'l\ have no use Louie XV., cboY8 up in hie eoee.h nee. In Dayton liiaCurday. ·A N past 80 with borse lind A amaH portion of &obaoco In onr tor ut. He's been In Hlven these three ad ..... W a laM for ldtt party. buggv to sell t;~ook Condition weeks."-Punch. "' 'AIM, JIII1IIWiopwtr,' ·d &be .. vioinity 'Wa. oaugM bV tbe frost of Po'W'der In Warren COtlnty. Salnry montb . Addr68s Ind. \I Indo. lad week. Our farmers sbould be $70 per t.eDdaDt. 'the boue U'8 .n ,,-..' Bldg., Indlanapolle, 0 151'-___________________________ thank'nl bowever no' k> bave auf • -nw DUIf be,' Mid tM aDa, A Oentle and Effective Laxative 'b1It I . . tba 1IlribbIw, V~ .... ferde tbe louea tha~ 'W" keenly feli few oar loads of Pumpkins. A mild, gentle and effective lax- there ill. ___ pod balK with • ...,· lu otber vloloUl8ll. A Write or phone Eavey & Co ., ative Ie wbat people demand wh.n ._" • IIr. aDd lira. Newt. Smith aDd Xenia, Ohio. 0 16 8nffering from OOOltlpaUOO. ThoUII of.YOfQflQ. Throw bba OIl, ande swear by Dr. Klng'lI New Life "'The world do...... b . . Peary wera Buday af"moin Pills. Hugh Tallman, of Siln Anlo. days lOCh tbiDfre ooaId be. VoJtet.. oa)lers In oor naiBbborbood. 'p lo, Tex. writes: "Tbey are, beyond incredible sa it . . . . tJ& 01 taaa" 111'. and MH. Wlllte AUen were FOR RENT questlon-:- the bes' pUls my wife aDd W88 ~ forthwith flam the bo& tbe guMM of 'he laUer ·. parent. I bave ever tallen" They DeVllr "''-Mr. IWd UI'II. JOIiD Sama aDd family O&U8e pain. Prioe 250 .. drnRgIs&II, he bad psid for, and ~ n., (IUSE-Of 4 Tooms on Fonrth Il~ DeaD Sa~lIrday DlgM. or by mati, H . E. Buokle~ .. ~CJ sun took hla pJece. 8t Water and eleotrlo lights Mn. Biram Mlran II visiting Phnadelphla. or ~t. Louis. "Vol~ brought fIIlt • 'II. ID houlle. Hood barn. Mra. A. F . rela'lv68 in Kentuoky at the time the dub to rIOOT8I' ~ pab of • DevlU. box, and the doke'• •.,.. IIkl m of tbll wrl'log 'Above All Price. Gold and sliver may supply UB with hie opening epeech : FOR SALE A Marvelous E~pe the necessaries ot life, with toad and . • 'What t It ia H. VoltaIJoa,.,. driDk. clothes and houses; but theT ty ink splllher, who ..,... to pa.d "Myllttl. boy bad a m"rveloul can not ,Ivo the joy or 0. kind look.Moapa," wrlt81 F. 1'. Bastlams of lNIiGAR-Extra good, older against the Dne de 1,Aausun, wba.e Prinoe Albed, tApe of Good Hope !.ord Ave bu l'1. vineg"r at 250 a gallon In ~father the 6ra to "U ooourred in tbe widdle of thti quire o~ t. I!aUertbwalte, WaYDIlPacalQ th~ w.u$ of La ~ wba.e ulght. He 10' a very severe aUaok ville, Ohio. 0 1[j ~ather took twel~ ~ fJmn of oro liP, AI luok wonld ba1'lllt, Copper Conlumptlon; Driving Kare, 6 yellr8 .:lId, lam The United States Is the chief COD the Dutch at Utrecht, whole fa&bar I bad a large bottle of Cham bertaln 'I OoDrh Remedy In the hOUlIe, Aner ily broke, pedIgree 'lDd traok Iumer of copper. captured two ltanduda hom &bet follo"lng 'he dlreetlons for an recod of :1:22. Prioe right . CIl11 and EDglish at P'onteDOy, wboeo--' bour and 'wlnt, minote. be was lee Rogers & Bon, Wayne!IVllle, 0 Hold by all 'f 'ExOUIIe mD,' Voltahe tnten'apt- 'brougb an danier." 01 _______ 1.00 Reward, 1100 ~ '1 ~ lWt pleadiDg apllllt that dealerll, ----... ~~ . 'l'he readerll of this pllper will be !>lto de Lausun who wu tint OIl the I ARne Jer8ey Beifer, WIth otllf bv Corwin. her 8lde. Inqnire of - ,I .. C pleued to le.rn that there II a' walla of La Rochelle, nor apiut the BII.wke, Waynesville, Ohio. 01 lea!!t one dretlded 1l18~ .. ~e t.hllt aoienlJe duL-. 11''-- matched the twelve cmDOD . Unquestioned Mrs. Naomi Hllrlan Is enjoying a hRs been able to oure in all its stag.., ~v WI "nd that Is Cal.arrh . Hlill's c:aalnrh from tM Dutch at Utrecht, DOl' vlsl~ from bttr dauihter Mrl. Ma~y durability and EAKLING Oolt8 and one tbree Lure is tbe onlv posillve oore now against him who captured W, staDd- ~wartz and obildr~. ot a.IMborg, year oomlng four, flne driver .exquisite design • known to the medical frawrnlty . arde from the Englleh at I'onteDoy. 111. and works anywhere. Inquire of -the highest ideals in plated ware-are assured m Catarrh being I! oonlmutional dls- I IUD merely pleadjng . _......l.a Dr. Krlegboft'8, Oregonia, Ohio Milll HenriettA MoKtoaey spent eaae requires 6 oonstltotion"l -e- ~ Ispoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the o 1 treaiment. Hall's Catarrh Cure il DaC de ~ M1W ~~ Friday Dighi; aDd saturday a' 'he 'renowned trade mark A· 8 11-A good oJ:e in a good 'abn Internally, aotlng direo&ly up. ~~ ~ lite h,,* ~ ~ M home of Albert SbuU. and famll!. locahon, ololle to two railroads OD 'be blood and muCllu. surflloe~ ~ .......... \It . Mrs Lydia Gordon bas re'orDed For Ifurt.her partlonlnre inqoire at of the IJetem, thereby d6ltroytu~ ~ ~rn ,. -;~,~ , ." . • 029 home after a week '. Ttel~ .lth her this office. the fooDdation of tbe dileaee, aDd Tbey Make You Feel Oood Ion aaney.burg, Klving ~he pa.tient IItrenR,h bl IGB-A lew male pigs, grow*hy boltdlna up the ooDa&l\utioD ana The pleuaDt parptlvo etreot pro. Charle. Brown and 'amlly wl)l There are various makes of siJveri>lated tahleware· fe11owlI, from tbe laTRe type of anlllalDg nBC'u re In dolog Ita work. daoacl by ChaQl~rlaID's Table.. and mo~elOO8 tDto th. propeny 1"8080'ly PolaDd-Chln., alao a few sprloR 'Which are claimed to he "just as goOd," hut, like aU Tbe proprie&orl have 10 ~uola 'aUb $ha Ia.tal\by OODdUloD of bod,. aod purobued of 1Ir1. Job. Everhart, lambe and 1 tWI) 'l'ear old book. limitations, they lack the beauty and wearing ' q1.!~ to ·ttl aurattv. powerl ~hat *tley ... IDd· wliloh 'hey create IQ&te ODe ~qulre o' Frank Elbon & BoD, Way ofter ODe Hundred Dollars lor a"l leel Jo,'ul )'or .1e by an dealei'll. . IIr. Ralph Bl". aDd wlfeDow 00 identified with the original and genuine .. tmR06ERS~OS, • DentUe, O. 01 . . . ttaa' it fa1l81;o onre. BeDd for .C _ ._ • _ . ' 4)1IP" the atuea prop\rty. ware popularly known as "Silller 7laiiinat W,ar". I • Ita!. of aeatlmoalall. 'n..ot IIr. auclllrl, N. aarlao, of Cen· t .....) SOld hy I~ading dealer. everywhere.. 5eod for. ACRES of ]aDd. 8 E, of .' Addreu I r, J. ObeDe, departm~t ..U· .'.rvm., 'Were teoeDt>n at the Wayn88vUle 2 mltel, known o catalogue .. C-L" showing all deaips. . . ."Tolf!d , Ohio. . dOlle to the orop, 01. bome of ...... All.,. 1I0001uel. tbe Olarbon Ganle Harm. Ap. . L sotd by 411 Drllggists,760.. lnlact. "'1\1 ' M ' _ IOn ' " ". . .ftouL:~vu·~.lrII.. IIAlIiL·' >.. I ~ -.v., a I I • .,. ..' .. ' 'l'ake BaU" .r4mU, ~1la. ..fot 090' . of uaim.\ oltorl1 ~a~hft18 baa .' n&UI'D~ ply " 'o'raia,klhlPao~~r, \!&Y1l8ll. "na"OD ·"~;· <, . • • " < • I." \ '.. ..' •.., bfa WOIi bi'.ToJe40, · .' - ' "llle" tIIalo, . :.' . '.J If .


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o lassiBad





. X~nia,



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.127 1

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PUT TO THE TEST By CLARISSE HORTON. "It you can iove me 'wlthout seeing

fir. Jonr. Randa!! I Il~t

chapter In th e blslOr), of t he g reat es t falu lIt y lu th e lIf10als of ruo un taln cl lmb !u¥ In th e Alpe, whl(' h occ urr e d 011 Mout Blan c j\l~t 43 YOll rs ag o, mllY Le written thi s s u m · mer. lIy this accld~ nt II liv es wer e los t III a furi o us snowstorm near th o sum mit of Lhe "Roof ot Eu rope." Tb e vlcllrn s Includ- th o bodi es of Mr. flean and a porter. Iy. Tb e entri es In Ibo not e boo k aN ed two AmerIcans, on o Sco t ell man , Th e tormer was In a si tting pos ture as follow s: "TII"SUIIY. SePt . 6 ( 18701. I haVE and elgbt guid es and port e rs tra m with hi M br lld leaning on one hand made th ,· Ilsce nt of Mont Blllnc witt C hamon lx, Not on e at' th e pnrty es· and th e elbow all a knap sack, U pon Mr, Hean a note hook was (Cn pf'f'sonll-t~ l g ht g uid es . :lir. Mecapl'd dca tb . }o'lve of tb e bodies we r e r ecovered tound containing e ntries whic h tb row .( 'orklnda ll! and !\lr . Ra ndall . W e Ill' 8t tb e tIm e of th e accide nt. It is ex· a li ght upon til e greal suffe rings ex· ri ve d a t th e HUlllmlt at halt past 2. pected by Chamoni x gu id es and s ci· pe rl en ced by th e party, H e bnd alao Imm ediat e ly nttN lea l'lng It I wa! cn " e loped In c lo ud s of s now. We entlsts that th e sl x ot he rs will bo d e· writte n a tare we ll note to his wtfe . In all fiv e corpses we re round out passed th ni ght In n g rotto excavllted Ilve red up by tb e glacie r tbls year, The rate or progr ess lo[l of glacI ers at 11 and th ey we re trozen h a rd , Tbe out o f th e snow, a ft ordin g ve ry un· bodi es were place d In Bnc ks and car- comfortabl o sh e lter, lind I WIIS 111 all has long been obse rv ed. and accord· rl e d clown th e g lac Ie r s, Th e g uId es n ig ht. ing to tb e calcul ations of the autborl· were thr('e days In rea chi ng Chamo· "Mont Olanc, Sep t. 7. It anyonE ti es tb e bodies h e ld In th e Ice for ni x , ns th e weath e r IIgaln becam e Onds thl a not e book i b eg that It may more Ihan 40 years sh ould reae b the ba d . \:lj! sent to Mrs. H . M . Beoll, Jot;let!' valley thl8 selUlOn , Althou gh 43 yea r s h llve pRssed , th o bora , T e nn ., United States of Am e rIca: Scientists in Europe are m ucb Inte r· six oth er bodi es, In c lud ing those of Th e le tl er to his wire said : ested In tb e case. a s It may s upply Mr. Ra ndall aDd th e g uides , hav e not "My Dellr H esRle : W e have been evidence, to prov e th e Ir tb eorles con- yet bee n de live red up by th e Alpine on Mont Blanc tor two day s In a ter· cerning the speed at th e annual march rI ver of Ice, though 40 yea rs up to rlble ' s nowstorm , \V e hav e lost our of glaciers toward th e v..lll eys, bu\ now has IJeen th e longes t pe riod the way and are In a bole scooped out of there Is also a human side to tb e glacier has been known to retain It6 tb e snow at a height of 15,000 feet. watcb which Is be ing kept up. Mtss d ead , Tb e re maIns of Mr. Bean and I hav e no bope at d esce nding, Per· Edith Randall ot Hoston bas been Mr, McCorklndale are burle d sIde by baps this book may b e found nud tal' waiting many years in the bope at s ide In th e little English church ce mo- warded , W e hav e no food; my te et recove rIng th e body at b e r father, te r v at Cbnmontx at tbe toot of Mont are slready fro ze n IIl1d I am exhaust.Jobn Randall, a Boston bank e r, who B1~nc, and perhaps Mr, Randall will ed . I hav e only s trength to write a was one ot tbe victims or th e disaster, join his comrades Boon. few words, I di e tn the talth of Jesus and who was fifty-tour years old when Mr, Bean's notebook and his pa· Christ, Atr ecl!onate thought s to YOIl be los t hlB life In 1870 on tile Mont th e tlc letter to bl s wlte ex plain tbe and my family. ~y remembrances tc Blanc summit, trage dy and the sulferlngs at the par- all. Good-by ," Last year Miss Rllndall came to Cbamonlx, as th e Ice Ilxe and several IImall Ilrtlcles belonging to Mr, Randall ha d been found hy guides at tbe foot of th e Glacie r d es floss ons, which dellcend s direclly from th e s ummit of Mont Bla nc to t h e lip of th e valley at Words by BEIE MORaiN lodlls by C. A. BEAn Chamonix. Many Am er iclI II and Eng · II s h AlpinIsts, IlS we ll as guides, jOined In the search tor th o bod y. but wi thout r esult, Will th e sea rch e rs hav e b e tte r luck during tb e next tew months? The story of tbls Alpine trllgedy can be told brie fly , On August 26, 1870, two Englishmen, Messrs, Stagdam Rnd Marsall, with tbelr guides arrived at Chamonlx exbausted, bavIng been caugbt In a Viol ent anowstorm on Mont Blanc, Tbe Engllsb cUmbe rs met at the hotel tbe two Americans. J ohn Randall and H . M . Benn of Jonesboro, T enn ,. wbo was fifty-tour years old. lind th e Scotchman . th e R e v. G. McCorkingdale, aged forty, at Glasgow , These tbree bad already engaged e lgbt guides and porters lit Chamonlx to conduct tIlem In easy s tages to th e top of Mont Blanc. The weather was doubtful In tbe val· ley and bad In th e mountains above, and In vlcw at tbe e xperie nce of the Englishmen they w e re warned ngalnst attempting the ascent. Dut tbe American's were In a hurry to retul'1l home and the v.'1lmtngs were dlBre· garded, The first p ll rt of tbe asce nt. up the Grand Mulets, at an elevation 10,010 feet, was accomplished cloudy we ather, but the Bnow was good and firm und e r toot, Tbe party set out on September 6 from tb e hut ror tbe summIt In spite at a strong wind and dark clouds , Their progress was watcbed with telescopes from Chamonlx, It was noticed t bllt from Ume to tlm e the wbole pllrty bad to throw the m sell' es down on tbe BnoW to avoid b e in g ca rrie d awa y by tbe wind lIea r th e top . Later tbey were hidd e n from view by clouds . Wh e n th o cloud s parte d the climbers we r e see n coming down CARNEGIE. near th e sam e place. Tben the snowNo bllgplpes ble w In days or yore wh en Andy left grim Scotland 's sbore storm became more violent and th e y were again bidd e n , The storm laste d with mann er bOI)oful, yet so wee k, bls fortune In tbe west to seek, With aU eight daYII and nights. Not on e ot tbe th e worldl y goods be had e nclosed within a bug at plaid he landed at a Yankee doc k and the n procl'edeo to .. take stock," Tbe Iron foundries of tlle 11 cllmbers wa s see n agaIn aliv e . A week later 14 Chllmonlx guides da y were smnll, 'twas bard to make them }1ay and Pittsburg seemed upon attempte d to r ench th e tatal spot. hut th e m a p a dot that brolle n dese rt gil]), Thence traveled thIs small, canny were drIven bllc k by th e s now and Scol who soon obse rverl Just what was what and set his hope, his SOUl, his cold, On S e ptembe r 17 23 g uid es and hee l up on I.hllt foundry pro duct, steel. The story at Ws rls8 In life Is equal pIorters set out again from Cbamonlx to Nallo leoll 's strife , so greatly did his wealth eXPllnd, he h e ld a city In bls for tbe summit, and amid d ee p, bard han d a nr! thou g h It 's none of our lllTalr, be made the "Pittsburg millionaire." snow on the north sLee p s lope dl Bcov- Tll e nped of reading be expolln rls an d bands out dollars, francs aDd pound II ered tbe bodI es of fiv e of th e party, to to wn s anLl hamlets o'er th e g lobe that young and old may dally probe Those of th e Rev. Mr, McCockln dale t hrough I'olurnes b eavy, grn\'e or li g ht and educate themselves at night. We and two guides lay 750 fee t b elow tbe al so know, In details vague, about his templ e nt The Hague where sagell summit, About 300 feet bl g h c r wero mllil C a p('ace appeal 'galnst warshIps made of Andy's steel. (C'opy rl g ht , 1912, by Unlverslll Presa Byn dlco.te,) 11 ..:

me or h ea rin g from me for a whole yeal-, the n I will mnrr y you:' s he had aa ld : a nd t h e yea r hnd passed and HankIn stili lo ve d ber . I-I e W II S s tllndln g b), t h e Bamr Adlro ndnc l(s la ke ,t h<' r ..' tlwy h a d m et t we lv e mont h s befom. It 1\"lIS a cool day In July; lh o wind " : 11 8 s kImmin g over th l) Mu r fncn of the wate r, thu plnps nlslled, 11 loon waEl crying I'll r away. Ever)'thlnp: in naturlJ had co n· tribut ed to make thllt day on o for pe r fect re membrance . And It w a~ t he samll lOdllY as It hn d b ec n, She WIlS sl'c retnry to th c president of a corllornllon . Rankin had learne d. a nd she was r ccoverln g from a serlou~ I\ln c s s. TtH;lr hote lll wc re s e pa r a ted by Iha lf a milo of und ergrowth whtch cOl' e r~ thn projecllng flun k oC Big Mo unta in , T hey had fnrt III th n point of th e IlI ke wh (' re HankIn fl s h ed , and he h a d venlured n "J;'ood-mornl n g." Afte r th a i tll elr nCQllalntli nce was a rapid on e, lind love IH' r("h ed In th e bllcl~g round till , g rowi ng bold e r. b c IItood bet we en th e m, T hose da y s of mee ting! That dolIrlous h a ppiness ot 101' 0 con fesse d ! This was no flirtation. They we re mad e tor each othe r. But she would not tell him h e r nume, nor let him com e to h e r bote l. "1 ha\' e a ver}' good r ellson ," sil e answe red wb en b e protes t e d, "You mu s t. not try to find out IInythln g more about me now , But If yon call lov e me for a wbole year. lhe n I will mar:ry you ." "And n e ver know who you areYbe crIed, " 0 I'm nobody myste rious, just II PlaIn' workaday womnn." she answered, s miling. "An d when th e year has passed 1" "I shall be here next year. I shall walt for you here-l e t m e see, today Is Jul y 28. A year from today ," And all his pleas were unavailIng. Despair alternated with unspeakahle happiness . He praised her beauty, h e r eyes, blue u.s the lake water; her hair., soft as yellow silk; her galt, her ge sture s , all Intoxicated him, She h ea rd his compliments musingly, and wllh a slight frown, "It you could love me-I mean me, apart from these external things," she sighed, "I adore you ," Insisted Ran Itl n. That was on tb e lr last day toge th e r . H e


CONCERNING THE DOG DAYS Among Other Truths Writer Obs~rves They Are Evidence That Backbone " of Winter Is Broken.

The dog days are ho t a n L! s t.ufl'y, They warm up a bout th e middle o f August, and arc a sure sign that th e ba.ckbone of ,,'Inter Is brokc n, It Is onlY when tbe Dog Star rag es tbat We IIave dog d ays, but nobody has yet diSCOv ered what We Dog Star rages ~U\" .'unl~8_ It, 19 Ute sidereal , h eav. '-

ens at n ig ht, ano h e certaInly does ra g about th ese conslderalJl e. WlIlch re mllJd s \I~ that the Dog Star rages only at n i/! hl , and It is th e Llog days that we h('ar more about. Th er\! Is no an s we r to this one, e ith er, But tbat mak es no differ enc e to th e weatber bureau, and tb e mercury sblns up the ,tub e ju st tlte sa me, wllile mankind s imply dri fts a lon g on a sea at p erspiration, 'l'h e ·nalDe of the Dog Star Is Slrl u ~. This is b ecause he 18 no joke: Dogs beCOme mad 'durlng dog da)'ll, lind wby sbouldn't they? lQv~y.

bodl' else does, and swears besides, whlcb dogs do not. Dog daisies blosso m at tbls season. and they are tropical fiowers, all right, In cODcluslon It may bo said without fear of successful contradiction that altbough every dog bns his day, nery day hasn't Its dog, nnd the rest of us ought to be doggoned glad of It.-I:.lp. plncott's, The 'm ost common ua.m8 for a place In ' England Is Newton, .:whlch OCCUI'.l no fewer than , 12 ulnes.:" \, " , .. ,; "



"You!" sh e answered. and the JOY In b er fac e r ellected that upon bls own. "0, I never dreamed that you would come." "The n why did you come?" asked Rankin, "Because I hlld pledGed m y "\lord," sbe answe r ed , " Uut you-why have vou como h ete? Su rely-surefY-" il er voice was tre mulous-"tbat wae a ll a jest las t rear ." "I h a \'e co me ' ba c ~ to prove tbat It wus no jos l." Ranklu IInswe r ed , "No, " ahe cri ed, ana he r ~h eolta g r(' w sCl\rl E' t , "you havc come back bN'au a' you urc a n botlorn blfl man. You th ink yO u lire pled ged. fl ut you ca n not wl1 nt 10 marry ruo now ," He r v ico fell. " Ya u ca n't wunt to marry mfl after- nf\ cr Ihat," sh e whispered, "H ut I do wnnt you ," h e IlD Bwe rod, tak ing h er b y th e hands , "I lo ve you j ust as much, 1 hav e dl'enm cd ot t\Jl~ m ee ting 1111 t IJ rou gh tb e mO;:Jthll of our sopnrnllon , Do you think my lov l' Is s o wea k lhnL It il! to be Influ l'n cen by tbnt unhnllP}, ucc ldc ut ? If yo u ho (1 ncver l old me, but mn rrl e d m e, anll I ha d dl Rco v<'Tcd It attcrward, I sbould Ilave bel' tl ju st as glnd." Sil o fa ced b lm SQ\I(\ r ll ly, looking full Into hI s !,~' e s , "S uPl lose I put you t o tbo tes t." sbe aald, "Dn r e you look upon me now-as I am-aud th e n any that you wi sb to marry me ?" " I am r oady ," Ra nkin answ cre d quietly, "Bu t au re ly It Is not n eceuslIry to 'put m e to such a tes t as that. It would only causo unneceasary sufrerlng to you. Take me at m y word as I took you at yours," For nns we r she unpinn ed h e r hat nnd pillced It on th e ground , TheD s h e s IJook out her haIr. told upon fold at rippling b eauty, till It enfolded he r to th e waIs t, She swept It back carelessly and looked tauntIngly at him, "Take It," ahe said, and h eld out tbe glittering strauds, RankIn st.oc.4 watching h cr, hi s arms fold ed; It WaD, Indeed, the suprcme teat ot a man's love, to soe his sweetheart dlsftgure(l, shorn. her beauty suddenly bscolJ'e grotesqu e, Sudde nly. witb an Impetuous mollon sbe flung he r arms round blm. "0. my dear, I believe In you now," sbe cri e d. "i.lsten! I told you I bad bee n very III with typhoid last sum. mer, T.l!ey cut my hair 'wben I wa. unconscious, Then I came up hers to g et we U, and- and I wore a wig. Ana when you dls covE1 r ed my sE'cret [ t~ught I would d\'3 of mortification. That, too , WLa why I wouldn't tell you anything tbc n, But now, my dear, I don't have to wear a toupee, b ecause my hair Is mIne-do you ~lDderstand'T I can't cause you any humiliation or regreta b ecause-" .. n e cause i love YOU," answered Ranltln; and tbe loon's distant laug" seemed less Ironical tban of usual. (C o pyrl g~'t ,

19 13, b)' W. O . Chapmlln.)


Stood Staring at HI. Trophy. gath,e red ber into his arms and, kissIng Iler, knew that bls love was truly returned, A trout leaped In the lnke among the Illy pads, and Rankin drew a lengtb of line from his reel. "I believe I'll have a cast Cor tbat fellow," he said. and raised bla rod and t hrew It forward. The line caught beblnd him, Rankin heard a stilled cry IlDd turned. Upon tbe barbed fly was thp girl's hat, and. under It, a comlllel"e toupee of hlllr, Before he could stir, tho girl. with a low cry, preslled her bands to ber bead and darted Into the undergrowtb, RankIn hearil It crackle as she rani tben the crackling died away and he stood staring at hlB hideous trophy. Ho understood now what sbe mcant by ber disparagement of his praises, and !tbe remembrance, the rising pity, made his love truer and more Intense than betore, During the ycar that followed, tltroughout tbe fall and the long, cold winter montbs he dreamed perpotu~lly of a lake studdl'd with sunshine and a girl wbo stood bllslde him on Its brink. He understood the shame In her heart. her swift disarmament by his discovery of her secret. He longed for her. He looked for her on every street, but he never encountered ber, It she came back now be w01lld prove his fidelity, ~ut ho had little hope that she would COme. Yet, because his love W88 stronger than his disbelief, he stood upon the WOOded point of the same lake Q year kiter alld waited, Th4! sun dropped In the sky, lae loon called, a troltt leaped among the lilies, and then, sadly, 'he turned to go, She would nllt ' come. He had known it: and something went out of his lI(e .lIke fobe BUD that suddenly went-out of ' thl9 sky, ,And then-she stood berore Illlm.'. ' !'Y011 g ' he ·escJalm~. catching. her, b1 th'e ~anda' !Uld~ Joclk1ng lit her_Wltb"

,ttel' IJicredQJlt,;." ~. !

,. :...;

T exas has 1 ,034.00 0 milch cows, The re are 721 ,8 13 sc hool chlldren i[l Ke ntucky, W est Atrlca In 1912 produced l1, 8P9 bale& of cotton. One Old bam (Engla nd) D:ll.chlne shop e mploys lO,OOO men . New York' s mIn e output In 1912 was vIII ned at $35.519,382_ In 1912 some 751 ocenn vessels were built In German YRrcls , Mlssotlrl In 1912 produced 24,530 tons of barytes, valued lit $117,03[;. Washington proyldea huge station, ary umbrellas for t raffic policemen , Tbe n ew Atlantic coast port of Uru· guay Is to be named Atlantlda N ebraska expects a 1913 wbeat yield of more than thirty h'lshels to the acre, Oerman railroads In 1912 received $414,000.000 from frelgbt traffic. There are now more tban two mUlion farmers In the United States usIng the telephone, A Dress welgblng 12,000,000 ~ons has been- manutllctured In England for bending armor plate. The newest skyscraper In New York Is to be 760 fe e t high and to consist of 65 stories. It will be only 50 yards shorter tban tbe Ellfel tower. Tlie 'foreign commerce of Uruguay In 1912 passed the ~100 , OOO,OOO mark, while more recent returns promise that durIng the current year even those figures will be exceeded. Every boat engnged In the JamaIcan ,sponge industry has a wate r glass or pane of glass Inserted In tbe bottom of a box or bucket, through wblch tbe sponges are readily detect ed , Califo rnia prune exports In tbe ten montbs ending April 30, 1913, were 106 ,000,000 pound!!, and raisin exports 27,000,000 pounds, both be Ing about forty per cent, mol'G tban In the previous ye3r and about one hundred per ceut. IDere titan In 1911. Heat' Polnterll for Blonds, easy to ke ep cool lind not mind the heat If you know bow, Here are Borne blnts from an English pltY9lclan. "Being cool," he says, " Is I&rgely 0 condItion at mInd, Keep stlll, watch ",'bat you eat and drink, avoid meat. ventilate your clothes as weU BIl y"ur home, bathe freely and avoid el1:treml',s of heat and calC In the water. Kll1 ths fly lind don't get chilled at ,night. 'lIt you are a blol\d, avoid the bright ligbts, because they are rleh tn cbemIcal etber wllves. In persons that have cOll81derable pigment In their akin.In brunettes-tbese short, rapid, acU· nlc waves are transformed Into tong and slo~ 1!eat waves. These acU.,lllc waves have a deleterlou6 ettect 'oll the nervous system of those 'W110S8 akin cannot reduce their potency, ' , "Blonds sbould ' avold sunIJght all much as possible; and wlion .they·,do go oUt tbey W at- colbr d ' glassd8, hats lining and ,. clothes 14 be Jt'~

• R,.., in


Firat in R •• alt. Firat in Pariq Fi,..t in £cono~ And for these rcnsorta Calu me t Bu1dnlr Powder is fi rst in \.he hearls of th eruilliona of housewives who ulle it and know It. l!C!IVED HICItm iWoUDS WorW'. hn F... ~ Oiup,UII.....

....rb~r_1I&rdI. U11.

Japaneu courtelY. A country where courtesy Is R buslnoss, and bus in ess but a gen tle avocntlon , re llects Its pecullnrtl y In the most tri fling de ta ils at condu ct. Sucb. a couotry Is J il pan uud Bu cb n d etail r ec en tl y come into notice wb cn a city electric bu r ea u at Tokyc a sk ed the patrons on Its streot car lin es boVl' It they preferred to be addre ssed wben It was necessary to urge them to "mol'o up ," Ou t of th e 2,719 sugges- I lions s ent In tho Ind epe nde nt se lects and tran s lates six. as follow s : "Tbose not getting on:, to th o middle. pl ease !" "The middl e Is more comtortabl e!" ''I'm sorry, but all move on by one strap! " "There's a pre tty girl about the middl e or t be car!" .. A plCltpocl!.et has just come on board ~ " The municipal authorities frowned somewhat upon tbe last three luggestiona but the conductors will be taught to use some at the other torma, Is It p ossible that th e Japllneae hope to enjoy an efflclent traction service on such te rma? AllparenUy tbey hope to. nnd we pass alollg tbe Japanese Idea as a h e lpful hint to tbe gentlemen who jerk a gonr: on the hear of our own street cars.

Stoppage at Source, Friend-What does tbe doctor sayT . Cap.ey- He seems to be elated because h e has the fe ver nearly down to wher~ It was when he starled,Puck,

The American Breakfast

Post .Toasties

and Cream

Thin bit. of choicest Indian Com. so skilfully cooked and toasted that they are deliciously ensp . and appetizing. '- '

Wholesome Nouriihing E~sy to Se~e Sold by Croc~~s ,

ev~her~ , )








d00--qn,i~d /.ren , 5h~.I'



No Mighty Result Achieved With·


out the Crowning Sacrifice of the Blood.

1' !II tril l' "" ','n

A 8tor m , acco mpnnl ed by a tidal wav e, r eceu tly cau fed gr eat tl tlR tru c' tl on of p r oper t,y al oug th e So uth A t · In ntl c coaa t. :oIorth Carolina lIulTe r ed tb e gr eat es t damage; many o f t b e to wn s w" r p. HW '! p t b i grea t Be as Whi ch wreck ed b uil dings and brid ge s, )'.;ew Il " rn lI'aH 0 11 1' or I h o town s hit I h e h ard os t. T hc u pper l ett h an d pi ctur e sh ows a vie w ot J o hnson Iltree t tro m th e Neu8e riv er bri dge, Th e up per pi ct ure Bt t h e ri ght s bo w s th e b eavy Bea ra ghl !; In l~a.t Front slreet , The l o w or pi ctu re ~ho w 5 anoth er vi ew of E ast Front s treo t and gives a good Id ea of Ule f o r ce or. the wav es.





l lli' I" v. Illa ll e th ut \\ Il lwUl .hp.<1ulll ll 01' lliood llier o ( Is llo th ing, DO m lgllt)' result, 110 achi"v eul ClI l , lI U triumph , E\" c ry worth ), deed COtil li ~uu" ' lldug ; DO hi gh Ihi ll g CUll be ,IOllt; euti i ly , So Il r a t th i r,/,; "" I. tJ l' iI ' ,("U lllpll ~ h ,' u wllb· out till' ~Il<'ddlng uf lIlood . !.i f , Is JIIat our c h f1Il'~" or l1Iukllll; thl ll !;r eat a nd 8tl"U n ge Lil seu\'(' ry , i'll un)' of u ~ n eve r We begin tJy trl lllug , b y m ake It. wo rk i ng' wi III a f r ucll on of our st r en gt h, \\ '" ROOIl H 'C lhat nolhlng comes of thaL A l In st, I f We a r o wl ae, we s(' .! tha t a l! t ho st r e ngt h I ~ !l eed.' d, Wh a t ha v tl w(> lIt'sl ei n t h is? \ Ve \ll ust Il ls r o lJu oursolv eH, \\' e uo It ; y vt our obj ec t r unlllln " Un!l;ulnell.1 \\' h a l lI\ oru huve we 10 glq)'! We ha ve DUl' b l oou, tio at lalll til e bl ood I s s heu, t he l ifo I ~ partl' d with, an d lb e goa l Is r eaclll:<1. Wll Ul'e hap p y I t w o IlIIow thal C" l'l'ythlllg no bl e an d endu ring in (hi s wor ld is accom plish· ed by ( IHl sh. :d ding of bl oud . n ot lll e r ~ Iy tll o COIl\"'ll l r lltIOll of I h .) IHeart and soul an d lIIi nd on (Jll e o bj ec t , h ut th e prulll nll an d eve n lh e maimin g or life, Youn g III '11 ar o bel ll S taug ht thi s l es· Ball no w, an d unless a ll sig ns are fa l se th ey w ill be ta ug ht It loor o st e rnly In tb e f uluro. V'; l t h out !;lI edd ln g of bl oo d th er e l a no r emissio n , T h.'re h as b e n rrom th e begi nn ing It pr o f ou nu Iln d sol emn w itnt'HH I n th e hUll1an heart t o thlB, Many o r t he p r i mi ti ve r eligiou s i deaa are (J ou 's d ee p p r ep!lra lio n of th e m i nd and h ea r t ma n f or th e grand gos· p el o f l"hrIBli anlt y , th e subst i tuti on of th e L ord J us u s Chri st for g utlL y sin , n ers , Thl SI WIUl"S8 III e mbp. dd ed In our .Inng llage, Wha l I s mea nt b y' th o word "b l \l8~ ?" It I s der t-' ed f r o m the Angl o·Sa xon w ord fo r tJl oo d, W e legi ti m at el y t m nlli n l e t b lH b y lIuyluS that bero r o w e ca ll trul y LJl ell~ ano th er hum an bei ng '11' 0 m us t shed our blo od f or 11 1m , Y ou can IIgh l en II br o t her'S way by cu ps of co ld water , by sm all g l tt s, b y IIm ll es, by f rl el\dly wo rd s. and t hese t hl fl gs nre grea t in th e eye s of Christ. Uul to bless III th e su· perlatl v e degr ee w e Dl u st vart with






.......... -........,.,...._ ...






... cre am ·rlp en l ng ca n on t he ~a m e pri n ci p a l ae a fireless cooker In order to keep an elle n te m per atu re ,


Too High Temperature Produces Old Flavor Due to Development of Putrefying Bacteria - Deep Setting System Used For Cooling Insures Un iform ity

sho uld r(''lllire nhnul th ! rl y m in u l llll, aoll a !t'I1I._H'ralun ' tc., ullla ln Huc'h re· SU l l~ SIIDII"1 I" , ij"c' lIrl'd lid,,\'{, lI "~l n· n illg A Ii :l l. , pril CI1 .·(' " i l l be II ~ ~ . I ...! 10 tI ,' l l'rllll!I., 111i ~ I l' lI lp,' I·alllrf'. W he n i se parator iM u~, · (l. lt l rllt't1 at thi! oi\l"lIt) ~ p ('ed ":1(' h tlm p, wi lh 'nil le of til(! SU IlI O r l l'hll" s~ II IIlI l(,nl lWTa l llrl', I lw r l hn eRs b!l1.rhes of (' r elllll, 80rtl p or \\ it l<' h ilia), of Ih" crpalll wi ll b e f:lirl)' un i fo rm . be s r n ! !'al d Ill'S' old Il" ro r f' ('h um in/; , I 11I (' r~\I 81Ig lit" SI' "ru of Ih e IIIH l' hin a 1«(' 111 11<':1r lhc ki lel l l' ll s'n,,·, lit" I (' m ' nlld Ihe r lc hn t>ss fl f 111 (' mill< , and low· perature is Of I P11 too h i!: II, hOl h fo r ,' ri lll; lil e t<'lIl lJ!'rall l r., of m\1k, I n· !l IOrn!:o nnd pt'Ilper r i l,J('nill~. an d 1 I ' I" Il~ S I it<' ri r itlll'sB of I h \' crea m , D) h ellc e part of the ('rl' alO i1 ecollles 101) : Il !a in l llil li ng Ih o " Ollll illol1" so as to ~O l1r an d U 180 u l'vC'lops IIIl ol u tl a ,'or. I SlT lI r e II I nif or m grad" or crClIm , th e Th is Is du e 10 I h e faet th at lilP [pm · j " 'llqlf'Tn l ll r rllll UP uP If' rl1;ll1 e,1. und . lire. ?er n l ur e h as Iwell so h i gh Ih:ll Ih '" (' OOI I Il /.: 1(\ I h ,s l PI1l\ll' r aluro, !;upss i ll l': DoctrIne of Atonement. So tb e E t ern al Sun sh ed a8 It w er e pu rrefying ha.-t'<!' !a 1,01 ,'e fi e Vl' l o I",, 1 al\ ,j • (':I 11 hI' ",' " l d,'.1. grea t drops of blood in Getbsomune. l tlac l,,' d Ihl' on:all ir m/ltlrr I n t hc. ! , W lIf' 1l " " "' para l or Is l1 .rO, Rl"lllng and offer ed himsel f immacula t e to God 011 th e cross. 'Ne c an n ev er r ond er th e doctrine or the aton e m ent In l erms at buman setr·sacr l flce and sel t·s ur· r ender. Dut tb e bum an an a logies h elp us . and. lud ee d. th e doc tr i n e of the atonem ent without th em w ould be s m er e blank., lor our mind s. 80 1 se em to see how It Is that th o si mpl!) r ecelv o and und er s tand tbe plainest preac hing lO r tb e glorio us trutb of propitia tion. a nd l eu[I 10 i t. whil e th oso WhOSB mind s llre ov erlai d wltb sp ecu· latlon and wh at Is called cul t ure Hnd It dim c ult, A l r.s l w e orten sce th eo· loglans. ovnn eVangelical theol ogians, using Inflnlt e evasi ons and 8ubtlnt l es to di sen cumb er UleJll sel ves of tb e on o w eapon without wbl ch t h e evan gelist can do nothi ng at all, lI ut w e know that chri st's a pv earlng would hnve had n o purpose and condu cte d to uo end, I t he bad not sl[\ y ed l on g enough with us to sh ed hi s bl ood lu Getb· semane nnd Ca lvary . To know what our r ed empti on cost him w e IlIUllt, witb the au tbor or th e Epi stle to the !l obre w s, look at Geth semal\ (j as w e ll as Cui vary. and even th en we do uot IInow. Molt Intenae of Prayers, Dut w e do know som eth i ng. \V e see him In bis extremity wh en h lJ b egan tully understand tb e bitt ern ess of his cup, W e h ear him pray hla prayer with strong crying aod teuf S, " U It be possible to let this CUI) pa\a (rom me." That traUfl eat , calix ! fil er e Is no prayer like that. no pray er ov er utte r. ed with such Inten sity. Th e pra ye r tbat I s Il1tf.d wh en It ~e m s Just po s' sIble that tbe cup m ay paHS. and tllu t Mother spends many hours making butte r by t ile v .:!·i 3 "h;0\1cJ 1" ccess.


The Columbus caravels. the Pinta, Santa Marla aad N ina, are now trayeralng the Great Lakes on the flrsl of their Journey to San Franci sco. where th ey are to be one of the attractlonB at the Pan ama exposItion In lIU5. The ooat. are reproductions o( tbe vessals In wb l eb Columbus made ble voyage of discove r y In 1492 and were constructed as one of the exhibits at the World'. Columbian exposition In Chicago In 1893 . Since the ex po· uUon the, have b een In one at the Chlcaso parlut.






Wllh 9 rQr}u/olid

On e o f l h c r omm on SOllrcl'S of poor llu ll er IH Ihe oIIHa ~ lIi o l ..·'d (' r ealll jar III"t s l and s be hind lhe l;t [l'il t' t) ~ IO\' (" In lo wh ldl th e fr ('shlr·dra\\,[} strill' pin gs ara st ra l ll prJ anLi 111 1' crt'i1 m po ur · ed eac h .limo after 51< i IIIlIIill l;, T il ... :hllrning is OrI 011 maul' 11\1 or s(' \'l'ral


Nlcholall Sinuo t t, who represe ntt tile new S econd distrIct of Oregon III congress. Is forty· threo y'.!ars old and Is a R epubli can.


MISS MARIE TAYL"()R John J . McGraw (left) of the " Giants" nnd "Connie Mack ~rlght) of the "Athletics." who. aa tbe days grow closer for the big championship battle, are becoming moro and mora restless and anxious ,to liave tho poat baseball , aeaBon games played and over wIth.

th e pleading m ay d ecid e it. Is In Itse lt We r ealize t he a shedding or blood, dim w I tness W h 0 h ear d n r ur t h e i b h I g th g SO O brloken md eahD llb • d a on t a. hWI h l w ln esse t e ar · won v co r y w c m ed a d et ea t who co uld 1I0t watch sea " O k now w h a t with hi m one h' our. \ 'y tb . traIn mUllt hav e b een wlulU th ere e S to hi 13 succor tIe I a II .p Ity I n g bu t came I It It b' 11 d no t "ucen up dl mme d ange. that tIod madO his minTtili!r il f1llme or fire In that dllrkneslI. co uld Christ '1'1 t o c up was no t d? h av e conqll er e. take n away. bu t th o praye r was an8wered. for bl s IillS w er e m o do brav e to drink It., l'erhaps th ey nre right who s ay th al Ge tb sem n u e ' was the crowning point (Jf our Red ee m er 's sut. f I s th o ug ll It wns on Cal vary th a t he; ~!I~h ed his work. I do Il ot know . Ho quivered for a moment on Calvary, too. - Rev. W. Rob.ertson NicolL 180 Not Content, Sad will be th e day tor e" ery Dlon when h e becomes absolutely content· ed with the life that h e is IIvi ng, with the thoughts that h o Is thinking, wltl' the deeds tbat b e Is C:olng. when therh Is not (orever b eal! r b at th e doors of hlB BOlli some great desire to do Bome· thing ~.arger. wblch h e knows tbat ho was meant and made Lo do b ecause he Is stU I the. clllld ' of (Jod,-Phlllipi BrookB.

«Ultlvste MeMOry's, Blelllnlli. We need" all ot UI, to 9uleken memLife's Jeat.erday Boon drops Into' and qUickening,


cr eam , It Is often sa id that it Is im . 111<' II d l l\ I n rI (I' 1I ca n s Im m ers ed In , possibl e to make go('d hutt er fro m th ~ ('1.l tI \l'at t' r l ~ it I;ood ~ l' ~ t ' Ill. S etti n g , ' I mIlk or one cow. Tbli I~ n o t I r u e, pro 11\ sh allow Pil ns or c r oc l(R Is it ways a \' id ed th a t I,b e crenftJ hilS b een k ept , fl our 1I 11' t il acl, II " It IH d l lll c n il 10 cool I n a cool pllO,ce ~nd tL e w a rm er!" am th e 111111; I n lil i s w ay n nd th e 10SR In ba s no l bee n mix ed with It. Crea m RI(1 I1HIl II!;:: Is g/.'eater . Th e d. ll uLio n sefi' . " m ay ll e se v.ernl d ay s o ld lln d ye t tnak o , lIr:l1 u r - l h at Ip. o n e In Wh ich wale r 5 go od bulter. 1C :t haB be..n l< c p t at t1 ,, IIt.ltl p. 1 10 I h l! 1I11 1k , lb e w ltnl o a!l o w ed low temp erature, In a clean cnn or j ar , to Sln f\fl n f e.v b o urs, a nd th e skim . - -' - - . - ~ , and In n prop er I' l ace , ~u ll k. w.u~e ~, I.!~ :':" ~~W!I~fE -qoe.~ When th e c r eam que b egun to thi ck · i n o l tak e t h e rat on t a ny c l ea r er thun en • i l i s r ead y to c hnrn . It should lie , d oes th e d c(' p 'sPlll n ~ sy stc m li nd th e r em al' ed f r om lhe plac e o t stora go und : s klm·mllk Is n nt n e ~r l y so v a!na b l e for p l ace d In c old wat er t o co~I, It d own to I calf food, Ai l tlllngs co n sHl el·e d. It chur ni ng temp ortLtur e. I h o pro pel' i will p ay anyon e h av i n g twu or m o r c t empera'ture fur cburnlng w ill depe nd i c ows lO secure a centr ifugai sep' u pon Ul e tbl ckn ess o C t ho cream, Th e , arator , A . ~, N l '; AI. E . th i nn er the cream th e hig he r t he I Coll ege of Agricu lt ure, Ohio Sta te churning t eml'eruture. Chllrnln gli Uni ve r sity, transv er sI! (' ul BUDDING DONE IN LATE SUMMER, the






For next Saturday only, we will offer Tooth Wash ··· · ·· ·· ·· · ·· - .. ' .... . 19c Antiseptic Tooth Powder .. . .. . 19c Pearl Tooth Powder .. . . .... · · . . 19c Harmony Complexion Powder . 19c Cream of Almonds · .. .. .... . . ... . 19c Camphorated Cold Cream ·· .· 19c "93" Hair Tonic · . . .. 79c and 39c "93" Shampoo Paste · ···.····· . 39c




~A ; -



~"'a '


__ ~

THE MIAMI GAZETTE, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO s - w- - -- HUNTERS LICENSE .~.......-...-.---.• --- - - - --= ...;.


The hUllters licence law has bCt!n disc u!!Seu and 'ornmente<.l on elltensively . Some think it a ~ood law while others contemi that it impose::! an unnecessary hardship on those whu wi:;h to hunt. It hils th e lTla n in town hard er than the farmer 8S the hItler cun hunt on hi ~ uwn prembe~ til hi::! hearl's content wi t hout procuring a license , while the tow n fellow must sec ure a license

ttPer'sonal Mention tt

. - - - - - - - - -, - - . H.ev_ C. S. GraWier 'is ill at his home .

Rents of Safety Deposit Boxes



·St. Mary'!! Sncial, Friday evening, October 17th. Mrs. J . W. White has been on the sick list for severa l days.

If you ,are not already supplieCi come in and rent one'. As low as $2.00 a year.

Mr.3. Louisa Woolley bas had a heforeh ecaneventryfo r squirrel. slight attack of g r ippe, but is im. O n~ feat ure of the luw. t lat which vroving . pro,ides that Luys unuer; 16 years of


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ age cannot hunt unless they be ac- 130rn - To Mr. and Mrs. Lyman - oompanied by a parent or some ulle Day, Satu rday, September' 27th. a ; -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _II!! representing their p~rents, seems to daug-hter.

W aynesvl·11e N I Ban k ationa




Will be received until October 4th for the purchase of a

No. 18 ColeJs Hot-Blast Heating Stove Stove now on exhibition in our Window.

meet with the approval of practically everybody as it is reasonable to SlIppose that if th e young boys are 1"estrained from hunting together unless accom pa nied uy an older per · son, the probability of damage to propt'rty a nu injury to one another is g reatly reduced.

If you. are going Lo have a sale, see A. A, Mr.Neil, Centerville, Ohio, both phones.


•___________________..;..______- !



Resolved, also that these resolu· tions be spread on our minutes and To th~ officen and members of i that our charler be draped in mou~· covenant Rebeeea Degree Lodge No. ing for thirty days and that a copy 346 I. O. O. F, we your committee of these resolutions be sent our vii· appointed to draft resolutioD8 on the lage paper for publication. death of Brother W. A. RObinsonJ There Is no Death, the stars go dow n would respectfully report the fol- To rise upon BOrne fairer shore; lowin~: I And bright in Heaven's jeweled Whereas it has pleased God in His ( crown, 'Divine wm to remove from among They shine for evermore. UII our worthy Brother Past Grand Respectfully submitted, W. A. Robinson, while we bow in . ' ~ L. Nicholson humble submission to His Divine .Commlttee ( M~lill88 A. Nich.lson Will knoWing he doeth all things Ehlzabeth Yeazel well, we keenly feel the loss of • - • tbi. faithful fri~nd and brother. Doubt. Barkel'-"Congratulate me. old man! Resolved, That in hiB death the My best ~rl has just accepted m8 community has lost an honorable and over the telephone! " Candldus-"Ara upriKht citizen and hiB relat.ives a you sure she understood wha.t you - ktDd and loving friend. were 8&l'lnjt?"-Judge.


Dayton baa The Best Stores

In Ohio

Complete Stocb

G:,er!llf?ser/nosrloJ) duburbp"nVag

. D86~t?P

to- tile-minute Styles

Outpouring. The garret seemed Hu ddenly empty, as I closed and sealed [I letter to YOU.


Cranberries Edgemont Crackera

Mrs. Frank Taft, who has been the guel~t of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. White, has returned to her home in Dayton.

Jeney Sweet Potatoe8, Fine . Solid Cabbage' Tomatoes, Onions, New Cream Cheese, New Honey.

Price Inducements

The Best of Everything Good to Eat at the Lowest Prices•.

Excellent Transportation Facilities-Fine Hotel and Restaurant Accomodations-Many Theaters ' and placCli of amusement.


•. ' ;0.-


It pays . to trade






Things new, novel and funny .... The price is low, only 25c .. . . The hotel accom· modations are of the best .. . . Buy your ticket when solicited ... . Benefit of the

Mrs. W. H. Allen was at Dr. Vail's hospital, in Cincinnati, several daY8 last week, where she underwent an operation.



Of the M. E. Church

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden, Dr. Mary Cook and Mrs. J. M. Sullins, of Indiana, vimted fri"nds at Clifton, Ohio, Sunday.



Sept. 29 to Oct. 5 Butter Fat price is.....•


ZIMMERMAN'S . " ~F '" 7



--------------------------.----~, ' L~CTURf



For the Season of 1913·14


Will offer the following strong and pleasing list of Attractions:

F'riday October Thursday Nlov. Wedn'dy January T'uesday Fle~ruary DAY --In DaytoD

Attractive Merchandise

--1:30 p.

Mrs. R. E. Zimmerman and 80n Elden , of Los Angeles, Cal., are th~ g uests of Mr. L. A. Zimmerman a nd family.



Daytol' has completely recovered from its great disaster and the merchants have planned to make SUBURBAN DA Y more attractive than ever, to out-of-town shoppers.

First Train leaves Township . House in ~aynBBvi1la, at

Tickets for the Lecture Course can be procu rlld at the National Bank, Funkey';.; Store o r Hawke's Barber IIhop


Fresh Baltimore

Right Prices

10, 1913

Try a sat!k of Burton's High Grade White Flrost Flour_ It is made from the choic:e st old wheat and is guar. snteed by the manufacturer to give entire satisfaction or money re in~. funded. For sale by G, W. Hawke. • - • 1:>laln to Obaervatlon_ Secure all the profits you can from your dairy, by send· Wlfe-"Notlce that third chorUB ng your crea'm to The Tri State Butter Company, whose boast girl In the Ilrst row. Bhe used to go eo to achool with me. Poor thing'! Bhe • iis an average price of 321·10eenta per pound for the entire Ft. Ancient where quail and other went on the stage beeaule she bad year-the higheat average price of any creamery in the state.' game birds can be propagated for nothing to wear." H.ueband-OiBo 1 Tbe Tri·State is not an experiment, but is a RESPONSI· ~LE, SAFE and PERM~NENT Creamery with 6,000 shippers distribution in this vicinity. An see."-LclI\dOIl Opl!llon .. m three states and a capItal stock of $15,000 paying Spot Cash effort is also being made to \;lave the for every shipment. ..... . fish hatchery located here. The It iB 8(, easv to ship cream to The Tri-State, as we use the DI.covery Valuabl. to Science. Committee, after investigation, have BOur cream, 3imply 8endiug a can once or twice a week de· A German chemist recently dlscov· pendfng_upon your facilities for keeping it cool. rec!>mmended a site near Morrow ered that the extract of the a)ln of FREE CANS FOR 30 DAYS TRIAL ARF RENT PRE· for that purpose and will endeavor red radishes In alcohol Is more sensl· PAID upon request, or if there is any further information tlve to acids and alkallB than IItmuB, to convince the State that it is, f{)r tumeric, or any of the chemicalS desired write us at once. . many reasons, the best location. usually used to detect their presence. The~TRI-STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. On last Monday the matter was taken Capital Stock. t75,000 up with interested Morrow people who are now busy preparing the The Reason. necessary plats etc, for presentation ."Wlsat'B that awful Bwearlng out Ship Your Cream Any Time, We collect Dayand Night from to the State Commission. Senator there, Hilda?" "Oh, sir, the bllhop All Depots. haa mlB\ai4! IlIB BI~le ." Holden is interested in the proposi. , tion and w.,iU probably present the ~~~~~~~~!"!!!!~!"!!!!!"!!!!~~~~~!"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"!!!!~~ matter to'lthe Commission in person. ,. The Cincinnati organization claim to have the hatchery landed for their county, but"the local secretary, Dan I P. Bone, Bays that their organiza- : tion has been 8i!8ured that such is I not the case and that Warren Coun- I i tY'8 proposition will receive full and · careful con8idex:t~r:


Dayton baa Up-


Fred Hawke au toed the Rosamund Dakin , Emma and Clara Hawke to Cincinnati Tuesday. M r.

Harveysburg, Ohio



~ isses

Welch & "Dakin

Uniform in Quality.



Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke attended the funera l of Mr. Wm. Bunnell, Il ear Ridgeville. Tuesday.

Anyone needing a Stove will do well to bid on this Stove. It is flrst·class in every particular, and will be sold to the highest bidder. We will send cards to those wishing to bid, and you will mar~ the price you wish to pay, seal it up and drop it in a locked box to be opened October 4th, and the one making the highest bid shall receive the Stove.



-Misses Lucile and Reva Hormell - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:0 spent Saturday and Sunday with Mips Mary Thomas.

The State Fish and Game Commie · sion is respon sible fur the law. The I~islature was reQuested . .by th e Commissiun, to pass sl,ch a law for the reason that l egi~ l at i ve appro· priat ions to the Fish and Game Corn· mission were insu ffi cient for that cie partment to carryon its wo rk of propogatillg and di~lrib utin g fi sh and game over th e Stute as exten. sively a.'! is necessary to provide at. tractive th!hin~ and hunting.

At least 7fiOO h un ters li censes will Le issued thi.iyear and as 50 per cent of the revenue must be uslld for im proving fish and game conditi ons, nearly $40.000 wil l be available for . that work. Rell ults are already Ileing OBtained by way of improv ed faciliti es for this part of the State A Fish Hatchery ·will be located in either Hamilton or Warren 'Countv which will provide hundreds of thousands of fish for the Little Miami River and streams in this vicinity. No fish will be liberated in t.he Big Miami River on account of the polluttion of its waters by big Phone I I interests alohg that waterway ' -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ • • • • •. : Neither will fish or game be pro vided for localities where t he reai· dents are not sufficiently interested l-------~------------------- te see that they are protected. \ Through the efforts of the local Fish and Game Association Warren County will receive a shipment of fish from the London Hatcheries within the next two w~eks . The Association is negotiating with the State for several conc8S11ion for Warren County, one of which is the establishment of a O"ame preserve at


4/C'I·..· ..

Friday Nlarch

31 (

Edward Frye

20 (

The .Crescents


. Famous Monologist Famous Lad les' Quartet


The Euclid's

17 ( 20 (

The Potter's

The Famous Male. Quartet The Royal Entertainers

Arthur W. Evans Entertaining Lecturer

Get your Tickets at the National Bank, Funkev'. Store or Hawke's s.r~~r S~op. Season Ticket•• ' $1 .~ ISi~;le~.A.d.i~ioB •








• ~i x ty-Fourth



r---· - f-........··...···...···.. : Cali forn ia Lett er 1 ..H...... .. ze~~:~~e~~;i~i~~ :fb~~k . ~~~I1~~t.i~ III Pers ona l Men tion Col umn l


e- - - _____ _._.. _ rb-..:..





. . . .- - _ . . . _


_ -:-...-. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . .

Whol e Numb er 3232

• ......... .. ........ . . .

• - _ .. .......... .. ........ .. .......... ...




.-......-..-,------ ........ , So'c iaI Eve nts · , .-....... --- - ---.-....-.._-. ----...- .

:1 ,\ rneli a Bow ma n-, - uauf.{ht cr of residence we re attract ed by 'scream s 1'0 Fri endll in Ohio: A uram and Elenu r Bow man, was emanat ing from hi8 residence. It . _ ......... _ • . " - ..............._.... ........ ... Since I promis ed to write to so was an unusua l sight in Waynes ", ........ .J ! burn March 23 , 182:3 an d died Sep. . .._ ...._ .................... .. " .. , .... • .. ·... .. _ _ ..·_··.......... .......... .... ..... i tembe r 1·1, UI1 :l, aged ~O yeal'!!, many and find it a bigger task than ville to see a man pointin g 5 Mr. and Mrs. Geo rg~ Robertsoll. a Irun and Jubilee Sinarers at School Hall. Jubil ee ~i rlge rs at School Ha ll. I though t I'll wri te one letter for aiL holding up a citizen . monlhs and 21 days. so ut.h of town. ente rtained Sunday 1 hardly know how to begin, It 8he was the last surv ivo r of a at dinne r Mr. and Mrs. Wm The trouble started on accoun t of Frame , L, A. Zimme rman was in Hamilton Eli as Oglesb ee was a Lebanon vis fam ily of len childre n. Nearl seems imposs ible to crowd eo much a quarter . A man named Ge8t y all I M~'~, I{at~ar!ne Pfeiffe r and son and who Thursd ay. itor Monday. of lhe fam il y li ved to a guod old aile; I MISS Muna Stout . . In, as we huve in such a short time . it is rumore d. was dischar ged fron: · John DavI's. I . G ...Smce eavmg Harvey sburg August Heber Bro~ . show he re Wedne sday, MrR. Holla nd, was !)ij and of Dayton , was in et seats a t Janney 'i:I Cor the one siSler, 4th we have seen more than all our and who had been workin g past w hen 8 h+! was called hOIl'lt!. Juuilep Sin gers. Octoue r 16t h . Mr. ano Mrs . J . W. Hisey enterfor C. B. town Saturd ay. Very Qarly in life she j oineLi t he I.uin cd at dinner ives put togethe r,' Lewii:l on the Avenue . had ordered Sunday in their R. G. CroS!! .attend ed the Butler Mr. anfl Mrs. IA. B. Sid es at tend ed Free·Will Hap tisl chu rch , and We visited all our relative8 in Iowa some magazi nes from Mr. af ter hospila lJle country home. Mr. a nd Janney , county fair Thursd ay. the flu tl o> r cllun ty fair las t Thursd ay. her marria l,fe to J osia h n a little over three weeks and en· and had paid 25 cents down Clea ve r 1\11-8. Alber t Shutts a nd family. Mrs, on the Rogers F",ur ua ry 7, 1 ~50 , they to· Alice Mc oyed every minute of it with the purchas e. Saturd ay evening Kin sey and Miss Henrie tta Mr. J. E. Janney and family were ~I r. and Mrs. ~ . B. Bentl ey at- ge the r mai nta incd a Chri excepti on of the hot wealhe r. It was Lewis dischar ged Ihim and st ian home McK insey, he went Spring boro visitors Sunday . telldt.:d the fair at Hamil ton Thurs- a nd taug ht the ir t hree da ug hterti to awful. The mercur y stood from 100 to Janney 's for his quarter . After . day . to 109 every day while we were some convers ation I'n choose God fi rst in their lives. Mrs. Ag nes Wright enterta ined h' h M Ralph Smith spent a couple of IC there, besides hot wind and no rain. Janney proposed to w841nd r. Th eir married life was a very Wedneilday d . /,. . t' I k F' S the ay8 In vlnelnn a I ast wee . in honor · of her 'lister or . aturday only, all our 10c hap py life; both had the same We lived on the very best the land pap ers to his address when Mrs. Ma ry Emily Cadwa llader o~ they A night of melodY -Thurtl day Oc. ~~~e:aper for 6c atJann eY'!J Rexall interes ts. and they juurney ed over accoun t of her nuta l day, Mr. could afford and that was sureple nty . came, the pr<, positio~ proved and satis- tober 16th, at Sehool Hall. ' 1 will leave lowa now and try to factory to bo th parhea . 60 years in loving accord, often ex- Mrs. Frank Ca dwallu Jer and family. t e II Rome th II1g 0f our triP . f rom t here pressin g a grea t desire to depart and C G. William Sunday mornin g. however. the so'" of Lebano n. Mrs. S. L. Cartwr ight and Mi!ls I Mr. and Mrs, B. g, Howell spent . ' I B ut t h ere IS c os~ Loge tlleI". A 11 rI wIlen t Ile seve r· no iving person t hat man met Orange Raper on the street Thursd Kizzie Me rritt were Dayton -. visitor:: 4, ! ' ayand f h I' Friday f . in Cincinn ati. Saturd ay. can write it 80 that one who bas and demand ed his money, but 1I1 g 0 sue I e lies co me it is ex· Raper Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edward s entr emely hal'd for the rema ining une never seen can unders tand the hun- referre d him to Mr. Janney , He For Saturd ay next. all our lOe Wall terta in.·d Su ndaya t . tht!ir country Born - To Mr. and Mrs. J os. Dis. to always accent life cheerfu dreth part of how things look be · went to his residence. and lly. after ask- Paper for 6c at Janney 's Rexall brow, on Rou te 2, Monday , Od ouer But th e dea r mothe r heart tried ve ry home. Mr. and Mrs . G. W. Hawke . tween Ohio :and California. The ing for the money. angrily Store. 6th, a daught er. fin est artist could paint on canvas hard t n make the best Io)f her lot, Mrs. Amand a Wright . the Misses .. J anney. h ma d e f or .nr. w 0 S h ut t h e M' M T u g iving if possibl e more love t o her May Wri g ht, Rosamond Dakin and . someth ing of t he scenic beauty, a door. f Co The man immed iately pulled 188 arne . Drown, 0 lu~Mr. and Mrs. Grover Sneeth en , of chil d ren; thus she passed the year Emma Hawke and Messrs. Fred and photog rapher might catch a speck his revolve r and threate ned to sh t bus, Bpen.t Sunday at her home 10 Lebanon, were h ere an d th ere an d t he greates t lee· Sunday guests of and a month since God too k he r Ronald Hawke. · 00 Wayneavtlle. t h roug h the wmdow . but Mr. Janney . n home. Mr. and Mrs . George Zel!. co mpanIo turer paint a word . picture yet you Q~ickly opened the door and gave Misa Ina Hamilt on. et Wilber force would have tit Bee for yoursel f in him the quarte r. The man Htlr da ughters have preciou s Mrs. ~mm () r Baily and Mrll. Lina turned Univer sit t th k d 'th Mrs. R. A. ~ross return w ~ome memorie.'1 of lovin g words order to apprec iate. away and went toward Corwin h Devitt often very delight fully enterta ined y, spe; e wee.e n WI Saturd ay evenmg after spendin g a spoken , and th e praye r and We left Villisca, Iowa, Sl'ptern ber Word waa immed iately sent there praise about twenty frIend s Tuesda y aftert~ er parents on oute 3. l 'i'o eek with relatives in Hyde Park . she mainta int'd toward hf'r God. nuon at their 2nd At 12:57 p. m. Quite a good arrest hi home Grand View d h . . I many of our friend. were at the was br m. ~ h'I~ h was dfone Friends were sure of a warm wei· F'arm. Five-H undred was ~ e Ml'I. Wtlham Coleman and Miss )1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. the diverb station to see us off. Aunt Mary C of come, and all who knew her loved .oug ere e ~re . ayor Lavern e Dyke, of Route 5, 8pent Chicago. were sion after which a Rplendid twothe guests of Mrs. her ' t A S artwrlg Ell en, H arry. CI In, examinatIOn and Fridi.y and Saturd ay in Cincinn ati, nn. eymour , was waived Edith Harris and family lallt week the Lebano n jail. T'h daugh ters. a ~o n'l· n . law. course luncheo n was served. . ree and Willis hade us good.bye. We " Upon examin ing hiB person about Ml'I, Cliff~rd Ridge and childre n. Mr, and Mrs. Thad Zimme rman. fi~.~lrantl child;ef·n, two grca~ were 800n speedin g westwa rd and grand in money, a big bunch of keys, of Cincinn ati, were the i"\lests Mr. Clarenc e Smith and family of Mrs. J. E. Janney and Mr. Chas, c I ren are e t t o near 4 o'clock that afterno oll we a flash-light , and a late ch erish her enterta ined at pattern Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barnha rt laat Zimme rman autoed Sunday ditmer Mr to Oxford Sun- memor y. crossed the old muddy 'MiR8ouri automa tic revolve r was found. • _ ••_ __ week. Patsy Curren and wife. of Utica: day . river into Omaha where we stopped COUNTY W. C. T. U. It was though t bv some that the Mr, George Larrick and wife. Mr. twenty minute s again to speed to- man i8 unbalan ced and - - by others Stokes Silver, of Cincinn ati. and Walter Larrick lind wife. Herber t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barton , Mr. ward the plains. It is the prettie st tbat he is a tough charac ter. The t hirty eighth annual conven · Lyman Silver. of ColumbulI, attende d al~d Mrs. Williamson and and Philip Larrick . of Lebanon, and country I ever saw but the drough t daught er. tion of Warren County W. C. T. U, _____ • the weddin g of Miu Mary Stokes in of Deyton . were callinlr on Miss Lola ROllsh, of Harvey sburg. friends held an and hot sun and wind had ruined the all day and evenin g meetin g WAS UP TO STANDARD Lebano n thi8 Wecineaday. here Sunday . in the Orthod ox Friends Meetin g growin g crops, We travele d on and !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!'!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~ House on. A bill black cloud loomed up in Mr. and Mrs Walter ' Kenrick, of The Heber Brol. show which exSeptem ber 24th. Delega tes from many of the unions of t he Lytle, enterta ined the followi thd west and we though t sure it was hibiled hore Wedne aday ng was up t. REPOR T. WAVNE TOWN SHIP SCHOOLS FO~ SEPTE MBER , 1913 county were in attenda nce. going to rain, It grew darker and the standar d of its former gue8ts Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. David record ============~:==:==;==7===== ;:==;===== as we were travelin g toward thl' The show 1: •. me in from Cll\rksv Miss Rose A. Davison, a nationa l Bernar d, Mr. and Mrs, C. I. Binega r, ille. cloud. while it seemed to be cOllIine arrived here lu ~ e, uut pve organiz er and lecture r, was sent to Mr. Ru!!sell Binega r. Minnie Record. a matine e ~o. ~o. ~o. ~o. r;o ~o. ~O to meet us, we were 800n in its at 4 o'clock . At lhe evenirll help in the work . Sb,e was very all of Jameet own, Ohio;> Mr. Chas. r perI=:: midst . • It proved to be a sand 8torm. forman ce a crowde d tent laW much in earnest , sympat hetic and Kenrick , of Centerv ille,.and Mr. and one of ~ §5 gj' ~ §5 00 §5 t%: e:; It only lasted for about a minute but the cleanes t show 11 ever ~ capable . doing whatso ever she could Mrs. S. H. RainE'S and family, in town. II !g 00 P1 ~ ~ 't'I gj ~ Ii It grew 80 dark we could hardly see The manag ement and employ "In His Name. " She urged the ees are ::c :;r~ 0; ~ I=:: ~5' ~g ~r iE' women to be awake on the Wellw ekeptr ighton goinga ndthe gentlem an,and nothin g marred two the Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enter. ~~~ .... 5'.f5~t;g.~ i~ farther we went~he worse the crops perform ance. The band questio ns that would come before was first · :=0 ;s cg t:j> i: II) C'l::r= the voters at the coming election in tained at a family dinner Sunday . looked until final\y the com wun't cllUlll. and furnish ed plenty of mUBic. ~ ~ ",,~ ~.~ ~:t ~ ~ over knee high. We kept looking Novem ber, viz: "The Short Legis- Those presen t were Mr. and MrR. The ponies and dogs proved to De ___ ___ __ -------_.~--_I._ __ __ _ __ ______ _ _ lature and The Shipme nt of Liquor John Fromm and family. Mr. and out of the windew8 until darkne ss the crowni nll feature thf! mow, Mrs. Ray Hawke and family. Mr. fell and we could no longer see. then they being well trainedof into Dry Territo ry." . and intro- Enrollm ent ....... _ .......... ..... ... ." .. . 10 21 13 12 22 17 17 112 The officers for the ensuing year Carl Hawke , of Daytou , Mr. and the porter began making do"n our ducing severai Dew feature a. Rank in enrollm ent...... ...... ..... .. .. 6 Mrs. Lee Hawke and family, Mr. 2 , 5 1 3 berths for the night. A little after 3 I1re as follows: The Heber Bros. will be lUIIIured and Mrs, A. B. Sides and Miss 9 o'clock we wert stretch ed out on of a full house every time Preside nt- Mr8. Emma Chapm an, they visit Total day. of absenc e .......... ........ 29 18 23 Clara Hawke . 8 21 26 35 Spring boro. a clean. 80ft bed. I didn' t 81eep here. They disband ed Satur4 ay much that night so was out as 1I00n night at Jameat own. 2 Vice Preside nt- Mrs. Lelia Bun--- " 1 '~ No of pupil. causing ablence.... ".. {) 10 7 8 7 12 61 nell. Waynesville. Last Friday, Mr. and MrS. Mauric e 118 it' wu--lig ht enoulI:'h to see wi th - - - - . - ...- - Neithe r absent nor tardy... ..... ...... 3 11 6 1 11 10 my face to the window. I looked NEW POST OFFIC E BUILD 1 43 Rec. Secreta ry- Mrs. Anna Harri s. Silver celebra ted their thirtiet h INO out over the plains in Colorado and weddin g annive rsary by giving a Harvey sburg , Per cent of enroJlm ent neither ' though t of the old stage coach days Treasu rer- Mrs. Wm. Welch, Har- family dinner. I~ the afterno on, a Work on X.nia·s new post office abaent Dor tardy ......... _ ......... ... 33 52 46 " 50 59 6 veysbu rg. miscellaneous shower wu given in when people travele d acrou with buildin g ltepn Monda y mornin ll. Cues of tardine ss....... ....... ......... 8 1 33 0 3 hor888 and wonder ed how any of Mr. Charles W. MurdoCk. 3 5 honor 53 of their neice, ; Nis8 Mary ('or. Secreta ryMrs. Ruth Janwho hu them ever lived.t o make the trip. been designa ted by the U. S.lrove ney, Waynesville. Stokes, of 'Lebano n, who 'il today to rn- No. of pupils tardy.. .......... ......... {) 1 7 0 2 2 4 21 The day's work closed with an in- become the .bride of a ;oung busiAbout .7 a. m, our old engine ment as the 8uperin t.ndent of conwhistle d for DenVEr. the gate way structlo n. was a visitor in til resting lect ure deliver ed by our ness man of' Detroit . ,~ Xenia last Per cent of .ttende nce ........... ...... 86 96 91 93 95 92 90 beloved young worker Miss Davison, of the Rackies. We stopped there Friday and after holdiDir confere .. _.._.'_.._"...,:.:.-4=--.:.._..::4~_4.:....!..--=8:....!-._4.=----=8~_,:.:. onehou randto rtymin utes. Mamm a with Mr. Bayley, represe ntativence _V_18_it_lI_o_t--"S-=u.!:,pe.;;..ri:..=nt.=n:.,:d:.,:en.:.:.:..t__._ fl ~..:25~ of Frederi cktown and thus closed Charm ing in every detail of and O~ took a taxi and made a thtl Piedmo nt Supply anothe r year's work or the Whi te "A t Home" to twenty -fourwas the Company, ladies Pupila neither absent nor tardy: tour of the city, I didn't care to which has the contrac t for Ribbon ers of Warren County . given by Mrs. S. D. Clayton on Frithe work, . ride so 8tald at the station . They it was decided to "break - - -- - ...- - day afterno on of last week. The ground" Mt. Holly Harmo ny Orove said the city W8l! grand. When the Monday mornin g. The founda J UBILF.E SINGERS pleasan t rooms were $ beautif ully tion Margar et Marlat t Alice Gons George Sattert hwaite time was up and all aboard we were of the buildin g will be comple decora ted with ted golden- rod and College Hili Mabel Stanley Clemen t Sattert hwaite The Glazier Jubilee Singers soon puffing westwa rd again. Thl'rty- this fall. The contrac t for , under autum n le.a ves. Five-H undred was the ex· EIII', Sml·th H".AI Sall'sbu"" Carlton Cook Ethel Saltert hwaite the direct ion of the Glazier Lyceum ..'1 ., three miles from Denver we saw ~~a~~~:aC:tk ~~n Bureau , will give an evenin g's en- the chief feature and late ::b J:~': earl Squires in the Gayle EvallA Rusaell Stanley Ruth Sattert hwaite tertain ment in Waynesville 'School afterno Castle rock. In the daY8 of wagon on a most deliciou s luncheo n Marie Squires Clark Salisbu ry Sarah train8 it WI&8 a land mark. Haines Rhodes Bunnel l Hall, Thursda.y, Octobe r 16. This was served in three courses Loyd, a local contrac tor. , MislI _-,-- _... _ ••_ _ _ Sugar Orove Fifty·tw o miles from Denver we Lowell Hili . t' enterta th h t inment will be given under Rosamo nd Da k'In a&'ll8 Irma Shutts carne to Palmer lake. The water in 109 Anna e Thomu os· LOST THEIR M~NKEY th . f h D h f ess Helen Harris d" d T e auspIce s 0 t e th18 lak aug ters 0 Harold Surfac e Clyde Shutts e IVI ee. hat flowing Mary. of the . M. E. church . ReThe Heber Br08. lost a monke , Paul Stokel ,J; Marie Surfac e Spring .B ranch nortJiw ard runs into the Platt river Wed eid served seats on sale at JanneY'8 Mr.' and Mrs. A. M. Bonrm an enI nez Th omu n Ra ay evening dAd . d In th .ame t fl manI th ymon Drug Store. n rewl Carl Dakin Saturd an ay 0 coer a ow ng 80U ward I t 0 the ner it got looae and immed iately t b 11 . dtertam ed at an oY8ter supper SaturEsther Curtis , . ht Th Helen Andrew s Earnes t Shutts . -,._.1 Edna Lacy Rubert Hill ArkanBa8. We next saw Elepha nt made for the trees. They Tickets , 25 cents for adults. and 15 a.y m~ ' . oB.e ml"RMI ~ere made a Burnet t Butterw orth Harry Conner Lulu Roland rock wl,tich is 80 true to life /AS to be hunt for it Thursd ay mornin cents for childre n . MISBCII haneltl Wilson, Pearl Chne lr and Red Oak Chat'ity Hill Carl Conner actuall y startlin g in realism . .. - .. found It near the show """"und .. Glenna Hoblit, Sarah Sattert hwaite . N ow we come to Colora d0 N IB •• Mary R I Anna Burge Henry Burlre STATE S. S. CONVENTION Spring s They had a hard time to induce e Ion rown Cecelia Snook, Edna Sattert hwaite . 0 and it to at the foot of Pikes Peak. It is a Dak' • Doroth y ~;Dakin, Buhrm an. return to the show, but finally eap. Addie Burge Loia In The followi ng person s have gone and Mabelle SattertLucile' city of 30.000 and Is 600 ft. above sea tured it, hwaite and Mes level. We took a long look at Pikes to Lima this week to represe nt War- srs. Keller Hoke. Wilford , • • • Simms, Under recentl y enacted laws each Board of Educat ion must have a ren County at the Ohio State Sun- Weldon Wilson. Evere~t Peak which is 12 miles away but Ii ON THE OTHER SIDE Haines . truant ofticer. The superin tenden t of schoole (or clerk when no superin · dyy conven tion: Judge Alex Box· Clifford Busick, Harry looks to be no Blore than 2. We Sattert hwaite lenden t is provide d) certifie s the attenda nce and -absence of each child to well. rif:Fran klin. Mills Lilly Spur· Fred Staup, Wilbur next came to Canon City whiCh hu W. S. Haines , the confec tioner, iI him' at the close of each school Buhrm an, Fred month tolreth er with the cause of absence ling, of Pleasan t Plain. Misa Hazel Furnu a popula tion .of 6000. As we leave DOW located in the Post-office . Emmor Baily, Roy 'Buhrbuild.· if aame be in writinlr . AllO all perlOns all'8 reporte d. girlB ]6 or under, Whitac re. of Butlerv ille. Miu Ger- man. Russell '-', h~ we soon reach the .ntranc e of lng, and is well pleuecl Sattert hwaite , Luther wi~ the fifteen or under, who have not ,been pMled fl'Gm- girl. the lleventh trude A. Dilley, " ' . :,. the )(oyal GOr&'e. Here they hltch8d loca~ion, He hal .of Ma..on, Mi~ Elva Haines, Fred. Braddo ck and RObert . a fresh liDe of end•• boy. the lixth Kl'8de, 'and are Dot In school. ~e actions tak~ are Flemiitg, of Carlisle, S. A. Lewis, of Fumas;--Mr. and Mrs. ."tt on a wurist car, which' is a luD,f fiat · candles. and has soft 'drinka ' of all· iD 'C. R. BlhtneIl• the hanaao ftbe iruanto fficer, heliavillir full power to act; Mr. Gordon Lebano n. George M. ' Edward s. of Mr. and Mrs. Heprv .uoa~~L~ M"f ".J~'-._..--" on all sides and kinds. 'CaI1 and lee him. he . " ~ Joy iI truant offieer for Wayne Township: ,-;.... '\"'I,I~WlLIlW on ~~) H~rv~yab~~ ~~.. J~bn .~_ ' PhilU~, ~i88 Monimia ~I ' l • .~.~ ~........~:~~ '".: ,. ;' .'. '.' , . ' . 1 . l .• • . ~.'C.IGUmoUr. ~Up8rlnten41en't , . ,.;.: " O





















Valiant Souls Who Have Gained Dominion Over Self Worthy of All Honor. Consideration of Plants Capabilities in Addition to the Favorable Signs in the Ears Is Means Every Farmer Can a 118 lif(' Ulloll llCH I W l lET l gt·. Employ to Impro ve H is Maize Crop U WHrra.r p or a juurut:'Y . \U~ H


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th o " F l ow(l f Import ant to Mothor s , \:-0 Examlu e carefull y every L otti e of YI'IlrR 2~ r ro LL~ <l y r ' v. .' allli CASTO tUA, II safe auu Hure remedy tor the l i (' S!'('inS 10 ue t o 81t with f ol u (' .1 h p('1l l ,l ce nlurles It has th .. tllstl lb" l lon l",1 in'c d d all 'd 11l11I1. ,, 01 f' lufaDts and childree . and Bee that It ldoHcop l" n k lh(, wo rld ar m~ IIl1d Wlllch old c u slom of ('('rt alu n lld In ns so pri , or I ' O· h I lo r< w(' tln ('If Id I M I tI ( ' 11 ron s warm . ho!'! tl tal ~ I //~ I h e t I I e ~ I r ' e, Dearsth o contine governm ent.. to ! yr U . I ba ck a nd for tb I J ewish populat ion ' lO rt(Jlillil e IIndN f uo t. shoullng Strengt h Often In Weakne ss . lll eti rn \'s in YI<ldh;h , ! In Use For Over SO YGn1'8, scctlon or tb e citIes where lh e to I'l\c h nth e r, ~o H.' r 111'1.' wa s a beautifu l e 'IJ r""sl oo y i n 5. ' n· suall u , h 8 It g n l~ III tlm.," e m so e. rg la n n Cry lor Fletche r's Caston a ee b hns Childre ..Jewlsh populat ion In foulld e b mn]" tllat lII rols (' h of th e bOlh l o ngu es . Tbese ,Iewlsh c onfin eR h a v" b een tell('eM of and lhl' co m ilion, e verr dllY Itfo of m en Cao't Buy Those. Changin g, Yet Change les s. on Stalk, bown as Gh etto s. "·h e n th l! ('xodus Photo grilph Showin g Ears Too High ar:d Too Low W e 80 ort en forgd that WOUl' II. "O your IH.i!(ll bfJr:;, th e Ne v. SUpPO 1 " Pnland. rom f sin, Rus s from I life s 'of Jews 1'h (' v ery fac l I hat a lt of thi tb er e m ay be s trell gt h III w " aku es s, con· Into takes It Ir e t iii' btoRl or ",. I'ylhln/l: ." v l1a belptul S, s at I hl' ie e,,: r was oadl "r ~ar}" r o f Hun n nnd ("or fall to b e.from RoumRu la, In th e .el ,e l'li ou o f ear R ()f tbe IIf" of t 11f) I';ast and wh en w o forg et It w e ··Y eA, e x (It maIllI Ol'ffl ." o n th e Imm ediat e ellvlo,u n· emll lli s ita h eight those old wOI·ld lI ebrewR so prpc l se ly like ph su only r ha t t 's. mportun I eroin h Is or it e5 d ro eo l II(' IIr t en y ears ago natural ly CO in" arly t h e ~la l\LI o e planl R. took unto themsel vclI that section of "1(1f' .-Igh t \\'p l ook fo r g r ea t op"o rlunlli eH, aud ears be se le c t ed as ha,·e II C(llIln!d Ihl' m enl, particul unders la nd to No lbo"llhtt ul ",,!'!10ft . . . . l\quld blue, H'I In a bill with two oth· the lower Ea81 sid e of New York m akeR on o curlouN lug grow plant tbal habit of rlpelllll g in tlttl p. . Ca r e sh o uld A hluu In iL larjttt lJoulu u! " ..lee.. b~como ot tb e Influ ence of for heal l h , st r e n~lh and I ,·Igor, b e rat('u mu ch h lgh ('r a "lu ch fJ t CL'WI Ball [\luo , Adf . ·whlch lies enst of tbe, nowerr cl e~r whul has d 0 g rea I ould h . ,; anl I l p r fO . is Dlall from .eu.r~ l round "C el s ll( o playg a t e nl nul th 11' t tak en be Ask '"r Ikd sc hools. llc 111ay se ize 0 DulJ \\' e th thn' In nnd given a river t of "'oo ear tLII cet! '-' fo:· having prodll ,dow n to tb e c.. ~ in doing all s ettl entcnta , nlld all the tltln/':s; but IlI'rol l101 i s 01' vari e ti es thllt npcn a 10 llg ti m e b o· w ei ght thlln II plalll grow ing In a hill •course of tim e this dlstrlcl b ecame so co nte rs, the Remark able. WI' cau In fa ce of h i ndmll cos !!ood .... th har· c ropic philanth e abl Hoil co n(\ltlons being l b e ·wellnlg b univers all y .l ewis!) thnl th e oth e r I nnumer f o r e h a rt! fru"t~ may be e xp ected. ror by It " el f , ". h tlll l"" une nlCls aerous hing t no ~ I --::;Ci"'~ e r e P'rd~l Th . tions la limi ILIlrI s HlIlution se l "ctlo n edu ca ti o nal In ,·arie tl c . will y i eld same . III o th er word s, th e and ,"ord Ghe tto came to · IHl appli ed 10 It. Itabl e and plalll!! t h t' most unexpec ted ll a In th Ru s nd And fri,' . s hi things "y ea ng i <io III lc 'J n "Htabll " h e<l th e r o ( e CII · of sepd ~u rn should be mali e in the plac e!>. th se u t tba ,It waa In r eality a veritabl e Gh ello , wbl ch havo lJ ee tbOHl tban n at <,or ~r le.'H no of arll do to yenrs . AR on e wa lk S throul(h Ill£' easy thin g" th e grow ing plnnt A m ny b L· found <ompa rabl e to tho g r ea t es l Gh plloB f o r mall Y Y es t ", rclay Sn n w-Tru f' . All th" thiil !,:~ of tlr u se a ijOIl . ''' bnt we ml g hl group /leld where a r £! f.'w, If any , m· l · va hl l' w h ,, " d o n o. in coun ce,tlon with th eir ed r e d si con . " J perhaps Is ~f th e old world, only vast er . It Is th e ~treet s th er e If ullder tbe word vl go~ " I , ' hoftll' t a ..\snell I I r· o il n tili s s , It i pro~ n'ss dences of wry mportan ce lIrt! galn e' u Y 8' . ll t and plants gftl w lng untl er ·.till today a greater cit y o·, J ews tlllln thodoll . · T e n yoars ag o t h ou . r ea J'e s(' ,,·lng or uur sE'eo nd .'onlilde ralitllJ. , envl ronn:: .. dt'n yin/i: ('lTort. I' les s l h u n normal sland u r extra n or· vlg· II sb s!.lngui dl to e attl s I It one will. ery uy Ev "the world haa ev er kuown .· Accu s· lb If Pithy Po s lsc.rlpt. All rn uy be hproea thousan d s or boy s an.1 ot any 80rt sholi i d tomed through the ce nturIes whkh sa nds upon tioll lind oro ua plant (ro m one In eklng In vigor. ma l conditio ns ,·o c d or 11lustra1 .ion of tlto t!sy · only lion 'H st.rlklng '1 A II III en, wom II1 youn~ e x c(' p . n!! m en and noted ro r large clr· l tbereby he disQu a lili ed save In oe bave gon e to be rorclbly confl n ed girls , you will er form e Th Ulmost e of a l ady's h'tter 18 th to pith ging tho thnt dischar Ing In ed IIpon as "Arn e rlcnn~ (n coura~" We want to be Rurp as , I ,.-tthln 11 given arell, transpla nt ed to wPore lOOk b I cUl1Irer en ce of ~ tork at th e hase , grad · I lion a l c a ~e8 bl " h In th e postscr lpl occurr ed III til{! case II I what asks ly natural £! Oil ob, ." we process lC[' exceIJel o Buch the n ew wo rld, wh llre no r ot I"r· ually tap el'lng LOWar? the top ; ror I poss ibl e toat th Ig allons of t I e or a young l udy who, b a vlng gone e or Ihe Am erican s or what b~: C~ ~f so nt ('thlng wrappe d liP IItrlctlo ns hav e eve r e~ls ted, Ib::'~ has b ecom tl e '·e l o ped brlll'e roo t s, holdlllg It se rv e Is due to wpll lhe out to Iodin , und writing hom e to h &r upplhud and e eco~lIlz r il n e W I'ol snnlPth ' ''~ fl, " 1 ed to th e process . flo ~ ltl o n : and ror 8 Inu:e III th (' seen nnd t ~h ])eOlJl e hav e y et adhered vt'ry larl;"· ba s happen 1I11r1 n r i thei vote e d wbo fri ends, concitlu "d wHit lhe rollowln g se tho of In Ihl' answ er to thl ~ r\ll eatlon li es hf'rol ~ 1Il ly to theIr traditio nal habits. Held word s: "E'. S. - Yon wttl' SO" by my the uplift. to tho 10 gy r (' ell lld a " tim ealures r g lln Interps the of 'togeth e r not only by the bond s or on e more signatu re that I am marr Ied ." fe llow. Thp lower East comrort , to th e ch ee r of th eir ItuRtlon . C)rthod o x y , but hy t h e sCll rs of un cl ent or this mf'lI. hu· l b e nalur~ of a great After tile Premier e. 1IOIItlc8 1 bondage , th ey have bro u ght side Is In \\"i1)' uhould ..... 0 nOl ourselv es do Herf! thp Immigra nts r e u gil)· Ii.I./ld of , a fri end:" oll' ''Y -.with them not only tl"i lr r ollglon, man slevc. . oth hlKhly In WI gKl esworth . locate Imml' ulat el y th ey what IV £! comlll'' ''u ~o to Whlmp ler saicl their racial traltu and customs , but comB and for In thl. (1h etto th l'Y or"? anded, l thruugh the havn all h,)'llna wblch a IIlw ablls h gl.llllg and "Lau IIrfl or 8 torm tbe h en w e thluk of Floren ce Nlghllll · slm· \ \' fir st acL nf my tm~ p dy:" ex(sten c'o Ilad Impo.n c d finn a lire In o utwllf(1 se mblance their pre vlou u ~ h I I to th e life or lh n ClIIPlt Ofi th ey ga e n e r sublim e ministr y of love "Traged y? Trag('d y?" echo.!d Wig· It would see m II ml s. liar upon t heln . d l e rs one lin d service to 1I c r country 'sIso l!: v ery Europ e. lzo any hB'·n IpH in 8wnrth. "W~, Whimpo !r, old lIlllD, aracter gl<' "h to , perhaps , r e -orn ~, I eaks Ylddi " h and consequ ently Ig· ollr IlPllrts glow In appreCi ation of the sp no. '· un . It" c errul lly was trirlu g to Jw>lp you! wOlld ron " I _ctlon or till ~ "" J . Engt:sb EII~1I 8 h III no drawba ck. gratitud e display ed by th o thought all nlo ng Ih e darn ed thing was' changin g," hilt th e Gh etto r epresp lltll nOf!lnce of It as ow' sbad Th l' pre· so ldl f' r who klsaed h er t o lTls preYal!. II very am ll~IDg tarc a : " -. Judge. more nearly ull changin g N ew Y or l< .1£'wleh ,'ua Here "niling nt mosph£! re Is ,I e wlsh. pillow. his tban lUll' oth er . upon ll e f e they are at hom A. Th e Rc honls, th After a PI· t Evening , \V e may not nil have th e spirit 01 BPtllem enls, IIl1d th o social centers Street Mercha nts . MI'. Sydney Buxton told an amus· the d egree manifes ted In tion a r sec con arc who , children eir th to In til{! IlerSPc l'tlvc of 30 y ears, or nre open Ing 8tO~y ror tile purros " of Illustra t· Florenc e Night· tn ava il lh em selv es ot th e by J ('nnl e Cassada y , of otlt·en, bOlh e ven 20 y ears, th e l o wer Ea st Rid e neve r slow Ing u polnl I\t A r .. cent dinn er . A e and lhoufian ds ingul · 1mm I grants d It I t I L_ adva nta gPR and opportu nities olTnred cl'rtnin ,'on vl. lnl so ul. who had bepn been s e' omp e P. y a ere . .... have who en, as Ho o n as the younge r of m .. n alld wom ed: to din.. Wllh u r["l end , w hos{' from (1rea l nrltalll and Irpland and lhem . lIut Invit oom· e th in n has secured eve r so sllghl kli Ch h l' ro es a ncl h eroines bllu se IVUIl a t thl) e nd of 1I darl! .. nd ·from Germ n ny . who al. lhal tlllle prllc· genp.rat l o Iml· may e w but Ufn. or walks mOil e th they life seized with mudd,y lan e, wa~ advll!ed to bring :\ Ccally possess e d thi 6 8('ct loll , ha ve a footho ld, ng lhe spirit of move "up.low n," so they go tat o th em by eXercisI big lantern. Aftnr 1\ v ll ry jovial eve· deparl ec1 . TIII 'lr l'xo du s IJ"j!an wllh d ef lre to OUt nf runge e th to East. N e w York or h elpfuln ess within IIln~ tI\ e conV"f,viu l on ll I"ft alld s trug· the Il(]V(~ 1I 1 o f th l'! ,j pwlsh rlopulat! nll. to the nronx, ns and onvlroum nDt3 . rll· to Browns ville , mAkIn g plac e ror til(' IImltlltio gle d hOlll e through th n mild, firmly ·<". erta i ll ij tr "p l ~ WCft, . h o w('v er, Of. Heard Uttle Heroee Europ e. !(rlpplng 1\ Is h CIl vy hu rd e n by th" nationa lili es un til morn recpnt arrlvnls from ·Wn{'(! · hy th" B,! Am o ng the h eroes or o ve ry·day life thnt th u Enst sid e whllt' N('lot m o rllill!> h I! rec eived handle. -ver)" r, ·c"lIlI y. b il l 1I 0W "H' n lhi s old Thlls It Is work, e th dllTPf(m t populal ion, I s ar'! those ·In th f! hom e, In e frOll1 hla hOHl : "Herp.· IIIr,'HSl\l; lhls ~anl hn ~ ~Iven liP and th l' sec tloll C' ompORPd or a lon, changln l-: It I ~ Hilop, In th e slore, In the pro/PBs whllp ; Rnme e th till s rn ; !ll cnse return par· ght Jall'te >!lI II YOllr h wit with . " ' w: e .I r p th 18 ll iln ~e nf IIr .. wh o are ('arryln g h (>avy burdens of Th e tl1IX rot an d ca g e." • I II ol h '!r \\ord s, " till un chnn !-;ed . frlng" o r Ilalian ~ . stand· er misund or 'I·~II)' w , adv l e n whI ch C'on tillllC!9 month nflpr month Horro ~ht' ~ r ('nl " r llt ll dox (;h l' lto of 011 un('oll1p lalnlngly , front It H h ord 01·" Ihosf' wh o Ino;, .' (' 1 who toll HAPPY OLD AGE :yt'ar ~ Ht:O I~ 'h, ' "p tr·~am(' Gh elto to· pxpE'ls faithful ly, pallentl y work lr ~ Ih g IIolll nlzed Amprjp~ Most Likely to Follow Proper Eating •. l iI' r f' allu lhpre havn bl·,cn mf' Rl l l'( lll ly .I a:.. .. (l il l y IIll) r (' KIl and cross their parlng b vely hra :LIlIl . .. p r p i\·i ll~ nt hpr~ of a Inw"r i n~ nlll,,(> blilldlllJ. : hns l llk e n Al tllP '''lin'' tllI\I' plng ItB shadow As old age ndvances w e r"rrulre lesll' x t ypo whn 1II:lIlIl aln th l} R fi far as po s~ lbl (' k ep thr pi ne ., n f II Ipnl' IIH'nl house or a th e orthodo . ers oth on falling frol1l rooo to repmce wH ste. find food that' p<l snll ulI ec'll k allli o f Iif', d Rtan.lnr · r c(' ; g 11II1I1I1n ~IIIP~s hll ' a"'d ~i1 rnlll wlltl not over tax th " dige~lIvlI organs, Il 18 a brav e hf'art that kl'eps hid· ld about t1H'm t h e o ld. t n;.. 11Ia<; lI ilil·' ·nt sc hnn lhnll SPA, th e rrn m t h e wor whil e suppPyl n g I fllt' IlOllrll!h ment, n til{! troubl ns which dl6c10!l ure de , . Ghpllo Ih" of .. r llP ~p allllo lime · t f'c r (' een b 'arg"" In I ll r w u rlrl, h aH' Snch nn 111 .. ,.1 rood il' round III Grape·· but only add to wor· lrl e h 1I0t wOdld or ... sid ':"8t 1 n h t H t IlI'f' l'S r ll I n ('prlai N ut~. mad e of w hol e wh eat lind barley. <!.1. hul 11" , drift . of IIff' thr01l gh h h ero es suc eet m e W rs. ~ oth of s rll, of than " ,Id 1 Ea8 hell.' r b~ 10ll g bllkln~ and Hetion ~f dhlBtaso ' th .. " I d ~ c r"f\t~ I ~ )1181 lhf' "nmf' . Pu sh · Ind:1\' I s 11 s, or eveu F o r "li e thlug, tlH'r" f' v p, r y day . "V e do not alway "~n In th€', barley which cbanges th e slnl1Ch, C1rts Iin p. th e str eNs 10 I h ,· Inl'u l. · I pn ·,·"a r . pass s r ypa 1Intll m. e th llliliali ly o r n ~ "rlouR c har. 0(1 " 11, Iln0 w a most digps tibl ' augar. ' " '1Ii " lIl'" alld 1I1'1I Io rn l izalio ll of naf· I s l (' sA rr l Jives of un· The phoBpi' al"o, Jllaceri up un,. )" )"1111111: boys, scarc'"ly allel the tragedy of the ir fi e. wh ol r hl 'lI'ks or Ih" II1. solid . in ;1 ('1 cr. F" r I11Prl " d . In ~r the onler·co at 01' t.ho wheat, nro' I .. ~s on s rrOnt C~· compla ining rortlluu p I s r f' vea l I, OIl t l. on h sc nf n1l1 ('arts l";(, h ' un and s. 'l'l tro o.,rlalll " nature I s exulted . lncluded i n Grape-! \illls, but nre hUlk< I' irk rorlt~ lt! anll pra clif'P !l 1 Ht!l'h liv eR humllll a rt ' <li sp la ,·,·11 (' ,·"ry rnllCo i nl !;l e a r· p"ri " n l'f'n iIIg In white flour bllcllus e the outep. or (l e d aloll e c ould havo grnce Th., n Ih of thrnllgs !' lIl IImOIl~ p tr"lI r l Ih,' tk l " ()r Ilf" >,' ,, . ll y 10 IIIIII Ia l1 f' xi . t!'nC' a. thut. God Is rollt of tho whuat dllrllens Lbe flolIJII· kuow e \V , lIH'm Pcj lUill ti Rti nnd now"r,. Ihe alld "ts .l rp At Ill " ~t' r ll (' r u f 1 ·:s~( ' x alld lI ('slN Ea~1 Ri d,.. and Is len out by lhe miller, 111\.886· r ewafll will be croSRw wn carR which In- good and thllt th eir Datuml pboSllhu tetl ure 1I0ceSSIli'Y to> ·5Ire C'IA I. tlw sam .. o ld .J"wi sh labor o n vario,,~ f1hptto . Flut a littl e tlmA g r eat. the well·bal anced building or mU8d., m arIH' t, w h e r p l oll"f Ih e workm en Ipr _pct lit" are life ay ev£!ry·d or Othl'r heroes a go n n ordlnRn cn waR paRsed whleh braitl and n erve cells. ""aHln~ IJ) \)p emp lo.'""n. C'arp entprs 01 gifts In a c rowel n mlsd e· th('s n who Illal(c munlfl ce nl "I have used Grape·N uts," wlltte80 _ with tlwlr "aWN anel · hnm m f:rR. lock · mad e " lo. tllng" Marking Seed Ear. With Paint In the Flald, Thi s IHOIIPY to lho cnulles of benevol ence man. "for 8 yean, antll feil . . SA . Method Iowa orren the g lIenal n Show'ln :]nd r "ano m YR, ~ k or !':R rlll gn hu lr l<mlth s with th r On thl~ roll are tho gflOd and am stronge r than L and charity . the of e bnckbon til" hrokC' ll)· pracl.ka every f o pll1st e r orR , bri cklay er s. m ~ n a, James l eaf ll eve l orHnent . While we have good haPpene d to tile s~ed. for If we fall. UI years ago. ring for jostling Is essen· nllmes of the George Peabody 'srnrlp rl'preAe nlatlveR o r Av"r y trade . plckpoc k el Grlnnel la, who rens oll to expect that the vigorou s make the same things bappen. the u· "Among my cUl!tom era I meet It _0 II. s Mosc alld el! Lenox of n opr-ratlo fni e 6l1creRs ''«Wmlln g hour afl£!r hOllr, nncl fr om tlal to th day who Is w ~ 1I alonlr lit naN ar. ' ever] t!IOU of dIsappe reds will hund of cellence and· corn ens t or ear gll'pn aJl have . \lrodu~e v lanl w III on til{' part or novices es his gooll h'laltb to attribut and tim e tv tim e barg alnillg, with a pros· plck \lock ellng good nt, 1lg rurlherl Importa ned to Ear of determi be dollar! of Weight good w ei!,;bt, thi s must e Pagln n o longer exlstl! san ds uts nnd Postum "hjeih IW hIlS Grape·N "l/ectl"e (' mploY'Jr o'·n r t h e prlco or Thp nlll·tlm s Oecasi onal vigorou not as!1ume d. We,ght of ear, wben @elect(. l as m , used for the last 5 yenrs. H$ tnb:ea oulh of th e East side have objects. their lim e and their luhor. Th o p ea· and the y Th e b eroes or ben evolllnc e constl· plnnts are harron a nd frequen tly they dlcated IIbove, Is much more slgnlfl. Orape.N uts with Postum and says pock et picking does not thnt. leamed uddling p men o w old e th 8tan~", 'uut roll; but It I~ pr oduce Interior ears. The weight of g I' xi sts b ecause gam. tuto n long and honored cant than shape or ear, Indicati ng as 11 they go fino togethe r. ·8h'fngB of garlic and bllj!s of onion s, pRy . Gumhlln not sure tbat those wt,o Ilave I:,.ven 'bl) ear Is of great 1m portanc e, Je'lvlsh a In "For many years befllre I bellan to. exist s alway does tbe product ive ability. or the will hllll~ · er m e ·tbtl fruit v enders a ud th " pickl Bl\ld eat Grape·N uts, 1 couhl not _,. that I or milllon K sland at be ns ma.y Ihousan 9ame eir th Tbo and plant. entnl er eram motb emp t 0 Is It . Plant.. nn ti ill Hdouq po p ul a 04.pabl fltiel Clf , ~antll with t hf'lr pallR of I~ .al! to b9-" who out nce of tbe weIght 01 enjoyed lire or knew vrhat Munlcll llli jud~es Inform th e h ead or til e roll. Thoso Yield of shelled ~orn per acre IS' I of the Importa well.' I BulTered ' c ucumbe rs. pkkl ed nppl"s ancl lama · rarlal t rnlt. am II say elp h to the e abl for give pOI'erty at g hing c pin coverin or drinking Is on the Incrl'as .. will be, Ihe prln · ear as compar ed with the ation, but now my 'toes, and · down und er th e shadow of m e Ihnt · greater bero es, Imil probabl y always butts- greatly with conStip and extrem ities-tip s e Jewish populat ion ot 1119 o r others Hre the as ever In my tbo corn grower. To at· the of regul.4r aim as are clJlal habits tbe n ew bridge t h ~ fi sh women, who se among t h sat· to ThIs has n ever b een R Those who hav e not enough select seed I straIght ness of rows or even length life. should he end s i th l",lo wares are eltPos('d to a ll lit e rlll st East sid e. Drunken ness, Isty tbelr own bnnger, yet give a per· from the plants capable or produci ng and circumf er ence of ear, "Whene ver I m~lto!! elttra errort l a'nd dIrt and filth that flI es through raclal charact eristic. beretofo re I.lon to others who are hun g ry: those has In the solectlo n , of mother plante depend on Grape-N uts food and It jul,l& ence, abstin total e lik or ion Bilct mO I~ t shelle,d corn per acre, In orthe "this miserab l y uncared · for fuel oe supply daY'1I only 'a the stall! fills the bill, 1 can think .I lnd ... rtt~ Ie b een unknow n, or pract1cr~lJy so, who bave in tho sllgbtes t de- the position of the ear on Ilh .. city. ,wbO bave d el' to estimat e •' popUlat ion, terly )'e t divide it wtth olbers corn plimts sbould he noted snd e:rtreme s avoided great delil eaBler," c,t ities capabil the gree · On almost every comer and sent· among this the mts· "Tbere' s n Reason .'!, ~am& glvGa by caD bl! marke d 'wlib ears tendenc y, especia lly no ruel, and tbose Who, like l a been Seleoter ' n has there attentio the nre.tul e . r (' a 110ld, blocks, the y In n a t; m ' tered thrflugh Its JOY8 and lirowlnl PORtum Co" Battle ·creek, Micb. 'Read of tbe younge r genera: 310llary , give UJl home nnd to tbe envlro~meDt un· paint Ill;> they C!ln bft saved at hUlking , _, pavem ent soda water rountaln s, where on the part "The Road to Welh'lU e,'1 tn I!t~. lives amid dan~ers and tD~st btl given theIr . .. devote McOALL splr, G, of A, n . , sumptio ' con the Uma. d, toward ... ' . _ der .. whIch; the plant i8 · prpduee Bwer rea. tllo .lto ~t\ lette." ' ~a of muy brig ht hueK ' I s dis· tlon, hlgber 11 to others belp to trlal9 ~r8at UIl&' JII StaHi l'esulted O~Q 1ire, wblch ·has t...a ..... ,te et ...... t 0 •• Tbe tAtemc ent s!!~ecUon of , le04 Qollege 6(~IUt ' ~DlletS at one and two cents a glasR, ItUOl1S liquors, are Immort al . . . .bill ...~~ if-. aN .r . . . \ .. , '.Increas e or drunken ness 011' md , beUer lite,· These J. . ~' . . <verlll\ .. maturtt lUI <il J .. , ·teld the \D "'~ ,: ·,o..c ?: . It GOorwa YI! 1LI:8 blocked by fat old a .mar.ked • .. ' . enrded , r · Uttle on .,. )'e! \etO.~ JewI, r youue the or Dart the " " .'-'. wbpl. cble( occ~patl,~ ·In' ! zl ' d



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Brief Histcry of Strug gl es at Marian , I na ,;In d O o lu s tc e i n Wh ic h M any

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l::l l d\\ i'l hI' ('ap lI!I' , ' rI a [J ptl lI1 t' J:lI11 . I Itr• . nl r ~ and ~ ,'I I ) II H" " W (lf t II of pn l\" ~l p' I: ' IHHf ill1llilllllltlpfl I I· ' 11\ 1!-= h r'(1 nil f u ~a lld"r R n n, I .) m ilt .. ~ fr ol11 .1:.\(' 1( "",' 11\ [: 11'. \, twnl ht , ( ' : II"lJr '~ d an d (11"·

T he p l cturo show 8 Seh lV!'gh' r ot the Un l vl' r slt y or I'~nn~yl\' nlli ll I llo tlJIIl 1 t~a rn tuck l ing a lIyi "g dumrny, Tho football t eams III u ll of th o big co ll ~gefl a r e now hard a t work t ru lllllll; fo r I ho com i ng c lt a l\lllllJ ,,~ hiD foothal l gallles


I"> t n wt' d

p roJ Il'rl\"


1 Vi ew of a C I,i eken Range o n a Poultr y Farm W pc ,.e F rom T il re e t o Four Thousan d C hickens Are R c~red A I, n"" ll y, ,


Ht rllf' l t I

.. .

~RY K..I'THE t U .'\,;I: .\

t ~ I~I.\l l :"; J


I 1111' prouf or lh " plill l l l lI~ IH III I ll<' t h ,.. ('ity I tl " fa n ~ ,'lIl d t h .. llrouf ur H U('CI'~ci III , 1I"nr ... 1,,11 bark IlProlr(' Ih L' " 'ron l; in : LI ,,. I b I I I I rflnl n ("rr p, Ilnn l " I" "" ~lril " '1 Spy , l I " p O ll try us n ~~ti 5 I II ti L' Ilrullt ,


" IIIIII ' g HIl



II II I<' Ii




pf) ~ H l(l ti





t ll \ II


I H 11' ( 1,


d . 'al l



1r<1I :I-: I, " .. II lInll 11 11 "i l h ('001, fr osh, \\ '11, ,· '1' 11 1' " ' 11()111 1 bl I t' l l.,rore ' , " , ' .' , 11 .. 'n l 1111 111 I\"~I f. ,,'dillg tll l lf', t\ ( " Il l t " ;. .: ri t 8 i101l id Lf' rU,· t' ·oed \\ III rt ' rh. ,\ ( ' ;t I l g ." at it all lli " tltTle. \ II II I ,. ,:r!'f'1I "I Urr unu mlx.,u _. w \ t h , tl1" f " " 11 i t-: a )..:oo d Hppt ' t li',I' r, but nol

mad. , i.t St,ll l llg fJJIll! TlI\)llr \I h o h ad C.. " lf ' I " S a lloll'r~ o!l Y I · ' I I with i nr:-l ntr y unrl nrtill r' r,' , roW' or. . 011 11IU ~ t ) 1'6 1r1 tu ~:tn as tu W IP n . , '!'e ll 1( , 11011 11 h".)w 'Oil lire ... " o l n n" tu Illllrk,'! 11 ("r B R" Yll,lIl1 r horl lW"1I Ilrd Cr)T J(' j ' J1tr':ltf> h is f n r r p a t H: t1dw1u . h il t !luur lu \\l ~ lIh o ut a9 !:to (I II 11 :-; 111, · " I!f.i~ In s t fl a d \If thl .s, all fl a J!atn~t tIll ' ur' iln ' !-, ' I - or P V P Il ht 'for'l'. h O a A 10 l(flOW ! I llli i f: ll l ' Ii ,'; ab' , ' cll ' r~ n r I11H f'() l llmnn rJ il1g ('1 m" Ir Il l' I wha t ." u ur /11111 Is tf) b l ' ""h, ' II1('r Illa· '1" '11 '\I ' j ' k :-; 111 a CUOI' like thl :1 \\, 111 1'11 , 111'<1 for'\\':: nl wl l h a l;ou t r.,nnn 111 1: 11 , tu n ; Ii ~" " .'d pUll,ury , hird ~ III r lJ ""'N I- Iit'IIr ly ulllll Ji, ' Ih., " .,1 'ill or l.L l hr i f t y ~ Ir:ii,: ht 111 11) Ihf' ('('unt r Y wh"rr' th l i In /;, or f ry l nK c h ll' ll~ II S_ ()f ,'O llr"" .11 I, i rd . Ell' ll I h " ,".1 11, " lid ' ·l lIllt" · Cll ll I


! · (I f! rp '' .... r u ll ' H


('o n'C'''tl l r:l t f'


n Il

L1"p.ll IlLl_~

wlWl t h \' d \' IJLlJHI III






111 10 11

, you r " ]r ' lflll\' b for, H \ -O U 11\", wt1( , I'!" ':""'r ,, hl 'lm l n/-: l o!'('!' li gUI II !; ' him r r nm ~h "r" \I III Ha l ., ro r ' oOIILJ l rd _ ror (, <'org l a nnd Al ahama . Flllrl lt l ;:; t h at K h .. wa s mar c h ing nll t, F illl P'Voa n· ,P I n !Jr" ,'u II: g, It li la), no l (lny yuu ro ~~II I _ I lIIa ll Y fow l ~ 10 ti ,l' ma rk et. If YOU fll1d I mp Inl n wh i c h Spy m our ran 11f' ad lon ll ' (lllr lI",n, r:i1l1l wl l h hun ger n guo d ~, t11 1(11 br(>1!trs o r slIlall chi! It~ n I hi <I I f Jr. ' If ( for fr )'lll ,; -- allli tI"',-I' u 8\1a l ly brill /-: nl a : r marc I a ,1111 '9 ,Y(>T ' oou Irk. ' " ' u u ml 'hl dll -Ullr b "' 1 ~an dy groll ll d . r('o dl~ d a [)(l llli wh l' rl' I J; k II I I) g kl j ' I ' \\' 0 1' 11 I'll" ng SOIn!' Ii( 01 ~a l' I', ' I h,' I'ul l r l1a li r u n A lh r ol1~h II l Oll g r y ' f I h III k pr e~~ 8\\';\ 1111), 111 th I s s\\'O\ nl p Fin n" . m llttlrtllf; o \\' s t a l " 111:1 e a i 1;;\11 h rll l Ela l ion,'d h Is TIle!) . ",il h hi. I I'O UII ~ flll ~d n ha lf al six \\' ('p k~ or two I Ma ll k3 t h'uTI) u g hl \, pro lf'(' II' d uy 11 1f' I I1 11J11t I ~ I , If YOU IlItc ll d Lo " "II u l'''sspli jJlIllilTI' swamp 0 11 011 0 KIIi~ an d nl'~all P ond I I I ' II b I ,. ',: ' t u c ttlOS e [1 urp (, u I nn th e> ol.h (l r He(or£' l hp), knE'\\' II I bl fI' u s na II'v f'l:it I d II I t I I I a \'I n g Y" o W eros all g I -co un'l Oll r ITII' II we r r In Lh t r np , wltb a flr e I f"R lh ('rA, 1111 t hev 'l oG k ni c .~r tha n lh e op enin g f ro m h oth s ld<-" UI)on tlH' m , , " 1 I u i i/ ' n I P~:q;:t· 1\ l )l':\(' k- ' (' 0 I () l' LI ( I ";1 l'1 .. I ,I(!~ I Tho ar t i ll e r y w as rllsh('d 1111 t o h ('11i Th e PII 'at Is' 1101 fl ui t !J l'lt e r 'bu l \ U'l; ' ' hp m n nt , but th " r " IH, 1 sklrmlRh e r s kno w i l i s I ""k~ th ai COll ll l' WIIl';1 II shot o ow n l h A h o r~ .. ,. H l mo ~ 1 a l nn cn . "a m ll t on 's b allery \\'P. n l. i n t o action bu y pr er)tne~ I li to n llla r l<pl. )i,1! ynr<ls f ro1l1 t h e r eb ,,1 fron t , And A,. 600n "" t hl) pu n et~ cau b r' 101 <1 (rom l ll ,' roosle r s th . ~ y sh ou ld ut! "ep· III ZU m l nul es los t 40 u ut o f 1i0 h nrR~ ~ t d ". I' t II ur a c . anu un est; yo u ex p ec l u tie lin d 45 out of R2 m (> Il , T he wh o l p I f b dl I I I t I f> tll or r f' f' n g . [ l ' S U I'P U S 11I:t t' S t h l n lg w as obsolu t f' l y m lsm alla gpd , ~hol1ld !Jp faltt'lIl'd alill Ilispo He ll I,r a s Al n l''' Ir 11" 1 h ad f orm ed A 1111 1' a ha ir I ' bl m ile to the r ear, W ~ cou ld, wit h Iil o cllr), It R Jl O"~ 1 U, Ir YOIl wa nl t o h u r ry t he m o n to til l' assi s tanc!> of o ur arli ll ' ;." , hal''' 1"'" 1- m a rk !' \. 0111" o f Ih e ,pry b est 111 1I 11ti b (> 11 b ac k Ih p e nlll'!' ('o llred er ate ro r r '8 th a t known liB t hf! c rfll e·fl? l 'dili g 1111' 1 h.

' ,.




" ,


° .


L rr) u~hl


,1 " " r y Hn ti s fa tl OI'Y I lI a r -


kl'l st ag .. III rp l\' d ay" . 1,' ,"' (<Ill h. ·" ", ~ I,,' h a ~ I'I' L' I'y Iloclt s h oilid hI-) d t'a r l' c1 01 O l ll'l ~ 1\ ,,' .. a r , it I ~ th., UI'~ t · 1.1 I h I h I·" ">lu " II an 10 /-:I't t ~ I n Il t,, " li PB r.. r e<' lllng Th" 11"8 h of ('ru l(" fa l l en ,,01 ,(1 11' 1" I s w h llp :1 1((1 tPnd ' r , II UI havinl' [" ''' 11 tuug h "nl'd b y I'xNcl "I' , TIr., !) , I . I ' f I ' k lUll , L 11'1' " I~ t Je ~ aU $ ael 0 11 01 1l0 \\'I II;: t lial O il!}, r leall , wil u il '"ulIl u load Ita > hl'on ('a t c n . To a lll ~tld in u ~ pe r ~(fll Ihl s 1I11l1tl ·S u great lllff l' rt'nc'" P I'" bn l li\' t h e i) " " ( way t n ma rk et _' jlolll tr \' , I flr Ih e a,'p rah" 1.>0 1' w h u lias . , ' ~llIwl fl o('11. 18 to _ ~I' orl! up a l rude :1111 ( ' 11 ).: ('u ~ l o mprs , I h l ~ can (' 11:' 11 ), be d ,,",' wh" ,r ,' 1111 ' , !;am l' p l all h " '1 h('(' n rol l u \\ ~d III sl'lIlng egg~ . I f h I' has k l' pt 1 11 ~ l' /-;I:~ up to a hl /; b s ta ll Llar d . nil' b uy ur r N ' ' Ull~ l ilal hi s chl ek,, "s w i ll b.' " 0 ll ~ wL' 11. r; ,'c n all t he . sta rt 111' ('an d plIlU ll d , !ln tl ~('t a I!rlce t ha i I ~ . nll l (' 11 :1i 101' P til<' ordinary. m ar' . ko t 610('1< . prnvld.,d , a l \\' " y ~, that bl!> " "I ~ a ,"1 iI .. "p~ a high q uality as hi s " ;lIlIlard,





(' oJ o n <>1

" aw l ey, wlll1 t h e S n \'l' ll lh In th p n(I\'o n ce , Mnl1 6111T" r e<l Bc \' erel ." , wh e ll th e' SI' I'" n th New Y ork ruah ed 10 Il~ slip port w l lb thrl'l' hallp r l es of a rtlll or y, r.;cxl Ih e

('onn ~('/ i (, ll l. w a~

I,j)g h l h l'nlh'd Stat .. s co l ore d Iroo p, IIIHI .. r Co l. C h a rl P-" W. ~" rlbl p." wa s br oug ht liP o n th e dOll !J l l~qule k , It Wa H a n e w r egIm ent, a n d h a d n pv p r In nn bo u r bllen und e r fire be f oro, Ilnd a half II lost 3 5 0 kille d o r woundI-/ (> rm oll W . ,' ra.v <;n " liB r roc(' nt1 y HP' , poIn te d by PrQ~ l d p. n t W ilson Be II m em · ber of t he dv ll se r v ic e com m ls81on H " I s a H publi ca n 8ud hi s lt o m ~' I .. ill SeaUle,

Dr. lIIrnest A, 111 ILl-C t, a d cntlllt, who Is accused of aiding R ev , H a na 8~ ClODfessed slaye r of Anna AUD'lull er , In oporallng

a counterfe iting plant, In b eld on n charge or concealing a dangerous w eapon wllil ~ f ed eral ~ Ben'lee ,o)lerBtlvea Inv estigate the counterfeiting ca se, B ertha Z ech. & 11&14 employed by tbe dentist. was held for & Um, as a ma te rial wilnes.




ed, with ('olon ,,1 Frlbl ey failin g with m o rta l hllrl. H a rton's brl gad H- lhe F o rl y -sm' en th , F or t )' -e l gh t h and One Huudrpcl and F'!ft eenth )';e \\, Y o r k w ent in t o tbe bn tt l e and recei ve d {pa r .


:, ,,,

HII'd" l ital al" ' . ' o b e k ept f ur Ha l e (. I I II IH ' \'('I" b (, a II O W f1 d uP.,: I' l fi r s ii lU ll {

od , Tu!,e ~ UIII '" bl a t>! "lJnul it " in c h ! .. 1J" I'1 11111' fll l Th., .I' " h l)lI ld h" 1"" lll an d u b,d F \I iii .' - iul il will d u " I' r y 1 111 (:((1 11 <1 I1 r cli' r , In ('l l' a n, a tlra Cllvo nlc (,ly-ullrt llla ic" a coo p Wilh II Jlnl IJlIarl"\' ~ , alllI II I WUY A W IH!r l' I II(' Y ('nil 'llL l Op unl1 n si al hol l OIll , Ilbout I II I b f ' S I10\\'11 to pro sp ec tll' CUK UIUP\, H, I t ' , I Tl t' ". d In c\ !E'S I i d e, Ihp RUDI e: In h (li g li l , nl\ u a 11101111' 111 ti 11(,1 1'1', 1(' II I C~t ull' l onl:' ,'llUlll; h II) n ccoln tllodat c lb e n ll lll- I n II dirty , b ad ' HuH'l lin g tOOl> wi ll no t b er of fow l a VO li h n l '., t o fatt en . A I- , how t u gnoll lIch ' anlat;." ami wi l l 1I 0 t l ow allo u t si x' IlI r lll's i ll l e ngtb 10 l1ach I SL' I I a s, quick l y a" e ll o r d i nary o n o In bird . 1)1\, 101 " y m.r Cl u t e Int o Boction H al l rnC tl Vl' su rround lug~, H lr d s h a v th at \\'\11 hu l d ru ur ur llv.~ {o \V IM " aeb, I.lI g \\' I I I I .. \1 I uU Hlg e SI l Oll I II "u oJ I(l'p l Set I t UI) Oil a t r estle-a cuupl e or ;;uw. IV I1" 1'1 ' I h .~ y c lln tH' I<<, pt ~ I ~Illl , ol Il e r borse!i m akp goot! 6UPPOrlS-SO th e wis" r h ey w ill n ot show for w h a llilcy drOPI)ln g~ w i ll rail thro ug b the slat u r f'. b d II Ib "l'i l ,I ' nll r m osters ea r l)' , k ee ll t ile ottom IItI n ot 80 C ooop. ," Now milk " n , V-shap ed trouJ:h th e ll ll liu l s 10 iltt'Teuso y our lIucl<, li llil g~ t sam p l e ngtb as y our co op , Tbl s Is rid of your ol d h ellS aM Hoon us yuu u 81' d f or b oth f ued and wat er , Th ~ a ,e thrn lq.; h wi t h t.l lf' 1l1 for KIILl'rs an d f ep d sh ou ld co n si st o r fl nel y ·g r ou lld m olh('r". :-10'1'(' 1' gp il a I: lrd rur hrl'e.j , oats mlx ~ (1 t o a s tlfT batter w lt li sk i m - In ~ p U1'(H)"eS unl (' s ~ It Is llr81 (' Iu .s , mfl k o r butterm il k , p r l'f e l'a bl y th e lat- "Y " II III a 1011'1' 1' tl l-\ure lha ll cum m un. t er F E'ed thi s mixture three t i m ('s a Ir a f o wl I ~ to ad v(' rli se youI' bu si lll' @ , da y, b llt d o not I t It Htu nd I II t he li nd u rill ;; yo u II(' \\, bUye r s, It lIl ust bo · trou g11s, G iv e Lh em ampl " tim ,', Kay o f llll ' b l,81. lJo n 'l I('t n nytbln g l' l se , balr all b o u r, to le ut !lit tbe ;- w a ut, un ll 1;0 f rum yo ur ranI.

I" I

ful punlsbm en t. Tbe comma n ds we ro put In al Int er va l s and whl pperl b y cleudl. Tbe las t to go In wa R Col o n e l Morntgo mf'ry wllb th e Flrt),-foul'lU M 1ll!Isa e huaett8 aud First No rtb CaroUnll, bo tli co lor ed , Tbe l r ch a r g e, howe ver, sayed th e arm y r ro m f earful 101ll! and pre l'enled th e ad v an cl' o f th " Conred er a t es, Gen eral Seymour IIbow od r eckless v a l o r to ato o n f or hlR mism a n age m e nt, nnd "nnll y r n,es tab118h ed what r e main ed of bl s hatlp. rl es farth est to th.~ r ear, wh ere 11 0 pro t l!c t ed t b e withdrawal o f his [;le ll by beal' y v o ll eYR of C'lInl stfl r , Th e S p. v 8ntb Conn ecti c u t c o v er ed th e r et r en t. wblch was mad o" l1 e llbp. rat el y, and th e Most Common Mistakp. Among Sprinkling Pot ShoL!ld Be Thrown , ConfederaLes atte mpte d no Pllrsult, Aw ay When Water .Becomes Farmers Is in Selling Product We hrought orr o bo ut 1,000 o f our wound ed and l eft In th ~ Co nfed erato Scarce Quantity. Only Half Finished. band s abo ut 200 m o r e, Tb p Con fed ' erate R aomftt ecl a los8 o r 80 klll p. 11 , and 6 50 wound ell , but h oyond nil It Is 1I.6t Ol Il " hllll'; Itt OUHt' rn' tllI l'I., ,,; ' II " I., M lJEKl\: ! K (lT nK , ) dou b t It w us mu c h gr ea ter , In blo l !1 vi sit to Ih l' sl n(' l, ra ni " h nw l utJp ' \\'1 1" 11 w at p. r ge t s scarc e tb,'o w a way ' caTf! !ll OH i'u rllll ' r s Ink .. I n " 0 11(1 11In n· ,1''' ' 11' \\al (' rin g po l, or rath " .. ;'o ur ret roa t Se ymol lr b uTn ed up Il rov I sI onll l ln !l t lwir nnlrnn l R f or mark ,,!. Th .' HIlI'ill kll ll g (lot. At ~u c h fl lilllP il i s wOlrtb $l.noo,OOO , mORt comm n n 1111 9tol<e Is marl '! In a TII I' IHII'!' til Ill\' Il f" o f Ih ,' II nw l'r. selling nnll llni s I h at 8rH hair il nt slwd I w il en in th e hu nds o f th l! lIo de .. who On the Lieutenant, Fully 75 P"I' Cf' nt ot nil Ih p a n l nllll " ·',,:alll' r s pearl ." III'0 p ~" Upu /I ,IH! Ii lI eu t pnant W>l S g olll g al o n g a coun· Rolrl r h I li A mark otR III 1\11 utlfi n' l 11 0 ''''' ( ' 1'8' £talk~ , ,w d t; i l'E~ 8 I h .. r" " t~ try r o ad , wil e n It n~li\'P with a g Ull on 1 1811ed (' oll\li llo ll Thl ~ , m o r p th a n a Il Y- . lian e, hi s ~ houhl e r, fu llo w. 'd h y fI d og, 1I0 ve tll l:ig pIAr" is p r o hHb ly e ' R e m e mlH 'r Ihat w h en w ll t l' r 13 In ~ I g bt. ,Th e d og snapped at th e I for t h ... ('0111(11011 h, ' ll er lhll l th em I" HearCIl lh e 111)11 11<; or b oe ca n do WOll , lIelll enant s h o r se , and In a lit of l em , I n o mon ey i n rl'l'dlll /; 11I' ''R l o.:k . So m e" ri p r s w h,," In t h l' h>l n<l. of t h ' 1' \1, ' r , P £' T' h p. pull ed h l ~ r e volv e r a n\f shot the I t1m "~ ~t(lck i s ~ old b <;cllu s.! (!ra l n i H gP ti c p er Mon w ho know s how to II g" dOlt dead, Regretting what b e bad I high, At o ther l i m es Ibtl al' all~bl e t h ese t ool s, don e, the lieut enant bsnd ed the native supply o f f eed h as b rle n cOTl sum ed b P-\ D eeply dug 0011 r et:1thS mo i sture a dollsr to 800the bls reellng8, fore th fl stoc k Is condltlonl:d, but rar l o nger lhan t ha t w l n l' d to a '·'Where w ere you going with the more r rlll'lI ~nllY perbnps, many ree d- sbnllow deplh, dog and gun, anyway ?'1 er R do not unde r stand w hat 1\',,11- I K eep th e surfac" "Ur: IlIu,'" UIIII ·'Oov.'c to tbo woods t o sboo t the condit ion ed 11lp.aJl S, With som e f erd er R : l i:~ ht , gl yln g till' pl " rll ~ a " urfacc or dOI~." the m a n answ er ed , It Is a case o f g oin g with lb e cro wd . du st mulch wit h II :; 11:11'(1 h o.'. No amount ot r eus onln g cun Ol' ('r Mli lciles o f al l kind s a re belJc nd a l Got Out ..rUllt In Time, com e th e Inll\l ~ nc e or that old prov erb -- t'all pn I l'a':"' ~, w e pel s pll lI ~ll fro m At Fre d el' lcksbnrg Born e at our 001s tb u t a bl d I:: the b and Ie w o rth two l!i n ga rd e ll , I :n \' 11 d l pp l n !(:;. were sharpshootIng trom au old out- in th e bu sh . It is tru e unless tI man Po t ted )ll nn t s Fholll,l bC' lho r ougb l y Ul1 i ldln g on " eveni ng , wil en the rebs Is II g oo(1 RI,ot. If h e has JUdl!:m ent ,' w !l.teTt'd RfJ tb a t I h e 11" (1 .t o f h e r ootS, lot a line on the positi on and droppe d ~ nd n erv e Ite can just os 1" 1> 11 ba g r ecel vE'tI Il~ ehnre of mo is tu re, Bed· a sh e ll JnHll1 e, It ~Xllioded, anc! tile two bIrds a t one sl'o t ns to mi ss th e : dC'd IIIu llt 8, howev er , cnn el:l st wllhtrem endous concussIon eent a Gel'man on e, If he bl\!! ple nt y of f eed noel ; out w lltcr ln !~, b ut if ."ou gi ve tb o m s oldie r out through tbe wIndow , He coo v en((lOces for h a ndlin g hl ~ stoc k ; any , g l Ye l!J orn )ll pnt)', lan de d about 20 teet awny. anc! when he can flnlah ou\ I,Igd ,!l ot aacrln.ce It I Th e law n suoul \! n ev er b e "sprloh e came to his s eDaes II&t gazing at the. IJl & ,poorly finlsb ed cOlulltlQn to ,snv e k led~"-blJt I t possIble l et th e hose rl\1b buUdlng, which was fired by the sbell. a t e w ' bulihele 'of co~n, Wh ether he on It tor hours after sun set. UnleSII! ,A comrade came UII and asked him Is feeding e. ' ajleep , hogs "ol" horses one ba-s a n unl!mited supply of WB:It lJe Wa! hurt, ' It Is tbe last f e w busb els or te ed t ar do not water the lawn; but ..ave "but J ' reqU.lred , t o, let them u~ to ~be p~oper I the \\ ter for th e _ bed, borders ,olid "" ..-I¥11t ths,t brines' tbe best retUl'Ila, .qetahle ,g:u-dena. .,







Tbl s 18 th e l at est pbotDgraph or great Ilive utor, mad" just b efore illness,










rnOI'OSH) ,\~I "!\, () ME NT TO TII~

ST I 'I'UT I ON OF 0 1110.




L've Stock and GI'neral Auct ioneer

8 , \ , H U!T'c d by ,h ,· G' "t"rdJ AsumbJy 01

Sta l l! vI U I•.it!: . I A I II Opl..t~ ltlon II • • U be s ubmt t, I ~'\ I v ' !,c , J"t' IOl ot li t l h c. ~ t ,itc of OL.o, on the I II r ... t (u l..' !>lh y ,d t t'T I l.e l iI ~t ~11)na .. )' in !\o ' H ' l!IljI' I. l o'l l J . I" .111 1' L, d "f llt'l. · X11 of 'b~ ~{ " " ':I I ~ 1t IUn I I , hi', ... I , tI(' li t vh ~o IJ v Ihe ad, I t..1 n ll'lI U l !!Ie n lun 1_, t o r (' .HI a~ h .d il.. wa: J\U 1I C I.1.: X l I. F" ln' .. I lHd 7 d .1 al io n. So ! ..' 1':, l i'II ., 1 f,r Ih(" :ol ,lf l' of l )1\ ;0 And o t at. ) I'." \ .tl"~'. h dl\ll tl , '·"'L ill y . " 'old dl ... trl I 111 1' !' I:..: T II ' ....

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AUTH ORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. cd Oh IO. uTt .l n $("c' 1" 11 : 4' 1 .Hl il" ! (,fl ll ll",(. " An .1\1 f(' la til'R to (" . ' 1 , ' 11 , ' r, " " .. (,01 ;1I 11 1'" d ll lC'lIt S I v the C o n&t itu, I I n' l 1 i f I !" II .01,, 1 lhe puhl h'a lill il Ihcre v f." I', ..... , . ': I I.' l :f'tu' r :.I A"",,011.h · (Ii Il lIi o . Apr-i 1 tnt , I

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Waynesville, Ohio

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21 HWllu way

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Lebanon, Ohio IlH ,\:\C H OFFICE '



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Tucsdll.}·s and Friday!!, frum X:JO , I to 12 o'c1uc lOllil'e . curl1l:'r Main anti Hig-h s lreets I Ph one Nil . 100

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S ur,.,': I .k'- ( 1/ /'u l; lI , J·ri nt inll. t nr m IInd ln g Maroh :11. 1\11(1 . ' I · ' ~ I . , ,: , II':' ,. 'r . 1 I I t 11t· IJ. m ! \· (l Y . 1 n the mllttC'r of Ili A e~tI\ te "f "~ Common Ple as Proceedings , (' I II' r .. Ii ,:! I". ! , , "" I IJ \ r.J.TS, I' "'' I'''!,-I'' ' .\\1 1" 1,\1' ''' '[' T O TilE CO :-/· • r l . l r Ie n I I ,I. 01 :u... , UII Ihe Sl ld ' II " , l'F 0 111 0 . M. MoUtuo /!. d f'oe ll!lOrl. F i r ~t Ltc· I Frtink V. () 'NI'IIIl v .. . Ann £l C [,' '', 1101 ~! , \ ' ''~ ' . .d\ ( r th l' lT (' i, II'H . . I • Ii" :lIl l ll· ~:)Ur . ELI GIBI LITY OF WOMEN TO CERUIM OFFICES. (·.. ant l,pl'rov(1, ll\od IIll ,)Well : Brew dr und I\'l at iltl,. H. (; II ~~ it.ll\y . li t' tl ,·. 1t 1.11 1.\ ":-:(1 ' . I " , II , ,,' ., .. ell , ' 1 :q\I !llI IH the H ,' I." ' -.f"( ,h I ,t 1, \· til .' t ; l' n r* rn l A .ru rn bly 01 In the mul,t·or of t b ll l'~tnttJ of M )!IllY uud oqUltubl u roltll t Hu d .tIioI 11I· I.II)' .. I ~ t ,I' '' . • 111 •• ; ,I ~!.d\ , Ir t,. ~ u I C' r [ h , ...... • t , " LIJI Q: l'h n'e fl r l h!" nf t he lI u' mbe r II f ... 1.1'1' .1I1! , j !! , ./ ...' I "1.1; , .... 1 .. 11.111 Ir .JV C J~ i len.1. Fox, d"ollU~ed . Es tul u fully foreolu~ \tr P. I" 1(" 01 I i, · r 1 <. h 'l ,\I""l' (" 1'I T1n l rflIlR tl wrei n : dll t lil' rn) 1IJ rl f il l \ . ' ,, " , I !- .I " \ ' ,lli c l:li :i &0 I' ll II 1 . 1' Ihc' 1I I I q Il J"' l ' «.Jf'pr oe uring the t'l !l{ il lil ity ,1I' 1"'lI l1 l'j' J.\ tr} II . , ' I. ",.: lo lt h (: b ) d c-c. /I,llUlnlstered . I' . N e tt.i e 1-1 b' "ruy V!l Frt1ak l' . I I'} I I \\ Iit' il I i i: ... ,.l." .,.... I .'" ,1, l l l}.Jlt· d !!Iha ll ,f ,', jI\t' 1I Til " 1 1.1 / 11 t ll111 t: !olo . a pn lpos a l shall :ll:l It 'd I II t hc clt'I l nr" of t h ts Slate in 10 t,h e mutter o f th A Oijt,uw o f Fort-{y ot Ill. l",\r pllrtltiOIl "r 1611 1 " ,l ' I" IIC til hr,I,1 :. ' " " II ' " I" r li l(~ tull t e r m tb,\.e- !<'11 I ;.111' 4· r I' IjI\' llh 'd h)· Inw , o ~ th e firs t TutJ, 1 " 1 .... hl d l I.e \\ " . . ·ll'lll', j 11111\ l lllt !i tUB !'tw.' b ) "i~ ' 1 Itt· lol ., t ~f l, "J.q. i n l"o vc tlllu,.' r. 19 13, Huth A. Morford, doceusAll E~ t" lttl l e~tattl \\'''~lJ r .. b ,dl h .l \ \; 1, u ~ 1 ·\· t\ , 1 o r ; 1~I'Ullltcu to :1 ,. :lJ II:t t' " II :H ltu l lO n o f th e fita t e by ha ~ q\l .d l llt , ! " .. I ,r,, \ I, kd Ly la oA', I Il U ' I, d lll$.: il rt ill (' :'\ V , ficcl lo n 4, t hc reof 10 fally administered LOlli.. Runyan v", Slullc!.i e }3 , an Sd .: <.:t I ON .! At .., 1Ic1 1 c'l..- , 1111 11 t tl .. a:nc nd. 11 1('11 1 b h.all I,!' 1,1.1'.('1 1 'j ll t h,· "ni. l•.1 ha l', t III the Ih;l t II 1\: 11 r{', h l it s fo ll o w s: In tbe tnl1tter of the ~ .. tl1t e of Po lin g. Ml'n llY only. S n: . ~ . =" 11 pl..' rS l1Il s h ~111 he e1 tc t cd o r npp•.il1l l·d to ;\11 )' ,,(fI,.co i ll t h i, sta te unless pos.Inm es C . Hitesman, dorcllsed . FirstJ Loais C. S ee ke r v a. " ' I'l li"lll N. ST:f~ ,~t: r{ ll~~ ;,)1 I ;:'''\~ tl~:fll, '(\' 1~"- '" .:~ II~JT:I\· ~ It ~ ( I!I~ .. n BALI.OT I O l( ~·r. 1 1' 1: UI T " ·I. I: S··, .'r in "r- .;:(' i Il f Ill · "~1.1 1 : ·h ·. l tj t\!I . n f an elect or ; pro-, \ 101 1.. . 1 l lo:' t \ . l'lI \\! (, :\ f' (" "il il('n s m a y be a po tht r lan ,il ll,l!o:f' ''"!! ., .... .0\ Itl tll"llo;n :llt' It c1 ca rl r . hCC( nnt confirmed and allowed. Hunt . AJlpeal. l 'flIll lt'.1 :1" I UclI ,]' l 'rs "i LO:l rd s o f. ti l' t o pO!llj . ,llId I f a rn.I J"rd) ,.e I hl' ( lre to l .. \ 'J llllh u n the Ih u s r tlrl ':l rt fllC fl tS :i nti ill ti t u t io ll5 es . In the mtltte r of tbe estate of tih ~ I'ml\o Morton and Jobn Wbf' SOlUI C s hall .1010pl ~ \ldl ; .'. H: rI, l l. I I'hi. S I 'lllllS 1. II.lIIIl .nL..~ ll111, r\ t II) , hi' ~ I : lf t'" fJ r any poli l k :d sub.l a nd l ti h l' r c lII, d, n ' ., ' f f l lll! !"" ' ,;1 11 Oil .Hh l 11\ :qn n th iln u l\'ing the in t ~ resu o r care H t\uecoa V. Sheppard, insane. S ec- len VEl Elias Robinson. Injanotion 'l a (t t' r th" Il r., t d 'Y n i JoII1 \:'I T) , PJI 'L h ~' r() l n" d \\ 11 " 14 I I "rt"nf or d TiIJ rt:'1I o r h ot h. ;,sll eI c.HI ~ , i r lltt· l h e ~" I ' II" It nH: I1.t l 'd (If o nd ncoount oonfirmed aud IIl10wed. etc . " \. : ': : .'\t ~u ("" h d C"C" li on this amend· ll ll ic,· le II I o i t he' ( ,," , l tl \l l lI ln fl f I ht' :o c u f io and s.ud u rl~ lIl .d ... ,' 11.1 , I, 1 ~ltI J 18 rrtl'"l1l "'h .II he.' pb. C'" t"d on the offici;)! h:ll1ot i n In the matter of the will of The E . B. Thirkleld & BOnB Co ., .Oh fh (' IIIIIIn(' r I'Tf" l'ril l(' (l hy law :l !f · 'ARTI C I l~ hall be r("p~~IeJ and .11I1" .I! lc..d . :'\V . ~ I ·r rll):-; . , - 01' Ueorge W . Perry, docealled. Mary VB Sarah M. Mil er. Mon ey on ly. ! l' I .... W A IN , \\' (1\ 11': :-' '1" A PI'OI :-;T~ 1 E:-JT AS M F. ~~ · Splah'''' 0/ r /u' 1/ ,1/1 ,,: I I / N, P lt .u flt CJ! i v t'z, IlFI: ': " " 1\ " 1:1) 5 O F. O Il PO SI TI O!"S Purry eleote d to take under the Luura M tlkiune r ve . Valeria 1:-< . \11 : I' .II<T.I II-: :,\ T ,\:'\!) 1 l':!'TlT l ' TIONS H I'l, )! L , :\ ICHOf S. It .

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Funeral Dir(>ctor ! Dit.H.E.HATHAWAY and Embalmer. I II ,1 .~ ~o !' ~i1h.'1·s l... e l~dlnj1 DeD~1$ Pdllin ~t ! ( )ffi CO in Koy" Bltl/!: Waynesville, Ohio. 1 --

Ca ll 311sweren p romp tly day or Ili g- h t. Buth phone:l in Oftice and Hesil.itmcl'. Long ui stunce,No. 14; H o me vhnne '(

E. v.

Notary Public

l4·2r Chairs and

Ol iO

Coach furnished fre e

with fun e ral ~ . Re:lt of servi ce g uaranteed.

I All


klndfl of N r,tary WOI k . Pemli t) o W ork 11 Hpeolalty .




In the of the assignment o f Anna C . Brewer . ~ibson Lowe II p [>oin ted apprlliser In plaoe of Hobert Irwin. In \he matter of the estate cf Albert L . Tittle, dent!8sed . Minnie M. TUtle appointed administratrix . Bond $600U Chules Wilde, Frallk Riohard and Elwood Clev e nger ap poi n ted I1ptJra hel s . In the mil Uer of the ostate of Lucy L. Guttery, decou~ou . IDveDt )ry and apprf,isemellt flIed and reo corded . In the matter of the estAte Margaret W eber , deceased . Fin;t, lIod final acoount tHe(l Ilnd ordered tl aspended. In the matter of the estate of Joseph A. Bllrkrader, minor . !:lec oad aooount approved and I1Howed. In the maHer of the estate of EdWin F. Harkrader, minor Sec ond acoonn' approved ,,"d 1I.110wed. 10 the matter of tbe estate of Margaret E . Hllrkrnder, minor. I:leoond acoount upproved aDd al lowed. In the ml1tter of the estute of MOBes W. HOllingsworth, Otlc EItIPed . Estate fully Ildmini~t\J r flt\.

Bowman, 118 IIdministratr lx of Ben · jamin tI. Littrrell, deoellsed. Money on!y. The Lovel und Mutual I:lullding & LOlln Co , vt! , E . A . Fo rd Bud Minnio Ford ~'or money . Amount claimed 1839.4ti with interest lind for fore · olosure of mnrtguge and s81e of r eal · ellt,llte . Anu Connol loy VI:I . Ed .... urd F. Coanolley tit 111. If,)r sRle of teal eeta to Women Who Gct Dizzy Every woman who is t,ronbl ed wit,h fainting and dizzy spell!!, Ullck. ach e, headadhe. wOllkness, debility, constiplltton or kidney trLtlbles should otle El eotrio Bit tArs 'l'hflY give relief when nothing elp9 will. improve the health, adding strength and vigor from tho first dose. Mrs Lanra Gaines, of Avooa, Lfl., say!': "Four dootors bad given mo up and my children and ull my friends were looking for me to die. wilen my son Insisted thElt 1 use EleMric Bitters. [did ~O , lind they huve done me a wor ld of good . " .1 ust try them . &0) lind $ L 00 at 1.11 drul{giRt,l' o r by fuall H K Buckl eD & Co Philllde lphi" or St Loui s

.. - -----

Real Estate Transfers


CIl\renoo H. und Hnrriet M Kib. bey to Jennie E. Rogers Imll Frank B . Kibbey, ,I trnotH of reul e st.llt~ in Tartlenreelr township $ ·J[,OO. Catharine M. l:lnuok e~ III to Harry MODnts ~ acre In Maineville. $1.

No Ciluse

to ~aitl

Worry. 1111'S.

SOICJt 6 .

U r'nTl~ O STAT ES OF A~£ t , A, ST.n~ ('If' 0111 ('0 ,

I N Tf ~ll~aNv \ \' u ERrOl', 1 have- h l! r C'l1nto .u L!oc TiLnl 111)' n a m~ artd affi x t'd Ifl) ( diicla t Ical a t t he City o f Loill m lJu 5, Oh iO. t lds l ~ tb

day of J un t, A

1~ 1 J.



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AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION . D r/,ort mo11 of Pl4 ldic p ,.i"tino 01 Ohio. P u blic:ltio n


t he

ab o ve I,r ullos cti ilmtnd. unde r SC'c-

n lcH t 10 Ihe C o nstltlHiU'lI lIf Ohio, I I"n j of ;"In ;1('1 t'll t ltll" 1, "An .h t

rd ;l l i l1~ to t t' rla in J1 rnrn~c: d 'I1n e ltlill1 c uI 'J 1(1 t he COII~tlt ; l'" t iull o f Ohio and t he l' u bl ica ll (\ 1\ th t'r eof ,"

l\;ls.s c: d hy th e C c m"r:tl A 'l,{'c lfll ,iy (I f O h i o , Ap ril 2~ , 1<; 1,1, i~ ;l1I th(H I 7C' oI l1y th e IJt·f l:t. rl mC'lll of Plll,IIC l' rilllll1 g u i t lie S ,:I1t' nf • )\1 1". I HAN"- I I "dtI'Ot. S ut tri 'iJ (J r 0/ Pu bl iC PrilltiJl().

PRO POSE!) A~II ·: .'1il " IE:\ T '1'0 Till ': (0:'. S I' ITUTl l) :\ Ill' ClI II O.


lJ,' it tL'J oll 'rd by til.' r,c tl t'ral A sumb l)' o f ' IIC Stut t' u/ O /ll l". t hr r' c, fifth q ('If the me m be rs o f C,II II h Ull::tC {'IJ Il C'u rr i llg 11H: n in: SV.CTIO N I,


t hink: O lll'· half th e wo rid rl ops n' t kllo'\ how the ulh,)r half liv es !" " Nev· er mtnd , ,l ea r ," rC'l'li ed he r long·HulTor· log hu~l )a lttl , " tha t Is n' t your fa ult."



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t lie purpose of pro.

l).dl o t

(' lec t u rs \.If th is !) Iatc , in the 1ll;l llllCT pT u\,idt: 1 Ly law , o n th e (jr~ t 'I' ul..'s d:ty a! l l.: r 1 he fi r s t M ond ay in !\t) \ · tllll!C T. 19 1.1, :1 pr oJlO~a l to H I't'a! ~ec tl O H S J, 4 nnJ 7 of nr t id e X IIi the c o n l litut ioll :Jill!. t o ,'u lIclld Rc c l ie"" ."i 1 " lid 2 o i s uc h a rli r lc to r c:td as f oll fl\\ls : " 5[(:. I. 1.:1.\\' '; 11\3)' he pa !' ~ NI pn.H· jd in)( f o r t ill' d l..· t: ti o n o r apl. o il lt ll u' n t all J terms o f a ll em· h CV lI llly un ci 10 \ \ lI!' h ip offi l' l' r s :IS may he ncn:S5a ry , w h k h officers s h all h,I\'t" ~tl r h rH''''cr of l o cul taxa \l IHl , fIJI' Ilui u,: e purpor,es, :is ma y b<: prt'sC' riiJcd hy la w. " SEC. 2. I.... f1 WfO ma y be 1);""t'oI;~ed Ilrr1vi t..l in g (o r a f orm of !1o\'crnment v r count ic!i an d tht t (lwll!)liips t hrrtin. Sr.CTI('I:oI 2. At such clati o n this amend, mell t "ha ll he: r"l(' ~d o n ti ll.! (,£Ti (' ;nl ha l1 n t in tbl:': manlltr preH riheli b y l a w ;1 < "AH T t C I . I' X. SI': CTlONS I nnd 2- ~I I( " ! T nAI . I.OT FOI< ('(1I 1:l:TY ",D "'f'\\"; SIII POI'·

FH'j ': RS" o r in o(her bn ~ u :u: t' ~lI fTj ('irn t t o d c~iJ{II;'te it C' learly, and i r ;) m a j o ri ty of the cl c'(' l n r~ ,' o li l1£ 1111 t he same ~l,:, lJ :ulnrH s\l (' h nm en tim «n t, o;e r l j(l llq 1 and 2 h L" r! 'i na\/lwt" sct fi nd

nftcr t he ( II .. t Ib y o f Jam",r)" 1914, bcc(l nlc nnl l (" OI I I .tli t ut~ tIle I!cn io rl s so ;lmc n t it' ll o f .trtk le fl i th l' r on sti, • hlfi nn o f th e :Hn tc flf Ohio an d :!OIi d or i ~i 'la l s('(' IiOI1S I :l n rJ 2 , a n rf :11 " 0 ~t'etioTl "l 3, 4 a1ld 7 f () rlh

" h ,,1 1 on


Avoid Wh ite Paper. Whit e paper is ItOl as good as blue or brown for wrappin g up thin gs tbat fire to be put aWay [or a IOll g while as tbe dliuridc or lim o.: in tile paper will tad e fu brlcs .

o f !'tl t' 1! a rticl e . and 01 0:: 0 !t C"C' l i(ln 16 of il rticle I V. s hall ue repe a led and :ll1llull ('J,

C. L . SWAt". Spea ker 01 Uae Hou,re ul Rrpr':sClltalivc£ H t l C II L. J'\ IC1I 0I.S. rr c firi ent u/ th e S enate. Adopled April IRth, 191J . U~ITr.D ST4Tl! S (')1' · STATF.


AM t:JlI CA,

The Family Cough Medicine

CA l:! !" "

1'(11<. WOMF:-/

Iht= e lC l'1 ors

!>1I l'i 1

\' 011 1110: n il Ih e 5:tlUe s haH adopt aI1H~I1 ,l l1Ien t. S I..·l' ti t Jll 4 l u~rei nn.bov~ ad 1)11 .1 1111 aft e r t he finn day o f Ja~

1\ '11 11 ~ t11 lJ

1') 1';. t.c(, mu.' and c OI1 Pi titu te the sect ion , 0 ~I" H'I iC"d o f ;, rl i.' lc XV o f the co nstituti on ' he !"1 .11 of (..IhHl and said " figinal sectioD

l IoH \ . (I f

" sha i1 Oe revea.led and annulled.

C. L. SW A'''.

S l'c"k .. of ,h. H o ..... of R,p,uenlalitJu.

Huon L. N.CIIOCS, P,uid6n' of ,h. SI",,'.. ,

" ':" I"tJ April 18 th, 1913. l TS IT i! D S"T AT f.S 0 1" ANt.lCA, 5 1.HI: 01' () 1I1O.

Offi",: of I he Sec reta ry o f Slate. T. ('liA S. 11. r.KAV I·: S, Secretary of State of I h e State.' o f 0 111 0. d o htdeby ce r t ify thnt the f orl'gll: l lf,! is u n cJt(.' mpl i fied copy, ("urdull, CO rll) , . I"l~ d t,y me wilh th~ original . rolls noW 011 fl1 r in I hi! uffiC'~ and in my offiCial custod, tl!'l Sn'ff'l f1r ), (I f Sia le a nd fount! t o be: true and ( ' 0 rn.:1..'l , of a j o i nt rCloIutio n, adopted by the Ccnrral A .<cmhly o f the State of Oblo, 0" e IRth d ay o f April . A. D . 1913, ana fi l ed i n t his o ffi C"~ o n the 30th day of Apnl, A , D , 1913, ~t1ti t1 c d .. J oint Resolution rel.a· t ive t?, tli (! c le y:ilJility of women to cert:110

olli C' f' s, J s T "'STUC ONV 'VHtR P.Ol'. 1 have here u~to 8ul )s (' ribt'd mv n a me.... and a(fh~ct mv nnic l:.l se31 :1 t the C1 t y o f Colmnbu I , Ohio, ihis 19th

J uno,

d a y of

A. D. 19 13.

( " ••. n.


SIC,,'.,y of Stili..


AUTHORIZATION OF PIlBLlC."OIi. D ~"a' r 'mnl t

0/ Pu blic Printing of Ohio.

r lll,il lo n of t h e ll!Jo ve proposed a m endm C" lIt ' 0 th e ( o ns lltu ti n n of Ohio, under Sec· \l u n J o f :1Il a ~' t cn l ll l l',j, "An n c t rela ting cc rl;,alll pr(' r o!.eo :lmenr\ m e nt ~ to t he Constitu· t i o n o f t)hi i) awi t he pulJl ka tioll 'h ereof." p a ss{"tt I; y t he Gellcral A ssemhly of Ohio. Apri1 28 , 19 13 , i s a uth o r ized Lv th e Depa rtment of l'ublic Printin g of the S l ate of O hio.

l· k.... H'J{ TinP f R,

Su/l.",uQ, of Pu blic

----- -----_.


DR. J. W. MI LLER. ... DENTIST... Office 10

~at1oo&l lllWk


WaynesviUe, 0





n'\R. JESSE s.MITH fI CARl BOO 1&.( is his name. He is a little brother if the great woods; a friend if the wilderness. He is trapper, sailor, cowboy, ranger. He is a lover with a strong heart, Simple he is, and ff quaint, abounding, unfailing humor. He will tell you ff the lovely singer Whom chance brought to the forest like himself, and how he fought for her. . He will make his bow to you in a few days. Accept him as a fine, big, heartwarming comrade, for such indeed he is.

I, e liA S. H. GHAV F S. Sccrttary o f Stott

o f th e Stafe of Ohi o. do Iwn' hy rerl if y t hat the f OTelo(o i nl; is an ex e mpl ified copy , r are ful iy ( ompa reu by me with the o r ig inal r olls now ('In fil e ill this offi ce nllri in my o ffici,,1 clistody QfI Secreta ry o f S t n te an d fOllnd t o be true nnd (orrce t! of a j oint reso luti o n, adopted Ly

ID everv homo thore should be a pen?" "Mr. Wbift pr WO lt'! argu e. " bottle of Dr. King's New DIsc0very "The )loor woman."-UirllllllWbum Age. t he Gtnem A .. emhly of the Slate of Ohio on the IR,h dny of April, A. D. 1913. anat ready for Immediate OSB wh e n any Herald. filed in tbi. offi ce on .be 30th dar o f April, member ot the fllmlly oODtract,1I a A . D, 1913, e ntitl ed uJoint R C!lo ution Pro. p 05i n~ an Amendment to Art icle X of the cold or 8 congh, Prompt use will Constitution of the State of O hi o, relative to stop tht'l eprea i of Hlcknes!! S A (ollnty nnd township organiza ti oll s ," True to Her Word. (l'f Tr.sTrwOHV WlInlo •• I ha ve hereunto t5t1d, of MaeoD, Mich ., writes : "My lllack-"She said 011 hN wedding day lubsc rib C"d my name and affi xed my official whole fa.mily depeDds npon Dr. ••• 1 at the CIty of COlumbu8, Ohio, this 1911t King'lI New Uisoovery 8S the best that Ghe would go through (> \,erytblog da, of June, A. D. 1913. tor him." White" We l1, I guess sbe CUAS. H. G1L\V£9, oough aDd oold medicine In the 0/ SI.'.. world . Two 500 bottle8 oured me hal!. I loaned him n ten8pot this mornIng."-Judgo. of oneum )Uia" ThouslIDde of AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. o ther famlll's have been equflUy D./Mrl",,"t of PNblic Pri"ti"l1 Ohio. P ublication of Ihe .bove !'.ropos.d a mendbeDefited aDd depend entirely upon ment to th~ Constitution of Ohio. undo. Seo Dr. Klna's New Dlsoovery to cnre Happlne••. lion 3 of an act e ntitled, '-An oct r elnting to their coaghs, oolde, throal and lung My creed Is this : happiness 111 the proposed Am~ndments . to the Con stittt tion o f Ohio and the publi ca t ion thereof," troubles . Every dose helps Price, only good. Tbe place to be happy Is I>ns.ed by the C~ner . l A .... mbly of Ohio. Apn1 \913 • .is .8 ulbori .e.d b!' Ihe Depar,ment of Mo and $1.00. All druggistI'. 1:1. E I here. 'The time to be happy Is now. 28. Public Pnnting of tbe S ta le of Ohio. . Buoklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. The WilY to be bappy Is to help make . .,F UN K HAIPEI, SNP~~IO' of Public Prillii,,_ J,.ou1t, . . otherS so.-Robert a: IngerSoll. .


~ - ' ''':. ~ .


.>\ . '\ j) l ' 1I1 1.))1{ !::O\" , o r ill ')Iher la l1Jo(u ag e l uffi· If'l: t t' l t.11~ .H I )' d t' : ~II .lIe if. a n ci if :t ma Jorit,


0"1 0.

Offi L' e o f the Seer~t u r y o f State.

Genuine Pity . "Mr. and 111 rs. \Vh i !'fer ne ver. hav e aoy arguments," "lIuw does that hap·

..Hr l, ·TI" l:. If

(or (' UII I IIV a nd 10Wn, 8"'1) ,lfJicer3, t here ~ hil11 he s I11 1r~I itt e .l t ll 1 he


"Th llosop bllu ~ :

I ii,'

Offi ce o f tbe ~ C:: C I C1.Jry or Sw tc. I. e liAS. II. r. 1(A\, I ·: ~. Seer., .,,)' o f Sto te of the S! a l ~ u{ O!:lli l , tlu ill' l l' IJ) \:~'I tl ry t h .lt t he fu rcgOlll g IS nn ex(' ,.. pi l ll e d en"),, (,;Ircf lll'y cO llll-'a rc ~1 by m e Wll h Illl' \..J r i · lfl.ll r olls n o w OJ! ,tic in t bis o ffi ce: a n d In r.l) ' IIffil'la l ClI llit as Scr r cl <l r y oi S lale dlltl fo u fld 1'1 be 1r u e BII U l ,' rrn:t, of a JOI n t f(.· !o.(,111 11011, <ul u llll'l.l Ly t hc C("nnal A ~!) r: l n L l y o f t he ~ " lh: of Uh i..,. o n t .. oo: I ~th It:lY I) f ,\pr i), ,\ , D . 11}lJ , a nu fi!('d I n tIll S o ffi ce 011 til e. ,l (lth d,I)' of AprIl, A . D . I ? 1.1. c tll itlcu " J',i ll t n :soltrtion pr upos, Ing an all\Clldn H' nt {I} "eeti llns I. 2 ami I H o f ..rr id e ! II o f t ile C OII ~ t Il U II C,III o f t he S ta te of Ohio, rt'btive t o t he M: lc c II OI1 o f c; i!\' e rtl o r a m i ot ht:r !o lDte Officcr9, "

(' llf l llg

His Only Chance for Peace. " A IIllt ICu nt rll t:' lIlutlcd the mnn 8t In the m .tter of Gnorge Boj:liDo th o hAl1d ur lh t' table. "is a man wbo Appliofltion made to pluee sa id Is nevel' Hl1listll' lI with bls lot. The party In t,he Ohio H ospi ,1I1 for , onl y one Ih at could Dring peace to hlB opileptics. I re bellious spirit iti tlte family lot."

Clam I. Young t u Mur.y H :::ihe r wood about y. l1 0re in Loonn " D. ' 1. W , C. aDd A . U. Hilmuur to'I'ltus. C. Christie, their in t.ereHt in certuin r ell l estate iD Lebanon, $1. i'rank W. t;o uthard t o Ja7l1 eti E". tiouth!lrd El trnct uf illDd In Leblln u n ,


P' ,lIll ,' Plt

Adopled April 1 ~ 'h , 1'>1.1 .

- .-. ~

A MAN in Ihe

OPEN is the new serial we have aIT8l1ged to prfnt.1

It is so utterly, so amazingly different from

- most stories you have reaa that you will .thor.. oughly enjoy every ~talment~ · Watch for it!

I i'"





GAZETTE' W ay o eK villo.

California Letter



Well It i9 again night and we Are Harveysburg. forced to mias !4eelnK quite another stretoh of ooun'ry . After a good Mr . and Mr ~ . .I/l oob Re es., I\nd nigllt 'y Bleep we are op earlyanll /Mrs, Mary t' lIll lh. of Dayton , tirO the flr8t peflp of dil l' found us out he r e viMiti ug t m other Mrs, on t he desert 10 Nevllda , Tbe moet B8rr l&t A 1\h~" r'J nd Mrll timit b's wort,bleR8 stretoh of ooontry level' Iwn, Wnrr.. n . . r . RpOMe for IIl1ln y 8 1\W. NothiDg bu t Band llnd sage yellrS has b tI In th e emp loy o f t ho bruwh. A billy goat would fltarve Pastil I borvlee f(Dn 01 111[ (08 hi ~ 11'1 1' to dtlilth If yo u ga ve him 10,OU O' here UllIIll ttlly wlleru h u IIIIH m lluo acres all t o himself. I wouldn 't frilllld ~. I give one a cre of Ouioland for all I ]t . G. (;" rnlll' .",I d hI li <II I "" '/-: , I!aw In Ne vadllo , In fllct we saw h orse Ills I h "' r ti~ lill getll ttW UI t u little elPie uut desert Ilnd m oo ntain" Ilookin g 111( ' " Illl(l then Ollnn OI k eo P uotil we r ea obed I:llwrllmento, cali ' l th olT ~ I fornia , ~Ir~ . Rnt h \ ' IIIHIt' r\' n()rt, Hpl'nl l Saorlllflento h! a fine oity , We ;8n nd ny lH ' 1'1I 1 ho t-; lIa~l. lit her brolhur , follewed the Saorllmento valley for l (~u lnoy Kill /-: miles and miles and it is a fine ,J "un I{"htd. A C. WHiRllIunt ElI I oountry. 8aw peach orohards Wlll illOl ZlI lIm tl ru,/luand g d t:'l'bcil ey I breaking down with fruit, also hill. Clf Dayt ull . we r e ~ u .,tj l~ of t he I Bides covered wIth melone. We had Ce ntrul li c,te l l"uDI III Y. I began to tire of deserts, oanons and Mr . II 11U 111 1... L F . ClIr twrl gbt l11e mouotalos, so is looked good t o S88 oocupy ln g th Ll pr operty k nuwn tlll growing orops and fruit We \be J Ollill h R . ,g l· r ~ hOll1 os t,Ol.ltl. reaohed the BIlY of Beneolaand WlUI U nr (> 1I ~nr l'r i~i ll !{ thr .slli ng lila soon on the largest fllrry boa' in the cbll . 111 1111 , .1 ( ' . 11 1'I1 Y, I ~ Iilli llili n~ wprld , They pu' :our whole train CIP ('I .• Vf !' il ll l lln~ lind fr um t hat h,) on Everybodv got out of the will /-: " I" hll - king Ollru . Mr . tlmy • ooaohes to walk around the boa' as has 1Jft.1D very s llccesBful in hi " line we were crol!slng We reB'.:lhed a,nel IIl er itll the plltronu ga of o ur Oaklan4 a !iUle aUlr dHrk and liS pl8Ople . we had deoided to go to Taft before '5teveo Eoton di ed Sunday ev eo ing teolng on to LoB Angeles we ohanKed at Ii o'c lock after quite a long I'u tl'er. at Ollokland for the valley routll . illg at his late home in our v illll~e. Aa l\ wall in the oigM we didn't Bee Ihymond Bro oks b',8 PUr Ohl\ ~ec1 1 anything oomlng over the moun. tlile property whi ch hilt! been ow ned tainll . lind used for 60 yw rs P! as a sh ofl It waln't qolte dayllgM aB we ~bo p . It will be a sed for 11 m ov loK came throo~h Meroed. It Willi JUlt picture show. day break as 'We passed throogh Mr. and Mrs, Le wisSe"rs and Bon f resno, We reaohl'ld Bakersfield Boward are r esl dents of Wiltuio g Saturda, morning at 8 o'olcok . I ton . Oar 10SB is ~h"ir gain. had wired frcm Nevada 10 UUnt H.ev. Samuel Given" prenched was $here to meet UB. Is was about here 8undl1Y. Rev, l1iveoB hilS t.blH noon when we rp.sohed Taft and out oharge. &0 Jee.le'. in time for dlDner , George)t , Edwards iB r e l)r esent 1 like the country maoh beUer ing t h8 MIiBsie Tp. !:ionoav Sc huol thlln I expected. We ~oan lltand on " Lirn!l this week, he being one of a high hill h&re Ilnd see over 2000 the uelega tell to the StIlle oon voo oil wells . There i8 eoough all goes tion . Tbey surely made " wlso IIop to waste SO 011 an the roads In Wllr poiutment in selecting him. ren County , Louise N, Wilson is visiting her Don't know jl18t when we will go b:rother and sister air Bnd Mrs. H on w Lei Angele. hut some tiDle E. W ~l son , of l)"yton. between now and September 2G. Turp 8mi~b l of Dayton, spent WhfD Charles ~ets hili vaoation. 8·onc1 .. y witb his family here. The weather here Ie flne, but" ldr . and Mrs. Ira A. Hartsook, of hall been very h It , The air is 110 OlaytoD, Ipent ~unday bare tha pare and flne, I sleep on a screened guellts of their parentll~ poroh jOlt like a baby . Mrs. Jos. Dllvis and daughter Well 1 think U tlm~ to olose my n.orotby were ~ueyts this week of letter altho' 1 am forced leave Mrs. DaviE' lister, Mrs , Irll Bart · out a Ito.>dly number of tbillgB that slock, of \layton. - -I woald Ilks &0 te~1 you about. The They Make You FeelOood 8now Shedl, 0110 ani, the bottoms of whlob we could hardly see, College The pleallant purgative e.ffeot pro. Peak, aDd Needlea, the Blaok Canon duoed by Chamllerl8in 's Table~ Bnd and hundredl of otber tblng8, but It the htlaltby oonditlon of body and mind whioh tbey oreate make one i. long a road to remember ft,el joyful. For sale by nil dealers. every thlni or a tenth of wha' we lIee. A . B. ADlIon .

Come and see the finest assortment of

. . :Il .\I N 1:fI'HElc-r tw o r 0WS ot sellt~ tbait aaoomodate '·wo pe r8 0 n~, thEl full length of the VA L I.EY TlLl.l-:l' ltfl i'm- 4·AI.I. NO) Il~ C iT. The pltR!4eogerll Were invited nu t no tilil! oar liad none of tiS D. L . C RA N!':, Edi lor a nd Manager wl1ited to be bsked the 8eOOnt\ time . A t the bot~om of tbe gorge i8 the ArkllD8b!:! ri ver bat it Is just & sDlllll Rates of S ubscription 8~re am The nilrotld tollows the 0 110 Y~ .. r (Hlroel ly III 11(l\-l1l1eo ) .• . •••.. 1 .. 00 I'i ver . Fa rth er and farth er we pon !:! IIg l" Cu PY . . ' " .. . . ... . ,. . . ,06 atl ated t he ollnon. It beaomes nar. rower and the walls higher. In tb e IIC'I'e>ln:1l ' . 19 1 3 aenttlr ot tbe gorge I'll only 30 ft . wide and t·he w&lls on either ~ide Wellh Gold Min es Stili Worke d. ue 21\27 ft . hiRb . At tbls point " '\:!ijh ~(llrl n"n . ' ~. 111 OlHl of wblch II. rid , vuln Is rUlJort ed to hn vo beon tbOi e WI\S not room for tbe river stru ck , hliv P tll'p n sy"tl' rnatlcally and railroad traok 10 tbey bam a workP.d ror O Vl'r t< 1~t)' yellr~ . Gold Was hanging bridge whlah ill sUlipended Ilrst dI BcoV('r!'d In th e Ilrln clpllllty In 1845, In 0. lode, on tbe Clogllo moun· parl1llel with th' rlvflr by IDlmtlnle steel supporters buried in the granite taln, wnlls on either side. tror 10 miles one wonder after another of na tore's A Marvelous Escape mysterious grandeur greeted our .. My li tt le boy had II w>\rveluus eyes. In 1I0me plaosll the rooks eHoa ve, " wri tea P . F . Btlstiams of Prlnoe Albtl rt . Cape o f Good Bope. hang out over the track. It took Ml' ntor and Phenix in fine "Jt oocurred in tbe middle of th" as aD hour and thirty minates to night . Be got a very se vere attaiok go there and by that time our nooka S upply. of orollp. As luok would havfl it, aohed from looldog IItrlllgbt up I had a Il1rge bot Ue of Chaw berlaln 'll Cough Remedy in t he house. Arter trvlng to aee the tops of tbolle lolld following tbe directionll for 8n rook wallll. As I told you In the honr and twanty minnte.. he was beginning loan" makE' you under tbrough all dt\nger ." 130ld by all 8tand how It look •. dealers. We next oame t, Marshall Pass and Mount Oaray. rhlllie the baok AI the Legal Mind Saw It. bone of tbe oontinent and is 10,8 58 In a CllaR h(,R rd ut tb e Ile lfaet (IN' land ) summons court a II. rew day. ft . above ssa level. We go up the With the new Trimmings ago, In which the complainant was st.eepest grade here In the wGrld nam ed Fortune, Sir Andrew Newtoo· pulled by llteam r.llroa:l engines, Urady remurked to th e defendant : "If but we bad two enginee pulling and you stOP annoying Mra . Fortune, mla· fortun e will not rollow your footstep8." ODe pushing our train, 011 dear I darkness ba& come again and W6 ml18~ mlB8 a long stretcb of country. We missed A Gentle and Effective Laxative A mild, gentle and effeoti ve lax· seeing tne snow capped pellks of the Mount PrlnoetoD, ative is what people demand wh4ln lWoklee and suffering trow oon8tipation. Thoul! Leadville, Eagle River Caoon and Nemo. Warner, Ferris ands 8wear by Dr. King's New Lift' Mount of the Boly Crol8, lill!o the Pills Bu~h Tallman, of Slin Anto. Wais ts, Sheer Ruffles nlo, Tex. writes : .ITllev are, beyond wall~ of the canon of Grand River and handreds of o~her vlacel! of question. the best pilill my wife and I hll ve ever ta ~ en" They never interest I will say right now we caulle pain . Prioe 250 lit. droltgl8.tlt hllve the olever.. ' nelgbbors jl1l1t or by mail, B E . Bucklen & Co aoroBil the aille from as. A lady Philadelphlll or t:' t . Lonls. and her two daughter. who live SI miles from tllln Franollloo and had To Kill Odor of Onion. been vlsltlnR at Youngltown, Ohio. To kill the odor of onloos 00 the Alilo ano'be~ nelgbbor 'hat ie breath eat lemon atl!Jrward or drink 8trong lemonade. M aoy persoos who IDterllltlog who JIves In San Frau. never eat onions In uny other form olsoo and was there duriDg tbe cannot very well avoid them In Borne earthqullke . ~he W&8 making her salads which would t!lBte exceedlogly seventh trip aorou tbe Rookl81 nat without tbls vegetable. EVERLASTING SHEETS and PILLOW CASES are Tbe other touris&8 In oar coach are made of a smooth, medium weight sheeting, manufactured of very congenial people. specially selected cotton, which makes them la8t longer than any Chronic DyspepSia Wel) It's oomlng daylight and we other sheets made at anything like the same price. They will The following un.oucited tesU ta b l Il reep. on' of the"s . wash full, thick and heavy, making a most desirable sheet for monllli shonld certainly be 80molent All 1 rll n SM II! rallged, jagged j(lve 'h ope ~nd courage t ' perlonF mOUnh"IIl, lind the porter eaya we hotel use. atIlIot·ed wltb ohrol110 dy,.pepsla : wlJl 6000 h r. 10 Utah, We traveled "1 h,ve been a chronto dyspeptk for year8, and of all the medlolne I hours throobh fbi" atate and noth. bave ~ken, ChI! uberlain'lI Tabletto ing bat ruo II U &11 1nat We reaohed nllve done me more I{ood than any BaIt LIIke Cay ahllat " 0 oloo~ n thing else," IIlI.ys W. '0 . Mattison, ---_0 _ ••____ No 7 Shermll.n 8t, Bornellevllle. the afternoon and ~'ln everyLody was bumping beadl! trying &0 lee N , y , For IIIlIe'by all deale", Avoid Sedative 'ouJl:h Medicine out the wlndowlI, and a persoo If you want to oontrlbate direo'ly Alia will be IOlene d undor ~bl . bead for oould Itllnd a preUy hard bump to Merciful Wife. to 'he occorrenoe of oapillary bran. twt:oty ·llve cent. (or 'hree InHcrU"na get to aee that oity . We only chltls and pneumoni.. upe cougb wbeo U81ng nOl more lban live lIoes. A Cincinnati man wbo attempted to dictate what bls wife should wear Is stopped 'here a &lIort time but we medlolnes tba' ocntaia oodtne, mar ....................... ~...... • ........... . now defendant.. In a divorce suit. It Is had a good view of tbe Mormon ghlne, heroin and other sedatlv8fl WANTED a wonder btl Isn't the central attrac· Temple. U 18 said to be the great when you have .. ooujtb or oold tlon In a jam·up funerai.-Hou8ton est bulldlnlJ in 'he United 8~tsa. An expectorant like Chamharlain's Cough Remedy ill what Is needed. Post. The ocuntry around the olS, Is That 0lean8 out tbe oulture beds of good seconet.haDd hellting stove, ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!":"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ level for miles and very fertile. brae .linl plaoee for tbe germa of muat btl in good oondition. 0 ?2 Great herds of cattle were Bcanered pneumonia aDd other germ dilleBses Illlqulre a' this office. Eczema and itching Cured Tba' Is why pneumonia Dever re Thtl I!oothlltg, healing medication over p .. s~ures, from a cold when Chamber MAN patlt 30 with horse lind "fo Dr. ffobson's Eczema Ointment Our next larie place lo slop et sulta lain'lI Cough Remedv Is used. It buggV to sell t:!tQck Condition penetrates every Uny pore of thE' was OgdeD whloh il 30 mIles from hal a world wide reputation for It·8 Powder In Warren County. Salary skin, olears It of Illl Impuritles- BalS Lake City. The valley Is as oure.. It oontaine no morphine or $70 per month Address 9 IndU8 StOPI Itohing instantl,. Dr. Bob level a8 a floor aud tbe railroad 'racll o'ber seda'lve. For sale by all trial Bldg, Indiauapolie, Ind. 01 5 !:Iun's Eczellla Ointment is ICaaran. dealers teed to speedily healeozema, raBbes Itraight as a line wbile OD 'be Dorth few oar loads of Pumpkins . rin~worm, t.,Uer Bnd other UD is a hlah range of mounMolnlL We Write or phone Eavey & Co , Dally Thought. lightly ernptions. Eczema OlDt· reaohed Ogden al I) p . m. U Is X4mia, Ohio , a 10 Wipe out the past. trust the future, mont Is tI. dflotor'lI presorlpUon, Dot quite a larlle plaos but J failed to and live In a Ilorlous now,-Ellzabeth Iln experiment. All druRgIBtl or by get the Dumber of people there. It TOWDe. mall, 500 PfeUler Uhemtcal Co. , Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires. has the nicelt depot of ..ny we S& w Philadelphia and 8t. Loul •. FOR RENT along 'he rou~. Ogden is not on , Harrowing Thought. 'he bank of Selt Lllke &s I ~ad Catty. Germs are bad, of course; but they CORWIN. OHIO. Phone 71- 1 thooght. "My husband," she said, "always oouJ4 be wane. Suppose they aan, We ran ~everal mllee bEfore we {J ~~E~! ~~~Dl:le~~~: ;~~ ~~~ ""_""""'..."'."'..."..."...",...."......"_....""...."..._."'..."'..."..."',,,,...,,.__"_..,.,.".,.".""."'......"'."".".."_..,.,.,,.""._,...,..,,..,,_ _.,,_......_"'._ _ _""'.......,• ..: wants me to look my b?St, no matter at their "ork I what the cost," "Well: her friend reo came to 'he Great Lake. We_w In houle. Good barn , Mrs. A. F . plied, "one can bardly blame him tor pilei of Bait along the traok. When Dnitt. a 8 feeling as he does."-Chlcago Record· we first laW tbe lake l& looked ju., Herald, like any other lake but aUer wu !lot FOR SALE out over lbe water aDd could see no Veterlnarv Funeral Director. Hving tblng, neIther Usb nor water BEEP-l!1 nioe Shropshire EweR Graduate Oblo Slat. lJniverai' ·' 1100 Reward, $100 fowl 1 fels like 1 "a. oroulnl 'he Inquire of ~eth FurnaR, R O. Telephon e drlY or nigbt. 2, Waynesville, Ohio , a 22 Valley phone No. 1, Long 'l'he reader" of ibis pllper will be Dead !:)ea. The lake Is miles Distanoe No. 6\l-2r. pleased to learn t.ha' there I. at aOrc.SI, but tbe train r,olll .10. and Office at residence in F. U ' Sher-. OLTS-0I.1o thre., year, ~omlng leallt ODe dreaded lIisfla!:le that lOience It seemed Ilke 60 ml181, The lun blill been able to ollre in all Its stages, wood's house, Fourth Street. , four, fine dri ver and works Automobile Service at all Time. and tbat IB Catarrh. Hall 'II lJa'arrh was nearly down when we were anywhere, and Yearling COUll, InTelephone 28 Cure is ~he onlv p08ltiv~ oure now about half way aorOllll and we qQlrtt of Dr. Krlegboff'l!, Oregonia, WAYNESVILLE, 0Ii10 • 022 known to 'be medical fraternity , watched it sink tnw tile .a~r Ute Popular Mechanics Ul~lo. catarrh being II oonstltutlonal dis. a haKe ball of fire. We o·) uld see . Madazine Branch Office. HarveysburK, 00 Ohio Waynesville. NE Pair Extension Ledden. One eue, requires a oonatUotion~1 • treatment. Bal1'l1 Ca&arrh Oore is the refleotion on the monnMoIDB loog -w.nDI . . YOU CAM U I I _ If" 8e~tlng S'ove. Inquire of F . taken Internally, aottng dtreo\ly op- after it h'ld lunk out of Ilgbt. GREAT eo....lI. . It; Cheno"eth , . 0 2! on tbe bloOd aod mUOOU8 8urfaoet We had another 'red befoN we may ~::."r.;-~y time, ::; 1NEUAR-ExtrB good, oider of tbe sl.~em, tbereby deetroyinlf reeohed land a .. we uw Ule mOOD which willlIGId 'JOor Interest forever. thtl foondation or the dbiease, and vinegar at 250 a galloo . In glvinl the patie't. atrenKtll by peeping out of the water, U WH _ ~ ..... 1iCiImI _ PICIUMI quire of 1. Sattertbwaite, Wayne8. bolldloR up tbe con.,ltu"oo aod Gnlv ..t fint quarter but U looked . . AIItaD or ..... MIWjT ville, Ohio. 0 15 BB,II'lng Dature In dotnl in work . pretty. The lake II 88 mil.. 10111, ~':'''~~:4~=-:~r.=~ IA RM-A good olAe tn a good The proprietor. hne 10 m,ucb fal&h 32 mllet\ wida ~Dd .baa ·... .......... iMfIIIartid.ICII'homundlhop,repMra.etc. I will continue to do Roofing and Spouting at location, ololle to two railroad II. 1n lu eurative ' pow'er.. tha' they depth of 15 f.'. Wbn 70U firat 1(0 -~. "(lODQa)ten.howto' Reasonable Prices_ Call on me at my home, For furMler partloulars inqalre a' offer One B~ndred . Dollar• . for ~~!"'!!I..~W-.~OQa~boata. or pbone 24-2X , and I will estimate with you. case tbat it falls &0 care. ~d foe over t~e tberate aD odor 'hat _ __dletblala _ ... 1oM 'lils emOs. 0 211 }la l , of ,,"monlala. Is aDytbtiil bat plealaD' bal af., tlCIIIII AddreN: ' F, J. Chen81 & Co., KolDla-U&t!e .ay. 10u ·d . ." notice . . JOUr ~ewtdeaJer, or . ACRES of land, 8 E. of Toledo, ,Oblo, .. I!' " . n, 'nine ar~ :10 ~11" of madei . , M.ftIl'" . . ..- - ~ ~~ ' . . ~a,o~vllle 2 mllel, kbown . ~yneBVl·11e, Sold bv ,,11 Dro!Jlllts, 7".,.. .. &_ ... . t .. - " . 4 II It f f POPUL'AR JIBCBANIc8 CO. a. abe. Olarboo GaUBe Farm. Ap .' Take Ball;• .hml!, PllbJ for OOQ-.,,'rao • •' aD • MO , .... - . . .' -Iply' tQ. J'~IrUD Paoker.WI~y~I8&'1I O ~' I" IIJK

Suits, Coats, Skirts







we have .e ver shown




65 cents

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OlassiBed Ads





- - -_0 - . .----

Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates.




Walter McClure Dr. J. A. McCoy, or




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aorroun lteJ, lind the crrchtn ' "eN _ Ihu s o III comllltl nd or th e dlffere Dt fo rc\ls to approac h aa closdy as POll' ~Iu l, · \\'lI hou . ruun lng ri HIi of dl SCOV ' .. ry, alld lh en 10 r ~ m :l l ll ub sulule ly 'Iu l .. t unl il day br' ak . !'Iut 1\ match \I a~ tu Ill' IIl;htl'<.l " 0 1 1\ sh o l ti r ed

1" "1."




h lf '1 ITl th n I,'u d of th .. I r!lO pl r ~; !'; o ,l w(, r d \\a N '; 1)01\ ' >0 :\ l.H.)\1' a \\hIFop,.o r , :l ll d ~ I rit-( ( ~ t'd, ;.,. ',', ,,' [' 1' p:t ~~ 1'l 1 du \\ u

«Keith of!he order~ MY Lad y of f.f MAO. Lnd'\.ToI>J.{Dou~t I-leY d


." .. horl108 Qui eti :: Mdlflel! , a nd IIU'leasly Ih l' li rNI " III' :li r ym " UlOVC(] cut o ncc mnr" and took liP tb tl tra ll The m oo n hud l'i HI'II , II l( h\ll1g liP th n d f~e ['\ . ull,1 Ih ~ OH:I!; " l;ul'Io '~ , 10f;" l hcr \\ il h Ih " twu H" OJ UIK. 10,,1 II", w a y At I 'usl"r ' ~ r N1",," 1 l\ a"II: 11 ro ll o b "~ld(>







N. Y.

Con stip atio n Van ishe s Fore ver

U ' il 'I

Promp t Relief - Perma nent Cure




faiL Pllre ly vCJ.(cta · ble - a ct s ur el y hut !lentiy on , Ihe liver, Stop af lcr donn er dis·

dawn 1t~ nllln

waS H"llt do wn tb o lin e tll a rouso th e m

thp P:1SS,I1g- IH'rci or Indl n n ponh's and O " c rcou ts wc re t uke n urr uu d s tra ppe d 1'1I)·",,, . lrr '. m Oln " }' , II r 8U' · "Ialn h ' II1nrk "d bv Ill,' Ir~lIlng polea (' to t h e s ad<l It:5. car h ln ~ 10ad" 01 and t " ' lInt' r ~ t l'J f'l h l h~ r t hi nrrnm. · I . " · UE' pr Sll Th is 11 1'~ l gn Is \'e ry e rrec tlve mnde t r c ss~ur e H lorS(1 wu l lllg n ll Jln ~t , 1'4 f o ulI', i T'Ilo rf1pr r d. n u m . o f ,riUm ('rnll~ \,' I c k y ·u p s s lun 1f;, plslols exa m lrll ',1 "'"l lousf' ne d " \ Vhat I ~ it '! \Vhnt did you sc e?" lin. Imrt y I. "n "~1 1l ,,, Il n.' r.,. bll .. ",<1 up In o n e of Ih e n e w rough materln ls indigesli on, 1' nl 8 1",1 ~tra "; h l ,\wny In to th e In th "'hll p h c'n <l l n ,: t nT It,.., C'lmmnr e ir holli "R te r 'a a, sa I ddlos J d ' tI r eci n,lI£'d comblol 'ct wit h broa on . I" On .... . 11' . I , .' II ' r h C d m tu} ('.I ",,, rr(' m ("nll1 nnd a n rqh C' r Rlm nlt dclol h or fi n e improve t he com pl c>xion, br i",hten theeyes. e p n un e 0 \\ n l c r e, ",O ll . nrrUN ~ til \.1 p~ 0 1 H ana· Th e Gent-1ra l swu n g do wn rr om hi s nnll (' u rh chains caref ully look (' d u ft !' !' se rge. Coll a r and cuffs Iu c cu",b • . <;\'M""n I•• hot n, Ihr\' ro m " lall , s how a bit of SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK. 'JIl to th o p la lll g b" yond . The In fII tg-lit ,., r C"l mnHl,r n n , Il n l l1l1 n dlt:; I' o YI' r !'l !-1 n o w h f> dd l tl d th " S , , t t f I Thi H wa~ th e work or b ut a fo w mo colo r ed emb roid e ry which Is ve ry pret· r (' WRS n. root ti P 0 Ie ' I s a " 10': ('n hln hl drl,.n U Tlf' f ' r n bluM', OI' f'lIphod o. rno o ne Genuine must bear Signature ( ~ e:: rg e .l n 0 o · m unl: r. , the hair frozp. n soldi e rs mov ep n n ~YC l ow, n.nd th ·1 two nl fJn c r p pt Iy. An Inse t of Ibe plain materia l fills by R u",h •• ' , n ,'ow to tho who I. II\ )'Inl( r"r 3 no In ('In ce s th" go lllF: In l{ w llb un wa s e ag h,'u er ness vy . Ihat 61' Ut th e In Ih o ope n in g ln rd.... Fey r' . " lIn ~ h"n ' ~ " h im In ~ c" "I,, t h(' ,· ndvnnct>d th e wellth pr m od- cr ('st and Ino l(l'd liv e r . Th o dim moon. 10,. 1 th e skirt. Small eal. Ht ~ Jror rlptilln t ..l p lI t tn r.. " T.t,F"f· \' T'I' blo od co ural n!; !le r t''' ly throUf; h c ry s l a l bUllon • , nnd nupo nt :t ... nn i> Il ntl 11 11" ~lIn H' . J{ tlt::ll"~ s exte nd dow n the I' rat f' d HontPwh at , un r! t.h e uppe r c ru st lig h t was c o nfu sing. w11 ilu th e Rh adow numbl' d lim bs . To th e whisp t' r .ho~ W~ sson ml.~tnh. tn ~ him f n r ('Tl" of hl ' c am,,"! e d com fro nt o f Ib" blou ~ (\ and sj(lrt. Broad· so rt . H rOrf! tll e rn Rtr f-' tch ed of timb e r r E'nd er ed ever ything India· J..e F ev r f't H ;)fI T 1,' Hnmlln n n~ lIluml to mount. runnlll !; from ill> l o e1o t b, s JlI1 tak e up ' lop Ir~" or 1., '1"0\' 1'''. w hoi: h ""4 e rge or wo ol ra tlne ca n a ll be Ybt th C' y w(' r e abl e to make ,. Ihe d fl'ary Il' ve l of th e p laIn s. bro ken tin ct. lip along th e Jinp , the men s pra n g used with this rl c ~lg n . r!,rrJ1 nll M (l lly to th,' l "oIlnn'. " ""' 11 I Y or' : D ~ l o na l r av ines and li t tl e \go- o ut a h erd o r ponies , distin gu is h ed tb e joy ons ly Inlo 1 \v o day " nut th ...", fll cht rlr " ( I/~!lh-l th f'i r sud d les. t heir '~ I I h Th o hl d)"s o n .. pi ece dres s patter n f tll ~ t ant ba rk of II do!; and the tinkl e ' " n ~ht ~nS ll ('fIL I n ' \· 1' 1.... 11 II IIJdlf"ft In fi ll;'! aT (" v atr £' s 0 tr c(! ~ , 1' 0 s ign of qulck () ued enrs !Iud ,'nf;c r e), (' s ready 16349 ) Is cut In C o mple t e 1', .:ttructior l.J 1.1)' ,no ll lOc. Ararrirtn. by nn Indln n n ), Ing, I,, · ",n k eN n dOR "Io r· l"rl lal1 ~ 01 s be sizes 34 t o 4~ Inche~ Mool ll. WItho ut QU As lion Ihl8 wua was seen ol h f' r t h a n th e d&Order School of Il1ncona.74 ..ortll nd , 51 .. No" YqrIr o t e o tl e mpt t o "h C'H) t J.,' F p \' rA b il l hIt!'!: bu s t m easure. Mediu m slze leq ulres Ibe Indl llDs' wi nte r camp, nnd they ro r t1w s ignal. Hamlin. whil e the I"llf'r I. 'il. "r01I'''( r";' S0 rl.P r1 lral I , an d confl d ' nt th at th e S lo wly, !It a walk , Cu stl'r le d them ~ yard s of 36 Inch mat l :"'cvTo. J .f> rf' Vr tl 11" C' ap~·R. lk l l" \' ITI/o: H nm . iJa!: d h H had r enc eri h al. ed It und ls cove rpd. Cu s l e r d li n d fu ll y tw e nly · four hours ' Marked Simila r ity, li n nnit M o ll y Mnd . ~I " II " 1,· 11 . lI .. m iln forw a rd tow a rd tb e cres t of til e hilI. I' t I I 'J'('I pror n re thl ~ pnl tprn f'e th at h e r (II th t' r W3$1 l mpllo- :l l •• t! In 10 (,,(lin t. Ill(" 5 dr t 1. . ' r pur su e r s n d \'u n cpd us ra)Jld · ;:: lancl' d nt hi s watch - t h e h Ollr wa s wh e r e " If 12 pe rson s WI'I'" t.O agrep 10 dln o th e OSlIge gllld{) wa t ch ed t.o "Pa ll e rn D t? pu rtt ll o nt ," or nrt this pup~r, ~ o t 10 01",,1 th ~ l'fl Sl midnigh t , H o p r C'Hscd Hamlin 's P!lYII"'"" "r'. rn O fl~ )' !y as l h£' gr(Ound wou ld per mi t. Th ,"' r ite lI anre IlTHl nti d r OB:l pl lilul y, and be togl' th e l" l"\'t' ry day, but 11 . \ ' 4' e t hrough lh e !lpectral li ght of daw n 6u 1" aJ t in n m lln .("o n(f' ''~f' <: hi M 10 \' \' ( r,r ~f nll .'" Itn l) \' C" r y ('I('u r u to give siz.e and number of pa tl ern. rn ess of th e tratl waH e vl . s h·eve, hi s li ps cloSQ to th e S e rge tlD t's On do Ih ,ll It 114 rf"'dnnwa tl't1 :\f n l1y (1 ... . e xul'tly th", MaUle ordt ' f" aro und 1114' ta ' th e d oo m ed vill uge be n(',\lb , To t b e r1llrPft hl:'r f flftu' r w nR tnn'f' <1 In tl' cur. theo 1.!f\ n Ce t h ot t h e Indian s had no con· ble," did" ' li ca ll y sla lNI th ,' profo'Hso r, robb en ' 01,, 1. , T h ~ )' m" ,' t lin "('r(le p back and bring my officers u plift of a hand Ih e c olumn baited . p ce ptl o n Ih a t tbf'Y we r e bein g followed . t Tf'ClV o r ('l l ~h.. r 9 ,'o m mfl n rt , ~tnrt l nolvnnr " It would luk e t. he m 13,000.000 yea r M. n ,t; nn u • NO, a . nd ~ 'C 6349, us te r a nd hls bugle S1ZE r wcnl for· .••• • •••• ---- • •• • wln to r r . mp n l~n n ~lI l n . 1 "1<, lu dilin • . (o nn G!'nt or lIar" Iy In th ro lr wint e r r e- u p h (,re," h e whi sp" r f'd . " H ave th em ward . A sle p 'behind cro Rt tb e raI l' of oll e dinn er Il L1 ny , Ha mlin rem"I". ~' Ide . ucb e d th e trpat , Ib (' y we r e ma k ing no errort to tak e orr th eir sabres ," N "ME ••• _• • ••• __ • ••• ••••.••••• •••••••••• ••• tlnd Ih e y would have E'alt' ll mnr e Ihan A8 lbe y c r e pt, olle aft er th o other, Se rgea nt, graspin g the r eins o f thrm ' prol f! ct I h eIr r ea r. ne l'e r dr <mmlng 474 ,000,000 di nn ers. be fo re th,')' eu uld CHAPT ER XXX V.- Continu ed . TOWN ho rses . • _ , ...• wh _ .. llu . _ .... a littl ___ . • e _ • . to •.•..... th e • _ right, •••• bE' to wb e re h e la y In tI." s nnw , Ih o Oen· g et throug h a ll th e p o~~ I\)l o arFrom th e lo p of t h e rid ge Ib ey could Ih ro r c were Bo ldlo rs within hundred s yo nd lll p sw ee p of th e coming charge, STREET AND N O ... __ •. •••.•• .• _. • ___ •••• rug P. 111 ' Iltl! III w hi ch th )' coul.lI p laco look dowD on th e loil lng column or o f mll ps, \\'hnt('v f' r r(! po rt Du pon t h ad • rnl. who se eyes hnd bec ome accus· walt cd tb e' r eglme nt a l ba nd. tOOled to the moon·bl e am , pointed out tlH!lU se lv es, cavalry m e n bplo w In th e hlufr s h adow. mad e, It h:lll a\vak en ed no a larm. \Vby Pee ST ATE ••••• •••••••• _ ._. __ • __ • • •••••••• _•• ring ove r tl.r e cres t, tb e l en d er th o locatlen of th e \'lI lag e a nd s u cb " Ye n," !ma rl ('d 1.1r,e1(' I'cpys. "T hat a nd gaze ofT OV f' r tb o wid e ex pnnse of s hould II? SO far as b e kn ew th e r e saw throu gh tb e dim h aw, scarcely \I' (: r e hut t\\' o m e n pursui n g him Into natural Ru r r ou nll ings as could be live wou ld bo Il cnrl), liS I1luny wuy s 8 S a "alley, tbrough wblch hundr ran ed tbe yarns dl Hta nt, dottin g til £' tbe wlld e m esB. and bolh of th ese h e I' nguely di sti ng u ish e d , Tbo si tu a tion a s1ll[\11 boy reu rI'UII R". h lm."lf during halt·fro zen ('an ad la n, LADY ' S FIVE GORED SKIRT, no rth baDk or th e Washi ta for mor thus o utline d In th ei r mln(] s, th ey be li ev ed lying dead In t ho anow , R long se rl.l1on . ' - .1 ud gco. "Whar 'NUS t he t pon y h erd?" th a n III qua rt e r of a mil e, lhe Ind ian Steadily , mil e Brte r m ile, they rode, dre w sile ntly back from lh e c ff' sl, leav. villago. Hamlin pOinted up Ihe vail ey to ThPfe was a l.r out It searce l) Had a Ch a nce Now. place wh e re tb e swerv e came 10 the nn d It was after d ark wh e o the little Ing Ib e re a si n gle Osa Ko gui do on a sign of hUllllln life. JoTom th .. top tho column waB fl nIl lly hailed besi de a gua rd , and return e d to th e wa iting Whil e ho wus play ing on a re rtnln H ream. o f t wo or tbree of the tepees Il r('glme ghl nt, s tandin g to h ors c les8 than ~kottl s h co ursp, a politici a n rt'mn rk · "J u st below thnl point ; do yo u Bee .. tream , wh e re thl')' eou ld safely hld e a mil e di s tant. Custe r' s orders for wr catlls of s mallS float ed langl dd l) c d tu hi s c a ddie : " 11), th (: Wil Y , t h e w here the wind bas sw e pt th o grou nd t h e ms e lv es III a patch or timb er. Tlny Immedi ate o Ul 00 the w!ntry a ltack came swiftly, and air. a nd be yond lb ~ Ins t tin le I Willi h e re 1 pla)' e rl with fires were . built u nder prot ccllo n of Hamlin , actin g 1.18 hare!"' bl s o rc((irl y. bore Ilony b erd wa s restless ly mo~ lo g T om M('/11·cJ.; or . Ih's gra n<.l pl aye r! " th e stee p bank s or t h e c r ee k. and th e th em to th e several "'Sure th e y weren 't bu rralo ?" comman ds. The Eve n 108 b e gllze ll, bait convinc ed Ibnl .. Ay e ," said the ('ndd le, " but ),e cn uld "They were ponies al\ . rl gb t, nnd m e n mnd e co ff e e. and fed tb elr huo· entire ro r ce was s li ghtl y In e t he Ind illna had heen warn ed, tb e 0..1· :rcess of b III gol· 1100 ." The poll llclllD, gry h or s '~ B . Tb e si le nce was profoun d . e lgb t hundred m herd e d ," e n, a nd there was luge d ese rt ed, tb e s harp r e port 01' II knowin g whal a flllP ('laye r McGreg or Tbe tw o m e n s purre d back a cross It waS a dark nig ht , a lt ho u gb the sur· rlfl o rung ou t in tb e distanc e. had shown ' h lmsolf, was Imm en sely Ihe hills , and mad e r e po rt to E llloU, rO\lndln ~ BnOW plains yl e ld ed a spec· Ha m lin saw tbe General s pnog u\> plcased at what h e dec lI1 !.'d th o cad· Thero was no h esila ll cy In that om ce r, tral li ght, Major Elliott, drinkin g eof· rlghl. Il ls 1IIlS utte ring t bo sharp «:on, , I,,'s eo mplim l' nt t..o hi s own Improve d fee aud lI1unchl ng hardtacl < wlth the The lead in g s q uadro n was In 8taotly mand, " Sound tbe charge' " E Te l 1I1ay . " Do you tblllk so?" h .·) t' xclalm· swu .. g Into formatio n as sklrmI B!le r~, t r oop captain. s e nl for Se r gp.a nt Ham · whil e t ho pier c ing bl a r e of tbe bugl . e d , "Aye," came th e 810 w r eIl ly, " Me· 110. Th e latt e r advan ced w ithin the ..nd ae ot forward . (fTom rlv e r·bank to c ut th e fro s ty ai r, th er e was a Jingl e C reg or's d eld! " creA t of bluff tb ey plow ed tbrough th e glow of Ibe flre, and snlute d. of st oel a8 the troope rs behmd sporred "We hav e b ee u gn lnin g on tbo ee drltts . o\·e r coats strappe d be hind and forward , Alm osl at th e Insl.u.n' th , Contrad ictory Pleas ure. carbine s flung for ward In r eadln esB fo r foll ows. S e rgea nt," tb e Major bega n, three d is mounte d men were In saddl e "W hal do )'OU think bl s wife COD· nction . but as th e y c limbed to thal " and mu et b e dra wing close to the Cu s t er wav ed hlB hand at tbe ban<l , slde r ed his g ll'l ng h er a sq ullr e de a l !" lopmos t ridge, eage r, ex pectant, It was \'\' a8hltn." sbouted "Play!" aod to lbe rolllck1I.'g "What? " "We a r e tra ve lling faster tban th ey only to gaze down upo n a dese r led air of " Garry Owen,'· the eager col · "Taltlng h e r o n n round or amu ~e. ('amp, l r ampled snow, !lod blacken ed did, sl r," was the r e ply, " because they u mn of horsem en broke IDtO a 1D,&j\ m e nts ." G324 embers of num erous flr os. HamJln had to break trail , and there were gallop, IlQd with ringing cheers and some wom en an d children with tb e m. "118 th e firs t to scram ble down th e mlghty ruah, swept over the ndg~ Conditio nal. 8t-eep biull. dismou nt, and drag hi s T b ave 00 knowl edg e of tbls r egion, Stralgh t lines are favored In th~ Rtra lg h t down lnto the startled village "Fi g ures can't lie ." but th e c r ee k e m pties Into the Wasblta Ir e mbling horse slldln g afte r . Behind new separat To liamlin e sklrt.ll , at Custer'l wblch I have sIde, bereins II "We ll, Ih a t de pends on wh eth e r they plunged Corbin and Elliott, anxious to wlthout doubt ," his teeth, a re volver In either band. come so popular thIs soaSOD. This five on paper or In a batblng 8ull."" That would be m y judgm e nt. read tb e Blg ns, to open th e pages of gored model may be made with high (,;xchan ge. what followe d was scarce ly a m em o ry this wlld e rn ens. book. A g lu llce h e r e Sparlln g and I were just talkin g lt or regulati on wa ist line, and (:Iose I ~ remillne d afterwa rd aa a blurred a nd th er e, a r.eslin g or th e blacken ed over, 1 shall wa lt h e r e until Custer Indis tinct picture of action. cbangin~ elther down tbe back or on the lert He wh o h os no mind to trad o wlth comes 11 p ; my forc e Is too small to em be r s. a few sl e p~ along t h a broad so rapi d ly as to leave no det10ile Oll.t slde, It will be found au excellen t de· the de vll sbould be HO wise aB 10 kee p {rall . and th ese pll1JnRlllen l<ne w th e attack ollcnly, and my orders are not sign for broadcl oth . serge, and any of a wny frol1l bls s hop, lines. l-l ro heard the . answerl nll cal ; to bring o n an en gage m e nt. Cust e r ~ I o ry . tbe novelty aultlngs . To give an ef· Th e ~fajor straigh t e ne d u p, bls of three bugles; tbe deafeni ng thud b&od on hi s horse 's n('c k, hi s eyes has Borne Osnge acou tR wlth blm who of horse s' hoofs: the converg \n8 chee rfl fee tlvely tailored flnlsh the seams may wll\ kno"· tblR country . " WCn pi ll l{ lhose llar r ('n pial us to th o of excited troo(,er8 ; the minglin g rln ~ be stltcbe d. "15 ut, :lla1nr," ven t ured Hamlin "If Fouth wa rd ' The ladles' five gored s kirl patt e rn of r e volve r sbots; n sbarp order cleav· From ''I'U I Lill ," h" ~ ald ~ harply. "ri de back the Gen eral tollo"'l our trail It wlil be (6324) Is cut In s lzeB 22 to 30 Incbes Ing th e turmoil : tho wild The nelgh of 0 Scout Was Off Like a Shot. to (; ~I1(' rnl r u s re r at lop speed. T ell hou r s ye t be fore II ... can r eacb b ere. waist m easure. stricken Me dlum horse: tllze r eQulree l th e guttura l ye lls 01 him w e loa V I! rli ~c overed a Cheye nn e and tben hi s m e n wlil be co21!)le tely e ve ry probabl llty that t h e Indian s ou t · Indians lea ping from thelr tepee s Int(' 2% yards of 044 Incb materIa l. ra mp I, r n ' at th " mouth of Buffalo e xhaust e d ." numb ered tbem five to ono. Scouts th e open. Then he was In the hearl To procure thlll p s U"m Bend ]0 centll "He w ill 1I0t foll o w our trail. He I, ad r e ported To to "Patte rn D{lJ)llrtm ent,.' of this I' r"ek of no t I(,S6 than a hundred and to She ridan thal this ot tbe village. firing w Ilh both hands ; Write nnme and ad,lre •• plainly, and be hae Corbin a lld 'Ca li forn ia Jo e' with camp of fIlack K ettle's was th e wlo before him, about lin y wnrr ilJr" , dp s l'rted, Rnd nol to sure · to K'lve 81%6 and num be r or pnncra.. him, half·nak ed SIIV· hlm, Th ey are plainsm e n wbo know ler ren d,,~vou " ~c " p. " t\\' oly ·fo ur h l)rs p.s. Tbelr trail s not only of the Chey· ages fi ghting d esperat e ly, striking al th e lr bu sin ess. H e 'lI cross th e Canad. e nne'>. l ea.4~ BrI111 1l to ward the " ' ashlta. Rebul also of bands of flgbtlng him with knh' es , firing from the uh el· Unt~uched by human pori th al \\ " ~ h ,, 11 crl)P s Ih e river In la n , and 81rlke out a cr oss th e plains Arapa hoes, KloWIlS, Comanc hes, and ter of tepees, springin g at NO. 6324. BlZR. _. _._ •• ___ ._ •••• him with 1.0 interce pt us. hand .In that way bo wlll o!ven some Apacb es , th e most da ring naked hands pur ~ll it I', l i Jl I ·... "', a nd li ee p o n cau· In a fl erce e llort to draB NAMR •••••••• _•• _ • • •• • •••••••••• . •••• ••••• liou s ly ,orl! 11 ,}n .. k "[\"" a man with b a ve 110 farther to trn vel than. we !lnd despera te warMor ll of the plnlns. him from th e saddle. It was all con have bad . In m y J"d gm .. nt we s hall Yet this was ) O l1: "f) , " ot >'1'rg" 3 11l lIamllo , I sball TOWN._ • • •••• •• •• • • __ •• •• . •••••••. : •. • _ •••• no time to hesltate , to fusion , 'c baos, a babble of noise, his !l ot wal t h e re lo ng alon e . Have you d e bate I,"N! IIlIn hl 'I' <' " ; It was a momen t for de Cisive eyes blillde d by glint of stp-el and glare e at en STREE 1" T AND NO.• •••••••••• •• _ • • _•• _••• action. The blow must be struck at of flre. The Impetus of '1'1, ,, fr ·", t \\ R S otl' Iikn 1\ ~ h O I , I'ld iOK their rusb car. "No. si r ; ha ve bee n stationi ng Ollce , before dayligh t, with Io. . lrai Kh t, d o w n 11\ (' \' u l1t- y, i\, tro u pe r STATE ••••••••• _••• ___ •• • _••• __ ._ .•••• _._. all the rle d them Irre sistibly forward ; ove r tb e guard." pow ~ r at lIurprtae . {lOl'n din /; IIl ul!!:: IlI'h ifl " b im . ~ la Jo r and througb t llutS they rod e , across tbe "Tb en s it ,Iown bf're and s hare wbat Th e little body of cavalry men was bod Ic a of living and F llioll ran h i. "Y O'. live r tb e lil li e dead ; men reel e~ Iitlle we h ave. We can waive ror. dl\' ided Into DUllcb ot cal'alry m pu . four detac hmen ts . Two and re Il from BIlddles ; rid erless horso6 Stomac h Overwo rked. m:>lIty l o nIKht." of tb ese wero at once marche d to tb e swe pt on """ptal n Spa rl i n~ , "" li d Iw,· of your Eating b etween m eals Is a habll unguide d ; revolv er. emplle~ It WlIS afte r nloe o 'clock wh e n tbl! le ft. circling me n ~ o les t Ihl' de p l h "t \\' a t~r Ih e r o u sually le rt ove r from ch IIdhood tlJ e village !llIently In we r e flung aalde , and hands closed s entri es ll ~ n se d th o adva nce of l.b e darkn~s -the aristoc rat of ' Ready . " ' h e r e tho ~;( ' I nd ian s eros:, ,"(1 s . a ud laking up a posltlon A s go o n Cu s te hard on sabre hilts. ' Foot by toot , Orowln g things n eed nourlsb lng In r 's colullln, a s lt s tole 811enlly a t th e fartber extremi to-Serv as nscc r tal" .. d \\'1' wil l r" ...l th e rll'e r ," e food •• small and fl'equen t doses . Grown.u ps ty. A third d e- yard by yard , they drove the ou t of Ih e gloom. T en mi nute s late r 'tachrn ent moved to tile right and found of tbe lr' eharge , until tbey wedg~ mere ly r('Qulre to r e llalr the waste 01 t b e m e ll we rl) hove ring abo ut the their wa'! aw e pl down Into the vall ey, where tbrough the tJ'lnge CHAPT ER XXXVI. A table ' dainty, m ade of of tepees. out InU th e body- and th e sto ma cb Is a com, , tires , abs orbing s uch small comrort s th ey lay con,ceal ed In a strip or lim· tbe stamped ed paratlve ly small organ . Undoub tedly pony h e rd , while 8S we re PO S~ lbll) , while the General Indian com - presentbe r. Custer, with the fourtb detach· Read y to Att ack. III many bodl e" It Is kept stretche d : ('TO BE C ONTINU ED. ) and Ma jor E lliott di scussed tbe ultua. ment unde ing delicio u. flavour and r hi s own comman d, r eThere .... ns :\ fo rd bu t It was r ocky and In Lbe same condillo n of an abus, I tl oll I!nd pl a nn ed to push forward . An main e d wholes ome nouri's hmenl In In poalUon on the trail. The lod dan ge r ou s, aud 60 narrow tbat The fa ltb that countB Is the Illnt\ ed piece of rubber. How can it do hour lal er t h o flres were extlngu \stled, &I ee Dew and appetizing form. plng village was tbus complet ely 'bat alwaya counts on Its work? resultll.

. Iit '" p~ (' ,.


nu pn n t

pll r: p or






Our Oven s


Your Tabl e


= ==--_ .-

- - --

SNAPSHOTS AT RIGHT ANGLES German Sc lenti.t Appare ntly Looks Awa y F ro m Subj ect While T a king a Pi cture.

HeM' Ilr. Wl'l f; se n lJe r ge r ' of De rlin , Il'11o la vl Rltln e; wit h the Ge r ma n doc· tore, la somewb a t o f an amateu r d e· tAlClI ve n long Gc le llt : ti<! lines. Pa l·t of III. equipm ent consists of a camera. . wb!cb Is caJcu latpt.l to decei ve el'en tllo : llost war y su bjec t. Dr, Welsse n · hall t) holo&ra llhed overy lIlelJl-


Post Toasties


(If I ll e Op rm nn pby s lclaulJ· part,.

out to sea, In s tance, the Im a ge of I thngs hp.8lde blm a r e foeused clear beli e 11ft" what luo l( s for e

h e wanle,] t o, a nd nona of th em knew


., thing ab o ut It. him. ' lil, f' a .n, all l e lesco pe to ble eye and I Hls finger Js on a balr spring and :0. I:s , awa y from t he very man he a pr essure r ecords what was on the wau t s lo tl nap s hot. Ills Inter es t seema find e r. Detectiv e s In Berlin are being lO oe ce nt ered 11t nght angles from the eQulppe d with the camera , which costs s ubject , but If th e man who 19 unwlt- I alJout $100-. so finely constru cted are llngly ph lo graphed ch anced to be I they, -The BucceS8 met with In taklllg s wift enough h e might catch tbe lu· !luspect s for ~omparl son with existing s t:lnt gleam of a powerfu l little lens pollCI! photogr aphs haa proved the set In· Ihe side of the rounded barrel value of the crafty little Instrum ent. of the fake t e lescope. As the oper·1 So deceivin g Is the apparat us that atol of Ihe calI;lera loob ,,"ppar8IUU tile reporte r wlaQ ~Il 1>:'. Wei.

s en berge r ulllnil the cam e ra did nol Scaled It, thlnl< until art~rward when he was Mrs. Hoblns on-"An d were you up told b y tb e doclor that be would ex· the Rhin e?" Mrs. De JODes"I Bhould chaoge pictures with hIm that h e him think so ; right lo the very top, What selt had been SIUl)lsh otted In reo II s plen dhl view tbere I. from ' tbe turn. su~mlt! "-Tit· Bi ts. Fine for Two, "DId you eV'lr tell., that young mall EaBy" A~awer. that late· hours were bad for oDeY" Instruc tor (at night Ichool )-"Glve . asked {ather at ' the 'breakfa st taNe a seDtenc e ;ylth ~e , wor.d-:~e\aphYil. " Weh, tather,' 1 replied th,e wile daugb clan' in It," . ShaW:~tied . Publlter. "late hourll may be had tor QPa "On hla way bO'm"," Mr. Janel lIIea..\ bvt· ~.1'~e all' rIIW' lOr t ...• ~hYI!1~an,::-Cb

The .t4adily increasin g sale of thi.~ food .peaks volumes in beh61lf of ilt exceUen ce. An order for .. POlt

package of .

Toasti e. · from your ' grocer wiD provide a treat for '

the whole family.

·'TA. M~or~ l.ittg~,."


'. ---c:i."'I'An;.

l'oatllDl CJm:al


" , ~'&le ~,,; It'cblph

jcqo '.~~ , . I, '1"100!-~---"")~~-~. .,..--~~~~it <




A Man • ••

'. O en P By

Roger Pocock





AHE YOU CONSTIPATED' Wright's Imlll.n Vegetablll Pills ' b ....e prond their worth for 76 YCflr8. Ten tbem rOu.rselt DO.... 8eud tor 1I4wple to 117'~ r .....1 8\., N." York, Ad • .

@LD ffus

Distinction . .. Wh o ie t 1I.n1 1IIlll1ury·lo ok In g chap 7" " Tll ut , si r . Is tlIP be ro o( a rumo l'~ d war ." · Puc k.




mallY hoax eM dealillg willi lll e sea s e rpe nt lIav e


., ~.~

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li ve lrav ele rs, wbo bav " "" sc rib ed a nd s ke t che d <" th o "mud urll sa ur iuII ," t h a l lh " ver y nam e or tb " 1"'II ltl Is av o ill ell lJy nil bu t t he bra vo. To ~ Ily th u l yo u ha VI' ~ {'P ll lh e s ea ~ 1 ' qlf ' 1l 1 1:\ to put wit h Y:l ur o w n 101l g U" n bl u t un YI,ur owu c hurtlc lt ·r ~k lll ' pe r s who lIavtJ bHh eld t h" mon >l l Pr IoIIV., In allo no I'ntrr of 11I l' ra c t III th e l r 101( hun k I" " t Uwy bn ller llJo>d wh r- n t h"ir Hl ~Rt' 1 8 an' . nU I( In l,o rt. :>I lIturn ll RtM hllv" h l' nlm, 'd lI n ft haw e d III Ih" lr wrllln gK r " f( a nlll1g it.


f I e·

Ih "

Ellsworth Young


Our Next Serial

Story Mr. Jesse Smith of Cariboo IS his name. He IS a littIe brother of the grea two 0 d s· a friend of the wilderness. He is trapper, sailor, cowboy, ranger. He is a lover with a strong heart. Simple he is, and of quaint, abounding, unfailing humor. He will tell you of the lovely sin g e r whom chance brought to the forest like himself, and how he fought for her. He will make his bow to you m a few days. Accept him as a fine, big, heartwarmmg cOll1.fade, for such indeed he IS.

tAMan in the

Open is the new serial we have arranged to print. It is so utterly, so amazingly diferent from most s:ori~syou have read that you will thoroughly enjoy every installment. Watch for it! ••••• 6 ••••••••••••••••••••


lll e all :-; OU S (' rpl ~ Jl t


E.x p ec t~d .

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a nd

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r !'l ~ R fln H U \ "nt l" l1

fl e ld ill 11(0 whos ,' JIl e mh e r!! hav e ~ urr pll rod mor E' dalll ('o n c "rnlIl~ tlea Bc r· pellts Hil t! p;lvpn mor e pro(UHO Inrormu · t lon In CI' gurd tl) tll(,11I tllllll nil lh tl Hld pp orK Itllli trav e ll' rH wh o ha ve I've r c1rc lt·c! t he g lobe . From th e cllrll csl 1I111 ~s It hUB r e mll illcd ror th e mllii s try to s upply u" wl~h our g r eat e st numb"r ot "flu·ts " reg arding th e m a rin e de. sce nd a nt or Ada m 's hapl,IIH!!iS. [lea · 0;

I" I.. , '1:.tIlP )" mys elr.

Not W hat S I1 C


slml'l". f'or a (" 'lIl u ry th e ~ ("I .. nt itl c wo rlli hil S Inok f' d at ~I ' a " "' rr " 'n IS ll RklillC I'. AIII I )'ot t ll ... rll lu . Olin ,.rll(po;: uiOll fl l . ;0

\\ 1. 111

Lou isvi ll e, Ky. - " I tAk ,' ~" " t p1r'asnre in writing to info rm you f whllt I F f' rd y )"(\11 111'1' ll tll Ii 1;;.- I1 ltl ' il L y uia E . Pi Il k hlllll 'lI oth p r g ir lH I \',1111 \\ V e getabl " w m. :-) y h ' \a ( \' , ' ry .. "r, h ' , ~ n" po und h IlS d Ollo fot" I P (> rd y ~ u. i l ll l " , d' 'I'll, ' o t h t , l' ~ me. 1 was weak. , tnn , but ' t HI f r . ' , ' h l , ~ ' I'ud~ n prvo ns, ILlld cllr,·d for nut.hin g !.J ur. PI ~ ' nt 0 1 ;) Pl a nt . s ic" p. N ow I Clln " 1\ 111 , yn t ll' :111 :. ". Ill \' \k i f" go ohe lld with my I mc ,,"<I rk " work uai lyand (e" L " \\' o n ' , I,·t y . ~ I \\ \1 1"1\ ~ •. ten ycurs younguE' .. ~o ; I g o t :I ,l q h I. t~ ' \\,' ~ · k . thIln 11t:foro I s tarted ; II H Lc1 1' Ill( ' fl i li l ' ta l, ing your rnedi" \\'ha t IU lld of a Ji,j !-- l1 \f ll\ \\' : 1.'\ I I ·' .... '---'- - ' - -- - - ' ci ne. I wi ll advise ! " A t fIJ I" ' J l lr l l'~IIII" ,1 11': 11 " ,.. , !-'I r fi l . ~ am' womnn to co ns u lt with you bcforB I in til ., ; t U tllt ' !II ' " \\11 · ' 1''' Ii ~ d H h n ' (I . , g O;lIg til II d, ... to r. " - M r:;. I XIZE: W u.! cou ld (' ( "n ' ~ e Jo\\ l . I \\ If t' :t d ' l) II lId k ! .. ~ us, )!;!:!~) llunk' ::;l . , Loui :; \' ill ~ , Ky.

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hu\' p bp~ 1J r o li <:!!ut \I p()n I h,l thf!m t' -

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rn il H' iln d Y I I l! wi ll m u k f" rnl' 1111111 III l it " wor l,1. l ' tI) \'i ' ry !'..... rl" ) , lJll L Ullfo J't ll fl


Rh p

all .. ~ (" P pt J oh ll ~11110 1l . WIo O Hl ' r"lIIark ~ lIllO ll \.,'vi I1 Lh a ll In " Pararl ls!) Lost"" ha ve bpl'n r o ns lru('(1 ), y fl. lIlod e rn a ll · lIIu.lrationa by

Since Lydia. E. Pin!<ham'a Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health.

11111'JlI I'~ 1

a t .. ly I '


Re j ected.




, ~y ~ II" "

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1ht. t:l-O~r'oO:IURU' Rt.:>U1~I..cD THe OT~ltR


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Ad .


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C al!ti ~n .



{ nl" ~'· . " : I " I'


If yoo want RIl erlnl advice write to E' PI kl M d' I C ( 0






nnd th cuul h Id no t wa lkI I (lIlY u diRlance. d b t • au g- t " : v" r ("u u , d cu re, ,u .m>r e to l ry·' LydlaE. 1m olher I1d\"l~ ...d m C d 1Pltlkdid. .urn 's \""g'lul,l u olllpuunu an 1 .. I am cu r ed of th o dis place ment apt! the blal)dl'r lrouhl. i ~ r elieved. I think th" Compound is lh e fin est m"dicinc 0[1 ellrt.h for suffl'ring women." _ Mrs. VIOLA JASf'EH, nurnuyor, T " xas.

II w a ~ lill' la s l da y or h l~ ":ll'Rt llJ ll I. ' li e har! jUtit filli , h"ri (' "n ill g h"r 11:1111" R .. ... on Ih e ' llJou t h bark o r III" bi rc h Ir" ,'. 11l'fl' U • . " D,'ar," I" , Hal d , " \\ ill )" IIU pt" u tTI l"" Iy b" ('u ln u oJI6 couragod IIl1d . m ove dd lorr Bul a ft" r all til l' ('11\"11 alld ra l9& to wal l ftlr ml! 1111 I ca lli " ag alu u eXI I to s ea aga in , W I(' ro la t e r, aecor ng , hooe! pru IIl1 rI cn l.1 rugarollug e normollS 8 U 1\1 111\'r?" to th e mln lH e r 's BtorY,lt was re ported I se rp"lll~ o r II. '" ocea n. a r esidu a 01 SIll! IIJO It ,·!! up at t' im wltlt tl", 10 \, ,· as hu vllIl( rrl g ht ened nearly to death trut h fI 'mu m s in some or th e lales 01 light In I", r <' r Ue. " Y \' ~. l le n ry," s ho cons, prl oM ls a nd bi s hops h ave s oe n th e crto ws or ha lf a dotell fish ing vetl· Ih o RPlI He r pp nL's np l.,,~n raD c e thnl TIIur rn nn'd. RP II s e rp p- nt s gnlorp . nnd lh c r l) a r e on 8('18. caus,o ' Ih e pre s e n l day s ci e ntists to "T II"11 I' ll cut m." . ' LI I bco 'ld n 'fiI e tho nam p!! of a t lellst a c1e r· ~ 1111 a R • ., Ica l me n w hu are Involv e d In the co ils Th es e ac counts ot th e find in gs of s hru g th l' l( s ho uld o rs Some of the yours." Olau" rllverl'lId ge ntl e me n were ga th l~ r c d tor e po r ls of th e mon s l e r are not ('Bs lly · f n f o UP. lI serllc n t R t orle s. rOI n " I I I d I th I I Mllgnus, the arc hlJlahop of Upsa la, gether by Anthony Oud em an s , wbo exp a nl'( awa y. an n e ear y par U' •. WID Olo .. ' R Soot bl"" Syrll l' ChUMe n Dc mlJoldt, arch . pub lIsh ed a volu mi nou s book o.n tie~ ot lh n nlne l lle uUI century so many teothl n l;", ..., / • • " . t h" gllnt" , r" " U"~H lo fllln"",, · do wn t o Rev . P. , . 1,vili lam J e n " s . serpell ta . Thl s b 00. k con ta lliS aJlr e· r C! vut ub l e wituesse s are Raid to ha'Ye tloo,b.Ila.Ytl Po.tu .cHre tt wl ud colh;,2:t(~ o. dl' .· lco n o· '1 0 Ide', Rov I _. '" t d be he ld It t ha l e ve n th " cons erva tive .-- -- . A Distinction . Re v. Alrlen Br ad fo rd, R e v. Mr . Cum· por e appeara nces. n Dr. Oude mans, trom whoa "olumo Encyclope dia Ilrita n nlca a dmits tha.t 0 . rnlll gs o r S ulllvnn . and Re v . Al e xan· Mrs. ul e rl o wn 1" \I ·t th (' r,' a Mrs . de r, nil good naIllPs anti hon · part 0 t t h i8 nm t e r Ia I h B.8 b een gal h c r· som e s t range sea monate r mu st have SI" "I1 ~ r III lh lH villag e wllo k eeps e s t . so me of them from puritanical td. not only goes Into all the "vera cl· ex is t ed a nd put In his appe.a rlLllce at boa rd ers? Ne w E ng land OUS" r c por tH of th e sea sorpe nt's alt- th at lI~le 'h So iD a ;l! t~m:: d ~ tb flEsca 111 HuhLJe l Rh o t ukf'A bonrd('fs . Th n lJl s hop ot I'o ntopidd a n. anoth e r pearance , but Into all tbo 1I0axes that serpe n ~ 0 \\ tse () e e w _ng· ma 'am ' but ~ h() don' t ke e p 'e m.Ih bl'<'11 Hl ay ed In regllJ"d to It H e land coas t tllat It ga ined fo r ltaelr th e P k . worthy ,Ii vine. be Ue vpd implicitly In I IH ., . v . name or tb e " Am e ri can Boa serpe nt, " UC . -erpentB. and even altered the do· has e ve n de scribed a hoax th a t was I~ 0 d i th t and 90 mllny stardy old Puritans t_ sc rlpLi olls a lld drawings or o th er m e n pe rpe lra t e aga n s t e sea (;,! rpau tlfl~j t o I' ts gene ral shalla, s l7 0 d Ll rJold tllu e IS & w~ .... solution . Aml.'1 ~. an It. lIuy Hed l ru," Bllli Ulu n, "he blue UUlt s I by a learn ed wrller who d esire d 10 to g rat Ir y hi s own eu th us Iaa m n r oappe'arance t.h a t a pr e tl)' good idea ' . 11 bl ue. Altv. I th Th o hl s bop or P01lto· s how Ih a t Ihe r eptil e was non·ex ls t ent. ' d gar 0 e m. . . d I I b thl I t has bee n gained o f the kind ot animal pldden . who liv e d In th e mlddlo of the ~nl n ,cokn n ebct on wit t R . ~ eee 0 that sbowe d Itselt. Accordlug to most Kno ckin g . as a prort' s " io ll , is blldly e l"ht(' cnth century, advanced th e t.h e · a 80 wo r t e prescn . Yo r t"r un., ' ove rcrowd ed . '" . ea rth ed a fmud that has laJn dormant de script ions . the sell s er pe nt W&II o r y that th e me rmli.ld s or nIPdlRe va l about 60 feE't long , dll rk In color, but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (o r 50 yea r s . I h lor e we ro noth Ing moru nor ess I an Iigb lc l' b elow, In th l' mann e r of a n eel. l ea cow II that browse upon salt water :-Ie arl)' 100 years ago a ce rt a in .Sam. Wi l h a lIat h pnd a nd II ne ck about 18 S~cceed s rOp 1I 8 wit h th e ir front nipp ers a nd Il a l L. MIlche lJ wrote IL paper d eSIg ned Irlc h ,," 'In (1Ialll e t e.r . b h d t d h dl dl l "~ ecaooe t ey are a goo lonest e ope n th e ir moulh s side ways. Hut in . to trow scre t on t 10 Bea s e rpe nt All English a\"al office r. Cap tain . . h I I b h 1mk'd re "s rd 10 80a ne rpOnlS Ih o bis hop was ~to ri e R th at we ro cur re n t at tha t date. lell1e t at cannot Ie p ut e a I· " ~o s ke ptica l. li e dfl8 c rlbed th e m j Tb e paptl r IIppea r cd In th e AmerlclHl McC!uhal. or II. M. S . Daedalus. In- ne yan dbl a dd e rat' l m e nt!; a n d ' not urInary IIc rt cd r e port Admiral on h ea r say 119 num erous . le ngthy and J ournll I 0 1 Art san d Sci enceR ro r 189" 9. Sir W . InH .his C a official' ge tn 1845 t h e tos lale me nl irregularitie s , if they are once taken terribl e , otte n 100 feet In lengt h, pos· Almost a ce otury late r Dr. OudemlLns that h e had seen fin an imal or thle iuto the system, Tr y thcm n o w iJlbly GO O, with e yes a s larg e a s pe w· rake;! up Mr . Mlchell's arti cle and d E'sc rlption rapidl y a pproac hing bls fo r p o s itive and permanent he lp. 1[1 ..... _ _ ..,. ..... " , , . _

Iprin I· I t ·· , l t d ,'L L I H('''" IIII ''' " "' ''' 1.1U e t" r an l eli

,I I II I I 10' ('0 11 tI tI ~ '(1 Il H ~ J Il II g ~ >' ,! , lut on finding tho wute r Hhallo w It Pllure nt

Anotlu'[' S u HI:r c r Hclicved. n onla ynr, T pxas.- t ' I ~ufT l' rctl tcrrihi '0 d' 1 d bJ dd tr;;ul~~:" I ~ W ~~' i~('~~~~nr~ ~I\ theati;:~

T dl ~y

a.. n InRI e Ie lIe o. COli dentl lll ) ),y nll, Mass. YOnr letter 'will be OIIl'n(Ht, r e ad and anRlfcred by a "oman and held in strict conJld6oce.



TH. N.W .. R • • OH Rli:M.DY. N.,. 11.2. No&. Uoedinl',eDca Uospitala witta





u t .UC1- "... . . CUM E S CUROtHe WI{AIt"S !t !-., LOST \' I oo a KWH&Y, DL.A.DU It M, S. PO I SON.

IIIMr.", .. etoov frlLvD,.... lu n " . R "0. r-'UJ u v l !HS ur NAil. 'I. ruST. eft

P O UOr.1lA CO, 110, .. ~ItIt "A!'f K r , Nt:W VOltlltnr-LnU H8RO. TO.ONTO. WMITK '0'" PH •••W O K TO OK, LK C Laao )hlD. CO. HAv aasTOCJt RD. HAW "STKAO. LOrrfL)(')H, ENG.. T a 'NEWI) RACll!:a tTA !T I I.Y.5 SJFoIt WO F B .A. S \' TO 'TA ...

THERAPIO~ ~~~~':~~U'"

P . TnAT TII:"Il~ WA . ... ltO \\lORD


that l\1r , Mitchell li ed. quoting

sh l lJ In 21 d egreeR 44 minutes Boutb

sometimes fi e ry r ed wllh linger. that ge ntl e man 's e ntlro pape r to la ti tude b'" ~ dcgrflcs 22 minutes eIlI!l l)rOv e It Tho good divin e eve n mad e a jour· · long;itu re. J He desc r ib ed It as aD ne.\.' down tile Scandl na"ll1n COB.8t to But this Quotation WIUI r espo ns ibl e "on(l rmOII" sn rllen t, " wl tb Its bn-d ~ Inv es tl /<ato a tlll e tha t a t a bl ecloth for th e disco " e ry of eve n another ml RPd uhnut (our re pi uhovo th e water. had be en mad e by B fis he rman's ram· fraud thnn th e o ne laid at th e door of 8wirnming along at an even aDd lIy rrom t he skin of a Bea se rpe nt Mr. ~Iltcll ell. For III 1862 th ere ap- sp ee dy ral e a nd a t le ast 60 teet ID which th e r e ptile had s lo ugh e d ofJ In pea r ed III Lels uro II b ur an article en· ! length. th e 1,leasRnt wnters of th e harhor ot titled "Sea Serpe nt Stories .... by .Iohn Captain McQ ull al's account \l ncour Kobb e rv e ug . Th e bishop WIlS honest Hollings h ead. who, atte r pra is ing 1\1 r. ageCi other offi cers to t e ll of s imilar e nou g h to s tate tllat li e h a d bee n M Itcb e li for th e "first bon es t ('x · ex pe~l enceR, wh e rfi pre viously they g ulled In this respect, but did not alte r p08l1re " or the sea serpent, and qU Ol· had not dared ror fel\r ot ridicule. The hIs opinion regardin g sea serpents III lug him for a paragraph, proceed.s to Roa serpent has app ea r ed too otteD ge ne rnl. Tll n illu st ration In his book nlllal h is articl e verbatim and u ~ e It as to m e ntion 10 de tail. but In 1906 It wal showing a soa Se rlJe nt r ea r ed on hi s hi s own , whic h wa s ascertain ed by ' r e ported by Messrs. Mead e-Waldo and tall, s quIrting profl,l8 !l gallons ot WIl· the prese nt writer when comp:lrlng I ~lcllllI two mo mbe rs or the Royal 7.0ter out or his s nout, "Was drawn and th e quotation of Mltch e ll's articl e with OloglC~1 soci e ty. who Insist tbat they fl xagg fl rl or! Ly the bishop nt Pontopld· th e arti cle hy Mr. Hollingshead . Haw th e sea serpent 100 ya rds awa, dan trom th e s ke tch madA by IHug . Ope or th e most tamous pro-sell s e r· whil e cruisin g In Ih e earl or Craw· who bad for eve r Immortali zt'd a sea pent hoaxel, according to Dr. Oude- tord's rocbt. the Valhalla. off the coul se rpe nt \le h old by Han s EgElde. It is mans , Is a fraud that was achieved by o r H'·Rz ll. 011 December 7, 190~. Dotable that Hans E gede was blmse lf th e '!orrespondent or a French news· While standJng togethe r on deck tlul au (' v a n~t' list. whose\. work 1111 a mls· pa per, who gives a thrilling a ccou nt two zoologist .. declnre that Buddenl, sloua r)" wa s tnking him to th ll wild s ot n sea serpent beheld by C. Hen ard th e y sa w a great fin come out ot ths of l:n'ell lnnd when tlnl s ea serpent ap· and s ev c n oth ,~rs trom Ibe deck or the watElr 100 yards from th e Rhlp. FleW poarp.d be forp. hIm . Royal Mall ijleamehip Don, on the o' ·e· glasses were bronght to bear, and Mr The MngllllR, th e arc hbi s bop ot ti ll' ning of th e 10th of August, lS SI. Me ad e· Wnld o be b eld nn enormou. M. R e nard and the others were s it· head rl 6e ~ lo w l y , rollowed by 11 noell Bala. writes at Io:! ug th or II Iwa serpe nt. ascrlhlng to it a le l1 l'.lh "r ~ I)t) [(, <, I an d t h q:; 0 11 Iinck. so it Is ull eged. ", uJo yl ng that waB about th o thI ckness of a girth of 20. (,li d Sla t ing th e LJ,·lIe fs · a 1ll'r[l: CI e ve ning and th e glC'n m of a man 's bod)" . Th o h ead, the zoologlsu of th o sailors of hi s time Tt'gnr<li n g II I moonlil sf' n, wh e n a b orribl e a lld SIlY , \vas di s ttnctl y turtl e-ell Qua in 11.1 -how It was fond o r cal ve s an d s he e p uau seallng moosler ca m e to th e >; u r· app€>IlrOIl"" . h ut.. a s th " ufllmal calD<! Slid Kwiuf' aud uH e d to snap tb e sea · tace at IIO greut r!lstan ce (rom Ihe no n cu r "r /I n(! s hortl y di ~ar1Peared. III m e n from" th e dccl{s or th e ir own ves- s hip, whllp. a t the same tim e a n m ·e r· ex a C'l s izl' co uld n ol bp !Isc"rtalned. ; leis. poweri ng sl e n c h attuck ed th e nos tr ils A lon g lIoele or hirds sklmllling the He v. Mr. Cunllnlng~ ot Sullivan de· of Ih e travelprs . wa VPH once guvn the effect ot R ~c rih e ~ .. wh o rplll g sea seq)e nl that The monstAr, rUll s til e re port. nll'a s' mlghlly se rpen t sw immin g at coneld. ' he sa w not fnr from Lo n g Is l2.nd in u red (rom 40 to 60 mel e r s. In so rar ' as e r ub le ~ p e f" d , anr! t.railing seaweed .lill Y of I ROS TlJlrl y:,!<'ve ll Yl' RI'S tll P nume rou s colis mUde m PIIS IIr& 1 h,l1' bl' Pu approac he r! and even harlat~r another dlvln e , Rev . 1'. W. Oe m· ment possibl e . From th e dor~a l rid !;e poo[led In th a bellet tbat It waa II Ber- I bo ldt. mlld £' th o s tartlin g ata t c llH)IIt to Ih" middl e of th H bell y th e bod y II f) • . p,·nt. . (liant s 'luld . which are as feal' i that not o llly hnd h e sef' n th e ". a se r· pea r e d to be cov e r e d b y l'nll l-" " o f (ul a nd wond e rfu l ae tbe s e rpe nt It , ppnt in l ht' W'L t" r n,'ar hi s homo on scull, s, alld the g(!n e rul rou g hn eEs of , ~ " If . hav e b '''11 I1II ~ t"k n for the latter, the Norw egi an coas t. but t.hat he h a d th e su rfac e Bnd th e mOSH·groWII s ldn I alld it Is pro habl ... that the sorpent al I shot ut it with fI muske t and e Vld.e ntly a p)lea r ed t o Indicate II g r eat a nd [. " .,1 I,,!,:pd to It f .VP h" "11 see n by Clau, wounde d It QuILe badly. from tb l' ruc· sured age. Th e h ead was poi llte d. Ege d e wus tJf thi s vari ety. tlon that tonk plnce ill the wllter arter· ,,1th t",etb "sbarp and nllnrmolls," and In fact. in s pite ot all the r l dh:ul ~ ward. from the throa t. "attach ed t o a kind ILnd a ll th ., hoaxe s that bavn hee n Re v. Alexandcr Maclean. who nour· of c u s hion." there proje cted u hard glvell rorth In the name ot tbls strange Ish e d al about th e same tim e' as Hev . tonsu e , "pointe d, provided wit h s uck· animal, Ihrre Is no rea son atter all to Mr C ummlnl'~, observe d orr tha island e rs a no glittering like steel. " Tb !s I de ny that. il may be living. Holder bal of Coli what. he first call e d, in his horrlbl l1 brutCl stay(,d on th e s urfa ce of comrn e nte rl on the fact tbat tbe bl- : clerical mau.ner, an "objec t." It ap· th o wale r In full view for at I" ast ten va'lv ee at the Mesozoic age hllve hoon peared like It small rock , he salll, but minutcH. wh e n It sank again beneath I pres e rv e d to th e present time. Why 'atterlooklnlll at It tor Ilo me time he tb e surface or tbo water . . Thl! alleged t he n IB It not possible tor Motber saw It e leVll.ted abm'e the surface ot behold e rs of t e rrible IIlght gave Earlh to have stored In her lea cay. i the 8el> IUId move In his. direction with sole mn testimony ot their experience e rns some un c outh crat.aceOUB !nOn I a meahUrerl and dignified motion . In to the editor by letter, In whlcb It was ste r that occaslona' Ily showlI Itsel1,. I Intense ala.rm tbe minister steered for stated wltb most remarkable assur· and eacb time elicits the weU·known I· ahore, with the sea serpent apparent· aoce that all these facts were truths . and hlghl), r e dlculou s r,ry: "The lea I Iy Jjurtlu!nll him. It ~rew so n car that I or r e fin ed and Intrln.lo purity. A I s e rp ent ?" ...--


Pink Eye. Eplzootto Shlpploll F .. ver & Ca... rrhol Fever ( Ru", rtt"" ud p OIilth'e pre "4!!D t. ... e. no mat~r bow b O... &01 alre are In eet.c4 0. .... "0-'... LIQ"'rt . ~I .... U"tJ .••u ..~'. ' .r"'unth.uI OO<l .ndo.&nd.l.i •• p.I.IlI. r.~:~~~Jlr.,:.;n:!::m:~~II~':'l~)(l~'1~~:.,J; ~cr(!rr:)l lr..J)I·;~(ll&\!d.:!~O:&~.~~'l!::':: a ni' ' . a !'lon K'fdneT re medy . bOo and I I a tJoO UIt!; tc. and. 0 .. Il oz"u. Pu ,lhl" out.. 1':..":';::.;.L..;dhc.::.,::, 1.0~~~~~~~:..7.:';;:.;:.~.".rur yo ... }',... Book l"t. ""..Low"",.




W . N . U., CINCINNATI, NO. 39-1913.


__ _ _ _



Th . Loach Sanl>to<ium, Indio.... apoll •. Ind .. has publl . hed •

hook let which giv811nterest ina fAGt s about the cau!, o f Cancer, also rells what 10 do for paJn. odor. etc , Write tor It coda,y. mM1tlon ina this paper.



15 O •


Foley IUdne, PiU.

t er plates. lUne or blu e In color, a nd


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The p-to-Date Lighting SystemforCountry omes ::': A . ..:".





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The ImprovedJeDoe Pit Acetylene Generator


Inatalled in the Found and covered oTerlike tom. Far removed from the buildintr. Fool-P""". Froat.Proof. Safe and Convenient. Permitted by The National Board of Fire Underwriters. Guaranteed absolutely. The best lighting system on earth for the least money. Hundrod. of farm .... have bocome a,onla after in.t.mnw our generator in their hom.... Write for our .peciaJ indue:. m .. n" to tho fkat purchaaer in .. ach localit,.. Protected hy patents. Infringers liable to prosecution. Full particulars for the asking. _

Jenne Acetylene Gu Machine Co., Meridian Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.


l I





... ...




............. .,.,...



• An l'l'~ more marvelou. tree toan sometl\ueu used as a substitute for t.ho dat e .palm Is the Carnahuba palm. corree . Its s t e ms afJords strong. light wblch gl'Ows In Brazil. Its root!! pro· fibers, and serve 0180 for joists. rattduce the same m e dicinal 'e rtect All sar- ers. and otller building materia is. It . .parllla. Froru p,urt.. ot- t1m tree!! yields n saccharine substance. as well wine and ' vinegar are made". , Its fruit 'as ,a starcb resemblin g sago. . .Is use d for .feedLng catUi3. at tbo ":pod of the stem, musical In· Of tbt' straw. ,)lata, haikets . b':Oo~ .. · oirumenl8" w.ater tubell, . and pum(ls . It ls ,dlo' are, m.a de. Frorn,. Qle 8tern a: white,



... ...,.....,..."..".,..


Winchester Repeating Shotguns are not only safe to shoot, but sure to shoot. They are easy to load or unload,easytotake down or put together, and strong and reliable in every way. That's why the U. S. Ordnance Board endorsed them as being safe, sure, strong and simple. Over 450,000 satisfied sportsmen are using them.

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snit Is elltracted trom tbe tree. and IIkewlsR an alkali used In tbo malUl-tacture of common soap. Firat to Milke Silk. Tli f,'l first silk waR made 2000 B. C. by 1lbe wlte ot a Chine.e emperol'. Artstotle, In 360, ftrst lIIenUcns .Uk amo;ng the Greek~ The mtUlufacture. or slllk was carried on fn 's telly III ·th. twelfth · centu~. : later !Ipreadlng t.~ .It;alSr, SpaiD' and Uitli south -ot .FranCIQ,

pubUc" ~' liqUid Blrnltai' .to 'the : rnllk .of . the '-'bo o 1~ ' ~IU "tlot ~U"QraC!tt&red.m Iii' ~ut ~~r,: !Je'~~ed~ Mo~eo"~r~ ',tMifOf& , l??~.< .


. ~ 1l:~i;~i:~~~=-=~~:::~==3.~~~:::~~ilil.)

EDgI&lllol ' ,



2!!_ _

_____ ___ _ , __ ___ ___ . ___ ______ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _. __ ___ ___ ___---. i ____ .

I'~~~~~£~~~~I ip~~~~~nti~~i r


Mr. C. A. Bru ner, of Leb ano n. l·n ll- ne<1 th e Oil 'eba ll dub of th e high ;1l: hoo l of Leb ano n a t MMl{an':I rt.'f'tau ran t l.a8t wee k.

'f h is W e e k !


,j uLilee

Re nt s of Sa fe ty Deposit Boxes

Sing ers at School Hal l.

L. A. Zim mer man is in Cin cinn ati t oda y .


J. M . Tayl or was a Day ton visi Car dR we re' rCl,'c iveu here this tor 'fuc stlay. wee k. from Lus Ang el es. Cal. . annou nc ing the w('ddi llj{ of Miss M Mn!. W. H. Alle n was in Cincini riarn If yo u are no t alr ea dy su pp Hul da Rick :;. u a ug ht e r "f Mr~. Ev e ryt hin g is in rea din ess lie d co me lU l l i T uC'sday . 1 ·:<1for the . in an d ren t on e. As low wa rd I. . I{ick s. tu 1\1 r. A. I';. T I ·a~ y . as "T rill Aro und the Wo rld ::;e ptelllbe r It;. 1~I J. ," on tlI I·s. J . (1. Smi th was ill $2 .00 a ye ar. Day ton Tuesda y un ilusin e::!S. - -~UUITLJAR,Y Mrs . J . C. Haw ke and Mis s Clar a Haw k e wer e in Day ton Frid ay. Luc inda Mur ray dit'd at the hom e of her niee!' Mr~ : Lyd ia Pra tt. Th e \\'a yn esv ille De pot wi ll be UctoThe ~Ia z i r Juh ilee Sin gers at ber 4. 1913 . She was burn \.iii at yea!'!'! S~ h oo l Hall, Th ul'l! the To wn shi p Ho use . Fir st tra day, Oct obe r ago 16th , . at Fre epu rt. nol\' o rC',;1I1i ia . in Ohi o. She was the da ugh kr lea ves at 1: 30 p. m. , an d I\1 r . a nd Mrs . fo'rank Zell and of eve ry Mrs . Ri epa rd an .i EI ~ py MurrllY . Arl ie Alb erts on wer e in Day ton tw en ty mi nu tes un til 9: 30 p. FriShe liv ed th e g reat er pa rt uf Iw r da y. m. life in Hi",hland Cou nty . comin g to Wa rren Cou nty !lom e tlix yea rs The Dod ds learn will cros s bats a!1,'(l . The dec eased nev e r mar ri with th e Miamis Sun day al Phillip:!' ed. Wall a me mbe r of th e Chri:lti Pa rk. an Uniun ch urC'h, and live d a life .:"n· We aim to ser ve: to ben efit the For Satu rda y on ly a ll ou r 10c Wal siHtent with her \Jro fe~ion . l com mu nit y: to car ry goo d goo Pap er fllr "nly lie at Janney'~ Rex ds all onl y: so be fa ir a nti im par tial Stu re . BEE N lON G TIM E COMIN' in the adj ust me nt of err ors : to tak e Mr. and Mrs . C. T . Haw ke and The ~ale of into xi cati ng liCju no unf air adv ant age of our com vr . dau ght e r. Hel en, wer e ~ Day ton gam lilin g and IInqut!s tior.ahle R pet ito rs: to fig ht eve ry day a nd how!:! J<' rida y. all a nd exhi bitio nR will he bar red fr om cIa y our figh t for cou nty fair s in Oh ip here aftp r. acMr3 . ., Ho nes t Go ods Edw in Cha ndle r a nd Mi~ • cord i ng to ann oun cem ent of 1 'resi · El izah e th Cha nule r wer e in Day ton at Ho nes t P ri den t San dles of the Sta te Agr i<'ul- Satu rday . ces ." Ou r tura l Commis8ion . He dec lare d that the fair s ar e held to · pro mot Cle rm on t Mi~es Mar y P rate r and e the Mar y cau se of agri cult ure and not Haw ke are vi sitin g ~~ in ;& Spr for ing Valley r Sto v es and amu sem ent pur poses A new s tate this wee k. Ran ges are la w g ives th e I:om rnis sion full regu laaca pit ale x(f you are goin g to hav e tion of cou nty fair s. a sale , am ple of see A. A. Me Nei l, Cen terv ille, Ohi o, Th e en tir e trip , inc lud ing Ho hi gh e st bo th pho nes. W. C. T. LJ. CON VENT ION tel qu al it y Bil ls, wi ll be bu t goo ds I Las t wee k the stat e W. C. T . U. The sC:Hloi!; at Clark svill e wer e at clo:l ed for s cou ple of wee ks on met at Xen ia. The tow n nob ly rea acson abl e t'n- cou nt of diph the pric es. Th e stro nge st gua ran ria. tert aine d the hun dred s of visi tee eve r put all a sto ve tors , goe s wit h the m. Do n't dec ide and it was the bes t con ven tion hel d th e sto ve que s tion wit hMrs. Jen nie Stacy, of Sul phu for man y yea rs. Not ed spea r out see ing us. kers Spr ings , Ohio. has been visi ting her wer e ,resent lrom :dif fere nt par ts of siste r, Mrs. Isra el Sat tert hw aite .-= the stat e, and sev eral from out of a..__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ the stat e wer e ;pre sent The con-' van tion mee ts at New ark. nex t yea r. ClaMr. Mad den . of l'ksva~d lllf!,Mrs wer. e A. theD.gue sts of Mr. __ _ .... __ land Mrs. W. H, Mad den Sun day . La te Classified Ads MASONIC ~OTIC ~ Mr . and Mrs_ Fre d Har tsoc k and Reg ular com mun icat ion of Way dau ghte r, Mil dred , of Mor row . · WA NT ED spe nt Sund.ay with rela tive s her nesv ille Lod g e No. 163 F. & A. e:-M., OOD ME N for fao~ory wo rk- Tue sday evening , Oct obe r 14 So · Satu rday , Oct obe r 11th , all our Rev . C. S. Gra uae r i8 abo ut aga HU NTI NG NOTICE NO PRE VIO US EX PER I. jou rnin g bret hren and stra nge rs 10c Wall Pap er in for only 6c at Jan . afte r an ENC E NEU EtlS ARY. Attr llot cord ially invi illne ss of two weekR. ted . ive ney 's RexaH Sto re, "'''g es for thoBe who pro them The foll owi ng have' thei r farm J. T. Ellis , W. M. s (. Are sulv es tlffiolent . Ste ady worve you goin g arou nd pos the ted. and hun ting on the sam e will wor k ld L, A. Zim mer man , Sec 'y Miss Rut h Har tsoc k wi1l toda ply pro mpt ly to 'he A . A. ~ImondAp y Frid ay nigh t? Tick ets only 2;; cen s& - - -.... ts. posi tive ly be proh ibit ed. --tlOD Com pan y, Sum mit relu me her wor k in pian o & ~egley with Pilloe. Day ton, ~bto. ST. MARY'S CHU RCH Bor n-T o Mr. and Mrs. And Seth Fur nas . Louis Wa ldem ar Spr agu e, of IIll! y Day - Yea zel, Frid ay, Oct obe r 3, a dau gh- Mar tin Gon s. ton. Isaa c Wil son. 21st Sun day afte r Trin ity Oct obe ter. r 1. Sat tert hwa ite FOR 12. SAL Sun E day School at 9:30 a. m. Inq uire of Messrs. eha s. Cor nell , E. V . Bar nMor ning Pra yer and serm on at 10:3 Rev . T. M. Sca rff, of Spr ing Val 0. har t, Lewis Wh item an and TOV E WO OD -at $1. 50 per oord L. A. ley, fillea the . "0 go you r way into his gate pulp it at thv M. E s with Zim mer man wer e in Leb 18 In . long but DO' deli vere ano n Mon- chu rch here d than ksg ivin g, and into hi Sun day mor ning on acFra nkl in Pao ker, Wa yne svil le, ~ cou rts day . Oblo. with prlii se." Com e. cou nt of the illne ss of Rev . C. S. 012 .. _.. Mes dam es J. E. Jan ney and Eva Gra use r. new Sim plex Crtl am Sep arat or. PHI LAD ELP HIA WON ~-No . 9, at OOBt. It Is very har d . J one s wer e dele gate s to the stat Waynesville, Ohio e W. BIR THD AY . SOC IAL C. T. U. con ven tion in Xen ia last ~~I~:,a~hl!.ra.DkIlD Pao ker, WaoV:;B . TH IS W EE K The base ball wor ld is awa ke this wee k. The ladi es of the Gui ld of we will hav e St. wee k on acco unt of the seri es Mar y's chu rch hav e iiSu ed invi of M' L' . CI k f M d' gam es to be play . taI· - - - - - - - - - - - ed betw 'Il een the -----------. ISS IZZI e, ar, 0 . a Isonvi - - - N a t IOna e, tion s for a birt hda y ~ial, to be ' Is an d th e Amer lcan . Iea ders. OhIO, spe nt Mtu rda y nig ht and Sun - give n in the Mas onic Ban que t . 'l d I h ' room , th Ph I a e p la won e f'u s t gam e day Rid eWith her aun t Mrs . Mah lon Frid ay eve ning , Oct obe r 17th . Wit h Elb erta and 8m ock Tue sday the scor e: I{ • the invi tatio n are ailk bag s in whi ch 1 ~ ;} 4 G 6 7 8 9- R H E Mrs. Cyn thia Eva ns arri ved hom the reci pieh t is aske d to plac e pen Ath letic s 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0- 6 e 10 1 Tue sday , aft.e r a wee k spe nt with nies corre~ponding with his yea rs, Gia nts .... 0 0 .1 0 3 0 0 0 0- 4 Cab bag e, Swe et Pota toes , On· 11 1 rela tive s In New Ric hmo nd and Cin · and dep osit tht!m with the com mit tee ions , Cra nbe rrie s, Cele ry, --on the 17th . A pro gram will cinn ati. Gra pes, Ora nge s, Lem ons . be ENT ERT AIN ED AT DIN NER rend ered and lunc he9 n serv ed. If TH E ST AN DA RD OF TH Mrs. Mar y Bur ns, who has bee. you can not com e to the soci Ei lW OR LD Eve ryth ing Goo d to Eat at the al, sen d 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Satt erth wai te the bag . en- visi ting rela tive s at Rea ding A FR ES H tC AR JU ST Right Prices. , Ohi o, tert aine d at dinn er Sun day Mis RE CE IV ED ... --ses for a wee k retu rne d hom e Sat urd ay Edn a Satt erth wai te, Lucil e Buh rma n eve ning . Tru e to Her Wor d . Get the hab it and trad e at Gle nna Hob lit, Fre d Stau p, B1a ck-" She Bald on her wedding day Roy tbat she would go through everythi Buh rma n. Kel ler Hok e, Fre d Fur The ng Cho ir Gui ld, of St. Mar y's tor nas , him." Wh lte- "We I guess she Wil bur Buh rma n, Mr. and Mr~. 1. chu rch will mee t wit h Miss Susan hall. I loaned him II. tensll. pot this mornSatt erth wai te and Mrs. Cur tis Stac y, Wri ght nex t Sat urd ay afte rno on at lnI, "-Ju da8 . OF CO UR SE of Col umb us. 2 o'cl ock .

Fl1iday, O~tobel1 10, 1913

Waynesville National Ba nk


Boston th e H om e of Ba ke d Beans! . Ger So us a's Ba nd In m an y!

Th e Tr ad in g

Pl ac e In Ja pa n!

G ay Pa ris by Electric Li ght! Go w ith Pe ar y to ~he Nor th Pole!




Waynesville. Ohio


Confectionery an d Po st- Ca rd Store.

Katherine Alexander,


B O G.E R S & S O N

- ..



.. -






A'.r]~AS C E M E N 'f


U ni fo rm in Quality.

---_.- ...


._-- -_




Day ton has The Bes t Stor es In Ohi o


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--r Rlll bt PrIces

Wednelday--SUBURBAN DAY --In Dayton


Mes srs. Mo rris Bab b, Wa lter Dea n, ollt('lIl. lllu St'd the man at Joh n Sha dra ch and Dr. Rey nold s of . the head of the talJlp. "IB a man ' . who Xem a, call ed on Mr . and Mrs , LeW IS Is neve r satiHli ed with his lot. The Wh item an Sun day . only one that cou ld bring peace to rebellious s plrll iB tbe fum lly lot." his Mr. Cha s. Wa lcot t, of Len a; Ohi o, and Miss Bod ey, of St. Par is, auto ed No Cau se to Wor ry. here Sun day and spe nt the day with "Th eoso pbllus: .ald Mrs . Gossip, rela tive s and frie nds . "jus t think : One ·half the world does know how the othe r hal f lives!" "Nen't ver mind. dear," n, plied her long'Buf lng husband, "tha t (sn't your faulfert." "


Hie Only Ch.~nce for Peac e. male

Day tor> has com plete ly rccovere .J from it s grea t disa ster and the merc ha nts have plan ned to ma ke SUB URB AN DA Y more attra ctive t ha n ever , to out- ol-to wn shoppers.

/1t tra cti ve Me rch and ise Exce llent

Pri ce Ind uc em en ts


Tran spor tatio n Faci lities-Fi ne Hote l and Restaur ant AccomodatioDs-Many The aters and places of amu scm enL

~'SHOP ~


Sta tem en t of




Tbe Miami oaze tte., WayneBvlUe. Ohio. A8 reqUI~ by Act of Aug ust nl~, Pel'llOnall) appe ared befO're ~,. frau e. who saye be 1a the edito me. D. L. r and pub6~er of the Miami Gue tte, of Way o. E. V. Barn hart, Nota ry PublJc.nesville. 8th da)' 01 Octo bur lilJa ,


Try a sal! k of Burton'. Hig h Gra de Wh ite Fro st Flour_ 'It iam ade from the cho ices t old whe at .and is gua r. '> ante ed by .the man t. ..,. ,. .ufa ctur er. to give en Ire satl lH.a ct,IOft· or mon ey fun ded . For sal e" .G; W.' Haw re ke

'<;' . '



E lg in Bu tte r Fa t 33 ce nt s en di ng OctobE'r 12 th . Sec ure all the prof its you can from you r dair y, by send ing you r crea m to The Tri Sta te But ter Com pan y, who se boa stis an ave rage pric e of 32 1-10 cen yea r-th e highe&t ave rage pric e ts per pou nd for the enti re The Tri- Stat e is not an exp of any crea mer y in the stat e. BLE , SAF E and PER MA NEN T erim ent, but is a RES PON SIin thre e stat es and a cap ital stoc Cre ame ry with 6,000 shipperR k of $'5, 000 pay ing Spo t Cas h for eve ry ship men t. It is s(, easv to ship crea m to The Tri· Stat e, as we use the sou r crea m, sim ply sendi~g 8 can onc e or twic e a wee k de· pen dmg upo n :your faci litie s for kctp . fRE E CAN S FOR 30 DA YS ing it cool. TRI AL AR F ~ENT PRE PAI D upo n rt!q uest , or if ther e is any furt her info rma tion .. des ired wri te us at onc e, ,


BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O.

Cap ital 8to ck, f76, OO O

-shI p Your


Cream Any time, ~We collect DayaDd .

All Depots. · . . . .'


Night from . ~' .






+-----------e : Farmers' e---- -.-._·-.Club __



Whole Number 3233

····-.-...·_·--·--..... FARMERS' ORANGE !r---:._........ .. __....--.................- . ........·--··· . ... ,'... ··..··. __·. ·········. ···ll Madison county with London as • I P ,. will give its the center of it'l activities. is making i : ersonal Mention Column 1 i annual supperGrange following t he " Con· INTEREST IN COUNTY'. M. C. A.



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1----.-. ________. Events : .r....-..-Social . ---------.

October has treated us to tlome test" on !Iext Saturday 8veninll'. \Jerfecl days, and the Farmer's Club Mr and Mrs. Prank Zeit and Mrs. intluential men have become in. I - .. -.-••• ~.. - .........._ ......... .....J October 18t h. at 7 p. m .. foll owed f'lt thankful that Thursday, the Artie Albertson were g'llC:;ll:l of Mr. by the regular programme for the Jubilee Sin2'ers at School Hall. Jubilee Sillge rs at School Hall. nint:1 was one of the best. Mr. and terested in the movement, and it is an d Mrs. J . H. Colelllan at dinner I evenin2', which is as follows : Mrs. Swain and daughter met the being developed not only in the Su ndRY. Miss Ad a Michener Music ........ .... ..... . Rev .. and Mrs. C. S. Grauser were : Jesse Lewi~ was in Dayto n Mon. melnbers with a most cordial greet· county seat and lar2'er villages. but to Xenia Thursday. , day. Why Tuch Agriculture ...... Prof. throughout the county wherever ing . and all were delil{hted to be Gilmour. Tp. Supllrintendent Mr. Chas. Curti:; and family. of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden were welcomed to this home that is tlO there is an opportunity for a group Each article in our window for lOco The Story of the Country School Wilmington. M. S. We:;t and family . tastefully and beautifully kept . o.f boys to get together. As a solu- in Clarksvllle Sunday . J . E . •Jann ey . .. .. ..... ........ Mi88 Alma Waterhouse or Bell brook , George I'arker and While the dinner was being placed twn to the problem of finding a America's Debt to Holland ..... : .. fa mily . of Ha rveysburg and Jamea For this week-Each article in our A I I igh t' C/f melody- Thursday, Oc. on the tables, a pleasant social hour suitable meeting place, the school ...... ....... .. .. ..... . Mrs f{uthJanney Cu rtis and (al1l ily were entertained tobe r 16Lh. aL School ,Hall. was enjuy ed, It is entirely impose building, the town hall and, in some window only 10c. J, E Janney. Woman's Influence in the futur e at the home of G. H. Ellis and fame . sible to g ive a description of the instances. a rented room, are used, of American Agriculture .. Mr8. ily Sunday. Mrs. F. C. Carey. who has been III L O. Thompson, of Louisiana, is abundant dinner. Evidence of a In one community the work has deCora Thompson veloped so far that the town trustees with tonsilitis, is about well now. visitillg am ong old friend s he re. thorou gh appreciation was given by Current Events ... Mi88 Sara Sat· Sta b . D t the length of time spent around the saw fit to remodel the town hall so Ch Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright en terterthwaite ' t Id b ed as. ns erry was In ay on BornTo Mr. and M-. JeD DO th a t I cou tabl es. e us to best advan- Th rsd d F 'd I ,~ ~ tained at a 6 o'clock dinner last Dr. J . T. Ellis, MBlIter tage by the boys. With the Y. M. u ayan rl ay of ast week. Lewis, Monday, October 13th, a son, When the hour came for the Club Friday evening. Those invited were Mary Silver, Rec Sec'y Bert Grant, of Dayton , was calling to be called to order, this was done. C. A. properly established in many Mr. and Mrs. A. B.. Sides spent Mr. and Mrs. Emmor ilaily, Mrll. and the Pre!lident extendt1d a cordial parts of the county in this way, the on friends here 'Saturday and Sun Saturday with relatives at Mainville, A BIRTHDAY SOCIAL Lina Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. g reeting to Mr. and Mrs. Hartsock organization is not only reachina- the day. Ohio . Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. St. Mary's Guild will give a Birth- Hawkll and Miss Emma Heighway. and daughter, as this was their first boys but it is touching the lives of Mrs. Euphemia Hough and Mrs. Mrs. Nallnie Kendall. of (,,pnter. day Social in the Masonic baDquet day with the Club. l{Oll call found men and women as it interests them socially, educationally and, religiously G. D. Mills were shopping in Xenia ville, is the guest o~ Dr. and Mrs J . room Friday eveni(lJl:, October 17th. seven families absent. - - - Thursday. T. Ellis. While invitations have been issued, Mrs. Duke was unahle to be pres· Mrs. F. B. Hendel'son entertained A SERIOUS RUNAWAY and with tlach invitation silk balrS in with a very enjoyabl e "500" party ent, so there were no current events Bargains this week for 1O~. J. E. If }rou are going to have a sale, which to place pennies in number on TuesdAy aftc.rnoon. At a !leasongiven. Mrs. Silver read an interest· Last Wednesday. as Mrs Frank Janney's. see A. A. M::Neil. Centerville, Ohio, equal to the recipient's years of age, able hour a delicious luncheon WIl8 ing article. The ~ pecial topic for both phones. yet the invitation is general and served in two COUl'ses. Those in· d i!\c USl:l ioll was " The maller of slate Smith, ~r8. Champion and two other Mrs. George Hamilton and Mrs. inspection, its benefitll and faults." ladies were coming to town, their everybody will be welcome. Come, vited were: Mesdames E. V. BarnMr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman, Mr. whether you have received a baR' or hart, Warren B8rne~t. U. M. White, 'fhe discussion was opened by Mr. horse frightened, and ran into a O. M. Ridge were Harveysburg Oglesbee. ami he was followed by telephone pole near the KendaH visitOr! Thursday. and Mrs. D. L. Crane and son Ethan, not, and let us IIpend a social evening Annie Thorpe, Agnes Wright, S. D. together. A prOlrram will be ren- Clayton, Edith Harri • . Laura Mosher, Messrs. Blbon, Riley, Hawke, Cor- home on }t' ranklin road. The occu. Mrs. Ohas. Braddock was the were in Xenia Thursday. dered and refreshments perved . nell, Silver and Cartwright, Mr. panl9 were thrown out, and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, J 0 Cartwright, Oglesbee giving some interesting Champion was badly injllred. The guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison , 'Miss Hazel Gustin arrived home W. H. Allen, A. T. Wright, G. W. DEATH Friday from Cihcinnati. where she '\ thoughtll In a second talk. Select rest of the occupanl:l:l were jarred at Loveland last Friday. Hawke, .(srael Satterthwaite, L. A. has beton working since July. reading by Mrs. Riley was a path- considerably, and the lia- badly de· Chu. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zimmerman, J. A. McCoy, Cynthia 'A car of the celebrat8d American etically beautiful poem entitled "A molished. Smith, on Route I, died at his home Evans, H. E. Hathaway, Wilson Ed... Fence just arrived at A. B. Sides.' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Starbuck, Monday morning at 11 o'clock. The warda, J. H.Coleman, D. L. Crane. lJream of Abraham Lincoln." This NOTICE Call and see him before buyina-. of Glens Falls. N. Y.. were guests funeralilervices will btl held at the Misses Myr p Baird, May Wright, WIl8 given in a most excellent nJan_1 ner, thoroughly enjoyed by all A special meeting of the members Get seats at Janney's for the last week of Mr . and Mrs. Warren M. E. church here Thuraday morn- Elizabeth Carroll, Emma Heighway, Barnett . Dr. and Mr!:! . 1. Way of Cincinnati, of the Incorporation of The Friendll Jubilee Singers, October 16th. injr at 11 o'clock. Friends will meet Edith Mosher. having accepted the invitation from Boarding Home of Indiana Yearly at the house at 10 o'clock. Mr. Sml'th was a young man beMr . and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mrs . from the Swain household to spend m~ting of the Relilrious Society of Mrs. Ruth C8l'ey and Mni. Flo OBITUARY d Mrs. George Zell at· 10 - .• b II h k the day with the Club, lJr. Way Friends will be held at 10 a. m. Dyke, of Spring Valley, and Miss W m. Zell h' d h' an . . I " . v~ yaw a new 1m, an IS Pearl Carey, of Dayton, spent Satqr- tend eo a IIOCla function m Xema legion of friencU was called upon, and after expretJ[! · Tenth month, 18th da" 1913. Abrabam H. Shoemaker was born ahocked .~ Thursday were WI ing the pleasure it afforded them to Georgia F. Mendenhall. Ida, and 8und.ay with Mr. F. C. near Xenia, Ohio, on the lst day of . hear of his death, as hill sickn.1I wall be with us, gave some interesting Secretary. Carey and family. May, 1830. He died on the 8th day of .hort duration. information concerning the Jl:ood .. - ••--~ See our lOe window display for of October, 1913, aged 83 years, 6 ~TORE FOR ·ALE JOII. Barrett, of Quinino, Kan., thlll week. Janney's Rexall Store. work accomplished in dentistry for months and 6 days. His parents were ST. MARY'S CHURCH the poor children of the cit:y, whose Mr. and Mrs. David Hathaway, of Isaac and Lucinda Shoemaker, who Try a sal:k of Burton's High Grade 22nd Sunday after Trinity October moved from Virginia to Ohio in r.arents ,were unable to pay for it. As J am If 'H 'ving the town I offer Utica, sp.!nt Sunday with Mr. and An office is set apart where there are for sale nl:, !'Iore . consisting of a Mrs. A. B. Sides. Mr. Barrett lIays White Frost Flour. It is made from 19th. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m . which latter state they were married two dentists at all tim~ prepared to fine line of t:anuies, post cards, that in his county corn will not make the choicest old. wheat and is guar. Morning Prayer and lennon at 10:30. about one year before the birth of treat the teeth . Mrs. Way told us stationary, novelt i l'~. etc. For fur- four bushelll to the acre, and all anteed by the manufacturer to give • "I was glad when they said un to Abraham. He was the oldest (\f of he r enjoyment of the day ther particularH inquil'e of Katherine oth-;r crop. except alfalfa were entire satisfaction or money re me, we will go into the bOUle of the seven children of these parents. funded . For sale by G, W. Hawke Lord." Mrs. Hartsock returned thanks Alexander, Waynesville, Ohio. burned out bv the drought. With his death there remains but one for the greeting extended. of the seven. The survivor is Rachel Mrs. Riley was persuaded to treat Henry, of Dayton, Ohio. the Club to another pOEm, which Abraham was reared, until he WBi was highly appreciated. bout seventeen years of age, on the A motion to adjourn was seconded, farm of his father near Xenia. He but the members IfOOmed loth to tben came with his parents to Warleave this home so neat in all of its ren County, in which he afterwards aPPurtenanaps, but finally thanking resided, except that for about seven them for the brightness they ~ad ----------~------------.Jlyears he lived in the city of Springadded to the day, they drove away, One of the most successful enter their Iiat of passengers were all the 'German bedroom. In a crade at somely draped and made a beautiful field, Ohio. hoping to be at the Swain home tainments 2'iven so far this season landed safely in port, and not a the door slept a red·he2ded German appearance. Abraham was married, in Lebanon, <when their turn shall come ag~n wall the "Tour Around the World," single iceberg was sighted during/lassie, an old-fashioned bed looked tOE1izabeth Clements, a daughter of by the Dorcas Society of the M. E . • the entire trip. One captain, how- good enough to lie in if a step.ladder PARIS TO NORTH POLE lohn and Catharine Clements, on the OPER.A TlON PE~FORMED church, Friday evening. The tour iever, got seasick. and stopped at a W811 handy. The "steins" and barrel 21st day of October, 1854. They looked suggestive but the host4!sa Immediately after leavina- the gay lived together, faithful to each other, Ed Thomas, on Route., was taken stal'ted at 1:30, and the starting place not down on the tickf't. to Miami Valley hospital Thursday, point- the Township house - was ) After a rough up.hill journey, the 8aid "nothin'doing." In one corner "Paree" capital. the journey con· until the 7th day of February, 1913, company arrived wely at Japan, of the room, a rail fence made of tinued to the north, endina- at th~ when the venerable wife and mother where he was opel ated on for crowded all day and evening. Before starting on the tour the and were entertained in a bamboo cobll, illulitratinJl: a German barn- Pole, which was situated at the died. lie now follows her after il abscesses. Some time ago he bruised his hand while at work in his tobacco, pa~enller.s were required to register. hut a la Japaf)et!e fashion to rice and yard with miniature cattle and stable Phillips room. Upon enterina- this separation of only about eijrht and an abscess formed, which after The Townsnip house was beautifully cak~ The hut was fashioned a was a work of art, and was the main room one was immediately aweU by months. its beauty One look froze the veinll in Tc. Abraham and Elizabeth Shoea time became 80 much worse that decorated and booths, from the great deal after thll style of F. H. attraction. "seer" in her black-covered booth to Farr's house, and the hospitality exBut one of the best of the attracyour body, for everywhere lOoas maker were born seven children, two he consented to go to the hospital, where it was found necesaary to brilliaritly colored boothll, where all tended by the ladies put one at tions at this place was "Susie's" nothing but white, white - - paper. daughters and five sonll, named in lance not only the hand but the ann. kindll of sweets were dispensed, and home at once. The waitresses, all band of eia-ht pieces conducted by ~rs. Walter McClure, with her as- the order of their birth as follows: Mr. Thomas is rapidly improving, also the foreign pO&l-office, where dothed in Oriental costumes pre- Her Majesties Hoyal band meister. Slstants, planned the scheme, and it Mar)" John W., Georgia, Jamell E., delayed letters from "folks a·sea," sented a pleasing sight. The rice Violinll, piano and drums also fur- took hou~ and hours of lahor to Horace L., Charles H., and Lee and is expected home this week. were rea-istered, and invariably was eaten with chop.sticks. and! nished good music for the occasion. comp.lete It. In one corner were Two of these, MIU')' and John, are "postaK'e due" was required to be many a laugh was had at the EsqUlmaux huts. and Capt. and Mrs. deceased, the other five lurviv(' their JUBIt.f.E SINGERS paid before letters wele handed out. l1Ianner in which they were used. GERMANY TO PARIS Peary stood for several days and mother and father; Many antique and beautiful Japanese From Ger~any to Paris proved an looked on the scene. Mrs. J .. S. Abraham H. Shoemaker, uJ;ltil the 'fhe Glazier Jubilee Singers, under THI: START ON THE TRIP ROuvenirs were presented here, and agreeable trip muc~ .longer than the Vand~rvoort gave a very m· very day of his death, was of rugged the direction of ' the Glazit>r Lyceum The fil'st part of the journey was MrR. Farr gave an interesting lecture former and easy salling on account terestm2' lecture on the Pole,lIhow- constitution, of Itrong mind. of inBureau, will give an evening's en· tertafnment in Waynesville &hool made from Waynesville to B08toll, which explained them thoroughly. of dow~.hill journey. Arriving at ing the ~eddy .. Hears and White dUlltriouehabitS,andofunquestioned Hall, Thursday, October 16. This and the housetthat entertained looked Two ladies of quality sat in one cor- the capital seat of France, the com- Bears, while Mrs. Ward threw snow honesty and integrity. He passed p.a~y was met by small boys in neat on each passenger. Cold ice cream away luddenly of failure of the entertainment will be given under a good bit like J ~ A. Funkcy's resl' ner and enjoyed the day fanning. umforms, who ushered them to the and cake were served to the weary heart, while on a visit to hil coullin the auspices of the Daughters of dence. The hostesses .renerously JAPAN TO GERMANY entrance, where they were met by passengers, and mementoes, candies John Field!l, at Jam_town Ohio. Mary, of the M. E. church . . Re- !lerved baked beans, Graham bread Part of the company made the ladies with painted cheeks, dressed and pop corn f?r:"ished a "side" to While the final call came him served seats on sale at Jannel"s and cocoa, and many products of were conspicuously displayed trip fr9m Japan to Germa~y overiit" Worth" garments who in a gullithe Pole expedItion. . . without warning no one who knew Boston Drug -Store, Saturday. October 11. THE RETURN HOM. him well will doubt that he met the Tickets, 25 centll for adults, and 15 in the roomll. Many hundred. of lan~, but it was pleaSant ..ilin~ b!e manner introduced them into the envelopes containing pilla (7) were there. Many persons dreaded thll display room where models were . '. BummeDil with fortitude and resignacents for children, - - -.... -,--handed out here to be taken during part of the ' journey on account of displayed showing the latest ere.!'Parties were returned to the' tiOn. He had no membenbip in any the ocean trip from Boston to Japan the house in which they were entertions in dress. Some of the modelll ltartina' place from the Pole, who organiaed relia'ioua denomination, ATTENTION, FARMERS I for seasickness, tained, because of ita being presided mowed great tact, both in price and were loud in their praise of the but as his mean. permitted he was Go to A. B. Sides' and see the best BOSTON TO JAPIt. over by a Hawke. But on arrival arrangement of dress After viewing courtesies extended. Each member. f,!waya liberal wben asked to aid the farm wagon on earth, the Thornhill. N there, after m~untiDa- the broad these models for several hours (1) of the society worked hard to make church. .It may well be Raid that a • - • I)n the. landing at the Boaton _tepa to the mansion, and the greet- . the company was Hrved with f!X- it w{)rth while~and they luCCeeded, stronlf and upright rna has fallen Catty. wharf, IIhip .hlp l18i. 1ed in _i&'ht, ina' aiven by the happy German cellent coffee and cake. The man- for not one word of cond.mnati~n and that hia departure leav.- a a'reat "My husband," she ' Bald, "alwayl an d th e cap tama 0 f tb 888 Crafts - IlUllte88, L__ • one BOOn ..J.Ollot hil fear Ilion bere was located on a hill, over- waa heard from the long list of paavoid in the community where he was wants me to loo~ my best, no matter F k Zell W lte McCt Cbu what the coat." .i~ll." her friend re. ran ,a r · ure, • and entered into the fun made by lOOking the lake, and it seellled to BeIlKe'" that made the lQur. 10 Iona' a prominent character• .pllecl, "one can. har41y bla~e him for Cornell, ReV. C,. S. G~1lMr" Dr. ~e G~rman populaee. . Alter a colla- many paaengers that the hOU8e Serioualy, the tour wu a financial • • • fee~DI as ·be ~~88:'-:-C~Ic:a~ '~rcl-. '!ard,.C. M. Roblt.zer, J. E, ' ~~~ ~Gn of "welnen~ ' . an~ "~hla,," and l'8IIe.mblecl the one occupied by Mrs. IUcce., the aoeiety cleal'iq 'l~,OO Do yoa read. yoal' O"D 01' 10G He~... . . . '. I." . .and C. T,l;lawke.·.~l .w to it that~" "!lChnaP... "~. auney 'was made of , B.thawlf, . The rooma were band- after 8XpeDIeS are pai~ liellhbc>i'a' M.1alD1 ~",t g" • f • ';: . . ' ...• . • •" • .



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Th, ' I' \I ~I, · thlll j(nvtl (urlh l hf' notf'S Ihlll ' ":ork,',1 t h t! elOSI1 o r hos t llitl pM f" r th ,· " lh"r s id" was cast a si de !J )' II I'. ~ ·htld l" 'BR. th" Ullin who ror 1'0111' _"'lIr" hilli blllwtl It. and In n doz " II bl l'II(I} !Jattl ~". thf'l)lIgh th t' r f'tre ll t fl'l )1I1 (;, ' 11) " !Jurg /tud o n to Hlc hm o ud . J.'h·,' F LO r k s IIlI d A Pi>0lllll i lox, flS b eing

olvlc te acblngs of tbe scbool. childre n s hould be en('ouraged to play aucb games all k ee ping bouse, coml~to ­ s ee, keelJl ng s tor e, trudlng-horst! a nu III the se ImltaLive k eeping-th e- ja il. games th e y aro found fixIng soci al hab it s whi c h will to a Cbertaln exte nt he carr ied Into t he ir la t e r Uv ea. Old e r c hildre n s ho uld be e ncourage d to play o rgani zed gam es. aut h as acrub basebu ll, prisoner's base, blac k· man or pullaw a y, London brldgq and baskelball. FOll-and'geese, shellp-In· the-fold 81111 breal,·out may be clas sed amon g orgallized glltnes, but the rul es of these ga mes a ppea l to c h ildren rrom eight to ten yellrs o ld . In all th ese games, the ch llclre n [(' Quire a n obodl· A Pleasant Grounds for School Games. ence to law. Th .. brea king o f the rules of the ga m e and the adjustin g of to s uch a deg r ee tha t th f' Y wi ll be lIa· th e matt er mak e It necessary ror the bl e to beco me ch ara cte rl sllc or th e childre n to pe rrorm e very function of adult. On the s chool g round where a free gQvernmenL The le~18 l allve th e r e is but ' a I1andful of c hildren fun ction Is r e prese nt ed In the rules of I tb e re Is also more or less socia l sta r· the games agreed upon by the PlaY- I vatlon . It the ce ntraliz ed sc hoo l Ie ers; the e xe c utive , In the authority of worth anything, It Is worth mu c h In bne or two suppo rt ed by the s e ntim e nt assisting to overcom e s uc h r es ult s fiB or all: and the judicial, In the hurried are Inevitabl e wh ere th e re Is a la ck 01 tryin g of the cuse. Judges, jurors, so~lal aud lute ll ec tual contuct. )llalntlff, defendant and witnesses may A. 8. GHAH AM, be mIx ed up but the outcome Is tbat CcJJege of Agriculture. Ohio State ju stice Ie admlulste r ed to the one who University.

SHALLOW STABLE GUTTERS UNWISE I no manual labor to remove It. Since the price of straw Is e xceptionally blgh, an l!lsufllclent amounl of it ii orten used to ab sorb liquid manure, and hence If no drains are provided In the gutter for Ita removal an unsa nl· tcry condillon I. produced and besides the labor of producing removing thE manure Is made more dltllcult. The re should be a slope at apprOXimately one-hllif Inch In tw e nty and approxl· mat e ly one-elghtb Inch 1.0 e very fo ot, t~ a druln located somewhere In tbe gutter. The d es irable pla.ce for tbe drain In Lhe gutter Is st the lowest en d. In order to obviate the dlmc ulty of mak· Ing a gutter dee per at one e nd than at the other In order to s ec ure a fall, I'. Is bette r to drop th e Ooor unl(ormly to a polut In the rear. Th e druln 01 the gutter should be connec ted wltb I th e pit, where a large amoullt of dry re Cuse or strll IV will u bsorb the great· , er purt of the Ilquld manure. OSCAR ER~ Coll ege of Agrl€ulture, Ohio Sta te Univ e r s ity.


/IOine thousand one hun dred ant nln e ty-one square miles were r e leased rrom cattl e Quarantine for T e xas rever, i September 1. Th e terri lory rel eased was In Texas, Ok la homa, Tennessce. <:eo rgla and South Carollna. Fix a lamb c reep to exclude th@ ewes, sprinkle a little bran In th. A Well-Proportioned Gutter In Dairy troughs aud you will very soon ha VI Stable. the lam bs ea tI ng. the platform. thus making the place 'Where the udd er rests ve ry un c lean. By k eeping all the I';round busy all To obviate this hulf-round gutters th e time about lbree tlmell al muc~ haye bee n suggested . This, to a cer- truck can be raised . taln extent, If the cows are prope rly tied, pre\,ents lbe cows standing In •••••••••••••••••••••••••• tbe gutter, for It Is se ldom that tbe y HOW TO IMPROVE CUPwill stand In a bal( round tr e nc h, owBOARD, Ing to the tact tbat they will slip very , easily. The most success ful gutt e r In use Is Plenty or cupboard room Is made one foot deep or dep peI'. For necessary to tbe convenient .ome cows sixteen Inc h es Is not amiss. kitchen and the best pantries This will prevent them from standing are those with bullt·ln sh~lves In th e gutter because. as a rule, a cow and c upbo ards des igned espedo es not care to Btand In a deel-' pec lalJy for tb e nee ds of tbe trencb . A /l:reat m a ny obj eetlons have one working there. The c up· b een ofl'e reu Lo a dee p guller for th e board shelves must be smooth r eason t hat co ws are liable La fall and and fr ee from crac ks . A coat hurt th e msel\'('s. ThIs can, to a ce rof white enamel will make the taln e xtcnt, be eliminated by lowering dark co rners ligh t and also make tt e walk side or th e trenrh, making it easIer to clen n. Even white I~ only six In c hes dee p. Deep gutters table oil-cloth o n the shelve. are objec tlolfahle whe n very n a rrow ; will help greatly. The shelvell tber.efore, a gutler should be twenty should be eas y 10 move and adInches wide, and If po~sib l e tw e ntY'justlble to dl rre r ent belghts. As two Inches to o~ercome this objection II. rul e the;' are too far apart and nnd also for tbe r ea son that It will alby r eadjustm e nt an extra one Iowa fr ee flow of tlJ e liquid manUJ'e. can be added to the average A cow voId a about 20,000 pounds of p=try, manure ptl r yea r, and of tb is amount ELMA PERRY FOLK, l :l,OOO pounds Is liquId . Wh e n II gutCollege of AgrlcultUJ'e, Ohlo ' ter Is prop rly constructed, the lIgul4 State University.

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I'-or \\ h"11 th at In ~t ,' all wus sounl! ('d ~Ir l ·lt llul'l'ss, who had shared with his r0 11l 1'11,10'" tur t \Yu ye ur ~ the beII f tlla t tit .. lIe xt bat ti e would be Lb e lI, o; t. d"('I<1 .. d that III" work was don e au d " Il l r l!: lil a lit " ro r hOtll e, no t e vell waltitl~ rllf h is pnro le . :-';o r did htl 8to ll \111111 he gO t back to L ynch burg. Sirallg o to n ' late Mr C hlldt'ess's " all wa s 1I0t sounu,:,l Co~ n ea rl}' two . hlJurs "rl,'r th" s urr e nder o.t Le e lO (;rallt anti In ;h(' tn C'a nllm his comIn II lid ' I (0 11111 " " '''''' lI lry und e r the commalld' or l: CI;t' ru l' I'ell ll hlld \Jep n ski ,.. , rn l~ hill g II WHY with thu redem ls out Be~era l mil l'S trolll Apllomnttox cour t. hou sE'. In bll~ s rul Il:"norun ctl Lhat tile w~r WI\S ove r. Th e ir first Intimation or th e surren· d e r ram e wh e n a I1nl o n ottlcer rode out with a wbit e flag and advance d t o Ge tlf,rul Pe nn with lh e ne ws. Mr. Childress was standing nl'ar by and h eard th e officer say: "Genera l Lee h a s s urr end e red to Ge ne ral Grunt and you I\re ordere d to hold your lin es In th e ir prese nt pos itions." Th e n Gene ral Penn ord e r e d ilu g le r Childress to ride along th e skirmis h lin es with 01'd e rs Lo the colonels to ceas e firing, and, when be r e turn ed, h e was orde r ed to blow " ass e mbly ," which was the ca ll for th e ski rmish ers t o tall back to th e ir r e gim e nts. This don e, Mr. Childress whee led his horse and starte d bac k to nnd th e pik e to Lynchburg. He had been a soldi er for four long yean and waa we ary with war. HI' had Bounded bugle calls at Second Bull RUIl , WInch ester, Fort Royal, Clear Cr ee k.. Fisher's Hill. Mount Jackson, Fort R& public, Harpe r 's F e rry, Gettysburg, Brandy Station, MIne Run, Antietam, ..~ re derlck8burg , Chan cellorsvllle, Wilderness, Spottsylvanla Co urthouse, Cold Harbor, Pet e rsburg , Rich mond, FIve Forks and this last as sem bly at Appomattox . And during all these tour yean he never had nred a shot. So young Chlldrl!8t1 went home, disregarding the t e rms of war and other t ech nicalities. On his Bolltary Journ ey h e ran Into General Rosser's command . "Hasn't Gen e ral RosseI' surrende red ?" h e Inquired. "Hell, no!" wall the answer, "and does n't Int e nd to." It was several weeks atter that Mr. Childress, now a cIvilian and busy wlt.h -civilian pursuits, heard that he ought to go down to Fred e rlck.sburg anu get his parol e_ Ho w e nt In company with a numb er of neighbor boys lind procu re d the paper whi ch he guarded j ea lous ly tor years and which 11nally W IlR blown away In a 'cyclo ne that demolished the Childress home, near Mnryville, In 1 88~ . It was differe nt with Mr. SIs80n, but perhaps that Is na:-u ral, considering who won. He stayed It out and marched with Custer down Pennsylvania avenue In Washington city In the grand review. Mr. Sisson was the brigade bugler In Custer's division and gave the .Ig. nal for the charge, the regimental buglers catching It up and pa8sIng It on. Across the field charged the Union canlry, with Gtlneral Custer at the head . And while all this wall going on the fiag or truce Outlered from the Confederate lines. Aides spurred their horses forward and overtook the fiery Custer to tell hIm or the truce. He ordered a halt and proceeded to General Gordon'. headquarters. Wblle he was there a Confederate squad dashed out and openpd fire . The Union soldiers thought that maybe Custer had been d ecoyed Into the hands of lhe enemy and that th e charge had been ordered a8 soon RII he was sa rely trapped. But General Gordon soon stopped the flrlng, sending his orders by a Union officer atter he had looked In valn for one of his own aides. Time to Get Out. A new South Carolina regIment were behind breastworks guarding a bridge -Its Or~t time In action-when the Yanks swooped down upon them. The Yank8 halted to fix bayonets, and one old "Secellh," haYing never selin bal'o. llets before, watched them with wideeyed Inte r es t tallten that Implement on the end of their gun. The old msn, becoming frightened, started to run , "I can stand for them t' IIhoot pow· ~er an' lead at me, but when they"O t IIh~t "tchar knives I aln't 10111 t' ~bt.. __ ., :

I; in

the Open



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IlIgs . ~,' ltI ~ hlle ~~ , IIlI t ru tllf tllllt' ~ti , u rrllga ll ce ltnd Inw l,' rall l' C a l'u Ilk,'lv t o' be r t' llr(0 6st' ,1 o n the 5(' hno l gr~ll n d whe re th,' ro arE' ~1I 11h' lent c h lid 1''''1 to play ~atll l"d . \\' h"I'p the r e are bllt a few ' ·ltiltlJ'(! II. \' arylng g reatly a A t o a~l'8, th,'s,' IIl1deRlrubl'1 r harll r tN ls l ir s a r{' likely 10 del" f'lop I'e r y r"pinly lI un



He Waa on Duty. Il orb!'rt s t out! 011 a c hil ir . Tho chair .too d III th e pantry . I Tllo ja m s tuo,1 lin th o Rh c H. Hol' bprt 's lllotll('r s too d U II th o lliresbol4. !I er be rt stood hi s gruulld_ " ~Iy 80 11 ," s altl Ih o lIl uth!' Y, polnttn g lit hi m wllh ns tonIH itlllf' tlt. "I a -Ill 8 - u · r- llrl ~ pd~ To thlnl' Lh u t my IItt10 b()~' wOIlIt! d o n th lllg Ilk" Ihul. " Il nr bl' rt. r esourco lul all,l IIO t aL ail I a bas h,' u . loo ke d I\t hl~ motlw r 6tmlllht 111 th e 0),0. " Pleus e do not Int e rfl're with th e ' mlnuuvres ' or a boy Bcout," I he said. I " A boy BCOUt '" " Y " •. mo l hpr, nrt !'r suppllell ."

1ft l ' har ,~ ,' I r n l lltrlll l\ l l !-;~ . :i ,Yl l1 path ,", dari n g t o d o I I I/BI III \ , lI ,tI , ~:-; 111 rllt' olH ' f' or :-\atllu , rl~ht nlltl tCJI ~ ' r . d H) 1l u.r(' UPVt' lrIJH.d 011 1 111,,1 ~ i :-;t-IIII . Ih, · JUan \\ h ,) !i U lI lllli ' d Il lu I

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Many suggestions have been olrered to the way In which gutters should be construc Led In a dairy stable, but It depends somewhat upon conditions ss to what style wlll be preferable. The object Is to have a gutter 80 con!!tructed thllt It \VIii keep th e cow clelln . While the tie has something to do with Lhls Question, still Lbe gutter plays the Important part. Shallow F:utters bave not given the best satlsfaction, owing to the fact that the cows are apt to stllnd In tbem wbere they sot! their feet and then step upo n


" It ,'~ " "hrlll n o t' · ~ lit tht' ( 'j ,",l war-- I

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Two Vetera ns, Li vi ng at Maryville, Mo., Bl e w Shrill No tes T ha t Ma rked Cl os e of Hostilitiea.

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the Iludleuce Is Oil

tb e w ."

Good Citizenship Developed Among Pup il s in Experience of I School Playground - Many Organized Games For ChilSOUNDED END OF CIVIL WAR I I dren ot All Ages -- Numbers Are Necessary T he \1lnY I' r o u nd b!" ' (' IIl (,S Ih" , ''''I'I IJTOk o Illfl law . T h,' punl s h u'ont may ot tlH" cll lzt' n ; hpn' I" th l'l r rn ' " I:f ,' 11,1 a lII il d f t'pr : II1.tlJd (I f n' lII u val fro Ul

Their U.e. orch es tra ue es racka ror It.

In this d E's lg-n III s hown an extremetor afternoon \\ ea r. fh e skirt Is drap ed and may I be mad e with the st rai ght panel etree t h . b or a'e th e opelling tilled In wit plaited chl(!'oll or silk . The ve8t e tr ect and the Med iCi co ll ar are new and effec tive a nd Lbo broad collar ot lace Is ' b I A t tb e so rt , e ry eco rtl ng. ny 0 s ilks or poplin\! would be sultabl" with thi s design , Ladl es dre M pattern (6329) Is cut In 81zl~B 34 to 42 Inch e s bU Bt m easure. Me dium slzn r equi r es 6'>1. yards of 36 In c h mat e rial. _ To Ilro('ure thl . pntt~rn Bend 10 "ent8 I

~ ,timar~, pre tty mode l

to "Putt e rn D~ pa.rtlT1 e nl." uf lhl8 p n per.

Write nume o.rld nddrt:ftH p l ainly . nnd h8

lUr e t o a;lvo



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SIZE ______ __ ________ _

NAME •••• _ ._•• __ • __ •• ________ _______ ._. TOWN __ ___ _._ .• _______ ______ __. _________ •

STRlmT Al'ID MO. ____ • _______ ___ ___ • ___ • sTA ~ rK_._.

________________ • _________ •• _





2760 Tamm Av e., St. Louis, Mo." My little daughter's head began wllh 110 dry hars h scale cove ring It. First It got a white scnle over the top and then It got a dirty brown scab with pus und e r It. H e r hair came out In less tban a week and he r h ead Itched IIond bl ed . She had no rest. I had h er wear a scarf all th e time, It looked 80 badly. She was so sore and had such big brown scabs on her head tbat the :eacher would not let her atteud schoo\, "w k d b d h e too an a e r treated for three months wIth no reller. She kept geUln( worse until I tried Cutlcura So dOl t L I d th C 1 I cura ap asn n men hi dusde e uhtoap every t r a y an d t e I e tI 01 h I h u ~u~a b nt;;ent at nlg t. n tree we: s e r C es was w e ll or sores. Two ca ces 10f uOtlcura Soap "nd one box 0f ut cura Intme nt com"letely cured h " er. (Signed) Mrs. Walter Rogers, Nov_ 28 , 1912. Cutlourn Soap and Ointmen t eold throu ghout th e world. Sample at eacb free ,wlth 32-p. Skin Hook _ Address postcard "Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston."-Adv. Luckily for Him. The nmateur adv e nture r bad Jusl r eturn ed from stirring 8cenes In Mex· Ico. whe re h e had Cought under the banners or the r e '·oluLlonlsLs . H e had come home wounded a nd WUJI tellln, bls friends about It. " It was my first engagement, you know . ThOl bull e t struck me just uader tho bll.lrt." "And YIlU lived! How remark· able!" " Ob, no, not ut nil! You lIee, my heart W8S In my mouth at the t\me_ ~

Eye Alone Detect. Iceberg., The re at present Is no absolute method or detecLlng Ice bergs, except by th e human eye , In th e opin ion of by the human eyc, In tbe opinion 01 Cap tain C. E . Johnson and A. 9 . Gamble of th. cutters Seneca and Miami, which patrole d tb e route of the tran • atlantic line r s rrolll April to May. Captain John son r e rute d the pre'fa· lent tbwry that a sudd en drop In te mperature meant the proximIty of Ic ... bergs . Lltll!! .or no change In t empera lure was noticeable, be said . Nor can Icebergs, as gen e rally supposed, be dete cted with IIny certainty by an echo rrom a shill'S whistl e or bells, a8. according to Capta in Johnston, a pe rpendicular b erg may giv e an echo from some direCtions, but a slantl ng face r e flects tb e so und . 'About nInety per ce nt. or the Sen eca's e fforts to get echoes were fuple . , The presence ot murres (a kind 01 auk), the otllce r declares, Indicated th e presence or Icebergs, but h e ad, vises mariners to pay no attention to other birds.

A c:teverly designed IltUe frock Is shown here. The co llar and culrs abow ,a toucb or em broidery and an extremely pretty Roman sash with fringed ends belts the low waillt Tbere III DIDN'T KNOW a pretty arrangement at buttons down That Coffee Was Causing He .. Troubl .. the front at the ' blouse and on the skirt The low shoulder lIue Is a So common Is the use ot colree as a pretty point. This model would be beverage, many do not know that tt II pretty fasbloned of Bome ~ott stuff; tue cause ot muny obscure ails w hlcb aUk or cotton seree ..... ould also be ef- are oHen attrIbuted to otber thIngs. Tbe easiest way to find out for onefective. self Ie to Quit the coffee for a wblle, The gIrl's dress pattern 16:139) Is cut at least, and note results. A VirginIa In slZ(lS 4 to 12 yearll. Medium IIlze lady found out In this way, and alBO reQulr'Bs 2% yards or 36 Inch ma- learned of a uew beverage that is terial. whole30me all well as pleasant to To proeure thlB pattem aent! to cent8 drink. Sho wrItes : to "Pa.ltern D ep&l'tment," of thle paper, "I am 40 year.s old and all my life, Write name and addre... plainly, and be lIure tc, IIlve .'ce and numb..., oC pattern. up to a. year and a half ago, I had been a colre~ drinker, "Dyspepsia, severe beadaches and 1IlZK_._ •••• _ • •••_. beart weakness made me reel someNO. 6339, times as though I was about to dIe. NAME _____ ••••• __ ••••••••_ _ • ___ __ ••• _ Atter drinkIng a cup or two of hot calfee, my heart would go IIke_a clock TOW'N . ___________ • __ •• _._ •• _•• ___ • ___ _••_ .... Ithout II. pendulum. At other times It STREET AND NO,_ •• _ ••________ •• _ _ would almost stop and 1 WilS so nervous 1 did not like to be alone. ST A _____ • ____ • _••••••••• ____________ _ "It I took a walk ror exercise, as Boon aB I was out of sight of the house I'd feel as If I warl sInkIng, and tbll would frighten Ibe terribly. My 11mb. The Man and tile Boy_ A mun or blgh social position was would utterly refuse to support 'mo, rorced to stay over a couple oC days and the pity of It all was, I did not In a small country town. DesIrIng know tbat calfee was causing the trouble. tr, POB t some letters and not kuow"Reading in tbe papers tbat many IlIg ·where to find the postotllce, he persons were relieved of such allmentl said to a small boy ,ruftly: "Son, by leaving olr coffee and drInking PostI want to ,0 to the postoffice/' urn, I got my husband to bring home .. All right: hurry back," Bald the a package. We made It accordIng to directions and I liked tbe first cup. Ita boy sootblngly ,-Llpplncott's, rich, snappy fiavor was dellclous_ " . have been using Postum about eighteen months nnd to my great joy, Energetic Citizen, dIgestion Is good, my nerves and beart "I shouldn't mind, meself, If the,. are all rlgb:, In taGt, I am 0. well womlLllo closed the 'pulil!' a couple 0' b",urt once n:ure, thanks to Postum-" Booner. Wot I sez Is, If a man aln" Name glfen by Postum Co" "Battle run by 'alt-pnst ten, 'e aln't ··trylng."- Creek, Mich. Write for copy of the little book. "The Road to WeUvllle." London Punch. POlltum comes In t",o forms: Regu,ln POlb.lm-must be well bolledJ In Effective Dlagulle, In.tlnt Poatu", 1s ~ 101uble powder. An Ingenious convict wbo recently A teaspoonful dls8olve. quickly In • escaped from jail at Lydenburg, South cup oC hOt water and, with cream aad Africa, was captured on a farm whe~e lupr, IflRlf,ee 11 ' de1\clool beverage I. he wasl masQ~/lradlng aa 11 poUceman ~·.ntly, G~ ien both kindl. .~, l~ ....rllh nt . ~ for ~.aua. ~'E


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Roger Pocock lIIuatration. b,

Ellsworth Young


Our Next Serial Story Mr. Jesse Smith of Car i boo is his name, He is a little brother of the great woo d s a friend of the wilderness. He is trapper, sailor, cowboy, ranger. He is a lover with a strong heart. Simple he is, and of quaint, abounding, unfailing humor. He will tell you of the love ly sin g e r whom chance brought to the forest like himself, and how he fought for her. He will make his bow to you In a few days. Accept him as a fine, big, heartwarmmg comrade, for such indeed he IS.

'A Man in the Open is the new serial we have arranged to print. It is so utterly, so amazingly diferen t from most stories you have read that you will thoroughly enjoy every installme;nt. Watch for it!


•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ................... ~












All Must Seek th e Truth. But Stern Pr ohib ition Is "Sell It Not!" TIp'

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The White SpI n e T ype of Cu c umber-

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lIarn It f fl r t; a l ,. T il· ' 1I1. l f / i II:II'~' J)J"':If ' !I,' r , 1":u' IH' r pr l +llIdll' t-1 ,, ·; \l\l' r \\ I\u !'- I JP~ \ r" "' ''' 1 ~ I hf' Irll l!1 I I! tlll/'rilll: EH r l nntlt 1 1 1I1t).!~ 10 l,l p aHH Inl ' n , ; U"I ' ~ .. II II1).!; {jIll I rllt h fot' ,h .. !'dlJ'l'H~ . ·, 1 ~nllt fir pCI1)\l 1:1. r1t y , hllt Wp {i O n o t otr

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vldlI ll{ 1111 ' ~ I ql

'1'111 " "" i!-l a fil ar ' tlr lf ll ttt (:n(l I s tf'u ll, ~ :l lld (!'(lm h i m a lnn" ITI ttp , rp vl ·l at i o n H h I' h:u.t w u d p I S IhlN L:rl'atl ! lS t al l I"(Jlll lf HJt l il\ . ·!'i 10 hi ' !-'1'\' II f1 ' " In a \'to r!' I lnptJf lant IH" nSf1 , W I' lu.1\'''' t o b uy

ct O ' ' ~ not n p pf 'ar until l i lt' I(';l.\,i'!i ha\'f· b, '('o n : , ('r ' mp ar;t!i\.,'l) l oug ll , d o fill dal1lag <', l) rt tCld

J\ IU.':: \ I~I,


Ih l1 lruth frllill l il"1I 1.


The M o st Popular Grown In America .



Its ki' Jl t IIJ.,:ll l \lll"~ III t it .. PC \H" I' RR . ~IU"'l .'!' t il .· Iro ll lol" 1" ld ,,, d ro ," h I t' " t'r""I< .. d or d..rorllH' .1 ~rwclme n COI IW~ thro tl L;iI ,d;11It fl tnrri:11lnn Ti ll' !' t :lftB , I'll k It \\h~' ll F; mall and th u s CUt ' lIrn!J. , ,. I I"llt· h 11 rauk J.;ro ,-,, ' r th a l FlU" I h l' ,d a IIl OJJ" l'gr fo r I.L b e tter It flxhnU RlH tht · r~ · rttJlt .\' I) r til" ftt)\ 1 l'\I"jI (J~ " \' ery qll k kly , 1I1t1 " SS ti Ollll ' n' ~ I ' r\' (' h l ' I 'p Ih (. ('UculllbprR pkkl~ d . roven r.,.:.o 1~ pr o \' td l."d If \'ou UU no l h arp ;\ 1l1 a rl<l'l f u r the m

th o truth I r ) " " 11 :-11'1' not Il1MI,' (\11 0 prc ,\i ,tn n I fI t ' all 11111 " . Later . th " r" 1IIi1)' be a Th",..· I, lin ~ Il ch th ill" " s g" tltl1l( for th l. 111 lilt' p lal1l1 l1g , It Ili a) "1111 d"lIlall'1. 11l1d If )'011 quit p ickll1g the "ol11O'lhl l1).; f,,,· "o ,h lll g . If 11'" tI " 11 ,, 1 I b tl "aH lly n(J1)O ' by dl~~ill g II lar ~" la r r.;" on ,·>\ w ill tlu le- Itt )' ~a (l tb e life (lay rul' Ih, ' 'hill~ ()ur~ (' lv" 8, olh, ' I' " b o l ~ 1"' lw, 'I'U "111'\1 fo ur hlllK. Ilnd fill · [n llll th e Vill/" H hav " I ,; d~ tor u, WI' l11ay ill h r' rlt I i n l!! lh i~ wi t h IllI' fertll l l N . lIItx lnr.; It It IH '111" s llo Dabl n wh N IH'r o r not Ihn t \I lol l II \It) dl ,1 III t labor . but \ S R much as po ~s llJlo wIth th e Ho ll. It \'1Il YH to r ai Hu Y'Hlr oll' n ~ ('f' d , wit b nt \o " r~ 1111v,' I.lhor f"{\ for It I'~ " e r y · Ra inR \\111 II", s h a part o f tl, n rpr· th o.! pmfi' Rsio nal g row ll rs fU!'lI is hi n ~ It th lllX or J;J'(· al v~ hJ(' IR hou ~ h t at a t illt y <luwn amung th(· r ootH, rwd th e 80 (' Iwap. T h n proc "fls u f rlp .mlng a ~I', ' al l' !' ir l·. IIn. 1 Iht' r " IH nOl hlng of plants \\111 thll s nnd " HOll rce of can· s ing h. cucumhc r Is n.n cxhnustinF; one , stant n ' n C> \lal nn(1 tlw r e are always so mo I hat ealTt 'al'!I' 1' ; o\U" t han I.ruth Thl~ 11'111 kE'op t h e m growIng . and ('al'" until th e y arp t oo lurge tor No Price Too H igh to P ay. W o must lIu y It ; th at Is, WP must In vigo r ous co ndition t hro u,,;llOut th " s li cers and on .. o r two or th se may !Ie wil li ng to ~I\'(' up anything or s cn so n . Rnd tho fnllt tor lll C' d un(\"r be su yed, th e r fJ st be ing promp tl y dlaf'vpr)'thlng elsp for It . It Is (' hpap at th ese c onditlu ns w\1l lack thl' bitte r· pntchNI for sWl'e t pick les. It \'ou f{'cl t11at th e vines muet be !lny prke . \\' hatevt'r It rosts therp Is n e s~ which we a .r .. Rccustompd to e x· {lC<'t from th e AuguRt cucumber. . If th p littl e at rl e ll s uash bll a _ wnt e r ed durlDg t h e dro uth , do II npve r oC"R s lo n to .rl'pent or b e sorry at t h e bargain ~o Bp('clnc p rI ce Is \ p Q g p thoroughly . Su rra('e water ing only t\Y~ e d t.l r It It can n e ve r "'h th ey "", too d e ar . pe ars , It <'an be hand ·plcked e arly In cs II S t IH l roots u)Jwar d . were ~ I oney a lo l'lP \\' 111 n o t bu y It b ut th o 1l10rn ln g, o r late at n lgbt. but I kl tf t d b th b L . , and whpn th e SUIl I. shining It Is always are m o re QU c y a e c e y e ea !!lolley pxpl'ndp<\ for .. duc-a t lon alert taking w1ng at the s ll"btest It th r ea t ened with bli ght, spray th e I{sl nlng ot knov. ledg e Is a II1 panK dlstu'rbanct). Look for It In c l~s t ers with no r denux mixture In l)rOpOrUoD All the of thre e o unces to a "'all an o f water. by Il h l"h truth I. bou~ht on th o und pr s Id e o f l h e lea ves, and ., palnR and laburs I' n<lure d In s"arc hi ng In a la r ge patch thi s w ill be found at the lips of tbe brancbes . l 1'1. e r trut I1 ; "II 10.8PR 8 11 rr eT" d I"tpm · tb e be tt er way to light the squasb, ... . I d It Is mos t eMily manage d by tapporn I I nt f' rt' Rts h;v rp ,u BH tn ('ny or bug, thougb where the plot Ie only for p in g the vin e s g e ntl y and h o ldin g a family U He th e hand plckJng Is prefern pg Iect. thp truth . are payme nt s I n purc haRe o f th .. truth . It Is a pf'ari of 8hallow pa ll und erneat h to c-atch the abl e. such !tre at pri ce that (' v e ry one shou ld beptl e R 0.8 thpy fall. They call then When th e fi rs t frost comes It will I>e wl1l:lng to sell a ll 1hat h e has In b e transf e rred to a pall of wat e r can · ordP r to bu y It. Alld hav in g o btAi nf'd t a lnlng a IIltl e k e ro s e n e . and may b e b e we ll to protect the vines wltb pa. It . I" .. mu~t not s(' 11 It. trust('d to r ema in tiH' r e until one Is pe rs , s traw o r piece s of o ld carp e t: Th (l <l lvln l'l prohlbillon Is . "Soli It r e ad y to makc a pe r manent disposal for usuall y afte r this Initi a l frosl th e r e a r some wee ks of fln () weathe ! of tb e m not " Th" human prohlhltory Inw s ar/" dl . Two c rolls o f th is bee tl e appear In whlcb th e v in es w ll1 contin ue UJ r.' ctp(j a).;a ln ~ t tho Fnlt' of th l l1~ R th a t du rin g th e sumnl t! r . but tbe late r bpur. arl' Injllr l'HI K and hlll'mful. And a ll ~~~~~~~~....;,~~~-~~~~~~~~~'!lell thinI'" ~ il"lIh l tI"lth r b e Ho ld no r bought. I n I il e (1 1I' II1P law Rnl e Is for· hiddl'11 or tl'" ('OIllIlH" lity th a t Is the m ost betl Pfl c lal ant.l h p l pful. A 1\ shou ld bu y and no n e sh o uld Be ll. It Is a Po"",,".lon of s lich tratl · sc ende nt vs lll l' that th " owner s h o uld If Ground Is Not Properly Pre- Plan Given as Result of Many never part with It. It may be 1m· Experiments in the Past pared Failure Is More Than pane d and yet st ill r eta in ed. It Is kept It It Is g in' " away . To t each Two or Three Years. Ukely to Follow. know ledge t o oth e r s <!oeB not lessen bu t Incr eases our ow n knowi enge . (Ill' II. UNIJ IO: RWOOD.) It Is not difficult to cure a colony of T o sell th e Iruth Is to part with It Some farwers think tha t fall III the laying work ere It th ey are take n Boon entire ly without Kelti ng value r e- bes t time In wblcb to sow cl ove r s eed, after th ey b egun the ir workcelve d . wl.llle ot h e rs are e qua ll y as sure tbat that Is. within four or flv c days after Th pr e Ilre many who sell th e truth Sllrln g Ie th e best. It the r ight klnd the first eggs have appe ar ed . If a for thEl hon o rs , ri c h es and pl eaau rt' s of seed Is provided and the seed be d coupl e of fram es of young brood, with ) f th e wor ld . Th ey mak e a bad bar· pro pe rl y pre pare d , the seeding may be the adh e ring bees, are given, Queenguln. Th e we al t h of honor fades. th e ! u ccessfull y don e e ither In th e s pring c e lls w111 almo s t Invari ab ly be started. ric hes take w in gs nnd fly awny and or In tht.l fall. It, h owever, poor seed It Is we ll n o t t o allow th ese to hatch, the pi!!asures lose theIr, ex.h llaratlon Is sown and the ground I ~ not prop- for the queen will almost certalnly be and c h:n rm . ..r ly pr epa re d, th e r e Is Ilable lo be a Inte ri o r, s o th e y may be replaced Truth Is eternal. and It hn.s no failure . no malter wh e n tbe work III atter two o r thre e days by a rIpe cell. eQ ulval e nl o r slIbslftu t l'l for which It done . A qu een will otte n be a cce pte d at this ca n b e bartered . gvorythlng Is vslu&I ha ve had success In sowing both slage. but I have found Introduction les8 wh en cont rs ste rt with truth . L i fe In th e fall snd In the s pring. I can- rlaky . It se lf I : ~ nol an e qu iva le nt for It. A not see much dltrerenc e . Fall sowing nut wh e n the laying workers have leem lng paradox Is that tru th may Is gene rall y pe rf e rabl o, because It can been allowed to go for len days or ) e bought. an d y e t th ere Is no e Qulva· be done at a tim e when there Is not more, s o that th e combs are fill e d 16I1t foil' whi c h It Dlay b e so ld . 80 much ru~h work on tho farm- wltb dron e brood In all sorts of scat"Fll~ tbe IrUth nnd se l l It not." Tbls b e in g true, a belle r job Call be t ering s tages. a c ure may b e ~ald to Truth Is b o u g ht \\'Itb t he cu rr f> ncy done. and, co n se'luently, a b e t ter stand be imposs ibl e , so far as m a king tbe of h eave n , and It h fiM no sa le In that wil l b e tb e resu lt. co lony of a ny use within a reasonable realm . It so ld a l all It musl b e paid Whe n I Int end to sow clover In the tim e. U nd e r these c ir cumsta nces tbe for In th e c urrPll CY ot e arth. Th o fa ll, I pl ow t h e ground about the mld- bees will seldom acce pl a ' qu ee n tr co mbin e d wea lth o f t h f> world Is n o t di e ot Au g u s t . A boul t en days afte r otre red In any u s ua l way, a nd t h e equa l In valu e t o truth. th e r c for e "sell b plng p lo w(,(j It 18 harrow c .1 thor· combs are too full or worthl ess brood It not." ou g hl .v and le veled with ,n long fl oat. an)' way to allow a qu ee n to lay . ProhIbition Ever In Force , Thi s fl o at Is IlIfld e 51tni lar to a road Th e r <'sult of a goo d many ex p e rl· Th e p ro hibit io n /l g aln ~t It s sa le hns drag un d . In pass in g ov e r th e t\ <:> ld , It ments hi th " pa~ t tw o yea r s bas led been In for ce froJll till' bt'glnning . le ve ls th o grollnd vc r y s m oothl y . me to fix o n th e following plan. which O ur fir s t par(>nl ~ ~o l cl th e t rut h fo r Elth (' r lu th e s pring o r fa ll seedlug hus n e ve r ye t fu il (' li m e. A lwo·fra mu Il taste of fo rh idd <:> n frlllt , and th e ir thi s 110a t ~ h ou ld bp us e d. nu c ll' us Is mad e from a normal co lo n y. sa d barga in Pli tall"r\ upon th p ll1s e lv es In about. tl ", .. e k afte r t h e . g rou nd Ilnd a q u (" 'n Introduc ed , or a ve r y 'lod their po"le rit ), tlw appa llin g lo s s , has b ep n hllrro\\'{'d and le ve led with weal! co lo n y may be u se d In s t ead o f of Eden and all I h p peace, com fort : th e noa t. !l Is worke d aga in w it h a thi s nu c ll' u s , If th p r e Is one whlcb Ilnd h ope · tbat P08s p ssion m ea nt to harrow. fo ll owed by a li g ht planker. ne e ds 8tre lll{thpnlng. T h l'l layIn g · Ihem and to th p hll ma n race. Th pn I sow t h o plat t o rye. pl ac ing worke r co lo llY Is se l on a b ee-esca pe Th e proh i bitio n again s t the 8Rle a t o n nbout t hree p ec ks to .lh e acre , and board over tbe nucleus. That Is all. truth bas ever rc>rna ln'ld In torce. : harrow Ih e g round t w ic e. once eac h In th ", co u rse o f four or five da ys . [t Is a n unrepea lab le s tatute o f th e : way. Art er tbls Is do ne. I sow the tour·flfths of th e abnormal bees will Illvlne law . I clover lir.ed at th e rate of nnee n hav e gone do w n, one b y on e . an d will Cain s old th e truth tor th e frulte l pounds to the acrt'. and give the have uni ted th e ms e lves qui e tly w ith Of revenge. ~'or hi s pllrtlng with th e ' ground one 11ghl harrow Ing. th e nu c lpu s. The rew h ees le ft ahove great II'uth of. broth e rh oo d h e re ceiv ed I hav e always fa nci e d to be tbe laying In e xchange th e curse o f the fuglt Ive Farm Help, wo rke rs th e mselves : but they do no Ilnd th e vagabond and h e n ceforth bore Th e rea son somo fa rm e rs cannot harm If knoc.k e d ont on the grass. IIpon h Us brow an Ill e traca bl e mar d ot afford to k ee p a hired man Is b ecause The &paled drone brood Ie tben un· Infamy , . they do n o t know bow to manage capped, and left to chili over night. Judall sold the truth for thIrty pl eceA tbelr business to m a k e It pay. I have It may then be given back UJ tbe of silve r ; ' Ananlas and Sapphira sold seen farm e rs with only 20 acres, who hees , wblch will clean out tbe dead It for a part of tbelr P08sl'lsslons, and kept two hired m e n all the s eason larvae. their names have ever bee n a by· and on e the ye ar around . , But Time to Sell. word and a reproach among men . The Then I hav e Been m e n who owned It Is generally conceded that the m08t aw ful and appa.Illng cons e- 100 a c res who could not afford to QuenceEl have e ve r attended the sale . k ee p on e. ICa all In knowing how to best time to I\ell chlckene Is trom tho of the t ruth . Therefore, "sell It oot." , mak e th e soli give up ever'y dollar of first of, January to the flrst of Novem· It can never be disposed of or part, PNflt th e re Is In It. It's a poor farm- ber. Everyone ' seemB to want to Be ll ed with for any price or any purpose e r wbo cannol pay a man $30 a month during Nov('mb43r and December. and without. entailing disaster and 1088. and make a dollar a day profit from consequently the market Is alwaY8 Sprague There Is nothing of permanent valne bls work. 86me ot them make three overstocked at that Ume. lays If pOlllble chickens .hould bo to receive in exchange for It. "It la or f"ur times as much. marketed before the first of Noyemmore pl."ecloue than sliver or gold, and ber, and It not tbl!y, ehould be held un· all the things thou canst d e sire are Little Un.een Workera. not to be compared unto It." Eal'thworms have 0. special duty, til atter the holiday In order that tbl! Tbls, Let n.ot any consideration , any pow· and tb e y p e rform It. The numberlesa beat prices may b. lIecured. e r, nny Innu e nce, s tand In th e way of mllllona of them scattered far and ot course, refen only to sendln" to an your gaining the trutb, and then sel\ wid e, unseen and so obs,cure. They open market, aod dOel! not apply to It not. Sell It not! have created all the 10alDj and all the any prtvate custom. arable land of the whole globe. They A TIme-Saver. It III the full effort that Una the pa8S through their bodies the fallen Where Ii 8uftlc.l ellt amount of mao burde"'. Halrheartednese I. was ~ed leaves and d ecaying vegetable matter power. We need in all our dutle. to and by their labor render culthatJoD nure colleet8 around the stallll In one and harvesting possIble. Wben one nlgbt to form a fair load, much time. remember that suoceS8 comel with aU kUls an earthworm an 'agrlcultural la, labor and tertllltlDc ' julcell will be round lendeavour- head, ' heart, and borer of the II'I.OIt napectaDle clau 'e 8aTed ~y h~ulm. . It ~t ~ tbe tiel&! hantS. Many ' a failure ..,.e& fro ..,.a. . . eyVl' 1II01'DIIl&. ' ". . '. ". .'. -.ale4 ener«w •.

f,, '


The fil1lt photograph o f the lote rlor o f th e s e nate chambe r shoW log th e tria l of Gov , S ul ze r In pro grt.lSB . C hi e f Jud ge C ull e n may be see n und e r th p Rtate na g lis tening to the testimony . Tho p h otograph on th e rig ht show8 J acob H . Schlrr, ba nker and phllanthropl8t, t esti fy ing al th e trial. Se h ltr swore th at his cont r ibution of $ 2 , ~OO was given to to do with as he pl eased . Ills t es timo ny was co n slde r()d st rongly tavorabl e to S ui · cer.





Left to ri g ht- Top row : James F . Burke, P en nsylvania ; C harl es A . Lindbergh , Minn esota ; Ge orge H. Smith, M1Doe sota : Edmund Platt, New York ; Otis T . \\"Ingo , A rkaos a s ; \Vllilam C. Brown, W es t Virginia ; C harl es A . Korbly, Indiana ; Claudius U. Stone, illinoi s; Harry H . S e ld omridge. Colorado ; C h ar les D . HSDlmer. clerk or the committe e . Bottom row : Frank T . Gu e rn sey. Malne; J. Willard Hags dal '!, South Carolina ; Emmet t W ilson, Florida ; Carter GlasB (chairman), Virginia ; Micha e l F. Ph e lan , Muasuchusetts: Claude W e av e r . Oklahoma; Robe rt J . Dulkley, Ohio.




Joseph E . Willard of Richmond, Va., Is the new Am e rican ambassador to Spain, that 18 be will be whe n the Madrid legation Is rais e d to the rank ot an e mbasBY . Mr. Willard succeeds Henry Clay Ide, the present minister.

Mrs. Copley Thaw, the ioyal mother who haa stood by h e r boy In every pbase of the world·famous case. The picture shows Mrs. Thaw and Harry leaving the senate chamber at Concord, N . H ., after the hearing In the extradition proceedlngll before Governor Felker.




Ko... the .ftoor of Culebra

<tnt J. ' belllC~ c:1~l1ed

.lD readine.. for the

~·aoo4l11a ot tbe· Puaa.mA caual, . ,,~ ColOllel Goethali' hu J)laDaect I to \alte ~~~L ,'


Lord. of the Raven_ According to ScoWsh Highlanders the appearance of tbe raven foreshad· OWB death and dlslUlter to the chiefs of the great clan Campbell. The other day the belr presumptive to the duk&dom of Argyll, Lord Archibald Campbell. pal8ed away at Inverary, the headquarters ot tbe clan. Prtor to the death of hla lordllhlp the town.tolk were IItruck wltb the behavior of tbe ravenll on DunlQualcb, the well·kDOWn bllJ close to Inverary castle. Rare &II that bird now 18 In mlLliy partl of Scotland, It was lately observed In Bcores between tbe castle and the bill , aDd &II many a8 five were 8een together on the day prevlouB to Lord ArchibAld's death, tbough the,' are all 8uppoled to be ~ar up the glen pre· paratory to Desting, When Lord Arch Ibald'lI father, .the late Duke Of Argyll died. ra'1'ene are laid to have ,hoverer! o';er the ' hllJ, round ani! roun e the wooded ·llope •.-lNland'l







Splendid Representation for Ohio Planned; Governor Harmon Has Selected Site For Ohio Pavilion


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tlll'lr flta t o PI\" hl' f d r, ' 11 )1 ' 111 [ lit , ~ 1' l ' :I\ I ' '' 1 l· IL~:i l lt · I ' ri Jt J,: f iJI j,,:T"II P ~ l it 1'I 1. 111l1lr ) w ill t, 'l l the! dli u lI S , Hll d t ttl ' H(ll'r\lpr l u tt 0t'l S made Wlwlt In ttw hl " ,.,, '.\" l it L1 11' \\ 11r llt I h ., ... 1111',\ ' t) ( fl ~e P II I II I II III f':' llnl. lI.r "'tHt" 1"gbllltllrl'S ng~rt"lg'H r " lutlI'B Il :HUll {':\ n ul n l H l 111 I I II' 1' 1111 11 d " 11 1I 1l T ill' ~ I {to 111t' 1 :.\ jlll !'o l l [t I U C d\' (' r ~ lIu liS. T Ilt , 11l 1"L: .. ~ t n \J prnprln 1t ' ) )1 18 o r tht ~ C:1I 1lI 1 I "~~\' .·II \\' tI l " Ti II,tI r,', ult .; :~;. :w r l''4 o n , 11 11 I ·rn n l'l ";f' .. h ll r I H..H~, A I l t:lt uf .'\' t · \\' Y "II~ s lah: - $ . (J(.I,OOO. til



t li .... .'il( l '!'t nf


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It 1:-1 101 ' 111 11 1'" tll :d t li" j.:T t ' lit Cn t llm n n \\ ,·;&1 11 1 "r I tl tl il .. 111 111 III" . . . l , I, ·lld tdly n' p , n .... ' ·lIl t ·d : tl t i lt' J.:xp " "'l tIHIt 'I' ll ... ~ t : l f f1 trl' 1 li d". :1:-' :111 t l l l . ').:r:1I P:II-t !If ttli." 1' 111 11'11 ~ ( l1 l l '!"o . h : l!"4 I I ... p :tl r l4l l k prhll! til I h ! ~ JlIlII "l t:11 "l' ll'ilr :II I I 'H , Hll t \ i t hu t:4 ' ·"ll t rlllu{i .f\ 11 :-1 ,1 11 " I ,rtlpqr l l t l {) to the "/I"'l t Cl r " IIjI ~ tt'lII'1I IJ II I I! ttlt' l' nUa n\4


Jl l.l r llil lt C c,,· , ·ll' l ,rH t1 d l i 1·,' l1l d Ilu t I III \4 1 . \ s Ut e l;.: .tl' ~ I:--l l h l tl !I!'- ... l1 ll l1 ·;-. Ipr l ll tl H' It l ,,,, IJ i. " t.J ~ t' IL TI ll' J: \ l " I.... l t lll u f' l ly will \\'UJi t l d's lllHl tll .. • III·, I lI l l , . ' l ~ lI l " ' : ! IJIP d f :14 ' " lIurth 111"0 11 t ilt , .. tI'I' ~ 111I \.O r t r : t lll t' " t t'l.'I 'nn lU \'i v ld :l llI t (:IIl l.:; ll d t , , \ I ' l ty t hu t JI:l S ~ l ':f tllr, ltJ ~ 1I t hl' '' ' ':, It'ri l V H rtU! d t p :t ln cc !l ta d o;.; 1I11,·t ll II 1'1' ti :' ltrl lO r .\ zl1,·rl l'IL (h1 lIll' Sli llf h , \ 'Il:"'o t li nd Frllll l'i Sl'O hnrlhJr i:-: 1"1:-:1 . 1,1",: :".:.:il lI ... 1 ( li t ' ' \ l' ~ l r ! ~H ' th t' lt il lt-l ;--\UII FI·I I 'H' I:-' \.'H, w:ll l ~ o r tlh. 1J11I l:i th tl t c l lllt r : wt.' I ll. · I,:,; · IIh l.: t lu' wH ll s tJ( Il \'1I :; l IUlqdlltlH ' Hh..' r . po~ l tl o n ~ tt~ 11 l'ttU til. · ", ,, " 111 , t, ';{ =" l lI lII ! ' ( )It II In' ' 11111·, 1 " ;>O I'1.II II\ rlt · Id , lll g: lh o Wt 's L " ' IWl1l·HlI llJI . ' l, ·d 111 1 ~ t14 . JJ I"I JtI I ~ hll r !IIi!" ' /'I l'~l':I' \ 1.. 11" 1":"4 \\111 \'II I \\" J,:' J't'u t "a ssll h'C W UY lJ l ' l\\t 'l' U t ill ' ('i·. ':\ W. .


~ · I I I\ H l.

B"I" " ':' i 'ld u l \\ t'H or tho grent l IHllI s trtf':4 flf l l'd .. Hllt l tl r Inlpo rlunt ,·, +I1HIl t'rd a l ItwJ l'I\' lc p r~nIl 1 7. n ''' lnH n r H III 'W pl llll lll1 l": fur II l·" IIt·e tl Yt" rcl' rc... ,·lttntf p lI whk" will ltrilt,l!' Ublo we ll lip lIU1lIl 1 ~ h l' r s \:-. 'I·r (' IHlllH 0 1\ wf'nltbM at I ll is Aluer!l ' JlJl ' ·I'II · brutJoli. t ~o \' e rn o r

1I ..,flJre th e opt..,lt l ll g u r til e I-: X1'" . . 111,,11 , I lI lIritl lllt.! pH .b "·lIl1t~ Ii .' d ;I .\ , B y Hight it will be t Oll lHl tlIHt Llu.! lUaJ ll rity u f fl HPrit '!i vt I lIlI n · .. lt lll!'i i Jl u llI\tlH f h Jll:; th o Expusl tioll IHdul'PS nrc tllll l t ... 1 tll tU 11l'Ot ·, ·, 'd I1lg' ( rom g n ': ll hlltll' rlL' s u f cu i· l HlO t!1I 0 CD10 US loJtrlh' III I"C. willi It-"" uu t - 1Jf'l'd !'ott' H I"'hllJ.( hl~ w i ll tll r ll llJ · E .\ ()o!ilRille wnll s os lal,;h n s l h t' 1I\ \' rl\~ \.' six tloll j'lIy Int o fI rutr y lll1l41,

,.tory CIty block ow l W!JIl !ts j.!" I,I,·u tl'WCrs unit milluft ·t" ri s ing' I" IIt'I g' h t ~

41 t

170, ~:\O. R;,O ttll d

1::(1 f" .. t

T ,' u lIug!! .. ~h ll oll I'ul"," ' s urc unlter 1 I!nrnwll or 1)111" ho~ I\ l r('lu l~' ~t' I"c t .... l 1\ <:otl ~ l nH' L1 otl lit II,IM "'rlt I IIg'. /lu, 1 ni t <1/, . ror 11111" ',, 1'""lllou Iw (1 I,; one (I t 1I 1P ~TI'n ll '!'4 t l\ l1tlill:.:IH s t r:. fHr n

" :t :...'11 1 11 f"!lf tt.,· fnllrl p l' ll 1Il :11 11 j'''C lt1 b lt 11 1111 1t1t1iCr-:



Rp if' ud ld

1Il<' \ ' ul'uI1 l,,! 11 IIn~ Illt,lllI ' r o~ t el\lth W ~. h (\W rPl ln'''' lo'tI .III'''',' :X ,> ol't OUlI lIW III

the w\II-I<I Ih ,, " • 1111,).

Thp ImormOU8 / .11111 ot $1 . ;I\ HI.7; ;:1 J~ IO lo; In,.<,sted 10 lUI 1111111191.,-1111 ,' stulollsllllJl·I' ts. They pny uut $31!i.:'oU7.l,Wl I n " -nl('" Ilnnu llllf_ T hey r",turn I'r(lflll rl~ with the buge \'oluat1 ull li f $U:17,l 1;{tI.OOO. W!tb wealth ~o 1I'T'I'.tt Uhl .. hll" II <11r1oc t Interes t I In th e prl'lItl ulI IIr 11 "lister martet ror he r olh·nll, ·III". Inclu Btrlo.. JWlt III!1 llIll){J r tullt Is It III IlI n ~ lrRtt! the WOI\derful K"""lh o r Ill:rtc ulture. the Ild· ,-no('ed IIwl uIII, .. rlln l system ot ednca· tlon pru\'ollillu In Ihc com lU onweultb It nd IIlII('r Il ll aHo. (, f th .. ~ tJ.\te·1I progn'ss whkh /lfl' (If In te res t to eVl!ry ' , Amerirlln. On till' ulhpr lllHld, ot 8pot'l nl Int urest t o th e munufllcturel'9 of I O hi o wll! he tho hugl1 Rutomoblle ex- , hlhlt1!. IInl\ tI ", Ill(rl,'u lt llra l dIspla ys : ot th l' F.lp " ~ tt l"n will, too. be ot liP&c !nl lut.. rl'~ !. In 1 h I! Illst ten yenrs 'l the produd of OhIo fllrtu s Increased ~O per ('(' ti t. Ont o t () hl ,,'s tota l "reft ' of 2(1.000.000 1I,'r,'s nu I"". thllu 02 . ~ pl'r cC'nt Is !nc lu tl,·.1 In til" tu r llIS. A nnlqu o fp ll ln r!! of til .. r.xposltlonnnd It Is olltlkult (0 Sl,I< ... ( frnrn nmong th e t1J(1 USH III1 " lIr brU lt llll t rp!lIUres oue us 1,,'lug l!lure Illterl'sllnK thULl nnoth· cI'- wlll til.! /I ('u ntln llo us II\'e stock "how. Ih e j.!'rt'u ll'st I.lle world btl8 known. FIft y I\rl'l'~ w1l1 be used tor Itve at u" 11 I'" ,, 1!lnnR nod show grounds. The E~ l'o ~ n WIIIlHI,"l'meut hns set n ~ llI o $ 170.000 fo r pr emiums for llvo Atoc k. wbll e $22r,.OOO Is otl'ered for bar· n "RS t"Il C"~. Rr".'lll Il l( n."oct llttons ot Ih fl U nited ~tnt{'$ hn vc so tPLr oll'en!4 M\()(I() in \.Ii'emlurn s, 'rhls Is a total or $.f.I., .()OO. Th o "Mldwoy" nt the Ex pos!Uon (the nn me hn ~ 1I0t yet be.. n cho~" n) wtll be ~ IH 'etn('u lnr. At n ('''A t o r $a::; tho I Sa /ltn Fe t'nlt\\, H ~' \\'111 prc>lc nt n Belies l or pllno rllrn nR Rho",ln;.: th e Ornnd cnnyon o f ;\1'17.1111 0 . rum ll o" nrtts ts being ' ('n j( II~I'd UPO II th e !, ;ul"rn mo... In a CpPyrlght, 1913. by tho l'a.nama-Po.clno Interna tional EX.HJHltlun. workIng mndl,1 (If tll !' ""Ilurna cnnn.1 "I s lwrs w!1I .,ro~pl ' t1 I hroll){h th o locks. A IlARVELOU8 SETTING FOR 8CULFTURE AT THE PANAMA. liS It Ilctunll~' I(l1lng- I hrou r;b the cuoal It splf. orlll I('cturen' w ill explo!n Its op· PACIFIC IBTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, 'SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. ('rllllon. T ills ('o n c.~s, lon . to cos t $250.The dominating nrchllect urul fenture ot the IDxpos ltlon Is tbe s upe rb 'r o wer (){I(). will lllt\'o /l (.,'p" .: It.v ot hnndllog I ot Jewels which wUl commund the south entrance ot the Court of tbe /;uu lIud 2.000 p eapl" throllj.!'h Its locks eTery Stars. Thill tower, 430 fce t Ln belght. will have a base one acre In exteut. 'rbe thirty mlnut l'R. Anoth er co tasslon tower w111 rtae upward In tcrraccs, glvlug way ut last to n group of ligure s IlUp- \\'111 s how the I\I Rlorl c old tnllrlcet plnce porting a ,lobe t.Yplfylng tbe world. Tbe repented fi g ures of Ilrmorcd h urso- of l'\lIr"mh e r~. ('l ermony, And wondermcn and of explorers of tb e ocenns will be used In the tower, whleb, with Its ful conc<,,,,lo ns fr om (, hln n nnd Jnpnn attltuary, muml pnlntluJ:'s ulld mosnlcs. wtll be Indescrtbably benuUful. Messrs. wtll he s ho wn. A Itog-I'I her th e cost ot Carrere and HasUngs. nrcliltects In chief or the Pnn-Amerten n l!: xpOIlIUuo at IlIstn l!tnl: th" co n ces~ l u n s III es Umatec! Bull'alo 10 1901, are tbe nrchlt.eelll. at $11.200.000.












• E . and Mary B . Boffer ;' ~ • in Mfi.ineville, $1

Probate Court w~rd I:l. Co n as. dElceased, James E. In the matter ot the est lAte of (Jones a·lJpoi nted ~dmini8trator Anna (J_ Brewer, assignor. Inven- Bond 1;11\00. Victo r Van Riper, ~ory and appraisement flIed, also Webllter Campbell and Ueorge H. BOhedule of debts It.nd liabilities. Suping er appointed appraisers In the maUer of .ertha A . L ewis . In t.he maLter of the estllte of Appllca~loD made for admission of Mtl.ry E . Dill. deceased . Firtlt and said person to Ohio H08pital for flnalll ooount flIed and ordered S08_ epliepticil. pended . In tbe matter of George Bodine. In the matter of j he es tate of Appltoation made for admiBslon of George W . Perry . dece&lled . Proof IBid persou to Ohio Hospital for lof publloatioll of appointment of epileptios . Mary Perry as exeoutrix flied and. A . B. Ml)rrls, admr. ·Jf the estate of Elizabetb C.1:!boemaker, deceased. Plalnt~ VI. George Ivill8, at al defendants. W. Z. Roll appoiBted guardIan ad litem f .n Carman I:§b06malt:er a min o r defendant in tblt! oase . ! i


In tbe matter of the estlAte of Arthur B . Hoff, deoea8ed. InventorT and appra.isement filed. W. 8 . Graham , admr., e~ . of Rebecca Jane oides t deceased, plaln. tift' n . Olive T. Edwards. et 1\1, de fendante. Co.rt ordered admini!!. tra~or f;o give good and sufficient deed for oertaln feal 88&ata Aold. Diltrlbutlon IS suspended, In the maUer of the prob~te ot las' will and testament of Ambro!!e T. Dearth, d80eaB8d ()estroyed wl1\ 88'abliabed and admiUed to

reoorded. W. H. Johnston, admr , of the ellhte of Jamea Johnston, deoeused, plslntifl vs . Mtl.ggie McCabe, late defendants Ba.le of nlll estate approved and oonfirmed . Settlement ordered .

Reat- Estate Traosfers

rhoml1!1 C. Welch to Perry Ro . mohr lot ·No . 12 in Bighlawn Bub division to Morrow, $60.10. l3amuel l:iulzbacher and Wife to ~'oater B. Branham, Iota ·N o. 10 and 2T"aDd fractional lots No . 22 and lI3 in Morrow, $1 . Clara Conover to David Walker 4 65 acres of land in Hammon tOWD. ship $1 . Joseph W, Shawhan to Matilda C. Wlnlltel, lot No. 28 and rart of pI'Obate. lot No . 17 In Morrow, ,$1 . JD $he. matter of the estate of d E Barry aDd 018 11:. MOUDtll &0 Wm.


g0u tl

\\' OI1H:n \\ ho

Ihls Ilr-

tIll ! r , · jI Uu l lt":i ,\' i ll 111 :11", d l :-- \l I: I'\ ."I 11\ ' \ I ' I~ I" , r ll l'c rot'e ll u nt,.. Iil . , t l l t·i r "W II III , ull d ur lt· ... T ilt : ' ·"I Jl IIIHII " I ·:t Jtll l"i I I ' the l ' ultcd Il ' ''Hi .

I·' ralld .... ·" 111 1:11 :) \ 1:111 \ II f , h , 11 1, ..... l l l l alll " ~ . · l l l'i "" ( ·, ll ;\ . TIll ' rll , l " l' ( tllt~ l'L' I, ' I , r :l h "d 1I1't'ldl t' l , ......... ·1I1·1.. !' .... · t l l.t h ll ll d lli ~ ' ''': \\" 11 1 I ·,' l'i+l ,l r" t\ :1 r" tld ls ll Ilrt b l S 111 l ilt ' l ' "l t,·d :-:t.lf . ·:-- ,." ,, (,' ' : l lt ·d Id l Jk Il l,,· :--;j 'n r1 hh t i l , ·. ar l it w il l h e I n " 11' tl .. ~t L" 11 II f 111" 1I 1. I ("\ t · I" ', ,,, '·\ I t" .;: i -.1 1' 1" ':11 1 , ' \ "t" Ih,· n tll l' 1"11 :: J,! r'" lp o r tht* lin ll I I I .Y llpHIi ti ll ' .. h , " ·,· ... ,,( ;--',111 1 r ill , 11101 111 l ' x l ;! t,f r t l1 l tld tll L:'" 1 ' ,(I I ' III I1I1 ~ Hl o tl.c 111'\ 1' ! II1" \\11 1, ' 1;-. "f ti ll' I'II Y.

h y till'


111 11 It"

li u l! CHI'lt.i I !3 I'U n II ~lltl vI 'll 10 Il pr\\'lleru[,uu(. tW tI lr ellplng tllh lt<Hp .lOU luI S111 .Ii IIUI Il watf' r. !lnLIIII~ In nhuut , twCl sn:l t ~ I I (ll ln(ul ~ "f \\/l olllnj.( 80rl" .

1111 1,1 ",,1 1\ ., 1

l kq'H t i , ql

l il t'

\\' :1;1'

ll IH I U I\l0 I1 ,

Li ve Stock a nd Gt' neral Auctionet'l Po sted O ll p ed ig rcC's a nd V:l lu cs o f nil kind s of IJn:cd ill ~ sto L' k .

Oct Dizzy

E xperiell ced ill 11:.lI1lJJiuK

E \'"r \ \\" J.lJl ItIJ , ,,, hI I 1M tl Uli Ul l 'U wIth IH III ' I ":C: 1I 1l ,I diZZY !l 1.c IlN, II/.wk-

"cll u , lw lulul'ilo. WII ',I(1.1"";". rhWl llt)', '· " I\~II[.J/ll l i n ,I r lud n oy tr (. llhl ~!l slwlIltl USB b:l f~ {' ll'to )Jithlr~ 'l'h .. y gl l'e r ll lt "<i wh"11 ""thlu~ tl l ~O Wlll. illJ l'rovo t it .. 11" ,11 111 . Ilild iog: tl t,fl'Oj.(l li 1I1l11 Vlj.( " r fr Ulll tb tl nrt! t. li UHO . Mrl' 1.lIOnl U" I H('~ . 'I f AI/ooll . Lot . . ~ I\VH : " F d lir ti notl.rll ltulll(iv (,11 111 0 IIp ~ntl 111\' ch liLlr,.I n lind 'till mv fri o nd" w;' ,r( \c" ,kill g f o r rue to ·di n. whnll tH y !lo n lo ~i~ted tllnt I U S!3 E lect r ic Bl t t l' r ~. 1 tlitl lIud t,h ey huv " ,1 " 1lt! tllII u worlll n f ~o ud . " .i Uij t try thlll1 l. :AJJ IIIHI $ 1 00 Ilt III) rlrm: _ l!l~r,N n r hy IUlu l I:L E . Buck leD & I'" Philll(lalphi" ll C ~t· LUllis.

N. Sears

sales si nc(


1905. - :-

Torms Rea sonable

Satis faction


Waynesville. Ohio




"81J'lxesp p n r " ()u~ h I I,u hav e fund" BUDllet /{l\' u th n t ~Jl C t>r h uuout r ather bf'lng II Ilt.l~ IIIlJ It llyi n g tho m oon . .. - - - ...... - - -" Wh y ~ IHlnl , ! 11 111111,,1. h 'lVfi Hlli,l PROI'OSEO ·A)lJ .NIJM E l\' "l' Ttl T II F, CON. it 1" S'I' I n r rtu)/ UF OIllO . Hili · " \V "" Il '1 11"" ~ 1" 1I 1 11 II1l P( " SHORT BALLOT fOR SUTE OFFICERS_ tim o rr· ,\Ulll riO'U ' .

- ...

B~ . I t r i's (·h ' ~ d 11 \ ' Ih, ~~ ".' rClI AJ'umbly 01 I h ..· ." toJ ft vI U/II II , threC'·hfth. of the mcmtx:,.. c lt' , II ' , 1 If) c: a ... h h"HSC co n cur n ng tlu.·rel n: ~ 't.l TI I' ~ I . Th .. t , l o r tue IHl r [lLt!j;(~ uf pro·

\ UI II1 t{ ., ... lH> rt t..Jllnt f n r Mate otf.U' r ! , there eh ,\I J be ~u l'lII l1t ul IU tlw deCl ors of lbl l $Ia l t h.1 t h e 1II ~l tt llt'r PI' O \' i lh~" hy la ","'. 0 11 thr tirs; , 11t· .. ,1,1), a ll t.' r t h e lin, t MOlhJ a)' I II ,I'Io.;ove lll ber , l '; IJ , .1 " r" pulal 10 alllend lif" r l HHla 1, J DnJ I tt ( .1 11 11..1 ~ 111 uf tbe Constituti on to read o. i u ll v ", ~ :

" ~ •.c.

('I Hl bh t

1. of


The: executive ftcpa rtment sho,lI ":" ' ·c rn or, h cutt:lUJ. ut gm' C" r flur,

6... U,· t ..H)' u f fl l .. 1,-. llUlh l llr u f ~u :u e . h e.u u rt.' r o f ... t •• h ' illl11 :\ n .Ju u rnt"y ",("I ICT a L The gove rn, o r .,"d IH.- u l r u .Hlt JjtU\ CT! It.1r s ha ll br ele c l ed " II ~ !I C 1" ,, ( 'l'urA113Y :lfle r Ihe rirJlt M tmclay III .'\ II \·(' ItJtIl· r , I.y II' e dr t" turs o f the ' taLe nll tl .Il t h r' I ' I. ,~ ~5 o f v o t l1l8 fo r mem bers 01 t he J,:r" IWI .11 . 1 ~"' l. lIlljJ )' . " ~ I. C.,!" f ll r 1l " "' (' rn t1 r n fl, l l ic \I (t.·natlt ,ltn v, ~ : II' " :- h:. 11 h "l .1 I.helr I'ffi ru ( !l r t ..... u y c a r~. tn l1l ~ v i otll(' C' ", lI n ll C U fl U It I.· IH· ,' 0 11 Ihe ~ ' Jll i l .\1 " II,lil Y o f J" ltu .lI" y lI e ~t a Iler t hei r el ("l·" " n , ..tI IJ \ lI ll tl nu (,.' \lu u l tlil' lr Stl CCe~ I:lUT5 l l. I' l r


oJ I I.: ,1 ' lnk,' n lh i 4 u .a\1I )(',L "~' I . ('. W. Thl! ~O \' l' nl.) r ~ ha l l :1 l'polnt the al. l r e t .u Y fl f s tate, ,.w lt tll r o f Sla t e , tr C:l5Urer o f !<.t.1t e a lld BlI lHlIl' Y ~ t.·flf' r a l. 1111 11 s h.dl have aUlh or lt y t o reU lO\' C all Y o f ~ald o ffi .,: I:. ls so .I Pi 'u lll tl'(J. Ev e ry o rllc l'r h n l dlilK office by de C'. t h i ll . when t hi " u m t'n ll lll ,:n t IS aJ o)tled 5hall t: v ll ttnue t o Iw ld 50 u c h I)(fi"e f o r th e f u ll t e r m for wh , d, he "" d« lc,1 allet un,il bit . uct.' l!..,s o r s ha ll hav e bt:t:n e l ec ted or 8p'VOi nc ed ;l. n (~ ha s qualiflcd ;)~ IJr ov llled by IR·N.' ~ (CT ' O " Z. AI ,uc h ci«ri UII Ih .. amend· m('lI t s ha ll be 1!,lal·ll.(t, o n th l! offi ('Aial hall nt i n the r~l unrlu pf C" IT r l H~C Iy I:Iw a~ 'I Wfl ' Ll': 111 SI·: L''I'IOt':-; I. ! ,.. ,.1 I ~- TII~ 511 01n' H A1. L O,}, FU1< .... 1".\ 1 Jo: UFF I "El<S", or in '-I 'o the r Iank \I<l Sc luhi tit! 11 1 10 u e:s lKn n te it clea d )' , a nd if A 0l3j OTlt)' ()f tnc t'll·.' tu r ::' "ot i llg o n th e S:lI l1 e s hall ild o pl s u r ll ilmc w llll(' lll, 5C'( (lon 5 I , 1 .w et 18 hcrel rll1l ,v v l.' M1 fo rth ! !l all o n and .. f I n t"he fi r:! t d l\ Y o f J ,l Olta r y, } <) }.4. become: lI lid C'O It !' tll ll l r: th e :! C l' lI O Il 5 5 0 n mc nlled of art icle III of 1ha co ns t itu t io n of th e suue o f O hio and sa id orlllill al Sr: ('h Cl lli 1. 2 a wJ 18 Iball be rtpe:ded nml annu Jlcd , C. L. SW AI N. S peak,r 0/ f1 o ll .h' 01 R t' P,.~lt"/tJtir; ,6..




B " j l " .1 olvcd Ill,. G,,.uoJ Autrnbly 01 t h~' S,O" 0 O hiO: S I:CT IU"'i l. A J.lfOPUlii li o n s halt be lI ubmit· led to Iht" e:lectur~ uf Ihr UIll.e of Oh io. on t he finH T ll c ~ (L1y Aft e r the firA l Monday i n Novcrnbu, 1') 13. to am end a rti d e XU o f t be

con",tHUl\ o n o f th e !lHUt" o f 0 1\1 0 by the ad· dll1 u l1 of 6 c~ c tt o n I ~, t o relill AS f ollows: A 1T'CL~ XII. F inan e. on d Ta..ratio ,,~

o ". H. E. H A 'J' II A "r A "\'

SEC, 12, ll olll.ia o f t he sta te 01 O hio nnd of an y CH y , \·illd Kt:. hilmlcl, co ullty. r oaJ lilstrict or 1(1 ..... m..1I1' III the 5 1... te. O\ IU.1 I,o ntl s iU \1(,ll in be ha l f u i t he l)lIhhc I c h ools o f Ohi o and I h~ means uf lIl ~ tr U('l l o n i n ('on n ec ti on tb e re",'itb .ball he tx c rn pt f ro m lalla ti on, SECTl ON' 2. Th:.t th i! DmC! ntitne nt a h li ll take effc c i an u be: in f o rce fr um and nflcr

"' !l .y'lOiHille't! L fi luhn., Ot)D'II!' Offioe In KO.YR Blllg. M,dn let

iC. 1

ad option,




C, L. SW AIH , S /' ( ol;:er 01 0" H O IIS ~ 0 / Rt1l>rt"u n ta tlvtl. ' lluou L. ~IC Ii O L.S. Pr.'.Jid,"n' of 'hll Scn aJe. A dop led Ap ril 18 th, 19 13, U"I T ~D S TAT F. " M A.. U ICA. All Jrlntl~ ,-,f N , .tllrv WO I k ST Ar t! or t)tllO I .. ' Office of the Sl.·' " ', ;ry of Stn r ~. I ~ IlTk n HPAOft&lty , I. e liAS. I!. e llA VI'S, Soc rcl,ry of SI,te of ttH' .5 1..!t-=: o r O lt in . dn he.rel ,)' (,(" Tllfy t ha t the fOre Kl' tlt t( 15 a l l l','\ t.: IHplthcd CU I'Y . ca rt' fu lly J cUII (lllIp.\ r~ Ly, mc. with t ~c ndl,dn ,!1 f o ils nn w Il le tn I !II S O n l f'l~ :lnd In my offiCial (" us lt,dy 3S St'crrl :l ry n{ Stnte :md Com HI ( ("I he true I • ;md corrN·I. ("I f A jn lll t rrso lut loll, a d l) I,t(:'(I h y I Ih e I.cll l' l .d A "~l· tI1 hl)' o f th e ::il :dt" o f Uh io. I' IHI the 1,· l h et.I Y o f April, A . D. 1') IJ, anQ . filed in Ih , .. o Uict' on th e ,10th day of AprH , A . 0 , 1'I 1J, C'n t il le,1 "Joiut l{c:ololulio n to Amend .'\ rticl C' X I I o f th e C n n!'lituti,}ll uf Ohi o t lY th e ildo p t io n o f Se:c t ion l l " . I N Tr. STI MO NV \ VIIER EOP. I h.)\"e hcTt'unto suh<l;("rilwd II1f narnc. a nd afflx erl my offldal scot! at th e C ay of Cnl umb o s. Ohio. this 19 lb

Notary Public Pl!n!litm

--__-==----_-_-_--_----_-_---I':-':. -_ A MAFFIT

F unera I

Dir..ctor and Embalmer. Waynesville. Ohio.

Il uell L. NIClIOLS, Pr,·so d .. , 0/ th. SnaIl. Adopted April 18,h. '913. U"'TED STATts O. A.. U ICA. STATE o. 011 10. Offic<: 0 1 tbe Secrelary of SI.te. I, CIIA S. H. GRAVE~. S«ret. of State o r t he S ta le: o f Ohiu. do hereby C~ rti1y th a t the fo r t: Qoi n g is n n c.xelllpltiicJ co ('."du ll (O':n iJ a TC~d by: me with t~e ori ~i,ra'i' rolls ~o!

day of June. A. D. 191J. CHAS. H. GlAVE5.


PuLhc I r1lll\ng of th e St ~ l e of Oh, o,.

S"r.,ory ·of S,at-.

Ca ll an swe r ed prom ptly clay or ni ght. B0 th P IJOnes III . Ot!·1Ce alit I RWSI'd .. ne e . L o ng Jistance,No. 14; Hume pho ne



Ch . d C f .h d D'/larl,:",".' of Public Pn"'i" p of Ohio. a!rs an one oach urms e free Pllhhchll o n of t,he. nhove prOI)o!lrti a mend· With funeral s. ".1 l ' lII 10 th e COfl51HU t! 01l o f OhiO, und~! Ste· 1 B t f ' d lI on,.J of a ll :let rnlltled, "An ac t rd :ulIl8' to es 0 se rvlc~ guarantee . aUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION.

on hie tnJl hl8 office: a nd In my official custody c~rt .tln prof'l ~s e d nmendmenu . t o .t he Cou8h t'!; [ as S tt: crrla ry o f State and fou nd t o be true tl OIl of (')h,1') Rnd the pubhcat lon t,hereof. , ~~~~~~~~~........~~~~~~~~ I.nd I:Of'rI 'C l o f a j oint: resolution. ndopted by 1 1l.'\ ~S(,c.I I~y ~"c Ge ne ~a l Assembly o f O hiO, Apnl Ihe C C'lI e ral A ssembly of the State of Ohio 28, ~ 9 1 "'.,. . 15 .8u th o rl l.ed by the Dt' pilrtmen t of 1I· .r.

IMt h dny of A. D. 1913. lind

filed In th iS offi ("e 011 the JOth d a y o f A p ril, ,.... DI, 1913, en titl ed "Joint r uolul ion prepO!lIng .n amelldmen t 10 seClio ns I. 2 und 18 of

. la ANK Jt A~PEIl. . . SUi't'nJuo , 01 Pw lJ llc Prl"t'Plq.

uti.d e III ~ f the eOllstilnlioll of the Slnle uf PR OPOSI.:n AM E~ n ~n: NT TO Tne CON. Ob,o" rcl.ltve to t he •• Icclion of governor S"J'ITUT IO ;>l OF OHIO.

and ot he r eta te otficen. "

JH ~r ESTU' ONY \VII (R!: O P ~ I h ave ,hereunto l ubscnbed 111)' n a m e, n nd affixed fUr o ffi ~iu l lea l nt ('he Cu," of C olumbu s, Ohio. thi s 19tb d.y of J une. A. D. 1913. CHA. . Ii. CUV!!,

S "'II.,y 0/ SIal••

[Se.1 ]

AUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. 0/ P u h/ic Pr1'n,ino 0/ 011 io. Pu bli catio n of the oLove Laopo!ICtl 3m~ nd.

D ~pa ,. t," enl

n.lcn l t o th e C0111titutio n of Ohio. u nde r S ~ C'" tI o n ~ of a n ac t cnti ll C'<i , "An act rda ting to r~TI :1 ln proposed a m r nrlmcnt. to the: Constitu. h o n of Ohio o nll th e J)u1,licati o n thrre:of." Jlns5t d lIy the: Ge n~ra l Asse mbly of Ohio, April 2~ . , 19 JJ, is authorire:u iJy tht Department Puhlic Ijrinting of th e S lale: p f O hIO. FaA";... tr .'IlP l:: a.


SIl" ~rv i.J o "


0/ Public p,.ituinp.





Dr. Heber M. Dill 0 S t eopa'~.h·IC Ph )8lClan ..

21 Broadway

Lebanon. Ohio

Be il r ..ol.·. d by Ih. G,"ual Au .... bly 01 th i! S t ahr

0/ Thre e,flfths of the member

to each H ouse concurring tlu~ rC'in: That (or th e lJ urpoJ ~ of procuring the eli llihi lit, o f w o m~11 10 ct'r tRIn office!l, a l)rOposal shall he s ubmitt ed 10 the eleC:lorJ o f thIS IIt~te In rhe ma nn e r pro vided by lawl on the first Tuta.. Jay fl ft c r th e firs t Monday n NO\'c tnbrr, 191J, to nmtnd the constitution of the Itate by ame ndi ng n rtlde XV. scction 4, there o f 10 thtlt it will read u f o ll ow!: SEC. 4. No penon ,ball be elected or 8PO p oi rtll'd t o nny office in t his state ulIl~1! po .. le !O ~cd o f the q 1lo1ifi ra t io n s of a n t'1c~ c t o r j pro\' i~crt t lm t wumt'n wh o an~ riti.r.r. n s may be " PpOllltrd a~ m e mhen of b(J nrds of, o r t o p ORit ion~ in , those dtp3 rtments an d institutions e&tah li!' h rd lly t h e IUite or . a ny political ,ub:iivi sion thtreof involving the interes ts or car. of wome n or children o r both. S r.CT IO'" 2. At I nch election th is a mend-

de( tc:n

Phone 449



- --


Waynesvi lie,


Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8:.10 to 12 o'clock OtTice. corner Main and Hikh streets Phone No . 100



ment sh311 be pla«d on the offici. 1 boJlot in the mannrr presc ri bed by law as "ARTI CLe xv. SI': CT!ON 4 - F.UGIBILITY 01' SHORT BALLOT FOR COUNTY AND TOWNSHIP Veterinary OFFICERS. WOMEN TO APPOI NTMENT AS MEI>f. BERS or BOARD S OF OR POSITI ONS 8 6 it t'I!J olt'ed b~n rral Ass,mbly 01 INji DEPARTM ENT ANb INSTIT UT !ON S Graduate of Oblo !:'Iul. Ih e S.'a'c of Ollio. thrce·fiflhs of tbe memb . .. A FECTING. OR CA RING FOR . WOMEN of eac h hOllse co ncurring t herein: AND CHI LOREN". or in otber I.nguage suffiS ECT JO ti 1. That. for the purpol e of pro- cient to c1rarly d uignD t e it. nnd if a maj orit, curing R short ballot for county and town . of the electofl voting on t he same shall adopt I hi p f)fficen, there s hall be submitted to the such amendment , 8tc::tio n 4 h~re i na ho vc aet Office at residence in F. USher. electors o ( tbit! at ate, in the man ner provided forth . han on and alter the firsl day of Jan~y 13W, on the fir st Tuesd ay ofter the fir.t ua ry, 1914, become and constitute the sect ion wood's house, Fourth Street. M ond;;y in No vember, ,1913. a fcroJ(osal to . 0 amended of article XV of the con,titutloo of an aore rep •• I . ections dJ, 4 ....d , of .rtic e of tbe of the .tate of Ohio and lAid ori"ln,,1 ,ectioD Telephone 28 lt\ltlon on to amend lections 1 Bnd ' a 4 sball be repealed and annuned. of suc h article to ff:ad a. fol1 ow!I : C- L. SWAI",

Common Pleas Proceedings

'·S tc. 1. t a ws. m3>, be paned provid ing f o r the elcct io n or Il PilOmtm e nt and terms of 0.11 sUlh !IOu unly ~ nd lown8hip ofticers u may be nn eS5i1T)' , which office rs shall bave su('h power of IOCR) toxati o n. for police purpost'!, BS ma),

The Farmers ba.nk of I:lpringbllro, be ~ r". crib.d by law. • Site. 2. Law. maT be passed p~ovid in 8 VII Carl tlh eets. 8telh,· :Sheets and for n form of government for c:ounhe. and J oho W. Sheets . Money to extant the to wnl hips therein, SI!C'TI Ofl 2. At luch elec t ion this amend~ ot $2~5 with intl"'rest tI. t ti % per an · ment .hllil be placed on the offici nl ballot in the manner prelcribro by low 8 5 IIAR1'ICl F num from March 1. 1913 . X. SECTTONS 1 and 2 - SHORT RALLO-r COlJNTY AND TOWN SHIP OF. John W. UrO!!Diok v s. Bumuel FOR Fl <;F.RS~' or in other la ngllaflC! s ufficient· to Conover. DUDl!lge to e xt e nt of deSigna te it clea rly, nnd if 11 mAj· y of the electnrs vOling o n the aame ahal adopt such '1715 with (j~ Inlerest frOID ~ep- ame ndm ent, seetions 1 and 2 herei nabove set forth .h.1I On and after the first d.y of tt''1l0!lr 25, 19IJu . Janua ry. 1914. b. co me and constitute tbe s ec tionll 80 a mende:d of artic1e X of the co n stiPeople M. Buildln g, Loan nnd t:)av · tuti on of the: st:lte of Ohio and laid origina.l ] nnd 2. and abo secti ons 3, 4 and 7 lngs Co., of Lebano n, Ohio VI!. WID . sections of s nc h a rticle, Bnti al!3o lection 16 of article Arthur Ross, Eva L . ROIlR I\nd Louis IV, . h.n be rep •• !ed and annulled. C. L. SWAI ... Ii'. (Jol e man . Money and foreclos ure Sp_.k" of ,'', of R.prn, "'o/i",6. HUCII L. NlenoL., Sallie Monfort vs . 8ar~hna BunP,csid.", of Ih, S. "", •• Adopted April 18th, 1913. nell et lAl. sheriff's sale upproved UNITt!) STAns O. A"UtC:A, confirmed Settlement ordered . STAT. o. 01110, In the ("If the appliolLtion Office of t be Secretary of StateI. CnAS. H. CRAVES, Seeretary of Statt of Waldrcn C . UiJmour. sherifi' of of the . Stat~ of Ohio, do hereby certify that tbe foregOing III In exemplified copy. c3rc:ful1y Warren county, udditi o nlll allow · compared by me witb the original rolla now on file in thl' office and In my official cu.tod, ance Of 1605 71 gruDted in order \0 as Secretary of State and found to be true and correct of • joint resolution. adoptee! by meet expens e!! of the ollioe. . . the Cenera l Assembly.f tbe Stat. of Ohio on the 18th day of APril. A.. D. 1913, anC! tiled In tbis office on tlee 30th day of April Marriage Licenses A.. .D. 1913, entlt!ed "JoInt Resolution Pre:. p.olln8 an Amendment to Article X of tbo Morglln Louis Papa, 3', shoe- Conltltution of the SlAte of Ohio, reiaUve to county and township of'gallllations." maker of Cinoinuati to MIRs Estella h. "IITU.OMT Wa_•• I have hereunto Jl(ay Wallaoe, 19, of Leb:mon . Kev. lub.trihed my nam~ and aflixed my ofliclal loal at the City of l.:olumbua, Oblo, thl. 1911! A. J. Ke8tle . 4a1 of June. A. D. 1913. ea&&. H. CUVU, Frank E. Reddiok, 26, laborer of S.crnor" of SIo'" Scuth Lebanon &0 Mies f:!arah I:!nook AUTKORIZATIDIl OF PUBLIcaTION. 23, of Lebanon . Rev_ D,Parl.,,", 01 P ..&Uc PrI"tI"" til Ollie. mon, Publication of tbe abDYe propo.ed amentlo mont to the Con.titutlon of Ohio, under ~.,. Elva N. Miller 23, of Kings Mills, tion 3 of an act entlded; "An act rel.tin, to propo,ed amendmenta to tbe ConltJSl to Mies Gladys BLDgamlln. of Kings certaIn tlon of ·Ohlo end tho IlUblkation tbereof, palled by the General A..emb!y of Ohio, Apfil Mills. Rev. A. J. Kastle. 28. 1913. Ie authorized by 'the Department 01 -. Public Prlntln, of the St.te of Ohio. Puwl{ HA..n. l:Iub80ribe for the lrliami Gaawtte $.,.,.".., ., NIle ,......





R,t"....'.'iw.. HUCH L. N,CHOLl. Pruid.", (If Ih. S."oIa.

SPeak" of 1M H ONSI of



Adopled April 18th. 1913. UNITto Sl'A1'£S or AU'RlCA,

STATe or 01f10.

Office of the Secretary of StateI. eliAS. H. CRAVES, Seerel.ry of State of th e S t a te o f Ohi o, do hereby certify tbat the f o re going is an exemplified cop)" carefully comparcd by me with tbe original rolls n ow fi le in thi. offi ce and in my officia1 cUltod, IS Sc crdary of State and found to be true Bnd correct of a j o int re.olution. adofted by


Ihe Gennal on the t Rth filed in thi s A. D. 1913,

A•• emh!y of the St.3te 0 Ohio, day of April. A. D. 1913. ana office on the 30th day of April, entitled "Joint Resolution rt!a.

tive t o the degi bility of women to certain officel." IN TeSTJNONY Wu~. p.o., I havfl hereunto .uh!Sc ribtd my name, snd affixC'd my official

Walter McClure Funeral Director. Telephone day cr nlgbt Valley phone No. ,'. Lona Distanoe No 69-2r.

AutomObile Servlco at all Tlmea

.eoJ at the CIty of Columb.... Oblo, tbi. 19tb day of June, A. D. 191J. WA VNESVILLE, OHIO CUA8- H. GUV!8 S ...."ary of SIoIa, Branch Office, BarveJ8bur., O. [Seal)

aUTHORIZATION OF PUBLICATION. of Public P", .. /i"l1 of Ohio.


Publication of the ahove pro pOled amendment to tbe Conetitution of Obio, under Section J of &n a c t entith:d, at An act relatinl{ to certain proposed amendmenta to the Con"tituo tion of Ohio and the publication th ~ reo f . N

passed by the General A... mhly of Ohi o, April 28, 191.1, is authorized bv the Drll;utment of Public Printina of the State of Ohio. }o- RANK


S"t'nMor 0/ Public P,i"'i"l10







ep.OIALIIn. OOITUM.llla, T.A ... ., .... O.A' AND .U' •••VIO. OA.. PltOF!':" . " UIINO ITa ADV.IIIT1IINO COLUM ...

SAMPLE .COPY FREE . ....,.. . . . . YORIC OUP....

.... YOIt&. .. V_ _ I

DR. J.



..• QENTIST••• Offieo In National Dual< BI~.

Waynesville, 0



• I






W ooklyl

r-----T-h-e·-N-e-I.g-h-+bor-h-oo-d--N-e-w-s· I



\\"u Ylwtn lll e.

O hJ(I

e-- - - - - - - -



I N Ifl'l(J;;IC1


- - -- -- - - - - - - - Vi\LLh:Y

O. L.

'l'I£ LJ,;l'lIl1NE - C ALL



1I ~

Rates of Subscription

I ~,


<iROWTH "Whenever I hnve done any'hln8 for whloh J "I\n' my wife to forgive me I begin by hllonding ber " nloe little oheok , telling her 8he may U8e the money in II ny way 8he plelilles." " I u sed to fincl tbat method effecti ve, bn' It Iin't nny more ." .. Bow do you manli!!e It now? " "By giving hAr It nloe big oheok ." - Chicago Reoord Herald.

.. -----

--A Gentle and Effective Laxative A mild, gentle "nd effective lax. ative II! what peuple demllond whlln suffering trow oonetlpaUon . Thoutl ands swear by Dr. Klng '8 New Life PIlII!. BUlCb Tallman, of 8~n Antonio, Tex. writes: "Tiley are, beyond question. the bellt pillil lilY wife and I blive ever taken" They nevel oanee pain . Prioe 25c lit. dru~glstM or by mall, H . E. Buoklen & 00 Phlladelpbia or tit . Lou18.

- - -....

- ..

--THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENED The I:!trogl!ling Lawyer (pom pously)-Anythll1g OOU8U81 bapp£n while] was on'? Offioe lioy (after some thought) l' es 'r, Tbere wasn't liny rtebt col· leoto re called. -London Tid Bits

. .

.. ~

A Marvelous Escape

"My IIUJe boy had 110 mllorvelou8 esoalltl," writes P . F . Ba8tlam8 of Prinoe Albtlrt, Uape of Good Hope . "U ooourred In tbe middle of t h" night . He got a very 8evere attack of orollp. Ae luok would havA it, I had a large bottle of Chamberlain'.. Oougb H.emedy in the houee. Ar&ar fol\owing 'he directionll for .. n hour and twenty f1lnute. he was through all du.nger ." I:!old byal1 dealers.


The Dew fur OOlit8 fit jllPt a little more noatly tblln the strslghler lined garments of lae$ S88son did They do not really ,tefine the figure but they oertalolv IInggest it, and, th..9ugh it \s etl11 tbe fasbion to have a straight and young girllsb baot, tbe front of one'8 fignre may hint at a faw womanly ourves witb out llyln~ iu tbe face of fashion.

---_.- ...- - -

1 he Family Cough Medicine Iu ev ,'rv home tbere ehonld be a bott1~ . ,f Dr Klng's New DllOOvery ready tur jo,'lOt!dia'e we when any wem ber Of I b 'l roUr oontraote a cold or .. OOU j;U. "rompt U88 will 8top the eprBtt I ,..f .. lnkn6811 B A ~tld, of l4a80n, M, .;h . wd&ell : "My whole family d"p"lId!l upon Dr. King' .. New L>illCOvtlry lUI the be8t oougb and !lold medlolne io the world . Two 500 bottles oured me of Dneum .lnl ... " Thousande Elf other 'amlles have been equlilly benefited. and depend entirely upon Dr. Kin,'s )few Discovery to oure tbeir oough9. ooIds, throd and lung troubl88. ivery dose helpe . Prloe, 600 and $1,00. All droggi8t1 . H. E Buoklen & Co. Phj1adelpbla or St. Louili. /




Eczema and itching Cured 'l'hb eoo'hh." healiog medication In Dr. Hobson'ti Eczema Ointment penetratee every &lny pore of ~hl' akto, oleartl It of all Impurtt.les8tOPIL itohlng Instantly. Dr. Hob 1'1<>0 'e Eczema Oln'ment i8 "uaran. teed I!peedlly heal eczema. ratilie8 ringworm, 'tlUer and other nn· sightly eruptionl!l. Eozema OlDt· ment is a dr>otor's preeorlpUon, not an experlmen t . All druggilltil or b" mall, 600 Pfeiffer Vhemioal Co" Phlladelphta and Mt.. Loull'.


• fie •



Beech Grove.

ELECTR.IC SLEEP ~leep that by meanl of.,leotrlolty

be turned on and off a' will t8 the la~l!t oure for insomnia, It i8 the iuventlon of a UerD.lan dootor, wbo says that. he hae experimented with It all rAbblte and doge wUb great I!uocelis. An eleotrlo cnrrent. of a new kind III applied M the bese of the brain. and t.he patient, he II&YII, tnltantly falle alleep and remain8 eo u_tU the current ie ' switahed off. wben he wakee up tn a quite normal oondl· tioa and lDuoll refreshed .


ll '

'l'he readen of this paper will be pleued to learn 'haS tbere il at 18&11'one dreaded dtal'lase that IInlenoe hae been able to cure in ~1I itll8tag88. and 'hat II Catarrh. Hall's lJa'arrh Cure \a the onlv positive oure now known to 'he medloal frBternity, Catarrh being Ii oon8'ltutional disease. requlr88 a oonlltttntlon'\l treatment. Ball'lI Catarrh Oure 18 taken Internally, acting direotly up_ on 'he blood Itond mucoua surface. of tbe IIYltem, thereby deetroylng 'btlfouodation 01 the dieease, and gtvlntr ~he p~tteo' 8trenRtil by bulldiog up tbe oonetitu'ion and &MIstIng lJa'Dr.1 in dolnR iu work . The proprietore have.o muoh faUb In lu eurative power. tbat they otler Ona Hundred Dollan for aDY cue tbd It faUI to core. Send for 1I.t, of ",'imoniale. • AcldreM: 1'. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 'Ohio. Sold bv ,,11 Droll"a.B, 750. , ,. . Take BaU'al'amll, Pllie for 00"



Mre. Adah 'I_Image and eon , J , Lee and Mil8 Je8sl. Garner were Ihopplnll in Lebanon Frid"y. Mil!lll Garnet Edwarde, of Way lIesv1lle, Is 8~endlng a few days wit.b her bome folk. here . J . W. Creewal1l1htpped 110 oar load of fat hoge on Friday. K. 1:. Thompeon and wife bave 'returned t.helr home here after I!pending a par' of la8& week with relatlvfl8 In Dayton, l4ar&in Gallagber. of DAyt.on. apen' Sat.urday, and Munday with the Joraon boy. here. '1'. M. Pugh, of Olive Branoh, was lleen on ~u'" e'reah Sunday . The entertainment Itot Ed . Be'ltol· liok'8 00 lut 8a'urda.y evening Klven by tbo OregOGia Ladles Aid was aa u8ual a oomplate luooetle . E M d f 1I brD8I1S. anoon an am y lpeot Saturday in Tippecanoe 'he peeu of }irl!l. leta Mannon and daughter Mill! Ethel. Chilo•. .\llen and family, of Olive Branoh, called on K. E. ThompeOD


1100 R.eward, $100

., 1

New Burlington

Ca rl JOli et! at&end~d the Btate S I:!i. con.ention and Boy'8 Congress v ~!ting b er unole Mr. B. L. U"kin IUJd fltmily. in Lima, Obio. la8t Reek. Mrtl . Emmit Cline entertai ned 30 11.ev. and Mr8. Wm. Weat, of of the Aid Soolety Tburllday Hofter WIl8tville, OhiO, are guellts of tela · nooo . A very enjoya ble time WI~8 tive8 here. had. Mr. and Mn. Wilson MII1I , of Mr. and Mra. Henry MoKEle left New Paris, are villl\i ng J . M. Bill Dlt,v ton MondlLY, Ootobtlr 6 for tbelr and ot·her relatives . home ID Minnesota. going 'h r ong b Mrs . CadwltlladeT, of Now Vienn .. , In ~helr automobile . di8trlot im'l!ootre88 of the O. E. ~ . Air!!. Frank L . Barrlll a nd daugh was pret!ent at the meeting of the ter Helen transacted bUMlnoa8 in lodge here laet Taeld"y night. Dayton llUIt week. Quite a number of otber visitors Jamel Iilbumaker and wife re were present. tarned h ome from the reservoir T, T . Holland, Mrl'. Jennie Flam· Sunday with a fine Htrlng of fi.h . mer bnd daughter, ot ~prinlC Vallev Mr. Altlx Boxwell spoke' at vlsltert lallt ""eek wi th Lewlll Hoi. i'rlends ohuroh ~abbatb morning . hUld fumlly . Mr . Boxwell itl alwl1YII a weloome CheRter Township ~ aDdli Y Soh oo l guest in this vlolntty . oon vention will be h eld in tue Jame8 H.obertson blls lIurchalied a Friends ohuroh here on e week from Ford tourlDg ORr IlnjJ 18 ruunlng a nex t l3unl1.y aHernoon . A very publio hlLok . He has our best In&eresting program Iii being pre wishes. pared. Mrll. Ml1ttie Finok and lion Roberi Oeo. PblllipB Itl oOlJfined ~o his Rpent Sunday the guesh of Mrs. home with lum bago. Cora Harris Sam'l Moon, of Dtly~on, Ie visit R'lymond Brooks began tbe re. ing at 'be home of his brother N llrl pain on bl8 bui Iding, la'sly ,ur. Moon and. other reldl ves, ohased of Mr8. tioroggy. Mr . and Mrs. Enos Hm, of Vedar· Mr. C. C. Jfu rnllo8, of Day~on wat! Tille. spent Snnday with relativell tran8llotlng busluess here two days here . last w8ek. Awos Compton 18 oonfined to bls Walter SIlver8 and Saoky Boglton bed wHh infiammatory rheumatlem . tranlillclod bUfllnel8 in Dayton lut )lill8 Erma Mendenhall, of WII Monday. mington oollege spent the week end George M. Edward8 returned at her home here . bome Tuesday from 110 vl8it and Bewell 8nypp, of Taooma, Wash . bUill ness trip lof teo d.ys . He is was vieiting among friendl! here aooulled of making aUeml>ts at lut week. -. jamplng into the matrlmonl111 lIfIa Be very oareful George . Avoid Sedative ~uJth Medicine The M. E. ohnroh puroha8ed 01 If you want to oontribute direo'ly Ur . Ed Mullen a glUloJine light to to the ~urrenoe of oapillary bron. be installed IIot once. The Ladies chitt8 and pne nmonia u ~ e oou~h Aid oan buy anything and pay for mediolnoa that oontain oodine, mor It, The ladles are fine people and I ghlne. heroin and other sedatives when you have 110 ooujth or oold . do admire them for their hUlitle Itond An expectoraot like Chamberlain's ab11lty . Cough Remedy III wha' Is needed. The A , M. E. ohuroh il being That oleanl out 'he culture beds of ptloted over 'he floa.nol,,1 rlffies by bree .Hn, p laoetl for 'he germ. of a mao that has been vory 8U0068S pneumonia. and other germ dilleale8 . Tha' i8 wby pneumonia Dever re fnl in hi8 0 ~n affairs, aod from tbp suits from a oold when Chamber· IItrlde tbe ohuroh i8 mating in the lain's Cough Remedv \8 we4. It way of new Itgbts, 8eala and other has a world wide reputation for 1\8 improvemen18 bi8 aSlli8tlll~oe Is oure8. It oontalnll no morphine or other eedative. For sale by all going to be benefioia.!. dealers.

C1D O Yoar (strictly III "uvallCu l. ... " .OV 8 uglu Copy . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . ..•. ... . O~


Come and see the finest assortment of

Born- To Mr . und Mrs. ltuhllrl

.---.--.-....-.------. Webb a fin e " ."

.\1 rll Nollie Frenoh, of Leban o n ie

Editor ami Manager




- - -.... ..... - -Sprjng Branch ~

Blirry rur Ull r hu~ been c tlnfined to th e h ouso for tb o LJtI>lt wee k \'Ol t h qu1nMY. CUtts . WII g ht , th o haker. lind fau ily will rll ri VO t o Cll ri btamuu r g Mo nday Ghu!! , (· ,.nnt·c . of Duyto n, viM lted hi s ulflth " r h e ru I"Ht t::lunda'y , Mrs.O R PotorHoo. :\1r!l CUll!! Brel.fonl 1111(1 nl eCfl MiHs Donlthy tillrIHl8!! wer .. Dltytllll ':!bo)l)lorl! lust I'h L1 rtldlty Mr. Rnd M'II . O. H. B()rtnn .Dd ' 80n f10wllrd vi~i~et.l relative!! nRIH Xeoillo Illst Hund"y . : The W . C A witl /-,:ivo a Hallow I • 'en Party III the Town Bbll next ThursdllY III Kht 'I Leo Mill ~ hilS returned to ColuUl. I bUB to Ilth:llli colle/-,:e lifter Il few : (11t.~·M vi~i t tit homll . ' M, " .1 ,' It :1 ~~'iwllrl A is I'n tbe ~i o k I \ill! I

i\1~k; ;0; -Feel Oood

I hey

Cbronlc The following Qneoliolted t.eeti moniallhould oertalnly be lIuttiolen t '0 ;tlVe hope ,nd courage t ) pereons .ffiloted with ohronlo dy .. pepela: "I . been 110 chronlo dY8peptio for yean, and of all 'he medicine I bave taken, ChRlDberlaID'l\ Tabletl have done me more good than any thing el88," a8YII W . (J . Matti80n , No. 7 Shennao 8'.. BornellllVille, N. Y. For Bale by all dealer ••

------ -..--Public Sale

'1'111 ' " .e"8I1nl purgl1tlve rffect pr, .

dll (·,' d by Chawl e rillin 's Tablets Il nd tho i.otlalthy oondition of uody lind mine\ which they crll .. te malle ooe IllIIl joyful Fur 881e by 1111 del,lers.

CHRISTMAS IN FRANCE Chri!ltma8 in Franoe is not " i 8)1001111 rlay for fltmily m eetings flnd wllrry mltok Ing. It is eSHen tially 110 roligionl felltivtll.

Claasifled Ads

. ................ .


will b. Inserted UDder Illls bead tor twcnly · t1ve ce ntH f or \ hree I OHortiu nM when uHlng not mOTe tban U.e Hoes .


DRESS GOODS With the new Trimmings


--------------MALL round t op drop lell! ex· tenwl on table, Inquire at this offioe. 0211


MEN for fs otory work-I GOOD NO PREVIOUS EXPERI.

ENCE NECEij~ARY . AttJ:llotive wages for those who prove them 1I\I,lv88 "molen" Steady wu.k . Ap ply promptly to t he A. A. t)lmonds & ~()n Compllny, Summit ~t. & lIIegley Bl! P laOB. Dayton, Ohio.

seoonrt.haod heu.Ung stove,l A good must b" 10 good oonditi on. Inquire a' this office.

0 »2

EVERLASTING SHEETS 65 cents EVERLASTING SHEETS and PILLOW CASES are made of a smooth, medium weight sheeting, manufactured pf lpecially selected cotton, which makes them last longer than any other sheets made at anything like the same price. f They will wal!h full, thick and heavy, making a m08t desirable sheet for hotel ulle.

P owder In Warren Conn'y. Salary $70 per month . Addre88 g Indu. trial Bldg, Indianapolill, Ind. 0 16


few oar loads of Pumpkins.

J'la. Wrtte or phone Eavey & Co , Xtlnia, Obio.

0 16




good genera) Purl)OSe Dapple Gray Horae, 6 years old, weight 12001bs. and l'Iound; also about 100 bur~bel8 01 old Corn. Inquire of A, MaffiU. Waynelville. Ohio. 020 ~

Buff Orplngton and White Leghorn Vookerels In· quire of Mrzt . B . V, Smith, phoue 37 ax, Waynesv11le, Ohio. 0211

S.. C•

10 nloe

tborongh· bred Dllroo Red Pigs, elligible to record K . E. Thompson, Oregonia, Ohio, Valley Phone 11 I X, HILl'. vey8bnrg ring. 0 19 JerB ~ y

LE PIGS-a. few ohoioe full M Ablooded UurOD Pigs. Inquire of Thad Zimmerman, Waynesville, Ohio. 0 29 WOOD-at $1.50 per cord , STOVE 18 io. long but not delivered. fn~nk 11 n

Paoker, W Bynes ville, Ohio. 022




Automobile Livery Service at Reasonable Rates. Also Agent for Racine Automobile Tires.


Phone 716 I

w""._.,..·.,..·..,............•...................6.....,..,..,........_ - -

~ ..... w .... w ....._.",,·_·" ........... ' ""'.""'.""' ............ 6"".""...""..."".....,..•.,..•..,..., ......•...._. . . . . . ."".....""...."'."'_...........

new Simplex Crtlsm Separator. No . Il, at cOllt. It ia very hard ta beat . Franklin Paoker, Wltoyne8. vl11.e, Ohio. 0 22




nloe Shropshire Ewe!! Inquire of ~eth Furnllo8, R. D. 2, Wayn88vUle, Ohio. 022 thre~

Have your Sale Bills Printed at the Gazette Office.

NE Pair Ex'ension Ladde",. One O Hutlng StaTe. Inquire of F . M. Chenoweth . a 21 good. older V lN.uAR-Extra vlnesar at 260 a gallon. 1n qaire.oll. 8a'terthwaUe, Waynes. vill'lI. Ohio. 0 16

.moe, .

I? 7



Nemo, Warner, Ferris Waists, Sheer Ruffles

.J"Iw~ • • " ' " " " " ,

FARII-A good one In a good location, oloee to '",0 raUroadl. Qriar by t~e older ci'IHDI, The eyebrowe are apt to 1P'0tr For further par_ioulan inquire a' .' Rn. A. ·K . Sargen', of Barvay,- IbanT or lperM wUh Inoreaaing .thls 0 211 burg, wal 110 among " b08e from 'ble yean, bat 'heir bow Ibape mlghS townsblp who ."eDded the Iiha~ 8. have beeD preeened Indeflnl&el:r had ACRES of land, 8 E. ~ OOD'fentlon at. Lima lu' week. 'hetr owner been oarefal to brQIIa ... Way08llvllle 2 mil... known . " a. tllle Clarkton Gaaee Farm. Ap· Allen Kibler w __ .t I llorrow o~. them daUy .wt~. "eoh too'hbralb ply to ) l'rukltD Paotel'. . BIlDd&1 af ~~. ·TIUo,.tlhlo •..

_oou." " . ,)-- ."U."'be

Mentor and Phenix in fine


year, ':loming driver and works I will.lIa' my reeiden06 I mUe anywhere, and Yearling (JoJt.a. In· north of Ferry. t lou'hweet of qutrll of Dr, Krieghoff'8, Oregonia, Ohio. 022 Bellbrook, on

Wednesday, October 22, 1913



. .. .

COLTS-Qoo fbur, fine

and mfe On Bund..y afterDooD. lJommaDoinl at 8 O'OIOOK 'he wiil I'ornehell an. famOy, of follo.ilIl: 6 hol'll8ll, t canle• .t1 near Lebanon, were Hunday peau boge chtokeua, farming implalileny l of B.qveyeburg friende. and boueebold good•. The Indd8D death of Mr . .\be Boward Berryhill A. A. MoNeil, Auot, Shoemaker reaohed 118 on Thon. l!ay ~vedlntr. IIr. 8hoemahr wu FOR THE EYEBROWS well known here aDt a' GreeD

we have ever shown






p&8t 30 with horle MANbuggv to sell t;t4l0k Condition

I1erman Coonor returned home flom Daywo ~undaT after a week's viei t wltb relati va8. Mr. and Mrll . Frank Martin, of .I:!prtnl Valley, are guellt8 at tbe home of Mr. and Mrll . F, M. Dakin at the time of tbls writing, Me88rB. Alloe Chenoweth and Lena Connor were guell" of MrM, frank Hell8 and family near Ferry one day 188. week . Mr. and Mn. Frank Hawes were the Bunday gUBBts of their grandeon Je988 Roland and wife. Mn, F, M Dakin wa. I!hopplng In Day taD last Friday. Mre . CbarlN Braddook viliited Mr . and Mn. Wm. Harrll!on, of LoTeland l&11t Friday. The TholDal Br08. of Ftlrry, fi n Ished orullhing etona on our road 8at.urday. The h111 was very badly In ne~d of the cause and thllir work In all OB888 alwaYI proves perfectly Iltottllfao'ory.

Suits, Coats,


J. E. FRAZ'I ER I will continue to do



add Spouting at

Reasonable Prices. on me at my home, .or phone 24-2}Q, and .I will estftnate with you.


\Waynesville; -



. . . . . - . . - - ...


, ,\ ' ,1, d :~ I' ,' j It II ,,' , '1 1" ,1 ,1\


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bank f o r thn '., yt'ars dud wns 1\ m odi ' }

Itlt ' l't'llMod

than n

W f'flk

(:f\rHl<J r PIh'Htfld lll tH 0 11·

Th .. ~ I J'. Ward h" Nj1oko of Natio n nnd JIlt) t'\'l' ntru l u ay tb e re rt 't!l and 1I1 U l't' In 11 ' II~th 'I'll ... tJ l~t,; t' 5 t \\ , L I hu Spt' l' lal m " ti S "ll g l~ r u r lh p In · we ro r l'Su ltB, A Jal11 of I'('hle ll's ttl'ar It cro wded of th('~ .. ha" e a tQlal lirtlll~ ll1 clt)' s tltut iu n. F o r y,'arR , \\ h " l":' \'e r larg e 'T'h p d l ~C(.\'t' ry uf eOrO llllJrIl h~ ~U 'I t'lifOtlfl , \llpOrS g i\'e plac p to 80llll pur - o t 2U tou s I U IIl U llfll H of St.'curitie~ or nlouey w ere ('(lurt , a JOBtlln g lJI o b arou nd hi 111 . t wo olN"r "xall1pl., Ilf th £' a ~ tolli , h ln !; rp\'t" t l(' ll's lind 1I1 :I"6 " S, Ttl,. ('o runa illlt'r If "ul'("II\l:1\ "'HI I,I Ile t' lllpluyt' d lu t~ bn d l,l h·"rpt.! , It was tbo duty or lnf'n got clORe up to him , On~ !]lIlckly "uught hi s arm , T h e otlit'r glll'e him II lati o nM whic h hu\'f' COI11" \I Hh Ih " dp- ceJ1 t ~ f' llOr IlI OUJ; qll H llIltl<'~ o f h"at slead or h yti rog "II. llll air sh ip oC tu e I \\ anI tu a l tl'lld to It. velopm ~ nl or th p ~ 1,, ' ctr1JH('u l1t' a \l d I! ~ 1'1'0 11 1 til" "I1n, and ill this st'l' lh i ll ~ same lilul lg ~lIp a l'iL)' \\ u\l ld ha l' {) a I Tilt, cul n transml s~i ns wc ro mad e pU Bh dOll'lI the court l1wuy from the union with phot ograp h y . IS}' IlIl 'an s w ne (" 'r n n itJlli Is born, at l" aHt, ' " lutal " .: Il g th ur a t rllh' l)\' ' 1' cut! fe t" In a, ",,, g u n gunrrted by ""eclal ofllc e rs , "trect. Gerald Ailing sm il ed d es pite ot lhl s wor\fl ~rr ul ins trl1m r nt ph l's l· >l1" S Ihl' ~ P " l' tr n " (' UPP , I a nd Its Ilt llXI ' llll!l1 d ia l1l"I\' r " vuh l It' \\1' , \\'artl u i ~dnln (' rt s uc h IJrol(' c lion . his perl!. "(live u p that sa t ch el!" ordere d on E e1s t s hu\'(' hpc n ultl ll to uet .:t an d " h" 111'"r"ij t UVLJrua c h w e hH\'e 111 ,'ollsld,'raIJly les s Ih a ll l Wl' lIty r" et '1· lth his !lIOlll" Y sateh ,, 1 handcurT c d to r enner vlei hl., th e> 1I11 Sf'(\Il o f mil liolls nut ure lind 1I1J0ri thi s globe to th e ill' III t u e Illu c,' or gas bags h u ldi l1g i Uo, nl ~ wr is t ho h ud curried hundr 'd s or of !>h e me n. "Tu ke It'" r e to rted Gerald accom· ot mllps away . I\ s l'ro f(l.~ so r ~1pnd en' '., ' n~ .. I}' h!>at pu atmos lJli ' r t) ot lue IIOt) c ult lc t" " t of hyd rogen Its COD tbollsands Of dollars across th e city . hal1 f'xpre ssl' d It a few yea rs ago , corona or t he s un 18 In tb molt e n tainers wuuld hav a within tl, om Ilut Ontl day his good lucl( mIss ed h im, modatingly , and h e let tbe loop slide "\ly thi s d ev ice nnw Is put Into com., ma ssI's n t''' p III lho earth . Th e on ly , ~ :\ .uuO cultJc r",m or th e lighter gas , AS !l(\ wus passing an ope n ar ea way trom hIs Hilger . Itan~ - b El nK! munlcatl o n wIth e ve r y con si dt'rabl ll norlJla l outward (' \' ldpJ1ce or this con i I Tile sllIaJl .. r alrllllip wo uld obvIo usly two ml'n hu s tl e d him d ow n \l s s teps , Dlng- di ng - dlng-dlng-dlngbody In th e unlv e rsp . Including ove n bURt Ion Is Ihat arTorded by active \' 01· I be c h e appr lo cons trucl, Bpeed Je r 1'wo ol h ers s tation e d b elow se ized h im , A frI g htful alarm of Bound ecboed tb e In\' lalb l . rhe goln l';8 all of Si rlu ' I''' " V' ' H I\ t·t'o rd lngly . we llJi g hl r ua-· a na mar c nJ lllw gcalll,'. It wou ld u e 1-1" was knoc ke d senseless w ltb a and Algo \. of Orla n and t he Pl e ladcs BIl1J8bly ,' xppc t somc ot th ese to ox- l lIl1l e to ~ tay afolL longo r and sail slungshol and wh e n b e recovered con· trom Ins ide th e satch el-two r evolv e r are TPport e d 10 him Reross e normoUs hal e coronillm, and Buc h Ind ee d bas furthe r , Tbo bcst or \tb e Ze fJpellns sec lousness tbe men and satchel were sh ots, th e shap ra8plng clangIng 01 hair 1\ dozen be lls. IItretchcs of milli o ns ot mlllloOR of hOl'f1 found to be the case , Abo ut ha ve remain e d a loft a b out tbirtY -llv e gune. The d Ism ayed and discomfited loot. mil es of spnce, elllpty ~uv e o r the 15 y ea rs ago Professor Naslnl or the bours, and lhls Is nu gges llv e of wbat Fortunately the amount of currency ethereal m e dium Its e H, by this mONt l ' nh'N Rlt y at Padua, Ital y. s ubmitt ed t h e more mou ll e swaller and swifter In the satcb el was smal1, bu t over $50 .. er s stared marvellingly a t sa tchel and wond erfu l \\ Irl' lE'ss le lpgraphy And a lt ole lo the F're ncb acad e my In .llrshlp could do wben s ustained by 000 In bond s bad bee n secure d by tb e m essenge r , Before tbey could tum It Is by th e vibratory Ill otlon ot th e whI c h b e declare d t h at h o had found means of coron lum. bold footpads. They were or no value a nd run the bank d e t ective was at InvI sIbly small Ihat all of this Is r eo coron lurn In the gases taken trom th e 'I'here Is a uo tber phase or a ero to til e robbers, but until tbey were r e- th e ir s ld,e, Gerald ssw tbe m led to a patrol TealE' d : the luflnl tp ly lIlllp has cnable d c ral ~ r of Vesu vluB. In view at thIs oautlc8 10 wblch co~nlurn would be covere d or proor poslllve ot t h ei r de· li S t o conquer Ih e In('onc e l"ably big," I'o leanoee may assum e a new Impor· uf great val ue. Me t e rorologlsls have struction was secured, tbe bank had wagon. went on his way and after bankIng hour8 was calle d Into the Bu t the s pec tro sco pe wou lt.! be In · lanco ,LI ang practIcal lines, and eve n been r each ing ever blghcr Into the to pu t up a large bond ugalnst th em. com pl e te w e re It nut ro r th e exceed· deau cra ters ma y prove or use, be- a tm ospheric zones In tb e lr end eav or Out of a ll tbls h a d gro wn a s u gges- private office o f th e pres ident at the In g ly In ge nious apparatuH calle d the ca u~9 within th e lava may be round to dllteJ'mln e the conditions that pre· tl on from th e chlet c le rk of tb e hank. Institution. He found the bank d e· bolom E' tf'r, Illvl' nted uy th e late Prof. the l'1ate rl al fr om wh ich corolJluw vall tbe J'c. Soulld lng ua llool.l s cha rge d Ward was to ~arry th e mon ey a s be· t ectlvc a lso th ere. ":-O;ow then, youn g man." observed S . P . Langley _ Th e sonslt lv en ss or nlllY De manuracturcd . with hydrogc n hav e been used to tak e ro r e , ouly to distribute about hi s pe r· th e bo lomet .. r Is so exq ui s it e that It Il lt b '! rto h ydrog e n ba 8 been the \ln lt tC UJ~ e ruture ~ at dirT e r e nt h e ights u p S Oil. He was 10 proceed on his mls· t b e money ma gnat e, a pl eased but cu· r esponds lO tenllIPruture changes of a at wc> uy whi ch tbe spec\[]c gra v· to llfte u mil es, Co uld cOl'olll uOl be slo n sec r N ly from a side ex it or tbe rious exp ressIo n on his face. "explaIn milli onth of a d eg ree . Th e bolom et e r II)' of o th e r gases ha s b e en m eas ur ed . u sed In s t!!au of hydrogt'lJ the uc ean bU llle GO' a ld was t o earry tbe satcllel that young noise wagon or yours-tbe satch (' I." Is an eye Ih M SI'''S In the d ark. T o 11 ~' dro~ "n ' I~ I\hou t twelve tltJl es as o( all' co uld Il l! pe lJ e trat c d a grea t - em pty . And th('n Gerald told ot the In gen u · quo t a Professor Lan glpy: light as th e ulr wc IJrea t h e, Now d eal furtb e r and possi bly ast onlsblnl! , The hal> e wus tbat th e old gan g or "Since It Is one and the same solar comes coronl um , whi c h Is 16 times us Informatio n wou ld be ob tain e d. ro bbe rs m ig ht bo on th e watch for 11 I t~' of h is frl !lnd, tbe In velllor, In pro· en e rl!:Y whos e lI1unlfe8 tatio[Js a r e lig ht as hydrogen, 'lII (1 til r!'fore 192 Oue rC llJark u ltl1l dl~cuv e ry has al. mor~ prOfitable opportunity. Tbey duclng 1\ d ev ice w blch "went orT" tho mom e nt he let go of tb e b and Ie of call ed '\lght' or ·heat.· acco rding t o th e LIm es 3S light as air. It I ~ e usy to r ea dy r esult ed l(' o m Lhe u ~" ot sou ud· th e satcb el. medIum whi c h Interpr e ts tb eni . what rt'lIl1z!l whut thi s would mean 10 ne r o· ing bal loo ns , T lJeo (' oLlcally tile tern· "[ B£'nt for you ," said the presId ent, Is 'lig h t' to t h .~ pye Is 'beat' to the naullcs If t he new found gas could Ile p ' rutur 01 lil t: air falls olle d egrlle "to te ll you thllt through tb e arres t bolom e ter and what Is see n a s a d a rk produ ce d ill larg e qllantltle~, There I"ahr e ull 'il tvr UrJpruxllIIale ly eve ry of the m e n your cl ever alarm call bar· lin e b y th e e),!1 Is felt a8 a solid line IIrtl s ome hl\Tllh e tld ed sc Ie nti s t s , how· 30U fe e t uf USC~llt , uud Lhiu rute oC r .,. fled we have r ecov r e d th e sto le n by th e sent Ient In strum c nt." ('ver, \\'ho arc 110t encoura gIng, n nd du ctlou w au s uppused to go 011 regbond s. Our officer b e r e will sba re a H ere Is an exa mple or ho w tbl s ap· among th e m Is Dr, Rankine, wbo Is uraly . It Is now esta ulisb e d that reward ot five th ou sand dollar s wIth paratu s r evf!a led to Professor L a ng ley asS OCIate d with S ir Wllllm Ramsay. within tb o lower two mil es of th e you_ And you probably deeerve a wbat had been considered far b e yond Dr, R an kin e says: atmosph e r e thIs 'rule Is rreQueutly remonth 's leave or absence . AllIng," the pale ot th e recordable. H e was "Personally I cannot see tbat even ve r sed. Above tbls, howe ver, ther e " I'll make a hon eymoon of It!" ustng tb e bolom ete r up on Mu\: nt wh e n fo und co ronlum will be of much 18 mo r e r eg ularity. Forme rly It was crie d tbe dell ghl ed young bsnk man, Wbltney and was working away at the use to alrsblp&. O ne thing agaInst It supposed that tl.Jls w e nl on unb ro ke n. (Copyright, 1913. by W . G. Cha pman.) known spectrum, pati en tly meas urIng wtll be Its elu s lv en eHs. H e lium I~ Iy until th e cold or distant space wa s tbe beat or th e varlouB lin es. He rour tim es beavle r th an hydro ge n. but r eacbed, some tblng In tbe ne lgbbo .... stumbl ed upon a great dI s cov e ry , "He It manages to c r ee p out o f an y rcce p· bood of absolute zero, FIRM OF HISTORIC MEMORIES .. ent down the spect rum, noting tbe tacl e we can devise, It escapes fro~ Wben tbe Boundlug balloon recordll evide nce ot Invi Sibl e b e at die out on us almost as rapidly as we co ll ec t It. were accumlated ou e or tbe first raCll English CatereMl Go Back Centurle. the scale of the Instrument until he nut other m e n of sclencc r epl y tbat apparent was thut at a he lgbt, -genel' to Recall the DaYI 0-:' 1'helr cam e to the apparent e nd ot the Invls· thIs Is really a mechanical problem ally or some thing lik e six mil es , the Foundation, and Is quite a,pa rt trom the produ c tion d . Ible, beyond which th e most prolonge I EI t I I I I I t e mpcrature actually ceased to fall • ec r C t v s e us ve 0 , coron um. researc hes o r Inv estigators up to t b at I tI,ey It' d and even t end e d to rise ThIs con' The most famous ftrm ot cate r e ra time had shown nothIng. eh nou g " I pOt n OUl , sln yet man I llnues to b e the case ~ tar as tb~ In the cIty of London . tbat of Ring u as t ou n< way s 0 con t r o lt . and Brymer, suffered tb e loss or Its Tb e re he watcbed the Ind ica tions Anyh ow e nthu s ias t s o r u Bo-call e d ~oundlng balloons have Kon~ afoll senior p a rtn e r . Mr. Al exan de r Brygrow falnl e r and talnter until tb ey, sc le ntlfl c turn have already been g lv. rills zone at comparatively mlld tem mer, wb o died a tew days ugo. at the too , ceased at tbe point where Ihe Ing th e ir Imaginations rull play, and It pera ture Is also appare ntly a reg lqL age or seve nt y·s lx, Th e firm has e x· Frencb Inv estl gat.ors be li eved tb ey coronlum ca n be produce d here th ey or relative calm. but we do not yel Isted In London tor severnl ce nturi es, bad found th e ve ry end of th e e nd . prc>dlct u r evo lution In aerostatics . kno w bow far bea ve nward this stra· and htl s s uppli ed th e rood tor th e lord By some h appy thou g ht h e pu sbed tbe One of th e m bas eald that we need t um extends, mayor's and other uanqu e ts fo r mnny Indicatio n s ot Ibis d e li ca t e In s trum f' nt not worry about th e days to corne So far co ns id e r a tion bas been given Into the r eg ion sti li beronr!. In the when the li gh t or th e sun grows dim on ly to the servIces that coronlulr year8. , Its little s h op In Co rnhlll, known as "n1 rcb 's, " from the ll a lD e of still a ir of Ihl s lofty region the s un· a nu., l hi H g I0 b e of ours b ecomes 1.00 may flll for mau be cause ot Its ligh t· tb e origInal proprie tor, hu s bl'len a bea m s passed unlmpedeu hy t'l e mists c hill y for com fort. '..vh e n tha I time n ess , uut whn sball say that tbl're A Frightful Alarm. landmark In the city since 1666. From of tbe lo we r e urth , and th e c urv e or nrrl vl's th e rrostbllten hu man d e niz e ns are not othor wa ys In which It Illay h eat whIch hud fall e n 1.0 nothing be- o f thi s ~ lJhe re ca n take passuge In air. uct hc lprully ? It Is the unuus pect e d might some day attempt to rob Ge r· th e days ot C harl es II It has bee n a gan to r ise agnl n . Th ere was Burne· sh lp~, thallks to <'oronlum , lind sai l pl'ope rll es or radium that bave proved aid, jus t as tb ey bad Ward . The for· !t ou se at appo In t ment u n d Illace or thIng th e re! For h e round , suddpn ly, IIway to any d ista nt p lanet thnt lll OY of th e utmost value since Its dl scov· me r was to k ee p a close lookout, was call for th!> merchantR of th e c ity o r un ex pec te dl y, a IlI'W spect rum of g r cat R('P llI mo r l! h ab llabl e . He hpdg('s, ery. P e rhalJ s co roulum may ho ld pos· In s tr'uct e d to rais e an Instant alarm If I.ondon. a nd tbrou gho ut these yea rs extent. wb ol ly Ilnkn o WIl to RC'lene£' an d howPvl'r. by s a ying that thi s will not s iullllles or a ll cQually Impo r tan t llttlle ked. A d et ec tiv e was to tollow Its a s pect has not cbungl"d . Its front him witbln r eady call, uut not close ly Is probably th e old est In London, Tbe wbose p respn ce was rev pul ed b)' tb e Il,' n" CC~H lH Y tor a mll\l o n year n to naturo. eno ugh to awaken suspicion. origi na l Birc h, It Is suld, c o ok ed a bolom eter." comt', lind by thut tlm t', he h opefull y It was the s econd dll Y or the n ew uaron o f bee t In front or th e gr eat fire His Lordshlp'lI Beard, Thus th e war was pre pared ror tb e co nrill1l f's . lII nnns will ha ve be" n dIsA ce rtaIn pee r . who b a d a very lo ng program when Gerald wae returning at Lond on , lIlid as long a go as 1775 his d etection of coronl u rn , co \'e rf'd uy wilich It. will be Ilossi bl e t o DU rin g the so la r ec lips e of Ma y 28 , com but a lm osp h e rlc con dition s durin/; fll1d ve ry bus h y be ard. b a d dismi ssed trom his moc k ca sb d elivery to Il s uc cessor was catering for half a. doz· 1900. Professor Abbott, wit h th e aId th p trIp frwl\ t.he ea r t h to Ih e other h is valet tor tbe nlgbt. Shortly after· bank th at a brlght·eye d old man ac· ('n c Ity companIes. The most famous or the B ir ch es presided, as London's or Proressor Me nd e nh a ll . Wa s olole to world . ward, bowever, h e was muc h annoyed cOBt,~ d blm and walke d a long with him , "Messenge r service, e b, Mr. AllIng ?" m easure the h eat of th e coroua , an d to hear peals of la ughter rrom be low. One o t th ('s(' co nditi o n s Is a lac k at cb lef magistrate, ove r tbe ' feast whlcb h e hlmse lt had prov ided, .wlth tbe tbat was probably th e tl r st time that oxy!;e n . A 8hort while ago tIn "p. me' n nd call e d back to the man to e xplain. be Qu es tion ed . It WUH rea lly shown to cdsL Here, tporolol:lcal expe rts we nt up In a bal· The valet answered that It wall just 8 czar of RU8sla, the Idng of Prus8ia, "Yes," aBsented Gerald. again , th e spectroscope, pi:.otography loon to a h e ig ht at 3~,OOO fee t , and at little Joke, but bls lordsblp would bave "Tbought tbat loss of tbelr8 would Loul8 XVII [ and the prin ce r ege nt all and th e bolometer r endered great th at a ltitud e IIl e was sus taitl f' d o nl y no ne of It, and demande d tbe detalla stir up tbe bank," obse rved his com· Ih e principa l guests. Today the h ouse servi ce . panlon. "Say, I guess I shall neve r Is famous for tbe turtle soup which hy hr('uthlng thro ug h a spp.clal fE's pl · a n grily , "Well, admitted the man, with r(, be a ble to tbank you enough for tbat Is sucb a teature of city banqu et8 and Th e sun as ord inarily see II Is bound- cat or t h at s uppli e d th e m with treR h for punch. Usually fifteen turtles, ed by th e Bo·call e d ph o t osp bc r e alld Is OXYli:p n . Th e (l pr ma n B hav e ac tually lu ctance. " It was really a little «am' situation you found for me." " O b, I was glad to be of service to providing 600 pints of soup, are killed reall y but n slllall pa r t o t th o true sun, pr pparA,1 a brpathlng uI'paratu8 which we were bavlng, my lord." you," declared Ge'rald beartlly. "Drop-' fo r the lord mayor's banquet. It was Outside th e ph o tosphe r e Is an e nvel- will s ll Rtaln aeronau t s up to a h e ight "What game?" In tbe 'thIrties of last ce ntury tbat tbe ope co mposed malllly o t h ytlroge n, and of 50.000 t pp t - at le,a st this has bee n "Well, my lord, 'a kind ot guesllinli ped your Inventions, bav e you?" "Until J get a little capital abead, sbop pas8ed In to tbe possession ot outside of thi s l he r e Is anoth e r e nvel- es tubli!lhpd by laboratory experiments, game," ope whIch hu s been called th e corona. "Don't be a fool, Wate!1l! I rang yes. Look here, drop In and see me Messrs. Ring and Brymer, tbe fatbTh e lifting pow e r of 1.000 cubic teet Tbe bea u LI rul photograph t.ak en In ot coa l ga" Is equal to about 14 ror you In order to get an explana· at my room some time soon," sug· e rs at Mr. Alexander Brymer and the May of 1900, whl c b accompani E'B thlB pou nds, whllp a s l mllar volum e or hy· lion. Wbat gu e8 81ng game were you gestl~ d tbe Inventor wltb a studloUB Burvlvlnl: senior Partner. article. Illustrates this part o t th e sun . drog e n will raise 70 pounds, Hydro· playIng! Guessing wbat~" glan,ce at the satcbel Gerald was ca~ ' Jt 1ft estimated that th e h eig ht or the gen's lIght npss , d es pite Its elusIveness, " We bllndrolded tbe cook. to teIl rylng. "I'd like to show you a new Old CUltom 'Kept Up. earona In th " s un's atmosph er e Is a th e retore, has so rar made It th e best the truth, 'm y lord, and tben one of wrinkle I've devIsed to make tbe bank Tbe custom ot rusbbearing, whlcb matte r or halt a million miles; and It obtalnabll' buoyant age nt fo r alrerart, \US kIssed ber, and IIbe had to guess mes!lenger absolutely immune trom Is a survival or ,the time wben the 18 believed that t oward the photoTh!> lat es t Zeppelin alrsblps have wbo It was. The footman held the loss ." earthen floors of churchell were anBphere the hea t III 80 Inten !;e that tbe gab hags which have a capacity of mop up and she klslled It, and tben "Vlfby, )'0>1 Interest me," d eclared nually strewn wltb rushes, was recentchemIcal e lem e nts are dissociated nea rl y 700 ,000 cu bic feet, bave a cried out: 'Oh, your lordllhlp! How Gerald. "I will surely avail myself at ly celebrate d at Ambleslde, Westmorelnto lin e r torms or matte r . In the diameter of 40 odd feet and are of 600 dare you!' " your Invitation," land, England . About 300 children HI! bad been goIng pretty regularly were In proce8slon througb tbe streets to ' sEle Lucy Ward, but bel' tather bad on Saturday night, singing the rusbNEW SOURCE OF PAPER-PULP "The flbrous twigs a,..., broken In a product. sInce Ita high content of al· circumscribed tbese calls to once a bearers' hymn 1n the market place, s ort of flax · breake r, then treated for kall make8 It useful In tbe soap In· weelt now. and placed tbelr bearIngs In church. Dlac:overy May Put an' End to Prob- a conelderable len g tb of time with dustry."-Translation made for The "It Is nonsense to thInk ot marry- Special rusbbeanng services were lem That Has Been Worrying caustic soda lye. and afterward put Literary Dlge8t. Ing," be declared sharply, "or even held on Sunday, and the next day an· Newspaper Publishers. through the breaking machine 11 seean tmgagement until YOUI' salary Is otber proceIIslon took place, ending ond tim e. Tb e mass Is rreed ot molsAcute Buslneas Man, maiElrlally Increased and you have with gamea and sport8 for the ch1JSeve ral promisIng s ource ll of pa- ture by m eans o f hydraulic presses, Prospective Tenant-"Number t 'll' ~nough to 8~rt housekeepIng In some dren. per-pulp were r ecen tl y note d In these atter whlcb It Is separated Into fib' teen r It might nod be luck, to live aubstantlal way." columns, ~nother may now b e add- Ars, ' washed and bleached. The ma· j In a house vot VN number t'lrteen." "n's a long prUll'~t aheal, ther:.," imposlble, ed to the lis t - tbe wide-spread and t e Mal thus obtaIned sells for about" ' Agent-"You don't believe In ..licb 'Ilou ll'rled Gerald, but Lucy loved him; "Why nre you alwaYB poring 110 over bard Y plant, broom corn. Successtul cent a pound, and Is ot excellent nonllense as that 1" Prospective Ten, Qe knew' t.hat, .and both exerted the thoBe government reports T They mUlt experiments' wlt b thI s hav !> bee n Quai l))'. eulfabl e' for makIng tb e best ant-"VeIl, vot reduction viII 70a firtue ot patience. . be very dry readlAg," made 1.0 lt41y, In Prometheus (Ber· ~adeE or paper. The liquid pressed make In der rent It J taU ' ,til ~oth1ng of a ienlatlonal l:haracter "Quite the conlrar7, out trom the pulp Is a valuable br- chi.ncell 1bII! we r.u ' ila4 happened alonlr ot bJIj carrJ'iq ation r~p.o~" (II I,' a " I ,'('t (,r a \pry I w ide ti l, ld of p u ~~ il.J l(· Hl 'r \' j(ll ' :i BIlU s i!=, l ' lu t\pr rt.'~lu nli or thu 8 UU ' S llllJlO~" nltlrH nc t' ph "I I', ""ar th e uO\l n,larl lls ' o r till· Hill th i" I,



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110 e lllpt y mOll e y salche\. One day , huw" .. "r, th e bank d e te ctive came to him . " You tt "edn't know It flxccpt to kl'e p n n r1lJ grip on your II (,n'tI, AIlin g ," hu riald, uut you IIr, ! b."Jl~ foll o ll't'd" " Is that HO?" luqulred our youn g By FLORENCE H EN DER S ON . h ur:!. ''It'll II ll ,'rvy thin g t o a~ k YO ll to do, " I 1"" 1 Ra rp of II. I hllve nolicNI I Ailill f;," spu ko th o (' \]I"t cler k or th e lll'O " U "Ili<'lo ll ~ looldllg t' h nruder s l\pi:.lIlplrl' :-;"lIonal ballk . Ilar ~ nlly o n your t rai l fo r thrc(\ COli":1 III \\ til ing t o talil' th" rl ll k." s ml le>d tit'C'utiv p lll u rllirq.:H flO\\ ." :,:, ' l'lll,1 A:lI"g qUi e tly, " fu r tw o ullllr· Th ill "I'p,lill!; U, ' r:tld \\ ,' nt to visit lll~ n ' a ~ OI1H " h lH frlPllt l, III" !ll\·PlltlJl·. for la c k of " II 1I11 1d it 1)1' 11Il1J"I'lIt,, ' nt tor me to n beltl'r plal'o lO g(i tu . Th" mall \\,11. ask \\ hat Ih ,, ~ o l't ' aSLJ Il ~ Inhdll u p '! " II 1: " 1\1 11 14 llnd ~r "t..r lll t u thA )'OU III: " ','uu art' "0 guo,1 Ii fri.-lid ," n ' I,lIp,1 uallk !:IUll fpr ptlMt la\'llrS Il un . I Allt n;; Pl'oJJ1 l,tl)". " that I alll ~l ;,d tu Thill nl~lIt h " Sh OW" 11 II I. gru li ltlll" I tpH you "" ir~t l-paSUl1 : 1 ha i l w i th \I t· · t o t~ ,'r"ltI lI y p r!Jl'illl: ll lllt h u hall lI :.:hL :l lIy variation tn li lY humdrulH ,lO ll<' ,,"1'" t lt ll1l<1l11: In Iii " l)l'hutr. \\ o rk (If ('o ulltin,:; nl oIH'Y ill a sen ' P III 'd \\·h" III; " ..,t1, II <'ft th ,' 1I II'('lItor's ro o m e ll !; ' ) :-:\(,t'u THl rt!:lsun: 1 llill in Ion , h e carrl"d II fa ir "1"1' ,1 pa ('k ll/:ll wlJl c h Willi :\Ir. \\' :lnl 'H tl a u g blt·r . l.ucY, Hll tl hl' I,l(,k t\OW l\ to lh,' ba ni. wit h him , I \\oultl I l it e t o make a g O Il t tIll prl'~\\,h"1\ I". I: o t r",lll y to ~t/l rt on hla ~Illlt (I n h p l' f a th t' r, whu, t o t t' ll (bl ! d ... co~' rll llt" l l"xt \IIlJ)'J1ln~ he we ut to til ith . rath l' r frowl1s 01 1 I1 ly Il1utriUJ ol1l · n. " ,.. llI ,It' d rorllt'r of th " ullllk anti al a8 )) iratioll ~ . " 1'111(·,.,1 I It" pI" ' I()q~o III Qu estion cur e· " I ~p ~ . " t' ry ~ oo tl. " IHlIgtu: d Ih p f ully i".i(\f' of th " " "t('h e i. chivf (' I f' rk . '" I b o ,)O th it; lI e w ' X· A \\'11''' rrllm It 11 0 rnn through the 111' ri "tH' \\ III It'a d t o n COtl S\lrunHlti o n call\'n" so th a l Its loup Ju s t c1aSIJe d 011,\ c t h t" tlJl /:" r ~ . ur ) Ol.lf wl~ hl' :; hll around ," Y' ) 1I111; "Ihlli-: Ilad 1)/"'11 with th e F.q'ry lJ10rnlng "tt,'r t hat to r more


at Last I



COroni Di .. 11 '., 11


dainti e r. Iil:htcr, fluiJi e r bis('uils t hlln tllO~e bllk,'J wilh Call1m e t. Til .. y'rc alw a)'s ~olld - ,/,/iriallJ . I':or C" ]lI1111't inIII res



baking. RECEIVED


Ell po.ition, Ch.ic-..o. Ulinoia..

"" ljtlIlY " .

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. -

• Yo. . .', .... _ .... ,.• ..,. .Mo ......... IoUioc ....... o..'t M.iolH. I.r CoI.-. It.. .... ac.M_Jca'- "",• I.l , . . . Cal. . . ill far •• ,cr;', t. Mill' . . . . . . . .


Real Excitement. "Yes," said th e m ec k·lookln g man. ''I've no d oubt yo u'\' e lI a d so me great bunting ex po rl e nc es In your travelll abroad ." " I Ilav a, Indee d," "llurrulu huutlllg - " "Y es," "Anti b plI r huntlug-" "o r course." "Wcl l, yn u Ju s t como ar ound and le t m)' wife lake you ho us e hunting u tJ.1 ltllr gall1 hunting Wltll h e r , Then rou 'll h r;; ln to IltJow what r e ul excIteme nt lB."

lfr", . Wln ftJnw',. SOOlhlnlr Ryr ll p t o r C hlldrt!D le~L hln )(. ~l lfh~IIN 1I1t ~ 1{1I 111 N, ' ·.. ,IUI · t· ...


UOD,aJIAYK J)11tu,c uren wind cudl...·,2.')\!u,


And Very Far. "Gosel jJs are not re ll a bl e pers(lns." ~Y e t whatf've r th ey say. goes ." Prlc08 ot m;ll es a r e repo rte d to be Ti Ri ng In Ml s"o u r\. _ _;.;.._ _ _,;..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Foley I.·dney Pills RelllYI promptl y the suffe rin g due to weak, ina cti ve ki ,lll~Ys a nd painful h l,,,I<1er a ction_ They o ffe r ':... powerful he lp to nat llre in blliltl illK lip th e true .,xc reting kidDey tiss ue. ill restorin!: oor",,, 1 ~ctioQ and in regulating loladder irregularities. Try the m. ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

Your Liver Is Clogged Up

,I Btipation, Biliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache

SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMAth PRICK. Genuine must bear Signature


fREE TREATISE The LeachSanalorlum . lndlUtapoll •• Ind .. has published 1& booklet which Inter.sUn.. facts aboultba O&l&IIl 01 Cancer, also tall. what to do for pain, bleedlnl 1110', eto. Writ. lor II todar, menUonlna Ihls




. ,








h as my WTUte hla repori and 1l1J1t for Hamlin. Th e la tt e r approache d uD d s tood nlotl o lli ess In tb e red g la re at . tb e sln g la ca mp·ll r . The Irn pOlUO UIL commanu e r glan c" d Ull ID Qulr lnsly "Se r gE'n lH, I mUIll 8,,,,d a ,ncSb"ngt" to C am p ::; UIl" I),. Arc yo u tit to go ?" 'Th .... &. "As mu c h Uti anyon e, Geller al Cu. f e r'" 110


wounds of

COIIHl' qU l! llce .

M n Jo r :\f cn n n nld, oomma n(\tn g a.n ann y nf'/lr FI) rt no<1 1{p, 'h,('kH n l1)Hfl t o (nt corc(' PI hl~ ,'u tlt:hlt·r. ~' lt lly . whQ '"


II nll11111 und a J U7.l'n o lh er w en w er e

IOS8f'R ,


p r ~fill Il1C?"

" YI'" , th ... dr'a d and wound l'd . Thpre In sadd ll' " ' Itb u ut onll ' r B t he y Br!' ~'JIllP. ml "s lng, w ho m ay y,·t comE' lIu s h l' d fo r ward. s purr ing mu d d ' ned In . Major Elli ott and rourl een o lh e rs horB I'" IlIto th o rallk H of th e In dians. 'I r p Htl ll ull ac"o unl o(1 for ." I-I e paus f' d. H nmlln Iilu t M n ll y P Rj'n p e In thf' (11L..rhn (~H"" hu rli ng lhl' m If' fl und rl~hl. tirin g IlllU H nmllll ttdl " !\'Io ll y III' Wl\ft ,'I!'wl la r~, · d " II )' t he WAy. S('r!;l-'un t. wbll e you a r e rrd facl·s . a nd . IIIM hl ,,¥; fr onl Ih l' C"un f M" ' r llI4' "" 'n ' ko In ,1IMHn r. : In fu r lall'd wit h S h" rldnn, PX pla In to hi m wh o a nd nt (hi, ('lOKI' o f 1h i ' w n r (· n ll!'4 l t·J In abo ut with dripping "ul,rf'H Illt o th,' t h e f (·gulur /I fill)' . I f f' fil1 ~ p ;o I" )C ( 11l . l Cn p you IIr <'- h o "I II), hll\' e neW8 ror yo u t n l n 1. (' 1 "I.! v r ~' or )", lnJ{ ,·(\:,; t ' H llft l hl . ~ r lt T Inn c thU b ru rlll l' d s prll "!; thl' LO rturf'U Goorl nIght. anll good lu c k ." h ili dl l!J.:'rll4" ~· . T II)IO l '!'t nnV" llr nnrl un (h·r mu ll'S. swee pIng on with Ih" lr precious tn ('ort or L I,·ut. r.u Hk ln'l M o lly sl 1trtM t o li e RtOOr! up and h e ld o u t his han d , n iB h f' T f a r n er Ii nUll! n 1, ' 1l \'t~H t u rdqlll load or ammunition . Ilc h ln d c losed III In 8urprl He, his ,. y~s sud(Jpn ly 11 11 1111 "1 " rC' F:ln l ,'fI ' H.> r" '" rll'" 10 Jo"lIrt 1 ,",)":" th " Bqund of r eBcuers. s trugg li ng for with t ears lI a mlln fplt Ih ... g rip 01 an "'r H I-I\l I II !llI' r nf nK hl lnl( 11 11' 1,, ":4 . IllI '\ l he lr Ii vt'H nlllid u hortl e of savages his On/{orA: Th e· n h e turn('d. unab le fl nth. M u l l)' t la· r o· . L I, ·I llt·II l&.llt ( :u~k l n'4 .. r(' ''~t ·,. I l al l1l1l1 or 1'1111., (l II j.( hhll. T hp T hf'n. wllh onB w il d allout, th l'! dI s: 10 arLi (' ulDII' U BPn t,·nc e. aud strod .. lI t>fj,( ' -"a n l I~ IIPI\" ' n 11I11I II'i ' lit. J It: !'I I "'~ Mull \' I n f ' nrn rHtll ' wl tll ~ tr 'C 1}lIpU Ii t. Illo unt pd troo pe rs I II IJ(' ll t o th e r es· awny Int o the nig h t. 9.' h O lll hi' r f'i"('lJ.:l1lzr'R rUt 1\ ( n rflll'r K W t" ' ( ' ('ue, hu rling bnck th e d leorgan lze d In· ", part . whl) th r. '\\, hl!n (,'/I'r rllr ( ... ·" .·\' rl~ dltlU mn ss. and dra gging theIr co m · Lnt~r h t' t ' \',' rh ~u T' :O! I \IIPll llt Rnti 1\ ftol<1I P f CHAPTER XX XVIII. h t\t c hln~ liP II fnl, Of'Y · Il Hlld nJ:" p lot , M lllh' rad es from t h e rau l. It was h an d to t t!lt~ H a m li n l\('r r ,tlh, ' r a pl'rtlM t o h,- lit han d. c lul>b ('d cn r l>l rw against kn ife th .. p n '\"' r o f I\1 r"l . T111 p n l1t , whn t' lnlmft 10 At Camp Supply. be a tl l llJ~hh'r II r !\f " " " ni, Ic1'8 8 1~t (> r M o l. a ud spf'a r, n Oc r ·e. brl'nth lf's s st ru g· Th p re ere yp t living In that great ly r1hCIIP I)(-Ur ,- Ilt1l1 Hnrnl ln .u' h- nul t o trtu'*" h er I\t " P ,.n rllr1 b ,'r""T'j',f 10 F l'rt g lo. RI'hlnd eage r ha nds r ip ped o pen Southw est thu s e who wil l r e t e ll the Ill ph ' Y Il a011l1l nn ( t ~ :\" ' II r''tll :l li rl'l mllr · tb e nmmunlti o n cases; cartrId ges slo r }' of lIamlln 's r Id e f rom th e bnnks d l:' rt ':1 h, ,(1 .\' I I '" t t\I{ j<~ \ \' IIH :-il l ll l\ ';::1 I hh· . anti two, r r''U l p .-s nnc1 Iol ,II'!", III PllfMII H o r werll Jammed In to !'mpty gullS . and s of 111ll W as hIt a 10 Cn mp Supply. It f hr: If\lIr.I ' ·I"f>rs, who h nrt rnht" 'l l M ,'nlll) spco nd lin !' of OghLlng men leaped ro r · rp malns on o of the epics of th e I)lal n8. 1l1d (I f '-10 ' '''H) puy ma !'i l t' r' H m nn "y n " MIJ~ wa rd . thpl r rrOOt tI pp e d wi t h lire. J)f" (' I H 11I11'l1' nl. C'lInll f' r l". ftt \l rI\.'r R" ' , ' nm o no o f th e proud trnd llioll B of t h e s:lkp nr n"11ont , I ~ fUll fil! rnur(1, · rt't' I inm Oragg('d f r om hla h rJr se a t the nrs t army . T o the mall hlmselt tbose hourll l In'" l' l trl ~' I" t ' nll~lI l In " O,.r' · .... t, 1I7.%.\I' " fh' rce s hock . hi s r e vo lv e r e mpt y. hI s or d anger, atru gg le a nd wea r lnpss, Whil e hi .n dtn~ r" r lhl. C'llllfOnr nIT IJn l ' n",n "I ('~ t rlll1 l r', d " flnrl nwtl h.'r n l mllHt hroke n saber a jagl'; Nl Ill ('ce at stee l. WAre more a dr a m th lln a r ea lity. ell cnlw h " . \\'Il t> !''I 1I h.. t4ho t lUI III .. y I"HI ' " tn I'I I .:hl n r (" !11lnlllrn n . Ham lin ( lI tQ (" " \'I ' f ~ I lnm lln hncl<ed bl s way tl:lro ugh t he li e pass I'd throuJ;'b thorn a lm ost un · a 1m; 1~ Jl.llln 11Id llt.n 1111"'f'!, 11 1,1 u :Y (I ,·. ' up ll-" firs t IIn p nf warrIors. nnd found rllr· cO II Rclo u"I),. B so ldI e r pe rforming hla by Tl ug l lf·l'I . n l~ " ~" ' lh l(' r . wh,\ 1M IlI y tnl( (II r du ty In ut ter ror!:e tfu lness of selt. l.(>P"('\' r ' ·, wnn ('h,·at p " him 111 n ('Il llh · " go b e hInd n dead borse. H e r . with d' e-nl. 11I:t d.'!',' rlpll 'l" hh' 1l 11fli' M l.f· F,· \,r., lWO olli l'TS , he mad e /I s tand. g ripp Ing IHl r vl'd by t ll e dlsclplln o or years at nnd "Upn "l lUI o ni' un.l th.· tlnr)w , lI u J{ t,..:-c .h nt \\# n ~~lt n mls tBklll .i! hIm ror n fl o r n carbilw. ..It was nil th e work o f a s(' r vlc e. by th e Importancp o f hi s ml s· l ...... ~ \'r O! 'H p ari)' . H n.mlln nn rl Jl Ul{ tl+' ''' 1Il 0ml' llt. A bou t blm we re s kurrylu g sian. a nd by m l' mory of Moll y McDon· , ,,k,. li p nIl' fr a ll of l..,(>F"'\' rt"' , wh n I~ n"urc8. Ill ruri nle d (ncea. tbre atenlng a ld . Lov e a nd duty he ld him r eelin g ('nrr\' l nl( "l n lh' to th f" Tn .tlltl1 'N (~IlJnn 1"wn ' c.lnY li o ul tht')~ fl I J{h l I hI' rll,....., 11 \',.~ wpapon s, ye ll s of a gulI),. c rl e e at rag e. In t h e Baddle. b r o ught him snfely to A n J; ht t' IHH I(:'8 I n whkh II I1t.;hr't4 I~ "hfll The three foug ht like fi e nds. s t anding the Journ ey's e nd. hy nn In ''III1\. l1)' l nl{ , tw m nl, .·" f\ c1 f':ol Jl"r Ill ft! ntrempt In "hflnt T. f' Ft" \ ' n ·. 1-111 1 hI t' "nc k 10 bac k . and striking blindly a t Let tbe d etails pnllA unwritte n. Be· linmlln , wh l ht t he l n lll ' r I ~ t1hHtrmll u( t .... I,' np ln g bo d Ies !lnd c lut chIn g hnnd s . n e ath th e darke n in g skie s or e arl y P' tI!vr~ 1 ...f·F I~v r , · ~ ,. cap'· 8, h,· II.>, I nK 1f :' lrI co nfu sio n c ve nln g, th e Se rgeant and tb e Osage Un anl1 M n ll\' <1cnrl . ~' n l! \' ( " 11 ~ I I HIIIIII1 O ut of tho mi s t, th e mad i hnt htr f nt h e r wa~ Inlfllkn tr·J In I h j' f breath less com ba t . o ne race alone g uId e rod e forth Into the peril and pi n t I n lupnl t htt pnvm "rttP r' " III Onl'\' At m ys te r y of th e s hroud ed dese rt. BeHnml ln f : o nt e R~f>~ hiM to\' l' f n r :\1 0 11)' n n rl hee m e d t o co nfro n t tb e Sergeant. fln rt. t hA t It 10 r<>rlp ro(·at'·d. ~I o ll y ,"',. Ilrst It wns a d r llrlulD; tb e n It be- yond the outmo Rt p Icket, movi n g as c1nr''' " h e r f'lll!l f'T Will! t o r c rd I n t tl 11\(' r o hb t' ~' pl ot. Th ey mf' e l n.n neh'onC"f" r arn e a r eullty . He saw tb e sbaggl· s il e ntly as two specte re . th ey found troot' o r Cus t f' r' s cnmmnn\t t'! tJlrt1n lo: 011 11 ness o f a butrn lo coat. th e gle am or a III las t a co ul ee leading u pwa rd from wlnh' r c ltlTIvalliCn f\t.;:lI l l1flt 01" 111d l lln:oa All e lse va nl s b e d In Ii t h e va lle y to the plaln8 above. To fIRm II" r f' l lInln'f n ~ g u l d ,,_ Th/\ wl o t,'r whIte fa ce. o f Uhl Ck J<r' ttl c 19 d isc o \' ' r e d , ·U~ · n e r ce d es ire 10 kill. H e Icn pe d for- t b e lr I(' (t tb.e Ind ia n fires swe pt In ter pl nl"l8 an atlnrk , ward. crazed wltb audd e n hate, burlecl half clrcl9, and between we re the asIde tb e nake d bodle e In th e p at h, dark ou tlines of savage foe a. From CHAPTER XXXVII.-Contlnaed. The bu g le rang aga In, nnd th ey aud sent hI s wbl rll ng carb in e stock roc k to rock ccho e d guttural volce a, turn ed, fa c In g ba('k, and charge d on co c rasb lng at D upon t. Even a s It struck but. foot by roo t, unno t ed b y tbe keen more . no lo nge r In c lose form ntton, b ut be fe ll, c lutcbed b}' g rlpplng hands , eyes. th e tWO crept steadily on every troope r fighting all h e could. an d over all r a n g out th e cheer of throu gh the midnig ht of that shelterCompl ete a s tho s urprise ' had bee n, the charging t roope rs . Hamlin stag· In g r av ine, dismounted, h anda claspthe men of tho Se ve nth re nll~ed now ge r ed to his kn ees. spent and breath· Ing the nostrils of th e ir ponies, ree l· the odds against th e m, th e d es pe rate le ss. and amlle d grimly down at tb e Ing through the d a rkn e811 to r each step, halting b reathl ess at every aature of the fight. Out from th e sb e l· dead wh ite man In that ring of r ed . t e rln g t epeen poure d a flood of warIt was ove r, ye t tbat littl e body at crackle of a twig, e v e ry crut\ch of tlClre ; r1n e. In h and th e y fou g bt sav- troopers dare d not remain. About snow under foo t . Again and BAllin agely. Tbe acren ms of wome n and tbem atlll , although domorallzed Bnd th ey pause d. sile nt, motionless. as children, the howling nnd baying of defeat e d. c lrcl('(j an overwhe lming' BOrne appari tion of savagery outline d Indian dogs. tb e crack of rifl es, the mll8s of sa vages capable at crusblng Itself between them and the IIky, yet wild war c rl"a, all mingl ed Into an In· them to dcath, when they agaIn ral· slowly, steadily, every Instinct of the describable din. Rlack Kettle was aJ· lIe<1 and cons olida t e d. Custer dId the plains e.~erclsod, tbey paaaed unsee n. In tbe earliest' gray of dawn the moat thl! first to fall . but othe r chle ts only tblng possi ble. Turning loose the rallie d their Warriors. and fou g ht like pony he rd, gathering hie captives t wo weaned men crept out upo o tbe fl e nd!l. yi e ldin g ground only by Inchea. c lose, he swung his compact command upper plateau, dragginc their horee • . until tbey found s he lter amid th e trees Into mnrchlng column. Be rore the Behind, the mlst. ot the night at1ll scatte r e d tribes could rally tor a .eo- hung heavy nnd dark over the valley. aDd und er tbe river bank. yet with a new lIeDlle of freedom In tbe cessn tlon of band to hand tbey Iwung Into their .addles. faced flghtJng th e d e tachm e nt. came toatenly the ch11l wind of the north l e th er, r e formIng their ranks, and r eand rode torward acrose tbe de solate loadin g the ir arms . S Quad s of troo~ IInow lIeldll. It . wall no bOYlI' play! ers fire d the t e pees. and gathering The tougb, half·broken Indian ponlel the ir prisone rs und e r guard . has t e ne d lIept IIteady IItrlde , leaping the drlfts, back to the rankll again at the call of .klmm lug rapidly along thl! bare billthe bu g le. By now C uster compreIldell. From dawn to dark scarcely a h e nd ed hi s d es perate position and tbe word was utte r e d. By turns tbey full strength or his Indian toos . Fresh Ilept In the BUddie. tbe tIDe awake ho rdes were be fore blm, a lready grippin g the othe r'. reIn. Once, In a t~t~ attack, Hamlin. bleeding .trlp of cottonwood b E'slde a frozen from two f1esb wound s, r od o In tram ereek, tbey pause d to li gh t a tire and the le rt flnnk, whe re be h a d been make a haaty meal. The n they were borne by the Impe tus of the last off again, tacing the t roat y air, rid· cbarge, with full knowl ed go of ' tbe Ing etralgbt Into the north. Before truth. The ir attack h ad b ee n ce nthem atretched th e barren IInow·c1ad tered on Black K e ttl e 's Village, but be. IIteppe s, forlorn and shelterless. wltb low, a mile or two apnrt, were otbe r .caroely a m a rk at guidance any· yllIageB, representing nil the hostile where. a dtBmal wlldernees, Intersect. tribes of the south e rn pIn Ins . Already ed by ,loomy ravines and frozen these we re hurryin g up to JoIn tbose ~k.. H e re and there a river, the rallying warriors uod er th e abelter of water loy cold and covered with tloat· the riv e r bank. Even from where Ing Ice. barred th e ir pa.sage ; down Custer stood at the outskirts of tb e in the valley. the drifted snow turned devastated village h e could dl stln· Again and ag&1'1 tbe The Mad Confu.lon of Breathle.. the m aalde. IUlah the war bonnets of Cheyennes. IItruggllng ponies tloundered to their Combat. Arapahoes, Kiowas and Comanches ears, or slid h e adlong down .om. mingled together In display of aav· and attack, with ftankera out, and Bklr· steep d eclivity . Twice Hamlin wu agery. mlshers In adva.nce . the cavalrymen thrown , and once the Oaage waa Hla decl8lon Inatant, that of th e rod e atralght down the valley toward crushed between tlostlng cake s and Impetuous caVlllry leader, knowing tb e retreating hOBtlIea. It was a bold lIutimerged In the Icy stnam. Aero.. well the Inhe rent strength and weak· and d esperate move, the commander's the open barrens .wept tbe wind Into nells of bls branch of the aervlce. He obJect being to Impress upon the In- their facC1l, 8 ceaseless butretlng, chl\l. could Dot bope to hold hla positIon be· dian cblefs the thought of bla utter Ing to the marrow; th e ir eyes burned tore such a mass of tbe enemy, wltb fearlessnC/;s, a.nd to create the Impres· In the anow-glare. Yet they rode on the little force at bls disposal. His s ian that tbe Seventb would . ntlver snd on, valet-leas, suffering In the only chance of escape. to come air vic· dare auch a thing If tbey did not have grim silence at despair, tit d e nlzeu tor. was to s trike them 80 swiftly and a la rge r force beblnd. Wltb flal8 un- of that Bcene or utte r dellolatlon. with nch force aa to paralyze pursuit. furled, nnd the band playing. the (TO BE CONTlNUZD.) Already the reinforcing warriors were troopers swept on. The very mad au· I ntereated. Iweeplng forward to attack . two thou· daclty of the movement struck terror '"The earliest mention at coal II land IItrong, led fi ercely by Little Ra· Into th e hearta of the warrlol'll, and ven, an Arapahoe; Santana. a Kiow a, th ey broke and fled. As darkneBs fell 8ald to have been made by Theophra. and Little Rock a Cheyenne . Dis· the BurvlvoMi of the S e venth rode tUB ," &aid the profeBlIOr. at break· ~ountlng his men he prepa red for a alone, amid the BHent desolation or fut. "And what did be say waa a tOll, desperate resl8tance, although the the plain II. Halting a moment for rest under profe Bsor?" IDqulred the landlady. troope rB ' ammunition waa running low. Suddenly. craahlng through the shelter of the river ba.nk. CU8ter pouring the colt... h ent1NI f or th o

r Hl!lI . .1 \11 ~e r R("llil

I lldlan

Oillilrf'u h

I hllnll n m e e lr! Ih.· ~ tnJ: .· In " ' htl'l' 1\1.)11), \1:1 t rtlV4, I Ing . Th e. y ore ntltlck.,t' b y Jm U nn H, Ulli !

, ,,


" nrt r k"

~ till




SHOWS GEOGRAPHY OF WORLD Record of the Rock. Polnted'to by 8clentllta to Prove Po.ltlon. Thoy Hav. '!'aken,

At • reeent meeting of the Binningham and Midland Institute ScIentific • oclety. A. W, Knapp gave a lecture ou "rhe E"rth', Record In the Roclll," The lectllrer took ea,ch pologlcal age In turn,azul lave IIOme Idea' of. the Itte ...~ . ted at thOl.• ·tlmea '•• ShOWD


. .



He alao

Ibow.. .'


how the geography of the world trom age to age could be deft ned from the compoa\Uon of tbe l rock.. The Um. stone,-he said. proved tbat tbe greAter part of England was at one time \ :lder the sea, and by collecting ev~deJIce at this klnil ODe W88 able to dra... a map repreNnttng all the varloua perlO.lB of the world', developmeut_ The lecturer went on to ,ho"" b~w tbe land roBe and luxuriant "~·ta-i tion ........ to be oOYered .In tuna b1 othlt depo,lta, leadllla to the f~ ·llOD

remaln8 of mao were toward the end of the Ice ago. WOUld. he BIlked. tbe people (Jt totlay leave any remains? There would be the churchyards and the great cltlea like London, while the deposita In the Black eountry. which looked 110 much Ulle volcanlo duat. might mislead the lCIenUata of 80me tvtnre ag~•


What Old He M .... , -"Now lOok herto 1Iarla,." ...d IIr, Wombat.. ."If 7011 don't .t,Dp · Pla7mt

Cit tilt DO"Joelda. T1ae au.... ~dp aU ·~ taaae


,,' as p , \\ Itkh pll" :1 h e t \\'\.' t' li S "a l1 1f1 and ('ill lr ~ l rr ll a J1ort ~, n ' IJil[' l H Ii s trall "": " p :\jwrh.t IH · !' al se ' a (I II ;\ \lgll ~ t 7 ,, (' IIf HHl t'r

Jlrreli-rctltenlU IIHA u.ll ll cornWI &,t. l r l'u,'l't - u-n t o t hum it yflu WllTi L to Awl 1"'~r Q t or :rp u f 8elr , 1'l1lJ)' llIe oul y 8. tuw ll ~ L u t lUlU}1 . .

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Lnndlll " l1 are oft,·" dlle to kl d llt! Y w ea.k· 1\ ' !o'S

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Oar ti ",t h"by l'Iro".: and h""lt :l), all.! gr aph \(' ullin.! l' II IJlaln ~ u lld\ ' rb\ ' lg we Iluril)llLe tlli. f<'- ~ a-,, ~ thai at 10 P til, ,,!lI ·1t l'I tx lT tl l i ; ~ .\l lt to th o t illl"l y I1S" 1 , ' a tl l b y f\1l111 h of I 'ui n l ( '01l(' '' P l II 111 , ~tl youJr. t; otJ>l!\'!uu.I ." - ! hiM "' Pf.;.HPI r an Inlo II Ih kl~ r ll f.,; lI a u k ~ 'r" , . ' lY.D ~Jl.LA..o."""', \\ 111('11 h UIl g' clo~(\ (I th e wat"r Ii cllt, Orogo!>. ,. I OW~ my IfrQ IInrl \\' IIIII I\lt Ih , f" K I'lpi n!; III th, ' 1, · a~l . my to.Ii,y ·s R""I h",..hh n vl oh 'llt ,· ), ' \'t r il' ,·dorm lll'o l{l' \J UI , a nd to your C()lUP()lUHI."- \ ror (111 " hfl lll' '" 1,1 I~ 1I, l nut, ·" Ih,' 1> 1. 111 Urs. W . O . Sr." r " ... It. F. P ., No. :t. T roy, I hi lt or IH ;\\ y mlR! wa ~ pi l'n,, ' d I'()III I II 11:l ll y b y d l:.. I"IJar l'; f· ~ o r :.tlllln··q ' ! II'r k .A la ba Ula. "I have t hrno ehi l- ,·I f·ct r lcl l )' HUt! \'i rl rl M H ~ ) li'S ur Hl l gulnr dr~1l Ilni too ,k Y",ll' 'i!;z,,~ Hlid r" rll ,'<1 livltlnlll!; At 12 : I:, {.;f IIllPUllll (ll-' llC'h lime, II n 111. A llgll ~ 1 E. th, ' Hll' ,>I r ort ' lIla~ 1 or - :,\lr~ . •JUI(N I f" )\,"AJ~. D. hu \\' :1 "'1 1)


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fl n a n 's K i rl n e y J 1 i l1s h ave U~ l! ::l cu r·

IIH If I'ru1II a Dllw l; r ful \lln'lt 'sa IIIJIJG.ra

SUdl , N . J. .. \I ' t) lire .. t la s'

jus t lh c o ee d cd


rI!"t,,\ OM lth ' nw FH ~avr' (J il t l nu d 1" ' 1\( 11"1 1-'

- ~tr,, _ L.. o t; Ul }lMCDiIR., M il II no;) St., Cu&-


;"f('gU! ; lfLiof

v f tl \l' seC(('IHm~ may

(' :lpl" ln S lI lld e rh prr; "ays th \>.

"as (\(11 t il '· u~ua l dlMpl ay or:-\I

a lone,

An yl.,d \, who suf · ftOrs c""~lanlly f n·m

c harv., ' d \\ I I h t-It.' ('

WUlui ugwlJ , Vonu' mt..

su ITe r

kirlnpy ail s Unawnr c9 - "'- n o t kn o ..... lng t hat tIp! hack;u: tw, h ea d · ;'I e hcs .a nd dull.nt·rvO il S. diZZY, nil ti ll' f t


C:q'l. A

fh )'''I('.d I J . \~'' 1I \d l~\ h"!alt hYf'hll Jt ullw lll ttl L11J" .... . , d I.4~ , 1 lll'( b ,un II \ ftltl,t:.Llo U" IIlPII UIJJ ma.ta>

I t h O \l ~.UII IM. I .

Backache Is aWarning

Sch~one r I


Ca pt ain P:lclflc Coaat I Tell » o f Stra nge Bombardm e nt of HI. Vessel.

...... m~n



LIGHTN ING fROM FOG BANK 1__- - - - - - -........

" I h a V8 \ a~ ~h l l' ~.q~" I"It]


" V e ry '.\·p l1. Tak, ' tho fa s lr's t horfie ulde In t!J e cO llllfl ll nd. nl1ll an O RallO I( . Yo u kn ow tli o co unlry. but IHI wIll bo l ot 1i88181nnc-o I !J nvc wrlt t"n a v,' r y Ltrl!'f .... llo rt·· · J·O U ar' tu t e ll Sheridan , I I" ' r ~n llnll y til" e nlln' slU r y. W,' ShIL l I'l' st. h ' r" two h o ur~. lI nd th (' n proce t' d 811J\\' ly il io n!; tli l' t rll ii. J Iw ll CI· You \ palo ."0 ru rth"r " ,>rioua fig IIt ng. will II"parl ftt o ncp." " V"TY wpll s ir " lh o S!'rl( e ant SI\· Po l')' Indian lin E'S . ca ll lC a four' lIlu le lut i'd. ,;nd Iur'Il 'd ·I\ W/I)' . li nltlng an In · \I ago ll . TII P '1uart \'r nII\ Sll 'r waH all Ktllnt 10 uBk · "YOIl ha vo r CJlO rlPd the t h e bolt . drl ,·III S reck ll'Ms ly . Only


was t h e ' Illi e l TI.:S I)U IlBC,


_ _ _ _ __ o nce, d .lldl· ... no .... ~.pp 1 . nd

h ,· t"


i : . A. hlPSa.OOS_. I m UIIl f l1llSt , tH ' r ol1 i c. ·rH n I H..! cn~\Y did MOuL0l{ut. LA. : lIul V!!lItur" u n d ec k. .. I h .. Te one of ths Un ..... u"u1 1(1 rl5 YOIl Made Him T ired . ~"'I~ r la\y .' -~tnt , C_fo"'! . (t OOllWrN . 101'l S. 6th R o bert Is "",all . tlilt rap ldl) h-"vlng 8,., WlllDlngto r., N .O. 1",111 ,,<1 th ,. 10 ,, 1,; a l;n thal ", I,' ra t ps 'en·

.. My h u.haonl. ths llUlenL. l'\ u t Ill ng since h .. ov er heard h~l'l'l .... t mil" .. live t ()o " l""l1l1g II,arl'll'd ('\J u pl c or Ill S a c· day." - Mm. CLAR" qU Blnlall c,' uill i l l ~ and cuuin g. not . be [) AnnRAltK.:I()7 Marl b la I:H ., BuffalO, N . Y. , It 1II1, ,·d. fil l' lit ,· Iir~1 lill'" 'I II !' ~rowli .. No.... I havo a nice fo l k pres enl K,ltill'd. but Ro b·' r l ·" ra e.· bahy gi rl, the j oy of re m al" ,'d bu ll'lI l1l Dil ly, a s h e b," "

H ave been a standard

H ouse h 0 Id R erne d y

' :


Sin ce 1837

U se th em fo r a ll fo rms of illncs.

I . Ou r bOLno."-lII;.'. D<>- I o \' e r tIl l' ddldls h task l loa l 1I 1',,'1I'I" II,l y BrlS n g from D ISO RDERE D B,TLY(." tCOSTt'" ,Nvo. 117 a bs o rbed him. he Wa H beard to llIur. STG1V:ACH OR LIVER and all S o. 1. e .• OI'CC&ter, M IOIIS. m~.r~ sco rnru,II Y: . '" ailm e nts proceeding from



b~;)~ I~::I:~I~~e~t':~1i I -

r-f~. A.


(ilLY-I ,

D e wl Uv llle. N . Y .• H ou\() ii .


GOOtln ~ K"~~"g

A . B Ar.rt,, It . Y . 0 • I


Improving Constantinople. ('onstanllnop le 's sch e me for a m p t· ro po llta n e lec l ri c IIn l' Is well IInd"r way . It IIl Clud c H t he furma.tlolt o f ... hnt III kn o wn as the Olloma n Me t· rOI)olitl:ln compa ny . capitalized at $5.0uu,(}OO for th A purpose or build · lug and ope ra ting t h e lin e . VI/a rk Is to bo Ilnl s he d as fa r as Pancnldl In four and n halt years rrom Octob ~ r I , 1912, ac cordi ng to tb e t e rms of the contract. and the r es t will follow within a te n·year period. A ne w "'rldge ove r t h e Gold e n Horn will be part of th o work. Warning. T h e mlnlst r was c o m Ing to dInn e r, . and th e lady of the hOlls e killed a r ooster In bl s honor. H e r li tt le boy was ve ry mucb nnnoyed, and thought It c ru el. Some tim e a ft er th is the lad sa w th e mIni s te r comIng up tb e road . He rlln into the ya rd and begn n putting ,all th e h ens and c hi c k ens Into the roosl · In g place, s aying a ll the time : "Shoo, sboo! Here com e a the man that au~ ye r rathe r! ,.

01 n .. and

","" ,,,.1:,·, II q ul ,1 bl u6 COoLly.

I'·rv .. 1l.1I

b :~i~l~~~);.~,~~'ro~~ ~

Deranged Digestive System

aga in .

'\' Iller I n "I u l n,!, II A.t'u l t.rnttlnn ,


"[ love III

tiuy J!.etI Ad.. One Kind. 1I0i ses of Ih e woods ." I


READERS _____.. o f t hi 8 pape r desiring to buy any· t h ing adverti scd in its colu m ns sh ould insist upon h;;vin" wh a t they ask for, refus ing a ll subs t ..illl tes Dr illlitation!'.

"Th(' n I 511 1' ~OSO you lillo Ih e ba rll of t I,,· d o~ wo(ld . "



For Infant,s and Children.


A\~ttBbl;: Preparalion for"',· ~imilaling

Iht Food and Reeula·

ling Ih.. Slomachs and Bowels of


Promote!! Digeslion,Checrful ness and Re sLeon III i ns ndher Opium,Morphine nor Mintrlll

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the




Naturally LImited, "He won't g o tar even wben b e's pu shed." " Thnt's because be's .u c h a pinhead ." Nothing equalo Dean'_ Menthol. ied ('",ult h

Dropfol f or Hr'onch ial weak [} ~sH. fi o re ('heMt.8.

and throat

t.roub l e l ~

at all Drullil.r.L

Women never rea lly admire e ach other. T hey are too bu sy admiring each oth e r 's c lothes.

In Usa

Aperfecl Remedy for Con!liJHI· lion . Sour Slomach,, Worms ,Convulsions .feverishness and Loss OF SLr;~.

For Over Thirty Years

flon't buy "Me r for bl utn g. t ,lquld bluo ls alm oo t .. II ... at er. Buy J{"J Cro •• B..II llluc, tbe blue t.llat ' ... 1I blu.. Ad •. A wom an 6ays thIn gs sll .. does n't meaa; a. man m eans th ings h e doesn' t say. It Is a wMte of time to wh ltewae h c haracte r that could not be sav ed by tlJ!c k e nam e l.



Enct Copy of Wr" pfer. " I"


' •



... .

~ 4..:


STOPS LAM£N£S. from a Ilo nc Spavi n, RinK Bone, Splint. C urb, Sidc Bone, or .iOlilat troub le and g e ts horse

For a high grade shell at a rea!'lonable price. the Winchester Loaded "Repeater" has the call among sportsmen who have tried all makes. Although moderate priced, ,he .. Repeater" is loaded with the best quality powder and shot., The list of loads furnished in this shell cover most shooters' requirements. and all of them give a full measure of shooting satisfaction. , Look for tho W on the box. They are

go i llg'

so und.

Doe8 not bli8ter or remove the hair and hnr<e can be wurked. Page l 7 in pll llll'h iet wilh cac h bo ttle tell. how. f2 . 00 a bOl tl e delivered. H o rs e Book 9 K free. ABSORBINE, JR_, anti,e l'l ic lini ment for m'lJl kind . Reduce s Painful SwelEngs Eola rg ed G land •• Gui tre. Wens. Brui,e.,'Varicusc V tin " Va rico>itie., heals Old So re •. A llay. Pa in. Wil l tell you more if you write. SI and a be t! Ie at dealers or deli.ered. Book "E"ill en ee" free. M anufactured only b,


W.F. YOUNG. P. D. F., 310 Temple II. Sprlngfteld,lIl1"




:olor more goodl brighter and faoter colo1'9 thIn any othor dye. One Ilk package colon all fibers . They dye in c<ld water better tban any other dYe.. IOU can dye any ,annent with o~t rlppln, apart. WRITE FOR FREE booklet. calendar. blotters. e tc. MONROE DRUG COMPANY,, III.





.---_ - - - -----. I .....

Personal Mentionl Architects' Dreams For Most Marvelous of Universal .------_.---_ .--.. Expositions Coming True===Whole World Interested I

Rents of Safety Deposit Boxes


J ubil ee Sillge rs at School Hall.

. j(

Mrs. H en ry King has ueen qui le

th e OnHNi f'tntC's hns hn-I tcd and P.i1l1c-n tlon.

lhe w t)rld t t' uu 111 ll'rnud4\IH\1 fl'Stl\'Hy. an I lll e l' l1 atit w:,l l Pft.>· j;rUIll will be l':Jrl uf Ih" 1'111111' IIII.l -l' II l'Itlc Intl'rlllltJuuul lo:lp u siULl Il. ~ purttllg O\' .... lll~ ur all kind s wilt lie P I '(llililll'lIL. TlHJ era/ ' k (·:l'·lIlrj' alld tll-

fll lltry ur th e i; 1I1\ ,·tl :'tu t,·,. 1111,1 I·: u· I'UPl! will pa rl lc lpH le 111 wull s~ul\ng "\ '"tt~~ls . remoll II I " "lIloll slr:tl loll s HIt. 1 (·" lIIpet ll l\·e drills "r ull 1;( 111". ( " II"'y. I I\~ out tills IhclI l!' up"n II 1/ll'g~ r ti,·H le. hlltliesh lplI In Ihe llllrlJ" r IIn,1 nCI"r 1,11I1Ie., Inuoc hc.1 frolll hllng'n rs On th e Exposition grou nds will COIl II' ,"1 In 'nlmlc wnrrarc. T h"re nr.' Il~s ll ..ed nt !he Exposition SUIIIO w.)(ull'rfllily Ill ' terestlng nerop lnlle tl'·lllflllslrntions. The princi pal a(lroll inne mll nllfnctlll'CI1l ot I!:nglnnd, (}ermullY, Hu >'s ill. 1I IIIy p.Dd Swltz .. rlnnd will compete with


F lnnklng

thl~ r('~tnn·

nl;::hf tt will r"O,·,. t Lho


of the

~u l ur g-'ttHIP on tli l' e :ts t. but brLluJ.,:ht I"allllll )\\, i nlln I l'lil d'4 ·d !i "f breut tUl t· Il1tl1 ~ l' lh ' rlil Ill"t' li l l l'(' lll r: d lIilrtl l t) Il~' It 'rip ~ o f ~'w:lt · ldi-.:l!:-" ( )I I t l lU l'HM t Hid ..

with It


~1 "~ l dll,· r.v

11111 1.

FI,,"klll/: ur t it"


\\'1 11


til.· ,; r"" l l rluwjJilal

ti ll: wes t wlll !ll' t1,, ~ t'uperlJ r\rvh of Lll l' 1(j ... II I ~ ='1I1i . H I ll! UI>0U lbtJ l'u l:1I'1' v t l ,'lllu An~1 a tnl1ltlin;.: pnrLl .Y \\"j's t sid .. \\"\11 1,\, ~~'c Jl t hl! ,\.r,' u ut the ctr~ ular In f u rtt! !l Ilt! co rntJr:u,"llJJ; n J..;'1'(~ul Selling ~lt r " Tllo urt..' hus will HuggcSI


t bose ot tllo United Sta ws. 1'1'11.09 will be otTered for devices or hll llro"l'menta which tend to mllke lh ll u"rollillne Ha ter Rnd to tirlllg It more alltl 1l10l'e Into practical evt:rydny usc. The Punnma·Pucltlc In terllatl ona l IllJY>Osltlon w ill be the first g"en t A me r· lenn eXpoBltlon of which It will he pos· s ible to get a \"lew from all neroplnne. The more venturesome vlsl tors fly Ing over the ExposItion In dirigib le bn l· loona or In aeroplanes will ..eo strNc· h. ed out below tbem the greu t ex hlhlt palaces. brUlInnt with the col or sc hC' rue

M r!i . W . HA ll en was in Cinc innati Mun tlny .

llP t) U

Ingo,' n. 111 wlill'!l Its ('IIlMSlc ollllln!'" will Ill) r!·tle~ I NI. Tho hugo l'lIluCO or llorl il' lIlturc. F" 51! "'1 1 lIall. the i-;er'" Icc lJlllltl lllg 1111(1 ollh·r ",11I"r ti l rll"lllrC's nre 8el l u th!' sou th lo:lIroh!n. 'rhe I'a l· R CO of IlorUclI ll ur!' will he ono (It t h(' 1Il0st wonc\crrul hullrllngs c,' cr erect(,l \. It will cover ft.o ncres lind be con · 8tr u dC!d !I111loM entln'ly or g l ll ~A. I ts huge K l lI s ~ dome wi ll rise 11\() feet. The depa rtment ot horticu lture lit tbe E xpo"ltlon hUB olTered n prlzc or ~ l. ' 000 to tho orlgllllltor of Ihe tlnCRt "~ n o rlety ot rose. Th o morl tll or t his ru:;,~

Ilh' 11"1,· " r \h .· 1·~' \l" s l\l ()n-- tti e UJee~ or th,· (,Us t II l1n \\es t ut l'aUtHUa. TIII'l r 8"111 1'1\) I'U I ,1.-(·I)I·IIt1011 5 wlll carry (l 'lt thlM11,,'(1)(, :'1I1'1I ,olllltlng the A rch " t tho Hl s lll l: ~1I11 wlll bl! II colossal I:rflll P of s lal l) :!r.\'. a lo:rcat .. I"pbnnt lUI III .. cClit ral '''' 'll r. with cllmel rl<lcnI, TIlJetnn pdl'sl" ..\rab warriors., uegro 8 1 I\v, '~ . <'tc .. Ill,' whole sUI;"J;esting the ~plrlt of the orl"lll. Tho group w LlI be (",·I:y ·l,,"" f( ·t'{ III Ilel/:ht. Tbe bowda h IIpon t he I'I('phalll wi ll IJc 1 8.~ feet :111''''0 11 1" fI .." r~ nr Iho Co urt of tbe SOIn nnll ~I:cr,.. Th trltll'ljlhfll Arcll

or tbo Setting tilln

tnrn l 1,·flt",··· fi r


1 11....


fll) !'t l t in l1



w lll be crowned with a grulJjJ eX \lresslng wosterD dvIlIzatJoa. Il l! waIn t h"mo a prn1r1e sc hovller. wIth IUlllllulj uud Spanish, Frencb. OCI"IIUn '"lll l '; lI g ll s ll e][ l>lorol'll sUPIJOrthlJ; tI ' t! 'cuW'al Illo:lI re. Pa sslug belleuw either uf the two j; re8 t llr~bclj Ull' \V U1 come rcspe<!tiv. Iy IlltO tllo g rell t Wtl:!t court . tbo Court or tho Four ::;. ·" .'UU8, deslgul!d by Henry Baco ll. ,j .!s l/: lIcr uf tl.J" wondertul Lln co lll wl' lI""' i:r1 to lJe blilit at \Vullh·

n. Chllnd ler is

If you are not already supplied com e in and rent one. As low as $2.00 a year.

the possessor of

a new aut .. . 1\'li ~H Ho~amonu


will bo j utlged by un lutorllullollal jury. A scientist bns wrlttl!n th ut h I.! teols b e 1>1 well on tile WHY to produce a bl u~ k I·O:;C. Th e tln c~t nrchltC('turfl l and scul l>" tunal elIe'(!j wlll be 8een In Lhe I,: I'Ca t courts. which \\'111 d',,'de the Exposl· tlon city north lind so utll. In the cen· tor ot the groUI)· will be the Grnud Court or ilouor. tllu sp lcllllld Cuurt of th .. Sun and Stll~. II ere tbe "Isltor wlll beholrl 0 11 " of th " llIost ilia 1:"11 III· cellt <-'QlIrt eITL'CtII ever prese uted ut lIlI exposltJou. In dl llll'lISlnllS tu e CUlIl't wIll be 700 t eet oust a ud west lIlIli l!OO teet north lind so uth. exc lllslnl or n fore court or opculll" on till n Frau cls· co barbor. Tbo tln I rn nre to tI)(~ COli rt trom tbo main gn t.,s w II I lin til rtllIg-h tbe arcade or t he Tower or Jewel S. a mngnlflcent strnc-tII re 430 fcet III height. By dllY thc to wcr w1ll sllllld out as th e gn'nt f\"!lIlllnUn~ IIl'rlllt('c·



Dakin is in Cin-

cin nati today .

F .. unll - a flat (lflil' e key. at this ofl1cr.

Mr . amI Mrs. J H. Chapman were Dayton visitors Saturday.


t) w ~rpHt l.~:t:O:l t'o u r l. tilt:! c.ourt

hl~t f'l r "


L-__________________________- -

Mi ss Mattie Curtis lett Tue'KIay f or' a f ew day'lI visit in Dayton.

Mr. and Mrs . F . B. Hendllrson were Wilming ton visitors Sunday. T he Glazier Ju b ilee Singers at Sr.hool Hall, T hurstlay. October lSd, Mi~s Le lia Young has returned home after spending severa l weeks in Dayton .

M iss Be rtha Argo , of Cinc innati, spent the week-e nd with K3uherine ot I Alexand e r.

"'{,Ht\ntl s. ,1 ..,I):,IIl·d lIy LOIlI~ 0. Mull!;:rrdt. an'lllte,'1 "r the 1·' lsblll'lcs build· Ing a t Clll(·:r):,.1 I II tllc~ " 'ourta w ill he secn 1I1u l" rrllt'lIlal t!xpreSRlons ot a rchitectlll'\) 1111" H'·'l lptu rt!. T he sculpture upun 011 "l llilell scn lo w1l1 tell the s tory or th .. I'a numn ('Il llal BDd ot th u bl l:ll lchonl s with whlcb AmerIca hili! pll rs lled t hl:l !,;'ren tes t or tho works


Waynesville National Bank


tu g tnu In II UIi Of or AhruJl u lU Lincoln, or


Mr. Rnd Mrs. C . H. Bentley were in Washi ngton . C . H ., Tuesd a y and Wed nestl a y.


-- -

A CHRISTMAS GREETING " A IIt Arr y' Chri .. tmll~ t,o us all' l my dPIH P. (~ O (1 blOAH UR" " Ood bleR8 n ~ fl v ury a nA!" !<l\ld Tiny Tim'. t ho III t't or 1111 " Yo b<>. my b OYR. " 8t\id Fozzlwi~ "N" Dl o r e work toni g ht, C h r\3tmaH e v!· . Di ck! ChriHtmlll', Ebonezer !" C hr\st'uu time J hllve Rlwl\ytl thon !; ht of 1111 ~ good tiwe-a kind. f,)rglv,J\ '!. c hurita blEl . ploll s unt timp' j tl ello! A g re~ t dAft l of lit-fiRm! Thfl rudtl\n~ Willi ou t, uf th ll c oppar '



•• Yonr rl "cto r " lw l\:V~ AtI.rta ont hy put,ting Y" 11 on I' "illlpltllli ·t ." Mr. anI Mrs. Carl Sar vis are "Yell i all.1 its oooHlder •• t e of h im spe nding a coupl e of days with re la[11 th"t WII .V I 1lI11\" LJ(l ,,1.1 .. t.o pAy ti ves in Dayton. hIli bill ' ' - \VIl R ll1l1~ t" n ~tlir

Mr. and Mrs . C. B. Be ntl ey at· lendrd a m asq ue rade pa rty at Xenia

-_ . S~1l)


.. - ... - - -


Monday t! venin g .

Mr ~tl\y If'Il-My wllt·ell hn ~ Rtopped I wO ll llnr how I '11K i·v .· bE.'en E lme r I';al'llhart, Harry Sherwood talkln!: . and Robt. Hurton were in James· MI ~II Il · II'I·d- Yr)u·11 tillduoalelldllt to wn Tuesday . 'n the b, I - ~ ...\, Y o rk Aruorio"D

Mi:lS F:dith Moshe r left thill morn· ing fo r a seven week's visit with relati ves in Chicago.

All That Hap pened. "'LO,Jlm! F'lHhln ' ?" " Nnw; urnwnin' ",orms."--HarIl A • • q W!'. · ~ l y .

M r. and Mrs. S . L. Cartwright are in [laylon atte nding the reunion of thl' thirty·fourth regiment . \


Mrs. M. E. Wolford, nf Portland, lnd , is the guest of Miss Martha Burn e tt and otber relatives.

The last ball game of the season will be playeu between Well's team and the Miamis Sunday at Phillip~' parlk .

Copyr""t, li13. by the Panama-Pllcltle In· terna Uon&1 Expos Ition. PlCItJlIJI





J. M. Taylor receive,! a message

rlU!lOl8CO, 19111.

-deeJped by Jules Guerin. tbe fam ous


who thu8 descrIbes tbe elle<:t of the work he 18 directing: "Imagine a gtpnClle Peralnn rug spread dowD upon the ehores ot San Fraocisco bay, with brilUant coloi'll bere and there, but mel~ In sott, glorious tones, and you wiJI have aD Idoa ot whot the I'anama· Paclflc InterDational ExpusltioD wUl look like If viewed trom a distaoce, as from the Sausalito belghts across the Golden Gnte." . The ExpoSition buildings will be divided Into three huge groups, nnd wben eompleted the Exposltiol1 elt)' will present a marvelous picture. Eight of the palaces In the centrnl group will form porta .of a ~eat rocta~le. Four ot the buildings wUl tnce COpyrI g ht, 1913, by til .. Int e rnati o n al ExpositIon. tbe ba7 and tour taee south upon a wonderful tIOuth gorden. Tbe tour THE HUGE ARCH OF THE RISING SUN AT THE PANAl1A·PACIFIO bulldlnp facing upon the bay are the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. Palaces of MInes, Transportation. Ag· rlculture aDd Food Products. The four The bowdah upon the e lephont surmonnUIlK th lH nrch will be 1!l8 teet abo" racing tIOuth are the PalaeeB ot Varied the tloors ot tho COlll't or t he Sun nutl SlIlI'!;. ,\ ';.-orc h dedicated to wefJtera 1a4uatr1ea, KaDufactures. LIteral Arts clvlllzRllon wUl be set at the upposlte side of tho court.


AvoId WhIte Paper. Wblte paper Is not all good as blue OJ' brown ror wrapping up things that an to be put away Cor a long wbUe u the chlorIde of Hme In tbe pa.per wUl rade --VIC!!.

Is down and out when ('ompare d to The Tri-State

- ........ Mec••• k." UOPllCes)tdlabowto make MiMlon furniture. wireless ouUits. boats.

CIIiDeI. mQIc, aDd all the thInp a boy loves.

I1.APlllYUIL --.EIOPID 11CEfITI Aak )OW' newsdealer, or


Bulter Company's prices for Butter Fat, which is for week ending October 19th. The Tri·State Butter Company d eals direct with t1;e sh ipper, shipments u sually being made every four or five days as convenient to t he shipper, e very shipment being guaranteed against loss or damage in trans it. I The shipper not only saves the colle ction cost of 3, 4 or 5 cents per pound but al~o gains a decided advantage in having the test sample taken and tested im'll cdiately upon arrival. Our Spot Cash check will prove to you. the Tri-State is the most profitable market for your cream. We see every ship· per's cre'am, we deal direct with you. we depend entirely upon the size of our Spot Cash pay check to bring us additional shipments. Free Trial Cans will be sent prepaid and our Spot Cash Checks will convince you as they have convinced 6.000 ship.. pers of cream in three states. '

The TRI·STATE BUTTER CO., Cincinnati, O. Capital Stock, $75,000



Mr. and. Mrs . Marion Camfbell, of Sardinia, Ohio, spent three days of last week here with Miss Emma Heilthway and other relative.!. Captain Frazier, of Xenia. and Lieutenant Biggier. of Pittsburg, spen.t a few hours with Mr. and Mrs S. L. Cartwright on Monday.


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hartaock, Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and daughter. autoed to Arcanum, Ohio, Saturday morning returning home Sundlay _evening. ___ e _ __

Fancy Golden Heart Celery, Fancv Cranberries, Sweet and ~our Pickles, Olives. Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Pine Apples Oranges. New Dried PeachPS ...... lOe a lb . , New Cooking F jga ........ lOe a lb. New Apricots, New Prunes, new Seeded and Seedle88 Raisins, New Pancake Flour, NewOats.

OLERMONT Stoves and Rang es arc a capital example of high est quality g oo ds at reasonable prices ' The s trong est guarontee ever put ( . a stove goes with them. I , u' t decide the stove questIon with· out seeing us .


New Lard ... ............. ... ,15c a lb . New Car Salt.. .......••$1·40 a bbl.

Waynesville, Ohio.

New Navy Beans, New Marrowfat Beans, New Mild Cheese, Creamery Butter. Special Rio CotTee ........ 20c a lb Best Pink 8almon ... ..... 10e a can Walrus Red Salmon .... . 15c a can Fresh Star Brand Pretzels ...... ........ ... .. .... .. !)c a package Fresh Potato Chips ..5 & 10e pkgs New goods every day. Give your orders and we Will save you money.



Get the habit and trade at


Dayton baa U.,.

Dayton baa

to-the-mlnute .

The Beat Stores


In Ohio

H UNTINO NOTICE The following haw their farms posted, and hunting on the same will POllitively be prohibited.

-------.~~ -.~------

Welah Oold Mln~ StllP Wor4ced. We.l sb gold mInos. In ocne of. whJch a rich vein I. reported to have been Btruc1k:. hsV'll been syllltet;llatlcal11 worked tor OVe)' sIxty ".,va. Gold "\Val ftrat dl.covrered! 1n the ;pnDClpam:v lD 1845, In a lode. on thel ClOClUl moUlD-




H.rrowlng Tha ·Ullht. at


; '.: .t tIlelr

'WWkl .



~'A . ~r; :;


. '.

Riallt PrIceI


Seth Furnas. Martin Gons. Isaac Wilson. I. Sat terthwaite

espona)-hIe Sa f e Germa are 1!a4, cou Ipej buf the, R '!fII':.:&a~':.~.~W:I;I:"=.=_:;~"":':"='CI~..;tIO:'_J I''-_____' ' ' ='______~-~.,;,;.------~-'"':''-~~~~~ . ClltQJ4 .,be ",one. SUP~E Ie ·t hey, .... ,~.

In Sanitary C811s, Pints & Quarls

4~"' .

. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .PUt COPT TODAY


Fresh Oysters


"A malcontent, " mu sed Ihe man at l "Mr. and Mrs. Wh lffor ncver have Mr . and Mrs. Will Stacy, of Daythe belLd of the table, "is a mau who any arguments." " How does thut hap1s never saUs ll ed with Ills lot. The pen?" " Mr. Whlffer wo u't a rgue." ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Meonly olle tbat could bring peaC(l to hls 'I "The poor woman."-Ulrmingham Age- Ellwee, of Ogden, wtlre guests of rebolltouB spirIt Is the fam ily lot." Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis, at (;t,rwin Sunday.

Poor Old Elgin so you CAN UIID•• IT.... D IT" A GREAT ContiDued Story of the I"\. World'. Prop-eae which you may begin reading at any time, and which will hold your interest forever. ZIG P. . . DCH IICIIITH lOll PICTURES ZOO AIITICUI or IEIIOW. IIIIDUT The "SHp ""'-"' o - . t 120 paaes) ~Vel eaay .waya to do tbinp-howto make IIIduJ artIcIealor home and &hop, repairs. et£.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cross were in Leb:snon Tuesday. From there Mrs . Cross went on to South Lebanon to visit relatives.

Helen Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .. Carl Duke, who was operated on in Dayton la8t week for adnoids, ~~~~-~~~-~~~~ ~~~-~~"'!...!"""'~-- ---.----- ~-~~~~ ----~~~~.~-~~~.,-- ~'!!!.~ has returned home and is getting along nicely • His Only Chance for Peace. I Genuine Pity.

Popular Mechanics Magazine

t oday that his brother A. C. Tltylor, of Venice, Cal., bad just died of dropsy.


We aim to ser ve. to b en efi t the community,. to 'carry good goods only; t o be fair and im' partial in the adju tmcnt of errors, to take no unfair advantage of our competitors, to fig ht every day and all day our tight for • Honest Goods at Honest Prices. Our

- EI='..l. ~t'~

! ,.:


Daytol'l has completely recovered from its great disaster and the merchants have pla aned to make SUBURBAN DA Y more a ttractive than ever, to aut·of·town ·shoppers. \

Atttactive Merchandise J



Price Inducements

Excellent Transportation Facilities-Fine Hotcl and Restaurant Accomodatio~Many Theaters and places of amuaement.

~" SHOP IN DAYTON.- .-IT WlLL PA""Y,. YOU.t.~ .




~:'rJ ~



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